CA_yKrudOag-00000-00000000-00000516 foreign CA_yKrudOag-00001-00000517-00001523 [Music] CA_yKrudOag-00002-00001524-00001534 [Music] CA_yKrudOag-00003-00001535-00003002 [Applause] CA_yKrudOag-00004-00003003-00003256 [Applause] CA_yKrudOag-00005-00003257-00003599 [Music] CA_yKrudOag-00006-00003600-00003776 foreign CA_yKrudOag-00007-00003777-00003950 [Applause] CA_yKrudOag-00008-00003951-00004552 [Music] CA_yKrudOag-00009-00004553-00005739 [Music] CA_yKrudOag-00010-00005740-00006314 [Applause] CA_yKrudOag-00011-00006315-00006436 [Music] CA_yKrudOag-00012-00006437-00006675 today CA_yKrudOag-00013-00006676-00006880 [Applause] CA_yKrudOag-00014-00006881-00007216 [Music] CA_yKrudOag-00015-00007217-00007601 [Applause] CA_yKrudOag-00016-00007602-00008533 [Music] CA_yKrudOag-00017-00008534-00009276 [Music] CA_yKrudOag-00018-00009277-00009748 [Applause] CA_yKrudOag-00019-00009749-00010042 [Music] CA_yKrudOag-00020-00010043-00010262 foreign CA_yKrudOag-00021-00010263-00010415 [Music] CA_yKrudOag-00022-00010416-00010649 [Applause] CA_yKrudOag-00023-00010650-00011837 [Music] CA_yKrudOag-00024-00011838-00012171 [Applause] CA_yKrudOag-00025-00012172-00013315 [Music] CA_yKrudOag-00026-00013316-00013630 [Applause] CA_yKrudOag-00027-00013631-00014044 foreign CA_yKrudOag-00028-00014044-00014566 [Music] CA_yKrudOag-00029-00014566-00015002 [Applause] CA_yKrudOag-00030-00015003-00015833 [Music] CA_yKrudOag-00031-00015834-00017225 [Music] CA_yKrudOag-00032-00017226-00017632 foreign CA_yKrudOag-00033-00017633-00017952 [Applause] CBBvBleavn8-00000-00000112-00000438 hello and welcome to week 7 of c631 CBBvBleavn8-00001-00000440-00000582 advanced programming in the unix CBBvBleavn8-00002-00000583-00000854 environment as promised with this week's CBBvBleavn8-00003-00000855-00001023 materials we begin our discussion on CBBvBleavn8-00004-00001024-00001223 process relationships including process CBBvBleavn8-00005-00001224-00001270 groups CBBvBleavn8-00006-00001271-00001462 sessions and our first asynchronous type CBBvBleavn8-00007-00001463-00001607 of inter-process communication CBBvBleavn8-00008-00001607-00001902 in the form of signals but before we get CBBvBleavn8-00009-00001903-00001942 there CBBvBleavn8-00010-00001943-00002126 let's first see how processes created CBBvBleavn8-00011-00002127-00002302 during the normal unix boot process CBBvBleavn8-00012-00002303-00002655 relate to one another when the system CBBvBleavn8-00013-00002656-00002718 boots up CBBvBleavn8-00014-00002719-00002871 it will produce a large number of CBBvBleavn8-00015-00002872-00003134 messages on the serial console CBBvBleavn8-00016-00003135-00003311 some of those messages are also CBBvBleavn8-00017-00003311-00003463 available on the running system CBBvBleavn8-00018-00003464-00003735 via the d-message program or maybe saved CBBvBleavn8-00019-00003736-00003911 under var run d-message CBBvBleavn8-00020-00003911-00004247 boot what we see here are the kernel CBBvBleavn8-00021-00004248-00004311 messages CBBvBleavn8-00022-00004312-00004486 as it is initializing the hardware it CBBvBleavn8-00023-00004487-00005127 discovers CBBvBleavn8-00024-00005128-00005295 but once the kernel has bootstrapped the CBBvBleavn8-00025-00005296-00005511 system it will hand off control to init CBBvBleavn8-00026-00005512-00005711 and any subsequent messages sent to the CBBvBleavn8-00027-00005712-00005879 serial console are not preserved in this CBBvBleavn8-00028-00005880-00005991 file CBBvBleavn8-00029-00005992-00006143 to view those you have to actually look CBBvBleavn8-00030-00006144-00006343 at the serial console CBBvBleavn8-00031-00006344-00006495 this is done either via a physical CBBvBleavn8-00032-00006495-00006710 connection to the server serial port CBBvBleavn8-00033-00006711-00006895 or if the system has been configured as CBBvBleavn8-00034-00006895-00007103 such it may also relay such messages CBBvBleavn8-00035-00007104-00007270 over the network CBBvBleavn8-00036-00007272-00007455 virtual hosting providers may offer a CBBvBleavn8-00037-00007456-00007631 way to get the system console messages CBBvBleavn8-00038-00007631-00007719 secure CBBvBleavn8-00039-00007720-00008039 accessed remotely CBBvBleavn8-00040-00008040-00008199 what you see then are the messages from CBBvBleavn8-00041-00008200-00008374 the various daemons as they start up CBBvBleavn8-00042-00008375-00008527 before the system will finally print the CBBvBleavn8-00043-00008528-00008959 login prompt ready to accept connections CBBvBleavn8-00044-00008960-00009095 if you are connected to the serial CBBvBleavn8-00045-00009096-00009327 console then you can can provide your CBBvBleavn8-00046-00009328-00009487 username and hit return CBBvBleavn8-00047-00009488-00009646 upon which you will be prompted for the CBBvBleavn8-00048-00009647-00009895 password CBBvBleavn8-00049-00009896-00010078 after you provide the correct password CBBvBleavn8-00050-00010079-00010214 the system will log you in CBBvBleavn8-00051-00010215-00010591 and start your shell CBBvBleavn8-00052-00010592-00010783 the sequence of process creations will CBBvBleavn8-00053-00010784-00011110 be somewhat along these lines CBBvBleavn8-00054-00011111-00011351 init is created explicitly by the kernel CBBvBleavn8-00055-00011352-00011663 as we discussed in the previous video CBBvBleavn8-00056-00011664-00011831 the system may be configured to allow CBBvBleavn8-00057-00011832-00012031 connections on multiple terminals by the CBBvBleavn8-00058-00012032-00012238 file at ctt-wise CBBvBleavn8-00059-00012239-00012551 so for each entry there CBBvBleavn8-00060-00012552-00012943 init will fork a new process CBBvBleavn8-00061-00012944-00013286 and then exec getty the program CBBvBleavn8-00062-00013287-00013511 responsible for configuring the tty CBBvBleavn8-00063-00013512-00013711 read the login name and then invoke the CBBvBleavn8-00064-00013712-00013958 login command CBBvBleavn8-00065-00013959-00014143 when the user enters the username on the CBBvBleavn8-00066-00014144-00014286 terminal CBBvBleavn8-00067-00014287-00014607 getty will execute the login program CBBvBleavn8-00068-00014608-00014855 upon successful login the login program CBBvBleavn8-00069-00014856-00014975 then CBBvBleavn8-00070-00014976-00015303 execs the user's shell and as we've seen CBBvBleavn8-00071-00015304-00015358 before CBBvBleavn8-00072-00015359-00015599 for every command entered in the shell CBBvBleavn8-00073-00015600-00015679 the shell then CBBvBleavn8-00074-00015680-00015975 forks a new process and exacts the given CBBvBleavn8-00075-00015976-00016158 command CBBvBleavn8-00076-00016159-00016430 when the shell exits the init will reap CBBvBleavn8-00077-00016431-00016519 the process CBBvBleavn8-00078-00016520-00016750 fork again and exec getty on the now CBBvBleavn8-00079-00016751-00017230 available terminal once more CBBvBleavn8-00080-00017231-00017422 the first few steps of the login process CBBvBleavn8-00081-00017423-00017615 all run with super user privileges CBBvBleavn8-00082-00017616-00017991 but then login comes in it CBBvBleavn8-00083-00017992-00018175 will turn off echo on the terminal so CBBvBleavn8-00084-00018176-00018343 your password is not shown when you type CBBvBleavn8-00085-00018344-00018399 it CBBvBleavn8-00086-00018400-00018614 then it reads your password hashes it CBBvBleavn8-00087-00018615-00018783 and compares the hash to what's found in CBBvBleavn8-00088-00018784-00019086 ncmaster password CBBvBleavn8-00089-00019087-00019303 if successful and then enters the login CBBvBleavn8-00090-00019304-00019543 information into the system database CBBvBleavn8-00091-00019544-00019767 which can be queried by tools like the w CBBvBleavn8-00092-00019768-00020119 or who commands CBBvBleavn8-00093-00020120-00020255 there are a number of files in the CBBvBleavn8-00094-00020256-00020430 system that may be read and displayed to CBBvBleavn8-00095-00020431-00020599 the user at login time CBBvBleavn8-00096-00020600-00020847 etsy motd is one of those allowing the CBBvBleavn8-00097-00020848-00021007 administrator to display important CBBvBleavn8-00098-00021008-00021407 messages to all users at login time CBBvBleavn8-00099-00021408-00021575 we know that the user may be a member of CBBvBleavn8-00100-00021576-00021807 multiple supplementary groups so login CBBvBleavn8-00101-00021808-00022414 must initialize all group memberships CBBvBleavn8-00102-00022415-00022583 it will then change the current working CBBvBleavn8-00103-00022584-00022783 directory to the directory listed in CBBvBleavn8-00104-00022784-00023127 etsy password for this user CBBvBleavn8-00105-00023128-00023319 change ownership of the terminal device CBBvBleavn8-00106-00023320-00023463 to the user so that they can read and CBBvBleavn8-00107-00023464-00023671 write the device CBBvBleavn8-00108-00023672-00023894 and finally the program has to change CBBvBleavn8-00109-00023895-00024175 the uid from uid0 to the user's uid CBBvBleavn8-00110-00024176-00024622 before it invokes the shell CBBvBleavn8-00111-00024623-00024839 so we just saw how processors are CBBvBleavn8-00112-00024840-00025007 created CBBvBleavn8-00113-00025008-00025447 the kernel creates in it explicitly init CBBvBleavn8-00114-00025448-00025831 fork execs getty caddy execs but does CBBvBleavn8-00115-00025832-00026143 not fork a new process for login CBBvBleavn8-00116-00026144-00026367 login execs but does not fork a new CBBvBleavn8-00117-00026368-00026639 process for the user's login shell CBBvBleavn8-00118-00026639-00026943 and the shell fork execs commands CBBvBleavn8-00119-00026944-00027167 but what about uids and the process ids CBBvBleavn8-00120-00027168-00027607 of these processes CBBvBleavn8-00121-00027608-00027879 init is process id 1 with the parent CBBvBleavn8-00122-00027880-00027999 process id 0 CBBvBleavn8-00123-00028000-00028311 and eu id 0. CBBvBleavn8-00124-00028312-00028574 getty fork exact off init has an CBBvBleavn8-00125-00028575-00028799 unspecified process id with its parent CBBvBleavn8-00126-00028800-00028879 being init CBBvBleavn8-00127-00028880-00029295 and still being uid 0. CBBvBleavn8-00128-00029295-00029518 login merely exact by getty keeps CBBvBleavn8-00129-00029519-00029614 getting spit CBBvBleavn8-00130-00029616-00029951 and peeped as well as euid CBBvBleavn8-00131-00029952-00030151 and the shell retains the same pit and CBBvBleavn8-00132-00030152-00030343 peeped as login but now has a different CBBvBleavn8-00133-00030344-00030446 uid CBBvBleavn8-00134-00030447-00030855 that of the user and finally whatever CBBvBleavn8-00135-00030856-00031007 commands we execute CBBvBleavn8-00136-00031008-00031302 we get a new pit have the shells pit sdp CBBvBleavn8-00137-00031303-00031374 bit CBBvBleavn8-00138-00031375-00031599 and remain running with the euid of the CBBvBleavn8-00139-00031600-00031902 user CBBvBleavn8-00140-00031903-00032111 if you use virtualbox to start your vm CBBvBleavn8-00141-00032112-00032246 with a graphical console CBBvBleavn8-00142-00032247-00032431 you can log in on this virtual serial CBBvBleavn8-00143-00032432-00032695 console and display the process tree CBBvBleavn8-00144-00032695-00033823 to replay what we've just discussed here CBBvBleavn8-00145-00033824-00034127 here we see init CBBvBleavn8-00146-00034128-00034487 as process id one CBBvBleavn8-00147-00034488-00034751 geddy listening on multiple serial CBBvBleavn8-00148-00034752-00034855 consoles CBBvBleavn8-00149-00034856-00035390 has process ids 504 606 and 707. CBBvBleavn8-00150-00035391-00035951 the login program we ran from is pit 519 CBBvBleavn8-00151-00035952-00036343 and our shell is 581 and proct3 itself CBBvBleavn8-00152-00036344-00036455 in this case CBBvBleavn8-00153-00036456-00036862 is 401 CBBvBleavn8-00154-00036863-00037118 all right let's break here we've seen in CBBvBleavn8-00155-00037119-00037190 this example CBBvBleavn8-00156-00037191-00037383 how the boot and login process creates CBBvBleavn8-00157-00037384-00037623 processes how bits peoples and process CBBvBleavn8-00158-00037624-00037790 ownership change CBBvBleavn8-00159-00037791-00038030 but we've also seen how certain CBBvBleavn8-00160-00038031-00038207 processes are grouped together hinting CBBvBleavn8-00161-00038208-00038415 at the larger topic of process groups CBBvBleavn8-00162-00038416-00038583 and login sessions which we'll discuss CBBvBleavn8-00163-00038584-00038839 in our next video segment CBBvBleavn8-00164-00038840-00039023 we've also seen that the login process CBBvBleavn8-00165-00039024-00039207 is perhaps a bit more complex than we CBBvBleavn8-00166-00039208-00039495 initially thought it's not quite as easy CBBvBleavn8-00167-00039496-00039695 as printing password and then executing CBBvBleavn8-00168-00039696-00039935 the shell for the user CBBvBleavn8-00169-00039936-00040071 to get a better idea of everything CBBvBleavn8-00170-00040072-00040230 that's involved here take a look at the CBBvBleavn8-00171-00040231-00040390 sources for the login program CBBvBleavn8-00172-00040391-00040662 under user source user bin login and CBBvBleavn8-00173-00040663-00040767 review the section CBBvBleavn8-00174-00040768-00040983 in your shell's manual page which talks CBBvBleavn8-00175-00040984-00041151 about shell startup and the various CBBvBleavn8-00176-00041152-00041351 files it may look at CBBvBleavn8-00177-00041352-00041535 hopefully that will keep you busy until CBBvBleavn8-00178-00041536-00041727 i post the next video CBBvBleavn8-00179-00041728-00042280 until then thanks for watching cheers CCD8Spb_UVE-00000-00000011-00000661 [Music] CCD8Spb_UVE-00001-00000662-00000869 hi welcome back CCD8Spb_UVE-00002-00000869-00001106 I'm scientist Kate this is great three CCD8Spb_UVE-00003-00001107-00001406 weathering climate chapter 1 lesson 3 CCD8Spb_UVE-00004-00001407-00001684 measuring temperature this lesson CCD8Spb_UVE-00005-00001685-00001841 includes an investigation and if you CCD8Spb_UVE-00006-00001842-00002023 want to do the investigation along with CCD8Spb_UVE-00007-00002025-00002198 me at home you're gonna need some CCD8Spb_UVE-00008-00002199-00002467 materials here's what you'll need you'll CCD8Spb_UVE-00009-00002468-00002972 need a cup of ice water a cup of tap CCD8Spb_UVE-00010-00002973-00003197 water CCD8Spb_UVE-00011-00003198-00003593 and a couple pop up asking it all to CCD8Spb_UVE-00012-00003594-00003756 help you get CCD8Spb_UVE-00013-00003757-00003984 adults the water should be hot but not CCD8Spb_UVE-00014-00003985-00004191 we're gonna be into the water you don't CCD8Spb_UVE-00015-00004192-00004456 want anyone getting you also need a way CCD8Spb_UVE-00016-00004457-00004554 to market hubs CCD8Spb_UVE-00017-00004555-00004881 you can see I'm a sister to each one of CCD8Spb_UVE-00018-00004882-00005306 my scores every one and you'll need this CCD8Spb_UVE-00019-00005307-00005602 investigation notebook page if you don't CCD8Spb_UVE-00020-00005603-00005757 have this investigation notebook page CCD8Spb_UVE-00021-00005758-00005941 that's okay you can use a piece of paper CCD8Spb_UVE-00022-00005942-00006063 and a pencil to write down your CCD8Spb_UVE-00023-00006064-00006573 observations are you ready let's go okay CCD8Spb_UVE-00024-00006575-00006723 so you may remember that we're working CCD8Spb_UVE-00025-00006725-00006939 for the wildlife protection organization CCD8Spb_UVE-00026-00006940-00007177 we're acting as meteorologists who are CCD8Spb_UVE-00027-00007178-00007395 scientists who study weather to try to CCD8Spb_UVE-00028-00007397-00007645 decide among three islands which one CCD8Spb_UVE-00029-00007645-00007844 would make the best orangutan reserve CCD8Spb_UVE-00030-00007845-00008152 remember our reserve is a special area CCD8Spb_UVE-00031-00008153-00008371 of land where animals can live and be CCD8Spb_UVE-00032-00008372-00008727 protected the organization sent us this CCD8Spb_UVE-00033-00008728-00009049 data do you remember we tried to compare CCD8Spb_UVE-00034-00009050-00009235 all of the precipitation data for the CCD8Spb_UVE-00035-00009236-00009435 three islands but we couldn't compare it CCD8Spb_UVE-00036-00009436-00009685 because they were all measured different CCD8Spb_UVE-00037-00009686-00009987 ways we did our own precipitation CCD8Spb_UVE-00038-00009988-00010203 measurements and we compared them to a CCD8Spb_UVE-00039-00010204-00010432 couple of friends and we found again it CCD8Spb_UVE-00040-00010433-00010591 was really hard to compare since we CCD8Spb_UVE-00041-00010592-00010788 didn't all use the same method of CCD8Spb_UVE-00042-00010789-00011035 measurement we found out that scientists CCD8Spb_UVE-00043-00011036-00011211 use millimeters to measure rainfall and CCD8Spb_UVE-00044-00011212-00011433 when we changed our measurements into CCD8Spb_UVE-00045-00011434-00011638 millimeters it was really easy to CCD8Spb_UVE-00046-00011639-00011874 compare and see who had collected the CCD8Spb_UVE-00047-00011875-00012052 most rainfall and who had collected the CCD8Spb_UVE-00048-00012053-00012321 least rainfall today we're going to be CCD8Spb_UVE-00049-00012322-00012585 measuring and comparing temperature the CCD8Spb_UVE-00050-00012586-00012702 word temperature is one of our CCD8Spb_UVE-00051-00012703-00012988 vocabulary words and it means how hot or CCD8Spb_UVE-00052-00012988-00013360 cold something is what do you know about CCD8Spb_UVE-00053-00013361-00013603 temperature and how its measured have CCD8Spb_UVE-00054-00013604-00013777 you ever had any experiences in your CCD8Spb_UVE-00055-00013778-00014002 life with temperature I'll let you think CCD8Spb_UVE-00056-00014003-00014841 about it for a minute could you think of CCD8Spb_UVE-00057-00014843-00014957 any experience CCD8Spb_UVE-00058-00014958-00015091 you had with temperature and how its CCD8Spb_UVE-00059-00015093-00015397 measured I was thinking of how when I CCD8Spb_UVE-00060-00015399-00015707 was a little kid and I felt sick my mom CCD8Spb_UVE-00061-00015708-00015932 would put this tool into my mouth and CCD8Spb_UVE-00062-00015933-00016100 she would say I'm gonna take your CCD8Spb_UVE-00063-00016101-00016297 temperature has anything like that ever CCD8Spb_UVE-00064-00016299-00016510 happened to you CCD8Spb_UVE-00065-00016511-00016913 cool okay we're going to do our CCD8Spb_UVE-00066-00016914-00017072 investigation about measuring CCD8Spb_UVE-00067-00017073-00017351 temperature so again for this you're CCD8Spb_UVE-00068-00017352-00017516 going to need three cups or containers CCD8Spb_UVE-00069-00017517-00017834 and a way to mark those cups in those CCD8Spb_UVE-00070-00017835-00017996 cups you're gonna want to put tap water CCD8Spb_UVE-00071-00017997-00018353 ice water and hot water and remember CCD8Spb_UVE-00072-00018354-00018554 please get an adult to help you if CCD8Spb_UVE-00073-00018555-00018719 you're gonna put hot water into a cup CCD8Spb_UVE-00074-00018720-00018926 you do not want to put boiling water CCD8Spb_UVE-00075-00018927-00019094 into the cup because you'll burn CCD8Spb_UVE-00076-00019095-00019199 yourself and we're going to put our CCD8Spb_UVE-00077-00019200-00019361 hands into the cup and touch the water CCD8Spb_UVE-00078-00019362-00019598 so the water should be a safe level of CCD8Spb_UVE-00079-00019599-00019853 heat so that you can touch it okay CCD8Spb_UVE-00080-00019854-00020048 you're also going to need this CCD8Spb_UVE-00081-00020049-00020231 investigation sheet that I mentioned at CCD8Spb_UVE-00082-00020232-00020456 the beginning of the video this sheet CCD8Spb_UVE-00083-00020457-00020684 can be found digitally on amplifies CCD8Spb_UVE-00084-00020685-00020861 website or it can be found in your CCD8Spb_UVE-00085-00020862-00021098 student investigation notebook but if CCD8Spb_UVE-00086-00021099-00021242 you're watching this and you don't have CCD8Spb_UVE-00087-00021243-00021485 this sheet that's okay you can always CCD8Spb_UVE-00088-00021486-00021622 just write down your temperature CCD8Spb_UVE-00089-00021623-00022088 observations on a piece of paper if you CCD8Spb_UVE-00090-00022089-00022238 want to do this investigation on your CCD8Spb_UVE-00091-00022239-00022444 own at home you can pause the video CCD8Spb_UVE-00092-00022445-00022777 right now and use these investigation CCD8Spb_UVE-00093-00022778-00023063 procedure steps to do the investigation CCD8Spb_UVE-00094-00023064-00023327 on your own if you're going to do that CCD8Spb_UVE-00095-00023328-00023497 pause the video now and follow the CCD8Spb_UVE-00096-00023498-00023747 instructions if you don't want to do CCD8Spb_UVE-00097-00023748-00023888 that you can just keep watching and CCD8Spb_UVE-00098-00023889-00024316 we'll do it together okay let me CCD8Spb_UVE-00099-00024317-00024571 ban my video so that you can see what CCD8Spb_UVE-00100-00024572-00025201 I'm doing okay I have my three cups X CCD8Spb_UVE-00101-00025202-00026473 has ice water and Y has hot water and Z CCD8Spb_UVE-00102-00026474-00026812 has tap water which is just water that CCD8Spb_UVE-00103-00026813-00026989 came out of the faucet that's not really CCD8Spb_UVE-00104-00026989-00027408 hot or cold but these where you can see CCD8Spb_UVE-00105-00027410-00027925 them okay so I'm gonna start with ice CCD8Spb_UVE-00106-00027926-00028231 water this at this cup X and what I'm CCD8Spb_UVE-00107-00028232-00028486 gonna do is I'm gonna put my finger into CCD8Spb_UVE-00108-00028487-00028756 cup X and just see how it feels and then CCD8Spb_UVE-00109-00028757-00028939 I'm gonna mark that observation on my on CCD8Spb_UVE-00110-00028939-00029887 my investigation sheet ready oh my gosh CCD8Spb_UVE-00111-00029888-00030237 that's really cold Oh CCD8Spb_UVE-00112-00030238-00030714 oh my goodness CCD8Spb_UVE-00113-00030714-00031020 feels like a penguin diving into water CCD8Spb_UVE-00114-00031022-00031830 over here oh okay Wow Cup X is very cold CCD8Spb_UVE-00115-00031831-00032224 so I'm gonna dry my hand off and then on CCD8Spb_UVE-00116-00032225-00032496 my investigation sheet I'm going to look CCD8Spb_UVE-00117-00032497-00032692 at the choices for what I can Circle as CCD8Spb_UVE-00118-00032693-00033045 my observation the choices are very high CCD8Spb_UVE-00119-00033046-00033676 high a little hot a little cold cold or CCD8Spb_UVE-00120-00033677-00033856 very cold you know which one I'm gonna CCD8Spb_UVE-00121-00033857-00033990 pick CCD8Spb_UVE-00122-00033991-00034365 I'm gonna pick very cold for cup X as my CCD8Spb_UVE-00123-00034366-00034702 observation okay so with that same CCD8Spb_UVE-00124-00034703-00034921 finger that I just put into cup X I'm CCD8Spb_UVE-00125-00034922-00035155 gonna now put it into cup Z remember CCD8Spb_UVE-00126-00035156-00035415 that cup Z is the tap water it's not the CCD8Spb_UVE-00127-00035416-00035611 hot water so let's see how do you think CCD8Spb_UVE-00128-00035612-00035809 it's gonna feel to my finger to put it CCD8Spb_UVE-00129-00035810-00036130 into this tap water CCD8Spb_UVE-00130-00036131-00036496 that's by now CCD8Spb_UVE-00131-00036497-00036988 Wow it feels warm feels like putting my CCD8Spb_UVE-00132-00036989-00037204 finger right into the bathtub after CCD8Spb_UVE-00133-00037205-00037555 running a nice warm bath that feels a CCD8Spb_UVE-00134-00037556-00037749 lot better than cutbacks CCD8Spb_UVE-00135-00037750-00038341 okay so cup Z hmm it's not very hot or CCD8Spb_UVE-00136-00038342-00038758 hot it's not very cold or cold I would CCD8Spb_UVE-00137-00038759-00039040 say it's warm so I'm gonna circle a CCD8Spb_UVE-00138-00039041-00039451 little hot on my observation sheet okay CCD8Spb_UVE-00139-00039452-00039793 all right now I used this hand to do cup CCD8Spb_UVE-00140-00039794-00040123 X and cup Z now I want to measure cup Y CCD8Spb_UVE-00141-00040124-00040291 remember this is the one that has the CCD8Spb_UVE-00142-00040292-00040504 hot water so I'm gonna take my other CCD8Spb_UVE-00143-00040505-00040822 hand and use that as the new testing CCD8Spb_UVE-00144-00040823-00041601 finger ready that feels nice feels like CCD8Spb_UVE-00145-00041602-00042016 nice steamy hot water like when you just CCD8Spb_UVE-00146-00042017-00042286 run a piping hot bath and you're gonna CCD8Spb_UVE-00147-00042287-00042505 get in and you're testing the water out CCD8Spb_UVE-00148-00042506-00042706 with your finger first it feels nice and CCD8Spb_UVE-00149-00042707-00042958 hot but it's not too hot it doesn't feel CCD8Spb_UVE-00150-00042959-00043258 like it's burning me okay I dry my CCD8Spb_UVE-00151-00043259-00043459 finger off and I'm gonna come over here CCD8Spb_UVE-00152-00043460-00043870 to my observation sheet cup Y here are CCD8Spb_UVE-00153-00043871-00043921 the choices CCD8Spb_UVE-00154-00043922-00044394 very hot hi a little hot a little cold CCD8Spb_UVE-00155-00044395-00044686 cold or very cold which one do you think CCD8Spb_UVE-00156-00044687-00044989 I'm gonna pick CCD8Spb_UVE-00157-00044990-00045245 I'm going to pick hot CCD8Spb_UVE-00158-00045246-00045506 I would pick very hot if it was like CCD8Spb_UVE-00159-00045507-00045814 burning my finger but it was just hot CCD8Spb_UVE-00160-00045815-00046154 okay so this one is very cold and this CCD8Spb_UVE-00161-00046155-00046370 one is hot now I'm gonna take the same CCD8Spb_UVE-00162-00046371-00046688 finger that I just used in cup Y and I'm CCD8Spb_UVE-00163-00046689-00046904 gonna put it into cup Z let's see how it CCD8Spb_UVE-00164-00046905-00047005 feels CCD8Spb_UVE-00165-00047006-00047492 whoa it feels chilly that's so funny CCD8Spb_UVE-00166-00047493-00047723 remember it felt warm with this finger CCD8Spb_UVE-00167-00047724-00048110 now with this finger it feels cool how CCD8Spb_UVE-00168-00048111-00048194 interesting CCD8Spb_UVE-00169-00048195-00048425 okay so I'm going to go back to my CCD8Spb_UVE-00170-00048426-00048635 observation sheet and I'm gonna mark CCD8Spb_UVE-00171-00048636-00048958 that cup Z this time felt a little cold CCD8Spb_UVE-00172-00048959-00049886 hmm interesting CCD8Spb_UVE-00173-00049887-00050184 okay so which cup of water was the CCD8Spb_UVE-00174-00050185-00050570 hottest you know CCD8Spb_UVE-00175-00050571-00050807 yeah it was cup why the one that I put CCD8Spb_UVE-00176-00050808-00051107 hot water into which cup of water was CCD8Spb_UVE-00177-00051108-00051304 the coldest CCD8Spb_UVE-00178-00051304-00051544 yeah it was definitely cup X the one CCD8Spb_UVE-00179-00051545-00051895 that I put ice water into now how could CCD8Spb_UVE-00180-00051896-00052120 you measure temperature so that we could CCD8Spb_UVE-00181-00052121-00052246 make comparisons CCD8Spb_UVE-00182-00052247-00052414 remember when we were measuring rainfall CCD8Spb_UVE-00183-00052415-00052696 we wanted to be able to compare well CCD8Spb_UVE-00184-00052697-00053067 now I'm confused because cup Z felt warm CCD8Spb_UVE-00185-00053069-00053323 the first time in fo cool the second CCD8Spb_UVE-00186-00053324-00053580 time so how can I actually take a real CCD8Spb_UVE-00187-00053582-00053836 measurement of the temperature of all of CCD8Spb_UVE-00188-00053837-00054237 these cups do you have any ideas CCD8Spb_UVE-00189-00054238-00054463 you CCD8Spb_UVE-00190-00054464-00054813 okay this is a tool called a thermometer CCD8Spb_UVE-00191-00054814-00055012 a thermometer is used to measure CCD8Spb_UVE-00192-00055013-00055155 temperature have you ever heard of a CCD8Spb_UVE-00193-00055157-00055569 thermometer before maybe you have a CCD8Spb_UVE-00194-00055570-00056055 thermometer has two sides one side has CCD8Spb_UVE-00195-00056057-00056430 an F for Fahrenheit and the other side CCD8Spb_UVE-00196-00056432-00056812 has a C for Celsius these are two CCD8Spb_UVE-00197-00056813-00057079 different systems of measurement here in CCD8Spb_UVE-00198-00057079-00057432 America we use Fahrenheit most countries CCD8Spb_UVE-00199-00057433-00057649 in the world use Celsius since we're in CCD8Spb_UVE-00200-00057650-00057811 America we're going to be taking all of CCD8Spb_UVE-00201-00057812-00058154 our measurements using Fahrenheit CCD8Spb_UVE-00202-00058155-00058376 okay so let me show you how to make a CCD8Spb_UVE-00203-00058377-00058649 reading off of a thermometer a CCD8Spb_UVE-00204-00058650-00058923 thermometer has this red liquid inside CCD8Spb_UVE-00205-00058924-00059087 of it and when it gets hot the red CCD8Spb_UVE-00206-00059088-00059340 liquid rises up and when it gets cold CCD8Spb_UVE-00207-00059341-00059697 the red liquid sinks down and so by CCD8Spb_UVE-00208-00059698-00059934 looking at the end of the red liquid and CCD8Spb_UVE-00209-00059935-00060141 comparing it to these numbers on the CCD8Spb_UVE-00210-00060141-00060473 side we can take a measurement so you CCD8Spb_UVE-00211-00060474-00060828 can see that these long lines go up by CCD8Spb_UVE-00212-00060829-00061312 tens so 10 20 30 40 50 and so on in CCD8Spb_UVE-00213-00061313-00061637 between are these shorter lines these CCD8Spb_UVE-00214-00061638-00061904 shorter lines are choose so we would CCD8Spb_UVE-00215-00061905-00062729 count up for example 22 24 26 28 30 so CCD8Spb_UVE-00216-00062730-00062867 the way that you take a measurement is CCD8Spb_UVE-00217-00062868-00063060 you go to the end of the red line and CCD8Spb_UVE-00218-00063061-00063269 you compare it to these lines and you CCD8Spb_UVE-00219-00063270-00063459 take a measurement can you figure out CCD8Spb_UVE-00220-00063460-00063666 the measurement in degrees Fahrenheit of CCD8Spb_UVE-00221-00063666-00063879 this measurement on the thermometer I'll CCD8Spb_UVE-00222-00063879-00064610 give you a second to look CCD8Spb_UVE-00223-00064611-00064961 do you have your answer CCD8Spb_UVE-00224-00064962-00065213 this is showing about 44 degrees and CCD8Spb_UVE-00225-00065214-00065507 here's how I found that answer I saw CCD8Spb_UVE-00226-00065508-00065849 that it was the red line went past 40 CCD8Spb_UVE-00227-00065850-00066107 but it didn't go all the way to 50 so CCD8Spb_UVE-00228-00066108-00066260 I'm going to start at 40 and I'm going CCD8Spb_UVE-00229-00066261-00066464 to count up by twos until I get to the CCD8Spb_UVE-00230-00066465-00066980 end of the red line so 40 42 44 see how CCD8Spb_UVE-00231-00066981-00067268 the red line stops right here that tells CCD8Spb_UVE-00232-00067269-00067424 me that this is a measurement of 44 CCD8Spb_UVE-00233-00067425-00067468 degrees CCD8Spb_UVE-00234-00067469-00067765 let's practice CCD8Spb_UVE-00235-00067766-00067939 I'll give you a second to look at this CCD8Spb_UVE-00236-00067940-00068125 thermometer and decide what you think CCD8Spb_UVE-00237-00068126-00068992 the measurement is in degrees Fahrenheit CCD8Spb_UVE-00238-00068993-00069367 what did you get CCD8Spb_UVE-00239-00069368-00069807 I got sixty degrees Fahrenheit and went CCD8Spb_UVE-00240-00069808-00070072 to the top of the red line and it CCD8Spb_UVE-00241-00070073-00070275 stopped right here at one of these long CCD8Spb_UVE-00242-00070276-00070461 lines that's marked with a 60 so that CCD8Spb_UVE-00243-00070462-00070678 one was pretty easy you want to try a CCD8Spb_UVE-00244-00070679-00071526 second one great CCD8Spb_UVE-00245-00071527-00071844 you CCD8Spb_UVE-00246-00071845-00072147 what did you get CCD8Spb_UVE-00247-00072148-00072465 I got 88 degrees Fahrenheit I went to CCD8Spb_UVE-00248-00072466-00072675 the end of the red line I saw that it CCD8Spb_UVE-00249-00072676-00072945 was more than 80 but less than 90 so I CCD8Spb_UVE-00250-00072946-00073187 started at 80 and I counted up by twos CCD8Spb_UVE-00251-00073188-00073829 80 82 84 86 88 CCD8Spb_UVE-00252-00073830-00074222 let's try another one CCD8Spb_UVE-00253-00074223-00074669 you CCD8Spb_UVE-00254-00074670-00074976 what did you get CCD8Spb_UVE-00255-00074977-00075312 I got 21 degrees if you go to the end of CCD8Spb_UVE-00256-00075313-00075555 the red line it looks almost like it's CCD8Spb_UVE-00257-00075556-00075762 exactly at 20 but it goes up just a CCD8Spb_UVE-00258-00075763-00076113 little bit but not all the way to 22 so CCD8Spb_UVE-00259-00076114-00076303 I marked this as 21 degrees CCD8Spb_UVE-00260-00076304-00076615 if you said 20 or 22 or something close CCD8Spb_UVE-00261-00076616-00076725 that's okay CCD8Spb_UVE-00262-00076726-00076867 sometimes it can be a little tricky to CCD8Spb_UVE-00263-00076868-00077250 read exactly where the red line is CCD8Spb_UVE-00264-00077251-00077513 all right so we want to take some actual CCD8Spb_UVE-00265-00077514-00077754 thermometer measurements of the CCD8Spb_UVE-00266-00077755-00077925 temperature of our three cups that we CCD8Spb_UVE-00267-00077926-00078150 test it with our fingers earlier if you CCD8Spb_UVE-00268-00078151-00078297 want to measure these on your own at CCD8Spb_UVE-00269-00078298-00078540 home and you have thermometers rate you CCD8Spb_UVE-00270-00078541-00078780 can pause this video right now and use CCD8Spb_UVE-00271-00078781-00079110 these directions to do so if not you can CCD8Spb_UVE-00272-00079111-00079278 just keep right on along with me and CCD8Spb_UVE-00273-00079279-00079601 we'll measure together CCD8Spb_UVE-00274-00079602-00079925 may expand my screen and show you what CCD8Spb_UVE-00275-00079926-00079988 I'm gonna do CCD8Spb_UVE-00276-00079989-00080344 so I've got my ice water and X CCD8Spb_UVE-00277-00080345-00080776 and I've got my hot water in why and I CCD8Spb_UVE-00278-00080777-00081046 have my tap water in Z and I'm going to CCD8Spb_UVE-00279-00081047-00081745 take really see these here and then I'm CCD8Spb_UVE-00280-00081746-00081877 just going to take a thermometer and CCD8Spb_UVE-00281-00081878-00082264 place a thermometer in each one now CCD8Spb_UVE-00282-00082265-00082539 here's a little tip about using CCD8Spb_UVE-00283-00082540-00082948 thermometers it takes a minute for them CCD8Spb_UVE-00284-00082949-00083374 to show a measurement you can't just pop CCD8Spb_UVE-00285-00083375-00083578 it in and then boom the measurement CCD8Spb_UVE-00286-00083579-00083734 comes out you have to give the red CCD8Spb_UVE-00287-00083735-00084019 liquid inside a couple of minutes to get CCD8Spb_UVE-00288-00084020-00084271 up to where it's going to show you an CCD8Spb_UVE-00289-00084272-00084556 accurate which means correct measurement CCD8Spb_UVE-00290-00084557-00084798 so I'm going to give these a minute and CCD8Spb_UVE-00291-00084799-00085036 we'll come back together in a second and CCD8Spb_UVE-00292-00085037-00085437 check them CCD8Spb_UVE-00293-00085438-00085585 you CCD8Spb_UVE-00294-00085586-00085886 okay welcome back my thermometers have CCD8Spb_UVE-00295-00085887-00086063 been sitting for a few minutes and now CCD8Spb_UVE-00296-00086064-00086396 I'm ready to take a reading so let's CCD8Spb_UVE-00297-00086397-00086654 start with X which was the ice water you CCD8Spb_UVE-00298-00086655-00086801 can see I put the thermometer in and I CCD8Spb_UVE-00299-00086802-00086990 really zoomed in so that you can take a CCD8Spb_UVE-00300-00086991-00087173 reading for yourself I'll give you a CCD8Spb_UVE-00301-00087174-00087311 minute to look at it and you tell me CCD8Spb_UVE-00302-00087312-00087662 what you think cup X is CCD8Spb_UVE-00303-00087663-00087987 you CCD8Spb_UVE-00304-00087988-00088371 what do you think I thought it was about CCD8Spb_UVE-00305-00088372-00088785 44 degrees I got that by starting at 40 CCD8Spb_UVE-00306-00088786-00089046 and counting up by twos until I got to CCD8Spb_UVE-00307-00089047-00089415 the end of the red line like this 42 44 CCD8Spb_UVE-00308-00089416-00089730 if you said 43 or something really close CCD8Spb_UVE-00309-00089731-00089946 that's okay we don't have to be exact CCD8Spb_UVE-00310-00089947-00090354 right now so I made a little table for CCD8Spb_UVE-00311-00090355-00090537 us to put our investigation data into CCD8Spb_UVE-00312-00090538-00090819 for cup X I put 44 degrees because CCD8Spb_UVE-00313-00090820-00091059 that's the measurement we just took now CCD8Spb_UVE-00314-00091060-00091269 let's do cup Y I'll give you a second to CCD8Spb_UVE-00315-00091270-00092011 look at cup Y and read the measurement CCD8Spb_UVE-00316-00092012-00092254 what you get CCD8Spb_UVE-00317-00092255-00092469 I thought it looked like about 95 CCD8Spb_UVE-00318-00092470-00092767 degrees I started at 90 and then I CCD8Spb_UVE-00319-00092768-00093166 counted by twos 92 94 I didn't think it CCD8Spb_UVE-00320-00093167-00093469 went all the way to 96 so but I thought CCD8Spb_UVE-00321-00093470-00093772 it went a little past 94 so I said 95 if CCD8Spb_UVE-00322-00093773-00093904 you said somewhere in there CCD8Spb_UVE-00323-00093905-00094153 great so in our temperature CCD8Spb_UVE-00324-00094154-00094384 investigation for cup why I'm putting 95 CCD8Spb_UVE-00325-00094385-00094730 degrees now let's do cup C CCD8Spb_UVE-00326-00094731-00094871 I'll give you a second to try to guess CCD8Spb_UVE-00327-00094872-00095192 come see CCD8Spb_UVE-00328-00095193-00095476 you CCD8Spb_UVE-00329-00095477-00095769 would you get I thought it looked like CCD8Spb_UVE-00330-00095770-00096091 about 66 degrees I started at 60 and CCD8Spb_UVE-00331-00096092-00096748 then I counted up by twos 62 64 66 so of CCD8Spb_UVE-00332-00096749-00096963 these three cups which cup of water was CCD8Spb_UVE-00333-00096964-00097285 the hottest CCD8Spb_UVE-00334-00097286-00097606 yeah it was cup why when you put the CCD8Spb_UVE-00335-00097607-00097862 measurements all in the same unit you CCD8Spb_UVE-00336-00097863-00098036 can easily tell which one is the hottest CCD8Spb_UVE-00337-00098037-00098297 it was cup y which cup of water was the CCD8Spb_UVE-00338-00098298-00098779 coldest CCD8Spb_UVE-00339-00098780-00099154 yeah it was cup X again it's really easy CCD8Spb_UVE-00340-00099155-00099379 to compare these three measurements CCD8Spb_UVE-00341-00099380-00099553 because they're all in the same unit CCD8Spb_UVE-00342-00099554-00099928 which is degrees Fahrenheit now I want CCD8Spb_UVE-00343-00099929-00100179 you to try something I want you to CCD8Spb_UVE-00344-00100180-00100453 visualize in your mind how hot or cold CCD8Spb_UVE-00345-00100454-00100812 you think 50 degrees Fahrenheit is if CCD8Spb_UVE-00346-00100813-00100980 you were describing this temperature to CCD8Spb_UVE-00347-00100981-00101191 a friend how would you describe it I'll CCD8Spb_UVE-00348-00101192-00102338 give you a minute CCD8Spb_UVE-00349-00102339-00102643 okay I want to show you some temperature CCD8Spb_UVE-00350-00102644-00102803 benchmarks that might help you decide CCD8Spb_UVE-00351-00102804-00103218 how hot or cold 50 degrees would feel so CCD8Spb_UVE-00352-00103219-00103478 93 degrees Fahrenheit right here at the CCD8Spb_UVE-00353-00103479-00103633 top of the temperature benchmarks is CCD8Spb_UVE-00354-00103634-00103960 actually pretty hot 93 degrees CCD8Spb_UVE-00355-00103961-00104191 Fahrenheit is the melting point for CCD8Spb_UVE-00356-00104192-00104300 chocolate so if you've ever held CCD8Spb_UVE-00357-00104301-00104503 chocolate in your hand it starts to melt CCD8Spb_UVE-00358-00104504-00104678 because our bodies are even warmer than CCD8Spb_UVE-00359-00104679-00105122 93 70 degrees Fahrenheit is the average CCD8Spb_UVE-00360-00105123-00105385 temperature of most buildings that were CCD8Spb_UVE-00361-00105386-00105715 in so your home or your school building CCD8Spb_UVE-00362-00105716-00105944 places like that humans feel really CCD8Spb_UVE-00363-00105945-00106270 comfortable at 70 degrees Fahrenheit CCD8Spb_UVE-00364-00106271-00106481 forty degrees Fahrenheit is the CCD8Spb_UVE-00365-00106482-00106643 temperature of most people's CCD8Spb_UVE-00366-00106644-00106909 refrigerators so when you get a nice CCD8Spb_UVE-00367-00106910-00107093 cold drink out of your fridge it's CCD8Spb_UVE-00368-00107094-00107432 usually at about 40 degrees and 32 CCD8Spb_UVE-00369-00107433-00107570 degrees Fahrenheit do you know what that CCD8Spb_UVE-00370-00107571-00107833 is that's the temperature that water CCD8Spb_UVE-00371-00107834-00108061 freezes into ice so 32 degrees CCD8Spb_UVE-00372-00108063-00108413 Fahrenheit is considered freezing so now CCD8Spb_UVE-00373-00108414-00108668 that you know that 50 degrees would be CCD8Spb_UVE-00374-00108669-00108979 somewhere in here does that change how CCD8Spb_UVE-00375-00108980-00109337 you think 50 degrees might feel CCD8Spb_UVE-00376-00109338-00109526 you CCD8Spb_UVE-00377-00109527-00110159 cool so here are some new ideas that I CCD8Spb_UVE-00378-00110160-00110388 learned today last time we learned that CCD8Spb_UVE-00379-00110389-00110556 scientists use millimeters to measure CCD8Spb_UVE-00380-00110557-00110733 rainfall so that the data is easy to CCD8Spb_UVE-00381-00110733-00110996 compare and my question from the last CCD8Spb_UVE-00382-00110997-00111266 investigation was is there a common CCD8Spb_UVE-00383-00111267-00111541 measurement for temperature CCD8Spb_UVE-00384-00111542-00111754 I'm so excited because my question from CCD8Spb_UVE-00385-00111755-00112003 last time got answered today scientists CCD8Spb_UVE-00386-00112004-00112145 do use a common measurement for CCD8Spb_UVE-00387-00112146-00112370 temperature my new idea for today is CCD8Spb_UVE-00388-00112371-00112579 that scientists use degrees to measure CCD8Spb_UVE-00389-00112580-00112759 temperature using a thermometer CCD8Spb_UVE-00390-00112760-00113008 this makes temperature data easy to CCD8Spb_UVE-00391-00113009-00113350 compare and to visualize my question CCD8Spb_UVE-00392-00113351-00113572 moving forward is which of the three CCD8Spb_UVE-00393-00113573-00113758 islands is the hottest and rainiest CCD8Spb_UVE-00394-00113759-00113974 because now that we know how to easily CCD8Spb_UVE-00395-00113975-00114301 measure rainfall and temperature we need CCD8Spb_UVE-00396-00114302-00114529 more data in order to decide which of CCD8Spb_UVE-00397-00114530-00114691 those three islands would be the best CCD8Spb_UVE-00398-00114692-00114920 for the reserve I can't wait to see you CCD8Spb_UVE-00399-00114921-00115129 next time looking forward to it CCD8Spb_UVE-00400-00115130-00115509 signing off stay curious CCD8Spb_UVE-00401-00115510-00115552 you CCD8Spb_UVE-00402-00115553-00115859 [Music] CDnq_nkyfqu-00000-00000054-00000478 James Edward Gunn born October 21st 1938 CDnq_nkyfqu-00001-00000479-00000668 is the Eugene Higgins professor of CDnq_nkyfqu-00002-00000669-00000950 astronomy at Princeton University Gunn's CDnq_nkyfqu-00003-00000951-00001174 early theoretical work in astronomy has CDnq_nkyfqu-00004-00001175-00001298 helped establish the current CDnq_nkyfqu-00005-00001299-00001520 understanding of how galaxies form and CDnq_nkyfqu-00006-00001521-00001688 the properties of the space between CDnq_nkyfqu-00007-00001689-00002005 galaxies he also suggested important CDnq_nkyfqu-00008-00002007-00002195 observational tests to confirm the CDnq_nkyfqu-00009-00002196-00002411 presence of dark matter in galaxies and CDnq_nkyfqu-00010-00002412-00002576 predicted the existence of a gun' CDnq_nkyfqu-00011-00002577-00002735 peterson trough in the spectra of CDnq_nkyfqu-00012-00002736-00003077 distant quasars much of guns later work CDnq_nkyfqu-00013-00003078-00003251 has involved leadership in major CDnq_nkyfqu-00014-00003252-00003547 observational projects he developed CDnq_nkyfqu-00015-00003549-00003736 plans for one of the first uses of CDnq_nkyfqu-00016-00003738-00003940 digital camera technology for space CDnq_nkyfqu-00017-00003942-00004163 observation a project that led to the CDnq_nkyfqu-00018-00004164-00004361 Sloan Digital Sky Survey the most CDnq_nkyfqu-00019-00004362-00004562 extensive three-dimensional mapping of CDnq_nkyfqu-00020-00004563-00004817 the universe ever undertaken he also CDnq_nkyfqu-00021-00004818-00005015 played a major role with the wide field CDnq_nkyfqu-00022-00005016-00005213 and Planetary camera on the hubble space CDnq_nkyfqu-00023-00005214-00005531 telescope gun earned his bachelor's CDnq_nkyfqu-00024-00005532-00005720 degree at Rice University in Houston CDnq_nkyfqu-00025-00005721-00006065 Texas in 1961 and his PhD from the CDnq_nkyfqu-00026-00006066-00006229 California Institute of Technology CDnq_nkyfqu-00027-00006230-00006659 Caltech in 1965 he joined the Faculty of CDnq_nkyfqu-00028-00006659-00006880 Princeton University two years later CDnq_nkyfqu-00029-00006881-00007133 subsequently he worked at the University CDnq_nkyfqu-00030-00007134-00007334 of California at Berkeley and Caltech CDnq_nkyfqu-00031-00007334-00007580 before returning to Princeton he is CDnq_nkyfqu-00032-00007581-00007771 married to the astronomer Jillian Knapp CDnq_nkyfqu-00033-00007772-00007970 and they have two children Humberto and CDnq_nkyfqu-00034-00007970-00008376 Marlene Egon CDnq_nkyfqu-00035-00008377-00008869 topic honors CDnq_nkyfqu-00036-00008870-00009287 MacArthur Fellow 1983 Distinguished CDnq_nkyfqu-00037-00009288-00009737 Alumnus award Rice University 1987 hymen CDnq_nkyfqu-00038-00009738-00010094 prize 1988 gold medal of the Royal CDnq_nkyfqu-00039-00010095-00010532 Astronomical Society 1994 Petrie Prize CDnq_nkyfqu-00040-00010533-00010982 Canadian Astronomical Society 2001 Josef CDnq_nkyfqu-00041-00010983-00011171 Weber award American Astronomical CDnq_nkyfqu-00042-00011172-00011587 Society 2002 Distinguished Alumnus award CDnq_nkyfqu-00043-00011588-00011974 California Institute of Technology 2002 CDnq_nkyfqu-00044-00011975-00012248 craford prize with James Peebles and CDnq_nkyfqu-00045-00012249-00012632 Martin Rees 2005 Henry Morris Russell CDnq_nkyfqu-00046-00012633-00012779 lectureship of the American Astronomical CDnq_nkyfqu-00047-00012780-00013393 Society 2005 Gruber cosmology price 2005 CDnq_nkyfqu-00048-00013394-00013637 honorary degree from the University of CDnq_nkyfqu-00049-00013638-00013896 Portsmouth 2006 CDnq_nkyfqu-00050-00013897-00014274 National Medal of Science 2008 Bruce CDnq_nkyfqu-00051-00014275-00014505 medal of the Astronomical Society of the CDnq_nkyfqu-00052-00014506-00014950 Pacific 2013 CDnq_nkyfqu-00053-00014951-00015509 topic further reading CDnq_nkyfqu-00054-00015510-00015836 NK Finkbeiner a grand and bold thing an CDnq_nkyfqu-00055-00015837-00016028 extraordinary new map of the universe CDnq_nkyfqu-00056-00016029-00016304 assuring in a new era of discovery 2010 CDnq_nkyfqu-00057-00016305-00016794 on the Sloan Digital Sky Survey CDnq_nkyfqu-00058-00016795-00017196 topic references CDnq_nkyfqu-00059-00017197-00017362 you CDnq_nkyfqu-00060-00017363-00017569 you CG20KiKm1Fy-00000-00000000-00000289 hi and welcome to nclibraries don't lose CG20KiKm1Fy-00001-00000290-00000559 sight of avoiding plagiarism it's the CG20KiKm1Fy-00002-00000560-00000751 cut and paste world but if you aren't CG20KiKm1Fy-00003-00000752-00000928 careful you could find yourself accused CG20KiKm1Fy-00004-00000930-00001303 of academic dishonesty this video will CG20KiKm1Fy-00005-00001304-00001568 define plagiarism describe some common CG20KiKm1Fy-00006-00001569-00001805 forms of plagiarism and explain how to CG20KiKm1Fy-00007-00001805-00002231 avoid it in your own work plagiarism can CG20KiKm1Fy-00008-00002232-00002504 have serious consequences at Niagara CG20KiKm1Fy-00009-00002505-00002708 College penalties can range from a grade 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graphics and photographs are courtesy of CG20KiKm1Fy-00091-00022204-00022665 either or open clipart org CHEHQRHvSFA-00000-00000002-00000323 we saw so many different kinds of CHEHQRHvSFA-00001-00000324-00000532 Partnerships I mean so many different CHEHQRHvSFA-00002-00000533-00000749 kinds like some where people felt they CHEHQRHvSFA-00003-00000750-00000886 found their soul mate and they were CHEHQRHvSFA-00004-00000888-00001115 inseparable some where people lived CHEHQRHvSFA-00005-00001116-00001324 really Separate Lives CHEHQRHvSFA-00006-00001325-00001745 some nasty relationships CHEHQRHvSFA-00007-00001746-00002134 um and you know a bunch of divorces but CHEHQRHvSFA-00008-00002135-00002302 you know the thing there were some CHEHQRHvSFA-00009-00002303-00002447 characteristics that were really CHEHQRHvSFA-00010-00002448-00002807 important one was that we realized that CHEHQRHvSFA-00011-00002808-00002992 you know here were two people who CHEHQRHvSFA-00012-00002993-00003215 decided to get together and to stay CHEHQRHvSFA-00013-00003215-00003395 together and CHEHQRHvSFA-00014-00003396-00003736 all of us are moving targets all of us CHEHQRHvSFA-00015-00003738-00003947 are changing every day right and you CHEHQRHvSFA-00016-00003947-00004120 realize that when you get together with CHEHQRHvSFA-00017-00004121-00004379 someone you're changing that person is CHEHQRHvSFA-00018-00004380-00004631 changing you are not going to be the CHEHQRHvSFA-00019-00004632-00004715 people CHEHQRHvSFA-00020-00004716-00004985 10 years hence that you that you were CHEHQRHvSFA-00021-00004986-00005201 when you got together so how do you deal CHEHQRHvSFA-00022-00005202-00005411 with two moving targets moving together CHEHQRHvSFA-00023-00005412-00005615 and I think one of the things we found CHEHQRHvSFA-00024-00005616-00005885 was that the couples that were the most CHEHQRHvSFA-00025-00005886-00006143 satisfied were the couples who really CHEHQRHvSFA-00026-00006144-00006467 welcomed change in the other person and CHEHQRHvSFA-00027-00006468-00006755 rolled with it and adapted to it and CHEHQRHvSFA-00028-00006756-00006989 supported somebody in Taking Chances CHEHQRHvSFA-00029-00006990-00007241 trying new things that kind of thing it CHEHQRHvSFA-00030-00007242-00007523 didn't insist that somebody be who they CHEHQRHvSFA-00031-00007523-00007739 were you know on the day they got CHEHQRHvSFA-00032-00007740-00007919 married or the day they had their first CHEHQRHvSFA-00033-00007920-00008155 date that that is a recipe for disaster CHEHQRHvSFA-00034-00008156-00008519 the other thing is that the people who CHEHQRHvSFA-00035-00008520-00008717 were the most satisfied were people who CHEHQRHvSFA-00036-00008718-00008927 kept being curious about their Partners CHEHQRHvSFA-00037-00008928-00009191 so one of the things they find in in CHEHQRHvSFA-00038-00009192-00009485 research studies is that we are most CHEHQRHvSFA-00039-00009486-00009719 tuned into our partners when we first CHEHQRHvSFA-00040-00009720-00009935 start dating and if you think about it CHEHQRHvSFA-00041-00009936-00010067 it makes sense because you're like CHEHQRHvSFA-00042-00010068-00010264 worrying all the time is this person CHEHQRHvSFA-00043-00010265-00010463 into me what are they thinking what are CHEHQRHvSFA-00044-00010464-00010589 they feeling right so you're really CHEHQRHvSFA-00045-00010590-00010756 preoccupied with what this what's going CHEHQRHvSFA-00046-00010757-00011038 on for this person and then as we stay CHEHQRHvSFA-00047-00011039-00011381 together we think ah yeah I know what CHEHQRHvSFA-00048-00011382-00011506 they're gonna say I know what they're CHEHQRHvSFA-00049-00011507-00011795 gonna do you know and then then what CHEHQRHvSFA-00050-00011796-00011969 they find is that people are actually CHEHQRHvSFA-00051-00011970-00012185 less tuned into their Partners the CHEHQRHvSFA-00052-00012186-00012419 longer they've been together in CHEHQRHvSFA-00053-00012420-00012683 perfectly good stable relationships so CHEHQRHvSFA-00054-00012684-00012869 one of the things we found was that the CHEHQRHvSFA-00055-00012869-00012996 people who CHEHQRHvSFA-00056-00012997-00013330 managed to keep relationships vibrant CHEHQRHvSFA-00057-00013331-00013516 were the people who kept being curious CHEHQRHvSFA-00058-00013518-00013738 about their partner who is this person CHEHQRHvSFA-00059-00013740-00013955 today actually one of my meditation CHEHQRHvSFA-00060-00013956-00014188 teachers taught me this exercise this CHEHQRHvSFA-00061-00014190-00014416 meditation that's really useful you can CHEHQRHvSFA-00062-00014418-00014621 use it in relationships the question you CHEHQRHvSFA-00063-00014622-00015047 ask yourself is what's here now that CHEHQRHvSFA-00064-00015047-00015238 I've never noticed before CHEHQRHvSFA-00065-00015240-00015455 you know so you could it could be while CHEHQRHvSFA-00066-00015456-00015622 while you're sitting in breathing which CHEHQRHvSFA-00067-00015623-00015808 you've done thousands of times right or CHEHQRHvSFA-00068-00015809-00015947 it could be while you're having dinner CHEHQRHvSFA-00069-00015947-00016175 with your partner you know which you've CHEHQRHvSFA-00070-00016176-00016403 done over and over again what's here now CHEHQRHvSFA-00071-00016404-00016619 that I've never noticed before and see CHEHQRHvSFA-00072-00016620-00017087 what comes up CHEHQRHvSFA-00073-00017088-00017867 [Music] CLeeGGNAYeQ-00000-00000112-00001491 [Music] CLeeGGNAYeQ-00001-00001492-00002093 so CLeeGGNAYeQ-00002-00002094-00004283 [Music] CLeeGGNAYeQ-00003-00004284-00004733 do CLeeGGNAYeQ-00004-00004734-00005683 [Music] CLeeGGNAYeQ-00005-00005684-00005983 do CLeeGGNAYeQ-00006-00005984-00008483 [Music] CLeeGGNAYeQ-00007-00008484-00008742 so CLeeGGNAYeQ-00008-00008743-00011283 [Music] CLeeGGNAYeQ-00009-00011284-00011408 so CLeeGGNAYeQ-00010-00011409-00012683 [Music] CLeeGGNAYeQ-00011-00012684-00013211 so CLeeGGNAYeQ-00012-00013212-00014083 [Music] CLeeGGNAYeQ-00013-00014084-00014456 so CLeeGGNAYeQ-00014-00014457-00016883 [Music] CLeeGGNAYeQ-00015-00016884-00017043 so CLeeGGNAYeQ-00017-00022484-00022603 so CLeeGGNAYeQ-00018-00022604-00025283 [Music] CLeeGGNAYeQ-00019-00025284-00025747 so CLeeGGNAYeQ-00020-00025748-00027735 [Music] CLeeGGNAYeQ-00021-00027736-00027944 you CM7wSiXk7Z0-00000-00000003-00000218 hi my name is annex and I work as an CM7wSiXk7Z0-00001-00000219-00000413 expert speaker in the Estonian century CM7wSiXk7Z0-00002-00000413-00000596 I'm super happy to ask all of you to CM7wSiXk7Z0-00003-00000597-00000815 come to Brigade accomplice party to CM7wSiXk7Z0-00004-00000816-00001033 listen to my speech where I'll be CM7wSiXk7Z0-00005-00001034-00001256 talking about a stunning example of duty CM7wSiXk7Z0-00006-00001257-00001457 to society what are the solutions that CM7wSiXk7Z0-00007-00001458-00001648 we use here and how we the small state CM7wSiXk7Z0-00008-00001650-00001784 got to the point that everything is CM7wSiXk7Z0-00009-00001785-00002005 working the line I'm really excited to CM7wSiXk7Z0-00010-00002007-00002176 see you on alert and can't wait to CM7wSiXk7Z0-00011-00002177-00002549 answer aggressions see in our right CM7wSiXk7Z0-00012-00002550-00004471 [Music] CM9NP8BWazE-00000-00000488-00000678 i'm gareth stevenson i'm the head chef CM9NP8BWazE-00001-00000679-00000886 at palais hall hotel and restaurant just CM9NP8BWazE-00002-00000888-00001278 on the outskirts snowdonia near balor CM9NP8BWazE-00003-00001279-00001454 it's important to focus on CM9NP8BWazE-00004-00001455-00001663 sustainability because i believe we've CM9NP8BWazE-00005-00001664-00001910 got an obligation and a responsibility CM9NP8BWazE-00006-00001911-00002134 to leave our surroundings and our CM9NP8BWazE-00007-00002135-00002287 environment in a better place for our CM9NP8BWazE-00008-00002288-00002534 children and grandchildren CM9NP8BWazE-00009-00002535-00002767 part of that is taking care of the land CM9NP8BWazE-00010-00002768-00003007 and all the people or creatures that are CM9NP8BWazE-00011-00003008-00003199 on it CM9NP8BWazE-00012-00003200-00003375 this year we were recognised with CM9NP8BWazE-00013-00003376-00003679 wales's only green michelin star that's CM9NP8BWazE-00014-00003679-00003870 an important focal point for us when CM9NP8BWazE-00015-00003871-00004054 we're developing our dishes and writing CM9NP8BWazE-00016-00004055-00004222 our menus and it's an ethos that's CM9NP8BWazE-00017-00004223-00004447 carried throughout the hotel CM9NP8BWazE-00018-00004448-00004670 whether it's staff welfare CM9NP8BWazE-00019-00004671-00004935 the materials used for our uniforms the CM9NP8BWazE-00020-00004936-00005095 materials even for the paper that goes CM9NP8BWazE-00021-00005096-00005318 into the rooms or the menus CM9NP8BWazE-00022-00005319-00005511 it forms a backbone to everything that CM9NP8BWazE-00023-00005512-00005683 we try and do CM9NP8BWazE-00024-00005684-00005911 here at palais we've got an onsite CM9NP8BWazE-00025-00005912-00006151 hydroelectric generator that's powered CM9NP8BWazE-00026-00006152-00006327 the hotel's electric since the early CM9NP8BWazE-00027-00006328-00006510 20th century CM9NP8BWazE-00028-00006511-00006734 it's been updated by the current owners CM9NP8BWazE-00029-00006736-00006903 we grow our own CM9NP8BWazE-00030-00006904-00007142 micro herbs salads and salad vegetables CM9NP8BWazE-00031-00007143-00007270 on site CM9NP8BWazE-00032-00007272-00007510 all our chutneys and preserves are made CM9NP8BWazE-00033-00007511-00007727 with apples and pears from our orchard CM9NP8BWazE-00034-00007728-00007942 and that's fueled and fed by compost CM9NP8BWazE-00035-00007943-00008095 from our kitchen waste in the hotel CM9NP8BWazE-00036-00008095-00008295 kitchens CM9NP8BWazE-00037-00008296-00008407 i think the next step on our CM9NP8BWazE-00038-00008408-00008614 sustainability journey is to really CM9NP8BWazE-00039-00008615-00008839 focus on green and renewable energies CM9NP8BWazE-00040-00008840-00009095 and supporting our local suppliers CM9NP8BWazE-00041-00009096-00009255 farmers and producers CM9NP8BWazE-00042-00009256-00009446 in pushing us to the forefront of CM9NP8BWazE-00043-00009447-00009684 sustainable food production in the world CM9NP8BWazE-00044-00009685-00010000 [Music] CMcde5jMxzI-00000-00000107-00000455 yo YouTube I'm back and today I'm CMcde5jMxzI-00001-00000456-00000713 speaking with a fan who's also a very CMcde5jMxzI-00002-00000714-00000983 interesting man and he's doing really CMcde5jMxzI-00003-00000984-00001307 cool things in fact his name is cool CMcde5jMxzI-00004-00001308-00001565 please welcome Nate cool CMcde5jMxzI-00005-00001566-00001702 Nate thank you for joining me here today CMcde5jMxzI-00006-00001703-00001810 buddy CMcde5jMxzI-00007-00001811-00002087 thanks Ellie I appreciate it Nate you CMcde5jMxzI-00008-00002088-00002321 sent me an email several months ago and CMcde5jMxzI-00009-00002322-00002483 I think that's how you and I started CMcde5jMxzI-00010-00002484-00002699 communicating and it was probably over CMcde5jMxzI-00011-00002700-00002939 something a little catholic because you CMcde5jMxzI-00012-00002940-00003125 notice that you and I are both Catholic CMcde5jMxzI-00013-00003126-00003395 I'm kind of new but that's not even it CMcde5jMxzI-00014-00003396-00003653 I connected with you because you're a CMcde5jMxzI-00015-00003654-00003863 cool dude and you're doing some really CMcde5jMxzI-00016-00003864-00003988 interesting things CMcde5jMxzI-00017-00003989-00004193 yeah and so I'm gonna just drop this CMcde5jMxzI-00018-00004194-00004319 bomb but then I'm gonna let you pick up CMcde5jMxzI-00019-00004320-00004720 the pieces uh Nate is a father of many CMcde5jMxzI-00020-00004721-00004991 children did you say you had nine CMcde5jMxzI-00021-00004992-00005219 ten actually she's three weeks old now CMcde5jMxzI-00022-00005220-00005422 ten okay so he's got three and how old CMcde5jMxzI-00023-00005423-00005549 is the oldest CMcde5jMxzI-00024-00005550-00005872 uh 14 14 all the same woman CMcde5jMxzI-00025-00005873-00006268 yes God bless her soul and body CMcde5jMxzI-00026-00006269-00006581 yes absolutely so Nate's got ten kids CMcde5jMxzI-00027-00006581-00006755 and also CMcde5jMxzI-00028-00006756-00007078 at the time of that email was living in CMcde5jMxzI-00029-00007079-00007175 a bus CMcde5jMxzI-00030-00007176-00007492 and still okay all right so we got to CMcde5jMxzI-00031-00007493-00007828 catch up but he drove his family of nine CMcde5jMxzI-00032-00007829-00007931 plus CMcde5jMxzI-00033-00007931-00008285 his pregnant wife down from the uh the CMcde5jMxzI-00034-00008286-00008501 the northwest of the U.S I believe and CMcde5jMxzI-00035-00008502-00008777 now he's here in Florida in my old CMcde5jMxzI-00036-00008778-00009214 Hometown Saint Pete and so Nick tell us CMcde5jMxzI-00037-00009215-00009467 more about yourself dude CMcde5jMxzI-00038-00009468-00009719 all right well uh CMcde5jMxzI-00039-00009720-00010006 uh and more than just driving down from CMcde5jMxzI-00040-00010007-00010210 the Northwest we were coming from CMcde5jMxzI-00041-00010211-00010342 Western Montana CMcde5jMxzI-00042-00010343-00010564 uh I've actually we've actually been CMcde5jMxzI-00043-00010565-00010739 traveling the United States for two CMcde5jMxzI-00044-00010740-00011069 years in our bus and uh it's a pretty CMcde5jMxzI-00045-00011070-00011273 interesting story how we got there but CMcde5jMxzI-00046-00011274-00011551 uh we've been traveling between CMcde5jMxzI-00047-00011552-00012028 monasteries convents uh national parks CMcde5jMxzI-00048-00012029-00012388 beaches and mountains for two years just CMcde5jMxzI-00049-00012389-00012635 uh following our Lord's calling with all CMcde5jMxzI-00050-00012636-00012960 the kids backed up it's been pretty neat CMcde5jMxzI-00051-00012961-00013301 wow that's um that's quite a that's CMcde5jMxzI-00052-00013302-00013553 quite a lifestyle I know that recently CMcde5jMxzI-00053-00013554-00013871 this idea of living in a schooly has CMcde5jMxzI-00054-00013872-00014111 caught wind and just the climate of our CMcde5jMxzI-00055-00014112-00014303 time I guess it's difficult for young CMcde5jMxzI-00056-00014304-00014566 people and I even have a cousin and her CMcde5jMxzI-00057-00014568-00014836 fiance who are have been living in a bus CMcde5jMxzI-00058-00014837-00015143 and so it's almost like a it's in it's a CMcde5jMxzI-00059-00015144-00015293 it's a sign of the time I don't want to CMcde5jMxzI-00060-00015294-00015569 say it's trendy but you're you're right CMcde5jMxzI-00061-00015569-00015736 on time with where the world is going CMcde5jMxzI-00062-00015737-00015893 right now in many different ways CMcde5jMxzI-00063-00015894-00016235 including the fact that you you you live CMcde5jMxzI-00064-00016236-00016391 a traditional life you're not just a CMcde5jMxzI-00065-00016392-00016703 hippie in a bus or a gen Zer who's CMcde5jMxzI-00066-00016704-00016943 trying to rebel against the system or CMcde5jMxzI-00067-00016944-00017111 broke millennial CMcde5jMxzI-00068-00017112-00017321 you're a Christian man and you're on a CMcde5jMxzI-00069-00017322-00017453 mission CMcde5jMxzI-00070-00017454-00017621 I am on a mission CMcde5jMxzI-00071-00017622-00017944 yes we uh we started this journey CMcde5jMxzI-00072-00017945-00018203 mentally about CMcde5jMxzI-00073-00018204-00018443 10 years ago CMcde5jMxzI-00074-00018444-00018713 um we calculate that uh by our children CMcde5jMxzI-00075-00018714-00018863 that's pretty much how we keep track of CMcde5jMxzI-00076-00018864-00018989 the years and that was the year my CMcde5jMxzI-00077-00018990-00019330 fourth child was born so uh CMcde5jMxzI-00078-00019331-00019522 that was uh her name is Grace so that CMcde5jMxzI-00079-00019523-00019853 was our year of Grace that we all uh CMcde5jMxzI-00080-00019854-00020111 the real turning point in our lives CMcde5jMxzI-00081-00020112-00020447 where we decided CMcde5jMxzI-00082-00020448-00020753 uh we need to live our faith properly CMcde5jMxzI-00083-00020754-00021005 you know what is CMcde5jMxzI-00084-00021006-00021335 doing a self-evaluation of what in our CMcde5jMxzI-00085-00021336-00021844 life is separated separates us from CMcde5jMxzI-00086-00021845-00022067 your average Protestant protesting CMcde5jMxzI-00087-00022068-00022319 Catholicism because they go to church we CMcde5jMxzI-00088-00022320-00022493 go to church they say their prayers we CMcde5jMxzI-00089-00022494-00022708 say our prayers I work with an atheistic CMcde5jMxzI-00090-00022709-00022943 boss so do they I'm getting all the CMcde5jMxzI-00091-00022944-00023303 influence from all these CMcde5jMxzI-00092-00023304-00023603 um alphabet people all day long at work CMcde5jMxzI-00093-00023604-00023885 uh and you know you can't not bring that CMcde5jMxzI-00094-00023886-00024185 home and so we started evaluating how CMcde5jMxzI-00095-00024186-00024358 can we bring CMcde5jMxzI-00096-00024359-00024664 our faith into every moment of our life CMcde5jMxzI-00097-00024665-00024922 and that started about 10 years ago and CMcde5jMxzI-00098-00024923-00025085 it really CMcde5jMxzI-00099-00025086-00025300 it took a lot of different shapes CMcde5jMxzI-00100-00025301-00025558 but it culminated in CMcde5jMxzI-00101-00025559-00025828 uh what we like to call one of the CMcde5jMxzI-00102-00025829-00026093 greatest moments of our life which was CMcde5jMxzI-00103-00026094-00026255 strangely enough the government CMcde5jMxzI-00104-00026256-00026393 shutdowns CMcde5jMxzI-00105-00026394-00026746 yeah whatever yeah CMcde5jMxzI-00106-00026747-00027005 that that really was it that was like CMcde5jMxzI-00107-00027006-00027239 we've been thinking about getting on the CMcde5jMxzI-00108-00027239-00027508 road thinking about minimal minimalizing CMcde5jMxzI-00109-00027510-00027695 our life we've been getting rid of all CMcde5jMxzI-00110-00027695-00027970 of the excesses over the years CMcde5jMxzI-00111-00027972-00028373 um getting rid of the half twos of the CMcde5jMxzI-00112-00028374-00028655 world I have to go see the in-laws even CMcde5jMxzI-00113-00028656-00028799 when I know CMcde5jMxzI-00114-00028800-00029020 you know there's there's influences CMcde5jMxzI-00115-00029022-00029170 there that are not good they're not CMcde5jMxzI-00116-00029172-00029381 Catholic not Christian CMcde5jMxzI-00117-00029382-00029440 um CMcde5jMxzI-00118-00029441-00029681 and so we have been stepping away for CMcde5jMxzI-00119-00029682-00029968 quite a few years and how old are you CMcde5jMxzI-00120-00029969-00030089 when CMcde5jMxzI-00121-00030089-00030367 32 34. CMcde5jMxzI-00122-00030368-00030814 I'm 34. okay wow interesting so exactly CMcde5jMxzI-00123-00030816-00031079 10 years ago you were 24 CMcde5jMxzI-00124-00031080-00031379 . you were having your fourth child at CMcde5jMxzI-00125-00031380-00031643 age 24 you had obviously been married CMcde5jMxzI-00126-00031644-00031846 you were married before that CMcde5jMxzI-00127-00031847-00032140 I got married at 19. you got married at CMcde5jMxzI-00128-00032141-00032374 19. when did you meet your wife CMcde5jMxzI-00129-00032375-00032740 uh when I was 15. how did you meet CMcde5jMxzI-00130-00032741-00032915 at church CMcde5jMxzI-00131-00032916-00033185 okay so you are CMcde5jMxzI-00132-00033186-00033418 someone who was raised in the church he CMcde5jMxzI-00133-00033419-00033599 married a woman from the church what is CMcde5jMxzI-00134-00033600-00033905 your upbringing like in that way CMcde5jMxzI-00135-00033906-00034289 so I was raised uh I was raised Catholic CMcde5jMxzI-00136-00034290-00034451 I am actually the fourth of nine CMcde5jMxzI-00137-00034452-00034679 children myself okay CMcde5jMxzI-00138-00034680-00034873 um yeah CMcde5jMxzI-00139-00034874-00035261 so there's that yeah my parents CMcde5jMxzI-00140-00035262-00035590 my parents love their faith but they CMcde5jMxzI-00141-00035591-00035771 know very little about it if that makes CMcde5jMxzI-00142-00035772-00035968 sense oh yes CMcde5jMxzI-00143-00035969-00036227 right and so CMcde5jMxzI-00144-00036228-00036605 when I was young uh back in 4-H you know CMcde5jMxzI-00145-00036606-00036923 raising Hogs that's right there there CMcde5jMxzI-00146-00036924-00037181 were times that I would attend CMcde5jMxzI-00147-00037182-00037517 Protestant services with my buddies and CMcde5jMxzI-00148-00037518-00037745 they're for instance like the uh the CMcde5jMxzI-00149-00037746-00037981 Baptist Church down the road they had CMcde5jMxzI-00150-00037982-00038362 way way greater respect way greater CMcde5jMxzI-00151-00038363-00038645 piety in their prayer than ever happened CMcde5jMxzI-00152-00038646-00038885 in my little English mass Church CMcde5jMxzI-00153-00038886-00039359 and so uh I never quit going to church CMcde5jMxzI-00154-00039360-00039580 and I never quit believing CMcde5jMxzI-00155-00039581-00039845 but I really didn't care that much about CMcde5jMxzI-00156-00039846-00039940 it CMcde5jMxzI-00157-00039941-00040080 until CMcde5jMxzI-00158-00040081-00040474 uh well a couple major experiences in CMcde5jMxzI-00159-00040475-00040787 the Army when I was uh right around 19 CMcde5jMxzI-00160-00040788-00041039 20 21. CMcde5jMxzI-00161-00041040-00041279 what were those experiences that led you CMcde5jMxzI-00162-00041280-00041368 back CMcde5jMxzI-00163-00041369-00041615 to the father CMcde5jMxzI-00164-00041616-00041909 well one of them for sure was getting CMcde5jMxzI-00165-00041910-00042083 married and my wife had a very very CMcde5jMxzI-00166-00042084-00042293 strong traditional catholic operating CMcde5jMxzI-00167-00042294-00042523 man that's helpful CMcde5jMxzI-00168-00042524-00042990 very helpful uh the other was CMcde5jMxzI-00169-00042991-00043337 that upbringing she was willing to CMcde5jMxzI-00170-00043338-00043493 follow my lead CMcde5jMxzI-00171-00043494-00043768 wherever I was going and so actually CMcde5jMxzI-00172-00043769-00044033 having that responsibility I needed to CMcde5jMxzI-00173-00044034-00044177 step up my game CMcde5jMxzI-00174-00044178-00044471 I like why am I doing this I got another CMcde5jMxzI-00175-00044472-00044705 Soul here to take care of CMcde5jMxzI-00176-00044706-00044789 um CMcde5jMxzI-00177-00044790-00045208 yeah and that's pretty amazing CMcde5jMxzI-00178-00045209-00045635 she looked to you as her head and being CMcde5jMxzI-00179-00045636-00045868 a woman of strong Catholic faith she was CMcde5jMxzI-00180-00045869-00046061 willing to follow your lead CMcde5jMxzI-00181-00046062-00046423 and yeah I can't help but to believe CMcde5jMxzI-00182-00046424-00046715 that that's a big part of what's missing CMcde5jMxzI-00183-00046716-00046835 in the world today in terms of CMcde5jMxzI-00184-00046836-00047057 relationships and why a guy like you CMcde5jMxzI-00185-00047058-00047224 could have such strong faith living on a CMcde5jMxzI-00186-00047225-00047549 bus with 10 kids and a wife that CMcde5jMxzI-00187-00047550-00047933 joyfully goes along and is fruitful in CMcde5jMxzI-00188-00047934-00048221 her uh relationship to you these kinds CMcde5jMxzI-00189-00048222-00048467 of things don't happen very much today I CMcde5jMxzI-00190-00048468-00048665 think that's a part of you know my CMcde5jMxzI-00191-00048666-00048971 attraction to you also and I think CMcde5jMxzI-00192-00048972-00049195 there's a there's a strong CMcde5jMxzI-00193-00049196-00049487 momentum towards that today in our day CMcde5jMxzI-00194-00049488-00049840 of chaos because men and women and CMcde5jMxzI-00195-00049841-00050230 families are in need of stability CMcde5jMxzI-00196-00050231-00050585 yes yeah yeah and you agree radiation CMcde5jMxzI-00197-00050586-00050783 stability CMcde5jMxzI-00198-00050784-00051029 and I know that you that stability that CMcde5jMxzI-00199-00051030-00051401 you have is not from you it's from above CMcde5jMxzI-00200-00051402-00051587 you and that's why she follows your lead CMcde5jMxzI-00201-00051588-00051802 because you're a man of God CMcde5jMxzI-00202-00051803-00052252 yep God then wife then kids then career CMcde5jMxzI-00203-00052253-00052553 always St Thomas Aquinas who wrote about CMcde5jMxzI-00204-00052554-00052804 it perfectly that is the order before CMcde5jMxzI-00205-00052805-00053044 the fall of Man CMcde5jMxzI-00206-00053045-00053375 yeah we have it all kinds of backwards CMcde5jMxzI-00207-00053376-00053609 and discombobulated ways today that's a CMcde5jMxzI-00208-00053610-00053776 big part of the reason why things don't CMcde5jMxzI-00209-00053777-00054107 work so I'm curious what were you doing CMcde5jMxzI-00210-00054108-00054394 carry us along that Journey between uh CMcde5jMxzI-00211-00054395-00054730 getting married and then getting her on CMcde5jMxzI-00212-00054732-00055288 a bus and driving around the country CMcde5jMxzI-00213-00055289-00055642 we started with a big conversion point CMcde5jMxzI-00214-00055644-00055859 was actually a book by the Catholic CMcde5jMxzI-00215-00055860-00056053 author Matthew Kelly CMcde5jMxzI-00216-00056054-00056375 and in that book we were reading CMcde5jMxzI-00217-00056376-00056669 together we always read together CMcde5jMxzI-00218-00056670-00056897 um the CMcde5jMxzI-00219-00056898-00057221 he challenges the reader to take one CMcde5jMxzI-00220-00057222-00057382 week of their time CMcde5jMxzI-00221-00057383-00057599 and write down CMcde5jMxzI-00222-00057600-00057863 a pretty clear estimate doesn't have to CMcde5jMxzI-00223-00057864-00058223 be exact estimate of what amount of time CMcde5jMxzI-00224-00058224-00058492 you're spending on each activity CMcde5jMxzI-00225-00058494-00058679 throughout your day CMcde5jMxzI-00226-00058679-00058985 do that for one week calculate the CMcde5jMxzI-00227-00058986-00059141 numbers together and whatever you're CMcde5jMxzI-00228-00059141-00059404 spending the most amount of time on is CMcde5jMxzI-00229-00059405-00059669 your current God because time is the CMcde5jMxzI-00230-00059670-00059975 most valuable asset of life Wow CMcde5jMxzI-00231-00059976-00060347 yeah we did that and I realized God CMcde5jMxzI-00232-00060348-00060563 wasn't my God at that point in my life CMcde5jMxzI-00233-00060564-00060742 right CMcde5jMxzI-00234-00060744-00060953 and so we started changing a lot of CMcde5jMxzI-00235-00060954-00061188 things uh we started CMcde5jMxzI-00236-00061189-00061409 prioritizing my wife and I's time CMcde5jMxzI-00237-00061410-00061750 together we started cry over any other CMcde5jMxzI-00238-00061751-00062044 half twos of the world anybody else oh CMcde5jMxzI-00239-00062045-00062176 you got to have your girl time you got CMcde5jMxzI-00240-00062177-00062357 to have your guy time it was like no we CMcde5jMxzI-00241-00062358-00062507 gotta have our time CMcde5jMxzI-00242-00062508-00062861 because without us being unified how can CMcde5jMxzI-00243-00062862-00063053 we raise our children unified and CMcde5jMxzI-00244-00063054-00063215 without us being unified we're giving CMcde5jMxzI-00245-00063216-00063388 each other to help each other get to CMcde5jMxzI-00246-00063389-00063466 heaven CMcde5jMxzI-00247-00063467-00063719 and so if we're not prioritizing CMcde5jMxzI-00248-00063720-00063953 ourselves in our marriage CMcde5jMxzI-00249-00063954-00064132 how can we possibly say we're CMcde5jMxzI-00250-00064133-00064300 prioritizing God CMcde5jMxzI-00251-00064301-00064516 I find it so interesting that there are CMcde5jMxzI-00252-00064517-00064744 people who are married that they don't CMcde5jMxzI-00253-00064745-00064930 prioritize each other in fact there are CMcde5jMxzI-00254-00064932-00065219 those who prioritize their friends above CMcde5jMxzI-00255-00065220-00065482 their spouse you know I think of couples CMcde5jMxzI-00256-00065483-00065699 who go and speak about their problems CMcde5jMxzI-00257-00065700-00065891 particularly women to their friends CMcde5jMxzI-00258-00065892-00066005 rather than coming to the husband CMcde5jMxzI-00259-00066006-00066209 they'll they'll complain about the CMcde5jMxzI-00260-00066210-00066394 husband CMcde5jMxzI-00261-00066395-00066725 or their mothers that's a huge deal CMcde5jMxzI-00262-00066726-00066971 breaker in a relationship is if when CMcde5jMxzI-00263-00066972-00067109 there's something troubling her she goes CMcde5jMxzI-00264-00067110-00067313 to her mom and the husband finds out CMcde5jMxzI-00265-00067314-00067529 about it second hand that's terrible CMcde5jMxzI-00266-00067530-00067643 yeah CMcde5jMxzI-00267-00067644-00067906 that's terrible big breach big breach of CMcde5jMxzI-00268-00067907-00068117 trust in a relationship CMcde5jMxzI-00269-00068118-00068435 yeah it is so you know I think you you CMcde5jMxzI-00270-00068436-00068675 mentioned how your parents um they were CMcde5jMxzI-00271-00068676-00068800 they were faithful but they just didn't CMcde5jMxzI-00272-00068801-00069094 understand their faith and you know this CMcde5jMxzI-00273-00069095-00069238 is understandable given that you know CMcde5jMxzI-00274-00069239-00069425 we're educated by the enemy in our world CMcde5jMxzI-00275-00069426-00069509 today CMcde5jMxzI-00276-00069510-00069773 and so yeah it's challenging in fact you CMcde5jMxzI-00277-00069774-00070019 know it's it's why I would imagine God CMcde5jMxzI-00278-00070020-00070337 has extra Grace or or Mercy on us on our CMcde5jMxzI-00279-00070338-00070535 souls today because we're we are so lost CMcde5jMxzI-00280-00070536-00070763 we have no sense of direction but we're CMcde5jMxzI-00281-00070764-00070967 also very LED astray in every every CMcde5jMxzI-00282-00070968-00071231 aspect of the way of the way CMcde5jMxzI-00283-00071232-00071476 um and so you know things like what we CMcde5jMxzI-00284-00071477-00071615 just spoke about happen relationships CMcde5jMxzI-00285-00071616-00071765 fall apart because they they don't know CMcde5jMxzI-00286-00071766-00071981 how to have healthy biblical CMcde5jMxzI-00287-00071982-00072197 relationships normal natural healthy CMcde5jMxzI-00288-00072198-00072329 relationships CMcde5jMxzI-00289-00072330-00072629 um my question to you is so now you have CMcde5jMxzI-00290-00072630-00072779 10 children CMcde5jMxzI-00291-00072780-00072994 first of all okay so you said the oldest CMcde5jMxzI-00292-00072995-00073115 was CMcde5jMxzI-00293-00073116-00073637 14 14 wow oldest is 14. and what do you CMcde5jMxzI-00294-00073638-00073943 have there boys girls what's the rundown CMcde5jMxzI-00295-00073944-00074279 so the mix is uh six to four girls to CMcde5jMxzI-00296-00074280-00074381 boys CMcde5jMxzI-00297-00074382-00074567 six to four yeah there seems to be a CMcde5jMxzI-00298-00074568-00074819 super abundance of female energy both CMcde5jMxzI-00299-00074820-00075076 literally and figuratively on our planet CMcde5jMxzI-00300-00075077-00075329 yeah I got three girls and one boy it's CMcde5jMxzI-00301-00075330-00075647 just overrun overrun the women are CMcde5jMxzI-00302-00075648-00075976 outpacing us in every regard even even CMcde5jMxzI-00303-00075977-00076138 popping up on the planet CMcde5jMxzI-00304-00076139-00076300 so that's pretty cool well I'm happy CMcde5jMxzI-00305-00076301-00076481 that you have daughters because um you CMcde5jMxzI-00306-00076482-00076619 know that means we should probably share CMcde5jMxzI-00307-00076620-00076847 a lot of things in terms of what we CMcde5jMxzI-00308-00076848-00076985 think is CMcde5jMxzI-00309-00076986-00077231 helpful in raising a daughter in this CMcde5jMxzI-00310-00077232-00077465 degenerate age anything CMcde5jMxzI-00311-00077466-00077699 um anything useful or different that you CMcde5jMxzI-00312-00077700-00077879 might share with me and others about you CMcde5jMxzI-00313-00077880-00078275 know raising children in this day CMcde5jMxzI-00314-00078276-00078611 um yeah actually and I this is a CMcde5jMxzI-00315-00078612-00078856 principle that my wife and I follow uh CMcde5jMxzI-00316-00078857-00079265 daily is uh the principal laid down by CMcde5jMxzI-00317-00079266-00079565 Saints zeli and Louis Martin the parents CMcde5jMxzI-00318-00079566-00079841 of uh Saint Teresa Zoo Therese of the CMcde5jMxzI-00319-00079842-00080035 little Rose that's right um and her CMcde5jMxzI-00320-00080036-00080315 parents said CMcde5jMxzI-00321-00080316-00080699 every aspect of their raising needs to CMcde5jMxzI-00322-00080700-00080988 be monitored by the parents and CMcde5jMxzI-00323-00080989-00081425 evaluated against God's law man CMcde5jMxzI-00324-00081426-00081767 to include when they're playing don't CMcde5jMxzI-00325-00081768-00082061 let them just play you watch to make CMcde5jMxzI-00326-00082062-00082306 sure they're not building habits of mean CMcde5jMxzI-00327-00082307-00082541 words they're not building habits of CMcde5jMxzI-00328-00082542-00082817 bullying or pushing when neighbors or CMcde5jMxzI-00329-00082818-00083038 friends or people say oh your child's so CMcde5jMxzI-00330-00083039-00083321 cute take the initiative to step forward CMcde5jMxzI-00331-00083322-00083585 and say excuse me please don't say that CMcde5jMxzI-00332-00083586-00083873 for the reason that you could very CMcde5jMxzI-00333-00083874-00084059 likely be building in this small CMcde5jMxzI-00334-00084060-00084317 sponge-like brain vanity and then they CMcde5jMxzI-00335-00084318-00084581 have to fight that later in their life CMcde5jMxzI-00336-00084582-00084911 so basically you have to be there's a CMcde5jMxzI-00337-00084912-00085049 difference between a helicopter parent CMcde5jMxzI-00338-00085050-00085355 and a fully engaged parrot a helicopter CMcde5jMxzI-00339-00085356-00085588 parent is trying to keep their kid from CMcde5jMxzI-00340-00085589-00085912 ever experiencing life protect them CMcde5jMxzI-00341-00085913-00086182 an Engaged parent is trying to help that CMcde5jMxzI-00342-00086183-00086579 child flourish into a child of God free CMcde5jMxzI-00343-00086580-00086944 of sin not free of injury CMcde5jMxzI-00344-00086945-00087215 right amazing yeah what a great CMcde5jMxzI-00345-00087216-00087359 distinction you're not necessarily CMcde5jMxzI-00346-00087360-00087491 trying to save their bodies you're CMcde5jMxzI-00347-00087492-00087826 trying to save their souls yeah death CMcde5jMxzI-00348-00087827-00088037 judgment Heaven hell four final things CMcde5jMxzI-00349-00088038-00088144 man CMcde5jMxzI-00350-00088145-00088391 what would you say to people that would CMcde5jMxzI-00351-00088392-00088741 argue with you about how extreme that is CMcde5jMxzI-00352-00088742-00089026 in terms of training your children and CMcde5jMxzI-00353-00089027-00089200 you're a homeschooler so they're getting CMcde5jMxzI-00354-00089201-00089375 a lot of you CMcde5jMxzI-00355-00089376-00089573 yes CMcde5jMxzI-00356-00089574-00089782 um my first thing I would say is look at CMcde5jMxzI-00357-00089783-00089938 the end result CMcde5jMxzI-00358-00089939-00090149 look at the children of today CMcde5jMxzI-00359-00090150-00090406 who go to public school and go to CMcde5jMxzI-00360-00090407-00090587 friends house sleepovers all the time CMcde5jMxzI-00361-00090588-00090868 and all of these things and look how CMcde5jMxzI-00362-00090869-00091241 they are involved in society CMcde5jMxzI-00363-00091242-00091421 look at the result it's pretty clear CMcde5jMxzI-00364-00091422-00091697 they're they're I mean we're living in CMcde5jMxzI-00365-00091698-00091900 the alphabet world where men can get CMcde5jMxzI-00366-00091901-00092159 pregnant and all this other junk and CMcde5jMxzI-00367-00092160-00092435 this is the result and then you look at CMcde5jMxzI-00368-00092436-00092555 traditional CMcde5jMxzI-00369-00092556-00092759 uh god-centric CMcde5jMxzI-00370-00092760-00093029 couples and how their children interact CMcde5jMxzI-00371-00093030-00093191 in the world CMcde5jMxzI-00372-00093192-00093347 it's night and day CMcde5jMxzI-00373-00093348-00093493 there there's CMcde5jMxzI-00374-00093494-00093767 incomparable differences of respect to CMcde5jMxzI-00375-00093768-00094162 Elders of self-discipline of control of CMcde5jMxzI-00376-00094163-00094487 yourselves of kindness and generosity CMcde5jMxzI-00377-00094488-00094811 towards others how they dress how they CMcde5jMxzI-00378-00094812-00094991 carry themselves they're productive CMcde5jMxzI-00379-00094992-00095237 members of society CMcde5jMxzI-00380-00095238-00095567 you were raised in a you know just to CMcde5jMxzI-00381-00095568-00095782 use the the term radical but very CMcde5jMxzI-00382-00095783-00096035 different way I would imagine as well CMcde5jMxzI-00383-00096036-00096353 being one of you know nine you said CMcde5jMxzI-00384-00096354-00096593 and um having Catholic parents you were CMcde5jMxzI-00385-00096594-00096755 raised where CMcde5jMxzI-00386-00096756-00097012 I was in uh Washington State in CMcde5jMxzI-00387-00097013-00097312 Washington in Washington state so I want CMcde5jMxzI-00388-00097313-00097631 to say that unlike a lot of us you were CMcde5jMxzI-00389-00097632-00097979 you were you received an imprint CMcde5jMxzI-00390-00097980-00098267 with your childhood your upbringing that CMcde5jMxzI-00391-00098268-00098465 was uh I guess you could say uh CMcde5jMxzI-00392-00098466-00098747 invigorated at the time of your you know CMcde5jMxzI-00393-00098748-00098897 reversion you're saying when you you CMcde5jMxzI-00394-00098898-00099187 know married your wife and whatnot CMcde5jMxzI-00395-00099188-00099473 and that's pretty powerful and you just CMcde5jMxzI-00396-00099474-00099755 see the exact opposite of it in terms of CMcde5jMxzI-00397-00099756-00099911 secular society CMcde5jMxzI-00398-00099912-00100187 for example you know parents who are you CMcde5jMxzI-00399-00100188-00100397 know my parents or from a different CMcde5jMxzI-00400-00100398-00100553 country but Colleen's parents and my CMcde5jMxzI-00401-00100554-00100721 parents the same age her parents were CMcde5jMxzI-00402-00100722-00100943 from the hippie generation grew you know CMcde5jMxzI-00403-00100944-00101165 they grew up you know playing rock and CMcde5jMxzI-00404-00101166-00101435 roll music drinking smoking and having a CMcde5jMxzI-00405-00101436-00101626 lot of sex and you know this is this is CMcde5jMxzI-00406-00101627-00101844 my children's grandparents CMcde5jMxzI-00407-00101845-00102076 you say you come from several CMcde5jMxzI-00408-00102077-00102382 generations of conservative Catholic CMcde5jMxzI-00409-00102383-00102653 homes the rest of us come from you know CMcde5jMxzI-00410-00102654-00102971 at least two generations of pure CMcde5jMxzI-00411-00102972-00103386 degenerate uh destructive ways of living CMcde5jMxzI-00412-00103388-00103663 demonic ways of living CMcde5jMxzI-00413-00103664-00103865 you're a um CMcde5jMxzI-00414-00103866-00104153 you're a relic in a way but also a CMcde5jMxzI-00415-00104154-00104447 signpost CMcde5jMxzI-00416-00104448-00104716 well I think I mean it makes sense that CMcde5jMxzI-00417-00104717-00104951 just uh emphasizes what you just said CMcde5jMxzI-00418-00104952-00105143 emphasizes what I just said which is CMcde5jMxzI-00419-00105144-00105401 look at the result right look at The CMcde5jMxzI-00420-00105402-00105658 Graces I have been given because of my CMcde5jMxzI-00421-00105659-00105995 raising and because of how I'm raising CMcde5jMxzI-00422-00105996-00106139 my children CMcde5jMxzI-00423-00106140-00106307 versus CMcde5jMxzI-00424-00106308-00106510 unfortunately most people in the world CMcde5jMxzI-00425-00106511-00106889 today who have to start from scratch CMcde5jMxzI-00426-00106890-00107213 I mean the proof's in the pudding from CMcde5jMxzI-00427-00107214-00107440 scratch yeah you know I was raising my CMcde5jMxzI-00428-00107441-00107693 children in a very secular way uh up CMcde5jMxzI-00429-00107694-00107873 until you know CMcde5jMxzI-00430-00107874-00108077 less than five years ago CMcde5jMxzI-00431-00108078-00108304 and so I had to do it's not as easy for CMcde5jMxzI-00432-00108305-00108527 me because I had to do a strong hard CMcde5jMxzI-00433-00108528-00108707 pivot and of course you got to wait for CMcde5jMxzI-00434-00108708-00108845 everybody to follow along of course I CMcde5jMxzI-00435-00108846-00109102 you know I'm lucky as well God's grace CMcde5jMxzI-00436-00109103-00109360 is upon my marriage and that my wife is CMcde5jMxzI-00437-00109361-00109595 the way that she is too and although she CMcde5jMxzI-00438-00109596-00109919 is not an easy Bender CMcde5jMxzI-00439-00109920-00110152 I know that with time and Trust she CMcde5jMxzI-00440-00110153-00110290 always follows my lead CMcde5jMxzI-00441-00110291-00110554 right and that's why I just knew I was CMcde5jMxzI-00442-00110555-00110795 who I had to be that's all that mattered CMcde5jMxzI-00443-00110796-00110981 she would turn the corner CMcde5jMxzI-00444-00110982-00111089 right CMcde5jMxzI-00445-00111090-00111275 right have a good having a good wife is CMcde5jMxzI-00446-00111276-00111539 key is so important uh but then the CMcde5jMxzI-00447-00111540-00111827 children you know I'm kind of undoing a CMcde5jMxzI-00448-00111828-00112049 lot of damage because I gave them CMcde5jMxzI-00449-00112050-00112366 screens at a very at an early age you CMcde5jMxzI-00450-00112367-00112552 know I didn't know and I really I didn't CMcde5jMxzI-00451-00112553-00112751 know it when I was I was foolish yeah I CMcde5jMxzI-00452-00112752-00113033 have these screens and now not I mean CMcde5jMxzI-00453-00113033-00113177 things are much better now a couple CMcde5jMxzI-00454-00113178-00113321 years ago since we brought them home CMcde5jMxzI-00455-00113322-00113536 from school we're homeschooling now I'm CMcde5jMxzI-00456-00113538-00113752 here my my wife's here we're together CMcde5jMxzI-00457-00113753-00113915 all day long CMcde5jMxzI-00458-00113916-00114184 so there's a greater transference of the CMcde5jMxzI-00459-00114185-00114575 parents uh value and virtue rather than CMcde5jMxzI-00460-00114576-00114736 that of the World when they were going CMcde5jMxzI-00461-00114738-00114934 to even private schools I was sending CMcde5jMxzI-00462-00114935-00115252 them to I had to undo a lot of damage CMcde5jMxzI-00463-00115253-00115486 brain damage that my children receive CMcde5jMxzI-00464-00115488-00115757 because of the crap that they're that CMcde5jMxzI-00465-00115758-00115913 they're exposed to CMcde5jMxzI-00466-00115914-00116116 so if I had to do it all over again of CMcde5jMxzI-00467-00116117-00116249 course which doesn't make any sense CMcde5jMxzI-00468-00116250-00116507 that's a silly argument I am where I am CMcde5jMxzI-00469-00116508-00116633 and you are where you are but that's why CMcde5jMxzI-00470-00116633-00116819 we're here together you and me but I CMcde5jMxzI-00471-00116820-00117133 would like to point to you for young men CMcde5jMxzI-00472-00117133-00117436 uh who CMcde5jMxzI-00473-00117438-00117677 are open to a different way a different CMcde5jMxzI-00474-00117678-00117977 path a different uh lifestyle for you CMcde5jMxzI-00475-00117978-00118193 and your family and it's about a return CMcde5jMxzI-00476-00118194-00118427 to tradition CMcde5jMxzI-00477-00118428-00118595 yes CMcde5jMxzI-00478-00118596-00119002 yes thank you for that it's uh CMcde5jMxzI-00479-00119003-00119416 it isn't easy it's no easier for me than CMcde5jMxzI-00480-00119417-00119651 it is for anybody else because the CMcde5jMxzI-00481-00119652-00120119 world's still influencing the the I mean CMcde5jMxzI-00482-00120120-00120334 everywhere you go every street corner CMcde5jMxzI-00483-00120335-00120521 every ad every billboard every person CMcde5jMxzI-00484-00120522-00120683 you see at the gas station when you're CMcde5jMxzI-00485-00120683-00120928 at the pump like the influence is still CMcde5jMxzI-00486-00120929-00121240 there yeah but the things you can do in CMcde5jMxzI-00487-00121241-00121499 your life to move that way for those who CMcde5jMxzI-00488-00121500-00121831 are looking for a new way is prioritize CMcde5jMxzI-00489-00121832-00122033 your wife CMcde5jMxzI-00490-00122033-00122416 before the children and that and when CMcde5jMxzI-00491-00122417-00122789 you do that the children learn respect CMcde5jMxzI-00492-00122790-00123036 of a woman from the man and following CMcde5jMxzI-00493-00123038-00123371 submissively in a holy manner from the CMcde5jMxzI-00494-00123372-00123760 woman right and they see the uh why the CMcde5jMxzI-00495-00123761-00123965 man and the woman are equal in different CMcde5jMxzI-00496-00123966-00124240 roles and they learn CMcde5jMxzI-00497-00124241-00124571 true love of your fellow man by watching CMcde5jMxzI-00498-00124572-00124684 their parents CMcde5jMxzI-00499-00124685-00125015 that's right that's one Grace that was CMcde5jMxzI-00500-00125016-00125177 always with us is that between Colleen CMcde5jMxzI-00501-00125178-00125381 and I we always knew that we will be the CMcde5jMxzI-00502-00125382-00125477 example CMcde5jMxzI-00503-00125478-00125752 for our children's relationships I'm CMcde5jMxzI-00504-00125753-00126040 blessed also to come from solid parents CMcde5jMxzI-00505-00126041-00126401 my parents are from Belize and my dad's CMcde5jMxzI-00506-00126402-00126623 a strong alpha male leader my mother is CMcde5jMxzI-00507-00126624-00126977 a great counterpart to him and she is CMcde5jMxzI-00508-00126978-00127277 she serves and she works and she's a CMcde5jMxzI-00509-00127278-00127613 very loving mother and so um CMcde5jMxzI-00510-00127614-00127901 that's a part of why I even CMcde5jMxzI-00511-00127902-00128189 have a marriage the way it is but can CMcde5jMxzI-00512-00128190-00128549 visualize for our brothers out there who CMcde5jMxzI-00513-00128550-00128801 think that it's impossible that like CMcde5jMxzI-00514-00128802-00129047 women are there's no good women there's CMcde5jMxzI-00515-00129048-00129286 no opportunity there's that we can never CMcde5jMxzI-00516-00129288-00129508 turn this around just be you know a CMcde5jMxzI-00517-00129509-00129677 mgtow guy or you're going to be an CMcde5jMxzI-00518-00129678-00129940 in-cell for your whole life they do they CMcde5jMxzI-00519-00129941-00130139 they've never they can't even conceive CMcde5jMxzI-00520-00130140-00130336 the type of relationship you're CMcde5jMxzI-00521-00130338-00130516 describing the one that I'm building CMcde5jMxzI-00522-00130517-00130877 with my family but that is possible if CMcde5jMxzI-00523-00130878-00131225 we just turn repent really and turn CMcde5jMxzI-00524-00131226-00131507 around a little bit from our fallen ways CMcde5jMxzI-00525-00131508-00131837 in this culture we could all have this CMcde5jMxzI-00526-00131838-00132016 oh yeah what you want CMcde5jMxzI-00527-00132017-00132437 oh yes absolutely the uh as you say the CMcde5jMxzI-00528-00132438-00132635 Mig toe the incel everything else that CMcde5jMxzI-00529-00132636-00132940 seems like the way to go because when CMcde5jMxzI-00530-00132941-00133175 you look out into the world it is so CMcde5jMxzI-00531-00133176-00133289 disgusting CMcde5jMxzI-00532-00133290-00133709 right but my answer to that is you CMcde5jMxzI-00533-00133710-00133889 attract what you yourself put energy CMcde5jMxzI-00534-00133890-00134327 into and so if you are trying to become CMcde5jMxzI-00535-00134328-00134543 with all of your energy as a young man CMcde5jMxzI-00536-00134544-00134861 you're trying to become the man that CMcde5jMxzI-00537-00134862-00134999 would attract CMcde5jMxzI-00538-00135000-00135328 a holy virtuous CMcde5jMxzI-00539-00135329-00135454 um CMcde5jMxzI-00540-00135455-00135766 in a healthy way submissive wife CMcde5jMxzI-00541-00135767-00136025 to lead your to follow you on your CMcde5jMxzI-00542-00136026-00136223 journey and support you CMcde5jMxzI-00543-00136224-00136451 well then you'll find it but you have to CMcde5jMxzI-00544-00136452-00136781 become the one that attracts it right CMcde5jMxzI-00545-00136782-00137093 yeah exactly be the thing to have the CMcde5jMxzI-00546-00137094-00137471 power and so you were raised but your CMcde5jMxzI-00547-00137472-00137569 family CMcde5jMxzI-00548-00137570-00137837 you weren't catechized to the degree CMcde5jMxzI-00549-00137838-00138095 that you clearly are right now CMcde5jMxzI-00550-00138096-00138359 and so the tradition was there right the CMcde5jMxzI-00551-00138360-00138616 form was there but the substance maybe CMcde5jMxzI-00552-00138617-00138766 wasn't there CMcde5jMxzI-00553-00138767-00139133 how did you come to learn so much about CMcde5jMxzI-00554-00139134-00139385 your faith so that you could walk it in CMcde5jMxzI-00555-00139386-00139685 this powerful way CMcde5jMxzI-00556-00139686-00139852 well um CMcde5jMxzI-00557-00139853-00140081 uh kind of a CMcde5jMxzI-00558-00140082-00140321 back to another seemed like a negative CMcde5jMxzI-00559-00140322-00140501 that was actually an extreme positive CMcde5jMxzI-00560-00140502-00140831 for me when I was young when I was you CMcde5jMxzI-00561-00140832-00141040 know five six years old I had a speech CMcde5jMxzI-00562-00141041-00141239 impediment of stuttering so bad nobody CMcde5jMxzI-00563-00141240-00141449 could understand me nobody could CMcde5jMxzI-00564-00141450-00141761 understand me until I was about 10. and CMcde5jMxzI-00565-00141762-00142019 during that time I was so embarrassed CMcde5jMxzI-00566-00142020-00142157 because everybody would just get tired CMcde5jMxzI-00567-00142158-00142289 of hearing me stutter they didn't want CMcde5jMxzI-00568-00142290-00142564 to listen to me I started reading CMcde5jMxzI-00569-00142565-00142799 and I literally read myself almost blind CMcde5jMxzI-00570-00142800-00143027 by the time I was 15. CMcde5jMxzI-00571-00143028-00143411 and during that time I was studying the CMcde5jMxzI-00572-00143412-00143621 history Britannica I was studying CMcde5jMxzI-00573-00143622-00143964 Aristotle St Thomas Aquinas St Augustine CMcde5jMxzI-00574-00143965-00144245 all of the great books of the Ancients CMcde5jMxzI-00575-00144246-00144454 because they were on the Shelf CMcde5jMxzI-00576-00144455-00144659 covered in dust I mean in the basement CMcde5jMxzI-00577-00144660-00145025 but I started studying but they were on CMcde5jMxzI-00578-00145026-00145283 the shelf and I was trying to not be CMcde5jMxzI-00579-00145284-00145439 embarrassed around other people so I'd CMcde5jMxzI-00580-00145440-00145704 go hide downstairs and I'd read CMcde5jMxzI-00581-00145705-00146051 amazing and it just goes to show the CMcde5jMxzI-00582-00146052-00146225 exact opposite of when you bring the CMcde5jMxzI-00583-00146226-00146501 right media into your home CMcde5jMxzI-00584-00146502-00146663 yes CMcde5jMxzI-00585-00146664-00146987 God bless my parents for never having a CMcde5jMxzI-00586-00146988-00147281 TV hooked up for anything other than VHS CMcde5jMxzI-00587-00147282-00147509 our entire life so we watched the old CMcde5jMxzI-00588-00147510-00147701 Disney's on VHS things of that nature CMcde5jMxzI-00589-00147702-00148013 but we never had live stream TV in our CMcde5jMxzI-00590-00148014-00148301 home and that was such a blessing and CMcde5jMxzI-00591-00148302-00148463 I'm doing the same to my kids there's no CMcde5jMxzI-00592-00148464-00148751 reason for it amazing and so I would CMcde5jMxzI-00593-00148752-00148954 assume they don't have screens CMcde5jMxzI-00594-00148955-00149597 no I see I a lot of my life between 12 CMcde5jMxzI-00595-00149598-00149873 and when I finally joined the army uh CMcde5jMxzI-00596-00149874-00150131 like the week after I turned 18. CMcde5jMxzI-00597-00150132-00150401 um I spent most of my time at my CMcde5jMxzI-00598-00150402-00150719 grandfather's Farm which was about CMcde5jMxzI-00599-00150720-00151090 20 miles away from my parents house CMcde5jMxzI-00600-00151091-00151602 and so I got a very large amount of my CMcde5jMxzI-00601-00151603-00151978 raising on how to be a man from my CMcde5jMxzI-00602-00151979-00152285 grandfather and he served he served in CMcde5jMxzI-00603-00152286-00152443 the Korean War CMcde5jMxzI-00604-00152444-00152890 and he was a a man of few words and CMcde5jMxzI-00605-00152891-00153149 strong character CMcde5jMxzI-00606-00153150-00153352 he uh CMcde5jMxzI-00607-00153353-00153647 how do you say he's like if you earn the CMcde5jMxzI-00608-00153648-00153833 money you can buy whatever you want with CMcde5jMxzI-00609-00153834-00154235 the money but you have to earn it so CMcde5jMxzI-00610-00154236-00154475 that's my rule with my kids you want a CMcde5jMxzI-00611-00154476-00154564 phone CMcde5jMxzI-00612-00154565-00154907 you want a screen you want to you want CMcde5jMxzI-00613-00154908-00155140 anything of your own you don't want the CMcde5jMxzI-00614-00155141-00155333 clothes that Mommy and Daddy buy for you CMcde5jMxzI-00615-00155334-00155585 that's fine but you got to figure out a CMcde5jMxzI-00616-00155586-00155747 way to earn it CMcde5jMxzI-00617-00155748-00155951 and I'm not gonna allow I don't give CMcde5jMxzI-00618-00155952-00156190 allowances because CMcde5jMxzI-00619-00156191-00156443 why would I give them a free pass to CMcde5jMxzI-00620-00156444-00156737 life only to have that dream that life CMcde5jMxzI-00621-00156738-00156916 is handed to you crushed as soon as they CMcde5jMxzI-00622-00156917-00157114 step out the door on their own CMcde5jMxzI-00623-00157115-00157343 that's not reality CMcde5jMxzI-00624-00157344-00157709 so my that I grew up working at my CMcde5jMxzI-00625-00157710-00157883 grandfather's business that he started CMcde5jMxzI-00626-00157884-00158087 and ran for 30 years after he got out of CMcde5jMxzI-00627-00158088-00158183 the military CMcde5jMxzI-00628-00158184-00158476 and that was uh window washing and CMcde5jMxzI-00629-00158477-00158704 scrubbing toilets it was custodial CMcde5jMxzI-00630-00158705-00158963 and doing that and farming CMcde5jMxzI-00631-00158964-00159214 it's uh I'm basically I'm raising my CMcde5jMxzI-00632-00159215-00159502 kids with two generations older than me CMcde5jMxzI-00633-00159503-00159749 uh principles CMcde5jMxzI-00634-00159750-00159976 Raise Me Jesus CMcde5jMxzI-00635-00159977-00160366 yeah you're a Remnant a true remnant CMcde5jMxzI-00636-00160367-00160607 from a hundred years ago yeah you're CMcde5jMxzI-00637-00160608-00160840 you're from the cloth of 100 years ago CMcde5jMxzI-00638-00160841-00161213 prior to the you know sexual Revolution CMcde5jMxzI-00639-00161214-00161464 wow I still have my influences and my CMcde5jMxzI-00640-00161465-00161633 struggles that I deal with because of CMcde5jMxzI-00641-00161634-00161849 being in this Society we're all basting CMcde5jMxzI-00642-00161850-00162319 in it like it or not yep so yeah so CMcde5jMxzI-00643-00162320-00162647 you um so you have this strong Catholic CMcde5jMxzI-00644-00162648-00162887 imprint both scripturally and uh CMcde5jMxzI-00645-00162888-00162983 traditionally CMcde5jMxzI-00646-00162984-00163228 and you find yourself in the Army you CMcde5jMxzI-00647-00163229-00163457 get married when you're in the Army a CMcde5jMxzI-00648-00163458-00163583 woman that you knew when you were 15 CMcde5jMxzI-00649-00163584-00163714 years old CMcde5jMxzI-00650-00163715-00163793 um CMcde5jMxzI-00651-00163794-00164039 tell me about your your wife if you will CMcde5jMxzI-00652-00164040-00164176 you know like did she grow up in the CMcde5jMxzI-00653-00164177-00164351 same Community the same church did you CMcde5jMxzI-00654-00164352-00164537 guys know each other as children CMcde5jMxzI-00655-00164538-00164776 um what was her life like because I'm CMcde5jMxzI-00656-00164777-00164969 sure a lot of the men listening you know CMcde5jMxzI-00657-00164970-00165197 you're you're the way you're living in CMcde5jMxzI-00658-00165198-00165347 the things you're describing seems so CMcde5jMxzI-00659-00165348-00165575 foreign and so it would be interesting CMcde5jMxzI-00660-00165576-00165893 to see what kind of imprint is on a CMcde5jMxzI-00661-00165894-00166181 woman that will you know work with you CMcde5jMxzI-00662-00166182-00166349 as a man this way CMcde5jMxzI-00663-00166350-00166511 okay CMcde5jMxzI-00664-00166512-00166804 um yeah so I met my wife like I said CMcde5jMxzI-00665-00166805-00167213 when I was 15. and uh it was at church CMcde5jMxzI-00666-00167214-00167531 but it was not my home Parish I was out CMcde5jMxzI-00667-00167532-00167993 in the middle of BF nowhere uh he was 30 CMcde5jMxzI-00668-00167994-00168190 miles to the nearest town of 600 people CMcde5jMxzI-00669-00168191-00168383 where I grew up we were in the middle of CMcde5jMxzI-00670-00168384-00168845 the Farmland right so uh my oldest CMcde5jMxzI-00671-00168846-00169139 brother had just got out of college and CMcde5jMxzI-00672-00169140-00169319 while he was at College he had been CMcde5jMxzI-00673-00169320-00169535 introduced to the Latin Mass CMcde5jMxzI-00674-00169536-00169793 and so when he came back and he was with CMcde5jMxzI-00675-00169794-00169966 us for a summer before he went off to CMcde5jMxzI-00676-00169967-00170039 work CMcde5jMxzI-00677-00170040-00170333 uh he started he had found a Latin Mass CMcde5jMxzI-00678-00170334-00170669 but it was like 115 miles away CMcde5jMxzI-00679-00170670-00171004 and so every Sunday he would go there CMcde5jMxzI-00680-00171005-00171245 and every chance I got I would ride with CMcde5jMxzI-00681-00171246-00171478 him not because I liked that I couldn't CMcde5jMxzI-00682-00171479-00171790 understand him and I had no idea how to CMcde5jMxzI-00683-00171791-00172013 use the missile or anything else it was CMcde5jMxzI-00684-00172014-00172235 for the wrong reasons it was a bunch of CMcde5jMxzI-00685-00172236-00172414 beautiful young ladies there and I was a CMcde5jMxzI-00686-00172415-00172619 young man that's why I wanted to go CMcde5jMxzI-00687-00172620-00172771 hahaha CMcde5jMxzI-00688-00172772-00173152 and why not um one of those times I CMcde5jMxzI-00689-00173153-00173399 happened to notice what my now wife in CMcde5jMxzI-00690-00173400-00173663 the choir and I was just like man CMcde5jMxzI-00691-00173664-00173890 she's let's let's see where this goes CMcde5jMxzI-00692-00173891-00174113 because she's something special her uh CMcde5jMxzI-00693-00174114-00174449 her upbringing was 180 degrees for mine CMcde5jMxzI-00694-00174450-00174652 so they always went to the Latin Mass CMcde5jMxzI-00695-00174653-00174881 but they never talked about the faith CMcde5jMxzI-00696-00174882-00175102 they never read the Bible they never got CMcde5jMxzI-00697-00175103-00175445 catechized they never anything uh they CMcde5jMxzI-00698-00175446-00175721 went to public school they did every CMcde5jMxzI-00699-00175722-00175943 possible thing you can imagine secular CMcde5jMxzI-00700-00175944-00176171 so they had the Latin mass and were CMcde5jMxzI-00701-00176172-00176381 living the most secular life you can CMcde5jMxzI-00702-00176382-00176813 possibly live uh daddy uh daddy is CMcde5jMxzI-00703-00176814-00177083 spineless and mommy is pants rare and in CMcde5jMxzI-00704-00177084-00177295 charge through passive aggression wow CMcde5jMxzI-00705-00177296-00177725 like all of the above it took us a solid CMcde5jMxzI-00706-00177726-00177863 five years CMcde5jMxzI-00707-00177864-00178073 uh first five years of marriage for my CMcde5jMxzI-00708-00178074-00178313 wife to learn how to actually Express CMcde5jMxzI-00709-00178314-00178571 herself instead of clamming up and like CMcde5jMxzI-00710-00178572-00178823 hiding in the corner because you were CMcde5jMxzI-00711-00178824-00179033 not allowed to have an opinion unless CMcde5jMxzI-00712-00179034-00179183 your mom told you to have it in her CMcde5jMxzI-00713-00179184-00179375 house wow CMcde5jMxzI-00714-00179376-00179752 and so that was completely opposite I CMcde5jMxzI-00715-00179753-00180143 grew up farming bucking hay uh working CMcde5jMxzI-00716-00180144-00180371 with my grandfather you know Asian CMcde5jMxzI-00717-00180372-00180707 Garden all the rest of that stuff and if CMcde5jMxzI-00718-00180708-00180899 you have a problem you stand up and say CMcde5jMxzI-00719-00180900-00181078 it right man to man CMcde5jMxzI-00720-00181079-00181547 and so uh it was CMcde5jMxzI-00721-00181548-00182069 I think what gravitated her to me CMcde5jMxzI-00722-00182070-00182326 was I was not looking CMcde5jMxzI-00723-00182327-00182573 I was living quite secularly on my own CMcde5jMxzI-00724-00182574-00182866 personal life you know chasing uh CMcde5jMxzI-00725-00182867-00183016 girlfriends and whatnot even though I CMcde5jMxzI-00726-00183017-00183178 was in my young teens I had matured CMcde5jMxzI-00727-00183179-00183323 early because of being out working with CMcde5jMxzI-00728-00183324-00183485 men all day every day CMcde5jMxzI-00729-00183486-00183802 and uh CMcde5jMxzI-00730-00183803-00184073 I had written women off by the time I CMcde5jMxzI-00731-00184074-00184307 was 15 I'm like they're Naggy they're CMcde5jMxzI-00732-00184308-00184523 opinionated they're awful I just hate CMcde5jMxzI-00733-00184524-00184685 them they're always trying to manipulate CMcde5jMxzI-00734-00184686-00184945 you right CMcde5jMxzI-00735-00184946-00185164 and so CMcde5jMxzI-00736-00185165-00185495 uh I met her and what she says CMcde5jMxzI-00737-00185496-00185747 gravitated her to me CMcde5jMxzI-00738-00185748-00186113 was I was highly attracted to her CMcde5jMxzI-00739-00186114-00186293 but whether or not she wanted anything CMcde5jMxzI-00740-00186294-00186502 to do with me wouldn't stop I was on a CMcde5jMxzI-00741-00186503-00186743 mission I wanted to change the world CMcde5jMxzI-00742-00186744-00187043 and so she was like I want to be part of CMcde5jMxzI-00743-00187044-00187528 it it wasn't I would I never chased her CMcde5jMxzI-00744-00187529-00187787 I was just like you're awesome I'd love CMcde5jMxzI-00745-00187788-00188051 you to be with me but if that's not the CMcde5jMxzI-00746-00188052-00188195 case then I'll just keep moving because CMcde5jMxzI-00747-00188196-00188435 I'm still moving one way or another she CMcde5jMxzI-00748-00188436-00188657 bought the mission and the man came CMcde5jMxzI-00749-00188658-00188776 along with it CMcde5jMxzI-00750-00188777-00189101 yeah pretty much that's the power of CMcde5jMxzI-00751-00189102-00189364 being a man on his mission how did you CMcde5jMxzI-00752-00189365-00189652 convey that mission to her CMcde5jMxzI-00753-00189653-00189901 very poorly for the first 10 years CMcde5jMxzI-00754-00189902-00190199 really oh I guess you were 15 so you CMcde5jMxzI-00755-00190200-00190331 were still a kid CMcde5jMxzI-00756-00190332-00190661 right right now I wasn't good at it it CMcde5jMxzI-00757-00190662-00190943 was trial and error mostly CMcde5jMxzI-00758-00190944-00191152 um it was just CMcde5jMxzI-00759-00191153-00191478 uh a lot of it was CMcde5jMxzI-00760-00191479-00191890 Let's uh I'm trying to accomplish this CMcde5jMxzI-00761-00191891-00192076 thing whatever it happens to be whatever CMcde5jMxzI-00762-00192077-00192293 my current goal was and she's like CMcde5jMxzI-00763-00192294-00192490 that's stupid and I'm like I don't care CMcde5jMxzI-00764-00192491-00192725 if it's stupid I'm gonna do it anyway CMcde5jMxzI-00765-00192726-00192875 and then CMcde5jMxzI-00766-00192876-00193138 I I would do it and it'd usually be CMcde5jMxzI-00767-00193139-00193499 stupid and I come back and I'm like I'm CMcde5jMxzI-00768-00193500-00193781 sorry I made the mistake but here's this CMcde5jMxzI-00769-00193782-00194176 next thing I'm gonna try yes and and CMcde5jMxzI-00770-00194177-00194375 they just kept going and eventually she CMcde5jMxzI-00771-00194376-00194513 learned look I'm gonna quit telling him CMcde5jMxzI-00772-00194514-00194795 it's stupid and just like CMcde5jMxzI-00773-00194796-00195076 he'll never grow up if I don't let him CMcde5jMxzI-00774-00195077-00195311 try that is right CMcde5jMxzI-00775-00195312-00195581 yeah yeah I'm very rare to find a woman CMcde5jMxzI-00776-00195582-00195802 that will allow you to make mistakes CMcde5jMxzI-00777-00195803-00196001 oh it's huge these women think that they CMcde5jMxzI-00778-00196002-00196157 own you and they don't recognize that CMcde5jMxzI-00779-00196158-00196378 God is moving you and you're not she's CMcde5jMxzI-00780-00196379-00196702 not my God you're not my God God is CMcde5jMxzI-00781-00196703-00196876 taking me you might not understand I CMcde5jMxzI-00782-00196877-00197087 might not understand but I just have to CMcde5jMxzI-00783-00197088-00197363 do this thing and if a woman can get CMcde5jMxzI-00784-00197364-00197657 behind that kind of attitude CMcde5jMxzI-00785-00197658-00197861 that yeah I got to do something and you CMcde5jMxzI-00786-00197862-00197987 could either come with me you could be CMcde5jMxzI-00787-00197988-00198173 with me or you could be against me but CMcde5jMxzI-00788-00198174-00198431 it's one of the other then yeah that CMcde5jMxzI-00789-00198432-00198575 makes for a good partnership that's the CMcde5jMxzI-00790-00198576-00198707 way my wife is with me I make mistakes CMcde5jMxzI-00791-00198708-00198887 all the time and but she understands CMcde5jMxzI-00792-00198888-00199126 that hey this guy's got to do that in CMcde5jMxzI-00793-00199127-00199331 order to work it out let him work it out CMcde5jMxzI-00794-00199332-00199585 and get out of the way CMcde5jMxzI-00795-00199586-00199864 greatly rewarded as a result when guys CMcde5jMxzI-00796-00199865-00200059 like you and I have a good track record CMcde5jMxzI-00797-00200060-00200381 of showing virtue like you did never CMcde5jMxzI-00798-00200382-00200495 giving up CMcde5jMxzI-00799-00200496-00200938 yeah women are gladly submissive because CMcde5jMxzI-00800-00200939-00201161 they can trust you this is a strong man CMcde5jMxzI-00801-00201162-00201352 he's not going to give up CMcde5jMxzI-00802-00201353-00201604 right and they know you're gonna make CMcde5jMxzI-00803-00201605-00201845 mistakes but that's how people learn you CMcde5jMxzI-00804-00201846-00202283 know especially boys of any age boys CMcde5jMxzI-00805-00202284-00202702 any age I'm happy you said that yeah CMcde5jMxzI-00806-00202703-00202973 uh I will want I do kind of want to CMcde5jMxzI-00807-00202974-00203164 throw out here one of the large one of CMcde5jMxzI-00808-00203165-00203488 the biggest steps and that my wife took CMcde5jMxzI-00809-00203489-00203776 in her own growth shortly after we were CMcde5jMxzI-00810-00203777-00203914 married CMcde5jMxzI-00811-00203915-00204137 um to allow her to flourish into the CMcde5jMxzI-00812-00204138-00204347 mother that she is today CMcde5jMxzI-00813-00204348-00204502 um was when CMcde5jMxzI-00814-00204503-00204754 without understanding why CMcde5jMxzI-00815-00204755-00205084 she allowed me to take back control of CMcde5jMxzI-00816-00205085-00205258 our finances CMcde5jMxzI-00817-00205259-00205534 she was trying to do the finances of CMcde5jMxzI-00818-00205535-00205762 everything in the home as her mother had CMcde5jMxzI-00819-00205763-00206032 always done and I said no CMcde5jMxzI-00820-00206033-00206338 if I'm earning the money CMcde5jMxzI-00821-00206339-00206627 then I decide where it goes CMcde5jMxzI-00822-00206628-00207064 and that was really hard for her but CMcde5jMxzI-00823-00207065-00207586 what resulted is she got so much peace CMcde5jMxzI-00824-00207587-00207838 from not having to deal with something CMcde5jMxzI-00825-00207839-00208175 that isn't necessarily her business if CMcde5jMxzI-00826-00208176-00208331 she's not earning it CMcde5jMxzI-00827-00208332-00208631 but then it causes all this angst CMcde5jMxzI-00828-00208632-00208769 because it's like well then why'd you CMcde5jMxzI-00829-00208769-00208966 buy that burrito at work we were CMcde5jMxzI-00830-00208967-00209086 supposed to be saving that for the back CMcde5jMxzI-00831-00209087-00209340 patio furniture whatever happens to be CMcde5jMxzI-00832-00209341-00209717 and to you having earned it it's like CMcde5jMxzI-00833-00209717-00209987 look I was working and I was hungry CMcde5jMxzI-00834-00209988-00210329 so instead of the man always feeling CMcde5jMxzI-00835-00210330-00210569 like he has to justify what he's doing CMcde5jMxzI-00836-00210569-00210796 with his money and the woman feeling CMcde5jMxzI-00837-00210798-00211079 like she has to nitpick him to make sure CMcde5jMxzI-00838-00211080-00211360 he doesn't waste the money he earned CMcde5jMxzI-00839-00211361-00211613 she was able to step back and focus all CMcde5jMxzI-00840-00211614-00211865 of her attention on our first child at CMcde5jMxzI-00841-00211866-00211973 that time CMcde5jMxzI-00842-00211973-00212177 and I was able to CMcde5jMxzI-00843-00212178-00212560 make a bunch of financial mess-ups and CMcde5jMxzI-00844-00212561-00212782 figure out how money worked CMcde5jMxzI-00845-00212783-00213167 and now and move forward right CMcde5jMxzI-00846-00213167-00213563 it was pretty neat yeah that is so key I CMcde5jMxzI-00847-00213564-00213701 don't even know where to begin I think CMcde5jMxzI-00848-00213702-00213917 you and I are on opposite ends of the CMcde5jMxzI-00849-00213917-00214210 spectrum because I did everything and my CMcde5jMxzI-00850-00214211-00214427 wife knew nothing about my finances as CMcde5jMxzI-00851-00214428-00214582 long as I gave her enough to pay the CMcde5jMxzI-00852-00214583-00214810 bills for the house that was the way it CMcde5jMxzI-00853-00214811-00215056 was for the longest time she hadn't she CMcde5jMxzI-00854-00215057-00215206 didn't even have to think about it if I CMcde5jMxzI-00855-00215207-00215381 ever told her hey look it might be a CMcde5jMxzI-00856-00215382-00215537 little tight she'd say okay fine it's CMcde5jMxzI-00857-00215538-00215651 been fine CMcde5jMxzI-00858-00215652-00215825 recently though CMcde5jMxzI-00859-00215826-00216155 I've been putting her in charge of my CMcde5jMxzI-00860-00216156-00216425 business bank accounts CMcde5jMxzI-00861-00216426-00216791 and she gets to watch me make bad bad CMcde5jMxzI-00862-00216792-00216913 decisions CMcde5jMxzI-00863-00216914-00217144 the other day she's like where did all CMcde5jMxzI-00864-00217146-00217342 this money go I'm like CMcde5jMxzI-00865-00217344-00217631 just let me be let me do what I got to CMcde5jMxzI-00866-00217632-00217781 do right now it's don't worry about it CMcde5jMxzI-00867-00217782-00218027 just book it because she's a bookkeeper CMcde5jMxzI-00868-00218028-00218284 I said just book it okay don't worry as CMcde5jMxzI-00869-00218285-00218410 long as you want to categorize it for CMcde5jMxzI-00870-00218411-00218681 what it is on the CMcde5jMxzI-00871-00218682-00218956 on the books fine but don't start asking CMcde5jMxzI-00872-00218957-00219148 me questions about why I'm spending what CMcde5jMxzI-00873-00219150-00219317 I'm spending because that's how I got CMcde5jMxzI-00874-00219317-00219563 here and so she gets right she gets to CMcde5jMxzI-00875-00219564-00219787 learn a lesson you know later on in life CMcde5jMxzI-00876-00219788-00220055 that your wife learned early on CMcde5jMxzI-00877-00220056-00220258 so you're still doing it the way I'm CMcde5jMxzI-00878-00220259-00220541 doing it you decide where the money goes CMcde5jMxzI-00879-00220542-00220817 she's just involved with it right yeah CMcde5jMxzI-00880-00220817-00221021 you help me get the books CMcde5jMxzI-00881-00221021-00221260 yeah that's all I was saying unless I CMcde5jMxzI-00882-00221261-00221496 ask you your opinion CMcde5jMxzI-00883-00221498-00221848 unless I ask you your opinion about this CMcde5jMxzI-00884-00221850-00222082 money I don't want to know your opinion CMcde5jMxzI-00885-00222083-00222377 right it's like the difference between CMcde5jMxzI-00886-00222378-00222544 coffee and his opinion is I usually ask CMcde5jMxzI-00887-00222546-00222865 for coffee CMcde5jMxzI-00888-00222866-00223277 very cool man yeah and so but as strange CMcde5jMxzI-00889-00223278-00223408 as it sounds this is what makes CMcde5jMxzI-00890-00223409-00223660 relationships work because it's like CMcde5jMxzI-00891-00223661-00223931 nature is meant to be that spearhead and CMcde5jMxzI-00892-00223932-00224087 to carry the load and to worry about CMcde5jMxzI-00893-00224088-00224327 those things and it's for the woman to CMcde5jMxzI-00894-00224328-00224573 care for The Souls of the children on a CMcde5jMxzI-00895-00224573-00224825 daily basis by bearing them and caring CMcde5jMxzI-00896-00224826-00225058 for them and keeping them CMcde5jMxzI-00897-00225059-00225353 yeah yes it's just so opposite to what CMcde5jMxzI-00898-00225354-00225694 is really out there for most of us in CMcde5jMxzI-00899-00225696-00226001 secular land in in the Fallen World here CMcde5jMxzI-00900-00226002-00226151 it is CMcde5jMxzI-00901-00226152-00226306 um and it's really sad that it is CMcde5jMxzI-00902-00226307-00226594 because we can see in our society in CMcde5jMxzI-00903-00226596-00226901 politics going on today in media it's CMcde5jMxzI-00904-00226902-00227219 the LIE is coming to light right it CMcde5jMxzI-00905-00227219-00227446 really the light is coming to light it's CMcde5jMxzI-00906-00227448-00227653 like CMcde5jMxzI-00907-00227654-00227932 there's a hundred thousand person CMcde5jMxzI-00908-00227933-00228334 protests of all homosexuals I I I'm CMcde5jMxzI-00909-00228335-00228491 marching down the streets of Paris CMcde5jMxzI-00910-00228492-00228691 saying we don't want CMcde5jMxzI-00911-00228692-00229013 legal homosexual marriage CMcde5jMxzI-00912-00229014-00229367 we know how we're living is bad for our CMcde5jMxzI-00913-00229367-00229679 society because it doesn't appropriate CMcde5jMxzI-00914-00229680-00230015 but that is our choice we we're not CMcde5jMxzI-00915-00230016-00230213 wanting to get married CMcde5jMxzI-00916-00230214-00230423 all right stop pushing it on us just CMcde5jMxzI-00917-00230423-00230639 like women didn't want to vote women CMcde5jMxzI-00918-00230640-00230771 didn't want to vote they had to be CMcde5jMxzI-00919-00230771-00231058 convinced to vote by these uh you know CMcde5jMxzI-00920-00231059-00231305 uh uh uh CMcde5jMxzI-00921-00231306-00231508 but the people who protest these CMcde5jMxzI-00922-00231509-00231773 protesters they didn't work women don't CMcde5jMxzI-00923-00231773-00232241 need to vote because it's a family votes CMcde5jMxzI-00924-00232242-00232565 and she gets to vote yeah yeah with how CMcde5jMxzI-00925-00232566-00232781 she raises her children she has the CMcde5jMxzI-00926-00232782-00233021 strongest vote in society a woman CMcde5jMxzI-00927-00233021-00233308 because of the virtues and values she's CMcde5jMxzI-00928-00233309-00233501 instilling in her children if she's CMcde5jMxzI-00929-00233502-00233710 actually at home and not out there you CMcde5jMxzI-00930-00233711-00233963 know making paper and casting votes for CMcde5jMxzI-00931-00233964-00234173 something that's really none of is is CMcde5jMxzI-00932-00234173-00234503 less than her True Value CMcde5jMxzI-00933-00234504-00234784 100 100 percent CMcde5jMxzI-00934-00234785-00235273 yep the women are were duped into this CMcde5jMxzI-00935-00235273-00235546 sexualize yourself and that empowers you CMcde5jMxzI-00936-00235548-00235756 right when an actual actually that's CMcde5jMxzI-00937-00235757-00236008 just an enslavement now that now they CMcde5jMxzI-00938-00236009-00236244 don't have to worry about anybody else CMcde5jMxzI-00939-00236246-00236434 exploiting them they do it themselves CMcde5jMxzI-00940-00236435-00236825 yes it uh and the right to vote the CMcde5jMxzI-00941-00236826-00236951 right to CMcde5jMxzI-00942-00236952-00237148 um CMcde5jMxzI-00943-00237150-00237389 get jobs and careers just like why do CMcde5jMxzI-00944-00237390-00237623 you want to serve another man or a woman CMcde5jMxzI-00945-00237623-00237773 right CMcde5jMxzI-00946-00237773-00238042 versus serve your husband when you know CMcde5jMxzI-00947-00238044-00238192 his interests so bestie that doesn't CMcde5jMxzI-00948-00238194-00238415 make any sense right he's working for CMcde5jMxzI-00949-00238416-00238606 you why are you working for somebody CMcde5jMxzI-00950-00238607-00238708 else CMcde5jMxzI-00951-00238709-00239003 yeah that makes no sense and how are you CMcde5jMxzI-00952-00239004-00239429 supposed to instill uh your as a CMcde5jMxzI-00953-00239430-00239765 parent's virtues your ideas of the world CMcde5jMxzI-00954-00239766-00240010 all of your life experiences into your CMcde5jMxzI-00955-00240011-00240113 children CMcde5jMxzI-00956-00240114-00240310 when they're not even in your home right CMcde5jMxzI-00957-00240311-00240605 sign up right when they are in the home CMcde5jMxzI-00958-00240606-00240791 they're addicted to the screens CMcde5jMxzI-00959-00240792-00241246 right it just can't happen yeah CMcde5jMxzI-00960-00241248-00241582 yeah it just doesn't add up and so what CMcde5jMxzI-00961-00241583-00241853 I see in you is not just a throwback CMcde5jMxzI-00962-00241854-00242298 when I see the future CMcde5jMxzI-00963-00242300-00242579 because there's an Awakening of interest CMcde5jMxzI-00964-00242580-00242932 in returning to tradition and it it's so CMcde5jMxzI-00965-00242933-00243160 obvious because the first of all this is CMcde5jMxzI-00966-00243161-00243406 basic physics I mean it's it's so CMcde5jMxzI-00967-00243407-00243575 chaotic that people want to hold on to CMcde5jMxzI-00968-00243576-00243737 something stable it's so crazy that CMcde5jMxzI-00969-00243738-00243971 anything that feels like stability but CMcde5jMxzI-00970-00243971-00244151 also it's biblical right doesn't Paul CMcde5jMxzI-00971-00244152-00244396 say that when the darkness is at its CMcde5jMxzI-00972-00244398-00244667 thickest that's when Grace abounds CMcde5jMxzI-00973-00244667-00244925 yes I mean dark is pretty thick right CMcde5jMxzI-00974-00244926-00245117 now so the grace abounds in Awakening in CMcde5jMxzI-00975-00245117-00245321 the hearts of men and women everywhere CMcde5jMxzI-00976-00245321-00245581 for a return to CMcde5jMxzI-00977-00245582-00245917 mainly the traditional family CMcde5jMxzI-00978-00245917-00246227 traditional gender roles and that's what CMcde5jMxzI-00979-00246228-00246401 will be rebuild CMcde5jMxzI-00980-00246402-00246713 a traditional Society a Pious Society a CMcde5jMxzI-00981-00246714-00246982 a righteous Society CMcde5jMxzI-00982-00246983-00247294 right it's so freeing when you don't CMcde5jMxzI-00983-00247296-00247463 have to worry about CMcde5jMxzI-00984-00247464-00247846 all the uh body count of your spouse CMcde5jMxzI-00985-00247848-00248165 you know right like the amount of CMcde5jMxzI-00986-00248166-00248458 emotional and mental Freedom you get CMcde5jMxzI-00987-00248459-00248579 with that CMcde5jMxzI-00988-00248580-00249082 is unreal yeah and and this is but the CMcde5jMxzI-00989-00249083-00249298 world's most attractive CMcde5jMxzI-00990-00249300-00249496 huh the world wants you to pretend that CMcde5jMxzI-00991-00249498-00249713 doesn't exist or they make they say CMcde5jMxzI-00992-00249714-00249898 don't worry about that or if you do if CMcde5jMxzI-00993-00249900-00250084 you are concerned about that well then CMcde5jMxzI-00994-00250085-00250315 you're you're a weak man CMcde5jMxzI-00995-00250316-00250703 right right right you're insecure as a CMcde5jMxzI-00996-00250704-00250787 man CMcde5jMxzI-00997-00250788-00250991 that's the dumbest thing in my in the CMcde5jMxzI-00998-00250992-00251267 world when you buy a used car it's a CMcde5jMxzI-00999-00251267-00251465 little bit less secure than a brand new CMcde5jMxzI-01000-00251466-00251687 car it's just practical thinking hey CMcde5jMxzI-01001-00251688-00251951 it's got some miles on it not down the CMcde5jMxzI-01002-00251952-00252275 price a little bit what it's not much CMcde5jMxzI-01003-00252276-00252358 different CMcde5jMxzI-01004-00252359-00252587 so you're on a bus could you tell me CMcde5jMxzI-01005-00252588-00252875 more about like so what is how is your CMcde5jMxzI-01006-00252876-00253048 life unfolding and what are you actually CMcde5jMxzI-01007-00253050-00253234 doing why do you have your family on a CMcde5jMxzI-01008-00253235-00253432 bus where are you going what's up CMcde5jMxzI-01009-00253433-00253589 okay CMcde5jMxzI-01010-00253590-00253769 um well when the government shutdowns CMcde5jMxzI-01011-00253769-00254165 happened and my gym got close and uh CMcde5jMxzI-01012-00254166-00254351 they closed down all the churches at CMcde5jMxzI-01013-00254352-00254615 that time where I was at uh even the CMcde5jMxzI-01014-00254616-00254848 traditional Latin ones are locked their CMcde5jMxzI-01015-00254850-00254987 doors CMcde5jMxzI-01016-00254988-00255053 um CMcde5jMxzI-01017-00255054-00255275 we were I my wife and I were like this CMcde5jMxzI-01018-00255276-00255508 is ridiculous we're not going to be able CMcde5jMxzI-01019-00255509-00255737 to get to Easter Sunday mass the CMcde5jMxzI-01020-00255738-00256001 greatest day of Hope of the entire year CMcde5jMxzI-01021-00256002-00256271 that we can't get to mass this is not CMcde5jMxzI-01022-00256271-00256744 right and so we the nearest open Latin CMcde5jMxzI-01023-00256746-00256991 Mass we could find was