TtLqp_AHPJ8-00000-00000055-00000325 the early timeline of Nazism begins with TtLqp_AHPJ8-00001-00000326-00000534 its origins and continues until Hitler's TtLqp_AHPJ8-00002-00000535-00001128 rise to power TtLqp_AHPJ8-00003-00001129-00001845 topic prehistory of National Socialism TtLqp_AHPJ8-00004-00001846-00002263 1834 the term national socialism s first TtLqp_AHPJ8-00005-00002264-00002481 appears in print in Boursin Blatchford TtLqp_AHPJ8-00006-00002482-00002718 endo tchen buck handle exchange tables TtLqp_AHPJ8-00007-00002719-00003081 for the german book trade at page 36 TtLqp_AHPJ8-00008-00003082-00003385 1841 german economist friedrich lists TtLqp_AHPJ8-00009-00003386-00003634 das Nationale a system der politician TtLqp_AHPJ8-00010-00003635-00003835 economy national system of political TtLqp_AHPJ8-00011-00003836-00004056 economy is published espousing TtLqp_AHPJ8-00012-00004057-00004236 settlement farming and agricultural TtLqp_AHPJ8-00013-00004237-00004458 expansion eastwards along with economic TtLqp_AHPJ8-00014-00004459-00004666 industrialization manipulated by the TtLqp_AHPJ8-00015-00004667-00004876 state and the establishment of a German TtLqp_AHPJ8-00016-00004877-00005097 dominated European economic sphere as TtLqp_AHPJ8-00017-00005098-00005256 part of the solution to Germany's TtLqp_AHPJ8-00018-00005257-00005527 economic woes predecessor ideas to Nazi TtLqp_AHPJ8-00019-00005528-00005938 imperialism 1856 French aristocrat and TtLqp_AHPJ8-00020-00005939-00006193 author Arthur dagoba no publishes his an TtLqp_AHPJ8-00021-00006194-00006381 essay on the inequality of the human TtLqp_AHPJ8-00022-00006382-00006567 races in which he divides the human TtLqp_AHPJ8-00023-00006568-00006813 species into three races black white and TtLqp_AHPJ8-00024-00006814-00007006 yellow arguing therein that racial TtLqp_AHPJ8-00025-00007006-00007195 distinctions form a clear and natural TtLqp_AHPJ8-00026-00007195-00007503 genetic barrier of sorts gobindo also TtLqp_AHPJ8-00027-00007504-00007662 wrote that racial mixing would lead to TtLqp_AHPJ8-00028-00007663-00007941 chaos while not an anti-semite his work TtLqp_AHPJ8-00029-00007942-00008163 is often characterized as philosophic TtLqp_AHPJ8-00030-00008164-00008359 since he wrote positively about the Jews TtLqp_AHPJ8-00031-00008360-00008535 but it is still considered an early TtLqp_AHPJ8-00032-00008536-00008780 manifestation of scientific racism TtLqp_AHPJ8-00033-00008781-00009042 historian yahwah kim c fast in his TtLqp_AHPJ8-00034-00009043-00009276 seminal biography entitled hitler claims TtLqp_AHPJ8-00035-00009277-00009477 that arthur dagoba knows negative views TtLqp_AHPJ8-00036-00009478-00009694 on race mixing influenced Hitler and TtLqp_AHPJ8-00037-00009695-00009898 thereby the ideology of National TtLqp_AHPJ8-00038-00009899-00010308 Socialism 1870 the term National TtLqp_AHPJ8-00039-00010309-00010578 Socialism first appears in English in TtLqp_AHPJ8-00040-00010579-00010899 the sex of the Russian Church the North TtLqp_AHPJ8-00041-00010900-00011412 British review volumes 52 to 53 1878 TtLqp_AHPJ8-00042-00011413-00011577 founding year of the anti-semitic TtLqp_AHPJ8-00043-00011578-00011812 Christian social workers party by Adolf TtLqp_AHPJ8-00044-00011813-00012246 Stoker 1884 National Socialism is TtLqp_AHPJ8-00045-00012247-00012598 mentioned in Fabian tracts Fabian TtLqp_AHPJ8-00046-00012599-00012994 publications Great Britain 1888 German TtLqp_AHPJ8-00047-00012994-00013204 jurist and international law reformer TtLqp_AHPJ8-00048-00013205-00013432 Franz von list argues that criminal TtLqp_AHPJ8-00049-00013433-00013627 characteristics are innate as opposed to TtLqp_AHPJ8-00050-00013628-00013822 being determined by a person social TtLqp_AHPJ8-00051-00013822-00014035 environment and coins the term criminal TtLqp_AHPJ8-00052-00014036-00014305 biology criminal biology a theory which TtLqp_AHPJ8-00053-00014306-00014521 renders criminals incapable of really TtLqp_AHPJ8-00054-00014522-00014713 tation and would later influence nazi TtLqp_AHPJ8-00055-00014713-00014884 anthropologists and racial hygiene TtLqp_AHPJ8-00056-00014885-00015091 proponents in their justification for TtLqp_AHPJ8-00057-00015091-00015421 sterilization in euthanasia the 20th of TtLqp_AHPJ8-00058-00015422-00015721 April 1889 Adolf Hitler born at Brown TtLqp_AHPJ8-00059-00015722-00016132 a.m. in Austria 1891 formation of TtLqp_AHPJ8-00060-00016133-00016341 pan-german league wilhelm shawl meyer TtLqp_AHPJ8-00061-00016343-00016531 publishes a treatise on eugenics TtLqp_AHPJ8-00062-00016532-00016726 espousing that the neglect of a nation's TtLqp_AHPJ8-00063-00016727-00016867 racial fitness could have negative TtLqp_AHPJ8-00064-00016868-00017278 political consequences for a state 1895 TtLqp_AHPJ8-00065-00017279-00017503 alfred plaits coins the term race and TtLqp_AHPJ8-00066-00017504-00017908 hygiene racial hygiene 1896 the czech TtLqp_AHPJ8-00067-00017909-00018280 national social party is formed 1897 TtLqp_AHPJ8-00068-00018281-00018532 franco stein moves a small periodical TtLqp_AHPJ8-00069-00018533-00018904 der hammer from vienna to eager May 1898 TtLqp_AHPJ8-00070-00018905-00019111 maurice bars while standing as a TtLqp_AHPJ8-00071-00019112-00019330 nationalist candidate for Nancy France TtLqp_AHPJ8-00072-00019331-00019740 coins the term socialist nationalism TtLqp_AHPJ8-00073-00019741-00020019 1898 German Workers Congress is TtLqp_AHPJ8-00074-00020020-00020413 organized by Stein and eager chap 1899 TtLqp_AHPJ8-00075-00020414-00020626 Houston Stewart Chamberlain rights die TtLqp_AHPJ8-00076-00020627-00020830 grundlagen day Nunes impinge are under TtLqp_AHPJ8-00077-00020831-00021067 the foundations of the 19th century a TtLqp_AHPJ8-00078-00021068-00021250 work which influenced many prominent TtLqp_AHPJ8-00079-00021251-00021559 Nazis Ludwig Waltman also publishes a TtLqp_AHPJ8-00080-00021560-00021747 tract asserting the superiority of TtLqp_AHPJ8-00081-00021748-00021940 Germanic people and promotes the need TtLqp_AHPJ8-00082-00021941-00022203 for additional Lebensraum living space TtLqp_AHPJ8-00083-00022204-00022594 April 1902 organization of nationalistic TtLqp_AHPJ8-00084-00022595-00022939 labor takes place in saws the 15th of TtLqp_AHPJ8-00085-00022940-00023227 November 1903 austria-hungary German TtLqp_AHPJ8-00086-00023228-00023388 Workers Party Deutsche arbeiterpartei TtLqp_AHPJ8-00087-00023389-00023908 DAP is formed 1904 Hans Neiers proposes TtLqp_AHPJ8-00088-00023909-00024181 to add National Socialists to the TtLqp_AHPJ8-00089-00024182-00024388 Austrian tap name but the proposal is TtLqp_AHPJ8-00090-00024389-00024702 rejected by Party Congress conferees TtLqp_AHPJ8-00091-00024703-00025027 1905 racial hygiene society founded by TtLqp_AHPJ8-00092-00025028-00025467 Alfred Platts 1909 and all Austrian TtLqp_AHPJ8-00093-00025468-00025725 Congress of the German Workers Party is TtLqp_AHPJ8-00094-00025726-00026100 held in Prague 1912 controversial book TtLqp_AHPJ8-00095-00026101-00026314 when ich der Kaiser war if I were the TtLqp_AHPJ8-00096-00026314-00026533 Emperor by Heinrich Klaw appears a work TtLqp_AHPJ8-00097-00026533-00026731 which promotes imperialism rife with TtLqp_AHPJ8-00098-00026732-00026883 pan-germanism and anti-semitic TtLqp_AHPJ8-00099-00026885-00027466 commentary TtLqp_AHPJ8-00100-00027467-00028010 Topic World War one TtLqp_AHPJ8-00101-00028011-00028351 you TtLqp_AHPJ8-00102-00028352-00028897 topic 1914 TtLqp_AHPJ8-00103-00028898-00029194 the 28th of July World War one breaks TtLqp_AHPJ8-00104-00029195-00029530 out the second of August Adolf Hitler TtLqp_AHPJ8-00105-00029531-00029749 receives permission to enlist joins the TtLqp_AHPJ8-00106-00029750-00029958 16th Bavarian Reserve Infantry Regiment TtLqp_AHPJ8-00107-00029960-00030331 in Munich the 30th of October Adolf TtLqp_AHPJ8-00108-00030332-00030523 Hitler is transferred to regimental TtLqp_AHPJ8-00109-00030524-00030844 staff as a runner the 1st of November TtLqp_AHPJ8-00110-00030845-00031042 Adolf Hitler is promoted to gefreiter TtLqp_AHPJ8-00111-00031043-00031252 the equivalent of a senior private or TtLqp_AHPJ8-00112-00031252-00031774 corporal TtLqp_AHPJ8-00113-00031775-00032314 topic 1916 TtLqp_AHPJ8-00114-00032314-00032600 eugenicist Madison grant publishes the TtLqp_AHPJ8-00115-00032601-00032792 passing of the Great Race which promotes TtLqp_AHPJ8-00116-00032793-00033002 the genetic supremacy of the Nordic race TtLqp_AHPJ8-00117-00033003-00033212 while warning of its racial decline a TtLqp_AHPJ8-00118-00033213-00033419 treatise quickly embraced by members of TtLqp_AHPJ8-00119-00033420-00034062 the German racial hygiene movement TtLqp_AHPJ8-00120-00034063-00034614 topic 1917 TtLqp_AHPJ8-00121-00034615-00034873 September Pan Germanic Deutsche bladder TtLqp_AHPJ8-00122-00034874-00035062 land sparked a German fatherland party TtLqp_AHPJ8-00123-00035063-00035305 emerges under the leadership of Admiral TtLqp_AHPJ8-00124-00035306-00035536 Alfred von Tirpitz and wolfgang cap the TtLqp_AHPJ8-00125-00035537-00035779 party's cofounders the infamous TtLqp_AHPJ8-00126-00035780-00035967 stab-in-the-back myth used by right-wing TtLqp_AHPJ8-00127-00035968-00036172 organizations as a political platform TtLqp_AHPJ8-00128-00036173-00036882 allegedly originated with this party TtLqp_AHPJ8-00129-00036883-00037411 topic 1918 TtLqp_AHPJ8-00130-00037412-00037690 March Anton Drexler founded a branch of TtLqp_AHPJ8-00131-00037691-00037927 fryin arbiter OSHA's Fernand guten TtLqp_AHPJ8-00132-00037928-00038104 freedom free workers Committee for a TtLqp_AHPJ8-00133-00038105-00038421 good peace league in Munich the 17th of TtLqp_AHPJ8-00134-00038422-00038656 July Adolf Hitler saves the life of the TtLqp_AHPJ8-00135-00038657-00038968 9th company commander the 4th of August TtLqp_AHPJ8-00136-00038969-00039232 Adolf Hitler awarded the Iron Cross 1st TtLqp_AHPJ8-00137-00039233-00039604 class the 13th of October Adolf Hitler TtLqp_AHPJ8-00138-00039605-00039915 gassed near Ypres the 7th of November TtLqp_AHPJ8-00139-00039916-00040162 100,000 workers march on the royal house TtLqp_AHPJ8-00140-00040163-00040518 of wittelsbach kaiser wilhelm ii flees TtLqp_AHPJ8-00141-00040519-00040867 the 8th of november all 22 of germany's TtLqp_AHPJ8-00142-00040868-00041107 lesser Kings princes Grand Dukes and TtLqp_AHPJ8-00143-00041108-00041365 ruling Dukes have been deposed Kaiser TtLqp_AHPJ8-00144-00041366-00041677 Wilhelm told to abdicate the 9th of TtLqp_AHPJ8-00145-00041678-00041923 November a me like urn radical leftist TtLqp_AHPJ8-00146-00041924-00042124 of the independent socialists leads an TtLqp_AHPJ8-00147-00042125-00042361 armed mob and seizes the HQ of Berlin TtLqp_AHPJ8-00148-00042362-00042562 Kaiser Wilhelm consents to abdicate TtLqp_AHPJ8-00149-00042563-00042802 Social Democrats demand government from TtLqp_AHPJ8-00150-00042803-00043021 Prince max friedrich ebert assumes the TtLqp_AHPJ8-00151-00043022-00043189 Chancellery first german republic TtLqp_AHPJ8-00152-00043190-00043537 established the 11th of november 1st TtLqp_AHPJ8-00153-00043538-00043870 world war ends the 19th of november TtLqp_AHPJ8-00154-00043871-00044086 hitler discharged from hospital at pace TtLqp_AHPJ8-00155-00044087-00044398 walk december german conservative TtLqp_AHPJ8-00156-00044399-00044640 organization stal helm bund der front TtLqp_AHPJ8-00157-00044641-00044839 sold out and founded by former german TtLqp_AHPJ8-00158-00044840-00045049 army reserve officer and industrialist TtLqp_AHPJ8-00159-00045050-00045408 franz LD in Magdeburg mid December 1st TtLqp_AHPJ8-00160-00045409-00045640 Frei corpse unit formed marker volunteer TtLqp_AHPJ8-00161-00045641-00046142 rifles TtLqp_AHPJ8-00162-00046143-00046681 topic 1919 TtLqp_AHPJ8-00163-00046682-00046954 January independent socialists and TtLqp_AHPJ8-00164-00046955-00047224 Sparta sleek stage large protests known TtLqp_AHPJ8-00165-00047225-00047407 as the Sparta cyst uprising large TtLqp_AHPJ8-00166-00047408-00047632 sections of Berlin seized German gov TtLqp_AHPJ8-00167-00047633-00047938 moved to the city of Weimar the 5th of TtLqp_AHPJ8-00168-00047939-00048166 January Anton Drexler along with TtLqp_AHPJ8-00169-00048167-00048382 Dietrich Eckert Karl Harrer Gottfried TtLqp_AHPJ8-00170-00048383-00048604 Feder and Hermann s er founds the German TtLqp_AHPJ8-00171-00048605-00048802 Workers Party DAP from the branch of TtLqp_AHPJ8-00172-00048803-00049056 free workers Committee for a good piece TtLqp_AHPJ8-00173-00049057-00049321 league in the political workers circle TtLqp_AHPJ8-00174-00049322-00049639 in Munich the 10th of January Battle of TtLqp_AHPJ8-00175-00049640-00049846 Berlin begins counter-revolution with TtLqp_AHPJ8-00176-00049847-00050182 Frei corpse takes crucial role the 13th TtLqp_AHPJ8-00177-00050183-00050518 of January Battle of Berlin ends the TtLqp_AHPJ8-00178-00050519-00050788 15th of January communist leaders karl TtLqp_AHPJ8-00179-00050789-00050974 liebknecht and rosa luxemburg are TtLqp_AHPJ8-00180-00050975-00051271 murdered by Frei corpse officers March TtLqp_AHPJ8-00181-00051272-00051490 Adolf Hitler finishes job of guarding TtLqp_AHPJ8-00182-00051491-00051846 Russian prisoners the 3rd of March 2nd TtLqp_AHPJ8-00183-00051847-00052029 Battle for Berlin communists seized TtLqp_AHPJ8-00184-00052030-00052294 Berlin Gustav nose appointed dictator of TtLqp_AHPJ8-00185-00052295-00052603 Germany the 7th of March communists TtLqp_AHPJ8-00186-00052604-00052810 strike committee withdraws Proclamation TtLqp_AHPJ8-00187-00052811-00053004 and makes peace overtures to government TtLqp_AHPJ8-00188-00053004-00053320 the 10th of March Gustav nose quarters TtLqp_AHPJ8-00189-00053321-00053616 people's naval division disbanded Battle TtLqp_AHPJ8-00190-00053617-00053962 for Berlin over the 14th of April fra TtLqp_AHPJ8-00191-00053963-00054177 corpse suppress communists in Dresden TtLqp_AHPJ8-00192-00054178-00054586 the 16th of April Battle of the Bavarian TtLqp_AHPJ8-00193-00054587-00054802 government troops at Dachau communists TtLqp_AHPJ8-00194-00054803-00055132 defeat Republican forces the 18th of TtLqp_AHPJ8-00195-00055133-00055363 April fra corpse suppress communists in TtLqp_AHPJ8-00196-00055364-00055720 Brunswick the 27th of April battle for TtLqp_AHPJ8-00197-00055721-00055927 Munich occurs between Communists and Fri TtLqp_AHPJ8-00198-00055928-00056257 corpse units the 2nd of May city of TtLqp_AHPJ8-00199-00056258-00056466 Munich taken not declared secure until TtLqp_AHPJ8-00200-00056467-00056752 May 6th approximately 1,200 communists TtLqp_AHPJ8-00201-00056753-00057052 slaughtered the 10th of May fra corpse TtLqp_AHPJ8-00202-00057053-00057409 suppress communists in Leipzig the 22nd TtLqp_AHPJ8-00203-00057410-00057637 of June German Reichstag ratifies the TtLqp_AHPJ8-00204-00057638-00057804 Versailles Treaty TtLqp_AHPJ8-00205-00057804-00058065 the 28th of June foresight treaty signed TtLqp_AHPJ8-00206-00058066-00058223 in the Hall of Mirrors Palace of TtLqp_AHPJ8-00207-00058224-00058774 Versailles TtLqp_AHPJ8-00208-00058775-00059323 topic why Mar Republic TtLqp_AHPJ8-00209-00059324-00059665 you TtLqp_AHPJ8-00210-00059666-00060207 topic 1919 TtLqp_AHPJ8-00211-00060208-00060513 the 12th of August 1919 the whymark TtLqp_AHPJ8-00212-00060514-00060825 Constitution is announced the 12th of TtLqp_AHPJ8-00213-00060826-00061122 September 1919 Adolf Hitler attends a TtLqp_AHPJ8-00214-00061123-00061319 meeting of the German Workers Party DAP TtLqp_AHPJ8-00215-00061320-00061503 in the stern Decker brow in Munich and TtLqp_AHPJ8-00216-00061504-00061725 joins the party as its 55th member in TtLqp_AHPJ8-00217-00061726-00061979 less than a week Hitler received a TtLqp_AHPJ8-00218-00061980-00062178 postcard stating he had officially been TtLqp_AHPJ8-00219-00062179-00062507 accepted as a party member the 16th of TtLqp_AHPJ8-00220-00062508-00062811 October 1919 Hitler's first pre-arranged TtLqp_AHPJ8-00221-00062812-00062991 public speech as a member of the DAP TtLqp_AHPJ8-00222-00062991-00063288 takes place in the Hofbrau Keller late TtLqp_AHPJ8-00223-00063289-00063506 fall Frei corpse fight the Red Army in TtLqp_AHPJ8-00224-00063507-00063723 the Baltic eventually retreat in chaos TtLqp_AHPJ8-00225-00063724-00063954 first Silesian uprising in which many TtLqp_AHPJ8-00226-00063954-00064566 fry corpse see combat TtLqp_AHPJ8-00227-00064567-00065089 topic 1920 TtLqp_AHPJ8-00228-00065090-00065365 many fry corpse were disbanded some go TtLqp_AHPJ8-00229-00065366-00065653 underground to reappear later January TtLqp_AHPJ8-00230-00065654-00066082 the DAP grows to 190 members february TtLqp_AHPJ8-00231-00066083-00066286 inter-allied Control Commission ordered TtLqp_AHPJ8-00232-00066287-00066589 two-thirds of fry corpse disbanded the TtLqp_AHPJ8-00233-00066590-00066853 24th of February that changes its name TtLqp_AHPJ8-00234-00066854-00067026 to National Socialist German Workers TtLqp_AHPJ8-00235-00067027-00067417 Party NSDAP the party announces its TtLqp_AHPJ8-00236-00067418-00067630 program in the hofbrauhaus known as the TtLqp_AHPJ8-00237-00067631-00068047 twenty five points the 13th of march to TtLqp_AHPJ8-00238-00068048-00068422 the 17th of march cap puts the 31st of TtLqp_AHPJ8-00239-00068423-00068629 march Adolf Hitler mustered out of the TtLqp_AHPJ8-00240-00068630-00068712 army TtLqp_AHPJ8-00241-00068713-00068998 April government stops paying fra corpse TtLqp_AHPJ8-00242-00068999-00069367 units the 3rd of April 21 different fry TtLqp_AHPJ8-00243-00069368-00069535 corpse units under the command of TtLqp_AHPJ8-00244-00069536-00069790 General Baron Oskar von water annihilate TtLqp_AHPJ8-00245-00069791-00070015 the Ruhr uprising in five days thousands TtLqp_AHPJ8-00246-00070016-00070251 killed the 10th of May TtLqp_AHPJ8-00247-00070252-00070444 dr. Joseph Wirth and Walter Rathenau TtLqp_AHPJ8-00248-00070445-00070690 announced their policy of fulfillment TtLqp_AHPJ8-00249-00070691-00070971 not received well by nationalist groups TtLqp_AHPJ8-00250-00070972-00071281 the 8th of August official founding date TtLqp_AHPJ8-00251-00071282-00071686 of the NSDAP the 11th of August national TtLqp_AHPJ8-00252-00071687-00071893 disarmament law takes effect disband TtLqp_AHPJ8-00253-00071894-00072238 Civil Guards the 19th of August to the TtLqp_AHPJ8-00254-00072239-00072514 25th of August 2nd Silesian uprising TtLqp_AHPJ8-00255-00072515-00072829 German fry corpse Seymour combat the TtLqp_AHPJ8-00256-00072830-00073150 17th of December NSDAP buys its first TtLqp_AHPJ8-00257-00073151-00073510 paper the VOCA survey OBE actor the 31st TtLqp_AHPJ8-00258-00073511-00073801 of December NSDAP party membership was TtLqp_AHPJ8-00259-00073802-00074402 recorded at 2000 TtLqp_AHPJ8-00260-00074403-00075122 topic 1921 third Silesian uprising TtLqp_AHPJ8-00261-00075123-00075464 German forces see more combat Herman her TtLqp_AHPJ8-00262-00075465-00075683 heart forms organization console a TtLqp_AHPJ8-00263-00075684-00075920 paramilitary group out of former members TtLqp_AHPJ8-00264-00075921-00076193 of his band Frei corpse Eugen Fischer TtLqp_AHPJ8-00265-00076194-00076421 Kerwin Bower and Fritz Lenz TtLqp_AHPJ8-00266-00076422-00076589 published the standard work of German TtLqp_AHPJ8-00267-00076590-00076841 racialism mentally sure bleak 8 slur in TtLqp_AHPJ8-00268-00076842-00077030 brass and hygiene human hereditary TtLqp_AHPJ8-00269-00077031-00077252 teaching and racial hygiene a work which TtLqp_AHPJ8-00270-00077253-00077465 later helps form part of the scientific TtLqp_AHPJ8-00271-00077466-00077639 basis to the Nazi racial hygiene TtLqp_AHPJ8-00272-00077640-00077905 policies and their euthanasia campaign TtLqp_AHPJ8-00273-00077906-00078227 February 1921 highly effective at TtLqp_AHPJ8-00274-00078228-00078503 speaking to large audiences Hitler spoke TtLqp_AHPJ8-00275-00078504-00078833 to a crowd of over 6,000 in Munich the TtLqp_AHPJ8-00276-00078834-00079106 28th of July Adolf Hitler has elected TtLqp_AHPJ8-00277-00079107-00079322 vorse it's in der chairman of the NSDAP TtLqp_AHPJ8-00278-00079323-00079652 with only one dissenting vote executive TtLqp_AHPJ8-00279-00079653-00079826 committee of the party is dissolved TtLqp_AHPJ8-00280-00079827-00080063 Party founder Anton Drexler is made TtLqp_AHPJ8-00281-00080064-00080354 honorary chairman and resigns from the TtLqp_AHPJ8-00282-00080355-00080612 party soon after Hitler soon begins to TtLqp_AHPJ8-00283-00080613-00080900 refer to himself as Der Fuhrer the TtLqp_AHPJ8-00284-00080901-00081338 leader August 1921 NSDAP party TtLqp_AHPJ8-00285-00081339-00082081 membership was recorded at 3,300 TtLqp_AHPJ8-00286-00082082-00082640 topic 19 22 TtLqp_AHPJ8-00287-00082641-00082866 prototype versions of the Hitler Youth TtLqp_AHPJ8-00288-00082867-00083121 Forum the Prussian state Health TtLqp_AHPJ8-00289-00083122-00083334 Commission for racial hygiene procedure TtLqp_AHPJ8-00290-00083335-00083529 Landess gesundheit trip fear ass and TtLqp_AHPJ8-00291-00083530-00083691 hygiene works to centralize the TtLqp_AHPJ8-00292-00083692-00083865 Institute's research concerning the TtLqp_AHPJ8-00293-00083866-00084063 practical application of racial hygiene TtLqp_AHPJ8-00294-00084064-00084411 eugenics and anthropology the 12th of TtLqp_AHPJ8-00295-00084412-00084654 January Adolf Hitler sentenced to three TtLqp_AHPJ8-00296-00084655-00084843 months for disturbance of the 14th of TtLqp_AHPJ8-00297-00084844-00085248 September 1921 the 24th of June TtLqp_AHPJ8-00298-00085249-00085443 Hitler incarcerated German Foreign TtLqp_AHPJ8-00299-00085444-00085665 Minister Walther Rathenau assassinated TtLqp_AHPJ8-00300-00085666-00085805 some involved are in the organization TtLqp_AHPJ8-00301-00085806-00086205 consul July inflation hits the German TtLqp_AHPJ8-00302-00086206-00086778 economy 670 M equals $1 the 27th of July TtLqp_AHPJ8-00303-00086779-00087183 Hitler released algis mm m equals 1 TtLqp_AHPJ8-00304-00087184-00087615 United States dollar October 4500 erm TtLqp_AHPJ8-00305-00087616-00087981 equals 1 United States dollar the 28th TtLqp_AHPJ8-00306-00087982-00088242 of october benito mussolini establishes TtLqp_AHPJ8-00307-00088243-00088481 his fascist dictatorship in italy TtLqp_AHPJ8-00308-00088482-00088800 november 10,000 erm equals 1 united TtLqp_AHPJ8-00309-00088801-00089127 states dollar the 22nd of november TtLqp_AHPJ8-00310-00089128-00089460 doctor worth leaves office the 27th of TtLqp_AHPJ8-00311-00089461-00090144 december france occupies the Ruhr TtLqp_AHPJ8-00312-00090145-00090691 topic 1923 TtLqp_AHPJ8-00313-00090692-00091029 the 28th of January 1st party ditch Nazi TtLqp_AHPJ8-00314-00091030-00091194 Party Day held under the slogan TtLqp_AHPJ8-00315-00091195-00091419 Deutschland Arash Germany awake in TtLqp_AHPJ8-00316-00091420-00091776 Munich February Reichsbank buys back erm TtLqp_AHPJ8-00317-00091777-00092076 stabilizes I'm at 20,000 to one United TtLqp_AHPJ8-00318-00092077-00092367 States dollar the fourth of may firm TtLqp_AHPJ8-00319-00092368-00092672 40,000 equals one United States dollar TtLqp_AHPJ8-00320-00092673-00093046 the 27th of May Albert Leo schlager a TtLqp_AHPJ8-00321-00093047-00093291 german freebooter and saboteur executed TtLqp_AHPJ8-00322-00093292-00093497 by a french firing squad in the Ruhr TtLqp_AHPJ8-00323-00093498-00093735 Hitler declared him a hero that the TtLqp_AHPJ8-00324-00093736-00093956 German people was not worthy to possess TtLqp_AHPJ8-00325-00093957-00094329 the 1st of June earned 70,000 - one TtLqp_AHPJ8-00326-00094330-00094684 United States dollars the 30th of June TtLqp_AHPJ8-00327-00094685-00095057 erm 150,000 - one United States dollars TtLqp_AHPJ8-00328-00095058-00095361 1 - 7 August inflation became TtLqp_AHPJ8-00329-00095362-00095736 hyperinflation firm 3,500,000 - one TtLqp_AHPJ8-00330-00095737-00096081 United States dollars the 13th of August TtLqp_AHPJ8-00331-00096082-00096453 dr. Wilhelm Kuno leaves office the 15th TtLqp_AHPJ8-00332-00096454-00096726 of August earned 4 million - 1 United TtLqp_AHPJ8-00333-00096727-00096978 States dollars the 1st of September TtLqp_AHPJ8-00334-00096979-00097257 earned 10 million - 1 United States TtLqp_AHPJ8-00335-00097258-00097587 dollars the 1st of September German Day TtLqp_AHPJ8-00336-00097588-00097944 rally takes place in Nuremberg the 24th TtLqp_AHPJ8-00337-00097945-00098163 of September Chancellor Stresemann ends TtLqp_AHPJ8-00338-00098164-00098319 the passive resistance in the Ruhr TtLqp_AHPJ8-00339-00098320-00098667 infuriates the Nationalists the 30th of TtLqp_AHPJ8-00340-00098668-00098922 September major federal on Bach crushes TtLqp_AHPJ8-00341-00098923-00099131 a coup attempt by the Black Reich's fair TtLqp_AHPJ8-00342-00099132-00099465 firm 60 million - 1 United States TtLqp_AHPJ8-00343-00099466-00099831 dollars the 6th of October dr. Gustav TtLqp_AHPJ8-00344-00099832-00100082 Stresemann people's forms second cabinet TtLqp_AHPJ8-00345-00100083-00100384 the 20th of October General Alfred TtLqp_AHPJ8-00346-00100385-00100585 Muller marched on Saxony to prevent a TtLqp_AHPJ8-00347-00100586-00100893 communist takeover general Otto von TtLqp_AHPJ8-00348-00100894-00101091 lasso in Bavaria is relieved of command TtLqp_AHPJ8-00349-00101092-00101521 by Berlin he refuses the 23rd of October TtLqp_AHPJ8-00350-00101522-00101865 communist takeover of Hamburg the 25th TtLqp_AHPJ8-00351-00101866-00102113 of October Hamburg uprisings suppress TtLqp_AHPJ8-00352-00102114-00102363 the 8th of November Hitler and TtLqp_AHPJ8-00353-00102364-00102550 Ludendorff lunch the Beer Hall Putsch in TtLqp_AHPJ8-00354-00102551-00102828 the Burger brow Keller in Munich the TtLqp_AHPJ8-00355-00102829-00102969 ninth of November Beer Hall Putsch TtLqp_AHPJ8-00356-00102970-00103522 quelled TtLqp_AHPJ8-00357-00103523-00104069 topic 1924 TtLqp_AHPJ8-00358-00104070-00104372 the 26th of February Hitler pitch trial TtLqp_AHPJ8-00359-00104373-00104648 begins the 1st of April TtLqp_AHPJ8-00360-00104649-00104809 Hitler sentenced to five years at TtLqp_AHPJ8-00361-00104810-00105092 Landsberg prison from here Hitler writes TtLqp_AHPJ8-00362-00105093-00105299 mine camp with the assistance of Rudolf TtLqp_AHPJ8-00363-00105300-00105626 Hess the 24th of October France TtLqp_AHPJ8-00364-00105627-00105830 recognizes the communist state known as TtLqp_AHPJ8-00365-00105831-00106033 the Soviet Union alarming German TtLqp_AHPJ8-00366-00106034-00106370 conservatives in the process the 20th of TtLqp_AHPJ8-00367-00106371-00106544 December Hitler released from the TtLqp_AHPJ8-00368-00106545-00107080 Landsberg prison TtLqp_AHPJ8-00369-00107081-00107619 topic 1925 TtLqp_AHPJ8-00370-00107620-00107972 the 21st of January Japan recognizes the TtLqp_AHPJ8-00371-00107973-00108461 USSR the 16th of February 1925 Bavaria TtLqp_AHPJ8-00372-00108462-00108896 lifts ban on NSDAP the 24th of February TtLqp_AHPJ8-00373-00108897-00109356 1925 the NSDAP is refounded the 9th of TtLqp_AHPJ8-00374-00109357-00109656 March 1925 Bavaria bans Hitler from TtLqp_AHPJ8-00375-00109657-00109922 public speaking the seventh of July TtLqp_AHPJ8-00376-00109923-00110145 French troops withdraw from the German TtLqp_AHPJ8-00377-00110146-00110457 Rhineland the 14th of July allied TtLqp_AHPJ8-00378-00110458-00110781 evacuation of the Ruhr Valley begins the TtLqp_AHPJ8-00379-00110782-00111122 18th of July 1925 volume 1 of Hitler's TtLqp_AHPJ8-00380-00111123-00111491 Mein Kampf released July August Germans TtLqp_AHPJ8-00381-00111492-00111683 are forced to leave Poland and poles are TtLqp_AHPJ8-00382-00111684-00111887 expedited out of Germany in disputed TtLqp_AHPJ8-00383-00111888-00112187 territories the 11th of November TtLqp_AHPJ8-00384-00112188-00112383 Schutzstaffel created as a sort of TtLqp_AHPJ8-00385-00112383-00112733 praetorian guard for Hitler the 27th of TtLqp_AHPJ8-00386-00112734-00112968 November Locarno treaties ratified by TtLqp_AHPJ8-00387-00112969-00113510 Reichstag TtLqp_AHPJ8-00388-00113511-00114068 topic 1926 TtLqp_AHPJ8-00389-00114069-00114412 the fourth of July Nazi Party refounding TtLqp_AHPJ8-00390-00114413-00115050 Congress takes place in Y Mar TtLqp_AHPJ8-00391-00115051-00115598 topic 1927 TtLqp_AHPJ8-00392-00115599-00115847 the 5th of March Hitler speaking ban TtLqp_AHPJ8-00393-00115848-00116219 lifted in Bavaria the 17th of August TtLqp_AHPJ8-00394-00116220-00116527 Franco German commercial treaty signed TtLqp_AHPJ8-00395-00116528-00116853 the 20th of august day of awakening TtLqp_AHPJ8-00396-00116854-00117406 celebrated in Nuremberg TtLqp_AHPJ8-00397-00117407-00117941 topic 1928 TtLqp_AHPJ8-00398-00117942-00118332 the 20th of March nsdap Games 2.6 TtLqp_AHPJ8-00399-00118333-00118490 percent of the vote in Reichstag TtLqp_AHPJ8-00400-00118491-00118832 elections the 28th of September Prussia TtLqp_AHPJ8-00401-00118833-00119162 lifts Hitler speaking ban the 20th of TtLqp_AHPJ8-00402-00119163-00119399 october alfred huggin berg becomes head TtLqp_AHPJ8-00403-00119400-00119765 of dnvp the 16th of november hillier TtLqp_AHPJ8-00404-00119766-00119963 first speaks at berlin sportpalast TtLqp_AHPJ8-00405-00119964-00120616 germany's largest venue TtLqp_AHPJ8-00406-00120617-00121160 topic 1929 TtLqp_AHPJ8-00407-00121161-00121440 January Heinrich Himmler appointed chief TtLqp_AHPJ8-00408-00121441-00121720 of the SS he begins to transform it into TtLqp_AHPJ8-00409-00121721-00122032 a powerful organization the second of TtLqp_AHPJ8-00410-00122033-00122371 August party day of composure occurs in TtLqp_AHPJ8-00411-00122372-00122709 Nuremberg the 16th of October Liberty TtLqp_AHPJ8-00412-00122710-00123021 Law campaign officially begins the Nazi TtLqp_AHPJ8-00413-00123022-00123240 Party joins a coalition of conservative TtLqp_AHPJ8-00414-00123241-00123438 groups under Hagen Berg's leadership to TtLqp_AHPJ8-00415-00123439-00123738 oppose the young plan the 22nd of TtLqp_AHPJ8-00416-00123739-00123948 December the Liberty law referendum is TtLqp_AHPJ8-00417-00123949-00124224 defeated Hitler denounces Hagen Berg's TtLqp_AHPJ8-00418-00124225-00124783 leadership parlance TtLqp_AHPJ8-00419-00124784-00125311 topic 1930 TtLqp_AHPJ8-00420-00125313-00125580 September Hitler at trial of three Sol TtLqp_AHPJ8-00421-00125581-00125783 lieutenants disavows the saw goals of TtLqp_AHPJ8-00422-00125784-00125970 replacing the army and hence appeases TtLqp_AHPJ8-00423-00125971-00126288 the army the 14th of September in a TtLqp_AHPJ8-00424-00126289-00126504 milestone election Nazis gained 6 TtLqp_AHPJ8-00425-00126505-00126696 million votes in national polling to TtLqp_AHPJ8-00426-00126697-00126873 emerge as the second largest party in TtLqp_AHPJ8-00427-00126874-00127410 Germany TtLqp_AHPJ8-00428-00127411-00127950 topic 1931 TtLqp_AHPJ8-00429-00127951-00128199 the 11th of May Austrian credit TtLqp_AHPJ8-00430-00128200-00128493 installed collapses May 4 million TtLqp_AHPJ8-00431-00128494-00128820 unemployed in Germany the 20th of June TtLqp_AHPJ8-00432-00128821-00129024 Herbert Hoover puts moratorium on TtLqp_AHPJ8-00433-00129025-00129402 reparations the 13th of July German Bank TtLqp_AHPJ8-00434-00129403-00129741 crisis the 18th of September jelly TtLqp_AHPJ8-00435-00129742-00130098 robble dies the 11th of october cars TtLqp_AHPJ8-00436-00130099-00130281 berg front formed of coalition between TtLqp_AHPJ8-00437-00130282-00130701 dnvp style helm and nazi party himmler TtLqp_AHPJ8-00438-00130702-00130893 recruits reinhard heydrich to form the TtLqp_AHPJ8-00439-00130894-00131121 IC service intelligence service within TtLqp_AHPJ8-00440-00131122-00131421 the SS later in 1932 it was renamed the TtLqp_AHPJ8-00441-00131422-00131745 city heights Dienst SD december TtLqp_AHPJ8-00442-00131746-00131937 unemployment our bytes lhasa gate TtLqp_AHPJ8-00443-00131938-00132234 reaches 5.6 million in germany as people TtLqp_AHPJ8-00444-00132235-00132411 become more and more disillusioned with TtLqp_AHPJ8-00445-00132412-00132987 the german government TtLqp_AHPJ8-00446-00132988-00133535 topic 1932 TtLqp_AHPJ8-00447-00133536-00133805 the 13th of March Hitler convincingly TtLqp_AHPJ8-00448-00133806-00134021 defeated by Hindenburg in his first bid TtLqp_AHPJ8-00449-00134022-00134294 for German president the 10th of April TtLqp_AHPJ8-00450-00134295-00134534 Hindenburg re-elected Reich's president TtLqp_AHPJ8-00451-00134535-00134714 with 53% of the vote TtLqp_AHPJ8-00452-00134715-00135035 Hitler gains 37% in the Communist TtLqp_AHPJ8-00453-00135036-00135407 candidate Hallman gains 10.2 percent the TtLqp_AHPJ8-00454-00135408-00135698 13th of April the sign SS are prohibited TtLqp_AHPJ8-00455-00135699-00135992 from existing by Chancellor Bruning the TtLqp_AHPJ8-00456-00135993-00136259 30th of May henrik Bruning center leaves TtLqp_AHPJ8-00457-00136260-00136475 office and is replaced by Franz von TtLqp_AHPJ8-00458-00136476-00136820 Papen the 1st of June Franz von Papen TtLqp_AHPJ8-00459-00136821-00137198 cabinet the 16th of June Papen lifts the TtLqp_AHPJ8-00460-00137199-00137540 ban on the saw and SS the 16th of June TtLqp_AHPJ8-00461-00137541-00137717 to the 9th of July the Lausanne TtLqp_AHPJ8-00462-00137718-00138065 conference takes place the 20th of July TtLqp_AHPJ8-00463-00138066-00138377 pruin Schlage Papen dissolves Prussian TtLqp_AHPJ8-00464-00138378-00138719 government the 31st of July Reichstag TtLqp_AHPJ8-00465-00138720-00138941 elections Nazi Party becomes the largest TtLqp_AHPJ8-00466-00138942-00139160 party with thirteen point seven million TtLqp_AHPJ8-00467-00139161-00139520 votes and acquired 230 out of 608 seats TtLqp_AHPJ8-00468-00139521-00139805 in the Reichstag the 9th of August TtLqp_AHPJ8-00469-00139806-00140024 Konrad peacock a Polish communist TtLqp_AHPJ8-00470-00140025-00140216 activist who took part in Silesian TtLqp_AHPJ8-00471-00140217-00140402 uprisings against German rule is TtLqp_AHPJ8-00472-00140403-00140585 murdered in Germany by saw Hitler TtLqp_AHPJ8-00473-00140586-00140909 defends the murders in German press the TtLqp_AHPJ8-00474-00140910-00141188 6th of November Reichstag elections nazi TtLqp_AHPJ8-00475-00141189-00141554 party loses votes the 17th of november TtLqp_AHPJ8-00476-00141555-00141908 Franz von Papen leaves office the 2nd of TtLqp_AHPJ8-00477-00141909-00142127 December Reich's fair General Kurt von TtLqp_AHPJ8-00478-00142128-00142337 Schleicher becomes Chancellor for a very TtLqp_AHPJ8-00479-00142338-00142670 brief period the 18th of December major TtLqp_AHPJ8-00480-00142671-00142952 dispute between NSDAP figures Gregor TtLqp_AHPJ8-00481-00142953-00143237 Strasser and Hitler erupts Strasser TtLqp_AHPJ8-00482-00143238-00143863 resigns from the Nazi Party TtLqp_AHPJ8-00483-00143864-00144419 topic Nazi Revolution TtLqp_AHPJ8-00484-00144420-00144760 you TtLqp_AHPJ8-00485-00144761-00145323 topic 1933 TtLqp_AHPJ8-00486-00145324-00145575 the fourth of January secret meeting TtLqp_AHPJ8-00487-00145576-00145938 between Hitler and Papen occurs the 23rd TtLqp_AHPJ8-00488-00145939-00146213 of January licker resigns as Chancellor TtLqp_AHPJ8-00489-00146214-00146511 the 30th of January President Hindenburg TtLqp_AHPJ8-00490-00146512-00146726 appoints Hitler Chancellor of a Nazi TtLqp_AHPJ8-00491-00146727-00147074 dnvp coalition the 1st of February TtLqp_AHPJ8-00492-00147075-00147413 dissolution of the Reichstag the 2nd of TtLqp_AHPJ8-00493-00147414-00147488 February TtLqp_AHPJ8-00494-00147489-00147657 Hitler meets with top military leaders TtLqp_AHPJ8-00495-00147658-00148026 describes his plans to rearm Germany the TtLqp_AHPJ8-00496-00148027-00148263 17th of February prussian interior TtLqp_AHPJ8-00497-00148264-00148494 ministry permits the shooting of enemies TtLqp_AHPJ8-00498-00148495-00148719 of the state under the direction of TtLqp_AHPJ8-00499-00148720-00149046 hermann goering the 27th of february TtLqp_AHPJ8-00500-00149047-00149295 Reichstag fire occurs it was officially TtLqp_AHPJ8-00501-00149296-00149481 blamed on marinus van der Lubbe a TtLqp_AHPJ8-00502-00149482-00149840 communist the 28th of February hitler TtLqp_AHPJ8-00503-00149841-00150026 awarded emergency powers under the TtLqp_AHPJ8-00504-00150027-00150201 presidential decree law for the TtLqp_AHPJ8-00505-00150202-00150444 protection of people and state Reichstag TtLqp_AHPJ8-00506-00150445-00150740 fire decree civil liberties suspended TtLqp_AHPJ8-00507-00150741-00151088 gleichschaltung coordination the process TtLqp_AHPJ8-00508-00151089-00151316 of exerting totalitarian control over TtLqp_AHPJ8-00509-00151317-00151599 Germany begins over the next five months TtLqp_AHPJ8-00510-00151600-00151802 the Nazis systematically force all TtLqp_AHPJ8-00511-00151803-00151998 opposition political parties to shut TtLqp_AHPJ8-00512-00151999-00152327 down the 5th of March general elections TtLqp_AHPJ8-00513-00152328-00152526 result in slim majority of Hitler's TtLqp_AHPJ8-00514-00152527-00152721 coalition though not a majority for the TtLqp_AHPJ8-00515-00152722-00153041 Nazi Party the 9th of March Heinrich TtLqp_AHPJ8-00516-00153042-00153227 Himmler becomes police president in TtLqp_AHPJ8-00517-00153228-00153554 Munich the 13th of March Joseph Goebbels TtLqp_AHPJ8-00518-00153555-00153723 named Reich minister of public TtLqp_AHPJ8-00519-00153724-00154068 enlightenment and propaganda the 16th of TtLqp_AHPJ8-00520-00154069-00154122 March TtLqp_AHPJ8-00521-00154123-00154293 Hjalmar Schacht takes over the role of TtLqp_AHPJ8-00522-00154294-00154485 president of the Reichsbank from hans TtLqp_AHPJ8-00523-00154486-00154833 luther the 17th of march Sepp Dietrich TtLqp_AHPJ8-00524-00154834-00155007 assumes command of Hitler's bodyguard TtLqp_AHPJ8-00525-00155008-00155424 the lead standart Adolf Hitler the 22nd TtLqp_AHPJ8-00526-00155425-00155682 of March Dachau concentration camp opens TtLqp_AHPJ8-00527-00155683-00155871 begins receiving political prisoners TtLqp_AHPJ8-00528-00155872-00156266 first Nazi racial hygiene office TtLqp_AHPJ8-00529-00156267-00156578 established in the Interior Ministry the TtLqp_AHPJ8-00530-00156579-00156851 24th of March enabling Act passed with TtLqp_AHPJ8-00531-00156852-00157008 help of Catholic centre party TtLqp_AHPJ8-00532-00157009-00157226 effectively hands the legislative powers TtLqp_AHPJ8-00533-00157227-00157401 of the Reichstag over to the Chancellor TtLqp_AHPJ8-00534-00157402-00157698 act permits Chancellor and cabinet to TtLqp_AHPJ8-00535-00157699-00157899 issue laws without a vote of Parliament TtLqp_AHPJ8-00536-00157900-00158196 and to deviate from the Constitution the TtLqp_AHPJ8-00537-00158197-00158400 first of April one day boycott of Jewish TtLqp_AHPJ8-00538-00158401-00158708 shops Himmler is appointed police TtLqp_AHPJ8-00539-00158709-00159104 and Bavaria the 7th of April law for the TtLqp_AHPJ8-00540-00159105-00159317 restoration of the professional civil TtLqp_AHPJ8-00541-00159318-00159599 service Jewish and communist inclined TtLqp_AHPJ8-00542-00159600-00159791 workers from the civil service purged TtLqp_AHPJ8-00543-00159792-00159998 around five percent removed in total TtLqp_AHPJ8-00544-00159999-00160262 Nazi governor's appointed to rule the TtLqp_AHPJ8-00545-00160263-00160550 German states end of federalism Papen TtLqp_AHPJ8-00546-00160551-00160706 resigns his Reich Commissioner of TtLqp_AHPJ8-00547-00160707-00161036 Prussia the 26th of April Hermann TtLqp_AHPJ8-00548-00161037-00161273 Goering forms the Gestapo secret state TtLqp_AHPJ8-00549-00161274-00161573 police in the state of Prussia the first TtLqp_AHPJ8-00550-00161574-00161792 of May trade union offices are stormed TtLqp_AHPJ8-00551-00161793-00162110 by saw the second of May trade unions TtLqp_AHPJ8-00552-00162111-00162425 band from Germany DAF German labor front TtLqp_AHPJ8-00553-00162426-00162782 created and headed by Robert ley the 6th TtLqp_AHPJ8-00554-00162783-00162983 of May DAF Deutsche our Bites front TtLqp_AHPJ8-00555-00162984-00163310 german labor front is created the 10th TtLqp_AHPJ8-00556-00163311-00163523 of May a large number of Nazi book TtLqp_AHPJ8-00557-00163524-00163844 burnings takes place across Germany the TtLqp_AHPJ8-00558-00163845-00164120 23rd of May Hitler visits kill Harbor to TtLqp_AHPJ8-00559-00164121-00164279 see the fleet consisting of the old TtLqp_AHPJ8-00560-00164280-00164480 pre-dreadnought battleships lesson TtLqp_AHPJ8-00561-00164481-00164690 Hessen and schleswig-holstein and the TtLqp_AHPJ8-00562-00164691-00164921 light cruisers Karlsruhe Konigsberg and TtLqp_AHPJ8-00563-00164922-00165203 leipzig he boards leipzig with leading TtLqp_AHPJ8-00564-00165204-00165416 SS and government officials including TtLqp_AHPJ8-00565-00165417-00165635 general Wernher von Bloomberg Admiral TtLqp_AHPJ8-00566-00165636-00165842 Erich Raeder Hermann Goering and Franz TtLqp_AHPJ8-00567-00165843-00166202 von Papen the 6th of July at a gathering TtLqp_AHPJ8-00568-00166203-00166412 of high-ranking Nazi officials Hitler TtLqp_AHPJ8-00569-00166413-00166592 declares the success of the National TtLqp_AHPJ8-00570-00166593-00166955 Socialist or Nazi revolution the 14th of TtLqp_AHPJ8-00571-00166956-00167234 July Hitler proclaims the Nazi Party the TtLqp_AHPJ8-00572-00167235-00167516 only political party in Germany all TtLqp_AHPJ8-00573-00167517-00167867 others banned the 20th of July Reich's TtLqp_AHPJ8-00574-00167868-00168070 Concordat signed with Holy See TtLqp_AHPJ8-00575-00168071-00168355 violations by Germany begin immediately TtLqp_AHPJ8-00576-00168356-00168683 the 22nd of September the Reich Chamber TtLqp_AHPJ8-00577-00168684-00168881 of Culture is established with Joseph TtLqp_AHPJ8-00578-00168882-00169145 Goebbels becoming its figurehead the TtLqp_AHPJ8-00579-00169146-00169346 14th of October Germany officially TtLqp_AHPJ8-00580-00169347-00169597 withdraws from the League of Nations the TtLqp_AHPJ8-00581-00169598-00169895 9th of November fra corpse symbolically TtLqp_AHPJ8-00582-00169896-00170084 pledge allegiance to Hitler in a huge TtLqp_AHPJ8-00583-00170085-00170420 ceremony the 12th of November Reichstag TtLqp_AHPJ8-00584-00170421-00170636 elections occur with the Nazis acquiring TtLqp_AHPJ8-00585-00170637-00170813 ninety five point two percent of the TtLqp_AHPJ8-00586-00170814-00171005 vote unsurprisingly in a new single TtLqp_AHPJ8-00587-00171006-00171380 party state the 27th of November kraft TtLqp_AHPJ8-00588-00171381-00171536 durch Freude a-- strength through joy TtLqp_AHPJ8-00589-00171537-00171825 program established TtLqp_AHPJ8-00590-00171826-00172083 the 30th of November the secret state TtLqp_AHPJ8-00591-00172084-00172316 police organization known as the Gestapo TtLqp_AHPJ8-00592-00172317-00172527 which had only previously existed in TtLqp_AHPJ8-00593-00172528-00172686 Prussia is given authority throughout TtLqp_AHPJ8-00594-00172687-00172989 Germany November as part of the roush TtLqp_AHPJ8-00595-00172990-00173283 gift but camp fun war on drugs the TtLqp_AHPJ8-00596-00173284-00173481 Reichstag passes a law allowing the TtLqp_AHPJ8-00597-00173482-00173676 imprisonment of drug addicts for up to TtLqp_AHPJ8-00598-00173677-00173840 two years a period that could be TtLqp_AHPJ8-00599-00173841-00174149 extended indefinitely by legal decree TtLqp_AHPJ8-00600-00174150-00174411 fall Hitler reveals to his close TtLqp_AHPJ8-00601-00174412-00174621 associates a plan to annex Western TtLqp_AHPJ8-00602-00174622-00174795 Poland and create a ring of puppet TtLqp_AHPJ8-00603-00174796-00174953 States around Germany without any TtLqp_AHPJ8-00604-00174954-00175347 policies of their own topic 1934 the TtLqp_AHPJ8-00605-00175348-00175563 11th of April pact of the Deutschland TtLqp_AHPJ8-00606-00175564-00175776 Hitler persuades the top officials of TtLqp_AHPJ8-00607-00175777-00175947 the Army and Navy to back his bid to TtLqp_AHPJ8-00608-00175948-00176148 succeed Hindenburg as president by TtLqp_AHPJ8-00609-00176149-00176349 promising to diminish the 3 million man TtLqp_AHPJ8-00610-00176350-00176571 plus saw and greatly expand the Regular TtLqp_AHPJ8-00611-00176572-00176922 Army and Navy the 20th of April Gestapo TtLqp_AHPJ8-00612-00176923-00177108 is transferred from Goering to Himmler TtLqp_AHPJ8-00613-00177109-00177288 and Heydrich who begin to integrate it TtLqp_AHPJ8-00614-00177289-00177525 into the SS the 16th of May German TtLqp_AHPJ8-00615-00177526-00177756 officer corps endorses Hitler to succeed TtLqp_AHPJ8-00616-00177757-00177972 the ailing President Hindenburg the 30th TtLqp_AHPJ8-00617-00177973-00178197 of June to the 2nd of July night of the TtLqp_AHPJ8-00618-00178198-00178440 Long Knives or blood purge on pretext of TtLqp_AHPJ8-00619-00178441-00178650 suppressing an alleged sob push much of TtLqp_AHPJ8-00620-00178651-00178851 the brownshirt leadership ie Ernst Roehm TtLqp_AHPJ8-00621-00178852-00179151 are arrested and executed Schweiker and TtLqp_AHPJ8-00622-00179152-00179322 other political enemies are murdered TtLqp_AHPJ8-00623-00179323-00179649 Papen briefly imprisoned between 150 and TtLqp_AHPJ8-00624-00179650-00179985 200 were killed the SS formerly part of TtLqp_AHPJ8-00625-00179986-00180246 the saw now comes to the forefront the TtLqp_AHPJ8-00626-00180247-00180486 13th of July defending the purge TtLqp_AHPJ8-00627-00180487-00180681 Hitler declares that to defend Germany TtLqp_AHPJ8-00628-00180682-00180873 he has the right to act unilaterally as TtLqp_AHPJ8-00629-00180874-00181083 supreme judge without resort to courts TtLqp_AHPJ8-00630-00181084-00181347 the 2nd of August President Hindenburg TtLqp_AHPJ8-00631-00181348-00181635 died the previous day the cabinet had TtLqp_AHPJ8-00632-00181636-00181818 enacted the law concerning the highest TtLqp_AHPJ8-00633-00181819-00182058 state office of the Reich this law TtLqp_AHPJ8-00634-00182059-00182256 stated that upon Hindenburg's death TtLqp_AHPJ8-00635-00182257-00182385 the office of president would be TtLqp_AHPJ8-00636-00182386-00182577 abolished and its powers merged with TtLqp_AHPJ8-00637-00182578-00182814 those of the Chancellor the decree is TtLqp_AHPJ8-00638-00182815-00183063 illegal but goes unchallenged the army TtLqp_AHPJ8-00639-00183064-00183327 swear oath to Hitler the 19th of August TtLqp_AHPJ8-00640-00183328-00183479 the German people in a plebiscite TtLqp_AHPJ8-00641-00183480-00183759 overwhelmingly 90 percent approve merger TtLqp_AHPJ8-00642-00183760-00183915 of the offices of president and TtLqp_AHPJ8-00643-00183916-00184200 Chancellor Hitler assumes the new title TtLqp_AHPJ8-00644-00184201-00184425 of Fuhrer in Drake's canceler leader and TtLqp_AHPJ8-00645-00184426-00184677 Reich Chancellor he is now both the head TtLqp_AHPJ8-00646-00184678-00184824 of state as well as the head of the TtLqp_AHPJ8-00647-00184825-00185376 government TtLqp_AHPJ8-00648-00185377-00185706 topic see also TtLqp_AHPJ8-00649-00185707-00185901 you TtLqp_AHPJ8-00650-00185902-00186477 Hitler's rise to power why Mar Republic TvhCkGHEhz8-00000-00000003-00000130 but an appointed genus with just TvhCkGHEhz8-00001-00000131-00000329 commentry if you guys remember I got to TvhCkGHEhz8-00002-00000330-00000647 video you guys through the mass shooting TvhCkGHEhz8-00003-00000648-00000832 at a mall shooting in Thailand and I TvhCkGHEhz8-00004-00000833-00001049 told you guys if there's a follow-up TvhCkGHEhz8-00005-00001050-00001291 video I will react to it and this is a TvhCkGHEhz8-00006-00001292-00001514 follow-up video and this video says TvhCkGHEhz8-00007-00001515-00001726 Thailand mall shooting thousand attend TvhCkGHEhz8-00008-00001727-00001960 vigil for victims and I've also got TvhCkGHEhz8-00009-00001961-00002143 another video which came from a facebook TvhCkGHEhz8-00010-00002144-00002345 that was requested where they showed on TvhCkGHEhz8-00011-00002346-00002555 the the vehicle procession other TvhCkGHEhz8-00012-00002556-00002626 vehicles TvhCkGHEhz8-00013-00002627-00002948 I am the questions of vehicles transform TvhCkGHEhz8-00014-00002949-00003158 end up transporting the body to the TvhCkGHEhz8-00015-00003159-00003422 funeral under culture so we reacted TvhCkGHEhz8-00016-00003422-00003527 nonetheless thank you so very much TvhCkGHEhz8-00017-00003528-00003785 requested it of course I'd opened it TvhCkGHEhz8-00018-00003786-00004034 that comfort has been given and received TvhCkGHEhz8-00019-00004035-00004235 by the persons who lost family members TvhCkGHEhz8-00020-00004236-00004511 and was family relatives and friends TvhCkGHEhz8-00021-00004512-00004845 were injured and I opened it that this TvhCkGHEhz8-00022-00004846-00005165 this sad moment is settling and Thai TvhCkGHEhz8-00023-00005166-00005404 people can learn from this experience TvhCkGHEhz8-00024-00005405-00005686 and and that more can be done to prevent TvhCkGHEhz8-00025-00005687-00006013 such an event from happening and that TvhCkGHEhz8-00026-00006014-00006388 those who are affected like basically TvhCkGHEhz8-00027-00006389-00006928 slowly you know I'm not quite sure what TvhCkGHEhz8-00028-00006929-00007148 to say it precise if they are settling TvhCkGHEhz8-00029-00007148-00007577 down or settling back to normal I once TvhCkGHEhz8-00030-00007578-00007781 it'll settle back to normal because it's TvhCkGHEhz8-00031-00007781-00008059 not Soviet tendency Apple but I opened TvhCkGHEhz8-00032-00008061-00008570 it that they basically been comforted TvhCkGHEhz8-00033-00008571-00008881 done done quite sure to say to not say TvhCkGHEhz8-00034-00008882-00009062 to the wrong wave was right TvhCkGHEhz8-00035-00009063-00009221 I just hope indeed that there they are TvhCkGHEhz8-00036-00009222-00009491 slowly recovering from these tragic TvhCkGHEhz8-00037-00009492-00009910 events and now that the Thai people Thai TvhCkGHEhz8-00038-00009911-00010151 government the Thai Army that I polish TvhCkGHEhz8-00039-00010152-00010406 everyone learned something from this to TvhCkGHEhz8-00040-00010407-00010535 prevent such an event from happening TvhCkGHEhz8-00041-00010536-00010606 again TvhCkGHEhz8-00042-00010607-00010874 okay as I said before anyone is going to TvhCkGHEhz8-00043-00010875-00011144 so the present moment some little TvhCkGHEhz8-00044-00011145-00011417 frustration to take your own life and TvhCkGHEhz8-00045-00011418-00011489 don't take life TvhCkGHEhz8-00046-00011490-00011705 others because the moment of frustration TvhCkGHEhz8-00047-00011706-00012014 a problem all in last one moment but TvhCkGHEhz8-00048-00012015-00012326 this sort of act will last forever okay TvhCkGHEhz8-00049-00012327-00012605 so do not do this at all so we're gonna TvhCkGHEhz8-00050-00012606-00012740 check out these videos that you guys TvhCkGHEhz8-00051-00012741-00012896 have requested things so very much TvhCkGHEhz8-00052-00012897-00013099 subscribe like share let's go and check TvhCkGHEhz8-00053-00013100-00013259 out this first video which is from TvhCkGHEhz8-00054-00013260-00014147 global news let's go ahead so there's TvhCkGHEhz8-00055-00014147-00014711 quite a lot of person is a visual for TvhCkGHEhz8-00056-00014712-00015581 those who are lost from his friends TvhCkGHEhz8-00057-00015582-00015818 they have best a lot of persons families TvhCkGHEhz8-00058-00015819-00017009 friends there might even be people just TvhCkGHEhz8-00059-00017010-00017380 think about those lives in there TvhCkGHEhz8-00060-00017381-00017636 trying to get the right news I just TvhCkGHEhz8-00061-00017637-00017908 wanted to help somehow under the dispute TvhCkGHEhz8-00062-00017909-00018330 this happened right here in our TvhCkGHEhz8-00063-00018331-00018543 behind is right in our heart of TvhCkGHEhz8-00064-00018544-00018697 everything TvhCkGHEhz8-00065-00018698-00019098 just had to go to keep TvhCkGHEhz8-00066-00019099-00019218 [Music] TvhCkGHEhz8-00067-00019219-00019580 the whole family TvhCkGHEhz8-00068-00019581-00019935 the parents and their little girl no TvhCkGHEhz8-00069-00019936-00020166 it's just in effect by TvhCkGHEhz8-00070-00020167-00021396 [Music] TvhCkGHEhz8-00071-00021397-00022358 [Music] TvhCkGHEhz8-00072-00022359-00022553 be strong to those who are still TvhCkGHEhz8-00073-00022554-00022780 mourning a bill to repeal the third TvhCkGHEhz8-00074-00022781-00023519 party situation this draw this torch the TvhCkGHEhz8-00075-00023520-00023837 entire nation of Thailand innocent lives TvhCkGHEhz8-00076-00023838-00024383 receive loss please guys there are TvhCkGHEhz8-00077-00024384-00024611 different ways to deal with problems in TvhCkGHEhz8-00078-00024612-00024815 life than to take innocent lives TvhCkGHEhz8-00079-00024816-00025033 you cannot say you're doing if you're TvhCkGHEhz8-00080-00025034-00025268 problem by taking lives you are creating TvhCkGHEhz8-00081-00025269-00025571 more problem more or less more program TvhCkGHEhz8-00082-00025572-00027500 for more families the nation itself TvhCkGHEhz8-00083-00027501-00028770 [Applause] TvhCkGHEhz8-00084-00028770-00029026 [Music] TvhCkGHEhz8-00085-00029027-00029451 Wow TvhCkGHEhz8-00086-00029452-00029733 someone lost a friend appearance of TvhCkGHEhz8-00089-00036878-00037235 I never fought or in my life drink I TvhCkGHEhz8-00090-00037236-00037855 could have been more or less in Thailand TvhCkGHEhz8-00091-00037856-00038192 this this is not the way for people to TvhCkGHEhz8-00092-00038193-00038429 act or behave when they're going through TvhCkGHEhz8-00093-00038430-00038632 problem you don't you don't take lives TvhCkGHEhz8-00094-00038633-00038885 you don't even take your own much as for TvhCkGHEhz8-00095-00038886-00039191 the lives of innocent orders even even TvhCkGHEhz8-00096-00039192-00039470 if someone does you like even if they TvhCkGHEhz8-00097-00039471-00039620 don't anything they would do something TvhCkGHEhz8-00098-00039621-00039872 that that makes you feel hurts you don't TvhCkGHEhz8-00099-00039873-00040238 take their own life if you're defending TvhCkGHEhz8-00100-00040239-00040487 your life that's the difference but you TvhCkGHEhz8-00101-00040488-00040700 don't not because someone would do TvhCkGHEhz8-00102-00040701-00040856 something to you that you decide you're TvhCkGHEhz8-00103-00040857-00041081 going like going ahead work in an open TvhCkGHEhz8-00104-00041082-00041246 take a call and then come and shoot them TvhCkGHEhz8-00105-00041247-00041516 this is not justifiable this is just not TvhCkGHEhz8-00106-00041517-00042315 justifiable at all TvhCkGHEhz8-00107-00042316-00042640 so this one from Global News I'm sure TvhCkGHEhz8-00108-00042641-00042890 individual we're lot of thousands a lot TvhCkGHEhz8-00109-00042891-00043148 of Thai people came up I'm quite sure TvhCkGHEhz8-00110-00043149-00043289 and destroyed a person's who lost TvhCkGHEhz8-00111-00043290-00043532 families friends who whose family TvhCkGHEhz8-00112-00043533-00043793 members or friends were also injured so TvhCkGHEhz8-00113-00043794-00044108 this is a very traumatic moment we're TvhCkGHEhz8-00114-00044109-00044273 gonna check out another one this one TvhCkGHEhz8-00115-00044274-00044518 shows because I believe it's either from TvhCkGHEhz8-00116-00044519-00044810 the builders the hospital I'm not able TvhCkGHEhz8-00117-00044811-00044951 to the funeral you guys will leave me TvhCkGHEhz8-00118-00044952-00045098 let me know in the comment section below TvhCkGHEhz8-00119-00045099-00045410 that's good and check out this one so TvhCkGHEhz8-00120-00045411-00045671 let's check out this one for sure seen a TvhCkGHEhz8-00121-00045672-00045838 lot of vehicles TvhCkGHEhz8-00122-00045839-00046725 [Music] TvhCkGHEhz8-00123-00046726-00046947 I'm not sure if this this looks like TvhCkGHEhz8-00124-00046948-00047238 cars not sure if it's the family members TvhCkGHEhz8-00125-00047239-00047981 [Music] TvhCkGHEhz8-00126-00047982-00048287 so this looks like ambulance so this TvhCkGHEhz8-00127-00048288-00048467 might be the ones carrying the bodies of TvhCkGHEhz8-00128-00048468-00049143 those who passed away most likely TvhCkGHEhz8-00129-00049144-00050250 [Music] TvhCkGHEhz8-00130-00050251-00051018 [Music] TvhCkGHEhz8-00131-00051019-00051245 yeah someone just trying to get I'm TvhCkGHEhz8-00132-00051246-00051513 gonna go I just playing I'm gonna go on TvhCkGHEhz8-00133-00051514-00052002 the Facebook to see what it's saying TvhCkGHEhz8-00134-00052003-00052734 [Music] TvhCkGHEhz8-00135-00052735-00053332 so these are bodies TvhCkGHEhz8-00136-00053333-00054126 [Music] TvhCkGHEhz8-00137-00054127-00054540 is a man who got killed or just civil TvhCkGHEhz8-00138-00054541-00055032 civilians I know for sure this is all TvhCkGHEhz8-00139-00055033-00055350 usually show respect to people in EM you TvhCkGHEhz8-00140-00055351-00056079 passed away they were not a picture well TvhCkGHEhz8-00141-00056079-00056411 this is just so sad TvhCkGHEhz8-00142-00056412-00056876 [Music] TvhCkGHEhz8-00143-00056877-00057253 innocent lives just lost innocent TvhCkGHEhz8-00144-00057254-00057526 recruiters hurt TvhCkGHEhz8-00145-00057527-00057849 [Music] TvhCkGHEhz8-00146-00057850-00058359 [Applause] TvhCkGHEhz8-00147-00058360-00059500 [Applause] TvhCkGHEhz8-00148-00059501-00059695 Wow TvhCkGHEhz8-00149-00059696-00059863 of course if there's the funeral TvhCkGHEhz8-00150-00059864-00060255 ceremony for this victims of course TvhCkGHEhz8-00151-00060257-00060403 leave a comment below so I can react to TvhCkGHEhz8-00152-00060404-00060673 it possibly if you guys pasted this TvhCkGHEhz8-00153-00060674-00060865 weekend or next weekend or whatever you TvhCkGHEhz8-00154-00060866-00061522 guys send a link okay so of course leave TvhCkGHEhz8-00155-00061523-00061690 a comment below to clarify a bit better TvhCkGHEhz8-00156-00061691-00061863 for me to understand what was going on TvhCkGHEhz8-00157-00061864-00062163 but I feel this is in regards to those TvhCkGHEhz8-00158-00062164-00062401 who lost their lives in the tragic TvhCkGHEhz8-00159-00062402-00062860 events it says here on the Facebook the TvhCkGHEhz8-00160-00062861-00063154 covert people will never forget you so TvhCkGHEhz8-00161-00063154-00063538 send us the bad ones and Google TvhCkGHEhz8-00162-00063539-00063732 translations it might be wrong so send TvhCkGHEhz8-00163-00063733-00064240 us the a not police body 26 using the TvhCkGHEhz8-00164-00064241-00064573 route through long young mom and then TvhCkGHEhz8-00165-00064574-00065107 sue sue an IV camp kids of course leave TvhCkGHEhz8-00166-00065108-00065296 a comment below to explain better I'll TvhCkGHEhz8-00167-00065297-00065593 be grateful for you guys thank you so TvhCkGHEhz8-00168-00065594-00065809 much requests as well once again to TvhCkGHEhz8-00169-00065810-00066025 those who are 13 those who lost family TvhCkGHEhz8-00170-00066026-00066232 members friends and those whose family TvhCkGHEhz8-00171-00066233-00066424 members and friends have been injured I TvhCkGHEhz8-00172-00066425-00066628 pray that those who survived would have TvhCkGHEhz8-00173-00066629-00066865 a speedy recovery and those who are TvhCkGHEhz8-00174-00066866-00067107 yours family members and friends that TvhCkGHEhz8-00175-00067108-00067318 they get comforted okay thank you so TvhCkGHEhz8-00176-00067319-00067549 very much once again I'm so very am I TvhCkGHEhz8-00177-00067550-00067861 looking for this situation and I told TvhCkGHEhz8-00178-00067862-00068164 you guys again and I will let those who TvhCkGHEhz8-00179-00068165-00068380 are go to situation do not take your own TvhCkGHEhz8-00180-00068381-00068572 life or life of others there are TvhCkGHEhz8-00181-00068573-00068761 different ways to solve problems TvhCkGHEhz8-00182-00068762-00068917 I'm taking your life and taking other TvhCkGHEhz8-00183-00068918-00069088 person's life you're creating more TvhCkGHEhz8-00184-00069089-00069292 problem so if you are concerned about TvhCkGHEhz8-00185-00069293-00069472 your problem and that your problem is TvhCkGHEhz8-00186-00069473-00069694 not been answered by doing anything TvhCkGHEhz8-00187-00069695-00069847 other than trying to solve the problem TvhCkGHEhz8-00188-00069848-00070075 the right way you're created more it's TvhCkGHEhz8-00189-00070076-00070264 defeating the purpose so please do not TvhCkGHEhz8-00190-00070265-00070450 take your life or the life of audience TvhCkGHEhz8-00191-00070451-00070699 at all if it is that someone do wrong to TvhCkGHEhz8-00192-00070700-00070891 you go through the right Avenue t-tail TvhCkGHEhz8-00193-00070892-00071290 to the local to the policy of a company TvhCkGHEhz8-00194-00071291-00071473 don't just take persons like this is TvhCkGHEhz8-00195-00071474-00071755 never justifiable okay thank you so very TvhCkGHEhz8-00196-00071756-00071791 much TvhCkGHEhz8-00197-00071792-00072151 thank you bye for now guys TxYRFj1EUHu-00000-00000008-00000231 hello welcome to my channel unique TxYRFj1EUHu-00001-00000231-00000390 gadgets buzz TxYRFj1EUHu-00002-00000391-00000582 friends i am always trying to show you TxYRFj1EUHu-00003-00000583-00000743 different gadgets which is very TxYRFj1EUHu-00004-00000744-00000958 essential for your daily life TxYRFj1EUHu-00005-00000959-00001150 today i'm going to show you very unique TxYRFj1EUHu-00006-00001151-00001423 and latest samsung tab a7 lite TxYRFj1EUHu-00007-00001424-00001679 this is 8.7 inches screen TxYRFj1EUHu-00008-00001680-00001959 32 gigabytes memory storage capacity and TxYRFj1EUHu-00009-00001960-00002079 grey color TxYRFj1EUHu-00010-00002080-00002326 well guys this is a light model and very TxYRFj1EUHu-00011-00002327-00002495 comfortable to touch and carry to TxYRFj1EUHu-00012-00002496-00002742 anywhere this is android operating TxYRFj1EUHu-00013-00002743-00002991 system that very fast and easily move to TxYRFj1EUHu-00014-00002992-00003263 any apps and also very hard software TxYRFj1EUHu-00015-00003264-00003495 this means you can use this very russian TxYRFj1EUHu-00016-00003496-00003622 tough TxYRFj1EUHu-00017-00003623-00003903 well friends this galaxy tab a7 lite TxYRFj1EUHu-00018-00003904-00004086 model you will find very good packing TxYRFj1EUHu-00019-00004087-00004263 box that protect your phone from any TxYRFj1EUHu-00020-00004264-00004447 hassle to carry anywhere TxYRFj1EUHu-00021-00004448-00004679 after opening your gift box you will see TxYRFj1EUHu-00022-00004680-00005391 this very presenting like a course TxYRFj1EUHu-00023-00005392-00005606 well you will find here a very quick TxYRFj1EUHu-00024-00005607-00005799 start guide that all things she on that TxYRFj1EUHu-00025-00005800-00005879 book TxYRFj1EUHu-00026-00005880-00006167 a super fast charger with a unique cable TxYRFj1EUHu-00027-00006168-00006375 and a little pin to operating the sim TxYRFj1EUHu-00028-00006376-00006631 card as open or fixed so far TxYRFj1EUHu-00029-00006631-00006823 the entertainment goes where you go with TxYRFj1EUHu-00030-00006823-00007103 its compact 8.7 inches screen slim TxYRFj1EUHu-00031-00007104-00007375 design and sturdy metal frame galaxy tab TxYRFj1EUHu-00032-00007376-00007574 a7 light is perfectly sized for TxYRFj1EUHu-00033-00007575-00007814 entertainment on the go this is very TxYRFj1EUHu-00034-00007815-00008023 slim and sturdy metal frame that keep to TxYRFj1EUHu-00035-00008023-00008246 a hand very hassle free and made of sun TxYRFj1EUHu-00036-00008247-00008455 for you you can touch it very TxYRFj1EUHu-00037-00008456-00008678 comfortably and swap on the screen very TxYRFj1EUHu-00038-00008679-00008791 fastly TxYRFj1EUHu-00039-00008792-00008991 sturdy frame for lasting protection TxYRFj1EUHu-00040-00008992-00009255 galaxy tab a7 light features two months TxYRFj1EUHu-00041-00009256-00009478 of that free video sun keep everyone in TxYRFj1EUHu-00042-00009479-00009655 the family entertained with two months TxYRFj1EUHu-00043-00009656-00009863 of free issue premium for hours and TxYRFj1EUHu-00044-00009864-00010071 hours of ad-free fun TxYRFj1EUHu-00045-00010072-00010310 friends this tablet you will find a very TxYRFj1EUHu-00046-00010311-00010542 unique operating system that swiss by TxYRFj1EUHu-00047-00010543-00010814 your hand very fast well this is very TxYRFj1EUHu-00048-00010815-00011087 slim stylish that your moments fair in a TxYRFj1EUHu-00049-00011088-00011263 minute TxYRFj1EUHu-00050-00011264-00011487 premium entertainment to us and with two TxYRFj1EUHu-00051-00011488-00011799 month youtube and six months of shopify TxYRFj1EUHu-00052-00011800-00011974 keep more features that you loved TxYRFj1EUHu-00053-00011975-00012167 performance that won't let you down TxYRFj1EUHu-00054-00012168-00012342 comes with fast speed and plenty of TxYRFj1EUHu-00055-00012343-00012614 storage for multiple users TxYRFj1EUHu-00056-00012615-00012855 so dear viewers if you want to know more TxYRFj1EUHu-00057-00012856-00013063 information then check my description TxYRFj1EUHu-00058-00013063-00013175 below TxYRFj1EUHu-00059-00013176-00013375 friends don't forget to subscribe my TxYRFj1EUHu-00060-00013376-00013558 channel and for getting more update like TxYRFj1EUHu-00061-00013559-00013766 and share your friends now TxYRFj1EUHu-00062-00013768-00014038 see you then and wait for the next video TxYRFj1EUHu-00063-00014040-00014336 till then bye bye Tzk_PPFLRe4-00000-00000197-00000636 foreign Tzk_PPFLRe4-00001-00000637-00000839 welcome back everyone to thecube's Tzk_PPFLRe4-00002-00000840-00001108 coverage here live in San Francisco for Tzk_PPFLRe4-00003-00001109-00001591 VMware Explorer formerly got it DM World Tzk_PPFLRe4-00004-00001592-00001841 we've been to every vmworld since 2010 Tzk_PPFLRe4-00005-00001842-00001979 now it's VMware Explorer I'm John Tzk_PPFLRe4-00006-00001980-00002183 Furrier your host with Dave vellante Tzk_PPFLRe4-00007-00002184-00002339 with Dave Linthicum here he's the chief Tzk_PPFLRe4-00008-00002340-00002531 Cloud strategy officer at Deloitte Tzk_PPFLRe4-00009-00002532-00002710 welcome to the cube thanks for coming on Tzk_PPFLRe4-00010-00002711-00002897 appreciate your time thanks for having Tzk_PPFLRe4-00011-00002898-00003263 me epic keynote today on stage uh all Tzk_PPFLRe4-00012-00003264-00003497 seven minutes of your great performance Tzk_PPFLRe4-00013-00003497-00003779 session yes very very very uh very quick Tzk_PPFLRe4-00014-00003779-00003977 to the order I brought everybody up to Tzk_PPFLRe4-00015-00003978-00004151 speed and left well Dave it's great to Tzk_PPFLRe4-00016-00004152-00004313 have you on the cube one we follow your Tzk_PPFLRe4-00017-00004314-00004469 work been following for a long time a Tzk_PPFLRe4-00018-00004470-00004738 lot of web services a lot of SOA kind of Tzk_PPFLRe4-00019-00004739-00004901 in your background kind of the old web Tzk_PPFLRe4-00020-00004902-00005167 services Tzk_PPFLRe4-00021-00005168-00005615 RSS web services all that good stuff now Tzk_PPFLRe4-00022-00005616-00005783 it's it's now we're in kind of web Tzk_PPFLRe4-00023-00005784-00006029 services on steroids Cloud came it's Tzk_PPFLRe4-00024-00006030-00006245 here we're next gen Tzk_PPFLRe4-00025-00006246-00006388 um you wrote a great story on metacloud Tzk_PPFLRe4-00026-00006389-00006491 you've been following the supercloud Tzk_PPFLRe4-00027-00006492-00006592 with Dave Tzk_PPFLRe4-00028-00006593-00006827 does VMware have it right Tzk_PPFLRe4-00029-00006828-00007120 yeah they do because I'll tell you what Tzk_PPFLRe4-00030-00007122-00007331 the market is turning toward anything Tzk_PPFLRe4-00031-00007331-00007517 that sits above and between the clouds Tzk_PPFLRe4-00032-00007518-00007691 so things that don't exist in the Tzk_PPFLRe4-00033-00007692-00007913 hyperscaler things that provide common Tzk_PPFLRe4-00034-00007914-00008164 Services among above the cloud providers Tzk_PPFLRe4-00035-00008165-00008333 are where the growth's going to happen Tzk_PPFLRe4-00036-00008334-00008542 we haven't really solved that problem Tzk_PPFLRe4-00037-00008543-00008728 yet and so there's lots of operational Tzk_PPFLRe4-00038-00008729-00009046 aspects security aspects and the ability Tzk_PPFLRe4-00039-00009047-00009287 to have some sort of a brokering service Tzk_PPFLRe4-00040-00009288-00009605 that'll scale so multi-cloud which is Tzk_PPFLRe4-00041-00009606-00009827 their strategy here is not about Cloud Tzk_PPFLRe4-00042-00009828-00010042 it's about things that exist in between Tzk_PPFLRe4-00043-00010043-00010246 cloud and making those things work so Tzk_PPFLRe4-00044-00010247-00010421 getting to another layer of abstraction Tzk_PPFLRe4-00045-00010422-00010685 and automation to finally allow us to Tzk_PPFLRe4-00046-00010686-00010978 make use out of all these hyperscaler Tzk_PPFLRe4-00047-00010979-00011110 services that we're signing on today Tzk_PPFLRe4-00048-00011111-00011327 remember the old days back in the 80s Tzk_PPFLRe4-00049-00011328-00011501 When We Were Young Bucks coming into the Tzk_PPFLRe4-00050-00011502-00011795 business the interoperability wave was Tzk_PPFLRe4-00051-00011796-00011992 coming remember that oh yeah I got a Tzk_PPFLRe4-00052-00011993-00012360 deck mini computer I got an IBM Unix Tzk_PPFLRe4-00053-00012361-00012605 and then you know this other thing over Tzk_PPFLRe4-00054-00012606-00012886 here and lands and all every started Tzk_PPFLRe4-00055-00012887-00013066 getting into this whole okay networking Tzk_PPFLRe4-00056-00013067-00013283 wasn't just coax he started to see Tzk_PPFLRe4-00057-00013284-00013636 segment segments interoperability was a Tzk_PPFLRe4-00058-00013637-00013888 huge what 10-year run it feels like Tzk_PPFLRe4-00059-00013890-00014057 that's kind of like the vibe going on Tzk_PPFLRe4-00060-00014058-00014266 here yeah we're not focused on having Tzk_PPFLRe4-00061-00014268-00014422 these things interoperate unto Tzk_PPFLRe4-00062-00014423-00014561 themselves so what we're doing is Tzk_PPFLRe4-00063-00014562-00014716 putting a layer of things which allows Tzk_PPFLRe4-00064-00014718-00014866 them to interoperate that's a different Tzk_PPFLRe4-00065-00014868-00015058 that's a different problem to solve and Tzk_PPFLRe4-00066-00015059-00015311 it's also solvable we were talking about Tzk_PPFLRe4-00067-00015312-00015443 getting all these very distinct Tzk_PPFLRe4-00068-00015444-00015641 proprietary systems to communicate one Tzk_PPFLRe4-00069-00015641-00015791 to another and interrelate one to Tzk_PPFLRe4-00070-00015791-00015953 another and that never really happened Tzk_PPFLRe4-00071-00015954-00016115 because you got to get them to agree on Tzk_PPFLRe4-00072-00016116-00016288 interfaces and protocols but if you put Tzk_PPFLRe4-00073-00016290-00016511 a layer above it they can talk down to Tzk_PPFLRe4-00074-00016512-00016661 whatever native interfaces that are Tzk_PPFLRe4-00075-00016662-00016822 there and deal with the differences Tzk_PPFLRe4-00076-00016823-00017033 between the heterogeneity and Abstract Tzk_PPFLRe4-00077-00017034-00017213 yourself and the complexity and that's Tzk_PPFLRe4-00078-00017214-00017375 that's kind of the different that works Tzk_PPFLRe4-00079-00017376-00017543 the ability to kind of get everybody you Tzk_PPFLRe4-00080-00017544-00017675 know clunk their heads together and make Tzk_PPFLRe4-00081-00017676-00017855 them work together that doesn't seem to Tzk_PPFLRe4-00082-00017856-00018077 scale and people got to be motivated for Tzk_PPFLRe4-00083-00018078-00018280 that not many people might not ask me Tzk_PPFLRe4-00084-00018281-00018443 money and others has to be a business Tzk_PPFLRe4-00085-00018444-00018605 for them in doing so a couple things I Tzk_PPFLRe4-00086-00018606-00018779 want to follow up on from the VMware you Tzk_PPFLRe4-00087-00018780-00018929 know this morning they use the term Tzk_PPFLRe4-00088-00018930-00019139 Cloud chaos when you talk to customers Tzk_PPFLRe4-00089-00019140-00019391 you know when they have multiple clouds Tzk_PPFLRe4-00090-00019392-00019619 do they are they saying to you hey we Tzk_PPFLRe4-00091-00019620-00019786 have Cloud chaos or do they have Cloud Tzk_PPFLRe4-00092-00019787-00019997 chaos and they don't know it or do they Tzk_PPFLRe4-00093-00019998-00020225 not have Cloud chaos what's the mix yeah Tzk_PPFLRe4-00094-00020226-00020363 I don't think the word chaos is used Tzk_PPFLRe4-00095-00020364-00020519 yeah if they do tell me they're hitting Tzk_PPFLRe4-00096-00020520-00020705 a complexity wall which you do here out Tzk_PPFLRe4-00097-00020706-00020807 there is a term so in other words Tzk_PPFLRe4-00098-00020808-00020975 they're getting to a point where they Tzk_PPFLRe4-00099-00020976-00021178 can't scale operations to deal with the Tzk_PPFLRe4-00100-00021179-00021335 complexity and heterogeneity that Tzk_PPFLRe4-00101-00021336-00021497 they're that they're bringing into the Tzk_PPFLRe4-00102-00021498-00021653 organization because using multiple Tzk_PPFLRe4-00103-00021654-00021893 clouds so that is chaotic so I guess Tzk_PPFLRe4-00104-00021894-00022025 that you know it's another way to name Tzk_PPFLRe4-00105-00022026-00022235 complexity so there's so many services Tzk_PPFLRe4-00106-00022236-00022367 are moving from a thousand cloud Tzk_PPFLRe4-00107-00022368-00022553 services under management to 3000 cloud Tzk_PPFLRe4-00108-00022554-00022727 services under management they don't Tzk_PPFLRe4-00109-00022728-00022889 have the operational team the skill Tzk_PPFLRe4-00110-00022890-00023069 skill levels to do it they don't have Tzk_PPFLRe4-00111-00023070-00023297 the tooling to do it that's a wall and Tzk_PPFLRe4-00112-00023298-00023411 you have to be able to figure out how to Tzk_PPFLRe4-00113-00023412-00023542 get beyond that wall to make those Tzk_PPFLRe4-00114-00023543-00023728 things work so when we had our Tzk_PPFLRe4-00115-00023729-00023914 conversation about metacloud and Tzk_PPFLRe4-00116-00023915-00024191 supercloud we I think very much aligned Tzk_PPFLRe4-00117-00024192-00024394 in our thinking and so now you've got Tzk_PPFLRe4-00118-00024395-00024533 this situation where you've got these Tzk_PPFLRe4-00119-00024534-00024886 abstraction layers but and then but I my Tzk_PPFLRe4-00120-00024887-00025013 question is are we going to have Tzk_PPFLRe4-00121-00025014-00025186 multiple abstraction layers and will Tzk_PPFLRe4-00122-00025187-00025355 they talk to each other or are standards Tzk_PPFLRe4-00123-00025356-00025624 emerging will they be able to no we Tzk_PPFLRe4-00124-00025625-00025762 can't have multiple attraction layers or Tzk_PPFLRe4-00125-00025763-00025883 else we just we don't solve the problem Tzk_PPFLRe4-00126-00025883-00026117 we go from complexity that exists at the Tzk_PPFLRe4-00127-00026118-00026279 native Cloud levels to complexity that Tzk_PPFLRe4-00128-00026280-00026452 exists that this thing we're dealing Tzk_PPFLRe4-00129-00026454-00026590 with to deal with complexity so if you Tzk_PPFLRe4-00130-00026591-00026783 do that we're screwing up we have to go Tzk_PPFLRe4-00131-00026783-00027052 back and fix it so ultimately this is Tzk_PPFLRe4-00132-00027054-00027281 about having common Services common Tzk_PPFLRe4-00133-00027282-00027443 security layers common operational Tzk_PPFLRe4-00134-00027444-00027658 layers and things like that that are Tzk_PPFLRe4-00135-00027660-00027899 really uh reduced redundancy within the Tzk_PPFLRe4-00136-00027900-00028079 system so instead of having a you know Tzk_PPFLRe4-00137-00028080-00028229 five different security layers and five Tzk_PPFLRe4-00138-00028230-00028420 different Cloud providers we're layering Tzk_PPFLRe4-00139-00028422-00028570 one and providing management and Tzk_PPFLRe4-00140-00028572-00028727 orchestration capabilities and make that Tzk_PPFLRe4-00141-00028727-00028870 happen if we don't do that we're not Tzk_PPFLRe4-00142-00028872-00029039 succeeding what do you think about the Tzk_PPFLRe4-00143-00029039-00029152 marketplace I know there's a lot of Tzk_PPFLRe4-00144-00029154-00029255 things going on that are happening Tzk_PPFLRe4-00145-00029256-00029374 around this want to get your thoughts on Tzk_PPFLRe4-00146-00029375-00029585 obviously the industry Dynamics vendors Tzk_PPFLRe4-00147-00029586-00029770 preserving their future and then you've Tzk_PPFLRe4-00148-00029772-00029927 got customers who have been leveraging Tzk_PPFLRe4-00149-00029927-00030149 the capex goodness of say Amazon and Tzk_PPFLRe4-00150-00030150-00030262 then have to solve their whole Tzk_PPFLRe4-00151-00030263-00030508 distributed environment problem Tzk_PPFLRe4-00152-00030510-00030755 so when you look at this is it really Tzk_PPFLRe4-00153-00030756-00030990 solving is the order of operations first Tzk_PPFLRe4-00154-00030991-00031324 Common layer of abstraction because you Tzk_PPFLRe4-00155-00031325-00031481 know it seems like the vendor I won't Tzk_PPFLRe4-00156-00031482-00031655 say desperation move but like their Tzk_PPFLRe4-00157-00031656-00031817 first move is we're going to be the Tzk_PPFLRe4-00158-00031818-00032027 control plane or you know I think Cisco Tzk_PPFLRe4-00159-00032027-00032212 has envisioned in their mind that no no Tzk_PPFLRe4-00160-00032213-00032308 we're going to have that management Tzk_PPFLRe4-00161-00032310-00032561 plane I've heard a lot of people talking Tzk_PPFLRe4-00162-00032562-00032681 about we're going to be the management Tzk_PPFLRe4-00163-00032682-00032999 interface into something Tzk_PPFLRe4-00164-00033000-00033137 um how do you see that playing out Tzk_PPFLRe4-00165-00033138-00033346 because the order of operations to do Tzk_PPFLRe4-00166-00033347-00033551 the abstraction is to get consensus Tzk_PPFLRe4-00167-00033552-00033893 right right first not competition right Tzk_PPFLRe4-00168-00033894-00034049 so how do you see that what's your Tzk_PPFLRe4-00169-00034050-00034151 reaction to that and what's your Tzk_PPFLRe4-00170-00034152-00034301 observation I think it's going to be Tzk_PPFLRe4-00171-00034302-00034505 tough for the people who are supplying Tzk_PPFLRe4-00172-00034506-00034709 the underlying services to also be the Tzk_PPFLRe4-00173-00034710-00034859 orchestration and abstraction layers Tzk_PPFLRe4-00174-00034860-00034967 because they're they're kind of Tzk_PPFLRe4-00175-00034968-00035135 conflicted in making that happen in Tzk_PPFLRe4-00176-00035136-00035231 other words it's not in their best Tzk_PPFLRe4-00177-00035232-00035381 interest to make all these things work Tzk_PPFLRe4-00178-00035382-00035590 and interoperate one to another but it's Tzk_PPFLRe4-00179-00035591-00035771 their best interest to provide a service Tzk_PPFLRe4-00180-00035772-00035933 that everybody's going to leverage so I Tzk_PPFLRe4-00181-00035934-00036149 see the layers here I'm certainly the Tzk_PPFLRe4-00182-00036150-00036280 hyperscalers are going to play in those Tzk_PPFLRe4-00183-00036281-00036412 layers and they're welcome to play on Tzk_PPFLRe4-00184-00036413-00036551 those layers they may come up with a Tzk_PPFLRe4-00185-00036552-00036701 solution that everybody picks But Tzk_PPFLRe4-00186-00036702-00036851 ultimately it's about independence and Tzk_PPFLRe4-00187-00036852-00037043 your ability to have an objective way of Tzk_PPFLRe4-00188-00037044-00037211 allowing all these things to communicate Tzk_PPFLRe4-00189-00037212-00037433 together and driving this driving this Tzk_PPFLRe4-00190-00037434-00037583 up together to reduce the complexity Tzk_PPFLRe4-00191-00037584-00037805 again so a network box for instance Tzk_PPFLRe4-00192-00037806-00038099 maybe have hooks into it but not try to Tzk_PPFLRe4-00193-00038100-00038345 dominate it that's right yeah that's Tzk_PPFLRe4-00194-00038346-00038512 right I think if you're trying to own Tzk_PPFLRe4-00195-00038513-00038680 everything and I get that a lot when I Tzk_PPFLRe4-00196-00038681-00038896 write about super cloud and metaclot Tzk_PPFLRe4-00197-00038897-00039023 they go over the meta Cloud we're the Tzk_PPFLRe4-00198-00039024-00039257 super cloud you can't be in other words Tzk_PPFLRe4-00199-00039258-00039443 that's a huge problem to solve I know Tzk_PPFLRe4-00200-00039444-00039593 you don't have a solution for that okay Tzk_PPFLRe4-00201-00039594-00039773 it's going to be many different products Tzk_PPFLRe4-00202-00039774-00039946 to make that happen and the reality is Tzk_PPFLRe4-00203-00039947-00040168 people who actually make that work are Tzk_PPFLRe4-00204-00040169-00040283 going to have to be interdependent Tzk_PPFLRe4-00205-00040284-00040505 independent of the various underlying Tzk_PPFLRe4-00206-00040506-00040649 Services they're gonna they can support Tzk_PPFLRe4-00207-00040650-00040840 them but they really can't be them they Tzk_PPFLRe4-00208-00040841-00041051 have to be an interoperate interrupt Tzk_PPFLRe4-00209-00041052-00041195 they have to interoperate with those Tzk_PPFLRe4-00210-00041196-00041423 services do you see like a w3c model Tzk_PPFLRe4-00211-00041424-00041555 like the World Wide Web Consortium Tzk_PPFLRe4-00212-00041556-00041861 remember that came out around 96 came to Tzk_PPFLRe4-00213-00041862-00042179 the U.S at MIT and that helped forward Tzk_PPFLRe4-00214-00042180-00042461 some of those early standards in in the Tzk_PPFLRe4-00215-00042462-00042629 internet not DNS but like the web but Tzk_PPFLRe4-00216-00042630-00042779 DNS is already there and internet was Tzk_PPFLRe4-00217-00042780-00042965 already there but like the web standards Tzk_PPFLRe4-00218-00042966-00043229 HTML kind of had I think wasn't really Tzk_PPFLRe4-00219-00043230-00043402 hardcore getting people in a headlock Tzk_PPFLRe4-00220-00043403-00043546 but at least it was some sort of group Tzk_PPFLRe4-00221-00043547-00043787 that said hey intellectually be honest Tzk_PPFLRe4-00222-00043788-00044062 you see that happening in this area I Tzk_PPFLRe4-00223-00044063-00044202 hope not Tzk_PPFLRe4-00224-00044203-00044512 why not yeah here's why the reality is Tzk_PPFLRe4-00225-00044513-00044687 is that when these consortiums come into Tzk_PPFLRe4-00226-00044688-00044837 play it freezes the market everybody Tzk_PPFLRe4-00227-00044838-00045005 waits for the Consortium to come up with Tzk_PPFLRe4-00228-00045006-00045208 some sort of a solution that's going to Tzk_PPFLRe4-00229-00045209-00045329 save the world and that solution there Tzk_PPFLRe4-00230-00045330-00045539 Electronics because you can't get these Tzk_PPFLRe4-00231-00045540-00045761 organizations through committee to Tzk_PPFLRe4-00232-00045762-00045893 figure out some sort of a technology Tzk_PPFLRe4-00233-00045894-00046037 stack that's going to be working so I'd Tzk_PPFLRe4-00234-00046038-00046187 rather see the market figure that out Tzk_PPFLRe4-00235-00046188-00046439 not a Consortium it means ecosystem not Tzk_PPFLRe4-00236-00046440-00046643 some right burning bush yeah and that's Tzk_PPFLRe4-00237-00046644-00046823 some burning bush it just hasn't worked Tzk_PPFLRe4-00238-00046824-00046967 I mean if it worked it would be great Tzk_PPFLRe4-00239-00046968-00047236 and we had an event on August 9th it was Tzk_PPFLRe4-00240-00047237-00047429 super cloud 22 and when we had a Tzk_PPFLRe4-00241-00047430-00047633 security securing the super cloud panel Tzk_PPFLRe4-00242-00047634-00047795 and one of them I did was a great Tzk_PPFLRe4-00243-00047796-00047980 conversation is to remember John but it Tzk_PPFLRe4-00244-00047981-00048190 was kind of depressing in that I was Tzk_PPFLRe4-00245-00048191-00048286 like we're never going to solve this Tzk_PPFLRe4-00246-00048287-00048467 problem so what are you seeing in the Tzk_PPFLRe4-00247-00048468-00048652 security front you know it seems to like Tzk_PPFLRe4-00248-00048653-00048833 that's a main blocker to the metacloud Tzk_PPFLRe4-00249-00048834-00049096 the supercloud yeah the reality is you Tzk_PPFLRe4-00250-00049097-00049361 can't build all the security services in Tzk_PPFLRe4-00251-00049362-00049546 in the meta Cloud you have to basically Tzk_PPFLRe4-00252-00049547-00049727 leverage the security services on the Tzk_PPFLRe4-00253-00049728-00049883 native cloud and leverage them as they Tzk_PPFLRe4-00254-00049884-00050057 exist so this idea that we're going to Tzk_PPFLRe4-00255-00050058-00050207 replace all of these Security Services Tzk_PPFLRe4-00256-00050208-00050435 with one layer of abstraction that's Tzk_PPFLRe4-00257-00050436-00050585 going to provide the services so you Tzk_PPFLRe4-00258-00050586-00050699 don't need these underlying security Tzk_PPFLRe4-00259-00050700-00050867 systems that won't work you have to Tzk_PPFLRe4-00260-00050868-00051005 leverage the native security systems Tzk_PPFLRe4-00261-00051006-00051167 native governance native operating Tzk_PPFLRe4-00262-00051168-00051376 interfaces native apis of all all the Tzk_PPFLRe4-00263-00051377-00051538 various native clouds using the terms Tzk_PPFLRe4-00264-00051539-00051670 that they're looking to leverage and Tzk_PPFLRe4-00265-00051671-00051814 that's the mistake I think people are Tzk_PPFLRe4-00266-00051815-00051935 going to make you don't need to replace Tzk_PPFLRe4-00267-00051936-00052114 something that's working you just need Tzk_PPFLRe4-00268-00052115-00052307 to make it easier to use let's ask Dave Tzk_PPFLRe4-00269-00052308-00052457 about the sort of the discussion that Tzk_PPFLRe4-00270-00052458-00052687 was on Twitter this morning so when Tzk_PPFLRe4-00271-00052688-00052907 VMware announced their you know Tzk_PPFLRe4-00272-00052908-00053141 cross-cloud services and and the whole Tzk_PPFLRe4-00273-00053141-00053603 new tanzu 1.3 and and Arya there was a Tzk_PPFLRe4-00274-00053604-00053765 little chatter on Twitter basically Tzk_PPFLRe4-00275-00053766-00053963 saying yeah but VMware they'll never win Tzk_PPFLRe4-00276-00053964-00054094 the developers and John came and said Tzk_PPFLRe4-00277-00054095-00054359 well hey hang on you know if if you've Tzk_PPFLRe4-00278-00054360-00054575 got open tools and you're embracing Tzk_PPFLRe4-00279-00054576-00054809 those it's really about the Ops and Tzk_PPFLRe4-00280-00054810-00055049 having standards on the op side and so Tzk_PPFLRe4-00281-00055050-00055253 my question to you is does VMware Tzk_PPFLRe4-00282-00055254-00055366 exactly what I said but close enough Tzk_PPFLRe4-00283-00055367-00055607 sorry I mean I'm paraphrasing yeah you Tzk_PPFLRe4-00284-00055608-00055853 can fine tune it but but does VMware Tzk_PPFLRe4-00285-00055854-00056080 have to win the developers or are they Tzk_PPFLRe4-00286-00056082-00056303 focused on kind of the right areas that Tzk_PPFLRe4-00287-00056304-00056603 whole you know upside of devops focus on Tzk_PPFLRe4-00288-00056604-00056723 the op side because that's the harder Tzk_PPFLRe4-00289-00056724-00056873 problem to solve developers are going to Tzk_PPFLRe4-00290-00056874-00057023 use whatever tools they need to use to Tzk_PPFLRe4-00291-00057024-00057232 build these applications and roll them Tzk_PPFLRe4-00292-00057233-00057353 out and they're going to change change Tzk_PPFLRe4-00293-00057354-00057473 all the time in other words they're Tzk_PPFLRe4-00294-00057474-00057599 going to change the tools and Tzk_PPFLRe4-00295-00057600-00057773 Technologies to do it in the supply Tzk_PPFLRe4-00296-00057774-00057947 chain the Ops problem is the harder Tzk_PPFLRe4-00297-00057948-00058085 problem to solve the ability to get Tzk_PPFLRe4-00298-00058086-00058330 these things working together and uh and Tzk_PPFLRe4-00299-00058332-00058504 running at a certain point of a Tzk_PPFLRe4-00300-00058505-00058666 liability where the failure is not going Tzk_PPFLRe4-00301-00058667-00058780 to be there and I think that's going to Tzk_PPFLRe4-00302-00058782-00058913 be the harder issue and doing that Tzk_PPFLRe4-00303-00058914-00059063 without complexity yeah that's the Tzk_PPFLRe4-00304-00059064-00059219 multi-cloud challenge right there I Tzk_PPFLRe4-00305-00059220-00059447 agree the question I want to also pivot Tzk_PPFLRe4-00306-00059448-00059615 on that is that as we look at some of Tzk_PPFLRe4-00307-00059616-00059837 the reporting we've done and interviews Tzk_PPFLRe4-00308-00059838-00060142 data and security really are hard areas Tzk_PPFLRe4-00309-00060144-00060425 people are tuning up devops and the Tzk_PPFLRe4-00310-00060426-00060629 developer model kits booming everyone's Tzk_PPFLRe4-00311-00060629-00060875 going fast fast and loose shifting left Tzk_PPFLRe4-00312-00060876-00061054 all that stuff's happening open source Tzk_PPFLRe4-00313-00061055-00061259 is booming toga party everyone's Tzk_PPFLRe4-00314-00061260-00061541 partying Ops is struggling to level up Tzk_PPFLRe4-00315-00061541-00061763 so I guess the question is what's the Tzk_PPFLRe4-00316-00061764-00061997 order of operations from a customer so a Tzk_PPFLRe4-00317-00061998-00062129 lot of customers have lifted and shipped Tzk_PPFLRe4-00318-00062129-00062291 that some are going all in on say AWS Tzk_PPFLRe4-00319-00062291-00062465 yeah I got a little hedge with Azure but Tzk_PPFLRe4-00320-00062466-00062566 I'm not going to do a full development Tzk_PPFLRe4-00321-00062567-00062765 team as you talk to customers because Tzk_PPFLRe4-00322-00062766-00062891 they're the ones deploying the clouds Tzk_PPFLRe4-00323-00062891-00063119 they want to get there right what's the Tzk_PPFLRe4-00324-00063120-00063311 order of operations to do it properly Tzk_PPFLRe4-00325-00063312-00063587 your mind what's your advice as you look Tzk_PPFLRe4-00326-00063588-00063779 at a strategy Tzk_PPFLRe4-00327-00063779-00063982 to to do it right I mean is there a Tzk_PPFLRe4-00328-00063983-00064259 Playbook or some sort of situational Tzk_PPFLRe4-00329-00064260-00064379 you know Tzk_PPFLRe4-00330-00064379-00064661 sequence yes one that works consistently Tzk_PPFLRe4-00331-00064662-00064823 is number one you think about operations Tzk_PPFLRe4-00332-00064824-00065015 up front and if you can't solve Tzk_PPFLRe4-00333-00065016-00065182 operations you have no business Tzk_PPFLRe4-00334-00065183-00065369 enrolling out other applications and Tzk_PPFLRe4-00335-00065370-00065585 other databases that quite frankly can't Tzk_PPFLRe4-00336-00065586-00065717 be operated that's how people are Tzk_PPFLRe4-00337-00065718-00065837 getting into trouble so in other words Tzk_PPFLRe4-00338-00065838-00066011 if you get into these very complex Tzk_PPFLRe4-00339-00066012-00066215 architectures which is what multi-clad Tzk_PPFLRe4-00340-00066216-00066425 is complex distributed system and you Tzk_PPFLRe4-00341-00066426-00066563 don't have an understanding how you can Tzk_PPFLRe4-00342-00066564-00066797 operationalize that system at scale then Tzk_PPFLRe4-00343-00066798-00066947 you have no business in building the Tzk_PPFLRe4-00344-00066948-00067109 system you have no business of going in Tzk_PPFLRe4-00345-00067110-00067259 a multi-cloud because you're going to Tzk_PPFLRe4-00346-00067260-00067432 run into that wall and it's going to Tzk_PPFLRe4-00347-00067433-00067625 lead to a an outage it's going to lead Tzk_PPFLRe4-00348-00067626-00067763 to a breach or something that's going to Tzk_PPFLRe4-00349-00067764-00068038 be company killing so a lot of that's Tzk_PPFLRe4-00350-00068039-00068249 cultural right having having the Tzk_PPFLRe4-00351-00068250-00068411 cultural fortitude to say we're going to Tzk_PPFLRe4-00352-00068412-00068632 start there we're going to enforce these Tzk_PPFLRe4-00353-00068633-00068776 standards that's what John Cleese said Tzk_PPFLRe4-00354-00068777-00069041 yeah police's famous line yeah you're Tzk_PPFLRe4-00355-00069042-00069388 right you're right so so what happens if Tzk_PPFLRe4-00356-00069389-00069713 the if that as a consultant if you you Tzk_PPFLRe4-00357-00069714-00069905 probably have to insist on that first Tzk_PPFLRe4-00358-00069906-00070169 right or I mean I don't know you Tzk_PPFLRe4-00359-00070170-00070391 probably still do the engagement but you Tzk_PPFLRe4-00360-00070392-00070535 you're going to be careful about Tzk_PPFLRe4-00361-00070536-00070805 promising an outcome aren't you you're Tzk_PPFLRe4-00362-00070806-00070913 going to have to insist on the fact Tzk_PPFLRe4-00363-00070914-00071009 they're going to have to do some Tzk_PPFLRe4-00364-00071010-00071194 Advanced planning and come up with a Tzk_PPFLRe4-00365-00071195-00071326 very rigorous way in which they're going Tzk_PPFLRe4-00366-00071327-00071519 to roll it out and the reality is if Tzk_PPFLRe4-00367-00071520-00071656 they're not doing that then the advice Tzk_PPFLRe4-00368-00071657-00071825 would be you're going to fail so it's Tzk_PPFLRe4-00369-00071826-00071950 not a matter of when it's when it's Tzk_PPFLRe4-00370-00071951-00072082 going to happen we're going to but at Tzk_PPFLRe4-00371-00072083-00072209 some point you're gonna feel either Tzk_PPFLRe4-00372-00072210-00072365 number one you're going to actually fail Tzk_PPFLRe4-00373-00072366-00072544 in some sort of a big disastrous event