JgWKCFuzCnM-00000-00000168-00000544 Hello everyone, I'm Jon Youse I'm one of your friendly neighborhood educational technologists JgWKCFuzCnM-00001-00000544-00001144 with IvyOnline. All students at Ivy Tech have access to the Google Workspace in the cloud JgWKCFuzCnM-00002-00001144-00001744 in order to create, edit, and store documents sheets and presentations JgWKCFuzCnM-00003-00001839-00002448 in their Google Drive. I'm going to cover some tips, hints, tricks, and best practices JgWKCFuzCnM-00004-00002448-00002968 for working and collaborating with others using the Google Drive. Before I get into the Google JgWKCFuzCnM-00005-00002968-00003568 Drive demo let's first talk for a minute about Microsoft Office 365. All students at Ivy Tech JgWKCFuzCnM-00006-00003568-00004192 have access to a license of Microsoft Office 365 that they can download and install on up to five JgWKCFuzCnM-00007-00004192-00004896 of their personally owned devices. This way you can use the Google Drive for Desktop application JgWKCFuzCnM-00008-00004952-00005512 and save those Microsoft Office files which you've created in the Office 365 suite JgWKCFuzCnM-00009-00005512-00006088 directly to the Google Drive so that you can then access them anywhere. A new feature that JgWKCFuzCnM-00010-00006088-00006759 Google has brought to their drive is that you can open Microsoft documents, spreadsheets, JgWKCFuzCnM-00011-00006759-00007240 and PowerPoint presentations directly in Google Drive to work and edit with them there. JgWKCFuzCnM-00012-00007408-00008008 You are all likely familiar with the basics of how to use Google docs, slides, and sheets JgWKCFuzCnM-00013-00008008-00008520 in the google workspace so what we're going to focus on with this presentation is how to use JgWKCFuzCnM-00014-00008520-00009152 the Google Drive in order to collaborate with others by sharing files. So let's get started. JgWKCFuzCnM-00015-00009568-00009984 So how do you get to the Google drive? There are a couple different options. JgWKCFuzCnM-00016-00010088-00010680 First and it will be available on your MyIvy page. I've favorited it here so that its JgWKCFuzCnM-00017-00010768-00011480 close close at hand for access. You can also find the Google Drive by going to the JgWKCFuzCnM-00018-00011480-00012088 waffle on any Google page. So up here in the right hand corner where it says Google Apps you can JgWKCFuzCnM-00019-00012088-00012688 click on that. You can see Google Drive as well as all the other Google apps that you have access to. JgWKCFuzCnM-00020-00012768-00013560 Or in the address bar you can type in drive.google.com to access it from there. JgWKCFuzCnM-00021-00013952-00014336 So now that we're in Google Drive we'll just take a brief tour here of the JgWKCFuzCnM-00022-00014336-00015056 interface. The search bar up here, interesting to note, and this is a handy feature, that this will JgWKCFuzCnM-00023-00015056-00015768 search anything within your drive or within documents or shared drives that have been JgWKCFuzCnM-00024-00015832-00016368 shared with you so you'd be able to to find documents anywhere that you have access to. JgWKCFuzCnM-00025-00016520-00016760 Over here in the right-hand corner you'll see again we have that JgWKCFuzCnM-00026-00016848-00017456 waffle for all the Google Apps so you can get to your calendar, or docs, or sheets, etc. rom here. JgWKCFuzCnM-00027-00017672-00018264 You also have a quick app over here for the calendar to get to that. Now the JgWKCFuzCnM-00028-00018264-00018744 New button here brings up a contextual menu. You can create new folders. JgWKCFuzCnM-00029-00018744-00019360 Here's where you can upload files or folders into your Google drive. You can also create JgWKCFuzCnM-00030-00019424-00019904 Google docs, sheets, etc. and more from this menu. JgWKCFuzCnM-00031-00020128-00020576 The My Drive menu is similar. You can create a new folder in your drive JgWKCFuzCnM-00032-00020632-00020904 and do the same options as under the New. JgWKCFuzCnM-00033-00021104-00021784 On the left hand side in the navigation you can see any folders that you've created in your drive. JgWKCFuzCnM-00034-00021880-00022568 If drives have been shared with you those will be here. You can also see every document that's JgWKCFuzCnM-00035-00022568-00023448 been shared with with you and it'll be organized by the the date in which it's shared by default JgWKCFuzCnM-00036-00023448-00024128 so you'll be able to go back and see you know what things have been shared with you. I've got JgWKCFuzCnM-00037-00024128-00024632 a list of recent documents. You can also star documents for things you want quick access to JgWKCFuzCnM-00038-00024728-00025384 so that you can remember what what they were and what you're working on quickly. JgWKCFuzCnM-00039-00025520-00026120 Let's go back to my drive and let's talk about the contextual menu that comes up with a right click. JgWKCFuzCnM-00040-00026424-00027048 So you get an open dialog. Here's where we have our share button and we'll get to that in just a JgWKCFuzCnM-00041-00027048-00027695 minute here. Get link is very similar to Share and we'll be covering that. You can add shortcuts you JgWKCFuzCnM-00042-00027695-00028392 can move you can, you know, star those things, rename, change the colors of your your folders. JgWKCFuzCnM-00043-00028648-00029095 You can also download like the whole folder or the file. JgWKCFuzCnM-00044-00029095-00029583 You also have your remove action from that menu. JgWKCFuzCnM-00045-00029927-00030224 All right so let's go through sharing a link. JgWKCFuzCnM-00046-00030464-00031176 I'm going to select this file right here. I'm going to right click. And I'm going to say Share. JgWKCFuzCnM-00047-00031600-00032320 Best practice is always when you're sharing to share with specific people and give them specific JgWKCFuzCnM-00048-00032383-00032832 permissions to the file. So I'm going to type in someone's name right here JgWKCFuzCnM-00049-00033192-00033592 and it'll start pulling them up by their Ivy Tech email address. JgWKCFuzCnM-00050-00033656-00034240 So when you select that person, you can assign them permissions to that file. JgWKCFuzCnM-00051-00034448-00035056 Now if I only want them to view the file and not be able to make any changes whatsoever, I would JgWKCFuzCnM-00052-00035056-00035768 select the Viewer permission. If I want them to be able to view the file and make comments on it JgWKCFuzCnM-00053-00035856-00036504 I can add the Commenter permission. And the Editor permission will give JgWKCFuzCnM-00054-00036504-00037080 full rights that file where they can make changes, they can delete, they can move, etc. JgWKCFuzCnM-00055-00037184-00037592 Generally you do not want to give out the Editor permission unless you are JgWKCFuzCnM-00056-00037592-00038136 going to be working collaboratively on a document. If it's something you just want to JgWKCFuzCnM-00057-00038136-00038904 share with someone so they can look at it, I would probably just do Viewer or Commenter permission. JgWKCFuzCnM-00058-00039376-00039928 You can also send a little message because this will pop up in their their email that they've JgWKCFuzCnM-00059-00039928-00040416 that you have shared a file with them and for example if it's the class project you could put JgWKCFuzCnM-00060-00040416-00040888 a note here about this is the file that we're going to be working on for our class project. JgWKCFuzCnM-00061-00041064-00041216 All right I'm going to go ahead and cancel that. JgWKCFuzCnM-00062-00041424-00042216 You also have the option of getting a link to the document, or the the file. JgWKCFuzCnM-00063-00042216-00042880 By default, anyone with the link in the Ivy Tech Community College group that means anybody with an JgWKCFuzCnM-00064-00042880-00043616 ivytech.edu email address, who has this specific link for the file, can JgWKCFuzCnM-00065-00043704-00044376 access that file. You can change that permission much in the same way that you did with JgWKCFuzCnM-00066-00044560-00045480 adding the permission to a specific person for sharing. You can select the select here where JgWKCFuzCnM-00067-00045480-00046032 it says Ivy Tech Community College and you can send it to anyone with the link. That means now JgWKCFuzCnM-00068-00046032-00046656 that anyone outside of Ivy Tech Community College. Say you're working with someone else who's either JgWKCFuzCnM-00069-00046656-00047184 at a different university, or a different place of business, or just you know someone else at JgWKCFuzCnM-00070-00047184-00047784 home who might be editing or reviewing your work. You can select anyone with the link. JgWKCFuzCnM-00071-00047992-00048488 And then you can assign that permission again. So if you want to make sure that JgWKCFuzCnM-00072-00048488-00048880 no one's editing this link, you don't give them the editing permission. JgWKCFuzCnM-00073-00049152-00049600 So kind of the same deal as before. And then you can just hit copy link JgWKCFuzCnM-00074-00049600-00049992 and that'll copy to your clipboard and you're able to to get to work. JgWKCFuzCnM-00075-00050344-00050584 All right we're just gonna exit out of that. JgWKCFuzCnM-00076-00050792-00051024 You'll see up here on the drive you also have JgWKCFuzCnM-00077-00051096-00051600 similar buttons that appear that we just used in that contextual right-click menu JgWKCFuzCnM-00078-00051664-00052224 so you can select a file or a folder and get the link and that is the share button. JgWKCFuzCnM-00079-00052448-00052736 That will preview the file and then you can delete. JgWKCFuzCnM-00080-00052848-00053384 etc. And there's more actions the same that you would see on that right-click menu. JgWKCFuzCnM-00081-00053720-00054400 All right, so let's talk just a little bit about collaborating. So let's create a new document. JgWKCFuzCnM-00082-00054616-00055104 And we'll just do a a blank document, we won't choose one from any of the the templates. JgWKCFuzCnM-00083-00055376-00055664 All right you can title the the document whatever you'd like JgWKCFuzCnM-00084-00055736-00056288 and we're just going to go with test document. JgWKCFuzCnM-00085-00057136-00057832 And within the document you have the share button. Right now, there's it's got the little lock icon, JgWKCFuzCnM-00086-00057832-00058144 which means you're the only one seeing this file. This is your document. JgWKCFuzCnM-00087-00058216-00058528 If you're going to be working with another group, you know for a class, JgWKCFuzCnM-00088-00058616-00059296 again you can hit the share button and bring up and add those people by their ivy tech JgWKCFuzCnM-00089-00059296-00060096 email address and then assign permissions. Or same same concept, you can get the link JgWKCFuzCnM-00090-00060160-00060632 and you can send that to whomever you're going to be collaborating with. JgWKCFuzCnM-00091-00060896-00061224 So one of the cool things about collaboration documents JgWKCFuzCnM-00092-00061224-00061840 is you could all be working on the document at the same time. So if you happen to be JgWKCFuzCnM-00093-00062040-00062679 online either in say like a Zoom session or or whatnot you can all be working on this document JgWKCFuzCnM-00094-00062855-00063600 at the same time. Within the document, the cursors will show up different colors and you'll see a JgWKCFuzCnM-00095-00063600-00064240 little flag beside each each color that says you know who that person is and you can all JgWKCFuzCnM-00096-00064240-00064784 be typing and working in the document at the same time. And since it is in Google Drive, it will be JgWKCFuzCnM-00097-00064848-00065984 saved instantaneously as you're you're working. So let's go with our class project here. JgWKCFuzCnM-00098-00066216-00067000 And if you're going to be working together, you can also use the suggested edits and the comment JgWKCFuzCnM-00099-00067000-00067728 tools. So again that was one of those selections where say someone's not working as part of the JgWKCFuzCnM-00100-00067728-00068256 project but maybe they're going to look over your your document to edit it, you could just give them JgWKCFuzCnM-00101-00068256-00068848 the commenting feature and then they would have access to suggest edits or add comments JgWKCFuzCnM-00102-00068848-00069688 to your your project. Or perhaps you know your instructor is going to be reviewing your paper and JgWKCFuzCnM-00103-00069688-00070184 giving you some feedback on things that you can do then you would assign them the commenter role. JgWKCFuzCnM-00104-00070512-00070880 That was a brief look at how to use the Google Drive in order to share files and JgWKCFuzCnM-00105-00070880-00071440 work collaboratively with others within the Google Workspace. If you have questions about this topic, JgWKCFuzCnM-00106-00071440-00071928 or any other topic, please reach out to your local Educational Technology team. Or use the JgWKCFuzCnM-00107-00071928-00072984 search bar in MyIvy in order to search the Ivy Tech Knowledge Base. I'll see you next time. Jj4LsTsNaGg-00000-00000016-00000488 I really like that kitana and chain look at that hoverboard Jj4LsTsNaGg-00001-00001192-00001744 welcome to Brady's Brick World. I'm Brady. On our channel we love to video Lego builds Jj4LsTsNaGg-00002-00001744-00002160 and traveling around the world. On today's video we will be building Jj4LsTsNaGg-00003-00002544-00003872 Cole's Speeder Car. It is for ages 4 and up and it has 52 pieces and it's set number 71706. Jj4LsTsNaGg-00004-00003968-00004848 Let's open it and see what's inside. I have my pocket knife here to help us open. Big blade. Jj4LsTsNaGg-00005-00005056-00005784 Oh, here's a look at the back. Jj4LsTsNaGg-00006-00005912-00007184 And let's open it now. Jj4LsTsNaGg-00007-00007392-00007656 And that's what is what's inside. Jj4LsTsNaGg-00008-00008000-00008168 There's this small bag. Jj4LsTsNaGg-00009-00008560-00009432 And this big bag. Cool it has a surfboard in it. That's really cool. And then this rare Jj4LsTsNaGg-00010-00009432-00010568 um piece right here. And also there's a key-tana in here right here. And here's the instructions. Jj4LsTsNaGg-00011-00010628-00011560 A quick look at those and here's all the sets you can get over here. Jj4LsTsNaGg-00012-00012152-00012312 And then a quick look at pieces. Jj4LsTsNaGg-00013-00012608-00012784 Let's get building! Jj4LsTsNaGg-00014-00019736-00020208 This is the finished Cole's Speeder Car. Jj4LsTsNaGg-00015-00020752-00021616 First off the smallest thing is this hover bike with a whack rat and the chain hanging off. Jj4LsTsNaGg-00016-00021920-00023984 Here is the whack rat and second is the speeder car which has coal in it and a key-tana. Jj4LsTsNaGg-00017-00024104-00024480 And what i really like about it is that they feature Jj4LsTsNaGg-00018-00024480-00025032 hover scooters on it and also the chain. The chain is really cool. Jj4LsTsNaGg-00019-00025248-00026152 What i do think could be a little bit better is for the key-tana on every other set they have a Jj4LsTsNaGg-00020-00026152-00027080 holder for it and this one they don't have any holder. And also on every other set they have Jj4LsTsNaGg-00021-00027080-00027672 something where you can stick it in somewhere and twist it and it will do a chain reaction. But this Jj4LsTsNaGg-00022-00027672-00028383 set they don't have anything that does that. So that's what i think could be a little bit better. Jj4LsTsNaGg-00023-00028712-00029544 That was a really fun build today. I hope you had fun watching. Oh and be sure to smash Jj4LsTsNaGg-00024-00029544-00030983 the like button and to subscribe! See you next time on Brady's Brick World. See you! JlLYHhIvWy0-00000-00000000-00000672 hello guys and welcome to the second top 10 clutches video. after a very very long break JlLYHhIvWy0-00001-00000672-00001086 we're finally back. this video should have been out a month ago but sadly I've been struggling JlLYHhIvWy0-00002-00001086-00001512 to record and edit videos for the past two months and I'll do my best to post whenever JlLYHhIvWy0-00003-00001512-00001938 I get the chance. now if you have a clip of your own and you want to be featured in the next video JlLYHhIvWy0-00004-00001938-00002364 then follow the steps you see on the screen, I hope you guys enjoy and let's get started JlLYHhIvWy0-00005-00003283-00003497 starting with Rejo from Bangladesh getting JlLYHhIvWy0-00006-00003497-00003894 pushed by a very aggressive Squad with a crazy aim in the early game at Farm JlLYHhIvWy0-00007-00010770-00011160 this is the first time I feature an incomplete clutch because I think he JlLYHhIvWy0-00008-00011160-00011544 did very well and he managed to outplay the enemy team but they were so good JlLYHhIvWy0-00009-00011544-00011880 they didn't give him a chance to breathe and they just kept Reviving each other JlLYHhIvWy0-00010-00012247-00012666 in Number 9 we have drxgs from Iran as him and his teammate got pushed by a JlLYHhIvWy0-00011-00012666-00013013 full Squad from the sky right after they landed from the revive flight JlLYHhIvWy0-00012-00015491-00015906 next in number eight we have zedox, a 13 years old player from Turkey JlLYHhIvWy0-00013-00015906-00016247 surrounded by a full Squad in a small house near the end of the game JlLYHhIvWy0-00014-00017234-00017562 in number 7 we have 11 from Nigeria, getting pushed JlLYHhIvWy0-00015-00017562-00017862 by a very angry Squad, it's like he owes them money or something JlLYHhIvWy0-00016-00023202-00023664 the fact that he was getting sprayed by three enemies at once and still coming out alive JlLYHhIvWy0-00017-00023664-00024102 was crazy as he managed to stay calm and outplay the enemy team with his movement JlLYHhIvWy0-00018-00024330-00024756 and in number six we have the first first person clutch coming from Fright JlLYHhIvWy0-00019-00024756-00025080 from the Philippines, surviving a chaotic ending in a tournament JlLYHhIvWy0-00020-00029927-00030372 I can read your mind right now and I'm sure most of you are saying Zara he's using a Jack 12. it's JlLYHhIvWy0-00021-00030372-00030827 like the easiest gun in the game and yes you're right but he's playing in an official Garena JlLYHhIvWy0-00022-00030827-00031302 tournament so most of the players are using a jack 12 to win, you either use it or die but JlLYHhIvWy0-00023-00031302-00031818 I was mostly impressed about his decision making under such pressure in a very small circle; when JlLYHhIvWy0-00024-00031818-00032333 to push when to retreat and even using his rewind ability for the speed boost was on point, that JlLYHhIvWy0-00025-00032333-00032802 combined with his fast reactions clutched a very hard and unexpected win for his team JlLYHhIvWy0-00026-00032988-00033294 moving on to the top five and starting with Cerberuski as JlLYHhIvWy0-00027-00033294-00033672 he dominates a full Squad with some crazy aim and even crazier movement JlLYHhIvWy0-00028-00036282-00036636 other than the aim and movement he was very confident here despite JlLYHhIvWy0-00029-00036636-00036984 losing most of his health he continued to fight as most players in the same JlLYHhIvWy0-00030-00036984-00037326 situation would most likely switch position or run away to heal up JlLYHhIvWy0-00031-00037601-00037956 next in number 4 we have Hitman from the Netherlands, staying calm JlLYHhIvWy0-00032-00037956-00038345 under pressure and eliminating a top Squad from the Middle East in a tournament JlLYHhIvWy0-00033-00040566-00040788 we arrived to the top three starting with Gaz JlLYHhIvWy0-00034-00040788-00041142 from Albania, deleting a full Squad within seven seconds only JlLYHhIvWy0-00035-00043272-00043746 one of the things that I loved about this series is getting to know some skilled players and hidden JlLYHhIvWy0-00036-00043746-00044238 talents from all around the world as the second spot goes to Falcon from Malawi, living up to his JlLYHhIvWy0-00037-00044238-00044688 name as he drops into his enemies from the sky in the final circle of a tournament, surprising his JlLYHhIvWy0-00038-00044688-00044980 teammate while leaving the enemy players screaming in Rage JlLYHhIvWy0-00039-00047789-00048006 his decision to go in as soon as he realized JlLYHhIvWy0-00040-00048006-00048372 they were busy fighting the other enemy was the key to win, that combined with the JlLYHhIvWy0-00041-00048372-00048774 high accuracy that allowed him to wipe all of them with just one single magazine JlLYHhIvWy0-00042-00049154-00049632 and finally in number one we have Tokyo, just doing some Tokyo things, maintaining confidence JlLYHhIvWy0-00043-00049632-00050070 while going against a full Squad including a face-to-face encounter with a Goliath JlLYHhIvWy0-00044-00053598-00054017 the use of the rewind here was perfect, he avoided getting surrounded at the bottom JlLYHhIvWy0-00045-00054017-00054516 while gaining a speed boost and he finds himself in a 1v1 situation that allowed him to eliminate JlLYHhIvWy0-00046-00054516-00055020 the first enemy easily then the slide and jump here was very crucial as he Dodges a shotgun shot JlLYHhIvWy0-00047-00055020-00055513 from the back as well as dodging the bullets from the enemy in the front. all of that while remainingcalm JlLYHhIvWy0-00048-00055513-00055998 and then a beautiful sniper shot to end the fight was just satisfying. before I end the video JlLYHhIvWy0-00049-00055998-00056358 I'll leave you with some honorable mentions that deserves to make it into today's video JlLYHhIvWy0-00050-00056358-00056928 last video was mostly shotgun clips so it was great to see more SMG submissions in this one as JlLYHhIvWy0-00051-00056928-00057414 it adds more variety to the video so big thanks to all the players involved in this video I added JlLYHhIvWy0-00052-00057414-00057840 links to their channels in the description so you can check them out. I hope you guys enjoyed and if JlLYHhIvWy0-00053-00057840-00058254 you did a like would be highly appreciated and let me know in the comments which clip JlLYHhIvWy0-00054-00058254-00058585 was your favorite. thank you for watching and I'll see you in the next video. JlLYHhIvWy0-00055-00058639-00058810 PEACE <3 JmacCZ2lNa0-00000-00001352-00002235 See good morning everyone and this is the seventh meeting of the chap on JmacCZ2lNa0-00001-00002235-00003287 phthalates and hopefully it's lucky seven and it's more just a reminder that JmacCZ2lNa0-00002-00003287-00004046 today today's meeting is open to the public it's being webcast and recorded JmacCZ2lNa0-00003-00004082-00004748 and I would just like to remind all the speakers to use your microphone so that JmacCZ2lNa0-00004-00004748-00005348 the people in the room and in the people listening in can hear JmacCZ2lNa0-00005-00006486-00008242 about in about an hour Lisa will be down for the lunch orders couldn't if I broke JmacCZ2lNa0-00006-00008242-00008646 up the actual body of the report JmacCZ2lNa0-00007-00008693-00009182 wouldn't have fit so yep that's fine JmacCZ2lNa0-00008-00009471-00010131 there's a there is a contents just inside that first page JmacCZ2lNa0-00009-00011465-00012911 are you ready Russ you Chris you ready Andrea over okay all right fuck them all JmacCZ2lNa0-00010-00012911-00013670 the chat members again thank you all for making the trip some of you from long JmacCZ2lNa0-00011-00013670-00014495 distances what I'd like to do today is begin to finalize our document I think JmacCZ2lNa0-00012-00014495-00015462 there are some sections hopefully that we can do that I'd like to do with Chris JmacCZ2lNa0-00013-00015462-00016104 has start with your section and Mike if we can bring that section up on the on JmacCZ2lNa0-00014-00016104-00016925 the screen side B section to F has an index approach and the strategy for JmacCZ2lNa0-00015-00016925-00018795 today is to go through section to F and to e the human biomonitoring JmacCZ2lNa0-00016-00018795-00019588 and to G the scenario-based a or get phthalate exposure assessment which JmacCZ2lNa0-00017-00019588-00020265 should lead us into then section 5 the criteria and section 5 B the JmacCZ2lNa0-00018-00020265-00021506 recommendations ok so yeah the idea is to see if we can get through the JmacCZ2lNa0-00019-00021506-00022275 recommendations and and finalize those are oh we will go back and look at other JmacCZ2lNa0-00020-00022275-00023334 sections of the the short report so Chris you want to lead the discussion on JmacCZ2lNa0-00021-00023334-00024178 your section and now is the time to bring up any additions Corrections JmacCZ2lNa0-00022-00024178-00024979 and the idea is at the end of this discussion we will have this section JmacCZ2lNa0-00023-00024979-00026607 ready to go to the reviewers Chris I haven't edited this since our phone call JmacCZ2lNa0-00024-00026607-00027598 weeks back but largely you'll see the section may be a little bit redundant in JmacCZ2lNa0-00025-00027598-00027985 the sense of trying to start with the choice of the approach for quantitative JmacCZ2lNa0-00026-00027985-00028426 risk assessment I think that's largely going to be dealt with earlier but I JmacCZ2lNa0-00027-00028426-00029064 think just to set it I thought just a couple paragraphs would be fine there on JmacCZ2lNa0-00028-00029064-00030052 page 37 as a way of an introduction to what to the hazard index at the bottom JmacCZ2lNa0-00029-00030052-00030541 of page 37 the definition of hazard quotient which is then used in the JmacCZ2lNa0-00030-00030541-00031133 hazard index because the figures now include hazard quotients which will be JmacCZ2lNa0-00031-00031133-00031852 but that just helps that definition all of the exposure part has been moved to JmacCZ2lNa0-00032-00031852-00032583 you know the holder section so this is largely just sort of setting up you know JmacCZ2lNa0-00033-00032583-00033010 we're the reason why we're using the hazard index here's the hazard index and JmacCZ2lNa0-00034-00033010-00033760 then what data we're using it on it's on page 38 the in Haynes and the study for JmacCZ2lNa0-00035-00033760-00034426 future families and then the next section summary description of methods JmacCZ2lNa0-00036-00034426-00035209 used is just you know what chemicals are in the analysis and then the three JmacCZ2lNa0-00037-00035209-00035782 choices the reference doses description that moves on the page 39 that the three JmacCZ2lNa0-00038-00035782-00036845 cases and then the that section ends with the definition on JmacCZ2lNa0-00039-00036845-00037580 page 39 of the margin of exposure and the rest of the section is largely just JmacCZ2lNa0-00040-00037580-00038873 trying to you know summarizing what was done a lot of the figures and things oh JmacCZ2lNa0-00041-00038873-00039542 I guess one thing that to point out is we are using now the sampling weights in JmacCZ2lNa0-00042-00039542-00040222 the in Haynes data so the inference then can be based on you know the u.s. JmacCZ2lNa0-00043-00040222-00041047 non-institutionalized well population but we're focusing on the age range for JmacCZ2lNa0-00044-00041047-00042112 reproducible you know for a reproductive age that's for the Ann Haynes JmacCZ2lNa0-00045-00042160-00043595 I'm not sure what else I know sundered case one you have highlighted other JmacCZ2lNa0-00046-00043595-00044377 reasons do we want to either supply other reasons or delete that JmacCZ2lNa0-00047-00045116-00045596 that was actually addressing there was a question I think some of the somebody JmacCZ2lNa0-00048-00045596-00045938 internally reviewed it I thought and asked the question of why did you use JmacCZ2lNa0-00049-00045938-00046418 court and camp and fast instead of other papers I don't really know why we use JmacCZ2lNa0-00050-00046418-00047048 court and camp a fast except I mean honestly andreas presented that to us at JmacCZ2lNa0-00051-00047048-00047507 one of our earlier meetings and it just seemed like a it included so much of JmacCZ2lNa0-00052-00047507-00047965 what we were interested in if you know why not there it really wasn't about JmacCZ2lNa0-00053-00047965-00049265 comparison of their evaluation versus somebody else's it's not an important JmacCZ2lNa0-00054-00049265-00049759 question for us to sort of nail down JmacCZ2lNa0-00055-00049885-00050696 are there other possibilities that we could have used I don't think there are JmacCZ2lNa0-00056-00050696-00051839 there are there other deal sets well but certainly a recent paper there is a JmacCZ2lNa0-00057-00051839-00053104 Benson paper I haven't looked at the comparison of the two Benson Benson JmacCZ2lNa0-00058-00053104-00053582 shouldn't be mentioned here but there's no contradiction because both Benson and JmacCZ2lNa0-00059-00053582-00054194 caught incumbent Faust used the use the cumulative risk assessment method based JmacCZ2lNa0-00060-00054194-00054848 on the assumption of dose addition so but for the sake of completeness I think JmacCZ2lNa0-00061-00054848-00055504 we should mention Benson but I don't think we can you know we can't compare JmacCZ2lNa0-00062-00055504-00056198 all possible paper so I know there it may be Benson and maybe I'll look back JmacCZ2lNa0-00063-00056198-00056558 at Benson and see how it compares to court encampment house in terms of there JmacCZ2lNa0-00064-00056558-00057070 are there are differences in the outcomes but there's there's unanimity JmacCZ2lNa0-00065-00057070-00057691 in terms of what approach to use I think the latter is the more important thing JmacCZ2lNa0-00066-00057691-00057919 here JmacCZ2lNa0-00067-00057939-00058354 andreas you mentioned that in your section didn't you did you not their JmacCZ2lNa0-00068-00058354-00058963 paper the Benson approach or the Benson paper now I have to check again my my JmacCZ2lNa0-00069-00058963-00059492 section was mainly concerned with going through the experimental evidence not JmacCZ2lNa0-00070-00059492-00060019 may I make a suggestion here that's sort of for it's a little thing but just to JmacCZ2lNa0-00071-00060019-00060562 make this clearer right at the beginning of page 37 that we distinguish very JmacCZ2lNa0-00072-00060562-00061291 clearly between those methods concepts those addition and independen concepts JmacCZ2lNa0-00073-00061291-00061879 for the evaluation of experimental data are supposed to they use in creative JmacCZ2lNa0-00074-00061879-00062533 risk assessment so this distinction is made between the assessment on these JmacCZ2lNa0-00075-00062533-00063145 concepts in assessing experimental data and their use methods for cumulative JmacCZ2lNa0-00076-00063145-00063682 risk assessment for example hazard index approaches one one of these cumulative JmacCZ2lNa0-00077-00063682-00064210 risk assessment approaches based on those addition and there are this JmacCZ2lNa0-00078-00064210-00064687 distinction is important because the cumulative risk assessment approaches JmacCZ2lNa0-00079-00064687-00065311 make some simplifying assumptions in comparison to when these concepts are JmacCZ2lNa0-00080-00065311-00065959 used in the evaluation of experimental data maybe that could I mean it needs a JmacCZ2lNa0-00081-00065959-00066484 sentence or two to distinguish that and make that clear are you talking about JmacCZ2lNa0-00082-00066484-00067344 for the second paragraph yeah let's let's put some words to that right now JmacCZ2lNa0-00083-00067344-00068040 yeah give give me five minutes and you carry on give me five minutes and then JmacCZ2lNa0-00084-00068793-00069468 just a more of a clarification that there's the three cases Chris in reading JmacCZ2lNa0-00085-00069468-00070080 through it I couldn't really distill down what were the the main difference JmacCZ2lNa0-00086-00070080-00070769 is between the case I mean is there a way to bullet or describe it better or JmacCZ2lNa0-00087-00070769-00071508 maybe on a paragraph saying how they differ and in terms of I guess JmacCZ2lNa0-00088-00071508-00072426 assumptions and how that would lead to may be differences in calculations yeah JmacCZ2lNa0-00089-00072426-00072990 it's a good point sort of a summary of the motivation of the three and it's JmacCZ2lNa0-00090-00072990-00073365 hard to distinguish the differences between them you know based on what's JmacCZ2lNa0-00091-00073365-00073911 what's written so far at least for me the differences in the motivation are JmacCZ2lNa0-00092-00073911-00074907 the differences in the values the the motivation yeah I think I may be Holger JmacCZ2lNa0-00093-00074907-00075381 could input there as well but my thinking on that is the the case one is JmacCZ2lNa0-00094-00075381-00076041 published reference doses published approach it's just sort of based on JmacCZ2lNa0-00095-00076041-00076578 what's in the literature with a little bit of variation because we added di n P JmacCZ2lNa0-00096-00076578-00077358 and D I D P I'm I think di D P to what you did case two and I think the JmacCZ2lNa0-00097-00077358-00077832 distinction is case one largely is looking at selecting a reference dose JmacCZ2lNa0-00098-00077832-00078339 per chemical not sort of relative to each other but I think the neat thing JmacCZ2lNa0-00099-00078339-00078909 about case two holders it was actually homers idea to actually think about JmacCZ2lNa0-00100-00078909-00079554 these as equipo Tanaka 'ls which was work comments that Earl Ray has made and JmacCZ2lNa0-00101-00079554-00079953 then with those assumptions that really is sort of a comparison across chemicals JmacCZ2lNa0-00102-00079953-00080634 not just one at a time so it's more of a set an evaluation so I think case two JmacCZ2lNa0-00103-00080634-00081057 sort of has that flavor and in case three is largely just representing all JmacCZ2lNa0-00104-00081057-00081859 the work that the committee's done in terms of selecting reference doses so JmacCZ2lNa0-00105-00081859-00082429 I agree with you I can try to write something that says we chose three cases JmacCZ2lNa0-00106-00082429-00083035 largely because we wanted to see the impact of different values on the JmacCZ2lNa0-00107-00083035-00083571 analysis and then maybe motivate what they are and then say them is that yes JmacCZ2lNa0-00108-00083571-00084103 and especially case three there's there's no a lot but after you motivate JmacCZ2lNa0-00109-00084103-00084724 them and just describe them I mean very briefly I would say with would it I mean JmacCZ2lNa0-00110-00084724-00085300 then you're gonna get results for the different cases then conclude that one JmacCZ2lNa0-00111-00085300-00085884 is more appropriate no I think I think largely they're sort of an agreement JmacCZ2lNa0-00112-00085884-00086704 okay qualitatively what the results are which i think is an important point to JmacCZ2lNa0-00113-00086704-00087264 say it doesn't matter too much which of the cases you choose JmacCZ2lNa0-00114-00089908-00091056 says in all cases studying the hazard index value was dominated by de HP okay JmacCZ2lNa0-00115-00091149-00091783 no not three different methods but things are just different reference JmacCZ2lNa0-00116-00091783-00092029 doses JmacCZ2lNa0-00117-00094349-00094725 all I think because there was a rationale behind choosing these three JmacCZ2lNa0-00118-00094725-00095355 different cases there is no problem in giving the arguments to it and as as JmacCZ2lNa0-00119-00095355-00095790 Chris pointed out we were motivated by several reasons to do this three case JmacCZ2lNa0-00120-00095790-00096237 approach one of them also was Tom Burke's presentation when he said we we JmacCZ2lNa0-00121-00096237-00096720 have to give an idea of the uncertainty of the data and we all know that if for JmacCZ2lNa0-00122-00096720-00097092 example if we'd have a look at the reference dose at EHT which is based on JmacCZ2lNa0-00123-00097092-00097683 a study from 1954 that we have to have a look at more recent data and this is JmacCZ2lNa0-00124-00097683-00098217 kind of reflected in this approach here of the three different cases we have to JmacCZ2lNa0-00125-00098217-00099770 put any that was lost in them okay but we need to capture this right now JmacCZ2lNa0-00126-00099770-00100644 because if we go away from the table we're gonna forget this so let's start JmacCZ2lNa0-00127-00100644-00101274 doing that we've got the time so what's the process who's gonna do the edits and JmacCZ2lNa0-00128-00101274-00103109 Mike is gonna do the edits on what's up on the screen right now okay mayor makes JmacCZ2lNa0-00129-00103109-00103682 suggestion maybe should we collect the points for this section and then have a JmacCZ2lNa0-00130-00103682-00104172 big bit of a break give drafting assignments to members of the panel and JmacCZ2lNa0-00131-00104172-00104877 then reconvene in half an hour after the break how's that that's a suggestion I JmacCZ2lNa0-00132-00104877-00105699 mean I've got notes for three areas that want to be revised JmacCZ2lNa0-00133-00105699-00106501 can be upgrade rether than going to detail into fine JmacCZ2lNa0-00134-00106501-00106986 you know the worth smithing detail here now why don't we collect the issues go JmacCZ2lNa0-00135-00106986-00107283 for a break implement it reconvene and then look at JmacCZ2lNa0-00136-00107283-00108073 the product yeah so what do we do like do I make edits and then email them to JmacCZ2lNa0-00137-00108073-00108772 Mike to put back together our Mike's the master whatever's whatever's easiest JmacCZ2lNa0-00138-00108772-00109477 okay I think that's fine instead of yeah otherwise it's gonna be hard maybe if JmacCZ2lNa0-00139-00109477-00110257 you hover your last comment was important to also that damn sure yeah JmacCZ2lNa0-00140-00110257-00111558 how did you capture that holger's point Chris I just let them work we would do JmacCZ2lNa0-00141-00111558-00112246 this together okay and I wanted to make a point about case three I think we JmacCZ2lNa0-00142-00112246-00112921 ought to have included in the rationale there that we did that in response to JmacCZ2lNa0-00143-00112921-00113421 the charge that we do a de novo analysis JmacCZ2lNa0-00144-00113565-00115099 that is perfect that we'd be interested in actually doing a comparison of the JmacCZ2lNa0-00145-00115099-00115426 reference sources across the three do we need to discuss that or is it just the JmacCZ2lNa0-00146-00115426-00116047 matter of showing it madam again it's a space issue my thinking was we were JmacCZ2lNa0-00147-00116047-00116473 going to make this a short section but if we if we want to go on and on we JmacCZ2lNa0-00148-00116473-00116929 could actually say well the ehp was chosen wrong you know well there I think JmacCZ2lNa0-00149-00116929-00118061 it's in the is it all in the appendix the table isn't the table here JmacCZ2lNa0-00150-00118086-00118820 no I guess it's in the appendix yeah but my point was do we need to actually JmacCZ2lNa0-00151-00118820-00119573 discuss let me back away what I was trying I think the value of the three JmacCZ2lNa0-00152-00119573-00119996 cases is we don't have to sweat which of the values you know which of the JmacCZ2lNa0-00153-00119996-00120557 reference doses for each chemical is the best we're trying to see in the JmacCZ2lNa0-00154-00120557-00121118 variability of the reference doses do we have a significant change in in the JmacCZ2lNa0-00155-00121118-00121580 outcome and we don't so I don't think we need to say too much about a JmacCZ2lNa0-00156-00121580-00121895 head-to-head comparison of why wrong reference dose may be better than the JmacCZ2lNa0-00157-00121895-00122209 other right not the comparison but the rationale for JmacCZ2lNa0-00158-00122209-00123116 choosing to do this in three sentences yeah tie things together in the JmacCZ2lNa0-00159-00123116-00123893 beginning 200 words and then and the conclusions twelve words that's what we JmacCZ2lNa0-00160-00123893-00124114 need JmacCZ2lNa0-00161-00124919-00125378 okay Paul what are you saying now you're saying we need to add something to the JmacCZ2lNa0-00162-00125378-00127355 conclusion as written y-yes adding something almost like what Chris just JmacCZ2lNa0-00163-00127355-00127909 said you know basically that you know although cases differed reference doses JmacCZ2lNa0-00164-00127909-00128594 etc the you know bottom line result was similar Chris said it much better but JmacCZ2lNa0-00165-00128594-00129259 something something like that just so it's clear I just had a question about JmacCZ2lNa0-00166-00129259-00129815 process so if we're reviewing Chris and Holger section in the short report JmacCZ2lNa0-00167-00129815-00130396 should we at the same time look through the what's in the appendix or leave that JmacCZ2lNa0-00168-00130396-00131756 separate and not discuss it yeah I mean maybe not now but I need to make sure JmacCZ2lNa0-00169-00131756-00132190 that that there are no inconsistencies JmacCZ2lNa0-00170-00132496-00133181 and I think that we can probably do between the time we leave here and the JmacCZ2lNa0-00171-00133181-00133739 time the report is submitted and the person who has written the appendix can JmacCZ2lNa0-00172-00133739-00134561 do that make sure they're those two go together it's sort of what you're asking JmacCZ2lNa0-00173-00134561-00134876 you do is sort of exactly what we did with the exposure chapter the whole JmacCZ2lNa0-00174-00134876-00135344 appendix we reviewed about three and a half weeks ago and that's why we came up JmacCZ2lNa0-00175-00135344-00135770 with some changes in numbers because realize some things that were in there JmacCZ2lNa0-00176-00135770-00136097 were very very old and we wanted to replace it with things that are new and JmacCZ2lNa0-00177-00136097-00136592 and then tried to come up with a level of consistency so what you're talking JmacCZ2lNa0-00178-00136592-00137122 about I think is it's perfectly reasonable but not not for now JmacCZ2lNa0-00179-00138139-00139361 okay any other comments for Chris on section 2 F okay so during the break JmacCZ2lNa0-00180-00139361-00140321 they will compose corrections that we will then look at after the break okay JmacCZ2lNa0-00181-00140321-00141017 and then we will move on to Holger section you probably could have done JmacCZ2lNa0-00182-00141017-00141760 this one first but I don't know why I did that second yeah that's the F I JmacCZ2lNa0-00183-00141760-00143321 don't know the alphabet ladies first okay now I just have to find the JmacCZ2lNa0-00184-00143321-00144025 beginning of Holger section there it is now on page 26 on the bottom JmacCZ2lNa0-00185-00144711-00145383 yeah so Chris and me drafted this section mainly for four reasons first it JmacCZ2lNa0-00186-00145383-00146165 was the novel approach to analyze the exposure in five different populations JmacCZ2lNa0-00187-00146165-00146876 that the two and hannes populations women and pregnant women and three JmacCZ2lNa0-00188-00146876-00147387 population subsets from the SFF study study for future families that's the pre JmacCZ2lNa0-00189-00147387-00147813 and post natal women exposure and there we have data set also on the exposure of JmacCZ2lNa0-00190-00147813-00148986 infant's from month 0 to 37 so with this data investigation we could compare the JmacCZ2lNa0-00191-00148986-00149463 data with each other we could compare this data set with previous published JmacCZ2lNa0-00192-00149463-00150123 data sets from the US but also from other studies worldwide we could have a JmacCZ2lNa0-00193-00150123-00150703 look at the correlations between the metabolites within each population and JmacCZ2lNa0-00194-00150703-00151500 that's a very important step for the end we could compare this data with the JmacCZ2lNa0-00195-00151500-00152126 aggregate exposure data from poles and the Worster approach which of course is JmacCZ2lNa0-00196-00152126-00152636 not yet finished because we just got the last data in a couple of days ago and JmacCZ2lNa0-00197-00152636-00153116 with this approach then we could pave the way for the for the hazard quotient JmacCZ2lNa0-00198-00153116-00153588 approach the individual risk assessment approach and the hazard index approach JmacCZ2lNa0-00199-00153588-00153941 the humor the risk assessment approach which has already been presented by JmacCZ2lNa0-00200-00153941-00154175 Chris JmacCZ2lNa0-00201-00157307-00158164 correlations are relatively low it just has to be acknowledged in the conclusion JmacCZ2lNa0-00202-00158164-00159298 our correlations but you know none of them they're moderate to low JmacCZ2lNa0-00203-00159587-00160526 is that the sources of this stuff all over the place it is no I think we might JmacCZ2lNa0-00204-00160526-00160926 do we do it together to be draft something some comments on these JmacCZ2lNa0-00205-00160926-00161484 correlations together Chris and me and you because I think this is also of JmacCZ2lNa0-00206-00161484-00162014 maybe some implications for for them for the external aggregate exposure approach JmacCZ2lNa0-00207-00162014-00163257 which may in fact have more uncertainty because no coherency a one study that's JmacCZ2lNa0-00208-00163257-00163804 been done to say okay well here all these sources here's the impact on JmacCZ2lNa0-00209-00163804-00165201 monitoring results well we know the timescale but I think that's not some JmacCZ2lNa0-00210-00165201-00165522 input from your side would be fruitful to help us so we could draft something JmacCZ2lNa0-00211-00165522-00166512 later on yeah that's one of the things that as someone JmacCZ2lNa0-00212-00166512-00167037 who doesn't do this sort of thing when I read this that's the one thing that that JmacCZ2lNa0-00213-00167037-00167448 I sort of needed to really understand your section holder was what do those JmacCZ2lNa0-00214-00167448-00168167 correlations mean so that would so means it means there's a lot of uncertainty JmacCZ2lNa0-00215-00168167-00168754 and that terms of your great to say I think it does say that we have levels JmacCZ2lNa0-00216-00168754-00169607 but no unified approach to addressing where the levels came from yeah I think JmacCZ2lNa0-00217-00169607-00170438 maybe our that to the correlation discussion yep right now I think it's JmacCZ2lNa0-00218-00170438-00171032 also some some strength that you're seeing in two different data sets JmacCZ2lNa0-00219-00171032-00171834 somewhat similar correlation pattern but you know I don't think about its JmacCZ2lNa0-00220-00171834-00172383 correlations are less than 0.5 I'm not sure if it's a pattern more of a lack of JmacCZ2lNa0-00221-00172383-00172815 a pattern the only thing you can say is that the JmacCZ2lNa0-00222-00172815-00173295 low weight and the highway molecular weight compound seem to have some JmacCZ2lNa0-00223-00173295-00173760 relationship but it's not very strong remember it's less than 0.5 that means JmacCZ2lNa0-00224-00173760-00174339 it basically it's explaining less than 20% of the variance of the entire data JmacCZ2lNa0-00225-00174339-00175748 set a lot more things out there I think saying that sort of thing is important JmacCZ2lNa0-00226-00175766-00176433 and somewhere we've got to talk about the relationship between the JmacCZ2lNa0-00227-00176433-00177380 biomonitoring data and the your data the first our data and how they relate yep JmacCZ2lNa0-00228-00177380-00178362 no I'm not correlations but in terms of the ranking of the levels that was the JmacCZ2lNa0-00229-00178362-00179097 last I think that was the last table that way you got two days ago oh gosh JmacCZ2lNa0-00230-00179097-00179604 dang duper we basically compared the biomonitoring results right to first JmacCZ2lNa0-00231-00179604-00180099 sergeant cpsc results and you can say they're within an organ of magnitude JmacCZ2lNa0-00232-00180099-00180465 which is probably better than I've ever expected in most cases and is there a is JmacCZ2lNa0-00233-00180465-00180939 there discussion about that has to be added yeah okay that's that's my point JmacCZ2lNa0-00234-00180939-00182025 that's the only thing ask me yes are you there JmacCZ2lNa0-00235-00182025-00182739 this gets back to something that I think rust publiced not exactly bad so in JmacCZ2lNa0-00236-00182739-00183171 table 5 on page 36 these are these I looked at it too quickly a minute ago JmacCZ2lNa0-00237-00183171-00183645 these are actually correlations of prenatal versus postnatal and I think JmacCZ2lNa0-00238-00183645-00184365 that's important in just the fact that this is a spot urine and you know on the JmacCZ2lNa0-00239-00184365-00184839 same women but from different points in time down the diagonal they are you know JmacCZ2lNa0-00240-00184839-00185457 correlations of the of the chemical by with itself but at two different points JmacCZ2lNa0-00241-00185457-00185742 in time I think Russ has published an JmacCZ2lNa0-00242-00185742-00186228 policies of you know multiple spot urines over time and you end up being JmacCZ2lNa0-00243-00186228-00186585 able to say even though I think your conclusion on some of your papers was JmacCZ2lNa0-00244-00186585-00187167 you know that spot urines are useful in epidemiology studies to track exposures JmacCZ2lNa0-00245-00187167-00187665 and classifying yeah so we're seeing that again so maybe that would be an JmacCZ2lNa0-00246-00187665-00188070 important point just to bolster the idea that it there are limitations to the JmacCZ2lNa0-00247-00188070-00188499 spot you're in but there is some validation is the word or something JmacCZ2lNa0-00248-00188499-00188861 because of what we're seeing here JmacCZ2lNa0-00249-00189777-00190404 and one observation is when you look across the diagonal Table five apart JmacCZ2lNa0-00250-00190404-00191178 from the dibutyl all the other correlations are very similar which you JmacCZ2lNa0-00251-00191178-00191610 would you would think if there are different prenatal postnatal sources you JmacCZ2lNa0-00252-00191610-00192192 know that some may be closer to zero some may be closer to 0.5 0.3 but all of JmacCZ2lNa0-00253-00192192-00192816 them are around 0.3 or so which is I think interesting you know basically JmacCZ2lNa0-00254-00192816-00193280 telling us that irregardless of whether you're talking about de P or de HP JmacCZ2lNa0-00255-00193280-00193608 there's similar correlations and strength JmacCZ2lNa0-00256-00193608-00194520 oh they're low but but more similar to each other right given that there's such JmacCZ2lNa0-00257-00194520-00195096 different sources you know for DEP the sources are so different than for de HP JmacCZ2lNa0-00258-00195096-00195513 but the correlations are nearly identical really but I think they're JmacCZ2lNa0-00259-00195513-00196260 moderate to one things that we're missing I'm between when the exposure JmacCZ2lNa0-00260-00196260-00197253 occurs and the time when it shows up in new urine or in no no did exposure Kurt JmacCZ2lNa0-00261-00197253-00197712 on de ex-ored a wired AZ for all these different compounds and the fact what JmacCZ2lNa0-00262-00197712-00198174 you're seeing here may be the residual correlation because there's a low level JmacCZ2lNa0-00263-00198174-00198960 of constant input into the bodily fluids from phthalates and this is the baseline JmacCZ2lNa0-00264-00198960-00199482 correlation which is about 9% of the variance but if you wanted to go any JmacCZ2lNa0-00265-00199482-00200124 farther you have to link back these levels that are in the urine to the JmacCZ2lNa0-00266-00200124-00200544 point in time when it occurred and then figure out how to establish a time JmacCZ2lNa0-00267-00200544-00201066 course between exposure and dose that is what is missing here is the time because JmacCZ2lNa0-00268-00201066-00201599 it only biomarkers only give you as you say an instant time if it's a 24-hour JmacCZ2lNa0-00269-00201599-00202247 even if it's a 24-hour sample it's only 24-hour sample for that period of time JmacCZ2lNa0-00270-00202247-00202639 backwards from when the exposure occurred and what's remains JmacCZ2lNa0-00271-00202639-00203125 so it's it's not it's not simple it's not simple analysis is there a lot of JmacCZ2lNa0-00272-00203125-00203539 issues with respect to time that want us to take in consideration but this may be JmacCZ2lNa0-00273-00203539-00204190 the baseline over time this is what you see is variants that do to what stays in JmacCZ2lNa0-00274-00204190-00205098 the body over a regular over during the persons of month in the life I agree JmacCZ2lNa0-00275-00205098-00205837 completely what I was just struck me as being odd was DEP which is coming more JmacCZ2lNa0-00276-00205837-00206284 likely from personal care products has a similar correlation between the mother JmacCZ2lNa0-00277-00206284-00206962 and the infant as does dhp which is primarily coming from diet and yeah I JmacCZ2lNa0-00278-00206962-00207688 think a mother you eat every day and the mother uses their personal products JmacCZ2lNa0-00279-00207688-00208180 every day and so therefore there's a constant baseline there and it's the JmacCZ2lNa0-00280-00208180-00208671 fact that there's no Peaks which indicate that you know there's really a JmacCZ2lNa0-00281-00208671-00209166 lot of issues on elimination and JmacCZ2lNa0-00282-00209171-00209628 transformation that are not understood but tech metabolisms not understood JmacCZ2lNa0-00283-00209628-00210154 think of it you know over time people have a really regular pattern abuse but JmacCZ2lNa0-00284-00210154-00210751 those patterns are used you can I just point out that that's funny something JmacCZ2lNa0-00285-00210751-00211176 funny in the heading for this table JmacCZ2lNa0-00286-00211407-00211944 shouldn't it read person collation estimates for estimated daily intake JmacCZ2lNa0-00287-00211944-00212667 values in mothers of mothers I don't know that there's something funny in JmacCZ2lNa0-00288-00212667-00213489 that heading and and I stand corrected it's not prenatal and postnatal with JmacCZ2lNa0-00289-00213489-00214030 postnatal and baby we had other tables that were JmacCZ2lNa0-00290-00214030-00214521 pre-imposed inside prenatal if it is postnatal and with the infant right JmacCZ2lNa0-00291-00214521-00214873 there were different categories I didn't I didn't know which one was I read it to JmacCZ2lNa0-00292-00214873-00215655 bath yes so you're right we could say for estimated daily intake values and in JmacCZ2lNa0-00293-00215661-00215961 mothers JmacCZ2lNa0-00294-00216019-00216932 proposed needle values just post-natal imply mothers like mothers eternal JmacCZ2lNa0-00295-00216932-00218196 values and I'd like to make a point to what Paul was just saying because you JmacCZ2lNa0-00296-00218196-00218809 used the word missing do we want to capture what you just said in terms of JmacCZ2lNa0-00297-00218809-00219348 the section we have yet to write completely the missing data part do we JmacCZ2lNa0-00298-00219348-00219958 want to talk about that I'm writing that right now okay thank you JmacCZ2lNa0-00299-00221100-00221444 in your opinion what do we make out of the correlations between the set of the JmacCZ2lNa0-00300-00221444-00221841 high molecular weight delights and low molecular weight for tonight's so in a JmacCZ2lNa0-00301-00221841-00222344 way it means that those who are exposed to one high molecular weight tonight are JmacCZ2lNa0-00302-00222344-00223031 with certain variability also exposed to the other high molecular weight Italians JmacCZ2lNa0-00303-00223031-00223979 I think we have to assume with us if some certainty but those who are exposed JmacCZ2lNa0-00304-00223979-00224439 to highly to one high molecular weight that are also high exposed to high high JmacCZ2lNa0-00305-00224439-00224732 molecular weight delay probably very common because these things are in JmacCZ2lNa0-00306-00224732-00225369 everything yeah I'm dealing with a unique source which would it was a JmacCZ2lNa0-00307-00225369-00225927 unique source we'd see a spike somewhere some compound would be way out of whack JmacCZ2lNa0-00308-00225927-00226998 with everything else but that's why you're seeing this a low level and I JmacCZ2lNa0-00309-00226998-00227492 think this might also be of importance for both the the cumulative has index JmacCZ2lNa0-00310-00227492-00228080 approach and also for the let's say worst case approach from you side that JmacCZ2lNa0-00311-00228080-00228767 we add up the 95th percentile from the aggregate exposures so because if some JmacCZ2lNa0-00312-00228767-00229064 rationale behind it because we can say that the ones to the high exposed JmacCZ2lNa0-00313-00229064-00229671 one-eye molecular today's also high expose the other one that's fair JmacCZ2lNa0-00314-00231090-00232583 for hoager okay Russ Mike is there an appendix for this section to hugger or JmacCZ2lNa0-00315-00232583-00233825 no no it's in here well it's I think the JmacCZ2lNa0-00316-00234044-00234771 the it's in the hazard index section is they were combined and if you chose to JmacCZ2lNa0-00317-00234771-00235269 leave the tables in in the main part that we can maybe one a table take to JmacCZ2lNa0-00318-00235269-00235794 the to the appendix but I've heard of a lot of people here that told me that JmacCZ2lNa0-00319-00235794-00236790 they liked the numbers like looking at the numbers to to be that take those JmacCZ2lNa0-00320-00236790-00237401 tables to a I guess yeah really fine JmacCZ2lNa0-00321-00239019-00239623 maybe we could put table 1 into the appendix if we need to the conversion JmacCZ2lNa0-00322-00239623-00239877 factors JmacCZ2lNa0-00323-00245148-00245546 mic there isn't any additional JmacCZ2lNa0-00324-00245651-00246319 biomonitoring data and in tab 7 is there JmacCZ2lNa0-00325-00246484-00247766 well I think taps out tap seven was a hmm you know sections effin ENF JmacCZ2lNa0-00326-00247766-00248766 biomonitoring and hazard index or were originally one that's why there's still JmacCZ2lNa0-00327-00248766-00249242 one appendix they were originally one document then we split them into two JmacCZ2lNa0-00328-00249242-00249704 parts for the short report the main body JmacCZ2lNa0-00329-00251936-00252730 so a lot of there is an equivalent yeah well there is a table one in tap seven JmacCZ2lNa0-00330-00252730-00254148 the appendix it's a little more detailed even we need to sort of edit down the JmacCZ2lNa0-00331-00254148-00255317 this appendix our basic assumption is in both places I'm not sure I think the I JmacCZ2lNa0-00332-00255482-00256635 guess the appendix is gonna be somewhat of a standalone thing just a longer JmacCZ2lNa0-00333-00256635-00257887 version so it's I mean there's gonna be some redundancy in the JmacCZ2lNa0-00334-00257887-00258448 describe case one two and three with a bit more detail I mean I would almost JmacCZ2lNa0-00335-00258448-00258902 bring some of that into the short part of the report and then you may not need JmacCZ2lNa0-00336-00258902-00259612 to repeat it I mean that it's one way of on page 14 and 15 JmacCZ2lNa0-00337-00260665-00260904 100% JmacCZ2lNa0-00338-00263933-00265106 after this maybe the biomonitoring data JmacCZ2lNa0-00339-00265349-00265862 most useful in human of risk assessment JmacCZ2lNa0-00340-00265931-00266571 but it had can tell us nothing about these sources that can contribute to the JmacCZ2lNa0-00341-00266571-00267518 highest or identify the populations at high risk during which JmacCZ2lNa0-00342-00268276-00268948 I own I think I disagree with that in the sense of I think that the JmacCZ2lNa0-00343-00268948-00269677 biomonitoring data allows representation of real exposure per person and not you JmacCZ2lNa0-00344-00269677-00270253 know hypothetical everybody has a meeting everybody has high exposures so JmacCZ2lNa0-00345-00270253-00271021 and every every exposure so each woman in this case you know is has her own JmacCZ2lNa0-00346-00271021-00271735 mixture so you're seeing the distribution of of how those different JmacCZ2lNa0-00347-00271735-00272155 mixtures look across a population so I don't think we could say we don't know JmacCZ2lNa0-00348-00272155-00272649 anything about high exposures say we JmacCZ2lNa0-00349-00273009-00273484 going to in many cases that when you deal with them when you're dealing with JmacCZ2lNa0-00350-00273484-00274294 urine values it's only gonna give you a spot piece of data data could be at the JmacCZ2lNa0-00351-00274294-00274759 tail end of wind exposure your courage it could be at the beginning I have no JmacCZ2lNa0-00352-00274759-00275269 idea what the range was of where the timing of it I think that's two on a per JmacCZ2lNa0-00353-00275269-00275683 on a per person basis but if you look at across a population I think you are JmacCZ2lNa0-00354-00275683-00276136 seeing I mean I think it'd be reasonable to assume that there would be some women JmacCZ2lNa0-00355-00276136-00276439 who may have just had the exposure and other women who were hours away from the JmacCZ2lNa0-00356-00276439-00276745 exposure but because you're looking at that distribution you're getting that JmacCZ2lNa0-00357-00276745-00277372 representation it isn't that the mean right if the representation is you're JmacCZ2lNa0-00358-00277372-00278278 averaging your moment okay you couldn't go back and say that based upon the mean JmacCZ2lNa0-00359-00278278-00278770 value the values we're using for our intake or for are going to be JmacCZ2lNa0-00360-00278770-00279204 representative of the person who's either got very low or higher exposure JmacCZ2lNa0-00361-00279204-00280059 say that for the fact I interject that's a confusion here between JmacCZ2lNa0-00362-00280059-00280627 statements for particular individuals and statements for a population but the JmacCZ2lNa0-00363-00280627-00281068 point to take out of this from this in my pain is that you're JmacCZ2lNa0-00364-00281068-00281881 making intake estimates for entire population right I agree so as Chris JmacCZ2lNa0-00365-00281881-00282481 said and I'm sure Hager will agree that is possible if you measure spot you're JmacCZ2lNa0-00366-00282481-00282922 in concentrations for large Peter for large groups of people otherwise your JmacCZ2lNa0-00367-00282922-00283741 reservations are of course totally valid it's how we phrase it hmm and your other JmacCZ2lNa0-00368-00283741-00284254 point is also well taken and well recognized that and that is that on the JmacCZ2lNa0-00369-00284254-00284713 basis of those biomonitoring data you cannot make inferences as to the sources JmacCZ2lNa0-00370-00284713-00285411 that's why source root rate modeling is important mm-hmm I just want to figure JmacCZ2lNa0-00371-00285411-00286072 out exactly what this intake value represents average over a population JmacCZ2lNa0-00372-00286072-00287215 that's what I figure be emphasized I think it needs to be I think that's JmacCZ2lNa0-00373-00287215-00287500 limiting to say it's an average over a population the middle of that JmacCZ2lNa0-00374-00287500-00287818 distribution is the average of problem across the population but there are some JmacCZ2lNa0-00375-00287818-00288373 in that upper tail there are people who have women who have high exposures now JmacCZ2lNa0-00376-00288373-00288775 we don't know where it came from we know it's there and but the neat thing about JmacCZ2lNa0-00377-00288775-00289273 the biomonitoring data is that we can see you know how these chemicals are JmacCZ2lNa0-00378-00289273-00289608 together in the same person we're not we don't have to make assumptions across JmacCZ2lNa0-00379-00289608-00290251 chemicals that's something that we have a problem with you know otherwise I'm JmacCZ2lNa0-00380-00290251-00291097 still seeing when you say maybe I'm just reacting to when you say on the average JmacCZ2lNa0-00381-00291097-00291418 it makes me think that all we can interpret may be that's not what you're JmacCZ2lNa0-00382-00291418-00291781 saying it but my I'm thinking all we can interpret is the middle of this JmacCZ2lNa0-00383-00291781-00292126 distribution and I would say no we can look at the tale of these districts it's JmacCZ2lNa0-00384-00292126-00292831 the upper tail and the numbers that we're using fine hazard index are based JmacCZ2lNa0-00385-00292831-00293539 upon what summations of the hazard index if for each individual each person is JmacCZ2lNa0-00386-00293539-00293992 their own hazard index all right and then if that's the case and what JmacCZ2lNa0-00387-00293992-00294645 coming up with is a hazard index for that chemical or the set of chemicals JmacCZ2lNa0-00388-00294645-00295189 therefore what are you yeah hazard index distribution for the population right JmacCZ2lNa0-00389-00295189-00295774 but that's import that's the key point that's population but what is the value JmacCZ2lNa0-00390-00295774-00296280 that you're representing when you sum this across when we sum across doing a JmacCZ2lNa0-00391-00296280-00296652 when we're doing a cumulative risk assessment are you summing the 90th JmacCZ2lNa0-00392-00296652-00297115 percentile the 95th percentile the 50th no see okay now see that's okay here's JmacCZ2lNa0-00393-00297115-00297501 the important point what's in the numerator here is actually the daily JmacCZ2lNa0-00394-00297501-00297978 intake estimates for each woman so each woman is their own has their own hazard JmacCZ2lNa0-00395-00297978-00298458 index it's not based on a population value of exposure it is based on the JmacCZ2lNa0-00396-00298458-00298901 concentrations of urine from that woman and that woman had multiple JmacCZ2lNa0-00397-00298901-00299355 concentrations and you know from the different chemicals and there and so JmacCZ2lNa0-00398-00299355-00299818 then those are then weighted with the appropriate reference doses and then JmacCZ2lNa0-00399-00299818-00300885 summed up so each woman is has her own hazard index so that's I think the JmacCZ2lNa0-00400-00300885-00301417 really cool thing about this which is different than what's the typical hazard JmacCZ2lNa0-00401-00301417-00302226 index approach you're basically using all of the values rather than a median JmacCZ2lNa0-00402-00302226-00302757 or a 95th percentile or here right using each value of free-formin so if that JmacCZ2lNa0-00403-00302757-00303300 hasn't come out that's the big point right come out then we need to really JmacCZ2lNa0-00404-00303300-00304184 like demonstrate the calculation or do something very basic clear explain it JmacCZ2lNa0-00405-00304810-00305422 can we go back to the 2f with a second JmacCZ2lNa0-00406-00307162-00308086 all right page 28 you do say that I had took a while to get to it JmacCZ2lNa0-00407-00310434-00311772 it's they're not on page 28 under dose extrapolation yeah this paragraph could JmacCZ2lNa0-00408-00311772-00313677 probably be raced better it is there it took it is something I dropped it but it JmacCZ2lNa0-00409-00313677-00314901 should rather be in Chris section Xers up later the whole er section is the JmacCZ2lNa0-00410-00314901-00315471 exposure section is that maybe I think andreas and I are probably saying is JmacCZ2lNa0-00411-00315471-00315837 that it needs to be stated here and then it needs to be stated rescinding yet JmacCZ2lNa0-00412-00315837-00316236 because if it stayed here a little bit more clearly then when you go later on JmacCZ2lNa0-00413-00316236-00316830 you feel more comfortable because this is where it's calculated right the JmacCZ2lNa0-00414-00316830-00317157 calculation is done this is when the daily intakes are asked to me right but JmacCZ2lNa0-00415-00317157-00317520 it doesn't it's not some door anything in this so no but this is what you but JmacCZ2lNa0-00416-00317520-00318114 the whole point of what you've just laid to me was that the point about the fact JmacCZ2lNa0-00417-00318114-00318677 that this is where the daily intake is calculated into the distribution oh JmacCZ2lNa0-00418-00318770-00319392 maybe just a little bit clearer again to sense of saying at the beginning that JmacCZ2lNa0-00419-00319392-00319938 you know this is how we did it just exactly as you described it to me that JmacCZ2lNa0-00420-00319938-00320334 makes things clearer but that indeed is the difference between Chris approach JmacCZ2lNa0-00421-00320334-00320787 and mine in in the way we present the data if you look into my tables to 95th JmacCZ2lNa0-00422-00320787-00321414 percentile 408 it's not the same as the 95th percentile for the other in terms JmacCZ2lNa0-00423-00321414-00321864 of it's not a woman it could be it is not the same person whereas the 95th JmacCZ2lNa0-00424-00321864-00322452 percentile there and there while in Chris approach the 95th percentile is JmacCZ2lNa0-00425-00322452-00323094 the cumulative exposure of all the exposures for the individual woman so it JmacCZ2lNa0-00426-00323094-00323480 could be a maximum exposure for one for tonight and JmacCZ2lNa0-00427-00323480-00323879 50 percentile for another teller than the 25th percentile for the others so JmacCZ2lNa0-00428-00323879-00324673 that that's now you just confused me sorry JmacCZ2lNa0-00429-00324712-00325394 well cuz holger's looking at individual phthalates in this section and Chris is JmacCZ2lNa0-00430-00325394-00325952 doing the cumulative part right so I think what homers point is the ninety JmacCZ2lNa0-00431-00325952-00326468 there is a woman there is a woman right who has been at the 95th level 93rd JmacCZ2lNa0-00432-00326468-00327071 percentile level and in terms of hazard index right by taking a multiple you JmacCZ2lNa0-00433-00327071-00327533 know a multivariate distribution putting it down to one index you can see you JmacCZ2lNa0-00434-00327533-00327974 know it's only one dimensional then right so that's different than on JmacCZ2lNa0-00435-00327974-00328346 holger's table where would you look at 95th percentile of one chemical and 95th JmacCZ2lNa0-00436-00328346-00328745 percentile of the second chemical that's not the same person no we should JmacCZ2lNa0-00437-00328745-00329270 wouldn't be really that's what the correlation matrix is saying - hey JmacCZ2lNa0-00438-00329270-00329786 because otherwise it would be much higher correlation if it's the 90th JmacCZ2lNa0-00439-00329786-00330278 percentile and the 75th and the 50th role the same for each for every woman JmacCZ2lNa0-00440-00330278-00330803 had the same one well then the correlations be much higher Dadar in the JmacCZ2lNa0-00441-00330803-00331613 case of the 95th for a B or C is distribute among another women that that JmacCZ2lNa0-00442-00331613-00332003 makes the correlations low because you don't know what the sources are you JmacCZ2lNa0-00443-00332003-00332596 don't know the time course of the sources - when you see the expression of JmacCZ2lNa0-00444-00332596-00333052 the compound or metabolites in the urine JmacCZ2lNa0-00445-00333624-00335021 makes sense why we're seeing point three point four and we'll see the scatterplot JmacCZ2lNa0-00446-00335916-00336604 holger in Chris do you think you can come up with text that will clarify that JmacCZ2lNa0-00447-00336604-00338719 the two sections yes we're up for the task something that that Paul and I can JmacCZ2lNa0-00448-00338719-00340294 understand our limited ability to bars to the trees no actually what I'm trying JmacCZ2lNa0-00449-00340294-00340720 to do is I'm trying to get it to the public because we gotta have to explain JmacCZ2lNa0-00450-00340720-00341170 this to a series of people who are gonna have to make recommendations they have JmacCZ2lNa0-00451-00341170-00341827 to understand this beyond what we can is scientists about those kinds of pieces JmacCZ2lNa0-00452-00341827-00342667 of art for people to wade through this kind of detailed analysis especially JmacCZ2lNa0-00453-00342667-00343528 when the data sources are so so different and sometimes despair oh yeah JmacCZ2lNa0-00454-00343528-00343779 let's do that JmacCZ2lNa0-00455-00343814-00344232 Ungar here's some cars this is probably a good time to take a JmacCZ2lNa0-00456-00344232-00346371 break in and do some writing and we'll come back and well if you want to do JmacCZ2lNa0-00457-00346371-00346769 your whole section that that's fine JmacCZ2lNa0-00458-00346820-00347520 either edit your section would be well I guess it depends on how much stuff there JmacCZ2lNa0-00459-00347520-00348330 is if it's if your scatter around if you could send me your section otherwise JmacCZ2lNa0-00460-00348330-00349376 send me a paragraph just so I know where to insert it is that perfectly clear JmacCZ2lNa0-00461-00350343-00350594 but JmacCZ2lNa0-00462-00351067-00351655 while you're doing that I think maybe we'll go on and talk about Paul's JmacCZ2lNa0-00463-00351655-00352576 section which we can do from our hard copy okay okay so if the chap would turn JmacCZ2lNa0-00464-00352576-00353016 to their page 43 JmacCZ2lNa0-00465-00354569-00355247 yes were you making some changes with Mike yes yeah you want to talk about JmacCZ2lNa0-00466-00355247-00355874 those what they were they're mostly additions okay because we have to put JmacCZ2lNa0-00467-00355874-00356477 some framing around the non valley substitutes okay so that so that's JmacCZ2lNa0-00468-00356477-00356892 primarily what well what is what we've done is added some text City JmacCZ2lNa0-00469-00356892-00357497 introduction to the results in whatever to enter the conclusion to dealing with JmacCZ2lNa0-00470-00357497-00358025 that particular issue does that particular issue we also am also adding JmacCZ2lNa0-00471-00358025-00358826 text outside text for the table that was given us yesterday on you know it's a JmacCZ2lNa0-00472-00358826-00359568 comparison between the intakes that we calculated by estimating exposure versus JmacCZ2lNa0-00473-00359568-00360197 what has been seen in the actual studies and the primary result there is that you JmacCZ2lNa0-00474-00360197-00360816 know the results were with an effective one or magnitude which considering the JmacCZ2lNa0-00475-00360816-00361413 estimations and the the way in which biomonitoring results are obtained spot JmacCZ2lNa0-00476-00361413-00361910 samples which is not too bad considering a first or first shot if you want to JmacCZ2lNa0-00477-00361910-00362351 improve that we got to get more data and I think that's that's the summary of JmacCZ2lNa0-00478-00362351-00362959 what we're saying there in terms of the the value and the use of the data can be JmacCZ2lNa0-00479-00362959-00363473 for a risk assessment but with the qualifiers that there are uncertainties JmacCZ2lNa0-00480-00363473-00363923 and uncertainties in terms of unknowns because no one takes the data no one JmacCZ2lNa0-00481-00363923-00364368 gets the work done you know we hear a lot of complaints about the lack of real JmacCZ2lNa0-00482-00364368-00364745 exposure data well that's not the full of the chaff it's the fault of the JmacCZ2lNa0-00483-00364745-00365351 community not doing the work and I think the more we remain uncertain the harder JmacCZ2lNa0-00484-00365351-00365972 is for us to reduce those uncertainties in in a timely way so that's one of the JmacCZ2lNa0-00485-00365972-00366647 points I made in terms of the chapter I think we've done pretty well considering JmacCZ2lNa0-00486-00366647-00367038 the limitations that are associated with the data set and and it does frost me JmacCZ2lNa0-00487-00367038-00367544 that we don't have enough exposure data JmacCZ2lNa0-00488-00367571-00368016 beautiful voice they are nice and clearly to understand do you think I'm JmacCZ2lNa0-00489-00368016-00368702 an okay now yes I Mick Jagger approach is gonna work very value all right JmacCZ2lNa0-00490-00368702-00369888 it suits you so well anyway back to seriousness I think that's that's where JmacCZ2lNa0-00491-00369888-00370326 we are right now and I think that's the best we can do and I think what Mike is JmacCZ2lNa0-00492-00370326-00370866 doing he's making gonna be making changes and that additional table I JmacCZ2lNa0-00493-00370866-00371285 think is valuable for the cumulative risk assessment that's gonna be done JmacCZ2lNa0-00494-00371285-00371799 later on so it can be referred back to in the report in addition just to let JmacCZ2lNa0-00495-00371799-00372302 you know as I did write an answer key uncertainty section yep and I think it JmacCZ2lNa0-00496-00372302-00372819 lays out some of the critical issues that need to be dealt with and from the JmacCZ2lNa0-00497-00372819-00373427 standpoint of the non phthalates substitutes again the the cry is we're JmacCZ2lNa0-00498-00373427-00373904 data because what we're doing right now is we're just working on one route of JmacCZ2lNa0-00499-00373904-00374670 entry that's non dietary ingestion from you know teethers and soft toys that JmacCZ2lNa0-00500-00374670-00375203 people can suck on and that's insufficient to make it conclusion draw JmacCZ2lNa0-00501-00375203-00375672 any conclusions about exposure and especially from cumulative exposure we JmacCZ2lNa0-00502-00375672-00376164 can't make we we haven't got prayer making any comparisons because we don't JmacCZ2lNa0-00503-00376164-00376700 know how the non phthalates substitutes would compare in terms of just which JmacCZ2lNa0-00504-00376700-00377207 sources they would be in how they bind to those sources and things of that sort JmacCZ2lNa0-00505-00377207-00377940 and the nature of the frequency of the icon death of kids with them okay but we JmacCZ2lNa0-00506-00377940-00378441 are progressing toward an end and we should have by the end of today or JmacCZ2lNa0-00507-00378441-00379231 tomorrow text to match the comments that I just gave you okay he comments from JmacCZ2lNa0-00508-00379231-00380020 chap members are we set on this order being biomonitoring data at the hazard JmacCZ2lNa0-00509-00380020-00380770 index and then this section yeah I think so because that's real data you know at JmacCZ2lNa0-00510-00380770-00381052 least you have something to hang your hat on I mean we're making estimates JmacCZ2lNa0-00511-00381052-00381409 they're good estimates as best as you can make with the data we have available JmacCZ2lNa0-00512-00381409-00381973 but the buyer biomonitoring I thinks it's a tone that it's real data and it's JmacCZ2lNa0-00513-00381973-00382525 a lot easier to start interpreting from real data in comparison to the quote JmacCZ2lNa0-00514-00382525-00383014 with the hypothetical that's based upon a lot of indirect information should JmacCZ2lNa0-00515-00383014-00383653 that sort of be a preamble to the section describing I mean I just I'm JmacCZ2lNa0-00516-00383653-00384109 looking at the page prior to this is you know margin of exposure estimates and JmacCZ2lNa0-00517-00384109-00384646 then we go straight into Air Products and Toys it mean maybe there needs to be JmacCZ2lNa0-00518-00384646-00385495 a transition I mean how's the way you're supposed to read this is it relative to JmacCZ2lNa0-00519-00385495-00385870 what they've just read in terms of biomonitoring is that what's the JmacCZ2lNa0-00520-00385870-00387034 objective so where do you say Christa you want to have the hazard index JmacCZ2lNa0-00521-00387034-00387622 approach after after this no I I don't know I any orders JmacCZ2lNa0-00522-00387622-00387967 I think this order is fine I just think there needs to be more of a transition JmacCZ2lNa0-00523-00387967-00388576 between where we are with biomonitoring data and and the beginning of this I JmacCZ2lNa0-00524-00388576-00388995 mean do we just need to have a little I JmacCZ2lNa0-00525-00389052-00389776 would like to support that idea I think the the scenario based exposures in G JmacCZ2lNa0-00526-00389776-00390352 should either be before or after either biomonitoring and then then the way is JmacCZ2lNa0-00527-00390352-00390877 paved for dealing with hazard index yeah I think before might be a reasonable way JmacCZ2lNa0-00528-00390877-00391615 yeah that's right but right after biomonitoring would probably wise JmacCZ2lNa0-00529-00391615-00392125 because then yeah yeah I agree agree with that I thought that's what we JmacCZ2lNa0-00530-00392125-00392544 agreed to the last time maybe we maybe I was out of the room I think no JmacCZ2lNa0-00531-00392544-00393126 well I was at a room I thought we had it that way and I suggested changing you JmacCZ2lNa0-00532-00393126-00393640 were to blame now wait but what was just suggested JmacCZ2lNa0-00533-00393640-00393945 than what you just said I think we're two different things why because we I JmacCZ2lNa0-00534-00393945-00394506 think we just suggested that your section go before biomonitoring before JmacCZ2lNa0-00535-00394506-00395068 hazard but after biomonitoring because biomonitoring is too real data but I JmacCZ2lNa0-00536-00395068-00395811 think biomonitoring needs to go right before hazard index doesn't it those are JmacCZ2lNa0-00537-00395811-00396265 really tidy the alternative would be to put polled stuff before biomonitoring JmacCZ2lNa0-00538-00396265-00396705 then biomonitoring than hesitant that's what I thought that could be done since JmacCZ2lNa0-00539-00396705-00397644 what I actually think but okay but the only difference will be that in our JmacCZ2lNa0-00540-00397644-00398085 section now we include this new table that actually compares the biomonitoring JmacCZ2lNa0-00541-00398085-00398718 data to the exposure calculated data if that's okay with you or if not no JmacCZ2lNa0-00542-00398718-00399192 problem it can be taken out and then put so at the end of biomonitoring this JmacCZ2lNa0-00543-00399192-00399795 special section okay actually would be good take that take the text that I just JmacCZ2lNa0-00544-00399795-00400410 wrote up which is fine and take the table and then put out the ends of the JmacCZ2lNa0-00545-00400410-00400809 biomonitoring and that solves both of your problems let's say how to link it JmacCZ2lNa0-00546-00400809-00401424 together so the text I just gave you it B instead of being at the end of the JmacCZ2lNa0-00547-00401424-00401859 results for this section taking at the ends of the results for the JmacCZ2lNa0-00548-00401859-00402405 biomonitoring section for comparative analysis with the estimate exposures I'm JmacCZ2lNa0-00549-00402405-00402942 okay with that yeah that's that would then pave the way for the analysis with JmacCZ2lNa0-00550-00402942-00403663 hazard index etcetera I think there's a real novelty and the striking thing is JmacCZ2lNa0-00551-00403663-00404205 and I've never seen that and our clarity elsewhere that both broadly speaking JmacCZ2lNa0-00552-00404205-00404772 exposure assessment methods yield comparable results okay no that's JmacCZ2lNa0-00553-00404772-00405324 perfectly reasonable fact that makes it that makes it makes a nice consist JmacCZ2lNa0-00554-00405324-00405728 hello by taking that one section out and moving it okay JmacCZ2lNa0-00555-00405728-00407046 I'm easy it's already been written so we want to have biomonitoring than the JmacCZ2lNa0-00556-00407046-00407547 exposure no exposure fuzzier than my pal monitoring and then had exposure JmacCZ2lNa0-00557-00407547-00408198 biomonitoring hazard index and then the one table which we were going to add to JmacCZ2lNa0-00558-00408198-00408836 exposure put the end of biomonitoring with the text that I just wrote for that JmacCZ2lNa0-00559-00408836-00409842 table transferred also okay okay and there are some grammatical problems I JmacCZ2lNa0-00560-00409842-00410352 had with some of the text that I'll point out to you that I couldn't make JmacCZ2lNa0-00561-00410352-00410946 sense of a couple sentences twenties off to you that's fine I probably wrote it JmacCZ2lNa0-00562-00410946-00411827 in my sleep yeah so I used to do my mathematics problems many years ago well JmacCZ2lNa0-00563-00411827-00412581 it's like they were written by a left-handed person you got it all right JmacCZ2lNa0-00564-00412581-00413135 but seriously I think I think this is sounds a lot better for how we want to JmacCZ2lNa0-00565-00413135-00413622 establish the basis for which to I think could do the risk assessment in the end JmacCZ2lNa0-00566-00413622-00414291 if we go each one of those and actually what does also and thinking about it JmacCZ2lNa0-00567-00414291-00414968 it does lay the foundation which we explained in the text that the JmacCZ2lNa0-00568-00414968-00415425 phthalates and toys are a small part of the overall exposure so saying that JmacCZ2lNa0-00569-00415425-00415985 first then going to biomonitoring and then going to has an index Elyse lays a JmacCZ2lNa0-00570-00415985-00416529 foundation as to what we're dealing with in terms of the percent contribution of JmacCZ2lNa0-00571-00416529-00417014 the satellites and toys to the overall process which is explained in that JmacCZ2lNa0-00572-00417014-00417762 section so yeah I think that makes a lot of sense Mikey will ship those around JmacCZ2lNa0-00573-00417762-00418268 for us yeah now anyway this is okay I'm not JmacCZ2lNa0-00574-00418268-00418653 sure which exactly where the changes are but this is you want to point those out JmacCZ2lNa0-00575-00418653-00419235 Chris well before we do that though so I'm just thinking about what we talked JmacCZ2lNa0-00576-00419235-00419775 about with the exponent with the biomonitoring data we had a discussion I JmacCZ2lNa0-00577-00419775-00420459 think added at the end about correlations and now we're saying at the JmacCZ2lNa0-00578-00420459-00421052 end of that we're gonna put a comparison of a table that has a comparison of JmacCZ2lNa0-00579-00421052-00421818 means or whatever point estimates across the biomonitoring data and the exposure JmacCZ2lNa0-00580-00421818-00422676 modeling right that's the reason do we need to say something about but there's JmacCZ2lNa0-00581-00422676-00423293 gonna be similar point estimates within orders of magnitude whatever do we need JmacCZ2lNa0-00582-00423293-00423684 to say something about correlations that that or is that going too far didn't we JmacCZ2lNa0-00583-00423684-00424146 say we couldn't really go that far with the Bayeux monitor we we can't talk JmacCZ2lNa0-00584-00424146-00424629 about the sources that's the key addition to that correlation is we can't JmacCZ2lNa0-00585-00424629-00425106 talk about the sources because of the issues of space-time and you know not JmacCZ2lNa0-00586-00425106-00425724 everybody who's high is high with the same chemicals so therefore I think it JmacCZ2lNa0-00587-00425724-00426122 works and I think is that and then is that you know what you wrote Holger yeah JmacCZ2lNa0-00588-00426122-00426518 yeah I put that down there there was an addition that were Holger JmacCZ2lNa0-00589-00426518-00427041 and I've worked on okay sorry so so it is there and then we can go on to that JmacCZ2lNa0-00590-00427041-00427614 saying actually you can add even with these maybe add a connecting say even JmacCZ2lNa0-00591-00427614-00428199 with these issues all right for the results we have this is what we found in JmacCZ2lNa0-00592-00428199-00429024 table X that there is comparability or at least some of the some of the work JmacCZ2lNa0-00593-00429024-00429518 mainly mainly it's the average where this comparability because not everybody JmacCZ2lNa0-00594-00429518-00430475 did the UM the 95th percentile we pardon me that's JmacCZ2lNa0-00595-00430475-00431552 yeah that's the addition I mean is there any value in calculating hazard indices JmacCZ2lNa0-00596-00431552-00432608 for the scenario exposures I mean it can be done when you mean as well as does JmacCZ2lNa0-00597-00432608-00433172 you calculated a hazard index for the by monitoring data you can do it for the JmacCZ2lNa0-00598-00433172-00434114 exposure assessment data - you want to add that can you do that Chris yeah I JmacCZ2lNa0-00599-00434114-00434510 think you could because you have those data in the summary table I mean the JmacCZ2lNa0-00600-00434510-00435116 question is where to put it in the same section in the bio in the housing and JmacCZ2lNa0-00601-00435116-00435752 the exception okay if you can actually that was I'm not sure it's nothing JmacCZ2lNa0-00602-00435752-00436166 okay here's why I would say that it's not necessary because it seems to me the JmacCZ2lNa0-00603-00436166-00436759 logic is evaluation of the exposure modeling seems to be very comparable JmacCZ2lNa0-00604-00436759-00437318 with however we define comparable to the biomonitoring data the advantage of the JmacCZ2lNa0-00605-00437318-00437720 biomonitoring data for the hazard index is that you're actually representing you JmacCZ2lNa0-00606-00437720-00438260 know the true mixtures per person and so with that then we go in and do the JmacCZ2lNa0-00607-00438260-00438653 hazard index so then to go back and say well we could then go back and do it the JmacCZ2lNa0-00608-00438653-00438980 whole standard way I don't know it doesn't seem to fit the build up of the JmacCZ2lNa0-00609-00438980-00439652 of the decisions and the advantages that we've argued up to that point I mean I JmacCZ2lNa0-00610-00439652-00440396 guess I'm just thinking if you wanted not so much the total but the from that JmacCZ2lNa0-00611-00440396-00440888 if you want to do a source by source yeah but you've already got I mean JmacCZ2lNa0-00612-00440888-00441605 already got exposures from different sources as a reviewer I would think I JmacCZ2lNa0-00613-00441605-00442301 would be left short by not having that done there why don't you do that for my JmacCZ2lNa0-00614-00442301-00442634 review I would say I don't know why you did this I mean I would say what what JmacCZ2lNa0-00615-00442634-00442995 would it would advantage did that give you just I don't know JmacCZ2lNa0-00616-00442995-00443607 which closure completion and if we did it by source that would make it even JmacCZ2lNa0-00617-00443607-00443949 more interesting in fact one of the viewers might come back and say why JmacCZ2lNa0-00618-00443949-00444324 didn't you do the in hazard index by source since one of your charges is to JmacCZ2lNa0-00619-00444324-00445314 look at how much hazard is being provided by children's toys compared to JmacCZ2lNa0-00620-00445314-00446435 everything else I I see both those points but I I would also be inclined to JmacCZ2lNa0-00621-00446435-00447122 say that using population based monitoring data is a richer data source JmacCZ2lNa0-00622-00447122-00447635 to construct the hazard index stuff yes I agree we should stick to that but JmacCZ2lNa0-00623-00447635-00448221 wouldn't it be a middle on the other hand the points you might Michael and JmacCZ2lNa0-00624-00448221-00449121 Paul they emphasize the one advantage that stems from expert omed modeling and JmacCZ2lNa0-00625-00449121-00449727 that is you can be more specific about the sources but to calculate hazard JmacCZ2lNa0-00626-00449727-00450441 indices for specific sources is a little they say artificial dicing because we JmacCZ2lNa0-00627-00450441-00450996 haven't got away here's my proposal for a middle way it we could have a JmacCZ2lNa0-00628-00450996-00451660 paragraph it could be quite short which outlines and emphasizes the JmacCZ2lNa0-00629-00451660-00452184 complementarities in needs two approaches so the the complementarity JmacCZ2lNa0-00630-00452184-00452810 sorry the advantages and how they complement each other so it could say JmacCZ2lNa0-00631-00452810-00453555 that the biomonitoring is more holistic and has the advantage of analyzing JmacCZ2lNa0-00632-00453555-00454092 individual data and then population-based but it does not get at JmacCZ2lNa0-00633-00454092-00454755 specific sources which is precisely what exposure modeling can do and then with JmacCZ2lNa0-00634-00454755-00455427 that in mind we did an estimate on the yeah hazard index for the sources I JmacCZ2lNa0-00635-00455427-00455958 would probably leave leave that out but then the one key bridging assumption or JmacCZ2lNa0-00636-00455958-00456462 the the key point to point out then it's not both exposure modeling and JmacCZ2lNa0-00637-00456462-00457035 biomonitoring yield exposure estimates of of comparable magnitude mm-hmm we JmacCZ2lNa0-00638-00457035-00457334 just don't know where the sword which sources are important although the JmacCZ2lNa0-00639-00457334-00458052 exposure estimation suggests clearly that it's diet that wraps the whole JmacCZ2lNa0-00640-00458052-00458526 thing around into a not because the exposure modeling why'd you do it will JmacCZ2lNa0-00641-00458526-00459120 tells you that the biggest source will be diet and that you can't get it off in JmacCZ2lNa0-00642-00459120-00459705 the biomonitoring data so in that hazard index paragraph once we wrapped it all JmacCZ2lNa0-00643-00459705-00459927 up yeah that's work that's better than JmacCZ2lNa0-00644-00459927-00460479 doing Nate I think that's better than doing a hazard assessment or hazard JmacCZ2lNa0-00645-00460479-00461007 index for each for the for the model data but we do bring it and wrap it JmacCZ2lNa0-00646-00461007-00461474 around by saying in the end that these hazard indices are being dominated by JmacCZ2lNa0-00647-00461474-00462192 diet okay that's fine recommending we have that table that JmacCZ2lNa0-00648-00462192-00462618 compares that the two approaches they have a paragraph that yes it wraps it up JmacCZ2lNa0-00649-00462618-00463368 yep and I think that work out really well and who's going to write that one I JmacCZ2lNa0-00650-00463368-00464039 can ride it once we get it once we get all the knots tied I just have to see JmacCZ2lNa0-00651-00464039-00464414 what it looks like when we change we move that over to that section so that I JmacCZ2lNa0-00652-00464414-00464864 don't say something that's silly when it's already in the section you'll be JmacCZ2lNa0-00653-00464864-00465555 right after this but we have to wait until my friend here puts it in and puts JmacCZ2lNa0-00654-00465555-00465930 the table in and then I can write that wraparound paragraph okay you saying JmacCZ2lNa0-00655-00465930-00466392 it's not even a paragraph it's a few sentences but that's fine I'll do that JmacCZ2lNa0-00656-00466392-00467142 we can I volunteer you visit that yep okay yeah my clear about that I will do JmacCZ2lNa0-00657-00467142-00468428 that thank you okay JmacCZ2lNa0-00658-00468809-00469718 like should we break for lunch now and then come back and Akal versus revisions JmacCZ2lNa0-00659-00469718-00470187 sure I think it's the perfect time to break when do you want to come back an JmacCZ2lNa0-00660-00470187-00470846 hour okay 1:30 so we'll be back in an hour JmacCZ2lNa0-00661-00471802-00472008 you Ko-LqkPTnDY-00000-00000459-00000859 ? Ko-LqkPTnDY-00001-00000963-00001809 Or do you anticipate the your institution would like to use electronic portfolios for assessment Ko-LqkPTnDY-00002-00001909-00002558 purposes? Please answer this in the participant window also. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00003-00004459-00005109 And now let's present the results of this question. [on the Ko-LqkPTnDY-00004-00006058-00006759 board]. The last question I'll ask is will electronic portfolios be part of a student's Ko-LqkPTnDY-00005-00006759-00007409 transcript [on the board]. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00006-00008360-00008958 Please go ahead and enter your answer now. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00007-00010010-00010908 We can see that luckily there isn't anyone who does not think they'll ever be connected with student Ko-LqkPTnDY-00008-00011108-00011759 transcripts. I think this group here is a good representation of the sort of broader field of the Ko-LqkPTnDY-00009-00011759-00012410 portfolios. When I tried to look at the data around electronic Ko-LqkPTnDY-00010-00012410-00013209 portfolios I go back to some early campus computer studies back in 2004 academic Ko-LqkPTnDY-00011-00013209-00013809 year. It was less than 30 percent of the four year public Ko-LqkPTnDY-00012-00013809-00014459 schools and less than 10 percent of the community colleges which had electronic portfolio systems available on their Ko-LqkPTnDY-00013-00014459-00015308 campus. When the move Ko-LqkPTnDY-00014-00015308-00015910 to-from 2003 to 2008 you can see in public institutions that we have reached Ko-LqkPTnDY-00015-00015910-00016708 the 50%. And in 4 year institutions we have also reached that point. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00016-00016708-00017509 When we go on to the community colleges we increased from 10% to just under Ko-LqkPTnDY-00017-00017509-00018208 30%. The data that is coming out in 2009 and 2010 indicates a continuation of this Ko-LqkPTnDY-00018-00018208-00018808 growth where most campuses have some form of electronic portfolios and the using community Ko-LqkPTnDY-00019-00018808-00019409 colleges is also growing. So it is continuing to move from our group who are early adopters to those individuals who are Ko-LqkPTnDY-00020-00019409-00020109 beginning to think about it in broader terms across the campus. Many times that is a Ko-LqkPTnDY-00021-00020109-00020809 round assessment, improvement, and accreditation but it is also Ko-LqkPTnDY-00022-00020809-00021159 heavily used in classrooms. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00023-00021159-00021809 Today we're going to be talking about electronic Ko-LqkPTnDY-00024-00021809-00022409 portfolio space. We're going to talk about teaching and Ko-LqkPTnDY-00025-00022409-00023058 learning environment the technology and management environment and the Ko-LqkPTnDY-00026-00023058-00023659 organizational and administration environment. Please go ahead and let us Ko-LqkPTnDY-00027-00023659-00024259 know if you have any questions or comments at any time by either raising your hand and talking or typing something Ko-LqkPTnDY-00028-00024259-00024659 in the chat box. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00029-00024659-00025311 They're a lot of definitions of electronic portfolio. We're using this one [on the Ko-LqkPTnDY-00030-00025311-00025961 board]. It is a purposeful selection of artifacts together with reflections that represent some aspect of Ko-LqkPTnDY-00031-00025961-00026361 the owners learning. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00032-00026508-00027209 It is the documentation of knowledge and skills that are used for Ko-LqkPTnDY-00033-00027209-00027859 tracking once development in the program. We have talked about the assessment of using portfolios as an assessment Ko-LqkPTnDY-00034-00027859-00028509 for individuals but it can also assess programs or courses and it can be used to monitor Ko-LqkPTnDY-00035-00028509-00029160 performance. And one of the areas where students find electronic portfolios most appealing to Ko-LqkPTnDY-00036-00029160-00029759 them is using their job search or job placement. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00037-00030058-00030859 In Lerner's 2.0 and going to now introduce at the guest. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00038-00031008-00031809 This person is a colleague of mine and her name is Helen Ko-LqkPTnDY-00039-00031810-00032459 Chen and she's been doing this since early 2000 also. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00041-00033009-00033659 >>SPEAKER TWO: Ko-LqkPTnDY-00042-00033659-00034459 Sure, John, thank you. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00043-00034609-00035258 what I think more colleagues began to do here is to identify and really talk about the roles Ko-LqkPTnDY-00044-00035258-00035859 of the electronic portfolio in evaluation and how portfolios can Ko-LqkPTnDY-00045-00035859-00036459 help individual Lerner's develop Ko-LqkPTnDY-00046-00036509-00037110 throughout other things and how they are contextualized. For Ko-LqkPTnDY-00047-00037110-00037809 example, the work of the American Association of College of Ko-LqkPTnDY-00048-00038010-00038659 universities. Developing rubrics to help us assess different banks. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00049-00038659-00039259 An electronic portfolios are a tool to help students become big picture thinkers at and Ko-LqkPTnDY-00050-00039259-00040058 become critically engaged doers. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00051-00041111-00042059 >>SPEAKER ONE: Falling on with this big picture of electronic portfolios is providing structured opportunities for students Ko-LqkPTnDY-00052-00042209-00042860 to create learning electronic portfolios and reflect on their own learning experiences. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00053-00042860-00043459 This helps in terms of self understanding. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00054-00043516-00044158 Some of the great strengths in the community colleges are to students at to Ko-LqkPTnDY-00055-00044158-00045009 reflect on their learning experiences and decide where to go from there. It is also helpful in 4 year institutions. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00056-00045009-00045508 One of the things that I feel I need to bring Ko-LqkPTnDY-00057-00046059-00046660 up is the importance around reflection of portfolios. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00058-00046660-00047359 Helen, your work with reflection of portfolios was very interesting can you talk about that for us. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00060-00047609-00048259 >>SPEAKER TWO: This concept of e portfolio thinking and the concept Ko-LqkPTnDY-00061-00048259-00049008 we're talking about today-but the idea of helping students make a connection among Ko-LqkPTnDY-00062-00049008-00049658 their experience inside the classroom and outside the classroom. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00063-00050259-00050860 This idea of making connections, I think is one of the real opportunities have been a electronic Ko-LqkPTnDY-00064-00050860-00051559 portfolio in makes it useful. Making learning visible as represented by the different products or Ko-LqkPTnDY-00065-00051559-00052308 artifacts that are being produced. Whether it is in an engineering class, it might be digital Ko-LqkPTnDY-00066-00052308-00052958 photo of their working on. Other examples could be things like a piece of paper or document-and these Ko-LqkPTnDY-00067-00052958-00053659 days also trying to take advantage of other sources of media that students themselves might Ko-LqkPTnDY-00068-00053659-00054358 be seen like something in a blog or other tools whether it Ko-LqkPTnDY-00069-00054358-00054959 is a YouTube Ko-LqkPTnDY-00070-00054959-00055659 video or photoshop. this is also helpful for Ko-LqkPTnDY-00071-00055659-00056261 people they interact with as far as professors, advisers and potential employers. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00073-00056308-00057009 >>SPEAKER ONE: You might ask what is an electronic Ko-LqkPTnDY-00074-00057009-00057709 portfolio? It is an electronic portfolio for filing cabinets with text, audio, and video. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00075-00057709-00058358 It can include reflexion and various feedback and survey. Probably a better way to help you Ko-LqkPTnDY-00076-00058358-00058959 understand this is actually look at some electronic portfolios. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00077-00059058-00059708 This will take me one second here because I have to pull up the Ko-LqkPTnDY-00078-00059708-00060258 link. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00079-00060361-00060859 I am going to paste this link Ko-LqkPTnDY-00080-00061109-00061709 also and with any luck I will be pulling up a window on your Ko-LqkPTnDY-00081-00061709-00062109 screen. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00082-00062259-00062858 I'm going to put that link here in the chat window. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00083-00062908-00063510 As a group we're going to take a couple of seconds before bring in our next Ko-LqkPTnDY-00084-00063510-00064159 speaker. the first three are electronic Ko-LqkPTnDY-00085-00064159-00064959 portfolios from San Francisco Ko-LqkPTnDY-00086-00065408-00065958 Stateand there are couple of others that you can see as well. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00087-00066109-00066959 I am now going to switch it off the guided tours the should be able to as a group start exploring some of these Web sites. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00088-00066959-00067608 We will do this for just a few minutes and then when we come back will talk a little bit about what you saw and Ko-LqkPTnDY-00089-00067608-00068209 Una will talk a little bit about what Ko-LqkPTnDY-00090-00068209-00069008 they've been doing on their campus for the dental hygiene program with electronic portfolios. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00091-00069108-00069759 (pause to give audience time to look at the web Ko-LqkPTnDY-00092-00069759-00070159 site) Ko-LqkPTnDY-00094-00071059-00071459 >>SPEAKER ONE: Ko-LqkPTnDY-00095-00074359-00075059 (please see timer box in window to indicate when the Speaker will come Ko-LqkPTnDY-00096-00075059-00075708 back) Ko-LqkPTnDY-00097-00076159-00076559 >>SPEAKER ONE: Ko-LqkPTnDY-00098-00083359-00084058 OK, I am sure that three minutes was not enough time to see all of the information on the web Ko-LqkPTnDY-00099-00084058-00084708 sites, but the links as you can see at night. Some samples on the board now [on the Ko-LqkPTnDY-00100-00084708-00085358 I put some Ko-LqkPTnDY-00101-00085358-00085959 information on the board Ko-LqkPTnDY-00102-00086009-00086708 [on the board]. We will come back to these in a moment. What I would like to do now Ko-LqkPTnDY-00103-00086708-00087360 is turn the floor over to Una Daily. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00105-00088109-00088768 >>SPEAKER THREE: I am Ko-LqkPTnDY-00106-00088768-00089409 Una And-the electronic portfolio coordinator at my college. We have Ko-LqkPTnDY-00107-00089409-00090058 been doing this for the last couple of years to the department that has been the Ko-LqkPTnDY-00108-00090058-00090708 most longstanding has been a dental hygiene program. The dental program Ko-LqkPTnDY-00109-00090708-00091309 at foothill College is a two-year program and the students develop their electronic portfolios starting Ko-LqkPTnDY-00110-00091309-00092158 the first quarter into the program. They have for core competencies that the curriculum Ko-LqkPTnDY-00111-00092158-00092859 is goes through out the two years. Each quarter they update their portfolio Ko-LqkPTnDY-00112-00092859-00093460 with new learning artifacts and also reflections on their learning over that quarter. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00113-00093460-00094408 I'm going to go ahead and share my desk topand hopefully Ko-LqkPTnDY-00114-00094659-00095309 we will Ko-LqkPTnDY-00115-00095309-00095858 be able to see my desk top. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00116-00096858-00097460 This is a portfolio of Ray Ko-LqkPTnDY-00117-00097460-00098108 Cid and this portfolio is part of his graduation requirement. This partly Ko-LqkPTnDY-00118-00098108-00099058 portfolio is maintained throughout the program. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00119-00099062-00099909 Again, it is a graduation requirement and all of the core competencies are listed Ko-LqkPTnDY-00120-00099909-00100808 here along with process of care, and health education strategies, infection and hazard Ko-LqkPTnDY-00121-00100808-00101360 control, ethical and legal Ko-LqkPTnDY-00122-00101458-00102059 principles-these are all along the left-hand side as I am pointing out. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00123-00102060-00102708 As you can see there's a picture of him right here and he welcomes you into his portfolio in talks a little bit about Ko-LqkPTnDY-00124-00102708-00103408 his experience at the college. On the next page we have his resonate. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00125-00103408-00104160 sume. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00126-00104160-00104858 he actually has it posted here so you can click on that link in take a look at it. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00127-00105608-00106208 I am not sure that you can see it on the screen because and not sharing everything. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00128-00106208-00106858 se I am not sharing Ko-LqkPTnDY-00129-00106858-00107608 everything in my desktop. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00130-00107608-00108408 here are some pictures of him working in the lab on a student. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00131-00108408-00109159 We have lots of people that come in to the college and have work done by the students. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00132-00109209-00109813 Next we come to his competencies' in dental hygiene. This is a description of the Ko-LqkPTnDY-00133-00109813-00110559 dental hygiene competencies' for somebody who might be reviewing this portfolio for the first time. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00134-00110609-00111209 Next is the process of care and I will just go to the first one. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00135-00111258-00111858 These are things that they learn in the program and there is a document Ko-LqkPTnDY-00136-00111858-00112758 called their patient experiences. You can see that he has treated 27 Ko-LqkPTnDY-00137-00113208-00113809 patients and he also lists the demographics of the patients that he has seen. I will Ko-LqkPTnDY-00138-00113809-00114458 not download these things but you can see that you could do that if you want to. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00139-00114508-00115008 Next he has in addition to that Ko-LqkPTnDY-00140-00115308-00115959 competency some additional competencies' and things that he has done in his program. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00141-00115959-00116709 As you can see that in each area he has a reflective paragraph or two telling what he has done. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00142-00116709-00117259 I will to show you one more very quickly. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00143-00117908-00118559 Now we will look at another student named Janet Ko-LqkPTnDY-00144-00118559-00119209 Schlechter. this follows the same type Ko-LqkPTnDY-00145-00119209-00119816 of format because these are the basic competencies' of the program. Each Ko-LqkPTnDY-00146-00119816-00120609 person in the program has different experiences and so in each portfolio will print. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00147-00120609-00121258 She has a reflective statement about health education Ko-LqkPTnDY-00148-00121258-00121959 strategies and working with patients on oral health care and educating them so they can better take care of their own team at home as well. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00149-00121959-00122908 eth at home as well. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00150-00123159-00123858 she also has a volunteer program that she did where she works Ko-LqkPTnDY-00151-00123908-00124508 that to the dental hygiene Association today at the museum. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00152-00124508-00125359 As you can see this is an integration of her academic work and also outside work that she has done helping the community. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00153-00125359-00125959 Can I answer any other questions? Ko-LqkPTnDY-00154-00125959-00126708 >>SPEAKER ONE: If you can go to the introduction page on the one that you just showed Ko-LqkPTnDY-00155-00126708-00126758 us? Ko-LqkPTnDY-00156-00126758-00127508 >>SPEAKER THREE: Sure, I can do that. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00158-00127559-00128208 >>SPEAKER ONE: This this reminds me of the nightmare that had Ko-LqkPTnDY-00159-00128208-00128808 once of that mind-set of a dental hygienist told issues going to Ko-LqkPTnDY-00160-00128808-00129409 me she was going to beat me with Ko-LqkPTnDY-00161-00129409-00130108 my toothbrush. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00162-00130409-00131163 >>SPEAKER THREE: . For the students actually were the transition Ko-LqkPTnDY-00163-00131163-00131809 students, so they actually were adjusted trade their third year-halfway through their third year Ko-LqkPTnDY-00164-00131809-00132459 when they started electronic portfolio. When they started they have actually been using a paper portfolio for the first nine Ko-LqkPTnDY-00165-00132459-00133109 months of their program and then we switch them over in the summer to an electronic portfolio. Initially there Ko-LqkPTnDY-00166-00133109-00133858 was a little bit of resistance because in some ways it print made a lot of work for Ko-LqkPTnDY-00167-00133858-00134459 made a lot of work for them to Ko-LqkPTnDY-00168-00134459-00135108 get it started. but after they got over Ko-LqkPTnDY-00169-00135108-00135814 that learning curve they were very positive about. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00170-00135814-00136559 Of the 23 portfolios that were produce graduating last year they are all Ko-LqkPTnDY-00171-00136559-00137408 beautiful. If we had time I would show them all to you. I would say there was initial Ko-LqkPTnDY-00172-00137408-00138009 resistance but probably because there was additional work in called for them, but the students who are now entering their second Ko-LqkPTnDY-00173-00138009-00138658 year and they started with electronic portfolios there's a was a much easier transition and they felt Ko-LqkPTnDY-00174-00138658-00139259 very good about having the ability to save all their data over the two Ko-LqkPTnDY-00175-00139259-00139860 years. So it was not like they had to do it all in the last quarter. They actually Ko-LqkPTnDY-00176-00139860-00140359 upload as they go along each quarter. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00177-00140509-00141209 What was the last question John? There has been mixed Ko-LqkPTnDY-00178-00141209-00141809 results from and lawyers. We have had some employers look at it, the son of the students have come back and said Ko-LqkPTnDY-00179-00141809-00142459 that some of the dentist's offices are not really set up Ko-LqkPTnDY-00180-00142459-00143109 to look at portfolios. They are barely network in terms of-maybe not work Ko-LqkPTnDY-00181-00143109-00143858 for a very specialized purposes but I think that that is changing and I am working with the director and so Ko-LqkPTnDY-00182-00143858-00144509 that we can do more education with employers or two employers so Ko-LqkPTnDY-00183-00144509-00145179 that they are aware of what is out there and what it can tell them Ko-LqkPTnDY-00184-00145179-00145958 about a dental hygienist, a perspective dental hygienist and it is really a matter of Ko-LqkPTnDY-00185-00145958-00146808 time but we work very closely with local dental Ko-LqkPTnDY-00187-00147665-00148308 >>SPEAKER ONE: We have two questions in the chat window. Sharon asked a question about the feedback link at the bottom Ko-LqkPTnDY-00188-00148308-00148809 of the page. How is that used? Ko-LqkPTnDY-00189-00148809-00149508 >>SPEAKER THREE: Good question. That allows an instructor or a mentor or even an employer to Ko-LqkPTnDY-00190-00149508-00150308 give a student feedback on their portfolio. And actually the instructors use these links Ko-LqkPTnDY-00191-00150308-00151011 also and you can see what it brings up when I click on net [on the Ko-LqkPTnDY-00192-00151011-00151658 board]. If I was an instructor I would tie my name and address and then my comments Ko-LqkPTnDY-00193-00151658-00152259 type Ko-LqkPTnDY-00194-00152259-00152811 my name and address and comments to the students. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00195-00152811-00153508 >>SPEAKER ONE: We had another question about best Ko-LqkPTnDY-00196-00153509-00154159 practices through the professional associations. What is the connection between what you're doing here and the Ko-LqkPTnDY-00197-00154159-00154659 licensure and professional organizations around dental hygiene? Ko-LqkPTnDY-00198-00154659-00155309 >>SPEAKER THREE: As: mentioned there are States standards and those are set by Ko-LqkPTnDY-00199-00155309-00156058 the state associations for a dental hygiene because it is a special accreditation. These Ko-LqkPTnDY-00200-00156058-00156809 particular-before core Ko-LqkPTnDY-00201-00156809-00157609 competencies-you'll not see every school having the same core competencies but they do cover the state's standards. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00202-00157658-00158408 The completion of this particular Ko-LqkPTnDY-00203-00158408-00159059 portfolio is a requirement to go on and take Ko-LqkPTnDY-00204-00159059-00159667 their-And not sure if it is national boards or state boards but there are two pieces. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00205-00159667-00160351 One is in March of their graduating year and one is the summer after they have completed Ko-LqkPTnDY-00206-00160351-00161257 graduation, but this portfolio the program has made a decision that this portfolio is a requirement to go on to the final licensure. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00208-00161658-00162559 >>SPEAKER ONE: If you can please turn off your application sharing for a moment but please stay on the line is I would like to continue to talk to you. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00210-00162662-00163309 >>SPEAKER THREE: I will do that I have just a few more minutes before I have to take off. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00212-00163559-00164558 >>SPEAKER ONE: [on the board] here we can see the portfolio process. Is this sort of the cycle that you use with your dental hygiene Ko-LqkPTnDY-00213-00164558-00164859 program? Ko-LqkPTnDY-00214-00164859-00165509 >>SPEAKER THREE: Yes, I would say so. Since I am not a content expert, I am not a dental hygiene as myself, Ko-LqkPTnDY-00215-00165509-00166159 I work with the students wore on and some of this overall Ko-LqkPTnDY-00216-00166159-00166809 process, but in terms of actually selecting a project for Ko-LqkPTnDY-00217-00166809-00167458 assessment, that is actually done by their instructors. I work with the faculty to Ko-LqkPTnDY-00218-00167458-00168059 decide where to place things inside the portfolio but obviously they are the content experts. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00219-00168059-00168958 And so in terms of selection for at the different core competencies that is a decision that the faculty and staff make. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00221-00169009-00169759 >>SPEAKER ONE: Helen, you have for good engineers what sort of core competences you used with students. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00222-00169759-00170409 cies have you used with Ko-LqkPTnDY-00223-00170409-00170908 students? Ko-LqkPTnDY-00224-00170908-00171508 >>SPEAKER TWO: I think this idea of collection, selection, and reflection Ko-LqkPTnDY-00225-00171508-00172120 is pretty typical with some variations. In general, I think that our work here has been Ko-LqkPTnDY-00226-00172120-00172758 to build a collection of artifacts that kind of range from a variety of Ko-LqkPTnDY-00227-00172758-00173361 experiences, given Ko-LqkPTnDY-00228-00173361-00174058 your particular audience you may select certain things that will be of interest to them. One of Ko-LqkPTnDY-00229-00174058-00174759 being that was a personal development portfolio you tend to document your own learning in terms of what you want to Ko-LqkPTnDY-00230-00174759-00175422 do and one to graduate there are different things that I am applying to a specific job and I want to only highlight those experiences Ko-LqkPTnDY-00231-00175422-00176059 for that job see me what to modify your portfolio in that Ko-LqkPTnDY-00232-00176059-00176660 so you may want to Ko-LqkPTnDY-00233-00176660-00177408 modify your Ko-LqkPTnDY-00234-00177408-00178209 >>SPEAKER ONE: . Ko-LqkPTnDY-00235-00178608-00179508 I have used this portfolio by sending it to students and have been filling in their learning Ko-LqkPTnDY-00236-00179508-00180008 experiences and they would create a portfolio to work on Ko-LqkPTnDY-00237-00180158-00180609 their educational experiences. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00238-00180761-00181459 At the beginning of the term where I was very prescriptive from what I Ko-LqkPTnDY-00239-00181610-00182308 wanted and then by the end of the term I let them decide how they wanted to do things like it's evolves over the Ko-LqkPTnDY-00240-00182308-00183067 term. You mention that we have a number of people from a number of different Ko-LqkPTnDY-00241-00183067-00183708 campuses and whether there are some questions that people would like to ask on the Ko-LqkPTnDY-00242-00183708-00184358 phone or in the chat area. So we will take about 30 seconds for people to ask their Ko-LqkPTnDY-00243-00184358-00184758 questions. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00244-00186760-00187409 I did mention that the best question will be in a drawing for a trip to the Ko-LqkPTnDY-00245-00187409-00188059 Y. it is what you think about that is you're preparing your Ko-LqkPTnDY-00246-00188059-00188708 I want you to think Ko-LqkPTnDY-00247-00188708-00189209 about that as you're preparing questions. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00248-00189209-00189859 We have a question about someone doing training this Friday for the electronic portfolio Project at Ko-LqkPTnDY-00249-00189859-00190508 LAHC. she wants to know if anyone has a site or Ko-LqkPTnDY-00250-00190508-00191109 to that she can use for examples? Yes, I do have some and we can take Ko-LqkPTnDY-00252-00191808-00192408 There's also a question from Sharon. How have Ko-LqkPTnDY-00253-00192408-00192809 specific portfolios been used in the assessment? Ko-LqkPTnDY-00254-00192809-00193409 There are many ways the they had been used and I will let Helen talk a little about what she has been doing at Ko-LqkPTnDY-00255-00193409-00194206 Stanford. Probably the longest running use of portfolios around assessment in the Ko-LqkPTnDY-00256-00194206-00194810 California university system is around our teacher preparation program. We have been using various grow your own Ko-LqkPTnDY-00257-00194810-00195464 tools and commercial tools to have light stream and life text where students create Ko-LqkPTnDY-00258-00195464-00196159 their portfolios that as part of their state mandated presentation for licensure. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00259-00196159-00196808 So the portfolio is built over multiple terms but Ko-LqkPTnDY-00260-00196808-00197409 in the and they're using portfolios for developing the tactic that would eventually be Ko-LqkPTnDY-00261-00197409-00198258 reviewed by the campus before sending the student up to the state for acceptance as a teacher candidates. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00262-00198258-00198908 Helen, how about you can you refer to some of the things that the AC and you is been Ko-LqkPTnDY-00263-00198908-00199508 e AAC has Ko-LqkPTnDY-00265-00200109-00200958 >> Sure John there has been a lot of use and that K through 12 Ko-LqkPTnDY-00266-00200958-00201559 area. We use this for accountability and something that is effective in Ko-LqkPTnDY-00267-00201559-00202208 assessment and also recognizing the value of multiple assessments at multiple times. We're Ko-LqkPTnDY-00268-00202208-00202808 not just going with one method, but we're going with the different forms and different Ko-LqkPTnDY-00269-00202808-00203409 assessments as well as something that can be done over time not just in one single point in time. So again I Ko-LqkPTnDY-00270-00203409-00204058 think it really depends on-and I would love to chat further fee have any specific interests that Ko-LqkPTnDY-00271-00204058-00204662 it student level you can use portfolios for SS men as far as possible Ko-LqkPTnDY-00272-00204662-00205308 majors or career goals or if the student has a particular area of Ko-LqkPTnDY-00273-00205308-00205859 interest can look at development of a portfolio Ko-LqkPTnDY-00274-00206058-00206708 to use as a career portfolio and there is a website that we can use to help them develop this. At Ko-LqkPTnDY-00275-00206708-00207358 the course level for example of writing portfolio would be a Ko-LqkPTnDY-00276-00207358-00207959 collection of their ridings and draft the they could be able to collect overtime. And of Ko-LqkPTnDY-00277-00207959-00208608 course of the institutional level we Ko-LqkPTnDY-00278-00208608-00209209 can make a collection of the work that comes out of the individual institution. As Ko-LqkPTnDY-00279-00209209-00209908 far as potential learning outcomes and critical thinking and cultural understanding. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00280-00209908-00210509 So how does one begin to the test on integrated learning for Ko-LqkPTnDY-00281-00210509-00211158 example-it is really not possible. So what they have developed our rubrics for that Ko-LqkPTnDY-00282-00211158-00211812 institution can go ahead and take a look at and adapt that to their own learning outcomes or general education outcomes. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00283-00211812-00212708 So those rubrics are available now from our web site. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00284-00213158-00213810 If you go to the www.aacu.org Ko-LqkPTnDY-00285-00213810-00214459 Web site you can look for the value project and get a lot Ko-LqkPTnDY-00286-00214459-00215209 of information on Ko-LqkPTnDY-00288-00215908-00216510 >> Here we can see [on the board] there is a group Ko-LqkPTnDY-00289-00216510-00217211 called AAEEBL which Ko-LqkPTnDY-00290-00217211-00217908 is the Association for authentic experiential and evidence based learning. Now I've taken you to Ko-LqkPTnDY-00291-00217908-00218559 the EPAC Ko-LqkPTnDY-00292-00218559-00219160 link which I have helped moderate and it has a number of links to various groups and Ko-LqkPTnDY-00293-00219160-00219858 organizations and they do have a link to AAEEBL Ko-LqkPTnDY-00294-00219858-00220508 as well. I think these pages will help Ko-LqkPTnDY-00295-00220508-00221358 lead you to some other Web sites. I'm not sure why the other two Ko-LqkPTnDY-00296-00221359-00221959 links-here is our site here we go. This Ko-LqkPTnDY-00297-00221959-00222566 will also have links but you can use in terms Ko-LqkPTnDY-00298-00222566-00223058 of assessments and things for portfolios. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00299-00223259-00223908 I mentioned electronic portfolio California and I would like to talk a little bit about the project before we get Ko-LqkPTnDY-00300-00223908-00224610 down to our final set of question and answers. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00301-00224610-00225309 This project has been in existence to look at electronic portfolio and folio thinking for California. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00302-00225309-00225958 We had a pilot project that is in its second year and we're looking at a number of issues. We wanted Ko-LqkPTnDY-00303-00225958-00226573 to look at Ko-LqkPTnDY-00304-00226573-00227308 electronic portfolios in the teaching and learning process. We also wanted to look at Ko-LqkPTnDY-00305-00227308-00227958 functionality [on the board] Ko-LqkPTnDY-00306-00227958-00228358 And the challenges Ko-LqkPTnDY-00307-00228509-00229158 in colleges. For example if the student wanted to change campuses Ko-LqkPTnDY-00308-00229158-00229808 would be able to take that information to transfer to a 4 year Ko-LqkPTnDY-00309-00229808-00230409 institution. With the work that they have done on their own portfolio be able to be Ko-LqkPTnDY-00310-00230409-00231009 transferred? To other areas that we looked at during our pilot program our Ko-LqkPTnDY-00311-00231009-00231658 operations, the potential of it portfolio to serve the whole campus or the whole Ko-LqkPTnDY-00312-00231658-00232308 state. And in our initial Ko-LqkPTnDY-00313-00232308-00233058 research we do not think that there is a separate statewide Ko-LqkPTnDY-00314-00233058-00233709 process for the community colleges. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00315-00233709-00234408 we did not really see a business model or a business plan at this point or statewide operations. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00316-00234408-00235058 But we do see that the function now the questions of how the portfolios would interact Ko-LqkPTnDY-00317-00235058-00235759 with each other and then in the teaching and learning how these portfolios can be used in different ways. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00318-00235759-00236408 So this California-P portfolio California project is on going and Ko-LqkPTnDY-00319-00236408-00237111 hopefully as we build our community in practice these practices around teaching and learning the issues of Ko-LqkPTnDY-00320-00237111-00237810 functionality and how we exchange data with portfolios will grow and expand in the state. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00321-00237810-00238458 One of the challenges is that we are in this really fluid or liquid Ko-LqkPTnDY-00322-00238458-00239060 space [on the board]. When I think of Ko-LqkPTnDY-00323-00239060-00239808 what the Web Ko-LqkPTnDY-00324-00239808-00240409 was like in the early days when there be any of these websites the EC listed on the board is Ko-LqkPTnDY-00325-00240409-00241258 at you see Ko-LqkPTnDY-00326-00241258-00241958 listed on the board-the ways that a student and Ko-LqkPTnDY-00327-00241958-00242658 and can lose their identity and Ko-LqkPTnDY-00328-00242658-00243260 and publish themselves on the Internet is growing and growing every day. The want to make sure that the electronic Ko-LqkPTnDY-00329-00243260-00244209 portfolio is still a separate and very useful tool for students to use. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00330-00244609-00245358 How do electronic portfolios relate to the students specific academic Ko-LqkPTnDY-00331-00245358-00245959 programs around teaching and Ko-LqkPTnDY-00332-00245959-00246408 learning in their schools. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00333-00246408-00247009 Here's some questions I thought might be good for us to look at as a group. [on the Ko-LqkPTnDY-00334-00247009-00247658 board] one of the challenges with the portfolios being more than just a collection Ko-LqkPTnDY-00335-00247762-00248458 of sites such as FaceBook or MySpace is that Ko-LqkPTnDY-00336-00248458-00249108 we do in corporate reflective practices and that the student is more aware and can take ownership of their learning. And the Ko-LqkPTnDY-00337-00249108-00249958 other one is that these other emerging technologies that do many of the things that electronic portfolios did Ko-LqkPTnDY-00338-00249958-00250608 before, how can this web to. Though easily capture video and Ko-LqkPTnDY-00339-00250608-00251258 capture audio really do what we can do electronic portfolios? I Ko-LqkPTnDY-00340-00251258-00252208 >> Ko-LqkPTnDY-00341-00252458-00253108 I was really struck by your previous Slide John in terms of thinking about how digital Ko-LqkPTnDY-00342-00253108-00253758 identity and how these things are merging and how you can talk about this in your electronic identity has Ko-LqkPTnDY-00343-00253758-00254458 changed from years ago. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00344-00254458-00255058 for the most part they are really site Ko-LqkPTnDY-00345-00255058-00255658 lo'd Ko-LqkPTnDY-00346-00255658-00256308 into these Web sites. What we're acknowledging is the diversity of our identity and make it more learning Center. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00347-00256308-00256959 In terms of the first question in terms of thinking about reflected Ko-LqkPTnDY-00348-00256959-00257709 thinking education ideas, because the learning landscape is changing so rapidly and becoming Ko-LqkPTnDY-00349-00257709-00258359 different with technologies and environment and tools-how do we make what we're putting forward as an Ko-LqkPTnDY-00350-00258359-00259058 electronic portfolio really relevant to the Ko-LqkPTnDY-00351-00259058-00259658 students? In universities and community colleges as well as for your institutions and to really take into consideration the Ko-LqkPTnDY-00352-00259658-00260366 audience that we are a going towards and where they are spending their Ko-LqkPTnDY-00353-00260366-00261008 time. In terms of the portfolio tools we really need to know we're competing against is going to be Ko-LqkPTnDY-00354-00261008-00261809 FaceBook and some of these other Web sites. And then also thinking about the mode or the Ko-LqkPTnDY-00355-00261809-00262458 medium in which information is being saved. Is it a laptop computer, it Ko-LqkPTnDY-00356-00262458-00263059 is a net buck or is it and mobile phone or is it an eye patch? I think these are Ko-LqkPTnDY-00357-00263059-00263660 just some things to keep in mind. I'll turn it back to you John for the second Ko-LqkPTnDY-00358-00263660-00263908 question. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00359-00263908-00264708 >> 4 meet I see these emerging technologies really being electronic portfolio enablers. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00360-00264708-00265358 And the ability to capture evidence in this sense we need to worry about it. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00361-00265358-00265958 And means staying on the news now that everybody is a reporter because you can use your I phoned and I think of Ko-LqkPTnDY-00362-00265958-00266709 just last week that plane that crashed into the IRS building in Austin Ko-LqkPTnDY-00363-00266709-00267358 TX-I was in Austin at the time and the local news was there and the first video that showed up for that incident had been Ko-LqkPTnDY-00364-00267358-00268011 caught on a person's eye phone and uploaded to the new station. But the ability Ko-LqkPTnDY-00365-00268011-00268658 to capture video So you can observe a student doing something or procedure and put it into Ko-LqkPTnDY-00366-00268658-00269358 a site where they can comment on reflection can be made, the EC sharing of Ko-LqkPTnDY-00367-00269358-00270167 collaborative work space where many of our students that things that we have our students work Ko-LqkPTnDY-00368-00270167-00270811 on. As always been a challenge for Ko-LqkPTnDY-00369-00270811-00271458 students to do collaborative work because how you balance this and how you documented to. With Ko-LqkPTnDY-00370-00271458-00272208 my courses through the electronic portfolio process is really much easier for the students to capture collaboration of some of Ko-LqkPTnDY-00371-00272208-00272809 these collaborative tools and online and then summarize it and that gets put Ko-LqkPTnDY-00372-00272809-00273509 into their electronic portfolios. As far as a reflection on their projects. So it has really Ko-LqkPTnDY-00373-00273509-00274158 added to the capability of having Richard data in electronic portfolio. I Ko-LqkPTnDY-00374-00274158-00274808 think the early electronic portfolio is that were paper based in came out of the tradition Ko-LqkPTnDY-00375-00274808-00275409 of writing Thanks and freshman writing class's where they would take their Ko-LqkPTnDY-00376-00275409-00276058 portfolio in make drafts. Now it is much easier to do in a writing course because they could start that can't Ko-LqkPTnDY-00377-00276058-00276708 know writing paper and then maybe typed paper and then it was trained by the printed Ko-LqkPTnDY-00378-00276708-00277308 page. But now these Web 2. No capabilities have enhanced in digitize the Ko-LqkPTnDY-00379-00277308-00277909 capability both skill and motion in capturing sound-we have Ko-LqkPTnDY-00380-00277909-00278559 really got some ability to make these portfolios extremely rich. I think in dental Ko-LqkPTnDY-00381-00278559-00279209 hygiene where you can worry about permissions and rights but actually being able Ko-LqkPTnDY-00382-00279209-00279858 to document is to working with the patient. There is a Canada group quiz using electronic portfolios Ko-LqkPTnDY-00383-00279858-00280558 and their well-being programs and they actually captured videos of the actual welding being done so that Ko-LqkPTnDY-00384-00280558-00281208 it wasn't a matter of describing a weld or doing a Weldon having somebody check it off but they Ko-LqkPTnDY-00385-00281208-00281960 were able to actually show them doing the wealth and their progress with the close-up camera and be able to look Ko-LqkPTnDY-00386-00281960-00282608 at. I mentioned both Ko-LqkPTnDY-00387-00282608-00283208 AAEEBL as a group that is emerging with practitioners in the Ko-LqkPTnDY-00388-00283208-00283858 area of assessment but another group that if you'd like to Ko-LqkPTnDY-00389-00283858-00284658 learn more about these projects is Ko-LqkPTnDY-00390-00284658-00285259 the International and National Coalition for electronic portfolio research. [on the Ko-LqkPTnDY-00391-00285259-00285908 board] for the last five years they have approximately 12 campuses that have looked at Ko-LqkPTnDY-00392-00285908-00286609 various electronic portfolio themes. And over a three-year period they have shared in a collaborative Ko-LqkPTnDY-00393-00286609-00287258 process their successes and challenges as a result of a book in a Ko-LqkPTnDY-00394-00287258-00287858 number of papers that have been published. So this is Ko-LqkPTnDY-00395-00287858-00288458 another very useful site. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00396-00288458-00289058 this Webinar was really overview of looking at electronic portfolios and thinking so I thought it would be good to give you Ko-LqkPTnDY-00397-00289058-00289858 some links to some other resources that could provide all the perspectives. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00399-00289959-00290609 We are now nearing the end of our hour, but if you want to contact the group here you can see the information and the URL Ko-LqkPTnDY-00400-00290609-00291609 in e-mail address on the board [on the board]. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00401-00292659-00293308 Here is my contact information with my e-mail and phone number right here on the board [on the Ko-LqkPTnDY-00402-00293308-00293708 board]. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00403-00293758-00294508 >> Ko-LqkPTnDY-00405-00295109-00295909 >> I want to thank calendar giving up her lunch hour to share with us and work with us. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00406-00296008-00296758 Helen Ko-LqkPTnDY-00407-00296758-00297408 for giving up her lunch hour to come work with us and share with us. I also want to Ko-LqkPTnDY-00408-00297408-00298058 thank Una who had to leave Ko-LqkPTnDY-00409-00298058-00298658 already that I really want to thank her for coming in sharing with us today. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00411-00301258-00302109 Also I mentioned that I did some work on electronic portfolios with a graduate Ko-LqkPTnDY-00412-00302358-00303308 seminar and adobe-I do not know it's called Adobe computing or just Adobe. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00413-00304108-00304758 Now, I would like to get to sort of a quick poll. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00414-00304758-00305408 If this helps you get a better understanding of electronic Ko-LqkPTnDY-00415-00305408-00306058 portfolios and in view of where things might be heading in California if you could indicate that by clicking on a smiley Ko-LqkPTnDY-00416-00306058-00306759 face in the participant box. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00417-00306759-00307608 If you did not like they you could do a frowning face or sign now because we are nearing the end of our hour. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00418-00307710-00308359 Again, I would like to thank both Helen and Patti for coming today. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00419-00308359-00308963 We will stay on line to answer any specific questions that you may have, either in the chat Ko-LqkPTnDY-00420-00308963-00309576 window or direct your Ko-LqkPTnDY-00421-00309576-00310108 question to us. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00422-00310508-00311108 >> Thank you John. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00423-00311108-00311808 There are a few questions in the chat window. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00424-00312259-00313008 For those of you need to leave, Ko-LqkPTnDY-00425-00313008-00313458 please feel free to leave. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00426-00313609-00314309 (reading statements in the chat Ko-LqkPTnDY-00427-00314309-00314908 window). Ko-LqkPTnDY-00428-00315108-00315774 I would like to tell Sharon to please keep checking our web site as we will be Ko-LqkPTnDY-00429-00315774-00316209 posting new things as they develop. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00430-00316658-00317359 I will go ahead and make this presentation available to you as a link on our web site or I can e-mail it to Ko-LqkPTnDY-00431-00317359-00318308 you. It looks like that is it. Do not see any more specific questions. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00433-00318708-00319409 >> The work that Helen mention with the value project-one of the Ko-LqkPTnDY-00434-00319409-00320059 challenges had is agreeing upon what the outcomes of the electronic portfolio should be. And then went to agree on that Ko-LqkPTnDY-00435-00320059-00320758 you need to look at what evidence you need for that and then how you judge that evidence Ko-LqkPTnDY-00436-00320758-00321258 to see if it is what you want. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00438-00321809-00322458 >> I would agree. A lot of what I have seen Ko-LqkPTnDY-00439-00322458-00323308 especially around learning outcomes being tied to federal education reform. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00440-00323408-00324058 It can also be done looking at individual classroom or an individual instructor and trying to figure out what you want your Ko-LqkPTnDY-00441-00324058-00324809 students to get out of taking this course and then also at the department level as well. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00443-00324908-00325508 >> Again, thank you all for attending. We will and the formal part of the presentation now, but Ko-LqkPTnDY-00444-00325508-00326109 as I mentioned Patti and I will stay on to monitor the chat area. They kill again for spending a Ko-LqkPTnDY-00445-00326109-00327059 Friday lunch hour with us and I hope you have a wonderful weekend and a great rest of your academic year. Ko-LqkPTnDY-00446-00329059-00330109 ank you again for spending your Friday lunchhour K82j4Wfm_QE-00000-00000000-00000050 2 week cabbage soup diet for weight loss K82j4Wfm_QE-00001-00000050-00000431 2 week cabbage soup diet for weight loss. what is a fad diet K82j4Wfm_QE-00002-00000431-00000824 fad diets can be best described as a quick means of weight loss that are K82j4Wfm_QE-00003-00000824-00001167 often only popular for a brief period of time K82j4Wfm_QE-00004-00001167-00001600 fad diets can range from methodologies as deeply entrenched as atkins and the K82j4Wfm_QE-00005-00001600-00002016 zone diet or as unsustainable as the cabbage soup diet or the special k K82j4Wfm_QE-00006-00002016-00002472 challenge diet first of all it needs to be understood that the weight loss K82j4Wfm_QE-00007-00002472-00002903 claims made by advocates of these diets are not only fleeting but unhealthy as K82j4Wfm_QE-00008-00002903-00003384 well diets like the cabbage soup diet and the grapefruit diet are going to K82j4Wfm_QE-00009-00003384-00003800 in the case of the cabbage soup diet make you flatulent and in both cases K82j4Wfm_QE-00010-00003800-00004144 have you only regain the weight immediately afterwards K82j4Wfm_QE-00011-00004144-00004648 fad diets will often over emphasize a single kind of food or type of food K82j4Wfm_QE-00012-00004648-00005071 for example one diet that strikes me as being absurd as the special k K82j4Wfm_QE-00013-00005071-00005487 challenge that advocates replacing two out of your three meals with any flavor K82j4Wfm_QE-00014-00005487-00005896 of special k cereal with two thirds a cup of skim milk thus typically K82j4Wfm_QE-00015-00005896-00006255 resulting in a five-pound weight loss after two weeks K82j4Wfm_QE-00016-00006255-00006600 the diet even advocates snacks consisting of special k K82j4Wfm_QE-00017-00006600-00007079 snack bars or fruits and vegetables astoundingly there is virtually no K82j4Wfm_QE-00018-00007079-00007408 decent source of protein included in this diet K82j4Wfm_QE-00019-00007408-00007815 while scanning the special k website the research used to make such rash K82j4Wfm_QE-00020-00007815-00008311 assertions as being healthful are vague they claim that kellogg's nutrition team K82j4Wfm_QE-00021-00008311-00008600 worked closely with leading universities in order to K82j4Wfm_QE-00022-00008600-00008920 arrive at their far-fetched conclusion to me K82j4Wfm_QE-00023-00008920-00009279 this means little more than a clever marketing ploy led by the kellogg K82j4Wfm_QE-00024-00009279-00009647 corporation diets like these don't take into account K82j4Wfm_QE-00025-00009647-00010047 that people that are truly committed to weight loss are also working out several K82j4Wfm_QE-00026-00010047-00010343 days a week so there would be a lack of calories needed K82j4Wfm_QE-00027-00010343-00010815 to properly refuel the body basically nutritional problems arise K82j4Wfm_QE-00028-00010815-00011232 when a so-called superfood becomes the focal point of a diet K82j4Wfm_QE-00029-00011232-00011639 another diet that falls into the superfood category as the cabbage soup K82j4Wfm_QE-00030-00011639-00011936 diet this one along with some other unadorned K82j4Wfm_QE-00031-00011936-00012288 diets have originated supposedly from hospitals, K82j4Wfm_QE-00032-00012288-00012736 diets such as the cabbage soup diet have been allegedly used by patients the week K82j4Wfm_QE-00033-00012736-00013200 before undergoing heart surgery by the end of the week after having only K82j4Wfm_QE-00034-00013200-00013584 eaten cabbage soup and fruits and vegetables one is supposed to lose K82j4Wfm_QE-00035-00013584-00014144 anywhere between 10 to 17 pounds unfortunately one cannot maintain such a K82j4Wfm_QE-00036-00014144-00014559 restricted diet for any prolonged period without feeling the ill effects of such K82j4Wfm_QE-00037-00014559-00014840 a poor diet such as vitamin deficiencies and the K82j4Wfm_QE-00038-00014840-00015200 toxic repercussions of cannibalized muscle tissue K82j4Wfm_QE-00039-00015200-00015631 furthermore this tremendous weight loss cannot be maintained once normal eating K82j4Wfm_QE-00040-00015631-00016008 patterns are resumed since water constitutes a large percentage of the K82j4Wfm_QE-00041-00016008-00016263 weight being lost and to make matters worse K82j4Wfm_QE-00042-00016263-00016704 these diets provide no plan on how to gradually and safely reduce calories K82j4Wfm_QE-00043-00016704-00017168 without compromising your own health no matter how great the food is none K82j4Wfm_QE-00044-00017168-00017648 should be treated as a panacea all diets need to be balanced as best as K82j4Wfm_QE-00045-00017648-00018176 possible so that no ill effects arise learn more about fad diets and find out K82j4Wfm_QE-00046-00018176-00018400 which is the best diet for your permanent weight K82j4Wfm_QE-00047-00018400-00018864 loss at fenforum.com the place to learn about phentermine online and healthy K82j4Wfm_QE-00048-00018864-00019231 weight loss join our support group for free and find K82j4Wfm_QE-00049-00019231-00019668 your own weight loss buddy learn how to lose weight and keep it off K82j4Wfm_QE-00050-00019668-00019968 forever K8_v02GbAJU-00000-00004072-00004498 NARRATOR: Upon completion of the photographic mission the film must be processed. K8_v02GbAJU-00001-00005464-00005828 On this mission a T3A camera has been used. K8_v02GbAJU-00002-00006216-00006712 Consequently, the entire camera must be removed to the laboratory dark room for unloading. K8_v02GbAJU-00003-00007120-00007465 The exposed film spool is removed from the camera. K8_v02GbAJU-00004-00008072-00008488 The loose end is taped and the film placed in its original container K8_v02GbAJU-00005-00008488-00008774 until such time as development can be accomplished. K8_v02GbAJU-00006-00009736-00010246 The B3A film developing assembly is standard equipment to the Air Corps. K8_v02GbAJU-00007-00010368-00010816 This assembly consists of three nesting non-corrosive metal tanks, K8_v02GbAJU-00008-00010816-00011376 a spool assembly to hold the film, a motor to transfer the film from one spool to the other K8_v02GbAJU-00009-00011376-00011860 during the developing process, and a loading plate used in loading the assembly. K8_v02GbAJU-00010-00011904-00012361 In using this apparatus for developing the following operations are performed. K8_v02GbAJU-00011-00012464-00012845 Place the exposed film spool in place on the loading plate. K8_v02GbAJU-00012-00013247-00013672 The end of the film is inserted in a slot in the developer assembly spool K8_v02GbAJU-00013-00013672-00014184 and secured by means of the small spring retaining latch in the top of the assembly spool. K8_v02GbAJU-00014-00014824-00015293 Transfer the film from the camera spool to the developer assembly spool. K8_v02GbAJU-00015-00016296-00016640 Cut off squarely the tapered end of the exposed film K8_v02GbAJU-00016-00016640-00016998 and secure this end in the same manner as the other end of the film. K8_v02GbAJU-00017-00017400-00017919 To facilitate this operation the assembly may be placed horizontally on the table. K8_v02GbAJU-00018-00018408-00018848 Load the assembly so that the film may be transferred from one spool to the other K8_v02GbAJU-00019-00018848-00019413 with the emulsion to the outside of the spool and unobstructed by the assembly support rod. K8_v02GbAJU-00020-00020744-00021192 Before the unit with the exposed film roll is placed in the developing solution K8_v02GbAJU-00021-00021192-00021480 it is generally best to immerse it in clean water K8_v02GbAJU-00022-00021480-00022040 and transfer the film from one spool to the other once or twice to eliminate air bells or bubbles. K8_v02GbAJU-00023-00022800-00023200 After immersing the wet film in the developing solution, quickly transfer K8_v02GbAJU-00024-00023200-00023734 the film from one spool to the other by hand and re-transfer to the original spool. K8_v02GbAJU-00025-00024072-00024621 This rapid transfer from one spool to the other ensures even development of the negative. K8_v02GbAJU-00026-00025432-00025937 The motor drive unit can now be placed on the film spool assembly and set in motion. K8_v02GbAJU-00027-00027424-00027944 When all of the film has been transferred from one spool to the other, the tension created by the K8_v02GbAJU-00028-00027944-00028520 fastened end of the film automatically reverses the direction of the drive unit. The entire unit K8_v02GbAJU-00029-00028520-00029124 then tips and the motor drive engages the empty spool and repeats the transferring process. K8_v02GbAJU-00030-00029464-00029981 The processing tanks must be reasonably level or the motor unit will not function properly. K8_v02GbAJU-00031-00030080-00030504 After the film has remained in a developing solution the required length of time K8_v02GbAJU-00032-00030504-00030983 the excess developer should be allowed to drain off before immersing in the rinse water. K8_v02GbAJU-00033-00031095-00031480 Here again the film is transferred from one spool to the other by hand K8_v02GbAJU-00034-00031480-00031770 to eliminate the greater part of the developing agent. K8_v02GbAJU-00035-00032383-00032832 Transfer the assembly from the rinse water to the hypo solution or fixing bath-- K8_v02GbAJU-00036-00033568-00034043 --where proper agitation must be maintained for a period of at least 30 minutes. K8_v02GbAJU-00037-00038016-00038532 The film must then be transferred to the wash water where all traces of the hypo are removed. K8_v02GbAJU-00038-00038568-00038832 Here again the film should remain in running water K8_v02GbAJU-00039-00038832-00039195 and be agitated by the motor drive for another period of 30 minutes. K8_v02GbAJU-00040-00043712-00044114 From the wash water the film is taken immediately to the film dryer. K8_v02GbAJU-00041-00044152-00044616 Here the entire assembly is placed in the tray on the front of the dryer. This tray K8_v02GbAJU-00042-00044616-00045136 should contain clean water to rinse the film immediately before it goes on the drying drum. K8_v02GbAJU-00043-00045400-00045712 Place the metal lead clip on the end of the film. K8_v02GbAJU-00044-00045712-00046240 This metal clip serves as a guide for the film as it passes over the rollers on the drum. K8_v02GbAJU-00045-00046736-00047184 Thread the metal film leader over the first film roller and start about eight or ten K8_v02GbAJU-00046-00047184-00047628 inches of the film down between the rollers and the slits in the outside of the drum. K8_v02GbAJU-00047-00050000-00050309 Start the blower on the drying drum K8_v02GbAJU-00048-00050430-00050743 and carefully guide the film onto the lead rollers. K8_v02GbAJU-00049-00050904-00051384 In the drying process the film makes one complete revolution of the drying drum K8_v02GbAJU-00050-00051384-00051737 and will be held tightly to the rollers by the air from the blower-- K8_v02GbAJU-00051-00053008-00053320 --and will be propelled around the drying drum between the rollers K8_v02GbAJU-00052-00053320-00053588 and the air slits in the outside of the drum. K8_v02GbAJU-00053-00054912-00055264 After the film has passed completely around the drying drum K8_v02GbAJU-00054-00055264-00055708 the metal leader should be taken off and the folded end of the film removed. K8_v02GbAJU-00055-00057848-00058367 Thread the dry roll of film under the take-up spool and fasten the end squarely to the spool K8_v02GbAJU-00056-00058367-00058864 with two short pieces of adhesive tape. The film will now be automatically wound K8_v02GbAJU-00057-00058864-00059240 onto the take-up spool with the emulsion to the inside of the roll. K8_v02GbAJU-00058-00059536-00059896 After the film makes the complete revolution of the drying drum K8_v02GbAJU-00059-00059896-00060384 it is wound on a metal spool on the same side of the dryer on which it was inserted. K8_v02GbAJU-00060-00060936-00061681 The dry film is then ready to be lettered in conformance with Air Corps Circular No. 95-3. K8_v02GbAJU-00061-00061960-00062384 Place the roll of negative on the front of the lettering table and feed the end K8_v02GbAJU-00062-00062384-00062837 of the film under the straight edge to the take-up spool on the far side of the table. K8_v02GbAJU-00063-00063320-00063826 Lettering is accomplished with india ink and a lettering pen on the glossy side of the negative. K8_v02GbAJU-00064-00063960-00064320 Each negative should be lettered in the lower right hand corner. K8_v02GbAJU-00065-00064320-00064640 The information should consist of the type of picture, K8_v02GbAJU-00066-00064640-00065367 location, organization number, date and time of day, focal length of lens, and altitude. K8_v02GbAJU-00067-00065720-00066040 If the project is a mosaic job, sufficient paper K8_v02GbAJU-00068-00066040-00066474 of the same emulsion number should be on hand to complete the entire project. K8_v02GbAJU-00069-00066864-00067192 Printing all the negatives on paper of the same emulsion K8_v02GbAJU-00070-00067192-00067824 aids materially in maintaining the same degree of contrast in the finished prints. The photographer K8_v02GbAJU-00071-00067824-00068357 should therefore set aside this required amount of paper until such time as it is needed. K8_v02GbAJU-00072-00068918-00069378 Enough developer should also be mixed at one time to complete the work. K8_v02GbAJU-00073-00070192-00070755 This should be diluted to the standard proportions with water and the proper temperature maintained. K8_v02GbAJU-00074-00072840-00073283 Place the roll of negatives in the printer in such manner that the emulsion side of the K8_v02GbAJU-00075-00073283-00073800 negative will be in contact with the emulsion side of the paper when the print is made. K8_v02GbAJU-00076-00074440-00074839 Place the paper in the printer with the emulsion side toward the negative. K8_v02GbAJU-00077-00075744-00076212 Several prints should be made at the same time so that they may be developed together. K8_v02GbAJU-00078-00076824-00077475 In printing negatives from the T3A camera, the B7 printer is used for the oblique photographs. K8_v02GbAJU-00079-00078000-00078408 The necessary correction in scale is made by projection printing K8_v02GbAJU-00080-00078408-00078749 and the prints develop in the same manner as the contact prints. K8_v02GbAJU-00081-00079600-00080008 Immerse the prints in the developing solution and make sure that all air K8_v02GbAJU-00082-00080008-00080289 bells and bubbles are broken when the paper is immersed. K8_v02GbAJU-00083-00080656-00080960 In developing a number of prints at the same time, K8_v02GbAJU-00084-00080960-00081480 the degree of contrast to which the prints are being developed can be compared and controlled K8_v02GbAJU-00085-00081480-00082002 with a much greater degree of accuracy than by the development of each print separately. K8_v02GbAJU-00086-00082336-00082680 When the prints have been developed to the proper stage, they should be K8_v02GbAJU-00087-00082680-00083169 immersed in the shortstop solution and then placed in the hypo fixing bath. K8_v02GbAJU-00088-00083616-00084031 From the fixing bath solution place the prints in the wash water. K8_v02GbAJU-00089-00084376-00084856 Here they should remain at least 30 minutes to remove all traces of the chemicals K8_v02GbAJU-00090-00084856-00085140 and to ensure the permanency of the prints. K8_v02GbAJU-00091-00086504-00086896 The photographer should maintain the strength of the developing solution K8_v02GbAJU-00092-00086896-00087169 by frequent addition of fresh solution. K8_v02GbAJU-00093-00088208-00088768 Drying the prints is usually accomplished by placing the wet paper prints on a canvas belt, K8_v02GbAJU-00094-00088768-00089031 which rotates around a heated drum. K8_v02GbAJU-00095-00090736-00091344 The photographs made by the T3A camera are mounted either by the use of an adhesive-- K8_v02GbAJU-00096-00093056-00093317 --or by the use of staples. K8_v02GbAJU-00097-00096968-00097352 The completed prints for a mosaic are matched for contrast K8_v02GbAJU-00098-00097352-00097800 so that a maximum degree of uniformity may be obtained in the finished mosaic. K8_v02GbAJU-00099-00098864-00099160 In the preparation of a mosaic, a control network K8_v02GbAJU-00100-00099160-00099584 is first plotted on a military grid of sufficient size for the project. K8_v02GbAJU-00101-00100024-00100664 These known points are obtained from existing surveys, United States Geological Survey sheets, K8_v02GbAJU-00102-00100664-00101120 road maps, or triangulation points set up especially for the project. K8_v02GbAJU-00103-00101392-00101792 The known points are carefully plotted and plainly marked on the grid K8_v02GbAJU-00104-00101792-00102122 so that the photographs may be accurately mounted. K8_v02GbAJU-00105-00104159-00104704 In mounting the photographs on the grid, the first step is to match the photograph or contrast K8_v02GbAJU-00106-00104704-00105081 and to check the scale with a photograph to which it will be adjacent. K8_v02GbAJU-00107-00105488-00105824 Next, trim the edge of the photograph with a razor blade K8_v02GbAJU-00108-00105824-00106307 being careful just to cut through the emulsion and not all the way through the paper. K8_v02GbAJU-00109-00107288-00107677 Now the trimmed edge should be folded back away from the emulsion. K8_v02GbAJU-00110-00107848-00108183 Thus by tearing this trimmed edge away from the operator K8_v02GbAJU-00111-00108183-00108574 it will be found that a feather edge has been created on the print to be mounted. K8_v02GbAJU-00112-00109048-00109369 This rough edge should be smoothed with sandpaper. K8_v02GbAJU-00113-00110256-00110535 Thoroughly cover the back of the print with adhesive and K8_v02GbAJU-00114-00110535-00110783 carefully place the photograph on the mountant. K8_v02GbAJU-00115-00111583-00112043 Roads, streams, or wooded areas can be used to match the prints. K8_v02GbAJU-00116-00112472-00112800 Excess adhesive may be removed by a bone squeegee. K8_v02GbAJU-00117-00114024-00114488 To correct local areas on the mosaic, portions may be trimmed out of photographs K8_v02GbAJU-00118-00114488-00114983 which match that area and mounted in the same manner as the original photograph. K8_v02GbAJU-00119-00115359-00115720 The completed mosaic is delivered to the interpretation officer K8_v02GbAJU-00120-00115720-00116093 who translates its images into the desired information. K8_v02GbAJU-00121-00117183-00117505 By the use of the stereoscope and the finishedmosaic, K8_v02GbAJU-00122-00117505-00117988 much useful data may be obtained, such as new enemy gun positions, K8_v02GbAJU-00123-00117988-00118393 troop movements,new trench excavations, and camouflage. K8_v02GbAJU-00124-00119056-00119640 Close cooperation between the photographic unit and the interpretation officer is essential. K9G2Ac4xf9g-00000-00000000-00001300 Vishwa video tutorial K9G2Ac4xf9g-00001-00001500-00002900 Go to DOS lab website at http://dos.iitm.ac.in K9G2Ac4xf9g-00002-00003000-00005000 Access the Vishwa webpage K9G2Ac4xf9g-00003-00005500-00006500 To get the latest Vishwa middleware, go to the "Downloads" section K9G2Ac4xf9g-00004-00006700-00008000 Fill in your usage details K9G2Ac4xf9g-00006-00018000-00019000 Click download after accepting the terms and conditions K9G2Ac4xf9g-00007-00019100-00020000 Save the downloadVishwa.zip file K9G2Ac4xf9g-00008-00020500-00022000 Unzip the downloaded file K9G2Ac4xf9g-00009-00022100-00023000 It contains both Vishwa grid and zonal server jars K9G2Ac4xf9g-00010-00022100-00023000 . K9G2Ac4xf9g-00011-00023000-00025200 Open a terminal and check your java version K9G2Ac4xf9g-00012-00025500-00026500 Since, we are using this machine as client, the java version in the grid nodes should be above 1.6.0_18 (openjdk) K9G2Ac4xf9g-00013-00026500-00027500 In this tutorial, we will use 3 more nodes K9G2Ac4xf9g-00014-00027500-00028800 1 zonal server and 2 grid nodes will be used K9G2Ac4xf9g-00015-00029000-00030800 Login to the zonal server at IP: K9G2Ac4xf9g-00016-00031000-00032000 Check the java version at the Zonal server K9G2Ac4xf9g-00017-00032000-00033000 The version is 1.6.0_20 which is above the version at the client(correct) K9G2Ac4xf9g-00019-00037000-00038000 Check the java versions in these machines also K9G2Ac4xf9g-00020-00039000-00040000 The verions are above the version in the client machine(correct) K9G2Ac4xf9g-00021-00041000-00043000 Otherwise you need to upgrade the java version in these machines K9G2Ac4xf9g-00024-00053000-00054000 Note the ZonalServer IP first K9G2Ac4xf9g-00025-00055000-00055800 Start the zonal server at (set initial parameters as 0,0) K9G2Ac4xf9g-00026-00056000-00058500 Start the grid nodes at and with the zonal server IP as commandline argument K9G2Ac4xf9g-00027-00058500-00059000 Now the Vishwa grid has started with the 2 grid nodes and 1 zonal server K9G2Ac4xf9g-00028-00059000-00059500 But we don't have a job to submit to the grid yet! :) K9G2Ac4xf9g-00029-00059500-00060000 For tutorial purpose, we will download and run one of the examples from the website K9G2Ac4xf9g-00030-00060000-00060500 Go to the "Examples" page in the website K9G2Ac4xf9g-00031-00060000-00060500 Download the Square generation example K9G2Ac4xf9g-00032-00060500-00061000 It is "toy" grid job which computes the square of all the integers between 1 and 100 K9G2Ac4xf9g-00033-00061000-00061500 The job is spit into 10 sub-tasks(1-10, 11-20, 21-30 etc.) K9G2Ac4xf9g-00034-00061500-00062800 Unzip square.zip K9G2Ac4xf9g-00035-00063000-00064000 It contains the Vishwa job source files: PrimeClient.java and Prime.java K9G2Ac4xf9g-00036-00064000-00064500 We will not go into the details of the file now. But will make it run quick :) K9G2Ac4xf9g-00037-00064500-00065000 For details check the "Programming Vishwa" page in the website K9G2Ac4xf9g-00038-00065500-00066000 Set the grid node IP to one of the grid nodes in SquareClient.java K9G2Ac4xf9g-00039-00067000-00068500 Save the file after modification. K9G2Ac4xf9g-00040-00069000-00070000 Compile the Vishwa job source files K9G2Ac4xf9g-00041-00070000-00070500 Now we are ready to submit our Vishwa job K9G2Ac4xf9g-00042-00071500-00073500 Start the Vishwa job using java command K9G2Ac4xf9g-00043-00073500-00074000 The jobs are now executing on the two grid nodes K9G2Ac4xf9g-00044-00074500-00075300 The jobs are now executing on the two grid nodes K9G2Ac4xf9g-00045-00075500-00076300 The program finished execution after the results are obtained from the grid nodes K9G2Ac4xf9g-00046-00076500-00078000 The computed results are available at "squareresult.txt" K9G2Ac4xf9g-00047-00079000-00081000 We can stop the Vishwa grid now by terminating all the grid and zonal server processes K9G2Ac4xf9g-00048-00081500-00083000 You can go to the "Programming Vishwa" page to have a step-by-step tutorial on writing Vishwa jobs. K9G2Ac4xf9g-00049-00083000-00084000 Vishwa is designed to scale across thousands of nodes and handles failures seamlessly. K9G2Ac4xf9g-00050-00084000-00085000 THANK YOU Krdh6WImUsY-00000-00000112-00000316 All right, another tool that we have in the oyster Krdh6WImUsY-00001-00000316-00000621 farming smartphone app is the idea of stocking density. Krdh6WImUsY-00002-00000621-00000777 So if you've used the tool before, Krdh6WImUsY-00003-00000777-00001036 you have an idea of how many oysters you have here. Krdh6WImUsY-00004-00001036-00001236 And so we have the ability of, if you go to your Krdh6WImUsY-00005-00001236-00001442 stocking density, and tell it, Krdh6WImUsY-00006-00001576-00001817 you know you're giving this a name, Krdh6WImUsY-00007-00001817-00002037 but then you're telling it, you're picking the delivery Krdh6WImUsY-00008-00002037-00002289 that came in most recently. Krdh6WImUsY-00009-00002289-00002538 So, or the one that you're referring to here. Krdh6WImUsY-00010-00002538-00002904 So, I go back to the one that we calculated earlier, Krdh6WImUsY-00011-00002904-00003404 and it tells me that I've got 84,476 oyster's seed in here. Krdh6WImUsY-00012-00003406-00003572 Let's say that I wanted to do this by the number Krdh6WImUsY-00013-00003572-00003781 of seed per bag, let's say I wanna make sure that Krdh6WImUsY-00014-00003781-00004019 I'm stocking 2,000 seed, Krdh6WImUsY-00015-00004019-00004281 let's say 2,500 seed per bag. Krdh6WImUsY-00016-00004474-00004762 I entered 2,500 and it tells me that I would need Krdh6WImUsY-00017-00004762-00004982 74.72 Krdh6WImUsY-00018-00004982-00005081 grams Krdh6WImUsY-00019-00005081-00005315 of oyster to get to that number. Krdh6WImUsY-00020-00005315-00005448 So I wanna zero this out. Krdh6WImUsY-00021-00005625-00005868 74 grams, let's see how close I can get. Krdh6WImUsY-00022-00005956-00006419 Okay, so looking at this, this is the amount of Krdh6WImUsY-00023-00006419-00006570 approximate number of oysters that you would need Krdh6WImUsY-00024-00006570-00006773 to have 2,500 Krdh6WImUsY-00025-00006773-00006966 oysters per bag. Krdh6WImUsY-00026-00006966-00007350 The app tells me that that means that I better have up of Krdh6WImUsY-00027-00007350-00007717 33.7, let's call it 34 bags, Krdh6WImUsY-00028-00007717-00007890 ready to stock those into. Krdh6WImUsY-00029-00007988-00008304 Maybe I decide that I only have 25 bags today, Krdh6WImUsY-00030-00008304-00008578 so instead I say I'm gonna lose 25 bags. Krdh6WImUsY-00031-00008578-00008770 Then it lets me know one fact, Krdh6WImUsY-00032-00008770-00008853 you should put Krdh6WImUsY-00033-00008853-00009202 101 grams in each container, and that would be Krdh6WImUsY-00034-00009202-00009315 more oysters of course. Krdh6WImUsY-00035-00009315-00009465 That, in this case, would be Krdh6WImUsY-00036-00009465-00009753 3,379 Krdh6WImUsY-00037-00009753-00009968 oysters would go per bag. Krdh6WImUsY-00038-00009968-00010216 So, it'll put that out as a record, Krdh6WImUsY-00039-00010216-00010361 it will save that for me, Krdh6WImUsY-00040-00010361-00010616 and again I can share that with colleagues, Krdh6WImUsY-00041-00010616-00010940 or just keep that for my own record keeping. KsDTeJu5eSg-00000-00000000-00000200 Halo teman teman semua,di vidio ini,saya menginpirasi agar tanah yang yang kosong menjadi bermanfa,at.dan bisa menghasilkan/keuntuntungan.memanfa,atkan tanah kosong di belakang/samping rumah sangat bagus untuk penghijauan dan kesehatan lingkungan di skitar rumah KvJZos_q4fI-00000-00001807-00002544 Hello, I'm Brian Ferrill. Welcome to PACE I T's session on client side network setup part three. KvJZos_q4fI-00001-00002562-00003068 Today, we're going to discuss the difference between the various network profiles, KvJZos_q4fI-00002-00003068-00003778 firewall settings, setting up an alternative IP address, and network card properties. KvJZos_q4fI-00003-00003778-00004506 With that, let's go ahead and begin this session. Let's begin by discussing the difference between KvJZos_q4fI-00004-00004507-00005328 the home, work, and public network profiles. Home networks, well, Windows Firewall classifies KvJZos_q4fI-00005-00005328-00005943 home networks as private. Network discovery is turned on by default. That means the PC KvJZos_q4fI-00006-00005943-00006622 is visible and discoverable by other PCs on the network. HomeGroups can be created and KvJZos_q4fI-00007-00006622-00007393 joined using this profile. Now, let's move on to the Work network profile. Windows Firewall KvJZos_q4fI-00008-00007393-00008119 classifies work networks as private as well. Network discovery is turned on by default KvJZos_q4fI-00009-00008119-00008909 here as well. But, HomeGroups cannot be created or joined from a Work network profile. KvJZos_q4fI-00010-00008909-00009769 The last of the profiles is public network. Windows Firewall classifies public networks as, well, public. KvJZos_q4fI-00011-00009814-00010284 Network discovery is turned off by default, and it's harder to be seen or to KvJZos_q4fI-00012-00010284-00011122 see other devices on networks using this profile. Now, let's discuss firewall settings. We begin KvJZos_q4fI-00013-00011122-00011831 our discussion on firewall settings by talking about Windows XP Firewall. Windows XP's Firewall KvJZos_q4fI-00014-00011831-00012421 gives you three tabs. There's the General tab. You can turn the firewall on and you KvJZos_q4fI-00015-00012421-00013073 can also allow or disallow exceptions from this tab. Speaking of exceptions, let's move KvJZos_q4fI-00016-00013073-00013823 onto that tab. This allows specific traffic to reach the PC or to leave the PC. KvJZos_q4fI-00017-00013836-00014408 There are five predefined exception rules that can be enabled or disabled from here. KvJZos_q4fI-00018-00014408-00015259 Programs and ports can be exceptions. The last tab is Advanced. That's more than just the basics. KvJZos_q4fI-00019-00015259-00015748 If you have two Internet interface cards that need different firewall settings, not a problem KvJZos_q4fI-00020-00015748-00016434 with the Advanced tab. The Advanced tab also allows for logging of firewall traffic. KvJZos_q4fI-00021-00016474-00017404 Windows Firewall turns off ICMP resources by default. It can be turned on by the Advanced tab. KvJZos_q4fI-00022-00017406-00018074 Let's discuss firewall settings for Windows Vista and Windows 7. Let's discuss basic firewall KvJZos_q4fI-00023-00018074-00018776 configuration. You can reach Window's Firewall from the Control Panel. The home page allows KvJZos_q4fI-00024-00018776-00019412 the user to see basic information. If you choose the Turn Windows Firewall On or Off KvJZos_q4fI-00025-00019412-00020154 link, this provides some more control over firewall behavior. The Allow Program or Feature KvJZos_q4fI-00026-00020154-00020729 Through Windows Firewall link provides basic control over some exceptions. Now Windows KvJZos_q4fI-00027-00020729-00021334 Firewall with Advanced Security added more functionality. Rules can be created for both KvJZos_q4fI-00028-00021334-00022070 inbound and outbound traffic. Rules can be configured by IP address, network ID, ports, KvJZos_q4fI-00029-00022070-00022812 protocols, or applications. Rules can be based on network profile. Does it only affect Private KvJZos_q4fI-00030-00022812-00023390 or Public networks? Let's discuss alternative IP addressing. KvJZos_q4fI-00031-00023406-00024268 Alternative IP addressing can be a good tool for a mobile user. Why is that? Well, not all networks KvJZos_q4fI-00032-00024268-00024998 use DHCP. If a mobile user travels between locations and one of those networks does not KvJZos_q4fI-00033-00024998-00025772 use DHCP, then, when the user gets to that location, their mobile device will not connect. KvJZos_q4fI-00034-00025772-00026418 So, in order to connect, we need to input an alternative IP address. So, how can that KvJZos_q4fI-00035-00026418-00027168 be done? You go to the network interface card in your system. You select Properties. KvJZos_q4fI-00036-00027174-00027839 From the Properties, you select Internet Protocol v4. From there, you select Properties. KvJZos_q4fI-00037-00027852-00028468 That will bring you to the Configuration page. If you're using DHCP you will have access KvJZos_q4fI-00038-00028468-00029018 to the Alternate Configuration page. Click on that. That gives you access to the page KvJZos_q4fI-00039-00029018-00029569 where you get to set up the information for the alternate IP address. In order to fill KvJZos_q4fI-00040-00029569-00030211 this out properly, you need to know which IP address to use and which submask is valid. KvJZos_q4fI-00041-00030211-00030733 You also need to know the location of the DNS server and default gateway. KvJZos_q4fI-00042-00030756-00031545 Let's move on to network card properties, NICs. Oops, that's the wrong Nick. There we go. KvJZos_q4fI-00043-00031545-00032124 When you're talking about network card properties, NIC properties, the first thing KvJZos_q4fI-00044-00032124-00032803 that we need to discuss is duplex. There is half duplex and full duplex. Half duplex means KvJZos_q4fI-00045-00032803-00033471 that the NIC can send or receive, but it can only do one at a time. Full duplex, on the KvJZos_q4fI-00046-00033471-00034068 other hand, means that your NIC can send and receive at the same time. All NICs have a KvJZos_q4fI-00047-00034068-00034836 rated speed. Speed is usually determined by bits per second. That's lowercase b-p-s. KvJZos_q4fI-00048-00034888-00035634 Which is vastly different than bytes per second which is capital B-p-s. The difference is KvJZos_q4fI-00049-00035634-00036408 an order of magnitude of 8. You should know which speed your NIC can operate at. KvJZos_q4fI-00050-00036458-00037164 Some NICs have a wake-on LAN feature. What that means is that when the PC is turned off, there KvJZos_q4fI-00051-00037165-00037816 is a little bit of trickle power that is supplied to the NIC, which is listening for a wake-up KvJZos_q4fI-00052-00037816-00038533 signal on the network. The network can send out a timed signal and the NIC can actually KvJZos_q4fI-00053-00038533-00039151 boot the PC from the signal. Then there's QoS, quality of service. KvJZos_q4fI-00054-00039168-00039724 That's the ability to give priority to certain network traffic in order to improve performance of KvJZos_q4fI-00055-00039724-00040534 a given application or service. QoS is often utilized in situations where Voice over IP KvJZos_q4fI-00056-00040534-00041198 is used, as the voice traffic needs a high priority to ensure clear communication. KvJZos_q4fI-00057-00041216-00041849 That concludes this session on client side network setup part three. We discussed various KvJZos_q4fI-00058-00041849-00042640 network profiles, firewall settings, alternate IP addressing, and we concluded with discussing KvJZos_q4fI-00059-00042640-00043265 network interface card properties. On behalf of PACE I T, thank you for viewing this session KvJZos_q4fI-00060-00043265-00043523 and I'm sure there will be some more. KzYgvQRRfBY-00000-00000000-00001804 foreign [Music] KzYgvQRRfBY-00001-00001804-00002016 [Music] KzYgvQRRfBY-00002-00002016-00003832 three [Music] you K-mEeCYDHGI-00000-00000000-00000340 Ding ding ding... K-mEeCYDHGI-00001-00000352-00000454 Good Morning... K-mEeCYDHGI-00002-00000505-00000752 Ding Ding Ding... K-mEeCYDHGI-00003-00000758-00000956 BOW POW POW BOW K-mEeCYDHGI-00004-00001006-00001098 Good Morning! K-mEeCYDHGI-00005-00001108-00001322 BOW POW POW BOW K-mEeCYDHGI-00006-00001328-00001440 Good Morning! K-mEeCYDHGI-00007-00001444-00001636 BOW POW POW BOW K-mEeCYDHGI-00008-00001636-00001734 Beautiful Day! K-mEeCYDHGI-00009-00001734-00001823 BOW POW POW BOW K-mEeCYDHGI-00010-00001823-00001996 It's a beautiful day! K-mEeCYDHGI-00011-00001996-00002126 Ding Ding Ding... K-mEeCYDHGI-00012-00002126-00002232 Yay It's the end of the video let's all go home! KBHdAUgKIzA-00000-00000030-00000066 foreign KBHdAUgKIzA-00001-00007572-00009402 directions KBHdAUgKIzA-00002-00010848-00011052 foreign KBHdAUgKIzA-00003-00011538-00011658 foreign KHHR_2avjlY-00000-00000165-00000362 Thank you for watching candlestick trading video KHHR_2avjlY-00001-00000362-00000888 Hello Mr Long, Im using much strategy scalping but i lose KHHR_2avjlY-00002-00000888-00001082 much time and lose money. KHHR_2avjlY-00003-00001082-00001664 Can you show me please a simple and good strategy for scalping and where put stop loss and take KHHR_2avjlY-00004-00001664-00001882 profit ? Thank you for your time. KHHR_2avjlY-00005-00001882-00002410 this is 1hour chart here is 24 candlesticks KHHR_2avjlY-00007-00006712-00008175 from 24 candlestick' low stop loss is 24 candlestick' high to low distance KHHR_2avjlY-00008-00008175-00009336 from 24 candlestick' high you can take profit KHHR_2avjlY-00009-00009336-00009376 Thank you KHclUZ0lM4I-00000-00000000-00000200 How to calculate income Tax KI3GeP04gjI-00000-00001100-00001900 PM Narendra Modi's 'derogatory' remarks on BK Hariprasad expunged from Rajya Sabha records KI3GeP04gjI-00001-00002000-00004000 PM Narendra Modi's 'derogatory' remarks on BK Hariprasad expunged from Rajya Sabha records Rajya Sabha Chairman M Venkaiah Naidu on Friday expunged certain remarks made by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in the House that were found to be "objectionable". KI3GeP04gjI-00002-00004100-00006100 Certain remarks made by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Congress MP BK Hariprasad in the Upper House of Parliament on Thursday were expunged by Rajya Sabha Chairman M Venkaiah Naidu on Friday as they were found to be "objectionable" and "derogatory". KI3GeP04gjI-00003-00006200-00007500 Modi had made the remarks after Hariprasad lost the election to the post of theRajya Sabha Deputy Chairperson to National Democratic Alliance's Harivansh Narayan Singh. KI3GeP04gjI-00004-00007600-00009400 The remarks were expunged after some members made a demand in this regard, according to the Rajya Sabha Secretariat. Naidu had on Thursday said in the House that he will look into the remarks and see if there was something objectionable. KI3GeP04gjI-00005-00009500-00011400 The remarks were made by the prime minister while felicitating newly-elected Rajya Sabha Deputy Chairman Harivansh Narayan Singh in the House on Thursday. Hariprasad said it was unfortunate that the prime minister had lowered the dignity of the House. KI3GeP04gjI-00006-00011500-00013700 The chairman also expunged a word uttered by Union Minister Ramdas Athawale during the felicitations. In a closely fought election, NDA candidate and JDU member Harivansh Narayan Singh was elected as the Rajya Sabha Deputy Chairperson, defeating Hariprasad. KI3GeP04gjI-00007-00013800-00014800 As the voice vote remained inconclusive, Rajya Sabha Chairman M Venkaiah Naidu called for the division of votes in the House. KI3GeP04gjI-00008-00014900-00017000 After the voting, Harivansh Narayan Singh emerged as a winner with 125 votes, while Hariprasad got 105 votes in his favour. Soon after the announcement, PM Modi went to Harivansh Narayan Singh to congratulate him on the win. KI3GeP04gjI-00009-00017100-00018700 "I congratulate Harivansh ji on behalf of the whole house. He has been blessed with the talent of writing. He was also a favourite of former PM Chandra Shekhar ji," PM Modi said. KI3GeP04gjI-00010-00018800-00021600 Leader of the Opposition in Rajya Sabha Ghulam Nabi Azad also congratulated Singh and expressed hope that as a Deputy Chairperson, he will pay heed to the objections raised by the Opposition and won't be partial towards the NDA government. The post of Rajya Sabha deputy chairman had been lying vacant since the retirement of PJ Kurien on July 1. . KKrzqClhTh8-00000-00000160-00000832 In this unit we will cover section 6.1 of the textbook KKrzqClhTh8-00001-00000896-00001320 in which we learn to find the volumes KKrzqClhTh8-00002-00001320-00001728 of certain three-dimensional objects. KKrzqClhTh8-00003-00001855-00002280 This geometric material can seem KKrzqClhTh8-00004-00002280-00002824 very abstract and somewhat inapplicable KKrzqClhTh8-00005-00002824-00003456 to the real world but perhaps more interesting KKrzqClhTh8-00006-00003456-00003800 than the formulas themselves KKrzqClhTh8-00007-00003856-00004072 are the methods we use KKrzqClhTh8-00008-00004072-00004312 to find the formulas: KKrzqClhTh8-00009-00004312-00004776 using approximations that get KKrzqClhTh8-00010-00004776-00005080 better and better until we KKrzqClhTh8-00011-00005080-00005608 using a limit makes them exact KKAZZbBpv2g-00000-00000770-00000856 Good news. KKAZZbBpv2g-00001-00000918-00001144 Help is on the way. KKAZZbBpv2g-00002-00001632-00002102 I love Australia, I think of the Little River Band down here. KKAZZbBpv2g-00003-00002114-00002450 Hold on, help is on the way KKAZZbBpv2g-00004-00003446-00004132 You know, there's so many paths up the mountain, the view from the top, is still the same. KKAZZbBpv2g-00005-00004390-00004926 Holy Spirit reached me through the Little River Band, from down under many years ago. KKAZZbBpv2g-00006-00005292-00006068 It comes from music, I mean, I've listened to so much music, it's like Spirit has been serenading me all along. KKAZZbBpv2g-00007-00006128-00006878 Even songs like back years ago that I loved that it wasn't until my mind kind of opened up that I started paying attention to the lyrics. KKAZZbBpv2g-00008-00006894-00007294 And going, Oh my gosh, no wonder I loved that song. KKAZZbBpv2g-00009-00007320-00007536 It was the Spirit serenading me. KKAZZbBpv2g-00010-00007581-00008072 So, through the movies, through the music, to the people we meet. KKAZZbBpv2g-00011-00008072-00008204 You know, like angels. KKAZZbBpv2g-00012-00008228-00008626 As soon as we open our mind up, it's like it's everywhere. KKAZZbBpv2g-00013-00008632-00009472 You see it in TV commercials, on billboards, bumper stickers, it just comes flying at you. KKAZZbBpv2g-00014-00009482-00010318 You turn the radio on, your driving along and if you have a question, and you can turn the radio on and it starts singing to you on the radio. KKAZZbBpv2g-00015-00010318-00010774 And you go like, oh. I would go to the library and I would say, OK I'll try it KKAZZbBpv2g-00016-00010774-00011192 and I would run up and down the aisles and just randomly seemingly pick, KKAZZbBpv2g-00017-00011192-00011356 first I did it with the Course. KKAZZbBpv2g-00018-00011356-00011704 First, I'd get the answers and say, I should be able to do this with any book. KKAZZbBpv2g-00019-00011708-00012428 So, I'd go to the library and go up and down the aisles, asking questions, grab a book off, OH MY GOSH, It's everywhere. KKAZZbBpv2g-00020-00012428-00012826 You know, then you don't feel so lonely. KKAZZbBpv2g-00021-00012826-00013350 Because if feels like the Spirit is reaching you, reaching you in so many different ways KKAZZbBpv2g-00022-00013350-00013800 and angles, that you think this is great. KKAZZbBpv2g-00023-00013800-00014182 And, that's why I tell people all the time, you can't mess it up. KKAZZbBpv2g-00024-00014186-00014696 Don't be worried or concerned that somehow you can do the wrong thing. KKAZZbBpv2g-00025-00014696-00015186 And Spirit says you can't mess it up, it's so powerful. KKAZZbBpv2g-00026-00015186-00015506 It's like, Star Trek, it's like you're in the tractor beam. KKAZZbBpv2g-00027-00015518-00015806 You know, beam me up, you're getting beamed up. KKAZZbBpv2g-00028-00015806-00016078 And the only thing you need to do is not interfere. KKAZZbBpv2g-00029-00016088-00016598 It's like you don't have to actively, like try to figure out how to do it. KKAZZbBpv2g-00030-00016628-00017404 You just have to kind of be attentive and open and then it just comes flooding in from all different angles. KKAZZbBpv2g-00031-00018732-00019994 Yeah, I think the topic for tonight was about not being afraid anymore. KKAZZbBpv2g-00032-00020012-00020584 And also the topic was, what is it that I have to be afraid of in reaching our invulnerability. KKAZZbBpv2g-00033-00020618-00021576 There's a singer/ songwriter that I met years ago, and see if I can find the song I wanted to play. KKAZZbBpv2g-00034-00021790-00022350 It was, it's about fear being impossible. KKAZZbBpv2g-00035-00023494-00023606 Yeah, here it is. KKAZZbBpv2g-00036-00023686-00023892 Sit back and enjoy this song. KKAZZbBpv2g-00037-00023936-00024240 If you knew who walks beside you along the way. KKAZZbBpv2g-00038-00024276-00024468 Fear would be impossible. KKAZZbBpv2g-00039-00024628-00024792 The Kentucky twang. KKAZZbBpv2g-00040-00024932-00025412 She couldn't believe that Jesus could sing through her with a Kentucky accent. KKAZZbBpv2g-00041-00025574-00025795 Song being played. KKAZZbBpv2g-00042-00025992-00026598 If you knew who walked beside you along the way, KKAZZbBpv2g-00043-00026914-00027374 fear would be impossible. KKAZZbBpv2g-00044-00027632-00028232 And if how secure and safe KKAZZbBpv2g-00045-00028544-00029070 fear would be impossible. KKAZZbBpv2g-00046-00029156-00029350 If you only knew KKAZZbBpv2g-00047-00030056-00030692 If you knew the love that you really are, KKAZZbBpv2g-00048-00030944-00031494 fear would be impossible. KKAZZbBpv2g-00049-00031704-00032338 If you knew the light which dispels the dark, KKAZZbBpv2g-00050-00032624-00033160 fear would be impossible KKAZZbBpv2g-00051-00033336-00033530 If you only knew. KKAZZbBpv2g-00052-00034086-00034790 If you only knew, if you only knew KKAZZbBpv2g-00053-00034930-00035594 Listen to Him, He will tell you. KKAZZbBpv2g-00054-00035890-00036390 If you knew your brother as he really is KKAZZbBpv2g-00055-00036740-00037260 fear would be impossible. KKAZZbBpv2g-00056-00037656-00038132 If you knew that life is eternal bliss KKAZZbBpv2g-00057-00038406-00038934 fear would be impossible. KKAZZbBpv2g-00058-00038996-00039252 If you only knew. KKAZZbBpv2g-00059-00039836-00041372 If you only knew, if you only knew, Listen to Him, He will tell you. KKAZZbBpv2g-00060-00044946-00045356 If you knew that happiness is only now, KKAZZbBpv2g-00061-00045694-00046238 fear would be impossible. KKAZZbBpv2g-00062-00046386-00047154 No past, no future, Only Now KKAZZbBpv2g-00063-00047384-00047938 fear would be impossible. KKAZZbBpv2g-00064-00047978-00048222 If you only knew. KKAZZbBpv2g-00065-00048776-00050316 If you only knew, if you only knew. Listen to Him, He will tell you. KKAZZbBpv2g-00066-00050392-00052670 If you only knew, if you only knew. Listen to Him, He will tell you. - KKAZZbBpv2g-00067-00053690-00054041 So, that's my message to you and that's my invitation KKAZZbBpv2g-00068-00054079-00054574 I am with you, you know as Jesus said, "even to the end of time." KKAZZbBpv2g-00069-00054608-00054796 We are in this together. KKAZZbBpv2g-00070-00054829-00055188 And really fear is not our companion on this jourey. KKAZZbBpv2g-00071-00055188-00055482 Joy, happiness, love, freedom. KMx_ko7y5zk-00000-00000114-00000581 Hi The Gokai means the five principles in English. KMx_ko7y5zk-00001-00000581-00001234 It was specially created by the founder of Reiki, Mikao Usui Sensei to support our life KMx_ko7y5zk-00002-00001234-00001553 to be happier and healthier. KMx_ko7y5zk-00003-00001553-00002253 I'm going to say the original Japanese version of the Gokai 3 time to help your practice. KMx_ko7y5zk-00004-00002507-00002769 Kyo Dakewa KMx_ko7y5zk-00005-00002769-00003032 Ikaru na KMx_ko7y5zk-00006-00003032-00003175 Shinpai suna KMx_ko7y5zk-00007-00003175-00003405 Kansha shite KMx_ko7y5zk-00008-00003405-00003751 Gyo o Hageme KMx_ko7y5zk-00009-00003751-00004042 Hito ni Shinsetsu ni KMx_ko7y5zk-00010-00004042-00004257 Kyo Dakewa KMx_ko7y5zk-00011-00004257-00004473 Ikaru na KMx_ko7y5zk-00012-00004473-00004612 Shinpai suna KMx_ko7y5zk-00013-00004612-00004814 Kansha shite KMx_ko7y5zk-00014-00004814-00005117 Gyo o Hageme KMx_ko7y5zk-00015-00005117-00005387 Hito ni Shinsetsu ni KMx_ko7y5zk-00016-00005387-00005612 Kyo Dakewa KMx_ko7y5zk-00017-00005612-00005837 Ikaru na KMx_ko7y5zk-00018-00005837-00006064 Shinpai suna KMx_ko7y5zk-00019-00006064-00006289 Kansha shite KMx_ko7y5zk-00020-00006289-00006380 Gyo o Hageme KMx_ko7y5zk-00021-00006380-00007080 Hito ni Shinsetsu ni KMx_ko7y5zk-00022-00007268-00007968 Please visit my website jikiden reiki life .com you can sign up to my free Reiki tips KMx_ko7y5zk-00023-00008048-00008392 and get more information. KMx_ko7y5zk-00024-00008392-00008903 Contact me today to book a course I run them across the UK.. KMx_ko7y5zk-00025-00008903-00009560 If you are local and want to attend a trial session or get treatment. KMx_ko7y5zk-00026-00009560-00010070 Please email me your contact number and tell me what you are looking for. KMx_ko7y5zk-00027-00010070-00010409 And I will get back to you. KMx_ko7y5zk-00028-00010409-00011010 Finally please also subscribe to my youtube channel so you don't miss any of my future KMx_ko7y5zk-00029-00011010-00011079 videos. Thanks for watching! KN2uisL1Rvo-00000-00000053-00000509 *lets talk* KN2uisL1Rvo-00001-00000509-00000725 hey, nice to have you with us again KN2uisL1Rvo-00002-00000725-00001025 we directly start with ireland KN2uisL1Rvo-00003-00001025-00001316 and i say lá maith ireland KN2uisL1Rvo-00004-00001316-00001864 the traditional lá maith greeting. everybody knows it. KN2uisL1Rvo-00005-00001864-00002177 i thought the traditional irisch greeting is KN2uisL1Rvo-00006-00002177-00002278 if i stand up like an KN2uisL1Rvo-00007-00002278-00002608 imp and dance. happy st. patricks day. KN2uisL1Rvo-00008-00002608-00002856 we again arrived at KN2uisL1Rvo-00009-00002858-00003486 man or woman, nobody knows. what? you knew it? yes. yeah because you are watching the video. KN2uisL1Rvo-00010-00003486-00003752 at start i was not certain KN2uisL1Rvo-00011-00003752-00004057 is it a fragile woman, a woman KN2uisL1Rvo-00012-00004057-00004471 or a fragile boys voice KN2uisL1Rvo-00013-00004471-00004634 its a fragile boys voice. KN2uisL1Rvo-00014-00004634-00005108 as i wrote it here, its a cute ballade KN2uisL1Rvo-00015-00005118-00005428 and its a hard contrast to the song before KN2uisL1Rvo-00016-00005428-00005684 because the singer before was screaming KN2uisL1Rvo-00017-00005684-00005846 all the time KN2uisL1Rvo-00018-00005846-00006023 and the audience is greatful KN2uisL1Rvo-00019-00006023-00006224 that now its more chilled KN2uisL1Rvo-00020-00006224-00006503 i think KN2uisL1Rvo-00021-00006503-00006769 its a cool song, and save KN2uisL1Rvo-00022-00006769-00006893 to advance KN2uisL1Rvo-00023-00006893-00007453 i think the song is cool, we have that in common. thats nice. KN2uisL1Rvo-00024-00007453-00007914 for me its sound a little like becks (beer) or i am sailing KN2uisL1Rvo-00025-00008011-00008275 really? i didnt notice, KN2uisL1Rvo-00026-00008275-00008513 but the mordern becks. KN2uisL1Rvo-00027-00008513-00008900 yes the modern becks. everybody knows. KN2uisL1Rvo-00028-00008900-00009117 it have inbetween some "sail" KN2uisL1Rvo-00029-00009117-00009545 thats something i would like KN2uisL1Rvo-00030-00009545-00009824 a young daniel radcliff, without glasses, optics wise KN2uisL1Rvo-00031-00009824-00009983 a little harry potter KN2uisL1Rvo-00032-00009983-00010222 with contact linses, such as those you bought KN2uisL1Rvo-00033-00010222-00010408 at edeka KN2uisL1Rvo-00034-00010426-00010642 will definitely advance KN2uisL1Rvo-00035-00010642-00010842 hello san marino KN2uisL1Rvo-00036-00011532-00011800 valentina monetta and jimmie wilson KN2uisL1Rvo-00037-00011818-00012184 spirit of the night, i think this song will KN2uisL1Rvo-00038-00012184-00012433 drop like a bomb, because its the night KN2uisL1Rvo-00039-00012433-00012616 where he drops KN2uisL1Rvo-00040-00012616-00012835 and thats what ralf siegel figured out KN2uisL1Rvo-00041-00012835-00012991 he said, i write a song KN2uisL1Rvo-00042-00013004-00013362 with two guys, a black guy and a white woman KN2uisL1Rvo-00043-00013363-00013681 and they do the spirit of the night KN2uisL1Rvo-00044-00013681-00013843 and the crowd goes, yeah its the night KN2uisL1Rvo-00045-00013843-00014187 i am calling for san marino, ralf siegel is the best KN2uisL1Rvo-00046-00014187-00014416 i think thats how ralf siegel sold it to them KN2uisL1Rvo-00047-00014416-00014596 but i think its complete KN2uisL1Rvo-00048-00014596-00014700 garbage KN2uisL1Rvo-00049-00014700-00015484 yes! does ralf siegel has some evidence on san marino? or why are the sticking with him? KN2uisL1Rvo-00050-00015484-00015679 you should get this thing called KN2uisL1Rvo-00051-00015679-00015805 internet, and search KN2uisL1Rvo-00052-00015805-00015994 some random writer KN2uisL1Rvo-00053-00015994-00016263 he will do a better job KN2uisL1Rvo-00054-00016263-00016440 i could write you a better song KN2uisL1Rvo-00055-00016441-00016627 lets just start KN2uisL1Rvo-00056-00016627-00016824 we do a song called tonight KN2uisL1Rvo-00057-00016824-00017024 its the time of angels KN2uisL1Rvo-00058-00017024-00018258 *angels voice* KN2uisL1Rvo-00059-00018282-00018562 easy as that san marino KN2uisL1Rvo-00060-00018562-00018817 call us, get rid of ralf KN2uisL1Rvo-00061-00018817-00019065 and all his evidence KN2uisL1Rvo-00062-00019065-00019252 and it will work once again. KN2uisL1Rvo-00063-00019252-00019380 we are cheap. KN2uisL1Rvo-00064-00019438-00019944 hello croatia, its easy for me. i have to say the same greeting 50 times. KN2uisL1Rvo-00065-00019944-00020335 so everybody, i made some notes KN2uisL1Rvo-00066-00020335-00020542 and want to read them to you in order KN2uisL1Rvo-00067-00020542-00020823 as i wrote them down KN2uisL1Rvo-00068-00020823-00021076 finally a violin KN2uisL1Rvo-00069-00021076-00021264 then a country voice KN2uisL1Rvo-00070-00021264-00021490 wtf opera? is this one guy? KN2uisL1Rvo-00071-00021490-00021643 i dont get it. whats happening? KN2uisL1Rvo-00072-00021643-00021794 where does the high tone come from KN2uisL1Rvo-00073-00021796-00021916 i dont get it, i like it if he sings high. KN2uisL1Rvo-00074-00021916-00022081 is he always turning around? KN2uisL1Rvo-00075-00022081-00022216 if his voice changes? KN2uisL1Rvo-00076-00022216-00022345 does he have a womans dress KN2uisL1Rvo-00077-00022345-00022512 at there a opera costume? KN2uisL1Rvo-00078-00022512-00022720 and then hes talking high again KN2uisL1Rvo-00079-00022720-00022855 i dont get this song KN2uisL1Rvo-00080-00022855-00023011 and bcause of that, it will work. KN2uisL1Rvo-00081-00023011-00023182 people will talk about it, KN2uisL1Rvo-00082-00023182-00023318 i think its one guy right? KN2uisL1Rvo-00083-00023318-00023676 so one person sings witch 420 voices. KN2uisL1Rvo-00084-00023676-00023908 thats why i was preparing the hole time. KN2uisL1Rvo-00085-00023908-00024118 i was cringy and happy KN2uisL1Rvo-00086-00024118-00024336 and satisfied KN2uisL1Rvo-00087-00024336-00024536 show me how happy. KN2uisL1Rvo-00088-00024820-00025241 because i exactly knew. KN2uisL1Rvo-00089-00025241-00025493 you think its only one person? really? KN2uisL1Rvo-00090-00025493-00025897 or is it two face KN2uisL1Rvo-00091-00025897-00026132 with his coin KN2uisL1Rvo-00092-00026132-00026432 you really think he is alone??? KN2uisL1Rvo-00093-00026432-00026726 i never believed it KN2uisL1Rvo-00094-00026726-00026969 but i read his name. KN2uisL1Rvo-00095-00026969-00027232 and its only one name. KN2uisL1Rvo-00096-00027232-00027556 hm why? houdek means KN2uisL1Rvo-00097-00027556-00028108 houdek stands for "group" really? yes, its like jaques group. really? yes. KN2uisL1Rvo-00098-00028127-00028742 no, its not real translation. its one guy. and he sings both voices. KN2uisL1Rvo-00099-00028754-00029158 you do this shit alone now. no come back. KN2uisL1Rvo-00100-00029177-00029502 hello everybody, haha finally i can sit in the middle. KN2uisL1Rvo-00101-00029504-00030145 and will tell you... hiiii! KN2uisL1Rvo-00102-00030145-00030392 jaques houdek is of course one person KN2uisL1Rvo-00103-00030392-00030674 and houdek means group KN2uisL1Rvo-00104-00030674-00030964 no its his last name, could mean group. who knows. KN2uisL1Rvo-00105-00030964-00031058 could mean everything KN2uisL1Rvo-00106-00031058-00031339 he sings modern KN2uisL1Rvo-00107-00031339-00031663 and opera, good guy KN2uisL1Rvo-00108-00031663-00032338 he's turning around like this. really??? no. you are a douche, i caught it on tape... KN2uisL1Rvo-00109-00032338-00032720 but its fun to watch KN2uisL1Rvo-00110-00032720-00032909 but not the greatest KN2uisL1Rvo-00111-00032909-00033244 you think it will advance? yes because people will talk about it. KN2uisL1Rvo-00112-00033244-00033834 hello norway, Jowst with Grab The Moment KN2uisL1Rvo-00113-00033834-00034193 feat. Daft Punk. reall? dont you say? KN2uisL1Rvo-00114-00034193-00034309 ii think not. KN2uisL1Rvo-00115-00034309-00034511 absolutly. the dj KN2uisL1Rvo-00116-00034511-00034903 also got such mask. KN2uisL1Rvo-00117-00034903-00035069 and it reminded me a little KN2uisL1Rvo-00118-00035069-00035213 of swedens last years song. KN2uisL1Rvo-00119-00035213-00035503 this, where this guy... i dont know. KN2uisL1Rvo-00120-00035503-00035666 we cant repeat it. KN2uisL1Rvo-00121-00035666-00035855 we could. KN2uisL1Rvo-00122-00035855-00036034 but we dont because everybody knows it KN2uisL1Rvo-00123-00036034-00036541 and because of that. its ok. KN2uisL1Rvo-00124-00036541-00036827 the daft punk effect KN2uisL1Rvo-00125-00036827-00036991 will work, but not too KN2uisL1Rvo-00126-00036991-00037055 much KN2uisL1Rvo-00127-00037055-00037256 we are once again disunited KN2uisL1Rvo-00128-00037256-00037374 i think its KN2uisL1Rvo-00129-00037374-00037628 a very difficult KN2uisL1Rvo-00130-00037628-00037824 position, to come up right after KN2uisL1Rvo-00131-00037824-00037959 this guy KN2uisL1Rvo-00132-00037959-00038187 where people still KN2uisL1Rvo-00133-00038187-00038340 talking about that guy KN2uisL1Rvo-00134-00038340-00038444 what is this? KN2uisL1Rvo-00135-00038444-00038613 what did i just witness? KN2uisL1Rvo-00136-00038613-00038874 what kind of guy is this? KN2uisL1Rvo-00137-00038874-00038994 i think they will be talk about this KN2uisL1Rvo-00138-00038994-00039186 his only chance is KN2uisL1Rvo-00139-00039186-00039344 if they take a break there KN2uisL1Rvo-00140-00039344-00039503 to say this were the first 11 singers KN2uisL1Rvo-00141-00039503-00039627 a short break KN2uisL1Rvo-00142-00039627-00040008 its a super difficult position KN2uisL1Rvo-00143-00040008-00040241 dispite all of that, the song is awesome KN2uisL1Rvo-00144-00040241-00040536 you said ed sheeran earlier, i think this is ed sheeran KN2uisL1Rvo-00145-00040536-00040763 its this style KN2uisL1Rvo-00146-00040764-00041072 very cool, wrong position though KN2uisL1Rvo-00147-00041072-00041694 but still cool. KN2uisL1Rvo-00148-00041694-00041865 a lot of "could be's" you take under KN2uisL1Rvo-00149-00041865-00042183 consideration, to do a judgement KN2uisL1Rvo-00150-00042183-00042488 but with good will i can KN2uisL1Rvo-00151-00042488-00042641 follow your thoughts KN2uisL1Rvo-00152-00042642-00042990 its not absolut trash what you are saying. KN2uisL1Rvo-00153-00042990-00043230 if you want to see how we kiss KN2uisL1Rvo-00154-00043230-00043372 and stop cloce KN2uisL1Rvo-00155-00043372-00043622 then you should subscribe KN2uisL1Rvo-00156-00043622-00043728 and click the next video KN2uisL1Rvo-00157-00043728-00043824 we will see you in second KN2uisL1Rvo-00158-00043824-00044153 we go on with the next songs KN2uisL1Rvo-00159-00044153-00044621 subscribe and thumbs up if you liked it KP9ReQzCQp0-00000-00000000-00000800 Hi and welcome to the Assembly Lines podcast. I'm Chris Torrence. Today I want to figure out what's wrong with this Apple II from the Media Archaeology Lab. KP9ReQzCQp0-00001-00000800-00001000 So let's get started. KP9ReQzCQp0-00002-00002300-00002500 Let's go ahead and turn on the Apple II and see what's wrong with it. KP9ReQzCQp0-00003-00002500-00003100 So when I flip the switch on, I get the beep which is good, but if you look closely, the characters are actually split in half. KP9ReQzCQp0-00004-00003100-00003700 So it says Apple II, but the top half of the character is actually repeated, so you're not seeing the bottom of each character. KP9ReQzCQp0-00005-00003700-00004400 This is even more apparent if we just say go into the monitor and then just do a list. KP9ReQzCQp0-00006-00004400-00005100 So you can see that all of the characters are all goofed up. So you only see the top of each character and then the bottom is just repeated. KP9ReQzCQp0-00007-00005100-00006000 If we take a look at the problem with this Apple II, the characters are split in half and the top half of the character is repeated on the bottom. KP9ReQzCQp0-00008-00006000-00006500 So this seems to indicate that something's wrong with the vertical addressing. KP9ReQzCQp0-00009-00006500-00007800 If we look at the Apple II circuit description by Winston Gaylor on page 110, it talks about how the vertical addressing for video is used to generate characters. KP9ReQzCQp0-00010-00007800-00008500 So there's six lines, V0 through V5, which are used to address where you are on the screen in the vertical direction. KP9ReQzCQp0-00011-00008500-00009300 And then there's three more control lines, VA, VB, VC, and these control which part of the character gets drawn. KP9ReQzCQp0-00012-00009300-00010100 So VA is the low bit, VB is the middle bit, and then VC is the high bit for this. KP9ReQzCQp0-00013-00010100-00010500 And so VC controls whether it's the top half or the bottom half of the character that's drawn. KP9ReQzCQp0-00014-00010500-00011500 And so now looking at the schematic diagram for the Apple II, this is the sync counter here for drawing the video display. KP9ReQzCQp0-00015-00011500-00012000 Line VC here is pin 13 on chip D12. KP9ReQzCQp0-00016-00012000-00012600 So let's go ahead and we'll take a look at what's coming out of pin D12 here using the oscilloscope. KP9ReQzCQp0-00017-00012600-00013400 To diagnose what's going on with the vertical addressing, I'm going to go ahead and use this Tektronix 2205 oscilloscope that my brother-in-law donated to the Media Archeology Lab. KP9ReQzCQp0-00018-00013400-00013700 So we're going to go ahead and we're going to wire it up to the board here. KP9ReQzCQp0-00019-00013700-00014400 And I put the ground line onto a capacitor here that's attached to the ground on the Apple II Logic board. KP9ReQzCQp0-00020-00014400-00014800 And then we're just going to use the probe to check for correct signals. KP9ReQzCQp0-00021-00014800-00015400 So according to the schematic, those vertical address lines, VA, VB, and VC come off of chips D13 and D12. KP9ReQzCQp0-00022-00015400-00015800 On chip D13, VA is at pin 11. KP9ReQzCQp0-00023-00015800-00015900 So let's go ahead and look at that one. KP9ReQzCQp0-00024-00015900-00016400 So here's D13 and pin 11 should be 9, 10, 11. KP9ReQzCQp0-00025-00016400-00016800 So I'm just going to go ahead and put the probe there on pin 11. KP9ReQzCQp0-00026-00016800-00017100 And then looking at the oscilloscope, you can see we have a nice clean signal. KP9ReQzCQp0-00027-00017100-00017400 It goes from about 0 to 4.5 volts. KP9ReQzCQp0-00028-00017400-00017800 Now let's go ahead and we'll look at line VB. KP9ReQzCQp0-00029-00017800-00018200 So this should be the second vertical address line. KP9ReQzCQp0-00030-00018200-00018500 And this is on chip D12 pin 14. KP9ReQzCQp0-00031-00018500-00019000 So here is D12 right here and pin 14. KP9ReQzCQp0-00032-00019000-00019300 So this is 16, 15, 14. KP9ReQzCQp0-00033-00019300-00019500 So we'll just put the probe right there. KP9ReQzCQp0-00034-00019500-00019900 And you can see again, VB looks good. KP9ReQzCQp0-00035-00019900-00020100 It goes from 0 to 4.5. KP9ReQzCQp0-00036-00020100-00020500 It's now half the frequency of VA, which makes sense. KP9ReQzCQp0-00037-00020500-00020800 And then finally, let's take a look at VC. KP9ReQzCQp0-00038-00020800-00021100 So this should be the lowest frequency or longest period. KP9ReQzCQp0-00039-00021100-00021500 And this is the one that controls which half of the character, the top or bottom half. KP9ReQzCQp0-00040-00021500-00021800 And so that's D12 pin 13. KP9ReQzCQp0-00041-00021800-00022100 So again, 16, 15, 14, 13. KP9ReQzCQp0-00042-00022100-00022300 So we'll put our probe right there. KP9ReQzCQp0-00043-00022300-00022800 And now when we look at the oscilloscope, you can see that the voltage only goes from 0 to 1, KP9ReQzCQp0-00044-00022800-00023100 even though the frequency is correct. KP9ReQzCQp0-00045-00023100-00023500 So that's not going to be enough to actually drive any of the other chips. KP9ReQzCQp0-00046-00023500-00023700 And so this could explain our problem. KP9ReQzCQp0-00047-00023700-00024100 That vertical address signal connects six chips on the Apple II board. KP9ReQzCQp0-00048-00024100-00024300 D12, the video address generator. KP9ReQzCQp0-00049-00024300-00024500 H1, which is a RAM select. KP9ReQzCQp0-00050-00024500-00024700 C12, which connects high-res to RAM. KP9ReQzCQp0-00051-00024700-00025000 A5, which is the character generator. KP9ReQzCQp0-00052-00025000-00025200 B14, the video sync. KP9ReQzCQp0-00053-00025200-00025600 And then finally, A8, which is video clock timing. KP9ReQzCQp0-00054-00025600-00025900 I have an almost identical Rev4 that I got from the Media Lab. KP9ReQzCQp0-00055-00025900-00026300 So I tried swapping out individual chips to see if that fixed the problem, KP9ReQzCQp0-00056-00026300-00026500 but it didn't seem to help. KP9ReQzCQp0-00057-00026500-00026700 So what I decided to do was just a Hail Mary, KP9ReQzCQp0-00058-00026700-00027100 and I actually took all six chips out that are related to that VC line. KP9ReQzCQp0-00059-00027100-00027300 So let's go ahead and do that now. KP9ReQzCQp0-00060-00027300-00027700 Just what do you think you are doing, Chris? KP9ReQzCQp0-00061-00027700-00027900 Here's all the chips I've taken out. KP9ReQzCQp0-00062-00027900-00028400 H1, D12, A8, A5, B14, C12. KP9ReQzCQp0-00063-00028400-00028900 Let's go ahead and we'll replace these with known good ones from the other board and see what happens. KP9ReQzCQp0-00064-00028900-00029500 All right, the moment of truth. KP9ReQzCQp0-00065-00029500-00029700 All six chips have been swapped. KP9ReQzCQp0-00066-00029700-00030000 And voila, everything works. KP9ReQzCQp0-00067-00030000-00030200 So we see Apple II, it's not split in half. KP9ReQzCQp0-00068-00030200-00030400 The cursor looks correct. KP9ReQzCQp0-00069-00030400-00030700 So at least one of those chips is bad. KP9ReQzCQp0-00070-00030700-00030900 Just to confirm that everything is working properly, KP9ReQzCQp0-00071-00030900-00031100 let's go ahead and look at the signals with the oscilloscope. KP9ReQzCQp0-00072-00031100-00031400 So we'll start again with VA. KP9ReQzCQp0-00073-00031400-00031500 Okay, there we go. KP9ReQzCQp0-00074-00031500-00031800 It goes from about 0 to 4.5 at a certain frequency. KP9ReQzCQp0-00075-00031800-00032300 Then we'll take a look at VB, which is on chip D12 at pin 14. KP9ReQzCQp0-00076-00032300-00032400 And that looks good. KP9ReQzCQp0-00077-00032400-00032800 It's half the frequency, but again, 0 to 4.5 volts. KP9ReQzCQp0-00078-00032800-00033200 And finally, we'll look at the troublesome one, which was VC. KP9ReQzCQp0-00079-00033200-00033600 And again, that was chip D12 pin 13. KP9ReQzCQp0-00080-00033600-00033900 And now you can see it's half the frequency, KP9ReQzCQp0-00081-00033900-00034300 but the voltage now goes from 0 to 4.5, which looks great. KP9ReQzCQp0-00082-00034300-00034600 And of course, everything's actually working properly. KP9ReQzCQp0-00083-00034600-00035000 Using the circuit diagram for the Apple II as well as the oscilloscope, KP9ReQzCQp0-00084-00035000-00035400 we were able to diagnose the problem to one of the vertical address lines, KP9ReQzCQp0-00085-00035400-00035900 specifically line VC, which controls which half of the character is being drawn. KP9ReQzCQp0-00086-00035900-00036300 So what I ended up doing is actually taking all six chips out, KP9ReQzCQp0-00087-00036300-00036600 and then I tried to use the multimeter to just own things out KP9ReQzCQp0-00088-00036600-00036800 to see if there was any short between any of the pins, KP9ReQzCQp0-00089-00036800-00036900 but I couldn't find anything. KP9ReQzCQp0-00090-00036900-00037400 So then I just decided while I would just swap out all six chips from a known good one, KP9ReQzCQp0-00091-00037400-00037700 when I did that, everything started working. KP9ReQzCQp0-00092-00037700-00038100 So then I just started replacing the chips one at a time until it failed. KP9ReQzCQp0-00093-00038100-00038300 And it turned out that there were two chips that failed. KP9ReQzCQp0-00094-00038300-00038800 One of them was at H1, which is an LS08, and the other one was at C12, KP9ReQzCQp0-00095-00038800-00039100 which was an LS257. KP9ReQzCQp0-00096-00039100-00039300 I think what happened was in the Media Archaeology Lab, KP9ReQzCQp0-00097-00039300-00039700 we were trying to fix the keyboard, and so we kept plugging and unplugging it, KP9ReQzCQp0-00098-00039700-00040000 and so we probably had a static discharge, KP9ReQzCQp0-00099-00040000-00040500 which just happened to fry both of those chips because they're connected to the same address line. KP9ReQzCQp0-00100-00040500-00041100 The moral of the story is be sure to use wrist straps or other safeguards against static discharge, KP9ReQzCQp0-00101-00041100-00041500 and then also don't assume that it's just one chip that's blown KP9ReQzCQp0-00102-00041500-00041700 because it actually might be more than one. KP9ReQzCQp0-00103-00041700-00042000 Now that I've fixed the problem, I'm going to go ahead and reassemble the computer KP9ReQzCQp0-00104-00042000-00042300 and bring it back to the Media Archaeology Lab. KP9ReQzCQp0-00105-00042300-00042500 So thanks for watching. KPE9TDvJdU4-00000-00000004-00000200 I was a community organizer when I met Bernie, KPE9TDvJdU4-00001-00000200-00000700 and I organized a mayoral debate with low-income community members KPE9TDvJdU4-00002-00000700-00001000 and the incumbent mayor, and Bernie was running. KPE9TDvJdU4-00003-00001000-00001800 