almost 1800 miles CMcde5jMxzI-01024-00256992-00257110 away CMcde5jMxzI-01025-00257111-00257465 it was uh it was down by Kansas City and CMcde5jMxzI-01026-00257466-00257771 we were way out there in Washington CMcde5jMxzI-01027-00257771-00258130 so we got in our van and we made a four CMcde5jMxzI-01028-00258131-00258365 day trip CMcde5jMxzI-01029-00258366-00258527 could drive pretty much day and night CMcde5jMxzI-01030-00258528-00258694 get all there we had eight kids at the CMcde5jMxzI-01031-00258696-00258982 time and uh and because of the lockdown CMcde5jMxzI-01032-00258983-00259192 you were free to do that because you CMcde5jMxzI-01033-00259194-00259469 didn't have your you owned a gym CMcde5jMxzI-01034-00259469-00259727 I did yeah so if I have to go to the gym CMcde5jMxzI-01035-00259728-00259963 so you packed up your kids and said CMcde5jMxzI-01036-00259964-00260237 we'll be at mass in four days kids let's CMcde5jMxzI-01037-00260238-00260591 go let's go that's amazing CMcde5jMxzI-01038-00260592-00260746 back CMcde5jMxzI-01039-00260748-00260896 what was that CMcde5jMxzI-01040-00260898-00261221 was four days there and back 1800 miles CMcde5jMxzI-01041-00261221-00261580 in two days amazing Sunday mass and 1800 CMcde5jMxzI-01042-00261581-00261725 miles back CMcde5jMxzI-01043-00261726-00261946 there's a level of Freedom that uh the CMcde5jMxzI-01044-00261948-00262145 lockdown brought that you know some CMcde5jMxzI-01045-00262146-00262277 people's lives got better and some CMcde5jMxzI-01046-00262278-00262505 people's lives got worse I guess it just CMcde5jMxzI-01047-00262506-00262649 depended on what you did with that CMcde5jMxzI-01048-00262650-00262906 freedom and you decided to pack up your CMcde5jMxzI-01049-00262907-00263134 family and get on the road and so you CMcde5jMxzI-01050-00263135-00263363 went first of all how do you find how CMcde5jMxzI-01051-00263364-00263608 did you find one open Latin Mass all the CMcde5jMxzI-01052-00263609-00263795 way down there that's my question CMcde5jMxzI-01053-00263796-00264023 what I we've been searching for like two CMcde5jMxzI-01054-00264024-00264293 weeks two weeks looking around on the CMcde5jMxzI-01055-00264294-00264503 internet yeah everywhere we could find CMcde5jMxzI-01056-00264504-00264713 anywhere we could look where is the CMcde5jMxzI-01057-00264714-00264856 Latin Mass that's open CMcde5jMxzI-01058-00264857-00265175 and she went to that last Latin mass and CMcde5jMxzI-01059-00265176-00265439 then you went back home CMcde5jMxzI-01060-00265440-00265637 and then what did you decide to do after CMcde5jMxzI-01061-00265638-00265751 that CMcde5jMxzI-01062-00265752-00265984 well I tried for another couple weeks to CMcde5jMxzI-01063-00265985-00266225 uh get people to come back in the doors CMcde5jMxzI-01064-00266226-00266597 to try to you know unofficially reopen CMcde5jMxzI-01065-00266598-00266717 even though we were supposed to be shut CMcde5jMxzI-01066-00266718-00266867 down all the rest of that stuff but CMcde5jMxzI-01067-00266868-00267047 nobody would CMcde5jMxzI-01068-00267048-00267232 um everybody's too scared this is way CMcde5jMxzI-01069-00267233-00267563 back March of 2020 or whatever everybody CMcde5jMxzI-01070-00267564-00267808 is too scared and so we were like you CMcde5jMxzI-01071-00267809-00268025 know what we've been talking about all CMcde5jMxzI-01072-00268026-00268295 this material crap I've got an CMcde5jMxzI-01073-00268296-00268523 exorbitant mortgage exorbitant rent on CMcde5jMxzI-01074-00268524-00268834 the gym uh we've got a garage full of CMcde5jMxzI-01075-00268835-00269171 cool things and toys that we never have CMcde5jMxzI-01076-00269172-00269345 time to deal with because I work 100 CMcde5jMxzI-01077-00269346-00269530 hours a week at my gym CMcde5jMxzI-01078-00269531-00269765 and so CMcde5jMxzI-01079-00269766-00270047 um we were like let's just let it go so CMcde5jMxzI-01080-00270048-00270413 we sold and uh auctioned or gave to CMcde5jMxzI-01081-00270414-00270601 those who needed things that we knew of CMcde5jMxzI-01082-00270602-00270827 literally everything we had put our CMcde5jMxzI-01083-00270828-00270965 house on the market CMcde5jMxzI-01084-00270966-00271169 uh during that time I had been looking CMcde5jMxzI-01085-00271170-00271373 for an RV CMcde5jMxzI-01086-00271374-00271751 um but I didn't find one within our CMcde5jMxzI-01087-00271752-00271871 price range CMcde5jMxzI-01088-00271872-00272213 but I found this bus and I was like CMcde5jMxzI-01089-00272214-00272441 I I know how to work with my hands let's CMcde5jMxzI-01090-00272442-00272615 see if I can figure out how to do CMcde5jMxzI-01091-00272616-00272741 something with it CMcde5jMxzI-01092-00272742-00272963 and so for the house in the market and CMcde5jMxzI-01093-00272964-00273323 headed down to SoCal to uh pick her up CMcde5jMxzI-01094-00273324-00273539 and just CMcde5jMxzI-01095-00273540-00273869 basically recklessly toss All Comfort CMcde5jMxzI-01096-00273870-00274289 all security all self-reliance in every CMcde5jMxzI-01097-00274290-00274534 way just roll it up and Chuck it out the CMcde5jMxzI-01098-00274535-00274715 window and say God CMcde5jMxzI-01099-00274716-00274949 we're gonna we're doing this CMcde5jMxzI-01100-00274950-00275158 we're letting go of everything CMcde5jMxzI-01101-00275159-00275380 you lead us where we need to go because CMcde5jMxzI-01102-00275381-00275597 no matter what happens our families CMcde5jMxzI-01103-00275598-00275741 staying together and we're getting the CMcde5jMxzI-01104-00275742-00275975 sacraments so we're literally following CMcde5jMxzI-01105-00275976-00276160 what sacraments are open until things CMcde5jMxzI-01106-00276161-00276329 come back and if they don't come back CMcde5jMxzI-01107-00276330-00276658 we'll continue following CMcde5jMxzI-01108-00276659-00276899 God bless you and your wife and your CMcde5jMxzI-01109-00276900-00277301 family bro that's uh that takes quite a CMcde5jMxzI-01110-00277302-00277477 tremendous amount of heart and courage CMcde5jMxzI-01111-00277478-00277697 and I just want to acknowledge you on CMcde5jMxzI-01112-00277698-00277882 that it's so funny because once again CMcde5jMxzI-01113-00277883-00278147 you represent sort of a sense of what's CMcde5jMxzI-01114-00278148-00278308 happening in the world I was also CMcde5jMxzI-01115-00278309-00278573 looking for an RV at that time too my CMcde5jMxzI-01116-00278574-00278867 life was being up upheaved at that CMcde5jMxzI-01117-00278868-00279119 moment as well like so many of ours but CMcde5jMxzI-01118-00279120-00279341 I knew that a move was in store and I CMcde5jMxzI-01119-00279342-00279532 was like you you know thinking like okay CMcde5jMxzI-01120-00279533-00279755 what if I got to get on the road that CMcde5jMxzI-01121-00279756-00279982 might need to happen and then I started CMcde5jMxzI-01122-00279983-00280180 looking for pieces of land so that I CMcde5jMxzI-01123-00280181-00280451 could have a like a bunker I was I was CMcde5jMxzI-01124-00280452-00280667 looking into like these um shipping CMcde5jMxzI-01125-00280668-00280793 container homes CMcde5jMxzI-01126-00280794-00281032 yeah you could bury them into the ground CMcde5jMxzI-01127-00281033-00281158 I was just going to buy a bottle out and CMcde5jMxzI-01128-00281159-00281279 just bury one of those down into the CMcde5jMxzI-01129-00281280-00281434 ground and here I am like showing my CMcde5jMxzI-01130-00281435-00281591 wife like how to make toilet bowls out CMcde5jMxzI-01131-00281592-00281753 of like buckets and garbage bags and CMcde5jMxzI-01132-00281754-00282017 [__] and she's on the inside I know she CMcde5jMxzI-01133-00282018-00282155 was cringing but she was letting me CMcde5jMxzI-01134-00282156-00282347 Daydream right CMcde5jMxzI-01135-00282348-00282658 and then she finds my CMcde5jMxzI-01136-00282659-00282910 place of residence right now which is CMcde5jMxzI-01137-00282911-00283175 way out here in Central Florida on 42 CMcde5jMxzI-01138-00283176-00283469 Acres cattle ranch and just away from so CMcde5jMxzI-01139-00283470-00283553 many CMcde5jMxzI-01140-00283554-00283823 so many of the distractions of the world CMcde5jMxzI-01141-00283824-00283949 but you know of course I still have the CMcde5jMxzI-01142-00283950-00284189 screens and my picture I'm pretty sure CMcde5jMxzI-01143-00284190-00284429 but what a blessing we're out here yeah CMcde5jMxzI-01144-00284430-00284645 we both kind of are doing in a way kind CMcde5jMxzI-01145-00284646-00284782 of doing the same thing but in a CMcde5jMxzI-01146-00284783-00284975 different way it's about checking out CMcde5jMxzI-01147-00284976-00285358 from the the the typical day-to-day uh CMcde5jMxzI-01148-00285359-00285599 lifestyle choices that most people are CMcde5jMxzI-01149-00285600-00285797 forced to make quite frankly you know CMcde5jMxzI-01150-00285798-00286030 they just they don't have you know the CMcde5jMxzI-01151-00286031-00286247 the the grace maybe that you and I have CMcde5jMxzI-01152-00286248-00286493 had in our lives and the blessings in in CMcde5jMxzI-01153-00286494-00286708 the guise of our parents I'm able to CMcde5jMxzI-01154-00286709-00286984 yeah like repay my parents for raising CMcde5jMxzI-01155-00286985-00287195 me just to be raising a home with a mom CMcde5jMxzI-01156-00287196-00287417 and a dad much less oh yeah not much CMcde5jMxzI-01157-00287418-00287699 less tradition or religious or anything CMcde5jMxzI-01158-00287700-00287915 like that my dad and mom and dad didn't CMcde5jMxzI-01159-00287916-00288058 know what they were doing they weren't CMcde5jMxzI-01160-00288059-00288280 conscious of it but they raised us in a CMcde5jMxzI-01161-00288281-00288515 traditional way that brought blessings CMcde5jMxzI-01162-00288516-00288719 into my life that I have kind of family CMcde5jMxzI-01163-00288720-00288947 that I have now so I can retire my dad CMcde5jMxzI-01164-00288948-00289265 and he gets to live here uh with me on CMcde5jMxzI-01165-00289266-00289421 this you know I have a house in the back CMcde5jMxzI-01166-00289422-00289637 here for him God bless you brother CMcde5jMxzI-01167-00289638-00289937 that's amazing yeah God is good God's CMcde5jMxzI-01168-00289938-00290189 doing something here here with us right CMcde5jMxzI-01169-00290190-00290375 now at this particular time and I think CMcde5jMxzI-01170-00290376-00290501 it has a lot to do with that Grace CMcde5jMxzI-01171-00290502-00290747 abounding when darkness is at its CMcde5jMxzI-01172-00290748-00290830 thickest CMcde5jMxzI-01173-00290831-00291005 so yeah CMcde5jMxzI-01174-00291006-00291251 what would you say to someone who's uh CMcde5jMxzI-01175-00291252-00291382 you know CMcde5jMxzI-01176-00291383-00291701 wanting to live a different way CMcde5jMxzI-01177-00291702-00292210 and make different choices and return to CMcde5jMxzI-01178-00292211-00292475 tradition the way that you are CMcde5jMxzI-01179-00292476-00292708 um what what might be some steps that CMcde5jMxzI-01180-00292709-00292895 they could take to start making that CMcde5jMxzI-01181-00292896-00293260 life a reality for them CMcde5jMxzI-01182-00293261-00293465 um first steps are CMcde5jMxzI-01183-00293466-00293608 admit CMcde5jMxzI-01184-00293609-00293777 you're gonna mess it up CMcde5jMxzI-01185-00293778-00293921 that's all there is to it you're not CMcde5jMxzI-01186-00293922-00294077 going to get it right and it's going to CMcde5jMxzI-01187-00294078-00294247 take time CMcde5jMxzI-01188-00294248-00294563 that that's really it so CMcde5jMxzI-01189-00294564-00294851 prioritize CMcde5jMxzI-01190-00294852-00295289 um self betterment in lifting in fasting CMcde5jMxzI-01191-00295290-00295630 in prayer in educating yourself off of a CMcde5jMxzI-01192-00295631-00295871 screen through books go to the local CMcde5jMxzI-01193-00295872-00296075 library again like people used to 30 CMcde5jMxzI-01194-00296076-00296251 years ago right CMcde5jMxzI-01195-00296252-00296741 and get yourself educated on basic logic CMcde5jMxzI-01196-00296742-00296958 if you're non-religion non-religious CMcde5jMxzI-01197-00296959-00297347 basic logic read Aristotle read Socrates CMcde5jMxzI-01198-00297348-00297641 read about the discussions of Saint CMcde5jMxzI-01199-00297642-00298006 Augustine on how to teach your teach CMcde5jMxzI-01200-00298007-00298277 your brain how to come to its own CMcde5jMxzI-01201-00298278-00298606 rational conclusions aside from your CMcde5jMxzI-01202-00298607-00298745 emotion CMcde5jMxzI-01203-00298746-00299075 while in that process of self-betterment CMcde5jMxzI-01204-00299076-00299327 start getting rid of start with start CMcde5jMxzI-01205-00299328-00299465 getting rid of things you don't need CMcde5jMxzI-01206-00299466-00299639 things you don't use if you haven't CMcde5jMxzI-01207-00299640-00299849 touched your bicycle my rule when I CMcde5jMxzI-01208-00299850-00300101 started minimalizing my life was if I CMcde5jMxzI-01209-00300102-00300280 haven't used it in 12 months I don't CMcde5jMxzI-01210-00300281-00300419 need it CMcde5jMxzI-01211-00300420-00300647 and so if you don't ride your bike CMcde5jMxzI-01212-00300648-00300725 anymore CMcde5jMxzI-01213-00300726-00300917 go give it to a kid down the street who CMcde5jMxzI-01214-00300918-00301151 doesn't have one you know if you have CMcde5jMxzI-01215-00301152-00301330 five pairs of shoes you only wear two CMcde5jMxzI-01216-00301331-00301643 get rid of the other three and what in CMcde5jMxzI-01217-00301644-00301847 this process of getting rid of the CMcde5jMxzI-01218-00301848-00302123 excess what ends up happening is you CMcde5jMxzI-01219-00302124-00302413 free up all of that space in your mind CMcde5jMxzI-01220-00302414-00302855 that having that stuff is occupying just CMcde5jMxzI-01221-00302856-00303143 in the back there uh and you don't even CMcde5jMxzI-01222-00303144-00303484 realize how much space ownership of CMcde5jMxzI-01223-00303485-00303743 material things takes up in your CMcde5jMxzI-01224-00303744-00304030 subconscious because you know you have CMcde5jMxzI-01225-00304031-00304253 it and you know you have to take care of CMcde5jMxzI-01226-00304254-00304510 it yeah and you gotta upkeep it and you CMcde5jMxzI-01227-00304511-00304703 gotta whatever you gotta move it every CMcde5jMxzI-01228-00304704-00304817 time you're supposed to clean the garage CMcde5jMxzI-01229-00304818-00304949 right CMcde5jMxzI-01230-00304950-00305069 so CMcde5jMxzI-01231-00305070-00305375 as you start letting go of these things CMcde5jMxzI-01232-00305376-00305663 your mind starts becoming more open CMcde5jMxzI-01233-00305664-00305897 and you start looking at the world more CMcde5jMxzI-01234-00305898-00306221 objectively less subjectively through CMcde5jMxzI-01235-00306222-00306491 the lens of media and politics that's CMcde5jMxzI-01236-00306492-00306606 where I would say to begin CMcde5jMxzI-01237-00306607-00306887 self-improvement and start minimalizing CMcde5jMxzI-01238-00306888-00307210 your life so that you are the priority CMcde5jMxzI-01239-00307211-00307553 of your life not your lifestyle or your CMcde5jMxzI-01240-00307554-00307704 stuff CMcde5jMxzI-01241-00307705-00308165 wow that was very clear and explicit and CMcde5jMxzI-01242-00308166-00308471 very helpful yeah thank you how much CMcde5jMxzI-01243-00308472-00308699 would you say the CMcde5jMxzI-01244-00308700-00308927 frequent reception of the sacraments CMcde5jMxzI-01245-00308928-00309269 plays in your life today CMcde5jMxzI-01246-00309270-00309395 uh CMcde5jMxzI-01247-00309396-00309630 everything CMcde5jMxzI-01248-00309631-00309887 all right and the frequent reception of CMcde5jMxzI-01249-00309888-00310193 the sacraments uh that's CMcde5jMxzI-01250-00310194-00310499 that has been The Guiding Light the the CMcde5jMxzI-01251-00310500-00310739 beacon of CMcde5jMxzI-01252-00310740-00310997 our our whole marriage we're almost 16 CMcde5jMxzI-01253-00310998-00311579 years now but uh but it's been since uh CMcde5jMxzI-01254-00311580-00311699 just CMcde5jMxzI-01255-00311700-00311813 okay CMcde5jMxzI-01256-00311814-00312053 cast iron property over the head into CMcde5jMxzI-01257-00312054-00312293 our children's brains that that is what CMcde5jMxzI-01258-00312294-00312539 we live for in our travel around the CMcde5jMxzI-01259-00312540-00312749 world around the United States in the CMcde5jMxzI-01260-00312750-00313013 past two years uh we literally just go CMcde5jMxzI-01261-00313014-00313306 from Benedictine Monastery to Carmelite CMcde5jMxzI-01262-00313307-00313630 Convent to stop by the Rockies halfway CMcde5jMxzI-01263-00313631-00313877 in between and go down to a fraternity CMcde5jMxzI-01264-00313878-00314134 Latin mass in uh Littleton Colorado CMcde5jMxzI-01265-00314135-00314363 where we get to go see the old west CMcde5jMxzI-01266-00314364-00314663 museums from the times of uh little CMcde5jMxzI-01267-00314664-00315004 Bridges uh Ralph uh Ralph Moody the CMcde5jMxzI-01268-00315005-00315149 author wrote all those books it's great CMcde5jMxzI-01269-00315150-00315460 so and CMcde5jMxzI-01270-00315461-00315869 every bit of that but when you get dump CMcde5jMxzI-01271-00315870-00316187 by the grace of God we were able to all CMcde5jMxzI-01272-00316188-00316379 of your stuff CMcde5jMxzI-01273-00316380-00316595 and you you stop looking at the world CMcde5jMxzI-01274-00316596-00316810 through the wrong end of the telescope CMcde5jMxzI-01275-00316811-00317110 as I like to call it which is I have to CMcde5jMxzI-01276-00317111-00317417 be secure I have to be stable this has CMcde5jMxzI-01277-00317418-00317627 to be a prudent business move CMcde5jMxzI-01278-00317628-00317884 and instead you read the gospel that CMcde5jMxzI-01279-00317885-00318119 says for every single thing you give up CMcde5jMxzI-01280-00318120-00318419 whether that be wealth or horses or CMcde5jMxzI-01281-00318420-00318629 cattle or family or father or a mother CMcde5jMxzI-01282-00318630-00318893 or brothers and sisters I will reward CMcde5jMxzI-01283-00318894-00319097 you 100 fold CMcde5jMxzI-01284-00319098-00319391 it does not say I will reward you in CMcde5jMxzI-01285-00319392-00319606 heaven CMcde5jMxzI-01286-00319607-00319780 he didn't say that CMcde5jMxzI-01287-00319781-00320165 so we have met the most amazing uh more CMcde5jMxzI-01288-00320166-00320425 sets of grandparents around this nation CMcde5jMxzI-01289-00320426-00320717 beautiful brothers and sisters living CMcde5jMxzI-01290-00320718-00321010 their faith uh in our Journeys at these CMcde5jMxzI-01291-00321011-00321221 little parishes throughout the nation CMcde5jMxzI-01292-00321222-00321580 then we could possibly ever have met and CMcde5jMxzI-01293-00321581-00321767 had that experience and it's literally CMcde5jMxzI-01294-00321768-00322043 because the only thing guiding us is CMcde5jMxzI-01295-00322044-00322277 where are the sacraments so if that puts CMcde5jMxzI-01296-00322278-00322421 emphasis enough on the power of the CMcde5jMxzI-01297-00322422-00322615 sacraments to us that's where we stand CMcde5jMxzI-01298-00322616-00323008 wow it literally is guiding your steps CMcde5jMxzI-01299-00323009-00323291 yes I think when you first emailed me CMcde5jMxzI-01300-00323292-00323423 you said you were heading towards Saint CMcde5jMxzI-01301-00323424-00323573 Pete and you wanted to know if there was CMcde5jMxzI-01302-00323574-00323891 a traditional Latin Mass somewhere and I CMcde5jMxzI-01303-00323892-00324221 sent you to father palka and that was CMcde5jMxzI-01304-00324222-00324382 the first place I ever experienced the CMcde5jMxzI-01305-00324383-00324653 Latin mass and you've been going there CMcde5jMxzI-01306-00324654-00324899 frequently now I assume and that's your CMcde5jMxzI-01307-00324900-00325204 Parish in in Tampa Bay CMcde5jMxzI-01308-00325205-00325475 I I bounced back and forth between two CMcde5jMxzI-01309-00325476-00325793 one one is uh Epiphany with from the CMcde5jMxzI-01310-00325794-00326051 palka and the other is uh Saint Anthony CMcde5jMxzI-01311-00326052-00326267 the Abbott Catholic Church up in CMcde5jMxzI-01312-00326268-00326639 Brooksville and father father petchie is CMcde5jMxzI-01313-00326640-00326891 the pastor up there and uh the only CMcde5jMxzI-01314-00326892-00327047 reason we kind of go back and forth is CMcde5jMxzI-01315-00327048-00327145 because CMcde5jMxzI-01316-00327146-00327460 Brooksville is 15 minute drive from CMcde5jMxzI-01317-00327461-00327689 where I'm staying currently and Epiphany CMcde5jMxzI-01318-00327690-00327982 is an hour and 15 minute drive so gas CMcde5jMxzI-01319-00327983-00328306 prices are uh yeah yeah I've heard of CMcde5jMxzI-01320-00328307-00328463 Saint Anthony CMcde5jMxzI-01321-00328464-00328715 yeah it's a great it's a great great CMcde5jMxzI-01322-00328716-00328895 priest Good Parish CMcde5jMxzI-01323-00328896-00329056 um I'm actually CMcde5jMxzI-01324-00329057-00329369 giving a speech uh CMcde5jMxzI-01325-00329370-00329591 uh on the 25th at Epiphany went from the CMcde5jMxzI-01326-00329592-00329830 power because approval so oh that's so CMcde5jMxzI-01327-00329831-00330034 cool and you're I mean you're you're a CMcde5jMxzI-01328-00330035-00330197 kind of guy who gets around you reach CMcde5jMxzI-01329-00330198-00330419 out you have no problem asking for help CMcde5jMxzI-01330-00330420-00330587 or contributing I mean that's how we got CMcde5jMxzI-01331-00330588-00330743 to know each other CMcde5jMxzI-01332-00330744-00330803 um CMcde5jMxzI-01333-00330804-00331115 one last question which I'm surprised we CMcde5jMxzI-01334-00331116-00331445 didn't get to uh to the bottom of yet so CMcde5jMxzI-01335-00331446-00331595 you've got your wife and your nine kids CMcde5jMxzI-01336-00331596-00331732 you're riding on the bus how are you CMcde5jMxzI-01337-00331733-00331889 making money CMcde5jMxzI-01338-00331890-00332273 ah yeah so uh for the first few months CMcde5jMxzI-01339-00332274-00332519 uh my household had just sold so I had CMcde5jMxzI-01340-00332520-00332806 some money it wasn't very much a couple CMcde5jMxzI-01341-00332807-00333221 Grand and during that time I literally CMcde5jMxzI-01342-00333222-00333484 tried about everything I could think of CMcde5jMxzI-01343-00333485-00333713 I tried social media I tried making CMcde5jMxzI-01344-00333714-00333953 YouTube videos I tried CMcde5jMxzI-01345-00333954-00334204 um writing a book and selling it out CMcde5jMxzI-01346-00334205-00334451 there I I literally nothing caught on CMcde5jMxzI-01347-00334452-00334739 and so for about six months nothing CMcde5jMxzI-01348-00334740-00335195 caught on and we were sustained CMcde5jMxzI-01349-00335196-00335465 through the grace of God my people would CMcde5jMxzI-01350-00335466-00335747 come up to us after Mass on Sundays and CMcde5jMxzI-01351-00335748-00335849 say hey CMcde5jMxzI-01352-00335850-00336125 you're you know you gotta love me family CMcde5jMxzI-01353-00336126-00336341 there would you like to come and park on CMcde5jMxzI-01354-00336342-00336521 my land for a week and help me build a CMcde5jMxzI-01355-00336522-00336989 fence you know and so we were sustained CMcde5jMxzI-01356-00336990-00337103 for CMcde5jMxzI-01357-00337104-00337360 about the first 12 months realistically CMcde5jMxzI-01358-00337361-00337601 off of odd jobs that presented CMcde5jMxzI-01359-00337602-00337787 themselves to us CMcde5jMxzI-01360-00337788-00338153 at church wherever we happen to be CMcde5jMxzI-01361-00338154-00338513 oh man that truly is the grace of God CMcde5jMxzI-01362-00338514-00338891 yeah yeah and what one story on that I CMcde5jMxzI-01363-00338892-00339023 would like to share because it was kind CMcde5jMxzI-01364-00339024-00339304 of amazing uh we stopped at this little CMcde5jMxzI-01365-00339305-00339532 tiny Parish in the middle of the CMcde5jMxzI-01366-00339533-00339779 mountains I mean CMcde5jMxzI-01367-00339780-00339941 we literally only stopped there because CMcde5jMxzI-01368-00339942-00340067 we were low on fuel like nobody even CMcde5jMxzI-01369-00340068-00340289 knows this place exists it's so small CMcde5jMxzI-01370-00340290-00340637 and uh we went to it was Saturday night CMcde5jMxzI-01371-00340638-00340780 so we went for the Saturday night Mass CMcde5jMxzI-01372-00340781-00340991 there in a little local church and the CMcde5jMxzI-01373-00340992-00341345 priest uh it's all old people like CMcde5jMxzI-01374-00341346-00341579 there's like 50 people over 60 and CMcde5jMxzI-01375-00341580-00341675 that's the only that's the whole CMcde5jMxzI-01376-00341676-00341873 congregation in this Old Brick Church CMcde5jMxzI-01377-00341874-00342191 and so I see in kids he was like hey CMcde5jMxzI-01378-00342192-00342413 if you need a place to park come park in CMcde5jMxzI-01379-00342414-00342713 the back so I I did and uh the next day CMcde5jMxzI-01380-00342714-00342941 he came up with obviously things he CMcde5jMxzI-01381-00342942-00343097 didn't actually need help with but CMcde5jMxzI-01382-00343098-00343445 wanted us to stay and so we ended up CMcde5jMxzI-01383-00343446-00343684 being there for uh more than a month CMcde5jMxzI-01384-00343685-00343882 and during that time of doing odd jobs CMcde5jMxzI-01385-00343883-00344075 around the parish CMcde5jMxzI-01386-00344076-00344279 it came to my attention through one of CMcde5jMxzI-01387-00344280-00344554 the parishioners in a previous life for CMcde5jMxzI-01388-00344555-00344687 this Excellent Man CMcde5jMxzI-01389-00344688-00345029 he had been married non-religious his CMcde5jMxzI-01390-00345030-00345256 wife had divorced him taking the kids CMcde5jMxzI-01391-00345257-00345401 two sons CMcde5jMxzI-01392-00345402-00345875 and uh raised them Godless worldly CMcde5jMxzI-01393-00345876-00346103 in that he did get an annulment through CMcde5jMxzI-01394-00346104-00346253 the church he converted he ended up CMcde5jMxzI-01395-00346254-00346504 going to Seminary he had to get uh a CMcde5jMxzI-01396-00346505-00346673 dispensation for joining the Seminary CMcde5jMxzI-01397-00346674-00347099 over 50 right the man's 67 years old CMcde5jMxzI-01398-00347100-00347423 um 90 days to the day CMcde5jMxzI-01399-00347424-00347639 before that night we arrived at the CMcde5jMxzI-01400-00347640-00347867 church his son CMcde5jMxzI-01401-00347868-00348149 by my name Nathan had taken his own life CMcde5jMxzI-01402-00348150-00348377 man CMcde5jMxzI-01403-00348378-00348695 so this man CMcde5jMxzI-01404-00348696-00349054 what it was God's Providence moving CMcde5jMxzI-01405-00349055-00349343 behind the scenes someone who is CMcde5jMxzI-01406-00349344-00349673 Catholic who does love the faith who is CMcde5jMxzI-01407-00349674-00350004 wealthy in the ways of children and wife CMcde5jMxzI-01408-00350005-00350315 by the same name coming into this man's CMcde5jMxzI-01409-00350316-00350543 life to help him reach closure CMcde5jMxzI-01410-00350544-00350771 it was the most miraculous experience CMcde5jMxzI-01411-00350772-00350980 I've ever had in my life that was just CMcde5jMxzI-01412-00350981-00351191 unreal CMcde5jMxzI-01413-00351192-00351395 wow CMcde5jMxzI-01414-00351396-00351695 imagine you know you didn't pick up and CMcde5jMxzI-01415-00351696-00351887 go you couldn't go on this amazing CMcde5jMxzI-01416-00351888-00352139 journey and touch the souls that you did CMcde5jMxzI-01417-00352140-00352384 on your path dude CMcde5jMxzI-01418-00352385-00352613 yeah yeah and I'm sure you know that CMcde5jMxzI-01419-00352614-00353003 this has been amazing Nate so uh yeah I CMcde5jMxzI-01420-00353004-00353195 want to wrap up here but I'm looking CMcde5jMxzI-01421-00353196-00353465 forward to meeting you and your family CMcde5jMxzI-01422-00353466-00353704 I I can't wait for it Elliot I think we CMcde5jMxzI-01423-00353705-00353837 got a lot to talk about and I think CMcde5jMxzI-01424-00353838-00354047 it'll be fantastic and I'm gonna have to CMcde5jMxzI-01425-00354048-00354317 come see that uh St Michael Terror of CMcde5jMxzI-01426-00354318-00354515 demons picture behind you which is one CMcde5jMxzI-01427-00354516-00354713 of my favorite pictures there is I mean CMcde5jMxzI-01428-00354714-00354845 Saint Joseph Terror of demons I CMcde5jMxzI-01429-00354846-00354943 apologize CMcde5jMxzI-01430-00354944-00355187 before getting on the call with you I CMcde5jMxzI-01431-00355188-00355547 spoke with a another uh Catholic Man by CMcde5jMxzI-01432-00355548-00355739 the name of Kennedy Hall and he's CMcde5jMxzI-01433-00355740-00355954 written a book do you know Kennedy CMcde5jMxzI-01434-00355955-00356171 no I I've heard the name I don't know CMcde5jMxzI-01435-00356172-00356369 him personally yeah he works for Life CMcde5jMxzI-01436-00356370-00356669 site news the Catholic news and um he CMcde5jMxzI-01437-00356670-00356837 wrote a book called Terror of demons CMcde5jMxzI-01438-00356838-00357004 about Saint Joseph CMcde5jMxzI-01439-00357005-00357317 it was uh very inspiring to me uh it's CMcde5jMxzI-01440-00357318-00357563 called reclaiming Catholic masculinity CMcde5jMxzI-01441-00357564-00357899 by Kennedy so it's a terror of demons CMcde5jMxzI-01442-00357900-00358139 yeah it's another one of those he's CMcde5jMxzI-01443-00358140-00358277 another one of those that's a sign of CMcde5jMxzI-01444-00358278-00358469 the times the Zeitgeist you know a CMcde5jMxzI-01445-00358470-00358703 return to tradition means a return to CMcde5jMxzI-01446-00358704-00358837 masculinity CMcde5jMxzI-01447-00358838-00359023 there is no tradition without CMcde5jMxzI-01448-00359024-00359315 masculinity so that was that he inspired CMcde5jMxzI-01449-00359316-00359530 that and that was um I think that's CMcde5jMxzI-01450-00359531-00359693 associated with the book somehow but I CMcde5jMxzI-01451-00359694-00360004 found the auth the uh the um artist and CMcde5jMxzI-01452-00360005-00360251 bought a print but yeah so you have to CMcde5jMxzI-01453-00360252-00360430 tell me yeah man CMcde5jMxzI-01454-00360431-00360628 I'm just gonna be gonna turn my camera CMcde5jMxzI-01455-00360629-00360797 for a second so you can see my water CMcde5jMxzI-01456-00360798-00360910 bottle CMcde5jMxzI-01457-00360911-00361180 if you can see this here where is it CMcde5jMxzI-01458-00361181-00361397 there it is CMcde5jMxzI-01459-00361398-00361732 that's St Joseph there he is protecting CMcde5jMxzI-01460-00361733-00361943 protecting Jesus standing on a horde of CMcde5jMxzI-01461-00361944-00362389 demons right there CMcde5jMxzI-01462-00362390-00362603 that's who's making a comeback on the CMcde5jMxzI-01463-00362604-00362782 planet the Divine father the strong CMcde5jMxzI-01464-00362783-00363053 father very cool man yeah so we'll have CMcde5jMxzI-01465-00363054-00363299 so much to rap about talk about and um CMcde5jMxzI-01466-00363300-00363503 my wife is also looking forward to CMcde5jMxzI-01467-00363504-00363682 meeting you and your family as well so CMcde5jMxzI-01468-00363683-00363869 we're gonna have a barbecue here and get CMcde5jMxzI-01469-00363870-00364073 hooked up Florida boys so I'm looking CMcde5jMxzI-01470-00364074-00364313 forward man and uh CMcde5jMxzI-01471-00364314-00364553 God bless you God bless your wife and CMcde5jMxzI-01472-00364554-00364745 your family bro and keep being a Shining CMcde5jMxzI-01473-00364746-00364967 Light here in these dark days CMcde5jMxzI-01474-00364968-00365153 God bless you Elliot I can't thank you CMcde5jMxzI-01475-00365154-00365399 enough for the opportunity to talk and CMcde5jMxzI-01476-00365400-00365495 uh CMcde5jMxzI-01477-00365496-00365704 I look forward to meeting you my wife CMcde5jMxzI-01478-00365705-00365873 and kids are like another Catholic man CMcde5jMxzI-01479-00365874-00366108 who's working towards trying to bring CMcde5jMxzI-01480-00366109-00366310 fatherhood and families back together CMcde5jMxzI-01481-00366311-00366515 after the world I'm like yeah this is CMcde5jMxzI-01482-00366516-00366701 exactly the mission we're on and so CMcde5jMxzI-01483-00366702-00366887 they're super stoked to meet you in your CMcde5jMxzI-01484-00366888-00367103 your family that's awesome very cool CMcde5jMxzI-01485-00367104-00367234 Nate will you enjoy the rest of your day CMcde5jMxzI-01486-00367235-00367313 brother CMcde5jMxzI-01487-00367314-00367735 God bless you Elliot take care God bless CpuDvG0-xZE-00000-00000245-00000882 [Music] CpuDvG0-xZE-00001-00000883-00001911 [Music] CpuDvG0-xZE-00002-00001912-00002458 Heathrow Airport is having a bad day CpuDvG0-xZE-00003-00002459-00002733 hundreds of passengers can't fly because CpuDvG0-xZE-00004-00002734-00002932 of a computer problem in air traffic CpuDvG0-xZE-00005-00002933-00003490 control in terminal one things are CpuDvG0-xZE-00006-00003490-00003583 getting worse CpuDvG0-xZE-00007-00003584-00003885 more and more passengers are arriving CpuDvG0-xZE-00008-00003886-00004218 some aeroplanes are leaving but many CpuDvG0-xZE-00009-00004219-00004528 flights are canceled everyone is hoping CpuDvG0-xZE-00010-00004529-00005078 to find a flight CpuDvG0-xZE-00011-00005079-00005319 some of the waiting passengers are CpuDvG0-xZE-00012-00005320-00005577 having a snack while others are spending CpuDvG0-xZE-00013-00005578-00006194 their time outside it's a hot summer day CpuDvG0-xZE-00014-00006195-00006545 back inside the terminal it's getting CpuDvG0-xZE-00015-00006547-00007123 hotter and hotter CpuDvG0-xZE-00016-00007125-00007519 some people came here five hours ago CpuDvG0-xZE-00017-00007520-00007748 I'm here with my grandmother and my CpuDvG0-xZE-00018-00007748-00007988 parents and it's terrible for us to wait CpuDvG0-xZE-00019-00007989-00008177 here such a long time now we have to CpuDvG0-xZE-00020-00008178-00008477 sleep at the airport because no hotel is CpuDvG0-xZE-00021-00008478-00008657 available CpuDvG0-xZE-00022-00008658-00008992 it's just terrible have a look at this CpuDvG0-xZE-00023-00008993-00009328 improvisation at its best CpuDvG0-xZE-00024-00009329-00009610 I'm glad they're sleepin though we're CpuDvG0-xZE-00025-00009611-00010084 hoping to get to Berlin soon people are CpuDvG0-xZE-00026-00010085-00010658 still trying to find a flight internet CpuDvG0-xZE-00027-00010659-00010945 my daughter being 1q maybe in the other CpuDvG0-xZE-00028-00010946-00011185 two and on the mobile all the same time CpuDvG0-xZE-00029-00011186-00011410 tried to get to Amsterdam for 9:30 CpuDvG0-xZE-00030-00011411-00011705 tomorrow morning after five hours CpuDvG0-xZE-00031-00011706-00011974 queuing you you really become really CpuDvG0-xZE-00032-00011975-00012330 saying you know here it's pretty common CpuDvG0-xZE-00033-00012331-00012619 the airport managers find an interesting CpuDvG0-xZE-00034-00012620-00012968 solution to one of the problems garden CpuDvG0-xZE-00035-00012969-00013622 chairs CpuDvG0-xZE-00036-00013624-00013893 with the chairs to relax in some CpuDvG0-xZE-00037-00013894-00014100 passengers are finding new ways to pass CpuDvG0-xZE-00038-00014101-00014788 the time CpuDvG0-xZE-00039-00014790-00015146 inside Terminal one it's late at night CpuDvG0-xZE-00040-00015147-00015488 after midnight and many passengers are CpuDvG0-xZE-00041-00015490-00016058 still here waiting for their flight CpuDvG0-xZE-00042-00016059-00016397 around 300 flights left Heathrow that CpuDvG0-xZE-00043-00016398-00016814 day but 319 flights were cancelled and CpuDvG0-xZE-00044-00016815-00017175 over 500 people spent the night in the CpuDvG0-xZE-00045-00017176-00017418 terminal COcpFKS7_fu-00000-00000091-00002883 [Music] COcpFKS7_fu-00002-00007384-00007791 hello so i hope that maria introduced me COcpFKS7_fu-00003-00007792-00008023 uh very well i don't speak a word in COcpFKS7_fu-00004-00008023-00008159 french so COcpFKS7_fu-00005-00008159-00008414 i'm gonna believe that she did amazing COcpFKS7_fu-00006-00008415-00008495 job COcpFKS7_fu-00007-00008496-00008710 hello everybody good morning good COcpFKS7_fu-00008-00008711-00008919 afternoon good evening wherever you guys COcpFKS7_fu-00009-00008920-00009046 talking from COcpFKS7_fu-00010-00009047-00009359 uh i already saw a bunch of gorgeous COcpFKS7_fu-00011-00009360-00009471 cities from france COcpFKS7_fu-00012-00009472-00009751 uh in the chat can't wait to see you COcpFKS7_fu-00013-00009752-00009878 once again once COcpFKS7_fu-00014-00009879-00010063 everything that is going on with the COcpFKS7_fu-00015-00010064-00010246 word is done COcpFKS7_fu-00016-00010247-00010478 so let's get started because we have a COcpFKS7_fu-00017-00010479-00010638 very limited amount of time COcpFKS7_fu-00018-00010639-00010959 let's get my time ready and uh COcpFKS7_fu-00019-00010960-00011151 yeah we're gonna talk about page pa COcpFKS7_fu-00020-00011152-00011327 today um COcpFKS7_fu-00021-00011328-00011503 page page is the new major version of COcpFKS7_fu-00022-00011504-00011767 page b um it's coming out COcpFKS7_fu-00023-00011768-00012055 by the end of the year uh more precisely COcpFKS7_fu-00024-00012056-00012206 on the 26th COcpFKS7_fu-00025-00012207-00012687 of november uh so we have a very COcpFKS7_fu-00026-00012688-00012943 extensive calendar of testing phase uh COcpFKS7_fu-00027-00012944-00013007 we have COcpFKS7_fu-00028-00013008-00013303 alphas uh we have betas uh we have the COcpFKS7_fu-00029-00013304-00013486 release candidates that which are the COcpFKS7_fu-00030-00013487-00013694 ones that we are going for now COcpFKS7_fu-00031-00013695-00013879 uh and then the 26th of november we're COcpFKS7_fu-00032-00013880-00014279 going to have the php 800 version COcpFKS7_fu-00033-00014280-00014694 uh release uh one reminder uh for 2021 COcpFKS7_fu-00034-00014695-00015007 uh if you are using php72 COcpFKS7_fu-00035-00015008-00015215 this is not going to be uh supported COcpFKS7_fu-00036-00015216-00015375 anymore uh hp 72 COcpFKS7_fu-00037-00015376-00015663 is going to be uh end of life by the end COcpFKS7_fu-00038-00015663-00015791 of the year COcpFKS7_fu-00039-00015791-00015999 uh so page p73 next year is going to be COcpFKS7_fu-00040-00016000-00016119 security fixes only COcpFKS7_fu-00041-00016119-00016399 hp 74 and page pa it's going to be COcpFKS7_fu-00042-00016400-00016511 active support COcpFKS7_fu-00043-00016512-00016711 uh one thing about these lights uh we're COcpFKS7_fu-00044-00016712-00016886 gonna share them by the end of the talk COcpFKS7_fu-00045-00016887-00017150 but also when you get all these lights COcpFKS7_fu-00046-00017151-00017199 they have COcpFKS7_fu-00047-00017200-00017399 links so you can see all the information COcpFKS7_fu-00048-00017400-00017567 that i'm sharing with you nice COcpFKS7_fu-00049-00017568-00017630 microphone COcpFKS7_fu-00050-00017631-00017935 thank you um COcpFKS7_fu-00051-00017936-00018271 so who am i i'm this guy uh which in COcpFKS7_fu-00052-00018272-00018503 this photo was pissed off because i was COcpFKS7_fu-00053-00018504-00018758 stuck in an airport back in brazil uh COcpFKS7_fu-00054-00018759-00018903 i'm a brazilian so if you want to COcpFKS7_fu-00055-00018904-00019022 practice your portuguese COcpFKS7_fu-00056-00019023-00019222 uh i'm looking for someone to practice COcpFKS7_fu-00057-00019223-00019447 my french because i'm studying french COcpFKS7_fu-00058-00019448-00019671 because i have i have noticed that you COcpFKS7_fu-00059-00019672-00019799 guys have such an COcpFKS7_fu-00060-00019800-00020055 amazing huge community uh and i used to COcpFKS7_fu-00061-00020056-00020199 work for a french company so i can't COcpFKS7_fu-00062-00020200-00020279 wait to COcpFKS7_fu-00063-00020280-00020567 uh to start practicing and uh using my COcpFKS7_fu-00064-00020568-00020727 my french uh and i'm living in the COcpFKS7_fu-00065-00020728-00020871 netherlands nowadays i have moved from COcpFKS7_fu-00066-00020872-00021055 brazil a couple of years ago COcpFKS7_fu-00067-00021056-00021214 and now i'm moving i'm living in the COcpFKS7_fu-00068-00021215-00021391 netherlands i work for a company called COcpFKS7_fu-00069-00021392-00021527 server monkey nowadays COcpFKS7_fu-00070-00021528-00021767 an american company uh which we provide COcpFKS7_fu-00071-00021768-00021855 the tools for COcpFKS7_fu-00072-00021856-00022214 our customers to um to have feedback COcpFKS7_fu-00073-00022215-00022414 to have customer experience to have a COcpFKS7_fu-00074-00022415-00022535 bunch of stuff COcpFKS7_fu-00075-00022536-00022671 and by the end of the talk we're going COcpFKS7_fu-00076-00022672-00022871 to have a survey that i have made COcpFKS7_fu-00077-00022872-00023158 using server monkey form for you to give COcpFKS7_fu-00078-00023159-00023383 me feedback about the stock COcpFKS7_fu-00079-00023384-00023583 and also we might spare timer contribute COcpFKS7_fu-00080-00023584-00023927 to open source as muriel said COcpFKS7_fu-00081-00023928-00024222 and php is is my biggest project uh COcpFKS7_fu-00082-00024223-00024550 bongia good morning COcpFKS7_fu-00083-00024551-00024847 um and um yeah i contribute to open COcpFKS7_fu-00084-00024848-00025014 source my free time and php is my COcpFKS7_fu-00085-00025015-00025119 biggest contribution COcpFKS7_fu-00086-00025120-00025367 and the thing that i'm proud the most COcpFKS7_fu-00087-00025368-00025447 and also COcpFKS7_fu-00088-00025448-00025767 uh this is my github handler and my COcpFKS7_fu-00089-00025768-00026070 twitter as well as carousel gabriel COcpFKS7_fu-00090-00026072-00026279 so quick agenda we're going to talk COcpFKS7_fu-00091-00026280-00026431 about the performance improvements of COcpFKS7_fu-00092-00026432-00026687 hp8 we're going to talk about some of COcpFKS7_fu-00093-00026688-00026902 the new features page b8 has a lot of COcpFKS7_fu-00094-00026904-00026990 new features but COcpFKS7_fu-00095-00026991-00027199 unfortunately we don't have the time uh COcpFKS7_fu-00096-00027200-00027295 we're going to talk about COcpFKS7_fu-00097-00027295-00027502 a couple of changes that we have made to COcpFKS7_fu-00098-00027504-00027607 page b8 COcpFKS7_fu-00099-00027608-00027831 breaking changes this is very important COcpFKS7_fu-00100-00027832-00027935 because COcpFKS7_fu-00101-00027936-00028127 this is what's going to dictate how is COcpFKS7_fu-00102-00028127-00028270 it going to be for you to update to COcpFKS7_fu-00103-00028272-00028543 page v8 or not we're going to talk about COcpFKS7_fu-00104-00028544-00028743 some internal changes that we made COcpFKS7_fu-00105-00028744-00028911 uh that probably you're not going to see COcpFKS7_fu-00106-00028912-00029062 in your daily work but it's going to COcpFKS7_fu-00107-00029063-00029199 affect some people that maintain COcpFKS7_fu-00108-00029200-00029383 libraries for example COcpFKS7_fu-00109-00029383-00029767 that mean hello how are you doing um COcpFKS7_fu-00110-00029768-00030014 and also some behind the scenes of hph COcpFKS7_fu-00111-00030016-00030087 development COcpFKS7_fu-00112-00030088-00030214 because this was the first version of COcpFKS7_fu-00113-00030216-00030374 php that i that i followed the COcpFKS7_fu-00114-00030375-00030558 development from beginning to end COcpFKS7_fu-00115-00030560-00030767 so i have a couple of stuff to talk with COcpFKS7_fu-00116-00030768-00030870 you COcpFKS7_fu-00117-00030872-00031031 and let's get started performance COcpFKS7_fu-00118-00031032-00031270 improvements um i think the biggest the COcpFKS7_fu-00119-00031272-00031367 most famous COcpFKS7_fu-00120-00031368-00031687 uh and i think the selling point of php COcpFKS7_fu-00121-00031688-00031951 is going to be the just in time so COcpFKS7_fu-00122-00031952-00032246 just in time uh is something very COcpFKS7_fu-00123-00032247-00032351 complex COcpFKS7_fu-00124-00032352-00032551 very big but very important for the COcpFKS7_fu-00125-00032552-00032711 language which is going to COcpFKS7_fu-00126-00032712-00033007 improve a lot the performance of your COcpFKS7_fu-00127-00033008-00033143 applications but COcpFKS7_fu-00128-00033144-00033343 i want to highlight one thing if you COcpFKS7_fu-00129-00033344-00033446 already have COcpFKS7_fu-00130-00033447-00033662 very very fast apis let's say that you COcpFKS7_fu-00131-00033663-00033759 have an api COcpFKS7_fu-00132-00033760-00033918 that is returning and processing COcpFKS7_fu-00133-00033919-00034087 everything in 20 30 COcpFKS7_fu-00134-00034088-00034359 100 milliseconds those apis they're not COcpFKS7_fu-00135-00034360-00034518 going to be affected by just in time COcpFKS7_fu-00136-00034519-00034711 because just in time is focused on have COcpFKS7_fu-00137-00034712-00034887 process so for example if you're doing COcpFKS7_fu-00138-00034888-00034990 machine learning COcpFKS7_fu-00139-00034991-00035174 if you're doing blockchain if you're COcpFKS7_fu-00140-00035175-00035311 doing i don't know COcpFKS7_fu-00141-00035312-00035574 image processing with php and that those COcpFKS7_fu-00142-00035575-00035815 processes are taking like forever COcpFKS7_fu-00143-00035816-00036055 jit is gonna be the one which is gonna COcpFKS7_fu-00144-00036056-00036215 improve those performance but for your COcpFKS7_fu-00145-00036216-00036311 apis COcpFKS7_fu-00146-00036312-00036583 um it's not it's not gonna be that much COcpFKS7_fu-00147-00036584-00036655 um COcpFKS7_fu-00148-00036656-00036839 oh wow okay so damien has read a COcpFKS7_fu-00149-00036840-00036999 benchmark uh so exact COcpFKS7_fu-00150-00037000-00037230 which is a stacked analyzer to got 50 COcpFKS7_fu-00151-00037231-00037446 improvements from hp 7428 this is COcpFKS7_fu-00152-00037447-00037527 amazing COcpFKS7_fu-00153-00037528-00037687 uh unfortunately i don't have any COcpFKS7_fu-00154-00037688-00037855 benchmarks because um COcpFKS7_fu-00155-00037856-00038174 benchmarking jit is not that trivial uh COcpFKS7_fu-00156-00038175-00038618 so once we start to have new versions of COcpFKS7_fu-00157-00038619-00038807 hp80801802 and then we start to have COcpFKS7_fu-00158-00038808-00038879 benchmarks COcpFKS7_fu-00159-00038880-00039087 then for sure we're gonna see how COcpFKS7_fu-00160-00039088-00039287 important and how big those performance COcpFKS7_fu-00161-00039288-00039430 improvements are COcpFKS7_fu-00162-00039431-00039702 uh as i said we have a limited amount of COcpFKS7_fu-00163-00039703-00039862 time and jit by itself COcpFKS7_fu-00164-00039863-00040223 is huge uh and venua got me covered so COcpFKS7_fu-00165-00040224-00040295 benoit COcpFKS7_fu-00166-00040296-00040607 uh he spoke last year at forum hp uh in COcpFKS7_fu-00167-00040608-00040662 french COcpFKS7_fu-00168-00040663-00040783 so it's going to be way easier for you COcpFKS7_fu-00169-00040784-00040990 to understand he talked about everything COcpFKS7_fu-00170-00040991-00041102 about jit COcpFKS7_fu-00171-00041103-00041390 but i found a very nice talks in the COcpFKS7_fu-00172-00041391-00041511 internet so i have COcpFKS7_fu-00173-00041512-00041758 one for my colleague in brazil we have COcpFKS7_fu-00174-00041759-00041918 nikita popov we're going to talk about COcpFKS7_fu-00175-00041919-00042055 this one COcpFKS7_fu-00176-00042056-00042246 in the end of the talk dmitry which was COcpFKS7_fu-00177-00042247-00042367 the developer COcpFKS7_fu-00178-00042368-00042623 uh of jit in russian so you have four COcpFKS7_fu-00179-00042624-00042687 flavors COcpFKS7_fu-00180-00042688-00042879 four languages that you wanna uh that COcpFKS7_fu-00181-00042880-00043079 you wanna you can see on youtube COcpFKS7_fu-00182-00043080-00043327 uh which are dedicated g talks uh and COcpFKS7_fu-00183-00043328-00043446 then you're gonna see COcpFKS7_fu-00184-00043447-00043679 why is important how was developed how COcpFKS7_fu-00185-00043680-00043887 you configured how you benchmark COcpFKS7_fu-00186-00043888-00044071 uh what's gonna affect your applications COcpFKS7_fu-00187-00044072-00044239 and and so on unfortunately i don't have COcpFKS7_fu-00188-00044240-00044295 the time COcpFKS7_fu-00189-00044296-00044462 but they got me covered we already have COcpFKS7_fu-00190-00044463-00044687 a bunch of content on the internet about COcpFKS7_fu-00191-00044688-00044983 it uh and those were the performance COcpFKS7_fu-00192-00044984-00045062 improvements COcpFKS7_fu-00193-00045063-00045343 uh of hp8 we have a couple of small ones COcpFKS7_fu-00194-00045344-00045558 uh but i wanna i don't spend my time on COcpFKS7_fu-00195-00045559-00045590 it COcpFKS7_fu-00196-00045591-00045790 because which is the biggest one and COcpFKS7_fu-00197-00045791-00045902 those those are COcpFKS7_fu-00198-00045903-00046111 these this is where you should focus COcpFKS7_fu-00199-00046112-00046239 your effort to COcpFKS7_fu-00200-00046240-00046583 uh talking about features of hp8 we COcpFKS7_fu-00201-00046584-00046879 have a lot we have a bunch of new COcpFKS7_fu-00202-00046880-00047015 features on page p8 COcpFKS7_fu-00203-00047016-00047343 uh we have more features in php 70 COcpFKS7_fu-00204-00047344-00047646 in numbers of what we call rfcs which is COcpFKS7_fu-00205-00047647-00047823 the formal processing of bringing COcpFKS7_fu-00206-00047824-00048015 something to the php COcpFKS7_fu-00207-00048016-00048190 but we are not going to talk about COcpFKS7_fu-00208-00048191-00048351 everything we are going to talk about COcpFKS7_fu-00209-00048352-00048702 four um attributes union types COcpFKS7_fu-00210-00048703-00048879 the match uh we're going to talk about COcpFKS7_fu-00211-00048880-00049039 it and name it arguments COcpFKS7_fu-00212-00049040-00049358 and let's start with union types so if COcpFKS7_fu-00213-00049359-00049527 you're not familiar with human types COcpFKS7_fu-00214-00049528-00049871 um is basically that COcpFKS7_fu-00215-00049872-00050118 mathematical concept of union so you COcpFKS7_fu-00216-00050119-00050215 have one thing COcpFKS7_fu-00217-00050216-00050486 or another combined uh so in this COcpFKS7_fu-00218-00050487-00050599 example uh COcpFKS7_fu-00219-00050600-00051062 we have unit types on lines 5 8 and 14 COcpFKS7_fu-00220-00051063-00051375 in properties methods COcpFKS7_fu-00221-00051376-00051582 and also return types uh parameters and COcpFKS7_fu-00222-00051583-00051702 also return types COcpFKS7_fu-00223-00051703-00051926 but as you can see this is documented COcpFKS7_fu-00224-00051927-00052038 this is not COcpFKS7_fu-00225-00052039-00052263 real union types we are talking about COcpFKS7_fu-00226-00052264-00052438 page b74 COcpFKS7_fu-00227-00052439-00052742 uh code here or page b whatever COcpFKS7_fu-00228-00052744-00053071 um and if you try to use this code COcpFKS7_fu-00229-00053072-00053303 and you you online 23 you're passing a COcpFKS7_fu-00230-00053304-00053399 string COcpFKS7_fu-00231-00053400-00053719 um oh there's another page v8 jit talk COcpFKS7_fu-00232-00053720-00053903 oh thank you for for sharing COcpFKS7_fu-00233-00053904-00054087 i didn't know that one uh i'm gonna i'm COcpFKS7_fu-00234-00054088-00054230 gonna add to my list COcpFKS7_fu-00235-00054232-00054615 uh so in this example if you're using um COcpFKS7_fu-00236-00054616-00054742 this class it's not going to work COcpFKS7_fu-00237-00054744-00054950 because there's no real validation COcpFKS7_fu-00238-00054951-00055319 uh what you can do before php8 is um COcpFKS7_fu-00239-00055320-00055582 sanitize and treat those inputs so is it COcpFKS7_fu-00240-00055583-00055815 an integer is either float COcpFKS7_fu-00241-00055816-00055950 then if it's not then you throw an COcpFKS7_fu-00242-00055951-00056207 exception you have seen this COcpFKS7_fu-00243-00056208-00056526 this pattern in a lot of codes uh but in COcpFKS7_fu-00244-00056527-00056630 page p8 COcpFKS7_fu-00245-00056632-00056871 you're going to be able to type your COcpFKS7_fu-00246-00056872-00056950 code COcpFKS7_fu-00247-00056951-00057294 um with unit types properties COcpFKS7_fu-00248-00057295-00057559 arguments uh return types everything COcpFKS7_fu-00249-00057560-00057719 that were documented in COcpFKS7_fu-00250-00057720-00057926 in the past now it's going to be real COcpFKS7_fu-00251-00057927-00058030 type it and COcpFKS7_fu-00252-00058032-00058279 in this example if we try now to use COcpFKS7_fu-00253-00058279-00058382 this class COcpFKS7_fu-00254-00058383-00058566 passing a string we're going to have a COcpFKS7_fu-00255-00058567-00058711 native type COcpFKS7_fu-00256-00058712-00058926 we're going to have a native error from COcpFKS7_fu-00257-00058927-00059054 page b is saying hey COcpFKS7_fu-00258-00059055-00059247 this was supposed to be either integer COcpFKS7_fu-00259-00059248-00059463 or float but you're passing string so COcpFKS7_fu-00260-00059464-00059638 this is a huge advance for the page COcpFKS7_fu-00261-00059639-00059775 speed type system COcpFKS7_fu-00262-00059776-00060135 um uh we have others we have other COcpFKS7_fu-00263-00060136-00060382 uh additions to unit types or other COcpFKS7_fu-00264-00060383-00060566 additions to the type system of hp8 but COcpFKS7_fu-00265-00060567-00060663 unit types COcpFKS7_fu-00266-00060664-00060975 is the biggest one um one thing you can COcpFKS7_fu-00267-00060976-00061223 use as many unit types as you want COcpFKS7_fu-00268-00061224-00061430 uh here you can see that we have more COcpFKS7_fu-00269-00061432-00061647 than five unit types in this case and it COcpFKS7_fu-00270-00061648-00061711 works COcpFKS7_fu-00271-00061712-00061919 just fine of course you can't repeat COcpFKS7_fu-00272-00061920-00062159 because that's going to trigger an error COcpFKS7_fu-00273-00062160-00062479 but you can use that hp uh your page COcpFKS7_fu-00274-00062479-00062591 unit types as COcpFKS7_fu-00275-00062591-00062911 many as you want but we also have mix it COcpFKS7_fu-00276-00062912-00063206 which was something that a lot of people COcpFKS7_fu-00277-00063207-00063287 were like COcpFKS7_fu-00278-00063288-00063471 why do we need it do we need it uh and COcpFKS7_fu-00279-00063472-00063663 my opinion on mix it is COcpFKS7_fu-00280-00063664-00064015 uh we're gonna use mix it as a COcpFKS7_fu-00281-00064016-00064350 as a bridge so you bring a php seven COcpFKS7_fu-00282-00064351-00064535 four code where you don't have type at COcpFKS7_fu-00283-00064536-00064726 all you type as mix it and then with COcpFKS7_fu-00284-00064727-00064766 time COcpFKS7_fu-00285-00064767-00065071 you start to specify those types so i COcpFKS7_fu-00286-00065072-00065271 have three types i have two types i have COcpFKS7_fu-00287-00065272-00065430 four types and this is how you improve COcpFKS7_fu-00288-00065432-00065526 the typing COcpFKS7_fu-00289-00065527-00065782 of your the type coverage of your code COcpFKS7_fu-00290-00065783-00065903 let's put it that way COcpFKS7_fu-00291-00065904-00066167 um yeah i have take a break on twitter COcpFKS7_fu-00292-00066168-00066271 man COcpFKS7_fu-00293-00066272-00066471 tweet twitter was going so crazy with COcpFKS7_fu-00294-00066472-00066647 corona and everything COcpFKS7_fu-00295-00066648-00066903 um but yeah i still have twitter my my COcpFKS7_fu-00296-00066904-00067094 dms are open so if you just want to ask COcpFKS7_fu-00297-00067095-00067143 me COcpFKS7_fu-00298-00067144-00067494 go ahead mix it will be any of php yes COcpFKS7_fu-00299-00067495-00067863 actually any uh was uh considered as COcpFKS7_fu-00300-00067864-00068135 the other uh from javascript right COcpFKS7_fu-00301-00068136-00068359 either we have mixed or any COcpFKS7_fu-00302-00068360-00068655 but any is not that common on page piece COcpFKS7_fu-00303-00068656-00068871 on php code page b documentation mix it COcpFKS7_fu-00304-00068872-00069038 was a common one so we decided to go COcpFKS7_fu-00305-00069039-00069247 from mix it because then people can just COcpFKS7_fu-00306-00069248-00069447 uh convert the annotations that they COcpFKS7_fu-00307-00069448-00069655 have uh to real types uh thanks COcpFKS7_fu-00308-00069656-00069743 sebastian for being COcpFKS7_fu-00309-00069744-00070119 on sebastian and that's xenotype COcpFKS7_fu-00310-00070120-00070279 i hope you guys are excited as i am COcpFKS7_fu-00311-00070280-00070447 about unit types because that's going to COcpFKS7_fu-00312-00070448-00070606 bring a lot of improvements for the for COcpFKS7_fu-00313-00070607-00070631 the COcpFKS7_fu-00314-00070632-00070847 for the language but it's not about just COcpFKS7_fu-00315-00070848-00071062 that page page we have also COcpFKS7_fu-00316-00071063-00071406 match which is a new structure in page b COcpFKS7_fu-00317-00071407-00071559 and what is a structure if you take for COcpFKS7_fu-00318-00071560-00071815 example switch if else COcpFKS7_fu-00319-00071816-00072047 for loops those are structures and match COcpFKS7_fu-00320-00072048-00072199 is a new one it's been a while since we COcpFKS7_fu-00321-00072200-00072319 have added COcpFKS7_fu-00322-00072320-00072679 a an extractor to php but what is match COcpFKS7_fu-00323-00072680-00072911 um match is an alternative to switch COcpFKS7_fu-00324-00072912-00072999 because switch has COcpFKS7_fu-00325-00073000-00073287 some flaws uh to switch it php switch is COcpFKS7_fu-00326-00073288-00073326 not COcpFKS7_fu-00327-00073327-00073559 the best thing in the world um together COcpFKS7_fu-00328-00073560-00073726 with other stuff COcpFKS7_fu-00329-00073727-00074175 but um what is what are the problems uh COcpFKS7_fu-00330-00074176-00074271 this is one COcpFKS7_fu-00331-00074272-00074575 problem that we have with switch on line COcpFKS7_fu-00332-00074576-00074750 three we have value as COcpFKS7_fu-00333-00074751-00075094 a string and on line 12 we have COcpFKS7_fu-00334-00075095-00075462 case two as integer and page b consider COcpFKS7_fu-00335-00075463-00075519 this thing COcpFKS7_fu-00336-00075520-00075862 as um equal COcpFKS7_fu-00337-00075863-00076199 and switch uses equal um by COcpFKS7_fu-00338-00076200-00076526 under the hood which some people COcpFKS7_fu-00339-00076527-00076703 don't think is is right because switch COcpFKS7_fu-00340-00076704-00076903 should be strictly compared uh COcpFKS7_fu-00341-00076904-00077079 so using the triple sign instead of the COcpFKS7_fu-00342-00077080-00077311 two signs um COcpFKS7_fu-00343-00077312-00077591 but you know changing switch is is not COcpFKS7_fu-00344-00077592-00077662 fundamental COcpFKS7_fu-00345-00077663-00077903 is is a very ex is a structure that is COcpFKS7_fu-00346-00077904-00078006 used like broadly COcpFKS7_fu-00347-00078007-00078159 in the ecosystem so it's not that COcpFKS7_fu-00348-00078160-00078343 trivial to change it COcpFKS7_fu-00349-00078344-00078550 uh and also there's another thing if you COcpFKS7_fu-00350-00078551-00078799 pass us a case that does not exist on COcpFKS7_fu-00351-00078800-00078894 page piece COcpFKS7_fu-00352-00078895-00079159 uh switch is is just gonna throw your COcpFKS7_fu-00353-00079160-00079319 warning instead of saying hey you're COcpFKS7_fu-00354-00079320-00079559 missing a default here COcpFKS7_fu-00355-00079560-00079743 so instead of instead of telling you COcpFKS7_fu-00356-00079744-00079887 that it's gonna say hey COcpFKS7_fu-00357-00079888-00080143 you're just missing the valuable result COcpFKS7_fu-00358-00080144-00080287 which you know for the bugging purpose COcpFKS7_fu-00359-00080288-00080406 is not the best thing COcpFKS7_fu-00360-00080407-00080750 um so we have match on hp8 COcpFKS7_fu-00361-00080751-00080959 i like your hoodie thank you uh yeah COcpFKS7_fu-00362-00080960-00081103 it's a hp8 hoodie COcpFKS7_fu-00363-00081104-00081279 a special edition i'm gonna talk about COcpFKS7_fu-00364-00081280-00081471 that later on um COcpFKS7_fu-00365-00081472-00081775 and then we have hp8 match uh match COcpFKS7_fu-00366-00081776-00081991 is again something that we brought from COcpFKS7_fu-00367-00081992-00082111 other languages COcpFKS7_fu-00368-00082112-00082415 and um watches is basically COcpFKS7_fu-00369-00082416-00082703 an alternative to switch in terms of is COcpFKS7_fu-00370-00082704-00082862 more strict COcpFKS7_fu-00371-00082863-00083062 is faster i'm not going to talk in COcpFKS7_fu-00372-00083063-00083311 details how fast it is but it's faster COcpFKS7_fu-00373-00083312-00083567 um and also it covers a lot of the flaws COcpFKS7_fu-00374-00083568-00083735 the switch has so for example here COcpFKS7_fu-00375-00083736-00084015 now we have value shoe and the case of COcpFKS7_fu-00376-00084016-00084199 match is also true COcpFKS7_fu-00377-00084200-00084526 and you can echoing out a match switch COcpFKS7_fu-00378-00084527-00084694 you need to assign to a variable do a COcpFKS7_fu-00379-00084695-00084838 lot of stuff and then you COcpFKS7_fu-00380-00084839-00084999 do whatever you want with a variable COcpFKS7_fu-00381-00085000-00085223 match is an expression that you can use COcpFKS7_fu-00382-00085224-00085318 together with COcpFKS7_fu-00383-00085319-00085694 echo so is is way better uh and also COcpFKS7_fu-00384-00085695-00085911 if you pass something to match which COcpFKS7_fu-00385-00085912-00086111 does not exist a case COcpFKS7_fu-00386-00086112-00086287 it's going to throw an error this is COcpFKS7_fu-00387-00086288-00086438 something amazing because COcpFKS7_fu-00388-00086439-00086638 during development time you're going to COcpFKS7_fu-00389-00086639-00086838 exhaust all the possibilities that you COcpFKS7_fu-00390-00086839-00086999 have with your match COcpFKS7_fu-00391-00087000-00087167 of recursion you still can have a COcpFKS7_fu-00392-00087168-00087359 default but let's say that you don't you COcpFKS7_fu-00393-00087360-00087511 don't want to default like i want to COcpFKS7_fu-00394-00087512-00087638 exhaust all the options COcpFKS7_fu-00395-00087639-00087775 page b now is going to tell you during COcpFKS7_fu-00396-00087776-00087943 development time this is amazing COcpFKS7_fu-00397-00087944-00088191 um to avoid those production networks COcpFKS7_fu-00398-00088192-00088271 they are like COcpFKS7_fu-00399-00088272-00088423 small ones but of course this tech COcpFKS7_fu-00400-00088424-00088582 analyzer two would caught it COcpFKS7_fu-00401-00088583-00088935 uh but uh matches here um and i think is COcpFKS7_fu-00402-00088936-00089126 here to stay COcpFKS7_fu-00403-00089127-00089271 the third one that i wanna talk about COcpFKS7_fu-00404-00089272-00089550 today is named arguments um COcpFKS7_fu-00405-00089551-00089726 what is named arguments if you use COcpFKS7_fu-00406-00089727-00089950 phpstorm you know what i'm talking about COcpFKS7_fu-00407-00089951-00090126 but i'm going to consider that no one COcpFKS7_fu-00408-00090127-00090335 uses hp storm COcpFKS7_fu-00409-00090336-00090550 and i'm going to take this example uh to COcpFKS7_fu-00410-00090551-00090767 illustrate what is naming arguments you COcpFKS7_fu-00411-00090768-00090903 we have a function called array COcpFKS7_fu-00412-00090904-00091111 filtering page pin COcpFKS7_fu-00413-00091112-00091350 which is very trivial to understand if COcpFKS7_fu-00414-00091351-00091494 you walk through this code you have an COcpFKS7_fu-00415-00091495-00091694 array of items you want to filter COcpFKS7_fu-00416-00091695-00091950 the items on line seven which are COcpFKS7_fu-00417-00091951-00092167 integers and then on line nine we have COcpFKS7_fu-00418-00092168-00092471 uh the two items of those that array COcpFKS7_fu-00419-00092472-00092711 that are integers and it's not that COcpFKS7_fu-00420-00092712-00092847 difficult to understand you have one COcpFKS7_fu-00421-00092848-00092982 argument two arguments COcpFKS7_fu-00422-00092983-00093126 but then you have a function that we COcpFKS7_fu-00423-00093127-00093343 don't use daily right at least i do use COcpFKS7_fu-00424-00093344-00093479 daily which is COcpFKS7_fu-00425-00093480-00093791 array fill you have two three and page p COcpFKS7_fu-00426-00093792-00094023 like what the hell those arguments are COcpFKS7_fu-00427-00094024-00094326 supposed to say COcpFKS7_fu-00428-00094327-00094623 imagine this is the output by the way COcpFKS7_fu-00429-00094624-00094918 you have like two php three php for php COcpFKS7_fu-00430-00094919-00094959 so COcpFKS7_fu-00431-00094960-00095238 if you try to understand two is the COcpFKS7_fu-00432-00095239-00095431 index that is going to start the array COcpFKS7_fu-00433-00095432-00095647 3 is the number of items of that array COcpFKS7_fu-00434-00095648-00095847 and page p is the value of COcpFKS7_fu-00435-00095848-00096167 all those items but imagine if you could COcpFKS7_fu-00436-00096168-00096199 do COcpFKS7_fu-00437-00096200-00096559 this starting key as 2 COcpFKS7_fu-00438-00096560-00096855 the number of items in that array as COcpFKS7_fu-00439-00096856-00096926 free COcpFKS7_fu-00440-00096927-00097103 and then you have the value of each COcpFKS7_fu-00441-00097104-00097303 argument as hp COcpFKS7_fu-00442-00097304-00097494 it's way easier to understand right so COcpFKS7_fu-00443-00097495-00097750 you have um COcpFKS7_fu-00444-00097751-00098047 this in page bit we we're gonna name all COcpFKS7_fu-00445-00098048-00098206 the arguments of our COcpFKS7_fu-00446-00098207-00098438 um uh functions methods and everything COcpFKS7_fu-00447-00098439-00098638 so you can document your code and it's COcpFKS7_fu-00448-00098639-00098711 gonna improve the COcpFKS7_fu-00449-00098712-00099055 readability uh of it uh named arguments COcpFKS7_fu-00450-00099056-00099238 or anonymous arguments uh COcpFKS7_fu-00451-00099239-00099431 named arguments anonymous arguments i COcpFKS7_fu-00452-00099432-00099591 never heard about that if you can COcpFKS7_fu-00453-00099592-00099799 say it later on what it is i have never COcpFKS7_fu-00454-00099800-00100031 heard the name sorry COcpFKS7_fu-00455-00100032-00100262 so moving on uh it's not just about COcpFKS7_fu-00456-00100263-00100406 functions it's also about COcpFKS7_fu-00457-00100407-00100759 um classes arguments methods and COcpFKS7_fu-00458-00100760-00100847 everything COcpFKS7_fu-00459-00100848-00101118 um in this example we have string name COcpFKS7_fu-00460-00101119-00101231 and string h COcpFKS7_fu-00461-00101232-00101559 works just fine in this case we have an COcpFKS7_fu-00462-00101560-00101743 interface and we have an implementation COcpFKS7_fu-00463-00101744-00101862 of this interface and COcpFKS7_fu-00464-00101863-00102174 if you take a look at line 5 and line 10 COcpFKS7_fu-00465-00102175-00102423 we have renamed instead of name we have COcpFKS7_fu-00466-00102424-00102647 name as full name COcpFKS7_fu-00467-00102648-00102847 so what are we going to use page b is COcpFKS7_fu-00468-00102848-00103006 going to follow the rename so if you COcpFKS7_fu-00469-00103007-00103063 rename COcpFKS7_fu-00470-00103064-00103454 and a class a class sorry a methods COcpFKS7_fu-00471-00103455-00103751 parameter it's going to force you to use COcpFKS7_fu-00472-00103752-00103910 the renaming one if you didn't know that COcpFKS7_fu-00473-00103911-00104102 php allows you to do that don't do it COcpFKS7_fu-00474-00104103-00104190 because it's not COcpFKS7_fu-00475-00104191-00104518 a common best price but if you do uh COcpFKS7_fu-00476-00104519-00104871 it's gonna follow the rename um COcpFKS7_fu-00477-00104872-00105023 naming arguments is very good for COcpFKS7_fu-00478-00105024-00105207 booleans uh um COcpFKS7_fu-00479-00105208-00105447 um constructors if they're good or not COcpFKS7_fu-00480-00105448-00105575 this is another discussion but for COcpFKS7_fu-00481-00105576-00105623 example COcpFKS7_fu-00482-00105624-00105854 online 14 you have new user true false COcpFKS7_fu-00483-00105855-00105934 and no COcpFKS7_fu-00484-00105935-00106215 like how the hell what what true means COcpFKS7_fu-00485-00106216-00106343 what false means COcpFKS7_fu-00486-00106344-00106663 what does new mean and if you have named COcpFKS7_fu-00487-00106664-00106734 arguments COcpFKS7_fu-00488-00106735-00106927 is way easier to understand i have a COcpFKS7_fu-00489-00106928-00107158 user which is an admin which is not COcpFKS7_fu-00490-00107159-00107558 active and they are not um COcpFKS7_fu-00491-00107559-00107815 it has no rules so this is easier to COcpFKS7_fu-00492-00107816-00107958 understand when you have naming COcpFKS7_fu-00493-00107959-00108063 arguments and this is what COcpFKS7_fu-00494-00108064-00108366 hpa is bringing um i have a slide here COcpFKS7_fu-00495-00108367-00108727 which uh covers all the uh permutations COcpFKS7_fu-00496-00108728-00108839 uh that you can have COcpFKS7_fu-00497-00108840-00109063 with naming arguments you can have in COcpFKS7_fu-00498-00109064-00109310 random order this is the biggest COcpFKS7_fu-00499-00109311-00109495 advantage of naming arguments you don't COcpFKS7_fu-00500-00109496-00109639 need to follow the order of the COcpFKS7_fu-00501-00109640-00109815 arguments anymore COcpFKS7_fu-00502-00109816-00110023 if you have optional arguments you can COcpFKS7_fu-00503-00110024-00110143 specify one COcpFKS7_fu-00504-00110144-00110343 or another in this case the to both COcpFKS7_fu-00505-00110344-00110590 arguments one and two they are optional COcpFKS7_fu-00506-00110591-00110823 but you just want to change the value of COcpFKS7_fu-00507-00110824-00110943 the argument two COcpFKS7_fu-00508-00110944-00111239 so this is easier uh with naming COcpFKS7_fu-00509-00111240-00111431 arguments this is actually possible just COcpFKS7_fu-00510-00111432-00111583 because of name arguments COcpFKS7_fu-00511-00111583-00111934 and you can skip um if you start COcpFKS7_fu-00512-00111935-00112119 if you don't start with name arguments COcpFKS7_fu-00513-00112120-00112327 and then later on you decided to use COcpFKS7_fu-00514-00112328-00112502 name arguments um COcpFKS7_fu-00515-00112503-00112743 for example here on line 13. this is COcpFKS7_fu-00516-00112744-00112863 allowed COcpFKS7_fu-00517-00112864-00113151 but if you decided not to use and then COcpFKS7_fu-00518-00113152-00113319 you use it again on argument two but COcpFKS7_fu-00519-00113320-00113366 then on COcpFKS7_fu-00520-00113367-00113543 argument three you don't use it this is COcpFKS7_fu-00521-00113544-00113790 not allowed because php lost tracks uh COcpFKS7_fu-00522-00113791-00114143 lost track on how to to analyze this COcpFKS7_fu-00523-00114144-00114207 thing COcpFKS7_fu-00524-00114208-00114551 so you need to follow either COcpFKS7_fu-00525-00114552-00114743 everything or don't skip it because it's COcpFKS7_fu-00526-00114744-00114895 not going to work COcpFKS7_fu-00527-00114896-00115207 and that's naming arguments uh a couple COcpFKS7_fu-00528-00115208-00115407 of questions COcpFKS7_fu-00529-00115408-00115623 um can we mix it name your arguments and COcpFKS7_fu-00530-00115624-00115734 normal arguments some COcpFKS7_fu-00531-00115735-00115902 methods call yeah this is what i have COcpFKS7_fu-00532-00115903-00116095 just showed here COcpFKS7_fu-00533-00116096-00116327 um and then the last feature that i want COcpFKS7_fu-00534-00116328-00116399 to talk about COcpFKS7_fu-00535-00116400-00116775 hp8 is attributes and you probably know COcpFKS7_fu-00536-00116776-00117175 attributes as annotations decorators COcpFKS7_fu-00537-00117176-00117334 and a bunch of other names that other COcpFKS7_fu-00538-00117335-00117510 languages have COcpFKS7_fu-00539-00117511-00117695 but in php is going to call attributes COcpFKS7_fu-00540-00117696-00117871 and attributes COcpFKS7_fu-00541-00117872-00118239 see it as annotations or something COcpFKS7_fu-00542-00118240-00118510 that gives your class your properties COcpFKS7_fu-00543-00118511-00118583 your COcpFKS7_fu-00544-00118583-00119039 variables and properties attributes COcpFKS7_fu-00545-00119040-00119199 and here we have an example with COcpFKS7_fu-00546-00119200-00119375 doctrine so this class is an COcpFKS7_fu-00547-00119376-00119599 entity and both properties they are COcpFKS7_fu-00548-00119600-00119766 columns and the first uh COcpFKS7_fu-00549-00119767-00119990 and the private and the property id is COcpFKS7_fu-00550-00119991-00120183 uh is an id COcpFKS7_fu-00551-00120183-00120334 you can do that with annotations COcpFKS7_fu-00552-00120335-00120575 nowadays uh but COcpFKS7_fu-00553-00120576-00120823 think that every single project that COcpFKS7_fu-00554-00120824-00120990 once you have this COcpFKS7_fu-00555-00120991-00121295 mechanism needs to implement its own COcpFKS7_fu-00556-00121296-00121631 um an annotation or attributes library COcpFKS7_fu-00557-00121632-00121799 doctrine has a famous one doctrine COcpFKS7_fu-00558-00121800-00121895 annotations COcpFKS7_fu-00559-00121896-00122134 uh if you work with serialization if you COcpFKS7_fu-00560-00122135-00122239 work with symphony COcpFKS7_fu-00561-00122240-00122439 all those all those products they have COcpFKS7_fu-00562-00122440-00122702 their own implementation COcpFKS7_fu-00563-00122703-00122886 so what if we could centralize that in COcpFKS7_fu-00564-00122888-00123102 php and hp8 brought that COcpFKS7_fu-00565-00123103-00123383 um so just a quick disclaimer COcpFKS7_fu-00566-00123383-00123486 annotations COcpFKS7_fu-00567-00123488-00123678 uh is something that we use to document COcpFKS7_fu-00568-00123679-00123831 our code and attributes is something COcpFKS7_fu-00569-00123832-00123958 that we use to give COcpFKS7_fu-00570-00123959-00124247 um attributes to classes to properties COcpFKS7_fu-00571-00124248-00124271 and COcpFKS7_fu-00572-00124272-00124566 and so on um and then on hp8 we're going COcpFKS7_fu-00573-00124567-00124727 to have something like this COcpFKS7_fu-00574-00124728-00124975 is very similar to annotations but are COcpFKS7_fu-00575-00124976-00125095 not annotations COcpFKS7_fu-00576-00125096-00125310 they're attributes and this is going to COcpFKS7_fu-00577-00125311-00125471 be checked by page piece COcpFKS7_fu-00578-00125472-00125775 engine by page b source code so now we COcpFKS7_fu-00579-00125776-00126158 we can cache we can validate we can um COcpFKS7_fu-00580-00126159-00126414 extend we can implement we can do a lot COcpFKS7_fu-00581-00126415-00126510 of stuff with COcpFKS7_fu-00582-00126511-00126790 with attributes and it's very similar um COcpFKS7_fu-00583-00126791-00126831 um COcpFKS7_fu-00584-00126832-00127023 this is a this is the syntax that was COcpFKS7_fu-00585-00127024-00127207 chosen um COcpFKS7_fu-00586-00127208-00127495 and this is the rust like syntax uh but COcpFKS7_fu-00587-00127496-00127654 it's very similar to what we have COcpFKS7_fu-00588-00127655-00127807 nowadays COcpFKS7_fu-00589-00127808-00128023 and it's gonna work on hp8 we're gonna COcpFKS7_fu-00590-00128024-00128183 have attributes native COcpFKS7_fu-00591-00128183-00128431 uh this is gonna help a lot uh some COcpFKS7_fu-00592-00128432-00128543 projects that have custom COcpFKS7_fu-00593-00128544-00128654 implementations COcpFKS7_fu-00594-00128655-00128871 uh some frameworks and so on we're gonna COcpFKS7_fu-00595-00128872-00129007 have caching optimization COcpFKS7_fu-00596-00129008-00129263 as i said uh and annotations are gonna COcpFKS7_fu-00597-00129264-00129327 be for COcpFKS7_fu-00598-00129328-00129527 documentation and attributes are gonna COcpFKS7_fu-00599-00129528-00129814 be for attributes themselves COcpFKS7_fu-00600-00129815-00130031 one click disclaimer and one important COcpFKS7_fu-00601-00130032-00130247 thing COcpFKS7_fu-00602-00130248-00130551 attributes needs to be supported by your COcpFKS7_fu-00603-00130552-00130831 uh library framework or whatever you're COcpFKS7_fu-00604-00130832-00130878 using COcpFKS7_fu-00605-00130879-00131119 hp is not going to convert automatically COcpFKS7_fu-00606-00131120-00131278 annotations COcpFKS7_fu-00607-00131279-00131527 to attributes your projects need to COcpFKS7_fu-00608-00131528-00131647 support that there is a whole COcpFKS7_fu-00609-00131648-00131871 section in the rfc document that COcpFKS7_fu-00610-00131872-00131990 proposed this thing COcpFKS7_fu-00611-00131991-00132143 how you can implement that using COcpFKS7_fu-00612-00132144-00132311 reflection um COcpFKS7_fu-00613-00132312-00132463 and there you go these are the four COcpFKS7_fu-00614-00132464-00132663 biggest features of COcpFKS7_fu-00615-00132664-00132983 um of hp yep iphone COcpFKS7_fu-00616-00132984-00133207 python even goes even further and allows COcpFKS7_fu-00617-00133208-00133295 you to rename COcpFKS7_fu-00618-00133296-00133623 internally or externally but hp only COcpFKS7_fu-00619-00133624-00133719 allows you to COcpFKS7_fu-00620-00133720-00134087 use them the name that you give to the COcpFKS7_fu-00621-00134088-00134183 api COcpFKS7_fu-00622-00134184-00134375 but that's something for later on uh COcpFKS7_fu-00623-00134376-00134511 some changes uh COcpFKS7_fu-00624-00134512-00134678 it's not breaking changes but our COcpFKS7_fu-00625-00134679-00134951 changes to page b8 COcpFKS7_fu-00626-00134952-00135214 previously if you try to use fro as an COcpFKS7_fu-00627-00135215-00135287 expression COcpFKS7_fu-00628-00135288-00135607 you couldn't now on page b8 you can so COcpFKS7_fu-00629-00135608-00135847 know all those ifs if something is not COcpFKS7_fu-00630-00135848-00136078 set throw an exception now you can do COcpFKS7_fu-00631-00136079-00136390 i can either have the variable nullable COcpFKS7_fu-00632-00136391-00136559 or throw an exception COcpFKS7_fu-00633-00136560-00136790 you can have exceptions on short COcpFKS7_fu-00634-00136791-00137166 closures and a lot of other things COcpFKS7_fu-00635-00137167-00137487 that before php you weren't allowed COcpFKS7_fu-00636-00137488-00137759 but now we have made this change to tro COcpFKS7_fu-00637-00137760-00137919 which is not a breaking change it's just COcpFKS7_fu-00638-00137920-00138047 a change and it's gonna COcpFKS7_fu-00639-00138048-00138375 simplify a lot of code um from COcpFKS7_fu-00640-00138376-00138687 um from a lot of stuff can you mix COcpFKS7_fu-00641-00138688-00138807 comment and attribute COcpFKS7_fu-00642-00138808-00139054 yes that's that's allowed uh but keep in COcpFKS7_fu-00643-00139055-00139223 mind that if your project does not COcpFKS7_fu-00644-00139224-00139287 support COcpFKS7_fu-00645-00139288-00139583 attributes it's not gonna work uh COcpFKS7_fu-00646-00139584-00139702 another small change COcpFKS7_fu-00647-00139703-00140047 to page b8 some people have COcpFKS7_fu-00648-00140048-00140319 very specific exceptions and they use COcpFKS7_fu-00649-00140320-00140535 exceptional domains COcpFKS7_fu-00650-00140536-00140783 and they don't need the exception uh the COcpFKS7_fu-00651-00140784-00140854 exception COcpFKS7_fu-00652-00140855-00141087 object because this is handler by the COcpFKS7_fu-00653-00141088-00141231 air handling by COcpFKS7_fu-00654-00141232-00141454 some some upstream project that is COcpFKS7_fu-00655-00141455-00141654 taking care of exceptions COcpFKS7_fu-00656-00141655-00141839 so they don't need the variable now this COcpFKS7_fu-00657-00141840-00141990 is allowed you can catch COcpFKS7_fu-00658-00141991-00142151 an exception without passing the COcpFKS7_fu-00659-00142152-00142399 variable and then just throw whatever COcpFKS7_fu-00660-00142400-00142543 you need this is a small change COcpFKS7_fu-00661-00142544-00142839 but people ask we have made it is there COcpFKS7_fu-00662-00142840-00143007 one important change this is not a COcpFKS7_fu-00663-00143008-00143119 breaking change but this is a COcpFKS7_fu-00664-00143120-00143319 deprecation warning COcpFKS7_fu-00665-00143320-00143526 if you take a look at line three we have COcpFKS7_fu-00666-00143527-00143647 something that is not COcpFKS7_fu-00667-00143648-00144054 right which is an optional argument COcpFKS7_fu-00668-00144055-00144390 followed by a required argument is not COcpFKS7_fu-00669-00144391-00144599 because php allows you to do that that COcpFKS7_fu-00670-00144600-00144695 you should COcpFKS7_fu-00671-00144696-00144935 this is not right if you take all the COcpFKS7_fu-00672-00144936-00145143 books everything about depends injection COcpFKS7_fu-00673-00145144-00145247 about COcpFKS7_fu-00674-00145248-00145487 computer science and everything you COcpFKS7_fu-00675-00145488-00145607 should first declare COcpFKS7_fu-00676-00145608-00145831 your required arguments and then your COcpFKS7_fu-00677-00145832-00145990 optional arguments because this is how COcpFKS7_fu-00678-00145991-00146223 you treat an api right COcpFKS7_fu-00679-00146224-00146414 but hp allow you to do that so we have COcpFKS7_fu-00680-00146415-00146551 some folks out there COcpFKS7_fu-00681-00146552-00146766 which have done this in the past uh but COcpFKS7_fu-00682-00146767-00146990 this is deprecated on page p8 and it's COcpFKS7_fu-00683-00146991-00147095 going to be removed COcpFKS7_fu-00684-00147096-00147335 all the way on page p9 so you're going COcpFKS7_fu-00685-00147336-00147511 to have a couple of versions to fix this COcpFKS7_fu-00686-00147512-00147711 uh don't don't get crazy if you see COcpFKS7_fu-00687-00147712-00147895 these deprecation warnings at first COcpFKS7_fu-00688-00147896-00148047 these are those appreciation words but COcpFKS7_fu-00689-00148048-00148214 take take in consideration that you need COcpFKS7_fu-00690-00148215-00148311 to fix this COcpFKS7_fu-00691-00148312-00148511 for hp9 in the future this is going to COcpFKS7_fu-00692-00148512-00148711 be removed in a future major version of COcpFKS7_fu-00693-00148712-00148783 page b COcpFKS7_fu-00694-00148784-00149126 but this is deprecated on page b8 COcpFKS7_fu-00695-00149127-00149519 uh as i said this is a deprecation one COcpFKS7_fu-00696-00149520-00149735 now the important break compatibility COcpFKS7_fu-00697-00149736-00149911 changes and this is how you're going to COcpFKS7_fu-00698-00149912-00150078 see how difficult is going to be for you COcpFKS7_fu-00699-00150079-00150287 to upgrade your code from your COcpFKS7_fu-00700-00150288-00150614 whatever version you're using to hp8 COcpFKS7_fu-00701-00150615-00150926 first one everything that was COcpFKS7_fu-00702-00150927-00151183 removed or that it was deprecated sorry COcpFKS7_fu-00703-00151184-00151302 in the php COcpFKS7_fu-00704-00151303-00151814 1 0 2 3 and 4 is now removed on page p8 COcpFKS7_fu-00705-00151815-00152023 so if you were using anything that was COcpFKS7_fu-00706-00152024-00152263 deprecated on page p7 COcpFKS7_fu-00707-00152264-00152407 and php is not going to work because COcpFKS7_fu-00708-00152408-00152566 it's removed COcpFKS7_fu-00709-00152567-00152751 there's an extensive list here you can COcpFKS7_fu-00710-00152752-00152959 check the official prequest on the php COcpFKS7_fu-00711-00152960-00153151 source code is open source COcpFKS7_fu-00712-00153152-00153326 there is everything but just keep in COcpFKS7_fu-00713-00153327-00153471 mind if you're using something that was COcpFKS7_fu-00714-00153472-00153614 deprecated now is removed COcpFKS7_fu-00715-00153615-00153966 simple as that this one COcpFKS7_fu-00716-00153967-00154159 apart from being a release manager of COcpFKS7_fu-00717-00154160-00154439 hp8 i also did some contributions to hp8 COcpFKS7_fu-00718-00154440-00154583 and this was my one COcpFKS7_fu-00719-00154584-00154871 sorry i break your code but this uh this COcpFKS7_fu-00720-00154872-00155054 example illustrates uh something that COcpFKS7_fu-00721-00155055-00155223 was allowed in the in the past but now COcpFKS7_fu-00722-00155224-00155495 on hp is not going to be allowed anymore COcpFKS7_fu-00723-00155496-00155831 magic methods of page b in the past COcpFKS7_fu-00724-00155832-00156102 they weren't being validated how you COcpFKS7_fu-00725-00156103-00156183 typed them COcpFKS7_fu-00726-00156184-00156414 so in the past you could have such thing COcpFKS7_fu-00727-00156415-00156502 as COcpFKS7_fu-00728-00156503-00156735 a class full with a method to string COcpFKS7_fu-00729-00156736-00156878 retaining a boolean COcpFKS7_fu-00730-00156879-00157007 this is not right it's supposed to COcpFKS7_fu-00731-00157008-00157183 return a string um COcpFKS7_fu-00732-00157184-00157502 so on page p8 we're gonna uh type and COcpFKS7_fu-00733-00157503-00157639 check we're gonna check COcpFKS7_fu-00734-00157640-00157919 uh if you type your magic method it's COcpFKS7_fu-00735-00157920-00158102 not required it's not mandatory if you COcpFKS7_fu-00736-00158103-00158271 don't use types with php COcpFKS7_fu-00737-00158272-00158463 you can still don't use them but if you COcpFKS7_fu-00738-00158464-00158607 use we're gonna check them COcpFKS7_fu-00739-00158608-00158847 there's an extensive list on this rfc COcpFKS7_fu-00740-00158848-00158999 which is the formal document that we COcpFKS7_fu-00741-00159000-00159166 propose to page internals COcpFKS7_fu-00742-00159167-00159543 uh to change page b uh and we are gonna COcpFKS7_fu-00743-00159544-00159726 you you're gonna have all the lists with COcpFKS7_fu-00744-00159727-00159878 all the changes that you you need to COcpFKS7_fu-00745-00159879-00159935 make COcpFKS7_fu-00746-00159936-00160326 um to to make your magic methods work COcpFKS7_fu-00747-00160327-00160654 um this one COcpFKS7_fu-00748-00160655-00160847 i hope you agree with me that dividing COcpFKS7_fu-00749-00160848-00161063 an empty array with an array that COcpFKS7_fu-00750-00161064-00161439 is 42 makes zero sense in the past page COcpFKS7_fu-00751-00161440-00161495 p would COcpFKS7_fu-00752-00161496-00161799 return you zero one or our number COcpFKS7_fu-00753-00161800-00162047 uh but you know it doesn't make sense so COcpFKS7_fu-00754-00162048-00162126 we have COcpFKS7_fu-00755-00162127-00162343 remove it is not working anymore on page COcpFKS7_fu-00756-00162344-00162599 p8 the same way if you try to increment COcpFKS7_fu-00757-00162600-00162814 a class if you try to implement an array COcpFKS7_fu-00758-00162815-00162951 and that's not going to work COcpFKS7_fu-00759-00162952-00163254 okay this is removing page p8 um stack COcpFKS7_fu-00760-00163255-00163390 analyzer tools COcpFKS7_fu-00761-00163391-00163623 um for example damien's one which is COcpFKS7_fu-00762-00163624-00163711 exact COcpFKS7_fu-00763-00163712-00164038 um page piston fan all the stack COcpFKS7_fu-00764-00164039-00164199 analyzer tools that we have in the php COcpFKS7_fu-00765-00164200-00164319 ecosystem COcpFKS7_fu-00766-00164320-00164583 all of them were already reporting this COcpFKS7_fu-00767-00164584-00164623 uh COcpFKS7_fu-00768-00164624-00164790 in previous versions so if you're using COcpFKS7_fu-00769-00164791-00164983 stack analyzer 2 don't worry about these COcpFKS7_fu-00770-00164984-00165111 changes because it's not going to COcpFKS7_fu-00771-00165112-00165447 affected you uh and last but not least COcpFKS7_fu-00772-00165448-00165647 this is the biggest breaking change of COcpFKS7_fu-00773-00165648-00165766 page p8 COcpFKS7_fu-00774-00165767-00166111 uh more specific on line six uh COcpFKS7_fu-00775-00166112-00166311 there there is a whole meme in the COcpFKS7_fu-00776-00166312-00166454 community saying COcpFKS7_fu-00777-00166455-00166695 zero is equal to full yeah for php in COcpFKS7_fu-00778-00166696-00166902 the past it was true COcpFKS7_fu-00779-00166903-00167151 but now it's not true any longer okay COcpFKS7_fu-00780-00167152-00167254 zero is not a COcpFKS7_fu-00781-00167255-00167526 is is not equal to a string in any sense COcpFKS7_fu-00782-00167527-00167631 um COcpFKS7_fu-00783-00167632-00167943 uh except uh except for uh COcpFKS7_fu-00784-00167944-00168126 uh integers and floats because that COcpFKS7_fu-00785-00168127-00168319 makes sense but like empty strings COcpFKS7_fu-00786-00168320-00168647 strings with stuff this is true COcpFKS7_fu-00787-00168648-00168887 in the past but now is false and this is COcpFKS7_fu-00788-00168888-00169063 gonna break a lot of code COcpFKS7_fu-00789-00169064-00169407 but again um don't use double sign COcpFKS7_fu-00790-00169408-00169702 okay use the triple sign um have types COcpFKS7_fu-00791-00169703-00169847 in your code this is this COcpFKS7_fu-00792-00169848-00169966 is going to make your life way easier COcpFKS7_fu-00793-00169967-00170190 but if you do use the the double equal COcpFKS7_fu-00794-00170191-00170263 sign COcpFKS7_fu-00795-00170264-00170407 pay attention because if you're doing COcpFKS7_fu-00796-00170408-00170519 this kind of comparison it's going to COcpFKS7_fu-00797-00170520-00170638 break your code COcpFKS7_fu-00798-00170639-00170895 uh and the last one which i don't think COcpFKS7_fu-00799-00170896-00170951 shouldn't COcpFKS7_fu-00800-00170952-00171159 impact a lot of people but it's a COcpFKS7_fu-00801-00171160-00171263 breaking change COcpFKS7_fu-00802-00171264-00171566 uh hp in the past would cast uh COcpFKS7_fu-00803-00171567-00171814 uh a string which is ties with a number COcpFKS7_fu-00804-00171815-00172038 to just the number so this is why 42 is COcpFKS7_fu-00805-00172039-00172190 equal to 42 full COcpFKS7_fu-00806-00172191-00172614 because php casts 42 full to 44 42 COcpFKS7_fu-00807-00172615-00172863 um but this is not no longer true and COcpFKS7_fu-00808-00172864-00173078 this is gonna break your code COcpFKS7_fu-00809-00173079-00173431 uh if you have such thing okay COcpFKS7_fu-00810-00173432-00173814 um those are the breaking changes um uh COcpFKS7_fu-00811-00173815-00173983 some internal changes that i want to COcpFKS7_fu-00812-00173984-00174151 share with you i'm gonna COcpFKS7_fu-00813-00174152-00174302 hurry uh with these lights because i'm COcpFKS7_fu-00814-00174303-00174502 getting out of time um COcpFKS7_fu-00815-00174503-00174766 but there's an api on php called COcpFKS7_fu-00816-00174767-00174966 reflection which basically tells you COcpFKS7_fu-00817-00174967-00175247 everything that you want to know about a COcpFKS7_fu-00818-00175248-00175390 function a class COcpFKS7_fu-00819-00175391-00175759 a property of a class and so on COcpFKS7_fu-00820-00175760-00176063 before page p8 if you try for example COcpFKS7_fu-00821-00176064-00176375 to reflect the function array filter COcpFKS7_fu-00822-00176376-00176654 you would have no type information at COcpFKS7_fu-00823-00176655-00176847 all like what is the type of the first COcpFKS7_fu-00824-00176848-00177007 argument what is the type of the second COcpFKS7_fu-00825-00177008-00177071 argument COcpFKS7_fu-00826-00177072-00177326 what is the return type of a filter COcpFKS7_fu-00827-00177327-00177431 previously COcpFKS7_fu-00828-00177432-00177695 none zero you had no information on page COcpFKS7_fu-00829-00177696-00177783 b8 COcpFKS7_fu-00830-00177784-00177919 you're gonna have tons of COcpFKS7_fu-00831-00177920-00178214 information every single COcpFKS7_fu-00832-00178215-00178478 internal function now is typed this was COcpFKS7_fu-00833-00178479-00178543 a force COcpFKS7_fu-00834-00178544-00178838 task it was amazing it was painful to COcpFKS7_fu-00835-00178839-00179007 add support to everything COcpFKS7_fu-00836-00179008-00179271 but if you have for example a library COcpFKS7_fu-00837-00179272-00179414 which is using reflection COcpFKS7_fu-00838-00179415-00179687 and you were demanding these things uh COcpFKS7_fu-00839-00179688-00179847 now is that and now is is COcpFKS7_fu-00840-00179848-00180111 is in the source code of hp8 uh there COcpFKS7_fu-00841-00180112-00180271 are a couple of parties there were COcpFKS7_fu-00842-00180272-00180543 uh that depends on this uh and there's a COcpFKS7_fu-00843-00180544-00180719 project from jetbrains uh COcpFKS7_fu-00844-00180720-00180990 which is specifically for this thing um COcpFKS7_fu-00845-00180991-00181143 and probably they're going to deprecate COcpFKS7_fu-00846-00181144-00181278 this project in the future COcpFKS7_fu-00847-00181279-00181438 because now we have this information on COcpFKS7_fu-00848-00181439-00181599 page ph source code COcpFKS7_fu-00849-00181600-00181895 um and then you can check it out the COcpFKS7_fu-00850-00181896-00181983 slides layer but COcpFKS7_fu-00851-00181984-00182407 it's basically a a api that php has COcpFKS7_fu-00852-00182408-00182638 which is reflection which tells you a COcpFKS7_fu-00853-00182639-00182823 lot of information COcpFKS7_fu-00854-00182824-00183071 again this is an internal change COcpFKS7_fu-00855-00183072-00183183 probably you're not going to use this COcpFKS7_fu-00856-00183184-00183335 thing in your daily work but if you COcpFKS7_fu-00857-00183336-00183478 maintain a library that depends on COcpFKS7_fu-00858-00183479-00183583 reflection COcpFKS7_fu-00859-00183584-00183790 you're gonna you know what i'm talking COcpFKS7_fu-00860-00183791-00183887 about i'm talking with you that COcpFKS7_fu-00861-00183888-00184023 maintains the library it depends on COcpFKS7_fu-00862-00184024-00184151 reflection and you don't have type COcpFKS7_fu-00863-00184152-00184302 information now you have COcpFKS7_fu-00864-00184303-00184519 is such an improvement for the language COcpFKS7_fu-00865-00184520-00184743 was huge was painful was long COcpFKS7_fu-00866-00184744-00185063 but we made it it's there and COcpFKS7_fu-00867-00185064-00185287 the last topic i have two minutes to COcpFKS7_fu-00868-00185288-00185447 talk about this thing COcpFKS7_fu-00869-00185448-00185814 which are the behind the scenes of php8 COcpFKS7_fu-00870-00185815-00185999 we have a couple of people which is COcpFKS7_fu-00871-00186000-00186183 behind php um COcpFKS7_fu-00872-00186184-00186366 as i got introduced that i'm one of the COcpFKS7_fu-00873-00186367-00186526 release managers of COcpFKS7_fu-00874-00186527-00186838 hp8 uh this is the hp8 logo by the way COcpFKS7_fu-00875-00186839-00186983 a lot of people are asking if this is COcpFKS7_fu-00876-00186984-00187126 the official one yes this is the COcpFKS7_fu-00877-00187127-00187335 official one which was made by COcpFKS7_fu-00878-00187336-00187575 a french which i forgot his name if COcpFKS7_fu-00879-00187576-00187766 someone remembers his name vincent COcpFKS7_fu-00880-00187767-00188054 vincent was the creator of the elephants COcpFKS7_fu-00881-00188055-00188254 the designer of the elephants COcpFKS7_fu-00882-00188255-00188463 and he also designed the page p7 logo COcpFKS7_fu-00883-00188464-00188863 and he also designed the hp8 logo so COcpFKS7_fu-00884-00188864-00189143 this is why i have this hoodie so we COcpFKS7_fu-00885-00189144-00189287 have two release managers COcpFKS7_fu-00886-00189288-00189526 sarah and i uh we are responsible for COcpFKS7_fu-00887-00189527-00189623 taking care COcpFKS7_fu-00888-00189624-00189935 of the php-8 release cycle COcpFKS7_fu-00889-00189936-00190183 making sure that every four weeks we COcpFKS7_fu-00890-00190184-00190375 have a new release of hp COcpFKS7_fu-00891-00190376-00190559 we need to make sure that everything is COcpFKS7_fu-00892-00190560-00190743 working everything is buildable COcpFKS7_fu-00893-00190744-00191023 uh everything is free of bugs which we COcpFKS7_fu-00894-00191024-00191102 can't COcpFKS7_fu-00895-00191103-00191431 but um i ran out of time um COcpFKS7_fu-00896-00191432-00191759 so let's hurry up uh i just give i just COcpFKS7_fu-00897-00191760-00191926 want to give a couple of shout outs COcpFKS7_fu-00898-00191927-00192126 to some contributors of the php source COcpFKS7_fu-00899-00192127-00192414 code which are dmitry he was the creator COcpFKS7_fu-00900-00192415-00192502 of jit COcpFKS7_fu-00901-00192503-00192702 nikita he's working on behalf of COcpFKS7_fu-00902-00192703-00192950 jetbrains in the source code he has done COcpFKS7_fu-00903-00192951-00193295 more than 10 rfcs which is amazing COcpFKS7_fu-00904-00193296-00193550 um we have christoph which is doing the COcpFKS7_fu-00905-00193551-00193814 bridge between microsoft and php COcpFKS7_fu-00906-00193815-00194159 um so if you run php on windows this is COcpFKS7_fu-00907-00194160-00194278 the one that is COcpFKS7_fu-00908-00194279-00194519 is is allowing you to do that uh we have COcpFKS7_fu-00909-00194520-00194959 jacob with his taking care of the fpm COcpFKS7_fu-00910-00194960-00195311 sup of php uh we have mateo which COcpFKS7_fu-00911-00195312-00195454 organized the php day COcpFKS7_fu-00912-00195455-00195647 in italy he's taking care of the pdo COcpFKS7_fu-00913-00195648-00195814 extension we have tyson COcpFKS7_fu-00914-00195815-00196038 which works for fan which is a stack COcpFKS7_fu-00915-00196039-00196343 analyzer to um COcpFKS7_fu-00916-00196344-00196543 and he's he's bringing a lot of stuff to COcpFKS7_fu-00917-00196544-00196711 the php source code COcpFKS7_fu-00918-00196712-00196926 we have these two gentlemen that they COcpFKS7_fu-00919-00196927-00197047 were the ones that COcpFKS7_fu-00920-00197048-00197302 helped us uh to do the reflection uh COcpFKS7_fu-00921-00197303-00197471 forest tech that i mentioned we have COcpFKS7_fu-00922-00197472-00197775 imagine changing 2000 COcpFKS7_fu-00923-00197776-00198031 plus functions in a language to have COcpFKS7_fu-00924-00198032-00198159 type information so COcpFKS7_fu-00925-00198160-00198399 this should we work around the clock to COcpFKS7_fu-00926-00198400-00198575 have that information add to the source COcpFKS7_fu-00927-00198576-00198638 code COcpFKS7_fu-00928-00198639-00198919 those are the ones that helped you um COcpFKS7_fu-00929-00198920-00198999 all these COcpFKS7_fu-00930-00199000-00199159 all these names they are clickable you COcpFKS7_fu-00931-00199160-00199359 can go to their github and also they COcpFKS7_fu-00932-00199360-00199535 have github sponsors so if you want to COcpFKS7_fu-00933-00199536-00199695 sponsor php COcpFKS7_fu-00934-00199696-00199999 to keep evolving here's an example of COcpFKS7_fu-00935-00200000-00200119 how you should do that we have new COcpFKS7_fu-00936-00200120-00200383 contributors uh alex was the first COcpFKS7_fu-00937-00200384-00200559 african contributor that we had COcpFKS7_fu-00938-00200560-00200766 uh uh hence in the fact that hp is an COcpFKS7_fu-00939-00200767-00200926 open source global language COcpFKS7_fu-00940-00200927-00201095 he was the first african contributor COcpFKS7_fu-00941-00201096-00201343 that we had uh we have elijah COcpFKS7_fu-00942-00201344-00201671 uh which he is uh not a maintainer but a COcpFKS7_fu-00943-00201672-00201823 contributor to page piston COcpFKS7_fu-00944-00201824-00202023 he also made a lot of contributions to COcpFKS7_fu-00945-00202024-00202295 page p8 for example match he was the one COcpFKS7_fu-00946-00202296-00202423 that created match so if you want to COcpFKS7_fu-00947-00202424-00202519 thanks him COcpFKS7_fu-00948-00202520-00202799 um he's the one and we also have some COcpFKS7_fu-00949-00202800-00202911 famous people uh COcpFKS7_fu-00950-00202912-00203102 beijing from doctrine he was the one COcpFKS7_fu-00951-00203103-00203278 that created attributes and we have COcpFKS7_fu-00952-00203279-00203463 nikolas which is a french one COcpFKS7_fu-00953-00203464-00203695 um which he is the member of symphony he COcpFKS7_fu-00954-00203696-00203919 also contributes to hp8 he made an COcpFKS7_fu-00955-00203920-00204014 interface called COcpFKS7_fu-00956-00204015-00204311 stringable um uh and yeah we have we COcpFKS7_fu-00957-00204312-00204463 have even the community COcpFKS7_fu-00958-00204464-00204919 uh doctrine symphony laravel whatever COcpFKS7_fu-00959-00204919-00205158 giving back to php and improving php COcpFKS7_fu-00960-00205159-00205351 source code so this is this is huge this COcpFKS7_fu-00961-00205352-00205462 is amazing COcpFKS7_fu-00962-00205463-00205686 um unfortunately i need to rush because COcpFKS7_fu-00963-00205687-00205903 we have very limited amount of time COcpFKS7_fu-00964-00205904-00206134 but i'm going to share these lies with COcpFKS7_fu-00965-00206135-00206246 you COcpFKS7_fu-00966-00206248-00206494 there is a whole document that i have COcpFKS7_fu-00967-00206496-00206614 created COcpFKS7_fu-00968-00206615-00206919 which is everything that i have found in COcpFKS7_fu-00969-00206919-00207190 terms of COcpFKS7_fu-00970-00207191-00207446 reference for p8 all the official COcpFKS7_fu-00971-00207448-00207582 references blog posts COcpFKS7_fu-00972-00207583-00207798 around there all the talks that i have COcpFKS7_fu-00973-00207800-00207934 found um COcpFKS7_fu-00974-00207935-00208166 all the rfcs every everything that has COcpFKS7_fu-00975-00208167-00208358 changed inside a php source code you're COcpFKS7_fu-00976-00208359-00208542 gonna have the links here COcpFKS7_fu-00977-00208544-00208694 so there's a lot of things that you need COcpFKS7_fu-00978-00208696-00208886 to go through if you want to support COcpFKS7_fu-00979-00208887-00209190 hp8 um but yeah COcpFKS7_fu-00980-00209191-00209510 hp 8 is here hph is there hp COcpFKS7_fu-00981-00209511-00209727 is going to come on the end of november COcpFKS7_fu-00982-00209728-00209991 i'm so excited is a new major version of COcpFKS7_fu-00983-00209992-00210294 hp is a new cycle is a new era as i like COcpFKS7_fu-00984-00210296-00210382 to say COcpFKS7_fu-00985-00210383-00210703 for php page p8 is coming and uh COcpFKS7_fu-00986-00210704-00210887 is here to stay is here to prove that COcpFKS7_fu-00987-00210888-00211119 php is not that page p is evolving page COcpFKS7_fu-00988-00211119-00211231 b is growing COcpFKS7_fu-00989-00211232-00211471 php is going to become a huge language COcpFKS7_fu-00990-00211471-00211631 in the future i can't wait COcpFKS7_fu-00991-00211632-00212023 um uh to php to to grow even more COcpFKS7_fu-00992-00212023-00212239 and that's it uh unfortunately i didn't COcpFKS7_fu-00993-00212240-00212415 have the time to talk about everything COcpFKS7_fu-00994-00212416-00212455 uh COcpFKS7_fu-00995-00212456-00212798 so please go check out these lights um COcpFKS7_fu-00996-00212800-00212991 we have a bunch of reference that you COcpFKS7_fu-00997-00212992-00213158 can that you can see COcpFKS7_fu-00998-00213159-00213382 and one thing that i ask you uh give me COcpFKS7_fu-00999-00213383-00213494 feedback uh COcpFKS7_fu-01000-00213496-00213927 if i can click this link as i can um COcpFKS7_fu-01001-00213928-00214191 because with this feedback i can improve COcpFKS7_fu-01002-00214192-00214231 uh COcpFKS7_fu-01003-00214232-00214631 my talk for the next conference and COcpFKS7_fu-01004-00214632-00214919 uh that's it maria if you can jump in COcpFKS7_fu-01005-00214919-00215103 and help me with the questions COcpFKS7_fu-01006-00215104-00215406 uh to see if i have something COcpFKS7_fu-01007-00215407-00215873 uh if i haven't forgotten anything COcpFKS7_fu-01008-00215875-00216023 [Music] COcpFKS7_fu-01009-00216023-00216342 thank you gabriel for your talk there is COcpFKS7_fu-01010-00216344-00216703 a lot of questions oh my god COcpFKS7_fu-01011-00216704-00217134 yeah there are a lot of questions COcpFKS7_fu-01012-00217135-00217663 we have uh four minutes so okay so COcpFKS7_fu-01013-00217664-00218055 what i think yeah let's see COcpFKS7_fu-01014-00218056-00218231 okay there are some ones that are easy COcpFKS7_fu-01015-00218232-00218406 will you generics be support at some COcpFKS7_fu-01016-00218407-00218446 point COcpFKS7_fu-01017-00218448-00218687 at some point yes it will be supported COcpFKS7_fu-01018-00218688-00218798 but we don't have a time COcpFKS7_fu-01019-00218800-00219119 frame we don't have a um a release COcpFKS7_fu-01020-00219119-00219375 a road map for page b so at some point COcpFKS7_fu-01021-00219376-00219591 yes it's going to be supported COcpFKS7_fu-01022-00219592-00219831 but it's is it's complicated it's not COcpFKS7_fu-01023-00219832-00220151 trivial so um COcpFKS7_fu-01024-00220152-00220351 it's complicated let's let's put it that COcpFKS7_fu-01025-00220352-00220609 way COcpFKS7_fu-01026-00220610-00220887 [Music] COcpFKS7_fu-01027-00220888-00221094 are any plans of having nested COcpFKS7_fu-01028-00221096-00221351 attributes for hp81 COcpFKS7_fu-01029-00221352-00221510 this is a discussion that is happening COcpFKS7_fu-01030-00221511-00221694 today tomorrow COcpFKS7_fu-01031-00221696-00221958 uh happening yesterday uh this is a very COcpFKS7_fu-01032-00221959-00222094 recent discussion which is COcpFKS7_fu-01033-00222096-00222391 how nested attributes are gonna work i COcpFKS7_fu-01034-00222392-00222455 don't know COcpFKS7_fu-01035-00222456-00222694 if we're gonna have in page p81 if we're COcpFKS7_fu-01036-00222696-00222871 gonna have on page pa2 COcpFKS7_fu-01037-00222871-00223087 if we are not gonna have this is very COcpFKS7_fu-01038-00223088-00223334 very recent i have no idea COcpFKS7_fu-01039-00223335-00223567 my opinion we're gonna have in page b81 COcpFKS7_fu-01040-00223567-00223703 because this was something that uh COcpFKS7_fu-01041-00223704-00224023 we missed it on the hp8 uh release COcpFKS7_fu-01042-00224023-00224358 uh but on hp81 probably uh we're gonna COcpFKS7_fu-01043-00224359-00224439 have COcpFKS7_fu-01044-00224440-00224591 uh there's a very interest question that COcpFKS7_fu-01045-00224592-00224806 i wanna talk uh microsoft quit the COcpFKS7_fu-01046-00224807-00225015 release theme of php what is the feature COcpFKS7_fu-01047-00225016-00225279 of page b for windows COcpFKS7_fu-01048-00225280-00225534 in a nutshell this is not true it COcpFKS7_fu-01049-00225535-00225742 sounded microsoft quit php but this is COcpFKS7_fu-01050-00225744-00225791 not true COcpFKS7_fu-01051-00225792-00226142 what happened was we need to build php COcpFKS7_fu-01052-00226144-00226439 to microsoft to windows and we need COcpFKS7_fu-01053-00226440-00226734 microsoft machines to do that job COcpFKS7_fu-01054-00226735-00226871 this is the only thing that microsoft COcpFKS7_fu-01055-00226871-00226998 said that is not going to happen they COcpFKS7_fu-01056-00227000-00227134 are not going to provide COcpFKS7_fu-01057-00227135-00227446 the machines for us internals to build COcpFKS7_fu-01058-00227448-00227558 php COcpFKS7_fu-01059-00227559-00227775 what does it mean means that we just COcpFKS7_fu-01060-00227776-00227967 need to switch to another provider COcpFKS7_fu-01061-00227967-00228182 and they have an official provider from COcpFKS7_fu-01062-00228183-00228279 microsoft COcpFKS7_fu-01063-00228280-00228575 which is microsoft ager uh which is COcpFKS7_fu-01064-00228576-00228775 microsoft pipelines microsoft azure COcpFKS7_fu-01065-00228776-00228903 pipelines that have a but they have a COcpFKS7_fu-01066-00228904-00229055 bunch of products nowadays COcpFKS7_fu-01067-00229056-00229287 uh so this is what changes microsoft is COcpFKS7_fu-01068-00229288-00229471 not going to provide the machines COcpFKS7_fu-01069-00229471-00229791 for the php team to help us build so we COcpFKS7_fu-01070-00229792-00229823 are COcpFKS7_fu-01071-00229823-00230055 on our own but we have already started COcpFKS7_fu-01072-00230056-00230182 out hence the fact that COcpFKS7_fu-01073-00230183-00230591 hp8 has a on um a windows build COcpFKS7_fu-01074-00230592-00230775 and this is this is this is this is COcpFKS7_fu-01075-00230776-00230975 working so no microsoft haven't quit COcpFKS7_fu-01076-00230976-00231055 page b COcpFKS7_fu-01077-00231056-00231271 microsoft is just not supporting page COcpFKS7_fu-01078-00231271-00231406 b's builds COcpFKS7_fu-01079-00231407-00231639 this is the only thing that has changed COcpFKS7_fu-01080-00231640-00231742 um COcpFKS7_fu-01081-00231744-00231910 do i have time to install another one COcpFKS7_fu-01082-00231911-00232203 quickly yes your 10. COcpFKS7_fu-01083-00232204-00232503 [Music] COcpFKS7_fu-01084-00232504-00232791 can match be used in comparison uh with COcpFKS7_fu-01085-00232792-00232967 instance of COcpFKS7_fu-01086-00232967-00233319 um i don't know COcpFKS7_fu-01087-00233319-00233575 match using cooperation with instance of COcpFKS7_fu-01088-00233576-00233639 um COcpFKS7_fu-01089-00233640-00233975 no are you trying to choose it as an COcpFKS7_fu-01090-00233976-00234071 expression so COcpFKS7_fu-01091-00234071-00234342 uh something is instance of probably you COcpFKS7_fu-01092-00234344-00234382 can COcpFKS7_fu-01093-00234383-00234615 because match is an is an expression so COcpFKS7_fu-01094-00234616-00234719 you can combine COcpFKS7_fu-01095-00234719-00234991 match with something else so i think you COcpFKS7_fu-01096-00234992-00235182 can uh you can test it out and tell me COcpFKS7_fu-01097-00235183-00235575 later i have no idea COcpFKS7_fu-01098-00235576-00235871 will match support block of code like COcpFKS7_fu-01099-00235871-00235958 switch COcpFKS7_fu-01100-00235959-00236239 yes this is the rfc uh it's allowed COcpFKS7_fu-01101-00236240-00236367 nothing has COcpFKS7_fu-01102-00236367-00236798 changed there um COcpFKS7_fu-01103-00236800-00237006 there's i think there's only one no COcpFKS7_fu-01104-00237007-00237182 there's another one i'm i'm skipping the COcpFKS7_fu-01105-00237183-00237294 mixed one because COcpFKS7_fu-01106-00237296-00237542 that's gonna you know trigger uh a COcpFKS7_fu-01107-00237544-00237703 couple of questions that i want to go to COcpFKS7_fu-01108-00237704-00237934 uh how does php attributes need to be COcpFKS7_fu-01109-00237935-00238023 declared COcpFKS7_fu-01110-00238023-00238239 after php doc blocks if not we would COcpFKS7_fu-01111-00238240-00238503 confuse the php parser COcpFKS7_fu-01112-00238504-00238694 how does php attributes need to be COcpFKS7_fu-01113-00238696-00239142 declared after page b dockbox um COcpFKS7_fu-01114-00239144-00239455 you need to have um COcpFKS7_fu-01115-00239456-00239751 you can have as i said you can have both COcpFKS7_fu-01116-00239752-00239887 documentation COcpFKS7_fu-01117-00239888-00240087 attribute annotations and you can have COcpFKS7_fu-01118-00240088-00240206 attributes COcpFKS7_fu-01119-00240207-00240551 page page piece parser understand COcpFKS7_fu-01120-00240552-00240751 what is an annotation what is a parse COcpFKS7_fu-01121-00240752-00240958 what is a attribute page b sparser COcpFKS7_fu-01122-00240959-00241094 understand that COcpFKS7_fu-01123-00241096-00241382 what you can't have is one thing inside COcpFKS7_fu-01124-00241383-00241519 another so let's say that you have COcpFKS7_fu-01125-00241519-00241710 attributes inside of annotation that's COcpFKS7_fu-01126-00241711-00241815 not going to work but if you have a COcpFKS7_fu-01127-00241816-00241967 block of annotation COcpFKS7_fu-01128-00241967-00242158 if you have a block of attributes that's COcpFKS7_fu-01129-00242159-00242271 going to work just fine COcpFKS7_fu-01130-00242271-00242615 hb sparses knows how to handle that um COcpFKS7_fu-01131-00242616-00242879 but you can test it out and see if if COcpFKS7_fu-01132-00242880-00243030 i'm missing something but if understood COcpFKS7_fu-01133-00243031-00243134 your question COcpFKS7_fu-01134-00243135-00243263 is no it's not going to be a problem for COcpFKS7_fu-01135-00243264-00243551 the page compriser um COcpFKS7_fu-01136-00243552-00243846 are there tools to analyze projects code COcpFKS7_fu-01137-00243848-00243927 and COcpFKS7_fu-01138-00243928-00244094 assess readiness and suggestions for COcpFKS7_fu-01139-00244096-00244239 page b8 COcpFKS7_fu-01140-00244240-00244534 uh yes instead analyzer tools they are COcpFKS7_fu-01141-00244535-00244615 already doing COcpFKS7_fu-01142-00244616-00244894 its jobs to help you migrate to page b8 COcpFKS7_fu-01143-00244896-00245151 as i said so for example if you have COcpFKS7_fu-01144-00245152-00245391 something an array dividing by another COcpFKS7_fu-01145-00245392-00245551 array that doesn't make sense and nice COcpFKS7_fu-01146-00245552-00245719 tech analyzer tool is going to let you COcpFKS7_fu-01147-00245719-00245791 know COcpFKS7_fu-01148-00245792-00246039 uh but there is a project uh that i used COcpFKS7_fu-01149-00246040-00246223 to be part of that part that i'm COcpFKS7_fu-01150-00246223-00246415 not working there anymore um what is the COcpFKS7_fu-01151-00246416-00246582 name rector COcpFKS7_fu-01152-00246583-00246751 i'm gonna dump the link on the chat COcpFKS7_fu-01153-00246752-00246975 later on but it's called hector COcpFKS7_fu-01154-00246976-00247327 r e c t o r uh which is um COcpFKS7_fu-01155-00247328-00247671 um which is a tool that helps you COcpFKS7_fu-01156-00247671-00247871 migrate your code so you have a bunch of COcpFKS7_fu-01157-00247871-00248103 code goes to director tool and then it COcpFKS7_fu-01158-00248104-00248142 it's COcpFKS7_fu-01159-00248144-00248358 its output is a new code that works in COcpFKS7_fu-01160-00248359-00248479 the new major version COcpFKS7_fu-01161-00248480-00248734 uh or if you want to migrate page b unit COcpFKS7_fu-01162-00248735-00248806 symphony COcpFKS7_fu-01163-00248807-00248998 other stuff uh these are the tools that COcpFKS7_fu-01164-00249000-00249215 i know uh that allow you to migrate to COcpFKS7_fu-01165-00249216-00249310 page b8 COcpFKS7_fu-01166-00249311-00249567 uh but also qualifies so you have for COcpFKS7_fu-01167-00249567-00249791 example the symphony qualify COcpFKS7_fu-01168-00249792-00250142 which gives you classes COcpFKS7_fu-01169-00250144-00250375 functions or something which allows you COcpFKS7_fu-01170-00250376-00250630 to start to use page ps8 feature COcpFKS7_fu-01171-00250631-00250910 feature in lower versions uh these are COcpFKS7_fu-01172-00250911-00251039 the only two tools COcpFKS7_fu-01173-00251040-00251334 uh that i know that we have a bunch of COcpFKS7_fu-01174-00251335-00251367 two COcpFKS7_fu-01175-00251367-00251558 those are the only two that i know COcpFKS7_fu-01176-00251559-00251734 they're gonna help you to migrate to COcpFKS7_fu-01177-00251735-00251855 php8 COcpFKS7_fu-01178-00251856-00251998 uh there is the last question that i COcpFKS7_fu-01179-00252000-00252215 wanna answer which is alex's question COcpFKS7_fu-01180-00252216-00252303 that i was COcpFKS7_fu-01181-00252304-00252542 not trying to but i i i'm going to try COcpFKS7_fu-01182-00252544-00252655 to reply to you COcpFKS7_fu-01183-00252656-00252879 uh what is the point of in forex that COcpFKS7_fu-01184-00252880-00252967 mixed type COcpFKS7_fu-01185-00252967-00253271 instead of nothing um so this is COcpFKS7_fu-01186-00253271-00253567 this is this is a very uh complicated COcpFKS7_fu-01187-00253567-00253615 question COcpFKS7_fu-01188-00253616-00253830 this was a question that we made to the COcpFKS7_fu-01189-00253831-00253958 the developer of the COcpFKS7_fu-01190-00253959-00254279 mixed rfc having COcpFKS7_fu-01191-00254280-00254606 no type and have mixed types this COcpFKS7_fu-01192-00254607-00254871 is different why is different when you COcpFKS7_fu-01193-00254871-00254934 have no COcpFKS7_fu-01194-00254935-00255175 type in your parameter in your return COcpFKS7_fu-01195-00255176-00255303 function whatever COcpFKS7_fu-01196-00255304-00255630 you have no type information at all COcpFKS7_fu-01197-00255631-00255863 nothing you have zero information when COcpFKS7_fu-01198-00255864-00256071 you have mixed it COcpFKS7_fu-01199-00256071-00256310 you have mixed it you have array integer COcpFKS7_fu-01200-00256311-00256439 float object COcpFKS7_fu-01201-00256440-00256694 array you have all the informations so COcpFKS7_fu-01202-00256696-00256823 when you say that something COcpFKS7_fu-01203-00256823-00257142 has no type is different when saying COcpFKS7_fu-01204-00257144-00257223 that it has COcpFKS7_fu-01205-00257223-00257471 all the types mix it but then you're COcpFKS7_fu-01206-00257471-00257534 going to say COcpFKS7_fu-01207-00257535-00257903 gabriel my my i i use mix it but COcpFKS7_fu-01208-00257904-00258119 i don't have support you all the all COcpFKS7_fu-01209-00258119-00258206 they are all the COcpFKS7_fu-01210-00258207-00258542 all the types is just boolean integer COcpFKS7_fu-01211-00258544-00258639 and string COcpFKS7_fu-01212-00258640-00258879 there we go you can already narrow COcpFKS7_fu-01213-00258880-00258975 narrow dial COcpFKS7_fu-01214-00258976-00259175 uh your type information of your COcpFKS7_fu-01215-00259176-00259391 function uh COcpFKS7_fu-01216-00259392-00259615 by avoiding mix it so if you are using COcpFKS7_fu-01217-00259616-00259734 mixit you are COcpFKS7_fu-01218-00259735-00260063 declaring that your thing have all the COcpFKS7_fu-01219-00260064-00260151 types COcpFKS7_fu-01220-00260152-00260375 instead of having no type declaration COcpFKS7_fu-01221-00260376-00260503 which is COcpFKS7_fu-01222-00260504-00260815 um nothing so nothing versus mystics has COcpFKS7_fu-01223-00260816-00260927 it's different COcpFKS7_fu-01224-00260928-00261134 i know that it sounds like no but it COcpFKS7_fu-01225-00261135-00261351 does having no information COcpFKS7_fu-01226-00261352-00261510 is different than have mixed it because COcpFKS7_fu-01227-00261511-00261767 no information means you have COcpFKS7_fu-01228-00261767-00261951 you can accept anything that goes COcpFKS7_fu-01229-00261952-00262167 through mix it there is no information COcpFKS7_fu-01230-00262168-00262519 at all but having mixed it means i COcpFKS7_fu-01231-00262520-00262751 am signing that this method this COcpFKS7_fu-01232-00262752-00262919 function this parameter COcpFKS7_fu-01233-00262920-00263223 accepts everything uh i know that the COcpFKS7_fu-01234-00263224-00263271 mix COcpFKS7_fu-01235-00263272-00263519 is not the best word should be any i i COcpFKS7_fu-01236-00263520-00263630 asked them to to put COcpFKS7_fu-01237-00263631-00263895 anybody no this is a this is a democracy COcpFKS7_fu-01238-00263896-00263999 this was voted COcpFKS7_fu-01239-00264000-00264295 uh because any gives a better idea that COcpFKS7_fu-01240-00264296-00264319 i COcpFKS7_fu-01241-00264320-00264599 accept any type information instead of COcpFKS7_fu-01242-00264600-00264647 having COcpFKS7_fu-01243-00264648-00264815 no type of information at all i hope i COcpFKS7_fu-01244-00264816-00264958 could answer your question is a very COcpFKS7_fu-01245-00264959-00265055 complicated COcpFKS7_fu-01246-00265056-00265375 question um but yeah is there uh let's COcpFKS7_fu-01247-00265376-00265606 see the chat if we have COcpFKS7_fu-01248-00265607-00266015 something that i have hectors so thanks COcpFKS7_fu-01249-00266016-00266063 george COcpFKS7_fu-01250-00266064-00266223 for sharing yeah that's the two that i COcpFKS7_fu-01251-00266224-00266510 talk um uh it's a very amazing two COcpFKS7_fu-01252-00266511-00266879 um um what are the answer COcpFKS7_fu-01253-00266880-00267079 what what was the answer for the generic COcpFKS7_fu-01254-00267080-00267199 type uh COcpFKS7_fu-01255-00267200-00267495 so anthony generic yes is gonna be COcpFKS7_fu-01256-00267496-00267806 supported in future versions of php COcpFKS7_fu-01257-00267807-00268071 but we don't have no we have no idea we COcpFKS7_fu-01258-00268072-00268182 have no COcpFKS7_fu-01259-00268183-00268399 predictions we have no deadline we have COcpFKS7_fu-01260-00268400-00268599 no roadmap because generic COcpFKS7_fu-01261-00268600-00268806 in php source code is not an easy thing COcpFKS7_fu-01262-00268807-00269030 to implement you need to change a lot of COcpFKS7_fu-01263-00269031-00269110 code COcpFKS7_fu-01264-00269111-00269319 in order to implement this thing i know COcpFKS7_fu-01265-00269320-00269567 that some people are working on generics COcpFKS7_fu-01266-00269568-00269703 i don't know if it's gonna be for eight COcpFKS7_fu-01267-00269704-00269903 one i don't know it's gonna be for a2 i COcpFKS7_fu-01268-00269904-00270134 don't know it's gonna be for page p9 COcpFKS7_fu-01269-00270135-00270303 but it's gonna at some point we're to COcpFKS7_fu-01270-00270304-00270471 have genetics we have proof COcpFKS7_fu-01271-00270472-00270663 by a proof of concept implementation COcpFKS7_fu-01272-00270664-00270871 that it works it's possible to have COcpFKS7_fu-01273-00270872-00271110 genetics in php source code COcpFKS7_fu-01274-00271111-00271319 but it's not that trivial as i said we COcpFKS7_fu-01275-00271320-00271479 need to change a lot of code in php COcpFKS7_fu-01276-00271480-00271647 source code to have it COcpFKS7_fu-01277-00271648-00271895 so stay tuned we're gonna have at some COcpFKS7_fu-01278-00271896-00271999 point COcpFKS7_fu-01279-00272000-00272230 and uh that's it now i'm done because i COcpFKS7_fu-01280-00272231-00272351 have COcpFKS7_fu-01281-00272352-00272775 to stop you the next story will begin COcpFKS7_fu-01282-00272776-00273087 as it began in fact but you COcpFKS7_fu-01283-00273088-00273471 can stay in the chat if you want COcpFKS7_fu-01284-00273472-00273767 i'll talk to gabrielle and work on don't COcpFKS7_fu-01285-00273768-00273879 you COcpFKS7_fu-01286-00273880-00274482 cool so if you have more questions COcpFKS7_fu-01287-00274483-00275415 and right COcpFKS7_fu-01288-00275416-00275630 okay so there's a new question is it COcpFKS7_fu-01289-00275631-00275758 possible to declare COcpFKS7_fu-01290-00275759-00276127 union types example number COcpFKS7_fu-01291-00276128-00276423 start live answer oh i can i can do that COcpFKS7_fu-01292-00276424-00276567 um COcpFKS7_fu-01293-00276568-00276847 so uh yeah is it possible to declare COcpFKS7_fu-01294-00276848-00276934 union types COcpFKS7_fu-01295-00276935-00277223 uh for example numbers uh which is an COcpFKS7_fu-01296-00277224-00277310 alias for COcpFKS7_fu-01297-00277311-00277639 interior float no this is not allowed COcpFKS7_fu-01298-00277640-00277895 um actually i have no idea why this is COcpFKS7_fu-01299-00277896-00277991 not allowed but no COcpFKS7_fu-01300-00277992-00278287 this is not allowed on page beam page COcpFKS7_fu-01301-00278288-00278558 piece eight COcpFKS7_fu-01302-00278559-00279439 thank you everyone COcpFKS7_fu-01303-00279440-00279775 we have any more questions an exact COcpFKS7_fu-01304-00279776-00279919 answer COcpFKS7_fu-01305-00279920-00280806 makes an adventure COcpFKS7_fu-01306-00280807-00282313 so thank you and see ya bye bye COcpFKS7_fu-01307-00282314-00282663 [Music] COcpFKS7_fu-01308-00282664-00282872 you CUgas1M4ur8-00000-00000006-00000725 [Music] CUgas1M4ur8-00001-00000726-00001491 [Music] CUgas1M4ur8-00002-00001492-00004139 my CUgas1M4ur8-00003-00004140-00004283 [Music] CUgas1M4ur8-00004-00004284-00007083 d CUgas1M4ur8-00005-00007084-00009883 so CUgas1M4ur8-00006-00009884-00011283 um CUgas1M4ur8-00007-00011284-00013199 oh CUgas1M4ur8-00009-00018384-00021083 i CUgas1M4ur8-00010-00021084-00021384 go CWNe44SvGX0-00000-00000055-00000339 the uniforms of the United States Marine CWNe44SvGX0-00001-00000340-00000558 Corps served to distinguish Marines from CWNe44SvGX0-00002-00000559-00000852 members of other services among current CWNe44SvGX0-00003-00000853-00001074 uniforms in the United States Armed CWNe44SvGX0-00004-00001075-00001149 Forces CWNe44SvGX0-00005-00001150-00001350 the Marine Corps dress uniforms have CWNe44SvGX0-00006-00001351-00001620 been in service the longest the Marine CWNe44SvGX0-00007-00001621-00001864 dress blue uniform has with few changes CWNe44SvGX0-00008-00001864-00002086 being worn in essentially its current CWNe44SvGX0-00009-00002087-00002812 form since the late 19th century CWNe44SvGX0-00010-00002813-00003384 topic dress uniform CWNe44SvGX0-00011-00003385-00003636 the Marine Corps dress uniform is an CWNe44SvGX0-00012-00003637-00003861 elaborate uniform worn for formal or CWNe44SvGX0-00013-00003862-00004213 ceremonial occasions its basic form of a CWNe44SvGX0-00014-00004214-00004441 blue jacket with red trim dates back to CWNe44SvGX0-00015-00004442-00004728 the 19th century it is the only u.s. CWNe44SvGX0-00016-00004729-00004975 military uniform that incorporates all CWNe44SvGX0-00017-00004976-00005259 three colors of the US flag there are CWNe44SvGX0-00018-00005260-00005449 three different variations of the dress CWNe44SvGX0-00019-00005450-00005682 uniform evening dress blue dress and CWNe44SvGX0-00020-00005683-00005943 blue white dress only officers and staff CWNe44SvGX0-00021-00005944-00006202 noncommissioned officers s NCOs are CWNe44SvGX0-00022-00006203-00006420 authorized to wear the evening dress CWNe44SvGX0-00023-00006420-00006702 until 2000 there was a white dress CWNe44SvGX0-00024-00006703-00006963 uniform similar in appearance to the US CWNe44SvGX0-00025-00006964-00007216 Navy's dress white uniforms but worn by CWNe44SvGX0-00026-00007217-00007426 officers only in a manner similar to CWNe44SvGX0-00027-00007427-00007656 that of the dress white uniforms worn in CWNe44SvGX0-00028-00007658-00007951 the US Coast Guard this uniform has CWNe44SvGX0-00029-00007952-00008152 since been replaced with the blue-white CWNe44SvGX0-00030-00008153-00008939 dress uniform for officers and s NCOs CWNe44SvGX0-00031-00008940-00009623 topic blue dress the most recognizable CWNe44SvGX0-00032-00009624-00009839 uniform of the Marine Corps is the blue CWNe44SvGX0-00033-00009840-00010076 dress uniform often seen in recruiting CWNe44SvGX0-00034-00010077-00010418 advertisements it is often called dress CWNe44SvGX0-00035-00010419-00010853 blues or simply blues it is equivalent CWNe44SvGX0-00036-00010854-00011069 in composition and used to civilian CWNe44SvGX0-00037-00011070-00011348 black-tie the various designations are CWNe44SvGX0-00038-00011349-00011602 listed in descending order of formality CWNe44SvGX0-00039-00011603-00012008 blue dress a has a long-sleeved midnight CWNe44SvGX0-00040-00012009-00012251 blue coat enlisted members have red trim CWNe44SvGX0-00041-00012252-00012440 with a standing collar and white web CWNe44SvGX0-00042-00012441-00012659 belt with corresponding by rank gold CWNe44SvGX0-00043-00012660-00012890 waste plate for enlisted midnight blue CWNe44SvGX0-00044-00012891-00013118 for officers with a gold M buckle white CWNe44SvGX0-00045-00013119-00013346 barracks cover a peaked cap plain white CWNe44SvGX0-00046-00013347-00013622 shirt sky-blue trousers midnight blue CWNe44SvGX0-00047-00013622-00013838 for general offices white gloves and CWNe44SvGX0-00048-00013838-00014147 black dress shoes and socks full-sized CWNe44SvGX0-00049-00014147-00014369 medals are worn on the left chest with CWNe44SvGX0-00050-00014369-00014585 ribbon only awards worn on the right as CWNe44SvGX0-00051-00014586-00014822 the Marine Corps combat marksmanship CWNe44SvGX0-00052-00014822-00015203 program MCC MP requires all Marines to CWNe44SvGX0-00053-00015204-00015377 both earn and annually maintain high CWNe44SvGX0-00054-00015378-00015626 proficiency using all individual weapons CWNe44SvGX0-00055-00015627-00015974 eg rifles sidearms and attachments and CWNe44SvGX0-00056-00015975-00016190 whilst different levels exist for both CWNe44SvGX0-00057-00016191-00016499 classifications all USMC personnel have CWNe44SvGX0-00058-00016500-00016700 earned their marksmanship qualification CWNe44SvGX0-00059-00016701-00017033 badge SS but these are not worn women CWNe44SvGX0-00060-00017034-00017258 wear pumps in place of shoes and may CWNe44SvGX0-00061-00017259-00017564 wear a skirt in place of sacs for men CWNe44SvGX0-00062-00017565-00017836 the dress code is cut to be form-fitting CWNe44SvGX0-00063-00017837-00018374 blue dress B is the same as a the medals CWNe44SvGX0-00064-00018375-00018554 are replaced with their corresponding CWNe44SvGX0-00065-00018555-00018767 ribbons and all are consolidated on the CWNe44SvGX0-00066-00018768-00018862 left chest CWNe44SvGX0-00067-00018863-00019142 marksmanship qualification badges may be CWNe44SvGX0-00068-00019143-00019750 worn blue dress C is the same as B but a CWNe44SvGX0-00069-00019751-00019969 cocky long-sleeve button-up shirt and CWNe44SvGX0-00070-00019970-00020150 tie replace the outer blue coat and CWNe44SvGX0-00071-00020151-00020447 white gloves ribbons and badges are CWNe44SvGX0-00072-00020448-00020687 normally worn on the shirt CWNe44SvGX0-00073-00020688-00021164 blue dress D is the same as C but with a CWNe44SvGX0-00074-00021165-00021395 car key short sleeve button-up shirt and CWNe44SvGX0-00075-00021396-00021644 no tie because the blue dress uniform is CWNe44SvGX0-00076-00021645-00022082 considered formalwear blue dress C and D CWNe44SvGX0-00077-00022083-00022397 a rarely worn the main exceptions are CWNe44SvGX0-00078-00022398-00022559 Marine recruiters and marine security CWNe44SvGX0-00079-00022560-00023069 guards who wear thee C and D in warm CWNe44SvGX0-00080-00023070-00023294 weather and Marine one pilots in place CWNe44SvGX0-00081-00023295-00023954 of a flight suit only the b c and d blue CWNe44SvGX0-00082-00023955-00024185 dress uniforms are authorized for leave CWNe44SvGX0-00083-00024186-00024650 and liberty where the a is not officers CWNe44SvGX0-00084-00024651-00024977 NCOs and s NCOs wear a scarlet striped