Tzk_PPFLRe4-00374-00072545-00072725 or more likely or not you're going to Tzk_PPFLRe4-00375-00072726-00072850 end up building something that's going Tzk_PPFLRe4-00376-00072851-00073025 to cost you 10 million dollars more a Tzk_PPFLRe4-00377-00073026-00073187 month to run and it's going to be under Tzk_PPFLRe4-00378-00073188-00073343 optimized and is that effective when you Tzk_PPFLRe4-00379-00073344-00073529 when you say that to a client or they Tzk_PPFLRe4-00380-00073530-00073762 say okay but or do they say yes you're Tzk_PPFLRe4-00381-00073763-00073991 right I view my role as a someone like a Tzk_PPFLRe4-00382-00073992-00074129 doctor and a lawyer you may not want to Tzk_PPFLRe4-00383-00074130-00074285 hear what I'm telling you but the thing Tzk_PPFLRe4-00384-00074286-00074512 is if I don't tell you the truth and I'm Tzk_PPFLRe4-00385-00074513-00074699 not doing my job as a trusted advisor Tzk_PPFLRe4-00386-00074700-00074849 and so they'll never get anything but Tzk_PPFLRe4-00387-00074850-00075082 that from us you know as a firm and the Tzk_PPFLRe4-00388-00075083-00075185 reality is they can make their own Tzk_PPFLRe4-00389-00075186-00075317 decisions and we'll have to help them Tzk_PPFLRe4-00390-00075318-00075503 whatever path they want to go but we're Tzk_PPFLRe4-00391-00075504-00075653 making the warnings in place to make it Tzk_PPFLRe4-00392-00075654-00075875 and also also situationally it's IQ Tzk_PPFLRe4-00393-00075876-00076103 driven are they ready what's their Tzk_PPFLRe4-00394-00076104-00076331 makeup are they have the kind of talent Tzk_PPFLRe4-00395-00076332-00076529 to execute Tzk_PPFLRe4-00396-00076530-00076661 um and there's a lot believe me I Tzk_PPFLRe4-00397-00076662-00076841 totally think agree with upside I think Tzk_PPFLRe4-00398-00076842-00077032 that's right on the money the question I Tzk_PPFLRe4-00399-00077033-00077153 want to ask you is okay assume that Tzk_PPFLRe4-00400-00077154-00077423 someone has the right makeup of team Tzk_PPFLRe4-00401-00077424-00077632 they got some badass people in there Tzk_PPFLRe4-00402-00077633-00077926 coding away devops sres you name it Tzk_PPFLRe4-00403-00077927-00078161 everyone lined up platform teams as they Tzk_PPFLRe4-00404-00078162-00078382 said today on stage all that stuff Tzk_PPFLRe4-00405-00078383-00078605 what's the cxo conversation at the Tzk_PPFLRe4-00406-00078606-00078755 boardroom that you you have around Tzk_PPFLRe4-00407-00078756-00079025 business strategy because if you assume Tzk_PPFLRe4-00408-00079026-00079187 that cloud is here and you do things Tzk_PPFLRe4-00409-00079188-00079367 right and you get the right advisors in Tzk_PPFLRe4-00410-00079368-00079582 the next step is what does it transform Tzk_PPFLRe4-00411-00079583-00079793 my business into because you're talking Tzk_PPFLRe4-00412-00079794-00080044 about a fully digitalized business that Tzk_PPFLRe4-00413-00080045-00080261 converges it's not just it helps you run Tzk_PPFLRe4-00414-00080262-00080459 an app back office with some terminal Tzk_PPFLRe4-00415-00080460-00080776 it's full-blown business Edge app Tzk_PPFLRe4-00416-00080777-00081082 business model and Innovation is it that Tzk_PPFLRe4-00417-00081083-00081262 the company becomes a Tzk_PPFLRe4-00418-00081263-00081491 Cloud on their own and they have scale Tzk_PPFLRe4-00419-00081492-00081712 and they're the super cloud of their Tzk_PPFLRe4-00420-00081713-00082006 category servicing a power law of second Tzk_PPFLRe4-00421-00082007-00082303 place third place Tzk_PPFLRe4-00422-00082304-00082600 SMB market so I mean Goldman Sachs could Tzk_PPFLRe4-00423-00082601-00082793 be the service provider Cloud for Tzk_PPFLRe4-00424-00082794-00083068 financial services maybe or is that the Tzk_PPFLRe4-00425-00083069-00083356 dream what's the dream for the the cxo Tzk_PPFLRe4-00426-00083357-00083555 staff take us through what they're Tzk_PPFLRe4-00427-00083556-00083675 trying to do is get a level of Tzk_PPFLRe4-00428-00083676-00083849 automation without ever able to leverage Tzk_PPFLRe4-00429-00083850-00084029 best debris technology to be as Tzk_PPFLRe4-00430-00084030-00084256 Innovative as they possibly can using an Tzk_PPFLRe4-00431-00084257-00084461 architecture that's near 100 optimized Tzk_PPFLRe4-00432-00084462-00084623 so I'll never be 100 optimized therefore Tzk_PPFLRe4-00433-00084624-00084815 it's able to run bring the best value to Tzk_PPFLRe4-00434-00084816-00084947 the business for the least amount of Tzk_PPFLRe4-00435-00084948-00085061 money that's the big thing if they want Tzk_PPFLRe4-00436-00085062-00085325 to become a cloud that's that's not a Tzk_PPFLRe4-00437-00085326-00085535 not necessarily a good idea if they're a Tzk_PPFLRe4-00438-00085536-00085679 finance company be a finance company Tzk_PPFLRe4-00439-00085680-00085937 just build these Innovations around how Tzk_PPFLRe4-00440-00085938-00086171 to make a finance company be Innovative Tzk_PPFLRe4-00441-00086172-00086393 and different for them so they can be a Tzk_PPFLRe4-00442-00086394-00086585 disrupter without being disrupted I see Tzk_PPFLRe4-00443-00086586-00086729 we see a lot of companies right now Tzk_PPFLRe4-00444-00086730-00086885 they're going to be exposed in the next Tzk_PPFLRe4-00445-00086886-00087118 10 years because a lot of these smaller Tzk_PPFLRe4-00446-00087119-00087250 companies are able to weaponize Tzk_PPFLRe4-00447-00087251-00087412 technology to bring them to the next Tzk_PPFLRe4-00448-00087413-00087593 level digital Transformations whatever Tzk_PPFLRe4-00449-00087594-00087893 to create a business value that's going Tzk_PPFLRe4-00450-00087894-00088043 to be more compelling than the existing Tzk_PPFLRe4-00451-00088044-00088247 player because they're on the capex back Tzk_PPFLRe4-00452-00088248-00088362 of Amazon Tzk_PPFLRe4-00453-00088363-00088661 or some technical innovations that would Tzk_PPFLRe4-00454-00088662-00088835 do smaller guys what's that what's the Tzk_PPFLRe4-00455-00088836-00089056 lever that beats the it's the ability to Tzk_PPFLRe4-00456-00089057-00089212 use whatever technology you need to Tzk_PPFLRe4-00457-00089213-00089362 solve your issues so in other words I Tzk_PPFLRe4-00458-00089363-00089500 can use anything that exists on the Tzk_PPFLRe4-00459-00089501-00089597 cloud because it's part of the Tzk_PPFLRe4-00460-00089598-00089741 multi-cloud I'm able to find the Tzk_PPFLRe4-00461-00089742-00089932 services that I need the best AI system Tzk_PPFLRe4-00462-00089933-00090112 the best database systems to pass the Tzk_PPFLRe4-00463-00090113-00090293 transaction processing system and Tzk_PPFLRe4-00464-00090294-00090473 assemble these things together to solve Tzk_PPFLRe4-00465-00090474-00090593 more Innovative problems than my Tzk_PPFLRe4-00466-00090594-00090773 competitor if I'm able to do that I'm Tzk_PPFLRe4-00467-00090774-00090959 going to win the game so it's a buffet Tzk_PPFLRe4-00468-00090960-00091387 of Technology pick your your meal Tzk_PPFLRe4-00469-00091388-00091612 experience of this operations first Tzk_PPFLRe4-00470-00091613-00091805 thing is sit in my head remember Alan Tzk_PPFLRe4-00471-00091806-00091949 Nance when he came in the cube and he Tzk_PPFLRe4-00472-00091950-00092044 said listen if you're going to do Cloud Tzk_PPFLRe4-00473-00092045-00092212 you better change the operating model or Tzk_PPFLRe4-00474-00092213-00092338 you're going to make you know I mean Tzk_PPFLRe4-00475-00092339-00092488 you'll drop Millions to the bottom line Tzk_PPFLRe4-00476-00092489-00092650 he was a CIO of Phillips at the time Tzk_PPFLRe4-00477-00092651-00092771 we're not going to drop billions and Tzk_PPFLRe4-00478-00092772-00092981 it's all about you know the zeros right Tzk_PPFLRe4-00479-00092982-00093215 so do you find yourself in a lot of Tzk_PPFLRe4-00480-00093216-00093323 cases sort of helping people Tzk_PPFLRe4-00481-00093324-00093538 re-architect their operating model as a Tzk_PPFLRe4-00482-00093539-00093803 function of of what cloud can can enable Tzk_PPFLRe4-00483-00093804-00094037 yeah every every engagement that we go Tzk_PPFLRe4-00484-00094038-00094247 into has operating model change op model Tzk_PPFLRe4-00485-00094248-00094391 changes and typically it's going to to Tzk_PPFLRe4-00486-00094392-00094638 be major surgery and so it's Tzk_PPFLRe4-00487-00094639-00094817 reevaluating the skill sets Tzk_PPFLRe4-00488-00094818-00094973 re-evaluating the operating model green Tzk_PPFLRe4-00489-00094974-00095176 value in the culture in fact we have a Tzk_PPFLRe4-00490-00095177-00095303 team of people who come in and that's Tzk_PPFLRe4-00491-00095304-00095512 all they focus on and so it used to be Tzk_PPFLRe4-00492-00095513-00095674 just kind of an afterthought and we put Tzk_PPFLRe4-00493-00095675-00095812 this together oh by the way I think you Tzk_PPFLRe4-00494-00095813-00095944 need to do this and this and this and Tzk_PPFLRe4-00495-00095945-00096106 here's what we recommend you do but Tzk_PPFLRe4-00496-00096107-00096262 people who can go in and get cultural Tzk_PPFLRe4-00497-00096263-00096437 changes going get the operating models Tzk_PPFLRe4-00498-00096438-00096593 systems going to get to the folks where Tzk_PPFLRe4-00499-00096594-00096700 they're going to be successful with it Tzk_PPFLRe4-00500-00096701-00096838 reality if you don't do that you're Tzk_PPFLRe4-00501-00096839-00096971 going to fail because you're not going Tzk_PPFLRe4-00502-00096972-00097138 to have the ability to adapt to a Tzk_PPFLRe4-00503-00097139-00097367 cloud-based a cloud-based infrastructure Tzk_PPFLRe4-00504-00097368-00097535 you can leverage at scale Tzk_PPFLRe4-00505-00097536-00097750 David's like a master class here on Tzk_PPFLRe4-00506-00097751-00098093 thecube at VMware explore uh thanks for Tzk_PPFLRe4-00507-00098094-00098200 coming on thanks for spending the Tzk_PPFLRe4-00508-00098201-00098417 valuable time just what's going on in Tzk_PPFLRe4-00509-00098418-00098555 your world right now take a quick minute Tzk_PPFLRe4-00510-00098556-00098693 to plug what's going on with you what Tzk_PPFLRe4-00511-00098694-00098843 are you working on what are you excited Tzk_PPFLRe4-00512-00098844-00099011 about what's what's happening love and Tzk_PPFLRe4-00513-00099012-00099191 life I'm just running around doing uh Tzk_PPFLRe4-00514-00099192-00099359 doing things like this doing a lot of Tzk_PPFLRe4-00515-00099360-00099544 speaking uh you know stuff the blog on Tzk_PPFLRe4-00516-00099545-00099718 infoworld and have that for the last 12 Tzk_PPFLRe4-00517-00099719-00099850 years and Tzk_PPFLRe4-00518-00099851-00100024 um just loving the fact that we're Tzk_PPFLRe4-00519-00100025-00100211 innovating and changing the world and Tzk_PPFLRe4-00520-00100212-00100367 I'm trying to help as many people as I Tzk_PPFLRe4-00521-00100368-00100523 can as quickly as what's the coolest Tzk_PPFLRe4-00522-00100524-00100673 thing you've seen this year in terms of Tzk_PPFLRe4-00523-00100674-00100943 cloud kind of either weirdness coolness Tzk_PPFLRe4-00524-00100944-00101182 or something that made you fall out of Tzk_PPFLRe4-00525-00101183-00101393 your chair wow that was cool I think the Tzk_PPFLRe4-00526-00101394-00101603 AI capability is an application of AI Tzk_PPFLRe4-00527-00101604-00101800 I'm just seeing use cases in there that Tzk_PPFLRe4-00528-00101801-00101921 we never would have thought about the Tzk_PPFLRe4-00529-00101922-00102221 ability to identify patterns that we Tzk_PPFLRe4-00530-00102222-00102394 couldn't identify in the past and do so Tzk_PPFLRe4-00531-00102395-00102599 for for the good I've been an AI analyst Tzk_PPFLRe4-00532-00102600-00102773 it was my first job out of college and Tzk_PPFLRe4-00533-00102774-00103030 I'm 60 years old so it's matured enough Tzk_PPFLRe4-00534-00103031-00103271 where it actually impresses me and so Tzk_PPFLRe4-00535-00103272-00103451 we're seeing applications right NLP Tzk_PPFLRe4-00536-00103452-00103721 anymore is it no that's what I was doing Tzk_PPFLRe4-00537-00103722-00103894 but it's we're able to take this Tzk_PPFLRe4-00538-00103895-00104086 technology to the next level and do do a Tzk_PPFLRe4-00539-00104088-00104236 lot of good with it and I think that's Tzk_PPFLRe4-00540-00104238-00104399 what just kind of blows me on the wall I Tzk_PPFLRe4-00541-00104400-00104599 wish we had 20 more minutes Tzk_PPFLRe4-00542-00104600-00104890 sound bite so we all kind of have kids Tzk_PPFLRe4-00543-00104891-00105077 in college Dave and I both do young ones Tzk_PPFLRe4-00544-00105078-00105316 in college if you're coming out of Tzk_PPFLRe4-00545-00105317-00105473 college CS degree or any kind of smart Tzk_PPFLRe4-00546-00105474-00105719 degree and you have the plethora of now Tzk_PPFLRe4-00547-00105720-00105928 what's coming tools and unlimited ways Tzk_PPFLRe4-00548-00105929-00106163 to kind of clean canvas up by Tzk_PPFLRe4-00549-00106164-00106451 application start something what would Tzk_PPFLRe4-00550-00106452-00106673 you do if you were like 22 right now I Tzk_PPFLRe4-00551-00106674-00106816 would focus on being a multi-cloud Tzk_PPFLRe4-00552-00106817-00107033 architect and I would learn a little Tzk_PPFLRe4-00553-00107033-00107165 about everything learn a little about Tzk_PPFLRe4-00554-00107166-00107321 the various Cloud providers and I would Tzk_PPFLRe4-00555-00107322-00107543 focus on building complex distributed Tzk_PPFLRe4-00556-00107544-00107777 systems and architecting those systems I Tzk_PPFLRe4-00557-00107778-00107927 would learn about how all these things Tzk_PPFLRe4-00558-00107928-00108143 kind of kind of run together don't learn Tzk_PPFLRe4-00559-00108144-00108316 a particular technology because that Tzk_PPFLRe4-00560-00108317-00108533 technology will ultimately go away it'll Tzk_PPFLRe4-00561-00108533-00108707 be displaced by something else learn Tzk_PPFLRe4-00562-00108708-00108886 holistically what the technology is able Tzk_PPFLRe4-00563-00108888-00109066 to do and become the orchestrator of Tzk_PPFLRe4-00564-00109067-00109240 that technology it's a harder problem to Tzk_PPFLRe4-00565-00109241-00109408 solve but you'll get paid more for it Tzk_PPFLRe4-00566-00109409-00109643 and it'll be more fun thinking big Tzk_PPFLRe4-00567-00109644-00109840 picture big picture how everything comes Tzk_PPFLRe4-00568-00109841-00110015 together true architecture problems all Tzk_PPFLRe4-00569-00110016-00110147 right Dave is on thecube Master Class Tzk_PPFLRe4-00570-00110148-00110327 here on thecube bum Chopper Dave Tzk_PPFLRe4-00571-00110328-00110639 vellante explore 2022 live back with our Tzk_PPFLRe4-00572-00110640-00111452 next segment after this short break Tzk_PPFLRe4-00573-00111453-00111764 [Music] TzKKMJHSvGM-00000-00000077-00001842 [Music] TzKKMJHSvGM-00001-00001843-00002041 and good morning it's time now for TzKKMJHSvGM-00002-00002042-00002251 coaches corner live from McDonald's on TzKKMJHSvGM-00003-00002252-00002422 Madison's hilltop I'm Tim towards thanks TzKKMJHSvGM-00004-00002423-00002563 for tuning us in this morning we do it TzKKMJHSvGM-00005-00002564-00002776 every Saturday from the McDonald's TzKKMJHSvGM-00006-00002777-00002935 across from the Madison High School this TzKKMJHSvGM-00007-00002936-00003040 morning we're going to talk soccer TzKKMJHSvGM-00008-00003041-00003195 Jefferson County Soccer Association TzKKMJHSvGM-00009-00003196-00003411 Brian Sauk Lebanon we'll talk with him TzKKMJHSvGM-00010-00003412-00003529 in just a second of course they've got TzKKMJHSvGM-00011-00003529-00003727 to fall signups coming up today we do it TzKKMJHSvGM-00012-00003728-00004125 typically the second Saturday in June we TzKKMJHSvGM-00013-00004126-00004252 talked with Brian good morning to you TzKKMJHSvGM-00014-00004253-00004272 sir TzKKMJHSvGM-00015-00004273-00004615 good morning it's that time again it's TzKKMJHSvGM-00016-00004616-00004800 that time it's come around pretty soon TzKKMJHSvGM-00017-00004801-00004966 look into just yesterday yeah you're TzKKMJHSvGM-00018-00004967-00005200 doing this you know and and it creeps up TzKKMJHSvGM-00019-00005201-00005454 on us every year and we talk about you TzKKMJHSvGM-00020-00005455-00005595 know where does the time go and things TzKKMJHSvGM-00021-00005596-00005806 pass so quickly and this and that but TzKKMJHSvGM-00022-00005807-00005983 you know you're talking about fall TzKKMJHSvGM-00023-00005984-00006352 soccer signups and and as seasons go and TzKKMJHSvGM-00024-00006353-00006474 I talk with different coaches especially TzKKMJHSvGM-00025-00006475-00006642 on Parks Department and things like that TzKKMJHSvGM-00026-00006643-00006883 if you don't work ahead of the game TzKKMJHSvGM-00027-00006884-00007105 you're working from behind and in soccer TzKKMJHSvGM-00028-00007106-00007320 this particular situation the same thing TzKKMJHSvGM-00029-00007322-00007416 if you don't work ahead of the game TzKKMJHSvGM-00030-00007417-00007579 you're behind exactly we try to get that TzKKMJHSvGM-00031-00007580-00007713 and get it as early as we can we've TzKKMJHSvGM-00032-00007714-00007876 already actually began taking some TzKKMJHSvGM-00033-00007877-00008067 registrations and we had a we just TzKKMJHSvGM-00034-00008068-00008359 conducted a camp recently about probably TzKKMJHSvGM-00035-00008360-00008533 three weeks ago freak successful camp TzKKMJHSvGM-00036-00008534-00008770 and had about forty three players from TzKKMJHSvGM-00037-00008771-00008974 the local area that participated in that TzKKMJHSvGM-00038-00008975-00009208 so it was a good friend raising thing as TzKKMJHSvGM-00039-00009209-00009430 well for a CSA well dad talked a little TzKKMJHSvGM-00040-00009431-00009595 bit about and we do every year but I TzKKMJHSvGM-00041-00009596-00009771 think it's important to go back and look TzKKMJHSvGM-00042-00009772-00009988 at the background of J CSA the Jefferson TzKKMJHSvGM-00043-00009989-00010162 County Soccer Association and how long TzKKMJHSvGM-00044-00010163-00010291 has it been in existence where did it TzKKMJHSvGM-00045-00010292-00010426 come from what was the idea and the TzKKMJHSvGM-00046-00010427-00010638 concept it's it's been around actually TzKKMJHSvGM-00047-00010639-00010906 since the mid 1980s around I think was TzKKMJHSvGM-00048-00010907-00011155 actually 1986 or 87 again that actually TzKKMJHSvGM-00049-00011156-00011310 started and actually fall to Lambert's TzKKMJHSvGM-00050-00011311-00011413 and myself we're just having this TzKKMJHSvGM-00051-00011414-00011646 conversation with lady from outside the TzKKMJHSvGM-00052-00011647-00011778 others outside Jefferson County was TzKKMJHSvGM-00053-00011779-00011913 asking with some information basically TzKKMJHSvGM-00054-00011914-00012039 the same question you know what word you TzKKMJHSvGM-00055-00012040-00012226 guys originated from never heard of you TzKKMJHSvGM-00056-00012227-00012414 I told her the first thing is find TzKKMJHSvGM-00057-00012415-00012556 anything about us is to go on our TzKKMJHSvGM-00058-00012557-00012769 Facebook page Jefferson County Soccer TzKKMJHSvGM-00059-00012770-00012916 Association to go on you like it you get TzKKMJHSvGM-00060-00012916-00013096 all their information offer updates but TzKKMJHSvGM-00061-00013097-00013366 been around since the mid 80s we've TzKKMJHSvGM-00062-00013366-00013672 typically had anywhere between six and TzKKMJHSvGM-00063-00013672-00013875 ten board members that keep things going TzKKMJHSvGM-00064-00013876-00014066 I've been around with the program for TzKKMJHSvGM-00065-00014068-00014431 quite some time now my kids participate TzKKMJHSvGM-00066-00014432-00014763 in J CSA so I enjoy it I enjoy working TzKKMJHSvGM-00067-00014765-00014968 with the kids and getting prepared for TzKKMJHSvGM-00068-00014969-00015243 to play at the next level getting a more TzKKMJHSvGM-00069-00015244-00015355 comfortable they can move into the TzKKMJHSvGM-00070-00015356-00015568 junior high programs and pick things up TzKKMJHSvGM-00071-00015569-00015822 pretty quick there what's your your age TzKKMJHSvGM-00072-00015823-00016090 group for this for the Fall League we TzKKMJHSvGM-00073-00016091-00016365 offer it for ages three up to thirteen TzKKMJHSvGM-00074-00016366-00016627 we've got basically breaks now we have TzKKMJHSvGM-00075-00016628-00016806 what we call an under 14 I'm sorry TzKKMJHSvGM-00076-00016807-00017008 another four League under six League TzKKMJHSvGM-00077-00017009-00017334 under eight under 10 and under 13 so TzKKMJHSvGM-00078-00017335-00017515 basically we take kids from 3 to 13 TzKKMJHSvGM-00079-00017516-00017650 years of age each of them playing on TzKKMJHSvGM-00080-00017651-00017815 different sized fields that are TzKKMJHSvGM-00081-00017816-00017931 appropriate for those for their age TzKKMJHSvGM-00082-00017932-00018147 groups and they and a number of kids TzKKMJHSvGM-00083-00018148-00018253 with fun enough fields basically TzKKMJHSvGM-00084-00018254-00018384 age-appropriate as well you know of TzKKMJHSvGM-00085-00018385-00018577 course the younger kids you know we TzKKMJHSvGM-00086-00018578-00018733 don't play with goalies right how we put TzKKMJHSvGM-00087-00018734-00018871 them out there and it's just uh you know TzKKMJHSvGM-00088-00018872-00019134 we try to teach them good spread out but TzKKMJHSvGM-00089-00019135-00019344 that's not the easiest thing to do at a TzKKMJHSvGM-00090-00019345-00019572 young age group but they already get we TzKKMJHSvGM-00091-00019573-00019809 seem to see him pick it up and we see it TzKKMJHSvGM-00092-00019810-00019927 paid off at the high school level so TzKKMJHSvGM-00093-00019928-00020031 I've watched a lot of high school games TzKKMJHSvGM-00094-00020032-00020187 and see some of the same kids TzKKMJHSvGM-00095-00020188-00020380 participating and seems some kids TzKKMJHSvGM-00096-00020381-00020614 actually go to play in college that were TzKKMJHSvGM-00097-00020615-00020974 part of our program years ago as early TzKKMJHSvGM-00098-00020975-00021219 as three and there's always a debate of TzKKMJHSvGM-00099-00021220-00021519 how early is too early three seems to TzKKMJHSvGM-00100-00021520-00021736 like a good age it seems to be yeah TzKKMJHSvGM-00101-00021737-00021874 we've actually picked up some of that TzKKMJHSvGM-00102-00021875-00022053 just from the camps that we do you know TzKKMJHSvGM-00103-00022054-00022321 we know it obviously it's you're still TzKKMJHSvGM-00104-00022322-00022596 billing with a kid that's the I want to TzKKMJHSvGM-00105-00022597-00022746 do somersaults even want to pick grass TzKKMJHSvGM-00106-00022747-00022878 they want do things like that out there TzKKMJHSvGM-00107-00022879-00023019 so you got to keep them as active as TzKKMJHSvGM-00108-00023020-00023178 possible TzKKMJHSvGM-00109-00023179-00023322 you can't really work on too much of the TzKKMJHSvGM-00110-00023323-00023512 fundamentals at age three but you can TzKKMJHSvGM-00111-00023513-00023718 kind of teach them just very basic stuff TzKKMJHSvGM-00112-00023719-00024115 so and you look at the three-year-olds TzKKMJHSvGM-00113-00024116-00024430 and again just starting out and it's TzKKMJHSvGM-00114-00024431-00024693 it's I get imagine the patience of TzKKMJHSvGM-00115-00024694-00024978 coaches have to be at the highest level TzKKMJHSvGM-00116-00024979-00025143 especially at the earlier ages because TzKKMJHSvGM-00117-00025144-00025246 you know the kids are gonna be kids TzKKMJHSvGM-00118-00025247-00025474 absolutely we've got very fortunate to TzKKMJHSvGM-00119-00025475-00025731 have a great group of coaches a lot of TzKKMJHSvGM-00120-00025732-00025887 them of course are our parents of the TzKKMJHSvGM-00121-00025888-00025999 children that they're there TzKKMJHSvGM-00122-00026000-00026224 participating with and there's a lot of TzKKMJHSvGM-00123-00026225-00026352 people who are really scared of the game TzKKMJHSvGM-00124-00026354-00026514 at first and not sure if they want to TzKKMJHSvGM-00125-00026516-00026710 get into coaching and I was tell them TzKKMJHSvGM-00126-00026711-00026952 and remind them getting in with her your TzKKMJHSvGM-00127-00026954-00027151 child at age three and four coaching but TzKKMJHSvGM-00128-00027152-00027280 that age level it pays off TzKKMJHSvGM-00129-00027281-00027481 you start pick the things the game a TzKKMJHSvGM-00130-00027482-00027649 little bit quicker a little bit not that TzKKMJHSvGM-00131-00027650-00027852 you're pressured to teach you know there TzKKMJHSvGM-00132-00027854-00028089 are strong stuff about the game but the TzKKMJHSvGM-00133-00028091-00028215 longer you stay in it the more you pick TzKKMJHSvGM-00134-00028216-00028381 up it's basically where I began I began TzKKMJHSvGM-00135-00028382-00028527 working with my kids at the younger ages TzKKMJHSvGM-00136-00028529-00028752 and then progressed with them as they TzKKMJHSvGM-00137-00028754-00029005 got older so I've got derive a love for TzKKMJHSvGM-00138-00029006-00029133 the game you know I follow a little at TzKKMJHSvGM-00139-00029135-00029317 the city is the FC program they won TzKKMJHSvGM-00140-00029318-00029626 their championship last year and now the TzKKMJHSvGM-00141-00029627-00029833 Cincinnati program they're actually TzKKMJHSvGM-00142-00029833-00030076 becoming part of MSL next year mm-hmm TzKKMJHSvGM-00143-00030077-00030264 major are actually MLS there will be a TzKKMJHSvGM-00144-00030266-00030568 MLS program so hopefully we'll see that TzKKMJHSvGM-00145-00030569-00030862 with a little but it's fun to fun to TzKKMJHSvGM-00146-00030863-00031111 watch and take the fun be part of soccer TzKKMJHSvGM-00147-00031112-00031339 and when we talk about this we've talked TzKKMJHSvGM-00148-00031339-00031515 about this on the program before soccer TzKKMJHSvGM-00149-00031516-00031756 as a whole around the country around the TzKKMJHSvGM-00150-00031757-00032173 nation has grown in size it's grown in TzKKMJHSvGM-00151-00032174-00032644 interest why I don't know I'm here buddy TzKKMJHSvGM-00152-00032645-00032796 which talks about America's game being TzKKMJHSvGM-00153-00032797-00033004 football but we're in the transition TzKKMJHSvGM-00154-00033005-00033157 phase I mean I think soccer is really TzKKMJHSvGM-00155-00033158-00033298 starting to pick up more and more you TzKKMJHSvGM-00156-00033299-00033442 start to see more of these buildings and TzKKMJHSvGM-00157-00033443-00033784 these Soccer Complex is going up as I TzKKMJHSvGM-00158-00033785-00034023 travel from Madison to northern Indiana TzKKMJHSvGM-00159-00034024-00034225 back when I used to go watch now or TzKKMJHSvGM-00160-00034226-00034468 visit my daughter up Indianapolis you TzKKMJHSvGM-00161-00034469-00034657 could see soccer fields getting bigger TzKKMJHSvGM-00162-00034658-00034834 and bigger and complex is being built TzKKMJHSvGM-00163-00034835-00035131 and stuff so doctor we have a big indoor TzKKMJHSvGM-00164-00035132-00035326 complex here in Madison that's something TzKKMJHSvGM-00165-00035327-00035452 maybe in the future that will sure will TzKKMJHSvGM-00166-00035453-00035707 happen but we do have a pretty decent TzKKMJHSvGM-00167-00035708-00036055 sized complex or fill area we've been TzKKMJHSvGM-00168-00036056-00036211 complimenting our fields that we've got TzKKMJHSvGM-00169-00036212-00036394 here we back in the days we had travel TzKKMJHSvGM-00170-00036395-00036727 soccer and the spring time we had out TzKKMJHSvGM-00171-00036728-00037144 people from Northern Kentucky up north TzKKMJHSvGM-00172-00037145-00037306 from practicing over the teams from TzKKMJHSvGM-00173-00037307-00037527 Indiana Fort Wayne area would come down TzKKMJHSvGM-00174-00037528-00037729 and complement us on our fields and the TzKKMJHSvGM-00175-00037730-00037882 layout of the field of course one part TzKKMJHSvGM-00176-00037883-00038014 of her field is the old Madison high TzKKMJHSvGM-00177-00038015-00038152 school soccer front so we were very TzKKMJHSvGM-00178-00038153-00038275 fortunate to take over that when they TzKKMJHSvGM-00179-00038276-00038540 move to the junior high you look at at TzKKMJHSvGM-00180-00038541-00038812 or that where the soccer program has TzKKMJHSvGM-00181-00038813-00038968 gone and that's you know kind of in TzKKMJHSvGM-00182-00038969-00039184 general for all the schools it's gotten TzKKMJHSvGM-00183-00039185-00039538 more publicity it's gotten bigger you TzKKMJHSvGM-00184-00039539-00039754 guys are kind of a four-year program TzKKMJHSvGM-00185-00039755-00040071 into the high school and junior high do TzKKMJHSvGM-00186-00040072-00040213 you kind of feel like you're that that TzKKMJHSvGM-00187-00040214-00040410 minor league team kind TzKKMJHSvGM-00188-00040411-00040593 getting everybody ready to go and even TzKKMJHSvGM-00189-00040594-00040770 the ones that may not play at the next TzKKMJHSvGM-00190-00040771-00040965 level in junior high or high school they TzKKMJHSvGM-00191-00040966-00041112 at least get a taste of what soccer is TzKKMJHSvGM-00192-00041113-00041322 all about yeah well I think with us it's TzKKMJHSvGM-00193-00041323-00041520 a very good chance to get get your feet TzKKMJHSvGM-00194-00041521-00041838 wet share game of soccer not just really TzKKMJHSvGM-00195-00041839-00042009 from that from the games that we play in TzKKMJHSvGM-00196-00042010-00042231 the end of fall but we've also with TzKKMJHSvGM-00197-00042232-00042354 these other camps we've got we've TzKKMJHSvGM-00198-00042355-00042618 brought in we've got with a group called TzKKMJHSvGM-00199-00042619-00042822 challenger sports about nine years ago TzKKMJHSvGM-00200-00042823-00043035 and started doing this British soccer TzKKMJHSvGM-00201-00043036-00043209 camp every summer we actually gets TzKKMJHSvGM-00202-00043210-00043509 actually coming up June the 18th yeah it TzKKMJHSvGM-00203-00043510-00043731 runs that full week it's based like some TzKKMJHSvGM-00204-00043732-00043907 coaches they send over here from England TzKKMJHSvGM-00205-00043908-00044145 very knowledgeable individuals not to TzKKMJHSvGM-00206-00044146-00044274 say they're more knowledgeable from than TzKKMJHSvGM-00207-00044275-00044397 anybody knew us but they are very TzKKMJHSvGM-00208-00044398-00044721 knowledgeable coaches great kids to work TzKKMJHSvGM-00209-00044722-00044913 with they're young group of guys that do TzKKMJHSvGM-00210-00044914-00045129 the coaching but and they send enough TzKKMJHSvGM-00211-00045130-00045306 coaches to handle the amount of kids to TzKKMJHSvGM-00212-00045307-00045441 sign up for it so we've been very TzKKMJHSvGM-00213-00045442-00045678 satisfied with that so I think just you TzKKMJHSvGM-00214-00045679-00045786 know getting with it TzKKMJHSvGM-00215-00045787-00045969 with the camps and stuff I think it's a TzKKMJHSvGM-00216-00045970-00046095 good good way to get the kids oriented TzKKMJHSvGM-00217-00046096-00046395 with the game and working with us doctor TzKKMJHSvGM-00218-00046396-00046563 with Brian cyclamens Jefferson County TzKKMJHSvGM-00219-00046564-00046722 Soccer Association will come back to TzKKMJHSvGM-00220-00046723-00046929 McDonald's and talk more coaches corner TzKKMJHSvGM-00221-00046930-00048134 that's coming up next on works 1967 TzKKMJHSvGM-00222-00048135-00048380 welcome back to Coach's Corner live from TzKKMJHSvGM-00223-00048381-00048563 McDonald's on Madison's hilltop I'm Tim TzKKMJHSvGM-00224-00048564-00048695 George we're talking jefferson county TzKKMJHSvGM-00225-00048696-00048949 soccer association with brian cycle Aven TzKKMJHSvGM-00226-00048950-00049250 right I know today you've got the the TzKKMJHSvGM-00227-00049251-00049508 open registration let's kind of get in a TzKKMJHSvGM-00228-00049509-00049643 little bit more detail about what that's TzKKMJHSvGM-00229-00049644-00049805 about today we didn't really hit on that TzKKMJHSvGM-00230-00049806-00049994 then open registration do they gonna run TzKKMJHSvGM-00231-00049995-00050135 from 11:00 to 3:00 at the Sports Complex TzKKMJHSvGM-00232-00050136-00050486 and again it goes back to the you know TzKKMJHSvGM-00233-00050487-00050761 what you're you're registering for fall TzKKMJHSvGM-00234-00050762-00051161 but it's June yep like I say we feel TzKKMJHSvGM-00235-00051162-00051344 much that earlier we do try to get into TzKKMJHSvGM-00236-00051345-00051677 this is early sure as we possibly can we TzKKMJHSvGM-00237-00051678-00051944 start typically every June and doing TzKKMJHSvGM-00238-00051945-00052136 this we do this the second Saturday in TzKKMJHSvGM-00239-00052137-00052240 the fourth Saturday the month so TzKKMJHSvGM-00240-00052241-00052396 basically we'll be there today from TzKKMJHSvGM-00241-00052397-00052583 11:00 to 3:00 and back there at the TzKKMJHSvGM-00242-00052584-00052792 complex again on Saturday June the 23rd TzKKMJHSvGM-00243-00052794-00053027 from 11:00 to 3:00 if you go over there TzKKMJHSvGM-00244-00053028-00053177 you're gonna we're gonna have signs TzKKMJHSvGM-00245-00053178-00053339 posted you'll be able to find this word TzKKMJHSvGM-00246-00053340-00053447 next to the large parking lot that's TzKKMJHSvGM-00247-00053448-00053741 very close to the kids playground area TzKKMJHSvGM-00248-00053741-00054113 so we'll have signup forms forward for TzKKMJHSvGM-00249-00054114-00054316 not only the fall league today but we'll TzKKMJHSvGM-00250-00054317-00054461 also have we've got an upcoming mass TzKKMJHSvGM-00251-00054462-00054667 camp it takes place at the end of July TzKKMJHSvGM-00252-00054669-00054884 that's a camp that's actually conducted TzKKMJHSvGM-00253-00054885-00055088 by local high school coaches and they TzKKMJHSvGM-00254-00055089-00055226 bring in their players to provide TzKKMJHSvGM-00255-00055227-00055385 assistance to get a little more TzKKMJHSvGM-00256-00055386-00055634 one-on-one with the kids and again as I TzKKMJHSvGM-00257-00055635-00055775 mentioned earlier the British soccer TzKKMJHSvGM-00258-00055776-00056080 camp a lot of people have interest in TzKKMJHSvGM-00259-00056082-00056258 that really don't know how to go about TzKKMJHSvGM-00260-00056259-00056474 getting signed up for it the easiest way TzKKMJHSvGM-00261-00056475-00057042 is to go on their website which is TzKKMJHSvGM-00262-00057044-00057953 form so you can show up TzKKMJHSvGM-00263-00057954-00058052 today and we'll give you one of those TzKKMJHSvGM-00264-00058053-00058175 you can fill it out it's probably best TzKKMJHSvGM-00265-00058176-00058304 to fill it out and get a turn in today TzKKMJHSvGM-00266-00058304-00058492 that way you're guaranteed a spot there TzKKMJHSvGM-00267-00058494-00058753 for the camp and we'd like to let the TzKKMJHSvGM-00268-00058754-00058958 let that company know the Challenger TzKKMJHSvGM-00269-00058959-00059186 sports group know exactly how many kids TzKKMJHSvGM-00270-00059187-00059354 we anticipate being part of it so they TzKKMJHSvGM-00271-00059354-00059566 can plan accordingly whether coaches so TzKKMJHSvGM-00272-00059566-00059753 very happy with the way that that TzKKMJHSvGM-00273-00059754-00059912 program is run and probably continue to TzKKMJHSvGM-00274-00059913-00060095 work with the Challenger sports for some TzKKMJHSvGM-00275-00060096-00060195 time TzKKMJHSvGM-00276-00060196-00060354 and kind of talked a little bit about TzKKMJHSvGM-00277-00060354-00060621 how important it is for not only the J TzKKMJHSvGM-00278-00060622-00060828 CSA but the players involved to have TzKKMJHSvGM-00279-00060829-00061007 Challenger sports involved with with TzKKMJHSvGM-00280-00061008-00061288 program like this with challenges sports TzKKMJHSvGM-00281-00061289-00061590 years ago this is even you know probably TzKKMJHSvGM-00282-00061591-00061766 10 11 years ago we had some other camps TzKKMJHSvGM-00283-00061767-00062094 that we were had been basically TzKKMJHSvGM-00284-00062095-00062328 participating with for a while with that TzKKMJHSvGM-00285-00062329-00062469 was time for a change some of the stuff TzKKMJHSvGM-00286-00062470-00062625 they were doing was kind of the same TzKKMJHSvGM-00287-00062626-00062780 thing every year year TzKKMJHSvGM-00288-00062782-00062951 challenger sports with their British TzKKMJHSvGM-00289-00062952-00063116 soccer camp kind of mixes things up a TzKKMJHSvGM-00290-00063117-00063360 little bit more and the way they do it TzKKMJHSvGM-00291-00063361-00063501 every year it's basically I've monitor TzKKMJHSvGM-00292-00063502-00063615 again that they kind of change it from TzKKMJHSvGM-00293-00063616-00063794 year to year bringing different coaches TzKKMJHSvGM-00294-00063795-00063951 every year so we get a different taste TzKKMJHSvGM-00295-00063952-00064163 of a guy but some knowledge he may have TzKKMJHSvGM-00296-00064164-00064290 the specialty that he has more knowledge TzKKMJHSvGM-00297-00064291-00064457 of than others as far as defense or TzKKMJHSvGM-00298-00064458-00064785 offense and so forth so it's a good way TzKKMJHSvGM-00299-00064786-00065046 to get the kids out there acquainted TzKKMJHSvGM-00300-00065047-00065247 with coaches they've never seen before TzKKMJHSvGM-00301-00065248-00065444 and coaches that are very knowledgeable TzKKMJHSvGM-00302-00065445-00065882 the game and they work with kids in the TzKKMJHSvGM-00303-00065883-00066015 mornings that you can do a morning TzKKMJHSvGM-00304-00066016-00066186 program you can do an afternoon program TzKKMJHSvGM-00305-00066187-00066344 you can do a full-day program if you're TzKKMJHSvGM-00306-00066345-00066396 up to it TzKKMJHSvGM-00307-00066397-00066612 if your child is up to I should say so TzKKMJHSvGM-00308-00066613-00066873 it's a very good opportunity for your TzKKMJHSvGM-00309-00066874-00066993 kids to get out there and learn a lot TzKKMJHSvGM-00310-00066994-00067226 about the game our mash camp working TzKKMJHSvGM-00311-00067227-00067371 with a high school coach very good TzKKMJHSvGM-00312-00067372-00067539 opportunity to work with some good high TzKKMJHSvGM-00313-00067540-00067725 school coaches as well as their players TzKKMJHSvGM-00314-00067726-00067860 knowledgeable players that are probably TzKKMJHSvGM-00315-00067861-00068211 we're at one point part of J CSA so very TzKKMJHSvGM-00316-00068212-00068394 been very happy with that we've done the TzKKMJHSvGM-00317-00068395-00068562 mass camp now I think it's probably over TzKKMJHSvGM-00318-00068563-00068856 10 years plus and it's a pretty cheap TzKKMJHSvGM-00319-00068857-00068901 camp TzKKMJHSvGM-00320-00068902-00069036 it's where the cheapest soccer camps are TzKKMJHSvGM-00321-00069037-00069342 ever participate in join up for gets 40 TzKKMJHSvGM-00322-00069343-00069531 dollars for the first player or a child TzKKMJHSvGM-00323-00069532-00069693 in the family and $35 for each TzKKMJHSvGM-00324-00069694-00069959 additional sibling and we do offer some TzKKMJHSvGM-00325-00069960-00070173 goalkeeper clinic give her some interest TzKKMJHSvGM-00326-00070174-00070398 we missed that on this last camp we did TzKKMJHSvGM-00327-00070399-00070584 there was some interest in that but I TzKKMJHSvGM-00328-00070585-00070755 never had an opportunity that week to TzKKMJHSvGM-00329-00070756-00070878 actually work with the kids on the TzKKMJHSvGM-00330-00070879-00071076 goalie stuff but we will for sure get TzKKMJHSvGM-00331-00071077-00071241 the den on this match camp for anybody TzKKMJHSvGM-00332-00071242-00071354 that's interested in learning how to be TzKKMJHSvGM-00333-00071355-00071754 and be a goalie you work pretty close TzKKMJHSvGM-00334-00071755-00071910 with high school coaches around the area TzKKMJHSvGM-00335-00071911-00072261 yeah we we stay in contact with them we TzKKMJHSvGM-00336-00072262-00072444 when we do this match camp we try to TzKKMJHSvGM-00337-00072445-00072581 rotate around from high school to high TzKKMJHSvGM-00338-00072582-00072735 school or even we've got some junior TzKKMJHSvGM-00339-00072736-00072885 high coaches that participate and then TzKKMJHSvGM-00340-00072886-00073098 it's a way it's a good fundraiser for TzKKMJHSvGM-00341-00073099-00073278 them as well we give a a portion of what TzKKMJHSvGM-00342-00073279-00073449 we bring in to those coaches to help TzKKMJHSvGM-00343-00073450-00073586 with their athletic TzKKMJHSvGM-00344-00073587-00073830 to help the kids getting their jerseys TzKKMJHSvGM-00345-00073831-00074081 and so forth so I try to maintain a TzKKMJHSvGM-00346-00074082-00074231 pretty good relationship with the local TzKKMJHSvGM-00347-00074232-00074418 high school coaches I know Madison's TzKKMJHSvGM-00348-00074419-00074519 going through some changes right now TzKKMJHSvGM-00349-00074520-00074837 when with a men's coach but I am I do TzKKMJHSvGM-00350-00074838-00075062 know who the women's coach is and the TzKKMJHSvGM-00351-00075063-00075321 junior coach course Jamie Kelsey she's TzKKMJHSvGM-00352-00075322-00075555 on our soccer board she is the current TzKKMJHSvGM-00353-00075556-00075699 and has been for a while the junior high TzKKMJHSvGM-00354-00075700-00075936 coach at Madison so I've had a lot of TzKKMJHSvGM-00355-00075937-00076125 good feedback about her and how she TzKKMJHSvGM-00356-00076126-00076301 works with the kids and how she prepares TzKKMJHSvGM-00357-00076302-00076457 those those kids for the high school TzKKMJHSvGM-00358-00076458-00076856 level so you see more boys or girls come TzKKMJHSvGM-00359-00076857-00077229 through JCS a kind of a mix and all of TzKKMJHSvGM-00360-00077230-00077349 our programs have failed to mention TzKKMJHSvGM-00361-00077350-00077513 earlier all of our programs are co-ed TzKKMJHSvGM-00362-00077514-00077790 mm-hmm so years and years ago and my TzKKMJHSvGM-00363-00077791-00078081 JCCC first started I think primarily we TzKKMJHSvGM-00364-00078082-00078257 were just uh we had a boys program and a TzKKMJHSvGM-00365-00078258-00078447 girls program and we saw the need that TzKKMJHSvGM-00366-00078448-00078569 where we could probably mix it up and TzKKMJHSvGM-00367-00078570-00078800 get a higher amount of teams per each TzKKMJHSvGM-00368-00078801-00078996 gate age group and it has paid off right TzKKMJHSvGM-00369-00078997-00079169 I've never got any negative feedback TzKKMJHSvGM-00370-00079170-00079254 about it TzKKMJHSvGM-00371-00079255-00079556 of course you know the boys are not sure TzKKMJHSvGM-00372-00079557-00079901 about playing with the girls and but it TzKKMJHSvGM-00373-00079902-00080136 all works out you know and when Ashley TzKKMJHSvGM-00374-00080137-00080255 gets on here in a second she could TzKKMJHSvGM-00375-00080256-00080369 probably mention that to you that yeah TzKKMJHSvGM-00376-00080370-00080555 it does work out you know they enjoy TzKKMJHSvGM-00377-00080556-00080754 playing with the boys and and a boys TzKKMJHSvGM-00378-00080755-00080943 with the girls so all my girls you know TzKKMJHSvGM-00379-00080944-00081056 they when they played in the program TzKKMJHSvGM-00380-00081057-00081222 they were playing with with the boys and TzKKMJHSvGM-00381-00081223-00081375 that pushed my kids to be stronger TzKKMJHSvGM-00382-00081376-00081557 players so they want to show the hey you TzKKMJHSvGM-00383-00081558-00081725 know I'm just as good as these boys are TzKKMJHSvGM-00384-00081726-00081950 right here so it's always worked out for TzKKMJHSvGM-00385-00081951-00082118 our program to mix it up do the co-ed TzKKMJHSvGM-00386-00082119-00082268 right who'd you bring with you today TzKKMJHSvGM-00387-00082269-00082428 I've got Julie Bell and her daughter TzKKMJHSvGM-00388-00082429-00082668 Ashley here today they've been part of TzKKMJHSvGM-00389-00082669-00082785 her program for a while Julie's been a TzKKMJHSvGM-00390-00082786-00083016 coach with Jay CSA for the last probably TzKKMJHSvGM-00391-00083017-00083154 three or four years ago just asking TzKKMJHSvGM-00392-00083155-00083274 talking about that this isn't just TzKKMJHSvGM-00393-00083275-00083456 before you came on here and trying to TzKKMJHSvGM-00394-00083457-00083588 figure out exactly how long she's been TzKKMJHSvGM-00395-00083589-00083859 with us but Julie's a next high school TzKKMJHSvGM-00396-00083860-00084080 high school player for Madison I'm not TzKKMJHSvGM-00397-00084081-00084278 sure who your coach was at the time but TzKKMJHSvGM-00398-00084279-00084575 Julie has a lot of good knowledge of the TzKKMJHSvGM-00399-00084576-00084747 game I've been very satisfied we're TzKKMJHSvGM-00400-00084748-00084867 happy with the way she works with the TzKKMJHSvGM-00401-00084868-00085019 kids and a lot of these have positive TzKKMJHSvGM-00402-00085020-00085338 feedback from her her players so TzKKMJHSvGM-00403-00085339-00085494 and of course Ashley is going to give TzKKMJHSvGM-00404-00085495-00085794 you some some feedback as far as her her TzKKMJHSvGM-00405-00085795-00085962 participation our program host and TzKKMJHSvGM-00406-00085963-00086069 hopefully it's all positive I'm sure TzKKMJHSvGM-00407-00086070-00086259 that's a big smile on her face and so it TzKKMJHSvGM-00408-00086260-00086412 gives me a good feeling all right so TzKKMJHSvGM-00409-00086413-00086556 let's let's talk with Ashley good TzKKMJHSvGM-00410-00086557-00086835 morning hold that up it's close to you TzKKMJHSvGM-00411-00086836-00087165 how are you good good you like playing TzKKMJHSvGM-00412-00087166-00087348 soccer yes I'll come TzKKMJHSvGM-00413-00087349-00087601 what's what's so fun about it TzKKMJHSvGM-00414-00087602-00088047 well TzKKMJHSvGM-00415-00088048-00088293 there's a lot of running it in there yes TzKKMJHSvGM-00416-00088294-00088653 there is a lot of ready room and in the TzKKMJHSvGM-00417-00088654-00089167 games they're very fun if TzKKMJHSvGM-00418-00089168-00089374 so if you lose the game it doesn't TzKKMJHSvGM-00419-00089375-00089601 matter because it it's still fun and you TzKKMJHSvGM-00420-00089602-00089761 still feel better about yourself yeah TzKKMJHSvGM-00421-00089762-00090337 and there's a lot of good coaches and TzKKMJHSvGM-00422-00090338-00090737 they're all very nice TzKKMJHSvGM-00423-00090738-00091228 let's wish him all right especially mom TzKKMJHSvGM-00424-00091229-00091610 so why do you I mean you you you like I TzKKMJHSvGM-00425-00091611-00091892 doing all the running running isn't very TzKKMJHSvGM-00426-00091893-00092105 funny no no running isn't very fun so TzKKMJHSvGM-00427-00092106-00092300 you're one of many kids that I've had in TzKKMJHSvGM-00428-00092301-00092429 this program in the last I don't know TzKKMJHSvGM-00429-00092430-00092558 how many years it said running is not TzKKMJHSvGM-00430-00092559-00092822 fun so you're not the first person that TzKKMJHSvGM-00431-00092823-00093074 said it so that's good what do you like TzKKMJHSvGM-00432-00093075-00093269 most about soccer and what position do TzKKMJHSvGM-00433-00093270-00093428 you play what do you you just run and TzKKMJHSvGM-00434-00093429-00093587 kick the ball or do you like your TzKKMJHSvGM-00435-00093588-00093812 goalkeeper or how do you what do you do TzKKMJHSvGM-00436-00093813-00094157 I think I like defense best because I'm TzKKMJHSvGM-00437-00094158-00094586 best at it and I think I can I think it TzKKMJHSvGM-00438-00094587-00094862 might be the best position I'm in at all TzKKMJHSvGM-00439-00094863-00094945 times TzKKMJHSvGM-00440-00094946-00095249 well not many kids have said they like TzKKMJHSvGM-00441-00095250-00095420 playing defense better so that's good TzKKMJHSvGM-00442-00095421-00095609 that's good so what do you want to play TzKKMJHSvGM-00443-00095610-00095747 soccer when you're and when you're in TzKKMJHSvGM-00444-00095748-00096524 like junior high in high school so how TzKKMJHSvGM-00445-00096525-00096650 long have you been playing soccer how TzKKMJHSvGM-00446-00096651-00096953 many years do you know I think about TzKKMJHSvGM-00447-00096954-00097358 five or four years now got started TzKKMJHSvGM-00448-00097359-00097535 playing soccer not you you really like TzKKMJHSvGM-00449-00097536-00097883 it yeah all right that's the Mike over TzKKMJHSvGM-00450-00097884-00098003 to mom I'll talk to her for a minute TzKKMJHSvGM-00451-00098004-00098300 good morning Julie good morning what's TzKKMJHSvGM-00452-00098301-00098534 your involvement why why do you well I TzKKMJHSvGM-00453-00098535-00098879 was asked a few years ago to be on the TzKKMJHSvGM-00454-00098880-00099125 board and so I great to be on the board TzKKMJHSvGM-00455-00099126-00099524 and then got asked to be a coach so and TzKKMJHSvGM-00456-00099525-00099686 then Ashley took interest in wanting to TzKKMJHSvGM-00457-00099687-00100034 play so I just decided to help out and TzKKMJHSvGM-00458-00100035-00100238 play and just help out with the board TzKKMJHSvGM-00459-00100239-00100595 and I played soccer as a when I when I TzKKMJHSvGM-00460-00100596-00100805 started at five years old so TzKKMJHSvGM-00461-00100806-00101159 I've always liked playing so is it is it TzKKMJHSvGM-00462-00101160-00101567 difficult being a coach not really TzKKMJHSvGM-00463-00101568-00101972 especially with the JC si I mean it's TzKKMJHSvGM-00464-00101973-00102187 more I tried to tell the kids you know TzKKMJHSvGM-00465-00102188-00102505 this is about fun learning the game it TzKKMJHSvGM-00466-00102506-00102727 doesn't matter if we win or lose it's TzKKMJHSvGM-00467-00102728-00102916 just getting to know and in like Brian TzKKMJHSvGM-00468-00102917-00103180 said preparing you for junior high high TzKKMJHSvGM-00469-00103181-00103475 school level and teaching kids at TzKKMJHSvGM-00470-00103476-00103681 whatever age you know whether it's three TzKKMJHSvGM-00471-00103682-00103930 or thirteen it there's always that TzKKMJHSvGM-00472-00103931-00104102 challenge in there to get them to TzKKMJHSvGM-00473-00104103-00104254 understand what you're trying to tell TzKKMJHSvGM-00474-00104255-00104605 them but patience as a coach has got to TzKKMJHSvGM-00475-00104606-00104822 be at a high level yes and I think it TzKKMJHSvGM-00476-00104823-00105101 kind of the older you get or and the TzKKMJHSvGM-00477-00105102-00105299 older the kids getting as you move up TzKKMJHSvGM-00478-00105300-00105569 like I've moved up with Ashley it just TzKKMJHSvGM-00479-00105570-00105784 seems like you know trying to get the TzKKMJHSvGM-00480-00105785-00106111 kids to listen to you and play in their TzKKMJHSvGM-00481-00106113-00106301 position that you that you want them to TzKKMJHSvGM-00482-00106302-00106622 play in right do you think that that if TzKKMJHSvGM-00483-00106623-00106861 if did you encourage her players it's TzKKMJHSvGM-00484-00106863-00107018 something she just kind of took upon TzKKMJHSvGM-00485-00107019-00107246 herself I think she really just took it TzKKMJHSvGM-00486-00107247-00107527 upon herself I mean we would play around TzKKMJHSvGM-00487-00107528-00107843 in the backyard and as you know became a TzKKMJHSvGM-00488-00107844-00108064 coach you know she started playing and TzKKMJHSvGM-00489-00108065-00108316 and she really took to it and you know TzKKMJHSvGM-00490-00108317-00108551 and likes it but I've kind of made her TzKKMJHSvGM-00491-00108552-00108877 play every position and like she said TzKKMJHSvGM-00492-00108878-00109064 she likes defense the best that's cool TzKKMJHSvGM-00493-00109065-00109271 but you don't see that right no defense TzKKMJHSvGM-00494-00109272-00109465 is a very hard position to play yeah TzKKMJHSvGM-00495-00109466-00109735 where do you see the sport of soccer TzKKMJHSvGM-00496-00109736-00109949 going in the next five years I mean I TzKKMJHSvGM-00497-00109950-00110132 talked with Brian about it it's gotten TzKKMJHSvGM-00498-00110133-00110314 more popular and it continues to be more TzKKMJHSvGM-00499-00110315-00110554 popular year after year after you see TzKKMJHSvGM-00500-00110555-00110860 more kids participating every year yes I TzKKMJHSvGM-00501-00110861-00111071 think we do and TzKKMJHSvGM-00502-00111072-00111262 when I was younger it seemed like it was TzKKMJHSvGM-00503-00111263-00111458 it was popular and then it like dropped TzKKMJHSvGM-00504-00111458-00111634 off and now it's really picking back up TzKKMJHSvGM-00505-00111635-00111874 and it's good to see that the kids are TzKKMJHSvGM-00506-00111875-00112133 playing and even the kids that I coach TzKKMJHSvGM-00507-00112133-00112418 you know they talk about you know World TzKKMJHSvGM-00508-00112419-00112670 Cup and so they're paying attention TzKKMJHSvGM-00509-00112671-00113014 right and and kids on the soccer field TzKKMJHSvGM-00510-00113015-00113248 like any other kid on a sports field or TzKKMJHSvGM-00511-00113249-00113503 team or whatever makes them do something TzKKMJHSvGM-00512-00113504-00113732 positive get some get some off their TzKKMJHSvGM-00513-00113733-00113962 phones and in front of the TV and this TzKKMJHSvGM-00514-00113963-00114119 kind of thing right and they're always TzKKMJHSvGM-00515-00114120-00114383 teaching me the kids teach me more than TzKKMJHSvGM-00516-00114383-00114649 I teach them sometimes I think so a lot TzKKMJHSvGM-00517-00114650-00114898 of fun doing it oh yes yes it's very TzKKMJHSvGM-00518-00114899-00115261 rewarding and and I love love hanging TzKKMJHSvGM-00519-00115262-00115579 with the kids and teaching them rubbing TzKKMJHSvGM-00520-00115580-00115726 some of my knowledge off on them and TzKKMJHSvGM-00521-00115727-00115951 like I said you know they teach me too TzKKMJHSvGM-00522-00115952-00116069 Ryan one of the things we want to TzKKMJHSvGM-00523-00116070-00116236 mention for wrap things up course you've TzKKMJHSvGM-00524-00116237-00116594 got sponsorships that help out with it's TzKKMJHSvGM-00525-00116595-00116776 like everything else there's nothing for TzKKMJHSvGM-00526-00116777-00116986 free and everything cost money so you've TzKKMJHSvGM-00527-00116987-00117160 got to help some outside help them make TzKKMJHSvGM-00528-00117161-00117332 sure this happens for you every year TzKKMJHSvGM-00529-00117333-00117496 absolutely we've been very thankful for TzKKMJHSvGM-00530-00117497-00117675 some some great sponsors over the years TzKKMJHSvGM-00531-00117676-00117991 and again the sponsorships help us with TzKKMJHSvGM-00532-00117992-00118225 the getting paid the fees paid for some TzKKMJHSvGM-00533-00118226-00118504 of the kids that can't afford it we've TzKKMJHSvGM-00534-00118505-00118666 got a lot of large families that TzKKMJHSvGM-00535-00118667-00118828 unfortunately and the cost can't TzKKMJHSvGM-00536-00118829-00119065 accumulate so we try to offer that we TzKKMJHSvGM-00537-00119066-00119381 also offer a shoot program so if you're TzKKMJHSvGM-00538-00119382-00119495 struggling with just paying the fees you TzKKMJHSvGM-00539-00119496-00119633 need some help with getting some shoes TzKKMJHSvGM-00540-00119633-00119887 paid for we offer that we'll have people TzKKMJHSvGM-00541-00119888-00120058 there today from shoe sensation TzKKMJHSvGM-00542-00120059-00120322 that'll be sizing up the kids so if you TzKKMJHSvGM-00543-00120323-00120518 need some shoes we'll have some of those TzKKMJHSvGM-00544-00120519-00120683 we've given out two pairs of shoes over TzKKMJHSvGM-00545-00120683-00120978 the past probably three years now and TzKKMJHSvGM-00546-00120979-00121193 the number of shoes we've given out has TzKKMJHSvGM-00547-00121194-00121339 increased over the years a very thankful TzKKMJHSvGM-00548-00121340-00121564 for the Trinity shoe program and Jeanne TzKKMJHSvGM-00549-00121565-00121786 thornton thornton OPA pronounced last TzKKMJHSvGM-00550-00121787-00121924 name correctly she's had been been a TzKKMJHSvGM-00551-00121925-00122195 huge help for that so but some of our TzKKMJHSvGM-00552-00122196-00122314 sponsors we've had we've had some TzKKMJHSvGM-00553-00122315-00122479 consistent sponsors over the last TzKKMJHSvGM-00554-00122480-00122701 several years ear mold Lakers lawn care TzKKMJHSvGM-00555-00122702-00122894 Dean's Auto Body crumb trucking Greaves TzKKMJHSvGM-00556-00122895-00123182 TV and appliance CNS inflatables alcohol TzKKMJHSvGM-00557-00123183-00123376 decieved Schwartz and McGrath are big TzKKMJHSvGM-00558-00123377-00123526 huge sponsors for us so we're very TzKKMJHSvGM-00559-00123527-00123715 thankful for what they've been able to TzKKMJHSvGM-00560-00123716-00123988 do for us without them a lot of what we TzKKMJHSvGM-00561-00123989-00124174 do would be possible that the TzKKMJHSvGM-00562-00124175-00124363 wouldn't we use wouldn't be possible we TzKKMJHSvGM-00563-00124364-00124498 would still be working with some ancient TzKKMJHSvGM-00564-00124499-00124801 stuff so I can tell you from painting TzKKMJHSvGM-00565-00124802-00125026 the fields and some of the stuff we've TzKKMJHSvGM-00566-00125027-00125160 dealt with and work with over the past TzKKMJHSvGM-00567-00125161-00125500 probably several years having a new TzKKMJHSvGM-00568-00125501-00125647 equipment that makes a difference and it TzKKMJHSvGM-00569-00125648-00125811 does help speed things up a little bit TzKKMJHSvGM-00570-00125813-00126004 and makes the field look much nicer so TzKKMJHSvGM-00571-00126005-00126256 very thankful for these sponsors that TzKKMJHSvGM-00572-00126257-00126406 always step up every year and we're TzKKMJHSvGM-00573-00126407-00126607 always looking for more sponsors so if TzKKMJHSvGM-00574-00126608-00126907 you wanted to be part of our sponsorship TzKKMJHSvGM-00575-00126908-00127057 in our believe base let put a banner up TzKKMJHSvGM-00576-00127058-00127260 with your company's name on it and logo TzKKMJHSvGM-00577-00127261-00127501 we put a soccer in on them on the on the TzKKMJHSvGM-00578-00127502-00127663 banners we take pictures of it we take TzKKMJHSvGM-00579-00127664-00127798 what they basically post those pictures TzKKMJHSvGM-00580-00127799-00128029 on Facebook so people can see who our TzKKMJHSvGM-00581-00128030-00128164 sponsors are if you don't happen to make TzKKMJHSvGM-00582-00128165-00128446 it to the field I'd recommend anybody in TzKKMJHSvGM-00583-00128447-00128641 Jefferson County if you want to come TzKKMJHSvGM-00584-00128642-00128746 over and see what our program really TzKKMJHSvGM-00585-00128747-00128965 consists of is to come during our TzKKMJHSvGM-00586-00128966-00129241 Jamboree mm-hmm if you'd ask any soccer TzKKMJHSvGM-00587-00129242-00129394 player does ever participate with us TzKKMJHSvGM-00588-00129395-00129616 they all remember the soccer Jamboree TzKKMJHSvGM-00589-00129617-00129735 the only time you really have a soccer TzKKMJHSvGM-00590-00129736-00129988 thing on Saturdays yeah it's the last TzKKMJHSvGM-00591-00129989-00130270 Saturday in August actually it's B's I TzKKMJHSvGM-00592-00130271-00130632 think it's 20 you want to say 23rd 24th TzKKMJHSvGM-00593-00130633-00130963 it's a full-day event everybody it's TzKKMJHSvGM-00594-00130964-00131200 part of J CSA is there the every field TzKKMJHSvGM-00595-00131201-00131350 will be covered with players and we go TzKKMJHSvGM-00596-00131351-00131494 from 9 o'clock in the morning and we TzKKMJHSvGM-00597-00131495-00131635 play games all the way up to about 3 TzKKMJHSvGM-00598-00131636-00131836 o'clock and ericone so we have tits a TzKKMJHSvGM-00599-00131837-00132022 good fundraiser for us we've got a TzKKMJHSvGM-00600-00132023-00132190 barbecue going on over there and stuff TzKKMJHSvGM-00601-00132191-00132484 so I welcome anybody from Jefferson TzKKMJHSvGM-00602-00132485-00132643 County outside Jefferson County come see TzKKMJHSvGM-00603-00132644-00132799 our program some come see our kids some TzKKMJHSvGM-00604-00132800-00132972 come see what this thing is about so TzKKMJHSvGM-00605-00132973-00133177 anyone that also want to mention that TzKKMJHSvGM-00606-00133178-00133372 anyone if you if you're not familiar TzKKMJHSvGM-00607-00133373-00133546 with the game of soccer and you want to TzKKMJHSvGM-00608-00133547-00133675 become a coach or learn more about the TzKKMJHSvGM-00609-00133676-00133930 game of soccer to attend our coaches TzKKMJHSvGM-00610-00133931-00134083 clinic which will be held Saturday TzKKMJHSvGM-00611-00134084-00134443 morning July 28th from 9 to 11 we'll TzKKMJHSvGM-00612-00134444-00134701 have some high school coaches and myself TzKKMJHSvGM-00613-00134702-00134917 over there that'll help provide some TzKKMJHSvGM-00614-00134918-00135073 instruction for that so just want to TzKKMJHSvGM-00615-00135074-00135247 make you everybody is comfortable with TzKKMJHSvGM-00616-00135248-00135499 becoming a coach is possible and it TzKKMJHSvGM-00617-00135500-00135709 today again during open registration TzKKMJHSvGM-00618-00135710-00135883 good time to come over and ask questions TzKKMJHSvGM-00619-00135884-00136054 about the program if you've got a kid TzKKMJHSvGM-00620-00136055-00136318 that maybe maybe not want to play good TzKKMJHSvGM-00621-00136319-00136462 good opportunity to kind of get a feel TzKKMJHSvGM-00622-00136463-00136609 for what it's all about yeah there's TzKKMJHSvGM-00623-00136610-00136735 probably a lot of kids right now that TzKKMJHSvGM-00624-00136736-00136852 are on the fence don't know what that TzKKMJHSvGM-00625-00136853-00137032 you really want to do some of them are TzKKMJHSvGM-00626-00137033-00137182 making the transition from softball TzKKMJHSvGM-00627-00137183-00137383 baseball don't know if soccer is the TzKKMJHSvGM-00628-00137384-00137507 right thing for them TzKKMJHSvGM-00629-00137508-00137800 I can tell you this my kids when we TzKKMJHSvGM-00630-00137801-00137960 first got into it we're using soccer is TzKKMJHSvGM-00631-00137961-00138151 conditioning sport sure other sports mhm TzKKMJHSvGM-00632-00138152-00138388 and it became the primary sport of all TzKKMJHSvGM-00633-00138389-00138611 three of my kids yes they're loved and TzKKMJHSvGM-00634-00138612-00138770 they basically got away from playing any TzKKMJHSvGM-00635-00138771-00138944 other sport so they really enjoy soccer TzKKMJHSvGM-00636-00138945-00139118 but no pressure from dad sure sure TzKKMJHSvGM-00637-00139119-00139259 I'm here I just not always taught him TzKKMJHSvGM-00638-00139260-00139385 you choose you know you choose what you TzKKMJHSvGM-00639-00139386-00139586 want to do I'd love to see you out there TzKKMJHSvGM-00640-00139587-00139753 obviously I'd you know in some years I TzKKMJHSvGM-00641-00139754-00139915 coach my kids I'm right some years I'd TzKKMJHSvGM-00642-00139916-00140050 like to see other coaches work with them TzKKMJHSvGM-00643-00140051-00140227 and we've had some great coaches over TzKKMJHSvGM-00644-00140228-00140375 the years we're good thank for those TzKKMJHSvGM-00645-00140376-00140563 individuals and very thankful for Julie TzKKMJHSvGM-00646-00140564-00140716 for what she's done with us over the TzKKMJHSvGM-00647-00140717-00140924 last three or four years so yeah you TzKKMJHSvGM-00648-00140925-00141190 can't you can't have enough sponsors and TzKKMJHSvGM-00649-00141191-00141352 you can't have enough help yep that's TzKKMJHSvGM-00650-00141353-00141557 that's two things always teaching yeah TzKKMJHSvGM-00651-00141558-00141674 just the kids we're teaching we won't TzKKMJHSvGM-00652-00141675-00141845 teach parents the game and when TzKKMJHSvGM-00653-00141846-00141947 everybody become people will become a TzKKMJHSvGM-00654-00141948-00142129 coach we can put you in a comfortable TzKKMJHSvGM-00655-00142130-00142322 position now for the sole means all TzKKMJHSvGM-00656-00142323-00142412 right well I've been to three today TzKKMJHSvGM-00657-00142413-00142631 wrecker Sports Complex open registration TzKKMJHSvGM-00658-00142632-00142850 yep that's place to behold hope to see a TzKKMJHSvGM-00659-00142851-00143062 good turnout if you don't make it today TzKKMJHSvGM-00660-00143063-00143428 we'll be back again on the 23rd from TzKKMJHSvGM-00661-00143429-00143618 11:00 to 3:00 you have so you'll see TzKKMJHSvGM-00662-00143619-00143854 signs posted as you come out hopefully TzKKMJHSvGM-00663-00143855-00143977 they'll be signs that leads you back to TzKKMJHSvGM-00664-00143978-00144115 where we are it'll be a canopy set up TzKKMJHSvGM-00665-00144116-00144289 next to the parking lot with a bunch of TzKKMJHSvGM-00666-00144290-00144524 soccer emblems all over it so you'll see TzKKMJHSvGM-00667-00144525-00144674 our jefferson county soccer a banner TzKKMJHSvGM-00668-00144675-00144809 that's hanging in there and then you'll TzKKMJHSvGM-00669-00144810-00145019 find us and we'll have questions well TzKKMJHSvGM-00670-00145020-00145157 maybe I get questions you can ask us TzKKMJHSvGM-00671-00145158-00145421 we've got coaches pamphlets that will TzKKMJHSvGM-00672-00145422-00145634 hand out that's that that we're given to TzKKMJHSvGM-00673-00145635-00145912 us from Challenger sports something we TzKKMJHSvGM-00674-00145913-00146048 do when we sign up for their program to TzKKMJHSvGM-00675-00146049-00146275 give us free coaching books gives you TzKKMJHSvGM-00676-00146276-00146471 exercises and things to do with kids TzKKMJHSvGM-00677-00146472-00146660 from age three all the way to 13 yeah TzKKMJHSvGM-00678-00146661-00146807 are you an older if that matter alright TzKKMJHSvGM-00679-00146808-00146950 right we appreciate comments more TzKKMJHSvGM-00680-00146951-00147095 appreciate you ten things to have four TzKKMJHSvGM-00681-00147096-00147301 heavens again our pleasure indeed TzKKMJHSvGM-00682-00147302-00147473 his coaches corner live for McDonald's TzKKMJHSvGM-00683-00147474-00147584 thanks to the Jefferson County Soccer TzKKMJHSvGM-00684-00147585-00147763 Association coming in talking with us TzKKMJHSvGM-00685-00147764-00147944 this morning again we'll do it every TzKKMJHSvGM-00686-00147945-00148039 Saturday morning here from the TzKKMJHSvGM-00687-00148040-00148177 McDonald's across the Madison High TzKKMJHSvGM-00688-00148178-00148389 School next week and action TzKKMJHSvGM-00689-00148390-00148575 the next three Saturdays we'll talk TzKKMJHSvGM-00690-00148576-00148701 Madison regatta unlimited hydroplane TzKKMJHSvGM-00691-00148702-00148890 racing that's the next three Saturdays TzKKMJHSvGM-00692-00148891-00149133 here at McDonald's thanks to AJ Braemar TzKKMJHSvGM-00693-00149134-00149304 and studio I'm Tim torch we'll see you TzKKMJHSvGM-00694-00149305-00149460 next time for coach's corner here on TzKKMJHSvGM-00695-00149461-00149770 works 1967 T-CQHlFdT5A-00000-00000948-00001486 this is the vaya podcast network APN T-CQHlFdT5A-00001-00001487-00002427 technology news and information T-CQHlFdT5A-00002-00002428-00002631 want to find out when a via presented in T-CQHlFdT5A-00003-00002632-00002895 the FCC this week that's coming up next T-CQHlFdT5A-00004-00002896-00003201 on the e-911 talk podcast episode 111 T-CQHlFdT5A-00005-00003202-00003728 recorded on Friday October 26 2012 T-CQHlFdT5A-00006-00003729-00004011 welcome to this edition of en11 talk T-CQHlFdT5A-00007-00004011-00004188 with your host mark fletcher T-CQHlFdT5A-00008-00004189-00004392 line manager for emergency services at T-CQHlFdT5A-00009-00004393-00004860 Avaya now here's Fletch last month they T-CQHlFdT5A-00010-00004861-00005022 had the pleasure of participating in the T-CQHlFdT5A-00011-00005023-00005253 Illinois Institute of Technology annual T-CQHlFdT5A-00012-00005254-00005463 real-time collaboration conference held T-CQHlFdT5A-00013-00005464-00005724 in Chicago I had the opportunity to T-CQHlFdT5A-00014-00005725-00005918 present a vise vision and strategy for T-CQHlFdT5A-00015-00005919-00006216 next generation 911 and how an T-CQHlFdT5A-00016-00006217-00006438 enterprise can enable software in a vm T-CQHlFdT5A-00017-00006439-00006623 environment that could provide location T-CQHlFdT5A-00018-00006625-00006864 discovery data correlation on-site T-CQHlFdT5A-00019-00006865-00007070 notification as well as a management T-CQHlFdT5A-00020-00007072-00007295 interface for the emergency services T-CQHlFdT5A-00021-00007297-00007491 infrastructure within the enterprise I T-CQHlFdT5A-00022-00007492-00007758 also showed how public safety could then T-CQHlFdT5A-00023-00007759-00007934 access this information over the T-CQHlFdT5A-00024-00007936-00008130 Internet and how we could provide the T-CQHlFdT5A-00025-00008131-00008394 location of that information in existing T-CQHlFdT5A-00026-00008395-00008664 ally records about a week after that T-CQHlFdT5A-00027-00008665-00008814 presentation I received a call from T-CQHlFdT5A-00028-00008815-00009060 Henning Scholes rainy currently the CTO T-CQHlFdT5A-00029-00009061-00009294 at the FCC who had attended by session T-CQHlFdT5A-00030-00009295-00009545 he invited me to be a panelist on a T-CQHlFdT5A-00031-00009546-00009749 workshop that the FCC public safety T-CQHlFdT5A-00032-00009750-00009942 Homeland Security Bureau was hosting T-CQHlFdT5A-00033-00009943-00010166 that was going to focus on the upcoming T-CQHlFdT5A-00034-00010167-00010406 communications security reliability and T-CQHlFdT5A-00035-00010407-00010613 interoperability Council or Civic T-CQHlFdT5A-00036-00010614-00010845 testbed dealing with issues related to T-CQHlFdT5A-00037-00010846-00011153 improving indoor location accuracy thus T-CQHlFdT5A-00038-00011154-00011270 is Rick mission is to provide T-CQHlFdT5A-00039-00011271-00011495 recommendations to the FCC to ensure T-CQHlFdT5A-00040-00011496-00011751 among many other things optimal security T-CQHlFdT5A-00041-00011752-00011963 and reliability of communication systems T-CQHlFdT5A-00042-00011964-00012185 including telecommunications media and T-CQHlFdT5A-00043-00012186-00012516 public safety 911 and more explicitly T-CQHlFdT5A-00044-00012517-00012801 next generation 911 falls right in the T-CQHlFdT5A-00045-00012802-00012971 middle of their scope of responsibility T-CQHlFdT5A-00046-00012972-00013179 the majority of the other participants T-CQHlFdT5A-00047-00013180-00013362 on the panel focused on how the T-CQHlFdT5A-00048-00013363-00013611 information would be collected and what T-CQHlFdT5A-00049-00013612-00013746 information was going to be available T-CQHlFdT5A-00050-00013747-00013932 personally I don't believe that T-CQHlFdT5A-00051-00013933-00014100 collecting the information is really the T-CQHlFdT5A-00052-00014101-00014301 problem enterprise networks are well T-CQHlFdT5A-00053-00014302-00014493 aware of the devices and users that are T-CQHlFdT5A-00054-00014494-00014712 attached to them therefore the main T-CQHlFdT5A-00055-00014713-00014904 point on my session was that since we T-CQHlFdT5A-00056-00014905-00015057 already have this information the T-CQHlFdT5A-00057-00015058-00015263 problem was making the data available to T-CQHlFdT5A-00058-00015265-00015497 public safety when an event occur T-CQHlFdT5A-00059-00015499-00015699 now with only seven minutes to present T-CQHlFdT5A-00060-00015700-00015891 my thoughts and ideas I needed to focus T-CQHlFdT5A-00061-00015891-00016083 on the facts and get my point across T-CQHlFdT5A-00062-00016084-00016400 here's a synopsis of what I presented T-CQHlFdT5A-00063-00016401-00016680 historically yesterday's fix for a 911 T-CQHlFdT5A-00064-00016681-00016875 was to implement automation within the T-CQHlFdT5A-00065-00016876-00017067 enterprise that would manage the PS Ali T-CQHlFdT5A-00066-00017068-00017343 database in the carrier network once T-CQHlFdT5A-00067-00017344-00017625 users moved updates typically took 48 to T-CQHlFdT5A-00068-00017626-00017847 96 hours before they became active in T-CQHlFdT5A-00069-00017848-00017994 the information was usually batch T-CQHlFdT5A-00070-00017995-00018279 processed at the end of the day as users T-CQHlFdT5A-00071-00018280-00018444 became more nomadic in danger this T-CQHlFdT5A-00072-00018445-00018627 latency in the process took its toll on T-CQHlFdT5A-00073-00018628-00018861 data accuracy and ultimately sacrifice T-CQHlFdT5A-00074-00018862-00019161 safety as users extended connectivity T-CQHlFdT5A-00075-00019162-00019368 outside of the enterprise through VPN T-CQHlFdT5A-00076-00019369-00019623 technologies telephones became software T-CQHlFdT5A-00077-00019624-00019812 applications allowing for even more T-CQHlFdT5A-00078-00019813-00020064 mobility a recent addition to T-CQHlFdT5A-00079-00020065-00020262 yesterday's fix was to provide access to T-CQHlFdT5A-00080-00020263-00020535 dynamic psle databases a technology T-CQHlFdT5A-00081-00020536-00020679 initially developed for cellular T-CQHlFdT5A-00082-00020680-00020862 mobility from an enterprise perspective T-CQHlFdT5A-00083-00020863-00021090 this required additional automation as T-CQHlFdT5A-00084-00021091-00021291 well as recurring per station charges T-CQHlFdT5A-00085-00021292-00021474 while still not really solving the T-CQHlFdT5A-00086-00021475-00021744 problem true emergency operators could T-CQHlFdT5A-00087-00021745-00021924 see specific cubicle numbers however T-CQHlFdT5A-00088-00021925-00022125 that information was not relevant to T-CQHlFdT5A-00089-00022126-00022320 them as they had no knowledge of the T-CQHlFdT5A-00090-00022321-00022560 building layout Avia's vision for next T-CQHlFdT5A-00091-00022561-00022710 generation 911 in the enterprise T-CQHlFdT5A-00092-00022711-00022908 utilizes a technology that provides T-CQHlFdT5A-00093-00022909-00023133 internal security and first responders T-CQHlFdT5A-00094-00023134-00023358 with specific location information about T-CQHlFdT5A-00095-00023359-00023625 users devices location as well as T-CQHlFdT5A-00096-00023626-00023811 environmental data and overall event T-CQHlFdT5A-00097-00023812-00024093 correlation Public Safety can now become T-CQHlFdT5A-00098-00024094-00024264 empowered with additional information T-CQHlFdT5A-00099-00024265-00024384 that can be used to make better T-CQHlFdT5A-00100-00024385-00024627 decisions this is made available to T-CQHlFdT5A-00101-00024628-00024825 public safety in a single static alley T-CQHlFdT5A-00102-00024826-00025032 record that corresponds to a web address T-CQHlFdT5A-00103-00025033-00025269 on the enterprise location management or T-CQHlFdT5A-00104-00025270-00025548 Elm server this also positions the T-CQHlFdT5A-00105-00025549-00025707 enterprise network for full alignment T-CQHlFdT5A-00106-00025708-00025970 with the Nina i3 specification for next T-CQHlFdT5A-00107-00025972-00026169 generation communications being deployed T-CQHlFdT5A-00108-00026170-00026457 in several areas delivering the same T-CQHlFdT5A-00109-00026458-00026616 information by a pitiful 0 from the T-CQHlFdT5A-00110-00026617-00026817 enterprise only requires adjusting the T-CQHlFdT5A-00111-00026818-00026976 destination address in the next T-CQHlFdT5A-00112-00026977-00027239 generation 911 network from the digits T-CQHlFdT5A-00113-00027241-00027675 911 to SOS municipalities state gov and T-CQHlFdT5A-00114-00027676-00027936 then sending that information in the sip T-CQHlFdT5A-00115-00027937-00028333 invite header 911 making a T-CQHlFdT5A-00116-00028333-00028525 call it's about connecting Public Safety T-CQHlFdT5A-00117-00028526-00028708 to the event and the event to public T-CQHlFdT5A-00118-00028708-00028900 safety imagine how firefighters they T-CQHlFdT5A-00119-00028901-00029086 change the response understanding where T-CQHlFdT5A-00120-00029087-00029302 the hotspots are in a building or how T-CQHlFdT5A-00121-00029302-00029461 paramedics could provide valuable T-CQHlFdT5A-00122-00029462-00029683 instructions after evaluating vital T-CQHlFdT5A-00123-00029683-00029914 statistics from a patient or how a SWAT T-CQHlFdT5A-00124-00029914-00030100 team may approach a bank knowing that T-CQHlFdT5A-00125-00030101-00030339 the holdup alarm was not a mistake or an T-CQHlFdT5A-00126-00030341-00030526 accident now for someone that's T-CQHlFdT5A-00127-00030527-00030745 considered to be generally verbose in T-CQHlFdT5A-00128-00030745-00030933 nature delivering this vision in seven T-CQHlFdT5A-00129-00030935-00031060 minutes was certainly a challenge T-CQHlFdT5A-00130-00031061-00031290 however it was quite apparent that there T-CQHlFdT5A-00131-00031291-00031450 was overall agreement with most of the T-CQHlFdT5A-00132-00031451-00031633 folks in the room that day I have to T-CQHlFdT5A-00133-00031633-00031798 tell you it's times like this when it's T-CQHlFdT5A-00134-00031799-00031951 difficult to find the right words to T-CQHlFdT5A-00135-00031952-00032149 properly thank and commend my friends T-CQHlFdT5A-00136-00032150-00032352 colleagues and especially Avaya who T-CQHlFdT5A-00137-00032354-00032554 provide me with the opportunity to think T-CQHlFdT5A-00138-00032555-00032812 outside the box on a topic it has the T-CQHlFdT5A-00139-00032813-00033087 potential of saving so many lives I also T-CQHlFdT5A-00140-00033088-00033246 appreciate all the great comments and T-CQHlFdT5A-00141-00033247-00033427 suggestions that I get every single week T-CQHlFdT5A-00142-00033428-00033610 from my audience of listeners and I T-CQHlFdT5A-00143-00033611-00033760 encourage you to continue letting me T-CQHlFdT5A-00144-00033761-00033946 know what you like what you dislike or T-CQHlFdT5A-00145-00033947-00034143 just saying hi be sure to follow me on T-CQHlFdT5A-00146-00034144-00034600 twitter at Fletch 911 you've been T-CQHlFdT5A-00147-00034601-00034900 listening to the e-911 talk podcast with T-CQHlFdT5A-00148-00034901-00035092 your host mark fletcher product line T-CQHlFdT5A-00149-00035093-00035311 manager for emergency services at of io T-CQHlFdT5A-00150-00035312-00035617 e 911 talk is a weekly podcast available T-CQHlFdT5A-00151-00035618-00035905 on sites like this as well as itunes and T-CQHlFdT5A-00152-00035906-00036142 is available free of charge if you have T-CQHlFdT5A-00153-00036143-00036385 any comments or questions you can email T-CQHlFdT5A-00154-00036386-00036633 Fletch at Fletcher m at T-CQHlFdT5A-00155-00036634-00036972 viacom that's Fletcher the letter M at T-CQHlFdT5A-00156-00036973-00037320 avaya com be sure to listen in next week T-CQHlFdT5A-00157-00037321-00037734 for more informative topics on e 911 911 T-CQHlFdT5A-00158-00037735-00037911 the line is recorded what is the exact T-CQHlFdT5A-00159-00037912-00038471 location of your emergency this is the T-CQHlFdT5A-00160-00038472-00038790 Avaya Podcast Network T-ZShHvh-Gc-00000-00000107-00000523 foreign T-ZShHvh-Gc-00001-00000524-00001310 [Music] T-ZShHvh-Gc-00002-00001311-00003746 [Music] T-ZShHvh-Gc-00003-00003747-00004026 [Music] T-ZShHvh-Gc-00004-00004027-00004169 [Applause] T-ZShHvh-Gc-00005-00004170-00005576 [Music] T-ZShHvh-Gc-00006-00005577-00005938 [Music] T-ZShHvh-Gc-00007-00005939-00006295 Pizza T-ZShHvh-Gc-00008-00006296-00007631 [Music] T-ZShHvh-Gc-00009-00007631-00008792 foreign T-ZShHvh-Gc-00010-00008793-00009730 [Music] T-ZShHvh-Gc-00011-00009731-00011992 [Music] T-ZShHvh-Gc-00012-00011993-00012481 [Music] T-ZShHvh-Gc-00013-00012482-00012869 you are cool T-ZShHvh-Gc-00014-00012869-00013111 foreign TB_nEgWkzE8-00000-00000056-00000323 structural bioinformatics is the branch TB_nEgWkzE8-00001-00000324-00000539 of bioinformatics which is related to TB_nEgWkzE8-00002-00000540-00000724 the analysis and prediction of the TB_nEgWkzE8-00003-00000725-00000875 three-dimensional structure of TB_nEgWkzE8-00004-00000876-00001103 biological macromolecules such as TB_nEgWkzE8-00005-00001104-00001516 proteins RNA and DNA it deals with TB_nEgWkzE8-00006-00001517-00001801 generalizations about macro molecular 3d TB_nEgWkzE8-00007-00001802-00002054 structure such as comparisons of overall TB_nEgWkzE8-00008-00002055-00002306 folds and local motifs principles of TB_nEgWkzE8-00009-00002307-00002579 molecular folding evolution and binding TB_nEgWkzE8-00010-00002580-00002804 interactions and structure function TB_nEgWkzE8-00011-00002805-00002987 relationships working both from TB_nEgWkzE8-00012-00002988-00003188 experimentally solved structures and TB_nEgWkzE8-00013-00003189-00003476 from computational models the term TB_nEgWkzE8-00014-00003477-00003686 structural has the same meaning as in TB_nEgWkzE8-00015-00003686-00003902 structural biology and structural TB_nEgWkzE8-00016-00003903-00004136 bioinformatics can be seen as a part of TB_nEgWkzE8-00017-00004137-00004872 computational structural biology TB_nEgWkzE8-00018-00004873-00005376 topic overview TB_nEgWkzE8-00019-00005377-00005595 informatics approaches used in TB_nEgWkzE8-00020-00005596-00005970 structural bioinformatics our selection TB_nEgWkzE8-00021-00005971-00006168 of target potential targets are TB_nEgWkzE8-00022-00006169-00006366 identified by comparing them with TB_nEgWkzE8-00023-00006367-00006558 databases of known structures in TB_nEgWkzE8-00024-00006559-00006876 sequence the importance of a target can TB_nEgWkzE8-00025-00006877-00007080 be decided on the basis of published TB_nEgWkzE8-00026-00007081-00007386 literature target can also be selected TB_nEgWkzE8-00027-00007387-00007661 on the basis of its protein domain TB_nEgWkzE8-00028-00007662-00007902 protein domain of building blocks that TB_nEgWkzE8-00029-00007903-00008156 can be rearranged to form new proteins TB_nEgWkzE8-00030-00008156-00008409 they can be studied in isolation TB_nEgWkzE8-00031-00008410-00008799 initially tracking x-ray crystallography TB_nEgWkzE8-00032-00008800-00009060 trials x-ray crystallography can be used TB_nEgWkzE8-00033-00009061-00009279 to reveal three-dimensional structure of TB_nEgWkzE8-00034-00009280-00009621 a protein but in order to use x-ray for TB_nEgWkzE8-00035-00009622-00009858 studying protein crystals pure proteins TB_nEgWkzE8-00036-00009859-00010080 crystals must be formed which can take a TB_nEgWkzE8-00037-00010081-00010407 lot of trials this leads to a need for TB_nEgWkzE8-00038-00010408-00010587 tracking the conditions and results of TB_nEgWkzE8-00039-00010588-00010917 trials furthermore supervised machine TB_nEgWkzE8-00040-00010918-00011151 learning algorithms can be used on the TB_nEgWkzE8-00041-00011152-00011400 stored data to identify conditions that TB_nEgWkzE8-00042-00011401-00011553 might increase the yield of pure TB_nEgWkzE8-00043-00011554-00011871 crystals analysis of x-ray TB_nEgWkzE8-00044-00011872-00012081 crystallographic data the diffraction TB_nEgWkzE8-00045-00012082-00012260 pattern obtained as a result of TB_nEgWkzE8-00046-00012261-00012477 bombarding x-rays on electrons is TB_nEgWkzE8-00047-00012478-00012677 Fourier transform of electron density TB_nEgWkzE8-00048-00012678-00012971 distribution there is a need for TB_nEgWkzE8-00049-00012972-00013218 algorithms that can take involve Fourier TB_nEgWkzE8-00050-00013219-00013482 transform with partial information due TB_nEgWkzE8-00051-00013483-00013688 to missing phase information as the TB_nEgWkzE8-00052-00013690-00013911 detectors can only measure amplitude of TB_nEgWkzE8-00053-00013912-00014115 diffracted x-rays and not the phase TB_nEgWkzE8-00054-00014116-00014438 shifts extrapolation technique such as TB_nEgWkzE8-00055-00014440-00014625 multi-wavelength anomalous dispersion TB_nEgWkzE8-00056-00014626-00014922 can be used to generate electron density TB_nEgWkzE8-00057-00014922-00015159 map which uses the location of selenium TB_nEgWkzE8-00058-00015160-00015380 atoms as a reference to determine rest TB_nEgWkzE8-00059-00015381-00015684 of the structure standard ball-and-stick TB_nEgWkzE8-00060-00015685-00015918 model is generated from the electron TB_nEgWkzE8-00061-00015919-00016329 density map analysis of NMR spectroscopy TB_nEgWkzE8-00062-00016330-00016533 data nuclear magnetic resonance TB_nEgWkzE8-00063-00016534-00016836 spectroscopy experiments produced two or TB_nEgWkzE8-00064-00016837-00017091 higher dimensional data with each peak TB_nEgWkzE8-00065-00017092-00017310 corresponding to a chemical group within TB_nEgWkzE8-00066-00017311-00017640 the sample optimization methods are used TB_nEgWkzE8-00067-00017641-00017790 to convert spectra into TB_nEgWkzE8-00068-00017791-00018141 three-dimensional structures correlating TB_nEgWkzE8-00069-00018142-00018354 structural information with functional TB_nEgWkzE8-00070-00018355-00018588 information structural studies can be TB_nEgWkzE8-00071-00018589-00018744 used as probe for structure TB_nEgWkzE8-00072-00018745-00019040 functional relationship TB_nEgWkzE8-00073-00019041-00019439 equals equals see also TBM6ePnu1Ok-00000-00000985-00001261 the Palace of Westminster is home to one TBM6ePnu1Ok-00001-00001262-00001393 of the busiest parliamentary TBM6ePnu1Ok-00002-00001394-00001837 institutions in the world thousands of TBM6ePnu1Ok-00003-00001838-00002127 people work here and visit every day the TBM6ePnu1Ok-00004-00002128-00002314 millions of tourists are drawn to its TBM6ePnu1Ok-00005-00002315-00002602 iconic splendor completed in the TBM6ePnu1Ok-00006-00002603-00002866 mid-1800s many of the palaces features TBM6ePnu1Ok-00007-00002867-00003229 have never undergone major renovation so TBM6ePnu1Ok-00008-00003229-00003411 what's being done to tackle any problems TBM6ePnu1Ok-00009-00003411-00003685 not only to ensure the palace continues TBM6ePnu1Ok-00010-00003686-00003936 to function as a working building but TBM6ePnu1Ok-00011-00003937-00004135 also to preserve its unique heritage for TBM6ePnu1Ok-00012-00004136-00004549 future generations in this video we will TBM6ePnu1Ok-00013-00004550-00004702 look at the mechanical and electrical TBM6ePnu1Ok-00014-00004703-00004951 systems of the palace these provide TBM6ePnu1Ok-00015-00004952-00005229 essential services such as heating water TBM6ePnu1Ok-00016-00005230-00005524 ventilation and power essentially the TBM6ePnu1Ok-00017-00005525-00005674 arteries of the building they're TBM6ePnu1Ok-00018-00005675-00005875 critical to the continuous operation of TBM6ePnu1Ok-00019-00005876-00006244 Parliament shafts and tunnels originally TBM6ePnu1Ok-00020-00006245-00006453 designed for ventilation have become the TBM6ePnu1Ok-00021-00006454-00006655 roots for hundreds of miles of cabling TBM6ePnu1Ok-00022-00006656-00006885 for telephones and computer systems as TBM6ePnu1Ok-00023-00006886-00007045 well as steam heating pipes and TBM6ePnu1Ok-00024-00007045-00007402 conditioned air these roots are now TBM6ePnu1Ok-00025-00007403-00007641 extremely congested making it difficult TBM6ePnu1Ok-00026-00007642-00007881 to access maintain or repair the TBM6ePnu1Ok-00027-00007882-00008173 services of all the elements of the TBM6ePnu1Ok-00028-00008173-00008344 building it's the mechanical and TBM6ePnu1Ok-00029-00008345-00008509 electrical services that have the TBM6ePnu1Ok-00030-00008510-00008670 shortest and the most predictable TBM6ePnu1Ok-00031-00008671-00008949 lifespan and their obsolescence can only TBM6ePnu1Ok-00032-00008950-00009183 be dealt with effectively by replacement TBM6ePnu1Ok-00033-00009184-00009402 some of the pipe work in these tunnels TBM6ePnu1Ok-00034-00009403-00009651 is between sixty and a hundred years old TBM6ePnu1Ok-00035-00009652-00009885 way beyond their predicted lifespan TBM6ePnu1Ok-00036-00009886-00010194 there's a high risk of breakdown making TBM6ePnu1Ok-00037-00010195-00010341 the current approach of replacing TBM6ePnu1Ok-00038-00010342-00010556 systems only at highest risk of failure TBM6ePnu1Ok-00039-00010557-00011013 unsustainable and more costly in 2012 TBM6ePnu1Ok-00040-00011014-00011265 alone almost 3000 electrical faults TBM6ePnu1Ok-00041-00011266-00011670 needed repairing there are 98 mm D Rises TBM6ePnu1Ok-00042-00011671-00012099 and 128 plant roams this was deemed to TBM6ePnu1Ok-00043-00012100-00012337 be a very high-risk plant room that was TBM6ePnu1Ok-00044-00012338-00012583 to fail imminently so we've stripped out TBM6ePnu1Ok-00045-00012584-00012849 all of the plant we're now removing all TBM6ePnu1Ok-00046-00012850-00013111 of the asbestos and indeed the paint as TBM6ePnu1Ok-00047-00013112-00013321 well there is asbestos within the paths TBM6ePnu1Ok-00048-00013322-00013426 of Westminster TBM6ePnu1Ok-00049-00013427-00013700 you'd expect act of a building of this a TBM6ePnu1Ok-00050-00013701-00013911 especially since there was a TBM6ePnu1Ok-00051-00013912-00014084 reconstruction that's after the Second TBM6ePnu1Ok-00052-00014085-00014283 World War there was a lot of asbestos as TBM6ePnu1Ok-00053-00014284-00014469 insulation material around the building TBM6ePnu1Ok-00054-00014469-00014714 services it is well managed we have an TBM6ePnu1Ok-00055-00014715-00014906 excellent management plan assisted by TBM6ePnu1Ok-00056-00014907-00015099 the use of consultants we have TBM6ePnu1Ok-00057-00015100-00015356 specialist contractors in the tent up an TBM6ePnu1Ok-00058-00015357-00015542 area they put it under negative pressure TBM6ePnu1Ok-00059-00015543-00015852 and they remove the asbestos from from TBM6ePnu1Ok-00060-00015853-00016019 the floors from the voice from the TBM6ePnu1Ok-00061-00016020-00016224 ceiling from all around the services TBM6ePnu1Ok-00062-00016225-00016422 there are two layers to this room the TBM6ePnu1Ok-00063-00016423-00016634 two layers have taken three months so TBM6ePnu1Ok-00064-00016635-00016805 it's quite a substantial costs and TBM6ePnu1Ok-00065-00016806-00016997 impact the programme of the works but TBM6ePnu1Ok-00066-00016998-00017208 it's the right thing to do the plant TBM6ePnu1Ok-00067-00017209-00017394 memory Tony had for air handling units TBM6ePnu1Ok-00068-00017395-00017664 the Rena crossways very very tight very TBM6ePnu1Ok-00069-00017665-00017864 very congested as on many of the other TBM6ePnu1Ok-00070-00017865-00018062 plant rooms within the palace they've TBM6ePnu1Ok-00071-00018063-00018242 now been removed and we're replacing TBM6ePnu1Ok-00072-00018243-00018471 with to far more efficient in fact 80% TBM6ePnu1Ok-00073-00018472-00018744 more efficient than the original one of TBM6ePnu1Ok-00074-00018745-00018881 the key constraints is that we must have TBM6ePnu1Ok-00075-00018882-00019064 no impact to the building users or TBM6ePnu1Ok-00076-00019065-00019347 indeed any other visitors so we've TBM6ePnu1Ok-00077-00019348-00019562 developed this temporary Park room to TBM6ePnu1Ok-00078-00019563-00019736 enable us so she's to strip out the loss TBM6ePnu1Ok-00079-00019737-00019925 plant room that we've just seen it's TBM6ePnu1Ok-00080-00019926-00020127 very very costly very very TBM6ePnu1Ok-00081-00020128-00020321 time-consuming but during the process TBM6ePnu1Ok-00082-00020322-00020628 we've had minimal impact on the users of TBM6ePnu1Ok-00083-00020629-00020834 the building we've got a hundred and TBM6ePnu1Ok-00084-00020835-00020969 twenty eight part rooms within the TBM6ePnu1Ok-00085-00020970-00021177 Palace of Westminster 80 percent of TBM6ePnu1Ok-00086-00021178-00021425 those are in basements the remaining 20 TBM6ePnu1Ok-00087-00021426-00021578 are at ground level and in the roof TBM6ePnu1Ok-00088-00021579-00021836 wards we have a strategic face program TBM6ePnu1Ok-00089-00021837-00022002 of refurbishment works to the plant TBM6ePnu1Ok-00090-00022003-00022136 rooms and infrastructure within the TBM6ePnu1Ok-00091-00022137-00022358 palace but this by no means TBM6ePnu1Ok-00092-00022359-00022547 takes away the problem or it is an TBM6ePnu1Ok-00093-00022548-00022725 interim phase to reduce the risk of TBM6ePnu1Ok-00094-00022726-00022961 failure now some of this pipe work is a TBM6ePnu1Ok-00095-00022962-00023171 hundred and ten years old and it's still TBM6ePnu1Ok-00096-00023172-00023418 functioning the main heat source is TBM6ePnu1Ok-00097-00023419-00023630 steam and the steam boilers are right at TBM6ePnu1Ok-00098-00023631-00023868 the end of that that corridor because TBM6ePnu1Ok-00099-00023869-00024033 the infrastructure is so old that has TBM6ePnu1Ok-00100-00024034-00024177 given us tremendous problems with TBM6ePnu1Ok-00101-00024178-00024402 leakage when their heating system starts TBM6ePnu1Ok-00102-00024403-00024578 using in September we do get an awful TBM6ePnu1Ok-00103-00024579-00024692 lot of leaks and an awful lot of TBM6ePnu1Ok-00104-00024693-00024974 manpower is used to solve those leaks TBM6ePnu1Ok-00105-00024975-00025239 we're in plant room be part of the work TBM6ePnu1Ok-00106-00025240-00025469 package is to remove these specialist TBM6ePnu1Ok-00107-00025470-00025694 cables from the plant room the plant TBM6ePnu1Ok-00108-00025695-00025902 room has steam on aged infrastructure TBM6ePnu1Ok-00109-00025902-00026136 pipe work should the pipe work fracture TBM6ePnu1Ok-00110-00026137-00026280 than it would take out all these TBM6ePnu1Ok-00111-00026281-00026514 specialist systems specialist systems TBM6ePnu1Ok-00112-00026514-00026771 include low voltage power building TBM6ePnu1Ok-00113-00026772-00026857 management's TBM6ePnu1Ok-00114-00026858-00027226 fire detection system communications and TBM6ePnu1Ok-00115-00027227-00027532 data we've undertaken significant TBM6ePnu1Ok-00116-00027533-00027739 surveys around all of the the Palace of TBM6ePnu1Ok-00117-00027739-00027922 