I didn't know him. He spoke and I thought he embodied everything I ever believed in. KPE9TDvJdU4-00004-00001800-00002300 You know, I thought, I have to work with this person. KPE9TDvJdU4-00005-00002300-00002800 I ended up working with him as director of the youth office KPE9TDvJdU4-00006-00002800-00003200 and was able to do some really wonderful things in the city of Burlington KPE9TDvJdU4-00007-00003200-00003700 with after-school programs, childcare center, certified kindergarten, teen center. KPE9TDvJdU4-00008-00003700-00004100 All those things are still going today. Started a kids' day. KPE9TDvJdU4-00009-00004100-00004700 And, a lot of other things - newspaper, television shows. KPE9TDvJdU4-00010-00004700-00005300 But what I can tell you is, the entire time I was working with him as director of the youth office KPE9TDvJdU4-00011-00005300-00005800 I'd come in with an idea and he'd say well that's a good idea, is it your idea? Yeah. KPE9TDvJdU4-00012-00005800-00006200 Well, go out to the kids and find out if that's what they want. KPE9TDvJdU4-00013-00006200-00007300 He has always felt that no matter how expert we might be on something, or how well-read, KPE9TDvJdU4-00014-00007300-00007900 what we need to do is make sure that we reflect the will of the people as public servants. KPE9TDvJdU4-00015-00007900-00008900 He taught me that in 1981 and I can tell you 35 years after my original impression of him, KPE9TDvJdU4-00016-00008900-00009500 that assessment was right on. He still embodies everything that I've ever believed in. KPE9TDvJdU4-00017-00009500-00010000 He's never let me down. He's never let the people of Vermont down. KPE9TDvJdU4-00018-00010000-00010400 He leads by example and he's the most principled man I've ever met. KPE9TDvJdU4-00019-00010400-00010800 I am the luckiest woman in the world to be married to him. KRvbe2PH89Y-00000-00000017-00000321 Hi all guys And welcome back to this new tutorial on how to solve the vanguard anticat error KRvbe2PH89Y-00001-00000321-00000961 on valorant , Obviously this error the path can also be solved in the services the register KRvbe2PH89Y-00002-00000961-00002946 of all services and our system we go down until we find the service which is called KRvbe2PH89Y-00003-00002946-00005561 V G C if you don't have this I made a guide you can KRvbe2PH89Y-00004-00005561-00007236 find it at the top right more or less I'll show you better information Do you know listen KRvbe2PH89Y-00005-00007236-00007761 formation state boot protected Music and obviously Activate cross then for those who have the KRvbe2PH89Y-00006-00007761-00008548 code code 1067 many errors valuing can not solve but there are many guides I did How KRvbe2PH89Y-00007-00008548-00009086 to save these errors and do everything immediately so if you don't have this if you have to activate KRvbe2PH89Y-00008-00009086-00009761 that was your BIOS in your motherboard so let's go to our manual service Ok let's apply KRvbe2PH89Y-00009-00009761-00011315 and if you gives a status to the service Interrupt That is, this service cannot and I do Start KRvbe2PH89Y-00010-00011315-00012785 Ok now this is running let's close which in this case it was KRvbe2PH89Y-00011-00012785-00014591 not yet just go to the game's own folder just open the folder through KRvbe2PH89Y-00012-00014591-00015947 we must go to the folder where we installed the game so I'm going to valorant Riot super KRvbe2PH89Y-00013-00015947-00016354 game well Let's see all the way down this is valorant treatment properties compatibility KRvbe2PH89Y-00014-00016354-00016903 do you know full screen optimization and you need this program as administrator let's do KRvbe2PH89Y-00015-00016903-00017534 ok And we just have to start then if it doesn't work it can be an error you broke something KRvbe2PH89Y-00016-00017534-00018383 in the folder So you have to install Ok it was installed but it's not installing it completely KRvbe2PH89Y-00017-00018383-00019167 not even installing and uninstalling some parts of the game that are on our system so KRvbe2PH89Y-00018-00019167-00019689 let's go to installing applications I find that's it then if three dots and I do uninstall KRvbe2PH89Y-00019-00019689-00020617 and I uninstall it complete and I reinstall all over again launch and the application KRvbe2PH89Y-00020-00020617-00022467 I just have to log in ok and let's play this warning because I couldn't take it anymore KRvbe2PH89Y-00021-00022467-00024398 ok but then it works perfectly I have no problems because I no longer have TPM 2.0 problems KRvbe2PH89Y-00022-00024398-00025293 there is the guide on this they do not respond the more the problem is the guide now this KRvbe2PH89Y-00023-00025293-00025858 other error in advance or the code the code 1067 all these errors here you can find me KRvbe2PH89Y-00024-00025858-00026580 in the description at the top right and in the comments a nice full of videos on bale KRvbe2PH89Y-00025-00026580-00027933 so look for the tailgate and try to solve it if you have others I advise you to leave KRvbe2PH89Y-00026-00027933-00029441 a comment, leave a like and subscribe to the channel and we guys will see you in a next KRvbe2PH89Y-00027-00029441-00029530 tutorial Bye KSISwxd5Nzk-00000-00000013-00000434 >> Hello, everybody, hope you are having an absolutely wonderful day, KSISwxd5Nzk-00001-00000434-00001113 we are off to an amazing start, we have an amazing fireside planned here KSISwxd5Nzk-00002-00001113-00001626 focused on a new idea I did not know about until last night called KSISwxd5Nzk-00003-00001626-00002025 the purple economy and this is a super exciting way that we can KSISwxd5Nzk-00004-00002025-00002681 approach inclusion, diversity and how we can use that to create value in the economy. KSISwxd5Nzk-00005-00002681-00003336 So I have my colleague Dipesh from Enable India and Dipesh, let's just start with the basic KSISwxd5Nzk-00006-00003336-00003730 question, what is the purple economy and how is it different KSISwxd5Nzk-00007-00003730-00004201 than how we think of the economy today as a kind of social economy? KSISwxd5Nzk-00008-00004201-00004741 >> Thank you so much and lovely partner to have a fireside chat with Anthony KSISwxd5Nzk-00009-00004741-00005357 and I am so delighted to be here at the Zero Project, I think it is KSISwxd5Nzk-00010-00005357-00005646 fantastic, it is my first time. KSISwxd5Nzk-00011-00005646-00006206 And so what is the purple economy? I think to go way back to the KSISwxd5Nzk-00012-00006206-00007097 evolution to start from there to what we had today, I think I just KSISwxd5Nzk-00013-00007097-00007915 learned to say from human evolution we are called Homo sapiens and Homo KSISwxd5Nzk-00014-00007915-00008887 sapiens are wise humans, knowing humans but I think that the whole KSISwxd5Nzk-00015-00008887-00009643 race is going to something called Homo sentiens which are feeling KSISwxd5Nzk-00016-00009643-00010718 humans at it is actually ushering a culture of equity, the politics of KSISwxd5Nzk-00017-00010718-00011507 collaboration, a culture of knowing things and feeling humans, so I KSISwxd5Nzk-00018-00011507-00012186 think what is happening and why it is so important with the whole LGBT, KSISwxd5Nzk-00019-00012186-00012617 the #MeToo movement and Black Lives Matter, we can see that more KSISwxd5Nzk-00020-00012617-00013568 and more the human race is going to sentience where that matters. KSISwxd5Nzk-00021-00013568-00014153 And I see the person with disability is definitely there and KSISwxd5Nzk-00022-00014153-00014654 I think the whole part of the human race where persons with disability KSISwxd5Nzk-00023-00014654-00015216 have that thought is not there and it is very important and we are KSISwxd5Nzk-00024-00015216-00015878 amazed when a person with disability, we need to look at KSISwxd5Nzk-00025-00015878-00015978 that. KSISwxd5Nzk-00026-00015978-00016078 So what does it mean? KSISwxd5Nzk-00027-00016078-00016708 I think when you look at feeling humans are Homo sentiens, what KSISwxd5Nzk-00028-00016708-00017348 talking about with sustainability goals, social, there is so much KSISwxd5Nzk-00029-00017348-00017819 happening and social enterprises in the social economy. KSISwxd5Nzk-00030-00017819-00018370 Where we all know about the social economy of why it is important and KSISwxd5Nzk-00031-00018370-00018672 what is happening in the social economy. KSISwxd5Nzk-00032-00018672-00019099 And so getting to the next thing and while I was thinking of this KSISwxd5Nzk-00033-00019099-00019681 word, social economy, something came up saying how did the glasses KSISwxd5Nzk-00034-00019681-00019987 come over, the spectacles that I wear? KSISwxd5Nzk-00035-00019987-00020559 And I googled and found that in the 13th century there was a person KSISwxd5Nzk-00036-00020559-00021168 called Salvino D'Armate from Italy and he basically found to contact lenses KSISwxd5Nzk-00037-00021168-00021907 and put it on a wooden frame and started for him to see clearly. KSISwxd5Nzk-00038-00021907-00022431 So that is a solution called in assistive solution and from there KSISwxd5Nzk-00039-00022431-00023236 today it has become a whole industry - eye glasses industry and what I was reading is KSISwxd5Nzk-00040-00023236-00023718 $141 billion economy by 2026. KSISwxd5Nzk-00041-00023718-00024300 Huge, so we talk about a solution like in eyewear and designer KSISwxd5Nzk-00042-00024300-00024691 glasses and all of that. KSISwxd5Nzk-00043-00024691-00025181 And connected to that there was a study done on return on disability which says KSISwxd5Nzk-00044-00025181-00025791 the person with disability has a disposable income of $8 trillion. KSISwxd5Nzk-00045-00025791-00026326 And when you include the Valuable 500 we put that out Caroline Casey a good KSISwxd5Nzk-00046-00026326-00026800 friend has spoken about it, $13 trillion economy which if you KSISwxd5Nzk-00047-00026800-00027258 include persons with disability and the family and friends in KSISwxd5Nzk-00048-00027258-00027866 disposable income that is the economy we are talking about. KSISwxd5Nzk-00049-00027866-00028576 I did to that there is a whole study done by the World Bank and ILO that KSISwxd5Nzk-00050-00028576-00029200 says there are 3 to 7% of the GDP gone if you do not include KSISwxd5Nzk-00051-00029200-00029705 people with disability, so you can see there is something out there KSISwxd5Nzk-00052-00029705-00030389 that we are seeking in this economy is what we are calling the purple KSISwxd5Nzk-00053-00030389-00030489 economy. KSISwxd5Nzk-00054-00030489-00031203 This is the term my wife Shanti, the co-founder of Enable India, spoke about at the KSISwxd5Nzk-00055-00031203-00031652 World Economic Forum. KSISwxd5Nzk-00056-00031652-00031888 At the World Economic Forum, we also talked about the purple KSISwxd5Nzk-00057-00031888-00032452 economy coming in, and with this, I think the whole purple movement is KSISwxd5Nzk-00058-00032452-00032836 beginning, I think there was something on purple light, there KSISwxd5Nzk-00059-00032836-00032961 was so much happening. KSISwxd5Nzk-00060-00032961-00033409 We are associating purple with the disability sector. KSISwxd5Nzk-00061-00033409-00033918 As this is the whole point of saying there is a purple economy KSISwxd5Nzk-00062-00033918-00034185 and I think this is the beginning of the purple economy. KSISwxd5Nzk-00063-00034185-00034824 One last thing I also want to say, realising, in Enable India, we did a study KSISwxd5Nzk-00064-00034824-00035096 of an economic impact. KSISwxd5Nzk-00065-00035096-00035533 And when we did the study, we thought what is the economic impact that a KSISwxd5Nzk-00066-00035533-00035668 non-governmental organisation is doing? KSISwxd5Nzk-00067-00035668-00036343 We found every dollar we make in the fund can be give back $50 to KSISwxd5Nzk-00068-00036343-00036794 the society, you can see that economy, again, working for the KSISwxd5Nzk-00069-00036794-00037191 cause, so this is the whole idea where we are seeing the purple KSISwxd5Nzk-00070-00037191-00037484 economy has to be in the forefront. KSISwxd5Nzk-00071-00037484-00037922 >> I can't say enough how much I love everything you are saying. KSISwxd5Nzk-00072-00037922-00038274 First of all, I love that you started the story from the beginning of KSISwxd5Nzk-00073-00038274-00038672 humankind, great way of starting any story I think. KSISwxd5Nzk-00074-00038672-00039144 The second thing I love, how you pointed out there are so many KSISwxd5Nzk-00075-00039144-00039472 economic factors we need to take into account when we are dealing KSISwxd5Nzk-00076-00039472-00039784 with issues of inclusion, especially with issues of KSISwxd5Nzk-00077-00039784-00039884 disability rights. KSISwxd5Nzk-00078-00039884-00040366 If we are leaving out these huge markets, companies can't afford to KSISwxd5Nzk-00079-00040366-00040713 do that in the future and I think they know that, around and now just KSISwxd5Nzk-00080-00040713-00041066 grumbling to find ways of making it happen and I think one of those KSISwxd5Nzk-00081-00041066-00041372 ways is innovation. KSISwxd5Nzk-00082-00041372-00041650 Taking you ideas and giving them life. KSISwxd5Nzk-00083-00041650-00042072 So what you see in the role of innovation when it comes to this KSISwxd5Nzk-00084-00042072-00042292 issue of purple economy? KSISwxd5Nzk-00085-00042292-00042766 >> Absolutely, I think if you look at anything when you talk about KSISwxd5Nzk-00086-00042766-00043138 growth, economy, innovation has to be there. KSISwxd5Nzk-00087-00043138-00043756 In this case, what I believe, is an industry that is growing, there KSISwxd5Nzk-00088-00043756-00044038 are so many things evolving and emerging and that we are learning KSISwxd5Nzk-00089-00044038-00044405 on a day-to-day basis, things are happening, so innovation has to be KSISwxd5Nzk-00090-00044405-00044974 on the centre, only innovations going to get that level. KSISwxd5Nzk-00091-00044974-00045431 Many times, we see that innovation, what I see happens sometimes in KSISwxd5Nzk-00092-00045431-00045806 pockets, conferences like this, what is this conference, Zero KSISwxd5Nzk-00093-00045806-00046097 Project Conference, it is a platform. KSISwxd5Nzk-00094-00046097-00046556 It is a platform where we bring people, we bring innovations, we KSISwxd5Nzk-00095-00046556-00047035 bring ideas, we bring founders, we bring aggregators, accelerators, together. KSISwxd5Nzk-00096-00047035-00047455 To take the innovation to the next level. KSISwxd5Nzk-00097-00047455-00047769 What I see is what is required. KSISwxd5Nzk-00098-00047769-00048212 By creating innovations in creating platforms like this, what KSISwxd5Nzk-00099-00048212-00048584 we can do is get innovations up there and another of my ideas KSISwxd5Nzk-00100-00048584-00048925 physically, and we have been talking as well, that multiple KSISwxd5Nzk-00101-00048925-00049538 partners is to create visibility innovative solutions hub. KSISwxd5Nzk-00102-00049538-00050087 Where we can actually get all the players in the space of assistive KSISwxd5Nzk-00103-00050087-00050389 solutions and social processes. KSISwxd5Nzk-00104-00050389-00050825 Innovations on a platform where we can talk, the important thing in KSISwxd5Nzk-00105-00050825-00051129 that is the problem in the centre. KSISwxd5Nzk-00106-00051129-00051361 It has to be the user in the centre, because you don't want to KSISwxd5Nzk-00107-00051361-00051676 innovate and find it is no longer helping the person. KSISwxd5Nzk-00108-00051676-00052117 I think innovation in the centre and a search engine, a research KSISwxd5Nzk-00109-00052117-00052620 where people with any problems can look at solutions, the kind of look KSISwxd5Nzk-00110-00052620-00053005 at that, is going to be very important, and that is the thing. KSISwxd5Nzk-00111-00053005-00053377 Tomorrow, we have a panel discussion on the whole scale up KSISwxd5Nzk-00112-00053377-00053804 we are calling, on innovative solutions hub. KSISwxd5Nzk-00113-00053804-00054216 I think we will listen more on that, on what it means. KSISwxd5Nzk-00114-00054216-00054570 >> Absolutely amazing, one of the things I really resonate with is KSISwxd5Nzk-00115-00054570-00054808 this user centred design issue. KSISwxd5Nzk-00116-00054808-00055270 One of my former students says that user centred design is only as KSISwxd5Nzk-00117-00055270-00055657 good as the user at the centre of that design. KSISwxd5Nzk-00118-00055657-00055932 If you put people like me at the centre of that design, you are just KSISwxd5Nzk-00119-00055932-00056189 going to get more of the same, but if you put someone with a KSISwxd5Nzk-00120-00056189-00056533 disability at the centre of that design, suddenly to have something KSISwxd5Nzk-00121-00056533-00056917 that works better for everyone. KSISwxd5Nzk-00122-00056917-00057307 I want to make sure they heard, there is a session tomorrow on this KSISwxd5Nzk-00123-00057307-00057651 hub, this innovation scale up hub. KSISwxd5Nzk-00124-00057651-00057955 So please take a look at the programs and checking on that KSISwxd5Nzk-00125-00057955-00058186 session, it is going to be awesome. KSISwxd5Nzk-00126-00058186-00058650 Now, I know do a lot of work with grassroots empowerment. KSISwxd5Nzk-00127-00058650-00059001 I want to know how you see the role of grassroots organisations KSISwxd5Nzk-00128-00059001-00059507 and individuals contributed to this concept, this high-level concept, KSISwxd5Nzk-00129-00059607-00059956 of the purple economy. KSISwxd5Nzk-00130-00059956-00060149 >> Good question. I think I completely connect with the user centred design, like you said, KSISwxd5Nzk-00131-00060149-00060716 and if you don't evolve with the users, whereas innovation KSISwxd5Nzk-00132-00060716-00060841 coming, what is happening? KSISwxd5Nzk-00133-00060841-00061508 I'll say that the whole thing is about – I think many times, we find KSISwxd5Nzk-00134-00061508-00061708 that the world is what I know. KSISwxd5Nzk-00135-00061708-00062141 There are so many things you don't know. KSISwxd5Nzk-00136-00062141-00062788 Connecting systems or processes where I can go and get what I don't KSISwxd5Nzk-00137-00062788-00063016 know and understand what I don't know. KSISwxd5Nzk-00138-00063016-00063258 This is where the grassroots innovation comes in. KSISwxd5Nzk-00139-00063258-00064341 One of the things physically, Dennis here, from Enable India, he KSISwxd5Nzk-00140-00064341-00064554 has a physical disability with his hand. KSISwxd5Nzk-00141-00064554-00064974 He was telling me one day in a session, he can catch a toothbrush KSISwxd5Nzk-00142-00064974-00065460 but doesn't have motor movements for brushing my teeth, so I use an KSISwxd5Nzk-00143-00065460-00065616 electric toothbrush. KSISwxd5Nzk-00144-00065616-00066023 OK, that is a simple solution. KSISwxd5Nzk-00145-00066023-00066559 Same thing, I went to a class of the visually impaired, and ask them, KSISwxd5Nzk-00146-00066559-00066967 how do you identify a toothbrush in the morning? KSISwxd5Nzk-00147-00066967-00067216 Because sometimes, if you are a family, you basically have green KSISwxd5Nzk-00148-00067216-00067444 colour, blue-collar toothbrush -- blue coloured toothbrush, you pick KSISwxd5Nzk-00149-00067444-00067607 it up. KSISwxd5Nzk-00150-00067607-00068153 So this person says I use an elastic band on the toothbrush, KSISwxd5Nzk-00151-00068153-00068634 feel that, and pick it up, I make a small scratch at the bottom, feel KSISwxd5Nzk-00152-00068634-00068747 it and pick it up. KSISwxd5Nzk-00153-00068747-00069232 These are solutions, very simple solutions out there, and you can KSISwxd5Nzk-00154-00069232-00069586 imagine somebody will go and innovate a colour recognition KSISwxd5Nzk-00155-00069586-00069799 device for the toothbrush. KSISwxd5Nzk-00156-00069799-00069967 Not required! KSISwxd5Nzk-00157-00069967-00070395 So that is what I mean physically, when you look at evolving, and this KSISwxd5Nzk-00158-00070395-00070913 is physically where ideas to restore agency at that person, KSISwxd5Nzk-00159-00070913-00071148 saying that you are innovator. KSISwxd5Nzk-00160-00071148-00071482 You have been innovating because you have a necessity, and that is KSISwxd5Nzk-00161-00071482-00071705 the thing we want to get to. KSISwxd5Nzk-00162-00071705-00072170 So if you want to work in economy, I think you need to reach out to KSISwxd5Nzk-00163-00072170-00072633 the unknowns and scale things, so you can reach to the grassroots, KSISwxd5Nzk-00164-00072633-00072770 understand that. KSISwxd5Nzk-00165-00072770-00073102 Bringing those solutions, innovations, and bring it to the KSISwxd5Nzk-00166-00073102-00073348 forefront, for the economy to survive. KSISwxd5Nzk-00167-00073348-00073796 This is the whole idea of Discovery Awards, and today, we KSISwxd5Nzk-00168-00073796-00074242 started to discover such grassroots innovation, I think we have the KSISwxd5Nzk-00169-00074242-00074607 Discovery Awards happening tomorrow, 10 countries have signed up, more KSISwxd5Nzk-00170-00074607-00075017 and more countries are getting involved to take that up to take it to the next KSISwxd5Nzk-00171-00075017-00075117 level. KSISwxd5Nzk-00172-00075117-00075245 It is very exciting. KSISwxd5Nzk-00173-00075245-00075737 So I can see this whole thing, nothing about us without us is so KSISwxd5Nzk-00174-00075737-00075874 important. KSISwxd5Nzk-00175-00075874-00076212 That is where I can see when you bring that thing to the purple KSISwxd5Nzk-00176-00076212-00076561 economy, it is going to be amazing. KSISwxd5Nzk-00177-00076561-00076958 >> I truly believe in this vision, because I do not believe solutions KSISwxd5Nzk-00178-00076958-00077473 that are generated at the top can make true impact on the ground at KSISwxd5Nzk-00179-00077473-00077818 the bottom, I think you must have innovation that occurs at the KSISwxd5Nzk-00180-00077818-00078220 grassroots level, and can be scaled up. KSISwxd5Nzk-00181-00078220-00078626 It gets into this issue, where people are facing problems every KSISwxd5Nzk-00182-00078626-00078784 day. KSISwxd5Nzk-00183-00078784-00079072 Coming into contact with those points of friction and issues, and KSISwxd5Nzk-00184-00079072-00079481 they solved those problems really elegantly, very simply, often. KSISwxd5Nzk-00185-00079481-00079949 They have the solutions they use all the time, but we are not aware KSISwxd5Nzk-00186-00079949-00080049 of. KSISwxd5Nzk-00187-00080049-00080319 Because there is not that opportunity to scale up. KSISwxd5Nzk-00188-00080319-00080633 Those awards that you mention which will be happening tomorrow, I KSISwxd5Nzk-00189-00080633-00080949 highly encourage everybody to attend, they will be amazing KSISwxd5Nzk-00190-00080949-00081374 opportunities for individuals to gain recognition for those KSISwxd5Nzk-00191-00081374-00081474 innovations. KSISwxd5Nzk-00192-00081474-00081854 You are an amazing role model, really grateful to have an KSISwxd5Nzk-00193-00081854-00082051 opportunity to connect with you. KSISwxd5Nzk-00194-00082051-00082238 And I hope everybody has a chance to connect with you at the KSISwxd5Nzk-00195-00082238-00082346 conference. KSISwxd5Nzk-00196-00082346-00082888 >> Thanks, Anthony, and what a lovely partner to have for a KSISwxd5Nzk-00197-00082888-00082988 fireside. KSISwxd5Nzk-00198-00082988-00083080 Thank you so much. KU7yCwRJo58-00001-00000969-00001169 Kefir 200g KU7yCwRJo58-00002-00001508-00001708 Egg 1pc KU7yCwRJo58-00003-00001832-00002032 Sugar 2s.l KU7yCwRJo58-00004-00003358-00003558 Butter KU7yCwRJo58-00005-00004075-00004275 100g Flour 450g KU7yCwRJo58-00006-00004538-00004738 Baking powder 1st.l KU7yCwRJo58-00007-00013335-00013535 Sugar 0.5st.l KU7yCwRJo58-00009-00018914-00019114 Sprinkle with powdered sugar KU7yCwRJo58-00010-00019651-00019851 Bake at 200C for 25-30 minutes KV6da6MKijk-00000-00000000-00000368 I know I'm not the only one who had a crappy childhood so in this video I want KV6da6MKijk-00001-00000368-00001635 to share with you my journey of trying to forgive my alcoholic mom what is up KV6da6MKijk-00002-00001635-00002022 everybody this is Chris from the rewired soul where we talk about the problem but KV6da6MKijk-00003-00002022-00002373 focus on the solution and if you're new to my channel my channel is all about KV6da6MKijk-00004-00002373-00002826 mental health and I do my best to try to help you to improve your mental health KV6da6MKijk-00005-00002826-00003117 so if you're into that kind of stuff make sure you subscribe and ring that KV6da6MKijk-00006-00003117-00003603 notification bell so I have a ton of new subscribers there have been a lot of KV6da6MKijk-00007-00003603-00004130 topics that have come up lately and I think this video will summarize a lot of KV6da6MKijk-00008-00004130-00004662 what people have been asking what people need help with and all of that and a lot KV6da6MKijk-00009-00004662-00005025 of you are gonna get to know me a little bit better but there's there's a lot KV6da6MKijk-00010-00005025-00005580 going on so I've made some videos about how your childhood can affect who you KV6da6MKijk-00011-00005580-00006164 become as an adult using that as a reason but not as an excuse to of the KV6da6MKijk-00012-00006164-00006548 big things that are important to me and my mental health are forgiveness and KV6da6MKijk-00013-00006548-00007178 empathy and these are things that took me a very long time to figure out and KV6da6MKijk-00014-00007178-00007775 it's it's really hard to tell people who are just meeting me that I used to be KV6da6MKijk-00015-00007775-00008150 the angriest person that you would ever meet I was just constantly and KV6da6MKijk-00016-00008150-00008490 perpetually angry and a lot of that had to do with KV6da6MKijk-00017-00008490-00009045 my depression my anxiety my childhood and everything but anyways let me let me KV6da6MKijk-00018-00009045-00009511 share with you this story it's gonna be kind of long but if you are somebody who KV6da6MKijk-00019-00009511-00010086 had a bad childhood a rough childhood I hope this video gives you some hope I KV6da6MKijk-00020-00010086-00010532 hope it helps you heal I hope it gives you some suggestions KV6da6MKijk-00021-00010532-00011072 so anyways I'm the child of an alcoholic mom all right spoiler alert for those of KV6da6MKijk-00022-00011072-00011538 you who don't know my mom was just in a video I did like yesterday I think she's KV6da6MKijk-00023-00011538-00012011 coming up on 13 years sober alright so I just want to get that out of the way KV6da6MKijk-00024-00012011-00012513 anyways growing up my parents divorced when I was about four years old we lived KV6da6MKijk-00025-00012513-00012811 in Fresno California they got divorced not long after KV6da6MKijk-00026-00012811-00013372 I moved in with my dad and he was my primary parent and I would go visit my KV6da6MKijk-00027-00013372-00013852 mom in the holidays something that just came to mind is that for many many many KV6da6MKijk-00028-00013852-00014425 years and even to this day I'm not sure but for many years the way I had that KV6da6MKijk-00029-00014425-00014800 story in my head was I was living with my mom she sent me to go visit my dad KV6da6MKijk-00030-00014800-00015222 and then she just didn't want me back and I just stayed with my dad so if you KV6da6MKijk-00031-00015222-00015666 if you imagine that as a five-year-old child like that's something that gets KV6da6MKijk-00032-00015666-00016119 printed in your brain and something that's come up in my videos recently is KV6da6MKijk-00033-00016119-00016545 trust issues so like it's important to go through this process and realize like KV6da6MKijk-00034-00016545-00016954 where these things are coming from so anyways it wasn't long after that KV6da6MKijk-00035-00016954-00017365 when my mom started drinking heavily so I would go and visit her during the KV6da6MKijk-00036-00017365-00017866 holiday so we're talking about Thanksgiving and Christmas and she not KV6da6MKijk-00037-00017866-00018352 too long after they're no longer together that's a whole different story KV6da6MKijk-00038-00018352-00018730 but yeah I just remember going down there and every time I would go to visit KV6da6MKijk-00039-00018730-00019165 she was just insanely drunk and my mom was the type of drunk where she was KV6da6MKijk-00040-00019165-00019551 homicidal or suicidal like she was threatening to stab or kill somebody KV6da6MKijk-00041-00019551-00019926 else she's this feisty little Sicilian woman or there were times when I was KV6da6MKijk-00042-00019926-00020290 like seven eight years old and I remember my mom like locking herself in KV6da6MKijk-00043-00020290-00020806 the bathroom threatening to kill herself and like that's rough that's rough as a KV6da6MKijk-00044-00020806-00021394 child I remember you know Thanksgivings or Christmas Eve I just remember my mom KV6da6MKijk-00045-00021394-00021757 getting blackout drunk like these are supposed to be this family time of the KV6da6MKijk-00046-00021757-00022225 year and my stepdad having to carry my mom's unconscious drunk self to the car KV6da6MKijk-00047-00022225-00022522 as we drive home and I remember just sitting in the back of the car just KV6da6MKijk-00048-00022522-00022948 thinking about how much I just hated my life and I hated everything I always was KV6da6MKijk-00049-00022948-00023376 just like why can't I just have a normal childhood and there were periods of my KV6da6MKijk-00050-00023376-00023761 life as I got older when I became like I don't know middle school high school age KV6da6MKijk-00051-00023761-00024073 there were times but I just I just didn't want to visit my mom anymore KV6da6MKijk-00052-00024073-00024423 I just didn't want to go out there I just didn't understand why she couldn't KV6da6MKijk-00053-00024423-00024925 love me or why she couldn't stop drinking because of me like doesn't she KV6da6MKijk-00054-00024925-00025528 care about me enough to just quit I just wouldn't go visit her I remember KV6da6MKijk-00055-00025528-00025797 somewhere around high school there was like a year or two where I just went KV6da6MKijk-00056-00025797-00026031 with even talking to her like I just had so KV6da6MKijk-00057-00026031-00026481 much anger and resentment towards her like I did not understand why this woman KV6da6MKijk-00058-00026481-00027389 could not quit for me you know because alcohol I swore that I was never gonna KV6da6MKijk-00059-00027389-00027813 drink or use drugs and at the end of my senior year that's when I got drunk for KV6da6MKijk-00060-00027813-00028544 the first time because of a breakup I just didn't want to feel anything I KV6da6MKijk-00061-00028544-00029066 never knew how to handle my emotions I was always anxious or depressed or angry KV6da6MKijk-00062-00029066-00029483 and the first time I drank I was I oh okay like this gets rid of everything KV6da6MKijk-00063-00029483-00029978 and that's what started my addiction so I have a ton of other videos like I just KV6da6MKijk-00064-00029978-00030462 want to kind of give you like a a brief little history of what my life was like KV6da6MKijk-00065-00030462-00031114 before I started drinking I think it's important to understand two things KV6da6MKijk-00066-00031114-00031647 statistically children of alcoholics or addicts well let me put it this way KV6da6MKijk-00067-00031647-00032181 people who have alcohol as their caregiver they have an 80% chance of KV6da6MKijk-00068-00032181-00032489 becoming an alcoholic or an addict because of their environment there's KV6da6MKijk-00069-00032489-00032955 also a 50% genetic factor in there so I do a course like at the treatment KV6da6MKijk-00070-00032955-00033353 centers I work at and like I go through the risk factors and like you can add KV6da6MKijk-00071-00033353-00033659 all these things up and like I was screwed from the get-go of becoming an KV6da6MKijk-00072-00033659-00033984 alcoholic or an addict but I do want you to have a little empathy for those of KV6da6MKijk-00073-00033984-00034322 you who don't struggle with addiction or anything like I just want you to know KV6da6MKijk-00074-00034322-00034881 again it's a reason but not an excuse a lot of the people who have addictions KV6da6MKijk-00075-00034881-00035366 had some kind of really bad childhood so there's a story that I don't tell KV6da6MKijk-00076-00035366-00035724 often and those of you who understand or know about 12-step programs that make KV6da6MKijk-00077-00035724-00036255 sense to you but when I was in like in deep into my alcoholism was when my mom KV6da6MKijk-00078-00036255-00036753 got sober and she she wanted to come visit me in Las Vegas I lived in a KV6da6MKijk-00079-00036753-00037065 little two-bedroom apartment with my roommate and my mom wanted to come visit KV6da6MKijk-00080-00037065-00037518 me which I thought was weird I'm like okay and her being sober just didn't KV6da6MKijk-00081-00037518-00038093 really click for me right so she came and visited me and she stayed in a hotel KV6da6MKijk-00082-00038093-00038540 and she came by the apartment and like she came in and there was just alcohol KV6da6MKijk-00083-00038540-00038821 bottles everywhere and beer cats everywhere and KV6da6MKijk-00084-00038821-00039153 her heart must have been breaking you know seeing where I was at and the KV6da6MKijk-00085-00039153-00039436 morning that she was leaving to go back to California she asked if we can have KV6da6MKijk-00086-00039436-00039891 breakfast so of course I'm like okay let's go to this this bar across the KV6da6MKijk-00087-00039891-00040266 street from my house is here in Las Vegas of 24 hours and they have cooks 24 KV6da6MKijk-00088-00040266-00040572 hours so we winter like six or seven in the morning and we go there you know KV6da6MKijk-00089-00040572-00041019 because of the omelets are really good and like I was I was drunk I was already KV6da6MKijk-00090-00041019-00041599 drunk and she apologized to me she apologized to me for everything she's KV6da6MKijk-00091-00041599-00042337 done and you know whatever cuz to me that's something that she always said KV6da6MKijk-00092-00042337-00042834 she always said that like she would be drunk when I was a kid and apologized to KV6da6MKijk-00093-00042834-00043284 me so I'm just like whatever later on I found out she was doing her ninth step KV6da6MKijk-00094-00043284-00043606 with me all right she was making it amends with me and that's really KV6da6MKijk-00095-00043606-00044065 interesting you know someone making their ninth step to their son who is KV6da6MKijk-00096-00044065-00044509 getting drunk at like 7:00 in the morning at a bar really weird stuff so KV6da6MKijk-00097-00044509-00044866 when my son was born a few years later my mom was still sober and she came out KV6da6MKijk-00098-00044866-00045291 to visit I'm like I don't know I just remember there was this change in her KV6da6MKijk-00099-00045291-00045769 right she had this kind of glow she kind of had this happiness and peace and KV6da6MKijk-00100-00045769-00046246 serenity it was like it was like this mom that I hadn't met before but I still KV6da6MKijk-00101-00046246-00046672 had all of my issues with her like you don't just let go of 20 years of your KV6da6MKijk-00102-00046672-00047272 life and pretty much hating your mom right so years after that after my life KV6da6MKijk-00103-00047272-00047541 spiraled out of control my mom's actually the person who saved my life KV6da6MKijk-00104-00047541-00047913 I'm gonna be linking a bunch of videos in the info card or I've talked a little KV6da6MKijk-00105-00047913-00048315 bit more in depth about certain sections of my story I also wrote a book like KV6da6MKijk-00106-00048315-00048666 shameless plug but I wrote a book it's like five dollars on Amazon only get in KV6da6MKijk-00107-00048666-00049186 the description it's pretty much my story of addiction and recovery so if KV6da6MKijk-00108-00049186-00049515 you want all the deets like go ahead and check out the book or go to my website KV6da6MKijk-00109-00049515-00050086 and you can get a free copy anyway back to the story so my mom ended up saving KV6da6MKijk-00110-00050086-00050797 my life and I got sober and I was so mad at her I remember when they had an KV6da6MKijk-00111-00050797-00051172 intervention I was just screaming and cussing at her just this is your fault KV6da6MKijk-00112-00051172-00051570 it's your fault I'm the way I am and I called her all sorts of names that you KV6da6MKijk-00113-00051570-00052101 should never call anybody you know especially your own mother right and all KV6da6MKijk-00114-00052101-00052524 and you know she'd help me get sober and I went into sober living for a few KV6da6MKijk-00115-00052524-00052836 months and then I ended up moving with my mom I was just so angry I was KV6da6MKijk-00116-00052836-00053310 constantly fighting with her constantly I just had so much anger and I remember KV6da6MKijk-00117-00053310-00053697 calling people and calling my sponsor and just being like I don't know why I'm KV6da6MKijk-00118-00053697-00054380 so angry right like all the time so now we're gonna get to this kind of healing KV6da6MKijk-00119-00054380-00054988 process so one of the things that I learned is just to let go all right and KV6da6MKijk-00120-00054988-00055419 forgiveness is a huge part of that something I always teach my clients and KV6da6MKijk-00121-00055419-00055907 it's because it was a huge lesson to me like forgiveness I think I think in our KV6da6MKijk-00122-00055907-00056460 brains and part of it's our ego we feel that forgiveness is letting the person KV6da6MKijk-00123-00056460-00056679 off the hook for every terrible thing they've done KV6da6MKijk-00124-00056679-00057092 I don't think of that battle like that forgiveness is letting me off the hook KV6da6MKijk-00125-00057092-00057576 it's letting me and myself the sooner I can forgive somebody whether it's my KV6da6MKijk-00126-00057576-00057830 mother or the person who cut me off on the freeway KV6da6MKijk-00127-00057830-00058269 the sooner I forgive them and let go I can move on with the rest of my day or KV6da6MKijk-00128-00058269-00058662 the rest of my life even so that's something that I learned now one thing KV6da6MKijk-00129-00058662-00059091 that broke my heart so my son was three years old when I got sober and this is KV6da6MKijk-00130-00059091-00059748 where empathy comes in and I saw I saw people in my mom's life that were just KV6da6MKijk-00131-00059748-00060336 treating her like garbage right like you know we all get so wrapped up in our own KV6da6MKijk-00132-00060336-00060885 stuff and I've had so much anger towards my mom but I remember to see people talk KV6da6MKijk-00133-00060885-00061266 smack to my mom and my mom was seven years sober at this time and people were KV6da6MKijk-00134-00061266-00061710 still people were still giving her crap about what she did in addition I'm KV6da6MKijk-00135-00061710-00062091 sitting there like wow like I want people to forgive me for all the KV6da6MKijk-00136-00062091-00062708 terrible stuff I did in my addiction why why can't I do that for my own mom so KV6da6MKijk-00137-00062708-00063152 that kind of helped me like empathize with her maybe I sympathize with her you KV6da6MKijk-00138-00063152-00063594 know but like I knew that I didn't want to be treated like that so that was part KV6da6MKijk-00139-00063594-00063914 of it which really kind of like I was like you know what maybe I need to start KV6da6MKijk-00140-00063914-00064536 calming down a little bit now here's the most transformative part KV6da6MKijk-00141-00064536-00065114 I learned through the program that I work to get sober to to write things KV6da6MKijk-00142-00065114-00065664 down break things down look at my fears and everything basically what I found KV6da6MKijk-00143-00065664-00066257 was like okay so look at me why did that happen because of my childhood right I KV6da6MKijk-00144-00066257-00066741 blame my mom well I have to look at my mom's past okay and this is this is KV6da6MKijk-00145-00066741-00067035 something I would ask all of you if you have problems with your parents like KV6da6MKijk-00146-00067035-00067502 look at their past look at their childhood can you empathize so I already KV6da6MKijk-00147-00067502-00067851 asked my mom like a couple weeks ago when I was starting to plan to make this KV6da6MKijk-00148-00067851-00068748 video I was like do you care do you care if I'm completely open but so let me put KV6da6MKijk-00149-00068748-00069435 myself in my mom's shoes real quick so my mom grew up in a time where there was KV6da6MKijk-00150-00069435-00069995 still a lot of racism okay the 50s the 60s and all that and those of you who KV6da6MKijk-00151-00069995-00070401 don't know surprise I am half African American yep that's KV6da6MKijk-00152-00070401-00071169 right my father is black so my mom she as long as I can remember my mom is just KV6da6MKijk-00153-00071169-00071604 attracted to African American men you know and yes I know all the jokes that KV6da6MKijk-00154-00071604-00071979 come along with that but my mom is attracted african-american men but KV6da6MKijk-00155-00071979-00072810 anyways back to the serious note imagine a young white woman growing up in an KV6da6MKijk-00156-00072810-00073305 area where this stuff isn't really accepted and my mom is only dating black KV6da6MKijk-00157-00073305-00074444 men my mom got bullied picked on beat up my mom has to fake front teeth right my KV6da6MKijk-00158-00074444-00074916 mom wasn't just getting whupped on like my mom was a scrapper so she fought she KV6da6MKijk-00159-00074916-00075606 beats her butt too but like my mom was beaten for who she was attracted to like KV6da6MKijk-00160-00075606-00076101 that stuff is insane to me right my mom was beaten by people at her school they KV6da6MKijk-00161-00076101-00076587 called her an n-word lover and all this like this is what my mom dealt with in KV6da6MKijk-00162-00076587-00077049 her toddler then going home my mom is Cecilia my grandpa is Cecilia like KV6da6MKijk-00163-00077049-00077772 grandpa is way more accepting now but back then you know it wasn't okay for my KV6da6MKijk-00164-00077772-00078302 mom that they American men my my mom was beat by my by KV6da6MKijk-00165-00078302-00078636 my grandpa right I remember my mom telling me stories they were like beat KV6da6MKijk-00166-00078636-00079088 with a hose my mom would like step up to my grandpa Wayne Knight he was gonna hit KV6da6MKijk-00167-00079088-00079538 her twin sister or her other siblings like my mom was getting in between that KV6da6MKijk-00168-00079538-00079923 so like I'm sitting there and I have to look at this like look at the childhood KV6da6MKijk-00169-00079923-00080477 my mom had right then later on I mentioned this a long time ago in a KV6da6MKijk-00170-00080477-00080829 video but I'm actually supposed to have a brother who's a year older than me KV6da6MKijk-00171-00080829-00081518 okay but my mom her and my father's first child he died just a few days KV6da6MKijk-00172-00081518-00082139 after he was born all right so like after that my mom had a lot of trauma KV6da6MKijk-00173-00082139-00082745 and panic attacks and so much stuff going on so like when you start to KV6da6MKijk-00174-00082745-00083183 compound all of this stuff that happens through my mom's life like I look at KV6da6MKijk-00175-00083183-00083588 them like no wonder why she turned to alcohol like no wonder you know what I KV6da6MKijk-00176-00083588-00084104 mean and again it's a reason but it's not an excuse but my mom did what so KV6da6MKijk-00177-00084104-00084500 many people can't do which is get sober and then she helps save my life so like KV6da6MKijk-00178-00084500-00084887 this is what helped me heal and process this stuff is that I realize like you KV6da6MKijk-00179-00084887-00085311 know not everything is about me like yes I can sit there and think about my rough KV6da6MKijk-00180-00085311-00085805 childhood this and this and this but when I can step back and say okay well KV6da6MKijk-00181-00085805-00086274 her childhood was rough and maybe that's what turned her into the person that she KV6da6MKijk-00182-00086274-00086843 became that helped me forgive her and today and you know I'm not even gonna KV6da6MKijk-00183-00086843-00087263 jump to today I will say this I lived with my mom for a while before I moved KV6da6MKijk-00184-00087263-00087788 back to Las Vegas and I remember this and I just think there's an important KV6da6MKijk-00185-00087788-00088139 part of the story I remember everything was going great for me I moved back to KV6da6MKijk-00186-00088139-00088643 Las Vegas I got a job I got a beautiful girlfriend who I felt was way out of my KV6da6MKijk-00187-00088643-00088889 league I had money in my pocket I was seeing my KV6da6MKijk-00188-00088889-00089333 son again just all sorts of stuff and my days were going great but then my mom KV6da6MKijk-00189-00089333-00089847 would call and my day would go to crap I started to notice this pattern right KV6da6MKijk-00190-00089847-00090291 like my day is going great any time my mom calls me it goes to crap right and I KV6da6MKijk-00191-00090291-00090692 was like over a year sober my mom was sober eight years at this time KV6da6MKijk-00192-00090692-00091292 I ended up telling my mom I said mom listen I love you okay but right now I KV6da6MKijk-00193-00091292-00091624 need to work on some things before me and you can talk I said I need to take a KV6da6MKijk-00194-00091624-00092093 break so I didn't talk to my mom for a few months why while I worked on myself KV6da6MKijk-00195-00092093-00092522 all right now me and my mom have an amazing relationship so the reason I KV6da6MKijk-00196-00092522-00092918 shared that as part of this story is sometimes you have to take a break and KV6da6MKijk-00197-00092918-00093617 feel like sometimes like I don't think I ever had the proper distance from her to KV6da6MKijk-00198-00093617-00094067 fully heal like it was a struggle to forgive like all the stuff I was talking KV6da6MKijk-00199-00094067-00094355 about with her childhood I get made sense but it was hard because she was KV6da6MKijk-00200-00094355-00094760 constantly in my face but when I was able to just cut her out and just have KV6da6MKijk-00201-00094760-00095314 my own kind of like space to process and deal with this then it got better today KV6da6MKijk-00202-00095314-00095972 my mom and I are like best friends she calls me for advice I call her for KV6da6MKijk-00203-00095972-00096469 advice she's a psychologist she has a PhD in psychology she specializes in KV6da6MKijk-00204-00096469-00096874 addiction I mentioned this the other day our dream is to someday open a treatment KV6da6MKijk-00205-00096874-00097448 center together and help people like my mom and I just all relationships amazing KV6da6MKijk-00206-00097448-00097837 today and that's why I want to give you some hope but like that hope it's like KV6da6MKijk-00207-00097837-00098344 we a lot of times we expect the other person to do all the other work we want KV6da6MKijk-00208-00098344-00098875 the other person to grovel and apologize and forgive like it's my mom's coming up KV6da6MKijk-00209-00098875-00099311 with 13 years sober I'm six years sober there are still people who hold my mom's KV6da6MKijk-00210-00099311-00099838 addiction over her head right like I had to step back and realize like I have to KV6da6MKijk-00211-00099838-00100243 put some work into this I have to put some effort into this like they cannot KV6da6MKijk-00212-00100243-00100669 do all the work there's only so many times a person can say sorry you know KV6da6MKijk-00213-00100669-00101182 what I mean but I actually get to go and visit my mom this weekend as well as my KV6da6MKijk-00214-00101182-00101486 father and a bunch of other friends and everything like that KV6da6MKijk-00215-00101486-00102067 but I really hope this video helped any of you out who had a rough childhood if KV6da6MKijk-00216-00102067-00102464 you have anybody in your life that you're struggling with forgiving again I KV6da6MKijk-00217-00102464-00102776 will repeat this one last time forgiveness is not letting the other KV6da6MKijk-00218-00102776-00103186 person off the hook for what they did forgiveness is letting yourself off the KV6da6MKijk-00219-00103186-00103705 hook so you can go to sleep at night so you can move on with your day all right KV6da6MKijk-00220-00103705-00104163 but anyways this video is way long I expect if any of you have any KV6da6MKijk-00221-00104163-00104550 experiences that you want to share or maybe if you want to leave comments KV6da6MKijk-00222-00104550-00104898 about how you're struggling to forgive people maybe I can do a follow-up video KV6da6MKijk-00223-00104898-00105243 about this make sure you leave comments down below all right but that's all I KV6da6MKijk-00224-00105243-00105533 got for you if you like this video please give it a thumbs up and if you're KV6da6MKijk-00225-00105533-00105785 new I'm always making videos to try to help you out with your mental health KV6da6MKijk-00226-00105785-00106179 make sure you subscribe and ring that notification bell and a huge thank you KV6da6MKijk-00227-00106179-00106482 to everybody supporting the channel over on patreon you helped me do something I KV6da6MKijk-00228-00106482-00106824 love with this help others with their mental and emotional well-being and look KV6da6MKijk-00229-00106824-00107183 there's some new names on the patreon list if you would like to become a KV6da6MKijk-00230-00107183-00107499 patreon supporter just pick a tap on that link right there you can do it for KV6da6MKijk-00231-00107499-00107817 as little as $1 a month alright that's all I got for you thanks KV6da6MKijk-00232-00107817-00108160 again for watching I'll see you next KXcCIVufNdM-00000-00000006-00000648 you wanna change autocad text style in your entire drawing with one click? KXcCIVufNdM-00001-00000648-00000917 keep watching! KXcCIVufNdM-00002-00001945-00002764 hi welcome to a new video on AutoCAD macros for automatic drawings KXcCIVufNdM-00003-00002860-00003707 Auto text style change command. why do you need it? a textstyle is a named collection KXcCIVufNdM-00004-00003707-00004323 of text settings that controls the appearance of text such as font, KXcCIVufNdM-00005-00004323-00005032 justification, and more, but if you're watching this video, you probably already know this KXcCIVufNdM-00006-00005032-00005675 but what you don't know is what I'll share with you next. KXcCIVufNdM-00007-00005675-00006361 you can automate AutoCAD to avoid creating text styles and change font of all text KXcCIVufNdM-00008-00006361-00007202 automatically like this. let's create your custom AutoCAD command. KXcCIVufNdM-00009-00007202-00008161 to start, type CUI and press Enter. this will bring up AutoCAD customize user interface. KXcCIVufNdM-00010-00008161-00008780 to create a new command in AutoCAD, duplicate any existing command, KXcCIVufNdM-00011-00008780-00009256 rename it, and change its macro. KXcCIVufNdM-00012-00009601-00010526 let's quickly explain these AutoCAD macro. first, you'll use CC to cancel any KXcCIVufNdM-00013-00010526-00011330 AutoCAD running commands. second, you'll start OPTCHPROP command, you will type in ALL KXcCIVufNdM-00014-00011330-00011746 to select all objects in your drawing KXcCIVufNdM-00015-00011746-00012730 including TEXT STYLES. now, enter property to change. type in letter T for textstyle KXcCIVufNdM-00016-00012730-00013385 finally, go ahead and enter text style name you want your entire drawing to be changed KXcCIVufNdM-00017-00013385-00013641 ... KXcCIVufNdM-00018-00014134-00014721 now, to use your new change text style command and have it always available KXcCIVufNdM-00019-00014721-00015437 add it to your AutoCAD quick access panel. if you prefer to have it in your AutoCAD ribbon KXcCIVufNdM-00020-00015437-00016297 or tool palette, there will be a link down on video description. KXcCIVufNdM-00021-00016297-00016915 time to test your new Autocad text style change command. what happen next is KXcCIVufNdM-00022-00016915-00017459 that if you're serious about saving time in AutoCAD, don't forget to grab your 5 KXcCIVufNdM-00023-00017459-00018031 automatic commands while they are still available! you grab them at the link KXcCIVufNdM-00024-00018031-00018363 below this video. KZPRgMeedL8-00000-00000004-00000204 Hello channel subscribers KZPRgMeedL8-00001-00000438-00000927 hello?/It's live broadcasting now. [If you watch video on YouTube, it will be recorded .;;] KZPRgMeedL8-00002-00001220-00002396 From the end of the first chapter KZPRgMeedL8-00003-00002396-00002650 I will finish the work I did not do KZPRgMeedL8-00004-00003306-00003546 First thing to do KZPRgMeedL8-00005-00003629-00005116 Go to the second town, not the coffee shop. KZPRgMeedL8-00006-00005864-00006186 Broadcast Attendee / Hello KZPRgMeedL8-00007-00007259-00007520 Uh ... where do i go? [Small voice] KZPRgMeedL8-00008-00008136-00008238 Last Promoted Nice KZPRgMeedL8-00009-00009416-00009544 Not here. KZPRgMeedL8-00010-00009936-00010024 closed... KZPRgMeedL8-00011-00010322-00010466 Hmm ~ KZPRgMeedL8-00012-00010570-00010712 (cough) KZPRgMeedL8-00013-00010772-00010878 Then ~ KZPRgMeedL8-00014-00010906-00010972 (cough) KZPRgMeedL8-00015-00011012-00011212 Whew![It's hard.] KZPRgMeedL8-00016-00011412-00011868 Buy an old hot dog at this store [Sometimes I need it] (In the future) KZPRgMeedL8-00017-00012668-00013054 MC Stick Let's go to work once more KZPRgMeedL8-00018-00013468-00013641 [Originally meant to work once more]stop work KZPRgMeedL8-00019-00013897-00014104 I'll check if the cheat is off. KZPRgMeedL8-00020-00014154-00014328 The cheat is still on. KZPRgMeedL8-00021-00015082-00015641 When the character is stopped during broadcasting KZPRgMeedL8-00022-00015680-00015730 cough KZPRgMeedL8-00023-00015790-00015990 Because the game was lag. KZPRgMeedL8-00024-00015997-00016250 Wait 1 to 5 seconds and it will be fixed. KZPRgMeedL8-00025-00016280-00016392 Sorry for part 1 KZPRgMeedL8-00026-00016392-00016584 What I wrote Lack is the wrong translation KZPRgMeedL8-00027-00016584-00016760 I want you to change the lack -> Lag to the subtitles. KZPRgMeedL8-00028-00016760-00016830 I'm really sorry! KZPRgMeedL8-00029-00016858-00016948 Now~ KZPRgMeedL8-00030-00017116-00017246 Sleep once. KZPRgMeedL8-00031-00017832-00017882 cough KZPRgMeedL8-00032-00017948-00017998 now~ KZPRgMeedL8-00033-00018102-00018230 Continuously ~ KZPRgMeedL8-00034-00018248-00018386 In the game (after leaving home) KZPRgMeedL8-00035-00018412-00018720 UP X 2 KZPRgMeedL8-00036-00018766-00018938 DOWN KZPRgMeedL8-00037-00019014-00019320 Buy a weapon ~ in town KZPRgMeedL8-00038-00019374-00019562 Previously KZPRgMeedL8-00039-00019652-00019760 I have something to do first. KZPRgMeedL8-00040-00019820-00019994 To viewers KZPRgMeedL8-00041-00019994-00020598 Is there any extreme workout description of the previous episode? KZPRgMeedL8-00042-00020598-00020784 Because you might not know. KZPRgMeedL8-00043-00020826-00021128 Whether it is an extension or a trial, everyone can make it possible. KZPRgMeedL8-00044-00021128-00021178 But! KZPRgMeedL8-00045-00021236-00021894 There is an upward compatibility movement of the extreme movement. KZPRgMeedL8-00046-00021894-00021944 that is KZPRgMeedL8-00047-00022022-00022406 Trial version is not available and only extensions are available KZPRgMeedL8-00048-00022610-00022660 cough KZPRgMeedL8-00049-00023084-00023842 But this extreme movement is possible for everyone. KZPRgMeedL8-00050-00024116-00024412 I'll work out twice to see how many of my character's strength values are now. KZPRgMeedL8-00051-00024438-00024488 cough KZPRgMeedL8-00052-00024488-00024600 Coughing is too much of a video to be included in subtitles KZPRgMeedL8-00053-00024600-00024666 I need to put subtitles KZPRgMeedL8-00054-00024682-00025012 I have 72 character strength figures. I do not have exactly three to get a police job. KZPRgMeedL8-00055-00025012-00025164 Three is not enough, so I'll have to work out. KZPRgMeedL8-00056-00025208-00025442 I'm lucky I'm lucky KZPRgMeedL8-00057-00025574-00025645 strong cough KZPRgMeedL8-00058-00025756-00026050 Please go to the police station. KZPRgMeedL8-00059-00026198-00026272 cough KZPRgMeedL8-00060-00026562-00027112 It's a lot of money compared to the wow MC stick. Really ~ KZPRgMeedL8-00061-00027294-00027662 I work for the police, and the intelligence increases. Zzzzzz KZPRgMeedL8-00062-00027738-00027938 That's a good job. KZPRgMeedL8-00063-00027998-00029272 This job requires positive karma and strength ~ KbjGtG6ZnsU-00000-00000160-00000456 MITCH DANIELS: Today we're gathered in formal convocation KbjGtG6ZnsU-00001-00000456-00000687 to celebrate the 240th commencement KbjGtG6ZnsU-00002-00000687-00000915 exercises at Purdue University. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00003-00000915-00001210 Please rise and join in singing our national anthem. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00004-00001210-00001479 And then remain standing for the invocation offered today KbjGtG6ZnsU-00005-00001479-00001875 by Father Patrick Baikauskas, pastor and director of campus KbjGtG6ZnsU-00006-00001875-00002042 ministry, Saint Thomas Aquinas. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00007-00002042-00002196 [MUSIC - "THE STAR SPANGLED BANNER"] KbjGtG6ZnsU-00008-00002196-00002842 (SINGING) O say can you see, by the dawn's early light, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00009-00002842-00003637 what so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming, whose KbjGtG6ZnsU-00010-00003637-00004283 broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00011-00004283-00005029 o'er the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming? KbjGtG6ZnsU-00012-00005029-00005774 And the rocket's red glare, the bombs bursting in air, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00013-00005774-00006570 gave proof through the night that our flag was still there. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00014-00006570-00007564 O say does that star-spangled banner yet wave o'er KbjGtG6ZnsU-00015-00007564-00008950 the land of the free and the home of the brave? KbjGtG6ZnsU-00016-00008955-00009154 [APPLAUSE AND CHEERS] KbjGtG6ZnsU-00017-00009540-00009724 PATRICK BAIKAUSKAS: There was a woman KbjGtG6ZnsU-00018-00009724-00010111 who died not so very long ago who has inspired millions KbjGtG6ZnsU-00019-00010111-00010489 of people by her life's example and her encouragement for all KbjGtG6ZnsU-00020-00010489-00010888 of us to be attentive to a higher, more KbjGtG6ZnsU-00021-00010888-00011193 purposeful calling. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00022-00011193-00011412 In the places where Mother Teresa of Calcutta KbjGtG6ZnsU-00023-00011412-00011742 lived and worked, she would have these words KbjGtG6ZnsU-00024-00011742-00011980 placed on the walls. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00025-00011980-00012210 And as you go forth today from Purdue, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00026-00012210-00012618 may this reflection she had in front of her every day KbjGtG6ZnsU-00027-00012618-00012735 inspire you as well. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00028-00012950-00013603 "People are often unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00029-00013603-00013827 Forgive them anyway. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00030-00013827-00014076 If you are kind, people may accuse you KbjGtG6ZnsU-00031-00014076-00014355 of selfish, ulterior motives. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00032-00014355-00014601 Be kind anyway. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00033-00014601-00014922 If you are successful, you will win some false friends KbjGtG6ZnsU-00034-00014922-00015078 and some true enemies. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00035-00015078-00015337 Succeed anyway. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00036-00015337-00015679 "If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00037-00015679-00016029 Be honest and frank anyway. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00038-00016029-00016200 What you spend years building someone KbjGtG6ZnsU-00039-00016200-00016464 could destroy overnight. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00040-00016464-00016697 Build anyway. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00041-00016697-00017117 "If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00042-00017117-00017381 Be happy anyway. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00043-00017381-00017780 The good you do today people will often forget. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00044-00017780-00018043 Do good anyway. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00045-00018043-00018220 "Give the world the best you have KbjGtG6ZnsU-00046-00018220-00018476 and it may never be enough. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00047-00018476-00018740 Give the world the best you've got anyway. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00048-00018740-00019379 You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and your God. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00049-00019379-00019920 It was never between you and them anyway." KbjGtG6ZnsU-00050-00019920-00020105 [APPLAUSE AND CHEERS] KbjGtG6ZnsU-00052-00023441-00023600 [MUSIC - ANTHONY WARLOW, "THIS IS THE MOMENT"] KbjGtG6ZnsU-00053-00023600-00024080 This is the moment. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00054-00024080-00024280 This is the day. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00055-00024531-00025284 This is the moment when I know I'm on my way. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00056-00025284-00025947 Every endeavor I have made ever is KbjGtG6ZnsU-00057-00025947-00026839 coming into play, is here and now today. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00058-00026839-00027370 This is the moment. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00059-00027370-00028063 This is the time when the momentum and the moment KbjGtG6ZnsU-00060-00028063-00028550 are in rhyme. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00061-00028550-00029280 Give me this moment, this momentous moment. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00062-00029280-00030239 I'll gather up my past and make some sense at last. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00063-00030239-00031030 This is the moment, my final test. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00064-00031030-00031710 Destiny beckons, I never reckoned second best. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00065-00031710-00032027 This is the day. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00066-00032027-00033200 Just see it shine, when all I've lived for becomes mine. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00067-00033200-00033640 This is the moment. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00068-00033640-00034157 Damn all the odds. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00069-00034157-00034840 This day or never, I sit forever with the gods. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00070-00034840-00036040 When I look back, I will recall, moment for moment, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00071-00036040-00036950 this was the moment, the greatest moment of them KbjGtG6ZnsU-00072-00036950-00038700 all, the greatest moment, moment of them all. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00073-00038800-00039020 (APPLAUSE) KbjGtG6ZnsU-00074-00039222-00039426 MITCH DANIELS: I never expected this, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00075-00039426-00039948 to be addressing you with me in an empty hall and you far away. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00076-00039948-00040182 Wherever you're watching this virtual ceremony, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00077-00040182-00040377 I hope you're surrounded by people KbjGtG6ZnsU-00078-00040377-00040638 you love, people who helped you reach KbjGtG6ZnsU-00079-00040638-00040890 this moment of achievement. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00080-00040890-00041160 As is my practice, I wrote a commencement speech KbjGtG6ZnsU-00081-00041160-00041562 over last Christmas, at a time when COVID-19 had only KbjGtG6ZnsU-00082-00041562-00041796 recently gotten its name. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00083-00041796-00042135 I chose a theme without any clue what was coming. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00084-00042135-00042300 In a different year, I might have KbjGtG6ZnsU-00085-00042300-00042583 felt obliged to start over. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00086-00042583-00042873 But as things have unfolded, the events of recent months KbjGtG6ZnsU-00087-00042873-00043311 have in some ways made my chosen topic seem at least as relevant KbjGtG6ZnsU-00088-00043311-00043500 as the day I wrote it. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00089-00043500-00043659 So here goes. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00090-00043659-00044061 Welcome, graduates and friends, to this day of celebration. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00091-00044061-00044214 Those of you in the caps and gowns KbjGtG6ZnsU-00092-00044214-00044460 are gathered to celebrate the great accomplishment that KbjGtG6ZnsU-00093-00044460-00044736 is a degree from Purdue University. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00094-00044736-00044982 Meanwhile, your parents are, I know, quietly KbjGtG6ZnsU-00095-00044982-00045330 celebrating the clearing of the final tuition check. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00096-00045330-00045570 Congratulations to you all. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00097-00045570-00045787 Purdue celebrated its own landmark this year, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00098-00045787-00046038 our 150th anniversary. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00099-00046038-00046386 Since it coincided with the 50th anniversary of the moon landing KbjGtG6ZnsU-00100-00046386-00046725 by our most famous alum, Neil Armstrong stories KbjGtG6ZnsU-00101-00046725-00046830 were abundant. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00102-00046830-00047163 My favorite claims that later in life, Commander Armstrong KbjGtG6ZnsU-00103-00047163-00047513 took to telling corny, lame jokes about the moon. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00104-00047513-00047778 And when nobody laughed, he'd say, well, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00105-00047778-00047988 I guess you had to be there. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00106-00047988-00048267 A year or so ago, a major national journalist KbjGtG6ZnsU-00107-00048267-00048432 visited our campus and later wrote KbjGtG6ZnsU-00108-00048432-00048837 a gracious, complimentary article about what he saw here. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00109-00048837-00049068 While I enjoyed his accounts of the progress KbjGtG6ZnsU-00110-00049068-00049362 and successful results he thought he'd witnessed, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00111-00049362-00049695 my favorite part of the column was a single phrase, basically KbjGtG6ZnsU-00112-00049695-00049881 a throwaway line. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00113-00049881-00050284 He described Purdue as a happy place. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00114-00050284-00050501 That got me wondering, how many college KbjGtG6ZnsU-00115-00050501-00050941 campuses these days would strike a visitor quite that way? KbjGtG6ZnsU-00116-00050941-00051229 I hope it's been that kind of place for you. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00117-00051229-00051397 We know you've worked hard and fought KbjGtG6ZnsU-00118-00051397-00051591 through a lot of pressure. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00119-00051591-00051796 You'll probably remember that. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00120-00051796-00052000 Just wait for those scary dreams where KbjGtG6ZnsU-00121-00052000-00052432 you haven't studied for the test or can't find the exam room. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00122-00052432-00052755 But I hope that among your memories of these years, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00123-00052755-00053098 "I was happy there" is prominent among them. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00124-00053098-00053355 I've reflected on that more and more during your last couple KbjGtG6ZnsU-00125-00053355-00053548 years with us. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00126-00053548-00053854 Your parents love you and are proud of you. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00127-00053854-00054223 But from time to time, they also must worry about you. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00128-00054223-00054472 That's what we parents do. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00129-00054472-00055000 I hope it's OK if I worry about you and your futures a little also. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00130-00055000-00055229 I've sometimes used these commencements KbjGtG6ZnsU-00131-00055229-00055466 to fret out loud about trends that KbjGtG6ZnsU-00132-00055466-00055879 trouble me in that big, wide world you're about to enter. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00133-00055879-00056167 In recent years, I've spoken about the tribalism KbjGtG6ZnsU-00134-00056167-00056435 that now divides Americans. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00135-00056435-00056633 I've talked about the seeming shortage KbjGtG6ZnsU-00136-00056633-00057110 of emotional resilience and grit in your peer group. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00137-00057110-00057419 Twice I've found myself urging graduates KbjGtG6ZnsU-00138-00057419-00057773 to guard against the so-called big sort, the tendency KbjGtG6ZnsU-00139-00057773-00058154 for young people of your quality and educational attainment KbjGtG6ZnsU-00140-00058154-00058469 to cluster together professionally and socially KbjGtG6ZnsU-00141-00058469-00058944 and to drift apart from those of different backgrounds. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00142-00058944-00059254 But one thing I never expected to worry about KbjGtG6ZnsU-00143-00059254-00059603 but now do a little is you being lonely. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00144-00059603-00059842 I have known you and met thousands of you KbjGtG6ZnsU-00145-00059842-00060236 personally in an environment that, despite our size, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00146-00060236-00060497 does a pretty good job of getting people together, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00147-00060497-00060782 creating bonds among them. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00148-00060782-00061325 A thousand clubs, dozens of faith-based organizations, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00149-00061325-00061625 our Greek system, and maybe our best examples KbjGtG6ZnsU-00150-00061625-00061976 of true communities are co-op residential houses, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00151-00061976-00062252 where students not only live but cook, clean, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00152-00062252-00062627 and do repairs together, and most recently KbjGtG6ZnsU-00153-00062627-00062921 the learning communities where thousands of Boilermakers KbjGtG6ZnsU-00154-00062921-00063239 live in mutual support with others who are studying KbjGtG6ZnsU-00155-00063239-00063500 the same subject matter. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00156-00063500-00063965 But elsewhere, the academic journals and lay periodicals KbjGtG6ZnsU-00157-00063965-00064259 are now filled with research about the, quote, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00158-00064259-00064699 "epidemic of loneliness," quote, in our society. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00159-00064699-00064963 Surveys report record numbers of Americans KbjGtG6ZnsU-00160-00064963-00065460 living alone and suffering from strong feelings of isolation. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00161-00065460-00065716 Many view it as a new public-health crisis, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00162-00065716-00066032 linked to rising rates of depression, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00163-00066032-00066337 anxiety, even suicide. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00164-00066337-00066559 A lack of strong social relationships KbjGtG6ZnsU-00165-00066559-00066823 has been found to raise the risk of premature death KbjGtG6ZnsU-00166-00066823-00067051 by as much as 50%. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00167-00067051-00067507 It's as bad for you as smoking 15 cigarettes a day. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00168-00067507-00067776 It's not just an American phenomenon. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00169-00067776-00067939 The government of Britain has appointed KbjGtG6ZnsU-00170-00067939-00068215 a Minister for Loneliness. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00171-00068215-00068617 And all this was before anyone heard of COVID-19. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00172-00068617-00068890 Most startling and alarming are studies KbjGtG6ZnsU-00173-00068890-00069073 finding that the worst loneliness today KbjGtG6ZnsU-00174-00069073-00069511 is not among adults or the elderly but in your age group. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00175-00069511-00069823 Astonishing percentages of today's young people KbjGtG6ZnsU-00176-00069823-00070156 say they have few, if any, close friends. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00177-00070156-00070558 Dating and other traditional forms of youthful interaction KbjGtG6ZnsU-00178-00070558-00070792 have declined sharply. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00179-00070792-00070957 The University of Southern California KbjGtG6ZnsU-00180-00070957-00071305 recently named a Director of Belonging. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00181-00071305-00071518 And while the title may be unique, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00182-00071518-00071749 I'm sure the idea is not. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00183-00071749-00072094 We humans are social creatures or, as sometimes said, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00184-00072094-00072319 relational beings. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00185-00072319-00072745 The ability to communicate, interact, and collaborate KbjGtG6ZnsU-00186-00072745-00073075 is what defines us and what assured our evolution KbjGtG6ZnsU-00187-00073075-00073474 as the dominant civilizing species on this planet. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00188-00073474-00073717 We thrive on contact with others. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00189-00073717-00074029 We suffer severely from its absence. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00190-00074029-00074344 The worst punishment we impose on a heinous criminal KbjGtG6ZnsU-00191-00074344-00074605 is solitary confinement. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00192-00074605-00074851 Much of our literature and religious tradition KbjGtG6ZnsU-00193-00074851-00075340 thinks of hell as a state of total permanent aloneness. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00194-00075340-00075667 So an outbreak of loneliness is worth worrying about, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00195-00075667-00075910 especially where those with the longest to live KbjGtG6ZnsU-00196-00075910-00076150 are a big part of it. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00197-00076150-00076378 In the case of your elders, sociologists KbjGtG6ZnsU-00198-00076378-00076669 can identify some obvious causes. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00199-00076669-00076933 Plummeting birth rates play a role. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00200-00076933-00077167 Having fewer children and fewer siblings KbjGtG6ZnsU-00201-00077167-00077512 limits the opportunity for caring contact. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00202-00077512-00077761 In a short two decades, the percentage KbjGtG6ZnsU-00203-00077761-00077953 of retirement-age citizens living KbjGtG6ZnsU-00204-00077953-00078208 within 10 miles of their children, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00205-00078208-00078472 in the same neighborhood with any relative, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00206-00078472-00078724 or having a good friend living nearby KbjGtG6ZnsU-00207-00078724-00078988 dropped by double digits. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00208-00078988-00079404 It's easy to see how that leads to greater loneliness. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00209-00079404-00079656 But particularly in the case of your age cohort, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00210-00079656-00079902 there is no doubt that the sudden eruption KbjGtG6ZnsU-00211-00079902-00080241 and dominance of what we call "social media"-- KbjGtG6ZnsU-00212-00080241-00080643 I often think "anti-social media" would be a better term-- KbjGtG6ZnsU-00213-00080643-00080862 has played a huge role. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00214-00080862-00081108 Some scholars put all the blame there. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00215-00081108-00081414 One major article was titled, "Have Smartphones KbjGtG6ZnsU-00216-00081414-00081705 Destroyed a Generation?" KbjGtG6ZnsU-00217-00081705-00081924 It wasn't supposed to be this way. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00218-00081924-00082260 The original promise of all the Facebooks and Twitters KbjGtG6ZnsU-00219-00082260-00082633 was that they would connect us in wonderful new ways. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00220-00082633-00082815 But connection over a text message KbjGtG6ZnsU-00221-00082815-00083115 or what is often a glamorized presentation KbjGtG6ZnsU-00222-00083115-00083634 of one's daily life just isn't the same as in-person contact. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00223-00083634-00084117 In fact, it often turns out to separate and alienate its users KbjGtG6ZnsU-00224-00084117-00084402 more than it brings them together. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00225-00084402-00084804 I remain concerned that as members of the new knowledge KbjGtG6ZnsU-00226-00084804-00085131 aristocracy, absent a little special effort, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00227-00085131-00085488 you will rarely make friends different from yourselves. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00228-00085488-00085884 Now, studying the growing evidence about isolation, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00229-00085884-00086235 I'm concerned that you, the first age group raised entirely KbjGtG6ZnsU-00230-00086235-00086720 in the iPhone era, won't make many friends at all. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00231-00086720-00087013 In my own college days, a briefly famous Harvard KbjGtG6ZnsU-00232-00087013-00087328 professor offered probably the worst advice ever KbjGtG6ZnsU-00233-00087328-00087610 given to a younger generation. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00234-00087610-00088030 Encouraging both drug use and a non-productive lifestyle, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00235-00088030-00088447 Dr. Timothy Leary suggested, quote, "Turn on. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00236-00088447-00088549 Tune in. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00237-00088549-00088777 Drop out." KbjGtG6ZnsU-00238-00088777-00089143 Lately, I've been thinking the best advice one could give you, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00239-00089143-00089515 tomorrow's leaders, might be the exact opposite. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00240-00089515-00089635 Turn off. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00241-00089635-00089743 Tune out. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00242-00089743-00089926 Drop in. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00243-00089926-00090193 As in, turn off the phone more often. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00244-00090193-00090412 Tune out the video screen. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00245-00090412-00090908 Drop in personally on friends old and new. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00246-00090908-00091130 For most of human history, personal contact KbjGtG6ZnsU-00247-00091130-00091301 was hard to avoid. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00248-00091301-00091894 Suddenly, our digital age can mean it requires extra effort. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00249-00091894-00092072 Confession being good for the soul, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00250-00092072-00092364 it's only right that I make one here. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00251-00092364-00092791 I am not a good role model for the advice I'm foisting on you. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00252-00092791-00092968 I have not devoted the time I should KbjGtG6ZnsU-00253-00092968-00093358 have to deepen acquaintances into true friendships KbjGtG6ZnsU-00254-00093358-00093754 or to stay in closer touch with the old friends I do have. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00255-00093754-00094033 I've let the call of work get in the way. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00256-00094033-00094417 I've told myself that jobs of broad responsibility KbjGtG6ZnsU-00257-00094417-00094702 mean that one can't get too close to co-workers KbjGtG6ZnsU-00258-00094702-00094865 and colleagues. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00259-00094865-00095125 I procrastinated, and rationalized, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00260-00095125-00095479 and skipped too many chances to spend meaningful time KbjGtG6ZnsU-00261-00095479-00095785 with people I admire and even love. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00262-00095785-00096117 I regret it, and I'm the worse for it. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00263-00096117-00096312 You can do better. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00264-00096312-00096513 The same research that is documenting KbjGtG6ZnsU-00265-00096513-00096760 the loneliness epidemic reveals ways KbjGtG6ZnsU-00266-00096760-00097128 that immunize oneself against it. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00267-00097128-00097402 Geographic rootedness makes a difference. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00268-00097402-00097734 People who live in the same community for extended periods KbjGtG6ZnsU-00269-00097734-00098022 are far less likely to be lonely. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00270-00098022-00098346 The great CS Lewis wrote, "Friendship KbjGtG6ZnsU-00271-00098346-00098682 is the greatest of worldly goods, the chief happiness KbjGtG6ZnsU-00272-00098682-00098808 of life. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00273-00098808-00099096 If I had to give a piece of advice to a young person about KbjGtG6ZnsU-00274-00099096-00099513 where to live, I would say, 'Sacrifice almost everything KbjGtG6ZnsU-00275-00099513-00099843 to live near your friends.'" KbjGtG6ZnsU-00276-00099843-00100143 Having a religious affiliation also correlates strongly KbjGtG6ZnsU-00277-00100143-00100428 with feelings of connectedness. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00278-00100428-00100686 And nothing statistically reduces the chance KbjGtG6ZnsU-00279-00100686-00100884 of loneliness more than marriage, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00280-00100884-00101181 especially marriage with children. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00281-00101181-00101373 It's a sermon for another Sunday, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00282-00101373-00101547 but I do hope most of you will not KbjGtG6ZnsU-00283-00101547-00102042 miss the joy and the lifelong education of raising children. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00284-00102042-00102456 I promise, it's life's greatest reward and the best graduate KbjGtG6ZnsU-00285-00102456-00102803 school you'll ever attend. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00286-00102803-00103031 I heard about one wise guy commencement speaker KbjGtG6ZnsU-00287-00103031-00103394 who instructed his audience, remember, in life, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00288-00103394-00103582 it's not who you know. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00289-00103582-00103843 It's whom. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00290-00103843-00104066 I've thought of that as just a joke. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00291-00104066-00104481 But in our new situation, it takes on a more serious tone. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00292-00104481-00104781 A lot of your success and happiness KbjGtG6ZnsU-00293-00104781-00105275 will depend on whom you know and know well. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00294-00105275-00105560 The author Gore Vidal once said, "We never KbjGtG6ZnsU-00295-00105560-00105975 know when we are happy, only when we were." KbjGtG6ZnsU-00296-00105975-00106305 I hope in your case that proves way too cynical, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00297-00106305-00106535 that there'll be countless moments when you KbjGtG6ZnsU-00298-00106535-00106857 are truly happy and know it. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00299-00106857-00107186 But I also hope that when you reflect back on times when KbjGtG6ZnsU-00300-00107186-00107514 you were happy, your days at this university KbjGtG6ZnsU-00301-00107514-00107733 will rank high among them. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00302-00107733-00107973 And when people ask you, what was it KbjGtG6ZnsU-00303-00107973-00108339 about Purdue that made it such a great place for you, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00304-00108339-00108901 you can just answer, well, I guess you had to be there. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00305-00108901-00109196 I know great achievements lie ahead for you. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00306-00109196-00109573 My wish for you is that so do great friendships. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00307-00109573-00109840 Hail Purdue and each of you. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00308-00109840-00110000 [APPLAUSE AND CHEERS] KbjGtG6ZnsU-00309-00110000-00110839 [MUSIC - "AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL"] KbjGtG6ZnsU-00310-00128950-00129322 Exercising the authority of the trustees of Purdue University, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00311-00129322-00129595 legally vested by the people of the state of Indiana, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00312-00129595-00129943 and upon the recommendation of the Purdue faculty, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00313-00129943-00130158 I now confer upon each of you, who KbjGtG6ZnsU-00314-00130158-00130383 have fulfilled the stated requirements, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00315-00130383-00130609 the appropriate baccalaureate degree and associate KbjGtG6ZnsU-00316-00130609-00130969 degree with all the rights, privileges, duties, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00317-00130969-00131233 and responsibilities of that degree. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00318-00131233-00131428 As evidence of your achievement, you KbjGtG6ZnsU-00319-00131428-00131690 will now receive an appropriately inscribed diploma. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00320-00131740-00131950 I now ask our orators to read aloud KbjGtG6ZnsU-00321-00131950-00132094 the names of all students who are KbjGtG6ZnsU-00322-00132094-00132274 earning baccalaureate degrees. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00323-00132274-00132610 Graduates, I invite you to have your special designee present KbjGtG6ZnsU-00324-00132610-00132775 your diploma to you now. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00325-00132775-00133078 Be sure to capture a photo of this to share with us. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00326-00133320-00133522 SPEAKER 2: College of Liberal Arts. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00327-00133522-00134129 Juel Aaron, Julianne Aker, Eric Alex, Blake Allen, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00328-00134129-00134771 Georgina Allen, Jannae Allen, Amelia Amrhein, Kara Anderson, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00329-00134771-00135341 Alexander Angel, Elizabeth Anguilm, Aasish Appannagari, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00330-00135341-00135843 Stephen Archer, Ana Arias Porras, Jordan Arland, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00331-00135843-00136520 Omad Asaf-Qadeer, Elias Atkinson, Danielle Augustin, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00332-00136520-00137106 Valerie Babchuk, Abigail Babcock, Ryana Backe, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00333-00137106-00137860 Balint Bakondi, Pablo Balcazar, Conner Balciunas, Markus Banas, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00334-00137860-00138492 Yuheng Bao, Mariel Bates, Unique Beaver, Marly Beck, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00335-00138492-00139077 Margaret Becker, Toyosi Begbaaji, Jonathan Beldner, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00336-00139077-00139361 Lauren Bellamy, Haley Bennett, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00337-00139361-00140019 Liwam Beraki, Makenzie Bishop, Mason Bishop, Julia Bittner, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00338-00140019-00140637 Lake Blocher, Anthony Boener, Jordan Boileau, Valerie Bollin, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00339-00140637-00141285 Emma Bonham, Micaela Bonifaz, Sabrina Boam, Kyle Bordner, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00340-00141285-00141951 Lori Bowes, Katie Bowling, Jayden Bowman, Kelsey Bowyer, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00341-00141951-00142410 Kai Bramlett, Justin Brannon, Madilyn Brewster, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00342-00142410-00142863 Samantha Broering, Daniel Brooks, Anna Brown, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00343-00142863-00143385 Bailey Brown, Bethany Brunner, Rachel Buckingham, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00344-00143385-00144084 Costadina Buelna, Noah Bunting, Colin Burns, Kayla Bussert, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00345-00144084-00144774 Mary Caltrider, Kanfing Camara, Jacob Carrico, Martasia Carter, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00346-00144774-00145501 Preston Casper, Gabriel Cassala, Kayla Castro, Quinn Cataldi, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00347-00145501-00146161 Franz Cerwinka, Bailey Chambers, Andrew Chapman, Trevor Cheaney, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00348-00146161-00146848 Charlene Chen, Xiangren Chen, Ji Hyung Choi, Mary Christinsen, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00349-00146848-00147531 Natalie Ciresi, Ashlie Clark, Reeves Clark, Taylor Clopton, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00350-00147531-00148188 Kelsey Cochran, Erica Colarusso, Emma Colburn, Nicholas Cole, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00351-00148188-00148794 Kaylan Conner, Romeo Conner, Josie Crawford, Luke Cree, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00352-00148794-00149451 Keely Criswell, Hannah Cross, Olivia Crouse, Kayleigh Crum, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00353-00149451-00150123 Chenghao Cui, Sara Cunningham, Alemu Damot, Joshua David, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00354-00150123-00150810 Molly David, Cate Davis-Knoll, Paulina Dawidowska, Devin KbjGtG6ZnsU-00355-00150810-00151296 De Both, Antonio De Candia, Lucas De Leon, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00356-00151296-00151728 Jennifer Deering, Lia Dees, Jennifer Delia, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00357-00151728-00152403 Elizabeth DeVoe, Colton DeWitt, Rachel Dexter, Fatou Diagne, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00358-00152403-00153011 Hope Diauto, Laura DiPietro, Christian Dobosiewicz, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00359-00153011-00153520 Monica Dominguez, Steven Donahoe, Jacob Donahue, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00360-00153520-00153721 Madison Douglass, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00361-00153721-00154471 Danish Dsouza, Catherine Dube, Brook Dudzinksi, Sidney Duong, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00362-00154471-00154981 Madison Edwards, Danielle Eickenberg, Wyatt Elliott, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00363-00154981-00155440 Gabriel Escobar, Nicole Esposito, Emma Ewing, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00364-00155440-00156096 Chengchen Fan, Emily Faultless, Dallas Fites, Anne Franke, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00365-00156096-00156799 Aidan Freeman, Sara Fultz, Wolfgang Funk, Alex Gabennesch, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00366-00156799-00157297 Thalia Garcia, Ashley Garla, Christopher Garrett, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00367-00157297-00157939 Rebecca Gerometta, Andrew Gianfermi, Nadia Giedemann, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00368-00157939-00158419 Chloe Giles, Daniel Goldberg, Yulong Gong, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00369-00158419-00158677 Manuela Gonzalez y Gonzalez, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00370-00158677-00159178 Anel Gonzalez, Daniella Gonzalez, Lizeth Gonzalez, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00371-00159178-00159689 Cassandra Goodman, Stephen Goula, Amanda Gozner, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00372-00159689-00160339 Reece Grapenthien, Brian Graves, Dalton Griffin, Brianna Grimes, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00373-00160339-00161187 Harrison Guo, Jie Guo, Enakshi Gupta, Karla Gurk, Matt Haarms, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00374-00161187-00161737 Ryan-Andrew Hacek, Alice Hackett, Lindsey Hageman, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00375-00161737-00162393 Jacquelyn Ham, Alexander Han, Bridgett Haro, Kelly Harris, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00376-00162393-00162988 Quentin Harris, Yara Hasan, Emily Hassett, Jennifer Hatton, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00377-00162988-00163508 Dakota Heims, Nick Lundin, Lydia Herring, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00378-00163508-00164129 Olivia Hetrick, Taylor Hickey, Grace Hitchcock, Chelsea Ho, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00379-00164129-00164627 Zechariah Hockenbary, Faith Hoffman, Paige Hoffman, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00380-00164627-00165137 Reagan Holderby, Alicia Hollingsworth, Kelsey Hoskins, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00381-00165137-00165634 A'Dreana Marie Howard, Maxwell Howard, Jordan Howard, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00382-00165634-00166280 Sarah Howell, Qinkai Hu, Timothy Huber, Hunter Hughes, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00383-00166280-00166766 Hsiao-Chun Hung, Brady Hunt, Lillian Jackson, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00384-00166766-00167213 Jackson Janowicz, Timothy Jerger, Yihan Jia, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00385-00167213-00167860 Allison Johnson, Olivia Johnson, Sabrina Johnson, Emily Jones, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00386-00167860-00168429 Piyush Juneja, Suzanne Kaiser, Timothy Kalvaitis, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00387-00168429-00169042 Kaleigh Karageorge, Hope Kelham, Mark Kelley, Anna Kiemel, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00388-00169042-00169337 Bheumsoo Kim, Jenna Kimack, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00389-00169337-00170037 Paige Kinder, Jacob King, Brooke Kittle, Nicolette Kittrell, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00390-00170037-00170595 Nathan Knable, Jordan Knebel, William Knowles, Clara Koch, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00391-00170595-00171087 Nicole Koob, Bradley Koontz, Abbigail Kosteba, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00392-00171087-00171606 Anna Kowalski, Hope Krajnak, Elizabeth Kribel, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00393-00171606-00172146 Alexandra Kroemer, Emma Krutulis, Jordan Kubisz, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00394-00172146-00172620 Abigail Kuenster, Brianne Kuffell, Daniel Kure, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00395-00172620-00173349 Thomas Kvachkoff, Na Yeon Kwon, Jordan LaBelle, Zhuoyao Lai, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00396-00173349-00173794 Claire Lamal, Aaron Lamm, Samantha Lamont, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00397-00173794-00174446 Mia LaMontagna, Clayton Landis, Natasha Lang, Jennifer Langen, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00398-00174446-00175010 Emily Lashley, Sophia Lauck, Jackie Le, David Leah, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00399-00175010-00175313 Caitlin Lee, Anne Leer, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00400-00175313-00175960 Claire LeMonnier, Sara Lewandowski, Ya Li, Yijin Li, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00401-00175960-00176622 Zeyu Li, Zhangyan Li, Kayla Liechty, Chongguang Lin, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00402-00176622-00177266 Braiden Linder, Asia Lindholm, Kacie Lopez, Jordan Lott, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00403-00177266-00178034 Anna Luebker, Sydney Luk, Alyssa Lum, Hang Ma, Luke MacGregor, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00404-00178034-00178646 Emma Maggart, Mark Magurany, Hanya Malik, Melissa Malter, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00405-00178646-00179237 Jacob Mantel, Katlyn Markham, Emma Marlatt, Joshua Martin, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00406-00179237-00179897 Samantha Matisko, Jordan Mayer, Paola Maza, Lauren McAdams, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00407-00179897-00180377 Halle McBride, Francesca McCallister, Nicholas McDowell, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00408-00180377-00180812 Logann McElfresh, Jaylynn McFadden, Mia McGee, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00409-00180812-00181211 Noelle McGinty, Sara McGovern, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00410-00181211-00181721 Nicholas McGowenm Megan McGue, Harry McSteen, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00411-00181721-00182222 Alexander Miller, Carly Miller, Katelyn Milligan, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00412-00182222-00182801 Matthew Miner, Shannon Moakler, Margaret Mroczkiewicz, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00413-00182801-00183320 John Munroe, Vanessa Murray, Meghan Mussche, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00414-00183320-00183779 Jamie Musselman, Kyle Myers, Rachel Nellett, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00415-00183779-00184316 Elizabeth Nesbit, Shelbi Newcomer, Vadim Nikiforov, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00416-00184316-00184946 Sascha Nixon, Peter Ntala, Carolyn O'Grady, Meagan Olibo, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00417-00184946-00185503 Benjamin Oliver, Gabriela Padilla-Abarca, Allison Page, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00418-00185503-00185993 Steven Palmer, Alexandria Park, Catherine Parks, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00419-00185993-00186624 Jacob Patterson, George Pavlopoulos, Yijie Peng, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00420-00186624-00187115 Alexandra Pepen, Jessica Perkins, Lucy Pham, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00421-00187115-00187707 Selena Pierce, Neely Plaspohl, Ross Plumer, Gerardo Pons de la KbjGtG6ZnsU-00422-00187707-00188436 Garza, Anna Pool, Coy Price, Kaley Price, Brett Prochko, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00423-00188436-00189047 Abigail Pyer, Ranxin Quan, Anna Raben, Gaige Rainwater, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00424-00189047-00189684 Anna Ratterman, Lucinda Ray, Caroline Reichel, Heather Ren, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00425-00189684-00190254 Noell Resil, Nicholas Reyes, Sydney Reyes, Alicia Rhymer, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00426-00190254-00190682 Cody Rice, Tessa Richards, Courtney Riehle, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00427-00190682-00191160 Carly Ringlespaugh, Esther Rivera, Lauren Robbers, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00428-00191160-00191793 Taylor Robbins, Carly Robinson, Wyatt Robinson, Sinay Robles, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00429-00191793-00192396 Taylor Rodabough, Juwon Roe, Hayley Rollins, John Russell, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00430-00192396-00193149 Grace Rutherford, Carly Rzasa, Amy Sabbadini, Maya Sanaba, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00431-00193149-00193809 Dalee Sanford, Madison Sanneman, Hannah Sather, Avery Saylor, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00432-00193809-00194325 Elizabeth Schafer, Tristan Schefke, Anna Schiferl, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00433-00194325-00194977 Audrey Schultz, Emily Sclafani, Kailyn Scott, Maria Scott, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00434-00194977-00195699 Miaya Scott, Shelby Scriver, Alyssa Seeman, Jin Young Seo, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00435-00195699-00196294 Madison Sharp, Pierce Shepard, Joshua Shetter, Connor Shults, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00436-00196294-00196911 elio Silva Rossel, Danielle Singer, Nina Skowyra, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00437-00196911-00197490 Perrie Smalley, Brooke Smith, Jackson Smith, Sydney Smith, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00438-00197490-00197811 Neal Snapp, Megan Sommerfeld, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00439-00197811-00198285 Abigail Sommers, Shuwen Song, Aaron Spangler, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00440-00198285-00198768 Hannah Spaulding, Anna Spencer, Megan Spitznagle, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00441-00198768-00199407 Grace Spoerner, Samantha Spott, Piper Stamper, Rachel Stephens, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00442-00199407-00200097 Daniel Stevens, Trae Straziscar, Charles Stringer, Alexa Struss, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00443-00200097-00200745 David Stucker, Yangfan Su, Qixuan Sun, Marisa Swift, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00444-00200745-00201329 Xiaobin Tan, Courtney Tarrance, Lindsay Tayles, Arthur Taylor, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00445-00201329-00201800 Elizabeth Taylor, Madelyn Teague, Zar Zar Theint, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00446-00201800-00202275 Abbey Thomas, Michael Thompson, Margaret Tienhaara, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00447-00202275-00202950 Marissa Tilden, Morgan Torres, Natalia Torrez, Madison Toth, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00448-00202950-00203475 Gabrielle Truitt, Samantha Ueltschi, Simon Uhm, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00449-00203475-00204099 Kate Ulmer, Parker Underwood, Angel Upshaw, Adhitya Vadivel, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00450-00204099-00204579 Grace Van Orman, Olivia Van Zelst, Hannah Van, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00451-00204579-00205096 Madelyn VanOosternburg, Simran Verma, Emily Vian, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00452-00205096-00205646 Stephen Vincent, Thomas Viola, Summer Von Schwartzwalder, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00453-00205646-00206202 Anthony Walden, Joel Walker, Lydia Walker, Kaylee Walkey, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00454-00206202-00206753 Olivia Wall, Lydia Wallace, Madison Wallace, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00455-00206753-00206905 Stefanie Walsh, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00456-00206905-00207461 Hejing Wang, Liting Wang, Po-Chiao Wang, Jacob Weed, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00457-00207461-00207902 Rebecca Wells, Ryan Wexler, Cierra Wheeler, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00458-00207902-00208607 Nicole Williams, Tommy Wilson, Genesee Winger, Maura Wissler, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00459-00208607-00209054 Leigh Witek, Mitchell Witt, Devin Wolfe, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00460-00209054-00209423 Hannah Wolfinbarger, Mikayla Workman, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00461-00209423-00210269 David Wu, Yumeng Wu, Yunxuan Xiong, Chao Yang, Liuyi Yang, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00462-00210269-00210836 Anne Yarbrough, Meian Ye, Jeng Yeh, Carissa Yonan, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00463-00210836-00211460 Emily Yoquelet, Lu Lu, Luis Zarate, Carlos Zavala Zavala, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00464-00211460-00212112 Cecilia Zavala, Edward Zawatski, Colin Zeh, Kylie Zelt, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00465-00212112-00212738 Botian Zhang, Shuyu Zhang, Wenjie Zheng, Yangyujie Zhou, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00466-00212738-00213005 Madison Zielinski, Mohammed Ziny. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00467-00213294-00213477 The College of Science-- KbjGtG6ZnsU-00468-00213477-00214257 Andrew Abrahamson, Anis Syafiqah Adlan, Ankit Agrawal, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00469-00214257-00215342 Seo Hyun Ahn, Furkan Akalan, Chibuzo Akpe, Zaid Al Haddadin, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00470-00215342-00216221 Abdulrahman Alabdulkareem, Jacob Alcott, Abdullah Aldalaan, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00471-00216221-00217098 Muhannad Alhumaidi, Arshad Alikhan, Eitan Alkaslassy, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00472-00217098-00217758 James Allan, Samantha Allgood, Hussain Sameer Almajed, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00473-00217758-00218605 Rigel Altair, Kevin Altman, Jiayu An, Tong An, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00474-00218605-00219252 Brandon Ancil, Margaret Anderson, Michael Anderson, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00475-00219252-00219992 Jarret Andrulis, Navya Annam, Keerthiha Arangarajan, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00476-00219992-00220894 Zoe Arbuckle, Faihaan Arif, Kylie Arnold, Andrew Arpasi, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00477-00220894-00221694 Matthew Asel, Daniel Atallah, Mason Atha, Daniela Aviles, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00478-00221694-00222503 Allison Azzano, Jessica Backus, Eric Baeza, Anisa Bahrami, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00479-00222503-00223114 Shivam Bajpayi, Kathryn Baker, Lauren Baker. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00480-00223114-00223890 Shelby Ballard, Sandeep Baskar, Andrew Bass, Beau Bassett, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00481-00223890-00224694 Sarah Batarseh, Nathan Becker, Elizabeth Bell, Michael Bell, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00482-00224694-00225681 Grant Bender, Ryan Bereda, Trumond Best, Swaraj Bhaduri, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00483-00225681-00226392 Leah Biasi, Sidnie Bienz, Julianne Billerman, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00484-00226392-00227051 Alya Nabihah Amrina Binti Aminuddin, Wan Nur Diana Binti KbjGtG6ZnsU-00485-00227051-00228025 Rashidan, Ashton Bitters, Maya Black, Anthony Boener, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00486-00228025-00228755 Rachel Boler, Devin Boone, Will Borland, Reagan Bradley, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00487-00228755-00229498 Kent Brasseale, Elizabeth Bray, Natalie Brejcha, Ian Bretz, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00488-00229498-00230176 Zachariah Bridwell, Austin Britton, Katherine Broad, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00489-00230176-00230755 Rachel Brockovich, Alexander Brooke, David Brow, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00490-00230755-00231434 Aaron Brown, Liam Brown, Mitchell Brown, Sophia Brown, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00491-00231434-00231650 Hena Brucia. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00492-00231650-00232230 Kourtney Bruder, Caleb Bruesewitz, Christopher Bryan, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00493-00232230-00232827 Zachary Bryant, Jordan Buckmaster, Stanley Buczynski, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00494-00232827-00233417 Jacob Buening, Maria Bulley, Brandon Burbridge, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00495-00233417-00234144 Bridgette Burke, Theo Burkhart, Zachary Burman, Stephen Burns, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00496-00234144-00234875 Katelin Burow, Jacob Bush, Tim Buss, Mingyong Cai, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00497-00234875-00235608 Colin Caine, Jared Canary, JiaSheng Cao, Grace Capek, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00498-00235608-00236202 Zoe Carlson-Stadler, Rebecca Carmack, Kaitlin Carpenter, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00499-00236202-00236910 David Carr, Morgan Carrithers, Johanna Carroll, Chloe Carter, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00500-00236910-00237465 Lorenzo Carvajal, Sarah Cavender, Ji Soo Cha, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00501-00237465-00238344 Joshua Chambers, Yuo Chan, Shivangi Chand, Andrew Chang, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00502-00238344-00239302 Dhriti Chawla, Joy Chen, Minhao Chen, Qifeng Chen, Randy Chen, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00503-00239302-00239476 Xiaotian Chen. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00504-00239476-00240223 Yang Chen, Yingxuan Cheng, Jia Lin Cheoh, Adam Chesak, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00505-00240223-00241065 Jaewoong Choi, Agamdeep Chopra, Hsiu-An Chou, Esther Chung, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00506-00241065-00241767 Michael Cinkoske, Peter Clarke, Colleen Coady, Ryan Coffman, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00507-00241767-00242398 Colton Compton, Emerson Conard, Bradley Conn, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00508-00242398-00242915 Christopher Connelly, Brody Conner, Liam Connery, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00509-00242915-00243828 Jaden Cornell, Cyan Cosby, Emre Coskun, Alexander Couturier, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00510-00243828-00244638 Alex Crick, Chenghao Cui, Xinsong Cui, Hope Cullers, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00511-00244638-00245550 Noah Curran, Alexander Cvelbar, Ryan Czarnecki, Yug Dassani, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00512-00245550-00246291 Brian Davy, Vardaan Dawesar, Farhad De Sousa, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00513-00246291-00246938 Jacob De Souza, August Deatherage, Steven Dellamore, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00514-00246938-00247632 Neyan Deng, Ryan DeRue, Gregory Dexter, Siddharth Dhar, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00515-00247632-00248416 Seerat Dheer, Jaycie Di Domenico, Janine Diab, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00516-00248416-00249037 Frank DiBartolomeo, Jonathan Dimos, Zuoyang Ding, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00517-00249037-00249838 Baris Dingil, Kenan Jacob Dominic, Matthew Doniere, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00518-00249838-00250042 Brian Dotterer. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00519-00250042-00250686 Akshan Dua, Michael Dunlop, Jonathan Durden, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00520-00250686-00251339 Matthew Durthaler, Zidaan Dutta, Nathaniel Eckhart, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00521-00251339-00252064 Madison Edwards, Sean Egloff, Mehran Einakchi, Youssef Karim KbjGtG6ZnsU-00522-00252064-00252934 Adel Elabd, Lily Erlewein, Emily Evans, Nathan Evers, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00523-00252934-00253657 Shikang Fan, Cailey Farrell, Samantha Felps, Jeremy Felten, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00524-00253657-00254223 Qihui Feng, Gillian Ferguson, Ryan Fernandes, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00525-00254223-00254677 Alexander Ferrard, Rodrigo Ferreira, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00526-00254677-00255454 Taylor Fidler-Jarzyniecki, Nathaniel Fill, Robert Fisher, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00527-00255454-00256108 Jesse Fitton, Adam Fitzgerald, Zachary Fleckenstein, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00528-00256108-00256735 Ian Flora, Diana Forbes, Lindsey Forbes, Jayden Ford, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00529-00256735-00257278 Nicholas Fordyce, Jonathan Forss, Pat Fortunato, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00530-00257278-00257725 Luke Francisco, Noah Franks, Randall Freebourn, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00531-00257725-00258456 Nicholas Galecki, Alex Galle, Jessica Gant, Kevin Gao, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00532-00258456-00259326 Liyao Gao, Zhan Gao, Genero Garcia Pereyra, Joshua Garman, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00533-00259326-00259994 Sanchit Gavankar, Alexander Geier, Carissa Gettelfinger, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00534-00259994-00260390 Abigail Gichaba, Jacob Gifford. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00535-00260390-00260891 Matthew Gleason, Emily Godollei, Abigail Gohmann, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00536-00260891-00261587 Samantha Golding, Zhenmu Gong, Andrew Graber, Jillian Grantz, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00537-00261587-00262222 Katarina Gregurich, Todd Griffin, Olivia Groves, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00538-00262222-00262868 Emily Hamady, Richard Hansen, Meera Haridasa, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00539-00262868-00263680 Alexander Harmon, Colin Harris, Sandra Hart, Jeremy Hartman, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00540-00263680-00264490 Justin Hartman, Jana Hawthorne, Connor Hay, James Haydock, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00541-00264490-00265215 Juanda He, Derek Heath, Keith Heckler, Ashlyn Heniff, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00542-00265215-00265811 Calvin Henry, Nicholas Heppner-Lundin, Kelly Herman, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00543-00265811-00266380 Elizabeth Herndon, Michael Herrera, Gregory Heskett, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00544-00266380-00267222 Shafer Hess, Joshua Hiatt, Bryce Hibbler, Madeline Hilger, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00545-00267222-00267944 Nicholas Hilgert, Hannah Himes, Daniel Hipskind, Whitney Hobbs, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00546-00267944-00268712 Kai Hoffman, Rachel Hohe, Thomas Holman, Alexandra Holmsen, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00547-00268712-00269259 Columbus Holt, Matin Hormati, Matthew Hoskins. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00548-00269259-00269882 Savannah Hottle, Hailea Howard, William Howard, Emily Hoyt, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00549-00269882-00270750 I-Chang Hsieh, Chi Cheng Hsu, Daniel Hu, Peter Huang, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00550-00270750-00271454 Rundong Huang, Tzu- Jui Huang, Victor Hughes, Zachary Hupp, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00551-00271454-00272248 Ammar Husain, Spencer Huston, Nicholas Hux, Samuel Ingram, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00552-00272248-00273143 Angelina Ingratta, Nisreen Islaih, Alexandru Ivan, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00553-00273143-00273937 Anoop Jain, Huda Binti Jamari, Kajol Jamba, Rebecca James, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00554-00273937-00274824 Aditya Jariwala, Kalpan Jasani, Sarmad Javed, Siyu Jiang, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00555-00274824-00275671 Yixian Jiany, Nongbu Jiangchu, Austin Jin, Brian Johncox, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00556-00275671-00276425 Brooke Johnson, Cade Johnson, Noah Johnson, Zachary Johnson, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00557-00276425-00276965 Elisabeth Joll, Hannah Jongkind, Sanghyun Joo, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00558-00276965-00277498 Jacqueline Joseph, Aditya Joshie, Daksh Jotwani, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00559-00277498-00278113 Piyush Juneja, Peter Jung, Natalie Kadlubowski, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00560-00278113-00278622 Morgan Kaehr, Raman Kahlon, Yuchen Kan. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00561-00278622-00279515 Zixiang Kan, Gargi Kand, Lavanya Kannan, Pooja Kanuri, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00562-00279515-00280280 Laila Kassar, Ishan Kaul, Surkhab Kaur, Yuzhen Ke, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00563-00280280-00281112 Seth Keeling, Sydney Keenan, Jack Kellison, Chinyere Kemet, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00564-00281112-00281843 Peter Kfoury, Hosam Khalifah, Dahee Kim, Ellen Kim, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00565-00281843-00282433 Justin Kim, Min Kyu Kim, MyeongSu Kim, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00566-00282433-00283001 Michael Kinasiewicz, Ethan Kincaid, Christopher King, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00567-00283001-00283600 Phoebe Kinzelman, Reid Kippenbrock, Anthony Kiselev, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00568-00283600-00284444 Samuel Kiser, Samuel Klarquist, Joel Klasa, Evan Klein, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00569-00284444-00285112 Spencer Kline, Esther Knepp, Kevin Kochpatcharin, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00570-00285112-00285776 Angela Koeberlein, Adam Kogut, Amanda Komasinski, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00571-00285776-00286533 Varun Kondapalli, Dongjun Koo, Jacob Koontz, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00572-00286533-00287305 Jarrod Kopczynski, Sydney Korycinski, Joel Kreider, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00573-00287305-00287901 Shankar Krishnakumar, Paul Krivacka, Anna Krueger, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00574-00287901-00288492 Thomas Kube, Kendra Kuhlman, Esha Kulkarni. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00575-00288492-00289385 Arman Kumar, James Kuntz, Noah Kuruvilla, Alyssa Lambrecht, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00576-00289385-00290252 Grace Lander, Simon Langowski, Emily Lasse, Lisa My Le, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00577-00290252-00291017 Haeun Lee, Seunghyum Lee, Thomas Leinart, Brandon Leslie, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00578-00291017-00291773 Charles Levine, Bosheng Li, Jason Li, Muyuan Li, Tao Li, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00579-00291773-00292596 Xiaoyan Li, Xiating Li, Xiahao Li, Chen Liang, Shichuan Liang, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00580-00292596-00293515 Max Lin, Mi Lin, Maxwell Lingle, Andrew Liu, Dayu Liu, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00581-00293515-00294268 Jaicheng Liu, Jingqi Liu, Kehan Liu, Manjari Lokender, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00582-00294268-00294970 Brian Long, Clarice Lopez, Gabrielle Lorenz, Rafael Lovas, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00583-00294970-00295771 Adam Lula, Austin Lutterbach, Aaron Lynn, Shane Lyons, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00584-00295771-00296553 Ashlyn Lythgoe, Shuqi Ma, Daniel Macke, Calum Magee, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00585-00296553-00297424 Jessica Mah, Ashwin Mahesh, Rachel Maibach, Shobit Makhija, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00586-00297424-00298234 Ben Malone, Henry Malphrus Arnav Malviya, William Maniscalco, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00587-00298234-00298799 Griffin Marslender, Andrea Marti, Peter Martone, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00588-00298799-00299353 Kevin Matson, Ray Mattes, Jordan Mayer. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00589-00299353-00299973 Emmanda McKenzie, Madison McGlaun, Christian McKain, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00590-00299973-00300561 Connor McMillin, Ayush Mehta, Nicholas Meier,, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00591-00300561-00301197 Zachariah Menzi, Samuel Mercier, Abigail Mesfin, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00592-00301197-00301800 Kylie Middleton, Jacob Miecznikowski, David Miller, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00593-00301800-00302627 Dominic Miller, Robert Miller, Zachary Miller, Sripath Mishra, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00594-00302627-00303230 George Mitchell, Shawn Montgomery, Young Suk Moon, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00595-00303230-00303912 Natalie Mudd, Roshini Mudunuru, James Mullaney, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00596-00303912-00304595 Kevin Murcia-Barrios, Blake Murrell, Aung Myat, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00597-00304595-00305328 Kavya Nagalakunta, Raj Mahabaleshwar Vijaykumar Naik, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00598-00305328-00306115 Wang Nan, Risheek Narayanadevarakere, Caleb Nash, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00599-00306115-00306627 Shivam Nathu, Nikita Nayar, Trevor Neidlinger, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00600-00306627-00307289 Chase Nelson, Tyler Nelson, Tyler Netherly, Julian Ng, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00601-00307289-00308038 Tianjian Ni, Christopher Nitta, Derek Nobbe, Peter Nowicke, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00602-00308038-00308369 Barnabas Obeng-Gyasi. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00603-00308369-00309317 Martin O'Connell, Erin O'Connor, Quinn O'Connor, Oluwatobi Ola, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00604-00309317-00309815 Victoria Oldson, Katherine O'Malley, Gabriel Opsahl, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00605-00309815-00310570 Alyssa Orozco, Daniel Ostrowski, Emily Ou, Tianhong Ouyang, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00606-00310570-00311320 Jakob Paff, Allison Page, Evan Paglieri, Mitchell Palin, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00607-00311320-00312068 Deng Pan, Paula Pandolfi, Vishva Pandya, Nikki Paolelli, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00608-00312068-00312743 Spencer Papp, Colin Pappa, Jaineek Parikh, Geongu Park, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00609-00312743-00313484 Jae Park, Timothy Park, Caitlin Parks, Zachary Patchett, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00610-00313484-00314147 Aakash Vinodkumar Patel, Aneri Patel, Ayush Patel, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00611-00314147-00314958 Mehul Patel, Natasha Patel, Siddhant Patel, Siddhesh Patil, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00612-00314958-00315573 Emily Paul, Sean Pearson, Pat Pesa, Max Peskin, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00613-00315573-00316392 D'Angelo Peters, Varun Phadke, Van Thong Pham, Dan Phan, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00614-00316392-00317067 Phillip Phan, Kyler Phillips, Sven Phillips, Alexis Pittman, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00615-00317067-00317685 Emanuel Pituch, Kelly Plakyda, Zoe Pohl, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00616-00317685-00318348 Manoj Kumar Polisetti, Paramesh Pradeep, Matthew Prashker, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00617-00318348-00318752 Jeremy Putnam, Xiao Qin. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00618-00318752-00319624 Nameer Qureshi, Nirali Rai, Avery Raica, Adrien Gerard Raj, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00619-00319624-00320406 Nikita Rajaneesh, Sanjana Rajesh, Indhu Meena Ramanathan, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00620-00320406-00321196 Rishabh Ramsisaria, Hiten Rathod, Rohith Ravindranath, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00621-00321196-00321941 Peter Reckamp, Evan Reeves, Emily Reich, Natalie Renfro, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00622-00321941-00322712 Matthew Retoff, Hannah Rhoades, Cameron Richards, Jacob Riggs, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00623-00322712-00323396 Berkley Ripper, Hashilla Rivai, David Rivera Pinhao, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00624-00323396-00324159 Heejoon Rnoh, Bailey Roark, Mallory Roark, Riley Robertson, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00625-00324159-00324681 Francesca Rodino, Jasmine Rodney, Isaac Roemer, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00626-00324681-00325290 Nur Adilah Rosli, Donald Roswarski, Charles Roth, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00627-00325290-00325860 Andrew Rothwell, Cameron Ruggles, Rahul Salagame, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00628-00325860-00326460 Eryn Sale, Spencer Sallay, Aires Julien San Diego, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00629-00326460-00327237 Emily Sanders, Chanipa Sangphet, Ruhani Sansoya, Andrew Santos, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00630-00327237-00327702 Josephine Santoso, Sterling Sardina. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00631-00327702-00328471 Ishaan Saxena, Rohan Saxena, Makayla Schacht, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00632-00328471-00329049 Christopher Schaeper, Tristan Schefke, Andrew Schingel, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00633-00329049-00329677 Aaron Schlossberger, Joshua Schmitt, Thomas Schroeder, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00634-00329677-00330255 Beau Schuchart, Bailey Scott, Christopher Sculley, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00635-00330255-00331072 Jacob Saey, Abby Sebol, Anthony Senese, Sabrina Sharmeen, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00636-00331072-00332056 Parth Shelgaonkar, John Shen, Kaneeka Shenoy, Joshua Shepler, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00637-00332056-00332799 Jingtian Shi, Zai Shi, Kevin Shim, Nathaniel Shrim, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00638-00332799-00333611 Mollie Shinkle, Maxwell Shramuk, Upmanya Shrivastava, Derek Shu, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00639-00333611-00334574 Abir Shukla, Sam Shurina, Joshua Siegel, Nicholas Sierzputowski, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00640-00334574-00335177 Thomas Simons, Brent Singh Sharkey, Avinash Singh, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00641-00335177-00336010 Harshit Singh, Kunal Singh, Rohit Sirosh, Pravin Sivabalan, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00642-00336010-00336653 Abigehl Slattery, Claire Snitovsky, Tague Sode, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00643-00336653-00337249 Kenneth Sodetz, Ziheng Song, Jackson Sorrells, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00644-00337249-00337987 Akshay Srinivasan, Laura Sroka, Christian Stanley, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00645-00337987-00338152 Jacqueline Stanley. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00646-00338152-00338782 Riley Stehr, Jasmine Stephen, Katherine Stephens, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00647-00338782-00339399 John Stoermer, Alexis Stolte, David Stolz, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00648-00339399-00339968 Chelsea Studebaker, Marley Suda, Patrick Sullivan, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00649-00339968-00340607 Ryan Sullivan, David Sun, Fangjin Sun, Wenyang Sun, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00650-00340607-00341343 Xinmeng Sun, Yahui Sun, Sneha Swaroop, Zachary Swim, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00651-00341343-00342276 Robert Swisher, Shelly Tan, Xinyi Tan, Darpan Tanna, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00652-00342276-00343191 Mathew Tao, Natasha Tarunadjaja, Julia Taylor, Richa Tenay, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00653-00343191-00344014 Chelsea Tenbarge, James Terrell, Alexander Tesmer, Pooja Tewari, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00654-00344014-00344787 Deepthi Thadasina, Elizabeth Thayer, Eric Thiem, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00655-00344787-00345829 Samantha Thompson, Jessica Tian, Blake Tijerina, Conner Tinker, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00656-00345829-00346735 Connor Todd, Ivan Torres, Jeannine Torh, Daniel Tracy, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00657-00346735-00347584 Abigail Trent, Madison Trout, Alicia Troyer, Ya-Ting Tuan, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00658-00347584-00347905 Riley Turnbull, Payne Tyau. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00659-00347905-00348800 Patrick Ubelhor, Justin Unterriener, Khushali Upadhyay, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00660-00348800-00349658 Soumil Uppal, Abigail Urnes, Naomi Urnes, Conley Utz, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00661-00349658-00350071 Jose Valbuena, Madison Van Buskirk, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00662-00350071-00350768 Alexander Van de Sandt, Karthik Vangati, Jake Varley, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00663-00350768-00351663 Sarah Varney, Vishal Vasan, Darwin Vas, Sudhir Vel, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00664-00351663-00352517 Nathan Venckus, John Verhoff, Alexander Vian, Vishnu Vijayan, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00665-00352517-00353422 Joseph Vinyard, Simone Virga, Darren Visak, Vijay Viswan, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00666-00353422-00354339 Eric Vondrak, Faisal Tariq Vora, Kevin Vosburgh, Veera Vyas, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00667-00354339-00354909 Dylan Waddell, William Wagner, Jacob Walerstein, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00668-00354909-00355662 Geoffrey Walker, Kevin Walker, Sabra Walker, Megan Walsh, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00669-00355662-00356361 Eugene Wang, Evan Wang, Haobo Wang, Jingya Wang, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00670-00356361-00357053 Junling Wang, Shupei Wang, Tiffany Wang, Xingyu Wang, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00671-00357053-00357759 Yifeng Wang, Jenna Ward, Tanner Ward, Evelyn Ware, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00672-00357759-00358484 Lauren Warner, Robert Washington, Darah Washkin, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00673-00358484-00358661 Yuanchi Wei. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00674-00358661-00359200 Patrick Weihmann, Mary Welker, Edward Wennerberg, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00675-00359200-00359794 Mason Wesolek, Jake West, Brianna Westerberg, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00676-00359794-00360565 Brianna White, Emily White, Ana Wiatr, Hunter Wieczorek, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00677-00360565-00361171 Samuel Wiersma, Alexander Willis, Meghan Willoughby, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00678-00361171-00361990 Joseph Won, Yuk Kai Wong, David Wood, Marilyn Wood, Joel Woods, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00679-00361990-00362651 William Worjk, Per Johan Wrammerfors, Emma Wrege, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00680-00362651-00363368 Case Wright, Jiasong Wu, Kuan-Ting Wu, Siyu Wu, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00681-00363368-00364354 Yiheng Wu, Yujing Wu, Katarina Wujek, Mellany Wynne, Amy Xiao, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00682-00364354-00365294 Qihang Xu, Shiwen Xu, Yuening Xu, Yufei Xu, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00683-00365294-00366289 Anuraag Yachamaneni, Ali Yalcin, Canyu Yang, Tianyi Yang, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00684-00366289-00367233 Xinyi Yang, Yiwei Yang, Zhihan Yang, Xiuyu Ye, Molly Yee, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00685-00367233-00368038 Shih Yun Yen, Yumin You, Jordan Young, Nathaniel Young, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00686-00368038-00368799 Jiaxin Yu, Jiaying Yuan, Mangkorn Yuan, Tricia Zalani, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00687-00368799-00369495 Jessica Zamora, Sarah Zelli, Jaden Zerbe, Bo Zhang, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00688-00369495-00369997 Bosen Zhang, Chengxuan Zhang, Eric Zhang, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00689-00369997-00370743 Hanween Zhang, Jonghan Zhang, Jinming Zhang, Junyi Zhang, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00690-00370743-00371437 Rongxi Zhang, Xiaoan Zhang, Xinping Zhang, Yiwen Zhang, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00691-00371437-00372260 Zhaoze Zhang, Yuchen Zhou, Zixuan Zhou, Ian Zimmer. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00692-00372260-00372442 OK, it's official. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00693-00372442-00372721 You are now graduates of Purdue University. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00694-00372721-00373063 It's time for you to observe the tradition of moving your tassel KbjGtG6ZnsU-00695-00373063-00373282 from the right side of the mortar board to the left, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00696-00373282-00373468 signifying your new status. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00697-00373468-00373790 Congratulations to all our new alumns. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00698-00373790-00373999 It's appropriate at this time that we give special KbjGtG6ZnsU-00699-00373999-00374317 recognition to those graduates who have demonstrated KbjGtG6ZnsU-00700-00374317-00374611 outstanding scholastic achievement, leadership, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00701-00374611-00374902 and service to the university community. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00702-00374902-00375172 You can read the names of the recipients of those KbjGtG6ZnsU-00703-00375172-00375454 recognitions in your commencement program. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00704-00375454-00375787 Additional special awards have been noted on your division KbjGtG6ZnsU-00705-00375787-00376039 ceremony page. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00706-00376039-00376228 On behalf of the trustees and the faculty, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00707-00376228-00376513 congratulations on your accomplishments. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00708-00376513-00376792 We're counting on you to continue making exceptional KbjGtG6ZnsU-00709-00376792-00377130 contributions in all your future endeavors. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00710-00377130-00377488 Some of our graduates receive red, white, and blue cords, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00711-00377488-00377746 signifying that they are veterans of the US Armed KbjGtG6ZnsU-00712-00377746-00377827 Forces. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00713-00377827-00378148 They deserve our recognition and our sincere gratitude KbjGtG6ZnsU-00714-00378148-00378306 for their patriotism. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00715-00378306-00378490 We honor these graduates for their hard work KbjGtG6ZnsU-00716-00378490-00378589 and accomplishments. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00717-00378589-00378829 But they'd be the first to tell us they did not make KbjGtG6ZnsU-00718-00378829-00378985 the journey alone. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00719-00378985-00379258 So will the graduates please take this moment to offer KbjGtG6ZnsU-00720-00379258-00379583 thanks and appreciation to your parents, grandparents, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00721-00379583-00379858 spouses brothers, sisters, and other family members KbjGtG6ZnsU-00722-00379858-00380260 and friends for their long and loving support that brought you KbjGtG6ZnsU-00723-00380260-00380310 to this moment. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00724-00380600-00380901 The audience is invited to sing the Purdue hymn. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00725-00380901-00381210 The words are located inside the front cover of the program KbjGtG6ZnsU-00726-00381210-00381355 and will be projected. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00727-00381355-00381600 Will you please stand. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00728-00381850-00383340 (MUSIC INTRO) KbjGtG6ZnsU-00729-00383340-00384600 Close by the Wabash, in famed Hoosier land. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00730-00384600-00385800 Stands old Purdue, Serene and grand. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00731-00385800-00386980 Cherished in mem'ry by all her sons and daughters true. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00732-00386980-00388300 Fair Alma Mater, All hail Purdue. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00733-00388300-00389590 Fairest in all the land, our own Purdue. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00734-00389590-00391740 Fairest in all the land, our own Purdue. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00735-00391940-00392144 I'm pleased to introduce Evan Wang, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00736-00392144-00392378 who was selected as today's student responder KbjGtG6ZnsU-00737-00392378-00392699 in recognition of his leadership in many student and campus KbjGtG6ZnsU-00738-00392699-00392840 organizations. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00739-00392840-00393161 Evan is receiving a Bachelor of Science in computer science, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00740-00393161-00393413 and a Bachelor of Science in mathematics. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00741-00393413-00393719 After graduation, Evan will start as a full time data KbjGtG6ZnsU-00742-00393719-00393947 engineer at Discover Financial Services, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00743-00393947-00394148 where he was an intern last summer. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00744-00394148-00394420 He also hopes to one day earn a master's degree in computer KbjGtG6ZnsU-00745-00394420-00394568 science and an MBA. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00746-00394568-00394820 Please welcome Evan Wang. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00747-00394820-00395110 Thank you President Daniels for your kind introduction. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00748-00395110-00395500 And thank you to friends, family and guests who are watching this. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00749-00395500-00395798 Wherever you are, I hope you and your families are safe KbjGtG6ZnsU-00750-00395798-00395994 and healthy. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00751-00395994-00396237 When I first learned a few weeks ago that I was selected KbjGtG6ZnsU-00752-00396237-00396540 to address you today, I had no idea that I would be giving KbjGtG6ZnsU-00753-00396540-00396852 this speech in front of a green screen in my living room. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00754-00396852-00396980 And yet, here we are. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00755-00396980-00397270 And while it goes without saying that I wish we were all sitting KbjGtG6ZnsU-00756-00397270-00397480 together in Elliot Hall, celebrating this moment KbjGtG6ZnsU-00757-00397480-00397590 in person. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00758-00397590-00397800 I'm sure that some of you are enjoying commencement KbjGtG6ZnsU-00759-00397800-00398020 in your sweatpants or pajamas. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00760-00398020-00398310 You know, I was even thinking of editing a laugh track over this so I KbjGtG6ZnsU-00761-00398310-00398661 can pretend that you like my jokes. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00762-00398661-00398970 In all seriousness, this situation is a perfect example KbjGtG6ZnsU-00763-00398970-00399321 of how, as Purdue students, we have continually navigated KbjGtG6ZnsU-00764-00399321-00399573 through, and adapted to the challenges of rigorous KbjGtG6ZnsU-00765-00399573-00399918 academics, college life, and maintaining a consistent sleep KbjGtG6ZnsU-00766-00399918-00400062 schedule. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00767-00400062-00400296 And we were able to overcome these difficulties, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00768-00400296-00400495 not because we planned for them. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00769-00400495-00400782 In fact, we usually refer to these instances as when things KbjGtG6ZnsU-00770-00400782-00400980 do not go according to plan. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00771-00400980-00401223 But through our resilience, our intellect, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00772-00401223-00401574 and our perseverance we learned to adapt to new situations KbjGtG6ZnsU-00773-00401574-00402073 and use our resources to emerge even stronger than before. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00774-00402073-00402367 As a personal example, I came to Purdue intending to major KbjGtG6ZnsU-00775-00402367-00402652 in applied mathematics and pursue a PhD immediately after KbjGtG6ZnsU-00776-00402652-00402753 graduation. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00777-00402753-00403000 And I will be leaving this great institution with both KbjGtG6ZnsU-00778-00403000-00403215 mathematics and computer science degrees, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00779-00403215-00403438 starting a full time job in August. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00780-00403438-00403738 And I am grateful that Purdue presented me with opportunities KbjGtG6ZnsU-00781-00403738-00404081 to challenge myself so that I could learn from my mistakes, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00782-00404081-00404489 grow as a student, and thrive as a professional. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00783-00404489-00404805 And despite all the roadblocks I encountered on my journey, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00784-00404805-00405096 I believe I've emerged a stronger person because I had KbjGtG6ZnsU-00785-00405096-00405555 the support of my professors, TAs, advisors, friends, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00786-00405555-00405858 my now fiancee, and many more advocates in science, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00787-00405858-00405990 and at Purdue. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00788-00405990-00406304 In all your postgraduate endeavors, I urge you, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00789-00406304-00406616 class of 2020, to surround yourself with people who KbjGtG6ZnsU-00790-00406616-00406867 advocate for you to be successful. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00791-00406867-00407105 A squad to cheer on your victories, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00792-00407105-00407460 and a support network that will help you bounce back from losses. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00793-00407500-00407800 It is an exciting time to graduate in science, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00794-00407800-00407930 or liberal arts. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00795-00407930-00408290 In our future careers, we will be continually confronted with KbjGtG6ZnsU-00796-00408290-00408480 the world's latest phenomena. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00797-00408480-00408780 History being made, new ways of communicating, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00798-00408780-00409040 advancements in theory, discoveries beyond KbjGtG6ZnsU-00799-00409040-00409430 our imagination, and of course, a new virus. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00800-00409430-00409710 And as graduates of the Purdue College of Science and College KbjGtG6ZnsU-00801-00409710-00410030 of Liberal Arts, we should be proud that we didn't just do KbjGtG6ZnsU-00802-00410030-00410380 the bare minimum to pass the class and move on. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00803-00410380-00410639 We engaged with faculty and industry experts, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00804-00410639-00410839 we performed undergraduate research, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00805-00410839-00411089 and we pursued career advancement opportunities, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00806-00411089-00411330 setting us up to push the boundaries of our field KbjGtG6ZnsU-00807-00411330-00411480 in the future. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00808-00411480-00411800 So never settle for less than you can achieve. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00809-00411800-00412020 When you put in that extra ounce of effort, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00810-00412020-00412200 reach outside of your comfort zone, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00811-00412200-00412500 and push yourself to more than you planned for, you will be KbjGtG6ZnsU-00812-00412500-00412730 ready to take on those unexpected challenges KbjGtG6ZnsU-00813-00412730-00413050 and opportunities as they come. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00814-00413050-00413270 At the end of this commencement ceremony, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00815-00413270-00413510 you will receive your diploma, marking the end of your time KbjGtG6ZnsU-00816-00413510-00413620 at Purdue. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00817-00413620-00413980 But commencement also means a beginning, or start. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00818-00413980-00414239 It means new goals, new priorities, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00819-00414239-00414539 new responsibilities, and new peers. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00820-00414539-00414780 But don't forget about what you created here-- KbjGtG6ZnsU-00821-00414780-00415060 new friendships, new knowledge, new achievements, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00822-00415060-00415539 new experiences, even a whole new commencement ceremony. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00823-00415539-00415820 Most of all, be proud of what you've accomplished, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00824-00415820-00415980 class of 2020. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00825-00415980-00416250 In spite of everything, and against greater odds than KbjGtG6ZnsU-00826-00416250-00416530 perhaps any other class has ever faced, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00827-00416530-00416800 you are now graduates of Purdue University, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00828-00416800-00417039 and Boilermakers forever. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00829-00417039-00417220 Congratulations to you all. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00830-00417220-00417370 Boiler up and hail Purdue. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00831-00417470-00417589 (APPLAUSE) KbjGtG6ZnsU-00832-00417589-00418080 (MUSIC "PURDUE MEDLEY") KbjGtG6ZnsU-00833-00438689-00439100 To your call, once more we rally, alma mater. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00834-00439100-00439370 Hear our praise. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00835-00439370-00439760 Where the Wabash spreads its valley, filled with joy, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00836-00439760-00440008 our voices raise. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00837-00440008-00440470 From the skies in swelling echoes come the cheers that KbjGtG6ZnsU-00838-00440470-00440939 tell the tale of your vict'ries and your heroes. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00839-00440939-00441039 Hail Purdue. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00840-00441039-00441370 We sing all hail. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00841-00441370-00441663 Hail, hail to old Purdue. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00842-00441663-00442050 All hail to our gold and black. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00843-00442050-00442330 Hail, hail to old Purdue. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00844-00442330-00442700 Our friendship may she never lack. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00845-00442700-00443400 Ever grateful, ever true, thus we raise our song anew. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00846-00443400-00443989 Of the days we've spent with you, all hail our own Purdue. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00847-00443989-00444539 (PURDUE MEDLEY OUTRO) KbjGtG6ZnsU-00848-00446570-00447039 (APPLAUSE) KbjGtG6ZnsU-00849-00447100-00447482 Today, you are standing on the edge of possibility. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00850-00447482-00447851 We pause to give thanks for the deep sense of accomplishment, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00851-00447851-00448222 pride, and hope of this very moment. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00852-00448222-00448687 We pause today to reflect on your time here and the hope KbjGtG6ZnsU-00853-00448687-00448910 for your future. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00854-00448910-00449353 We gather with abundant joy and overwhelming gratitude. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00855-00449353-00449737 We pray the experience here embodies our vision KbjGtG6ZnsU-00856-00449737-00450154 of education as an engaged and dynamic partnership between KbjGtG6ZnsU-00857-00450154-00450464 the university and the wider world. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00858-00450464-00450762 The work here has never been merely for personal use, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00859-00450762-00450972 but always for a public good. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00860-00450972-00451320 And so today we celebrate a collective commitment KbjGtG6ZnsU-00861-00451320-00451774 to creating a better and more just world. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00862-00451774-00452088 May we appreciate the joy of this day and may the dedication KbjGtG6ZnsU-00863-00452088-00452484 and patience perseverance that has brought us to this moment, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00864-00452484-00452992 carry us forth to create a world marked by peace, justice, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00865-00452992-00453337 and compassion beyond measure. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00866-00453337-00453697 Go forth to do the good work set before you. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00867-00453697-00453887 Be tireless. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00868-00453887-00454103 Seek the common good. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00869-00454103-00454507 Love and nurture the people and things you value. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00870-00454507-00454774 Attend to your work with integrity so that what you KbjGtG6ZnsU-00871-00454774-00455164 believe, may be what you do. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00872-00455164-00455376 And when you feel as if you might become defeated, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00873-00455376-00455710 think back on this day and know that you already have KbjGtG6ZnsU-00874-00455710-00456014 accomplished much. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00875-00456014-00456342 May you be blessed and may your lives be a blessing to all KbjGtG6ZnsU-00876-00456342-00456527 of us. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00877-00456527-00456577 Amen. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00878-00456839-00457228 You shall go out with joy. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00879-00457228-00457550 You shall go out with joy. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00880-00457550-00458739 Joy, joy, joy, joy.joy. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00881-00459120-00459406 As we conclude today's commencement ceremony, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00882-00459406-00459678 thank you for joining this celebration of our newest KbjGtG6ZnsU-00883-00459678-00459864 Boilermaker graduates. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00884-00459864-00460047 On behalf of the trustees, faculty, KbjGtG6ZnsU-00885-00460047-00460371 and all the Purdue family, I bid you farewell. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00886-00460371-00460514 Godspeed. KbjGtG6ZnsU-00887-00460514-00460610 Hail Purdue. KbMoDobulFy-00000-00000040-00000288 what's up everyone in today's video I am going KbMoDobulFy-00001-00000288-00001592 to show you how to get your residence card here in morocco so let's dive in KbMoDobulFy-00002-00002128-00002592 hi everyone my name is Saloua i am a digital entrepreneur coach and a digital nomad I am KbMoDobulFy-00003-00002592-00003032 originally from Morocco and in today's video i am going to meet with a friend of mine who's KbMoDobulFy-00004-00003032-00003584 been living here in Morocco for eight years and he is from Dominica and he's going to share with us KbMoDobulFy-00005-00003584-00004288 his experience on how to get a residence card here in morocco terry come on in let me see if we see KbMoDobulFy-00006-00004912-00005384 very good yeah that's cool so terry tell us um you've been living in morocco for eight years KbMoDobulFy-00007-00005384-00005840 and you've been through this whole process of getting your residence cards yeah multiple times KbMoDobulFy-00008-00005928-00006456 initially having to get the first card then also having to renew that card KbMoDobulFy-00009-00006456-00007064 i also left morocco for a while came back and i had to get a new one all over again so i've done KbMoDobulFy-00010-00007064-00007672 this process quite a few times all right so today we are going to take you with us on a journey KbMoDobulFy-00011-00007672-00008264 and we are going to show you step by step how to get your cocked decision for your residence card KbMoDobulFy-00012-00008376-00008960 okay so before you do anything you need to get your birth certificate the original KbMoDobulFy-00013-00008960-00009472 birth certificate that's super important why is it that's necessary for proof of id KbMoDobulFy-00014-00009472-00009896 you're gonna provide that as well as your passport copy so you now have two KbMoDobulFy-00015-00009992-00010656 documents proving who you are perfect so birth certificate will get you your criminal uh KbMoDobulFy-00016-00010656-00011200 background check and then what else and then you go make copies of where you stay for example you KbMoDobulFy-00017-00011200-00011896 should have a lease or a booking at a hotel or an airbnb but some proof of address okay so proof of KbMoDobulFy-00018-00011896-00012512 address your passport in your passport you want to also make the copy of your visa because it has the KbMoDobulFy-00019-00012512-00013040 entry date and then what else they need at least you need a copy of your lease and your original KbMoDobulFy-00020-00013040-00013376 lease because you're going to need to legalize that we'll talk about that in a minute and KbMoDobulFy-00021-00013376-00013776 bank statements and then you need bank statements let's improve how you're taking care of yourselves KbMoDobulFy-00022-00013840-00014272 so we looked for the amount of money you need to get on your bank statement but we couldn't find KbMoDobulFy-00023-00014272-00014936 a uh an amount per se but what would you say on average i have been able to have my documents done KbMoDobulFy-00024-00014936-00015616 with 5000 dirhams that's about 500 dollars really yeah and of course the medical certificate so KbMoDobulFy-00025-00015616-00016016 in order to get that what do we need to do terry in order to get a medical certificate KbMoDobulFy-00026-00016016-00016656 you can just walk into any doctor's office here in the city on average it costs about 10 to 15 KbMoDobulFy-00027-00016776-00017224 for consultation and they will just do a general check-up nothing nothing deep KbMoDobulFy-00028-00017224-00017632 and they provide you with just a little paper stating that you're of good health KbMoDobulFy-00029-00017632-00018248 and that's enough okay so for the criminal records you can download the form and fit up online KbMoDobulFy-00030-00018248-00018808 they will receive your form but you still need to print it so you get the series numbers with you KbMoDobulFy-00031-00018808-00019320 when you apply for the criminal background check yeah and that document should be done KbMoDobulFy-00032-00019320-00019904 in the morning assuming you do this online you submit it in the morning you download your copy KbMoDobulFy-00033-00019904-00020432 you take that copy they give you with your passport and birth certificate copies KbMoDobulFy-00034-00020432-00021064 in the afternoon from 3 30 pm you're able to go pick up your criminal record after you apply for KbMoDobulFy-00035-00021064-00021592 everything what can they expect okay once you have submitted all of the documents right you got the KbMoDobulFy-00036-00021592-00022128 police record you took it to the police department immigration department and you submit all of these KbMoDobulFy-00037-00022128-00022576 documents they're going to provide you with a little paper and it has a number on there that's KbMoDobulFy-00038-00022576-00023208 your reference number that paper you needed to come pick up your receipt in about two weeks is it KbMoDobulFy-00039-00023208-00023904 really two weeks or yeah i'll be honest two weeks to a month okay once you pick up your receipt KbMoDobulFy-00040-00023904-00024448 that's when you have that long wait but your receipt is as good as gold your your id number KbMoDobulFy-00041-00024448-00024904 basically what's going to be printed on the actual card is going to be on that receipt KbMoDobulFy-00042-00024904-00025384 and then you need to go for yourself every time to check it because here in morocco they don't KbMoDobulFy-00043-00025384-00025872 mail you they don't call you they don't let you know it's there so you need to go back and check KbMoDobulFy-00044-00025872-00026504 and once you get that new document to the one that is going to be your temporary residence cards KbMoDobulFy-00045-00026504-00027048 with that you now becoming a uh a residence here so you have all the rights which means KbMoDobulFy-00046-00027048-00027552 you can work you can travel and then during that time you will wait to get your official KbMoDobulFy-00047-00027552-00028088 final residence cards and from that how many how long is the wait from the moment you pick up the KbMoDobulFy-00048-00028088-00028927 receipt a wait of roughly two to three months how long did you wait i waited once i waited one month KbMoDobulFy-00049-00028983-00029616 once i also waited five months so really depends first benefit that you get by getting your KbMoDobulFy-00050-00029616-00030095 residence cards here in morocco it's a multiple entry visa you can come in tomorrow as many times KbMoDobulFy-00051-00030095-00030639 as you like you also get the right to work you also get the right to study here also certain KbMoDobulFy-00052-00030639-00031048 medical benefits from the companies that you do work for the moroccan company you get access to KbMoDobulFy-00053-00031048-00031704 the national like local healthcare as well just a quick disclaimer we are not attorneys we do not KbMoDobulFy-00054-00031704-00032304 work for the immigration i am a national moroccan that lives abroad and terry is from dominica KbMoDobulFy-00055-00032368-00033000 and this is just my personal experience it varies but generally this is the outline you might have KbMoDobulFy-00056-00033000-00033584 some delays it's expected to have delays actually but this is the outline and also it depends on the KbMoDobulFy-00057-00033584-00034112 country you're coming from so we highly urge you that you do your research before on coming in and KbMoDobulFy-00058-00034112-00034472 if you have any questions or comments please leave them down below and we'll be happy to answer them KbMoDobulFy-00059-00034528-00035104 so now it's time for us to show you around and where you can get those documents done and yeah so KbMoDobulFy-00060-00035104-00035704 let's go you ready yeah all right so we're looking for a place like this one where you can go inside KbMoDobulFy-00061-00035824-00036608 uh this is here in rabbat and then here you are going to ask for eight photos for uh your passport KbMoDobulFy-00062-00036608-00037176 for the eight photos it's about what we just asked and it's uh thirty thirty their hands like that's KbMoDobulFy-00063-00037176-00037792 like three euros four years yeah so that's it next we're gonna head over to the justice ministry of KbMoDobulFy-00064-00037792-00038288 justice and we're gonna ask for that demand or the paper you're gonna fill out for your police record KbMoDobulFy-00065-00038288-00038968 okay let's go all right guys so we are now in front of the ministry of justice right KbMoDobulFy-00066-00038968-00039536 behind us and here what are we doing terry what we're gonna do is provide them with uh bring KbMoDobulFy-00067-00039536-00040008 our copies of our birth certificate and bring the copies of your passport and you're gonna ask them KbMoDobulFy-00068-00040008-00040464 for that form you need to fill out okay and we'll we're gonna go in right to get the form so we can KbMoDobulFy-00069-00040464-00040944 show it to you but we can't record in there we can record in there and then also there is a print KbMoDobulFy-00070-00040944-00041408 place right across so in case you want to do this together you can always do it right here KbMoDobulFy-00071-00041408-00041856 and then go inside and get the documents right so you get that document you fill it out you deposit KbMoDobulFy-00072-00041856-00042336 it right away and you leave perfect we're gonna give you a little receipt and you come back in KbMoDobulFy-00073-00042336-00042880 the afternoon to pick up to pick it up all right let's do this so that's a door right behind us we KbMoDobulFy-00074-00042880-00043336 literally just picked up this form we're gonna go to a cafe fill it out and also show you what KbMoDobulFy-00075-00043336-00043696 it really looks like but that's the door right there we can't film so we have to be really sneaky KbMoDobulFy-00076-00043824-00044240 all right people so we picked up this documents that's what you need to fill KbMoDobulFy-00077-00044240-00044792 out and then we'll just notice that there's uh french english italian and spanish spanish KbMoDobulFy-00078-00044792-00045312 so you don't even need to write everything in french and the idea is to fill this up right KbMoDobulFy-00079-00045312-00045752 there and there so not to leave we just picked this up for you guys but if it was you they KbMoDobulFy-00080-00045752-00046272 would just go in immediately fill it out yeah put the necessary information in and deposit it KbMoDobulFy-00081-00046336-00046712 so we'll take you on to the next step which is getting your document legalized KbMoDobulFy-00082-00046712-00047176 before we go apply for the decision or the residence cards all right see you in a bit KbMoDobulFy-00083-00047488-00048096 okay so this is the street where you need to go in order to apply for your residence card KbMoDobulFy-00084-00048152-00049184 also you will need to go to a place to legalize all your documents KbMoDobulFy-00085-00049312-00049704 what harry what do we do what we're going to do right now we have all of our documents we KbMoDobulFy-00086-00049704-00050192 got our police record we have our documents legalized what we need to do now is go to KbMoDobulFy-00087-00050192-00050640 the immigration department which is literally the headquarters of the police headquarters KbMoDobulFy-00088-00050640-00051168 it's right behind us we cannot film but we'll try to do uh this church if you look up it's KbMoDobulFy-00089-00051168-00051984 right next to it you can't miss it, yeah you really can't miss it all right so let's go KbMoDobulFy-00090-00052736-00053384 hey KbMoDobulFy-00091-00053872-00054544 so this is the car decision you would need in order to get your application so it's at the entry KbMoDobulFy-00092-00054544-00055248 you can find it so now we are done with everything so terry let's do a quick recap what documents did KbMoDobulFy-00093-00055248-00055760 we do and where did we start so we started off by getting copies of our passport the front page KbMoDobulFy-00094-00055760-00056216 that includes also the back page where you have that visa that stamp you got when you arrive KbMoDobulFy-00095-00056328-00056896 next thing we did we went ahead and got copies of our birth certificate as well you should have the KbMoDobulFy-00096-00056896-00057496 original with you already we went picked up this form which we need to fill out we should go back KbMoDobulFy-00097-00057496-00058344 at 3 30 to pick up the actual police report the next step would be to go ahead and get all of KbMoDobulFy-00098-00058344-00058952 those information that we collected beforehand legalized legalized we then take that to the KbMoDobulFy-00099-00058952-00059391 police department the immigration department and the police headquarters they will provide you with KbMoDobulFy-00100-00059391-00060176 this yellow form and this form and this long legal letter-sized form you feel you fill all of these KbMoDobulFy-00101-00060176-00060800 out and then you deposit them i mean but we have to note some we have to let you know that this is KbMoDobulFy-00102-00060800-00061320 only in french there's no english or other version so if you don't speak french make sure to bring KbMoDobulFy-00103-00061320-00061832 somebody with you and then fill up everything on the spot so you can submit the application KbMoDobulFy-00104-00061832-00062240 right there and there i also use google translate i take a photo and translate that KbMoDobulFy-00105-00062400-00062904 by the time you do your police report application you need to drop it off in the morning and pick KbMoDobulFy-00106-00062904-00063391 it up at 3 30 in the afternoon that means you won't have enough time to go and apply for your KbMoDobulFy-00107-00063391-00063848 car decision or resident card but you can do this the next day and in two days you're done KbMoDobulFy-00108-00063848-00064336 and you just have to wait to get this proceeds in order for you to start working and traveling and KbMoDobulFy-00109-00064336-00064824 be a legal resident here in morocco so i think that's it for today is there any questions any KbMoDobulFy-00110-00064888-00065248 is there anything left terry ah i think we're good KbMoDobulFy-00111-00065248-00065664 all right so thank you so much for watching today's video if you do have any questions KbMoDobulFy-00112-00065664-00066152 or comments please leave them down below and i will see you next time bye bye from my back ciao KbMoDobulFy-00113-00066344-00066776 thank you so much for watching please do not forget to subscribe we put a lot of hard KbMoDobulFy-00114-00066776-00067424 work to make those videos for you i have a free training for you how to start your online business KbMoDobulFy-00115-00067424-00067968 so you too can work from anywhere and i will put the link down below lastly follow me on instagram KbMoDobulFy-00116-00067968-00068672 at salawatibani and i'll see you next time so we are now in front of the uh akda station in rabat KbMoDobulFy-00117-00068924-00069536 the very first step you go you get your eight photos biometric brushes that's not it the first KbMoDobulFy-00118-00069536-00070312 step is they need once you get those documents to hold on I kind of like it here yeah it's the spot KbMoDobulFy-00119-00070312-00070832 it's called the spot it's called the spot yeah that's nice okay so we gotta turn up this camera KcA-Duz5G9y-00000-00000000-00000200 Subscribe to Ziegenhainy Kd1AEBhmwXM-00000-00000010-00000120 >> Josh: GOOD EVENING, I'M JOSH Kd1AEBhmwXM-00001-00000120-00000126 >> Josh: GOOD EVENING, I'M JOSH Kd1AEBhmwXM-00002-00000126-00000290 >> Josh: GOOD EVENING, I'M JOSH PETERSON IN FOR DENNIS Kd1AEBhmwXM-00003-00000290-00000296 >> Josh: GOOD EVENING, I'M JOSH PETERSON IN FOR DENNIS Kd1AEBhmwXM-00004-00000296-00000917 >> Josh: GOOD EVENING, I'M JOSH PETERSON IN FOR DENNIS DENNIS WEIMANN,THANK YOU FOR JOS Kd1AEBhmwXM-00005-00000917-00000924 PETERSON IN FOR DENNIS DENNIS WEIMANN,THANK YOU FOR JOS Kd1AEBhmwXM-00006-00000924-00002158 PETERSON IN FOR DENNIS DENNIS WEIMANN,THANK YOU FOR JOS TONIGHT. Kd1AEBhmwXM-00007-00002158-00002165 DENNIS WEIMANN,THANK YOU FOR JOS TONIGHT. Kd1AEBhmwXM-00008-00002165-00002255 DENNIS WEIMANN,THANK YOU FOR JOS TONIGHT. >> TELLING LAKELAND NEWS WHEN Kd1AEBhmwXM-00009-00002255-00002262 TONIGHT. >> TELLING LAKELAND NEWS WHEN Kd1AEBhmwXM-00010-00002262-00002402 TONIGHT. >> TELLING LAKELAND NEWS WHEN THEY ARRIVED ON THE SCENE, THE Kd1AEBhmwXM-00011-00002402-00002409 >> TELLING LAKELAND NEWS WHEN THEY ARRIVED ON THE SCENE, THE Kd1AEBhmwXM-00012-00002409-00002629 >> TELLING LAKELAND NEWS WHEN THEY ARRIVED ON THE SCENE, THE LOWER LEVEL WAS FULLY ENGULFED Kd1AEBhmwXM-00013-00002629-00002635 THEY ARRIVED ON THE SCENE, THE LOWER LEVEL WAS FULLY ENGULFED Kd1AEBhmwXM-00014-00002635-00002756 THEY ARRIVED ON THE SCENE, THE LOWER LEVEL WAS FULLY ENGULFED WHICH QUICKLY SPREAD TO THE Kd1AEBhmwXM-00015-00002756-00002762 LOWER LEVEL WAS FULLY ENGULFED WHICH QUICKLY SPREAD TO THE Kd1AEBhmwXM-00016-00002762-00002859 LOWER LEVEL WAS FULLY ENGULFED WHICH QUICKLY SPREAD TO THE SECOND LEVEL CAUSING SIGNIFICANT Kd1AEBhmwXM-00017-00002859-00002866 WHICH QUICKLY SPREAD TO THE SECOND LEVEL CAUSING SIGNIFICANT Kd1AEBhmwXM-00018-00002866-00002916 WHICH QUICKLY SPREAD TO THE SECOND LEVEL CAUSING SIGNIFICANT DAMAGE. Kd1AEBhmwXM-00019-00002916-00002922 SECOND LEVEL CAUSING SIGNIFICANT DAMAGE. Kd1AEBhmwXM-00020-00002922-00003089 SECOND LEVEL CAUSING SIGNIFICANT DAMAGE. THEY TOOK APPROXIMATELY HA Kd1AEBhmwXM-00021-00003089-00003096 DAMAGE. THEY TOOK APPROXIMATELY HA Kd1AEBhmwXM-00022-00003096-00003209 DAMAGE. THEY TOOK APPROXIMATELY HA MINUTES FOR A TEAM OF 40 Kd1AEBhmwXM-00023-00003209-00003216 THEY TOOK APPROXIMATELY HA MINUTES FOR A TEAM OF 40 Kd1AEBhmwXM-00024-00003216-00003303 THEY TOOK APPROXIMATELY HA MINUTES FOR A TEAM OF 40 FIREFIGHTERS TO KNOCK DOWN THE Kd1AEBhmwXM-00025-00003303-00003309 MINUTES FOR A TEAM OF 40 FIREFIGHTERS TO KNOCK DOWN THE Kd1AEBhmwXM-00026-00003309-00003336 MINUTES FOR A TEAM OF 40 FIREFIGHTERS TO KNOCK DOWN THE FLAMES. Kd1AEBhmwXM-00027-00003336-00003343 FIREFIGHTERS TO KNOCK DOWN THE FLAMES. Kd1AEBhmwXM-00028-00003343-00003523 FIREFIGHTERS TO KNOCK DOWN THE FLAMES. WE ARE TOLD THE BUILDING WILL Kd1AEBhmwXM-00029-00003523-00003530 FLAMES. WE ARE TOLD THE BUILDING WILL Kd1AEBhmwXM-00030-00003530-00003676 FLAMES. WE ARE TOLD THE BUILDING WILL LIKE I BE CONSIDERED A TOTALS Kd1AEBhmwXM-00031-00003676-00003683 WE ARE TOLD THE BUILDING WILL LIKE I BE CONSIDERED A TOTALS Kd1AEBhmwXM-00032-00003683-00003807 WE ARE TOLD THE BUILDING WILL LIKE I BE CONSIDERED A TOTALS LOSM THE CAUSE OF THE FIRE Kd1AEBhmwXM-00033-00003807-00003813 LIKE I BE CONSIDERED A TOTALS LOSM THE CAUSE OF THE FIRE Kd1AEBhmwXM-00034-00003813-00003960 LIKE I BE CONSIDERED A TOTALS LOSM THE CAUSE OF THE FIRE REMAINS UNDER INVESTIGATION. Kd1AEBhmwXM-00035-00003960-00003967 LOSM THE CAUSE OF THE FIRE REMAINS UNDER INVESTIGATION. Kd1AEBhmwXM-00036-00003967-00004070 LOSM THE CAUSE OF THE FIRE REMAINS UNDER INVESTIGATION. THE RED CROSS HAS BEEN CALLED IN Kd1AEBhmwXM-00037-00004070-00004077 REMAINS UNDER INVESTIGATION. THE RED CROSS HAS BEEN CALLED IN Kd1AEBhmwXM-00038-00004077-00004144 REMAINS UNDER INVESTIGATION. THE RED CROSS HAS BEEN CALLED IN TO ASSIST FAMILIES WHO HAVE BEEN Ke2BNYliS_u-00000-00009345-00009382 In Kfx6ke9OWAU-00000-00000018-00000376 Assistant Secretary Tibor Nagy: Yes - meet the needs of the young people. Kfx6ke9OWAU-00001-00000376-00000816 Do it in a responsible way and since young people do care about things like Kfx6ke9OWAU-00002-00000888-00001648 the environment, young people care more about the, you know, equality between the sexes and Kfx6ke9OWAU-00003-00001648-00002232 ethnic groups and things like that. Do it in a green, responsible way and then hopefully Kfx6ke9OWAU-00004-00002232-00002784 you'll make a fortune and you will remember to help people when you're filthy rich. KjnDqiiwdJQ-00000-00000000-00000126 >> Announcer: - Here's another Thrive Tip KjnDqiiwdJQ-00001-00000126-00000386 from Kaiser Permanente and FOX 12. KjnDqiiwdJQ-00002-00000386-00000469 >> Nora Hart, Fox 12: - Here in the Northwest KjnDqiiwdJQ-00003-00000469-00000587 we have some of the highest rates KjnDqiiwdJQ-00004-00000587-00000759 of melanoma in the country. KjnDqiiwdJQ-00005-00000759-00001072 A fact that can be surprising for some given our climate. KjnDqiiwdJQ-00006-00001072-00001155 >> Dr. Jo Martin, MD, Dermatologist, Kaiser Permanente: - Here in the Northwest KjnDqiiwdJQ-00007-00001155-00001384 we often forget to put sunscreen on, KjnDqiiwdJQ-00008-00001384-00001584 especially on cloudy and cool days. KjnDqiiwdJQ-00009-00001584-00001885 And if you're outside for a long period of time getting sun, KjnDqiiwdJQ-00010-00001885-00002114 that UV light will build up and you can get a sunburn KjnDqiiwdJQ-00011-00002114-00002372 and increase your chances of getting a melanoma. KjnDqiiwdJQ-00012-00002372-00002514 Or any other kind of skin cancer. KjnDqiiwdJQ-00013-00002514-00002756 It's really important to wear sunscreen every single day, KjnDqiiwdJQ-00014-00002756-00002963 on your face, neck, hands, and forearms. KjnDqiiwdJQ-00015-00002963-00003288 Any place where you're getting exposed on a regular basis. KjnDqiiwdJQ-00016-00003288-00003468 It's really important to wear enough sunscreen KjnDqiiwdJQ-00017-00003468-00003707 so an average adult will need an ounce of sunscreen, KjnDqiiwdJQ-00018-00003707-00003988 which is about the size of a shot glass. KjnDqiiwdJQ-00019-00003988-00004188 Really important to reapply every two hours, KjnDqiiwdJQ-00020-00004188-00004359 or every time that you're getting in and out of the water, KjnDqiiwdJQ-00021-00004359-00004494 because it will wear off. KjnDqiiwdJQ-00022-00004494-00004715 Sunscreens expire and then they don't work as well KjnDqiiwdJQ-00023-00004715-00004935 so it is important to pay attention to the expiration date. KjnDqiiwdJQ-00024-00004935-00005193 >> Nora Hart, Fox 12: - Remember to choose a broad-spectrum sunscreen, KjnDqiiwdJQ-00025-00005193-00005290 wear protective clothing, KjnDqiiwdJQ-00026-00005290-00005555 and limit direct sun exposure during peak hours. KjnDqiiwdJQ-00027-00005555-00005711 >> Announcer: - This has been another Thrive Tip KjnDqiiwdJQ-00028-00005711-00005997 sponsored by Kaiser Permanente and FOX 12. KltWgLnDBL4-00000-00000097-00000393 Now we're going to play with some the RPM commands. KltWgLnDBL4-00001-00000730-00001080 We have to open a console window or a terminal session. KltWgLnDBL4-00002-00001400-00001587 First thing let's do is KltWgLnDBL4-00003-00001587-00002023 look at the options so 'rpm' alone KltWgLnDBL4-00004-00002023-00002373 gives you all the options that can be used with this command. KltWgLnDBL4-00005-00002373-00002703 If you'll remember from the chart that we just went over, KltWgLnDBL4-00006-00002703-00003059 you can actually install, uninstall, KltWgLnDBL4-00007-00003059-00003457 or erase and upgrade software from the RPM package, KltWgLnDBL4-00008-00003457-00004011 but it doesn't automatically pick up all the dependencies so I prefer doing KltWgLnDBL4-00009-00004011-00004202 installations through 'yum'. KltWgLnDBL4-00010-00004202-00004645 We'll do one with the 'yum' command in the next video. KltWgLnDBL4-00011-00004645-00005114 We can do a query on this; let's do 'rpm KltWgLnDBL4-00012-00005114-00005623 -q', and let's look at 'yum' command. KltWgLnDBL4-00013-00005623-00005991 So it tells us the version and so forth. KltWgLnDBL4-00014-00005991-00006520 Now let's add an 'i' after the dash 'q' to get more information. KltWgLnDBL4-00015-00006720-00006984 Now as you can see you get a lot more information. KltWgLnDBL4-00016-00006984-00007534 It also explains what the package is used for. Now let's display all the files KltWgLnDBL4-00017-00007534-00007675 that are in the package. KltWgLnDBL4-00018-00007675-00008236 I use my up arrow key to repeat the previous command KltWgLnDBL4-00019-00008236-00008572 and I'm going to come over to the 'i' and replace that with KltWgLnDBL4-00020-00008572-00008960 a 'l' for list. So it gave me a list KltWgLnDBL4-00021-00008960-00009272 of all of the files that are located in the yum package. KltWgLnDBL4-00022-00009272-00009668 Notice it scrolled off the screen, but if I wanted to KltWgLnDBL4-00023-00009668-00010188 look at one screen at the time. I'm going to add the pipe command KltWgLnDBL4-00024-00010188-00010654 and more; this allows it to start at the very top KltWgLnDBL4-00025-00010654-00010978 notice 'more' at the bottom of the screen on the left hand side. KltWgLnDBL4-00026-00010978-00011318 This is one page or one screen KltWgLnDBL4-00027-00011318-00011846 of information and it stops at that. If you want to go one line at the time, KltWgLnDBL4-00028-00011846-00012347 hit your enter key. If you want to take one screen at the time, KltWgLnDBL4-00029-00012347-00012998 press the spacebar. As you can see there are a lot of files. KltWgLnDBL4-00030-00012998-00013497 Last but not least, let's take a look at if there's any missing KltWgLnDBL4-00031-00013497-00013913 files in the package. We do that with a KltWgLnDBL4-00032-00013913-00014613 dash 'v'. We got nothing back so that means that we have no missing packages KltWgLnDBL4-00033-00014668-00014855 used by 'yum' command. KlOJ_FtOanM-00000-00000084-00000407 Good morning everybody. KlOJ_FtOanM-00001-00000407-00001228 I just...I had a student ask me about "sunrise" and because I did a beautiful...I did a beautiful KlOJ_FtOanM-00002-00001228-00001426 video on "sunset". KlOJ_FtOanM-00003-00001426-00001711 I've just woken up. KlOJ_FtOanM-00004-00001711-00002319 So, please forgive my lethargic state. KlOJ_FtOanM-00005-00002319-00002772 I have two things to share with you in this video and they're both beautiful. KlOJ_FtOanM-00006-00002772-00003494 Um, right now we're walking to see the sun...to see the sunrise...to get a better view of KlOJ_FtOanM-00007-00003494-00003594 it. KlOJ_FtOanM-00008-00003594-00003990 So, I'm walking out to the edge of the road. KlOJ_FtOanM-00009-00003990-00004114 Ahum. KlOJ_FtOanM-00010-00004114-00004436 I'm walking through the yard. KlOJ_FtOanM-00011-00004436-00005351 Now I'm on my mom's dirt driveway and now I'm getting a view, we're getting a better KlOJ_FtOanM-00012-00005351-00005946 view of this really awesome sunrise through these clouds. KlOJ_FtOanM-00013-00005946-00006946 I just...goodness gracious it's not showing up like it really looks to me in person. KlOJ_FtOanM-00014-00006946-00007834 I wish it were because it's absolutely stunning but I'm afraid you all can't see the real KlOJ_FtOanM-00015-00007834-00008096 beauty through this camera lens. KlOJ_FtOanM-00016-00008096-00008315 So, that's a sunrise. KlOJ_FtOanM-00017-00008315-00009175 The sun is coming up over there and the sun will go down over there. KlOJ_FtOanM-00018-00009175-00009381 There's my mom's house in the distance. KlOJ_FtOanM-00019-00009381-00009721 So, now you see where I live. KlOJ_FtOanM-00020-00009721-00009918 That's Jill. KlOJ_FtOanM-00021-00009918-00010074 That's Husky Boy. KlOJ_FtOanM-00022-00010074-00011079 This is B2 and the next thing I have to show you is this. KlOJ_FtOanM-00023-00011079-00011203 He's a new one. KlOJ_FtOanM-00024-00011203-00012217 I just got him...my friend found him on the side of the road and he was so scared and KlOJ_FtOanM-00025-00012217-00012317 alone. KlOJ_FtOanM-00026-00012317-00012417 Heidi, she's my friend. KlOJ_FtOanM-00027-00012417-00013072 I couldn't...she's...she's in a really bad position herself right now. KlOJ_FtOanM-00028-00013072-00013682 She's staying in a hotel because she has nowhere to live. KlOJ_FtOanM-00029-00013682-00014109 I've offered her my house where my boyfriend lives. KlOJ_FtOanM-00030-00014109-00015159 I've offered her that house but it's really...sometimes people don't want to accept help and I completely KlOJ_FtOanM-00031-00015159-00015259 understand. KlOJ_FtOanM-00032-00015259-00015644 But anyway, back to the puppy. KlOJ_FtOanM-00033-00015644-00016015 I've had him now for about five days. KlOJ_FtOanM-00034-00016015-00016115 About five days. KlOJ_FtOanM-00035-00016115-00016712 I'll let y'all watch him because he's really cute and Jill wants to play with him. KlOJ_FtOanM-00036-00016712-00016915 I'm still in my pajamas. KlOJ_FtOanM-00037-00016915-00017523 I have Minnie Mouse and Mickey Mouse pajama pants. KlOJ_FtOanM-00038-00017523-00017798 And there's the puppy. KlOJ_FtOanM-00039-00017798-00018037 He's going to play with B2. KlOJ_FtOanM-00040-00018037-00018623 He's a happy puppy and I'm training him well. KlOJ_FtOanM-00041-00018623-00019032 I'm looking for him a home. KlOJ_FtOanM-00042-00019032-00019506 And I'm asking you to help me give him a name. KlOJ_FtOanM-00043-00019506-00019931 He's...I've given him a shot and he's been dewormed. KlOJ_FtOanM-00044-00019931-00020243 So, he's going to be...he's going to make it. KlOJ_FtOanM-00045-00020243-00020728 I didn't want to show you the puppy before I knew he was going to make it and he was KlOJ_FtOanM-00046-00020728-00021151 going to survive his state. KlOJ_FtOanM-00047-00021151-00021251 He is adorable. KlOJ_FtOanM-00048-00021251-00021609 And he's so well mannered. KlOJ_FtOanM-00049-00021609-00022220 I'm already training him for the kennel so that he will be able to be kennel trained. KlOJ_FtOanM-00050-00022220-00022903 A kennel is where you enclose the dog, for example, so that they can go to sleep at night, KlOJ_FtOanM-00051-00022903-00023446 yeah, or if you have to leave town you can put them in the kennel and they don't freak KlOJ_FtOanM-00052-00023446-00023601 out and get scared. KlOJ_FtOanM-00053-00023601-00024087 So, he's going to be kennel trained. KlOJ_FtOanM-00054-00024087-00024436 He's going to be...he's going to know how to be, um... KlOJ_FtOanM-00055-00024436-00025485 I'm teaching him how to be happy by himself because I have no idea...I have no idea what's KlOJ_FtOanM-00056-00025485-00025707 going to happen to him. KlOJ_FtOanM-00057-00025707-00026083 People, they don't take care of animals like they should. KlOJ_FtOanM-00058-00026083-00026883 Oh, the sun is just starting to come up now through the...above the horizon. KlOJ_FtOanM-00059-00026883-00027294 So, the horizon is the, you know, the line like this. KlOJ_FtOanM-00060-00027294-00027478 It's horizontal. KlOJ_FtOanM-00061-00027478-00028219 And it's just coming up, so, I don't...I don't think you can see it though like I see it. KlOJ_FtOanM-00062-00028219-00028933 It's absolutely stunning in person. KlOJ_FtOanM-00063-00028933-00029613 So, to resume this video, puppy needs a name. KlOJ_FtOanM-00064-00029613-00030302 I think puppy is a mixture of some type of bulldog puppy because most mutts...he's a KlOJ_FtOanM-00065-00030302-00030402 mutt. KlOJ_FtOanM-00066-00030402-00030622 Say you're not any certain type of puppy. KlOJ_FtOanM-00067-00030622-00031131 You're just a mixed old puppy from the street, yeah. KlOJ_FtOanM-00068-00031131-00031797 You're just a street puppy. KlOJ_FtOanM-00069-00031797-00032227 I'm still not over the cough and I hope it will get better. KlOJ_FtOanM-00070-00032227-00032555 And again I have continued doctors appointments. KlOJ_FtOanM-00071-00032555-00033015 So, do not worry about me getting the help I need. KlOJ_FtOanM-00072-00033015-00033212 My mama is taking care of me now. KlOJ_FtOanM-00073-00033212-00034281 I've found a really great friend, Oscar, online who's been writing me "mailosos" I call them...haha...extremely KlOJ_FtOanM-00074-00034281-00034964 long mails...emails, but they make me smile and he knows that. KlOJ_FtOanM-00075-00034964-00035169 I'm very happy to have found him. KlOJ_FtOanM-00076-00035169-00036149 Merce, I'm very happy to have found you and especially Cami as well in addition to...I KlOJ_FtOanM-00077-00036149-00036665 mean...all of you. KlOJ_FtOanM-00078-00036665-00037256 I mean I can't connect on a personal level with all of you, but the ones, the people KlOJ_FtOanM-00079-00037256-00038033 who I have connected with on that personal, y'all are so amazing. KlOJ_FtOanM-00080-00038033-00038221 Thank you! KlOJ_FtOanM-00081-00038221-00039231 You can still see the sun peeping up and I hope you all have a wonderful blessed day. KlOJ_FtOanM-00082-00039231-00039336 Ok....bye bye. L0ceNv1MmSc-00000-00000612-00001166 Review of Carlson +15 after using myself. L0ceNv1MmSc-00001-00001178-00001378 Hello Peaches~ I am Shin Bi Hyu. L0ceNv1MmSc-00002-00001400-00002038 What will follow after review of Barbara +15 is review of Carlson +15! L0ceNv1MmSc-00003-00002136-00002336 Let's try to check together. L0ceNv1MmSc-00004-00002658-00002858 Index L0ceNv1MmSc-00005-00003084-00003284 1. Checking renewal of Carlson. L0ceNv1MmSc-00006-00003338-00003538 2. Checking skills of Carlson +15 L0ceNv1MmSc-00007-00003608-00003808 3. Usage video of Carlson in Novice Arena. L0ceNv1MmSc-00008-00003882-00004082 4. Strengths of Carlson. L0ceNv1MmSc-00009-00004210-00004410 5. Comparison between Carlson and other 3☆ mercs horan L0ceNv1MmSc-00010-00004876-00005302 Carlson was also renewed on April 11 with Barbara. L0ceNv1MmSc-00011-00005458-00005658 It was changing role and improving stats. L0ceNv1MmSc-00012-00005852-00006294 To compare before and after, there is a screenshot of previous stats and skills. L0ceNv1MmSc-00013-00006352-00006781 First, In stats, Carlson's HP has been increased about 1100 due to renewal. L0ceNv1MmSc-00014-00007145-00007628 Skills at skill level 10 has not been changed. L0ceNv1MmSc-00015-00007652-00007958 Changing its role is occurred when its skill level over +11 by helper. L0ceNv1MmSc-00016-00008206-00008406 Then let's check skills at +15. L0ceNv1MmSc-00017-00008468-00008932 'Barrier' skill in the first skill slot is changed as 'ADV Taunt' at skill level 12. L0ceNv1MmSc-00018-00008984-00009280 I think meaning of 'Changing role' is this. L0ceNv1MmSc-00019-00009354-00009846 Reducing incoming DMG in 'Barrier' at skill level 10 is decreased -50% to -35%. L0ceNv1MmSc-00020-00010040-00010376 Second skill 'ADV Armored Assault' is same. L0ceNv1MmSc-00021-00010418-00010902 At skill level 15, additional DMG is increased DEF x ATK x 275% L0ceNv1MmSc-00022-00010912-00011540 and Receiving Healing Max HP 100% If the enemy dies during the additional DMG duration time. L0ceNv1MmSc-00023-00011732-00012196 Third skill 'DoT Immunity' is changed as 'ADV DoT Immunity'. L0ceNv1MmSc-00024-00012228-00012700 This skill is activated before normal attack and also Reducing Incoming DMG -50% is included. L0ceNv1MmSc-00025-00012806-00013240 I will show you a video using Carlson in Novice Arena in practice. L0ceNv1MmSc-00026-00013316-00013972 This is stats of Carlson that i used. I used two Shield Runes because of the second skill 'ADV Armored Assault'. L0ceNv1MmSc-00027-00102514-00102742 Strengths of Carlson. L0ceNv1MmSc-00028-00102852-00103052 1. DoT immunity before normal attack. L0ceNv1MmSc-00029-00103076-00103359 - 'DoT Immunity' skill is activated before attack L0ceNv1MmSc-00030-00103359-00103682 so it can be used as Taunt defender stably even if it hits Acha and Sloan. L0ceNv1MmSc-00031-00103692-00104122 Also it can withstand attack from Viola, Noel, Charlotte by 'Dot Immunity' skill. L0ceNv1MmSc-00032-00104190-00104476 2. Double Reducing Incoming DMG. L0ceNv1MmSc-00033-00104476-00105042 In first skill, -35%. Awakening skill -50%. It has high rate of Reducing Incoming DMG L0ceNv1MmSc-00034-00105128-00105459 3. 'ADV Armored Assault' L0ceNv1MmSc-00035-00105498-00106040 Stability of healing Max HP +100% when it kills enemy by additional DMG L0ceNv1MmSc-00036-00106108-00106308 4. 3☆ Merc. L0ceNv1MmSc-00037-00106333-00106726 - Easy to do skill-up and recruit helper because it is 3☆ merc L0ceNv1MmSc-00038-00106914-00107366 5. Co-op attacks with Rigenette and Beatrice L0ceNv1MmSc-00039-00107396-00107918 - Available Co-op attacks with Rigenette and Beatirce which became powerful by renewal L0ceNv1MmSc-00040-00108633-00109111 I will compare Carlson and Horan among 3☆ mercs. L0ceNv1MmSc-00041-00109178-00109656 Especially, A lot of people used Carlson instead of Horan L0ceNv1MmSc-00042-00109678-00110052 because Horan was banned in the week when Carlson's helper was released. L0ceNv1MmSc-00043-00110104-00110472 Both mercs has 'Taunt' skill. L0ceNv1MmSc-00044-00110496-00110840 Horan's 'Taunt' skill is 10 turns so it is 2 turns shorter than Carlson's. L0ceNv1MmSc-00045-00110861-00111344 By nature of Horan's skill, It's ATK and DEF ability is increased in proportion with its AGI stats. L0ceNv1MmSc-00046-00111383-00111833 However Carlson's ATK and DEF ability is increased in proportion with its DEF stats. L0ceNv1MmSc-00047-00111882-00112250 In addition, Horan has many usage depending on Runes. L0ceNv1MmSc-00048-00112250-00112738 Horan which can take Sloan, Marron, Rai over by two Assault Runes. L0ceNv1MmSc-00049-00112808-00113272 Horan which can definitely take Rai over but increase defend ability more by Vital and Assault Runes (Bonus Option AGI) L0ceNv1MmSc-00050-00113496-00113982 Horan which has high defending ability but DMG Reflection rate is decreased by two Vital Runes. L0ceNv1MmSc-00051-00114054-00114685 Carlson has 'ADV Armored Assault' skill but it doesn't have better dealing ability than Horan's 'DMG Reflection' skill L0ceNv1MmSc-00052-00114918-00115498 so It seems better to use with only Shield Runes to have better defending ability. L0ceNv1MmSc-00053-00115706-00116208 As I introduce before, because it is available to Co-op attacks with renewed Rigenette and Beatrice, L0ceNv1MmSc-00054-00116304-00116659 I expect they can increase assault ability of team. L0ceNv1MmSc-00055-00116783-00117296 Furthermore, I think it is good opportunity to invest Carlson especially for new users L0ceNv1MmSc-00056-00117438-00117883 because it is basic merc which is given in beginning of the game. L0ceNv1MmSc-00057-00118233-00118433 These are all I prepared today. L0ceNv1MmSc-00058-00120059-00120598 If this video helped, please give it a thumbs up and subscribe. L0ceNv1MmSc-00059-00120628-00120892 Thanks for coming and watching my video. L0ceNv1MmSc-00060-00120978-00121259 Then see you later L39BZkqkUuI-00000-00000288-00001121 Hello! Today we'll be learning about how to work with fractions. This is part one L39BZkqkUuI-00001-00001121-00001893 and I will recommend you to check the video part two. Let's begin with L39BZkqkUuI-00002-00001893-00002782 considering two fractions. The first rule is the multiplication rule. If we want to L39BZkqkUuI-00003-00002782-00003661 multiply two fractions A divided by B times C divided by D we multiply the L39BZkqkUuI-00004-00003661-00004856 numbers in the numerator A times C divided by multiply the numbers in the L39BZkqkUuI-00005-00004856-00005714 denominator B times D. Let's take an example... consider two fractions, negative L39BZkqkUuI-00006-00005714-00006602 5 over 7 times 3 over 2. Here, negative 5 and 3 they are numerators so let's L39BZkqkUuI-00007-00006602-00007436 multiply them negative 5 times 3 divided by 7 and 2 there are the denominators L39BZkqkUuI-00008-00007436-00008297 let's multiply them and put them in the denominator. Negative 5 times 3 is L39BZkqkUuI-00009-00008297-00009460 negative 15 divided by 7 times 2 is 14 so that's our answer. The second rule is L39BZkqkUuI-00010-00009460-00010469 division rule. Suppose we want to divide this fraction by this one that is L39BZkqkUuI-00011-00010469-00011443 A by B, we want to multiply(i mean divide) by C by D well we can write in this way A divided L39BZkqkUuI-00012-00011443-00012208 by B whole divided by C divided by D. Okay if you see this kind of fraction L39BZkqkUuI-00013-00012208-00013176 then we can write it this way. Put the fraction on the numerator as it is L39BZkqkUuI-00014-00013176-00014011 divided by C by D then finally it can be written as A by B L39BZkqkUuI-00015-00014011-00015325 times... take the reciprocal of C by D which is D over C, then we can simply L39BZkqkUuI-00016-00015325-00016102 multiply the numerators and multiply the denominators. Which is A times D divided L39BZkqkUuI-00017-00016102-00017125 by B times C. That's the division rule. Now it's time for an example, let's L39BZkqkUuI-00018-00017125-00017770 consider this example, we have 5 by 6 as the top fraction and they negative L39BZkqkUuI-00019-00017770-00018547 3 by 4 as our fraction in the denominator. So we can write this as 5 L39BZkqkUuI-00020-00018547-00019404 over 6 divided by negative 3 over 4 L39BZkqkUuI-00021-00019727-00020639 We can write the first fraction as it is and multiply by the reciprocal of the L39BZkqkUuI-00022-00020639-00021314 second fraction which is three by four take its reciprocal i.e., flip it, so that's L39BZkqkUuI-00023-00021314-00022364 4 over 3. Then we can simply multiply 5 and negative 4 in the L39BZkqkUuI-00024-00022364-00023290 denominator we can simply multiply 6 and 3 which is negative 20 negative L39BZkqkUuI-00025-00023290-00023830 20 divided by six times three is eighteen L39BZkqkUuI-00026-00023830-00024193 that's the division rule. L3qG7JLvdOg-00000-00000000-00000200 Cute and sweet voice singer L3qG7JLvdOg-00001-00000250-00000300 Please Like share and subscribe my channel L3qG7JLvdOg-00002-00000311-00000500 Annual Function And Lunch 2021 L3D9ypGggF8-00000-00000003-00000249 So there are many contracts to complete in the cycle L3D9ypGggF8-00001-00000249-00000617 But one of my favorite ones to complete is the refining let IAM contract L3D9ypGggF8-00002-00000618-00001142 This is my favorite because you can have multiple refiners collecting let IAM for you throughout the whole game L3D9ypGggF8-00003-00001183-00001670 I've gotten so many stars from just going around and stealing all the refiners on the map L3D9ypGggF8-00004-00001732-00001884 Especially if you're in a squad game L3D9ypGggF8-00005-00001884-00002090 If one of your teammates just wants to run around L3D9ypGggF8-00006-00002113-00002550 Gathering all the refiners you guys should be able to get a decent amount of stars from it L3D9ypGggF8-00007-00002581-00003062 So in order to refine let IAM in a match you just want to look for this symbol on the map L3D9ypGggF8-00008-00003069-00003218 They should come in clumps L3D9ypGggF8-00009-00003218-00003776 so if you see one let him refiner then be sure to look around for more all of the let IAM refiners show up on L3D9ypGggF8-00010-00003777-00004181 The map so be sure to collect them all in order to claim millennium refiner L3D9ypGggF8-00011-00004182-00004736 All you have to do is run over to something that looks somewhat like this and then hold f on it L3D9ypGggF8-00012-00004748-00005225 Once you've held f for a few seconds a drill will pop up and start refining let IAM for you L3D9ypGggF8-00013-00005253-00005678 Even if somebody else has claimed a lighting refiner, you can still take it from them L3D9ypGggF8-00014-00005678-00006005 all you have to do is run over to it and hold f I L3D9ypGggF8-00015-00006046-00006651 Hope this guide helped you guys out learning how to refine let IAM in the cycle if you want to check out how to deliver L3D9ypGggF8-00016-00006651-00007094 Bright caps in the cycle then. Be sure to tap on the info card on the top right of your screen L3D9ypGggF8-00017-00007111-00007256 That's gonna wrap things up L3D9ypGggF8-00018-00007256-00007895 Be sure to subscribe with notifications on because we're posting daily content surrounding the cycle on this channel L3D9ypGggF8-00019-00007903-00008175 But with that I will see you guys in the next one L5XC4WUVdxy-00000-00000050-00000347 BILL O'MARA: Our next speaker will be JJ Hu. L5XC4WUVdxy-00001-00000347-00000590 And JJ will talk about principles L5XC4WUVdxy-00002-00000590-00000852 of integrated photonic sensing. L5XC4WUVdxy-00003-00000852-00001104 JJ is an associate professor in the department L5XC4WUVdxy-00004-00001104-00001398 of materials science and engineering here at MIT. L5XC4WUVdxy-00005-00001398-00001732 And his research focuses on integrated photonic sensing L5XC4WUVdxy-00006-00001732-00001849 and imaging. L5XC4WUVdxy-00007-00001849-00001899 JJ. L5XC4WUVdxy-00008-00001899-00002120 JJ HU: Thank you for the kind introduction. L5XC4WUVdxy-00009-00002120-00002431 So I don't know how I proceed with the slide, though. L5XC4WUVdxy-00010-00002431-00002727 OK, thanks. L5XC4WUVdxy-00011-00002727-00003038 So in fact, I want to start my tutorial with a quote here, L5XC4WUVdxy-00012-00003038-00003303 which reads " equipped with his five senses, L5XC4WUVdxy-00013-00003303-00003635 man explores the universe around him and calls the adventure L5XC4WUVdxy-00014-00003635-00003707 Science." L5XC4WUVdxy-00015-00003707-00003936 I think this is actually very relevant here because I'm L5XC4WUVdxy-00016-00003936-00004161 quoting someone whose name was used L5XC4WUVdxy-00017-00004161-00004451 to name one of the most powerful telescopes that greatly L5XC4WUVdxy-00018-00004451-00004643 extented humans senses. L5XC4WUVdxy-00019-00004643-00004802 And in a sense, it can be also treated L5XC4WUVdxy-00020-00004802-00004997 as a optical sense as well. L5XC4WUVdxy-00021-00004997-00005218 Now however, if you look integrated photonic sensing, L5XC4WUVdxy-00022-00005218-00005422 of course, the capability of the sensors L5XC4WUVdxy-00023-00005422-00005710 is far beyond the five senses of a human. L5XC4WUVdxy-00024-00005710-00005862 And what I'm listing here is just L5XC4WUVdxy-00025-00005862-00006135 a partial list of some of the sensing mechanisms that L5XC4WUVdxy-00026-00006135-00006300 has already been demonstrated using L5XC4WUVdxy-00027-00006300-00006531 integrated photonic techniques. L5XC4WUVdxy-00028-00006531-00006691 If you look at this vast diversity L5XC4WUVdxy-00029-00006691-00007016 here, in fact, when Kim first talked to me about giving L5XC4WUVdxy-00030-00007016-00007316 this half an hour tutorial, my first reaction L5XC4WUVdxy-00031-00007316-00007509 was this is just impossible. L5XC4WUVdxy-00032-00007509-00007773 It's like trying to squeeze an elephant into a fridge. L5XC4WUVdxy-00033-00007773-00007968 It's just not going to fit. L5XC4WUVdxy-00034-00007968-00008194 So instead of talking for a continuous three hours L5XC4WUVdxy-00035-00008194-00008398 and keeping you all here and skip all the lunch L5XC4WUVdxy-00036-00008398-00008671 session, what I have decided to do L5XC4WUVdxy-00037-00008671-00008983 is focus on biomolecular sensors or chem bio sensors L5XC4WUVdxy-00038-00008983-00009241 as an example to illustrate general principles L5XC4WUVdxy-00039-00009241-00009477 of photonic sensing. L5XC4WUVdxy-00040-00009477-00009639 So what are you looking at here? L5XC4WUVdxy-00041-00009639-00009789 Specifically for the sensing targets L5XC4WUVdxy-00042-00009789-00010026 we're most interested in the chemical molecules. L5XC4WUVdxy-00043-00010026-00010382 The small molecules that consist of only a handful of atoms, L5XC4WUVdxy-00044-00010382-00010713 typically have the size of much smaller than 1 nanometer. L5XC4WUVdxy-00045-00010713-00011123 And so as the biomacro molecules-- so in this case, L5XC4WUVdxy-00046-00011123-00011278 we're mostly interested in proteins L5XC4WUVdxy-00047-00011278-00011469 such as antigen and antibodies. L5XC4WUVdxy-00048-00011469-00011874 And so as nuclear assets such as RNAs and DNAs. L5XC4WUVdxy-00049-00011874-00012037 Some of the sensing principles can also L5XC4WUVdxy-00050-00012037-00012228 be applied to larger sized particles L5XC4WUVdxy-00051-00012228-00012371 like viruses or bacteria. L5XC4WUVdxy-00052-00012686-00012880 Having the final scope of this tutorial, L5XC4WUVdxy-00053-00012880-00013165 now let me go on to show you the outline of my talk here. L5XC4WUVdxy-00054-00013165-00013422 So I specifically focus on three most commonly used L5XC4WUVdxy-00055-00013422-00013585 photonic sensing techniques, and they L5XC4WUVdxy-00056-00013585-00013731 all share this common feature. L5XC4WUVdxy-00057-00013731-00014047 They are considered as label-free. L5XC4WUVdxy-00058-00014047-00014372 So the idea here is this techniques, L5XC4WUVdxy-00059-00014372-00014572 during the sensing process you do not L5XC4WUVdxy-00060-00014572-00014785 have to chemically modify the molecule. L5XC4WUVdxy-00061-00014785-00015109 We see that for a resin tag or a radioactive tracer, L5XC4WUVdxy-00062-00015109-00015388 and instead you can directly detect the presence L5XC4WUVdxy-00063-00015388-00015511 of these molecules. L5XC4WUVdxy-00064-00015511-00015729 And has the name label-free. L5XC4WUVdxy-00065-00015729-00015956 Specifically, we'll be looking at reflectometry, L5XC4WUVdxy-00066-00015956-00016164 which means we are looking at the refractive index L5XC4WUVdxy-00067-00016164-00016519 change induced by surface binding of attacking molecules. L5XC4WUVdxy-00068-00016519-00016763 We also talk about absorption spectroscopy. L5XC4WUVdxy-00069-00016763-00017069 We are looking at absorption infused by chemical molecules L5XC4WUVdxy-00070-00017069-00017331 at the specific vibrational wavelength. L5XC4WUVdxy-00071-00017331-00017510 We also have Raman spectroscopy that L5XC4WUVdxy-00072-00017510-00017712 examines the [INAUDIBLE] Raman's gathering L5XC4WUVdxy-00073-00017712-00017993 coming from the target molecular species. L5XC4WUVdxy-00074-00017993-00018239 For each of the techniques we'll focus on two key questions L5XC4WUVdxy-00075-00018239-00018316 here. L5XC4WUVdxy-00076-00018316-00018812 One is what are the sensing elements of the components that L5XC4WUVdxy-00077-00018812-00019048 comprises this sensing system? L5XC4WUVdxy-00078-00019048-00019378 As you'll see later, despite a vastly different sensing L5XC4WUVdxy-00079-00019378-00019611 mechanism, many of the sensor systems L5XC4WUVdxy-00080-00019611-00019828 actually share the common building blocks L5XC4WUVdxy-00081-00019828-00020270 that can be used across different sensing platforms. L5XC4WUVdxy-00082-00020270-00020497 In addition, we'll also talk about arguably L5XC4WUVdxy-00083-00020497-00020772 most important sensing matrix here, the sensitivity L5XC4WUVdxy-00084-00020772-00020848 and selectivity. L5XC4WUVdxy-00085-00020848-00021250 And what factors determines the sensing performance. L5XC4WUVdxy-00086-00021250-00021520 So first of all, let's look at refractometry here. L5XC4WUVdxy-00087-00021520-00021692 So in this broad diagram, I'm actually L5XC4WUVdxy-00088-00021692-00022032 giving you the configuration of this sensor elements here. L5XC4WUVdxy-00089-00022032-00022383 So we start with narrowly curable, visible, or near IR L5XC4WUVdxy-00090-00022383-00022503 wavelength laser. L5XC4WUVdxy-00091-00022503-00022669 We perform a wavelength sweeping scan L5XC4WUVdxy-00092-00022669-00022868 to look at the refracting exchange. L5XC4WUVdxy-00093-00022868-00023095 The sensing element has to be coated L5XC4WUVdxy-00094-00023095-00023307 with some kind of functionalization layer. L5XC4WUVdxy-00095-00023307-00023515 So it means you only selectively binds L5XC4WUVdxy-00096-00023515-00023873 to one kind of target molecule that you're trying to detect. L5XC4WUVdxy-00097-00023873-00024058 So when the sensing element is exposed L5XC4WUVdxy-00098-00024058-00024251 to a solution that contains target molecules, L5XC4WUVdxy-00099-00024251-00024431 you're going to induce the surface binding. L5XC4WUVdxy-00100-00024431-00024565 And the surface binding then changing L5XC4WUVdxy-00101-00024565-00024727 the refractive index that's [INAUDIBLE] L5XC4WUVdxy-00102-00024727-00024971 by the optical mode. L5XC4WUVdxy-00103-00024971-00025155 So if you look at what a sensing element is, L5XC4WUVdxy-00104-00025155-00025312 there are a few options here. L5XC4WUVdxy-00105-00025312-00025474 You can either use a micro resonator. L5XC4WUVdxy-00106-00025474-00025852 So micro ring, a micro disc, or a photonic [INAUDIBLE] cavity. L5XC4WUVdxy-00107-00025852-00026073 In all these cases, what you are looking at L5XC4WUVdxy-00108-00026073-00026223 is actually a shift of the resonator L5XC4WUVdxy-00109-00026223-00026543 wave lengths induced by this refracting exchange. L5XC4WUVdxy-00110-00026543-00026775 You can also use the [INAUDIBLE] interferometer. L5XC4WUVdxy-00111-00026775-00027044 And in this case, you are exposing one of the sensing arm L5XC4WUVdxy-00112-00027044-00027192 to the sensing media. L5XC4WUVdxy-00113-00027192-00027475 So when you have a molecular attachment to the sensing arm, L5XC4WUVdxy-00114-00027475-00027755 you induce the relative phase difference between the two L5XC4WUVdxy-00115-00027755-00027886 interformeter arms. L5XC4WUVdxy-00116-00027886-00028100 And that leads to intensity change L5XC4WUVdxy-00117-00028100-00028277 at the output end that can be detected L5XC4WUVdxy-00118-00028277-00028523 using optical techniques. L5XC4WUVdxy-00119-00028523-00028751 Now if you're using the interferometer L5XC4WUVdxy-00120-00028751-00028931 if you have inteferometer we have very long L5XC4WUVdxy-00121-00028931-00029044 interfering arm length. L5XC4WUVdxy-00122-00029044-00029293 It actually induces a larger phase shift L5XC4WUVdxy-00123-00029293-00029463 and therefore is more sensitive. L5XC4WUVdxy-00124-00029463-00029644 So one trick people have played is L5XC4WUVdxy-00125-00029644-00029939 that you create these kind of spiral waveguide structures L5XC4WUVdxy-00126-00029939-00030247 that allow you to create a long sensing arm while preserving L5XC4WUVdxy-00127-00030247-00030520 the real estate on the chip. L5XC4WUVdxy-00128-00030520-00030683 Now the last device platform here L5XC4WUVdxy-00129-00030683-00030995 is what we call the Surface Plasma Polariton, or SPP, L5XC4WUVdxy-00130-00030995-00031100 waveguide. L5XC4WUVdxy-00131-00031100-00031256 So in this specific example here, L5XC4WUVdxy-00132-00031256-00031514 I'm showing a nitride waveguide with part of the curling L5XC4WUVdxy-00133-00031514-00031635 actually stripped. L5XC4WUVdxy-00134-00031635-00032002 And then a metal layer, such as gold, is deposited on top. L5XC4WUVdxy-00135-00032002-00032172 So this metal layer actually supports L5XC4WUVdxy-00136-00032172-00032538 what we call the surface plasma polariton, or SPP, mode, L5XC4WUVdxy-00137-00032538-00032794 and you can treat this pretty much just like a guided L5XC4WUVdxy-00138-00032794-00033308 mode that's highly localized at the surface of the gold field. L5XC4WUVdxy-00139-00033308-00033872 So when you expose the sensor to an analyte, when L5XC4WUVdxy-00140-00033872-00034095 you send light down this silicon nitride waveguide, L5XC4WUVdxy-00141-00034095-00034285 at some specific wavelengths you have L5XC4WUVdxy-00142-00034285-00034445 the phase measuring condition. L5XC4WUVdxy-00143-00034445-00034766 That means the propagation constant of the dielectric mode L5XC4WUVdxy-00144-00034766-00035049 actually matches that of the SPP mode. L5XC4WUVdxy-00145-00035049-00035270 So then, if you look at a transmission spectra, L5XC4WUVdxy-00146-00035270-00035477 at this phase metric wavelength, you