CWNe44SvGX0-00085-00024978-00025187 down the outer seam of each leg of the CWNe44SvGX0-00086-00025188-00025514 blue trousers general officers wear r2 CWNe44SvGX0-00087-00025515-00025868 in 5.1 centimeters wide stripe field and CWNe44SvGX0-00088-00025869-00026227 company grade officers have a 1.5 in 3.8 CWNe44SvGX0-00089-00026229-00026561 centimeters wide stripe s NCOs and NCOs CWNe44SvGX0-00090-00026562-00026995 have a 1.125 in 2.86 centimeters wide CWNe44SvGX0-00091-00026997-00027277 stripe general officers wear trousers CWNe44SvGX0-00092-00027279-00027473 that are the same color as the coat CWNe44SvGX0-00093-00027474-00027656 while all other ranks wear medium CWNe44SvGX0-00094-00027657-00028001 sky-blue trousers a blue boat-cloak with CWNe44SvGX0-00095-00028002-00028301 a scarlet lining is optional a blue CWNe44SvGX0-00096-00028302-00028529 crewneck sweater in the same color shade CWNe44SvGX0-00097-00028530-00028751 as that of the trousers may be worn with CWNe44SvGX0-00098-00028752-00029264 thee C and D uniforms rank insignia is CWNe44SvGX0-00099-00029264-00029501 displayed on shoulder epaulets offices CWNe44SvGX0-00100-00029502-00029693 their respective ranks and anodized CWNe44SvGX0-00101-00029694-00029972 brass for enlisted when wearing the CWNe44SvGX0-00102-00029973-00030137 crewneck sweater with the long-sleeve CWNe44SvGX0-00103-00030138-00030620 khaki shirt a tie is not required topic CWNe44SvGX0-00104-00030620-00030883 blue white dress prior to 1998 the CWNe44SvGX0-00105-00030885-00031133 blue-white dress uniform was authorized CWNe44SvGX0-00106-00031133-00031361 to be worn for the ceremonial units at CWNe44SvGX0-00107-00031362-00031589 Marine Barracks 8th and I in Washington CWNe44SvGX0-00108-00031589-00031820 DC most famously the silent drill CWNe44SvGX0-00109-00031820-00032111 platoon and color guard since then it CWNe44SvGX0-00110-00032112-00032320 has become the authorized summer dress CWNe44SvGX0-00111-00032322-00032597 uniform for all officers and s NCOs CWNe44SvGX0-00112-00032598-00032828 unless they are in formation with NCOs CWNe44SvGX0-00113-00032829-00033047 and junior enlisted personnel who are CWNe44SvGX0-00114-00033048-00033374 not authorized to wear the uniform NCOs CWNe44SvGX0-00115-00033375-00033602 and junior enlisted personnel can wear CWNe44SvGX0-00116-00033603-00033842 the uniform but only for ceremonies and CWNe44SvGX0-00117-00033843-00034070 social events only if authorized CWNe44SvGX0-00118-00034071-00034352 provided by the command structure like CWNe44SvGX0-00119-00034353-00034552 the blue dress uniform the blue white CWNe44SvGX0-00120-00034553-00034862 dress consists of an A and B uniform and CWNe44SvGX0-00121-00034863-00035065 is worn in the same manner as that of CWNe44SvGX0-00122-00035066-00035267 the blue dress uniform except for the CWNe44SvGX0-00123-00035268-00035507 trousers skirt or sax being white CWNe44SvGX0-00124-00035508-00035621 instead of blue CWNe44SvGX0-00125-00035622-00035873 unlike the dress blues the blue white CWNe44SvGX0-00126-00035874-00036115 dress uniforms do not feature the blood CWNe44SvGX0-00127-00036116-00036437 stripe as with the dress blues the a is CWNe44SvGX0-00128-00036438-00036643 not authorized for leave and Liberty CWNe44SvGX0-00129-00036644-00036881 wear the white trousers are not CWNe44SvGX0-00130-00036882-00037073 authorized for wear with either the CWNe44SvGX0-00131-00037074-00037295 long-sleeved or the short-sleeved khaki CWNe44SvGX0-00132-00037296-00037590 shirt precluding the C and D uniforms CWNe44SvGX0-00133-00037591-00037952 this uniform replaced in 2000 and all CWNe44SvGX0-00134-00037953-00038198 white uniform similar in appearance to CWNe44SvGX0-00135-00038199-00038423 that of the naval officer CP Oh white CWNe44SvGX0-00136-00038424-00039009 dress uniform CWNe44SvGX0-00137-00039010-00039512 topic readdress CWNe44SvGX0-00138-00039513-00039740 to differentiate themselves from the CWNe44SvGX0-00139-00039741-00040077 infantry musicians at that time Bugler's CWNe44SvGX0-00140-00040078-00040314 and signal callers would reverse the CWNe44SvGX0-00141-00040315-00040602 traditional colors today members of the CWNe44SvGX0-00142-00040603-00040824 10 Marine Corps Field bands where the CWNe44SvGX0-00143-00040825-00041042 standard blue dress uniforms while the CWNe44SvGX0-00144-00041043-00041237 members of the United States Marine CWNe44SvGX0-00145-00041238-00041436 Corps band the president's own and the CWNe44SvGX0-00146-00041437-00041630 United States Marine drum and bugle CWNe44SvGX0-00147-00041631-00041889 corps the commandant zone both based in CWNe44SvGX0-00148-00041890-00042149 Washington DC carry on this tradition by CWNe44SvGX0-00149-00042150-00042386 wearing the red dress uniform a scarlet CWNe44SvGX0-00150-00042387-00042657 blouse with blue trim like the CWNe44SvGX0-00151-00042658-00042887 blue-white dress uniform musicians are CWNe44SvGX0-00152-00042888-00043092 not authorized to wear the cocky shirts CWNe44SvGX0-00153-00043093-00043355 with the red dress uniform should the CWNe44SvGX0-00154-00043356-00043593 condition warrant eg summer heat the CWNe44SvGX0-00155-00043594-00043782 band will wear a white shirt with the CWNe44SvGX0-00156-00043783-00044007 appropriate dress uniform trousers with CWNe44SvGX0-00157-00044008-00044674 the exception of the white trousers CWNe44SvGX0-00158-00044675-00045203 topic evening dress CWNe44SvGX0-00159-00045204-00045458 the evening dress is the most formal and CWNe44SvGX0-00160-00045459-00045683 by US military standards the most CWNe44SvGX0-00161-00045684-00045920 elaborate of the dress uniforms and is CWNe44SvGX0-00162-00045921-00046202 the equivalent of white tie in usage it CWNe44SvGX0-00163-00046203-00046463 is authorized for wear only by officers CWNe44SvGX0-00164-00046464-00046769 and s NCOs and a required uniform item CWNe44SvGX0-00165-00046770-00047000 only for senior officers majors and CWNe44SvGX0-00166-00047001-00047326 above it comes in three varieties CWNe44SvGX0-00167-00047327-00047699 evening dress a for male officers it CWNe44SvGX0-00168-00047700-00047915 consists of an evening coat with sleeve CWNe44SvGX0-00169-00047916-00048125 ornamentation strip collar white CWNe44SvGX0-00170-00048126-00048374 waistcoat and white shirt with pique bib CWNe44SvGX0-00171-00048375-00048629 the stripe on the midnight blue trousers CWNe44SvGX0-00172-00048630-00048878 is a thin red stripe inside a gold CWNe44SvGX0-00173-00048879-00049193 embroidered stripe female officers wear CWNe44SvGX0-00174-00049194-00049391 a mess jacket with scarlet collar a CWNe44SvGX0-00175-00049392-00049634 white dress shirt a red cummerbund and a CWNe44SvGX0-00176-00049635-00049889 long skirt miniature medals and badges CWNe44SvGX0-00177-00049890-00050414 are worn evening dress B is identical to CWNe44SvGX0-00178-00050415-00050708 evening dress a except men wear a CWNe44SvGX0-00179-00050709-00050945 scarlet waistcoat general officers or CWNe44SvGX0-00180-00050946-00051194 cummerbund all other officers and women CWNe44SvGX0-00181-00051195-00051488 may wear a short skirt miniature medals CWNe44SvGX0-00182-00051489-00051875 and badges are worn s NCO evening dress CWNe44SvGX0-00183-00051876-00052115 male staff noncommissioned officers wear CWNe44SvGX0-00184-00052116-00052328 a semi form-fitting mesh jacket with a CWNe44SvGX0-00185-00052329-00052576 black bow tie and sky blue trousers CWNe44SvGX0-00186-00052577-00052889 female s NCOs wear identically the same CWNe44SvGX0-00187-00052890-00053183 evening dress as female officers - the CWNe44SvGX0-00188-00053184-00053375 sleeve ornamentation and placement of CWNe44SvGX0-00189-00053376-00053675 rank both wear the jackets with historic CWNe44SvGX0-00190-00053676-00054013 1890 0 rank insignia sewn on the sleeves CWNe44SvGX0-00191-00054014-00054280 miniature medals and badges are worn a CWNe44SvGX0-00192-00054282-00054505 blue boat-cloak with a scarlet liner is CWNe44SvGX0-00193-00054507-00054827 optional junior officers not required to CWNe44SvGX0-00194-00054828-00055016 possess evening dress may substitute CWNe44SvGX0-00195-00055016-00055358 blue or blue white dress a it is CWNe44SvGX0-00196-00055359-00055577 appropriate for such occasions as state CWNe44SvGX0-00197-00055578-00055790 functions inaugural receptions and CWNe44SvGX0-00198-00055791-00056470 dinners and formal dinners CWNe44SvGX0-00199-00056471-00057069 topic service uniform CWNe44SvGX0-00200-00057070-00057339 the service uniform consists of green CWNe44SvGX0-00201-00057340-00057579 and khaki colors the present service CWNe44SvGX0-00202-00057579-00057861 uniform of the USMC for enlisted Marines CWNe44SvGX0-00203-00057862-00058173 was adopted in 1943 making it the oldest CWNe44SvGX0-00204-00058174-00058391 service uniform still in use by the CWNe44SvGX0-00205-00058392-00058620 United States Armed Forces for the CWNe44SvGX0-00206-00058621-00058782 office of the chairman of the Joint CWNe44SvGX0-00207-00058783-00059073 Chiefs of Staff protocol section table CWNe44SvGX0-00208-00059074-00059403 of service equivalent uniforms dated CWNe44SvGX0-00209-00059404-00059610 February 2010 it is roughly equivalent CWNe44SvGX0-00210-00059611-00059835 in function and composition to a CWNe44SvGX0-00211-00059836-00060116 business suit it is the prescribed CWNe44SvGX0-00212-00060117-00060505 uniform when serving on a court-martial CWNe44SvGX0-00213-00060507-00060762 attending appearance in criminal court CWNe44SvGX0-00214-00060763-00061110 off installations making official visits CWNe44SvGX0-00215-00061111-00061313 and calls on US and foreign dignitaries CWNe44SvGX0-00216-00061314-00061707 officials and military offices visiting CWNe44SvGX0-00217-00061708-00061923 the White House except when in a tourist CWNe44SvGX0-00218-00061924-00062148 capacity or on an occasion where another CWNe44SvGX0-00219-00062149-00062502 uniform is specified reporting for duty CWNe44SvGX0-00220-00062503-00062729 on shore like the blue dress uniform the CWNe44SvGX0-00221-00062730-00062952 service uniform is authorized for wear CWNe44SvGX0-00222-00062953-00063228 while off-duty ie while on leave or CWNe44SvGX0-00223-00063229-00063540 Liberty the service uniforms are CWNe44SvGX0-00224-00063541-00064008 designated service a or Alfa is the base CWNe44SvGX0-00225-00064009-00064272 uniform it consists of a green coat CWNe44SvGX0-00226-00064273-00064554 green trousers with khaki web belt khaki CWNe44SvGX0-00227-00064554-00064791 long sleeve button-up shirt khaki tie CWNe44SvGX0-00228-00064791-00065121 tie clasp and black shoes the coat is CWNe44SvGX0-00229-00065122-00065352 cut to be semi form-fitting with ribbons CWNe44SvGX0-00230-00065353-00065571 and marksmanship badges worn on the left CWNe44SvGX0-00231-00065572-00065847 chest of the coat women wear a green CWNe44SvGX0-00232-00065848-00066057 neck tab in place of the tie pumps CWNe44SvGX0-00233-00066058-00066264 instead of shoes and have the option of CWNe44SvGX0-00234-00066265-00066456 wearing a skirt instead of sacks CWNe44SvGX0-00235-00066457-00066726 it is sometimes appropriate to remove CWNe44SvGX0-00236-00066727-00067146 the jacket while indoors service B or CWNe44SvGX0-00237-00067147-00067560 Bravo is identical to thee a except the CWNe44SvGX0-00238-00067561-00067824 coat is removed ribbons may be worn on CWNe44SvGX0-00239-00067825-00068271 the shirt service c or charlie is CWNe44SvGX0-00240-00068272-00068613 identical to thee B except with a short CWNe44SvGX0-00241-00068614-00068847 sleeve button up shirt and no tie there CWNe44SvGX0-00242-00068848-00069039 are two types of authorized head wear CWNe44SvGX0-00243-00069040-00069318 for the service uniform both men and CWNe44SvGX0-00244-00069319-00069537 women may wear the green soft garrison CWNe44SvGX0-00245-00069538-00069809 cap sometimes nicknamed a piss cutter CWNe44SvGX0-00246-00069810-00070062 there is the option of wearing a peaked CWNe44SvGX0-00247-00070063-00070344 cap called a barracks cover the design CWNe44SvGX0-00248-00070345-00070453 of these covers CWNe44SvGX0-00249-00070454-00070669 differed between women and men however CWNe44SvGX0-00250-00070670-00070951 in late 2013 the Commandant of the CWNe44SvGX0-00251-00070952-00071146 Marine Corps approved the Marine Corps CWNe44SvGX0-00252-00071147-00071377 uniform boards recommendation to adopt CWNe44SvGX0-00253-00071378-00071575 the male dress and service cap as the CWNe44SvGX0-00254-00071576-00071815 universal dress and service cap for all CWNe44SvGX0-00255-00071816-00072124 Marines male and female as on the blue CWNe44SvGX0-00256-00072125-00072331 dress uniform officers wear rank CWNe44SvGX0-00257-00072332-00072532 insignia on the shoulder epaulets of CWNe44SvGX0-00258-00072533-00072700 their jackets and the collars of their CWNe44SvGX0-00259-00072701-00072916 shirts while enlisted personnel wear CWNe44SvGX0-00260-00072917-00073167 rank insignia sewn on the sleeves a CWNe44SvGX0-00261-00073168-00073363 green crew neck sweater CWNe44SvGX0-00262-00073364-00073585 originally adopted from British Army and CWNe44SvGX0-00263-00073586-00073789 Royal Marines issue in the same color CWNe44SvGX0-00264-00073790-00073972 shade as that of the trousers may be CWNe44SvGX0-00265-00073973-00074455 worn with thee B and C uniforms rank CWNe44SvGX0-00266-00074456-00074665 insignia is displayed on shoulder CWNe44SvGX0-00267-00074666-00074887 epaulets officers their respective ranks CWNe44SvGX0-00268-00074888-00075178 and black for enlisted when wearing the CWNe44SvGX0-00269-00075179-00075346 crewneck sweater with the long-sleeve CWNe44SvGX0-00270-00075347-00076098 khaki shirt a tie is not required CWNe44SvGX0-00271-00076099-00076700 topic utility uniform CWNe44SvGX0-00272-00076701-00076931 the Marine Corps combat utility uniform CWNe44SvGX0-00273-00076932-00077297 or MC cuu is intended for wear in the CWNe44SvGX0-00274-00077298-00077525 field or for working parties but has CWNe44SvGX0-00275-00077526-00077765 become the typical working uniform for CWNe44SvGX0-00276-00077766-00077975 all deployed and most Garrison Marines CWNe44SvGX0-00277-00077976-00078313 and sailors it is rendered in M ARPA t CWNe44SvGX0-00278-00078314-00078544 digital camouflage that breaks up the CWNe44SvGX0-00279-00078545-00078725 wearer's shape and also serves to CWNe44SvGX0-00280-00078726-00078947 distinguish marine uniforms from those CWNe44SvGX0-00281-00078948-00079253 of other services previously Marines CWNe44SvGX0-00282-00079254-00079507 wore the same utility uniforms as the CWNe44SvGX0-00283-00079508-00079853 army it consists of M ARPA t blouse and CWNe44SvGX0-00284-00079854-00080060 trousers green undershirt and tan CWNe44SvGX0-00285-00080061-00080417 specifically olive Mojave suede boots CWNe44SvGX0-00286-00080418-00080656 there are two approved varieties of M CWNe44SvGX0-00287-00080657-00081007 ARPA T woodland winter green brown black CWNe44SvGX0-00288-00081008-00081350 and desert summer tan brown gray to CWNe44SvGX0-00289-00081351-00081568 further distinguish the uniform upon CWNe44SvGX0-00290-00081569-00081793 close examination the Eagle Globe and CWNe44SvGX0-00291-00081794-00082036 Anchor are visible within the pattern CWNe44SvGX0-00292-00082037-00082316 the variety worn depends on the CWNe44SvGX0-00293-00082317-00082513 environment deployed Marines wear CWNe44SvGX0-00294-00082514-00082706 whichever color is more appropriate to CWNe44SvGX0-00295-00082707-00083026 the climate and terrain the desert mcc CWNe44SvGX0-00296-00083027-00083237 uu is worn with rolled sleeves in CWNe44SvGX0-00297-00083238-00083419 garrison with the sleeves of the blouse CWNe44SvGX0-00298-00083420-00083699 tightly folded up to the biceps exposing CWNe44SvGX0-00299-00083700-00083905 the lighter inside layer and forming a CWNe44SvGX0-00300-00083906-00084068 neat cuff to present a crisper CWNe44SvGX0-00301-00084069-00084248 appearance to the otherwise formless CWNe44SvGX0-00302-00084249-00084550 uniform in the past when Marines wore CWNe44SvGX0-00303-00084551-00084767 the same utilities as the Army and Air CWNe44SvGX0-00304-00084768-00084968 Force this served to distinguish him CWNe44SvGX0-00305-00084969-00085172 from the other branches who folded the CWNe44SvGX0-00306-00085173-00085442 sleeves in with the camo facing out in CWNe44SvGX0-00307-00085443-00085628 Haiti the practice earned him the CWNe44SvGX0-00308-00085629-00085951 nickname white sleeves both officers and CWNe44SvGX0-00309-00085952-00086192 enlisted wear rank insignia on each CWNe44SvGX0-00310-00086193-00086393 collar which is a fixed like a pin and CWNe44SvGX0-00311-00086394-00086603 not sewn on as in the Army Air Force CWNe44SvGX0-00312-00086604-00086938 enlisted insignia is always black while CWNe44SvGX0-00313-00086939-00087167 officers wear bright metal insignia in CWNe44SvGX0-00314-00087168-00087410 garrison and subdued insignia or none at CWNe44SvGX0-00315-00087411-00087716 all in the field most badges and breast CWNe44SvGX0-00316-00087717-00087962 insignia are authorized for wear on the CWNe44SvGX0-00317-00087963-00088219 utility uniform shined or subdued as CWNe44SvGX0-00318-00088220-00088517 appropriate landing support Marines also CWNe44SvGX0-00319-00088518-00088859 wear the red patch insignia unlike the CWNe44SvGX0-00320-00088860-00089087 dress and service uniforms utility CWNe44SvGX0-00321-00089088-00089303 uniforms are not permitted for wear on CWNe44SvGX0-00322-00089304-00089563 leave or Liberty ie while off-duty CWNe44SvGX0-00323-00089564-00089717 except when traveling in a vehicle CWNe44SvGX0-00324-00089718-00089968 between a place of duty and a residence CWNe44SvGX0-00325-00089969-00090091 or in emergency CWNe44SvGX0-00326-00090092-00090403 stops the approved head where is the CWNe44SvGX0-00327-00090404-00090612 utility cover an eight-pointed brimmed CWNe44SvGX0-00328-00090613-00090955 hat that is worn blocked that is creased CWNe44SvGX0-00329-00090956-00091219 and peaked in the field a boonie cover CWNe44SvGX0-00330-00091220-00091525 is also authorized that trouser-legs our CWNe44SvGX0-00331-00091526-00091840 blouse or the cuffs are rolled inside CWNe44SvGX0-00332-00091841-00092013 and tightened over the boots with a CWNe44SvGX0-00333-00092014-00092275 spring or elastic band known as a boot CWNe44SvGX0-00334-00092276-00092665 band or blouse in garter with the CWNe44SvGX0-00335-00092666-00092868 introduction of the Marine Corps martial CWNe44SvGX0-00336-00092869-00093168 arts program MCM ap Marines now wear a CWNe44SvGX0-00337-00093169-00093393 color-coded rigor belt instead of the CWNe44SvGX0-00338-00093394-00093618 old web belt indicating their level of CWNe44SvGX0-00339-00093619-00093904 proficiency in MCM ap the web belt was CWNe44SvGX0-00340-00093905-00094206 phased out in 2008 due to a requirement CWNe44SvGX0-00341-00094207-00094437 for all Marines to achieve a tan bell CWNe44SvGX0-00342-00094438-00094687 prank by then in combat Marines will CWNe44SvGX0-00343-00094688-00094930 also wear one of two ballistic vests the CWNe44SvGX0-00344-00094931-00095104 outer tactical vest and the newer CWNe44SvGX0-00345-00095105-00095325 modular tactical vest as well as the CWNe44SvGX0-00346-00095326-00095530 lightweight helmet replacing the pasgt CWNe44SvGX0-00347-00095531-00095767 helmet and improved load bearing CWNe44SvGX0-00348-00095768-00096087 equipment Marines in a combat area may CWNe44SvGX0-00349-00096088-00096349 also wear flame resistant organizational CWNe44SvGX0-00350-00096350-00096669 gear or Frog uniforms these combat CWNe44SvGX0-00351-00096670-00096888 uniforms are designed to reduce fire CWNe44SvGX0-00352-00096889-00097119 related injuries and look quite similar CWNe44SvGX0-00353-00097120-00097482 to the MC cuu other individual equipment CWNe44SvGX0-00354-00097483-00097804 may be worn as directed the wearing of CWNe44SvGX0-00355-00097805-00098071 the mcc uu by civilian contractors CWNe44SvGX0-00356-00098072-00098299 deploying with marine units was granted CWNe44SvGX0-00357-00098300-00098526 early in the Iraq war but rescinded in CWNe44SvGX0-00358-00098527-00098875 early 2008 in January 2013 the Marine CWNe44SvGX0-00359-00098876-00099069 Corps solicited a request for a new CWNe44SvGX0-00360-00099070-00099375 tropical materiel variant of the MCC uu CWNe44SvGX0-00361-00099376-00099712 they are looking to purchase 35,000 sets CWNe44SvGX0-00362-00099713-00099949 of uniforms that among other things will CWNe44SvGX0-00363-00099950-00100182 dry faster than the fabric used on the CWNe44SvGX0-00364-00100183-00100806 mcc uu CWNe44SvGX0-00365-00100807-00101447 topic physical training uniform CWNe44SvGX0-00366-00101448-00101707 the physical training uniform consists CWNe44SvGX0-00367-00101708-00102001 of the following plain olive drab green CWNe44SvGX0-00368-00102002-00102221 nylon shorts and polyester t-shirt CWNe44SvGX0-00369-00102222-00102528 shirts with unit logos can be authorised CWNe44SvGX0-00370-00102529-00102800 OD green sweats with the Marine Corps CWNe44SvGX0-00371-00102801-00102988 emblem printed in black on the left CWNe44SvGX0-00372-00102989-00103183 chest of sweat shirt and thigh of sweat CWNe44SvGX0-00373-00103184-00103540 pants OD green tracksuit with reflective CWNe44SvGX0-00374-00103541-00103756 piping reflective Marines emblem on the CWNe44SvGX0-00375-00103757-00103939 left chest of jacket and on the upper CWNe44SvGX0-00376-00103940-00104075 right leg of pants CWNe44SvGX0-00377-00104076-00104410 Marines lettering in scarlet with yellow CWNe44SvGX0-00378-00104411-00104650 lining on back of jacket and USMC CWNe44SvGX0-00379-00104651-00104833 lettering in the same design on the CWNe44SvGX0-00380-00104834-00105103 lower right leg of pants it was unveiled CWNe44SvGX0-00381-00105104-00105431 during a tour of Iraq in December 2007 CWNe44SvGX0-00382-00105432-00105637 by former Commandant of the Marine Corps CWNe44SvGX0-00383-00105638-00105901 general james Conway and was released in CWNe44SvGX0-00384-00105902-00106210 February 2008 in addition Marines can CWNe44SvGX0-00385-00106211-00106400 wear a watch cap and gloves in cold CWNe44SvGX0-00386-00106401-00106622 weather or a hydration pack to prevent CWNe44SvGX0-00387-00106623-00107045 dehydration topic miscellaneous the CWNe44SvGX0-00388-00107046-00107225 following items may be worn at the CWNe44SvGX0-00389-00107226-00107450 individual's discretion except when in CWNe44SvGX0-00390-00107451-00107723 formation ceremony inspection or when CWNe44SvGX0-00391-00107724-00107959 the commander decrees that uniformity is CWNe44SvGX0-00392-00107960-00108184 required gray all-weather coat which is CWNe44SvGX0-00393-00108185-00108337 a double breasted trench coat with CWNe44SvGX0-00394-00108338-00108577 removable liner is authorized for wear CWNe44SvGX0-00395-00108578-00108829 with all uniforms during inclement and CWNe44SvGX0-00396-00108830-00109058 cold weather ceremonial units at Marine CWNe44SvGX0-00397-00109058-00109237 Barracks 8th and I have their own CWNe44SvGX0-00398-00109238-00109459 special dress blue trench coat with red CWNe44SvGX0-00399-00109460-00109726 piping dress blue wall great coat CWNe44SvGX0-00400-00109727-00109936 double-breasted with gold buttons is CWNe44SvGX0-00401-00109938-00110161 used only with the dress blue uniform CWNe44SvGX0-00402-00110163-00110393 grey tanker jacket is authorized with CWNe44SvGX0-00403-00110394-00110716 the dressed C and D and service B and C CWNe44SvGX0-00404-00110717-00110935 except when the all-weather coat is worn CWNe44SvGX0-00405-00110936-00111151 green service sweater may be worn with CWNe44SvGX0-00406-00111152-00111403 the MCC uu but only with an under the CWNe44SvGX0-00407-00111404-00111661 blouse gloves may be worn at the CWNe44SvGX0-00408-00111663-00111850 individuals discretion except when CWNe44SvGX0-00409-00111851-00112078 uniformity is required such as in a CWNe44SvGX0-00410-00112079-00112312 formation ceremony white for dress black CWNe44SvGX0-00411-00112313-00112540 for service black or olive green for CWNe44SvGX0-00412-00112541-00112733 utilities olive green undershirt with CWNe44SvGX0-00413-00112733-00112982 the unit insignia or other design may be CWNe44SvGX0-00414-00112983-00113171 worn in lieu of a plain olive green CWNe44SvGX0-00415-00113172-00113458 undershirt for the MCC uu or with the PT CWNe44SvGX0-00416-00113459-00113669 uniform a custom shirt will not be CWNe44SvGX0-00417-00113670-00113887 mandatory unless provided without cost CWNe44SvGX0-00418-00113888-00114187 to the individual umbrellas and purses CWNe44SvGX0-00419-00114188-00114443 may be worn or carried by female Marines CWNe44SvGX0-00420-00114444-00114652 when appropriate in dress or service CWNe44SvGX0-00421-00114653-00114830 uniforms and must be black CWNe44SvGX0-00422-00114831-00115025 plain female Marines may wear the CWNe44SvGX0-00423-00115026-00115289 service or utility maternity uniforms CWNe44SvGX0-00424-00115290-00115490 when the standard items will no longer CWNe44SvGX0-00425-00115491-00115814 fit there is no maternity dress uniform CWNe44SvGX0-00426-00115815-00116093 while the maternity emcee cuu comes in CWNe44SvGX0-00427-00116094-00116286 both woodland and desert patterns CWNe44SvGX0-00428-00116288-00116564 various organizational clothing items CWNe44SvGX0-00429-00116565-00116795 may be worn with the utility uniform CWNe44SvGX0-00430-00116796-00117010 during inclement or cold weather to CWNe44SvGX0-00431-00117011-00117218 include the all-purpose environmental CWNe44SvGX0-00432-00117219-00117479 clothing system APEC s Parker and CWNe44SvGX0-00433-00117480-00117701 trousers the combat desert jacket or CWNe44SvGX0-00434-00117702-00117974 rain poncho plain black and white CWNe44SvGX0-00435-00117975-00118220 plastic nametags may be worn above the CWNe44SvGX0-00436-00118221-00118373 right breast pocket of the dress and CWNe44SvGX0-00437-00118374-00118636 service uniforms only when mandated by CWNe44SvGX0-00438-00118638-00118885 the commanding officer this is usually CWNe44SvGX0-00439-00118886-00119114 seen by instructors at schools or CWNe44SvGX0-00440-00119115-00119369 conferences by recruiters and by drill CWNe44SvGX0-00441-00119370-00119734 instructors or NROTC advisors drill CWNe44SvGX0-00442-00119735-00119978 instructors and certain range personnel CWNe44SvGX0-00443-00119979-00120221 such as primary marksmanship instructors CWNe44SvGX0-00444-00120222-00120419 wear the campaign cover with several CWNe44SvGX0-00445-00120420-00120638 nicknames with the service and utility CWNe44SvGX0-00446-00120639-00120848 uniforms when they are in an instructing CWNe44SvGX0-00447-00120849-00121058 billet such as at recruit training or CWNe44SvGX0-00448-00121058-00121325 related activities working uniforms will CWNe44SvGX0-00449-00121326-00121520 be worn when the individual's duties CWNe44SvGX0-00450-00121521-00121748 require to include coveralls flight CWNe44SvGX0-00451-00121749-00122008 suits cooking uniforms and other safety CWNe44SvGX0-00452-00122009-00122789 clothing like goggles gloves or aprons CWNe44SvGX0-00453-00122790-00123397 topic whereby Navy personnel CWNe44SvGX0-00454-00123398-00123651 Navy officers and enlisted sailors CWNe44SvGX0-00455-00123652-00123874 assigned to marine units are authorized CWNe44SvGX0-00456-00123875-00124120 to wear all marine uniforms except the CWNe44SvGX0-00457-00124121-00124393 dress and evening dress uniforms when CWNe44SvGX0-00458-00124394-00124621 wearing marine uniforms Navy personnel CWNe44SvGX0-00459-00124622-00124851 must meet and adhere to marine grooming CWNe44SvGX0-00460-00124852-00125058 and physical regulations as well as CWNe44SvGX0-00461-00125059-00125277 replace marine insignia with US Navy CWNe44SvGX0-00462-00125278-00125593 insignia whenever feasible these members CWNe44SvGX0-00463-00125594-00125770 of the Fleet Marine Force include CWNe44SvGX0-00464-00125771-00126094 doctors dentists nurses medical service CWNe44SvGX0-00465-00126095-00126363 hospital cause men chaplains religious CWNe44SvGX0-00466-00126364-00126627 program specialists lawyers legal men CWNe44SvGX0-00467-00126628-00126909 naval gunfire liaison officers divers CWNe44SvGX0-00468-00126910-00127132 and Naval Academy Midshipmen who are CWNe44SvGX0-00469-00127133-00127423 selected for marine officer ship most CWNe44SvGX0-00470-00127424-00127675 marine units will have at minimum Navy CWNe44SvGX0-00471-00127676-00127882 medical and religious personnel who will CWNe44SvGX0-00472-00127883-00128122 be issued and required to wear the MCC CWNe44SvGX0-00473-00128123-00128361 uu wear of other marine uniforms is CWNe44SvGX0-00474-00128363-00128658 optional medical battalions and dental CWNe44SvGX0-00475-00128659-00128883 battalions being almost entirely Navy CWNe44SvGX0-00476-00128884-00129106 officers and sailors may direct other CWNe44SvGX0-00477-00129107-00129406 uniformed where other units such as CWNe44SvGX0-00478-00129407-00129697 artillery aviation or legal units may CWNe44SvGX0-00479-00129698-00129907 have other Navy personnel attached and CWNe44SvGX0-00480-00129908-00130588 issued Marine uniforms CWNe44SvGX0-00481-00130589-00130894 topic insignia rank and other CWNe44SvGX0-00482-00130895-00131343 accoutrements CWNe44SvGX0-00483-00131344-00131631 like any uniformed Marine uniforms have CWNe44SvGX0-00484-00131632-00131841 many accoutrements whose symbolism may CWNe44SvGX0-00485-00131842-00132108 not be obvious one of the most notable CWNe44SvGX0-00486-00132109-00132345 adornments is the Eagle Globe and Anchor CWNe44SvGX0-00487-00132346-00132621 found in some manner on most uniforms it CWNe44SvGX0-00488-00132622-00132903 is even within the MA RP 80 digital CWNe44SvGX0-00489-00132904-00133176 camouflage pattern it is also the CWNe44SvGX0-00490-00133177-00133401 standard cap badge for all uniform CWNe44SvGX0-00491-00133402-00133704 covers an older insignia progenitor to CWNe44SvGX0-00492-00133705-00133932 the Eagle Globe and Anchor can be seen CWNe44SvGX0-00493-00133933-00134186 in modern dress and service code buttons CWNe44SvGX0-00494-00134187-00134556 the blood stripe is found on the outside CWNe44SvGX0-00495-00134557-00134826 seams of the dress uniform trousers of CWNe44SvGX0-00496-00134827-00135240 NCOs s NCOs and officers tradition holds CWNe44SvGX0-00497-00135241-00135456 that it represents the high casualty CWNe44SvGX0-00498-00135457-00135663 rates of those leaders during the Battle CWNe44SvGX0-00499-00135664-00135945 of Chapultepec officers wearing the CWNe44SvGX0-00500-00135946-00136128 evening dress uniform also have CWNe44SvGX0-00501-00136129-00136299 additional gold trim on the trousers CWNe44SvGX0-00502-00136300-00136674 stripe various uniforms display rank CWNe44SvGX0-00503-00136675-00136932 insignia differently enlisted Marines CWNe44SvGX0-00504-00136933-00137133 will wear Chevron's on the sleeves of CWNe44SvGX0-00505-00137134-00137361 all uniforms but the utility and other CWNe44SvGX0-00506-00137362-00137613 working uniforms gold stripes on red for CWNe44SvGX0-00507-00137614-00137832 the dress code green stripes on red for CWNe44SvGX0-00508-00137833-00138063 the service coat green stripes on car CWNe44SvGX0-00509-00138064-00138228 key for the car key short and long CWNe44SvGX0-00510-00138229-00138453 sleeve shirts and black metal or plastic CWNe44SvGX0-00511-00138454-00138663 pin on insignia on the collar of the CWNe44SvGX0-00512-00138664-00138912 utility and other working uniforms and CWNe44SvGX0-00513-00138913-00139164 the all-weather coat the same insignia CWNe44SvGX0-00514-00139165-00139374 is pinned on the epaulets of the wool CWNe44SvGX0-00515-00139375-00139686 sweaters and tanker jacket officers will CWNe44SvGX0-00516-00139687-00139902 wear large insignia on the epaulets of CWNe44SvGX0-00517-00139903-00140157 dress evening dress and service coats as CWNe44SvGX0-00518-00140158-00140355 well as sweaters and tanker jacket CWNe44SvGX0-00519-00140356-00140577 smaller insignia is worn on the collar CWNe44SvGX0-00520-00140578-00140808 of all other uniforms officers in a CWNe44SvGX0-00521-00140809-00141012 combat environment may wear subdued CWNe44SvGX0-00522-00141013-00141276 insignia wear fat black replaces silver CWNe44SvGX0-00523-00141277-00141561 and flat brown replaces gold Chief CWNe44SvGX0-00524-00141562-00141768 Warrant officers who are designated CWNe44SvGX0-00525-00141769-00142092 infantry weapons officer with a MOS of CWNe44SvGX0-00526-00142093-00142404 Oh 306 also known as Marine gonna CWNe44SvGX0-00527-00142405-00142683 replace their left insignia with a gold CWNe44SvGX0-00528-00142684-00142929 or black bursting bomb Navy personnel CWNe44SvGX0-00529-00142930-00143202 authorized to wear Marine uniforms where CWNe44SvGX0-00530-00143203-00143448 they're assigned rate musicians in the CWNe44SvGX0-00531-00143449-00143676 United States Marine Band replaced the CWNe44SvGX0-00532-00143677-00143871 crossed rifle in their insignia with CWNe44SvGX0-00533-00143872-00144171 liars to denote the non-combat role CWNe44SvGX0-00534-00144172-00144423 Marines wear awards in several ways CWNe44SvGX0-00535-00144424-00144723 large medals are authorized only on the CWNe44SvGX0-00536-00144724-00145076 dress a uniform while awards for which CWNe44SvGX0-00537-00145077-00145269 no medal was struck will have ribbons CWNe44SvGX0-00538-00145270-00145553 mounted on the opposite pocket miniature CWNe44SvGX0-00539-00145554-00145736 medals are worn on the evening dress CWNe44SvGX0-00540-00145737-00145986 uniform and authorized for wear with CWNe44SvGX0-00541-00145987-00146225 civilian tuxedos when appropriate to the CWNe44SvGX0-00542-00146226-00146528 event other dress and service uniforms CWNe44SvGX0-00543-00146529-00146699 are worn with ribbons and weapon CWNe44SvGX0-00544-00146700-00146910 qualification badges though the unit CWNe44SvGX0-00545-00146911-00147104 commander may decide to forego the CWNe44SvGX0-00546-00147105-00147399 latter breast insignia also known as CWNe44SvGX0-00547-00147400-00147594 badges are similarly worn though CWNe44SvGX0-00548-00147595-00147786 individuals have the option of wearing CWNe44SvGX0-00549-00147787-00148066 subdued insignia on the utility uniform CWNe44SvGX0-00550-00148067-00148328 the buttons on the dress and service CWNe44SvGX0-00551-00148329-00148541 coats are reminiscent of Marine insignia CWNe44SvGX0-00552-00148542-00148775 prior to the adoption of the Eagle Globe CWNe44SvGX0-00553-00148776-00148853 and Anchor CWNe44SvGX0-00554-00148854-00149169 the quatrefoil the cross shaped braid CWNe44SvGX0-00555-00149170-00149409 worn atop an officer's cover is a CWNe44SvGX0-00556-00149410-00149588 distinguishing part of the Marine CWNe44SvGX0-00557-00149589-00149891 officer's uniform the design is a French CWNe44SvGX0-00558-00149892-00150111 origin and is a tradition from the pre CWNe44SvGX0-00559-00150112-00150353 Civil War era when officers wore a rope CWNe44SvGX0-00560-00150354-00150575 cross on the caps to allow sharpshooters CWNe44SvGX0-00561-00150576-00150786 high in the rigging of a sailing ship to CWNe44SvGX0-00562-00150787-00151115 identify his allies in a battle enlisted CWNe44SvGX0-00563-00151116-00151332 Marines wear service stripes on the cuff CWNe44SvGX0-00564-00151333-00151509 of the dress and service coats each CWNe44SvGX0-00565-00151510-00151761 stripe denoting four years of service as CWNe44SvGX0-00566-00151762-00152000 a Marine the standing collar of the CWNe44SvGX0-00567-00152001-00152237 dress coat is reminiscent of the uniform CWNe44SvGX0-00568-00152238-00152385 that earned Marines the nickname CWNe44SvGX0-00569-00152386-00152804 Leatherneck green cartridge belts and/or CWNe44SvGX0-00570-00152805-00153048 brasses can be worn by personnel in an CWNe44SvGX0-00571-00153049-00153287 authoritative or ceremonial duty status CWNe44SvGX0-00572-00153288-00153549 such as drill instructors or fire watch CWNe44SvGX0-00573-00153550-00153812 centuries wearing such items regards the CWNe44SvGX0-00574-00153813-00154139 individuals as underarms whether they CWNe44SvGX0-00575-00154140-00154347 are actually carrying a weapon or not as CWNe44SvGX0-00576-00154348-00154688 such they do not uncover indoors during CWNe44SvGX0-00577-00154689-00154940 ceremonies officers have the option of CWNe44SvGX0-00578-00154941-00155111 wearing a Sam Browne belt and the CWNe44SvGX0-00579-00155112-00155271 Mameluke sword and noncommissioned CWNe44SvGX0-00580-00155272-00155595 officers may wear the NCO sword the CWNe44SvGX0-00581-00155596-00155793 current Mameluke sword is modeled on the CWNe44SvGX0-00582-00155794-00155987 sword presented to first leftenant CWNe44SvGX0-00583-00155988-00156183 presley o'bannon by the ottoman empire CWNe44SvGX0-00584-00156184-00156512 Viceroy Prince Hammett in 1804 during CWNe44SvGX0-00585-00156513-00156728 the first Barbary war as a gesture of CWNe44SvGX0-00586-00156729-00156909 respect and praise for the Marines CWNe44SvGX0-00587-00156910-00157143 actions at the Battle of durn members of CWNe44SvGX0-00588-00157144-00157352 the 5th and 6th marine regiments wear CWNe44SvGX0-00589-00157353-00157543 the French for Agere to CWNe44SvGX0-00590-00157544-00157728 the multiple awards of the quarter CWNe44SvGX0-00591-00157729-00157929 guerre by the French government in World CWNe44SvGX0-00592-00157930-00158512 War one CWNe44SvGX0-00593-00158513-00159136 topic comparison with the army CWNe44SvGX0-00594-00159137-00159400 Marines are sometimes confused with the CWNe44SvGX0-00595-00159401-00159544 United States Army CWNe44SvGX0-00596-00159545-00159730 this was more prevalent when both CWNe44SvGX0-00597-00159731-00159976 services wore the same utilities but CWNe44SvGX0-00598-00159977-00160144 with the introduction of unique digital CWNe44SvGX0-00599-00160145-00160450 camouflage patterns em ARP 84 the CWNe44SvGX0-00600-00160451-00160714 Marines and OCP multicam for the army CWNe44SvGX0-00601-00160715-00160923 this is no longer a point of confusion CWNe44SvGX0-00602-00160924-00161185 there are several other significant CWNe44SvGX0-00603-00161186-00161515 differences Marines wear boots only with CWNe44SvGX0-00604-00161516-00161728 the utility uniform while certain CWNe44SvGX0-00605-00161729-00161953 airborne qualified and ceremonial army CWNe44SvGX0-00606-00161954-00162184 units are authorized to wear shine black CWNe44SvGX0-00607-00162185-00162499 boots with service dress uniforms both CWNe44SvGX0-00608-00162500-00162742 services make exceptions for boots with CWNe44SvGX0-00609-00162743-00162984 other working uniforms such as coveralls CWNe44SvGX0-00610-00162985-00163369 aviation and cold-weather uniforms the CWNe44SvGX0-00611-00163370-00163603 Marine utility cover is an eight-pointed CWNe44SvGX0-00612-00163604-00163831 creased and peat cover the army uses a CWNe44SvGX0-00613-00163832-00164167 rounded kepi style patrol cap unlike the CWNe44SvGX0-00614-00164168-00164380 army Marines do not wear rank insignia CWNe44SvGX0-00615-00164381-00164629 on the cover instead there is an Eagle CWNe44SvGX0-00616-00164630-00164833 Globe and Anchor in the middle of the CWNe44SvGX0-00617-00164834-00165118 cap the cloth helmet covers used to be CWNe44SvGX0-00618-00165119-00165355 required to have iron-on eg a s but this CWNe44SvGX0-00619-00165356-00165715 has fallen into disuse Marines may wear CWNe44SvGX0-00620-00165716-00165907 either the Chris garrison cap or a CWNe44SvGX0-00621-00165908-00166114 peaked cap with the service uniforms CWNe44SvGX0-00622-00166115-00166348 while the army wears either a beret or CWNe44SvGX0-00623-00166349-00166512 peaked cap with theirs CWNe44SvGX0-00624-00166513-00166798 Marines wear woodland M ARPA T CWNe44SvGX0-00625-00166799-00167035 camouflage utilities unless when CWNe44SvGX0-00626-00167036-00167215 stationed at 29 palms CWNe44SvGX0-00627-00167216-00167476 forward-deployed or a special request is CWNe44SvGX0-00628-00167477-00167668 made by a base commander where the CWNe44SvGX0-00629-00167669-00167959 desert variation is worn sleeves are CWNe44SvGX0-00630-00167960-00168145 worn rolled up in the summer and kept CWNe44SvGX0-00631-00168146-00168400 down in the winter the army wears CWNe44SvGX0-00632-00168401-00168631 operational camouflage pattern army CWNe44SvGX0-00633-00168632-00168862 combat uniforms and rolled sleeves are CWNe44SvGX0-00634-00168863-00169150 authorized only at the unit level the CWNe44SvGX0-00635-00169151-00169354 undershirt for Marines is olive green CWNe44SvGX0-00636-00169355-00169623 and for the army it is tan or brown CWNe44SvGX0-00637-00169624-00169879 Marines are not authorized to wear the CWNe44SvGX0-00638-00169880-00170122 utility uniforms off-base while on leave CWNe44SvGX0-00639-00170123-00170338 or Liberty except while in a vehicle CWNe44SvGX0-00640-00170339-00170566 traveling to or from base or in an CWNe44SvGX0-00641-00170567-00170890 emergency the Army offers more leeway in CWNe44SvGX0-00642-00170891-00171118 this regard but still prohibits casual CWNe44SvGX0-00643-00171119-00171352 wear of utilities especially in social CWNe44SvGX0-00644-00171353-00171721 or drinking scenarios the marine service CWNe44SvGX0-00645-00171722-00171937 uniform is an olive green coat with a CWNe44SvGX0-00646-00171938-00172168 waist belt and worn with khaki shirt and CWNe44SvGX0-00647-00172169-00172477 tie the Army's current service uniform CWNe44SvGX0-00648-00172478-00172525 is at CWNe44SvGX0-00649-00172526-00172768 blue coat with a white shirt previously CWNe44SvGX0-00650-00172769-00173050 referred to on a regular basis a Z dress CWNe44SvGX0-00651-00173051-00173344 blue uniform the green coat with light CWNe44SvGX0-00652-00173345-00173530 green shirt and white coat with white CWNe44SvGX0-00653-00173531-00173740 shirt have been phased out in favor of CWNe44SvGX0-00654-00173741-00174070 the blue uniform the marine service and CWNe44SvGX0-00655-00174071-00174328 dress uniforms displays fewer items only CWNe44SvGX0-00656-00174329-00174586 rank insignia ribbons marksmanship CWNe44SvGX0-00657-00174587-00174889 badges and breasts insignia the army CWNe44SvGX0-00658-00174890-00175123 service uniform contains in addition CWNe44SvGX0-00659-00175124-00175369 branch insignia distinctive unit and CWNe44SvGX0-00660-00175370-00175612 regimental distinctive insignia combat CWNe44SvGX0-00661-00175613-00175888 and special skill badges eg Combat CWNe44SvGX0-00662-00175889-00176122 Infantryman badge or combat medical CWNe44SvGX0-00663-00176123-00176329 badge some of which correlate to marine CWNe44SvGX0-00664-00176330-00176518 Brest insignia shoulder sleeve insignia CWNe44SvGX0-00665-00176519-00176788 only on the green service uniforms and CWNe44SvGX0-00666-00176789-00177019 skill qualification tabs above current CWNe44SvGX0-00667-00177020-00177259 unit shoulder sleeve insignia like the CWNe44SvGX0-00668-00177260-00177474 Ranger tab or sapper tab CWNe44SvGX0-00669-00177475-00177784 likewise Marines wear few items on their CWNe44SvGX0-00670-00177785-00178009 utilities compared to the army which CWNe44SvGX0-00671-00178010-00178246 wear US flag patches shoulder sleeve CWNe44SvGX0-00672-00178247-00178477 insignia service tabs and have the CWNe44SvGX0-00673-00178478-00178684 option of wearing subdued combat and CWNe44SvGX0-00674-00178685-00178935 special skill badges when in garrison CWNe44SvGX0-00675-00178936-00179146 typically the only distinguishing CWNe44SvGX0-00676-00179147-00179422 features on marine utilities are service CWNe44SvGX0-00677-00179423-00179641 and name tapes Eagle Globe and Anchor CWNe44SvGX0-00678-00179642-00179917 emblem rank insignia Brest insignia CWNe44SvGX0-00679-00179918-00180103 which is not worn in the field and CWNe44SvGX0-00680-00180104-00180390 depending on the personnel the red patch CWNe44SvGX0-00681-00180391-00180676 Marines never salute without a cover CWNe44SvGX0-00682-00180677-00180919 unless failure to do so would cause CWNe44SvGX0-00683-00180920-00181176 embarrassment or misunderstanding CWNe44SvGX0-00684-00181177-00181504 United States Navy regulations article CWNe44SvGX0-00685-00181505-00181846 1209 paragraph two when naval personnel CWNe44SvGX0-00686-00181847-00182035 which includes Marines and Coast CWNe44SvGX0-00687-00182036-00182242 Guardsmen are serving with members of CWNe44SvGX0-00688-00182243-00182488 the Army or Air Force or other nations CWNe44SvGX0-00689-00182489-00182707 militaries that do salute uncovered it CWNe44SvGX0-00690-00182708-00182929 is appropriate for naval personnel to CWNe44SvGX0-00691-00182930-00183136 render military courtesies appropriate CWNe44SvGX0-00692-00183137-00183448 for the circumstances social customs or CWNe44SvGX0-00693-00183449-00183664 military courtesy should always be CWNe44SvGX0-00694-00183665-00183888 interpreted so as to prevent awkward CWNe44SvGX0-00695-00183889-00184074 situations CWNe44SvGX0-00696-00184075-00184633 USMC gmk 1010 section 10 paragraph F 3 CWNe44SvGX0-00697-00184634-00184846 this precludes the vast majority of CWNe44SvGX0-00698-00184847-00185056 Marines from saluting inside where CWNe44SvGX0-00699-00185057-00185230 covers are removed except for those CWNe44SvGX0-00700-00185231-00185503 individuals underarms or wearing a duty CWNe44SvGX0-00701-00185504-00185701 belt a method of symbolically being CWNe44SvGX0-00702-00185702-00185899 underarms without a weapon CWNe44SvGX0-00703-00185900-00186109 soldiers are permitted to salute CWNe44SvGX0-00704-00186110-00186377 uncovered when reporting to a superior CWNe44SvGX0-00705-00186378-00186670 Marines roll their utilities sleeves up CWNe44SvGX0-00706-00186671-00186982 with the exception when deployed marine CWNe44SvGX0-00707-00186983-00187222 service caps or barracks covers differ CWNe44SvGX0-00708-00187223-00187434 slightly from their army counterparts CWNe44SvGX0-00709-00187435-00187663 the marine cover sits higher CWNe44SvGX0-00710-00187664-00187882 horizontally and with a slightly larger CWNe44SvGX0-00711-00187883-00188091 and more pronounced crown that is less CWNe44SvGX0-00712-00188092-00188275 peaked and flat than the army service CWNe44SvGX0-00713-00188276-00188599 cap this distinctive look dates back to CWNe44SvGX0-00714-00188600-00188821 Marine Barracks cover design used since CWNe44SvGX0-00715-00188822-00189148 World War two in addition Marine general CWNe44SvGX0-00716-00189149-00189364 officers service caps do not have oak CWNe44SvGX0-00717-00189365-00189571 leaf embroidery around the headband as CWNe44SvGX0-00718-00189572-00189760 army general officer caps with the CWNe44SvGX0-00719-00189761-00189931 exception of the Commandant of the CWNe44SvGX0-00720-00189932-00190156 Marine Corps and also if the chairman of CWNe44SvGX0-00721-00190157-00190357 the Joint Chiefs of Staff is a Marine CWNe44SvGX0-00722-00190358-00190573 who has oak leaf embroidery in the front CWNe44SvGX0-00723-00190574-00190789 part of the headband sharing only the CWNe44SvGX0-00724-00190790-00191086 oak leaf design on the visor although CWNe44SvGX0-00725-00191087-00191299 almost identical in design Marine CWNe44SvGX0-00726-00191300-00191497 officer rank insignia is slightly CWNe44SvGX0-00727-00191498-00191733 different from army insignia in design CWNe44SvGX0-00728-00191734-00191971 when wearing a college shirt CWNe44SvGX0-00729-00191972-00192177 Marine officers wear their insignia on CWNe44SvGX0-00730-00192178-00192382 the shirt collar unlike the army wear CWNe44SvGX0-00731-00192383-00192615 officer an enlisted rank is worn on the CWNe44SvGX0-00732-00192616-00192889 shirt epaulette in addition number CWNe44SvGX0-00733-00192890-00193120 five-star rank has ever existed in the CWNe44SvGX0-00734-00193121-00193414 Marine Corps in the marine called the CWNe44SvGX0-00735-00193415-00193720 marine NCO sword and scabbard per m co p CWNe44SvGX0-00736-00193721-00194263 1o 2o 34 G with ch one to five para 7018 CWNe44SvGX0-00737-00194264-00194577 may be prescribed for corporals or above CWNe44SvGX0-00738-00194578-00194806 when want the blue dress blue white CWNe44SvGX0-00739-00194807-00195109 dress or service uniforms are worn and CWNe44SvGX0-00740-00195110-00195409 to the sword may be prescribed for drill CWNe44SvGX0-00741-00195410-00195666 with troops and for parades and reviews CWNe44SvGX0-00742-00195667-00196125 and ceremonies while in the army 40c3 - CWNe44SvGX0-00743-00196126-00196477 21.5 appendix F the sword is worn by all CWNe44SvGX0-00744-00196478-00196704 platoon sergeants and first sergeant's CWNe44SvGX0-00745-00196705-00196927 while participating in ceremonies with CWNe44SvGX0-00746-00196928-00197251 troops under arms or as directed it is CWNe44SvGX0-00747-00197252-00197410 carried in the same manner as the CWNe44SvGX0-00748-00197411-00197994 offices Sabre CWNe44SvGX0-00749-00197995-00198513 topic history CWNe44SvGX0-00750-00198514-00198882 on the 5th of September 1776 the naval CWNe44SvGX0-00751-00198883-00199065 committee purchased the Continental CWNe44SvGX0-00752-00199066-00199311 Marines uniform regulations specifying CWNe44SvGX0-00753-00199312-00199554 green coats with white facings lapels CWNe44SvGX0-00754-00199555-00199788 cuffs and coat lining with a leather CWNe44SvGX0-00755-00199789-00199989 high collar to protect against Cutlass CWNe44SvGX0-00756-00199990-00200198 slashes and to keep a man's head erect CWNe44SvGX0-00757-00200199-00200496 its memory is preserved by the moniker CWNe44SvGX0-00758-00200497-00200757 Leatherneck and the high collar on CWNe44SvGX0-00759-00200758-00201003 marine dress uniforms though legend CWNe44SvGX0-00760-00201004-00201171 attributes the green color to the CWNe44SvGX0-00761-00201172-00201336 traditional color of riflemen CWNe44SvGX0-00762-00201337-00201651 colonial Marines carried muskets more CWNe44SvGX0-00763-00201652-00201903 likely green cloth was simply plentiful CWNe44SvGX0-00764-00201904-00202083 in Philadelphia and it served to CWNe44SvGX0-00765-00202084-00202272 distinguish Marines from the red of the CWNe44SvGX0-00766-00202273-00202482 British or the blue of the Continental CWNe44SvGX0-00767-00202483-00202836 Army in Navy also Sam Nicholas's hunting CWNe44SvGX0-00768-00202837-00203049 club wore green uniforms hence his CWNe44SvGX0-00769-00203050-00203257 recommendation to the committee was for CWNe44SvGX0-00770-00203258-00203463 green at the 2nd founding of the United CWNe44SvGX0-00771-00203464-00203731 States Marine Corps in 1798 the CWNe44SvGX0-00772-00203732-00203944 Secretary of War authorized a blue CWNe44SvGX0-00773-00203945-00204186 uniform edged in red blue chosen for CWNe44SvGX0-00774-00204187-00204411 naval ties and red with sentiment for CWNe44SvGX0-00775-00204412-00204615 Royal Marines and John Paul Jones as CWNe44SvGX0-00776-00204616-00204898 Marines tradition of wearing red a year CWNe44SvGX0-00777-00204898-00205110 later Marines were issued leftover CWNe44SvGX0-00778-00205111-00205323 uniforms from Anthony Wayne's Legion CWNe44SvGX0-00779-00205325-00205600 blue with red facings it was the CWNe44SvGX0-00780-00205601-00205932 beginnings of the modern dress blues the CWNe44SvGX0-00781-00205933-00206146 uniforms also came with a round hat CWNe44SvGX0-00782-00206146-00206541 edged in yellow in 1834 President Andrew CWNe44SvGX0-00783-00206542-00206751 Jackson reinstated the green and white CWNe44SvGX0-00784-00206752-00206946 jackets of the colonial Marines CWNe44SvGX0-00785-00206948-00207237 with grey trousers however the dye on CWNe44SvGX0-00786-00207238-00207504 these faded quickly and in 1841 the CWNe44SvGX0-00787-00207505-00207751 uniform was returned to the blue this CWNe44SvGX0-00788-00207752-00207948 time with a dark blue coat and light CWNe44SvGX0-00789-00207950-00208171 blue trousers with a scarlet stripe down CWNe44SvGX0-00790-00208171-00208578 the seam for officers and NCOs in 1859 CWNe44SvGX0-00791-00208579-00208819 new dress uniform regulations were CWNe44SvGX0-00792-00208819-00208989 issued the new uniform had a CWNe44SvGX0-00793-00208990-00209211 french-style Shaco with an unpopular CWNe44SvGX0-00794-00209212-00209502 pomp on there was also the option of a CWNe44SvGX0-00795-00209503-00209703 fatigue cap fashioned after the French CWNe44SvGX0-00796-00209704-00210003 kepi in the expeditionary period post CWNe44SvGX0-00797-00210004-00210273 Civil War Marines began wearing a Khakee CWNe44SvGX0-00798-00210275-00210517 field uniform better suited to tropical CWNe44SvGX0-00799-00210517-00210852 and arid environments in the 1890s the CWNe44SvGX0-00800-00210853-00211059 Marines adopted some practical changes CWNe44SvGX0-00801-00211060-00211315 to the field uniform adding a campaign CWNe44SvGX0-00802-00211316-00211516 cover with a large marine emblem on the CWNe44SvGX0-00803-00211517-00211801 side and canvas leggings in 1901 the CWNe44SvGX0-00804-00211802-00211900 emblem move CWNe44SvGX0-00805-00211901-00212053 from the side to the front of the CWNe44SvGX0-00806-00212054-00212413 campaign cover in 1912 the core adopted CWNe44SvGX0-00807-00212414-00212716 er Montana peak for the campaign cover CWNe44SvGX0-00808-00212717-00212932 and in the same year adopted a forest CWNe44SvGX0-00809-00212933-00213250 green uniform the green service uniform CWNe44SvGX0-00810-00213251-00213562 was adapted with a standing collar when CWNe44SvGX0-00811-00213563-00213763 the size of the Corps grew in World War CWNe44SvGX0-00812-00213764-00214030 one Marines were forced to adapt surplus CWNe44SvGX0-00813-00214031-00214237 uniforms from the Army to code its CWNe44SvGX0-00814-00214238-00214392 troops and to maintain a similar CWNe44SvGX0-00815-00214394-00214585 appearance to the army to prevent CWNe44SvGX0-00816-00214586-00214792 soldiers from mistaking the forest green CWNe44SvGX0-00817-00214792-00215134 uniform for German uniforms the garrison CWNe44SvGX0-00818-00215135-00215380 cap was introduced originally to be worn CWNe44SvGX0-00819-00215381-00215608 overseas as it could easily be carried CWNe44SvGX0-00820-00215609-00215857 when wearing the steel helmet this CWNe44SvGX0-00821-00215858-00216088 marked the first time Marines as well as CWNe44SvGX0-00822-00216089-00216334 other US service members wore distinct CWNe44SvGX0-00823-00216335-00216604 combat and non-combat field uniforms in CWNe44SvGX0-00824-00216605-00216916 addition to dress uniforms the service CWNe44SvGX0-00825-00216917-00217162 uniform was designated for ceremonies CWNe44SvGX0-00826-00217163-00217521 garrison and leave sometime after World CWNe44SvGX0-00827-00217523-00217792 War one the tradition of a uniform of CWNe44SvGX0-00828-00217792-00218050 the day designated by the unit commander CWNe44SvGX0-00829-00218051-00218298 was created to ensure uniformity of CWNe44SvGX0-00830-00218300-00218500 troops now that there was a wide variety CWNe44SvGX0-00831-00218501-00218881 of uniforms available for wear also born CWNe44SvGX0-00832-00218882-00219088 was the tradition of reporting to a new CWNe44SvGX0-00833-00219089-00219483 duty station in the service a uniform in CWNe44SvGX0-00834-00219484-00219763 1926 the standing collar on the service CWNe44SvGX0-00835-00219764-00219979 uniform was changed to a rolled flat CWNe44SvGX0-00836-00219980-00220159 collar that the dress uniform collar CWNe44SvGX0-00837-00220160-00220465 remained standing a Karki version of the CWNe44SvGX0-00838-00220466-00220726 service uniform was adapted as well for CWNe44SvGX0-00839-00220727-00221038 use in summer months at the start of CWNe44SvGX0-00840-00221039-00221284 World War two the Marine Corps had four CWNe44SvGX0-00841-00221285-00221598 standard uniforms dress blues could be CWNe44SvGX0-00842-00221600-00221812 worn with a white canvas belt a leather CWNe44SvGX0-00843-00221813-00222048 belt or a blue cloth belt for officers CWNe44SvGX0-00844-00222050-00222304 but their issue ceased in early 1942 CWNe44SvGX0-00845-00222305-00222538 except for recruiters and ceremonial CWNe44SvGX0-00846-00222539-00222819 units for the duration of the war the CWNe44SvGX0-00847-00222821-00223071 green winter Service uniform issued with CWNe44SvGX0-00848-00223073-00223269 a coat and a shell cordovan garrison CWNe44SvGX0-00849-00223271-00223465 belt for enlisted men with a SAM Browne CWNe44SvGX0-00850-00223466-00223738 belt for officers until a cloth belt of CWNe44SvGX0-00851-00223739-00224023 the same material replaced both in 1943 CWNe44SvGX0-00852-00224023-00224230 was initially worn as a field uniform CWNe44SvGX0-00853-00224231-00224440 such as the first provisional marine CWNe44SvGX0-00854-00224441-00224653 brigade in ice and wearing them daily CWNe44SvGX0-00855-00224654-00224919 the garrison cap was reintroduced CWNe44SvGX0-00856-00224921-00225148 originally to be worn overseas but CWNe44SvGX0-00857-00225148-00225308 quickly became standard CWNe44SvGX0-00858-00225309-00225548 the summer car key service uniform CWNe44SvGX0-00859-00225548-00225767 featured pointed pocket flaps and the CWNe44SvGX0-00860-00225767-00226007 trousers had no rear pockets as opposed CWNe44SvGX0-00861-00226008-00226244 to the Army's trousers having both front CWNe44SvGX0-00862-00226244-00226481 and back pockets beginning with a CWNe44SvGX0-00863-00226482-00226727 pre-war deployment to Guantanamo Bay in CWNe44SvGX0-00864-00226728-00227044 early 1941 a fiber pith helmet began to CWNe44SvGX0-00865-00227046-00227228 replace the campaign hat worn in CWNe44SvGX0-00866-00227229-00227429 tropical areas and by recruits in CWNe44SvGX0-00867-00227430-00227621 training but was eventually phased out CWNe44SvGX0-00868-00227621-00227794 as field uniforms were eventually CWNe44SvGX0-00869-00227796-00228038 replaced with utilities and helmets in CWNe44SvGX0-00870-00228039-00228314 November of that year when the first CWNe44SvGX0-00871-00228315-00228509 Marine Division arrived in Melbourne CWNe44SvGX0-00872-00228510-00228755 Australia Australian battle dress was CWNe44SvGX0-00873-00228756-00229016 issued for the cooler climate the Corps CWNe44SvGX0-00874-00229017-00229241 adopted its own waist length Vandergriff CWNe44SvGX0-00875-00229242-00229473 jacket that continued being issued CWNe44SvGX0-00876-00229475-00229796 marine combat uniforms were adapted from CWNe44SvGX0-00877-00229796-00230012 army inventories again a tradition that CWNe44SvGX0-00878-00230013-00230167 would continue through until the CWNe44SvGX0-00879-00230169-00230558 adoption of the mcc uu in 2000 however CWNe44SvGX0-00880-00230559-00230735 they made more extensive use of CWNe44SvGX0-00881-00230736-00230996 camouflage due to the jungle environment CWNe44SvGX0-00882-00230996-00231200 being more suitable for era patterns CWNe44SvGX0-00883-00231201-00231394 such as the reversible camouflage CWNe44SvGX0-00884-00231396-00231754 uniform was issued to some units in 1943 CWNe44SvGX0-00885-00231755-00232037 the introduction of women into the Corps CWNe44SvGX0-00886-00232038-00232283 doubled the number of uniforms as women CWNe44SvGX0-00887-00232284-00232508 had an equivalent for every male uniform CWNe44SvGX0-00888-00232509-00232835 after the war female uniforms became CWNe44SvGX0-00889-00232836-00233051 close to their male equivalents as women CWNe44SvGX0-00890-00233052-00233252 were more closely integrated into the CWNe44SvGX0-00891-00233253-00233467 Corps and the green service uniform was CWNe44SvGX0-00892-00233469-00233654 worn year round as the khaki summer CWNe44SvGX0-00893-00233655-00233923 version was discontinued in the late CWNe44SvGX0-00894-00233925-00234209 1980s the full white dress uniform coat CWNe44SvGX0-00895-00234210-00234413 was discontinued though the white dress CWNe44SvGX0-00896-00234414-00234656 trousers remain in use as the officer an CWNe44SvGX0-00897-00234657-00234902 S NCO summer blue white dress and for CWNe44SvGX0-00898-00234903-00235142 authorized junior Marines in ceremonies CWNe44SvGX0-00899-00235142-00235409 today after the Korean War CWNe44SvGX0-00900-00235410-00235763 khaki utilities were replaced by org 107 CWNe44SvGX0-00901-00235764-00235988 versions which were in turn replaced in CWNe44SvGX0-00902-00235989-00236291 the mid 70s by er DL pattern uniforms CWNe44SvGX0-00903-00236292-00236582 the battle dress uniform became the CWNe44SvGX0-00904-00236583-00236834 standard utilities in the early 1980s CWNe44SvGX0-00905-00236835-00237046 with the woodland and six color desert CWNe44SvGX0-00906-00237048-00237311 patterns available after the Persian CWNe44SvGX0-00907-00237312-00237523 Gulf War name tapes were added to the CWNe44SvGX0-00908-00237525-00237740 btu blouse and the three color desert CWNe44SvGX0-00909-00237741-00237898 pattern was adopted to address CWNe44SvGX0-00910-00237900-00238196 deficiencies and worn until the mcc uu CWNe44SvGX0-00911-00238196-00238478 was adopted in the early 2000s CWNe44SvGX0-00912-00238479-00238727 swagger sticks were once in vogue in the CWNe44SvGX0-00913-00238728-00238967 core starting as an informal accessory CWNe44SvGX0-00914-00238967-00239204 carried by officers in the late 19th CWNe44SvGX0-00915-00239205-00239513 century in 1915 it gained official CWNe44SvGX0-00916-00239514-00239744 approval as recruiters were encouraged CWNe44SvGX0-00917-00239744-00239936 to carry them to improve public image CWNe44SvGX0-00918-00239937-00240182 this tradition grew when Marines CWNe44SvGX0-00919-00240183-00240413 deployed for World War one encountered CWNe44SvGX0-00920-00240414-00240598 European officers carrying swagger CWNe44SvGX0-00921-00240600-00240796 sticks leading to an entry in the CWNe44SvGX0-00922-00240798-00241123 uniform regulations in 1922 authorizing CWNe44SvGX0-00923-00241125-00241355 enlisted Marines to carry them as well CWNe44SvGX0-00924-00241356-00241702 the usage died down in the 1930s and 40s CWNe44SvGX0-00925-00241703-00241979 excepting China Marines and returned in CWNe44SvGX0-00926-00241980-00242248 vogue when a 1952 regulation encouraged CWNe44SvGX0-00927-00242250-00242600 them reaching a peak from 1956 to 1960 CWNe44SvGX0-00928-00242601-00242789 when Commandant Randolph M pate CWNe44SvGX0-00929-00242790-00243086 encouraged use however his successor CWNe44SvGX0-00930-00243087-00243341 David M Shope quickly made them optional CWNe44SvGX0-00931-00243342-00243719 and discouraged the use in 1977 then CWNe44SvGX0-00932-00243719-00243986 commandant general lui H Wilson issued a CWNe44SvGX0-00933-00243987-00244169 directive banning the carrying of them CWNe44SvGX0-00934-00244169-00244792 while in uniform CWNe44SvGX0-00935-00244792-00245348 topic see also CWNe44SvGX0-00936-00245350-00245648 uniforms of the United States military CWNe44SvGX0-00937-00245650-00245938 list of camouflage patterns section CWNe44SvGX0-00938-00245939-00246119 North America NZ CWNe44SvGX0-00939-00246121-00246467 United States military chaplain symbols CWNe44SvGX0-00940-00246469-00246748 United States Marine Corps Birthday Ball CWNe44SvGX0-00941-00246748-00247075 section celebration CWX8a2AEleI-00000-00000308-00000524 mmm veneers I don't know really on a CWX8a2AEleI-00001-00000525-00000688 canal did you tuck them inside Africa E CWX8a2AEleI-00002-00000689-00001091 oil NMOS when I treat that on Bolero CWX8a2AEleI-00003-00001092-00001279 anymore did kiss me CWX8a2AEleI-00004-00001280-00001565 he goes Malibu Taniya the competition - CWX8a2AEleI-00005-00001566-00001939 Andrew this word to your dismay e CWX8a2AEleI-00006-00001941-00002209 capital e vowel particular the Como CWX8a2AEleI-00007-00002210-00002549 frozen commode and the series e lab dr. CWX8a2AEleI-00008-00002550-00002846 Martin SAS Autopia that's icky during CWX8a2AEleI-00009-00002847-00003556 the demos hello Chile thank you for CWX8a2AEleI-00010-00003557-00003863 having me it's wonderful to be here I'm CWX8a2AEleI-00011-00003864-00004043 Andrew chose worth I'm an animator at CWX8a2AEleI-00012-00004044-00004729 Disney animation nice to meet you it's CWX8a2AEleI-00013-00004730-00005093 amazing it's a very high stakes lots of CWX8a2AEleI-00014-00005094-00005395 pressure but you're surrounded by people CWX8a2AEleI-00015-00005396-00005618 who like the same things as you and want CWX8a2AEleI-00016-00005619-00005827 to create the same things as you so you CWX8a2AEleI-00017-00005828-00005975 kind of feel like you're with your CWX8a2AEleI-00018-00005976-00006188 people a little bit like all these are CWX8a2AEleI-00019-00006189-00006377 my people these are people who enjoy the CWX8a2AEleI-00020-00006378-00006634 same things as me and it's huge I mean CWX8a2AEleI-00021-00006636-00006928 when I made the Palm Springs short I was CWX8a2AEleI-00022-00006929-00007091 working with some of my close friends CWX8a2AEleI-00023-00007092-00007148 from school CWX8a2AEleI-00024-00007148-00007498 and it was a very small team about 10 CWX8a2AEleI-00025-00007500-00007770 people studio of about 15 people and CWX8a2AEleI-00026-00007772-00008051 being going from that small environment CWX8a2AEleI-00027-00008052-00008335 to the very large very historical Disney CWX8a2AEleI-00028-00008336-00008531 environment is a it was an overwhelming CWX8a2AEleI-00029-00008532-00008909 change CWX8a2AEleI-00030-00008910-00009191 every animator on the show will end up CWX8a2AEleI-00031-00009192-00009402 having an end-product CWX8a2AEleI-00032-00009403-00009657 quota of about two minutes of the movie CWX8a2AEleI-00033-00009658-00009870 somewhere between 1 minute and 2 minutes CWX8a2AEleI-00034-00009871-00010026 is the average and you'll usually CWX8a2AEleI-00035-00010027-00010254 animate more than what ends up in the CWX8a2AEleI-00036-00010255-00010410 movie because scenes get changed they CWX8a2AEleI-00037-00010411-00010701 get cut there's reduce so you might do CWX8a2AEleI-00038-00010702-00010908 three or four minutes of work but in the CWX8a2AEleI-00039-00010909-00011099 final film there will only be about two CWX8a2AEleI-00040-00011100-00011321 minutes so the frozen reel that you've CWX8a2AEleI-00041-00011322-00011619 seen and the big hero 6 reel that's the CWX8a2AEleI-00042-00011620-00011835 the scenes that survived the scenes that CWX8a2AEleI-00043-00011836-00012138 made it into the movie and when we are CWX8a2AEleI-00044-00012139-00012399 cast the scenes the camerawork has CWX8a2AEleI-00045-00012400-00012596 already figured out the models for the CWX8a2AEleI-00046-00012597-00012774 characters are already built so we kind CWX8a2AEleI-00047-00012775-00012918 of just jump in and we start CWX8a2AEleI-00048-00012919-00013212 articulating the digital puppets so it's CWX8a2AEleI-00049-00013213-00013434 kind of just performing through the CWX8a2AEleI-00050-00013435-00013913 digital character as much as possible I CWX8a2AEleI-00051-00013915-00014229 mean I I'm a huge fan of live-action CWX8a2AEleI-00052-00014230-00014438 film I grew up as much as I grew up CWX8a2AEleI-00053-00014440-00014715 watching Disney cartoons and animated CWX8a2AEleI-00054-00014716-00014894 television shows I grew up watching CWX8a2AEleI-00055-00014895-00015263 movies like Indiana Jones Star Wars The CWX8a2AEleI-00056-00015265-00015549 Godfather the Coen brothers films like CWX8a2AEleI-00057-00015550-00015872 Raising Arizona Fargo like I just loved CWX8a2AEleI-00058-00015873-00016161 movies I always loved movies and I think CWX8a2AEleI-00059-00016162-00016481 I had strong opinions about performance CWX8a2AEleI-00060-00016482-00016706 and acting at a young age like what CWX8a2AEleI-00061-00016707-00016905 worked for me or what didn't work for me CWX8a2AEleI-00062-00016906-00017231 and I think you kind of Intuit a lot of CWX8a2AEleI-00063-00017232-00017583 that and that same sensibility comes out CWX8a2AEleI-00064-00017584-00017747 in your drawings or in your computer CWX8a2AEleI-00065-00017748-00017952 animation because sometimes we film CWX8a2AEleI-00066-00017953-00018200 video reference of ourselves acting out CWX8a2AEleI-00067-00018201-00018394 a scene and then we try and borrow CWX8a2AEleI-00068-00018395-00018613 information from that CWX8a2AEleI-00069-00018614-00018901 and other times we just can see it in CWX8a2AEleI-00070-00018902-00019117 our head or we act it out we feel it and CWX8a2AEleI-00071-00019118-00019327 then we put that into the character so CWX8a2AEleI-00072-00019328-00019564 whether you're looking at it or feeling CWX8a2AEleI-00073-00019565-00019819 it and then putting it in it has to come CWX8a2AEleI-00074-00019820-00020044 from somewhere and that somewhere is CWX8a2AEleI-00075-00020045-00020253 usually a foundation of knowledge about CWX8a2AEleI-00076-00020254-00020599 communication and pain and entertainment CWX8a2AEleI-00077-00020600-00020746 because there's more entertaining ways CWX8a2AEleI-00078-00020747-00021022 for a character to be sad like there's a CWX8a2AEleI-00079-00021023-00021222 way that it looks great and feels great CWX8a2AEleI-00080-00021223-00021400 in other ways where it looks strange and CWX8a2AEleI-00081-00021401-00021571 awkward and you want to find the version CWX8a2AEleI-00082-00021572-00021960 that looks that feels good to watch CWX8a2AEleI-00083-00021961-00022114 Zootopia CWX8a2AEleI-00084-00022115-00022354 it features talking animals that walk on CWX8a2AEleI-00085-00022355-00022622 two legs similar to Disney's Robin Hood CWX8a2AEleI-00086-00022623-00023014 Byron Howard who was the film's first CWX8a2AEleI-00087-00023015-00023200 director before we brought on rich Moore CWX8a2AEleI-00088-00023201-00023344 as a co-director CWX8a2AEleI-00089-00023345-00023590 was a huge fan of Robin Hood growing up CWX8a2AEleI-00090-00023591-00023974 and loves comedy and talking animal CWX8a2AEleI-00091-00023975-00024181 movies and he's got such charming CWX8a2AEleI-00092-00024182-00024391 drawings and then rich Moore our CWX8a2AEleI-00093-00024392-00024597 co-director comes from television CWX8a2AEleI-00094-00024598-00024922 Futurama The Simpsons as well as CWX8a2AEleI-00095-00024923-00025053 numerous other shows and he directed CWX8a2AEleI-00096-00025054-00025312 wreck-it Ralph and he has amazing sense CWX8a2AEleI-00097-00025313-00025561 of comedy and dialogue and writing he's CWX8a2AEleI-00098-00025562-00025752 very clever and there are two CWX8a2AEleI-00099-00025754-00026014 sensibilities together or making a pitch CWX8a2AEleI-00100-00026014-00026317 a very smart movie very clever like CWX8a2AEleI-00101-00026318-00026563 using the animals as a sort of fable for CWX8a2AEleI-00102-00026564-00026827 human society they're taking ideas about CWX8a2AEleI-00103-00026827-00027052 people and the world a little further CWX8a2AEleI-00104-00027052-00027277 with the animals than they would if they CWX8a2AEleI-00105-00027277-00027517 were human characters it's not a social CWX8a2AEleI-00106-00027518-00027720 commentary movie because Disney doesn't CWX8a2AEleI-00107-00027722-00028057 make message movies but but there's a an CWX8a2AEleI-00108-00028058-00028339 element to it that it's a mirror of our CWX8a2AEleI-00109-00028339-00028477 own world in a way that's really CWX8a2AEleI-00110-00028477-00029083 charming CWX8a2AEleI-00111-00029084-00029387 Parrom O'Callahan yahoo start video give CWX8a2AEleI-00112-00029388-00029618 him better material extra Rita when I CWX8a2AEleI-00113-00029619-00029829 turn myself into sailing and computer CWX8a2AEleI-00114-00029830-00030108 and video exclusio see amigo no Envy CWX8a2AEleI-00115-00030108-00030437 Teresa continue the Samoan and Marco in CWX8a2AEleI-00116-00030438-00030660 1510 immersion SIGGRAPH you don't de CWX8a2AEleI-00117-00030661-00030899 compartir mo boku mastermind couldn't do CWX8a2AEleI-00118-00030900-00031476 any marine in vita e también la CWX8a2AEleI-00119-00031477-00031673 invitamos aware so dope eeeh Encinas CWX8a2AEleI-00120-00031674-00031952 porque Antonella película Salam trad F CWX8a2AEleI-00121-00031953-00032208 comma cranky and multi-lane Oh Victoria CWX8a2AEleI-00122-00032208-00032462 you know so if dunno me now Alaska us CWX8a2AEleI-00123-00032463-00032586 again hola poyo CWX8a2AEleI-00124-00032587-00032799 para el estudio gallery soap and robot CWX8a2AEleI-00125-00032800-00033140 if an amine our loss can went in okay a CWX8a2AEleI-00126-00033141-00033296 persimmon tree the CG you see life you CWX8a2AEleI-00127-00033297-00033449 tyrant crea noise like a cheetah CWX8a2AEleI-00128-00033450-00033596 comentarios easy caramel my material CWX8a2AEleI-00129-00033597-00033789 come continue Lucio como es tu tambien CWX8a2AEleI-00130-00033790-00034067 no sorry II know Sofia and the and also CWX8a2AEleI-00131-00034068-00034268 like they sucrose el canal de youtube de CWX8a2AEleI-00132-00034269-00034433 versailles grafica you know the movin on CWX8a2AEleI-00133-00034434-00034772 approxima ck salut CX2EWlHqOB4-00000-00000000-00000038 [Music] CX2EWlHqOB4-00001-00000039-00000098 [Applause] CX2EWlHqOB4-00002-00000099-00000375 [Applause] CX2EWlHqOB4-00003-00000376-00000543 so i am a uh CX2EWlHqOB4-00004-00000544-00000734 so really enjoyed uh being part of the CX2EWlHqOB4-00005-00000735-00000839 jury CX2EWlHqOB4-00006-00000840-00001158 uh today and i thought there were CX2EWlHqOB4-00007-00001159-00001254 you know CX2EWlHqOB4-00008-00001255-00001495 a good amount of brands CX2EWlHqOB4-00009-00001496-00001679 who have you know especially in the last CX2EWlHqOB4-00010-00001680-00001918 two years when doing the pandemic etc i CX2EWlHqOB4-00011-00001919-00002063 think we can see CX2EWlHqOB4-00012-00002064-00002271 in some of the areas some good inputs CX2EWlHqOB4-00013-00002272-00002447 coming into it CX2EWlHqOB4-00014-00002448-00002647 from marketing perspective CX2EWlHqOB4-00015-00002648-00002879 right CX2EWlHqOB4-00016-00002880-00003110 i also see a lot of uh CX2EWlHqOB4-00017-00003111-00003303 you know new players coming into it CX2EWlHqOB4-00018-00003304-00003567 which is again interesting right CX2EWlHqOB4-00019-00003568-00003831 so overall really enjoyed being there CX2EWlHqOB4-00020-00003832-00004079 right and uh the platform CX2EWlHqOB4-00021-00004079-00004263 over the last so many years being there CX2EWlHqOB4-00022-00004264-00004511 has actually given ample opportunity CX2EWlHqOB4-00023-00004512-00004767 for brands to talk about their thinking CX2EWlHqOB4-00024-00004768-00004919 their strategy and CX2EWlHqOB4-00025-00004920-00005095 how they're able to CX2EWlHqOB4-00026-00005096-00005191 you know CX2EWlHqOB4-00027-00005192-00005463 really put in that the marketing entire CX2EWlHqOB4-00028-00005464-00005679 evolution within the journey of doing CX2EWlHqOB4-00029-00005680-00005951 some fantastic work so yeah so good to CX2EWlHqOB4-00030-00005952-00006151 be associated with it now there are many CX2EWlHqOB4-00031-00006152-00006406 multiple newer players right and CX2EWlHqOB4-00032-00006408-00006614 we don't probably only call out few but CX2EWlHqOB4-00033-00006615-00006719 i think CX2EWlHqOB4-00034-00006720-00006975 um this has been a period where a lot CX2EWlHqOB4-00035-00006976-00007063 more CX2EWlHqOB4-00036-00007064-00007246 thinking on the evolution within the CX2EWlHqOB4-00037-00007247-00007503 marketing aspect you know uh has CX2EWlHqOB4-00038-00007504-00007670 happened right so CX2EWlHqOB4-00039-00007672-00007959 definitely uh you know that needs that CX2EWlHqOB4-00040-00007959-00008223 that requires a lot more CX2EWlHqOB4-00041-00008224-00008383 you know a lot more such opportunities CX2EWlHqOB4-00042-00008384-00008510 to CX2EWlHqOB4-00043-00008511-00008767 display reflect demonstrate some of this CX2EWlHqOB4-00044-00008768-00008846 great CX2EWlHqOB4-00045-00008847-00009055 thinking and execution so i may stand CX2EWlHqOB4-00046-00009056-00009392 out for that so yeah CaHNSQk5YFQ-00000-00000053-00000315 life world German Lebensraum may be CaHNSQk5YFQ-00001-00000316-00000496 conceived as a universe of what is CaHNSQk5YFQ-00002-00000497-00000694 self-evident or given a world that CaHNSQk5YFQ-00003-00000695-00000975 subjects may experience together for CaHNSQk5YFQ-00004-00000976-00001174 Edmund Husserl the life world is the CaHNSQk5YFQ-00005-00001175-00001335 fundamental for all epistemological CaHNSQk5YFQ-00006-00001336-00001689 inquiries the concept has its origin in CaHNSQk5YFQ-00007-00001691-00001926 biology and cultural Protestantism the CaHNSQk5YFQ-00008-00001927-00002158 life world concept is used in philosophy CaHNSQk5YFQ-00009-00002159-00002385 and in some social sciences particularly CaHNSQk5YFQ-00010-00002386-00002718 sociology and anthropology the concept CaHNSQk5YFQ-00011-00002719-00002923 emphasizes the state of affairs in which CaHNSQk5YFQ-00012-00002924-00003126 the world is experienced the world is CaHNSQk5YFQ-00013-00003127-00003418 lived German or let the life world is a CaHNSQk5YFQ-00014-00003419-00003636 pre epistemological stepping stone for CaHNSQk5YFQ-00015-00003636-00003861 phenomenological analysis in the Husserl CaHNSQk5YFQ-00016-00003862-00004429 yin tradition CaHNSQk5YFQ-00017-00004430-00005063 topic the phenomenological concept CaHNSQk5YFQ-00018-00005064-00005327 Edmund Husserl introduced the concept of CaHNSQk5YFQ-00019-00005328-00005501 the life world in his the crisis of CaHNSQk5YFQ-00020-00005502-00005711 European sciences and transcendental CaHNSQk5YFQ-00021-00005712-00006137 phenomenology 1936 in whatever way we CaHNSQk5YFQ-00022-00006138-00006287 may be conscious of the world as CaHNSQk5YFQ-00023-00006288-00006529 universal horizon as coherent universe CaHNSQk5YFQ-00024-00006530-00006815 of existing objects we each either man CaHNSQk5YFQ-00025-00006816-00007088 and all of us together belong to the CaHNSQk5YFQ-00026-00007089-00007268 world is living with one another in the CaHNSQk5YFQ-00027-00007269-00007478 world and the world is our world valid CaHNSQk5YFQ-00028-00007479-00007645 for our consciousness is existing CaHNSQk5YFQ-00029-00007647-00007826 precisely through this living together CaHNSQk5YFQ-00030-00007827-00008009 we as living in wakeful world CaHNSQk5YFQ-00031-00008009-00008213 consciousness are constantly active on CaHNSQk5YFQ-00032-00008214-00008390 the basis of our passive having of the CaHNSQk5YFQ-00033-00008391-00008557 world CaHNSQk5YFQ-00034-00008558-00008803 obviously this is true not only for me CaHNSQk5YFQ-00035-00008804-00009053 the individual ego rather we in living CaHNSQk5YFQ-00036-00009054-00009253 together have the world pre-given in CaHNSQk5YFQ-00037-00009254-00009314 this together CaHNSQk5YFQ-00038-00009315-00009506 belong the world is world for all CaHNSQk5YFQ-00039-00009507-00009893 pre-given with this antic meaning the we CaHNSQk5YFQ-00040-00009894-00010335 subjectivity is constantly functioning CaHNSQk5YFQ-00041-00010336-00010634 this collective intersubjective pool of CaHNSQk5YFQ-00042-00010635-00010868 perceiving Husserl explains is both CaHNSQk5YFQ-00043-00010869-00011087 universally present and for humanity's CaHNSQk5YFQ-00044-00011088-00011278 purposes capable of arriving at CaHNSQk5YFQ-00045-00011279-00011503 objective truth or at least as close to CaHNSQk5YFQ-00046-00011504-00011795 objectivity as possible the life world CaHNSQk5YFQ-00047-00011796-00012016 is a grand theater of objects variously CaHNSQk5YFQ-00048-00012017-00012218 arranged in space and time relative to CaHNSQk5YFQ-00049-00012219-00012421 perceiving subject is already always CaHNSQk5YFQ-00050-00012422-00012752 there and is the ground for all shared CaHNSQk5YFQ-00051-00012753-00012871 human experience CaHNSQk5YFQ-00052-00012872-00013127 Herschel's formulation of the life world CaHNSQk5YFQ-00053-00013128-00013355 was also influenced by wilhelm dilthey s CaHNSQk5YFQ-00054-00013356-00013700 life nexus German Lebensraum and hang CaHNSQk5YFQ-00055-00013701-00013886 and Martin Heidegger is being in the CaHNSQk5YFQ-00056-00013887-00014177 world German in dare welt sane the CaHNSQk5YFQ-00057-00014178-00014341 concept was further developed by CaHNSQk5YFQ-00058-00014343-00014540 students of hustle such as maurice CaHNSQk5YFQ-00059-00014541-00014804 merleau-ponty jan potaka and Alfred CaHNSQk5YFQ-00060-00014805-00015053 shoots the life world can be thought of CaHNSQk5YFQ-00061-00015054-00015296 as the horizon of all our experiences in CaHNSQk5YFQ-00062-00015297-00015478 the sense that it is that background on CaHNSQk5YFQ-00063-00015479-00015611 which all things appear as themselves CaHNSQk5YFQ-00064-00015612-00015905 and meaningful the life world cannot CaHNSQk5YFQ-00065-00015906-00016130 however be understood in a purely static CaHNSQk5YFQ-00066-00016131-00016303 manner it isn't an unchangeable CaHNSQk5YFQ-00067-00016304-00016553 background but rather a dynamic horizon CaHNSQk5YFQ-00068-00016554-00016796 in which we live and which lives with us CaHNSQk5YFQ-00069-00016797-00017039 in the sense that nothing can appear in CaHNSQk5YFQ-00070-00017040-00017336 our life world except has lived the CaHNSQk5YFQ-00071-00017337-00017555 concept represented a turning point in CaHNSQk5YFQ-00072-00017556-00017771 hustles phenomenology from the tradition CaHNSQk5YFQ-00073-00017772-00018086 of Descartes and Kant up until then her CaHNSQk5YFQ-00074-00018087-00018265 soul had been focused on finding CaHNSQk5YFQ-00075-00018266-00018515 elucidating and explaining an absolute CaHNSQk5YFQ-00076-00018516-00018665 foundation of philosophy in CaHNSQk5YFQ-00077-00018666-00018784 consciousness without any CaHNSQk5YFQ-00078-00018785-00019000 presuppositions except what can be found CaHNSQk5YFQ-00079-00019001-00019166 through the reflective analysis of CaHNSQk5YFQ-00080-00019167-00019337 consciousness and what is immediately CaHNSQk5YFQ-00081-00019338-00019643 present to it originally all judgments CaHNSQk5YFQ-00082-00019644-00019897 of the real were to be bracketed or CaHNSQk5YFQ-00083-00019898-00020122 suspended and then analyzed to bring to CaHNSQk5YFQ-00084-00020123-00020284 light the role of consciousness in CaHNSQk5YFQ-00085-00020285-00020561 constituting or constructing them with CaHNSQk5YFQ-00086-00020562-00020741 the concept of the life world however CaHNSQk5YFQ-00087-00020742-00020963 her soul embarked on a different path CaHNSQk5YFQ-00088-00020964-00021158 which recognizes that even at its CaHNSQk5YFQ-00089-00021159-00021374 deepest level consciousness is already CaHNSQk5YFQ-00090-00021375-00021572 embedded in an operating in a world of CaHNSQk5YFQ-00091-00021573-00021736 meanings and prejudgments that are CaHNSQk5YFQ-00092-00021737-00021932 socially culturally and historically CaHNSQk5YFQ-00093-00021933-00022235 Klee constituted phenomenology thereby CaHNSQk5YFQ-00094-00022236-00022433 became the study not just of the pure CaHNSQk5YFQ-00095-00022434-00022577 consciousness and meanings of a CaHNSQk5YFQ-00096-00022578-00022781 transcendental ego as in her cells CaHNSQk5YFQ-00097-00022782-00022976 earlier work but of consciousness and CaHNSQk5YFQ-00098-00022977-00023273 meaning in context the life world is one CaHNSQk5YFQ-00099-00023274-00023465 of the more complicated concepts in CaHNSQk5YFQ-00100-00023466-00023666 phenomenology mainly because of its CaHNSQk5YFQ-00101-00023667-00023846 status as both personal and inter CaHNSQk5YFQ-00102-00023847-00023956 subjective CaHNSQk5YFQ-00103-00023957-00024218 even if a person's historicity is CaHNSQk5YFQ-00104-00024219-00024410 intimately tied up with his life world CaHNSQk5YFQ-00105-00024411-00024608 and each person thus has a life world CaHNSQk5YFQ-00106-00024609-00024806 this doesn't necessarily mean that the CaHNSQk5YFQ-00107-00024807-00024971 life world is a purely individual CaHNSQk5YFQ-00108-00024972-00025208 phenomenon in keeping with the CaHNSQk5YFQ-00109-00025209-00025355 phenomenological notion of CaHNSQk5YFQ-00110-00025356-00025580 intersubjectivity the life world can be CaHNSQk5YFQ-00111-00025581-00025733 into subjective even though each CaHNSQk5YFQ-00112-00025733-00025959 individual necessarily carries his own CaHNSQk5YFQ-00113-00025960-00026377 personal life world home world meaning CaHNSQk5YFQ-00114-00026379-00026608 is inter subjectively accessible and can CaHNSQk5YFQ-00115-00026610-00026858 be communicated shared by one's home CaHNSQk5YFQ-00116-00026858-00027197 comrades however a home world is also CaHNSQk5YFQ-00117-00027198-00027449 always limited by an alien world the CaHNSQk5YFQ-00118-00027450-00027758 internal meanings of this alien world CaHNSQk5YFQ-00119-00027758-00027986 can be communicated but can never be had CaHNSQk5YFQ-00120-00027987-00028226 pretended as alien the alien can only be CaHNSQk5YFQ-00121-00028227-00028433 appropriated or assimilated into the CaHNSQk5YFQ-00122-00028433-00028622 life world and only understood on the CaHNSQk5YFQ-00123-00028623-00029235 background of the life world CaHNSQk5YFQ-00124-00029236-00029911 topic the sociological concept the CaHNSQk5YFQ-00125-00029912-00030115 hussar lien elucidation of life world CaHNSQk5YFQ-00126-00030116-00030292 provided a starting point for the CaHNSQk5YFQ-00127-00030293-00030526 phenomenological sociology of alfred CaHNSQk5YFQ-00128-00030527-00030565 Schutz CaHNSQk5YFQ-00129-00030566-00030739 who tried to synthesize hustles CaHNSQk5YFQ-00130-00030740-00030932 phenomenology of consciousness meaning CaHNSQk5YFQ-00131-00030933-00031120 and the life world with Max Weber's CaHNSQk5YFQ-00132-00031121-00031351 sociology and its focus on subjectively CaHNSQk5YFQ-00133-00031352-00031651 meaningful action Jurgen Habermas has CaHNSQk5YFQ-00134-00031652-00031829 further developed the concept of the CaHNSQk5YFQ-00135-00031830-00032098 life world in his social theory for CaHNSQk5YFQ-00136-00032099-00032293 Habermas the life world is more or less CaHNSQk5YFQ-00137-00032294-00032590 the background environment of CaHNSQk5YFQ-00138-00032591-00032818 competences practices and attitudes CaHNSQk5YFQ-00139-00032819-00032983 representable in terms of one's CaHNSQk5YFQ-00140-00032984-00033286 cognitive horizon compared to hustle CaHNSQk5YFQ-00141-00033287-00033485 with his focus on consciousness however CaHNSQk5YFQ-00142-00033486-00033754 Habermas whose social theory is grounded CaHNSQk5YFQ-00143-00033755-00033961 in communication focuses on the life CaHNSQk5YFQ-00144-00033962-00034144 world is consisting of socially and CaHNSQk5YFQ-00145-00034145-00034318 culturally sedimented linguistic CaHNSQk5YFQ-00146-00034319-00034561 meanings it is the lived realm of CaHNSQk5YFQ-00147-00034562-00034701 informal culturally grounded CaHNSQk5YFQ-00148-00034702-00035025 understandings and mutual accommodations CaHNSQk5YFQ-00149-00035026-00035269 rationalization and colonization of the CaHNSQk5YFQ-00150-00035270-00035437 life world by the instrumental CaHNSQk5YFQ-00151-00035438-00035654 rationality of bureaucracies and market CaHNSQk5YFQ-00152-00035655-00035875 forces is a primary concern of Habermas CaHNSQk5YFQ-00153-00035876-00036067 as to volume theory of communicative CaHNSQk5YFQ-00154-00036068-00036433 action for Habermas communicative action CaHNSQk5YFQ-00155-00036434-00036642 is governed by practical rationality CaHNSQk5YFQ-00156-00036643-00036925 ideas of social importance are mediated CaHNSQk5YFQ-00157-00036926-00037075 through the process of linguistic CaHNSQk5YFQ-00158-00037076-00037267 communication according to the rules of CaHNSQk5YFQ-00159-00037268-00037408 practical rationality CaHNSQk5YFQ-00160-00037409-00037645 by contrast technical rationality CaHNSQk5YFQ-00161-00037646-00037927 governs systems of instrumentality like CaHNSQk5YFQ-00162-00037928-00038149 industries or on a larger scale the CaHNSQk5YFQ-00163-00038150-00038360 capitalist economy or the Democratic CaHNSQk5YFQ-00164-00038361-00038605 political government ideas of CaHNSQk5YFQ-00165-00038606-00038812 instrumental importance to a system are CaHNSQk5YFQ-00166-00038813-00038998 mediated according to the rules of that CaHNSQk5YFQ-00167-00038999-00039229 system the most obvious example is the CaHNSQk5YFQ-00168-00039230-00039519 capitalist economies use of currency CaHNSQk5YFQ-00169-00039520-00039748 self-deception and thus systematically CaHNSQk5YFQ-00170-00039749-00039982 distorted communication is possible only CaHNSQk5YFQ-00171-00039983-00040177 when the life world has been colonized CaHNSQk5YFQ-00172-00040178-00040408 by instrumental rationality so some CaHNSQk5YFQ-00173-00040409-00040612 social norm comes into existence and CaHNSQk5YFQ-00174-00040613-00040810 enjoys legitimate power even though it CaHNSQk5YFQ-00175-00040811-00041086 is not justifiable this occurs when CaHNSQk5YFQ-00176-00041087-00041311 means of mediating instrumental ideas CaHNSQk5YFQ-00177-00041312-00041560 gains communicative power as when CaHNSQk5YFQ-00178-00041561-00041752 someone pays a group of people to stay CaHNSQk5YFQ-00179-00041753-00041954 quiet during a public debate or if CaHNSQk5YFQ-00180-00041955-00042169 financial or administrative resources CaHNSQk5YFQ-00181-00042170-00042349 are used to advertise some social CaHNSQk5YFQ-00182-00042350-00042454 viewpoint CaHNSQk5YFQ-00183-00042455-00042697 when people take the resulting consensus CaHNSQk5YFQ-00184-00042698-00042901 as normatively relevant the life world CaHNSQk5YFQ-00185-00042902-00043126 has been colonized and communication has CaHNSQk5YFQ-00186-00043127-00043383 been systematically distorted the CaHNSQk5YFQ-00187-00043384-00043609 colonization metaphor is used because CaHNSQk5YFQ-00188-00043610-00043831 the use of steering media to arrive at CaHNSQk5YFQ-00189-00043832-00044035 social consensus is not native to the CaHNSQk5YFQ-00190-00044036-00044293 life world the decision-making processes CaHNSQk5YFQ-00191-00044294-00044503 of the system's world must encroach on CaHNSQk5YFQ-00192-00044504-00044665 the life world in a way that is in a CaHNSQk5YFQ-00193-00044666-00045007 sense imperialistic the fragmentation of CaHNSQk5YFQ-00194-00045008-00045199 consciousness associated with the two CaHNSQk5YFQ-00195-00045200-00045436 marxist concepts of alienation and false CaHNSQk5YFQ-00196-00045437-00045649 consciousness illustrate why in habermas CaHNSQk5YFQ-00197-00045650-00045826 perspective they are merely special CaHNSQk5YFQ-00198-00045827-00046018 cases of the more general phenomenon of CaHNSQk5YFQ-00199-00046019-00046333 life world colonization social CaHNSQk5YFQ-00200-00046334-00046558 coordination and systemic regulation CaHNSQk5YFQ-00201-00046559-00046750 occur by means of shared practices CaHNSQk5YFQ-00202-00046751-00046963 beliefs values and structures of CaHNSQk5YFQ-00203-00046964-00047167 communicative interaction which may be CaHNSQk5YFQ-00204-00047168-00047476 institutionally based we are inevitably CaHNSQk5YFQ-00205-00047477-00047707 life worldly such that individuals and CaHNSQk5YFQ-00206-00047708-00047896 interactions draw from custom and CaHNSQk5YFQ-00207-00047897-00048058 cultural traditions to construct CaHNSQk5YFQ-00208-00048059-00048331 identities to find situations coordinate CaHNSQk5YFQ-00209-00048332-00048588 action and create social solidarity CaHNSQk5YFQ-00210-00048589-00048847 ideally this occurs by communicatively CaHNSQk5YFQ-00211-00048848-00049072 coming to understanding german verstehen CaHNSQk5YFQ-00212-00049073-00049285 but it also occurs through pragmatic CaHNSQk5YFQ-00213-00049286-00049873 negotiations compare Seidman 1997 to 197 CaHNSQk5YFQ-00214-00049874-00050173 the life world is related to further CaHNSQk5YFQ-00215-00050174-00050362 concepts such as pierre bourdieu's CaHNSQk5YFQ-00216-00050363-00050510 notion of habitus and to the CaHNSQk5YFQ-00217-00050511-00051232 sociological notion of everyday life CaHNSQk5YFQ-00218-00051233-00051865 topic the epistemological concept CaHNSQk5YFQ-00219-00051866-00052096 in the course of recent constructivist CaHNSQk5YFQ-00220-00052097-00052288 discourses a discussion about the life CaHNSQk5YFQ-00221-00052289-00052558 world term took place as well beyond CaHNSQk5YFQ-00222-00052559-00052786 crass relational constructivist version CaHNSQk5YFQ-00223-00052787-00052966 of the life world term considers its CaHNSQk5YFQ-00224-00052966-00053188 phenomenological roots hustle and shoots CaHNSQk5YFQ-00225-00053189-00053365 but expands it within the range of CaHNSQk5YFQ-00226-00053366-00053575 epistemological constructivist Theory CaHNSQk5YFQ-00227-00053576-00053878 building in consequence a new approach CaHNSQk5YFQ-00228-00053879-00054112 is created which is not only focusing on CaHNSQk5YFQ-00229-00054113-00054307 the individual perspective upon the life CaHNSQk5YFQ-00230-00054308-00054544 world term but is also taking account of CaHNSQk5YFQ-00231-00054545-00054739 social and material environmental CaHNSQk5YFQ-00232-00054740-00054886 conditions and their relevance is CaHNSQk5YFQ-00233-00054887-00055130 emphasized for example by habermas CaHNSQk5YFQ-00234-00055132-00055375 essential therefore is Krauss basic CaHNSQk5YFQ-00235-00055376-00055561 assumption that cognitive development CaHNSQk5YFQ-00236-00055562-00055779 depends on two determining factors on CaHNSQk5YFQ-00237-00055780-00056083 the one hand a person's own reality is CaHNSQk5YFQ-00238-00056084-00056347 her subjective construct on the other CaHNSQk5YFQ-00239-00056348-00056602 hand this construct in spite of all CaHNSQk5YFQ-00240-00056603-00056887 subjectivity is not random since a CaHNSQk5YFQ-00241-00056888-00057025 person is still linked to her CaHNSQk5YFQ-00242-00057026-00057211 environment her own reality is CaHNSQk5YFQ-00243-00057212-00057376 influenced by the conditions of this CaHNSQk5YFQ-00244-00057377-00057589 environment German grunge at Silesia top CaHNSQk5YFQ-00245-00057590-00057763 haben done mentally chess structure on CaHNSQk5YFQ-00246-00057764-00057942 to climb building up on this point of CaHNSQk5YFQ-00247-00057944-00058135 view a separation of individual CaHNSQk5YFQ-00248-00058136-00058314 perception and the social and material CaHNSQk5YFQ-00249-00058315-00058507 environmental conditions is made CaHNSQk5YFQ-00250-00058508-00058798 possible Krauss accordingly picks up the CaHNSQk5YFQ-00251-00058799-00059038 life world term adds the term life CaHNSQk5YFQ-00252-00059039-00059224 conditions German CaHNSQk5YFQ-00253-00059225-00061240 lebenslangerschicksalsschatz more CaHNSQk5YFQ-00254-00061241-00061465 precisely the life conditions include CaHNSQk5YFQ-00255-00061466-00061657 the material and immaterial living CaHNSQk5YFQ-00256-00061658-00061885 circumstances for example employment CaHNSQk5YFQ-00257-00061886-00062116 situation availability of material CaHNSQk5YFQ-00258-00062116-00062347 resources housing conditions social CaHNSQk5YFQ-00259-00062348-00062614 environment friends foes acquaintances CaHNSQk5YFQ-00260-00062615-00062866 relatives etc as well as the person's CaHNSQk5YFQ-00261-00062866-00063127 physical condition fat thin tall small CaHNSQk5YFQ-00262-00063128-00063532 female male healthy sick etc the life CaHNSQk5YFQ-00263-00063533-00063577 world CaHNSQk5YFQ-00264-00063578-00063792 in contrast describes the subjective CaHNSQk5YFQ-00265-00063794-00063979 perception of these conditions Krauss CaHNSQk5YFQ-00266-00063979-00064189 uses the epistemological distinction CaHNSQk5YFQ-00267-00064190-00064408 between subjective reality and objective CaHNSQk5YFQ-00268-00064409-00064699 reality thus a person's life world CaHNSQk5YFQ-00269-00064700-00064849 correlates with the person's life CaHNSQk5YFQ-00270-00064850-00065002 conditions in the same way than CaHNSQk5YFQ-00271-00065003-00065179 subjective reality correlates with CaHNSQk5YFQ-00272-00065179-00065251 objective CaHNSQk5YFQ-00273-00065252-00065518 reality the one is the insurmountable CaHNSQk5YFQ-00274-00065519-00065741 subjective construct built depending on CaHNSQk5YFQ-00275-00065742-00065954 the other ones conditions Krauss to find CaHNSQk5YFQ-00276-00065955-00066118 life world and life conditions as CaHNSQk5YFQ-00277-00066119-00066440 follows life conditions mean a person's CaHNSQk5YFQ-00278-00066441-00066680 material and immaterial circumstances of CaHNSQk5YFQ-00279-00066681-00066982 life life world means a person's CaHNSQk5YFQ-00280-00066983-00067201 subjective construction of reality which CaHNSQk5YFQ-00281-00067202-00067391 he or she forms under the condition of CaHNSQk5YFQ-00282-00067392-00067586 his or her life circumstances this CaHNSQk5YFQ-00283-00067587-00067780 contrasting comparison provides a CaHNSQk5YFQ-00284-00067781-00068023 conceptual specification enabling in the CaHNSQk5YFQ-00285-00068024-00068200 first step the distinction between a CaHNSQk5YFQ-00286-00068201-00068407 subjectively experienced world and its CaHNSQk5YFQ-00287-00068408-00068593 material and social conditions and CaHNSQk5YFQ-00288-00068594-00068798 allowing in the second step to focus on CaHNSQk5YFQ-00289-00068799-00068948 these conditions relevance for the CaHNSQk5YFQ-00290-00068949-00069268 subjective construction of reality with CaHNSQk5YFQ-00291-00069269-00069359 this in mind CaHNSQk5YFQ-00292-00069360-00069560 Manfred Ferdinand who is reviewing the CaHNSQk5YFQ-00293-00069561-00069781 life world terms used by Alfred chutes CaHNSQk5YFQ-00294-00069782-00070010 Edmund Husserl Bjorn Kraus and Ludwig CaHNSQk5YFQ-00295-00070011-00070217 Wittgenstein concludes Krauss thoughts CaHNSQk5YFQ-00296-00070218-00070399 on a constructivist comprehension of CaHNSQk5YFQ-00297-00070400-00070598 life world's contours the integration of CaHNSQk5YFQ-00298-00070599-00070841 micro meso and macro scopic approaches CaHNSQk5YFQ-00299-00070842-00071038 as it is demanded by in Venezia and CaHNSQk5YFQ-00300-00071039-00071251 Beluga this integration is not only CaHNSQk5YFQ-00301-00071252-00071431 necessary in order to relate the CaHNSQk5YFQ-00302-00071432-00071579 subjective perspectives and the CaHNSQk5YFQ-00303-00071580-00071779 objective frame conditions to each other CaHNSQk5YFQ-00304-00071780-00071968 but also because the objective frame CaHNSQk5YFQ-00305-00071969-00072146 conditions obtain their relevance for CaHNSQk5YFQ-00306-00072147-00072335 the subjective life world's not before CaHNSQk5YFQ-00307-00072336-00072958 they are perceived and assessed CaHNSQk5YFQ-00308-00072959-00073495 topic see also CaHNSQk5YFQ-00309-00073496-00073777 I'm wet CaWReU-Rs1Q-00000-00000148-00001582 [Music] CaWReU-Rs1Q-00001-00001583-00001792 you CctMGMAVfL0-00000-00000000-00000221 yo what's up guys welcome back to CctMGMAVfL0-00002-00003856-00005011 [Music] CctMGMAVfL0-00003-00005012-00005353 thank you CctMGMAVfL0-00005-00011275-00011714 in the club CctMGMAVfL0-00006-00011715-00012858 [Music] CctMGMAVfL0-00007-00012859-00013347 just be winning CctMGMAVfL0-00008-00013347-00015472 [Music] CctMGMAVfL0-00009-00015473-00015577 foreign CctMGMAVfL0-00011-00018795-00019619 [Music] CctMGMAVfL0-00012-00019620-00020689 just enough CctMGMAVfL0-00013-00020690-00022818 [Music] CctMGMAVfL0-00014-00022819-00024900 [Music] CctMGMAVfL0-00015-00024901-00025328 let the darkness take control CctMGMAVfL0-00016-00025329-00027012 [Music] CctMGMAVfL0-00017-00027013-00027293 let me go CctMGMAVfL0-00018-00027294-00027695 sing to your heart to find you CctMGMAVfL0-00019-00027695-00028049 open up your eyes till you're blinded by CctMGMAVfL0-00020-00028050-00028240 the lies CctMGMAVfL0-00021-00028241-00028427 so you can see CctMGMAVfL0-00022-00028429-00029133 [Music] CctMGMAVfL0-00023-00029135-00030168 [Music] CctMGMAVfL0-00024-00030169-00030761 [Music] CctMGMAVfL0-00025-00030762-00031458 tear drops on the floor CctMGMAVfL0-00026-00031460-00032179 [Music] CctMGMAVfL0-00027-00032180-00032903 [Music] CctMGMAVfL0-00028-00032904-00033972 [Music] CctMGMAVfL0-00029-00033973-00034054 [Applause] CctMGMAVfL0-00030-00034055-00034540 [Music] CctMGMAVfL0-00031-00034541-00034854 foreign CctMGMAVfL0-00032-00034855-00035532 [Music] CctMGMAVfL0-00033-00035533-00037765 [Music] CctMGMAVfL0-00034-00037766-00038015 [Music] CctMGMAVfL0-00036-00042931-00043759 burning the bridge that keeps us CctMGMAVfL0-00037-00043760-00044237 exaggerated that's what you must do the CctMGMAVfL0-00038-00044238-00044683 story's over now I must conclude I am CctMGMAVfL0-00040-00047940-00049789 Fearless CctMGMAVfL0-00041-00049790-00051504 [Music] CctMGMAVfL0-00042-00051505-00051763 thank you CctMGMAVfL0-00043-00051764-00052829 [Music] CctMGMAVfL0-00045-00057652-00058229 [Music] CctMGMAVfL0-00046-00058229-00059554 foreign CctMGMAVfL0-00047-00059554-00060900 [Music] CdL-1lzM3CU-00000-00000149-00000487 [Music] CdL-1lzM3CU-00001-00000488-00000711 good morning good afternoon good evening CdL-1lzM3CU-00002-00000712-00000871 and welcome on behalf of the learning CdL-1lzM3CU-00003-00000872-00001015 and development working group of the CdL-1lzM3CU-00004-00001016-00001150 alliance for child protection and CdL-1lzM3CU-00005-00001151-00001343 humanitarian action CdL-1lzM3CU-00006-00001344-00001511 my name is michelle van aiken and i will CdL-1lzM3CU-00007-00001512-00001718 be your host during this webinar with CdL-1lzM3CU-00008-00001719-00001887 funding from usaid's bureau for CdL-1lzM3CU-00009-00001888-00002047 humanitarian assistance plan CdL-1lzM3CU-00010-00002048-00002231 international is supporting the l d CdL-1lzM3CU-00011-00002232-00002455 working group of the alliance to develop CdL-1lzM3CU-00012-00002456-00002631 capacity building resources for child CdL-1lzM3CU-00013-00002632-00002855 protection actors to support adapting to CdL-1lzM3CU-00014-00002856-00003079 coven 19 realities CdL-1lzM3CU-00015-00003080-00003254 as part of this project we conducted a CdL-1lzM3CU-00016-00003255-00003479 capacity gaps assessment and what came CdL-1lzM3CU-00017-00003479-00003679 across clearly was the need for CdL-1lzM3CU-00018-00003679-00003895 adaptations to life skills programming CdL-1lzM3CU-00019-00003896-00004095 to be facilitated remotely and over CdL-1lzM3CU-00020-00004096-00004270 online platforms CdL-1lzM3CU-00021-00004271-00004431 to share some learning on what CdL-1lzM3CU-00022-00004432-00004591 approaches have worked well we have put CdL-1lzM3CU-00023-00004592-00004870 together a wonderful panel of presenters CdL-1lzM3CU-00024-00004871-00005015 first we will be hearing from brian CdL-1lzM3CU-00025-00005016-00005231 walsh working with drc sharing a case CdL-1lzM3CU-00026-00005232-00005415 study from lebanon we will then have a CdL-1lzM3CU-00027-00005416-00005615 joint presentation from mace silvan from CdL-1lzM3CU-00028-00005616-00005799 clowns without borders and lisa dasgun CdL-1lzM3CU-00029-00005800-00006031 from clan international nigeria who will CdL-1lzM3CU-00030-00006032-00006238 present together CdL-1lzM3CU-00031-00006239-00006375 many thanks to our presenters for CdL-1lzM3CU-00032-00006376-00006742 sharing these experiences i now hand the CdL-1lzM3CU-00033-00006743-00006823 uh CdL-1lzM3CU-00034-00006823-00007087 microphone over to bryony thank you CdL-1lzM3CU-00035-00007088-00007295 bryony CdL-1lzM3CU-00036-00007295-00007470 so today i'll be giving you an example CdL-1lzM3CU-00037-00007472-00007710 from our child protection programming in CdL-1lzM3CU-00038-00007711-00007831 lebanon CdL-1lzM3CU-00039-00007831-00008023 and for a bit of context covert 19 was CdL-1lzM3CU-00040-00008023-00008191 first recorded in lebanon in february of CdL-1lzM3CU-00041-00008192-00008431 2020 and by march we're in total CdL-1lzM3CU-00042-00008432-00008574 lockdown with movements greatly CdL-1lzM3CU-00043-00008575-00008695 restricted CdL-1lzM3CU-00044-00008696-00008863 this of course impacted on our ability CdL-1lzM3CU-00045-00008864-00009046 to reach persons of concern and for CdL-1lzM3CU-00046-00009047-00009287 people to access our services CdL-1lzM3CU-00047-00009288-00009495 and on the ability to deliver almost all CdL-1lzM3CU-00048-00009496-00009631 of our programming CdL-1lzM3CU-00049-00009632-00009823 the example i'll give today is only one CdL-1lzM3CU-00050-00009824-00009935 element of the child protection CdL-1lzM3CU-00051-00009936-00010110 programming and the humanitarian CdL-1lzM3CU-00052-00010111-00010303 response that was adapted to respond to CdL-1lzM3CU-00053-00010304-00010542 the new reality within drc lebanon we CdL-1lzM3CU-00054-00010543-00010759 have an integrated and holistic focused CdL-1lzM3CU-00055-00010760-00010967 pss package called the empowering CdL-1lzM3CU-00056-00010968-00011159 adolescence program this program was CdL-1lzM3CU-00057-00011160-00011359 originally adapted from the women's CdL-1lzM3CU-00058-00011360-00011591 refugee commission the i am here package CdL-1lzM3CU-00059-00011592-00011838 which is an adolescent girls program CdL-1lzM3CU-00060-00011839-00012174 drc along with wrc adapted this program CdL-1lzM3CU-00061-00012175-00012455 for the lebanese context back in 2014 CdL-1lzM3CU-00062-00012456-00012599 and the program has been expanded over CdL-1lzM3CU-00063-00012600-00012774 time to also focus on other protection CdL-1lzM3CU-00064-00012775-00013022 risks facing adolescent girls and boys CdL-1lzM3CU-00065-00013023-00013238 from refugee and host communities the CdL-1lzM3CU-00066-00013240-00013407 approach takes a whole of household and CdL-1lzM3CU-00067-00013408-00013543 community approach to promoting a CdL-1lzM3CU-00068-00013544-00013711 positive environment for adolescents to CdL-1lzM3CU-00069-00013712-00013958 grow the pss toolkit aims to provide CdL-1lzM3CU-00070-00013959-00014143 appropriate prevention and empowerment CdL-1lzM3CU-00071-00014144-00014294 messaging to adolescents and their CdL-1lzM3CU-00072-00014295-00014486 caregivers who are assessed to be at CdL-1lzM3CU-00073-00014487-00014679 risk of child labour or child marriage CdL-1lzM3CU-00074-00014680-00014847 which are widely recognized to be two of CdL-1lzM3CU-00075-00014847-00015022 the main cross-cutting inter-sectoral CdL-1lzM3CU-00076-00015023-00015271 concerns facing children in lebanon the CdL-1lzM3CU-00077-00015272-00015463 sessions that run over three months CdL-1lzM3CU-00078-00015463-00015630 consist of mandatory sessions around CdL-1lzM3CU-00079-00015631-00015750 gender-based violence and child CdL-1lzM3CU-00080-00015751-00015950 protection how to access sexual and CdL-1lzM3CU-00081-00015951-00016158 reproductive health services legal CdL-1lzM3CU-00082-00016159-00016350 awareness specific to the age groups as CdL-1lzM3CU-00083-00016351-00016486 well as a number of sessions that are CdL-1lzM3CU-00084-00016487-00016735 delivered are specifically related to CdL-1lzM3CU-00085-00016736-00016871 the needs of the group CdL-1lzM3CU-00086-00016872-00017022 and can include a range of optional CdL-1lzM3CU-00087-00017023-00017183 sessions such as stress management CdL-1lzM3CU-00088-00017184-00017383 communication skills decision making CdL-1lzM3CU-00089-00017384-00017630 skills career counselling and others the CdL-1lzM3CU-00090-00017631-00017743 format for this programming in CdL-1lzM3CU-00091-00017744-00017919 pre-covert times was in a group of CdL-1lzM3CU-00092-00017920-00018158 around eight to fifteen face-to-face in CdL-1lzM3CU-00093-00018159-00018414 community centres or safe spaces from CdL-1lzM3CU-00094-00018415-00018614 march like many of you i'm sure remote CdL-1lzM3CU-00095-00018615-00018830 modalities were initially introduced as CdL-1lzM3CU-00096-00018831-00019086 an ad hoc temporary measure however the CdL-1lzM3CU-00097-00019087-00019294 context has required protracted use we CdL-1lzM3CU-00098-00019295-00019430 work to adapt the delivery of our CdL-1lzM3CU-00099-00019431-00019647 crucial pss service to still be able to CdL-1lzM3CU-00100-00019648-00019863 ensure reach and results for this we CdL-1lzM3CU-00101-00019864-00020111 took a multi-pronged approach with key CdL-1lzM3CU-00102-00020112-00020367 adaptations being our outreach approach CdL-1lzM3CU-00103-00020368-00020527 so typically the way this program was CdL-1lzM3CU-00104-00020528-00020655 designed outreach relied on a CdL-1lzM3CU-00105-00020656-00020799 door-to-door methodology where CdL-1lzM3CU-00106-00020800-00020927 assessments were conducted with the CdL-1lzM3CU-00107-00020928-00021094 adolescent and the caregiver and other CdL-1lzM3CU-00108-00021095-00021263 household members to determine CdL-1lzM3CU-00109-00021264-00021414 vulnerability and risk factors for CdL-1lzM3CU-00110-00021415-00021614 inclusion we're extremely concerned that CdL-1lzM3CU-00111-00021615-00021727 a lack of field presence would CdL-1lzM3CU-00112-00021728-00021847 negatively impact the number of CdL-1lzM3CU-00113-00021848-00022007 participants that could be identified CdL-1lzM3CU-00114-00022008-00022230 for engagement to aid in offsetting this CdL-1lzM3CU-00115-00022231-00022391 we had increased reliance on community CdL-1lzM3CU-00116-00022392-00022599 focal points to act as referral agents CdL-1lzM3CU-00117-00022600-00022767 signposting people in the community they CdL-1lzM3CU-00118-00022768-00022935 thought might be eligible with our CdL-1lzM3CU-00119-00022936-00023094 caseworkers still conducting remotely CdL-1lzM3CU-00120-00023095-00023214 the assessment CdL-1lzM3CU-00121-00023215-00023367 additionally we continued to coordinate CdL-1lzM3CU-00122-00023368-00023494 with other sector actors who had more CdL-1lzM3CU-00123-00023495-00023671 continued field presence to also refer CdL-1lzM3CU-00124-00023672-00023767 to us CdL-1lzM3CU-00125-00023768-00023942 finally we promoted services remotely CdL-1lzM3CU-00126-00023943-00024127 through existing communication channels CdL-1lzM3CU-00127-00024128-00024294 to promote self-referral including CdL-1lzM3CU-00128-00024295-00024494 through community committees so we knew CdL-1lzM3CU-00129-00024495-00024630 that the topics and the needs remained CdL-1lzM3CU-00130-00024631-00024775 as relevant as ever but it was CdL-1lzM3CU-00131-00024776-00024919 impossible for us now to deliver this CdL-1lzM3CU-00132-00024920-00025111 face-to-face as such we looked into how CdL-1lzM3CU-00133-00025112-00025271 to transition to internet or telephone CdL-1lzM3CU-00134-00025272-00025439 lines this was extremely challenging CdL-1lzM3CU-00135-00025440-00025567 given that a number of adolescents CdL-1lzM3CU-00136-00025568-00025678 relied on the phone of the head of CdL-1lzM3CU-00137-00025679-00025846 household or lived in areas where CdL-1lzM3CU-00138-00025847-00026031 internet coverage was not consistent CdL-1lzM3CU-00139-00026032-00026190 lebanon also suffers from regular CdL-1lzM3CU-00140-00026191-00026327 electricity cuts and that meant there CdL-1lzM3CU-00141-00026327-00026479 would be constant disturbances to CdL-1lzM3CU-00142-00026480-00026639 sessions if the reliance was only on CdL-1lzM3CU-00143-00026639-00026799 internet and there would also be a risk CdL-1lzM3CU-00144-00026800-00026958 of exclusion if a child or their CdL-1lzM3CU-00145-00026960-00027158 household did not have internet while CdL-1lzM3CU-00146-00027160-00027358 using internet platforms like zoom would CdL-1lzM3CU-00147-00027360-00027583 have allowed greater group size we had CdL-1lzM3CU-00148-00027583-00027751 to oftentimes use a multi-person CdL-1lzM3CU-00149-00027752-00027951 telephone call instead which permitted CdL-1lzM3CU-00150-00027952-00028102 far smaller groups but it did ensure CdL-1lzM3CU-00151-00028104-00028246 that all persons identified for the CdL-1lzM3CU-00152-00028247-00028462 program were able to take part CdL-1lzM3CU-00153-00028463-00028662 curriculum change why the goals remained CdL-1lzM3CU-00154-00028663-00028823 relevant when compared to the protection CdL-1lzM3CU-00155-00028824-00029031 needs and concerns what was challenging CdL-1lzM3CU-00156-00029032-00029183 was the length of the sessions that used CdL-1lzM3CU-00157-00029183-00029374 to be delivered in person in a certain CdL-1lzM3CU-00158-00029375-00029518 time frame and to meet certain CdL-1lzM3CU-00159-00029519-00029735 objectives as such we adjusted the CdL-1lzM3CU-00160-00029736-00029911 delivery of the curriculum messaging CdL-1lzM3CU-00161-00029912-00030062 with some still being delivered in CdL-1lzM3CU-00162-00030063-00030239 smaller group sizes on the phone or CdL-1lzM3CU-00163-00030239-00030390 through internet platforms but for a CdL-1lzM3CU-00164-00030391-00030599 shorter time period coupled with a CdL-1lzM3CU-00165-00030600-00030727 delivery of workbooks that could be CdL-1lzM3CU-00166-00030727-00030951 completed at home outside of sessions CdL-1lzM3CU-00167-00030952-00031111 depending on the age of the child we CdL-1lzM3CU-00168-00031112-00031262 also delivered activities that could be CdL-1lzM3CU-00169-00031263-00031455 worked on together with caregivers we CdL-1lzM3CU-00170-00031456-00031590 were able to deliver the workbooks CdL-1lzM3CU-00171-00031591-00031767 either electronically where preferenced CdL-1lzM3CU-00172-00031768-00031951 and possible or through delivery to CdL-1lzM3CU-00173-00031952-00032111 households directly where access CdL-1lzM3CU-00174-00032112-00032214 permitted CdL-1lzM3CU-00175-00032216-00032367 our meal tools CdL-1lzM3CU-00176-00032368-00032511 so we also realized that the tools we CdL-1lzM3CU-00177-00032512-00032687 were using to gauge beneficiary feedback CdL-1lzM3CU-00178-00032688-00032839 and the impact of the programming would CdL-1lzM3CU-00179-00032840-00033007 also need to be adjusted to account for CdL-1lzM3CU-00180-00033008-00033159 the change in modality CdL-1lzM3CU-00181-00033160-00033335 as a result meal and cp teams worked CdL-1lzM3CU-00182-00033336-00033495 closely together to both ensure that the CdL-1lzM3CU-00183-00033496-00033655 necessary information could be captured CdL-1lzM3CU-00184-00033656-00033855 safely and remotely while also not CdL-1lzM3CU-00185-00033856-00034007 concealing any positive or negative CdL-1lzM3CU-00186-00034008-00034135 findings that could inform future CdL-1lzM3CU-00187-00034136-00034239 programming CdL-1lzM3CU-00188-00034240-00034502 from june 2020 the drc meal team was CdL-1lzM3CU-00189-00034503-00034695 coordinating drc's child protection CdL-1lzM3CU-00190-00034696-00034895 teams to receive the attendance sheets CdL-1lzM3CU-00191-00034896-00035111 of beneficiaries receiving remote pss CdL-1lzM3CU-00192-00035112-00035279 and conducting a survey with a sample of CdL-1lzM3CU-00193-00035280-00035423 beneficiaries from each list on a CdL-1lzM3CU-00194-00035424-00035671 rolling basis this rolling basis allowed CdL-1lzM3CU-00195-00035672-00035815 us to make changes as programming CdL-1lzM3CU-00196-00035816-00035999 continued rather than waiting until the CdL-1lzM3CU-00197-00036000-00036230 end of the implementation period or to CdL-1lzM3CU-00198-00036231-00036399 hope that the remote working might be CdL-1lzM3CU-00199-00036400-00036687 shorter or more temporary so overall the CdL-1lzM3CU-00200-00036688-00036823 findings from this approach were CdL-1lzM3CU-00201-00036824-00036974 positive in achieving the goals of CdL-1lzM3CU-00202-00036975-00037151 improving knowledge and attitudes and CdL-1lzM3CU-00203-00037152-00037367 affecting positive behavioural change CdL-1lzM3CU-00204-00037368-00037559 98 of participants felt that the CdL-1lzM3CU-00205-00037560-00037751 provided remote pss was effective in CdL-1lzM3CU-00206-00037752-00037902 delivering useful information that CdL-1lzM3CU-00207-00037903-00038079 helped them in their everyday lives this CdL-1lzM3CU-00208-00038080-00038318 was mainly around covert 19 identifying CdL-1lzM3CU-00209-00038319-00038511 child marriage risks and harm CdL-1lzM3CU-00210-00038512-00038679 communicating with children children's CdL-1lzM3CU-00211-00038680-00038862 rights and different types of violence CdL-1lzM3CU-00212-00038863-00039111 as such 99 of participants would CdL-1lzM3CU-00213-00039112-00039327 recommend the remote pss to their family CdL-1lzM3CU-00214-00039328-00039446 and friends CdL-1lzM3CU-00215-00039447-00039646 the results also revealed that 94 of CdL-1lzM3CU-00216-00039647-00039807 participants noticed changes in their CdL-1lzM3CU-00217-00039808-00039935 behavior since or throughout CdL-1lzM3CU-00218-00039936-00040167 participation in the pss activities this CdL-1lzM3CU-00219-00040168-00040327 again confirms the effectiveness of the CdL-1lzM3CU-00220-00040328-00040446 adaptation CdL-1lzM3CU-00221-00040447-00040583 caregivers listed the following as CdL-1lzM3CU-00222-00040584-00040767 behavioral change better communication CdL-1lzM3CU-00223-00040768-00040983 with children dedicating some time to CdL-1lzM3CU-00224-00040984-00041190 themselves being more understanding CdL-1lzM3CU-00225-00041191-00041358 feeling positive and confident and CdL-1lzM3CU-00226-00041359-00041558 feeling less nervous and depressed CdL-1lzM3CU-00227-00041559-00041702 children also notice some changes in CdL-1lzM3CU-00228-00041703-00041871 their behavior such as having more CdL-1lzM3CU-00229-00041872-00042030 confidence improving their communication CdL-1lzM3CU-00230-00042031-00042230 with their family and friends becoming CdL-1lzM3CU-00231-00042231-00042407 closer to family and friends knowing how CdL-1lzM3CU-00232-00042408-00042607 to deal with people having improved CdL-1lzM3CU-00233-00042608-00042815 decision making and cooperation and CdL-1lzM3CU-00234-00042816-00042958 feeling less nervous CdL-1lzM3CU-00235-00042959-00043135 both children and caregivers reported CdL-1lzM3CU-00236-00043136-00043255 that the sessions increased their CdL-1lzM3CU-00237-00043256-00043423 knowledge on different topics in their CdL-1lzM3CU-00238-00043424-00043583 lives and helped them to take care of CdL-1lzM3CU-00239-00043584-00043695 themselves CdL-1lzM3CU-00240-00043696-00043895 the main takeaways from going through CdL-1lzM3CU-00241-00043896-00044174 this process that we had were CdL-1lzM3CU-00242-00044175-00044383 to focus on coordination so we worked in CdL-1lzM3CU-00243-00044384-00044543 coordination with other child protection CdL-1lzM3CU-00244-00044544-00044695 actors to establish a community of CdL-1lzM3CU-00245-00044696-00044911 practice and to harmonize approaches and CdL-1lzM3CU-00246-00044912-00045127 advocacy this was particularly relevant CdL-1lzM3CU-00247-00045128-00045302 when needing to discuss flexibility CdL-1lzM3CU-00248-00045303-00045471 around communication lines with donors CdL-1lzM3CU-00249-00045472-00045590 whose grants are already part way CdL-1lzM3CU-00250-00045591-00045783 through operating for example CdL-1lzM3CU-00251-00045784-00045911 and to be able to share certain CdL-1lzM3CU-00252-00045912-00046062 materials where appropriate with other CdL-1lzM3CU-00253-00046063-00046246 child protection actors CdL-1lzM3CU-00254-00046247-00046390 furthermore coordination with other CdL-1lzM3CU-00255-00046391-00046630 sector actors in areas of implementation CdL-1lzM3CU-00256-00046631-00046862 who had more consistent field access CdL-1lzM3CU-00257-00046863-00047079 such as wash or basic assistance meant CdL-1lzM3CU-00258-00047080-00047230 that we were able to both deliver the CdL-1lzM3CU-00259-00047231-00047407 hard copies of the learning materials CdL-1lzM3CU-00260-00047408-00047574 through them when we had access CdL-1lzM3CU-00261-00047575-00047783 restrictions and were able to leverage CdL-1lzM3CU-00262-00047784-00048046 this coordination for referrals CdL-1lzM3CU-00263-00048047-00048311 uh we continuously needed to develop CdL-1lzM3CU-00264-00048312-00048502 innovative ways to identify persons of CdL-1lzM3CU-00265-00048503-00048679 risk remotely as we need to CdL-1lzM3CU-00266-00048680-00048839 systematically improve and advance CdL-1lzM3CU-00267-00048840-00049015 communications with beneficiaries and CdL-1lzM3CU-00268-00049016-00049207 regularly reconfirm the best way to CdL-1lzM3CU-00269-00049208-00049415 reach them including in cases where they CdL-1lzM3CU-00270-00049416-00049574 lose connection or cannot access their CdL-1lzM3CU-00271-00049575-00049735 phone we also need to provide CdL-1lzM3CU-00272-00049736-00049911 beneficiaries with specific support to CdL-1lzM3CU-00273-00049912-00050095 cover costs associated with remote CdL-1lzM3CU-00274-00050096-00050302 activities such as data bundles devices CdL-1lzM3CU-00275-00050303-00050527 etc and these should be integrated in CdL-1lzM3CU-00276-00050528-00050679 program costs by donors and service CdL-1lzM3CU-00277-00050680-00050902 providers further we need to continue to CdL-1lzM3CU-00278-00050903-00051135 adapt materials to ensure suitability to CdL-1lzM3CU-00279-00051136-00051302 different audience groups including CdL-1lzM3CU-00280-00051303-00051494 youth women persons with various CdL-1lzM3CU-00281-00051495-00051694 disabilities older persons and those who CdL-1lzM3CU-00282-00051695-00051894 are illiterate in order to also maintain CdL-1lzM3CU-00283-00051895-00052094 beneficiaries interest CdL-1lzM3CU-00284-00052095-00052270 and further to that point beneficiary CdL-1lzM3CU-00285-00052271-00052454 involvement it was highly necessary that CdL-1lzM3CU-00286-00052455-00052630 the mode of service delivery is fully CdL-1lzM3CU-00287-00052632-00052847 informed by the beneficiaries and we'd CdL-1lzM3CU-00288-00052848-00052991 often read and hear so many wonderful CdL-1lzM3CU-00289-00052991-00053159 examples of tech solutions or cash CdL-1lzM3CU-00290-00053160-00053271 transfer CdL-1lzM3CU-00291-00053272-00053454 for data programs however we would also CdL-1lzM3CU-00292-00053455-00053630 hear directly from our beneficiaries and CdL-1lzM3CU-00293-00053632-00053823 community focal points firsthand that CdL-1lzM3CU-00294-00053824-00053991 these solutions were not suitable and CdL-1lzM3CU-00295-00053991-00054182 this was particularly relevant for CdL-1lzM3CU-00296-00054183-00054407 people living in informal uh and CdL-1lzM3CU-00297-00054408-00054607 collective settlements CdL-1lzM3CU-00298-00054608-00054854 and flexibility so not to take a CdL-1lzM3CU-00299-00054855-00055047 one-size-fits-all approach for some CdL-1lzM3CU-00300-00055048-00055238 individuals and groups internet could be CdL-1lzM3CU-00301-00055239-00055366 used for others that would need to be CdL-1lzM3CU-00302-00055367-00055575 phone calls as the lockdowns were also CdL-1lzM3CU-00303-00055576-00055735 rolling in lebanon we returned to CdL-1lzM3CU-00304-00055736-00055942 in-person delivery when possible and CdL-1lzM3CU-00305-00055944-00056126 prioritized and therefore needed to be CdL-1lzM3CU-00306-00056127-00056311 able to switch quickly between the two CdL-1lzM3CU-00307-00056312-00056447 modalities CdL-1lzM3CU-00308-00056448-00056607 and this was also highly dependent on CdL-1lzM3CU-00309-00056608-00056726 the geographic region and the CdL-1lzM3CU-00310-00056727-00056903 beneficiary needs CdL-1lzM3CU-00311-00056904-00057238 we also found it very very necessary to CdL-1lzM3CU-00312-00057239-00057407 ensure regular contact and adequate CdL-1lzM3CU-00313-00057408-00057566 support to our community focal points CdL-1lzM3CU-00314-00057567-00057726 who are often volunteers CdL-1lzM3CU-00315-00057727-00057926 during this unprecedented time our CdL-1lzM3CU-00316-00057927-00058079 reliance on these focal points was CdL-1lzM3CU-00317-00058079-00058230 invaluable in order to achieve the CdL-1lzM3CU-00318-00058232-00058454 objectives of our program so we had some CdL-1lzM3CU-00319-00058455-00058663 unexpected positive outcomes that will CdL-1lzM3CU-00320-00058664-00058935 frame our programming in the future CdL-1lzM3CU-00321-00058936-00059103 so we found that the shifting modalities CdL-1lzM3CU-00322-00059104-00059238 help with increased engagement of CdL-1lzM3CU-00323-00059239-00059407 certain groups including women and CdL-1lzM3CU-00324-00059408-00059575 specifically female-headed households CdL-1lzM3CU-00325-00059576-00059711 who are sometimes less likely to CdL-1lzM3CU-00326-00059712-00059894 participate in activities outside of CdL-1lzM3CU-00327-00059895-00060126 their home due to traditional roles and CdL-1lzM3CU-00328-00060127-00060294 gender norms beyond movement CdL-1lzM3CU-00329-00060295-00060454 restrictions related to lockdowns and CdL-1lzM3CU-00330-00060455-00060671 roadblocks remote modalities were used CdL-1lzM3CU-00331-00060672-00060847 to circumvent other types of mobility CdL-1lzM3CU-00332-00060848-00061023 constraints and travel restrictions that CdL-1lzM3CU-00333-00061024-00061215 were impacting persons of concern CdL-1lzM3CU-00334-00061216-00061430 including challenges related to movement CdL-1lzM3CU-00335-00061432-00061575 restrictions based on the cost of CdL-1lzM3CU-00336-00061576-00061806 transport or lack of valid residency and CdL-1lzM3CU-00337-00061807-00062030 fear of arrest for refugees as well as CdL-1lzM3CU-00338-00062032-00062150 barriers for some persons with CdL-1lzM3CU-00339-00062151-00062319 disabilities especially those with CdL-1lzM3CU-00340-00062320-00062511 mobility impairments and or medical CdL-1lzM3CU-00341-00062512-00062654 conditions CdL-1lzM3CU-00342-00062655-00062806 the remote modality also proved CdL-1lzM3CU-00343-00062807-00063006 beneficial for supporting beneficiaries CdL-1lzM3CU-00344-00063007-00063199 and community members to overcome taboos CdL-1lzM3CU-00345-00063200-00063359 associated with mental health and CdL-1lzM3CU-00346-00063360-00063582 psychosocial needs by encouraging them CdL-1lzM3CU-00347-00063583-00063759 to reach out more spontaneously for CdL-1lzM3CU-00348-00063760-00063966 psychosocial support as well as to speak CdL-1lzM3CU-00349-00063967-00064119 more freely about their situation and CdL-1lzM3CU-00350-00064120-00064287 concerns during remote sessions than CdL-1lzM3CU-00351-00064288-00064526 they would in face-to-face interactions CdL-1lzM3CU-00352-00064527-00064687 the priority for our programming will be CdL-1lzM3CU-00353-00064688-00064871 to return to in-person delivery as the CdL-1lzM3CU-00354-00064872-00065071 program was originally designed however CdL-1lzM3CU-00355-00065072-00065223 given the lessons learnt and that remote CdL-1lzM3CU-00356-00065224-00065399 pss was effective in delivering the CdL-1lzM3CU-00357-00065400-00065550 information needed and changing the CdL-1lzM3CU-00358-00065551-00065719 behavior of beneficiaries in a positive CdL-1lzM3CU-00359-00065720-00065903 way and since beneficiaries were CdL-1lzM3CU-00360-00065904-00066159 satisfied with this modality and found CdL-1lzM3CU-00361-00066160-00066359 little challenges with it uh which has CdL-1lzM3CU-00362-00066360-00066543 many positive budgetary considerations CdL-1lzM3CU-00363-00066544-00066743 of course we will also be recommending CdL-1lzM3CU-00364-00066744-00066919 to sustain elements of this modality CdL-1lzM3CU-00365-00066920-00067199 beyond covert 19 when hopefully our full CdL-1lzM3CU-00366-00067200-00067447 humanitarian activities are received CdL-1lzM3CU-00367-00067448-00067679 thank you very much CdL-1lzM3CU-00368-00067680-00067823 friday we're so grateful that you're CdL-1lzM3CU-00369-00067824-00067967 with us today and thank you for sharing CdL-1lzM3CU-00370-00067968-00068126 these great insights it was really CdL-1lzM3CU-00371-00068127-00068303 interesting to hear about how previously CdL-1lzM3CU-00372-00068304-00068494 hard to reach community members such as CdL-1lzM3CU-00373-00068495-00068671 women and adolescent girls and people CdL-1lzM3CU-00374-00068672-00068903 with mobility constraints we're better CdL-1lzM3CU-00375-00068904-00069103 we're better able to reach programming CdL-1lzM3CU-00376-00069104-00069263 with the shift to CdL-1lzM3CU-00377-00069264-00069575 um phone calls and virtual programming CdL-1lzM3CU-00378-00069576-00069726 um i will now hand the metaphorical CdL-1lzM3CU-00379-00069727-00069991 microphone over to mace and lisa CdL-1lzM3CU-00380-00069992-00070311 close the borders is dedicated to CdL-1lzM3CU-00381-00070312-00070487 sharing emotional relief laughter and CdL-1lzM3CU-00382-00070488-00070655 play with children and communities in CdL-1lzM3CU-00383-00070656-00070838 crisis around the world CdL-1lzM3CU-00384-00070839-00071119 and how do we do that we usually do that CdL-1lzM3CU-00385-00071120-00071326 through performances clown and circus CdL-1lzM3CU-00386-00071327-00071638 performances to children and communities CdL-1lzM3CU-00387-00071639-00071975 and also through giving um workshops uh CdL-1lzM3CU-00388-00071976-00072071 to them CdL-1lzM3CU-00389-00072072-00072343 firsthand to children and adolescents CdL-1lzM3CU-00390-00072344-00072567 and their caregivers but also through CdL-1lzM3CU-00391-00072568-00072711 training CdL-1lzM3CU-00392-00072712-00072943 of social workers and facilitators who CdL-1lzM3CU-00393-00072944-00073047 are CdL-1lzM3CU-00394-00073048-00073223 meeting and working with children on a CdL-1lzM3CU-00395-00073224-00073455 daily basis CdL-1lzM3CU-00396-00073456-00073791 in 2019 uh we started a collaboration CdL-1lzM3CU-00397-00073792-00074015 with plan international to support uh