Westminster and we've worked out what TBM6ePnu1Ok-00118-00027923-00028135 needs to be done we've prioritized that TBM6ePnu1Ok-00119-00028136-00028279 list and we're currently going through a TBM6ePnu1Ok-00120-00028280-00028474 phase program of replacement of TBM6ePnu1Ok-00121-00028475-00028711 infrastructure where we can bearing in TBM6ePnu1Ok-00122-00028712-00028962 mind the building is fully occupied TBM6ePnu1Ok-00123-00028963-00029214 recently a pipe burst in the floor above TBM6ePnu1Ok-00124-00029216-00029422 the committee corridor and discharged TBM6ePnu1Ok-00125-00029423-00029755 30,000 litres of water in 15 minutes it TBM6ePnu1Ok-00126-00029756-00029926 found its way down through the building TBM6ePnu1Ok-00127-00029927-00030118 structure or flooded the corridor below TBM6ePnu1Ok-00128-00030119-00030451 it took three weeks to repair and at the TBM6ePnu1Ok-00129-00030452-00030661 same time essential life services TBM6ePnu1Ok-00130-00030662-00030829 running through the corridor floor had TBM6ePnu1Ok-00131-00030830-00031138 to be managed repairing the aging TBM6ePnu1Ok-00132-00031139-00031308 mechanical and electrical systems TBM6ePnu1Ok-00133-00031310-00031480 couldn't be put off any longer TBM6ePnu1Ok-00134-00031481-00031732 because the risk of system failure is so TBM6ePnu1Ok-00135-00031733-00031987 high but this medium-term program of TBM6ePnu1Ok-00136-00031988-00032194 work is just a fraction of what needs to TBM6ePnu1Ok-00137-00032195-00032458 be done only 15 percent of the TBM6ePnu1Ok-00138-00032458-00032632 highest-risk building service plant TBM6ePnu1Ok-00139-00032633-00032848 rooms are being replaced to buy time TBM6ePnu1Ok-00140-00032849-00033019 while a longer-term approach is TBM6ePnu1Ok-00141-00033020-00033568 identified to find out more please watch TBM6ePnu1Ok-00142-00033569-00033898 the other videos in this series TC7myczeKBY-00000-00000655-00001527 [Music] TC7myczeKBY-00001-00001528-00001828 children TC7myczeKBY-00002-00001829-00002475 [Music] TC7myczeKBY-00003-00002476-00004070 [Music] TC7myczeKBY-00004-00004071-00004264 ah TC7myczeKBY-00005-00004265-00005444 [Music] TC7myczeKBY-00006-00005445-00006231 [Music] TC7myczeKBY-00007-00006232-00006929 so TC7myczeKBY-00008-00006930-00007900 [Music] TC7myczeKBY-00009-00007901-00009120 [Music] TC7myczeKBY-00010-00009121-00009727 [Music] TC7myczeKBY-00011-00009728-00009926 so TC7myczeKBY-00012-00009927-00010663 [Music] TC7myczeKBY-00013-00010664-00012542 true TC7myczeKBY-00014-00012543-00013087 [Music] TC7myczeKBY-00015-00013088-00013983 [Music] TC7myczeKBY-00016-00013984-00014661 um TC7myczeKBY-00017-00014662-00015255 [Music] TC7myczeKBY-00018-00015256-00015599 so TC7myczeKBY-00019-00015600-00017703 [Music] TC7myczeKBY-00020-00017704-00017982 uh TC7myczeKBY-00021-00017983-00019064 [Music] TC7myczeKBY-00022-00019065-00019294 [Music] TC7myczeKBY-00023-00019295-00019569 hmm TC7myczeKBY-00024-00019570-00021589 [Music] TC7myczeKBY-00025-00021590-00022455 [Music] TC7myczeKBY-00026-00022456-00022719 she TC7myczeKBY-00027-00022720-00022949 thank you TC7myczeKBY-00028-00022950-00024376 [Music] TC7myczeKBY-00029-00024377-00024878 [Music] TC7myczeKBY-00030-00024879-00025018 so TC7myczeKBY-00031-00025019-00025616 [Music] TC7myczeKBY-00032-00025617-00026367 [Music] TC7myczeKBY-00033-00026368-00027942 [Music] TC7myczeKBY-00034-00027943-00028862 [Music] TC7myczeKBY-00035-00028863-00029012 two TC7myczeKBY-00036-00029013-00029807 [Music] TC7myczeKBY-00037-00029808-00030599 [Music] TC7myczeKBY-00038-00030600-00031262 so TC7myczeKBY-00039-00033021-00033543 [Music] TC7myczeKBY-00040-00033544-00033796 much TC7myczeKBY-00041-00033797-00034679 [Music] TC7myczeKBY-00042-00034680-00035302 hmm TC7myczeKBY-00043-00035303-00035702 [Music] TC7myczeKBY-00044-00035703-00036053 chief TC7myczeKBY-00045-00036054-00036959 [Music] TC7myczeKBY-00046-00036960-00037620 future TC7myczeKBY-00047-00037621-00039856 [Music] TC7myczeKBY-00048-00039857-00040118 [Music] TC7myczeKBY-00049-00040119-00040431 chief TC7myczeKBY-00050-00040432-00041765 [Music] TC7myczeKBY-00051-00041766-00042662 [Music] TC7myczeKBY-00052-00042663-00042770 action TC7myczeKBY-00053-00042771-00044962 [Music] TC7myczeKBY-00054-00044963-00045383 [Music] TC7myczeKBY-00055-00045384-00046686 chief TC7myczeKBY-00056-00046687-00047230 so TC7myczeKBY-00057-00047231-00049462 [Music] TC7myczeKBY-00058-00049463-00049899 so TC7myczeKBY-00059-00049900-00050981 [Music] TC7myczeKBY-00060-00050982-00052701 [Music] TC7myczeKBY-00061-00052702-00053484 [Music] TC7myczeKBY-00062-00053485-00054638 [Music] TC7myczeKBY-00063-00054639-00055166 this TC7myczeKBY-00064-00055167-00056303 [Music] TC7myczeKBY-00065-00056304-00058007 foreign TC7myczeKBY-00066-00058008-00058919 [Music] TC7myczeKBY-00067-00058920-00059434 chief TC7myczeKBY-00068-00059435-00060360 [Music] TC7myczeKBY-00069-00060361-00062030 [Music] TC7myczeKBY-00070-00062032-00062578 future TC7myczeKBY-00071-00062579-00064679 [Music] TC7myczeKBY-00072-00064680-00066826 [Music] TC7myczeKBY-00073-00066827-00069097 [Music] TC7myczeKBY-00074-00069098-00069887 [Music] TC7myczeKBY-00075-00069888-00070010 she TC7myczeKBY-00076-00070011-00071023 [Music] TC7myczeKBY-00077-00071024-00071547 so TC7myczeKBY-00078-00071548-00072023 [Music] TC7myczeKBY-00079-00072024-00072392 so TC7myczeKBY-00080-00072393-00074535 [Music] TC7myczeKBY-00081-00074536-00074789 foreign TC7myczeKBY-00082-00074790-00077092 [Music] TC7myczeKBY-00083-00077093-00078496 [Music] TC7myczeKBY-00084-00078497-00079831 [Music] TC7myczeKBY-00085-00079832-00080075 future TC7myczeKBY-00086-00080076-00081750 [Music] TC7myczeKBY-00087-00081751-00082390 foreign TC7myczeKBY-00088-00082391-00083015 [Music] TC7myczeKBY-00089-00083016-00083461 so TC7myczeKBY-00090-00083462-00084083 [Music] TC7myczeKBY-00092-00088192-00088750 so TC7myczeKBY-00093-00088751-00089546 [Music] TC7myczeKBY-00094-00089547-00089881 [Applause] TC7myczeKBY-00095-00089882-00091037 [Music] TC7myczeKBY-00096-00091038-00091535 [Music] TC7myczeKBY-00097-00091536-00091726 so TC7myczeKBY-00098-00091727-00093831 [Music] TC7myczeKBY-00099-00093832-00093998 which TC7myczeKBY-00100-00093999-00095857 [Music] TC7myczeKBY-00101-00095858-00096698 [Music] TC7myczeKBY-00102-00096699-00097655 [Music] TC7myczeKBY-00103-00097656-00098700 [Music] TC7myczeKBY-00104-00098701-00101135 [Music] TC7myczeKBY-00105-00101136-00101344 you TFie3ZVSmro-00000-00000078-00000371 hey it's Joe with Joe Lee Farms we are TFie3ZVSmro-00001-00000372-00000509 going to have a fantastic interview TFie3ZVSmro-00002-00000509-00000736 today we're here in Central Park in Goku TFie3ZVSmro-00003-00000737-00000923 Bamba and we're going to interview a TFie3ZVSmro-00004-00000924-00001133 friend of mine who owns a pharmacy right TFie3ZVSmro-00005-00001134-00001270 across the street from the park here TFie3ZVSmro-00006-00001271-00001462 you're going to enjoy it watch it all TFie3ZVSmro-00007-00001463-00002002 the way through let's get started TFie3ZVSmro-00008-00002003-00002880 [Music] TFie3ZVSmro-00009-00002881-00003247 [Music] TFie3ZVSmro-00010-00003247-00003533 good morning it's Joe with Joe Lee farms TFie3ZVSmro-00011-00003534-00003790 and we're here today at Pharmacy of San TFie3ZVSmro-00012-00003792-00003983 Andreas with my good friend Robert TFie3ZVSmro-00013-00003984-00004270 Ordonez and Robert thank you for having TFie3ZVSmro-00014-00004271-00004522 us today and my good friend idea who's TFie3ZVSmro-00015-00004523-00004727 going to be our translator TFie3ZVSmro-00016-00004728-00004895 [Music] TFie3ZVSmro-00017-00004896-00005063 thank you John TFie3ZVSmro-00018-00005064-00005333 so uh Robert has some English and I have TFie3ZVSmro-00019-00005334-00005506 some Spanish so we're a train wreck TFie3ZVSmro-00020-00005507-00005717 that's why we have our day here today to TFie3ZVSmro-00021-00005718-00006029 do the translation so um Robert we want TFie3ZVSmro-00022-00006030-00006227 to start out by asking you TFie3ZVSmro-00023-00006228-00006544 um where were you born TFie3ZVSmro-00024-00006545-00006701 [Music] TFie3ZVSmro-00025-00006702-00007823 David TFie3ZVSmro-00026-00007823-00008239 his name is TFie3ZVSmro-00027-00008240-00008569 1978 and he born here in the Columbia TFie3ZVSmro-00028-00008570-00008813 so we're used in Born right here all TFie3ZVSmro-00029-00008814-00009028 your life so Robert how long have you TFie3ZVSmro-00030-00009029-00009251 had the uh the pharmacy business here in TFie3ZVSmro-00031-00009252-00009792 Rio cabamba TFie3ZVSmro-00033-00013458-00013751 all right so this business egg was TFie3ZVSmro-00034-00013752-00013991 created originally a few Generations ago TFie3ZVSmro-00035-00013991-00014365 coming from her grandma his grandma and TFie3ZVSmro-00036-00014366-00014699 a since then since he was little he was TFie3ZVSmro-00037-00014700-00015065 learning from her and this was like 75 TFie3ZVSmro-00038-00015066-00015455 years ago that he followed the family TFie3ZVSmro-00039-00015456-00015688 business to a family business for over TFie3ZVSmro-00040-00015690-00016247 75 years TFie3ZVSmro-00041-00016247-00016379 so I TFie3ZVSmro-00042-00016380-00016577 a family started a business over 75 TFie3ZVSmro-00043-00016578-00016727 years ago his grandmother started a TFie3ZVSmro-00044-00016728-00016858 business and he's been in business here TFie3ZVSmro-00045-00016859-00017008 ever since TFie3ZVSmro-00046-00017009-00017279 um Robert here in Ecuador is there TFie3ZVSmro-00047-00017280-00017700 training that you need to be a TFie3ZVSmro-00048-00017701-00020117 pharmacists is TFie3ZVSmro-00050-00023742-00024635 [Music] TFie3ZVSmro-00051-00024636-00024905 all right TFie3ZVSmro-00052-00024906-00025349 um here yes you do need a cross and the TFie3ZVSmro-00053-00025350-00025711 course will be like a TFie3ZVSmro-00054-00025712-00026140 nursery auxiliary or pharmaceutics TFie3ZVSmro-00055-00026141-00026614 and he did those curses he also but the TFie3ZVSmro-00056-00026616-00026824 most that he has learned is from his mom TFie3ZVSmro-00057-00026825-00027167 he's a nurse from his grandma and from TFie3ZVSmro-00058-00027168-00027533 his dad that is a doctor so that's where TFie3ZVSmro-00059-00027533-00027940 she got the more experience and also he TFie3ZVSmro-00060-00027941-00028085 has a TFie3ZVSmro-00061-00028086-00028390 he went to college here as a management TFie3ZVSmro-00062-00028391-00028639 business business management TFie3ZVSmro-00063-00028639-00029062 and with that he was able to TFie3ZVSmro-00064-00029063-00029368 do this together all of it so he does TFie3ZVSmro-00065-00029369-00029687 have a degree in business and um his TFie3ZVSmro-00066-00029688-00029896 father was a doctor so his father taught TFie3ZVSmro-00067-00029897-00030064 him much about the business and about TFie3ZVSmro-00068-00030066-00030364 medicines Etc I can tell you that Robert TFie3ZVSmro-00069-00030366-00030683 is my pharmacist and so if I need TFie3ZVSmro-00070-00030683-00030881 anything I come to Robert and I ask for TFie3ZVSmro-00071-00030882-00031289 it be it an antibiotic or I can tell TFie3ZVSmro-00072-00031289-00031577 Robert my symptoms and he's very good at TFie3ZVSmro-00073-00031577-00031864 prescribing the proper medications and TFie3ZVSmro-00074-00031866-00032164 Robert is has an online database that he TFie3ZVSmro-00075-00032166-00032351 looks in for different types of TFie3ZVSmro-00076-00032352-00032707 medicines and generic options as well TFie3ZVSmro-00077-00032708-00033107 and he also has an incredible selection TFie3ZVSmro-00078-00033108-00033401 of all natural medicines too medicine TFie3ZVSmro-00079-00033402-00035057 again that's what I'll see him TFie3ZVSmro-00080-00035058-00038040 foreign TFie3ZVSmro-00081-00038041-00038333 so right now he is having both of them TFie3ZVSmro-00082-00038334-00038609 here but in the future the idea is that TFie3ZVSmro-00083-00038610-00038861 he's gonna have their own natural TFie3ZVSmro-00084-00038862-00039083 medicine ah Their Own Line of natural TFie3ZVSmro-00085-00039084-00039527 medicine shop very good yeah yeah so um TFie3ZVSmro-00086-00039528-00039671 one of the great things I like about TFie3ZVSmro-00087-00039672-00039887 Robert too is if he doesn't have TFie3ZVSmro-00088-00039888-00040157 something on hand a lot of times he can TFie3ZVSmro-00089-00040158-00040379 order that and it'll be here the same TFie3ZVSmro-00090-00040380-00040624 day the next day if it has to come from TFie3ZVSmro-00091-00040625-00040852 Quito it might be a couple of days TFie3ZVSmro-00092-00040853-00041177 before he can get it here so I it's rare TFie3ZVSmro-00093-00041178-00041411 that he has you know that you need TFie3ZVSmro-00094-00041412-00041615 something that he does not have he TFie3ZVSmro-00095-00041616-00041909 usually has it and the prices are TFie3ZVSmro-00096-00041910-00042149 exceptional compared to the Us and other TFie3ZVSmro-00097-00042150-00042418 countries there are going to be some TFie3ZVSmro-00098-00042419-00042749 medications that are newer that the U.S TFie3ZVSmro-00099-00042750-00043018 doctors prescribe that may not be less TFie3ZVSmro-00100-00043019-00043343 expensive here than maybe equal or TFie3ZVSmro-00101-00043344-00043595 fairly close but for the most part TFie3ZVSmro-00102-00043596-00043865 things like for instance I take a TFie3ZVSmro-00103-00043866-00044280 potassium po called losartan in the U.S TFie3ZVSmro-00104-00044281-00044633 my deductible for my insurance would TFie3ZVSmro-00105-00044634-00045058 losartan would cost me like 25 a month TFie3ZVSmro-00106-00045059-00045449 and that includes my insurance so here I TFie3ZVSmro-00107-00045450-00045646 get the same thing for under five TFie3ZVSmro-00108-00045647-00045983 dollars so it's a huge difference TFie3ZVSmro-00109-00045984-00046199 Robert we thank you so much we thank you TFie3ZVSmro-00110-00046200-00046373 for the job that you do for the people TFie3ZVSmro-00111-00046374-00046771 of Bill kabamba TFie3ZVSmro-00112-00046772-00047220 do it TFie3ZVSmro-00113-00047221-00047530 [Music] TFie3ZVSmro-00115-00051008-00051275 unconditional support from local people TFie3ZVSmro-00116-00051276-00051442 and foreign people and he's very TFie3ZVSmro-00117-00051444-00051592 grateful for it TFie3ZVSmro-00118-00051594-00051779 and we're very grateful for him and TFie3ZVSmro-00119-00051779-00051958 Robert has a beautiful wife who works TFie3ZVSmro-00120-00051959-00052216 with him here in the business and he has TFie3ZVSmro-00121-00052217-00052594 a handsome young man for a son and uh TFie3ZVSmro-00122-00052595-00052871 and how old is his son now buddy TFie3ZVSmro-00123-00052872-00054847 Pennsylvania TFie3ZVSmro-00124-00054848-00055115 so his son is eight years old I thought TFie3ZVSmro-00125-00055116-00055265 your wife was pregnant I didn't want to TFie3ZVSmro-00126-00055266-00056035 ask but I thought so that's buenos TFie3ZVSmro-00127-00056036-00056447 fantastic yeah okay well if you're in TFie3ZVSmro-00128-00056448-00056741 bilka Bamba you need a pharmacist this TFie3ZVSmro-00129-00056741-00057053 is the man right here Robert thank you TFie3ZVSmro-00130-00057054-00057587 so much for having me TFie3ZVSmro-00131-00057588-00058530 foreign TFie3ZVSmro-00132-00058532-00058799 she took us by the hand and helped us TFie3ZVSmro-00133-00058800-00059021 with everything and really helped us get TFie3ZVSmro-00134-00059022-00059176 our feet on the ground and get to know TFie3ZVSmro-00135-00059177-00059453 Ecuador we're always grateful to Isaac TFie3ZVSmro-00136-00059454-00059782 okay that's all for today so thumbs up TFie3ZVSmro-00137-00059783-00060088 like the video and subscribe TFie3ZVSmro-00138-00060089-00060635 thank you bye TFie3ZVSmro-00139-00060636-00060766 [Music] TFie3ZVSmro-00140-00060767-00060927 foreign TFie3ZVSmro-00141-00060928-00061986 [Music] TFCCHefsSiM-00000-00000150-00000206 [Music] TFCCHefsSiM-00001-00000206-00000326 [Applause] TFCCHefsSiM-00002-00000327-00000611 [Music] TFCCHefsSiM-00003-00000612-00000621 [Applause] TFCCHefsSiM-00004-00000622-00001255 [Music] TFCCHefsSiM-00005-00001256-00001269 [Applause] TFCCHefsSiM-00007-00005471-00006473 [Music] TFCCHefsSiM-00008-00006475-00006619 [Applause] TFCCHefsSiM-00010-00012984-00013191 you TFUSRbn59V0-00000-00000017-00002333 intelligence TFUSRbn59V0-00001-00002334-00004534 intelligence TFUSRbn59V0-00003-00011684-00014221 emotional intelligence TFUSRbn59V0-00004-00014222-00014416 on the TFUSRbn59V0-00005-00014418-00015109 um TFUSRbn59V0-00007-00020896-00023094 [Music] TFUSRbn59V0-00009-00028488-00029874 foreign TFUSRbn59V0-00010-00029875-00032226 [Music] TFUSRbn59V0-00011-00032227-00033685 [Music] TFUSRbn59V0-00012-00033686-00033893 thank you very much for watching this TFUSRbn59V0-00013-00033894-00034112 video TI_PH4rUjY4-00000-00000000-00000359 a monastery is a building or complex of TI_PH4rUjY4-00001-00000360-00000578 buildings comprising the domestic TI_PH4rUjY4-00002-00000579-00000827 quarters and workplaces of monastics TI_PH4rUjY4-00003-00000827-00001052 monks or nuns whether living in TI_PH4rUjY4-00004-00001053-00001448 communities or alone Hermits a monastery TI_PH4rUjY4-00005-00001449-00001705 generally includes a place reserved for TI_PH4rUjY4-00006-00001707-00001970 prayer which may be a chapel church or TI_PH4rUjY4-00007-00001971-00002371 temple and may also serve as an oratory TI_PH4rUjY4-00008-00002372-00002643 monasteries vary greatly in size TI_PH4rUjY4-00009-00002644-00002849 comprising a small dwelling TI_PH4rUjY4-00010-00002850-00003098 accommodating only a hermit or in the TI_PH4rUjY4-00011-00003099-00003317 case of communities anything from a TI_PH4rUjY4-00012-00003318-00003586 single building housing only one senior TI_PH4rUjY4-00013-00003588-00003878 in two or three junior monks or nuns to TI_PH4rUjY4-00014-00003879-00004160 vast complexes in a state's housing tens TI_PH4rUjY4-00015-00004161-00004468 or hundreds a monastery complex TI_PH4rUjY4-00016-00004469-00004700 typically comprises a number of TI_PH4rUjY4-00017-00004701-00004895 buildings which include a church TI_PH4rUjY4-00018-00004896-00005252 dormitory cloister refectory library TI_PH4rUjY4-00019-00005253-00005627 boundary and infirmary depending on the TI_PH4rUjY4-00020-00005628-00005876 location the monastic order and the TI_PH4rUjY4-00021-00005877-00006095 occupation of its inhabitants the TI_PH4rUjY4-00022-00006096-00006388 complex may also include a wide range of TI_PH4rUjY4-00023-00006389-00006550 buildings that facilitate TI_PH4rUjY4-00024-00006551-00006773 self-sufficiency in service to the TI_PH4rUjY4-00025-00006773-00007133 community these may include a hospice a TI_PH4rUjY4-00026-00007134-00007400 school and a range of agricultural and TI_PH4rUjY4-00027-00007401-00007688 manufacturing buildings such as a barn a TI_PH4rUjY4-00028-00007689-00008146 forge or a brewery in English usage the TI_PH4rUjY4-00029-00008147-00008378 term monastery is generally used to TI_PH4rUjY4-00030-00008379-00008578 denote the buildings of a community of TI_PH4rUjY4-00031-00008579-00008989 monks in modern usage convent tends to TI_PH4rUjY4-00032-00008990-00009224 be applied only to institutions of TI_PH4rUjY4-00033-00009225-00009512 female monastics nuns particularly TI_PH4rUjY4-00034-00009513-00009734 communities of teaching or nursing TI_PH4rUjY4-00035-00009735-00010130 religious sisters historically a convent TI_PH4rUjY4-00036-00010131-00010391 denoted a house of friars reflecting the TI_PH4rUjY4-00037-00010392-00010720 Latin now more commonly called a friar e TI_PH4rUjY4-00038-00010721-00011024 various religions may apply these terms TI_PH4rUjY4-00039-00011025-00012189 in more specific ways topic etymology TI_PH4rUjY4-00040-00012190-00012354 the word TI_PH4rUjY4-00041-00012355-00012518 mr. e comes from the Greek word TI_PH4rUjY4-00042-00012519-00012759 ministerial newt of ministerios TI_PH4rUjY4-00043-00012760-00013085 ministerios from Mona Singh moaning to TI_PH4rUjY4-00044-00013086-00013409 live alone from the root Manos Manos TI_PH4rUjY4-00045-00013410-00013788 alone originally all Christian monks TI_PH4rUjY4-00046-00013788-00014193 were Hermits the suffix terian denotes TI_PH4rUjY4-00047-00014194-00014547 our place for doing something the TI_PH4rUjY4-00048-00014547-00014778 earliest extant use of the term min' TI_PH4rUjY4-00049-00014779-00015108 Asterion is by the 1st century AD Jewish TI_PH4rUjY4-00050-00015109-00015306 philosopher Philo in on the TI_PH4rUjY4-00051-00015307-00015888 contemplative life CH 3 in England the TI_PH4rUjY4-00052-00015888-00016146 word monastery was also applied to the TI_PH4rUjY4-00053-00016147-00016398 habitation of a bishop and the cathedral TI_PH4rUjY4-00054-00016399-00016611 clergy who lived apart from the lay TI_PH4rUjY4-00055-00016612-00016941 community most cathedrals were not TI_PH4rUjY4-00056-00016942-00017187 monasteries and were served by canon TI_PH4rUjY4-00057-00017188-00017418 secular which were communal but not TI_PH4rUjY4-00058-00017419-00017754 monastic however some were run by TI_PH4rUjY4-00059-00017755-00018146 monasteries orders such as York Minster TI_PH4rUjY4-00060-00018147-00018417 Westminster Abbey was for a short-timer TI_PH4rUjY4-00061-00018418-00018633 Cathedral and was a Benedictine TI_PH4rUjY4-00062-00018634-00018900 monastery until the Reformation and it's TI_PH4rUjY4-00063-00018901-00019097 chapter preserves elements of the TI_PH4rUjY4-00064-00019098-00019437 Benedictine tradition see the entry TI_PH4rUjY4-00065-00019438-00019659 Cathedral they are also to be TI_PH4rUjY4-00066-00019660-00019887 distinguished from collegiate churches TI_PH4rUjY4-00067-00019888-00020642 such as st. George's Chapel Windsor TI_PH4rUjY4-00068-00020643-00021366 topic terms in most of this article the TI_PH4rUjY4-00069-00021367-00021621 term monastery is used generically to TI_PH4rUjY4-00070-00021622-00021872 refer to any of a number of types of TI_PH4rUjY4-00071-00021873-00022169 religious community in the Roman TI_PH4rUjY4-00072-00022170-00022419 Catholic religion and to some extent in TI_PH4rUjY4-00073-00022420-00022656 certain branches of Buddhism there is a TI_PH4rUjY4-00074-00022657-00022917 somewhat more specific definition of the TI_PH4rUjY4-00075-00022918-00023297 term and many related terms Buddhist TI_PH4rUjY4-00076-00023298-00023529 monasteries are generally called vihara TI_PH4rUjY4-00077-00023530-00023937 pali language viharas may be occupied by TI_PH4rUjY4-00078-00023938-00024186 men or women and in keeping with common TI_PH4rUjY4-00079-00024187-00024471 english usage of the Hara populated by TI_PH4rUjY4-00080-00024472-00024744 females may often be called a nunnery or TI_PH4rUjY4-00081-00024745-00024863 a convent TI_PH4rUjY4-00082-00024864-00025197 however the Hara can also refer to a TI_PH4rUjY4-00083-00025198-00025524 temple in Tibetan Buddhism monasteries TI_PH4rUjY4-00084-00025525-00025725 are often called gompa TI_PH4rUjY4-00085-00025726-00026049 in Thailand Lao in Cambodia a monastery TI_PH4rUjY4-00086-00026050-00026463 is called a Wat in Burma a monastery is TI_PH4rUjY4-00087-00026464-00026838 called a Kong a Christian monastery TI_PH4rUjY4-00088-00026839-00027105 maybe an Abbey ie under the rule of an TI_PH4rUjY4-00089-00027106-00027357 abbot or a Priory under the rule of a TI_PH4rUjY4-00090-00027358-00027636 prior or conceivably a hermitage the TI_PH4rUjY4-00091-00027637-00027918 dwelling of a hermit it may be a TI_PH4rUjY4-00092-00027919-00028218 community of men monks or of women nuns TI_PH4rUjY4-00093-00028219-00028557 a charter house is any monastery TI_PH4rUjY4-00094-00028558-00028839 belonging to the Carthusian order in TI_PH4rUjY4-00095-00028839-00029100 Eastern Christianity a very small TI_PH4rUjY4-00096-00029101-00029327 monastic community can be called a TI_PH4rUjY4-00097-00029329-00029592 sketti and a very large or important TI_PH4rUjY4-00098-00029593-00029832 monastery can be given the dignity of a TI_PH4rUjY4-00099-00029833-00030186 Lavra the great communal life of a TI_PH4rUjY4-00100-00030187-00030450 Christian monastery is called sin abetik TI_PH4rUjY4-00101-00030451-00030717 as opposed to the anchor etic or anchor TI_PH4rUjY4-00102-00030718-00030927 it ik life of an anchorite and the TI_PH4rUjY4-00103-00030927-00031257 aromatic life of a hermit there has also TI_PH4rUjY4-00104-00031258-00031488 been mostly under the AHS manly TI_PH4rUjY4-00105-00031489-00031836 occupation of Greece and Cyprus an IDI TI_PH4rUjY4-00106-00031837-00032148 rhythmic lifestyle where monks come TI_PH4rUjY4-00107-00032149-00032367 together but being able to own things TI_PH4rUjY4-00108-00032368-00032601 individually and not being obliged to TI_PH4rUjY4-00109-00032602-00032946 work for the common good in Hinduism TI_PH4rUjY4-00110-00032947-00033222 monasteries are called matha Mandir TI_PH4rUjY4-00111-00033223-00033642 Coyle or most commonly in ashram Jane's TI_PH4rUjY4-00112-00033643-00034421 used the Buddhist term vihara topic TI_PH4rUjY4-00113-00034422-00035112 monastic life in most religions the life TI_PH4rUjY4-00114-00035113-00035325 inside monasteries is governed by TI_PH4rUjY4-00115-00035326-00035565 community rules that stipulate the TI_PH4rUjY4-00116-00035566-00035781 gender of the inhabitants and require TI_PH4rUjY4-00117-00035782-00036021 them to remain celibate and own little TI_PH4rUjY4-00118-00036022-00036348 or no personal property the degree to TI_PH4rUjY4-00119-00036349-00036636 which life inside a particular monastery TI_PH4rUjY4-00120-00036637-00036816 is socially separate from the TI_PH4rUjY4-00121-00036817-00037068 surrounding populace can also vary TI_PH4rUjY4-00122-00037069-00037359 widely some religious traditions mandate TI_PH4rUjY4-00123-00037360-00037632 isolation for purposes of contemplation TI_PH4rUjY4-00124-00037633-00037920 removed from the everyday world in which TI_PH4rUjY4-00125-00037921-00038106 case members of the monastic community TI_PH4rUjY4-00126-00038107-00038430 may spend most of their time isolated TI_PH4rUjY4-00127-00038431-00038748 even from each other others focus on TI_PH4rUjY4-00128-00038749-00038979 interacting with the local communities TI_PH4rUjY4-00129-00038980-00039109 to provide sir TI_PH4rUjY4-00130-00039110-00039400 offices such as teaching medical care or TI_PH4rUjY4-00131-00039401-00039805 evangelism some monastic communities are TI_PH4rUjY4-00132-00039806-00040087 only occupied seasonally depending both TI_PH4rUjY4-00133-00040088-00040309 on the traditions involved in the local TI_PH4rUjY4-00134-00040310-00040543 weather and people may be part of a TI_PH4rUjY4-00135-00040544-00040789 monastic community for periods ranging TI_PH4rUjY4-00136-00040790-00041083 from a few days at a time to almost an TI_PH4rUjY4-00137-00041084-00041329 entire lifetime the life within the TI_PH4rUjY4-00138-00041330-00041599 walls of a monastery may be supported in TI_PH4rUjY4-00139-00041600-00041863 several ways by manufacturing and TI_PH4rUjY4-00140-00041864-00042094 selling goods often agricultural TI_PH4rUjY4-00141-00042095-00042424 products by donations or arms by rental TI_PH4rUjY4-00142-00042425-00042691 or investment incomes and by funds from TI_PH4rUjY4-00143-00042692-00042952 other organizations within the religion TI_PH4rUjY4-00144-00042953-00043186 which in the past formed the traditional TI_PH4rUjY4-00145-00043187-00043510 support of monasteries there has been a TI_PH4rUjY4-00146-00043511-00043747 long tradition of Christian monasteries TI_PH4rUjY4-00147-00043748-00043996 providing hospitable charitable and TI_PH4rUjY4-00148-00043997-00044380 hospital services monasteries have often TI_PH4rUjY4-00149-00044381-00044599 been associated with the provision of TI_PH4rUjY4-00150-00044600-00044824 education and the encouragement of TI_PH4rUjY4-00151-00044825-00045061 scholarship and research which has led TI_PH4rUjY4-00152-00045062-00045265 to the establishment of schools and TI_PH4rUjY4-00153-00045266-00045481 colleges and the association with TI_PH4rUjY4-00154-00045482-00045871 universities Christian monastic life has TI_PH4rUjY4-00155-00045872-00046141 adapted to modern society by offering TI_PH4rUjY4-00156-00046142-00046417 computer services accounting services TI_PH4rUjY4-00157-00046418-00046600 and management as well as modern TI_PH4rUjY4-00158-00046601-00047400 hospital and educational administration TI_PH4rUjY4-00159-00047401-00048082 topic Buddhism Buddhist monasteries TI_PH4rUjY4-00160-00048083-00048373 known as fahara in Pali and Sanskrit TI_PH4rUjY4-00161-00048374-00048625 emerged sometime around the 4th century TI_PH4rUjY4-00162-00048626-00048979 BCE from the practice of Vasa a retreat TI_PH4rUjY4-00163-00048980-00049246 undertaken by Buddhist monastics during TI_PH4rUjY4-00164-00049247-00049582 the South Asian wet season to prevent TI_PH4rUjY4-00165-00049583-00049834 wandering monks and nuns from disturbing TI_PH4rUjY4-00166-00049835-00050098 new plant growth or becoming stranded in TI_PH4rUjY4-00167-00050099-00050299 inclement weather they were instructed TI_PH4rUjY4-00168-00050300-00050560 to remain in a fixed location for the TI_PH4rUjY4-00169-00050561-00050785 roughly 3 month period typically TI_PH4rUjY4-00170-00050786-00051187 beginning in mid-july these early fixed TI_PH4rUjY4-00171-00051188-00051448 Vasa retreats were held in pavilions and TI_PH4rUjY4-00172-00051449-00051661 parks that had been donated to the TI_PH4rUjY4-00173-00051662-00052017 Sangha by wealthy supporters over the TI_PH4rUjY4-00174-00052019-00052276 years the custom of staying on property TI_PH4rUjY4-00175-00052277-00052471 held in common by the Sangha TI_PH4rUjY4-00176-00052472-00052680 as a whole during the vasa retreat TI_PH4rUjY4-00177-00052681-00052960 evolved into sin abetik monasticism in TI_PH4rUjY4-00178-00052961-00053203 which monks and nuns resided year-round TI_PH4rUjY4-00179-00053204-00053599 in monasteries in India Buddhist TI_PH4rUjY4-00180-00053600-00053824 monasteries gradually developed into TI_PH4rUjY4-00181-00053825-00054079 centers of learning where philosophical TI_PH4rUjY4-00182-00054079-00054304 principles were developed and debated TI_PH4rUjY4-00183-00054304-00054565 this tradition is currently preserved by TI_PH4rUjY4-00184-00054566-00054782 monastic universities of Vajrayana TI_PH4rUjY4-00185-00054783-00055054 Buddhists as well as religious schools TI_PH4rUjY4-00186-00055054-00055317 and universities founded by religious TI_PH4rUjY4-00187-00055318-00055611 orders across the Buddhist world in TI_PH4rUjY4-00188-00055612-00055899 modern times living a settled life in a TI_PH4rUjY4-00189-00055900-00056118 monastery setting has become the most TI_PH4rUjY4-00190-00056119-00056365 common lifestyle for Buddhist monks and TI_PH4rUjY4-00191-00056366-00056588 nuns across the globe TI_PH4rUjY4-00192-00056589-00056884 whereas early monasteries are considered TI_PH4rUjY4-00193-00056885-00057061 to have been held in common by the TI_PH4rUjY4-00194-00057062-00057328 entire Sangha in later years this TI_PH4rUjY4-00195-00057329-00057541 tradition diverged in a number of TI_PH4rUjY4-00196-00057541-00057930 countries despite vinaya prohibitions on TI_PH4rUjY4-00197-00057931-00058153 possessing wealth many monasteries TI_PH4rUjY4-00198-00058154-00058419 became large landowners much like TI_PH4rUjY4-00199-00058420-00058679 monasteries in medieval Christian Europe TI_PH4rUjY4-00200-00058680-00059041 in Chinese Buddhism peasant families TI_PH4rUjY4-00201-00059041-00059299 worked monastic owned land in exchange TI_PH4rUjY4-00202-00059300-00059487 for paying a portion of their yearly TI_PH4rUjY4-00203-00059488-00059682 crop to the resident monks in the TI_PH4rUjY4-00204-00059683-00059943 monastery just as they would to a feudal TI_PH4rUjY4-00205-00059944-00060298 landlord in Sri Lanka and in Tibetan TI_PH4rUjY4-00206-00060299-00060541 Buddhism the ownership of a monastery TI_PH4rUjY4-00207-00060541-00060837 often became vested in a single monk who TI_PH4rUjY4-00208-00060838-00061032 would often keep the property within the TI_PH4rUjY4-00209-00061033-00061315 family by passing it on to a nephew who TI_PH4rUjY4-00210-00061316-00061696 ordained as a monk in Japan where civil TI_PH4rUjY4-00211-00061697-00061917 authorities permitted Buddhist monks to TI_PH4rUjY4-00212-00061918-00062140 marry being the head of a temple or TI_PH4rUjY4-00213-00062141-00062416 monastery sometimes became a hereditary TI_PH4rUjY4-00214-00062416-00062698 position passed from father to son over TI_PH4rUjY4-00215-00062699-00063148 many generations Forest monasteries most TI_PH4rUjY4-00216-00063149-00063346 commonly found in the Theravada TI_PH4rUjY4-00217-00063347-00063598 traditions of Southeast Asia and Sri TI_PH4rUjY4-00218-00063599-00063831 Lanka are monasteries dedicated TI_PH4rUjY4-00219-00063832-00064032 primarily to the study of Buddhist TI_PH4rUjY4-00220-00064033-00064293 meditation rather than scholarship or TI_PH4rUjY4-00221-00064294-00064678 ceremonial duties Forest monasteries TI_PH4rUjY4-00222-00064679-00064903 often function like early Christian TI_PH4rUjY4-00223-00064904-00065151 monasteries with small groups of monks TI_PH4rUjY4-00224-00065152-00065371 living an essentially hermit like life TI_PH4rUjY4-00225-00065372-00065592 gathered loosely around a respected TI_PH4rUjY4-00226-00065593-00065851 elder teacher while the TI_PH4rUjY4-00227-00065852-00066085 during lifestyle practiced by the Buddha TI_PH4rUjY4-00228-00066086-00066334 and his disciples continues to be the TI_PH4rUjY4-00229-00066335-00066598 ideal model for forest tradition monks TI_PH4rUjY4-00230-00066599-00066838 in Thailand and elsewhere practical TI_PH4rUjY4-00231-00066839-00067087 concerns including shrinking wilderness TI_PH4rUjY4-00232-00067088-00067378 areas lack of access to leh supporters TI_PH4rUjY4-00233-00067379-00067690 dangerous wildlife and dangerous border TI_PH4rUjY4-00234-00067691-00067900 conflicts dictate that increasing TI_PH4rUjY4-00235-00067901-00068266 numbers of meditation monks live in TI_PH4rUjY4-00236-00068267-00068580 monasteries rather than wandering TI_PH4rUjY4-00237-00068581-00068866 tibetan buddhist monasteries or gompa TI_PH4rUjY4-00238-00068867-00069127 says sometimes known as lama series and TI_PH4rUjY4-00239-00069128-00069388 the monks are sometimes mistakenly known TI_PH4rUjY4-00240-00069389-00069820 as lamas helena blavatsky Theosophical TI_PH4rUjY4-00241-00069821-00070111 society named its initial New York City TI_PH4rUjY4-00242-00070112-00070492 meeting place the lam Azuri some famous TI_PH4rUjY4-00243-00070493-00070870 Buddhist monasteries include dong Ling TI_PH4rUjY4-00244-00070871-00071499 temple jiangshi China jetavana shrawasti TI_PH4rUjY4-00245-00071500-00072063 Nalanda India Shaolin Monastery China TI_PH4rUjY4-00246-00072064-00072379 tengboche Nepal a further list of TI_PH4rUjY4-00247-00072380-00072610 Buddhist monasteries is available at the TI_PH4rUjY4-00248-00072611-00073656 list of Buddhist temples topic trends TI_PH4rUjY4-00249-00073657-00073939 some of the largest monasteries in the TI_PH4rUjY4-00250-00073940-00074260 world are Buddhist draping monastery in TI_PH4rUjY4-00251-00074261-00074557 Tibet housed around 10,000 monks prior TI_PH4rUjY4-00252-00074558-00074913 to the Chinese invasion today its TI_PH4rUjY4-00253-00074914-00075205 relocated monastery in India houses TI_PH4rUjY4-00254-00075206-00075806 around 8000 TI_PH4rUjY4-00255-00075807-00076382 topic Christianity TI_PH4rUjY4-00256-00076383-00076635 according to tradition Christian TI_PH4rUjY4-00257-00076636-00076920 monasticism began in Egypt with Anthony TI_PH4rUjY4-00258-00076921-00077295 the great originally all Christian monks TI_PH4rUjY4-00259-00077296-00077505 were Hermits seldom encountering other TI_PH4rUjY4-00260-00077506-00077754 people but because of the extreme TI_PH4rUjY4-00261-00077755-00078027 difficulty of the solitary life many TI_PH4rUjY4-00262-00078028-00078258 monks failed either returning to their TI_PH4rUjY4-00263-00078259-00078534 previous lives or becoming spiritually TI_PH4rUjY4-00264-00078535-00078885 deluded a transitional form of TI_PH4rUjY4-00265-00078886-00079185 monasticism was later created by saint TI_PH4rUjY4-00266-00079186-00079575 armand in which solitary monks lived TI_PH4rUjY4-00267-00079576-00079788 close enough to one another to offer TI_PH4rUjY4-00268-00079789-00080031 mutual support as well as gathering TI_PH4rUjY4-00269-00080032-00080363 together on Sundays for common services TI_PH4rUjY4-00270-00080364-00080712 it was purchased the great who developed TI_PH4rUjY4-00271-00080713-00080928 the idea of sin abetik monasticism TI_PH4rUjY4-00272-00080929-00081198 having renunciates lived together and TI_PH4rUjY4-00273-00081199-00081464 worship together under the same roof TI_PH4rUjY4-00274-00081465-00081750 summer tribute his mode of communal TI_PH4rUjY4-00275-00081751-00081960 living to the barracks of the Roman army TI_PH4rUjY4-00276-00081961-00082233 in which pachow meow served as a young TI_PH4rUjY4-00277-00082234-00082602 man soon the Egyptian desert blossomed TI_PH4rUjY4-00278-00082603-00082860 with monasteries especially around night TI_PH4rUjY4-00279-00082861-00083142 Trier wadi el Natron which was called TI_PH4rUjY4-00280-00083143-00083550 the holy city estimates are that upwards TI_PH4rUjY4-00281-00083551-00083841 of 50,000 monks lived in this area at TI_PH4rUjY4-00282-00083842-00083987 any one time TI_PH4rUjY4-00283-00083988-00084300 hermit ism never died out though but was TI_PH4rUjY4-00284-00084301-00084555 reserved only for those advanced monks TI_PH4rUjY4-00285-00084556-00084759 who had worked out their problems within TI_PH4rUjY4-00286-00084760-00085158 a sin abetik monastery the idea caught TI_PH4rUjY4-00287-00085159-00085557 on and other places followed upon his TI_PH4rUjY4-00288-00085558-00085781 return from the Council of serdika TI_PH4rUjY4-00289-00085782-00086100 Athanasius of Alexandria established the TI_PH4rUjY4-00290-00086101-00086331 first Christian monastery in Europe TI_PH4rUjY4-00291-00086332-00086709 circa 344 near modern-day chirpin in TI_PH4rUjY4-00292-00086710-00087093 bulgaria maher organ founded a monastery TI_PH4rUjY4-00293-00087094-00087371 on mount Easler above nause been in TI_PH4rUjY4-00294-00087372-00087786 mesopotamia approximately 350 and from TI_PH4rUjY4-00295-00087787-00088029 this monastery the sin abetik tradition TI_PH4rUjY4-00296-00088030-00088344 spread in Mesopotamia Persia Armenia TI_PH4rUjY4-00297-00088345-00088749 Georgia and even India and China Mar TI_PH4rUjY4-00298-00088750-00088931 Saba organized the TI_PH4rUjY4-00299-00088932-00089153 of the Judy and desert in a monastery TI_PH4rUjY4-00300-00089154-00089543 close to Bethlehem 483 and this is TI_PH4rUjY4-00301-00089544-00089756 considered the mother of all monasteries TI_PH4rUjY4-00302-00089757-00090138 of Eastern Orthodoxy Benedict of Nursia TI_PH4rUjY4-00303-00090139-00090446 founded the monastery of Monte Cassino TI_PH4rUjY4-00304-00090447-00090878 in Italy 529 which was the seed of Roman TI_PH4rUjY4-00305-00090879-00091148 Catholic monasticism in general and of TI_PH4rUjY4-00306-00091149-00091316 the Order of Saint Benedict in TI_PH4rUjY4-00307-00091317-00091712 particular the Carthusians were founded TI_PH4rUjY4-00308-00091713-00091916 by Bruno of Cologne at the grand TI_PH4rUjY4-00309-00091917-00092137 chartreuse from which the religious TI_PH4rUjY4-00310-00092138-00092396 order takes its name in the 11th century TI_PH4rUjY4-00311-00092397-00092684 as an aeromedical community and remains TI_PH4rUjY4-00312-00092685-00093029 the mother house of the order jerome and TI_PH4rUjY4-00313-00093030-00093287 paula of rome decided to go live a TI_PH4rUjY4-00314-00093288-00093556 hermits life in Bethlehem and founded TI_PH4rUjY4-00315-00093557-00093817 several monasteries in the Holy Land TI_PH4rUjY4-00316-00093818-00094174 this way of life inspired the foundation TI_PH4rUjY4-00317-00094175-00094373 of the high Ronna mites in Spain and TI_PH4rUjY4-00318-00094374-00094693 Portugal the monastery of santa maria TI_PH4rUjY4-00319-00094694-00094981 del parral in Segovia is the mother TI_PH4rUjY4-00320-00094982-00095771 house of the order topic Western TI_PH4rUjY4-00321-00095772-00096316 medieval Europe the life of TI_PH4rUjY4-00322-00096317-00096511 Aaron communal living was one of TI_PH4rUjY4-00323-00096512-00096810 rigorous schedules and self-sacrifice TI_PH4rUjY4-00324-00096811-00097081 prayer was their work and the office TI_PH4rUjY4-00325-00097082-00097321 prayers took up much of a monk's waking TI_PH4rUjY4-00326-00097322-00097699 hours Matins Lord's Prime terse daily TI_PH4rUjY4-00327-00097700-00098157 Mass sext nun Vespers and complain in TI_PH4rUjY4-00328-00098158-00098416 between prayers monks were allowed to TI_PH4rUjY4-00329-00098417-00098619 sit in the cloister and work on their TI_PH4rUjY4-00330-00098620-00098850 projects of writing copying or TI_PH4rUjY4-00331-00098851-00099156 decorating books these would have been TI_PH4rUjY4-00332-00099157-00099426 assigned based on a monk's abilities and TI_PH4rUjY4-00333-00099427-00099790 interests the non scholastic types were TI_PH4rUjY4-00334-00099791-00100024 assigned to physical labor of varying TI_PH4rUjY4-00335-00100025-00100411 degrees the main meal of the day took TI_PH4rUjY4-00336-00100412-00100662 place around noon often taken at a TI_PH4rUjY4-00337-00100663-00100915 refectory table and consisted of the TI_PH4rUjY4-00338-00100916-00101193 most simple and bland foods ie poached TI_PH4rUjY4-00339-00101194-00101518 fish boiled oats while they ate TI_PH4rUjY4-00340-00101519-00101749 scripture would be read from a pulpit TI_PH4rUjY4-00341-00101750-00102067 above them since no other words were TI_PH4rUjY4-00342-00102068-00102281 allowed to be spoken monks developed TI_PH4rUjY4-00343-00102282-00102633 communicative gestures Abbot's and TI_PH4rUjY4-00344-00102634-00102826 notable guests were honored with the TI_PH4rUjY4-00345-00102827-00103065 seat at the high table while everyone TI_PH4rUjY4-00346-00103066-00103288 else sat perpendicular to that in the TI_PH4rUjY4-00347-00103289-00103608 order of seniority this practice TI_PH4rUjY4-00348-00103609-00103829 remained when some monasteries became TI_PH4rUjY4-00349-00103830-00104055 universities after the first millennium TI_PH4rUjY4-00350-00104056-00104304 and can still be seen at Oxford TI_PH4rUjY4-00351-00104305-00104676 University in Cambridge University TI_PH4rUjY4-00352-00104677-00104950 monasteries were important contributors TI_PH4rUjY4-00353-00104951-00105202 to the surrounding community they were TI_PH4rUjY4-00354-00105203-00105453 centres of intellectual progression and TI_PH4rUjY4-00355-00105454-00105799 education they welcomed aspiring priests TI_PH4rUjY4-00356-00105800-00106033 to come study and learn allowing them TI_PH4rUjY4-00357-00106033-00106260 even to challenge doctrine in dialog TI_PH4rUjY4-00358-00106261-00106608 with superiors the earliest forms of TI_PH4rUjY4-00359-00106609-00106866 musical notation are attributed to a TI_PH4rUjY4-00360-00106867-00107122 monk named not kur of sin gall and was TI_PH4rUjY4-00361-00107123-00107365 spread to musicians throughout Europe by TI_PH4rUjY4-00362-00107366-00107640 way of the interconnected monasteries TI_PH4rUjY4-00363-00107641-00107953 since monasteries offered respite for TI_PH4rUjY4-00364-00107954-00108181 weary pilgrim travelers monks were TI_PH4rUjY4-00365-00108182-00108384 obligated also to care for their TI_PH4rUjY4-00366-00108385-00108740 injuries or emotional needs over time TI_PH4rUjY4-00367-00108741-00109045 laypeople started to make pilgrimages to TI_PH4rUjY4-00368-00109046-00109300 monasteries instead of just using them TI_PH4rUjY4-00369-00109301-00109702 as a stopover by this time they had size TI_PH4rUjY4-00370-00109703-00109911 double libraries that attracted learned TI_PH4rUjY4-00371-00109913-00110305 tourists families would donate a son in TI_PH4rUjY4-00372-00110306-00110599 return for blessings during the plagues TI_PH4rUjY4-00373-00110600-00110833 monks helped to till the fields and TI_PH4rUjY4-00374-00110833-00111196 provide food for the sick a warming TI_PH4rUjY4-00375-00111197-00111427 house is a common part of a medieval TI_PH4rUjY4-00376-00111428-00111636 monastery where monks went to warm TI_PH4rUjY4-00377-00111638-00112008 themselves it was often the only room in TI_PH4rUjY4-00378-00112009-00112803 the monastery where a fire was lit topic TI_PH4rUjY4-00379-00112804-00113422 Catholic a number of distinct monastic TI_PH4rUjY4-00380-00113423-00113608 orders developed within Roman TI_PH4rUjY4-00381-00113608-00114159 Catholicism Kem orderlies monks canons TI_PH4rUjY4-00382-00114160-00114384 regular of the Order of the Holy Cross TI_PH4rUjY4-00383-00114385-00114660 priests and brothers all of whom lived TI_PH4rUjY4-00384-00114661-00114868 together like monks according to the TI_PH4rUjY4-00385-00114869-00115282 rule of st. Augustin Carmelite Hermits TI_PH4rUjY4-00386-00115283-00115489 and Carmelite nuns from the ancient TI_PH4rUjY4-00387-00115490-00115851 observance and Discalced branch TI_PH4rUjY4-00388-00115852-00116104 Cistercian order with monks and nuns TI_PH4rUjY4-00389-00116105-00116361 both of the original observance and of TI_PH4rUjY4-00390-00116363-00116740 the Trappist reformed monks and sisters TI_PH4rUjY4-00391-00116741-00117148 of bethlehem order of minims founded by TI_PH4rUjY4-00392-00117149-00117520 st. Francis of Paola order of Saint TI_PH4rUjY4-00393-00117521-00117778 Benedict known as the Benedictine monks TI_PH4rUjY4-00394-00117779-00118027 and nuns founded by son benedict with TI_PH4rUjY4-00395-00118028-00118342 sin Scholastica stresses manual labor in TI_PH4rUjY4-00396-00118343-00118581 a self-subsistent monasteries TI_PH4rUjY4-00397-00118582-00119089 see also cluniac reforms order of st. TI_PH4rUjY4-00398-00119090-00119332 clair best known as the Poor Clares of TI_PH4rUjY4-00399-00119333-00119707 all the observances order of saint TI_PH4rUjY4-00400-00119708-00119992 jerome inspired by Sint Jerome Anson TI_PH4rUjY4-00401-00119993-00120202 Paulo known as the higher honor might TI_PH4rUjY4-00402-00120203-00120580 monks and nuns order of st. Paul the TI_PH4rUjY4-00403-00120581-00120799 first hermit known as the Pauline TI_PH4rUjY4-00404-00120800-00121189 father's order of the Annunciation of TI_PH4rUjY4-00405-00121190-00121351 the Blessed Virgin Mary TI_PH4rUjY4-00406-00121352-00121543 also known as sisters of the TI_PH4rUjY4-00407-00121544-00121828 Annunciation or Anna Chad's founded by TI_PH4rUjY4-00408-00121829-00122167 Sant Joan of France order of the TI_PH4rUjY4-00409-00122168-00122419 Carthusians a her medical religious TI_PH4rUjY4-00410-00122420-00122754 order founded by sant bruno of cologne TI_PH4rUjY4-00411-00122755-00123032 order of the immaculate conception TI_PH4rUjY4-00412-00123033-00123266 also known as the conceptionist s-- TI_PH4rUjY4-00413-00123267-00123668 founded by Sint Beatrice of silver order TI_PH4rUjY4-00414-00123669-00123961 of the most holy Annunciation also known TI_PH4rUjY4-00415-00123963-00124258 as Turchi nuns or blue nuns founded by TI_PH4rUjY4-00416-00124259-00124765 BL Maria vitória de for nuri strata TI_PH4rUjY4-00417-00124766-00125096 order of the most holy Savior known as TI_PH4rUjY4-00418-00125097-00125351 Bridget II nuns and monks founded by TI_PH4rUjY4-00419-00125352-00125699 Sint Brigid of Sweden order of the TI_PH4rUjY4-00420-00125700-00125969 visitation of Holy Mary known as the TI_PH4rUjY4-00421-00125970-00126223 visit indeed nuns founded by st. Francis TI_PH4rUjY4-00422-00126224-00126539 DeSales and Saint Jane Francis free TI_PH4rUjY4-00423-00126540-00127064 Meyer at de Chantal passionates premon TI_PH4rUjY4-00424-00127065-00127474 straitens Ian canons the white canons TI_PH4rUjY4-00425-00127475-00127924 tearin' NZ and monks the grey monks TI_PH4rUjY4-00426-00127925-00128348 valise collie and monks while in English TI_PH4rUjY4-00427-00128349-00128618 most mendicant orders use the monastic TI_PH4rUjY4-00428-00128619-00128870 terms of monastery or Priory in the TI_PH4rUjY4-00429-00128871-00129116 Latin languages the term used by the TI_PH4rUjY4-00430-00129117-00129383 Friars for their houses is convent from TI_PH4rUjY4-00431-00129383-00129671 the Latin convent as' eg Italian TI_PH4rUjY4-00432-00129672-00129967 convento or French covent meaning TI_PH4rUjY4-00433-00129968-00130379 gathering place the Franciscans rarely TI_PH4rUjY4-00434-00130380-00130751 use the term monastery at present TI_PH4rUjY4-00435-00130752-00131548 preferring to call their house a friary TI_PH4rUjY4-00436-00131549-00132227 topic Orthodox in the Eastern Orthodox TI_PH4rUjY4-00437-00132228-00132530 Church an Eastern Catholic Church both TI_PH4rUjY4-00438-00132531-00132731 monks and nuns follow a similar TI_PH4rUjY4-00439-00132732-00132947 aesthetic discipline and even their TI_PH4rUjY4-00440-00132948-00133190 religious habit is the same though nuns TI_PH4rUjY4-00441-00133191-00133522 wear an extra veil called the Apostolic TI_PH4rUjY4-00442-00133523-00133880 unlike Roman Catholic monasticism the TI_PH4rUjY4-00443-00133881-00134126 Orthodox do not have separate religious TI_PH4rUjY4-00444-00134127-00134363 orders but a single monastic form TI_PH4rUjY4-00445-00134364-00134741 throughout the Orthodox Church monastics TI_PH4rUjY4-00446-00134742-00135020 male or female live away from the world TI_PH4rUjY4-00447-00135021-00135331 in order to pray for the world TI_PH4rUjY4-00448-00135332-00135599 monasteries vary from the very large to TI_PH4rUjY4-00449-00135600-00135902 the very small there are three types of TI_PH4rUjY4-00450-00135903-00136258 monastic houses in the Orthodox Church a TI_PH4rUjY4-00451-00136259-00136376 sin TI_PH4rUjY4-00452-00136377-00136643 beum is a monastic community where monks TI_PH4rUjY4-00453-00136644-00136883 live together work together and pray TI_PH4rUjY4-00454-00136884-00137117 together following the directions of an TI_PH4rUjY4-00455-00137118-00137456 abbot and the elder monks the concept of TI_PH4rUjY4-00456-00137457-00137687 the sin abetik life is that when many TI_PH4rUjY4-00457-00137688-00137954 men or women live together in a monastic TI_PH4rUjY4-00458-00137955-00138206 context like rocks with sharp edges TI_PH4rUjY4-00459-00138207-00138626 their sharpness becomes worn away and TI_PH4rUjY4-00460-00138627-00138847 they become smooth and polished the TI_PH4rUjY4-00461-00138848-00139112 largest monasteries can hold many TI_PH4rUjY4-00462-00139113-00139298 thousands of monks and are called TI_PH4rUjY4-00463-00139299-00139643 laverra's in the synovium the daily TI_PH4rUjY4-00464-00139644-00139865 office work and meals are all done in TI_PH4rUjY4-00465-00139866-00140135 common a sketti TI_PH4rUjY4-00466-00140136-00140396 is a small monastic establishment that TI_PH4rUjY4-00467-00140397-00140654 usually consists of one elder and two or TI_PH4rUjY4-00468-00140655-00140999 three disciples in the sketti most TI_PH4rUjY4-00469-00141000-00141191 prayer and work are done in private TI_PH4rUjY4-00470-00141192-00141467 coming together on Sundays and feast TI_PH4rUjY4-00471-00141468-00141860 days thus sketti life has elements of TI_PH4rUjY4-00472-00141861-00142112 both solitude and community and for this TI_PH4rUjY4-00473-00142113-00142586 reason is called the middle way a hermit TI_PH4rUjY4-00474-00142587-00142856 is a monk who practices asceticism but TI_PH4rUjY4-00475-00142857-00143069 lives in solitude rather than in a TI_PH4rUjY4-00476-00143070-00143303 monastic community one of the great TI_PH4rUjY4-00477-00143304-00143600 centers of orthodox monasticism is Mount TI_PH4rUjY4-00478-00143601-00143840 Athos in Greece which like the Vatican TI_PH4rUjY4-00479-00143841-00144257 State is self-governing it is located on TI_PH4rUjY4-00480-00144258-00144578 an isolated Peninsula approximately 20 TI_PH4rUjY4-00481-00144579-00144937 miles 32 kilometers long and five miles TI_PH4rUjY4-00482-00144938-00145265 8.0 kilometers wide and is administered TI_PH4rUjY4-00483-00145266-00145661 by the heads of the 20 monasteries today TI_PH4rUjY4-00484-00145662-00145916 the population of the holy mountain is TI_PH4rUjY4-00485-00145917-00146267 around 2,200 men only and can only be TI_PH4rUjY4-00486-00146268-00146492 visited by men with special permission TI_PH4rUjY4-00487-00146493-00146768 granted by both the Greek government and TI_PH4rUjY4-00488-00146769-00146960 the government of the holy mountain TI_PH4rUjY4-00489-00146961-00148184 itself topic oriental Orthodox the TI_PH4rUjY4-00490-00148185-00148484 Oriental Orthodox churches distinguished TI_PH4rUjY4-00491-00148485-00148778 by their miaphysite beliefs consist of TI_PH4rUjY4-00492-00148779-00149054 the Armenian Apostolic Church Coptic TI_PH4rUjY4-00493-00149055-00149306 Orthodox Church of Alexandria whose TI_PH4rUjY4-00494-00149307-00149546 patriarch is considered first among TI_PH4rUjY4-00495-00149547-00149771 equals 4 the following churches TI_PH4rUjY4-00496-00149772-00150043 Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church TI_PH4rUjY4-00497-00150044-00150404 Eritrean Orthodox to wear a doge Indian TI_PH4rUjY4-00498-00150405-00150629 Orthodox Church and Syriac Orthodox TI_PH4rUjY4-00499-00150630-00151037 Church of Antioch the now extinct Church TI_PH4rUjY4-00500-00151038-00151325 of Caucasian Albania also fell under TI_PH4rUjY4-00501-00151326-00151649 this group the monasteries of st. TI_PH4rUjY4-00502-00151650-00151940 Macarius Dara boom Acharya and st. TI_PH4rUjY4-00503-00151941-00152258 Anthony DMR antonio's are the oldest TI_PH4rUjY4-00504-00152259-00152471 monasteries in the world and under the TI_PH4rUjY4-00505-00152472-00152714 patronage of the patriarch of the Coptic TI_PH4rUjY4-00506-00152715-00153905 Orthodox Church topic others the last TI_PH4rUjY4-00507-00153906-00154181 year's of the 18th century marked in the TI_PH4rUjY4-00508-00154182-00154367 Christian Church the beginnings of TI_PH4rUjY4-00509-00154368-00154628 growth of monasticism among Protestant TI_PH4rUjY4-00510-00154629-00154937 denominations the centre of this TI_PH4rUjY4-00511-00154938-00155183 movement was in the United States and TI_PH4rUjY4-00512-00155184-00155405 Canada beginning with the shaker Church TI_PH4rUjY4-00513-00155406-00155630 which was founded in England and then TI_PH4rUjY4-00514-00155631-00155957 moved to the United States in the TI_PH4rUjY4-00515-00155958-00156161 nineteenth century many of these TI_PH4rUjY4-00516-00156162-00156413 monastic societies were founded as TI_PH4rUjY4-00517-00156414-00156641 utopian communities based on the TI_PH4rUjY4-00518-00156642-00157046 monastic model in many cases aside from TI_PH4rUjY4-00519-00157047-00157277 the shakers there were the amana the TI_PH4rUjY4-00520-00157278-00157655 anabaptists and others many did allow TI_PH4rUjY4-00521-00157656-00157889 marriage but most had a policy of TI_PH4rUjY4-00522-00157890-00158126 celibacy and communal life in which TI_PH4rUjY4-00523-00158127-00158381 members shared all things communally and TI_PH4rUjY4-00524-00158382-00158795 disavowed personal ownership in the 19th TI_PH4rUjY4-00525-00158796-00159086 century monasticism was revived in the TI_PH4rUjY4-00526-00159087-00159281 Church of England leading to the TI_PH4rUjY4-00527-00159282-00159539 foundation of such institutions as the TI_PH4rUjY4-00528-00159540-00159764 house of the resurrection Muirfield TI_PH4rUjY4-00529-00159765-00160040 community of the resurrection Nash dome TI_PH4rUjY4-00530-00160041-00160373 a B Benedictine cleve Priory community TI_PH4rUjY4-00531-00160374-00160592 of the glorious ascension and your TI_PH4rUjY4-00532-00160593-00160915 monastery Cistercian Benedictine orders TI_PH4rUjY4-00533-00160916-00161162 franciscan orders and the orders of the TI_PH4rUjY4-00534-00161163-00161485 Holy Cross Order of Saint Helena other TI_PH4rUjY4-00535-00161486-00161792 Protestant Christian denominations also TI_PH4rUjY4-00536-00161793-00162044 engage in monasticism particularly TI_PH4rUjY4-00537-00162045-00162313 Lutheran's in Europe and North America TI_PH4rUjY4-00538-00162314-00162650 for example the Benedictine Order of the TI_PH4rUjY4-00539-00162651-00162920 Holy Cross at Saint Augustine's house in TI_PH4rUjY4-00540-00162921-00163051 Michigan is a Luther TI_PH4rUjY4-00541-00163052-00163261 an order of monks and there are Lutheran TI_PH4rUjY4-00542-00163262-00163480 religious communities in Sweden and TI_PH4rUjY4-00543-00163481-00163912 Germany in the 1960s experimental TI_PH4rUjY4-00544-00163913-00164128 monastic groups were formed in which TI_PH4rUjY4-00545-00164129-00164350 both men and women were members of the TI_PH4rUjY4-00546-00164351-00164593 same house and also were permitted to be TI_PH4rUjY4-00547-00164594-00164761 married and have children TI_PH4rUjY4-00548-00164762-00165546 these were operated on a communal form TI_PH4rUjY4-00549-00165547-00166189 topic trends there is a growing TI_PH4rUjY4-00550-00166190-00166474 Christian neo monasticism particularly TI_PH4rUjY4-00551-00166475-00167331 among evangelical Christians topic TI_PH4rUjY4-00552-00167332-00168742 Hinduism topic advaita vedanta from the TI_PH4rUjY4-00553-00168743-00168952 times of the vedas people following TI_PH4rUjY4-00554-00168953-00169219 monastic ways of life have existed in TI_PH4rUjY4-00555-00169220-00169561 the Indian subcontinent in what is now TI_PH4rUjY4-00556-00169562-00169699 called Hinduism TI_PH4rUjY4-00557-00169700-00169954 monks have existed for a long time and TI_PH4rUjY4-00558-00169955-00170185 with them their respective monasteries TI_PH4rUjY4-00559-00170186-00170545 called mathas important among them are TI_PH4rUjY4-00560-00170546-00170785 the Chitauri M Naya math is established TI_PH4rUjY4-00561-00170786-00171052 by Adi Shankara which formed the nodal TI_PH4rUjY4-00562-00171053-00171253 centers of under whose guidance the TI_PH4rUjY4-00563-00171254-00171481 ancient order of Advait and monks were TI_PH4rUjY4-00564-00171482-00171709 reorganized under 10 names of the TI_PH4rUjY4-00565-00171710-00172626 dashing ami sampradaya ramakrishna math TI_PH4rUjY4-00566-00172627-00173368 topic srevice Nava ramanuja heralded a TI_PH4rUjY4-00567-00173369-00173611 new era in the world of Hinduism by TI_PH4rUjY4-00568-00173612-00173845 reviving the lost faith in it and gave a TI_PH4rUjY4-00569-00173846-00174112 firm doctrinal basis to the vashisht TI_PH4rUjY4-00570-00174113-00174328 Advaita philosophy which had existed TI_PH4rUjY4-00571-00174329-00174718 since time immemorial he ensured the TI_PH4rUjY4-00572-00174719-00174952 establishment of a number of masses of TI_PH4rUjY4-00573-00174953-00175177 his srevice never Creed at different TI_PH4rUjY4-00574-00175178-00175633 important centers of pilgrimage eMAR TI_PH4rUjY4-00575-00175634-00176038 Mathur at puri sri ranga narayana TI_PH4rUjY4-00576-00176039-00176435 geometers sri rangam Thirumalai TI_PH4rUjY4-00577-00176436-00176720 pedda Jenga mutter to a party later on TI_PH4rUjY4-00578-00176721-00177004 other famous srevice neva theologians TI_PH4rUjY4-00579-00177005-00177260 and religious heads established various TI_PH4rUjY4-00580-00177261-00177787 important methods such as vanamali mud TI_PH4rUjY4-00581-00177788-00178664 perikala mud a hoe Bella mud topic TI_PH4rUjY4-00582-00178665-00179336 nimbarka Vaishnava nimbarka Sempra dire TI_PH4rUjY4-00583-00179337-00179624 of nimbarka chharia is popular in North TI_PH4rUjY4-00584-00179625-00179888 West and East India and has several TI_PH4rUjY4-00585-00179889-00180386 important matters nimbarka Chari IP that TI_PH4rUjY4-00586-00180387-00180869 Salem Abed Rajasthan Cathy Ababa cast TI_PH4rUjY4-00587-00180870-00181331 our net for in devon-uk HRA Mahanta TI_PH4rUjY4-00588-00181332-00181728 asheville at UK HRA in West Bengal TI_PH4rUjY4-00589-00181729-00182415 powerin embarked on a stream at how our TI_PH4rUjY4-00590-00182416-00183119 topic debate of Vedanta ash timotha TI_PH4rUjY4-00591-00183120-00183389 eight monasteries of Udupi were founded TI_PH4rUjY4-00592-00183390-00183671 by mad virtue area mad watch area ad TI_PH4rUjY4-00593-00183672-00184952 waiver philosopher topic Sufism Islam TI_PH4rUjY4-00594-00184953-00185210 discourages monasticism which is TI_PH4rUjY4-00595-00185211-00185557 referred to in the kuranes and invention TI_PH4rUjY4-00596-00185558-00186050 however the term sufi is applied to TI_PH4rUjY4-00597-00186051-00186281 muslim mystics who as a means of TI_PH4rUjY4-00598-00186282-00186518 achieving union with allah adopted TI_PH4rUjY4-00599-00186519-00186764 ascetic practices including wearing a TI_PH4rUjY4-00600-00186765-00187087 garment made of coarse wool called SF TI_PH4rUjY4-00601-00187088-00187745 the term Sufism comes from SF meaning TI_PH4rUjY4-00602-00187746-00188165 the person who wears SF but in the TI_PH4rUjY4-00603-00188166-00188404 course of time Sufi has come to TI_PH4rUjY4-00604-00188405-00188663 designate all Muslim believers in mystic TI_PH4rUjY4-00605-00188664-00188939 Union in the roots of Sufi philosophy TI_PH4rUjY4-00606-00188940-00189185 there are influences of neo-platonist TI_PH4rUjY4-00607-00189186-00189500 and other philosophies many of the TI_PH4rUjY4-00608-00189501-00189773 practices of Orthodox Christian Hermits TI_PH4rUjY4-00609-00189774-00189986 and desert dwellers were imitated in TI_PH4rUjY4-00610-00189987-00190204 sufism growth in the center of the TI_PH4rUjY4-00611-00190205-00190409 former Christian lands of the Middle TI_PH4rUjY4-00612-00190410-00190787 East ascetic practices within the Sufi TI_PH4rUjY4-00613-00190788-00191051 philosophy were also associated with TI_PH4rUjY4-00614-00191052-00191323 Buddhism the notion of purification TI_PH4rUjY4-00615-00191324-00191618 cleaning one soul from all evil things TI_PH4rUjY4-00616-00191619-00191837 and trying to reach nirvana and to TI_PH4rUjY4-00617-00191838-00192074 become immortal in Nirvana plays an TI_PH4rUjY4-00618-00192075-00192440 important role in Buddhism the same idea TI_PH4rUjY4-00619-00192441-00192766 shows itself in the belief of fern our TI_PH4rUjY4-00620-00192767-00193295 union with God in Sufi philosophy equals TI_PH4rUjY4-00621-00193296-00193628 equals see also TIeKAXDjTdA-00000-00000104-00000716 hey Andy here - wanna remind you to TIeKAXDjTdA-00001-00000717-00000989 never give up on yourself never stop TIeKAXDjTdA-00002-00000990-00001235 believing yourself love yourself or no TIeKAXDjTdA-00003-00001236-00001528 one else will take care of yourself TIeKAXDjTdA-00004-00001529-00001757 help yourself well above all above all TIeKAXDjTdA-00005-00001757-00001973 help others give without expecting TIeKAXDjTdA-00006-00001973-00002275 anything in return and they reduced a TIeKAXDjTdA-00007-00002276-00002534 humidity that in your beauty in your TIeKAXDjTdA-00008-00002535-00002879 beauty shines through all souls alright TIeKAXDjTdA-00009-00002880-00003436 so today I'm gonna go freestyle your TIeKAXDjTdA-00010-00003438-00003617 speed from the soul that you wanna do it TIeKAXDjTdA-00011-00003618-00004029 a technical term I guess TIeKAXDjTdA-00012-00004030-00004385 just lets this to wear this let's begin TIeKAXDjTdA-00013-00004386-00004541 with a warm-up okay I don't really need TIeKAXDjTdA-00014-00004542-00004927 it but other for the sake of the purpose TIeKAXDjTdA-00015-00004928-00005258 of this video oh my the zoo let's say TIeKAXDjTdA-00016-00005259-00005372 your favorite snacks okay TIeKAXDjTdA-00017-00005373-00006115 can the hockey sword a lot of got me TIeKAXDjTdA-00018-00006116-00007327 bloated showers candy dandy Mandy Oh a TIeKAXDjTdA-00019-00007328-00007826 Mandy I know but I Sergio I am being TIeKAXDjTdA-00020-00007827-00008123 serious but the point is that I'm gonna TIeKAXDjTdA-00021-00008123-00008282 do the free stuff now so it's back to TIeKAXDjTdA-00022-00008283-00008432 somewhere just between your emotions TIeKAXDjTdA-00023-00008433-00008735 from your soul from what's within don't TIeKAXDjTdA-00024-00008736-00009014 think act TIeKAXDjTdA-00025-00009015-00009680 don't act feel the firmness the norm is TIeKAXDjTdA-00026-00009681-00010096 the way no way is the way and I've been TIeKAXDjTdA-00027-00010097-00010391 every life itself alright so here we go TIeKAXDjTdA-00028-00010392-00010903 work out this freestyle leaving yourself TIeKAXDjTdA-00029-00010904-00011273 or no one else well okay look in my eyes TIeKAXDjTdA-00030-00011274-00011710 you see the suffering never ending pay TIeKAXDjTdA-00031-00011711-00012503 God once again and again free yourself TIeKAXDjTdA-00032-00012504-00013001 from saying look with him for the answer TIeKAXDjTdA-00033-00013002-00013205 is already giving TIeKAXDjTdA-00034-00013206-00014236 I you know what I was walking today man TIeKAXDjTdA-00035-00014237-00014837 when my friend was a cowardly to face do TIeKAXDjTdA-00036-00014838-00015222 it for the convenience just like all my TIeKAXDjTdA-00037-00015222-00015558 fate can be yes I'm la they tell me cut TIeKAXDjTdA-00038-00015559-00015812 your hair shave off your beard TIeKAXDjTdA-00039-00015813-00016067 I said I'm big on jaws you mean not TIeKAXDjTdA-00040-00016068-00016583 yourself a question why are you so MVS TIeKAXDjTdA-00041-00016584-00016897 so insecure though yourself TIeKAXDjTdA-00042-00016898-00017436 that's a cure you're no one to judge TIeKAXDjTdA-00043-00017437-00018186 you're not God anyway let me say so TIeKAXDjTdA-00044-00018187-00018600 other satyrs you're going to a place of TIeKAXDjTdA-00045-00018601-00019155 eternal suffering you deserve it TIeKAXDjTdA-00046-00019156-00019400 I've been there like a million times TIeKAXDjTdA-00047-00019401-00019889 from the journey within whether I TIeKAXDjTdA-00048-00019890-00020346 deserve it or not the Sun the boss was TIeKAXDjTdA-00049-00020347-00020783 really up there is attrition be like on TIeKAXDjTdA-00050-00020784-00021224 the world your mind is always in this TIeKAXDjTdA-00051-00021225-00021764 world but I've suffered measured I can't TIeKAXDjTdA-00052-00021765-00022103 complain I'm grateful I'll do it over TIeKAXDjTdA-00053-00022104-00022683 again so yeah thank you TIeKAXDjTdA-00054-00022684-00023036 remember never stop believing yourself TIeKAXDjTdA-00055-00023037-00023258 believing in yourself loving yourself TIeKAXDjTdA-00056-00023259-00023408 with no one else will TIeKAXDjTdA-00057-00023409-00023853 don't ever doubt yourself stay humble be TIeKAXDjTdA-00058-00023854-00024008 grateful for what you have TIeKAXDjTdA-00059-00024009-00024189 don't be grateful for what you want TIeKAXDjTdA-00060-00024190-00024414 don't we look for towards what you want TIeKAXDjTdA-00061-00024415-00024758 you remember what you have to never lose TIeKAXDjTdA-00062-00024759-00025214 like humidity and give without expecting TIeKAXDjTdA-00063-00025215-00025592 anything in return so I love you and TIeKAXDjTdA-00064-00025593-00026087 thank you and there your service you TIeKAXDjTdA-00065-00026088-00026498 ever need anything TIeKAXDjTdA-00066-00026499-00026870 you'll see me up either diem through TIeKAXDjTdA-00067-00026870-00027155 well YouTube or Instagram TIeKAXDjTdA-00068-00027156-00027557 I believe my my sacrum is formless fo RM TIeKAXDjTdA-00069-00027558-00028019 LDS s9 3 I come from that and the link TIeKAXDjTdA-00070-00028020-00028307 below not the link but uh my next video TIeKAXDjTdA-00071-00028308-00028777 and yeah thank you TL1a9M58w_E-00000-00000000-00000586 oh hey I'm mr. Oh here with another TL1a9M58w_E-00001-00000587-00000883 moment at the Children's Museum in TL1a9M58w_E-00002-00000884-00001172 Houston Wow today we're exploring the TL1a9M58w_E-00003-00001173-00001358 gears table now how does it work exhibit TL1a9M58w_E-00004-00001359-00001560 at the Children's Museum in Houston TL1a9M58w_E-00005-00001561-00001882 gives a type of simple machine basically TL1a9M58w_E-00006-00001884-00002273 wheels with teeth the gear transforms TL1a9M58w_E-00007-00002274-00002525 when teeth interlock like here one gear TL1a9M58w_E-00008-00002526-00002792 turns another gear each gear train has TL1a9M58w_E-00009-00002793-00003080 two parts a driver year that's the one TL1a9M58w_E-00010-00003081-00003361 that you turn and a follower gear that's TL1a9M58w_E-00011-00003363-00003692 the year the gets time in one kind of TL1a9M58w_E-00012-00003693-00003977 gear train a large gear turns a smaller TL1a9M58w_E-00013-00003978-00004397 gear this is called gearing up a gear up TL1a9M58w_E-00014-00004398-00004622 train is the sort of system you seen TL1a9M58w_E-00015-00004623-00004901 bicycles when you turn the larger gear TL1a9M58w_E-00016-00004902-00005191 the smaller gear turns very quickly TL1a9M58w_E-00017-00005192-00005486 right in a gear up chain the follower TL1a9M58w_E-00018-00005487-00005713 gear turns faster so you get more speed TL1a9M58w_E-00019-00005714-00005945 but like all simple machines there is a TL1a9M58w_E-00020-00005946-00006184 trade-off less force is produced by the TL1a9M58w_E-00021-00006185-00006500 gears in exchange for the extra speed in TL1a9M58w_E-00022-00006501-00006721 another kind of gear train a small gear TL1a9M58w_E-00023-00006722-00006898 turns a larger gear this is called TL1a9M58w_E-00024-00006900-00007171 gearing down a gear down train is the TL1a9M58w_E-00025-00007172-00007378 sort of system you see in amusement park TL1a9M58w_E-00026-00007379-00007592 rides like a carousel when you turn the TL1a9M58w_E-00027-00007593-00007820 smaller gear the larger gear turns very TL1a9M58w_E-00028-00007820-00008149 slowly correct in a gear down train the TL1a9M58w_E-00029-00008150-00008348 follower gear turned slower so you get TL1a9M58w_E-00030-00008349-00008591 less speed the trade-off in this case is TL1a9M58w_E-00031-00008592-00008801 more force is produced even though it TL1a9M58w_E-00032-00008802-00009083 has less speed let me show it to you a TL1a9M58w_E-00033-00009084-00009167 different way TL1a9M58w_E-00034-00009168-00009478 before we begin remember science is fun TL1a9M58w_E-00035-00009479-00009683 but it can also be dangerous so always TL1a9M58w_E-00036-00009684-00009892 have a responsible adult helping you TL1a9M58w_E-00037-00009893-00010099 we're going to be testing gear trains TL1a9M58w_E-00038-00010100-00010373 that gear up and down we're using Lego TL1a9M58w_E-00039-00010374-00010567 gears you can also buy gears at hobby TL1a9M58w_E-00040-00010568-00010784 shops hardware stores or on the Internet TL1a9M58w_E-00041-00010785-00011014 we've built a housing to hold the gears TL1a9M58w_E-00042-00011015-00011203 the gears can be switched out pretty TL1a9M58w_E-00043-00011204-00011392 easily with just some minor changes to TL1a9M58w_E-00044-00011393-00011599 the axle position the two strings TL1a9M58w_E-00045-00011600-00011788 hanging down allow us to visually see TL1a9M58w_E-00046-00011789-00012026 how fast each axle turns well the way TL1a9M58w_E-00047-00012027-00012224 that each end of the follower allows us TL1a9M58w_E-00048-00012225-00012395 to feel how much effort is needed with TL1a9M58w_E-00049-00012396-00012631 each type of gear for our first gear TL1a9M58w_E-00050-00012632-00012955 train we're going to gear up this large TL1a9M58w_E-00051-00012956-00013250 gear will turn the smaller gear check it TL1a9M58w_E-00052-00013251-00013346 out the TL1a9M58w_E-00053-00013347-00013535 with the smaller gear how's Wanda all TL1a9M58w_E-00054-00013536-00013727 the string but the axle with the larger TL1a9M58w_E-00055-00013728-00013961 gear still has lots of string left let's TL1a9M58w_E-00056-00013962-00014591 do a gear down look again the smaller TL1a9M58w_E-00057-00014591-00014788 gear has rounded all the string well the TL1a9M58w_E-00058-00014790-00014957 Lord gave still has lots of string left TL1a9M58w_E-00059-00014958-00015254 yeah but it was a lot easier to lift TL1a9M58w_E-00060-00015255-00015458 this one up than it was in the gear up TL1a9M58w_E-00061-00015459-00015734 test but look at these gears I wonder TL1a9M58w_E-00062-00015735-00015875 what would happen if we changed out the TL1a9M58w_E-00063-00015876-00016085 gears sounds like something to try at TL1a9M58w_E-00064-00016086-00016412 home or maybe another episode oh this TL1a9M58w_E-00065-00016413-00016706 has been another oh wow moment from the TL1a9M58w_E-00066-00016707-00016883 Children's Museum of Houston we hope TL1a9M58w_E-00067-00016884-00016973 your mind TL1a9M58w_E-00068-00016974-00018352 can come out to play TL1a9M58w_E-00069-00018353-00018559 you TLOIl1D6EgQ-00000-00000024-00001512 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00001-00001513-00003794 [Applause] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00002-00003795-00006618 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00003-00006619-00006872 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00004-00006873-00006983 [Applause] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00008-00021482-00023312 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00009-00023313-00023983 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00010-00023984-00024081 you TLOIl1D6EgQ-00011-00024082-00025575 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00012-00025576-00026094 why are you keeping me TLOIl1D6EgQ-00013-00026095-00027399 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00014-00027400-00028104 why are you keeping me TLOIl1D6EgQ-00015-00028105-00029593 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00016-00029594-00029660 [Applause] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00019-00038758-00038843 [Applause] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00020-00038844-00040015 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00021-00040016-00040140 do TLOIl1D6EgQ-00022-00040141-00041311 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00023-00041312-00041578 do TLOIl1D6EgQ-00024-00041579-00042774 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00025-00042775-00042911 do TLOIl1D6EgQ-00026-00042912-00044158 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00027-00044159-00044445 do TLOIl1D6EgQ-00028-00044446-00044964 [Applause] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00029-00044965-00045574 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00030-00045575-00046671 do TLOIl1D6EgQ-00031-00046672-00049081 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00032-00049082-00050935 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00033-00050936-00051309 so TLOIl1D6EgQ-00034-00051310-00052454 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00035-00052455-00052888 so TLOIl1D6EgQ-00037-00060628-00061038 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00038-00061039-00061490 do TLOIl1D6EgQ-00039-00061491-00063142 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00040-00063144-00063638 [Applause] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00041-00063639-00063898 so TLOIl1D6EgQ-00042-00063899-00063979 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00043-00063980-00064095 [Applause] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00044-00064096-00064950 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00045-00064951-00065270 do TLOIl1D6EgQ-00046-00065271-00067858 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00047-00067859-00069162 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00048-00069163-00069367 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00049-00069368-00069897 so TLOIl1D6EgQ-00050-00069898-00072846 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00051-00072847-00073364 [Applause] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00052-00073365-00075774 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00053-00075775-00076335 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00054-00076336-00076653 so TLOIl1D6EgQ-00055-00076654-00077426 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00056-00077427-00078694 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00057-00078695-00078983 so TLOIl1D6EgQ-00058-00078984-00080841 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00059-00080842-00082463 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00062-00100418-00101778 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00063-00101779-00103301 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00064-00103302-00104621 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00065-00104622-00107425 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00066-00107426-00110218 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00067-00110219-00111223 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00068-00111224-00111951 oh TLOIl1D6EgQ-00069-00111952-00113110 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00070-00113111-00113344 do TLOIl1D6EgQ-00072-00116747-00118032 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00073-00118033-00120071 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00074-00120072-00120208 so TLOIl1D6EgQ-00075-00120208-00120871 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00076-00120872-00121090 so TLOIl1D6EgQ-00077-00121091-00122502 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00078-00122503-00122616 so TLOIl1D6EgQ-00079-00122617-00123658 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00080-00123658-00125279 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00081-00125280-00126423 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00082-00126424-00126527 so TLOIl1D6EgQ-00083-00126528-00127348 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00084-00127349-00128819 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00085-00128820-00130472 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00086-00130473-00131243 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00087-00131244-00133648 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00088-00133649-00135964 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00089-00135965-00136884 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00090-00136885-00137790 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00091-00137791-00138372 so TLOIl1D6EgQ-00092-00138373-00139207 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00093-00139208-00140543 there we go TLOIl1D6EgQ-00094-00140544-00141831 everyone TLOIl1D6EgQ-00095-00141832-00141996 so TLOIl1D6EgQ-00096-00141997-00143454 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00097-00143455-00143829 do TLOIl1D6EgQ-00098-00143830-00144421 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00099-00144422-00145029 [Applause] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00100-00145030-00145961 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00101-00145962-00146399 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00102-00146400-00147663 so TLOIl1D6EgQ-00103-00147664-00148605 so TLOIl1D6EgQ-00104-00148606-00150999 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00105-00151000-00151735 do TLOIl1D6EgQ-00106-00151736-00151966 so TLOIl1D6EgQ-00107-00151967-00153287 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00108-00153288-00153699 so TLOIl1D6EgQ-00109-00153700-00154502 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00110-00154503-00155199 so TLOIl1D6EgQ-00111-00155200-00157054 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00112-00157055-00158181 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00113-00158182-00160366 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00114-00160367-00160586 do TLOIl1D6EgQ-00116-00175019-00175454 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00117-00175455-00175904 so TLOIl1D6EgQ-00118-00175905-00178575 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00119-00178576-00178794 do TLOIl1D6EgQ-00120-00178795-00179684 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00121-00179685-00181238 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00122-00181239-00181535 do TLOIl1D6EgQ-00123-00181536-00182551 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00124-00182552-00182777 do TLOIl1D6EgQ-00125-00182778-00183256 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00126-00183257-00183926 [Applause] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00127-00183927-00184173 do TLOIl1D6EgQ-00128-00184174-00185564 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00129-00185565-00186536 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00130-00186537-00186795 [Applause] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00131-00186796-00187755 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00132-00187756-00189464 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00133-00189465-00190638 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00134-00190639-00191063 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00135-00191064-00191348 so TLOIl1D6EgQ-00136-00191349-00192399 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00137-00192400-00192683 so TLOIl1D6EgQ-00138-00192684-00195254 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00139-00195255-00195460 so TLOIl1D6EgQ-00141-00199464-00199628 so TLOIl1D6EgQ-00142-00199629-00200935 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00143-00200936-00201407 so TLOIl1D6EgQ-00144-00201408-00202135 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00145-00202136-00202614 so TLOIl1D6EgQ-00146-00202615-00203695 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00147-00203696-00203849 so TLOIl1D6EgQ-00149-00207119-00207375 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00150-00207376-00208414 foreign TLOIl1D6EgQ-00151-00208415-00209055 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00152-00209056-00209319 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00153-00209319-00209677 so TLOIl1D6EgQ-00154-00209678-00210623 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00155-00210623-00213617 so TLOIl1D6EgQ-00156-00213619-00215063 [Applause] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00157-00215064-00215763 so TLOIl1D6EgQ-00158-00215764-00216233 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00159-00216234-00217615 [Applause] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00160-00217616-00218788 so TLOIl1D6EgQ-00161-00218789-00218902 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00162-00218903-00219617 [Applause] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00163-00219619-00220821 [Applause] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00164-00220821-00220936 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00165-00220937-00221573 [Applause] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00166-00221573-00222392 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00167-00222392-00224948 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00168-00224950-00227133 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00169-00227134-00227598 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00170-00227600-00228727 so TLOIl1D6EgQ-00171-00228728-00229716 so TLOIl1D6EgQ-00172-00229717-00232308 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00173-00232309-00233080 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00174-00233081-00233781 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00175-00233782-00234296 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00176-00234296-00235375 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00177-00235376-00235423 foreign TLOIl1D6EgQ-00178-00235423-00237256 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00179-00237257-00237353 [Applause] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00180-00237354-00238085 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00181-00238086-00240591 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00182-00240592-00240759 do TLOIl1D6EgQ-00183-00240760-00242598 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00184-00242600-00242981 so TLOIl1D6EgQ-00185-00242982-00244471 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00186-00244471-00244723 do TLOIl1D6EgQ-00187-00244725-00246919 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00188-00246919-00247111 do TLOIl1D6EgQ-00189-00247112-00249794 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00191-00254248-00254553 do TLOIl1D6EgQ-00196-00274583-00274778 you TLOIl1D6EgQ-00198-00278321-00280206 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00199-00280207-00282087 foreign TLOIl1D6EgQ-00200-00282088-00282292 so TLOIl1D6EgQ-00202-00293670-00295982 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00203-00295983-00296093 so TLOIl1D6EgQ-00204-00296094-00297423 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00205-00297424-00297645 so TLOIl1D6EgQ-00207-00304352-00304586 so TLOIl1D6EgQ-00209-00307759-00307894 me TLOIl1D6EgQ-00210-00307895-00309272 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00211-00309273-00309822 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00212-00309823-00312543 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00213-00312544-00312791 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00214-00312792-00312908 so TLOIl1D6EgQ-00216-00317601-00319345 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00217-00319346-00321167 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00218-00321168-00321455 so TLOIl1D6EgQ-00219-00321456-00322710 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00221-00326061-00326991 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00222-00326992-00327195 do TLOIl1D6EgQ-00223-00327196-00329830 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00224-00329831-00330458 do TLOIl1D6EgQ-00225-00330459-00332206 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00226-00332207-00332381 so TLOIl1D6EgQ-00227-00332382-00334328 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00228-00334329-00335070 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00229-00335071-00335377 [Applause] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00230-00335378-00336324 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00231-00336325-00337194 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00232-00337195-00338920 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00233-00338921-00339887 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00234-00339888-00340347 [Applause] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00235-00340348-00340493 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00236-00340494-00340595 [Applause] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00237-00340596-00341674 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00238-00341675-00341828 [Applause] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00239-00341829-00342982 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00240-00342983-00344733 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00241-00344734-00345809 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00242-00345810-00345964 [Applause] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00243-00345965-00346551 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00244-00346552-00346993 so TLOIl1D6EgQ-00245-00346994-00347951 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00246-00347952-00349868 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00247-00349869-00350175 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00248-00350176-00350247 foreign TLOIl1D6EgQ-00249-00350248-00350956 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00250-00350957-00352092 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00251-00352093-00353791 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00252-00353792-00354426 [Applause] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00253-00354427-00354919 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00254-00354920-00355790 so TLOIl1D6EgQ-00255-00355791-00356274 [Applause] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00256-00356275-00357054 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00257-00357055-00358578 foreign TLOIl1D6EgQ-00258-00358579-00361128 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00259-00361129-00361799 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00260-00361800-00362078 so TLOIl1D6EgQ-00261-00362079-00362412 [Applause] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00262-00362413-00363176 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00263-00363177-00363610 [Applause] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00265-00367752-00368351 so TLOIl1D6EgQ-00266-00368352-00368921 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00267-00368922-00370362 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00268-00370363-00371083 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00270-00374723-00376851 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00271-00376852-00378833 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00272-00378834-00380570 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00273-00380571-00382654 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00274-00382655-00383534 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00275-00383535-00383737 do TLOIl1D6EgQ-00276-00383738-00384458 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00277-00384459-00384658 [Applause] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00278-00384659-00385639 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00279-00385640-00385827 do TLOIl1D6EgQ-00280-00385828-00387023 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00281-00387024-00387159 do TLOIl1D6EgQ-00283-00392759-00393066 do TLOIl1D6EgQ-00284-00393067-00394151 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00285-00394152-00394401 do TLOIl1D6EgQ-00286-00394402-00395944 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00287-00395945-00396257 [Applause] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00288-00396258-00397820 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00289-00397821-00399678 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00290-00399679-00400016 do TLOIl1D6EgQ-00291-00400017-00401175 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00292-00401176-00401520 do TLOIl1D6EgQ-00293-00401521-00401746 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00294-00401747-00402164 [Applause] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00295-00402165-00402630 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00296-00402631-00403311 do TLOIl1D6EgQ-00297-00403312-00403910 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00298-00403911-00404137 do TLOIl1D6EgQ-00301-00412097-00412183 [Applause] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00302-00412184-00413743 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00303-00413743-00413932 do TLOIl1D6EgQ-00305-00417785-00418014 [Applause] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00306-00418015-00418304 do TLOIl1D6EgQ-00307-00418305-00419182 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00308-00419183-00420010 so TLOIl1D6EgQ-00310-00423071-00423226 um TLOIl1D6EgQ-00312-00427488-00427784 so TLOIl1D6EgQ-00314-00432247-00432381 do TLOIl1D6EgQ-00315-00432382-00433343 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00316-00433343-00433925 do TLOIl1D6EgQ-00318-00437415-00437731 so TLOIl1D6EgQ-00321-00450304-00450750 do TLOIl1D6EgQ-00322-00450751-00451200 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00323-00451201-00451310 [Applause] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00325-00456188-00458710 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00326-00458712-00459043 do TLOIl1D6EgQ-00327-00459045-00459918 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00328-00459919-00460625 so TLOIl1D6EgQ-00329-00460626-00462951 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00330-00462952-00463204 do TLOIl1D6EgQ-00331-00463205-00464318 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00332-00464319-00464478 do TLOIl1D6EgQ-00334-00468639-00469614 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00335-00469615-00470037 so TLOIl1D6EgQ-00336-00470038-00471430 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00338-00486543-00486746 so TLOIl1D6EgQ-00339-00486747-00487559 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00340-00487560-00490132 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00341-00490133-00490687 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00342-00490688-00490922 