actually L5XC4WUVdxy-00147-00035477-00035666 see a dip because you are transmitting L5XC4WUVdxy-00148-00035666-00035900 light from the dielectric waveguide L5XC4WUVdxy-00149-00035900-00036150 back to this SPP mode. L5XC4WUVdxy-00150-00036150-00036330 Now this phase metric condition, of course, L5XC4WUVdxy-00151-00036330-00036505 also depends on the refractive index L5XC4WUVdxy-00152-00036505-00036655 of the surrounding environment. L5XC4WUVdxy-00153-00036655-00036839 So whenever you have a molecular attachment, L5XC4WUVdxy-00154-00036839-00037012 you see a shift of this wavelength, L5XC4WUVdxy-00155-00037012-00037154 and that's how you actually detect L5XC4WUVdxy-00156-00037154-00037454 the presence of the molecules. L5XC4WUVdxy-00157-00037454-00037650 OK, so what actually determines the selectivity L5XC4WUVdxy-00158-00037650-00037778 of this technique here? L5XC4WUVdxy-00159-00037778-00037951 So refractive index change is actually L5XC4WUVdxy-00160-00037951-00038064 not specific at all, OK? L5XC4WUVdxy-00161-00038064-00038223 Any kind of molecular binding can lead L5XC4WUVdxy-00162-00038223-00038374 to refractive index change. L5XC4WUVdxy-00163-00038374-00038639 So selectivity of the refractive index sensor L5XC4WUVdxy-00164-00038639-00038975 entirely depends on the surface functionalization coating here. L5XC4WUVdxy-00165-00038975-00039142 So one good example is when you actually L5XC4WUVdxy-00166-00039142-00039241 want to detect proteins. L5XC4WUVdxy-00167-00039241-00039452 You usually coat the surface of the sensor L5XC4WUVdxy-00168-00039452-00039644 with some kind of conjugated antibody L5XC4WUVdxy-00169-00039644-00039959 that will selectively bind only to the conjugated antigens. L5XC4WUVdxy-00170-00039959-00040139 And the idea here can be actually explained L5XC4WUVdxy-00171-00040139-00040502 in what is commonly called a lock and key mechanism. L5XC4WUVdxy-00172-00040502-00040731 So the geometry of the antibody actually L5XC4WUVdxy-00173-00040731-00041027 exactly matches that of the antigen. L5XC4WUVdxy-00174-00041027-00041281 You also get these chemical functional groups that actually L5XC4WUVdxy-00175-00041281-00041522 bind to each other only at selective sites that L5XC4WUVdxy-00176-00041522-00041721 exactly match each other again. L5XC4WUVdxy-00177-00041721-00042111 So with these chemical and geometric complementary L5XC4WUVdxy-00178-00042111-00042388 capabilities, you actually get very specific binary reaction L5XC4WUVdxy-00179-00042388-00042689 between antibodies and antigens. L5XC4WUVdxy-00180-00042689-00042916 So to actually characterize this kind of selectivity, L5XC4WUVdxy-00181-00042916-00043254 we usually use a parameter called selectivity coefficient. L5XC4WUVdxy-00182-00043254-00043466 So what I'm showing you here are two reactions. L5XC4WUVdxy-00183-00043466-00043788 A actually represents the functional groups, L5XC4WUVdxy-00184-00043788-00043989 or the functionalization coating. L5XC4WUVdxy-00185-00043989-00044182 B is actually interfering agent. L5XC4WUVdxy-00186-00044182-00044448 And C is the type of molecule that you're trying to detect. L5XC4WUVdxy-00187-00044448-00044636 So from these two [INAUDIBLE] reactions here, L5XC4WUVdxy-00188-00044636-00044791 you can get the equilibrium constant. L5XC4WUVdxy-00189-00044791-00044969 And the ratio of these two constants L5XC4WUVdxy-00190-00044969-00045207 gives you the selectivity coefficient. L5XC4WUVdxy-00191-00045207-00045411 So the larger the selectivity coefficient is, L5XC4WUVdxy-00192-00045411-00045626 the more specific this binding reaction L5XC4WUVdxy-00193-00045626-00045860 is because there's less binding reaction occurring L5XC4WUVdxy-00194-00045860-00046077 with interfering agents. L5XC4WUVdxy-00195-00046077-00046284 Now for antibodies, you can usually L5XC4WUVdxy-00196-00046284-00046468 get a very, very high selective coefficient. L5XC4WUVdxy-00197-00046468-00046672 It's pretty much specific. L5XC4WUVdxy-00198-00046672-00046903 You can apply the same idea to other kinds of agents. L5XC4WUVdxy-00199-00046903-00047112 You can use a complementary strand of DNA L5XC4WUVdxy-00200-00047112-00047250 to detect single-strand DNA. L5XC4WUVdxy-00201-00047250-00047324 OK? L5XC4WUVdxy-00202-00047324-00047620 You can also use polymers with a high partition coefficient L5XC4WUVdxy-00203-00047620-00047871 to detect small molecule chemicals. L5XC4WUVdxy-00204-00047871-00048194 But in general-- there are some exceptions-- L5XC4WUVdxy-00205-00048194-00048471 but in general, as you go to smaller molecules, L5XC4WUVdxy-00206-00048471-00048685 you get decreased sensitivity. L5XC4WUVdxy-00207-00048685-00048926 So what people will do instead is they actually L5XC4WUVdxy-00208-00048926-00049210 have to use real micro sensors, each coated L5XC4WUVdxy-00209-00049210-00049435 with a different coating that has different affinities L5XC4WUVdxy-00210-00049435-00049563 to different chemicals. L5XC4WUVdxy-00211-00049563-00049831 And then you apply, essentially, a pattern-recognition algorithm L5XC4WUVdxy-00212-00049831-00049989 to determine what is the concentration L5XC4WUVdxy-00213-00049989-00050130 of different chemicals. L5XC4WUVdxy-00214-00050130-00050429 So it's a more involved process. L5XC4WUVdxy-00215-00050429-00050570 Now what about sensitivity here? L5XC4WUVdxy-00216-00050570-00050744 If you read the papers looking into what L5XC4WUVdxy-00217-00050744-00050965 is the sensitivity of these refractive index sensors, L5XC4WUVdxy-00218-00050965-00051143 you often see two very different kinds L5XC4WUVdxy-00219-00051143-00051441 of metrics that are quoted as a limit of detection. L5XC4WUVdxy-00220-00051441-00051723 In one case is what I call absolute metrics. L5XC4WUVdxy-00221-00051723-00051964 So you measure what is the smallest amount of molecules L5XC4WUVdxy-00222-00051964-00052076 you can detect. L5XC4WUVdxy-00223-00052076-00052439 That's measured either in mass or in the number of molecules. L5XC4WUVdxy-00224-00052439-00052733 Alternatively, you have what I call normalized metrics. L5XC4WUVdxy-00225-00052733-00052925 Essentially, you normalize the absolute metric L5XC4WUVdxy-00226-00052925-00053215 with either sensor surface area or the volume L5XC4WUVdxy-00227-00053215-00053417 of the sensing media. L5XC4WUVdxy-00228-00053417-00053747 So again, which metric is actually relevant L5XC4WUVdxy-00229-00053747-00054005 really depends on the application scenario. L5XC4WUVdxy-00230-00054005-00054266 But if you're looking at a solution concentration that's L5XC4WUVdxy-00231-00054266-00054497 not too low-- so something above, for example, L5XC4WUVdxy-00232-00054497-00054740 the femtomolar range and you're looking L5XC4WUVdxy-00233-00054740-00055267 at, say, biometric molecules-- in most cases what's L5XC4WUVdxy-00234-00055267-00055467 going to happen is that these molecules actually L5XC4WUVdxy-00235-00055467-00055836 form the [INAUDIBLE] continuous coating on the surface layer. L5XC4WUVdxy-00236-00055836-00056082 So as a result, this normalized metric L5XC4WUVdxy-00237-00056082-00056436 is usually more relevant for most applications. L5XC4WUVdxy-00238-00056436-00056726 Now this is supported by a biological performance. L5XC4WUVdxy-00239-00056726-00056998 Now what about the photonic device design L5XC4WUVdxy-00240-00056998-00057157 that gives us the best figure of merit L5XC4WUVdxy-00241-00057157-00057354 in terms of device performance? L5XC4WUVdxy-00242-00057354-00057627 So here I'm proposing a generic figure of merit L5XC4WUVdxy-00243-00057627-00057816 that's essentially the refractive index L5XC4WUVdxy-00244-00057816-00058192 sensitivity, RI sensitivity, normalized by the overall loss L5XC4WUVdxy-00245-00058192-00058379 in the device. L5XC4WUVdxy-00246-00058379-00058619 So here the RI sensitivity is defined essentially L5XC4WUVdxy-00247-00058619-00059017 as the wavelength shift per unit refractive index L5XC4WUVdxy-00248-00059017-00059336 change in the sensing region. L5XC4WUVdxy-00249-00059336-00059511 So the idea here is actually pretty clear. L5XC4WUVdxy-00250-00059511-00059723 It can be most simply illustrated L5XC4WUVdxy-00251-00059723-00059917 from the case of resonator sensing. L5XC4WUVdxy-00252-00059917-00060220 So in a resonator, you have a high optical loss. L5XC4WUVdxy-00253-00060220-00060448 That means you actually get a very low Q resonator L5XC4WUVdxy-00254-00060448-00060615 with a broad spectral bandwidth. L5XC4WUVdxy-00255-00060615-00060670 OK? L5XC4WUVdxy-00256-00060670-00060874 So having such a broad peak, suddenly it L5XC4WUVdxy-00257-00060874-00061051 decreases your wavelength resolution, L5XC4WUVdxy-00258-00061051-00061329 the ability to resolve small wavelength shift. L5XC4WUVdxy-00259-00061598-00061759 So as an example of an application L5XC4WUVdxy-00260-00061759-00062004 for this figure of merit here, let's look L5XC4WUVdxy-00261-00062004-00062188 at this interesting case of comparing L5XC4WUVdxy-00262-00062188-00062526 dielectric resonators versus surface plasma polariton L5XC4WUVdxy-00263-00062526-00062577 waveguides. L5XC4WUVdxy-00264-00062577-00062786 So if you look at the refractive index sensitivity L5XC4WUVdxy-00265-00062786-00062987 of dielectric resonators, you can L5XC4WUVdxy-00266-00062987-00063144 solve that pretty straightforwardly L5XC4WUVdxy-00267-00063144-00063366 using classical cavity perturbation theory. L5XC4WUVdxy-00268-00063366-00063417 OK? L5XC4WUVdxy-00269-00063417-00063642 So without going into the details of a double integral L5XC4WUVdxy-00270-00063642-00063966 here, the results boil down to three factors. L5XC4WUVdxy-00271-00063966-00064195 So gamma is actually the confinement factor L5XC4WUVdxy-00272-00064195-00064355 in the sensing region. L5XC4WUVdxy-00273-00064355-00064582 The other n is the refractive index change. L5XC4WUVdxy-00274-00064582-00064862 And lambda is the detection wavelength. L5XC4WUVdxy-00275-00064862-00065089 So keep in mind that the confinement factor usually L5XC4WUVdxy-00276-00065089-00065314 is more than unity so that actually sets up L5XC4WUVdxy-00277-00065314-00065510 a boundary for the refractive index sensitivity L5XC4WUVdxy-00278-00065510-00065696 for these dielectric cavities. L5XC4WUVdxy-00279-00065696-00066018 And if you look at, for example, silicon at 1,550 wavelength L5XC4WUVdxy-00280-00066018-00066257 nanometer, this limits us to refractive L5XC4WUVdxy-00281-00066257-00066693 index sensitivity of about 500 nanometer per RIU, Refractive L5XC4WUVdxy-00282-00066693-00066879 Index Unit. L5XC4WUVdxy-00283-00066879-00067057 Now what about SPP? L5XC4WUVdxy-00284-00067057-00067198 So like I mentioned, SPP actually L5XC4WUVdxy-00285-00067198-00067360 works on a different mechanism. L5XC4WUVdxy-00286-00067360-00067621 Here the dip, the transmission dip, L5XC4WUVdxy-00287-00067621-00067911 comes in because of phase match mechanism. L5XC4WUVdxy-00288-00067911-00068170 So what I'm showing on the right-hand-side figure here L5XC4WUVdxy-00289-00068170-00068482 is actually a dispersion diagram for the plasmonic mode L5XC4WUVdxy-00290-00068482-00068641 as well as the dielectric guided mode. L5XC4WUVdxy-00291-00068641-00068707 OK? L5XC4WUVdxy-00292-00068707-00068844 So when does the refractive index L5XC4WUVdxy-00293-00068844-00069123 change, or actually, this crossing point here shows up L5XC4WUVdxy-00294-00069123-00069280 as the phase metric condition? L5XC4WUVdxy-00295-00069280-00069581 That's where you get this transmission dip. L5XC4WUVdxy-00296-00069581-00069926 Now if you actually introduce your analyte, L5XC4WUVdxy-00297-00069926-00070076 you cause a refractive index change, L5XC4WUVdxy-00298-00070076-00070231 and then the dispersion relation is L5XC4WUVdxy-00299-00070231-00070504 going to modify due to this index change. L5XC4WUVdxy-00300-00070504-00070692 And therefore, this phase metric condition L5XC4WUVdxy-00301-00070692-00070958 is also going to shift in terms of wavelength. L5XC4WUVdxy-00302-00070958-00071254 Now these two dispersion relations L5XC4WUVdxy-00303-00071254-00071517 have very similar slope to start with. L5XC4WUVdxy-00304-00071517-00071699 So in other words, these two relations L5XC4WUVdxy-00305-00071699-00071931 have a similar group index to start with. L5XC4WUVdxy-00306-00071931-00072130 Then any small change of the curve L5XC4WUVdxy-00307-00072130-00072322 is going to lead to a large shift of the phase L5XC4WUVdxy-00308-00072322-00072425 metric condition. L5XC4WUVdxy-00309-00072425-00072757 So as a result, you get to this kind of gigantic RI sensitivity L5XC4WUVdxy-00310-00072757-00072890 SPP sensors. L5XC4WUVdxy-00311-00072890-00073270 They usually can be above 10 to the 4 nanometer value. L5XC4WUVdxy-00312-00073270-00073345 OK? L5XC4WUVdxy-00313-00073345-00073591 Now what about on the other side of the equation, the loss? L5XC4WUVdxy-00314-00073591-00073816 So without any resonators, you can get pretty low loss L5XC4WUVdxy-00315-00073816-00074003 well below 1 dB per centimeter. L5XC4WUVdxy-00316-00074003-00074376 When it comes to SPP devices, this paper in Optics Express L5XC4WUVdxy-00317-00074376-00074555 actually gives a very nice analysis L5XC4WUVdxy-00318-00074555-00074941 that shows the loss is actually limited by the [INAUDIBLE] L5XC4WUVdxy-00319-00074941-00075431 coupling from the dielectric mode to the SPP mode. L5XC4WUVdxy-00320-00075431-00075630 And you also get this additional loss L5XC4WUVdxy-00321-00075630-00075814 coming from absorbing metal. L5XC4WUVdxy-00322-00075814-00076054 So what they conclude in this paper in terms L5XC4WUVdxy-00323-00076054-00076286 of figure of merit, dielectric resonators L5XC4WUVdxy-00324-00076286-00076561 are actually advantageous compared to these surface L5XC4WUVdxy-00325-00076561-00076763 plasmon resonators. L5XC4WUVdxy-00326-00076763-00076946 So again, here this analysis has not L5XC4WUVdxy-00327-00076946-00077121 taken into account other factors like ease L5XC4WUVdxy-00328-00077121-00077309 of surface functionalization or chemical L5XC4WUVdxy-00329-00077309-00077430 stability of the interface. L5XC4WUVdxy-00330-00077430-00077612 But I think it gives us a good guideline L5XC4WUVdxy-00331-00077612-00077808 to pick, what is the optimized device L5XC4WUVdxy-00332-00077808-00078150 for the biochemical sensor here? L5XC4WUVdxy-00333-00078150-00078211 OK. L5XC4WUVdxy-00334-00078211-00078383 Now let me switch gears and let's look L5XC4WUVdxy-00335-00078383-00078560 at absorption spectroscopy. L5XC4WUVdxy-00336-00078560-00078731 So in this case, what we are trying to do L5XC4WUVdxy-00337-00078731-00079019 is to actually obtain the absorption spectrum L5XC4WUVdxy-00338-00079019-00079207 as a function of wavelength and use L5XC4WUVdxy-00339-00079207-00079396 the absorption signatures to identify L5XC4WUVdxy-00340-00079396-00079553 the specific molecules. L5XC4WUVdxy-00341-00079553-00079922 So to do that, we actually need to use a widely tunable laser. L5XC4WUVdxy-00342-00079922-00080208 Or we can use a broadband coherent wavelength source L5XC4WUVdxy-00343-00080208-00080367 as the light source. L5XC4WUVdxy-00344-00080367-00080595 We then send the light down on a sensing element. L5XC4WUVdxy-00345-00080595-00080712 And then we can detect it. L5XC4WUVdxy-00346-00080712-00080882 If you use a tunable laser, you will only L5XC4WUVdxy-00347-00080882-00081062 need to use a single element detector. L5XC4WUVdxy-00348-00081062-00081335 If you use a coherent broadband source, what you need to get L5XC4WUVdxy-00349-00081335-00081529 is actually a spectrometer. L5XC4WUVdxy-00350-00081529-00081816 That gives you intensity as a function of wavelength. L5XC4WUVdxy-00351-00081816-00081958 So as an example here, I'm showing L5XC4WUVdxy-00352-00081958-00082124 you absorption spectrum of methane, L5XC4WUVdxy-00353-00082124-00082321 quoting from HITRAN database. L5XC4WUVdxy-00354-00082321-00082706 And if you look closely into this graph of modes, L5XC4WUVdxy-00355-00082706-00083214 add about 3 microns, you see this tightly or evenly spaced L5XC4WUVdxy-00356-00083214-00083509 optical absorption lines where the wavelengths, as well L5XC4WUVdxy-00357-00083509-00083680 as the intensity of these modes gives L5XC4WUVdxy-00358-00083680-00084089 a clear signature of the presence of the molecule. L5XC4WUVdxy-00359-00084089-00084307 Now with absorption spectroscopy, L5XC4WUVdxy-00360-00084307-00084487 the question is, what wavelength should you L5XC4WUVdxy-00361-00084487-00084663 operate the sensors at? L5XC4WUVdxy-00362-00084663-00084849 And what I'm showing you here is essentially L5XC4WUVdxy-00363-00084849-00085158 absorption fingerprints of most of the commonly seen communal L5XC4WUVdxy-00364-00085158-00085315 functional groups. L5XC4WUVdxy-00365-00085315-00085649 The horizontal axis is actually given in terms of wave numbers. L5XC4WUVdxy-00366-00085649-00085984 So from the left-hand side it starts at around 2.5 microns L5XC4WUVdxy-00367-00085984-00086250 all the way up to about 15 or 20 microns. L5XC4WUVdxy-00368-00086250-00086505 So that means, if you want to perform this kind of detection, L5XC4WUVdxy-00369-00086505-00086777 it's optimal to actually perform a sensing L5XC4WUVdxy-00370-00086777-00087009 at the mid-IR wavelength. L5XC4WUVdxy-00371-00087009-00087229 However, as we all know, mid-IR devices L5XC4WUVdxy-00372-00087229-00087384 are a lot more difficult to fabricate L5XC4WUVdxy-00373-00087384-00087538 as they are to characterize. L5XC4WUVdxy-00374-00087538-00087722 So the alternative is to actually go L5XC4WUVdxy-00375-00087722-00087989 with the near-IR overtone, which essentially corresponds L5XC4WUVdxy-00376-00087989-00088315 to integral multiples of the vibrational frequencies. L5XC4WUVdxy-00377-00088315-00088650 The downside there is, of course, the near-IR overtones L5XC4WUVdxy-00378-00088650-00088869 is about 2 [INAUDIBLE] weaker compared L5XC4WUVdxy-00379-00088869-00089122 to the mid-IR absorption lines and you actually take L5XC4WUVdxy-00380-00089122-00089287 a hit in terms of sensitivity. L5XC4WUVdxy-00381-00089287-00089347 OK? L5XC4WUVdxy-00382-00089347-00089645 But it actually works pretty nice, for example, for methane. L5XC4WUVdxy-00383-00089645-00089782 The absorption line is 3 microns. L5XC4WUVdxy-00384-00089782-00090070 So the overtone is at 1.5 microns, which exactly L5XC4WUVdxy-00385-00090070-00090413 matches the telecom wavelength. L5XC4WUVdxy-00386-00090413-00090729 OK, so now let's take a look at the components for this sensor L5XC4WUVdxy-00387-00090729-00090780 here. L5XC4WUVdxy-00388-00090780-00090984 So for the light source, if you want L5XC4WUVdxy-00389-00090984-00091378 to use the laser-- actually, recently the John Bowers group L5XC4WUVdxy-00390-00091378-00091602 at UCSB has demonstrated that they can actually L5XC4WUVdxy-00391-00091602-00091805 integrate quantum cascade lasers directly L5XC4WUVdxy-00392-00091805-00092080 onto silicon using hybrid bonding process so L5XC4WUVdxy-00393-00092080-00092339 the openness of the integration for mid-IR sources L5XC4WUVdxy-00394-00092339-00092577 onto the silicon chip. L5XC4WUVdxy-00395-00092577-00092724 The alternative is actually to use L5XC4WUVdxy-00396-00092724-00093118 a broadband spatially coherent source. L5XC4WUVdxy-00397-00093118-00093303 I want to emphasize on the coherence here, L5XC4WUVdxy-00398-00093303-00093483 because if you look at the sensing element, L5XC4WUVdxy-00399-00093483-00093670 it has to be single mode. L5XC4WUVdxy-00400-00093670-00093731 OK? L5XC4WUVdxy-00401-00093731-00094007 If you have a multimode sensing element like a waveguide, L5XC4WUVdxy-00402-00094007-00094304 for example, then the different optical modes L5XC4WUVdxy-00403-00094304-00094463 is going to have different confinement L5XC4WUVdxy-00404-00094463-00094633 factor at the sensing region. L5XC4WUVdxy-00405-00094633-00094795 So that means when the mode propagates L5XC4WUVdxy-00406-00094795-00095002 through the sensing device, you actually L5XC4WUVdxy-00407-00095002-00095239 experience different optical absorption. L5XC4WUVdxy-00408-00095239-00095406 You also get this multimode [INAUDIBLE], L5XC4WUVdxy-00409-00095406-00095676 which actually prevents the precise quantification L5XC4WUVdxy-00410-00095676-00095859 of [INAUDIBLE] molecules. L5XC4WUVdxy-00411-00095859-00096072 So therefore, in all of the efficiently [INAUDIBLE] L5XC4WUVdxy-00412-00096072-00096240 into the single mode source, you also L5XC4WUVdxy-00413-00096240-00096403 need to have a spatially coherent light L5XC4WUVdxy-00414-00096403-00096511 source to start with. L5XC4WUVdxy-00415-00096511-00096720 So in other words, if you have [INAUDIBLE] source, L5XC4WUVdxy-00416-00096720-00096993 it's likely not going to work for absorption spectroscopy. L5XC4WUVdxy-00417-00096993-00097086 OK? L5XC4WUVdxy-00418-00097086-00097231 So fortunately, there are already L5XC4WUVdxy-00419-00097231-00097501 several kinds of spatially coherent sources available. L5XC4WUVdxy-00420-00097501-00097675 [INAUDIBLE] laboratory scale. L5XC4WUVdxy-00421-00097675-00097922 The company is offering a superluminescent diode up L5XC4WUVdxy-00422-00097922-00098135 to about 3.5 microwavelength. L5XC4WUVdxy-00423-00098135-00098358 You can also use a waveguide supercontinuum source L5XC4WUVdxy-00424-00098358-00098621 or a frequency comb source in the form of a ring L5XC4WUVdxy-00425-00098621-00098888 or micro disk resonator. L5XC4WUVdxy-00426-00098888-00099100 Now one more interesting element here, like I said, L5XC4WUVdxy-00427-00099100-00099179 it's pretty boring. L5XC4WUVdxy-00428-00099179-00099414 It's kind of actually similar to what we already have L5XC4WUVdxy-00429-00099414-00099557 for the refractometry sensing. L5XC4WUVdxy-00430-00099557-00099765 You either use a microresonator or you can also us L5XC4WUVdxy-00431-00099765-00100001 a spiral waveguide to actually increase the path lengths L5XC4WUVdxy-00432-00100001-00100355 and improve the detection limit. L5XC4WUVdxy-00433-00100355-00100575 Now I want to also say a few more words specifically L5XC4WUVdxy-00434-00100575-00100753 about spectrometer here. L5XC4WUVdxy-00435-00100753-00101008 So there are two major categories of spectrometer. L5XC4WUVdxy-00436-00101008-00101338 One kind is what I call spectrum splitting or dispersive L5XC4WUVdxy-00437-00101338-00101601 spectrometer, where you use a dispersive element L5XC4WUVdxy-00438-00101601-00101871 to spatially separate different wavelengths of light L5XC4WUVdxy-00439-00101871-00102066 and use an array detector to quantify L5XC4WUVdxy-00440-00102066-00102282 the intensity of each wavelength. L5XC4WUVdxy-00441-00102282-00102391 Two examples here. L5XC4WUVdxy-00442-00102391-00102563 One is actually a grating spectrometer. L5XC4WUVdxy-00443-00102563-00102781 Use grating as a dispersive element. L5XC4WUVdxy-00444-00102781-00102972 You can also use the random scattering media L5XC4WUVdxy-00445-00102972-00103213 and then you apply kind of a pattern recognition algorithm L5XC4WUVdxy-00446-00103213-00103425 to look at spatial signature for each wavelength. L5XC4WUVdxy-00447-00103425-00103567 And then use linear transformation L5XC4WUVdxy-00448-00103567-00103883 to deck out what is the spectral information. L5XC4WUVdxy-00449-00103883-00104256 An alternative here is what I call the time domain modulation L5XC4WUVdxy-00450-00104256-00104365 spectrometer. L5XC4WUVdxy-00451-00104365-00104634 And a good example here is this classical Fourier Transform L5XC4WUVdxy-00452-00104634-00104902 Infrared, or FTIR, spectrometer. L5XC4WUVdxy-00453-00104902-00105080 The advantage here of one, of course, L5XC4WUVdxy-00454-00105080-00105422 is that you can actually use a single-element detector, which L5XC4WUVdxy-00455-00105422-00105779 is a lot cheaper compared to an array detector, especially L5XC4WUVdxy-00456-00105779-00106006 in the IR wavelength. L5XC4WUVdxy-00457-00106006-00106292 Now if you look at what this FTIR spectrometer looks like, L5XC4WUVdxy-00458-00106292-00106436 essentially it's an interferometer L5XC4WUVdxy-00459-00106436-00106710 with one arm with tunable optical path lengths. L5XC4WUVdxy-00460-00106710-00106942 So as you move this tunable arm, you actually L5XC4WUVdxy-00461-00106942-00107202 recall the intensity at the single-element detector. L5XC4WUVdxy-00462-00107202-00107372 And by applying a Fourier transform, L5XC4WUVdxy-00463-00107372-00107603 you can then back out the spectral information. L5XC4WUVdxy-00464-00107603-00107674 OK? L5XC4WUVdxy-00465-00107674-00107883 As I was talking about in just a couple of slides, L5XC4WUVdxy-00466-00107883-00108163 this FTIR spectrometer actually has a pretty important L5XC4WUVdxy-00467-00108163-00108390 advantage in terms of signal-to-noise ratio, L5XC4WUVdxy-00468-00108390-00108789 and that improves the detection sensitivity. L5XC4WUVdxy-00469-00108789-00108956 So now, what does that mean, selectivity L5XC4WUVdxy-00470-00108956-00109206 of this kind of absorption spectroscopy? L5XC4WUVdxy-00471-00109206-00109383 So let me put out the conclusion here, L5XC4WUVdxy-00472-00109383-00109561 is that the selectivity is actually L5XC4WUVdxy-00473-00109561-00109871 dictated by the number of spectral channels, L5XC4WUVdxy-00474-00109871-00110235 or in other words, the number of data points on your spectrum. L5XC4WUVdxy-00475-00110235-00110308 OK? L5XC4WUVdxy-00476-00110308-00110414 So what I'm showing you here, this L5XC4WUVdxy-00477-00110414-00110597 is actually a pretty nice stimulation result L5XC4WUVdxy-00478-00110597-00111028 quoted from this paper that shows how the detection limit L5XC4WUVdxy-00479-00111028-00111553 in the vertical axis as well as the selectivity represented L5XC4WUVdxy-00480-00111553-00111870 by the false positive rate as a function of the number L5XC4WUVdxy-00481-00111870-00112058 of spectral channels. L5XC4WUVdxy-00482-00112058-00112241 And what is shown in the graph here L5XC4WUVdxy-00483-00112241-00112477 is, as you increase the number of spectral channels, L5XC4WUVdxy-00484-00112477-00112708 you get a moderate improvement in terms of detection L5XC4WUVdxy-00485-00112708-00113016 sensitivity, but you get a drastic improvement in terms L5XC4WUVdxy-00486-00113016-00113198 of detection selectivity. L5XC4WUVdxy-00487-00113198-00113271 OK? L5XC4WUVdxy-00488-00113271-00113515 So this can be quite [INAUDIBLE] to understand because you L5XC4WUVdxy-00489-00113515-00113616 get more data points. L5XC4WUVdxy-00490-00113616-00113820 Essentially you can do a better spectrum fitting, L5XC4WUVdxy-00491-00113820-00114234 so you have better ability to identify your target molecules. L5XC4WUVdxy-00492-00114234-00114401 Now what about sensitivity? L5XC4WUVdxy-00493-00114401-00114581 Now when you talk about limit of detection, L5XC4WUVdxy-00494-00114581-00114768 it's always about signal-to-noise ratio L5XC4WUVdxy-00495-00114768-00114996 as specific measurement bandwidth, OK? L5XC4WUVdxy-00496-00114996-00115217 So in terms of signal in terms of optical absorbance, L5XC4WUVdxy-00497-00115217-00115371 they can be pretty clearly calculated L5XC4WUVdxy-00498-00115371-00115508 using Lambert-Beer law. L5XC4WUVdxy-00499-00115508-00115804 And in this graph here, I'm just showing the calculated limit L5XC4WUVdxy-00500-00115804-00116033 of detection that's from the optical path lengths. L5XC4WUVdxy-00501-00116033-00116260 And pretty clearly, if you get the low-loss device, L5XC4WUVdxy-00502-00116260-00116419 you can have much longer path lengths, L5XC4WUVdxy-00503-00116419-00116677 you get more sense of detection. L5XC4WUVdxy-00504-00116677-00117102 Now what about the noise here? L5XC4WUVdxy-00505-00117102-00117391 So the analysis, actually, is a little bit more involved. L5XC4WUVdxy-00506-00117391-00117667 So I will just directly throw the conclusion out here. L5XC4WUVdxy-00507-00117667-00117833 So for the same measurement bandwidth L5XC4WUVdxy-00508-00117833-00118008 or for the same integration time, L5XC4WUVdxy-00509-00118008-00118328 if you look at the dispersive spectrometer, L5XC4WUVdxy-00510-00118328-00118580 the signal-to-noise ratio is actually L5XC4WUVdxy-00511-00118580-00118997 scaled with a factor of square root i divided by n. L5XC4WUVdxy-00512-00118997-00119251 So i is actually total intensity integrated L5XC4WUVdxy-00513-00119251-00119456 over the entire spectrum. L5XC4WUVdxy-00514-00119456-00119659 And n is the number of spectral channels L5XC4WUVdxy-00515-00119659-00119846 or number of data points. L5XC4WUVdxy-00516-00119846-00120088 So like I mentioned, if you want to have high selectivity, L5XC4WUVdxy-00517-00120088-00120240 you want to get a large n. L5XC4WUVdxy-00518-00120240-00120432 But apparently you are introducing a trade-off L5XC4WUVdxy-00519-00120432-00120614 between selectivity and sensitivity L5XC4WUVdxy-00520-00120614-00120925 for this kind of spectrum splitting spectrometer here. L5XC4WUVdxy-00521-00120925-00121170 On the other hand, if you go with laser spectroscopy L5XC4WUVdxy-00522-00121170-00121443 or using the FTIR-like spectrometer, L5XC4WUVdxy-00523-00121443-00121656 the SNR only depends on the square root L5XC4WUVdxy-00524-00121656-00121810 of the light intensity. L5XC4WUVdxy-00525-00121810-00121959 So you remove this trade-off here L5XC4WUVdxy-00526-00121959-00122259 and you improve the signal-to-noise ratio actually L5XC4WUVdxy-00527-00122259-00122405 by a factor of square root n, which L5XC4WUVdxy-00528-00122405-00122856 can be very significant for wide wave [INAUDIBLE] OK? L5XC4WUVdxy-00529-00122856-00123029 So takeaway message here. L5XC4WUVdxy-00530-00123029-00123179 In order to improve sensitivity, we L5XC4WUVdxy-00531-00123179-00123383 need to have low optical path lengths to increase L5XC4WUVdxy-00532-00123383-00123508 alignment interactions. L5XC4WUVdxy-00533-00123508-00123777 We also need to pay attention to device design L5XC4WUVdxy-00534-00123777-00124068 to avoid splitting optical signal over many channels L5XC4WUVdxy-00535-00124068-00124452 and then decrease the signal-to-noise ratio. L5XC4WUVdxy-00536-00124452-00124742 OK, last but not least, let's talk about Raman spectroscopy L5XC4WUVdxy-00537-00124742-00124851 here. L5XC4WUVdxy-00538-00124851-00125122 So Raman spectroscopy you use this nonlinear Raman scattering L5XC4WUVdxy-00539-00125122-00125172 process. L5XC4WUVdxy-00540-00125172-00125452 You usually start with a fixed wavelength laser. L5XC4WUVdxy-00541-00125452-00125765 That's either in the UV all the way up to near IR wavelength. L5XC4WUVdxy-00542-00125765-00126089 You send down a sensing element, which you can now L5XC4WUVdxy-00543-00126089-00126264 interact with target molecules and create L5XC4WUVdxy-00544-00126264-00126417 Raman scattered signals. L5XC4WUVdxy-00545-00126417-00126677 You then use a filter to filter out the original laser signal L5XC4WUVdxy-00546-00126677-00127050 and then detect the Raman scattered light signal. L5XC4WUVdxy-00547-00127050-00127297 Now if you look at this vibrational spectra L5XC4WUVdxy-00548-00127297-00127571 here, since a Raman also detects the molecular vibrations L5XC4WUVdxy-00549-00127571-00127748 spectra very similar to IR. L5XC4WUVdxy-00550-00127748-00128043 But I want to emphasize that IR and Raman are actually highly L5XC4WUVdxy-00551-00128043-00128201 complementary techniques. L5XC4WUVdxy-00552-00128201-00128476 Because due to the quantum mechanical selection rule, L5XC4WUVdxy-00553-00128476-00128694 any vibrational mode that's IR sensitive L5XC4WUVdxy-00554-00128694-00129002 is actually Raman inactive and vice versa, OK? L5XC4WUVdxy-00555-00129002-00129231 So that's why in analytical chemistry community, L5XC4WUVdxy-00556-00129231-00129553 IR and Raman are often used in conjunction to identify L5XC4WUVdxy-00557-00129553-00129707 a molecular species. L5XC4WUVdxy-00558-00129707-00129933 So they are very complementary. L5XC4WUVdxy-00559-00129933-00130230 Now if you look at the intensity of Raman scattering, L5XC4WUVdxy-00560-00130230-00130373 it depends on a few factors here. L5XC4WUVdxy-00561-00130373-00130615 First of all, omega r is a frequency L5XC4WUVdxy-00562-00130615-00130857 of the Raman scattered light. L5XC4WUVdxy-00563-00130857-00131142 So intensity depends on omega r to the 4th power. L5XC4WUVdxy-00564-00131142-00131348 So it means it's actually advantageous to go L5XC4WUVdxy-00565-00131348-00131732 with short wavelength extension light such as UV light. L5XC4WUVdxy-00566-00131732-00131863 Now there's a caveat here. L5XC4WUVdxy-00567-00131863-00132094 If you go with short wavelength extension light, L5XC4WUVdxy-00568-00132094-00132297 you may induce fluorescence in your molecule L5XC4WUVdxy-00569-00132297-00132574 or you may actually induce absorption in your sample. L5XC4WUVdxy-00570-00132574-00132745 So you need to kind of strike the balance L5XC4WUVdxy-00571-00132745-00132913 between high signal-to-noise ratio L5XC4WUVdxy-00572-00132913-00133240 as well as reduced fluorescence. L5XC4WUVdxy-00573-00133240-00133429 Now as a non-linear process, Raman also L5XC4WUVdxy-00574-00133429-00133761 depends on electric field, roughly to the 4th power, OK? L5XC4WUVdxy-00575-00133761-00133967 So that means you can create tightly localized L5XC4WUVdxy-00576-00133967-00134044 optical modes. L5XC4WUVdxy-00577-00134044-00134487 It also amplifies the Raman scattered signal. L5XC4WUVdxy-00578-00134487-00134722 So that's why, if you look at a sensing element design, L5XC4WUVdxy-00579-00134722-00134892 people have focused on how to concentrate L5XC4WUVdxy-00580-00134892-00135156 a light field into a very small spatial region. L5XC4WUVdxy-00581-00135156-00135466 One such example is what we call Surface-Enhanced Raman L5XC4WUVdxy-00582-00135466-00135835 Spectroscopy, or SERS, which people use essentially L5XC4WUVdxy-00583-00135835-00136069 metallic nanostructures to create L5XC4WUVdxy-00584-00136069-00136277 tightly confined localized surface L5XC4WUVdxy-00585-00136277-00136561 plasmon resonance modes and enhanced Raman interaction. L5XC4WUVdxy-00586-00136561-00136620 OK? L5XC4WUVdxy-00587-00136620-00136779 So you can either [INAUDIBLE] assemble L5XC4WUVdxy-00588-00136779-00137086 metallic nanoparticles or metallic nanostructures L5XC4WUVdxy-00589-00137086-00137290 [INAUDIBLE] using the [INAUDIBLE]. L5XC4WUVdxy-00590-00137290-00137482 Now an alternative technique is to use L5XC4WUVdxy-00591-00137482-00137677 waveguide Raman spectroscopy. L5XC4WUVdxy-00592-00137677-00137920 And in this sense, as you may see from the figure here, L5XC4WUVdxy-00593-00137920-00138214 you again see this kind of universal spiral waveguide. L5XC4WUVdxy-00594-00138214-00138364 So having a long optical path length L5XC4WUVdxy-00595-00138364-00138594 also contributes to stronger [INAUDIBLE] direction L5XC4WUVdxy-00596-00138594-00138958 and increased optical signal here. L5XC4WUVdxy-00597-00138958-00139217 Now what about the performance metrics for Raman spectroscopy? L5XC4WUVdxy-00598-00139217-00139468 So forced selectivity is actually kind of similar to IR L5XC4WUVdxy-00599-00139468-00139837 because we are always looking at characteristic spectral L5XC4WUVdxy-00600-00139837-00140008 signatures of the molecules. L5XC4WUVdxy-00601-00140008-00140201 So you also want to do a spectral fitting. L5XC4WUVdxy-00602-00140201-00140289 OK? L5XC4WUVdxy-00603-00140289-00140568 In terms of sensitivity, there are a couple of factors here. L5XC4WUVdxy-00604-00140568-00140739 First of all, you want to tightly confine L5XC4WUVdxy-00605-00140739-00141070 your optical modes to enhance the [INAUDIBLE] interaction. L5XC4WUVdxy-00606-00141070-00141323 At the same time, interaction lens also matters. L5XC4WUVdxy-00607-00141323-00141628 If a long waveguide, you get more Raman signal. L5XC4WUVdxy-00608-00141628-00141808 And this is clearly shown in this equation L5XC4WUVdxy-00609-00141808-00142123 here that I quoted from the paper in the previous page, OK? L5XC4WUVdxy-00610-00142123-00142286 Again, I'm going to skip the math here. L5XC4WUVdxy-00611-00142286-00142517 But what's more important is that entire equation L5XC4WUVdxy-00612-00142517-00142888 is proportional to l, where l is your waveguide length. L5XC4WUVdxy-00613-00142888-00142939 OK? L5XC4WUVdxy-00614-00142939-00143093 So having a low-loss waveguide allows L5XC4WUVdxy-00615-00143093-00143307 you to accumulate more Raman signals. L5XC4WUVdxy-00616-00143307-00143535 Now another factor that's implicit in this equation L5XC4WUVdxy-00617-00143535-00143719 here is this [INAUDIBLE] vector. L5XC4WUVdxy-00618-00143719-00143931 It actually represents the field overlap L5XC4WUVdxy-00619-00143931-00144360 between your optical mode and your locational molecule. L5XC4WUVdxy-00620-00144360-00144411 OK? L5XC4WUVdxy-00621-00144411-00144571 So again, having [INAUDIBLE] system L5XC4WUVdxy-00622-00144571-00144716 with tightly confined optical modes L5XC4WUVdxy-00623-00144716-00144979 also contributes to a stronger r method. L5XC4WUVdxy-00624-00144979-00145142 Now last point here I also want to make L5XC4WUVdxy-00625-00145142-00145246 is molecular [INAUDIBLE]. L5XC4WUVdxy-00626-00145246-00145604 This is actually mostly specific to SERS detection, OK? L5XC4WUVdxy-00627-00145604-00146092 So because Raman signal amplitude pretty L5XC4WUVdxy-00628-00146092-00146372 extensively depends on the field enhancement factor. L5XC4WUVdxy-00629-00146372-00146626 If you look at all these metallic nanostructures, L5XC4WUVdxy-00630-00146626-00146831 the field enhancement actually critically depends L5XC4WUVdxy-00631-00146831-00146971 on these geometric dimensions. L5XC4WUVdxy-00632-00146971-00147135 So, for example, if you change the curvature L5XC4WUVdxy-00633-00147135-00147280 at one of the corners, you actually L5XC4WUVdxy-00634-00147280-00147510 get a pretty large field modulation. L5XC4WUVdxy-00635-00147510-00147791 So therefore, one of the focuses in the SERS community L5XC4WUVdxy-00636-00147791-00147974 is to actually improve the detection L5XC4WUVdxy-00637-00147974-00148215 accuracy of these techniques. L5XC4WUVdxy-00638-00148215-00148353 The other kind of variation comes L5XC4WUVdxy-00639-00148353-00148623 from the variability in terms of molecular placement. L5XC4WUVdxy-00640-00148623-00148830 Because all these high-field spots-- L5XC4WUVdxy-00641-00148830-00149026 it's what is called hotspots in the community-- L5XC4WUVdxy-00642-00149026-00149257 usually are tips of [INAUDIBLE] in scale. L5XC4WUVdxy-00643-00149257-00149399 So if you move the molecule around L5XC4WUVdxy-00644-00149399-00149653 by just a few nanometers, you change the field amplitude L5XC4WUVdxy-00645-00149653-00150035 by large amounts and actually change your signal, OK? L5XC4WUVdxy-00646-00150035-00150239 So therefore, in terms of quantification L5XC4WUVdxy-00647-00150239-00150503 of different chemical species, probably waveguide Raman L5XC4WUVdxy-00648-00150503-00150703 spectroscopy is actually the preferred approach. L5XC4WUVdxy-00649-00150952-00151002 All right. L5XC4WUVdxy-00650-00151002-00151251 So this table here actually summarizes L5XC4WUVdxy-00651-00151251-00151440 what I have talked about, different matrices L5XC4WUVdxy-00652-00151440-00151552 for the different techniques. L5XC4WUVdxy-00653-00151552-00151674 I believe the slides are going to be L5XC4WUVdxy-00654-00151674-00151853 available to the audience, so I'm not going L5XC4WUVdxy-00655-00151853-00152064 to reiterate these points here. L5XC4WUVdxy-00656-00152064-00152208 And instead, what I want to do is L5XC4WUVdxy-00657-00152208-00152495 to conclude my talk with a few final remarks. L5XC4WUVdxy-00658-00152495-00152708 So first of all, the takeaway message L5XC4WUVdxy-00659-00152708-00153003 is there is no single detection techniques that can L5XC4WUVdxy-00660-00153003-00153207 solve all the sensing needs. L5XC4WUVdxy-00661-00153207-00153375 OK? L5XC4WUVdxy-00662-00153375-00153522 Fortunately, despite that we have L5XC4WUVdxy-00663-00153522-00153812 to invent all these different kinds of sensing mechanisms, L5XC4WUVdxy-00664-00153812-00153962 a lot of these sensing components L5XC4WUVdxy-00665-00153962-00154249 can actually be shared across different sensing platforms. L5XC4WUVdxy-00666-00154249-00154331 OK? L5XC4WUVdxy-00667-00154331-00154519 For example, if you look at sensing elements, L5XC4WUVdxy-00668-00154519-00154714 you always see these kind of spiral waveguides. L5XC4WUVdxy-00669-00154714-00154931 You see microresonators, OK? L5XC4WUVdxy-00670-00154931-00155086 And if you look at the spectrometers, L5XC4WUVdxy-00671-00155086-00155338 they can be used either for absorption spectroscopy L5XC4WUVdxy-00672-00155338-00155601 or Raman spectroscopy. L5XC4WUVdxy-00673-00155601-00155798 What's more, all these elements can actually L5XC4WUVdxy-00674-00155798-00155999 leverage the significant effort and knowledge L5XC4WUVdxy-00675-00155999-00156169 base that has already been developed L5XC4WUVdxy-00676-00156169-00156310 for telecom applications. L5XC4WUVdxy-00677-00156310-00156638 For example, resonators readily derive from special filters L5XC4WUVdxy-00678-00156638-00156832 in the communication community. L5XC4WUVdxy-00679-00156832-00157058 And you can also apply these components L5XC4WUVdxy-00680-00157058-00157274 that you develop for sensing applications also L5XC4WUVdxy-00681-00157274-00157371 for other applications. L5XC4WUVdxy-00682-00157371-00157748 So for example, resonators can be used for optical gyroscopes. L5XC4WUVdxy-00683-00157748-00157935 You can also use the spectrometers, L5XC4WUVdxy-00684-00157935-00158193 which is nothing different from the optical channel L5XC4WUVdxy-00685-00158193-00158369 monitor in the WDM application. L5XC4WUVdxy-00686-00158369-00158555 OK. L5XC4WUVdxy-00687-00158555-00158735 Now besides building these building blocks, L5XC4WUVdxy-00688-00158735-00158935 you also need to pay attention to the performing L5XC4WUVdxy-00689-00158935-00159036 matrices here. L5XC4WUVdxy-00690-00159036-00159283 For sensitivity, it all boils down L5XC4WUVdxy-00691-00159283-00159518 to enhancing the light methane directions. L5XC4WUVdxy-00692-00159518-00159752 For that, you want to have a low-loss device so they can L5XC4WUVdxy-00693-00159752-00159904 have low optical path lengths. L5XC4WUVdxy-00694-00159904-00160060 You also need an engineered device L5XC4WUVdxy-00695-00160060-00160381 so that you have large overlap of optical fields and target L5XC4WUVdxy-00696-00160381-00160569 analytes. L5XC4WUVdxy-00697-00160569-00160815 We also talked about the design of the devices. L5XC4WUVdxy-00698-00160815-00161040 And specifically, I want to mention about the Fellgett L5XC4WUVdxy-00699-00161040-00161123 advantage here. L5XC4WUVdxy-00700-00161123-00161359 That means if you have a spectrometer that does not L5XC4WUVdxy-00701-00161359-00161502 split the light, you actually get L5XC4WUVdxy-00702-00161502-00161703 enhanced signal-to-noise ratio. L5XC4WUVdxy-00703-00161703-00161862 Now in terms of selectivity, if you're L5XC4WUVdxy-00704-00161862-00162034 looking at refractometry sensors here, L5XC4WUVdxy-00705-00162034-00162316 you want to develop coatings that are highly selective. L5XC4WUVdxy-00706-00162316-00162809 So that's a backend process that will happen after the CMOS fab. L5XC4WUVdxy-00707-00162809-00162986 For IR and Raman spectrometer, it all L5XC4WUVdxy-00708-00162986-00163208 boils down to the number of spectral channels L5XC4WUVdxy-00709-00163208-00163569 that allows you to perform more precise spectrum fitting. L5XC4WUVdxy-00710-00163569-00163833 So in the end, I also want to emphasize that new materials L5XC4WUVdxy-00711-00163833-00164113 and processes are actually critical to improving L5XC4WUVdxy-00712-00164113-00164257 sensor performance. L5XC4WUVdxy-00713-00164257-00164449 So the lesson is actually very similar to what L5XC4WUVdxy-00714-00164449-00164730 happens in the CMOS electric microelectronic industry. L5XC4WUVdxy-00715-00164730-00164945 If you look at the early days of Moore's law, L5XC4WUVdxy-00716-00164945-00165225 people are really making use of only a handful of elements. L5XC4WUVdxy-00717-00165225-00165444 But nowadays, advanced CMOS process actually L5XC4WUVdxy-00718-00165444-00165769 incorporates more than half of the periodic table. L5XC4WUVdxy-00719-00165769-00165915 So I believe that the same thing is L5XC4WUVdxy-00720-00165915-00166071 going to occur for microphotonics, L5XC4WUVdxy-00721-00166071-00166242 in particular for sensing, that can bring L5XC4WUVdxy-00722-00166242-00166514 in a lot of new functionalities like either extend L5XC4WUVdxy-00723-00166514-00166716 the transmission range of the optical materials L5XC4WUVdxy-00724-00166716-00166937 or introducing materials with high [INAUDIBLE] energy L5XC4WUVdxy-00725-00166937-00167182 to create spatially coherent sources, for example. L5XC4WUVdxy-00726-00167182-00167257 OK? L5XC4WUVdxy-00727-00167257-00167428 So with that, I want to conclude my talk. L5XC4WUVdxy-00728-00167428-00167578 I'd be happy to take your questions. L5XC4WUVdxy-00729-00167578-00167703 Thank you. L5XC4WUVdxy-00730-00167703-00167952 [APPLAUSE] L5XC4WUVdxy-00731-00168165-00168244 SPEAKER: Questions? L5XC4WUVdxy-00732-00169364-00169541 AUDIENCE: I have a simple question. L5XC4WUVdxy-00733-00169541-00170006 So what's the advantage of these waveguide microphotonic L5XC4WUVdxy-00734-00170006-00170453 phased sensors comparing to the traditional fabricating? L5XC4WUVdxy-00735-00170453-00170616 I know that fabricating, they also L5XC4WUVdxy-00736-00170616-00171032 use plasmonic fabricating for the same things. L5XC4WUVdxy-00737-00171032-00171179 Can you comment? L5XC4WUVdxy-00738-00171179-00171254 JJ HU: Yeah, sure. L5XC4WUVdxy-00739-00171254-00171424 So there are a couple of advantages here. L5XC4WUVdxy-00740-00171424-00171738 One is actually, again, you have the SWaP advantage, right? L5XC4WUVdxy-00741-00171738-00172033 Size, weight, power, all those kind of things. L5XC4WUVdxy-00742-00172033-00172257 The other thing is actually for the-- L5XC4WUVdxy-00743-00172257-00172395 if you look at waveguide sensors, L5XC4WUVdxy-00744-00172395-00172713 you can also expose the wave fiber-- sorry, for fiber. L5XC4WUVdxy-00745-00172713-00172955 You can also expose the fiber to a sensing media L5XC4WUVdxy-00746-00172955-00173101 in this chip that we've [INAUDIBLE] L5XC4WUVdxy-00747-00173101-00173326 and created this tapered region or the sensing region. L5XC4WUVdxy-00748-00173326-00173382 OK? L5XC4WUVdxy-00749-00173382-00173687 That length can be limited to a few centimeters L5XC4WUVdxy-00750-00173687-00173821 to tens of centimeters. L5XC4WUVdxy-00751-00173821-00173980 Now for a waveguide chip, you actually L5XC4WUVdxy-00752-00173980-00174196 create very long waveguides by essentially creating L5XC4WUVdxy-00753-00174196-00174400 high [INAUDIBLE] waveguides with spiral waveguide L5XC4WUVdxy-00754-00174400-00174650 structures that enhances light methane direction. L5XC4WUVdxy-00755-00174650-00174837 What's more it's actually index contrast. L5XC4WUVdxy-00756-00174837-00175061 So if you look at high [INAUDIBLE] silicon, L5XC4WUVdxy-00757-00175061-00175269 you actually get this very high field spike right L5XC4WUVdxy-00758-00175269-00175505 at the surface that increases the interaction L5XC4WUVdxy-00759-00175505-00175622 or field overlap. L5XC4WUVdxy-00760-00175622-00175744 So that's another advantage. L5XC4WUVdxy-00761-00175744-00175936 The third advantage here is there are actually L5XC4WUVdxy-00762-00175936-00176094 some emerging sensing techniques that L5XC4WUVdxy-00763-00176094-00176354 capitalize on this tight optical confinement L5XC4WUVdxy-00764-00176354-00176470 to increase its sensitivity. L5XC4WUVdxy-00765-00176470-00176649 Such as, you can use photoacoustic or photo L5XC4WUVdxy-00766-00176649-00176804 [INAUDIBLE] sensing to further boost L5XC4WUVdxy-00767-00176804-00177030 sensitivity compared to conventional photo absorption L5XC4WUVdxy-00768-00177030-00177084 spectroscopy. L5XC4WUVdxy-00769-00177450-00177538 Yeah. L5XC4WUVdxy-00770-00177538-00177592 AUDIENCE: Oh. L5XC4WUVdxy-00771-00177876-00178226 It looks to me that there are two major challenges. L5XC4WUVdxy-00772-00178226-00178303 Can you comment? L5XC4WUVdxy-00773-00178303-00178791 One is some of the light sources you mentioned are not normally L5XC4WUVdxy-00774-00178791-00179017 commonly used for silicon photonics, right? L5XC4WUVdxy-00775-00179017-00179067 JJ HU: Yeah. L5XC4WUVdxy-00776-00179067-00179258 AUDIENCE: You know, how you deal with that coupling, L5XC4WUVdxy-00777-00179258-00179333 all these issues. L5XC4WUVdxy-00778-00179333-00179516 The second thing is, you mentioned about all L5XC4WUVdxy-00779-00179516-00179793 this coating to the material. L5XC4WUVdxy-00780-00179793-00180108 Can you give some example, any experimental showing L5XC4WUVdxy-00781-00180108-00180291 these things can be done easily? L5XC4WUVdxy-00782-00180291-00180358 JJ HU: OK, sure. L5XC4WUVdxy-00783-00180358-00180704 AUDIENCE: On the CMOS-compatible silicon photonics platform? L5XC4WUVdxy-00784-00180704-00180754 JJ HU: OK. L5XC4WUVdxy-00785-00180754-00180850 Very good questions. L5XC4WUVdxy-00786-00180850-00181111 So the first questions has to do with the light source. L5XC4WUVdxy-00787-00181111-00181336 So for light source, I guess, it really depends on wavelength. L5XC4WUVdxy-00788-00181336-00181365 OK? L5XC4WUVdxy-00789-00181365-00181523 So if you are looking at, for example, L5XC4WUVdxy-00790-00181523-00181826 1,550 for refractive index sensing, or look at absorption L5XC4WUVdxy-00791-00181826-00182044 overtones of hydrocarbons, for example, L5XC4WUVdxy-00792-00182044-00182309 you can just use the telecom wavelength source. L5XC4WUVdxy-00793-00182309-00182471 You can either do a wafer bonding L5XC4WUVdxy-00794-00182471-00182634 or you can actually go to, for example, L5XC4WUVdxy-00795-00182634-00182990 [INAUDIBLE] laser at 1,550 to perform the same thing here. L5XC4WUVdxy-00796-00182990-00183390 If you want to extend to either UV or the IR, L5XC4WUVdxy-00797-00183390-00183559 there are some efforts, like I mentioned L5XC4WUVdxy-00798-00183559-00183820 that people are looking into heterogeneous integration, L5XC4WUVdxy-00799-00183820-00184119 or you can also use [INAUDIBLE] process to actually convert L5XC4WUVdxy-00800-00184119-00184315 the frequency from the telecom wavelength L5XC4WUVdxy-00801-00184315-00184639 to these more difficult to assess wavelength ranges. L5XC4WUVdxy-00802-00184639-00184789 Now in terms of the surface coatings L5XC4WUVdxy-00803-00184789-00185089 here, I guess-- I'm not sure CMOS-compatible L5XC4WUVdxy-00804-00185089-00185198 is the right term. L5XC4WUVdxy-00805-00185198-00185453 Because you apply the coating always after your CMOS process. L5XC4WUVdxy-00806-00185453-00185716 It's kind of like a backend process, right? L5XC4WUVdxy-00807-00185716-00185822 So some examples here. L5XC4WUVdxy-00808-00185822-00186147 If you look at streptavidin and coatings, L5XC4WUVdxy-00809-00186147-00186348 the antibody for streptavidin has L5XC4WUVdxy-00810-00186348-00186518 a very high binding affinity [INAUDIBLE] L5XC4WUVdxy-00811-00186518-00186616 tends to fit things. L5XC4WUVdxy-00812-00186616-00186921 So it means it pretty much only binds to [INAUDIBLE] molecules. L5XC4WUVdxy-00813-00186921-00187127 And this kind of surface functionalization L5XC4WUVdxy-00814-00187127-00187397 is actually very common in the biological community. L5XC4WUVdxy-00815-00187397-00187583 The gold standard for biological detection L5XC4WUVdxy-00816-00187583-00187861 is actually use enzyme based, immunosorbent assay link. L5XC4WUVdxy-00817-00187861-00188011 And that technique has actually used L5XC4WUVdxy-00818-00188011-00188244 the same kind of antibodies that we're using here. L5XC4WUVdxy-00819-00188244-00188302 OK? L5XC4WUVdxy-00820-00188302-00188529 For polymers, there are also some good examples L5XC4WUVdxy-00821-00188529-00188729 where you can use coating to boost the detection L5XC4WUVdxy-00822-00188729-00188941 sensitivity, more than the [INAUDIBLE] selectivity. L5XC4WUVdxy-00823-00188941-00189199 Because like I said, it's more molecules than I have selected, L5XC4WUVdxy-00824-00189199-00189269 OK? L5XC4WUVdxy-00825-00189269-00189465 So there is some work in the Naval Research Lab L5XC4WUVdxy-00826-00189465-00189635 that developed polymer coatings with very L5XC4WUVdxy-00827-00189635-00189814 high potential coefficient [INAUDIBLE] L5XC4WUVdxy-00828-00189814-00189957 for nerve gas molecules. L5XC4WUVdxy-00829-00189957-00190174 So it means you can actually improve the [INAUDIBLE] L5XC4WUVdxy-00830-00190174-00190427 by several orders of magnitude, which is certainly gigantic. L5XC4WUVdxy-00831-00190427-00190640 OK. L5XC4WUVdxy-00832-00190640-00190719 SPEAKER: All right. L5XC4WUVdxy-00833-00190719-00190895 Thank you very much, JJ. L5XC4WUVdxy-00834-00190895-00191080 JJ HU: OK, thank you. L7zGF69g2C8-00000-00000300-00000700 Muse Sounds are a set of highly sophisticated plugins which provide L7zGF69g2C8-00001-00000700-00001000 amazingly realistic playback for MuseScore. L7zGF69g2C8-00002-00001000-00001280 You can install them using the Muse Hub application. If you don't have L7zGF69g2C8-00003-00001300-00001700 Muse Hub installed you can get it by going to musescore.org L7zGF69g2C8-00004-00001700-00001930 and selecting this download button. L7zGF69g2C8-00005-00001950-00002220 You can also find a direct link in the description below. L7zGF69g2C8-00006-00002250-00002400 Once the Muse Hub is installed L7zGF69g2C8-00007-00002400-00002730 you'll see the available Sounds here in the main section and also in L7zGF69g2C8-00008-00002730-00002850 the sounds section. L7zGF69g2C8-00009-00003100-00003429 Just select the sounds you want and they'll begin downloading right away. L7zGF69g2C8-00010-00003440-00003800 Once they're fully downloaded, just launch MuseScore and the new sounds will L7zGF69g2C8-00011-00003800-00004190 be assigned by default. Bear in mind that if you've not yet downloaded the sounds L7zGF69g2C8-00012-00004190-00004520 for a specific instrument family MuseScore will default to its native L7zGF69g2C8-00013-00004520-00004700 sound font Muse Basic instead. L7zGF69g2C8-00014-00004730-00005070 Also make sure to try out our new suite of VST effects L7zGF69g2C8-00015-00005070-00005270 which you'll find in the effects section. L7zGF69g2C8-00016-00005390-00005720 Once downloaded these can be applied in our new mixer panel. L7zGF69g2C8-00017-00005900-00006100 Thanks a lot and take care! L7T0NG8eZ3u-00000-00001696-00002240 i remember the day i even wrote down the date that i fell for you L7T0NG8eZ3u-00001-00002496-00003104 and now it's crossed out and read but i still can't forget if i wanted to L7T0NG8eZ3u-00002-00003360-00004384 and it drives me insane think i'm hearing your name everywhere i go but you're stalling my head L7T0NG8eZ3u-00003-00004504-00004696 it's just all in my head L7T0NG8eZ3u-00004-00005008-00005552 but you're watching me break all you up in three days or it's a new L7T0NG8eZ3u-00005-00005552-00006336 bouquet say and it's a mistake drink more troubles away one more glass of champagne and you know L7T0NG8eZ3u-00006-00006544-00007256 i'm the first to say that i'm not perfect and you're the first to say you want the best thing L7T0NG8eZ3u-00007-00007352-00008584 but now i know a perfect way to let you go get my last hello hope it's worth it he's your perfect L7T0NG8eZ3u-00008-00009832-00010832 no matter what i do but you won't see me break all you up in three days off it's a new bouquet L7T0NG8eZ3u-00009-00010912-00011552 and it's a mistake drink my troubles away one more glass of champagne and you know L7T0NG8eZ3u-00010-00011760-00012048 i'm the first to say that i'm not perfect L7T0NG8eZ3u-00011-00012152-00012704 and you're the first to say you want the best thing but now i know a L7T0NG8eZ3u-00012-00013824-00014144 and you're the first to say you want the best thing L7T0NG8eZ3u-00013-00014240-00014872 but now i know a perfect way to let you go get my last love hope L7T0NG8eZ3u-00014-00015519-00015584 he is L7T0NG8eZ3u-00015-00016848-00016984 your perfect Lqo5cCoS_bu-00000-00000000-00000204 hey guys we are playing minecraft Lqo5cCoS_bu-00001-00000204-00000324 so lets git going guys Lqo5cCoS_bu-00002-00002628-00002788 so we are playing online Lqo5cCoS_bu-00003-00004280-00004416 plz sub to my channel Lqo5cCoS_bu-00004-00004520-00004640 and like my videos Lqo5cCoS_bu-00005-00004892-00005100 and be sure comment to my videos Lqo5cCoS_bu-00006-00005958-00006102 sorry for the lag guys Lqo5cCoS_bu-00007-00009394-00009586 plz make sure add me on switch Lqo5cCoS_bu-00008-00011960-00012088 lets play this game Lqo5cCoS_bu-00009-00018802-00018930 this is a cool build Lqo5cCoS_bu-00010-00019426-00019610 bo mining class this be cool Lqo5cCoS_bu-00011-00020102-00020302 no thank you i how play the game Lqo5cCoS_bu-00012-00020702-00020878 so lets mine some gold bady Lqo5cCoS_bu-00013-00047286-00047598 thanks for watching and i see u in next video bye Lr1bZu46ljI-00000-00000248-00000521 where is your brush? Lr1bZu46ljI-00001-00000521-00000621 Find it. Lr1bZu46ljI-00002-00000621-00000846 FInd it, okay I will find it. Lr1bZu46ljI-00003-00000846-00001262 where is your brush? where is brush, I can't find it. Lr1bZu46ljI-00004-00001262-00001859 where is brush oh no , brush gone Lr1bZu46ljI-00005-00001859-00002388 show me where is brush ohhh Lr1bZu46ljI-00006-00002388-00002913 you found it where is brush Lr1bZu46ljI-00007-00002913-00004157 where is brush I don't know where is Lr1bZu46ljI-00008-00004157-00004831 brush Kaira is hiding it LunEIu03t6Y-00000-00002104-00002240 DES CARTES. LunEIu03t6Y-00001-00002240-00002639 Rene des Cartes Duperron, better known as Des Cartes, the father of LunEIu03t6Y-00002-00002639-00003149 modern philosophy, was born at La Haye, in Touraine, of Breton parents, LunEIu03t6Y-00003-00003149-00003590 near the close of the sixteenth century, at a time when Bacon was like LunEIu03t6Y-00004-00003590-00004105 the morning sun, rising to shed new rays of bright light over the then LunEIu03t6Y-00005-00004105-00004341 dark world of philosophy. LunEIu03t6Y-00006-00004341-00004633 The mother of Des Cartes died while he was but LunEIu03t6Y-00007-00004633-00005136 a few days old, and himself a sickly child, he began to take part in LunEIu03t6Y-00008-00005136-00005550 the battle of life with but little appearance of ever possessing the LunEIu03t6Y-00009-00005550-00006077 capability for action on the minds of his fellows, which he afterwards LunEIu03t6Y-00010-00006077-00006208 so fully exercised. LunEIu03t6Y-00011-00006208-00006559 Debarred, however, by his physical weakness from LunEIu03t6Y-00012-00006559-00007104 many boyish pursuits, he devoted himself to study in his earliest years, LunEIu03t6Y-00013-00007104-00007534 and during his youth gained the title of the young philosopher, from LunEIu03t6Y-00014-00007534-00008017 his eagerness to learn, and from his earnest endeavors by inquiry LunEIu03t6Y-00015-00008017-00008568 and experiment to solve every problem presented to his notice. LunEIu03t6Y-00016-00008568-00008872 He was educated in the Jesuits' College of La Flèche; LunEIu03t6Y-00017-00008872-00009289 and the monument erected to him at Stockholm informs us, "That having LunEIu03t6Y-00018-00009289-00009767 mastered all the learning of the schools, which proved short of his LunEIu03t6Y-00019-00009767-00010244 expectations, he betook himself to the army in Germany and Hungary, LunEIu03t6Y-00020-00010244-00010692 and there spent his vacant winter hours in comparing the mysteries and LunEIu03t6Y-00021-00010692-00011222 phenomena of nature with the laws of mathematics, daring to hope that the LunEIu03t6Y-00022-00011222-00011558 one might serve as a key to the other. LunEIu03t6Y-00023-00011558-00011954 Quitting, therefore, all other pursuits, he retired to a LunEIu03t6Y-00024-00011954-00012386 little village near Egmont, in Holland, where spending twenty-five years LunEIu03t6Y-00025-00012386-00012889 in continual reading and meditation, he effected his design." LunEIu03t6Y-00026-00012889-00013400 In his celebrated "Discourse on Method," he says,--"As soon as my age LunEIu03t6Y-00027-00013400-00013980 permitted me to leave my preceptors, I entirely gave up the study of LunEIu03t6Y-00028-00013980-00014456 letters; and, resolving to seek no other science than that which I could LunEIu03t6Y-00029-00014456-00014957 find in myself, or else in the great book of the world, I employed LunEIu03t6Y-00030-00014957-00015461 the remainder of my youth in travel--in seeing courts and camps--in LunEIu03t6Y-00031-00015461-00015874 frequenting people of diverse humors and conditions--in collecting LunEIu03t6Y-00032-00015874-00016438 various experiences; and, above all, in endeavoring to draw some LunEIu03t6Y-00033-00016438-00016763 profitable reflection from what I saw. LunEIu03t6Y-00034-00016763-00017270 For it seemed to me that I should meet with more truth in the reasonings which LunEIu03t6Y-00035-00017270-00017773 each man makes in his own affairs, and which, if wrong, would be speedily LunEIu03t6Y-00036-00017773-00018176 punished by failure, than in those reasonings which the philosopher LunEIu03t6Y-00037-00018176-00018712 makes in his study upon speculations which produce no effect, and LunEIu03t6Y-00038-00018712-00019163 which are of no consequence to him, except perhaps that he will be the LunEIu03t6Y-00039-00019163-00019605 more vain of them, the more remote they are from common sense, because LunEIu03t6Y-00040-00019605-00020100 he would then have been forced to employ more ingenuity and subtlety LunEIu03t6Y-00041-00020100-00020313 to render them plausible." LunEIu03t6Y-00042-00020313-00020684 At the age of thirty-three Des Cartes retired from the world for a LunEIu03t6Y-00043-00020684-00021169 period of eight years, and his seclusion was so effectual during that LunEIu03t6Y-00044-00021169-00021592 time, that his place of residence was unknown to his friends. LunEIu03t6Y-00045-00021592-00022004 He there prepared the "Meditations," and "Discourse LunEIu03t6Y-00046-00022004-00022498 on Method," which have since caused so much pen-and-ink warfare amongst LunEIu03t6Y-00047-00022498-00022989 those who have aspired to be ranked as philosophical thinkers. LunEIu03t6Y-00048-00022989-00023531 He became European in fame; and, invited by Christina of Sweden, he visited LunEIu03t6Y-00049-00023531-00024012 her kingdom, but the rudeness of the climate proved too much for his delicate LunEIu03t6Y-00050-00024012-00024482 frame, and he died at Stockholm in the year 1650, from inflammation LunEIu03t6Y-00051-00024482-00024865 of the lungs, being fifty-four years of age at the time of his LunEIu03t6Y-00052-00024865-00024965 death. LunEIu03t6Y-00053-00024965-00025457 Des Cartes was perhaps the most original thinker that France had up LunEIu03t6Y-00054-00025457-00026006 to that date produced; and, contemporary with Bacon, he exercised a LunEIu03t6Y-00055-00026006-00026466 powerful influence or the progress of thought in Europe; but although a LunEIu03t6Y-00056-00026466-00026991 great thinker, he was not a brave man, and the fear of giving offence LunEIu03t6Y-00057-00026991-00027404 to the church and government, has certainly prevented him from making LunEIu03t6Y-00058-00027404-00027863 public some of his writings, and perhaps has toned down some of these LunEIu03t6Y-00059-00027863-00028288 thoughts which, when first uttered, took a higher flight, and struck LunEIu03t6Y-00060-00028288-00028573 full home to the truth itself. LunEIu03t6Y-00061-00028573-00029016 The father and founder of the deductive method, Des Cartes still proudly LunEIu03t6Y-00062-00029016-00029376 reigns to the present day, although some of his conclusions have LunEIu03t6Y-00063-00029376-00029748 been over-turned, and others of his thinkings have been carried to LunEIu03t6Y-00064-00029748-00030137 conclusions which he never dared to dream of. LunEIu03t6Y-00065-00030137-00030675 He gave a strong aid to the tendency of advancing civilization, to LunEIu03t6Y-00066-00030675-00031211 separate philosophy from theology, thereby striking a blow, slow in LunEIu03t6Y-00067-00031211-00031864 its effect, and effectual in its destructive operation, on all priestcraft. LunEIu03t6Y-00068-00031864-00032363 In his dedication ol the "Meditations," he says,--"I have always thought LunEIu03t6Y-00069-00032363-00032821 that the two questions of the existence of God and the nature of LunEIu03t6Y-00070-00032821-00033288 the soul, were the chief of those which ought to be demonstrated rather LunEIu03t6Y-00071-00033288-00033829 by philosophy than by theology; for although it is sufficient for LunEIu03t6Y-00072-00033829-00034312 us, the faithful, to believe in God, and that the soul does not perish LunEIu03t6Y-00073-00034312-00034835 with the body, it does not seem possible ever to persuade the Infidels LunEIu03t6Y-00074-00034835-00035455 to any religion, unless we first prove to them these two things by natural LunEIu03t6Y-00075-00035455-00035595 reason." LunEIu03t6Y-00076-00035595-00035986 Having relinquished faith, he found that he must choose an entirely new LunEIu03t6Y-00077-00035986-00036493 faith in which to march with reason; the old ways were so cumbered with LunEIu03t6Y-00078-00036493-00036996 priests and Bibles, that progression would have been impossible. LunEIu03t6Y-00079-00036996-00037188 This gave us his method. LunEIu03t6Y-00080-00037188-00037889 He wanted a starting point from which to reason, some indisputable fact upon which to found LunEIu03t6Y-00081-00037889-00038015 future thinkings. LunEIu03t6Y-00082-00038015-00038393 "He has given us the detailed history of his doubts. LunEIu03t6Y-00083-00038393-00038777 He has told us how he found that he could, plausibly enough, LunEIu03t6Y-00084-00038777-00039156 doubt of everything except his own existence. LunEIu03t6Y-00085-00039156-00039616 He pushed his scepticism to the verge of self-annihilation. LunEIu03t6Y-00086-00039616-00040026 There he stopped: there in self, there in his LunEIu03t6Y-00087-00040026-00040575 consciousness, he found at last an irresistible fact, an irreversible LunEIu03t6Y-00088-00040575-00040675 certainty. LunEIu03t6Y-00089-00040675-00040884 Firm ground was discovered. LunEIu03t6Y-00090-00040884-00041443 He could doubt the existence of the external world, and treat it as a phantasm. LunEIu03t6Y-00091-00041443-00041971 He could doubt the existence of God, and treat the belief as LunEIu03t6Y-00092-00041971-00042071 a superstition. LunEIu03t6Y-00093-00042071-00042487 But of the existence of his own thinking, doubting mind, LunEIu03t6Y-00094-00042487-00042693 no sort of doubt was possible. LunEIu03t6Y-00095-00042693-00043142 He, the doubter, existed if nothing else existed. LunEIu03t6Y-00096-00043142-00043395 The existence that was revealed to him in his LunEIu03t6Y-00097-00043395-00043972 own consciousness, was the primary fact, the first indubitable certainty. LunEIu03t6Y-00098-00043972-00044572 Hence his famous _Cogito ergo Sum_: I think, therefore I am." LunEIu03t6Y-00099-00044572-00044716 (_Lewes's Bio. LunEIu03t6Y-00100-00044716-00044816 Hist. LunEIu03t6Y-00101-00044816-00044916 Phil._) LunEIu03t6Y-00102-00044916-00045209 Proceeding from the certainty of his existence, Des Cartes endeavors LunEIu03t6Y-00103-00045209-00045686 to rind other equally certain tacts, and for that purpose presents LunEIu03t6Y-00104-00045686-00046185 the following doctrine and rules for our guidance:--The basis of all LunEIu03t6Y-00105-00046185-00046782 certitude is consciousness, consciousness is the sole foundation of LunEIu03t6Y-00106-00046782-00047351 absolute certainty, whatever it distinctly proclaims must be true. LunEIu03t6Y-00107-00047351-00047856 The process is, therefore, rendered clear and simple: examine your LunEIu03t6Y-00108-00047856-00048371 consciousness--each distinct reply will be a fact. LunEIu03t6Y-00109-00048371-00048843 He tells us further that all clear ideas are true--that whatever is LunEIu03t6Y-00110-00048843-00049418 clearly and distinctly conceived is true--and in these lie the vitality LunEIu03t6Y-00111-00049418-00049943 of his system, the cause of the truth or error of his thinkings. LunEIu03t6Y-00112-00049943-00050402 The following are the rules he gave us for the detection and separation LunEIu03t6Y-00113-00050402-00050966 of true ideas from false, (_i.e._, imperfect or complex):-- LunEIu03t6Y-00114-00050966-00051093 "1. LunEIu03t6Y-00115-00051093-00051715 Never to accept anything as true but what is evidently so; to admit LunEIu03t6Y-00116-00051715-00052274 nothing but what so clearly and distinctly presents itself as true, that LunEIu03t6Y-00117-00052274-00052539 there can be no reason to doubt it. LunEIu03t6Y-00118-00052539-00052639 "2. LunEIu03t6Y-00119-00052639-00053100 To divide every question into as many separate parts as possible, LunEIu03t6Y-00120-00053100-00053549 that each part being more easily conceived, the whole may be more LunEIu03t6Y-00121-00053549-00053657 intelligible. LunEIu03t6Y-00122-00053657-00053766 "3. LunEIu03t6Y-00123-00053766-00054242 To conduct the examination with order, beginning by that of objects LunEIu03t6Y-00124-00054242-00054757 the most simple, and therefore the easiest to be known, and ascending LunEIu03t6Y-00125-00054757-00055163 little by little up to knowledge of the most complex. LunEIu03t6Y-00126-00055163-00055272 "4. LunEIu03t6Y-00127-00055272-00055807 To make such exact calculations, and such circumspections as to be LunEIu03t6Y-00128-00055807-00056213 confident that nothing essential has been omitted. LunEIu03t6Y-00129-00056213-00056511 Consciousness being the basis of all certitude, everything of LunEIu03t6Y-00130-00056511-00056997 which you are clearly and distinctly conscious must be true: everything LunEIu03t6Y-00131-00056997-00057552 which you clearly and distinctly conceive, exists, if the idea of LunEIu03t6Y-00132-00057552-00057800 it involve existence." LunEIu03t6Y-00133-00057800-00058216 In these four rules we have the essential part of one half of Des LunEIu03t6Y-00134-00058216-00058651 Cartes's system, the other, which is equally important, is the attempt LunEIu03t6Y-00135-00058651-00059072 to solve metaphysical problems by mathematical aid. LunEIu03t6Y-00136-00059072-00059426 To mathematics he had devoted much of his time. LunEIu03t6Y-00137-00059426-00060022 He it was who, at the age of twenty three, made the grand discovery of the applicability LunEIu03t6Y-00138-00060022-00060306 of algebra to geometry. LunEIu03t6Y-00139-00060306-00060697 While deeply engaged in mathematical studies and investigations, he LunEIu03t6Y-00140-00060697-00061165 came to the conclusion that mathematics were capable of a still further LunEIu03t6Y-00141-00061165-00061627 simplification, and of much more extended application. LunEIu03t6Y-00142-00061627-00061919 Impressed with the certainty of the conclusions arrived at LunEIu03t6Y-00143-00061919-00062520 by the aid of mathematical reasoning, he began to apply mathematics to LunEIu03t6Y-00144-00062520-00062620 metaphysics. LunEIu03t6Y-00145-00062620-00062961 His ambition was to found a system which should be solid and LunEIu03t6Y-00146-00062961-00063070 convincing. LunEIu03t6Y-00147-00063070-00063502 Having searched for certitude, he had found _its basis_ in LunEIu03t6Y-00148-00063502-00063939 consciousness; he next wanted a _method_, and hoped he had found it in LunEIu03t6Y-00149-00063939-00064039 mathematics. LunEIu03t6Y-00150-00064039-00064427 He tells us that "those long chains of reasoning, all simple and LunEIu03t6Y-00151-00064427-00064874 easy, by which geometers used to arrive at their most difficult LunEIu03t6Y-00152-00064874-00065322 demonstrations, suggested to him that all things which came within human LunEIu03t6Y-00153-00065322-00065799 knowledge, must follow each other in a similar chain; and that provided LunEIu03t6Y-00154-00065799-00066267 we abstain from admitting anything as true which is not so, and that LunEIu03t6Y-00155-00066267-00066805 we always preserve in them the order necessary to deduce one from the LunEIu03t6Y-00156-00066805-00067318 other, there can be none so remote to which we cannot finally attain, LunEIu03t6Y-00157-00067318-00067737 nor so obscure but that we may discover them." LunEIu03t6Y-00158-00067737-00068175 Acting out this, he dealt with metaphysics as we should with a problem LunEIu03t6Y-00159-00068175-00068648 from Euclid, and expected by rigorous reasoning to discover the truth. LunEIu03t6Y-00160-00068648-00069112 He, like Archimedes, had wished for a standing place from which to use LunEIu03t6Y-00161-00069112-00069561 the lever, that should overturn the world; but, having a sure standing LunEIu03t6Y-00162-00069561-00070025 place in the indubitable fact of his own existence, he did not possess LunEIu03t6Y-00163-00070025-00070524 sufficient courage to put forth the mighty power--it was left for one LunEIu03t6Y-00164-00070524-00070999 who came after him to fairly attempt the over-throw of the world of error LunEIu03t6Y-00165-00070999-00071217 so long existent. LunEIu03t6Y-00166-00071217-00071598 Cartesianism was sufficiently obnoxious to the divines to provoke LunEIu03t6Y-00167-00071598-00072074 their wrath; and yet, from some of its peculiarities, it has found many LunEIu03t6Y-00168-00072074-00072355 opponents amongst the philosophical party. LunEIu03t6Y-00169-00072355-00072875 The Cartesian philosophy is founded on two great principles, the one LunEIu03t6Y-00170-00072875-00073056 metaphysical, the other physical. LunEIu03t6Y-00171-00073056-00073442 The metaphysical is Des Cartes's foundation-stone--the "I LunEIu03t6Y-00172-00073442-00073686 think, therefore I am." LunEIu03t6Y-00173-00073686-00074017 This has been warmly attacked as not being logical. LunEIu03t6Y-00174-00074017-00074386 Des Cartes said his existence was a fact--a fact above and LunEIu03t6Y-00175-00074386-00074869 beyond all logic; logic could neither prove nor disprove it. LunEIu03t6Y-00176-00074869-00075281 The _Cogito ergo Sum_ was not new itself, but it was the LunEIu03t6Y-00177-00075281-00075807 first stone of a new building--the first step in a new road: from LunEIu03t6Y-00178-00075807-00076336 this fact Des Cartes tried to reach another, and from that others. LunEIu03t6Y-00179-00076336-00076810 The physical principle is that nothing exists but substance, which LunEIu03t6Y-00180-00076810-00077351 he makes of two kinds--the one a substance that thinks, the other a LunEIu03t6Y-00181-00077351-00077499 substance extended. LunEIu03t6Y-00182-00077499-00077833 Actual thought and actual extension are the essence LunEIu03t6Y-00183-00077833-00078269 of substance, so that the thinking substance cannot be without some LunEIu03t6Y-00184-00078269-00078731 actual thought, nor can anything be retrenched from the extension of a LunEIu03t6Y-00185-00078731-00079181 thing, without taking away so much of its actual substance. LunEIu03t6Y-00186-00079181-00079612 In his physical speculations, Des Cartes has allowed his imagination LunEIu03t6Y-00187-00079612-00079835 to run very wild. LunEIu03t6Y-00188-00079835-00080176 His famous theory of vortices is an example of LunEIu03t6Y-00189-00080176-00080276 this. LunEIu03t6Y-00190-00080276-00080657 Assuming extension to be the essence of substance, he denied the LunEIu03t6Y-00191-00080657-00081191 possibility of a vacuum by that assumption; for if extension be the LunEIu03t6Y-00192-00081191-00081750 essence of substance, wherever extension is, there substance must be. LunEIu03t6Y-00193-00081750-00082156 This substance he assumes to have originally been divided into equal LunEIu03t6Y-00194-00082156-00082647 angular particles, each endowed with an equal degree of motion; several LunEIu03t6Y-00195-00082647-00083080 systems or collections of these particles he holds to have a motion LunEIu03t6Y-00196-00083080-00083535 about certain equidistant points, or centres, and that the particles LunEIu03t6Y-00197-00083535-00083980 moving round these composed so many vortices. LunEIu03t6Y-00198-00083980-00084368 These angular particles, by their intestine motions, he supposes to LunEIu03t6Y-00199-00084368-00084972 become, as it were, ground into a spherical form; the parts rubbed off LunEIu03t6Y-00200-00084972-00085406 are called matter of the first element, while the spherical globules LunEIu03t6Y-00201-00085406-00085824 he calls matter of the second element; and since there would be a LunEIu03t6Y-00202-00085824-00086227 large quantity of this element, he supposes it to be driven towards LunEIu03t6Y-00203-00086227-00086725 the centre of each vortex by the circular motion of the globules, and LunEIu03t6Y-00204-00086725-00087205 that there it forms a large spherical body such as the suu. LunEIu03t6Y-00205-00087205-00087725 This sun being thus formed, and moving about its own axis with the common LunEIu03t6Y-00206-00087725-00088202 matter of the vortex, would necessarily throw out some parts of its matter, LunEIu03t6Y-00207-00088202-00088611 through the vacuities of the globules of the second element constituting LunEIu03t6Y-00208-00088611-00089141 the vortex; and this especially at such places as are farthest LunEIu03t6Y-00209-00089141-00089686 from its poles: receiving, at the same time in, by these poles, as much LunEIu03t6Y-00210-00089686-00089988 as it loses in its equatorial parts. LunEIu03t6Y-00211-00089988-00090377 And, by these means, it would be able to carry round with it LunEIu03t6Y-00212-00090377-00090800 those globules that are nearest, with the greater velocity; and the LunEIu03t6Y-00213-00090800-00090961 remoter, with less. LunEIu03t6Y-00214-00090961-00091273 And, further: those globules which are nearest the LunEIu03t6Y-00215-00091273-00091743 centre of the sun, must be smallest; because, were they greater, LunEIu03t6Y-00216-00091743-00092136 or equal, they would, by reason of their velocity, have a greater LunEIu03t6Y-00217-00092136-00092504 centrifugal force, and recede from the centre. LunEIu03t6Y-00218-00092504-00092912 If it should happen that any of these sun-like bodies, in the centres LunEIu03t6Y-00219-00092912-00093373 of the several vortices, should be so in-crusted and weakened, as to LunEIu03t6Y-00220-00093373-00093818 be carried about in the vortex of the true sun: if it were of less LunEIu03t6Y-00221-00093818-00094245 solidity, or had less motion than the globules towards the extremity of LunEIu03t6Y-00222-00094245-00094679 the solar vortex, it would descend towards the sun, till it met with LunEIu03t6Y-00223-00094679-00095223 globules of the same solidity, and susceptible of the same degree of motion LunEIu03t6Y-00224-00095223-00095736 with itself* and thus, being fixed there, it would be for ever after LunEIu03t6Y-00225-00095736-00096156 carried about by the motion of the vortex, without either approaching LunEIu03t6Y-00226-00096156-00096739 any nearer to, or receding from the sun, and so become a planet. LunEIu03t6Y-00227-00096739-00097213 Supposing, then, all this, we are next to imagine that our system LunEIu03t6Y-00228-00097213-00097674 was at first divided into several vortices, in the centre of each of LunEIu03t6Y-00229-00097674-00098197 which was a lucid spherical body; and that some of these being gradually LunEIu03t6Y-00230-00098197-00098672 incrustated, were swallowed up by others which were larger, and more powerful, LunEIu03t6Y-00231-00098672-00099032 till at last they were all destroyed and swallowed up by the LunEIu03t6Y-00232-00099032-00099537 biggest solar vortex, except some few which were thrown off in right LunEIu03t6Y-00233-00099537-00099992 lines from one vortex to another, and so became comets. LunEIu03t6Y-00234-00099992-00100436 It should also be added, that in addition to the two elements mentioned above, those LunEIu03t6Y-00235-00100436-00100870 particles which may yet exist, and be only in the course of reduction LunEIu03t6Y-00236-00100870-00101337 to their globular form an it still retain their angular proportions, LunEIu03t6Y-00237-00101337-00101536 form a third element. LunEIu03t6Y-00238-00101536-00101926 This theory has found many opponents; but in this state of our work LunEIu03t6Y-00239-00101926-00102398 we conceive our duty to be that of giving a simple narrative of the LunEIu03t6Y-00240-00102398-00102748 philosopher's ideas, rather than a history of the various criticisms LunEIu03t6Y-00241-00102748-00103229 upon those ideas, the more especially as our pages scarcely afford room LunEIu03t6Y-00242-00103229-00103427 for such a mode of treatment. LunEIu03t6Y-00243-00103427-00103802 Having formed his method, Des Cartes proceeded to apply it. LunEIu03t6Y-00244-00103802-00104201 The basis of certitude being consciousness, he interrogated LunEIu03t6Y-00245-00104201-00104698 his consciousness, and found that he had an idea of a substance infinite, LunEIu03t6Y-00246-00104698-00105243 eternal, immutable, independent, omniscient, omnipotent. LunEIu03t6Y-00247-00105243-00105876 This he called an idea of God: he said, "I exist as a miserably imperfect LunEIu03t6Y-00248-00105876-00106500 finite being, subject to change--ignorant, incapable of creating anything--I LunEIu03t6Y-00249-00106500-00107022 find by my finitude that I am not the infinite; by my liability LunEIu03t6Y-00250-00107022-00107522 to change that I am not the immutable; by my ignorance that I am not the LunEIu03t6Y-00251-00107522-00108041 omniscient: in short, by my imperfection, that I am not the perfect. LunEIu03t6Y-00252-00108041-00108522 Yet an infinite, immutable, omniscient, and perfect being must LunEIu03t6Y-00253-00108522-00109068 exist, because infinity, immutability, omniscience, and perfection LunEIu03t6Y-00254-00109068-00109791 are applied as correlatives in my ideas of finitude, change, etc. LunEIu03t6Y-00255-00109791-00110372 God therefore exists: his existence is clearly proclaimed in my consciousness, LunEIu03t6Y-00256-00110372-00110768 and therefore ceases to be a matter of doubt any more than the fact of LunEIu03t6Y-00257-00110768-00110909 my own existence. LunEIu03t6Y-00258-00110909-00111205 The conception of an infinite being proved his LunEIu03t6Y-00259-00111205-00111741 real existence, for if there is not really such a being I must have made LunEIu03t6Y-00260-00111741-00112226 the conception; but if I could make it I can also unmake it, which LunEIu03t6Y-00261-00112226-00112770 evidently is not true; therefore there must be externally to myself, LunEIu03t6Y-00262-00112770-00113113 an archetype from which the conception was derived.".... LunEIu03t6Y-00263-00113113-00113817 "All that we clearly and distinctly conceive as contained in anything is true LunEIu03t6Y-00264-00113817-00113925 of that thing." LunEIu03t6Y-00265-00113925-00114431 "Now, we conceive clearly and distinctly that the existence of God is LunEIu03t6Y-00266-00114431-00115154 contained in the idea we have of him: ergo--God exists."--(_Lewes's Bio. LunEIu03t6Y-00267-00115154-00115258 Hist. LunEIu03t6Y-00268-00115258-00115364 Phil._) LunEIu03t6Y-00269-00115364-00115783 Des Cartes was of opinion that his demonstrations of the existence of LunEIu03t6Y-00270-00115783-00116403 God "equal or even surpass in certitude the demonstrations of geometry." LunEIu03t6Y-00271-00116403-00116699 In this opinion we must confess we cannot share. LunEIu03t6Y-00272-00116699-00117333 He has already told us that the basis of all certitude is consciousness--that LunEIu03t6Y-00273-00117333-00117650 whatever is clearly and distinctly conceived, must LunEIu03t6Y-00274-00117650-00118170 be true--that imperfect and complex conceptions are false ones. LunEIu03t6Y-00275-00118170-00118651 The first proposition, all must admit, is applicable to themselves. LunEIu03t6Y-00276-00118651-00119147 I conceive a fact clearly and distinctly, and, despite all resistance, am LunEIu03t6Y-00277-00119147-00119611 compelled to accept that fact; and if that fact be accepted beyond LunEIu03t6Y-00278-00119611-00120111 doubt, no higher degree of certainty can be attained, That two and two LunEIu03t6Y-00279-00120111-00120557 are four--that I exist--are facts which I never doubt. LunEIu03t6Y-00280-00120557-00121358 The _Cogito ergo Sum_ is irresistible, because indubitable; but _Cogito ergo Deus LunEIu03t6Y-00281-00121358-00121835 est_ is a sentence requiring much consideration, and upon the face of it LunEIu03t6Y-00282-00121835-00122259 is no syllogism, but, on the contrary, is illogical. LunEIu03t6Y-00283-00122259-00122631 If Des Cartes meant "I" am conscious that I am LunEIu03t6Y-00284-00122631-00123101 not the whole of existence, he would be indisputable; but if he meant LunEIu03t6Y-00285-00123101-00123752 that "I" can be conscious of an existence entirely distinct, apart from, LunEIu03t6Y-00286-00123752-00124185 and external to, that very consciousness, then his whole reasoning from LunEIu03t6Y-00287-00124185-00124468 that point appears fallacious. LunEIu03t6Y-00288-00124468-00124785 We use the word "I" as given by Des Cartes. LunEIu03t6Y-00289-00124785-00125211 Mill, in his "System of Logic," says, "The ambiguity in this case LunEIu03t6Y-00290-00125211-00125780 is in the pronoun I, by which in one place is to be understood _my will_: LunEIu03t6Y-00291-00125780-00126080 in another _the laws of my nature_. LunEIu03t6Y-00292-00126080-00126454 If the conception, existing as it does in my mind, had no LunEIu03t6Y-00293-00126454-00126941 original without, the conclusion would unquestionably follow that '1' LunEIu03t6Y-00294-00126941-00127414 had made it--that is, that the laws of my nature had spontaneously LunEIu03t6Y-00295-00127414-00127846 evolved it; but that my _will_ made it would not follow. LunEIu03t6Y-00296-00127846-00128246 Now, when Des Cartes afterwards adds that I cannot unmake LunEIu03t6Y-00297-00128246-00128674 the conception, he means that I cannot get rid of it by an act of my LunEIu03t6Y-00298-00128674-00129143 will, which is true; but is not the proposition required. LunEIu03t6Y-00299-00129143-00129691 That what some of the laws of my nature have produced, other laws, or those same laws LunEIu03t6Y-00300-00129691-00130159 in other circumstances, might not subsequently efface, he would have LunEIu03t6Y-00301-00130159-00130435 found it difficult to establish." LunEIu03t6Y-00302-00130435-00130874 Treating the existence of God as demonstrated from the _a priori_ idea LunEIu03t6Y-00303-00130874-00131462 of perfection and infinity, and by the clearness of his idea of God's LunEIu03t6Y-00304-00131462-00131837 existence, Des Cartes then proceeds to deal with the distinction between LunEIu03t6Y-00305-00131837-00132000 body and soul. LunEIu03t6Y-00306-00132000-00132350 To prove this distinction was to him an easy matter. LunEIu03t6Y-00307-00132350-00132802 The fundamental and essential attribute of substance must be extension, LunEIu03t6Y-00308-00132802-00133313 because we can denude substance of every quality but that of extension; LunEIu03t6Y-00309-00133313-00133752 this we cannot touch without at the same time affecting the substance.. LunEIu03t6Y-00310-00133752-00134250 The fundamental attribute of mind is thought; it is in the act of LunEIu03t6Y-00311-00134250-00134664 thinking that the consciousness of existence is revealed; to be without LunEIu03t6Y-00312-00134664-00134987 thought would be to be without consciousness. LunEIu03t6Y-00313-00134987-00135493 Des Cartes has given us, among others, the axiom "That two substances LunEIu03t6Y-00314-00135493-00136042 are really distinct when their ideas are complete, and no way imply each LunEIu03t6Y-00315-00136042-00136142 other. LunEIu03t6Y-00316-00136142-00136548 The idea of extension is complete and distinct from the idea of LunEIu03t6Y-00317-00136548-00136969 thought, which latter is also clear and distinct by itself. LunEIu03t6Y-00318-00136969-00137410 It follows, therefore, that substance and mind are distinct LunEIu03t6Y-00319-00137410-00137539 in essence." LunEIu03t6Y-00320-00137539-00137902 Des Cartes has, from the vagueness of some of his statements, subjected LunEIu03t6Y-00321-00137902-00138389 himself to the charge of asserting the existence of innate ideas, LunEIu03t6Y-00322-00138389-00138718 and the following quotations will speak for themselves on the LunEIu03t6Y-00323-00138718-00139236 subject:--"When I said that the idea of God is innate in us, I never LunEIu03t6Y-00324-00139236-00139783 meant more than this, that Nature has endowed us with a faculty by which LunEIu03t6Y-00325-00139783-00140306 we may know God; but I have never either said or thought that such ideas LunEIu03t6Y-00326-00140306-00140810 had an actual existence, or even that they were a species distinct from LunEIu03t6Y-00327-00140810-00141000 the faculty of thinking.... LunEIu03t6Y-00328-00141000-00141576 Although the idea of God is so imprinted on our minds, that every person has within him LunEIu03t6Y-00329-00141576-00142046 the faculty of knowing him, it does not follow that there may not have LunEIu03t6Y-00330-00142046-00142524 been various individuals who have passed through life without ever making LunEIu03t6Y-00331-00142524-00143042 this idea a distinct object of apprehension; and, in truth, they who think LunEIu03t6Y-00332-00143042-00143610 they have an idea of a plurality of Gods, have no idea of God whatever." LunEIu03t6Y-00333-00143610-00144005 This seems explicit as negativing the charge of holding the doctrine LunEIu03t6Y-00334-00144005-00144442 of innate ideas; but in the _Edinburgh Review_ several passages are LunEIu03t6Y-00335-00144442-00144897 given, amongst which is the following:--"By the word idea I understand LunEIu03t6Y-00336-00144897-00145315 all that can be in our thoughts; and I distinguish three sorts of LunEIu03t6Y-00337-00145315-00145888 ideas--adventitious, like the common idea of the sun, framed by the LunEIu03t6Y-00338-00145888-00146374 mind, such as that which astronomical reasoning gives of the sun; and LunEIu03t6Y-00339-00146374-00146960 innate, as the idea of God, mind, body, a triangle, and generally all LunEIu03t6Y-00340-00146960-00147440 those which represent true, immutable, and eternal essences." LunEIu03t6Y-00341-00147440-00148016 With regard to these rather opposite statements, Lewes says, "If Des Cartes, when LunEIu03t6Y-00342-00148016-00148446 pressed by objections, gave different explanations, we must only set it LunEIu03t6Y-00343-00148446-00148903 down to a want of a steady conception of the vital importance of innate LunEIu03t6Y-00344-00148903-00149089 ideas to his system. LunEIu03t6Y-00345-00149089-00149443 The fact remains that innate ideas form the necessary LunEIu03t6Y-00346-00149443-00149692 groundwork of the Cartesian doctrine.... LunEIu03t6Y-00347-00149692-00150351 The radical error of all ontological speculation lies in the assumption that we have ideas LunEIu03t6Y-00348-00150351-00150917 independent of experience; because experience can only tell us of ourselves LunEIu03t6Y-00349-00150917-00151321 or of phenomena; of noumena it can tell us nothing.... LunEIu03t6Y-00350-00151321-00151869 The fundamental question, then, of modern philosophy is this--Have we any ideas LunEIu03t6Y-00351-00151869-00152150 independent of experience?" LunEIu03t6Y-00352-00152150-00152618 Des Cartes's disciples are of two classes, the "mathematical cultivators LunEIu03t6Y-00353-00152618-00153037 of physic," and the "deductive cultivators of philosophy." LunEIu03t6Y-00354-00153037-00153379 The first class of disciples are far in advance of their LunEIu03t6Y-00355-00153379-00153747 chief, and can only be considered as having received an impulse in LunEIu03t6Y-00356-00153747-00153888 a true direction. LunEIu03t6Y-00357-00153888-00154308 The second class unhesitatingly accepted his principles, LunEIu03t6Y-00358-00154308-00154603 and continued his thinking, although they developed his system LunEIu03t6Y-00359-00154603-00155042 in a different manner, and arrived at stronger conclusions than Des Cartes's LunEIu03t6Y-00360-00155042-00155249 courage would have supported. LunEIu03t6Y-00361-00155249-00155552 Some of the physical speculations of Des Cartes have been LunEIu03t6Y-00362-00155552-00156072 much ridiculed by subsequent writers; but many reasons may be urged, not LunEIu03t6Y-00363-00156072-00156536 only against that ridicule, but also against the more moderate censure LunEIu03t6Y-00364-00156536-00156892 which several able critics have dealt out against the intellectual LunEIu03t6Y-00365-00156892-00157079 character of Des Cartes. LunEIu03t6Y-00366-00157079-00157309 It should be remembered that the theories of LunEIu03t6Y-00367-00157309-00157829 all his predecessors were mere conjectural speculations respecting the LunEIu03t6Y-00368-00157829-00158237 places and paths of celestial bodies, etc. LunEIu03t6Y-00369-00158237-00158739 Innumerable hypotheses had been formed and found useless; and we ought LunEIu03t6Y-00370-00158739-00159180 rather to look to what Des Cartes did accomplish under the many difficulties LunEIu03t6Y-00371-00159180-00159626 of his position, in respect to the then, state of scientific LunEIu03t6Y-00372-00159626-00160021 knowledge, than to judge harshly of those speculations, which, though LunEIu03t6Y-00373-00160021-00160466 attended with no beneficial result to humanity at large, were doubtless LunEIu03t6Y-00374-00160466-00160716 well intended by their author. LunEIu03t6Y-00375-00160716-00160980 He was the first man who brought optical science under the LunEIu03t6Y-00376-00160980-00161398 command of mathematics, by the discovery of the law of refraction of the LunEIu03t6Y-00377-00161398-00161857 ordinary ray through diaphanous bodies; and probably there is scarcely LunEIu03t6Y-00378-00161857-00162234 a name on record, the bearer of which has given a greater impulse to LunEIu03t6Y-00379-00162234-00162623 mathematical and philosophical inquiry than Des Cartes. LunEIu03t6Y-00380-00162623-00162972 Although, as a mathematician, he published but little, yet LunEIu03t6Y-00381-00162972-00163415 in every subject which he has treated he has opened, not only a new LunEIu03t6Y-00382-00163415-00163987 field lor investigation, but also a new road for the investigators to proceed LunEIu03t6Y-00383-00163987-00164087 by. LunEIu03t6Y-00384-00164087-00164366 His discovery of the simple application of the notation of LunEIu03t6Y-00385-00164366-00164887 indices to algebraical powers, has totally remodelled the whole science of LunEIu03t6Y-00386-00164887-00164989 algebra. LunEIu03t6Y-00387-00164989-00165340 His conception of expressing the fundamental property of curve LunEIu03t6Y-00388-00165340-00165849 lines and curve surfaces by equations between the co-ordinates has LunEIu03t6Y-00389-00165849-00166390 led to an almost total supersedence of the geometry of the ancients. LunEIu03t6Y-00390-00166390-00166726 Contemporary with Galileo, and with a knowledge of the persecution to LunEIu03t6Y-00391-00166726-00167136 which that father of physics was being subjected by the Church, we are LunEIu03t6Y-00392-00167136-00167525 tempted to express our surprise that Des Cartes did not extend the LunEIu03t6Y-00393-00167525-00167984 right hand of fellowship, help, and sympathy to his brother philosopher; LunEIu03t6Y-00394-00167984-00168382 but it is, nevertheless, the fact, that either jealous of the fame LunEIu03t6Y-00395-00168382-00168836 of Galileo (as some have alleged.) or from a fear of being involved LunEIu03t6Y-00396-00168836-00169328 in the same persecutions, Des Cartes abstained from visiting the astronomer, LunEIu03t6Y-00397-00169328-00169705 although travelling for some time near his place of abode in Italy. LunEIu03t6Y-00398-00169705-00170153 Lewes, in his "Life of Des Cartes," says, "Des Cartes was a great thinker; LunEIu03t6Y-00399-00170153-00170532 but having said this we have almost exhausted the praise we can LunEIu03t6Y-00400-00170532-00170779 bestow on him as a man. LunEIu03t6Y-00401-00170779-00171077 In disposition he was timid to servility. LunEIu03t6Y-00402-00171077-00171556 While promulgating the proofs of the existence of the Deity, he was in evident LunEIu03t6Y-00403-00171556-00171995 alarm lest the Church should see something objectionable in them. LunEIu03t6Y-00404-00171995-00172323 He had also written an astronomical treatise; but hearing of the LunEIu03t6Y-00405-00172323-00172841 fate of Galileo he refrained from publishing, and always used some chicanery LunEIu03t6Y-00406-00172841-00173067 in speaking of the world's movement. LunEIu03t6Y-00407-00173067-00173526 He was not a brave man; he was also not an affectionate one. LunEIu03t6Y-00408-00173526-00173901 There was in him a deficiency of all finer feelings. LunEIu03t6Y-00409-00173901-00174401 But he was even-tempered, and studious of not giving offence." LunEIu03t6Y-00410-00174401-00174795 We are tempted, after a careful perusal of the life and writings of Des LunEIu03t6Y-00411-00174795-00175171 Cartes and his contemporaries, to be of opinion that he was a man who LunEIu03t6Y-00412-00175171-00175625 wished to be considered the chief thinker of his day, and who shunned LunEIu03t6Y-00413-00175625-00176022 and rejected the offers of friendship from other philosophers, lest LunEIu03t6Y-00414-00176022-00176401 they, by being associated with him, should jointly wear laurels which LunEIu03t6Y-00415-00176401-00176857 he was cultivating solely to form a crown for himself. LunEIu03t6Y-00416-00176857-00177266 Despite all, his brow still bears a crown, and his fame has LunEIu03t6Y-00417-00177266-00177834 a freshness that we might all be justly proud of, if appertaining to ourselves. LunEIu03t6Y-00418-00177834-00178180 We trust that in these few pages we have succeeded in presenting Des LunEIu03t6Y-00419-00178180-00178648 Cartes, to such of our readers who were unacquainted with his writings, LunEIu03t6Y-00420-00178648-00179011 sufficiently well to enable them to appreciate him, and to induce LunEIu03t6Y-00421-00179011-00179406 them to search further; and at the same time we hope that those better LunEIu03t6Y-00422-00179406-00179799 acquainted with him will not blame as for the omission of much which LunEIu03t6Y-00423-00179799-00180186 they may consider more important than the matter which appears in this LunEIu03t6Y-00424-00180186-00180300 little tract. LunEIu03t6Y-00425-00180300-00180583 We have endeavored to picture Des Cartes as the founder LunEIu03t6Y-00426-00180583-00181025 of the deductive method, as having the foundation-stone of all his LunEIu03t6Y-00427-00181025-00181392 reasoning in his consciousness. LunEIu03t6Y-00428-00181392-00181568 "I" LvaG0FuMOnQ-00000-00000289-00000658 Good morning, Mr. Lynch. LvaG0FuMOnQ-00001-00000658-00001395 It's July 21, 2021 and it's a Wednesday. LvaG0FuMOnQ-00002-00001395-00001968 Here in Naples 33 celsius degrees and so about 92 fahrenheit. LvaG0FuMOnQ-00003-00001968-00002500 And this means that like in these days and in these period it's a very, very, very, very LvaG0FuMOnQ-00004-00002500-00002613 hot day. LvaG0FuMOnQ-00005-00002613-00002930 There's again the sun. LvaG0FuMOnQ-00006-00002930-00003850 Today I was thinking about the fact that I was able to get some sun for the first time LvaG0FuMOnQ-00007-00003850-00004394 this summer. LvaG0FuMOnQ-00008-00004394-00005325 And then I thought about the fact that yesterday instead of the weather report I uploaded a LvaG0FuMOnQ-00009-00005325-00006593 video in which I asked to guess which was the first score I have on my keyboard. LvaG0FuMOnQ-00010-00006593-00007511 I believe this series will continue with maybe 9 more videos. LvaG0FuMOnQ-00011-00007511-00008407 If someone wants to understand or know a little more, both on the issue of the sun and of LvaG0FuMOnQ-00012-00008407-00008764 the scores, LvaG0FuMOnQ-00013-00008764-00010046 I invite you to read the description, in which I add as soon the rest precisely because otherwise LvaG0FuMOnQ-00014-00010046-00010452 the video becomes too long. LvaG0FuMOnQ-00015-00010452-00011324 Anyway as he see from the mythical window with the coloured courtain, and now I speak LvaG0FuMOnQ-00016-00011324-00011424 in italian, LvaG0FuMOnQ-00017-00011424-00012289 yes as he see from the window we have again the sun and as I said in the previous days LvaG0FuMOnQ-00018-00012289-00012757 it would have rained until today and in fact it was just like that. LvaG0FuMOnQ-00019-00012757-00013006 From today we have again the sun. LvaG0FuMOnQ-00020-00013006-00013465 Great sunny day that allowed me to even go and get it for the first time. LvaG0FuMOnQ-00021-00013465-00014048 The sun is very important for me (I invite you to read the description, which I will LvaG0FuMOnQ-00022-00014048-00014560 add as soon as possible, to understand why or learn more). LvaG0FuMOnQ-00023-00014560-00014859 And now I speak again in English. LvaG0FuMOnQ-00024-00014859-00015884 And so for the previous reasons we have again those beautiful blue skies and golden sunshine LvaG0FuMOnQ-00025-00015884-00016140 all along away. LvaG0FuMOnQ-00026-00016140-00016658 So from the mythical window with the coloured courtains and from my mythical keyboard LvaG0FuMOnQ-00027-00016658-00017245 have a great day him and everyone too LxzuUWXFbAI-00000-00000000-00000200 Hello Lyek1Fl0iSo-00000-00002561-00004180 oh yes don't know yeah you're on your way Lyek1Fl0iSo-00001-00004180-00004661 yeah yeah the same the same the same hotel dining area Lyek1Fl0iSo-00002-00004661-00006059 yes that's what I am it's at the big desk catch rice and Toki 1900 rice and Lyek1Fl0iSo-00003-00006059-00006881 chicken mm so come be the cheap one these are Lyek1Fl0iSo-00004-00006881-00008795 300 how much I get now suppose get like to fight for my Ando 3 ka uka like that Lyek1Fl0iSo-00005-00008795-00009371 now we take our soo he was a joy because I carry on come this big hotel she Lyek1Fl0iSo-00006-00009371-00009829 respect me now ah see from the next meeting the next V Lyek1Fl0iSo-00007-00009829-00011063 tonight and I see she could do great - ah hello yeah I just come to the Lyek1Fl0iSo-00008-00011063-00011762 restaurant side now yeah it's Robin here alright LzfSmVjnvhy-00001-00000200-00000383 hello everybody how are you L-2AqNd2Br4-00000-00000010-00000096 DAYTON SAID HE WOULD ALLOW THAT L-2AqNd2Br4-00001-00000096-00000103 DAYTON SAID HE WOULD ALLOW THAT L-2AqNd2Br4-00002-00000103-00000407 DAYTON SAID HE WOULD ALLOW THAT TAX BILL TO BECOME LAW WITHOUT L-2AqNd2Br4-00003-00000407-00000413 DAYTON SAID HE WOULD ALLOW THAT TAX BILL TO BECOME LAW WITHOUT L-2AqNd2Br4-00004-00000413-00000617 DAYTON SAID HE WOULD ALLOW THAT TAX BILL TO BECOME LAW WITHOUT HIS SIGNATURE. L-2AqNd2Br4-00005-00000617-00000623 TAX BILL TO BECOME LAW WITHOUT HIS SIGNATURE. L-2AqNd2Br4-00006-00000623-00000704 TAX BILL TO BECOME LAW WITHOUT HIS SIGNATURE. >> DENNIS: BUG-O-NAY-GE-SHIG L-2AqNd2Br4-00007-00000704-00000710 HIS SIGNATURE. >> DENNIS: BUG-O-NAY-GE-SHIG L-2AqNd2Br4-00008-00000710-00001121 HIS SIGNATURE. >> DENNIS: BUG-O-NAY-GE-SHIG SCHOOL IN BENA ISN'T FORGET L-2AqNd2Br4-00009-00001121-00001127 >> DENNIS: BUG-O-NAY-GE-SHIG SCHOOL IN BENA ISN'T FORGET L-2AqNd2Br4-00010-00001127-00001284 >> DENNIS: BUG-O-NAY-GE-SHIG SCHOOL IN BENA ISN'T FORGET ABOUT STUDENTS WHO HAVE PASSED L-2AqNd2Br4-00011-00001284-00001291 SCHOOL IN BENA ISN'T FORGET ABOUT STUDENTS WHO HAVE PASSED L-2AqNd2Br4-00012-00001291-00001378 SCHOOL IN BENA ISN'T FORGET ABOUT STUDENTS WHO HAVE PASSED AWAY OVER THE YEARS. L-2AqNd2Br4-00013-00001378-00001384 ABOUT STUDENTS WHO HAVE PASSED AWAY OVER THE YEARS. L-2AqNd2Br4-00014-00001384-00001654 ABOUT STUDENTS WHO HAVE PASSED AWAY OVER THE YEARS. THEY HONOR THEM WITH A MEMORIAL L-2AqNd2Br4-00015-00001654-00001661 AWAY OVER THE YEARS. THEY HONOR THEM WITH A MEMORIAL L-2AqNd2Br4-00016-00001661-00001721 AWAY OVER THE YEARS. THEY HONOR THEM WITH A MEMORIAL FEAST. L-2AqNd2Br4-00017-00001721-00001728 THEY HONOR THEM WITH A MEMORIAL FEAST. L-2AqNd2Br4-00018-00001728-00001831 THEY HONOR THEM WITH A MEMORIAL FEAST. HAYDEE CLOTTER SHOWS US HOW A L-2AqNd2Br4-00019-00001831-00001838 FEAST. HAYDEE CLOTTER SHOWS US HOW A L-2AqNd2Br4-00020-00001838-00002235 FEAST. HAYDEE CLOTTER SHOWS US HOW A MEAL IS ALSO A FORM OF L-2AqNd2Br4-00021-00002235-00002242 HAYDEE CLOTTER SHOWS US HOW A MEAL IS ALSO A FORM OF L-2AqNd2Br4-00022-00002242-00002328 HAYDEE CLOTTER SHOWS US HOW A MEAL IS ALSO A FORM OF REMEMBRANCE. L-2AqNd2Br4-00023-00002328-00002335 MEAL IS ALSO A FORM OF REMEMBRANCE. L-2AqNd2Br4-00024-00002335-00002409 MEAL IS ALSO A FORM OF REMEMBRANCE. >> HAYDEE: HE REMEMBERS LIKE IT L-2AqNd2Br4-00025-00002409-00002415 REMEMBRANCE. >> HAYDEE: HE REMEMBERS LIKE IT L-2AqNd2Br4-00026-00002415-00002545 REMEMBRANCE. >> HAYDEE: HE REMEMBERS LIKE IT WAS YESTERDAY, BUT ON THAT DAY L-2AqNd2Br4-00027-00002545-00002552 >> HAYDEE: HE REMEMBERS LIKE IT WAS YESTERDAY, BUT ON THAT DAY L-2AqNd2Br4-00028-00002552-00002685 >> HAYDEE: HE REMEMBERS LIKE IT WAS YESTERDAY, BUT ON THAT DAY HIS LIFE CHANGED FOREVER. L-2AqNd2Br4-00029-00002685-00002692 WAS YESTERDAY, BUT ON THAT DAY HIS LIFE CHANGED FOREVER. L-2AqNd2Br4-00030-00002692-00002899 WAS YESTERDAY, BUT ON THAT DAY HIS LIFE CHANGED FOREVER. >> SHE WAS DELIVERING HER SCHOOL L-2AqNd2Br4-00031-00002899-00002906 HIS LIFE CHANGED FOREVER. >> SHE WAS DELIVERING HER SCHOOL L-2AqNd2Br4-00032-00002906-00002989 HIS LIFE CHANGED FOREVER. >> SHE WAS DELIVERING HER SCHOOL PICTURES THAT DAY. L-2AqNd2Br4-00033-00002989-00002996 >> SHE WAS DELIVERING HER SCHOOL PICTURES THAT DAY. L-2AqNd2Br4-00034-00002996-00003059 >> SHE WAS DELIVERING HER SCHOOL PICTURES THAT DAY. HERE IT IS. L-2AqNd2Br4-00035-00003059-00003066 PICTURES THAT DAY. HERE IT IS. L-2AqNd2Br4-00036-00003066-00003249 PICTURES THAT DAY. HERE IT IS. NEVER MADE IT TO OUR HOUSE. L-2AqNd2Br4-00037-00003249-00003256 