CdL-1lzM3CU-00398-00074016-00074238 the development of life skills and CdL-1lzM3CU-00399-00074239-00074455 parenting package CdL-1lzM3CU-00400-00074456-00074671 and for us from clans that borders our CdL-1lzM3CU-00401-00074672-00074919 role was to contribute with CdL-1lzM3CU-00402-00074920-00075071 the creative CdL-1lzM3CU-00403-00075072-00075215 content CdL-1lzM3CU-00404-00075216-00075343 and to make the training more CdL-1lzM3CU-00405-00075344-00075487 interactive CdL-1lzM3CU-00406-00075488-00075711 and we ended up in CdL-1lzM3CU-00407-00075712-00075911 developing a training in creative CdL-1lzM3CU-00408-00075912-00076055 facilitation CdL-1lzM3CU-00409-00076056-00076279 and that clowns that borders would rule CdL-1lzM3CU-00410-00076280-00076519 out this training and plan withdrawal CdL-1lzM3CU-00411-00076520-00076767 out the life skills CdL-1lzM3CU-00412-00076768-00077006 package training the curriculum training CdL-1lzM3CU-00413-00077007-00077287 and we will start um and then plan would CdL-1lzM3CU-00414-00077288-00077543 uh continue uh with the training CdL-1lzM3CU-00415-00077544-00077926 and the idea was to roll that out in to CdL-1lzM3CU-00416-00077927-00078111 start with three countries in the lake CdL-1lzM3CU-00417-00078112-00078582 chad region nigeria nature and cameroon CdL-1lzM3CU-00418-00078583-00078943 physical uh trainings uh based on yeah CdL-1lzM3CU-00419-00078944-00079255 that there will be uh travels and CdL-1lzM3CU-00420-00079256-00079471 physical meetings and CdL-1lzM3CU-00421-00079472-00079847 play and laughter sessions uh in prison CdL-1lzM3CU-00422-00079848-00080143 but then kovid came CdL-1lzM3CU-00423-00080144-00080343 and what happened CdL-1lzM3CU-00424-00080344-00080543 what happened then is that CdL-1lzM3CU-00425-00080544-00080623 uh CdL-1lzM3CU-00426-00080624-00080871 we could not implement the trainings to CdL-1lzM3CU-00427-00080872-00081182 rule out as planned and we had to take CdL-1lzM3CU-00428-00081183-00081399 another thought about it and we were so CdL-1lzM3CU-00429-00081400-00081647 excited yeah despite the situation and CdL-1lzM3CU-00430-00081648-00081871 the pandemic because in clans without CdL-1lzM3CU-00431-00081872-00082182 borders we do take playfulness seriously CdL-1lzM3CU-00432-00082183-00082415 and we like new challenges in way in CdL-1lzM3CU-00433-00082416-00082694 which we have to be creative CdL-1lzM3CU-00434-00082695-00082879 so what we did is that CdL-1lzM3CU-00435-00082880-00083038 we took all the materials that we CdL-1lzM3CU-00436-00083039-00083367 created and then reworked a new concept CdL-1lzM3CU-00437-00083368-00083662 for a digital training and we have a CdL-1lzM3CU-00438-00083663-00083871 manual and supporting videos that could CdL-1lzM3CU-00439-00083872-00083999 support that CdL-1lzM3CU-00440-00084000-00084294 and the training was built to be CdL-1lzM3CU-00441-00084295-00084615 done uh in an online sessions in which CdL-1lzM3CU-00442-00084616-00084959 clowns.borders facilitators um uh give CdL-1lzM3CU-00443-00084960-00085175 online sessions to facilitators in CdL-1lzM3CU-00444-00085176-00085415 countries uh but then followed with CdL-1lzM3CU-00445-00085416-00085567 offline sessions in which the CdL-1lzM3CU-00446-00085568-00085759 facilitators in country CdL-1lzM3CU-00447-00085760-00085926 would CdL-1lzM3CU-00448-00085927-00086094 continue the training CdL-1lzM3CU-00449-00086095-00086255 and they have CdL-1lzM3CU-00450-00086256-00086471 leaders in place CdL-1lzM3CU-00451-00086472-00086655 we have teamed up with CdL-1lzM3CU-00452-00086656-00086847 our focal points the co-facilitators CdL-1lzM3CU-00453-00086848-00087071 from plan international in the country CdL-1lzM3CU-00454-00087072-00087415 who led the offline training simply CdL-1lzM3CU-00455-00087416-00087743 we ended up in implementing this CdL-1lzM3CU-00456-00087744-00088150 training in 12 countries instead of CdL-1lzM3CU-00457-00088151-00088359 three countries CdL-1lzM3CU-00458-00088360-00088606 reaching out to more than 500 CdL-1lzM3CU-00459-00088607-00088823 facilitators and also community CdL-1lzM3CU-00460-00088824-00089015 volunteers CdL-1lzM3CU-00461-00089016-00089247 the training that we implemented CdL-1lzM3CU-00462-00089248-00089494 with a group of facilitators was CdL-1lzM3CU-00463-00089495-00089782 cascaded and more community volunteers CdL-1lzM3CU-00464-00089783-00090038 were involved and together they uh CdL-1lzM3CU-00465-00090039-00090238 worked with the adolescents CdL-1lzM3CU-00466-00090239-00090462 and what was interesting here to see CdL-1lzM3CU-00467-00090463-00090711 that to say that in each country in CdL-1lzM3CU-00468-00090712-00090950 those 12 countries there were different CdL-1lzM3CU-00469-00090951-00091159 circumstances and different ways and CdL-1lzM3CU-00470-00091160-00091311 different CdL-1lzM3CU-00471-00091312-00091671 traveling restrictions and um CdL-1lzM3CU-00472-00091672-00091926 and so on so what we did was to take the CdL-1lzM3CU-00473-00091927-00092182 context of each country and to hear from CdL-1lzM3CU-00474-00092183-00092479 the facilitators how they work uh most CdL-1lzM3CU-00475-00092480-00092655 of the countries were having some CdL-1lzM3CU-00476-00092656-00092887 challenges either like whatsapp groups CdL-1lzM3CU-00477-00092888-00093118 communications or CdL-1lzM3CU-00478-00093119-00093326 physical meetings but having yeah CdL-1lzM3CU-00479-00093327-00093535 physical distancing and so on and the CdL-1lzM3CU-00480-00093536-00093743 whole training was adapted to the CdL-1lzM3CU-00481-00093744-00094038 context that was in the country i will CdL-1lzM3CU-00482-00094039-00094367 pass it now to lisa to take us deeper CdL-1lzM3CU-00483-00094368-00094518 into the training CdL-1lzM3CU-00484-00094519-00094887 in the case of nigeria CdL-1lzM3CU-00485-00094888-00095143 hi everyone this is lisa CdL-1lzM3CU-00486-00095144-00095294 um CdL-1lzM3CU-00487-00095295-00095479 gender-based violence officer from CdL-1lzM3CU-00488-00095480-00095774 nigeria who supported um the clowns CdL-1lzM3CU-00489-00095775-00095974 without borders training CdL-1lzM3CU-00490-00095975-00096231 so i would like to be speaking on uh CdL-1lzM3CU-00491-00096232-00096399 what maze already mentioned the CdL-1lzM3CU-00492-00096400-00096526 adaptation CdL-1lzM3CU-00493-00096527-00096759 of the creative facilitation in kobe 19 CdL-1lzM3CU-00494-00096760-00096903 context CdL-1lzM3CU-00495-00096904-00097159 okay so due to kobe 19 restrictions like CdL-1lzM3CU-00496-00097160-00097326 maze elias said the clowns without CdL-1lzM3CU-00497-00097327-00097582 brothers team was not able to CdL-1lzM3CU-00498-00097583-00097782 uh make it to nigeria to have a CdL-1lzM3CU-00499-00097783-00098015 face-to-face training so we had CdL-1lzM3CU-00500-00098016-00098199 participants who are project team CdL-1lzM3CU-00501-00098200-00098438 members from different sectors that CdL-1lzM3CU-00502-00098439-00098623 implement life skill sessions in their CdL-1lzM3CU-00503-00098624-00098871 programming from education protection CdL-1lzM3CU-00504-00098872-00099111 and livelihood who were implementing in CdL-1lzM3CU-00505-00099112-00099318 the bay states of uh northeast nigeria CdL-1lzM3CU-00506-00099319-00099638 burno adamawa and yobe so what we are CdL-1lzM3CU-00507-00099639-00099871 able to do since we had in-country CdL-1lzM3CU-00508-00099872-00100103 movements we converged at abuja which CdL-1lzM3CU-00509-00100104-00100391 was a central point for all participants CdL-1lzM3CU-00510-00100392-00100647 and then we had a three-day training CdL-1lzM3CU-00511-00100648-00100871 with the clowns without border steam CdL-1lzM3CU-00512-00100872-00101087 so the team the clowns without bothers CdL-1lzM3CU-00513-00101088-00101294 team in the morning facilitated the CdL-1lzM3CU-00514-00101295-00101655 trainings uh on the online sessions and CdL-1lzM3CU-00515-00101656-00101982 in the afternoon the focal points CdL-1lzM3CU-00516-00101983-00102294 coordinated uh afternoon sessions CdL-1lzM3CU-00517-00102295-00102542 so what we practically did was to put in CdL-1lzM3CU-00518-00102543-00102710 learnings from the CdL-1lzM3CU-00519-00102711-00102999 um online sessions into our practice CdL-1lzM3CU-00520-00103000-00103254 sessions in the afternoon so where we CdL-1lzM3CU-00521-00103255-00103494 are also designing and preparing CdL-1lzM3CU-00522-00103495-00103751 practical sessions for adolescents are CdL-1lzM3CU-00523-00103752-00103927 using the experiences CdL-1lzM3CU-00524-00103928-00104039 learned CdL-1lzM3CU-00525-00104040-00104263 we had several experiences after the CdL-1lzM3CU-00526-00104264-00104454 training which are quite interesting to CdL-1lzM3CU-00527-00104455-00104878 share so we had many participants CdL-1lzM3CU-00528-00104879-00105083 we had reflections from many CdL-1lzM3CU-00529-00105083-00105334 participants and then CdL-1lzM3CU-00530-00105335-00105566 some participants had reflections like CdL-1lzM3CU-00531-00105567-00105654 um CdL-1lzM3CU-00532-00105655-00105847 on the importance learnings on the CdL-1lzM3CU-00533-00105848-00106127 importance of play CdL-1lzM3CU-00534-00106128-00106343 some other participants felt CdL-1lzM3CU-00535-00106344-00106486 happy that CdL-1lzM3CU-00536-00106488-00106686 they were able to contribute in putting CdL-1lzM3CU-00537-00106688-00106951 a smile on the faces of adolescence in CdL-1lzM3CU-00538-00106952-00107239 crisis settings also overall CdL-1lzM3CU-00539-00107240-00107502 we have uh reflections that also say CdL-1lzM3CU-00540-00107503-00107702 that the privilege of applying this CdL-1lzM3CU-00541-00107703-00107990 technique to work was a reflection that CdL-1lzM3CU-00542-00107991-00108151 the participant shared CdL-1lzM3CU-00543-00108152-00108375 personally as an individual i think it CdL-1lzM3CU-00544-00108376-00108654 has made me uh have a different approach CdL-1lzM3CU-00545-00108655-00108919 to work in the sense that it has made me CdL-1lzM3CU-00546-00108920-00109113 seriously playful um CdL-1lzM3CU-00547-00109114-00109223 [Music] CdL-1lzM3CU-00548-00109224-00109558 which has also helped my my activities CdL-1lzM3CU-00549-00109559-00109734 my facilitation CdL-1lzM3CU-00550-00109735-00110031 right back with adolescents okay so the CdL-1lzM3CU-00551-00110032-00110383 outcome of the training uh recorded uh CdL-1lzM3CU-00552-00110383-00110607 impact put on the project participants CdL-1lzM3CU-00553-00110608-00110823 and the facilitators and most CdL-1lzM3CU-00554-00110824-00111023 interestingly it's also a feedback from CdL-1lzM3CU-00555-00111024-00111310 the parents so the parents also were CdL-1lzM3CU-00556-00111311-00111510 happy to share reflection from different CdL-1lzM3CU-00557-00111511-00111766 sessions with the parents showed that CdL-1lzM3CU-00558-00111767-00112039 they're also happy to play and laugh and CdL-1lzM3CU-00559-00112040-00112199 they were saying they thought that plane CdL-1lzM3CU-00560-00112200-00112390 was only for children but they're happy CdL-1lzM3CU-00561-00112391-00112575 that um CdL-1lzM3CU-00562-00112576-00112719 they're carried along in all the CdL-1lzM3CU-00563-00112720-00112951 creative facilities uh facilitation CdL-1lzM3CU-00564-00112952-00113239 activities the games and uh CdL-1lzM3CU-00565-00113240-00113423 the games and exercises from the play CdL-1lzM3CU-00566-00113424-00113727 and laughter manual so our facilitator CdL-1lzM3CU-00567-00113728-00114015 also restated that work is now fun and CdL-1lzM3CU-00568-00114016-00114207 personally for me CdL-1lzM3CU-00569-00114208-00114423 uh my own personal reflections from the CdL-1lzM3CU-00570-00114424-00114678 training also like i earlier said helped CdL-1lzM3CU-00571-00114679-00114910 me to be seriously playful but also an CdL-1lzM3CU-00572-00114911-00115166 opportunity also for me to get relief CdL-1lzM3CU-00573-00115167-00115343 for some stress when i'm also CdL-1lzM3CU-00574-00115344-00115639 facilitating these sessions myself CdL-1lzM3CU-00575-00115640-00115847 okay and thank you that will be all from CdL-1lzM3CU-00576-00115848-00115975 me CdL-1lzM3CU-00577-00115976-00116183 thank you both so much mason lisa for CdL-1lzM3CU-00578-00116183-00116343 sharing this example CdL-1lzM3CU-00579-00116344-00116599 we'll now move on to the q a section CdL-1lzM3CU-00580-00116600-00116847 um i'd like to start with a question for CdL-1lzM3CU-00581-00116848-00117119 all presenters um CdL-1lzM3CU-00582-00117120-00117278 will you continue any of your CdL-1lzM3CU-00583-00117279-00117495 adaptations after restrictions are CdL-1lzM3CU-00584-00117496-00117607 lifted CdL-1lzM3CU-00585-00117608-00117886 i'll go to bryony first so will drc keep CdL-1lzM3CU-00586-00117888-00118254 any of these new adaptations in lebanon CdL-1lzM3CU-00587-00118255-00118510 so as briefly mentioned CdL-1lzM3CU-00588-00118511-00118743 at the end of my presentation there we CdL-1lzM3CU-00589-00118744-00118990 have found it quite useful in being able CdL-1lzM3CU-00590-00118991-00119183 to reach people who might not be able to CdL-1lzM3CU-00591-00119183-00119375 access the centers where we typically CdL-1lzM3CU-00592-00119376-00119686 run this activity um at the moment in CdL-1lzM3CU-00593-00119688-00119878 lebanon we're facing both covert and an CdL-1lzM3CU-00594-00119879-00120071 economic crisis which is having an CdL-1lzM3CU-00595-00120072-00120263 impact on the fuel accessibility in the CdL-1lzM3CU-00596-00120264-00120454 country as well so we are seeing more CdL-1lzM3CU-00597-00120455-00120647 and more people not being able to afford CdL-1lzM3CU-00598-00120648-00120783 to travel CdL-1lzM3CU-00599-00120783-00120975 so we'll be able to continue to deliver CdL-1lzM3CU-00600-00120976-00121158 either the full curriculum or at least CdL-1lzM3CU-00601-00121159-00121447 parts of it for people for this reason CdL-1lzM3CU-00602-00121448-00121654 and then also for people who may have CdL-1lzM3CU-00603-00121655-00121743 other CdL-1lzM3CU-00604-00121744-00121958 restrictions on their mobility um CdL-1lzM3CU-00605-00121959-00122143 including people who may have caregiver CdL-1lzM3CU-00606-00122144-00122302 responsibilities within the home that CdL-1lzM3CU-00607-00122303-00122454 were restricting them being able to CdL-1lzM3CU-00608-00122455-00122639 access the centers as well particularly CdL-1lzM3CU-00609-00122640-00122854 given that one of the topics we aim to CdL-1lzM3CU-00610-00122855-00123095 cover it relates to child marriage and CdL-1lzM3CU-00611-00123096-00123239 sometimes these CdL-1lzM3CU-00612-00123240-00123447 girls and boys are often caregivers as CdL-1lzM3CU-00613-00123448-00123751 well um so we do find that it will be CdL-1lzM3CU-00614-00123752-00123886 there'll be a number of elements that we CdL-1lzM3CU-00615-00123888-00124134 will be looking to to continue as well CdL-1lzM3CU-00616-00124135-00124599 beyond the covert 19 crisis for sure CdL-1lzM3CU-00617-00124600-00124863 thank you ryan and mason lisa do you CdL-1lzM3CU-00618-00124864-00125007 think that you'll be continuing any of CdL-1lzM3CU-00619-00125008-00125214 these adaptations when restrictions are CdL-1lzM3CU-00620-00125215-00125534 lifted CdL-1lzM3CU-00621-00125535-00125647 yes CdL-1lzM3CU-00622-00125648-00125958 uh it's a tricky question because we do CdL-1lzM3CU-00623-00125959-00126254 believe in the personal human meeting so CdL-1lzM3CU-00624-00126255-00126543 much happens when it's real uh a human CdL-1lzM3CU-00625-00126544-00126639 meeting CdL-1lzM3CU-00626-00126640-00126734 so CdL-1lzM3CU-00627-00126735-00126910 having this said i would say that we CdL-1lzM3CU-00628-00126911-00127063 would continue CdL-1lzM3CU-00629-00127064-00127471 and um i cannot deny that um the CdL-1lzM3CU-00630-00127472-00127695 pandemic has uh CdL-1lzM3CU-00631-00127696-00127983 made our relationships with partners way CdL-1lzM3CU-00632-00127983-00128390 stronger um the communication and the CdL-1lzM3CU-00633-00128391-00128671 length of the partnership is way longer CdL-1lzM3CU-00634-00128672-00128831 and that's definitely something that we CdL-1lzM3CU-00635-00128832-00129166 would love to keep um also i would say CdL-1lzM3CU-00636-00129167-00129527 that this also gave us a jump because we CdL-1lzM3CU-00637-00129528-00129775 had internally decided before that we CdL-1lzM3CU-00638-00129776-00130166 want to digitalize um our materials and CdL-1lzM3CU-00639-00130167-00130471 pedagogical programs and so on so this CdL-1lzM3CU-00640-00130472-00130766 pandemic gave us a jump to 2025 already CdL-1lzM3CU-00641-00130767-00130990 because we had before the pandemic plans CdL-1lzM3CU-00642-00130991-00131207 okay we'll do that towards the end the CdL-1lzM3CU-00643-00131208-00131407 2020 with five wheel will be ready but CdL-1lzM3CU-00644-00131408-00131678 we are already almost there so i think CdL-1lzM3CU-00645-00131679-00131966 that we cannot deny this i still believe CdL-1lzM3CU-00646-00131967-00132239 that the personal human meeting a lot CdL-1lzM3CU-00647-00132240-00132551 can happen and i believe that we all uh CdL-1lzM3CU-00648-00132552-00132807 miss that but we would definitely take CdL-1lzM3CU-00649-00132808-00133102 all the good things from this period and CdL-1lzM3CU-00650-00133103-00133239 see how we can make some kind of CdL-1lzM3CU-00651-00133240-00133551 combination of bots simply CdL-1lzM3CU-00652-00133552-00133990 and lisa CdL-1lzM3CU-00653-00133991-00134254 lisa what about um with plan in nigeria CdL-1lzM3CU-00654-00134255-00134390 will you still continue some of these CdL-1lzM3CU-00655-00134391-00134663 adaptations CdL-1lzM3CU-00656-00134664-00135014 yeah we we hope to uh CdL-1lzM3CU-00657-00135015-00135271 continue with these adaptations as uh it CdL-1lzM3CU-00658-00135272-00135671 saves uh cost and then also uh travel CdL-1lzM3CU-00659-00135672-00135895 and a lot of stress but of course when CdL-1lzM3CU-00660-00135896-00136102 things are much better we can would also CdL-1lzM3CU-00661-00136103-00136295 appreciate one or two face-to-face CdL-1lzM3CU-00662-00136296-00136463 meetings CdL-1lzM3CU-00663-00136464-00136687 thank you um my next question is also CdL-1lzM3CU-00664-00136688-00136895 for clowns without borders do you CdL-1lzM3CU-00665-00136896-00137151 experience any reluctance among adults CdL-1lzM3CU-00666-00137152-00137407 to engage in such creative methodologies CdL-1lzM3CU-00667-00137408-00137702 um and if so how do you get around that CdL-1lzM3CU-00668-00137703-00137854 yes CdL-1lzM3CU-00669-00137855-00137999 and to answer CdL-1lzM3CU-00670-00138000-00138319 yes in the beginning but then all like CdL-1lzM3CU-00671-00138320-00138575 after all evaluations that we've done CdL-1lzM3CU-00672-00138576-00138735 all people CdL-1lzM3CU-00673-00138736-00138878 mentioned all participants they CdL-1lzM3CU-00674-00138879-00139007 mentioned that CdL-1lzM3CU-00675-00139008-00139271 this was something that i really did not CdL-1lzM3CU-00676-00139272-00139551 expect i did not have this expectation i CdL-1lzM3CU-00677-00139552-00139814 was so reluctant and i was like what am CdL-1lzM3CU-00678-00139815-00140014 i getting myself into and then towards CdL-1lzM3CU-00679-00140015-00140263 the end i can't believe that i did that CdL-1lzM3CU-00680-00140264-00140502 and i would definitely do it again and CdL-1lzM3CU-00681-00140503-00140990 even invite others to do it so it's yeah CdL-1lzM3CU-00682-00140991-00141263 we face that and i'm really happy that CdL-1lzM3CU-00683-00141264-00141343 yeah CdL-1lzM3CU-00684-00141344-00141543 people do change CdL-1lzM3CU-00685-00141544-00141711 after one session CdL-1lzM3CU-00686-00141712-00141871 yes CdL-1lzM3CU-00687-00141872-00142166 that's very interesting um CdL-1lzM3CU-00688-00142167-00142375 so my next question is bryony how did CdL-1lzM3CU-00689-00142376-00142495 young people respond to these CdL-1lzM3CU-00690-00142496-00142783 adaptations and was there any impact on CdL-1lzM3CU-00691-00142784-00142943 their level of engagement compared to CdL-1lzM3CU-00692-00142944-00143126 pre-copied CdL-1lzM3CU-00693-00143127-00143399 yeah it was um definitely something that CdL-1lzM3CU-00694-00143400-00143590 we were trying to CdL-1lzM3CU-00695-00143591-00143895 to assess and manage um so we did expect CdL-1lzM3CU-00696-00143896-00144119 that there would be a lower level of CdL-1lzM3CU-00697-00144120-00144335 like commitment and attendance just CdL-1lzM3CU-00698-00144336-00144551 given the fact um as was mentioned CdL-1lzM3CU-00699-00144552-00144831 before that sort of social element um CdL-1lzM3CU-00700-00144832-00145063 and of face to face was missing CdL-1lzM3CU-00701-00145064-00145319 but actually we found because as i'm CdL-1lzM3CU-00702-00145320-00145526 sure we're all aware of being CdL-1lzM3CU-00703-00145527-00145711 locked up and restricted from a lot of CdL-1lzM3CU-00704-00145712-00145926 other activities this was actually CdL-1lzM3CU-00705-00145927-00146078 something that the adolescents CdL-1lzM3CU-00706-00146079-00146295 themselves were quite looking forward to CdL-1lzM3CU-00707-00146296-00146463 it gave the days a bit of structure but CdL-1lzM3CU-00708-00146464-00146839 it also was seen as a bit of recreation CdL-1lzM3CU-00709-00146840-00147087 as well and i think having um for these CdL-1lzM3CU-00710-00147088-00147223 sort of younger adolescents having the CdL-1lzM3CU-00711-00147224-00147423 workbooks to work on at home CdL-1lzM3CU-00712-00147424-00147719 um was really well received as well and CdL-1lzM3CU-00713-00147720-00147895 by the caregivers as like something that CdL-1lzM3CU-00714-00147896-00148095 they could do just something to sort of CdL-1lzM3CU-00715-00148096-00148311 somehow pass the time as well CdL-1lzM3CU-00716-00148312-00148647 um so it was quite well received um and CdL-1lzM3CU-00717-00148648-00148951 then going back to before we touched on CdL-1lzM3CU-00718-00148952-00149190 it was more well received by certain CdL-1lzM3CU-00719-00149191-00149407 groups of adolescents as well so CdL-1lzM3CU-00720-00149408-00149566 particularly by CdL-1lzM3CU-00721-00149567-00149719 a group of adolescents who maybe CdL-1lzM3CU-00722-00149720-00149959 previously had been somewhat excluded CdL-1lzM3CU-00723-00149960-00150102 from some of the more mainstream CdL-1lzM3CU-00724-00150103-00150295 activities based on CdL-1lzM3CU-00725-00150296-00150399 certain CdL-1lzM3CU-00726-00150400-00150671 um abilities to to move around or to CdL-1lzM3CU-00727-00150672-00150878 learn at the same pace as peers this CdL-1lzM3CU-00728-00150879-00151007 gave a bit more of like sort of CdL-1lzM3CU-00729-00151008-00151231 self-guided approach to picking up the CdL-1lzM3CU-00730-00151232-00151575 topics and feeding back directly um that CdL-1lzM3CU-00731-00151576-00151687 maybe people who didn't have the CdL-1lzM3CU-00732-00151688-00151839 confidence to stand up in front of a CdL-1lzM3CU-00733-00151840-00152175 group uh to do before as well and so we CdL-1lzM3CU-00734-00152176-00152375 did find and particularly as the CdL-1lzM3CU-00735-00152376-00152559 lockdown periods went on and were more CdL-1lzM3CU-00736-00152560-00152919 and more extended that um CdL-1lzM3CU-00737-00152920-00153166 the the the interest to participate CdL-1lzM3CU-00738-00153167-00153390 increased CdL-1lzM3CU-00739-00153391-00153559 i do have another follow-up question for CdL-1lzM3CU-00740-00153560-00153807 you bryony in that i know one of the CdL-1lzM3CU-00741-00153808-00154159 major concerns was around online risks CdL-1lzM3CU-00742-00154160-00154375 for children or CdL-1lzM3CU-00743-00154376-00154575 cyberbullying and i was just wondering CdL-1lzM3CU-00744-00154576-00154759 if the team encountered any of that or CdL-1lzM3CU-00745-00154760-00155047 like what were your mitigation measures CdL-1lzM3CU-00746-00155048-00155287 to to either prevent or to respond to CdL-1lzM3CU-00747-00155288-00155483 those instances if that if they did CdL-1lzM3CU-00748-00155484-00155911 occur we were very very also hyper aware CdL-1lzM3CU-00749-00155912-00156231 of this issue um and so we did promote a CdL-1lzM3CU-00750-00156232-00156551 lot through our sort of um hotline CdL-1lzM3CU-00751-00156552-00156663 messaging that was going out CdL-1lzM3CU-00752-00156664-00156839 consistently throughout covert as well CdL-1lzM3CU-00753-00156840-00157047 in terms of psa CdL-1lzM3CU-00754-00157048-00157223 um and how to access support and CdL-1lzM3CU-00755-00157224-00157335 services CdL-1lzM3CU-00756-00157336-00157711 and terms of messaging to um communities CdL-1lzM3CU-00757-00157712-00157911 about all of these lines was also CdL-1lzM3CU-00758-00157912-00158126 promotion to adolescents themselves and CdL-1lzM3CU-00759-00158127-00158447 to caregivers about the risks of online CdL-1lzM3CU-00760-00158448-00158695 harassment and bullying within our CdL-1lzM3CU-00761-00158696-00158878 sessions we didn't particularly have it CdL-1lzM3CU-00762-00158879-00159078 and largely that was because the CdL-1lzM3CU-00763-00159079-00159302 majority of our sessions didn't rely so CdL-1lzM3CU-00764-00159303-00159511 much on the internet we were using a lot CdL-1lzM3CU-00765-00159512-00159759 more of the group telephone calls so CdL-1lzM3CU-00766-00159760-00159895 that was CdL-1lzM3CU-00767-00159896-00160159 it had positives and negatives and one CdL-1lzM3CU-00768-00160160-00160343 of the negatives was obviously less of CdL-1lzM3CU-00769-00160344-00160559 an ability to interact through multi CdL-1lzM3CU-00770-00160560-00160807 forums but it did also eliminate some of CdL-1lzM3CU-00771-00160808-00161063 the bilateral conversations but also CdL-1lzM3CU-00772-00161064-00161278 eliminated some of that risk CdL-1lzM3CU-00773-00161279-00161463 but it is something here in lebanon that CdL-1lzM3CU-00774-00161464-00161702 we've been looking at not just at a drc CdL-1lzM3CU-00775-00161703-00161966 level but at you know a sector level in CdL-1lzM3CU-00776-00161967-00162143 terms of we do know that a lot of the CdL-1lzM3CU-00777-00162144-00162335 benefits of the remote modalities of CdL-1lzM3CU-00778-00162336-00162631 moving things online will continue to be CdL-1lzM3CU-00779-00162632-00162831 um prioritized for both the CdL-1lzM3CU-00780-00162832-00163078 the pss um and life skills but also for CdL-1lzM3CU-00781-00163079-00163247 education actors so it's definitely an CdL-1lzM3CU-00782-00163248-00163383 area that's getting more and more CdL-1lzM3CU-00783-00163384-00163607 attention as well as something to watch CdL-1lzM3CU-00784-00163608-00163943 out for CdL-1lzM3CU-00785-00163944-00164214 amazing that's really i mean this is all CdL-1lzM3CU-00786-00164215-00164454 super interesting and super fascinating CdL-1lzM3CU-00787-00164455-00164702 i think for the the last question and CdL-1lzM3CU-00788-00164703-00164966 it's less so a question but more of a CdL-1lzM3CU-00789-00164967-00165407 of a request is i'd love to hear from CdL-1lzM3CU-00790-00165408-00165566 each presenter CdL-1lzM3CU-00791-00165567-00165878 what's one key recommendation for really CdL-1lzM3CU-00792-00165879-00166031 strong life skills programming during CdL-1lzM3CU-00793-00166032-00166223 copic 19. CdL-1lzM3CU-00794-00166224-00166766 i'll hand it over to lisa and mace first CdL-1lzM3CU-00795-00166767-00167102 well this is a really tricky and CdL-1lzM3CU-00796-00167103-00167271 interesting question CdL-1lzM3CU-00797-00167272-00167431 well i would say CdL-1lzM3CU-00798-00167432-00167566 maybe this CdL-1lzM3CU-00799-00167567-00167743 um CdL-1lzM3CU-00800-00167744-00168038 the small human interaction that we have CdL-1lzM3CU-00801-00168039-00168414 to appreciate that and to give it uh CdL-1lzM3CU-00802-00168415-00168543 yeah CdL-1lzM3CU-00803-00168544-00168743 all the energy simply CdL-1lzM3CU-00804-00168744-00169047 uh and also when we have the time to CdL-1lzM3CU-00805-00169048-00169326 meet others to to keep distance and to CdL-1lzM3CU-00806-00169327-00169607 try also to play and to have this CdL-1lzM3CU-00807-00169608-00169902 interaction as much as possible CdL-1lzM3CU-00808-00169903-00170054 i would not say that there are so many CdL-1lzM3CU-00809-00170055-00170238 negative things there are also so many CdL-1lzM3CU-00810-00170239-00170471 positive things and to learn from them CdL-1lzM3CU-00811-00170472-00170735 and to see how we can take those CdL-1lzM3CU-00812-00170736-00171014 challenges and try to see the positive CdL-1lzM3CU-00813-00171015-00171247 things in that um CdL-1lzM3CU-00814-00171248-00171463 as i mentioned like you see you still CdL-1lzM3CU-00815-00171464-00171702 can see some opportunities in those CdL-1lzM3CU-00816-00171703-00171943 small challenges and to focus on that CdL-1lzM3CU-00817-00171944-00172247 and then afterwards to be proud of it CdL-1lzM3CU-00818-00172248-00172326 and CdL-1lzM3CU-00819-00172327-00172687 yeah reward yourself simply CdL-1lzM3CU-00820-00172688-00172935 i don't know lisa it's yeah CdL-1lzM3CU-00821-00172936-00173175 i think i took this question also on a CdL-1lzM3CU-00822-00173176-00173447 personal level so yes CdL-1lzM3CU-00823-00173448-00173671 i'll pass it to you lisa CdL-1lzM3CU-00824-00173672-00173854 one strong recommendation i will have CdL-1lzM3CU-00825-00173855-00174054 for anyone facilitating life skills in CdL-1lzM3CU-00826-00174055-00174190 profit 19 CdL-1lzM3CU-00827-00174191-00174454 is uh for the person to be seriously CdL-1lzM3CU-00828-00174455-00174695 playful uh that is also part of CdL-1lzM3CU-00829-00174696-00175023 self-care and then having your own self CdL-1lzM3CU-00830-00175024-00175319 supported by yourself psychologically or CdL-1lzM3CU-00831-00175320-00175526 psychosocially so that's very important CdL-1lzM3CU-00832-00175527-00175759 to keep that in mind and that the CdL-1lzM3CU-00833-00175760-00175975 learnings the sessions are not just for CdL-1lzM3CU-00834-00175976-00176159 the adolescents but we ourselves can CdL-1lzM3CU-00835-00176160-00176366 pick lessons out of it so that would be CdL-1lzM3CU-00836-00176367-00176519 a strong recommendation for any CdL-1lzM3CU-00837-00176520-00176790 facilitator to see it as a shared CdL-1lzM3CU-00838-00176791-00177023 learning and not like an instructor CdL-1lzM3CU-00839-00177024-00177343 tutorial process thank you CdL-1lzM3CU-00840-00177344-00177519 ryan would be one your one piece of CdL-1lzM3CU-00841-00177520-00177783 advice CdL-1lzM3CU-00842-00177784-00178063 um i think for me it's to definitely any CdL-1lzM3CU-00843-00178064-00178359 adaptations that are being made um and CdL-1lzM3CU-00844-00178360-00178543 all that need to continue to be made is CdL-1lzM3CU-00845-00178544-00178823 really to take um some of the the CdL-1lzM3CU-00846-00178824-00178990 guidance and leadership from the actual CdL-1lzM3CU-00847-00178991-00179183 communities that are being served by the CdL-1lzM3CU-00848-00179184-00179390 programming themselves i think that's CdL-1lzM3CU-00849-00179391-00179575 really so great that we can have the CdL-1lzM3CU-00850-00179576-00179790 opportunity to share experiences across CdL-1lzM3CU-00851-00179791-00180031 countries and across regions um and to CdL-1lzM3CU-00852-00180032-00180238 really before implementing and while CdL-1lzM3CU-00853-00180239-00180414 during implementing just ensuring that CdL-1lzM3CU-00854-00180415-00180647 that feedback is always there so that CdL-1lzM3CU-00855-00180648-00180795 there it can be they're purely CdL-1lzM3CU-00856-00180796-00181038 contextualized to to the communities CdL-1lzM3CU-00857-00181039-00181199 being served so that it does promote the CdL-1lzM3CU-00858-00181200-00181414 maximum amount of engagement um and so CdL-1lzM3CU-00859-00181415-00181607 that the the messaging and the delivery CdL-1lzM3CU-00860-00181608-00181863 can be the best understood and have the CdL-1lzM3CU-00861-00181864-00182287 yeah the longest uh sort of impact CdL-1lzM3CU-00862-00182288-00182471 that's great um advice and i feel like CdL-1lzM3CU-00863-00182472-00182671 that is one of the really key findings CdL-1lzM3CU-00864-00182672-00182854 or one of the key things that we have CdL-1lzM3CU-00865-00182855-00183063 learned during coleman 19 is just how CdL-1lzM3CU-00866-00183064-00183343 important it is to engage with and CdL-1lzM3CU-00867-00183344-00183526 and work with the communities that we're CdL-1lzM3CU-00868-00183527-00183719 we're trying to support and you know CdL-1lzM3CU-00869-00183720-00183854 really build on their knowledge and CdL-1lzM3CU-00870-00183855-00184063 expertise as we come to the closing of CdL-1lzM3CU-00871-00184064-00184183 our time together we would like to CdL-1lzM3CU-00872-00184184-00184399 extend our thanks to our wonderful panel CdL-1lzM3CU-00873-00184400-00184759 presenters to all of you for um joining CdL-1lzM3CU-00874-00184760-00185063 us today to the alliance to the end to CdL-1lzM3CU-00875-00185064-00185278 bha for their support CdL-1lzM3CU-00876-00185279-00185438 from all of us at the alliance thank you CdL-1lzM3CU-00877-00185439-00185755 and goodbye Ce4k-6FMUqQ-00000-00000006-00000234 foreign Ce4k-6FMUqQ-00001-00000235-00001125 [Music] Ce4k-6FMUqQ-00002-00001126-00001384 [Applause] Ce4k-6FMUqQ-00003-00001385-00001823 [Music] Ce4k-6FMUqQ-00004-00001825-00002217 [Applause] Ce4k-6FMUqQ-00005-00002218-00004646 [Music] Ce4k-6FMUqQ-00006-00004647-00004894 [Applause] Ce4k-6FMUqQ-00007-00004895-00005785 [Music] Ce4k-6FMUqQ-00008-00005786-00006082 thank you Ce4k-6FMUqQ-00009-00006083-00007360 [Music] Ce4k-6FMUqQ-00010-00007361-00007691 foreign Ce4k-6FMUqQ-00012-00011382-00011747 foreign Ce4k-6FMUqQ-00014-00015416-00015955 thank you Ce4k-6FMUqQ-00015-00015956-00016605 [Music] Ce4k-6FMUqQ-00016-00016606-00017621 [Music] Ce4k-6FMUqQ-00017-00017622-00017906 foreign Ce-5CoQXnlI-00000-00000006-00000238 we will begin this factoring problem in Ce-5CoQXnlI-00001-00000239-00000503 a typical fashion by setting up two Ce-5CoQXnlI-00002-00000504-00000944 binomials both the coefficient of the x Ce-5CoQXnlI-00003-00000944-00001202 squared term in the constant term are Ce-5CoQXnlI-00004-00001203-00001516 both 1 which only has one factor which Ce-5CoQXnlI-00005-00001517-00001766 is 1 in 1 now we just need to determine Ce-5CoQXnlI-00006-00001767-00002057 the signs minus sign we'll get it done Ce-5CoQXnlI-00007-00002058-00002492 for both and that is our final form and Ce-5CoQXnlI-00008-00002493-00002728 that's it Cf5uXr-irtc-00000-00000045-00000883 [Music] Cf5uXr-irtc-00001-00000884-00001104 hurt me Cf5uXr-irtc-00002-00001105-00003304 [Music] Cf5uXr-irtc-00003-00003305-00003556 welcome to Wild of the world and in the Cf5uXr-irtc-00004-00003557-00003767 last episodes you already saw us making Cf5uXr-irtc-00005-00003768-00004013 a trip through Asia and ending up in Cf5uXr-irtc-00006-00004014-00004241 West Malaysia and this is the most Cf5uXr-irtc-00007-00004242-00004409 beautiful island that you can find here Cf5uXr-irtc-00008-00004410-00004631 it's Langkawi and I'm gonna turn it Cf5uXr-irtc-00009-00004632-00004956 inside out let's go Cf5uXr-irtc-00010-00004957-00005225 together with Pangea travel we already Cf5uXr-irtc-00011-00005226-00005488 saw a lot of Malaysia from The Busy Cf5uXr-irtc-00012-00005489-00005704 Kuala Lumpur to the Jungle of Tamo Cf5uXr-irtc-00013-00005705-00005973 negara Cf5uXr-irtc-00014-00005974-00006145 [Music] Cf5uXr-irtc-00015-00006146-00006395 and from a cup of tea in the Cameron Cf5uXr-irtc-00016-00006396-00006628 Highlands to Colonial Penang Cf5uXr-irtc-00017-00006629-00006823 with me Cf5uXr-irtc-00018-00006823-00007320 I'm better on the other side Cf5uXr-irtc-00019-00007322-00007613 so flying from Penang to langavi is Cf5uXr-irtc-00020-00007614-00007781 really fun because after 50 minutes when Cf5uXr-irtc-00021-00007781-00007960 the seat belt signs are finally off you Cf5uXr-irtc-00022-00007961-00008105 get to put it back on again because the Cf5uXr-irtc-00023-00008106-00008309 total flight's like half an hour but now Cf5uXr-irtc-00024-00008310-00008513 we are in Holiday Villa Beach on Cf5uXr-irtc-00025-00008514-00008976 Langkawi and this is the room Cf5uXr-irtc-00026-00008977-00010573 [Music] Cf5uXr-irtc-00027-00010574-00010864 on the island Langkawi we will stay in Cf5uXr-irtc-00028-00010865-00011038 two different hotels and the first one Cf5uXr-irtc-00029-00011039-00011309 is way down on the southern tip with a Cf5uXr-irtc-00030-00011310-00011501 beautiful garden and nice views over the Cf5uXr-irtc-00031-00011502-00011687 ocean and the surrounding Islands so Cf5uXr-irtc-00032-00011688-00011891 before we go and explore Langkawi I Cf5uXr-irtc-00033-00011892-00012064 wanted to show you the view with the Cf5uXr-irtc-00034-00012065-00012234 Drone from the sky Cf5uXr-irtc-00035-00012235-00012469 [Music] Cf5uXr-irtc-00036-00012470-00012773 the island of Langkawi is about 500 Cf5uXr-irtc-00037-00012774-00013013 square kilometers big and is inhibited Cf5uXr-irtc-00038-00013013-00013394 by a hundred thousand people Cf5uXr-irtc-00039-00013394-00013468 [Applause] Cf5uXr-irtc-00040-00013469-00013684 [Music] Cf5uXr-irtc-00041-00013685-00013957 [Applause] Cf5uXr-irtc-00042-00013958-00014315 in total this group of islands has 99 of Cf5uXr-irtc-00043-00014316-00014585 which most are uninhibited this spot in Cf5uXr-irtc-00044-00014586-00014788 Holiday Villa Beach is in the middle of Cf5uXr-irtc-00045-00014790-00015444 nature on this relaxed Island Cf5uXr-irtc-00046-00015445-00015701 what an island guys and to explore Cf5uXr-irtc-00047-00015702-00015886 Langkawi a little bit better I think you Cf5uXr-irtc-00048-00015887-00016103 need a rental car we rented one and Cf5uXr-irtc-00049-00016104-00016216 today we're gonna make a little tour Cf5uXr-irtc-00050-00016218-00016391 around the island the most you can drive Cf5uXr-irtc-00051-00016392-00016672 here is about an hour and on 30 minutes Cf5uXr-irtc-00052-00016673-00016883 drive you will find one of the most Cf5uXr-irtc-00053-00016884-00017050 beautiful sides of the island and it's Cf5uXr-irtc-00054-00017051-00017261 Unique for the entire world I promise Cf5uXr-irtc-00055-00017262-00017335 you Cf5uXr-irtc-00056-00017336-00017627 you can get a car on Langkawi for about Cf5uXr-irtc-00057-00017628-00017885 25 bucks a day and the roads are Cf5uXr-irtc-00058-00017886-00018077 remarkably quiet when compared to Cf5uXr-irtc-00059-00018078-00018286 Thailand or Bali for example Cf5uXr-irtc-00060-00018287-00018579 foreign Cf5uXr-irtc-00061-00018580-00018791 [Applause] Cf5uXr-irtc-00062-00018792-00018989 this special place I was referring to Cf5uXr-irtc-00063-00018990-00019211 and which we visit today is called Kilim Cf5uXr-irtc-00064-00019212-00019444 geoforce Park it's like a mangrove Cf5uXr-irtc-00065-00019445-00019672 forest combined with super huge karst Cf5uXr-irtc-00066-00019673-00019847 mountains that rise high above the water Cf5uXr-irtc-00067-00019848-00020153 about 500 million years old and we're Cf5uXr-irtc-00068-00020154-00020285 gonna make a little boat trip today Cf5uXr-irtc-00069-00020286-00020603 along the caves Eagles the waters and Cf5uXr-irtc-00070-00020604-00020771 the cars Mountains for about two hours Cf5uXr-irtc-00071-00020772-00021058 and it's all UNESCO world heritage so Cf5uXr-irtc-00072-00021059-00021475 let's see Cf5uXr-irtc-00073-00021476-00022348 [Music] Cf5uXr-irtc-00074-00022349-00023263 [Music] Cf5uXr-irtc-00075-00023264-00023489 a private boat for the whole afternoon Cf5uXr-irtc-00076-00023490-00023771 costs us about 50 bucks and it's worth Cf5uXr-irtc-00077-00023772-00024017 it because look at this guys this is Cf5uXr-irtc-00078-00024018-00024180 what we came for Cf5uXr-irtc-00079-00024181-00024449 [Music] Cf5uXr-irtc-00080-00024450-00024643 foreign Cf5uXr-irtc-00081-00024644-00025339 [Music] Cf5uXr-irtc-00082-00025340-00025678 the Limestone mountains are impressive Cf5uXr-irtc-00083-00025679-00025912 but there are also many mysterious caves Cf5uXr-irtc-00084-00025913-00026128 and wild animals along the way we will Cf5uXr-irtc-00085-00026129-00026327 make several stops to find some Hidden Cf5uXr-irtc-00086-00026327-00028224 Treasures Cf5uXr-irtc-00087-00028225-00028546 wow guys how exciting the first stop is Cf5uXr-irtc-00088-00028547-00028944 a bat cave and they're all around us Cf5uXr-irtc-00089-00028945-00029910 [Music] Cf5uXr-irtc-00090-00029911-00030835 [Music] Cf5uXr-irtc-00091-00030836-00030970 thank you Cf5uXr-irtc-00092-00030972-00032533 [Music] Cf5uXr-irtc-00093-00032533-00032795 we're sailing on to the next cave which Cf5uXr-irtc-00094-00032796-00033071 is the crocodile cave and this area guys Cf5uXr-irtc-00095-00033072-00033397 is a natural phenomenon Cf5uXr-irtc-00096-00033398-00033799 [Music] Cf5uXr-irtc-00097-00033800-00034073 the crocodile cave is named after the Cf5uXr-irtc-00098-00034074-00034271 entrance that resembles the mouth of a Cf5uXr-irtc-00099-00034272-00034474 crocodile and not because there are real Cf5uXr-irtc-00100-00034475-00035268 crocodiles here I'm sorry Cf5uXr-irtc-00101-00035269-00036102 [Music] Cf5uXr-irtc-00102-00036103-00036395 thank you Cf5uXr-irtc-00103-00036396-00036611 our next stop is very special as well Cf5uXr-irtc-00104-00036612-00036833 because this is a floating fish farm so Cf5uXr-irtc-00105-00036834-00036995 they have all the local fish from around Cf5uXr-irtc-00106-00036996-00037223 here and they're doing the breeding on a Cf5uXr-irtc-00107-00037224-00037861 raft Cf5uXr-irtc-00108-00037862-00038111 when we arrived they are just feeding Cf5uXr-irtc-00109-00038112-00038362 the race but they also have large sea Cf5uXr-irtc-00110-00038363-00038647 bass and other predatory fish Cf5uXr-irtc-00111-00038648-00039030 [Music] Cf5uXr-irtc-00112-00039031-00039293 so we sealed a bit through the geoforest Cf5uXr-irtc-00113-00039294-00039461 park and on the other side we're almost Cf5uXr-irtc-00114-00039462-00039635 in Thailand because over there is the Cf5uXr-irtc-00115-00039636-00039851 border between Malaysia and Thailand and Cf5uXr-irtc-00116-00039852-00040030 on the way we saw this amazing spot Cf5uXr-irtc-00117-00040031-00040312 where hundreds of eagles flew around the Cf5uXr-irtc-00118-00040313-00040511 boat and I caught a lot of them on Cf5uXr-irtc-00119-00040512-00040840 camera so here are the images Cf5uXr-irtc-00120-00040841-00041629 [Music] Cf5uXr-irtc-00121-00041630-00041927 yes guys this is also something unique Cf5uXr-irtc-00122-00041928-00042137 that I've never seen before we see Cf5uXr-irtc-00123-00042138-00042395 hundreds of eagles and watch them fly in Cf5uXr-irtc-00124-00042396-00042868 slow motion Cf5uXr-irtc-00125-00042869-00043469 understand Cf5uXr-irtc-00126-00043470-00045385 [Music] Cf5uXr-irtc-00127-00045386-00045611 to sail back through the impressive Cf5uXr-irtc-00128-00045612-00045857 landscape for some more Adventure Cf5uXr-irtc-00129-00045858-00045983 [Music] Cf5uXr-irtc-00130-00045984-00047161 foreign Cf5uXr-irtc-00131-00047162-00047940 [Music] Cf5uXr-irtc-00132-00047941-00048227 is full of monkeys and you can see that Cf5uXr-irtc-00133-00048228-00048443 when you drive around here we come home Cf5uXr-irtc-00134-00048444-00048646 for a quick dip and then we're out for a Cf5uXr-irtc-00135-00048647-00048901 fancy dinner Cf5uXr-irtc-00136-00048902-00050035 [Music] Cf5uXr-irtc-00137-00050036-00050290 the sun is shining and it's another day Cf5uXr-irtc-00138-00050291-00050518 in paradise guys and on days like these Cf5uXr-irtc-00139-00050519-00050705 I'd like to explore the most beautiful Cf5uXr-irtc-00140-00050706-00050933 beaches of Langkawi so we're taking the Cf5uXr-irtc-00141-00050934-00051124 car and heading out to one of the most Cf5uXr-irtc-00142-00051125-00051323 secluded beaches surrounded by palm Cf5uXr-irtc-00143-00051324-00051502 trees right in the nature and the other Cf5uXr-irtc-00144-00051503-00051658 one is the main Beach the most popular Cf5uXr-irtc-00145-00051659-00051844 one which we also want to see of course Cf5uXr-irtc-00146-00051845-00052992 let's go Cf5uXr-irtc-00147-00052994-00053249 it's easy to find the way because the Cf5uXr-irtc-00148-00053250-00053429 increasing numbers of monkeys shows us Cf5uXr-irtc-00149-00053429-00054209 that we're going into nature Cf5uXr-irtc-00150-00054210-00054466 so after driving half an hour up north Cf5uXr-irtc-00151-00054467-00054676 we made it to the most perfect beach I Cf5uXr-irtc-00152-00054677-00054929 was talking about this is Ponte pasir Cf5uXr-irtc-00153-00054929-00055144 tenkorak right in the middle of nature Cf5uXr-irtc-00154-00055145-00055349 that's the Malaysian name but in English Cf5uXr-irtc-00155-00055350-00055691 it's Sandy skulls Beach Sandy skulls Cf5uXr-irtc-00156-00055691-00055888 what a weird name right for such a Cf5uXr-irtc-00157-00055889-00056217 paradise-like place Cf5uXr-irtc-00158-00056219-00057769 [Music] Cf5uXr-irtc-00159-00057770-00058042 our beach is in an area with more of Cf5uXr-irtc-00160-00058044-00058325 these secluded Bounty beaches Langkawi Cf5uXr-irtc-00161-00058326-00058535 is still remarkably untouched despite Cf5uXr-irtc-00162-00058536-00058662 the tourism Cf5uXr-irtc-00163-00058663-00059400 [Music] Cf5uXr-irtc-00164-00059401-00059966 thank you Cf5uXr-irtc-00165-00059966-00061366 [Music] Cf5uXr-irtc-00166-00061367-00061630 we hit the brakes for this giant monitor Cf5uXr-irtc-00167-00061632-00061975 lizard Cf5uXr-irtc-00168-00061976-00062200 the biggest and the most popular Beach Cf5uXr-irtc-00169-00062201-00062399 that you can find on Langkawi is named Cf5uXr-irtc-00170-00062400-00062597 pentai senang and that's where we are Cf5uXr-irtc-00171-00062598-00062776 today in the afternoon to have some Cf5uXr-irtc-00172-00062777-00062999 lunch make a nice walk enjoy your swim Cf5uXr-irtc-00173-00063000-00063226 everything you can do around here Cf5uXr-irtc-00174-00063227-00063374 I love it Cf5uXr-irtc-00175-00063375-00064014 [Music] Cf5uXr-irtc-00176-00064015-00064834 [Music] Cf5uXr-irtc-00177-00064835-00065129 [Applause] Cf5uXr-irtc-00178-00065130-00065485 [Music] Cf5uXr-irtc-00179-00065486-00065793 inside you Cf5uXr-irtc-00180-00065794-00066149 [Music] Cf5uXr-irtc-00181-00066150-00066437 today we leave planet Earth behind and Cf5uXr-irtc-00182-00066438-00066743 we go to heaven three houses in the Cf5uXr-irtc-00183-00066744-00067103 jungle yes please Cf5uXr-irtc-00184-00067104-00067313 we saved the best for last guys because Cf5uXr-irtc-00185-00067314-00067565 we switch hotels one last time here on Cf5uXr-irtc-00186-00067566-00067732 Langkawi we go to the most beautiful Cf5uXr-irtc-00187-00067733-00067985 Resort on the island and maybe in entire Cf5uXr-irtc-00188-00067986-00068255 Malaysia this is Berjaya Resort and the Cf5uXr-irtc-00189-00068256-00068488 houses here are built on stilts in the Cf5uXr-irtc-00190-00068489-00068687 jungle and on the water so this is the Cf5uXr-irtc-00191-00068688-00068899 room and I'll show you our view later Cf5uXr-irtc-00192-00068900-00069305 it's awesome Cf5uXr-irtc-00193-00069306-00070292 foreign Cf5uXr-irtc-00194-00070293-00070828 [Music] Cf5uXr-irtc-00195-00070829-00071023 [Music] Cf5uXr-irtc-00196-00071024-00071249 makes this one of the most beautiful Cf5uXr-irtc-00197-00071250-00071531 places I have ever slept right in the Cf5uXr-irtc-00198-00071532-00071980 middle of natural Paradise Cf5uXr-irtc-00199-00071981-00072224 [Applause] Cf5uXr-irtc-00200-00072225-00072671 [Music] Cf5uXr-irtc-00201-00072672-00072838 what do you think about the pool guys Cf5uXr-irtc-00202-00072839-00073061 and I got it all to myself Cf5uXr-irtc-00203-00073062-00074447 [Music] Cf5uXr-irtc-00204-00074448-00074638 let me show you guys the inside of our Cf5uXr-irtc-00205-00074639-00075141 luxurious cabin Cf5uXr-irtc-00206-00075142-00075953 [Music] Cf5uXr-irtc-00207-00075954-00076163 of course the surrounding nature is Cf5uXr-irtc-00208-00076164-00076361 incredible and the views over the ocean Cf5uXr-irtc-00209-00076362-00076619 and in the jungle are great but what I Cf5uXr-irtc-00210-00076620-00076823 really like about this Resort are the Cf5uXr-irtc-00211-00076824-00077021 animals we saw a lot of monkeys and Cf5uXr-irtc-00212-00077022-00077267 hornbills from up close Cf5uXr-irtc-00213-00077268-00078331 [Music] Cf5uXr-irtc-00214-00078332-00078611 this family of spectacled langurst hangs Cf5uXr-irtc-00215-00078612-00078779 around the beach for a day just like us Cf5uXr-irtc-00216-00078780-00078993 look at the baby Cf5uXr-irtc-00217-00078994-00079693 [Music] Cf5uXr-irtc-00218-00079694-00079955 and I've also never seen so many Cf5uXr-irtc-00219-00079956-00080194 hornbills they fly off and on all day Cf5uXr-irtc-00220-00080195-00080577 long Cf5uXr-irtc-00221-00080578-00080875 [Music] Cf5uXr-irtc-00222-00080876-00081138 thank you Cf5uXr-irtc-00223-00081139-00081449 tonight we have something to celebrate Cf5uXr-irtc-00224-00081450-00081974 because it's susa's birthday Cf5uXr-irtc-00225-00081975-00084025 [Music] Cf5uXr-irtc-00226-00084026-00084499 bye baby Cf5uXr-irtc-00227-00084500-00084779 that's about it guys for this episode I Cf5uXr-irtc-00228-00084780-00084935 hope you enjoyed it just as much as we Cf5uXr-irtc-00229-00084936-00085097 did and for the last couple of days Cf5uXr-irtc-00230-00085098-00085367 we'll just chill X at this Resort I hope Cf5uXr-irtc-00231-00085368-00085517 you liked it we're going on to the next Cf5uXr-irtc-00232-00085518-00085769 adventure and it will be Australia so Cf5uXr-irtc-00233-00085770-00085944 I'm gonna see you there Cf5uXr-irtc-00234-00085945-00086219 oh wait we got a little bucket list stop Cf5uXr-irtc-00235-00086220-00086309 over Cf5uXr-irtc-00236-00086310-00086767 [Music] Cf5uXr-irtc-00237-00086768-00087100 wow guys how is this for a bucket list Cf5uXr-irtc-00238-00087101-00087382 item I never slept on an airport before Cf5uXr-irtc-00239-00087383-00087647 right on the airport we just came off a Cf5uXr-irtc-00240-00087648-00087803 flight and before we take the next one Cf5uXr-irtc-00241-00087804-00088000 tomorrow to Australia we're staying in Cf5uXr-irtc-00242-00088001-00088253 samasama hotel on Kuala Lumpur Airport Cf5uXr-irtc-00243-00088254-00088511 and check this room Cf5uXr-irtc-00244-00088512-00088679 I think sleeping is going to be fine Cf5uXr-irtc-00245-00088680-00088916 here Cf5uXr-irtc-00246-00088917-00089668 [Music] Cf5uXr-irtc-00247-00089669-00089903 let's watch kangaroos Australian Vibes Cf5uXr-irtc-00248-00089904-00090143 and above all unique places during our Cf5uXr-irtc-00249-00090144-00090317 road trip along the west coast of Cf5uXr-irtc-00250-00090318-00090482 Australia Cf5uXr-irtc-00251-00090483-00091017 [Music] Cf5uXr-irtc-00252-00091018-00091500 [Music] Cf5uXr-irtc-00253-00091501-00091787 like the episode And subscribe to travel Cf5uXr-irtc-00254-00091788-00091943 along ciao Cf5uXr-irtc-00255-00091944-00092009 foreign Cf5uXr-irtc-00256-00092010-00093245 [Music] Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00000-00000017-00000340 this is a list of Indian breads Indian Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00001-00000341-00000563 breads are a wide variety of flat breads Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00002-00000564-00000757 and crepes which are an integral part of Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00003-00000758-00001040 Indian cuisine their variation reflects Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00004-00001041-00001247 the diversity of Indian culture food Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00005-00001248-00001549 habits and geography the staple and most Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00006-00001550-00001796 simple Indian bread is the roti most Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00007-00001797-00001976 Indian breads are flat breads that are Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00008-00001977-00002150 made from wheat flours such as add a Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00009-00002151-00002350 flour and made a flour except in the Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00010-00002351-00002546 South where rice flour is used since Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00011-00002547-00002852 rice is the staple food there Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00012-00002853-00003128 topic indian breads a p'm type of South Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00013-00003129-00003347 Indian pancake made with fermented rice Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00014-00003347-00003590 batter and coconut milk back Shalu made Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00015-00003590-00003842 of maida chana dal sugar jaggery from Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00016-00003843-00004036 the cuisine of Telangana specially Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00017-00004038-00004163 prepared for the Ugadi Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00018-00004164-00004397 Telugu new year festival bottie heart Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00019-00004398-00004574 unleavened bread cooked in the desert Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00020-00004575-00004829 areas of Rajasthan and in Uttar Pradesh Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00021-00004830-00005063 and Madhya Pradesh Bakri round flat Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00022-00005064-00005249 unleavened bread often used in the Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00023-00005250-00005450 cuisine of the state of Maharashtra in Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00024-00005451-00005678 India but is also common in Western and Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00025-00005679-00005885 Central India especially in the states Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00026-00005886-00006158 of Rajasthan Gujarat mawa Goa and Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00027-00006159-00006437 northern Karnataka the torah' fluffy Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00028-00006438-00006608 deep-fried leavened bread from North Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00029-00006609-00006878 India chapati unleavened flatbread also Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00030-00006879-00007058 known as Rohde from India Nepal Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00031-00007059-00007298 Bangladesh and Pakistan which is baked Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00032-00007298-00007570 on a hot surface it is a common staple Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00033-00007572-00007795 food in India chila crepes made from Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00034-00007797-00007984 batter of varying ingredients in North Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00035-00007986-00008216 India ingredients usually include pulse Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00036-00008217-00008474 dal flour wheat flour and sometimes Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00037-00008475-00008741 finely chopped vegetables chicken Lee Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00038-00008742-00008951 spicy wheat dish common in southern Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00039-00008952-00009184 andhra pradesh in parts of maharashtra Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00040-00009185-00009455 Charl yeah a thin pancake like bread Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00041-00009456-00009656 made by spreading a batter on a hot pan Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00042-00009657-00009851 in a pattern to make net like shape once Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00043-00009852-00010130 cooked chilly para de essentially a Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00044-00010131-00010325 plain paratha shredded into small Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00045-00010326-00010541 bite-sized pieces mixed with sauteed Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00046-00010542-00010787 onions tomatoes and chili powder dal Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00047-00010788-00011027 puri fried flatbread from West Bengal Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00048-00011028-00011203 and Odisha where the dough is filled Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00049-00011204-00011369 with cooked and spiced Collard all Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00050-00011370-00011696 Bengali lentil popular as a breakfast Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00051-00011697-00011966 food debora made with pearl millet bajra Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00052-00011967-00012146 flour often flavoured with fenugreek Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00053-00012147-00012401 leaf methi dosa fermented crepe or Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00054-00012402-00012608 pancake made from rice batter and black Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00055-00012609-00012893 lentils it is a staple dish in South Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00056-00012894-00013115 Indian states of Karnataka Tamil Nadu Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00057-00013116-00013447 Andhra Pradesh in Kerala masala dosa Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00058-00013448-00013718 dosas stuffed with fried potato spices Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00059-00013719-00013928 and onions Ben dosa type of dosa which Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00060-00013929-00014162 traces its origin from the city of Diwan Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00061-00014163-00014408 Jer in Karnataka rava dosa crepe of Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00062-00014409-00014621 south India near dosa crepe prepared Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00063-00014622-00014869 from rice batter it is light type of Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00064-00014870-00015125 dosa idli rice and fermented black Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00065-00015126-00015308 lentil batter that is steamed rava idli Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00066-00015309-00015515 variation of Italy made with semolina Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00067-00015516-00015805 rava Kotori unleavened deep fried bread Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00068-00015806-00015988 with lentils filling khakhra thin Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00069-00015990-00016229 crackers made from Matt bean wheat flour Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00070-00016230-00016442 in oil kulcha leavened bread eaten in Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00071-00016443-00016664 India and Pakistan made from maida flour Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00072-00016665-00016931 wheat flour lucci deep-fried flatbread Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00073-00016932-00017141 from Bengal similar to Puri but made Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00074-00017142-00017405 with maida flour instead of a de non Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00075-00017406-00017630 oven baked leavened flatbread keema non Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00076-00017631-00017843 non stuffed with minced meat papadum Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00077-00017844-00018044 thin crisp disc shaped Indian food Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00078-00018045-00018254 typically based on a seasoned dough made Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00079-00018255-00018467 from black gram you're add flour fried Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00080-00018468-00018674 or cooked with dry heat paratha layered Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00081-00018675-00018838 or stuffed flatbread from North India Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00082-00018839-00019022 traditionally made from whole wheat Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00083-00019023-00019208 flour by baking with oil on a hot Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00084-00019209-00019493 surface aloo paratha Gobi paratha Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00085-00019494-00019691 launched a paratha perotta layered Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00086-00019692-00019895 flatbread of Kerala and some parts of Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00087-00019896-00020087 southern India notably in Tamil Nadu Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00088-00020088-00020291 made from maida flour posh deep Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00089-00020292-00020513 flatbread prepared with rice flour and Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00090-00020514-00020741 pan-fried in Gita Theory pancake made of Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00091-00020742-00020972 rice flour posada abom unleavened Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00092-00020973-00021185 Passover bread made by the Saint Thomas Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00093-00021186-00021368 Christians also known as Syrian Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00094-00021369-00021563 Christians earnest ronnie of Kerala Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00095-00021564-00021772 India to be served on Passover night Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00096-00021773-00022016 pesarattu crepe like bread that is Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00097-00022017-00022246 similar to dosa made out of mung daal Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00098-00022247-00022553 Fuuka see chapati pita pizza type of Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00099-00022554-00022775 cake made from fermented rice batter dim Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00100-00022776-00023044 sum or bread common in Bengal Assam in Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00101-00023045-00023438 Orissa till peetha dry powdered rice Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00102-00023439-00023627 cakes with sesame seeds and jaggery Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00103-00023628-00024001 filling Assam Puli pizza from Bengal Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00104-00024002-00024368 potash Opta from van gaal cheeto eat Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00105-00024369-00024719 pizza from Bengal Joel pizza from Bengal Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00106-00024720-00024919 pita made from fermented rice batter Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00107-00024920-00025115 mixed with sliced green chilly and Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00108-00025116-00025258 coriander leaves Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00109-00025259-00025565 Nariko pita dry powdered rice cakes with Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00110-00025566-00025739 grated and sweetened coconut filling Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00111-00025739-00026145 Assam manda pita steamed pita Orissa Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00112-00026147-00026498 kakera pita Orissa / and Puli Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00113-00026499-00026831 traditional type of sweet flatbread Puri Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00114-00026832-00027164 unleavened deep-fried bread Radha blobby Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00115-00027164-00027392 fried flatbread similar to dal pari but Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00116-00027393-00027599 the filling consists of urad dal black Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00117-00027600-00027944 lentils instead of collar dal raggy dosa Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00118-00027945-00028292 dosa made out of finger millet roti most Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00119-00028293-00028585 simple and common of all Indian breads Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00120-00028586-00029173 Akki rowdy gelada rowdy Maki D Rho D Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00121-00029174-00029468 raggy rowdy made of raggy finger millet Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00122-00029469-00029620 flora Molly roti Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00123-00029620-00029945 rotlo Bhadra rody a Gujarati staple Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00124-00029945-00030239 bread made of millet flour share mult Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00125-00030239-00030554 saffron flavoured flatbread Taftan Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00126-00030555-00030783 leavened bread from Uttar Pradesh Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00127-00030785-00031007 tandoori roti baked in a clay oven Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00128-00031008-00031289 called a tandoor thicker than a normal Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00129-00031289-00031381 rody Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00130-00031382-00031639 thalipeeth savory multigrain pancakes Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00131-00031641-00031912 popular in western India Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00132-00031913-00032083 uhh de pomme de sel like dish made by Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00133-00032084-00032305 cooking ingredients in a batter Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00134-00032306-00032608 santé spongy rice cake available at goa Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00135-00032609-00032810 made from fermented or unfermented rice Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00136-00032811-00033133 batter with or without sweeteners cory Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00137-00033134-00033349 Roddy crisp dry wafers about one Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00138-00033350-00033533 millimeter thick made from boiled rice Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00139-00033534-00033712 and served along with spicy chicken Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00140-00033713-00034021 curry usually available in a four sized Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00141-00034022-00034252 packs and very popular bread in coastal Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00142-00034253-00034621 Karnataka Lee t li tea along with Choka Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00143-00034622-00034829 is a complete meal originated from the Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00144-00034830-00035023 Indian subcontinent and popular in Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00145-00035024-00035258 Indian states of Bihar Jharkhand parts Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00146-00035259-00035455 of Uttar Pradesh as well as Nepalese Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00147-00035456-00035746 state of my - it is a dough ball made up Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00148-00035747-00035914 of whole wheat flour and stuffed with Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00149-00035915-00036151 satu roasted chickpea flour mixed with Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00150-00036152-00036346 herbs and spices and then roasted over Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00151-00036347-00036562 coal or cow dung cakes or wood then it Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00152-00036563-00036776 is tossed with lots of game although Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00153-00036777-00036976 very often confused with the closely Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00154-00036977-00037192 related Botti it is a completely Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00155-00037193-00037411 different dish in terms of taste texture Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00156-00037412-00037661 and preparation it may be even with Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00157-00037662-00037876 yogurt baigan bharta aloo Barta and Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00158-00037877-00038440 pappad Puli bah - bah - Roo is famous in Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00159-00038441-00038732 himaiayas een it is prepared from soft Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00160-00038733-00038977 needed fermented dough it is almost like Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00161-00038978-00039185 soft bread from inside and crisp outside Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00162-00039186-00039457 it is served with local delicacies of Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00163-00039458-00039889 hamachi edom like madra dal and kata etc Cgg9ZsTZwSy-00164-00039890-00040267 equals equals see also Cie0oXl8l8M-00000-00000889-00001959 [Music] Cie0oXl8l8M-00001-00001960-00002221 hello everybody welcome back to the real Cie0oXl8l8M-00002-00002222-00002569 coffee talk with Tina and Debbie we're Cie0oXl8l8M-00003-00002570-00002755 so excited to see you today Cie0oXl8l8M-00004-00002756-00003019 I've been gone on vacation and allowing Cie0oXl8l8M-00005-00003020-00003201 Debbie to do all the work Cie0oXl8l8M-00006-00003202-00003532 yeah she was so nice today you'll get to Cie0oXl8l8M-00007-00003533-00003679 hear a little bit about our trip to Cie0oXl8l8M-00008-00003679-00003918 Hawaii Hawaii and I'll try to tell you Cie0oXl8l8M-00009-00003919-00004093 some adventures that you could Cie0oXl8l8M-00010-00004094-00004450 participate in but first we're gonna ask Cie0oXl8l8M-00011-00004451-00004696 Debbie what she did do while I was gone Cie0oXl8l8M-00012-00004697-00005053 well while she's off sunning on the Cie0oXl8l8M-00013-00005054-00005368 beach in Hawaii I'm back here in the Cie0oXl8l8M-00014-00005369-00005734 cold with my coat on taking a cell phone Cie0oXl8l8M-00015-00005735-00005992 concealed carry class so we can do some Cie0oXl8l8M-00016-00005993-00006213 research and the fellow that gives that Cie0oXl8l8M-00017-00006214-00006345 class is actually gonna be on the show Cie0oXl8l8M-00018-00006346-00006580 so I had to know a little bit about the Cie0oXl8l8M-00019-00006581-00006771 concealed carry class and I'm gonna tell Cie0oXl8l8M-00020-00006772-00006937 you you're gonna be surprised at some of Cie0oXl8l8M-00021-00006938-00007170 the things we learned really yeah so why Cie0oXl8l8M-00022-00007172-00007405 are you were very exciting well yes and Cie0oXl8l8M-00023-00007406-00007579 I know I need to take it we've discussed Cie0oXl8l8M-00024-00007580-00007726 that and I just couldn't get on the Cie0oXl8l8M-00025-00007727-00007984 schedule for November yeah well just my Cie0oXl8l8M-00026-00007984-00008077 personal opinion Cie0oXl8l8M-00027-00008078-00008569 if anybody that owns weapons which I own Cie0oXl8l8M-00028-00008570-00008755 several and I know some of you know that Cie0oXl8l8M-00029-00008756-00008890 I go hunting a lot and do things like Cie0oXl8l8M-00030-00008891-00009148 that but you should take the class I Cie0oXl8l8M-00031-00009149-00009321 think everybody should take whether they Cie0oXl8l8M-00032-00009322-00009591 carry or not you know that's that's a Cie0oXl8l8M-00033-00009592-00009915 personal decision however if you're Cie0oXl8l8M-00034-00009916-00010216 gonna be hunting or anything I think the Cie0oXl8l8M-00035-00010217-00010462 concealed carry class is very beneficial Cie0oXl8l8M-00036-00010463-00010683 whether you carry a concealed weapon or Cie0oXl8l8M-00037-00010684-00011013 not so when when Darren Gross comes on Cie0oXl8l8M-00038-00011014-00011212 the show from DG Powersports Cie0oXl8l8M-00039-00011213-00011421 he's amazing he's just really good at Cie0oXl8l8M-00040-00011422-00011533 this he's a pretty good guy Cie0oXl8l8M-00041-00011534-00011766 oh I think so I think so so he's we're Cie0oXl8l8M-00042-00011767-00012079 talking about you there so there it's Cie0oXl8l8M-00043-00012080-00012232 gonna be on and he's gonna tell you some Cie0oXl8l8M-00044-00012233-00012469 things about the class and how to sign Cie0oXl8l8M-00045-00012470-00012624 up and the things that are taught there Cie0oXl8l8M-00046-00012625-00012744 and what you're gonna need to know Cie0oXl8l8M-00047-00012745-00012952 before you go and while you're there and Cie0oXl8l8M-00048-00012953-00013188 I just think it's I think is really cool Cie0oXl8l8M-00049-00013190-00013372 although I'm in a coat and freezing to Cie0oXl8l8M-00050-00013372-00013615 death walk she's tanning on the beach I Cie0oXl8l8M-00051-00013616-00013819 was taming on the beach and I was not Cie0oXl8l8M-00052-00013819-00014035 taking the concealed carry class and she Cie0oXl8l8M-00053-00014036-00014310 wasn't doing a story good write a story Cie0oXl8l8M-00054-00014311-00014693 not even a picture enjoy most holiday Cie0oXl8l8M-00055-00014694-00014912 Zig I was even hibernating I just laid Cie0oXl8l8M-00056-00014913-00015104 on the beach of quite a bit but so what Cie0oXl8l8M-00057-00015105-00015266 are some of the cool things that you got Cie0oXl8l8M-00058-00015266-00015469 to do it probably the neatest of course Cie0oXl8l8M-00059-00015471-00015619 our first thing is our mother and Cie0oXl8l8M-00060-00015621-00015749 father-in-law see my mother and Cie0oXl8l8M-00061-00015750-00015926 father-in-law and mom and dad were Cie0oXl8l8M-00062-00015927-00016130 terrific of course how could you not be Cie0oXl8l8M-00063-00016131-00016391 terrific in paradise goodness so we Cie0oXl8l8M-00064-00016392-00016565 started early in the morning and we Cie0oXl8l8M-00065-00016566-00016751 would go hiking we went to the North Cie0oXl8l8M-00066-00016752-00017057 Shore there's hiking and canoeing where Cie0oXl8l8M-00067-00017058-00017381 they live is Hawaii so it's the one of Cie0oXl8l8M-00068-00017382-00017528 the only islands and then maybe the only Cie0oXl8l8M-00069-00017529-00017693 but I don't know that that's way too Cie0oXl8l8M-00070-00017694-00017894 much for me to know but it is one of the Cie0oXl8l8M-00071-00017895-00018158 islands that has rivers on it and you Cie0oXl8l8M-00072-00018159-00018521 can kayak oh so not all of Hawaii has Cie0oXl8l8M-00073-00018522-00018632 that no they don't Cie0oXl8l8M-00074-00018633-00018941 yeah so this one has a river on it and Cie0oXl8l8M-00075-00018942-00019118 we went kayaking but my favorite is Cie0oXl8l8M-00076-00019119-00019352 probably besides seeing the family is Cie0oXl8l8M-00077-00019353-00019604 riding my bicycle so peple had Cie0oXl8l8M-00078-00019605-00019823 everything ready for us and we rode and Cie0oXl8l8M-00079-00019824-00020027 they have a beautiful in Kauai they have Cie0oXl8l8M-00080-00020028-00020225 a beautiful bike path that you just ride Cie0oXl8l8M-00081-00020226-00020534 along the ocean it was super fun I wish Cie0oXl8l8M-00082-00020535-00020783 everybody could just make that plan to Cie0oXl8l8M-00083-00020784-00021094 go and see a man enjoy experience the Cie0oXl8l8M-00084-00021095-00021401 Hawaii or Hawaii Islands I would love to Cie0oXl8l8M-00085-00021402-00021635 do a jumper eventually go to every Cie0oXl8l8M-00086-00021636-00021844 island but I haven't I have not Cie0oXl8l8M-00087-00021845-00022133 accomplished that yet so far I've been Cie0oXl8l8M-00088-00022134-00022436 to Oahu and Kauai and Kauai is my Cie0oXl8l8M-00089-00022437-00022757 favorite it's very rural so it's not the Cie0oXl8l8M-00090-00022758-00022961 hustle and bustle if you want to go out Cie0oXl8l8M-00091-00022962-00023186 dancing and things like that but it's Cie0oXl8l8M-00092-00023187-00023474 very eventful you get up in the morning Cie0oXl8l8M-00093-00023475-00023669 early in the morning and it's dark Cie0oXl8l8M-00094-00023670-00023869 pretty early so you're just ready to Cie0oXl8l8M-00095-00023870-00024128 relax oh I'm so relaxed that I kind of Cie0oXl8l8M-00096-00024129-00024269 keep thinking about all the things I'd Cie0oXl8l8M-00097-00024270-00024641 like to tell you I could go back there Cie0oXl8l8M-00098-00024642-00024890 and sit on the ocean yeah then of course Cie0oXl8l8M-00099-00024891-00025067 you have all your you know your Cie0oXl8l8M-00100-00025068-00025300 mountains and the beautiful waterfalls Cie0oXl8l8M-00101-00025301-00025625 it is simply paradise but you go there Cie0oXl8l8M-00102-00025626-00025892 to relax that's the new place Kauai ston Cie0oXl8l8M-00103-00025893-00026072 a place you would go to have an Cie0oXl8l8M-00104-00026073-00026339 adventure I mean other than a nature Cie0oXl8l8M-00105-00026339-00026681 admit if you're a hiker if you love to Cie0oXl8l8M-00106-00026682-00026960 ride mopeds or they have rentals of Cie0oXl8l8M-00107-00026961-00027233 mopeds and motorcycles but it's still Cie0oXl8l8M-00108-00027233-00027464 not a commercial where you would ride up Cie0oXl8l8M-00109-00027464-00027617 and down a road you're actually going Cie0oXl8l8M-00110-00027618-00027800 places that think they have new Cie0oXl8l8M-00111-00027801-00027962 four-wheelers we didn't do the eight Cie0oXl8l8M-00112-00027963-00028286 but they have ATV tracks and you can go Cie0oXl8l8M-00113-00028287-00028421 out and do that Cie0oXl8l8M-00114-00028422-00028623 the chickens are always the funniest for Cie0oXl8l8M-00115-00028624-00028811 me you know if you've never been took Cie0oXl8l8M-00116-00028812-00029045 Hawaii you don't know but there's Cie0oXl8l8M-00117-00029046-00029270 chickens and they're everywhere and Cie0oXl8l8M-00118-00029270-00029621 free-range free-range chickens so not to Cie0oXl8l8M-00119-00029622-00029817 eat they're just that's their that's Cie0oXl8l8M-00120-00029818-00029976 their habitat that's where they live so Cie0oXl8l8M-00121-00029977-00030255 I always think that's great my favorite Cie0oXl8l8M-00122-00030256-00030492 is to see all the scenes so no it's not Cie0oXl8l8M-00123-00030493-00030686 a place you want to go and you know run Cie0oXl8l8M-00124-00030687-00030879 run run run run you just truly go to Cie0oXl8l8M-00125-00030880-00031136 relax and enjoy the environment and the Cie0oXl8l8M-00126-00031137-00031499 people are fabulous the locals and the Cie0oXl8l8M-00127-00031500-00031640 not locals the people that have moved Cie0oXl8l8M-00128-00031641-00031851 and Swart choose to be there they're Cie0oXl8l8M-00129-00031852-00032079 magnificent we had dinner at different Cie0oXl8l8M-00130-00032080-00032390 places and one of I have to tell you I Cie0oXl8l8M-00131-00032391-00032745 met a new friend and I hope Barbara sees Cie0oXl8l8M-00132-00032745-00032921 this her name is Barbara Cie0oXl8l8M-00133-00032922-00033182 and she told me of a story and I want to Cie0oXl8l8M-00134-00033183-00033342 tell you this for the simple reason of Cie0oXl8l8M-00135-00033343-00033480 all the things we've talked about with Cie0oXl8l8M-00136-00033481-00033758 live love and my company so Barbara told Cie0oXl8l8M-00137-00033759-00033986 us a story back in the 70s she moved to Cie0oXl8l8M-00138-00033987-00034335 Hawaii and it was so interesting I said Cie0oXl8l8M-00139-00034336-00034526 well how did you get this beautiful farm Cie0oXl8l8M-00140-00034527-00034811 I mean she has acres of this great big Cie0oXl8l8M-00141-00034812-00035073 hill and we were just privileged to see Cie0oXl8l8M-00142-00035074-00035333 where she lives and she has a cow and Cie0oXl8l8M-00143-00035334-00035699 this cow actually moves for her to come Cie0oXl8l8M-00144-00035700-00035967 out and feed it still it's past infant Cie0oXl8l8M-00145-00035968-00036140 stage and she can only feed it a little Cie0oXl8l8M-00146-00036141-00036336 bit from the bottle because I guess it Cie0oXl8l8M-00147-00036337-00036695 hurts their stomach but he still expects Cie0oXl8l8M-00148-00036696-00037015 her to come out so that's why we were Cie0oXl8l8M-00149-00037016-00037289 he's a pet you have had and everybody Cie0oXl8l8M-00150-00037290-00037520 knows and to hear her tell the story is Cie0oXl8l8M-00151-00037521-00037755 hilarious but I didn't get to see that Cie0oXl8l8M-00152-00037756-00037932 him moving and waiting because we she Cie0oXl8l8M-00153-00037933-00038145 was waiting for us however she took us Cie0oXl8l8M-00154-00038146-00038379 up and let us see her magnificent home Cie0oXl8l8M-00155-00038380-00038604 and all of her orchard now why is that Cie0oXl8l8M-00156-00038605-00038817 such a neat important story is because Cie0oXl8l8M-00157-00038818-00039099 in the 70s she was broke she lived works Cie0oXl8l8M-00158-00039100-00039293 for a staffing company lived at the Cie0oXl8l8M-00159-00039294-00039507 bottom of the hill of her beautiful Cie0oXl8l8M-00160-00039508-00039890 acreage and her home is fabulous she Cie0oXl8l8M-00161-00039891-00040082 said she would walk up there as a young Cie0oXl8l8M-00162-00040083-00040395 woman in her 20s and meet the people Cie0oXl8l8M-00163-00040396-00040592 they would say you don't have any money Cie0oXl8l8M-00164-00040593-00040755 you can't buy this she said I will buy Cie0oXl8l8M-00165-00040756-00041018 this property this is my home I will buy Cie0oXl8l8M-00166-00041019-00041211 this property and so they would just Cie0oXl8l8M-00167-00041212-00041298 laugh and Cie0oXl8l8M-00168-00041299-00041520 invite her in eventually and I don't Cie0oXl8l8M-00169-00041521-00041703 know the whole timeframe but wasn't very Cie0oXl8l8M-00170-00041704-00041919 long and they asked her to purchase the Cie0oXl8l8M-00171-00041920-00042248 property and she'd have any money she Cie0oXl8l8M-00172-00042249-00042591 went to the bank and she said they stood Cie0oXl8l8M-00173-00042592-00042762 laughed at her basically she was working Cie0oXl8l8M-00174-00042763-00042966 for a temp company shouldn't have a job Cie0oXl8l8M-00175-00042967-00043254 I mean not a steady one and of course Cie0oXl8l8M-00176-00043255-00043410 it's quite a bit of money over there Cie0oXl8l8M-00177-00043411-00043701 even in the seventies yeah she purchased Cie0oXl8l8M-00178-00043702-00044031 this because there was a women's lib or Cie0oXl8l8M-00179-00044032-00044439 reform for getting a loan and so within Cie0oXl8l8M-00180-00044440-00044769 its own period yes they called her and Cie0oXl8l8M-00181-00044770-00045105 said don't be late on your payments and Cie0oXl8l8M-00182-00045106-00045261 she bought this think you do coach hills Cie0oXl8l8M-00183-00045262-00045468 yes it gives me coach hills because she Cie0oXl8l8M-00184-00045469-00045708 visualized she spoke it into the Cie0oXl8l8M-00185-00045709-00046071 universe she asked and she received and Cie0oXl8l8M-00186-00046072-00046350 she's I think she's in her 60s maybe 50 Cie0oXl8l8M-00187-00046351-00046578 early 50s I'm not quite sure how old she Cie0oXl8l8M-00188-00046579-00046878 is don't quote me on that especially not Cie0oXl8l8M-00189-00046879-00047106 to her no no I don't know how old she is Cie0oXl8l8M-00190-00047107-00047346 but she always looks very young but it Cie0oXl8l8M-00191-00047347-00047523 was beautiful and just to hear and see Cie0oXl8l8M-00192-00047524-00047867 her property and to hear her story just Cie0oXl8l8M-00193-00047868-00048150 amazing just don't forget if you want it Cie0oXl8l8M-00194-00048151-00048492 go for it make yourself a goal yeah and Cie0oXl8l8M-00195-00048493-00048672 then work towards it that's how many I Cie0oXl8l8M-00196-00048673-00048804 need to do that and when she told me the Cie0oXl8l8M-00197-00048805-00048948 story I just stood there and looked at Cie0oXl8l8M-00198-00048949-00049164 her I said you're amazing Cie0oXl8l8M-00199-00049165-00049428 she's a I'm not amazing I said yes you Cie0oXl8l8M-00200-00049429-00049632 are to hear that story I mean it was Cie0oXl8l8M-00201-00049633-00049953 week one week this and the next week of Cie0oXl8l8M-00202-00049954-00050073 the next week and it just fell like Cie0oXl8l8M-00203-00050074-00050310 dominoes and she still owns it and it's Cie0oXl8l8M-00204-00050311-00050553 absolutely gorgeous oh I think she'll be Cie0oXl8l8M-00205-00050554-00051015 there yeah great well you had a good Cie0oXl8l8M-00206-00051016-00051300 time then I did had a great time back Cie0oXl8l8M-00207-00051301-00051489 glad to be back and I've enjoyed the Cie0oXl8l8M-00208-00051490-00051726 holidays and ready to go into the next Cie0oXl8l8M-00209-00051727-00052091 adventure so maybe the next chapter of Cie0oXl8l8M-00210-00052092-00052377 the adventure right right I love all the Cie0oXl8l8M-00211-00052378-00052497 adventures just put them all together Cie0oXl8l8M-00212-00052498-00052788 and the journey all right I just well we Cie0oXl8l8M-00213-00052789-00052923 have a ball no matter what we're doing Cie0oXl8l8M-00214-00052924-00053105 we do we always have a good time yeah Cie0oXl8l8M-00215-00053107-00053577 now why why do you think you are gonna Cie0oXl8l8M-00216-00053578-00053789 make your next adventure Cie0oXl8l8M-00217-00053790-00054080 on December the 8th why why do you think Cie0oXl8l8M-00218-00054082-00054198 that's come about Cie0oXl8l8M-00219-00054199-00054444 pretty interesting stone it is it's a Cie0oXl8l8M-00220-00054445-00054615 very interesting story so of course you Cie0oXl8l8M-00221-00054616-00054803 know I had my accident on December 8 Cie0oXl8l8M-00222-00054804-00055182 2016 I fell in many I'm not even tell Cie0oXl8l8M-00223-00055183-00055304 you everything but I fell in had a Cie0oXl8l8M-00224-00055305-00055566 pretty pretty tragedy for me he was a Cie0oXl8l8M-00225-00055566-00055860 tragic occur injury right they wanted to Cie0oXl8l8M-00226-00055861-00056066 thought they may have to take her leg Cie0oXl8l8M-00227-00056067-00056282 from the accident so there were several Cie0oXl8l8M-00228-00056283-00056535 things that happened several cert couple Cie0oXl8l8M-00229-00056536-00056721 of surgeries over the year and I'm not Cie0oXl8l8M-00230-00056722-00056901 complaining but so you know that Cie0oXl8l8M-00231-00056902-00057126 December 8th we scheduled our first Cie0oXl8l8M-00232-00057127-00057426 happy celebration now it sounds like we Cie0oXl8l8M-00233-00057427-00057534 would just be having this happy Cie0oXl8l8M-00234-00057535-00057762 celebration and inviting just our family Cie0oXl8l8M-00235-00057763-00058011 or things like that but no we've decided Cie0oXl8l8M-00236-00058012-00058236 and I have decided I came in and begged Cie0oXl8l8M-00237-00058237-00058682 Debbie to help me but we've decided at Cie0oXl8l8M-00238-00058683-00058919 the fountain building that in Madison Cie0oXl8l8M-00239-00058920-00059085 Indiana we would get together have a Cie0oXl8l8M-00240-00059086-00059322 happy celebration and it's open to the Cie0oXl8l8M-00241-00059323-00059562 public and it's gonna be fun we're gonna Cie0oXl8l8M-00242-00059563-00059844 learn so much about just using new tools Cie0oXl8l8M-00243-00059845-00060155 to find your own happiness in whatever Cie0oXl8l8M-00244-00060157-00060392 spot you're it right well how do how to Cie0oXl8l8M-00245-00060394-00060588 make sure your life is balanced right Cie0oXl8l8M-00246-00060589-00060932 and your work and your free time at home Cie0oXl8l8M-00247-00060933-00061209 exactly and to focus on yourself I mean Cie0oXl8l8M-00248-00061210-00061569 we focus as women it's just normal we Cie0oXl8l8M-00249-00061570-00061763 focus on our kids and we forget me lives Cie0oXl8l8M-00250-00061764-00062097 on our spouses but there's a timing that Cie0oXl8l8M-00251-00062098-00062259 you need to focus on yourself and if you Cie0oXl8l8M-00252-00062260-00062448 don't you'll end up burning out right Cie0oXl8l8M-00253-00062449-00062766 inside you want to enjoy life I mean you Cie0oXl8l8M-00254-00062766-00062969 know life is meant to be enjoyed Cie0oXl8l8M-00255-00062970-00063165 and I wrote in a blog the other day I Cie0oXl8l8M-00256-00063166-00063300 thought this was so interesting we Cie0oXl8l8M-00257-00063301-00063551 continually pray you know and we've Cie0oXl8l8M-00258-00063552-00063819 constantly asked for protection and then Cie0oXl8l8M-00259-00063820-00064134 we asked for help but then we still Cie0oXl8l8M-00260-00064135-00064466 carry those things that we are asking Cie0oXl8l8M-00261-00064467-00064719 for help instead of saying okay you have Cie0oXl8l8M-00262-00064720-00065069 it run and so probably that is the most Cie0oXl8l8M-00263-00065070-00065334 important part is to realize that you Cie0oXl8l8M-00264-00065335-00065604 know you need to find yourself and when Cie0oXl8l8M-00265-00065605-00065871 you ask for it allow right yourself to Cie0oXl8l8M-00266-00065872-00066129 receive it you know I mean I know I've Cie0oXl8l8M-00267-00066130-00066300 said of many prayers and many of nights Cie0oXl8l8M-00268-00066301-00066438 and then walked up woke up the next Cie0oXl8l8M-00269-00066439-00066711 morning and picked up my bag of all the Cie0oXl8l8M-00270-00066712-00066891 things that I wanted to be answered and Cie0oXl8l8M-00271-00066892-00067043 all those prayers and said it's okay I Cie0oXl8l8M-00272-00067044-00067193 can take care of it I just needed to ask Cie0oXl8l8M-00273-00067194-00067428 you when in actuality we probably ought Cie0oXl8l8M-00274-00067429-00067528 to leave that Cie0oXl8l8M-00275-00067529-00067831 burden or my questions or whatever we're Cie0oXl8l8M-00276-00067832-00068037 worried about drop it Cie0oXl8l8M-00277-00068038-00068272 pray for out it walk away well there Cie0oXl8l8M-00278-00068273-00068578 comes a point you can't change what's Cie0oXl8l8M-00279-00068579-00068781 going on at the moment you can't you and Cie0oXl8l8M-00280-00068782-00068982 there's no way you just have to stop and Cie0oXl8l8M-00281-00068983-00069162 say okay I can't do anything about this Cie0oXl8l8M-00282-00069163-00069205 right now Cie0oXl8l8M-00283-00069206-00069391 they I need to focus on the rest of my Cie0oXl8l8M-00284-00069392-00069588 life right and take care of it just like Cie0oXl8l8M-00285-00069589-00069784 that will take care of itself Cie0oXl8l8M-00286-00069785-00070060 gradually and we do that I mean just in Cie0oXl8l8M-00287-00070061-00070234 coffee talk for you guys though but we Cie0oXl8l8M-00288-00070235-00070524 constantly are evaluating we watch it we Cie0oXl8l8M-00289-00070525-00070743 look at just did everybody get something Cie0oXl8l8M-00290-00070744-00071005 out of that did they receive the kind of Cie0oXl8l8M-00291-00071006-00071215 information or message that we want to Cie0oXl8l8M-00292-00071216-00071416 give and that's what December 8th is Cie0oXl8l8M-00293-00071417-00071653 gonna be about and I'm super excited I Cie0oXl8l8M-00294-00071654-00071832 hope that you'll come out at 7 o'clock Cie0oXl8l8M-00295-00071833-00072118 yeah December 8 fountain building Main Cie0oXl8l8M-00296-00072119-00072430 Street and Broadway yeah right and so Cie0oXl8l8M-00297-00072431-00072646 just come out and have fun with this we Cie0oXl8l8M-00298-00072647-00072868 have a we have a limited amount of space Cie0oXl8l8M-00299-00072869-00073257 but yes okay okay when you know when Cie0oXl8l8M-00300-00073258-00073486 you're registering you might not go Cie0oXl8l8M-00301-00073487-00073573 ahead and do it as soon as possible Cie0oXl8l8M-00302-00073574-00073849 because there is a limited space in Cie0oXl8l8M-00303-00073850-00074029 there right number of people not a great Cie0oXl8l8M-00304-00074030-00074232 big place well I mean it's not gonna Cie0oXl8l8M-00305-00074233-00074416 have a hundred people right right Cie0oXl8l8M-00306-00074417-00074643 they'll be plenty for you to write talk Cie0oXl8l8M-00307-00074644-00074832 to so she's gonna she's gonna give you Cie0oXl8l8M-00308-00074833-00075034 some tools that you need to keep in your Cie0oXl8l8M-00309-00075035-00075274 toolbox when it comes time to evaluate Cie0oXl8l8M-00310-00075275-00075513 what you're doing and where you're going Cie0oXl8l8M-00311-00075514-00075655 is that the way you really want to go Cie0oXl8l8M-00312-00075656-00075930 all right one does one of the things I Cie0oXl8l8M-00313-00075931-00076080 thought you said I just want to expound Cie0oXl8l8M-00314-00076081-00076279 on for a minute was the change we can't Cie0oXl8l8M-00315-00076280-00076488 always change our circumstances I would Cie0oXl8l8M-00316-00076489-00076750 have I say now I probably wouldn't have Cie0oXl8l8M-00317-00076751-00077140 but at December 8 2016 last year I would Cie0oXl8l8M-00318-00077141-00077311 have probably chose it should not have Cie0oXl8l8M-00319-00077312-00077505 my leg broken it did not I didn't plan Cie0oXl8l8M-00320-00077506-00077728 it no it didn't happen I didn't get up Cie0oXl8l8M-00321-00077729-00077854 that morning and say today it's gonna be Cie0oXl8l8M-00322-00077855-00077974 the day I'll be in the hospital in Cie0oXl8l8M-00323-00077975-00078361 surgery at about 7 o'clock however if Cie0oXl8l8M-00324-00078362-00078541 you can't hold on you know and that's Cie0oXl8l8M-00325-00078542-00078882 one thing that I am truly focusing our Cie0oXl8l8M-00326-00078883-00079092 company on and the more it evolves the Cie0oXl8l8M-00327-00079093-00079326 more it comes about is not suicide Cie0oXl8l8M-00328-00079327-00079806 awareness but more of pause if it's Cie0oXl8l8M-00329-00079807-00080037 really that bad if you'll hold on one Cie0oXl8l8M-00330-00080038-00080109 minute Cie0oXl8l8M-00331-00080110-00080451 it will change right give it to it gets Cie0oXl8l8M-00332-00080452-00080631 even better give it three you know Cie0oXl8l8M-00333-00080632-00080875 everybody goes through something Cie0oXl8l8M-00334-00080876-00081139 everybody you have lost you know you Cie0oXl8l8M-00335-00081140-00081388 have things that happen financial Cie0oXl8l8M-00336-00081389-00081673 emotional spiritual but if you could Cie0oXl8l8M-00337-00081674-00081847 just hold on you know and it's like you Cie0oXl8l8M-00338-00081848-00082150 said we can't change everything but at Cie0oXl8l8M-00339-00082151-00082330 least we can change how we view it and Cie0oXl8l8M-00340-00082331-00082549 we can just pause for a minute and hold Cie0oXl8l8M-00341-00082550-00082705 on you know well I think the neatest Cie0oXl8l8M-00342-00082706-00082846 thing about especially what's happened Cie0oXl8l8M-00343-00082847-00083095 to you you you had a plan and you had a Cie0oXl8l8M-00344-00083096-00083275 focus on where you're going what you Cie0oXl8l8M-00345-00083276-00083464 were doing and then you broke your leg Cie0oXl8l8M-00346-00083465-00083686 and everything in your life had to Cie0oXl8l8M-00347-00083687-00084001 change not not just the fact you had to Cie0oXl8l8M-00348-00084002-00084243 have surgery but your entire goal Cie0oXl8l8M-00349-00084244-00084532 everything mindset had to change right Cie0oXl8l8M-00350-00084533-00084802 so now that's how this is all involved Cie0oXl8l8M-00351-00084803-00085123 and now you have a company that it's Cie0oXl8l8M-00352-00085124-00085363 gonna benefit not only you right but Cie0oXl8l8M-00353-00085364-00085570 everybody that comes in contact with you Cie0oXl8l8M-00354-00085571-00085870 or the classes right or the event is Cie0oXl8l8M-00355-00085871-00086068 administered yeah that's our mission Cie0oXl8l8M-00356-00086069-00086236 here at coffee talk we want you to have Cie0oXl8l8M-00357-00086237-00086506 fun you know but we also want you to be Cie0oXl8l8M-00358-00086507-00086782 enriched and Live Love is that's what Cie0oXl8l8M-00359-00086783-00086935 it's a battle that's why we make a Cie0oXl8l8M-00360-00086936-00087283 perfect marriage well we want to make Cie0oXl8l8M-00361-00087284-00087472 sure that we present things to you that Cie0oXl8l8M-00362-00087473-00087781 will help enrich your life right whether Cie0oXl8l8M-00363-00087782-00088027 it's it's going to kawaii or if it's Cie0oXl8l8M-00364-00088028-00088273 taking a concealed carry class or Cie0oXl8l8M-00365-00088274-00088432 whether it's finding out a national Cie0oXl8l8M-00366-00088433-00088738 event day or a national month day things Cie0oXl8l8M-00367-00088739-00088921 that are just need and make make life Cie0oXl8l8M-00368-00088922-00089167 nicer you know we didn't bring up the Cie0oXl8l8M-00369-00089168-00089404 National Day today because most of our Cie0oXl8l8M-00370-00089405-00089659 holidays are approaching very quickly Cie0oXl8l8M-00371-00089660-00089965 which is enough yes if you're already on Cie0oXl8l8M-00372-00089966-00090219 the countdown I mean it's very close Cie0oXl8l8M-00373-00090220-00090466 extremely close so while we're talking Cie0oXl8l8M-00374-00090467-00090562 about the holidays Cie0oXl8l8M-00375-00090563-00090736 Debbie and I had a conversation before Cie0oXl8l8M-00376-00090737-00091057 we recorded coffee talk right and we Cie0oXl8l8M-00377-00091058-00091252 talked about love of course we have the Cie0oXl8l8M-00378-00091253-00091501 love chapter and we talked about love Cie0oXl8l8M-00379-00091502-00091714 dear of the holidays and I'm sure most Cie0oXl8l8M-00380-00091715-00091924 of you know that there's quite a few Cie0oXl8l8M-00381-00091925-00092122 people that not necessarily about the Cie0oXl8l8M-00382-00092123-00092419 gifts right but struggle with not having Cie0oXl8l8M-00383-00092420-00092848 anybody so we're challenging you to find Cie0oXl8l8M-00384-00092849-00093046 somebody whether you accept them into Cie0oXl8l8M-00385-00093047-00093325 your home for dinner or you take them a Cie0oXl8l8M-00386-00093326-00093544 treat or maybe you just put them on a Cie0oXl8l8M-00387-00093545-00093790 call you know and you call them once a Cie0oXl8l8M-00388-00093791-00093970 week once a month whatever it might be Cie0oXl8l8M-00389-00093971-00094181 but start during the challah Cie0oXl8l8M-00390-00094182-00094415 days and there's things you can do not Cie0oXl8l8M-00391-00094416-00094577 just during the holidays you can Cie0oXl8l8M-00392-00094578-00094747 volunteer at the Boys and Girls Club Cie0oXl8l8M-00393-00094748-00095003 check at the girls Inc to see if there's Cie0oXl8l8M-00394-00095004-00095264 something you can do there kids always Cie0oXl8l8M-00395-00095265-00095627 need a positive mentor a Big Brother Big Cie0oXl8l8M-00396-00095628-00096188 Sister program I personally just as my Cie0oXl8l8M-00397-00096189-00096341 kids think I'm crazy for this but I tell Cie0oXl8l8M-00398-00096342-00096434 them I don't want a funeral Cie0oXl8l8M-00399-00096435-00096635 because I mean I don't want fear I don't Cie0oXl8l8M-00400-00096636-00096785 want flowers either so if you know me Cie0oXl8l8M-00401-00096786-00096893 really well you already know I don't Cie0oXl8l8M-00402-00096894-00097178 want flowers I want you to decide you're Cie0oXl8l8M-00403-00097179-00097343 going to help a kid somewhere Cie0oXl8l8M-00404-00097344-00097586 oh that's wonderful and that's your Cie0oXl8l8M-00405-00097587-00097943 thing yeah that's it that's all I want Cie0oXl8l8M-00406-00097944-00098558 baby cry don't start cuz it will lose it Cie0oXl8l8M-00407-00098559-00098897 so anyway that's just my goal is that if Cie0oXl8l8M-00408-00098898-00099098 something happens I don't want people to Cie0oXl8l8M-00409-00099099-00099233 I don't want my kids to come to the Cie0oXl8l8M-00410-00099234-00099362 cemetery after I'm gone Cie0oXl8l8M-00411-00099363-00099536 if they miss me then they need to go to Cie0oXl8l8M-00412-00099537-00099698 the Boys and Girls Club or Girls Inc or Cie0oXl8l8M-00413-00099699-00099809 somewhere where there's kids and Cie0oXl8l8M-00414-00099810-00100058 volunteer for the day or volunteer for Cie0oXl8l8M-00415-00100059-00100418 once a month or something because those Cie0oXl8l8M-00416-00100419-00100583 kids need them I don't I don't need them Cie0oXl8l8M-00417-00100584-00100766 obviously I'm not nothing's gonna change Cie0oXl8l8M-00418-00100767-00100898 in my life because I'm not here anymore Cie0oXl8l8M-00419-00100899-00101225 so I just think that you know find Cie0oXl8l8M-00420-00101226-00101432 somebody or something that you need to Cie0oXl8l8M-00421-00101433-00101618 do if people are embarrassed you think Cie0oXl8l8M-00422-00101619-00101948 they won't take it well then wrap up the Cie0oXl8l8M-00423-00101949-00102083 clothes that you have that you're not Cie0oXl8l8M-00424-00102084-00102239 wearing anymore you know it's their size Cie0oXl8l8M-00425-00102240-00102469 and leave it on the front porch or or Cie0oXl8l8M-00426-00102470-00102742 leave it by their mailbox or take it to Cie0oXl8l8M-00427-00102743-00102907 their workplace and put their name on it Cie0oXl8l8M-00428-00102908-00103093 and just say you know this is for Cie0oXl8l8M-00429-00103094-00103256 so-and-so and walk out the door they Cie0oXl8l8M-00430-00103257-00103349 want to know you're the one that brought Cie0oXl8l8M-00431-00103350-00103700 it right but you know find somebody that Cie0oXl8l8M-00432-00103701-00103922 needs a little extra and I love the way Cie0oXl8l8M-00433-00103923-00104107 that you extended it just like we talked Cie0oXl8l8M-00434-00104108-00104276 about but you know most people think Cie0oXl8l8M-00435-00104277-00104458 about the holidays and they think about Cie0oXl8l8M-00436-00104459-00104731 you know we want to find somebody and we Cie0oXl8l8M-00437-00104732-00104939 want to bless them and we're we want you Cie0oXl8l8M-00438-00104940-00105133 to do that as well but maybe take it a Cie0oXl8l8M-00439-00105134-00105488 little further this year take it as 2018 Cie0oXl8l8M-00440-00105489-00105773 as your year yeah to commit to making Cie0oXl8l8M-00441-00105774-00106043 someone's life or creating and helping Cie0oXl8l8M-00442-00106044-00106274 someone's life be better yeah I mean Cie0oXl8l8M-00443-00106275-00106502 because I remember at the nursing homes Cie0oXl8l8M-00444-00106503-00106718 when we were teaching school we would Cie0oXl8l8M-00445-00106719-00106838 take groups Cie0oXl8l8M-00446-00106839-00106974 I mean Veda Cie0oXl8l8M-00447-00106975-00107159 and you know all of our groups would go Cie0oXl8l8M-00448-00107160-00107274 to the nursing home they would make Cie0oXl8l8M-00449-00107275-00107457 cards or we would do all these different Cie0oXl8l8M-00450-00107458-00107769 events but then January came and nobody Cie0oXl8l8M-00451-00107770-00108041 saw anyone right you know and when I was Cie0oXl8l8M-00452-00108042-00108249 growing up I don't know if you guys have Cie0oXl8l8M-00453-00108250-00108404 just still do this but I think they do Cie0oXl8l8M-00454-00108405-00108614 at nursing home says my mom always had Cie0oXl8l8M-00455-00108615-00108752 me adopted grandparents Cie0oXl8l8M-00456-00108753-00109004 yes and they were safe you know they Cie0oXl8l8M-00457-00109005-00109259 made sure it was a safe person to be an Cie0oXl8l8M-00458-00109260-00109439 environment of because I was a child and Cie0oXl8l8M-00459-00109440-00109551 you were at the nursing home we would Cie0oXl8l8M-00460-00109552-00109758 like you went some right right so and Cie0oXl8l8M-00461-00109758-00110003 you I went in and I saw her I think I Cie0oXl8l8M-00462-00110004-00110250 saw her every day for a year I mean that Cie0oXl8l8M-00463-00110251-00110421 you don't have to do that but I mean she Cie0oXl8l8M-00464-00110422-00110654 was like my other grandmother and if Cie0oXl8l8M-00465-00110655-00110850 when she passed we would go on and find Cie0oXl8l8M-00466-00110851-00110976 somebody else that maybe didn't have Cie0oXl8l8M-00467-00110977-00111144 visitors ready there's just another Cie0oXl8l8M-00468-00111145-00111347 suggestion we're just challenging you Cie0oXl8l8M-00469-00111348-00111704 for 2018 to make it terrific for not Cie0oXl8l8M-00470-00111705-00111957 only yourself but for others right and Cie0oXl8l8M-00471-00111958-00112143 you know during the holidays too Cie0oXl8l8M-00472-00112144-00112340 sometimes you think well I don't I have Cie0oXl8l8M-00473-00112341-00112488 all this stuff done need to buy I have Cie0oXl8l8M-00474-00112489-00112656 these kids I need to buy for my my Cie0oXl8l8M-00475-00112657-00112818 grandchildren and all this you know Cie0oXl8l8M-00476-00112819-00113090 maybe during a meal sometimes somewhere Cie0oXl8l8M-00477-00113091-00113283 which a lot of times we bring it up Cie0oXl8l8M-00478-00113283-00113556 during Thanksgiving is who do you want Cie0oXl8l8M-00479-00113557-00113796 to take care of this time as a family Cie0oXl8l8M-00480-00113797-00114072 so everybody is say you're you're doing Cie0oXl8l8M-00481-00114073-00114324 a drawing for your who's gonna buy for Cie0oXl8l8M-00482-00114325-00114483 who's right you're gonna draw you just Cie0oXl8l8M-00483-00114483-00114743 said you don't spend $50 on each person Cie0oXl8l8M-00484-00114744-00115089 pull that back to say $30 $40 and Cie0oXl8l8M-00485-00115090-00115391 everybody put $10 or $20 in a pot and Cie0oXl8l8M-00486-00115392-00115616 that goes to an angel tree kid or that Cie0oXl8l8M-00487-00115617-00115958 goes to whatever shop with a cop Cie0oXl8l8M-00488-00115958-00116204 something wonderful program as a favor Cie0oXl8l8M-00489-00116205-00116421 other's big sisters there's so many and Cie0oXl8l8M-00490-00116422-00116627 you make the grandchildren the children Cie0oXl8l8M-00491-00116628-00116804 and the grandchildren do that and I Cie0oXl8l8M-00492-00116805-00117033 think that that puts it in the kids Cie0oXl8l8M-00493-00117033-00117339 minds as a routine that every year as a Cie0oXl8l8M-00494-00117340-00117672 family we do this mm-hmm and then Cie0oXl8l8M-00495-00117673-00117876 everybody benefits from it right and Cie0oXl8l8M-00496-00117877-00118064 then your your grandchildren grow up and Cie0oXl8l8M-00497-00118065-00118269 that's just in their mindset that we Cie0oXl8l8M-00498-00118270-00118389 take care of other people not just Cie0oXl8l8M-00499-00118390-00118859 ourselves so that's fun I think as a Cie0oXl8l8M-00500-00118860-00119100 family because now you as a family we Cie0oXl8l8M-00501-00119101-00119504 did this know life is supposed to be Cie0oXl8l8M-00502-00119505-00119808 lived and I kind of get a little sad Cie0oXl8l8M-00503-00119808-00120033 when I talk about it but I've lost some Cie0oXl8l8M-00504-00120033-00120324 people to suicide yes this area Cie0oXl8l8M-00505-00120325-00120698 it's been hit quite hard yes Cie0oXl8l8M-00506-00120699-00121038 life's too short and if I can teach you Cie0oXl8l8M-00507-00121039-00121344 anything if I could do anything with my Cie0oXl8l8M-00508-00121345-00121929 company hold on pause let it pass Cie0oXl8l8M-00509-00121930-00122244 it will get better it always does it Cie0oXl8l8M-00510-00122245-00122448 always does and you also need to Cie0oXl8l8M-00511-00122449-00122601 remember that there are people out there Cie0oXl8l8M-00512-00122602-00122772 that will listen there are people after Cie0oXl8l8M-00513-00122773-00122943 that will help you mm-hmm you know you Cie0oXl8l8M-00514-00122944-00123257 don't have to do everything by yourself Cie0oXl8l8M-00515-00123258-00123540 it's it's not the end no you know and of Cie0oXl8l8M-00516-00123541-00123693 course I right now I know I'm a little Cie0oXl8l8M-00517-00123694-00123765 teary yeah Cie0oXl8l8M-00518-00123766-00124109 but of course right now I focus on a lot Cie0oXl8l8M-00519-00124110-00124323 of the teenagers or young people and Cie0oXl8l8M-00520-00124324-00124524 they're struggling with some things and Cie0oXl8l8M-00521-00124525-00124719 I know Christmas is one of the time it's Cie0oXl8l8M-00522-00124720-00124920 one of the worst times and and people Cie0oXl8l8M-00523-00124921-00125151 won't always share their struggle right Cie0oXl8l8M-00524-00125152-00125376 and I think if they understand anything Cie0oXl8l8M-00525-00125377-00125589 at all there are people that will listen Cie0oXl8l8M-00526-00125590-00125772 there's a hotline out there and I know Cie0oXl8l8M-00527-00125773-00125904 several people at the Boys and Girls Cie0oXl8l8M-00528-00125905-00126129 Club have taken the class in order to be Cie0oXl8l8M-00529-00126130-00126378 able to be on that hotline and they can Cie0oXl8l8M-00530-00126379-00126618 talk to you and help you find help Cie0oXl8l8M-00531-00126619-00126924 somewhere find places to go find you Cie0oXl8l8M-00532-00126925-00127089 know individuals that will sit down with Cie0oXl8l8M-00533-00127090-00127431 you and help you just don't don't try to Cie0oXl8l8M-00534-00127432-00127644 do it by yourself no that's the biggest Cie0oXl8l8M-00535-00127645-00127677 thing Cie0oXl8l8M-00536-00127678-00127920 ask for help yeah it's okay I promise we Cie0oXl8l8M-00537-00127921-00128226 have all had our down bellies I can Cie0oXl8l8M-00538-00128227-00128430 remember Christmases at that I thought Cie0oXl8l8M-00539-00128431-00128636 I'm not gonna get them anything for Cie0oXl8l8M-00540-00128638-00128802 Christmas I mean I always work two and Cie0oXl8l8M-00541-00128803-00129018 three jobs I mean I know that seems Cie0oXl8l8M-00542-00129019-00129177 trivial but to me that was very Cie0oXl8l8M-00543-00129178-00129330 important this and as a young mother Cie0oXl8l8M-00544-00129331-00129483 that too I think we put too much Cie0oXl8l8M-00545-00129483-00129720 pressure on ourselves we do to buy big Cie0oXl8l8M-00546-00129721-00130005 gifts for everybody and I you know maybe Cie0oXl8l8M-00547-00130006-00130341 as the person getting the gift don't Cie0oXl8l8M-00548-00130342-00130551 expect so much you know go to your Cie0oXl8l8M-00549-00130552-00130758 parents or your sisters and brothers Cie0oXl8l8M-00550-00130758-00130908 that are buying things and say hey I Cie0oXl8l8M-00551-00130908-00131100 really don't need that much this year Cie0oXl8l8M-00552-00131101-00131238 right why don't everybody go together Cie0oXl8l8M-00553-00131239-00131490 and get me this a chair or whatever Cie0oXl8l8M-00554-00131491-00131802 right you know so that you lessen the Cie0oXl8l8M-00555-00131803-00132111 expectation on their side if they want Cie0oXl8l8M-00556-00132112-00132264 to spend a lot of money they can but Cie0oXl8l8M-00557-00132265-00132438 they don't have to and they don't feel Cie0oXl8l8M-00558-00132439-00132618 like it you know exactly I wouldn't talk Cie0oXl8l8M-00559-00132619-00132726 about buying a house in front of Cie0oXl8l8M-00560-00132727-00133064 everybody you know I've ever you Cie0oXl8l8M-00561-00133065-00133256 but Sears yeah right you're right don't Cie0oXl8l8M-00562-00133257-00133544 expect so much and don't start out Cie0oXl8l8M-00563-00133545-00133886 giving so much right you know make the Cie0oXl8l8M-00564-00133887-00134183 gifts personal they don't have to be Cie0oXl8l8M-00565-00134184-00134513 expensive no it's not about that no no Cie0oXl8l8M-00566-00134514-00134771 don't say tis the season you know the Cie0oXl8l8M-00567-00134772-00135008 season is about love right and I think Cie0oXl8l8M-00568-00135009-00135251 that's probably one of the times that we Cie0oXl8l8M-00569-00135252-00135398 decided you know not only was it the Cie0oXl8l8M-00570-00135399-00135728 anniversary of a wonderful event that Cie0oXl8l8M-00571-00135729-00135992 changed my life forever but it's also to Cie0oXl8l8M-00572-00135993-00136235 bring in the holiday season as to Cie0oXl8l8M-00573-00136236-00136553 remember it's gonna be okay it's gonna Cie0oXl8l8M-00574-00136554-00136793 be okay and so try to lessen the Cie0oXl8l8M-00575-00136794-00137030 expectation on everybody's side of it Cie0oXl8l8M-00576-00137031-00137345 and enjoy and enjoy it and choose Cie0oXl8l8M-00577-00137346-00137594 somebody that you know could use a Cie0oXl8l8M-00578-00137595-00137849 little extra something and maybe as a Cie0oXl8l8M-00579-00137850-00138053 family or at least an individual you Cie0oXl8l8M-00580-00138054-00138218 know as an individual person go and do Cie0oXl8l8M-00581-00138219-00138425 it if the family's already made plans Cie0oXl8l8M-00582-00138426-00138743 but Nick try to think about that so as Cie0oXl8l8M-00583-00138744-00139004 always we have so much fun bringing you Cie0oXl8l8M-00584-00139005-00139205 coffee talk if you can think of anything Cie0oXl8l8M-00585-00139206-00139397 you'd like to hear about we would love Cie0oXl8l8M-00586-00139398-00139658 to write about it or even record about Cie0oXl8l8M-00587-00139659-00139949 it so we have a wonderful season have a Cie0oXl8l8M-00588-00139950-00140243 happy holiday yeah from our home to Cie0oXl8l8M-00589-00140244-00140585 yours as always we thank you for Cie0oXl8l8M-00590-00140586-00140871 watching Cie0oXl8l8M-00591-00140872-00141457 [Music] Cie0oXl8l8M-00592-00141458-00142198 [Music] Cie0oXl8l8M-00593-00142199-00142405 you CjH3OPMJPp4-00000-00000360-00000665 whoa what is look up up left up left up CjH3OPMJPp4-00001-00000666-00000755 left CjH3OPMJPp4-00002-00000756-00000857 what CjH3OPMJPp4-00003-00000858-00001019 what CjH3OPMJPp4-00004-00001019-00001484 Julian what is that is that a drone Ckl4qoi2JlI-00001-00005883-00006850 [Music] Ckl4qoi2JlI-00002-00006851-00007902 [Music] Ckl4qoi2JlI-00003-00007903-00008469 [Music] Ckl4qoi2JlI-00004-00008470-00009255 [Music] Ckl4qoi2JlI-00005-00009256-00010415 [Music] Ckl4qoi2JlI-00006-00010416-00011882 [Music] Ckl4qoi2JlI-00007-00011883-00013438 [Music] Ckl4qoi2JlI-00008-00013440-00013988 [Music] Ckl4qoi2JlI-00009-00013990-00016864 [Music] Ckl4qoi2JlI-00010-00016865-00016872 [Music] Ckl4qoi2JlI-00011-00016873-00017102 [Applause] CkC61_-fKXk-00000-00000218-00000457 [Music] CkC61_-fKXk-00001-00000458-00000661 I'm going to talk to you a little bit CkC61_-fKXk-00002-00000662-00001012 about some work we did about nutrient CkC61_-fKXk-00003-00001013-00001312 density so in Wisconsin we've been CkC61_-fKXk-00004-00001313-00001627 having a lot of issues with some of the CkC61_-fKXk-00005-00001628-00001871 lake water quality with phosphorus and CkC61_-fKXk-00006-00001872-00002042 then some issues with groundwater and CkC61_-fKXk-00007-00002043-00002312 pathogens etc and some of the issues CkC61_-fKXk-00008-00002313-00002542 have been determined to be that we are CkC61_-fKXk-00009-00002543-00002807 densifying a lot of our operations CkC61_-fKXk-00010-00002808-00003107 within a certain areas of the state and CkC61_-fKXk-00011-00003108-00003386 so we're not getting manure distribution CkC61_-fKXk-00012-00003386-00003661 to the areas that we want so we're CkC61_-fKXk-00013-00003663-00003926 trying to look at systematic ways in CkC61_-fKXk-00014-00003927-00004279 which we can try to improve the pathways CkC61_-fKXk-00015-00004280-00004463 for distribution so I'm going to start CkC61_-fKXk-00016-00004464-00004685 with like the like kind of proof of CkC61_-fKXk-00017-00004686-00004967 concept study that we did and then I'm CkC61_-fKXk-00018-00004968-00005113 gonna show you some of the things that CkC61_-fKXk-00019-00005114-00005356 were working on now I will say that I CkC61_-fKXk-00020-00005357-00005597 was hoping to be through another two CkC61_-fKXk-00021-00005598-00005813 sets of data but they didn't didn't CkC61_-fKXk-00022-00005814-00005888 quite make it that far CkC61_-fKXk-00023-00005889-00006097 so the whole concept of this I think is CkC61_-fKXk-00024-00006098-00006277 that at the farm level forever we've CkC61_-fKXk-00025-00006278-00006416 been looking at nutrient management CkC61_-fKXk-00026-00006417-00006589 systems and how do we plan but what CkC61_-fKXk-00027-00006590-00006814 we're recognizing in some areas is that CkC61_-fKXk-00028-00006815-00007052 when you start integrating a watershed CkC61_-fKXk-00029-00007053-00007306 we don't have a lot of great ways to CkC61_-fKXk-00030-00007308-00007609 look at how we're balancing nutrients on CkC61_-fKXk-00031-00007611-00007877 a larger scale and what we were seeing CkC61_-fKXk-00032-00007878-00008020 in some places and I'll talk to you CkC61_-fKXk-00033-00008022-00008131 about this when I'd look at more newer CkC61_-fKXk-00034-00008133-00008339 storages there's a lot of people in CkC61_-fKXk-00035-00008340-00008570 their plan to stuff we're claiming well CkC61_-fKXk-00036-00008571-00008726 I have another three eight hundred acres CkC61_-fKXk-00037-00008727-00008885 somewhere and I started thinking maybe CkC61_-fKXk-00038-00008886-00009049 it was the same three hundred acres for CkC61_-fKXk-00039-00009050-00009306 everybody because it was almost seemed CkC61_-fKXk-00040-00009307-00009514 infeasible that there was this much land CkC61_-fKXk-00041-00009515-00009773 base that everybody was cleaning so we CkC61_-fKXk-00042-00009774-00009998 know in our area one of the particular CkC61_-fKXk-00043-00009999-00010192 things it's concerning in this little CkC61_-fKXk-00044-00010193-00010394 base area that we studied is phosphorus CkC61_-fKXk-00045-00010395-00010714 it's our lakes around where Madison is CkC61_-fKXk-00046-00010715-00010895 are like some of the most studied lakes CkC61_-fKXk-00047-00010896-00011099 in the world because we have limnology CkC61_-fKXk-00048-00011100-00011396 and everybody loves to study them and we CkC61_-fKXk-00049-00011397-00011573 have a lot of algae there a lot of algae CkC61_-fKXk-00050-00011574-00011842 blooms we know it's related to the CkC61_-fKXk-00051-00011843-00011999 runoff and you can see the direct CkC61_-fKXk-00052-00012000-00012242 correlations there there's been a lot of CkC61_-fKXk-00053-00012243-00012514 like budgeting done on a watershed basis CkC61_-fKXk-00054-00012515-00012635 where people are trying to look at CkC61_-fKXk-00055-00012636-00012860 phosphorus budgets are using swap models CkC61_-fKXk-00056-00012861-00013085 or other things but we're still not CkC61_-fKXk-00057-00013086-00013272 really getting any movement CkC61_-fKXk-00058-00013272-00013521 and we get stuck kind of debating these CkC61_-fKXk-00059-00013522-00013803 numbers and laughing kind of a way to CkC61_-fKXk-00060-00013804-00013997 find a path through some of that I'm CkC61_-fKXk-00061-00013999-00014193 doing some of this quick because I think CkC61_-fKXk-00062-00014194-00014349 everybody in here kind of knows some of CkC61_-fKXk-00063-00014350-00014484 the background and I'd rather talk a CkC61_-fKXk-00064-00014485-00014685 little bit about the data but that's CkC61_-fKXk-00065-00014686-00014868 been studied a lot we know that there CkC61_-fKXk-00066-00014869-00015038 are certain days of the year certain CkC61_-fKXk-00067-00015038-00015360 times of the year where a lot of our CkC61_-fKXk-00068-00015361-00015585 loading comes into the lakes we know CkC61_-fKXk-00069-00015586-00015960 that the loading is directly related to CkC61_-fKXk-00070-00015961-00016163 our algae blooms you can kind of see it CkC61_-fKXk-00071-00016165-00016397 we see in drought years the response is CkC61_-fKXk-00072-00016398-00016605 actually pretty quick that the lake can CkC61_-fKXk-00073-00016606-00016869 improve its concentrations when you CkC61_-fKXk-00074-00016870-00017049 don't get a lot of runoff so drought CkC61_-fKXk-00075-00017050-00017205 years the lake actually looks pretty CkC61_-fKXk-00076-00017206-00017472 clean and then in those other years we CkC61_-fKXk-00077-00017473-00017574 have pretty high phosphorus CkC61_-fKXk-00078-00017575-00017889 concentrations so this is the probably CkC61_-fKXk-00079-00017890-00018047 the most terrible site I put up here but CkC61_-fKXk-00080-00018048-00018327 they when we started this project this CkC61_-fKXk-00081-00018328-00018531 the county is actually the one that gave CkC61_-fKXk-00082-00018532-00018705 us the money to do it and so they gave CkC61_-fKXk-00083-00018706-00018906 us some very specific instructions I CkC61_-fKXk-00084-00018907-00019182 would say I wasn't so into what they CkC61_-fKXk-00085-00019183-00019350 wanted to do right they thought the CkC61_-fKXk-00086-00019351-00019611 problem was winter spreading and that if CkC61_-fKXk-00087-00019612-00019815 we eliminated winter spreading using an CkC61_-fKXk-00088-00019816-00020019 additional manure storages we could CkC61_-fKXk-00089-00020020-00020244 solve the problem but what we needed to CkC61_-fKXk-00090-00020245-00020436 convince them was all of these little CkC61_-fKXk-00091-00020437-00020643 practices that were doing which limit CkC61_-fKXk-00092-00020644-00021078 transport is critical but this whole CkC61_-fKXk-00093-00021079-00021315 balance of nutrients is really important CkC61_-fKXk-00094-00021316-00021543 and what we could tell is that the CkC61_-fKXk-00095-00021544-00021819 balance was way off right and no matter CkC61_-fKXk-00096-00021820-00022077 what you do for transport minimization CkC61_-fKXk-00097-00022078-00022239 we're never gonna really have an impact CkC61_-fKXk-00098-00022240-00022518 until we start addressing that nutrient CkC61_-fKXk-00099-00022519-00022824 balance part so I would say we still CkC61_-fKXk-00100-00022825-00023052 need to do all of those things right but CkC61_-fKXk-00101-00023053-00023244 we need to stop the idea that one CkC61_-fKXk-00102-00023245-00023450 practice is gonna solve our problems I CkC61_-fKXk-00103-00023451-00023616 mean it's like every two years with CkC61_-fKXk-00104-00023617-00023874 let's do cover crops that's gonna solve CkC61_-fKXk-00105-00023875-00023946 our problem right CkC61_-fKXk-00106-00023947-00024108 all of these things are important but CkC61_-fKXk-00107-00024109-00024275 they're not gonna solve the issue that CkC61_-fKXk-00108-00024276-00024588 we have and interestingly I had told CkC61_-fKXk-00109-00024589-00024750 them when I went started doing research CkC61_-fKXk-00110-00024751-00024990 about what they wanted 50 years ago CkC61_-fKXk-00111-00024991-00025239 somebody had done a study looking to CkC61_-fKXk-00112-00025240-00025446 integrate storages in the area to reduce CkC61_-fKXk-00113-00025447-00025668 the pea loading right so I don't want to CkC61_-fKXk-00114-00025669-00025842 go another 50 years and someone hey CkC61_-fKXk-00115-00025843-00026039 let's do storages again right we need to CkC61_-fKXk-00116-00026041-00026229 kind of change our mentality a little CkC61_-fKXk-00117-00026230-00026433 bit to try to figure that out so this is CkC61_-fKXk-00118-00026433-00026590 our watershed area CkC61_-fKXk-00119-00026591-00026920 the hora watershed Madison is located CkC61_-fKXk-00120-00026921-00027214 right kind of in the middle here and so CkC61_-fKXk-00121-00027215-00027493 we have these lovely Lakes it spans CkC61_-fKXk-00122-00027494-00027712 three different counties although the CkC61_-fKXk-00123-00027713-00027917 majority of it is in Dane County we've CkC61_-fKXk-00124-00027918-00028079 got a lot of crop production although we CkC61_-fKXk-00125-00028080-00028327 do have the city within there but we CkC61_-fKXk-00126-00028328-00028535 have a lot of cows CkC61_-fKXk-00127-00028536-00028717 mostly dairy but we have some other CkC61_-fKXk-00128-00028718-00028886 animals in there including swine and CkC61_-fKXk-00129-00028887-00029086 sheep and so we used a lot of the CkC61_-fKXk-00130-00029087-00029317 numbers from the agricultural census to CkC61_-fKXk-00131-00029318-00029530 kind of determine what those were but CkC61_-fKXk-00132-00029531-00029729 then we also supplement that with a lot CkC61_-fKXk-00133-00029730-00029971 of the county staff now I'll tell you CkC61_-fKXk-00134-00029972-00030193 later why when we're expanding this work CkC61_-fKXk-00135-00030194-00030352 it's really tough this is a highly CkC61_-fKXk-00136-00030353-00030583 studied area so we were able to start CkC61_-fKXk-00137-00030584-00030751 with a base of farms then we used CkC61_-fKXk-00138-00030752-00031010 driving around and Google Maps to like CkC61_-fKXk-00139-00031011-00031258 image where firms actually were and fill CkC61_-fKXk-00140-00031259-00031511 in the holes until we know here are all CkC61_-fKXk-00141-00031512-00031693 where our distribution of livestock CkC61_-fKXk-00142-00031694-00031964 farms are and we have a pretty good idea CkC61_-fKXk-00143-00031964-00032215 how many animals are on each of these CkC61_-fKXk-00144-00032216-00032464 farms it's not perfect but it is way CkC61_-fKXk-00145-00032465-00032579 better than anywhere else you're not CkC61_-fKXk-00146-00032580-00032746 gonna get this kind of data for the CkC61_-fKXk-00147-00032747-00033040 entire state right so what we found is CkC61_-fKXk-00148-00033041-00033260 that you can see the densification in CkC61_-fKXk-00149-00033261-00033514 this watershed is all in the north right CkC61_-fKXk-00150-00033515-00033823 and in the south there's a lot of grain CkC61_-fKXk-00151-00033824-00034049 production but we don't have a ton of CkC61_-fKXk-00152-00034050-00034286 animals down there so you can see what I CkC61_-fKXk-00153-00034287-00034511 mean even looking at this map you get CkC61_-fKXk-00154-00034512-00034696 the idea of what maybe some of the CkC61_-fKXk-00155-00034697-00034967 problems are so we tracked and we got CkC61_-fKXk-00156-00034968-00035227 all of our animal numbers for the whole CkC61_-fKXk-00157-00035228-00035498 watershed then we decided we were gonna CkC61_-fKXk-00158-00035499-00035879 really study intensively that area in CkC61_-fKXk-00159-00035880-00036112 its distribution right because in CkC61_-fKXk-00160-00036113-00036299 reality we know you're not going to CkC61_-fKXk-00161-00036300-00036554 transport manure very far which is why CkC61_-fKXk-00162-00036555-00036751 we're leading into this problem anyway CkC61_-fKXk-00163-00036752-00036970 right so those far those farther along CkC61_-fKXk-00164-00036971-00037177 places that are twenty miles away it's CkC61_-fKXk-00165-00037178-00037385 unlikely that people are going to move CkC61_-fKXk-00166-00037386-00037682 much of their manure there um so we CkC61_-fKXk-00167-00037683-00037858 found all of the animal numbers we CkC61_-fKXk-00168-00037859-00038060 looked at phosphorus production so we CkC61_-fKXk-00169-00038061-00038311 just calculated possible phosphorous CkC61_-fKXk-00170-00038312-00038645 production per the pounds per year just CkC61_-fKXk-00171-00038646-00038890 based on the numbers that we had from CkC61_-fKXk-00172-00038891-00039046 all of the animals so we did the whole CkC61_-fKXk-00173-00039047-00039320 watershed we also did that uh por hora CkC61_-fKXk-00174-00039321-00039560 watershed study area you can see the CkC61_-fKXk-00175-00039561-00039814 majority of the animals there I think 80 CkC61_-fKXk-00176-00039815-00039989 percent of the phosphorus and the CkC61_-fKXk-00177-00039990-00040249 animals are in that kind of targeted CkC61_-fKXk-00178-00040250-00040546 area up in that land base and so then we CkC61_-fKXk-00179-00040547-00040864 mapped that so you can see all of this CkC61_-fKXk-00180-00040865-00041096 phosphorus production kind of mapped CkC61_-fKXk-00181-00041097-00041590 into that study area then we looked at CkC61_-fKXk-00182-00041591-00041837 the classification of the so that we CkC61_-fKXk-00183-00041838-00042092 could determine crop uptake see the idea CkC61_-fKXk-00184-00042093-00042314 here was you look at ten years of data CkC61_-fKXk-00185-00042315-00042527 and my mood we'll talk later if you want CkC61_-fKXk-00186-00042528-00042683 to know about how to do these balances a CkC61_-fKXk-00187-00042684-00042917 little more about how you did this but CkC61_-fKXk-00188-00042918-00043099 so you can go see his presentation but CkC61_-fKXk-00189-00043100-00043376 he took some land cover classifications CkC61_-fKXk-00190-00043377-00043610 and then took I want to say carp sea and CkC61_-fKXk-00191-00043611-00043981 if to determine over a 10-year period CkC61_-fKXk-00192-00043982-00044273 through the rotations how much crop CkC61_-fKXk-00193-00044274-00044585 uptake there was of phosphorous right so CkC61_-fKXk-00194-00044586-00044765 then we mapped that so you could see the CkC61_-fKXk-00195-00044766-00045017 rotations and you had the uptake for CkC61_-fKXk-00196-00045018-00045230 each of these kind of partials so now we CkC61_-fKXk-00197-00045231-00045395 could do the