do TLOIl1D6EgQ-00343-00490922-00491487 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00344-00491488-00492199 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00345-00492200-00492488 do TLOIl1D6EgQ-00346-00492489-00494616 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00347-00494617-00496925 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00348-00496926-00497439 [Applause] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00349-00497439-00497827 so TLOIl1D6EgQ-00351-00502301-00503439 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00352-00503439-00503801 so TLOIl1D6EgQ-00353-00503802-00504495 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00354-00504496-00504800 so TLOIl1D6EgQ-00356-00508539-00509514 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00357-00509514-00509742 [Applause] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00358-00509743-00511216 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00359-00511217-00511538 [Applause] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00362-00524096-00524424 so TLOIl1D6EgQ-00363-00524425-00525503 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00364-00525504-00526639 so TLOIl1D6EgQ-00365-00526640-00527135 um TLOIl1D6EgQ-00366-00527136-00527261 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00367-00527262-00528439 [Applause] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00368-00528440-00528597 so TLOIl1D6EgQ-00370-00531856-00531988 do TLOIl1D6EgQ-00372-00535406-00536862 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00373-00536863-00537423 do TLOIl1D6EgQ-00374-00537424-00538175 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00375-00538176-00538393 so TLOIl1D6EgQ-00376-00538394-00539246 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00377-00539247-00540090 [Applause] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00378-00540091-00540687 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00379-00540688-00541140 so TLOIl1D6EgQ-00381-00548063-00548296 so TLOIl1D6EgQ-00382-00548297-00549391 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00383-00549392-00549839 so TLOIl1D6EgQ-00386-00560592-00560782 so TLOIl1D6EgQ-00387-00560783-00563447 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00388-00563448-00563724 so TLOIl1D6EgQ-00389-00563725-00564800 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00390-00564801-00564951 [Applause] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00391-00564952-00565378 do TLOIl1D6EgQ-00393-00570567-00570809 do TLOIl1D6EgQ-00394-00570810-00573431 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00395-00573432-00573595 so TLOIl1D6EgQ-00397-00577376-00577481 so TLOIl1D6EgQ-00398-00577482-00578670 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00399-00578671-00579018 so TLOIl1D6EgQ-00401-00583008-00583207 so TLOIl1D6EgQ-00403-00590295-00590333 [Laughter] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00404-00590334-00592680 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00405-00592681-00593382 [Laughter] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00406-00593383-00595955 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00410-00613119-00613929 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00411-00613930-00616436 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00412-00616437-00618839 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00413-00618840-00620752 um TLOIl1D6EgQ-00414-00620753-00622295 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00415-00622296-00622717 do TLOIl1D6EgQ-00416-00622718-00623566 [Music] TLOIl1D6EgQ-00417-00623567-00624226 so TLOIl1D6EgQ-00419-00632448-00632656 you TN-a-DIEJhk-00000-00000031-00000278 some Marxists deposit what they deemed TN-a-DIEJhk-00001-00000279-00000463 to be Karl Marx's theory of human nature TN-a-DIEJhk-00002-00000465-00000665 which they Accord an important place in TN-a-DIEJhk-00003-00000666-00000836 his critique of capitalism his TN-a-DIEJhk-00004-00000836-00001007 conception of communism and his TN-a-DIEJhk-00005-00001008-00001303 materialist conception of history Marx TN-a-DIEJhk-00006-00001304-00001507 however does not refer to human nature TN-a-DIEJhk-00007-00001508-00001723 as such but to Gatins worsen which is TN-a-DIEJhk-00008-00001725-00001942 generally translated as species being or TN-a-DIEJhk-00009-00001943-00002249 species essence according to a note from TN-a-DIEJhk-00010-00002250-00002542 Marx in the manuscripts of 1844 the term TN-a-DIEJhk-00011-00002543-00002681 is derived from Ludwig Feuerbach TN-a-DIEJhk-00012-00002682-00002912 philosophy in which it refers both to TN-a-DIEJhk-00013-00002913-00003125 the nature of each human and of humanity TN-a-DIEJhk-00014-00003126-00003170 as a whole TN-a-DIEJhk-00015-00003171-00003420 however in the six theses on Feuerbach TN-a-DIEJhk-00016-00003421-00003713 1845 Marx criticizes the traditional TN-a-DIEJhk-00017-00003714-00003929 conception of human nature as a species TN-a-DIEJhk-00018-00003929-00004081 which incarnates itself in each TN-a-DIEJhk-00019-00004082-00004261 individual instead arguing that the TN-a-DIEJhk-00020-00004262-00004466 conception of human nature is formed by TN-a-DIEJhk-00021-00004467-00004760 the totality of social relations thus TN-a-DIEJhk-00022-00004761-00004934 the whole of human nature is not TN-a-DIEJhk-00023-00004935-00005131 understood as in classical idealist TN-a-DIEJhk-00024-00005132-00005302 philosophy as permanent and universal TN-a-DIEJhk-00025-00005303-00005558 the species being is always determined TN-a-DIEJhk-00026-00005559-00005709 in a specific social and historical TN-a-DIEJhk-00027-00005710-00005920 formation with some aspects being TN-a-DIEJhk-00028-00005921-00006748 biological topic the sixth thesis on TN-a-DIEJhk-00029-00006750-00006992 Feuerbach and the determination of human TN-a-DIEJhk-00030-00006993-00007655 nature by social relations the sixth of TN-a-DIEJhk-00031-00007656-00007931 the theses on Feuerbach written in 1845 TN-a-DIEJhk-00032-00007931-00008167 provided an early discussion by marx of TN-a-DIEJhk-00033-00008168-00008512 the concept of human nature it states TN-a-DIEJhk-00034-00008513-00008726 Feuerbach resolves the essence of TN-a-DIEJhk-00035-00008727-00008885 religion into the essence of man TN-a-DIEJhk-00036-00008886-00009121 mentally she's Wesen equals human nature TN-a-DIEJhk-00037-00009122-00009410 but the essence of man is no abstraction TN-a-DIEJhk-00038-00009411-00009662 inherent in each single individual in TN-a-DIEJhk-00039-00009663-00009908 reality it is the ensemble of the social TN-a-DIEJhk-00040-00009909-00009971 relations TN-a-DIEJhk-00041-00009972-00010199 feuerbach who does not enter upon a TN-a-DIEJhk-00042-00010200-00010391 criticism of this real essence is hence TN-a-DIEJhk-00043-00010392-00010735 obliged one to abstract from the TN-a-DIEJhk-00044-00010736-00010928 historical process and to define the TN-a-DIEJhk-00045-00010929-00011113 religious sentiment regarded by itself TN-a-DIEJhk-00046-00011114-00011408 and to presuppose an abstract isolated TN-a-DIEJhk-00047-00011409-00011723 human individual to the essence TN-a-DIEJhk-00048-00011724-00011924 therefore can by him only be regarded as TN-a-DIEJhk-00049-00011925-00012142 species as an inner damp generality TN-a-DIEJhk-00050-00012143-00012367 which unites many individuals only in a TN-a-DIEJhk-00051-00012368-00012466 natural way TN-a-DIEJhk-00052-00012467-00012734 thus marx appears to say that human TN-a-DIEJhk-00053-00012735-00012919 nature is no more than what is made by TN-a-DIEJhk-00054-00012920-00013211 that social relations norman gerace's TN-a-DIEJhk-00055-00013212-00013394 marx and human nature 90 TN-a-DIEJhk-00056-00013394-00013616 eighty-three however offers an argument TN-a-DIEJhk-00057-00013616-00013904 against this position in outline ghiras TN-a-DIEJhk-00058-00013905-00014090 shows that while the social relations TN-a-DIEJhk-00059-00014091-00014249 are held to determine the nature of TN-a-DIEJhk-00060-00014250-00014411 people they are not the only such TN-a-DIEJhk-00061-00014412-00014666 determinant however Marx makes TN-a-DIEJhk-00062-00014666-00014863 statements where he specifically refers TN-a-DIEJhk-00063-00014865-00015038 to a human nature which is more than TN-a-DIEJhk-00064-00015038-00015227 what is conditioned by the circumstances TN-a-DIEJhk-00065-00015228-00015512 of one's life in capital in a footnote TN-a-DIEJhk-00066-00015513-00015752 critiquing utilitarianism he says that TN-a-DIEJhk-00067-00015753-00015953 utilitarians must reckon with human TN-a-DIEJhk-00068-00015954-00016133 nature in general and then with human TN-a-DIEJhk-00069-00016134-00016333 nature is modified in each historical TN-a-DIEJhk-00070-00016334-00016592 epoch Marx is arguing against an TN-a-DIEJhk-00071-00016593-00016757 abstract conception of human nature TN-a-DIEJhk-00072-00016758-00016958 offering instead an account rooted in TN-a-DIEJhk-00073-00016959-00017267 sensuous life while he is quite explicit TN-a-DIEJhk-00074-00017268-00017471 that a s individuals express their life TN-a-DIEJhk-00075-00017472-00017750 so they are hence what individuals that TN-a-DIEJhk-00076-00017751-00017936 depends on the material conditions of TN-a-DIEJhk-00077-00017937-00018119 their production he also believes that TN-a-DIEJhk-00078-00018120-00018314 human nature will condition against the TN-a-DIEJhk-00079-00018315-00018494 background of the productive forces and TN-a-DIEJhk-00080-00018495-00018680 Relations of production the way in which TN-a-DIEJhk-00081-00018681-00018968 individuals express their life history TN-a-DIEJhk-00082-00018969-00019178 involves a continuous transformation of TN-a-DIEJhk-00083-00019179-00019355 human nature though this does not mean TN-a-DIEJhk-00084-00019356-00019547 that every aspect of human nature is TN-a-DIEJhk-00085-00019548-00019747 wholly variable what is transformed need TN-a-DIEJhk-00086-00019748-00020036 not be wholly transformed Marx did TN-a-DIEJhk-00087-00020037-00020258 criticise the tendency to transform into TN-a-DIEJhk-00088-00020259-00020489 eternal laws of nature and of reason the TN-a-DIEJhk-00089-00020490-00020680 social forms springing from your present TN-a-DIEJhk-00090-00020681-00020862 mode of production and form of property TN-a-DIEJhk-00091-00020863-00021109 for this reason he would likely have TN-a-DIEJhk-00092-00021110-00021302 wanted to criticize certain aspects of TN-a-DIEJhk-00093-00021303-00021456 some accounts of human nature TN-a-DIEJhk-00094-00021457-00021730 some people believe for example that TN-a-DIEJhk-00095-00021731-00021941 humans are naturally selfish Immanuel TN-a-DIEJhk-00096-00021942-00022217 Kant and Thomas Hobbes for example both TN-a-DIEJhk-00097-00022218-00022372 Hobbes and Kant thought that it was TN-a-DIEJhk-00098-00022373-00022559 necessary to constrain our human nature TN-a-DIEJhk-00099-00022560-00022778 in order to achieve a good Society TN-a-DIEJhk-00100-00022779-00022958 Kant thought we should use rationality TN-a-DIEJhk-00101-00022959-00023125 Hobbes thought we should use the force TN-a-DIEJhk-00102-00023126-00023321 of the state Marx as we shall see TN-a-DIEJhk-00103-00023322-00023506 thought that the good Society was one TN-a-DIEJhk-00104-00023507-00023690 which allows our human nature its full TN-a-DIEJhk-00105-00023691-00023905 expression most Marxists will argue that TN-a-DIEJhk-00106-00023906-00024119 this view is an ideological illusion and TN-a-DIEJhk-00107-00024120-00024305 the effect of commodity fetishism the TN-a-DIEJhk-00108-00024306-00024503 fact that people act selfishly is held TN-a-DIEJhk-00109-00024504-00024655 to be a product of scarcity and TN-a-DIEJhk-00110-00024656-00024842 capitalism not an immutable human TN-a-DIEJhk-00111-00024843-00025108 characteristic for confirmation of this TN-a-DIEJhk-00112-00025109-00025319 view we can see how in the Holy Family TN-a-DIEJhk-00113-00025320-00025528 Marx argues that capitalists are not TN-a-DIEJhk-00114-00025529-00025714 motivated by any essential viciousness TN-a-DIEJhk-00115-00025716-00025889 but by the drive toward the bare TN-a-DIEJhk-00116-00025889-00026200 semblance of a human existence Marx says TN-a-DIEJhk-00117-00026201-00026360 semblance because he believes that TN-a-DIEJhk-00118-00026361-00026545 capitalists err is alienated from their TN-a-DIEJhk-00119-00026547-00026738 human nature under capitalism as the TN-a-DIEJhk-00120-00026739-00026773 parole TN-a-DIEJhk-00121-00026774-00026974 even though their basic needs are better TN-a-DIEJhk-00122-00026975-00028221 met topic needs and drives in the 1844 TN-a-DIEJhk-00123-00028222-00028555 manuscripts the young Marx wrote man is TN-a-DIEJhk-00124-00028556-00028845 directly a natural being as a natural TN-a-DIEJhk-00125-00028847-00029040 being and as a living natural being he TN-a-DIEJhk-00126-00029041-00029224 is on the one hand endowed with natural TN-a-DIEJhk-00127-00029225-00029452 powers vital powers he is an active TN-a-DIEJhk-00128-00029452-00029533 natural being TN-a-DIEJhk-00129-00029533-00029805 these forces exist in him as tendencies TN-a-DIEJhk-00130-00029806-00030087 and abilities as instincts on the other TN-a-DIEJhk-00131-00030088-00030343 hand as a natural corporeal sense to a TN-a-DIEJhk-00132-00030344-00030498 subjective being he is a suffering TN-a-DIEJhk-00133-00030499-00030724 conditioned and limited creature like TN-a-DIEJhk-00134-00030725-00030999 animals and plants that is to say the TN-a-DIEJhk-00135-00031000-00031177 objects of his instincts exist outside TN-a-DIEJhk-00136-00031177-00031405 him as objects independent of him yet TN-a-DIEJhk-00137-00031406-00031576 these objects are objects that he needs TN-a-DIEJhk-00138-00031577-00031807 essential objects indispensable to the TN-a-DIEJhk-00139-00031808-00031999 manifestation and confirmation of his TN-a-DIEJhk-00140-00032000-00032320 essential powers in the grundrisse Marx TN-a-DIEJhk-00141-00032320-00032530 says his nature is a totality of needs TN-a-DIEJhk-00142-00032531-00032839 and drives in the German ideology he TN-a-DIEJhk-00143-00032840-00033018 uses the formulation their needs TN-a-DIEJhk-00144-00033019-00033304 consequently their nature we can see TN-a-DIEJhk-00145-00033305-00033505 then that from Marx's early writing to TN-a-DIEJhk-00146-00033506-00033699 his later work he conceives of human TN-a-DIEJhk-00147-00033700-00033921 nature as composed of tendencies drives TN-a-DIEJhk-00148-00033922-00034189 essential powers and instincts to act in TN-a-DIEJhk-00149-00034190-00034377 order to satisfy needs for external TN-a-DIEJhk-00150-00034378-00034662 objectives for Marx then an explanation TN-a-DIEJhk-00151-00034663-00034902 of human nature is an explanation of the TN-a-DIEJhk-00152-00034903-00035064 needs of humans together with the TN-a-DIEJhk-00153-00035065-00035230 assertion that they will act to fulfill TN-a-DIEJhk-00154-00035231-00035562 those needs see F the German ideology TN-a-DIEJhk-00155-00035563-00035860 Chapter three Norman garre's gives a TN-a-DIEJhk-00156-00035861-00036052 schedule of some of the needs which Marx TN-a-DIEJhk-00157-00036053-00036406 says a characteristic of humans not for TN-a-DIEJhk-00158-00036407-00036639 other human beings for sexual relations TN-a-DIEJhk-00159-00036640-00036931 for food water clothing shelter rest and TN-a-DIEJhk-00160-00036932-00037129 more generally for circumstances that TN-a-DIEJhk-00161-00037130-00037270 are conducive to health rather than TN-a-DIEJhk-00162-00037271-00037708 disease there is another one the need of TN-a-DIEJhk-00163-00037709-00037879 people for a breadth and diversity of TN-a-DIEJhk-00164-00037880-00038035 pursuit and hence of personal TN-a-DIEJhk-00165-00038036-00038257 development as Marx himself expresses TN-a-DIEJhk-00166-00038258-00038461 these all-round activity all-round TN-a-DIEJhk-00167-00038462-00038635 development of individuals free TN-a-DIEJhk-00168-00038636-00038833 development of individuals the means of TN-a-DIEJhk-00169-00038834-00039007 cultivating one's gifts in all TN-a-DIEJhk-00170-00039008-00039349 directions and so on Marx says it is TN-a-DIEJhk-00171-00039350-00039487 true that eating drinking and TN-a-DIEJhk-00172-00039488-00039871 procreating etc are genuine TN-a-DIEJhk-00173-00039872-00040189 human functions however when abstracted TN-a-DIEJhk-00174-00040190-00040402 from other aspects of human activity and TN-a-DIEJhk-00175-00040403-00040601 turned into final and exclusive ends TN-a-DIEJhk-00176-00040602-00041383 they are animal topic productive TN-a-DIEJhk-00177-00041384-00041602 activity the objects of humans and TN-a-DIEJhk-00178-00041603-00042598 actualization topic humans as free TN-a-DIEJhk-00179-00042599-00043195 purposive producers in several passages TN-a-DIEJhk-00180-00043196-00043382 throughout his work mark shows how he TN-a-DIEJhk-00181-00043383-00043558 believes humans to be essentially TN-a-DIEJhk-00182-00043559-00043823 different from other animals men can be TN-a-DIEJhk-00183-00043824-00043961 distinguished from animals by TN-a-DIEJhk-00184-00043962-00044140 consciousness by religion or anything TN-a-DIEJhk-00185-00044141-00044413 else you like they themselves begin to TN-a-DIEJhk-00186-00044414-00044593 distinguish themselves from animals as TN-a-DIEJhk-00187-00044594-00044755 soon as they begin to produce their TN-a-DIEJhk-00188-00044756-00044951 means of subsistence a step which is TN-a-DIEJhk-00189-00044952-00045055 conditioned by their physical TN-a-DIEJhk-00190-00045056-00045274 organization in this passage from the TN-a-DIEJhk-00191-00045275-00045493 German ideology Marx alludes to one TN-a-DIEJhk-00192-00045494-00045670 difference that humans produce their TN-a-DIEJhk-00193-00045671-00045937 physical environments but do not a few TN-a-DIEJhk-00194-00045938-00046151 other animals also produce aspects of TN-a-DIEJhk-00195-00046152-00046379 their environment as well the previous TN-a-DIEJhk-00196-00046380-00046720 year Marx had already acknowledged it is TN-a-DIEJhk-00197-00046721-00046993 true that animals also produce they TN-a-DIEJhk-00198-00046994-00047207 build nests and dwellings like to be the TN-a-DIEJhk-00199-00047208-00047296 beaver the ant TN-a-DIEJhk-00200-00047297-00047573 etc but they produce only their own TN-a-DIEJhk-00201-00047574-00047743 immediate needs or those of their young TN-a-DIEJhk-00202-00047744-00047917 they produce only when immediate TN-a-DIEJhk-00203-00047918-00048104 physical need compels them to do so TN-a-DIEJhk-00204-00048105-00048319 while man produces even when he is free TN-a-DIEJhk-00205-00048320-00048532 from physical need and truly produces TN-a-DIEJhk-00206-00048533-00048727 only in freedom from such need they TN-a-DIEJhk-00207-00048728-00048917 produce only themselves while man TN-a-DIEJhk-00208-00048918-00049111 reproduces the whole of nature their TN-a-DIEJhk-00209-00049112-00049270 products belong immediately to their TN-a-DIEJhk-00210-00049271-00049451 physical bodies while man freely TN-a-DIEJhk-00211-00049452-00049696 confronts his own product animals TN-a-DIEJhk-00212-00049697-00049894 produce only according to the standards TN-a-DIEJhk-00213-00049895-00050071 and needs of the species to which they TN-a-DIEJhk-00214-00050072-00050282 belong while man is capable of producing TN-a-DIEJhk-00215-00050283-00050452 according to the standards of every TN-a-DIEJhk-00216-00050453-00050632 species and of applying to each object TN-a-DIEJhk-00217-00050633-00050863 its inherent standard hence man also TN-a-DIEJhk-00218-00050864-00051055 produces in accordance with the laws of TN-a-DIEJhk-00219-00051056-00051376 beauty in the same work Marx writes the TN-a-DIEJhk-00220-00051377-00051560 animal is immediately one with its life TN-a-DIEJhk-00221-00051561-00051814 activity it is not distinct from that TN-a-DIEJhk-00222-00051815-00052124 activity it is that activity man makes TN-a-DIEJhk-00223-00052125-00052337 his life activity itself an object of TN-a-DIEJhk-00224-00052338-00052565 his will in consciousness he has TN-a-DIEJhk-00225-00052566-00052792 conscious life activity it is not a TN-a-DIEJhk-00226-00052793-00052979 determination with which he directly TN-a-DIEJhk-00227-00052979-00053270 merges conscious life activity direct TN-a-DIEJhk-00228-00053271-00053450 distinguishes man from animal life TN-a-DIEJhk-00229-00053451-00053678 activity only because of that is he a TN-a-DIEJhk-00230-00053679-00053909 species being or rather he is a TN-a-DIEJhk-00231-00053910-00054032 conscious being ie TN-a-DIEJhk-00232-00054033-00054226 his own life is an object for him only TN-a-DIEJhk-00233-00054227-00054494 because he is a species being only TN-a-DIEJhk-00234-00054495-00054691 because of that is his activity free TN-a-DIEJhk-00235-00054692-00054950 activity a strange labor reverses the TN-a-DIEJhk-00236-00054951-00055163 relationship so that man just because he TN-a-DIEJhk-00237-00055164-00055340 is a conscious being makes his life TN-a-DIEJhk-00238-00055341-00055559 activity his essential being a mere TN-a-DIEJhk-00239-00055560-00055754 means for his existence also in the TN-a-DIEJhk-00240-00055754-00056054 segment on a strange labor man is a TN-a-DIEJhk-00241-00056054-00056254 species being not only because he TN-a-DIEJhk-00242-00056255-00056441 practically and theoretically makes the TN-a-DIEJhk-00243-00056441-00056632 species both his own and those of other TN-a-DIEJhk-00244-00056633-00056863 things his object but also and this is TN-a-DIEJhk-00245-00056864-00057038 simply another way of saying the same TN-a-DIEJhk-00246-00057039-00057244 thing because he looks upon himself as TN-a-DIEJhk-00247-00057245-00057451 the present living species because he TN-a-DIEJhk-00248-00057452-00057659 looks upon himself as a universal and TN-a-DIEJhk-00249-00057660-00057826 therefore free being more than twenty TN-a-DIEJhk-00250-00057827-00058034 years later in capital he came to muse TN-a-DIEJhk-00251-00058035-00058349 on a similar subject a spider conducts TN-a-DIEJhk-00252-00058350-00058526 operations that resemble those of a TN-a-DIEJhk-00253-00058527-00058721 weaver and the bee puts to shame many an TN-a-DIEJhk-00254-00058722-00058882 architect in the construction of her TN-a-DIEJhk-00255-00058883-00059147 cells but what distinguishes the worst TN-a-DIEJhk-00256-00059148-00059338 architect from the best of bees is this TN-a-DIEJhk-00257-00059339-00059516 that the architect raises his structure TN-a-DIEJhk-00258-00059516-00059729 in imagination before he erected in TN-a-DIEJhk-00259-00059729-00059972 reality at the end of every labor TN-a-DIEJhk-00260-00059973-00060179 process we get a result that already TN-a-DIEJhk-00261-00060179-00060335 existed in the imagination of the TN-a-DIEJhk-00262-00060336-00060611 laborer at its commencement he not only TN-a-DIEJhk-00263-00060612-00060812 affects a change of form in the material TN-a-DIEJhk-00264-00060813-00061034 on which he works but he also realizes a TN-a-DIEJhk-00265-00061035-00061204 purpose of his own that gives the law to TN-a-DIEJhk-00266-00061205-00061429 his modus operandi and to which he must TN-a-DIEJhk-00267-00061430-00061640 subordinate his will and this TN-a-DIEJhk-00268-00061641-00061859 subordination is no mere momentary act TN-a-DIEJhk-00269-00061860-00062024 from these passages we can observe TN-a-DIEJhk-00270-00062025-00062251 something of Marx's beliefs about humans TN-a-DIEJhk-00271-00062252-00062498 that they characteristically produce TN-a-DIEJhk-00272-00062499-00062657 their environments and that they would TN-a-DIEJhk-00273-00062658-00062822 do so even were they not under the TN-a-DIEJhk-00274-00062823-00063016 burden of physical need indeed they will TN-a-DIEJhk-00275-00063017-00063226 produce the whole of that nature and may TN-a-DIEJhk-00276-00063227-00063407 even create in accordance with the laws TN-a-DIEJhk-00277-00063408-00063667 of beauty perhaps most importantly TN-a-DIEJhk-00278-00063669-00063887 though their creativity their production TN-a-DIEJhk-00279-00063888-00064154 is purposive and planned humans then TN-a-DIEJhk-00280-00064154-00064361 make plans for their future activity and TN-a-DIEJhk-00281-00064362-00064547 attempt to exercise their production TN-a-DIEJhk-00282-00064548-00064790 even lives according to them perhaps TN-a-DIEJhk-00283-00064791-00065015 most importantly and most cryptically TN-a-DIEJhk-00284-00065016-00065216 marx says that humans make both their TN-a-DIEJhk-00285-00065216-00065471 life activity and species the object of TN-a-DIEJhk-00286-00065472-00065699 their will they relate to their life TN-a-DIEJhk-00287-00065700-00065924 activity and are not simply identical TN-a-DIEJhk-00288-00065925-00066181 with it mitchell fucose definition of TN-a-DIEJhk-00289-00066182-00066392 bio politics as the moment when man TN-a-DIEJhk-00290-00066393-00066601 begins to take itself as a conscious TN-a-DIEJhk-00291-00066602-00066659 object TN-a-DIEJhk-00292-00066660-00066949 elaboration may be compared to Marx's TN-a-DIEJhk-00293-00066950-00067712 definition here by exposed topic life TN-a-DIEJhk-00294-00067713-00068244 and the species is the objects of humans TN-a-DIEJhk-00295-00068245-00068498 to say that a is the object of some TN-a-DIEJhk-00296-00068499-00068747 subject B means that B specified as an TN-a-DIEJhk-00297-00068748-00069035 agent acts upon her in some respect thus TN-a-DIEJhk-00298-00069036-00069232 if the proletariat smashes the state TN-a-DIEJhk-00299-00069233-00069404 dent the state is the object of the TN-a-DIEJhk-00300-00069405-00069611 proletariat the subject in respect of TN-a-DIEJhk-00301-00069612-00069872 smashing it is similar to saying that a TN-a-DIEJhk-00302-00069873-00070073 is the objective of B though a could be TN-a-DIEJhk-00303-00070074-00070225 a whole sphere of concern and not TN-a-DIEJhk-00304-00070226-00070547 closely defined aim in this context what TN-a-DIEJhk-00305-00070548-00070712 does it mean to say that humans make TN-a-DIEJhk-00306-00070713-00070892 their species and their lives their TN-a-DIEJhk-00307-00070893-00071188 object it's worth noting that Marx's use TN-a-DIEJhk-00308-00071189-00071374 of the word object can imply that these TN-a-DIEJhk-00309-00071375-00071549 are things which humans producers or TN-a-DIEJhk-00310-00071550-00071725 makes just as they might produce a TN-a-DIEJhk-00311-00071726-00071996 material object if this inference is TN-a-DIEJhk-00312-00071997-00072193 correct then those things that marx says TN-a-DIEJhk-00313-00072194-00072412 about human production above also apply TN-a-DIEJhk-00314-00072413-00072587 to the production of human life by TN-a-DIEJhk-00315-00072588-00072931 humans and simultaneously as individuals TN-a-DIEJhk-00316-00072932-00073207 express their life so they are what they TN-a-DIEJhk-00317-00073208-00073229 are TN-a-DIEJhk-00318-00073230-00073381 therefore coincides with their TN-a-DIEJhk-00319-00073382-00073541 production both with what they produce TN-a-DIEJhk-00320-00073542-00073813 and with how they produce the nature of TN-a-DIEJhk-00321-00073814-00074036 individuals thus depends on the material TN-a-DIEJhk-00322-00074037-00074212 conditions determining their production TN-a-DIEJhk-00323-00074213-00074399 to make one's life one's object is TN-a-DIEJhk-00324-00074400-00074557 therefore to treat one's life as TN-a-DIEJhk-00325-00074558-00074818 something that is under one's control to TN-a-DIEJhk-00326-00074819-00075005 raise in imagination plans for one's TN-a-DIEJhk-00327-00075006-00075193 future and present and to have a stake TN-a-DIEJhk-00328-00075194-00075491 in being able to fulfill those plans to TN-a-DIEJhk-00329-00075492-00075676 be able to live a life of this character TN-a-DIEJhk-00330-00075677-00075838 is to achieve self activity TN-a-DIEJhk-00331-00075839-00076075 actualization which Marx believes will TN-a-DIEJhk-00332-00076076-00076298 only become possible after communism has TN-a-DIEJhk-00333-00076299-00076580 replaced capitalism only at this stage TN-a-DIEJhk-00334-00076581-00076760 does self activity coincide with TN-a-DIEJhk-00335-00076761-00076981 material life which corresponds to the TN-a-DIEJhk-00336-00076982-00077182 development of individuals into complete TN-a-DIEJhk-00337-00077183-00077366 individuals and the casting off of all TN-a-DIEJhk-00338-00077367-00077488 natural limitations TN-a-DIEJhk-00339-00077489-00077762 the transformation of labour into self TN-a-DIEJhk-00340-00077763-00077924 activity corresponds to the TN-a-DIEJhk-00341-00077925-00078074 transformation of the earlier limited TN-a-DIEJhk-00342-00078075-00078260 intercourse into the intercourse of TN-a-DIEJhk-00343-00078261-00078457 individuals as such what is involved in TN-a-DIEJhk-00344-00078458-00078680 making one species one's object is more TN-a-DIEJhk-00345-00078681-00079063 complicated see Alan wood 2004 PP 16 to TN-a-DIEJhk-00346-00079064-00079369 21 in one sense it emphasizes the TN-a-DIEJhk-00347-00079370-00079579 essentially social character of humans TN-a-DIEJhk-00348-00079580-00079754 and their need to live in a community of TN-a-DIEJhk-00349-00079755-00080039 the species in others it seems TN-a-DIEJhk-00350-00080040-00080213 to emphasize that we attempt to make our TN-a-DIEJhk-00351-00080214-00080414 lives expressions of our species essence TN-a-DIEJhk-00352-00080415-00080603 further that we have goals concerning TN-a-DIEJhk-00353-00080604-00080767 what becomes of the species in general TN-a-DIEJhk-00354-00080768-00081020 the idea covers much of the same TN-a-DIEJhk-00355-00081021-00081212 territory as making one's life one's TN-a-DIEJhk-00356-00081213-00081272 object TN-a-DIEJhk-00357-00081273-00081476 it concerns self consciousness purpose TN-a-DIEJhk-00358-00081477-00082313 of activity and so forth topic humans as TN-a-DIEJhk-00359-00082314-00082889 homo Faber it is often said that marx TN-a-DIEJhk-00360-00082890-00083063 conceived of humans as homo Faber TN-a-DIEJhk-00361-00083064-00083249 referring to Benjamin Franklin's TN-a-DIEJhk-00362-00083250-00083420 definition of man as the tool-making TN-a-DIEJhk-00363-00083421-00083651 animal that is as man the maker though TN-a-DIEJhk-00364-00083652-00083951 he never used the term himself above we TN-a-DIEJhk-00365-00083952-00084140 indicated that one of Marx's central TN-a-DIEJhk-00366-00084141-00084317 contentions about humans was that they TN-a-DIEJhk-00367-00084318-00084491 were differentiated by the manner in TN-a-DIEJhk-00368-00084492-00084683 which they produce and that thus somehow TN-a-DIEJhk-00369-00084684-00084887 production was one of humans essential TN-a-DIEJhk-00370-00084888-00085187 activities in this context it is worth TN-a-DIEJhk-00371-00085188-00085394 noting that Marx does not always address TN-a-DIEJhk-00372-00085395-00085718 labor or work in such glowing terms he TN-a-DIEJhk-00373-00085719-00085930 says that communism does away with labor TN-a-DIEJhk-00374-00085931-00086183 furthermore if it is desired to strike a TN-a-DIEJhk-00375-00086184-00086399 mortal blow at private property one must TN-a-DIEJhk-00376-00086400-00086594 attack it not only as a material state TN-a-DIEJhk-00377-00086595-00086842 of affairs but also as activity as labor TN-a-DIEJhk-00378-00086843-00087029 it is one of the greatest TN-a-DIEJhk-00379-00087030-00087272 misapprehensions to speak of free human TN-a-DIEJhk-00380-00087273-00087434 social labour of labour without TN-a-DIEJhk-00381-00087435-00087716 private-property labor by its very TN-a-DIEJhk-00382-00087717-00087956 nature is unfree on human unsocial TN-a-DIEJhk-00383-00087957-00088172 activity determined by private property TN-a-DIEJhk-00384-00088173-00088358 and creating private property under TN-a-DIEJhk-00385-00088359-00088586 capitalism tee-hee capitalist functions TN-a-DIEJhk-00386-00088587-00088817 only as capital personified capital as a TN-a-DIEJhk-00387-00088818-00089048 person just as the worker only functions TN-a-DIEJhk-00388-00089049-00089240 as the personification of labour which TN-a-DIEJhk-00389-00089241-00089465 belongs to him as torment as exertion it TN-a-DIEJhk-00390-00089466-00089651 is generally held that Marx's view was TN-a-DIEJhk-00391-00089652-00089849 that productive activity is an essential TN-a-DIEJhk-00392-00089850-00090062 human activity and can be rewarding when TN-a-DIEJhk-00393-00090063-00090347 pursued freely Marx's use of the words TN-a-DIEJhk-00394-00090348-00090572 work and labor in the section above may TN-a-DIEJhk-00395-00090573-00090755 be unequivocally negative but this was TN-a-DIEJhk-00396-00090756-00090962 not always the case and is most strongly TN-a-DIEJhk-00397-00090963-00091274 found in his early writing however Marx TN-a-DIEJhk-00398-00091275-00091460 was always clear that under capitalism TN-a-DIEJhk-00399-00091461-00091634 labor was something inhuman and TN-a-DIEJhk-00400-00091635-00091931 dehumanizing labor is external to the TN-a-DIEJhk-00401-00091932-00092126 worker ie does not belong to his TN-a-DIEJhk-00402-00092127-00092321 essential being that he therefore does TN-a-DIEJhk-00403-00092322-00092516 not confirm himself in his work but TN-a-DIEJhk-00404-00092517-00092723 denies himself feels miserable and not TN-a-DIEJhk-00405-00092724-00092936 happy does not develop free mental and TN-a-DIEJhk-00406-00092937-00093149 physical energy but mortify his flesh TN-a-DIEJhk-00407-00093150-00093431 and ruins his mind while under communist TN-a-DIEJhk-00408-00093432-00093635 in the individual expression of my life TN-a-DIEJhk-00409-00093636-00093809 I would have directly created your TN-a-DIEJhk-00410-00093810-00094007 expression of your life and therefore in TN-a-DIEJhk-00411-00094008-00094184 my individual activity I would have TN-a-DIEJhk-00412-00094185-00094379 directly confirmed and realized my true TN-a-DIEJhk-00413-00094380-00094622 nature my human nature my communal TN-a-DIEJhk-00414-00094623-00095477 nature topic human nature and historical TN-a-DIEJhk-00415-00095478-00096083 materialism Marx's theory of history TN-a-DIEJhk-00416-00096084-00096254 attempts to describe the way in which TN-a-DIEJhk-00417-00096255-00096449 humans change their environments and in TN-a-DIEJhk-00418-00096450-00096650 dialectical relation their environments TN-a-DIEJhk-00419-00096651-00097025 change them as well that is not only do TN-a-DIEJhk-00420-00097026-00097202 the objective conditions change in the TN-a-DIEJhk-00421-00097203-00097397 act of reproduction eg the village TN-a-DIEJhk-00422-00097398-00097559 becomes a town the wilderness that TN-a-DIEJhk-00423-00097560-00097760 cleared field etc but the producers TN-a-DIEJhk-00424-00097761-00097949 changed too in that they bring out new TN-a-DIEJhk-00425-00097950-00098129 qualities in themselves develop TN-a-DIEJhk-00426-00098130-00098312 themselves in production transform TN-a-DIEJhk-00427-00098313-00098546 themselves develop new powers and ideas TN-a-DIEJhk-00428-00098547-00098771 new modes of intercourse new needs and TN-a-DIEJhk-00429-00098772-00098972 new language further Marx sets out his TN-a-DIEJhk-00430-00098973-00099173 materialist conception of history in TN-a-DIEJhk-00431-00099174-00099389 opposition to idealist conceptions of TN-a-DIEJhk-00432-00099390-00099578 history that of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich TN-a-DIEJhk-00433-00099579-00099893 Hegel for instance the first premise of TN-a-DIEJhk-00434-00099894-00100097 all human history is of course the TN-a-DIEJhk-00435-00100098-00100294 existence of living human individuals TN-a-DIEJhk-00436-00100295-00100571 thus the first fact to be established is TN-a-DIEJhk-00437-00100572-00100739 the physical organization of these TN-a-DIEJhk-00438-00100740-00100943 individuals in their consequent relation TN-a-DIEJhk-00439-00100944-00101159 to the rest of nature thus history does TN-a-DIEJhk-00440-00101160-00101345 nothing it possesses no immense wealth TN-a-DIEJhk-00441-00101346-00101660 it wages no battles it is man real TN-a-DIEJhk-00442-00101661-00101831 living man who does all that who TN-a-DIEJhk-00443-00101832-00102053 possesses and fights history is not as TN-a-DIEJhk-00444-00102054-00102263 it were a person apart using man as a TN-a-DIEJhk-00445-00102264-00102493 means to achieve its own aims history is TN-a-DIEJhk-00446-00102494-00102685 nothing but the activity of man pursuing TN-a-DIEJhk-00447-00102686-00102982 his aims so we can see that even before TN-a-DIEJhk-00448-00102983-00103151 we begin to consider the precise TN-a-DIEJhk-00449-00103152-00103364 character of human nature real living TN-a-DIEJhk-00450-00103365-00103604 humans the activity of man pursuing his TN-a-DIEJhk-00451-00103605-00103751 aims is the very building block of TN-a-DIEJhk-00452-00103752-00104075 Marx's theory of history humans act upon TN-a-DIEJhk-00453-00104076-00104267 the world changing it in themselves and TN-a-DIEJhk-00454-00104268-00104522 in doing so they make history however TN-a-DIEJhk-00455-00104523-00104777 even beyond this human nature plays two TN-a-DIEJhk-00456-00104778-00105083 key roles in the first place it is part TN-a-DIEJhk-00457-00105083-00105257 of the explanation for the growth of the TN-a-DIEJhk-00458-00105258-00105458 productive forces which Marx conceives TN-a-DIEJhk-00459-00105458-00105660 of as the driving force of history TN-a-DIEJhk-00460-00105661-00105917 secondly the particular needs and drives TN-a-DIEJhk-00461-00105918-00106151 of humans explain the class antagonism TN-a-DIEJhk-00462-00106152-00106813 which is generated under capitalism TN-a-DIEJhk-00463-00106814-00107132 topic human nature and the expansion of TN-a-DIEJhk-00464-00107133-00107702 the productive forces it has been held TN-a-DIEJhk-00465-00107703-00107894 by several writers that it is Marx's TN-a-DIEJhk-00466-00107895-00108044 conception of human nature which TN-a-DIEJhk-00467-00108045-00108289 explains the development thesis Cohen TN-a-DIEJhk-00468-00108290-00108548 1978 concerning the expansion of the TN-a-DIEJhk-00469-00108549-00108719 productive forces which according to TN-a-DIEJhk-00470-00108720-00108932 Marx is itself the fundamental driving TN-a-DIEJhk-00471-00108933-00109229 force of history if true this would make TN-a-DIEJhk-00472-00109230-00109424 his account of human nature perhaps the TN-a-DIEJhk-00473-00109425-00109627 most fundamental aspect of his work TN-a-DIEJhk-00474-00109628-00110192 Jerez writes 1983 PP 107 to 108 italics TN-a-DIEJhk-00475-00110193-00110378 in original historical materialism TN-a-DIEJhk-00476-00110379-00110579 itself this whole distinctive approach TN-a-DIEJhk-00477-00110580-00110783 to society that originates with Marx TN-a-DIEJhk-00478-00110783-00110986 rests squarely upon the idea of a human TN-a-DIEJhk-00479-00110988-00111296 nature it highlights that specific nexus TN-a-DIEJhk-00480-00111297-00111503 of universal needs and capacities which TN-a-DIEJhk-00481-00111504-00111701 explains the human productive process TN-a-DIEJhk-00482-00111702-00111896 and man's organized transformation of TN-a-DIEJhk-00483-00111897-00112097 the material environment which process TN-a-DIEJhk-00484-00112098-00112301 and transformation it treats in turn is TN-a-DIEJhk-00485-00112302-00112486 the basis both of the social order and TN-a-DIEJhk-00486-00112488-00112880 of historical change G a Cohen 1988 P 84 TN-a-DIEJhk-00487-00112881-00113086 the tendencies autonomy is just its TN-a-DIEJhk-00488-00113088-00113284 independence of social structure its TN-a-DIEJhk-00489-00113285-00113509 rudiness in fundamental material facts TN-a-DIEJhk-00490-00113510-00113680 of human nature in the human situation TN-a-DIEJhk-00491-00113681-00114182 Allenwood 2004 P 75 historical progress TN-a-DIEJhk-00492-00114183-00114377 consists fundamentally in the growth of TN-a-DIEJhk-00493-00114378-00114583 people's abilities to shape and control TN-a-DIEJhk-00494-00114584-00114788 the world about them this is the most TN-a-DIEJhk-00495-00114789-00114992 basic way in which they develop and TN-a-DIEJhk-00496-00114993-00115217 express their human essence see also the TN-a-DIEJhk-00497-00115218-00115514 quotation from Alan wood above in his TN-a-DIEJhk-00498-00115515-00115697 article reconsidering historical TN-a-DIEJhk-00499-00115698-00115775 materialism TN-a-DIEJhk-00500-00115776-00115976 however Cohen gives an argument to the TN-a-DIEJhk-00501-00115977-00116168 effect that human nature cannot be the TN-a-DIEJhk-00502-00116169-00116348 premise on which the plausibility of the TN-a-DIEJhk-00503-00116349-00116540 expansion of the productive forces is TN-a-DIEJhk-00504-00116541-00116828 grounded production in the historical TN-a-DIEJhk-00505-00116829-00117010 anthropology is not identical with TN-a-DIEJhk-00506-00117011-00117217 production in the theory of history TN-a-DIEJhk-00507-00117218-00117467 according to the anthropology people TN-a-DIEJhk-00508-00117468-00117671 flourish in the cultivation and exercise TN-a-DIEJhk-00509-00117672-00117839 of their manifold powers and are TN-a-DIEJhk-00510-00117840-00118001 especially productive which in this TN-a-DIEJhk-00511-00118002-00118205 instance means creative in the condition TN-a-DIEJhk-00512-00118206-00118406 of freedom conferred by material Plenty TN-a-DIEJhk-00513-00118407-00118660 but in the production of interest to the TN-a-DIEJhk-00514-00118661-00118858 theory of history people produce not TN-a-DIEJhk-00515-00118859-00119054 freely but because they have to since TN-a-DIEJhk-00516-00119055-00119233 nature does not otherwise supply their TN-a-DIEJhk-00517-00119234-00119423 wants and the development in history of TN-a-DIEJhk-00518-00119424-00119600 the productive power of man that is of TN-a-DIEJhk-00519-00119601-00119867 man as such of man as a species occurs TN-a-DIEJhk-00520-00119868-00120029 at the expense of the creative capacity TN-a-DIEJhk-00521-00120030-00120122 of the man TN-a-DIEJhk-00522-00120123-00120263 who are agents and victims of that TN-a-DIEJhk-00523-00120264-00120773 development P 166 in ED clinicas 1989 TN-a-DIEJhk-00524-00120774-00120958 the implication of this is that hence TN-a-DIEJhk-00525-00120959-00121333 one might imagine two kinds of creature TN-a-DIEJhk-00526-00121334-00121520 one whose essence it was to create and TN-a-DIEJhk-00527-00121521-00121678 the other not undergoing similarly TN-a-DIEJhk-00528-00121679-00121856 toilsome histories because of similarly TN-a-DIEJhk-00529-00121857-00122179 adverse circumstances in one case but TN-a-DIEJhk-00530-00122180-00122357 not the other the toil would be a self TN-a-DIEJhk-00531-00122358-00122578 alienating exercise of essential powers TN-a-DIEJhk-00532-00122579-00123032 P 170 hence historical materialism and TN-a-DIEJhk-00533-00123033-00123248 Marxist philosophical anthropology are TN-a-DIEJhk-00534-00123249-00123422 independent of they're also consistent TN-a-DIEJhk-00535-00123423-00123743 with each other P 174 see especially TN-a-DIEJhk-00536-00123744-00124060 sections 10 and 11 the problem is this TN-a-DIEJhk-00537-00124061-00124258 it seems as though the motivation most TN-a-DIEJhk-00538-00124259-00124427 people have for the work they do isn't TN-a-DIEJhk-00539-00124428-00124636 the exercise of their creative capacity TN-a-DIEJhk-00540-00124638-00124868 on the contrary labour is a lien ated by TN-a-DIEJhk-00541-00124869-00125021 definition in the capitalist system TN-a-DIEJhk-00542-00125022-00125276 based on salary and people only do it TN-a-DIEJhk-00543-00125277-00125531 because they have to they go to work not TN-a-DIEJhk-00544-00125532-00125708 to express their human nature but to TN-a-DIEJhk-00545-00125708-00125990 find theirs means of subsistence so in TN-a-DIEJhk-00546-00125991-00126143 that case why do the productive forces TN-a-DIEJhk-00547-00126144-00126379 grow does human nature have anything to TN-a-DIEJhk-00548-00126380-00126616 do with it the answer to this question TN-a-DIEJhk-00549-00126617-00126773 is a difficult one and a closer TN-a-DIEJhk-00550-00126774-00126956 consideration of the arguments in the TN-a-DIEJhk-00551-00126957-00127133 literature is necessary for a full TN-a-DIEJhk-00552-00127133-00127341 answer than can be given in this article TN-a-DIEJhk-00553-00127342-00127607 however it is worth bearing in mind that TN-a-DIEJhk-00554-00127608-00127796 Cohen had previously been committed to TN-a-DIEJhk-00555-00127797-00127984 the strict view that human nature and TN-a-DIEJhk-00556-00127985-00128207 other a social premises were sufficient TN-a-DIEJhk-00557-00128208-00128318 for the development of the productive TN-a-DIEJhk-00558-00128319-00128515 forces it could be that they are only TN-a-DIEJhk-00559-00128516-00128791 one necessary constituent it is also TN-a-DIEJhk-00560-00128792-00129053 worth considering that by 1988 see TN-a-DIEJhk-00561-00129054-00129257 quotation above he appears to consider TN-a-DIEJhk-00562-00129258-00129548 that the problem is resolved some needs TN-a-DIEJhk-00563-00129549-00129743 are far more important than others in TN-a-DIEJhk-00564-00129744-00129979 the German ideology Marx writes that TN-a-DIEJhk-00565-00129980-00130172 life involves before everything else TN-a-DIEJhk-00566-00130173-00130322 eating and drinking a habitation TN-a-DIEJhk-00567-00130323-00130628 clothing and many other things all those TN-a-DIEJhk-00568-00130629-00130828 other aspects of human nature which he TN-a-DIEJhk-00569-00130829-00131041 discusses such as self activity are TN-a-DIEJhk-00570-00131042-00131231 therefore subordinate to the priority TN-a-DIEJhk-00571-00131232-00131522 given to these Marx makes explicit his TN-a-DIEJhk-00572-00131523-00131726 view that humans develop new needs to TN-a-DIEJhk-00573-00131727-00131909 replace old the satisfaction of the TN-a-DIEJhk-00574-00131910-00132115 first need the action of satisfying and TN-a-DIEJhk-00575-00132116-00132311 the instrument of satisfaction which has TN-a-DIEJhk-00576-00132312-00133100 been acquired leads to new needs topic TN-a-DIEJhk-00577-00133101-00133214 human nature TN-a-DIEJhk-00578-00133215-00133786 Marx's ethical thought and alienation TN-a-DIEJhk-00579-00133787-00134015 Gareth says of Marx's worked out TN-a-DIEJhk-00580-00134016-00134171 whatever else it is theory and TN-a-DIEJhk-00581-00134172-00134369 socio-historical explanation and TN-a-DIEJhk-00582-00134370-00134588 scientific as it may be that work is a TN-a-DIEJhk-00583-00134589-00134744 moral indictment resting on the TN-a-DIEJhk-00584-00134745-00134942 conception of essential human needs an TN-a-DIEJhk-00585-00134943-00135158 ethical standpoint in other words in TN-a-DIEJhk-00586-00135159-00135379 which a view of human nature is involved TN-a-DIEJhk-00587-00135380-00136754 1983 PP 83 to 84 topic alienation for TN-a-DIEJhk-00588-00136755-00136937 the main article on this topic see TN-a-DIEJhk-00589-00136938-00137138 Marx's theory of alienation alienation TN-a-DIEJhk-00590-00137139-00137372 for Marx is the estrangement of humans TN-a-DIEJhk-00591-00137373-00137654 from aspects of their human nature since TN-a-DIEJhk-00592-00137655-00137891 as we have seen human nature consists in TN-a-DIEJhk-00593-00137892-00138074 a particular set of vital drives and TN-a-DIEJhk-00594-00138075-00138284 tendencies whose exercise constitutes TN-a-DIEJhk-00595-00138285-00138494 flourishing alienation is a condition TN-a-DIEJhk-00596-00138495-00138677 wherein these drives and tendencies are TN-a-DIEJhk-00597-00138678-00138971 stunted for essential powers alienation TN-a-DIEJhk-00598-00138972-00139199 substitutes disempowerment for making TN-a-DIEJhk-00599-00139200-00139400 one's own life one's object one's life TN-a-DIEJhk-00600-00139401-00139664 becoming an object of capital Marx TN-a-DIEJhk-00601-00139665-00139820 believes that alienation will be a TN-a-DIEJhk-00602-00139821-00140047 feature of all society before communism TN-a-DIEJhk-00603-00140048-00140294 the opposite of alienation is TN-a-DIEJhk-00604-00140295-00140543 actualization or self activity the TN-a-DIEJhk-00605-00140544-00140747 activity of the self controlled by and TN-a-DIEJhk-00606-00140748-00141437 for the self topic TN-a-DIEJhk-00607-00141438-00142049 Gerald Cohen's criticism one important TN-a-DIEJhk-00608-00142050-00142250 criticism of Marx's philosophical TN-a-DIEJhk-00609-00142251-00142496 anthropology ie his conception of humans TN-a-DIEJhk-00610-00142497-00142712 is offered by Gerald Cowan the leader of TN-a-DIEJhk-00611-00142713-00142913 analytical Marxism in reconsidering TN-a-DIEJhk-00612-00142914-00143164 historical materialism in ed clínicas TN-a-DIEJhk-00613-00143165-00143555 1989 Cohen claims Marxist philosophical TN-a-DIEJhk-00614-00143556-00143834 anthropology is one-sided its conception TN-a-DIEJhk-00615-00143835-00144038 of human nature and human good overlooks TN-a-DIEJhk-00616-00144039-00144218 the need for self identity than which TN-a-DIEJhk-00617-00144219-00144569 nothing is more essentially human P 173 TN-a-DIEJhk-00618-00144570-00144803 see especially section 6 & 7 TN-a-DIEJhk-00619-00144804-00145040 the consequence of this is held to be TN-a-DIEJhk-00620-00145041-00145187 that Marx and his followers have TN-a-DIEJhk-00621-00145188-00145343 underestimated the importance of TN-a-DIEJhk-00622-00145344-00145508 phenomena such as religion and TN-a-DIEJhk-00623-00145509-00145694 nationalism which satisfy the need for TN-a-DIEJhk-00624-00145695-00146219 self-identity section 8 P 173 Cohen TN-a-DIEJhk-00625-00146220-00146411 describes what he sees as the origins of TN-a-DIEJhk-00626-00146412-00146600 Marx's alleged neglect in his TN-a-DIEJhk-00627-00146601-00146807 Galion FOIA Beit she an affirmation of TN-a-DIEJhk-00628-00146808-00147029 the radical objectivity of matter marks TN-a-DIEJhk-00629-00147030-00147188 focused on the relationship of the TN-a-DIEJhk-00630-00147189-00147380 subject to an object which is in no way TN-a-DIEJhk-00631-00147381-00147617 subject and as time went on he came to TN-a-DIEJhk-00632-00147618-00147800 neglect the subjects relationship to TN-a-DIEJhk-00633-00147801-00147998 itself and that aspect of the subjects TN-a-DIEJhk-00634-00147999-00148154 relationship to others which is a TN-a-DIEJhk-00635-00148155-00148373 mediated that is indirect form of TN-a-DIEJhk-00636-00148374-00148886 relationship to itself P 155 Cohen TN-a-DIEJhk-00637-00148887-00149015 believes that people are driven TN-a-DIEJhk-00638-00149016-00149255 typically not to create identity but to TN-a-DIEJhk-00639-00149256-00149435 preserve that which they have in virtue TN-a-DIEJhk-00640-00149436-00149684 for example of nationality or race or TN-a-DIEJhk-00641-00149685-00149891 religion or some slice or amalgam TN-a-DIEJhk-00642-00149892-00150446 thereof PP 156 to 159 Cohen does not TN-a-DIEJhk-00643-00150447-00150614 claim that Marx denied that there is a TN-a-DIEJhk-00644-00150615-00150812 need for self definition but instead TN-a-DIEJhk-00645-00150813-00150983 claims that he failed to give the truth TN-a-DIEJhk-00646-00150984-00151442 due emphasis P 155 nor does Cohen say TN-a-DIEJhk-00647-00151443-00151628 that the sort of self understanding that TN-a-DIEJhk-00648-00151629-00151820 can be found through religion etc is TN-a-DIEJhk-00649-00151821-00152228 accurate P 158 of nationalism TN-a-DIEJhk-00650-00152229-00152471 he says identifications can take benign TN-a-DIEJhk-00651-00152472-00152702 harmless and catastrophically malignant TN-a-DIEJhk-00652-00152703-00153002 forms P 157 and does not believe that TN-a-DIEJhk-00653-00153003-00153182 the state is a good medium for the TN-a-DIEJhk-00654-00153183-00154145 embodiment of nationality P 164 topic TN-a-DIEJhk-00655-00154146-00154769 references and further reading all the TN-a-DIEJhk-00656-00154770-00154964 quotations from Marx in this article TN-a-DIEJhk-00657-00154965-00155150 have used the translation employed by TN-a-DIEJhk-00658-00155151-00155435 the Marxist Internet Archive this means TN-a-DIEJhk-00659-00155436-00155585 that you can follow the external TN-a-DIEJhk-00660-00155586-00155753 reference links and then search on that TN-a-DIEJhk-00661-00155754-00155921 page using your browser's search TN-a-DIEJhk-00662-00155922-00156110 function for some part of the text of TN-a-DIEJhk-00663-00156111-00156314 the quotation in order to ascertain its TN-a-DIEJhk-00664-00156315-00157478 context topic primary texts the two TN-a-DIEJhk-00665-00157479-00157664 texts in which Marx most directly TN-a-DIEJhk-00666-00157665-00157874 discusses human nature the comments on TN-a-DIEJhk-00667-00157875-00158045 James mill and the piece on a strange TN-a-DIEJhk-00668-00158046-00158183 laborer in the economic and TN-a-DIEJhk-00669-00158184-00158420 philosophical manuscripts of 1844 TN-a-DIEJhk-00670-00158421-00158756 published in 1932 both of these pieces TN-a-DIEJhk-00671-00158757-00159035 date from 1844 and as such were written TN-a-DIEJhk-00672-00159036-00159263 by the young Marx some analysts Lumi TN-a-DIEJhk-00673-00159264-00159500 alpha sir etc assert that work from this TN-a-DIEJhk-00674-00159501-00159701 period differs markedly in its ideas TN-a-DIEJhk-00675-00159702-00160282 from the later work TN-a-DIEJhk-00676-00160283-00161054 topic accounts prior to 1978 in certain TN-a-DIEJhk-00677-00161055-00161234 aspects the views of many earlier TN-a-DIEJhk-00678-00161235-00161402 writers on this topic are generally TN-a-DIEJhk-00679-00161403-00161557 believed to have been superseded TN-a-DIEJhk-00680-00161558-00161822 nevertheless here is a selection of the TN-a-DIEJhk-00681-00161823-00162170 best writing prior to 1978 much of it TN-a-DIEJhk-00682-00162171-00162329 addresses human nature through the TN-a-DIEJhk-00683-00162330-00162583 strongly related concept of alienation TN-a-DIEJhk-00684-00162584-00162956 Erich Fromm Marx's concept of man with a TN-a-DIEJhk-00685-00162957-00163160 translation of Marx's economic and TN-a-DIEJhk-00686-00163161-00163388 philosophical manuscripts by T B bottom TN-a-DIEJhk-00687-00163389-00163808 or 1961 Eugen kamenka the ethical TN-a-DIEJhk-00688-00163809-00164198 foundations of Marxism 1962 the entire TN-a-DIEJhk-00689-00164199-00164573 book can be read online 34 istván me TN-a-DIEJhk-00690-00164574-00164891 Suraj Marx's theory of alienation 1970 TN-a-DIEJhk-00691-00164892-00165314 sections can be read online 35 Bertel TN-a-DIEJhk-00692-00165315-00165563 Olman alienation Marx's conception of TN-a-DIEJhk-00693-00165564-00165950 man in capitalist society 1971 many TN-a-DIEJhk-00694-00165951-00166142 chapters including some directly TN-a-DIEJhk-00695-00166143-00166328 relevant to human nature can be read TN-a-DIEJhk-00696-00166329-00166745 online 36 John Plummer Nets Karl Marx's TN-a-DIEJhk-00697-00166746-00167645 philosophy of man 1975 topic recent TN-a-DIEJhk-00698-00167646-00168197 general accounts Marx and human nature TN-a-DIEJhk-00699-00168198-00168481 refutation of a legend by Norman garras TN-a-DIEJhk-00700-00168482-00168764 1983 is a concise argument against the TN-a-DIEJhk-00701-00168765-00168941 view that Marx did not believe there was TN-a-DIEJhk-00702-00168942-00169118 something such as human nature in TN-a-DIEJhk-00703-00169119-00169313 particular the confusion surrounding the TN-a-DIEJhk-00704-00169314-00169646 sixth of the theses on Feuerbach part 1 TN-a-DIEJhk-00705-00169647-00169859 of karl marx by alan wood provides a TN-a-DIEJhk-00706-00169860-00170045 highly readable survey of the evidence TN-a-DIEJhk-00707-00170046-00170225 concerning what Marx thought of human TN-a-DIEJhk-00708-00170226-00170525 nature and his concept of alienation see TN-a-DIEJhk-00709-00170526-00170756 especially chapter 2 the preface to the TN-a-DIEJhk-00710-00170757-00171029 second edition 2004 of woods book can be TN-a-DIEJhk-00711-00171030-00171359 read online 37 the first edition was TN-a-DIEJhk-00712-00171360-00171737 published in 1983 Marx and the missing TN-a-DIEJhk-00713-00171738-00172012 link human nature by W Peter Archibald TN-a-DIEJhk-00714-00172013-00172466 1989 Marxism and human nature 38 by TN-a-DIEJhk-00715-00172467-00172684 Shawn Sayers 1998 TN-a-DIEJhk-00716-00172685-00172994 the young Karl Marx German philosophy TN-a-DIEJhk-00717-00172995-00173231 modern politics and human flourishing by TN-a-DIEJhk-00718-00173232-00173342 David Leopold TN-a-DIEJhk-00719-00173343-00173609 2007 see chapter four for close reading TN-a-DIEJhk-00720-00173610-00173912 of Marx's 1843 texts relating human TN-a-DIEJhk-00721-00173913-00174319 nature to human emancipation 39 TN-a-DIEJhk-00722-00174320-00174551 fellow-creatures our obligations to the TN-a-DIEJhk-00723-00174552-00174731 other animals by Christine em cause TN-a-DIEJhk-00724-00174732-00175112 guard Oxford you press 2018 ISBN 978 Oh TN-a-DIEJhk-00725-00175113-00176281 1 9 8 7 5 3 8 5 8 PP 48 to 50 67 196 TN-a-DIEJhk-00726-00176282-00176399 topic TN-a-DIEJhk-00727-00176400-00176591 the debate over human nature and TN-a-DIEJhk-00728-00176592-00177368 historical materialism pages 150 to 160 TN-a-DIEJhk-00729-00177369-00177773 ie chapter 6 section 4 of GA Cohen's TN-a-DIEJhk-00730-00177774-00178019 seminal Karl Marx's theory of history K TN-a-DIEJhk-00731-00178020-00178319 M th 1978 contain an account of the TN-a-DIEJhk-00732-00178320-00178520 relation of human nature to historical TN-a-DIEJhk-00733-00178521-00178811 materialism Cowan argues that the former TN-a-DIEJhk-00734-00178812-00178979 is necessary to explain the development TN-a-DIEJhk-00735-00178980-00179189 of the productive forces which Marx TN-a-DIEJhk-00736-00179190-00179507 holds to drive history this basic view TN-a-DIEJhk-00737-00179508-00179812 is endorsed by ghiras 1983 and Woods TN-a-DIEJhk-00738-00179813-00180266 1983 2004 the view however was TN-a-DIEJhk-00739-00180267-00180458 criticized by Erica land right and TN-a-DIEJhk-00740-00180459-00180622 Andrew Levine in an article entitled TN-a-DIEJhk-00741-00180623-00180839 rationality and class struggle first TN-a-DIEJhk-00742-00180840-00181118 published in the new left review it can TN-a-DIEJhk-00743-00181119-00181331 be found as chapter 1 of Marxist theory TN-a-DIEJhk-00744-00181332-00181814 Edie Alex Cole Inachus 1989 it was also TN-a-DIEJhk-00745-00181815-00182060 criticized by Joshua Cohen in a review TN-a-DIEJhk-00746-00182061-00182426 of KMT H in the Journal of philosophy G TN-a-DIEJhk-00747-00182427-00182624 a Cohen draws out some difficulties with TN-a-DIEJhk-00748-00182625-00182864 his own presentation in KMT H in the TN-a-DIEJhk-00749-00182865-00183047 article reconsidering historical TN-a-DIEJhk-00750-00183048-00183386 materialism first published 1983 in TN-a-DIEJhk-00751-00183387-00183596 Marxism nos 26 TN-a-DIEJhk-00752-00183597-00183890 Edie Chapman and panic now available in TN-a-DIEJhk-00753-00183891-00184010 Marxist theory Edie TN-a-DIEJhk-00754-00184011-00184373 Alex clinicas 1989 and in history labor TN-a-DIEJhk-00755-00184374-00184832 and freedom G a Cohen 1988 the articles TN-a-DIEJhk-00756-00184833-00185072 contentions for a five-point summary see TN-a-DIEJhk-00757-00185073-00185414 clínicas PP 173 - for concerned the TN-a-DIEJhk-00758-00185415-00185579 connection of Marx's historical TN-a-DIEJhk-00759-00185580-00185762 materialism to his philosophical TN-a-DIEJhk-00760-00185763-00185996 anthropology basically his conception of TN-a-DIEJhk-00761-00185997-00186386 human nature Chapter five of GA Cohen's TN-a-DIEJhk-00762-00186387-00186677 history labor and freedom 1988 is in TN-a-DIEJhk-00763-00186678-00186719 title TN-a-DIEJhk-00764-00186720-00186916 human nature and social change in the TN-a-DIEJhk-00765-00186917-00187102 Marxist conception of history and is TN-a-DIEJhk-00766-00187103-00187302 co-authored by Cohen and will Kim liquor TN-a-DIEJhk-00767-00187303-00187615 first published 1988 in the Journal of TN-a-DIEJhk-00768-00187616-00187823 philosophy the purpose of the chapter is TN-a-DIEJhk-00769-00187824-00188057 to defend Cohen's contention in his KMT TN-a-DIEJhk-00770-00188058-00188258 H that there is an autonomous tendency TN-a-DIEJhk-00771-00188259-00188408 of the productive forces to develop TN-a-DIEJhk-00772-00188409-00188641 where autonomous means independent of TN-a-DIEJhk-00773-00188642-00188948 particular social relations the text is TN-a-DIEJhk-00774-00188949-00189125 a response to the criticisms of Jay TN-a-DIEJhk-00775-00189126-00189490 Cohen Levine and write that is G a Cohen TN-a-DIEJhk-00776-00189491-00189652 and Kim liquor seek to show that there TN-a-DIEJhk-00777-00189653-00189860 are no grounds for an appeal a denial of TN-a-DIEJhk-00778-00189861-00190063 the claim that extra social features of TN-a-DIEJhk-00779-00190064-00190220 human nature and the human situation TN-a-DIEJhk-00780-00190221-00190465 operate powerfully enough to generate an TN-a-DIEJhk-00781-00190466-00190643 historical tendency capable of TN-a-DIEJhk-00782-00190644-00190811 overcoming recall tricking social TN-a-DIEJhk-00783-00190812-00191174 structures P 106 there may be thought to TN-a-DIEJhk-00784-00191175-00191341 be a tension between the claims of this TN-a-DIEJhk-00785-00191342-00191510 article and those of reconsidering TN-a-DIEJhk-00786-00191511-00192700 historical materialism topic see also TN-a-DIEJhk-00787-00192701-00193058 anti humanism Marxist theory of TN-a-DIEJhk-00788-00193059-00193898 alienation parametric determinism topic TN-a-DIEJhk-00789-00193899-00194174 footnotes TO2iATJ8BX4-00000-00000236-00001290 [Music] TO2iATJ8BX4-00001-00001291-00001416 [Music] TO2iATJ8BX4-00002-00001417-00002895 all right TO2iATJ8BX4-00003-00002896-00003269 [Music] TO2iATJ8BX4-00004-00003270-00003622 foreign TO2iATJ8BX4-00005-00003622-00005403 [Music] TO2iATJ8BX4-00006-00005404-00007163 [Music] TO2iATJ8BX4-00008-00010488-00010853 foreign TO2iATJ8BX4-00009-00010854-00011801 [Music] TO2iATJ8BX4-00011-00014923-00017071 all right TO2iATJ8BX4-00012-00017072-00017279 thank you TO2iATJ8BX4-00013-00017280-00018451 foreign TO2iATJ8BX4-00014-00018452-00020114 [Music] TO2iATJ8BX4-00015-00020115-00021941 [Music] TO2iATJ8BX4-00016-00021942-00024719 okay TO2iATJ8BX4-00017-00024720-00025020 foreign TQ-M_3Ias0I-00000-00000463-00000543 you only live TQ-M_3Ias0I-00001-00000544-00000862 once so do what you feel passionate TQ-M_3Ias0I-00002-00000863-00000991 about TQ-M_3Ias0I-00003-00000992-00001343 take chances don't be afraid to fail TQ-M_3Ias0I-00004-00001344-00001447 there's an old iq TQ-M_3Ias0I-00005-00001448-00001814 test was nine dots and you had to TQ-M_3Ias0I-00006-00001816-00002030 draw five lines with a pencil within TQ-M_3Ias0I-00007-00002032-00002223 these nine dots TQ-M_3Ias0I-00008-00002224-00002471 without lifting the pencil the only way TQ-M_3Ias0I-00009-00002472-00002807 to do it was to go outside the box TQ-M_3Ias0I-00010-00002808-00003191 so don't be afraid to go outside the box TQ-M_3Ias0I-00011-00003192-00003551 don't be afraid to think outside the box TQ-M_3Ias0I-00012-00003552-00003743 don't be afraid to fail TQ-M_3Ias0I-00013-00003744-00004063 big to dream big TQ-M_3Ias0I-00014-00004064-00004463 but remember dreams TQ-M_3Ias0I-00015-00004464-00004951 without goals are just dreams TQ-M_3Ias0I-00016-00004952-00005463 and they ultimately fuel disappointment TQ-M_3Ias0I-00017-00005464-00005943 so have dreams but have goals TQ-M_3Ias0I-00018-00005944-00006302 life goals yearly goals monthly goals TQ-M_3Ias0I-00019-00006303-00006439 daily goals TQ-M_3Ias0I-00020-00006440-00006878 i try to give myself a goal every day TQ-M_3Ias0I-00021-00006879-00007310 simple goals but have goals TQ-M_3Ias0I-00022-00007311-00007655 and understand that to achieve these TQ-M_3Ias0I-00023-00007656-00007759 goals TQ-M_3Ias0I-00024-00007759-00008078 you must apply discipline TQ-M_3Ias0I-00025-00008079-00008510 and consistency in order to achieve your TQ-M_3Ias0I-00026-00008511-00008607 goals you must TQ-M_3Ias0I-00027-00008608-00008910 apply discipline and consistency every TQ-M_3Ias0I-00028-00008911-00009087 day not just on tuesday and TQ-M_3Ias0I-00029-00009088-00009406 miss a few days you have to work at it TQ-M_3Ias0I-00030-00009407-00009855 every day you have to plan every day TQ-M_3Ias0I-00031-00009856-00010303 hard work works TQ-M_3Ias0I-00032-00010304-00010663 working really hard is what successful TQ-M_3Ias0I-00033-00010664-00010735 people TQ-M_3Ias0I-00034-00010736-00011127 do and in this text TQ-M_3Ias0I-00035-00011128-00011423 tweet twerk world that you've grown up TQ-M_3Ias0I-00036-00011424-00011623 in TQ-M_3Ias0I-00037-00011624-00011919 remember just because you're doing a lot TQ-M_3Ias0I-00038-00011920-00012174 more TQ-M_3Ias0I-00039-00012175-00012359 doesn't mean you're getting a lot more TQ-M_3Ias0I-00040-00012360-00012559 done TQ-M_3Ias0I-00041-00012560-00012727 remember that just because you're doing TQ-M_3Ias0I-00042-00012728-00012966 a lot more TQ-M_3Ias0I-00043-00012967-00013311 doesn't mean you're getting a lot more TQ-M_3Ias0I-00044-00013312-00013727 done don't confuse TQ-M_3Ias0I-00045-00013728-00014286 movement with progress my mother told me TQ-M_3Ias0I-00046-00014287-00014438 yeah cause you can run in place all the TQ-M_3Ias0I-00047-00014440-00014830 time and never get anywhere TQ-M_3Ias0I-00048-00014831-00015119 i found that nothing in life is TQ-M_3Ias0I-00049-00015119-00015286 worthwhile TQ-M_3Ias0I-00050-00015287-00015863 unless you take risks nothing TQ-M_3Ias0I-00051-00015863-00016111 reggie jackson struck out 2600 times in TQ-M_3Ias0I-00052-00016112-00016263 his career the most TQ-M_3Ias0I-00053-00016263-00016479 in the history of baseball but you don't TQ-M_3Ias0I-00054-00016480-00016607 hear about the strikeouts TQ-M_3Ias0I-00055-00016608-00016776 people remember the home runs TQ-M_3Ias0I-00056-00016777-00016958 [Music] TQ-M_3Ias0I-00057-00016959-00017391 fall forward thomas edison conducted one TQ-M_3Ias0I-00058-00017392-00017583 thousand failed experiments did you know TQ-M_3Ias0I-00059-00017584-00017783 that i didn't know that TQ-M_3Ias0I-00060-00017784-00018039 because the one thousand and first was TQ-M_3Ias0I-00061-00018040-00018350 the light bulb TQ-M_3Ias0I-00062-00018351-00018792 fall forward TScfCIWsuwE-00000-00000291-00002775 [Music] TScfCIWsuwE-00002-00006823-00009382 [Music] TScfCIWsuwE-00003-00009383-00009925 [Applause] TScfCIWsuwE-00005-00014776-00015975 [Music] TScfCIWsuwE-00007-00020904-00023883 [Music] TScfCIWsuwE-00008-00023884-00026683 so TScfCIWsuwE-00009-00026683-00027057 so TScfCIWsuwE-00010-00027058-00028083 [Music] TScfCIWsuwE-00011-00028083-00028466 so TScfCIWsuwE-00012-00028467-00029487 [Music] TScfCIWsuwE-00013-00029488-00030282 my TScfCIWsuwE-00015-00034067-00034618 [Music] TScfCIWsuwE-00016-00034619-00036483 [Music] TScfCIWsuwE-00017-00036484-00036733 hey TScfCIWsuwE-00018-00036734-00037883 [Music] TScfCIWsuwE-00019-00037884-00037986 so TScfCIWsuwE-00020-00037987-00038095 [Music] TScfCIWsuwE-00021-00038096-00038284 [Applause] TScfCIWsuwE-00022-00038285-00040683 [Music] TScfCIWsuwE-00023-00040684-00040813 my TScfCIWsuwE-00025-00044797-00046716 [Music] TScfCIWsuwE-00026-00046717-00047305 [Music] TScfCIWsuwE-00027-00047306-00048399 [Applause] TScfCIWsuwE-00028-00048400-00049386 [Music] TScfCIWsuwE-00029-00049387-00051882 [Music] TScfCIWsuwE-00030-00051883-00052396 so TScfCIWsuwE-00031-00052397-00053059 [Music] TScfCIWsuwE-00032-00053060-00053177 [Music] TScfCIWsuwE-00033-00053178-00053304 [Applause] TScfCIWsuwE-00034-00053305-00054016 [Music] TScfCIWsuwE-00035-00054016-00056182 [Music] TScfCIWsuwE-00036-00056183-00057241 you TScfCIWsuwE-00037-00057241-00059515 [Music] TScfCIWsuwE-00038-00059516-00060282 [Music] TScfCIWsuwE-00039-00060283-00060557 so TScfCIWsuwE-00040-00060558-00062150 [Music] TScfCIWsuwE-00041-00062151-00062494 something new is here and ready when you TScfCIWsuwE-00042-00062495-00062663 are TScfCIWsuwE-00043-00062664-00062887 fast enough to get the shot that passes TScfCIWsuwE-00044-00062888-00063038 in the blink of an eye TScfCIWsuwE-00045-00063039-00063215 and ready to work in whatever light TScfCIWsuwE-00046-00063216-00063350 condition TScfCIWsuwE-00047-00063351-00064074 are you ready xperia x predicts the next TScfCIWsuwE-00048-00064075-00064482 [Music] TScfCIWsuwE-00049-00064483-00064679 move TScfCIWsuwE-00050-00064680-00065573 [Music] TScfCIWsuwE-00051-00065574-00066312 [Music] TScfCIWsuwE-00052-00066313-00066999 [Music] TScfCIWsuwE-00053-00067000-00067207 you TTsrQuvPXIg-00000-00000008-00000295 good morning to everyone TTsrQuvPXIg-00001-00000296-00000383 we TTsrQuvPXIg-00002-00000384-00000790 uh opened hearing number 13 of the 183 TTsrQuvPXIg-00003-00000791-00001054 regular session of the uh that is called TTsrQuvPXIg-00004-00001055-00001262 human rights situation of migrants under TTsrQuvPXIg-00005-00001263-00001558 families in the dominican republic this TTsrQuvPXIg-00006-00001559-00001718 hearing has been requested by a series TTsrQuvPXIg-00007-00001719-00001967 of civil society organizations TTsrQuvPXIg-00008-00001968-00002279 i am judicia antija falcon president of TTsrQuvPXIg-00009-00002280-00002510 the commission and i'm joined by the TTsrQuvPXIg-00010-00002511-00002710 second vice president and country TTsrQuvPXIg-00011-00002711-00002910 laboratory margaret may macaulay TTsrQuvPXIg-00012-00002911-00003222 commissioner estrada rallon TTsrQuvPXIg-00013-00003223-00003470 who is the reporter for haiti and TTsrQuvPXIg-00014-00003471-00003719 commissioner carlos bernal TTsrQuvPXIg-00015-00003720-00003799 we TTsrQuvPXIg-00016-00003800-00004175 are here also with soledad TTsrQuvPXIg-00017-00004176-00004343 reporter i would like to greet the TTsrQuvPXIg-00018-00004344-00004519 delegation of the state civil society TTsrQuvPXIg-00019-00004520-00004854 organizations and mr alberto brunori who TTsrQuvPXIg-00020-00004855-00005095 is the eu representative for central TTsrQuvPXIg-00021-00005096-00005438 america TTsrQuvPXIg-00022-00005439-00005647 we are going to start with 20 minutes TTsrQuvPXIg-00023-00005648-00005911 for the civil society then the estate mr TTsrQuvPXIg-00024-00005912-00006095 bernardi will speak for seven minutes TTsrQuvPXIg-00025-00006096-00006302 and the commission for 20 minutes and TTsrQuvPXIg-00026-00006303-00006527 then we will have a second round for 10 TTsrQuvPXIg-00027-00006528-00006678 minutes for the state and the civil TTsrQuvPXIg-00028-00006679-00007046 society we have a digital tool to TTsrQuvPXIg-00029-00007047-00007295 measure time now we have billy TTsrQuvPXIg-00030-00007295-00007527 interpretation and captions these TTsrQuvPXIg-00031-00007528-00007863 hearings are uh broadcasted and the TTsrQuvPXIg-00032-00007864-00008367 recorded will be uploaded to the um TTsrQuvPXIg-00033-00008368-00008487 commission's TTsrQuvPXIg-00034-00008488-00008735 channel in youtube we are going to start TTsrQuvPXIg-00035-00008736-00008878 with the participation of the civil TTsrQuvPXIg-00036-00008879-00009191 society for 20 minutes thank you TTsrQuvPXIg-00037-00009192-00009519 good morning madam president and members TTsrQuvPXIg-00038-00009520-00009751 of the distinguished inter-american TTsrQuvPXIg-00039-00009752-00010039 commission on human rights TTsrQuvPXIg-00040-00010040-00010287 to the representatives of diplomatic TTsrQuvPXIg-00041-00010288-00010567 organizations the honorable members of TTsrQuvPXIg-00042-00010568-00010878 the dominican republic state colleagues TTsrQuvPXIg-00043-00010879-00011238 of the civil society and persons who are TTsrQuvPXIg-00044-00011239-00011487 following the hearing from their TTsrQuvPXIg-00045-00011488-00011838 communities thank you my name is manuel TTsrQuvPXIg-00046-00011839-00011959 andre TTsrQuvPXIg-00047-00011960-00012359 and i'm here today TTsrQuvPXIg-00048-00012360-00012614 in this table TTsrQuvPXIg-00049-00012615-00012927 winnemy mendes and TTsrQuvPXIg-00050-00012928-00013222 young leaders of the communities which TTsrQuvPXIg-00051-00013223-00013343 nayote TTsrQuvPXIg-00052-00013344-00013838 candy paulina samuel elidah wilson john TTsrQuvPXIg-00053-00013840-00014247 and paulina solano who will make the url TTsrQuvPXIg-00054-00014247-00014463 presentation TTsrQuvPXIg-00055-00014463-00014751 also TTsrQuvPXIg-00056-00014752-00014935 in baraona TTsrQuvPXIg-00057-00014936-00015375 mr enesia is connected TTsrQuvPXIg-00058-00015376-00015663 we will present before the distinguished TTsrQuvPXIg-00059-00015663-00015830 commission TTsrQuvPXIg-00060-00015831-00016199 in this oral presentation a summary of TTsrQuvPXIg-00061-00016200-00016391 the report of the civil society TTsrQuvPXIg-00062-00016392-00016671 regarding the situation of human rights TTsrQuvPXIg-00063-00016672-00017007 of migrants persons and their families TTsrQuvPXIg-00064-00017008-00017222 in the dominican republic i will give TTsrQuvPXIg-00065-00017223-00017391 the floor TTsrQuvPXIg-00066-00017392-00017671 to my colleague joseph TTsrQuvPXIg-00067-00017672-00018014 regarding the text the situation of TTsrQuvPXIg-00068-00018015-00018222 stateless persons that was published in TTsrQuvPXIg-00069-00018223-00018622 august 2020 a new state administration TTsrQuvPXIg-00070-00018623-00018950 is uh led by mr abitaner current TTsrQuvPXIg-00071-00018951-00019175 government has inherited the death TTsrQuvPXIg-00072-00019176-00019567 naturalization by ruling 168 TTsrQuvPXIg-00073-00019568-00019991 the implementation of law 164-14 TTsrQuvPXIg-00074-00019992-00020327 the continuity of the implementation of TTsrQuvPXIg-00075-00020328-00020575 the national plan for the realization of TTsrQuvPXIg-00076-00020576-00020999 foreign aids and the crisis left by the TTsrQuvPXIg-00077-00021000-00021350 pandemic in the country after TTsrQuvPXIg-00078-00021351-00021647 a long time civil society organizations TTsrQuvPXIg-00079-00021648-00021967 working with migrant persons and TTsrQuvPXIg-00080-00021968-00022294 dominicans of haitian descent have TTsrQuvPXIg-00081-00022295-00022614 requested in systematic way to dominican TTsrQuvPXIg-00082-00022615-00022911 authorities to restore communications TTsrQuvPXIg-00083-00022912-00023135 regarding human rights situations of TTsrQuvPXIg-00084-00023136-00023430 dominicans of haitian descent and their TTsrQuvPXIg-00085-00023431-00023686 relatives in particular to TTsrQuvPXIg-00086-00023687-00023863 discuss between TTsrQuvPXIg-00087-00023864-00024150 the civil society and the authorities TTsrQuvPXIg-00088-00024151-00024535 which took place in 2016 and 2018 TTsrQuvPXIg-00089-00024536-00024678 with the TTsrQuvPXIg-00090-00024679-00024927 aid of the commission we are part of TTsrQuvPXIg-00091-00024928-00025142 different human rights TTsrQuvPXIg-00092-00025143-00025358 organizations TTsrQuvPXIg-00093-00025359-00025599 that look for a better management of TTsrQuvPXIg-00094-00025600-00025831 relations between civil society and the TTsrQuvPXIg-00095-00025832-00026158 new government and aspire to have a TTsrQuvPXIg-00096-00026160-00026470 solid dialogue respectful in order to TTsrQuvPXIg-00097-00026472-00026807 work with human rights defenders civil TTsrQuvPXIg-00098-00026808-00027023 society organizations and community TTsrQuvPXIg-00099-00027024-00027358 groups TTsrQuvPXIg-00100-00027360-00027646 letters press releases TTsrQuvPXIg-00101-00027647-00027902 requests for meetings visits to TTsrQuvPXIg-00102-00027904-00028087 authorities having part of the TTsrQuvPXIg-00103-00028088-00028318 strategies to get closers TTsrQuvPXIg-00104-00028319-00028414 but TTsrQuvPXIg-00105-00028416-00028799 since it's beginning the new authorities TTsrQuvPXIg-00106-00028800-00029039 have ignored the TTsrQuvPXIg-00107-00029039-00029374 few progresses made TTsrQuvPXIg-00108-00029375-00029695 implementing a series of measures that TTsrQuvPXIg-00109-00029695-00030007 make the situation more serious for TTsrQuvPXIg-00110-00030008-00030295 dominicans of haitian descent in eight TTsrQuvPXIg-00111-00030295-00030502 years what has happened to dominicans TTsrQuvPXIg-00112-00030503-00030646 that have been the victims of this TTsrQuvPXIg-00113-00030647-00030990 ruling according to the national TTsrQuvPXIg-00114-00030991-00031423 migration council 35 persons that have TTsrQuvPXIg-00115-00031424-00031590 been registered in the national TTsrQuvPXIg-00116-00031591-00031927 relationship have not been able to uh re TTsrQuvPXIg-00117-00031927-00032279 recover their identity documents they TTsrQuvPXIg-00118-00032280-00032567 still TTsrQuvPXIg-00119-00032568-00032711 use the TTsrQuvPXIg-00120-00032712-00032846 um TTsrQuvPXIg-00121-00032847-00033015 birth TTsrQuvPXIg-00122-00033016-00033462 registration TTsrQuvPXIg-00123-00033463-00033683 big teams of the TTsrQuvPXIg-00124-00033684-00034007 national uh constitutional court and TTsrQuvPXIg-00125-00034008-00034399 victims have been identified in TTsrQuvPXIg-00126-00034400-00034935 an audit in 2015 and this registration TTsrQuvPXIg-00127-00034936-00035271 the transfer of this registration are TTsrQuvPXIg-00128-00035272-00035662 aimed at excluding the victims of the TTsrQuvPXIg-00129-00035663-00036039 national registry in republican demonic TTsrQuvPXIg-00130-00036040-00036118 the TTsrQuvPXIg-00131-00036119-00036471 dominican republic these segregation TTsrQuvPXIg-00132-00036472-00036679 policies TTsrQuvPXIg-00133-00036680-00037015 is of great concern as we believe these TTsrQuvPXIg-00134-00037016-00037245 will allow them to TTsrQuvPXIg-00135-00037246-00037446 [Music] TTsrQuvPXIg-00136-00037447-00037727 prevent other dominicans from having TTsrQuvPXIg-00137-00037728-00038159 their documentation these dominicans are TTsrQuvPXIg-00138-00038160-00038359 entitled to TTsrQuvPXIg-00139-00038360-00038607 their citizenship and they are not TTsrQuvPXIg-00140-00038608-00038927 considered as dominican citizenships and TTsrQuvPXIg-00141-00038928-00039087 they are not TTsrQuvPXIg-00142-00039088-00039351 foreign with a regular situation in the TTsrQuvPXIg-00143-00039352-00039511 country TTsrQuvPXIg-00144-00039512-00039727 this does not correspond to this TTsrQuvPXIg-00145-00039728-00039918 interest of the citizenship but TTsrQuvPXIg-00146-00039919-00040190 practices to obstacle services TTsrQuvPXIg-00147-00040191-00040295 the TTsrQuvPXIg-00148-00040296-00040502 birth certificates TTsrQuvPXIg-00149-00040503-00040918 are a huge uh difficulty for TTsrQuvPXIg-00150-00040919-00041255 dominican salvation descent even to TTsrQuvPXIg-00151-00041256-00041527 persons with a documentation TTsrQuvPXIg-00152-00041528-00041711 restored TTsrQuvPXIg-00153-00041712-00041999 it is very hard to obtain for birth TTsrQuvPXIg-00154-00042000-00042358 certificate renew documentations among TTsrQuvPXIg-00155-00042359-00042583 other processes TTsrQuvPXIg-00156-00042584-00042783 that should be TTsrQuvPXIg-00157-00042784-00043095 that are easier for other dominicans TTsrQuvPXIg-00158-00043096-00043327 the process the families have to go TTsrQuvPXIg-00159-00043328-00043543 through TTsrQuvPXIg-00160-00043544-00043707 cause TTsrQuvPXIg-00161-00043708-00043999 inter-generational conflict among TTsrQuvPXIg-00162-00044000-00044295 relatives as they TTsrQuvPXIg-00163-00044296-00044783 cannot access the proper documentation TTsrQuvPXIg-00164-00044784-00045215 poverty is a key factor that hinders TTsrQuvPXIg-00165-00045216-00045551 proper certifications and policies TTsrQuvPXIg-00166-00045552-00045879 have resulted insufficient and TTsrQuvPXIg-00167-00045880-00046415 unfortunately authorities TTsrQuvPXIg-00168-00046416-00046655 are not sensible to the magnitude of TTsrQuvPXIg-00169-00046656-00046911 this reality it is necessary to TTsrQuvPXIg-00170-00046912-00047118 underscore that our struggle does not TTsrQuvPXIg-00171-00047119-00047367 distinguish between dominicans and TTsrQuvPXIg-00172-00047368-00047646 dominicans of diverse origins their TTsrQuvPXIg-00173-00047647-00047943 response to access civil registry TTsrQuvPXIg-00174-00047944-00048615 without discrimination includes everyone TTsrQuvPXIg-00175-00048616-00048815 the plan for the regularization of TTsrQuvPXIg-00176-00048816-00049295 foreigners TTsrQuvPXIg-00177-00049296-00049567 according to official statistics TTsrQuvPXIg-00178-00049568-00050046 thousands of dominicans were able to be TTsrQuvPXIg-00179-00050047-00050143 um TTsrQuvPXIg-00180-00050144-00050390 affected by law 169 TTsrQuvPXIg-00181-00050391-00050718 are still waiting for their citizenship TTsrQuvPXIg-00182-00050719-00051079 to be authorized to this group TTsrQuvPXIg-00183-00051080-00051319 they were given a TTsrQuvPXIg-00184-00051320-00051575 category of migrants that should be TTsrQuvPXIg-00185-00051576-00051854 renewed periodically and they have an TTsrQuvPXIg-00186-00051855-00051958 idea TTsrQuvPXIg-00187-00051959-00052238 that does not allow them to vote or be TTsrQuvPXIg-00188-00052239-00052447 benefited by TTsrQuvPXIg-00189-00052448-00052735 social programs TTsrQuvPXIg-00190-00052736-00053047 many persons have TTsrQuvPXIg-00191-00053048-00053430 been able to obtain the citizenship but TTsrQuvPXIg-00192-00053432-00053711 they have not received documentation to TTsrQuvPXIg-00193-00053712-00053887 credit their TTsrQuvPXIg-00194-00053888-00054230 nationalization TTsrQuvPXIg-00195-00054232-00054735 law 169-14 TTsrQuvPXIg-00196-00054736-00055023 makes no difference between documents TTsrQuvPXIg-00197-00055024-00055399 granted to the dominicans that TTsrQuvPXIg-00198-00055400-00055854 were benefited by law 169 from documents TTsrQuvPXIg-00199-00055855-00056103 granted to migrants TTsrQuvPXIg-00200-00056104-00056279 id for TTsrQuvPXIg-00201-00056279-00056566 migrants given to this group have TTsrQuvPXIg-00202-00056567-00056871 already expired without competent TTsrQuvPXIg-00203-00056872-00057087 authorities informing about mechanisms TTsrQuvPXIg-00204-00057088-00057430 for the renewal of these documentation TTsrQuvPXIg-00205-00057432-00057799 number to be given naturalizations TTsrQuvPXIg-00206-00057800-00058175 the police officers already lack TTsrQuvPXIg-00207-00058176-00058254 the TTsrQuvPXIg-00208-00058255-00058519 department to review TTsrQuvPXIg-00209-00058520-00058830 naturalization for persons affected by TTsrQuvPXIg-00210-00058832-00059199 law 169 these persons have not received TTsrQuvPXIg-00211-00059200-00059447 uh information or attention for more TTsrQuvPXIg-00212-00059448-00059591 than a year TTsrQuvPXIg-00213-00059591-00059950 regarding the follow-up of their cases TTsrQuvPXIg-00214-00059951-00060311 we express our concern for the denial of TTsrQuvPXIg-00215-00060312-00060438 renovation TTsrQuvPXIg-00216-00060439-00060775 services with puts at risk thousands of TTsrQuvPXIg-00217-00060776-00061015 young dominicans who already have TTsrQuvPXIg-00218-00061016-00061303 documentation according to law they have TTsrQuvPXIg-00219-00061304-00061542 dreams projects and they contribute for TTsrQuvPXIg-00220-00061544-00061782 the development of their communities the TTsrQuvPXIg-00221-00061783-00062015 mcnikans this and TTsrQuvPXIg-00222-00062016-00062366 of uh migrant descent living in urban TTsrQuvPXIg-00223-00062367-00062766 rural areas do not feel safe TTsrQuvPXIg-00224-00062767-00063063 they are usually detained by migration TTsrQuvPXIg-00225-00063064-00063391 officers and they risk TTsrQuvPXIg-00226-00063391-00063615 being TTsrQuvPXIg-00227-00063616-00063799 deported from their country the TTsrQuvPXIg-00228-00063800-00064135 situation has worsened these documents TTsrQuvPXIg-00229-00064136-00064350 have expired because we lack the TTsrQuvPXIg-00230-00064351-00064591 necessary channels although there is a TTsrQuvPXIg-00231-00064591-00064879 mechanism to do so authorities have not TTsrQuvPXIg-00232-00064879-00065079 investigated human rights violations TTsrQuvPXIg-00233-00065079-00065335 against migrants and dominicans of TTsrQuvPXIg-00234-00065336-00065503 haitian descent TTsrQuvPXIg-00235-00065504-00065663 it is important to highlight the TTsrQuvPXIg-00236-00065664-00066047 concerns of the civil society TTsrQuvPXIg-00237-00066048-00066247 regarding the uh TTsrQuvPXIg-00238-00066248-00066526 the necessity to strengthen these TTsrQuvPXIg-00239-00066527-00066926 situations the current administration TTsrQuvPXIg-00240-00066927-00067263 uses a series of practices that violate TTsrQuvPXIg-00241-00067264-00067519 national legislation TTsrQuvPXIg-00242-00067520-00067750 bilateral agreements and international TTsrQuvPXIg-00243-00067751-00067943 agreements TTsrQuvPXIg-00244-00067944-00068126 to the detriment of TTsrQuvPXIg-00245-00068127-00068447 human rights for migrants many of these TTsrQuvPXIg-00246-00068448-00068719 issues have been dealt with TTsrQuvPXIg-00247-00068720-00068950 in hearings TTsrQuvPXIg-00248-00068951-00069135 such as the one that took place TTsrQuvPXIg-00249-00069136-00069287 yesterday TTsrQuvPXIg-00250-00069288-00069494 and regarding national plans for the TTsrQuvPXIg-00251-00069495-00069855 regulation of foreigners in 2015 TTsrQuvPXIg-00252-00069856-00070006 and TTsrQuvPXIg-00253-00070007-00070094 more than TTsrQuvPXIg-00254-00070095-00070391 and 180 thousand requests TTsrQuvPXIg-00255-00070392-00070647 were um analyzed but there is no TTsrQuvPXIg-00256-00070648-00070919 information about these proceedings TTsrQuvPXIg-00257-00070920-00071126 damaging especially TTsrQuvPXIg-00258-00071127-00071415 migrants of haitian descent there are TTsrQuvPXIg-00259-00071416-00071662 human rights violations TTsrQuvPXIg-00260-00071663-00071991 in spite of the regional colon to stop TTsrQuvPXIg-00261-00071992-00072326 the deportation of haitian migrants TTsrQuvPXIg-00262-00072327-00072543 taking into account the current TTsrQuvPXIg-00263-00072544-00072935 situation but um thousands of detentions TTsrQuvPXIg-00264-00072936-00073094 have been produced TTsrQuvPXIg-00265-00073095-00073526 without informing their relatives TTsrQuvPXIg-00266-00073527-00073759 the workers who were in the sugar TTsrQuvPXIg-00267-00073760-00074191 industry in the private uh sector and TTsrQuvPXIg-00268-00074192-00074503 the national sugar council in spite of TTsrQuvPXIg-00269-00074504-00074815 the promises are not able to TTsrQuvPXIg-00270-00074816-00075111 receive their pension after years of TTsrQuvPXIg-00271-00075112-00075359 working in the sugar industry TTsrQuvPXIg-00272-00075360-00075638 because they do not have an id TTsrQuvPXIg-00273-00075639-00075959 or residency in the country among the TTsrQuvPXIg-00274-00075960-00076279 violations committed in the last quarter TTsrQuvPXIg-00275-00076280-00076582 in 2021 we could highlight TTsrQuvPXIg-00276-00076583-00076935 limitation to access health services TTsrQuvPXIg-00277-00076936-00077343 the order of um deportation of pregnant TTsrQuvPXIg-00278-00077344-00077567 women migrants TTsrQuvPXIg-00279-00077568-00077911 which has been executed massively which TTsrQuvPXIg-00280-00077912-00078119 constitutes a TTsrQuvPXIg-00281-00078120-00078455 an act of discrimination against women TTsrQuvPXIg-00282-00078456-00078679 this is a TTsrQuvPXIg-00283-00078680-00078871 gynecologic TTsrQuvPXIg-00284-00078872-00079159 discrimination and violence women have TTsrQuvPXIg-00285-00079160-00079511 been detained inside within hospitals TTsrQuvPXIg-00286-00079512-00079759 while they were seeking for medical TTsrQuvPXIg-00287-00079760-00080071 attention more than 300 civil society TTsrQuvPXIg-00288-00080072-00080271 organizations have rejected this TTsrQuvPXIg-00289-00080272-00080759 persecution and we request we urge the TTsrQuvPXIg-00290-00080760-00080959 government to TTsrQuvPXIg-00291-00080960-00081182 stop TTsrQuvPXIg-00292-00081183-00081479 violence against women and TTsrQuvPXIg-00293-00081480-00081903 girls the deportations of undocumented TTsrQuvPXIg-00294-00081904-00082143 dominicans and migrants TTsrQuvPXIg-00295-00082144-00082399 and different violations that TTsrQuvPXIg-00296-00082400-00082679 he that put at risk children and other TTsrQuvPXIg-00297-00082680-00083079 adolescents the practice of deporting TTsrQuvPXIg-00298-00083080-00083367 asian children and adolescents is TTsrQuvPXIg-00299-00083368-00083718 something we recognize as well TTsrQuvPXIg-00300-00083719-00083894 going through the TTsrQuvPXIg-00301-00083895-00084055 experience TTsrQuvPXIg-00302-00084056-00084255 is something with this experience TTsrQuvPXIg-00303-00084256-00084606 that of denial of documents is something TTsrQuvPXIg-00304-00084607-00084950 terrible this prevents persons TTsrQuvPXIg-00305-00084951-00085111 to TTsrQuvPXIg-00306-00085112-00085415 overcome situations of crisis prevent TTsrQuvPXIg-00307-00085416-00085671 them to participate in public life with TTsrQuvPXIg-00308-00085672-00085967 equality and vindicate and re-vindicate TTsrQuvPXIg-00309-00085968-00086159 our rights TTsrQuvPXIg-00310-00086160-00086415 access to documents TTsrQuvPXIg-00311-00086416-00086638 is related to social political and TTsrQuvPXIg-00312-00086639-00087023 economic rights TTsrQuvPXIg-00313-00087024-00087247 the lack of documents excludes persons TTsrQuvPXIg-00314-00087248-00087438 from formal TTsrQuvPXIg-00315-00087439-00087526 work TTsrQuvPXIg-00316-00087527-00087799 and forcing them to TTsrQuvPXIg-00317-00087800-00088087 labor exploitation and does not enable TTsrQuvPXIg-00318-00088088-00088318 them to participate to receive TTsrQuvPXIg-00319-00088319-00088759 social services TTsrQuvPXIg-00320-00088760-00089079 we need to recall that persons subject TTsrQuvPXIg-00321-00089080-00089375 to this neutralization and denial of TTsrQuvPXIg-00322-00089376-00089615 citizenship who do not have access to TTsrQuvPXIg-00323-00089616-00089950 the documents cannot work within formal TTsrQuvPXIg-00324-00089951-00090150 labor sectors TTsrQuvPXIg-00325-00090151-00090262 access TTsrQuvPXIg-00326-00090263-00090494 credit in banks TTsrQuvPXIg-00327-00090495-00090838 access programs for is TTsrQuvPXIg-00328-00090839-00091135 for emergency subsidies TTsrQuvPXIg-00329-00091136-00091471 access higher education institutions TTsrQuvPXIg-00330-00091472-00091823 sign contracts to TTsrQuvPXIg-00331-00091824-00092062 purchase TTsrQuvPXIg-00332-00092063-00092391 and the cov19 pandemic TTsrQuvPXIg-00333-00092392-00092759 shows that citizenship is more than a TTsrQuvPXIg-00334-00092760-00093150 paper it means identity family community TTsrQuvPXIg-00335-00093151-00093311 freedom TTsrQuvPXIg-00336-00093312-00093815 we highlight the support of the armenian TTsrQuvPXIg-00337-00093816-00093959 community TTsrQuvPXIg-00338-00093960-00094087 the TTsrQuvPXIg-00339-00094088-00094274 doctors TTsrQuvPXIg-00340-00094275-00094543 organizations and the solidarity with TTsrQuvPXIg-00341-00094544-00095079 our cause had been has been widespread TTsrQuvPXIg-00342-00095080-00095191 the TTsrQuvPXIg-00343-00095192-00095326 society TTsrQuvPXIg-00344-00095327-00095591 is fighting to achieve social justice TTsrQuvPXIg-00345-00095592-00095879 but our authorities TTsrQuvPXIg-00346-00095880-00096031 insists TTsrQuvPXIg-00347-00096032-00096182 on TTsrQuvPXIg-00348-00096183-00096550 perpetrating a past of exclusion after TTsrQuvPXIg-00349-00096551-00096855 descendants young people TTsrQuvPXIg-00350-00096856-00096950 in TTsrQuvPXIg-00351-00096951-00097247 the country in america have TTsrQuvPXIg-00352-00097248-00097543 been working in articulated way in order TTsrQuvPXIg-00353-00097544-00097694 to fight for TTsrQuvPXIg-00354-00097695-00097950 uh our rights although the lack of TTsrQuvPXIg-00355-00097951-00098103 documentation TTsrQuvPXIg-00356-00098104-00098455 made us miss the opportunity to work TTsrQuvPXIg-00357-00098456-00098782 progress and study we have the historic TTsrQuvPXIg-00358-00098783-00099103 opportunity of representing TTsrQuvPXIg-00359-00099104-00099399 young people like ourselves and we are TTsrQuvPXIg-00360-00099400-00099703 here today in a space where TTsrQuvPXIg-00361-00099704-00099871 citizens have the opportunity to be TTsrQuvPXIg-00362-00099872-00100126 heard to request our TTsrQuvPXIg-00363-00100127-00100238 government TTsrQuvPXIg-00364-00100239-00100350 to TTsrQuvPXIg-00365-00100351-00100567 leave institutionalized discrimination TTsrQuvPXIg-00366-00100568-00100687 behind TTsrQuvPXIg-00367-00100688-00101006 we are here today to tell our TTsrQuvPXIg-00368-00101007-00101335 authorities that young people looking TTsrQuvPXIg-00369-00101336-00101455 for our TTsrQuvPXIg-00370-00101456-00101703 fighting for our generation TTsrQuvPXIg-00371-00101704-00101959 want to contribute to a TTsrQuvPXIg-00372-00101960-00102359 