HERE IT IS. NEVER MADE IT TO OUR HOUSE. L-2AqNd2Br4-00038-00003256-00003426 HERE IT IS. NEVER MADE IT TO OUR HOUSE. SCHOOL BUS KILLED HER IN FRONT L-2AqNd2Br4-00039-00003426-00003433 NEVER MADE IT TO OUR HOUSE. SCHOOL BUS KILLED HER IN FRONT L-2AqNd2Br4-00040-00003433-00003543 NEVER MADE IT TO OUR HOUSE. SCHOOL BUS KILLED HER IN FRONT OF OUR HOUSE. L-2AqNd2Br4-00041-00003543-00003550 SCHOOL BUS KILLED HER IN FRONT OF OUR HOUSE. L-2AqNd2Br4-00042-00003550-00003686 SCHOOL BUS KILLED HER IN FRONT OF OUR HOUSE. >> IT'S JUST SOMETHING THAT WE L-2AqNd2Br4-00043-00003686-00003693 OF OUR HOUSE. >> IT'S JUST SOMETHING THAT WE L-2AqNd2Br4-00044-00003693-00003857 OF OUR HOUSE. >> IT'S JUST SOMETHING THAT WE DO TRADITIONALLY, LIKE WE'VE GOT L-2AqNd2Br4-00045-00003857-00003863 >> IT'S JUST SOMETHING THAT WE DO TRADITIONALLY, LIKE WE'VE GOT L-2AqNd2Br4-00046-00003863-00004070 >> IT'S JUST SOMETHING THAT WE DO TRADITIONALLY, LIKE WE'VE GOT TO GO TO THIS, BECAUSE AMY L-2AqNd2Br4-00047-00004070-00004077 DO TRADITIONALLY, LIKE WE'VE GOT TO GO TO THIS, BECAUSE AMY L-2AqNd2Br4-00048-00004077-00004551 DO TRADITIONALLY, LIKE WE'VE GOT TO GO TO THIS, BECAUSE AMY WOULD -- YOU KNOW, IF SHE WAS L-2AqNd2Br4-00049-00004551-00004557 TO GO TO THIS, BECAUSE AMY WOULD -- YOU KNOW, IF SHE WAS L-2AqNd2Br4-00050-00004557-00004894 TO GO TO THIS, BECAUSE AMY WOULD -- YOU KNOW, IF SHE WAS HERE, WE WOULDN'T HAVE TO BE L-2AqNd2Br4-00051-00004894-00004901 WOULD -- YOU KNOW, IF SHE WAS HERE, WE WOULDN'T HAVE TO BE L-2AqNd2Br4-00052-00004901-00004941 WOULD -- YOU KNOW, IF SHE WAS HERE, WE WOULDN'T HAVE TO BE HERE. L-2AqNd2Br4-00053-00004941-00004948 HERE, WE WOULDN'T HAVE TO BE HERE. L-2AqNd2Br4-00054-00004948-00004994 HERE, WE WOULDN'T HAVE TO BE HERE. >> HAYDEE: WHILE L-2AqNd2Br4-00055-00004994-00005001 HERE. >> HAYDEE: WHILE L-2AqNd2Br4-00056-00005001-00005105 HERE. >> HAYDEE: WHILE BUG-O-NAY-GE-SHIG IS WRAPPING UP L-2AqNd2Br4-00057-00005105-00005111 >> HAYDEE: WHILE BUG-O-NAY-GE-SHIG IS WRAPPING UP L-2AqNd2Br4-00058-00005111-00005241 >> HAYDEE: WHILE BUG-O-NAY-GE-SHIG IS WRAPPING UP THE SCHOOL YEAR, STAFF, SCHOOL L-2AqNd2Br4-00059-00005241-00005248 BUG-O-NAY-GE-SHIG IS WRAPPING UP THE SCHOOL YEAR, STAFF, SCHOOL L-2AqNd2Br4-00060-00005248-00005395 BUG-O-NAY-GE-SHIG IS WRAPPING UP THE SCHOOL YEAR, STAFF, SCHOOL AND FAMILIES LOOK AHEAD TO THE L-2AqNd2Br4-00061-00005395-00005402 THE SCHOOL YEAR, STAFF, SCHOOL AND FAMILIES LOOK AHEAD TO THE L-2AqNd2Br4-00062-00005402-00005542 THE SCHOOL YEAR, STAFF, SCHOOL AND FAMILIES LOOK AHEAD TO THE FUTURE BUT REMEMBER THOSE WHO L-2AqNd2Br4-00063-00005542-00005548 AND FAMILIES LOOK AHEAD TO THE FUTURE BUT REMEMBER THOSE WHO L-2AqNd2Br4-00064-00005548-00005682 AND FAMILIES LOOK AHEAD TO THE FUTURE BUT REMEMBER THOSE WHO AREN'T PHYSICALLY HERE. L-2AqNd2Br4-00065-00005682-00005689 FUTURE BUT REMEMBER THOSE WHO AREN'T PHYSICALLY HERE. L-2AqNd2Br4-00066-00005689-00005802 FUTURE BUT REMEMBER THOSE WHO AREN'T PHYSICALLY HERE. >> IT'S A NICE TIME TO GET L-2AqNd2Br4-00067-00005802-00005809 AREN'T PHYSICALLY HERE. >> IT'S A NICE TIME TO GET L-2AqNd2Br4-00068-00005809-00005929 AREN'T PHYSICALLY HERE. >> IT'S A NICE TIME TO GET TOGETHER AND REMEMBER FAMILIES L-2AqNd2Br4-00069-00005929-00005935 >> IT'S A NICE TIME TO GET TOGETHER AND REMEMBER FAMILIES L-2AqNd2Br4-00070-00005935-00006169 >> IT'S A NICE TIME TO GET TOGETHER AND REMEMBER FAMILIES AND FRIENDS AND FAMILY MEMBERS L-2AqNd2Br4-00071-00006169-00006176 TOGETHER AND REMEMBER FAMILIES AND FRIENDS AND FAMILY MEMBERS L-2AqNd2Br4-00072-00006176-00006486 TOGETHER AND REMEMBER FAMILIES AND FRIENDS AND FAMILY MEMBERS THAT HAVE PASSED ON. L-2AqNd2Br4-00073-00006486-00006493 AND FRIENDS AND FAMILY MEMBERS THAT HAVE PASSED ON. L-2AqNd2Br4-00074-00006493-00006589 AND FRIENDS AND FAMILY MEMBERS THAT HAVE PASSED ON. >> HAYDEE: ABOUT 50 PEOPLE WERE L-2AqNd2Br4-00075-00006589-00006596 THAT HAVE PASSED ON. >> HAYDEE: ABOUT 50 PEOPLE WERE L-2AqNd2Br4-00076-00006596-00006750 THAT HAVE PASSED ON. >> HAYDEE: ABOUT 50 PEOPLE WERE IN THE GYM FOR A MEMORIAL FEAST L-2AqNd2Br4-00077-00006750-00006756 >> HAYDEE: ABOUT 50 PEOPLE WERE IN THE GYM FOR A MEMORIAL FEAST L-2AqNd2Br4-00078-00006756-00006886 >> HAYDEE: ABOUT 50 PEOPLE WERE IN THE GYM FOR A MEMORIAL FEAST TO HONOR STUDENTS WHO PASSED L-2AqNd2Br4-00079-00006886-00006893 IN THE GYM FOR A MEMORIAL FEAST TO HONOR STUDENTS WHO PASSED L-2AqNd2Br4-00080-00006893-00007120 IN THE GYM FOR A MEMORIAL FEAST TO HONOR STUDENTS WHO PASSED AWAY AND ATTENDED THE SCHOOL. L-2AqNd2Br4-00081-00007120-00007127 TO HONOR STUDENTS WHO PASSED AWAY AND ATTENDED THE SCHOOL. L-2AqNd2Br4-00082-00007127-00007293 TO HONOR STUDENTS WHO PASSED AWAY AND ATTENDED THE SCHOOL. THIS YEAR 17 NAMES WERE ADDED, L-2AqNd2Br4-00083-00007293-00007300 AWAY AND ATTENDED THE SCHOOL. THIS YEAR 17 NAMES WERE ADDED, L-2AqNd2Br4-00084-00007300-00007797 AWAY AND ATTENDED THE SCHOOL. THIS YEAR 17 NAMES WERE ADDED, WHICH IS MORE THAN UNUSUAL. L-2AqNd2Br4-00085-00007797-00007804 THIS YEAR 17 NAMES WERE ADDED, WHICH IS MORE THAN UNUSUAL. L-2AqNd2Br4-00086-00007804-00007921 THIS YEAR 17 NAMES WERE ADDED, WHICH IS MORE THAN UNUSUAL. >> WE HAVE THE PICTURE AND L-2AqNd2Br4-00087-00007921-00007927 WHICH IS MORE THAN UNUSUAL. >> WE HAVE THE PICTURE AND L-2AqNd2Br4-00088-00007927-00008094 WHICH IS MORE THAN UNUSUAL. >> WE HAVE THE PICTURE AND HOPEFULLY THERE WILL BE OTHERS L-2AqNd2Br4-00089-00008094-00008101 >> WE HAVE THE PICTURE AND HOPEFULLY THERE WILL BE OTHERS L-2AqNd2Br4-00090-00008101-00008374 >> WE HAVE THE PICTURE AND HOPEFULLY THERE WILL BE OTHERS TO REMEMBER US AS WELL. L-2AqNd2Br4-00091-00008374-00008381 HOPEFULLY THERE WILL BE OTHERS TO REMEMBER US AS WELL. L-2AqNd2Br4-00092-00008381-00008521 HOPEFULLY THERE WILL BE OTHERS TO REMEMBER US AS WELL. >> HAYDEE: FAMILIES WILL ALSO L-2AqNd2Br4-00093-00008521-00008528 TO REMEMBER US AS WELL. >> HAYDEE: FAMILIES WILL ALSO L-2AqNd2Br4-00094-00008528-00008641 TO REMEMBER US AS WELL. >> HAYDEE: FAMILIES WILL ALSO RECEIVE A TIE CREATED BY L-2AqNd2Br4-00095-00008641-00008648 >> HAYDEE: FAMILIES WILL ALSO RECEIVE A TIE CREATED BY L-2AqNd2Br4-00096-00008648-00008762 >> HAYDEE: FAMILIES WILL ALSO RECEIVE A TIE CREATED BY STUDENTS THAT REPRESENTS A L-2AqNd2Br4-00097-00008762-00008768 RECEIVE A TIE CREATED BY STUDENTS THAT REPRESENTS A L-2AqNd2Br4-00098-00008768-00008912 RECEIVE A TIE CREATED BY STUDENTS THAT REPRESENTS A SYMBOL OF UNITY BETWEEN THE L-2AqNd2Br4-00099-00008912-00008918 STUDENTS THAT REPRESENTS A SYMBOL OF UNITY BETWEEN THE L-2AqNd2Br4-00100-00008918-00009059 STUDENTS THAT REPRESENTS A SYMBOL OF UNITY BETWEEN THE PEOPLE AND THE CREATOR. L-2AqNd2Br4-00101-00009059-00009065 SYMBOL OF UNITY BETWEEN THE PEOPLE AND THE CREATOR. L-2AqNd2Br4-00102-00009065-00009215 SYMBOL OF UNITY BETWEEN THE PEOPLE AND THE CREATOR. >> TOBACCO TIES ARE MADE OF L-2AqNd2Br4-00103-00009215-00009222 PEOPLE AND THE CREATOR. >> TOBACCO TIES ARE MADE OF L-2AqNd2Br4-00104-00009222-00009586 PEOPLE AND THE CREATOR. >> TOBACCO TIES ARE MADE OF CEDAR AND RED CLOTH WITH LOOSE L-2AqNd2Br4-00105-00009586-00009592 >> TOBACCO TIES ARE MADE OF CEDAR AND RED CLOTH WITH LOOSE L-2AqNd2Br4-00106-00009592-00009726 >> TOBACCO TIES ARE MADE OF CEDAR AND RED CLOTH WITH LOOSE TOBACCO INSIDE. L-2AqNd2Br4-00107-00009726-00009733 CEDAR AND RED CLOTH WITH LOOSE TOBACCO INSIDE. L-2AqNd2Br4-00108-00009733-00009993 CEDAR AND RED CLOTH WITH LOOSE TOBACCO INSIDE. TOBACCO IS USED BY TRADITIONAL L-2AqNd2Br4-00109-00009993-00009999 TOBACCO INSIDE. TOBACCO IS USED BY TRADITIONAL L-2AqNd2Br4-00110-00009999-00010150 TOBACCO INSIDE. TOBACCO IS USED BY TRADITIONAL PEOPLE IN PRAYER. L-2AqNd2Br4-00111-00010150-00010156 TOBACCO IS USED BY TRADITIONAL PEOPLE IN PRAYER. L-2AqNd2Br4-00112-00010156-00010263 TOBACCO IS USED BY TRADITIONAL PEOPLE IN PRAYER. >> HAYDEE: FOR SOME FAMILIES, L-2AqNd2Br4-00113-00010263-00010270 PEOPLE IN PRAYER. >> HAYDEE: FOR SOME FAMILIES, L-2AqNd2Br4-00114-00010270-00010383 PEOPLE IN PRAYER. >> HAYDEE: FOR SOME FAMILIES, THIS FEAST IS ALSO A WAY TO L-2AqNd2Br4-00115-00010383-00010390 >> HAYDEE: FOR SOME FAMILIES, THIS FEAST IS ALSO A WAY TO L-2AqNd2Br4-00116-00010390-00010557 >> HAYDEE: FOR SOME FAMILIES, THIS FEAST IS ALSO A WAY TO ALLEVIATE SOME OF THE PAIN IN L-2AqNd2Br4-00117-00010557-00010563 THIS FEAST IS ALSO A WAY TO ALLEVIATE SOME OF THE PAIN IN L-2AqNd2Br4-00118-00010563-00010663 THIS FEAST IS ALSO A WAY TO ALLEVIATE SOME OF THE PAIN IN LOSING SOMEONE. L-2AqNd2Br4-00119-00010663-00010670 ALLEVIATE SOME OF THE PAIN IN LOSING SOMEONE. L-2AqNd2Br4-00120-00010670-00010890 ALLEVIATE SOME OF THE PAIN IN LOSING SOMEONE. >> WHAT WE DO IN COMMUNITY AND L-2AqNd2Br4-00121-00010890-00010897 LOSING SOMEONE. >> WHAT WE DO IN COMMUNITY AND L-2AqNd2Br4-00122-00010897-00011054 LOSING SOMEONE. >> WHAT WE DO IN COMMUNITY AND WHEN WE LOSE A LOVED ONE, WE'LL L-2AqNd2Br4-00123-00011054-00011061 >> WHAT WE DO IN COMMUNITY AND WHEN WE LOSE A LOVED ONE, WE'LL L-2AqNd2Br4-00124-00011061-00011237 >> WHAT WE DO IN COMMUNITY AND WHEN WE LOSE A LOVED ONE, WE'LL HAVE A FEAST FOR THEM, AND THAT L-2AqNd2Br4-00125-00011237-00011244 WHEN WE LOSE A LOVED ONE, WE'LL HAVE A FEAST FOR THEM, AND THAT L-2AqNd2Br4-00126-00011244-00011388 WHEN WE LOSE A LOVED ONE, WE'LL HAVE A FEAST FOR THEM, AND THAT BRINGS A LOT OF GOOD COMFORT TO L-2AqNd2Br4-00127-00011388-00011394 HAVE A FEAST FOR THEM, AND THAT BRINGS A LOT OF GOOD COMFORT TO L-2AqNd2Br4-00128-00011394-00011554 HAVE A FEAST FOR THEM, AND THAT BRINGS A LOT OF GOOD COMFORT TO THE FAMILY KNOWING THAT EVEN L-2AqNd2Br4-00129-00011554-00011561 BRINGS A LOT OF GOOD COMFORT TO THE FAMILY KNOWING THAT EVEN L-2AqNd2Br4-00130-00011561-00011721 BRINGS A LOT OF GOOD COMFORT TO THE FAMILY KNOWING THAT EVEN THOUGH OUR LOVED ONE IS GONE, WE L-2AqNd2Br4-00131-00011721-00011728 THE FAMILY KNOWING THAT EVEN THOUGH OUR LOVED ONE IS GONE, WE L-2AqNd2Br4-00132-00011728-00011995 THE FAMILY KNOWING THAT EVEN THOUGH OUR LOVED ONE IS GONE, WE STILL HAVE THEM IN OUR HEARTS L-2AqNd2Br4-00133-00011995-00012001 THOUGH OUR LOVED ONE IS GONE, WE STILL HAVE THEM IN OUR HEARTS L-2AqNd2Br4-00134-00012001-00012215 THOUGH OUR LOVED ONE IS GONE, WE STILL HAVE THEM IN OUR HEARTS AND OUR MINDS. L-2AqNd2Br4-00135-00012215-00012222 STILL HAVE THEM IN OUR HEARTS AND OUR MINDS. L-2AqNd2Br4-00136-00012222-00012382 STILL HAVE THEM IN OUR HEARTS AND OUR MINDS. >> HAYDEE: IN BENA, HAYDEE L-2AqNd2Br4-00137-00012382-00012389 AND OUR MINDS. >> HAYDEE: IN BENA, HAYDEE L-2AqNd2Br4-00138-00012389-00012485 AND OUR MINDS. >> HAYDEE: IN BENA, HAYDEE CLOTTER, LAKELAND NEWS. L-_IuwEM0jk-00000-00000000-00000440 Some of the strongest people I know have the resilience to be able to get through that L-_IuwEM0jk-00001-00000440-00001550 and to label everybody who has an addiction as weak or weakened is just unfair bullshit really. L-_IuwEM0jk-00002-00002269-00002500 G’Day there, Nick Bowditch here. Today, I would like to L-_IuwEM0jk-00003-00002500-00002769 talk about addiction. As many of you know L-_IuwEM0jk-00004-00002769-00003039 addiction is something that I have lived with in the past L-_IuwEM0jk-00005-00003039-00003329 something that I talk to a lot of my clients in a L-_IuwEM0jk-00006-00003329-00003629 one-on-one kind of therapeutic setting about their addiction L-_IuwEM0jk-00007-00003629-00004400 (and also mine) and something that I think can be lived with, can be overcome. L-_IuwEM0jk-00008-00004400-00004700 And for a lot of people sometimes that isn't the narrative that L-_IuwEM0jk-00009-00004700-00004950 isn't the story that they tell themselves. Today, L-_IuwEM0jk-00010-00004950-00005339 I'd like to talk about one very big myth about addiction L-_IuwEM0jk-00011-00005339-00005629 but there's kind of two there's another one too, the other L-_IuwEM0jk-00012-00005629-00005789 little one that I won't talk about today too L-_IuwEM0jk-00013-00005789-00006300 much but it comes from the fact that people think that people who are addicts L-_IuwEM0jk-00014-00006300-00006690 people who have an addiction are some in some way weak L-_IuwEM0jk-00015-00006690-00006890 or weaker than those people who don't L-_IuwEM0jk-00016-00006890-00007509 and that annoys me greatly because I know a lot of people that live with addictions. L-_IuwEM0jk-00017-00007509-00007820 I know a lot of people who've overcome them. And unfortunately, L-_IuwEM0jk-00018-00007820-00008190 I know a lot of people who have succumbed to their addiction L-_IuwEM0jk-00019-00008190-00008620 and weak is not a word I would use to describe them. Some of the strongest people. L-_IuwEM0jk-00020-00008620-00008990 I know live along the outside alongside that stuff L-_IuwEM0jk-00021-00008990-00009290 or have overcome that stuff some of the strongest people L-_IuwEM0jk-00022-00009290-00009540 I know have the resilience to be able to get through that L-_IuwEM0jk-00023-00009540-00009850 and to label everybody who has an addiction as weak L-_IuwEM0jk-00024-00009850-00010500 or weakened is just unfair bullshit really L-_IuwEM0jk-00025-00010500-00010729 but there's another bullshit thing about addiction L-_IuwEM0jk-00026-00010729-00010990 and that's something that you hear even more often L-_IuwEM0jk-00027-00010990-00011279 and that is the notion that there there is such a thing L-_IuwEM0jk-00028-00011279-00011579 as an addictive personality that I have an addictive personality. L-_IuwEM0jk-00029-00011579-00011850 so I'm I'm going to eat those jelly beans, L-_IuwEM0jk-00030-00011850-00012390 you know that kind of thing. It's been proven, scientifically proven, over L-_IuwEM0jk-00031-00012390-00012550 and over and over there's documentation L-_IuwEM0jk-00032-00012550-00013090 and loads and loads and loads of journal articles about this that there is it's not a link, L-_IuwEM0jk-00033-00013090-00013409 you know, addiction isn't a personality disorder. L-_IuwEM0jk-00034-00013409-00013940 It's a brain disorder. It's a complex mental health issue regardless of the person's personality. L-_IuwEM0jk-00035-00013940-00014169 It has nothing to do with personality types. L-_IuwEM0jk-00036-00014169-00014759 you know, and there's reasons why that is kind of harmful to L-_IuwEM0jk-00037-00014759-00015050 have in our vernacular to have in our in L-_IuwEM0jk-00038-00015050-00015380 our world in our world view the world narrative that you know, L-_IuwEM0jk-00039-00015380-00015700 if you have this addictive personality, you are more likely to be L-_IuwEM0jk-00040-00015700-00015969 addicted if you have this particular personality L-_IuwEM0jk-00041-00015969-00016019 and you know, L-_IuwEM0jk-00042-00016019-00016609 there's traits that sort of go with this addictive personality it somebody says, L-_IuwEM0jk-00043-00016609-00016780 you know will tell me more about that. Like L-_IuwEM0jk-00044-00016780-00016959 what does that look like in your life and they go you know, L-_IuwEM0jk-00045-00016959-00017380 I'm impulsive. I take risks, risky behavior. L-_IuwEM0jk-00046-00017380-00017950 I lack impulse control. I socially isolate I have big mood swings, L-_IuwEM0jk-00047-00017950-00018330 you know, whatever but there's really no evidence. L-_IuwEM0jk-00048-00018330-00018850 There's no evidence that links those traits to addiction. L-_IuwEM0jk-00049-00018850-00019059 OK, those traits might make up your personality L-_IuwEM0jk-00050-00019059-00019490 and some of that might not be you might not think is great about you or whatever, L-_IuwEM0jk-00051-00019490-00019800 but that doesn't mean you're any more or less likely to become addicted. L-_IuwEM0jk-00052-00019800-00020150 That's just not how it works its way more complex. L-_IuwEM0jk-00053-00020150-00020859 then that you know, so the reason this myth about the personality trait this L-_IuwEM0jk-00054-00020859-00021159 addictive personality thing even existing why it's harmful L-_IuwEM0jk-00055-00021159-00021400 why I think it's harmful is L-_IuwEM0jk-00056-00021400-00021950 because people can believe they're not at risk of addiction if L-_IuwEM0jk-00057-00021950-00022150 they don't have the right personality type L-_IuwEM0jk-00058-00022150-00022180 for it, L-_IuwEM0jk-00059-00022180-00022700 you know, if I don't consistently show risky behavior L-_IuwEM0jk-00060-00022700-00022780 or lack of impulse control L-_IuwEM0jk-00061-00022780-00023490 or whatever it might be of those lists things I listed before if I'm not showing any of L-_IuwEM0jk-00062-00023490-00023680 those things that I'm not going to become addicted. L-_IuwEM0jk-00063-00023680-00023930 I don't have to worry about it. I'm safe. You know, L-_IuwEM0jk-00064-00023930-00024350 that's not true. And it's extremely harmful L-_IuwEM0jk-00065-00024350-00024750 and potentially really dangerous for someone to think that they have this, L-_IuwEM0jk-00066-00024750-00024890 you know, get out of jail free card L-_IuwEM0jk-00067-00024890-00025009 because they don't take risks L-_IuwEM0jk-00068-00025009-00025540 and because they don't look like an addict or act like an addict that's the majority of people. L-_IuwEM0jk-00069-00025540-00025900 I know who live with their addiction who especially who functionally we L-_IuwEM0jk-00070-00025900-00026150 functionally live with their addiction they didn't L-_IuwEM0jk-00071-00026150-00026400 show any of those things it's just you know, L-_IuwEM0jk-00072-00026400-00026850 one day they develop this addiction to whatever they have an addiction to L-_IuwEM0jk-00073-00026850-00027100 and those things can vary just as just as widely, L-_IuwEM0jk-00074-00027100-00027469 you know, I work with people who have addictions to food L-_IuwEM0jk-00075-00027469-00027780 an unhealthy relationship with food certainly. L-_IuwEM0jk-00076-00027780-00028150 I have clients who have addictions to drugs and alcohol, L-_IuwEM0jk-00077-00028150-00028569 but I'd have just as many people who have an addiction to impulsive thought L-_IuwEM0jk-00078-00028569-00029150 or obsessive thinking or porn or sex or jellybeans or work or L-_IuwEM0jk-00079-00029150-00029739 exercise or Netflix like all of these things the same doesn't mean they have the personality for it. L-_IuwEM0jk-00080-00029739-00030110 So the first reason it's harmful is because people think well I don't have any of those traits, L-_IuwEM0jk-00081-00030110-00030489 so I'm not going to become addicted but the second and slightly more important, L-_IuwEM0jk-00082-00030489-00031050 I think, reason it's harmful is is that people who have an L-_IuwEM0jk-00083-00031050-00031510 addiction can think they'll never recover from it. L-_IuwEM0jk-00084-00031510-00031889 They'll never get past it they'll never learn to change their life L-_IuwEM0jk-00085-00031889-00032139 and change their thinking in a way that they can live with an addiction. L-_IuwEM0jk-00086-00032139-00032389 Or at least or at the most, L-_IuwEM0jk-00087-00032389-00032739 you know overcome it and get rid of that addiction because they think well, L-_IuwEM0jk-00088-00032739-00033139 I've got the personality, I have this addictive personality, there’s no hope for me. L-_IuwEM0jk-00089-00033139-00033680 Even if I get over this addiction. I'll pick up another addiction and I used to think that myself, L-_IuwEM0jk-00090-00033680-00034060 you know, I used to think well if I could just if I could just get a handle on this addiction. L-_IuwEM0jk-00091-00034060-00034239 I know that I'll get over that L-_IuwEM0jk-00092-00034239-00034719 but then I also know that I'll be addicted to something else. L-_IuwEM0jk-00093-00034719-00035019 It's not true. It was never true, you know, L-_IuwEM0jk-00094-00035019-00035460 so some people can think they can't be addicted because they don't have the personality. L-_IuwEM0jk-00095-00035460-00035669 Some people can think they can't get well L-_IuwEM0jk-00096-00035669-00036260 because they DO have this personality and that personality, this addictive personality thing. L-_IuwEM0jk-00097-00036260-00036630 It's just bullshit. It's not real. So, L-_IuwEM0jk-00098-00036630-00037010 you know addiction is caused by many many things, L-_IuwEM0jk-00099-00037010-00037730 you know, childhood trauma, biological factors, environmental factors, disconnection, mental illness, L-_IuwEM0jk-00100-00037730-00038039 you know, a lot of things can actually cause it L-_IuwEM0jk-00101-00038039-00038489 and can actually lead to it and exacerbate it and make it last longer in someone's life, L-_IuwEM0jk-00102-00038489-00038769 but it's not your personality. L-_IuwEM0jk-00103-00038769-00039119 So I'd really support you to hear this, if you're in the in that space where L-_IuwEM0jk-00104-00039119-00039339 you think you DO have in an addictive personality L-_IuwEM0jk-00105-00039339-00039900 or you're worried that that might be the case or that somebody in your family does so you will. L-_IuwEM0jk-00106-00039900-00040810 You know, I'd be very very careful who you listen to who you allow to steer your narrative L-_IuwEM0jk-00107-00040810-00041239 who you allow to tell your story whose story you pick up L-_IuwEM0jk-00108-00041239-00042289 and tell as your own because it's too easy to be kind of infected by the negative influence of L-_IuwEM0jk-00109-00042289-00042539 the media, the negative influence of that community voice, L-_IuwEM0jk-00110-00042539-00042900 sometimes that says, you know all addicts. are weak, all addicts have this L-_IuwEM0jk-00111-00042900-00043139 addictive personality if you have an addictive personality, L-_IuwEM0jk-00112-00043139-00043530 you will absolutely be addicted to something and it be the next thing if you get better, L-_IuwEM0jk-00113-00043530-00043819 you're never going to get better. You're never going to get past an addiction L-_IuwEM0jk-00114-00043819-00044089 because it's just not true. L-_IuwEM0jk-00115-00044089-00044730 It's just not true be really careful whose story you're living who's telling your story L-_IuwEM0jk-00116-00044730-00045210 and get out there and be strong enough and be resilient enough to tell your own story. L-_IuwEM0jk-00117-00045210-00045510 That's what the world needs. Let's carve out our own space. L-_IuwEM0jk-00118-00045510-00045850 Let's carve out our own story our own narrative L-_IuwEM0jk-00119-00045850-00045980 and don't get sucked into L-_IuwEM0jk-00120-00045980-00046519 what some people and some media outlets will say about you L-_IuwEM0jk-00121-00046519-00047039 or about somebody who thinks like you there is no such thing as the addictive personality. L-_IuwEM0jk-00122-00047039-00047450 its way WAY more complex than that. L-_IuwEM0jk-00123-00047450-00047910 And there's a lot of factors that go into it, but your personality isn't one of them. L-_IuwEM0jk-00124-00047910-00048039 I hope that helps hearing that L-_IuwEM0jk-00125-00048039-00048489 for somebody who might hear it today, it certainly helped me in my own life L-_IuwEM0jk-00126-00048489-00048900 and my own addiction journey when I realised that. L-_IuwEM0jk-00127-00048900-00049180 And yeah, I hope you're having a great day wherever you are. L-_IuwEM0jk-00128-00049180-00049510 Thanks for watching. Seeya. LAWS2lFDz0k-00000-00000575-00000954 FINANCIAL READINESS AND RESPONSIBILE SPENDING ARE THINGS YOU SHOULD KEEP IN MIND THIS HOLIDAY LAWS2lFDz0k-00001-00000954-00001054 SEASON. LAWS2lFDz0k-00002-00001054-00001689 "AT OUR FAMILY CENTERS WE HAVE PERSONAL FINANCIAL MANAGERS WHO ARE THERE TO HELP WITH DEVELOPING LAWS2lFDz0k-00003-00001689-00002366 A SPENDING PLAN, DEVELOPING A DEBT REDUCTION PLAN, LOOKING AT PROS AND CONS OF DIFFERENT LAWS2lFDz0k-00004-00002366-00003114 AGENCIES THAT MAY SUPPORT YOU, TURNING TO OUR AID SOCIETIES IF IT'S THAT DIRE TO GET LAWS2lFDz0k-00005-00003114-00003515 YOU ON YOUR WAY UP AND OUT OF THAT DEBT. LAWS2lFDz0k-00006-00003515-00004148 THE BANKS AND CREDIT UNIONS ON OUR INSTALLATIONS ALSO HAVE STAFF AVAILABLE TO SUPPORT PEOPLE LAWS2lFDz0k-00007-00004148-00004310 IN THIS AREA." LAWS2lFDz0k-00008-00004310-00004798 CHECK OUT MILITARYONESOURCE.MIL FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT HOW TO TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR FINANCES. LAWS2lFDz0k-00009-00004798-00005085 FROM THE DEFENSE MEDIA ACTIVITY, I'M PETTY OFFICER JONATHAN SUNDERMAN. LBuzGNgvUI0-00000-00000075-00000656 I know you are it's not exactly a secret LBuzGNgvUI0-00001-00000330-00000656 so you know I can break your face LBuzGNgvUI0-00002-00000712-00001955 hey you don't mind if I just take this LBuzGNgvUI0-00003-00000923-00002269 last coke this routine Jessica Jones you LBuzGNgvUI0-00004-00001955-00002681 are given every advantage allowed to LBuzGNgvUI0-00005-00002269-00003340 make mistake after mistake you can't LBuzGNgvUI0-00006-00002681-00004051 control yourself I want you to die come LBuzGNgvUI0-00007-00003340-00004051 on you smarter than both of us combined LBuzGNgvUI0-00008-00004213-00004691 you gonna give me some MA LBuzGNgvUI0-00009-00004441-00005111 trouble big boy are you gonna channel LBuzGNgvUI0-00010-00004691-00005516 that famous Amish serenity you know are LBuzGNgvUI0-00011-00005111-00006484 you thinking about her are you thinking LBuzGNgvUI0-00012-00005516-00006484 about yourself oh that's not great LBuzGNgvUI0-00013-00007554-00007864 [Music] LBuzGNgvUI0-00014-00008100-00008306 you LDR6eLu3UZu-00000-00000091-00000740 Hello friends , I Dr. Archana Masram with my fellow Asociate faculties Dr. Deepali Chahande LDR6eLu3UZu-00001-00000740-00001513 & Dr. Shubhangi Girgaonkar are demonstrating the creation of Moodle site & in this part LDR6eLu3UZu-00002-00001513-00002296 of Moodl-1 we will explain the creation of the site & role of the Site Adminisrator. LDR6eLu3UZu-00003-00002296-00002581 Moodle stands for- �Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning LDR6eLu3UZu-00004-00002581-00003546 Environment��and was originally developed by Martin Dougaimas in 2002. LDR6eLu3UZu-00005-00003546-00003818 Moodle is a leading�virtual learning environment. LDR6eLu3UZu-00006-00003818-00004528 Moodle�is a �free and open-source software�learning management system. LDR6eLu3UZu-00007-00004528-00005448 Moodle is used for�blended learning,�distance education,�flipped classroom�and other�e-learning�projects LDR6eLu3UZu-00008-00005448-00006099 in schools, universities, workplaces and other sectors. LDR6eLu3UZu-00009-00006099-00006742 Before actual creation of site lets understand the components of the moodle LDR6eLu3UZu-00010-00006742-00007325 site Users- The first component is- Site Administrator- LDR6eLu3UZu-00011-00007325-00008139 A Site Administrator is a site creator and can be a teacher who would assign the role LDR6eLu3UZu-00012-00008139-00009139 to other users as a course creator, teacher, manager, student on the moodle site which LDR6eLu3UZu-00013-00009139-00009424 he has created. LDR6eLu3UZu-00014-00009424-00010174 He can upload the students� name He Can create a course LDR6eLu3UZu-00015-00010174-00010784 Can add various activities available in the system LDR6eLu3UZu-00016-00010784-00011039 The second component is- User LDR6eLu3UZu-00017-00011039-00011825 A user may be a teacher who can create his own course LDR6eLu3UZu-00018-00011825-00012781 He can add users for his course He can add various activities available in LDR6eLu3UZu-00019-00012781-00012947 the system LDR6eLu3UZu-00020-00012947-00013778 Now Let�s learn how to create a moodle site- First you need to type in url bar- www.moodlecloud.com------------ LDR6eLu3UZu-00021-00013778-00014515 Click Enter Click moodle LDR6eLu3UZu-00022-00014515-00014881 for free Create new account LDR6eLu3UZu-00023-00014881-00015615 Fill the information in the displayed form remember that you will have to provide existing LDR6eLu3UZu-00024-00015615-00016451 mobile number because the verification number will come on that number only. LDR6eLu3UZu-00025-00016451-00017486 Here carefully select India & zone Kolkata Further in organization section select �other LDR6eLu3UZu-00026-00017486-00018336 Select your role as an Administrator, go below the screen and click NEXT LDR6eLu3UZu-00027-00018336-00019437 Select the asked contents for verification Give the appropriate name to your site, Drag LDR6eLu3UZu-00028-00019437-00020518 down the screen & click on NEXT Type the code came on mobile provided by you. LDR6eLu3UZu-00029-00020518-00021305 Again click on NEXT Type a password containing minimum 5 characters, LDR6eLu3UZu-00030-00021305-00022416 again enter the password & click in NEXT Success will display, then drag down the screen LDR6eLu3UZu-00031-00022416-00023298 & click on Thanks, take me to my moodle cloud site now. LDR6eLu3UZu-00032-00023298-00023540 Now your site is ready. LDR6eLu3UZu-00033-00023540-00024229 For further procedure such as site administration you need to click on the button i.e. LDR6eLu3UZu-00034-00024229-00024881 Site administration which is on your left hand side on the screen. LDR6eLu3UZu-00035-00024881-00025224 After creation of the site first task is to add users. LDR6eLu3UZu-00036-00025224-00026142 These users may be an administrator himself or other teachers also who can upload their LDR6eLu3UZu-00037-00026142-00026406 courses individually. LDR6eLu3UZu-00038-00026406-00027213 But Before proceeding further, be ready with a CV of the user i.e. in Word file format, LDR6eLu3UZu-00039-00027213-00028122 .jpg photograph (optional), file of your course material and excel sheet which lists the names LDR6eLu3UZu-00040-00028122-00029072 of the students enrolled in your courses with their email ids in CSV(comma delimited) format LDR6eLu3UZu-00041-00029072-00029613 which will be shown in the subsequent sections. LDR6eLu3UZu-00042-00029613-00030601 After clicking the button site administration page will display on this page click on user LDR6eLu3UZu-00043-00030601-00030925 Add new user- Click on it. LDR6eLu3UZu-00044-00030925-00031897 It will take you on �my new moodle site� page a form will appear, fill the asked information LDR6eLu3UZu-00045-00031897-00032186 and remember the password. LDR6eLu3UZu-00046-00032186-00032918 You can write information about the user (only lowercase is allowed here) and can upload LDR6eLu3UZu-00047-00032918-00033272 a photograph of user. LDR6eLu3UZu-00048-00033272-00034023 The names of the user will appear here (You can add new users also) LDR6eLu3UZu-00049-00034023-00035106 Once you add the users you will have to assign the roles to them for that click accounts LDR6eLu3UZu-00050-00035106-00035825 Again go to users in the permission section, click on assign roles LDR6eLu3UZu-00051-00035825-00036447 Click on course creator The name of all users will display under the LDR6eLu3UZu-00052-00036447-00036606 potential users. LDR6eLu3UZu-00053-00036606-00037480 You have to select the desirable names to whom you want to give the role of users (Teacher LDR6eLu3UZu-00054-00037480-00038343 or course creator) and then click on add so that selected names will convert into existing LDR6eLu3UZu-00055-00038343-00038508 users. LDR6eLu3UZu-00056-00038508-00039137 So the added user have now become the course creator. LDR6eLu3UZu-00057-00039137-00039768 An administrator can create a course along with the newly assigned course creators for LDR6eLu3UZu-00058-00039768-00040388 that go to courses click on manage courses and categories. LDR6eLu3UZu-00059-00040388-00041018 Write the details of your course in a given format. LDR6eLu3UZu-00060-00041018-00041744 Can import the already existing files in your system as your study material which you want LDR6eLu3UZu-00061-00041744-00042456 to make available for the students Click on save and display LDR6eLu3UZu-00062-00042456-00042751 Your course page will display like this. LDR6eLu3UZu-00063-00042751-00043125 You can view your course name here. LDR6eLu3UZu-00064-00043125-00043503 And if you want to add new course you can. LDR6eLu3UZu-00065-00043503-00043823 Next step is to add students. LDR6eLu3UZu-00066-00043823-00044922 For this purpose you need to go to site administration then user and click on upload users. LDR6eLu3UZu-00067-00044922-00045283 As explained earlier in (slide no. LDR6eLu3UZu-00068-00045283-00045705 17) type the names of the students in excel sheet. LDR6eLu3UZu-00069-00045705-00046793 To save this file go to the office button then go to save as and select other formats LDR6eLu3UZu-00070-00046793-00047544 Select CSV(comma Delimited)- Click on save. LDR6eLu3UZu-00071-00047544-00048204 The file will appear as shown in the slide and then upload it. LDR6eLu3UZu-00072-00048204-00048760 The file name will appear in your moodle page and if you click it LDR6eLu3UZu-00073-00048760-00049262 You can view your uploaded excel sheet. LDR6eLu3UZu-00074-00049262-00049362 Thank you! LDR6eLu3UZu-00075-00049362-00049835 The role of Second component is explained in the Moodle Part-2. LFLtRxbFy3Q-00000-00000440-00000968 I do a lot with affair repair and couples relationship work in my therapy practice, and LFLtRxbFy3Q-00001-00000968-00001424 I see men come in and women come in and they're not aligned with who they are. They've become LFLtRxbFy3Q-00002-00001424-00001952 somebody different for their spouse, and then take it out on them and being mean, or cheating, LFLtRxbFy3Q-00003-00001952-00002944 or lying, or any number of ways. When we depart from who we are as people then we lose our mojo. LIwdsG0FmYU-00000-00000320-00000542 (female) (Larrie) Learning surface area with LIwdsG0FmYU-00001-00000544-00000716 (female) (Chuck) Chuck LIwdsG0FmYU-00002-00000720-00000980 (Larrie) and Larrie. OK Chuck, so you start out with LIwdsG0FmYU-00003-00000983-00001249 a rectangular prism with the dimensions of LIwdsG0FmYU-00004-00001257-00001589 6 by 4 by 4. LIwdsG0FmYU-00005-00001597-00001929 So, to find the surface area you would write LIwdsG0FmYU-00006-00001947-00002359 area of two bases= LIwdsG0FmYU-00007-00002372-00003242 And your bases are-- right here... and here. LIwdsG0FmYU-00008-00003247-00003571 So since they have the same lengths and height LIwdsG0FmYU-00009-00003573-00004145 you would just put 2(4x4). LIwdsG0FmYU-00010-00004159-00004777 And that equals 16x2 is 32 centimeters squared (32cm^2). LIwdsG0FmYU-00011-00004790-00005546 Then you wanna to find the area of the 4 sides which are right here... LIwdsG0FmYU-00012-00005555-00006125 here... here... and down here. LIwdsG0FmYU-00013-00006219-00007677 So then you would write, area of four rectangular faces. LIwdsG0FmYU-00014-00007687-00008828 So since you have 4 of them you do 4(6x4) which equals 96 centimeters squared (96 cm^2). LIwdsG0FmYU-00015-00008833-00009197 So, since that's all your dimensions so then you would add them up LIwdsG0FmYU-00016-00009198-00009654 So your surface area is 128 cm^2. LIwdsG0FmYU-00017-00009661-00009945 (Chuck) How did you get 128? LIwdsG0FmYU-00018-00009949-00010241 (Larrie) I got 128 by adding up LIwdsG0FmYU-00019-00010245-00010947 32 cm^2 + 96 cm^2. LIwdsG0FmYU-00020-00010950-00011741 And when you add that up your total is 128 cm^2. LIwdsG0FmYU-00021-00011748-00011963 (Chuck) Thank you. (Larrie) Than you for watching. LIDiZgMOI6g-00000-00000041-00000928 There's two people that I want to introduce you to. LIDiZgMOI6g-00001-00000928-00001508 And it's two people that I'm getting to know, really, really well of these first 17 days LIDiZgMOI6g-00002-00001508-00001646 of this challenge. LIDiZgMOI6g-00003-00001646-00002261 And it's two people that I don't think that many of you have ever, ever truly met. LIDiZgMOI6g-00004-00002261-00002789 And that is these two people: the winner and the quitter in you. LIDiZgMOI6g-00005-00002789-00003592 See, you've got to push yourself further than you've ever gone before, to the end of yourself. LIDiZgMOI6g-00006-00003592-00004135 And that's when you get introduced to, that's when you meet face to face with the winner LIDiZgMOI6g-00007-00004135-00004336 and the quitter in you. LIDiZgMOI6g-00008-00004336-00004879 And these things aren't like indefinite periods of time. LIDiZgMOI6g-00009-00004879-00005134 Like if I'm going to go for a run, I know how long I'm going to run, or I know how far LIDiZgMOI6g-00010-00005134-00005334 I'm going to go. LIDiZgMOI6g-00011-00005334-00005569 And I know I'm not going to die. LIDiZgMOI6g-00012-00005569-00006264 And, and so if I know I'm going to go run for 45 minutes, then I know how long I have LIDiZgMOI6g-00013-00006264-00006506 until it's done. LIDiZgMOI6g-00014-00006506-00007109 And I know that I can push myself to intense pain and discomfort, but it's going to be LIDiZgMOI6g-00015-00007109-00007350 over in 15 minutes. LIDiZgMOI6g-00016-00007350-00007743 And so why not go all out on this last mile when this can be done after that, like, what's LIDiZgMOI6g-00017-00007743-00007843 going to happen? LIDiZgMOI6g-00018-00007843-00008023 I'm not going die like, I'm going to be fine. LIDiZgMOI6g-00019-00008023-00008564 I think a lot of people, they set out after goals. LIDiZgMOI6g-00020-00008564-00008758 And there's no timeline to it. LIDiZgMOI6g-00021-00008758-00008953 There's no benchmarks. LIDiZgMOI6g-00022-00008953-00009381 There's no goals set in place to reward themselves. LIDiZgMOI6g-00023-00009381-00009693 So when I get here, this is going to happen when I get here, this is going to happen. LIDiZgMOI6g-00024-00009693-00010085 It's just like, I'm going to go be successful. LIDiZgMOI6g-00025-00010085-00010217 And they've never defined success. LIDiZgMOI6g-00026-00010217-00010317 Yeah. LIDiZgMOI6g-00027-00010317-00010433 At what level? LIDiZgMOI6g-00028-00010433-00010533 How successful all those things. LIDiZgMOI6g-00029-00010533-00011131 You can do, you can do anything for a period of time. LIDiZgMOI6g-00030-00011131-00011530 And what you'll find is when you do that and you go to do it again, you realize you can LIDiZgMOI6g-00031-00011530-00012064 do more, or you can do it faster, you can do it better or you can be more efficient. LIDiZgMOI6g-00032-00012064-00012688 But you need that benchmark in order to know how more how much more efficient you're in LIDiZgMOI6g-00033-00012688-00012788 the second round. LIDiZgMOI6g-00034-00012788-00012888 Yeah. LIDiZgMOI6g-00035-00012888-00013066 And I mean, David Goggins, you know, he talks about callusing the mind. LIDiZgMOI6g-00036-00013066-00013634 And, you know, he's as motivating as anybody out there right now in the stuff that he's LIDiZgMOI6g-00037-00013634-00013977 doing, but he talks about callusing the mind. LIDiZgMOI6g-00038-00013977-00014800 And to me every time I do that, like every time I have 15 minutes left, and I go absolutely LIDiZgMOI6g-00039-00014800-00015400 as hard as I possibly can for those 15 minutes, it makes the next time I go out to do it that LIDiZgMOI6g-00040-00015400-00015696 much easier. LIDiZgMOI6g-00041-00015696-00015998 But that doesn't mean the next time you go do it, that you just do the same thing and LIDiZgMOI6g-00042-00015998-00016103 it's easier. LIDiZgMOI6g-00043-00016103-00016335 Now it's what can I do further? LIDiZgMOI6g-00044-00016335-00016464 Or How can I do it faster? LIDiZgMOI6g-00045-00016464-00016655 How can I do more? LIDiZgMOI6g-00046-00016655-00016789 And I think that's life. LIDiZgMOI6g-00047-00016789-00017292 Like that's, that's, that's what we ultimately want in life is to figure out how to become LIDiZgMOI6g-00048-00017292-00017431 the best versions of ourselves. LIDiZgMOI6g-00049-00017431-00017778 And it's only by putting ourselves in those situations that we are able to get there. LIDiZgMOI6g-00050-00017778-00018251 Like that post I did the other day after a run, where I talked about, you know, pushing LIDiZgMOI6g-00051-00018251-00018701 yourself to the point that to the end of yourself to where you meet the winner and the quitter LIDiZgMOI6g-00052-00018701-00018916 in you. LIDiZgMOI6g-00053-00018916-00019540 If you never meet that person, then you don't know what you're, what you're capable of. LIDiZgMOI6g-00054-00019540-00019987 You don't know if when you get there if you will quit or if you will push forward. LIDiZgMOI6g-00055-00019987-00020584 Most people just don't push themselves to that point every can get to that, that intersection. LJzcddAPRvE-00000-00000000-00000469 [ The following fan made trailer is approved for appropriate audiences, created for entertainment and fans ] LJzcddAPRvE-00001-00000903-00001347 Mr. Sam Witwicky Optimus Prime has summoned you back LJzcddAPRvE-00002-00001554-00001982 Sam Witwiki: always happy to help my old friends LJzcddAPRvE-00003-00002368-00002984 Optimus Prime: thanks kid LJzcddAPRvE-00004-00003672-00003768 hello friend LJzcddAPRvE-00005-00004280-00004488 Optimus Prime: we are all targets now LJzcddAPRvE-00006-00005160-00005264 look inside LJzcddAPRvE-00007-00005472-00005784 why those words? LJzcddAPRvE-00008-00006384-00007184 Optimus Prime: turn it into transformium and forge a new army begin again LJzcddAPRvE-00009-00007808-00008303 defend all they can be LJzcddAPRvE-00010-00008840-00009064 Mikaela: the minute I got made fate it became my operation LJzcddAPRvE-00011-00009696-00010128 Sam Witwicky: then I heard the voice Lord saying who shall I send? LJzcddAPRvE-00012-00010944-00011384 and I said here am I LJzcddAPRvE-00013-00012000-00012160 send me LJzcddAPRvE-00014-00012160-00012784 Optimus Prime: you defend my family or die LJzcddAPRvE-00015-00013412-00013988 Dream Nation thanks for watching today's Transformers 7 dream trailer LJzcddAPRvE-00016-00013988-00014906 I hope you enjoyed and I will see you around remember transform and roll out LJzcddAPRvE-00017-00015391-00015840 fellow human I would like to thank you for watching LJzcddAPRvE-00018-00015840-00016440 if you are new to the channel welcome Macam TV's fan-made trailers have more to them LJzcddAPRvE-00019-00016440-00017384 than me to the eye best way to describe ultra realistic subscribe now autobots roll out LK1sGCjsmYc-00000-00000005-00000105 [Upbeat Music] LK1sGCjsmYc-00001-00000105-00000205 Hey Psych2goers! LK1sGCjsmYc-00002-00000707-00001118 Did you question every big decision you’ve made and wonder whether you’ve made the LK1sGCjsmYc-00003-00001118-00001245 right one or not? LK1sGCjsmYc-00004-00001245-00001481 Everyone has experienced self-doubt before. LK1sGCjsmYc-00005-00001481-00001903 Whether you are uncertain about a decision surrounding your career or family, this feeling LK1sGCjsmYc-00006-00001903-00002365 of doubt can spiral into more and more depressing thoughts that may ultimately prevent you from LK1sGCjsmYc-00007-00002365-00002530 moving forward in life. LK1sGCjsmYc-00008-00002530-00003077 So to help you avoid getting stuck in self-doubt, here are 6 things to remember when you don’t LK1sGCjsmYc-00009-00003077-00003232 believe in yourself. LK1sGCjsmYc-00010-00003232-00003840 Number One: Opinions aren’t always the truth Are you someone who gets easily influenced LK1sGCjsmYc-00011-00003840-00004028 by what other people say of you? LK1sGCjsmYc-00012-00004028-00004519 It’s quite common for people, even those with high levels of confidence, to doubt themselves LK1sGCjsmYc-00013-00004519-00004715 over other people’s opinions of them. LK1sGCjsmYc-00014-00004715-00005195 And it’s even more impactful if that comment came from someone close to you since you’ll LK1sGCjsmYc-00015-00005195-00005529 think that they know you well enough to have an accurate opinion of you. LK1sGCjsmYc-00016-00005529-00005843 But in the end, an opinion is not a fact. LK1sGCjsmYc-00017-00005843-00006216 And while everyone is entitled to having an opinion, it’s important you don’t let LK1sGCjsmYc-00018-00006216-00006646 their negative thoughts about you affect your self-esteem and confidence. LK1sGCjsmYc-00019-00006646-00007266 Number Two: Growth and improvement take time Have you ever started doubting what you do LK1sGCjsmYc-00020-00007266-00007641 because you have not been able to progress as much as you wanted to? LK1sGCjsmYc-00021-00007641-00007902 Growth and improvement takes time. LK1sGCjsmYc-00022-00007902-00008545 Whether it’s learning a new instrument or trying to communicate better with your partner, LK1sGCjsmYc-00023-00008545-00009037 it can become frustrating and discouraging to not see any large and immediate results. LK1sGCjsmYc-00024-00009037-00009527 While it may not be clear or obvious at the start, it’s important to remember that every LK1sGCjsmYc-00025-00009527-00009861 little step you take is progress towards your goal. LK1sGCjsmYc-00026-00009861-00010291 Learn to be patient with yourself and after a while, you may even surprise yourself by LK1sGCjsmYc-00027-00010291-00010505 how far you’ve come. LK1sGCjsmYc-00028-00010505-00010983 Number Three: Do not define yourself by one moment in time LK1sGCjsmYc-00029-00010983-00011425 Can you recall a situation or event that defined or changed you? LK1sGCjsmYc-00030-00011425-00011771 Maybe you failed in the past and can’t help but think about it constantly. LK1sGCjsmYc-00031-00011771-00012263 Or maybe you are not doing too well in the present and so find yourself revisiting old LK1sGCjsmYc-00032-00012263-00012438 memories all the time. LK1sGCjsmYc-00033-00012438-00012855 When you stop believing in yourself, it’s easy to get stuck in the past and to let one LK1sGCjsmYc-00034-00012855-00013255 specific moment in time define and shape who you are. LK1sGCjsmYc-00035-00013255-00013727 In these trying times, remember that you are continually growing and making progress. LK1sGCjsmYc-00036-00013727-00014253 Who you are is decided by your whole story, which is still being written, and not by one LK1sGCjsmYc-00037-00014253-00014500 specific moment in time. LK1sGCjsmYc-00038-00014500-00015091 Number Four: Fear can’t stop you Have you ever let fear get the best of you? LK1sGCjsmYc-00039-00015091-00015488 Perhaps it’s a social gathering or a work event and you were just too afraid to put LK1sGCjsmYc-00040-00015488-00015858 yourself out there because you think other people will judge you for it. LK1sGCjsmYc-00041-00015858-00016375 It’s quite normal to feel nervous about trying new things and having new experiences. LK1sGCjsmYc-00042-00016375-00016848 However, when you let this fear hold you back from the things you want to do, it’s important LK1sGCjsmYc-00043-00016848-00017271 to remember that it’s not the end of the world if you make a mistake or two or if things LK1sGCjsmYc-00044-00017271-00017504 don’t work out the way you want them to. LK1sGCjsmYc-00045-00017504-00017894 After all, it’s more likely that you end up learning and growing from making those LK1sGCjsmYc-00046-00017894-00018198 mistakes than from not even trying. LK1sGCjsmYc-00047-00018198-00018759 Number Five: Appreciate your uniqueness Do you always end up feeling down whenever LK1sGCjsmYc-00048-00018759-00019016 you compare yourself with other people? LK1sGCjsmYc-00049-00019016-00019480 Whether it’s about success, careers, or skill sets, constantly comparing yourself LK1sGCjsmYc-00050-00019480-00020033 with other people can have a large negative impact on your self-esteem and self-confidence. LK1sGCjsmYc-00051-00020033-00020423 You might even start to question your own self-worth and ability. LK1sGCjsmYc-00052-00020423-00020868 In these times, it’s important to remember that every single person is unique in their LK1sGCjsmYc-00053-00020868-00021190 own way and has their own path to follow. LK1sGCjsmYc-00054-00021190-00021606 While you may feel down about how your skills compare, remember that you also hold certain LK1sGCjsmYc-00055-00021606-00021988 qualities of your own that nobody else has. LK1sGCjsmYc-00056-00021988-00022558 Number Six: Break the big goals down Have you ever felt really overwhelmed by your LK1sGCjsmYc-00057-00022558-00022689 goals? LK1sGCjsmYc-00058-00022689-00023197 Having goals and dreams are important because it gives you a sense of direction in life. LK1sGCjsmYc-00059-00023197-00023648 However, when you set really large goals for yourself, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by LK1sGCjsmYc-00060-00023648-00023971 the amount of time and effort it will require. LK1sGCjsmYc-00061-00023971-00024445 Perhaps you want to be a chef or an artist but have no idea where to start. LK1sGCjsmYc-00062-00024445-00024886 This anxiety can end up taking away your motivation and cast doubt in yourself. LK1sGCjsmYc-00063-00024886-00025376 It is why it’s so important to remember to break down your goals into smaller and LK1sGCjsmYc-00064-00025376-00025597 more easily-achievable steps. LK1sGCjsmYc-00065-00025597-00026151 By doing this, you’ll find it less overwhelming and more manageable to do. LK1sGCjsmYc-00066-00026151-00026379 Have you been feeling overwhelmed lately? LK1sGCjsmYc-00067-00026379-00026636 How do you feel after watching this video? LK1sGCjsmYc-00068-00026636-00026836 Let us know in the comments below. LK1sGCjsmYc-00069-00026836-00027299 If you find this video helpful, be sure to like and share this video with those who might LK1sGCjsmYc-00070-00027299-00027718 benefit from it, and don’t forget to hit the subscribe button and the notification LK1sGCjsmYc-00071-00027718-00028144 bell icon to get notified whenever Psych2Go posts a new video. LK1sGCjsmYc-00072-00028144-00028648 The references and studies used in this video are added in the description below. LK1sGCjsmYc-00073-00028648-00028864 Thanks for watching and see you in our next video! LLsh16nQERQ-00000-00000000-00000200 Hello to the Jonogons LLsh16nQERQ-00002-00047000-00048004 Please Subescribe & press the Bell Button LpyTU1jLVXI-00000-00000112-00000637 Mr. Yeo's World Travel seven things to do in Darwin Northern Territory Australia LpyTU1jLVXI-00001-00000637-00001104 if you are a new to Darwin Ire and I strongly recommend your go to cityhall and get some LpyTU1jLVXI-00002-00001104-00001534 information on the visual center nearby LpyTU1jLVXI-00003-00001664-00001961 several things to do number one bitter street LpyTU1jLVXI-00004-00001961-00002406 bicha Street is the most crowded street of Darwin it has a stripper market named LpyTU1jLVXI-00005-00002406-00003108 cause many years for backpackers and some travel agencies you can take a taxi LpyTU1jLVXI-00006-00003108-00003542 or hire car in major street LpyTU1jLVXI-00007-00004260-00004744 mindle beach is a famous place but Bicentennial Park near the beach area is LpyTU1jLVXI-00008-00004744-00005875 really good place to see the oceans and sunset lions carriage and nearby sharks LpyTU1jLVXI-00009-00005875-00006314 are really good place to see every you know arts LpyTU1jLVXI-00010-00007615-00008495 number two experienced crocodiles crocosaurus Cove crocosaurus Cove is an LpyTU1jLVXI-00011-00008495-00009064 aquarium in the mid street with huge crocodiles the entrance fee is run LpyTU1jLVXI-00012-00009064-00009540 thirty-six dollars in you may serious crocodiles LpyTU1jLVXI-00013-00010303-00011045 number three World War two during the Second World War LpyTU1jLVXI-00014-00011045-00011696 Japan down to more bombs in Darwin than Pearl Harbor United States you may be LpyTU1jLVXI-00015-00011696-00012110 the military museum with an old-fashioned military trap from the pit LpyTU1jLVXI-00016-00012110-00012354 row center LpyTU1jLVXI-00017-00013461-00014163 I'll pick Jack buffaloes kangaroos crocodiles radiator is no LpyTU1jLVXI-00018-00014163-00014823 Outback steak but he has effect Jack you may take some buffalo kangaroo and clock LpyTU1jLVXI-00019-00014823-00015628 dial meet our Patel is famous for his a ceiling decoration and this is a LpyTU1jLVXI-00020-00015628-00016041 barbecue the crocodile meat what I ordered LpyTU1jLVXI-00021-00016112-00016753 number five you German art gallery of a Northern Territory bus number six we LpyTU1jLVXI-00022-00016753-00017451 take you there from the towering bus interchange now LpyTU1jLVXI-00023-00017451-00017890 inverse is to see three dollars for the first three hours but they take it is LpyTU1jLVXI-00024-00017890-00018426 seven dollars table charge anything into children middle school or high school LpyTU1jLVXI-00025-00018426-00018997 students the beauty of Estonia freer enter it has some 3d holograms but has LpyTU1jLVXI-00026-00018997-00019992 many soft specimens also there are some some specimens of letter LpyTU1jLVXI-00027-00020181-00021090 there are also some specimens of those tropical birds a crocodile named LpyTU1jLVXI-00028-00021090-00021609 sweetheart is really famous for is 5 meters rings LpyTU1jLVXI-00029-00021609-00022406 you may also watch some of traditional vesser's which Australian used LpyTU1jLVXI-00030-00023266-00023918 number six Minda bh and casino mindle beach is located in walking distance LpyTU1jLVXI-00031-00023918-00024292 from the BGM and art gallery LpyTU1jLVXI-00032-00025051-00025445 Minda bitches really require place in the morning but it will be really LpyTU1jLVXI-00033-00025445-00025741 crowded on sunset LpyTU1jLVXI-00034-00028600-00029158 most of the tourists will gather here to watch sunset around 6 p.m. and there is LpyTU1jLVXI-00035-00029158-00029670 nighttime market on each Thursday LpyTU1jLVXI-00036-00033037-00033806 number seven Katsura shopping more if you take bus number four at the mindle LpyTU1jLVXI-00037-00033806-00034475 beach you may move into kazarina bus interchange cancer arena is the largest LpyTU1jLVXI-00038-00034475-00035218 shopping mall in Darwin and in the crowds close around around 10:00 p.m. LpyTU1jLVXI-00039-00035898-00036600 it has some videogame store in the inside and you may get some price LpyTU1jLVXI-00040-00037302-00037675 thanks for watching this video if here are some interest on Australian TV LpyTU1jLVXI-00041-00037675-00038245 please do not forget to click subscribe and like buttons and put some comments LpyTU1jLVXI-00042-00038245-00038661 on the bottom thank you LRwNDmDsDYk-00000-00000000-00000200 Induction test 2022 in Daanish School boys Hasilpur LRHCrxrfGvE-00000-00000028-00000154 Her, him, they? LRHCrxrfGvE-00001-00000186-00000258 Obvious LRHCrxrfGvE-00002-00000363-00000421 Name? LRHCrxrfGvE-00003-00000421-00000490 Dustin LRHCrxrfGvE-00004-00000571-00000653 Music? LRHCrxrfGvE-00005-00000653-00000709 Trance LRHCrxrfGvE-00006-00000836-00000919 Strength? LRHCrxrfGvE-00007-00000919-00001023 Dark Skin LRHCrxrfGvE-00008-00001144-00001221 Tomorrow? LRHCrxrfGvE-00009-00001221-00001304 The right to exist LRHCrxrfGvE-00010-00001372-00001429 Dance? LRHCrxrfGvE-00011-00001429-00001535 24x7 LRHCrxrfGvE-00012-00001681-00001764 Expression? LRHCrxrfGvE-00013-00001764-00001864 Attitude LRHCrxrfGvE-00014-00001955-00002043 Strength? LRHCrxrfGvE-00015-00002043-00002309 Resilient, imperfect, woman. LRHCrxrfGvE-00016-00002331-00002417 Future? LRHCrxrfGvE-00017-00002433-00002616 That people like me can have a future LRHCrxrfGvE-00018-00002616-00002859 in which they can grow and express themselves freely. LRHCrxrfGvE-00019-00002933-00003003 Makeup? LRHCrxrfGvE-00020-00003003-00003096 For Ever LUfgtSEKS0I-00000-00000203-00000510 "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, LUfgtSEKS0I-00001-00000520-00000690 baptizing them in the name of the Father LUfgtSEKS0I-00002-00000700-00000917 and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, LUfgtSEKS0I-00003-00000927-00001040 teaching them to observe LUfgtSEKS0I-00004-00001050-00001237 all things that I have commanded you; LUfgtSEKS0I-00005-00001247-00001394 and lo, I am with you always, LUfgtSEKS0I-00006-00001404-00001871 even to the end of the age." Matthew 28:19-20. LUfgtSEKS0I-00007-00001881-00002155 This program is brought to you by the churches of Christ. LUfgtSEKS0I-00008-00002165-00002412 We now invite you to open your Bibles and your minds LUfgtSEKS0I-00009-00002422-00002689 as we present the gospel of Christ. LUfgtSEKS0I-00010-00002699-00002946 And now, Ben Bailey. LUfgtSEKS0I-00011-00002956-00003349 "Thus also, faith by itself, LUfgtSEKS0I-00012-00003359-00003693 if it does not have works, is dead", LUfgtSEKS0I-00013-00003703-00004057 James chapter 2 verse number 17. LUfgtSEKS0I-00014-00004067-00004314 Welcome to our study of the book of James. LUfgtSEKS0I-00015-00004324-00004718 James is all about the practical nature of Christianity. LUfgtSEKS0I-00016-00004728-00004974 It's about being doers of the word, LUfgtSEKS0I-00017-00004984-00005381 not hearers only, James chapter 1 verse number 22. LUfgtSEKS0I-00018-00005392-00005638 In chapter 1, we notice to be doers the word, LUfgtSEKS0I-00019-00005648-00005915 we've got to have a Christianity that faces trials, LUfgtSEKS0I-00020-00005925-00006079 that controls the tongue, LUfgtSEKS0I-00021-00006089-00006409 and that tries to help others who are in need. LUfgtSEKS0I-00022-00006419-00006836 Now, chapter 2 will teach us about the real nature LUfgtSEKS0I-00023-00006846-00006966 of our faith. LUfgtSEKS0I-00024-00006976-00007353 James deals with two points related to faith: first, LUfgtSEKS0I-00025-00007363-00007640 as we think about the Christian and his faith, LUfgtSEKS0I-00026-00007650-00007814 it cannot be prejudiced, LUfgtSEKS0I-00027-00007824-00008111 James chapter 2 verses one through 13. LUfgtSEKS0I-00028-00008121-00008321 James will say in James two verse one, LUfgtSEKS0I-00029-00008331-00008641 "My brethren, do not hold the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ LUfgtSEKS0I-00030-00008651-00009119 with prejudice or partiality." God's not concerned about LUfgtSEKS0I-00031-00009129-00009319 some of the things we elevate today LUfgtSEKS0I-00032-00009329-00009579 and the way we view certain people LUfgtSEKS0I-00033-00009589-00009839 based on their status in life. And then, LUfgtSEKS0I-00034-00009849-00010233 James chapter 2 verses 14 through 26 LUfgtSEKS0I-00035-00010243-00010627 will teach us that a true faith must, LUfgtSEKS0I-00036-00010637-00011004 absolutely must, be combined with works LUfgtSEKS0I-00037-00011014-00011347 to be effective and a faith that honors LUfgtSEKS0I-00038-00011357-00011671 Almighty God in each and every day. LUfgtSEKS0I-00039-00011681-00011891 Now, let's talk a little bit first of all LUfgtSEKS0I-00040-00011901-00012182 about what faith is. LUfgtSEKS0I-00041-00012195-00012585 In the Scripture, faith is or could be defined as LUfgtSEKS0I-00042-00012595-00012979 trusting God based on His word. LUfgtSEKS0I-00043-00012989-00013249 The Bible says it is indeed a necessity. LUfgtSEKS0I-00044-00013259-00013563 Hebrews 11 verse six says, "Without faith, LUfgtSEKS0I-00045-00013573-00013710 it's impossible LUfgtSEKS0I-00046-00013720-00013970 to please God." And so I know, first and foremost, that LUfgtSEKS0I-00047-00013980-00014340 faith is a necessity. I've got to have it to please God. LUfgtSEKS0I-00048-00014350-00014507 How do I get faith? LUfgtSEKS0I-00049-00014517-00014961 Romans 10:17 says, "Faith comes by hearing LUfgtSEKS0I-00050-00014971-00015285 and hearing by the word of God." And so, LUfgtSEKS0I-00051-00015295-00015605 I get it from the Bible, from the word of God, LUfgtSEKS0I-00052-00015615-00015872 as I study about God, as I learn about His nature, LUfgtSEKS0I-00053-00015882-00016069 as I watch His dealings with man, LUfgtSEKS0I-00054-00016079-00016326 and how that He's always been faithful, LUfgtSEKS0I-00055-00016336-00016586 I can put my trust in God. LUfgtSEKS0I-00056-00016596-00016783 And then, we learn by example LUfgtSEKS0I-00057-00016793-00017177 like in Hebrews chapter 11 what faith really is. LUfgtSEKS0I-00058-00017187-00017604 The Bible says of the people in the days of Joshua, LUfgtSEKS0I-00059-00017614-00018138 "By faith, the walls of Jericho fell down after LUfgtSEKS0I-00060-00018148-00018428 they'd encircled the city." Now what is faith there? LUfgtSEKS0I-00061-00018438-00018738 Well, think about that example. Here you have the people and LUfgtSEKS0I-00062-00018748-00018992 they're marching around the city and God tells them, LUfgtSEKS0I-00063-00019002-00019172 march around once a day, on six days, LUfgtSEKS0I-00064-00019182-00019365 on the seventh day, march seven times, LUfgtSEKS0I-00065-00019375-00019713 blow the trumpet, shout, stomp, do all those things. LUfgtSEKS0I-00066-00019723-00020130 Now, was it just their belief in God that was faith there? LUfgtSEKS0I-00067-00020140-00020280 No! It's combined with action. LUfgtSEKS0I-00068-00020290-00020403 They had to march. LUfgtSEKS0I-00069-00020413-00020647 They had to do it seven times the seventh day, LUfgtSEKS0I-00070-00020657-00020820 they had to shout, they had to blow the trumpet, LUfgtSEKS0I-00071-00020830-00020927 they had to stomp. LUfgtSEKS0I-00072-00020937-00021057 Well, did all that make the walls fall down? LUfgtSEKS0I-00073-00021067-00021171 No! It was their faith. LUfgtSEKS0I-00074-00021181-00021541 But real faith is always trust LUfgtSEKS0I-00075-00021551-00021985 that causes one, that motivates one to obey God LUfgtSEKS0I-00076-00021995-00022285 and do his will. Christians often sing the song LUfgtSEKS0I-00077-00022295-00022522 "Trust and Obey". That's the idea - LUfgtSEKS0I-00078-00022535-00022692 trust and obedience are not LUfgtSEKS0I-00079-00022702-00022872 diametrically opposed to each other. LUfgtSEKS0I-00080-00022882-00023239 They go hand-in-hand with each other. LUfgtSEKS0I-00081-00023249-00023590 In the opening verses of this book, LUfgtSEKS0I-00082-00023600-00024017 James will teach us that our faith cannot be prejudiced LUfgtSEKS0I-00083-00024027-00024344 or partial to people maybe we like LUfgtSEKS0I-00084-00024354-00024687 or we don't like. Notice again James chapter 2 LUfgtSEKS0I-00085-00024697-00025205 verse number one, the Scripture records, "My brethren, LUfgtSEKS0I-00086-00025215-00025508 do not hold the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ LUfgtSEKS0I-00087-00025518-00025925 the Lord of glory with partiality." LUfgtSEKS0I-00088-00025935-00026179 As God's people, we've got to realize LUfgtSEKS0I-00089-00026189-00026483 there is neither Jew nor Gentile, male nor female, LUfgtSEKS0I-00090-00026493-00026973 we're all one in Christ, Galatians 2 verse 29. LUfgtSEKS0I-00091-00026983-00027387 Unlike Jonah who was extremely prejudiced, LUfgtSEKS0I-00092-00027397-00027787 God gave Jonah the message, the command, LUfgtSEKS0I-00093-00027797-00027991 go to Nineveh and preach to them. LUfgtSEKS0I-00094-00028001-00028204 Jonah got on the boat, went the opposite way. LUfgtSEKS0I-00095-00028214-00028498 He hated those people. He was prejudiced. LUfgtSEKS0I-00096-00028508-00028835 When he did go and preach to them and when they responded, LUfgtSEKS0I-00097-00028845-00029142 Jonah got mad and went outside the city and sulked. LUfgtSEKS0I-00098-00029152-00029399 Why? He was very, very prejudiced LUfgtSEKS0I-00099-00029409-00029752 against the Assyrians, the Ninevites of that day. LUfgtSEKS0I-00100-00029763-00030076 And so, we can't be prejudiced with the gospel LUfgtSEKS0I-00101-00030086-00030353 based on other things that might cause us LUfgtSEKS0I-00102-00030363-00030637 to be that way. For example, LUfgtSEKS0I-00103-00030647-00030874 sometimes we look at things that LUfgtSEKS0I-00104-00030884-00031044 God is not at all concerned about. LUfgtSEKS0I-00105-00031054-00031357 God's not concerned with skin color. LUfgtSEKS0I-00106-00031367-00031644 God's not concerned with ethnicity. LUfgtSEKS0I-00107-00031654-00031971 God's not concerned with money. LUfgtSEKS0I-00108-00031981-00032205 God's not concerned with men more than women. LUfgtSEKS0I-00109-00032215-00032599 God's not concerned whether you're a Jew or a Gentile. LUfgtSEKS0I-00110-00032609-00032802 What's God concerned about? LUfgtSEKS0I-00111-00032812-00033193 God's concerned about the fact that every person has a soul. LUfgtSEKS0I-00112-00033203-00033373 Friend, let's think about it in these terms LUfgtSEKS0I-00113-00033383-00033720 and this is really what James is trying to drive home: LUfgtSEKS0I-00114-00033730-00034207 don't be prejudiced in sharing the gospel with someone. Why? LUfgtSEKS0I-00115-00034217-00034621 Because each and every person has a soul. LUfgtSEKS0I-00116-00034631-00034901 Genesis 1:26 and 27, God said, LUfgtSEKS0I-00117-00034911-00035148 "Let us make man in our image LUfgtSEKS0I-00118-00035158-00035445 and in the image of God, he made them. Male and female, LUfgtSEKS0I-00119-00035455-00035755 he made them." Genesis 2 verse seven records then LUfgtSEKS0I-00120-00035765-00036069 that God breathed into man the breath of life LUfgtSEKS0I-00121-00036079-00036513 and man became a living soul. Each and every person LUfgtSEKS0I-00122-00036523-00036776 regardless of the language they speak, regardless of the LUfgtSEKS0I-00123-00036786-00036990 color of their skin, whatever it may be, LUfgtSEKS0I-00124-00037000-00037220 they have an eternal soul LUfgtSEKS0I-00125-00037230-00037584 that is going to live somewhere forever. And we should never LUfgtSEKS0I-00126-00037594-00037834 hesitate to take the gospel to someone LUfgtSEKS0I-00127-00037844-00038368 based on those things alone. Now, James gives us an example LUfgtSEKS0I-00128-00038378-00038555 that was prominent in their day LUfgtSEKS0I-00129-00038565-00038922 and it's recorded in James chapter 2 verses 2 through 4. LUfgtSEKS0I-00130-00038932-00039088 Concerning the rich and the poor, LUfgtSEKS0I-00131-00039099-00039349 he uses this illustration: he says, in essence, LUfgtSEKS0I-00132-00039359-00039759 let's just give an example: let's say that in your assembly, LUfgtSEKS0I-00133-00039769-00039943 there comes in a rich man LUfgtSEKS0I-00134-00039953-00040410 and you roll out the red carpet for that rich man. LUfgtSEKS0I-00135-00040420-00040770 And by that we mean, James records, you say to him, LUfgtSEKS0I-00136-00040780-00041161 set right here in this fine seat. Or LUfgtSEKS0I-00137-00041171-00041357 we pull out the best place for him. LUfgtSEKS0I-00138-00041367-00041504 We want him to sit right here LUfgtSEKS0I-00139-00041514-00041905 by us and give him that special place. And then, LUfgtSEKS0I-00140-00041915-00042268 you've got another man that comes in. This man, LUfgtSEKS0I-00141-00042278-00042645 he's not dressed in fine clothes and wearing nice jewelry and LUfgtSEKS0I-00142-00042655-00043066 not somebody you'd really like to rub elbows with. Rather, LUfgtSEKS0I-00143-00043076-00043339 this man's dirty. He just got off from a LUfgtSEKS0I-00144-00043349-00043573 hard-working job and he's dirty. LUfgtSEKS0I-00145-00043583-00043833 He don't smell as good as you'd like for him to smell, maybe. LUfgtSEKS0I-00146-00043843-00044134 What do you say to him? You say, stand here in the back LUfgtSEKS0I-00147-00044144-00044277 or sit here at my footstool, LUfgtSEKS0I-00148-00044287-00044451 get out of the way in essence, and don't LUfgtSEKS0I-00149-00044461-00044654 touch anybody, and don't bother anybody, and LUfgtSEKS0I-00150-00044664-00044894 let's try to make you as invisible as possible. LUfgtSEKS0I-00151-00044904-00045121 The rich man, we want elevate him; LUfgtSEKS0I-00152-00045131-00045458 the poor man, we want to lower him and James will say LUfgtSEKS0I-00153-00045468-00045765 that's contradictory. Who is it that's oppressing you? LUfgtSEKS0I-00154-00045775-00046032 Not the poor people, it's the rich people. LUfgtSEKS0I-00155-00046042-00046379 Who is it that are receptive to the gospel? LUfgtSEKS0I-00156-00046389-00046676 Those who were poor were the ones who followed Jesus LUfgtSEKS0I-00157-00046686-00046826 many times. And so, LUfgtSEKS0I-00158-00046836-00047113 the basic principle is this: rich or poor LUfgtSEKS0I-00159-00047123-00047247 doesn't matter to God. LUfgtSEKS0I-00160-00047257-00047547 "God wants all men to be saved LUfgtSEKS0I-00161-00047557-00047727 and come to a knowledge of the truth", LUfgtSEKS0I-00162-00047737-00048121 Galatians 2 verse six. Unlike Peter who played the hypocrite, LUfgtSEKS0I-00163-00048131-00048468 we're not to be prejudiced and God himself is not a respecter LUfgtSEKS0I-00164-00048478-00048938 of persons. Acts chapter 10 verse number 34 clearly LUfgtSEKS0I-00165-00048948-00049139 teaches these principles. Now, LUfgtSEKS0I-00166-00049145-00049486 God has chosen the poor of this world the same way LUfgtSEKS0I-00167-00049496-00049712 he chooses any of us. The Scripture teaches LUfgtSEKS0I-00168-00049722-00050100 more often the focus is on the spiritual matters. LUfgtSEKS0I-00169-00050110-00050497 Poor people don't often trust in the riches as much LUfgtSEKS0I-00170-00050507-00050780 that they're looking for something more LUfgtSEKS0I-00171-00050790-00051164 than what's recorded and what we have it in this earth life. LUfgtSEKS0I-00172-00051174-00051521 First Timothy six verse eight tells us not to trust LUfgtSEKS0I-00173-00051531-00051801 in riches. They can drag us down LUfgtSEKS0I-00174-00051811-00052449 so much. And do you remember Luke chapter 12:15-21? LUfgtSEKS0I-00175-00052459-00052932 Think about that example that Jesus set in order for us. LUfgtSEKS0I-00176-00052942-00053306 The rich fool had a great crop year, said to his soul, LUfgtSEKS0I-00177-00053316-00053596 "Soul, you've got many goods laid up for many years. LUfgtSEKS0I-00178-00053606-00053866 Take your ease, eat, drink, and be merry, in essence. LUfgtSEKS0I-00179-00053877-00054157 What did God say to that man, that rich man LUfgtSEKS0I-00180-00054167-00054544 who trusted in his riches and not God. God said, "You fool, LUfgtSEKS0I-00181-00054554-00054781 this night will your soul be required of you." LUfgtSEKS0I-00182-00054791-00055051 Look at Luke chapter 16 verse 19 following: LUfgtSEKS0I-00183-00055061-00055208 you've got Lazarus and the rich man. LUfgtSEKS0I-00184-00055218-00055378 The rich man fared sumptuously. LUfgtSEKS0I-00185-00055388-00055542 He had everything he needed. LUfgtSEKS0I-00186-00055552-00055942 Lazarus is there eating like a dog at his table, almost. LUfgtSEKS0I-00187-00055952-00056226 He wasn't concerned about spiritual matters. LUfgtSEKS0I-00188-00056236-00056419 Is the Bible trying to say that a rich person LUfgtSEKS0I-00189-00056429-00056539 can't go to heaven? No! LUfgtSEKS0I-00190-00056549-00056860 That's not the idea at all, but he's emphasizing LUfgtSEKS0I-00191-00056870-00057137 that those who aren't as attached to, LUfgtSEKS0I-00192-00057147-00057430 those who haven't rooted themselves deeply LUfgtSEKS0I-00193-00057440-00057780 in the riches and cares and pleasures of this world. LUfgtSEKS0I-00194-00057791-00058034 They're open and are often receptive to the gospel. LUfgtSEKS0I-00195-00058044-00058334 They're rich in faith and they can be heirs of LUfgtSEKS0I-00196-00058344-00058708 the kingdom of God if they will obey the calls in the gospel LUfgtSEKS0I-00197-00058718-00058992 of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. LUfgtSEKS0I-00198-00059002-00059162 And then, as we mentioned, James says LUfgtSEKS0I-00199-00059172-00059349 what you're doing doesn't even make sense. LUfgtSEKS0I-00200-00059359-00059505 You're honoring the rich LUfgtSEKS0I-00201-00059516-00059732 and the rich is the one who oppress you. LUfgtSEKS0I-00202-00059742-00059876 They're the ones who hurt you. LUfgtSEKS0I-00203-00059886-00060099 They're the ones who put you in jail or prison. LUfgtSEKS0I-00204-00060109-00060290 Why are you honoring them? LUfgtSEKS0I-00205-00060300-00060643 Honor those who are receptive to and obey the gospel LUfgtSEKS0I-00206-00060653-00060904 of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Now, LUfgtSEKS0I-00207-00060914-00061311 here's the major point that James tries to drive home: LUfgtSEKS0I-00208-00061321-00061751 all forms of prejudice and partiality LUfgtSEKS0I-00209-00061761-00062225 are eradicated are done away with by the royal law LUfgtSEKS0I-00210-00062235-00062429 laid down in James two verse eight. LUfgtSEKS0I-00211-00062439-00062729 Notice what that law said, "If you really fulfill LUfgtSEKS0I-00212-00062739-00063092 the royal law according to the Scripture, LUfgtSEKS0I-00213-00063103-00063490 you shall love your neighbor as yourself, LUfgtSEKS0I-00214-00063500-00063690 you do well." How do you deal with LUfgtSEKS0I-00215-00063700-00063873 partiality and prejudice? LUfgtSEKS0I-00216-00063883-00064080 You've got to love your neighbor as yourself. LUfgtSEKS0I-00217-00064090-00064247 Friend, the greatest commandment LUfgtSEKS0I-00218-00064257-00064421 was to 'love the Lord your God with all your heart, LUfgtSEKS0I-00219-00064430-00064814 soul, mind, and strength', Mark chapter 12 verses 30 following. LUfgtSEKS0I-00220-00064824-00065168 And the second like unto it, Leviticus 19:18, LUfgtSEKS0I-00221-00065178-00065405 "Love your neighbor as yourself." What's that mean? LUfgtSEKS0I-00222-00065415-00065839 I've got to realize my neighbor, the person across the street, LUfgtSEKS0I-00223-00065849-00066189 the person who may be hard-working and poor, LUfgtSEKS0I-00224-00066199-00066436 I've got to love them just like I love me. LUfgtSEKS0I-00225-00066446-00066639 Regardless if they're the same color as me, LUfgtSEKS0I-00226-00066649-00066916 regardless if they've got money or not, regardless if LUfgtSEKS0I-00227-00066926-00067223 it's somebody I might rub elbows with in a social circle, LUfgtSEKS0I-00228-00067233-00067590 that doesn't amount to anything. What really matters is: LUfgtSEKS0I-00229-00067600-00067777 Do you love your neighbor as yourself? LUfgtSEKS0I-00230-00067787-00067937 Don't you want to go to heaven? LUfgtSEKS0I-00231-00067947-00068328 Don't you want to one day spend eternity with God? LUfgtSEKS0I-00232-00068338-00068681 That's the motivation. You've got to stop for just a minute LUfgtSEKS0I-00233-00068691-00068935 and put yourself in that person shoes. LUfgtSEKS0I-00234-00068945-00069185 Love them. See them as a soul LUfgtSEKS0I-00235-00069195-00069529 and strive to share the gospel of our Lord and Savior LUfgtSEKS0I-00236-00069539-00069756 Jesus Christ with them. That's what LUfgtSEKS0I-00237-00069766-00070006 practical, real Christianity LUfgtSEKS0I-00238-00070016-00070363 is all about. Now friend, let's realize LUfgtSEKS0I-00239-00070373-00070620 and we really want to drive this point home LUfgtSEKS0I-00240-00070630-00070810 as kindly as we know how to say. LUfgtSEKS0I-00241-00070820-00071271 Let's realize that prejudice and partiality is a sin. LUfgtSEKS0I-00242-00071281-00071531 Look in James chapter 2 verse number nine, LUfgtSEKS0I-00243-00071541-00072105 "But if you show partiality, LUfgtSEKS0I-00244-00072115-00072529 you commit sin and are convicted by the law LUfgtSEKS0I-00245-00072539-00072702 as transgressors. LUfgtSEKS0I-00246-00072712-00073106 If we are hesitant to take the gospel to someone, LUfgtSEKS0I-00247-00073116-00073279 if we're not as kind LUfgtSEKS0I-00248-00073289-00073516 and as inviting to people into our assemblies LUfgtSEKS0I-00249-00073526-00073763 because they don't talk like, or dress like, or look like, LUfgtSEKS0I-00250-00073773-00074050 or act like we do, friend, we committed sin. LUfgtSEKS0I-00251-00074060-00074317 That's against the will of God and, as we said, LUfgtSEKS0I-00252-00074327-00074561 it's against the will of God because LUfgtSEKS0I-00253-00074571-00074898 God created man in his own image. When I LUfgtSEKS0I-00254-00074908-00075091 think or speak badly LUfgtSEKS0I-00255-00075101-00075315 about someone who I may not like based on LUfgtSEKS0I-00256-00075325-00075558 certain external features LUfgtSEKS0I-00257-00075568-00075718 that person's created in the image of God, LUfgtSEKS0I-00258-00075728-00075875 I need to be very careful. LUfgtSEKS0I-00259-00075885-00076196 God made them just like he made me LUfgtSEKS0I-00260-00076206-00076726 and in the kingdom of Christ Galatians 2 verses 26 to 29, LUfgtSEKS0I-00261-00076736-00076910 there aren't these classes. LUfgtSEKS0I-00262-00076920-00077163 There aren't these hierarchies. There aren't these LUfgtSEKS0I-00263-00077173-00077397 areas where somebody's above somebody else. LUfgtSEKS0I-00264-00077407-00077594 You're all one LUfgtSEKS0I-00265-00077604-00077911 in Christ Jesus and so let's realize that is LUfgtSEKS0I-00266-00077921-00078218 contrary to the will of God and we must, LUfgtSEKS0I-00267-00078228-00078681 we absolutely must be faithful to the Lord and live true to Him LUfgtSEKS0I-00268-00078691-00078872 each and every day of our life. Now, LUfgtSEKS0I-00269-00078882-00079165 let's turn our attention then LUfgtSEKS0I-00270-00079175-00079642 to the words of verses 12 and 13 and this is really the idea, LUfgtSEKS0I-00271-00079652-00079853 instead of being partial, LUfgtSEKS0I-00272-00079863-00080330 I need to do unto others as I would have God do unto me. LUfgtSEKS0I-00273-00080340-00080844 Look in verses 12 and 13, "So speak and so do LUfgtSEKS0I-00274-00080854-00081171 as those who will be judged by the law of liberty, LUfgtSEKS0I-00275-00081184-00081578 for judgment is without mercy to the one who shows no mercy. LUfgtSEKS0I-00276-00081588-00082001 Mercy triumphs over judgment." What's the point here? LUfgtSEKS0I-00277-00082011-00082315 I want do unto others as I want God, LUfgtSEKS0I-00278-00082325-00082535 not them, as I want God to do unto me. LUfgtSEKS0I-00279-00082545-00082856 Well, I'm going to be judged by the perfect law of liberty. LUfgtSEKS0I-00280-00082866-00083049 How do I want God to judge me? LUfgtSEKS0I-00281-00083059-00083419 Do I want God to be a hard, an angry, LUfgtSEKS0I-00282-00083429-00083713 a prejudiced, and partial judge? Oh no! LUfgtSEKS0I-00283-00083723-00084063 I want God to be merciful. I want God to be gracious. LUfgtSEKS0I-00284-00084073-00084287 I don't want God to look at the exterior; LUfgtSEKS0I-00285-00084297-00084437 I want God to see my heart. LUfgtSEKS0I-00286-00084447-00084634 I want Him to know that I've strived LUfgtSEKS0I-00287-00084644-00085085 and I want the mercy and grace of God, no doubt, to prevail. LUfgtSEKS0I-00288-00085095-00085488 Well friend, if that's how I want God to do with me. LUfgtSEKS0I-00289-00085502-00085755 The Bible says we need to do the same. LUfgtSEKS0I-00290-00085768-00086226 I want to be kind. I want to be inviting. I want to be open. LUfgtSEKS0I-00291-00086236-00086543 I want to share the gospel with anyone regardless LUfgtSEKS0I-00292-00086553-00086806 of where they might be or what they might've come from. LUfgtSEKS0I-00293-00086816-00087123 We need to have the heart of God who wants all men LUfgtSEKS0I-00294-00087137-00087580 to be saved and come to a knowledge of the truth. Now, LUfgtSEKS0I-00295-00087590-00088007 as James thinks about this idea of real faith LUfgtSEKS0I-00296-00088017-00088264 not being prejudiced, not being partial, LUfgtSEKS0I-00297-00088274-00088635 with the gospel putting our faith now into action, LUfgtSEKS0I-00298-00088645-00089035 James then deals with the idea that faith alone LUfgtSEKS0I-00299-00089045-00089169 can't save a man. LUfgtSEKS0I-00300-00089179-00089629 Look at James chapter 2 and notice the problem in verse 14. LUfgtSEKS0I-00301-00089639-00089929 James says, "What does it profit my brethren, LUfgtSEKS0I-00302-00089939-00090376 if someone says he has faith but does not have works LUfgtSEKS0I-00303-00090386-00090553 can faith save him?" Now, LUfgtSEKS0I-00304-00090563-00090957 this is the idea, the major question here is this: LUfgtSEKS0I-00305-00090967-00091447 can faith alone save a person? The context of these verses, LUfgtSEKS0I-00306-00091461-00091731 it's the idea of faith and its application LUfgtSEKS0I-00307-00091741-00092105 in living it every day as a child of God and so LUfgtSEKS0I-00308-00092115-00092462 can someone be saved apart from works, LUfgtSEKS0I-00309-00092472-00092665 by faith only? That's what James LUfgtSEKS0I-00310-00092675-00093039 is trying to discuss and so faith as we've said LUfgtSEKS0I-00311-00093049-00093296 that's my belief and my trust in the Lord. LUfgtSEKS0I-00312-00093306-00093466 Proverbs 3 verse five, LUfgtSEKS0I-00313-00093476-00093710 do I 'trust in the Lord with all my heart, LUfgtSEKS0I-00314-00093720-00093887 lean not on my own understanding? LUfgtSEKS0I-00315-00093897-00094220 But do I acknowledge Him in all my ways? Now, LUfgtSEKS0I-00316-00094230-00094397 as we talk about works, LUfgtSEKS0I-00317-00094407-00094711 let's realize that in the Bible LUfgtSEKS0I-00318-00094721-00094931 there are a couple of kind of works that are mentioned. LUfgtSEKS0I-00319-00094941-00095375 There is meritorious - what we often refer to as LUfgtSEKS0I-00320-00095385-00095705 meritorious works. That is works of merit. LUfgtSEKS0I-00321-00095715-00095952 By that we mean works that we could say LUfgtSEKS0I-00322-00095962-00096162 if we do certain things, we could LUfgtSEKS0I-00323-00096172-00096376 look up to heaven and say 'God, I've done this. LUfgtSEKS0I-00324-00096386-00096576 You owe me salvation'. LUfgtSEKS0I-00325-00096586-00096719 The Jews did this at times. LUfgtSEKS0I-00326-00096729-00096946 They said to themselves in John chapter 8, LUfgtSEKS0I-00327-00096956-00097177 because we're the seed of Abraham, LUfgtSEKS0I-00328-00097187-00097417 we're destined to be God's chosen people. LUfgtSEKS0I-00329-00097427-00097680 And Jesus said, "God's able to raise up LUfgtSEKS0I-00330-00097690-00097991 seed to Abraham from these stones. Don't say to yourself LUfgtSEKS0I-00331-00098001-00098201 we've got Abraham as our father." LUfgtSEKS0I-00332-00098211-00098535 They thought just because they were Abraham's descendents LUfgtSEKS0I-00333-00098545-00098825 they had it clinched. They had it taken care of. LUfgtSEKS0I-00334-00098835-00098985 They were meritorious works. LUfgtSEKS0I-00335-00098995-00099332 That's not what James is trying to discuss here. Rather, LUfgtSEKS0I-00336-00099342-00099619 James is discussing a type of works known as LUfgtSEKS0I-00337-00099629-00099746 conditional works. LUfgtSEKS0I-00338-00099756-00100123 John chapter 6 verse 29 teaches us about these works. LUfgtSEKS0I-00339-00100133-00100847 For example belief itself is a conditional work. John 6:29, LUfgtSEKS0I-00340-00100857-00101090 they have asked Jesus, "What must we do that LUfgtSEKS0I-00341-00101100-00101331 we may works the works of Him who sent us?" LUfgtSEKS0I-00342-00101341-00101671 And Jesus said, "This is the work of God, from God, LUfgtSEKS0I-00343-00101681-00101838 that you believe on Him LUfgtSEKS0I-00344-00101848-00102115 whom he sent. The work, what do you mean? LUfgtSEKS0I-00345-00102125-00102475 It was a conditional work: something they had to accept LUfgtSEKS0I-00346-00102485-00102719 and do and live out in their life. LUfgtSEKS0I-00347-00102729-00102952 And so, when James talks about works here, LUfgtSEKS0I-00348-00102962-00103206 he's talking about conditions, LUfgtSEKS0I-00349-00103216-00103413 things, God has set forth. For example, LUfgtSEKS0I-00350-00103423-00103836 John 14:15 Jesus said, "If you love me, LUfgtSEKS0I-00351-00103847-00104013 keep my commands." Now are we going to say LUfgtSEKS0I-00352-00104023-00104210 when we keep God's commandments, LUfgtSEKS0I-00353-00104220-00104344 are we going to look up to heaven say, LUfgtSEKS0I-00354-00104354-00104510 God you owe me salvation I did it. LUfgtSEKS0I-00355-00104520-00104774 No! We're still saved by the grace of God LUfgtSEKS0I-00356-00104784-00105001 but must I keep God's commandments, LUfgtSEKS0I-00357-00105011-00105291 must I meet those conditions God has set forth? LUfgtSEKS0I-00358-00105301-00105511 Absolutely! And that's the kind of works LUfgtSEKS0I-00359-00105522-00105869 that James is discussing in this context. Now, LUfgtSEKS0I-00360-00105879-00106149 here's the example that James is going to draw up; LUfgtSEKS0I-00361-00106159-00106496 I want to think about this for just a moment, James says LUfgtSEKS0I-00362-00106506-00106653 here's what I want you to think about: you say LUfgtSEKS0I-00363-00106663-00106913 you've got faith, somebody says they've got works. LUfgtSEKS0I-00364-00106923-00107247 Let me give an example: just imagine that a LUfgtSEKS0I-00365-00107257-00107507 brother or sister is naked and destitute LUfgtSEKS0I-00366-00107517-00107647 of food and daily clothes, LUfgtSEKS0I-00367-00107657-00107991 clothing and food and the things he needs for this life. LUfgtSEKS0I-00368-00108001-00108194 You say, 'God bless you. LUfgtSEKS0I-00369-00108204-00108461 I hope you get a hot meal and warm clothes and LUfgtSEKS0I-00370-00108471-00108591 have a good day.' LUfgtSEKS0I-00371-00108608-00108778 Is that real faith? LUfgtSEKS0I-00372-00108788-00108978 Friend, I want you to stop and think about that just a minute. LUfgtSEKS0I-00373-00108988-00109232 Somebody comes, imagine somebody coming into the church house LUfgtSEKS0I-00374-00109242-00109452 and they said, 'I'm hungry. LUfgtSEKS0I-00375-00109462-00109772 My family and I are hungry. We're cold. LUfgtSEKS0I-00376-00109782-00110013 Can you help us with some food and clothing?' LUfgtSEKS0I-00377-00110023-00110533 And you said, 'Now I would if I wasn't a faith-only Christian. LUfgtSEKS0I-00378-00110543-00110737 God bless you. Have a good day.' LUfgtSEKS0I-00379-00110747-00111000 You see the person who says I've got faith only, LUfgtSEKS0I-00380-00111010-00111407 it's impossible for that person to do anything to help them LUfgtSEKS0I-00381-00111417-00111721 if he's just trusting in his faith. And so, James says, LUfgtSEKS0I-00382-00111731-00111871 "Is that real faith?" LUfgtSEKS0I-00383-00111881-00112141 Notice James chapter 2, I want you to hear these words LUfgtSEKS0I-00384-00112151-00112355 verses 15 through 16. LUfgtSEKS0I-00385-00112365-00112549 James says, "If a brother or sister is naked LUfgtSEKS0I-00386-00112558-00112826 and destitute of daily food, and one of you says to them, LUfgtSEKS0I-00387-00112835-00113149 'Depart in peace, be warmed and filled', LUfgtSEKS0I-00388-00113159-00113259 but you do not give them LUfgtSEKS0I-00389-00113269-00113446 the things which are needed for the body, LUfgtSEKS0I-00390-00113456-00113740 what does it profit?" Have you helped that person? LUfgtSEKS0I-00391-00113750-00113950 No. What's the point? LUfgtSEKS0I-00392-00113960-00114204 Verse 17, don't miss these words, LUfgtSEKS0I-00393-00114214-00114621 "Thus also, faith by itself, LUfgtSEKS0I-00394-00114631-00115078 if it does not have works, is dead." LUfgtSEKS0I-00395-00115088-00115408 Friend, you can't say I'm a faith Christian only. LUfgtSEKS0I-00396-00115418-00115552 There's no such thing. LUfgtSEKS0I-00397-00115561-00115835 Faith and works go hand-in-hand in the Bible. How we know that? LUfgtSEKS0I-00398-00115845-00116209 Jesus said it. Matthew 7:21, LUfgtSEKS0I-00399-00116219-00116496 Jesus clearly said it's not everybody LUfgtSEKS0I-00400-00116506-00116639 that looks up into heaven LUfgtSEKS0I-00401-00116649-00117046 and says Lord, Lord, that's going there. Who is? LUfgtSEKS0I-00402-00117056-00117373 He who does the will of my Father in heaven. LUfgtSEKS0I-00403-00117383-00117517 It's not enough to look up in the sky LUfgtSEKS0I-00404-00117527-00117724 and say I believe in Jesus - LUfgtSEKS0I-00405-00117734-00117961 that's faith only. Jesus said that person is not going there. LUfgtSEKS0I-00406-00117977-00118127 Who is Lord? LUfgtSEKS0I-00407-00118137-00118431 He who does the will of my Father in heaven. LUfgtSEKS0I-00408-00118441-00118995 Luke chapter 6 verse 46, "Why do you call Me 'Lord, Lord', LUfgtSEKS0I-00409-00119005-00119242 and do not do the things which I say?" LUfgtSEKS0I-00410-00119252-00119756 Can you really call Jesus Lord and not do something, LUfgtSEKS0I-00411-00119766-00120186 not have some type of action or work in your life? LUfgtSEKS0I-00412-00120196-00120510 Of course not! To really call Jesus Lord, LUfgtSEKS0I-00413-00120520-00120837 you must do what He says. Hebrews 5 verses 8 and 9 LUfgtSEKS0I-00414-00120847-00121094 clearly says, "Jesus is the author LUfgtSEKS0I-00415-00121104-00121491 of eternal salvation to all who obey Him." LUfgtSEKS0I-00416-00121501-00121668 Now, the current counterargument LUfgtSEKS0I-00417-00121678-00121948 this person gives in our context, verse 18, LUfgtSEKS0I-00418-00121958-00122211 the individual's now thinking to himself, 'well, LUfgtSEKS0I-00419-00122222-00122468 okay, some of that may sound good, but LUfgtSEKS0I-00420-00122478-00122705 I'm faith Christian, you're a works Christian. LUfgtSEKS0I-00421-00122715-00122969 James asked this question: James chapter 2 LUfgtSEKS0I-00422-00122979-00123249 look in verse 18 following, LUfgtSEKS0I-00423-00123259-00123590 James says, "If someone says or someone will say, LUfgtSEKS0I-00424-00123600-00123937 you've got faith, I have works. Here's his point: LUfgtSEKS0I-00425-00123947-00124214 show me your faith without your works LUfgtSEKS0I-00426-00124224-00124444 and I'll show you my faith by my works. LUfgtSEKS0I-00427-00124454-00124694 If someone says I'm a faith Christian, okay prove it. LUfgtSEKS0I-00428-00124704-00124904 What do you mean 'prove it'? LUfgtSEKS0I-00429-00124914-00125061 Well, prove it. LUfgtSEKS0I-00430-00125071-00125405 How could you prove you're a faith Christian? LUfgtSEKS0I-00431-00125415-00125622 If you do anything, you've got works LUfgtSEKS0I-00432-00125632-00125899 and so what James is trying to get them to see is this: LUfgtSEKS0I-00433-00125908-00126196 simply saying I'm a faith Christian, LUfgtSEKS0I-00434-00126206-00126619 faith is all you need, is a contradictory idea. LUfgtSEKS0I-00435-00126629-00126909 Prove to me you're a faith Christian. But if you pray, LUfgtSEKS0I-00436-00126920-00127313 if you help the needy, if you evangelize, LUfgtSEKS0I-00437-00127327-00127544 if you obey the Bible, LUfgtSEKS0I-00438-00127557-00127857 you've now entered into the area of meeting conditions LUfgtSEKS0I-00439-00127871-00128234 and we're not just standing in the camp of faith only. In fact, LUfgtSEKS0I-00440-00128244-00128514 James will say faith can only, LUfgtSEKS0I-00441-00128524-00128895 our faith can only be seen by our works. LUfgtSEKS0I-00442-00128905-00129082 You say you're a faith Christian, prove it. LUfgtSEKS0I-00443-00129092-00129275 Now, let me show you this: he says, LUfgtSEKS0I-00444-00129285-00129672 "I'll show you my faith by my works." How do I know LUfgtSEKS0I-00445-00129682-00129792 someone is faithful to God? LUfgtSEKS0I-00446-00129802-00130023 How do I know someone's it really living for Jesus? LUfgtSEKS0I-00447-00130033-00130316 How can you know that someone is a child of God? LUfgtSEKS0I-00448-00130326-00130553 Look at their life, look at their actions, LUfgtSEKS0I-00449-00130563-00130643 look at the way they speak, LUfgtSEKS0I-00450-00130653-00130763 look at the things they do, LUfgtSEKS0I-00451-00130773-00130994 look at the good deeds that they have in their life. LUfgtSEKS0I-00452-00131004-00131151 They're not doing that to earn salvation. LUfgtSEKS0I-00453-00131161-00131441 That's not what we're saying nor is James saying that. LUfgtSEKS0I-00454-00131451-00131711 Friend, you can't prove your faith LUfgtSEKS0I-00455-00131721-00132078 without meeting the conditions set forth in Scripture. Now, LUfgtSEKS0I-00456-00132088-00132432 classic example and I love the example LUfgtSEKS0I-00457-00132442-00132679 James gives: James says, now wait a minute, LUfgtSEKS0I-00458-00132689-00133119 let me show you what a faith- only type of faith is like. LUfgtSEKS0I-00459-00133129-00133433 Look in James chapter 2 verse number 19, LUfgtSEKS0I-00460-00133443-00133806 "You believe there is one God, you do well. LUfgtSEKS0I-00461-00133816-00134030 Even the demons believe and tremble." LUfgtSEKS0I-00462-00134040-00134190 Friend, I want you to listen real carefully. LUfgtSEKS0I-00463-00134200-00134671 James says that a faith-only type of faith LUfgtSEKS0I-00464-00134681-00134867 is a demonic type of faith. LUfgtSEKS0I-00465-00134878-00135248 And if all you do is believe on the Lord Jesus, LUfgtSEKS0I-00466-00135258-00135538 you're going to have a front row in the seats of hell LUfgtSEKS0I-00467-00135548-00135778 along with all the demons. Why? LUfgtSEKS0I-00468-00135788-00135992 Because that's a demonic type of faith. LUfgtSEKS0I-00469-00136002-00136229 "You believe there is one God, good for you. LUfgtSEKS0I-00470-00136239-00136673 The demons even believe and tremble." What's James saying? LUfgtSEKS0I-00471-00136683-00137040 It's not enough just to say I believe in God. LUfgtSEKS0I-00472-00137050-00137367 It's not enough just to recognize the fact, LUfgtSEKS0I-00473-00137377-00137707 James is teaching you got to do something LUfgtSEKS0I-00474-00137717-00137927 to show that. Now, here's the example: LUfgtSEKS0I-00475-00137937-00138171 look in verses 20 through 23 LUfgtSEKS0I-00476-00138181-00138521 and I want you to see how Abraham proved his faith LUfgtSEKS0I-00477-00138531-00138638 by his works, LUfgtSEKS0I-00478-00138648-00138955 "But do you want to know, oh foolish man, LUfgtSEKS0I-00479-00138965-00139329 that faith without works is dead? LUfgtSEKS0I-00480-00139339-00139796 Was not Abraham our father justified by works LUfgtSEKS0I-00481-00139806-00140076 when he offered Isaac, his son on the altar? LUfgtSEKS0I-00482-00140086-00140503 Do you see that faith was working together LUfgtSEKS0I-00483-00140513-00140904 with his works and by works, faith LUfgtSEKS0I-00484-00140914-00141190 was made perfect, or complete. LUfgtSEKS0I-00485-00141200-00141591 And the Scripture was fulfilled which says, LUfgtSEKS0I-00486-00141601-00141988 'Abraham's faith, Abraham believed God LUfgtSEKS0I-00487-00141998-00142212 and it was accounted to him for righteousness.' LUfgtSEKS0I-00488-00142222-00142365 And he was called the friend of God." LUfgtSEKS0I-00489-00142378-00142709 Who's the person in the Bible that Scripture says believed God LUfgtSEKS0I-00490-00142722-00143059 and was a friend of God? Did he have faith? Yeah. How you know? LUfgtSEKS0I-00491-00143069-00143359 God said, "Abraham, LUfgtSEKS0I-00492-00143369-00143720 all the promises are coming through you, through your seed. LUfgtSEKS0I-00493-00143730-00143870 You've got this one son, Isaac. LUfgtSEKS0I-00494-00143880-00144087 It's took a long time, a lot of work to get him here. LUfgtSEKS0I-00495-00144097-00144234 Here's what I want you to do: LUfgtSEKS0I-00496-00144244-00144467 I want you to take him up on Mount Moriah LUfgtSEKS0I-00497-00144484-00144757 and I want you to offer him as a sacrifice." LUfgtSEKS0I-00498-00144767-00144978 What did Abraham do to prove his faith? LUfgtSEKS0I-00499-00144988-00145408 Abraham said, "yes sir, God, if that's what you want me to do, LUfgtSEKS0I-00500-00145418-00145582 let's pack the horse, LUfgtSEKS0I-00501-00145592-00145825 let's me and Isaac head up the hill, I'm going to do it. LUfgtSEKS0I-00502-00145835-00146002 Hebrews 11 tells us why. LUfgtSEKS0I-00503-00146012-00146269 He was so convinced in the promises of God, LUfgtSEKS0I-00504-00146279-00146486 that Abraham knew that, if he killed his own son, LUfgtSEKS0I-00505-00146496-00146716 God would even raise him from the dead. LUfgtSEKS0I-00506-00146726-00146860 How do you know Abraham had faith? LUfgtSEKS0I-00507-00146870-00147160 Well, it wasn't enough just tell to God, 'I believe you.' LUfgtSEKS0I-00508-00147170-00147460 Abraham had to load up his son, LUfgtSEKS0I-00509-00147470-00147814 had to walk that long trek up that mountain, LUfgtSEKS0I-00510-00147824-00148031 and he took his knife and he was ready to do it. LUfgtSEKS0I-00511-00148041-00148434 Do you think Abraham just believed? Faith-only LUfgtSEKS0I-00512-00148444-00148648 would be as disrespectful as you can imagine LUfgtSEKS0I-00513-00148658-00148995 to the example of Abraham and to God himself. Well, LUfgtSEKS0I-00514-00149002-00149249 what's the lesson then? Here's the idea: LUfgtSEKS0I-00515-00149259-00149689 James chapter 2 verse number 26 LUfgtSEKS0I-00516-00149699-00149923 kind of solidifies the point. LUfgtSEKS0I-00517-00149933-00150163 The Bible records, "For as the body LUfgtSEKS0I-00518-00150173-00150610 without the spirit is dead, so faith without works LUfgtSEKS0I-00519-00150620-00150900 is dead also." What's a faith-only type of faith like? LUfgtSEKS0I-00520-00150910-00151157 Like that body laying over there in the casket. LUfgtSEKS0I-00521-00151167-00151638 It's dead. It's inactive. It's lifeless. It's profitless. LUfgtSEKS0I-00522-00151648-00152011 It comes to nothing, good for nothing and that's the point. LUfgtSEKS0I-00523-00152021-00152215 James is saying, if you want to say to yourself, LUfgtSEKS0I-00524-00152225-00152348 I've got faith-only, LUfgtSEKS0I-00525-00152358-00152685 you're like a dead body lying in a casket, good for nothing. LUfgtSEKS0I-00526-00152695-00152865 Well, what is the point then? LUfgtSEKS0I-00527-00152875-00153379 James is teaching us: you've got to put your belief into action. LUfgtSEKS0I-00528-00153389-00153643 Don't just stand up and say it, do it. LUfgtSEKS0I-00529-00153653-00153930 James chapter 1 verse 22, "Be doers of the word, LUfgtSEKS0I-00530-00153940-00154057 not hearers only, LUfgtSEKS0I-00531-00154067-00154334 deceiving yourselves." Now here's one of the major points LUfgtSEKS0I-00532-00154344-00154591 we want to drive home: we left this verse LUfgtSEKS0I-00533-00154601-00154751 and the context for a purpose LUfgtSEKS0I-00534-00154761-00154934 and I want you to notice it now. LUfgtSEKS0I-00535-00154944-00155265 James teaches us this lesson James two verse 24 LUfgtSEKS0I-00536-00155275-00155551 the Bible says, "You see then LUfgtSEKS0I-00537-00155561-00155969 that a man is justified by works, and not by faith only." LUfgtSEKS0I-00538-00155979-00156105 Friend, I want you to listen real carefully. LUfgtSEKS0I-00539-00156115-00156379 I want you to make sure you don't miss this point, LUfgtSEKS0I-00540-00156389-00156539 as James is speaking to us. LUfgtSEKS0I-00541-00156549-00157190 The only time in Scripture the words 'faith only' ever occur, LUfgtSEKS0I-00542-00157200-00157360 did you know God says it won't save? LUfgtSEKS0I-00543-00157370-00157573 Now, you let that sink in just a minute. LUfgtSEKS0I-00544-00157584-00157931 There have been a multitude of religious leaders LUfgtSEKS0I-00545-00157941-00158091 who said that all you've got to do LUfgtSEKS0I-00546-00158101-00158464 to be saved is believe in Jesus and have faith only. LUfgtSEKS0I-00547-00158474-00158831 And the only time 'faith alone' is ever used in the Bible LUfgtSEKS0I-00548-00158841-00159255 God says 'faith alone' will not save. LUfgtSEKS0I-00549-00159269-00159719 Friend, be sure, mark it down, Scripture teaches LUfgtSEKS0I-00550-00159729-00159913 'faith alone' is not going to get anybody to heaven. LUfgtSEKS0I-00551-00159923-00160046 Do I have to have faith? LUfgtSEKS0I-00552-00160056-00160293 Don't get me wrong, you've got to believe in Jesus, LUfgtSEKS0I-00553-00160303-00160463 real type of belief, though. LUfgtSEKS0I-00554-00160473-00160747 Belief that motivates one to action. John 8:24 LUfgtSEKS0I-00555-00160757-00160907 you've got to believe Jesus is LUfgtSEKS0I-00556-00160917-00161130 the Son of God, so much so LUfgtSEKS0I-00557-00161140-00161411 that you're willing to act upon that belief by repenting. LUfgtSEKS0I-00558-00161421-00161768 Acts three verse 19 Peter preached, "Repent and turn LUfgtSEKS0I-00559-00161778-00162041 that your sins may be blotted out." LUfgtSEKS0I-00560-00162051-00162302 Having repented, make the good confession. LUfgtSEKS0I-00561-00162312-00162539 Matthew 10:32 and 33 Jesus said LUfgtSEKS0I-00562-00162549-00162755 if you won't "confess me before men, LUfgtSEKS0I-00563-00162769-00162912 neither will I confess you before my Father LUfgtSEKS0I-00564-00162919-00162982 who is in heaven. LUfgtSEKS0I-00565-00163009-00163209 But if you will confess me before men, LUfgtSEKS0I-00566-00163219-00163386 I'll also confess you before the Father." LUfgtSEKS0I-00567-00163396-00163733 And then friend, take your faith into action LUfgtSEKS0I-00568-00163743-00163903 and do what Peter said, LUfgtSEKS0I-00569-00163913-00164160 "Repent, and be baptized every one of you LUfgtSEKS0I-00570-00164170-00164427 in the name of Jesus Christ for LUfgtSEKS0I-00571-00164437-00164681 the remission of your sins." What's James two all about? LUfgtSEKS0I-00572-00164691-00165031 Faith and works go hand-in- hand like a hand in a glove. LUfgtSEKS0I-00573-00165041-00165208 Faith and works complement each other. LUfgtSEKS0I-00574-00165218-00165445 Let's each of us strive every day LUfgtSEKS0I-00575-00165455-00165798 to put our faith into action and follow Jesus faithfully. LUfgtSEKS0I-00576-00165828-00166089 We encourage you to visit thegospelofChrist.com LUfgtSEKS0I-00577-00166099-00166319 for a host of Bible study materials as well as LUfgtSEKS0I-00578-00166329-00166589 audio and video copies of our lessons. LUfgtSEKS0I-00579-00166599-00166776 If you would like to have a copy of today's lesson, LUfgtSEKS0I-00580-00166786-00166913 please visit our website LUfgtSEKS0I-00581-00166923-00167123 and fill out a media request form, LUfgtSEKS0I-00582-00167133-00167230 or you can email us at: LUfgtSEKS0I-00583-00167240-00167553 mail@thegospelofChrist.com, LUfgtSEKS0I-00584-00167563-00168187 call us toll-free at 1-855-458-3905, LUfgtSEKS0I-00585-00168197-00168908 or write to us at PO Box 788 McMinnville, TN 37111. LUfgtSEKS0I-00586-00168915-00170894 ♪ singing LWG3eqO0f4M-00000-00000000-00000588 we've all thought about giving up when [__] is hard difficult to process information during pain LWG3eqO0f4M-00001-00000672-00001332 because this pain takes over you can't think rationally about your thoughts fight or flee LWG3eqO0f4M-00002-00001332-00002010 save yourself this is not a rational thought this is not an idea that will get you through difficult LWG3eqO0f4M-00003-00002010-00002922 times when you stop your mind says we're done so it doesn't stretch exit without extensions LWG3eqO0f4M-00004-00002994-00003504 you won't find resilience and comfort the only way to find it is to drown yourself LWG3eqO0f4M-00005-00003600-00004086 in a position where you just got out of shape though you cannot swim and drown LWG3eqO0f4M-00006-00004170-00004716 you sink into life you come in now I have to get out of here you fight or run LWG3eqO0f4M-00007-00004806-00005370 it's cold it can't be frozen for so long then there is this second decision you've LWG3eqO0f4M-00008-00005370-00005994 forgotten every reason you wanted to be there they just want to go home you want to be warm LWG3eqO0f4M-00009-00006066-00006720 you might want to eat something to eat all those Comfort things in this second what do you need LWG3eqO0f4M-00010-00006720-00007494 to do this second I mean who do you know [__] it all I'll figure out how to do backstroke and stuff LWG3eqO0f4M-00011-00007566-00008070 it's about controlling your mind put things back where they were I really want to be here LWG3eqO0f4M-00012-00008070-00008628 out with a bunch of those seconds I need to learn to control them because if I miss a second of it LWG3eqO0f4M-00013-00008688-00009360 I don't want to be a doctor I don't want to be a lawyer I will not be anyone if you say [__] you LWG3eqO0f4M-00014-00009444-00010026 sucks I'm drowning I'm not happy I'm in pain my heart is broken but I have nowhere to go LWG3eqO0f4M-00015-00010104-00010812 what's going on in your head it says screw it he's not going so we have to expand we must grow LWG3eqO0f4M-00016-00010890-00011370 we have to figure out the damn thing these parts of your brain need to function LWG3eqO0f4M-00017-00011454-00011862 then you start to engage in parts of your thinking that you never engaged in before LWG3eqO0f4M-00018-00011964-00012564 when you're in pain you say I won't stop you are now forcing your brain to work on a certain level LWG3eqO0f4M-00019-00012654-00013374 it is not used but then you get used to it if you want to take the damn Island burn the damn ship LWG3eqO0f4M-00020-00013446-00013980 if you burn the ship you will reach the advanced level determination and courage LWG3eqO0f4M-00021-00013980-00014586 you may not have experienced it before you become Unstoppable you are just LWG3eqO0f4M-00022-00014663-00015186 where are you now cause you've never been throw your whole self into anything in your life LWG3eqO0f4M-00023-00015269-00015840 I have never met anyone very successful in every area of their lives till they suffer LWG3eqO0f4M-00024-00015930-00016536 sweat and sacrifice and stay focused and fight back the tears and tried and tested when you LWG3eqO0f4M-00025-00016536-00017304 have a dream and work hard for it it happens you think greatness is for sale but the real LWG3eqO0f4M-00026-00017304-00018222 quality never for sale size cost how much does it cost you have to pay the price there are no LWG3eqO0f4M-00027-00018222-00018822 discounts for achievements only recurring only hard work only persistence just sweat and blood LWG3eqO0f4M-00028-00018912-00019632 and tears fifty percent of Victories come in combat once you show up the battle is half over LWG3eqO0f4M-00029-00019722-00020286 if you don't show up you'll never win the fight I'm tired of hiding in the shadows with fear LWG3eqO0f4M-00030-00020358-00021270 I may fail I show up to fight here I am ready to serve I will face it throw the chips where LWG3eqO0f4M-00031-00021270-00021750 they can if you don't learn to thrive in the fire of War you simply won't thrive LWG3eqO0f4M-00032-00021828-00022410 in fact usually the greed of the resistance the closer to the Target dreams are fertilized LWG3eqO0f4M-00033-00022410-00022932 not in nice comfortable places not when everything is going well but where it stinks LWG3eqO0f4M-00034-00023010-00023724 this is the rugged place where dreams are born you think greatness is for sale but the real quality LWG3eqO0f4M-00035-00023802-00024648 never for sale size cost how much does it cost you have to pay the price there are no discounts LWG3eqO0f4M-00036-00024648-00025266 for achievements only recurring only hard work only persistence just sweat and Blood and Tears LWG3eqO0f4M-00037-00025350-00025883 fifty percent of Victories come in