phosphorus balance right we CkC61_-fKXk-00198-00045396-00045577 have the production and we have the CkC61_-fKXk-00199-00045578-00045767 uptake of crops now this isn't including CkC61_-fKXk-00200-00045768-00045943 any other sources of phosphorus right CkC61_-fKXk-00201-00045944-00046115 which we do have we have a wastewater CkC61_-fKXk-00202-00046116-00046289 treatment plant that applies all of CkC61_-fKXk-00203-00046290-00046505 their phosphorus in the area but we were CkC61_-fKXk-00204-00046506-00046687 really focused on manure phosphorus CkC61_-fKXk-00205-00046688-00046829 because the wastewater treatment plant CkC61_-fKXk-00206-00046830-00047114 actually focuses on that lower area for CkC61_-fKXk-00207-00047115-00047249 application where there's not CkC61_-fKXk-00208-00047250-00047498 competition with a lot of the livestock CkC61_-fKXk-00209-00047499-00047714 farms and so this is a little bit small CkC61_-fKXk-00210-00047715-00047908 but the interesting thing to me was that CkC61_-fKXk-00211-00047909-00048115 when we started looking at this we had CkC61_-fKXk-00212-00048116-00048418 this 2012 and 2013 data where we said CkC61_-fKXk-00213-00048419-00048605 alright let's look at the balance of the CkC61_-fKXk-00214-00048606-00048848 manure produce versus the crop uptake of CkC61_-fKXk-00215-00048849-00049031 phosphorus so this would where we would CkC61_-fKXk-00216-00049032-00049283 be at even base and now we know a lot of CkC61_-fKXk-00217-00049284-00049489 our soils are overloaded so actually we CkC61_-fKXk-00218-00049490-00049736 need to drive underneath the balance to CkC61_-fKXk-00219-00049737-00049907 try to correct some of our soil issues CkC61_-fKXk-00220-00049908-00050146 but let's just look at it like this so CkC61_-fKXk-00221-00050147-00050477 in some cases in the county we never saw CkC61_-fKXk-00222-00050478-00050665 a year so this was a drought year so CkC61_-fKXk-00223-00050666-00050821 there was less crop uptake so these CkC61_-fKXk-00224-00050822-00050960 numbers are gonna be a little bit worse CkC61_-fKXk-00225-00050961-00051185 than maybe a typical year so we'll just CkC61_-fKXk-00226-00051186-00051433 focus on 2013 where in the county you CkC61_-fKXk-00227-00051434-00051686 see we never hit this kind of over CkC61_-fKXk-00228-00051687-00051785 balance right CkC61_-fKXk-00229-00051786-00051982 we were always below there was a lot of CkC61_-fKXk-00230-00051983-00052192 enough crop uptake for the manure are we CkC61_-fKXk-00231-00052194-00052402 producing which makes sense we don't CkC61_-fKXk-00232-00052403-00052804 import a ton of feed but now here in the CkC61_-fKXk-00233-00052805-00053026 heart of River watershed it's getting CkC61_-fKXk-00234-00053027-00053246 worse so that whole big watershed and CkC61_-fKXk-00235-00053247-00053348 then in CkC61_-fKXk-00236-00053349-00053660 upper watershed we're over the balance CkC61_-fKXk-00237-00053661-00053975 just with manure right and I know some CkC61_-fKXk-00238-00053976-00054166 of the crop are the livestock producers CkC61_-fKXk-00239-00054167-00054365 were say they're moving manure you know CkC61_-fKXk-00240-00054366-00054665 25 miles but obviously with the build-up CkC61_-fKXk-00241-00054666-00054812 of phosphorous we're seeing there's CkC61_-fKXk-00242-00054813-00055091 other evidence that this is suggesting CkC61_-fKXk-00243-00055091-00055319 this is correct now I don't like to get CkC61_-fKXk-00244-00055320-00055612 into an argument over if it's 1.5 or CkC61_-fKXk-00245-00055613-00055898 1.25 but the fact is even if we're close CkC61_-fKXk-00246-00055899-00056174 to one that's too much right I mean we CkC61_-fKXk-00247-00056175-00056557 can't be that close and have all of CkC61_-fKXk-00248-00056558-00056716 these other sources of phosphorus in the CkC61_-fKXk-00249-00056717-00057016 watershed and we're never going to hit a CkC61_-fKXk-00250-00057017-00057266 balance in that way so for this CkC61_-fKXk-00251-00057266-00057554 particular project they wanted us to CkC61_-fKXk-00252-00057554-00057746 look at manure storages so we looked CkC61_-fKXk-00253-00057747-00057935 through the database of existing manure CkC61_-fKXk-00254-00057936-00058163 storages I'm always kind of mind boggled CkC61_-fKXk-00255-00058164-00058334 that the data it was literally just a CkC61_-fKXk-00256-00058335-00058594 filing cabinet so we spent a lot of you CkC61_-fKXk-00257-00058595-00058778 know I earned my PhD to look through a CkC61_-fKXk-00258-00058779-00059090 filing cabinet but it was really useful CkC61_-fKXk-00259-00059091-00059297 and interesting sometimes I like to do CkC61_-fKXk-00260-00059298-00059488 it for a little bit because it you get CkC61_-fKXk-00261-00059489-00059660 to see a little of what is actually CkC61_-fKXk-00262-00059661-00060023 happening out there it I'd had to say we CkC61_-fKXk-00263-00060024-00060197 had to make a lot of recommendations and CkC61_-fKXk-00264-00060198-00060446 how some data is collected because it's CkC61_-fKXk-00265-00060447-00060638 not collected so great but we went CkC61_-fKXk-00266-00060639-00060880 through a lot of the manure storages we CkC61_-fKXk-00267-00060882-00061085 cross-referenced a whole bunch of it we CkC61_-fKXk-00268-00061086-00061412 did visuals using imaging or inspection CkC61_-fKXk-00269-00061413-00061559 I mean there was a ton of data and so CkC61_-fKXk-00270-00061560-00061857 then we mapped those storages out there CkC61_-fKXk-00271-00061858-00062249 what we did you can see that there was CkC61_-fKXk-00272-00062250-00062375 quite a decent amount of storage we CkC61_-fKXk-00273-00062376-00062566 actually don't have a lot of permanent CkC61_-fKXk-00274-00062567-00062729 facilities in this area even though CkC61_-fKXk-00275-00062729-00062861 there's a lot of animals there's CkC61_-fKXk-00276-00062862-00063074 probably only a handful of permanent CkC61_-fKXk-00277-00063075-00063296 facilities we we generally around this CkC61_-fKXk-00278-00063297-00063575 area have a lot of small farms so not CkC61_-fKXk-00279-00063576-00063754 everybody has storage so we know that CkC61_-fKXk-00280-00063755-00064037 there are about 80 of the 208 operations CkC61_-fKXk-00281-00064038-00064357 that had storage and then we looked at CkC61_-fKXk-00282-00064358-00064562 kind of that distribution and how big CkC61_-fKXk-00283-00064563-00064790 they were and obviously the larger CkC61_-fKXk-00284-00064791-00065344 producers all had all had capacity but CkC61_-fKXk-00285-00065345-00065540 then obviously as you got to smaller CkC61_-fKXk-00286-00065541-00065771 producers most of them did not have CkC61_-fKXk-00287-00065772-00066104 capacity so we didn't want to just say CkC61_-fKXk-00288-00066105-00066326 look at where the manure is we don't we CkC61_-fKXk-00289-00066327-00066661 have limited money and so we decided CkC61_-fKXk-00290-00066662-00067426 yep yeah so I mean they're not required CkC61_-fKXk-00291-00067427-00067663 to have storage so they a lot of them CkC61_-fKXk-00292-00067664-00067840 didn't have storage a lot of the small CkC61_-fKXk-00293-00067841-00068044 producers understandably it's a cost CkC61_-fKXk-00294-00068045-00068254 they just can't incur I think we all CkC61_-fKXk-00295-00068255-00068470 knew that but we know the larger CkC61_-fKXk-00296-00068471-00068635 producers are required to have storage CkC61_-fKXk-00297-00068636-00068881 so we we know a hundred percent of them CkC61_-fKXk-00298-00068882-00069088 and as you get smaller and smaller the CkC61_-fKXk-00299-00069089-00069361 number the amount of animal units CkC61_-fKXk-00300-00069362-00069559 covered under the amount of storage they CkC61_-fKXk-00301-00069560-00070015 have decreases so we didn't want to just CkC61_-fKXk-00302-00070016-00070222 look at do you have storage now we have CkC61_-fKXk-00303-00070223-00070492 very limited money in the county if we CkC61_-fKXk-00304-00070493-00070705 tried to overcome all of that storage CkC61_-fKXk-00305-00070706-00070942 capacity it would cost us way more than CkC61_-fKXk-00306-00070943-00071113 the county would want to invest right we CkC61_-fKXk-00307-00071114-00071257 gave them a number I can't remember what CkC61_-fKXk-00308-00071258-00071503 that is at the moment and so what we did CkC61_-fKXk-00309-00071504-00071695 was we decided well we want to put CkC61_-fKXk-00310-00071696-00071992 storages where there would be more CkC61_-fKXk-00311-00071993-00072379 impact to the actual land application CkC61_-fKXk-00312-00072380-00072664 right so we wanted to look at putting CkC61_-fKXk-00313-00072665-00072928 storages in areas where there were what CkC61_-fKXk-00314-00072929-00073204 we classified as sensitive fields which CkC61_-fKXk-00315-00073205-00073668 we said would lead to increase potential CkC61_-fKXk-00316-00073669-00073966 increase of runoff when land applied so CkC61_-fKXk-00317-00073967-00074200 that it would give in kind of maybe a CkC61_-fKXk-00318-00074201-00074446 better estimate of where you might want CkC61_-fKXk-00319-00074447-00074659 to spend your money more wisely right so CkC61_-fKXk-00320-00074660-00074800 we could run it just for the money if we CkC61_-fKXk-00321-00074801-00075079 wanted to but we're now gonna add this CkC61_-fKXk-00322-00075080-00075355 an additional component and so we mapped CkC61_-fKXk-00323-00075356-00075520 where all these sensitive fields are CkC61_-fKXk-00324-00075521-00075691 using these kind of constraints if CkC61_-fKXk-00325-00075692-00075841 you're within 300 feet of a water CkC61_-fKXk-00326-00075842-00076036 feature if you had an intermittent CkC61_-fKXk-00327-00076037-00076432 stream if you're in this dominant soil CkC61_-fKXk-00328-00076433-00076603 hydraulic group is d so it has high CkC61_-fKXk-00329-00076604-00076813 runoff potential or you had a high field CkC61_-fKXk-00330-00076814-00077092 slope right and then we eliminated CkC61_-fKXk-00331-00077093-00077233 fields that were internally green so CkC61_-fKXk-00332-00077234-00077899 it's not perfect but Runnings CkC61_-fKXk-00333-00077900-00078087 because we didn't think that those CkC61_-fKXk-00334-00078088-00078322 fields would lead to surface runoff so CkC61_-fKXk-00335-00078323-00078592 we eliminated them from the class from CkC61_-fKXk-00336-00078593-00079042 the sensitive field classification so in CkC61_-fKXk-00337-00079043-00079324 this area you can see kind of the map CkC61_-fKXk-00338-00079325-00079504 right here's the map here's the fields CkC61_-fKXk-00339-00079505-00079719 that we said were sensitive and then no CkC61_-fKXk-00340-00079720-00079924 sensitivity now there's a million other CkC61_-fKXk-00341-00079925-00080049 ways you could do this you could use CkC61_-fKXk-00342-00080050-00080268 neutral management plans and try to use CkC61_-fKXk-00343-00080269-00080485 like phosphorous runoff numbers or map CkC61_-fKXk-00344-00080486-00080647 everything this wasn't a very big CkC61_-fKXk-00345-00080648-00080874 project so we did it this way CkC61_-fKXk-00346-00080875-00081049 because there's a ton of assumptions CkC61_-fKXk-00347-00081050-00081192 you're making here right you have no CkC61_-fKXk-00348-00081193-00081417 idea how the field is managed you have CkC61_-fKXk-00349-00081418-00081649 no idea what practices they're using CkC61_-fKXk-00350-00081650-00081778 what the existing phosphorus CkC61_-fKXk-00351-00081779-00081955 concentration is right so we just said CkC61_-fKXk-00352-00081956-00082161 yes or no we're gonna try to improve the CkC61_-fKXk-00353-00082162-00082405 where these are laid out and then we ran CkC61_-fKXk-00354-00082406-00082718 a lot of optimization models with this CkC61_-fKXk-00355-00082719-00083011 it's like a two-part optimization model CkC61_-fKXk-00356-00083012-00083280 and so it had the economic drivers it CkC61_-fKXk-00357-00083281-00083481 also had this sensitive field driver CkC61_-fKXk-00358-00083482-00083751 right and so we set up these different CkC61_-fKXk-00359-00083752-00083988 scenarios where we're trying to balance CkC61_-fKXk-00360-00083989-00084154 all right if I'm gonna put in five CkC61_-fKXk-00361-00084155-00084421 million dollars worth of storage where CkC61_-fKXk-00362-00084422-00084699 would the where would the optimization CkC61_-fKXk-00363-00084700-00084961 system locate that storage to improve CkC61_-fKXk-00364-00084962-00085249 the distribution to sensitive fields CkC61_-fKXk-00365-00085250-00085648 well also minimizing cost right so we CkC61_-fKXk-00366-00085649-00085830 end up and I kind of hit it because I CkC61_-fKXk-00367-00085831-00085986 don't want the individuals to be CkC61_-fKXk-00368-00085987-00086229 identified but all over and over no CkC61_-fKXk-00369-00086230-00086428 matter what snares we ran it put this CkC61_-fKXk-00370-00086429-00086578 storage as of where you should invest CkC61_-fKXk-00371-00086579-00086838 your money in a very tight spot in both CkC61_-fKXk-00372-00086839-00087063 of these places right so it knew that we CkC61_-fKXk-00373-00087064-00087310 had a lot of excess manure production in CkC61_-fKXk-00374-00087311-00087504 those area for the land base and then it CkC61_-fKXk-00375-00087505-00087738 knew also that those fields would be CkC61_-fKXk-00376-00087739-00088326 sensitive okay so the next thing we did CkC61_-fKXk-00377-00088327-00088482 was we met we took one of those CkC61_-fKXk-00378-00088483-00088759 scenarios and we tried to use actually CkC61_-fKXk-00379-00088760-00089019 what we use in our state is snap Plus CkC61_-fKXk-00380-00089020-00089532 which is a phosphorus index system and CkC61_-fKXk-00381-00089533-00089767 we tried to estimate what the impact CkC61_-fKXk-00382-00089768-00089937 would be to winter spreading if you went CkC61_-fKXk-00383-00089938-00090184 through these now again you don't know CkC61_-fKXk-00384-00090185-00090397 the practices you don't know a lot of CkC61_-fKXk-00385-00090398-00090529 the things and even though we were CkC61_-fKXk-00386-00090530-00090691 mapping the particular fields this is CkC61_-fKXk-00387-00090692-00090906 just an estimate right but at least it CkC61_-fKXk-00388-00090907-00091119 gives us an idea of what might happen CkC61_-fKXk-00389-00091120-00091380 so we did two of them to kind of book CkC61_-fKXk-00390-00091381-00091641 end this at hi-low erosion and higher CkC61_-fKXk-00391-00091642-00091812 eruption so in a higher ocean we chose CkC61_-fKXk-00392-00091813-00091941 all the practices that would lead to CkC61_-fKXk-00393-00091942-00092197 increase loss and in the lower ocean we CkC61_-fKXk-00394-00092198-00092404 chose a bunch of practices that would be CkC61_-fKXk-00395-00092405-00092748 to minimize that phosphorus loss so in CkC61_-fKXk-00396-00092749-00093036 this scenario are different when we in CkC61_-fKXk-00397-00093037-00093285 when we input the storage was about CkC61_-fKXk-00398-00093286-00093582 eight thousand pounds each year of CkC61_-fKXk-00399-00093583-00093721 phosphorus difference right or maybe CkC61_-fKXk-00400-00093722-00093873 this was over 20 years I'm sorry and CkC61_-fKXk-00401-00093874-00094066 then the difference here was four CkC61_-fKXk-00402-00094067-00094254 thousand so that's a huge range we're CkC61_-fKXk-00403-00094255-00094471 talking four thousand pound to 18 CkC61_-fKXk-00404-00094472-00094698 thousand pounds who really knows in that CkC61_-fKXk-00405-00094699-00094866 range where we're at but that is the CkC61_-fKXk-00406-00094867-00095248 impact of spending this I can't remember CkC61_-fKXk-00407-00095249-00095394 an office with five or nineteen million CkC61_-fKXk-00408-00095395-00095646 dollars I apologize CkC61_-fKXk-00409-00095647-00095872 yeah nineteen million gallons of story CkC61_-fKXk-00410-00095873-00096085 five million thank you of the CkC61_-fKXk-00411-00096086-00096334 application so it kind of gave us an CkC61_-fKXk-00412-00096335-00096600 idea we could determine they really CkC61_-fKXk-00413-00096601-00096853 wanted a dollar per pound kind of number CkC61_-fKXk-00414-00096854-00097119 we kept telling them that this is a huge CkC61_-fKXk-00415-00097120-00097287 range and we gave them the range but it CkC61_-fKXk-00416-00097288-00097536 actually they liked to see it even CkC61_-fKXk-00417-00097537-00097741 though we know it's not perfect it's CkC61_-fKXk-00418-00097742-00097903 what you're gonna see so it they could CkC61_-fKXk-00419-00097904-00098160 compare this now to other technologies CkC61_-fKXk-00420-00098161-00098403 now I don't love this it wasn't perfect CkC61_-fKXk-00421-00098404-00098535 but it was our first kind of way of CkC61_-fKXk-00422-00098536-00098694 trying to integrate these different CkC61_-fKXk-00423-00098695-00098844 things into the optimization models CkC61_-fKXk-00424-00098845-00099085 which was I had to say it was a lot of CkC61_-fKXk-00425-00099086-00099291 rough discussions to get there it hurt CkC61_-fKXk-00426-00099292-00099579 my brain a lot so then we moved on and CkC61_-fKXk-00427-00099580-00099816 we had a whole team I work with the CkC61_-fKXk-00428-00099817-00099912 optimization model CkC61_-fKXk-00429-00099913-00100080 his name is Victor's availa he's a CkC61_-fKXk-00430-00100081-00100311 brilliant guy and he'd give you slide CkC61_-fKXk-00431-00100312-00100536 like this but we decided to do something CkC61_-fKXk-00432-00100537-00100836 different where we tried to look at if CkC61_-fKXk-00433-00100837-00101110 we try to put a price point on CkC61_-fKXk-00434-00101111-00101286 phosphorus and allow different technical CkC61_-fKXk-00435-00101287-00101548 processing technologies what kind of CkC61_-fKXk-00436-00101549-00101866 technologies would you integrate at what CkC61_-fKXk-00437-00101867-00102200 scale in the water said to increase CkC61_-fKXk-00438-00102201-00102463 export of phosphorus out of there so we CkC61_-fKXk-00439-00102464-00102702 he designed this market-clearing it's CkC61_-fKXk-00440-00102703-00103014 similar to how they designed the energy CkC61_-fKXk-00441-00103015-00103284 market right so there's people there's CkC61_-fKXk-00442-00103285-00103503 consumers and suppliers and you can set CkC61_-fKXk-00443-00103504-00103689 different price points and you provide CkC61_-fKXk-00444-00103690-00103849 all of the information so here's a bunch CkC61_-fKXk-00445-00103850-00104010 of technologies and here's how much they CkC61_-fKXk-00446-00104011-00104205 cost in their operating costs and then CkC61_-fKXk-00447-00104206-00104376 you can provide some environmental data CkC61_-fKXk-00448-00104377-00104452 or how CkC61_-fKXk-00449-00104453-00104586 around the other end that you're using CkC61_-fKXk-00450-00104588-00104889 so in this particular one we allowed CkC61_-fKXk-00451-00104890-00105133 separation granulation and struvite CkC61_-fKXk-00452-00105133-00105307 recovery so those were the technologies CkC61_-fKXk-00453-00105308-00105514 that the optimization model had to CkC61_-fKXk-00454-00105515-00105697 integrate and then we ran all these CkC61_-fKXk-00455-00105698-00106024 scenarios and the only few things I want CkC61_-fKXk-00456-00106025-00106147 to point out here is in one scenario CkC61_-fKXk-00457-00106148-00106345 this is separation there was never CkC61_-fKXk-00458-00106346-00106618 really a price point that separation CkC61_-fKXk-00459-00106619-00106911 that it started moving manure around CkC61_-fKXk-00460-00106913-00107140 with that kind of separation right and CkC61_-fKXk-00461-00107141-00107446 so these other scenarios this scenario CkC61_-fKXk-00462-00107447-00107808 here in this scenario here allowed any CkC61_-fKXk-00463-00107809-00107989 of the technologies to be used but CkC61_-fKXk-00464-00107990-00108250 change the demand for it right so when CkC61_-fKXk-00465-00108251-00108534 you increase demand we had a lower price CkC61_-fKXk-00466-00108535-00108730 point to hit that you would have to CkC61_-fKXk-00467-00108731-00108871 supplement and I'll explain this in a CkC61_-fKXk-00468-00108872-00109057 second I think this bunch of leads with CkC61_-fKXk-00469-00109058-00109359 each other side so forgive me I'm CkC61_-fKXk-00470-00109360-00109546 talking about this so the manure CkC61_-fKXk-00471-00109547-00109785 movement if you just tried to move CkC61_-fKXk-00472-00109786-00110080 manure without processing at all and you CkC61_-fKXk-00473-00110081-00110278 gave it a zero dollar per pound almost CkC61_-fKXk-00474-00110279-00110494 nothing would move right these blue CkC61_-fKXk-00475-00110495-00110709 lines represent movement almost nobody CkC61_-fKXk-00476-00110710-00110965 would move manure to an area that needed CkC61_-fKXk-00477-00110966-00111199 based on the phosphorus balance thanks CkC61_-fKXk-00478-00111200-00111502 now if you increase that to $30 per CkC61_-fKXk-00479-00111503-00111721 pound we started seeing the optimization CkC61_-fKXk-00480-00111722-00111955 model integrating certain processing CkC61_-fKXk-00481-00111956-00112192 technologies and so you would see this CkC61_-fKXk-00482-00112193-00112354 move actually this one was still just CkC61_-fKXk-00483-00112355-00112549 manure movement if you gave them $30 a CkC61_-fKXk-00484-00112550-00112750 pound they would move the manure for CkC61_-fKXk-00485-00112751-00113071 phosphorus now when we use the imbalance CkC61_-fKXk-00486-00113072-00113254 so those imbalance numbers that we CkC61_-fKXk-00487-00113255-00113692 predicted and then we also used the data CkC61_-fKXk-00488-00113693-00113985 for for the processing technologies at CkC61_-fKXk-00489-00113986-00114186 zero dollars per pound you can see this CkC61_-fKXk-00490-00114188-00114358 kind of dark color means there's CkC61_-fKXk-00491-00114358-00114580 imbalance still like the phosphorus and CkC61_-fKXk-00492-00114581-00114763 balance the scale came off of this one CkC61_-fKXk-00493-00114764-00114810 I'm sorry CkC61_-fKXk-00494-00114811-00115039 and then as you increase price the CkC61_-fKXk-00495-00115040-00115219 imbalance starts to go away so it's CkC61_-fKXk-00496-00115220-00115378 starting to implement different CkC61_-fKXk-00497-00115379-00115635 technologies to increase the movement CkC61_-fKXk-00498-00115636-00115897 out of the watershed and then when you CkC61_-fKXk-00499-00115898-00116173 get to $30 a pound there's only a little CkC61_-fKXk-00500-00116174-00116380 bit of balance and in this scenario we CkC61_-fKXk-00501-00116381-00116701 had to raise the price to $45 a pound to CkC61_-fKXk-00502-00116702-00117124 reach a balance of manure in the in the CkC61_-fKXk-00503-00117125-00117439 in this watershed area I will say once CkC61_-fKXk-00504-00117440-00117679 you started saying so in this CkC61_-fKXk-00505-00117680-00118090 this was our clearing prices of when you CkC61_-fKXk-00506-00118091-00118354 tried to hit a balance so this is at $45 CkC61_-fKXk-00507-00118355-00118745 per pound you can see when you tried to CkC61_-fKXk-00508-00118746-00118873 change that this is the difference CkC61_-fKXk-00509-00118874-00119110 between just moving manure and moving CkC61_-fKXk-00510-00119111-00119318 separated solids right so we can start CkC61_-fKXk-00511-00119319-00119479 to look at different practices and CkC61_-fKXk-00512-00119480-00119737 realize your dollar per pound could go CkC61_-fKXk-00513-00119738-00119969 down seven dollars if you're trying to CkC61_-fKXk-00514-00119970-00120143 move separated solids as compared to CkC61_-fKXk-00515-00120144-00120439 liquid manure there's a million things CkC61_-fKXk-00516-00120440-00120593 to look at I just want to give you an CkC61_-fKXk-00517-00120594-00120799 idea this is never-ending ly complicated CkC61_-fKXk-00518-00120800-00120968 right here's one of the scenarios where CkC61_-fKXk-00519-00120969-00121288 you had all of these technologies that CkC61_-fKXk-00520-00121289-00121465 it could use and how much they cost so CkC61_-fKXk-00521-00121466-00121609 there's a lot of assumptions that go CkC61_-fKXk-00522-00121610-00121796 into these things and then you have CkC61_-fKXk-00523-00121797-00121960 outputs of you know we can do this CkC61_-fKXk-00524-00121961-00122243 within the state the data is better when CkC61_-fKXk-00525-00122244-00122519 we can do it on that refined level but CkC61_-fKXk-00526-00122520-00122677 of course that's tough to do for the CkC61_-fKXk-00527-00122678-00122843 whole state so sometimes we're having to CkC61_-fKXk-00528-00122844-00123071 use bigger numbers and the next steps CkC61_-fKXk-00529-00123072-00123316 are to integrate with the LCA and then CkC61_-fKXk-00530-00123317-00123583 also to we're doing this also for CkC61_-fKXk-00531-00123584-00123766 landfill diversion of the organic waste CkC61_-fKXk-00532-00123767-00123968 so that was like a stumble-through it's CkC61_-fKXk-00533-00123969-00124174 a kind of a messy project but I don't CkC61_-fKXk-00534-00124175-00124513 think I haven't CkC61_-fKXk-00535-00124514-00124773 [Music] CkC61_-fKXk-00536-00124774-00124794 you CkC61_-fKXk-00537-00124795-00125108 [Music] Cl2-PwraS6c-00001-00004757-00007331 foreign Cl2-PwraS6c-00002-00007331-00009995 foreign Cl2-PwraS6c-00003-00009996-00012545 [Music] Cl2-PwraS6c-00004-00012546-00014680 foreign Cl2-PwraS6c-00005-00014681-00015107 [Music] Cl2-PwraS6c-00007-00018287-00020957 foreign Cl2-PwraS6c-00008-00020958-00022175 foreign Cl2-PwraS6c-00010-00025434-00025733 foreign ClDR0dSWxXM-00000-00000103-00000951 [Music] ClDR0dSWxXM-00001-00000952-00001488 [Music] ClDR0dSWxXM-00002-00001489-00003502 [Music] ClDR0dSWxXM-00003-00003503-00004283 [Music] ClDR0dSWxXM-00004-00004284-00005882 um ClDR0dSWxXM-00005-00005883-00007083 [Music] ClDR0dSWxXM-00006-00007084-00007372 working ClDR0dSWxXM-00007-00007373-00010042 [Music] ClDR0dSWxXM-00008-00010043-00010993 [Music] ClH0BmJz1Ec-00000-00000072-00000756 [Music] ClH0BmJz1Ec-00001-00000757-00001178 [Applause] Cm5d9iaDyjg-00000-00000000-00000311 what's up guys my name is Keegan Pinto I Cm5d9iaDyjg-00001-00000312-00000628 am a chief creative officer of FCB ulka Cm5d9iaDyjg-00002-00000629-00000983 I am supposed to be chilling out while Cm5d9iaDyjg-00003-00000984-00001501 spilling out the beans uh with e4m Cm5d9iaDyjg-00004-00001502-00001763 exchange Familia Cm5d9iaDyjg-00005-00001764-00002147 a typical weekend you'll find me uh Cm5d9iaDyjg-00006-00002148-00002423 in Goa with my mom and dad I cannot do Cm5d9iaDyjg-00007-00002424-00002621 without interesting Cm5d9iaDyjg-00008-00002622-00002813 I Cm5d9iaDyjg-00009-00002814-00003005 it's full device Cm5d9iaDyjg-00010-00003006-00003527 I love food I think of food I confess I Cm5d9iaDyjg-00011-00003528-00003988 am a grandma Nazi I have to confess I Cm5d9iaDyjg-00012-00003989-00004229 believe that if you're in if you're a Cm5d9iaDyjg-00013-00004230-00004493 writer if you're in communication if Cm5d9iaDyjg-00014-00004494-00004763 you're just acting fancy you've gotta Cm5d9iaDyjg-00015-00004764-00005086 get your pronunciations right I did Cm5d9iaDyjg-00016-00005087-00005470 binge watch in the true sense of binge Cm5d9iaDyjg-00017-00005471-00005729 watching I binge watched uh mind Hunter Cm5d9iaDyjg-00018-00005730-00006127 I'd like to learn more Cm5d9iaDyjg-00019-00006128-00006484 more of a language I think I'd like I'd Cm5d9iaDyjg-00020-00006486-00006814 like to learn more of uh more Urdu words Cm5d9iaDyjg-00021-00006815-00007037 more Arabic words Cm5d9iaDyjg-00022-00007038-00007439 I'm a I'm a serious so I'm I'm I'm I'm a Cm5d9iaDyjg-00023-00007440-00007703 amateur etymology next question is I can Cm5d9iaDyjg-00024-00007704-00008207 make a mean to save my life I can make a Cm5d9iaDyjg-00025-00008208-00008351 mean Cm5d9iaDyjg-00026-00008352-00008627 nothing I can just be nice Cm5d9iaDyjg-00027-00008628-00009089 not be mean to my uh maid or my chef and Cm5d9iaDyjg-00028-00009090-00009496 she then makes a meme many things no I Cm5d9iaDyjg-00029-00009497-00009749 cannot cook at all I just cannot I've Cm5d9iaDyjg-00030-00009750-00010013 tried and I'm very bad at it and it's Cm5d9iaDyjg-00031-00010014-00010241 not it's meant to be left to people who Cm5d9iaDyjg-00032-00010242-00010487 are better at it my next vacation Cm5d9iaDyjg-00033-00010488-00010655 Adventure will be now this is the Cm5d9iaDyjg-00034-00010656-00010849 interesting one my next vacation Cm5d9iaDyjg-00035-00010850-00011428 Adventure is surely going to be Japan Cm5d9iaDyjg-00036-00011429-00011702 100 percent Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00000-00000704-00000943 um hi everyone my name is joey katz i'm Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00001-00000944-00001183 the program associate with boston jewish Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00002-00001184-00001335 film we're Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00003-00001336-00001702 thrilled for uh today's um Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00004-00001703-00001967 uh uh event today uh we have alex Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00005-00001968-00002207 salzberg who is an animator a local Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00006-00002208-00002487 animator and uh professor i will read Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00007-00002488-00002750 your bio shortly um Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00008-00002751-00003023 who is going to do a really fun really Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00009-00003024-00003359 easy but also really informative Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00010-00003360-00003622 animation demonstration workshop hope Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00011-00003623-00003911 you all have your materials ready Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00012-00003911-00004247 if not you know very a very easy list of Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00013-00004248-00004511 materials so you can grab them Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00014-00004512-00004815 and get right back to it um so Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00015-00004816-00005038 first of all alex thank you so much for Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00016-00005039-00005454 joining us i'm really excited for this Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00017-00005455-00005702 yeah no i'm really happy to be here Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00018-00005703-00005783 yeah Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00019-00005784-00006102 so a little bit about alex uh here alex Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00020-00006103-00006446 is a boston-based independent animator Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00021-00006447-00006623 filmmaker and teacher Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00022-00006623-00006831 in addition to developing independent Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00023-00006831-00007087 shorts alex has also created animation Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00024-00007088-00007519 for nickelodeon wgbh and mtv and has Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00025-00007520-00007887 also directed music videos uh for uh Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00026-00007888-00008223 musicians like billy ray cyrus um Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00027-00008224-00008487 alex is an adjunct animation professor Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00028-00008488-00008783 at leslie university and offers Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00029-00008784-00008967 interrupt we're seeing a few things in Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00030-00008968-00009214 the chat saying there's no sound Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00031-00009215-00009455 oh but i hear you Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00032-00009456-00009583 um Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00033-00009584-00009839 sorry to interrupt the my mind okay Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00034-00009840-00009935 um Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00035-00009936-00010214 just make sure everyone that you're not Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00036-00010215-00010383 uh Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00037-00010384-00010535 muted um Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00038-00010536-00010806 yeah and robert just said click join Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00039-00010807-00011006 audio in the lower left Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00040-00011007-00011206 um that helps too Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00041-00011207-00011399 you're all pros you know this all right Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00042-00011400-00011663 great um so yeah just a little bit more Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00043-00011664-00011863 about alex he's an adjunct animation Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00044-00011864-00012078 professor at leslie university and Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00045-00012079-00012278 offers animation workshops to kids of Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00046-00012279-00012574 all ages as a founder of the animation Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00047-00012575-00012822 lab uh alex is also co-founder and Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00048-00012823-00013086 director of animatic boston an Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00049-00013087-00013279 organization that supports and educates Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00050-00013280-00013583 new england animation artists we also Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00051-00013584-00013775 have a link that will post in the chat Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00052-00013776-00013999 so you can see more of his work so yeah Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00053-00014000-00014175 again alex thank you so much for joining Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00054-00014176-00014335 us and uh Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00055-00014336-00014494 i think i'm gonna just Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00056-00014495-00014679 turn it over to you Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00057-00014680-00014911 cool no problem uh thanks everyone for Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00058-00014912-00015150 coming i'm really excited to be here Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00059-00015151-00015279 um so Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00060-00015280-00015519 uh yeah the reason i was invited here is Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00061-00015519-00015750 uh partially because a boston jewish Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00062-00015751-00015879 film festival Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00063-00015880-00016207 has a great film um called Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00064-00016208-00016479 bukra de mishmish which i think or bukra Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00065-00016480-00016663 field day mishmish Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00066-00016664-00016847 i'm sorry i'm butchering that but it's a Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00067-00016848-00017047 documentary about Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00068-00017048-00017407 um some jewish animators in uh egypt in Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00069-00017408-00017663 the 1930s who were creating animation Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00070-00017664-00017847 back then um so we thought it would be Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00071-00017848-00017991 fun to learn a little bit about Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00072-00017992-00018167 animation together and Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00073-00018168-00018343 those of you who want to and who brought Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00074-00018344-00018599 some supplies can um Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00075-00018600-00018911 can join along with us um and i think uh Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00076-00018912-00019086 they're posting the supplies in the chat Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00077-00019087-00019222 if you want to take a few minutes to Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00078-00019223-00019455 gather them while you intro this Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00079-00019456-00019750 but yeah so i am a 2d animator which Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00080-00019751-00019903 means that um Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00081-00019904-00020255 i animate uh drawings so the work i do Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00082-00020256-00020430 is a little more like Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00083-00020431-00020659 the simpsons or you know Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00084-00020660-00020847 [Music] Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00085-00020848-00021030 things like that and a little less like Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00086-00021031-00021222 pixar which i also love i have some Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00087-00021223-00021430 friends who work over there um but i do Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00088-00021431-00021647 i animate cartoon drawings Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00089-00021648-00021814 uh which is actually Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00090-00021815-00022071 not that different than what the frankel Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00091-00022072-00022391 brothers did in that film in the 1930s Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00092-00022392-00022583 but i have it a lot easier because i get Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00093-00022584-00022807 to draw into the computer so i have like Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00094-00022808-00022950 a drawing tablet Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00095-00022951-00023239 um kind of like an ipad that i draw into Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00096-00023240-00023367 and animate Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00097-00023368-00023583 but just like uh the frankel brothers Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00098-00023584-00023807 and other animators at that time like Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00099-00023808-00024071 disney the animators at warner brothers Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00100-00024072-00024358 the fleischer brothers i have to kind of Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00101-00024359-00024711 make a video one drawing at a time Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00102-00024712-00024927 so i'm really happy to not have to Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00103-00024928-00025086 deal with all those projectors and Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00104-00025087-00025319 equipment and everything um Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00105-00025320-00025542 but uh what's fun is today we can learn Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00106-00025543-00025870 a little bit how we create that magic Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00107-00025872-00026127 um so something that i always sort of Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00108-00026127-00026318 like to uh Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00109-00026319-00026558 start with uh is just talking about how Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00110-00026560-00026702 animation Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00111-00026704-00026911 um really just works because we're Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00112-00026912-00027207 tricking the eye so animation is just a Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00113-00027208-00027431 series of drawings they're all still Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00114-00027432-00027751 drawings um and your eye and your brain Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00115-00027752-00027943 kind of does the work to make it look Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00116-00027944-00028127 like it's moving so it's actually kind Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00117-00028127-00028302 of being animated in your head if that Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00118-00028304-00028423 makes sense Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00119-00028424-00028695 um so something i like to do to show off Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00120-00028695-00028846 how animation Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00121-00028847-00029014 can trick the eye Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00122-00029016-00029246 is a device called the thamatrope which Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00123-00029247-00029479 we're going to build together Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00124-00029480-00029631 so the supplies you're gonna need for Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00125-00029632-00029799 the thumatrope Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00126-00029800-00030127 are um an index card and if you don't Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00127-00030127-00030302 have an index card Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00128-00030303-00030414 you can Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00129-00030416-00030655 take a piece of paper and fold it into Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00130-00030656-00030870 roughly that size Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00131-00030872-00031055 uh you're gonna want something to draw Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00132-00031056-00031262 with i'm gonna use a sharpie Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00133-00031263-00031446 uh just so you can see it on here but at Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00134-00031447-00031679 home you can do a pencil or anything Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00135-00031680-00031767 else Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00136-00031768-00031951 and then you're gonna need Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00137-00031952-00032167 um a pencil Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00138-00032168-00032255 and Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00139-00032256-00032414 that's actually not just to draw with Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00140-00032416-00032623 but uh this will be to spin the Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00141-00032624-00032790 thamotrope Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00142-00032791-00032918 and then you're going to need some way Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00143-00032919-00033111 to fasten it and that could be either a Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00144-00033112-00033374 stapler or tape so i'll give everyone a Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00145-00033375-00033646 moment to gather those things Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00146-00033647-00033846 and by the way if at any point you have Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00147-00033847-00034127 a question and the question can be about Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00148-00034128-00034455 animation it can be about my work it can Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00149-00034456-00034574 be Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00150-00034575-00034974 um unrelated but i may not answer it uh Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00151-00034975-00035174 you can feel free to put it in the chat Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00152-00035175-00035423 or in the q a panel um if you can find Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00153-00035424-00035671 that on the bottom and i'll answer them Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00154-00035672-00035830 throughout there may be some time while Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00155-00035831-00035999 we're all working on our things and then Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00156-00036000-00036287 also those of you who make Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00157-00036288-00036527 these two animation devices that we're Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00158-00036528-00036671 going to make today Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00159-00036672-00036839 we want to see pictures and videos of Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00160-00036840-00037102 them on social media so when you do that Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00161-00037103-00037383 you can tag me and tag boston jewish Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00162-00037384-00037518 film festival Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00163-00037519-00037687 and also Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00164-00037688-00037887 feel free to email those to boston Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00165-00037888-00038102 jewish film festival as well Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00166-00038103-00038262 um so Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00167-00038263-00038559 once you have your index card Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00168-00038560-00038799 uh the first thing we're gonna do Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00169-00038800-00039007 and you you'll have time to do this you Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00170-00039008-00039183 can feel free to just watch first if you Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00171-00039184-00039287 want Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00172-00039288-00039487 but the first step is to just sort of Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00173-00039488-00039959 fold it in half like a book or a card so Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00174-00039960-00040102 you're going to want to have it folded Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00175-00040103-00040262 in half like this Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00176-00040263-00040495 and this is called a thamatrope and it's Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00177-00040496-00040671 a small device it's kind of like a Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00178-00040672-00040846 little animation toy that we're gonna Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00179-00040847-00040943 make Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00180-00040944-00041230 and um it's a good example of how we can Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00181-00041231-00041583 trick our eyes into combining images Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00182-00041584-00042007 so then once you have this Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00183-00042008-00042246 you're gonna draw Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00184-00042247-00042495 two different pictures one on each side Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00185-00042496-00042655 now you don't have to choose the same Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00186-00042656-00042830 pictures that i'm drawing Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00187-00042831-00042935 but Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00188-00042936-00043143 you want to draw two pictures that go Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00189-00043144-00043262 together Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00190-00043263-00043462 so for me i'm gonna go for a really Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00191-00043463-00043655 simple example of this Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00192-00043656-00043815 on one side Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00193-00043816-00044151 i'm going to draw a fish and in honor of Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00194-00044152-00044327 the frankl brothers i'm going to kind of Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00195-00044328-00044551 try to draw things in sort of a Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00196-00044552-00044783 1930s Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00197-00044784-00045071 animation style so they always have the Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00198-00045072-00045446 big eyes Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00199-00045447-00046343 usually like a big smile Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00200-00046344-00046590 so here we've got Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00201-00046591-00046758 a little Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00202-00046759-00046967 1930s fish Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00203-00046968-00047207 i'll even add some bubbles Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00204-00047208-00047358 and i'm going to add a little bit of Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00205-00047359-00047551 color you don't have to you could even Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00206-00047552-00047727 just do these in pencil Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00207-00047728-00047879 but i want to give it that nice black Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00208-00047880-00047990 and white Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00209-00047991-00048302 animation look just like in the Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00210-00048303-00048567 movie and i'll even add some Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00211-00048568-00048727 color to the eyes Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00212-00048728-00048935 so there we've got a fish on one side Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00213-00048936-00049302 and now on the other side i am going to Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00214-00049303-00049415 draw Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00215-00049416-00049599 you may have guessed this whoops sorry Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00216-00049600-00049774 for shaking the camera Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00217-00049775-00050111 i'm going to draw Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00218-00050112-00051319 a fishbowl Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00219-00051320-00051575 so now we've got Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00220-00051576-00051879 two sides to this thing we've got Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00221-00051879-00052063 a fish on one side Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00222-00052064-00052423 and a fishbowl on the other Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00223-00052424-00052623 so now the rest is actually pretty Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00224-00052624-00052791 simple and Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00225-00052791-00052966 though i'm going to demo this again when Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00226-00052967-00053159 i show another example so Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00227-00053160-00053271 don't worry if you missed it the first Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00228-00053272-00053494 time but with either your tape or your Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00229-00053495-00053647 stapler Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00230-00053648-00053919 you're gonna add if it's a stapler Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00231-00053920-00054094 four staples Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00232-00054095-00054487 you're gonna add one staple on the top Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00233-00054488-00054679 so right there Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00234-00054679-00054942 you're gonna add one staple on the open Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00235-00054944-00055103 side Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00236-00055104-00055454 where it sort of folds Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00237-00055455-00055799 and you're gonna add two staples Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00238-00055800-00056166 one on each side Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00239-00056167-00056247 of Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00240-00056248-00056382 the bottom Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00241-00056383-00056863 and i'll show you why we did that Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00242-00056864-00057263 we did that so that we can Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00243-00057264-00057566 kind of open this up and using the point Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00244-00057567-00057775 of the pencil Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00245-00057776-00057911 stick it in and now i'm going to hold Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00246-00057912-00058071 this up near my face so we're going to Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00247-00058072-00058238 want to look at that window Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00248-00058239-00058447 and we have kind of this Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00249-00058448-00058591 lollipop Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00250-00058591-00058719 on a pencil Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00251-00058720-00058815 now Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00252-00058816-00058975 we'll see how well the zoom cameras pick Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00253-00058976-00059142 this up but i hope you try or trying Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00254-00059144-00059311 this for yourself at home Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00255-00059312-00059454 if you put it between your hands and Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00256-00059455-00059599 kind of rub your hands together like Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00257-00059600-00059782 you're warming up Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00258-00059783-00060063 as you can see when you spin it fast Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00259-00060064-00060311 it looks like the fish is in the bowl Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00260-00060312-00060582 and so that is Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00261-00060583-00060871 exactly how film works in the sense Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00262-00060872-00061094 that your eye is seeing things move fast Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00263-00061095-00061366 and it's combining them into one Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00264-00061367-00061471 image Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00265-00061472-00061630 so in this case it's combining them into Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00266-00061632-00061950 one image but in a few minutes we're Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00267-00061951-00062175 going to also learn how we can create Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00268-00062176-00062503 the illusion of movement Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00269-00062504-00062671 and this is called the thumatrope it's Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00270-00062672-00062894 that simple and what's fun is you can Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00271-00062895-00063079 kind of change them up so if you only Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00272-00063079-00063303 have one pencil you can do more so i'm Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00273-00063304-00063526 going to demonstrate again and also show Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00274-00063527-00063623 you Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00275-00063624-00063887 kind of a tip uh of Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00276-00063888-00064182 what to avoid Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00277-00064183-00064326 so i'm going to make another so as a Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00278-00064327-00064487 reminder Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00279-00064488-00064911 we are going to Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00280-00064912-00065119 fold it in half Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00281-00065120-00065326 and so for this one Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00282-00065327-00065791 i'm gonna draw Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00283-00065792-00066335 an ice cream cone Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00284-00066336-00066726 and Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00285-00066727-00066911 i'm gonna draw Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00286-00066912-00067119 let's see Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00287-00067120-00067511 an ice cream Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00288-00067512-00067647 scoop Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00289-00067648-00067926 and because we're going for that 1930s Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00290-00067927-00068191 animation style Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00291-00068192-00068682 we'll give it some Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00292-00068683-00069006 eyes and maybe i'll color in the cone if Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00293-00069007-00069671 i can find my marker Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00294-00069672-00069782 so now i'm going to do the same thing Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00295-00069783-00070006 i'll do it with tape this time for those Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00296-00070007-00070303 of you who are using tape Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00297-00070304-00070526 i'm going to Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00298-00070527-00070903 tape the top Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00299-00070904-00071062 just like that Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00300-00071063-00071262 i'm going to Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00301-00071263-00071887 tape the open side Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00302-00071888-00072150 like that and then on the bottom Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00303-00072151-00072575 i'm gonna put tape on the left and right Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00304-00072576-00072782 leaving a space in the middle to put in Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00305-00072783-00073535 the pencil Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00306-00073536-00073638 so Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00307-00073639-00073894 i'll take the same pencil as before Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00308-00073895-00074126 and i'm going to demonstrate Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00309-00074127-00074462 what i did wrong on this Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00310-00074463-00074767 if you look up here near my face Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00311-00074768-00074967 so you got the ice cream on one side the Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00312-00074968-00075167 cone on the other i don't know if anyone Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00313-00075168-00075326 has guessed what's wrong Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00314-00075327-00075703 but because i put them on opposite sides Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00315-00075704-00075887 the ice cream is not on the cone so Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00316-00075888-00076038 that's my first tip Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00317-00076039-00076255 is try and choose two images that can Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00318-00076256-00076423 can line up in the middle Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00319-00076424-00076591 it works really well if it's an image Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00320-00076592-00076767 and something else but Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00321-00076768-00077047 i like these happy mistakes because now Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00322-00077048-00077238 i can just adjust it Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00323-00077239-00077487 so that the ice cream Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00324-00077488-00077750 is flying off the cone with these motion Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00325-00077751-00078071 lines and now Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00326-00078072-00078271 now it works Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00327-00078272-00078543 it looks very calm about it Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00328-00078544-00078719 and then the last thing i would advise Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00329-00078720-00078919 not doing Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00330-00078920-00079071 is Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00331-00079072-00079294 i would not recommend Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00332-00079295-00079487 coloring in Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00333-00079488-00079647 any big area Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00334-00079648-00079791 that would block something else so it Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00335-00079792-00079991 might be tempting to color in this water Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00336-00079992-00080262 on my fishbowl right Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00337-00080263-00080599 but Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00338-00080600-00080735 if we put Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00339-00080736-00081255 the pencil in Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00340-00081256-00081399 now it's a little bit harder to see the Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00341-00081400-00081767 fish it's a little bit muddy not too bad Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00342-00081768-00082006 so those are my thamatrope tips Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00343-00082007-00082335 um does anyone have any questions Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00344-00082336-00082647 on uh building these thomatropes Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00345-00082648-00082967 is anyone running into any trouble Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00346-00082968-00083094 and remember if you want to show off Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00347-00083095-00083479 what you built you can um tag us and uh Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00348-00083480-00083991 email me or boston jewish film festival Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00349-00083992-00084238 the emails for those are in the chat um Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00350-00084239-00084455 so i want to give everyone maybe like Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00351-00084456-00084615 five minutes to finish up their own Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00352-00084616-00084871 thomatropes um but it would be a good Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00353-00084872-00085182 time if anyone has any questions Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00354-00085183-00085271 um Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00355-00085272-00085526 feel free to put them in the chat Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00356-00085527-00085662 or the q a Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00357-00085663-00085831 and i can answer them whether it's Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00358-00085832-00086023 questions about animation Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00359-00086024-00086767 or thomatropes Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00360-00086768-00086967 i i'm going to pop in here because i Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00361-00086968-00087215 actually have a question um Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00362-00087216-00087294 so Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00363-00087295-00087487 i'm wondering do you know Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00364-00087488-00087606 what Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00365-00087607-00087918 like the origins of the word thomatrope Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00366-00087919-00088150 mean like Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00367-00088151-00088406 um i don't entirely that's a great Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00368-00088407-00088559 question that's something now i wish i Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00369-00088560-00088823 know i know that there's a lot of old Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00370-00088824-00089047 film and animation devices that have the Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00371-00089048-00089367 word trope in them so i think it's the Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00372-00089368-00089503 so there's some for instance something Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00373-00089504-00089767 called um a zoatrope which is like a Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00374-00089768-00089918 spinning one Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00375-00089919-00090118 and um there's a Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00376-00090119-00090335 i'm gonna butcher this but it's like Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00377-00090336-00090679 praxis something scope um yeah that Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00378-00090680-00090959 sounds this sounds right yeah it's like Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00379-00090960-00091143 and there's like i think also like a Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00380-00091144-00091511 kinetoscope so i think the or scope and Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00381-00091512-00091759 trope are like have something to do with Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00382-00091760-00091903 old um Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00383-00091904-00092279 like pre-camera film devices um okay Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00384-00092280-00092511 but then i'm not sure what the thumb Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00385-00092512-00092647 means it might have to do with the Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00386-00092648-00092815 spinning but i'm not sure Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00387-00092816-00093055 uh so that is a great great question Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00388-00093056-00093182 that i'm sorry i don't know the answer Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00389-00093183-00093431 to no it's all good um Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00390-00093432-00093735 i i also i mean if people do have Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00391-00093736-00094047 questions um you can put them in the q a Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00392-00094048-00094255 section at the bottom middle of the Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00393-00094256-00094343 screen Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00394-00094344-00094631 um but i do have another question yeah Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00395-00094632-00094838 i'm just wondering um Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00396-00094839-00095182 because like the the 1930s Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00397-00095183-00095455 style of animation is so you know it's Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00398-00095456-00095918 so iconic and it's very of that time so Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00399-00095919-00096094 i was wondering if you if you wanted to Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00400-00096095-00096343 put your historian hat on if you could Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00401-00096344-00096615 um just talk a little bit about Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00402-00096616-00096926 why that was the style then and who were Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00403-00096927-00097159 the major influences around that time Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00404-00097160-00097350 yeah so from what i know and my Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00405-00097351-00097567 historian hat is much smaller than a Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00406-00097568-00097926 real historian's hat um but from uh my Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00407-00097927-00098082 study of it so Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00408-00098083-00098350 initially a lot of the first animation Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00409-00098351-00098694 was being done um kind of to Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00410-00098695-00098991 animate comic strips um so Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00411-00098992-00099087 um Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00412-00099088-00099399 you know they would take um Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00413-00099400-00099623 comic strips from the newspaper and try Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00414-00099624-00099799 to make them move and then as they did Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00415-00099800-00100023 that for more and more years and Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00416-00100024-00100238 they started developing sort of the Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00417-00100239-00100479 actual like craft of animation itself so Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00418-00100480-00100655 just like any art form Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00419-00100656-00100879 there's all these rules now rules are Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00420-00100880-00101087 made to be broken but there's all the Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00421-00101088-00101262 you know just as like when you're Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00422-00101263-00101479 painting you learn about uh or drawing Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00423-00101480-00101726 you learn about perspective and Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00424-00101727-00101926 tone and all those things layout um Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00425-00101927-00102047 composition Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00426-00102048-00102271 animation also has these principles we Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00427-00102272-00102575 call them things like um Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00428-00102576-00102799 you know overshoot and settle meaning Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00429-00102800-00103023 like if a character like is punching Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00430-00103024-00103190 another character the hand's gonna go Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00431-00103191-00103423 forward and then back a little bit and Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00432-00103424-00103671 you see as these things start to develop Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00433-00103672-00103958 um animation starts to look smoother and Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00434-00103959-00104158 that's where you get like all the really Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00435-00104159-00104382 nice looking stuff that we remember like Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00436-00104383-00104639 bugs bunny mickey mouse all that stuff Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00437-00104640-00104766 that's when it started to get a lot Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00438-00104767-00104951 smoother and you can see in the Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00439-00104952-00105110 frenkel brothers films as well in the Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00440-00105111-00105247 documentary Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00441-00105248-00105439 their earlier films look a little bit Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00442-00105440-00105686 more rough and then Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00443-00105688-00105863 they sort of get Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00444-00105864-00105951 more Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00445-00105952-00106110 you know smooth and that has to do with Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00446-00106111-00106358 those principles um but yeah the big Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00447-00106359-00106527 studio is doing this kind of animation Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00448-00106528-00106686 there are lots of you know people and Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00449-00106688-00106831 there are people in other countries as Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00450-00106832-00107110 well including egypt um doing Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00451-00107111-00107319 this but the bigger the studios with Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00452-00107320-00107534 doing a lot of the cartoon style stuff Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00453-00107535-00107751 were like disney warner brothers and Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00454-00107752-00107847 then Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00455-00107848-00108007 the fleischer brothers who were doing Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00456-00108008-00108295 like popeye and betty boop and Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00457-00108296-00108454 um a lot of it was just people Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00458-00108455-00108686 experimenting i imagine it was a pretty Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00459-00108688-00108943 exciting time to be an animator um Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00460-00108944-00109151 because it was a pretty new it's a Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00461-00109152-00109423 relatively new art form um sort of Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00462-00109424-00109702 developed just like film obviously it Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00463-00109703-00109902 you know relies on pretty modern Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00464-00109903-00110183 technology so it's you know Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00465-00110183-00110358 the first animation Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00466-00110359-00110543 or the first animated films are only Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00467-00110544-00110927 about as old as the first films yeah Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00468-00110928-00111023 um Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00469-00111024-00111310 but it's funny in animation history like Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00470-00111311-00111527 we talk a lot about attempts to make Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00471-00111528-00111783 things animate before a you know film Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00472-00111783-00111910 existed and there there are cave Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00473-00111911-00112054 paintings where Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00474-00112055-00112254 um you know thousands of years ago where Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00475-00112255-00112463 they painted an animal with Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00476-00112464-00112575 like you know Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00477-00112576-00112799 12 legs and the idea was that it looks Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00478-00112800-00113102 like it's running so which is kind truly Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00479-00113103-00113271 if i was to animate someone running Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00480-00113272-00113447 really fast i would draw Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00481-00113448-00113599 more than two legs for some of the Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00482-00113600-00113831 drawings to make it look that way Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00483-00113832-00114078 very cool i i just learned that actually Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00484-00114079-00114302 recently that they would use not that Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00485-00114303-00114463 this is a a Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00486-00114464-00114710 cave art seminar but Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00487-00114711-00114902 it isn't i just find that fascinating Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00488-00114903-00115127 that you know you know movies and Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00489-00115128-00115351 animation have predated Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00490-00115352-00115631 movies as we know it yeah Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00491-00115632-00115815 yeah it's fascinating and you know Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00492-00115816-00116143 people are always making innovations um Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00493-00116144-00116431 despite the the technical technological Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00494-00116432-00116599 limitations right Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00495-00116600-00116695 um Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00496-00116696-00116799 but yeah Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00497-00116800-00116983 yeah i feel that i mean i even think Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00498-00116983-00117231 back to like when i was a kid and i Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00499-00117232-00117447 imagined many people when they were kids Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00500-00117448-00117631 did creative things that they didn't Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00501-00117632-00117775 necessarily Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00502-00117776-00117966 know how to do they just Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00503-00117967-00118127 you know wanted to figure out the best Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00504-00118128-00118343 way to do it with what they had so Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00505-00118344-00118454 you know Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00506-00118455-00118663 i teach a lot of young kids through Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00507-00118664-00118815 animation lab classes and they're so Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00508-00118816-00119071 lucky because i bring in iphones with Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00509-00119072-00119247 animation apps on them and they can just Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00510-00119248-00119319 make Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00511-00119320-00119519 animation and then email it to their Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00512-00119520-00119751 parents right away or whatever um but Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00513-00119752-00119919 when i was a kid you know i had to just Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00514-00119920-00120190 i had a cheap camcorder and just had to Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00515-00120191-00120414 click start stop start stop start stop Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00516-00120415-00120743 animate um and someone you know who grew Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00517-00120744-00120902 up before my time would have you know Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00518-00120903-00121190 had to do it on film if at all so yeah Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00519-00121191-00121334 um Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00520-00121335-00121575 so yeah i think um hopefully everyone's Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00521-00121576-00121831 uh at least gotten to do one thaumatrope Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00522-00121832-00122166 and i'm excited to see some of them uh Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00523-00122167-00122319 but i'm going to move on to our second Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00524-00122320-00122534 one which the thaumatrope Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00525-00122535-00122823 uh is sort of a our preview of animation Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00526-00122824-00122951 i wouldn't even necessarily call it Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00527-00122952-00123110 animation because it's not moving but Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00528-00123111-00123358 it's a good example of you know bringing Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00529-00123359-00123590 something to life by tricking the eye Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00530-00123591-00123814 but now we are going to make Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00531-00123815-00124086 an animation right here and we're it's Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00532-00124088-00124319 going to be only two pictures but i Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00533-00124320-00124534 promise you it is going to look really Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00534-00124535-00124678 cool Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00535-00124679-00124983 so uh this one involves Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00536-00124983-00125223 a lot of folding so stay with me and Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00537-00125224-00125375 i'll try to do it slowly and i'll do it Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00538-00125376-00125495 more than once Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00539-00125496-00125575 um Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00540-00125576-00125719 the folding is not what makes the Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00541-00125720-00125886 animation cool it's just how we get like Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00542-00125888-00126151 the right size of paper Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00543-00126152-00126295 so Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00544-00126296-00126478 to do this i'm going to take a piece of Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00545-00126479-00126623 paper Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00546-00126624-00126775 and i'm holding it Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00547-00126776-00126919 this way Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00548-00126920-00127214 i'm going to fold it in half so not Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00549-00127215-00127431 like a birthday card but the long way so Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00550-00127432-00128110 you have this longer piece of paper Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00551-00128111-00128247 and then Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00552-00128248-00128390 i'm going to fold it Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00553-00128391-00128495 in half Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00554-00128496-00128758 again Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00555-00128759-00129014 so now i've got if you look at my head Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00556-00129015-00129199 this long Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00557-00129200-00129399 sheet of paper Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00558-00129400-00129647 and then i'm going to fold it in half Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00559-00129648-00129871 one more time Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00560-00129872-00130110 so it's long and now i'm folding it so Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00561-00130111-00130190 it's Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00562-00130191-00130351 a little shorter so it should be about Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00563-00130352-00130575 the size of a bookmark so let me just Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00564-00130576-00130710 review that one more time i'll just do Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00565-00130711-00130878 it in front of my face Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00566-00130879-00131166 i folded it in half this way so you have Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00567-00131167-00131366 kind of this long rectangle Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00568-00131367-00131551 in half again so you have kind of a Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00569-00131552-00131702 really long sheet Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00570-00131703-00131919 and then in half one more time Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00571-00131920-00132111 so you have like a bookmark Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00572-00132112-00132247 shape Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00573-00132248-00132447 and now um Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00574-00132448-00132711 with your scissors Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00575-00132712-00132990 these are definitely children's scissors Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00576-00132991-00133127 um Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00577-00133128-00133407 you're gonna cut in half oh here i'll do Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00578-00133408-00133583 it on the close-up Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00579-00133584-00133927 along this last fold that you did Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00580-00133928-00134159 so you have Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00581-00134160-00134414 two Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00582-00134415-00134959 bookmarks Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00583-00134960-00135359 and then um Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00584-00135360-00135623 on one of them Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00585-00135624-00135751 i'm going to Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00586-00135752-00135959 unfold one of these Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00587-00135960-00136302 tabs Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00588-00136303-00136607 and i'm going to cut it off Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00589-00136608-00136863 and so Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00590-00136864-00137239 what we'll be left with Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00591-00137240-00137535 is Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00592-00137536-00137687 two sheets you have Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00593-00137688-00137871 this thicker one Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00594-00137872-00138047 and this thinner one that's only one Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00595-00138048-00138143 sheet Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00596-00138144-00138366 so it's pretty Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00597-00138367-00138511 uh Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00598-00138512-00138863 much two things the same size so just to Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00599-00138864-00139071 review you have you'll have this thicker Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00600-00139072-00139159 one Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00601-00139160-00139335 and this thinner one Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00602-00139336-00139478 and again i'll show you that again real Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00603-00139479-00139695 quick just so it's clear so we've got Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00604-00139696-00139951 our folded sheet of paper here right Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00605-00139952-00140175 and i'm just going to unfold Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00606-00140176-00140447 the top layer Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00607-00140448-00140663 and i'm going to just Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00608-00140664-00140871 snip that off Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00609-00140872-00141047 and you'll see when we make this why Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00610-00141048-00141239 it's important to have a thicker one and Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00611-00141240-00141431 a thinner one Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00612-00141432-00141590 and i'll demo that i can demo this one Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00613-00141591-00141878 more time if anyone asks um after i show Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00614-00141879-00142159 you the animation so now Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00615-00142160-00142478 we're going we've got our two sheets Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00616-00142479-00142751 and we're going to create two pictures Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00617-00142752-00142975 but unlike our thomatrope which is two Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00618-00142976-00143175 pictures of different things Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00619-00143176-00143366 we're gonna do two pictures of the same Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00620-00143367-00143454 thing Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00621-00143455-00143759 where one thing changes Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00622-00143760-00143975 so i'm gonna start Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00623-00143976-00144447 and maybe i'll just do Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00624-00144448-00144799 a face Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00625-00144800-00145007 let's see sort of a weird Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00626-00145008-00145247 character i'm gonna make them Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00627-00145248-00146375 kind of grumpy Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00628-00146376-00146639 so we got our grumpy face Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00629-00146640-00146759 so this is Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00630-00146760-00147063 an animation what we would call a frame Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00631-00147064-00147278 a frame we call every drawing a frame Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00632-00147279-00147502 that's the same um with film as well has Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00633-00147503-00147607 frames Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00634-00147608-00147966 and animation on film is 24 frames per Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00635-00147967-00148087 second Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00636-00148088-00148223 um Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00637-00148224-00148535 and actually a lot of animation is only Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00638-00148536-00148735 12 frames per second Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00639-00148736-00148943 and we show each drawing twice and you Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00640-00148944-00149102 don't need to know any of that for this Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00641-00149103-00149271 activity i just thought it might be Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00642-00149272-00149390 interesting Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00643-00149391-00149695 so now i'm gonna do Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00644-00149696-00149966 our second picture of this guy Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00645-00149967-00150199 where we change one thing Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00646-00150200-00150423 so the best way to do that Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00647-00150424-00150671 is to put this Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00648-00150672-00150959 line up this smaller piece of paper Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00649-00150960-00151119 on top and i don't know how well you can Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00650-00151120-00151271 tell on the camera but you can kind of Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00651-00151272-00151654 see through and this is how animators Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00652-00151655-00151783 uh work Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00653-00151784-00151999 to make their characters consistent Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00654-00152000-00152183 they'll put a piece of paper over the Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00655-00152184-00152366 previous piece of paper and draw and Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00656-00152367-00152599 digitally it's the same thing Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00657-00152600-00152783 we call it digitally we call it onion Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00658-00152784-00153063 skin because you can see through it Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00659-00153064-00153247 but it's the same effect Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00660-00153248-00153526 so digital animation that i do is has a Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00661-00153527-00153790 lot in common with this Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00662-00153791-00153975 so i'm gonna take this guy and i'm gonna Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00663-00153976-00154214 make him Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00664-00154215-00155207 happy Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00665-00155208-00155483 and i think he has eyebrows Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00666-00155484-00155751 and i'll add that shading on the side Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00667-00155752-00156023 that i did before Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00668-00156024-00156247 kinda looks like a pumpkin okay Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00669-00156248-00156463 so now we just need to put this together Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00670-00156464-00156663 so that we can animate it Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00671-00156664-00156854 so this is where Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00672-00156855-00157183 we need a pencil again Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00673-00157184-00157519 you want to take this top sheet Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00674-00157520-00157599 and Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00675-00157600-00157751 roll it Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00676-00157752-00157887 and i'm going to do this again on the Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00677-00157888-00158054 other one to show you but you put the Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00678-00158055-00158207 pencil on the end Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00679-00158208-00158439 sort of horizontally like that and then Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00680-00158440-00158743 as tightly as you can Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00681-00158744-00158911 roll it Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00682-00158912-00159143 around the pencil Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00683-00159144-00159375 and roll it down at least Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00684-00159376-00159487 oops Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00685-00159488-00159911 at least past your drawing Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00686-00159912-00160126 and roll it nice and tight Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00687-00160127-00160351 so when you take the pencil out Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00688-00160352-00160551 you have this little rolled sheet Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00689-00160552-00160799 and then last but not least Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00690-00160800-00161095 we just need one staple or one piece of Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00691-00161096-00161702 tape on the left side Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00692-00161703-00161790 so Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00693-00161791-00161975 put that here Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00694-00161976-00162143 so just to review Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00695-00162144-00162535 we rolled this top piece Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00696-00162536-00162678 so that it's all the way over to the Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00697-00162679-00162935 left and if it's not far enough you can Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00698-00162936-00163214 roll it again more with the pencil Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00699-00163215-00163343 and then Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00700-00163344-00163654 we stapled it on the left and now Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00701-00163655-00163863 if you put the pencil in here Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00702-00163864-00163975 whoops Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00703-00163976-00164447 and move it across Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00704-00164448-00164631 if you do it at just the right speed it Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00705-00164632-00164751 animates and i'm going to roll this Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00706-00164752-00165014 tighter again Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00707-00165015-00165566 so that it stays over to the left more Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00708-00165567-00165814 and i don't have a name for this thing Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00709-00165815-00165990 you could call it like a mini flipbook Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00710-00165991-00166166 or something Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00711-00166167-00166663 so now Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00712-00166664-00167054 when you move the pencil back and forth Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00713-00167055-00167295 it gives the illusion really quickly Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00714-00167296-00167559 that your character is moving Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00715-00167560-00168111 it's a little bit of a lag on zoom Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00716-00168112-00168247 so Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00717-00168248-00168407 i'm going to show you some other ideas Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00718-00168408-00168583 for what you can do with this effect Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00719-00168584-00168959 we've got our other two Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00720-00168960-00169175 one thing that animators do a lot is Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00721-00169176-00169319 they make a character look like it's Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00722-00169320-00169559 walking Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00723-00169560-00169759 so the way you would do that in two Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00724-00169760-00169926 drawings Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00725-00169927-00170190 is you do one Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00726-00170191-00170559 pose Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00727-00170560-00171343 where the legs are out Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00728-00171344-00171447 and then Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00729-00171448-00171647 on the other one Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00730-00171648-00172111 you would do one pose Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00731-00172112-00172366 [Music] Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00732-00172367-00172566 the where are together and one of them Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00733-00172567-00172838 is up Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00734-00172839-00173047 and the head would be a little bit Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00735-00173048-00173247 higher Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00736-00173248-00173454 so this is called a walk cycle and Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00737-00173455-00173751 you'll see this in most animation Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00738-00173752-00173895 in an animated Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00739-00173896-00174111 movie or film Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00740-00174112-00174295 this would be Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00741-00174296-00174478 about eight frames long but we're gonna Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00742-00174479-00174783 do it with two frames Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00743-00174784-00175575 and then if you staple it Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00744-00175576-00175695 and actually i should have rolled it Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00745-00175696-00176014 first but you can do it in either order Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00746-00176015-00176183 we roll it up Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00747-00176184-00177023 and the pencil Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00748-00177024-00177447 now when we move it back and forth Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00749-00177448-00177719 it looks like he's walking Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00750-00177720-00177902 so that's our eye making us think it's Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00751-00177903-00178071 movement when we're just blinking two Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00752-00178072-00178295 things Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00753-00178296-00178511 and then another thing that um animators Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00754-00178512-00178711 do a lot of i'm gonna do it on this same Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00755-00178712-00178863 one Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00756-00178864-00179054 is Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00757-00179055-00179175 we do Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00758-00179176-00179511 something called lip sync Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00759-00179512-00179726 so lip sync is when we have to match it Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00760-00179727-00179983 up to audio so that was really hard to Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00761-00179984-00180135 do back in the day because you needed Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00762-00180136-00180311 all kinds of devices Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00763-00180312-00180502 on a computer it's nice and easy because Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00764-00180503-00180671 we have like a nice sound wave that we Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00765-00180672-00180951 can look at but either way you have to Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00766-00180952-00181087 create Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00767-00181088-00181271 mouth shapes Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00768-00181272-00181695 so Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00769-00181696-00181966 um i think what should this character be Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00770-00181967-00182102 saying Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00771-00182103-00182431 maybe this character can say boston Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00772-00182432-00182490 so um Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00773-00182491-00182607 [Music] Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00774-00182608-00183190 we would do the ah for boston Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00775-00183191-00183326 and this would be the mouth shape i'll Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00776-00183327-00183543 draw for this Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00777-00183544-00183735 and then for the second mouse shape on Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00778-00183736-00183935 the second frame Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00779-00183936-00184302 i'm going to do the same face Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00780-00184303-00185135 and i'm going to do that um for in Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00781-00185136-00185559 and now Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00782-00185560-00186214 roll it up again Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00783-00186215-00186359 so we got Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00784-00186360-00186535 boston Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00785-00186536-00186702 boston Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00786-00186703-00186887 boston Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00787-00186888-00187047 boston Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00788-00187048-00187238 and so that's how we would do lip sync Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00789-00187239-00187414 and obviously there's a lot more shapes Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00790-00187415-00187550 you would draw but we have to as Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00791-00187551-00187663 animators Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00792-00187664-00187831 really listen to the sound and then Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00793-00187832-00188335 think about what shape it would be Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00794-00188336-00188471 and there's so many different effects Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00795-00188472-00188678 you could do with this Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00796-00188679-00188831 another thing that often looks really Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00797-00188832-00189135 good is something opening and closing Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00798-00189136-00189375 so one that i like to do is you can do Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00799-00189376-00190799 like a little alligator Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00800-00190800-00191111 so i did a little alligator there Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00801-00191112-00191431 and then on this one Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00802-00191432-00191638 so you can do more than one on a sheet Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00803-00191639-00191883 if you don't want to make more Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00804-00191884-00192119 things i'm doing everything the same Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00805-00192120-00192823 except the mouth is opening Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00806-00192824-00192975 so Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00807-00192976-00193366 when we animate this Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00808-00193367-00193726 pencil blocks a little bit but Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00809-00193727-00194038 the alligator's mouth opens and closes Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00810-00194039-00194199 you can do it faster to make it happen Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00811-00194200-00194311 faster Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00812-00194312-00194759 or slower you want it to happen slower Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00813-00194760-00194999 so does anyone have any questions on Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00814-00195000-00195287 these Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00815-00195288-00195543 or how to get these done Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00816-00195544-00195735 maybe i'll demonstrate the fold one more Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00817-00195736-00195975 time just so it's there Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00818-00195976-00196326 so i'll do that up here we folded it Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00819-00196327-00196790 the long way Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00820-00196791-00197390 and then the long way again Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00821-00197391-00197790 and then we folded it Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00822-00197791-00198071 this way up and down Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00823-00198072-00198454 to make it kind of a bookmark shape Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00824-00198455-00198847 we cut it in half along this fold Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00825-00198848-00199183 and then we take the top layer with the Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00826-00199184-00199550 thinnest piece of paper Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00827-00199551-00199807 and Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00828-00199808-00200447 we cut that thin piece off Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00829-00200448-00200759 and then once we do their drawings Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00830-00200760-00200926 we would roll this part up around a Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00831-00200927-00201087 pencil Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00832-00201088-00201343 and we would put a staple or i'll do it Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00833-00201344-00201590 this time with a piece of tape Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00834-00201591-00201943 we would put a piece of tape on the end Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00835-00201944-00202223 so that we have Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00836-00202224-00202607 our page Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00837-00202608-00202990 so uh we have about 10 minutes left Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00838-00202991-00203295 so if anyone uh Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00839-00203296-00203495 has any questions i'm also happy if you Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00840-00203496-00203719 have questions that the answer involves Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00841-00203720-00203902 a drawing i'm happy to draw something Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00842-00203903-00204199 right here on camera Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00843-00204200-00204366 and those questions can also be Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00844-00204367-00204759 questions about these devices and how to Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00845-00204760-00205734 how to you know get the most out of them Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00846-00205735-00205862 something probably a lot of you have Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00847-00205863-00206134 made in the past is a flip book which Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00848-00206135-00206406 involves a similar thing of tracing Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00849-00206407-00206582 and it definitely involves drawing a lot Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00850-00206583-00207262 more drawings Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00851-00207263-00207479 a common question that i get that Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00852-00207480-00207734 someone may be thinking of asking is Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00853-00207735-00208006 what software i use to animate um so i Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00854-00208007-00208334 use something called adobe animate Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00855-00208335-00208503 which um Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00856-00208504-00208686 is made by the same company that makes Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00857-00208687-00208934 photoshop and all those programs Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00858-00208935-00209214 so i animate in adobe animate Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00859-00209215-00209390 and i um Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00860-00209391-00209686 usually edit an adobe premiere and i use Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00861-00209687-00209894 i use all adobe stuff adobe audition to Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00862-00209896-00210175 do the sound and adobe photoshop usually Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00863-00210176-00210446 to do the backgrounds often in animation Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00864-00210448-00210679 the backgrounds are a different style Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00865-00210680-00210910 than the character drawings um so that Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00866-00210911-00211158 you can get the uh Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00867-00211159-00211382 the character drawings to kind of stand Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00868-00211383-00211534 out so you may notice if you watch Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00869-00211535-00211775 especially like a disney movie or an old Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00870-00211776-00211855 um Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00871-00211856-00212119 cartoon that the uh Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00872-00212119-00212391 the backgrounds are usually like um Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00873-00212392-00212598 acrylic or oil paintings in those and Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00874-00212600-00212782 then the um Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00875-00212783-00213071 the characters are flat color with black Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00876-00213071-00213263 outlines and Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00877-00213264-00213455 actually the way they did the flat color Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00878-00213456-00213646 with black outlines back in the day so i Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00879-00213648-00213958 again i'm very lucky to be to be Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00880-00213959-00214223 an animator in 2021 i have all these Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00881-00214223-00214551 tools right at home i don't need um any Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00882-00214552-00214775 fancy cameras or anything i animate just Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00883-00214776-00214927 on a tablet Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00884-00214928-00215142 but back in the day they would draw the Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00885-00215144-00215471 animation on paper first so really thin Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00886-00215471-00215631 paper like this it's actually even Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00887-00215632-00215846 thinner animation paper Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00888-00215848-00216015 and then somebody would have to trace Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00889-00216016-00216127 that Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00890-00216128-00216719 with ink onto a plastic cell Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00891-00216719-00216934 and Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00892-00216935-00217031 then you Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00893-00217032-00217151 would Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00894-00217152-00217334 have to um Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00895-00217335-00217591 turn that cell over and paint the Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00896-00217592-00217742 character on the back and keep that Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00897-00217744-00217910 paint color really consistent so it's Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00898-00217911-00218094 flat and the reason it has to be on a Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00899-00218096-00218303 plastic cell is so that when you put it Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00900-00218304-00218446 under a camera Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00901-00218448-00218751 to put it on film you can see behind the Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00902-00218752-00218855 character Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00903-00218856-00219039 onto the background Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00904-00219040-00219263 um so sometimes uh there are people who Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00905-00219264-00219431 collect those cells so there's lots of Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00906-00219432-00219798 them floating around you can um Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00907-00219800-00219958 you can sometimes find just like a Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00908-00219959-00220198 single drawing of like donald duck or Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00909-00220200-00220303 i'm sure there Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00910-00220304-00220494 were cells um Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00911-00220496-00220758 of the uh mishmish character in that uh Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00912-00220759-00221071 documentary as well in addition to films Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00913-00221071-00221182 um Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00914-00221183-00221375 so yes that's that's a common question i Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00915-00221376-00221510 get Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00916-00221511-00221782 um i have a question um Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00917-00221783-00221975 i know you just helped Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00918-00221976-00222303 one of our uh Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00919-00222304-00222542 soon-to-be professional animators here Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00920-00222544-00222639 today Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00921-00222640-00222719 uh Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00922-00222719-00222855 give them some help on spelling Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00923-00222856-00223046 thamotrope which i'm like i'm glad you Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00924-00223048-00223231 posted that again because i'm like i Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00925-00223232-00223391 want to look up more thomas Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00926-00223392-00223591 yeah it may it may actually be i'm going Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00927-00223592-00223751 to post two options because it may Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00928-00223752-00224087 actually be uh with an o i'm realizing Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00929-00224088-00224167 so Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00930-00224167-00224327 one of those Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00931-00224328-00224446 okay Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00932-00224448-00224575 i thought you i thought the first one Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00933-00224576-00224839 was right it seemed yeah um Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00934-00224840-00225110 but i was wondering since um Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00935-00225111-00225391 um so you've had experience as i said Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00936-00225392-00225487 earlier Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00937-00225488-00225839 in working on music videos um and one of Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00938-00225840-00226006 the things that you see in the in Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00939-00226007-00226206 bucharest mishmish is Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00940-00226207-00226606 are these musical animation short films Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00941-00226607-00226846 um that the frenkel brothers did so i Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00942-00226848-00227079 know you just showed kind of how you do Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00943-00227080-00227334 lip syncing but um Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00944-00227335-00227551 if you could like kind of speak to the Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00945-00227552-00227782 challenges of Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00946-00227783-00228087 doing lip syncing specifically for music Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00947-00228088-00228182 yeah Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00948-00228183-00228319 um Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00949-00228319-00228558 in some ways it really depends on the Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00950-00228559-00228719 music so Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00951-00228719-00228998 um lip syncing Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00952-00229000-00229134 seems scary and there are a lot of Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00953-00229135-00229382 animators who don't like it i Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00954-00229383-00229463 am Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00955-00229464-00229663 weird in the animation community and Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00956-00229664-00229863 that i really love doing lip syncing i Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00957-00229864-00230015 find it kind of like Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00958-00230016-00230231 kind of zen um Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00959-00230232-00230415 and i also think lip syncing is more Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00960-00230416-00230703 