society that is more just and equal in TTsrQuvPXIg-00373-00102360-00102654 the dominican republic TTsrQuvPXIg-00374-00102655-00102847 we request TTsrQuvPXIg-00375-00102848-00103094 the dominican state through the TTsrQuvPXIg-00376-00103095-00103310 honorable commission TTsrQuvPXIg-00377-00103311-00103454 the following TTsrQuvPXIg-00378-00103455-00103694 the dominicans TTsrQuvPXIg-00379-00103695-00104158 state to implement the TTsrQuvPXIg-00380-00104159-00104375 framework law following current TTsrQuvPXIg-00381-00104376-00104830 legislation TTsrQuvPXIg-00382-00104831-00105063 for all those which includes regimes of TTsrQuvPXIg-00383-00105064-00105247 consequences for those the liberty to TTsrQuvPXIg-00384-00105248-00105431 commit the crime of discrimination that TTsrQuvPXIg-00385-00105432-00105566 the right of affected dominican TTsrQuvPXIg-00386-00105567-00105710 nationality be recognized for all TTsrQuvPXIg-00387-00105711-00106054 persons born before january 26 2010 TTsrQuvPXIg-00388-00106055-00106271 without any restriction in application TTsrQuvPXIg-00389-00106272-00106695 of article 18 of constitution of 2010 TTsrQuvPXIg-00390-00106696-00106851 that ruling TTsrQuvPXIg-00391-00106852-00107127 168 of the dominican constitutional TTsrQuvPXIg-00392-00107128-00107231 court TTsrQuvPXIg-00393-00107232-00107431 does not continue to produce effects on TTsrQuvPXIg-00394-00107432-00107647 persons born in dominican territory TTsrQuvPXIg-00395-00107648-00108086 before january 26 2010 and consequently TTsrQuvPXIg-00396-00108088-00108286 that the states stop implementing TTsrQuvPXIg-00397-00108288-00108583 discriminatory policies that contravene TTsrQuvPXIg-00398-00108583-00108902 its own constitution based on this TTsrQuvPXIg-00399-00108903-00109143 that the dominican state guarantees TTsrQuvPXIg-00400-00109144-00109495 legal security to effectively recover TTsrQuvPXIg-00401-00109496-00109695 the dominican nationality to the TTsrQuvPXIg-00402-00109696-00110175 recipients of law 169-14 TTsrQuvPXIg-00403-00110176-00110290 decree TTsrQuvPXIg-00404-00110291-00110951 250 decree 262 and decree 297 TTsrQuvPXIg-00405-00110952-00111286 the dominican state adopts the lord and TTsrQuvPXIg-00406-00111288-00111599 creates the foreign birth registry book TTsrQuvPXIg-00407-00111600-00111895 in the terms approved by TTsrQuvPXIg-00408-00111896-00112358 article 55 of 2010 constitution adopted TTsrQuvPXIg-00409-00112359-00112631 the legislation that creates this TTsrQuvPXIg-00410-00112632-00112910 registration modality require the TTsrQuvPXIg-00411-00112911-00113127 dominican state the application of TTsrQuvPXIg-00412-00113128-00113399 international human rights standards in TTsrQuvPXIg-00413-00113400-00113702 cases of expulsion of deportation or of TTsrQuvPXIg-00414-00113703-00114063 migrants especially of asian TTsrQuvPXIg-00415-00114064-00114254 origin established regimes of TTsrQuvPXIg-00416-00114255-00114575 consequences from migratory agents who TTsrQuvPXIg-00417-00114576-00114807 act outside the guidelines TTsrQuvPXIg-00418-00114808-00114966 that protect their actions and due TTsrQuvPXIg-00419-00114967-00115278 process in matters of sad interdictions TTsrQuvPXIg-00420-00115279-00115543 and migratory detentions for the purpose TTsrQuvPXIg-00421-00115544-00115878 of deporting foreigners TTsrQuvPXIg-00422-00115879-00116199 urge dominican state to take pertinent TTsrQuvPXIg-00423-00116200-00116383 measures in order to stop the massive TTsrQuvPXIg-00424-00116383-00116647 deportations of occasions TTsrQuvPXIg-00425-00116648-00116934 and the families TTsrQuvPXIg-00426-00116935-00117199 and abstaining TTsrQuvPXIg-00427-00117200-00117615 dominicans of haitian descent TTsrQuvPXIg-00428-00117616-00117854 whether they are documented or not in TTsrQuvPXIg-00429-00117855-00118047 particular TTsrQuvPXIg-00430-00118048-00118247 they assist from the expansion of TTsrQuvPXIg-00431-00118248-00118551 persons who cannot be deported according TTsrQuvPXIg-00432-00118552-00118934 to its own legislation pregnant migrant TTsrQuvPXIg-00433-00118935-00119047 women TTsrQuvPXIg-00434-00119048-00119295 elderly as well as migrant children and TTsrQuvPXIg-00435-00119296-00119423 adolescents TTsrQuvPXIg-00436-00119424-00119686 train military TTsrQuvPXIg-00437-00119688-00119886 police officers TTsrQuvPXIg-00438-00119888-00120231 uh on TTsrQuvPXIg-00439-00120232-00120510 human rights so they TTsrQuvPXIg-00440-00120511-00120702 respect fundamental rights of the TTsrQuvPXIg-00441-00120703-00120999 population of migrant workers when they TTsrQuvPXIg-00442-00121000-00121319 are subject of procedures under their TTsrQuvPXIg-00443-00121320-00121863 authorities eliminate practices in ddgm TTsrQuvPXIg-00444-00121864-00122078 in relation to administrative and TTsrQuvPXIg-00445-00122079-00122399 bureaucratic procedures for the renewal TTsrQuvPXIg-00446-00122400-00122510 of TTsrQuvPXIg-00447-00122511-00122831 migratory or work permits TTsrQuvPXIg-00448-00122832-00123110 and reducing the high costs for these TTsrQuvPXIg-00449-00123111-00123327 services including TTsrQuvPXIg-00450-00123328-00123614 residences and work permits TTsrQuvPXIg-00451-00123615-00123814 that the plan TTsrQuvPXIg-00452-00123815-00124119 for the regularization of foreign is TTsrQuvPXIg-00453-00124120-00124383 be brought to a successful conclusion TTsrQuvPXIg-00454-00124383-00124623 seeking to create sustainable channels TTsrQuvPXIg-00455-00124624-00124975 to promote cross-border migration design TTsrQuvPXIg-00456-00124976-00125247 instrument mechanism programs with TTsrQuvPXIg-00457-00125248-00125439 affirmative actions that allow TTsrQuvPXIg-00458-00125440-00125878 dominicans affected by digitalization TTsrQuvPXIg-00459-00125879-00126071 or stableness TTsrQuvPXIg-00460-00126072-00126334 to have equal access to public services TTsrQuvPXIg-00461-00126335-00126639 without discrimination subsidies TTsrQuvPXIg-00462-00126640-00126999 assistance programs sources of credit TTsrQuvPXIg-00463-00127000-00127302 measures and other resources to promote TTsrQuvPXIg-00464-00127303-00127639 economic resilience to the people and TTsrQuvPXIg-00465-00127640-00128014 communities to put into effect and TTsrQuvPXIg-00466-00128015-00128223 work table between the civil society TTsrQuvPXIg-00467-00128224-00129543 organizations TTsrQuvPXIg-00468-00129544-00129790 unfortunately we have a connectivity TTsrQuvPXIg-00469-00129791-00130095 issue and the time of sales society has TTsrQuvPXIg-00470-00130096-00130383 expired so they could end TTsrQuvPXIg-00471-00130383-00130575 their request on the second part i would TTsrQuvPXIg-00472-00130576-00130751 like to give the floor to the state for TTsrQuvPXIg-00473-00130752-00130975 20 minutes thank you madam president can TTsrQuvPXIg-00474-00130976-00131119 you hear me TTsrQuvPXIg-00475-00131120-00131214 okay TTsrQuvPXIg-00476-00131215-00131439 first of all i would like to greet all TTsrQuvPXIg-00477-00131440-00131631 of you and the commissioners present TTsrQuvPXIg-00478-00131632-00131783 today as well as staff of the TTsrQuvPXIg-00479-00131784-00132023 inter-american commission also i would TTsrQuvPXIg-00480-00132024-00132231 like to greet alberto brunori from the TTsrQuvPXIg-00481-00132232-00132431 united nations and the distinguished TTsrQuvPXIg-00482-00132432-00132590 representatives of civil society TTsrQuvPXIg-00483-00132591-00132766 organizations as well as the TTsrQuvPXIg-00484-00132767-00132990 representatives of the institutions of TTsrQuvPXIg-00485-00132991-00133143 the government TTsrQuvPXIg-00486-00133144-00133351 that are members of the human rights TTsrQuvPXIg-00487-00133352-00133663 commission that is held today by TTsrQuvPXIg-00488-00133664-00133887 minister ruben salia and director nera TTsrQuvPXIg-00489-00133888-00134039 paulino TTsrQuvPXIg-00490-00134040-00134327 distinguished commissioners the state of TTsrQuvPXIg-00491-00134328-00134614 dominican republic as an institution TTsrQuvPXIg-00492-00134615-00134814 that wants to guarantee and protect the TTsrQuvPXIg-00493-00134815-00135039 human rights of peoples living in the TTsrQuvPXIg-00494-00135040-00135287 territory of the dominican republic TTsrQuvPXIg-00495-00135288-00135495 thanks the opportunity to participate in TTsrQuvPXIg-00496-00135496-00135743 this thematic hearing within this period TTsrQuvPXIg-00497-00135744-00136031 of sessions of the commission we are TTsrQuvPXIg-00498-00136032-00136414 here to address the request of ngos who TTsrQuvPXIg-00499-00136415-00136695 requested this hearing TTsrQuvPXIg-00500-00136696-00136895 they are saying that in our country TTsrQuvPXIg-00501-00136896-00137039 there are human rights violations TTsrQuvPXIg-00502-00137040-00137283 against afrodescendants and TTsrQuvPXIg-00503-00137284-00137623 migrants these organizations indicate TTsrQuvPXIg-00504-00137624-00137807 that in the country there are human TTsrQuvPXIg-00505-00137808-00138063 rights violations that affect TTsrQuvPXIg-00506-00138064-00138287 specific groups of migrants and their TTsrQuvPXIg-00507-00138288-00138614 families women children and older TTsrQuvPXIg-00508-00138615-00138919 persons peasants among other groups TTsrQuvPXIg-00509-00138920-00139159 now we will present the reports of the TTsrQuvPXIg-00510-00139160-00139495 state regarding each of these aspects TTsrQuvPXIg-00511-00139496-00139766 taking into consideration the arguments TTsrQuvPXIg-00512-00139767-00140078 are replied to the TTsrQuvPXIg-00513-00140079-00140311 information presented by the TTsrQuvPXIg-00514-00140312-00140487 people who requested this hearing TTsrQuvPXIg-00515-00140488-00140614 regarding TTsrQuvPXIg-00516-00140615-00140887 the nationality issues that lead to a TTsrQuvPXIg-00517-00140888-00141119 statelessness especially for people who TTsrQuvPXIg-00518-00141120-00141359 are born in this country and are the TTsrQuvPXIg-00519-00141360-00141687 children of migrants TTsrQuvPXIg-00520-00141688-00142039 the state of dominican republic adopted TTsrQuvPXIg-00521-00142040-00142295 law 169 TTsrQuvPXIg-00522-00142296-00142671 14 in 2014 to respond to TTsrQuvPXIg-00523-00142672-00143007 the ruling 168-17 TTsrQuvPXIg-00524-00143008-00143231 of the constitutional court population TTsrQuvPXIg-00525-00143232-00143407 was divided in two groups the first TTsrQuvPXIg-00526-00143408-00143551 group group a TTsrQuvPXIg-00527-00143552-00143935 that includes descendants of foreigners TTsrQuvPXIg-00528-00143936-00144190 who have a legal status who were TTsrQuvPXIg-00529-00144191-00144495 included in the dominican republic TTsrQuvPXIg-00530-00144496-00144887 registry according to law 169 according TTsrQuvPXIg-00531-00144888-00145023 to this first TTsrQuvPXIg-00532-00145024-00145278 classification they were recognized as TTsrQuvPXIg-00533-00145279-00145502 dominican citizens TTsrQuvPXIg-00534-00145503-00145887 and the electoral TTsrQuvPXIg-00535-00145888-00145975 order TTsrQuvPXIg-00536-00145976-00146263 the granting of their id cards as TTsrQuvPXIg-00537-00146264-00146454 dominican citizens TTsrQuvPXIg-00538-00146455-00146599 and for that TTsrQuvPXIg-00539-00146600-00146783 there was an audit conducted in the TTsrQuvPXIg-00540-00146784-00147031 national registry and this was conducted TTsrQuvPXIg-00541-00147032-00147271 across the country and TTsrQuvPXIg-00542-00147272-00147543 this led to 60 000 TTsrQuvPXIg-00543-00147544-00147647 people TTsrQuvPXIg-00544-00147648-00147799 from TTsrQuvPXIg-00545-00147800-00148047 different nationalities TTsrQuvPXIg-00546-00148048-00148326 and for these people TTsrQuvPXIg-00547-00148327-00148575 24 000 TTsrQuvPXIg-00548-00148576-00148702 of foreign TTsrQuvPXIg-00549-00148703-00148951 foreign parents who were in an irregular TTsrQuvPXIg-00550-00148952-00149078 situation TTsrQuvPXIg-00551-00149079-00149166 where TTsrQuvPXIg-00552-00149167-00149471 living citizenship TTsrQuvPXIg-00553-00149472-00149719 and 27 TTsrQuvPXIg-00554-00149720-00149854 000 TTsrQuvPXIg-00555-00149855-00150319 records of irregular TTsrQuvPXIg-00556-00150320-00150526 status people TTsrQuvPXIg-00557-00150527-00150887 they have these people only have a card TTsrQuvPXIg-00558-00150888-00151207 they have temporary residence cards or a TTsrQuvPXIg-00559-00151208-00151431 passport and have no document and they TTsrQuvPXIg-00560-00151432-00151687 receive these specific documents TTsrQuvPXIg-00561-00151688-00151926 also TTsrQuvPXIg-00562-00151927-00152175 the children of parents under an TTsrQuvPXIg-00563-00152176-00152447 irregular situation receive an id card TTsrQuvPXIg-00564-00152448-00152663 even though they shouldn't have received TTsrQuvPXIg-00565-00152664-00153071 that card and their records are included TTsrQuvPXIg-00566-00153072-00153278 in those transfers records that i TTsrQuvPXIg-00567-00153279-00153414 mentioned before TTsrQuvPXIg-00568-00153415-00153751 article 3 of law 169 TTsrQuvPXIg-00569-00153752-00154102 indicates the cases of exception for TTsrQuvPXIg-00570-00154103-00154463 obtaining the dominican nationality TTsrQuvPXIg-00571-00154464-00154647 and TTsrQuvPXIg-00572-00154648-00154999 any records that have fake information TTsrQuvPXIg-00573-00155000-00155087 or TTsrQuvPXIg-00574-00155088-00155483 identity TTsrQuvPXIg-00575-00155484-00155823 fraud they will be punished by these TTsrQuvPXIg-00576-00155824-00156071 crimes TTsrQuvPXIg-00577-00156072-00156375 and also there are TTsrQuvPXIg-00578-00156376-00156719 several cases in which TTsrQuvPXIg-00579-00156720-00157054 parents presented a foreign passport TTsrQuvPXIg-00580-00157055-00157287 however TTsrQuvPXIg-00581-00157288-00157543 investigations indicated that these were TTsrQuvPXIg-00582-00157544-00157807 dominicans who had another nationality TTsrQuvPXIg-00583-00157808-00158071 and their records were not TTsrQuvPXIg-00584-00158072-00158214 included TTsrQuvPXIg-00585-00158215-00158399 and then there were other records that TTsrQuvPXIg-00586-00158400-00158687 have a different status TTsrQuvPXIg-00587-00158688-00158807 um TTsrQuvPXIg-00588-00158808-00159023 over 400 TTsrQuvPXIg-00589-00159024-00159399 uh where transfer others were TTsrQuvPXIg-00590-00159400-00159951 audited and others 200 were not rejected TTsrQuvPXIg-00591-00159952-00160214 this included people who have died TTsrQuvPXIg-00592-00160215-00160478 or TTsrQuvPXIg-00593-00160479-00160766 whose records have been destroyed TTsrQuvPXIg-00594-00160767-00161007 taken into consideration the proceedings TTsrQuvPXIg-00595-00161008-00161271 that i described before taken into TTsrQuvPXIg-00596-00161272-00161639 consideration enforcement of law 169 TTsrQuvPXIg-00597-00161640-00161919 around 50 000 people and their TTsrQuvPXIg-00598-00161920-00162247 descendants were considered dominican TTsrQuvPXIg-00599-00162248-00162551 citizens according to group b there are TTsrQuvPXIg-00600-00162552-00162847 foreign descendants in an irregular TTsrQuvPXIg-00601-00162848-00163047 situation that have no record in the TTsrQuvPXIg-00602-00163048-00163326 national registry but who have lived in TTsrQuvPXIg-00603-00163327-00163566 dominican republic throughout their life TTsrQuvPXIg-00604-00163567-00163702 and have no TTsrQuvPXIg-00605-00163703-00163935 link to other countries the law TTsrQuvPXIg-00606-00163936-00164311 established a 90-day deadline to TTsrQuvPXIg-00607-00164312-00164590 register themselves as foreigners and to TTsrQuvPXIg-00608-00164591-00164838 have the opportunity to have an special TTsrQuvPXIg-00609-00164839-00165151 process to obtain nationality within two TTsrQuvPXIg-00610-00165152-00165399 years this was conducted by the ministry TTsrQuvPXIg-00611-00165400-00165590 of foreign affairs and police the TTsrQuvPXIg-00612-00165591-00165847 institution received the documentation TTsrQuvPXIg-00613-00165848-00166111 by these people and presented TTsrQuvPXIg-00614-00166112-00166295 information to assess whether it would TTsrQuvPXIg-00615-00166296-00166526 be granted or rejected taken into TTsrQuvPXIg-00616-00166527-00166695 consideration the criteria that i TTsrQuvPXIg-00617-00166696-00167038 mentioned before after that TTsrQuvPXIg-00618-00167039-00167238 the ministry of foreign affairs and TTsrQuvPXIg-00619-00167239-00167351 police TTsrQuvPXIg-00620-00167352-00167447 sent TTsrQuvPXIg-00621-00167448-00167807 around 7000 files during this process TTsrQuvPXIg-00622-00167808-00167926 and these TTsrQuvPXIg-00623-00167927-00168175 files are included in the books and TTsrQuvPXIg-00624-00168176-00168414 after two years these seven thousand TTsrQuvPXIg-00625-00168415-00168759 peoples uh were in a condition to obtain TTsrQuvPXIg-00626-00168760-00168895 their TTsrQuvPXIg-00627-00168896-00169271 id card and then their TTsrQuvPXIg-00628-00169272-00169631 citizenship i would like to talk about TTsrQuvPXIg-00629-00169632-00169911 the arbitrary detention of women TTsrQuvPXIg-00630-00169912-00170263 and women after the earthquakes of 2010 TTsrQuvPXIg-00631-00170264-00170623 and 2019 haiti have a serious TTsrQuvPXIg-00632-00170624-00170919 humanitarian crisis and then these TTsrQuvPXIg-00633-00170920-00171390 worsen the massive inflow of haitian TTsrQuvPXIg-00634-00171391-00171671 migrants to the dominican republic TTsrQuvPXIg-00635-00171672-00171863 this includes pregnant women that come TTsrQuvPXIg-00636-00171864-00172014 to our country to receive medical TTsrQuvPXIg-00637-00172015-00172143 attention TTsrQuvPXIg-00638-00172144-00172383 these TTsrQuvPXIg-00639-00172384-00172543 reached TTsrQuvPXIg-00640-00172544-00172719 its TTsrQuvPXIg-00641-00172720-00172823 most TTsrQuvPXIg-00642-00172824-00173126 a difficult time after the murder of the TTsrQuvPXIg-00643-00173127-00173471 president of haiti in july last year TTsrQuvPXIg-00644-00173472-00173671 in order to understand TTsrQuvPXIg-00645-00173672-00173887 the size of the situation i'm talking TTsrQuvPXIg-00646-00173888-00174254 about in 2018 TTsrQuvPXIg-00647-00174255-00174375 14 TTsrQuvPXIg-00648-00174376-00174551 000 TTsrQuvPXIg-00649-00174552-00174759 um birth TTsrQuvPXIg-00650-00174760-00175014 from hate and mothers were recorded in TTsrQuvPXIg-00651-00175015-00175319 public hospitals in dominican republic TTsrQuvPXIg-00652-00175320-00175590 in 2020 this fear TTsrQuvPXIg-00653-00175591-00175814 almost doubled TTsrQuvPXIg-00654-00175815-00175990 and then TTsrQuvPXIg-00655-00175991-00176407 the following year it increased TTsrQuvPXIg-00656-00176408-00176799 a lot and in 2021 TTsrQuvPXIg-00657-00176800-00177119 there were over 35 000 TTsrQuvPXIg-00658-00177120-00177359 pregnant uh pregnancies at birth TTsrQuvPXIg-00659-00177360-00177719 so this means that the TTsrQuvPXIg-00660-00177720-00177926 23 TTsrQuvPXIg-00661-00177927-00178014 of TTsrQuvPXIg-00662-00178015-00178275 births were from heat and mothers in TTsrQuvPXIg-00663-00178276-00178590 2019 and it TTsrQuvPXIg-00664-00178591-00178990 accounts for 30 percent in 2022 TTsrQuvPXIg-00665-00178991-00179231 figures show that the massive use of TTsrQuvPXIg-00666-00179232-00179575 health services in dominican republic by TTsrQuvPXIg-00667-00179576-00179814 migrant pregnant women in a regular TTsrQuvPXIg-00668-00179815-00179951 status TTsrQuvPXIg-00669-00179952-00180023 is TTsrQuvPXIg-00670-00180024-00180271 a recent issue and TTsrQuvPXIg-00671-00180272-00180519 is consistent with the humanitarian TTsrQuvPXIg-00672-00180520-00180683 crisis in TTsrQuvPXIg-00673-00180684-00181007 haiti this TTsrQuvPXIg-00674-00181008-00181199 phenomenon is related also to the TTsrQuvPXIg-00675-00181200-00181414 regular migration of TTsrQuvPXIg-00676-00181415-00181695 haitian workers TTsrQuvPXIg-00677-00181696-00181887 pregnant women that come to the TTsrQuvPXIg-00678-00181888-00182083 dominican republic to receive health TTsrQuvPXIg-00679-00182084-00182454 services in our country TTsrQuvPXIg-00680-00182455-00182551 travel TTsrQuvPXIg-00681-00182552-00182726 irregularly TTsrQuvPXIg-00682-00182727-00183014 to our country using human trafficking TTsrQuvPXIg-00683-00183015-00183383 networks TTsrQuvPXIg-00684-00183384-00183838 this situation together with other TTsrQuvPXIg-00685-00183839-00184047 warring situations TTsrQuvPXIg-00686-00184048-00184231 led the immigration TTsrQuvPXIg-00687-00184232-00184383 council TTsrQuvPXIg-00688-00184384-00184614 in an extraordinary meeting held in TTsrQuvPXIg-00689-00184615-00184799 september 21 TTsrQuvPXIg-00690-00184800-00184902 order TTsrQuvPXIg-00691-00184903-00185183 the national directorate of migration to TTsrQuvPXIg-00692-00185184-00185438 implement new measures to control TTsrQuvPXIg-00693-00185439-00185814 migration and all these mentions were TTsrQuvPXIg-00694-00185815-00186071 consistent with national legislation TTsrQuvPXIg-00695-00186072-00186271 according to the office of migration TTsrQuvPXIg-00696-00186272-00186614 control between november 2021 until TTsrQuvPXIg-00697-00186615-00186807 january 2022 TTsrQuvPXIg-00698-00186808-00187078 less than one percent of foreigners TTsrQuvPXIg-00699-00187079-00187254 where repertoire TTsrQuvPXIg-00700-00187255-00187511 include pregnant women TTsrQuvPXIg-00701-00187512-00187623 finally TTsrQuvPXIg-00702-00187624-00187838 the state is not conducting massive TTsrQuvPXIg-00703-00187839-00188063 deportations of pregnant women when TTsrQuvPXIg-00704-00188064-00188343 there are specific cases the protocol of TTsrQuvPXIg-00705-00188344-00188599 the office of migration prevents the TTsrQuvPXIg-00706-00188600-00188863 deportation of women who are TTsrQuvPXIg-00707-00188864-00189214 in delivery repatriation only occurs TTsrQuvPXIg-00708-00189215-00189454 when that is a safe situation for the TTsrQuvPXIg-00709-00189455-00189671 mother and for the baby TTsrQuvPXIg-00710-00189672-00189990 and for that we have the support of the TTsrQuvPXIg-00711-00189991-00190287 national children's office that is the TTsrQuvPXIg-00712-00190288-00190535 agency that protects the rights of TTsrQuvPXIg-00713-00190536-00190687 minors taking into consideration the TTsrQuvPXIg-00714-00190688-00191047 best interest of children the dominican TTsrQuvPXIg-00715-00191048-00191159 state TTsrQuvPXIg-00716-00191160-00191350 is sensitive TTsrQuvPXIg-00717-00191351-00191663 to the situation of mothers who do not TTsrQuvPXIg-00718-00191664-00191950 receive basic services in their country TTsrQuvPXIg-00719-00191951-00192047 however TTsrQuvPXIg-00720-00192048-00192231 we understand that there is a situation TTsrQuvPXIg-00721-00192232-00192366 of violence TTsrQuvPXIg-00722-00192367-00192454 and TTsrQuvPXIg-00723-00192455-00192647 mobility TTsrQuvPXIg-00724-00192648-00192943 according to which haitians are looking TTsrQuvPXIg-00725-00192944-00193223 for services in other countries TTsrQuvPXIg-00726-00193224-00193302 and TTsrQuvPXIg-00727-00193303-00193511 the situation of haitians is the TTsrQuvPXIg-00728-00193512-00193790 situation of the international community TTsrQuvPXIg-00729-00193791-00193950 since TTsrQuvPXIg-00730-00193951-00194302 the situation of haiti is under the TTsrQuvPXIg-00731-00194303-00194550 monitoring of the council of the united TTsrQuvPXIg-00732-00194551-00195023 nations since 2004. TTsrQuvPXIg-00733-00195024-00195190 within this context TTsrQuvPXIg-00734-00195191-00195471 the dominican government has reinforced TTsrQuvPXIg-00735-00195472-00195663 measures to comply with migration TTsrQuvPXIg-00736-00195664-00195895 legislation of the country and to TTsrQuvPXIg-00737-00195896-00196119 control the excessive demand of health TTsrQuvPXIg-00738-00196120-00196350 services in public hospitals in our TTsrQuvPXIg-00739-00196351-00196487 country TTsrQuvPXIg-00740-00196488-00196590 finally TTsrQuvPXIg-00741-00196591-00196775 to illustrate the TTsrQuvPXIg-00742-00196776-00197095 size of this situation in 2019 health TTsrQuvPXIg-00743-00197096-00197287 services provided to TTsrQuvPXIg-00744-00197288-00197390 haitian TTsrQuvPXIg-00745-00197391-00197550 citizens TTsrQuvPXIg-00746-00197551-00197871 account for TTsrQuvPXIg-00747-00197872-00198119 over 1 million TTsrQuvPXIg-00748-00198120-00198423 services this included consultations TTsrQuvPXIg-00749-00198424-00198607 surgeries TTsrQuvPXIg-00750-00198608-00198743 deliveries TTsrQuvPXIg-00751-00198744-00198878 c-sections TTsrQuvPXIg-00752-00198879-00199111 and this account for TTsrQuvPXIg-00753-00199112-00199287 an expenses TTsrQuvPXIg-00754-00199288-00199366 for TTsrQuvPXIg-00755-00199367-00199783 of over 4 billion dominican pesos TTsrQuvPXIg-00756-00199784-00199902 that means TTsrQuvPXIg-00757-00199903-00200166 over 80 million dollars TTsrQuvPXIg-00758-00200167-00200502 of expenses according to data from the TTsrQuvPXIg-00759-00200503-00201078 national care service of the country TTsrQuvPXIg-00760-00201079-00201271 24 000 TTsrQuvPXIg-00761-00201272-00201454 deliveries TTsrQuvPXIg-00762-00201455-00201847 and over 11 c-sections were conducted in TTsrQuvPXIg-00763-00201848-00202078 our country TTsrQuvPXIg-00764-00202079-00202311 and the cost TTsrQuvPXIg-00765-00202312-00202447 is of TTsrQuvPXIg-00766-00202448-00202654 almost three TTsrQuvPXIg-00767-00202655-00202871 and um TTsrQuvPXIg-00768-00202872-00203359 300 million of dominican pesos or TTsrQuvPXIg-00769-00203360-00203678 4 million dollars TTsrQuvPXIg-00770-00203679-00203926 now i would like to talk about TTsrQuvPXIg-00771-00203927-00204254 the regular situation of migrant workers TTsrQuvPXIg-00772-00204255-00204543 because the ngos said that these TTsrQuvPXIg-00773-00204544-00204711 people have TTsrQuvPXIg-00774-00204712-00204958 some temporary documents TTsrQuvPXIg-00775-00204959-00205262 the dominican state is not conducting TTsrQuvPXIg-00776-00205263-00205486 massive deportations or arbitrary TTsrQuvPXIg-00777-00205487-00205631 detentions TTsrQuvPXIg-00778-00205632-00205903 this is consistent with the figures of TTsrQuvPXIg-00779-00205904-00206103 our offices TTsrQuvPXIg-00780-00206104-00206294 guaranteeing the rights of migrants is a TTsrQuvPXIg-00781-00206296-00206527 commitment of the dominican state that's TTsrQuvPXIg-00782-00206528-00206775 why we have issued several regulations TTsrQuvPXIg-00783-00206776-00206942 including decree TTsrQuvPXIg-00784-00206944-00207255 327 TTsrQuvPXIg-00785-00207256-00207582 decree TTsrQuvPXIg-00786-00207583-00207766 regulates the situation of migrant TTsrQuvPXIg-00787-00207767-00207958 workers in dominican republic to TTsrQuvPXIg-00788-00207959-00208190 establish the terms and the conditions TTsrQuvPXIg-00789-00208191-00208294 for TTsrQuvPXIg-00790-00208296-00208666 migrants taken into consideration law TTsrQuvPXIg-00791-00208667-00209046 285 that is the general law on migration TTsrQuvPXIg-00792-00209048-00209166 also TTsrQuvPXIg-00793-00209167-00209534 we have law 169 that establish a special TTsrQuvPXIg-00794-00209535-00209686 regime for TTsrQuvPXIg-00795-00209687-00209998 uh people who were born in the national TTsrQuvPXIg-00796-00210000-00210255 territory but are from TTsrQuvPXIg-00797-00210256-00210527 foreign descent TTsrQuvPXIg-00798-00210528-00210734 both laws TTsrQuvPXIg-00799-00210735-00211039 are a way TTsrQuvPXIg-00800-00211040-00211279 in which the executive and the TTsrQuvPXIg-00801-00211280-00211575 legislative branches have tried to TTsrQuvPXIg-00802-00211576-00211934 protect rights TTsrQuvPXIg-00803-00211935-00212215 according to what has been established TTsrQuvPXIg-00804-00212216-00212551 by ruling 168 TTsrQuvPXIg-00805-00212552-00212910 the state of dominican republic TTsrQuvPXIg-00806-00212911-00213215 is called up and finding a solution TTsrQuvPXIg-00807-00213216-00213463 of these people who are TTsrQuvPXIg-00808-00213464-00213710 in an irregular status TTsrQuvPXIg-00809-00213711-00213951 within the national records TTsrQuvPXIg-00810-00213952-00214079 but TTsrQuvPXIg-00811-00214080-00214158 they TTsrQuvPXIg-00812-00214159-00214782 have TTsrQuvPXIg-00813-00214783-00214998 after exhausting all the TTsrQuvPXIg-00814-00215000-00215206 corresponding procedures TTsrQuvPXIg-00815-00215207-00215534 we issued decree 160 TTsrQuvPXIg-00816-00215535-00215682 from july TTsrQuvPXIg-00817-00215683-00215923 2020 and TTsrQuvPXIg-00818-00215923-00216271 750 people were given TTsrQuvPXIg-00819-00216271-00216479 nationality after the ruling that i TTsrQuvPXIg-00820-00216480-00216694 mentioned before from the constitutional TTsrQuvPXIg-00821-00216696-00216791 court TTsrQuvPXIg-00822-00216792-00217198 in 2021 this procedure was continued and TTsrQuvPXIg-00823-00217200-00217391 another 50 people received their TTsrQuvPXIg-00824-00217392-00217671 nationality now i would like to talk TTsrQuvPXIg-00825-00217671-00218055 about the alleged denial of pensions and TTsrQuvPXIg-00826-00218056-00218415 the risk of deportation of older persons TTsrQuvPXIg-00827-00218416-00218639 who are migrants according to the TTsrQuvPXIg-00828-00218640-00218927 petitioners these people contributed to TTsrQuvPXIg-00829-00218928-00219134 the labor force of the country for many TTsrQuvPXIg-00830-00219135-00219239 decades TTsrQuvPXIg-00831-00219240-00219439 taking into consideration the commitment TTsrQuvPXIg-00832-00219440-00219710 of the dominican republic constitution TTsrQuvPXIg-00833-00219711-00219967 establishes that TTsrQuvPXIg-00834-00219967-00220279 the state is responsible for taking care TTsrQuvPXIg-00835-00220280-00220503 of people respecting their dignity and TTsrQuvPXIg-00836-00220504-00220655 guaranteeing TTsrQuvPXIg-00837-00220656-00220806 access to TTsrQuvPXIg-00838-00220807-00220951 income TTsrQuvPXIg-00839-00220952-00221215 within a framework of individual TTsrQuvPXIg-00840-00221216-00221439 framework and social justice taking into TTsrQuvPXIg-00841-00221440-00221751 consideration the well-being of everyone TTsrQuvPXIg-00842-00221752-00222031 according to article 57 TTsrQuvPXIg-00843-00222032-00222279 the protection of older persons is TTsrQuvPXIg-00844-00222280-00222479 guaranteed through different social TTsrQuvPXIg-00845-00222480-00222751 institutions promoted their integration TTsrQuvPXIg-00846-00222752-00223094 into community life article 60 also TTsrQuvPXIg-00847-00223096-00223398 guarantees access to social justice the TTsrQuvPXIg-00848-00223400-00223703 estate recognizes the historic that with TTsrQuvPXIg-00849-00223704-00224119 migrants who did a dignified work in TTsrQuvPXIg-00850-00224119-00224310 sugar plantations TTsrQuvPXIg-00851-00224311-00224582 the so-called caneros therefore there is TTsrQuvPXIg-00852-00224583-00224827 a list of TTsrQuvPXIg-00853-00224828-00225134 1600 sugar workers TTsrQuvPXIg-00854-00225135-00225351 and 700 TTsrQuvPXIg-00855-00225352-00225623 people have received their pensions and TTsrQuvPXIg-00856-00225623-00225903 this shows that we are interested in TTsrQuvPXIg-00857-00225904-00226119 pre-indicating the rights of these TTsrQuvPXIg-00858-00226119-00226487 people in spite of their barriers TTsrQuvPXIg-00859-00226488-00226806 we faced TTsrQuvPXIg-00860-00226807-00227342 and since only 200 people or 200 people TTsrQuvPXIg-00861-00227344-00227631 of all those individuals comply with the TTsrQuvPXIg-00862-00227632-00228087 legislation we made an effort to give TTsrQuvPXIg-00863-00228088-00228223 these TTsrQuvPXIg-00864-00228223-00228434 benefits to TTsrQuvPXIg-00865-00228435-00228631 269 people TTsrQuvPXIg-00866-00228632-00228779 and after that TTsrQuvPXIg-00867-00228780-00229071 484 people were able to complete their TTsrQuvPXIg-00868-00229071-00229358 documentation and they were benefit TTsrQuvPXIg-00869-00229359-00229534 with the pension TTsrQuvPXIg-00870-00229535-00229746 according to decree TTsrQuvPXIg-00871-00229748-00230071 819 from 2021. TTsrQuvPXIg-00872-00230071-00230198 it's important to take into TTsrQuvPXIg-00873-00230200-00230351 consideration that the granting of TTsrQuvPXIg-00874-00230352-00230606 pensions to sugar workers has been a TTsrQuvPXIg-00875-00230607-00230823 state policy after TTsrQuvPXIg-00876-00230823-00230923 decree TTsrQuvPXIg-00877-00230923-00231398 245 and 266 from 2012 TTsrQuvPXIg-00878-00231400-00231582 the state of dominican republic has TTsrQuvPXIg-00879-00231583-00231815 shown its interest in improving the TTsrQuvPXIg-00880-00231816-00232055 situation of sugar workers and we will TTsrQuvPXIg-00881-00232056-00232287 continue with this process to grant TTsrQuvPXIg-00882-00232288-00232391 patients TTsrQuvPXIg-00883-00232392-00232615 to all those who have documentation i TTsrQuvPXIg-00884-00232616-00232823 have the evidence to TTsrQuvPXIg-00885-00232823-00233015 prove their work TTsrQuvPXIg-00886-00233016-00233310 this policy was created TTsrQuvPXIg-00887-00233311-00233415 after TTsrQuvPXIg-00888-00233416-00233863 several complaints of TTsrQuvPXIg-00889-00233864-00234134 regarding false information and false TTsrQuvPXIg-00890-00234135-00234327 documents TTsrQuvPXIg-00891-00234328-00234510 and TTsrQuvPXIg-00892-00234511-00234623 the TTsrQuvPXIg-00893-00234623-00234879 estate has presented several complaints TTsrQuvPXIg-00894-00234880-00235167 about those people who have participated TTsrQuvPXIg-00895-00235167-00235375 in false information TTsrQuvPXIg-00896-00235376-00235542 information crime now i would like to TTsrQuvPXIg-00897-00235544-00235798 talk about access to health during the TTsrQuvPXIg-00898-00235800-00235982 context of the pandemic TTsrQuvPXIg-00899-00235983-00236142 the right to health is an economic TTsrQuvPXIg-00900-00236144-00236382 social cultural environmental right and TTsrQuvPXIg-00901-00236383-00236494 this TTsrQuvPXIg-00902-00236496-00236694 right TTsrQuvPXIg-00903-00236696-00236982 implies that there should be affirmative TTsrQuvPXIg-00904-00236983-00237182 actions on the side of the state TTsrQuvPXIg-00905-00237183-00237423 complying with this right is very TTsrQuvPXIg-00906-00237423-00237623 important it is established in the TTsrQuvPXIg-00907-00237623-00237934 constitution however the state had to TTsrQuvPXIg-00908-00237935-00238158 take actions TTsrQuvPXIg-00909-00238159-00238391 to control the excessive demand of TTsrQuvPXIg-00910-00238392-00238615 health services in our country TTsrQuvPXIg-00911-00238616-00238839 recognizing the TTsrQuvPXIg-00912-00238840-00238991 challenges TTsrQuvPXIg-00913-00238992-00239191 created by the pandemic TTsrQuvPXIg-00914-00239192-00239494 the government ordered the vaccination TTsrQuvPXIg-00915-00239496-00239791 of foreigners in our country and our TTsrQuvPXIg-00916-00239792-00240006 vaccination plan TTsrQuvPXIg-00917-00240007-00240342 has benefited all people in dominican TTsrQuvPXIg-00918-00240344-00240551 republic regardless of their nationality TTsrQuvPXIg-00919-00240552-00240751 and migration status TTsrQuvPXIg-00920-00240752-00240934 the state of dominican republic TTsrQuvPXIg-00921-00240935-00241142 established a strategy to promote TTsrQuvPXIg-00922-00241144-00241334 vaccinations for TTsrQuvPXIg-00923-00241335-00241679 migrants and undocumented persons TTsrQuvPXIg-00924-00241680-00241887 and this was coordinated by the ministry TTsrQuvPXIg-00925-00241888-00242294 of health and the high commissioner TTsrQuvPXIg-00926-00242296-00242439 for refugees TTsrQuvPXIg-00927-00242440-00242623 and unicef TTsrQuvPXIg-00928-00242623-00242710 and TTsrQuvPXIg-00929-00242711-00242863 we also have TTsrQuvPXIg-00930-00242864-00243351 a contribution from some ngos TTsrQuvPXIg-00931-00243352-00243767 including one ngo that is here today TTsrQuvPXIg-00932-00243767-00243975 this TTsrQuvPXIg-00933-00243976-00244167 lan TTsrQuvPXIg-00934-00244167-00244503 affected over 7000 people TTsrQuvPXIg-00935-00244504-00244671 we have different TTsrQuvPXIg-00936-00244671-00244998 strategies and actions in order to TTsrQuvPXIg-00937-00245000-00245223 provide vaccination to migrant TTsrQuvPXIg-00938-00245223-00245367 population TTsrQuvPXIg-00939-00245367-00245615 and we have several guidelines we have a TTsrQuvPXIg-00940-00245616-00245863 training worship in order to promote TTsrQuvPXIg-00941-00245864-00246134 vaccination a special day for TTsrQuvPXIg-00942-00246135-00246279 vaccination TTsrQuvPXIg-00943-00246280-00246430 for migrants TTsrQuvPXIg-00944-00246431-00246703 this was conducted across the country TTsrQuvPXIg-00945-00246704-00246998 the dominican constitution guarantees a TTsrQuvPXIg-00946-00247000-00247206 right to health of every person TTsrQuvPXIg-00947-00247207-00247471 regardless of their nationality or their TTsrQuvPXIg-00948-00247471-00247882 legal precedence or status in the TTsrQuvPXIg-00949-00247883-00248158 territory but TTsrQuvPXIg-00950-00248159-00248382 however there are some restrictions in TTsrQuvPXIg-00951-00248383-00248791 the access to these rights TTsrQuvPXIg-00952-00248792-00249110 according to these offices only TTsrQuvPXIg-00953-00249111-00249342 those people with legal residence or TTsrQuvPXIg-00954-00249344-00249591 citizens should have access to some of TTsrQuvPXIg-00955-00249592-00249830 these rights madame president and since TTsrQuvPXIg-00956-00249831-00250063 we don't have time we will present other TTsrQuvPXIg-00957-00250064-00250510 topics later TTsrQuvPXIg-00958-00250511-00250839 i will now give the floor to mr brunoli TTsrQuvPXIg-00959-00250840-00251055 thank you madam president i would like TTsrQuvPXIg-00960-00251056-00251187 to greet the TTsrQuvPXIg-00961-00251188-00251351 commissioners TTsrQuvPXIg-00962-00251352-00251671 the ad hoc executive secretary TTsrQuvPXIg-00963-00251671-00251751 the TTsrQuvPXIg-00964-00251752-00251998 distinguished is TTsrQuvPXIg-00965-00252000-00252246 delegation of the estate TTsrQuvPXIg-00966-00252248-00252455 the petitioners civil society TTsrQuvPXIg-00967-00252456-00252815 organizations thank you for inviting the TTsrQuvPXIg-00968-00252816-00253115 office of the u.n high commissioner as TTsrQuvPXIg-00969-00253116-00253271 representative TTsrQuvPXIg-00970-00253271-00253534 for central america TTsrQuvPXIg-00971-00253535-00253734 dominican republic TTsrQuvPXIg-00972-00253735-00253991 and the english caribbean TTsrQuvPXIg-00973-00253992-00254367 i am here to present oral TTsrQuvPXIg-00974-00254367-00254646 information without being under oath TTsrQuvPXIg-00975-00254648-00254975 regarding human rights situations of TTsrQuvPXIg-00976-00254976-00255039 the TTsrQuvPXIg-00977-00255040-00255391 immigrants other relatives TTsrQuvPXIg-00978-00255392-00255639 mis TTsrQuvPXIg-00979-00255640-00255839 comments should TTsrQuvPXIg-00980-00255840-00256046 be understood TTsrQuvPXIg-00981-00256048-00256239 as a waiver TTsrQuvPXIg-00982-00256240-00256582 regarding the privileges and immunities TTsrQuvPXIg-00983-00256583-00256679 of TTsrQuvPXIg-00984-00256680-00257182 the u.n TTsrQuvPXIg-00985-00257183-00257430 the system the inter-american system for TTsrQuvPXIg-00986-00257431-00257734 protection and universal system of the TTsrQuvPXIg-00987-00257735-00258023 un have been consistent in establishing TTsrQuvPXIg-00988-00258023-00258310 a series of minimum criteria that the TTsrQuvPXIg-00989-00258311-00258463 states should TTsrQuvPXIg-00990-00258464-00258703 implement to protect and guarantee human TTsrQuvPXIg-00991-00258704-00258942 rights of migrants based on the TTsrQuvPXIg-00992-00258944-00259158 principles of non-discrimination TTsrQuvPXIg-00993-00259159-00259463 higher interest of the childhood and TTsrQuvPXIg-00994-00259464-00259771 family unity among others as the TTsrQuvPXIg-00995-00259771-00260023 representative of the delegation of the TTsrQuvPXIg-00996-00260023-00260382 estate said the dominican republic and TTsrQuvPXIg-00997-00260383-00260479 other TTsrQuvPXIg-00998-00260480-00260710 states in the region face many TTsrQuvPXIg-00999-00260711-00261030 challenges to provide a TTsrQuvPXIg-01000-00261031-00261263 human rights approach response to TTsrQuvPXIg-01001-00261264-00261538 migrants in a complex situation TTsrQuvPXIg-01002-00261539-00261663 [Music] TTsrQuvPXIg-01003-00261664-00262199 haitian migration is 50 accounts for 52 TTsrQuvPXIg-01004-00262200-00262558 according to the office for migration TTsrQuvPXIg-01005-00262559-00262743 which requires TTsrQuvPXIg-01006-00262744-00263023 a special attention to the need to TTsrQuvPXIg-01007-00263024-00263287 protect the situation of vulnerability TTsrQuvPXIg-01008-00263288-00263567 in which these persons are TTsrQuvPXIg-01009-00263568-00263806 we acknowledge the TTsrQuvPXIg-01010-00263807-00263999 plan TTsrQuvPXIg-01011-00264000-00264134 as TTsrQuvPXIg-01012-00264135-00264423 defined by the ambassador although TTsrQuvPXIg-01013-00264424-00264679 dominican republic has TTsrQuvPXIg-01014-00264680-00264915 public policies and legislation to TTsrQuvPXIg-01015-00264916-00265310 eradicate a violation TTsrQuvPXIg-01016-00265311-00265455 against TTsrQuvPXIg-01017-00265456-00265703 women in 2021 TTsrQuvPXIg-01018-00265704-00266095 some facts are known regarding TTsrQuvPXIg-01019-00266096-00266391 the deportation of TTsrQuvPXIg-01020-00266392-00266758 asian women or women of haitian descent TTsrQuvPXIg-01021-00266759-00266982 according to our information TTsrQuvPXIg-01022-00266983-00267271 and the absence of pregnant women and TTsrQuvPXIg-01023-00267272-00267534 lactating women have been detained or TTsrQuvPXIg-01024-00267535-00267655 deported TTsrQuvPXIg-01025-00267656-00267967 while they received attention in uh TTsrQuvPXIg-01026-00267968-00268206 hospital in different regions of the TTsrQuvPXIg-01027-00268207-00268439 country take into account TTsrQuvPXIg-01028-00268440-00268727 the position expressed by the estate in TTsrQuvPXIg-01029-00268728-00269039 that regard TTsrQuvPXIg-01030-00269040-00269310 the access to migrant has been TTsrQuvPXIg-01031-00269311-00269471 restricted TTsrQuvPXIg-01032-00269472-00269871 migrants in uh not regular situation TTsrQuvPXIg-01033-00269872-00269967 even TTsrQuvPXIg-01034-00269968-00270282 women with a six-month TTsrQuvPXIg-01035-00270283-00270463 pregnancy TTsrQuvPXIg-01036-00270464-00270599 with the TTsrQuvPXIg-01037-00270600-00270991 goal of guaranteeing access to TTsrQuvPXIg-01038-00270992-00271279 health this un TTsrQuvPXIg-01039-00271280-00271558 system in the country and the commission TTsrQuvPXIg-01040-00271559-00271847 have issued two public releases TTsrQuvPXIg-01041-00271848-00272127 press releases expressing their concern TTsrQuvPXIg-01042-00272128-00272375 to the integrity TTsrQuvPXIg-01043-00272376-00272734 or or physical integrity of the pregnant TTsrQuvPXIg-01044-00272735-00273015 women seeking medical attention TTsrQuvPXIg-01045-00273016-00273319 uh who were deported without any TTsrQuvPXIg-01046-00273320-00273751 humanitarian community consideration and TTsrQuvPXIg-01047-00273752-00274095 reminded the state standards uh TTsrQuvPXIg-01048-00274096-00274327 prohibiting the deportation of pregnant TTsrQuvPXIg-01049-00274328-00274615 women elderly children and adolescents TTsrQuvPXIg-01050-00274616-00274951 in february 2022 the committee for the TTsrQuvPXIg-01051-00274952-00275143 elimination of TTsrQuvPXIg-01052-00275144-00275447 violence against women recommended the TTsrQuvPXIg-01053-00275448-00275639 estate to TTsrQuvPXIg-01054-00275640-00276095 suspend deportation of pregnant women or TTsrQuvPXIg-01055-00276096-00276206 uh TTsrQuvPXIg-01056-00276207-00276310 haitian TTsrQuvPXIg-01057-00276311-00276710 uh we meant to guarantee the protection TTsrQuvPXIg-01058-00276711-00276903 against violence and gender TTsrQuvPXIg-01059-00276904-00277055 discrimination TTsrQuvPXIg-01060-00277056-00277303 and also the station grant permanent TTsrQuvPXIg-01061-00277304-00277687 residency to asian women whose children TTsrQuvPXIg-01062-00277688-00278015 were born and raised in the country in TTsrQuvPXIg-01063-00278016-00278295 compliance with international standards TTsrQuvPXIg-01064-00278296-00278687 the special reporter on human rights of TTsrQuvPXIg-01065-00278688-00278982 migrants a special reporter on the right TTsrQuvPXIg-01066-00278983-00279351 to health and special rapporteur on the TTsrQuvPXIg-01067-00279352-00279710 rights of women TTsrQuvPXIg-01068-00279711-00279999 have expressed their concern TTsrQuvPXIg-01069-00280000-00280151 as TTsrQuvPXIg-01070-00280152-00280375 the situation of special vulnerability TTsrQuvPXIg-01071-00280376-00280623 of women that who were deported was not TTsrQuvPXIg-01072-00280624-00280982 taken into account and the legal duty of TTsrQuvPXIg-01073-00280983-00281295 the country to provide medical attention TTsrQuvPXIg-01074-00281296-00281527 to migrants who need a special TTsrQuvPXIg-01075-00281528-00281903 protection as it is established in TTsrQuvPXIg-01076-00281904-00282182 guidelines for the protection of human TTsrQuvPXIg-01077-00282183-00282430 rights of migrants in a situation of TTsrQuvPXIg-01078-00282431-00282671 vulnerability it is important for all TTsrQuvPXIg-01079-00282672-00282975 migrants regardless of their migration TTsrQuvPXIg-01080-00282976-00283367 status can access essential services TTsrQuvPXIg-01081-00283368-00283630 without fearing being deported or TTsrQuvPXIg-01082-00283631-00283910 detained as a result of the migrating TTsrQuvPXIg-01083-00283911-00284167 situation i want to conclude by saying TTsrQuvPXIg-01084-00284168-00284527 by the guiding principles recommended in TTsrQuvPXIg-01085-00284528-00284782 terms of TTsrQuvPXIg-01086-00284783-00285167 human rights recognize the international TTsrQuvPXIg-01087-00285168-00285487 duties to guarantee that the measures TTsrQuvPXIg-01088-00285488-00285623 implemented TTsrQuvPXIg-01089-00285624-00285919 in connection with lactated or pregnant TTsrQuvPXIg-01090-00285920-00286206 women include access to TTsrQuvPXIg-01091-00286207-00286423 uh pre-natal TTsrQuvPXIg-01092-00286424-00286503 uh TTsrQuvPXIg-01093-00286504-00286687 attention and TTsrQuvPXIg-01094-00286688-00286854 medical attention TTsrQuvPXIg-01095-00286855-00287254 thank you mr brunori the presence of the TTsrQuvPXIg-01096-00287255-00287591 un is very important within this um TTsrQuvPXIg-01097-00287592-00287823 framework for the integration of the TTsrQuvPXIg-01098-00287824-00288054 international and regional framework TTsrQuvPXIg-01099-00288055-00288254 so we will now start with the TTsrQuvPXIg-01100-00288255-00288454 participation of the inter-american TTsrQuvPXIg-01101-00288455-00288695 commission i will ask TTsrQuvPXIg-01102-00288696-00288854 second vice president and country TTsrQuvPXIg-01103-00288855-00289143 reporter margaret may macaulay who is TTsrQuvPXIg-01104-00289144-00289351 also the reporter for afrodescendants TTsrQuvPXIg-01105-00289352-00289679 whether she has any questions TTsrQuvPXIg-01106-00289680-00289958 um good morning madam president good TTsrQuvPXIg-01107-00289959-00290063 morning TTsrQuvPXIg-01108-00290064-00290327 to the representatives of the state good TTsrQuvPXIg-01109-00290328-00290639 morning to civil society all members who TTsrQuvPXIg-01110-00290640-00290758 are here TTsrQuvPXIg-01111-00290759-00291103 and good morning to the united nations TTsrQuvPXIg-01112-00291104-00291358 representative who's a long TTsrQuvPXIg-01113-00291359-00291654 understanding friend and participant in TTsrQuvPXIg-01114-00291655-00291967 our proceedings TTsrQuvPXIg-01115-00291968-00292215 good morning to my colleagues and good TTsrQuvPXIg-01116-00292216-00292399 morning to all TTsrQuvPXIg-01117-00292400-00292654 officers of the TTsrQuvPXIg-01118-00292655-00292919 commission secretariat and all those who TTsrQuvPXIg-01119-00292920-00293063 are online TTsrQuvPXIg-01120-00293064-00293310 and listening to this TTsrQuvPXIg-01121-00293311-00293503 public hearing TTsrQuvPXIg-01122-00293504-00293847 um my impression before i i pose any TTsrQuvPXIg-01123-00293848-00293951 questions TTsrQuvPXIg-01124-00293952-00294215 i do want to just make a short statement TTsrQuvPXIg-01125-00294216-00294358 that TTsrQuvPXIg-01126-00294359-00294591 since the years TTsrQuvPXIg-01127-00294592-00294810 between TTsrQuvPXIg-01128-00294811-00295079 2007 and TTsrQuvPXIg-01129-00295080-00295391 2012 TTsrQuvPXIg-01130-00295392-00295687 i was acquainted with the problems of TTsrQuvPXIg-01131-00295688-00295879 haitians TTsrQuvPXIg-01132-00295880-00295958 and TTsrQuvPXIg-01133-00295959-00296103 haitians TTsrQuvPXIg-01134-00296104-00296430 uh um who were born in in the TTsrQuvPXIg-01135-00296431-00296782 republic of dominica dominican republic TTsrQuvPXIg-01136-00296783-00297127 and who have resided there for all their TTsrQuvPXIg-01137-00297128-00297263 lives TTsrQuvPXIg-01138-00297264-00297695 who were being subjected to exclusion TTsrQuvPXIg-01139-00297696-00298023 um as uh would entitle them in other TTsrQuvPXIg-01140-00298024-00298263 countries to citizenship TTsrQuvPXIg-01141-00298264-00298510 and um permanent residents and who were TTsrQuvPXIg-01142-00298511-00298743 being deported this was why as i was the TTsrQuvPXIg-01143-00298744-00298991 judge of the united american court TTsrQuvPXIg-01144-00298992-00299263 and we we had cases which we had to deal TTsrQuvPXIg-01145-00299264-00299406 with that TTsrQuvPXIg-01146-00299407-00299647 at that time TTsrQuvPXIg-01147-00299648-00299830 and then of course since i've been in TTsrQuvPXIg-01148-00299831-00300151 the inter-american commission from 2016 TTsrQuvPXIg-01149-00300152-00300358 up to the state TTsrQuvPXIg-01150-00300359-00300687 i was also a member of the working group TTsrQuvPXIg-01151-00300688-00300919 on the implementation of human rights TTsrQuvPXIg-01152-00300920-00301082 policies TTsrQuvPXIg-01153-00301083-00301415 um in the dominican republic TTsrQuvPXIg-01154-00301416-00301647 and um which was TTsrQuvPXIg-01155-00301648-00301934 set up by both the commission and the TTsrQuvPXIg-01156-00301935-00302151 um state um TTsrQuvPXIg-01157-00302152-00302303 in order to TTsrQuvPXIg-01158-00302304-00302630 be a follow-up of the commission's TTsrQuvPXIg-01159-00302631-00302734 decision TTsrQuvPXIg-01160-00302735-00302863 to TTsrQuvPXIg-01161-00302864-00303063 where we had decided to include the TTsrQuvPXIg-01162-00303064-00303399 state in chapter 4b TTsrQuvPXIg-01163-00303400-00303506 of the TTsrQuvPXIg-01164-00303507-00303758 2016 annual report TTsrQuvPXIg-01165-00303759-00304023 and so we said we had this working group TTsrQuvPXIg-01166-00304024-00304239 and we had several meetings TTsrQuvPXIg-01167-00304240-00304510 both in the secretariat TTsrQuvPXIg-01168-00304511-00304743 in washington and in the dominican TTsrQuvPXIg-01169-00304744-00304879 republic TTsrQuvPXIg-01170-00304880-00305215 and and these meetings culminated TTsrQuvPXIg-01171-00305216-00305487 in the state and agreed TTsrQuvPXIg-01172-00305488-00305575 to TTsrQuvPXIg-01173-00305576-00305782 meet four commitments TTsrQuvPXIg-01174-00305783-00306063 which we eventually held that they had TTsrQuvPXIg-01175-00306064-00306199 with TTsrQuvPXIg-01176-00306200-00306303 and TTsrQuvPXIg-01177-00306304-00306639 but in the course of the discussions TTsrQuvPXIg-01178-00306640-00307015 the issue of the mechanism for instance TTsrQuvPXIg-01179-00307016-00307215 which had been set up was fully TTsrQuvPXIg-01180-00307216-00307415 discussed and there was TTsrQuvPXIg-01181-00307416-00307727 the problem highlighted TTsrQuvPXIg-01182-00307728-00307919 of all TTsrQuvPXIg-01183-00307920-00308206 um TTsrQuvPXIg-01184-00308207-00308534 haitians of dominican birds TTsrQuvPXIg-01185-00308535-00308654 who TTsrQuvPXIg-01186-00308655-00309023 needed to know of the mechanism TTsrQuvPXIg-01187-00309024-00309375 and who also needed those who had great TTsrQuvPXIg-01188-00309376-00309534 fear TTsrQuvPXIg-01189-00309535-00309871 to encounter any state agency TTsrQuvPXIg-01190-00309872-00309982 within TTsrQuvPXIg-01191-00309983-00310103 the dr TTsrQuvPXIg-01192-00310104-00310375 who um that the TTsrQuvPXIg-01193-00310376-00310775 some process would evolve to ensure that TTsrQuvPXIg-01194-00310776-00310951 everyone heard of TTsrQuvPXIg-01195-00310952-00311110 the mechanism TTsrQuvPXIg-01196-00311111-00311375 and that those who were fearful of state TTsrQuvPXIg-01197-00311376-00311527 encounters TTsrQuvPXIg-01198-00311528-00311639 would TTsrQuvPXIg-01199-00311640-00311903 they would be worked with so that they TTsrQuvPXIg-01200-00311904-00312151 would feel comfortable to approach TTsrQuvPXIg-01201-00312152-00312463 the states um to ensure TTsrQuvPXIg-01202-00312464-00312599 that they TTsrQuvPXIg-01203-00312600-00312815 fell within the operation of the TTsrQuvPXIg-01204-00312816-00312975 mechanism TTsrQuvPXIg-01205-00312976-00313295 now i i i must admit that TTsrQuvPXIg-01206-00313296-00313527 i haven't had clear TTsrQuvPXIg-01207-00313528-00313975 uh um a clear idea of what was done in TTsrQuvPXIg-01208-00313976-00314263 those circumstances because TTsrQuvPXIg-01209-00314264-00314447 we met some TTsrQuvPXIg-01210-00314448-00314767 of haitians of dominican birds TTsrQuvPXIg-01211-00314768-00314927 in TTsrQuvPXIg-01212-00314928-00315082 really TTsrQuvPXIg-01213-00315083-00315334 difficult uh areas which were so TTsrQuvPXIg-01214-00315335-00315543 difficult to access TTsrQuvPXIg-01215-00315544-00315775 that one we wondered whether we would TTsrQuvPXIg-01216-00315776-00316039 reach this part or whether we would be TTsrQuvPXIg-01217-00316040-00316295 able to get back from them TTsrQuvPXIg-01218-00316296-00316527 but we met them lots of them young TTsrQuvPXIg-01219-00316528-00316671 persons TTsrQuvPXIg-01220-00316672-00316879 some who had had the benefit to go to TTsrQuvPXIg-01221-00316880-00317119 university TTsrQuvPXIg-01222-00317120-00317382 or technical colleges and and get TTsrQuvPXIg-01223-00317383-00317606 training but who had been TTsrQuvPXIg-01224-00317607-00317903 completely unemployed TTsrQuvPXIg-01225-00317904-00318191 because they did not have the necessary TTsrQuvPXIg-01226-00318192-00318543 documentation to show nationality and TTsrQuvPXIg-01227-00318544-00318743 this situation TTsrQuvPXIg-01228-00318744-00319047 was right then and we thought it would TTsrQuvPXIg-01229-00319048-00319175 have been TTsrQuvPXIg-01230-00319176-00319351 sorted out TTsrQuvPXIg-01231-00319352-00319623 and we now hear again and we have TTsrQuvPXIg-01232-00319624-00319854 continued to hear again because we put TTsrQuvPXIg-01233-00319855-00320175 out a press release late last year about TTsrQuvPXIg-01234-00320176-00320463 it that this situation really TTsrQuvPXIg-01235-00320464-00320719 has not been sorted out TTsrQuvPXIg-01236-00320720-00320975 and the what the commission and the TTsrQuvPXIg-01237-00320976-00321103 court TTsrQuvPXIg-01238-00321104-00321327 has come to the conclusion TTsrQuvPXIg-01239-00321328-00321671 that the situation with haitians TTsrQuvPXIg-01240-00321672-00321943 in dominican republic those who were TTsrQuvPXIg-01241-00321944-00322239 born with it or those who were TTsrQuvPXIg-01242-00322240-00322510 there through irregular entries and so TTsrQuvPXIg-01243-00322511-00322591 on TTsrQuvPXIg-01244-00322592-00322782 we're suffering the situation that we're TTsrQuvPXIg-01245-00322783-00323039 suffering because of institutional TTsrQuvPXIg-01246-00323040-00323167 structural TTsrQuvPXIg-01247-00323168-00323543 systematic discrimination TTsrQuvPXIg-01248-00323544-00323710 and that this TTsrQuvPXIg-01249-00323711-00323982 had to be dealt with of course uh within TTsrQuvPXIg-01250-00323983-00324191 the uh the um TTsrQuvPXIg-01251-00324192-00324287 the in TTsrQuvPXIg-01252-00324288-00324430 international TTsrQuvPXIg-01253-00324431-00324530 and TTsrQuvPXIg-01254-00324531-00324871 inter-american systems of human rights TTsrQuvPXIg-01255-00324872-00325279 and i am saddened that we are here today TTsrQuvPXIg-01256-00325280-00325439 to deal with this TTsrQuvPXIg-01257-00325440-00325639 all over again TTsrQuvPXIg-01258-00325640-00325967 and so i wish to ask TTsrQuvPXIg-01259-00325968-00326071 um TTsrQuvPXIg-01260-00326072-00326254 the state TTsrQuvPXIg-01261-00326255-00326591 to provide TTsrQuvPXIg-01262-00326592-00326799 president of the present time TTsrQuvPXIg-01263-00326800-00327023 the exact number TTsrQuvPXIg-01264-00327024-00327158 of sacred TTsrQuvPXIg-01265-00327159-00327447 stateless persons they have TTsrQuvPXIg-01266-00327448-00327710 in the dominican republic especially TTsrQuvPXIg-01267-00327711-00328191 those of um haitian TTsrQuvPXIg-01268-00328192-00328343 who are haitians TTsrQuvPXIg-01269-00328344-00328454 but TTsrQuvPXIg-01270-00328455-00328799 were born in dominica TTsrQuvPXIg-01271-00328800-00328934 republic TTsrQuvPXIg-01272-00328935-00329247 and those who are pregnant to TTsrQuvPXIg-01273-00329248-00329519 disaggregate their information but those TTsrQuvPXIg-01274-00329520-00329710 who are pregnant TTsrQuvPXIg-01275-00329711-00330023 those who attended school in the in TTsrQuvPXIg-01276-00330024-00330230 dominican republic TTsrQuvPXIg-01277-00330231-00330319 were TTsrQuvPXIg-01278-00330320-00330678 lucky to get into university and receive TTsrQuvPXIg-01279-00330679-00330806 training TTsrQuvPXIg-01280-00330807-00330999 degrees in university of training and TTsrQuvPXIg-01281-00331000-00331127 technical TTsrQuvPXIg-01282-00331128-00331375 college facilities TTsrQuvPXIg-01283-00331376-00331678 and those who are TTsrQuvPXIg-01284-00331679-00331943 belong to the lgbti community TTsrQuvPXIg-01285-00331944-00332199 those who are elderly TTsrQuvPXIg-01286-00332200-00332454 and what their status is TTsrQuvPXIg-01287-00332455-00332551 and TTsrQuvPXIg-01288-00332552-00332767 so on and so forth TTsrQuvPXIg-01289-00332768-00333071 because we need this specific TTsrQuvPXIg-01290-00333072-00333254 and disaggregated TTsrQuvPXIg-01291-00333255-00333367 uh TTsrQuvPXIg-01292-00333368-00333678 statistics statistics TTsrQuvPXIg-01293-00333679-00333758 and TTsrQuvPXIg-01294-00333759-00333919 also TTsrQuvPXIg-01295-00333920-00334023 if the TTsrQuvPXIg-01296-00334024-00334319 state can also supply us TTsrQuvPXIg-01297-00334320-00334463 with the TTsrQuvPXIg-01298-00334464-00334847 information as to how many TTsrQuvPXIg-01299-00334848-00335223 persons of dominican birth of haitian TTsrQuvPXIg-01300-00335224-00335343 origin TTsrQuvPXIg-01301-00335344-00335743 were granted dominican nationality TTsrQuvPXIg-01302-00335744-00335815 to TTsrQuvPXIg-01303-00335816-00336071 receiving their ident identification TTsrQuvPXIg-01304-00336072-00336167 cards TTsrQuvPXIg-01305-00336168-00336375 and burst registration person TTsrQuvPXIg-01306-00336376-00336606 identification cards and so on TTsrQuvPXIg-01307-00336607-00337078 in the years 2020 and 2021 TTsrQuvPXIg-01308-00337079-00337247 so that we can TTsrQuvPXIg-01309-00337248-00337527 differentiate what happened in those two TTsrQuvPXIg-01310-00337528-00337878 years TTsrQuvPXIg-01311-00337879-00338078 and if the state TTsrQuvPXIg-01312-00338079-00338319 can also tell us TTsrQuvPXIg-01313-00338320-00338463 in TTsrQuvPXIg-01314-00338464-00338751 the clearest terms TTsrQuvPXIg-01315-00338752-00338882 whether they TTsrQuvPXIg-01316-00338883-00339367 envisage a re-activation TTsrQuvPXIg-01317-00339368-00339830 of the mechanism to ensure a large TTsrQuvPXIg-01318-00339831-00340167 proportion of the haitian TTsrQuvPXIg-01319-00340168-00340439 of dominican bars who are there TTsrQuvPXIg-01320-00340440-00340630 presently TTsrQuvPXIg-01321-00340631-00340895 all have information TTsrQuvPXIg-01322-00340896-00341119 about the mechanism TTsrQuvPXIg-01323-00341120-00341319 which we hope they will TTsrQuvPXIg-01324-00341320-00341519 regenerate TTsrQuvPXIg-01325-00341520-00341775 for use of these peoples TTsrQuvPXIg-01326-00341776-00342143 and and with that i am TTsrQuvPXIg-01327-00342144-00342471 hoping that we might be able to TTsrQuvPXIg-01328-00342472-00342591 just TTsrQuvPXIg-01329-00342592-00342819 come to some TTsrQuvPXIg-01330-00342820-00343006 humanitarian TTsrQuvPXIg-01331-00343007-00343334 and and acceptable conclusion TTsrQuvPXIg-01332-00343335-00343687 and finally i asked my venture to ask TTsrQuvPXIg-01333-00343688-00343839 make a request TTsrQuvPXIg-01334-00343840-00344071 that the commission TTsrQuvPXIg-01335-00344072-00344319 at the state invite the commissioner TTsrQuvPXIg-01336-00344320-00344495 for another visit TTsrQuvPXIg-01337-00344496-00344639 as we did TTsrQuvPXIg-01338-00344640-00344910 when we were discussing and meeting and TTsrQuvPXIg-01339-00344911-00345078 trying to TTsrQuvPXIg-01340-00345079-00345327 resolve this this TTsrQuvPXIg-01341-00345328-00345703 really sad and troubling issue TTsrQuvPXIg-01342-00345704-00345934 um to monitor TTsrQuvPXIg-01343-00345935-00346087 the situation TTsrQuvPXIg-01344-00346088-00346375 in situ in local where we can meet the TTsrQuvPXIg-01345-00346376-00346558 state officials again TTsrQuvPXIg-01346-00346559-00346895 civil societies and go to these TTsrQuvPXIg-01347-00346896-00347271 inaccessible areas to meet actual TTsrQuvPXIg-01348-00347272-00347606 victims of TTsrQuvPXIg-01349-00347607-00347743 denial TTsrQuvPXIg-01350-00347744-00347951 of nationality TTsrQuvPXIg-01351-00347952-00348786 and serious vulnerabilities thank you TTsrQuvPXIg-01352-00348787-00349030 [Music] TTsrQuvPXIg-01353-00349031-00349134 to my TTsrQuvPXIg-01354-00349135-00349423 other colleagues we have 11 minutes TTsrQuvPXIg-01355-00349424-00349606 i will give the floor to first vice TTsrQuvPXIg-01356-00349607-00349967 president commissioner roland thank you TTsrQuvPXIg-01357-00349968-00350151 madam president TTsrQuvPXIg-01358-00350152-00350343 to my colleagues civil society TTsrQuvPXIg-01359-00350344-00350558 representatives of the state and TTsrQuvPXIg-01360-00350559-00350871 especially the u.n representative mr TTsrQuvPXIg-01361-00350872-00351030 brunoli TTsrQuvPXIg-01362-00351031-00351423 i would like to briefly say that TTsrQuvPXIg-01363-00351424-00351534 i am TTsrQuvPXIg-01364-00351535-00351815 the country reporter for haiti TTsrQuvPXIg-01365-00351816-00352015 and yesterday TTsrQuvPXIg-01366-00352016-00352215 we had a hearing TTsrQuvPXIg-01367-00352216-00352358 about TTsrQuvPXIg-01368-00352359-00352447 the TTsrQuvPXIg-01369-00352448-00352830 regional situation TTsrQuvPXIg-01370-00352831-00353063 regarding migrants and human mobility in TTsrQuvPXIg-01371-00353064-00353430 haiti and there were a series of TTsrQuvPXIg-01372-00353431-00353671 uh demands about TTsrQuvPXIg-01373-00353672-00353767 uh TTsrQuvPXIg-01374-00353768-00354015 facts that occur in different countries TTsrQuvPXIg-01375-00354016-00354199 and at one point TTsrQuvPXIg-01376-00354200-00354543 they mentioned the tensions especially TTsrQuvPXIg-01377-00354544-00354782 of pregnant women in TTsrQuvPXIg-01378-00354783-00354895 medical TTsrQuvPXIg-01379-00354896-00355167 or health centers i paid attention to TTsrQuvPXIg-01380-00355168-00355423 what the state has said and i could like TTsrQuvPXIg-01381-00355424-00355695 to say that any affirmation TTsrQuvPXIg-01382-00355696-00355910 although we have taken down notes but TTsrQuvPXIg-01383-00355911-00356230 any information you can share TTsrQuvPXIg-01384-00356231-00356478 especially to the rapporteurship i'm in TTsrQuvPXIg-01385-00356479-00356895 charge of would be very useful to gather TTsrQuvPXIg-01386-00356896-00357039 information TTsrQuvPXIg-01387-00357040-00357503 for us to work in a collaborative manner TTsrQuvPXIg-01388-00357504-00357767 and in this difficult situation i have a TTsrQuvPXIg-01389-00357768-00358047 question TTsrQuvPXIg-01390-00358048-00358382 although there are efforts and TTsrQuvPXIg-01391-00358383-00358606 annoyance actions mentioned by the TTsrQuvPXIg-01392-00358607-00358751 estate TTsrQuvPXIg-01393-00358752-00359127 whether you have documented any incident TTsrQuvPXIg-01394-00359128-00359447 any accident in the application of the TTsrQuvPXIg-01395-00359448-00359705 proto-colony isolated TTsrQuvPXIg-01396-00359706-00359871 [Music] TTsrQuvPXIg-01397-00359872-00360110 event in which there was an excessive TTsrQuvPXIg-01398-00360111-00360278 use of force TTsrQuvPXIg-01399-00360279-00360647 any event the estate is aware of and TTsrQuvPXIg-01400-00360648-00360815 whether any TTsrQuvPXIg-01401-00360816-00360967 um TTsrQuvPXIg-01402-00360968-00361151 measures are being taken TTsrQuvPXIg-01403-00361152-00361478 commissioner bernal please thank you TTsrQuvPXIg-01404-00361479-00361678 madam president i TTsrQuvPXIg-01405-00361679-00362063 would like to thank all the participants TTsrQuvPXIg-01406-00362064-00362206 in this hearing for giving us the TTsrQuvPXIg-01407-00362207-00362527 opportunity to discuss such TTsrQuvPXIg-01408-00362528-00362727 complex issues TTsrQuvPXIg-01409-00362728-00363030 thank you to civil society and also TTsrQuvPXIg-01410-00363031-00363271 the representatives of the estate for TTsrQuvPXIg-01411-00363272-00363478 being open to TTsrQuvPXIg-01412-00363479-00363663 um TTsrQuvPXIg-01413-00363664-00363903 receive comments and TTsrQuvPXIg-01414-00363904-00364054 initiatives TTsrQuvPXIg-01415-00364055-00364351 thank you to the u.n representative i TTsrQuvPXIg-01416-00364352-00364775 would like to say that i appreciate TTsrQuvPXIg-01417-00364776-00365054 the report on public policies that TTsrQuvPXIg-01418-00365055-00365343 ambassador TTsrQuvPXIg-01419-00365344-00365427 has TTsrQuvPXIg-01420-00365428-00365767 presented ambassador fiasco i would like TTsrQuvPXIg-01421-00365768-00365863 to TTsrQuvPXIg-01422-00365864-00366127 ask three specific questions to the TTsrQuvPXIg-01423-00366128-00366247 ambassador TTsrQuvPXIg-01424-00366248-00366478 uh first TTsrQuvPXIg-01425-00366479-00366727 in any public policy TTsrQuvPXIg-01426-00366728-00367006 or in the executive execution of public TTsrQuvPXIg-01427-00367007-00367278 policies there may be bureaucratic TTsrQuvPXIg-01428-00367279-00367439 barriers or TTsrQuvPXIg-01429-00367440-00367591 errors TTsrQuvPXIg-01430-00367592-00367927 for example during processes for the TTsrQuvPXIg-01431-00367928-00368199 regularization of TTsrQuvPXIg-01432-00368200-00368430 each of the individuals i would like to TTsrQuvPXIg-01433-00368431-00368630 know whether in TTsrQuvPXIg-01434-00368631-00368919 the dominican republic TTsrQuvPXIg-01435-00368920-00369199 if there are persons who believe that in TTsrQuvPXIg-01436-00369200-00369303 these TTsrQuvPXIg-01437-00369304-00369454 processes TTsrQuvPXIg-01438-00369455-00369663 included in the policies mentioned by TTsrQuvPXIg-01439-00369664-00370054 the ambassador if any persons believe TTsrQuvPXIg-01440-00370055-00370423 their rights have been violated they can TTsrQuvPXIg-01441-00370424-00370839 resort to TTsrQuvPXIg-01442-00370840-00371015 the mechanisms established in the TTsrQuvPXIg-01443-00371016-00371263 constitution in order for in order for TTsrQuvPXIg-01444-00371264-00371375 their TTsrQuvPXIg-01445-00371376-00371630 rights to be protected TTsrQuvPXIg-01446-00371631-00371999 as well as for all persons of in human TTsrQuvPXIg-01447-00372000-00372327 mobility situation in case their TTsrQuvPXIg-01448-00372328-00372630 rights are violated my second question TTsrQuvPXIg-01449-00372631-00372958 is related to social rights i know that TTsrQuvPXIg-01450-00372959-00373071 that even TTsrQuvPXIg-01451-00373072-00373199 in my TTsrQuvPXIg-01452-00373200-00373375 country when i was a magistrate in the TTsrQuvPXIg-01453-00373376-00373639 constitutional court i TTsrQuvPXIg-01454-00373640-00373887 had to participate in discussions that TTsrQuvPXIg-01455-00373888-00374134 were similar to these ones but my TTsrQuvPXIg-01456-00374135-00374327 question is whether TTsrQuvPXIg-01457-00374328-00374630 dominican republic provides a TTsrQuvPXIg-01458-00374631-00375023 humanitarian aid to migrants one thing TTsrQuvPXIg-01459-00375024-00375415 is to provide social services but TTsrQuvPXIg-01460-00375416-00375630 humanitarian aid TTsrQuvPXIg-01461-00375631-00375782 um TTsrQuvPXIg-01462-00375783-00376030 for presence in situation of human TTsrQuvPXIg-01463-00376031-00376263 mobility should receive and i would like TTsrQuvPXIg-01464-00376264-00376463 to know whether there are any public TTsrQuvPXIg-01465-00376464-00376878 policies in that sense and thirdly TTsrQuvPXIg-01466-00376879-00377071 migration TTsrQuvPXIg-01467-00377072-00377223 and mobility TTsrQuvPXIg-01468-00377224-00377478 is a regional problem it is a structural TTsrQuvPXIg-01469-00377479-00377678 problem and in that sense i would like TTsrQuvPXIg-01470-00377679-00377806 to know TTsrQuvPXIg-01471-00377807-00377902 and TTsrQuvPXIg-01472-00377903-00378127 i'm going to ask the representative of TTsrQuvPXIg-01473-00378128-00378447 the state whether the country receives TTsrQuvPXIg-01474-00378448-00378830 uh financial or logistical um TTsrQuvPXIg-01475-00378831-00379119 aid from other oas TTsrQuvPXIg-01476-00379120-00379391 members in order to develop structural TTsrQuvPXIg-01477-00379392-00379743 solutions to the problems related to TTsrQuvPXIg-01478-00379744-00380023 mobility thank you TTsrQuvPXIg-01479-00380024-00380199 thank you commissioner now i would like TTsrQuvPXIg-01480-00380200-00380382 to make some questions and some comments TTsrQuvPXIg-01481-00380383-00380599 first i would like to recognize that the TTsrQuvPXIg-01482-00380600-00380887 state is here the commission truly TTsrQuvPXIg-01483-00380888-00381143 appreciates you being here today TTsrQuvPXIg-01484-00381144-00381478 and also the commission wants to recall TTsrQuvPXIg-01485-00381479-00381567 that TTsrQuvPXIg-01486-00381568-00381758 it's been working we have a working TTsrQuvPXIg-01487-00381759-00381975 group with the dominican republic and we TTsrQuvPXIg-01488-00381976-00382254 continue to monitor the situation apart TTsrQuvPXIg-01489-00382255-00382519 from the questions made my call made by TTsrQuvPXIg-01490-00382520-00382710 my colleagues i have some specific TTsrQuvPXIg-01491-00382711-00382967 questions especially TTsrQuvPXIg-01492-00382968-00383247 regarding TTsrQuvPXIg-01493-00383248-00383551 my rapportership TTsrQuvPXIg-01494-00383552-00383719 rights of women TTsrQuvPXIg-01495-00383720-00384054 especially TTsrQuvPXIg-01496-00384055-00384223 regarding TTsrQuvPXIg-01497-00384224-00384510 discrimination a woman who is in TTsrQuvPXIg-01498-00384511-00384671 dominican republic will suffer TTsrQuvPXIg-01499-00384672-00384902 discrimination or violence whether she TTsrQuvPXIg-01500-00384903-00385134 is from dominican republic or not TTsrQuvPXIg-01501-00385135-00385454 but when you have other conditions or TTsrQuvPXIg-01502-00385455-00385639 other things that TTsrQuvPXIg-01503-00385640-00385910 vulnerability is exacerbated or TTsrQuvPXIg-01504-00385911-00386230 aggravated so i would like to know TTsrQuvPXIg-01505-00386231-00386527 uh or ask you about abstract violence TTsrQuvPXIg-01506-00386528-00386751 that's what civil society organizations TTsrQuvPXIg-01507-00386752-00386967 talk about it's not only about pregnant TTsrQuvPXIg-01508-00386968-00387375 women but also the treatment received by TTsrQuvPXIg-01509-00387376-00387630 teaching women living in dominican TTsrQuvPXIg-01510-00387631-00387854 republic that have to TTsrQuvPXIg-01511-00387855-00388071 receive services or health services in TTsrQuvPXIg-01512-00388072-00388263 your country because TTsrQuvPXIg-01513-00388264-00388454 any person TTsrQuvPXIg-01514-00388455-00388543 who TTsrQuvPXIg-01515-00388544-00388878 even is in a legal status can have can TTsrQuvPXIg-01516-00388879-00389175 suffer aesthetic violence we would like TTsrQuvPXIg-01517-00389176-00389406 to watch the situation of TTsrQuvPXIg-01518-00389407-00389687 obstetric violence for asian women TTsrQuvPXIg-01519-00389688-00389910 living in your country we would like to TTsrQuvPXIg-01520-00389911-00390158 know also the situation of girls TTsrQuvPXIg-01521-00390159-00390358 because we have talking about children TTsrQuvPXIg-01522-00390359-00390591 in general but i would like to know the TTsrQuvPXIg-01523-00390592-00390871 situation of girls and their risk of TTsrQuvPXIg-01524-00390872-00391230 human trafficking and sexual abuse TTsrQuvPXIg-01525-00391231-00391487 and another important aspect regarding TTsrQuvPXIg-01526-00391488-00391719 stateliness and this extreme level of TTsrQuvPXIg-01527-00391720-00391991 vulnerability is the message that is TTsrQuvPXIg-01528-00391992-00392206 conveying gender stereotypes are always TTsrQuvPXIg-01529-00392207-00392415 there but when TTsrQuvPXIg-01530-00392416-00392654 apart from that because of nationality TTsrQuvPXIg-01531-00392655-00392951 on irregular status or statelessness TTsrQuvPXIg-01532-00392952-00393167 that situation is exacerbated it's TTsrQuvPXIg-01533-00393168-00393454 aggravated so i would like to know what TTsrQuvPXIg-01534-00393455-00393710 prevention policies you have for human TTsrQuvPXIg-01535-00393711-00394015 trafficking and what happens with the in TTsrQuvPXIg-01536-00394016-00394454 the case of girls and women from haiti TTsrQuvPXIg-01537-00394455-00394639 and i would like to know if there is any TTsrQuvPXIg-01538-00394640-00394791 procedure TTsrQuvPXIg-01539-00394792-00395158 for the investigation and punishment TTsrQuvPXIg-01540-00395159-00395478 of public officials that are involved in TTsrQuvPXIg-01541-00395479-00395830 discrimination actions TTsrQuvPXIg-01542-00395831-00396110 that discriminate migrants because of TTsrQuvPXIg-01543-00396111-00396351 their origin or because of their regular TTsrQuvPXIg-01544-00396352-00396478 status TTsrQuvPXIg-01545-00396479-00396567 and TTsrQuvPXIg-01546-00396568-00396791 i also would like to recall that last TTsrQuvPXIg-01547-00396792-00396991 year the inter-american commission TTsrQuvPXIg-01548-00396992-00397375 issued resolution to 2021 protection of TTsrQuvPXIg-01549-00397376-00397695 haitians in human mobility that includes TTsrQuvPXIg-01550-00397696-00397943 in its title the words inter-american TTsrQuvPXIg-01551-00397944-00398175 solidarity and TTsrQuvPXIg-01552-00398176-00398391 what we understand that this is a TTsrQuvPXIg-01553-00398392-00398615 situation of international cooperation TTsrQuvPXIg-01554-00398616-00398847 and that's why i would like to ask the TTsrQuvPXIg-01555-00398848-00398967 state TTsrQuvPXIg-01556-00398968-00399167 and we would like TTsrQuvPXIg-01557-00399168-00399375 to tell the state that we are at your TTsrQuvPXIg-01558-00399376-00399558 disposal dominican republic is TTsrQuvPXIg-01559-00399559-00399791 addressing a specific situation TTsrQuvPXIg-01560-00399792-00400054 in their country but this is not limited TTsrQuvPXIg-01561-00400055-00400319 to dominican republic and we know that TTsrQuvPXIg-01562-00400320-00400519 human mobility is not only about TTsrQuvPXIg-01563-00400520-00400727 migration but it's also about internal TTsrQuvPXIg-01564-00400728-00400902 internal displacement TTsrQuvPXIg-01565-00400903-00401078 and TTsrQuvPXIg-01566-00401079-00401327 i also would like to thank civil society TTsrQuvPXIg-01567-00401328-00401519 organizations for being here and for TTsrQuvPXIg-01568-00401520-00401743 being so diverse today and i would like TTsrQuvPXIg-01569-00401744-00401943 to ask you a question TTsrQuvPXIg-01570-00401944-00402110 one of you said TTsrQuvPXIg-01571-00402111-00402351 nationality is more than a paper it's TTsrQuvPXIg-01572-00402352-00402710 identity it's family i wanted to ask the TTsrQuvPXIg-01573-00402711-00402958 last person who participated i don't TTsrQuvPXIg-01574-00402959-00403287 know your name because your presentation TTsrQuvPXIg-01575-00403288-00403527 was cut TTsrQuvPXIg-01576-00403528-00403663 um i TTsrQuvPXIg-01577-00403664-00403823 you were a woman TTsrQuvPXIg-01578-00403824-00404063 can you tell us TTsrQuvPXIg-01579-00404064-00404143 the TTsrQuvPXIg-01580-00404144-00404391 violations that you are suffering in TTsrQuvPXIg-01581-00404392-00404606 your family in your life what you are TTsrQuvPXIg-01582-00404607-00404975 going through right now coming and going TTsrQuvPXIg-01583-00404976-00405199 the problems with documentation will TTsrQuvPXIg-01584-00405200-00405558 continue but families are being created TTsrQuvPXIg-01585-00405559-00405791 and i would like to know the TTsrQuvPXIg-01586-00405792-00406015 consequences TTsrQuvPXIg-01587-00406016-00406358 on families i would like to know what is TTsrQuvPXIg-01588-00406359-00406615 happening in those specific situations TTsrQuvPXIg-01589-00406616-00406854 before closing i would like to give the TTsrQuvPXIg-01590-00406855-00407134 floor to soledad garcia munoz you have TTsrQuvPXIg-01591-00407135-00407295 one minute soledad TTsrQuvPXIg-01592-00407296-00407558 thank you madam president TTsrQuvPXIg-01593-00407559-00407782 are so many comments so many questions TTsrQuvPXIg-01594-00407783-00408030 but because of time restrictions i just TTsrQuvPXIg-01595-00408031-00408287 want to recognize the efforts made by TTsrQuvPXIg-01596-00408288-00408558 the dominican republic we understand the TTsrQuvPXIg-01597-00408559-00408799 difficulties and the challenges taking TTsrQuvPXIg-01598-00408800-00408958 into consideration the available TTsrQuvPXIg-01599-00408959-00409358 resources but we know that the esc TTsrQuvPXIg-01600-00409359-00409582 rs TTsrQuvPXIg-01601-00409583-00409710 implies TTsrQuvPXIg-01602-00409712-00409943 non-discrimination TTsrQuvPXIg-01603-00409943-00410110 the minimum core TTsrQuvPXIg-01604-00410112-00410366 also we need international cooperation TTsrQuvPXIg-01605-00410367-00410687 so it would be very interesting to know TTsrQuvPXIg-01606-00410688-00410863 the efforts made by the dominican TTsrQuvPXIg-01607-00410864-00411063 republic in order to promote TTsrQuvPXIg-01608-00411064-00411239 international cooperation so that the TTsrQuvPXIg-01609-00411239-00411478 international community collaborates or TTsrQuvPXIg-01610-00411479-00411695 joins their efforts and i would like to TTsrQuvPXIg-01611-00411696-00411910 know about the situation of sugar TTsrQuvPXIg-01612-00411912-00412103 workers TTsrQuvPXIg-01613-00412104-00412359 it is a situation that we are monitoring TTsrQuvPXIg-01614-00412360-00412695 in our mandate and we would like to TTsrQuvPXIg-01615-00412696-00412959 receive more information in this regard TTsrQuvPXIg-01616-00412960-00413134 both from civil society and from the TTsrQuvPXIg-01617-00413135-00413359 state thank you madam president TTsrQuvPXIg-01618-00413360-00413607 thank you dear soledad now i would like TTsrQuvPXIg-01619-00413608-00413807 to give the floor to civil society for TTsrQuvPXIg-01620-00413808-00414487 10 minutes TTsrQuvPXIg-01621-00414488-00414655 thank you TTsrQuvPXIg-01622-00414656-00415007 my name is paulina solano TTsrQuvPXIg-01623-00415008-00415414 one of the situations that most TTsrQuvPXIg-01624-00415415-00415543 affects TTsrQuvPXIg-01625-00415543-00415774 girls in my community TTsrQuvPXIg-01626-00415775-00415966 is TTsrQuvPXIg-01627-00415967-00416255 that for most of them TTsrQuvPXIg-01628-00416256-00416551 for most of my colleagues they have no TTsrQuvPXIg-01629-00416552-00416943 access to education TTsrQuvPXIg-01630-00416943-00417663 many of them TTsrQuvPXIg-01631-00417664-00417791 because TTsrQuvPXIg-01632-00417792-00417878 of TTsrQuvPXIg-01633-00417879-00418039 their TTsrQuvPXIg-01634-00418039-00418207 documentation TTsrQuvPXIg-01635-00418208-00418439 or lack of documentation TTsrQuvPXIg-01636-00418439-00418622 they TTsrQuvPXIg-01637-00418623-00418959 have several difficulties to access TTsrQuvPXIg-01638-00418960-00419222 to access health services TTsrQuvPXIg-01639-00419223-00419463 and many other things TTsrQuvPXIg-01640-00419464-00419622 and in my TTsrQuvPXIg-01641-00419623-00419775 case TTsrQuvPXIg-01642-00419776-00419927 in the past TTsrQuvPXIg-01643-00419928-00420083 i couldn't TTsrQuvPXIg-01644-00420084-00420414 study i suffer a lot of bullying at TTsrQuvPXIg-01645-00420415-00420599 school TTsrQuvPXIg-01646-00420600-00420775 that TTsrQuvPXIg-01647-00420776-00420943 is TTsrQuvPXIg-01648-00420943-00421222 really difficult TTsrQuvPXIg-01649-00421223-00421599 for TTsrQuvPXIg-01650-00421600-00421879 most of my TTsrQuvPXIg-01651-00421880-00422159 girl colleagues friends TTsrQuvPXIg-01652-00422160-00422503 they suffer a lot from bullying TTsrQuvPXIg-01653-00422504-00422710 also the racial TTsrQuvPXIg-01654-00422712-00422855 issue TTsrQuvPXIg-01655-00422856-00423199 must TTsrQuvPXIg-01656-00423200-00423543 people from my community suffer racism TTsrQuvPXIg-01657-00423543-00424135 they are excluded TTsrQuvPXIg-01658-00424135-00425366 this also happens in meetings and TTsrQuvPXIg-01659-00425367-00425983 i could how can i say this um TTsrQuvPXIg-01660-00425984-00426222 there are several situations TTsrQuvPXIg-01661-00426223-00426422 in which we suffer TTsrQuvPXIg-01662-00426423-00426791 my mother TTsrQuvPXIg-01663-00426792-00427110 is a migrant TTsrQuvPXIg-01664-00427112-00427622 and she has suffered a lot TTsrQuvPXIg-01665-00427623-00427975 because of the ruling she has an expired TTsrQuvPXIg-01666-00427976-00428231 id card TTsrQuvPXIg-01667-00428232-00428351 and TTsrQuvPXIg-01668-00428352-00428543 for us TTsrQuvPXIg-01669-00428543-00428766 it was very difficult to ask access TTsrQuvPXIg-01670-00428767-00428951 legal documents TTsrQuvPXIg-01671-00428952-00429118 they TTsrQuvPXIg-01672-00429119-00429279 denied us TTsrQuvPXIg-01673-00429280-00429607 that access every time my parents went TTsrQuvPXIg-01674-00429608-00429791 to the office TTsrQuvPXIg-01675-00429792-00429983 to provide a statement and they will TTsrQuvPXIg-01676-00429984-00430079 always TTsrQuvPXIg-01677-00430080-00430327 have excuses for them TTsrQuvPXIg-01678-00430328-00430555 and they always treated them in a TTsrQuvPXIg-01679-00430556-00430791 discriminatory way TTsrQuvPXIg-01680-00430792-00431070 that affected us a lot i have several TTsrQuvPXIg-01681-00431071-00431359 witnesses many young people who decided TTsrQuvPXIg-01682-00431360-00431543 to get married because they have no TTsrQuvPXIg-01683-00431543-00431695 documentation TTsrQuvPXIg-01684-00431696-00431879 they ended TTsrQuvPXIg-01685-00431880-00432143 their studies and they have no access to TTsrQuvPXIg-01686-00432143-00432327 university because they have no TTsrQuvPXIg-01687-00432328-00432631 documentation they are suffering a lot TTsrQuvPXIg-01688-00432632-00432983 and they want to contribute to society TTsrQuvPXIg-01689-00432984-00433199 they want to contribute to the dominican TTsrQuvPXIg-01690-00433200-00433343 republic but since they have no TTsrQuvPXIg-01691-00433343-00433599 documentation they cannot TTsrQuvPXIg-01692-00433600-00433735 contribute TTsrQuvPXIg-01693-00433735-00433814 so TTsrQuvPXIg-01694-00433815-00433927 what TTsrQuvPXIg-01695-00433928-00434110 what we want TTsrQuvPXIg-01696-00434112-00434399 as dominican and as dominicans from TTsrQuvPXIg-01697-00434400-00434510 haitian TTsrQuvPXIg-01698-00434512-00434766 descent we need to have a document that TTsrQuvPXIg-01699-00434767-00435070 identifies us as people otherwise we are TTsrQuvPXIg-01700-00435071-00435191 stateless TTsrQuvPXIg-01701-00435192-00435351 we want to have access to that TTsrQuvPXIg-01702-00435352-00435607 documentation so we can also contribute TTsrQuvPXIg-01703-00435608-00435727 something to TTsrQuvPXIg-01704-00435728-00436735 the community TTsrQuvPXIg-01705-00436735-00437063 i don't know yes you can continue TTsrQuvPXIg-01706-00437064-00437270 within the framework of the intervention TTsrQuvPXIg-01707-00437271-00437639 of the state we would like to reply TTsrQuvPXIg-01708-00437639-00437975 to some of the considerations they made TTsrQuvPXIg-01709-00437976-00438166 the first TTsrQuvPXIg-01710-00438167-00438543 we are talk about the nationalization of TTsrQuvPXIg-01711-00438543-00438807 nationals TTsrQuvPXIg-01712-00438808-00439287 and that means a serious issue TTsrQuvPXIg-01713-00439288-00439503 it's not about two groups it's not only TTsrQuvPXIg-01714-00439504-00439687 group a or b TTsrQuvPXIg-01715-00439688-00439839 there are other groups TTsrQuvPXIg-01716-00439839-00440022 for example TTsrQuvPXIg-01717-00440023-00440239 um TTsrQuvPXIg-01718-00440239-00440487 mixed couples for example when the TTsrQuvPXIg-01719-00440488-00440791 mother is from haitian origin and the TTsrQuvPXIg-01720-00440792-00441118 father is from a dominican TTsrQuvPXIg-01721-00441119-00441255 and that's TTsrQuvPXIg-01722-00441256-00441422 a very TTsrQuvPXIg-01723-00441423-00441583 a group that is suffering several TTsrQuvPXIg-01724-00441584-00441807 violations because the father cannot TTsrQuvPXIg-01725-00441808-00442031 transfer the dominican nationality to TTsrQuvPXIg-01726-00442032-00442263 their children TTsrQuvPXIg-01727-00442264-00442495 and then there is another group that is TTsrQuvPXIg-01728-00442496-00442951 a plan that have no access to the plan TTsrQuvPXIg-01729-00442952-00443135 this group TTsrQuvPXIg-01730-00443135-00443543 can go to the state offices and have a TTsrQuvPXIg-01731-00443543-00443791 record they are giving a document that TTsrQuvPXIg-01732-00443792-00444087 is just a record but they have no right TTsrQuvPXIg-01733-00444088-00444318 that document does not allow them to TTsrQuvPXIg-01734-00444319-00444543 have access to an id card or any other TTsrQuvPXIg-01735-00444543-00444663 documents TTsrQuvPXIg-01736-00444664-00444943 with regard to group a which was TTsrQuvPXIg-01737-00444943-00445159 mentioned by the ambassador TTsrQuvPXIg-01738-00445160-00445455 that should have been the group that TTsrQuvPXIg-01739-00445456-00445566 have TTsrQuvPXIg-01740-00445567-00445935 more benefits because they have a record TTsrQuvPXIg-01741-00445935-00446183 he talks about the auditing and the TTsrQuvPXIg-01742-00446184-00446375 transcriptions TTsrQuvPXIg-01743-00446376-00446670 the audit was not completed TTsrQuvPXIg-01744-00446671-00446918 there are some people who go to TTsrQuvPXIg-01745-00446919-00447287 get their best certificates and they are TTsrQuvPXIg-01746-00447288-00447575 told that their processes is not in the TTsrQuvPXIg-01747-00447576-00447710 audit TTsrQuvPXIg-01748-00447712-00447991 and the transition or this TTsrQuvPXIg-01749-00447992-00448110 transfer TTsrQuvPXIg-01750-00448112-00448255 is a legal TTsrQuvPXIg-01751-00448256-00448543 type that does not exist for this group TTsrQuvPXIg-01752-00448543-00448870 because it is included in articles 33 TTsrQuvPXIg-01753-00448871-00449095 and 34 of TTsrQuvPXIg-01754-00449096-00449287 law 59 TTsrQuvPXIg-01755-00449288-00449575 of civil acts and that transition or TTsrQuvPXIg-01756-00449576-00449870 transcription TTsrQuvPXIg-01757-00449871-00450279 is only for the children of TTsrQuvPXIg-01758-00450280-00450566 nationals that are born abroad TTsrQuvPXIg-01759-00450567-00450647 and TTsrQuvPXIg-01760-00450647-00450822 as the law says TTsrQuvPXIg-01761-00450823-00451087 in order to access TTsrQuvPXIg-01762-00451088-00451310 to dominican citizenship they need to TTsrQuvPXIg-01763-00451312-00451414 trans TTsrQuvPXIg-01764-00451415-00451647 have a transcript TTsrQuvPXIg-01765-00451647-00451735 and TTsrQuvPXIg-01766-00451735-00451910 since there is no book TTsrQuvPXIg-01767-00451912-00452127 in the dominican TTsrQuvPXIg-01768-00452128-00452351 legislation there is a duplicity because TTsrQuvPXIg-01769-00452352-00452543 there is the original TTsrQuvPXIg-01770-00452543-00452887 act or certificate and the transcript TTsrQuvPXIg-01771-00452888-00453079 and that is a duplicity that was created TTsrQuvPXIg-01772-00453080-00453287 by the authorities TTsrQuvPXIg-01773-00453288-00453607 and therefore TTsrQuvPXIg-01774-00453608-00453910 we need to request the annuity of the TTsrQuvPXIg-01775-00453912-00454151 one of those certificates TTsrQuvPXIg-01776-00454152-00454335 and there are several deadlines TTsrQuvPXIg-01777-00454335-00454551 according to law TTsrQuvPXIg-01778-00454552-00454687 and TTsrQuvPXIg-01779-00454688-00455055 for that we need official lawyers TTsrQuvPXIg-01780-00455056-00455318 and that means a lot of expenses and TTsrQuvPXIg-01781-00455319-00455431 costs TTsrQuvPXIg-01782-00455432-00455695 many people TTsrQuvPXIg-01783-00455696-00455775 uh TTsrQuvPXIg-01784-00455776-00456222 who were requested or to TTsrQuvPXIg-01785-00456223-00456375 um TTsrQuvPXIg-01786-00456376-00456639 unknow one of these certificates TTsrQuvPXIg-01787-00456639-00456879 those deadlines were not changed TTsrQuvPXIg-01788-00456880-00457055 so that group TTsrQuvPXIg-01789-00457056-00457214 their nationality should have been TTsrQuvPXIg-01790-00457215-00457487 granted according to law but many are TTsrQuvPXIg-01791-00457488-00457766 facing many issues because they have TTsrQuvPXIg-01792-00457767-00458047 been requested to annul that birth TTsrQuvPXIg-01793-00458047-00458343 certificate that is a duplicate TTsrQuvPXIg-01794-00458343-00458575 then there is a second group TTsrQuvPXIg-01795-00458576-00458727 they receive TTsrQuvPXIg-01796-00458728-00459007 a foreign birthrate they were given TTsrQuvPXIg-01797-00459008-00459222 temporary residence TTsrQuvPXIg-01798-00459223-00459479 but for only two years TTsrQuvPXIg-01799-00459480-00459727 and they receive a foreign certificate TTsrQuvPXIg-01800-00459728-00459927 for one year TTsrQuvPXIg-01801-00459928-00460239 and the procedure was centralized in the TTsrQuvPXIg-01802-00460239-00460455 city of santo domingo TTsrQuvPXIg-01803-00460456-00460670 when most people live TTsrQuvPXIg-01804-00460671-00460951 in the rural areas and in papers TTsrQuvPXIg-01805-00460952-00461214 and according to the decrease for the TTsrQuvPXIg-01806-00461215-00461447 nationalization TTsrQuvPXIg-01807-00461447-00461775 that were included in that same law TTsrQuvPXIg-01808-00461776-00461907 and in law TTsrQuvPXIg-01809-00461908-00462391 169 slash 14 to obtain nationality TTsrQuvPXIg-01810-00462392-00462622 the first degree TTsrQuvPXIg-01811-00462623-00462855 in june this year it will be two years TTsrQuvPXIg-01812-00462856-00463135 old and the second decree in april this TTsrQuvPXIg-01813-00463135-00463463 year will be one year old TTsrQuvPXIg-01814-00463464-00463655 or would have been ineffective for one TTsrQuvPXIg-01815-00463656-00463870 year and TTsrQuvPXIg-01816-00463871-00464151 up today none of the beneficiaries of TTsrQuvPXIg-01817-00464152-00464279 those decrees TTsrQuvPXIg-01818-00464280-00464518 have had access to nationality none of TTsrQuvPXIg-01819-00464519-00464710 them has a nationality we have a TTsrQuvPXIg-01820-00464712-00465047 statement from buys or deputy ministers TTsrQuvPXIg-01821-00465047-00465383 from the interior and from police TTsrQuvPXIg-01822-00465384-00465575 and they are requesting TTsrQuvPXIg-01823-00465576-00465895 the ordinary procedures of the TTsrQuvPXIg-01824-00465896-00466103 nationalization law but those TTsrQuvPXIg-01825-00466104-00466327 requirements will not be cannot be TTsrQuvPXIg-01826-00466328-00466439 fulfilled TTsrQuvPXIg-01827-00466439-00466622 by people TTsrQuvPXIg-01828-00466623-00466895 they are requesting their requirements TTsrQuvPXIg-01829-00466896-00467159 of the original law but not the TTsrQuvPXIg-01830-00467160-00467591 recriteria of law 169 TTsrQuvPXIg-01831-00467592-00467670 and TTsrQuvPXIg-01832-00467671-00467947 regarding migrants and TTsrQuvPXIg-01833-00467947-00468279 regularization plan TTsrQuvPXIg-01834-00468280-00468599 we have this plan that granted migration TTsrQuvPXIg-01835-00468600-00468751 categories TTsrQuvPXIg-01836-00468752-00468863 to some TTsrQuvPXIg-01837-00468864-00469175 foreigners who requested the temporary TTsrQuvPXIg-01838-00469176-00469510 residence or work permits TTsrQuvPXIg-01839-00469512-00469759 but TTsrQuvPXIg-01840-00469760-00469887 for TTsrQuvPXIg-01841-00469888-00470110 those proceedings you have to pay the TTsrQuvPXIg-01842-00470112-00470383 same expectancies or the same costs as TTsrQuvPXIg-01843-00470384-00470687 ordinary procedures and most people TTsrQuvPXIg-01844-00470688-00470855 cannot pay for that TTsrQuvPXIg-01845-00470856-00471118 it is a process that needs to be done in TTsrQuvPXIg-01846-00471119-00471327 santo domingo through the online TTsrQuvPXIg-01847-00471328-00471639 platform of the office of migration TTsrQuvPXIg-01848-00471639-00471959 and regardless of that TTsrQuvPXIg-01849-00471960-00472270 there a group of people of migrants TTsrQuvPXIg-01850-00472271-00472559 who try to apply for this national plan TTsrQuvPXIg-01851-00472560-00472918 but they never receive a reply TTsrQuvPXIg-01852-00472919-00473118 in spite of what is established in TTsrQuvPXIg-01853-00473119-00473551 article 33 of decree TTsrQuvPXIg-01854-00473552-00473735 established this national plan of TTsrQuvPXIg-01855-00473735-00473991 regulation the decree said that they TTsrQuvPXIg-01856-00473992-00474343 have 45 days for