combat once you show up the battle is half over LWG3eqO0f4M-00038-00025974-00026538 if you don't show up you'll never win the fight I'm tired of hiding in the shadows with fear LWG3eqO0f4M-00039-00026610-00027426 I may fail I show up to fight here I am ready to serve I will face it through the chips where LWG3eqO0f4M-00040-00027426-00028158 they can if you don't learn to thrive in the fire of War you simply won't thrive in fact LWG3eqO0f4M-00041-00028248-00028920 usually the greater the resistance the closer to the Target dreams are fertilized not in nice LWG3eqO0f4M-00042-00028920-00029580 comfortable places not when everything is going well but where it stinks this is the LWG3eqO0f4M-00043-00029580-00030114 rugged place where dreams are born that has to be something contagious when people are around you LWG3eqO0f4M-00044-00030192-00030822 it radiates energy and there's something like this the person just wants it to happen our obsessions LWG3eqO0f4M-00045-00030822-00031374 become our property so if you want to grow up you have to let go of everything except this dream LWG3eqO0f4M-00046-00031464-00031854 anyone can dream it but you'll never see it until you are ready to start it LWG3eqO0f4M-00047-00031920-00032148 you have to stand with your back against the wall LWG3eqO0f4M-00048-00032238-00032724 I won't give you a way out because when it comes to life you find a way to do it LcyiPoSIVDg-00000-00000521-00001249 It was day 16 of the Johnny Depp v Amber Heard libel trial, this on the 16th May 2022. LcyiPoSIVDg-00001-00001249-00001730 Amber Heard is asked about the first time she alleges Johnny Depp hit her. LcyiPoSIVDg-00002-00001730-00002214 She tells the court: "You never forget it, it changes your life forever, you never forget LcyiPoSIVDg-00003-00002214-00002314 something like that. LcyiPoSIVDg-00004-00002314-00002661 I just had the date wrong." LcyiPoSIVDg-00005-00002661-00003145 She has changed the date of the original incident, which she says happened during an argument LcyiPoSIVDg-00006-00003145-00003663 over Depp's "Wino Forever tattoo" in early 2013. LcyiPoSIVDg-00007-00003663-00004260 Heard now says she believes the first act of violence actually took place in 2012. LcyiPoSIVDg-00008-00004260-00004864 She is asked about the UK Depp v The Sun court case in London in 2020. LcyiPoSIVDg-00009-00004864-00005360 Heard confirms that there were 17 acts of physical violence, and three acts of sexual LcyiPoSIVDg-00010-00005360-00005646 violence, given as evidence during that case. LcyiPoSIVDg-00011-00005646-00006267 Heard explains the word sofa was a form of safe word, and meant time out, or cool down. LcyiPoSIVDg-00012-00006267-00006727 Amber Heard tells the court that: "Violence became normal towards the end [of the relationship LcyiPoSIVDg-00013-00006727-00006909 with Johnny Depp]. LcyiPoSIVDg-00014-00006909-00007388 It's hard to say now, but the brain does with trauma what it does - puts it away as best LcyiPoSIVDg-00015-00007388-00007559 it can." LcyiPoSIVDg-00016-00007559-00008150 The court is shown a photo of Heard on the red carpet at an event in April 2015. LcyiPoSIVDg-00017-00008150-00008499 In it we can see marks on Heard's forearms. LcyiPoSIVDg-00018-00008499-00008956 She tells the court they are "scars from where Johnny was strangling and assaulting me on LcyiPoSIVDg-00019-00008956-00009222 the counter top in Australia. LcyiPoSIVDg-00020-00009222-00009671 Heard says she had make up on the marks at the time, but they were "hard to hide. LcyiPoSIVDg-00021-00009671-00010203 We move to August 2015, when Amber Heard and Johnny Depp were travelling on the Eastern LcyiPoSIVDg-00022-00010203-00010503 Oriental train in Southeast Asia. LcyiPoSIVDg-00023-00010503-00010992 In her witness statement, Heard says Depp hit her, and pushed her against a wall by LcyiPoSIVDg-00024-00010992-00011493 grasping her throat and holding her there, causing her to fear for her life. LcyiPoSIVDg-00025-00011493-00011867 "He could not even mean to kill me..." LcyiPoSIVDg-00026-00011867-00012320 She says she often feared he would kill her during one of their arguments without meaning LcyiPoSIVDg-00027-00012320-00012461 to. LcyiPoSIVDg-00028-00012461-00012850 She goes on: "I remember looking down on him... LcyiPoSIVDg-00029-00012850-00013260 Clawing at him trying to get his arms away from my neck. LcyiPoSIVDg-00030-00013260-00013788 At one point I remember him ripping my shirt, and one of my breasts became exposed... LcyiPoSIVDg-00031-00013788-00014213 I pulled at his lapel and his shirt tore... LcyiPoSIVDg-00032-00014213-00014453 He ripped it off and put it around my neck." LcyiPoSIVDg-00033-00014453-00014855 She says she woke up later like that, with damage to her head. LcyiPoSIVDg-00034-00014855-00015508 The court is still hearing about the relationship in 2015, and Amber Heard describes a sex scene LcyiPoSIVDg-00035-00015508-00016003 in the film London Fields that she says caused Johnny Depp to "freak out", telling the court LcyiPoSIVDg-00036-00016003-00016489 it was "because unbeknownst to me they used a body double to do a sex scene, so I have LcyiPoSIVDg-00037-00016489-00016945 an incredibly jealous man who's already irate with me because I've broken the rules and LcyiPoSIVDg-00038-00016945-00017106 done a sex scene. LcyiPoSIVDg-00039-00017106-00017581 She says Depp was already cross with her because she had entertained doing a TV job with the LcyiPoSIVDg-00040-00017581-00018156 actor James Franco, which she says "would also require brief nudity. LcyiPoSIVDg-00041-00018156-00018619 The court has previously heard that Depp was jealous of Franco. LcyiPoSIVDg-00042-00018619-00019208 The court is played a piece of audio in which Amber Heard and Johnny Depp can be heard arguing. LcyiPoSIVDg-00043-00019208-00019870 She tells the court: "I was in the habit of turning him on his side so he didn't asphyxiate. LcyiPoSIVDg-00044-00019870-00020199 At one time when I was doing that, he swung at me." LcyiPoSIVDg-00045-00020199-00020676 in another piece of the audio Depp accusing Heard of hitting him. LcyiPoSIVDg-00046-00020676-00021214 She says she hasn't "swung at him" and tells the court she was simply defending herself, LcyiPoSIVDg-00047-00021214-00021529 as she would when he was "proactively hitting me. LcyiPoSIVDg-00048-00021529-00021936 She reminds the court he is "twice as big as me. LcyiPoSIVDg-00049-00021936-00022523 In the audio we also hear them arguing over the bathroom door allegedly hitting him, and LcyiPoSIVDg-00050-00022523-00022988 Depp accusing Heard of slamming it into him. LcyiPoSIVDg-00051-00022988-00023437 regarding Bahamas in August 2014 The court is shown a photo that appears to LcyiPoSIVDg-00052-00023437-00024063 be of the side of Amber Heard's head, and she tells us it shows "bruising to my temple. LcyiPoSIVDg-00053-00024063-00024538 She says it was caused by Depp "repeatedly punching my head, that's what caused that LcyiPoSIVDg-00054-00024538-00024697 bruise. LcyiPoSIVDg-00055-00024697-00025149 She says it happened during the stay on Depp's private island in the Bahamas. LcyiPoSIVDg-00056-00025149-00025610 Amber Heard tells the court that there were periods when Johnny Depp would be with her, LcyiPoSIVDg-00057-00025610-00026063 or she would be talking to him on the phone, and he would be "talking to people who weren't LcyiPoSIVDg-00058-00026063-00026216 there. LcyiPoSIVDg-00059-00026216-00026845 regarding her 30th birthday in April 2016, Amber says Depp "chest bumped me", "pushed LcyiPoSIVDg-00060-00026845-00027272 me to the ground" and "grabbed me by the pubic area. LcyiPoSIVDg-00061-00027272-00027724 She says he would often grab her there, and ask her if she thought she was "tough, like LcyiPoSIVDg-00062-00027724-00027830 a man. LcyiPoSIVDg-00063-00027830-00028312 She says during the fight he told her: "'All this will go away', while pointing at my face LcyiPoSIVDg-00064-00028312-00028813 or body, and that my tits would sag, and no one would ever love me" LcyiPoSIVDg-00065-00028979-00029477 Heard says yes, she did, adding: "She had eaten Johnny's weed as a puppy and had bowel LcyiPoSIVDg-00066-00029477-00029708 control issues." LcyiPoSIVDg-00067-00029708-00030162 She says the dog would often defecate on the floor, and sometimes in the bed where she LcyiPoSIVDg-00068-00030162-00030490 liked to sleep. LcyiPoSIVDg-00069-00030490-00031048 reagarding Met Gala in May 2016 she says "I walked the red carpet myself, with a member LcyiPoSIVDg-00070-00031048-00031642 of Ralph Lauren's team" and says "I sat on my own, next to an empty place setting... LcyiPoSIVDg-00071-00031642-00031976 Johnny had stood me up on the red carpet. LcyiPoSIVDg-00072-00031976-00032472 She says the man ahead of her on the waiting line of the red carpet was Elon Musk, but LcyiPoSIVDg-00073-00032472-00032774 she didn't recognise him at the time. LcyiPoSIVDg-00074-00032774-00033377 She describes him as "nice, a real gentleman" and she says they first spoke on that night, LcyiPoSIVDg-00075-00033377-00033980 and later struck up a friendship. LcyiPoSIVDg-00076-00033980-00034612 We move to a written report from Amber Heard's former nurse, Erin Falati, also known as Erin LcyiPoSIVDg-00077-00034612-00034743 Boerum. LcyiPoSIVDg-00078-00034743-00035377 It was written on 9 May 2016, and in it she reports Heard telling her about "taking illicit LcyiPoSIVDg-00079-00035377-00035936 drugs (mushrooms and MDMA) with a high-profile male acquaintance. LcyiPoSIVDg-00080-00035936-00036572 Ms Falati also notes: "Husband not aware of male visitor nor her illicit drug use." LcyiPoSIVDg-00081-00036572-00037128 Heard says she does not recall this, and doesn't even know if she was in LA at the time. LcyiPoSIVDg-00082-00037128-00037793 Ms Falati's notes also refer to Heard having past issues with drugs. LcyiPoSIVDg-00083-00037793-00037995 Heard denies this. LcyiPoSIVDg-00084-00037995-00038671 She says she has previously used cocaine "a few times when I was 19, 19 years old, but LcyiPoSIVDg-00085-00038671-00039030 stopped using drugs when I got with my ex-partner. LcyiPoSIVDg-00086-00039030-00039275 She was very against that. LcyiPoSIVDg-00087-00039275-00039422 I'm glad for it LcyiPoSIVDg-00088-00039422-00040093 A later report from Ms Falati says: "Client admits to history of anxiety, eating disorder, LcyiPoSIVDg-00089-00040093-00040747 Attention Deficit Disorder, Bipolar disorder, co-dependency issues and occasional insomnia." LcyiPoSIVDg-00090-00040747-00041224 Heard says she has never suffered from these things, with the exception of co-dependency LcyiPoSIVDg-00091-00041224-00041687 issues which she says she now believes she was suffering from during her relationship LcyiPoSIVDg-00092-00041687-00042216 with Depp, but wouldn't have reported at the time as she hadn't been aware of it while LcyiPoSIVDg-00093-00042216-00042380 it was happening. LcyiPoSIVDg-00094-00042380-00043013 Heard says Depp came to visit her in LA on 21 May 2016 and at the time she called her LcyiPoSIVDg-00095-00043013-00043445 friend Io Tillett Wright and put him on speakerphone. LcyiPoSIVDg-00096-00043445-00043969 She says Io told her: "Amber get out of the house, you're not safe." LcyiPoSIVDg-00097-00043969-00044482 She says Io had previously been at the house and witnessed her "washing blood out of the LcyiPoSIVDg-00098-00044482-00044869 pillowcases" after another alleged incident with Depp. LcyiPoSIVDg-00099-00044869-00045293 The court is shown a series of photos Amber Heard says were taken by her friend Rocky LcyiPoSIVDg-00100-00045293-00045911 Pennington after she alleges Depp threw a phone at her on 21 May 2016. LcyiPoSIVDg-00101-00045911-00046373 She says Ms Pennington took pictures "in different lighting" and that they did it "to protect LcyiPoSIVDg-00102-00046373-00046934 me, because the cops were coming, and we weren't sure what was going to happen. LcyiPoSIVDg-00103-00046934-00047451 She adds: "We didn't know what Johnny was going to do, so [Rocky] wanted to protect LcyiPoSIVDg-00104-00047451-00047782 me." LcyiPoSIVDg-00105-00047782-00048288 Here are some of the images shown to the court, which we are told were also shown as evidence LcyiPoSIVDg-00106-00048288-00048675 to Police Officer's Ms Saenz and Mr Hadden earlier in this trial. LcyiPoSIVDg-00107-00048675-00049048 The lawyer asks: "Why didn't you co-operate with the police?" LcyiPoSIVDg-00108-00049048-00049737 Heard responds: "I wanted to protect Johnny, I didn't want him to be arrested... LcyiPoSIVDg-00109-00049737-00049941 I didn't want this to come out. LcyiPoSIVDg-00110-00049941-00050467 We move onto a series of images which were taken by Heard's friend Rocky Pennington that LcyiPoSIVDg-00111-00050467-00051071 night, showing what looks like mess and damage in LA penthouses 3 and 5. LcyiPoSIVDg-00112-00051071-00051595 Heard says: "Johnny would always destroy my things when he was angry at me. LcyiPoSIVDg-00113-00051595-00052289 Heard filed for divorce from Depp on 23 May 2016, and four days later, obtained a temporary LcyiPoSIVDg-00114-00052289-00052528 restraining order against him. LcyiPoSIVDg-00115-00052528-00052895 Amber Heard says: "It felt like the hardest thing I ever had to do. LcyiPoSIVDg-00116-00052895-00053642 I had worked so hard to try to make this relationship work, I went to therapy, Al Anon [Alcohol LcyiPoSIVDg-00117-00053642-00054273 Anonymous], I read books, I did everything I could do to make this relationship work. LcyiPoSIVDg-00118-00054273-00054386 I was conflicted LcyiPoSIVDg-00119-00054386-00055007 She says: "The monster had become that thing that was now normal and not the exception. LcyiPoSIVDg-00120-00055007-00055297 The violence had become normal and not the exception. LcyiPoSIVDg-00121-00055297-00055732 "I believe he would have taken it too far and I wouldn't be here. LcyiPoSIVDg-00122-00055732-00056523 I was losing hair, I was losing weight, I got really sick, I had shingles, I couldn't LcyiPoSIVDg-00123-00056811-00057211 We are shown a photo of Heard, in which there appears to be some sort of mark on the top LcyiPoSIVDg-00124-00057211-00057387 of her cheek. LcyiPoSIVDg-00125-00057387-00058037 She says: "It's a picture of my face while I was sitting at the court house. LcyiPoSIVDg-00126-00058037-00058347 I was wearing nothing, not a stitch of make up." LcyiPoSIVDg-00127-00058347-00058835 When asked about evidence given by previous witnesses, who claimed Heard "didn't wear LcyiPoSIVDg-00128-00058835-00059359 a stitch of make up", she says "They didn't know what they were talking about, I always LcyiPoSIVDg-00129-00059359-00059672 wore make up." LcyiPoSIVDg-00130-00059672-00060441 in June 2016 She says Depp was attempting to damage her career as well as ruin her reputation. LcyiPoSIVDg-00131-00060441-00060899 She describes attempting to stop it as asking him "to call the dogs off. LcyiPoSIVDg-00132-00060899-00061544 In the discussion we hear Depp saying: "Throwing me under the bus for some video or something. LcyiPoSIVDg-00133-00061544-00061853 He says: "Your agents won't settle baby." LcyiPoSIVDg-00134-00061853-00062315 In the recording Heard says everything she was doing was in response to his legal team's LcyiPoSIVDg-00135-00062315-00062512 actions. LcyiPoSIVDg-00136-00062512-00063107 She tells the court she told Depp: "Don't make me do it, I don't want to prove it." LcyiPoSIVDg-00137-00063107-00063636 At the end of the audio recording we hear Heard say: "I have not done anything... LcyiPoSIVDg-00138-00063636-00064242 I'm being called a liar and a gold-digger, and I'm not lying about any of this shit and LcyiPoSIVDg-00139-00064242-00064479 I don't want a dime of your money. LcyiPoSIVDg-00140-00064479-00064854 A second piece of audio is played to the court. LcyiPoSIVDg-00141-00064854-00065283 We can hear Johnny Depp and Amber Heard arguing again. LcyiPoSIVDg-00142-00065283-00065778 They are talking about having to discuss their relationship "under oath" - presumably as LcyiPoSIVDg-00143-00065778-00066045 part of the divorce hearing. LcyiPoSIVDg-00144-00066045-00066377 Depp says "Do you believe all of this Amber? LcyiPoSIVDg-00145-00066377-00066663 Do you believe I'm an abuser?. LcyiPoSIVDg-00146-00066663-00066885 Heard says, "Yes... LcyiPoSIVDg-00147-00066885-00067096 In May, December and April. LcyiPoSIVDg-00148-00067096-00067623 The lawyer asks what she was referring to naming those months, and she says:"Just some LcyiPoSIVDg-00149-00067623-00067980 of the times he beat me up, and that he knew about." LcyiPoSIVDg-00150-00067980-00068513 She goes on: "I promised the entirety of [the settlement] to charity because I was never LcyiPoSIVDg-00151-00068513-00068747 interested in Johnny's money... LcyiPoSIVDg-00152-00068747-00069386 I wanted the truth, I wanted him to clear my name, and I wanted him to leave me alone. LcyiPoSIVDg-00153-00069386-00069665 I've been saying that since 2016. LcyiPoSIVDg-00154-00069665-00070335 She explains she pledged $3.5m to a children's hospital in LA as she had worked there for LcyiPoSIVDg-00155-00070335-00070970 10 years as a volunteer and the same amount to the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) LcyiPoSIVDg-00156-00070970-00071396 as she was a supporter and agreed with their aims. LcyiPoSIVDg-00157-00071396-00071872 She says she agreed to "pay in instalments" as she was receiving her divorce settlement LcyiPoSIVDg-00158-00072476-00073190 She says during that time, her boyfriend at the time, Elon Musk, made donations of $500,000 LcyiPoSIVDg-00159-00073190-00073399 to both charities in her name. LcyiPoSIVDg-00160-00073399-00073851 We move on to discussion of the op-ed that this entire case is about. LcyiPoSIVDg-00161-00073851-00074445 Amber Heard says: "There was a lot of attention around gender based violence issues in general" LcyiPoSIVDg-00162-00074445-00074988 and says she took "the opportunity to lend her voice to a great cause which was a conversation LcyiPoSIVDg-00163-00074988-00075405 around women's issues the country was having at the time." LcyiPoSIVDg-00164-00075405-00075926 She says it was a "political and cultural conversation" she wanted to be part of. LcyiPoSIVDg-00165-00075926-00076510 She says the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) drafted the first draft of the op-ed, LcyiPoSIVDg-00166-00076510-00077018 and she personally didn't want to mention Johnny Depp in name or reference. LcyiPoSIVDg-00167-00077018-00077552 The lawyer asks if she had timed the publication of the op-ed to come at the same time as the LcyiPoSIVDg-00168-00078114-00078598 Amber Heard tells the court she is "proud" of the article, and that she has "had the LcyiPoSIVDg-00169-00078598-00078812 paper article framed. LcyiPoSIVDg-00170-00078812-00079248 Amber Heard says she appeared in Aquaman 2, but that it "was a very paired down version LcyiPoSIVDg-00171-00079248-00079431 of the role. LcyiPoSIVDg-00172-00079431-00079975 She says: "I was given the script, then given different versions of the script... LcyiPoSIVDg-00173-00079975-00080434 they basically took a bunch out of my role. LcyiPoSIVDg-00174-00080434-00081019 She is asked about her salary of $2m, but Johnny Depp's lawyers object and she is not LcyiPoSIVDg-00175-00081019-00081450 able to discuss whether she was able to negotiate a higher fee. LcyiPoSIVDg-00176-00081450-00081965 The court is then played a piece of audio we are told was recorded in July 2016 in San LcyiPoSIVDg-00177-00081965-00082137 Francisco. LcyiPoSIVDg-00178-00082137-00082569 In it we hear Depp saying "we won't see each other again... LcyiPoSIVDg-00179-00082569-00082787 I'm going to take my f****** glasses off... LcyiPoSIVDg-00180-00082787-00082998 you will not see my eyes again. LcyiPoSIVDg-00181-00082998-00083364 Ms Vasquez says: "He kept that promise hasn't he?" LcyiPoSIVDg-00182-00083364-00083808 Heard replies: "As far as I know he cannot look at me. LcyiPoSIVDg-00183-00083808-00084195 Ms Vasquez says: "He won't look at you right Miss Heard?" LcyiPoSIVDg-00184-00084195-00084461 Heard replies decisively: "He can't. LcyiPoSIVDg-00185-00084461-00084927 Johnny Depp's lawyer tells Amber Heard: "You're here because Johnny Depp has told the world LcyiPoSIVDg-00186-00084927-00085164 he was a victim of domestic violence. LcyiPoSIVDg-00187-00085164-00085586 We are played a piece of audio, which the court was played earlier in the case, in which LcyiPoSIVDg-00188-00085586-00086217 we hear Heard say: "Tell the world, I Johnny Depp, a man, am a victim of domestic violence LcyiPoSIVDg-00189-00086217-00086317 too. LcyiPoSIVDg-00190-00086317-00087018 When suggested by the lawyer that she hit Depp, Heard replies: "I would never hurt Johnny. LcyiPoSIVDg-00191-00087018-00087391 She goes on: "I found it hard to believe he could or would do that... LcyiPoSIVDg-00192-00087391-00087925 I thought it would be crazy for him to do so, knowing what we've lived through. LcyiPoSIVDg-00193-00087925-00088391 Ms Vasquez says Depp always wore rings, Amber confirms. LcyiPoSIVDg-00194-00088391-00088886 We are then shown a photo of Heard after this occasion and Ms Vasquez tells the court that LcyiPoSIVDg-00195-00088886-00089224 there is no visible damage to Heard's face. LcyiPoSIVDg-00196-00089224-00089487 Heard agrees there is none visible in the photo. LcyiPoSIVDg-00197-00089487-00090058 We are also told about an occasion when Johnny Depp and Amber Heard were in Russia for promotion LcyiPoSIVDg-00198-00090058-00090491 of the film The Lone Ranger in June 2016. LcyiPoSIVDg-00199-00090491-00091002 Depp's lawyer, Camille Vasquez, says Heard earlier told the court about an occasion when LcyiPoSIVDg-00200-00091002-00091660 Depp "whacked you in the face so hard that your nose bled while wearing chunky, big rings. LcyiPoSIVDg-00201-00091660-00091831 Heard agrees. LcyiPoSIVDg-00202-00091831-00092358 The court is then shown several photos which were said to be taken during the trip, after LcyiPoSIVDg-00203-00092358-00092906 the alleged violence occurred, and Ms Vasquez draws attention to no apparent damage to Heard's LcyiPoSIVDg-00204-00092906-00093185 face. LcyiPoSIVDg-00205-00093185-00093724 We are also shown a picture of Heard which taken the day after the Met Gala at another LcyiPoSIVDg-00206-00093724-00094207 event, in which no injury can be seen on Heard’s face. LcyiPoSIVDg-00207-00094207-00094479 Heard says she was wearing make up. LcyiPoSIVDg-00208-00094479-00094946 The lawyer questions how she could cover bruising with make up, and Heard says that while make LcyiPoSIVDg-00209-00094946-00095205 up won’t hide swelling, ice can. LcyiPoSIVDg-00210-00095205-00095688 We are now referred to an occasion in December 2015 when Amber Heard appeared on The Late LcyiPoSIVDg-00211-00095688-00095884 Late Show with James Corden. LcyiPoSIVDg-00212-00095884-00096439 The night before Heard has alleged Depp had violently attacked her, injuring her face LcyiPoSIVDg-00213-00096439-00096539 and lip. LcyiPoSIVDg-00214-00096539-00097035 Ms Vasquez specifically zones in on an image in which Heard can be seen opening her mouth LcyiPoSIVDg-00215-00097035-00097574 wide, and points to the fact there is no visible split or injury. LcyiPoSIVDg-00216-00097574-00098012 Again Heard says she was wearing make up, including bright red lipstick. LcyiPoSIVDg-00217-00098012-00098484 Depp's lawyer Camille Vasquez says that the $7m divorce settlement had been paid to Heard LcyiPoSIVDg-00218-00098484-00098975 in full by February 2018, and Heard agrees that's correct. LcyiPoSIVDg-00219-00098975-00099564 The lawyer also clarifies that Heard hadn't yet been sued by Depp at this point. LcyiPoSIVDg-00220-00099564-00099749 Heard agrees. LcyiPoSIVDg-00221-00099749-00100299 Ms Vasquez asks why she says on the TV show she had "donated" the full settlement when LcyiPoSIVDg-00222-00100299-00100486 she in fact had not. LcyiPoSIVDg-00223-00100486-00100965 Heard tells the court she has "pledged" the money, but Ms Vasquez picks her up and says LcyiPoSIVDg-00224-00100965-00101215 she had not "donated it. LcyiPoSIVDg-00225-00101215-00101712 Heard says "I use 'pledge' and 'donate' synonymous with one another. LcyiPoSIVDg-00226-00101712-00102069 Ms Vasquez says she does not use the word in this way. LcyiPoSIVDg-00227-00102069-00102929 Ms Vasquez goes on: "As of today you have not paid $3.5m of your own money to the ACLU. LcyiPoSIVDg-00228-00102929-00103555 As of today you have not paid $3.5m of your own money to the Children's Hospital of Los LcyiPoSIVDg-00229-00103555-00103770 Angeles." LcyiPoSIVDg-00230-00103770-00104241 Heard says: "I have not been able to fulfil those obligations yet. LcyiPoSIVDg-00231-00104241-00104702 The lawyer says Heard made the pledges in order to "make her claims seem more believable... LcyiPoSIVDg-00232-00104702-00105064 and be seen as "a noble victim of domestic violence. LcyiPoSIVDg-00233-00105064-00105657 Heard is visibly riled by this, and snaps: "I have never, never said I was a victim, LcyiPoSIVDg-00234-00105657-00106082 nor have I ever described myself as one. LcyiPoSIVDg-00235-00106082-00106759 We now look at Heard's sworn testimony from the UK Depp v The Sun court case back in 2020. LcyiPoSIVDg-00236-00106759-00107215 It was the third statement Heard submitted to the case, which was held at the High Court LcyiPoSIVDg-00237-00107215-00107321 in London. LcyiPoSIVDg-00238-00107321-00107884 This part is read out loud in court: "I remained financially independent from [Depp] the whole LcyiPoSIVDg-00239-00107884-00108420 time we were together and I donated the entirety of my divorce settlement to charity. LcyiPoSIVDg-00240-00108420-00108914 Depp's lawyer Camille Vasquez says this statement, which she reiterates was given under oath, LcyiPoSIVDg-00241-00108914-00109102 is not true. LcyiPoSIVDg-00242-00109102-00109811 She says, in fact: "most of [your donations to the charities] came from someone else. LcyiPoSIVDg-00243-00109811-00110375 Heard says: "I don't know what you mean by 'most of'", adding: "I believe Elon made a LcyiPoSIVDg-00244-00110375-00110757 donation in my honour on one of the years. LcyiPoSIVDg-00245-00110757-00111018 Heard says that was not part of her pledge. LcyiPoSIVDg-00246-00111018-00111620 Depp's lawyer Camille Vasquez says: "Those $500,000 donations came from your new boyfriend LcyiPoSIVDg-00247-00111620-00111780 Elon Musk right?" Ld-zUeqnWTy-00000-00000080-00000480 So if you know this channel you know a lot of why I started doing this, and for that matter why I Ld-zUeqnWTy-00001-00000480-00000936 wrote my books, is I saw information out there that was lacking in being helpful to musicians, Ld-zUeqnWTy-00002-00000936-00001448 or just flat out false, since music is often infiltrated by grifters looking for marks to Ld-zUeqnWTy-00003-00001448-00001952 buy courses of information that is free and easy to find. But what we're going to talk about today Ld-zUeqnWTy-00004-00001952-00002432 is not those grifters, or even the people who know nothing and spread bad information that Ld-zUeqnWTy-00005-00002432-00002888 they haven't really researched. Instead, I want to talk about two people I respect and think do Ld-zUeqnWTy-00006-00002888-00003336 a lot of good in the world of music and are true music lovers who try to make musicians Ld-zUeqnWTy-00007-00003336-00003776 think and make me think regularly. Rick Beato, who's one of the most popular Ld-zUeqnWTy-00008-00003776-00004264 YouTubers discussing music, had on Ted Gioia, a writer I've been reading for literally as Ld-zUeqnWTy-00009-00004264-00004640 long as I can remember reading articles on the internet. And they had a great nuanced Ld-zUeqnWTy-00010-00004640-00005112 conversation that touched on a lot of great points. Seriously, it's well worth your time Ld-zUeqnWTy-00011-00005112-00005584 to watch, as it's two really smart people having a great conversation on music. And I linked it in Ld-zUeqnWTy-00012-00005584-00006040 the description. But here's the thing. Rick has a massive platform, and there's some points in Ld-zUeqnWTy-00013-00006040-00006568 here that, as someone who values having musicians informed about what's really going on in music, Ld-zUeqnWTy-00014-00006568-00007128 I can't let the things they get completely wrong stand because I wouldn't be being me. I mean, Ld-zUeqnWTy-00015-00007128-00007559 after all, Ted says in this video... And I was going to assume that my audience Ld-zUeqnWTy-00016-00007559-00008031 had very little tolerance for bull (censored). And I'm part of his audience, and I'm here to call Ld-zUeqnWTy-00017-00008031-00008520 bull (censored). So I felt the need to make this video to respectfully offer the audience a greater Ld-zUeqnWTy-00018-00008520-00009080 context. Because some of the stuff said here really needs a lot more context so that we all Ld-zUeqnWTy-00019-00009080-00009560 understand what's actually going on music. And there's really some bad agenda- pursuant takes Ld-zUeqnWTy-00020-00009560-00010104 that fall under the unfortunate banner of [inaudible]. Anyway, so I clipped some of Ld-zUeqnWTy-00021-00010104-00010448 the interview, which I hope Rick will see as fair use, since he's made some great videos Ld-zUeqnWTy-00022-00010448-00010792 on how ridiculous YouTube's copyright strikes are. So let's get into it. Ld-zUeqnWTy-00023-00010792-00011224 Well, I sometimes complain about the three minute song. But check this out. Right now the music Ld-zUeqnWTy-00024-00011224-00011488 industry thinks their savior will be TikTok. Right. Ld-zUeqnWTy-00025-00011544-00011984 They're absolutely convinced that all the problems they have are going to be solved by TikTok. But I Ld-zUeqnWTy-00026-00011984-00012504 saw this study, and it's unbelievable. Someone analyzed the most successful TikTok videos. Ld-zUeqnWTy-00027-00012504-00013104 And they said the ideal music for a successful TikTok video is 16 seconds in duration. Ld-zUeqnWTy-00028-00013288-00013719 I really can't believe that the future of music, the next breakthrough, Ld-zUeqnWTy-00029-00013719-00014200 is going to be 16 second songs. Lord. So this gets into my main problem Ld-zUeqnWTy-00030-00014200-00014736 with this discussion on this podcast. As somewhat super-familiar with Ted and Rick's work and a fan, Ld-zUeqnWTy-00031-00014736-00015176 they both do a lot of downing modern-day music. I, on the other hand, am one of those people who Ld-zUeqnWTy-00032-00015176-00015600 argue we're in the best period of music of all time. And as we know from countless studies, Ld-zUeqnWTy-00033-00015600-00016088 most people feel that music peaks shortly around their teen years, since, as we know, music at its Ld-zUeqnWTy-00034-00016088-00016584 core is a mood altering drug that makes you feel the way you'd rather feel. And for most of us, Ld-zUeqnWTy-00035-00016584-00017016 our emotions are pretty intense in those years. But then they level out to more Ld-zUeqnWTy-00036-00017016-00017504 logical things like taking care of bills, that lawn and that partner, that whole thing. Ld-zUeqnWTy-00037-00017504-00017936 And while this is conjecture, what I see happening here is Ted is more than smart enough to know that Ld-zUeqnWTy-00038-00017936-00018504 this study he's talking about here, or anyone that's suggesting you make song 16 seconds long, Ld-zUeqnWTy-00039-00018504-00019120 is totally taking it out of its intended meaning. Instead, what those studies say is when you post a Ld-zUeqnWTy-00040-00019120-00019720 song to TikTok, that 16 seconds is an ideal length for the clipped version of it to penetrate the Ld-zUeqnWTy-00041-00019720-00020256 algorithm. Now, considering most songs hooks are far shorter than 16 seconds, it's not unreasonable Ld-zUeqnWTy-00042-00020256-00020744 for this to be suggested. But here's the thing. It's our job as people who explain music to Ld-zUeqnWTy-00043-00020744-00021208 people, to punch holes in arguments that we both agree with and disagree with. But if Ld-zUeqnWTy-00044-00021208-00021616 I'm going to offer my conjecture, this didn't get that vetting because it agrees with Ted's Ld-zUeqnWTy-00045-00021616-00022056 points about how bad music is today. And honestly this argument could have done a lot better here, Ld-zUeqnWTy-00046-00022056-00022504 because we all know that's not what this study suggested. And frankly, in your words, Ted... Ld-zUeqnWTy-00047-00022504-00022760 I'm sounding like a fogy. Sorry, but it's true. Ld-zUeqnWTy-00048-00022760-00023040 People don't love music as much as they used to. I know that seems like Ld-zUeqnWTy-00049-00023040-00023312 an extraordinary generalization. I just made a video about that, Ld-zUeqnWTy-00050-00023312-00023968 about Gen Zers don't... This is just my own, from talking to kids. I talk to kids all the time. Ld-zUeqnWTy-00051-00023968-00024432 I have young kids. I talk to their friends and they're just not engaged in music. And Ld-zUeqnWTy-00052-00024512-00025064 the loyalty part of it, I think, and Sting said this too, the fact that you can just turn on a Ld-zUeqnWTy-00053-00025064-00025616 water faucet, you can get access to anything through streaming, whereas before you used Ld-zUeqnWTy-00054-00025616-00026224 to buy albums and cherish them and own them. So obviously I've posted cringe on the timeline Ld-zUeqnWTy-00055-00026224-00026727 here. Now let me say, the first thing here is what's always said in these discussions where Ld-zUeqnWTy-00056-00026727-00027224 old people talk about modern music. It's because we didn't search five record stores, then get an Ld-zUeqnWTy-00057-00027224-00027720 LP that we could look at while you listen to a record, we don't form relationships with music. Ld-zUeqnWTy-00058-00027720-00028248 And all of us know, who are passionate about music today, that this is totally ridiculous. Ld-zUeqnWTy-00059-00028248-00028800 Music's what drives youth culture. And almost every conversation on the internet is somehow Ld-zUeqnWTy-00060-00028800-00029352 affiliated with music culture. I'm sorry. That's true. Whether you're watching video games, Ld-zUeqnWTy-00061-00029352-00029824 doing dumb dances on the internet, whatever it is, it's all around music still. Ld-zUeqnWTy-00062-00029824-00030288 And that's just as much as it ever has been. It just doesn't look the same way as it did. Ld-zUeqnWTy-00063-00030288-00030783 Now, as someone who did have to go to five records stores as a kid to get, mostly, records I'd be Ld-zUeqnWTy-00064-00030783-00031280 really disappointed in, I know today by being someone who hangs out in Discord, subreddits Ld-zUeqnWTy-00065-00031280-00031816 and YouTube comment sections, that that drives the conversation even bigger than it ever did. Ld-zUeqnWTy-00066-00031816-00032360 And I'm a child of the internet. When you talk about TikTok, it drives so much of youth culture. Ld-zUeqnWTy-00067-00032360-00033088 And what is the majority of TikTok? Music-based dances, or conversations or performances to music. Ld-zUeqnWTy-00068-00033088-00033632 And the reason TikTok dominates over Instagram reels and YouTube shorts is it's so much easier Ld-zUeqnWTy-00069-00033632-00034088 to integrate music on the platform. And that's a lot of what gives them their edge. Just because Ld-zUeqnWTy-00070-00034088-00034480 music consumption doesn't look like what it looked like in your youth, it does not mean Ld-zUeqnWTy-00071-00034480-00034984 that music isn't just as important or that the generation isn't as engaged in it. There's no Ld-zUeqnWTy-00072-00034984-00035440 definitive study that says otherwise, especially since we count music consumption in such totally Ld-zUeqnWTy-00073-00035440-00035808 different ways today, which is another point we're going to have to talk about. Ld-zUeqnWTy-00074-00035808-00036176 It's fascinating, because it used to be songs would go into rotation Ld-zUeqnWTy-00075-00036176-00036752 on a radio station. They would say, "These are the top 40 hits." And every week the list would Ld-zUeqnWTy-00076-00036752-00037344 change a little bit. But over time you started seeing radio stations and playlist correlators Ld-zUeqnWTy-00077-00037344-00037872 and everybody in the industry becoming more risk averse. And if there was a song that was popular, Ld-zUeqnWTy-00078-00037872-00038384 "Well, I'm not going to take it off. I'm not going to be the one to take it off the list." And all Ld-zUeqnWTy-00079-00038384-00038792 of a sudden you had this situation where songs would get into rotation and would never leave. Ld-zUeqnWTy-00080-00038904-00039424 Which made it very difficult for the next song. And it's all because of this risk-averse, Ld-zUeqnWTy-00081-00039424-00039824 cautious mentality on the industry. But then I saw this research that resulted in Ld-zUeqnWTy-00082-00039824-00040296 the article you mentioned, the Groundhog Day. Back in the days when the best selling list mentioned Ld-zUeqnWTy-00083-00040296-00040784 actual sales. It was meaningful. Someone had actually reached into their wallet and bought this Ld-zUeqnWTy-00084-00040784-00041528 music. Nowadays it's all this formula based on clicks and views and streams, and who knows what Ld-zUeqnWTy-00085-00041528-00042240 goes into those figures. And it's always the same songs on the top. And this year the top 10 songs, Ld-zUeqnWTy-00086-00042240-00042688 nine of them were same as the top 10 the previous year. And they say now Ld-zUeqnWTy-00087-00042688-00043328 Groundhogs Day is that you listen to the most popular songs and they just don't change. Ld-zUeqnWTy-00088-00043328-00043752 So I've cut up what they said here a bit, for brevity's sake. But this is important. It can Ld-zUeqnWTy-00089-00043752-00044264 be argued very easily that it's a problem that taste makers like the radio station programmers Ld-zUeqnWTy-00090-00044264-00044784 aren't doing taste making because they know that they're appealing to the most disengaged people, Ld-zUeqnWTy-00091-00044784-00045168 who just want somebody to put on something that's not going to make them change the channel. And Ld-zUeqnWTy-00092-00045168-00045632 that's part of why radio essentially tries to now serve as a list of the most familiar songs Ld-zUeqnWTy-00093-00045632-00046096 in a given format for the people who are least engaged with music. Because everyone else that is Ld-zUeqnWTy-00094-00046096-00046640 engaged is using a (censored) playlist today. But here's the thing, it's inarguable that the Ld-zUeqnWTy-00095-00046640-00047112 reason radio does this is they watch streaming numbers, and now finally have an accurate gauge Ld-zUeqnWTy-00096-00047112-00047544 on how much people like a song. And when they get sick of it, as streams ramp down, Ld-zUeqnWTy-00097-00047544-00048032 instead of having to do what they had to do 20 years ago and interview people about when they're Ld-zUeqnWTy-00098-00048032-00048568 sick of a song... Come on, man. Songs stay popular for longer than ever because we can now accurately Ld-zUeqnWTy-00099-00048568-00049072 measure how long it takes all these disengaged listeners to start being sick of (censored) Old Ld-zUeqnWTy-00100-00049072-00049536 Town Road, which I was probably sick of the fourth time I heard it. We now have really accurate tools Ld-zUeqnWTy-00101-00049536-00050032 for this, so radio's responding. But this gets to why one of Ted's articles that Rick got really Ld-zUeqnWTy-00102-00050032-00050552 excited about on how old music is dominating new music, is factually not measured very well. Ld-zUeqnWTy-00103-00050552-00051016 So this cursed article was mainly based on a study that's made a crucial mistake by defining Ld-zUeqnWTy-00104-00051016-00051616 old music, or catalog releases, in a really questionable methodology. And the problem Ld-zUeqnWTy-00105-00051616-00052216 is that criteria they used was the song was released 18 months ago. Which is ridiculous. Ld-zUeqnWTy-00106-00052216-00052720 And that's for a handful of reasons, such as the point that we just discussed, that regularly songs Ld-zUeqnWTy-00107-00052720-00053336 are on the radio for a really long time, and stay popular. Because in any era of music, the larger Ld-zUeqnWTy-00108-00053336-00053791 numbers are driven by people who aren't the most passionate music fans, but instead people just Ld-zUeqnWTy-00109-00053791-00054328 putting on familiar songs to block out noise and make their mood feel a way they'd rather feel. Ld-zUeqnWTy-00110-00054328-00054728 But here's my main point against this article. Take one of the most popular artists Ld-zUeqnWTy-00111-00054728-00055304 right now. One Dua Lipa. Hey girl. Now you've probably guessed I'm an Uber-riding city type Ld-zUeqnWTy-00112-00055304-00055904 and I hear Dua nearly every time I get in an Uber or walk in a bagel shop playing top 40 radio, as I Ld-zUeqnWTy-00113-00055904-00056472 have for the past few years. But here's the thing, her record was released two (censored) years ago Ld-zUeqnWTy-00114-00056472-00056967 and it's still releasing singles. And if you spend any time listening to popular radio, you Ld-zUeqnWTy-00115-00056967-00057472 know multi-year-old songs are regularly consumed because they're still releasing singles from these Ld-zUeqnWTy-00116-00057472-00058000 records for (censored) ever. So for the past six months, every time you hear any of her numerous Ld-zUeqnWTy-00117-00058000-00058488 songs that they play on the radio from her current record, that get hundreds of millions of streams Ld-zUeqnWTy-00118-00058488-00059104 every (censored) release. Well, they count that as catalog. The long tail of albums is really long Ld-zUeqnWTy-00119-00059104-00059640 these days. And then that gets counted as catalog releases, even though they are fresh new songs Ld-zUeqnWTy-00120-00059640-00060112 that the majority of the public haven't heard. I say this all to bring up one of my main mantras Ld-zUeqnWTy-00121-00060112-00060488 about music, which is music is a lot like R Kelly's backstage area, Ld-zUeqnWTy-00122-00060488-00060976 and that no one's checking a date of birth. All they care about is if music makes them feel a way Ld-zUeqnWTy-00123-00060976-00061424 they'd rather feel. I think this is a good thing about music, since as long as it's new to you, Ld-zUeqnWTy-00124-00061424-00061912 well, it can be emotionally powerful. And this is what we're constantly seeing now, from songs Ld-zUeqnWTy-00125-00061912-00062424 like Bastille or Glass Animals that are four or even nine years old that were never really heard Ld-zUeqnWTy-00126-00062424-00062952 before, but are blowing up because they sound modern and fresh. And yes, those are considered Ld-zUeqnWTy-00127-00062952-00063552 catalog songs by this study standard. Yet they're new songs to people, because most people had never Ld-zUeqnWTy-00128-00063552-00063960 heard them until TikTok blew them up. But notice, this doesn't happen with Ld-zUeqnWTy-00129-00063960-00064455 really old music, instead it happens with songs that don't get proper attention in the mass of Ld-zUeqnWTy-00130-00064455-00064944 music released, but had a small audience, but then were brought to a larger audience through TikTok, Ld-zUeqnWTy-00131-00064944-00065560 whose audience then jumped to Spotify and kept streaming. But the old music that everybody Ld-zUeqnWTy-00132-00065560-00065952 tries to celebrate, that makes these arguments, that's not happening with it, because we still Ld-zUeqnWTy-00133-00065952-00066488 care about new fresh music. So the claims that old music is crushing new music. Well, Ld-zUeqnWTy-00134-00066488-00066984 I'm sorry, it's not real. And here's the thing. Whenever I hear old people argue that old music Ld-zUeqnWTy-00135-00066984-00067496 is overtaking new music, what they also like to discount is what's finally happening is streaming Ld-zUeqnWTy-00136-00067496-00068048 music measures when some boomer who finally adopts Spotify still listens to the same damn song that Ld-zUeqnWTy-00137-00068048-00068560 they've been listening to since they were 21, longer than my old ass has even been alive, Ld-zUeqnWTy-00138-00068560-00068936 and they're still rocking the same song. And Christ, you know what's scary? Ld-zUeqnWTy-00139-00068936-00069352 Some (censored) loser I went to high school with is still going to be mentally stuck on Ld-zUeqnWTy-00140-00069352-00069832 that lit song where the car is in the front lawn. And this, my friends is why America's not Ld-zUeqnWTy-00141-00069832-00070304 doing so well these days, because that person has probably procreated multiple times while taking Ld-zUeqnWTy-00142-00070304-00070720 some gas station boner pills and creating a kid who looks like this. I'm telling you, Ld-zUeqnWTy-00143-00070720-00071184 if 40 year olds just listened to Food House and delete Zeke, like me, everything would be okay. Ld-zUeqnWTy-00144-00071184-00071648 Anyway, there's real data that the boomers are finally adopting streaming services. You've Ld-zUeqnWTy-00145-00071648-00072128 probably seen it too. And because of that, everybody listens to music from throughout Ld-zUeqnWTy-00146-00072128-00072792 their life. And because there's so much more music than the last 18 months, old music has a distinct Ld-zUeqnWTy-00147-00072792-00073448 advantage to get more popular as old people adopt it. The thing is now, is we now get to see how Ld-zUeqnWTy-00148-00073448-00073896 much grandpa is listening to some trash song. He keeps thinking about that one date he went Ld-zUeqnWTy-00149-00073896-00074392 on Susie Q with that had some terrible lyrics, like come on baby let the good times roll. And Ld-zUeqnWTy-00150-00074392-00074904 now we have to see that they're listening to it over and over and over again. All the while, while Ld-zUeqnWTy-00151-00074904-00075296 they demean rap music's lyrics, while they're listening to a song with lyrics like that. Ld-zUeqnWTy-00152-00075296-00075664 Anyway, that's not what Rick and Ted are doing here, and I'm clearly getting a little off Ld-zUeqnWTy-00153-00075664-00076136 track and heated here. But here's the thing. When you put those goal posts at 18 months, Ld-zUeqnWTy-00154-00076136-00076600 and cite this study as evidence that old music is now going to dominate new music, you're putting Ld-zUeqnWTy-00155-00076600-00077136 those goal posts in a convenient place that really does not make sense. Since we've never been able Ld-zUeqnWTy-00156-00077136-00077712 to measure people's consumption of how often they have written songs, all the old rules are totally Ld-zUeqnWTy-00157-00077712-00078200 gone. And because it's not just young people who largely adopted Spotify and other streaming Ld-zUeqnWTy-00158-00078200-00078728 services first, using it, and old people are starting to, yes, consumption's going to change. Ld-zUeqnWTy-00159-00078728-00079136 With adaptation. And it's funny, because this is the first time we're ever seeing this in music. Ld-zUeqnWTy-00160-00079136-00079608 Because we have to remember record players and even CD players were for rich people at first. Ld-zUeqnWTy-00161-00079608-00080080 But since the digital music age this is the first time that, well, it's not just rich Ld-zUeqnWTy-00162-00080080-00080520 people who get to do the technology first. And one last point I'd like to make, when we're Ld-zUeqnWTy-00163-00080520-00080960 talking about old music we want to say that these are these legacy artists or artists that are Ld-zUeqnWTy-00164-00080960-00081432 from the past or from that person's generation. That's always the argument they're always making. Ld-zUeqnWTy-00165-00081432-00081944 But here's another thing, you know what counts in that catalog music? Who amongst us doesn't go back Ld-zUeqnWTy-00166-00081944-00082456 and listen to the artists we love's albums before the one they currently released, and start rinsing Ld-zUeqnWTy-00167-00082456-00082888 their old stuff too. As we start to love the mood that they've put us in with their new release, Ld-zUeqnWTy-00168-00082888-00083488 we revisit some of their old releases. That gets counted as catalog music and as old music. And I'm Ld-zUeqnWTy-00169-00083488-00084040 sorry, that's people consuming new music and the evolution of new artists. And I got to say, I'm Ld-zUeqnWTy-00170-00084040-00084536 not worried about new music. It's doing just fine. These studies though, they're not doing so well in Ld-zUeqnWTy-00171-00084536-00085016 maintaining their relevancy after they're held up to the light. Okay, one last boomer take. Ld-zUeqnWTy-00172-00085016-00085440 I did see something just the other day saying it looks like the major labels Ld-zUeqnWTy-00173-00085440-00085912 have so much influence on Spotify playlists you can almost say they control them. Ld-zUeqnWTy-00174-00085912-00086360 Now, if you watch this channel you know this is not true because I made a whole video debunking Ld-zUeqnWTy-00175-00086360-00086872 this, since it's super easy. And lucky for you it's linked on the screen right now. Like I said, Ld-zUeqnWTy-00176-00086872-00087336 most of Rick and Ted's discussion in this podcast is super smart, but I wanted to give some further Ld-zUeqnWTy-00177-00087336-00087704 context. I hope you go listen to their side of the discussion. Thanks for watching. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00000-00000000-00000600 Welcome back to another episode of the WellBe show and podcast. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00001-00000600-00001106 I’m super excited to have one of my oldest friends and favorite people, Ld_v-FZIeaU-00002-00001115-00001367 Phoebe Lapine, as my guest. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00003-00001484-00002041 Phoebe is one of our inspirational stories of health recovery as she Ld_v-FZIeaU-00004-00002076-00002770 was able to heal or at least come back into a normal state of health Ld_v-FZIeaU-00005-00002808-00003285 from her debilitating Hashimoto’s in her 20s Ld_v-FZIeaU-00006-00003311-00003599 and she’s going to tell us a lot about that and also Ld_v-FZIeaU-00007-00003609-00003941 her experience with SIBO which was more recent. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00008-00003941-00004473 She has taken that health situation and turned it into Ld_v-FZIeaU-00009-00004487-00004865 a real learning experience for all of us about what SIBO is. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00010-00004886-00005282 Lots of good stuff to talk about, but why don’t you start from the beginning Ld_v-FZIeaU-00011-00005292-00005672 and tell us the story of beginning to have symptoms Ld_v-FZIeaU-00012-00005713-00006142 that led you to understand you had Hashimoto’s and what happened next. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00013-00006172-00006694 When I was 22, I had a regular check-up at my childhood doctor Ld_v-FZIeaU-00014-00006721-00007103 and that was when I was first diagnosed with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, Ld_v-FZIeaU-00015-00007114-00007497 which for those who don’t know, it’s an autoimmune disease that affects the thyroid gland Ld_v-FZIeaU-00016-00007507-00007826 but all you WellBe listeners probably already know that. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00017-00007876-00008349 At the time, I really didn’t know much about health in general Ld_v-FZIeaU-00018-00008369-00008882 and certainly didn’t know what an autoimmune disease even was, what a thyroid was Ld_v-FZIeaU-00019-00008902-00009397 and my doctor, as amazing as it is that she diagnosed me, didn’t explain those things. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00020-00009407-00009947 She basically said, “Here’s a pill. It’s a synthetic form of thyroid hormone Ld_v-FZIeaU-00021-00009957-00010257 and it’s totally manageable. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00022-00010272-00010471 You’ll just have to be on it for the rest of your life.” Ld_v-FZIeaU-00023-00010491-00010806 And this was Synthroid? - This was Synthroid, exactly. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00024-00010817-00011404 She was sort of a functional or she was totally conventional doctor? Ld_v-FZIeaU-00025-00011419-00011467 Okay. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00026-00011476-00011804 She was not a functional medicine doctor. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00027-00011810-00012231 She was a little bit more holistic than I’d say your average doctor Ld_v-FZIeaU-00028-00012241-00012673 but we didn’t talk that much about like lifestyle and diet Ld_v-FZIeaU-00029-00012699-00013390 and so I think because I grew up in a household that was a little bit more organically-minded Ld_v-FZIeaU-00030-00013400-00013878 and my mom was really into homeopathy as you know since we’re childhood friends Ld_v-FZIeaU-00031-00013888-00014156 and the little white balls that dissolved under your tongue. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00032-00014188-00014502 I think just her being in the back of my mind, I was like, “Oh, Ld_v-FZIeaU-00033-00014510-00014726 being on medication for the rest of my life? Ld_v-FZIeaU-00034-00014746-00014828 No thanks.” Ld_v-FZIeaU-00035-00014867-00015258 I wasn’t really feeling any symptoms yet or so I thought Ld_v-FZIeaU-00036-00015258-00015472 because it wasn’t really explained to me what the symptoms were. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00037-00015492-00015703 I just knew that one of the main symptoms Ld_v-FZIeaU-00038-00015703-00015951 that they always look for is weight gain and I was losing weight. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00039-00015961-00016171 She explained that it was probably because Ld_v-FZIeaU-00040-00016181-00016433 my thyroid was swinging from one side of the pendulum to the other. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00041-00016433-00016573 It was running too fast. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00042-00016639-00016852 Anyway, the whole conversation’s a blur Ld_v-FZIeaU-00043-00016862-00017236 and the moral of the story was I pretended it never happened Ld_v-FZIeaU-00044-00017244-00017612 and went on living my life as a 22-year-old. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00045-00017808-00018002 The way I talked about it in my book, Ld_v-FZIeaU-00046-00018002-00018456 The Wellness Project is like I slowly kind of descended from health mountain Ld_v-FZIeaU-00047-00018456-00018902 and started to experience these weird, strange array of symptoms. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00048-00018932-00019408 One of the main ones that was the most debilitating was my digestion. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00049-00019408-00019774 I basically was in the fetal position after every time I ate and Ld_v-FZIeaU-00050-00019795-00019939 I was a chef and food writer, Ld_v-FZIeaU-00051-00019940-00020582 I just quit my corporate job and was trying to make it in the industry. That was not optimal, Ld_v-FZIeaU-00052-00020582-00020808 but at the same time, I was really scared, Ld_v-FZIeaU-00053-00020808-00021252 at least being able to connect some dots for like diet and how I was feeling. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00054-00021252-00021712 I was like, “I’m probably allergic to something I’m eating but like, ugh.” Ld_v-FZIeaU-00055-00021743-00022034 Like, “Darn. I guess I’ll just never know what that is.” Ld_v-FZIeaU-00056-00022034-00022425 Yeah. I don’t want to be a food writer if I have food allergies either. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00057-00022446-00022951 Eventually I made it to a doctor who was more holistic and functional Ld_v-FZIeaU-00058-00022980-00023256 and did a bunch of tests and put me on elimination diet, Ld_v-FZIeaU-00059-00023256-00023472 discovered that gluten was a real issue. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00060-00023472-00023876 Even he though didn’t explain the connection between Hashimoto’s and gluten to me. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00061-00023906-00024106 I had to learn that later for myself, but Ld_v-FZIeaU-00062-00024156-00024690 kind of once I crossed the threshold and went down the rabbit hole of exploring holistic medicine, Ld_v-FZIeaU-00063-00024690-00025206 I kind of found myself incredibly overwhelmed by all the conflicting opinions Ld_v-FZIeaU-00064-00025206-00025608 and not just the opinions but just like the laundry list of things I had to do. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00065-00025638-00025961 It was kind of like the pendulum has swung from denial Ld_v-FZIeaU-00066-00025991-00026393 to the other side which wasn’t like obsession for someone like me but certainly like Ld_v-FZIeaU-00067-00026413-00026806 the amount of mental energy and the amount of money I was spending, Ld_v-FZIeaU-00068-00026806-00027162 it just felt like being healthy was a full-time job. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00069-00027218-00027592 I kind of somewhere in there came up with this idea Ld_v-FZIeaU-00070-00027646-00028423 to take a step back and to dedicate a year to slowly making over my health one change at a time. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00071-00028450-00028800 The idea wasn’t necessarily to be my healthiest self even. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00072-00028800-00029100 Like, obviously, I wanted to feel good when I woke up in the morning, but Ld_v-FZIeaU-00073-00029100-00029482 the question was like, which of all these things that people were talking about Ld_v-FZIeaU-00074-00029482-00029744 is actually worth my time, money and energy? Ld_v-FZIeaU-00075-00029794-00030168 I say that I was in search of something called healthy hedonism, Ld_v-FZIeaU-00076-00030168-00030636 which to me is like the balance between the things that nourish your body Ld_v-FZIeaU-00077-00030636-00030883 and the things that feed your spirit. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00078-00031054-00031450 The hedonism side, the spirit side, it could be any number of things. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00079-00031450-00031810 For some people, a workout class really does feed your spirit. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00080-00031810-00032210 For others it does not. And you may want to just walk to work. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00081-00032258-00032850 It was finding that crossroad for myself across a whole variety of categories. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00082-00032850-00033158 I also felt like during my more obsessive times, Ld_v-FZIeaU-00083-00033158-00033409 I was getting really bogged down with diet and exercise Ld_v-FZIeaU-00084-00033410-00033708 which were like the two main prongs that so many people Ld_v-FZIeaU-00085-00033758-00034344 in the wellness zeitgeist really hone in on and they can become stumbling blocks. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00086-00034344-00034986 I wanted to make sure I was paying equally as much attention to sleep, hydration, Ld_v-FZIeaU-00087-00034986-00035570 stress management, kind of all of these other incredibly important aspects of lifestyle. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00088-00035588-00036096 Yeah, it changed month to month but I tried to do just a handful Ld_v-FZIeaU-00089-00036116-00036838 or one main goal, experiment and then to find like sub things to do to get me there. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00090-00036889-00037366 Yeah, by the end, my thyroid numbers had done a 180. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00091-00037380-00037794 I went in and I was basically clinically malnourished. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00092-00037794-00038302 I was low in every single vitamin and mineral and by the end, that had changed. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00093-00038333-00038698 I still struggle with my antibodies, not going to lie, Ld_v-FZIeaU-00094-00038738-00039008 and yeah, my health is like an ongoing... Ld_v-FZIeaU-00095-00039020-00039334 You know, I have thyroid antibodies now, too. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00096-00039334-00039994 which came a year or two ago after a decade of just hypothyroidism. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00097-00040030-00040685 Now, like you, I’ve kind of have to learn so much about what takes something from Ld_v-FZIeaU-00098-00040716-00041030 hypothyroidism to autoimmunity Ld_v-FZIeaU-00099-00041030-00041330 and how you can sort of undo that and what are those major triggers Ld_v-FZIeaU-00100-00041330-00041553 and what I’ve found is that it’s really overwhelming. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00101-00041553-00042058 There’s like seven different reasons that autoimmunity comes on and... Ld_v-FZIeaU-00102-00042078-00042665 well, first of all, you’ve mentioned the connection between gluten and Hashimoto’s. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00103-00042665-00042852 Can you actually explain what that is Ld_v-FZIeaU-00104-00042852-00043148 because that’s been a really huge learning experience for me, Ld_v-FZIeaU-00105-00043158-00043648 as somebody who tried to, like you, ignore, being like, “I want bread in a restaurant.” Ld_v-FZIeaU-00106-00043648-00043888 - I mean I still want bread in a restaurant. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00107-00043968-00044336 It wasn’t until I understood, really understood the connection that it made it Ld_v-FZIeaU-00108-00044364-00044611 easier for me to just say it’s not worth it. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00109-00044631-00045021 Basically, with any sort of autoimmune disease, Ld_v-FZIeaU-00110-00045044-00045301 your body can’t distinguish friend from foe. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00111-00045301-00045603 If you have...it’s kind of like a chicken or the egg situation. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00112-00045624-00045941 If you have something creating inflammation, Ld_v-FZIeaU-00113-00046179-00046594 forcing your immune armies to raise their pitchforks, Ld_v-FZIeaU-00114-00046686-00047124 they’re going to maybe accidentally attack some other things in their wake. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00115-00047330-00047692 The consequence of autoimmune disease a lot of times is that is your own tissue. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00116-00047764-00048374 Since we have actual thyroid antibodies and once those are circulating in our blood system Ld_v-FZIeaU-00117-00048374-00048674 and sending signals to the immune army, Ld_v-FZIeaU-00118-00048734-00049393 anything that looks slightly similar to the thyroid protein is going to be a culprit as well. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00119-00049423-00049703 The gluten protein and the thyroid protein look very similar. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00120-00049703-00050029 When your body is attacking one, it’s going to attack the other. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00121-00050050-00050551 It’s like both going to fan the flames of any inflammation that’s actually happening Ld_v-FZIeaU-00122-00050561-00051066 and potentially stoke the fire of your immune system just on its own. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00123-00051111-00051503 Once I sort of understood that, after a year of being like, “Yeah, Ld_v-FZIeaU-00124-00051523-00051955 I have these antibodies. I know I’m supposed to not eat all these things, Ld_v-FZIeaU-00125-00051985-00052190 do all these other things for my stress management,” Ld_v-FZIeaU-00126-00052190-00052728 all the things you were feeling when you started to do The Wellness Project, Ld_v-FZIeaU-00127-00052769-00053065 and you really feel like health is a full-time job Ld_v-FZIeaU-00128-00053075-00053396 and almost like well, it’s not even worth trying all these things Ld_v-FZIeaU-00129-00053416-00053763 if I can’t do them all because it’s a busy time in my life Ld_v-FZIeaU-00130-00053793-00054017 or I don’t have the money or all this other stuff. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00131-00054037-00054263 Then I swung the other direction and I realized, Ld_v-FZIeaU-00132-00054273-00054710 okay, there are some that stick out as more important than others for Ld_v-FZIeaU-00133-00054740-00055303 at least quelling Hashimoto’s if not reversing it, and one of those is gluten. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00134-00055338-00055655 Were there any others from writing The Wellness Project Ld_v-FZIeaU-00135-00055655-00055926 that you found were more impactful than others? Ld_v-FZIeaU-00136-00055945-00056571 For Hashimoto’s specifically, for me it’s like it either had to have a huge physical benefit Ld_v-FZIeaU-00137-00056581-00057097 that I could viscerally experience or it had to be something that was fairly painless Ld_v-FZIeaU-00138-00057097-00057248 and didn’t impact my life. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00139-00057278-00057746 I think the hardest thing for a lot of people is like the toxic burden, Ld_v-FZIeaU-00140-00057766-00058185 like chemicals that are in our personal care products, chemicals in our water. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00141-00058205-00058646 You take those out and you’re not going to see an overnight difference in the same way as like Ld_v-FZIeaU-00142-00058656-00059077 even just one day of not eating added sugar, alcohol or caffeine, Ld_v-FZIeaU-00143-00059098-00059638 you will see some sort of effect, whether that’s caffeine withdrawal. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00144-00059650-00060166 You’ll notice that it has a physical impact for better or worse. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00145-00060205-00060555 These chemicals, it’s all about how they build over time, Ld_v-FZIeaU-00146-00060576-00061012 heavy metals also, and I think for me, Ld_v-FZIeaU-00147-00061079-00061422 it was kind of a category that fell on Ld_v-FZIeaU-00148-00061432-00061855 the second side which that it didn’t have a big actual impact on my life. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00149-00061875-00062438 For me, I needed to have good reasoning behind it, so the common sense of it. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00150-00062448-00062729 It just made total sense to me. I don’t need hundred studies. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00151-00062729-00063316 It’s like, yeah, there are studies that these chemicals do really horrible things to your body Ld_v-FZIeaU-00152-00063326-00063910 and specifically for your thyroid, like chlorine and fluoride, not great for your thyroid. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00153-00063930-00064330 It complicates how iodine is processed which complicates how Ld_v-FZIeaU-00154-00064350-00064825 the ability for your gland to function to begin with. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00155-00064837-00065197 For me, the least painful things Ld_v-FZIeaU-00156-00065212-00065553 were the things that were one-time changes that I never had to think about again Ld_v-FZIeaU-00157-00065573-00066055 and switching all my beauty products to naturals, that was an easy one. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00158-00066065-00066341 I’ve just never bought conventional ones since. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00159-00066341-00066790 It took time and it was definitely a financial investment at the beginning. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00160-00066830-00067157 There’s also ways to go about it where you just do it slowly over time. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00161-00067237-00068006 That wasn’t something where I necessarily saw night and day changes in my skin. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00162-00068022-00068240 I did see those from diet Ld_v-FZIeaU-00163-00068258-00068711 and then I think changing my products really helped me maintain them. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00164-00068751-00069334 I know that all those chemicals had to have been helpful in like helping me reboot, Ld_v-FZIeaU-00165-00069344-00069470 and then the other one was yeah, Ld_v-FZIeaU-00166-00069470-00069794 getting that fluoride and chlorine out of my daily drinking water. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00167-00069844-00070205 When you think about how much you ingest, it’s pretty crazy Ld_v-FZIeaU-00168-00070206-00070608 and knowing those specific chemicals are problematic for thyroid health. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00169-00070630-00071028 Just putting a one-time filter in my tap, never had to think about it. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00170-00071049-00071391 Not ever again, like in a year, when you have to change the filter. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00171-00071421-00071790 Those were just great. I didn’t have to lease any mental space to them again. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00172-00071800-00072151 You mentioned your skin. Your major symptoms when you were... Ld_v-FZIeaU-00173-00072161-00072556 I mean, having known you since you were six, I can tell you were always a string bean, Ld_v-FZIeaU-00174-00072566-00072708 like a little scrawny string bean, Ld_v-FZIeaU-00175-00072708-00073318 so the idea that you were losing weight beyond your normal string bean is insane to me. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00176-00073318-00073640 I don’t even know what that looked like, like a skeleton maybe. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00177-00073660-00073995 I was less of a string bean in college, Adrienne. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00178-00074060-00074636 Some of the weight was naturally going to fall off after I graduated. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00179-00074698-00075118 Irrelevant. I mean, who doesn’t have like a tire during college? Ld_v-FZIeaU-00180-00075118-00075240 Exactly, exactly. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00181-00075258-00075896 But anyway, you had weight loss that you didn’t really want or it was going too far Ld_v-FZIeaU-00182-00075896-00076162 and then you had a lot of skin issues and obviously you had Ld_v-FZIeaU-00183-00076162-00076438 your gut issues after you’d eat, Ld_v-FZIeaU-00184-00076438-00076902 you would feel an effect of something which is like a pretty big “Hello” Ld_v-FZIeaU-00185-00076910-00077352 for your body to be like, “We’re not okay here. Please help.” Ld_v-FZIeaU-00186-00077372-00077644 The skin was a big one and it really took a while Ld_v-FZIeaU-00187-00077644-00078054 to get my attention in terms of connecting to these other things. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00188-00078054-00078484 I mean, I was taking antibiotics all the time for these skin issues. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00189-00078630-00078816 A steroid probably, right? Ld_v-FZIeaU-00190-00078816-00079066 Yeah. I was doing all of the things Ld_v-FZIeaU-00191-00079097-00079429 at the same time that I was trying to do all of these other things Ld_v-FZIeaU-00192-00079429-00079694 like getting the chlorine out of my water. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00193-00079860-00080227 What did these people tell you, giving you antibiotics and steroids Ld_v-FZIeaU-00194-00080238-00080648 about what could be causing these big skin breakouts? Ld_v-FZIeaU-00195-00080648-00080836 It’s like chapter one of the book. No answers. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00196-00080836-00081197 Something’s out of balance and that’s totally right Ld_v-FZIeaU-00197-00081197-00081767 but they just did not have any interest in helping to find what that something was. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00198-00081834-00082232 And yeah, still to this day, I mean I get a lot of emails from people and messages. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00199-00082232-00082618 Like, I got one from someone in my course. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00200-00082618-00082824 that I do, Four Weeks to Wellness. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00201-00082882-00083518 She had eczema and she had taken I think maybe just dairy out of her diet Ld_v-FZIeaU-00202-00083536-00083760 but had never done a full elimination diet. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00203-00083768-00084116 I was like, “Oh, you should try some of these other potential allergens like gluten, Ld_v-FZIeaU-00204-00084136-00084660 corn, soy." She was like, “I haven’t seen any studies connecting corn to eczema.” Ld_v-FZIeaU-00205-00084680-00085030 And it’s just like, the skin issue is just a symptom. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00206-00085030-00085236 It could be different for every person. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00207-00085247-00085685 I guess I have my own podcast about this SIBO stuff which we’ll get into but Ld_v-FZIeaU-00208-00085685-00086213 if there’s anything I’ve learned from that is like every one of us has our own weaknesses. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00209-00086224-00086646 For me, mine’s thyroid and hormone health. Mine's just general... Ld_v-FZIeaU-00210-00086666-00087049 and gut, neurological stimulus, Ld_v-FZIeaU-00211-00087168-00087462 but for some people, that’s going to show up as skin. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00212-00087462-00087656 For others it’s going to show up as joint pain. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00213-00087675-00087869 For others it’s going to show up as hair loss. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00214-00087869-00088192 You never really know what you’re going to get and it’s hard Ld_v-FZIeaU-00215-00088243-00088553 to find the source of the inflammation. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00216-00088564-00088962 You have to just kind of keep trial and error... Ld_v-FZIeaU-00217-00088969-00089114 Pulling the layers back. - Exactly. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00218-00089134-00089474 Same for a lot of the tick-borne illnesses. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00219-00089558-00089756 Spencer, my brother, who you know, Ld_v-FZIeaU-00220-00089795-00090095 he was so sick with Lyme and joint pain to the point Ld_v-FZIeaU-00221-00090095-00090398 where my dad would be taking him to the Emergency Room in the middle of the night, Ld_v-FZIeaU-00222-00090418-00090703 screaming bloody murder, waking up the whole house, Ld_v-FZIeaU-00223-00090733-00090945 just like holding his legs. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00224-00090982-00091514 But then I had Lyme and all of my symptoms were just like extreme fatigue Ld_v-FZIeaU-00225-00091514-00091890 and short-term memory loss where I’d look at you, Ld_v-FZIeaU-00226-00091941-00092038 you’d say your name, Ld_v-FZIeaU-00227-00092058-00092550 I’d look away... or I’d look at a number on a page and look away and then Ld_v-FZIeaU-00228-00092580-00092922 but the joint pain didn’t affect me at all and it was like, “How is that possible?” Ld_v-FZIeaU-00229-00092922-00093696 because your gut bacteria and your very unique set of cells Ld_v-FZIeaU-00230-00093696-00094116 and everything else that’s going on inside you, interacting with these allergens as they come in, Ld_v-FZIeaU-00231-00094116-00094374 for you it was gluten and these other toxins and whatever that is Ld_v-FZIeaU-00232-00094386-00094658 or the spirochete as it comes in, Ld_v-FZIeaU-00233-00094676-00095098 which is what Lyme is, it causes so many different things. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00234-00095109-00095424 To be like, “Oh no, you must not have it as bad.” Ld_v-FZIeaU-00235-00095424-00095706 I always thought, “Oh, my Lyme isn’t as bad as my brother’s Ld_v-FZIeaU-00236-00095716-00095888 because he has this joint pain,” Ld_v-FZIeaU-00237-00095920-00096302 and it was like, no, it’s just manifesting in a certain way for you. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00238-00096332-00096730 It could be like we’re female, or we had other hormonal issues Ld_v-FZIeaU-00239-00096760-00097125 and that’s why it was that way or whatever it is, but Ld_v-FZIeaU-00240-00097171-00097487 I’ve stopped kind of thinking about it like that and just sort of like Ld_v-FZIeaU-00241-00097487-00097991 symptoms are just a Chinese menu of ways that your body is screaming for help. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00242-00098032-00098394 One’s not necessarily worse than the other. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00243-00098460-00098666 You go on this wellness journey Ld_v-FZIeaU-00244-00098688-00099177 and you write a book about it called “The Wellness Project” which I read and loved. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00245-00099207-00099595 You can get it, I’ll put the link in the show notes. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00246-00099648-00100130 You then get better. I mean, your skin is beautiful. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00247-00100130-00100242 I’m looking at it right now. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00248-00100268-00100518 Summertime is always... They're good months for me. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00249-00100518-00100818 I can’t find a single blemish if I tried Ld_v-FZIeaU-00250-00100848-00101230 and your weight seems to be at a normal situation. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00251-00101242-00101649 As well as it seems like from following you on various platforms, Ld_v-FZIeaU-00252-00101649-00101902 your gut seems to be relatively okay these days. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00253-00101922-00102196 It’s progressing in a better direction. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00254-00102196-00102414 I mean, these symptoms again... Ld_v-FZIeaU-00255-00102579-00102828 Writing the book was a funny experience because Ld_v-FZIeaU-00256-00102858-00103541 editors, publishers, they want a story that’s going to have a real transformation. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00257-00103562-00103739 Right, like wrapped up with a little bow... Ld_v-FZIeaU-00258-00103740-00104358 Exactly. Well, yeah, the year’s over but I’m still a work in progress. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00259-00104358-00104688 My health is still going to ebb and flow and Ld_v-FZIeaU-00260-00104694-00105274 I’ve had many cases of food poisoning since I had these great bloodwork results Ld_v-FZIeaU-00261-00105297-00105545 and great conclusion to the year, Ld_v-FZIeaU-00262-00105565-00106045 and I’ve had to reach back into the toolkit and start all over again. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00263-00106085-00106455 Speaking of that, after you wrote the book and then Ld_v-FZIeaU-00264-00106496-00106794 you were diagnosed with something called SIBO Ld_v-FZIeaU-00265-00106794-00107204 which stands for Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00266-00107314-00108069 I mean, I can’t remember ever hearing the word or the acronym SIBO before four years ago. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00267-00108073-00108200 Yeah. - Three years ago. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00268-00108210-00108540 People were not talking about it five plus years ago. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00269-00108540-00109130 When did it come up for you? How did you sort of navigate it, all that? Ld_v-FZIeaU-00270-00109144-00109694 Yeah. About nine months into my book tour, it was kind of a stressful year. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00271-00109737-00110190 It was very exciting but also it involved a lot of travel and just Ld_v-FZIeaU-00272-00110246-00110491 exertion, mentally and physically. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00273-00110504-00110966 I was feeling a lot of gastro symptoms as a result Ld_v-FZIeaU-00274-00110981-00111356 and if my book taught me anything, like stress is so powerful Ld_v-FZIeaU-00275-00111386-00111745 and I’m just like, “I’m stressed. I’m off. I’ve been travelling all the time.” Ld_v-FZIeaU-00276-00111775-00112089 But then once the book tour died down, I was like, “Oh, actually, no.” Ld_v-FZIeaU-00277-00112109-00112365 I was just really bloated all the time. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00278-00112385-00113118 After meals I’m burping and a whole host of things that were definitely not my new normal. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00279-00113208-00113628 I decided to go back to my functional medicine doctor and get a full workup Ld_v-FZIeaU-00280-00113628-00114185 and long story short, I got tested for SIBO which was the first time that I... Ld_v-FZIeaU-00281-00114219-00114572 not the first time I’d heard of it but the first time I’d ever been tested. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00282-00114643-00115164 It came back positive and it made complete sense when I read more about it. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00283-00115184-00115658 Basically, it’s not an issue of bad bacteria versus good bacteria. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00284-00115658-00115908 It’s just your bacteria’s in the wrong place. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00285-00115958-00116312 The funny thing is I wrote a whole chapter about gut health for my book, Ld_v-FZIeaU-00286-00116312-00116840 about eating for my microbiome, probiotics, fermented foods, what actually works. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00287-00116983-00117190 All the things that were Ld_v-FZIeaU-00288-00117251-00117801 in a good gut diet were basically the opposite of this trend called low-FODMAP diet, Ld_v-FZIeaU-00289-00117811-00118407 which was being tested with a lot of really compelling research as a symptom reducer for IBS folks. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00290-00118427-00118699 I just was so confused by that. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00291-00118706-00118962 The entire time I was writing the book and afterwards, Ld_v-FZIeaU-00292-00118962-00119224 because I was getting lots of requests for it on my site Ld_v-FZIeaU-00293-00119224-00119562 so I just started producing recipes for it because it was what people wanted, Ld_v-FZIeaU-00294-00119632-00120023 but I just didn’t understand. This can’t be good for your gut long-term. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00295-00120103-00120555 Then, once I was diagnosed with SIBO and learned more about it and Ld_v-FZIeaU-00296-00120585-00121018 discovered that they’re saying 60% of IBS is actually SIBO, Ld_v-FZIeaU-00297-00121028-00121598 it made complete sense why IBS people would be feeling better on this diet. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00298-00121672-00122250 It’s because you’re actually not supposed to have very much bacteria in your small intestines at all. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00299-00122250-00122526 When people talk about your gut, microbiome, Ld_v-FZIeaU-00300-00122526-00122830 it’s really more talking about the large intestines, Ld_v-FZIeaU-00301-00122830-00123290 which is something I didn’t even know to parse through when I was doing this original research. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00302-00123348-00123764 The reason for that is the small intestines is where you’re absorbing all your nutrients. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00303-00123815-00124284 If you have bacteria up there, they’re going to be competing for those food resources Ld_v-FZIeaU-00304-00124324-00124767 and that’s fine when it’s just the matter of undigested fiber Ld_v-FZIeaU-00305-00124777-00125066 which is what they do feed off in the large intestines. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00306-00125076-00125325 But when they’re eating it that high up, Ld_v-FZIeaU-00307-00125365-00125506 they’re going to be off-gassing Ld_v-FZIeaU-00308-00125506-00125861 and they’re going to be a lot further away from these escape route down there Ld_v-FZIeaU-00309-00125881-00126191 so they’re going up or it’s getting trapped Ld_v-FZIeaU-00310-00126201-00126896 and like the SIBO-type bloating is not just like a little bit of a belly after meals. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00311-00126902-00127287 It’s really uncomfortable distention for a lot of people. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00312-00127368-00127720 I did an herbal treatment protocol. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00313-00127770-00128079 Actually, it was like I did a modified low-FODMAP diet Ld_v-FZIeaU-00314-00128089-00128280 but it was lucky I kicked it on the first time. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00315-00128300-00128500 I didn’t have crazy numbers. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00316-00128537-00128802 But just that whole process I found so fascinating. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00317-00128822-00129392 I wrote about it and the response I got to the three posts I wrote was insane. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00318-00129392-00129752 They became quickly my most-read posts of all time Ld_v-FZIeaU-00319-00129787-00130154 and I was like, “Oh, people are really hungry for this information Ld_v-FZIeaU-00320-00130164-00130668 and I know because I wrote the post because there isn’t that much good information out there. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00321-00130668-00130942 There a few sites that do a great job but Ld_v-FZIeaU-00322-00130982-00131427 not synthesize it in a way that people can easily digest. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00323-00131440-00131724 That’s why I also started the podcast on this subject. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00324-00131724-00131950 Yeah, I’m SIBO-free but my Ld_v-FZIeaU-00325-00131995-00132565 rehabilitation from it and work to rebalance my gut is ongoing. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00326-00132573-00132989 I should also mention that Hashimoto’s is a big precursor to SIBO Ld_v-FZIeaU-00327-00132989-00133414 because it all boils down to how your motility is working Ld_v-FZIeaU-00328-00133442-00133704 and this thing called the Migrating Motor Complex. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00329-00133704-00133940 I was like, “Can you explain motility?” Ld_v-FZIeaU-00330-00134088-00134250 I’m writing a book on SIBO now. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00331-00134261-00134485 There’s going to be a term glossary because it’s hilarious. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00332-00134485-00134950 Everyone is read up on SIBO. We’re all fluent in the terms but... Ld_v-FZIeaU-00333-00134996-00135132 For the rest of us... Ld_v-FZIeaU-00334-00135142-00135395 No, but it was like these medical terms I'd never heard, Ld_v-FZIeaU-00335-00135395-00135605 researching a whole book on health for a year. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00336-00135655-00135915 Motility is essentially like your... Ld_v-FZIeaU-00337-00135998-00136300 it can apply to the small or large intestines, Ld_v-FZIeaU-00338-00136300-00136872 but it’s how well the nerve and muscle system is working to push food through your body. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00339-00136900-00137425 The Migrating Motor Complex, which is what people kind of refer to when they’re talking about Ld_v-FZIeaU-00340-00137445-00137648 how well your motility is working, Ld_v-FZIeaU-00341-00137668-00138047 it’s kind of like the internal street sweeper of your small intestines Ld_v-FZIeaU-00342-00138067-00138529 and it’s something that they’re now... there’s a lot of compelling research Ld_v-FZIeaU-00343-00138589-00139004 finding that for people who have been through bouts of food poisoning Ld_v-FZIeaU-00344-00139024-00139564 and had their immune system attack acutely that area, Ld_v-FZIeaU-00345-00139600-00140146 talk about the misfires. It’s actually the nerve cells in the Migrating Motor Complex Ld_v-FZIeaU-00346-00140156-00140354 that get killed in that attack. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00347-00140446-00140664 They eventually regenerate Ld_v-FZIeaU-00348-00140720-00140918 but it takes time and in the process, Ld_v-FZIeaU-00349-00140918-00141300 your motility, your small intestine is not going to be moving food as Ld_v-FZIeaU-00350-00141340-00141810 fluidly through your system as possible and that’s when the bottleneck and the overgrowth can begin. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00351-00141866-00142328 Did you have any bouts with food poisoning prior to getting your SIBO diagnosis Ld_v-FZIeaU-00352-00142328-00142552 that could’ve been... - Yeah, many. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00353-00142571-00142918 ...or it doesn’t have to be close by you’re saying. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00354-00142918-00143400 It’s actually often you don’t feel different and then three months down the line, Ld_v-FZIeaU-00355-00143400-00143622 you’re like, “I have all these weird symptoms.” Ld_v-FZIeaU-00356-00143700-00144200 There is a test that you can do to see if that’s what the cause of your SIBO is Ld_v-FZIeaU-00357-00144258-00144500 as opposed to Post-infectious IBS test. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00358-00144500-00145122 Hashimoto’s is a precursor to SIBO because it tends to mess with your motility Ld_v-FZIeaU-00359-00145314-00145705 and a lot of people with Hashimoto’s may be more prone to constipation. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00360-00145705-00145870 That’s one of the reasons. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00361-00146010-00146202 When you just have anything and there are... Ld_v-FZIeaU-00362-00146222-00146790 it’s like a whole page laundry list of contributing risk factors for SIBO Ld_v-FZIeaU-00363-00146790-00147008 but anything that messes with motility. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00364-00147028-00147458 It could be traumatic brain injury. It could be Lyme. It could be so many things Ld_v-FZIeaU-00365-00147458-00147944 that’s just make you more at risk. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00366-00148004-00148393 Fascinating. Why do you think no one was talking about this before? Ld_v-FZIeaU-00367-00148403-00148651 It’s not like it’s a new development in Ld_v-FZIeaU-00368-00148691-00149229 the human body or it’s just a new development in science maybe that they’re understanding Ld_v-FZIeaU-00369-00149230-00149788 that there’s an actual different situation that occurs in the small intestines? Ld_v-FZIeaU-00370-00149872-00150392 Dr. Mark Pimentel at Mt. Sinai, he’s the main guy who’s researching all this, Ld_v-FZIeaU-00371-00150400-00150785 but he came up with this concept in the ‘80s or ‘90s, Ld_v-FZIeaU-00372-00150823-00151310 not the acronym SIBO but the idea that it was a bacterial overgrowth happening Ld_v-FZIeaU-00373-00151330-00151439 in the small intestines. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00374-00151439-00151797 That was the reason why we had such issues with IBS. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00375-00151926-00152426 Since then, that’s what all of his research has been, trying to uncover Ld_v-FZIeaU-00376-00152446-00152751 the latest in terms of his post-infectious IBS connection. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00377-00152762-00153282 It’s all part of his studies that he’s doing out in LA. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00378-00153510-00153948 There were different words for it 20 years ago, but Ld_v-FZIeaU-00379-00154003-00154589 yeah, SIBO as an acronym and as a condition is way entering the consciousness now. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00380-00154599-00154888 It’s still something that there needs to be more awareness of, Ld_v-FZIeaU-00381-00154898-00155336 but it’s also people are getting diagnosed with it left and right which is why Ld_v-FZIeaU-00382-00155336-00155566 there’s a real need for more information. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00383-00155584-00156240 Yeah. What is the common test or diagnosis that you would do if you think you might have SIBO? Ld_v-FZIeaU-00384-00156250-00156572 There’s a breath test and there are a few different types. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00385-00156640-00156904 All this SIBO stuff is so complicated. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00386-00156969-00157159 Like the thyroid stuff, too. - Yeah. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00387-00157169-00157554 You’ve managed to collect two very complicated conditions. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00388-00157578-00157996 If you’re interested in the SIBO testings, I have a post on my site, Ld_v-FZIeaU-00389-00158006-00158446 SIBO 101, that breaks down all the different tests but essentially it’s a breath test Ld_v-FZIeaU-00390-00158496-00158810 that’s measuring... you drink a sugar solution Ld_v-FZIeaU-00391-00158810-00159038 and then breathe into a tube every 20 minutes Ld_v-FZIeaU-00392-00159038-00159390 and it’s measuring the off-gassing from bacteria. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00393-00159424-00159861 There’s a lot of controversy in terms of how accurate these tests are Ld_v-FZIeaU-00394-00159862-00160152 and what they actually tell you, but in theory, Ld_v-FZIeaU-00395-00160152-00160664 if you see spikes in certain gases which can only be caused by bacteria Ld_v-FZIeaU-00396-00160691-00161334 before the 90-minute mark, that’s an indication that you have bacteria Ld_v-FZIeaU-00397-00161344-00161776 too far up in your canal in your small intestines. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00398-00161805-00161868 Got it. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00399-00161902-00162508 Anybody who wants more information on SIBO in general should check out Phoebe’s podcast Ld_v-FZIeaU-00400-00162518-00162801 because it’s called SIBO Made Simple... Ld_v-FZIeaU-00401-00162894-00163195 It’s not simple, spoiler alert, but we try. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00402-00163265-00163890 ...but also her site because she has some really good SIBO overview articles as well. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00403-00163963-00164475 Now today, I know like me, health is really a journey. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00404-00164531-00165014 I entered this whole wellness world after certain things that happened Ld_v-FZIeaU-00405-00165054-00165594 and then sort of wanted to tie a whole ribbon on like, “Kicked Lyme, kicked amenorrhea, Ld_v-FZIeaU-00406-00165624-00165979 went through this tragedy with the mental health care system with my mom, Ld_v-FZIeaU-00407-00165989-00166502 but now I'm just healthy forever because I have all the answers.” Ld_v-FZIeaU-00408-00166539-00167114 And then this Hashimoto’s thing just came up and was like, Ld_v-FZIeaU-00409-00167129-00167244 “Not so fast.” Ld_v-FZIeaU-00410-00167326-00167784 But it really just reminded me, because I definitely needed to be reminded, that Ld_v-FZIeaU-00411-00167814-00168547 health is seriously a journey and that you cannot take your eye off the prize for, Ld_v-FZIeaU-00412-00168578-00169058 I mean, a couple of days on a fun vacation or something like that, Ld_v-FZIeaU-00413-00169142-00169642 absolutely. But if you are regularly eating poorly, Ld_v-FZIeaU-00414-00169661-00169964 not paying attention to stress, not sleeping properly, Ld_v-FZIeaU-00415-00170014-00170424 using all these toxins, whatever it is, Ld_v-FZIeaU-00416-00170542-00170911 eventually your body will let you know in one way or another Ld_v-FZIeaU-00417-00170911-00171394 and there’s just like no free lunch in this space. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00418-00171422-00171887 I was definitely stealing from my stress reserves Ld_v-FZIeaU-00419-00171896-00172222 which I hadn’t done in a long time in my life. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00420-00172222-00172606 I had other stressful periods where I Ld_v-FZIeaU-00421-00172658-00173132 maybe was grieving or studying a lot but Ld_v-FZIeaU-00422-00173151-00173963 just a constant state of anxiety and hadn’t really ever manifested for as long as I took it. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00423-00173971-00174264 I threw everything I knew out the window and I feel like Ld_v-FZIeaU-00424-00174338-00174916 now I’m back to, “If you’re not careful, you will go down that path.” Ld_v-FZIeaU-00425-00174916-00175358 It’s almost like, yes, you could probably walk in a dangerous neighborhood Ld_v-FZIeaU-00426-00175418-00175740 without protection or whatever and you’d be fine, Ld_v-FZIeaU-00427-00175740-00175927 but if you do it every single night, Ld_v-FZIeaU-00428-00175928-00176270 maybe you’re asking for something bad to happen. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00429-00176272-00176440 Your chances increase. - Yeah, your chances increase. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00430-00176517-00177002 Back to the wellness project-esque foundations Ld_v-FZIeaU-00431-00177050-00177522 of keeping myself that... keeping things in check. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00432-00177646-00178168 Hashimoto’s, SIBO, hopefully these are your only two major hurdles Ld_v-FZIeaU-00433-00178168-00178404 as far as conditions, but it’s Ld_v-FZIeaU-00434-00178436-00178838 part of this whole series of inspirational stories of health recovery that we tell Ld_v-FZIeaU-00435-00178838-00179242 is to show people that we’re not hippy weirdos that Ld_v-FZIeaU-00436-00179258-00179632 gravitate towards rejecting conventional health care. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00437-00179642-00179994 You were going to all those doctors asking for help Ld_v-FZIeaU-00438-00179994-00180320 and not getting anybody to help you with the root cause stuff. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00439-00180340-00180562 Finally you went a different path Ld_v-FZIeaU-00440-00180572-00180816 and you know what, that wasn’t the only thing that happened Ld_v-FZIeaU-00441-00180816-00181200 and you had to go back to it for the SIBO situation and hopefully that’s it Ld_v-FZIeaU-00442-00181200-00181670 but you’ll have the tools and the resources should these things come up again, Ld_v-FZIeaU-00443-00181670-00181910 and really to show people that there’s hope. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00444-00181959-00182322 That same girl at 22 getting a Hashimoto’s diagnosis Ld_v-FZIeaU-00445-00182322-00182730 and being given Synthroid and being told that she’s going to be on it for the rest of her life, Ld_v-FZIeaU-00446-00182766-00183010 you don’t have to. You’re proof of that. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00447-00183030-00183456 Well, I am on medication and I would probably be better off had I gone on Synthroid Ld_v-FZIeaU-00448-00183456-00183904 but I would’ve probably also still had a lot of mysterious symptoms that I never Ld_v-FZIeaU-00449-00183933-00184187 would’ve connected the dots on or discovered on my own. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00450-00184197-00184465 Right, but I mean you take a more natural version Ld_v-FZIeaU-00451-00184485-00184847 and there’s less chance of side effects and things like that. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00452-00184898-00185128 That might not have even been possible had Ld_v-FZIeaU-00453-00185136-00185342 you not done all these other things to repair your... Ld_v-FZIeaU-00454-00185342-00185714 Oh yeah. I wasn’t told there were even any other options for medication. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00455-00185742-00185963 It might not be effective for you if you weren’t Ld_v-FZIeaU-00456-00185973-00186300 doing all these other things to help your thyroid repair itself, Ld_v-FZIeaU-00457-00186330-00186795 so that’s really what I think this story can show people, Ld_v-FZIeaU-00458-00186807-00187028 is that it’s not Synthroid or nothing. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00459-00187068-00187394 If you do want to try a more natural thyroid medication, Ld_v-FZIeaU-00460-00187434-00187736 you can probably also have to do other things to Ld_v-FZIeaU-00461-00187736-00188056 restore your thyroid health and continue to nurture it. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00462-00188076-00188560 Yeah. The medications not doing anything for your antibodies so that’s where lifestyle comes in. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00463-00188600-00188928 Right, exactly. My last question for you Ld_v-FZIeaU-00464-00188942-00189507 before we just hang out and close out the day is, Ld_v-FZIeaU-00465-00189518-00189925 we say at WellBe like “How I get WellBe is…” Ld_v-FZIeaU-00466-00189930-00190260 and you have so many things that you’ve learned over the years, Ld_v-FZIeaU-00467-00190290-00190892 but this is just really your cannot miss these two or three things a day Ld_v-FZIeaU-00468-00190892-00191090 where no matter what, you are travelling, Ld_v-FZIeaU-00469-00191090-00191359 you are stressed, you are writing a book, you are home, you are not, Ld_v-FZIeaU-00470-00191390-00191742 you do these without fail or you find yourself Ld_v-FZIeaU-00471-00191802-00191994 going off in a direction you don’t like. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00472-00191994-00192854 How I get WellBe is making sure that I unplug for at least a few hours a night Ld_v-FZIeaU-00473-00192872-00193372 and do not have my phone off of airplane mode in the bedroom. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00474-00193374-00193700 I’m working on getting it out of there completely. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00475-00193752-00194578 Taking five minutes at least of just breath work and pseudo-meditation. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00476-00194578-00194952 Ideally 20 minutes of real meditation, but I’ll take the five minutes, Ld_v-FZIeaU-00477-00194982-00195704 and making sure that I have at least 10% of my day that’s doing something that Ld_v-FZIeaU-00478-00195721-00196079 feeds my spirit or nourishes me in some way, Ld_v-FZIeaU-00479-00196099-00196419 whether that’s taking a bath, going for a walk, Ld_v-FZIeaU-00480-00196486-00196866 doing something that feels indulgent in its way Ld_v-FZIeaU-00481-00196866-00197156 because again, back to the health can be a full-time job, Ld_v-FZIeaU-00482-00197166-00197656 sometimes self-care is like the enemy of self-care. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00483-00197682-00198022 I end up laughing myself when I think about the morning routines. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00484-00198032-00198429 I get up in the morning and I’m already, “Oh my god, I’m supposed to be journaling. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00485-00198439-00198611 I’m supposed to be meditating. I’m supposed to be stretching. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00486-00198621-00199152 I’m supposed to be gratitude.” This, that. “I’ve got to make my smoothie.” It’s insane. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00487-00199162-00199473 It’s too much. - Who could ever do all of those things? Ld_v-FZIeaU-00488-00199483-00199620 I think that’s similar to Ld_v-FZIeaU-00489-00199630-00200220 we’re all so unique on the inside as far as where we show symptoms and how this stuff impacts us. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00490-00200300-00200597 Also, you kind of have to have your own, Ld_v-FZIeaU-00491-00200696-00201186 not to overuse the word, gut reaction to like what actually does feel like self-care? Ld_v-FZIeaU-00492-00201186-00201360 I kind of hate baths. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00493-00201524-00201723 Everyone tells you that’s what you’re supposed to do but Ld_v-FZIeaU-00494-00201723-00201951 I’m like, “Wait, actually, I don’t like this.” Ld_v-FZIeaU-00495-00201981-00202088 You’re not alone. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00496-00202139-00202312 I sometimes feel like I am. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00497-00202343-00202693 And sometimes I work in the bathtub and that’s bad. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00498-00202776-00203041 With a laptop? Oh man. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00499-00203132-00203328 That’s not self-care, just for the record. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00500-00203348-00203916 That’s just doing your work in the bathtub. That’s just living on the edge. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00501-00204070-00204314 Awesome. Thank you for sharing your story Ld_v-FZIeaU-00502-00204334-00204819 and all the amazing stuff you’re doing now with SIBO and thyroid health Ld_v-FZIeaU-00503-00204819-00205116 and everybody can check out Phoebe at Ld_v-FZIeaU-00504-00205143-00205548 FeedMePhoebe.com or TheWellnessProject.com. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00505-00205569-00205764 Awesome. - As you’ve said before, Ld_v-FZIeaU-00506-00205815-00206631 we are going on 28 years, 27 years... Ld_v-FZIeaU-00507-00206744-00207454 ...of being friends and how our moms were these integrative health nuts Ld_v-FZIeaU-00508-00207473-00208202 so somehow we ended up talking on a podcast with an iPhone in my apartment. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00509-00208250-00208617 It’s just really hysterical to me sometimes but it’s so fun, too. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00510-00208666-00208883 This is great, thanks for coming. Ld_v-FZIeaU-00511-00208919-00209250 Thanks for having me. - Bye. LhDPCmQz7-I-00000-00000008-00000440 Before we get started; A quick note: This video took a long time to make. LhDPCmQz7-I-00001-00000440-00000818 As a result, it's no longer anywhere near topical. LhDPCmQz7-I-00002-00000818-00000993 WHOOPS. LhDPCmQz7-I-00003-00000993-00001455 I think the ideas covered within it are still relevant though. LhDPCmQz7-I-00004-00001455-00001884 So one of the most recent bits of news is that gaming boogeyman Jack Thompson has come LhDPCmQz7-I-00005-00001884-00002069 out in support of gamergate. LhDPCmQz7-I-00006-00002069-00002521 Now, it would be really easy to just talk about how hilarious it is that they went from LhDPCmQz7-I-00007-00002521-00003043 comparing people they don't like to him to discredit them, to going: "hey, I guess he's LhDPCmQz7-I-00008-00003043-00003213 not that bad after all!" LhDPCmQz7-I-00009-00003213-00003640 I mean, there was a 4chan thread not long ago where they were arguing about whether LhDPCmQz7-I-00010-00003640-00004047 or not they should get him to support Anita Sarkesean because his presence would hurt LhDPCmQz7-I-00011-00004047-00004175 her reputation. LhDPCmQz7-I-00012-00004175-00004598 I wanted to talk about that, and the implication that; by their own logic, their reputation LhDPCmQz7-I-00013-00004598-00004698 is now tarnished. LhDPCmQz7-I-00014-00004698-00005121 But, as I was thinking about it, I kept coming back to this tweet I saw from TotalBiscuit: LhDPCmQz7-I-00015-00005121-00005612 "I do not dig this guilt by association thing one little bit." LhDPCmQz7-I-00016-00005612-00006262 Now the question is: IS guilt by association a valid rhetorical device in any situation? LhDPCmQz7-I-00017-00006262-00006723 This is a good time for me to delve into this situation because, frankly, it has never been LhDPCmQz7-I-00018-00006723-00006975 easier for me specifically to fall into that kind of thinking. LhDPCmQz7-I-00019-00006975-00007542 I mean, gamergate includes some pretty prominent mysogynists, actual nazis, and now the king LhDPCmQz7-I-00020-00007542-00007953 of censorship and most hated man in gaming: jack thompson. LhDPCmQz7-I-00021-00007953-00008313 If the people in a movement say something about that movement, gamergate looks pretty LhDPCmQz7-I-00022-00008313-00008553 spectacularly bad right now. LhDPCmQz7-I-00023-00008553-00008724 But maybe TB is right. LhDPCmQz7-I-00024-00008724-00008909 Maybe it's entirely irrelevant. LhDPCmQz7-I-00025-00008909-00009291 I wanted to put myself on the other side of the situation so that I could see it a bit LhDPCmQz7-I-00026-00009291-00009775 more clearly, so I decided to look at an argument I hear a lot and which always bugged me. LhDPCmQz7-I-00027-00009775-00009875 as a vegan. LhDPCmQz7-I-00028-00009875-00010032 "Did you know hitler was a vegetarian?" LhDPCmQz7-I-00029-00010032-00010536 This one always got under my skin, but I never really thought about the logic of it further LhDPCmQz7-I-00030-00010536-00010791 than about whether or not it was true. LhDPCmQz7-I-00031-00010791-00011163 Lets assume for the sake of a thought experiment though, that it is true. LhDPCmQz7-I-00032-00011163-00011471 Hitler was definitely a vegetarian. LhDPCmQz7-I-00033-00011471-00011792 Everything bad he ever did happened exactly the way history remembers it. LhDPCmQz7-I-00034-00011792-00012149 Does that say anything about current modern day vegetarians? LhDPCmQz7-I-00035-00012149-00012493 No, I don't think it does. LhDPCmQz7-I-00036-00012493-00012645 That would be ridiculous. LhDPCmQz7-I-00037-00012645-00013041 The idea that one guy from that long ago says anything about an entire modern day group LhDPCmQz7-I-00038-00013041-00013223 seems insane. LhDPCmQz7-I-00039-00013223-00013679 Lets ratchet up the thought experiment then: What if modern day vegetarians were neo-nazis LhDPCmQz7-I-00040-00013679-00013956 at a rate higher than the national average. LhDPCmQz7-I-00041-00013956-00014404 Lets say there was a census and it turned out that out of the american population, 1% LhDPCmQz7-I-00042-00014404-00014511 were nazis. LhDPCmQz7-I-00043-00014511-00015179 However, out of the population of american vegetarians, that number jumps to 5%. LhDPCmQz7-I-00044-00015179-00015561 Does this now say something about modern day american vegetarians? LhDPCmQz7-I-00045-00015561-00016015 (This by the way isn't entirely an insane direction to take, since there are a few prominent LhDPCmQz7-I-00046-00016015-00016776 vegans and vegetarians who are currently being accused of ties to nazism.) LhDPCmQz7-I-00047-00016776-00017345 I still don't think it says anything about any specific vegetarian, but I'm a little LhDPCmQz7-I-00048-00017345-00017476 uncomfortable now. LhDPCmQz7-I-00049-00017476-00017779 I think that means we're going in the right direction. LhDPCmQz7-I-00050-00017779-00018015 What if it were 90%? LhDPCmQz7-I-00051-00018015-00018381 I discussed this thought experiment with my a few people, and they still seemed to think LhDPCmQz7-I-00052-00018381-00018931 that even in the 90% scenario, the 10% of non-nazi vegetarians are entirely fine. LhDPCmQz7-I-00053-00018931-00019409 I felt in my gut that this was wrong, and it took me a while to figure out exactly why. LhDPCmQz7-I-00054-00019409-00019940 See, in the situation where 90% of vegetarians are nazis, the 10% benefit passively from LhDPCmQz7-I-00055-00019940-00020087 their inclusion. LhDPCmQz7-I-00056-00020087-00020467 Having a larger group means you are more likely to find available food to purchase, and odds LhDPCmQz7-I-00057-00020467-00020904 are that if you eat at a vegetarian restaurant, you are aiding nazism financially. LhDPCmQz7-I-00058-00020904-00021392 (Since the restaurant is likely either owned by nazis or frequented by them.) LhDPCmQz7-I-00059-00021392-00021815 Also, it would be entirely reasonable for an outsider to look at you and assume that LhDPCmQz7-I-00060-00021815-00022104 you were a nazi, since statistically, they are likely to be correct. LhDPCmQz7-I-00061-00022104-00022412 So, now we have something resembling a starting point. LhDPCmQz7-I-00062-00022412-00022851 Boiling the reasoning down, we have three points where guilt by association seems to LhDPCmQz7-I-00063-00022851-00023098 have some level of validity: LhDPCmQz7-I-00064-00023098-00023426 The number of problematic people in your group is high LhDPCmQz7-I-00065-00023426-00023926 The problematic people in your group are powerful You benefit from the problematic actions taken LhDPCmQz7-I-00066-00023926-00024062 by the group LhDPCmQz7-I-00067-00024062-00024488 Looking back at my increasingly silly thought experiment we can see why the first scenario LhDPCmQz7-I-00068-00024488-00024636 wasn't meaningful. LhDPCmQz7-I-00069-00024636-00024736 1. LhDPCmQz7-I-00070-00024736-00024907 There is only one Hitler. LhDPCmQz7-I-00071-00024907-00025007 2. LhDPCmQz7-I-00072-00025007-00026319 Being dead and reduced posthumously to a laughingstock mutes your power somewhat. LhDPCmQz7-I-00073-00026319-00026420 and 3. LhDPCmQz7-I-00074-00026420-00026727 Hitler being a vegetarian doesn't in any way aid vegetarianism. LhDPCmQz7-I-00075-00026727-00027041 (If anything, the opposite would be the case.) LhDPCmQz7-I-00076-00027041-00027227 In the 90% example, 1. LhDPCmQz7-I-00077-00027227-00027436 There are a lot of problem people. LhDPCmQz7-I-00078-00027436-00027536 2. LhDPCmQz7-I-00079-00027536-00027908 A group that large has a lot of power to intimidate and harm. LhDPCmQz7-I-00080-00027908-00028023 3. LhDPCmQz7-I-00081-00028023-00028475 Any accomplishment they make towards making it easier to live as a vegetarian also benefits LhDPCmQz7-I-00082-00028475-00028636 the 10%. LhDPCmQz7-I-00083-00028636-00028783 How does this tie into gamergate? LhDPCmQz7-I-00084-00028783-00029270 Well, totalbiscuit cares about ethics in game journalism, as gamergate supposedly does as LhDPCmQz7-I-00085-00029270-00029377 a whole. LhDPCmQz7-I-00086-00029377-00029724 He follows this motivation to support the #gamergate hashtag. LhDPCmQz7-I-00087-00029724-00030149 Many people who support the hashtag have openly harassed, doxxed, and sent death threats to LhDPCmQz7-I-00088-00030149-00030313 those the movement targets. LhDPCmQz7-I-00089-00030313-00030720 This creates an environment of fear which benefits the entire movement. LhDPCmQz7-I-00090-00030720-00031102 Every time someone would have written an article they believe in and don't because they're LhDPCmQz7-I-00091-00031102-00031508 afraid for their safety, everyone in gamergate benefits. LhDPCmQz7-I-00092-00031508-00032213 (assuming it was an anti-gg article, anyway.) LhDPCmQz7-I-00093-00032213-00032612 Every time those guys from stormfront or a voice for men or the pickup artist community LhDPCmQz7-I-00094-00032612-00033100 tweet the hashtag, everyone in gamergate benefits from the increased hashtag penetration. LhDPCmQz7-I-00095-00033100-00033477 On top of this, those groups also benefit from the positivity they get from siding with LhDPCmQz7-I-00096-00033477-00033577 gamergate. LhDPCmQz7-I-00097-00033577-00033872 (Jack Thompson in particular comes to mind here.) LhDPCmQz7-I-00098-00033872-00034298 It's entirely reasonable for society to lump TB in with the undersirables in his group LhDPCmQz7-I-00099-00034298-00034691 because he insists on marching under the same banner and benefits from their presence and LhDPCmQz7-I-00100-00034691-00034791 actions. LhDPCmQz7-I-00101-00034791-00035254 They in turn benefit from the legitimacy and brand awareness which his massive audience LhDPCmQz7-I-00102-00035254-00035411 brings to the table. LhDPCmQz7-I-00103-00035411-00035881 So then what to do when a situation like this arises? LhDPCmQz7-I-00104-00035881-00036299 After a lot of thinking, I've settled on this: Upon discovering that you're in a group which LhDPCmQz7-I-00105-00036299-00036780 contains people whose actions reflect poorly on you, (in tb's case, those who would use LhDPCmQz7-I-00106-00036780-00037230 death threats and harassment to advance a misogynistic agenda and silence criticism) LhDPCmQz7-I-00107-00037230-00037528 you enter into what I'm calling a "bedfellow bind." LhDPCmQz7-I-00108-00037528-00037912 A bedfellow bind can be resolved in one of three ways: LhDPCmQz7-I-00109-00037912-00038038 1. LhDPCmQz7-I-00110-00038038-00038516 Consumption: You do nothing to differentiate yourself from the harm caused by your group LhDPCmQz7-I-00111-00038516-00038722 and reap the consequences. LhDPCmQz7-I-00112-00038722-00039246 In my thought experiment, our vegetarian accepts the pros and cons of being mistaken for a LhDPCmQz7-I-00113-00039246-00039346 nazi. LhDPCmQz7-I-00114-00039346-00039744 The world entirely reasonably lumps him in with the worst in his group. LhDPCmQz7-I-00115-00039744-00039923 Dissolution. LhDPCmQz7-I-00116-00039923-00040187 You renounce your membership of said group. LhDPCmQz7-I-00117-00040187-00040496 Our vegetarian renounces the title of vegetarian. LhDPCmQz7-I-00118-00040496-00040900 Importantly, this does not mean he suddenly needs to start eating meat, only that he does LhDPCmQz7-I-00119-00040900-00041346 so without the pride which his membership in the group previously held. LhDPCmQz7-I-00120-00041346-00041868 Opposition: The problematic people in your group are now your enemy. LhDPCmQz7-I-00121-00041868-00042183 You must claim them, then fight them. LhDPCmQz7-I-00122-00042183-00042621 You cannot simply wash your hands of them by claiming that they do not represent you. LhDPCmQz7-I-00123-00042621-00043090 You cannot issue a half-assed non-denouncement which carries the implication that you think LhDPCmQz7-I-00124-00043090-00043284 it's stupid that you're doing that. LhDPCmQz7-I-00125-00043284-00043728 The people doing what you don't want to be associated with have to know beyond a shadow LhDPCmQz7-I-00126-00043728-00044084 of a doubt that what they're doing makes you their enemy. LhDPCmQz7-I-00127-00044084-00044517 You have to take an active stance in mitigating the harm they cause and you have to fucking LhDPCmQz7-I-00128-00044517-00044617 mean it. LhDPCmQz7-I-00129-00044617-00045040 Most importantly, when you do this, it needs to be loud. LhDPCmQz7-I-00130-00045040-00045450 Everyone who knows you or cares about you needs to know that this is the path you have LhDPCmQz7-I-00131-00045450-00045550 chosen. LhDPCmQz7-I-00132-00045550-00046112 In TB's case, the bind reads like this: TB is supporting gamergate and it's goals. LhDPCmQz7-I-00133-00046112-00046690 By doing so he is in a bind with mysoginists, white supremacists, stalkers, harrasers, and LhDPCmQz7-I-00134-00046690-00046858 TERRIBLE ARTISTS. LhDPCmQz7-I-00135-00046858-00046958 AH.. LhDPCmQz7-I-00136-00046958-00047071 GET IT AWAY! LhDPCmQz7-I-00137-00047071-00047562 Worse still, due to the size of his fanbase, many of these harassers are likely also his LhDPCmQz7-I-00138-00047562-00047755 fans, worsening the bind. LhDPCmQz7-I-00139-00047755-00048041 In this case, the three options play out thusly: LhDPCmQz7-I-00140-00048041-00048481 In the consumption option, TB continues to support gamergate without taking responsibility LhDPCmQz7-I-00141-00048481-00048621 for it's worst members. LhDPCmQz7-I-00142-00048621-00048997 I get the impression that it bothers him that people are lumping him in with them, so I LhDPCmQz7-I-00143-00048997-00049316 don't think this is the path he wants to choose, LhDPCmQz7-I-00144-00049316-00049781 In the Dissolution option, (the one I reccommend here, to be honest) he would refuse to support LhDPCmQz7-I-00145-00049781-00049888 gamergate. LhDPCmQz7-I-00146-00049888-00050318 He could continue to fight for journalistic ethics, simply under a different banner. LhDPCmQz7-I-00147-00050318-00050806 This makes a lot of sense from both an ethical and a utilitarian point of view: Gamergate LhDPCmQz7-I-00148-00050806-00051329 DID start as a harassment campaign against a single woman, instigated by a jilted lover, LhDPCmQz7-I-00149-00051329-00051616 and fueled by allegations of sexual indisgression. LhDPCmQz7-I-00150-00051616-00052082 This is undeniable, since if the blowup HAD been about journalistic ethics, the journalist LhDPCmQz7-I-00151-00052082-00052372 should have been the target and not the game developer. LhDPCmQz7-I-00152-00052372-00052861 Game developers have very little obligation towards journalistic ethics, what they do LhDPCmQz7-I-00153-00052861-00053111 have is an obligation to make a good game. LhDPCmQz7-I-00154-00053111-00053601 So, even if you believe that it has nothing to do with misogyny now, it has been irrevocably LhDPCmQz7-I-00155-00053601-00053789 tainted in the view of the public. LhDPCmQz7-I-00156-00053789-00054204 By distancing his cause from gamergate and from those within it who don't care in the LhDPCmQz7-I-00157-00054204-00054680 slightest about ethics, he would strengthen his ability to actually achieve his goals. LhDPCmQz7-I-00158-00054680-00055098 I would suggest for a new group to be created which is about ethics in games journalism LhDPCmQz7-I-00159-00055098-00055199 alone. LhDPCmQz7-I-00160-00055199-00055824 No weird MRA nonsense, no nazis, no right wing anti-feminism hate memes, no fake cartoon LhDPCmQz7-I-00161-00055824-00056230 women telling everyone to shut up, just ethics. LhDPCmQz7-I-00162-00056230-00056946 Call it "gamers for ethical games journalism". ...uhh... okay, no, that's gfegj... good lord. LhDPCmQz7-I-00163-00056946-00057441 Look, the name doesn't matter, I'm not a PR person, what matters is that TB has a large LhDPCmQz7-I-00164-00057441-00057890 enough following that he could start a smaller but far more effective movement. LhDPCmQz7-I-00165-00057890-00058309 Many gamergaters are fed up with the hypocrisy and hate tied into gamergate and are only LhDPCmQz7-I-00166-00058309-00058798 staying in it because of people like TB and because they genuinely care about the cause. LhDPCmQz7-I-00167-00058798-00059375 Also, many who are opposed to gamergate due to the damage it's done actually DO care about LhDPCmQz7-I-00168-00059375-00059536 journalistic ethics. LhDPCmQz7-I-00169-00059536-00060101 The media HAS ignored the fact that many gamergaters have been hacked and doxed. LhDPCmQz7-I-00170-00060101-00060202 The media HAS been a little bit too quick to paint the entire movement with a single LhDPCmQz7-I-00171-00060202-00060302 stroke. LhDPCmQz7-I-00172-00060302-00060555 The media HAS had difficulty figuring out how to effectively balance the need to allow LhDPCmQz7-I-00173-00060555-00060923 reviewers to express their opinions with the tyrany of metacritic. LhDPCmQz7-I-00174-00060923-00061126 Heck, I love ethics! LhDPCmQz7-I-00175-00061126-00061423 I want those in lots of places, journalism included! LhDPCmQz7-I-00176-00061423-00061820 Sign me up and we can cram the ethics in all the ethics holes, together! LhDPCmQz7-I-00177-00061820-00062254 In the opposition option, TB takes an active stance in opposition to the toxic people in LhDPCmQz7-I-00178-00062254-00062402 his midst. LhDPCmQz7-I-00179-00062402-00062914 This isn't simply pointing out that he disagrees with them and washing his hands, no. LhDPCmQz7-I-00180-00062914-00063090 He has to fight them. LhDPCmQz7-I-00181-00063090-00063614 This would involve making it entirely clear that harassment is wrong and that if someone LhDPCmQz7-I-00182-00063614-00063884 does it, he does not want them as a viewer. LhDPCmQz7-I-00183-00063884-00064359 This isn't simply what we've gotten so far which amounts to a "I don't condone harrassment LhDPCmQz7-I-00184-00064359-00064794 but I shouldn't have to say this because it should be basic human decency." LhDPCmQz7-I-00185-00064794-00065315 This needs to be forceful and clear, and he would need to take steps to stop people from LhDPCmQz7-I-00186-00065315-00065716 reading between the lines and assuming he was "bullied into it". LhDPCmQz7-I-00187-00065716-00066132 Furthermore, he needs to get to know the people who were the most harmed by this situation LhDPCmQz7-I-00188-00066132-00066601 and understand where they're coming from and why they see him as the enemy. LhDPCmQz7-I-00189-00066601-00067212 I think this would be... an interesting spectacle to watch, but it seems like a lost cause. LhDPCmQz7-I-00190-00067212-00067806 There is too much bad involved with gamergate for me to suggest some kind of #GGcleanslate LhDPCmQz7-I-00191-00067806-00067925 as a sensible option. LhDPCmQz7-I-00192-00067925-00068134 (also, hey look, gate rhymes with slate! LhDPCmQz7-I-00193-00068134-00068277 I did a clever!) LhDPCmQz7-I-00194-00068277-00068730 I'll give him credit though, in the time since I wrote this, TB has come out against harassment LhDPCmQz7-I-00195-00068730-00068847 pretty loudly. LhDPCmQz7-I-00196-00068847-00068947 Yay! LhDPCmQz7-I-00197-00068947-00069477 I mean I'd prefer if he also did it on his youtube channel but I'll take what I can get. LhDPCmQz7-I-00198-00069477-00069862 Now he just needs to call out some of the most prominent harassers and to be careful LhDPCmQz7-I-00199-00069862-00070086 not to enable harassment himself. LhDPCmQz7-I-00200-00070086-00070835 Now, TB, I know you're probably not watching this, but if you are: You may think I'm being LhDPCmQz7-I-00201-00070835-00071073 unreasonable to ask all this of you. LhDPCmQz7-I-00202-00071073-00071500 Here's the thing though: I'm not asking you for anything. LhDPCmQz7-I-00203-00071500-00071707 I'm just clarifying the situation you're in. LhDPCmQz7-I-00204-00071707-00071927 Are you angry? LhDPCmQz7-I-00205-00071927-00072091 You should be angry. LhDPCmQz7-I-00206-00072091-00072438 These people forced you into this by doing horrible things in the name of something you LhDPCmQz7-I-00207-00072438-00072574 care about. LhDPCmQz7-I-00208-00072574-00072856 Every time they do this they drag your name through the mud. LhDPCmQz7-I-00209-00072856-00073301 You, as a powerful and noticable individual have the most to lose from this, and thus LhDPCmQz7-I-00210-00073301-00073656 your bedfellow bind is the most critical to resolve. LhDPCmQz7-I-00211-00073656-00074106 By being placed in this bind by these people, you have already lost something. LhDPCmQz7-I-00212-00074106-00074658 The choice that remains is whether you want it to be your reputation, your pride, or your LhDPCmQz7-I-00213-00074658-00074758 time. LhDPCmQz7-I-00214-00074758-00075135 Now, I think it would be hypocritical for me to describe a concept like this without LhDPCmQz7-I-00215-00075135-00075301 then applying it to myself first. LhDPCmQz7-I-00216-00075301-00075648 Am I in any bedfellow binds? LhDPCmQz7-I-00217-00075648-00075775 Yes. LhDPCmQz7-I-00218-00075775-00076230 There is an UGLY misogyny streak in the Atheism community. LhDPCmQz7-I-00219-00076230-00076600 Influencial men like Richard Dawkins have used the guise of science and rationality LhDPCmQz7-I-00220-00076600-00077006 to support harmful and obnoxiously sexist rhetoric and the result on the community has LhDPCmQz7-I-00221-00077006-00077106 been brutal. LhDPCmQz7-I-00222-00077106-00077206 Of particular note are Internet Aristocrat and his conspiracy theory paranoia and Thunderf00t's LhDPCmQz7-I-00223-00077206-00077306 slanderous non-critiques of Anita Sarkesean. LhDPCmQz7-I-00224-00077306-00077544 Some of the most prominent Athiest voices on the internet have followed his example LhDPCmQz7-I-00225-00077544-00078039 to repeatedly spout self indulgent, spiteful nonsense which does not hold up to any kind LhDPCmQz7-I-00226-00078039-00078244 of careful scrutiny. LhDPCmQz7-I-00227-00078244-00078697 Somewhere along the line they picked up the idea that empathy is yet another ideology LhDPCmQz7-I-00228-00078697-00079055 to be tossed aside for the advance of our species. LhDPCmQz7-I-00229-00079055-00079522 This idea is neither scientifically sound or ethically defensible. LhDPCmQz7-I-00230-00079522-00079817 I do not believe in a supernatural creator. LhDPCmQz7-I-00231-00079817-00080142 I have up to this point considered myself an athiest. LhDPCmQz7-I-00232-00080142-00080534 I am in a bedfellow bind with athiesm. LhDPCmQz7-I-00233-00080534-00080775 For this, I choose dissolution. LhDPCmQz7-I-00234-00080775-00080984 I am no longer an athiest. LhDPCmQz7-I-00235-00080984-00081495 I now wear no title related to my belief or nonbelief in any supernatural concept. LhDPCmQz7-I-00236-00081495-00082044 I derive no pride or satisfaction from these beliefs or lack thereof. LhDPCmQz7-I-00237-00082044-00082620 Next, there is a strain of harrassment and bitterness within the gaming community. LhDPCmQz7-I-00238-00082620-00083242 This is not limited to one subgroup, though, it does, again, have a nasty misogynistic LhDPCmQz7-I-00239-00083242-00083342 streak. LhDPCmQz7-I-00240-00083342-00083766 I noticed, for instance, that a lot of the victims of harassment recieved by members LhDPCmQz7-I-00241-00083766-00084100 of gamergate ALSO happened to be women. LhDPCmQz7-I-00242-00084100-00084496 It's seems to just be the accepted tactic. LhDPCmQz7-I-00243-00084496-00085008 One of the most prominent figures in opposition to gamergate, Bob Chipman: AKA Moviebob, one LhDPCmQz7-I-00244-00085008-00085459 of my favorite people in the world, recently essentially tweeted that he thinks harassment LhDPCmQz7-I-00245-00085459-00085703 and doxxing are okay if they're used on the right people. LhDPCmQz7-I-00246-00085703-00086114 "There are no bad methods, only bad targets." LhDPCmQz7-I-00247-00086114-00086214 BULLSHIT. LhDPCmQz7-I-00248-00086214-00086422 I choose opposition. LhDPCmQz7-I-00249-00086422-00086823 I am a gamer and I will not accept my community acting this way. LhDPCmQz7-I-00250-00086823-00087200 If you decide to silence someone's opinion through harrassment and doxxing, especially LhDPCmQz7-I-00251-00087200-00087566 if you're aiming it specifically at women, you are not my ally. LhDPCmQz7-I-00252-00087566-00087955 If you support the people employing these tactics or support the tactics themselves, LhDPCmQz7-I-00253-00087955-00088055 you are not my ally. LhDPCmQz7-I-00254-00088055-00088617 I commit myself henceforth to doing everything I can to improve this community, in it's ideas, LhDPCmQz7-I-00255-00088617-00089017 in it's methods, and in it's representation to the society at large. LhDPCmQz7-I-00256-00089017-00089422 We have the unique distinction to be alive at the birth of an entirely new and exciting LhDPCmQz7-I-00257-00089422-00089829 artistic medium and I will NOT let petty petulant STUPID squabbles like this tear it apart. Lid-ibbwl_I-00000-00000076-00000575 Hi, I am Natalie Bogwalker and I am the founder and director of Wild Abundance. Lid-ibbwl_I-00001-00000575-00000828 Wild Abundance is a school that teaches Lid-ibbwl_I-00002-00000828-00000990 skills for living with the Earth. Lid-ibbwl_I-00003-00000990-00001363 It's my home and home of my family and many others. Lid-ibbwl_I-00004-00001363-00001738 It's part of a neighbourhood of magical people. Lid-ibbwl_I-00005-00001738-00002106 It is a permaculture demonstration site. Lid-ibbwl_I-00006-00002106-00002628 Here, I have built this cabin with my own two hands and ton of help. Lid-ibbwl_I-00007-00002628-00003030 You will see this along with a bunch of other cool things! Lid-ibbwl_I-00008-00003030-00003450 We are going to see a cob oven, we are going to see an outdoor kitchen, Lid-ibbwl_I-00009-00003450-00003790 an amazing garden, large scale terraces Lid-ibbwl_I-00010-00003790-00004030 rain water catchment and way more! Lid-ibbwl_I-00011-00004030-00004161 So, please come along! Lid-ibbwl_I-00012-00004238-00004626 (birds chirping) Lid-ibbwl_I-00013-00004640-00004946 Here it goes! Lid-ibbwl_I-00014-00004946-00005295 This is the original part of the cabin. Lid-ibbwl_I-00015-00005295-00005670 The original built was 12 feet by 16 feet. Lid-ibbwl_I-00016-00005670-00005866 I want to point out a few features. Lid-ibbwl_I-00017-00005866-00006076 When you are building a tiny house, Lid-ibbwl_I-00018-00006076-00006445 it is really important to pay attention to details. Lid-ibbwl_I-00019-00006445-00006606 As you walk in the door, Lid-ibbwl_I-00020-00006606-00006868 you are straight to the kitchen, and that's really important Lid-ibbwl_I-00021-00006868-00007255 because for me that's where I spent a lot of time in the house. Lid-ibbwl_I-00022-00007255-00007523 This is a sink that is made out of soapstone, Lid-ibbwl_I-00023-00007523-00008073 and I carved in these drainage points. Lid-ibbwl_I-00024-00008073-00008475 This window sill is also soapstone and this is south facing Lid-ibbwl_I-00025-00008475-00008878 so when it is winter time, the sun comes in, it hits this window sill Lid-ibbwl_I-00026-00008878-00009415 and heats the sink, it heats them up and it releases that heat into the room. Lid-ibbwl_I-00027-00009415-00009824 This wood stove, when this is really roaring in the winter time, Lid-ibbwl_I-00028-00009824-00010335 that also heats up the soapstone and that heat is slowly released Lid-ibbwl_I-00029-00010335-00010590 even if the fire goes out from the wood stove. Lid-ibbwl_I-00030-00010937-00011333 (birds chirping) Lid-ibbwl_I-00031-00011333-00011701 The leaf shape garden is a living laboratory for the online gardening school Lid-ibbwl_I-00032-00011701-00012173 Throughout the year, we grow 33 different types of vegetables Lid-ibbwl_I-00033-00012173-00012670 using a wide array of techniques that we have developed to be perfect Lid-ibbwl_I-00034-00012670-00012980 just for this area. Lid-ibbwl_I-00035-00012980-00013526 We grow so much food that is way more than my family can eat so we get to share Lid-ibbwl_I-00036-00013526-00013876 the bounty with a lot of different people in our community. Lid-ibbwl_I-00037-00014543-00015103 We planted over 300 fruit trees and bushes here at Wild Abundance Lid-ibbwl_I-00038-00015103-00015600 making it into a permaculture paradise. Lid-ibbwl_I-00039-00015600-00015925 We planted apples and chestnut trees, Lid-ibbwl_I-00040-00015925-00016163 raspberries, blueberries, Lid-ibbwl_I-00041-00016163-00016433 goumiberries, serviceberries, Lid-ibbwl_I-00042-00016433-00016688 marionberries, mulberries, Lid-ibbwl_I-00043-00016688-00016876 and a lot more! Lid-ibbwl_I-00044-00016876-00017263 It's really beautiful to see how they are all interacting, and to see people Lid-ibbwl_I-00045-00017263-00017748 who come here being so inspired and excited about they can grow Lid-ibbwl_I-00046-00017748-00017922 in their own backyards. Lid-ibbwl_I-00047-00018376-00018885 Here are some large scale terraces that we built using the appropriate technology Lid-ibbwl_I-00048-00018885-00019021 of some heavy machinery. Lid-ibbwl_I-00049-00019021-00019506 The amount of food we are going to be able to grow here is enormous! Lid-ibbwl_I-00050-00019506-00019720 compared to what we could have grown Lid-ibbwl_I-00051-00019720-00019975 growing on the hillside that was here before. Lid-ibbwl_I-00052-00019975-00020238 And it really took just probably ten Lid-ibbwl_I-00053-00020238-00020547 gallons of gas to make all of these terraces. Lid-ibbwl_I-00054-00021205-00021445 This is one of our three season shelters Lid-ibbwl_I-00055-00021445-00021950 where apprentices, guests, all sorts of folks have stayed in a place that's very Lid-ibbwl_I-00056-00021950-00022566 close to nature. You can see there is no screens and the walls come high enough Lid-ibbwl_I-00057-00022566-00023176 to keep all the rain out but don't keep out the sounds of the bird song. Lid-ibbwl_I-00058-00023176-00023358 This is just an amazing way to live! Lid-ibbwl_I-00059-00023358-00023851 and luckily we don't have many biting insects because we have cultivated Lid-ibbwl_I-00060-00023851-00024346 all these ponds so that the frogs keep the insects down, Lid-ibbwl_I-00061-00024346-00024595 and we can sleep like this and not get bit up! Lid-ibbwl_I-00062-00025098-00025526 Our outdoor classrooms are incredibly unique! Lid-ibbwl_I-00063-00025526-00025933 They protect you from the wind and the rain but you are still totally Lid-ibbwl_I-00064-00025933-00026458 immersed in nature. As you are learning from amazing teachers! Lid-ibbwl_I-00065-00026458-00026821 The classes that we host do really well in these spaces. Lid-ibbwl_I-00066-00026821-00027280 They range everywhere from wildcrafting, and permaculture to Lid-ibbwl_I-00067-00027280-00027596 tiny house and women's carpentry classes. Lid-ibbwl_I-00068-00028165-00028703 Our rain water catchment systems catch water from roof of buildings Lid-ibbwl_I-00069-00028703-00029305 and store that water as high as possible so it can be used with pressure Lid-ibbwl_I-00070-00029305-00029740 in our gardens, sinks and all sorts of places. Lid-ibbwl_I-00071-00029740-00030095 We have these systems on several different buildings. Lid-ibbwl_I-00072-00030095-00030460 In times of drought, we have as much water as we need. Lid-ibbwl_I-00073-00031141-00031541 This cob oven is made of clay, sand and straw. Lid-ibbwl_I-00074-00031541-00032090 The inside of it is super dense, it's thermal mass so when we build fires, Lid-ibbwl_I-00075-00032090-00032631 the heat gets trapped in there because there is another layer outside of that Lid-ibbwl_I-00076-00032631-00033103 called a thermal break and it's made of mostly straw with a bunch of clay Lid-ibbwl_I-00077-00033103-00033271 surrounding it so it doesn't catch on fire! Lid-ibbwl_I-00078-00033271-00033636 And finally we have this beautiful earthen plaster on top. Lid-ibbwl_I-00079-00033636-00034175 So we make the fire, the heat gets trapped in there, fire dies down and then we cook Lid-ibbwl_I-00080-00034175-00034428 delicious pizzas in there! Lid-ibbwl_I-00081-00034428-00034865 We sometimes have them at the ends of classes, and we also have them at Lid-ibbwl_I-00082-00034865-00035231 community gatherings where we make a bunch of pizza crusts and everyone Lid-ibbwl_I-00083-00035231-00035741 the kids, the old people, everyone in between put all the toppings we want Lid-ibbwl_I-00084-00035741-00036171 on them and then put them back in to make delicious pizzas. Lid-ibbwl_I-00085-00036501-00037061 This round pole timber frame, and wattle and daub outdoor kitchen was built Lid-ibbwl_I-00086-00037061-00037595 with logs that were harvested by me and friends right here on this land. Lid-ibbwl_I-00087-00037595-00038118 and then the wattle and daub was made by taking saplings that were growing Lid-ibbwl_I-00088-00038118-00038625 over crowded in the forest, weaving them together into a big basket and then Lid-ibbwl_I-00089-00038625-00039096 covering them with cob that is made with clay, sand and straw. Lid-ibbwl_I-00090-00039096-00039476 This technique has been used by indigenous people all over the world and it still Lid-ibbwl_I-00091-00039476-00039701 works awesomely today! Lid-ibbwl_I-00092-00039701-00040190 This kitchen is used by participants during classes and one perk of living Lid-ibbwl_I-00093-00040190-00040562 in the mountains is that you can drink right from the tap. Lid-ibbwl_I-00094-00041116-00041528 Here at Wild Abundance we share skills, for living with the Earth and for Lid-ibbwl_I-00095-00041528-00041908 smashing the patriarchy through empowerment and learning how to Lid-ibbwl_I-00096-00041908-00042461 actually do the things that you need for survival with our own hands. Lid-ibbwl_I-00097-00042461-00043080 We teach classes on wild crafting, permaculture and gardening, on tiny houses Lid-ibbwl_I-00098-00043080-00043393 and natural building and on women's carpentry. Lid-ibbwl_I-00099-00043393-00043998 This place is an institute that is integrated into the landscape Lid-ibbwl_I-00100-00043998-00044255 and we really care about our students. Lid-ibbwl_I-00101-00044255-00044611 We want to nurture them to be able to take what they learn here Lid-ibbwl_I-00102-00044611-00044995 and do awesome things in the world. Lid-ibbwl_I-00103-00044995-00045236 We do this not just here on our campus Lid-ibbwl_I-00104-00045236-00045741 but by taking these classes online so that they can meet you where you are at. Lid-ibbwl_I-00105-00045741-00046361 We sincerely hope that this tour can inspire you to take pieces of what you Lid-ibbwl_I-00106-00046361-00046648 have seen and apply it to do some good in the world. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00000-00000180-00000527 OK in this tutorial im going to show you how you can Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00001-00000527-00000855 take precise control of your tile variants. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00002-00000855-00001267 Then I'm going to teach you how to make objects spawn on your tiles... Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00003-00001267-00001722 and THEN I'm going to teach you how to give those objects their own variants... Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00004-00001722-00002141 and THEN I'm going to teach you how you can make those variants spawn yet Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00005-00002141-00002657 more objects with their own variants! Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00006-00002657-00003069 So to start I just want to quickly mention the 'parenting helper' Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00007-00003069-00003296 since it is so easy. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00008-00003296-00003611 Go to Tiled > Tools > Parenting Helper to open it Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00009-00003611-00004078 All it does is parent any selected objects to the LAST selected object. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00010-00004078-00004557 It also allows you to parent things to the world. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00011-00004557-00004771 You may notice that it's practically identical to the Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00012-00004771-00005173 GameObject > Make Parent and GameObject > Clear Parent tools. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00013-00005173-00005637 So why would I bother developing something so inane and that already exists? Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00014-00005637-00005737 Simple. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00015-00005737-00006167 Once you start using your tiles, you are going to find that each tile prefab Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00016-00006167-00006430 is going to need a number of things attached to it. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00017-00006430-00006729 collisions, sounds, particle effects, whatever. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00018-00006729-00007023 But every single one of those things has to be parented. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00019-00007023-00007494 If you have a lot of tiles in your tile setup scene (like me), you are going to find Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00020-00007494-00007859 that not only will you have a very very tall Heirarchy panel, Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00021-00007859-00008108 so that is going to be super impractical for this. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00022-00008108-00008455 but you are also going to get very tired of that drop-down menu. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00023-00008455-00008834 So this tool just makes parenting and unparenting or changing parents for Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00024-00008834-00009050 billions of things less tedious. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00025-00009050-00009290 Since you can just select and click to parent. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00026-00009290-00009390 That's it. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00027-00009390-00009570 So let's move on, we will use this later. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00028-00009570-00009905 Now let's learn how to control tileVariants. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00029-00009905-00010406 So First thing to know is that step 1 already does add a tileVariant component to Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00030-00010406-00010923 any tiles it finds variants for and adds the variant prefabs into it for you Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00031-00010923-00011041 too. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00032-00011041-00011632 so after you have run step 1 you can do Tiled > Tools > Geometry Variant Tool Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00033-00011632-00012061 to add more variants or otherwise update what step 1 did, if you want. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00034-00012061-00012574 Basically you just need to know that all variants are handled with the tileVariant component. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00035-00012574-00012856 And this tool adds tileVariant components when needed Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00036-00012856-00013313 and connects variants to tileVariant components when it finds them. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00037-00013313-00013809 (and like I said step 1 runs it for you once to start you off) Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00038-00013809-00014244 so let's take a look at this tileVariant that was already created for us by step 1. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00039-00014244-00014588 and let's examine some things we can do with it. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00040-00014588-00015168 One thing you can use it for is to allow a tile to spawn in as rotated 180 degrees for Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00041-00015168-00015638 example, Like this tile here... if I choose "rotation_two" Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00042-00015638-00016169 That let's the tools know that this tile makes sense at both it's current rotation, Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00043-00016169-00016662 or also at 180 degrees which it does, so let's leave it. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00044-00016662-00017088 Don't forget to hit 'Apply' you can also choose rotation_four Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00045-00017088-00017575 which then let's the tile appear at either 0, 90, 180, or 270 Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00046-00017575-00017927 like this tile here is a good candidate for that. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00047-00017927-00018317 Because it's the same on all 4 sides, and so are it's variants. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00048-00018317-00018797 Finally you can choose rotate_free, which is good for objects like trees that Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00049-00018797-00019528 could be rotated in any angle in Y. 'chance to exist' has no effect on tiles. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00050-00019528-00020082 But if this tileVariant is on any other prefab, you can use that to make it spawn only a certain Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00051-00020082-00020253 percentage of the time. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00052-00020253-00020677 So instead let's look at 'chance' One thing you can do in tileVariants is set Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00053-00020677-00021059 a 'chance' for this tile vs it's variants. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00054-00021059-00021495 You can use this to bias any variants you want to occur more often than others Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00055-00021495-00021792 higher chance means more chance for that variant. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00056-00021792-00021947 Think of it like a raffle ticket. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00057-00021947-00022293 All chances are added together, and then one is chosen. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00058-00022293-00022856 The more chances a particular variant was given, the more chance it has to spawn. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00059-00022856-00023381 And the value you put in 'chance' here is the chance given to this original prefab. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00060-00023381-00023544 You can make it be as high as you want. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00061-00023544-00023698 It's not a percentage. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00062-00023698-00024142 What matters is the relative chance among it and it's variants. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00063-00024142-00024672 You can also specify your own variants for a tile by dragging them into here. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00064-00024672-00024943 and add as many variants as you like. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00065-00024943-00025466 The tools will do that for you though, if you just place variants properly in the scene. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00066-00025466-00025957 So let's go back to the Geometry Variants Tool and look at the options. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00067-00025957-00026402 One thing that you might need, particularly if your game is multiplayer is Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00068-00026402-00026732 specifying a custom variant component here. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00069-00026732-00027043 Now my tools come with the default called 'tileVariant' we looked at. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00070-00027043-00027433 And this might work just fine for you, but in practice there's a chance you are going Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00071-00027433-00027863 to need your own solution for HOW a tile chooses it's variants. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00072-00027863-00028163 For example, let's say you are making a multiplayer game, Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00073-00028163-00028558 Since you probably don't want different computers showing different environments, Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00074-00028558-00028936 how will you know that all computers will choose the same variants? Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00075-00028936-00029158 Well since i can't know how you would want to decide this, Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00076-00029158-00029687 I took a good guess and just created a base class that handles simple cases. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00077-00029687-00029928 So if you find you need your own solution for this, Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00078-00029928-00030184 make a class that inherits from the tileVariant base class, Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00079-00030184-00030621 and then put the name of that class in this slot when you run the tools. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00080-00030621-00030893 And the tools will then use your class instead of tileVariant. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00081-00030893-00031425 tileVariant is a simple class, so don't be intimidated if you need to do this. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00082-00031425-00031765 Now I am going to talk about another thing you can do with the tileVariant class. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00083-00031765-00032284 Let's say you have an environment like mine... these tiles are begging for lots of trees, Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00084-00032284-00032638 grass, rocks, and all manner of decorating. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00085-00032638-00032990 You could make a lot of variants for every tile with every type Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00086-00032990-00033322 and combination of thing that can spawn on it... Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00087-00033322-00033802 OR you can use tileVariant components to manage these variants for you. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00088-00033802-00034219 (HINT: using tileVariant is much more powerful and much easier!) Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00089-00034219-00034638 I am going to show you how you can use tileVariant to spawn objects Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00090-00034638-00034958 and even objects with variants on a tile. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00091-00034958-00035468 The main idea you have to understand is simple: you can nest tileVariants. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00092-00035468-00035724 So first you create the things you want, let's say a tree. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00093-00035724-00036216 we are going to make 2 copies of this tree. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00094-00036216-00036708 Let's call one s_tree (s is for standIn) Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00095-00036708-00037240 the other let's call a_tree (I like to use the 'a' prefix for my prefabs, Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00096-00037240-00037541 so they show up at the top in the project view) Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00097-00037541-00037847 Let's add a 'standIn' component to s_tree. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00098-00037847-00038166 A standIn component is very simple. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00099-00038166-00038505 If you look at the code it's a trivial class. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00100-00038505-00039271 A standIn is just a pointer to another game object, generally a prefab. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00101-00039271-00039665 The reason we need them is because what I would REALLY like to do is parent Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00102-00039665-00040041 a tree prefab to this tile prefab. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00103-00040041-00040215 However that's not possible in Unity. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00104-00040215-00040646 You can't have a prefab inside another prefab in Unity. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00105-00040646-00041255 So we use this standIn instead, which just points to another prefab. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00106-00041255-00041371 So here is a_tree. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00107-00041371-00041621 This is the REAL tree. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00108-00041621-00041900 Let's make a prefab out of it. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00109-00041900-00042219 So we drag the prefab we just made into the standIn. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00110-00042219-00042708 and it is in this prefab that we set everything we want Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00111-00042708-00042974 So then we go around duplicating 'standIn' tree Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00112-00042974-00043339 and parent the copies to every tile where we want it to occur. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00113-00043339-00044205 (and for this, use the parenting tool I gave you, it makes that part much easier). Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00114-00044205-00044503 You know what is going to happen after I am done right? Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00115-00044503-00044824 As soon as I am done placing all my trees everywhere. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00116-00044824-00045033 and have parented all the standIns to every tile. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00117-00045033-00045338 I am going to change my mind and not want a tree anymore. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00118-00045338-00045857 I am going to want to change it to a shrub, or rock, or a different species, or change Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00119-00045857-00045986 some other thing about it. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00120-00045986-00046466 Well this is great news for us because now I don't need to change all my standIn's. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00121-00046466-00046872 I just need to change the prefab that all the standIns already point to Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00122-00046872-00047081 when I want to make a change. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00123-00047081-00047587 It might even be a good idea to just use representative objects like cubes or cones Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00124-00047587-00047984 as the standins, if you think that they will be getting major changes, Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00125-00047984-00048533 because the standIns themselves are actually destroyed during tile placement. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00126-00048533-00049124 Now here's the REAL power in this: The a_tree prefab that the standIn points Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00127-00049124-00049405 to can also have a tileVariant component. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00128-00049405-00049968 And that tileVariant can also have standIn children that point to yet other tileVariants Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00129-00049968-00050159 and on and on... Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00130-00050159-00050675 So you can have any combination of objects spawn other objects in infinite combinations Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00131-00050675-00050775 or regressions. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00132-00050775-00051044 It's pretty powerful if you think about it. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00133-00051044-00051253 For now I'll just add 1 variant to it. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00134-00051253-00051704 let's use this one let's call it a_darkTree Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00135-00051704-00052661 make a prefab of a_darkTree... and make it a variant of a_tree. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00136-00052661-00053006 let's allow free rotation too. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00137-00053006-00053427 So before we try more nesting, lets see this in action right now. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00138-00053427-00054114 We've finished parenting s_tree to the tiles... (which was easy using the parent helper) Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00139-00054114-00054460 And once they are all placed we need the 'Geometry Variants Tool' again. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00140-00054460-00054801 There is something I didn't mention about that tool earlier. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00141-00054801-00055291 Besides setting up variants, it also let's tileVariants know about any new standIn children. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00142-00055291-00055456 Just click 'Set up Variants' and it hooks them all in. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00143-00055456-00055888 So this time, since all the variants were already added, all the tool did is Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00144-00055888-00056315 add the new standIns into this array here in the tileVariant components Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00145-00056315-00057041 (and it updated the tile prefabs for us too) Having the standIns in this array guarantees Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00146-00057041-00057309 that everything always get spawned in the same order. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00147-00057309-00057963 And that is essential if you ever want to replicate an environment on different computers. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00148-00057963-00058386 So really quick I am going to make a map that uses a lot of the tiles that we just Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00149-00058386-00058533 edited. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00150-00058533-00058927 So let's go to step 3) the map name is... Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00151-00058927-00059035 spawn! Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00152-00059035-00059241 now look at that! Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00153-00059241-00059366 a forest! Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00154-00059366-00059629 Hmm wheres our dark tree? Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00155-00059629-00060105 Let's take a look at our prefab. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00156-00060105-00060776 Oops looks like it defaulted to 0 chance. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00157-00060776-00061362 Let's put it to 50 so it has equal chance as the tree itself. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00158-00061362-00061606 and try again. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00159-00061606-00061826 nice. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00160-00061826-00062372 Now let's say in this forrest, when I spawn a_darkTree... Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00161-00062372-00062566 which right now spawns half the time. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00162-00062566-00063144 When that happens, what I really want is for it to choose between either it or any of these. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00163-00063144-00063569 For this we are going to do more tileVariant nesting. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00164-00063569-00063900 So first I have to make prefabs of these. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00165-00063900-00064450 Remember, call them all a_something so they show on top in the project view Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00166-00064450-00065712 I then add a tileVariant to my a_darkTree prefab. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00167-00065712-00066391 And add all the prefabs of the species to the 'Variants' portion of the darkTree prefab. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00168-00066391-00066491 That's it! Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00169-00066491-00067070 Using the chance variables I can even bias how often one will spawn vs another. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00170-00067070-00067342 The higher the number the higher the chance. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00171-00067342-00067638 Step 3)... Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00172-00067638-00067936 Place Tiles! Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00173-00067936-00068160 Look at that! Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00174-00068160-00068351 variation... Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00175-00068351-00068916 note that a_tree is still 50% of the trees. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00176-00068916-00069332 Now I am going to do one more nest to demo the tileVariant's regression. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00177-00069332-00069864 I declare this species here will now be a christmas tree! Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00178-00069864-00070123 and I want to spawn red balls on it. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00179-00070123-00070467 Again, we want a standIn version and a prefab version. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00180-00070467-00070737 I'll call them a_ball and s_ball. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00181-00070737-00071660 Make a prefab of a_. and make s_ point to the a_ prefab. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00182-00071660-00072276 Now let's place s_ball everywhere we want it to spawn. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00183-00072276-00072742 Don't forget to run 'Set Up Variants' in the geometry variants tool to Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00184-00072742-00073086 ...let the tree know about the balls. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00185-00073086-00073545 Let's run step 3) again... Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00186-00073545-00073679 Christmas trees! Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00187-00073679-00074291 Now let's I don't want the balls to spawn absolutely everywhere like this... Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00188-00074291-00074809 This is just too many red balls, I only want to spawn them sometimes. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00189-00074809-00075994 Like grass tufts, we wouldn't want those to appear absolutely everywhere they CAN spawn. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00190-00075994-00076473 To do this we just add a tileVariant to the ball prefab, even though it will have just Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00191-00076473-00076830 1 variant - itself. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00192-00076830-00077117 But this will allow us to control how often it spawns. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00193-00077117-00077579 So let's set 'chance to exist' to say 1/3 of the time. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00194-00077579-00078142 Let's run step 3) again... and you have randomly placed christmas trees Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00195-00078142-00078519 with randomly spawning balls. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00196-00078519-00079145 lo and behold! Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00197-00079145-00079375 colored balls. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00198-00079375-00079699 Make prefabs of these balls. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00199-00079699-00079960 Add them to the ball tileVariant as options Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00200-00079960-00081251 step 3) again... Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00201-00081251-00081593 witness the power! Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00202-00081593-00082014 OK, So let's review. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00203-00082014-00082456 To control the spawning logic, you just have to remember ONE thing: Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00204-00082456-00082693 tileVariant's use standIn children. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00205-00082693-00083076 That's all you have to remember. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00206-00083076-00083691 Because a tileVariant can have it's own variants and anybody's standIn's can point to either Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00207-00083691-00084269 normal prefabs, or other tileVariants that can continue branching. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00208-00084269-00084597 and at every branch you have total control over the probability Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00209-00084597-00084705 of each choice. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00210-00084705-00085038 OH and don't forget to run the Geometry Variant Tool Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00211-00085038-00085410 after you are done parenting standIns. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00212-00085410-00085874 You might have noted that it's possible to make an infinite loop with this system. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00213-00085874-00086532 Say you have thing A that spawns thing B that spawns thing A again. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00214-00086532-00086761 If Unity crashes while spawning tiles. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00215-00086761-00086905 This is why. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00216-00086905-00087055 Don't do that. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00217-00087055-00087456 Just stay organized, and personally I avoid deep brancing. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00218-00087456-00087700 You'll find that you already get a ton of variation Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00219-00087700-00088142 by the time you have 2 branches. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00220-00088142-00088608 So the last thing I want to touch on here is that the tileVariants class is designed Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00221-00088608-00088764 to be overriden. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00222-00088764-00089174 In particular, if you need tight control of the way things spawn. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00223-00089174-00089626 For example maybe you want objects on one side of the map spawn differently than on Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00224-00089626-00090357 the other, maybe more often, or different color, or maybe Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00225-00090357-00090904 you have a multiplayer game that needs tight control of the random choices, Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00226-00090904-00091086 or is not random at all. Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00227-00091086-00091585 In cases like these take a look at the tileVariant class and consider overriding the virtual Mo8WJ-pyEC4-00228-00091585-00091631 methods. M1wjMMjbVe8-00000-00000068-00000246 Want to be attractive to others? M1wjMMjbVe8-00001-00000246-00000754 If so, this video's for you as we look at 5 proven ways to be more attractive... M1wjMMjbVe8-00002-00000754-00000853 1. M1wjMMjbVe8-00003-00000853-00001327 Make Eye Contact - Eye contact can convey a huge amount to M1wjMMjbVe8-00004-00001327-00001905 a person as it can show interest, convey emotions - ...and shows a great deal of confidence M1wjMMjbVe8-00005-00001905-00002380 and to the other person - People are attracted to confident people, M1wjMMjbVe8-00006-00002380-00002948 so use eye contact to your advantage - This should be regular and relaxed, especially M1wjMMjbVe8-00007-00002948-00003361 when you listen to someone speak, as it shows you're giving your full attention M1wjMMjbVe8-00008-00003361-00003607 2. M1wjMMjbVe8-00009-00003607-00004040 Have Good Hygiene - Poor hygiene will almost always stop a budding M1wjMMjbVe8-00010-00004040-00004505 romance before it can even start, as it's one of the first ways to turn someone off M1wjMMjbVe8-00011-00004505-00005143 - So take care of yourself, particularly oral hygiene, which is one of the most critical M1wjMMjbVe8-00012-00005143-00005662 factors of an intimate relationship - Make sure you're washing regularly, caring M1wjMMjbVe8-00013-00005662-00006196 for your skin and wear clean clothes - All of these signal good health, which is M1wjMMjbVe8-00014-00006196-00006580 something we naturally crave when selecting a partner M1wjMMjbVe8-00015-00006580-00006754 3. M1wjMMjbVe8-00016-00006754-00007145 Exercise - Continuing with the theme of seeking a healthy M1wjMMjbVe8-00017-00007145-00007820 partner, exercise is a must for everyone - Ensure you're caring for your physical wellbeing, M1wjMMjbVe8-00018-00007820-00008299 doing so will help you be more attractive and will help you feel better and more confident M1wjMMjbVe8-00019-00008299-00008593 about yourself - ...as you build a more positive self-image M1wjMMjbVe8-00020-00008593-00009039 of your body, which will show in how you act or behave when around others M1wjMMjbVe8-00021-00009039-00009687 - This will be to have a better posture and as a result emphasize positive physical traits, M1wjMMjbVe8-00022-00009687-00009825 rather than negative M1wjMMjbVe8-00023-00009825-00009994 4. M1wjMMjbVe8-00024-00009994-00010400 Dress to Impress - What you wear can say a great deal about M1wjMMjbVe8-00025-00010400-00010757 you and your character and this can be incredibly attractive M1wjMMjbVe8-00026-00010757-00011403 - Wear clothes that fit well, accentuate positive features about your body and help you look M1wjMMjbVe8-00027-00011403-00011820 and feel great - Wearing certain colours can also send signals M1wjMMjbVe8-00028-00011820-00012097 that can be attractive, such as the colour red M1wjMMjbVe8-00029-00012097-00012653 - ...and most vital is to find clothing you feel comfortable in, helping your character M1wjMMjbVe8-00030-00012653-00013017 shine through to show people who you are M1wjMMjbVe8-00031-00013017-00013137 5. M1wjMMjbVe8-00032-00013137-00013741 Show Personality and Confidence - Personality is vital in attraction, as you M1wjMMjbVe8-00033-00013741-00014181 want substance to go with the style that will help make you the complete package M1wjMMjbVe8-00034-00014181-00014812 - Try to smile, as people are responsive and attracted to people who appear more approachable M1wjMMjbVe8-00035-00014812-00015278 - ...and let people know about your thoughts and interests, whilst showing equal interest M1wjMMjbVe8-00036-00015278-00015559 in them - Doing this will help you build a deeper M1wjMMjbVe8-00037-00015559-00016145 relationship and appear more confident and intelligent M1wjMMjbVe8-00038-00016145-00016566 Thanks for watching, please Like, Share and Subscribe as we help you live life on your M1wjMMjbVe8-00039-00016566-00016666 terms. M1wjMMjbVe8-00040-00016666-00017103 Don't forget to hit the bell icon to ensure YouTube notifies you of the latest uploads. M2vtjKYGouU-00000-00000000-00000640 medicine headquarters the state bar is producing a webcast for lawyers riffing on the lessons of M2vtjKYGouU-00001-00000640-00001592 making a murderer this raises concerns about do we get it right in the criminal justice system M2vtjKYGouU-00002-00001760-00002232 the docu-series has captivated the world and cut to the core of the criminal justice system M2vtjKYGouU-00003-00002296-00002712 i said when i talked how he's not done with you the expert training M2vtjKYGouU-00004-00002712-00003232 lawyers on the power and failings of forensic science the innocence project's keith findlay M2vtjKYGouU-00005-00003232-00003904 you may recognize him from making a murderer he won freedom for stephen avery in 2003 through dna M2vtjKYGouU-00006-00003904-00004408 that was then this is now most lawyers go to law school because they don't do science right M2vtjKYGouU-00007-00004464-00005088 okay so um it's sort of been just tradition that over the years that whatever the forensic analyst M2vtjKYGouU-00008-00005088-00005736 said the everybody just sort of accepted it and it's only recently that we've begun to realize M2vtjKYGouU-00009-00005736-00006472 that it it's not that reliable in 1985 a mistaken identification and an unreliable microscopic M2vtjKYGouU-00010-00006472-00007095 comparison of hair wrongly convicted avery of raping a manitowoc woman dna testing eventually M2vtjKYGouU-00011-00007095-00007680 identified the real rapist as gregory allen we're fascinated by science we've got all the csi shows M2vtjKYGouU-00012-00007680-00008168 that make everybody believe that the science is instantaneous flawless and sexy and it's M2vtjKYGouU-00013-00008168-00008736 none of those finley says bad forensic science is the second leading cause of wrongful convictions M2vtjKYGouU-00014-00008736-00009376 in fact the national academy of science says the only consistently reliable forensic science M2vtjKYGouU-00015-00009376-00010176 is dna the science isn't there to allow us to say that this shoe print or this bite mark came M2vtjKYGouU-00016-00010176-00010632 from this person and no other person as his former lawyer findlay won't comment on avery's M2vtjKYGouU-00017-00010632-00011208 guilt or innocence in halbach's murder but says the documentary highlights serious and common M2vtjKYGouU-00018-00011208-00011896 concerns about how forensic evidence is used have you ever planted any evidence against mr avery M2vtjKYGouU-00019-00011968-00012536 that's ridiculous no i have not at trial avery argued sheriff's deputies framed him by planting M2vtjKYGouU-00020-00012536-00013072 his blood at the murder scene prosecutors called this fbi chemist to blast those claims M2vtjKYGouU-00021-00013072-00013647 my opinion is that the blood stains did not come from that tube of blood the fbi's testimony was M2vtjKYGouU-00022-00013647-00014272 both highly technical and controversial have you ever been asked to give a presentation M2vtjKYGouU-00023-00014272-00015032 on edta interpretation and blood stains no i have not the fbi compared blood found in halbach's car M2vtjKYGouU-00024-00015032-00015544 with blood in a test tube left over from avery's exoneration prosecutors argued M2vtjKYGouU-00025-00015544-00016160 if officers had planted blood from the tube the fbi would find a preservative used in test tubes M2vtjKYGouU-00026-00016160-00017000 called edta edta comparison is so rare the only previous test ended in the stunning acquittal M2vtjKYGouU-00027-00017000-00017784 of o.j simpson and might that be because your lab screwed up in the o.j simpson case no we did not M2vtjKYGouU-00028-00017784-00018592 screw up as you say findlay says not only did such edta testing lack scientific reliability it lacked M2vtjKYGouU-00029-00018592-00019320 objectivity did you know that this was a case that involved an allegation of police planting evidence M2vtjKYGouU-00030-00019320-00019784 yes i did he doesn't need to know why he's doing the testing if it's a valid test he should be M2vtjKYGouU-00031-00019784-00020296 doing it blind whether the outcome was right or not the process of developing and presenting this M2vtjKYGouU-00032-00020296-00020864 scientific evidence was really problematic the wisconsin bar is offering this webinar to improve M2vtjKYGouU-00033-00020864-00021584 understanding about the limitations of forensic science for attorneys judges and even the public M2vtjKYGouU-00034-00021584-00022144 who serve as jurors our business is to be concerned about justice Mq7U1u-XnrE-00000-00000000-00000654 Hey SpongeBob! Yes Patrick? I just caught Mewtwo. Nice job Patrick but which generation? Mq7U1u-XnrE-00001-00000816-00001374 Patrick? Well I mean it's the only game in the series so. Patrick! Have you been playing Mq7U1u-XnrE-00002-00001374-00001896 Pokemon Red Blue and Yellow in your entire life?! Have you even seen a generation two and Mq7U1u-XnrE-00003-00001896-00002568 onward Pokemon game? Well, no. But please did you keep me in the newest Pokemon games. Okay fine, Mq7U1u-XnrE-00004-00002568-00003156 Ihe first Pokemon is Sobble which is a water type who cries alot. Sob and bubble that's some crappy Mq7U1u-XnrE-00005-00003156-00003750 names there also it cries a lot, that's so freaking dumb. Patrick, generation one has Mq7U1u-XnrE-00006-00003750-00004278 a Pokemon with nine tails named Ninetails. That is still more creative than sob bubble. Mq7U1u-XnrE-00007-00004278-00004776 The next one is Grookey which is a- What the hell does a Grookey mean? According Mq7U1u-XnrE-00008-00004776-00005064 to the wiki, Grookie may be a combination of Groove and monkey Mq7U1u-XnrE-00009-00005064-00005586 and perhaps rookie. that's the laziest Name That Game Freak has ever made the Mq7U1u-XnrE-00010-00005586-00006156 next one is Scor- What the hell are these names at least the designs are good right? Mq7U1u-XnrE-00011-00006156-00006594 I hate this MraC7NG8EbY-00000-00001209-00001518 When it comes to protein powder I like to make my own MraC7NG8EbY-00001-00001518-00001827 as it meansI can sprout the nuts and seeds myself MraC7NG8EbY-00002-00001873-00002112 making it a sprouted plant protein powder MraC7NG8EbY-00003-00002153-00002316 and I can source theingredients MraC7NG8EbY-00004-00002316-00002520 making sure they're organic and local MraC7NG8EbY-00005-00002565-00002755 and this also allows me to know exactly MraC7NG8EbY-00006-00002755-00002936 what goesinto my protein powder MraC7NG8EbY-00007-00003044-00003327 Plus the best part is it's so much cheaper to make MraC7NG8EbY-00008-00003327-00003684 than buying at the store as I can make up large batches MraC7NG8EbY-00009-00003684-00003795 that last me months. MraC7NG8EbY-00010-00004068-00004335 I source my ingredients from The Source BulkFoods MraC7NG8EbY-00011-00004335-00004509 to keep the process plastic-free MraC7NG8EbY-00012-00004547-00004772 and I keep my protein powder in a glass jar MraC7NG8EbY-00013-00004772-00005005 sono plastic chemicals leach into the powder. MraC7NG8EbY-00014-00005286-00005617 I'll be sharing with you my favourite homemadeprotein powder MraC7NG8EbY-00015-00005617-00005805 that I make on a regular basis MraC7NG8EbY-00016-00005805-00006007 using a range of nuts and seeds. MraC7NG8EbY-00017-00006098-00006368 For a nut-freeoption you can switch out the almond meal for MraC7NG8EbY-00018-00006368-00006650 sunflower seeds and grind them into a fine flour. MraC7NG8EbY-00019-00006726-00006959 I find it helps to sprout the nuts and seeds MraC7NG8EbY-00020-00006959-00007283 beforehand to reduce anti-nutrient concentrations. MraC7NG8EbY-00021-00007368-00007645 Anti-nutrients work to block absorption of other nutrients MraC7NG8EbY-00022-00007645-00008019 during digestion and can harm the gutlining over time MraC7NG8EbY-00023-00008019-00008211 if consumed in large quantities. MraC7NG8EbY-00024-00008376-00008585 If you are concerned about the anti-nutrients MraC7NG8EbY-00025-00008585-00008733 found in nuts and seeds MraC7NG8EbY-00026-00008777-00009119 you can soak and sproutthem beforehand and then dehydrate MraC7NG8EbY-00027-00009119-00009362 them beforeblending to make this protein powder. MraC7NG8EbY-00028-00009442-00009727 Just note pasteurised almonds will not sprout MraC7NG8EbY-00029-00009766-00010178 so opt fororganic raw almonds and seeds too where possible. MraC7NG8EbY-00030-00010607-00010872 Now unlike store-bought plantprotein powders MraC7NG8EbY-00031-00010907-00011127 this homemade powder isn't an isolate MraC7NG8EbY-00032-00011174-00011436 so the protein content won'tbe as concentrated MraC7NG8EbY-00033-00011436-00011550 as store-bought varieties. MraC7NG8EbY-00034-00011652-00011983 Manufacturers will often extract the starchesand fibre MraC7NG8EbY-00035-00011983-00012139 from the plant protein used MraC7NG8EbY-00036-00012169-00012416 leaving a higher concentrated protein powder. MraC7NG8EbY-00037-00012482-00012692 Butunlike the commercial versions MraC7NG8EbY-00038-00012692-00012928 ours has the added benefit of extra fibre MraC7NG8EbY-00039-00012928-00013170 and nutrientsthat would have otherwise been removed. MraC7NG8EbY-00040-00013391-00013674 If you do notice any discomfort after consumingthis MraC7NG8EbY-00041-00013674-00013910 protein powder stop use immediately. MraC7NG8EbY-00042-00013962-00014173 Sprouting however should help with this. MraC7NG8EbY-00043-00014327-00014583 Tomake the protein powder start by grinding up the MraC7NG8EbY-00044-00014583-00014776 seeds first to make a flour. MraC7NG8EbY-00045-00014846-00015142 I do thisindividually for each type of seed as it MraC7NG8EbY-00046-00015142-00015491 ensures I'm not left with chunks of individualseeds at the end. MraC7NG8EbY-00047-00015605-00015910 So I'll first start with the4 tablespoons of chia seeds MraC7NG8EbY-00048-00015961-00016040 blend thatup MraC7NG8EbY-00049-00016040-00016175 then add it to a mixing bowl. MraC7NG8EbY-00050-00016261-00016517 I'll then add the 4 tablespoons of hemp seeds MraC7NG8EbY-00051-00016517-00016579 blend MraC7NG8EbY-00052-00016579-00016787 andfinally the quarter cup of flax seeds MraC7NG8EbY-00053-00016787-00016988 and blend that up to a fine flour MraC7NG8EbY-00054-00017035-00017261 and after each I'll makesure to add the flour MraC7NG8EbY-00055-00017261-00017408 to the bowl after blending. MraC7NG8EbY-00056-00017598-00017898 I didn't have hemp seeds with me when I was makingthis video MraC7NG8EbY-00057-00017898-00018098 so I subbed in sunflower seeds instead. MraC7NG8EbY-00058-00018156-00018485 Next I add a pinch of sea salt and a quartercup of almond meal MraC7NG8EbY-00059-00018485-00018743 or blanched almond flour or you can also use MraC7NG8EbY-00060-00018743-00018978 sunflower seed flour to make itnut-free MraC7NG8EbY-00061-00018978-00019186 to the mixing bowl and mix that through MraC7NG8EbY-00062-00019186-00019380 the seed flours until well combined. MraC7NG8EbY-00063-00019464-00019703 To givethe protein powder some added flavour you can MraC7NG8EbY-00064-00019703-00019994 pour in a quarter cup to half a cup of cacaopowder MraC7NG8EbY-00065-00019994-00020200 or carob powder for a chocolatey taste. MraC7NG8EbY-00066-00020454-00020691 Once the ingredients are all mixed together MraC7NG8EbY-00067-00020691-00020928 I store the powder in an airtight container MraC7NG8EbY-00068-00020928-00021051 in a dark dry place. MraC7NG8EbY-00069-00021106-00021463 I usually store it inmy pantry and it will keep up to 4 weeks MraC7NG8EbY-00070-00021463-00021691 or you can store it in the freezer for longer. MraC7NG8EbY-00071-00021795-00022151 To use the powder add 2 to 4 tablespoons to smoothies MraC7NG8EbY-00072-00022151-00022551 baked goods, nice-cream, a bowl ofporridge, or even add it to MraC7NG8EbY-00073-00022551-00022880 these No-Bake Low-Carb Protein Bars which I'll link in the MraC7NG8EbY-00074-00022880-00023075 description below and in the cards above. MraC7NG8EbY-00075-00023190-00023473 when blending into a smoothie addthe liquid first MraC7NG8EbY-00076-00023473-00023729 and the protein powder last to prevent the chia seeds MraC7NG8EbY-00077-00023729-00023985 fromexpanding in the liquid and becoming gluggy. MraC7NG8EbY-00078-00024289-00024382 And there you have it. MraC7NG8EbY-00079-00024382-00024629 Your veryown homemade plant protein powder. MraC7NG8EbY-00080-00024678-00024941 Let me know if you try this recipe orif you have another MraC7NG8EbY-00081-00024941-00025151 favourite proteinpowder that you make at home. MraC7NG8EbY-00082-00025151-00025275 I'd love to hearabout it. MraC7NG8EbY-00083-00025343-00025657 Thank you so so so much for watching this video. MraC7NG8EbY-00084-00025710-00025918 Take care and I'll see you soonagain. MraC7NG8EbY-00085-00025968-00026168 Sending you big hugs and lots of love. Mv3vfjkKbIg-00000-00002760-00002778 A Mv3vfjkKbIg-00002-00019344-00020938 the realist Taking Over, Real Hights & Jah Fenixx MvhuqTKMudU-00000-00000159-00000432 - One thing we haven't talked about with integrals MvhuqTKMudU-00001-00000432-00000714 is what happens at infinity. MvhuqTKMudU-00002-00000714-00000936 The question we're going to answer today MvhuqTKMudU-00003-00000936-00002110 is how do we integrate at infinity? MvhuqTKMudU-00004-00002955-00003214 And before we actually get to integrating with infinity, MvhuqTKMudU-00005-00003214-00004336 I want to do a little bit of review of limits and infinity. MvhuqTKMudU-00006-00004761-00005163 First property we need to remember is that the limit as x MvhuqTKMudU-00007-00005163-00005737 goes to a from the left of 1 over x minus a. MvhuqTKMudU-00008-00005988-00006360 If we think about the graph of 1 over x minus a, MvhuqTKMudU-00009-00006360-00006956 it's something like this happening MvhuqTKMudU-00010-00006956-00007494 where that vertical asymptote happens right at a. MvhuqTKMudU-00011-00007494-00007767 For coming in from the left side, MvhuqTKMudU-00012-00007767-00008314 that limit is going to be equal to a negative infinity. MvhuqTKMudU-00013-00008314-00008559 Now, if we want to take the limit as x approaches MvhuqTKMudU-00014-00008559-00009036 a from the right side of 1 over x minus a, when we come in MvhuqTKMudU-00015-00009036-00009676 from the right side we're going up to positive infinity. MvhuqTKMudU-00016-00009676-00009921 Also, we talked about the limit as x MvhuqTKMudU-00017-00009921-00010557 goes to infinity of 1 over x, or really any exponent. MvhuqTKMudU-00018-00010557-00010956 So I'll say 1 over x to the n. MvhuqTKMudU-00019-00010956-00011304 If x goes to infinity, we end up with a very large denominator MvhuqTKMudU-00020-00011304-00011550 and a tiny numerator, which means MvhuqTKMudU-00021-00011550-00011772 taking a small number divided by a large number. MvhuqTKMudU-00022-00011772-00012020 We're approaching the number zero. MvhuqTKMudU-00023-00012281-00012461 And the other thing that I want to remember MvhuqTKMudU-00024-00012461-00012627 is that if we're interested in the limit MvhuqTKMudU-00025-00012627-00013041 as x goes to either positive or negative infinity MvhuqTKMudU-00026-00013041-00013380 of some function over another function. MvhuqTKMudU-00027-00013663-00014078 If we can't take the limit really directly of the overall MvhuqTKMudU-00028-00014078-00014552 fraction, what we can do is take the limit as x goes to the same MvhuqTKMudU-00029-00014552-00014909 direction-- either positive or negative infinity-- MvhuqTKMudU-00030-00014909-00015172 of the derivative of the numerator MvhuqTKMudU-00031-00015172-00015491 divided by the derivative of the denominator. MvhuqTKMudU-00032-00015491-00015763 And remember, we called that L'Hopital's Rule. MvhuqTKMudU-00033-00016424-00016601 So these four properties around infinity MvhuqTKMudU-00034-00016601-00016829 are going to be useful to us as we MvhuqTKMudU-00035-00016829-00017225 work through problems that involve integrations MvhuqTKMudU-00036-00017225-00017448 at infinity. MvhuqTKMudU-00037-00017448-00017744 So first, what I want to do is I want to define MvhuqTKMudU-00038-00017744-00018450 how we do limits at infinity. MvhuqTKMudU-00039-00018450-00018638 And then we'll kind of talk through the logic MvhuqTKMudU-00040-00018638-00019131 of what that means and how we can apply it in some examples. MvhuqTKMudU-00041-00019131-00019634 So the first limit at infinity we might do MvhuqTKMudU-00042-00019634-00019822 is if we're integrating from some number MvhuqTKMudU-00043-00019822-00020470 a up to infinity of f of x dx. MvhuqTKMudU-00044-00020470-00021059 What we'll find we'll often do is find the integral MvhuqTKMudU-00045-00021059-00021695 as we go from a to t, some arbitrary value of f of x dx. MvhuqTKMudU-00046-00021695-00021932 And then we'll think, or write if it's easier, MvhuqTKMudU-00047-00021932-00022769 what happens as the limit of t as t goes to infinity? MvhuqTKMudU-00048-00022769-00023015 And if we're aware of what the limit is doing, MvhuqTKMudU-00049-00023015-00023453 we end up with what the integral is doing. MvhuqTKMudU-00050-00023453-00023594 Similarly, if I have the integral MvhuqTKMudU-00051-00023594-00024182 from negative infinity up to a b of f of x dx, MvhuqTKMudU-00052-00024182-00024896 we'll take the integral as we go from t to b of f of x dx. MvhuqTKMudU-00053-00024896-00025076 And then we'll think about what's happening MvhuqTKMudU-00054-00025076-00025565 as t goes to negative infinity. MvhuqTKMudU-00055-00025893-00026089 We can follow much the same logic MvhuqTKMudU-00056-00026089-00026450 if we have a discontinuity at one of our limits. MvhuqTKMudU-00057-00026450-00027789 Let's let f of x be discontinuous at b. MvhuqTKMudU-00058-00028068-00028347 If that's the case, and we want the integral as a-- MvhuqTKMudU-00059-00028347-00028724 we go from a to b of f of x dx. MvhuqTKMudU-00060-00028982-00029231 What we can do is we can find the integral MvhuqTKMudU-00061-00029231-00029543 as we go from a to t-- MvhuqTKMudU-00062-00029543-00029823 because, remember, we're discontinuous at b-- MvhuqTKMudU-00063-00029823-00030110 of f of x dx. MvhuqTKMudU-00064-00030110-00030539 And then we'll take the limit as t goes to the value of b. MvhuqTKMudU-00065-00030539-00030788 But we're only going to be interested in as we come in MvhuqTKMudU-00066-00030788-00030956 from the left side. MvhuqTKMudU-00067-00030956-00031120 Because it's discontinuous at b. MvhuqTKMudU-00068-00031120-00031347 There's nothing actually at that point we can use. MvhuqTKMudU-00069-00031347-00031955 So we'll just consider coming in from the left side. MvhuqTKMudU-00070-00031955-00032383 And in fact, we can do a really similar thing if f of x MvhuqTKMudU-00071-00032383-00033331 is discontinuous at a. MvhuqTKMudU-00072-00033331-00034123 So then if we want the integral as we go from a to b of x dx-- MvhuqTKMudU-00073-00034123-00034312 since we're discontinuous at a we'll, just MvhuqTKMudU-00074-00034312-00034729 go from t to b of f of x dx. MvhuqTKMudU-00075-00034729-00034972 And then we'll take the limit as t MvhuqTKMudU-00076-00034972-00035422 goes to b from the right side. MvhuqTKMudU-00077-00035422-00035548 And that'll give us a value. MvhuqTKMudU-00078-00035842-00036034 If there's only one point of discontinuity, MvhuqTKMudU-00079-00036034-00036403 we can actually integrate over a discontinuity. MvhuqTKMudU-00080-00036403-00037611 Let's let f of x be discontinuous at c. MvhuqTKMudU-00081-00037611-00038083 And now when I say c, I mean c is between a and b. MvhuqTKMudU-00082-00038362-00038648 So c is in between the a and the b. MvhuqTKMudU-00083-00038648-00038867 In that case, if we want the integral from a MvhuqTKMudU-00084-00038867-00039580 to b of f of x dx, if there is a discontinuity in the middle, MvhuqTKMudU-00085-00039580-00039722 what we'll do is we'll break it up MvhuqTKMudU-00086-00039722-00040003 into two intervals on that discontinuity. MvhuqTKMudU-00087-00040003-00040553 We'll find the integral as we go from a to c of f of x dx MvhuqTKMudU-00088-00040553-00040997 and use number 3 to take the limit as t MvhuqTKMudU-00089-00040997-00041341 goes to c from the left side. MvhuqTKMudU-00090-00041341-00042072 And we'll add the integral as we go from c to b of f of x dx MvhuqTKMudU-00091-00042072-00042667 and use step four in order to evaluate that integral. MvhuqTKMudU-00092-00042667-00043158 Really, the idea here between all of these formulas MvhuqTKMudU-00093-00043158-00043521 is if there is a discontinuity or if there is an infinity, MvhuqTKMudU-00094-00043521-00043728 we'll just take a look at the limit MvhuqTKMudU-00095-00043728-00044086 as we approach the value we want. MvhuqTKMudU-00096-00044086-00044557 And if we approach a value, that is the value of the interval. MvhuqTKMudU-00097-00044557-00044808 If we approach infinity or negative infinity, MvhuqTKMudU-00098-00044808-00044994 then what we'll do is we will say-- MvhuqTKMudU-00099-00045412-00045525 let's just write this down. MvhuqTKMudU-00100-00045525-00046320 If we approach infinity or negative infinity, MvhuqTKMudU-00101-00046320-00046826 then we say the integral diverges, MvhuqTKMudU-00102-00046826-00047263 or has an infinite or negative infinity for its solution. MvhuqTKMudU-00103-00047638-00047918 Let's try an example where we can kind of see this work out. MvhuqTKMudU-00104-00048318-00048730 Using this idea of if we can't actually hit the value, MvhuqTKMudU-00105-00048730-00049155 we'll see what's happening as we approach the values I'm MvhuqTKMudU-00106-00049155-00049497 going to start with the integral from negative infinity MvhuqTKMudU-00107-00049497-00050052 up to 0 of 1 over x squared plus 4 dx. MvhuqTKMudU-00108-00050431-00050582 Now, hopefully you recognize the sum MvhuqTKMudU-00109-00050582-00050828 of squares in the denominator and you MvhuqTKMudU-00110-00050828-00051137 know this is a tangent inverse formula. MvhuqTKMudU-00111-00051137-00051383 It's going to be 1 over our a-- MvhuqTKMudU-00112-00051383-00051778 the square root of 4, or 2 as our a-- MvhuqTKMudU-00113-00051778-00052340 times the tangent inverse of x over a, MvhuqTKMudU-00114-00052340-00052695 which is x over 2 in our case. MvhuqTKMudU-00115-00052695-00053112 And we're integrating from negative infinity to 0. MvhuqTKMudU-00116-00053704-00053960 So first, when we plug zero in, that's straightforward. MvhuqTKMudU-00117-00053960-00054622 We have 1/2 tangent inverse of 0 over 2, which is 0, MvhuqTKMudU-00118-00054622-00055166 minus 1/2 tangent inverse of-- MvhuqTKMudU-00119-00055166-00055392 well, negative infinity divided by 2 MvhuqTKMudU-00120-00055392-00055829 is really negative infinity. MvhuqTKMudU-00121-00055829-00056062 Since we can't actually plug negative infinity MvhuqTKMudU-00122-00056062-00056355 into the tangent, we'll take the limit MvhuqTKMudU-00123-00056355-00056909 as tangent inverse goes to negative infinity. MvhuqTKMudU-00124-00056909-00057204 And if you remember tangent inverse as a graph MvhuqTKMudU-00125-00057204-00057867 looks something like this, where it levels off at positive pi MvhuqTKMudU-00126-00057867-00058540 over 2 and negative pi over 2. MvhuqTKMudU-00127-00058540-00059065 So as the tangent inverse goes towards negative infinity, what MvhuqTKMudU-00128-00059065-00059439 we're going towards is negative pi over 2. MvhuqTKMudU-00129-00059770-00060334 So that right side is going to become negative 1/2 times-- MvhuqTKMudU-00130-00060334-00060574 as we go towards negative infinity, MvhuqTKMudU-00131-00060574-00060983 we're going towards negative pi over 2. MvhuqTKMudU-00132-00061414-00061588 On the right side of this formula MvhuqTKMudU-00133-00061588-00061819 the tangent inverse of 0. MvhuqTKMudU-00134-00061819-00062024 Tangent inverse of 0 is just 0. MvhuqTKMudU-00135-00062024-00062476 So we end up with a 0 minus 1/2 times negative pi over 2. MvhuqTKMudU-00136-00062476-00062730 A negative times a negative is a positive. MvhuqTKMudU-00137-00062730-00063116 And so we end up with pi over 4 is MvhuqTKMudU-00138-00063116-00063403 the area underneath our curve. MvhuqTKMudU-00139-00063854-00064052 So again, when we have these discontinuities, MvhuqTKMudU-00140-00064052-00064241 we're just saying, what's happening as we MvhuqTKMudU-00141-00064241-00064751 approach that discontinuity? MvhuqTKMudU-00142-00064751-00065066 Let's do the integral from negative infinity MvhuqTKMudU-00143-00065066-00065704 to positive infinity of xe to the x dx. MvhuqTKMudU-00144-00066431-00066586 Now again, we're going to have to use MvhuqTKMudU-00145-00066586-00066752 negative infinity and positive infinity. MvhuqTKMudU-00146-00066752-00066997 We'll look at what's happening as we approach those values. MvhuqTKMudU-00147-00066997-00067162 But first, we have to integrate. MvhuqTKMudU-00148-00067162-00067411 And we're going to integrate with u MvhuqTKMudU-00149-00067411-00067777 and dv our integration by parts. MvhuqTKMudU-00150-00067777-00068245 We'll make u equal to x, dv equal e to the x. MvhuqTKMudU-00151-00068245-00068461 Therefore, du is just dx. MvhuqTKMudU-00152-00068461-00068804 And v- don't forget the dx on the du-- MvhuqTKMudU-00153-00068804-00069003 or the dv. MvhuqTKMudU-00154-00069003-00069205 v is just e to the x. MvhuqTKMudU-00155-00069205-00069874 And so we have u times v xe to the x minus the integral of v MvhuqTKMudU-00156-00069874-00070046 du e to the x dx. MvhuqTKMudU-00157-00070371-00070685 So integrating e to the x is easy. MvhuqTKMudU-00158-00070685-00070876 It's just e to the x. MvhuqTKMudU-00159-00070876-00071094 And we're gonna go from negative infinity MvhuqTKMudU-00160-00071094-00071617 up to positive infinity. MvhuqTKMudU-00161-00071617-00072132 Well, the problem is when we plug the infinities in for xe MvhuqTKMudU-00162-00072132-00072555 to the x and negative e to the x, MvhuqTKMudU-00163-00072555-00073050 it's hard to see what is that approaching. MvhuqTKMudU-00164-00073050-00073644 So to help us out, what we can do-- MvhuqTKMudU-00165-00073644-00073884 we're looking at the limit as x goes MvhuqTKMudU-00166-00073884-00074196 to infinity of xe to the x. MvhuqTKMudU-00167-00074451-00074868 Well, L'Hopital says if we can write that as a fraction, MvhuqTKMudU-00168-00074868-00075132 we can take the derivative of the top and bottom MvhuqTKMudU-00169-00075132-00075428 and then find that limit. MvhuqTKMudU-00170-00075428-00075604 Let's leave the x on top and move MvhuqTKMudU-00171-00075604-00075779 e to the negative x down to the bottom. MvhuqTKMudU-00172-00076069-00076215 Because when we take the derivative MvhuqTKMudU-00173-00076215-00077181 of both the top and the bottom, the derivative of x is 1. MvhuqTKMudU-00174-00077181-00077346 And the derivative of e to the negative MvhuqTKMudU-00175-00077346-00077976 x is equal to negative e to the negative x. MvhuqTKMudU-00176-00077976-00078669 x goes to infinity of negative e to the negative x. MvhuqTKMudU-00177-00078669-00079032 And if x is going to a positive-- MvhuqTKMudU-00178-00079032-00079158 sorry, e to the positive x. MvhuqTKMudU-00179-00079602-00079878 If x is going to a positive infinity, MvhuqTKMudU-00180-00079878-00080292 we basically are doing e to some huge exponent. MvhuqTKMudU-00181-00080574-00080812 If we're doing e to some huge exponent, MvhuqTKMudU-00182-00080812-00081181 that's going to equal basically infinity. MvhuqTKMudU-00183-00081458-00081727 So this first term when we plug the infinity in, MvhuqTKMudU-00184-00081727-00082788 we end up with infinity minus e to the x, which is infinity, MvhuqTKMudU-00185-00082788-00082838 minus-- MvhuqTKMudU-00186-00083144-00083344 now we plug in the negative infinity. MvhuqTKMudU-00187-00083344-00083490 Negative infinity is a little nicer MvhuqTKMudU-00188-00083490-00083991 because if we change our problem up here that we just did, MvhuqTKMudU-00189-00083991-00084204 we're not taking x to the negative infinity MvhuqTKMudU-00190-00084204-00084520 all the way through. MvhuqTKMudU-00191-00084520-00084918 And so we end up this e to the negative infinity power. MvhuqTKMudU-00192-00084918-00085628 And e to the negative infinity is actually equal to 0. MvhuqTKMudU-00193-00085628-00086019 Thinking about the graph of e to the x. MvhuqTKMudU-00194-00086019-00086187 While on right, positive infinity MvhuqTKMudU-00195-00086187-00086376 it goes to positive infinity. MvhuqTKMudU-00196-00086376-00086895 On the left, we're going down to 0. MvhuqTKMudU-00197-00086895-00086988 So minus 0. MvhuqTKMudU-00198-00087243-00087391 Minus, again, 0. MvhuqTKMudU-00199-00087654-00087936 And while it may seem intuitive to claim infinity MvhuqTKMudU-00200-00087936-00088228 minus infinity is zero, that's not always the case. MvhuqTKMudU-00201-00088560-00088795 Infinity actually can have several different sizes. MvhuqTKMudU-00202-00088795-00089070 And you can study infinity in more advanced math classes. MvhuqTKMudU-00203-00089070-00089333 But for now, we're going to say you can't just add and subtract MvhuqTKMudU-00204-00089333-00089490 infinities together. MvhuqTKMudU-00205-00089490-00089736 As soon as we have infinity in our solution, MvhuqTKMudU-00206-00089736-00089932 we could have stopped right there and said, MvhuqTKMudU-00207-00089932-00090366 hey, this integral is not going to approach any specific value. MvhuqTKMudU-00208-00090366-00090656 This integral is divergent, or it diverges. MvhuqTKMudU-00209-00091196-00091400 Meaning it does not approach any number. MvhuqTKMudU-00210-00091400-00091764 We have infinite area underneath the curve. MvhuqTKMudU-00211-00092218-00092546 Let's try another example. MvhuqTKMudU-00212-00092546-00093130 Let's do the integral from 0 to 4 of 1 MvhuqTKMudU-00213-00093130-00093531 over the square root of 4 minus x. MvhuqTKMudU-00214-00093531-00093581 dx. MvhuqTKMudU-00215-00093861-00094384 The problem with this one is we have a discontinuity at 4, MvhuqTKMudU-00216-00094384-00094522 at one of those limits. MvhuqTKMudU-00217-00094522-00094727 In the denominator 4 minus 4 is 0. MvhuqTKMudU-00218-00094727-00094915 The square root of 0 is 0. MvhuqTKMudU-00219-00094915-00095315 And we can't have 0 in the denominator of the fraction. MvhuqTKMudU-00220-00095315-00095536 So what we're going to do is when we get to the point MvhuqTKMudU-00221-00095536-00095890 to plug 4 in to our antiderivative, MvhuqTKMudU-00222-00095890-00096070 we're going to think what's happening as we MvhuqTKMudU-00223-00096070-00096694 come into 4 from the left. MvhuqTKMudU-00224-00096694-00096931 First, though, let's actually take the integral. MvhuqTKMudU-00225-00096931-00097147 So to take this integral, I notice MvhuqTKMudU-00226-00097147-00097654 if we make u equal to 4 minus x, du is negative xd-- MvhuqTKMudU-00227-00097654-00097961 or negative 1. MvhuqTKMudU-00228-00097961-00098191 Let's just call it negative dx. MvhuqTKMudU-00229-00098191-00098374 So put a negative inside and outside. MvhuqTKMudU-00230-00098670-00099021 Because then what we end up with is negative. MvhuqTKMudU-00231-00099021-00099310 The integral from plugging the limits in, 4 minus 4 MvhuqTKMudU-00232-00099310-00099475 is 0 on top. MvhuqTKMudU-00233-00099475-00099882 Plugging 0 in, 4 minus 0 is 4. MvhuqTKMudU-00234-00099882-00100151 And we can actually switch that order of integration MvhuqTKMudU-00235-00100151-00100347 if I also change the signs. MvhuqTKMudU-00236-00100347-00101216 So I'm gonna make it positive and go from 0 to 4 of 1 MvhuqTKMudU-00237-00101216-00101675 over the square root of u, or u to the negative 1/2 du. MvhuqTKMudU-00238-00101966-00102539 So we have u to the 1/2 times 2 integrated from 0 to 4. MvhuqTKMudU-00239-00102539-00102835 And what's nice in this case is the discontinuity MvhuqTKMudU-00240-00102835-00103001 has been removed. MvhuqTKMudU-00241-00103001-00103277 So we can actually just plug in our values. MvhuqTKMudU-00242-00103277-00103889 2 times u, which is the square root of 4, MvhuqTKMudU-00243-00103889-00104192 minus 2 times u, which is the square root MvhuqTKMudU-00244-00104192-00105044 of 0, which gives us 2 times 2, or 4 for our final area. MvhuqTKMudU-00245-00105391-00105719 Let's do one last example. MvhuqTKMudU-00246-00105719-00106249 Let's do the integral from 0 to 1 of the natural log of x dx. MvhuqTKMudU-00247-00106733-00107195 And again, what we see here is natural log is undefined at 0. MvhuqTKMudU-00248-00107195-00107516 If you remember the graph of natural log is it's MvhuqTKMudU-00249-00107516-00107720 got an asymptote at 0. MvhuqTKMudU-00250-00107720-00108128 Hits 1 comma 0 and then goes off to infinity really slowly, MvhuqTKMudU-00251-00108128-00108484 but it does get to infinity. MvhuqTKMudU-00252-00108484-00108972 So we're going to do the limit as we get approaching to 0 MvhuqTKMudU-00253-00108972-00109121 from the right side this time. MvhuqTKMudU-00254-00109380-00109658 But first, we have to take our integral. MvhuqTKMudU-00255-00109658-00109865 If you remember, we've done the natural log of x. MvhuqTKMudU-00256-00109865-00110378 We use integration by parts where u is the natural log of x MvhuqTKMudU-00257-00110378-00110669 and dv is just the dx. MvhuqTKMudU-00258-00110669-00111133 That way du is 1 over x and v is x. MvhuqTKMudU-00259-00111133-00111409 And so we end up with u times v x MvhuqTKMudU-00260-00111409-00111723 natural log of x minus the integral of v MvhuqTKMudU-00261-00111723-00112031 du, which is just 1dx. MvhuqTKMudU-00262-00112433-00112680 And then integrating that 1dx, we MvhuqTKMudU-00263-00112680-00113117 end up with x natural log of x minus x. MvhuqTKMudU-00264-00113117-00113463 And we're going to integrate from 0 to 1. MvhuqTKMudU-00265-00113823-00114233 This time we still have that discontinuity. MvhuqTKMudU-00266-00114233-00114968 We can't plug 0 in to that x ln x. MvhuqTKMudU-00267-00114968-00115319 So if I think off to the side here, MvhuqTKMudU-00268-00115319-00115633 we're interested in the limit as x goes MvhuqTKMudU-00269-00115633-00116334 to 0 of x natural log of x. MvhuqTKMudU-00270-00116334-00116720 Well, if we can make that into a fraction, MvhuqTKMudU-00271-00116720-00116972 we can use L'Hopital's Rule. MvhuqTKMudU-00272-00116972-00117233 If we make x to the negative 1 in denominator MvhuqTKMudU-00273-00117233-00117680 and the natural log of x and in the numerator, MvhuqTKMudU-00274-00117680-00118139 L'Hopital will let us take the derivative of the numerator MvhuqTKMudU-00275-00118139-00118360 and denominator. MvhuqTKMudU-00276-00118360-00118670 The derivative of natural log of x is 1 over x, MvhuqTKMudU-00277-00118670-00118904 or x to the negative 1. MvhuqTKMudU-00278-00118904-00119110 The derivative of x to the negative 1 MvhuqTKMudU-00279-00119110-00119525 is negative x to the negative 2. MvhuqTKMudU-00280-00119525-00119976 Doing a little simplifying as x goes to 0. MvhuqTKMudU-00281-00119976-00120119 It's negative. MvhuqTKMudU-00282-00120119-00120334 Bring the x squared up to the top. MvhuqTKMudU-00283-00120334-00120508 The x to the negative 1 to the bottom. MvhuqTKMudU-00284-00120508-00120958 We have x squared over x, which is just x. MvhuqTKMudU-00285-00120958-00121480 And now we can plug 0 in to get negative 0, or just 0. MvhuqTKMudU-00286-00121480-00122326 So as x approaches 0, x ln x is also going to approach 0. MvhuqTKMudU-00287-00122326-00122632 So when we get to our step where we plug in our values, MvhuqTKMudU-00288-00122632-00122788 first plugging 1 in on top. MvhuqTKMudU-00289-00122788-00123952 1 times the natural log of 1 minus 1 minus, plugging 0 in-- MvhuqTKMudU-00290-00123952-00124177 we can't exactly plug 0 into the first term, MvhuqTKMudU-00291-00124177-00124366 but we found out from L'Hopital's Rule MvhuqTKMudU-00292-00124366-00124611 that that's going to simplify to 0 as we approach 0 MvhuqTKMudU-00293-00124611-00124882 from the right-- MvhuqTKMudU-00294-00124882-00125297 plus x, which is just 0. MvhuqTKMudU-00295-00125297-00125711 And what's really nice is the natural log of 1 is 0. MvhuqTKMudU-00296-00125711-00126346 And so we're just left with negative 1 for our solution. MvhuqTKMudU-00297-00126658-00127027 So to answer our question, how do we integrate at infinity? MvhuqTKMudU-00298-00127027-00127576 What we do is we consider what is the value approaching MvhuqTKMudU-00299-00127576-00127785 as we approach infinity. MvhuqTKMudU-00300-00127785-00128084 If we're approaching a value, then we use that value. MvhuqTKMudU-00301-00128084-00128222 If we're not approaching a value, MvhuqTKMudU-00302-00128222-00128455 we see the integral diverges. MvhuqTKMudU-00303-00128455-00128614 Take a look at the homework assignment MvhuqTKMudU-00304-00128614-00128779 and try a few of these. MvhuqTKMudU-00305-00128779-00129122 And we will take a closer look at these in class. MvhuqTKMudU-00306-00129122-00129333 And good luck to you.