forgiving than you think um Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00961-00230704-00230798 because Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00962-00230800-00231039 the instinct that animators have right Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00963-00231040-00231367 is to draw like every letter so if Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00964-00231367-00231679 someone is saying like um Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00965-00231680-00231815 hello Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00966-00231816-00231982 uh Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00967-00231983-00232142 i'm Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00968-00232144-00232310 alex Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00969-00232311-00232455 the instinct would be that we have to Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00970-00232456-00232831 draw the the h sound Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00971-00232832-00233071 and then the e sound Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00972-00233071-00233367 and then the l sound Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00973-00233367-00233623 and then the o sound and so on Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00974-00233623-00233727 right Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00975-00233728-00233927 um but actually Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00976-00233928-00234127 kind of like we saw how these two frame Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00977-00234128-00234406 animations like you know um Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00978-00234407-00234575 boston or whatever Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00979-00234576-00234894 like you really just need to do Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00980-00234896-00235071 the e Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00981-00235071-00235246 and the o and that's also true to how Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00982-00235248-00235479 people talk if i say hello Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00983-00235480-00235646 you're really only seeing two shapes Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00984-00235648-00235839 that my mouth makes um Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00985-00235840-00235991 so actually when you're doing something Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00986-00235992-00236127 like music Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00987-00236128-00236415 if someone is singing really slowly Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00988-00236416-00236567 that could be really difficult so if you Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00989-00236567-00236758 i've never done a music video for an Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00990-00236759-00236975 opera song but if you were animating to Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00991-00236976-00237167 like an opera song or like a lounge Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00992-00237167-00237310 singer or something Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00993-00237311-00237479 then you'd maybe have your work cut out Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00994-00237480-00237606 for you because you really have to get Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00995-00237607-00237742 it exact Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00996-00237744-00238046 um but i've done for instance a couple Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00997-00238048-00238351 of rap videos where the um the musician Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00998-00238352-00238631 is singing and rapping really quickly Cmg7LYHfjFQ-00999-00238632-00238863 and that's very forgiving if someone is Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01000-00238864-00239079 talking really fast as long as their Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01001-00239080-00239271 mouth is kind of moving Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01002-00239271-00239519 it's sort of um it sort of works but one Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01003-00239519-00239815 of my trigger bi right exactly exactly Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01004-00239816-00239951 yeah and that's Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01005-00239952-00240182 um and one of my favorite things about Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01006-00240183-00240382 music videos is that Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01007-00240383-00240639 there's like a built-in timing already Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01008-00240640-00240942 that so a lot of the challenge of being Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01009-00240944-00241191 an animator is planning the timing of Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01010-00241192-00241406 when everything happens in a film Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01011-00241407-00241527 especially if you're an independent Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01012-00241528-00241758 animator like myself where often i'm Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01013-00241759-00242023 also doing or producing the soundtrack Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01014-00242023-00242094 and Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01015-00242096-00242279 the editing and all that but a music Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01016-00242280-00242455 video is essentially Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01017-00242456-00242775 the timing is set before you start um Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01018-00242776-00242951 and there's a built-in sort of rhythm Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01019-00242952-00243239 and beat to animate too which is cool Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01020-00243240-00243455 so yeah that's something oh sorry good i Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01021-00243456-00243615 just say i love doing music videos it's Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01022-00243616-00243742 my favorite yeah Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01023-00243744-00243910 that's the thing that i've always been Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01024-00243911-00244094 really interested in personally uh i Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01025-00244096-00244271 also you know oh there's a keyboard in Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01026-00244271-00244615 the background so i play music but um Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01027-00244616-00244879 but i've always been interested in how Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01028-00244880-00245127 you are able to Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01029-00245128-00245415 keep something on beat Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01030-00245416-00245751 but while working frame by frame Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01031-00245752-00245887 like how Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01032-00245888-00246094 how those kind of Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01033-00246096-00246303 how you get those to Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01034-00246304-00246471 work in conjunction with each other Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01035-00246471-00246694 because they're they're they're the same Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01036-00246696-00246998 kind of principle you know like frames Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01037-00247000-00247263 are the same as beats but Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01038-00247264-00247527 they don't always necessarily match up Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01039-00247528-00247798 so like how do you go about doing that Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01040-00247800-00248087 so something i've been doing uh Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01041-00248088-00248391 more recently is relying on so i'm not a Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01042-00248392-00248567 musician um Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01043-00248567-00248871 i but my brother is a musician and a Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01044-00248871-00249110 composer and an audio engineer so Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01045-00249111-00249287 what i'll actually do is i'll send a Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01046-00249288-00249471 song to him Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01047-00249471-00249679 and have him Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01048-00249680-00249879 tell me Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01049-00249880-00250079 the number of because on an audio Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01050-00250080-00250342 editing program you can also look at or Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01051-00250344-00250534 maybe a video adding premiere edition Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01052-00250535-00250758 you can look at like how many frames Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01053-00250759-00250958 you can set the measurement to frames Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01054-00250959-00251055 and Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01055-00251056-00251151 um Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01056-00251152-00251342 so i'll actually have my brother tell me Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01057-00251344-00251615 like okay this beat is like roughly Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01058-00251616-00251975 every 11 frames um okay and then Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01059-00251976-00252263 i can make essentially like a visual i Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01060-00252264-00252455 hope this makes sense to people but a Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01061-00252456-00252719 visual metronome so imagine if like i Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01062-00252719-00252998 was singing i won't um but if i was Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01063-00253000-00253158 and then there was like a dot in the Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01064-00253159-00253446 corner that blinked every 11 frames and Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01065-00253448-00253663 so then i know as the animator Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01066-00253664-00253894 um that it doesn't have to not Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01067-00253896-00254071 everything has to happen on rhythm but Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01068-00254071-00254230 in a music video you often want Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01069-00254231-00254430 something happening on rhythm so Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01070-00254431-00254630 um i just had actually a music video Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01071-00254631-00254894 come out for um this came out two days Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01072-00254896-00255079 ago so i'm very excited about it uh for Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01073-00255080-00255263 utkarsh and budkar Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01074-00255264-00255615 um and he's a an actor and and rapper um Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01075-00255616-00255775 he's on cbs Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01076-00255776-00255934 ghosts right now i think is what you Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01077-00255935-00256087 might think yeah i thought the name Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01078-00256088-00256271 sounded familiar yeah yeah and he's in Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01079-00256271-00256567 um free guy and he was in the mindy Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01080-00256567-00256798 project i think he was i think he was in Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01081-00256800-00257023 mulan as a character actually the live Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01082-00257023-00257327 action um but anyway that song had a lot Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01083-00257328-00257542 of characters that like bounce up and Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01084-00257544-00257798 down so i really wanted i really had to Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01085-00257800-00257967 pay attention to the beat so it felt Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01086-00257967-00258158 like that but also each of them would Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01087-00258159-00258310 kind of bounce a little differently to Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01088-00258311-00258510 the beat so that it felt Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01089-00258511-00258671 different but yeah Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01090-00258671-00258958 cool that's kind of the approach Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01091-00258959-00259271 fascinating that's fascinating stuff um Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01092-00259271-00259406 so i think we're Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01093-00259407-00259719 just about at our our 45 Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01094-00259719-00259982 minute well we're yeah even closer now Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01095-00259983-00260263 uh our 45 minute uh cutoff unfortunately Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01096-00260264-00260482 but um alex this is Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01097-00260483-00260751 fantastic um i hope Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01098-00260752-00261006 you all have the opportunity to Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01099-00261007-00261446 share your animation um maybe pursue Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01100-00261448-00261727 a new found hobby um Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01101-00261728-00262103 and yeah let let alex know uh Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01102-00262104-00262303 what how your work turned out let us Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01103-00262304-00262575 know at boston jewish film how your work Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01104-00262576-00262855 uh turned out and um we actually just Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01105-00262856-00263182 posted um alex's uh website so you can Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01106-00263183-00263534 check out his work there um yeah alex Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01107-00263535-00263855 any any last things you want to say Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01108-00263856-00263999 today Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01109-00264000-00264175 just thank you so much uh this was so Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01110-00264176-00264510 fun as a boston jewish filmmaker it was Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01111-00264511-00264703 fun to be a part of this festival so i Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01112-00264704-00264919 really appreciate it yeah we appreciate Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01113-00264920-00265199 you for uh for making the time and Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01114-00265200-00265430 teaching us some things today Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01115-00265431-00265615 no problem anytime Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01116-00265616-00265839 all right take care alex and uh see you Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01117-00265840-00266023 all um Cmg7LYHfjFQ-01118-00266024-00266507 at our next event enjoy the festival CmlOxPSiEEU-00000-00000278-00000548 the church of the movement of spiritual CmlOxPSiEEU-00001-00000549-00000927 and awareness is at KU manacle it's CmlOxPSiEEU-00002-00000928-00001310 nondenominational so it boils down to CmlOxPSiEEU-00003-00001311-00001475 this type of a statement I don't care CmlOxPSiEEU-00004-00001476-00001994 what religion you're in or what you call CmlOxPSiEEU-00005-00001995-00002226 God as your favorite name CmlOxPSiEEU-00006-00002227-00002660 it's absolutely immaterial to me and CmlOxPSiEEU-00007-00002661-00002903 it's only material to you if you make it CmlOxPSiEEU-00008-00002904-00003493 so and part of the ground rules of a CmlOxPSiEEU-00009-00003494-00003827 seminar and they're only a few one is CmlOxPSiEEU-00010-00003828-00004090 whatever I don't say that you want to CmlOxPSiEEU-00011-00004092-00004468 hear tell it to yourself then you've CmlOxPSiEEU-00012-00004469-00005179 heard it the second one is if you think CmlOxPSiEEU-00013-00005180-00005395 I'm going to tell you what you know CmlOxPSiEEU-00014-00005396-00005609 there's no need for you to come here you CmlOxPSiEEU-00015-00005610-00005884 already know that so I might not be CmlOxPSiEEU-00016-00005885-00006143 telling you what you know the second one CmlOxPSiEEU-00017-00006144-00006382 is I'm more into our third I'm more CmlOxPSiEEU-00018-00006383-00006578 interested in communicating to you than CmlOxPSiEEU-00019-00006579-00006934 having real precise English information CmlOxPSiEEU-00020-00006934-00007228 I'd rather have you get what's going on CmlOxPSiEEU-00021-00007229-00007445 rather than just to have oh that was CmlOxPSiEEU-00022-00007445-00007634 very poetic and the way you express that CmlOxPSiEEU-00023-00007634-00008059 I can do that and people get caught up CmlOxPSiEEU-00024-00008061-00008267 with the poetry of it and then they miss CmlOxPSiEEU-00025-00008268-00008788 the spirit of it fourth thing you should CmlOxPSiEEU-00026-00008789-00008984 probably know is my body is not the CmlOxPSiEEU-00027-00008985-00009356 reference point for anything but the CmlOxPSiEEU-00028-00009357-00009556 soul and spirit inside of me and the CmlOxPSiEEU-00029-00009557-00009848 soul and spirit inside of you is the CmlOxPSiEEU-00030-00009849-00010010 reference point and we're going to talk CmlOxPSiEEU-00031-00010011-00010349 about that here's that's all the good CmlOxPSiEEU-00032-00010350-00010913 news here's the bad news what I'm going CmlOxPSiEEU-00033-00010914-00011092 to talk about we won't be able to CmlOxPSiEEU-00034-00011093-00011449 understand we won't be able to get a CmlOxPSiEEU-00035-00011450-00011738 hold of it there's no way we're going to CmlOxPSiEEU-00036-00011739-00012116 be able to argue or debate it this will CmlOxPSiEEU-00037-00012117-00012342 really be a monologue CmlOxPSiEEU-00038-00012343-00012620 even though undoubtedly the spirit in CmlOxPSiEEU-00039-00012621-00012922 you will communicate to my spirit and CmlOxPSiEEU-00040-00012924-00013175 I'll be saying some information and CmlOxPSiEEU-00041-00013176-00013400 you'll say oh that's what I was CmlOxPSiEEU-00042-00013401-00013516 wondering about CmlOxPSiEEU-00043-00013516-00013750 and very frankly I don't know who gets CmlOxPSiEEU-00044-00013751-00014035 that I just know that it goes out CmlOxPSiEEU-00045-00014036-00014485 someplace this tape will be shown in CmlOxPSiEEU-00046-00014486-00014691 theory if not fact all around the world CmlOxPSiEEU-00047-00014693-00014986 and some of the information that is not CmlOxPSiEEU-00048-00014987-00015222 for you will be for someone else who CmlOxPSiEEU-00049-00015224-00015361 will be listening to the tape and CmlOxPSiEEU-00050-00015362-00015687 they'll say that's why I needed to know CmlOxPSiEEU-00051-00015688-00015961 and since the spirit doesn't work on a CmlOxPSiEEU-00052-00015962-00016327 timeline called in ten weeks it'll give CmlOxPSiEEU-00053-00016328-00016486 me the information and it all seems to CmlOxPSiEEU-00054-00016487-00016624 be right here now CmlOxPSiEEU-00055-00016625-00016947 and we have to sort that out CmlOxPSiEEU-00056-00016948-00017403 intellectually and to reading to CmlOxPSiEEU-00057-00017404-00017878 studying therefore all the information CmlOxPSiEEU-00058-00017879-00018166 seems to come down at one time and a CmlOxPSiEEU-00059-00018167-00018631 person asked me in Mexico City many CmlOxPSiEEU-00060-00018632-00018976 years ago to define time and this was CmlOxPSiEEU-00061-00018977-00019302 one of those iconoclastic individuals CmlOxPSiEEU-00062-00019303-00019666 who really had studied time a great deal CmlOxPSiEEU-00063-00019667-00019903 figuring if you figured out time he had CmlOxPSiEEU-00064-00019904-00020206 everything figured out and so he said to CmlOxPSiEEU-00065-00020207-00020503 me as the ultimatum of whether he stayed CmlOxPSiEEU-00066-00020504-00020659 in here it heard anymore CmlOxPSiEEU-00067-00020660-00020989 what is time I said time is the thing CmlOxPSiEEU-00068-00020990-00021196 that happens that stops everything from CmlOxPSiEEU-00069-00021197-00021697 happening all at one time and he just CmlOxPSiEEU-00070-00021698-00021988 said back in his chair and sit there and CmlOxPSiEEU-00071-00021989-00022114 stayed for the rest of the evening cuz CmlOxPSiEEU-00072-00022115-00022456 he had never heard of that one I don't CmlOxPSiEEU-00073-00022457-00022750 know what time is other than that I do CmlOxPSiEEU-00074-00022751-00022993 know that in the spirit there's no time CmlOxPSiEEU-00075-00022994-00023335 everything is happening now and as it CmlOxPSiEEU-00076-00023336-00023611 happens it happens on the level of CmlOxPSiEEU-00077-00023612-00024130 awareness that we are attuned to are you CmlOxPSiEEU-00078-00024131-00024382 people aware of the psychological test CmlOxPSiEEU-00079-00024383-00024725 they called the Rorschach inkblot test CmlOxPSiEEU-00080-00024726-00025240 very very similarly simply put some CmlOxPSiEEU-00081-00025241-00025552 psychologists dropped ink blots on a CmlOxPSiEEU-00082-00025553-00025794 piece of paper and folded it and then CmlOxPSiEEU-00083-00025795-00025947 they open that they let it dry and then CmlOxPSiEEU-00084-00025948-00026212 they did this to a series of them and CmlOxPSiEEU-00085-00026213-00026443 then they had people look at them and CmlOxPSiEEU-00086-00026444-00026677 the people told what they saw CmlOxPSiEEU-00087-00026679-00026837 it's quite obvious they were projecting CmlOxPSiEEU-00088-00026838-00027089 from inside themselves onto the piece of CmlOxPSiEEU-00089-00027089-00027386 paper what they saw so then they decided CmlOxPSiEEU-00090-00027387-00027620 that was a wonderful thing to study and CmlOxPSiEEU-00091-00027620-00027802 it became a part of psychological CmlOxPSiEEU-00092-00027804-00027977 weaponry to find out what people are CmlOxPSiEEU-00093-00027977-00028022 thinking CmlOxPSiEEU-00094-00028023-00028373 I found a much simpler method I just CmlOxPSiEEU-00095-00028374-00028708 asked him what are you thinking and it's CmlOxPSiEEU-00096-00028710-00028925 amazing that they'll just tell you CmlOxPSiEEU-00097-00028926-00029414 instead of trying to find out and I CmlOxPSiEEU-00098-00029414-00029606 usually tell him why I'm asking that I CmlOxPSiEEU-00099-00029607-00029756 don't know what's going on could you CmlOxPSiEEU-00100-00029757-00030038 tell me and most everyone wants to be CmlOxPSiEEU-00101-00030039-00030313 the teacher so I'm a student and I learn CmlOxPSiEEU-00102-00030314-00030583 but these vibrations that were deal with CmlOxPSiEEU-00103-00030585-00030745 are much like people interpreting the CmlOxPSiEEU-00104-00030747-00031177 ink block tests if you show one to one CmlOxPSiEEU-00105-00031179-00031382 person they'll say it's one thing and CmlOxPSiEEU-00106-00031383-00031538 somebody else will say it's another and CmlOxPSiEEU-00107-00031539-00031748 if we're looking at life as having a CmlOxPSiEEU-00108-00031749-00032087 vibration level and let's just draw CmlOxPSiEEU-00109-00032088-00032345 these and say that will call them CmlOxPSiEEU-00110-00032345-00032633 letters of the alphabet ABC and we'll CmlOxPSiEEU-00111-00032633-00033059 put this on the D we found some very CmlOxPSiEEU-00112-00033060-00033272 very strange things spiritually that are CmlOxPSiEEU-00113-00033273-00033617 now being found out scientifically when CmlOxPSiEEU-00114-00033618-00033731 the reason they're being found out CmlOxPSiEEU-00115-00033732-00033896 scientifically because the spiritual CmlOxPSiEEU-00116-00033897-00034205 people are talking about it and the CmlOxPSiEEU-00117-00034206-00034376 scientists used to go along and say oh CmlOxPSiEEU-00118-00034377-00034721 that's nuts that's not true there's no CmlOxPSiEEU-00119-00034722-00035084 way you can prove that first of all it CmlOxPSiEEU-00120-00035085-00035380 was nuts secondly it was not not true CmlOxPSiEEU-00121-00035381-00035689 and in third we couldn't prove it CmlOxPSiEEU-00122-00035690-00035987 but neither neither could they disprove CmlOxPSiEEU-00123-00035988-00036040 it CmlOxPSiEEU-00124-00036041-00036320 so some took on them the chore of CmlOxPSiEEU-00125-00036321-00036599 disproving the spiritual things that we CmlOxPSiEEU-00126-00036600-00036857 find out now first of all I'm not even CmlOxPSiEEU-00127-00036858-00037025 gonna tell you anything that I don't CmlOxPSiEEU-00128-00037026-00037511 know or they haven't experienced and if CmlOxPSiEEU-00129-00037512-00037778 I do I'll say so-and-so said this or it CmlOxPSiEEU-00130-00037779-00038000 was I read it in this book I don't know CmlOxPSiEEU-00131-00038001-00038291 if that's so so that you can understand CmlOxPSiEEU-00132-00038292-00038486 where that comes from the other things CmlOxPSiEEU-00133-00038487-00038852 come right out of my experience of CmlOxPSiEEU-00134-00038853-00039032 living life and living in the spirit CmlOxPSiEEU-00135-00039033-00039401 world I will tell you this it's very CmlOxPSiEEU-00136-00039402-00039632 strange that maybe most people approach CmlOxPSiEEU-00137-00039633-00039955 the physical world looking this way CmlOxPSiEEU-00138-00039956-00040082 straightforward CmlOxPSiEEU-00139-00040083-00040358 and some people approach the spiritual CmlOxPSiEEU-00140-00040359-00040676 world looking this way straightforward CmlOxPSiEEU-00141-00040677-00041068 the spiritual world is backwards to that CmlOxPSiEEU-00142-00041069-00041414 and if you try to look directly ahead to CmlOxPSiEEU-00143-00041415-00041627 see something spiritually you can't CmlOxPSiEEU-00144-00041628-00041821 because the - they're focusing on CmlOxPSiEEU-00145-00041822-00042064 materiality but it's amazing what you CmlOxPSiEEU-00146-00042065-00042214 see out of the side of your eye over CmlOxPSiEEU-00147-00042215-00042589 here is where you see the spirit and CmlOxPSiEEU-00148-00042590-00042790 some of you have probably been sitting CmlOxPSiEEU-00149-00042791-00042992 in the room and you thought you saw CmlOxPSiEEU-00150-00042993-00043124 something you looked over it wasn't CmlOxPSiEEU-00151-00043125-00043442 there but if when you look ahead yeah CmlOxPSiEEU-00152-00043443-00043612 it's over there again you go there's CmlOxPSiEEU-00153-00043613-00043837 something somebody there's a something CmlOxPSiEEU-00154-00043838-00044230 in the room with me sometimes we feel it CmlOxPSiEEU-00155-00044231-00044596 or we sense it and if we go tell CmlOxPSiEEU-00156-00044597-00044764 somebody they go let's take you down and CmlOxPSiEEU-00157-00044765-00045152 get some pills or shots or lobotomy it CmlOxPSiEEU-00158-00045153-00045327 the worst will cut your brain apart CmlOxPSiEEU-00159-00045328-00045545 because you're not supposed to see and CmlOxPSiEEU-00160-00045546-00045696 feel those things CmlOxPSiEEU-00161-00045697-00046224 now here comes a question if we're being CmlOxPSiEEU-00162-00046225-00046592 influenced in our personality what we CmlOxPSiEEU-00163-00046593-00046949 call mind emotion and body by something CmlOxPSiEEU-00164-00046950-00047279 that we can't see and let's make a CmlOxPSiEEU-00165-00047280-00047876 disastrous like radiation or x-ray or CmlOxPSiEEU-00166-00047877-00048239 microwaves could you not understand the CmlOxPSiEEU-00167-00048240-00048358 idea that it might be to your advantage CmlOxPSiEEU-00168-00048359-00048820 to know that because if it's affecting CmlOxPSiEEU-00169-00048821-00048946 you and you start to have emotional CmlOxPSiEEU-00170-00048947-00049189 problems you could say oh that's coming CmlOxPSiEEU-00171-00049190-00049585 because I had this type of exposure if CmlOxPSiEEU-00172-00049586-00049951 you ate some food and in the middle of CmlOxPSiEEU-00173-00049952-00050126 the night you woke up and you were very CmlOxPSiEEU-00174-00050127-00050279 very ill instead of going to the CmlOxPSiEEU-00175-00050280-00050474 hospital and having to take out your CmlOxPSiEEU-00176-00050475-00050614 appendix or your stomach wouldn't it be CmlOxPSiEEU-00177-00050615-00050801 nice to know that maybe you had bad food CmlOxPSiEEU-00178-00050802-00051074 and that you could regurgitate that and CmlOxPSiEEU-00179-00051075-00051576 start to feel better so the more we know CmlOxPSiEEU-00180-00051577-00052015 about what influences us the more we are CmlOxPSiEEU-00181-00052016-00052243 capable to cope with things in this CmlOxPSiEEU-00182-00052244-00052586 world not all of us are being influenced CmlOxPSiEEU-00183-00052587-00052979 by the same things and that may sound CmlOxPSiEEU-00184-00052979-00053281 strange to you and let's just sort of CmlOxPSiEEU-00185-00053282-00053426 say what are the some of the things that CmlOxPSiEEU-00186-00053427-00053480 were flu CmlOxPSiEEU-00187-00053482-00054210 by first of all genetics those things CmlOxPSiEEU-00188-00054211-00054341 you inherit from your mother and father CmlOxPSiEEU-00189-00054342-00054552 the things that you hate about your CmlOxPSiEEU-00190-00054553-00054735 mother and dad are probably inside of CmlOxPSiEEU-00191-00054736-00055125 you so when you look at your mom and dad CmlOxPSiEEU-00192-00055126-00055284 you might want to smile and say thanks CmlOxPSiEEU-00193-00055285-00055728 for whatever you gave me however what CmlOxPSiEEU-00194-00055729-00055878 you got from them and what you do with CmlOxPSiEEU-00195-00055879-00056139 them are two different things is you CmlOxPSiEEU-00196-00056140-00056426 have lot of willpower to change life CmlOxPSiEEU-00197-00056427-00056958 another thing is the environment this CmlOxPSiEEU-00198-00056959-00057114 sounds very simple to you but I'm just CmlOxPSiEEU-00199-00057115-00057653 laying some groundwork you people from CmlOxPSiEEU-00200-00057654-00058154 Canada are very different from the CmlOxPSiEEU-00201-00058155-00058632 people from Mexico the people who are CmlOxPSiEEU-00202-00058633-00059136 here or Israeli are genetically and CmlOxPSiEEU-00203-00059137-00059571 environmentally different from the CmlOxPSiEEU-00204-00059572-00060039 people who might be in Egypt or Finland CmlOxPSiEEU-00205-00060040-00060390 or Norway and and I think historically CmlOxPSiEEU-00206-00060391-00060828 we look at the German nation as being CmlOxPSiEEU-00207-00060829-00060984 genetically environmentally quite CmlOxPSiEEU-00208-00060985-00061191 different than anything else and in CmlOxPSiEEU-00209-00061191-00061296 America now we're looking at the CmlOxPSiEEU-00210-00061297-00061527 Japanese is being environmentally CmlOxPSiEEU-00211-00061528-00061749 genetically different than anything else CmlOxPSiEEU-00212-00061750-00061920 and we do that according to a lot of CmlOxPSiEEU-00213-00061921-00062165 things and one of them is called money CmlOxPSiEEU-00214-00062166-00062496 so however much money things cost us CmlOxPSiEEU-00215-00062497-00062766 influences what we're going to do if you CmlOxPSiEEU-00216-00062766-00062889 had enough money to do everything you CmlOxPSiEEU-00217-00062890-00063063 want to do money would not be a thing CmlOxPSiEEU-00218-00063064-00063402 you'd be concerned about and if I talk CmlOxPSiEEU-00219-00063403-00063678 about money in here and you have less CmlOxPSiEEU-00220-00063679-00063813 money than you want that'll be your CmlOxPSiEEU-00221-00063814-00063984 biggest objection to anything I say CmlOxPSiEEU-00222-00063985-00064275 you're always talking about money you CmlOxPSiEEU-00223-00064276-00064638 know we sent out a brochure to our CmlOxPSiEEU-00224-00064639-00064926 mailing list and in that brochure there CmlOxPSiEEU-00225-00064927-00065357 were I'll just give you an idea about CmlOxPSiEEU-00226-00065358-00065868 35,000 characters and now those 35,000 CmlOxPSiEEU-00227-00065869-00066278 characters those like ABCD the letters CmlOxPSiEEU-00228-00066279-00066702 250 of them dealt with a dollar sign CmlOxPSiEEU-00229-00066703-00066894 and it was letting people know that CmlOxPSiEEU-00230-00066895-00067059 there would be workshops and costing so CmlOxPSiEEU-00231-00067060-00067374 much money and there was trips to CmlOxPSiEEU-00232-00067375-00067494 different places that cost this much CmlOxPSiEEU-00233-00067495-00067674 money and we just informed people how CmlOxPSiEEU-00234-00067675-00067983 much it is and one person wrote back and CmlOxPSiEEU-00235-00067984-00068409 said you have this many dollar signs in CmlOxPSiEEU-00236-00068410-00068556 your literature are you in this for the CmlOxPSiEEU-00237-00068557-00068910 money and the answer is if we're in it CmlOxPSiEEU-00238-00068911-00068973 for the money CmlOxPSiEEU-00239-00068974-00069204 there would be bigger signs letters CmlOxPSiEEU-00240-00069205-00069564 numbers behind the dollar signs no we CmlOxPSiEEU-00241-00069565-00069807 were not then it was why do you talk CmlOxPSiEEU-00242-00069808-00070194 about that I'll tell you something that CmlOxPSiEEU-00243-00070195-00070374 very few people know on the earth and CmlOxPSiEEU-00244-00070375-00070671 let me say it in American terms the CmlOxPSiEEU-00245-00070672-00071007 dollar bill is king now if I was in CmlOxPSiEEU-00246-00071008-00071454 Japan I'd say the yen is they call it CmlOxPSiEEU-00247-00071455-00072162 dollar up here lulu-nee but but it's to CmlOxPSiEEU-00248-00072163-00072537 understand that we will do an awful lot CmlOxPSiEEU-00249-00072538-00072690 of things for that thing that's called CmlOxPSiEEU-00250-00072691-00073593 the dollar and somebody once said money CmlOxPSiEEU-00251-00073594-00073887 is the root of all evil didn't Ben ever CmlOxPSiEEU-00252-00073888-00074043 heard that thing money is the root of CmlOxPSiEEU-00253-00074044-00074109 all evil CmlOxPSiEEU-00254-00074110-00074490 it's a misquote it's the love of money CmlOxPSiEEU-00255-00074491-00074736 is the root of all evil CmlOxPSiEEU-00256-00074737-00074871 I don't know if it's the root of all CmlOxPSiEEU-00257-00074872-00075036 evil but it seemed like you'd get all CmlOxPSiEEU-00258-00075037-00075156 the evil you want if you got a lot of CmlOxPSiEEU-00259-00075157-00075660 money so some things are misquoted and CmlOxPSiEEU-00260-00075661-00075942 we don't care to get into that and if I CmlOxPSiEEU-00261-00075943-00076175 misquote it just go is a misquote and CmlOxPSiEEU-00262-00076176-00076500 forget it was one of the big guidelines CmlOxPSiEEU-00263-00076501-00076719 here is whatever I say to you if it CmlOxPSiEEU-00264-00076720-00076917 works for you use it if it doesn't let CmlOxPSiEEU-00265-00076918-00077181 it go it may not be for you maybe for CmlOxPSiEEU-00266-00077182-00077631 someone else in here and a week from now CmlOxPSiEEU-00267-00077632-00077784 you may run them to somebody and they'll CmlOxPSiEEU-00268-00077785-00077937 start to ask you something CmlOxPSiEEU-00269-00077938-00078093 and you remember what was said here and CmlOxPSiEEU-00270-00078094-00078306 you'll say well I don't know but I heard CmlOxPSiEEU-00271-00078307-00078444 the other night this and you'll tell it CmlOxPSiEEU-00272-00078445-00078597 to them they'll go that solved my CmlOxPSiEEU-00273-00078598-00078885 problem so sometimes we're here to get CmlOxPSiEEU-00274-00078886-00079074 information not just for ourselves but CmlOxPSiEEU-00275-00079075-00079287 for other people that we're going to be CmlOxPSiEEU-00276-00079288-00079602 running into so therefore if we're going CmlOxPSiEEU-00277-00079603-00079848 to be take care of ourselves so we take CmlOxPSiEEU-00278-00079849-00080109 care of others it pays attention CmlOxPSiEEU-00279-00080110-00080391 inside of us and it's wise to do so to CmlOxPSiEEU-00280-00080392-00080613 get as much as we can to assist CmlOxPSiEEU-00281-00080614-00081035 ourselves and anyone else we run into so CmlOxPSiEEU-00282-00081036-00081288 looking at that I think you can CmlOxPSiEEU-00283-00081289-00081522 understand that the environment here CmlOxPSiEEU-00284-00081523-00081834 these vibrations could just be golly CmlOxPSiEEU-00285-00081835-00082230 many many many when I first started CmlOxPSiEEU-00286-00082231-00082392 talking about this years ago at the CmlOxPSiEEU-00287-00082393-00082692 University of California in Santa CmlOxPSiEEU-00288-00082693-00083073 Barbara some of the young physicists in CmlOxPSiEEU-00289-00083074-00083310 there and you know there's nothing quite CmlOxPSiEEU-00290-00083311-00083561 so bad as a sophomore at a university CmlOxPSiEEU-00291-00083562-00083823 because they they know it all at that CmlOxPSiEEU-00292-00083824-00083982 point and then they're gonna find out in CmlOxPSiEEU-00293-00083983-00084120 the next few years what they didn't know CmlOxPSiEEU-00294-00084121-00084384 and they were sitting there telling me CmlOxPSiEEU-00295-00084385-00084651 there are no such things as these CmlOxPSiEEU-00296-00084652-00084966 invisible waves of energy coming through CmlOxPSiEEU-00297-00084967-00085341 the room and it's really ridiculous of CmlOxPSiEEU-00298-00085342-00085515 you and the Sham of the hoax and all CmlOxPSiEEU-00299-00085516-00085695 that for you to even think that there's CmlOxPSiEEU-00300-00085696-00085839 anything like that going on in the room CmlOxPSiEEU-00301-00085840-00086025 let alone to try to convince somebody CmlOxPSiEEU-00302-00086026-00086193 that there's those things going on CmlOxPSiEEU-00303-00086194-00086493 through this room and I sit there and CmlOxPSiEEU-00304-00086494-00086703 let them vent their spleen run up their CmlOxPSiEEU-00305-00086704-00087005 flag to see how many want to salute it I CmlOxPSiEEU-00306-00087006-00087354 said so you don't think this energy and CmlOxPSiEEU-00307-00087355-00087525 information going through this room and CmlOxPSiEEU-00308-00087526-00087798 sound and light and you can't see it and CmlOxPSiEEU-00309-00087799-00088161 they got definitely not so I just turned CmlOxPSiEEU-00310-00088162-00088503 radio this is well yeah but that's a CmlOxPSiEEU-00311-00088504-00088680 radio I said well that qualifies you CmlOxPSiEEU-00312-00088681-00088995 never heard it till it turned it on turn CmlOxPSiEEU-00313-00088996-00089160 on the television they said well but CmlOxPSiEEU-00314-00089161-00089523 that's television I said well you said CmlOxPSiEEU-00315-00089524-00089672 it couldn't happen there it is CmlOxPSiEEU-00316-00089673-00090084 went over to a record player and put CmlOxPSiEEU-00317-00090085-00090219 that on star spinner and they said what CmlOxPSiEEU-00318-00090220-00090390 but that's a record and the sound was CmlOxPSiEEU-00319-00090391-00090920 already impinged into that I said I CmlOxPSiEEU-00320-00090921-00091224 really can't do much for you I think CmlOxPSiEEU-00321-00091225-00091436 you'd be smart to go home now because CmlOxPSiEEU-00322-00091437-00091782 you're too smart for everything else CmlOxPSiEEU-00323-00091783-00092093 that's in this room but before you go I CmlOxPSiEEU-00324-00092094-00092292 said I want you just to hold up your CmlOxPSiEEU-00325-00092293-00092571 hand so they held up their hand and I CmlOxPSiEEU-00326-00092572-00092718 just moved my hand like that across the CmlOxPSiEEU-00327-00092719-00093012 room and they said wow what was that I CmlOxPSiEEU-00328-00093013-00093231 said that's what you can't see or hear CmlOxPSiEEU-00329-00093232-00093477 and it's real and it CmlOxPSiEEU-00330-00093478-00093702 be felt it's called a human spirit CmlOxPSiEEU-00331-00093703-00094275 radiating anyone can do it anyone can CmlOxPSiEEU-00332-00094276-00095184 feel it well let's see alright if it's CmlOxPSiEEU-00333-00095185-00095460 true that these physicists who didn't CmlOxPSiEEU-00334-00095461-00095742 know anything could feel it can anybody CmlOxPSiEEU-00335-00095743-00095988 else feel well in the movement of CmlOxPSiEEU-00336-00095989-00096174 spiritual in awareness we say check it CmlOxPSiEEU-00337-00096175-00096411 out check it out means if you say that CmlOxPSiEEU-00338-00096412-00096717 so and you say that that can happen can CmlOxPSiEEU-00339-00096718-00096849 it happen now let's just hold up your CmlOxPSiEEU-00340-00096850-00096957 hands like this they don't have to be CmlOxPSiEEU-00341-00096958-00097266 real high just enough it's a point of CmlOxPSiEEU-00342-00097267-00097461 contact well I'm gonna do it just take CmlOxPSiEEU-00343-00097462-00097719 my hand and just run it through the room CmlOxPSiEEU-00344-00097720-00097965 very easy but you have to watch some CmlOxPSiEEU-00345-00097966-00098144 people feel the energy cross their hand CmlOxPSiEEU-00346-00098145-00098373 some get it through the forehead some CmlOxPSiEEU-00347-00098374-00098508 their eyes will bloodshot CmlOxPSiEEU-00348-00098509-00098733 others will say it went down to my CmlOxPSiEEU-00349-00098734-00099035 stomach and some will say it hit my feet CmlOxPSiEEU-00350-00099036-00099273 now that's just a clean well they could CmlOxPSiEEU-00351-00099274-00099456 be now one person said you shouldn't CmlOxPSiEEU-00352-00099457-00099600 tell them all that that can happen CmlOxPSiEEU-00353-00099601-00099717 because then they'll create a CmlOxPSiEEU-00354-00099718-00100247 psychologically I said well let's try it CmlOxPSiEEU-00355-00100248-00101148 that's for the right-handers now you CmlOxPSiEEU-00356-00101149-00101232 have to remember there's an air CmlOxPSiEEU-00357-00101233-00101583 conditioning going here so discount that CmlOxPSiEEU-00358-00101584-00102033 now how many of you felt anything and CmlOxPSiEEU-00359-00102034-00102300 how many did not feel anything you CmlOxPSiEEU-00360-00102301-00102458 people didn't feel anything just hold CmlOxPSiEEU-00361-00102459-00102608 your hands right where they are just CmlOxPSiEEU-00362-00102609-00102900 hold it right where they are you didn't CmlOxPSiEEU-00363-00102901-00103245 you didn't feel anything now you got CmlOxPSiEEU-00364-00103246-00103377 yours like this hold it up because CmlOxPSiEEU-00365-00103378-00103971 there's receptors in the hand thanks see CmlOxPSiEEU-00366-00103972-00104135 it go on your forehead right across here CmlOxPSiEEU-00367-00104136-00104438 in front of you CmlOxPSiEEU-00368-00104439-00104832 let's come back then we tried up the CmlOxPSiEEU-00369-00104833-00105500 energy this way CmlOxPSiEEU-00370-00105501-00105833 and you build a ball of energy and you CmlOxPSiEEU-00371-00105833-00106421 just toss it now you people that didn't CmlOxPSiEEU-00372-00106422-00106660 feel it you just keep your hands up if CmlOxPSiEEU-00373-00106661-00106970 you did not feel that good because this CmlOxPSiEEU-00374-00106971-00107333 shows you it's not mass hypnosis this CmlOxPSiEEU-00375-00107333-00107503 shows you it is not the power of CmlOxPSiEEU-00376-00107504-00107672 suggestion or everyone should have CmlOxPSiEEU-00377-00107673-00108014 gotten that but how about the bottom of CmlOxPSiEEU-00378-00108015-00108103 your right foot CmlOxPSiEEU-00379-00108104-00108323 you feel the button oh the lady right CmlOxPSiEEU-00380-00108324-00108683 here yeah you feel warmth and buzzing in CmlOxPSiEEU-00381-00108683-00108838 the bottom of your right foot CmlOxPSiEEU-00382-00108839-00109240 right on your big toe you just look at CmlOxPSiEEU-00383-00109241-00109453 it because somebody right there I saw it CmlOxPSiEEU-00384-00109454-00109633 go right down their leg was the lady CmlOxPSiEEU-00385-00109634-00110006 next to you you it was there buzzing in CmlOxPSiEEU-00386-00110007-00110549 your foot thank you I can see it it CmlOxPSiEEU-00387-00110550-00110771 looks like like something's vibrating in CmlOxPSiEEU-00388-00110772-00111160 your foot around your right toe not CmlOxPSiEEU-00389-00111161-00111328 because you got your foot crossed and it CmlOxPSiEEU-00390-00111329-00111800 shuts off the blood because this doesn't CmlOxPSiEEU-00391-00111801-00112159 go like I say it goes this goes many CmlOxPSiEEU-00392-00112160-00112471 different ways now you didn't feel it CmlOxPSiEEU-00393-00112472-00112697 let's see if we can just increase it for CmlOxPSiEEU-00394-00112698-00113128 you now this is what we call pulsing it CmlOxPSiEEU-00395-00113129-00113907 you go like that CmlOxPSiEEU-00396-00113908-00114266 got it yeah slight sensation you didn't CmlOxPSiEEU-00397-00114267-00114521 expect somewhere hitches baseball back CmlOxPSiEEU-00398-00114522-00114846 this technically cannot be done by the CmlOxPSiEEU-00399-00114847-00115001 way because human beings are supposed to CmlOxPSiEEU-00400-00115002-00115422 be receiving stations that was the that CmlOxPSiEEU-00401-00115423-00115721 was a psychological setup for centuries CmlOxPSiEEU-00402-00115722-00115934 but we find out now that we're also CmlOxPSiEEU-00403-00115935-00116276 sending stations that we can have a CmlOxPSiEEU-00404-00116277-00116627 thought and we can send it out and we CmlOxPSiEEU-00405-00116628-00116777 can get a sensation about something's CmlOxPSiEEU-00406-00116778-00117026 going to happen and it happens and we go CmlOxPSiEEU-00407-00117027-00117227 there it was but we don't know what it CmlOxPSiEEU-00408-00117228-00117398 was because we didn't get the picture of CmlOxPSiEEU-00409-00117399-00117836 it entirely we can though we can get the CmlOxPSiEEU-00410-00117837-00118257 pictures of that now what are the things CmlOxPSiEEU-00411-00118258-00118682 that get in the way of people receiving CmlOxPSiEEU-00412-00118683-00118845 that's probably one of the better CmlOxPSiEEU-00413-00118846-00119404 questions to have and if you were just CmlOxPSiEEU-00414-00119405-00119702 going to just say I think I know what CmlOxPSiEEU-00415-00119703-00119813 would be getting the way of somebody CmlOxPSiEEU-00416-00119814-00120035 that would feel or sense the presence of CmlOxPSiEEU-00417-00120036-00120200 the spirit what do you think there would CmlOxPSiEEU-00418-00120201-00120454 be just start yelling out some CmlOxPSiEEU-00419-00120455-00121277 resistance fear anger what is the other CmlOxPSiEEU-00420-00121278-00121435 one CmlOxPSiEEU-00421-00121436-00121775 yeah let's call it expectations would CmlOxPSiEEU-00422-00121776-00122701 that still be preconceptions doubt CmlOxPSiEEU-00423-00122702-00123882 you're thinking resistance fear anger CmlOxPSiEEU-00424-00123883-00124408 how about just depression just a general CmlOxPSiEEU-00425-00124408-00124669 state where you say just my whole life CmlOxPSiEEU-00426-00124670-00125152 is sort of depressed and let me give you CmlOxPSiEEU-00427-00125153-00125385 one that I found out really has a great CmlOxPSiEEU-00428-00125386-00125980 deal to do with it help and you're CmlOxPSiEEU-00429-00125981-00126108 probably thinking if you're in good CmlOxPSiEEU-00430-00126109-00126388 health you can feel that better as a CmlOxPSiEEU-00431-00126389-00126598 matter of fact what doesn't work that CmlOxPSiEEU-00432-00126599-00126895 way often the worst health you're in the CmlOxPSiEEU-00433-00126896-00127258 more you tune to the spirit because you CmlOxPSiEEU-00434-00127258-00127438 finally have given up almost all your CmlOxPSiEEU-00435-00127439-00127732 resistance all your fighting and you're CmlOxPSiEEU-00436-00127733-00128296 saying oh god anything and what would CmlOxPSiEEU-00437-00128297-00128431 then be some of the things that would CmlOxPSiEEU-00438-00128432-00129399 happen so that you could receive CmlOxPSiEEU-00439-00129400-00129761 probably loving would be one of the keys CmlOxPSiEEU-00440-00129763-00130365 open and let's call that on the mind CmlOxPSiEEU-00441-00130366-00130720 relax is a big key all the meta CmlOxPSiEEU-00442-00130721-00130888 physicians are teaching meditation CmlOxPSiEEU-00443-00130889-00131173 called first of all let's relax your CmlOxPSiEEU-00444-00131174-00131518 body because maybe we can relax your CmlOxPSiEEU-00445-00131519-00132114 mind if we can relax your body okay and CmlOxPSiEEU-00446-00132115-00132649 receptive that certainly got to be a big CmlOxPSiEEU-00447-00132650-00133297 one huh might work I think curious as a CmlOxPSiEEU-00448-00133298-00133468 first thing called I came here night CmlOxPSiEEU-00449-00133469-00133915 because I was curious that would be a CmlOxPSiEEU-00450-00133916-00134056 starting of it but you may not feel CmlOxPSiEEU-00451-00134057-00134520 anything more than just curious yeah CmlOxPSiEEU-00452-00134521-00135186 tragedies yeah it's amazing let's just CmlOxPSiEEU-00453-00135187-00135399 call tragedy and suffering sort of on CmlOxPSiEEU-00454-00135400-00135849 the on the same wavelength when we when CmlOxPSiEEU-00455-00135850-00136132 we see right now we're seeing tragedy in CmlOxPSiEEU-00456-00136133-00136648 China where according to the reports CmlOxPSiEEU-00457-00136649-00136933 thousands of students in senior Chinese CmlOxPSiEEU-00458-00136934-00137241 students have been run over by armored CmlOxPSiEEU-00459-00137242-00137494 vehicles and those are all dynamically CmlOxPSiEEU-00460-00137495-00137625 loaded words aren't they CmlOxPSiEEU-00461-00137626-00137876 Chinese students being run over by CmlOxPSiEEU-00462-00137877-00138153 motorized vehicles and leaving their CmlOxPSiEEU-00463-00138154-00138363 bodies lying there and then the army CmlOxPSiEEU-00464-00138364-00138523 comes in takes the bodies and hides them CmlOxPSiEEU-00465-00138524-00138675 so they can't tell how many got killed CmlOxPSiEEU-00466-00138676-00138844 and what you can really get a drama CmlOxPSiEEU-00467-00138845-00139108 going and then it's amazing how it CmlOxPSiEEU-00468-00139109-00139553 starts to unify the rest of the country CmlOxPSiEEU-00469-00139554-00139882 and we've seen this in the East too CmlOxPSiEEU-00470-00139883-00140119 haven't we and all the stuff that's gone CmlOxPSiEEU-00471-00140120-00140379 over and in the Mid East with all those CmlOxPSiEEU-00472-00140380-00140557 people having difficulties the words CmlOxPSiEEU-00473-00140558-00140841 they use there's no way they can come CmlOxPSiEEU-00474-00140842-00141072 together because they use words of war CmlOxPSiEEU-00475-00141073-00141484 words of hatred and have you ever found CmlOxPSiEEU-00476-00141485-00141610 out that when you get angry somebody CmlOxPSiEEU-00477-00141611-00141847 usually a physical action called throw CmlOxPSiEEU-00478-00141848-00142147 at them starts to appear if somebody CmlOxPSiEEU-00479-00142148-00142287 tells something at you watch your first CmlOxPSiEEU-00480-00142288-00142629 thing do you fans pick it up throw it CmlOxPSiEEU-00481-00142630-00142953 back while we're doing that we're CmlOxPSiEEU-00482-00142954-00143265 probably coming into nothing that's in CmlOxPSiEEU-00483-00143266-00143514 this it would be on this other page were CmlOxPSiEEU-00484-00143515-00143683 called anger and retaliation and CmlOxPSiEEU-00485-00143684-00144123 vengeance except there's one thing about CmlOxPSiEEU-00486-00144124-00144300 vengeance it says in the Bible the Lord CmlOxPSiEEU-00487-00144301-00144729 said vengeance is mine so that's really CmlOxPSiEEU-00488-00144730-00144934 saying you people stay out of it because CmlOxPSiEEU-00489-00144935-00145140 maybe we're too vengeful we might go too CmlOxPSiEEU-00490-00145141-00145590 far so we might just say okay Lord you CmlOxPSiEEU-00491-00145591-00145800 handle it they did it you handle it and CmlOxPSiEEU-00492-00145801-00146112 then the Lord doesn't do it you go you CmlOxPSiEEU-00493-00146113-00146269 know what a sneaker you supposed to CmlOxPSiEEU-00494-00146270-00146557 handle it but in his own due time he CmlOxPSiEEU-00495-00146558-00146773 does what he does and I haven't been CmlOxPSiEEU-00496-00146774-00146923 able to control him they'd be Elson CmlOxPSiEEU-00497-00146924-00147106 you've been able to do that I hear a lot CmlOxPSiEEU-00498-00147107-00147334 of people on television get together and CmlOxPSiEEU-00499-00147335-00147523 say Lord we claim and we want and they CmlOxPSiEEU-00500-00147524-00147610 grab hol CmlOxPSiEEU-00501-00147611-00147760 hands and they do this big emotional CmlOxPSiEEU-00502-00147761-00148189 flooding thing and next week they do the CmlOxPSiEEU-00503-00148190-00148312 same thing and other people say it CmlOxPSiEEU-00504-00148313-00148447 didn't happen CmlOxPSiEEU-00505-00148448-00148666 well sure though because God promised it CmlOxPSiEEU-00506-00148667-00148834 and we did it I don't think that's why CmlOxPSiEEU-00507-00148835-00148987 God promised I think he said if you CmlOxPSiEEU-00508-00148988-00149257 gather together in my name which is CmlOxPSiEEU-00509-00149258-00149437 another way of saying and my purpose or CmlOxPSiEEU-00510-00149438-00149683 in my will or for what I want done I'll CmlOxPSiEEU-00511-00149684-00149926 help you do it but I've never seen CmlOxPSiEEU-00512-00149927-00150052 people do it that way they do it for CmlOxPSiEEU-00513-00150053-00150361 their own good I'm not against that I CmlOxPSiEEU-00514-00150362-00150499 just don't think you should blame God CmlOxPSiEEU-00515-00150500-00150643 for stuff you don't get when you're CmlOxPSiEEU-00516-00150644-00150847 doing it for your own good maybe if CmlOxPSiEEU-00517-00150848-00151120 you're doing it for the whole group the CmlOxPSiEEU-00518-00151121-00151353 historically God always took care of his CmlOxPSiEEU-00519-00151354-00151618 people historically and he always CmlOxPSiEEU-00520-00151619-00151762 punished him if they didn't follow the CmlOxPSiEEU-00521-00151763-00152158 commandments so I'm not too sure it's CmlOxPSiEEU-00522-00152159-00152299 the same one that's living today but CmlOxPSiEEU-00523-00152300-00152602 there's a good chance because there's a CmlOxPSiEEU-00524-00152603-00152782 lot of people that are right now the CmlOxPSiEEU-00525-00152783-00153090 Ayatollah Khomeini's left the physical CmlOxPSiEEU-00526-00153091-00153376 planet and they're ripping everything CmlOxPSiEEU-00527-00153377-00153547 off of him to try to get a piece of him CmlOxPSiEEU-00528-00153548-00153721 because not who he is but who he CmlOxPSiEEU-00529-00153722-00153976 represents himself to have been the CmlOxPSiEEU-00530-00153977-00154339 entire religion that's a real big thing CmlOxPSiEEU-00531-00154340-00154531 to have because a lot of people same CmlOxPSiEEU-00532-00154532-00154648 religion who are saying I don't believe CmlOxPSiEEU-00533-00154649-00154948 all that stuff and so some of the things CmlOxPSiEEU-00534-00154949-00155377 that will affect us to receive or open CmlOxPSiEEU-00535-00155378-00155719 to receive will be going in the same CmlOxPSiEEU-00536-00155720-00156258 direction CmlOxPSiEEU-00537-00156259-00156563 how many of you took insight I've taken CmlOxPSiEEU-00538-00156564-00156786 inside remember that first day in there CmlOxPSiEEU-00539-00156787-00157199 you go why am I here and this is about CmlOxPSiEEU-00540-00157200-00157356 one of the dumbest things has come along CmlOxPSiEEU-00541-00157357-00157676 since I on shoelaces or velcro well CmlOxPSiEEU-00542-00157677-00157847 which is pretty smart if you owned it CmlOxPSiEEU-00543-00157848-00158048 the second day you're in there you go I CmlOxPSiEEU-00544-00158049-00158244 don't know why I came back but something CmlOxPSiEEU-00545-00158245-00158673 feels a little different inside and so CmlOxPSiEEU-00546-00158674-00158939 back comes Friday and the facilitator is CmlOxPSiEEU-00547-00158940-00159148 just insulted you in every way possible CmlOxPSiEEU-00548-00159149-00159416 only by presenting ideas on the board CmlOxPSiEEU-00549-00159417-00159578 like this and then you insult yourself CmlOxPSiEEU-00550-00159579-00159962 by what's been presented there and CmlOxPSiEEU-00551-00159963-00160135 finally something inside of you goes oh CmlOxPSiEEU-00552-00160136-00160419 my god I'm having these experiences with CmlOxPSiEEU-00553-00160420-00160577 other people and I found out what I CmlOxPSiEEU-00554-00160578-00160760 thought I believed and what is happening CmlOxPSiEEU-00555-00160761-00161331 are different so now that's up for grabs CmlOxPSiEEU-00556-00161332-00161723 what's real versus what do I think come CmlOxPSiEEU-00557-00161724-00162023 Saturday and boy they start to go in to CmlOxPSiEEU-00558-00162024-00162207 look at things much deeper and but CmlOxPSiEEU-00559-00162208-00162341 someplace inside of you you feel CmlOxPSiEEU-00560-00162342-00162621 something feeling real good like CmlOxPSiEEU-00561-00162622-00162897 something good is about to happen and CmlOxPSiEEU-00562-00162898-00163044 usually about time you want to go home CmlOxPSiEEU-00563-00163045-00163419 your wife go sit down or something like CmlOxPSiEEU-00564-00163420-00163610 that or your friend says I'm not going CmlOxPSiEEU-00565-00163611-00163985 and I got the keys to the car and then CmlOxPSiEEU-00566-00163986-00164244 they're not gonna come back down the way CmlOxPSiEEU-00567-00164245-00164375 home Saturday they go I'm not coming CmlOxPSiEEU-00568-00164376-00164510 back that's it I'm not coming back I'm CmlOxPSiEEU-00569-00164511-00164847 not that's it I'm not coming back they CmlOxPSiEEU-00570-00164848-00165086 call back later say I'll go but I don't CmlOxPSiEEU-00571-00165087-00165416 want to come Sunday all this magic takes CmlOxPSiEEU-00572-00165417-00165594 place it started Friday with the CmlOxPSiEEU-00573-00165595-00165996 dumbness of you showing up then it all CmlOxPSiEEU-00574-00165997-00166245 took place inside of you because you CmlOxPSiEEU-00575-00166246-00166659 somehow said I am willing to look and CmlOxPSiEEU-00576-00166660-00166985 I'm willing to say where I am with CmlOxPSiEEU-00577-00166986-00167153 what's going on for me I'm willing just CmlOxPSiEEU-00578-00167154-00167343 to be honest with with my feelings in CmlOxPSiEEU-00579-00167344-00167619 this moment and we're not dealing with CmlOxPSiEEU-00580-00167620-00167828 the truth because that shifts too fast CmlOxPSiEEU-00581-00167829-00168275 and so does honesty by the way and then CmlOxPSiEEU-00582-00168276-00168440 you get all through and they have a CmlOxPSiEEU-00583-00168441-00168752 ceremony and you just find tears all CmlOxPSiEEU-00584-00168753-00168974 over the place you go why am i why am i CmlOxPSiEEU-00585-00168975-00169131 crying over something so dumb and stupid CmlOxPSiEEU-00586-00169132-00169262 and I just can't believe it that's CmlOxPSiEEU-00587-00169263-00169451 ridiculous but I want to take it to my CmlOxPSiEEU-00588-00169452-00169589 folks in my country CmlOxPSiEEU-00589-00169590-00169748 and we're gonna have it there Wow CmlOxPSiEEU-00590-00169749-00170002 something that you hated and disliked CmlOxPSiEEU-00591-00170003-00170348 it's like no because I I really and they CmlOxPSiEEU-00592-00170349-00170540 use this expression I really needed this CmlOxPSiEEU-00593-00170541-00170936 experience why because my heart had CmlOxPSiEEU-00594-00170937-00171440 hardened down and insight goes and pulls CmlOxPSiEEU-00595-00171441-00171962 it open with you doing the pulling and CmlOxPSiEEU-00596-00171963-00172151 it presents the information for you to CmlOxPSiEEU-00597-00172152-00172559 pull the church does the same thing but CmlOxPSiEEU-00598-00172560-00172730 while it's insights out here in the CmlOxPSiEEU-00599-00172731-00172968 world the church is saying go back CmlOxPSiEEU-00600-00172969-00173288 inside remember that day they did the CmlOxPSiEEU-00601-00173289-00173498 inner communication experience where you CmlOxPSiEEU-00602-00173499-00173939 went into your sanctuary and lo and CmlOxPSiEEU-00603-00173940-00174161 behold you didn't set things that you CmlOxPSiEEU-00604-00174162-00174551 can possibly have known about we call CmlOxPSiEEU-00605-00174552-00174998 that spook time or woowoo time where you CmlOxPSiEEU-00606-00174999-00175293 go wow that's scary I'm scared can other CmlOxPSiEEU-00607-00175294-00175475 people do this everybody on the planet CmlOxPSiEEU-00608-00175476-00175676 can do it well then we shouldn't teach CmlOxPSiEEU-00609-00175677-00175748 it to them CmlOxPSiEEU-00610-00175749-00176084 why not well they'll use it against me CmlOxPSiEEU-00611-00176085-00176303 they will you because you've got that CmlOxPSiEEU-00612-00176304-00176708 thought going well we can send out CmlOxPSiEEU-00613-00176709-00176894 wonderful vibrations to a lot of people CmlOxPSiEEU-00614-00176895-00177101 peace and harmony balance it'll work for CmlOxPSiEEU-00615-00177102-00177389 you and what you give back wonderful CmlOxPSiEEU-00616-00177390-00177554 vibrations of peace and harmony and CmlOxPSiEEU-00617-00177555-00177860 balance and say I don't believe that CmlOxPSiEEU-00618-00177861-00178124 they take it to another country they do CmlOxPSiEEU-00619-00178125-00178364 it we've been doing this in South CmlOxPSiEEU-00620-00178365-00178702 America for a long time in Australia in CmlOxPSiEEU-00621-00178703-00179054 Germany do you know what the results are CmlOxPSiEEU-00622-00179055-00179309 almost predictable I've told some of the CmlOxPSiEEU-00623-00179310-00179643 facilitators listen all you have to do CmlOxPSiEEU-00624-00179644-00179888 is go in there light a candle set down a CmlOxPSiEEU-00625-00179889-00180245 chair upon the stage and just play a CmlOxPSiEEU-00626-00180246-00180431 tape periodically given directions and CmlOxPSiEEU-00627-00180432-00180590 let people do what they want to do and CmlOxPSiEEU-00628-00180591-00180869 at the end of five days they'll come out CmlOxPSiEEU-00629-00180870-00181232 with about the same thing and the CmlOxPSiEEU-00630-00181233-00181526 facilitators that's not true well it is CmlOxPSiEEU-00631-00181527-00181736 true it's because the people are CmlOxPSiEEU-00632-00181737-00181928 facilitating themselves and all the CmlOxPSiEEU-00633-00181929-00182087 person of the front is doing is laying CmlOxPSiEEU-00634-00182088-00182311 out information for you to look at and CmlOxPSiEEU-00635-00182312-00182627 when you grasp it you will out of the CmlOxPSiEEU-00636-00182628-00182871 innate nature of your beingness start CmlOxPSiEEU-00637-00182872-00183396 go up then you think that's it let me CmlOxPSiEEU-00638-00183397-00183738 say take in sight to you go you're in it CmlOxPSiEEU-00639-00183739-00184446 for the money nah I'm stupid charge a CmlOxPSiEEU-00640-00184447-00184758 lot more for that you finished in sight CmlOxPSiEEU-00641-00184759-00185169 tuna say inside three well in the church CmlOxPSiEEU-00642-00185170-00185337 the movement spiritual awareness we say CmlOxPSiEEU-00643-00185338-00185700 do discourses do the soul awareness CmlOxPSiEEU-00644-00185701-00186053 tapes to keep tuned in read these books CmlOxPSiEEU-00645-00186054-00186503 get going on this why there's so much in CmlOxPSiEEU-00646-00186504-00186873 this world that can take us from well CmlOxPSiEEU-00647-00186874-00186996 you know it's like a guy who's just CmlOxPSiEEU-00648-00186997-00187529 married and he's got to go someplace and CmlOxPSiEEU-00649-00187530-00187691 for sake of expression let's call it CmlOxPSiEEU-00650-00187692-00188058 real and he has to go down by copacabana CmlOxPSiEEU-00651-00188059-00188427 beach or ipanema beach and you see some CmlOxPSiEEU-00652-00188428-00188706 of the more beautiful women in the world CmlOxPSiEEU-00653-00188707-00188786 down there CmlOxPSiEEU-00654-00188787-00189063 he's just married his wife's at home and CmlOxPSiEEU-00655-00189064-00189261 he now knows what lovemaking is all CmlOxPSiEEU-00656-00189262-00189503 about and when he's far away from home CmlOxPSiEEU-00657-00189504-00189744 and his vision girls dim of his wife the CmlOxPSiEEU-00658-00189745-00189924 vision of those ladies present on the CmlOxPSiEEU-00659-00189925-00190311 beach girls very bright what's going to CmlOxPSiEEU-00660-00190312-00190896 keep him from straying generally not CmlOxPSiEEU-00661-00190897-00191480 much not much CmlOxPSiEEU-00662-00191481-00191762 because we're trained to look out there CmlOxPSiEEU-00663-00191763-00191987 in the world and to represent ourselves CmlOxPSiEEU-00664-00191988-00192251 in terms of the world at the same time CmlOxPSiEEU-00665-00192252-00192680 every religion has said if you're going CmlOxPSiEEU-00666-00192681-00192935 to find the world you must first find CmlOxPSiEEU-00667-00192936-00193472 yourself and they've all said something CmlOxPSiEEU-00668-00193473-00193844 very very oh let me say specifically CmlOxPSiEEU-00669-00193845-00194528 similar meditate contemplate pray that CmlOxPSiEEU-00670-00194529-00194984 go inside we've tried all those we've CmlOxPSiEEU-00671-00194985-00195332 prayed often about the most thing and CmlOxPSiEEU-00672-00195333-00195803 I'll pray is sore knees and I'm serious CmlOxPSiEEU-00673-00195804-00196121 about that statement if you're doing CmlOxPSiEEU-00674-00196122-00196409 mass you get emotional flooding I mean CmlOxPSiEEU-00675-00196410-00196625 everybody's feeling the spirit and they CmlOxPSiEEU-00676-00196626-00196913 go home and they all backslide so that CmlOxPSiEEU-00677-00196914-00197083 wasn't it CmlOxPSiEEU-00678-00197084-00197615 so then you meditate Nestor's sit and go CmlOxPSiEEU-00679-00197616-00197813 back inside and try to come to the CmlOxPSiEEU-00680-00197814-00198023 source of your mind which is going to be CmlOxPSiEEU-00681-00198024-00198467 absolutely you never do it the mind CmlOxPSiEEU-00682-00198468-00198635 could go on forever because it's tied to CmlOxPSiEEU-00683-00198636-00198983 universal mind so then we try to CmlOxPSiEEU-00684-00198984-00199172 contemplate and we look at a rose or a CmlOxPSiEEU-00685-00199173-00199430 plant or a flower and we try to move and CmlOxPSiEEU-00686-00199431-00199715 can become one with that some part of us CmlOxPSiEEU-00687-00199716-00200120 goes ridiculous but then we try to see CmlOxPSiEEU-00688-00200121-00200501 it for what it is and you can't see CmlOxPSiEEU-00689-00200502-00200681 something for what it is until you see CmlOxPSiEEU-00690-00200682-00201032 you for what you are so that you can CmlOxPSiEEU-00691-00201033-00201457 know the difference in those so we teach CmlOxPSiEEU-00692-00201458-00201761 the idea that if you're going to see the CmlOxPSiEEU-00693-00201762-00202100 Lord and if all the writings and CmlOxPSiEEU-00694-00202101-00202340 teachings are accurate and I'm here to CmlOxPSiEEU-00695-00202341-00202595 tell you that that's my experience that CmlOxPSiEEU-00696-00202596-00202955 the Lord is found inside when I see CmlOxPSiEEU-00697-00202956-00203225 people praying to God and they're CmlOxPSiEEU-00698-00203226-00203495 praying like this I wonder what they're CmlOxPSiEEU-00699-00203496-00203729 praying to because there is the lord of CmlOxPSiEEU-00700-00203730-00203882 the air that we're all told to watch out CmlOxPSiEEU-00701-00203883-00204185 for called the devil or Satan I see CmlOxPSiEEU-00702-00204186-00204392 people reaching up that way and you can CmlOxPSiEEU-00703-00204393-00204632 get an experience putting your hands up CmlOxPSiEEU-00704-00204633-00204698 in the air CmlOxPSiEEU-00705-00204699-00204869 flooding yourself with emotional CmlOxPSiEEU-00706-00204869-00205294 forever and I caution people I say be CmlOxPSiEEU-00707-00205296-00205505 very careful because you're leaving CmlOxPSiEEU-00708-00205506-00205694 yourself open to that that can influence CmlOxPSiEEU-00709-00205694-00206041 you that you don't know about and a lot CmlOxPSiEEU-00710-00206042-00206180 of people say what do you believe in CmlOxPSiEEU-00711-00206181-00206383 Devils demons not anger ain't and I say CmlOxPSiEEU-00712-00206384-00206740 in angels yes I don't believe in them CmlOxPSiEEU-00713-00206741-00207023 I've had experiences with them do I CmlOxPSiEEU-00714-00207023-00207152 believe you people are here I don't have CmlOxPSiEEU-00715-00207153-00207391 to believe you're here I can see you so CmlOxPSiEEU-00716-00207392-00207653 I don't have to do that I've had CmlOxPSiEEU-00717-00207654-00207906 experiences with that does that scare me CmlOxPSiEEU-00718-00207907-00208315 no I know what they are you know who are CmlOxPSiEEU-00719-00208316-00208537 more scared the people that don't know CmlOxPSiEEU-00720-00208538-00208690 what they are and start to imagine what CmlOxPSiEEU-00721-00208691-00209008 they are you go see a movie where they CmlOxPSiEEU-00722-00209009-00209164 present a devil or something you go oh CmlOxPSiEEU-00723-00209165-00209471 my god maybe that's what it is that's CmlOxPSiEEU-00724-00209471-00209632 not what the scripture says the CmlOxPSiEEU-00725-00209633-00209900 scripture says the angel who is the CmlOxPSiEEU-00726-00209901-00210169 brightest one in the heavens and the Sun CmlOxPSiEEU-00727-00210171-00210333 of the morning star was called Lucifer CmlOxPSiEEU-00728-00210334-00210544 so when he shows up do you think he's CmlOxPSiEEU-00729-00210546-00210781 gonna show up like a goat or a ram or CmlOxPSiEEU-00730-00210782-00211057 smelling fenton there's something like CmlOxPSiEEU-00731-00211058-00211280 this this is in the scripture he's CmlOxPSiEEU-00732-00211281-00211451 sitting talked with God at the time of CmlOxPSiEEU-00733-00211452-00211933 Job and said to the Lord take your hand CmlOxPSiEEU-00734-00211934-00212267 off job so I can have my go at him who CmlOxPSiEEU-00735-00212267-00212555 do you think they were talking to you CmlOxPSiEEU-00736-00212556-00212879 think God talks to a demonic being I've CmlOxPSiEEU-00737-00212880-00213377 being stupid when he was bright I think CmlOxPSiEEU-00738-00213378-00213527 we should realize that the angel comes CmlOxPSiEEU-00739-00213528-00213733 dressed as a gentleman or the devil CmlOxPSiEEU-00740-00213734-00213980 comes dressed as a gentleman and that's CmlOxPSiEEU-00741-00213981-00214273 where we have to watch I mean if CmlOxPSiEEU-00742-00214275-00214480 something horrendous devilish beastly CmlOxPSiEEU-00743-00214481-00214691 think him in the room would all split CmlOxPSiEEU-00744-00214692-00214775 out of here CmlOxPSiEEU-00745-00214776-00215353 and I'd probably lead in the pack CmlOxPSiEEU-00746-00215354-00215603 because if it's like what they show in CmlOxPSiEEU-00747-00215604-00216044 the movies and I've never seen that I've CmlOxPSiEEU-00748-00216044-00216452 seen peculiar shaped beings as I've seen CmlOxPSiEEU-00749-00216453-00216827 physically peculiarly shaped beings I've CmlOxPSiEEU-00750-00216828-00217004 seen people that didn't have bodies from CmlOxPSiEEU-00751-00217005-00217210 the waist down that were born that way CmlOxPSiEEU-00752-00217211-00217581 and then people's been in military CmlOxPSiEEU-00753-00217582-00217819 battles I've seen people come wear CmlOxPSiEEU-00754-00217821-00217984 without arms and shoulders and legs and CmlOxPSiEEU-00755-00217985-00218061 wonder how ever CmlOxPSiEEU-00756-00218062-00218283 could live and then they're living and CmlOxPSiEEU-00757-00218284-00218610 you go god not me how would I do that CmlOxPSiEEU-00758-00218611-00218928 same way the other person is you say CmlOxPSiEEU-00759-00218929-00219078 it's so bad I couldn't stand it you're CmlOxPSiEEU-00760-00219079-00219456 making it that way and I've visited CmlOxPSiEEU-00761-00219457-00219630 people and others have visited people CmlOxPSiEEU-00762-00219631-00219871 have been crippled from various means CmlOxPSiEEU-00763-00219873-00220244 disease war whatever and they walk out CmlOxPSiEEU-00764-00220246-00220515 feeling better about himself because a CmlOxPSiEEU-00765-00220516-00220764 person was ill or injured has such good CmlOxPSiEEU-00766-00220765-00221112 spirits and I've gone to minister to CmlOxPSiEEU-00767-00221113-00221277 people to hospitals and I came out being CmlOxPSiEEU-00768-00221278-00221544 the one that was ministered to and I CmlOxPSiEEU-00769-00221544-00221712 kept thinking she's I went in there dude CmlOxPSiEEU-00770-00221713-00221844 all this for them and they did all that CmlOxPSiEEU-00771-00221844-00222167 for me but I don't think they could have CmlOxPSiEEU-00772-00222169-00222351 done it for me if I wasn't open to dude CmlOxPSiEEU-00773-00222352-00222615 for them which left to open for me to CmlOxPSiEEU-00774-00222616-00222923 receive from them and you know what they CmlOxPSiEEU-00775-00222925-00223148 do did invite me back because I think CmlOxPSiEEU-00776-00223150-00223542 they figured I needed more help and I CmlOxPSiEEU-00777-00223542-00223841 went back and I did need more help CmlOxPSiEEU-00778-00223842-00224166 because I didn't have a heart that was CmlOxPSiEEU-00779-00224167-00224502 compassionate and a heart that was CmlOxPSiEEU-00780-00224503-00224832 loving you know love isn't a feeling CmlOxPSiEEU-00781-00224833-00225234 it's a decision compassion is something CmlOxPSiEEU-00782-00225235-00225561 you experience you get involved with CmlOxPSiEEU-00783-00225562-00225864 somebody and boy I've seen people hurt CmlOxPSiEEU-00784-00225865-00226041 so bad you think nobody could hurt as CmlOxPSiEEU-00785-00226042-00226342 bad as that until one day it hits you CmlOxPSiEEU-00786-00226344-00226815 then you understand their hurt I also CmlOxPSiEEU-00787-00226816-00227098 found out that when you're stepping into CmlOxPSiEEU-00788-00227100-00227442 the grace of God or if we're gonna call CmlOxPSiEEU-00789-00227442-00227858 the Messiah energy this messianic energy CmlOxPSiEEU-00790-00227859-00228129 the grace of that extends upon you and CmlOxPSiEEU-00791-00228130-00228387 you really feel the glory of that CmlOxPSiEEU-00792-00228388-00228761 because you felt the pain of the other CmlOxPSiEEU-00793-00228762-00229313 but I reject the idea of no pain no gain CmlOxPSiEEU-00794-00229314-00229602 but I do accept the idea that a lot of CmlOxPSiEEU-00795-00229603-00229914 pain repairs things like getting your CmlOxPSiEEU-00796-00229915-00230409 teeth fixed getting surgery all that it CmlOxPSiEEU-00797-00230410-00230667 repairs things but I found out my game CmlOxPSiEEU-00798-00230667-00231033 took place mostly when I was relaxed CmlOxPSiEEU-00799-00231034-00231232 open loving CmlOxPSiEEU-00800-00231233-00231498 and I don't mean just saying words but CmlOxPSiEEU-00801-00231500-00231810 there and I said Lord your will not mine CmlOxPSiEEU-00802-00231811-00232165 and it wasn't a statement nor was a CmlOxPSiEEU-00803-00232166-00232411 desperation but it was just the CmlOxPSiEEU-00804-00232412-00232759 statement of that's what it is and often CmlOxPSiEEU-00805-00232760-00233254 nothing happened two days later we were CmlOxPSiEEU-00806-00233255-00233428 walking down the street it would happen CmlOxPSiEEU-00807-00233429-00233928 and I I thought I was walking down the CmlOxPSiEEU-00808-00233929-00234244 street in Utah as I walked by there I CmlOxPSiEEU-00809-00234244-00234553 got this flash of bright light and an CmlOxPSiEEU-00810-00234554-00234771 elevating consciousness and a real joy CmlOxPSiEEU-00811-00234773-00235411 and you feel like dancing around and I CmlOxPSiEEU-00812-00235412-00235623 was there for five or ten minutes just a CmlOxPSiEEU-00813-00235625-00235917 few four eclis uplifted and I looked at CmlOxPSiEEU-00814-00235919-00236065 this building and I looked at the other CmlOxPSiEEU-00815-00236066-00236275 places and it was this building and I CmlOxPSiEEU-00816-00236276-00236394 walked across the street and the thing CmlOxPSiEEU-00817-00236396-00236689 disappeared for the next four or five CmlOxPSiEEU-00818-00236690-00236890 days I would go and walk down the same CmlOxPSiEEU-00819-00236891-00237280 way by that building because I thought CmlOxPSiEEU-00820-00237281-00237679 this took place at that building but I CmlOxPSiEEU-00821-00237680-00238059 had all my evidence do you understand it CmlOxPSiEEU-00822-00238060-00238378 and didn't take place in that state ever CmlOxPSiEEU-00823-00238379-00238444 again CmlOxPSiEEU-00824-00238444-00238773 I drove all over thinking these Mormons CmlOxPSiEEU-00825-00238775-00239152 up here I've got something in the wind a CmlOxPSiEEU-00826-00239153-00239452 lot of the church just found out I say CmlOxPSiEEU-00827-00239453-00239605 anybody have any experiences down from CmlOxPSiEEU-00828-00239606-00239994 that bank they go what well what are you CmlOxPSiEEU-00829-00239996-00240202 talking about so well did you feel the CmlOxPSiEEU-00830-00240203-00240379 Lord or the Holy Spirit or God I mean CmlOxPSiEEU-00831-00240380-00240567 him yeah CmlOxPSiEEU-00832-00240569-00240769 no that's right deposit my money get my CmlOxPSiEEU-00833-00240769-00241288 money then I was riding in my car down CmlOxPSiEEU-00834-00241289-00241606 the road and that thing came on me I was CmlOxPSiEEU-00835-00241607-00241777 way out in the middle some place in CmlOxPSiEEU-00836-00241778-00242160 Kansas and it been rainy and I stopped CmlOxPSiEEU-00837-00242161-00242461 and I had what you call a metaphysical CmlOxPSiEEU-00838-00242462-00242782 experience and I thought to myself am I CmlOxPSiEEU-00839-00242783-00242929 gonna have to come and drive to this CmlOxPSiEEU-00840-00242930-00243069 road when it rains in the middle of CmlOxPSiEEU-00841-00243071-00243271 Kansas all the time to have this thing CmlOxPSiEEU-00842-00243271-00243678 or is this something else different I CmlOxPSiEEU-00843-00243679-00243862 started finding out that it was CmlOxPSiEEU-00844-00243863-00244162 happening randomly irregularly non CmlOxPSiEEU-00845-00244163-00244494 predictably a lot of different places CmlOxPSiEEU-00846-00244494-00244742 and I finally figured out and I would CmlOxPSiEEU-00847-00244744-00244902 try to do superstitions I've ever done CmlOxPSiEEU-00848-00244903-00245100 this one if I get down to the end of the CmlOxPSiEEU-00849-00245101-00245259 street before this car gets over that CmlOxPSiEEU-00850-00245260-00245430 red light then I would get this later CmlOxPSiEEU-00851-00245431-00245802 that's called bargaining I never got CmlOxPSiEEU-00852-00245803-00245958 collected on the bargain CmlOxPSiEEU-00853-00245959-00246279 I'd even slow down and go fast to try to CmlOxPSiEEU-00854-00246280-00246467 judge it so I could be sure to get it CmlOxPSiEEU-00855-00246469-00246876 that's called controlling it but I found CmlOxPSiEEU-00856-00246877-00247305 that sitting down relaxing and clearing CmlOxPSiEEU-00857-00247306-00247607 away the things we had on the other side CmlOxPSiEEU-00858-00247608-00247791 that would block me CmlOxPSiEEU-00859-00247792-00248582 angers resentments irritations owed out CmlOxPSiEEU-00860-00248583-00249126 skepticisms any of that had to go and I CmlOxPSiEEU-00861-00249127-00249285 was sitting meditating I said what is CmlOxPSiEEU-00862-00249286-00249705 this that I must do to find this fast CmlOxPSiEEU-00863-00249706-00249960 and I heard a voice say original CmlOxPSiEEU-00864-00249961-00250394 innocence orig original innocence you CmlOxPSiEEU-00865-00250396-00250664 know we've all heard original sin CmlOxPSiEEU-00866-00250665-00250989 original innocence original innocence CmlOxPSiEEU-00867-00250990-00251421 means nothing's there may and I said is CmlOxPSiEEU-00868-00251421-00251571 this like original learning and I said CmlOxPSiEEU-00869-00251571-00252105 yes and I said who's talking who's CmlOxPSiEEU-00870-00252106-00252369 talking to me because I didn't know to CmlOxPSiEEU-00871-00252369-00252648 say those things sometimes you'll talk CmlOxPSiEEU-00872-00252648-00252792 but you'll know and you'll hear a voice CmlOxPSiEEU-00873-00252792-00252912 but you know that sure is because you CmlOxPSiEEU-00874-00252913-00253152 know those things and everyone so I CmlOxPSiEEU-00875-00253153-00253292 heard you'll hear a strange voice you go CmlOxPSiEEU-00876-00253294-00253491 what was that and every time you focus CmlOxPSiEEU-00877-00253492-00253842 on it it disappears but as long as CmlOxPSiEEU-00878-00253842-00254100 you're sitting back inside of you pretty CmlOxPSiEEU-00879-00254101-00254256 soon you hear all sorts of voices CmlOxPSiEEU-00880-00254257-00254519 because the mind starts to produce CmlOxPSiEEU-00881-00254521-00254894 voices and you have to be very careful CmlOxPSiEEU-00882-00254896-00255221 which voice you start to follow because CmlOxPSiEEU-00883-00255223-00255462 it can take you down to despair very CmlOxPSiEEU-00884-00255463-00255879 very fast and I'll tell you how I've CmlOxPSiEEU-00885-00255880-00256188 what difference I found if the voice and CmlOxPSiEEU-00886-00256189-00256496 the information did not have in it and CmlOxPSiEEU-00887-00256498-00257248 around it loving caring sharing health CmlOxPSiEEU-00888-00257250-00257715 wealth happiness prosperity abundance or CmlOxPSiEEU-00889-00257716-00257805 riches it CmlOxPSiEEU-00890-00257806-00258101 was not what I cared to be involved with CmlOxPSiEEU-00891-00258102-00258426 sometimes that voice would say that CmlOxPSiEEU-00892-00258427-00258552 person hurt you and they're gonna be CmlOxPSiEEU-00893-00258553-00258711 down such in such a place and you can go CmlOxPSiEEU-00894-00258712-00258831 there and you can get even if you want CmlOxPSiEEU-00895-00258832-00259131 to and not leave and go down there and CmlOxPSiEEU-00896-00259132-00259356 sure enough they'd be there that voice CmlOxPSiEEU-00897-00259357-00259650 was right except if I got even I knew CmlOxPSiEEU-00898-00259651-00259812 that I was doing the wrong thing and I CmlOxPSiEEU-00899-00259813-00260025 turn around walk away and I checked it CmlOxPSiEEU-00900-00260026-00260171 and it was so accurate CmlOxPSiEEU-00901-00260173-00260409 Carly folks you cannot believe how CmlOxPSiEEU-00902-00260410-00260817 accurate the negative voice can be and CmlOxPSiEEU-00903-00260817-00261006 it would tell me so so it's saying bad CmlOxPSiEEU-00904-00261007-00261204 things about you and within minutes of CmlOxPSiEEU-00905-00261205-00261381 phone Audrina say so so just said a bad CmlOxPSiEEU-00906-00261382-00261630 thing about you then I thought I don't CmlOxPSiEEU-00907-00261631-00261804 want to have that I want to only hear CmlOxPSiEEU-00908-00261805-00262065 what's good about me well that's CmlOxPSiEEU-00909-00262066-00262359 intellectual dishonesty folks if you're CmlOxPSiEEU-00910-00262360-00262551 gonna hear the good you got to be CmlOxPSiEEU-00911-00262552-00262890 prepared to hear the bad then you know CmlOxPSiEEU-00912-00262891-00263124 what you do you choose which way you put CmlOxPSiEEU-00913-00263125-00263631 your nose to the good or to the bad and CmlOxPSiEEU-00914-00263632-00264102 I said I want good but I got to hear CmlOxPSiEEU-00915-00264103-00264345 what the bad is in case there's some CmlOxPSiEEU-00916-00264346-00264537 information in there so I can correct my CmlOxPSiEEU-00917-00264538-00264885 life because I never thought for one CmlOxPSiEEU-00918-00264886-00265131 minute this is perfect I know it was CmlOxPSiEEU-00919-00265132-00265368 good at times and I was going for CmlOxPSiEEU-00920-00265369-00265695 excellent but never did I buy this is CmlOxPSiEEU-00921-00265696-00265962 perfect in fact the only thing I was CmlOxPSiEEU-00922-00265963-00266097 told in the spirit the only thing that's CmlOxPSiEEU-00923-00266098-00266448 perfect there is change and then I was CmlOxPSiEEU-00924-00266449-00266640 told it's perfect just the way it is and CmlOxPSiEEU-00925-00266641-00266787 the problem with you jr. is you don't CmlOxPSiEEU-00926-00266788-00267240 like it that way that was true I wanted CmlOxPSiEEU-00927-00267241-00267501 some things quite differently then I CmlOxPSiEEU-00928-00267502-00267663 said well if it's perfect I better like CmlOxPSiEEU-00929-00267664-00267867 it that way and I didn't like it but I CmlOxPSiEEU-00930-00267868-00268281 let go of it I just accept it it's what CmlOxPSiEEU-00931-00268282-00268428 it is they're doing what they're doing I CmlOxPSiEEU-00932-00268429-00268734 don't have to do that life is fine and CmlOxPSiEEU-00933-00268735-00269340 life started become fine and over 25 CmlOxPSiEEU-00934-00269341-00269892 years I have been ridiculed at Miss bida CmlOxPSiEEU-00935-00269893-00270300 yet I've been on I've been spit at I saw CmlOxPSiEEU-00936-00270301-00270548 it coming on I ducked CmlOxPSiEEU-00937-00270549-00270954 I've had personal threats against my CmlOxPSiEEU-00938-00270955-00271131 life you know people say you show up in CmlOxPSiEEU-00939-00271132-00271389 the city we're gonna kill you so I CmlOxPSiEEU-00940-00271390-00271524 showed up to see who it was it was gonna CmlOxPSiEEU-00941-00271525-00271776 kill me I was you get curious when CmlOxPSiEEU-00942-00271777-00271931 somebody's gonna do that CmlOxPSiEEU-00943-00271932-00272172 some people go I'm not going to go and I CmlOxPSiEEU-00944-00272173-00272343 go fine but you never know who the CmlOxPSiEEU-00945-00272344-00272802 person was that gave the threat and to CmlOxPSiEEU-00946-00272803-00273075 be chastised by newspaper reporters and CmlOxPSiEEU-00947-00273076-00273441 papers and but I had good television CmlOxPSiEEU-00948-00273442-00273717 stuff and I had a lot of good other CmlOxPSiEEU-00949-00273718-00273942 things but it seemed like everything CmlOxPSiEEU-00950-00273943-00274092 that somebody saying well this is a CmlOxPSiEEU-00951-00274093-00274272 terrible bad thing to do I would look at CmlOxPSiEEU-00952-00274273-00274452 it and I go I wonder if that is and I CmlOxPSiEEU-00953-00274453-00274569 thought you know it's not as good as it CmlOxPSiEEU-00954-00274570-00274764 could be so would move it over in line CmlOxPSiEEU-00955-00274765-00275100 more then I sit back and say thank God I CmlOxPSiEEU-00956-00275101-00275360 heard that negative thing because now I CmlOxPSiEEU-00957-00275361-00275778 fixed that and this is better and so I CmlOxPSiEEU-00958-00275779-00276165 listened not to opinion but to those CmlOxPSiEEU-00959-00276166-00276345 people that said see this thing that CmlOxPSiEEU-00960-00276346-00276402 you're doing CmlOxPSiEEU-00961-00276403-00276777 see this way that's going on in fact the CmlOxPSiEEU-00962-00276778-00276984 clothes I wear I was told by the TV CmlOxPSiEEU-00963-00276985-00277125 people don't wear certain clothes CmlOxPSiEEU-00964-00277126-00277353 because on TV you wash out and you look CmlOxPSiEEU-00965-00277354-00277850 dead so I said okay I'll change that CmlOxPSiEEU-00966-00277851-00278127 they say don't do this don't do that CmlOxPSiEEU-00967-00278128-00278421 they got equipment to look and I listen CmlOxPSiEEU-00968-00278422-00278763 to that the feedback system from the CmlOxPSiEEU-00969-00278764-00278937 physical world is very good and we don't CmlOxPSiEEU-00970-00278938-00279234 want to hear it the feedback system from CmlOxPSiEEU-00971-00279235-00279533 the Spirit is perfect and we corrupt it CmlOxPSiEEU-00972-00279534-00279846 because we try to hear it and get it and CmlOxPSiEEU-00973-00279847-00280170 then we try to lord it over everyone CmlOxPSiEEU-00974-00280171-00280620 else that's when you fall fast and hard CmlOxPSiEEU-00975-00280621-00281091 the church teaches a few things whatever CmlOxPSiEEU-00976-00281092-00281325 you hear from the speaker do it as you CmlOxPSiEEU-00977-00281326-00281658 please believe it disbelieve it some CmlOxPSiEEU-00978-00281659-00282095 tirely up to you it's freely given CmlOxPSiEEU-00979-00282096-00282342 whatever you do with it it's your CmlOxPSiEEU-00980-00282343-00282513 business if you don't know what it is CmlOxPSiEEU-00981-00282514-00282750 check it out how do you check out CmlOxPSiEEU-00982-00282751-00283058 something go inside and see if it's so CmlOxPSiEEU-00983-00283059-00283314 when I heard one of the teachers say CmlOxPSiEEU-00984-00283315-00283716 inside is CmlOxPSiEEU-00985-00283717-00284062 that's great that's great CmlOxPSiEEU-00986-00284063-00284313 with all the junky things I had done CmlOxPSiEEU-00987-00284314-00284566 there's no where inside there could have CmlOxPSiEEU-00988-00284567-00284671 been a heaven CmlOxPSiEEU-00989-00284672-00285091 I mean God stole apples I'd take my CmlOxPSiEEU-00990-00285092-00285300 dad's car when I wasn't supposed to I've CmlOxPSiEEU-00991-00285301-00285606 lied to my mother I cheated on tests in CmlOxPSiEEU-00992-00285607-00285814 school yeah CmlOxPSiEEU-00993-00285815-00286117 leave early from things or go late or CmlOxPSiEEU-00994-00286118-00286434 not go or sad go someplace and then not CmlOxPSiEEU-00995-00286435-00286675 keep my word just the general life CmlOxPSiEEU-00996-00286676-00287007 things that people do and I said the CmlOxPSiEEU-00997-00287008-00287256 kingdom of heaven is within and I looked CmlOxPSiEEU-00998-00287257-00287430 in and I said boy there's nowhere you're CmlOxPSiEEU-00999-00287431-00287569 gonna find a kingdom of heaven in there CmlOxPSiEEU-01000-00287570-00287767 you won't even find anything then they CmlOxPSiEEU-01001-00287768-00287907 said there's a pearl of great price in CmlOxPSiEEU-01002-00287908-00288081 the kingdom of heaven so I thought maybe CmlOxPSiEEU-01003-00288082-00288592 there's a pearl a small small pearl and CmlOxPSiEEU-01004-00288593-00288912 I contemplate that for years CmlOxPSiEEU-01005-00288913-00289165 not necessary contemplate I beat myself CmlOxPSiEEU-01006-00289166-00289471 up in my mind because you asked who how CmlOxPSiEEU-01007-00289472-00289816 where why when how come how much how CmlOxPSiEEU-01008-00289817-00290007 often when does it happen again is it CmlOxPSiEEU-01009-00290008-00290191 gonna affect me well I get it won't I CmlOxPSiEEU-01010-00290192-00290518 get it and I said one day I wished my CmlOxPSiEEU-01011-00290519-00290985 mind would just leave me alone it was CmlOxPSiEEU-01012-00290986-00291381 amazing it started leaving me alone at CmlOxPSiEEU-01013-00291382-00291745 the same time I heard another speaker CmlOxPSiEEU-01014-00291746-00291981 say the kingdom of heaven can't can't be CmlOxPSiEEU-01015-00291982-00292198 located in you if you comb the body you CmlOxPSiEEU-01016-00292199-00292281 won't find it CmlOxPSiEEU-01017-00292282-00292479 if you cut open the body you won't find CmlOxPSiEEU-01018-00292480-00292741 the soul of the Spirit it's an attitude CmlOxPSiEEU-01019-00292742-00293224 you take inside of you in there now that CmlOxPSiEEU-01020-00293225-00293559 made sense to me as stupid as I was it CmlOxPSiEEU-01021-00293560-00293872 made sense because it was made sense CmlOxPSiEEU-01022-00293873-00294013 like if you're gonna see the Lord and CmlOxPSiEEU-01023-00294014-00294166 the Lord's in the kingdom of heaven and CmlOxPSiEEU-01024-00294167-00294333 the kingdom of heaven is inside of you CmlOxPSiEEU-01025-00294334-00294496 and you're made in the image of God CmlOxPSiEEU-01026-00294497-00294748 because he said so then maybe you better CmlOxPSiEEU-01027-00294749-00294940 prepare yourself to see something really CmlOxPSiEEU-01028-00294941-00295246 great and you better have a real good CmlOxPSiEEU-01029-00295247-00295348 attitude CmlOxPSiEEU-01030-00295349-00295648 I remember saying in the Bible so stand CmlOxPSiEEU-01031-00295649-00296052 and fear the Lord I used to think not me CmlOxPSiEEU-01032-00296053-00296409 I'm not gonna fear God if he's God and CmlOxPSiEEU-01033-00296410-00296671 God's God God's gonna know that I'm not CmlOxPSiEEU-01034-00296672-00296872 gonna fear him I'm not going to do that CmlOxPSiEEU-01035-00296873-00297159 and I was studying some old manuscripts CmlOxPSiEEU-01036-00297160-00297624 with the preacher he said this word fear CmlOxPSiEEU-01037-00297625-00297882 is a strange word I said I don't believe CmlOxPSiEEU-01038-00297883-00298276 that word is right he said what do you CmlOxPSiEEU-01039-00298277-00298479 think it is I said I think I would stand CmlOxPSiEEU-01040-00298480-00298704 in awe of the Lord I mean the Lord CmlOxPSiEEU-01041-00298705-00299106 showed up I go wow wow look who's here CmlOxPSiEEU-01042-00299107-00299326 the one that can do it for everybody CmlOxPSiEEU-01043-00299327-00299566 even if we can't do it for herself CmlOxPSiEEU-01044-00299567-00299740 he started checking back he said you CmlOxPSiEEU-01045-00299741-00300049 know the word fear it was ah it was CmlOxPSiEEU-01046-00300050-00300445 mistranslated in the Greek I said son of CmlOxPSiEEU-01047-00300446-00300793 a gun I'll stand in awe of the Lord CmlOxPSiEEU-01048-00300794-00301297 because I don't know what that is but to CmlOxPSiEEU-01049-00301298-00301458 stand in fear is gonna stop me from CmlOxPSiEEU-01050-00301459-00301648 going towards it do you understand that CmlOxPSiEEU-01051-00301649-00301843 if you have fear how many of you every CmlOxPSiEEU-01052-00301844-00301969 one thought of going to see a movie I CmlOxPSiEEU-01053-00301970-00302125 don't have to raise your hands and the CmlOxPSiEEU-01054-00302126-00302278 movie was one that you were fearful of CmlOxPSiEEU-01055-00302279-00302713 so you didn't go to see it right so if CmlOxPSiEEU-01056-00302714-00302839 you're gonna see the Lord and it's gonna CmlOxPSiEEU-01057-00302840-00302979 be scary and frightful you're gonna be CmlOxPSiEEU-01058-00302980-00303115 judged you're gonna go to hell or some CmlOxPSiEEU-01059-00303116-00303480 other place who wants to go visit so CmlOxPSiEEU-01060-00303481-00303750 wait till I clean up my act a little bit CmlOxPSiEEU-01061-00303751-00304029 then amazing thing is the spirit side CmlOxPSiEEU-01062-00304030-00304464 said you didn't have to do anything CmlOxPSiEEU-01063-00304465-00304880 because God took you just like you are CmlOxPSiEEU-01064-00304881-00305278 and I really felt smug on that one I'm CmlOxPSiEEU-01065-00305279-00305556 honest to god I really thought you took CmlOxPSiEEU-01066-00305557-00305902 me just like I am you take anything that CmlOxPSiEEU-01067-00305903-00306220 means you'll take everybody that means CmlOxPSiEEU-01068-00306221-00306472 not when Saul's going to get lost that CmlOxPSiEEU-01069-00306473-00306678 had a lot of implications for me God CmlOxPSiEEU-01070-00306679-00306937 loves all of its creation God is a CmlOxPSiEEU-01071-00306938-00307155 loving God God is loving everybody all CmlOxPSiEEU-01072-00307156-00307387 the time and we're having our coming in CmlOxPSiEEU-01073-00307388-00307828 are going in God this is fantastic but I CmlOxPSiEEU-01074-00307829-00308007 want to clean up my junk because God if CmlOxPSiEEU-01075-00308008-00308212 you're gonna take me like my am if I can CmlOxPSiEEU-01076-00308213-00308371 do more to make it better I think I'll CmlOxPSiEEU-01077-00308372-00308778 start to do that then it came down all CmlOxPSiEEU-01078-00308779-00308989 the things of how to behave with mankind CmlOxPSiEEU-01079-00308990-00309274 I knew what they were Ten Commandments CmlOxPSiEEU-01080-00309275-00309606 appeared CmlOxPSiEEU-01081-00309607-00309759 and the first one that shall have no CmlOxPSiEEU-01082-00309760-00310040 other God before me I could not have CmlOxPSiEEU-01083-00310041-00310650 Envy lust jealousy greed anger in front CmlOxPSiEEU-01084-00310651-00310911 of me that I contemplated on I had a CmlOxPSiEEU-01085-00310912-00311256 dollar tree going there so hard to think CmlOxPSiEEU-01086-00311257-00311606 that that's what it was CmlOxPSiEEU-01087-00311607-00311874 then I ran to a song I said I'm keeping CmlOxPSiEEU-01088-00311875-00312087 my eyes on you Lord keeping my eyes on CmlOxPSiEEU-01089-00312088-00312588 you I thought wow how do you do that you CmlOxPSiEEU-01090-00312589-00312759 got I'm gonna be walking around silent CmlOxPSiEEU-01091-00312760-00313020 in meditation all day how am I to see CmlOxPSiEEU-01092-00313021-00313434 anybody else and then another one said CmlOxPSiEEU-01093-00313435-00313905 look for the divinity in all things and CmlOxPSiEEU-01094-00313906-00314073 I want my eyes up and I started to see CmlOxPSiEEU-01095-00314074-00314382 that everyone had this this light of CmlOxPSiEEU-01096-00314383-00314754 God's Spirit shining out of them and I CmlOxPSiEEU-01097-00314755-00314976 and it's amazing how beautiful people CmlOxPSiEEU-01098-00314977-00315318 became and people that look maybe ugly CmlOxPSiEEU-01099-00315319-00315578 physically had all of a sudden a radiant CmlOxPSiEEU-01100-00315579-00315945 beauty and that was their soul and CmlOxPSiEEU-01101-00315946-00316182 spirit just shining through it all and I CmlOxPSiEEU-01102-00316183-00316380 just sit there amazed and I said I'm CmlOxPSiEEU-01103-00316381-00316610 keeping my eye on you Lord CmlOxPSiEEU-01104-00316611-00316881 then came the last few things CmlOxPSiEEU-01105-00316882-00317430 judge not least she'd be judged that was CmlOxPSiEEU-01106-00317431-00317589 a hard one because I really wouldn't do CmlOxPSiEEU-01107-00317590-00318096 some judging I really I really did I did CmlOxPSiEEU-01108-00318097-00318324 doom to and then I gave it up I said I CmlOxPSiEEU-01109-00318325-00318622 want to finish these few judgments CmlOxPSiEEU-01110-00318623-00319075 as I did it you know then the last one CmlOxPSiEEU-01111-00319076-00319390 came up and he said when you've done CmlOxPSiEEU-01112-00319391-00319696 unto the least of these you did it unto CmlOxPSiEEU-01113-00319697-00319744 me CmlOxPSiEEU-01114-00319745-00320245 the five-fingered gospel mother Teresa CmlOxPSiEEU-01115-00320246-00320353 gave that to me CmlOxPSiEEU-01116-00320354-00320818 I knew it but not till she took and put CmlOxPSiEEU-01117-00320819-00321208 her fingers on my hand you did it unto CmlOxPSiEEU-01118-00321209-00321298 me CmlOxPSiEEU-01119-00321299-00321733 that I got what she was doing and when I CmlOxPSiEEU-01120-00321734-00321928 got what she was doing I got what I was CmlOxPSiEEU-01121-00321929-00322183 doing and I also got what a lot of other CmlOxPSiEEU-01122-00322184-00322456 people weren't doing but we're going to CmlOxPSiEEU-01123-00322457-00322774 start doing more and more as they move CmlOxPSiEEU-01124-00322775-00323181 towards it that became all of that CmlOxPSiEEU-01125-00323182-00323518 moving the spiritual inner awareness to CmlOxPSiEEU-01126-00323519-00323842 the source of creation inside of us the CmlOxPSiEEU-01127-00323843-00324225 trip isn't over for me when I die CmlOxPSiEEU-01128-00324226-00324634 maybe it'll be over here but my CmlOxPSiEEU-01129-00324635-00324898 experience is this is such a little part CmlOxPSiEEU-01130-00324899-00325189 of all of it that the bigger part is CmlOxPSiEEU-01131-00325190-00325696 really where I'd like to live anyway so CmlOxPSiEEU-01132-00325697-00326032 we can look at these few things just to CmlOxPSiEEU-01133-00326033-00326365 say loving open minded relaxed receptive CmlOxPSiEEU-01134-00326366-00326605 curious sometimes tragedies same CmlOxPSiEEU-01135-00326606-00326955 direction open us to the Spirit of God CmlOxPSiEEU-01136-00326956-00327217 well sometimes resistance fear and anger CmlOxPSiEEU-01137-00327218-00327427 and expectations and doubt and negative CmlOxPSiEEU-01138-00327428-00327697 thinking and depressions and health are CmlOxPSiEEU-01139-00327698-00328032 things that stop us from being with God CmlOxPSiEEU-01140-00328033-00328339 but nevertheless we have to have CmlOxPSiEEU-01141-00328340-00328477 compassion when we find out from people CmlOxPSiEEU-01142-00328478-00328630 came from different genetics CmlOxPSiEEU-01143-00328631-00328903 environments and religions and education CmlOxPSiEEU-01144-00328904-00329161 and we have to have a great big openness CmlOxPSiEEU-01145-00329162-00329392 inside of us to let everybody with all CmlOxPSiEEU-01146-00329393-00329716 that fit in the same room I think at CmlOxPSiEEU-01147-00329717-00329929 that moment we're going to find peace on CmlOxPSiEEU-01148-00329930-00330244 earth and goodwill towards men and CmlOxPSiEEU-01149-00330245-00330496 that's gonna be our biggest lessons that CmlOxPSiEEU-01150-00330497-00330985 we're here to learn now babyish mission CmEjouWz11U-00000-00000000-00000323 hello YouTube welcome back to Soraka CmEjouWz11U-00001-00000324-00000947 last time we were looking for a token CmEjouWz11U-00002-00000948-00001295 and solving the murder and I think we CmEjouWz11U-00003-00001296-00001689 have to talk to this lizard fahd we do CmEjouWz11U-00004-00001691-00002009 Who I am is none of your business smell CmEjouWz11U-00005-00002010-00002401 of the day oh did condescension I love CmEjouWz11U-00006-00002402-00002756 it I heard thought that you confiscated CmEjouWz11U-00007-00002757-00003076 it token that thing I thought it might CmEjouWz11U-00008-00003077-00003260 be worth something but it's just trash CmEjouWz11U-00009-00003261-00003488 have it it's all yours fantastic that CmEjouWz11U-00010-00003489-00003856 was easy what about the murder don't go CmEjouWz11U-00011-00003857-00004076 around asking too many questions or you CmEjouWz11U-00012-00004077-00004345 might become a suspect yourself it's CmEjouWz11U-00013-00004346-00004738 that how it works well you thought CmEjouWz11U-00014-00004739-00005240 I found the foot I found the token CmEjouWz11U-00015-00005241-00005581 that's great plants the flowers don't CmEjouWz11U-00016-00005582-00005783 really like fog can't blame them when CmEjouWz11U-00017-00005784-00005968 the guards aren't around the fountain of CmEjouWz11U-00018-00005969-00006211 the gate is a popular place for young CmEjouWz11U-00019-00006212-00006403 couples to hang out yet the cards don't CmEjouWz11U-00020-00006404-00006812 seem very nice do they this is the gay CmEjouWz11U-00021-00006813-00007309 thumb cool door that's the door the CmEjouWz11U-00022-00007311-00007564 guard house visitors aren't welcome CmEjouWz11U-00023-00007565-00007895 a fresco showing grave spearmen in our CmEjouWz11U-00024-00007895-00008113 last stand against the great snake of CmEjouWz11U-00025-00008114-00008431 the desert a fresco showing an ancient CmEjouWz11U-00026-00008432-00008720 hero fighting the covetous Griffin on CmEjouWz11U-00027-00008721-00009289 his horse here we are out in the desert CmEjouWz11U-00028-00009290-00009559 presumably it said that these flowers CmEjouWz11U-00029-00009560-00009796 change their color in the moonlight that CmEjouWz11U-00030-00009797-00010727 is quite neat what's around here ah you CmEjouWz11U-00031-00010728-00011227 suspect you have gotten lost whoa all CmEjouWz11U-00032-00011228-00011566 right that wasn't there before I got CmEjouWz11U-00033-00011567-00012139 lost an oasis well here I am at the CmEjouWz11U-00034-00012140-00012511 Oasis a fragrant water lily these are CmEjouWz11U-00035-00012512-00012910 popular with nymphs I found loon flower CmEjouWz11U-00036-00012911-00013313 seeds I seem to be finding a lot of CmEjouWz11U-00037-00013313-00013640 ingredients that I don't need yet so I CmEjouWz11U-00038-00013641-00013947 feel like this could get complicated CmEjouWz11U-00039-00013948-00014237 desert frog is using this water CmEjouWz11U-00040-00014238-00014734 thoroughly as cover name whoa singles CmEjouWz11U-00041-00014735-00015218 tent be welcome in my tent different who CmEjouWz11U-00042-00015219-00015661 are you syndrome I am single a curious CmEjouWz11U-00043-00015662-00016033 one of the 14 desert shamans i was born CmEjouWz11U-00044-00016034-00016349 on the island of you wanna many CmEjouWz11U-00045-00016350-00016580 thousands of miles from here but that is CmEjouWz11U-00046-00016581-00016834 not relevant it is here that my path has CmEjouWz11U-00047-00016835-00017080 brought me i saw a vision of the blue CmEjouWz11U-00048-00017081-00017396 crow as i first did when i became a CmEjouWz11U-00049-00017397-00017809 shaman so I knew this path was one had CmEjouWz11U-00050-00017810-00017986 been waiting for me CmEjouWz11U-00051-00017987-00018322 so you do magic them a long time ago CmEjouWz11U-00052-00018323-00018616 when I was young and arrogant my travels CmEjouWz11U-00053-00018617-00018799 took me to a small village in an ancient CmEjouWz11U-00054-00018800-00019105 country recently torn apart by water and CmEjouWz11U-00055-00019106-00019503 conquest that I saw I saw the savage CmEjouWz11U-00056-00019504-00019717 brutality unleashed upon the weak and CmEjouWz11U-00057-00019718-00019914 the helpless by those who believe CmEjouWz11U-00058-00019915-00020221 themselves to be the chosen to be better CmEjouWz11U-00059-00020222-00020469 than others to be without the need for CmEjouWz11U-00060-00020470-00020752 kindness I saw a lance snatched away CmEjouWz11U-00061-00020753-00020919 from its people in the name of CmEjouWz11U-00062-00020920-00021150 half-remembered stories from the past CmEjouWz11U-00063-00021151-00021439 and all my magic all my power could do CmEjouWz11U-00064-00021440-00021874 absolutely nothing that sucks what do CmEjouWz11U-00065-00021875-00022264 you think of Sedaka I came to Soraka CmEjouWz11U-00066-00022265-00022471 when I heard mayor's Ahok had been CmEjouWz11U-00067-00022472-00022771 deposed I felt here was a chance to make CmEjouWz11U-00068-00022772-00023103 a new beginning instead we got general CmEjouWz11U-00069-00023104-00023358 ji Woong guma who is really nothing but CmEjouWz11U-00070-00023359-00023609 another face for the sea monster I agree CmEjouWz11U-00071-00023610-00023886 he tried to convince me to endorse his CmEjouWz11U-00072-00023887-00024108 regime to give it my spiritual blessing CmEjouWz11U-00073-00024109-00024412 I told him where as we shall and say to CmEjouWz11U-00074-00024413-00024853 stick it that's falling so you have CmEjouWz11U-00075-00024854-00025215 wisdom right I am a mighty shaman more CmEjouWz11U-00076-00025216-00025494 mighty than you probably realize I know CmEjouWz11U-00077-00025495-00025725 secrets that many would kill to know I CmEjouWz11U-00078-00025726-00025971 have power that few can contend with I CmEjouWz11U-00079-00025972-00026194 have danced with the spirits of the CmEjouWz11U-00080-00026195-00026439 desert wind in the secret places where CmEjouWz11U-00081-00026441-00026767 the sand remembers the sea and talked to CmEjouWz11U-00082-00026768-00026980 the travelling dead between dream worlds CmEjouWz11U-00083-00026981-00027289 I know the names by which the stars and CmEjouWz11U-00084-00027289-00027535 moons call themselves and the ways in CmEjouWz11U-00085-00027536-00027845 which magic flows through the universe CmEjouWz11U-00086-00027847-00028186 but I know only one true thing magic is CmEjouWz11U-00087-00028187-00028408 nothing without wisdom and wisdom is CmEjouWz11U-00088-00028408-00028762 nothing without kindness nice sentiment CmEjouWz11U-00089-00028763-00029255 but that sounds like CmEjouWz11U-00090-00029256-00029845 you're quite enjoying those ritual herbs CmEjouWz11U-00091-00029847-00030192 murder you are asking the wrong question CmEjouWz11U-00092-00030193-00030423 it takes no great magic to know that he CmEjouWz11U-00093-00030424-00030675 was murdered by the cards as the people CmEjouWz11U-00094-00030676-00030957 of Sokka well no it does not truly CmEjouWz11U-00095-00030958-00031176 matter which guard did the deed because CmEjouWz11U-00096-00031177-00031427 the order was given by general Goma and CmEjouWz11U-00097-00031429-00031755 I know that too the question is why was CmEjouWz11U-00098-00031756-00031947 hashim in the desert what did he seek CmEjouWz11U-00099-00031948-00032187 the answer to that question lies in the CmEjouWz11U-00100-00032188-00032495 unspeakable cave which is where he was CmEjouWz11U-00101-00032497-00032829 returning from when he was killed what CmEjouWz11U-00102-00032830-00033192 is this unspeakable cave the unspeakable CmEjouWz11U-00103-00033193-00033450 cave lies in this desert I can show you CmEjouWz11U-00104-00033451-00033771 the way but know this in the unspeakable CmEjouWz11U-00105-00033772-00034074 cave live the unspeakable horrors that CmEjouWz11U-00106-00034075-00034310 none may see which as their name implies CmEjouWz11U-00107-00034311-00034638 may not be seen blessed seeing them may CmEjouWz11U-00108-00034639-00034983 drive you mad only at the end of the CmEjouWz11U-00109-00034984-00035289 journey in the depths of the cave can CmEjouWz11U-00110-00035290-00035514 the traveler stop being afraid for it CmEjouWz11U-00111-00035515-00035838 there is an ancient secret for their an CmEjouWz11U-00112-00035839-00036069 ancient secret is inscribed upon the CmEjouWz11U-00113-00036070-00036312 wall and the monsters stay away from it CmEjouWz11U-00114-00036313-00036615 therefore once you are within the cave CmEjouWz11U-00115-00036616-00037254 seek the silence huh well will you take CmEjouWz11U-00116-00037255-00037611 me there CmEjouWz11U-00117-00037612-00038008 did he perhaps update my map it did how CmEjouWz11U-00118-00038009-00038521 kind the bird waiting for its dinner ah CmEjouWz11U-00119-00038522-00038815 how beautifully this bird flies how CmEjouWz11U-00120-00038816-00039007 elegantly its shadow moves across the CmEjouWz11U-00121-00039008-00039262 sand it can't wait to pick the skin off CmEjouWz11U-00122-00039263-00039871 your bones haha okay um that that's a CmEjouWz11U-00123-00039872-00040246 the tree is especially diabolical and CmEjouWz11U-00124-00040247-00040786 this one it's is creepy let's let's do CmEjouWz11U-00125-00040787-00041371 this no fear right no fear you can't go CmEjouWz11U-00126-00041372-00041623 in there like this if you see the CmEjouWz11U-00127-00041624-00041842 unspeakable horrors you may well go mad CmEjouWz11U-00128-00041843-00042235 well so I should go back to Soraka and CmEjouWz11U-00129-00042236-00043048 tell the carpet woman what was said CmEjouWz11U-00130-00043049-00043465 murder or a seam he lost his wife two CmEjouWz11U-00131-00043466-00043723 years ago and now his son no one should CmEjouWz11U-00132-00043724-00043873 have to go through that no wonder he CmEjouWz11U-00133-00043874-00044085 does nothing but sit there and fish CmEjouWz11U-00134-00044086-00044365 soraka carpet you will not regret CmEjouWz11U-00135-00044366-00045070 helping me so what is what is my scroll CmEjouWz11U-00136-00045071-00045514 of quests say investigate find an CmEjouWz11U-00137-00045515-00045940 adapter find ingredients locate the tomb CmEjouWz11U-00138-00045941-00046689 make makeup cookie all right carrot leak CmEjouWz11U-00139-00046690-00047474 Marty do way of opening port and Tara CmEjouWz11U-00140-00047475-00048027 crossing chasm Oh bring the dragon CmEjouWz11U-00141-00048028-00048318 students to dr. crusher my can do that CmEjouWz11U-00142-00048319-00048826 all those this way was good he is it was CmEjouWz11U-00143-00048827-00049296 dr. crust him I wish I could tell you CmEjouWz11U-00144-00049297-00049468 where to find a dragon that will give CmEjouWz11U-00145-00049469-00049720 you its tooth I'd go visit it myself but CmEjouWz11U-00146-00049721-00050389 I've never I've got the tooth I just CmEjouWz11U-00147-00050390-00050872 write your special glue how do I do that CmEjouWz11U-00148-00050873-00051125 scroll CmEjouWz11U-00149-00051126-00051701 of recipes okay dog food potion of CmEjouWz11U-00150-00051702-00052370 jellification finger food glow okay so I CmEjouWz11U-00151-00052371-00052790 need a repulsive squish leaf and trout CmEjouWz11U-00152-00052791-00052960 jelly CmEjouWz11U-00153-00052961-00053428 an essence of Derek had no idea what CmEjouWz11U-00154-00053429-00054054 those are um find a repulsive squish CmEjouWz11U-00155-00054055-00054551 leaf who do I ask about that CmEjouWz11U-00156-00054552-00054959 I really don't know that's somewhat CmEjouWz11U-00157-00054960-00055382 irritating I can't go in there like this CmEjouWz11U-00158-00055383-00055901 blah blah I suppose we should continue CmEjouWz11U-00159-00055902-00056558 to explore soraka they tell me he was CmEjouWz11U-00160-00056559-00056857 found in the desert near the gate yeah CmEjouWz11U-00161-00056858-00057494 let's see what can be done wait there CmEjouWz11U-00162-00057495-00057853 was a way to go over here wasn't there CmEjouWz11U-00163-00057854-00058337 can go here and talk to Mukhtar he was a CmEjouWz11U-00164-00058338-00058573 troublemaker oh wait i can ask um guma CmEjouWz11U-00165-00058574-00059174 that's a clever thing to do Bungoma what CmEjouWz11U-00166-00059175-00059416 do you know of this murder our CmEjouWz11U-00167-00059416-00059666 investigation clearly showed that the CmEjouWz11U-00168-00059666-00059912 individual in question was involved with CmEjouWz11U-00169-00059913-00060239 illegal activities and met his end if we CmEjouWz11U-00170-00060240-00060416 can call him a man since he was also CmEjouWz11U-00171-00060416-00060707 involved in the quest Turnbull practice CmEjouWz11U-00172-00060708-00061007 of gender change as the result of a CmEjouWz11U-00173-00061008-00061501 smuggling deal gone bad interesting CmEjouWz11U-00174-00061502-00061732 I don't get what's wrong with gender CmEjouWz11U-00175-00061733-00062107 change that's just a thing that happens CmEjouWz11U-00176-00062108-00062515 I guess it's over here strange people CmEjouWz11U-00177-00062516-00063124 would he know of the murder what do you CmEjouWz11U-00178-00063125-00063433 know of the murder I saw Hashim walking CmEjouWz11U-00179-00063434-00063724 to the desert carrying a small bag such CmEjouWz11U-00180-00063725-00064201 a shame mystery greatest Oh head back CmEjouWz11U-00181-00064202-00064708 yep smelled today I'll kawa I don't know CmEjouWz11U-00182-00064709-00065023 what that is lamp is totally digging the CmEjouWz11U-00183-00065024-00065416 colorful windows man it's not just wax CmEjouWz11U-00184-00065416-00065751 those candles man CmEjouWz11U-00185-00065752-00066337 well it's a fog you CmEjouWz11U-00186-00066338-00066910 let's let's explore the desert more CmEjouWz11U-00187-00066911-00067298 cactus a flowering cactus pretty but not CmEjouWz11U-00188-00067299-00067861 very useful don't need any stones I CmEjouWz11U-00189-00067862-00068897 suspect I am lost I need your help with CmEjouWz11U-00190-00068898-00069233 lisam no murder perhaps his death can be CmEjouWz11U-00191-00069234-00069578 made to mean something I'm going to take CmEjouWz11U-00192-00069579-00070097 a short break to read my objectives wait CmEjouWz11U-00193-00070098-00070679 a minute I had a thought all right let's CmEjouWz11U-00194-00070680-00070985 try this go to the unspeakable cave at CmEjouWz11U-00195-00070986-00071315 the very beginning we turned on the CmEjouWz11U-00196-00071316-00073040 graphics these are weird noises CmEjouWz11U-00197-00073041-00074282 I'm fine where there's no sound this is CmEjouWz11U-00198-00074283-00074924 it that's not it this is it we've gotten CmEjouWz11U-00199-00074925-00075251 to the end and CmEjouWz11U-00200-00075252-00075539 you note down directions to a place CmEjouWz11U-00201-00075540-00076007 called the Isle of becoming hmm well CmEjouWz11U-00202-00076008-00076889 let's go these are really weird noises I CmEjouWz11U-00203-00076890-00077936 want to turn it on oh oh no CmEjouWz11U-00204-00077937-00078542 ah well let's go to the Isle of CmEjouWz11U-00205-00078543-00079550 becoming what's here pretty music is CmEjouWz11U-00206-00079551-00080255 here the landscape is unusual a strand CmEjouWz11U-00207-00080256-00080489 purple plant you haven't seen anything CmEjouWz11U-00208-00080490-00081086 like it hmm o the isle of becoming I CmEjouWz11U-00209-00081087-00081317 understand now it's neither planned nor CmEjouWz11U-00210-00081318-00081785 mushroom the tree is a blank you've CmEjouWz11U-00211-00081786-00082106 never seen anything like these plants CmEjouWz11U-00212-00082107-00082365 will collect they belong CmEjouWz11U-00213-00082366-00083104 it's a swarm of flying CmEjouWz11U-00214-00083105-00083637 plant seems quite content CmEjouWz11U-00215-00083638-00084273 Oh a huge magnificent tree ? it's a land CmEjouWz11U-00216-00084274-00084519 fish it's a beautiful tree dwelling the CmEjouWz11U-00217-00084520-00084788 eel maybe it should be called a trio CmEjouWz11U-00218-00084789-00085505 maybe it should whoa thing salasa CmEjouWz11U-00219-00085506-00085776 welcome to the Isle of the thought of CmEjouWz11U-00220-00085777-00086337 becoming trembler smell the day a strong CmEjouWz11U-00221-00086338-00086679 wind from the sea so you are so awesome CmEjouWz11U-00222-00086680-00087123 i am called salasa for me all things CmEjouWz11U-00223-00087124-00087398 were born and to me all things return CmEjouWz11U-00224-00087399-00087734 I'm always dying and always being born CmEjouWz11U-00225-00087735-00088173 eternal change is my nature what is this CmEjouWz11U-00226-00088174-00088545 i love becoming it is here the future is CmEjouWz11U-00227-00088546-00088842 born you see its beginnings around you CmEjouWz11U-00228-00088843-00089232 unfinished becoming but it is not here CmEjouWz11U-00229-00089233-00089430 that the future is shaped there is no CmEjouWz11U-00230-00089431-00089751 fate and i am not a god if you poison CmEjouWz11U-00231-00089752-00089979 the waters poison plants will grow if CmEjouWz11U-00232-00089980-00090204 you abandoned kindness unkind things CmEjouWz11U-00233-00090205-00090432 will be born if you surrender your CmEjouWz11U-00234-00090433-00090735 future you surrender this island and all CmEjouWz11U-00235-00090736-00091080 the others that could be that is what CmEjouWz11U-00236-00091081-00091254 you have come here to remember and to CmEjouWz11U-00237-00091255-00091461 take with you to the Isles that were CmEjouWz11U-00238-00091462-00091944 once like this one huh CmH3k7lIK30-00000-00000639-00000943 oh hello and welcome to CmH3k7lIK30-00001-00000944-00001374 day number five i was like four CmH3k7lIK30-00002-00001375-00001863 five CmH3k7lIK30-00003-00001864-00002055 of the get your shift together workshop CmH3k7lIK30-00004-00002056-00002342 it is power coach alicia here CmH3k7lIK30-00005-00002343-00002615 i am so excited that we made it to day CmH3k7lIK30-00006-00002616-00002895 number five that i made it to two day CmH3k7lIK30-00007-00002896-00003126 number five CmH3k7lIK30-00008-00003127-00003383 hello vera CmH3k7lIK30-00009-00003384-00003727 all right we are going to kick off CmH3k7lIK30-00010-00003728-00004015 today's session by doing your CmH3k7lIK30-00011-00004015-00004135 temperature CmH3k7lIK30-00012-00004136-00004303 so please shout out what your CmH3k7lIK30-00013-00004304-00004495 temperature is for the day CmH3k7lIK30-00014-00004496-00004638 i CmH3k7lIK30-00015-00004639-00004919 hope that i have the amount of energy CmH3k7lIK30-00016-00004920-00005127 that i have been having CmH3k7lIK30-00017-00005128-00005311 while i'm waiting for facebook to notify CmH3k7lIK30-00018-00005312-00005527 everybody that i'm live CmH3k7lIK30-00019-00005528-00005751 it's been crazy you know guys and it's CmH3k7lIK30-00020-00005752-00005991 just crazier so CmH3k7lIK30-00021-00005992-00006286 we woke up first thing this morning and CmH3k7lIK30-00022-00006287-00006550 then headed to get my mom moved and CmH3k7lIK30-00023-00006551-00006823 between my weird foot problem that i've CmH3k7lIK30-00024-00006823-00007078 had for like four years and then CmH3k7lIK30-00025-00007079-00007255 arthritis in my hands i could only be CmH3k7lIK30-00026-00007256-00007510 the foreman and boss everyone around CmH3k7lIK30-00027-00007511-00007727 but dude bossing people around is CmH3k7lIK30-00028-00007728-00007951 exhausting CmH3k7lIK30-00029-00007952-00008342 hi kathy so i basically just ran around CmH3k7lIK30-00030-00008343-00008495 telling everybody CmH3k7lIK30-00031-00008496-00008759 what to do where and what to put where CmH3k7lIK30-00032-00008760-00009055 and where to go when and it was crazy CmH3k7lIK30-00033-00009056-00009151 and i had CmH3k7lIK30-00034-00009152-00009359 all of these people that i had brought CmH3k7lIK30-00035-00009360-00009671 in to help and oh my god so facilitating CmH3k7lIK30-00036-00009672-00009878 like 12 people where to go what to get CmH3k7lIK30-00037-00009879-00010063 what to take where to put it all that CmH3k7lIK30-00038-00010064-00010335 good stuff so it's been crazy like you CmH3k7lIK30-00039-00010336-00010551 wouldn't think that that's exhausting CmH3k7lIK30-00040-00010552-00010759 i'm definitely not as exhausted as CmH3k7lIK30-00041-00010760-00011006 everybody moving all of her [__] CmH3k7lIK30-00042-00011007-00011191 but i literally CmH3k7lIK30-00043-00011192-00011391 crashed into my bed for a quick CmH3k7lIK30-00044-00011392-00011567 meditation CmH3k7lIK30-00045-00011568-00011719 at CmH3k7lIK30-00046-00011720-00011863 the 3 CmH3k7lIK30-00047-00011864-00012270 42 so 5 42 eastern CmH3k7lIK30-00048-00012271-00012606 and then i was like oh gotta get up keep CmH3k7lIK30-00049-00012607-00012910 moving so i'm here and we CmH3k7lIK30-00050-00012911-00013079 are gonna rock it out i just kind of CmH3k7lIK30-00051-00013080-00013207 wanted to i guess give you guys a CmH3k7lIK30-00052-00013208-00013503 rundown of my day hi angie so my energy CmH3k7lIK30-00053-00013504-00013751 is definitely down today but i do have CmH3k7lIK30-00054-00013752-00013919 faith that is still going to be an CmH3k7lIK30-00055-00013919-00014327 awesome session so yesterday was knowing CmH3k7lIK30-00056-00014328-00014671 your ability of when you have to give CmH3k7lIK30-00057-00014672-00014975 and how to have CmH3k7lIK30-00058-00014976-00015247 more than enough time no no no yesterday CmH3k7lIK30-00059-00015247-00015383 was stepping into the power of how you CmH3k7lIK30-00060-00015384-00015486 want to feel CmH3k7lIK30-00061-00015487-00015558 so CmH3k7lIK30-00062-00015559-00015735 day CmH3k7lIK30-00063-00015736-00015847 three CmH3k7lIK30-00064-00015847-00016047 was knowing when you have the ability to CmH3k7lIK30-00065-00016047-00016215 give and how to have more than enough CmH3k7lIK30-00066-00016216-00016343 time and CmH3k7lIK30-00067-00016344-00016735 it was already such a long session that CmH3k7lIK30-00068-00016736-00016927 i missed out on talking to you guys CmH3k7lIK30-00069-00016928-00017150 about some very important things when it CmH3k7lIK30-00070-00017151-00017263 comes to CmH3k7lIK30-00071-00017264-00017615 having enough time and how to CmH3k7lIK30-00072-00017616-00017927 really look at it plus i had created hi CmH3k7lIK30-00073-00017928-00018135 maya the ten commandments of getting CmH3k7lIK30-00074-00018136-00018375 your shift together so i have some CmH3k7lIK30-00075-00018376-00018743 really awesome infographics for you that CmH3k7lIK30-00076-00018744-00019094 i will be putting in the group CmH3k7lIK30-00077-00019095-00019263 but they really should be CmH3k7lIK30-00078-00019264-00019422 two of the infographics are gonna be put CmH3k7lIK30-00079-00019423-00019583 on day number three CmH3k7lIK30-00080-00019584-00019775 so you're gonna wanna snag them there hi CmH3k7lIK30-00081-00019776-00020022 kim so be paying attention to that CmH3k7lIK30-00082-00020023-00020230 and then the 10 commandments of getting CmH3k7lIK30-00083-00020231-00020399 your shift together CmH3k7lIK30-00084-00020400-00020583 i will put on day number one because CmH3k7lIK30-00085-00020584-00020814 that's where it should have really been CmH3k7lIK30-00086-00020815-00020958 i woke up in the middle of the night and CmH3k7lIK30-00087-00020959-00021094 realized that i forgot to give you guys CmH3k7lIK30-00088-00021095-00021311 these graphics so now you're gonna have CmH3k7lIK30-00089-00021312-00021567 them but i just want you to know that CmH3k7lIK30-00090-00021568-00021783 some of them will be on day number two CmH3k7lIK30-00091-00021784-00021919 of them will be on day number three and CmH3k7lIK30-00092-00021920-00022063 the other one will be on day number one CmH3k7lIK30-00093-00022064-00022350 but i want to cover them today i still CmH3k7lIK30-00094-00022351-00022575 feel like it's so relevant to CmH3k7lIK30-00095-00022576-00022911 like have this conversation and review CmH3k7lIK30-00096-00022912-00023127 these graphics that i made for you CmH3k7lIK30-00097-00023128-00023230 so CmH3k7lIK30-00098-00023231-00023335 that CmH3k7lIK30-00099-00023336-00023678 is what we are going to do CmH3k7lIK30-00100-00023679-00023919 so the first thing that i want to talk CmH3k7lIK30-00101-00023920-00024167 about are the CmH3k7lIK30-00102-00024168-00024319 10 commandments of getting your shift CmH3k7lIK30-00103-00024320-00024542 together and i want you guys to save CmH3k7lIK30-00104-00024543-00024830 this print it out like i created it i CmH3k7lIK30-00105-00024831-00025022 don't know why everything's so blurry on CmH3k7lIK30-00106-00025023-00025303 your side is it blurry for you CmH3k7lIK30-00107-00025304-00025527 when i look at my screen that you're CmH3k7lIK30-00108-00025528-00025750 looking at it's really blurry i don't CmH3k7lIK30-00109-00025751-00025870 know CmH3k7lIK30-00110-00025872-00026167 what's going on over there so CmH3k7lIK30-00111-00026168-00026399 if you can hear me also make sure that CmH3k7lIK30-00112-00026400-00026527 you guys put your temperature in the CmH3k7lIK30-00113-00026527-00026799 chat i see vera's temperature but make CmH3k7lIK30-00114-00026800-00026935 sure you guys drop your temperature CmH3k7lIK30-00115-00026936-00027023 there CmH3k7lIK30-00116-00027024-00027158 so CmH3k7lIK30-00117-00027160-00027390 i'm gonna review these with you so even CmH3k7lIK30-00118-00027391-00027567 if you can't see them CmH3k7lIK30-00119-00027568-00027814 oh no not blurry okay good CmH3k7lIK30-00120-00027816-00028039 okay so it's not blurry for maya so my CmH3k7lIK30-00121-00028039-00028343 internet must just be weird so CmH3k7lIK30-00122-00028344-00028495 the CmH3k7lIK30-00123-00028495-00028807 both sides of this document are the ten CmH3k7lIK30-00124-00028808-00029062 commandments it's not a verse right one CmH3k7lIK30-00125-00029063-00029231 side's not negative and the other side's CmH3k7lIK30-00126-00029232-00029479 positive or something so CmH3k7lIK30-00127-00029480-00029718 uh this first one is i'll figure it out CmH3k7lIK30-00128-00029719-00030039 is the mantra of choice accordingly CmH3k7lIK30-00129-00030039-00030270 this buzz kill must be stricken from the CmH3k7lIK30-00130-00030272-00030535 lexicon i just don't know what to do CmH3k7lIK30-00131-00030536-00030711 right so if you're like i just don't CmH3k7lIK30-00132-00030712-00030895 know what to do CmH3k7lIK30-00133-00030895-00031239 i can't figure it out i don't i don't CmH3k7lIK30-00134-00031239-00031567 know how to do that right CmH3k7lIK30-00135-00031568-00031855 so i'll figure it out is what you are CmH3k7lIK30-00136-00031856-00032111 replacing it with okay CmH3k7lIK30-00137-00032112-00032407 i'll figure it out is one of your new CmH3k7lIK30-00138-00032408-00032599 commandments CmH3k7lIK30-00139-00032600-00032790 if you've never done it before remember CmH3k7lIK30-00140-00032791-00033062 that everything you've ever done or has CmH3k7lIK30-00141-00033063-00033287 happened to you in your entire life and CmH3k7lIK30-00142-00033288-00033590 the history of humankind has brought you CmH3k7lIK30-00143-00033591-00033879 to this point that's a whole lot of life CmH3k7lIK30-00144-00033880-00034135 force on your side so if it's something CmH3k7lIK30-00145-00034136-00034311 