a reply and if there TTsrQuvPXIg-01857-00474343-00474683 was a denial the person that was the TTsrQuvPXIg-01858-00474684-00475022 beneficiary should be notified TTsrQuvPXIg-01859-00475023-00475151 with TTsrQuvPXIg-01860-00475152-00475470 the explanation TTsrQuvPXIg-01861-00475471-00475727 and the reasons why that person was TTsrQuvPXIg-01862-00475728-00475918 being rejected TTsrQuvPXIg-01863-00475919-00476135 sorry to interrupt you you are running TTsrQuvPXIg-01864-00476135-00476287 out of time TTsrQuvPXIg-01865-00476288-00476366 but TTsrQuvPXIg-01866-00476367-00476559 all the information that you have you TTsrQuvPXIg-01867-00476560-00476751 can send that information to the TTsrQuvPXIg-01868-00476752-00476927 internet american commission we need to TTsrQuvPXIg-01869-00476928-00477031 keep TTsrQuvPXIg-01870-00477032-00477303 uh up with time because we have another TTsrQuvPXIg-01871-00477304-00477495 hearing but don't worry TTsrQuvPXIg-01872-00477496-00477639 don't worry TTsrQuvPXIg-01873-00477639-00477879 because this is the first hearing but we TTsrQuvPXIg-01874-00477880-00478095 will have several hearings this is an TTsrQuvPXIg-01875-00478096-00478295 opportunity but it will not be the last TTsrQuvPXIg-01876-00478296-00478535 one we will continue monitoring we have TTsrQuvPXIg-01877-00478535-00478759 the country rapporteur so any TTsrQuvPXIg-01878-00478760-00478959 information that you are not able to TTsrQuvPXIg-01879-00478960-00479055 share TTsrQuvPXIg-01880-00479056-00479191 this doesn't mean that the inform the TTsrQuvPXIg-01881-00479192-00479343 commission will not receive that TTsrQuvPXIg-01882-00479343-00479718 information don't don't worry TTsrQuvPXIg-01883-00479719-00479983 the president and the chair is seeing TTsrQuvPXIg-01884-00479984-00480199 everything so don't worry i would like TTsrQuvPXIg-01885-00480200-00480375 to give the floor to the state for 20 TTsrQuvPXIg-01886-00480376-00480599 minutes for 10 minutes now TTsrQuvPXIg-01887-00480600-00480822 thank you madam president i would like TTsrQuvPXIg-01888-00480823-00481222 to give the floor to the members of the TTsrQuvPXIg-01889-00481223-00481351 commission TTsrQuvPXIg-01890-00481352-00481487 members TTsrQuvPXIg-01891-00481488-00481631 that are in the ministry of foreign TTsrQuvPXIg-01892-00481632-00481975 affairs right now and i would like to TTsrQuvPXIg-01893-00481976-00482118 thank TTsrQuvPXIg-01894-00482119-00482327 uh the questions of commissioner may TTsrQuvPXIg-01895-00482328-00482647 mccauley commissioner ralom bernal your TTsrQuvPXIg-01896-00482647-00482935 questions and those questions of miss TTsrQuvPXIg-01897-00482935-00483183 oledad TTsrQuvPXIg-01898-00483184-00483270 also i would like to thank the TTsrQuvPXIg-01899-00483271-00483566 interventions of civil society for us TTsrQuvPXIg-01900-00483567-00483718 it's striking TTsrQuvPXIg-01901-00483719-00484143 that commissioner macaulay TTsrQuvPXIg-01902-00484143-00484543 is making reference that in 2022 we are TTsrQuvPXIg-01903-00484543-00484943 in the same situation as in a decade ago TTsrQuvPXIg-01904-00484943-00485303 we need to admit that in recent years we TTsrQuvPXIg-01905-00485304-00485535 have made an effort within the TTsrQuvPXIg-01906-00485535-00485791 institutional and political and legal TTsrQuvPXIg-01907-00485792-00485910 framework TTsrQuvPXIg-01908-00485912-00486231 to advance on solutions for many of TTsrQuvPXIg-01909-00486232-00486383 these issues TTsrQuvPXIg-01910-00486384-00486575 and we need to recognize TTsrQuvPXIg-01911-00486576-00486751 that even those TTsrQuvPXIg-01912-00486752-00487039 these solutions are not perfect TTsrQuvPXIg-01913-00487039-00487222 and even though there are several TTsrQuvPXIg-01914-00487223-00487575 obstacles and barriers still the state TTsrQuvPXIg-01915-00487576-00487870 is firm and committed to TTsrQuvPXIg-01916-00487871-00487991 guaranteeing TTsrQuvPXIg-01917-00487992-00488127 protection TTsrQuvPXIg-01918-00488128-00488487 and to providing documentation to those TTsrQuvPXIg-01919-00488488-00488599 peoples TTsrQuvPXIg-01920-00488600-00488799 to those people who should have access TTsrQuvPXIg-01921-00488800-00488983 to that documentation according to our TTsrQuvPXIg-01922-00488984-00489191 legislation TTsrQuvPXIg-01923-00489192-00489455 um commissioner ralon i also would like TTsrQuvPXIg-01924-00489456-00489647 to reply to you TTsrQuvPXIg-01925-00489647-00489791 be sure TTsrQuvPXIg-01926-00489792-00489887 that TTsrQuvPXIg-01927-00489888-00490118 in the coming days we will be providing TTsrQuvPXIg-01928-00490119-00490383 a report to the commission with all the TTsrQuvPXIg-01929-00490384-00490631 statistics and with all the figures we TTsrQuvPXIg-01930-00490632-00490943 mentioned not only regarding uh public TTsrQuvPXIg-01931-00490943-00491087 health and TTsrQuvPXIg-01932-00491088-00491222 everything that has to do with the TTsrQuvPXIg-01933-00491223-00491455 documentation regarding the electoral TTsrQuvPXIg-01934-00491456-00491799 board or the ministry of justice TTsrQuvPXIg-01935-00491800-00492007 or because we were not able to provide TTsrQuvPXIg-01936-00492008-00492207 information regarding the levels of TTsrQuvPXIg-01937-00492208-00492431 education of foreign TTsrQuvPXIg-01938-00492432-00492735 uh population also information regarding TTsrQuvPXIg-01939-00492735-00492975 the situation of human rights defenders TTsrQuvPXIg-01940-00492976-00493143 among other groups TTsrQuvPXIg-01941-00493143-00493303 now i would like to give the floor to TTsrQuvPXIg-01942-00493304-00493559 director pauline but before that TTsrQuvPXIg-01943-00493560-00493759 i wanted to reply TTsrQuvPXIg-01944-00493760-00494047 to some of the things mentioned by miss TTsrQuvPXIg-01945-00494047-00494439 noemi TTsrQuvPXIg-01946-00494439-00494583 i believe TTsrQuvPXIg-01947-00494584-00494703 that TTsrQuvPXIg-01948-00494704-00494870 the TTsrQuvPXIg-01949-00494871-00495351 variety of opportunities and the TTsrQuvPXIg-01950-00495352-00495614 diverse groups that are facing issues TTsrQuvPXIg-01951-00495615-00495855 are multiple we have different groups TTsrQuvPXIg-01952-00495856-00496007 the special law TTsrQuvPXIg-01953-00496008-00496207 of 2014 TTsrQuvPXIg-01954-00496208-00496391 address a part TTsrQuvPXIg-01955-00496392-00496639 of that population TTsrQuvPXIg-01956-00496639-00496743 but TTsrQuvPXIg-01957-00496743-00496975 the law established some mechanisms and TTsrQuvPXIg-01958-00496976-00497295 some deadlines those deadlines TTsrQuvPXIg-01959-00497296-00497455 were extended TTsrQuvPXIg-01960-00497456-00497679 because we did not receive TTsrQuvPXIg-01961-00497680-00497943 the expected number of people and we TTsrQuvPXIg-01962-00497943-00498070 achieved TTsrQuvPXIg-01963-00498071-00498295 or we TTsrQuvPXIg-01964-00498296-00498462 managed to have a certain number of TTsrQuvPXIg-01965-00498463-00498807 people who were recorded or who applied TTsrQuvPXIg-01966-00498808-00499039 and the government TTsrQuvPXIg-01967-00499039-00499366 had a program to receive records from TTsrQuvPXIg-01968-00499367-00499559 migrants and foreigners TTsrQuvPXIg-01969-00499560-00499710 for several years TTsrQuvPXIg-01970-00499712-00499903 but TTsrQuvPXIg-01971-00499904-00500175 um any country TTsrQuvPXIg-01972-00500176-00500431 no country can have TTsrQuvPXIg-01973-00500432-00500751 a constant policy f TTsrQuvPXIg-01974-00500752-00500887 migration TTsrQuvPXIg-01975-00500888-00501159 or migrant regularization TTsrQuvPXIg-01976-00501160-00501399 that doesn't mean that in the future we TTsrQuvPXIg-01977-00501400-00501639 can have a different program as it has TTsrQuvPXIg-01978-00501639-00501759 happened TTsrQuvPXIg-01979-00501760-00502047 in other countries but we cannot have TTsrQuvPXIg-01980-00502047-00502359 a constant program for migrants TTsrQuvPXIg-01981-00502360-00502462 also TTsrQuvPXIg-01982-00502463-00502718 we will send to the commission and to TTsrQuvPXIg-01983-00502719-00502943 civil society organizations TTsrQuvPXIg-01984-00502943-00503222 the last report prepared by the TTsrQuvPXIg-01985-00503223-00503559 electoral board regarding the TTsrQuvPXIg-01986-00503560-00503743 current situation of each of these TTsrQuvPXIg-01987-00503743-00503935 groups we believe that this is a good TTsrQuvPXIg-01988-00503935-00504087 opportunity TTsrQuvPXIg-01989-00504088-00504375 to establish a spiritual coordination TTsrQuvPXIg-01990-00504376-00504487 office TTsrQuvPXIg-01991-00504488-00504743 so because they are mentioned in several TTsrQuvPXIg-01992-00504743-00505079 cases that have no reply or that are TTsrQuvPXIg-01993-00505080-00505559 having some difficulties or issues TTsrQuvPXIg-01994-00505560-00505847 the office of migration or any of TTsrQuvPXIg-01995-00505847-00506062 our agencies TTsrQuvPXIg-01996-00506063-00506175 maybe TTsrQuvPXIg-01997-00506176-00506375 we can channel TTsrQuvPXIg-01998-00506376-00506743 these requests to these agencies TTsrQuvPXIg-01999-00506743-00506983 i don't want to take up all the time so TTsrQuvPXIg-02000-00506984-00507118 i would like to give the floor to TTsrQuvPXIg-02001-00507119-00507583 director of human rights of my country TTsrQuvPXIg-02002-00507584-00507751 good morning TTsrQuvPXIg-02003-00507752-00507999 thank you mr ambassador members of the TTsrQuvPXIg-02004-00508000-00508310 commission for giving me the opportunity TTsrQuvPXIg-02005-00508312-00508847 of responding some of the questions TTsrQuvPXIg-02006-00508847-00509118 i'm natha paolino human rights director TTsrQuvPXIg-02007-00509119-00509343 in the ministry of foreign affairs and TTsrQuvPXIg-02008-00509343-00509618 i'm here today with TTsrQuvPXIg-02009-00509619-00509783 representatives from the TTsrQuvPXIg-02010-00509784-00510055 inter-institutional TTsrQuvPXIg-02011-00510056-00510407 uh council of the dominican republic the TTsrQuvPXIg-02012-00510408-00510743 electoral board the national council for TTsrQuvPXIg-02013-00510743-00510966 children and adolescents the general TTsrQuvPXIg-02014-00510967-00511262 directorate for migration the ministry TTsrQuvPXIg-02015-00511263-00511495 of public health the ministry of TTsrQuvPXIg-02016-00511496-00511807 education TTsrQuvPXIg-02017-00511808-00511879 the TTsrQuvPXIg-02018-00511880-00512022 uh TTsrQuvPXIg-02019-00512023-00512295 general attorney's office and the vice TTsrQuvPXIg-02020-00512296-00512687 president of the commission TTsrQuvPXIg-02021-00512688-00513007 before giving the floor to some of the TTsrQuvPXIg-02022-00513008-00513166 members TTsrQuvPXIg-02023-00513167-00513431 i could like to make reference first of TTsrQuvPXIg-02024-00513432-00513647 all to the question asked by TTsrQuvPXIg-02025-00513647-00513807 commissioner stuart TTsrQuvPXIg-02026-00513808-00514175 regarding the excessive use of force in TTsrQuvPXIg-02027-00514176-00514591 processes of deportation the country for TTsrQuvPXIg-02028-00514592-00514743 many years TTsrQuvPXIg-02029-00514743-00514966 manages the concept through the use of TTsrQuvPXIg-02030-00514967-00515222 force through the different training to TTsrQuvPXIg-02031-00515223-00515414 the members of the armed forces and the TTsrQuvPXIg-02032-00515415-00515566 national police TTsrQuvPXIg-02033-00515567-00515814 in the different training institutes of TTsrQuvPXIg-02034-00515815-00516062 these offices TTsrQuvPXIg-02035-00516063-00516431 the members of the national dictatorship TTsrQuvPXIg-02036-00516432-00516662 of migration TTsrQuvPXIg-02037-00516663-00516903 receive specialized information about TTsrQuvPXIg-02038-00516904-00517070 how to carry out TTsrQuvPXIg-02039-00517071-00517407 deportations we've been careful in TTsrQuvPXIg-02040-00517408-00517614 paranal protocols TTsrQuvPXIg-02041-00517615-00517870 in line with international standards TTsrQuvPXIg-02042-00517871-00518110 regarding human rights protection TTsrQuvPXIg-02043-00518112-00518327 including TTsrQuvPXIg-02044-00518328-00518662 the use of women within TTsrQuvPXIg-02045-00518663-00518935 process of deportation that is to say TTsrQuvPXIg-02046-00518935-00519270 female officers that can search TTsrQuvPXIg-02047-00519271-00519399 and TTsrQuvPXIg-02048-00519400-00519703 participate in the case of migrant women TTsrQuvPXIg-02049-00519704-00519943 in order to respect that process TTsrQuvPXIg-02050-00519943-00520079 if TTsrQuvPXIg-02051-00520080-00520431 there are specific demands in connection TTsrQuvPXIg-02052-00520432-00520743 with uh the excessive use of source TTsrQuvPXIg-02053-00520743-00521031 or use of force they are different TTsrQuvPXIg-02054-00521032-00521303 sources channels um TTsrQuvPXIg-02055-00521304-00521583 provided by the country such as the TTsrQuvPXIg-02056-00521584-00521727 general's TTsrQuvPXIg-02057-00521728-00522039 general attorney's office and in TTsrQuvPXIg-02058-00522039-00522283 some other TTsrQuvPXIg-02059-00522284-00522510 events um TTsrQuvPXIg-02060-00522512-00522718 where the police participates these TTsrQuvPXIg-02061-00522719-00522959 channels are open to carry out an TTsrQuvPXIg-02062-00522960-00523175 investigation TTsrQuvPXIg-02063-00523176-00523310 by the TTsrQuvPXIg-02064-00523312-00523566 directorator of the police department TTsrQuvPXIg-02065-00523567-00523679 and TTsrQuvPXIg-02066-00523680-00524095 we are open to receive any cases TTsrQuvPXIg-02067-00524096-00524327 any specific cases in order to TTsrQuvPXIg-02068-00524328-00524831 investigate them i also wanted to TTsrQuvPXIg-02069-00524832-00525127 say something in connection with TTsrQuvPXIg-02070-00525128-00525343 violence against women TTsrQuvPXIg-02071-00525344-00525543 and obstetric TTsrQuvPXIg-02072-00525544-00525679 um TTsrQuvPXIg-02073-00525680-00525766 by TTsrQuvPXIg-02074-00525767-00526111 violence what president mandia mentioned TTsrQuvPXIg-02075-00526112-00526327 we have just presented a report about TTsrQuvPXIg-02076-00526328-00526447 this TTsrQuvPXIg-02077-00526448-00526759 we have many challenges as a country in TTsrQuvPXIg-02078-00526760-00526991 terms of violence against women and all TTsrQuvPXIg-02079-00526992-00527175 plans have been developed in order to TTsrQuvPXIg-02080-00527176-00527422 progress towards inclusive public TTsrQuvPXIg-02081-00527423-00527727 policies that can group and protect all TTsrQuvPXIg-02082-00527728-00527983 women girls and adolescents including TTsrQuvPXIg-02083-00527984-00528191 the creation of a cabinet that is TTsrQuvPXIg-02084-00528192-00528470 specialized to deal with children and TTsrQuvPXIg-02085-00528471-00528687 adolescents TTsrQuvPXIg-02086-00528688-00528983 those efforts when we talk about TTsrQuvPXIg-02087-00528984-00529175 women and violence against women we have TTsrQuvPXIg-02088-00529176-00529375 made a progress and there is no TTsrQuvPXIg-02089-00529376-00529631 difference when there is a TTsrQuvPXIg-02090-00529632-00529831 women woman in a situation of TTsrQuvPXIg-02091-00529832-00530103 vulnerability we don't make a difference TTsrQuvPXIg-02092-00530104-00530287 between the fact of TTsrQuvPXIg-02093-00530288-00530495 whether they are a domain a person from TTsrQuvPXIg-02094-00530496-00530703 a dominican republic a haitian or a TTsrQuvPXIg-02095-00530704-00530847 migrant TTsrQuvPXIg-02096-00530848-00531151 the ambush person has expressed TTsrQuvPXIg-02097-00531152-00531318 through different TTsrQuvPXIg-02098-00531319-00531511 researches TTsrQuvPXIg-02099-00531512-00531607 that TTsrQuvPXIg-02100-00531608-00531870 they TTsrQuvPXIg-02101-00531871-00532159 should guarantee attention provided to TTsrQuvPXIg-02102-00532160-00532399 dominican women or women of haitian TTsrQuvPXIg-02103-00532400-00532518 descent TTsrQuvPXIg-02104-00532519-00532703 in the TTsrQuvPXIg-02105-00532704-00532918 education services of or medical TTsrQuvPXIg-02106-00532919-00533111 attention TTsrQuvPXIg-02107-00533112-00533199 and TTsrQuvPXIg-02108-00533200-00533495 the amos person has visited different TTsrQuvPXIg-02109-00533496-00533735 health centers and they have registered TTsrQuvPXIg-02110-00533736-00534007 the fact that there is no TTsrQuvPXIg-02111-00534008-00534099 uh TTsrQuvPXIg-02112-00534100-00534495 differentiated attention TTsrQuvPXIg-02113-00534496-00534791 they're just uh patients seeking medical TTsrQuvPXIg-02114-00534792-00535214 attention i will give referral to TTsrQuvPXIg-02115-00535215-00535439 mrs zarina TTsrQuvPXIg-02116-00535440-00535951 who is part of the electoral board TTsrQuvPXIg-02117-00535952-00536255 good morning TTsrQuvPXIg-02118-00536256-00536966 members of the commission mr ambassador TTsrQuvPXIg-02119-00536967-00537351 one of the issues TTsrQuvPXIg-02120-00537352-00537614 mentioned by the petitioners today makes TTsrQuvPXIg-02121-00537615-00538103 reference to these stay this statedness TTsrQuvPXIg-02122-00538104-00538447 in dominican republic there is no state TTsrQuvPXIg-02123-00538448-00538839 illness article 55 says TTsrQuvPXIg-02124-00538840-00539103 any pers all persons have and are TTsrQuvPXIg-02125-00539104-00539527 entitled to be registered in the TTsrQuvPXIg-02126-00539528-00539766 registry book to obtain public TTsrQuvPXIg-02127-00539767-00540111 documentations to give account of their TTsrQuvPXIg-02128-00540112-00540570 identity in accordance with law TTsrQuvPXIg-02129-00540571-00540943 285 regarding migration TTsrQuvPXIg-02130-00540944-00541318 in our country all children born are TTsrQuvPXIg-02131-00541319-00541727 registered TTsrQuvPXIg-02132-00541728-00542095 their friends can be dominicans or legal TTsrQuvPXIg-02133-00542096-00542399 foreign residents or they are TTsrQuvPXIg-02134-00542400-00542503 the TTsrQuvPXIg-02135-00542504-00542807 uh sons of daughters of TTsrQuvPXIg-02136-00542808-00543143 dominican father and immigrant TTsrQuvPXIg-02137-00543144-00543255 mother TTsrQuvPXIg-02138-00543256-00543559 they are registered TTsrQuvPXIg-02139-00543560-00543887 i think i'm sorry but we have run out of TTsrQuvPXIg-02140-00543888-00543966 time TTsrQuvPXIg-02141-00543967-00544047 and TTsrQuvPXIg-02142-00544048-00544335 as i have interrupted the civil society TTsrQuvPXIg-02143-00544336-00544647 i need to interrupt you and once TTsrQuvPXIg-02144-00544648-00544847 again i would like to say TTsrQuvPXIg-02145-00544848-00544966 that TTsrQuvPXIg-02146-00544967-00545214 if we are not able to conclude today TTsrQuvPXIg-02147-00545215-00545551 that that does not mean that we will not TTsrQuvPXIg-02148-00545552-00546111 uh keep on working TTsrQuvPXIg-02149-00546112-00546262 first of all TTsrQuvPXIg-02150-00546263-00546439 i TTsrQuvPXIg-02151-00546440-00546679 deeply appreciate TTsrQuvPXIg-02152-00546680-00546791 the TTsrQuvPXIg-02153-00546792-00547014 comments made by the estate the TTsrQuvPXIg-02154-00547015-00547270 commission ambassador fiao TTsrQuvPXIg-02155-00547271-00547631 appreciates their presence your presence TTsrQuvPXIg-02156-00547632-00547839 in this hearing we do not have TTsrQuvPXIg-02157-00547840-00548079 ambassadors present all the time and TTsrQuvPXIg-02158-00548080-00548399 that shows the cooperation of the state TTsrQuvPXIg-02159-00548400-00548583 the fact that there are structural TTsrQuvPXIg-02160-00548584-00548839 issues does not mean that we do not TTsrQuvPXIg-02161-00548840-00549111 appreciate this state's response that is TTsrQuvPXIg-02162-00549112-00549343 part of our reports i mentioned that at TTsrQuvPXIg-02163-00549344-00549470 the beginning TTsrQuvPXIg-02164-00549471-00549935 and i want to acknowledge that publicly TTsrQuvPXIg-02165-00549936-00550118 to you and to all the state TTsrQuvPXIg-02166-00550119-00550318 representatives TTsrQuvPXIg-02167-00550319-00550470 in that vein TTsrQuvPXIg-02168-00550471-00550591 i TTsrQuvPXIg-02169-00550592-00550783 would like to TTsrQuvPXIg-02170-00550784-00551103 discuss the possibility of establishing TTsrQuvPXIg-02171-00551104-00551279 a TTsrQuvPXIg-02172-00551280-00551399 work TTsrQuvPXIg-02173-00551400-00551670 team so that the con the commission can TTsrQuvPXIg-02174-00551671-00551822 contribute TTsrQuvPXIg-02175-00551823-00552111 to this situation in order to TTsrQuvPXIg-02176-00552112-00552399 analyze the possibilities and from the TTsrQuvPXIg-02177-00552400-00552759 inter-american standard and also with TTsrQuvPXIg-02178-00552760-00553047 the national institutions we can think TTsrQuvPXIg-02179-00553048-00553327 about how we can contribute regarding TTsrQuvPXIg-02180-00553328-00553591 standards and shared experiences and TTsrQuvPXIg-02181-00553592-00553743 that could include TTsrQuvPXIg-02182-00553744-00554375 a visit it may be virtual or TTsrQuvPXIg-02183-00554376-00554847 it can be an in-local visit TTsrQuvPXIg-02184-00554848-00555095 the commission wants to TTsrQuvPXIg-02185-00555096-00555207 listen TTsrQuvPXIg-02186-00555208-00555470 know and contribute TTsrQuvPXIg-02187-00555471-00555551 so TTsrQuvPXIg-02188-00555552-00555766 i would like to TTsrQuvPXIg-02189-00555767-00556095 ask for that option secondly i could TTsrQuvPXIg-02190-00556096-00556375 like to address the civil society TTsrQuvPXIg-02191-00556376-00556591 and i also want to thank you for being TTsrQuvPXIg-02192-00556592-00556687 here TTsrQuvPXIg-02193-00556688-00556847 for TTsrQuvPXIg-02194-00556848-00557079 being so clear TTsrQuvPXIg-02195-00557080-00557222 and TTsrQuvPXIg-02196-00557223-00557614 by being here you are showing your faith TTsrQuvPXIg-02197-00557615-00557918 on the inter american system and that TTsrQuvPXIg-02198-00557919-00558199 gives us a big responsibility that we TTsrQuvPXIg-02199-00558200-00558335 should not TTsrQuvPXIg-02200-00558336-00558479 um TTsrQuvPXIg-02201-00558480-00558879 we should respect that address we will TTsrQuvPXIg-02202-00558880-00559199 continue talking TTsrQuvPXIg-02203-00559200-00559414 and i would like to tell to paulina TTsrQuvPXIg-02204-00559415-00559791 solana i don't see her right now TTsrQuvPXIg-02205-00559792-00560047 i will never forget your name TTsrQuvPXIg-02206-00560048-00560214 and i want to thank you paulina for TTsrQuvPXIg-02207-00560215-00560383 being here TTsrQuvPXIg-02208-00560384-00560662 for telling your story because you TTsrQuvPXIg-02209-00560663-00560983 represent many other girls TTsrQuvPXIg-02210-00560984-00561318 and as a lawyer as a commissioner TTsrQuvPXIg-02211-00561319-00561447 as a TTsrQuvPXIg-02212-00561448-00561566 rapper TTsrQuvPXIg-02213-00561567-00561783 for women's rights i know that this TTsrQuvPXIg-02214-00561784-00562070 struggle is very hard and you're raising TTsrQuvPXIg-02215-00562071-00562287 your voice for other women for your TTsrQuvPXIg-02216-00562288-00562595 mother for your community and we TTsrQuvPXIg-02217-00562596-00562911 appreciate that i will never forget your TTsrQuvPXIg-02218-00562912-00563318 name and also to conclude in this TTsrQuvPXIg-02219-00563319-00563583 hearing i collected the team my TTsrQuvPXIg-02220-00563584-00563814 colleagues the rapporteur and i would TTsrQuvPXIg-02221-00563815-00564031 like to remind TTsrQuvPXIg-02222-00564032-00564383 a parent by marcos marto who is a TTsrQuvPXIg-02223-00564384-00564662 peruvian poet that is called TTsrQuvPXIg-02224-00564663-00564791 homeland TTsrQuvPXIg-02225-00564792-00565031 this is not your country TTsrQuvPXIg-02226-00565032-00565222 because you know TTsrQuvPXIg-02227-00565223-00565575 the language or the name of the deceased TTsrQuvPXIg-02228-00565576-00565927 this is your country because if we TTsrQuvPXIg-02229-00565928-00566214 could do so you would choose it again in TTsrQuvPXIg-02230-00566215-00566551 order to TTsrQuvPXIg-02231-00566552-00566918 fulfill here all your dreams nationality TTsrQuvPXIg-02232-00566919-00567159 dignity has to do with that TTsrQuvPXIg-02233-00567160-00567335 dreams TTsrQuvPXIg-02234-00567336-00567655 believing in these standards and we TTsrQuvPXIg-02235-00567656-00568007 fight every day to implement them so TTsrQuvPXIg-02236-00568008-00568407 thank you on behalf of the commission TTsrQuvPXIg-02237-00568408-00568647 to keep on working for the respect of TTsrQuvPXIg-02238-00568648-00568910 human dignity TTsrQuvPXIg-02239-00568911-00569143 thank you to all of you i had turned the TTsrQuvPXIg-02240-00569144-00569279 hearing TTsrQuvPXIg-02241-00569280-00569611 thank you goodbye TVTzoIctcOA-00000-00000028-00000734 [Music] TVTzoIctcOA-00001-00000735-00001743 uh TVTzoIctcOA-00002-00001744-00001942 i love the chase to the hunt and i set TVTzoIctcOA-00003-00001943-00002134 the pace when i'm running i always take TVTzoIctcOA-00004-00002135-00002350 what i want and i always give it 100 TVTzoIctcOA-00005-00002351-00002558 don't need a bank no i'm funded play the TVTzoIctcOA-00006-00002559-00002702 game like it's nothing i'm always TVTzoIctcOA-00007-00002703-00002855 thankful for something don't take for TVTzoIctcOA-00008-00002856-00003102 granted stay humble now wake up TVTzoIctcOA-00009-00003103-00003367 it's time to look at the enemy look in TVTzoIctcOA-00010-00003368-00003654 the mirror if he is no friend of me it's TVTzoIctcOA-00011-00003655-00004775 not working now maybe it's the chemistry TVTzoIctcOA-00012-00004776-00004959 all it takes is some time and some TVTzoIctcOA-00013-00004960-00005535 clarity to find your identity it's mine TVTzoIctcOA-00014-00005536-00007148 otherwise TVTzoIctcOA-00015-00007150-00008184 [Music] TVTzoIctcOA-00016-00008186-00008559 [Music] TVTzoIctcOA-00017-00008560-00011420 paper TVTzoIctcOA-00018-00011421-00012742 [Music] TVTzoIctcOA-00019-00012743-00012994 foreign TVTzoIctcOA-00021-00016517-00017303 [Laughter] TVTzoIctcOA-00022-00017304-00017579 me TVTzoIctcOA-00023-00017580-00018182 [Laughter] TVTzoIctcOA-00024-00018183-00019583 [Music] TVTzoIctcOA-00025-00019584-00019725 thank you TVTzoIctcOA-00026-00019726-00020918 [Music] TVTzoIctcOA-00027-00020919-00021251 [Music] TVTzoIctcOA-00028-00021252-00021338 [Applause] TVTzoIctcOA-00029-00021339-00021494 [Music] TVTzoIctcOA-00030-00021495-00022538 oh TVTzoIctcOA-00031-00022539-00023407 [Music] TVTzoIctcOA-00032-00023408-00024710 hey TVTzoIctcOA-00033-00024711-00026156 [Music] TVTzoIctcOA-00034-00026157-00027487 [Music] TVTzoIctcOA-00035-00027488-00028918 i TVTzoIctcOA-00036-00028919-00029231 no no no no TVTzoIctcOA-00037-00029232-00029505 [Music] TVTzoIctcOA-00038-00029506-00030726 [Laughter] TVTzoIctcOA-00039-00030727-00031697 [Music] TVTzoIctcOA-00040-00031698-00032292 [Music] TVTzoIctcOA-00041-00032293-00033727 [Music] TVTzoIctcOA-00042-00033728-00033902 don't take for granted stay humble now TVTzoIctcOA-00043-00033903-00034023 wake up TVTzoIctcOA-00044-00034024-00034295 it's time to look at the enemy look in TVTzoIctcOA-00045-00034296-00034783 the mirror TVTzoIctcOA-00046-00034784-00035093 no no no no oh TVTzoIctcOA-00047-00035094-00036174 [Music] TVTzoIctcOA-00048-00036175-00037215 foreign TVTzoIctcOA-00049-00037216-00037792 foreign TVTzoIctcOA-00050-00037793-00038261 [Laughter] TWshU2ffsiY-00000-00001520-00001679 hey guys welcome back to jibber jab TWshU2ffsiY-00001-00001680-00001863 reviews and thanks for tuning in and TWshU2ffsiY-00002-00001864-00001959 supporting me TWshU2ffsiY-00003-00001960-00002191 now for the review today i want to share TWshU2ffsiY-00004-00002192-00002415 a brand new release from our murica TWshU2ffsiY-00005-00002416-00002631 called notice sector now this TWshU2ffsiY-00006-00002632-00002831 developer's been spoiling us lately with TWshU2ffsiY-00007-00002832-00002999 creating some stunning designs TWshU2ffsiY-00008-00003000-00003199 which have been in collaboration with TWshU2ffsiY-00009-00003200-00003383 real luxury watchmakers TWshU2ffsiY-00010-00003384-00003583 and the face today is just another TWshU2ffsiY-00011-00003584-00003695 example of that TWshU2ffsiY-00012-00003696-00003895 plus if you're quick then you're even TWshU2ffsiY-00013-00003896-00004070 may have a chance to grab a coupon to TWshU2ffsiY-00014-00004071-00004231 download this for free because the TWshU2ffsiY-00015-00004232-00004486 developer is sharing 50 codes per TWshU2ffsiY-00016-00004487-00004638 country so make sure you click on the TWshU2ffsiY-00017-00004639-00004791 link to the coupon tool TWshU2ffsiY-00018-00004792-00005079 right after our review okay guys this TWshU2ffsiY-00019-00005080-00005270 one is based off of a real wash that you TWshU2ffsiY-00020-00005271-00005383 can purchase from TWshU2ffsiY-00021-00005384-00005567 nodus and i'm going to leave the link to TWshU2ffsiY-00022-00005568-00005751 their website below if you want to check TWshU2ffsiY-00023-00005752-00005943 out their watches or even if you want to TWshU2ffsiY-00024-00005944-00006095 purchase one is they have some TWshU2ffsiY-00025-00006096-00006343 really fantastic styles and i really TWshU2ffsiY-00026-00006344-00006431 hope that we see TWshU2ffsiY-00027-00006431-00006646 more digital representations in the form TWshU2ffsiY-00028-00006647-00006798 of watch faces because TWshU2ffsiY-00029-00006800-00006959 they look even better in person than TWshU2ffsiY-00030-00006959-00007127 what i'm showing you here in the video TWshU2ffsiY-00031-00007128-00007375 now this one is set in a clean and easy TWshU2ffsiY-00032-00007376-00007470 to read analog TWshU2ffsiY-00033-00007472-00007678 format although you do have two digital TWshU2ffsiY-00034-00007679-00007823 readouts on the display TWshU2ffsiY-00035-00007823-00007998 for your battery power remaining over at TWshU2ffsiY-00036-00008000-00008167 the bottom left of the display TWshU2ffsiY-00037-00008168-00008367 and then on the opposite side there just TWshU2ffsiY-00038-00008368-00008567 on the right is the current date TWshU2ffsiY-00039-00008568-00008767 you then get seven different background TWshU2ffsiY-00040-00008768-00008935 themes and they're all set in these TWshU2ffsiY-00041-00008936-00009142 really stunning gradient tones which TWshU2ffsiY-00042-00009143-00009399 provide a very cool visual effect TWshU2ffsiY-00043-00009400-00009614 kind of like a back lighting look which TWshU2ffsiY-00044-00009615-00009839 looks great both during the day or TWshU2ffsiY-00045-00009840-00010055 night the lighting also gives this kind TWshU2ffsiY-00046-00010056-00010295 of a style that's a nice balance between TWshU2ffsiY-00047-00010296-00010335 being TWshU2ffsiY-00048-00010336-00010567 both modern looking while having a hint TWshU2ffsiY-00049-00010568-00010671 of elegance TWshU2ffsiY-00050-00010672-00010855 which really means you could wear this TWshU2ffsiY-00051-00010856-00011006 for any occasion TWshU2ffsiY-00052-00011007-00011238 and lastly this one comes optimized with TWshU2ffsiY-00053-00011239-00011446 a lovely blue loom aod TWshU2ffsiY-00054-00011447-00012703 mode TWshU2ffsiY-00055-00012704-00012830 all right guys that's a wrap for this TWshU2ffsiY-00056-00012831-00012966 review and remember that if you want a TWshU2ffsiY-00057-00012967-00013158 chance of picking up a coupon and adding TWshU2ffsiY-00058-00013159-00013319 this to your collections for free then TWshU2ffsiY-00059-00013319-00013494 make sure you click on the link down TWshU2ffsiY-00060-00013495-00013543 below TWshU2ffsiY-00061-00013544-00013719 just keep in mind that samsung has TWshU2ffsiY-00062-00013719-00014015 limited codes to 50 per country and they TWshU2ffsiY-00063-00014016-00014263 are on a first come first basis only so TWshU2ffsiY-00064-00014263-00014463 don't delay too long in clicking on that TWshU2ffsiY-00065-00014463-00014519 link TWshU2ffsiY-00066-00014519-00014655 thanks again for watching our review and TWshU2ffsiY-00067-00014656-00014815 supporting the channel and please TWshU2ffsiY-00068-00014816-00015007 remember to smash that like and TWshU2ffsiY-00069-00015008-00015207 subscribe button before you leave TWshU2ffsiY-00070-00015208-00015383 i'll catch you all in our next video TWshU2ffsiY-00071-00015384-00015925 until then take care TWshU2ffsiY-00072-00015926-00016439 [Music] TWshU2ffsiY-00073-00016440-00016615 thanks again for watching our review and TWshU2ffsiY-00074-00016616-00016799 if you liked it then show us some love TWshU2ffsiY-00075-00016800-00016911 with a thumbs up TWshU2ffsiY-00076-00016912-00017103 subscribe to the channel and share the TWshU2ffsiY-00077-00017104-00017247 video with your friends because with TWshU2ffsiY-00078-00017248-00017319 your support TWshU2ffsiY-00079-00017320-00017471 it really helps me keep the channel TWshU2ffsiY-00080-00017472-00017679 going so i can continue to offer you TWshU2ffsiY-00081-00017680-00017894 guys discounts giveaways and of course TWshU2ffsiY-00082-00017895-00017999 fresh content TWshU2ffsiY-00083-00018000-00018199 i'll see you in the next episode until TWshU2ffsiY-00084-00018200-00018584 then take care TWcakGM9DOy-00000-00000080-00000319 the square egg a badger's eye view of TWcakGM9DOy-00001-00000320-00000543 the mud war in the trenches TWcakGM9DOy-00002-00000544-00000847 by saki TWcakGM9DOy-00003-00000848-00001070 assuredly a badger is the animal that TWcakGM9DOy-00004-00001071-00001231 one most resembles in this trench TWcakGM9DOy-00005-00001232-00001335 warfare TWcakGM9DOy-00006-00001336-00001503 that drab coated creature of the TWcakGM9DOy-00007-00001504-00001702 twilight and darkness TWcakGM9DOy-00008-00001703-00001791 digging TWcakGM9DOy-00009-00001792-00002023 burrowing listening TWcakGM9DOy-00010-00002023-00002199 keeping itself as clean as possible TWcakGM9DOy-00011-00002200-00002383 under unfavorable circumstances fighting TWcakGM9DOy-00012-00002384-00002559 tooth and nail on occasion for TWcakGM9DOy-00013-00002560-00002758 possession of a few yards of honeycombed TWcakGM9DOy-00014-00002759-00002975 earth TWcakGM9DOy-00015-00002976-00003126 what the badger thinks about life we TWcakGM9DOy-00016-00003127-00003254 shall never know TWcakGM9DOy-00017-00003255-00003519 which is a pity but cannot be helped TWcakGM9DOy-00018-00003520-00003695 it's difficult enough to know what one TWcakGM9DOy-00019-00003696-00004015 thinks about oneself in the trenches TWcakGM9DOy-00020-00004015-00004183 parliament taxes social gatherings TWcakGM9DOy-00021-00004184-00004406 economies and expenditure and all the TWcakGM9DOy-00022-00004407-00004663 thousand and one horrors of civilization TWcakGM9DOy-00023-00004664-00004879 seem immeasurably remote TWcakGM9DOy-00024-00004880-00005047 and the war itself seems almost as TWcakGM9DOy-00025-00005048-00005302 distant and unreal TWcakGM9DOy-00026-00005303-00005470 a couple of hundred yards away separated TWcakGM9DOy-00027-00005471-00005663 from you by a stretch of dismal and tidy TWcakGM9DOy-00028-00005664-00005886 looking ground and some strips of rusty TWcakGM9DOy-00029-00005887-00006167 wire entanglement lies a vigilant bullet TWcakGM9DOy-00030-00006168-00006431 splitting enemy TWcakGM9DOy-00031-00006431-00006687 lurking and watching in those opposing TWcakGM9DOy-00032-00006688-00006927 trenches are fomen who might stir the TWcakGM9DOy-00033-00006928-00007159 imagination of the most sluggish brain TWcakGM9DOy-00034-00007159-00007303 descendants of the men who went to TWcakGM9DOy-00035-00007304-00007527 battle on the maldika TWcakGM9DOy-00036-00007528-00007695 frederick the great and the great TWcakGM9DOy-00037-00007695-00007831 elector TWcakGM9DOy-00038-00007831-00008046 fallen stein maurice of saxony TWcakGM9DOy-00039-00008047-00008255 barbarossa albert the bear henry the TWcakGM9DOy-00040-00008256-00008351 lion TWcakGM9DOy-00041-00008352-00008574 witkin the saxon TWcakGM9DOy-00042-00008575-00008783 they're matched against you there TWcakGM9DOy-00043-00008784-00008983 man for man and gun for gun TWcakGM9DOy-00044-00008984-00009159 in what is perhaps the most stupendous TWcakGM9DOy-00045-00009160-00009519 struggle that modern history has known TWcakGM9DOy-00046-00009520-00009687 and yet one thinks remarkably little TWcakGM9DOy-00047-00009688-00009910 about them TWcakGM9DOy-00048-00009911-00010191 it would not be advisable to forget TWcakGM9DOy-00049-00010192-00010399 for the fraction of a second that they TWcakGM9DOy-00050-00010400-00010519 are there TWcakGM9DOy-00051-00010520-00010678 but one's mine does not dwell on their TWcakGM9DOy-00052-00010679-00010823 existence TWcakGM9DOy-00053-00010824-00010999 one speculates little as to whether they TWcakGM9DOy-00054-00011000-00011151 are drinking warm soup and eating TWcakGM9DOy-00055-00011152-00011383 sausage or going cold and hungry whether TWcakGM9DOy-00056-00011384-00011551 they are well supplied with copies of TWcakGM9DOy-00057-00011552-00011791 the mechandorff fableta and other light TWcakGM9DOy-00058-00011792-00011942 literature or TWcakGM9DOy-00059-00011943-00012287 bored with unutterable weariness TWcakGM9DOy-00060-00012288-00012455 much more to be thought about than the TWcakGM9DOy-00061-00012456-00012638 enemy of a yonder or the war all over TWcakGM9DOy-00062-00012639-00012742 europe TWcakGM9DOy-00063-00012743-00012951 is the mud of the moment TWcakGM9DOy-00064-00012952-00013166 the mud that at times engulfs you as TWcakGM9DOy-00065-00013168-00013438 cheesing guffs of cheese mite TWcakGM9DOy-00066-00013440-00013686 in zoological gardens one is gazed at an TWcakGM9DOy-00067-00013687-00013958 elk or bison loitering at its pleasure TWcakGM9DOy-00068-00013959-00014135 more than knee-deep in a quagmire of TWcakGM9DOy-00069-00014136-00014279 greasy mud TWcakGM9DOy-00070-00014280-00014463 and one has wondered what it would feel TWcakGM9DOy-00071-00014463-00014543 like TWcakGM9DOy-00072-00014544-00014838 to be sourced and plastered hour long in TWcakGM9DOy-00073-00014840-00015086 such a muck bath TWcakGM9DOy-00074-00015087-00015311 one knows now TWcakGM9DOy-00075-00015312-00015638 in narrow dug support trenches when thor TWcakGM9DOy-00076-00015640-00015799 and heavy rain have come suddenly atop TWcakGM9DOy-00077-00015800-00015927 of a frost TWcakGM9DOy-00078-00015928-00016103 when everything is pitch dark around you TWcakGM9DOy-00079-00016104-00016271 and you can only stumble about and feel TWcakGM9DOy-00080-00016272-00016494 your way against streaming mud walls TWcakGM9DOy-00081-00016495-00016639 when you have to go down on hands and TWcakGM9DOy-00082-00016640-00016830 knees in several inches of soup like mud TWcakGM9DOy-00083-00016831-00017047 to creep into a dugout TWcakGM9DOy-00084-00017048-00017215 when you stand TWcakGM9DOy-00085-00017216-00017511 deep in mud lean against mud grasp TWcakGM9DOy-00086-00017512-00017727 mud-slimed objects with mud caked TWcakGM9DOy-00087-00017728-00017822 fingers TWcakGM9DOy-00088-00017823-00018007 wink mud away from your eyes and shake TWcakGM9DOy-00089-00018008-00018230 it out of your ears bite muddy biscuits TWcakGM9DOy-00090-00018231-00018375 with muddy teeth TWcakGM9DOy-00091-00018376-00018591 then at least you're in a position to TWcakGM9DOy-00092-00018592-00018799 understand thoroughly TWcakGM9DOy-00093-00018800-00019086 what it feels like to wallow TWcakGM9DOy-00094-00019087-00019239 on the other hand the bison's idea of TWcakGM9DOy-00095-00019240-00019439 pleasure becomes more and more TWcakGM9DOy-00096-00019440-00019775 incomprehensible TWcakGM9DOy-00097-00019776-00020030 when one is not thinking about mud one TWcakGM9DOy-00098-00020031-00020311 is probably thinking about estamine an TWcakGM9DOy-00099-00020312-00020630 estamine is a haven that one finds in TWcakGM9DOy-00100-00020631-00020807 agreeable plenty in most of the TWcakGM9DOy-00101-00020808-00020991 surrounding townships and villages TWcakGM9DOy-00102-00020992-00021167 flourishing still amid ruthless and TWcakGM9DOy-00103-00021168-00021335 deserted houses patched up where TWcakGM9DOy-00104-00021336-00021575 necessary in rough and ready fashion and TWcakGM9DOy-00105-00021576-00021743 finding a new and profitable tide of TWcakGM9DOy-00106-00021744-00021958 customers from among the soldiers who TWcakGM9DOy-00107-00021959-00022111 have replaced the bulk of the civil TWcakGM9DOy-00108-00022112-00022278 population TWcakGM9DOy-00109-00022279-00022535 anesthesia is a sort of compound between TWcakGM9DOy-00110-00022536-00022735 a wine shop and a coffee house TWcakGM9DOy-00111-00022736-00022935 having a tiny bar in one corner a few TWcakGM9DOy-00112-00022936-00023135 long tables and benches a prominent TWcakGM9DOy-00113-00023136-00023271 cooking stove TWcakGM9DOy-00114-00023272-00023478 generally a small grocery store tucked TWcakGM9DOy-00115-00023479-00023742 away in the back premises and always two TWcakGM9DOy-00116-00023743-00023863 or three children TWcakGM9DOy-00117-00023864-00023999 running and bumping about at TWcakGM9DOy-00118-00024000-00024286 inconvenient angles to one's feet TWcakGM9DOy-00119-00024287-00024463 it seems to be a fixed rule TWcakGM9DOy-00120-00024464-00024671 that estaminae children should be big TWcakGM9DOy-00121-00024672-00024839 enough to run about and small enough to TWcakGM9DOy-00122-00024840-00025086 get between one's legs TWcakGM9DOy-00123-00025087-00025255 there must by the way be one TWcakGM9DOy-00124-00025256-00025447 considerable advantage in being a child TWcakGM9DOy-00125-00025448-00025662 in a war zone village TWcakGM9DOy-00126-00025663-00026014 no one can attempt to teach it tidiness TWcakGM9DOy-00127-00026016-00026223 the weary some maxim a place for TWcakGM9DOy-00128-00026224-00026358 everything and everything in its proper TWcakGM9DOy-00129-00026360-00026487 place TWcakGM9DOy-00130-00026488-00026655 can never be insisted on when a TWcakGM9DOy-00131-00026656-00026799 considerable part of the roof is lying TWcakGM9DOy-00132-00026800-00026951 in the backyard TWcakGM9DOy-00133-00026952-00027079 when a bedstead from a neighbor's TWcakGM9DOy-00134-00027080-00027270 demolished bedroom is half buried in the TWcakGM9DOy-00135-00027272-00027502 beetroot pile and the chickens are TWcakGM9DOy-00136-00027504-00027711 roosting in a derelict mixed safe TWcakGM9DOy-00137-00027712-00027870 because a shell has removed the top and TWcakGM9DOy-00138-00027872-00028358 sides and front of the chicken house TWcakGM9DOy-00139-00028360-00028487 perhaps there is nothing in the TWcakGM9DOy-00140-00028488-00028639 foregoing description TWcakGM9DOy-00141-00028639-00028831 to suggest that a village wine shop TWcakGM9DOy-00142-00028832-00029055 frequently a shell-nibbled building in a TWcakGM9DOy-00143-00029056-00029327 shell nord street is a paradise to dream TWcakGM9DOy-00144-00029327-00029495 about TWcakGM9DOy-00145-00029495-00029639 but women have lived in a dripping TWcakGM9DOy-00146-00029639-00029862 wilderness of unrelieved mud and sultan TWcakGM9DOy-00147-00029863-00030127 sand banks for any length of time one's TWcakGM9DOy-00148-00030127-00030367 mind dwells on the plain furnished TWcakGM9DOy-00149-00030368-00030590 parlor with its hot coffee and van or TWcakGM9DOy-00150-00030591-00030718 dinner TWcakGM9DOy-00151-00030719-00030902 as something warm and snug and TWcakGM9DOy-00152-00030903-00031246 comforting in a wet and slushy world TWcakGM9DOy-00153-00031247-00031414 to the soldier on his trench to bullets TWcakGM9DOy-00154-00031416-00031662 migration the wine shop TWcakGM9DOy-00155-00031663-00031895 is what the tavern rest house is to a TWcakGM9DOy-00156-00031895-00032231 caravan nomad of the east TWcakGM9DOy-00157-00032232-00032455 one comes and goes in a crowd of chance TWcakGM9DOy-00158-00032456-00032695 for gathered men noticed or unnoticed as TWcakGM9DOy-00159-00032695-00032815 one wishes TWcakGM9DOy-00160-00032816-00033095 amid the khaki clad be puttied throng of TWcakGM9DOy-00161-00033096-00033239 one's own kind TWcakGM9DOy-00162-00033240-00033423 one can be as unobtrusive as a green TWcakGM9DOy-00163-00033424-00033662 caterpillar on a green cabbage leaf TWcakGM9DOy-00164-00033663-00033862 one can sit undisturbed alone or with TWcakGM9DOy-00165-00033863-00034015 one's own friends TWcakGM9DOy-00166-00034016-00034174 or if one wishes to be talkative and TWcakGM9DOy-00167-00034175-00034287 talk to TWcakGM9DOy-00168-00034288-00034471 one can readily find a place in a circle TWcakGM9DOy-00169-00034472-00034646 where men of diver's variety of cat TWcakGM9DOy-00170-00034647-00034879 badges are exchanging experiences TWcakGM9DOy-00171-00034880-00035215 real or improvised TWcakGM9DOy-00172-00035216-00035567 besides the changing throng of mud stain TWcakGM9DOy-00173-00035568-00035671 khaki TWcakGM9DOy-00174-00035672-00035846 there is a drifting level of local TWcakGM9DOy-00175-00035847-00036111 civilians uniformed interpreters and men TWcakGM9DOy-00176-00036112-00036295 in varying types of foreign military TWcakGM9DOy-00177-00036296-00036383 garb TWcakGM9DOy-00178-00036384-00036607 from privates in the regular army to TWcakGM9DOy-00179-00036608-00036830 heaven knows what in some intermediate TWcakGM9DOy-00180-00036831-00037062 core that only an expert in such matters TWcakGM9DOy-00181-00037063-00037230 could put a name to TWcakGM9DOy-00182-00037231-00037383 and of course here and there are TWcakGM9DOy-00183-00037384-00037559 representatives of their great army of TWcakGM9DOy-00184-00037560-00037759 adventurer purse sappers TWcakGM9DOy-00185-00037760-00037911 it carries on its operations TWcakGM9DOy-00186-00037912-00038102 uninterruptedly in time of peace and war TWcakGM9DOy-00187-00038103-00038271 alike over the greater part of the TWcakGM9DOy-00188-00038272-00038423 earth's surface TWcakGM9DOy-00189-00038424-00038655 you meet them in england and france in TWcakGM9DOy-00190-00038656-00038871 russia and constantinople TWcakGM9DOy-00191-00038872-00039039 probably they are to be met also in TWcakGM9DOy-00192-00039040-00039239 iceland though on that point i have no TWcakGM9DOy-00193-00039240-00039599 direct evidence TWcakGM9DOy-00194-00039600-00039807 in the estaminae of the fortunate rabbit TWcakGM9DOy-00195-00039808-00039967 i found myself sitting next to an TWcakGM9DOy-00196-00039968-00040135 individual of indefinite age and TWcakGM9DOy-00197-00040136-00040302 nondescript uniform TWcakGM9DOy-00198-00040303-00040599 who was obviously determined to make the TWcakGM9DOy-00199-00040600-00040759 borrowing of a match TWcakGM9DOy-00200-00040760-00040911 serve as a formal introduction and a TWcakGM9DOy-00201-00040912-00041102 banker's reference TWcakGM9DOy-00202-00041103-00041367 he had the air of jaded jauntiness the TWcakGM9DOy-00203-00041368-00041599 equipment of temporary amiability the TWcakGM9DOy-00204-00041600-00041799 aspect of a foraging crow TWcakGM9DOy-00205-00041800-00041983 taught by experience to be wary and TWcakGM9DOy-00206-00041984-00042239 prompted by necessity to be bold he had TWcakGM9DOy-00207-00042240-00042471 the contemplative downward droop of nose TWcakGM9DOy-00208-00042472-00042711 and mustache and the furtive side long TWcakGM9DOy-00209-00042712-00042943 range of eye he had all those things TWcakGM9DOy-00210-00042944-00043111 like the ordinary outfit of the purse TWcakGM9DOy-00211-00043112-00043327 sapper the world over TWcakGM9DOy-00212-00043328-00043574 i am a victim of the war he exclaimed TWcakGM9DOy-00213-00043575-00043815 after a little preliminary conversation TWcakGM9DOy-00214-00043816-00043943 one cannot make an omelet without TWcakGM9DOy-00215-00043944-00044127 breaking eggs i answered with the TWcakGM9DOy-00216-00044128-00044311 appropriate callousness of a man who had TWcakGM9DOy-00217-00044312-00044502 seen some dozens of square miles of TWcakGM9DOy-00218-00044503-00044662 devastated countryside and ruthless TWcakGM9DOy-00219-00044663-00044830 homes TWcakGM9DOy-00220-00044831-00045039 eggs he persephorated TWcakGM9DOy-00221-00045040-00045246 but it is precisely about eggs that i am TWcakGM9DOy-00222-00045247-00045367 about to speak TWcakGM9DOy-00223-00045368-00045535 have you ever considered what is the TWcakGM9DOy-00224-00045536-00045727 great drawback in the excellent and most TWcakGM9DOy-00225-00045728-00045999 useful egg the ordinary everyday egg of TWcakGM9DOy-00226-00046000-00046199 commerce and cookery TWcakGM9DOy-00227-00046200-00046399 but its tendency to age rapidly is TWcakGM9DOy-00228-00046400-00046662 sometimes against it i hazard it unlike TWcakGM9DOy-00229-00046663-00046862 the united states of north america which TWcakGM9DOy-00230-00046863-00046974 grow more respectable and TWcakGM9DOy-00231-00046975-00047223 self-respecting the longer they last TWcakGM9DOy-00232-00047224-00047479 an egg gains nothing by persistence it TWcakGM9DOy-00233-00047480-00047815 resembles your louis xv who declined in TWcakGM9DOy-00234-00047816-00048055 popular favor every year he lived unless TWcakGM9DOy-00235-00048056-00048174 the historians have entirely TWcakGM9DOy-00236-00048175-00048358 misrepresented his record TWcakGM9DOy-00237-00048359-00048462 no TWcakGM9DOy-00238-00048463-00048583 replied the tavern acquaintance TWcakGM9DOy-00239-00048584-00048695 seriously TWcakGM9DOy-00240-00048696-00048902 it is not a question of age it is the TWcakGM9DOy-00241-00048903-00049095 shape the roundness TWcakGM9DOy-00242-00049096-00049335 consider how easily it rolls TWcakGM9DOy-00243-00049336-00049486 on a table a shelf a shop counter TWcakGM9DOy-00244-00049487-00049727 perhaps one little push and it may roll TWcakGM9DOy-00245-00049728-00049943 to the floor and be destroyed TWcakGM9DOy-00246-00049944-00050271 what catastrophe for the poor the frugal TWcakGM9DOy-00247-00050272-00050543 i gave a sympathetic shudder to the idea TWcakGM9DOy-00248-00050544-00050902 here eggs cost sexual apiece TWcakGM9DOy-00249-00050903-00051223 monsieur he continued it is a subject i TWcakGM9DOy-00250-00051224-00051407 had often pondered and turned over in my TWcakGM9DOy-00251-00051408-00051638 mind this economical malformation of the TWcakGM9DOy-00252-00051639-00051775 household egg TWcakGM9DOy-00253-00051776-00052054 in our little village versailles TWcakGM9DOy-00254-00052055-00052263 in the department of the town TWcakGM9DOy-00255-00052264-00052447 my aunt is a small dairy and poultry TWcakGM9DOy-00256-00052448-00052775 farm from which we drew a modest income TWcakGM9DOy-00257-00052776-00052991 we were not poor but there was always TWcakGM9DOy-00258-00052991-00053294 the necessity to labor to contrive to be TWcakGM9DOy-00259-00053295-00053415 staring TWcakGM9DOy-00260-00053416-00053599 one day i chanced to notice that one of TWcakGM9DOy-00261-00053600-00053782 my aunt's hens TWcakGM9DOy-00262-00053783-00054087 the hen of the mop-headed huda breed TWcakGM9DOy-00263-00054088-00054407 had laid an egg that was not altogether TWcakGM9DOy-00264-00054408-00054607 so round shaped as the eggs of other TWcakGM9DOy-00265-00054608-00054719 hens TWcakGM9DOy-00266-00054720-00054903 it could not be called square TWcakGM9DOy-00267-00054904-00055191 but it had well-defined angles TWcakGM9DOy-00268-00055191-00055375 i found out that this particular bird TWcakGM9DOy-00269-00055376-00055599 always laid eggs of this particular TWcakGM9DOy-00270-00055600-00055735 shape TWcakGM9DOy-00271-00055736-00055935 the discovery gave a new stimulus to my TWcakGM9DOy-00272-00055936-00056182 ideas if one collected all the hens that TWcakGM9DOy-00273-00056183-00056382 one could find with a tendency to lay TWcakGM9DOy-00274-00056383-00056687 slightly angular egg TWcakGM9DOy-00275-00056688-00056966 and breed chickens only from those hens TWcakGM9DOy-00276-00056967-00057166 and went on selecting and selecting TWcakGM9DOy-00277-00057167-00057303 always choosing those that laid the TWcakGM9DOy-00278-00057304-00057591 squares egg at last with patients and TWcakGM9DOy-00279-00057591-00057807 enterprise one would produce a breed of TWcakGM9DOy-00280-00057808-00058223 fowls that laid only square eggs TWcakGM9DOy-00281-00058224-00058359 in the course of several hundred years TWcakGM9DOy-00282-00058360-00058623 one might achieve such a result i said TWcakGM9DOy-00283-00058624-00058882 it would probably take several TWcakGM9DOy-00284-00058883-00059191 thousands uh with your cold northern TWcakGM9DOy-00285-00059191-00059438 conservative slow moving hands that TWcakGM9DOy-00286-00059439-00059575 might be the case TWcakGM9DOy-00287-00059576-00059791 said the acquaintance impatiently and TWcakGM9DOy-00288-00059791-00059999 rather angrily with our vivacious TWcakGM9DOy-00289-00060000-00060254 southern poultry it is different TWcakGM9DOy-00290-00060255-00060359 listen TWcakGM9DOy-00291-00060360-00060623 i searched i experimented i explored the TWcakGM9DOy-00292-00060624-00060799 poultry yards of our neighbors i TWcakGM9DOy-00293-00060800-00060975 ransacked the markets of the surrounding TWcakGM9DOy-00294-00060976-00061079 towns TWcakGM9DOy-00295-00061079-00061342 whenever i found a hen laying an angular TWcakGM9DOy-00296-00061344-00061526 egg i bought her TWcakGM9DOy-00297-00061527-00061735 i collected in time a vast concourse of TWcakGM9DOy-00298-00061736-00062054 fouls all sharing the same tendency TWcakGM9DOy-00299-00062055-00062271 from their progeny i selected only those TWcakGM9DOy-00300-00062272-00062463 bullets whose eggs showed the most TWcakGM9DOy-00301-00062464-00062638 marked deviation from the normal TWcakGM9DOy-00302-00062639-00062791 roundness TWcakGM9DOy-00303-00062791-00063030 i continued i persevered monsieur i TWcakGM9DOy-00304-00063032-00063223 produced a breed of hens that laid an TWcakGM9DOy-00305-00063224-00063438 egg which could not roll however much TWcakGM9DOy-00306-00063439-00063654 you might push or jostle it TWcakGM9DOy-00307-00063655-00063926 my experiment was more than a success it TWcakGM9DOy-00308-00063927-00064119 was one of the romances of modern TWcakGM9DOy-00309-00064120-00064263 industry TWcakGM9DOy-00310-00064264-00064535 of that i had not the least doubt TWcakGM9DOy-00311-00064536-00064719 but i did not say so TWcakGM9DOy-00312-00064720-00064903 my eggs became known continued the TWcakGM9DOy-00313-00064904-00065142 swadhizar poultry farmer at first they TWcakGM9DOy-00314-00065144-00065319 were sought after as a novelty something TWcakGM9DOy-00315-00065320-00065494 curious bizarre TWcakGM9DOy-00316-00065495-00065679 then merchants and housewives began to TWcakGM9DOy-00317-00065680-00065903 see that they were a utility an TWcakGM9DOy-00318-00065904-00066126 improvement and advantage over the TWcakGM9DOy-00319-00066127-00066271 ordinary kind TWcakGM9DOy-00320-00066272-00066438 i was able to command a sale for my TWcakGM9DOy-00321-00066439-00066647 wares at a price considerably above TWcakGM9DOy-00322-00066648-00066806 market rates TWcakGM9DOy-00323-00066807-00067111 i began to make money i had a monopoly i TWcakGM9DOy-00324-00067112-00067382 refused to sell any of my square layers TWcakGM9DOy-00325-00067383-00067567 and the eggs that went to market were TWcakGM9DOy-00326-00067568-00067879 carefully sterilized so that no chickens TWcakGM9DOy-00327-00067880-00068071 should be hatched from them TWcakGM9DOy-00328-00068072-00068263 i was in a way to become rich TWcakGM9DOy-00329-00068264-00068479 comfortably rich TWcakGM9DOy-00330-00068480-00068687 then this war broke out which has TWcakGM9DOy-00331-00068688-00068903 brought misery to so many TWcakGM9DOy-00332-00068904-00069094 i was obliged to leave my hands and my TWcakGM9DOy-00333-00069095-00069303 customers and go to the front TWcakGM9DOy-00334-00069304-00069543 my aunt carried on the business as usual TWcakGM9DOy-00335-00069544-00069711 sold the square eggs the eggs i had TWcakGM9DOy-00336-00069712-00070094 devised and created and perfected TWcakGM9DOy-00337-00070095-00070326 and received the profits can you imagine TWcakGM9DOy-00338-00070327-00070582 it she refuses to send me one son team TWcakGM9DOy-00339-00070583-00070743 of the takings TWcakGM9DOy-00340-00070744-00070943 she says that she looks after the hens TWcakGM9DOy-00341-00070944-00071175 and pays for their corn and sends the TWcakGM9DOy-00342-00071176-00071382 eggs to market and that the money is TWcakGM9DOy-00343-00071383-00071511 hers TWcakGM9DOy-00344-00071512-00071782 legally of course it is mine TWcakGM9DOy-00345-00071783-00071911 if TWcakGM9DOy-00346-00071912-00072111 i could afford to bring a process in the TWcakGM9DOy-00347-00072112-00072326 courts i could recover all the money TWcakGM9DOy-00348-00072327-00072511 that the eggs have brought in since the TWcakGM9DOy-00349-00072512-00072894 war commenced many thousands of francs TWcakGM9DOy-00350-00072895-00073071 to bring a process TWcakGM9DOy-00351-00073072-00073335 would only need a small sum TWcakGM9DOy-00352-00073336-00073494 i have a lawyer friend who would arrange TWcakGM9DOy-00353-00073495-00073711 matters cheaply for me TWcakGM9DOy-00354-00073712-00073894 unfortunately i have not sufficient TWcakGM9DOy-00355-00073895-00074159 funds in hand i need still about 80 TWcakGM9DOy-00356-00074160-00074279 francs TWcakGM9DOy-00357-00074280-00074447 in wartime alas TWcakGM9DOy-00358-00074448-00074679 it is difficult to borrow TWcakGM9DOy-00359-00074680-00074838 i always imagined TWcakGM9DOy-00360-00074839-00075055 that it was a habit that was especially TWcakGM9DOy-00361-00075056-00075399 indulged in during wartime and said so TWcakGM9DOy-00362-00075400-00075703 on the big scale yes but i am talking of TWcakGM9DOy-00363-00075704-00075871 a very small matter TWcakGM9DOy-00364-00075872-00076031 it is easier to arrange a loan of TWcakGM9DOy-00365-00076032-00076287 millions a man of a trifle of 80 or 90 TWcakGM9DOy-00366-00076288-00076487 francs TWcakGM9DOy-00367-00076488-00076750 the would-be financier paused for a few TWcakGM9DOy-00368-00076751-00076999 terse moments then he re-commenced in a TWcakGM9DOy-00369-00077000-00077279 more confidential strain some of you TWcakGM9DOy-00370-00077280-00077511 english soldiers i have heard are men TWcakGM9DOy-00371-00077512-00077662 with private means TWcakGM9DOy-00372-00077663-00077815 is it not so TWcakGM9DOy-00373-00077816-00078031 it is perhaps possible that among your TWcakGM9DOy-00374-00078032-00078206 comrades there might be someone willing TWcakGM9DOy-00375-00078207-00078438 to advance a small sum TWcakGM9DOy-00376-00078439-00078711 yourself perhaps it might be a secure TWcakGM9DOy-00377-00078712-00079062 and profitable investment quickly repaid TWcakGM9DOy-00378-00079063-00079262 if i get a few days leave i will go down TWcakGM9DOy-00379-00079263-00079567 to veshile toto and inspect the square TWcakGM9DOy-00380-00079568-00079750 egg hen farm TWcakGM9DOy-00381-00079751-00079894 i said gravely TWcakGM9DOy-00382-00079895-00080103 and questioned the local egg merchants TWcakGM9DOy-00383-00080104-00080271 as to the position and prospects of the TWcakGM9DOy-00384-00080272-00080511 business TWcakGM9DOy-00385-00080512-00080679 that have an acquaintance gave an almost TWcakGM9DOy-00386-00080680-00080894 imperceptible shrug to his shoulders TWcakGM9DOy-00387-00080895-00081111 lifted in his seat and began moodily to TWcakGM9DOy-00388-00081112-00081262 roll a cigarette TWcakGM9DOy-00389-00081263-00081535 his interest in me had suddenly died out TWcakGM9DOy-00390-00081536-00081750 but for the sake of appearances he was TWcakGM9DOy-00391-00081751-00081991 bound to make a perfunctory show of TWcakGM9DOy-00392-00081992-00082223 winding up the conversation he had so TWcakGM9DOy-00393-00082224-00082423 laboriously started TWcakGM9DOy-00394-00082424-00082503 ah TWcakGM9DOy-00395-00082504-00082703 you will go to vegeta TWcakGM9DOy-00396-00082704-00082959 and make inquiries about our farm TWcakGM9DOy-00397-00082960-00083231 and if you find what i have told you TWcakGM9DOy-00398-00083232-00083471 about the square eggs is true monsieur TWcakGM9DOy-00399-00083472-00083679 what then TWcakGM9DOy-00400-00083680-00083959 i shall marry your aunt TWcakGM9DOy-00401-00083960-00084255 end of section one TWcakGM9DOy-00402-00084256-00084692 read by tim bulkeley of TXrTfaS2h_g-00000-00000905-00001274 Valentine is really good at shape and TXrTfaS2h_g-00001-00001275-00001748 she barely ever marks Valentine is good TXrTfaS2h_g-00002-00001748-00002341 at sitting and she is very calm TXrTfaS2h_g-00003-00002342-00002564 Valentine is good on leashes but when TXrTfaS2h_g-00004-00002565-00002875 she she when she sees dog friends she TXrTfaS2h_g-00005-00002876-00003370 always wants to for that kind is sweet TXrTfaS2h_g-00006-00003371-00003764 caring and nothing TaXOUUj7Pq0-00000-00000053-00000347 spaghetti alla Puttanesca pronounced spa TaXOUUj7Pq0-00001-00000348-00000649 etiolated anezka literally spaghetti in TaXOUUj7Pq0-00002-00000650-00000937 the style of a in Italian is an TaXOUUj7Pq0-00003-00000938-00001178 Italian pasta dish invented in Naples in TaXOUUj7Pq0-00004-00001179-00001433 the mid 20th century its ingredients TaXOUUj7Pq0-00005-00001434-00001712 typically include tomatoes olive oil and TaXOUUj7Pq0-00006-00001713-00002445 Chavez olives capers and garlic TaXOUUj7Pq0-00007-00002446-00002929 topic origin TaXOUUj7Pq0-00008-00002930-00003182 various accounts exist as to when and TaXOUUj7Pq0-00009-00003183-00003353 how the dish originated but it likely TaXOUUj7Pq0-00010-00003354-00003629 dates to the mid 20th century the TaXOUUj7Pq0-00011-00003629-00003806 earliest known mention of it is in TaXOUUj7Pq0-00012-00003807-00004031 Raphael like a Prius furry Toa Mort a TaXOUUj7Pq0-00013-00004032-00004361 mortal wound a 1961 Italian novel which TaXOUUj7Pq0-00014-00004362-00004622 mentions spaghetti alla Puttanesca TaXOUUj7Pq0-00015-00004623-00004904 comely fan OA siracusa spaghetti alla TaXOUUj7Pq0-00016-00004905-00005203 Puttanesca as they make it in Syracuse TaXOUUj7Pq0-00017-00005204-00005522 the sauce became popular in the 1960s TaXOUUj7Pq0-00018-00005523-00005743 according to the professional union of TaXOUUj7Pq0-00019-00005744-00006077 Italian pasta makers the 1971 edition of TaXOUUj7Pq0-00020-00006078-00006304 the cucchiaio der Gento the silver spoon TaXOUUj7Pq0-00021-00006305-00006529 one of Italy's most prominent cookbooks TaXOUUj7Pq0-00022-00006530-00006739 has no recipe with this name but two TaXOUUj7Pq0-00023-00006740-00006910 which are similar the Neapolitan TaXOUUj7Pq0-00024-00006911-00007133 spaghetti alla Pardo pea is made with TaXOUUj7Pq0-00025-00007134-00007331 anchovies and generous quantities of TaXOUUj7Pq0-00026-00007331-00007520 oregano while spaghetti alla siciliana TaXOUUj7Pq0-00027-00007520-00007720 is distinguished by the addition of TaXOUUj7Pq0-00028-00007722-00007976 green peppers still again there is a TaXOUUj7Pq0-00029-00007977-00008213 Sicilian style popular around Palermo TaXOUUj7Pq0-00030-00008214-00008414 that includes olives and Jovi's and TaXOUUj7Pq0-00031-00008415-00008723 raisins in a 2005 article from ill Golfo TaXOUUj7Pq0-00032-00008724-00008996 a daily newspaper serving the Italian TaXOUUj7Pq0-00033-00008997-00009256 islands of Ischia and precede a Ana Rita TaXOUUj7Pq0-00034-00009257-00009517 Cuomo asserted that Sugo alla Puttanesca TaXOUUj7Pq0-00035-00009518-00009758 was invented in the 1950s by Sandro TaXOUUj7Pq0-00036-00009759-00009983 petit co-owner of ran Co Fallone a TaXOUUj7Pq0-00037-00009984-00010216 famous iski and restaurant and nightspot TaXOUUj7Pq0-00038-00010217-00010471 according to cuomo pedis moment of TaXOUUj7Pq0-00039-00010472-00010717 inspiration came when near closing one TaXOUUj7Pq0-00040-00010718-00010934 evening petit found a group of customers TaXOUUj7Pq0-00041-00010935-00011227 sitting at one of his tables he was low TaXOUUj7Pq0-00042-00011228-00011402 on ingredients and so told them he TaXOUUj7Pq0-00043-00011403-00011548 didn't have enough to make them a meal TaXOUUj7Pq0-00044-00011549-00011777 they complained that it was late and TaXOUUj7Pq0-00045-00011778-00011948 they were hungry thought she you know TaXOUUj7Pq0-00046-00011949-00012328 Patenaude equol crc or make anything of TaXOUUj7Pq0-00047-00012329-00012616 diminished effort they insisted petit TaXOUUj7Pq0-00048-00012617-00012835 had nothing more than four Tomatoes two TaXOUUj7Pq0-00049-00012836-00013063 olives and some capers the basic TaXOUUj7Pq0-00050-00013064-00013268 ingredients for the Sugo so i used them TaXOUUj7Pq0-00051-00013269-00013385 to make the sauce for the spaghetti TaXOUUj7Pq0-00052-00013386-00013741 petit told cuomo later petit included TaXOUUj7Pq0-00053-00013743-00013937 this dish on his menu as spaghetti alla TaXOUUj7Pq0-00054-00013938-00014516 Puttanesca TaXOUUj7Pq0-00055-00014518-00015072 topic basic recipe TaXOUUj7Pq0-00056-00015074-00015304 the sauce alone is called Sugo alla TaXOUUj7Pq0-00057-00015305-00015580 Puttanesca in Italian recipes may differ TaXOUUj7Pq0-00058-00015581-00015781 according to preferences for instance TaXOUUj7Pq0-00059-00015782-00015972 the Neapolitan version is prepared TaXOUUj7Pq0-00060-00015974-00016066 without anchovies TaXOUUj7Pq0-00061-00016066-00016272 unlike the version popular in Lotte CO TaXOUUj7Pq0-00062-00016274-00016498 and chili peppers are sometimes added in TaXOUUj7Pq0-00063-00016499-00016819 most cases however the Sugo is a little TaXOUUj7Pq0-00064-00016820-00017008 salty from the capers olives and TaXOUUj7Pq0-00065-00017009-00017209 anchovies and quite fragrant from the TaXOUUj7Pq0-00066-00017210-00017479 garlic traditionally the sauce is served TaXOUUj7Pq0-00067-00017480-00017644 with spaghetti although it is also TaXOUUj7Pq0-00068-00017645-00017899 paired with penne bucatini linguine and TaXOUUj7Pq0-00069-00017900-00018232 vermicelli chopped garlic and anchovies TaXOUUj7Pq0-00070-00018233-00018433 omitted in the Neapolitan version are TaXOUUj7Pq0-00071-00018434-00018712 sauteed in olive oil chopped chili TaXOUUj7Pq0-00072-00018713-00018985 peppers olives capers diced tomatoes and TaXOUUj7Pq0-00073-00018986-00019183 oregano are added along with salt and TaXOUUj7Pq0-00074-00019184-00019429 black pepper to taste the cook then TaXOUUj7Pq0-00075-00019430-00019633 reduces this mixture by simmering and TaXOUUj7Pq0-00076-00019634-00019839 pours it over spaghetti cooked al dente TaXOUUj7Pq0-00077-00019840-00020613 the final touch is a topping of parsley TaXOUUj7Pq0-00078-00020614-00021180 topic in popular culture TaXOUUj7Pq0-00079-00021181-00021523 you TaXOUUj7Pq0-00080-00021524-00022003 topic novel TaXOUUj7Pq0-00081-00022004-00022180 the dish is featured in the bad TaXOUUj7Pq0-00082-00022181-00022386 beginning from the novel series Lemony TaXOUUj7Pq0-00083-00022387-00022591 Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events TaXOUUj7Pq0-00084-00022592-00022786 as the dish the Baudelaire children TaXOUUj7Pq0-00085-00022787-00023053 prepare at count Olas house the dish TaXOUUj7Pq0-00086-00023054-00023263 also features prominently in the movie TaXOUUj7Pq0-00087-00023264-00023433 based on the novels as well as the TaXOUUj7Pq0-00088-00023434-00023739 Netflix original series Count Olaf is TaXOUUj7Pq0-00089-00023740-00023928 very upset that they had not prepared TaXOUUj7Pq0-00090-00023929-00024541 roast beef for him instead TaXOUUj7Pq0-00091-00024542-00025079 topic film references TaXOUUj7Pq0-00092-00025080-00025436 in the film made 2001 Bobby Jon Favreau TaXOUUj7Pq0-00093-00025437-00025619 makes this dish for his girlfriend's TaXOUUj7Pq0-00094-00025620-00025841 daughter telling her the name means bad TaXOUUj7Pq0-00095-00025842-00026114 girl pasta the dish is mentioned by name TaXOUUj7Pq0-00096-00026114-00026381 in the 2011 film Rango by the titular TaXOUUj7Pq0-00097-00026382-00026600 character Johnny Depp when talking to a TaXOUUj7Pq0-00098-00026601-00026839 desert iguana named beans isla Fisher TaXOUUj7Pq0-00099-00026841-00027029 after learning she was named after baked TaXOUUj7Pq0-00100-00027030-00027295 beans by her late father stating I enjoy TaXOUUj7Pq0-00101-00027297-00027542 a hearty Puttanesca myself but I'm not TaXOUUj7Pq0-00102-00027543-00027733 sure that child would appreciate the TaXOUUj7Pq0-00103-00027735-00028327 moniker TaXOUUj7Pq0-00104-00028329-00028813 topic television TaXOUUj7Pq0-00105-00028814-00029052 the dish is also featured in the opening TaXOUUj7Pq0-00106-00029054-00029323 scene of season 11 episode 10 of the TV TaXOUUj7Pq0-00107-00029324-00029635 series bones it is also featured in Sex TaXOUUj7Pq0-00108-00029636-00029968 in the City Season 4 episode 17 vogue TaXOUUj7Pq0-00109-00029969-00030301 idea Charlotte wants to throw Miranda a TaXOUUj7Pq0-00110-00030302-00030502 traditional baby shower with a lovely TaXOUUj7Pq0-00111-00030502-00030594 Puttanesca TaXOUUj7Pq0-00112-00030595-00030858 Miranda instead insists on a bucket of TaXOUUj7Pq0-00113-00030860-00031141 chicken this dish also appears in part 4 TaXOUUj7Pq0-00114-00031142-00031375 of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Diamond is TaXOUUj7Pq0-00115-00031376-00031636 unbreakable in the story arc let's go TaXOUUj7Pq0-00116-00031637-00031906 out for Italian food where the stand TaXOUUj7Pq0-00117-00031907-00032133 user Tonio trusserditte plants his stand TaXOUUj7Pq0-00118-00032135-00032338 Pearl Jam into the food he makes in TaXOUUj7Pq0-00119-00032339-00032497 order to rid his customers of health TaXOUUj7Pq0-00120-00032498-00032800 problems the dish was being featured as TaXOUUj7Pq0-00121-00032801-00032956 the main dinner course in the sitcom TaXOUUj7Pq0-00122-00032957-00033232 blossom it was referred to as spaghetti TaXOUUj7Pq0-00123-00033233-00033514 of the prostitutes around minute 9 of TaXOUUj7Pq0-00124-00033515-00033880 episode 1 season 1 in person of interest TaXOUUj7Pq0-00125-00033881-00034060 the character of Elias has seen TaXOUUj7Pq0-00126-00034061-00034237 consuming the dish or offering to make TaXOUUj7Pq0-00127-00034238-00034906 it for various other characters TaXOUUj7Pq0-00128-00034907-00035439 topic see also TaXOUUj7Pq0-00129-00035440-00036172 spaghetti dishes pasta dishes TaXOUUj7Pq0-00130-00036173-00036672 topic notes TaXOUUj7Pq0-00131-00036673-00036939 Kurata in this usage panada as an TaXOUUj7Pq0-00132-00036940-00037136 Italian noun meaning something worthless TaXOUUj7Pq0-00133-00037137-00037392 it derives from the Italian word for TaXOUUj7Pq0-00134-00037393-00037686 putana TdTVkZ7b2UE-00000-00000306-00002047 [Music] TdTVkZ7b2UE-00001-00002048-00002223 all right guys don't offend it but as TdTVkZ7b2UE-00002-00002224-00002383 you can see by the title what is the TdTVkZ7b2UE-00003-00002384-00002639 newest thing you have added to your rux TdTVkZ7b2UE-00004-00002640-00002799 it doesn't matter which work track it is TdTVkZ7b2UE-00005-00002800-00002942 it doesn't matter if it's your bushcraft TdTVkZ7b2UE-00006-00002943-00003150 bag your bug out bag your inch bag you TdTVkZ7b2UE-00007-00003151-00003295 get owned by TdTVkZ7b2UE-00008-00003296-00003519 your emergency bag whatever bag it is TdTVkZ7b2UE-00009-00003520-00003631 what is TdTVkZ7b2UE-00010-00003632-00003927 the newest thing of you added to your TdTVkZ7b2UE-00011-00003928-00004047 bag TdTVkZ7b2UE-00012-00004047-00004295 and i do TdTVkZ7b2UE-00013-00004296-00004391 background like you'll have apologize TdTVkZ7b2UE-00014-00004392-00004663 fan on it at this point in time TdTVkZ7b2UE-00015-00004664-00005054 actually two degrees in my house so yeah TdTVkZ7b2UE-00016-00005055-00005286 so mine TdTVkZ7b2UE-00017-00005287-00005406 is TdTVkZ7b2UE-00018-00005407-00005591 jungle dogs TdTVkZ7b2UE-00019-00005592-00005743 a good friend of mine who's in the TdTVkZ7b2UE-00020-00005744-00005959 military she asked me to make her some TdTVkZ7b2UE-00021-00005960-00006151 jungle not something so that's what i TdTVkZ7b2UE-00022-00006152-00006286 did TdTVkZ7b2UE-00023-00006287-00006518 and i like them so much because i've TdTVkZ7b2UE-00024-00006519-00006678 known these in the past i've done them TdTVkZ7b2UE-00025-00006679-00006975 in the past my one of my mentors TdTVkZ7b2UE-00026-00006976-00007223 taught me these and i just didn't really TdTVkZ7b2UE-00027-00007223-00007367 think about that that would be any good TdTVkZ7b2UE-00028-00007368-00007646 for my situation in my book track but TdTVkZ7b2UE-00029-00007647-00007774 looking at them after i've done it for TdTVkZ7b2UE-00030-00007775-00007878 her TdTVkZ7b2UE-00031-00007879-00008167 i thought why not they're light they're TdTVkZ7b2UE-00032-00008168-00008327 small TdTVkZ7b2UE-00033-00008328-00008439 and TdTVkZ7b2UE-00034-00008440-00008583 they don't take a lot of them up and TdTVkZ7b2UE-00035-00008584-00008887 they're quick easy access it quick easy TdTVkZ7b2UE-00036-00008888-00009151 put up the target and take that so yeah TdTVkZ7b2UE-00037-00009152-00009278 that's the reason why i put these down TdTVkZ7b2UE-00038-00009279-00009471 in my truck so TdTVkZ7b2UE-00039-00009472-00009687 these here are six inches these knots TdTVkZ7b2UE-00040-00009688-00009846 are six inches apart TdTVkZ7b2UE-00041-00009847-00010135 so you all know TdTVkZ7b2UE-00042-00010136-00010471 and i do have three different links TdTVkZ7b2UE-00043-00010472-00010623 so that's my TdTVkZ7b2UE-00044-00010624-00010846 new thing i've had it to my workshop TdTVkZ7b2UE-00045-00010847-00011087 what is yours i like to know everything TdTVkZ7b2UE-00046-00011088-00011223 not everything because that's just wrong TdTVkZ7b2UE-00047-00011224-00011431 saying okay it just would be good to see TdTVkZ7b2UE-00048-00011432-00011663 what everybody's adding new to the looks TdTVkZ7b2UE-00049-00011664-00011887 like so that's mine TdTVkZ7b2UE-00050-00011888-00011967 and TdTVkZ7b2UE-00051-00011968-00012095 yeah um TdTVkZ7b2UE-00052-00012096-00012231 i'm going to leave it here guys because TdTVkZ7b2UE-00053-00012232-00012374 there's no point talking about it TdTVkZ7b2UE-00054-00012375-00012503 anymore because you've already seen it TdTVkZ7b2UE-00055-00012504-00012687 and you already know what mine is right TdTVkZ7b2UE-00056-00012688-00012822 thank you very much for watching please TdTVkZ7b2UE-00057-00012823-00012999 like the video please put the thumbs up TdTVkZ7b2UE-00058-00013000-00013111 if you like the video please put the TdTVkZ7b2UE-00059-00013112-00013238 thumbs down if you didn't like the video TdTVkZ7b2UE-00060-00013240-00013399 we push every second of every minute you TdTVkZ7b2UE-00061-00013400-00013575 give us some here on glue offense and TdTVkZ7b2UE-00062-00013576-00013694 we'll see you in the next one thank you TdTVkZ7b2UE-00063-00013695-00013872 very much bye-bye TdTVkZ7b2UE-00064-00013872-00014758 [Music] TdTVkZ7b2UE-00065-00014759-00014968 you TfGp-mXXkBk-00000-00001842-00002092 hello good evening to you and part of TfGp-mXXkBk-00001-00002093-00002417 the story here is the albite stadium By TfGp-mXXkBk-00002-00002418-00002813 Night 60 000 capacity here I'm Derek Ray TfGp-mXXkBk-00003-00002814-00003047 and my commentary partner as always is TfGp-mXXkBk-00004-00003048-00003286 Stuart Robson and both teams looking to TfGp-mXXkBk-00005-00003288-00003497 get off to a flying start here on Match TfGp-mXXkBk-00006-00003497-00003820 day one for them at the 2022 FIFA World TfGp-mXXkBk-00007-00003821-00004211 Cup it's China against Qatar well thanks TfGp-mXXkBk-00008-00004212-00004385 Derek this is such an important game TfGp-mXXkBk-00009-00004386-00004570 both sides will be desperate to start TfGp-mXXkBk-00010-00004571-00004769 this group well let's hope we see some TfGp-mXXkBk-00011-00004770-00005311 great football today TfGp-mXXkBk-00012-00005312-00005465 you TfGp-mXXkBk-00013-00005466-00005802 lay another timing was perfect ball one TfGp-mXXkBk-00014-00005803-00006017 Zhang JiJi TfGp-mXXkBk-00015-00006018-00006413 Now options are plenty TfGp-mXXkBk-00016-00006414-00006959 a real opening now TfGp-mXXkBk-00017-00006959-00007264 the net is steering him in the face and TfGp-mXXkBk-00018-00007265-00007619 a goal one nil and what a first start TfGp-mXXkBk-00019-00007620-00007759 they've made to this game TfGp-mXXkBk-00020-00007761-00008081 [Applause] TfGp-mXXkBk-00021-00008081-00008273 well you have to admire this bit of play TfGp-mXXkBk-00022-00008274-00008513 just look how he runs with the ball he TfGp-mXXkBk-00023-00008514-00008663 always looked in control didn't he TfGp-mXXkBk-00024-00008664-00008988 that's a brilliant goal TfGp-mXXkBk-00025-00008989-00010228 [Applause] TfGp-mXXkBk-00026-00010229-00010414 now do they mean business on this TfGp-mXXkBk-00027-00010415-00010660 occasion TfGp-mXXkBk-00028-00010661-00010931 well disappointing end to the move TfGp-mXXkBk-00029-00010932-00011188 well he took care of it defensively TfGp-mXXkBk-00030-00011189-00011399 well that's how to put in a clean tackle TfGp-mXXkBk-00031-00011400-00012994 well that'll be a free kick TfGp-mXXkBk-00032-00012995-00013151 I just missed that little bit of TfGp-mXXkBk-00033-00013152-00014234 attacking spark goalkeeper's ball wuji TfGp-mXXkBk-00034-00014235-00014435 [Music] TfGp-mXXkBk-00035-00014436-00014711 do you bin Bing patients are not build TfGp-mXXkBk-00036-00014712-00015058 up can they carve out a chance TfGp-mXXkBk-00037-00015059-00015215 well they couldn't keep that sequence TfGp-mXXkBk-00038-00015216-00015671 going unfortunately TfGp-mXXkBk-00039-00015672-00015896 just wanted to get it out of there TfGp-mXXkBk-00040-00015897-00016025 [Applause] TfGp-mXXkBk-00041-00016026-00016163 now getting close to the halftime TfGp-mXXkBk-00042-00016163-00016385 interval and The Story So Far they're TfGp-mXXkBk-00043-00016386-00016558 not really making Home Advantage count TfGp-mXXkBk-00044-00016559-00016822 Stuart your take well it's been the type TfGp-mXXkBk-00045-00016823-00017075 this could be the equalizer well you TfGp-mXXkBk-00046-00017076-00017267 have to say he's going to be very cross TfGp-mXXkBk-00047-00017268-00017435 for himself he'll certainly be TfGp-mXXkBk-00048-00017436-00017639 disappointed with that that was a poor TfGp-mXXkBk-00049-00017640-00017849 effort TfGp-mXXkBk-00050-00017850-00018239 they've got it now what can they do TfGp-mXXkBk-00051-00018240-00018415 can he convert TfGp-mXXkBk-00052-00018416-00018947 [Applause] TfGp-mXXkBk-00053-00018948-00019272 again TfGp-mXXkBk-00054-00019273-00019558 well as you can see he hits this with so TfGp-mXXkBk-00055-00019559-00019763 much power but just look at the Fuller TfGp-mXXkBk-00056-00019764-00019991 throat so athletic that's a dynamic TfGp-mXXkBk-00057-00019992-00020399 strike TfGp-mXXkBk-00058-00020400-00020732 so back underway one goal a piece here TfGp-mXXkBk-00059-00020733-00021575 [Applause] TfGp-mXXkBk-00060-00021576-00021772 Ali TfGp-mXXkBk-00061-00021773-00022000 oh good defending to stop a decent TfGp-mXXkBk-00062-00022001-00022222 looking attack there will be a minimum TfGp-mXXkBk-00063-00022223-00022522 two minutes to be added on at the end TfGp-mXXkBk-00064-00022523-00022744 woolay TfGp-mXXkBk-00065-00022745-00022943 well the managers will now deliver their TfGp-mXXkBk-00066-00022944-00023183 halftime team talks we're at the end of TfGp-mXXkBk-00067-00023184-00023544 45 minutes in this game racism TfGp-mXXkBk-00068-00023545-00023789 The Defenders will be removed from the TfGp-mXXkBk-00069-00023790-00024017 stadium so back underway and an TfGp-mXXkBk-00070-00024018-00024322 intriguing second half in Prospect TfGp-mXXkBk-00071-00024323-00025305 a very effective challenge Putin TfGp-mXXkBk-00072-00025306-00025439 [Applause] TfGp-mXXkBk-00073-00025440-00025831 all the way through TfGp-mXXkBk-00074-00025832-00026296 Zhang JiJi wulay TfGp-mXXkBk-00075-00026297-00026507 wuji TfGp-mXXkBk-00076-00026508-00027077 and a tidy challenge TfGp-mXXkBk-00077-00027077-00027383 abdulaziz hatem TfGp-mXXkBk-00078-00027383-00028667 showing a real will to win the ball TfGp-mXXkBk-00079-00028668-00028977 left most certainly was free kick given TfGp-mXXkBk-00080-00028979-00029183 [Applause] TfGp-mXXkBk-00081-00029183-00029489 wuji TfGp-mXXkBk-00082-00029489-00030046 zhangjig TfGp-mXXkBk-00083-00030047-00030568 can he find the right pass TfGp-mXXkBk-00084-00030569-00030827 just the clearance that was needed can TfGp-mXXkBk-00085-00030827-00031007 he finish TfGp-mXXkBk-00086-00031008-00032537 he's putting away A celebratory moment TfGp-mXXkBk-00087-00032538-00033031 here it is now a substitution TfGp-mXXkBk-00088-00033032-00033476 and that might well be the decider TfGp-mXXkBk-00089-00033477-00033671 [Applause] TfGp-mXXkBk-00090-00033672-00034301 Abdul Aziz hatem TfGp-mXXkBk-00091-00034302-00034494 a real defensive commitment there TfGp-mXXkBk-00092-00034495-00035129 [Applause] TfGp-mXXkBk-00093-00035130-00035627 so well struck pass TfGp-mXXkBk-00094-00035628-00035867 using all his defensive Acumen to cut it TfGp-mXXkBk-00095-00035868-00036805 out TfGp-mXXkBk-00096-00036806-00037193 and just five minutes remaining out of TfGp-mXXkBk-00097-00037194-00037605 play it goes and it will be a throw-in TfGp-mXXkBk-00098-00037606-00038039 [Applause] TfGp-mXXkBk-00099-00038040-00038309 must score TfGp-mXXkBk-00100-00038310-00038324 [Music] TfGp-mXXkBk-00101-00038325-00038483 [Applause] TfGp-mXXkBk-00102-00038484-00038723 this might be the final opportunity to TfGp-mXXkBk-00103-00038724-00038884 draw level TfGp-mXXkBk-00104-00038885-00039545 [Applause] TfGp-mXXkBk-00105-00039546-00039839 and the final whistle is sounded it is a TfGp-mXXkBk-00106-00039840-00040055 victory on Match day one for the home TfGp-mXXkBk-00107-00040056-00040385 side you can't really deal with that TfGp-mXXkBk-00108-00040386-00040589 yeah it's so vital to get off to a quick TfGp-mXXkBk-00109-00040590-00040774 start in these group stages he'll be TfGp-mXXkBk-00110-00040775-00040961 happy with the three points but now they TfGp-mXXkBk-00111-00040962-00041159 have to back it up in the next game six TfGp-mXXkBk-00112-00041160-00041491 points and you're halfway there TfYy3P2WE04-00000-00000000-00000155 hey what's up guys in today's video TfYy3P2WE04-00001-00000156-00000359 we're going to talk about ux design what TfYy3P2WE04-00002-00000360-00000539 it is how to get started if you're a TfYy3P2WE04-00003-00000540-00000749 beginner let's go the first thing I'm TfYy3P2WE04-00004-00000750-00000971 going to start with is a quote from a TfYy3P2WE04-00005-00000972-00001216 world famous designer Dieter Rams so he TfYy3P2WE04-00006-00001217-00001420 was in charge of the design for Brawn TfYy3P2WE04-00007-00001421-00001702 when they made some classic products if TfYy3P2WE04-00008-00001703-00001882 you haven't already check out these Rams TfYy3P2WE04-00009-00001884-00002026 Google him you'll see a lot of Apple TfYy3P2WE04-00010-00002027-00002368 products are referenced or similar in TfYy3P2WE04-00011-00002369-00002591 nature inspired by some adita Ram's TfYy3P2WE04-00012-00002592-00002818 earlier work the cheese grater iMac the TfYy3P2WE04-00013-00002819-00003034 iPod Johnny Ive obviously was a huge fan TfYy3P2WE04-00014-00003035-00003226 of these Rams and used some of his TfYy3P2WE04-00015-00003227-00003406 influence in his own work so definitely TfYy3P2WE04-00016-00003407-00003629 check him out but he says good design is TfYy3P2WE04-00017-00003629-00003797 making some of an intelligible and TfYy3P2WE04-00018-00003797-00004036 memorable but great design is making TfYy3P2WE04-00019-00004037-00004367 something memorable and meaningful so TfYy3P2WE04-00020-00004368-00004654 what ux is ux is designing software for TfYy3P2WE04-00021-00004655-00004859 machines that is memorable and TfYy3P2WE04-00022-00004860-00005051 meaningful for the user so that's TfYy3P2WE04-00023-00005052-00005183 something that I wanted to include in TfYy3P2WE04-00024-00005184-00005327 here just so I could give you a snippet TfYy3P2WE04-00025-00005328-00005602 of what I actually think ux is and it's TfYy3P2WE04-00026-00005603-00005759 really important that we include TfYy3P2WE04-00027-00005760-00005975 memorable and meaningful because yeah TfYy3P2WE04-00028-00005976-00006167 anyone can design software for machines TfYy3P2WE04-00029-00006168-00006413 but TfYy3P2WE04-00030-00006414-00006737 a way that software is memorable TfYy3P2WE04-00031-00006738-00006917 meaningful for the user is something TfYy3P2WE04-00032-00006918-00007096 that's easy to use something that's TfYy3P2WE04-00033-00007097-00007264 beautiful on the eye something that's TfYy3P2WE04-00034-00007265-00007492 intuitive and something that TfYy3P2WE04-00035-00007493-00007733 leaves a lasting impression with your TfYy3P2WE04-00036-00007734-00007877 customer or user and that's something TfYy3P2WE04-00037-00007878-00008039 that we want to really get across we TfYy3P2WE04-00038-00008040-00008207 want to make something that's the best TfYy3P2WE04-00039-00008208-00008363 we can make it we want to make something TfYy3P2WE04-00040-00008364-00008483 that's beautiful and we want to make TfYy3P2WE04-00041-00008484-00008687 something that actually stays with TfYy3P2WE04-00042-00008688-00008849 someone and the only way we can do that TfYy3P2WE04-00043-00008850-00009010 is by applying lots of different TfYy3P2WE04-00044-00009011-00009263 techniques and really making something TfYy3P2WE04-00045-00009264-00009521 not just visually beautiful but we want TfYy3P2WE04-00046-00009522-00009677 to make it meaningful as well so we want TfYy3P2WE04-00047-00009678-00009839 to make the user feel like they can use TfYy3P2WE04-00048-00009840-00009977 the product I want to make sure that TfYy3P2WE04-00049-00009978-00010123 they can feel TfYy3P2WE04-00050-00010124-00010409 like at one within don't feel stupid for TfYy3P2WE04-00051-00010410-00010553 not knowing how to navigate the website TfYy3P2WE04-00052-00010554-00010835 or something but yeah so that's a that's TfYy3P2WE04-00053-00010836-00011105 a key TfYy3P2WE04-00054-00011106-00011327 a key in this design process that we TfYy3P2WE04-00055-00011328-00011542 want to make it memorable and meaningful TfYy3P2WE04-00056-00011543-00011801 so on the screen now this is the UCD TfYy3P2WE04-00057-00011802-00011974 which is the user Center design process TfYy3P2WE04-00058-00011975-00012263 and this is how you create any digital TfYy3P2WE04-00059-00012264-00012514 product in um it's kind of like a format TfYy3P2WE04-00060-00012515-00012802 for how you design something so there's TfYy3P2WE04-00061-00012803-00013007 four different stages the first one is TfYy3P2WE04-00062-00013008-00013279 research then it goes to concept design TfYy3P2WE04-00063-00013280-00013661 then it goes to detail design and then TfYy3P2WE04-00064-00013662-00013816 it goes back to test TfYy3P2WE04-00065-00013818-00014021 and you can see underneath I've put TfYy3P2WE04-00066-00014022-00014369 where ux fits in and where UI fit in so TfYy3P2WE04-00067-00014369-00014615 UI is part of the ux design process but TfYy3P2WE04-00068-00014616-00014879 UI is a specific UI stands for user TfYy3P2WE04-00069-00014880-00015143 experience and so user interface and ux TfYy3P2WE04-00070-00015144-00015413 and for user experience UI is a very TfYy3P2WE04-00071-00015413-00015538 specific TfYy3P2WE04-00072-00015540-00015785 um visual design field TfYy3P2WE04-00073-00015786-00015953 there's a lot of different ways you can TfYy3P2WE04-00074-00015954-00016169 work in UI and it's a rich subject by TfYy3P2WE04-00075-00016169-00016330 itself but it fits within this used TfYy3P2WE04-00076-00016331-00016541 Center design process and you can see ux TfYy3P2WE04-00077-00016542-00016786 goes before and it goes after so we'll TfYy3P2WE04-00078-00016787-00016913 just talk about a little bit about TfYy3P2WE04-00079-00016914-00017267 different ones so starting off at its TfYy3P2WE04-00080-00017268-00017465 core every business TfYy3P2WE04-00081-00017466-00017699 solves a problem and you wouldn't have a TfYy3P2WE04-00082-00017700-00017813 business if you didn't solve a problem TfYy3P2WE04-00083-00017814-00018058 people need you to do something and TfYy3P2WE04-00084-00018059-00018233 that's why they come to you to solve TfYy3P2WE04-00085-00018234-00018472 that problem so in the research phase as TfYy3P2WE04-00086-00018473-00018607 a designer you need to understand TfYy3P2WE04-00087-00018608-00018827 exactly what problem you're trying to TfYy3P2WE04-00088-00018828-00019085 solve for your user that might be as a TfYy3P2WE04-00089-00019086-00019325 bank you're trying to um give someone a TfYy3P2WE04-00090-00019326-00019408 loan TfYy3P2WE04-00091-00019409-00019691 and as a user you you need a loan for a TfYy3P2WE04-00092-00019692-00019955 house or a car so as a ux designer you TfYy3P2WE04-00093-00019956-00020135 need to understand that problem and then TfYy3P2WE04-00094-00020136-00020321 understand the solution that the company TfYy3P2WE04-00095-00020322-00020572 trying to provide for that and that TfYy3P2WE04-00096-00020573-00020747 might be just a tiny bit of a web page TfYy3P2WE04-00097-00020748-00020891 that you're trying to like like a tool TfYy3P2WE04-00098-00020892-00021179 for getting a mortgage or you might be TfYy3P2WE04-00099-00021180-00021347 designing the actual whole experience TfYy3P2WE04-00100-00021348-00021527 for the bank so you need to understand TfYy3P2WE04-00101-00021528-00021736 the detail that problem that you're TfYy3P2WE04-00102-00021737-00021893 trying to solve and there's lots of TfYy3P2WE04-00103-00021894-00022036 different research techniques that are TfYy3P2WE04-00104-00022037-00022258 you that a ux designer can use and to be TfYy3P2WE04-00105-00022259-00022444 honest in the last couple of years TfYy3P2WE04-00106-00022445-00022594 um ux researcher roles have actually TfYy3P2WE04-00107-00022595-00022744 been coming onto the market a lot more TfYy3P2WE04-00108-00022745-00022997 and that's something that I'm seeing TfYy3P2WE04-00109-00022998-00023363 grow as a industry by itself so you can TfYy3P2WE04-00110-00023364-00023628 come into ux I came in as a TfYy3P2WE04-00111-00023629-00023807 predominantly as like a magazine TfYy3P2WE04-00112-00023808-00023999 designer as a graphic designer but you TfYy3P2WE04-00113-00024000-00024197 can also come into ux someone who TfYy3P2WE04-00114-00024198-00024383 studies like human computer interaction TfYy3P2WE04-00115-00024384-00024647 a university or college and you can come TfYy3P2WE04-00116-00024648-00024964 in that way as more TfYy3P2WE04-00117-00024965-00025211 a researcher more interested in the TfYy3P2WE04-00118-00025212-00025408 actual TfYy3P2WE04-00119-00025409-00025870 like testing and that has its own TfYy3P2WE04-00120-00025872-00026008 um TfYy3P2WE04-00121-00026010-00026290 home world that you can actually TfYy3P2WE04-00122-00026291-00026464 focus in on TfYy3P2WE04-00123-00026466-00026662 so in the research phase you can do lots TfYy3P2WE04-00124-00026663-00026818 of things you can um you can do user TfYy3P2WE04-00125-00026819-00027083 testing so you can interview users you TfYy3P2WE04-00126-00027083-00027329 can talk to them about what their TfYy3P2WE04-00127-00027330-00027545 problem is you can create personas which TfYy3P2WE04-00128-00027545-00027779 a lot of companies do so that's kind of TfYy3P2WE04-00129-00027780-00027995 like a fictional representation of a TfYy3P2WE04-00130-00027995-00028157 user TfYy3P2WE04-00131-00028158-00028390 um who they will then reference TfYy3P2WE04-00132-00028391-00028558 throughout the rest of the project so TfYy3P2WE04-00133-00028560-00028702 say you're working for a bank and say TfYy3P2WE04-00134-00028704-00028907 you've created Steve Steve had a family TfYy3P2WE04-00135-00028908-00029129 you you would explain on a like an A4 TfYy3P2WE04-00136-00029130-00029507 piece of paper who Steve was what is TfYy3P2WE04-00137-00029508-00029668 what his life was like what his family TfYy3P2WE04-00138-00029669-00029920 was like what his job was why he was TfYy3P2WE04-00139-00029922-00030083 using the product and it just gives the TfYy3P2WE04-00140-00030083-00030239 designers something to go off so they TfYy3P2WE04-00141-00030239-00030437 can understand the target audience a bit TfYy3P2WE04-00142-00030438-00030593 better but there are loads of other TfYy3P2WE04-00143-00030594-00030737 research techniques you can use for TfYy3P2WE04-00144-00030738-00031024 things called diary studies when we did TfYy3P2WE04-00145-00031025-00031205 one on the BBC so say you were say you TfYy3P2WE04-00146-00031206-00031367 were doing a big website you can TfYy3P2WE04-00147-00031368-00031696 actually hire a researcher to go out um TfYy3P2WE04-00148-00031697-00031955 and be with someone for a full day and TfYy3P2WE04-00149-00031956-00032177 see in different situations when they're TfYy3P2WE04-00150-00032177-00032405 using the app how long they use it for TfYy3P2WE04-00151-00032406-00032596 and it's more of an in detailed TfYy3P2WE04-00152-00032597-00032896 interview but it lasts for a full day TfYy3P2WE04-00153-00032897-00033268 rather than um a single session but yeah TfYy3P2WE04-00154-00033269-00033467 so that's that's the research phase for TfYy3P2WE04-00155-00033468-00033587 a lot of other things