that you're going to CmH3k7lIK30-00146-00034312-00034462 like the first time that you're doing CmH3k7lIK30-00147-00034463-00034735 something just know that everything CmH3k7lIK30-00148-00034736-00034959 you've been through is preparing you for CmH3k7lIK30-00149-00034960-00035302 that so you might as well go for it okay CmH3k7lIK30-00150-00035303-00035615 you have a whole lot of life force on CmH3k7lIK30-00151-00035616-00035911 your side always remember that CmH3k7lIK30-00152-00035912-00036311 wait i want to bold that for you CmH3k7lIK30-00153-00036312-00036535 i guess not it doesn't want you to get CmH3k7lIK30-00154-00036536-00036951 this bolded it doesn't like the idea CmH3k7lIK30-00155-00036952-00037159 you can only build the word your what in CmH3k7lIK30-00156-00037160-00037327 the hell okay there we go CmH3k7lIK30-00157-00037328-00037615 if you've done it before CmH3k7lIK30-00158-00037616-00037830 do it like it's the first time because a CmH3k7lIK30-00159-00037831-00038039 beginner's mind is open CmH3k7lIK30-00160-00038040-00038407 and an open mind innovates okay CmH3k7lIK30-00161-00038408-00038807 so this is huge do it like the first CmH3k7lIK30-00162-00038808-00038895 time CmH3k7lIK30-00163-00038896-00039262 this has been such a catalyst for me in CmH3k7lIK30-00164-00039263-00039599 my journey as a business owner because CmH3k7lIK30-00165-00039600-00039774 now i've been a business owner for CmH3k7lIK30-00166-00039775-00040039 almost 15 years i haven't worked in the CmH3k7lIK30-00167-00040040-00040399 corporate world since 2007 CmH3k7lIK30-00168-00040400-00040590 and so i've learned so much in the CmH3k7lIK30-00169-00040591-00040767 internet marketing world so much in the CmH3k7lIK30-00170-00040768-00040999 coaching world and CmH3k7lIK30-00171-00041000-00041190 remembering to take action like it's my CmH3k7lIK30-00172-00041191-00041351 first time and not like i've done it CmH3k7lIK30-00173-00041352-00041655 before is one of my biggest challenges CmH3k7lIK30-00174-00041656-00041967 and i feel like it's also what has CmH3k7lIK30-00175-00041968-00042143 really held me back CmH3k7lIK30-00176-00042144-00042423 from my full potential because when i CmH3k7lIK30-00177-00042424-00042662 first was building my business on CmH3k7lIK30-00178-00042663-00042918 facebook and online like that's how i CmH3k7lIK30-00179-00042919-00043167 built it up to almost 600 000 a year i CmH3k7lIK30-00180-00043168-00043415 had no clue what i was doing so my coach CmH3k7lIK30-00181-00043416-00043615 was walking me through it step by step CmH3k7lIK30-00182-00043616-00043727 by step CmH3k7lIK30-00183-00043728-00043983 oh no maya i'm hoping we can get that up CmH3k7lIK30-00184-00043984-00044183 by the end of this session CmH3k7lIK30-00185-00044184-00044527 everybody else angie kathy kim CmH3k7lIK30-00186-00044528-00044702 what is your temperature for today shout CmH3k7lIK30-00187-00044703-00044902 it out in the comments i still don't see CmH3k7lIK30-00188-00044903-00045279 your guys i've got vera's and maya's CmH3k7lIK30-00189-00045280-00045607 so i love that reminder to do it do it CmH3k7lIK30-00190-00045608-00045823 like it's the first time all right so CmH3k7lIK30-00191-00045824-00046062 remember that i said that next is CmH3k7lIK30-00192-00046063-00046302 respect the fact that doubt is part of CmH3k7lIK30-00193-00046303-00046662 the creative process all right there is CmH3k7lIK30-00194-00046663-00046990 always going to be doubt so examine it CmH3k7lIK30-00195-00046991-00047199 as soon as it surfaces and then CmH3k7lIK30-00196-00047200-00047439 appreciate that it's keeping you alert CmH3k7lIK30-00197-00047440-00047535 okay CmH3k7lIK30-00198-00047536-00047758 doubt is part of the process because CmH3k7lIK30-00199-00047759-00048271 that's when you're growing okay CmH3k7lIK30-00200-00048272-00048351 um CmH3k7lIK30-00201-00048352-00049015 so let's see i'm gonna highlight this CmH3k7lIK30-00202-00049016-00049271 and then yeah so doubt is part of the CmH3k7lIK30-00203-00049272-00049423 creative process CmH3k7lIK30-00204-00049424-00049639 and i think that's true i've i've pretty CmH3k7lIK30-00205-00049640-00049758 much had CmH3k7lIK30-00206-00049759-00050086 doubts at some level with every single CmH3k7lIK30-00207-00050087-00050255 thing that i have done CmH3k7lIK30-00208-00050256-00050495 um CmH3k7lIK30-00209-00050496-00050799 and it hasn't stopped me from moving CmH3k7lIK30-00210-00050800-00050911 forward CmH3k7lIK30-00211-00050912-00051190 and so therefore CmH3k7lIK30-00212-00051191-00051487 i would 100 agree with this because CmH3k7lIK30-00213-00051488-00051719 i mean never like full-on doubt right CmH3k7lIK30-00214-00051720-00051926 but doubts in am i going to be able to CmH3k7lIK30-00215-00051927-00052087 do it am i going to succeed enough are CmH3k7lIK30-00216-00052088-00052207 people going to like me enough are they CmH3k7lIK30-00217-00052208-00052407 going to hang out like for example this CmH3k7lIK30-00218-00052408-00052607 workshop i was like CmH3k7lIK30-00219-00052608-00052982 man these are like low registrations you CmH3k7lIK30-00220-00052983-00053199 know at the beginning it was like four CmH3k7lIK30-00221-00053200-00053471 or five six and it was very slow CmH3k7lIK30-00222-00053472-00053679 compared to other CmH3k7lIK30-00223-00053679-00053887 series and challenges that i've ran in CmH3k7lIK30-00224-00053888-00054126 the past like man am i even gonna have CmH3k7lIK30-00225-00054127-00054382 anybody there to talk to you know and CmH3k7lIK30-00226-00054383-00054542 that doubt would creep in maybe i CmH3k7lIK30-00227-00054544-00054694 shouldn't be doing this maybe this isn't CmH3k7lIK30-00228-00054695-00054871 the right action maybe i should be doing CmH3k7lIK30-00229-00054872-00055087 something else and so that's what i mean CmH3k7lIK30-00230-00055088-00055326 that when i'm doing stuff doubt still CmH3k7lIK30-00231-00055327-00055599 creeps in but i still say you know what CmH3k7lIK30-00232-00055600-00055766 i'm moving full steam ahead i'm gonna CmH3k7lIK30-00233-00055767-00056094 trust the process i am going to do it CmH3k7lIK30-00234-00056095-00056319 next is ask yourself what you're going CmH3k7lIK30-00235-00056320-00056519 to give up to get where you want to go CmH3k7lIK30-00236-00056520-00056719 you can't have it all or do it all but CmH3k7lIK30-00237-00056720-00056966 you can always have and do great things CmH3k7lIK30-00238-00056967-00057199 so i should have edited this one all the CmH3k7lIK30-00239-00057200-00057463 way out because and i'm going to as soon CmH3k7lIK30-00240-00057464-00057630 as we get off here hopefully as long as CmH3k7lIK30-00241-00057632-00057742 i remember CmH3k7lIK30-00242-00057744-00058119 if i don't believe that you have to give CmH3k7lIK30-00243-00058120-00058326 well i mean i guess you do have to give CmH3k7lIK30-00244-00058327-00058479 something up to get to where you want to CmH3k7lIK30-00245-00058479-00058735 go but i don't believe that you can't CmH3k7lIK30-00246-00058736-00058854 have it all CmH3k7lIK30-00247-00058855-00059038 i do believe you can't do it all so it's CmH3k7lIK30-00248-00059039-00059215 like a quarter of this i don't believe CmH3k7lIK30-00249-00059216-00059342 in right CmH3k7lIK30-00250-00059344-00059607 i know that i did sacrifice time with my CmH3k7lIK30-00251-00059608-00059854 kids to build my company so CmH3k7lIK30-00252-00059855-00060182 i know that to be a stay-at-home family CmH3k7lIK30-00253-00060183-00060391 i have sacrificed the most out of CmH3k7lIK30-00254-00060391-00060638 everybody in my household CmH3k7lIK30-00255-00060639-00060879 so you do have to give things up to get CmH3k7lIK30-00256-00060879-00061038 to where you want to go CmH3k7lIK30-00257-00061039-00061287 but CmH3k7lIK30-00258-00061288-00061487 it would be a natural give up i don't CmH3k7lIK30-00259-00061488-00061630 think you have to sit down and make a CmH3k7lIK30-00260-00061632-00061791 list of the things that you have to give CmH3k7lIK30-00261-00061791-00061959 up and stop doing in order to get where CmH3k7lIK30-00262-00061960-00062142 you want to go i think that it is CmH3k7lIK30-00263-00062144-00062359 obvious like there was plenty of time CmH3k7lIK30-00264-00062360-00062479 where i wasn't hanging out with my CmH3k7lIK30-00265-00062479-00062623 family where they were all hanging out CmH3k7lIK30-00266-00062624-00062863 together and i was working right it just CmH3k7lIK30-00267-00062864-00063119 happened that way i didn't plan CmH3k7lIK30-00268-00063120-00063350 to not hang out with my family because i CmH3k7lIK30-00269-00063351-00063535 needed to work so i hope that makes CmH3k7lIK30-00270-00063536-00063791 sense but i do believe that you can have CmH3k7lIK30-00271-00063791-00063982 it all but i don't believe you can do it CmH3k7lIK30-00272-00063983-00064254 all if if CmH3k7lIK30-00273-00064255-00064487 our life our world that we live in was CmH3k7lIK30-00274-00064488-00064654 meant for CmH3k7lIK30-00275-00064655-00064863 us to do it all then CmH3k7lIK30-00276-00064864-00065166 we would be able to and not feel the CmH3k7lIK30-00277-00065167-00065487 depleted stuck feelings like it's way CmH3k7lIK30-00278-00065488-00065799 too much i can't do this right so CmH3k7lIK30-00279-00065800-00065999 i'm gonna do some edits to that because CmH3k7lIK30-00280-00066000-00066167 that's how i feel CmH3k7lIK30-00281-00066168-00066550 um you can't do it all but you can have CmH3k7lIK30-00282-00066551-00067438 it all CmH3k7lIK30-00283-00067439-00067750 there we go CmH3k7lIK30-00284-00067751-00067838 so CmH3k7lIK30-00285-00067839-00068055 next let's see CmH3k7lIK30-00286-00068056-00068255 i i like this this is what we're gonna CmH3k7lIK30-00287-00068256-00068367 highlight CmH3k7lIK30-00288-00068368-00068703 aim for passion it's all about passion CmH3k7lIK30-00289-00068704-00068982 not balance balance is a complete myth CmH3k7lIK30-00290-00068983-00069223 because passion will fill your life into CmH3k7lIK30-00291-00069224-00069455 the right proportions that work CmH3k7lIK30-00292-00069456-00069671 that work as a whole so CmH3k7lIK30-00293-00069672-00069791 the CmH3k7lIK30-00294-00069792-00069999 better word that i like to use besides CmH3k7lIK30-00295-00070000-00070326 balance is harmonize in the book the one CmH3k7lIK30-00296-00070327-00070543 thing by CmH3k7lIK30-00297-00070544-00070687 gary keller CmH3k7lIK30-00298-00070688-00070815 i don't know CmH3k7lIK30-00299-00070816-00071094 i can't remember by somebody CmH3k7lIK30-00300-00071095-00071303 i think that's it that is who it is the CmH3k7lIK30-00301-00071304-00071623 one thing by gary keller he talks about CmH3k7lIK30-00302-00071624-00071831 harmonizing in your life right you can't CmH3k7lIK30-00303-00071832-00071943 stay CmH3k7lIK30-00304-00071944-00072167 in one place for too long but with CmH3k7lIK30-00305-00072168-00072462 harmony it's not like balance balance is CmH3k7lIK30-00306-00072463-00072655 i'm gonna stop sharing for one second CmH3k7lIK30-00307-00072656-00073055 balance is two even sides that you have CmH3k7lIK30-00308-00073056-00073303 okay that's what balance is everything CmH3k7lIK30-00309-00073304-00073550 is just even right CmH3k7lIK30-00310-00073551-00073791 harmonizing means things are going to be CmH3k7lIK30-00311-00073792-00074055 offset depending on where your focus is CmH3k7lIK30-00312-00074056-00074359 and what you're doing so let's say you CmH3k7lIK30-00313-00074360-00074647 are going for a huge promotion at work CmH3k7lIK30-00314-00074648-00074991 and you get that promotion and CmH3k7lIK30-00315-00074992-00075135 well let's say you're going for a huge CmH3k7lIK30-00316-00075136-00075367 promotion at work and we'll use being a CmH3k7lIK30-00317-00075368-00075615 police officer as an example because CmH3k7lIK30-00318-00075616-00075926 my best friends my spirit animal's CmH3k7lIK30-00319-00075927-00076135 husband CmH3k7lIK30-00320-00076136-00076350 just went through this to get a CmH3k7lIK30-00321-00076351-00076455 promotion CmH3k7lIK30-00322-00076456-00076671 and he has been a police officer for CmH3k7lIK30-00323-00076672-00076855 seven years for highway for the highway CmH3k7lIK30-00324-00076856-00077103 patrol and to go out for a promotion CmH3k7lIK30-00325-00077104-00077326 they have to do all of this [__] CmH3k7lIK30-00326-00077327-00077503 they have to have to fill out like all CmH3k7lIK30-00327-00077504-00077662 of this paperwork they have to write CmH3k7lIK30-00328-00077663-00077919 essays all of this just to be eligible CmH3k7lIK30-00329-00077920-00078055 for the promotion CmH3k7lIK30-00330-00078056-00078311 then once that's accepted they go into a CmH3k7lIK30-00331-00078312-00078406 pool CmH3k7lIK30-00332-00078407-00078655 hi morgan and from there CmH3k7lIK30-00333-00078656-00078791 they can CmH3k7lIK30-00334-00078792-00078950 be promoted CmH3k7lIK30-00335-00078951-00079031 so CmH3k7lIK30-00336-00079032-00079119 it's CmH3k7lIK30-00337-00079120-00079343 crazy i don't know i think it's nuts but CmH3k7lIK30-00338-00079344-00079623 that's how they get their promotions CmH3k7lIK30-00339-00079624-00079750 they're basically appointed their CmH3k7lIK30-00340-00079751-00080071 promotions based off of this information CmH3k7lIK30-00341-00080072-00080303 and so to do that there was a lot of CmH3k7lIK30-00342-00080304-00080550 time that he had to take away from her CmH3k7lIK30-00343-00080551-00080791 and their kids in order to go out for CmH3k7lIK30-00344-00080792-00081087 this promotion so in that moment CmH3k7lIK30-00345-00081088-00081271 his career CmH3k7lIK30-00346-00081272-00081503 was center focused and so he was CmH3k7lIK30-00347-00081504-00081775 spending most of his time there right CmH3k7lIK30-00348-00081776-00081950 but now that he has submitted for that CmH3k7lIK30-00349-00081951-00082143 promotion and that's done CmH3k7lIK30-00350-00082144-00082423 now he goes to his regular CmH3k7lIK30-00351-00082424-00082631 uh weekly work schedule CmH3k7lIK30-00352-00082632-00082999 and now he has more time for CmH3k7lIK30-00353-00083000-00083206 his family and right now actually CmH3k7lIK30-00354-00083207-00083350 football because he's the head football CmH3k7lIK30-00355-00083351-00083487 coach of CmH3k7lIK30-00356-00083488-00083638 our boys team CmH3k7lIK30-00357-00083639-00083862 and so that's where a lot of his time CmH3k7lIK30-00358-00083863-00084038 and attention is spent and if you want CmH3k7lIK30-00359-00084039-00084279 to look at it he was basically just CmH3k7lIK30-00360-00084280-00084550 focused on this promotional paperwork CmH3k7lIK30-00361-00084551-00084791 and coaching football that's really all CmH3k7lIK30-00362-00084792-00085015 he had time for not a lot of time for CmH3k7lIK30-00363-00085016-00085175 his wife not a lot of time for his CmH3k7lIK30-00364-00085176-00085311 daughter and not a lot of time for CmH3k7lIK30-00365-00085312-00085647 himself right just focusing on football CmH3k7lIK30-00366-00085648-00085847 and going out for this promotion but CmH3k7lIK30-00367-00085848-00086135 then football will come to an end CmH3k7lIK30-00368-00086136-00086350 our tournament is um CmH3k7lIK30-00369-00086351-00086518 like mid-november CmH3k7lIK30-00370-00086519-00086711 like the third week of november so CmH3k7lIK30-00371-00086712-00086887 football will come to an end and then CmH3k7lIK30-00372-00086888-00087206 now that slot will be taken up with more CmH3k7lIK30-00373-00087207-00087406 family time because it's the holiday CmH3k7lIK30-00374-00087407-00087615 season so that's what i mean by CmH3k7lIK30-00375-00087616-00087862 harmonizing harmonizing means that your CmH3k7lIK30-00376-00087863-00088103 time will be spent in the most important CmH3k7lIK30-00377-00088104-00088335 places and that will take up a chunk of CmH3k7lIK30-00378-00088336-00088662 your time and tell said thing pass or CmH3k7lIK30-00379-00088663-00088815 goes through that ebb and flow and then CmH3k7lIK30-00380-00088816-00089038 you're to your next thing CmH3k7lIK30-00381-00089039-00089335 however if you're not in a harmonizing CmH3k7lIK30-00382-00089336-00089559 like frequency and energy then what CmH3k7lIK30-00383-00089560-00089871 happens is you end up getting stuck and CmH3k7lIK30-00384-00089872-00090150 then you end up procrastinating and then CmH3k7lIK30-00385-00090151-00090326 you end up CmH3k7lIK30-00386-00090327-00090647 feeling like what's the point CmH3k7lIK30-00387-00090648-00090871 is this all there is to life CmH3k7lIK30-00388-00090872-00091015 why am i the one that has to do CmH3k7lIK30-00389-00091016-00091206 everything i feel like i'm running like CmH3k7lIK30-00390-00091207-00091382 a chicken with its head cut off you know CmH3k7lIK30-00391-00091383-00091582 all of those different things because CmH3k7lIK30-00392-00091583-00091831 you went from maybe attempting to CmH3k7lIK30-00393-00091832-00092023 balance your life to getting stuck CmH3k7lIK30-00394-00092024-00092167 somewhere but if you look at it as CmH3k7lIK30-00395-00092168-00092367 harmonizing then you're not gonna have CmH3k7lIK30-00396-00092368-00092679 to worry about that i totally wish that CmH3k7lIK30-00397-00092680-00092791 i CmH3k7lIK30-00398-00092792-00092943 i'm gonna change the word for from CmH3k7lIK30-00399-00092944-00093231 passion to harmonizing i really wish CmH3k7lIK30-00400-00093232-00093391 that i would have remembered this for CmH3k7lIK30-00401-00093392-00093599 day one but i think it's perfect for it CmH3k7lIK30-00402-00093600-00093911 to fit here i think it's a great CmH3k7lIK30-00403-00093912-00094087 thing to actually CmH3k7lIK30-00404-00094088-00094350 be wrapping up this workshop with are CmH3k7lIK30-00405-00094351-00094471 the ten commandments of getting your CmH3k7lIK30-00406-00094472-00094599 shift together so actually i'm gonna put CmH3k7lIK30-00407-00094600-00094759 this on day number five but i am gonna CmH3k7lIK30-00408-00094760-00094967 put the other two about time on day CmH3k7lIK30-00409-00094968-00095126 number three CmH3k7lIK30-00410-00095127-00095471 so the next thing is uh so as far as the CmH3k7lIK30-00411-00095472-00095599 ten commandments let's say we've done CmH3k7lIK30-00412-00095600-00095879 through one two three four five six so CmH3k7lIK30-00413-00095880-00096038 commandment number seven is tell people CmH3k7lIK30-00414-00096039-00096247 what you're up to when you declare it CmH3k7lIK30-00415-00096248-00096559 and share it you're accountable and CmH3k7lIK30-00416-00096560-00096735 helpable right CmH3k7lIK30-00417-00096736-00096926 a lot of times when you go out to do CmH3k7lIK30-00418-00096927-00097135 something you don't want to tell anybody CmH3k7lIK30-00419-00097136-00097318 you don't want anybody to know you don't CmH3k7lIK30-00420-00097319-00097711 want to [__] have anybody share in that CmH3k7lIK30-00421-00097712-00097887 really though because you're afraid of CmH3k7lIK30-00422-00097888-00098182 failing right what happens if you fail CmH3k7lIK30-00423-00098183-00098350 then what what are they going to think CmH3k7lIK30-00424-00098351-00098543 you know what's that going to look like CmH3k7lIK30-00425-00098544-00098767 how is that going to feel so one of the CmH3k7lIK30-00426-00098768-00098911 reasons why you don't tell anybody is CmH3k7lIK30-00427-00098912-00099126 because you don't want them to know what CmH3k7lIK30-00428-00099127-00099374 you're doing just in case it doesn't end CmH3k7lIK30-00429-00099375-00099662 up working out however if you start CmH3k7lIK30-00430-00099663-00099855 telling people what you're doing it will CmH3k7lIK30-00431-00099856-00100182 help you get to that point that you're CmH3k7lIK30-00432-00100183-00100415 fighting harder for the result but if CmH3k7lIK30-00433-00100416-00100679 nobody really knows if it doesn't work CmH3k7lIK30-00434-00100680-00100967 out there's like no skin in the game i CmH3k7lIK30-00435-00100968-00101150 think there's a lot of hiding when it CmH3k7lIK30-00436-00101151-00101343 comes to CmH3k7lIK30-00437-00101344-00101694 uh what we say we want to do and not as CmH3k7lIK30-00438-00101695-00101918 much like declaring it to the world so i CmH3k7lIK30-00439-00101919-00102023 want you to shout that out in the CmH3k7lIK30-00440-00102024-00102238 comments when you're going for something CmH3k7lIK30-00441-00102239-00102447 when you're achieving something when CmH3k7lIK30-00442-00102448-00102566 you're starting something let's say it's CmH3k7lIK30-00443-00102567-00102823 a new business or you got let's say a CmH3k7lIK30-00444-00102824-00103182 promotion at a job or something that is CmH3k7lIK30-00445-00103183-00103486 you know worth it to share do you like CmH3k7lIK30-00446-00103488-00103671 quote unquote scream it for the rooftops CmH3k7lIK30-00447-00103672-00103918 or you more keep it to yourself so shout CmH3k7lIK30-00448-00103919-00104071 that out in the comments i want to know CmH3k7lIK30-00449-00104072-00104223 that CmH3k7lIK30-00450-00104224-00104510 um number eight is CmH3k7lIK30-00451-00104511-00104966 oh let me go back to sharing my screen CmH3k7lIK30-00452-00104967-00105143 i decided to number them so that's what CmH3k7lIK30-00453-00105144-00105319 i was CmH3k7lIK30-00454-00105320-00105486 typing CmH3k7lIK30-00455-00105488-00105575 um CmH3k7lIK30-00456-00105576-00106054 number oh let me highlight this CmH3k7lIK30-00457-00106055-00106263 tell people what you're up to we'll do CmH3k7lIK30-00458-00106264-00106502 that first line so number eight is don't CmH3k7lIK30-00459-00106503-00106834 let the desire for perfection become CmH3k7lIK30-00460-00106835-00106990 procrastination CmH3k7lIK30-00461-00106991-00107215 every novel ever written might have been CmH3k7lIK30-00462-00107216-00107319 better CmH3k7lIK30-00463-00107320-00107486 every piece of technology every CmH3k7lIK30-00464-00107488-00107702 masterpiece every day CmH3k7lIK30-00465-00107703-00107943 it all might have been better right it CmH3k7lIK30-00466-00107944-00108223 could have been better if this was done CmH3k7lIK30-00467-00108224-00108439 and that was done so just launch and CmH3k7lIK30-00468-00108440-00108823 learn just move forward and learn CmH3k7lIK30-00469-00108824-00109086 don't hi mercedes welcome CmH3k7lIK30-00470-00109088-00109343 don't sit in perfection i always say CmH3k7lIK30-00471-00109344-00109590 this it's all about progress CmH3k7lIK30-00472-00109591-00109823 not perfection CmH3k7lIK30-00473-00109824-00110054 because when you strive for perfection CmH3k7lIK30-00474-00110055-00110438 nothing happens CmH3k7lIK30-00475-00110439-00110647 [Music] CmH3k7lIK30-00476-00110648-00110790 i'm just going to say so launch and CmH3k7lIK30-00477-00110791-00111015 learn but i'm gonna edit from launch so CmH3k7lIK30-00478-00111016-00111215 just go for it CmH3k7lIK30-00479-00111216-00111407 and learn from it that's all that CmH3k7lIK30-00480-00111408-00111686 matters CmH3k7lIK30-00481-00111688-00111990 okay so we got rooftops here this is CmH3k7lIK30-00482-00111991-00112166 awesome i'm happy CmH3k7lIK30-00483-00112167-00112383 to hear this CmH3k7lIK30-00484-00112383-00112734 okay number nine CmH3k7lIK30-00485-00112735-00112934 everything is progress CmH3k7lIK30-00486-00112935-00113175 as any astrophysicist will tell you the CmH3k7lIK30-00487-00113176-00113483 universe is always expanding that CmH3k7lIK30-00488-00113483-00113686 includes you CmH3k7lIK30-00489-00113688-00113943 so it's like these two are one right i CmH3k7lIK30-00490-00113944-00114190 just basically merge eight and nine CmH3k7lIK30-00491-00114191-00114447 progress not perfection CmH3k7lIK30-00492-00114448-00114686 so the universe is always expanding that CmH3k7lIK30-00493-00114688-00115039 includes you so always be thinking about CmH3k7lIK30-00494-00115040-00115351 forward progress that's all that really CmH3k7lIK30-00495-00115352-00115543 truly matters CmH3k7lIK30-00496-00115544-00115623 okay CmH3k7lIK30-00497-00115624-00115871 i guess we'll do this one CmH3k7lIK30-00498-00115872-00116023 as 10. CmH3k7lIK30-00499-00116024-00116239 i guess there's 11. i thought there was CmH3k7lIK30-00500-00116240-00116958 really only 10 but i guess there's 11. CmH3k7lIK30-00501-00116959-00117151 [Music] CmH3k7lIK30-00502-00117152-00117319 i wonder if this was supposed to go it CmH3k7lIK30-00503-00117320-00117663 doesn't matter so 10 keep your focus CmH3k7lIK30-00504-00117664-00117910 pointed to where you want to go do a CmH3k7lIK30-00505-00117911-00118086 little more of what you really want to CmH3k7lIK30-00506-00118088-00118327 be doing every single day and a little CmH3k7lIK30-00507-00118328-00118558 less of what you don't want to do until CmH3k7lIK30-00508-00118559-00118886 eventually your reality is brimming with CmH3k7lIK30-00509-00118888-00119119 the real ideal CmH3k7lIK30-00510-00119120-00119423 so this is saying that CmH3k7lIK30-00511-00119424-00119710 do what it is that you want to do and a CmH3k7lIK30-00512-00119711-00119943 little more of it every single day and CmH3k7lIK30-00513-00119944-00120278 then it will become your reality CmH3k7lIK30-00514-00120279-00120375 okay CmH3k7lIK30-00515-00120376-00120543 so i'm gonna highlight this because this CmH3k7lIK30-00516-00120544-00120775 is really like the mantra right the CmH3k7lIK30-00517-00120776-00120919 doing the things that you want to do CmH3k7lIK30-00518-00120920-00121175 being connect connected to the things CmH3k7lIK30-00519-00121176-00121431 that light you up that is so freaking CmH3k7lIK30-00520-00121432-00121654 important now if you guys are just CmH3k7lIK30-00521-00121655-00121878 joining us or you didn't hear this CmH3k7lIK30-00522-00121879-00122054 um this was originally the 10 CmH3k7lIK30-00523-00122055-00122223 commandments actually 11 commandments of CmH3k7lIK30-00524-00122224-00122454 getting your shift together was actually CmH3k7lIK30-00525-00122455-00122686 supposed to be on day number one but i CmH3k7lIK30-00526-00122688-00123039 think it's perfect for day five as we CmH3k7lIK30-00527-00123040-00123231 wrap up this workshop and then we're CmH3k7lIK30-00528-00123232-00123407 also going to be going over a couple of CmH3k7lIK30-00529-00123408-00123599 the time CmH3k7lIK30-00530-00123600-00123790 um infographics that i created you and CmH3k7lIK30-00531-00123791-00123927 then we're going to jump into today's CmH3k7lIK30-00532-00123928-00124127 content okay but i just wanted to make CmH3k7lIK30-00533-00124128-00124310 sure that i didn't just plop these in CmH3k7lIK30-00534-00124311-00124471 the group and we didn't get the CmH3k7lIK30-00535-00124472-00124734 opportunity to go over them CmH3k7lIK30-00536-00124735-00125014 do what you say you're going to do this CmH3k7lIK30-00537-00125015-00125383 is the single most powerful behavior of CmH3k7lIK30-00538-00125383-00125783 success in life business and career okay CmH3k7lIK30-00539-00125783-00126110 do what you say you're gonna do CmH3k7lIK30-00540-00126111-00126254 keep your word CmH3k7lIK30-00541-00126255-00126375 now CmH3k7lIK30-00542-00126376-00126614 the important thing about this is not CmH3k7lIK30-00543-00126615-00126934 also not over committing right so if i CmH3k7lIK30-00544-00126935-00127078 say you know do what you say you're CmH3k7lIK30-00545-00127079-00127358 gonna do keep your word and then CmH3k7lIK30-00546-00127359-00127678 you make this commitment right and then CmH3k7lIK30-00547-00127679-00127823 you realize like this isn't what i CmH3k7lIK30-00548-00127824-00127990 wanted to do i shouldn't have made this CmH3k7lIK30-00549-00127991-00128247 commitment i am not telling you to stick CmH3k7lIK30-00550-00128248-00128527 it out if it's something that is CmH3k7lIK30-00551-00128528-00128871 really exhausting your plate like CmH3k7lIK30-00552-00128872-00129078 here's my here's an example CmH3k7lIK30-00553-00129079-00129183 i CmH3k7lIK30-00554-00129183-00129407 booked a craft night tonight CmH3k7lIK30-00555-00129408-00129702 before i knew that we were moving my mom CmH3k7lIK30-00556-00129703-00129839 today CmH3k7lIK30-00557-00129840-00130007 so CmH3k7lIK30-00558-00130008-00130254 i would have generally canceled the CmH3k7lIK30-00559-00130255-00130478 craft night said i'm not coming i've got CmH3k7lIK30-00560-00130479-00130686 to move my mom that day CmH3k7lIK30-00561-00130688-00130807 however CmH3k7lIK30-00562-00130808-00131054 i know that my soul needs me to be CmH3k7lIK30-00563-00131055-00131359 around my friends i need this time to CmH3k7lIK30-00564-00131360-00131678 reset and let loose and chat and connect CmH3k7lIK30-00565-00131679-00131935 so i'm going to craft night but CmH3k7lIK30-00566-00131936-00132159 if craft night CmH3k7lIK30-00567-00132160-00132383 is something that tend to let's say CmH3k7lIK30-00568-00132384-00132671 deplete me or bring me down or cause me CmH3k7lIK30-00569-00132672-00132919 like angst or issues i would not be CmH3k7lIK30-00570-00132920-00133143 going the only reason why i am going CmH3k7lIK30-00571-00133144-00133311 even though i'm exhausted is the fact CmH3k7lIK30-00572-00133312-00133654 that it actually lifts me up all right CmH3k7lIK30-00573-00133655-00133895 so those are the ten commandments of CmH3k7lIK30-00574-00133896-00134087 getting your shift together like i said CmH3k7lIK30-00575-00134088-00134239 this will be CmH3k7lIK30-00576-00134240-00134639 in your um handouts areas for today day CmH3k7lIK30-00577-00134640-00134766 number five CmH3k7lIK30-00578-00134767-00135078 but i also want to talk to you about um CmH3k7lIK30-00579-00135079-00135327 the difference between tyrant time and CmH3k7lIK30-00580-00135328-00135519 power time again this should have been CmH3k7lIK30-00581-00135520-00135695 on day number three but i forgot that i CmH3k7lIK30-00582-00135696-00135887 had these because i have never CmH3k7lIK30-00583-00135888-00136087 done these handouts before this is the CmH3k7lIK30-00584-00136088-00136335 first time i really elevated the get CmH3k7lIK30-00585-00136336-00136519 your shift together workshop CmH3k7lIK30-00586-00136520-00136743 so when you are looking at your life as CmH3k7lIK30-00587-00136744-00136935 it pertains to time CmH3k7lIK30-00588-00136936-00137214 i want you to be very mindful of these CmH3k7lIK30-00589-00137215-00137590 two different sides one is bad the other CmH3k7lIK30-00590-00137591-00137878 is good tyrant time is not good and the CmH3k7lIK30-00591-00137879-00138031 way you think about it the way you use CmH3k7lIK30-00592-00138032-00138254 it the way you operate with it power CmH3k7lIK30-00593-00138255-00138527 time is the good side the CmH3k7lIK30-00594-00138528-00138766 side that you want to be on okay CmH3k7lIK30-00595-00138767-00139007 so as i'm going through these i want you CmH3k7lIK30-00596-00139008-00139223 to just keep typing CmH3k7lIK30-00597-00139224-00139471 what you are when i read it are you CmH3k7lIK30-00598-00139472-00139702 tyrant or are you power okay so get CmH3k7lIK30-00599-00139703-00140014 ready like wake up i know it's the last CmH3k7lIK30-00600-00140015-00140231 day it's friday it's been a long week i CmH3k7lIK30-00601-00140232-00140327 get it CmH3k7lIK30-00602-00140328-00140502 so you're going to be shouting out in CmH3k7lIK30-00603-00140503-00140814 the comments if it's if you CmH3k7lIK30-00604-00140815-00140999 if it connects to you as tyrant or if it CmH3k7lIK30-00605-00141000-00141135 connects to you as power not what you CmH3k7lIK30-00606-00141136-00141319 want to be but what you are so let me CmH3k7lIK30-00607-00141320-00141463 see if you guys are paying attention CmH3k7lIK30-00608-00141464-00141623 type ready in the comments if you're CmH3k7lIK30-00609-00141624-00141951 ready to go through this CmH3k7lIK30-00610-00141952-00142719 and i'm gonna take a drink CmH3k7lIK30-00611-00142720-00142847 it literally feels like we've been in CmH3k7lIK30-00612-00142848-00143063 this workshop for two weeks CmH3k7lIK30-00613-00143064-00143223 i don't know if anybody else feels like CmH3k7lIK30-00614-00143224-00143447 that but i feel like that okay you guys CmH3k7lIK30-00615-00143448-00143814 are ready so tyrant time it's quantity CmH3k7lIK30-00616-00143815-00143911 driven CmH3k7lIK30-00617-00143912-00144135 uses time management systems to crank CmH3k7lIK30-00618-00144136-00144439 out lots and lots and lots of stuff or CmH3k7lIK30-00619-00144440-00144887 power time is quality focused uses time CmH3k7lIK30-00620-00144888-00145102 systems to create space and freedom CmH3k7lIK30-00621-00145103-00145295 which then allows you to make more CmH3k7lIK30-00622-00145296-00145414 meaningful CmH3k7lIK30-00623-00145415-00145631 substantive things CmH3k7lIK30-00624-00145632-00146014 so are you tyrant quantity driven or CmH3k7lIK30-00625-00146015-00146271 power quality focused shout it out in CmH3k7lIK30-00626-00146272-00146823 the comments tyrant or power CmH3k7lIK30-00627-00146824-00147102 i'm gonna slow on this part of the CmH3k7lIK30-00628-00147103-00147295 training because i don't want to be CmH3k7lIK30-00629-00147296-00147526 talked about the next thing and you guys CmH3k7lIK30-00630-00147527-00147783 are attempting to type so are you CmH3k7lIK30-00631-00147784-00148063 quantity driven or quality driven tyrant CmH3k7lIK30-00632-00148064-00148231 or power CmH3k7lIK30-00633-00148232-00148463 oh good good good good CmH3k7lIK30-00634-00148464-00148726 that's awesome so the next one tyrant CmH3k7lIK30-00635-00148727-00148911 time not what you want to be be honest CmH3k7lIK30-00636-00148912-00149175 with yourself who are you when it comes CmH3k7lIK30-00637-00149176-00149487 to the way these times are um ran this CmH3k7lIK30-00638-00149488-00149735 is really important it's i'm gonna tell CmH3k7lIK30-00639-00149736-00149943 you right now i find it very interesting CmH3k7lIK30-00640-00149944-00150239 that every one of you guys chose power CmH3k7lIK30-00641-00150240-00150607 when what you've shown me is tyrant CmH3k7lIK30-00642-00150608-00150839 that your life is too full you're giving CmH3k7lIK30-00643-00150840-00151063 way too much of yourself to other people CmH3k7lIK30-00644-00151064-00151207 you're not slowing down enough you're CmH3k7lIK30-00645-00151208-00151351 not making space you're not making CmH3k7lIK30-00646-00151352-00151439 freedom CmH3k7lIK30-00647-00151440-00151751 i disagree when you guys write that you CmH3k7lIK30-00648-00151752-00151999 are power time quality focus you use CmH3k7lIK30-00649-00152000-00152223 time systems to create space and freedom CmH3k7lIK30-00650-00152224-00152478 that's i like i don't know i would CmH3k7lIK30-00651-00152479-00152590 disagree CmH3k7lIK30-00652-00152591-00152790 just based on what you guys have said CmH3k7lIK30-00653-00152791-00153014 that doesn't make any sense to me so you CmH3k7lIK30-00654-00153015-00153231 have space and freedom in your life CmH3k7lIK30-00655-00153232-00153431 where you're taking more meaningful CmH3k7lIK30-00656-00153432-00153663 action and doing things that you love CmH3k7lIK30-00657-00153664-00153887 yeah no there's no [__] way then you CmH3k7lIK30-00658-00153888-00154023 wouldn't be depressed and you wouldn't CmH3k7lIK30-00659-00154024-00154302 be feeling so anxiety driven then you CmH3k7lIK30-00660-00154303-00154495 wouldn't be here feeling down and out CmH3k7lIK30-00661-00154496-00154726 looking for yourself because somebody CmH3k7lIK30-00662-00154727-00154966 who is using power time doesn't feel CmH3k7lIK30-00663-00154967-00155095 those ways CmH3k7lIK30-00664-00155096-00155231 there's no way CmH3k7lIK30-00665-00155232-00155483 you could be using time CmH3k7lIK30-00666-00155484-00155654 powerfully CmH3k7lIK30-00667-00155655-00155871 and CmH3k7lIK30-00668-00155872-00156087 be stuck it just doesn't work like that CmH3k7lIK30-00669-00156088-00156351 so this isn't about what you want this CmH3k7lIK30-00670-00156352-00156654 is about what you are right now you guys CmH3k7lIK30-00671-00156655-00156878 i even said that you have to be honest CmH3k7lIK30-00672-00156879-00157102 with yourself CmH3k7lIK30-00673-00157103-00157359 so like maya usually it's power but CmH3k7lIK30-00674-00157360-00157623 right now it's tyrant see that's honest CmH3k7lIK30-00675-00157624-00157823 angie says i want to be power time it's CmH3k7lIK30-00676-00157824-00158054 not about what you want of course right CmH3k7lIK30-00677-00158055-00158366 that's the goal is power that is so like CmH3k7lIK30-00678-00158367-00158511 that's the goal CmH3k7lIK30-00679-00158512-00158647 however CmH3k7lIK30-00680-00158648-00159023 i want you to be honest here okay CmH3k7lIK30-00681-00159024-00159214 i know you guys we've been here for five CmH3k7lIK30-00682-00159215-00159359 days even those those of you that are CmH3k7lIK30-00683-00159360-00159551 new to my world i know so if you're CmH3k7lIK30-00684-00159552-00160390 lying i'm gonna call you out CmH3k7lIK30-00685-00160391-00160702 that's awesome that is very very awesome CmH3k7lIK30-00686-00160703-00160911 so we'll give you power CmH3k7lIK30-00687-00160912-00161183 kim i do not agree that your power vera CmH3k7lIK30-00688-00161184-00161414 i do not agree that your power miss CmH3k7lIK30-00689-00161415-00161623 mercedes you've been more quiet so i'm CmH3k7lIK30-00690-00161624-00161766 not sure i'd have to look back through CmH3k7lIK30-00691-00161767-00162014 the group um CmH3k7lIK30-00692-00162015-00162295 so keeping going CmH3k7lIK30-00693-00162296-00162447 remember guys i'm always going to be CmH3k7lIK30-00694-00162448-00162671 honest with you guys call you out on CmH3k7lIK30-00695-00162672-00162895 your [__] right my goal is to push you CmH3k7lIK30-00696-00162896-00163126 to greatness and lying to yourself is CmH3k7lIK30-00697-00163127-00163366 one of the worst ways to get there okay CmH3k7lIK30-00698-00163367-00163647 be honest with yourself so the next one CmH3k7lIK30-00699-00163648-00163847 tyrant time you're competitive you CmH3k7lIK30-00700-00163848-00164102 compare yourself um to other people CmH3k7lIK30-00701-00164103-00164311 whether it's your productivity which is CmH3k7lIK30-00702-00164312-00164438 what this says CmH3k7lIK30-00703-00164439-00164559 um CmH3k7lIK30-00704-00164560-00164871 how you live how successful you are you CmH3k7lIK30-00705-00164872-00165143 compare yourself with other people so CmH3k7lIK30-00706-00165144-00166038 i'm gonna edit this out CmH3k7lIK30-00707-00166039-00166287 and then self-referencing CmH3k7lIK30-00708-00166288-00166495 what matters is what you're doing that CmH3k7lIK30-00709-00166496-00166687 is a value so do you look at your life CmH3k7lIK30-00710-00166688-00166935 and say well what what matters most is CmH3k7lIK30-00711-00166936-00167087 what i'm doing and the value that i'm CmH3k7lIK30-00712-00167088-00167302 giving or are you more on the CmH3k7lIK30-00713-00167303-00167431 competitive side where you're like CmH3k7lIK30-00714-00167432-00167702 comparing yourself to other people so CmH3k7lIK30-00715-00167703-00167943 comparing yourself is tyrant CmH3k7lIK30-00716-00167944-00168126 and what matters most is the value that CmH3k7lIK30-00717-00168127-00168295 you give and where you come from is CmH3k7lIK30-00718-00168296-00168966 power okay CmH3k7lIK30-00719-00168967-00169295 interesting CmH3k7lIK30-00720-00169296-00169526 and i would probably change the quantity CmH3k7lIK30-00721-00169527-00169766 driven from like uses time management CmH3k7lIK30-00722-00169767-00169935 systems to crank out lots and lots of CmH3k7lIK30-00723-00169936-00170031 stuff CmH3k7lIK30-00724-00170032-00170359 um to be more direct to what we do here CmH3k7lIK30-00725-00170360-00170535 at the get your shift together workshop CmH3k7lIK30-00726-00170536-00170775 which is um CmH3k7lIK30-00727-00170776-00171087 constantly gives everything to everyone CmH3k7lIK30-00728-00171088-00171302 to exhaustion that's what that's still CmH3k7lIK30-00729-00171303-00171471 quantity driven CmH3k7lIK30-00730-00171472-00171759 same difference right CmH3k7lIK30-00731-00171760-00171951 okay CmH3k7lIK30-00732-00171952-00172278 so now we're to our next one CmH3k7lIK30-00733-00172279-00172654 beerus says tyrant kathy says power what CmH3k7lIK30-00734-00172655-00172990 else guys keep coming CmH3k7lIK30-00735-00172991-00174375 let me change this CmH3k7lIK30-00736-00174376-00174902 okay CmH3k7lIK30-00737-00174903-00175111 so you're so you don't compare yourself CmH3k7lIK30-00738-00175112-00175351 to other people so keep in mind CmH3k7lIK30-00739-00175352-00175599 competitive is not like have to it CmH3k7lIK30-00740-00175600-00175775 doesn't necessarily mean have to be CmH3k7lIK30-00741-00175776-00176054 better it could also mean seeing CmH3k7lIK30-00742-00176055-00176311 yourself is not good enough right so CmH3k7lIK30-00743-00176312-00176438 keep in mind CmH3k7lIK30-00744-00176439-00176654 that um a lot of times when people think CmH3k7lIK30-00745-00176655-00176847 of competitive they think of CmH3k7lIK30-00746-00176848-00177007 well i don't really care whether i win CmH3k7lIK30-00747-00177008-00177166 or lose that's not what we're saying CmH3k7lIK30-00748-00177167-00177383 here right we're saying like comparing CmH3k7lIK30-00749-00177384-00177559 yourself to other people CmH3k7lIK30-00750-00177560-00177766 feeling like you're not good enough CmH3k7lIK30-00751-00177767-00178102 feeling like you should always be CmH3k7lIK30-00752-00178103-00178383 more than who you are or what you are CmH3k7lIK30-00753-00178384-00178647 which is not to be confused with CmH3k7lIK30-00754-00178648-00178902 growing and getting better i don't i CmH3k7lIK30-00755-00178903-00179271 don't ever feel like i need to CmH3k7lIK30-00756-00179272-00179566 be more or do more than who and what i CmH3k7lIK30-00757-00179567-00179654 am CmH3k7lIK30-00758-00179655-00179847 in order to CmH3k7lIK30-00759-00179848-00180071 feel good about myself right CmH3k7lIK30-00760-00180072-00180319 i am a learner and grower because that's CmH3k7lIK30-00761-00180320-00180511 what i choose to do and it's because CmH3k7lIK30-00762-00180512-00180687 it's what i want to do to be a better CmH3k7lIK30-00763-00180688-00181078 person but not because of how i view or CmH3k7lIK30-00764-00181079-00181311 see other people or because of how other CmH3k7lIK30-00765-00181312-00181543 people view and see me right so i hope CmH3k7lIK30-00766-00181544-00181783 that that makes more sense all right so CmH3k7lIK30-00767-00181784-00182143 the next one tyrant is time is in charge CmH3k7lIK30-00768-00182144-00182359 free time is something you earn time is CmH3k7lIK30-00769-00182360-00182559 dispensed to you or CmH3k7lIK30-00770-00182560-00182695 edited CmH3k7lIK30-00771-00182696-00182838 you don't have a lot of free time CmH3k7lIK30-00772-00182839-00183078 because it's filled with so many other CmH3k7lIK30-00773-00183079-00183319 things right so time is in charge is CmH3k7lIK30-00774-00183320-00183607 tyrant or i'm in charge things need to CmH3k7lIK30-00775-00183608-00183847 earn my time and attention i am this CmH3k7lIK30-00776-00183848-00184126 dispenser of my time i plan my time CmH3k7lIK30-00777-00184127-00184495 right i book my time it's structured CmH3k7lIK30-00778-00184496-00184814 time so i'm in charge means that you are CmH3k7lIK30-00779-00184815-00185063 in charge of your time it's controlled CmH3k7lIK30-00780-00185064-00185214 you have in your schedule what you want CmH3k7lIK30-00781-00185215-00185335 there you don't have in your schedule CmH3k7lIK30-00782-00185336-00185599 what you don't want there right tyrant CmH3k7lIK30-00783-00185600-00185887 is time is in charge and everything else CmH3k7lIK30-00784-00185888-00186687 is taking control right CmH3k7lIK30-00785-00186688-00186902 when i say this i want you to be CmH3k7lIK30-00786-00186903-00187263 thinking about how you how are you CmH3k7lIK30-00787-00187264-00187543 in your life right like how are you CmH3k7lIK30-00788-00187544-00187766 fitting things like how you enjoy things CmH3k7lIK30-00789-00187767-00188014 you know what i have done CmH3k7lIK30-00790-00188015-00188143 hundreds CmH3k7lIK30-00791-00188144-00188366 of one-on-one sessions free one-on-one CmH3k7lIK30-00792-00188367-00188750 sessions for business coaching mostly CmH3k7lIK30-00793-00188751-00188871 and CmH3k7lIK30-00794-00188872-00189247 every one of them have been with women CmH3k7lIK30-00795-00189248-00189447 and most people don't even take a yearly CmH3k7lIK30-00796-00189448-00189583 vacation CmH3k7lIK30-00797-00189584-00189959 they have no time for a yearly vacation CmH3k7lIK30-00798-00189960-00190135 definitely aren't taking time for CmH3k7lIK30-00799-00190136-00190366 themselves right but they would say well CmH3k7lIK30-00800-00190367-00190502 i am like CmH3k7lIK30-00801-00190503-00190814 anal about my schedules so i'm in charge CmH3k7lIK30-00802-00190815-00191014 but really truly they're not you're not CmH3k7lIK30-00803-00191015-00191135 just because you're anal about your CmH3k7lIK30-00804-00191136-00191278 schedule and you have everything CmH3k7lIK30-00805-00191279-00191447 scheduled out CmH3k7lIK30-00806-00191448-00191623 time could still be in charge if what's CmH3k7lIK30-00807-00191624-00191807 on your schedule aren't things that you CmH3k7lIK30-00808-00191808-00192102 love and enjoy so i want you to also be CmH3k7lIK30-00809-00192103-00192326 looking at this as an overall CmH3k7lIK30-00810-00192327-00192671 not just like isolated right overall CmH3k7lIK30-00811-00192672-00193359 what do you show to you okay CmH3k7lIK30-00812-00193360-00193599 yeah so time is definitely in charge for CmH3k7lIK30-00813-00193600-00193887 you vera because when you feel like CmH3k7lIK30-00814-00193888-00194159 um there isn't enough time and others CmH3k7lIK30-00815-00194160-00194278 that there is CmH3k7lIK30-00816-00194279-00194526 that's because time is ruling you right CmH3k7lIK30-00817-00194527-00195007 you're not controlling it right um CmH3k7lIK30-00818-00195008-00195214 i love how you call it CmH3k7lIK30-00819-00195215-00195454 a daily vacation let me come back up CmH3k7lIK30-00820-00195455-00195678 here CmH3k7lIK30-00821-00195679-00195935 a vacation shift CmH3k7lIK30-00822-00195936-00196295 every day i love the concept where you CmH3k7lIK30-00823-00196296-00196575 come from with that kathy a vacation you CmH3k7lIK30-00824-00196576-00196799 have to time off to just be and do CmH3k7lIK30-00825-00196800-00196943 whatever the [__] you want in every CmH3k7lIK30-00826-00196944-00197166 single day i know exactly what it means CmH3k7lIK30-00827-00197167-00197350 i just love the verbiage for it i think CmH3k7lIK30-00828-00197351-00197599 it's amazing i i'm actually i'm gonna CmH3k7lIK30-00829-00197600-00197863 i'm gonna i'm gonna adopt that into all CmH3k7lIK30-00830-00197864-00198143 that i do because i am actually taking a CmH3k7lIK30-00831-00198144-00198399 vacation shift on wednesday but i want CmH3k7lIK30-00832-00198400-00198735 to take vacation shifts all the time CmH3k7lIK30-00833-00198736-00199038 every day like you i love that idea why CmH3k7lIK30-00834-00199039-00199207 not CmH3k7lIK30-00835-00199208-00199390 it's a it's amazing CmH3k7lIK30-00836-00199391-00199647 yeah that's crazy angie so many people CmH3k7lIK30-00837-00199648-00199831 haven't gone on vacation we go on CmH3k7lIK30-00838-00199832-00200038 vacation three to four times a year and CmH3k7lIK30-00839-00200039-00200319 that's half what we used to do we used CmH3k7lIK30-00840-00200320-00200502 to go on vacation six times a year and CmH3k7lIK30-00841-00200503-00200823 daniel and i would go on love getaways CmH3k7lIK30-00842-00200824-00201071 four to six times a year so we have cut CmH3k7lIK30-00843-00201072-00201231 way back CmH3k7lIK30-00844-00201232-00201414 on our like CmH3k7lIK30-00845-00201415-00201566 adventures CmH3k7lIK30-00846-00201567-00201838 and i'm like oh my god this is i need CmH3k7lIK30-00847-00201839-00202078 vacations i need to get away i need to CmH3k7lIK30-00848-00202079-00202319 reset and i really need a cruise but i CmH3k7lIK30-00849-00202320-00202463 don't know if that's ever gonna happen CmH3k7lIK30-00850-00202464-00202623 ever again in my life CmH3k7lIK30-00851-00202624-00202999 okay so next is transactional you put CmH3k7lIK30-00852-00203000-00203223 time in you get time back so you think CmH3k7lIK30-00853-00203224-00203414 okay well if i do the laundry clean the CmH3k7lIK30-00854-00203415-00203607 kitchen and cook dinner then i can go CmH3k7lIK30-00855-00203608-00203878 take a bath right so that you look at CmH3k7lIK30-00856-00203879-00204063 things like if you put in the time and CmH3k7lIK30-00857-00204064-00204319 effort then then you can take the time CmH3k7lIK30-00858-00204320-00204454 and effort or that you can take that CmH3k7lIK30-00859-00204455-00204759 time back right relational is that if CmH3k7lIK30-00860-00204760-00204934 you relate with the moment if you're CmH3k7lIK30-00861-00204935-00205182 present there is giving and receiving CmH3k7lIK30-00862-00205183-00205431 receiving that happens simultaneously so CmH3k7lIK30-00863-00205432-00205631 the way you feel is CmH3k7lIK30-00864-00205632-00205814 if you want to take the time to get the CmH3k7lIK30-00865-00205815-00205982 bath right now you know that's going to CmH3k7lIK30-00866-00205983-00206158 give you more power and fire to do the CmH3k7lIK30-00867-00206159-00206382 other things even if it's not today it's CmH3k7lIK30-00868-00206383-00206510 going to reset you enough to get it CmH3k7lIK30-00869-00206511-00206814 taken care of tomorrow so are you tyrant CmH3k7lIK30-00870-00206815-00207094 transactional or um CmH3k7lIK30-00871-00207096-00207614 power relational CmH3k7lIK30-00872-00207615-00207766 dude i couldn't imagine not going on CmH3k7lIK30-00873-00207767-00208023 vacation for two years i couldn't we CmH3k7lIK30-00874-00208023-00208246 usually only go camping once a year CmH3k7lIK30-00875-00208248-00208398 because vera said she went camping it CmH3k7lIK30-00876-00208400-00208638 was her only vacation i'd like to get a CmH3k7lIK30-00877-00208639-00208862 trailer so we can go camping more with CmH3k7lIK30-00878-00208863-00209094 four dogs and a pig and i'm getting like CmH3k7lIK30-00879-00209096-00209358 older and air mattresses that go flat CmH3k7lIK30-00880-00209359-00209462 it's too CmH3k7lIK30-00881-00209463-00209638 [__] much for me i want a goddamn CmH3k7lIK30-00882-00209639-00209815 trailer CmH3k7lIK30-00883-00209816-00210055 oh i am so CmH3k7lIK30-00884-00210056-00210279 i love how CmH3k7lIK30-00885-00210280-00210519 how power you are kathy CmH3k7lIK30-00886-00210519-00210719 and everybody else even if you've said CmH3k7lIK30-00887-00210719-00210903 more tyrant i mean some of you guys have CmH3k7lIK30-00888-00210904-00211127 some power but mostly tyrant CmH3k7lIK30-00889-00211128-00211279 i want you to look at that because you CmH3k7lIK30-00890-00211280-00211455 guys are going to get this hand out and CmH3k7lIK30-00891-00211456-00211703 you know be mindful put this up right CmH3k7lIK30-00892-00211704-00211998 where you can see it and say okay i am CmH3k7lIK30-00893-00212000-00212182 being transactional with my time oh my CmH3k7lIK30-00894-00212183-00212334 god i feel like i'm being pushed through CmH3k7lIK30-00895-00212335-00212646 my day time is in charge right um right CmH3k7lIK30-00896-00212648-00212846 now it's like i have to do this because CmH3k7lIK30-00897-00212848-00213046 if i don't then they're gonna be mad at CmH3k7lIK30-00898-00213048-00213191 me or i'm gonna let them down right CmH3k7lIK30-00899-00213192-00213423 that's competitive um if you're CmH3k7lIK30-00900-00213423-00213542 constantly giving all that you have to CmH3k7lIK30-00901-00213544-00213710 give that's quantity driven right like i CmH3k7lIK30-00902-00213711-00213863 gotta go i gotta do i gotta be for CmH3k7lIK30-00903-00213864-00214015 everyone else CmH3k7lIK30-00904-00214016-00214103 so CmH3k7lIK30-00905-00214104-00214255 pay attention to this because this is CmH3k7lIK30-00906-00214256-00214446 gonna help you get to that power side CmH3k7lIK30-00907-00214448-00214719 the power side is the goal so the last CmH3k7lIK30-00908-00214719-00214982 one here is logical time is measured CmH3k7lIK30-00909-00214983-00215310 only by the clock or magical time can be CmH3k7lIK30-00910-00215311-00215519 expanded and contracted by energy with CmH3k7lIK30-00911-00215519-00215719 pure intention you can accomplish a CmH3k7lIK30-00912-00215719-00215942 day's work in an hour you can get an CmH3k7lIK30-00913-00215944-00216110 hour's worth of rest in a moment of CmH3k7lIK30-00914-00216111-00216327 contemplation and you could make big CmH3k7lIK30-00915-00216328-00216582 things happen very quickly so are you on CmH3k7lIK30-00916-00216583-00216927 that side of that positive power that CmH3k7lIK30-00917-00216928-00217103 magical positive power when it comes to CmH3k7lIK30-00918-00217104-00217319 time or you're more like driven by the CmH3k7lIK30-00919-00217319-00217558 clock now you're gonna know this when CmH3k7lIK30-00920-00217559-00217927 you say there's only 24 hours in the day CmH3k7lIK30-00921-00217928-00218255 now the person who usually says everyone CmH3k7lIK30-00922-00218256-00218510 has the same 24 hours in a day CmH3k7lIK30-00923-00218511-00218679 that person is usually saying that CmH3k7lIK30-00924-00218680-00218798 because there's people saying i don't CmH3k7lIK30-00925-00218800-00218991 have enough time but then you can see CmH3k7lIK30-00926-00218992-00219206 these people running multi-billion CmH3k7lIK30-00927-00219207-00219431 dollar businesses they work hard and CmH3k7lIK30-00928-00219432-00219591 they play hard and they have the same CmH3k7lIK30-00929-00219592-00219839 amount of time as you right and so when CmH3k7lIK30-00930-00219840-00220055 you look at this are you measuring time CmH3k7lIK30-00931-00220056-00220255 only by the clock or are you set are you CmH3k7lIK30-00932-00220256-00220446 looking at your life going you know what CmH3k7lIK30-00933-00220448-00220719 i can accomplish a day's work in an hour CmH3k7lIK30-00934-00220719-00220958 right i can get an hour's worth of rest CmH3k7lIK30-00935-00220959-00221175 in just a moment CmH3k7lIK30-00936-00221176-00221446 i can make big things happen quickly how CmH3k7lIK30-00937-00221448-00221582 do you view things oh that's going to CmH3k7lIK30-00938-00221583-00221734 take a long time oh i don't have the CmH3k7lIK30-00939-00221735-00221894 time for that that's never really going CmH3k7lIK30-00940-00221896-00222158 to happen right so logical is driven by CmH3k7lIK30-00941-00222159-00222455 the clock and that is the tyrant side CmH3k7lIK30-00942-00222456-00222606 okay CmH3k7lIK30-00943-00222607-00222863 i wanted to take CmH3k7lIK30-00944-00222864-00223127 like a 30-minute 45-minute rest slash CmH3k7lIK30-00945-00223128-00223334 nap like that's what i want to do right CmH3k7lIK30-00946-00223335-00223567 i wanted to do before this life CmH3k7lIK30-00947-00223567-00223863 well i knew that i needed to be here so CmH3k7lIK30-00948-00223864-00224223 i gave myself a big energy boost with a CmH3k7lIK30-00949-00224223-00224431 six-minute meditation it was really a CmH3k7lIK30-00950-00224432-00224663 shitty meditation i will never listen to CmH3k7lIK30-00951-00224664-00224887 her again like any of her meditations CmH3k7lIK30-00952-00224888-00225134 however it gave me the little boost that CmH3k7lIK30-00953-00225135-00225263 i needed even though i didn't like the CmH3k7lIK30-00954-00225264-00225575 meditation so there's that okay so i'm CmH3k7lIK30-00955-00225576-00225734 gonna get both of these put in the group CmH3k7lIK30-00956-00225735-00225831 for you CmH3k7lIK30-00957-00225832-00226071 and then the other one that i want to CmH3k7lIK30-00958-00226071-00226182 show you CmH3k7lIK30-00959-00226183-00226519 is CmH3k7lIK30-00960-00226519-00226694 this CmH3k7lIK30-00961-00226696-00227063 what type of time personality are you so CmH3k7lIK30-00962-00227064-00227271 there's the time cop CmH3k7lIK30-00963-00227271-00227391 and hopefully you guys will remember CmH3k7lIK30-00964-00227392-00227575 these the time cop where you count the CmH3k7lIK30-00965-00227576-00227791 minutes you're always be up on time and CmH3k7lIK30-00966-00227792-00227919 you get upset when others are late CmH3k7lIK30-00967-00227919-00228103 because you think they aren't respecting CmH3k7lIK30-00968-00228104-00228327 your time there's the time slacker CmH3k7lIK30-00969-00228328-00228510 what's the problem i'm only five minutes CmH3k7lIK30-00970-00228511-00228791 late or i'll be late to my own funeral CmH3k7lIK30-00971-00228792-00228975 there's the time hacker CmH3k7lIK30-00972-00228976-00229206 you aspire for the four hour work week CmH3k7lIK30-00973-00229207-00229398 you outsource as much as you can in your CmH3k7lIK30-00974-00229400-00229551 lifestyle and you build boundaries CmH3k7lIK30-00975-00229552-00229727 around your availability so you have CmH3k7lIK30-00976-00229728-00229919 plenty of time to play CmH3k7lIK30-00977-00229919-00230094 you're the time bender where you take a CmH3k7lIK30-00978-00230096-00230319 more wizardly approach you believe like CmH3k7lIK30-00979-00230319-00230542 einstein did that time is a construct of CmH3k7lIK30-00980-00230544-00230831 the mind and so fluid and abundance CmH3k7lIK30-00981-00230832-00231031 mindset creates an abundant experience CmH3k7lIK30-00982-00231032-00231255 of time you accomplish more in less time CmH3k7lIK30-00983-00231256-00231463 and in this headspace synchronicity CmH3k7lIK30-00984-00231464-00231751 plays a part in productivity and you CmH3k7lIK30-00985-00231752-00231855 trust CmH3k7lIK30-00986-00231856-00232206 in the abundance of CmH3k7lIK30-00987-00232207-00232367 i'm gonna say energy i don't know what CmH3k7lIK30-00988-00232367-00232471 the [__] i was supposed to put right CmH3k7lIK30-00989-00232471-00232806 there so are you the time bender you CmH3k7lIK30-00990-00232807-00233015 like einstein there you know CmH3k7lIK30-00991-00233016-00233151 there is CmH3k7lIK30-00992-00233152-00233294 time is just CmH3k7lIK30-00993-00233296-00233567 an illusion are you the hacker right you CmH3k7lIK30-00994-00233567-00233775 want to do the four hour work week you CmH3k7lIK30-00995-00233776-00233934 outsource as much as you can you build CmH3k7lIK30-00996-00233935-00234087 boundaries around your availability CmH3k7lIK30-00997-00234088-00234279 plenty of time to play are you the CmH3k7lIK30-00998-00234280-00234439 slacker what's the problem only five CmH3k7lIK30-00999-00234440-00234631 minutes late or the time clock you are CmH3k7lIK30-01000-00234632-00234887 upset when people are late so cop CmH3k7lIK30-01001-00234888-00235158 slacker hacker or bender shout it out in CmH3k7lIK30-01002-00235159-00235303 the comments CmH3k7lIK30-01003-00235304-00235439 so various says when you have so much CmH3k7lIK30-01004-00235440-00235679 going on at the same time there isn't CmH3k7lIK30-01005-00235680-00235942 ever enough time to do things or to get CmH3k7lIK30-01006-00235944-00236158 things done or something out of my CmH3k7lIK30-01007-00236159-00236494 control that happens a lot CmH3k7lIK30-01008-00236496-00236742 i would disagree with that i think that CmH3k7lIK30-01009-00236744-00236934 that's the way you view it but that CmH3k7lIK30-01010-00236935-00237127 isn't true because if you were CmH3k7lIK30-01011-00237128-00237342 controlling your time CmH3k7lIK30-01012-00237344-00237598 then there wouldn't be so much going on CmH3k7lIK30-01013-00237600-00237855 one right you would only have going on CmH3k7lIK30-01014-00237856-00238046 that you allotted it to be there and CmH3k7lIK30-01015-00238048-00238271 scheduled to be there so that would be CmH3k7lIK30-01016-00238271-00238423 number one CmH3k7lIK30-01017-00238423-00238606 um there isn't enough time to get things CmH3k7lIK30-01018-00238607-00238798 done there would be if you controlled CmH3k7lIK30-01019-00238800-00238958 the time and the time wasn't controlling CmH3k7lIK30-01020-00238959-00239239 you and then something out of my control CmH3k7lIK30-01021-00239240-00239494 happens a lot no it doesn't if it's CmH3k7lIK30-01022-00239496-00239727 happening to you a lot that's because CmH3k7lIK30-01023-00239728-00240006 that's the energy you create and the way CmH3k7lIK30-01024-00240007-00240223 that you've structured your life so i'm CmH3k7lIK30-01025-00240223-00240406 not telling you it's not true for your CmH3k7lIK30-01026-00240407-00240615 life but what i am telling you is it CmH3k7lIK30-01027-00240616-00240830 doesn't have to be true for your life CmH3k7lIK30-01028-00240831-00240967 it's true for your life because you CmH3k7lIK30-01029-00240967-00241158 believe it is and it's also true for CmH3k7lIK30-01030-00241159-00241271 your life because you aren't doing CmH3k7lIK30-01031-00241271-00241455 anything about it if you were CmH3k7lIK30-01032-00241456-00241687 controlling it you were saying no more CmH3k7lIK30-01033-00241688-00241839 to people you are putting in the things CmH3k7lIK30-01034-00241840-00241958 in your schedule that were most CmH3k7lIK30-01035-00241959-00242167 important CmH3k7lIK30-01036-00242167-00242455 then you would have so much more control CmH3k7lIK30-01037-00242456-00242694 now things happening out of something CmH3k7lIK30-01038-00242696-00242879 happening out of your control on a CmH3k7lIK30-01039-00242880-00243206 regular basis is 100 you attracting that CmH3k7lIK30-01040-00243207-00243406 sort of shitty energy to you maybe it's CmH3k7lIK30-01041-00243407-00243606 not necessarily shitty every time but CmH3k7lIK30-01042-00243607-00243879 that's bad energy because in my world in CmH3k7lIK30-01043-00243880-00244015 my life even though my kids are in CmH3k7lIK30-01044-00244016-00244206 sports my boys have their own business CmH3k7lIK30-01045-00244207-00244406 that my husband runs with them CmH3k7lIK30-01046-00244407-00244558 i have my own business i have my own CmH3k7lIK30-01047-00244559-00244815 brick and mortar store i run a lot of CmH3k7lIK30-01048-00244816-00245046 their back and work their financials i CmH3k7lIK30-01049-00245048-00245319 do a lot of their marketing CmH3k7lIK30-01050-00245319-00245510 something doesn't happen like hardly CmH3k7lIK30-01051-00245511-00245687 ever that's outside of my control that CmH3k7lIK30-01052-00245688-00245991 takes up my time like hardly ever in my CmH3k7lIK30-01053-00245992-00246358 life and i have a very active busy life CmH3k7lIK30-01054-00246359-00246494 so CmH3k7lIK30-01055-00246496-00246919 i would i would be very bold as to say CmH3k7lIK30-01056-00246919-00247151 that that entire paragraph you wrote is CmH3k7lIK30-01057-00247152-00247334 because you designed your life that way CmH3k7lIK30-01058-00247335-00247487 if you don't want it to be like that CmH3k7lIK30-01059-00247488-00247687 then change it right and you change it CmH3k7lIK30-01060-00247688-00247958 by taking control of it you know there CmH3k7lIK30-01061-00247959-00248110 shouldn't be so much going on at the CmH3k7lIK30-01062-00248111-00248334 same time because you're saying no CmH3k7lIK30-01063-00248335-00248503 because you can't do that because your CmH3k7lIK30-01064-00248504-00248719 time has already taken up there is no CmH3k7lIK30-01065-00248719-00248887 way multiple things can be going on at CmH3k7lIK30-01066-00248888-00249063 the same time that need your attention CmH3k7lIK30-01067-00249064-00249230 unless you allowed CmH3k7lIK30-01068-00249231-00249310 them CmH3k7lIK30-01069-00249311-00249703 to be there right there's no way CmH3k7lIK30-01070-00249704-00249903 and you would have time to get things CmH3k7lIK30-01071-00249904-00250094 done because they would be scheduled CmH3k7lIK30-01072-00250096-00250455 into your time like your time CmH3k7lIK30-01073-00250456-00250598 it's like it's hard for me to say but CmH3k7lIK30-01074-00250600-00250798 your time and your space your time and CmH3k7lIK30-01075-00250800-00251087 your freedom have to be scheduled like CmH3k7lIK30-01076-00251088-00251255 look at kathy's comments she's even CmH3k7lIK30-01077-00251256-00251430 saying right here in this thread i CmH3k7lIK30-01078-00251431-00251639 schedule vacation shifts in my day every CmH3k7lIK30-01079-00251640-00251927 day she's not saying that she takes CmH3k7lIK30-01080-00251928-00252158 vacation shifts every day because if she CmH3k7lIK30-01081-00252159-00252327 didn't schedule them she wouldn't get CmH3k7lIK30-01082-00252328-00252463 them 100 CmH3k7lIK30-01083-00252464-00252710 i know that absolutely she would not get CmH3k7lIK30-01084-00252711-00253030 them when she says that she schedules CmH3k7lIK30-01085-00253031-00253239 them that's to make sure that they're CmH3k7lIK30-01086-00253240-00253375 there right CmH3k7lIK30-01087-00253376-00253510 but if you don't make sure that they're CmH3k7lIK30-01088-00253511-00253710 there they're not going to be there CmH3k7lIK30-01089-00253711-00253871 they're just not going to be there CmH3k7lIK30-01090-00253871-00254503 and that's the way it works CmH3k7lIK30-01091-00254504-00254727 okay so this is again CmH3k7lIK30-01092-00254728-00254967 what type of time personality are you CmH3k7lIK30-01093-00254967-00255167 this isn't what you want to be this is CmH3k7lIK30-01094-00255167-00255319 the type of time personality that you CmH3k7lIK30-01095-00255319-00255391 are CmH3k7lIK30-01096-00255392-00255558 so when you say you're a bender we're CmH3k7lIK30-01097-00255559-00255703 going to go back to vera that CmH3k7lIK30-01098-00255704-00255991 contradicts your statement up above CmH3k7lIK30-01099-00255992-00256175 that you have so much going on at the CmH3k7lIK30-01100-00256176-00256334 same time there isn't enough time a time CmH3k7lIK30-01101-00256335-00256551 bender doesn't think like that CmH3k7lIK30-01102-00256552-00256734 right CmH3k7lIK30-01103-00256735-00256903 um CmH3k7lIK30-01104-00256904-00257158 i get probably why you would have chose CmH3k7lIK30-01105-00257159-00257246 that CmH3k7lIK30-01106-00257248-00257487 but you wouldn't be a time bender a time CmH3k7lIK30-01107-00257488-00257655 bender feels like CmH3k7lIK30-01108-00257656-00257958 they have space they have time they have CmH3k7lIK30-01109-00257959-00258206 synchronicity everything is fluid it's CmH3k7lIK30-01110-00258207-00258327 abundant CmH3k7lIK30-01111-00258328-00258494 not based on the paragraph that you CmH3k7lIK30-01112-00258496-00258591 wrote CmH3k7lIK30-01113-00258592-00258863 now i made me say a hacker would connect CmH3k7lIK30-01114-00258864-00259182 with you because CmH3k7lIK30-01115-00259183-00259358 you aspire for the four hour work week CmH3k7lIK30-01116-00259359-00259671 but it doesn't sound like you outsource CmH3k7lIK30-01117-00259671-00259839 i would wonder if you'd be a slacker are CmH3k7lIK30-01118-00259840-00259998 you late vera CmH3k7lIK30-01119-00260000-00260134 with all that [__] on your plate my CmH3k7lIK30-01120-00260135-00260271 guess would be you would be late more CmH3k7lIK30-01121-00260271-00260479 often i really hate that it's called a CmH3k7lIK30-01122-00260480-00260639 slacker because i'm like fira you're a CmH3k7lIK30-01123-00260640-00260751 slacker CmH3k7lIK30-01124-00260752-00260991 um i am CmH3k7lIK30-01125-00260992-00261175 wanna know something really funny about CmH3k7lIK30-01126-00261176-00261463 me i am a slacker hacker and bender all CmH3k7lIK30-01127-00261464-00261879 in one i am late a lot i CmH3k7lIK30-01128-00261880-00262182 would love the four hour work week CmH3k7lIK30-01129-00262183-00262430 as my money grows i'm always outsourcing CmH3k7lIK30-01130-00262431-00262782 everything and when i built my company i CmH3k7lIK30-01131-00262783-00262991 built it in so i could work four days a CmH3k7lIK30-01132-00262992-00263263 week four hours a day with boundaries CmH3k7lIK30-01133-00263264-00263495 around my availability and we played a CmH3k7lIK30-01134-00263496-00263623 lot CmH3k7lIK30-01135-00263624-00263734 and CmH3k7lIK30-01136-00263735-00264063 i'm working on the bender approach it is CmH3k7lIK30-01137-00264064-00264327 here like it comes and it goes into like CmH3k7lIK30-01138-00264328-00264606 my daily lifestyle but if i had to be CmH3k7lIK30-01139-00264607-00264799 really honest i'm probably a slacker CmH3k7lIK30-01140-00264800-00265119 with a little bit of hacker CmH3k7lIK30-01141-00265120-00265310 ah kim says i have a camper and CmH3k7lIK30-01142-00265311-00265495 membership at a campground i get away as CmH3k7lIK30-01143-00265496-00265663 often as i can because i know it helps CmH3k7lIK30-01144-00265664-00265887 rejuvenate me i cannot wait and then we CmH3k7lIK30-01145-00265888-00266255 would just go stay at koas all the time CmH3k7lIK30-01146-00266256-00266527 let's see CmH3k7lIK30-01147-00266528-00267391 bender bender bender slacker CmH3k7lIK30-01148-00267392-00267582 i mean i get that vera the whole like CmH3k7lIK30-01149-00267583-00267847 paperwork thing but i just i don't know CmH3k7lIK30-01150-00267848-00267934 dude CmH3k7lIK30-01151-00267935-00268039 i think CmH3k7lIK30-01152-00268040-00268230 you need to be more honest with yourself CmH3k7lIK30-01153-00268231-00268439 i think you need to be more real with CmH3k7lIK30-01154-00268440-00268623 yourself and this isn't just for vera i CmH3k7lIK30-01155-00268624-00268895 know i'm doing a lot of like um coaching CmH3k7lIK30-01156-00268896-00269095 with her but that's what happens when CmH3k7lIK30-01157-00269096-00269247 somebody you know CmH3k7lIK30-01158-00269248-00269391 speaks as much as they are in the CmH3k7lIK30-01159-00269392-00269591 comments like she is right now i tend to CmH3k7lIK30-01160-00269592-00269791 coach them really well um but not just CmH3k7lIK30-01161-00269792-00269967 for her for everyone be careful like CmH3k7lIK30-01162-00269968-00270223 these facades or these lies that you CmH3k7lIK30-01163-00270224-00270351 tell yourself that you don't even CmH3k7lIK30-01164-00270352-00270599 realize are lies like CmH3k7lIK30-01165-00270600-00270710 i CmH3k7lIK30-01166-00270711-00270982 i would fight to the death that your CmH3k7lIK30-01167-00270983-00271127 life is the way that it is is because CmH3k7lIK30-01168-00271128-00271334 the way that you run it it isn't the way CmH3k7lIK30-01169-00271335-00271567 that it is because it just happens to be CmH3k7lIK30-01170-00271568-00271806 that way i will tell you that i'm one of CmH3k7lIK30-01171-00271807-00271999 the most busy people that you have ever CmH3k7lIK30-01172-00272000-00272191 met and my life is very [__] CmH3k7lIK30-01173-00272192-00272375 structured i have a lot that i have to CmH3k7lIK30-01174-00272376-00272615 do and as my businesses CmH3k7lIK30-01175-00272616-00272903 start to grow it takes even more time to CmH3k7lIK30-01176-00272904-00273151 do that but i still have quality time CmH3k7lIK30-01177-00273152-00273463 with my family i still have things that CmH3k7lIK30-01178-00273464-00273679 i do that are that freedom space i still CmH3k7lIK30-01179-00273680-00273855 go get a massage i still go get my nails CmH3k7lIK30-01180-00273856-00274087 done right um yeah like the paperwork CmH3k7lIK30-01181-00274088-00274182 and it coming back and you've got to CmH3k7lIK30-01182-00274183-00274287 come up with this and it has to be CmH3k7lIK30-01183-00274288-00274510 submitted i get all of that but you CmH3k7lIK30-01184-00274511-00274719 could really build space into your life CmH3k7lIK30-01185-00274720-00274887 to where it wouldn't be happening CmH3k7lIK30-01186-00274888-00275079 something wouldn't be coming up and it CmH3k7lIK30-01187-00275080-00275399 wouldn't be derailing that um and i just CmH3k7lIK30-01188-00275400-00275623 believe that wholeheartedly because i've CmH3k7lIK30-01189-00275624-00275823 done this for so long and worked with so CmH3k7lIK30-01190-00275824-00276063 many different people that CmH3k7lIK30-01191-00276064-00276327 you can't be the anomaly that just your CmH3k7lIK30-01192-00276328-00276423 life CmH3k7lIK30-01193-00276424-00276710 is just too busy and has too many things CmH3k7lIK30-01194-00276711-00276887 and so many things coming up it's just CmH3k7lIK30-01195-00276888-00277134 not a true it's not true it's the way CmH3k7lIK30-01196-00277135-00277287 that you're running it and if you trust CmH3k7lIK30-01197-00277288-00277487 me and you listen to me with that and CmH3k7lIK30-01198-00277488-00277839 you actually control it it will change CmH3k7lIK30-01199-00277840-00278047 but if you keep believing what you wrote CmH3k7lIK30-01200-00278048-00278295 it will never change because you can't CmH3k7lIK30-01201-00278296-00278503 change it believing what you wrote you CmH3k7lIK30-01202-00278504-00278703 have to change it going okay CmH3k7lIK30-01203-00278704-00278863 i'm going to buy into what alicia is CmH3k7lIK30-01204-00278864-00279015 saying and i'm going to do things CmH3k7lIK30-01205-00279016-00279310 differently because i want my life to be CmH3k7lIK30-01206-00279311-00279551 structured in a way that i have freedom CmH3k7lIK30-01207-00279552-00279751 and i'm doing the most important things CmH3k7lIK30-01208-00279752-00279903 while also making the most amount of CmH3k7lIK30-01209-00279904-00280519 money while doing that CmH3k7lIK30-01210-00280520-00280758 oh right CmH3k7lIK30-01211-00280759-00281127 okay so you're more on time okay CmH3k7lIK30-01212-00281128-00281358 you're the time cop CmH3k7lIK30-01213-00281359-00281543 okay we'll go with that CmH3k7lIK30-01214-00281544-00281782 maya says my hubby is a slacker and i'm CmH3k7lIK30-01215-00281783-00282087 a cop slash hacker because i outsourced CmH3k7lIK30-01216-00282088-00282303 i love that CmH3k7lIK30-01217-00282304-00282734 love it love it love it CmH3k7lIK30-01218-00282735-00282919 all right so we did temperature check if CmH3k7lIK30-01219-00282920-00283134 you did not do your temperature make CmH3k7lIK30-01220-00283135-00283279 sure that you shout it out in the CmH3k7lIK30-01221-00283280-00283606 comments that is a very important that CmH3k7lIK30-01222-00283607-00283815 you do CmH3k7lIK30-01223-00283816-00283943 so CmH3k7lIK30-01224-00283944-00284199 in CmH3k7lIK30-01225-00284200-00284447 spirit of shift happens CmH3k7lIK30-01226-00284448-00284623 we've been talking about that a lot this CmH3k7lIK30-01227-00284624-00284839 week of course you guys know that CmH3k7lIK30-01228-00284840-00285047 that's the whole reason why we are doing CmH3k7lIK30-01229-00285048-00285254 this workshop is in celebration of the CmH3k7lIK30-01230-00285255-00285510 doors happening to shift happens today CmH3k7lIK30-01231-00285511-00285695 is the last day for your fast action CmH3k7lIK30-01232-00285696-00286063 bonuses though you have five more hours CmH3k7lIK30-01233-00286064-00286399 to snag up the fast action bonuses CmH3k7lIK30-01234-00286400-00286543 so CmH3k7lIK30-01235-00286544-00286734 this is so freaking important i actually CmH3k7lIK30-01236-00286735-00286927 think we talked about the fast action CmH3k7lIK30-01237-00286928-00287247 bonuses on day one i feel like in deep CmH3k7lIK30-01238-00287248-00287454 detail but remember you're getting the CmH3k7lIK30-01239-00287455-00287663 kick your procrastination boot camp the CmH3k7lIK30-01240-00287664-00287982 money management made easy full course CmH3k7lIK30-01241-00287983-00288103 and then you're getting the organize CmH3k7lIK30-01242-00288104-00288351 your chaos full training course as well CmH3k7lIK30-01243-00288352-00288567 those are your three fast action bonuses CmH3k7lIK30-01244-00288568-00288727 yesterday we did the shift happens cup CmH3k7lIK30-01245-00288728-00288958 so i have five of you that i'm making CmH3k7lIK30-01246-00288959-00289247 those special cups for um CmH3k7lIK30-01247-00289248-00289487 i need some down time and space because CmH3k7lIK30-01248-00289488-00289710 i've been very back to back as soon as i CmH3k7lIK30-01249-00289711-00289879 get off live i said that i really only CmH3k7lIK30-01250-00289880-00290071 work 45 minutes but i'm i'm working CmH3k7lIK30-01251-00290072-00290319 upwards of two hours when i get off of a CmH3k7lIK30-01252-00290320-00290567 live i'm getting everything set up for CmH3k7lIK30-01253-00290568-00290703 you getting everything ready getting CmH3k7lIK30-01254-00290704-00290863 everything downloaded and uploaded and CmH3k7lIK30-01255-00290864-00291206 all of that so i will draw winners for CmH3k7lIK30-01256-00291207-00291423 the gift sets and the participation and CmH3k7lIK30-01257-00291424-00291591 all of that but i have to go through all CmH3k7lIK30-01258-00291592-00291734 the comments and all the threads and i CmH3k7lIK30-01259-00291735-00291951 need time and space so expect those CmH3k7lIK30-01260-00291952-00292127 winners to be announced next week CmH3k7lIK30-01261-00292128-00292358 sometime it may be later next week could CmH3k7lIK30-01262-00292359-00292615 be earlier next week i have no clue but CmH3k7lIK30-01263-00292616-00292863 i will announce those winners um CmH3k7lIK30-01264-00292864-00293015 when i have some more space in my CmH3k7lIK30-01265-00293016-00293182 schedule i'm getting ready to go right CmH3k7lIK30-01266-00293183-00293430 into another launch of my party planned CmH3k7lIK30-01267-00293431-00293591 power camp with my book sell recruit CmH3k7lIK30-01268-00293592-00293830 challenge so that's taking precedence of CmH3k7lIK30-01269-00293831-00294006 any extra time i have but i just did CmH3k7lIK30-01270-00294007-00294263 want to let you guys know that CmH3k7lIK30-01271-00294264-00294463 i will announce the winners that they CmH3k7lIK30-01272-00294464-00294663 will be said and all of that good stuff CmH3k7lIK30-01273-00294664-00294887 but it's going to be probably after the CmH3k7lIK30-01274-00294888-00295127 doors close to shift happens CmH3k7lIK30-01275-00295128-00295358 and more than likely it'll be announced CmH3k7lIK30-01276-00295359-00295567 inside of my power up your life facebook CmH3k7lIK30-01277-00295568-00295775 group so if you're not in there you can CmH3k7lIK30-01278-00295776-00295951 either search power up your life here on CmH3k7lIK30-01279-00295952-00296299 facebook or you can go to CmH3k7lIK30-01280-00296300-00296423 again CmH3k7lIK30-01281-00296424-00296854 that's CmH3k7lIK30-01282-00296855-00297119 so again today is your last chance to CmH3k7lIK30-01283-00297120-00297382 sign up for shift happens and get those CmH3k7lIK30-01284-00297383-00297639 fast action bonuses know that we have CmH3k7lIK30-01285-00297640-00297903 those other payment plans there we've CmH3k7lIK30-01286-00297904-00298063 lowered the price sixteen hundred CmH3k7lIK30-01287-00298064-00298303 dollars if you pay in full you're going CmH3k7lIK30-01288-00298304-00298487 to get to find your passion power camp CmH3k7lIK30-01289-00298488-00298671 bonus so there's that CmH3k7lIK30-01290-00298672-00298879 um CmH3k7lIK30-01291-00298880-00299127 the next thing and the thing that i CmH3k7lIK30-01292-00299128-00299295 really want to talk to you guys about as CmH3k7lIK30-01293-00299296-00299415 it pertains CmH3k7lIK30-01294-00299416-00299758 to shift happens is what's holding you CmH3k7lIK30-01295-00299759-00299863 back CmH3k7lIK30-01296-00299864-00299951 so CmH3k7lIK30-01297-00299952-00300158 that's kind of where we're at we've CmH3k7lIK30-01298-00300159-00300334 already gone over what the modules are CmH3k7lIK30-01299-00300335-00300519 the training the transformation you're CmH3k7lIK30-01300-00300520-00300823 gonna get the time we're taking all of CmH3k7lIK30-01301-00300824-00301071 that kind of stuff and so now it's CmH3k7lIK30-01302-00301072-00301343 what's holding you back so that's any of CmH3k7lIK30-01303-00301344-00301527 you guys that are still thinking about CmH3k7lIK30-01304-00301528-00301671 shift happens you're sitting on the CmH3k7lIK30-01305-00301672-00301910 fence you're still mulling it over i CmH3k7lIK30-01306-00301911-00302079 want you to shoot me a message and tell CmH3k7lIK30-01307-00302080-00302303 me what's holding you back from joining CmH3k7lIK30-01308-00302304-00302630 shift happens what is your fear what's CmH3k7lIK30-01309-00302631-00302919 going on and be true like honest with CmH3k7lIK30-01310-00302920-00303071 yourself right CmH3k7lIK30-01311-00303072-00303263 is it that if you join you're afraid CmH3k7lIK30-01312-00303264-00303527 you're not gonna do the work is it that CmH3k7lIK30-01313-00303528-00303703 if you join you don't feel like it's CmH3k7lIK30-01314-00303704-00303903 gonna help you the way that you do if CmH3k7lIK30-01315-00303904-00304167 you join you won't be able to afford the CmH3k7lIK30-01316-00304168-00304319 payments later you're worried you won't CmH3k7lIK30-01317-00304320-00304503 be able to before the payments in the CmH3k7lIK30-01318-00304504-00304775 future right which is future dripping um CmH3k7lIK30-01319-00304776-00305071 what is it so send me a message after CmH3k7lIK30-01320-00305072-00305287 this live straight away here on facebook CmH3k7lIK30-01321-00305288-00305575 directly to me let's chat about it i am CmH3k7lIK30-01322-00305576-00305830 absolutely willing to work with you CmH3k7lIK30-01323-00305831-00306054 however i can that CmH3k7lIK30-01324-00306055-00306319 um is a win-win situation for both of us CmH3k7lIK30-01325-00306320-00306479 to help you get into the shift happens CmH3k7lIK30-01326-00306480-00306663 program but you do have to take that CmH3k7lIK30-01327-00306664-00307015 first step and let me know what is going CmH3k7lIK30-01328-00307016-00307271 on i will say i'm gonna CmH3k7lIK30-01329-00307272-00307423 talk to you about this one part on the CmH3k7lIK30-01330-00307424-00307663 page that shift happens is what you need CmH3k7lIK30-01331-00307664-00307999 if you want an easy to implement process CmH3k7lIK30-01332-00308000-00308254 and tools plus strategies that actually CmH3k7lIK30-01333-00308255-00308479 work to prepare propel your life forward CmH3k7lIK30-01334-00308480-00308734 quickly and you're gonna find that i'm CmH3k7lIK30-01335-00308735-00308958 always going to be honest with you i'm CmH3k7lIK30-01336-00308959-00309127 always gonna push you just like i'm CmH3k7lIK30-01337-00309128-00309303 talking to vera here CmH3k7lIK30-01338-00309304-00309391 i CmH3k7lIK30-01339-00309392-00309703 am so comfortable with CmH3k7lIK30-01340-00309704-00309863 pushing the CmH3k7lIK30-01341-00309864-00310079 comfortable boundaries that you have set CmH3k7lIK30-01342-00310080-00310263 for yourself to make you feel CmH3k7lIK30-01343-00310264-00310471 uncomfortable so that you grow CmH3k7lIK30-01344-00310472-00310558 and CmH3k7lIK30-01345-00310559-00310734 that right there tells you whether or CmH3k7lIK30-01346-00310735-00310943 not i'm the coach for you there are CmH3k7lIK30-01347-00310944-00311239 plenty of coaches and actually CmH3k7lIK30-01348-00311240-00311399 i don't even know if i could call myself CmH3k7lIK30-01349-00311400-00311558 a coach it just works really well to say CmH3k7lIK30-01350-00311559-00311806 that i'm power coach alicia but a coach CmH3k7lIK30-01351-00311807-00312015 doesn't actually do what i do i don't CmH3k7lIK30-01352-00312016-00312175 know if you know this but what a coach CmH3k7lIK30-01353-00312176-00312503 does is just ask you questions you CmH3k7lIK30-01354-00312504-00312734 get your own answers and coach yourself CmH3k7lIK30-01355-00312735-00312958 so basically you pay them to make you CmH3k7lIK30-01356-00312959-00313182 think deeper and come up with your own CmH3k7lIK30-01357-00313183-00313334 solutions did you guys know that yes or CmH3k7lIK30-01358-00313335-00313799 no in the comments CmH3k7lIK30-01359-00313800-00313951 you're gonna hear my animals whining and CmH3k7lIK30-01360-00313952-00314079 barking and freaking out because it's CmH3k7lIK30-01361-00314080-00314206 feeding time CmH3k7lIK30-01362-00314207-00314415 but they will come down here soon CmH3k7lIK30-01363-00314416-00314630 um shift happens is also what you need CmH3k7lIK30-01364-00314631-00314839 if you are ready to get your life your CmH3k7lIK30-01365-00314840-00315054 marriage your relationship with yourself CmH3k7lIK30-01366-00315055-00315287 out of the rut that it's been in if you CmH3k7lIK30-01367-00315288-00315527 feel like you're in a rut with yourself CmH3k7lIK30-01368-00315528-00315758 your relationships are in some level of CmH3k7lIK30-01369-00315759-00315991 a rut as well because you can't be in a CmH3k7lIK30-01370-00315992-00316199 rut with a flourishing relation like you CmH3k7lIK30-01371-00316200-00316327 know high CmH3k7lIK30-01372-00316328-00316534 level high frequency relationships all CmH3k7lIK30-01373-00316535-00316654 around you doesn't mean that the CmH3k7lIK30-01374-00316655-00316847 relationships have to be bad and in CmH3k7lIK30-01375-00316848-00317119 turmoil right but CmH3k7lIK30-01376-00317120-00317479 they are in some level of a rut as well CmH3k7lIK30-01377-00317480-00317663 if you feel like you're lost on how to CmH3k7lIK30-01378-00317664-00317863 really get started or where to focus so CmH3k7lIK30-01379-00317864-00318047 that you can change the defeated feeling CmH3k7lIK30-01380-00318048-00318239 that you've been having inside shift CmH3k7lIK30-01381-00318240-00318439 happens is for you if you know that CmH3k7lIK30-01382-00318440-00318582 there's got to be a way to feel good CmH3k7lIK30-01383-00318583-00318767 about your life while making time for CmH3k7lIK30-01384-00318768-00318927 yourself and creating the life that you CmH3k7lIK30-01385-00318928-00319151 really want then shift happens is for CmH3k7lIK30-01386-00319152-00319406 you if you realize that something has to CmH3k7lIK30-01387-00319407-00319647 change because you can no longer live CmH3k7lIK30-01388-00319648-00319991 this way sacrificing your own happiness CmH3k7lIK30-01389-00319992-00320334 for everyone else's that's so huge then CmH3k7lIK30-01390-00320335-00320647 shift happens is for you CmH3k7lIK30-01391-00320648-00321023 i am one million percent CmH3k7lIK30-01392-00321024-00321239 understating the journey and shift CmH3k7lIK30-01393-00321240-00321399 happens CmH3k7lIK30-01394-00321400-00321639 and i wish that i could be more CmH3k7lIK30-01395-00321640-00321871 powerfully articulating CmH3k7lIK30-01396-00321872-00322095 the journey and shift happens but i've CmH3k7lIK30-01397-00322096-00322287 always struggled with it and the reason CmH3k7lIK30-01398-00322288-00322695 why i've struggled with it is because CmH3k7lIK30-01399-00322696-00322982 there's really no way to tell you how CmH3k7lIK30-01400-00322983-00323215 unbelievable this program is CmH3k7lIK30-01401-00323216-00323391 until you're in it CmH3k7lIK30-01402-00323392-00323495 until CmH3k7lIK30-01403-00323496-00323767 you go through the eight weeks and you CmH3k7lIK30-01404-00323768-00324054 look on it look at it from the outside CmH3k7lIK30-01405-00324055-00324303 in like holy [__] that was an CmH3k7lIK30-01406-00324304-00324567 unbelievable experience so i've done my CmH3k7lIK30-01407-00324568-00324751 best to articulate throughout the last CmH3k7lIK30-01408-00324752-00324871 five days CmH3k7lIK30-01409-00324872-00325119 what shift happens is and does for you CmH3k7lIK30-01410-00325120-00325303 the transformation you're going to have CmH3k7lIK30-01411-00325304-00325471 how your life will change i know i've CmH3k7lIK30-01412-00325472-00325695 talked about money and it seems like i'm CmH3k7lIK30-01413-00325696-00325934 being vague because the journey and your CmH3k7lIK30-01414-00325935-00326143 money transformation inside of ship CmH3k7lIK30-01415-00326144-00326263 shift happens CmH3k7lIK30-01416-00326264-00326582 isn't like CmH3k7lIK30-01417-00326583-00326799 itemized out step by step by step by CmH3k7lIK30-01418-00326800-00327199 step it is an energetic shift it's an CmH3k7lIK30-01419-00327200-00327534 energetic frequency with just a little CmH3k7lIK30-01420-00327535-00327743 bit of application CmH3k7lIK30-01421-00327744-00327895 maya do you think that's correct like CmH3k7lIK30-01422-00327896-00328119 the way that i'm saying this it's it's CmH3k7lIK30-01423-00328120-00328319 just so hard to articulate and i'm CmH3k7lIK30-01424-00328320-00328495 hopefully i'm gonna get better and CmH3k7lIK30-01425-00328496-00328719 better and better at it but CmH3k7lIK30-01426-00328720-00328887 the program is like CmH3k7lIK30-01427-00328888-00329047 this feeling CmH3k7lIK30-01428-00329048-00329206 this CmH3k7lIK30-01429-00329207-00329334 i don't know CmH3k7lIK30-01430-00329335-00329695 i i don't know how to say it except for CmH3k7lIK30-01431-00329696-00329991 if you felt connected like if when i CmH3k7lIK30-01432-00329992-00330239 talked about the program and what it's CmH3k7lIK30-01433-00330240-00330519 about if you felt connected like yes i CmH3k7lIK30-01434-00330520-00330791 need this yes i'm connected to this yes CmH3k7lIK30-01435-00330792-00330991 then you owe it to yourself to send me a CmH3k7lIK30-01436-00330992-00331191 message and we figure out how to make CmH3k7lIK30-01437-00331192-00331375 sure your ass is in there CmH3k7lIK30-01438-00331376-00331606 i coach just like this CmH3k7lIK30-01439-00331607-00331815 inside of my programs so you're not CmH3k7lIK30-01440-00331816-00332039 getting a different version of me and i CmH3k7lIK30-01441-00332040-00332271 mean i could be lying just a little bit CmH3k7lIK30-01442-00332272-00332551 i may push my clients a little harder i CmH3k7lIK30-01443-00332552-00332743 may be a little more bold CmH3k7lIK30-01444-00332744-00332878 because once you pay me you're not going CmH3k7lIK30-01445-00332879-00333191 to disappear CmH3k7lIK30-01446-00333192-00333358 but as free you might be like i'm not CmH3k7lIK30-01447-00333359-00333615 doing that um i i think i may be a CmH3k7lIK30-01448-00333616-00333815 little bit harder on my clients not too CmH3k7lIK30-01449-00333816-00334039 much it just depends on CmH3k7lIK30-01450-00334040-00334239 and dare i say it what kind of stupid CmH3k7lIK30-01451-00334240-00334406 [__] comes out of your mouth CmH3k7lIK30-01452-00334407-00334567 and i don't mean that in like a CmH3k7lIK30-01453-00334568-00334815 degrading way i mean that in a like CmH3k7lIK30-01454-00334816-00334958 [__] up way CmH3k7lIK30-01455-00334959-00335199 that you're treating yourself right a CmH3k7lIK30-01456-00335200-00335503 [__] up way that you are CmH3k7lIK30-01457-00335504-00335734 designing your life so that's what i CmH3k7lIK30-01458-00335735-00335927 mean what [__] comes out of your mouth CmH3k7lIK30-01459-00335928-00336127 you know so CmH3k7lIK30-01460-00336128-00336399 um i think i was actually harder on maya CmH3k7lIK30-01461-00336400-00336558 prior CmH3k7lIK30-01462-00336559-00336806 the joining shift happens right i was CmH3k7lIK30-01463-00336807-00337047 probably way harder on you then but i i CmH3k7lIK30-01464-00337048-00337254 think it depends on the person uh it CmH3k7lIK30-01465-00337255-00337487 depends on what you need then i'm gonna CmH3k7lIK30-01466-00337488-00337727 push you CmH3k7lIK30-01467-00337728-00337895 i don't even know what question i asked CmH3k7lIK30-01468-00337896-00338206 no no yes no CmH3k7lIK30-01469-00338207-00338275 what question CmH3k7lIK30-01470-00338276-00338551 [Laughter] CmH3k7lIK30-01471-00338552-00338791 i apologize i don't remember CmH3k7lIK30-01472-00338792-00339119 my mind is like mush CmH3k7lIK30-01473-00339120-00339334 kathy says my best coaches are like you CmH3k7lIK30-01474-00339335-00339534 where they challenge and push you and CmH3k7lIK30-01475-00339535-00339958 they don't buy any bs 100 CmH3k7lIK30-01476-00339959-00340263 100 CmH3k7lIK30-01477-00340264-00340351 okay CmH3k7lIK30-01478-00340352-00340447 so CmH3k7lIK30-01479-00340448-00340591 um CmH3k7lIK30-01480-00340592-00340806 drop a heart in the comments if you CmH3k7lIK30-01481-00340807-00340967 found your personal power statements CmH3k7lIK30-01482-00340968-00341215 yesterday did you go through the process CmH3k7lIK30-01483-00341216-00341319 and CmH3k7lIK30-01484-00341320-00341527 uh get your 10 personal power statements CmH3k7lIK30-01485-00341528-00341671 drop a heart in the comments if you did CmH3k7lIK30-01486-00341672-00341895 i can't do yes or no because there's CmH3k7lIK30-01487-00341896-00342534 already too many yeses or no's CmH3k7lIK30-01488-00342535-00343230 it was about coaches CmH3k7lIK30-01489-00343231-00343430 oh CmH3k7lIK30-01490-00343431-00343647 sorry i had to make my brain kick in CmH3k7lIK30-01491-00343648-00343871 yeah it was about whether or not you CmH3k7lIK30-01492-00343872-00344134 knew that an actual coach just asks you CmH3k7lIK30-01493-00344135-00344351 questions that's all they do CmH3k7lIK30-01494-00344352-00344543 so how do you feel about that CmH3k7lIK30-01495-00344544-00344806 well what do you think you need in order CmH3k7lIK30-01496-00344807-00345030 to fix that CmH3k7lIK30-01497-00345031-00345239 okay so when do you think you should do CmH3k7lIK30-01498-00345240-00345447 that CmH3k7lIK30-01499-00345448-00345695 okay see you figured it out so now CmH3k7lIK30-01500-00345696-00345895 that's what you need to go do that's CmH3k7lIK30-01501-00345896-00346063 that's how it works i don't have [__] CmH3k7lIK30-01502-00346064-00346230 time for that i'm like listen this is CmH3k7lIK30-01503-00346231-00346391 what you need CmH3k7lIK30-01504-00346392-00346639 her bye buddy i love you CmH3k7lIK30-01505-00346640-00346854 this is what you need this is how you CmH3k7lIK30-01506-00346855-00346913 need to do it CmH3k7lIK30-01507-00346914-00347119 [Laughter] CmH3k7lIK30-01508-00347120-00347319 i just i don't know i think it's my CmH3k7lIK30-01509-00347320-00347719 impatient personality i do not have time CmH3k7lIK30-01510-00347720-00347927 for you to figure it out on your own i i CmH3k7lIK30-01511-00347928-00348078 feel like in my head CmH3k7lIK30-01512-00348079-00348247 if you CmH3k7lIK30-01513-00348248-00348447 were gonna figure it out on your own CmH3k7lIK30-01514-00348448-00348623 then you CmH3k7lIK30-01515-00348624-00348863 would already figure it out right i CmH3k7lIK30-01516-00348864-00349023 don't want to sit and ask you questions CmH3k7lIK30-01517-00349024-00349127 where you're digging and digging and CmH3k7lIK30-01518-00349128-00349303 digging i mean we'll i'll ask you some CmH3k7lIK30-01519-00349304-00349519 questions right but what if i just said CmH3k7lIK30-01520-00349520-00349663 hey vera CmH3k7lIK30-01521-00349664-00349919 for the next seven days this is what i CmH3k7lIK30-01522-00349920-00350039 want you to do CmH3k7lIK30-01523-00350040-00350215 this is going to give you more time this CmH3k7lIK30-01524-00350216-00350391 is going to give you more space and this CmH3k7lIK30-01525-00350392-00350599 is going to increase your personal power CmH3k7lIK30-01526-00350600-00350791 isn't that so much better in my mind CmH3k7lIK30-01527-00350792-00351030 it's so much better than being like okay CmH3k7lIK30-01528-00351031-00351182 vera CmH3k7lIK30-01529-00351183-00351423 so what do you need to do CmH3k7lIK30-01530-00351424-00351687 what steps do you need to take CmH3k7lIK30-01531-00351688-00351878 who do you need help from CmH3k7lIK30-01532-00351879-00352063 when are you gonna CmH3k7lIK30-01533-00352064-00352495 i can't i'm that's not me CmH3k7lIK30-01534-00352496-00352743 good good good so a couple people did or CmH3k7lIK30-01535-00352744-00352895 three of you guys did your personal CmH3k7lIK30-01536-00352896-00353127 power statements yes yes yes what's your CmH3k7lIK30-01537-00353128-00353271 favorite one shout it out in the chat CmH3k7lIK30-01538-00353272-00353519 box i have to see them CmH3k7lIK30-01539-00353520-00353758 i have to see them CmH3k7lIK30-01540-00353759-00353967 this is so important so yesterday we CmH3k7lIK30-01541-00353968-00354134 talked about your core desired fillings CmH3k7lIK30-01542-00354135-00354391 your power letter adding i feel to your CmH3k7lIK30-01543-00354392-00354615 journal and then coming up with your 10 CmH3k7lIK30-01544-00354616-00354830 power statements so if you guys haven't CmH3k7lIK30-01545-00354831-00354999 been paying attention or maybe you have CmH3k7lIK30-01546-00355000-00355254 i should say if you guys have CmH3k7lIK30-01547-00355255-00355487 been paying attention CmH3k7lIK30-01548-00355488-00355615 uh CmH3k7lIK30-01549-00355616-00355799 you notice that maya and i are having a CmH3k7lIK30-01550-00355800-00356030 little conversation on a thread CmH3k7lIK30-01551-00356031-00356271 because maya wants to convince me and CmH3k7lIK30-01552-00356272-00356399 herself CmH3k7lIK30-01553-00356400-00356543 that the letter that she wrote to CmH3k7lIK30-01554-00356544-00356958 herself was the homework but it wasn't CmH3k7lIK30-01555-00356959-00357230 and i am knee-deep and coaching my i CmH3k7lIK30-01556-00357231-00357351 haven't seen her response because i had CmH3k7lIK30-01557-00357352-00357471 to come live and i don't even know she's CmH3k7lIK30-01558-00357472-00357678 responded but i am knee-deep in coaching CmH3k7lIK30-01559-00357679-00357951 maya that she is in an avoidance phase CmH3k7lIK30-01560-00357952-00358103 right now and she doesn't even realize CmH3k7lIK30-01561-00358104-00358199 it CmH3k7lIK30-01562-00358200-00358358 that is what makes me so freaking CmH3k7lIK30-01563-00358359-00358519 brilliant like CmH3k7lIK30-01564-00358520-00358734 i just love it CmH3k7lIK30-01565-00358735-00359054 i love it i love the fact CmH3k7lIK30-01566-00359055-00359199 that CmH3k7lIK30-01567-00359200-00359487 she's pushing back but i'm not giving in CmH3k7lIK30-01568-00359488-00359663 i see where she's coming from but she's CmH3k7lIK30-01569-00359664-00359782 wrong CmH3k7lIK30-01570-00359783-00360039 that is a letter to herself from five CmH3k7lIK30-01571-00360040-00360223 years from now that letter needs to go CmH3k7lIK30-01572-00360224-00360358 in an envelope CmH3k7lIK30-01573-00360359-00360582 as a manifesting power put some [__] CmH3k7lIK30-01574-00360583-00360751 crystals on it CmH3k7lIK30-01575-00360752-00360895 and make it happen and then you need to CmH3k7lIK30-01576-00360896-00361047 rewrite yourself CmH3k7lIK30-01577-00361048-00361287 a power letter the way that i taught you CmH3k7lIK30-01578-00361288-00361454 yesterday CmH3k7lIK30-01579-00361455-00361751 yes ma'am CmH3k7lIK30-01580-00361752-00361903 no so that letter doesn't need to go in CmH3k7lIK30-01581-00361904-00362158 the garbage it's great but it's a it's a CmH3k7lIK30-01582-00362159-00362406 future life letter and in the book the CmH3k7lIK30-01583-00362407-00362671 five wishes by gay hendricks they tell CmH3k7lIK30-01584-00362672-00362839 you to write a letter to yourself five CmH3k7lIK30-01585-00362840-00363063 years from now with all the things that CmH3k7lIK30-01586-00363064-00363310 you will want to have come true then put CmH3k7lIK30-01587-00363311-00363503 it in an envelope and seal it and then CmH3k7lIK30-01588-00363504-00363743 open it in five years when i did that i CmH3k7lIK30-01589-00363744-00363967 was floored i actually didn't need to re CmH3k7lIK30-01590-00363968-00364175 i didn't need to open it but i did open CmH3k7lIK30-01591-00364176-00364358 it and i did CmH3k7lIK30-01592-00364359-00364487 so CmH3k7lIK30-01593-00364488-00364695 i accomplished so many things i didn't CmH3k7lIK30-01594-00364696-00364878 pay off my mom's durango but i bought CmH3k7lIK30-01595-00364879-00365119 her a car um i paid my mom three CmH3k7lIK30-01596-00365120-00365263 thousand dollars a month for being my CmH3k7lIK30-01597-00365264-00365527 bookkeeper which would have cost me 500. CmH3k7lIK30-01598-00365528-00365758 um i did all of these amazing things and CmH3k7lIK30-01599-00365759-00365967 for me my mom is always included in my CmH3k7lIK30-01600-00365968-00366191 goals and what i want to do and like the CmH3k7lIK30-01601-00366192-00366310 money that i want to make and what i CmH3k7lIK30-01602-00366311-00366471 want to do with that money because i CmH3k7lIK30-01603-00366472-00366623 believe i wouldn't be here doing what i CmH3k7lIK30-01604-00366624-00366806 do if it wasn't for her CmH3k7lIK30-01605-00366807-00367006 because she's the woman she is i'm the CmH3k7lIK30-01606-00367007-00367430 woman i am CmH3k7lIK30-01607-00367431-00367591 yeah CmH3k7lIK30-01608-00367592-00367830 yeah exactly vera i love that you say CmH3k7lIK30-01609-00367831-00368087 that so you know vera says it's much CmH3k7lIK30-01610-00368088-00368295 better giving me seven days than CmH3k7lIK30-01611-00368296-00368519 demanding it on the spot so i'm not ever CmH3k7lIK30-01612-00368520-00368863 going so the little like shift isn't CmH3k7lIK30-01613-00368864-00369015 so i kind of get what you're saying but CmH3k7lIK30-01614-00369016-00369182 i want to make some clarity CmH3k7lIK30-01615-00369183-00369399 when coaching with me like let's say and CmH3k7lIK30-01616-00369400-00369591 shift happens or even one-on-one i'm CmH3k7lIK30-01617-00369592-00369743 never going to ask you those questions CmH3k7lIK30-01618-00369744-00369919 and send you off to answer them i still CmH3k7lIK30-01619-00369920-00370175 don't even do it that way i get to know CmH3k7lIK30-01620-00370176-00370391 you and i get connected with your CmH3k7lIK30-01621-00370392-00370623 intuition and your ink so well that i CmH3k7lIK30-01622-00370624-00370934 can tell you exactly the steps to take CmH3k7lIK30-01623-00370935-00371182 we can boycott the [__] questions and CmH3k7lIK30-01624-00371183-00371439 go straight to the steps to take i think CmH3k7lIK30-01625-00371440-00371654 that a great coach CmH3k7lIK30-01626-00371655-00371839 can do that CmH3k7lIK30-01627-00371840-00372078 consultant a great life changer that's CmH3k7lIK30-01628-00372079-00372263 why i call myself a soul healer because CmH3k7lIK30-01629-00372264-00372430 i'm like i don't know i don't but i CmH3k7lIK30-01630-00372431-00372647 think a great coach CmH3k7lIK30-01631-00372648-00372878 can do that right and say you know i can CmH3k7lIK30-01632-00372879-00373063 bypass that but but i don't think a lot CmH3k7lIK30-01633-00373064-00373271 of people can do that and so when those CmH3k7lIK30-01634-00373272-00373582 question coaching comes a lot from CmH3k7lIK30-01635-00373583-00373743 certification like when you go get CmH3k7lIK30-01636-00373744-00373854 certified CmH3k7lIK30-01637-00373855-00374023 i've looked at so many certification CmH3k7lIK30-01638-00374024-00374191 programs and i hate them CmH3k7lIK30-01639-00374192-00374358 so you want me to spend an entire CmH3k7lIK30-01640-00374359-00374582 session asking questions you got to be CmH3k7lIK30-01641-00374583-00374791 [__] kidding me i could get to the CmH3k7lIK30-01642-00374792-00374958 bottom of it in 30 minutes give her her CmH3k7lIK30-01643-00374959-00375167 massive action plan and she's gonna kill CmH3k7lIK30-01644-00375168-00375430 it CmH3k7lIK30-01645-00375431-00375534 all right let's see what you guys are CmH3k7lIK30-01646-00375535-00376087 saying CmH3k7lIK30-01647-00376088-00376558 i suck at all those things CmH3k7lIK30-01648-00376559-00376758 i know you're stuck so do a down CmH3k7lIK30-01649-00376759-00376934 meditation stage the [__] out of CmH3k7lIK30-01650-00376935-00377110 yourself and then write yourself a power CmH3k7lIK30-01651-00377111-00377334 letter this is where you're stuck right CmH3k7lIK30-01652-00377335-00377527 now maya and i'm so glad you're going CmH3k7lIK30-01653-00377528-00377606 through CmH3k7lIK30-01654-00377607-00377854 the shift happens the upgraded shift CmH3k7lIK30-01655-00377855-00378063 happens because CmH3k7lIK30-01656-00378064-00378382 you've done so much amazing work CmH3k7lIK30-01657-00378383-00378639 in all the other areas of your life CmH3k7lIK30-01658-00378640-00378927 and the one place you haven't done very CmH3k7lIK30-01659-00378928-00379054 good work CmH3k7lIK30-01660-00379055-00379327 is the relationship with yourself CmH3k7lIK30-01661-00379328-00379630 i feel major disconnection between you CmH3k7lIK30-01662-00379631-00379727 and you CmH3k7lIK30-01663-00379728-00379967 i think that you have put up a good CmH3k7lIK30-01664-00379968-00380191 face for yourself with yourself for CmH3k7lIK30-01665-00380192-00380382 yourself by yourself CmH3k7lIK30-01666-00380383-00380599 and you've convinced yourself that the CmH3k7lIK30-01667-00380600-00380815 levels that you've gotten to are good CmH3k7lIK30-01668-00380816-00380934 enough CmH3k7lIK30-01669-00380935-00381110 but you've almost CmH3k7lIK30-01670-00381111-00381399 bypassed you in your journey CmH3k7lIK30-01671-00381400-00381527 and this is gonna sound weird you're CmH3k7lIK30-01672-00381528-00381654 like what the [__] are you talking about CmH3k7lIK30-01673-00381655-00381878 i do my daily power up i'm doing what CmH3k7lIK30-01674-00381879-00382095 you tell me to do yeah CmH3k7lIK30-01675-00382096-00382271 but something you said earlier in this CmH3k7lIK30-01676-00382272-00382439 workshop CmH3k7lIK30-01677-00382440-00382663 completely confirms what i'm saying CmH3k7lIK30-01678-00382664-00382775 right now CmH3k7lIK30-01679-00382776-00382878 you say CmH3k7lIK30-01680-00382879-00383247 i don't go so go so deep in my everyday CmH3k7lIK30-01681-00383248-00383334 life CmH3k7lIK30-01682-00383335-00383534 that tells me that when you're taking CmH3k7lIK30-01683-00383535-00383695 these actions you're going through the CmH3k7lIK30-01684-00383696-00383902 motion not that you don't want to do CmH3k7lIK30-01685-00383903-00384063 them or that you're not connected to CmH3k7lIK30-01686-00384064-00384295 them but you're not connecting them to CmH3k7lIK30-01687-00384296-00384534 the deeper version of you CmH3k7lIK30-01688-00384535-00384615 one CmH3k7lIK30-01689-00384616-00384734 and two CmH3k7lIK30-01690-00384735-00384934 i think there's a lot about yourself CmH3k7lIK30-01691-00384935-00385158 truly that you don't really like that CmH3k7lIK30-01692-00385159-00385351 you haven't made peace with these are CmH3k7lIK30-01693-00385352-00385558 all the things that just like downloaded CmH3k7lIK30-01694-00385559-00385839 to me i never thought this about you CmH3k7lIK30-01695-00385840-00386087 well i wouldn't say before i i used to CmH3k7lIK30-01696-00386088-00386327 feel like this about you but i was CmH3k7lIK30-01697-00386328-00386567 pushing you from a different perspective CmH3k7lIK30-01698-00386568-00386823 that you needed at the time CmH3k7lIK30-01699-00386824-00387039 but then you almost had me convinced CmH3k7lIK30-01700-00387040-00387230 that what i'm saying right now isn't CmH3k7lIK30-01701-00387231-00387310 true CmH3k7lIK30-01702-00387311-00387510 but since being in this workshop CmH3k7lIK30-01703-00387511-00387710 specifically this time CmH3k7lIK30-01704-00387711-00387951 you have shown me a different side of CmH3k7lIK30-01705-00387952-00388287 you that's proving what i'm saying CmH3k7lIK30-01706-00388288-00388454 so CmH3k7lIK30-01707-00388455-00388647 the next CmH3k7lIK30-01708-00388648-00388871 version of your journey for your next CmH3k7lIK30-01709-00388872-00389039 level maya CmH3k7lIK30-01710-00389040-00389319 is that self-connection CmH3k7lIK30-01711-00389320-00389519 that soul connection CmH3k7lIK30-01712-00389520-00389854 that actually loving yourself aside CmH3k7lIK30-01713-00389855-00389982 i think i mentioned this a little bit CmH3k7lIK30-01714-00389983-00390110 when it came to the horses that CmH3k7lIK30-01715-00390111-00390358 codependency you're having a me day but CmH3k7lIK30-01716-00390359-00390495 really not you're hanging out with your CmH3k7lIK30-01717-00390496-00390678 buddies right when you're with the CmH3k7lIK30-01718-00390679-00390934 horses you're hanging out with people CmH3k7lIK30-01719-00390935-00391215 who fill you up and lift you up and CmH3k7lIK30-01720-00391216-00391351 you're not giving that to yourself and i CmH3k7lIK30-01721-00391352-00391502 think we talked about that in the last CmH3k7lIK30-01722-00391503-00391663 get your shift together workshop a CmH3k7lIK30-01723-00391664-00391975 couple of months ago CmH3k7lIK30-01724-00391976-00392582 so CmH3k7lIK30-01725-00392583-00392815 i get that it you feel like it's because CmH3k7lIK30-01726-00392816-00393054 you're out of power and it probably is CmH3k7lIK30-01727-00393055-00393239 partly because you're out of power but i CmH3k7lIK30-01728-00393240-00393375 also think the reason why you're CmH3k7lIK30-01729-00393376-00393510 struggling writing that letter to CmH3k7lIK30-01730-00393511-00393727 yourself is because you're actually not CmH3k7lIK30-01731-00393728-00393910 as connected with you CmH3k7lIK30-01732-00393911-00393999 as CmH3k7lIK30-01733-00394000-00394158 maybe you thought you were and that's CmH3k7lIK30-01734-00394159-00394399 okay this isn't like you're a piece of CmH3k7lIK30-01735-00394400-00394495 [__] CmH3k7lIK30-01736-00394496-00394743 um here's what's wrong with you this is CmH3k7lIK30-01737-00394744-00394830 okay CmH3k7lIK30-01738-00394831-00395039 here is the next step on your journey CmH3k7lIK30-01739-00395040-00395191 for growth okay CmH3k7lIK30-01740-00395192-00395343 i just want to say that because i don't CmH3k7lIK30-01741-00395344-00395695 ever want it to sound like CmH3k7lIK30-01742-00395696-00395863 you're broken CmH3k7lIK30-01743-00395864-00396158 so anytime i'm coaching you CmH3k7lIK30-01744-00396159-00396327 i'm not telling you you're broken unless CmH3k7lIK30-01745-00396328-00396591 i tell you you're broken i never coach CmH3k7lIK30-01746-00396592-00396830 from like smoke and mirrors what i'm CmH3k7lIK30-01747-00396831-00397087 saying is exactly what i mean and if i CmH3k7lIK30-01748-00397088-00397254 mean that you're broken and if you don't CmH3k7lIK30-01749-00397255-00397367 do something you're gonna end up CmH3k7lIK30-01750-00397368-00397615 committing suicide that i will tell you CmH3k7lIK30-01751-00397616-00397830 those exact words i'm not scared to and CmH3k7lIK30-01752-00397831-00397958 i'm not saying this why i'm saying this CmH3k7lIK30-01753-00397959-00398287 to all of you i am never coaching you in CmH3k7lIK30-01754-00398288-00398399 um CmH3k7lIK30-01755-00398400-00398575 saying something but i really want to CmH3k7lIK30-01756-00398576-00398782 say something else or saying something CmH3k7lIK30-01757-00398783-00398967 and i really mean something else CmH3k7lIK30-01758-00398968-00399175 never i will always say exactly what i CmH3k7lIK30-01759-00399176-00399375 mean even if it upsets you and makes you CmH3k7lIK30-01760-00399376-00399519 decide you hate me and don't want CmH3k7lIK30-01761-00399520-00399734 anything to do with me as your coach CmH3k7lIK30-01762-00399735-00399934 kim says i did not get my map done last CmH3k7lIK30-01763-00399935-00400078 night either i would definitely go back CmH3k7lIK30-01764-00400079-00400230 and catch up on my missed assignments i CmH3k7lIK30-01765-00400231-00400399 did listen to the five-second rule all CmH3k7lIK30-01766-00400400-00400599 day while i was cleaning my house what CmH3k7lIK30-01767-00400600-00400871 do you think about five second rule kim CmH3k7lIK30-01768-00400872-00401071 vera i wrote my letter to myself an hour CmH3k7lIK30-01769-00401072-00401215 before this live because i haven't been CmH3k7lIK30-01770-00401216-00401399 feeling good and got a nasty cold so CmH3k7lIK30-01771-00401400-00401567 i've been focusing on getting myself to CmH3k7lIK30-01772-00401568-00401767 feel better i feel bad for not working CmH3k7lIK30-01773-00401768-00402006 on myself the way i should but i do know CmH3k7lIK30-01774-00402007-00402151 that focus on getting my health back is CmH3k7lIK30-01775-00402152-00402423 important yeah i mean CmH3k7lIK30-01776-00402424-00402647 okay so let's talk about CmH3k7lIK30-01777-00402648-00402743 good CmH3k7lIK30-01778-00402744-00402967 constructive beat yourself up and CmH3k7lIK30-01779-00402968-00403215 destructive beat yourself up when you're CmH3k7lIK30-01780-00403216-00403367 sick CmH3k7lIK30-01781-00403368-00403543 not doing your daily power up but not CmH3k7lIK30-01782-00403544-00403782 doing this and not doing that CmH3k7lIK30-01783-00403783-00404030 you get a pass right because your whole CmH3k7lIK30-01784-00404031-00404230 focus when you are sick is to get CmH3k7lIK30-01785-00404231-00404478 yourself better so be careful with that CmH3k7lIK30-01786-00404479-00404654 destructive CmH3k7lIK30-01787-00404655-00404871 criticism that you're doing to yourself CmH3k7lIK30-01788-00404872-00405127 like no you should not be doing all this CmH3k7lIK30-01789-00405128-00405287 other stuff if you're not feeling good CmH3k7lIK30-01790-00405288-00405575 right all you you could do your best CmH3k7lIK30-01791-00405576-00405806 and you know maybe do something to CmH3k7lIK30-01792-00405807-00405975 continue moving forward which it sounds CmH3k7lIK30-01793-00405976-00406158 like you have and then be proud of what CmH3k7lIK30-01794-00406159-00406382 you did do so be careful with that CmH3k7lIK30-01795-00406383-00406575 kathy says i listened to mel robbins CmH3k7lIK30-01796-00406576-00406806 yesterday and today reading chapter four CmH3k7lIK30-01797-00406807-00406951 of the high five habit i'm loving that CmH3k7lIK30-01798-00406952-00407095 book it's amazing it really is an CmH3k7lIK30-01799-00407096-00407271 amazing book but i would not recommend CmH3k7lIK30-01800-00407272-00407495 high five abbott before five second rule CmH3k7lIK30-01801-00407496-00407695 five second rule should be first CmH3k7lIK30-01802-00407696-00407847 mercedes i have to watch last night's CmH3k7lIK30-01803-00407848-00408047 videos and do my map as i had a ladies CmH3k7lIK30-01804-00408048-00408239 night last night and wasn't it wasn't CmH3k7lIK30-01805-00408240-00408687 available yay CmH3k7lIK30-01806-00408688-00408774 yeah CmH3k7lIK30-01807-00408775-00408967 [Laughter] CmH3k7lIK30-01808-00408968-00409175 so maya has been CmH3k7lIK30-01809-00409176-00409399 since august so her ing has probably CmH3k7lIK30-01810-00409400-00409622 been before that when are you doing that CmH3k7lIK30-01811-00409623-00409830 program that i went through before at CmH3k7lIK30-01812-00409831-00409951 the time she couldn't remember what it CmH3k7lIK30-01813-00409952-00410207 was called i wanted i want she knew when CmH3k7lIK30-01814-00410208-00410399 i would describe it she knew that it was CmH3k7lIK30-01815-00410400-00410495 it but she couldn't remember what's CmH3k7lIK30-01816-00410496-00410630 called i was like i don't know when i'm CmH3k7lIK30-01817-00410631-00410814 doing it again it's probably maya's CmH3k7lIK30-01818-00410815-00410959 fault that i am doing it again so you CmH3k7lIK30-01819-00410960-00411199 guys can all thank maya cause i haven't CmH3k7lIK30-01820-00411200-00411399 ran shift happens CmH3k7lIK30-01821-00411400-00411543 i don't i don't think i did it at all in CmH3k7lIK30-01822-00411543-00411887 2020 if i did it was early 2020 CmH3k7lIK30-01823-00411888-00412063 whenever you took it maya that was the CmH3k7lIK30-01824-00412064-00412214 last time i ran it CmH3k7lIK30-01825-00412215-00412374 um but yeah it does explain why you've CmH3k7lIK30-01826-00412375-00412526 been begging for this program because CmH3k7lIK30-01827-00412527-00412774 now your badass [__] is like okay i'm CmH3k7lIK30-01828-00412775-00412991 ready to [__] come out of here CmH3k7lIK30-01829-00412992-00413159 i i think you're ready for me to come CmH3k7lIK30-01830-00413160-00413382 out of here so let's go CmH3k7lIK30-01831-00413383-00413774 oh it was in seoul circle okay CmH3k7lIK30-01832-00413775-00414039 all right cool cool that was a great CmH3k7lIK30-01833-00414039-00414230 conversation thank you guys for being so CmH3k7lIK30-01834-00414231-00414414 active and commenting today it really CmH3k7lIK30-01835-00414415-00414526 gives me CmH3k7lIK30-01836-00414527-00414895 fire and passion so type me in the CmH3k7lIK30-01837-00414896-00415070 comments if you still need to write your CmH3k7lIK30-01838-00415071-00415295 letter to yourself okay so shout out me CmH3k7lIK30-01839-00415296-00415422 in the comments if you still need to CmH3k7lIK30-01840-00415423-00415639 write your letter CmH3k7lIK30-01841-00415639-00415870 kim says i'm loving it so far i actually CmH3k7lIK30-01842-00415871-00416014 talked to my mom this evening i was CmH3k7lIK30-01843-00416015-00416151 trying to convince her that she needs to CmH3k7lIK30-01844-00416152-00416351 start living by the five second rule too CmH3k7lIK30-01845-00416352-00416510 she's been sitting around watching tv CmH3k7lIK30-01846-00416512-00416695 all day i told her i really wanted her CmH3k7lIK30-01847-00416696-00416910 to listen to it too it would help push CmH3k7lIK30-01848-00416912-00417078 her out of her comfort zone she used to CmH3k7lIK30-01849-00417079-00417270 be very spontaneous and outgoing CmH3k7lIK30-01850-00417271-00417559 definitely not who she is anymore see CmH3k7lIK30-01851-00417560-00417766 that's the power of CmH3k7lIK30-01852-00417767-00418055 amazing things i say read five second CmH3k7lIK30-01853-00418056-00418263 rule listen to five second rule you say CmH3k7lIK30-01854-00418264-00418399 okay i'm gonna trust you i'm gonna do it CmH3k7lIK30-01855-00418400-00418559 then you do it you're like oh my god CmH3k7lIK30-01856-00418560-00418695 this person needs to listen this person CmH3k7lIK30-01857-00418696-00418799 needs a list you know what i mean and CmH3k7lIK30-01858-00418800-00419207 you just it just starts uh CmH3k7lIK30-01859-00419208-00419503 infiltrating everything and i absolutely CmH3k7lIK30-01860-00419504-00419622 love that CmH3k7lIK30-01861-00419623-00419895 so yesterday we got to the end of this CmH3k7lIK30-01862-00419896-00420279 session and we had gone over the CmH3k7lIK30-01863-00420280-00420495 core desired feelings that you came off CmH3k7lIK30-01864-00420496-00420759 up with off the cuff i want you guys to CmH3k7lIK30-01865-00420760-00420966 throw down in the chat CmH3k7lIK30-01866-00420967-00421222 what your core desired feelings are now CmH3k7lIK30-01867-00421223-00421463 that it's been about 24 hours since we CmH3k7lIK30-01868-00421464-00421766 had that discussion i want to look at CmH3k7lIK30-01869-00421767-00421959 what you guys now have as your core CmH3k7lIK30-01870-00421960-00422183 desired fillings and just CmH3k7lIK30-01871-00422184-00422343 riff off of anything that comes up for CmH3k7lIK30-01872-00422343-00422510 me when i read them so go ahead and CmH3k7lIK30-01873-00422512-00422647 throw down your core desired fillings CmH3k7lIK30-01874-00422647-00422855 that you have now you've had 24 hours CmH3k7lIK30-01875-00422856-00423063 and we um talked about that and came up CmH3k7lIK30-01876-00423064-00423239 with those when CmH3k7lIK30-01877-00423239-00423503 um in yesterday's session the five CmH3k7lIK30-01878-00423504-00423751 second rule is a book by mel robbins i CmH3k7lIK30-01879-00423752-00423918 have actually been talking about it all CmH3k7lIK30-01880-00423919-00424135 week mercedes CmH3k7lIK30-01881-00424135-00424303 um it's also been part of the massive CmH3k7lIK30-01882-00424304-00424495 action plan so CmH3k7lIK30-01883-00424496-00424631 yes CmH3k7lIK30-01884-00424632-00424766 yes yes yes CmH3k7lIK30-01885-00424767-00425375 a book CmH3k7lIK30-01886-00425376-00425622 okay so your three core desired fillings CmH3k7lIK30-01887-00425623-00425927 if you guys will drop those and then we CmH3k7lIK30-01888-00425928-00426191 are going to transition CmH3k7lIK30-01889-00426192-00426295 into CmH3k7lIK30-01890-00426296-00426847 fear CmH3k7lIK30-01891-00426847-00427022 oh my gosh i can't believe this is our CmH3k7lIK30-01892-00427023-00427151 last day CmH3k7lIK30-01893-00427152-00427359 this would be a tinge longer of an uh CmH3k7lIK30-01894-00427360-00427852 session but it it shouldn't be two hours CmH3k7lIK30-01895-00427853-00428055 [Music] CmH3k7lIK30-01896-00428056-00428183 i'm just waiting for your guys core CmH3k7lIK30-01897-00428184-00428391 desired feelings to come in because i CmH3k7lIK30-01898-00428392-00428535 don't want to start talking about fear CmH3k7lIK30-01899-00428535-00428703 and then bounce back to core desired CmH3k7lIK30-01900-00428704-00429295 fillings CmH3k7lIK30-01901-00429296-00429503 yeah it's on audible it's on kindle it's CmH3k7lIK30-01902-00429504-00429822 on in amazon it's everywhere yeah CmH3k7lIK30-01903-00429823-00430063 you can get it everywhere are you guys CmH3k7lIK30-01904-00430064-00430199 gonna comment with your core desired CmH3k7lIK30-01905-00430200-00430424 fillings hurry up CmH3k7lIK30-01906-00430425-00430831 [Laughter] CmH3k7lIK30-01907-00430832-00431095 i only have so much fluid to drink while CmH3k7lIK30-01908-00431096-00431303 i wait for you CmH3k7lIK30-01909-00431304-00431559 okay so angie says fun CmH3k7lIK30-01910-00431560-00431839 financial abundance so i would change it CmH3k7lIK30-01911-00431839-00432007 it either needs to be financially CmH3k7lIK30-01912-00432008-00432343 abundant or financial abundance CmH3k7lIK30-01913-00432343-00432647 and then align do you like a line or do CmH3k7lIK30-01914-00432647-00432863 you want it to be alignment CmH3k7lIK30-01915-00432864-00433183 is it a tune or is it a line CmH3k7lIK30-01916-00433184-00433495 is it a live or is it a line CmH3k7lIK30-01917-00433496-00433655 is it consistent CmH3k7lIK30-01918-00433656-00433951 or is it a line CmH3k7lIK30-01919-00433952-00434083 is CmH3k7lIK30-01920-00434084-00434343 it connected CmH3k7lIK30-01921-00434343-00434799 or is it a line CmH3k7lIK30-01922-00434800-00434951 so i just want to kind of push you on CmH3k7lIK30-01923-00434952-00435110 that one but i would edit it it's CmH3k7lIK30-01924-00435112-00435383 financially abundant or financial CmH3k7lIK30-01925-00435384-00435918 abundance CmH3k7lIK30-01926-00435919-00436183 any other core desired feelings from CmH3k7lIK30-01927-00436184-00436318 yesterday CmH3k7lIK30-01928-00436319-00436559 yay nay CmH3k7lIK30-01929-00436560-00436799 okay so let's change a line to CmH3k7lIK30-01930-00436800-00436935 consistent CmH3k7lIK30-01931-00436935-00437047 cool CmH3k7lIK30-01932-00437047-00437214 so we have fun CmH3k7lIK30-01933-00437215-00437655 financial abundance and consistent CmH3k7lIK30-01934-00437656-00437847 or connected right because align and CmH3k7lIK30-01935-00437847-00438039 connected are like CmH3k7lIK30-01936-00438039-00438255 when you say aligned it sounds like CmH3k7lIK30-01937-00438256-00438495 you're saying you want things to CmH3k7lIK30-01938-00438496-00438759 feel good and line up in a way that you CmH3k7lIK30-01939-00438760-00438983 are successful right CmH3k7lIK30-01940-00438984-00439255 so CmH3k7lIK30-01941-00439256-00440935 connected intentional reborn CmH3k7lIK30-01942-00440935-00441087 i'm just trying to think i know i just CmH3k7lIK30-01943-00441088-00441327 got quiet for probably too long on a CmH3k7lIK30-01944-00441328-00441487 podcast but i'm doing my best to think CmH3k7lIK30-01945-00441488-00441631 about CmH3k7lIK30-01946-00441632-00441887 a word for you which is not going to CmH3k7lIK30-01947-00441888-00442135 work maya i want you to find a word for CmH3k7lIK30-01948-00442135-00442327 yourself that CmH3k7lIK30-01949-00442328-00442622 is about self-love self-confidence CmH3k7lIK30-01950-00442623-00442863 soul-connected something along those CmH3k7lIK30-01951-00442864-00442975 lines CmH3k7lIK30-01952-00442976-00443151 that you connect to CmH3k7lIK30-01953-00443152-00443310 is one of your core desired feelings i CmH3k7lIK30-01954-00443312-00443551 think reborn is that but CmH3k7lIK30-01955-00443552-00443759 it's a det i feel like reborn is CmH3k7lIK30-01956-00443760-00444159 detached CmH3k7lIK30-01957-00444160-00444255 um CmH3k7lIK30-01958-00444256-00444455 no CmH3k7lIK30-01959-00444456-00444535 it's CmH3k7lIK30-01960-00444535-00444951 abundance CmH3k7lIK30-01961-00444952-00445207 there you go CmH3k7lIK30-01962-00445208-00445335 empowered CmH3k7lIK30-01963-00445335-00445527 unstoppable CmH3k7lIK30-01964-00445528-00445639 freedom CmH3k7lIK30-01965-00445639-00445814 i think freedom and unstoppable are CmH3k7lIK30-01966-00445815-00445959 still the same CmH3k7lIK30-01967-00445960-00446239 unless they actually mean something from CmH3k7lIK30-01968-00446239-00446407 different to you CmH3k7lIK30-01969-00446408-00446807 because um CmH3k7lIK30-01970-00446808-00447039 you're going to be unstoppable if you're CmH3k7lIK30-01971-00447039-00447166 free CmH3k7lIK30-01972-00447167-00447407 and if you're free you are unstoppable CmH3k7lIK30-01973-00447408-00447622 you can't have one without the other so CmH3k7lIK30-01974-00447623-00447910 i still feel like they're a lot the same CmH3k7lIK30-01975-00447912-00447999 um CmH3k7lIK30-01976-00448000-00448175 sit with whichever one of those feels CmH3k7lIK30-01977-00448176-00448495 better for you and then run with it CmH3k7lIK30-01978-00448496-00448687 all right so CmH3k7lIK30-01979-00448688-00448814 abundant CmH3k7lIK30-01980-00448815-00448935 valued CmH3k7lIK30-01981-00448935-00449135 energized CmH3k7lIK30-01982-00449135-00449479 yeah i like liberated CmH3k7lIK30-01983-00449480-00449991 i like liberated CmH3k7lIK30-01984-00449992-00450151 so i would put CmH3k7lIK30-01985-00450152-00450391 a liberated in place of reborn i'd say CmH3k7lIK30-01986-00450392-00450559 which would wha CmH3k7lIK30-01987-00450560-00450670 [__] a CmH3k7lIK30-01988-00450671-00450775 sit CmH3k7lIK30-01989-00450776-00451110 with whichever one say that five times CmH3k7lIK30-01990-00451112-00451199 fast CmH3k7lIK30-01991-00451200-00451447 sit with whichever one CmH3k7lIK30-01992-00451447-00451670 feels better to you CmH3k7lIK30-01993-00451671-00451918 reborn or liberated CmH3k7lIK30-01994-00451919-00452175 liberated to me is way more powerful CmH3k7lIK30-01995-00452176-00452775 than reborn in my professional opinion CmH3k7lIK30-01996-00452776-00453647 abundance valued energized CmH3k7lIK30-01997-00453647-00454031 hmm CmH3k7lIK30-01998-00454032-00454214 financial abundance okay so it's CmH3k7lIK30-01999-00454215-00454455 financial abundance and unstoppable CmH3k7lIK30-02000-00454456-00454679 that's what you have right now okay CmH3k7lIK30-02001-00454680-00455118 kathy i have no hits on yours so CmH3k7lIK30-02002-00455119-00455287 i think i think they're good i mean i CmH3k7lIK30-02003-00455288-00455479 think they're great i have no CmH3k7lIK30-02004-00455480-00455655 nothing came through CmH3k7lIK30-02005-00455656-00456295 consistent lovable motivated CmH3k7lIK30-02006-00456296-00456470 i don't think you can be motivated and CmH3k7lIK30-02007-00456471-00456655 not be consistent CmH3k7lIK30-02008-00456656-00456887 because usually consistence you don't CmH3k7lIK30-02009-00456888-00457039 you're not consistent because you're not CmH3k7lIK30-02010-00457039-00457199 motivated CmH3k7lIK30-02011-00457200-00457439 so i think you could choose CmH3k7lIK30-02012-00457439-00457751 between consistent and motivated CmH3k7lIK30-02013-00457752-00457943 but be careful because the core desired CmH3k7lIK30-02014-00457943-00458455 feeling of lovable CmH3k7lIK30-02015-00458456-00458695 means that you don't feel like you are CmH3k7lIK30-02016-00458696-00458879 and you want to feel lovable i'm not CmH3k7lIK30-02017-00458880-00459031 saying not to have that core desired CmH3k7lIK30-02018-00459032-00459287 feeling but i definitely want to see CmH3k7lIK30-02019-00459288-00459470 more powerful CmH3k7lIK30-02020-00459471-00459735 core desired fillings surrounding yours CmH3k7lIK30-02021-00459735-00459887 mercedes CmH3k7lIK30-02022-00459888-00460079 i would choose between motivated and CmH3k7lIK30-02023-00460080-00460255 consistent maybe read the definitions of CmH3k7lIK30-02024-00460256-00460487 those two and see what comes up for you CmH3k7lIK30-02025-00460488-00460703 and then sit in with another one or two CmH3k7lIK30-02026-00460704-00460918 core desired fillings i want i feel for CmH3k7lIK30-02027-00460919-00461007 you CmH3k7lIK30-02028-00461008-00461247 you're gonna land at four or five core CmH3k7lIK30-02029-00461247-00461566 desired fillings that are powerful so i CmH3k7lIK30-02030-00461567-00461807 want you to go back to the drawing board CmH3k7lIK30-02031-00461808-00461951 and build them up CmH3k7lIK30-02032-00461952-00462135 okay so we're gonna go with lovable CmH3k7lIK30-02033-00462135-00462279 motivated CmH3k7lIK30-02034-00462280-00462607 and then i i feel you have four or five CmH3k7lIK30-02035-00462608-00462799 total CmH3k7lIK30-02036-00462800-00462943 centered CmH3k7lIK30-02037-00462943-00463087 intentional CmH3k7lIK30-02038-00463088-00463247 and liberated CmH3k7lIK30-02039-00463247-00463735 did you just change yours CmH3k7lIK30-02040-00463735-00464007 yeah you did okay CmH3k7lIK30-02041-00464008-00464359 unfiltered and to see okay you guys can CmH3k7lIK30-02042-00464360-00464510 literally CmH3k7lIK30-02043-00464512-00464614 watch CmH3k7lIK30-02044-00464615-00464879 maya going through the process CmH3k7lIK30-02045-00464880-00464983 right now CmH3k7lIK30-02046-00464984-00465127 of drilling down her core desired CmH3k7lIK30-02047-00465128-00465318 feelings if you go through this chat you CmH3k7lIK30-02048-00465319-00465518 can see her go through the process CmH3k7lIK30-02049-00465519-00465710 because listen i'm gonna say it out loud CmH3k7lIK30-02050-00465712-00465935 for the people on the podcast connected CmH3k7lIK30-02051-00465935-00466166 intentional reborn CmH3k7lIK30-02052-00466167-00466383 then connected with self CmH3k7lIK30-02053-00466384-00466670 then she says liberated right then she CmH3k7lIK30-02054-00466671-00466903 says centered intentional liberated then CmH3k7lIK30-02055-00466904-00467118 she comes back and says unfiltered CmH3k7lIK30-02056-00467119-00467383 intentional liberated but before she CmH3k7lIK30-02057-00467384-00467495 writes CmH3k7lIK30-02058-00467496-00467703 unfiltered she goes oh CmH3k7lIK30-02059-00467704-00467943 unfiltered intentional and liberated i CmH3k7lIK30-02060-00467943-00468103 know the tone she did it in i know the CmH3k7lIK30-02061-00468104-00468318 energy that she used because i can read CmH3k7lIK30-02062-00468319-00468639 it when she put when she wrote oh CmH3k7lIK30-02063-00468639-00468814 done those are your core desired CmH3k7lIK30-02064-00468815-00468918 feelings CmH3k7lIK30-02065-00468919-00469239 unfiltered so see that so further down CmH3k7lIK30-02066-00469239-00469455 in the soul intentional in the actions CmH3k7lIK30-02067-00469456-00469710 that you take and just that oh my god CmH3k7lIK30-02068-00469712-00469935 this is so amazing that's what i think CmH3k7lIK30-02069-00469935-00470199 of when i think of liberated right oh my CmH3k7lIK30-02070-00470200-00470518 god yes you know that that like CmH3k7lIK30-02071-00470519-00470759 i can't even think of that word or like CmH3k7lIK30-02072-00470760-00470983 if everything's heavy liberated is like CmH3k7lIK30-02073-00470984-00471110 um CmH3k7lIK30-02074-00471112-00471263 thank you CmH3k7lIK30-02075-00471264-00471543 that you are gone yes i'm like but do CmH3k7lIK30-02076-00471543-00471783 you see how i can't talk about liberated CmH3k7lIK30-02077-00471784-00471943 without the smile CmH3k7lIK30-02078-00471943-00472214 that's it's such a great word so i i'm CmH3k7lIK30-02079-00472215-00472422 so i'm loving those i'm loving those a CmH3k7lIK30-02080-00472423-00472607 lot CmH3k7lIK30-02081-00472608-00472918 okay vera healthy as good as one of them CmH3k7lIK30-02082-00472919-00473127 with core desired feelings you will have CmH3k7lIK30-02083-00473128-00473270 three to five CmH3k7lIK30-02084-00473271-00473575 one is not enough okay CmH3k7lIK30-02085-00473576-00474007 so CmH3k7lIK30-02086-00474008-00474270 i think that peaceful or freedom or CmH3k7lIK30-02087-00474271-00474559 peace are free one of those is also part CmH3k7lIK30-02088-00474560-00474935 of your core desired feelings vera um CmH3k7lIK30-02089-00474935-00475214 confident is probably or along the CmH3k7lIK30-02090-00475215-00475463 confident line is another core desired CmH3k7lIK30-02091-00475464-00475622 feeling just based off of what we've CmH3k7lIK30-02092-00475623-00475855 talked about this week those are a CmH3k7lIK30-02093-00475856-00476063 couple that came up for me as other ones CmH3k7lIK30-02094-00476064-00476166 for you CmH3k7lIK30-02095-00476167-00476366 all right so moving into fear CmH3k7lIK30-02096-00476367-00476518 the first thing that i want to tell you CmH3k7lIK30-02097-00476519-00476775 and right off the bat and like i said CmH3k7lIK30-02098-00476776-00476959 i'm going to be using my notes here CmH3k7lIK30-02099-00476960-00477151 because i don't do a lot of fear i'm CmH3k7lIK30-02100-00477152-00477287 really like CmH3k7lIK30-02101-00477288-00477487 quick and you know concise when it comes CmH3k7lIK30-02102-00477488-00477718 to fear because in my mind CmH3k7lIK30-02103-00477719-00477910 it's a field of fear and do it anyways CmH3k7lIK30-02104-00477912-00478143 face everything and rise right CmH3k7lIK30-02105-00478143-00478327 false evidence appearing real there's CmH3k7lIK30-02106-00478328-00478535 not a lot to talk about when it comes to CmH3k7lIK30-02107-00478535-00478807 fear in my mind so i wrote out some CmH3k7lIK30-02108-00478808-00478966 really powerful notes so i'm gonna CmH3k7lIK30-02109-00478967-00479127 follow those CmH3k7lIK30-02110-00479128-00479422 yes oh you already do feel peaceful that CmH3k7lIK30-02111-00479423-00479710 is even more awesome i think it's again CmH3k7lIK30-02112-00479712-00479899 we're back to this weird CmH3k7lIK30-02113-00479900-00480095 discombobulation with you vera because CmH3k7lIK30-02114-00480096-00480263 you feel peaceful but your life is a CmH3k7lIK30-02115-00480264-00480599 chaotic you feel like you're you have so CmH3k7lIK30-02116-00480600-00480918 much time that's being taken from you so CmH3k7lIK30-02117-00480919-00481087 it's very interesting normally people CmH3k7lIK30-02118-00481088-00481327 don't feel peaceful when that is and i CmH3k7lIK30-02119-00481328-00481535 have to figure out what it is with you CmH3k7lIK30-02120-00481535-00481791 and this contradiction you're like CmH3k7lIK30-02121-00481792-00481959 especially today CmH3k7lIK30-02122-00481960-00482166 i haven't really seen it this whole week CmH3k7lIK30-02123-00482167-00482422 but today in this session you've CmH3k7lIK30-02124-00482423-00482718 contradicted yourself the entire time CmH3k7lIK30-02125-00482719-00482895 and CmH3k7lIK30-02126-00482896-00483135 my challenge with that CmH3k7lIK30-02127-00483135-00483247 is CmH3k7lIK30-02128-00483247-00483543 you're not telling the truth to yourself CmH3k7lIK30-02129-00483543-00483687 somewhere CmH3k7lIK30-02130-00483688-00483814 because you've been a complete CmH3k7lIK30-02131-00483815-00484031 contradiction and now this is like the CmH3k7lIK30-02132-00484032-00484175 third time i've caught it so now i'm CmH3k7lIK30-02133-00484176-00484407 like i don't understand CmH3k7lIK30-02134-00484408-00484679 why i wish i could be like okay CmH3k7lIK30-02135-00484680-00484855 you know and just tell you but it's a CmH3k7lIK30-02136-00484856-00485135 complete contradiction you feel CmH3k7lIK30-02137-00485135-00485214 like CmH3k7lIK30-02138-00485215-00485383 um i actually think it was earlier this CmH3k7lIK30-02139-00485384-00485543 week about CmH3k7lIK30-02140-00485543-00485783 how close you are with your boyfriend CmH3k7lIK30-02141-00485784-00486055 and the cuddle chat time right oh well CmH3k7lIK30-02142-00486056-00486191 we do that you know talk about that CmH3k7lIK30-02143-00486192-00486327 other every day and then when we got it CmH3k7lIK30-02144-00486328-00486566 drilled down it was you know asking him CmH3k7lIK30-02145-00486567-00486735 if he's happy with you i think it was CmH3k7lIK30-02146-00486735-00487103 every day right but then we got to the CmH3k7lIK30-02147-00487104-00487231 fear CmH3k7lIK30-02148-00487232-00487479 that he's gonna leave you CmH3k7lIK30-02149-00487480-00487679 and so CmH3k7lIK30-02150-00487680-00487951 you are a contradiction if i was talking CmH3k7lIK30-02151-00487952-00488175 to you in a breakthrough session CmH3k7lIK30-02152-00488176-00488343 one-on-one CmH3k7lIK30-02153-00488343-00488543 i could break through whatever this this CmH3k7lIK30-02154-00488543-00488727 [__] is but there's a lot of CmH3k7lIK30-02155-00488728-00489007 [__] here that i can't get because i CmH3k7lIK30-02156-00489008-00489166 can't hear your voice and i can't see CmH3k7lIK30-02157-00489167-00489399 your face i think seeing your face i'd CmH3k7lIK30-02158-00489400-00489583 be able to clear all the way out and CmH3k7lIK30-02159-00489584-00489703 know for sure CmH3k7lIK30-02160-00489704-00489839 but CmH3k7lIK30-02161-00489839-00490083 hear me when i tell you CmH3k7lIK30-02162-00490084-00490255 that CmH3k7lIK30-02163-00490256-00490510 the issue is you not being honest with CmH3k7lIK30-02164-00490512-00490791 yourself i know that for sure i just CmH3k7lIK30-02165-00490792-00491070 don't know which side is real and which CmH3k7lIK30-02166-00491071-00491295 side is the dishonesty but it's CmH3k7lIK30-02167-00491296-00491487 definitely not being honest with CmH3k7lIK30-02168-00491488-00491743 yourself and that is the reason why CmH3k7lIK30-02169-00491743-00491887 you're stuck CmH3k7lIK30-02170-00491888-00492031 and that's why you're struggling right CmH3k7lIK30-02171-00492032-00492239 now and have been for however long it's CmH3k7lIK30-02172-00492239-00492431 been is because you you're just not CmH3k7lIK30-02173-00492432-00492599 honest with yourself CmH3k7lIK30-02174-00492600-00492783 either you really are peaceful and you CmH3k7lIK30-02175-00492784-00492999 actually feel good but you don't feel CmH3k7lIK30-02176-00493000-00493143 comfortable with those feelings so you CmH3k7lIK30-02177-00493143-00493318 try and hold yourself back and hold CmH3k7lIK30-02178-00493319-00493551 yourself down right by the other things CmH3k7lIK30-02179-00493552-00493655 that you say CmH3k7lIK30-02180-00493656-00493775 undo CmH3k7lIK30-02181-00493776-00493887 or CmH3k7lIK30-02182-00493888-00494191 you strive to feel peaceful right CmH3k7lIK30-02183-00494192-00494287 but CmH3k7lIK30-02184-00494288-00494462 you don't really feel that way CmH3k7lIK30-02185-00494463-00494647 and you want to feel that way you want CmH3k7lIK30-02186-00494647-00494735 to CmH3k7lIK30-02187-00494735-00494975 feel let's say power time all the way CmH3k7lIK30-02188-00494976-00495143 down but CmH3k7lIK30-02189-00495143-00495327 you don't really feel that way or i do CmH3k7lIK30-02190-00495328-00495535 like every now and then so CmH3k7lIK30-02191-00495535-00495766 you know what i mean so we got to figure CmH3k7lIK30-02192-00495767-00496079 this out because this is your challenge CmH3k7lIK30-02193-00496080-00496295 this is your CmH3k7lIK30-02194-00496296-00496414 issue CmH3k7lIK30-02195-00496415-00496631 the complete contradiction that happens CmH3k7lIK30-02196-00496632-00496799 within you even if i'm not around CmH3k7lIK30-02197-00496800-00496991 bringing it out it's happening within CmH3k7lIK30-02198-00496992-00497335 you all the time and CmH3k7lIK30-02199-00497335-00497479 that's what needs to be worked through CmH3k7lIK30-02200-00497480-00497670 right there CmH3k7lIK30-02201-00497671-00497879 yes CmH3k7lIK30-02202-00497880-00498143 grounded would be a great word because CmH3k7lIK30-02203-00498143-00498455 when i think of you like feeling your CmH3k7lIK30-02204-00498456-00498647 energy through the screen CmH3k7lIK30-02205-00498647-00498918 i feel like CmH3k7lIK30-02206-00498919-00499062 or CmH3k7lIK30-02207-00499063-00499255 my i want to like do this with my hands CmH3k7lIK30-02208-00499256-00499462 so i want to be high not low where the CmH3k7lIK30-02209-00499463-00499718 ground is right i want to do like this CmH3k7lIK30-02210-00499719-00500062 so i feel like CmH3k7lIK30-02211-00500063-00500343 i hate saying this so please don't take CmH3k7lIK30-02212-00500343-00500527 it the wrong way because my heart is CmH3k7lIK30-02213-00500528-00500670 completely in the right place or i CmH3k7lIK30-02214-00500671-00500822 wouldn't even be [__] talking to be CmH3k7lIK30-02215-00500823-00501152 like you're [__] up but you are CmH3k7lIK30-02216-00501153-00501335 [Music] CmH3k7lIK30-02217-00501335-00501487 what was this a um that i was just gonna CmH3k7lIK30-02218-00501488-00501759 say CmH3k7lIK30-02219-00501760-00501862 i don't know i can't think of what the CmH3k7lIK30-02220-00501863-00502055 word was but all you're all over the CmH3k7lIK30-02221-00502056-00502318 place right you're everywhere CmH3k7lIK30-02222-00502319-00502535 i and so i think grounded is a great CmH3k7lIK30-02223-00502535-00502743 word i think it's a great word we need CmH3k7lIK30-02224-00502743-00502895 to bring you like back what's your CmH3k7lIK30-02225-00502896-00503159 astrological sign vera this may help me CmH3k7lIK30-02226-00503160-00503262 a lot CmH3k7lIK30-02227-00503263-00503447 and if you say a gemini i'm gonna lose CmH3k7lIK30-02228-00503447-00503591 it CmH3k7lIK30-02229-00503592-00503679 right CmH3k7lIK30-02230-00503680-00503895 mercedes capable CmH3k7lIK30-02231-00503896-00504103 motivated CmH3k7lIK30-02232-00504104-00504487 loyal CmH3k7lIK30-02233-00504488-00504839 is it purpose or purposeful mercedes CmH3k7lIK30-02234-00504839-00505607 loved CmH3k7lIK30-02235-00505608-00506093 i don't know a lot about cancers CmH3k7lIK30-02236-00506095-00506255 [Music] CmH3k7lIK30-02237-00506256-00506422 okay bye CmH3k7lIK30-02238-00506423-00506566 catch the end because i haven't even CmH3k7lIK30-02239-00506567-00507062 gotten into fear yet purposeful okay CmH3k7lIK30-02240-00507063-00507351 if you're purposeful CmH3k7lIK30-02241-00507352-00507687 then i think you're going to be capable CmH3k7lIK30-02242-00507688-00507831 but if you're capable you're not CmH3k7lIK30-02243-00507832-00507959 purposeful CmH3k7lIK30-02244-00507960-00508159 i think you could do with with just CmH3k7lIK30-02245-00508160-00508279 purposeful CmH3k7lIK30-02246-00508280-00508591 motivated loyal and loved CmH3k7lIK30-02247-00508592-00508695 all right CmH3k7lIK30-02248-00508696-00508831 so here's the first thing i want to say CmH3k7lIK30-02249-00508832-00509095 to you fear is absolute CmH3k7lIK30-02250-00509096-00509447 [__] right it is fear is [__] CmH3k7lIK30-02251-00509447-00509614 and when you go out there and you say CmH3k7lIK30-02252-00509615-00509903 things like i fear failure i fear what CmH3k7lIK30-02253-00509904-00510087 people will think i fear that i'm not CmH3k7lIK30-02254-00510088-00510366 good enough CmH3k7lIK30-02255-00510367-00510670 well here's the truth you actually would CmH3k7lIK30-02256-00510671-00510879 not let fear stop you if you were CmH3k7lIK30-02257-00510880-00511118 certain of the result CmH3k7lIK30-02258-00511119-00511391 if you were certain of the result then CmH3k7lIK30-02259-00511392-00511599 you wouldn't say you feared failure you CmH3k7lIK30-02260-00511600-00511759 wouldn't say you feared what people CmH3k7lIK30-02261-00511760-00512039 thought you wouldn't say that you feared CmH3k7lIK30-02262-00512039-00512231 that you're not good enough it's the CmH3k7lIK30-02263-00512232-00512495 lack of not being certain that you CmH3k7lIK30-02264-00512496-00512814 equate fear to so you're uncertain you CmH3k7lIK30-02265-00512815-00513079 feel fear which means that you want to CmH3k7lIK30-02266-00513080-00513214 guarantee CmH3k7lIK30-02267-00513215-00513431 or you're not going to take action and CmH3k7lIK30-02268-00513432-00513695 that right there is why CmH3k7lIK30-02269-00513696-00513814 some of you CmH3k7lIK30-02270-00513815-00514207 that know you need want pulled to drawn CmH3k7lIK30-02271-00514208-00514295 to CmH3k7lIK30-02272-00514296-00514591 feel it in your soul CmH3k7lIK30-02273-00514592-00514839 for shift happens aren't in it yet CmH3k7lIK30-02274-00514839-00515062 because you're looking from the gear for CmH3k7lIK30-02275-00515063-00515303 the guarantee and that certainty CmH3k7lIK30-02276-00515304-00515631 that it is going to give you CmH3k7lIK30-02277-00515632-00515879 what you need true or false even if you CmH3k7lIK30-02278-00515880-00516079 guys have joined it did you think about CmH3k7lIK30-02279-00516080-00516375 that before true or false shout that out CmH3k7lIK30-02280-00516376-00516583 in the comments CmH3k7lIK30-02281-00516584-00516695 so CmH3k7lIK30-02282-00516696-00517055 trying not to be scared is like CmH3k7lIK30-02283-00517056-00517191 trying CmH3k7lIK30-02284-00517192-00517543 not to be curious you cannot banish it CmH3k7lIK30-02285-00517543-00517766 from your psyche so CmH3k7lIK30-02286-00517767-00518047 you might as well learn to rule it the CmH3k7lIK30-02287-00518047-00518183 one thing that people are always CmH3k7lIK30-02288-00518184-00518335 attempting to do CmH3k7lIK30-02289-00518335-00518422 is CmH3k7lIK30-02290-00518423-00518735 overcome fear banish fear ignore fear CmH3k7lIK30-02291-00518735-00519118 deny fear run away from fear like make CmH3k7lIK30-02292-00519119-00519407 it not part of life CmH3k7lIK30-02293-00519408-00519655 but here's the deal CmH3k7lIK30-02294-00519656-00519855 we want to know it notice fear and meet CmH3k7lIK30-02295-00519856-00519999 it directly CmH3k7lIK30-02296-00520000-00520191 while it's still an emotion not a CmH3k7lIK30-02297-00520192-00520479 behavior pay attention once fear becomes CmH3k7lIK30-02298-00520480-00520710 a behavior it's procrastination so you CmH3k7lIK30-02299-00520712-00520847 want to recognize it when it's still an CmH3k7lIK30-02300-00520847-00520983 emotion your stomach starts to bubble CmH3k7lIK30-02301-00520984-00521135 you get a little bit sick you get a CmH3k7lIK30-02302-00521135-00521270 little bit of dry mouth maybe you're CmH3k7lIK30-02303-00521271-00521543 shaking a little bit we want to confront CmH3k7lIK30-02304-00521543-00521622 or CmH3k7lIK30-02305-00521623-00521766 comfort fear CmH3k7lIK30-02306-00521767-00522095 diffuse it and transform it before it CmH3k7lIK30-02307-00522096-00522279 seeps into our actions and starts CmH3k7lIK30-02308-00522280-00522535 running the show so the key CmH3k7lIK30-02309-00522535-00522718 is to recognize it CmH3k7lIK30-02310-00522719-00522903 acknowledge it CmH3k7lIK30-02311-00522904-00523055 work through CmH3k7lIK30-02312-00523056-00523151 it CmH3k7lIK30-02313-00523152-00523359 we've always been taught that fear is a CmH3k7lIK30-02314-00523360-00523607 bad thing basically like stay away go CmH3k7lIK30-02315-00523608-00523814 away no no no you don't want to be CmH3k7lIK30-02316-00523815-00524118 around it right but the truth is CmH3k7lIK30-02317-00524119-00524431 fear is a good thing and it's actually a CmH3k7lIK30-02318-00524432-00524518 tool CmH3k7lIK30-02319-00524519-00524727 in moving through and moving forward but CmH3k7lIK30-02320-00524728-00524911 when you ignore it you get stuck and CmH3k7lIK30-02321-00524912-00525079 fear holds you back CmH3k7lIK30-02322-00525080-00525262 so what happens is you we often CmH3k7lIK30-02323-00525263-00525462 criticize ourselves for being fearful in CmH3k7lIK30-02324-00525463-00525679 the first place and that starts the CmH3k7lIK30-02325-00525680-00525879 stuck process CmH3k7lIK30-02326-00525880-00526183 you're told you should be stronger than CmH3k7lIK30-02327-00526184-00526335 you feel i'm weak CmH3k7lIK30-02328-00526336-00526679 i should be more confident by now CmH3k7lIK30-02329-00526680-00526895 well if this was the right thing to do i CmH3k7lIK30-02330-00526896-00527143 wouldn't be so scared it's a vicious CmH3k7lIK30-02331-00527144-00527255 cycle CmH3k7lIK30-02332-00527256-00527551 of denying what is CmH3k7lIK30-02333-00527552-00527687 so you have all these things that you're CmH3k7lIK30-02334-00527688-00527855 thinking i should be stronger i'm weak i CmH3k7lIK30-02335-00527856-00528022 should be more confident by now if this CmH3k7lIK30-02336-00528023-00528166 was the right thing to do i wouldn't be CmH3k7lIK30-02337-00528167-00528543 scared it's a vicious cycle of denying CmH3k7lIK30-02338-00528544-00528959 what is when you're scared start there CmH3k7lIK30-02339-00528960-00529318 look it in the eye if you deny it then CmH3k7lIK30-02340-00529319-00529511 it's gonna keep grabbing at your pant CmH3k7lIK30-02341-00529512-00529751 leg gnawing on your peace of mind and CmH3k7lIK30-02342-00529752-00530022 begging to be paid attention to which CmH3k7lIK30-02343-00530023-00530207 means it's managing you which means it's CmH3k7lIK30-02344-00530208-00530399 running you which means every decision CmH3k7lIK30-02345-00530400-00530599 that you do or don't make is being CmH3k7lIK30-02346-00530600-00530855 filtered through fear CmH3k7lIK30-02347-00530856-00531070 are you guys paying attention yes CmH3k7lIK30-02348-00531071-00531295 are you hearing me yes CmH3k7lIK30-02349-00531296-00531551 maya this is why you have ignored your CmH3k7lIK30-02350-00531552-00531847 relationship with yourself fear CmH3k7lIK30-02351-00531848-00532191 fear of what if i can never connect with CmH3k7lIK30-02352-00532192-00532351 her CmH3k7lIK30-02353-00532352-00532543 the way i truly want to CmH3k7lIK30-02354-00532544-00532839 what if i never actually love her CmH3k7lIK30-02355-00532840-00533327 then what will i do CmH3k7lIK30-02356-00533328-00533455 okay CmH3k7lIK30-02357-00533456-00533766 so fear is actually one of many emotions CmH3k7lIK30-02358-00533767-00534039 and all of which you can prioritize so CmH3k7lIK30-02359-00534040-00534199 what i want you to do and i got this out CmH3k7lIK30-02360-00534200-00534422 of daniella port's book the desire map CmH3k7lIK30-02361-00534423-00534607 and are not the desire map CmH3k7lIK30-02362-00534608-00534822 fire starter sessions and i absolutely CmH3k7lIK30-02363-00534823-00535103 love it so just stick with me um CmH3k7lIK30-02364-00535104-00535231 make sure you have no distractions CmH3k7lIK30-02365-00535232-00535351 because i want you to hear the story and CmH3k7lIK30-02366-00535352-00535543 i don't want you to be writing okay CmH3k7lIK30-02367-00535544-00535727 imagine that you're a team coach and CmH3k7lIK30-02368-00535728-00535903 you're giving your emotions a pep talk CmH3k7lIK30-02369-00535904-00536095 right before the game this is the CmH3k7lIK30-02370-00536096-00536391 coolest [__] thing i have ever heard CmH3k7lIK30-02371-00536392-00536639 so listen up CmH3k7lIK30-02372-00536640-00536807 so how's everyone feeling about the game CmH3k7lIK30-02373-00536808-00536918 you shout CmH3k7lIK30-02374-00536919-00537207 enthusiasm shouts back i'm stoked i CmH3k7lIK30-02375-00537208-00537431 can't wait to get on the field and pumps CmH3k7lIK30-02376-00537432-00537607 the air with this fist smiling looking CmH3k7lIK30-02377-00537608-00537911 at everyone else to smile anxiety is CmH3k7lIK30-02378-00537912-00538103 pacing at the back of the room in his CmH3k7lIK30-02379-00538104-00538303 own world and looks up briefly to say CmH3k7lIK30-02380-00538304-00538527 i'm so scared i could puke and keeps on CmH3k7lIK30-02381-00538528-00538622 pacing CmH3k7lIK30-02382-00538623-00538887 abandonment issues says look if we don't CmH3k7lIK30-02383-00538888-00539031 score in the first quarter we should CmH3k7lIK30-02384-00539032-00539239 take the ball and go home end it before CmH3k7lIK30-02385-00539240-00539535 they do you know but hey i'm in CmH3k7lIK30-02386-00539536-00539735 as the coach you're nodding you're CmH3k7lIK30-02387-00539736-00539927 listening to the player intently and CmH3k7lIK30-02388-00539928-00540103 assessing which players to put in the CmH3k7lIK30-02389-00540104-00540375 lead for your best chance of victory CmH3k7lIK30-02390-00540376-00540679 fear stands up are y'all crazy if i lose CmH3k7lIK30-02391-00540680-00540862 the game i'll never play in this town CmH3k7lIK30-02392-00540863-00541079 again and then fear starts picking on CmH3k7lIK30-02393-00541080-00541327 the other players enthusiasm it just CmH3k7lIK30-02394-00541328-00541511 ain't natural to be that happy you gotta CmH3k7lIK30-02395-00541512-00541839 get real and anxiety [__] if you get on CmH3k7lIK30-02396-00541840-00542087 the field and you if you get on the CmH3k7lIK30-02397-00542088-00542311 field and have a freeze attack we all go CmH3k7lIK30-02398-00542312-00542583 down finally you step in all right CmH3k7lIK30-02399-00542584-00542799 mcpherstein we appreciate your point of CmH3k7lIK30-02400-00542800-00543014 view and you've got some good points now CmH3k7lIK30-02401-00543015-00543222 let's listen to the others CmH3k7lIK30-02402-00543223-00543455 just like all of your emotions fear CmH3k7lIK30-02403-00543456-00543711 wants to be seen and heard confidence CmH3k7lIK30-02404-00543712-00543966 who is also the team captain says i'm CmH3k7lIK30-02405-00543967-00544103 feeling steady CmH3k7lIK30-02406-00544104-00544383 if we stay focused this win is ours and CmH3k7lIK30-02407-00544384-00544503 when we win CmH3k7lIK30-02408-00544504-00544727 the offers are going to start pouring in CmH3k7lIK30-02409-00544728-00544887 insecurity says CmH3k7lIK30-02410-00544888-00545070 if you want me on the bench i i CmH3k7lIK30-02411-00545071-00545214 understand coach CmH3k7lIK30-02412-00545215-00545414 well if that's where you want to be CmH3k7lIK30-02413-00545415-00545583 then that's where you're going to be you CmH3k7lIK30-02414-00545584-00545735 think to yourself CmH3k7lIK30-02415-00545736-00545991 pragmatic shrugs nods at the same time CmH3k7lIK30-02416-00545992-00546151 odds are stacked in our favor anything CmH3k7lIK30-02417-00546152-00546270 could happen CmH3k7lIK30-02418-00546271-00546527 love raises our hand listen CmH3k7lIK30-02419-00546528-00546743 you're all [__] amazing and i believe CmH3k7lIK30-02420-00546744-00547014 in every single one of you woot CmH3k7lIK30-02421-00547015-00547295 so time to drop some truth bombs coach CmH3k7lIK30-02422-00547296-00547583 time to lead not accommodate you can't CmH3k7lIK30-02423-00547584-00547879 let fear steal more air time and anxiety CmH3k7lIK30-02424-00547880-00548087 is hanging on the edge distracting CmH3k7lIK30-02425-00548088-00548383 everyone here's how it's got to go down CmH3k7lIK30-02426-00548384-00548639 i echo what love said you're all amazing CmH3k7lIK30-02427-00548640-00548862 we're contenders enthusiasm you're in CmH3k7lIK30-02428-00548863-00549135 front confidence and pragma pragmatic CmH3k7lIK30-02429-00549136-00549366 have your back abandonment issues your CmH3k7lIK30-02430-00549367-00549591 job is to trust your instincts you will CmH3k7lIK30-02431-00549592-00549799 know when it's right to pass the ball we CmH3k7lIK30-02432-00549800-00550079 trust you anxiety you're alert and we CmH3k7lIK30-02433-00550080-00550287 need that on the team you need to stay CmH3k7lIK30-02434-00550288-00550503 close to confidence the important thing CmH3k7lIK30-02435-00550504-00550711 for you to do is just stay in the game CmH3k7lIK30-02436-00550712-00550991 and keep playing fear thanks for looking CmH3k7lIK30-02437-00550992-00551207 out for us yep we could fail it's CmH3k7lIK30-02438-00551208-00551439 possible this is risky but we'll come CmH3k7lIK30-02439-00551440-00551670 out on top no matter what because that's CmH3k7lIK30-02440-00551671-00551918 who we are you've done your job and now CmH3k7lIK30-02441-00551919-00552143 you're playing from the bench CmH3k7lIK30-02442-00552144-00552335 when you can see fear is just another CmH3k7lIK30-02443-00552336-00552495 emotion that's hanging out with all of CmH3k7lIK30-02444-00552496-00552718 your other emotions then you gain some CmH3k7lIK30-02445-00552719-00553007 clear perspective it's not superior and CmH3k7lIK30-02446-00553008-00553247 it's not inferior it's just an emotion CmH3k7lIK30-02447-00553248-00553479 that you choose to focus on or not but CmH3k7lIK30-02448-00553480-00553807 fear is a persistent bugger pay CmH3k7lIK30-02449-00553808-00554151 attention to it but whatever you CmH3k7lIK30-02450-00554152-00554303 do CmH3k7lIK30-02451-00554304-00554703 don't let it rule you whatever you do CmH3k7lIK30-02452-00554704-00555079 don't let fear be the front runner the CmH3k7lIK30-02453-00555080-00555447 front leader the front guide CmH3k7lIK30-02454-00555448-00555775 okay CmH3k7lIK30-02455-00555776-00556079 yes CmH3k7lIK30-02456-00556080-00556191 sorry i had to give myself a little CmH3k7lIK30-02457-00556192-00556455 cheer let me read these notes CmH3k7lIK30-02458-00556456-00556718 oh CmH3k7lIK30-02459-00556719-00557031 oh i'm clear up here CmH3k7lIK30-02460-00557032-00557255 here's the deal CmH3k7lIK30-02461-00557256-00557455 wait did you guys love that i read that CmH3k7lIK30-02462-00557456-00557655 and i was like it has to go here that CmH3k7lIK30-02463-00557656-00557918 was it was so amazing i listened to it CmH3k7lIK30-02464-00557919-00558087 on audible and i have her book and i was CmH3k7lIK30-02465-00558088-00558431 like yes yes yes because here's the deal CmH3k7lIK30-02466-00558432-00558759 dill fear will tell you to contract to CmH3k7lIK30-02467-00558760-00558991 open fear will tell you to plow ahead to CmH3k7lIK30-02468-00558992-00559207 pull back and wait fear will tell you to CmH3k7lIK30-02469-00559208-00559447 not rock the boat and then dive in the CmH3k7lIK30-02470-00559448-00559783 contradiction of fear kicks you or keeps CmH3k7lIK30-02471-00559784-00560079 you into procrastination over analyzing CmH3k7lIK30-02472-00560080-00560239 and stuck because you don't CmH3k7lIK30-02473-00560240-00560335 know CmH3k7lIK30-02474-00560336-00560551 what the next steps to take are best for CmH3k7lIK30-02475-00560552-00560631 you CmH3k7lIK30-02476-00560632-00560814 do this enough and you end up with your CmH3k7lIK30-02477-00560815-00560991 life passing you by CmH3k7lIK30-02478-00560992-00561191 feeling like you never have enough time CmH3k7lIK30-02479-00561192-00561383 and regretting not going for it i'm CmH3k7lIK30-02480-00561384-00561703 going to repeat that that again CmH3k7lIK30-02481-00561704-00561975 the contradiction of fear CmH3k7lIK30-02482-00561976-00562103 kicks you or keeps you in CmH3k7lIK30-02483-00562104-00562359 procrastination over analyzing and stuck CmH3k7lIK30-02484-00562360-00562535 because you don't know CmH3k7lIK30-02485-00562536-00562718 what next steps to take that are best CmH3k7lIK30-02486-00562719-00562966 for you do this enough and you end up CmH3k7lIK30-02487-00562967-00563183 with your life passing you by feeling CmH3k7lIK30-02488-00563184-00563375 like you never have enough time and CmH3k7lIK30-02489-00563376-00563807 regretting not going for it CmH3k7lIK30-02490-00563808-00563999 because up to this point CmH3k7lIK30-02491-00564000-00564175 you only do CmH3k7lIK30-02492-00564176-00564431 what it tells you to or nothing because CmH3k7lIK30-02493-00564432-00564647 it's so contradictory right CmH3k7lIK30-02494-00564648-00564855 and that's the biggest challenge so this CmH3k7lIK30-02495-00564856-00565070 is where trusting yourself comes in and CmH3k7lIK30-02496-00565071-00565335 that is something that we work on a lot CmH3k7lIK30-02497-00565336-00565511 inside of shift happens because when you CmH3k7lIK30-02498-00565512-00565718 trust yourself then fear doesn't have a CmH3k7lIK30-02499-00565719-00565983 hold on you you can make decisions fast CmH3k7lIK30-02500-00565984-00566231 clearly and trust yourself that it was CmH3k7lIK30-02501-00566232-00566470 the right one for you at the time the CmH3k7lIK30-02502-00566471-00566791 one thing to know do not do what fear CmH3k7lIK30-02503-00566792-00567031 tells you to do use it as a tool for you CmH3k7lIK30-02504-00567032-00567255 to make your own decisions you can CmH3k7lIK30-02505-00567256-00567470 listen to fear you can measure the CmH3k7lIK30-02506-00567471-00567662 advice of your friends you can feel your CmH3k7lIK30-02507-00567663-00567879 palm sweat and your stomach turn but if CmH3k7lIK30-02508-00567880-00568079 you don't do what fear says you're gonna CmH3k7lIK30-02509-00568080-00568255 go ahead and speak up you'll sign up CmH3k7lIK30-02510-00568256-00568479 you'll buy you'll sell you'll jump CmH3k7lIK30-02511-00568480-00568687 you can have respect for fear you can CmH3k7lIK30-02512-00568688-00568855 know the facts study the policies and CmH3k7lIK30-02513-00568856-00569055 review the history but if you don't do CmH3k7lIK30-02514-00569056-00569262 what fear says you can ask for the CmH3k7lIK30-02515-00569263-00569607 exceptions you can choose to ignore the CmH3k7lIK30-02516-00569608-00569927 statics you can forge ahead you can even CmH3k7lIK30-02517-00569928-00570166 be convinced by CmH3k7lIK30-02518-00570167-00570399 be convinced by fear you can believe CmH3k7lIK30-02519-00570400-00570583 that no matter how much you change your CmH3k7lIK30-02520-00570584-00570814 rema your relationship might be doomed CmH3k7lIK30-02521-00570815-00571022 you can listen to fear you can measure CmH3k7lIK30-02522-00571023-00571191 the advice of your friends you could oh CmH3k7lIK30-02523-00571192-00571527 my gosh i repeated all that hold on CmH3k7lIK30-02524-00571528-00571766 why CmH3k7lIK30-02525-00571767-00572159 stop CmH3k7lIK30-02526-00572160-00572318 i don't know i think that's it oh and CmH3k7lIK30-02527-00572319-00572535 then your relationships might be doomed CmH3k7lIK30-02528-00572536-00572639 or CmH3k7lIK30-02529-00572640-00572799 here are some ways that you can take CmH3k7lIK30-02530-00572800-00573022 major action in spite of fear this is CmH3k7lIK30-02531-00573023-00573207 why i don't do notes do you know how CmH3k7lIK30-02532-00573208-00573375 hard it is to read think and talk at the CmH3k7lIK30-02533-00573376-00573647 same time CmH3k7lIK30-02534-00573648-00573855 one go back to it CmH3k7lIK30-02535-00573856-00574070 go back to the spot where you felt CmH3k7lIK30-02536-00574071-00574375 fearful and CmH3k7lIK30-02537-00574376-00574631 start the process of working through it CmH3k7lIK30-02538-00574632-00574927 be compassionate with your ego [__] CmH3k7lIK30-02539-00574928-00575175 because your ego [__] is the driver of CmH3k7lIK30-02540-00575176-00575391 all your fear all the [__] talking CmH3k7lIK30-02541-00575392-00575510 everything that comes up be CmH3k7lIK30-02542-00575511-00575759 compassionate your ego [__] is really CmH3k7lIK30-02543-00575760-00575991 not trying to lead you astray or destroy CmH3k7lIK30-02544-00575992-00576191 your life or make you feel horrible or CmH3k7lIK30-02545-00576192-00576439 talk [__] to yourself your ego [__] is CmH3k7lIK30-02546-00576440-00576614 doing its best to protect you from CmH3k7lIK30-02547-00576615-00576910 anything that it feels is right for you CmH3k7lIK30-02548-00576911-00577231 even when it's wrong CmH3k7lIK30-02549-00577232-00577447 consider the source if it's someone else CmH3k7lIK30-02550-00577448-00577727 who's instilling fear in you CmH3k7lIK30-02551-00577728-00578047 okay and remember don't take any [__] CmH3k7lIK30-02552-00578048-00578214 just because someone thinks they know CmH3k7lIK30-02553-00578215-00578422 what's best for you doesn't mean they do CmH3k7lIK30-02554-00578423-00578655 because ultimately you CmH3k7lIK30-02555-00578656-00578743 do CmH3k7lIK30-02556-00578744-00579175 however you must trust yourself enough CmH3k7lIK30-02557-00579176-00579391 to move forward with what you know is CmH3k7lIK30-02558-00579392-00579631 best for you CmH3k7lIK30-02559-00579632-00579799 if you're fearing something bring CmH3k7lIK30-02560-00579800-00579991 closure to it journey burn is a great CmH3k7lIK30-02561-00579992-00580207 way to do that make sure you say thank CmH3k7lIK30-02562-00580208-00580422 you and be gentle with yourself and the CmH3k7lIK30-02563-00580423-00580655 entire journey so shout out in the CmH3k7lIK30-02564-00580656-00580870 comments for me right now what is CmH3k7lIK30-02565-00580871-00580983 something that you're CmH3k7lIK30-02566-00580984-00581199 you fear that you're letting go of today CmH3k7lIK30-02567-00581200-00581414 one two three go comment below CmH3k7lIK30-02568-00581415-00581710 oh look the fly's back CmH3k7lIK30-02569-00581711-00581943 so while you're commenting i want to CmH3k7lIK30-02570-00581944-00582062 keep going CmH3k7lIK30-02571-00582063-00582351 so CmH3k7lIK30-02572-00582352-00582447 most CmH3k7lIK30-02573-00582448-00582710 times well let me rephrase this if you CmH3k7lIK30-02574-00582711-00583103 find that you ever default to overwhelm CmH3k7lIK30-02575-00583104-00583327 know that it's not overwhelm as in CmH3k7lIK30-02576-00583328-00583527 there's too much it's overwhelmed that CmH3k7lIK30-02577-00583528-00583759 there's too much emotion right you're CmH3k7lIK30-02578-00583760-00583918 feeling overwhelmed because you have too CmH3k7lIK30-02579-00583919-00584047 much on your plate CmH3k7lIK30-02580-00584048-00584270 and you also haven't asked for help the CmH3k7lIK30-02581-00584271-00584431 emotion is attached to it you feel like CmH3k7lIK30-02582-00584432-00584607 you have all this pressure there's the CmH3k7lIK30-02583-00584608-00584822 fear around right CmH3k7lIK30-02584-00584823-00584991 if you have people in your household and CmH3k7lIK30-02585-00584992-00585183 you're the only one that's overwhelmed CmH3k7lIK30-02586-00585184-00585462 then there's something wrong you have to CmH3k7lIK30-02587-00585463-00585727 reach out you have to ask for help you CmH3k7lIK30-02588-00585728-00585839 have to CmH3k7lIK30-02589-00585840-00585959 step out CmH3k7lIK30-02590-00585960-00586231 in that faith and relinquish that CmH3k7lIK30-02591-00586232-00586366 control CmH3k7lIK30-02592-00586367-00586559 okay CmH3k7lIK30-02593-00586560-00586710 what is one fear that you guys are CmH3k7lIK30-02594-00586711-00586910 letting go of today CmH3k7lIK30-02595-00586911-00587079 the other thing i want you to do is CmH3k7lIK30-02596-00587080-00587239 those of you that did not write a letter CmH3k7lIK30-02597-00587240-00587351 to yourself CmH3k7lIK30-02598-00587352-00587559 i want you to do it tonight and by CmH3k7lIK30-02599-00587560-00587918 holding your by commenting tonight you CmH3k7lIK30-02600-00587919-00588087 are going to hold yourself accountable CmH3k7lIK30-02601-00588088-00588407 in order to do it so make sure that you CmH3k7lIK30-02602-00588408-00588599 comment tonight CmH3k7lIK30-02603-00588600-00588903 right here um on the live and then CmH3k7lIK30-02604-00588904-00589055 that's going to hold you accountable for CmH3k7lIK30-02605-00589056-00589310 actually writing yourself a letter where CmH3k7lIK30-02606-00589311-00589487 are you guys number one fear you're CmH3k7lIK30-02607-00589488-00589670 letting go of and then you're writing CmH3k7lIK30-02608-00589671-00589783 tonight CmH3k7lIK30-02609-00589784-00589959 um i don't know how long the delay is CmH3k7lIK30-02610-00589960-00590135 but tonight for those of you guys that CmH3k7lIK30-02611-00590136-00590327 didn't write a letter to yourself or CmH3k7lIK30-02612-00590328-00590535 that needs to CmH3k7lIK30-02613-00590536-00590679 rewrite their letter because they didn't CmH3k7lIK30-02614-00590680-00591375 do the assignment in the first place CmH3k7lIK30-02615-00591376-00591543 all right fear you're letting go of i CmH3k7lIK30-02616-00591544-00591687 hate asking for help because i need to CmH3k7lIK30-02617-00591688-00591831 stop being scared to ask for help so CmH3k7lIK30-02618-00591832-00592062 your fear is asking for help and it's CmH3k7lIK30-02619-00592063-00592287 not that you fear asking for help you CmH3k7lIK30-02620-00592288-00592447 fear what it's going to make you look CmH3k7lIK30-02621-00592448-00592695 like when you do ask for help right get CmH3k7lIK30-02622-00592696-00592999 clear vera go deeper you're hanging out CmH3k7lIK30-02623-00593000-00593222 too surfacy right you're not afraid to CmH3k7lIK30-02624-00593223-00593359 ask for help like it's [__] fine it's CmH3k7lIK30-02625-00593360-00593591 just asking for help right CmH3k7lIK30-02626-00593592-00593783 it's a you're afraid of what people are CmH3k7lIK30-02627-00593784-00594055 gonna think about you or say about you CmH3k7lIK30-02628-00594056-00594255 when you do ask for help as if you're CmH3k7lIK30-02629-00594256-00594455 not capable enough on doing it on your CmH3k7lIK30-02630-00594456-00594655 own CmH3k7lIK30-02631-00594656-00594870 fear not being enough CmH3k7lIK30-02632-00594871-00594975 okay CmH3k7lIK30-02633-00594976-00595199 so have we journey and burn that i think CmH3k7lIK30-02634-00595200-00595343 you need to do a journey burn on why CmH3k7lIK30-02635-00595344-00595566 you're not enough all the reasons why CmH3k7lIK30-02636-00595567-00595743 you think you're not enough and burn CmH3k7lIK30-02637-00595744-00595895 that [__] CmH3k7lIK30-02638-00595896-00596103 fear speaking up for myself why what's CmH3k7lIK30-02639-00596104-00596247 the worst that could happen you could CmH3k7lIK30-02640-00596248-00596414 upset somebody you could make them mad CmH3k7lIK30-02641-00596415-00596566 they may not like you is that why you CmH3k7lIK30-02642-00596567-00596759 fear it then let's journey and burn that CmH3k7lIK30-02643-00596760-00597079 [__] right fearing rejection right CmH3k7lIK30-02644-00597080-00597222 rejection from who why are they CmH3k7lIK30-02645-00597223-00597359 rejecting you are they somebody that CmH3k7lIK30-02646-00597360-00597566 matters does it matter do you need to be CmH3k7lIK30-02647-00597567-00597759 accepted by everyone CmH3k7lIK30-02648-00597760-00597966 let's do some work on this CmH3k7lIK30-02649-00597967-00598118 yeah okay CmH3k7lIK30-02650-00598119-00598383 so this is all more [__] that you may CmH3k7lIK30-02651-00598384-00598599 need to journey burn you guys cause what CmH3k7lIK30-02652-00598600-00598759 you fear becomes you right we talked CmH3k7lIK30-02653-00598760-00598927 about this yesterday or maybe all week CmH3k7lIK30-02654-00598928-00599151 long i don't know CmH3k7lIK30-02655-00599152-00599255 all CmH3k7lIK30-02656-00599256-00599510 right let's see CmH3k7lIK30-02657-00599511-00599639 remember this CmH3k7lIK30-02658-00599640-00599822 as you journey forward a new journey CmH3k7lIK30-02659-00599823-00599935 through life CmH3k7lIK30-02660-00599936-00600175 the capability of people around you is CmH3k7lIK30-02661-00600176-00600270 there CmH3k7lIK30-02662-00600271-00600535 it's you that's in the way and stopping CmH3k7lIK30-02663-00600536-00600679 them from doing it CmH3k7lIK30-02664-00600680-00600943 because overwhelm is not the problem CmH3k7lIK30-02665-00600944-00601183 control is the problem and if the CmH3k7lIK30-02666-00601184-00601447 control is not the problems problem it's CmH3k7lIK30-02667-00601448-00601591 your standards CmH3k7lIK30-02668-00601592-00601847 of the reason why you are doing CmH3k7lIK30-02669-00601848-00602022 everything being everything and giving CmH3k7lIK30-02670-00602023-00602207 all that you have to give to everyone CmH3k7lIK30-02671-00602208-00602414 else and if you truly want that to end CmH3k7lIK30-02672-00602415-00602575 today then you have to relinquish CmH3k7lIK30-02673-00602576-00602822 control ask for the help and delegate it CmH3k7lIK30-02674-00602823-00603022 out whether it's hiring or people in CmH3k7lIK30-02675-00603023-00603351 your house you have got to let it go so CmH3k7lIK30-02676-00603352-00603462 let's do CmH3k7lIK30-02677-00603463-00603735 one last temperature on a scale from one CmH3k7lIK30-02678-00603736-00604007 to ten one is shitty [__] ten is awesome CmH3k7lIK30-02679-00604008-00604247 where are you at shout it out in the CmH3k7lIK30-02680-00604248-00604718 comments CmH3k7lIK30-02681-00604719-00604799 so CmH3k7lIK30-02682-00604800-00604927 why you guys are shouting out your CmH3k7lIK30-02683-00604928-00605143 temperature i am going to dig into what CmH3k7lIK30-02684-00605144-00605391 kim just said i'm definitely overwhelmed CmH3k7lIK30-02685-00605392-00605614 i ask for help regularly but i don't get CmH3k7lIK30-02686-00605615-00605791 the help i ask for it then it's time to CmH3k7lIK30-02687-00605792-00606014 re-evaluate the people around you and CmH3k7lIK30-02688-00606015-00606247 set new standards which inside shift CmH3k7lIK30-02689-00606248-00606503 happens which you've joined CmH3k7lIK30-02690-00606504-00606766 we're gonna get you there because if the CmH3k7lIK30-02691-00606767-00606935 people around you are not giving you the CmH3k7lIK30-02692-00606936-00607143 help that you ask for then we need to CmH3k7lIK30-02693-00607144-00607414 reevaluate why the [__] they're there or CmH3k7lIK30-02694-00607415-00607622 the standards that you have set for them CmH3k7lIK30-02695-00607623-00607751 first thing we're gonna do is if they're CmH3k7lIK30-02696-00607752-00607887 good people and good for you and you CmH3k7lIK30-02697-00607888-00608055 want them in your life then we're going CmH3k7lIK30-02698-00608056-00608343 to raise the standards with those people CmH3k7lIK30-02699-00608344-00608599 if they're not good people and CmH3k7lIK30-02700-00608600-00608727 you CmH3k7lIK30-02701-00608728-00608903 don't want them in your life or you wish CmH3k7lIK30-02702-00608904-00609031 you could keep them in your life but you CmH3k7lIK30-02703-00609032-00609199 know they're not you know they're bad CmH3k7lIK30-02704-00609200-00609487 for you then the next CmH3k7lIK30-02705-00609488-00609783 two months is going to be restructuring CmH3k7lIK30-02706-00609784-00609918 the people who are around you in your CmH3k7lIK30-02707-00609919-00610231 life and rebuilding it so just know CmH3k7lIK30-02708-00610232-00610510 shift happens is an amazing program and CmH3k7lIK30-02709-00610511-00610727 tons of transformations and powerful CmH3k7lIK30-02710-00610728-00610935 amazingness but you have to do some hard CmH3k7lIK30-02711-00610936-00611070 work in this program you have to make CmH3k7lIK30-02712-00611071-00611279 hard decisions you have to step out in CmH3k7lIK30-02713-00611280-00611670 faith a lot when you're scared CmH3k7lIK30-02714-00611671-00611870 doesn't matter just because people are CmH3k7lIK30-02715-00611871-00612014 family doesn't mean that you keep them CmH3k7lIK30-02716-00612015-00612214 around and if the family doesn't help CmH3k7lIK30-02717-00612215-00612399 then we hire it out if you can't afford CmH3k7lIK30-02718-00612400-00612583 to hire it out then you barter right CmH3k7lIK30-02719-00612584-00612822 there's always a way to get the help CmH3k7lIK30-02720-00612823-00612935 that you need CmH3k7lIK30-02721-00612936-00613095 there's always a way to get the support CmH3k7lIK30-02722-00613096-00613455 that you need okay even if it's family CmH3k7lIK30-02723-00613456-00613631 there's no rule that says that you have CmH3k7lIK30-02724-00613632-00613751 to keep those people around if they're CmH3k7lIK30-02725-00613752-00613959 good people then we've got standards CmH3k7lIK30-02726-00613960-00614191 right CmH3k7lIK30-02727-00614192-00614414 yes okay so they're great people and CmH3k7lIK30-02728-00614415-00614535 they're good for you and they love you CmH3k7lIK30-02729-00614536-00614662 and you love them and they don't bring CmH3k7lIK30-02730-00614663-00614775 you down and make you feel like [__] and CmH3k7lIK30-02731-00614776-00614887 all those things that a lot of family CmH3k7lIK30-02732-00614888-00615110 members do then yes we work on building CmH3k7lIK30-02733-00615111-00615279 healthier relationships with them and CmH3k7lIK30-02734-00615280-00615535 holding them accountable one million CmH3k7lIK30-02735-00615536-00615775 percent so your day number five massive CmH3k7lIK30-02736-00615776-00615966 action plan is this is your last chance CmH3k7lIK30-02737-00615967-00616175 to get on the fast action bonuses right CmH3k7lIK30-02738-00616176-00616375 so head to shift happens now dot life CmH3k7lIK30-02739-00616376-00616639 get signed up if you are on the fence CmH3k7lIK30-02740-00616640-00616831 you have some fear something's holding CmH3k7lIK30-02741-00616832-00617014 you back send me a message with what it CmH3k7lIK30-02742-00617015-00617295 is let's chat if i if i feel like it's CmH3k7lIK30-02743-00617296-00617431 not good for you or we can't make it CmH3k7lIK30-02744-00617432-00617647 work i'm gonna be honest and if i we can CmH3k7lIK30-02745-00617648-00617759 make it work we can come up with CmH3k7lIK30-02746-00617760-00617918 something and we can get clear then we CmH3k7lIK30-02747-00617919-00618295 will just ask kim just ask angie just CmH3k7lIK30-02748-00618296-00618566 ask joanne all these people messaged me CmH3k7lIK30-02749-00618567-00618727 we chatted about it we found out a way CmH3k7lIK30-02750-00618728-00618966 to make it work okay CmH3k7lIK30-02751-00618967-00619175 true we found out a way to make it work CmH3k7lIK30-02752-00619176-00619414 for each and every person who messaged CmH3k7lIK30-02753-00619415-00619662 me that needed a way to make it work i'm CmH3k7lIK30-02754-00619663-00619887 not promising you that we can but i'm CmH3k7lIK30-02755-00619888-00620095 telling you like i'm here to help if CmH3k7lIK30-02756-00620096-00620239 you're willing to reach out but you have CmH3k7lIK30-02757-00620240-00620462 to make that first step of reaching out CmH3k7lIK30-02758-00620463-00620814 to me saying hey this is where i'm at CmH3k7lIK30-02759-00620815-00621110 and i just need to know what you think CmH3k7lIK30-02760-00621111-00621295 or what i could do or did it and we're CmH3k7lIK30-02761-00621296-00621487 going to rock from there i'm not scary i CmH3k7lIK30-02762-00621488-00621775 won't bite you CmH3k7lIK30-02763-00621776-00621935 maya says i was scared to raise my CmH3k7lIK30-02764-00621936-00622087 standards with my husband but it was CmH3k7lIK30-02765-00622088-00622279 powerful and it was successful CmH3k7lIK30-02766-00622280-00622647 absolutely so shift happens CmH3k7lIK30-02767-00622648-00623031 where are you looking for CmH3k7lIK30-02768-00623032-00623118 no CmH3k7lIK30-02769-00623119-00623310 we're not doing that um that's not gonna CmH3k7lIK30-02770-00623311-00623470 be on your massive action plan if you're CmH3k7lIK30-02771-00623471-00623655 feeling overwhelmed who in your house CmH3k7lIK30-02772-00623656-00623799 needs to step up CmH3k7lIK30-02773-00623800-00623999 if it's not in your house who do you CmH3k7lIK30-02774-00624000-00624183 need to raise those standards for so CmH3k7lIK30-02775-00624184-00624455 that you can get that help have a family CmH3k7lIK30-02776-00624456-00624614 meeting call them up talk to each of the CmH3k7lIK30-02777-00624615-00624775 people right CmH3k7lIK30-02778-00624776-00624870 do CmH3k7lIK30-02779-00624871-00625118 your power letter or get your ass get CmH3k7lIK30-02780-00625119-00625366 or get your ass kicked CmH3k7lIK30-02781-00625367-00625527 do a separate post here in the group CmH3k7lIK30-02782-00625528-00625727 with your number one takeaway from today CmH3k7lIK30-02783-00625728-00625966 remember remember to and i'm gonna edit CmH3k7lIK30-02784-00625967-00626166 the massive action plan in just a second CmH3k7lIK30-02785-00626167-00626470 but remember to download the 11 CmH3k7lIK30-02786-00626471-00626599 commandments of getting your shift CmH3k7lIK30-02787-00626600-00627022 together the what time or what type of CmH3k7lIK30-02788-00627023-00627383 time personality do you have and the two CmH3k7lIK30-02789-00627384-00627566 different types of time the tyrant time CmH3k7lIK30-02790-00627567-00627783 and the power time handouts i have not CmH3k7lIK30-02791-00627784-00628039 uploaded those yet the two time handouts CmH3k7lIK30-02792-00628040-00628191 will be in CmH3k7lIK30-02793-00628192-00628327 day three CmH3k7lIK30-02794-00628328-00628535 and then the 11 commandments of getting CmH3k7lIK30-02795-00628536-00628862 your shift together will be for day five CmH3k7lIK30-02796-00628863-00629087 before we get off here and we wrap all CmH3k7lIK30-02797-00629088-00629207 of this up CmH3k7lIK30-02798-00629208-00629551 do you have any questions for me CmH3k7lIK30-02799-00629552-00629695 i have not asked you guys that the CmH3k7lIK30-02800-00629696-00630759 entire time we've been in this workshop CmH3k7lIK30-02801-00630760-00630918 any questions i can't believe we're done CmH3k7lIK30-02802-00630919-00631127 this is it we did almost go two hours CmH3k7lIK30-02803-00631128-00631295 today but it's fine CmH3k7lIK30-02804-00631296-00631622 we did great things today CmH3k7lIK30-02805-00631623-00631814 i really do hope that you guys have CmH3k7lIK30-02806-00631815-00631966 loved this CmH3k7lIK30-02807-00631967-00632055 um CmH3k7lIK30-02808-00632056-00632270 no questions no worries but what i do CmH3k7lIK30-02809-00632271-00632495 want you guys to do is shout out in the CmH3k7lIK30-02810-00632496-00632647 comments what CmH3k7lIK30-02811-00632648-00632895 would you rate this workshop overall on CmH3k7lIK30-02812-00632896-00633110 a scale from one to ten what do you CmH3k7lIK30-02813-00633111-00633391 think about it i want to know from you CmH3k7lIK30-02814-00633392-00633662 please shout it out in the comments CmH3k7lIK30-02815-00633663-00633966 the other thing is is it is day CmH3k7lIK30-02816-00633967-00634222 five and we are all the way at the end i CmH3k7lIK30-02817-00634223-00634447 would love it if you would post here in CmH3k7lIK30-02818-00634448-00634631 the group a testimonial for the get your CmH3k7lIK30-02819-00634632-00634870 shift together workshop i have none so CmH3k7lIK30-02820-00634871-00635047 when i am promoting it CmH3k7lIK30-02821-00635048-00635399 um articulating the unbelievableness of CmH3k7lIK30-02822-00635400-00635535 this workshop CmH3k7lIK30-02823-00635536-00635807 is hard to do but easier if i have your CmH3k7lIK30-02824-00635808-00635935 guys testimonials remember you're CmH3k7lIK30-02825-00635936-00636199 getting the 10 bonus points for doing CmH3k7lIK30-02826-00636200-00636495 that towards our contest that we have CmH3k7lIK30-02827-00636496-00636655 your testimonial just right from the CmH3k7lIK30-02828-00636656-00636814 heart you know where were you at before CmH3k7lIK30-02829-00636815-00637031 you started the workshop what made you CmH3k7lIK30-02830-00637032-00637166 join it CmH3k7lIK30-02831-00637167-00637527 why you know what has changed for you CmH3k7lIK30-02832-00637528-00637710 and why would you recommend it where CmH3k7lIK30-02833-00637711-00637943 were you at before the workshop CmH3k7lIK30-02834-00637944-00638183 why did you join it CmH3k7lIK30-02835-00638184-00638327 what has changed for you or where are CmH3k7lIK30-02836-00638328-00638518 you at now like in your mindset your CmH3k7lIK30-02837-00638519-00638775 headspace and why would you recommend it CmH3k7lIK30-02838-00638776-00639070 so if you need a guide on what questions CmH3k7lIK30-02839-00639071-00639191 to answer CmH3k7lIK30-02840-00639192-00639366 it would be that and just do a post and CmH3k7lIK30-02841-00639367-00639503 you can even write out the question and CmH3k7lIK30-02842-00639504-00639614 answer and write out the question and CmH3k7lIK30-02843-00639615-00639847 answer so if you want to come back to CmH3k7lIK30-02844-00639848-00640031 this spot in the video i don't know we CmH3k7lIK30-02845-00640032-00640375 are at about an hour 48 minutes in and CmH3k7lIK30-02846-00640376-00640631 you will get those questions i would CmH3k7lIK30-02847-00640632-00640879 greatly appreciate that i don't ask much CmH3k7lIK30-02848-00640880-00641118 when i run a free training but i am CmH3k7lIK30-02849-00641119-00641383 asking for testimonials like if you want CmH3k7lIK30-02850-00641384-00641687 a way to like repay me for my time or CmH3k7lIK30-02851-00641688-00641887 like give back to me that's what i would CmH3k7lIK30-02852-00641888-00642095 love for you to do and the reason why is CmH3k7lIK30-02853-00642096-00642318 because you writing that testimonial is CmH3k7lIK30-02854-00642319-00642470 actually going to change someone else's CmH3k7lIK30-02855-00642471-00642647 life so at the end of the day you write CmH3k7lIK30-02856-00642648-00642879 in the testimonial really isn't for me CmH3k7lIK30-02857-00642880-00643110 it's for that person that needs to read CmH3k7lIK30-02858-00643111-00643359 that so that they say yes to themselves CmH3k7lIK30-02859-00643360-00643575 and they join this workshop CmH3k7lIK30-02860-00643576-00643839 yeah CmH3k7lIK30-02861-00643840-00644214 okay so i will see every single one of CmH3k7lIK30-02862-00644215-00644510 you who have joined and will be joining CmH3k7lIK30-02863-00644511-00644791 shift happens on october 27th that will CmH3k7lIK30-02864-00644792-00645143 be our first session for shift happens CmH3k7lIK30-02865-00645144-00645279 however there is going to be some CmH3k7lIK30-02866-00645280-00645495 pre-work leading up to there i'm sending CmH3k7lIK30-02867-00645496-00645647 you guys your books that we're going to CmH3k7lIK30-02868-00645648-00645870 be working through our bibles for the CmH3k7lIK30-02869-00645871-00646159 next two months um it's just going to be CmH3k7lIK30-02870-00646160-00646399 so amazing and anybody who is vip you're CmH3k7lIK30-02871-00646400-00646614 going to be getting a special chakra CmH3k7lIK30-02872-00646615-00646862 crystal kit from me so we just have so CmH3k7lIK30-02873-00646863-00647087 much fab society going and then i may do CmH3k7lIK30-02874-00647088-00647295 a live for whoever won uh i don't know CmH3k7lIK30-02875-00647296-00647462 what i'm doing or a post but make sure CmH3k7lIK30-02876-00647463-00647595 you go to CmH3k7lIK30-02877-00647596-00647727 again CmH3k7lIK30-02878-00647728-00647907 that's CmH3k7lIK30-02879-00647908-00648079 and join CmH3k7lIK30-02880-00648080-00648287 my power up your life group that's where CmH3k7lIK30-02881-00648288-00648495 we continue the connection after this CmH3k7lIK30-02882-00648496-00648814 well beyond any program that you're in CmH3k7lIK30-02883-00648815-00648991 that's my free life coaching community CmH3k7lIK30-02884-00648992-00649262 it has been amazing getting to know each CmH3k7lIK30-02885-00649263-00649431 and every one of you getting to know CmH3k7lIK30-02886-00649432-00649670 some of you better the newer version of CmH3k7lIK30-02887-00649671-00649839 maya like this has just been so CmH3k7lIK30-02888-00649840-00650079 wonderful for me so i just wanted to say CmH3k7lIK30-02889-00650080-00650359 thank you for showing up playing all out CmH3k7lIK30-02890-00650360-00650591 and being here for me as much as i've CmH3k7lIK30-02891-00650592-00650862 been here for you we will see you around CmH3k7lIK30-02892-00650863-00651315 and see you later bye CmLy4iOPatQ-00000-00000215-00000383 hello everyone CmLy4iOPatQ-00001-00000384-00000591 how are you it's k CmLy4iOPatQ-00002-00000592-00000759 so uh CmLy4iOPatQ-00003-00000760-00000991 this is the video about CmLy4iOPatQ-00004-00000992-00001303 how to trail the profits along the way CmLy4iOPatQ-00005-00001304-00001511 once you enter the trade CmLy4iOPatQ-00006-00001512-00001775 and you set the break-even lines CmLy4iOPatQ-00007-00001776-00001910 and then CmLy4iOPatQ-00008-00001911-00002142 the next question is how to trail the CmLy4iOPatQ-00009-00002143-00002350 profits along the way you don't want to CmLy4iOPatQ-00010-00002351-00002510 set you don't want to keep the break CmLy4iOPatQ-00011-00002511-00002607 even CmLy4iOPatQ-00012-00002608-00002791 and the market takes off and retreats CmLy4iOPatQ-00013-00002792-00003063 back to break even and you don't want to CmLy4iOPatQ-00014-00003064-00003286 end up with a break even you want to fix CmLy4iOPatQ-00015-00003288-00003447 profit along the way CmLy4iOPatQ-00016-00003447-00003647 until the trend ends CmLy4iOPatQ-00017-00003647-00003911 so this video is about how to trail the CmLy4iOPatQ-00018-00003911-00004022 profits CmLy4iOPatQ-00019-00004023-00004127 and CmLy4iOPatQ-00020-00004128-00004447 with my own way with my own strategy i CmLy4iOPatQ-00021-00004448-00004663 will talk about that topic CmLy4iOPatQ-00022-00004664-00004975 so let me switch screen now CmLy4iOPatQ-00023-00004976-00005295 and um as a quick disclaimer as usual CmLy4iOPatQ-00024-00005296-00005551 this contents on my youtube channel is CmLy4iOPatQ-00025-00005552-00005870 basically based on my own experience for CmLy4iOPatQ-00026-00005871-00006111 educational purposes only so when you CmLy4iOPatQ-00027-00006112-00006486 take trades please do at your risks CmLy4iOPatQ-00028-00006487-00006695 okay so again CmLy4iOPatQ-00029-00006695-00006887 today's topic is about how to try out CmLy4iOPatQ-00030-00006888-00007006 the profits CmLy4iOPatQ-00031-00007008-00007295 so my question is first of all do you CmLy4iOPatQ-00032-00007295-00007455 try out the profits CmLy4iOPatQ-00033-00007456-00007734 do you try out the profit that means CmLy4iOPatQ-00034-00007736-00007951 uh once monkey goes towards it towards CmLy4iOPatQ-00035-00007952-00008159 their direction CmLy4iOPatQ-00036-00008159-00008399 and CmLy4iOPatQ-00037-00008400-00008678 you know at some point you fix profit CmLy4iOPatQ-00038-00008679-00008942 but before you fix a profit let's say if CmLy4iOPatQ-00039-00008943-00009078 you are running CmLy4iOPatQ-00040-00009079-00009319 uh 100 pips or so CmLy4iOPatQ-00041-00009320-00009631 then um do you fix some part CmLy4iOPatQ-00042-00009632-00009719 of CmLy4iOPatQ-00043-00009720-00009863 your profits CmLy4iOPatQ-00044-00009864-00010055 and keep running the rest CmLy4iOPatQ-00045-00010056-00010278 or you don't do it CmLy4iOPatQ-00046-00010279-00010535 if you don't do it then CmLy4iOPatQ-00047-00010536-00010774 you should do it it's my recommendation CmLy4iOPatQ-00048-00010775-00010878 because CmLy4iOPatQ-00049-00010879-00011199 um before i didn't know how to try all CmLy4iOPatQ-00050-00011200-00011391 the profits i didn't have the idea of CmLy4iOPatQ-00051-00011392-00011606 trading the profits CmLy4iOPatQ-00052-00011607-00011806 but after i mastered this CmLy4iOPatQ-00053-00011807-00011942 strategy CmLy4iOPatQ-00054-00011943-00012135 after i said the break-even CmLy4iOPatQ-00055-00012136-00012359 then my performance got actually much CmLy4iOPatQ-00056-00012360-00012503 much better CmLy4iOPatQ-00057-00012504-00012606 and CmLy4iOPatQ-00058-00012607-00012879 by so in other words if i don't try out CmLy4iOPatQ-00059-00012880-00013191 the profits with my strategy then i CmLy4iOPatQ-00060-00013191-00013430 might not be able to CmLy4iOPatQ-00061-00013431-00013686 become a full-time trader and profitable CmLy4iOPatQ-00062-00013687-00013958 i might still be a break-even or losing CmLy4iOPatQ-00063-00013959-00014086 twitter CmLy4iOPatQ-00064-00014087-00014303 so this topic in that sense is really CmLy4iOPatQ-00065-00014304-00014422 important CmLy4iOPatQ-00066-00014423-00014630 to uh to CmLy4iOPatQ-00067-00014631-00014815 make yourself closer CmLy4iOPatQ-00068-00014816-00015015 to a profitable trader CmLy4iOPatQ-00069-00015016-00015319 so i hope you can master you master this CmLy4iOPatQ-00070-00015319-00015527 strategy on this video CmLy4iOPatQ-00071-00015528-00015903 and uh become profitable in the future CmLy4iOPatQ-00072-00015904-00016103 markets and trades CmLy4iOPatQ-00073-00016104-00016230 so CmLy4iOPatQ-00074-00016231-00016567 let me switch to the powerpoint slide CmLy4iOPatQ-00075-00016568-00016879 so again today's topic is the last topic CmLy4iOPatQ-00076-00016880-00017119 actually for this lecture series about CmLy4iOPatQ-00077-00017120-00017279 my strategy CmLy4iOPatQ-00078-00017280-00017575 so i have been covering all these topics CmLy4iOPatQ-00079-00017576-00017807 and today is the last one how to trial CmLy4iOPatQ-00080-00017808-00017919 profits CmLy4iOPatQ-00081-00017920-00018150 and if you are new to my channel and if CmLy4iOPatQ-00082-00018151-00018319 you haven't CmLy4iOPatQ-00083-00018320-00018591 seen the the other videos yet please do CmLy4iOPatQ-00084-00018592-00018879 uh the videos are on the archive i put CmLy4iOPatQ-00085-00018880-00019055 the link on the below description and CmLy4iOPatQ-00086-00019056-00019343 also the comment box so you can find the CmLy4iOPatQ-00087-00019344-00019455 playlist CmLy4iOPatQ-00088-00019456-00019743 and you can watch from the first all the CmLy4iOPatQ-00089-00019744-00019839 way to CmLy4iOPatQ-00090-00019840-00020071 this last video CmLy4iOPatQ-00091-00020072-00020319 and this pdf is actually available CmLy4iOPatQ-00092-00020320-00020439 download CmLy4iOPatQ-00093-00020440-00020607 and also i will put the link on the CmLy4iOPatQ-00094-00020608-00020791 below description where to download the CmLy4iOPatQ-00095-00020792-00021167 pdf so um based on this pdf CmLy4iOPatQ-00096-00021168-00021319 uh please uh CmLy4iOPatQ-00097-00021320-00021599 i'll check this video and also i join my CmLy4iOPatQ-00098-00021600-00021903 future live streams because uh basically CmLy4iOPatQ-00099-00021904-00022103 whenever i talk about CmLy4iOPatQ-00100-00022104-00022263 my own trace CmLy4iOPatQ-00101-00022264-00022591 i i i basically follow my own strategy CmLy4iOPatQ-00102-00022592-00022799 kts CmLy4iOPatQ-00103-00022800-00022919 so that's CmLy4iOPatQ-00104-00022920-00023030 how i CmLy4iOPatQ-00105-00023031-00023294 organize my trace CmLy4iOPatQ-00106-00023295-00023511 so this is my original strategy i use CmLy4iOPatQ-00107-00023512-00023799 ichimoku kinkoho in higher time frames CmLy4iOPatQ-00108-00023800-00024030 and get the entry confirmation on the CmLy4iOPatQ-00109-00024031-00024327 lower timeframe like the five minute CmLy4iOPatQ-00110-00024328-00024527 but the question today is how to trial CmLy4iOPatQ-00111-00024528-00024783 the profits once the market starts to go CmLy4iOPatQ-00112-00024784-00025103 towards your direction so today i will CmLy4iOPatQ-00113-00025104-00025327 be running the forex tester CmLy4iOPatQ-00114-00025328-00025399 and CmLy4iOPatQ-00115-00025400-00025694 show step by step first our screen CmLy4iOPatQ-00116-00025695-00025967 charts and how to CmLy4iOPatQ-00117-00025968-00026223 wait for the trending market CmLy4iOPatQ-00118-00026224-00026367 and CmLy4iOPatQ-00119-00026368-00026655 what confirmations to take the entry CmLy4iOPatQ-00120-00026656-00026927 and when exactly i see the break even CmLy4iOPatQ-00121-00026927-00027199 and then how i try out the profits and CmLy4iOPatQ-00122-00027200-00027583 how i fix it so basically uh this is the CmLy4iOPatQ-00123-00027583-00027767 wrap up video CmLy4iOPatQ-00124-00027768-00027895 of my whole CmLy4iOPatQ-00125-00027895-00028127 like uh structure system CmLy4iOPatQ-00126-00028127-00028599 so let me switch to the forex tester and CmLy4iOPatQ-00127-00028600-00028718 show CmLy4iOPatQ-00128-00028719-00029167 the way i take trays step by step CmLy4iOPatQ-00129-00029168-00029407 okay so this is the forex tester and CmLy4iOPatQ-00130-00029408-00029551 this is on the live market this is the CmLy4iOPatQ-00131-00029552-00029983 market back in 2011 on the euro usc CmLy4iOPatQ-00132-00029983-00030239 so on the upper right i put the four CmLy4iOPatQ-00133-00030239-00030527 hour and on the lower right i put it one CmLy4iOPatQ-00134-00030527-00030814 hour time frame and on the left i put CmLy4iOPatQ-00135-00030816-00031111 the five minute chart so CmLy4iOPatQ-00136-00031112-00031231 if um CmLy4iOPatQ-00137-00031232-00031479 so basically what i do is CmLy4iOPatQ-00138-00031480-00031702 in the tester i usually take the four CmLy4iOPatQ-00139-00031703-00032031 hour and one hour time frames and CmLy4iOPatQ-00140-00032032-00032327 look for the entry timing in the five CmLy4iOPatQ-00141-00032327-00032583 in the live market i check either daily CmLy4iOPatQ-00142-00032583-00032679 or four CmLy4iOPatQ-00143-00032680-00032895 like i mentioned previously on this CmLy4iOPatQ-00144-00032896-00033167 slide i check the daily 4 CmLy4iOPatQ-00145-00033168-00033255 and CmLy4iOPatQ-00146-00033256-00033599 confirm it by 1 hour or 30 and take CmLy4iOPatQ-00147-00033600-00033911 entries by 5 or 15 minute time frames CmLy4iOPatQ-00148-00033912-00034015 but CmLy4iOPatQ-00149-00034016-00034279 this time in running a tester i take the CmLy4iOPatQ-00150-00034280-00034599 4 hour and 1 hour time frame fix CmLy4iOPatQ-00151-00034600-00034935 and 5 minute fix CmLy4iOPatQ-00152-00034936-00035039 so CmLy4iOPatQ-00153-00035040-00035302 so first we check the four hour CmLy4iOPatQ-00154-00035303-00035599 right so again coming back to the tester CmLy4iOPatQ-00155-00035600-00035846 so this is a four hour and four hour CmLy4iOPatQ-00156-00035847-00036071 time frame is now flat CmLy4iOPatQ-00157-00036072-00036295 if you check the common single span b is CmLy4iOPatQ-00158-00036296-00036390 flat CmLy4iOPatQ-00159-00036391-00036695 single span a is flat and kijunsen is CmLy4iOPatQ-00160-00036696-00036830 also flat CmLy4iOPatQ-00161-00036831-00037062 so in this case i stay away because the CmLy4iOPatQ-00162-00037063-00037295 market might be resisted and it may CmLy4iOPatQ-00163-00037296-00037462 retrace back to CmLy4iOPatQ-00164-00037463-00037743 the kijunsen CmLy4iOPatQ-00165-00037744-00037918 so let me run charts CmLy4iOPatQ-00166-00037919-00038143 by the five minute and we monitor CmLy4iOPatQ-00167-00038144-00038423 together one by one on these candles and CmLy4iOPatQ-00168-00038424-00038767 see if it goes up or not CmLy4iOPatQ-00169-00038768-00038983 let me zoom out the amount on the four CmLy4iOPatQ-00170-00038984-00039071 hour CmLy4iOPatQ-00171-00039072-00039279 and uh let me just run the chart one by CmLy4iOPatQ-00172-00039280-00039455 one CmLy4iOPatQ-00173-00039456-00039759 okay still four hours flat so CmLy4iOPatQ-00174-00039760-00039927 we don't really CmLy4iOPatQ-00175-00039928-00040143 uh trade we have to CmLy4iOPatQ-00176-00040144-00040487 keep watching the chart until four hour CmLy4iOPatQ-00177-00040488-00040839 becomes bullish CmLy4iOPatQ-00178-00040840-00041135 so it continued to be flat this is range CmLy4iOPatQ-00179-00041136-00041351 when it's range i don't trade CmLy4iOPatQ-00180-00041352-00041551 the whole time i skip the chart it's now CmLy4iOPatQ-00181-00041552-00041767 retracing back and goes up CmLy4iOPatQ-00182-00041768-00042030 breaks but um this is y wave CmLy4iOPatQ-00183-00042031-00042246 and the four hours still flat so we CmLy4iOPatQ-00184-00042247-00042383 don't really care CmLy4iOPatQ-00185-00042384-00042662 in this case CmLy4iOPatQ-00186-00042663-00042918 okay one hour looks to be up CmLy4iOPatQ-00187-00042919-00043223 let me just zoom in so one hour chart CmLy4iOPatQ-00188-00043224-00043330 uh CmLy4iOPatQ-00189-00043331-00043623 cumulates up and a's up actually and CmLy4iOPatQ-00190-00043624-00043935 kiss an angle is also up CmLy4iOPatQ-00191-00043936-00044143 but because four hours flat we don't CmLy4iOPatQ-00192-00044144-00044318 really have to care CmLy4iOPatQ-00193-00044319-00044462 we have to CmLy4iOPatQ-00194-00044463-00044695 keep watching the chart CmLy4iOPatQ-00195-00044696-00044918 let me just run quickly until four hour CmLy4iOPatQ-00196-00044919-00045062 turns bootish CmLy4iOPatQ-00197-00045063-00045351 really okay so here CmLy4iOPatQ-00198-00045352-00045558 at this breakout CmLy4iOPatQ-00199-00045559-00045862 they actually made the four hour CmLy4iOPatQ-00200-00045863-00046207 again kuma up and go spam b up a up CmLy4iOPatQ-00201-00046208-00046479 and kijunsen is up also CmLy4iOPatQ-00202-00046480-00046607 that means CmLy4iOPatQ-00203-00046608-00046774 in this slide CmLy4iOPatQ-00204-00046775-00047111 back on this one four hour is now up CmLy4iOPatQ-00205-00047112-00047430 so now the next question is whether one CmLy4iOPatQ-00206-00047431-00047718 hour is up or not if one hour is flat CmLy4iOPatQ-00207-00047719-00047886 then we have to wait until one hour CmLy4iOPatQ-00208-00047887-00048167 turned bootish on each moku kijunsen and CmLy4iOPatQ-00209-00048168-00048318 kumo CmLy4iOPatQ-00210-00048319-00048646 and most likely it's bullish because CmLy4iOPatQ-00211-00048647-00048855 it broke the resistance but let me see CmLy4iOPatQ-00212-00048856-00049046 just in case CmLy4iOPatQ-00213-00049047-00049415 so one hour shows it's bullish too yeah CmLy4iOPatQ-00214-00049416-00049543 you send us up CmLy4iOPatQ-00215-00049544-00049815 so this is where i look for an entry CmLy4iOPatQ-00216-00049816-00050023 timing in the five minute CmLy4iOPatQ-00217-00050024-00050246 so let me go down to the five minute CmLy4iOPatQ-00218-00050247-00050479 chart CmLy4iOPatQ-00219-00050480-00050751 okay so in the five minute CmLy4iOPatQ-00220-00050752-00051007 uh what i see here is CmLy4iOPatQ-00221-00051008-00051230 i see there there was a gold cross CmLy4iOPatQ-00222-00051232-00051358 chassis CmLy4iOPatQ-00223-00051359-00051623 gold crosstastic is one of my entry CmLy4iOPatQ-00224-00051624-00051775 confirmations CmLy4iOPatQ-00225-00051776-00052102 and also this is called the bandwalking CmLy4iOPatQ-00226-00052103-00052335 so the price is in between CmLy4iOPatQ-00227-00052336-00052575 division one two and this is called CmLy4iOPatQ-00228-00052576-00052694 bandwalking CmLy4iOPatQ-00229-00052695-00052991 so bandwalking is happening and i will CmLy4iOPatQ-00230-00052991-00053423 be waiting for one more confirmation CmLy4iOPatQ-00231-00053424-00053630 and actually this CmLy4iOPatQ-00232-00053632-00053847 i just happened to stop here but i can CmLy4iOPatQ-00233-00053848-00054063 see that the prices CmLy4iOPatQ-00234-00054064-00054366 uh closed before below the CmLy4iOPatQ-00235-00054367-00054615 closed on the previous resistance level CmLy4iOPatQ-00236-00054616-00054759 in the five CmLy4iOPatQ-00237-00054760-00055047 so the market still may be bearish from CmLy4iOPatQ-00238-00055048-00055326 here there's a long week in the five and CmLy4iOPatQ-00239-00055327-00055519 there was a resistance levels here and CmLy4iOPatQ-00240-00055520-00055750 here too so the market still might CmLy4iOPatQ-00241-00055751-00055966 retrace in the five and push back and CmLy4iOPatQ-00242-00055967-00056094 goes up CmLy4iOPatQ-00243-00056095-00056311 so four hours bullish one hour is CmLy4iOPatQ-00244-00056312-00056423 foolish CmLy4iOPatQ-00245-00056424-00056663 but five might retrace so in this case i CmLy4iOPatQ-00246-00056664-00056799 wait for CmLy4iOPatQ-00247-00056800-00057030 one or two more candlesticks just to CmLy4iOPatQ-00248-00057032-00057271 make sure the market is bullish in the CmLy4iOPatQ-00249-00057272-00057407 lower time frame CmLy4iOPatQ-00250-00057408-00057623 and when i can confirm the market CmLy4iOPatQ-00251-00057624-00057911 version 5 also in this case CmLy4iOPatQ-00252-00057912-00058166 uh break out all the resistance then i CmLy4iOPatQ-00253-00058167-00058415 enter there CmLy4iOPatQ-00254-00058416-00058575 so let me just CmLy4iOPatQ-00255-00058576-00058663 uh CmLy4iOPatQ-00256-00058664-00058791 run the chart CmLy4iOPatQ-00257-00058791-00058999 one or two more candles so let me just CmLy4iOPatQ-00258-00059000-00059215 go one first CmLy4iOPatQ-00259-00059216-00059415 okay so okay it looks like there's a CmLy4iOPatQ-00260-00059416-00059566 retracement CmLy4iOPatQ-00261-00059567-00059775 but still this is bullish in higher time CmLy4iOPatQ-00262-00059776-00060087 frames so i will continuously monitor CmLy4iOPatQ-00263-00060088-00060366 for the entry timing CmLy4iOPatQ-00264-00060367-00060582 okay now there's a nice bounce CmLy4iOPatQ-00265-00060583-00060950 nice bounce and i just wait for um let's CmLy4iOPatQ-00266-00060951-00061199 see one more to see the clear breakout CmLy4iOPatQ-00267-00061200-00061415 just in case CmLy4iOPatQ-00268-00061416-00061687 okay still bandwalking nicely CmLy4iOPatQ-00269-00061688-00061935 retracing CmLy4iOPatQ-00270-00061936-00062142 okay it's retracing now CmLy4iOPatQ-00271-00062144-00062350 okay now this is a nice breakout so this CmLy4iOPatQ-00272-00062351-00062606 is where i enter trade CmLy4iOPatQ-00273-00062607-00062735 so again CmLy4iOPatQ-00274-00062736-00063191 four hour is bullish now kuma is up june CmLy4iOPatQ-00275-00063191-00063366 at this breakout CmLy4iOPatQ-00276-00063367-00063703 and one number also shows it's bullish CmLy4iOPatQ-00277-00063704-00063935 so five minute chart CmLy4iOPatQ-00278-00063936-00064199 shows it's buddhist also now it's a CmLy4iOPatQ-00279-00064200-00064391 bullish innovative CmLy4iOPatQ-00280-00064391-00064671 i have actually multiple confirmations CmLy4iOPatQ-00281-00064672-00064919 um if you haven't checked the video CmLy4iOPatQ-00282-00064920-00065094 about my entry CmLy4iOPatQ-00283-00065095-00065311 confirmation uh please do CmLy4iOPatQ-00284-00065312-00065599 before proceed this video but just in CmLy4iOPatQ-00285-00065600-00065759 case um CmLy4iOPatQ-00286-00065760-00066071 the the way i look for the entry timings CmLy4iOPatQ-00287-00066072-00066423 i i use these tools and indicators CmLy4iOPatQ-00288-00066424-00066647 there's a price action i use lines CmLy4iOPatQ-00289-00066648-00066838 bollinger bands stochastics and CmLy4iOPatQ-00290-00066839-00067023 fibonacci CmLy4iOPatQ-00291-00067024-00067231 to to capture CmLy4iOPatQ-00292-00067232-00067463 the confirmations and i look for three CmLy4iOPatQ-00293-00067464-00067599 confirmations CmLy4iOPatQ-00294-00067600-00067871 at least three or more confirmations CmLy4iOPatQ-00295-00067872-00068055 out of the list on this CmLy4iOPatQ-00296-00068056-00068191 slide CmLy4iOPatQ-00297-00068192-00068415 and this time let me see how many CmLy4iOPatQ-00298-00068416-00068775 confirmations i can find CmLy4iOPatQ-00299-00068776-00068911 so CmLy4iOPatQ-00300-00068912-00069159 i can find first there is a gold cross CmLy4iOPatQ-00301-00069160-00069415 in stochastics that's one of the CmLy4iOPatQ-00302-00069416-00069575 confirmations here CmLy4iOPatQ-00303-00069576-00069879 and bandwalking is happening CmLy4iOPatQ-00304-00069880-00070087 the bandwalking means again when the CmLy4iOPatQ-00305-00070088-00070319 price is in between CmLy4iOPatQ-00306-00070320-00070606 bollinger bands dimension 1 2 that's CmLy4iOPatQ-00307-00070607-00070726 bandwalking CmLy4iOPatQ-00308-00070727-00071015 so that's the second confirmation i got CmLy4iOPatQ-00309-00071016-00071287 and there was a nice resistance breakout CmLy4iOPatQ-00310-00071288-00071543 and also count the timeline breakout CmLy4iOPatQ-00311-00071544-00071759 this is counter trend line breakout and CmLy4iOPatQ-00312-00071760-00071911 that is valid that's the third CmLy4iOPatQ-00313-00071912-00072175 confirmation here CmLy4iOPatQ-00314-00072176-00072438 and let's see as you can see CmLy4iOPatQ-00315-00072439-00072703 there was a this is actually CmLy4iOPatQ-00316-00072704-00072982 double bottom i can see w bottom and CmLy4iOPatQ-00317-00072983-00073159 this was a neckline CmLy4iOPatQ-00318-00073160-00073326 and this neckline has been broken CmLy4iOPatQ-00319-00073327-00073479 bootish here CmLy4iOPatQ-00320-00073480-00073847 so that was the fourth confirmation CmLy4iOPatQ-00321-00073848-00074015 so like this i build up these CmLy4iOPatQ-00322-00074016-00074199 confirmations CmLy4iOPatQ-00323-00074200-00074511 and look for an entry precise entry CmLy4iOPatQ-00324-00074512-00074831 timing in a five minute CmLy4iOPatQ-00325-00074832-00075038 to avoid the retracement after my CmLy4iOPatQ-00326-00075039-00075143 entries CmLy4iOPatQ-00327-00075144-00075431 so looks like we have four CmLy4iOPatQ-00328-00075432-00075687 confirmations four entry confirmations CmLy4iOPatQ-00329-00075688-00075775 so CmLy4iOPatQ-00330-00075776-00075975 i will enter here now CmLy4iOPatQ-00331-00075976-00076047 so CmLy4iOPatQ-00332-00076048-00076294 before i enter trade there's CmLy4iOPatQ-00333-00076295-00076479 another question i have to ask myself CmLy4iOPatQ-00334-00076480-00076759 which is where would be the stop loss CmLy4iOPatQ-00335-00076760-00076982 because if a stop loss is wide CmLy4iOPatQ-00336-00076983-00077159 then i'm gonna take i'm not gonna take CmLy4iOPatQ-00337-00077160-00077287 this trade CmLy4iOPatQ-00338-00077288-00077479 so stop plus CmLy4iOPatQ-00339-00077480-00077719 will be reasonable to place here below CmLy4iOPatQ-00340-00077720-00077935 the support below this um CmLy4iOPatQ-00341-00077936-00078255 w bottom here so if i buy right now CmLy4iOPatQ-00342-00078256-00078487 then stop loss is going to be CmLy4iOPatQ-00343-00078488-00078823 70 pips and 70 pips of stop loss is a CmLy4iOPatQ-00344-00078824-00078959 bit too wide CmLy4iOPatQ-00345-00078960-00079223 so in this case i look for CmLy4iOPatQ-00346-00079224-00079431 another reasonable place to put the stop CmLy4iOPatQ-00347-00079432-00079535 loss CmLy4iOPatQ-00348-00079536-00079767 and i see there there are two pushbacks CmLy4iOPatQ-00349-00079768-00080023 here and if i take the second push back CmLy4iOPatQ-00350-00080024-00080462 here and that will be 35 or 30 CmLy4iOPatQ-00351-00080463-00080719 yeah i would say 33 pips CmLy4iOPatQ-00352-00080720-00080959 to stop loss so this is reasonable CmLy4iOPatQ-00353-00080960-00081079 replace CmLy4iOPatQ-00354-00081080-00081399 so i can so in this way i can have a CmLy4iOPatQ-00355-00081400-00081631 tighter stop loss CmLy4iOPatQ-00356-00081632-00081775 33 pips CmLy4iOPatQ-00357-00081776-00081943 and expect the market goes up CmLy4iOPatQ-00358-00081944-00082199 continuously CmLy4iOPatQ-00359-00082200-00082318 and CmLy4iOPatQ-00360-00082319-00082559 if the market keeps on going towards our CmLy4iOPatQ-00361-00082560-00082871 direction then we can move the stop loss CmLy4iOPatQ-00362-00082872-00083071 to break even and then try out the CmLy4iOPatQ-00363-00083072-00083279 profit along the way CmLy4iOPatQ-00364-00083280-00083615 so let me place order now CmLy4iOPatQ-00365-00083616-00083815 this is actually a good thing about the CmLy4iOPatQ-00366-00083816-00084047 trading view is that actually we can CmLy4iOPatQ-00367-00084048-00084382 place orders so stop loss i play i will CmLy4iOPatQ-00368-00084383-00084599 place here uh 30 CmLy4iOPatQ-00369-00084600-00084847 i will say uh 33 pips CmLy4iOPatQ-00370-00084848-00085094 down just to be safer CmLy4iOPatQ-00371-00085095-00085294 and i take two trays CmLy4iOPatQ-00372-00085295-00085503 usually i take two trays CmLy4iOPatQ-00373-00085504-00085703 so let me just place another one here CmLy4iOPatQ-00374-00085704-00085982 and put the stop loss below CmLy4iOPatQ-00375-00085983-00086350 the pushback before before the breakout CmLy4iOPatQ-00376-00086351-00086518 that will be reasonable to put the stop CmLy4iOPatQ-00377-00086519-00086615 plus CmLy4iOPatQ-00378-00086616-00086847 and i take two percent in the live CmLy4iOPatQ-00379-00086848-00087126 market i take two percent CmLy4iOPatQ-00380-00087127-00087294 to stop loss CmLy4iOPatQ-00381-00087295-00087606 so i take two positions so in this case CmLy4iOPatQ-00382-00087607-00087894 one percent each two stop loss i take CmLy4iOPatQ-00383-00087895-00088103 and see if the monkey goes up in this CmLy4iOPatQ-00384-00088104-00088350 way CmLy4iOPatQ-00385-00088351-00088606 okay i hope so far so good CmLy4iOPatQ-00386-00088607-00088847 so basically again i follow this CmLy4iOPatQ-00387-00088848-00089015 structure CmLy4iOPatQ-00388-00089016-00089303 um of my strategy CmLy4iOPatQ-00389-00089304-00089582 and um decide which one to trade take CmLy4iOPatQ-00390-00089583-00089726 trace CmLy4iOPatQ-00391-00089727-00089999 and when when exactly to take trace and CmLy4iOPatQ-00392-00090000-00090375 where exactly to place the stop loss CmLy4iOPatQ-00393-00090376-00090591 so let's see let's run the chart see to CmLy4iOPatQ-00394-00090592-00090831 see if it goes up if it goes backwards CmLy4iOPatQ-00395-00090832-00091071 then i will talk about an exit timing CmLy4iOPatQ-00396-00091072-00091247 and show you some other CmLy4iOPatQ-00397-00091248-00091375 example for CmLy4iOPatQ-00398-00091376-00091575 trading the profits CmLy4iOPatQ-00399-00091576-00091903 so let's see CmLy4iOPatQ-00400-00091904-00092071 okay initially the market breaks but it CmLy4iOPatQ-00401-00092072-00092359 may retrace so we can't be happy just CmLy4iOPatQ-00402-00092360-00092526 because the market just goes up we have CmLy4iOPatQ-00403-00092527-00092887 to keep watching CmLy4iOPatQ-00404-00092888-00093191 okay so looks like this time it goes up CmLy4iOPatQ-00405-00093192-00093374 okay now this is ranging so it may CmLy4iOPatQ-00406-00093375-00093511 retrace CmLy4iOPatQ-00407-00093512-00093935 let's keep watching now CmLy4iOPatQ-00408-00093936-00094374 okay there's a outside bar CmLy4iOPatQ-00409-00094375-00094662 outside and inside so most likely if the CmLy4iOPatQ-00410-00094663-00094831 market breaks CmLy4iOPatQ-00411-00094832-00095118 here hold on let me get this uh CmLy4iOPatQ-00412-00095119-00095511 indicator tool CmLy4iOPatQ-00413-00095512-00095791 absorb hold on graphic panel and if the CmLy4iOPatQ-00414-00095792-00096094 market breaks here at this resistance CmLy4iOPatQ-00415-00096095-00096303 then i move the stop losses to break CmLy4iOPatQ-00416-00096304-00096438 even CmLy4iOPatQ-00417-00096439-00096815 because this is outside and inside bar CmLy4iOPatQ-00418-00096816-00096999 so CmLy4iOPatQ-00419-00097000-00097287 for me in when i see this market still CmLy4iOPatQ-00420-00097288-00097423 the buyers CmLy4iOPatQ-00421-00097424-00097526 stopped CmLy4iOPatQ-00422-00097527-00097774 coming in and sellers are not here CmLy4iOPatQ-00423-00097775-00097879 either CmLy4iOPatQ-00424-00097880-00098071 and the buyers sellers fighting right CmLy4iOPatQ-00425-00098072-00098174 now CmLy4iOPatQ-00426-00098175-00098399 and these buyers most likely put the CmLy4iOPatQ-00427-00098400-00098703 stop losses below here or here CmLy4iOPatQ-00428-00098704-00098926 and the sellers are placing the stop CmLy4iOPatQ-00429-00098927-00099262 losses above the resistance CmLy4iOPatQ-00430-00099263-00099391 so CmLy4iOPatQ-00431-00099392-00099679 if the market breaks the resistance CmLy4iOPatQ-00432-00099680-00099894 then i think it goes up continuously CmLy4iOPatQ-00433-00099895-00100023 because it takes CmLy4iOPatQ-00434-00100024-00100255 the seller's stop losses CmLy4iOPatQ-00435-00100256-00100455 but if the market goes down CmLy4iOPatQ-00436-00100456-00100623 then it takes a stop losses for the CmLy4iOPatQ-00437-00100624-00100911 buyers here in the market maybe trades CmLy4iOPatQ-00438-00100912-00101079 retrace backwards CmLy4iOPatQ-00439-00101080-00101582 so let's see which way it goes CmLy4iOPatQ-00440-00101583-00101879 okay looks like there's a breakout CmLy4iOPatQ-00441-00101880-00102167 a candlestick close becomes above the CmLy4iOPatQ-00442-00102168-00102502 resistance means it's a breakout so CmLy4iOPatQ-00443-00102503-00102766 when i see this breakout i move these CmLy4iOPatQ-00444-00102767-00102918 stop losses CmLy4iOPatQ-00445-00102919-00103078 to break even CmLy4iOPatQ-00446-00103079-00103271 and break even means CmLy4iOPatQ-00447-00103272-00103639 i move the stop losses above CmLy4iOPatQ-00448-00103640-00103927 above my positions so that even if the CmLy4iOPatQ-00449-00103928-00104182 market retraced back this way CmLy4iOPatQ-00450-00104183-00104439 you don't lose CmLy4iOPatQ-00451-00104440-00104734 so as soon as you set the break even CmLy4iOPatQ-00452-00104735-00104847 it becomes CmLy4iOPatQ-00453-00104848-00105110 break even or win game which CmLy4iOPatQ-00454-00105111-00105302 everybody wants to play CmLy4iOPatQ-00455-00105303-00105486 and that's basically what i play every CmLy4iOPatQ-00456-00105488-00105710 time i take trace CmLy4iOPatQ-00457-00105711-00105807 so CmLy4iOPatQ-00458-00105808-00105990 is usually when i set the break-even CmLy4iOPatQ-00459-00105991-00106199 like this i simply leave chart for a CmLy4iOPatQ-00460-00106200-00106390 couple of hours maybe three hours or CmLy4iOPatQ-00461-00106391-00106702 four hours a leaf chart but today let's CmLy4iOPatQ-00462-00106703-00106943 continue to monitor because a topic is CmLy4iOPatQ-00463-00106944-00107190 about how to trial a profit along the CmLy4iOPatQ-00464-00107191-00107310 way CmLy4iOPatQ-00465-00107311-00107919 so let's see if it goes up continuously CmLy4iOPatQ-00466-00107920-00108415 okay initially it retraces CmLy4iOPatQ-00467-00108416-00108607 let's see if it breaks CmLy4iOPatQ-00468-00108608-00108871 okay this this time it's ranging CmLy4iOPatQ-00469-00108872-00109086 and let me check the four hour four hour CmLy4iOPatQ-00470-00109088-00109223 is up still CmLy4iOPatQ-00471-00109224-00109439 you can see that the sinkhole spawn a is CmLy4iOPatQ-00472-00109440-00109510 up CmLy4iOPatQ-00473-00109511-00109790 and kissing angle up also CmLy4iOPatQ-00474-00109791-00109863 so CmLy4iOPatQ-00475-00109864-00110151 buyers still dominant over setters CmLy4iOPatQ-00476-00110152-00110399 so i don't exit in this case i keep CmLy4iOPatQ-00477-00110400-00110734 holding CmLy4iOPatQ-00478-00110735-00110878 the market CmLy4iOPatQ-00479-00110879-00111047 we expect the market breaks the CmLy4iOPatQ-00480-00111048-00111478 resistance so let's see CmLy4iOPatQ-00481-00111479-00111647 okay looks like the market is ranging CmLy4iOPatQ-00482-00111648-00111799 now CmLy4iOPatQ-00483-00111800-00111951 but since we have CmLy4iOPatQ-00484-00111952-00112119 put the break even CmLy4iOPatQ-00485-00112120-00112334 we don't really care we just CmLy4iOPatQ-00486-00112335-00112575 keep watching the chart CmLy4iOPatQ-00487-00112576-00112910 until it breaks bootish CmLy4iOPatQ-00488-00112911-00113295 um okay and now this is called p wave CmLy4iOPatQ-00489-00113296-00113519 this is called the p wave or the CmLy4iOPatQ-00490-00113520-00113686 triangle range CmLy4iOPatQ-00491-00113688-00113815 like this CmLy4iOPatQ-00492-00113816-00114086 or simply i wait for that p wave break CmLy4iOPatQ-00493-00114088-00114271 out bullish CmLy4iOPatQ-00494-00114272-00114431 this way CmLy4iOPatQ-00495-00114432-00114607 it may retrace back CmLy4iOPatQ-00496-00114608-00114823 but most likely that will be red CmLy4iOPatQ-00497-00114824-00115039 that will be supported here CmLy4iOPatQ-00498-00115040-00115319 and breaks footage because full hour is CmLy4iOPatQ-00499-00115320-00115590 still showing bullish this way CmLy4iOPatQ-00500-00115591-00115815 so no reason to exit CmLy4iOPatQ-00501-00115816-00116007 i used to exit like this when the market CmLy4iOPatQ-00502-00116008-00116271 started to range because it may retrace CmLy4iOPatQ-00503-00116272-00116463 but now i don't exit CmLy4iOPatQ-00504-00116464-00116695 because of that reason because four hour CmLy4iOPatQ-00505-00116696-00116958 still bullish CmLy4iOPatQ-00506-00116959-00117407 so let's keep watching CmLy4iOPatQ-00507-00117408-00117678 still in the p wave nicely CmLy4iOPatQ-00508-00117679-00117927 let's see okay now there's a p wave CmLy4iOPatQ-00509-00117928-00118086 breakout CmLy4iOPatQ-00510-00118088-00118486 a p-wave breakout exactly happened here CmLy4iOPatQ-00511-00118488-00118719 but there are resistances CmLy4iOPatQ-00512-00118720-00119047 there are resistances here so this is CmLy4iOPatQ-00513-00119048-00119390 still not a good timing to CmLy4iOPatQ-00514-00119391-00119543 move it to here CmLy4iOPatQ-00515-00119544-00119647 but CmLy4iOPatQ-00516-00119648-00119871 i would say it's safe enough CmLy4iOPatQ-00517-00119872-00120110 to set the stop loss CmLy4iOPatQ-00518-00120111-00120334 in the beginning of the p-wave which CmLy4iOPatQ-00519-00120335-00120614 will be here CmLy4iOPatQ-00520-00120615-00120910 yeah so let me move it to here CmLy4iOPatQ-00521-00120911-00121190 so CmLy4iOPatQ-00522-00121191-00121454 this these are the break evens but if i CmLy4iOPatQ-00523-00121455-00121734 move the stop loss if i drag simply CmLy4iOPatQ-00524-00121735-00122039 click and drag stop loss up above to CmLy4iOPatQ-00525-00122040-00122351 here then you can see on the right CmLy4iOPatQ-00526-00122352-00122558 over here on this CmLy4iOPatQ-00527-00122559-00122802 on these numbers you see a CmLy4iOPatQ-00528-00122803-00122966 165 CmLy4iOPatQ-00529-00122967-00123375 and 165 means a 16 pips CmLy4iOPatQ-00530-00123376-00123654 16.5 pips so CmLy4iOPatQ-00531-00123655-00123895 in this way even if the market retraced CmLy4iOPatQ-00532-00123896-00123990 back CmLy4iOPatQ-00533-00123991-00124095 you still CmLy4iOPatQ-00534-00124096-00124366 make 16 pips of profit CmLy4iOPatQ-00535-00124367-00124558 and if the market keeps going down this CmLy4iOPatQ-00536-00124559-00124943 way you end up with a break even CmLy4iOPatQ-00537-00124944-00125134 but this is how i try all the profits CmLy4iOPatQ-00538-00125135-00125431 along the way i don't leave charge by CmLy4iOPatQ-00539-00125432-00125543 break even CmLy4iOPatQ-00540-00125544-00125734 because the market may go up CmLy4iOPatQ-00541-00125735-00125983 market may go up like 50 pips or 100 CmLy4iOPatQ-00542-00125983-00126271 pips and then it may crash CmLy4iOPatQ-00543-00126272-00126502 and goes down all the way back to CmLy4iOPatQ-00544-00126503-00126599 the CmLy4iOPatQ-00545-00126600-00126807 break even and you don't want to lose CmLy4iOPatQ-00546-00126808-00127151 all these pips right so CmLy4iOPatQ-00547-00127152-00127447 if you if you can monitor chart every CmLy4iOPatQ-00548-00127448-00127678 couple of hours like this CmLy4iOPatQ-00549-00127679-00127927 i recommend you to manage a stop-loss in CmLy4iOPatQ-00550-00127928-00128278 trial the profits like in this way CmLy4iOPatQ-00551-00128279-00128390 so now CmLy4iOPatQ-00552-00128391-00128695 p-wave breakout happens so most likely i CmLy4iOPatQ-00553-00128696-00128934 think the market breaks and goes up but CmLy4iOPatQ-00554-00128935-00129071 if it goes back CmLy4iOPatQ-00555-00129072-00129310 i will talk about the exit time CmLy4iOPatQ-00556-00129311-00129702 let's see which way it goes continuously CmLy4iOPatQ-00557-00129703-00129871 there are resistances there are CmLy4iOPatQ-00558-00129872-00130071 resistances here so the market maybe CmLy4iOPatQ-00559-00130072-00130286 trace all range still CmLy4iOPatQ-00560-00130288-00130534 oh looks like there's a big breakout CmLy4iOPatQ-00561-00130535-00130799 and when i see this big breakout i move CmLy4iOPatQ-00562-00130800-00131119 this stop loss to the most recent low in CmLy4iOPatQ-00563-00131120-00131471 the five minutes that will be here CmLy4iOPatQ-00564-00131472-00131678 okay so um CmLy4iOPatQ-00565-00131679-00131966 24 pips i fixed a profit CmLy4iOPatQ-00566-00131967-00132319 and the other one since the p wave CmLy4iOPatQ-00567-00132320-00132439 breakout CmLy4iOPatQ-00568-00132440-00132527 and CmLy4iOPatQ-00569-00132528-00132814 new breakout happened like this CmLy4iOPatQ-00570-00132815-00133071 i would move the other one the second CmLy4iOPatQ-00571-00133072-00133287 stop loss to CmLy4iOPatQ-00572-00133288-00133614 the beginning of the p wave like this CmLy4iOPatQ-00573-00133615-00133807 so in this way CmLy4iOPatQ-00574-00133808-00133966 i fix CmLy4iOPatQ-00575-00133967-00134143 this is a 20 CmLy4iOPatQ-00576-00134144-00134414 24 25 CmLy4iOPatQ-00577-00134415-00134671 right so 24 pips so if the market goes CmLy4iOPatQ-00578-00134672-00134902 back for any reasons CmLy4iOPatQ-00579-00134903-00135239 i still can take profit of 24 CmLy4iOPatQ-00580-00135240-00135623 and 17. CmLy4iOPatQ-00581-00135624-00135854 so i don't lose in this case i never CmLy4iOPatQ-00582-00135855-00136231 lose in this way that will be profit or CmLy4iOPatQ-00583-00136232-00136495 more perfect game which everybody also CmLy4iOPatQ-00584-00136496-00136719 wants to play CmLy4iOPatQ-00585-00136720-00136975 but this is how i trial so now there's a CmLy4iOPatQ-00586-00136976-00137247 nice breakout in the five minute and for CmLy4iOPatQ-00587-00137248-00137575 sure four hour is continuously bullish CmLy4iOPatQ-00588-00137576-00137847 so no reason to exit i keep holding and CmLy4iOPatQ-00589-00137848-00138054 trying the profits along the way until CmLy4iOPatQ-00590-00138055-00138359 four hour becomes flat CmLy4iOPatQ-00591-00138360-00138631 so like this i don't usually take the tp CmLy4iOPatQ-00592-00138632-00138887 because uh if i set a tp here if there's CmLy4iOPatQ-00593-00138888-00139183 a resistance let me check CmLy4iOPatQ-00594-00139184-00139471 um okay looks like in this example there CmLy4iOPatQ-00595-00139472-00139566 was no CmLy4iOPatQ-00596-00139567-00139807 previous resistances but let's say if CmLy4iOPatQ-00597-00139808-00139966 there's a previous resistance on the CmLy4iOPatQ-00598-00139967-00140414 weekly or daily very close like this CmLy4iOPatQ-00599-00140415-00140631 and in the textbook CmLy4iOPatQ-00600-00140632-00140919 you have to put the tp here or slightly CmLy4iOPatQ-00601-00140920-00141014 below CmLy4iOPatQ-00602-00141015-00141239 the resistance and let the market hit CmLy4iOPatQ-00603-00141240-00141519 the tp and take profit there CmLy4iOPatQ-00604-00141520-00141814 but i have been seeing so many examples CmLy4iOPatQ-00605-00141815-00142119 where the market breaks the resistances CmLy4iOPatQ-00606-00142120-00142383 and keeps going up especially if come on CmLy4iOPatQ-00607-00142384-00142623 thick and long and kijunsen is up CmLy4iOPatQ-00608-00142624-00142807 continuously and cool spawn above CmLy4iOPatQ-00609-00142808-00143007 candles there is a chance that the CmLy4iOPatQ-00610-00143008-00143295 market continues to break and goes up CmLy4iOPatQ-00611-00143296-00143575 so in this reason i don't set the tp CmLy4iOPatQ-00612-00143576-00143831 but as long as it goes i trial the CmLy4iOPatQ-00613-00143832-00144095 profits along the way CmLy4iOPatQ-00614-00144096-00144366 so this this is where the body part CmLy4iOPatQ-00615-00144367-00144590 becomes bigger and bigger CmLy4iOPatQ-00616-00144591-00144743 so CmLy4iOPatQ-00617-00144744-00145111 again coming back to the five minute CmLy4iOPatQ-00618-00145112-00145343 nice breakout so the market may retrace CmLy4iOPatQ-00619-00145344-00145551 usually when we see this a big british CmLy4iOPatQ-00620-00145552-00145839 candle the market may retrace or there CmLy4iOPatQ-00621-00145840-00146063 might be an engulfing inside bars CmLy4iOPatQ-00622-00146064-00146166 usually CmLy4iOPatQ-00623-00146167-00146414 and then breaks up this way CmLy4iOPatQ-00624-00146415-00146559 but let's see CmLy4iOPatQ-00625-00146560-00146735 how it goes CmLy4iOPatQ-00626-00146736-00146943 okay this inside CmLy4iOPatQ-00627-00146944-00147151 oh inside and break out okay very CmLy4iOPatQ-00628-00147152-00147447 sharply very fast but here i see CmLy4iOPatQ-00629-00147448-00147775 engulfing breakout inside so i can move CmLy4iOPatQ-00630-00147776-00148190 the first stop loss to below this inside CmLy4iOPatQ-00631-00148191-00148439 like this and i fix now CmLy4iOPatQ-00632-00148440-00148647 33 pips CmLy4iOPatQ-00633-00148648-00148943 i fix 33 pips and the other one i still CmLy4iOPatQ-00634-00148944-00149078 keep it here CmLy4iOPatQ-00635-00149079-00149383 on the 17 pips CmLy4iOPatQ-00636-00149384-00149766 okay so 33 and 17 pips i fix and then i CmLy4iOPatQ-00637-00149767-00150126 trial the profits along the way CmLy4iOPatQ-00638-00150127-00150366 let's see how far it goes looks like it CmLy4iOPatQ-00639-00150367-00150687 just keeps going up CmLy4iOPatQ-00640-00150688-00150999 okay so there is another end wave CmLy4iOPatQ-00641-00151000-00151166 and the push back CmLy4iOPatQ-00642-00151167-00151311 in breakout CmLy4iOPatQ-00643-00151312-00151535 so when i see this i move the stop loss CmLy4iOPatQ-00644-00151536-00151735 to here CmLy4iOPatQ-00645-00151736-00151890 i fix now CmLy4iOPatQ-00646-00151891-00152190 53 52 pips CmLy4iOPatQ-00647-00152191-00152414 on the first one and second one i will CmLy4iOPatQ-00648-00152415-00152663 still keep it here well i can move here CmLy4iOPatQ-00649-00152664-00152911 i can move this one to CmLy4iOPatQ-00650-00152912-00153087 before the breakout so that would be CmLy4iOPatQ-00651-00153088-00153175 here CmLy4iOPatQ-00652-00153176-00153463 and that would be uh 30 pips CmLy4iOPatQ-00653-00153464-00153607 so now i fix CmLy4iOPatQ-00654-00153608-00153959 52 pips and 30 pips of profit CmLy4iOPatQ-00655-00153960-00154254 and still keep holding the trade CmLy4iOPatQ-00656-00154255-00154431 and this is how i try all the profits CmLy4iOPatQ-00657-00154432-00154583 along the way CmLy4iOPatQ-00658-00154584-00154847 in this way the body part becomes bigger CmLy4iOPatQ-00659-00154848-00155039 and bigger so this is the beginning of CmLy4iOPatQ-00660-00155040-00155183 the body CmLy4iOPatQ-00661-00155184-00155431 and the body part is CmLy4iOPatQ-00662-00155432-00155719 up to here now if the monkey retraces CmLy4iOPatQ-00663-00155720-00155935 and if the monkey goes up this way the CmLy4iOPatQ-00664-00155936-00156263 body part becomes bigger and bigger CmLy4iOPatQ-00665-00156264-00156566 and this is how i trial the profit CmLy4iOPatQ-00666-00156567-00156959 let's see how far it goes this way CmLy4iOPatQ-00667-00156960-00157231 still bandwalking CmLy4iOPatQ-00668-00157232-00157535 okay now looks like it's retracing back CmLy4iOPatQ-00669-00157536-00157799 or it may hit the CmLy4iOPatQ-00670-00157800-00158102 uh the stop loss but let's see CmLy4iOPatQ-00671-00158103-00158278 orange band squeezing that cross CmLy4iOPatQ-00672-00158279-00158535 happening so it may retrace CmLy4iOPatQ-00673-00158536-00158743 but so here i stop CmLy4iOPatQ-00674-00158744-00158959 and check the four hour okay let me just CmLy4iOPatQ-00675-00158960-00159231 move one more candle and i check the CmLy4iOPatQ-00676-00159232-00159487 four hour time frame if four hours now CmLy4iOPatQ-00677-00159488-00159583 flat CmLy4iOPatQ-00678-00159584-00159943 i will look for an exit timing manually CmLy4iOPatQ-00679-00159944-00160254 but let's see CmLy4iOPatQ-00680-00160255-00160478 okay four hour is still bullish two CmLy4iOPatQ-00681-00160479-00160687 months up hijuncen is up CmLy4iOPatQ-00682-00160688-00160951 so the chance for the market to go up CmLy4iOPatQ-00683-00160952-00161239 continuously is still higher so i don't CmLy4iOPatQ-00684-00161240-00161551 exit yet manually i keep holding CmLy4iOPatQ-00685-00161552-00161854 so if the market takes this stop loss i CmLy4iOPatQ-00686-00161855-00162014 still take it CmLy4iOPatQ-00687-00162015-00162247 and then it may go up afterwards this CmLy4iOPatQ-00688-00162248-00162535 way then i start to trial on the second CmLy4iOPatQ-00689-00162536-00162663 stop loss CmLy4iOPatQ-00690-00162664-00162911 i move the second stop cluster here and CmLy4iOPatQ-00691-00162912-00163407 continuously trial on the second one CmLy4iOPatQ-00692-00163408-00163639 so let's see how it goes okay looks like CmLy4iOPatQ-00693-00163640-00163983 it hit the stop loss so i fixed 54 pips CmLy4iOPatQ-00694-00163984-00164190 50 some pips of profit CmLy4iOPatQ-00695-00164191-00164519 but still i have the second one CmLy4iOPatQ-00696-00164520-00165054 let's see CmLy4iOPatQ-00697-00165055-00165207 it looks like it's CmLy4iOPatQ-00698-00165208-00165783 gradually going down CmLy4iOPatQ-00699-00165784-00166047 okay now the market gradually start to CmLy4iOPatQ-00700-00166048-00166183 move up CmLy4iOPatQ-00701-00166184-00166487 so there is a new n-wave oh not the CmLy4iOPatQ-00702-00166488-00166695 n-wave but CmLy4iOPatQ-00703-00166696-00166887 there was a i would say CmLy4iOPatQ-00704-00166888-00167031 w bottom CmLy4iOPatQ-00705-00167032-00167238 and this was a neckline CmLy4iOPatQ-00706-00167239-00167431 and there's a neckline breakout in the CmLy4iOPatQ-00707-00167432-00167638 resistance breakout here CmLy4iOPatQ-00708-00167639-00167943 so i will move the second stop loss CmLy4iOPatQ-00709-00167944-00168119 to below CmLy4iOPatQ-00710-00168120-00168311 these w bottoms CmLy4iOPatQ-00711-00168312-00168719 so now i fixed 47 pips of profit CmLy4iOPatQ-00712-00168720-00168999 and continue to hold because higher time CmLy4iOPatQ-00713-00169000-00169207 frame is too bullish CmLy4iOPatQ-00714-00169208-00169390 let me just move couple more candles and CmLy4iOPatQ-00715-00169391-00169726 check the four hour CmLy4iOPatQ-00716-00169727-00170023 okay so now let's check let's see how CmLy4iOPatQ-00717-00170024-00170319 four hour looks like CmLy4iOPatQ-00718-00170320-00170414 okay CmLy4iOPatQ-00719-00170415-00170823 for our chart if you see a cumulation CmLy4iOPatQ-00720-00170824-00171183 is flat cinco span a is up CmLy4iOPatQ-00721-00171184-00171407 but single spam b is flat CmLy4iOPatQ-00722-00171408-00171678 so since cinco spam b flat and kijon CmLy4iOPatQ-00723-00171679-00171823 saying flat now CmLy4iOPatQ-00724-00171824-00172078 i look for an exit timing because as CmLy4iOPatQ-00725-00172079-00172278 each mother nature when you see khmer CmLy4iOPatQ-00726-00172279-00172495 flat que junsein flat that means the CmLy4iOPatQ-00727-00172496-00172687 market may be traced CmLy4iOPatQ-00728-00172688-00172943 because the sellers and buyers are 50 50 CmLy4iOPatQ-00729-00172944-00173231 now so it may not have enough CmLy4iOPatQ-00730-00173232-00173478 power to break the resistance CmLy4iOPatQ-00731-00173479-00173719 it may retrace back to CmLy4iOPatQ-00732-00173720-00173919 10 counts in our occasions CmLy4iOPatQ-00733-00173920-00174126 so this is where i look for an exit CmLy4iOPatQ-00734-00174127-00174519 timing on the five minute CmLy4iOPatQ-00735-00174520-00174735 and with that in mind if i check the CmLy4iOPatQ-00736-00174736-00174975 five minute there is no exit CmLy4iOPatQ-00737-00174976-00175143 confirmations because the market is CmLy4iOPatQ-00738-00175144-00175335 bullish in the wave CmLy4iOPatQ-00739-00175336-00175543 gold crossed kasich's happening CmLy4iOPatQ-00740-00175544-00175631 still CmLy4iOPatQ-00741-00175632-00175847 market is bandwalking towards major CmLy4iOPatQ-00742-00175848-00176126 direction so it may break resistance CmLy4iOPatQ-00743-00176127-00176390 it may break resistance and goes up so i CmLy4iOPatQ-00744-00176391-00176887 will simply keep holding the trade CmLy4iOPatQ-00745-00176888-00177031 okay looks like CmLy4iOPatQ-00746-00177032-00177366 it was exactly resisted here CmLy4iOPatQ-00747-00177367-00177726 so it may go down from here so let's see CmLy4iOPatQ-00748-00177727-00177926 looks like there's a nice breakout CmLy4iOPatQ-00749-00177927-00178214 okay so at the breakout i moved the stop CmLy4iOPatQ-00750-00178215-00178335 loss to CmLy4iOPatQ-00751-00178336-00178687 the most recent low so now i fixed uh CmLy4iOPatQ-00752-00178688-00178854 70 pips CmLy4iOPatQ-00753-00178855-00179054 i fixed 70 pips CmLy4iOPatQ-00754-00179055-00179223 and there's a gap CmLy4iOPatQ-00755-00179224-00179423 in between the candles i think this is a CmLy4iOPatQ-00756-00179424-00179526 new day CmLy4iOPatQ-00757-00179527-00179671 or maybe news CmLy4iOPatQ-00758-00179672-00179790 so CmLy4iOPatQ-00759-00179791-00180023 i expect the market goes up now now four CmLy4iOPatQ-00760-00180024-00180238 hours bullish CmLy4iOPatQ-00761-00180239-00180463 all right let's see four hour kumu's up CmLy4iOPatQ-00762-00180464-00180711 questions and up now so then i don't CmLy4iOPatQ-00763-00180712-00181014 exit manually i keep holding CmLy4iOPatQ-00764-00181015-00181254 a trade CmLy4iOPatQ-00765-00181255-00181663 i get the 70 pips of profit fix CmLy4iOPatQ-00766-00181664-00181926 okay so looks like it went down soon and CmLy4iOPatQ-00767-00181927-00182126 hit the stop loss CmLy4iOPatQ-00768-00182127-00182302 so in this way CmLy4iOPatQ-00769-00182303-00182638 i saw again i fixed a profit of uh CmLy4iOPatQ-00770-00182639-00182823 70 pips CmLy4iOPatQ-00771-00182824-00183111 and also previously uh 54 pips 50 some CmLy4iOPatQ-00772-00183112-00183375 pips i fix a profit but this is CmLy4iOPatQ-00773-00183376-00183687 basically how i trial the profits CmLy4iOPatQ-00774-00183688-00184038 and um exit entry and exit CmLy4iOPatQ-00775-00184039-00184247 so CmLy4iOPatQ-00776-00184248-00184431 yeah so again CmLy4iOPatQ-00777-00184432-00184638 um so yeah CmLy4iOPatQ-00778-00184639-00184766 in the end CmLy4iOPatQ-00779-00184767-00185151 so again about the fish analogy CmLy4iOPatQ-00780-00185152-00185319 let me CmLy4iOPatQ-00781-00185320-00185599 write the fish analogy this became the CmLy4iOPatQ-00782-00185600-00185919 body part so this is a tail CmLy4iOPatQ-00783-00185920-00186047 of the fish CmLy4iOPatQ-00784-00186048-00186263 this became body part CmLy4iOPatQ-00785-00186264-00186566 and this becomes a head CmLy4iOPatQ-00786-00186567-00186678 like this CmLy4iOPatQ-00787-00186679-00186990 l fish and head of the fish CmLy4iOPatQ-00788-00186991-00187231 we don't eat the head we don't eat the CmLy4iOPatQ-00789-00187232-00187343 tail CmLy4iOPatQ-00790-00187344-00187623 but we only get the body part CmLy4iOPatQ-00791-00187624-00187887 because this is where the juices CmLy4iOPatQ-00792-00187888-00188135 and this is how i trial and CmLy4iOPatQ-00793-00188136-00188319 fix profit CmLy4iOPatQ-00794-00188320-00188471 so CmLy4iOPatQ-00795-00188472-00188750 as it turns out this was a good example CmLy4iOPatQ-00796-00188751-00189014 i was able to show some good example of CmLy4iOPatQ-00797-00189015-00189326 how i try all the profits but um CmLy4iOPatQ-00798-00189327-00189487 yeah that's CmLy4iOPatQ-00799-00189488-00189695 the that's how i CmLy4iOPatQ-00800-00189696-00189943 take profits usually CmLy4iOPatQ-00801-00189944-00190247 so four hour is still bullish right kumo CmLy4iOPatQ-00802-00190248-00190423 is up cajunsen up CmLy4iOPatQ-00803-00190424-00190735 so although i exited uh with uh with CmLy4iOPatQ-00804-00190736-00191047 that stop loss at the stop loss CmLy4iOPatQ-00805-00191048-00191207 uh if i have CmLy4iOPatQ-00806-00191208-00191502 three other confirmations to buy CmLy4iOPatQ-00807-00191503-00191759 i re-enter the market CmLy4iOPatQ-00808-00191760-00192095 and um expect the market goes up towards CmLy4iOPatQ-00809-00192096-00192390 my direction but since it just retraced CmLy4iOPatQ-00810-00192391-00192654 and hit the stop loss like this CmLy4iOPatQ-00811-00192655-00192895 i i just exit once CmLy4iOPatQ-00812-00192896-00193014 and then CmLy4iOPatQ-00813-00193015-00193231 um see if that if the market goes up CmLy4iOPatQ-00814-00193232-00193559 continuously or not CmLy4iOPatQ-00815-00193560-00193790 but that's how i do so CmLy4iOPatQ-00816-00193791-00193943 this is CmLy4iOPatQ-00817-00193944-00194247 this time on this video i showed you how CmLy4iOPatQ-00818-00194248-00194383 i fix CmLy4iOPatQ-00819-00194384-00194647 the profit and trial the profits along CmLy4iOPatQ-00820-00194648-00194895 the way but again the most important CmLy4iOPatQ-00821-00194896-00194999 part CmLy4iOPatQ-00822-00195000-00195302 in my youtube channel and also my CmLy4iOPatQ-00823-00195303-00195447 strategy is CmLy4iOPatQ-00824-00195448-00195759 to be a non-losing trader CmLy4iOPatQ-00825-00195760-00195935 as i state here CmLy4iOPatQ-00826-00195936-00196159 to become non-losing traders so make CmLy4iOPatQ-00827-00196160-00196263 sure CmLy4iOPatQ-00828-00196264-00196447 when the market starts to go through CmLy4iOPatQ-00829-00196448-00196590 towards their direction after the CmLy4iOPatQ-00830-00196591-00196878 entries then make sure you CmLy4iOPatQ-00831-00196879-00197175 move the stop losses to break even CmLy4iOPatQ-00832-00197176-00197383 enough to see the break even don't leave CmLy4iOPatQ-00833-00197384-00197654 like that you have to trial the profits CmLy4iOPatQ-00834-00197655-00197902 along the way like that way so at least CmLy4iOPatQ-00835-00197903-00198119 you fix some profits CmLy4iOPatQ-00836-00198120-00198343 and then if the market goes back you CmLy4iOPatQ-00837-00198344-00198487 take it there CmLy4iOPatQ-00838-00198488-00198695 and this way CmLy4iOPatQ-00839-00198696-00198790 um CmLy4iOPatQ-00840-00198791-00198975 you know the market CmLy4iOPatQ-00841-00198976-00199238 the the forex market especially uh have CmLy4iOPatQ-00842-00199239-00199471 some spikes sometimes without any CmLy4iOPatQ-00843-00199472-00199783 reasons without many big news sometimes CmLy4iOPatQ-00844-00199784-00199959 suddenly the market just shoots down or CmLy4iOPatQ-00845-00199960-00200087 spikes CmLy4iOPatQ-00846-00200088-00200238 and CmLy4iOPatQ-00847-00200239-00200526 even if you see the mac crush CmLy4iOPatQ-00848-00200527-00200807 in that timings you can still fix some CmLy4iOPatQ-00849-00200808-00201047 profit you don't lose CmLy4iOPatQ-00850-00201048-00201375 and you can preserve your own asset your CmLy4iOPatQ-00851-00201376-00201471 money CmLy4iOPatQ-00852-00201472-00201687 and when you find a next good CmLy4iOPatQ-00853-00201688-00201999 opportunities you can also reinvest you CmLy4iOPatQ-00854-00202000-00202214 can also re-enter the markets CmLy4iOPatQ-00855-00202215-00202614 and uh keep making profits along the way CmLy4iOPatQ-00856-00202615-00202750 so CmLy4iOPatQ-00857-00202751-00202990 again uh this is actually something that CmLy4iOPatQ-00858-00202991-00203278 i that i mentioned on yesterdays or two CmLy4iOPatQ-00859-00203279-00203414 days back CmLy4iOPatQ-00860-00203415-00203831 psychology uh live stream was that i was CmLy4iOPatQ-00861-00203832-00204126 focusing on how to make profits before CmLy4iOPatQ-00862-00204127-00204383 and i was losing constantly CmLy4iOPatQ-00863-00204384-00204647 but when i started to focus on how not CmLy4iOPatQ-00864-00204648-00204783 to lose CmLy4iOPatQ-00865-00204784-00205006 and how to keep surviving in the market CmLy4iOPatQ-00866-00205007-00205206 without losing too big CmLy4iOPatQ-00867-00205207-00205414 and also CmLy4iOPatQ-00868-00205415-00205798 the breakeven mindset then um i start to CmLy4iOPatQ-00869-00205800-00205919 win more CmLy4iOPatQ-00870-00205919-00206286 than when i thought about making profits CmLy4iOPatQ-00871-00206287-00206471 and this is actually true CmLy4iOPatQ-00872-00206471-00206775 so now i say the risk management is the CmLy4iOPatQ-00873-00206776-00207038 most important part because CmLy4iOPatQ-00874-00207039-00207319 risk management the risk is closely CmLy4iOPatQ-00875-00207319-00207606 connected to psychology the profit CmLy4iOPatQ-00876-00207607-00207798 actually is not really connected to CmLy4iOPatQ-00877-00207800-00208127 psychology but uh the risk part the CmLy4iOPatQ-00878-00208128-00208366 losses and risk part are closely CmLy4iOPatQ-00879-00208367-00208662 connected it usually gives us some CmLy4iOPatQ-00880-00208663-00208838 psychological impact CmLy4iOPatQ-00881-00208839-00208966 in emotions CmLy4iOPatQ-00882-00208967-00209223 so that's why i say risk management CmLy4iOPatQ-00883-00209223-00209406 becomes a very key CmLy4iOPatQ-00884-00209407-00209534 success CmLy4iOPatQ-00885-00209535-00209758 so to be honest if you manage and if you CmLy4iOPatQ-00886-00209759-00209967 master the risk management part CmLy4iOPatQ-00887-00209967-00210206 i think no matter which strategies you CmLy4iOPatQ-00888-00210207-00210479 use i think you can make profits you can CmLy4iOPatQ-00889-00210480-00210615 even CmLy4iOPatQ-00890-00210616-00210863 take trades by the candlesticks only CmLy4iOPatQ-00891-00210864-00210998 and CmLy4iOPatQ-00892-00211000-00211255 make profits if you have a good risk CmLy4iOPatQ-00893-00211256-00211431 management CmLy4iOPatQ-00894-00211432-00211510 but CmLy4iOPatQ-00895-00211511-00211742 i do use ichimoku kinko hyo because CmLy4iOPatQ-00896-00211744-00212063 ichimoku gave me lots of inspirations CmLy4iOPatQ-00897-00212064-00212279 lots of new ideas about the trace and CmLy4iOPatQ-00898-00212280-00212398 also CmLy4iOPatQ-00899-00212400-00212503 visually CmLy4iOPatQ-00900-00212504-00212879 it's so easy to identify and understand CmLy4iOPatQ-00901-00212880-00213071 the market conditions whether it's a CmLy4iOPatQ-00902-00213071-00213287 trendy market ranging market whether the CmLy4iOPatQ-00903-00213288-00213455 market might be resisted CmLy4iOPatQ-00904-00213456-00213742 by the resistance support or not CmLy4iOPatQ-00905-00213744-00214006 so that's why i use ichimoku king kojo CmLy4iOPatQ-00906-00214007-00214351 for to to support my trace CmLy4iOPatQ-00907-00214352-00214606 and also to be time efficient in my CmLy4iOPatQ-00908-00214607-00214831 screening time CmLy4iOPatQ-00909-00214832-00215063 so that was the topic for today's video CmLy4iOPatQ-00910-00215064-00215263 i hope you enjoyed CmLy4iOPatQ-00911-00215264-00215527 and uh master this CmLy4iOPatQ-00912-00215528-00215839 mindset of non-losing trader throughout CmLy4iOPatQ-00913-00215840-00216006 the video series CmLy4iOPatQ-00914-00216007-00216327 so like this since august CmLy4iOPatQ-00915-00216328-00216510 i started to CmLy4iOPatQ-00916-00216511-00216815 do a video series so um CmLy4iOPatQ-00917-00216816-00216998 yeah in the month of september i'm CmLy4iOPatQ-00918-00217000-00217223 thinking to do a video series about CmLy4iOPatQ-00919-00217223-00217471 psychology or the mindset CmLy4iOPatQ-00920-00217471-00217679 hopefully you continuously learn CmLy4iOPatQ-00921-00217680-00217927 on my youtube channel and CmLy4iOPatQ-00922-00217928-00218158 when i do the live stream or the videos CmLy4iOPatQ-00923-00218159-00218439 next time i hope to see you again CmLy4iOPatQ-00924-00218440-00218631 so anyways thank you so much for CmLy4iOPatQ-00925-00218632-00218798 watching until the end CmLy4iOPatQ-00926-00218800-00219039 and if you liked it please press the CmLy4iOPatQ-00927-00219040-00219151 like button CmLy4iOPatQ-00928-00219152-00219334 and please subscribe and click the bell CmLy4iOPatQ-00929-00219335-00219534 button notification on CmLy4iOPatQ-00930-00219535-00219782 so that you get notified as i do the CmLy4iOPatQ-00931-00219783-00219975 next live streams or videos on my CmLy4iOPatQ-00932-00219976-00220110 youtube channel CmLy4iOPatQ-00933-00220111-00220223 so CmLy4iOPatQ-00934-00220223-00220439 until i see you next time please stay CmLy4iOPatQ-00935-00220440-00220798 healthy and stay safe and stay gold CmLy4iOPatQ-00936-00220800-00221079 alright bye for everyone CmLy4iOPatQ-00937-00221080-00223271 thanks so much CmLy4iOPatQ-00938-00223271-00223480 you D1UJkP2AIxo-00000-00000054-00000300 DaVinci deep atmosphere Venus D1UJkP2AIxo-00001-00000301-00000557 investigation of noble gases chemistry D1UJkP2AIxo-00002-00000558-00000761 and imaging was a proposed mission D1UJkP2AIxo-00003-00000762-00000977 concept for an atmospheric probe to D1UJkP2AIxo-00004-00000978-00001220 Venus losing out to psyche and Lucie in D1UJkP2AIxo-00005-00001221-00001491 the 2015 round of proposals for NASA's D1UJkP2AIxo-00006-00001492-00001814 Discovery Program da Vinci would study D1UJkP2AIxo-00007-00001816-00002007 the chemical composition of Venus's D1UJkP2AIxo-00008-00002007-00002262 atmosphere during descent the da vinci D1UJkP2AIxo-00009-00002263-00002439 probe would travel through the Venus D1UJkP2AIxo-00010-00002440-00002631 atmosphere sampling the air and D1UJkP2AIxo-00011-00002632-00002802 returning measurements down to the D1UJkP2AIxo-00012-00002803-00003077 surface these measurements are important D1UJkP2AIxo-00013-00003078-00003288 to understanding the origin of the Venus D1UJkP2AIxo-00014-00003289-00003510 atmosphere how it has evolved and how D1UJkP2AIxo-00015-00003511-00003693 and why it is different from Earth and D1UJkP2AIxo-00016-00003694-00003731 Mars D1UJkP2AIxo-00017-00003732-00004002 da Vinci's measurements would reveal the D1UJkP2AIxo-00018-00004003-00004185 history of water on Venus and the D1UJkP2AIxo-00019-00004186-00004371 chemical processes at work in the D1UJkP2AIxo-00020-00004372-00004668 unexplored lower atmosphere before it D1UJkP2AIxo-00021-00004669-00004878 reaches the surface the da vinci probe D1UJkP2AIxo-00022-00004879-00005085 would take the first ever photos of the D1UJkP2AIxo-00023-00005086-00005270 planet's intriguing ridged terrain D1UJkP2AIxo-00024-00005271-00005343 tesserae D1UJkP2AIxo-00025-00005344-00005541 to explore its origin and tectonic D1UJkP2AIxo-00026-00005542-00006261 volcanic and weathering history D1UJkP2AIxo-00027-00006262-00006845 topic proposal development D1UJkP2AIxo-00028-00006845-00007061 da Vinci was one of the dozens of D1UJkP2AIxo-00029-00007062-00007304 proposals submitted in 2015 to D1UJkP2AIxo-00030-00007305-00007538 potentially become mission number 13 of D1UJkP2AIxo-00031-00007539-00007850 NASA's discovery program NASA's planned D1UJkP2AIxo-00032-00007851-00008087 budget for discovery mission number 13 D1UJkP2AIxo-00033-00008088-00008498 as 450 million dollars on September 30th D1UJkP2AIxo-00034-00008499-00008765 2015 it was selected as one of five D1UJkP2AIxo-00035-00008766-00009176 finalists on January 4th 2017 two D1UJkP2AIxo-00036-00009177-00009419 competing proposals Lucy and Psyche D1UJkP2AIxo-00037-00009420-00009635 defeated da Vinci to be selected as the D1UJkP2AIxo-00038-00009636-00009863 13th and 14th discovery missions D1UJkP2AIxo-00039-00009864-00010079 respectively the da vinci principal D1UJkP2AIxo-00040-00010080-00010288 investigator as lori glaze and the D1UJkP2AIxo-00041-00010289-00010546 deputy principal investigator as james b D1UJkP2AIxo-00042-00010547-00010771 Garvin both of NASA's Goddard Space D1UJkP2AIxo-00043-00010772-00011360 Flight Center D1UJkP2AIxo-00044-00011361-00011878 topic objectives D1UJkP2AIxo-00045-00011879-00012163 following five orbital missions to Venus D1UJkP2AIxo-00046-00012164-00012487 Venera 15 Venera 16 Magellan Venus D1UJkP2AIxo-00047-00012488-00012742 Express Akatsuki focused on remote D1UJkP2AIxo-00048-00012743-00012963 sensing observations da Vinci would be D1UJkP2AIxo-00049-00012964-00013255 the first probe since 1986 to target D1UJkP2AIxo-00050-00013256-00013516 Venus's atmosphere da Vinci will D1UJkP2AIxo-00051-00013516-00013729 directly measure the lower two-thirds of D1UJkP2AIxo-00052-00013730-00014086 the atmospheric mass da Vinci scientists D1UJkP2AIxo-00053-00014087-00014250 would explore how Venus's atmosphere D1UJkP2AIxo-00054-00014251-00014488 formed and then changed over time D1UJkP2AIxo-00055-00014488-00014779 including what happened to its water the D1UJkP2AIxo-00056-00014780-00014938 findings would help scientists D1UJkP2AIxo-00057-00014938-00015199 understand why Venus and Earth took such D1UJkP2AIxo-00058-00015200-00015385 different paths as they matured and D1UJkP2AIxo-00059-00015386-00015586 provide another point of comparison for D1UJkP2AIxo-00060-00015587-00015822 studies of rocky planets and other star D1UJkP2AIxo-00061-00015824-00016201 systems exoplanets da Vinci's in-situ D1UJkP2AIxo-00062-00016202-00016423 measurements would answer multiple D1UJkP2AIxo-00063-00016424-00016654 questions regarding Venus atmospheric D1UJkP2AIxo-00064-00016655-00016882 composition as currently formulated for D1UJkP2AIxo-00065-00016883-00017098 the National Research Council planetary D1UJkP2AIxo-00066-00017099-00017361 science decadal surveys Venus in-situ D1UJkP2AIxo-00067-00017362-00018005 Explorer vice D1UJkP2AIxo-00068-00018006-00018478 topic goals D1UJkP2AIxo-00069-00018479-00018685 atmospheric origin and evolution D1UJkP2AIxo-00070-00018686-00018914 understand the origin of the Venus D1UJkP2AIxo-00071-00018915-00019136 atmosphere how it has evolved and how D1UJkP2AIxo-00072-00019137-00019283 and why it is different from the D1UJkP2AIxo-00073-00019284-00019536 atmospheres of Earth and Mars D1UJkP2AIxo-00074-00019537-00019769 atmospheric composition and surface D1UJkP2AIxo-00075-00019770-00019991 interaction understand the history of D1UJkP2AIxo-00076-00019992-00020161 water on Venus and the chemical D1UJkP2AIxo-00077-00020162-00020369 processes at work in the Lower Venus D1UJkP2AIxo-00078-00020370-00020705 atmosphere surface properties provide D1UJkP2AIxo-00079-00020706-00020933 insights into tessera origins and their D1UJkP2AIxo-00080-00020934-00021693 tectonic volcanic and weathering history D1UJkP2AIxo-00081-00021694-00022280 topic scientific payload D1UJkP2AIxo-00082-00022281-00022480 DaVinci is designed to address D1UJkP2AIxo-00083-00022481-00022748 high-priority NASA decadal science by D1UJkP2AIxo-00084-00022749-00022997 targeting noble gases trace gases and D1UJkP2AIxo-00085-00022998-00023213 their isotopes as well as temperature D1UJkP2AIxo-00086-00023214-00023579 pressure winds and imaging at Venus da D1UJkP2AIxo-00087-00023580-00023819 Vinci's Venus analytic laboratory Val D1UJkP2AIxo-00088-00023820-00024013 instruments would provide high fidelity D1UJkP2AIxo-00089-00024014-00024230 synergistic measurements throughout the D1UJkP2AIxo-00090-00024231-00024440 probes descent particularly in the upper D1UJkP2AIxo-00091-00024441-00024647 clouds and the unexplored near surface D1UJkP2AIxo-00092-00024648-00024950 environment Val design is based on the D1UJkP2AIxo-00093-00024951-00025226 sample analysis at Mars Sam instrument D1UJkP2AIxo-00094-00025227-00025444 on the Curiosity rover which measured D1UJkP2AIxo-00095-00025445-00025684 the chemical and isotopic composition of D1UJkP2AIxo-00096-00025685-00025864 the Martian atmosphere and found the D1UJkP2AIxo-00097-00025866-00026089 first definitive evidence of organics on D1UJkP2AIxo-00098-00026091-00026147 Mars D1UJkP2AIxo-00099-00026148-00026458 da Vinci's four science instruments are D1UJkP2AIxo-00100-00026458-00026831 Venus mass spectrometer VMs proposed to D1UJkP2AIxo-00101-00026832-00027017 be built by NASA's Goddard Space Flight D1UJkP2AIxo-00102-00027018-00027358 Center GS F C VMs would provide the D1UJkP2AIxo-00103-00027360-00027652 first comprehensive in situ surveys of D1UJkP2AIxo-00104-00027654-00027889 noble and trace gases at Venus and has D1UJkP2AIxo-00105-00027891-00028085 the capability to discover new gas D1UJkP2AIxo-00106-00028086-00028412 species in the Venusian atmosphere VMs D1UJkP2AIxo-00107-00028413-00028645 is similar to curiosity's quadrupole D1UJkP2AIxo-00108-00028647-00029039 mass spectrometer QMS venus tunable D1UJkP2AIxo-00109-00029039-00029345 laser spectrometer VT LS proposed to be D1UJkP2AIxo-00110-00029345-00029630 built by NASA's Jet Propulsion lab JPL D1UJkP2AIxo-00111-00029631-00029896 VT LS would provide the first highly D1UJkP2AIxo-00112-00029897-00030139 sensitive in situ measurements of D1UJkP2AIxo-00113-00030141-00030362 targeted trace gases and associated D1UJkP2AIxo-00114-00030363-00030620 isotope ratios at Venus addressing key D1UJkP2AIxo-00115-00030620-00030806 science questions about chemical D1UJkP2AIxo-00116-00030807-00030998 processes in the upper clouds and the D1UJkP2AIxo-00117-00030999-00031319 near surface environment VT LS is D1UJkP2AIxo-00118-00031320-00031540 similar to curiosity's tunable laser D1UJkP2AIxo-00119-00031541-00031943 spectrometer TLS Venus atmospheric D1UJkP2AIxo-00120-00031944-00032237 structure investigation V ASI proposed D1UJkP2AIxo-00121-00032238-00032405 to be built by NASA's Goddard Space D1UJkP2AIxo-00122-00032406-00032756 Flight Center GS FC using flight proven D1UJkP2AIxo-00123-00032757-00033023 sensors v ASI would provide measurements D1UJkP2AIxo-00124-00033024-00033254 of the structure and dynamics of Venus's D1UJkP2AIxo-00125-00033255-00033431 atmosphere during entry and descent D1UJkP2AIxo-00126-00033432-00033644 providing context for chemistry D1UJkP2AIxo-00127-00033645-00033860 measurements and enabling reconstruction D1UJkP2AIxo-00128-00033861-00034148 of the probes descent venous descent D1UJkP2AIxo-00129-00034149-00034379 imager vendee proposed to be built by D1UJkP2AIxo-00130-00034380-00034685 Malin space science systems MSS vendee D1UJkP2AIxo-00131-00034686-00034901 would provide high contrast images of D1UJkP2AIxo-00132-00034902-00035054 the Tessera terrain at the descent D1UJkP2AIxo-00133-00035055-00035306 location vendee is similar to D1UJkP2AIxo-00134-00035307-00035588 curiosity's mast camera mastcam Mars D1UJkP2AIxo-00135-00035589-00035665 descent D1UJkP2AIxo-00136-00035666-00036458 Marty and Mars hand lens imager Molly D1UJkP2AIxo-00137-00036459-00036987 topic see also D1UJkP2AIxo-00138-00036988-00037367 selection of discovery mission 13 and 14 D1UJkP2AIxo-00139-00037368-00037645 Galileo probe Galileo orbiters D1UJkP2AIxo-00140-00037646-00037905 atmospheric probe penetrated Jupiter in D1UJkP2AIxo-00141-00037906-00038337 December 1995 pioneer Venus multi probe D1UJkP2AIxo-00142-00038338-00038592 previous NASA Venus atmospheric probe D1UJkP2AIxo-00143-00038593-00039115 spacecraft penetrated Venus in 1978 D2MncruDNpU-00001-00003744-00005119 foreign D2MncruDNpU-00002-00005120-00008078 foreign D2MncruDNpU-00007-00043368-00044079 foreign D2MncruDNpU-00011-00065656-00068623 foreign D2MncruDNpU-00016-00090760-00092559 foreign D2MncruDNpU-00017-00092560-00095247 foreign D2MncruDNpU-00018-00095248-00097943 foreign D2MncruDNpU-00019-00097944-00100526 foreign D2MncruDNpU-00022-00108728-00109631 foreign D2MncruDNpU-00023-00109632-00111775 foreign D2MncruDNpU-00025-00120520-00122495 is D2MncruDNpU-00029-00148096-00149751 foreign D2MncruDNpU-00037-00188200-00189990 foreign D2MncruDNpU-00039-00197567-00197784 foreign