TfYy3P2WE04-00156-00033588-00033718 um I'll probably go into a little bit TfYy3P2WE04-00157-00033719-00033929 more detail in a future video but then TfYy3P2WE04-00158-00033930-00034157 that moves on to the concept phase so as TfYy3P2WE04-00159-00034158-00034331 a ux designer once you have all you TfYy3P2WE04-00160-00034332-00034540 researched on you understand the problem TfYy3P2WE04-00161-00034541-00034823 you can then propose a solution to the TfYy3P2WE04-00162-00034824-00034979 problem and that's in the concept plays TfYy3P2WE04-00163-00034980-00035111 so TfYy3P2WE04-00164-00035112-00035423 that could be working with pen and paper TfYy3P2WE04-00165-00035424-00035651 to start with so and you're probably TfYy3P2WE04-00166-00035652-00035812 working a team so you might have another TfYy3P2WE04-00167-00035813-00035974 ux designer with you you'll understand TfYy3P2WE04-00168-00035975-00036124 the problem you'll bring all your TfYy3P2WE04-00169-00036125-00036281 research together and then you'll just TfYy3P2WE04-00170-00036282-00036509 start like sketching out different ideas TfYy3P2WE04-00171-00036510-00036737 and that's fine to be on paper for now TfYy3P2WE04-00172-00036738-00036923 because and what you always want is TfYy3P2WE04-00173-00036924-00037115 maybe you want um someone from the TfYy3P2WE04-00174-00037116-00037252 business or someone who you're creating TfYy3P2WE04-00175-00037253-00037439 this idea for involved in this process TfYy3P2WE04-00176-00037440-00037655 because I always say it's a lot easier TfYy3P2WE04-00177-00037656-00037907 to throw away a piece of paper than um TfYy3P2WE04-00178-00037908-00038111 than throw away a detailed design I know TfYy3P2WE04-00179-00038112-00038255 we all love going on the computer and TfYy3P2WE04-00180-00038256-00038374 designing the website from scratch TfYy3P2WE04-00181-00038375-00038680 making it look great in Adobe XD or TfYy3P2WE04-00182-00038681-00038927 figma and then um and then someone to TfYy3P2WE04-00183-00038928-00039083 come along and say oh they don't want it TfYy3P2WE04-00184-00039084-00039233 like that that's kind of heartbreaking TfYy3P2WE04-00185-00039234-00039527 and it wastes a lot of time on your part TfYy3P2WE04-00186-00039528-00039796 so in the concept phase do things on pen TfYy3P2WE04-00187-00039797-00039946 and paper you could even take TfYy3P2WE04-00188-00039947-00040129 photographs you can make simple TfYy3P2WE04-00189-00040130-00040390 prototypes if you want at this stage TfYy3P2WE04-00190-00040391-00040462 um TfYy3P2WE04-00191-00040463-00040757 and that you work with your your people TfYy3P2WE04-00192-00040758-00040883 in the business or you work with people TfYy3P2WE04-00193-00040884-00041080 you're producing this for and then once TfYy3P2WE04-00194-00041081-00041309 they kind of agree the flow that you TfYy3P2WE04-00195-00041310-00041446 were you want you might draw little TfYy3P2WE04-00196-00041447-00041609 screens and say okay this is the fair TfYy3P2WE04-00197-00041610-00041830 screen this goes to this and you'll do TfYy3P2WE04-00198-00041831-00042059 it really rough but once you understand TfYy3P2WE04-00199-00042060-00042257 what you're creating then you'll create TfYy3P2WE04-00200-00042258-00042473 something called the wireframe TfYy3P2WE04-00201-00042474-00042767 so a wireframe is if they talk you'll TfYy3P2WE04-00202-00042768-00042899 probably seeing it it's like a boxy TfYy3P2WE04-00203-00042900-00043115 version of a website so there's no TfYy3P2WE04-00204-00043116-00043385 images there's no colors there's no TfYy3P2WE04-00205-00043386-00043637 detailed fonts all it is is really TfYy3P2WE04-00206-00043638-00043768 simple TfYy3P2WE04-00207-00043769-00044039 um there's boxes with arrows go into TfYy3P2WE04-00208-00044040-00044230 places and buttons on there and it's TfYy3P2WE04-00209-00044231-00044417 just a digital first digital version of TfYy3P2WE04-00210-00044418-00044608 the sketch and the whole idea of making TfYy3P2WE04-00211-00044609-00044765 it simple is it takes out all the TfYy3P2WE04-00212-00044766-00044939 conversation about images about font TfYy3P2WE04-00213-00044940-00045227 choice about color about detailed design TfYy3P2WE04-00214-00045228-00045467 which comes later so all you're really TfYy3P2WE04-00215-00045468-00045773 focusing on is the flow of the website TfYy3P2WE04-00216-00045774-00045911 how you move from one place to another TfYy3P2WE04-00217-00045912-00046151 how you get people to um TfYy3P2WE04-00218-00046152-00046367 what you're trying to get the website to TfYy3P2WE04-00219-00046368-00046505 solve so you do all your core TfYy3P2WE04-00220-00046506-00046799 functionality and all your core detailed TfYy3P2WE04-00221-00046800-00046918 um TfYy3P2WE04-00222-00046919-00047099 kind of like TfYy3P2WE04-00223-00047100-00047315 interaction and design of the website TfYy3P2WE04-00224-00047316-00047555 you do that in concept phase and then TfYy3P2WE04-00225-00047556-00047765 once that's done you can then hand it TfYy3P2WE04-00226-00047766-00047993 over to the detailed design phase which TfYy3P2WE04-00227-00047994-00048268 is where UI comes in and UI could either TfYy3P2WE04-00228-00048269-00048502 be done by ux designer so product design TfYy3P2WE04-00229-00048503-00048755 is kind of a new word on the market TfYy3P2WE04-00230-00048756-00049012 which is combined in ux and UI or you TfYy3P2WE04-00231-00049013-00049145 can give it to someone more graphically TfYy3P2WE04-00232-00049146-00049318 design focus and they will put the UI TfYy3P2WE04-00233-00049319-00049511 together so what they'll do is they'll TfYy3P2WE04-00234-00049512-00049690 take the wireframe from the ux designer TfYy3P2WE04-00235-00049691-00049846 and then they'll apply the look and feel TfYy3P2WE04-00236-00049847-00050057 of the company that they're working for TfYy3P2WE04-00237-00050058-00050285 so in a lot of big companies they have a TfYy3P2WE04-00238-00050286-00050518 design language and a design language is TfYy3P2WE04-00239-00050519-00050686 it's kind of like an internal website TfYy3P2WE04-00240-00050687-00051007 and it's a set of like fonts colors TfYy3P2WE04-00241-00051008-00051175 buttons TfYy3P2WE04-00242-00051176-00051496 their own images so in Barclays I work TfYy3P2WE04-00243-00051497-00051646 on the design language team and this is TfYy3P2WE04-00244-00051647-00051832 something that we created so any new TfYy3P2WE04-00245-00051833-00052001 website or app within Barclays would TfYy3P2WE04-00246-00052002-00052216 then use this style and it makes it a TfYy3P2WE04-00247-00052217-00052414 lot easier for this design phase and it TfYy3P2WE04-00248-00052415-00052654 also keeps TfYy3P2WE04-00249-00052655-00052829 um a similarity between everything that TfYy3P2WE04-00250-00052829-00052961 you produce and that's something that's TfYy3P2WE04-00251-00052962-00053147 really key keeping consistency because TfYy3P2WE04-00252-00053148-00053321 even big companies sometimes you'll see TfYy3P2WE04-00253-00053322-00053488 they'll have four or five websites and TfYy3P2WE04-00254-00053489-00053776 they won't look anything like each other TfYy3P2WE04-00255-00053777-00053980 um and that's because they've spent too TfYy3P2WE04-00256-00053982-00054311 much time on doing different UI TfYy3P2WE04-00257-00054312-00054569 um for different websites yes you'll TfYy3P2WE04-00258-00054570-00054694 have you'll bring different designers in TfYy3P2WE04-00259-00054695-00054869 will have their own ideas and they'll do TfYy3P2WE04-00260-00054870-00054976 something cool but then it won't look TfYy3P2WE04-00261-00054977-00055163 anything like the brand so a lot of TfYy3P2WE04-00262-00055164-00055330 these companies are brand teams who keep TfYy3P2WE04-00263-00055332-00055516 keep all this TfYy3P2WE04-00264-00055517-00055685 and I am TfYy3P2WE04-00265-00055686-00055853 if you're working for more like a TfYy3P2WE04-00266-00055854-00056038 startup or you're creating your own TfYy3P2WE04-00267-00056039-00056315 design then this is where kind of like a TfYy3P2WE04-00268-00056316-00056488 graphic designer's Flair comes in then TfYy3P2WE04-00269-00056489-00056638 you'll be able to choose what fonts you TfYy3P2WE04-00270-00056639-00056837 like what colors what the color palette TfYy3P2WE04-00271-00056838-00057088 is what images you use so it really TfYy3P2WE04-00272-00057089-00057299 depends on the I'd say the size of the TfYy3P2WE04-00273-00057300-00057532 company how much Freedom a graphic TfYy3P2WE04-00274-00057533-00057671 design is going to have within this UI TfYy3P2WE04-00275-00057672-00057887 phase but you're basically the architect TfYy3P2WE04-00276-00057888-00058180 of the website is the ux designer and TfYy3P2WE04-00277-00058182-00058403 the UI designer is more TfYy3P2WE04-00278-00058404-00058800 The Decorator the TfYy3P2WE04-00279-00058801-00059159 the Flair of a website and bringing it TfYy3P2WE04-00280-00059160-00059453 to Life in Color more the artist TfYy3P2WE04-00281-00059454-00059650 but they work together and then at the TfYy3P2WE04-00282-00059651-00059849 end when they'll have um they'll have TfYy3P2WE04-00283-00059850-00060142 this a realistic looking website they'll TfYy3P2WE04-00284-00060144-00060376 be able to prototype it so we work in TfYy3P2WE04-00285-00060377-00060641 tools like Adobe XD figma and sketch TfYy3P2WE04-00286-00060641-00060965 Envision and these tools if you can do TfYy3P2WE04-00287-00060966-00061216 ux and UI design in there and a lot of TfYy3P2WE04-00288-00061217-00061421 because a lot of big people because a TfYy3P2WE04-00289-00061422-00061535 lot of good designers have worked the TfYy3P2WE04-00290-00061536-00061709 big companies for a long time they'll TfYy3P2WE04-00291-00061710-00061966 have this like it's called the UI kit so TfYy3P2WE04-00292-00061967-00062087 that's why I talked about them like a TfYy3P2WE04-00293-00062088-00062303 design language and they they might skip TfYy3P2WE04-00294-00062304-00062494 the wireframe stage out and design TfYy3P2WE04-00295-00062495-00062819 straight in the look and feel of the of TfYy3P2WE04-00296-00062820-00062963 the website because that's not going to TfYy3P2WE04-00297-00062964-00063221 change if it's a big company so TfYy3P2WE04-00298-00063222-00063413 depending on where you are the the TfYy3P2WE04-00299-00063414-00063616 little differences will happen in this TfYy3P2WE04-00300-00063617-00063826 but then at the end of it you'll then TfYy3P2WE04-00301-00063827-00064037 work with developers and you'll hand TfYy3P2WE04-00302-00064038-00064241 over all your designs to developers they TfYy3P2WE04-00303-00064241-00064409 all make the website it will then go TfYy3P2WE04-00304-00064410-00064637 through a whole process of um TfYy3P2WE04-00305-00064638-00064865 development it will then go live and TfYy3P2WE04-00306-00064866-00065021 then that's where the ux TfYy3P2WE04-00307-00065022-00065266 phase kind of kicks back in again and TfYy3P2WE04-00308-00065267-00065476 this is where you um TfYy3P2WE04-00309-00065477-00065681 you test it so you'll test what you've TfYy3P2WE04-00310-00065682-00065915 built with different users you can test TfYy3P2WE04-00311-00065916-00066071 the actual build sometimes it's better TfYy3P2WE04-00312-00066072-00066287 to test the build but you can also test TfYy3P2WE04-00313-00066288-00066544 your prototypes in Barclays we had users TfYy3P2WE04-00314-00066545-00066749 come in they um TfYy3P2WE04-00315-00066750-00066971 we interviewed them we've we tested like TfYy3P2WE04-00316-00066972-00067247 simple prototypes with them and you can TfYy3P2WE04-00317-00067248-00067403 really find kinks in what you've TfYy3P2WE04-00318-00067404-00067559 designed because you'll see people TfYy3P2WE04-00319-00067560-00067715 clicking on buttons they shouldn't do or TfYy3P2WE04-00320-00067716-00067865 people go into different places in the TfYy3P2WE04-00321-00067866-00068032 website that they shouldn't do TfYy3P2WE04-00322-00068033-00068255 so you'll really join the testing phase TfYy3P2WE04-00323-00068256-00068423 you'll find out a lot about the website TfYy3P2WE04-00324-00068424-00068555 that you're building and you'll be able TfYy3P2WE04-00325-00068556-00068855 to hone it and um and make it better but TfYy3P2WE04-00326-00068856-00069035 then yeah so then it's developed and TfYy3P2WE04-00327-00069036-00069221 it's made and it's released and then TfYy3P2WE04-00328-00069222-00069437 that kind of goes full circle and it TfYy3P2WE04-00329-00069438-00069563 goes back into the research phase TfYy3P2WE04-00330-00069564-00069706 because then you'll be able to look at TfYy3P2WE04-00331-00069707-00069844 analytics from how the website's TfYy3P2WE04-00332-00069845-00070049 performed it's really really important TfYy3P2WE04-00333-00070050-00070247 to track how how your website's done TfYy3P2WE04-00334-00070248-00070409 because a lot of people just design TfYy3P2WE04-00335-00070410-00070576 something release it and then it's done TfYy3P2WE04-00336-00070577-00070744 and they don't really think about oh TfYy3P2WE04-00337-00070745-00070829 okay TfYy3P2WE04-00338-00070830-00071063 okay because a lot of like most websites TfYy3P2WE04-00339-00071064-00071237 I'll have Google analytics installed so TfYy3P2WE04-00340-00071238-00071356 you can check how many people are coming TfYy3P2WE04-00341-00071357-00071555 to the website how long they're staying TfYy3P2WE04-00342-00071556-00071759 for what they're clicking on and that TfYy3P2WE04-00343-00071760-00071879 kind of will TfYy3P2WE04-00344-00071880-00072059 reset this whole process and then you TfYy3P2WE04-00345-00072060-00072256 can then go into a concept phase on how TfYy3P2WE04-00346-00072257-00072467 to improve them once you have those base TfYy3P2WE04-00347-00072468-00072623 fundamentals TfYy3P2WE04-00348-00072624-00072988 so such a good uh process it's it's a TfYy3P2WE04-00349-00072989-00073163 revolving TfYy3P2WE04-00350-00073164-00073421 wheel almost and you can always go from TfYy3P2WE04-00351-00073422-00073600 test into research TfYy3P2WE04-00352-00073601-00073738 because you'll have the website TfYy3P2WE04-00353-00073739-00073835 developed and then you'll have some TfYy3P2WE04-00354-00073836-00074105 analytics to work from so another thing TfYy3P2WE04-00355-00074106-00074255 I want to talk about is a Japanese TfYy3P2WE04-00356-00074256-00074476 concept called Kaizen which is TfYy3P2WE04-00357-00074477-00074669 continuous change for the better and TfYy3P2WE04-00358-00074670-00074909 that that I think sums up ux and that TfYy3P2WE04-00359-00074910-00075191 design cycle perfectly so a design is TfYy3P2WE04-00360-00075192-00075359 never finished TfYy3P2WE04-00361-00075360-00075509 um this is what made the Japanese car TfYy3P2WE04-00362-00075510-00075731 industry so successful the Japanese TfYy3P2WE04-00363-00075732-00075994 invented lots of processors around how TfYy3P2WE04-00364-00075995-00076294 we work that we still use today in um in TfYy3P2WE04-00365-00076295-00076475 creating software and that's something TfYy3P2WE04-00366-00076476-00076697 is never done you can always improve TfYy3P2WE04-00367-00076698-00076894 like I said the process went from TfYy3P2WE04-00368-00076895-00077225 develop to then analyze again and every TfYy3P2WE04-00369-00077226-00077555 cycle of Kaizen which is TfYy3P2WE04-00370-00077556-00077806 um a cycle through the process you'll TfYy3P2WE04-00371-00077807-00078017 gradually improve improve improve TfYy3P2WE04-00372-00078018-00078197 improve and you'll have something great TfYy3P2WE04-00373-00078198-00078359 at the end of it so I think that's TfYy3P2WE04-00374-00078360-00078515 something that you should apply to every TfYy3P2WE04-00375-00078516-00078712 Walk of Life never think anything's done TfYy3P2WE04-00376-00078713-00079025 always release something analyze it and TfYy3P2WE04-00377-00079026-00079156 you never know what you think this is TfYy3P2WE04-00378-00079157-00079361 this this helps people get over the idea TfYy3P2WE04-00379-00079362-00079541 of perfection as well a lot of people TfYy3P2WE04-00380-00079542-00079691 won't release something until they think TfYy3P2WE04-00381-00079692-00079859 it's perfect but I always think it's TfYy3P2WE04-00382-00079860-00080087 best to release something when it's TfYy3P2WE04-00383-00080088-00080344 eighty percent done rather than rather TfYy3P2WE04-00384-00080345-00080591 than perfect and then apply cars into it TfYy3P2WE04-00385-00080592-00080776 because some things I've released and TfYy3P2WE04-00386-00080777-00080926 I've looked at the analytics and I found TfYy3P2WE04-00387-00080927-00081059 whoa that's performing completely TfYy3P2WE04-00388-00081060-00081311 different than I expected and TfYy3P2WE04-00389-00081312-00081479 that's almost more important than TfYy3P2WE04-00390-00081480-00081653 waiting for Perfection because TfYy3P2WE04-00391-00081654-00081838 Perfection can't come without the TfYy3P2WE04-00392-00081839-00082050 without the numbers and without the TfYy3P2WE04-00393-00082051-00082312 analytics and the research phase to make TfYy3P2WE04-00394-00082313-00082432 it better TfYy3P2WE04-00395-00082433-00082756 so why is your ex so important and this TfYy3P2WE04-00396-00082757-00082900 brings me on to how a digital business TfYy3P2WE04-00397-00082901-00083075 works TfYy3P2WE04-00398-00083076-00083375 so every business sells a product that's TfYy3P2WE04-00399-00083376-00083626 that's how they exist and that product TfYy3P2WE04-00400-00083627-00083741 makes money TfYy3P2WE04-00401-00083742-00084094 and then in the last few years the way TfYy3P2WE04-00402-00084095-00084359 we sell products online has changed and TfYy3P2WE04-00403-00084360-00084653 we sell it now through people don't TfYy3P2WE04-00404-00084654-00084893 really buy adverts like they used to TfYy3P2WE04-00405-00084894-00085067 anymore like in the old days people used TfYy3P2WE04-00406-00085068-00085306 to make a product and they'd go to an TfYy3P2WE04-00407-00085307-00085559 agency like a Don Draper they'd um TfYy3P2WE04-00408-00085560-00085738 they'd then have TfYy3P2WE04-00409-00085739-00086021 an advert on TV delivered to be TfYy3P2WE04-00410-00086022-00086182 glamorous to be made by an agency and TfYy3P2WE04-00411-00086183-00086350 then people will just be expected to buy TfYy3P2WE04-00412-00086351-00086537 the product there'd be no tracking of TfYy3P2WE04-00413-00086538-00086741 how many people saw the advert and TfYy3P2WE04-00414-00086742-00086915 bought it maybe this was in a newspaper TfYy3P2WE04-00415-00086916-00087149 in a magazine but because we've got such TfYy3P2WE04-00416-00087150-00087455 detail on analytics now online and the TfYy3P2WE04-00417-00087456-00087694 reach of online is so much TfYy3P2WE04-00418-00087695-00087797 um you can actually do your own TfYy3P2WE04-00419-00087798-00087982 advertising through content marketing TfYy3P2WE04-00420-00087983-00088253 and you'll you'll see that everywhere so TfYy3P2WE04-00421-00088254-00088667 you'll see a company will have um TfYy3P2WE04-00422-00088668-00088906 like they might produce content so they TfYy3P2WE04-00423-00088907-00089050 might write articles they'll have their TfYy3P2WE04-00424-00089051-00089285 website with their product on but TfYy3P2WE04-00425-00089286-00089497 they'll also have a Blog section TfYy3P2WE04-00426-00089498-00089735 where they'll write loads of content so TfYy3P2WE04-00427-00089736-00089938 a magazine so that content is kind of TfYy3P2WE04-00428-00089939-00090226 designed to interest people who might be TfYy3P2WE04-00429-00090227-00090461 interested in the product TfYy3P2WE04-00430-00090462-00090653 so what they'll then do is they'll then TfYy3P2WE04-00431-00090654-00090868 have social media accounts so like I've TfYy3P2WE04-00432-00090869-00091055 got my YouTube account they'll be TfYy3P2WE04-00433-00091056-00091271 LinkedIn accounts uh Facebook accounts TfYy3P2WE04-00434-00091272-00091475 Instagram accounts and what those TfYy3P2WE04-00435-00091476-00091781 accounts are for they're to talk to your TfYy3P2WE04-00436-00091782-00092003 target audience TfYy3P2WE04-00437-00092004-00092200 so so you'll connect with people on TfYy3P2WE04-00438-00092201-00092362 there but that's a place to push your TfYy3P2WE04-00439-00092363-00092603 content that's away from your website TfYy3P2WE04-00440-00092604-00092879 so my website is called TfYy3P2WE04-00441-00092880-00093209 my product is my course and my social TfYy3P2WE04-00442-00093210-00093509 media channel is where I produce content TfYy3P2WE04-00443-00093510-00093725 and hopefully some people who like that TfYy3P2WE04-00444-00093726-00093899 content that's out on there will then TfYy3P2WE04-00445-00093900-00094109 follow through the process and they'll TfYy3P2WE04-00446-00094110-00094253 go to your product and then eventually TfYy3P2WE04-00447-00094254-00094432 buy something from you as a business and TfYy3P2WE04-00448-00094433-00094594 that's how every Business Online works TfYy3P2WE04-00449-00094595-00094811 and it's the honest truth of how every TfYy3P2WE04-00450-00094812-00095009 business operates so you'll see this TfYy3P2WE04-00451-00095010-00095218 everywhere you'll see someone pushing TfYy3P2WE04-00452-00095219-00095368 something for free on social media TfYy3P2WE04-00453-00095369-00095585 because that's what people want that's TfYy3P2WE04-00454-00095586-00095771 how you get people interested it's TfYy3P2WE04-00455-00095772-00095968 called the lead so they'll offer you a TfYy3P2WE04-00456-00095969-00096238 free PDF or something you will then TfYy3P2WE04-00457-00096239-00096431 um give your email in exchange for that TfYy3P2WE04-00458-00096432-00096671 PDF so you'll consume that content and TfYy3P2WE04-00459-00096672-00096821 then what they'll do is they'll contact TfYy3P2WE04-00460-00096822-00097097 you via email or via social again to TfYy3P2WE04-00461-00097098-00097276 keep you in this Loop of view and TfYy3P2WE04-00462-00097277-00097432 content and then hopefully at the end TfYy3P2WE04-00463-00097433-00097606 you'll like the content so much you'll TfYy3P2WE04-00464-00097607-00097799 go and see the product and then at the TfYy3P2WE04-00465-00097800-00097925 end of it you'll make a purchase and TfYy3P2WE04-00466-00097926-00098044 become a customer and then hopefully TfYy3P2WE04-00467-00098045-00098218 become a loyal customer and create that TfYy3P2WE04-00468-00098219-00098423 relationship going forward but as you TfYy3P2WE04-00469-00098424-00098591 can see it starts off with a thousand TfYy3P2WE04-00470-00098592-00098741 people than 100 people might be TfYy3P2WE04-00471-00098742-00098932 interested in the contract then 10 might TfYy3P2WE04-00472-00098933-00099094 view the product and then one might TfYy3P2WE04-00473-00099095-00099371 purchaser so this is where TfYy3P2WE04-00474-00099372-00099605 content marketing and ux comes in TfYy3P2WE04-00475-00099606-00099761 because social goes out to many people TfYy3P2WE04-00476-00099762-00100055 and um you can see you have to generate TfYy3P2WE04-00477-00100056-00100300 lots and lots of views to get that TfYy3P2WE04-00478-00100301-00100523 single sale at the end and that's why ux TfYy3P2WE04-00479-00100524-00100762 is so important because ux comes in at TfYy3P2WE04-00480-00100763-00101009 every stage in this process and helps TfYy3P2WE04-00481-00101010-00101303 the funnel they can make one two percent TfYy3P2WE04-00482-00101304-00101573 differences so say your product page TfYy3P2WE04-00483-00101574-00101903 might have 10 percent so ten to one TfYy3P2WE04-00484-00101904-00102131 people might buy it but if a ux designer TfYy3P2WE04-00485-00102132-00102376 could improve that by only TfYy3P2WE04-00486-00102377-00102442 um TfYy3P2WE04-00487-00102443-00102689 10 to 2 then that's fifty percent more TfYy3P2WE04-00488-00102690-00102844 revenue for the company TfYy3P2WE04-00489-00102845-00103103 and the like um the ux designer might TfYy3P2WE04-00490-00103104-00103313 just analyze the web web page say okay TfYy3P2WE04-00491-00103314-00103534 it's um it's a bit too long or this TfYy3P2WE04-00492-00103535-00103775 button text like some of these changes TfYy3P2WE04-00493-00103776-00103936 are really simple like the color of the TfYy3P2WE04-00494-00103938-00104165 button the image it'll give a different TfYy3P2WE04-00495-00104166-00104416 emotion to the to the audience but if TfYy3P2WE04-00496-00104417-00104675 they can change tiny things on this and TfYy3P2WE04-00497-00104676-00104878 help improve these numbers then you'll TfYy3P2WE04-00498-00104879-00105071 see massive Revenue growth at the end TfYy3P2WE04-00499-00105072-00105310 and that's why ux is so important that's TfYy3P2WE04-00500-00105311-00105473 why ux designers get paid so much by TfYy3P2WE04-00501-00105474-00105628 companies and why it's such a highly TfYy3P2WE04-00502-00105629-00105749 valued TfYy3P2WE04-00503-00105750-00106007 um thing to go into because TfYy3P2WE04-00504-00106008-00106378 you are essentially improving Revenue at TfYy3P2WE04-00505-00106379-00106583 the very bottom end by just improving TfYy3P2WE04-00506-00106583-00106804 this funnel and you're also doing it for TfYy3P2WE04-00507-00106805-00106973 the right reasons you're um because TfYy3P2WE04-00508-00106974-00107123 customers do want to engage with your TfYy3P2WE04-00509-00107124-00107308 content and and there are products that TfYy3P2WE04-00510-00107309-00107452 people do want to buy that's like kind TfYy3P2WE04-00511-00107453-00107639 of how the world works but people only TfYy3P2WE04-00512-00107640-00107771 want to do that if they have a good TfYy3P2WE04-00513-00107772-00107939 experience that's memorable and TfYy3P2WE04-00514-00107940-00108095 meaningful throughout and that's TfYy3P2WE04-00515-00108096-00108299 something a ux designer can do and they TfYy3P2WE04-00516-00108300-00108593 can help make the process smoother and TfYy3P2WE04-00517-00108594-00108833 then go into customer relationships and TfYy3P2WE04-00518-00108833-00109139 and there's loads but ux designers so so TfYy3P2WE04-00519-00109140-00109439 important in helping the bottom end by TfYy3P2WE04-00520-00109440-00109643 improving this funnel TfYy3P2WE04-00521-00109644-00109858 so I just want to quickly talk about TfYy3P2WE04-00522-00109859-00110158 team how how you fit into a team when TfYy3P2WE04-00523-00110159-00110410 you go into work in a company TfYy3P2WE04-00524-00110411-00110560 so I've got TfYy3P2WE04-00525-00110561-00110854 12 positions here so on some teams TfYy3P2WE04-00526-00110855-00111065 there's only one ux designer and one UI TfYy3P2WE04-00527-00111066-00111347 designer that's that's how things in my TfYy3P2WE04-00528-00111348-00111647 experience have um have worked and then TfYy3P2WE04-00529-00111648-00111808 they'll be a project manager who will TfYy3P2WE04-00530-00111809-00111965 oversee the project and then there'll be TfYy3P2WE04-00531-00111966-00112223 a ba So ba stands for business analyst TfYy3P2WE04-00532-00112224-00112378 and there'll be something who'll work TfYy3P2WE04-00533-00112379-00112660 with the ux designer and help they'll TfYy3P2WE04-00534-00112661-00112751 help TfYy3P2WE04-00535-00112752-00113015 you understand the requirements from not TfYy3P2WE04-00536-00113016-00113152 the user's point of view but from the TfYy3P2WE04-00537-00113153-00113290 businesses point of view so they'll TfYy3P2WE04-00538-00113291-00113477 understand what the they'll be the ones TfYy3P2WE04-00539-00113478-00113578 who will let you know what the business TfYy3P2WE04-00540-00113579-00113777 wants and you'll work with them quite a TfYy3P2WE04-00541-00113778-00113860 bit TfYy3P2WE04-00542-00113861-00114107 then there is a thing called the scrum TfYy3P2WE04-00543-00114108-00114286 master and a scrum Master is someone TfYy3P2WE04-00544-00114288-00114604 this is a position that can change so at TfYy3P2WE04-00545-00114605-00114797 the bottom I've put um TfYy3P2WE04-00546-00114798-00115013 how we work as it's called the free week TfYy3P2WE04-00547-00115014-00115210 Sprint and this is part of an agile TfYy3P2WE04-00548-00115211-00115408 design process TfYy3P2WE04-00549-00115409-00115601 um and below that are just the meetings TfYy3P2WE04-00550-00115602-00115901 that take place but this is TfYy3P2WE04-00551-00115902-00116075 this is a new thing that's taken over TfYy3P2WE04-00552-00116076-00116345 the industry so every three weeks you TfYy3P2WE04-00553-00116346-00116465 want to produce something at the end TfYy3P2WE04-00554-00116466-00116740 which you can release and that and that TfYy3P2WE04-00555-00116741-00116939 kind of gets over the idea of making a TfYy3P2WE04-00556-00116940-00117160 website over like nine months and you do TfYy3P2WE04-00557-00117161-00117389 design development and then test them so TfYy3P2WE04-00558-00117390-00117701 this you do smaller chunks TfYy3P2WE04-00559-00117702-00117857 um the idea of that is it's kind of TfYy3P2WE04-00560-00117858-00118127 Kaizen is to get something released see TfYy3P2WE04-00561-00118128-00118402 how it performs doing small chunks and TfYy3P2WE04-00562-00118403-00118684 it's it just TfYy3P2WE04-00563-00118685-00118847 it seems to be a better process because TfYy3P2WE04-00564-00118848-00119008 you're testing more regularly you're not TfYy3P2WE04-00565-00119009-00119177 waiting for TfYy3P2WE04-00566-00119178-00119363 a massive thing to be released and then TfYy3P2WE04-00567-00119364-00119471 realize it's all broken at the end TfYy3P2WE04-00568-00119472-00119584 you're doing it in chunks and it's more TfYy3P2WE04-00569-00119585-00119771 manageable but a scrum Master is someone TfYy3P2WE04-00570-00119772-00119939 it could change every three weeks it's TfYy3P2WE04-00571-00119940-00120166 just someone who helps that process TfYy3P2WE04-00572-00120167-00120473 along so a PO is a product owner that's TfYy3P2WE04-00573-00120474-00120628 the most important TfYy3P2WE04-00574-00120629-00120983 um I guess they're the manager and so TfYy3P2WE04-00575-00120983-00121175 the project manager looks after the the TfYy3P2WE04-00576-00121176-00121336 work but the product owner is someone TfYy3P2WE04-00577-00121338-00121654 who is represented for the business so TfYy3P2WE04-00578-00121655-00121781 they're the person who you want to TfYy3P2WE04-00579-00121782-00121949 deliver this to they'll be the TfYy3P2WE04-00580-00121950-00122177 stakeholder for the business and they're TfYy3P2WE04-00581-00122178-00122447 the person who decides what goes in and TfYy3P2WE04-00582-00122448-00122633 what goes out of the website so there's TfYy3P2WE04-00583-00122633-00122801 someone that's really important then TfYy3P2WE04-00584-00122802-00122957 normally you'll have something like four TfYy3P2WE04-00585-00122958-00123178 front-end developers who will make the TfYy3P2WE04-00586-00123179-00123358 designs that you do and then you'll have TfYy3P2WE04-00587-00123359-00123545 some API developers which is back-end TfYy3P2WE04-00588-00123546-00123778 developers who will make it all work so TfYy3P2WE04-00589-00123779-00123958 that can chop and change but I found TfYy3P2WE04-00590-00123959-00124108 that to be TfYy3P2WE04-00591-00124109-00124301 quite TfYy3P2WE04-00592-00124302-00124528 um in my experience what a team in the TfYy3P2WE04-00593-00124529-00124745 UK looks like TfYy3P2WE04-00594-00124746-00124907 there are more common TfYy3P2WE04-00595-00124908-00124960 um TfYy3P2WE04-00596-00124961-00125183 there are different types of things you TfYy3P2WE04-00597-00125183-00125381 can do so this is called the Sprint TfYy3P2WE04-00598-00125382-00125633 um so this is a one week Sprint so don't TfYy3P2WE04-00599-00125633-00125801 get confused with the last one which was TfYy3P2WE04-00600-00125802-00126016 a three week Sprint this is um something TfYy3P2WE04-00601-00126017-00126347 that you might do very very rarely but TfYy3P2WE04-00602-00126348-00126604 it's it's a good way of um getting an TfYy3P2WE04-00603-00126605-00126869 idea out so this was a book by japna TfYy3P2WE04-00604-00126870-00127115 Jake Knapp who was um from Google TfYy3P2WE04-00605-00127116-00127313 Ventures and he put this out a couple of TfYy3P2WE04-00606-00127314-00127510 years ago and his whole idea was if you TfYy3P2WE04-00607-00127511-00127840 have an idea then you can in a week you TfYy3P2WE04-00608-00127841-00128045 can test something with users and this TfYy3P2WE04-00609-00128046-00128189 is something we tried in Barclays and it TfYy3P2WE04-00610-00128190-00128333 was quite successful for getting it's TfYy3P2WE04-00611-00128333-00128483 quite good for startups because it helps TfYy3P2WE04-00612-00128483-00128657 you get your idea off the ground and TfYy3P2WE04-00613-00128658-00128849 what you all do is you set a week out TfYy3P2WE04-00614-00128850-00129208 you get a ux designer UI designer TfYy3P2WE04-00615-00129209-00129328 um you get some people from the business TfYy3P2WE04-00616-00129329-00129647 and on Monday you sit down and you talk TfYy3P2WE04-00617-00129648-00129916 about the idea you you you put all all TfYy3P2WE04-00618-00129917-00130133 the information you need TfYy3P2WE04-00619-00130133-00130402 you sit down in a room for hours discuss TfYy3P2WE04-00620-00130403-00130625 this maybe make some notes and then on TfYy3P2WE04-00621-00130626-00130840 Tuesday the designers will take all that TfYy3P2WE04-00622-00130841-00131081 information they'll sketch ideas TfYy3P2WE04-00623-00131082-00131302 and they are they are they'll maybe TfYy3P2WE04-00624-00131303-00131513 really really simply wireframe it or do TfYy3P2WE04-00625-00131514-00131675 it on paper they'll take that back to TfYy3P2WE04-00626-00131676-00131878 the stakeholders on Wednesday who will TfYy3P2WE04-00627-00131879-00132101 then vote and decide which one's best on TfYy3P2WE04-00628-00132102-00132299 Thursday you will then build a really TfYy3P2WE04-00629-00132300-00132539 really quick prototype and Adobe XD or TfYy3P2WE04-00630-00132540-00132761 figma it doesn't need to look nice it TfYy3P2WE04-00631-00132762-00132947 doesn't you just want to get that all TfYy3P2WE04-00632-00132948-00133114 out and then on Friday you get someone TfYy3P2WE04-00633-00133115-00133343 and you test it with customers so it's a TfYy3P2WE04-00634-00133344-00133516 really it's quite high pressure there's TfYy3P2WE04-00635-00133517-00133649 quite a lot of work to do in that week TfYy3P2WE04-00636-00133650-00133781 you don't want to do it every week TfYy3P2WE04-00637-00133782-00133961 without otherwise you'll bear people out TfYy3P2WE04-00638-00133962-00134123 but it's something that you can do to TfYy3P2WE04-00639-00134124-00134302 get ideas off the ground if you're a TfYy3P2WE04-00640-00134303-00134539 startup or if you want to test TfYy3P2WE04-00641-00134540-00134933 something unique and this time sensitive TfYy3P2WE04-00642-00134934-00135161 for that the next question is how you TfYy3P2WE04-00643-00135162-00135389 can get started in the industry welcome TfYy3P2WE04-00644-00135390-00135683 to ux desired Essentials Master the TfYy3P2WE04-00645-00135684-00135923 fundamentals and launch your career are TfYy3P2WE04-00646-00135924-00136114 you ready to take your design skills to TfYy3P2WE04-00647-00136115-00136301 the next level and join one of the most TfYy3P2WE04-00648-00136302-00136552 in demand Fields today this course is TfYy3P2WE04-00649-00136553-00136745 designed specifically for individuals TfYy3P2WE04-00650-00136746-00136943 looking to break into the field of ux TfYy3P2WE04-00651-00136944-00137116 design and build a success possible TfYy3P2WE04-00652-00137117-00137309 career throughout this course you'll TfYy3P2WE04-00653-00137310-00137489 learn the foundational Concepts and TfYy3P2WE04-00654-00137490-00137747 techniques of ux design including user TfYy3P2WE04-00655-00137748-00137963 research information architecture TfYy3P2WE04-00656-00137964-00138293 interaction design UI design and TfYy3P2WE04-00657-00138294-00138478 accessibility you'll also learn about TfYy3P2WE04-00658-00138479-00138683 the latest tools used in the industry TfYy3P2WE04-00659-00138684-00138899 and how to stay current with industry TfYy3P2WE04-00660-00138900-00139181 Trends and best practices this Hands-On TfYy3P2WE04-00661-00139182-00139385 approach will allow you to apply your TfYy3P2WE04-00662-00139386-00139589 knowledge through real-world exercises TfYy3P2WE04-00663-00139590-00139847 and projects such as creating a user TfYy3P2WE04-00664-00139848-00140164 Persona a user Journey map user flow TfYy3P2WE04-00665-00140165-00140513 diagram wireframes visual designs and TfYy3P2WE04-00666-00140514-00140740 the final prototype will be conduct in TfYy3P2WE04-00667-00140741-00140945 user research and testing along the way TfYy3P2WE04-00668-00140946-00141166 you'll work on a real life example of TfYy3P2WE04-00669-00141167-00141389 creating a mobile app for finding a TfYy3P2WE04-00670-00141390-00141604 local farmers market providing you with TfYy3P2WE04-00671-00141605-00141857 a comprehensive understanding of the ux TfYy3P2WE04-00672-00141858-00142151 design process from start to finish this TfYy3P2WE04-00673-00142152-00142361 course is the perfect opportunity for TfYy3P2WE04-00674-00142362-00142535 you to take your design skills to the TfYy3P2WE04-00675-00142536-00142763 next level and build a successful career TfYy3P2WE04-00676-00142764-00143033 in ux design with our comprehensive and TfYy3P2WE04-00677-00143034-00143237 Hands-On on approach you'll learn the TfYy3P2WE04-00678-00143238-00143471 foundational Concepts and techniques of TfYy3P2WE04-00679-00143472-00143759 ux design and be able to stay current TfYy3P2WE04-00680-00143760-00143993 with industry Trends and best practices TfYy3P2WE04-00681-00143994-00144202 don't miss out on this chance to be part TfYy3P2WE04-00682-00144203-00144419 of one of the best ux design courses in TfYy3P2WE04-00683-00144420-00144616 the world and start your journey to TfYy3P2WE04-00684-00144617-00144814 become a skilled and successful ux TfYy3P2WE04-00685-00144815-00145090 designer today enroll now and let's TfYy3P2WE04-00686-00145091-00145289 begin now that you've had a taste of TfYy3P2WE04-00687-00145290-00145439 what to expect in the ux design TfYy3P2WE04-00688-00145440-00145673 Essentials course I can't wait for you TfYy3P2WE04-00689-00145674-00145864 to dive deeper into ux design in the TfYy3P2WE04-00690-00145865-00146039 following video you'll learn about the TfYy3P2WE04-00691-00146040-00146290 history and evolution of ux design and TfYy3P2WE04-00692-00146291-00146483 why it's essential for creating products TfYy3P2WE04-00693-00146484-00146711 that meets users needs and goals this TfYy3P2WE04-00694-00146712-00146890 video is the foundation of our course TfYy3P2WE04-00695-00146891-00147095 take advantage of the chance to be part TfYy3P2WE04-00696-00147096-00147316 of one of the best ux design courses in TfYy3P2WE04-00697-00147317-00147509 the world and start your journey to TfYy3P2WE04-00698-00147510-00147766 becoming a professional ux designer TfYy3P2WE04-00699-00147767-00148064 let's go TgCT4-YNzFA-00000-00000180-00001008 [Music] TgCT4-YNzFA-00001-00001009-00001902 [Music] TgCT4-YNzFA-00002-00001903-00002102 everybody knows that i'm breaking down TgCT4-YNzFA-00003-00002103-00002295 everybody knows i ain't faking now TgCT4-YNzFA-00004-00002296-00002455 everybody knows my heart's vacant now TgCT4-YNzFA-00005-00002456-00002599 yeah she hates me now i made mistakes TgCT4-YNzFA-00006-00002600-00002655 but now TgCT4-YNzFA-00007-00002656-00002823 i don't ever want to be alone i don't TgCT4-YNzFA-00008-00002824-00003015 really ever feel at home on my own TgCT4-YNzFA-00009-00003016-00003199 in the zone that's the only way i know TgCT4-YNzFA-00010-00003200-00003422 feeling low about to blow back up TgCT4-YNzFA-00011-00003423-00003638 never let the doubt creep in gotta pop a TgCT4-YNzFA-00012-00003639-00003775 couple more aspirin TgCT4-YNzFA-00013-00003776-00003967 i don't think i'll ever let you in TgCT4-YNzFA-00014-00003968-00004095 easier to break it off TgCT4-YNzFA-00015-00004096-00004286 as friends i don't really understand TgCT4-YNzFA-00016-00004287-00004415 myself i don't really TgCT4-YNzFA-00017-00004416-00004615 understand need help i don't want to be TgCT4-YNzFA-00018-00004616-00004735 left on the shelf TgCT4-YNzFA-00019-00004736-00005695 couldn't even hear me if i yelled TgCT4-YNzFA-00020-00005696-00007479 so outside outside TgCT4-YNzFA-00021-00007480-00008083 [Music] TgCT4-YNzFA-00022-00008084-00008483 [Music] TgCT4-YNzFA-00023-00008484-00008852 uh TgCT4-YNzFA-00024-00008853-00009067 [Music] TgCT4-YNzFA-00025-00009068-00009176 [Applause] TgCT4-YNzFA-00026-00009177-00009846 [Music] TgCT4-YNzFA-00027-00009847-00009999 but i never let it take me to that place TgCT4-YNzFA-00028-00010000-00010159 now i won't never let my thoughts get TgCT4-YNzFA-00029-00010160-00010327 away now i got better things to do TgCT4-YNzFA-00030-00010328-00010423 picking fate now TgCT4-YNzFA-00031-00010424-00010574 i just want to be the best call me great TgCT4-YNzFA-00032-00010575-00010767 now i don't know if i'm okay or insane TgCT4-YNzFA-00033-00010768-00010806 now TgCT4-YNzFA-00034-00010807-00010974 i remember better days on the playground TgCT4-YNzFA-00035-00010975-00011127 hoping i can find my way even when i'm TgCT4-YNzFA-00036-00011128-00011263 placing down i fight TgCT4-YNzFA-00037-00011264-00011446 even when i don't know what is right TgCT4-YNzFA-00038-00011447-00011663 imma pick a side and imma take pride i TgCT4-YNzFA-00039-00011664-00011806 will decide my fate and TgCT4-YNzFA-00040-00011807-00012038 i will never let them tell me who i am TgCT4-YNzFA-00041-00012039-00012223 if you try to shape me i'll be damned TgCT4-YNzFA-00042-00012224-00012414 planted on the ground is where i stand TgCT4-YNzFA-00043-00012415-00012974 never give up that was always outside TgCT4-YNzFA-00044-00012975-00013351 i'm alone i'm all right TgCT4-YNzFA-00045-00013352-00014127 it's so cold TgCT4-YNzFA-00046-00014128-00014225 it's outside TgCT4-YNzFA-00047-00014226-00015238 [Music] TgCT4-YNzFA-00048-00015238-00016069 [Music] TgCT4-YNzFA-00049-00016071-00016883 [Music] TgCT4-YNzFA-00050-00016884-00017280 okay TgCT4-YNzFA-00051-00017281-00018283 [Music] TgCT4-YNzFA-00052-00018284-00018529 do TgCT4-YNzFA-00053-00018530-00019087 [Applause] TgCT4-YNzFA-00054-00019088-00019628 [Music] TgCT4-YNzFA-00055-00019629-00020383 [Music] TgCT4-YNzFA-00056-00020384-00020663 yeah everybody knows that i'm breaking TgCT4-YNzFA-00057-00020664-00020719 down TgCT4-YNzFA-00058-00020720-00020911 everybody knows i ain't faking now TgCT4-YNzFA-00059-00020912-00021071 everybody knows my heart's faking now TgCT4-YNzFA-00060-00021072-00021222 yeah she hates me now i made mistakes TgCT4-YNzFA-00061-00021223-00021422 but now i don't ever want to be alone i TgCT4-YNzFA-00062-00021423-00021558 don't really ever feel at home TgCT4-YNzFA-00063-00021559-00021750 on my own in the zone that's the only TgCT4-YNzFA-00064-00021751-00021950 way i know feeling low about to blow TgCT4-YNzFA-00065-00021951-00022344 back up ThpjoP9vDLc-00000-00000000-00000316 uh Bill Arn data science engagement ThpjoP9vDLc-00001-00000317-00000599 group uh what I'm going to cover ThpjoP9vDLc-00002-00000600-00000965 what are workflows uh what resources are ThpjoP9vDLc-00003-00000966-00001229 available for people to use at nurse if ThpjoP9vDLc-00004-00001230-00001469 workflows will help them and sort of ThpjoP9vDLc-00005-00001470-00001714 some broad best practices there's a lot ThpjoP9vDLc-00006-00001716-00002045 of details in a lot of categories so my ThpjoP9vDLc-00007-00002046-00002315 goal here is not to show you so much ThpjoP9vDLc-00008-00002316-00002542 concrete examples of particular things ThpjoP9vDLc-00009-00002543-00002813 but to make sure that you would ThpjoP9vDLc-00010-00002814-00003017 recognize if you're in a situation where ThpjoP9vDLc-00011-00003018-00003359 a workflow would help and then know ThpjoP9vDLc-00012-00003360-00003683 where to go to get more information what ThpjoP9vDLc-00013-00003684-00003904 parts of the documentation what words do ThpjoP9vDLc-00014-00003905-00004049 you want to search for what ThpjoP9vDLc-00015-00004050-00004204 considerations do you need to think ThpjoP9vDLc-00016-00004205-00004463 about so you'll be prepared to use ThpjoP9vDLc-00017-00004464-00004691 workflows and do the research to ThpjoP9vDLc-00018-00004692-00004906 actually get that concrete part ThpjoP9vDLc-00019-00004907-00005285 uh but also a lot of this is going to be ThpjoP9vDLc-00020-00005286-00005572 sort of Niche and very particular to ThpjoP9vDLc-00021-00005573-00005872 particular Solutions so if I went too ThpjoP9vDLc-00022-00005873-00006029 specific in one thing that would only ThpjoP9vDLc-00023-00006030-00006383 help a small fraction of the people here ThpjoP9vDLc-00024-00006384-00006803 all right what are workflows ThpjoP9vDLc-00025-00006804-00007084 uh the definition that we use is the ThpjoP9vDLc-00026-00007086-00007355 workflow is a problem that is better ThpjoP9vDLc-00027-00007356-00007517 solved by putting some kind of ThpjoP9vDLc-00028-00007518-00007781 automation between the user and the ThpjoP9vDLc-00029-00007781-00008081 computational resources uh if you find ThpjoP9vDLc-00030-00008081-00008296 yourself rotely repeating the same ThpjoP9vDLc-00031-00008297-00008521 command line a hundred times ThpjoP9vDLc-00032-00008522-00008867 or some other I just do this ThpjoP9vDLc-00033-00008868-00009071 automatically until all of it's done ThpjoP9vDLc-00034-00009072-00009328 then that's probably something that ThpjoP9vDLc-00035-00009329-00009653 could happen better in a workflow ThpjoP9vDLc-00036-00009654-00010001 uh workflow management tools are the ThpjoP9vDLc-00037-00010002-00010271 software systems that help perform ThpjoP9vDLc-00038-00010272-00010577 pieces of automation like that ThpjoP9vDLc-00039-00010578-00010913 so what categories of things can be ThpjoP9vDLc-00040-00010914-00011231 helped by workflow management tools uh ThpjoP9vDLc-00041-00011232-00011453 if you're performing tasks that are ThpjoP9vDLc-00042-00011454-00011783 repetitive uh something that's urgent or ThpjoP9vDLc-00043-00011784-00011987 if you want to do like automatic ThpjoP9vDLc-00044-00011988-00012274 covering so say you're running a job ThpjoP9vDLc-00045-00012275-00012491 that has a small chance of crashing and ThpjoP9vDLc-00046-00012492-00012713 you want it to restart itself when that ThpjoP9vDLc-00047-00012714-00013007 happens instead of needing you to log in ThpjoP9vDLc-00048-00013008-00013271 and put in the command to restart it a ThpjoP9vDLc-00049-00013272-00013457 workflow management tool might be able ThpjoP9vDLc-00050-00013458-00013655 to help with that ThpjoP9vDLc-00051-00013656-00013901 urgency might be something like you're ThpjoP9vDLc-00052-00013902-00014093 waiting for a piece of data and as soon ThpjoP9vDLc-00053-00014094-00014308 as it comes in you want to run an ThpjoP9vDLc-00054-00014309-00014549 application instead of sitting at your ThpjoP9vDLc-00055-00014550-00014735 terminal waiting for an email to ThpjoP9vDLc-00056-00014736-00014975 actually do it manually yourself you can ThpjoP9vDLc-00057-00014976-00015203 set up a process somewhere that will be ThpjoP9vDLc-00058-00015204-00015419 waiting for that data and then it will ThpjoP9vDLc-00059-00015419-00015658 run it when it sees the data and you ThpjoP9vDLc-00060-00015659-00015947 won't have to be involved okay ThpjoP9vDLc-00061-00015947-00016066 uh ThpjoP9vDLc-00062-00016068-00016427 it can streamline the use of many of the ThpjoP9vDLc-00063-00016428-00016655 interfaces that access nurse resources ThpjoP9vDLc-00064-00016656-00016955 so things like slurm and S batch ThpjoP9vDLc-00065-00016956-00017236 commands and uh ThpjoP9vDLc-00066-00017237-00017477 SQ and like maybe you have something ThpjoP9vDLc-00067-00017478-00017633 that's watching the queue where the ThpjoP9vDLc-00068-00017634-00017808 progress of certain jobs for some reason ThpjoP9vDLc-00069-00017809-00018125 or there's also tools that help with ThpjoP9vDLc-00070-00018126-00018467 transferring data some tools have an ThpjoP9vDLc-00071-00018468-00018730 understanding of Globus or sort of ThpjoP9vDLc-00072-00018731-00018983 multiple facility or data sources or ThpjoP9vDLc-00073-00018984-00019217 things like that and they will you'll be ThpjoP9vDLc-00074-00019218-00019463 able to give them instructions that is ThpjoP9vDLc-00075-00019464-00019721 something like fetch this piece of data ThpjoP9vDLc-00076-00019722-00019919 from somewhere else and bring it here ThpjoP9vDLc-00077-00019920-00020147 when it's available ThpjoP9vDLc-00078-00020148-00020483 uh there's also sort of on the data side ThpjoP9vDLc-00079-00020484-00020777 of things say you have a large number of ThpjoP9vDLc-00080-00020778-00021053 files a large amount of data a big pile ThpjoP9vDLc-00081-00021054-00021425 of something that is too large to ThpjoP9vDLc-00082-00021426-00021700 manually organize yourself to put into ThpjoP9vDLc-00083-00021701-00021886 all the different folders and give them ThpjoP9vDLc-00084-00021887-00022049 proper names and make sure that they're ThpjoP9vDLc-00085-00022050-00022193 registered in the database or ThpjoP9vDLc-00086-00022194-00022330 spreadsheet or whatever else you're ThpjoP9vDLc-00087-00022331-00022414 doing ThpjoP9vDLc-00088-00022415-00022607 some of these tools are set up to ThpjoP9vDLc-00089-00022608-00022936 organize data for you I will take all of ThpjoP9vDLc-00090-00022937-00023183 the inputs that match this pattern or in ThpjoP9vDLc-00091-00023184-00023447 this directory I will do this task to ThpjoP9vDLc-00092-00023448-00023680 them and then I will put all of the ThpjoP9vDLc-00093-00023681-00023914 outputs from those with a particular ThpjoP9vDLc-00094-00023915-00024221 name pattern in a particular place and ThpjoP9vDLc-00095-00024222-00024461 though everything will stay organized in ThpjoP9vDLc-00096-00024462-00024617 the way that you describe without you ThpjoP9vDLc-00097-00024618-00024893 manually doing it yourself ThpjoP9vDLc-00098-00024894-00025241 uh there's also sort of monitoring and ThpjoP9vDLc-00099-00025242-00025397 understanding performance kind of things ThpjoP9vDLc-00100-00025398-00025553 that these can do for you some of these ThpjoP9vDLc-00101-00025554-00025846 tools have a progress dashboards you can ThpjoP9vDLc-00102-00025847-00025961 tell them to send you an email if ThpjoP9vDLc-00103-00025962-00026183 something goes wrong or it might even ThpjoP9vDLc-00104-00026183-00026602 have like a an HTTP little web server ThpjoP9vDLc-00105-00026604-00026807 thing that you know shows you charts so ThpjoP9vDLc-00106-00026808-00026999 how fast your jobs are going or how much ThpjoP9vDLc-00107-00027000-00027239 is left or uh what data has been ThpjoP9vDLc-00108-00027239-00027449 produced or log files or all sorts of ThpjoP9vDLc-00109-00027450-00027623 stuff ThpjoP9vDLc-00110-00027624-00028007 so generic examples of categories in ThpjoP9vDLc-00111-00028008-00028295 this space I need to run my application ThpjoP9vDLc-00112-00028295-00028499 thousands of times it doesn't matter ThpjoP9vDLc-00113-00028500-00028787 what order it happens in just ThpjoP9vDLc-00114-00028788-00029062 do this to all of the input pieces that ThpjoP9vDLc-00115-00029063-00029311 I have they have no impact on each other ThpjoP9vDLc-00116-00029312-00029627 this is a throughput workload ThpjoP9vDLc-00117-00029627-00029873 my data needs several stages of ThpjoP9vDLc-00118-00029874-00030083 processing with different applications ThpjoP9vDLc-00119-00030083-00030305 at each stage but there's an ordering ThpjoP9vDLc-00120-00030306-00030527 like application a feeds into ThpjoP9vDLc-00121-00030527-00030796 application B feeds into application C ThpjoP9vDLc-00122-00030797-00031085 and instead of running all the A's ThpjoP9vDLc-00123-00031086-00031240 myself and then running all the B's ThpjoP9vDLc-00124-00031241-00031408 myself it'd be nice if something could ThpjoP9vDLc-00125-00031410-00031673 just do that whole chain with one ThpjoP9vDLc-00126-00031674-00031951 instruction on my part ThpjoP9vDLc-00127-00031952-00032212 uh all of my applications have a small ThpjoP9vDLc-00128-00032213-00032477 chance of crashing I want them to rerun ThpjoP9vDLc-00129-00032477-00032807 uh if they do that ThpjoP9vDLc-00130-00032808-00033143 uh on timing and scheduling things like ThpjoP9vDLc-00131-00033144-00033431 say I have some sort of utility maybe ThpjoP9vDLc-00132-00033432-00033677 it's pulling from an external database ThpjoP9vDLc-00133-00033678-00033952 that gets updated monthly or something ThpjoP9vDLc-00134-00033953-00034181 like that once a month I'd like an ThpjoP9vDLc-00135-00034182-00034396 application to go get a fresh copy of ThpjoP9vDLc-00136-00034397-00034955 the database and put it into my storage ThpjoP9vDLc-00137-00034956-00035393 so with problems like those in mind what ThpjoP9vDLc-00138-00035394-00035561 kind of resources are available with ThpjoP9vDLc-00139-00035562-00035873 nurse to help uh ThpjoP9vDLc-00140-00035874-00036101 so we've got some specialized ThpjoP9vDLc-00141-00036102-00036323 infrastructure we provide some software ThpjoP9vDLc-00142-00036324-00036695 and the support from people like me ThpjoP9vDLc-00143-00036696-00036971 uh first is the workflows working group ThpjoP9vDLc-00144-00036972-00037271 there's myself uh there's Bjorn Anders ThpjoP9vDLc-00145-00037272-00037565 and Lori Steffi who are sort of the the ThpjoP9vDLc-00146-00037566-00037811 core members of that so if you submit a ThpjoP9vDLc-00147-00037812-00038117 help ticket asking about a workload tool ThpjoP9vDLc-00148-00038118-00038380 or workflow issues in general uh you ThpjoP9vDLc-00149-00038381-00038530 might get routed to one of us to help ThpjoP9vDLc-00150-00038531-00038674 you ThpjoP9vDLc-00151-00038675-00039017 uh so we've been at it for about two or ThpjoP9vDLc-00152-00039018-00039233 three years uh we're mainly responsible ThpjoP9vDLc-00153-00039234-00039479 for the nurse documentation on workflows ThpjoP9vDLc-00154-00039480-00039761 which I will point out shortly ThpjoP9vDLc-00155-00039762-00039887 foreign ThpjoP9vDLc-00156-00039888-00040271 so we do a lot of broad examination of ThpjoP9vDLc-00157-00040272-00040451 many different kinds of tools both ThpjoP9vDLc-00158-00040452-00040595 things that work well at nurse and ThpjoP9vDLc-00159-00040596-00040835 things that don't and try to get the ThpjoP9vDLc-00160-00040836-00041062 understanding of what the requirements ThpjoP9vDLc-00161-00041063-00041315 are what the pitfalls are so that when ThpjoP9vDLc-00162-00041316-00041495 people come out come in with questions ThpjoP9vDLc-00163-00041496-00041674 or problems suitable for these things ThpjoP9vDLc-00164-00041675-00041951 then we can you know point you in the ThpjoP9vDLc-00165-00041952-00042089 right direction ThpjoP9vDLc-00166-00042090-00042337 uh documentation ThpjoP9vDLc-00167-00042338-00042611 and and when we also do an amount of ThpjoP9vDLc-00168-00042612-00042862 Outreach uh to users that are doing ThpjoP9vDLc-00169-00042863-00043018 things that look like workflows might ThpjoP9vDLc-00170-00043019-00043295 help to people that develop new workflow ThpjoP9vDLc-00171-00043296-00043589 management tools and also to various ThpjoP9vDLc-00172-00043590-00043840 other HPC centers that have to sort of ThpjoP9vDLc-00173-00043841-00044140 deal with the same uh challenges running ThpjoP9vDLc-00174-00044141-00044440 workflows in an HPC environment ThpjoP9vDLc-00175-00044441-00044868 all right so I will Veer off to the side ThpjoP9vDLc-00176-00044869-00045167 hopefully uh we see the nurse ThpjoP9vDLc-00177-00045168-00045574 documentation site now ThpjoP9vDLc-00178-00045575-00045899 a thumbs up maybe anyone ThpjoP9vDLc-00179-00045900-00046265 yes I can see it all right cool cool uh ThpjoP9vDLc-00180-00046266-00046649 so this is if you look on ThpjoP9vDLc-00181-00046650-00046912 the left about part way down there's the ThpjoP9vDLc-00182-00046913-00047195 running jobs category expand that out ThpjoP9vDLc-00183-00047196-00047440 and go down to the bottom and there is ThpjoP9vDLc-00184-00047441-00047879 workflow tools and then there is sort of ThpjoP9vDLc-00185-00047880-00048274 this head page and this list of tools ThpjoP9vDLc-00186-00048275-00048485 that we have more information available ThpjoP9vDLc-00187-00048486-00048730 about so most of the things that I'm ThpjoP9vDLc-00188-00048731-00049024 going to mention have a section over ThpjoP9vDLc-00189-00049025-00049337 here with concrete examples that should ThpjoP9vDLc-00190-00049338-00049571 work on our machines although not ThpjoP9vDLc-00191-00049572-00049817 everything might be upgraded for the new ThpjoP9vDLc-00192-00049818-00050062 Pro promoter Universe yet we're still ThpjoP9vDLc-00193-00050063-00050345 working on going back through things uh ThpjoP9vDLc-00194-00050346-00050501 but yeah we've we've got the information ThpjoP9vDLc-00195-00050502-00050855 ready to find right there ThpjoP9vDLc-00196-00050856-00051058 okay ThpjoP9vDLc-00197-00051059-00051251 oh well I could have done that after ThpjoP9vDLc-00198-00051252-00051604 yeah and there's a link to it which uh I ThpjoP9vDLc-00199-00051605-00051773 don't like putting links in slideshows ThpjoP9vDLc-00200-00051774-00052042 because you can't click on my share ThpjoP9vDLc-00201-00052044-00052204 screen what good is that ThpjoP9vDLc-00202-00052205-00052379 uh yeah ThpjoP9vDLc-00203-00052379-00052673 said that stuff ThpjoP9vDLc-00204-00052674-00052888 uh we are continuing to look at new ThpjoP9vDLc-00205-00052889-00053123 tools to improve our understanding with ThpjoP9vDLc-00206-00053124-00053423 existing ones and refine the stuff ThpjoP9vDLc-00207-00053424-00053591 that's on there like some of those tools ThpjoP9vDLc-00208-00053591-00053813 are not actually good choices for nurse ThpjoP9vDLc-00209-00053814-00054082 but it's important to understand what ThpjoP9vDLc-00210-00054083-00054263 characteristics of the tool might make ThpjoP9vDLc-00211-00054264-00054497 it not work well in HPC ThpjoP9vDLc-00212-00054498-00054916 uh and I want to encourage anyone who is ThpjoP9vDLc-00213-00054917-00055061 considering using workflow management ThpjoP9vDLc-00214-00055062-00055259 tool or coming in with an existing one ThpjoP9vDLc-00215-00055260-00055457 from like some previous Computing or ThpjoP9vDLc-00216-00055458-00055792 whatever uh send a nurse help ticket we ThpjoP9vDLc-00217-00055794-00056075 want to interact with you uh interacting ThpjoP9vDLc-00218-00056076-00056266 with tickets is one of the main ways ThpjoP9vDLc-00219-00056267-00056687 that we uh learn about new ways or sort ThpjoP9vDLc-00220-00056688-00056879 of what's gaining popularity or that ThpjoP9vDLc-00221-00056879-00057100 kind of thing so we can prioritize our ThpjoP9vDLc-00222-00057101-00057316 attention and make sure it goes to the ThpjoP9vDLc-00223-00057317-00057575 most beneficial spot ThpjoP9vDLc-00224-00057576-00057688 okay ThpjoP9vDLc-00225-00057689-00058192 uh so a resource available uh slurm ThpjoP9vDLc-00226-00058194-00058313 contact ThpjoP9vDLc-00227-00058314-00058576 uh or sometimes you say sprun tap but ThpjoP9vDLc-00228-00058577-00058769 saying it Berkeley is kind of weird uh ThpjoP9vDLc-00229-00058770-00058985 so crontev is the standard Linux ThpjoP9vDLc-00230-00058986-00059153 solution for running something on a ThpjoP9vDLc-00231-00059154-00059291 schedule when you wanted to run ThpjoP9vDLc-00232-00059291-00059597 something monthly or weekly or hourly or ThpjoP9vDLc-00233-00059598-00059813 whatever on Quarry you could just do ThpjoP9vDLc-00234-00059814-00059987 that on the login node but you were sort ThpjoP9vDLc-00235-00059988-00060263 of locked to a specific login node when ThpjoP9vDLc-00236-00060264-00060394 you set it up like you have to remember ThpjoP9vDLc-00237-00060395-00060635 which one it's on and SSH to that one ThpjoP9vDLc-00238-00060636-00060850 directly and if something happens to ThpjoP9vDLc-00239-00060851-00061157 that login node then your schedule ThpjoP9vDLc-00240-00061158-00061307 doesn't run ThpjoP9vDLc-00241-00061308-00061642 so slurmcon tab uh ThpjoP9vDLc-00242-00061644-00061913 replaces crontab on Chrome Under ThpjoP9vDLc-00243-00061914-00062237 uh the interface is the same like the ThpjoP9vDLc-00244-00062238-00062680 command s con tab Dash L uh to see what ThpjoP9vDLc-00245-00062682-00062866 might be in there already or Dash e to ThpjoP9vDLc-00246-00062867-00063061 edit it which and it's like a text file ThpjoP9vDLc-00247-00063062-00063329 uh you want to look at the documentation ThpjoP9vDLc-00248-00063329-00063497 for the specifics there ThpjoP9vDLc-00249-00063498-00063700 but the thing that's special about ThpjoP9vDLc-00250-00063701-00063982 s-contact is that slurm is organizing it ThpjoP9vDLc-00251-00063983-00064204 for the whole system not just one node ThpjoP9vDLc-00252-00064205-00064565 so if you open up your s-pront tab list ThpjoP9vDLc-00253-00064566-00064829 of tasks anywhere on the system you're ThpjoP9vDLc-00254-00064829-00065032 going to see the same one just for you ThpjoP9vDLc-00255-00065033-00065176 uh you don't have to worry about what ThpjoP9vDLc-00256-00065177-00065285 node you're on ThpjoP9vDLc-00257-00065286-00065638 and because it's running is not tied to ThpjoP9vDLc-00258-00065639-00065813 a particular node if something happens ThpjoP9vDLc-00259-00065814-00065981 to a particular login node on ThpjoP9vDLc-00260-00065982-00066215 chromeotter it's not going to stop your ThpjoP9vDLc-00261-00066216-00066467 job so you get sort of an increased ThpjoP9vDLc-00262-00066468-00066838 reliability and single point of ThpjoP9vDLc-00263-00066839-00067049 interface instead and even worry about ThpjoP9vDLc-00264-00067050-00067331 what note you're on ThpjoP9vDLc-00265-00067332-00067631 all right and there's also these pound ThpjoP9vDLc-00266-00067632-00067997 sign s-cron directives that go into a ThpjoP9vDLc-00267-00067998-00068417 script the same way the S batch commands ThpjoP9vDLc-00268-00068418-00068644 go in the top of the slurm script and ThpjoP9vDLc-00269-00068645-00068831 that's allows you to communicate things ThpjoP9vDLc-00270-00068832-00069017 like qual time or what account you want ThpjoP9vDLc-00271-00069018-00069425 to charge to and that sort of stuff ThpjoP9vDLc-00272-00069426-00069841 uh the limits for using this right now ThpjoP9vDLc-00273-00069842-00070253 are two cores and 24 hours of all time ThpjoP9vDLc-00274-00070254-00070600 for an individual process uh you can ThpjoP9vDLc-00275-00070601-00070888 restart things there's no limit to how ThpjoP9vDLc-00276-00070889-00071081 like frequently you can schedule it but ThpjoP9vDLc-00277-00071082-00071273 you know be rational don't do this every ThpjoP9vDLc-00278-00071274-00071609 second or something like that ThpjoP9vDLc-00279-00071610-00071759 uh ThpjoP9vDLc-00280-00071760-00072305 combining S cront Tab and workflows so ThpjoP9vDLc-00281-00072306-00072629 currently on Quarry there are workload ThpjoP9vDLc-00282-00072630-00072838 management nodes which have a special ThpjoP9vDLc-00283-00072839-00073061 form to fill out to get access to and ThpjoP9vDLc-00284-00073062-00073313 that's where you leave a system process ThpjoP9vDLc-00285-00073314-00073619 running to power if somebody has a ThpjoP9vDLc-00286-00073620-00073769 workflow that needs that ThpjoP9vDLc-00287-00073770-00073894 uh ThpjoP9vDLc-00288-00073895-00074044 so a lot of those workflow management ThpjoP9vDLc-00289-00074045-00074338 tools are currently running on quarry on ThpjoP9vDLc-00290-00074339-00074626 the workflow management nodes ThpjoP9vDLc-00291-00074627-00074879 we don't have workflow management nodes ThpjoP9vDLc-00292-00074880-00075047 on chromeotter and we're not going to ThpjoP9vDLc-00293-00075048-00075485 get them so a substitution is to use S ThpjoP9vDLc-00294-00075486-00075959 cront tab with a different workflow qos ThpjoP9vDLc-00295-00075960-00076294 and the difference in the workflow Qs is ThpjoP9vDLc-00296-00076295-00076469 that it has a much longer permitted ThpjoP9vDLc-00297-00076470-00076661 maximum of all time it's going to be at ThpjoP9vDLc-00298-00076662-00076943 least a month it might be more so that's ThpjoP9vDLc-00299-00076944-00077291 a way to get long-running processes like ThpjoP9vDLc-00300-00077292-00077531 you know maybe it's a database that's ThpjoP9vDLc-00301-00077532-00077723 holding State information for your ThpjoP9vDLc-00302-00077724-00077938 workflow or it's your your manager ThpjoP9vDLc-00303-00077939-00078094 that's accepting commands and watching ThpjoP9vDLc-00304-00078095-00078373 the queues for you and running new tasks ThpjoP9vDLc-00305-00078374-00078785 you use esccon tab to set up those ThpjoP9vDLc-00306-00078786-00079085 scripts to run and they would run for a ThpjoP9vDLc-00307-00079086-00079294 month or longer on wherever something ThpjoP9vDLc-00308-00079295-00079573 happens to schedule this ThpjoP9vDLc-00309-00079574-00079865 okay it also has more resources ThpjoP9vDLc-00310-00079866-00080243 available so you can do something that's ThpjoP9vDLc-00311-00080244-00080441 at least a little bit more powerful but ThpjoP9vDLc-00312-00080442-00080615 you don't want to be doing actual like ThpjoP9vDLc-00313-00080616-00080944 production compute there so one quarter ThpjoP9vDLc-00314-00080945-00081167 of a pearl under node 32 cores are ThpjoP9vDLc-00315-00081168-00081329 available ThpjoP9vDLc-00316-00081330-00081623 uh and there will be a form if there ThpjoP9vDLc-00317-00081624-00081935 isn't already at for ThpjoP9vDLc-00318-00081936-00082282 requesting access to use this qos so ThpjoP9vDLc-00319-00082283-00082493 that sort of mirrors the the current ThpjoP9vDLc-00320-00082494-00082859 process for getting access to a workflow ThpjoP9vDLc-00321-00082860-00083123 node on Corey ThpjoP9vDLc-00322-00083124-00083369 all right uh another resource that's ThpjoP9vDLc-00323-00083370-00083675 available for hosting persistent ThpjoP9vDLc-00324-00083676-00083903 Services related to workflows or ThpjoP9vDLc-00325-00083904-00084029 whatever else you might need a ThpjoP9vDLc-00326-00084030-00084347 persistent resource for is spin ThpjoP9vDLc-00327-00084348-00084521 uh ThpjoP9vDLc-00328-00084522-00084761 spin is for the services that are ThpjoP9vDLc-00329-00084762-00085103 related to nurse resources but doesn't ThpjoP9vDLc-00330-00085104-00085367 make sense to run actually inside the ThpjoP9vDLc-00331-00085368-00085537 HPC ThpjoP9vDLc-00332-00085538-00085931 web hosts workflow managers databases ThpjoP9vDLc-00333-00085932-00086141 that category of stuff ThpjoP9vDLc-00334-00086142-00086506 uh so when you have access to spin you ThpjoP9vDLc-00335-00086507-00086897 can deploy your own Gateway Services API ThpjoP9vDLc-00336-00086898-00087125 endpoints all the all the stuff that ThpjoP9vDLc-00337-00087126-00087305 goes in that ecosystem ThpjoP9vDLc-00338-00087306-00087703 uh and there are training sessions for ThpjoP9vDLc-00339-00087704-00088109 getting yourself prepared to uh you know ThpjoP9vDLc-00340-00088110-00088253 set up your container with your service ThpjoP9vDLc-00341-00088254-00088673 in it and start running it on spin ThpjoP9vDLc-00342-00088674-00089093 and there is also documentation about ThpjoP9vDLc-00343-00089094-00089561 spin on the websites documentation site ThpjoP9vDLc-00344-00089562-00089753 and ThpjoP9vDLc-00345-00089754-00089903 yeah ThpjoP9vDLc-00346-00089904-00090293 dogs at Services spin ThpjoP9vDLc-00347-00090294-00090562 it's on services ThpjoP9vDLc-00348-00090563-00090893 and the next training session is October ThpjoP9vDLc-00349-00090894-00091247 5th so if you believe that spin might be ThpjoP9vDLc-00350-00091248-00091456 a good solution for a problem that you ThpjoP9vDLc-00351-00091457-00091849 have uh then go sign up for a training ThpjoP9vDLc-00352-00091850-00092147 and also the the all the future training ThpjoP9vDLc-00353-00092148-00092309 schedules are available on that site as ThpjoP9vDLc-00354-00092310-00092482 well ThpjoP9vDLc-00355-00092483-00092837 okay another resource available is the ThpjoP9vDLc-00356-00092838-00093059 super facility API ThpjoP9vDLc-00357-00093060-00093412 so given the state of sort of security ThpjoP9vDLc-00358-00093413-00093635 and the challenges of connecting into an ThpjoP9vDLc-00359-00093636-00093961 HPC environment uh ThpjoP9vDLc-00360-00093962-00094300 launching HPC tasks remotely ThpjoP9vDLc-00361-00094301-00094499 uh ThpjoP9vDLc-00362-00094500-00094799 is being provided by a nurse through ThpjoP9vDLc-00363-00094800-00095147 this API so you set up your your tokens ThpjoP9vDLc-00364-00095148-00095423 and your authentication and then an ThpjoP9vDLc-00365-00095424-00095632 arbitrary service maybe it's running in ThpjoP9vDLc-00366-00095633-00095825 spin maybe it's running completely ThpjoP9vDLc-00367-00095826-00096118 elsewhere in the universe can use this ThpjoP9vDLc-00368-00096119-00096341 API to connect into a nurse can do ThpjoP9vDLc-00369-00096342-00096682 things like look at file system contents ThpjoP9vDLc-00370-00096683-00097217 transfer data run commands run jobs uh ThpjoP9vDLc-00371-00097218-00097450 look at the state of the queue or the ThpjoP9vDLc-00372-00097451-00097606 state of your jobs all sort of stuff ThpjoP9vDLc-00373-00097607-00098044 like that ThpjoP9vDLc-00374-00098045-00098641 foreign ThpjoP9vDLc-00375-00098642-00098932 so some more concrete examples of simple ThpjoP9vDLc-00376-00098933-00099268 things uh gnu parallel is available on ThpjoP9vDLc-00377-00099269-00099479 chromeotor with just module load ThpjoP9vDLc-00378-00099480-00099611 parallel ThpjoP9vDLc-00379-00099612-00099953 uh this is great for running a large ThpjoP9vDLc-00380-00099954-00100144 number of small tasks that have some ThpjoP9vDLc-00381-00100145-00100331 kind of simple rule that differentiates ThpjoP9vDLc-00382-00100332-00100691 the the inputs for each one uh like you ThpjoP9vDLc-00383-00100692-00100912 can you can use pipe with it so this ThpjoP9vDLc-00384-00100913-00101111 just simple seek command which is going ThpjoP9vDLc-00385-00101112-00101356 to do one two three four five type that ThpjoP9vDLc-00386-00101357-00101662 input to parallel and parallel is ThpjoP9vDLc-00387-00101663-00101909 running an echo command and then you see ThpjoP9vDLc-00388-00101910-00102161 all the Echoes come out ThpjoP9vDLc-00389-00102162-00102539 of the parallel command this is great ThpjoP9vDLc-00390-00102540-00102784 for putting inside a slurm job and ThpjoP9vDLc-00391-00102785-00102965 running lots of very small single core ThpjoP9vDLc-00392-00102966-00103265 tasks like you can just request one node ThpjoP9vDLc-00393-00103266-00103547 launch your parallel inside and it takes ThpjoP9vDLc-00394-00103548-00103794 care of all those individual short jobs ThpjoP9vDLc-00395-00103795-00104171 it's also just a great convenience in ThpjoP9vDLc-00396-00104172-00104447 general for doing things like say I want ThpjoP9vDLc-00397-00104448-00104668 a hundred directories with a particular ThpjoP9vDLc-00398-00104669-00104903 naming convention instead of making ThpjoP9vDLc-00399-00104904-00105095 those myself or writing a weird bash ThpjoP9vDLc-00400-00105096-00105323 loop I can use a one-liner with you and ThpjoP9vDLc-00401-00105324-00105478 your parallel to to make those ThpjoP9vDLc-00402-00105479-00105678 directories ThpjoP9vDLc-00403-00105679-00105863 uh ThpjoP9vDLc-00404-00105864-00106199 packing your work in that manner will ThpjoP9vDLc-00405-00106200-00106523 save you key wait time because small a ThpjoP9vDLc-00406-00106524-00106816 single large jobs with many nodes in ThpjoP9vDLc-00407-00106817-00107051 them will wait less time than a very ThpjoP9vDLc-00408-00107052-00107308 large number of small jobs that are each ThpjoP9vDLc-00409-00107309-00107452 one known ThpjoP9vDLc-00410-00107453-00107597 uh ThpjoP9vDLc-00411-00107598-00107801 there are recipes on the documentation ThpjoP9vDLc-00412-00107802-00108125 for packing multiple node jobs with gnu ThpjoP9vDLc-00413-00108126-00108239 parallel ThpjoP9vDLc-00414-00108240-00108389 uh ThpjoP9vDLc-00415-00108390-00108628 there is some risk using some other ThpjoP9vDLc-00416-00108629-00108845 methods of sending too many slurring ThpjoP9vDLc-00417-00108846-00109078 commands per unit of time and ThpjoP9vDLc-00418-00109079-00109277 overloading the storm controller this is ThpjoP9vDLc-00419-00109278-00109499 one way to defend against that ThpjoP9vDLc-00420-00109500-00109763 uh you can also run things in parallel ThpjoP9vDLc-00421-00109764-00109984 and sequence it's not just all at the ThpjoP9vDLc-00422-00109985-00110140 same time when batch you can sort of ThpjoP9vDLc-00423-00110141-00110357 Stack a whole bunch of jobs in a big ThpjoP9vDLc-00424-00110358-00110795 queue uh the input substitution is ThpjoP9vDLc-00425-00110796-00111023 straightforward to understand and it's ThpjoP9vDLc-00426-00111024-00111227 really powerful and you can use regular ThpjoP9vDLc-00427-00111228-00111449 expressions and some things like that ThpjoP9vDLc-00428-00111450-00111899 uh it's better than task arrays also ThpjoP9vDLc-00429-00111900-00112169 uh yeah go to the documentation all ThpjoP9vDLc-00430-00112170-00112457 right so I am going to yield at this ThpjoP9vDLc-00431-00112458-00112739 moment I am out of time ThpjoP9vDLc-00432-00112740-00112907 uh ThpjoP9vDLc-00433-00112908-00113183 there are other tools available say for ThpjoP9vDLc-00434-00113183-00113471 data Centric workflows uh for handling ThpjoP9vDLc-00435-00113472-00113765 dependencies uh for doing all sorts of ThpjoP9vDLc-00436-00113766-00113908 stuff like that head for the ThpjoP9vDLc-00437-00113909-00114131 documentation if you have a problem that ThpjoP9vDLc-00438-00114132-00114425 you believe uh automation of this sort ThpjoP9vDLc-00439-00114426-00114640 will help you with and send us a ticket ThpjoP9vDLc-00440-00114641-00114952 after reading that if you want to uh any ThpjoP9vDLc-00441-00114953-00115208 extra help ThuFeEPPdB0-00000-00000051-00000308 several instruments have been used to ThuFeEPPdB0-00001-00000309-00000524 write in outer space including different ThuFeEPPdB0-00002-00000525-00000877 types of pencils and pens some of them ThuFeEPPdB0-00003-00000878-00001087 have been unmodified versions of ThuFeEPPdB0-00004-00001088-00001312 conventional writing instruments others ThuFeEPPdB0-00005-00001313-00001507 have been invented specifically to ThuFeEPPdB0-00006-00001508-00001697 counter the problems with writing in ThuFeEPPdB0-00007-00001698-00001907 space conditions ThuFeEPPdB0-00008-00001909-00002184 a common urban legend states that faced ThuFeEPPdB0-00009-00002185-00002421 with the fact that ballpoint pens would ThuFeEPPdB0-00010-00002422-00002703 not write in zero-gravity NASA spent a ThuFeEPPdB0-00011-00002704-00002937 large amount of money to develop a pen ThuFeEPPdB0-00012-00002938-00003105 that would write in the conditions ThuFeEPPdB0-00013-00003106-00003327 experienced during spaceflight the ThuFeEPPdB0-00014-00003328-00003536 result purportedly being the Fisher ThuFeEPPdB0-00015-00003537-00003789 Space Pen while the Soviet Union took ThuFeEPPdB0-00016-00003790-00003999 the simpler and cheaper route of just ThuFeEPPdB0-00017-00004000-00004347 using pencils the Fisher Space Pen was ThuFeEPPdB0-00018-00004348-00004572 developed independently by a private ThuFeEPPdB0-00019-00004573-00005326 organization in the 1960s ThuFeEPPdB0-00020-00005327-00005925 topic mission requirements ThuFeEPPdB0-00021-00005926-00006192 space versus ground record-keeping ThuFeEPPdB0-00022-00006193-00006823 presents several serious issues ThuFeEPPdB0-00023-00006825-00007419 topic contamination control ThuFeEPPdB0-00024-00007420-00007685 as with submarines before them space ThuFeEPPdB0-00025-00007686-00007967 capsules are closed environments subject ThuFeEPPdB0-00026-00007968-00008245 to strict contamination requirements ThuFeEPPdB0-00027-00008246-00008502 incoming material as screened for ThuFeEPPdB0-00028-00008503-00008787 mission threats any shedding including ThuFeEPPdB0-00029-00008788-00009017 wood graphite and ink vapors and ThuFeEPPdB0-00030-00009018-00009341 droplets may become a risk in the case ThuFeEPPdB0-00031-00009342-00009563 of a manned capsule the much smaller ThuFeEPPdB0-00032-00009564-00009798 recirculating volume combined with ThuFeEPPdB0-00033-00009799-00009962 microgravity and an even greater ThuFeEPPdB0-00034-00009963-00010202 difficulty of resupply make these ThuFeEPPdB0-00035-00010203-00010551 requirements even more critical release ThuFeEPPdB0-00036-00010552-00010838 of wood shavings graphite dust broken ThuFeEPPdB0-00037-00010839-00011082 graphite tips and ink compounds are a ThuFeEPPdB0-00038-00011083-00011417 dangerous flight hazard lack of gravity ThuFeEPPdB0-00039-00011418-00011639 makes objects drift even with air ThuFeEPPdB0-00040-00011640-00011942 filtration any conductive material as a ThuFeEPPdB0-00041-00011943-00012171 threat to electronics including the ThuFeEPPdB0-00042-00012172-00012413 electromechanical switches in use during ThuFeEPPdB0-00043-00012414-00012728 early manned space programs non ThuFeEPPdB0-00044-00012729-00012969 conductive particles may also hamper ThuFeEPPdB0-00045-00012969-00013236 switch contacts such as normally open ThuFeEPPdB0-00046-00013237-00013578 and rotary mechanisms drifting particles ThuFeEPPdB0-00047-00013579-00013805 are a threat to the eyes and to a lesser ThuFeEPPdB0-00048-00013806-00014040 extent and inhalation threat which may ThuFeEPPdB0-00049-00014041-00014344 risk execution of a critical procedure ThuFeEPPdB0-00050-00014345-00014634 personnel made on protective gear but ThuFeEPPdB0-00051-00014635-00014847 both ground and flight crews are more ThuFeEPPdB0-00052-00014847-00015044 comfortable and more productive in ThuFeEPPdB0-00053-00015045-00015465 shirtsleeves Paul C Fisher of Fisher pen ThuFeEPPdB0-00054-00015466-00015716 company recounts that pencils were too ThuFeEPPdB0-00055-00015718-00015953 dangerous to use in space even before ThuFeEPPdB0-00056-00015954-00016302 the Apollo 1 fire the CM crew cabin was ThuFeEPPdB0-00057-00016303-00016533 reviewed for hazardous materials such as ThuFeEPPdB0-00058-00016534-00016824 paper velcro and even low temperature ThuFeEPPdB0-00059-00016825-00017150 plastics a directive was issued but ThuFeEPPdB0-00060-00017151-00017442 poorly enforced when combined with high ThuFeEPPdB0-00061-00017443-00017747 oxygen content the Apollo 1 cabin burned ThuFeEPPdB0-00062-00017748-00018003 within seconds killing all three crew ThuFeEPPdB0-00063-00018004-00018434 members cosmonaut anatoly solovyev flew ThuFeEPPdB0-00064-00018435-00018683 with space pens starting in the 80s and ThuFeEPPdB0-00065-00018684-00019066 states pencil LED brakes ThuFeEPPdB0-00066-00019067-00019375 dot Anna's not good in space capsule ThuFeEPPdB0-00067-00019376-00019615 very dangerous to have metal lead ThuFeEPPdB0-00068-00019616-00020372 particles in zero-gravity ThuFeEPPdB0-00069-00020373-00020654 topic mission assurance and quality ThuFeEPPdB0-00070-00020655-00021083 records ThuFeEPPdB0-00071-00021084-00021344 strict documentation requirements ThuFeEPPdB0-00072-00021345-00021561 accompany anything as complex as a ThuFeEPPdB0-00073-00021562-00021845 large-scale aerospace demonstration let ThuFeEPPdB0-00074-00021846-00022139 alone a manned space flight Quality ThuFeEPPdB0-00075-00022140-00022386 Assurance records document individual ThuFeEPPdB0-00076-00022387-00022647 parts and instances of procedures for ThuFeEPPdB0-00077-00022648-00022955 deviances low production and flight ThuFeEPPdB0-00078-00022956-00023208 rates generally result in high variance ThuFeEPPdB0-00079-00023209-00023499 most spacecraft designs to say nothing ThuFeEPPdB0-00080-00023500-00023736 of individual spacecraft fly so ThuFeEPPdB0-00081-00023737-00023928 infrequently that they are considered ThuFeEPPdB0-00082-00023929-00024252 experimental aircraft when combined with ThuFeEPPdB0-00083-00024253-00024486 the stringent weight drivers of orbital ThuFeEPPdB0-00084-00024487-00024689 and deep space flight the quality ThuFeEPPdB0-00085-00024690-00025028 control demands are high change control ThuFeEPPdB0-00086-00025029-00025262 records track the evolution of hardware ThuFeEPPdB0-00087-00025263-00025487 and procedures from their ground testing ThuFeEPPdB0-00088-00025488-00025703 initial flights through necessary ThuFeEPPdB0-00089-00025704-00025922 Corrections and midlife revision and ThuFeEPPdB0-00090-00025923-00026127 upgrades and on to retention of ThuFeEPPdB0-00091-00026127-00026361 engineering knowledge for later programs ThuFeEPPdB0-00092-00026362-00026760 and any incident investigations when the ThuFeEPPdB0-00093-00026761-00026976 flight also has scientific or ThuFeEPPdB0-00094-00026977-00027212 engineering science objectives low ThuFeEPPdB0-00095-00027213-00027474 quality data may affect mission success ThuFeEPPdB0-00096-00027475-00027793 directly faced with these requirements ThuFeEPPdB0-00097-00027794-00028024 pencils or other non permanent ThuFeEPPdB0-00098-00028025-00028187 record-keeping methods are ThuFeEPPdB0-00099-00028188-00028473 unsatisfactory the act of taking ThuFeEPPdB0-00100-00028474-00028752 permanent high integrity documentation ThuFeEPPdB0-00101-00028752-00029102 itself deters Kluge's workarounds and go ThuFeEPPdB0-00102-00029103-00029439 fever the Apollo 1 investigation ThuFeEPPdB0-00103-00029439-00029667 uncovered procedural and workmanship ThuFeEPPdB0-00104-00029668-00029910 deficiencies in multiple areas up to ThuFeEPPdB0-00105-00029911-00030554 procedures on the pad ThuFeEPPdB0-00106-00030555-00031126 topic pressure and temperature ThuFeEPPdB0-00107-00031127-00031429 at sea-level temperature as moderated by ThuFeEPPdB0-00108-00031430-00031677 the thick atmosphere as air pressure ThuFeEPPdB0-00109-00031679-00031912 Falls temperatures can swing more ThuFeEPPdB0-00110-00031913-00032197 dramatically many early manned missions ThuFeEPPdB0-00111-00032198-00032458 operated at below standard pressure to ThuFeEPPdB0-00112-00032458-00032704 decrease the stresses and thus mass of ThuFeEPPdB0-00113-00032705-00032989 their capsules many did not have ThuFeEPPdB0-00114-00032990-00033247 separate airlocks instead exposing the ThuFeEPPdB0-00115-00033248-00033625 entire cabin to hard vacuum at times low ThuFeEPPdB0-00116-00033626-00033910 pressures also exacerbate contamination ThuFeEPPdB0-00117-00033911-00034147 issues as substances acceptable at ThuFeEPPdB0-00118-00034148-00034387 standard conditions may begin outgassing ThuFeEPPdB0-00119-00034388-00034561 at lower pressures or higher ThuFeEPPdB0-00120-00034562-00034864 temperatures while the Soyuz spacecraft ThuFeEPPdB0-00121-00034865-00035428 had a 14.7 PSI 101 kiloPascals design ThuFeEPPdB0-00122-00035429-00035626 pressure and could use its orbital ThuFeEPPdB0-00123-00035627-00035854 module as an airlock the orbital module ThuFeEPPdB0-00124-00035855-00036079 would be deleted for planned lunar ThuFeEPPdB0-00125-00036080-00036409 missions in any case a pen which was ThuFeEPPdB0-00126-00036410-00036640 insensitive to pressure and temperature ThuFeEPPdB0-00127-00036641-00036814 would eliminate the issue including ThuFeEPPdB0-00128-00036815-00037117 accidental depressurization x' provide a ThuFeEPPdB0-00129-00037118-00037360 margin and allow the ability to record ThuFeEPPdB0-00130-00037361-00038089 during extra vehicular activities ThuFeEPPdB0-00131-00038090-00038767 topic pre-existing writing instruments ThuFeEPPdB0-00132-00038768-00038998 the wood pencil has been used for ThuFeEPPdB0-00133-00038999-00039237 writing by NASA and Soviet space ThuFeEPPdB0-00134-00039238-00039549 programs from the start it is simple ThuFeEPPdB0-00135-00039550-00039768 with no moving parts except for the ThuFeEPPdB0-00136-00039769-00039858 sharpener ThuFeEPPdB0-00137-00039859-00040204 however wood graphite and rubber in the ThuFeEPPdB0-00138-00040205-00040452 eraser are all combustible and create ThuFeEPPdB0-00139-00040453-00040821 dust graphite in particular both burns ThuFeEPPdB0-00140-00040822-00041026 and produces dust that conducts ThuFeEPPdB0-00141-00041027-00041220 electricity ThuFeEPPdB0-00142-00041221-00041465 the mechanical pencil has been used by ThuFeEPPdB0-00143-00041466-00041771 NASA starting in the 1960s Gemini ThuFeEPPdB0-00144-00041772-00042102 program it can be made to be as wide as ThuFeEPPdB0-00145-00042103-00042312 the width of astronauts gloves yet ThuFeEPPdB0-00146-00042313-00042596 maintain its light weight there are no ThuFeEPPdB0-00147-00042597-00042834 wooden components which might catch fire ThuFeEPPdB0-00148-00042835-00042995 and create dust ThuFeEPPdB0-00149-00042996-00043302 however the pencil lead still creates ThuFeEPPdB0-00150-00043303-00043612 graphite dust that conducts electricity ThuFeEPPdB0-00151-00043613-00043926 grease pencils on plastic slates were ThuFeEPPdB0-00152-00043927-00044187 used by the Soviet space program as an ThuFeEPPdB0-00153-00044188-00044523 early substitute for wood pencils it is ThuFeEPPdB0-00154-00044524-00044799 simple with no moving parts the paper ThuFeEPPdB0-00155-00044800-00045077 shroud is peeled back when needed the ThuFeEPPdB0-00156-00045078-00045285 disadvantage is that the paper wrapper ThuFeEPPdB0-00157-00045286-00045621 has to be disposed of writing done with ThuFeEPPdB0-00158-00045622-00045824 the grease pencil has also not as ThuFeEPPdB0-00159-00045825-00046215 durable as ink on paper ballpoint pens ThuFeEPPdB0-00160-00046216-00046421 have been used by Soviet and then ThuFeEPPdB0-00161-00046422-00046677 Russian space programs as a substitute ThuFeEPPdB0-00162-00046678-00046926 for grease pencils as well as NASA and ThuFeEPPdB0-00163-00046927-00047310 ESA the Pens are cheap use paper which ThuFeEPPdB0-00164-00047311-00047529 is easily available and writing done ThuFeEPPdB0-00165-00047530-00047751 using pen as more permanent than that ThuFeEPPdB0-00166-00047752-00047973 done with graphite pencils and grease ThuFeEPPdB0-00167-00047974-00048215 pencils which makes the ballpoint pen ThuFeEPPdB0-00168-00048216-00048420 more suitable for log books and ThuFeEPPdB0-00169-00048421-00048596 scientific notebooks ThuFeEPPdB0-00170-00048597-00048870 however the ink is indelible and ThuFeEPPdB0-00171-00048871-00049112 depending on composition as subject to ThuFeEPPdB0-00172-00049113-00049427 outgassing and temperature variations ThuFeEPPdB0-00173-00049428-00049701 felt-tip pens were used by NASA ThuFeEPPdB0-00174-00049702-00049973 astronauts in the Apollo missions ThuFeEPPdB0-00175-00049974-00050249 however wick based instruments are ThuFeEPPdB0-00176-00050250-00050489 designed around low viscosity and thus ThuFeEPPdB0-00177-00050490-00051202 operating temperature and pressure ThuFeEPPdB0-00178-00051203-00051540 topic writing instruments specifically ThuFeEPPdB0-00179-00051541-00052067 intended for space writing ThuFeEPPdB0-00180-00052069-00052346 the Fisher Space Pen as a gas charged ThuFeEPPdB0-00181-00052347-00052590 ballpoint pen that is rugged and works ThuFeEPPdB0-00182-00052591-00052866 in a wider variety of conditions such as ThuFeEPPdB0-00183-00052866-00053111 zero-gravity vacuum and extreme ThuFeEPPdB0-00184-00053112-00053213 temperatures ThuFeEPPdB0-00185-00053214-00053507 it's thixotropic ink and vent free ThuFeEPPdB0-00186-00053508-00053748 cartridge release no significant vapor ThuFeEPPdB0-00187-00053749-00054011 at common temperatures and low pressures ThuFeEPPdB0-00188-00054012-00054303 the ink is forced out by compressed ThuFeEPPdB0-00189-00054304-00054686 nitrogen at a pressure of nearly 35 psi ThuFeEPPdB0-00190-00054687-00054999 240 kiloPascals and it functions at ThuFeEPPdB0-00191-00055000-00055466 altitudes up to 12,500 feet 3,800 meters ThuFeEPPdB0-00192-00055467-00055829 and at temperatures from minus 30 to 250 ThuFeEPPdB0-00193-00055830-00056196 degrees Fahrenheit minus 35 to 120 ThuFeEPPdB0-00194-00056197-00056531 degrees Celsius however it is more ThuFeEPPdB0-00195-00056532-00056692 expensive than the aforementioned ThuFeEPPdB0-00196-00056693-00056997 alternatives it has been used by both ThuFeEPPdB0-00197-00056998-00057269 NASA and Soviet Russian astronauts on ThuFeEPPdB0-00198-00057270-00057794 Apollo shuttle Mir and ISS missions ThzMQrjT0fg-00001-00003400-00003686 my ThzMQrjT0fg-00002-00003688-00004320 [Music] ThzMQrjT0fg-00004-00007718-00008837 [Music] ThzMQrjT0fg-00005-00008838-00010879 [Music] ThzMQrjT0fg-00006-00010880-00013068 [Music] ThzMQrjT0fg-00007-00013069-00014612 [Music] ThzMQrjT0fg-00008-00014613-00017494 [Music] ThzMQrjT0fg-00009-00017495-00017789 so ThzMQrjT0fg-00012-00024538-00025656 [Music] ThzMQrjT0fg-00013-00025657-00027699 [Music] ThzMQrjT0fg-00014-00027700-00029199 [Music] ThzMQrjT0fg-00015-00029200-00029889 do ThzMQrjT0fg-00016-00029889-00031432 [Music] ThzMQrjT0fg-00018-00035290-00035990 [Music] ThzMQrjT0fg-00019-00035991-00036278 do ThzMQrjT0fg-00020-00036279-00037330 [Music] ThzMQrjT0fg-00021-00037331-00039520 [Music] ThzMQrjT0fg-00022-00039521-00041063 [Music] ThzMQrjT0fg-00024-00044512-00044719 you ThbRwlgHVTu-00000-00000048-00000359 Clinton Richard Dawkins born the 26th of ThbRwlgHVTu-00001-00000360-00000649 March 1941 is an english ethologist ThbRwlgHVTu-00002-00000650-00000973 evolutionary biologist and author he is ThbRwlgHVTu-00003-00000974-00001172 an emeritus fellow of New College Oxford ThbRwlgHVTu-00004-00001173-00001393 and was the University of Oxford's ThbRwlgHVTu-00005-00001394-00001585 professor for public understanding of ThbRwlgHVTu-00006-00001586-00001917 science from 1995 until 2008 ThbRwlgHVTu-00007-00001918-00002152 Dawkins first came to prominence with ThbRwlgHVTu-00008-00002153-00002447 his 1976 book The Selfish Gene which ThbRwlgHVTu-00009-00002448-00002645 popularized the gene-centred view of ThbRwlgHVTu-00010-00002646-00002840 evolution and introduced the term meme ThbRwlgHVTu-00011-00002841-00003099 with his book the extended phenotype ThbRwlgHVTu-00012-00003100-00003379 1982 he introduced into evolutionary ThbRwlgHVTu-00013-00003380-00003626 biology the influential concept that the ThbRwlgHVTu-00014-00003627-00003809 phenotypic effects of a gene are not ThbRwlgHVTu-00015-00003810-00004015 necessarily limited to an organism's ThbRwlgHVTu-00016-00004017-00004190 body but can stretch far into the ThbRwlgHVTu-00017-00004191-00004511 environment in 2006 he founded the ThbRwlgHVTu-00018-00004512-00004675 Richard Dawkins foundation for reason ThbRwlgHVTu-00019-00004676-00004988 and science Dawkins is known as an ThbRwlgHVTu-00020-00004989-00005218 outspoken atheist he has claimed in ThbRwlgHVTu-00021-00005219-00005413 interviews to be an agnostic about many ThbRwlgHVTu-00022-00005414-00005606 matters of religious faith instead ThbRwlgHVTu-00023-00005607-00005866 endorsing reason he is well known for ThbRwlgHVTu-00024-00005867-00006050 his criticism of creationism and ThbRwlgHVTu-00025-00006051-00006281 intelligent design in the blind ThbRwlgHVTu-00026-00006282-00006569 watchmaker 1986 he argues against the ThbRwlgHVTu-00027-00006570-00006781 watchmaker analogy an argument for the ThbRwlgHVTu-00028-00006783-00006962 existence of a supernatural creator ThbRwlgHVTu-00029-00006963-00007163 based upon the complexity of living ThbRwlgHVTu-00030-00007164-00007423 organisms instead he describes ThbRwlgHVTu-00031-00007425-00007676 evolutionary processes as analogous to a ThbRwlgHVTu-00032-00007677-00007886 blind watchmaker in that reproduction ThbRwlgHVTu-00033-00007887-00008114 mutation and selection are unguided by ThbRwlgHVTu-00034-00008115-00008462 any designer in The God Delusion 2006 ThbRwlgHVTu-00035-00008463-00008648 Dawkins contends that a supernatural ThbRwlgHVTu-00036-00008649-00008903 creator almost certainly does not exist ThbRwlgHVTu-00037-00008904-00009139 in that religious faith as a delusion ThbRwlgHVTu-00038-00009140-00009341 Dawkins has been awarded many ThbRwlgHVTu-00039-00009342-00009539 prestigious academic and Writing Awards ThbRwlgHVTu-00040-00009540-00009785 and he makes regular television radio ThbRwlgHVTu-00041-00009786-00010010 and Internet appearances predominantly ThbRwlgHVTu-00042-00010011-00010241 discussing his books his atheism and his ThbRwlgHVTu-00043-00010242-00010415 ideas and opinions as a public ThbRwlgHVTu-00044-00010416-00010776 intellectual ThbRwlgHVTu-00045-00010777-00011294 topic background ThbRwlgHVTu-00046-00011295-00011783 topic early life ThbRwlgHVTu-00047-00011784-00012034 Dawkins was born in Nairobi then in ThbRwlgHVTu-00048-00012035-00012360 British Kenya on the 26th of March 1941 ThbRwlgHVTu-00049-00012361-00012655 he is the son of Jean Mary Vivian nee ThbRwlgHVTu-00050-00012656-00012944 Ladner born 1916 and Clinton John ThbRwlgHVTu-00051-00012944-00013250 Dawkins 1915 to 2010 who was an ThbRwlgHVTu-00052-00013251-00013424 agricultural civil servant in the ThbRwlgHVTu-00053-00013425-00013636 British colonial service in Nyasaland ThbRwlgHVTu-00054-00013637-00013930 present-day Malawi his father was called ThbRwlgHVTu-00055-00013931-00014147 up into the Kings African Rifles during ThbRwlgHVTu-00056-00014147-00014363 World War Two and returned to England in ThbRwlgHVTu-00057-00014363-00014741 1949 when Dawkins was 8 his father had ThbRwlgHVTu-00058-00014741-00014960 inherited a country estate over Norton ThbRwlgHVTu-00059-00014961-00015149 Park in Oxfordshire which he farmed ThbRwlgHVTu-00060-00015150-00015403 commercially Dawkins considers himself ThbRwlgHVTu-00061-00015404-00015641 English and lives in Oxford England ThbRwlgHVTu-00062-00015641-00015893 Dawkins has a younger sister both his ThbRwlgHVTu-00063-00015894-00016058 parents were interested in Natural ThbRwlgHVTu-00064-00016059-00016241 Sciences and they answered Dawkins his ThbRwlgHVTu-00065-00016241-00016544 questions in scientific terms Dawkins ThbRwlgHVTu-00066-00016545-00016775 describes his childhood as a normal ThbRwlgHVTu-00067-00016776-00017024 Anglican upbringing he embraced ThbRwlgHVTu-00068-00017025-00017225 Christianity until halfway through his ThbRwlgHVTu-00069-00017226-00017393 teenage years at which point he ThbRwlgHVTu-00070-00017394-00017555 concluded that the theory of evolution ThbRwlgHVTu-00071-00017556-00017758 was a better explanation for life's ThbRwlgHVTu-00072-00017759-00018000 complexity and ceased believing in a God ThbRwlgHVTu-00073-00018001-00018331 Dawkins states the main residual reason ThbRwlgHVTu-00074-00018332-00018556 why I was religious was from being so ThbRwlgHVTu-00075-00018557-00018758 impressed with the complexity of life ThbRwlgHVTu-00076-00018759-00018917 and feeling that it had to have a ThbRwlgHVTu-00077-00018918-00019103 designer and I think it was when I ThbRwlgHVTu-00078-00019104-00019322 realized that Darwinism was a far ThbRwlgHVTu-00079-00019323-00019565 superior explanation that pulled the rug ThbRwlgHVTu-00080-00019566-00019759 out from under the argument of design ThbRwlgHVTu-00081-00019760-00020321 and that left me with nothing ThbRwlgHVTu-00082-00020322-00021083 topic education from 1954 to 1959 ThbRwlgHVTu-00083-00021084-00021290 Dawkins attended anvil school in ThbRwlgHVTu-00084-00021291-00021485 Northamptonshire an English public ThbRwlgHVTu-00085-00021486-00021677 school with a distinct Church of England ThbRwlgHVTu-00086-00021678-00021871 flavour where he was in London or house ThbRwlgHVTu-00087-00021872-00022151 while it handle Dawkins read Bertrand ThbRwlgHVTu-00088-00022152-00022337 Russell's why I am NOT a Christian for ThbRwlgHVTu-00089-00022338-00022610 the first time he studied zoology at ThbRwlgHVTu-00090-00022611-00022873 Balliol College Oxford graduating in ThbRwlgHVTu-00091-00022874-00023171 1962 while there he was tutored by Nobel ThbRwlgHVTu-00092-00023172-00023342 prize-winning ethologist Nicholas ThbRwlgHVTu-00093-00023343-00023594 Tinbergen he continued as a research ThbRwlgHVTu-00094-00023595-00023783 student under Tinbergen supervision ThbRwlgHVTu-00095-00023784-00023954 receiving his MA and Doctor of ThbRwlgHVTu-00096-00023955-00024272 Philosophy degrees by 1966 and remained ThbRwlgHVTu-00097-00024273-00024469 a research assistant for another year ThbRwlgHVTu-00098-00024470-00024743 Tinbergen was a pioneer in the study of ThbRwlgHVTu-00099-00024744-00024944 animal behavior particularly in the ThbRwlgHVTu-00100-00024945-00025139 areas of instinct learning and choice ThbRwlgHVTu-00101-00025140-00025328 Dawkins is research in this period ThbRwlgHVTu-00102-00025329-00025478 concerned models of animal ThbRwlgHVTu-00103-00025479-00025830 decision-making ThbRwlgHVTu-00104-00025831-00026656 topic teaching from 1967 to 1969 he was ThbRwlgHVTu-00105-00026657-00026869 an assistant professor of zoology at the ThbRwlgHVTu-00106-00026870-00027181 University of California Berkeley during ThbRwlgHVTu-00107-00027182-00027391 this period the students and faculty at ThbRwlgHVTu-00108-00027392-00027610 UC Berkeley were largely opposed to the ThbRwlgHVTu-00109-00027611-00027835 ongoing Vietnam War and Dawkins became ThbRwlgHVTu-00110-00027836-00028042 involved in the anti-war demonstrations ThbRwlgHVTu-00111-00028043-00028270 and activities he returned to the ThbRwlgHVTu-00112-00028270-00028533 University of Oxford in 1970 as a ThbRwlgHVTu-00113-00028535-00028885 lecturer in 1990 he became a reader in ThbRwlgHVTu-00114-00028886-00029239 zoology in 1995 he was appointed Simonyi ThbRwlgHVTu-00115-00029239-00029443 professor for the public understanding ThbRwlgHVTu-00116-00029444-00029658 of science at Oxford a position that had ThbRwlgHVTu-00117-00029660-00029845 been endowed by Charles Simonyi with the ThbRwlgHVTu-00118-00029845-00030058 express intention that the holder be ThbRwlgHVTu-00119-00030058-00030250 expected to make important contributions ThbRwlgHVTu-00120-00030251-00030495 to the public understanding of some ThbRwlgHVTu-00121-00030497-00030781 scientific field and that its first ThbRwlgHVTu-00122-00030782-00031033 holder should be Richard Dawkins he held ThbRwlgHVTu-00123-00031033-00031360 that professorship from 1995 until 2008 ThbRwlgHVTu-00124-00031361-00031639 since 1970 he has been a fellow of New ThbRwlgHVTu-00125-00031639-00031861 College Oxford and he is now an emeritus ThbRwlgHVTu-00126-00031862-00032139 fellow he has delivered many lectures ThbRwlgHVTu-00127-00032141-00032347 including the Henry Sidgwick memorial ThbRwlgHVTu-00128-00032348-00032614 lecture 1989 the first Erasmus Darwin ThbRwlgHVTu-00129-00032614-00032905 memorial lecture 1990 the Michael ThbRwlgHVTu-00130-00032906-00033171 Faraday lecture 1991 the T H Huxley ThbRwlgHVTu-00131-00033172-00033484 memorial lecture 1992 the Irvine ThbRwlgHVTu-00132-00033485-00033784 memorial lecture 1997 the Sheldon Doyle ThbRwlgHVTu-00133-00033785-00034141 lecture 1999 the Tinbergen lecture 2004 ThbRwlgHVTu-00134-00034142-00034579 and the Tanner lectures 2003 in 1991 he ThbRwlgHVTu-00135-00034580-00034720 gave the Royal Institution Christmas ThbRwlgHVTu-00136-00034721-00034948 lectures for children on growing up in ThbRwlgHVTu-00137-00034949-00035218 the universe he also has edited several ThbRwlgHVTu-00138-00035219-00035425 journals and has acted as editorial ThbRwlgHVTu-00139-00035426-00035677 advisor to the Encarta encyclopedia in ThbRwlgHVTu-00140-00035678-00035947 the encyclopedia of evolution he is ThbRwlgHVTu-00141-00035948-00036118 listed as a senior editor and a ThbRwlgHVTu-00142-00036119-00036313 columnist of the Council for secular ThbRwlgHVTu-00143-00036314-00036541 humanism free inquiry magazine and has ThbRwlgHVTu-00144-00036542-00036733 been a member of the editorial board of ThbRwlgHVTu-00145-00036734-00036919 skeptic magazine since its foundation ThbRwlgHVTu-00146-00036920-00037159 Dawkins has sat on judging panels for ThbRwlgHVTu-00147-00037160-00037387 awards as diverse as the Royal Society's ThbRwlgHVTu-00148-00037388-00037573 Faraday award in the British Academy ThbRwlgHVTu-00149-00037574-00037807 Television Awards and has been president ThbRwlgHVTu-00150-00037808-00038017 of the biological sciences section of ThbRwlgHVTu-00151-00038018-00038167 the British Association for the ThbRwlgHVTu-00152-00038168-00038521 Advancement of science in 2004 Balliol ThbRwlgHVTu-00153-00038522-00038761 College Oxford instituted the Dawkins ThbRwlgHVTu-00154-00038762-00039043 prize awarded for outstanding research ThbRwlgHVTu-00155-00039044-00039226 into the ecology and behave ThbRwlgHVTu-00156-00039227-00039477 of animals whose welfare and survival ThbRwlgHVTu-00157-00039478-00039826 may be endangered by human activities in ThbRwlgHVTu-00158-00039827-00040099 September 2008 he retired from his ThbRwlgHVTu-00159-00040100-00040351 professorship announcing plans to write ThbRwlgHVTu-00160-00040352-00040558 a book aimed at youngsters in which he ThbRwlgHVTu-00161-00040559-00040717 will warn them against believing in ThbRwlgHVTu-00162-00040718-00041118 anti-scientific fairytales in 2011 ThbRwlgHVTu-00163-00041119-00041326 Dawkins joined the professorial of the ThbRwlgHVTu-00164-00041327-00041508 new college of the humanities a new ThbRwlgHVTu-00165-00041509-00041746 private university in London established ThbRwlgHVTu-00166-00041747-00041923 by a see grayling which opened in ThbRwlgHVTu-00167-00041924-00042339 September 2012 ThbRwlgHVTu-00168-00042340-00042825 topic work ThbRwlgHVTu-00169-00042826-00043401 topic evolutionary biology ThbRwlgHVTu-00170-00043402-00043595 Dawkins is best known for his ThbRwlgHVTu-00171-00043596-00043779 popularization of the gene is the ThbRwlgHVTu-00172-00043780-00044004 principal unit of selection in evolution ThbRwlgHVTu-00173-00044005-00044217 this view is most clearly set out in his ThbRwlgHVTu-00174-00044218-00044268 books ThbRwlgHVTu-00175-00044269-00044661 The Selfish Gene 1976 in which he notes ThbRwlgHVTu-00176-00044662-00044858 that all life evolves by the ThbRwlgHVTu-00177-00044859-00045021 differential survival of replicating ThbRwlgHVTu-00178-00045022-00045281 entities ThbRwlgHVTu-00179-00045282-00045623 the extended phenotype 1982 in which he ThbRwlgHVTu-00180-00045624-00045842 describes natural selection as the ThbRwlgHVTu-00181-00045843-00046067 process whereby replicators out ThbRwlgHVTu-00182-00046068-00046379 propagate each other he introduces to a ThbRwlgHVTu-00183-00046380-00046616 wider audience the influential concept ThbRwlgHVTu-00184-00046617-00046925 he presented in 1977 that the phenotypic ThbRwlgHVTu-00185-00046926-00047129 effects of a gene are not necessarily ThbRwlgHVTu-00186-00047130-00047339 limited to an organism's body but can ThbRwlgHVTu-00187-00047340-00047498 stretch far into the environment ThbRwlgHVTu-00188-00047499-00047728 including the bodies of other organisms ThbRwlgHVTu-00189-00047729-00047981 Dawkins regarded the extended phenotype ThbRwlgHVTu-00190-00047982-00048152 as his single most important ThbRwlgHVTu-00191-00048153-00048398 contribution to evolutionary biology and ThbRwlgHVTu-00192-00048399-00048584 he considered niche construction to be a ThbRwlgHVTu-00193-00048585-00048875 special case of extended phenotype the ThbRwlgHVTu-00194-00048876-00049097 concept of extended phenotype helps ThbRwlgHVTu-00195-00049098-00049280 explain evolution but it does not help ThbRwlgHVTu-00196-00049281-00049583 predict specific outcomes Dawkins has ThbRwlgHVTu-00197-00049584-00049784 consistently been skeptical about non ThbRwlgHVTu-00198-00049785-00050033 adaptive processes in evolution such as ThbRwlgHVTu-00199-00050034-00050282 spandrels described by Gould in Lewontin ThbRwlgHVTu-00200-00050283-00050579 and about selection at levels above that ThbRwlgHVTu-00201-00050580-00050834 of the gene he is particularly skeptical ThbRwlgHVTu-00202-00050835-00051017 about the practical possibility or ThbRwlgHVTu-00203-00051018-00051233 importance of group selection as a basis ThbRwlgHVTu-00204-00051234-00051551 for understanding altruism this behavior ThbRwlgHVTu-00205-00051552-00051740 appears at first to be an evolutionary ThbRwlgHVTu-00206-00051741-00051829 paradox ThbRwlgHVTu-00207-00051830-00052004 since helping others costs precious ThbRwlgHVTu-00208-00052004-00052183 resources and decreases one's own ThbRwlgHVTu-00209-00052184-00052499 fitness previously many had interpreted ThbRwlgHVTu-00210-00052500-00052669 this as an aspect of group selection ThbRwlgHVTu-00211-00052670-00052895 individuals are doing what is best for ThbRwlgHVTu-00212-00052896-00053066 the survival of the population or ThbRwlgHVTu-00213-00053066-00053363 species as a whole British evolutionary ThbRwlgHVTu-00214-00053364-00053615 biologist W D Hamilton used gene ThbRwlgHVTu-00215-00053616-00053840 frequency analysis in his inclusive ThbRwlgHVTu-00216-00053841-00054041 fitness theory to show how hereditary ThbRwlgHVTu-00217-00054041-00054257 altruistic traits can evolve if there is ThbRwlgHVTu-00218-00054258-00054434 sufficient genetic similarity between ThbRwlgHVTu-00219-00054435-00054671 actors and recipients of such altruism ThbRwlgHVTu-00220-00054672-00054853 including close relatives ThbRwlgHVTu-00221-00054854-00055105 Hamilton's inclusive fitness has since ThbRwlgHVTu-00222-00055107-00055283 been successfully applied to a wide ThbRwlgHVTu-00223-00055284-00055528 range of organisms including humans ThbRwlgHVTu-00224-00055529-00055799 similarly Robert Trivers thinking in ThbRwlgHVTu-00225-00055800-00055958 terms of the gene centered model ThbRwlgHVTu-00226-00055959-00056135 developed the theory of reciprocal ThbRwlgHVTu-00227-00056136-00056390 altruism whereby one organism provides a ThbRwlgHVTu-00228-00056391-00056597 benefit to another in the expectation of ThbRwlgHVTu-00229-00056598-00056903 future reciprocation Dawkins popularized ThbRwlgHVTu-00230-00056904-00057091 these ideas in The Selfish Gene and ThbRwlgHVTu-00231-00057092-00057365 developed them in his own work in June ThbRwlgHVTu-00232-00057366-00057608 2012 Dawkins was highly critical of ThbRwlgHVTu-00233-00057609-00057884 fellow biologists yo Wilson's 2012 book ThbRwlgHVTu-00234-00057885-00058058 the social conquest of Earth as ThbRwlgHVTu-00235-00058059-00058244 misunderstanding Hamilton's theory of ThbRwlgHVTu-00236-00058245-00058516 kin selection Dawkins has also been ThbRwlgHVTu-00237-00058517-00058673 strongly critical of the guy ThbRwlgHVTu-00238-00058674-00058891 hypothesis of the independent scientist ThbRwlgHVTu-00239-00058892-00058982 James Lovelock ThbRwlgHVTu-00240-00058983-00059176 critics of Dawkins as biological ThbRwlgHVTu-00241-00059177-00059396 approach suggest that taking the gene is ThbRwlgHVTu-00242-00059397-00059615 the unit of selection a single event in ThbRwlgHVTu-00243-00059616-00059810 which an individual either succeeds or ThbRwlgHVTu-00244-00059811-00060010 fails to reproduce is misleading the ThbRwlgHVTu-00245-00060011-00060278 gene could be better described they say ThbRwlgHVTu-00246-00060279-00060488 as a unit of evolution the long-term ThbRwlgHVTu-00247-00060489-00060682 changes in allele frequencies in a ThbRwlgHVTu-00248-00060683-00060982 population in The Selfish Gene Dawkins ThbRwlgHVTu-00249-00060983-00061175 explains that he is using George C ThbRwlgHVTu-00250-00061176-00061415 Williams's definition of the genus that ThbRwlgHVTu-00251-00061416-00061628 which segregates and recombines with ThbRwlgHVTu-00252-00061629-00061969 appreciable frequency another common ThbRwlgHVTu-00253-00061970-00062186 objection is that a gene cannot survive ThbRwlgHVTu-00254-00062187-00062380 alone but must cooperate with other ThbRwlgHVTu-00255-00062382-00062557 genes to build an individual and ThbRwlgHVTu-00256-00062558-00062711 therefore a gene cannot be an ThbRwlgHVTu-00257-00062712-00063007 independent unit in the extended ThbRwlgHVTu-00258-00063008-00063229 phenotype Dawkins suggests that from an ThbRwlgHVTu-00259-00063230-00063428 individual genes viewpoint all other ThbRwlgHVTu-00260-00063429-00063604 genes are part of the environment to ThbRwlgHVTu-00261-00063605-00063896 which it is adapted advocates for higher ThbRwlgHVTu-00262-00063897-00064100 levels of selection such as Richard ThbRwlgHVTu-00263-00064101-00064337 Lewontin David Sloan Wilson and Elliot ThbRwlgHVTu-00264-00064338-00064501 sober suggest that there are many ThbRwlgHVTu-00265-00064502-00064736 phenomena including altruism that gene ThbRwlgHVTu-00266-00064737-00064951 based selection cannot satisfactorily ThbRwlgHVTu-00267-00064952-00065242 explain the philosopher Mary Midgley ThbRwlgHVTu-00268-00065244-00065429 with whom Dawkins clashed in print ThbRwlgHVTu-00269-00065429-00065597 concerning The Selfish Gene has ThbRwlgHVTu-00270-00065598-00065834 criticized gene selection the medics and ThbRwlgHVTu-00271-00065835-00066068 sociobiology as being excessively ThbRwlgHVTu-00272-00066069-00066281 reductionist she has suggested that the ThbRwlgHVTu-00273-00066282-00066506 popularity of Dawkins as work is due to ThbRwlgHVTu-00274-00066507-00066692 factors in the zeitgeist such as the ThbRwlgHVTu-00275-00066693-00066875 increased individualism of the Thatcher ThbRwlgHVTu-00276-00066876-00067132 Reagan decades in a set of controversies ThbRwlgHVTu-00277-00067133-00067340 over the mechanisms and interpretation ThbRwlgHVTu-00278-00067341-00067517 of evolution what has been called the ThbRwlgHVTu-00279-00067518-00067736 Darwin Wars one faction is often named ThbRwlgHVTu-00280-00067737-00067937 after Dawkins while the other faction is ThbRwlgHVTu-00281-00067938-00068159 named after the American paleontologist ThbRwlgHVTu-00282-00068160-00068348 Stephen Jay Gould reflecting the ThbRwlgHVTu-00283-00068349-00068567 preeminence of each as a popularizer of ThbRwlgHVTu-00284-00068568-00068825 the pertinent ideas in particular ThbRwlgHVTu-00285-00068826-00069011 Dawkins and Gould have been prominent ThbRwlgHVTu-00286-00069012-00069194 commentators in the controversy over ThbRwlgHVTu-00287-00069195-00069494 sociobiology and evolutionary psychology ThbRwlgHVTu-00288-00069495-00069686 with Dawkins generally approving and ThbRwlgHVTu-00289-00069687-00069974 Gould generally being critical a typical ThbRwlgHVTu-00290-00069975-00070181 example of Dawkins is position as his ThbRwlgHVTu-00291-00070182-00070394 scathing review of not in our genes by ThbRwlgHVTu-00292-00070395-00070487 Stephen Rose ThbRwlgHVTu-00293-00070488-00070736 Leon Jake Amin and Richard C Lewontin ThbRwlgHVTu-00294-00070737-00070967 two other thinkers who are often ThbRwlgHVTu-00295-00070968-00071159 considered to be allied with Dawkins on ThbRwlgHVTu-00296-00071160-00071378 the subject are Steven Pinker and Daniel ThbRwlgHVTu-00297-00071379-00071531 Dennett Dennett has promoted a ThbRwlgHVTu-00298-00071532-00071723 gene-centred view of evolution and ThbRwlgHVTu-00299-00071724-00071938 defended reductionism in biology ThbRwlgHVTu-00300-00071939-00072101 despite their ThbRwlgHVTu-00301-00072102-00072329 disagreements Dawkins and Gould did not ThbRwlgHVTu-00302-00072330-00072539 have a hostile personal relationship and ThbRwlgHVTu-00303-00072540-00072755 Dawkins dedicated a large portion of his ThbRwlgHVTu-00304-00072756-00072968 2003 book a devil's chaplain ThbRwlgHVTu-00305-00072969-00073190 posthumously to Gould who had died the ThbRwlgHVTu-00306-00073191-00073502 previous year when asked if Darwinism ThbRwlgHVTu-00307-00073503-00073688 informs his everyday apprehension of ThbRwlgHVTu-00308-00073689-00074054 life Dawkins says in one way it does my ThbRwlgHVTu-00309-00074055-00074255 eyes are constantly wide open to the ThbRwlgHVTu-00310-00074256-00074615 extraordinary fact of existence not just ThbRwlgHVTu-00311-00074616-00074846 human existence but the existence of ThbRwlgHVTu-00312-00074847-00075023 life and how this breathtakingly ThbRwlgHVTu-00313-00075024-00075257 powerful process which is natural ThbRwlgHVTu-00314-00075258-00075476 selection has managed to take the very ThbRwlgHVTu-00315-00075477-00075671 simple facts of physics and chemistry ThbRwlgHVTu-00316-00075672-00075917 and build them up to redwood trees and ThbRwlgHVTu-00317-00075918-00076244 humans that's never far from my thoughts ThbRwlgHVTu-00318-00076245-00076475 that sense of amazement on the other ThbRwlgHVTu-00319-00076476-00076730 hand I certainly don't allow Darwinism ThbRwlgHVTu-00320-00076731-00076943 to influence my feelings about human ThbRwlgHVTu-00321-00076944-00077279 social life implying that he feels that ThbRwlgHVTu-00322-00077280-00077468 individual human beings can opt out of ThbRwlgHVTu-00323-00077469-00077684 the survival machine of Darwinism since ThbRwlgHVTu-00324-00077685-00077837 they are freed by the consciousness of ThbRwlgHVTu-00325-00077838-00078146 self ThbRwlgHVTu-00326-00078147-00078655 topic bothering the meme ThbRwlgHVTu-00327-00078656-00078916 in his book The Selfish Gene dawkins ThbRwlgHVTu-00328-00078917-00079090 coined the word meme the behavioral ThbRwlgHVTu-00329-00079091-00079258 equivalent of a gene as a way to ThbRwlgHVTu-00330-00079259-00079423 encourage readers to think about how ThbRwlgHVTu-00331-00079424-00079630 Darwinian principles might be extended ThbRwlgHVTu-00332-00079631-00079861 beyond the realm of genes it was ThbRwlgHVTu-00333-00079862-00080034 intended as an extension of his ThbRwlgHVTu-00334-00080035-00080317 replicators argument but it took on a ThbRwlgHVTu-00335-00080318-00080488 life of its own in the hands of other ThbRwlgHVTu-00336-00080489-00080719 authors such as Daniel Dennett and Susan ThbRwlgHVTu-00337-00080720-00080998 Blackmore these popularization --zz then ThbRwlgHVTu-00338-00080999-00081217 led to the emergence of mimetics a field ThbRwlgHVTu-00339-00081218-00081388 from which Dawkins has distanced himself ThbRwlgHVTu-00340-00081389-00081646 Dawkins is meme refers to any cultural ThbRwlgHVTu-00341-00081647-00081841 entity that an observer might consider a ThbRwlgHVTu-00342-00081842-00082054 replicator of a certain idea or set of ThbRwlgHVTu-00343-00082055-00082363 ideas he hypothesized that people could ThbRwlgHVTu-00344-00082364-00082573 view many cultural entities as capable ThbRwlgHVTu-00345-00082574-00082768 of such replication generally through ThbRwlgHVTu-00346-00082769-00082981 communication and contact with humans ThbRwlgHVTu-00347-00082982-00083161 who have evolved as efficient although ThbRwlgHVTu-00348-00083162-00083380 not perfect copiers of information and ThbRwlgHVTu-00349-00083381-00083623 behavior because memes are not always ThbRwlgHVTu-00350-00083624-00083824 copied perfectly they might become ThbRwlgHVTu-00351-00083825-00084070 refined combined or otherwise modified ThbRwlgHVTu-00352-00084071-00084163 with other ideas ThbRwlgHVTu-00353-00084164-00084357 this results in new memes which may ThbRwlgHVTu-00354-00084358-00084562 themselves prove more or less efficient ThbRwlgHVTu-00355-00084563-00084757 replicators than their predecessors thus ThbRwlgHVTu-00356-00084758-00084970 providing a framework for a hypothesis ThbRwlgHVTu-00357-00084971-00085192 of cultural evolution based on memes a ThbRwlgHVTu-00358-00085193-00085387 notion that is analogous to the theory ThbRwlgHVTu-00359-00085388-00085630 of biological evolution based on genes ThbRwlgHVTu-00360-00085631-00085810 although Dawkins invented the term meme ThbRwlgHVTu-00361-00085811-00085990 he has not claimed that the idea was ThbRwlgHVTu-00362-00085991-00086173 entirely novel and there have been other ThbRwlgHVTu-00363-00086174-00086368 expressions for similar ideas in the ThbRwlgHVTu-00364-00086369-00086653 past for instance John Laurent has ThbRwlgHVTu-00365-00086654-00086839 suggested that the term may have derived ThbRwlgHVTu-00366-00086840-00087016 from the work of the little-known German ThbRwlgHVTu-00367-00087017-00087328 biologist Richard Simon semmen regarded ThbRwlgHVTu-00368-00087329-00087586 nough May as the collective set of ThbRwlgHVTu-00369-00087587-00087775 neural memory traces conscious or ThbRwlgHVTu-00370-00087776-00087925 subconscious that were inherited ThbRwlgHVTu-00371-00087926-00088111 although such view would be considered ThbRwlgHVTu-00372-00088112-00088329 as Lamarckian by modern biologists ThbRwlgHVTu-00373-00088330-00088591 Laurent also found the use of the term ThbRwlgHVTu-00374-00088592-00088782 damai in Maurice Maeterlinck s' the life ThbRwlgHVTu-00375-00088783-00089032 of the white ant 1926 and Maeterlinck ThbRwlgHVTu-00376-00089033-00089215 himself stated that he obtained the ThbRwlgHVTu-00377-00089216-00089482 phrase from Symons work in his own work ThbRwlgHVTu-00378-00089483-00089692 Maeterlinck tried to explain memory in ThbRwlgHVTu-00379-00089693-00089866 termites and ants by claiming that ThbRwlgHVTu-00380-00089867-00090112 neural memory traces were added upon the ThbRwlgHVTu-00381-00090113-00090436 individual may nonetheless James Gleick ThbRwlgHVTu-00382-00090437-00090625 describes Dawkins his concept of the ThbRwlgHVTu-00383-00090626-00090856 Mimas his most famous memorable ThbRwlgHVTu-00384-00090857-00091107 invention far more influential than his ThbRwlgHVTu-00385-00091108-00091375 selfish genes or his later proselytizing ThbRwlgHVTu-00386-00091376-00091736 against religiosity ThbRwlgHVTu-00387-00091737-00091890 you ThbRwlgHVTu-00388-00091891-00092378 topic foundation ThbRwlgHVTu-00389-00092379-00092687 in 2006 Dawkins founded the Richard ThbRwlgHVTu-00390-00092688-00092867 Dawkins foundation for reason and ThbRwlgHVTu-00391-00092868-00093229 science RDF RS a nonprofit organization ThbRwlgHVTu-00392-00093230-00093515 RDF RS financed research on the ThbRwlgHVTu-00393-00093516-00093698 psychology of belief and religion ThbRwlgHVTu-00394-00093699-00093947 financed scientific education programs ThbRwlgHVTu-00395-00093948-00094157 and materials and publicized and ThbRwlgHVTu-00396-00094158-00094367 supported charitable organizations that ThbRwlgHVTu-00397-00094368-00094745 are secular in nature in January 2016 it ThbRwlgHVTu-00398-00094746-00094913 was announced that the foundation was ThbRwlgHVTu-00399-00094914-00095096 merging with the Center for inquiry with ThbRwlgHVTu-00400-00095097-00095267 Dawkins becoming a member of the new ThbRwlgHVTu-00401-00095268-00095719 organization's board of directors ThbRwlgHVTu-00402-00095720-00096269 topic criticism of religion ThbRwlgHVTu-00403-00096270-00096488 Dawkins was confirmed into the Church of ThbRwlgHVTu-00404-00096489-00096716 England at the age of 13 but began to ThbRwlgHVTu-00405-00096717-00096884 grow skeptical of the beliefs ThbRwlgHVTu-00406-00096885-00097136 after learning about Darwinism and the ThbRwlgHVTu-00407-00097137-00097352 scientific reason why living things look ThbRwlgHVTu-00408-00097353-00097463 as though they have been designed ThbRwlgHVTu-00409-00097464-00097643 Dawkins lost the remainder of his ThbRwlgHVTu-00410-00097644-00097871 religious faith he said that his ThbRwlgHVTu-00411-00097872-00098021 understanding of science and ThbRwlgHVTu-00412-00098022-00098213 evolutionary processes led him to ThbRwlgHVTu-00413-00098214-00098399 question how adults in positions of ThbRwlgHVTu-00414-00098400-00098588 leadership in a civilized world could ThbRwlgHVTu-00415-00098589-00098819 still be so in educating in biology and ThbRwlgHVTu-00416-00098820-00099023 is puzzled by how belief in God could ThbRwlgHVTu-00417-00099024-00099179 remain among individuals who are ThbRwlgHVTu-00418-00099180-00099467 sophisticated in science Dawkins notes ThbRwlgHVTu-00419-00099468-00099653 that some physicists use God as a ThbRwlgHVTu-00420-00099654-00099875 metaphor for the general AI inspiring ThbRwlgHVTu-00421-00099876-00100064 mysteries of the universe which causes ThbRwlgHVTu-00422-00100065-00100244 confusion and misunderstanding among ThbRwlgHVTu-00423-00100245-00100418 people who incorrectly think they are ThbRwlgHVTu-00424-00100419-00100583 talking about a mystical being who ThbRwlgHVTu-00425-00100584-00100817 forgives sins trends substantiates wine ThbRwlgHVTu-00426-00100818-00101111 or makes people live after they die he ThbRwlgHVTu-00427-00101112-00101285 disagrees with Stephen Jay Gould's ThbRwlgHVTu-00428-00101286-00101452 principle of non-overlapping magisteria ThbRwlgHVTu-00429-00101453-00101726 Noma and suggests that the existence of ThbRwlgHVTu-00430-00101727-00101924 God should be treated as a scientific ThbRwlgHVTu-00431-00101925-00102221 hypothesis like any other Dawkins became ThbRwlgHVTu-00432-00102222-00102422 a prominent critic of religion and has ThbRwlgHVTu-00433-00102423-00102605 stated his opposition to religion as ThbRwlgHVTu-00434-00102606-00102806 twofold religion as both a source of ThbRwlgHVTu-00435-00102807-00103025 conflict and a justification for belief ThbRwlgHVTu-00436-00103026-00103108 without evidence ThbRwlgHVTu-00437-00103109-00103411 he considers faith belief that is not ThbRwlgHVTu-00438-00103413-00103697 based on evidence as one of the world's ThbRwlgHVTu-00439-00103698-00103979 great evils on his spectrum of theistic ThbRwlgHVTu-00440-00103980-00104185 probability which has seven levels ThbRwlgHVTu-00441-00104186-00104498 between one 100% certainty that a god or ThbRwlgHVTu-00442-00104499-00104816 gods exist and seven 100% certainty that ThbRwlgHVTu-00443-00104817-00105065 a god or gods do not exist Dawkins has ThbRwlgHVTu-00444-00105066-00105235 said he is a six point nine which ThbRwlgHVTu-00445-00105236-00105583 represents a de-facto atheist who thinks ThbRwlgHVTu-00446-00105584-00105827 I cannot know for certain but I think ThbRwlgHVTu-00447-00105828-00106058 God is very improbable and I live my ThbRwlgHVTu-00448-00106058-00106244 life on the assumption that he is not ThbRwlgHVTu-00449-00106245-00106508 there when asked about his slight ThbRwlgHVTu-00450-00106508-00106772 uncertainty Dawkins quips I am agnostic ThbRwlgHVTu-00451-00106773-00107015 to the extent that I am agnostic about ThbRwlgHVTu-00452-00107016-00107248 fairies at the bottom of the garden in ThbRwlgHVTu-00453-00107249-00107624 May 2014 at the Hay Festival in Wales ThbRwlgHVTu-00454-00107625-00107798 Dawkins explained that while he does not ThbRwlgHVTu-00455-00107799-00107993 believe in the supernatural elements of ThbRwlgHVTu-00456-00107994-00108068 the Christian faith ThbRwlgHVTu-00457-00108069-00108233 he still has nostalgia for the ThbRwlgHVTu-00458-00108233-00108508 ceremonial side of religion in addition ThbRwlgHVTu-00459-00108509-00108701 to beliefs in deities Dawkins has ThbRwlgHVTu-00460-00108702-00108908 criticised other irrational religious ThbRwlgHVTu-00461-00108908-00109111 beliefs such as Jesus turned water into ThbRwlgHVTu-00462-00109113-00109340 wine that an embryo starts as a blob ThbRwlgHVTu-00463-00109341-00109529 that magic underwear will protect you ThbRwlgHVTu-00464-00109530-00109636 that Jesus was read ThbRwlgHVTu-00465-00109638-00109834 directed that semen comes from the spine ThbRwlgHVTu-00466-00109835-00110048 that Jesus walked on water that the Sun ThbRwlgHVTu-00467-00110049-00110236 sets in a marsh that the Garden of Eden ThbRwlgHVTu-00468-00110238-00110458 existed in Missouri that Jesus mother ThbRwlgHVTu-00469-00110459-00110663 was a virgin that Mohammed split the ThbRwlgHVTu-00470-00110664-00110846 moon and that Lazarus was raised from ThbRwlgHVTu-00471-00110847-00111032 the dead Dawkins has risen to prominence ThbRwlgHVTu-00472-00111033-00111293 in public debates concerning science and ThbRwlgHVTu-00473-00111294-00111476 religion since the publication of his ThbRwlgHVTu-00474-00111477-00111689 most popular book The God Delusion in ThbRwlgHVTu-00475-00111690-00111950 2006 which became an international ThbRwlgHVTu-00476-00111951-00112292 bestseller as of 2015 more than 3 ThbRwlgHVTu-00477-00112293-00112478 million copies have been sold and the ThbRwlgHVTu-00478-00112479-00112684 book has been translated into over 30 ThbRwlgHVTu-00479-00112685-00112984 languages its success has been seen by ThbRwlgHVTu-00480-00112985-00113165 many as indicative of a change in the ThbRwlgHVTu-00481-00113166-00113393 contemporary cultural zeitgeist and has ThbRwlgHVTu-00482-00113394-00113588 also been identified with the rise of ThbRwlgHVTu-00483-00113589-00113894 new atheism in the book Dawkins contends ThbRwlgHVTu-00484-00113895-00114095 that a supernatural creator almost ThbRwlgHVTu-00485-00114096-00114263 certainly does not exist in that ThbRwlgHVTu-00486-00114264-00114524 religious faith as a delusion a fixed ThbRwlgHVTu-00487-00114525-00114890 false belief in his February 2002 TED ThbRwlgHVTu-00488-00114891-00115229 talk entitled militant atheism Dawkins ThbRwlgHVTu-00489-00115230-00115439 urged all atheists to openly state their ThbRwlgHVTu-00490-00115440-00115609 position and to fight the incursion of ThbRwlgHVTu-00491-00115610-00115814 the church into politics and science on ThbRwlgHVTu-00492-00115815-00116161 the 30th of September 2007 Dawkins ThbRwlgHVTu-00493-00116163-00116372 Christopher Hitchens Sam Harris and ThbRwlgHVTu-00494-00116373-00116533 Daniel Dennett met at Hitchens as ThbRwlgHVTu-00495-00116534-00116708 residents for a private unmoderated ThbRwlgHVTu-00496-00116708-00117002 discussion that lasted two hours the ThbRwlgHVTu-00497-00117003-00117239 event was videotaped and entitled the ThbRwlgHVTu-00498-00117240-00117545 four horsemen Dawkins sees education and ThbRwlgHVTu-00499-00117546-00117707 consciousness-raising as the primary ThbRwlgHVTu-00500-00117708-00117914 tools in opposing what he considers to ThbRwlgHVTu-00501-00117915-00118129 be religious dogma and indoctrination ThbRwlgHVTu-00502-00118130-00118391 these tools include the fight against ThbRwlgHVTu-00503-00118392-00118580 certain stereotypes and he has adopted ThbRwlgHVTu-00504-00118581-00118754 the term bright as a way of associating ThbRwlgHVTu-00505-00118755-00119000 positive public connotations with those ThbRwlgHVTu-00506-00119001-00119282 who possess a naturalistic worldview he ThbRwlgHVTu-00507-00119283-00119465 has given support to the idea of a ThbRwlgHVTu-00508-00119466-00119653 free-thinking school which would not ThbRwlgHVTu-00509-00119654-00119908 indoctrinate children but would instead ThbRwlgHVTu-00510-00119909-00120140 teach children to ask for evidence be ThbRwlgHVTu-00511-00120141-00120455 sceptical critical and open-minded such ThbRwlgHVTu-00512-00120456-00120689 a school says Dawkins should teach ThbRwlgHVTu-00513-00120690-00120893 comparative religion and teach it ThbRwlgHVTu-00514-00120894-00121106 properly without any bias towards ThbRwlgHVTu-00515-00121107-00121325 particular religions and including ThbRwlgHVTu-00516-00121326-00121510 historically important but dead ThbRwlgHVTu-00517-00121511-00121706 religions such as those of ancient ThbRwlgHVTu-00518-00121707-00121946 Greece and the Norse gods if only ThbRwlgHVTu-00519-00121947-00122123 because these like the Abrahamic ThbRwlgHVTu-00520-00122124-00122282 scriptures are important for ThbRwlgHVTu-00521-00122283-00122492 understanding English literature and ThbRwlgHVTu-00522-00122493-00122647 European history ThbRwlgHVTu-00523-00122648-00122878 inspired by the consciousness-raising ThbRwlgHVTu-00524-00122879-00123032 successes of FEM ThbRwlgHVTu-00525-00123033-00123197 NIST's in arousing widespread ThbRwlgHVTu-00526-00123198-00123518 embarrassment at the routine use of he ThbRwlgHVTu-00527-00123519-00123928 instead of she Dakin similarly suggests ThbRwlgHVTu-00528-00123929-00124278 that phrases such as Catholic child and ThbRwlgHVTu-00529-00124279-00124571 Muslim child should be considered as ThbRwlgHVTu-00530-00124572-00124898 socially absurdist for instance Marxist ThbRwlgHVTu-00531-00124899-00125083 child as he believes that children ThbRwlgHVTu-00532-00125084-00125344 should not be classified based on the ThbRwlgHVTu-00533-00125345-00125578 ideological or religious beliefs of ThbRwlgHVTu-00534-00125579-00125791 their parents while some critics such as ThbRwlgHVTu-00535-00125792-00126061 writer Christopher Hitchens psychologist ThbRwlgHVTu-00536-00126063-00126313 Steven Pinker and Nobel laureate Sir ThbRwlgHVTu-00537-00126314-00126628 Harold kroto James D Watson and Steven ThbRwlgHVTu-00538-00126629-00126833 Weinberg have defended Dawkins his ThbRwlgHVTu-00539-00126833-00127027 stance on religion and praised his work ThbRwlgHVTu-00540-00127028-00127276 others including Nobel prize-winning ThbRwlgHVTu-00541-00127277-00127509 theoretical physicist Peter Higgs ThbRwlgHVTu-00542-00127510-00127789 astrophysicist Martin Rees philosopher ThbRwlgHVTu-00543-00127790-00128053 of science Michael ruse literary critic ThbRwlgHVTu-00544-00128054-00128300 Terry Eagleton and theologian Alister ThbRwlgHVTu-00545-00128301-00128525 McGrath have criticized Dawkins on ThbRwlgHVTu-00546-00128526-00128768 various grounds including the assertion ThbRwlgHVTu-00547-00128769-00128953 that his work simply serves as an ThbRwlgHVTu-00548-00128954-00129146 atheist counterpart to religious ThbRwlgHVTu-00549-00129147-00129376 fundamentalism rather than a productive ThbRwlgHVTu-00550-00129377-00129524 critique of it and that he has ThbRwlgHVTu-00551-00129525-00129712 fundamentally misapprehended the ThbRwlgHVTu-00552-00129713-00129956 foundations of the theological positions ThbRwlgHVTu-00553-00129957-00130261 he claims to refute recent Higgs in ThbRwlgHVTu-00554-00130263-00130525 particular who both rejected Dawkins as ThbRwlgHVTu-00555-00130526-00130757 confrontational stance toward religion ThbRwlgHVTu-00556-00130758-00131081 as narrowing embarrassing with Higgs ThbRwlgHVTu-00557-00131082-00131324 going as far as to equate Dawkins with ThbRwlgHVTu-00558-00131325-00131512 the religious fundamentalists he ThbRwlgHVTu-00559-00131513-00131878 criticizes atheist philosopher John Gray ThbRwlgHVTu-00560-00131879-00132149 has denounced Dawkins as an anti ThbRwlgHVTu-00561-00132150-00132388 religious missionary whose assertions ThbRwlgHVTu-00562-00132389-00132654 are in no sense novel or original ThbRwlgHVTu-00563-00132655-00132971 suggesting that transfixed in wonderment ThbRwlgHVTu-00564-00132972-00133121 at the workings of his own mind ThbRwlgHVTu-00565-00133122-00133274 Dawkins misses much that is of ThbRwlgHVTu-00566-00133275-00133523 importance in human beings gray has also ThbRwlgHVTu-00567-00133524-00133736 criticized Dawkins is perceived ThbRwlgHVTu-00568-00133737-00134023 allegiance to Darwin stating that if ThbRwlgHVTu-00569-00134024-00134270 science for Darwin was a method of ThbRwlgHVTu-00570-00134271-00134420 inquiry that enabled him to edge ThbRwlgHVTu-00571-00134421-00134614 tentatively and humbly toward the truth ThbRwlgHVTu-00572-00134615-00134846 for Dawkins science has an unquestioned ThbRwlgHVTu-00573-00134847-00135025 view of the world in response to his ThbRwlgHVTu-00574-00135026-00135200 critics Dawkins maintains that ThbRwlgHVTu-00575-00135201-00135344 theologians are no better than ThbRwlgHVTu-00576-00135345-00135506 scientists in addressing deep ThbRwlgHVTu-00577-00135507-00135707 cosmological questions and that he is ThbRwlgHVTu-00578-00135708-00135913 not a fundamentalist as he is willing to ThbRwlgHVTu-00579-00135914-00136066 change his mind in the face of new ThbRwlgHVTu-00580-00136067-00136366 evidence ThbRwlgHVTu-00581-00136367-00136924 topic criticism of creationism ThbRwlgHVTu-00582-00136925-00137137 Dawkins as a prominent critic of ThbRwlgHVTu-00583-00137138-00137350 creationism a religious belief that ThbRwlgHVTu-00584-00137351-00137548 humanity life and the universe were ThbRwlgHVTu-00585-00137549-00137746 created by a deity without recourse to ThbRwlgHVTu-00586-00137747-00138007 evolution he has described the young ThbRwlgHVTu-00587-00138008-00138205 earth creationist view that the earth is ThbRwlgHVTu-00588-00138206-00138391 only a few thousand years old as a ThbRwlgHVTu-00589-00138392-00138660 preposterous mind shrinking falsehood ThbRwlgHVTu-00590-00138661-00138969 his 1986 book the blind watchmaker ThbRwlgHVTu-00591-00138970-00139201 contains a sustained critique of the ThbRwlgHVTu-00592-00139202-00139384 argument from design an important ThbRwlgHVTu-00593-00139385-00139672 creationist argument in the book Dawkins ThbRwlgHVTu-00594-00139673-00139879 argues against the watchmaker analogy ThbRwlgHVTu-00595-00139880-00140113 made famous by the 18th century English ThbRwlgHVTu-00596-00140114-00140326 theologian William Paley via his book ThbRwlgHVTu-00597-00140327-00140584 natural theology in which Paley argues ThbRwlgHVTu-00598-00140585-00140773 that just as a watch is too complicated ThbRwlgHVTu-00599-00140774-00140977 and too functional to have sprung into ThbRwlgHVTu-00600-00140978-00141205 existence merely by accident so too must ThbRwlgHVTu-00601-00141206-00141424 all living things with their far greater ThbRwlgHVTu-00602-00141425-00141690 complexity be purposefully designed ThbRwlgHVTu-00603-00141691-00141943 Dawkins shares the view generally held ThbRwlgHVTu-00604-00141944-00142168 by scientists that natural selection is ThbRwlgHVTu-00605-00142169-00142321 sufficient to explain the apparent ThbRwlgHVTu-00606-00142322-00142564 functionality and non-random complexity ThbRwlgHVTu-00607-00142565-00142765 of the biological world and can be said ThbRwlgHVTu-00608-00142766-00142957 to play the role of watchmaker in nature ThbRwlgHVTu-00609-00142958-00143188 albeit as an automatic unguided by any ThbRwlgHVTu-00610-00143189-00143374 designer non intelligent blind ThbRwlgHVTu-00611-00143375-00143815 watchmaker in 1986 Dawkins and biologist ThbRwlgHVTu-00612-00143816-00144040 John Maynard Smith participated in an ThbRwlgHVTu-00613-00144041-00144274 Oxford Union debate against AE Wilder ThbRwlgHVTu-00614-00144275-00144460 Smith a young earth creationist and ThbRwlgHVTu-00615-00144461-00144676 Edgar Andrews president of the biblical ThbRwlgHVTu-00616-00144677-00144952 creation Society in general however ThbRwlgHVTu-00617-00144953-00145171 Dawkins has followed the advice of his ThbRwlgHVTu-00618-00145172-00145369 late colleague Stephen Jay Gould and ThbRwlgHVTu-00619-00145370-00145576 refused to participate in formal debates ThbRwlgHVTu-00620-00145577-00145816 with creationists because what they seek ThbRwlgHVTu-00621-00145817-00146053 is the oxygen of respectability and ThbRwlgHVTu-00622-00146054-00146365 doing so would give them this oxygen by ThbRwlgHVTu-00623-00146366-00146551 the mere act of engaging with them at ThbRwlgHVTu-00624-00146552-00146944 all he suggests that creationists don't ThbRwlgHVTu-00625-00146945-00147196 mind being beaten in an argument what ThbRwlgHVTu-00626-00147197-00147412 matters is that we give them recognition ThbRwlgHVTu-00627-00147413-00147580 by bothering to argue with them in ThbRwlgHVTu-00628-00147581-00147970 public in a December 2004 interview with ThbRwlgHVTu-00629-00147971-00148201 American journalist Bill Moyers Dawkins ThbRwlgHVTu-00630-00148202-00148423 said that among the things that science ThbRwlgHVTu-00631-00148424-00148666 does know evolution as about as certain ThbRwlgHVTu-00632-00148667-00148948 as anything we know when Moyers ThbRwlgHVTu-00633-00148949-00149107 questioned him on the use of the word ThbRwlgHVTu-00634-00149108-00149158 theory ThbRwlgHVTu-00635-00149159-00149416 Dawkins stated that evolution has been ThbRwlgHVTu-00636-00149417-00149647 observed it's just that it hasn't been ThbRwlgHVTu-00637-00149648-00149905 observed while it's happening he added ThbRwlgHVTu-00638-00149906-00150124 that it is rather like a detective ThbRwlgHVTu-00639-00150125-00150401 coming on a murder after the ThbRwlgHVTu-00640-00150402-00150708 the detective hasn't actually seen the ThbRwlgHVTu-00641-00150709-00151026 murder take place of course but what you ThbRwlgHVTu-00642-00151027-00151458 do see as a massive clue huge quantities ThbRwlgHVTu-00643-00151459-00151764 of circumstantial evidence it might as ThbRwlgHVTu-00644-00151765-00151997 well be spelled out in words of English ThbRwlgHVTu-00645-00151998-00152241 Dawkins has opposed the inclusion of ThbRwlgHVTu-00646-00152242-00152435 intelligent design in science education ThbRwlgHVTu-00647-00152436-00152718 describing it as not a scientific ThbRwlgHVTu-00648-00152719-00152952 argument at all but a religious one ThbRwlgHVTu-00649-00152953-00153204 he has been referred to in the media as ThbRwlgHVTu-00650-00153205-00153507 Darwin's Rottweiler a reference to ThbRwlgHVTu-00651-00153508-00153750 English biologist T H Huxley who was ThbRwlgHVTu-00652-00153751-00154029 known as Darwin's Bulldog for his ThbRwlgHVTu-00653-00154030-00154191 advocacy of Charles Darwin's ThbRwlgHVTu-00654-00154192-00154455 evolutionary ideas he has been a strong ThbRwlgHVTu-00655-00154456-00154662 critic of the British organisation truth ThbRwlgHVTu-00656-00154663-00154860 in science which promotes the teaching ThbRwlgHVTu-00657-00154861-00155055 of creationism in state schools and ThbRwlgHVTu-00658-00155056-00155261 whose work Dawkins has described as an ThbRwlgHVTu-00659-00155262-00155556 educational scandal he plans to ThbRwlgHVTu-00660-00155557-00155742 subsidize schools through the Richard ThbRwlgHVTu-00661-00155743-00155916 Dawkins foundation for reason and ThbRwlgHVTu-00662-00155917-00156114 science with the delivery of books DVDs ThbRwlgHVTu-00663-00156115-00156713 and pamphlets that counteract their work ThbRwlgHVTu-00664-00156714-00157174 topic political views ThbRwlgHVTu-00665-00157175-00157441 Dawkins is an outspoken atheist and a ThbRwlgHVTu-00666-00157442-00157678 supporter of various atheist secular and ThbRwlgHVTu-00667-00157679-00157888 humanistic organizations including ThbRwlgHVTu-00668-00157889-00158106 humanists UK and the Bright's movement ThbRwlgHVTu-00669-00158107-00158374 Dawkins suggests that atheists should be ThbRwlgHVTu-00670-00158375-00158596 proud not apologetic stressing that ThbRwlgHVTu-00671-00158597-00158767 atheism is evidence of a healthy ThbRwlgHVTu-00672-00158768-00159037 independent mind he hopes that the more ThbRwlgHVTu-00673-00159038-00159247 atheists identified themselves the more ThbRwlgHVTu-00674-00159248-00159427 the public will become aware of just how ThbRwlgHVTu-00675-00159428-00159631 many people are non-believers thereby ThbRwlgHVTu-00676-00159632-00159835 reducing the negative opinion of atheism ThbRwlgHVTu-00677-00159836-00160141 among the religious majority inspired by ThbRwlgHVTu-00678-00160142-00160330 the gay rights movement he endorsed the ThbRwlgHVTu-00679-00160331-00160516 out campaign to encourage atheists ThbRwlgHVTu-00680-00160517-00160663 worldwide to declare their stance ThbRwlgHVTu-00681-00160664-00160966 publicly he supported the UK's first ThbRwlgHVTu-00682-00160967-00161167 atheist advertising initiative the ThbRwlgHVTu-00683-00161168-00161446 atheist bus campaign in 2008 which aimed ThbRwlgHVTu-00684-00161447-00161596 to raise funds to place atheist ThbRwlgHVTu-00685-00161597-00161794 advertisements on buses in the London ThbRwlgHVTu-00686-00161795-00162097 area Dawkins has expressed concern about ThbRwlgHVTu-00687-00162098-00162325 the growth of human population and about ThbRwlgHVTu-00688-00162326-00162484 the matter of overpopulation ThbRwlgHVTu-00689-00162485-00162772 in The Selfish Gene he briefly mentions ThbRwlgHVTu-00690-00162773-00162994 population growth giving the example of ThbRwlgHVTu-00691-00162995-00163225 Latin America whose population at the ThbRwlgHVTu-00692-00163226-00163396 time the book was written was doubling ThbRwlgHVTu-00693-00163397-00163696 every 40 years he is critical of Roman ThbRwlgHVTu-00694-00163697-00163882 Catholic attitudes to Family Planning ThbRwlgHVTu-00695-00163883-00164113 and population control stating that ThbRwlgHVTu-00696-00164114-00164314 leaders who forbid contraception and ThbRwlgHVTu-00697-00164315-00164587 express a preference for natural methods ThbRwlgHVTu-00698-00164588-00164884 of population limitation will get just ThbRwlgHVTu-00699-00164885-00165064 such a method in the form of starvation ThbRwlgHVTu-00700-00165065-00165301 as a supporter of the Great Ape project ThbRwlgHVTu-00701-00165302-00165556 a movement to extend certain moral and ThbRwlgHVTu-00702-00165557-00165808 legal rights to all great apes Dawkins ThbRwlgHVTu-00703-00165809-00166009 contributed the article gaps in the mind ThbRwlgHVTu-00704-00166010-00166222 to the Great Ape project book edited by ThbRwlgHVTu-00705-00166223-00166522 Paula Cavallari and Peter Singer in this ThbRwlgHVTu-00706-00166523-00166726 essay he criticizes contemporary ThbRwlgHVTu-00707-00166727-00166954 society's moral attitudes as being based ThbRwlgHVTu-00708-00166955-00167254 on a discontinuous speciesist imperative ThbRwlgHVTu-00709-00167255-00167506 Dawkins also regularly comments in ThbRwlgHVTu-00710-00167507-00167689 newspapers and blogs on contemporary ThbRwlgHVTu-00711-00167690-00167920 political questions and as a frequent ThbRwlgHVTu-00712-00167921-00168115 contributor to the online science and ThbRwlgHVTu-00713-00168116-00168409 culture digest three quarks daily his ThbRwlgHVTu-00714-00168410-00168682 opinions include opposition to the 2003 ThbRwlgHVTu-00715-00168683-00168889 invasion of Iraq the British nuclear ThbRwlgHVTu-00716-00168890-00169075 deterrent the actions of then u.s. ThbRwlgHVTu-00717-00169076-00169300 President George W Bush and the ethics ThbRwlgHVTu-00718-00169301-00169591 of designer babies several such articles ThbRwlgHVTu-00719-00169592-00169813 were included in a devil's chaplain an ThbRwlgHVTu-00720-00169814-00170014 anthology of writings about science ThbRwlgHVTu-00721-00170015-00170311 religion and politics he is also a ThbRwlgHVTu-00722-00170312-00170536 supporter of Republic's campaign to ThbRwlgHVTu-00723-00170537-00170671 the British monarchy with a ThbRwlgHVTu-00724-00170672-00170968 democratically elected president Dawkins ThbRwlgHVTu-00725-00170969-00171184 has described himself as a Labour voter ThbRwlgHVTu-00726-00171185-00171433 in the 1970s and voter for the Liberal ThbRwlgHVTu-00727-00171434-00171709 Democrats since the party's creation in ThbRwlgHVTu-00728-00171710-00171991 2009 he spoke at the party's conference ThbRwlgHVTu-00729-00171992-00172162 in opposition to blasphemy laws ThbRwlgHVTu-00730-00172163-00172381 alternative medicine and faith schools ThbRwlgHVTu-00731-00172382-00172704 in the UK general election of 2010 ThbRwlgHVTu-00732-00172705-00172927 Dawkins officially endorsed the Liberal ThbRwlgHVTu-00733-00172928-00173125 Democrats in support of their campaign ThbRwlgHVTu-00734-00173126-00173296 for electoral reform and for their ThbRwlgHVTu-00735-00173297-00173641 refusal to pander to faith in the run-up ThbRwlgHVTu-00736-00173642-00173923 to the 2017 general election Dawkins ThbRwlgHVTu-00737-00173924-00174082 once again endorsed the Liberal ThbRwlgHVTu-00738-00174083-00174289 Democrats and urged voters to join the ThbRwlgHVTu-00739-00174290-00174340 party ThbRwlgHVTu-00740-00174341-00174666 in 1998 Dawkins expressed his ThbRwlgHVTu-00741-00174667-00174868 appreciation for two books connected ThbRwlgHVTu-00742-00174869-00174979 with the Sokol affair ThbRwlgHVTu-00743-00174980-00175189 higher superstition the academic left ThbRwlgHVTu-00744-00175190-00175372 and it's quarrels with science by Paul ThbRwlgHVTu-00745-00175373-00175543 are gross and Norman Levitt and ThbRwlgHVTu-00746-00175544-00175744 intellectual impostures by Sokol and ThbRwlgHVTu-00747-00175745-00176016 Jean bricmont these books are famous for ThbRwlgHVTu-00748-00176017-00176257 their criticism of post-modernism in US ThbRwlgHVTu-00749-00176258-00176473 universities namely in the department's ThbRwlgHVTu-00750-00176474-00176698 of literary studies anthropology and ThbRwlgHVTu-00751-00176699-00176899 other cultural studies Dawkins has ThbRwlgHVTu-00752-00176900-00177085 voiced his support for the campaign for ThbRwlgHVTu-00753-00177086-00177279 the establishment of a United Nations ThbRwlgHVTu-00754-00177280-00177508 Parliamentary Assembly an organization ThbRwlgHVTu-00755-00177509-00177724 that campaigns for democratic reform in ThbRwlgHVTu-00756-00177725-00177931 the United Nations and the creation of a ThbRwlgHVTu-00757-00177932-00178108 more accountable international political ThbRwlgHVTu-00758-00178109-00178386 system Dawkins identifies as a feminist ThbRwlgHVTu-00759-00178387-00178621 Dawkins has said that feminism us ThbRwlgHVTu-00760-00178622-00178954 enormous ly important and a political ThbRwlgHVTu-00761-00178955-00179362 movement that deserves to be supported ThbRwlgHVTu-00762-00179363-00179518 you ThbRwlgHVTu-00763-00179519-00180024 topic other fields ThbRwlgHVTu-00764-00180025-00180261 in his role as professor for public ThbRwlgHVTu-00765-00180262-00180462 understanding of science Dawkins has ThbRwlgHVTu-00766-00180463-00180627 been a critic of pseudoscience and ThbRwlgHVTu-00767-00180628-00180915 alternative medicine his 1998 book ThbRwlgHVTu-00768-00180916-00181137 unweaving the rainbow considers John ThbRwlgHVTu-00769-00181138-00181338 Keats his accusation that by explaining ThbRwlgHVTu-00770-00181339-00181554 the rainbow Isaac Newton diminished its ThbRwlgHVTu-00771-00181555-00181605 beauty ThbRwlgHVTu-00772-00181606-00181761 Dawkins argues for the opposite ThbRwlgHVTu-00773-00181762-00182034 conclusion he suggests that deep space ThbRwlgHVTu-00774-00182035-00182190 the billions of years of life's ThbRwlgHVTu-00775-00182191-00182406 evolution and the microscopic workings ThbRwlgHVTu-00776-00182407-00182619 of biology and heredity contain more ThbRwlgHVTu-00777-00182620-00182939 beauty and wonder than do myths and ThbRwlgHVTu-00778-00182940-00183222 pseudoscience for John diamonds ThbRwlgHVTu-00779-00183223-00183465 posthumously published snake oil a book ThbRwlgHVTu-00780-00183466-00183636 devoted to debunking alternative ThbRwlgHVTu-00781-00183637-00183831 medicine Dawkins wrote a foreword in ThbRwlgHVTu-00782-00183832-00183993 which he asserts that alternative ThbRwlgHVTu-00783-00183994-00184197 medicine is harmful if only because it ThbRwlgHVTu-00784-00184198-00184392 distracts patients from more successful ThbRwlgHVTu-00785-00184393-00184563 conventional treatments and gives people ThbRwlgHVTu-00786-00184564-00184670 false hopes ThbRwlgHVTu-00787-00184671-00184914 Dawkins states that there is no ThbRwlgHVTu-00788-00184915-00185136 alternative medicine there is only ThbRwlgHVTu-00789-00185137-00185361 medicine that works and medicine that ThbRwlgHVTu-00790-00185362-00185727 doesn't work in his 2007 channel 4 TV ThbRwlgHVTu-00791-00185728-00185946 film the enemies of reason Dawkins ThbRwlgHVTu-00792-00185947-00186135 concluded that Britain is gripped by an ThbRwlgHVTu-00793-00186136-00186398 epidemic of superstitious thinking ThbRwlgHVTu-00794-00186399-00186603 continuing a long-standing partnership ThbRwlgHVTu-00795-00186604-00186735 with channel 4 ThbRwlgHVTu-00796-00186736-00186945 Dawkins participated in a five-part ThbRwlgHVTu-00797-00186946-00187164 television series genius of Britain ThbRwlgHVTu-00798-00187165-00187341 along with fellow scientist Stephen ThbRwlgHVTu-00799-00187342-00187608 Hawking James Dyson Paul nurse and Jim ThbRwlgHVTu-00800-00187609-00187857 al-khalili the series was first ThbRwlgHVTu-00801-00187858-00188142 broadcast in June 2010 and focuses on ThbRwlgHVTu-00802-00188143-00188370 major British scientific achievements ThbRwlgHVTu-00803-00188371-00188616 throughout history in 2014 he joined the ThbRwlgHVTu-00804-00188617-00188834 global awareness movement asteroid as a ThbRwlgHVTu-00805-00188835-00189152 100 X signatory ThbRwlgHVTu-00806-00189153-00189419 Dawkins worked alongside Welsh musician ThbRwlgHVTu-00807-00189420-00189620 Jase Lewis contributing a recorded ThbRwlgHVTu-00808-00189621-00189821 spoken word for the track exhale from ThbRwlgHVTu-00809-00189822-00190076 his 1998 book unweaving the rainbow to ThbRwlgHVTu-00810-00190077-00190229 the Welshman's third full-length album ThbRwlgHVTu-00811-00190230-00190609 million ThbRwlgHVTu-00812-00190610-00191221 topic Awards & recognition ThbRwlgHVTu-00813-00191222-00191458 Dawkins was awarded a Doctor of Science ThbRwlgHVTu-00814-00191459-00191683 degree by the University of Oxford in ThbRwlgHVTu-00815-00191684-00192022 1989 he holds honorary doctorates in ThbRwlgHVTu-00816-00192023-00192181 science from the University of ThbRwlgHVTu-00817-00192182-00192376 Huddersfield University of Westminster ThbRwlgHVTu-00818-00192377-00192652 Durham University the University of Hull ThbRwlgHVTu-00819-00192653-00192907 the University of Antwerp the University ThbRwlgHVTu-00820-00192908-00193171 of Oslo the University of Aberdeen Open ThbRwlgHVTu-00821-00193172-00193302 University the Vrije Universiteit ThbRwlgHVTu-00822-00193303-00193572 Brussel and the University of Valencia ThbRwlgHVTu-00823-00193573-00193858 he also holds honorary doctorates of ThbRwlgHVTu-00824-00193859-00194035 letters from the University of st. ThbRwlgHVTu-00825-00194036-00194221 Andrews and the Australian National ThbRwlgHVTu-00826-00194222-00194539 University onlet 1996 and was elected ThbRwlgHVTu-00827-00194540-00194691 fellow of the Royal Society of ThbRwlgHVTu-00828-00194692-00194962 literature in 1997 and a fellow of the ThbRwlgHVTu-00829-00194963-00195061 Royal Society ThbRwlgHVTu-00830-00195062-00195445 FRS in 2001 he is one of the patrons of ThbRwlgHVTu-00831-00195446-00195690 the oxford university scientific society ThbRwlgHVTu-00832-00195691-00196132 in 1987 Dawkins received a Royal Society ThbRwlgHVTu-00833-00196133-00196290 of literature award in a Los Angeles ThbRwlgHVTu-00834-00196291-00196537 Times literary prize for his book the ThbRwlgHVTu-00835-00196538-00196822 blind watchmaker in the same year he ThbRwlgHVTu-00836-00196823-00197056 received a SCI tech prize for Best ThbRwlgHVTu-00837-00197057-00197287 television documentary science programme ThbRwlgHVTu-00838-00197288-00197478 of the year for his work on the BBC's ThbRwlgHVTu-00839-00197479-00197731 horizon episode the blind watchmaker his ThbRwlgHVTu-00840-00197732-00197899 other awards include the Zoological ThbRwlgHVTu-00841-00197900-00198262 Society of London silver medal 1989 the ThbRwlgHVTu-00842-00198263-00198550 Finley Innovation Award 1990 the Michael ThbRwlgHVTu-00843-00198551-00198858 Faraday award 1990 the Nakayama Prize ThbRwlgHVTu-00844-00198859-00199123 1994 the American Humanist Association ThbRwlgHVTu-00845-00199124-00199477 's humanist of the Year award 1996 v ThbRwlgHVTu-00846-00199478-00199795 International cosmos Prize 1997 the ThbRwlgHVTu-00847-00199796-00199882 Kistler Prize ThbRwlgHVTu-00848-00199883-00200127 2001 the medal of the presidency of the ThbRwlgHVTu-00849-00200128-00200512 Italian Republic 2001 the 2001 and 2012 ThbRwlgHVTu-00850-00200513-00200722 emperor has no clothes award from the ThbRwlgHVTu-00851-00200723-00200916 Freedom From Religion Foundation the ThbRwlgHVTu-00852-00200917-00201121 Bicentennial Kelvin medal of the Royal ThbRwlgHVTu-00853-00201122-00201429 philosophical Society of Glasgow 2002 ThbRwlgHVTu-00854-00201430-00201637 and the nirenberg Prize for science in ThbRwlgHVTu-00855-00201638-00201939 the public interest 2009 he was awarded ThbRwlgHVTu-00856-00201940-00202159 the desh Nura ward named after German ThbRwlgHVTu-00857-00202160-00202345 Andy clerical author Carl Heine's ThbRwlgHVTu-00858-00202346-00202582 Dashner the committee for skeptical ThbRwlgHVTu-00859-00202583-00202921 inquiry CSICOP has awarded Dawkins their ThbRwlgHVTu-00860-00202922-00203256 highest award in praise of reason 1992 ThbRwlgHVTu-00861-00203257-00203596 Dawkins top prospect magazine's 2004 ThbRwlgHVTu-00862-00203597-00203827 list of the top 100 public British ThbRwlgHVTu-00863-00203828-00204043 intellectuals as decided by the readers ThbRwlgHVTu-00864-00204044-00204238 receiving twice as many votes as the ThbRwlgHVTu-00865-00204239-00204472 runner-up he was shortlisted as a ThbRwlgHVTu-00866-00204473-00204583 candidate in there ThbRwlgHVTu-00867-00204584-00204898 2008 follow-up poll in a poll held by ThbRwlgHVTu-00868-00204898-00205171 prospect in 2013 Dawkins was voted the ThbRwlgHVTu-00869-00205171-00205434 world's top thinker based on 65 names ThbRwlgHVTu-00870-00205435-00205696 chosen by a largely US and UK based ThbRwlgHVTu-00871-00205696-00205981 expert panel in 2005 the Hamburg based ThbRwlgHVTu-00872-00205982-00206194 Alfred Topher Foundation awarded him its ThbRwlgHVTu-00873-00206194-00206391 Shakespeare prize in recognition of his ThbRwlgHVTu-00874-00206392-00206685 concise and accessible presentation of ThbRwlgHVTu-00875-00206686-00206982 scientific knowledge he won the Lewis ThbRwlgHVTu-00876-00206983-00207183 Thomas prize for writing about science ThbRwlgHVTu-00877-00207184-00207462 for 2006 as well as the galaxy British ThbRwlgHVTu-00878-00207463-00207657 Book Awards his author of the Year award ThbRwlgHVTu-00879-00207658-00208014 for 2007 in the same year he was listed ThbRwlgHVTu-00880-00208015-00208231 by Time magazine as one of the 100 most ThbRwlgHVTu-00881-00208232-00208536 influential people in the world in 2007 ThbRwlgHVTu-00882-00208537-00208713 and was ranked 20th in the Daily ThbRwlgHVTu-00883-00208714-00209016 Telegraph's 2007 list of 100 greatest ThbRwlgHVTu-00884-00209017-00209136 living geniuses ThbRwlgHVTu-00885-00209137-00209380 since 2003 the Atheist alliance ThbRwlgHVTu-00886-00209381-00209592 International has awarded a prize during ThbRwlgHVTu-00887-00209594-00209760 its annual conference honoring an ThbRwlgHVTu-00888-00209761-00209956 outstanding atheist whose work has done ThbRwlgHVTu-00889-00209957-00210135 the most to raise public awareness of ThbRwlgHVTu-00890-00210136-00210346 atheism during that year it is known as ThbRwlgHVTu-00891-00210346-00210526 the Richard Dawkins award in honor of ThbRwlgHVTu-00892-00210527-00210862 Dawkins his own efforts in February 2010 ThbRwlgHVTu-00893-00210863-00211057 Dawkins was named to the Freedom From ThbRwlgHVTu-00894-00211058-00211276 Religion Foundation's honorary board of ThbRwlgHVTu-00895-00211277-00211482 distinguished achievers in 2012 ThbRwlgHVTu-00896-00211483-00211753 ichthyology in Sri Lanka honored Dawkins ThbRwlgHVTu-00897-00211754-00211951 by creating docked India as a new genus ThbRwlgHVTu-00898-00211952-00212119 named members of this genus were ThbRwlgHVTu-00899-00212119-00212357 formerly members of the genus pushes ThbRwlgHVTu-00900-00212358-00212559 explaining the reasoning behind the ThbRwlgHVTu-00901-00212560-00212623 genus name ThbRwlgHVTu-00902-00212623-00212844 lead researcher Rohan Padilla Goethe was ThbRwlgHVTu-00903-00212846-00213048 quoted as stating Richard Dawkins has ThbRwlgHVTu-00904-00213050-00213181 through his writings helped us ThbRwlgHVTu-00905-00213182-00213360 understand that the universe is far more ThbRwlgHVTu-00906-00213361-00213565 beautiful and awe-inspiring than any ThbRwlgHVTu-00907-00213566-00213850 religion has imagined we hope that Dakin ThbRwlgHVTu-00908-00213851-00214000 sure will serve as a reminder of the ThbRwlgHVTu-00909-00214001-00214221 elegance and simplicity of evolution the ThbRwlgHVTu-00910-00214223-00214429 only rational explanation there is for ThbRwlgHVTu-00911-00214430-00214623 the unimaginable diversity of life on ThbRwlgHVTu-00912-00214625-00214915 Earth topic personal life Dawkins has ThbRwlgHVTu-00913-00214916-00215107 been married three times and has one ThbRwlgHVTu-00914-00215108-00215460 daughter on the 19th of August 1967 ThbRwlgHVTu-00915-00215461-00215719 Dawkins married fellow ethologist Marian ThbRwlgHVTu-00916-00215719-00215907 stamp in the Protestant church in Anne's ThbRwlgHVTu-00917-00215908-00216121 Town County Waterford Ireland they ThbRwlgHVTu-00918-00216121-00216556 divorced in 1984 on the 1st of June 1984 ThbRwlgHVTu-00919-00216557-00216807 he married Eve Barham the 19th of August ThbRwlgHVTu-00920-00216808-00217192 1951 - the 28th of February 1999 in ThbRwlgHVTu-00921-00217192-00217480 Oxford they had a daughter Juliet Emma ThbRwlgHVTu-00922-00217481-00217869 Dawkins born 1984 Oxford Dawkins and ThbRwlgHVTu-00923-00217871-00217919 Barham ThbRwlgHVTu-00924-00217921-00218241 forced in 1992 he married actress Lalla ThbRwlgHVTu-00925-00218242-00218482 Ward in Kensington and Chelsea London ThbRwlgHVTu-00926-00218483-00218679 Dawkins met her through their mutual ThbRwlgHVTu-00927-00218680-00218889 friend Douglas Adams who had worked with ThbRwlgHVTu-00928-00218890-00219201 her on the BBC's Doctor Who Dawkins and ThbRwlgHVTu-00929-00219202-00219465 Ward separated in 2016 and they later ThbRwlgHVTu-00930-00219466-00219663 described the separation as entirely ThbRwlgHVTu-00931-00219664-00219959 amicable on the 6th of February 2016 ThbRwlgHVTu-00932-00219960-00220131 Dawkins suffered a minor hemorrhagic ThbRwlgHVTu-00933-00220132-00220267 stroke while at home ThbRwlgHVTu-00934-00220269-00220506 Dawkins reported later that same year ThbRwlgHVTu-00935-00220507-00220742 that he had almost completely recovered ThbRwlgHVTu-00936-00220742-00221028 topic media topic selected publications ThbRwlgHVTu-00937-00221029-00221298 The Selfish Gene Oxford Oxford ThbRwlgHVTu-00938-00221298-00221744 University Press 1976 is B and 9 seven ThbRwlgHVTu-00939-00221746-00221982 eight oh one nine two eight six oh nine ThbRwlgHVTu-00940-00221983-00222098 two seven ThbRwlgHVTu-00941-00222100-00222438 the extended phenotype Oxford Oxford ThbRwlgHVTu-00942-00222439-00222969 University Press 1982 ISBN 978 oh one ThbRwlgHVTu-00943-00222969-00223305 nine two eight eight oh five one two the ThbRwlgHVTu-00944-00223306-00223500 blind watchmaker new york ThbRwlgHVTu-00945-00223501-00224028 WW Norton & Company 1986 ISBN nine seven ThbRwlgHVTu-00946-00224029-00224271 eight oh three nine three three one five ThbRwlgHVTu-00947-00224271-00224601 seven oh seven river out of Eden new ThbRwlgHVTu-00948-00224602-00225035 york basic books 1995 ISBN nine seven ThbRwlgHVTu-00949-00225036-00225260 eight oh four six five zero six nine ThbRwlgHVTu-00950-00225261-00225579 nine zero three book text climbing Mount ThbRwlgHVTu-00951-00225580-00225938 improbable New York WW Norton & Company ThbRwlgHVTu-00952-00225939-00226389 1996 ISBN nine seven eight oh three nine ThbRwlgHVTu-00953-00226390-00226655 three three one six eight two seven ThbRwlgHVTu-00954-00226656-00226953 unweaving the rainbow Boston Houghton ThbRwlgHVTu-00955-00226954-00227369 Mifflin 1998 ISBN nine seven eight oh ThbRwlgHVTu-00956-00227371-00227601 six one eight oh five six seven three ThbRwlgHVTu-00957-00227602-00227946 six a devil's chaplain Wyden Feldon ThbRwlgHVTu-00958-00227946-00228117 Nicholson United Kingdom and ThbRwlgHVTu-00959-00228117-00228315 Commonwealth houghton mifflin united ThbRwlgHVTu-00960-00228316-00228807 states 2003 ISBN 978 oh seven five three ThbRwlgHVTu-00961-00228808-00229128 eight one seven five OH six the ThbRwlgHVTu-00962-00229129-00229394 ancestors tale Boston Houghton Mifflin ThbRwlgHVTu-00963-00229396-00229857 2004 ISBN nine seven eight oh six 1-800 ThbRwlgHVTu-00964-00229858-00230192 five eight three three The God Delusion ThbRwlgHVTu-00965-00230194-00230439 Bantam press United Kingdom Houghton ThbRwlgHVTu-00966-00230440-00230873 Mifflin United States 2006 ISBN nine ThbRwlgHVTu-00967-00230875-00231132 seven eight oh six one eight six eight ThbRwlgHVTu-00968-00231133-00231285 oh oh oh nine ThbRwlgHVTu-00969-00231286-00231519 the greatest show on earth the evidence ThbRwlgHVTu-00970-00231521-00231763 for evolution trance world United ThbRwlgHVTu-00971-00231764-00231942 Kingdom and Commonwealth Free Press ThbRwlgHVTu-00972-00231944-00232407 United States 2009 ISBN nine seven eight ThbRwlgHVTu-00973-00232408-00232881 oh five nine 306 173 to the magic of ThbRwlgHVTu-00974-00232882-00233085 reality how we know what's really true ThbRwlgHVTu-00975-00233086-00233382 Bantam press United Kingdom free press ThbRwlgHVTu-00976-00233383-00233829 United States 2011 ISBN nine seven eight ThbRwlgHVTu-00977-00233830-00234073 one four three nine one nine two eight ThbRwlgHVTu-00978-00234073-00234435 one eight OCLC seven hundred nine ThbRwlgHVTu-00979-00234436-00234624 million six hundred seventy three ThbRwlgHVTu-00980-00234625-00234837 thousand one hundred thirty-two an ThbRwlgHVTu-00981-00234838-00235069 appetite for wonder the making of a ThbRwlgHVTu-00982-00235069-00235348 scientist Bantam press United Kingdom ThbRwlgHVTu-00983-00235348-00235728 and United States 2013 ISBN nine seven ThbRwlgHVTu-00984-00235729-00236078 800 six two two eight seven one five one ThbRwlgHVTu-00985-00236079-00236352 brief candle in the dark my life in ThbRwlgHVTu-00986-00236353-00236634 science Bantam press United Kingdom and ThbRwlgHVTu-00987-00236635-00237003 United States 2015 is B and nine seven ThbRwlgHVTu-00988-00237004-00237262 800 six two two eight eight four three ThbRwlgHVTu-00989-00237263-00237576 one science in the soul selected ThbRwlgHVTu-00990-00237577-00237753 writings of a passionate rationalist ThbRwlgHVTu-00991-00237754-00238194 Random House 2017 ISBN nine seven eight ThbRwlgHVTu-00992-00238196-00238465 one four seven three five four one six ThbRwlgHVTu-00993-00238466-00238803 six five topic documentary films nice ThbRwlgHVTu-00994-00238804-00239085 guys finish first 1986 the blind ThbRwlgHVTu-00995-00239086-00239346 watchmaker 1987 growing up in the ThbRwlgHVTu-00996-00239348-00239627 universe 1991 break the science barrier ThbRwlgHVTu-00997-00239628-00239992 1996 the atheism tapes 2004 the big ThbRwlgHVTu-00998-00239992-00240262 question 2005 part three of the TV ThbRwlgHVTu-00999-00240263-00240544 series titled why are we here the root ThbRwlgHVTu-01000-00240544-00240840 of all evil 2006 the enemies of Reason ThbRwlgHVTu-01001-00240841-00241182 2007 the genius of Charles Darwin 2008 ThbRwlgHVTu-01002-00241183-00241473 the purpose of purpose 2009 lecture tour ThbRwlgHVTu-01003-00241474-00241701 among American universities faith school ThbRwlgHVTu-01004-00241702-00242028 menace 2010 beautiful minds April 2012 ThbRwlgHVTu-01005-00242029-00242358 BBC four documentary sex death and the ThbRwlgHVTu-01006-00242359-00242583 meaning of life 2012 the unbelievers ThbRwlgHVTu-01007-00242584-00242883 2013 topic other appearances Dawkins has ThbRwlgHVTu-01008-00242884-00243096 made many television appearances on news ThbRwlgHVTu-01009-00243098-00243297 shows providing his political opinions ThbRwlgHVTu-01010-00243298-00243492 and especially his views as an atheist ThbRwlgHVTu-01011-00243494-00243696 he has been interviewed on the radio ThbRwlgHVTu-01012-00243698-00244021 often as part of his book tours he has ThbRwlgHVTu-01013-00244021-00244257 debated many religious figures he has ThbRwlgHVTu-01014-00244258-00244431 made many university speaking ThbRwlgHVTu-01015-00244432-00244654 appearances again often in coordination ThbRwlgHVTu-01016-00244655-00244992 with his book tours as of 2016 he has ThbRwlgHVTu-01017-00244994-00245206 over 60 credits in the internet movie ThbRwlgHVTu-01018-00245207-00245421 database where he appeared as himself ThbRwlgHVTu-01019-00245421-00245764 expelled no intelligence allowed 2008 as ThbRwlgHVTu-01020-00245765-00245941 himself presented as a leading ThbRwlgHVTu-01021-00245942-00246136 scientific opponent of intelligent ThbRwlgHVTu-01022-00246137-00246325 design in a film that contends that the ThbRwlgHVTu-01023-00246326-00246498 mainstream science establishment ThbRwlgHVTu-01024-00246500-00246682 suppresses academics who believe they ThbRwlgHVTu-01025-00246683-00246873 see evidence of intelligent design in ThbRwlgHVTu-01026-00246875-00247048 nature and who criticize evidence ThbRwlgHVTu-01027-00247048-00247248 supporting Darwinian evolution Doctor ThbRwlgHVTu-01028-00247250-00247513 Who the stolen Earth 2008 as himself The ThbRwlgHVTu-01029-00247514-00247798 Simpsons black eyed please 2013 appears ThbRwlgHVTu-01030-00247798-00248014 in Ned Flanders dream of Hell provided ThbRwlgHVTu-01031-00248015-00248188 voice as a demon version of himself ThbRwlgHVTu-01032-00248189-00248482 endless forms most beautiful 2015 by ThbRwlgHVTu-01033-00248483-00248662 night wish finished symphonic metal band ThbRwlgHVTu-01034-00248663-00248890 Nightwish had Dawkins as a guest star on ThbRwlgHVTu-01035-00248891-00249178 the album he provides narration on two ThbRwlgHVTu-01036-00249179-00249373 tracks shudder before the beautiful in ThbRwlgHVTu-01037-00249373-00249565 which he opens the album with one of his ThbRwlgHVTu-01038-00249566-00249744 own quotes and the greatest show on ThbRwlgHVTu-01039-00249746-00249967 earth inspired by and named after his ThbRwlgHVTu-01040-00249967-00250132 book the greatest show on earth the ThbRwlgHVTu-01041-00250133-00250317 evidence for evolution and in which he ThbRwlgHVTu-01042-00250319-00250480 quotes on the Origin of Species by ThbRwlgHVTu-01043-00250481-00250759 Charles Darwin he subsequently performed ThbRwlgHVTu-01044-00250760-00250954 his parts live with Nightwish on the ThbRwlgHVTu-01045-00250955-00251194 19th of December 2015 at the Wembley ThbRwlgHVTu-01046-00251194-00251413 Arena in London the concert was later ThbRwlgHVTu-01047-00251414-00251667 released as a part of a live album DVD ThbRwlgHVTu-01048-00251669-00251956 titled vehicle of spirit topic notes ThbRwlgHVTu-01049-00251957-00252190 topic references topics cited texts ThbRwlgHVTu-01050-00252191-00252567 Dawkins Richard 1989 The Selfish Gene ThbRwlgHVTu-01051-00252569-00252835 second dad United Kingdom oxford ThbRwlgHVTu-01052-00252836-00253258 university press ISBN 978 oh one nine ThbRwlgHVTu-01053-00253259-00253509 two eight six oh nine two seven ThbRwlgHVTu-01054-00253510-00253869 Dawkins Richard 2006 The God Delusion ThbRwlgHVTu-01055-00253869-00254263 trance world publishers ISBN nine seven ThbRwlgHVTu-01056-00254264-00254311 eight oh ThbRwlgHVTu-01057-00254312-00254554 five nine three oh five five four eight ThbRwlgHVTu-01058-00254555-00254992 nine Dawkins Richard 2003 a devil's ThbRwlgHVTu-01059-00254992-00255265 chaplain Wyden Feldon Nicholson United ThbRwlgHVTu-01060-00255266-00255427 Kingdom and Commonwealth Houghton ThbRwlgHVTu-01061-00255428-00255751 Mifflin United States is B and nine ThbRwlgHVTu-01062-00255752-00255979 seven eight oh seven five three eight ThbRwlgHVTu-01063-00255980-00256317 one seven five OH six Dawkins Richard ThbRwlgHVTu-01064-00256317-00256663 2015 brief candle in the dark my life in ThbRwlgHVTu-01065-00256664-00257017 science Bantam press ISBN nine seven ThbRwlgHVTu-01066-00257017-00257278 eight oh five nine three oh seven two ThbRwlgHVTu-01067-00257279-00257662 five six one gräfin Alan Ridley Marc ThbRwlgHVTu-01068-00257663-00257998 2006 Richard Dawkins how a scientist ThbRwlgHVTu-01069-00257998-00258046 changed ThbRwlgHVTu-01070-00258046-00258309 away we think new york new york oxford ThbRwlgHVTu-01071-00258310-00258844 university press ISBN 978 oh 1 9 9 to 9 ThbRwlgHVTu-01072-00258844-00259213 1 1 6 8 topic external links official ThbRwlgHVTu-01073-00259214-00259465 website the Richard Dawkins foundation ThbRwlgHVTu-01074-00259466-00259639 for reason and science Richard Dawkins ThbRwlgHVTu-01075-00259640-00259912 on IMDB Richard Dawkins at Ted Richard ThbRwlgHVTu-01076-00259913-00260119 Dawkins on Charlie Rose appearances on ThbRwlgHVTu-01077-00260119-00260338 c-span Richard Dawkins collected news ThbRwlgHVTu-01078-00260339-00260631 and commentary The Guardian ThbRwlgHVTu-01079-00260632-00260892 Richard Dawkins lasted news at the ThbRwlgHVTu-01080-00260894-00261169 independent Richard Dawkins at the New ThbRwlgHVTu-01081-00261169-00261673 York Times Richard Dawkins at big thing TnnSu6CjUjy-00000-00000000-00000384 [Music] TnnSu6CjUjy-00001-00000385-00000975 [Applause] TnnSu6CjUjy-00002-00000976-00001031 when i'm TnnSu6CjUjy-00003-00001032-00001350 up through the night i can't turn down TnnSu6CjUjy-00004-00001351-00001743 the noise out of my mind TnnSu6CjUjy-00005-00001744-00001967 about who i'm supposed to be i'll start TnnSu6CjUjy-00006-00001968-00002255 to believe i can't get it right TnnSu6CjUjy-00007-00002256-00003183 remember the days i let slip away TnnSu6CjUjy-00008-00003184-00003543 mama told me yes welcome or welcome back TnnSu6CjUjy-00009-00003544-00003654 to my channel TnnSu6CjUjy-00010-00003655-00003999 it is your favorite girl amarie and TnnSu6CjUjy-00011-00004000-00004383 we're gonna start this vlog off with TnnSu6CjUjy-00012-00004384-00004470 showing you guys TnnSu6CjUjy-00013-00004471-00004727 a little bit of a unboxing a little bit TnnSu6CjUjy-00014-00004728-00004895 of catching up TnnSu6CjUjy-00015-00004896-00005263 and this is going to be a mini TnnSu6CjUjy-00016-00005264-00005502 days of vlogging this is going to be TnnSu6CjUjy-00017-00005503-00005718 many days of vlogging because TnnSu6CjUjy-00018-00005719-00006022 we are preparing for our very first TnnSu6CjUjy-00019-00006023-00006399 pop-up shop event so TnnSu6CjUjy-00020-00006400-00006703 i'm gonna be showing you guys what i'm TnnSu6CjUjy-00021-00006704-00007006 doing to prepare for the pop-up shop TnnSu6CjUjy-00022-00007008-00007255 what type of items i'm gonna be putting TnnSu6CjUjy-00023-00007256-00007383 in the pop-up shop TnnSu6CjUjy-00024-00007384-00007734 i made a mock-up of the form TnnSu6CjUjy-00025-00007736-00008006 i need for the pop-up shop all that good TnnSu6CjUjy-00026-00008008-00008087 stuff so TnnSu6CjUjy-00027-00008088-00008374 if you guys are interested in this amb TnnSu6CjUjy-00028-00008375-00008483 lavish TnnSu6CjUjy-00029-00008484-00008903 vlog then before we get started just go TnnSu6CjUjy-00030-00008904-00008951 ahead TnnSu6CjUjy-00031-00008952-00009127 and hit the like button the subscribe TnnSu6CjUjy-00032-00009128-00009431 button as well as the notification bell TnnSu6CjUjy-00033-00009432-00009814 and comment down below your business TnnSu6CjUjy-00034-00009815-00010135 right now or how we could get in touch TnnSu6CjUjy-00035-00010136-00010223 with you TnnSu6CjUjy-00036-00010224-00010431 when it pertains to your business i'm TnnSu6CjUjy-00037-00010432-00010567 gonna start off with TnnSu6CjUjy-00038-00010568-00010887 a little unboxing here um i TnnSu6CjUjy-00039-00010888-00011255 finally jumped into the TnnSu6CjUjy-00040-00011256-00011606 get suckered little ordeal TnnSu6CjUjy-00041-00011607-00011887 um get sucker is the flavoring a small TnnSu6CjUjy-00042-00011888-00012070 business they claim TnnSu6CjUjy-00043-00012071-00012263 small business that sells flavor and TnnSu6CjUjy-00044-00012264-00012487 oils and everybody on youtube and TnnSu6CjUjy-00045-00012488-00012767 everywhere else talks about them so i TnnSu6CjUjy-00046-00012768-00012799 did TnnSu6CjUjy-00047-00012800-00013183 place a little order um i got the fruity TnnSu6CjUjy-00048-00013184-00013383 fun pack TnnSu6CjUjy-00049-00013384-00013758 and then i got the fruity fun pack TnnSu6CjUjy-00050-00013759-00014086 is 10 different flavors and they're all TnnSu6CjUjy-00051-00014087-00014415 10 mls and then i got a TnnSu6CjUjy-00052-00014416-00014638 single order of the honeydew melon TnnSu6CjUjy-00053-00014640-00014783 flavor TnnSu6CjUjy-00054-00014784-00015038 and the lemon pound cake flavor but you TnnSu6CjUjy-00055-00015040-00015166 guys this box smells TnnSu6CjUjy-00056-00015168-00015655 so good um okay so TnnSu6CjUjy-00057-00015656-00015911 sorry you guys my sister had called but TnnSu6CjUjy-00058-00015912-00016143 i do have TnnSu6CjUjy-00059-00016144-00016375 these i have my son while i put you on TnnSu6CjUjy-00060-00016376-00016558 pause i have my son go and TnnSu6CjUjy-00061-00016559-00016767 run this up under the water to see if it TnnSu6CjUjy-00062-00016768-00016879 dissolves TnnSu6CjUjy-00063-00016880-00017158 because a lot of these packing peanuts TnnSu6CjUjy-00064-00017159-00017319 from companies TnnSu6CjUjy-00065-00017320-00017767 are coming from or being made TnnSu6CjUjy-00066-00017768-00018079 are being made um to where you're not TnnSu6CjUjy-00067-00018080-00018175 wasting TnnSu6CjUjy-00068-00018176-00018447 and stuff and he said it does dissolve TnnSu6CjUjy-00069-00018448-00018630 and i thought that was pretty cool so TnnSu6CjUjy-00070-00018631-00018830 i'm gonna keep these packing peanuts for TnnSu6CjUjy-00071-00018831-00019047 any orders that i shall need TnnSu6CjUjy-00072-00019048-00019639 but i do have the lemon pound cake one TnnSu6CjUjy-00073-00019640-00019830 but it doesn't smell like pound cake to TnnSu6CjUjy-00074-00019831-00020055 me TnnSu6CjUjy-00075-00020056-00020399 it disappeared TnnSu6CjUjy-00076-00020400-00020622 and this one is the honeydew melon TnnSu6CjUjy-00077-00020623-00020703 hopefully TnnSu6CjUjy-00078-00020704-00021030 oops hopefully you guys can see this but TnnSu6CjUjy-00079-00021031-00021655 it's just honeydew melon what baby TnnSu6CjUjy-00080-00021656-00021814 yes i did you could tell them again if TnnSu6CjUjy-00081-00021815-00022286 you like like TnnSu6CjUjy-00082-00022287-00022927 comment subscribe hit the taco bell TnnSu6CjUjy-00083-00022928-00023222 i don't know what that thing called you TnnSu6CjUjy-00084-00023223-00023367 all right and then here TnnSu6CjUjy-00085-00023368-00023686 is the fun pack but TnnSu6CjUjy-00086-00023687-00024263 i do have very berry TnnSu6CjUjy-00087-00024264-00024567 strawberry spunk TnnSu6CjUjy-00088-00024568-00025039 we have apple adventure TnnSu6CjUjy-00089-00025040-00025335 oh you know what i wonder what the they TnnSu6CjUjy-00090-00025336-00025678 have where it says get sucker pg based TnnSu6CjUjy-00091-00025679-00025943 and all some of them are highlighted as TnnSu6CjUjy-00092-00025944-00026150 oil some of them are highlighted as TnnSu6CjUjy-00093-00026151-00026558 pg based and i haven't gotten that far TnnSu6CjUjy-00094-00026560-00026670 into it TnnSu6CjUjy-00095-00026672-00026855 okay so like i was saying some of them TnnSu6CjUjy-00096-00026856-00027070 say pg based and some of them say TnnSu6CjUjy-00097-00027072-00027414 all so i'm gonna have to research that TnnSu6CjUjy-00098-00027416-00027607 and look into it TnnSu6CjUjy-00099-00027608-00027911 hopefully the pg base can be used TnnSu6CjUjy-00100-00027912-00028223 inside of the lip products too but i TnnSu6CjUjy-00101-00028224-00028311 don't know TnnSu6CjUjy-00102-00028312-00028662 this one is pink lemonade TnnSu6CjUjy-00103-00028663-00029031 we have banana cream oops TnnSu6CjUjy-00104-00029032-00029483 we have banana cream we have chocolate TnnSu6CjUjy-00105-00029483-00029643 raspberry TnnSu6CjUjy-00106-00029644-00030007 huckleberry heaven i wonder what that TnnSu6CjUjy-00107-00030008-00030183 smells like all of them are sealed right TnnSu6CjUjy-00108-00030183-00030270 now TnnSu6CjUjy-00109-00030272-00030567 so i didn't want to be taking them all TnnSu6CjUjy-00110-00030568-00030702 out TnnSu6CjUjy-00111-00030703-00030958 orange pineapple great hopefully for the TnnSu6CjUjy-00112-00030960-00031174 last time TnnSu6CjUjy-00113-00031175-00031607 the prickly pear TnnSu6CjUjy-00114-00031608-00031862 and then the last one is cucumber melon TnnSu6CjUjy-00115-00031863-00031918 which TnnSu6CjUjy-00116-00031919-00032062 i know is going to be my favorite TnnSu6CjUjy-00117-00032063-00032367 because i love cucumber melon smell TnnSu6CjUjy-00118-00032368-00032735 okay so i got me some new millers TnnSu6CjUjy-00119-00032736-00033071 and it has my logo on it TnnSu6CjUjy-00120-00033072-00033302 and i don't even remember the size of TnnSu6CjUjy-00121-00033303-00033511 these i would have to TnnSu6CjUjy-00122-00033512-00033687 put it in the video because i don't TnnSu6CjUjy-00123-00033688-00033911 remember the size but TnnSu6CjUjy-00124-00033912-00034143 they're not bubble millers they're not TnnSu6CjUjy-00125-00034144-00034302 the TnnSu6CjUjy-00126-00034303-00034471 yeah they're not the bubble millers TnnSu6CjUjy-00127-00034472-00034671 they're the polly millers TnnSu6CjUjy-00128-00034672-00035055 so i do have those for clothing items TnnSu6CjUjy-00129-00035056-00035431 as well as i did get some from amazon TnnSu6CjUjy-00130-00035432-00035759 that looks like this as well i got these TnnSu6CjUjy-00131-00035760-00035951 off amazon TnnSu6CjUjy-00132-00035952-00036255 ship and style inspired mailers is what TnnSu6CjUjy-00133-00036256-00036351 they're called TnnSu6CjUjy-00134-00036352-00036727 but these are polly miller's as well TnnSu6CjUjy-00135-00036728-00036951 they're not bubble millers TnnSu6CjUjy-00136-00036952-00037311 um these came in TnnSu6CjUjy-00137-00037312-00037518 three different sizes i will have it TnnSu6CjUjy-00138-00037519-00037615 linked down below TnnSu6CjUjy-00139-00037616-00037999 in my amazon storefront for you guys TnnSu6CjUjy-00140-00038000-00038239 but i will also link where i got these TnnSu6CjUjy-00141-00038240-00038302 from TnnSu6CjUjy-00142-00038303-00038574 but i got those because i'm trying to TnnSu6CjUjy-00143-00038575-00038671 upgrade TnnSu6CjUjy-00144-00038672-00038959 you know my branding and my business and TnnSu6CjUjy-00145-00038960-00039039 when you guys TnnSu6CjUjy-00146-00039040-00039287 order throw them from me they should TnnSu6CjUjy-00147-00039288-00039487 come in one of these TnnSu6CjUjy-00148-00039488-00039935 two depending on how many clothing TnnSu6CjUjy-00149-00039936-00040223 items you buy i also have the smaller TnnSu6CjUjy-00150-00040224-00040271 ones TnnSu6CjUjy-00151-00040272-00040583 that are like the that are like TnnSu6CjUjy-00152-00040584-00041023 these here so it all just depends on TnnSu6CjUjy-00153-00041024-00041302 what you're ordering how you're ordering TnnSu6CjUjy-00154-00041303-00041351 that TnnSu6CjUjy-00155-00041352-00041630 i will put those in but i did want to TnnSu6CjUjy-00156-00041631-00041735 show you TnnSu6CjUjy-00157-00041736-00042055 the shipment of the shorts TnnSu6CjUjy-00158-00042056-00042574 i just got in i do have these shorts TnnSu6CjUjy-00159-00042575-00042799 and i always get when it comes down to TnnSu6CjUjy-00160-00042800-00043087 my vendor in the clothing i always get a TnnSu6CjUjy-00161-00043088-00043502 i always select the random mixed TnnSu6CjUjy-00162-00043503-00043855 clothing so i buy a certain quantity of TnnSu6CjUjy-00163-00043856-00043895 them TnnSu6CjUjy-00164-00043896-00044271 but i tell them to mix the sizes TnnSu6CjUjy-00165-00044272-00044662 and the actual prints so that i can have TnnSu6CjUjy-00166-00044663-00044790 a different variety TnnSu6CjUjy-00167-00044791-00045079 of all and i always start off with the TnnSu6CjUjy-00168-00045080-00045207 smallest quantity TnnSu6CjUjy-00169-00045208-00045415 possible because i don't know exactly TnnSu6CjUjy-00170-00045416-00045558 how they're gonna sell TnnSu6CjUjy-00171-00045559-00045862 but i did get these shorts in a few TnnSu6CjUjy-00172-00045863-00046023 weeks ago TnnSu6CjUjy-00173-00046024-00046415 and i'm showing you guys these because TnnSu6CjUjy-00174-00046416-00046718 they come already in this bag but TnnSu6CjUjy-00175-00046719-00046999 as you can tell they have the sizing TnnSu6CjUjy-00176-00047000-00047174 right here on the outside TnnSu6CjUjy-00177-00047175-00047567 but in order to make my branding a TnnSu6CjUjy-00178-00047568-00047662 little bit TnnSu6CjUjy-00179-00047663-00047846 more noticeable when it comes down to TnnSu6CjUjy-00180-00047847-00047974 the clothing TnnSu6CjUjy-00181-00047975-00048239 a lot of people are getting these tags TnnSu6CjUjy-00182-00048240-00048295 made TnnSu6CjUjy-00183-00048296-00048558 and i haven't figured out how to get the TnnSu6CjUjy-00184-00048559-00048735 tags made yet TnnSu6CjUjy-00185-00048736-00049111 so my thought process is to make TnnSu6CjUjy-00186-00049112-00049439 to use my avery sticker labels TnnSu6CjUjy-00187-00049440-00049790 and dummy up a sticker label tag and put TnnSu6CjUjy-00188-00049791-00050039 it on the outside right here TnnSu6CjUjy-00189-00050040-00050455 over on the side so that it'll still TnnSu6CjUjy-00190-00050456-00050774 you know go with me and my brandon TnnSu6CjUjy-00191-00050775-00051127 so i do have a crap ton TnnSu6CjUjy-00192-00051128-00051511 of shorts and i do have all different TnnSu6CjUjy-00193-00051512-00051742 sizes so you guys make sure to go check TnnSu6CjUjy-00194-00051744-00052102 it out on the website um TnnSu6CjUjy-00195-00052103-00052423 it has exactly on the website exactly TnnSu6CjUjy-00196-00052424-00052791 what i have in each size and it's only TnnSu6CjUjy-00197-00052791-00053150 one of each pair usher shorts TnnSu6CjUjy-00198-00053151-00053407 this is a size large and i only have TnnSu6CjUjy-00199-00053408-00053559 this one pair TnnSu6CjUjy-00200-00053560-00053919 that's exactly how i order my stuff TnnSu6CjUjy-00201-00053920-00054215 just so that i can see how they seal and TnnSu6CjUjy-00202-00054216-00054391 i just got these in TnnSu6CjUjy-00203-00054391-00054607 yesterday and these are the two piece TnnSu6CjUjy-00204-00054608-00054719 outfits TnnSu6CjUjy-00205-00054720-00055063 so the two-piece outfits once again TnnSu6CjUjy-00206-00055064-00055342 size small this is the fruity matter of TnnSu6CjUjy-00207-00055344-00055382 fact TnnSu6CjUjy-00208-00055383-00055711 let me show you i'm gonna take one out TnnSu6CjUjy-00209-00055712-00055823 of the shorts TnnSu6CjUjy-00210-00055824-00056311 i'm gonna take these living singles out TnnSu6CjUjy-00211-00056312-00056647 they look like that on the butt TnnSu6CjUjy-00212-00056648-00056926 and these are a size medium right yeah TnnSu6CjUjy-00213-00056927-00057047 these are medium TnnSu6CjUjy-00214-00057048-00057430 and they are stretchy TnnSu6CjUjy-00215-00057432-00057775 and these are the shorts material TnnSu6CjUjy-00216-00057776-00058238 is 35 cotton and 65 TnnSu6CjUjy-00217-00058239-00058638 polyester so the front of them are blank TnnSu6CjUjy-00218-00058639-00058959 but on the butt area it says living TnnSu6CjUjy-00219-00058960-00059254 single and like i said they're very TnnSu6CjUjy-00220-00059255-00059663 stretchy TnnSu6CjUjy-00221-00059664-00059926 and very comfortable fitting by time you TnnSu6CjUjy-00222-00059927-00060038 guys see TnnSu6CjUjy-00223-00060039-00060350 this vlog it will be probably TnnSu6CjUjy-00224-00060351-00060703 maybe possibly after the pop-up shop TnnSu6CjUjy-00225-00060704-00061063 but i'm trying to document TnnSu6CjUjy-00226-00061064-00061447 and film every bit of the process TnnSu6CjUjy-00227-00061448-00061687 as well as the pop-up shop and after the TnnSu6CjUjy-00228-00061688-00061887 pop-up shop i want to do a TnnSu6CjUjy-00229-00061888-00062150 sit-down video and tell you guys like TnnSu6CjUjy-00230-00062151-00062303 how the sales went TnnSu6CjUjy-00231-00062304-00062487 and all that stuff because this is my TnnSu6CjUjy-00232-00062488-00062799 very first time doing anything like this TnnSu6CjUjy-00233-00062800-00063223 when it comes to me my business my brand TnnSu6CjUjy-00234-00063224-00063294 anything TnnSu6CjUjy-00235-00063295-00063623 i'm nervous i'm scared but i'm TnnSu6CjUjy-00236-00063624-00064103 like mostly excited like TnnSu6CjUjy-00237-00064104-00064406 super excited so i'm just like TnnSu6CjUjy-00238-00064407-00064735 yes let's go let's do it so TnnSu6CjUjy-00239-00064736-00065087 yeah um but these shorts are going with TnnSu6CjUjy-00240-00065088-00065191 me TnnSu6CjUjy-00241-00065191-00065487 these two pieces are going with me and TnnSu6CjUjy-00242-00065488-00065582 these two pieces TnnSu6CjUjy-00243-00065583-00065975 are the same um when it comes to TnnSu6CjUjy-00244-00065976-00066319 sizing quantity and all that i do a TnnSu6CjUjy-00245-00066320-00066431 random mix TnnSu6CjUjy-00246-00066432-00066767 of random styles random sizes TnnSu6CjUjy-00247-00066768-00067094 and this is a size small and this one TnnSu6CjUjy-00248-00067095-00067135 here TnnSu6CjUjy-00249-00067136-00067519 is fruity these are the tube tops TnnSu6CjUjy-00250-00067520-00067743 and this isn't small the only thing that TnnSu6CjUjy-00251-00067744-00067871 i'm TnnSu6CjUjy-00252-00067872-00068063 almost mad at when it comes down to TnnSu6CjUjy-00253-00068064-00068182 these vendors they don't have TnnSu6CjUjy-00254-00068183-00068511 extra small the small tube top TnnSu6CjUjy-00255-00068512-00068735 is too big for me because i don't have TnnSu6CjUjy-00256-00068736-00068815 boobies TnnSu6CjUjy-00257-00068816-00069047 so if you have you know a good set of TnnSu6CjUjy-00258-00069048-00069182 boobies these will fit TnnSu6CjUjy-00259-00069183-00069471 just perfect on you and you guys are TnnSu6CjUjy-00260-00069472-00069511 going to TnnSu6CjUjy-00261-00069512-00069903 love these pieces and these outfits are TnnSu6CjUjy-00262-00069904-00070206 100 polyester they have a good stretch TnnSu6CjUjy-00263-00070207-00070543 to it as well and like i said this tube TnnSu6CjUjy-00264-00070544-00070615 top TnnSu6CjUjy-00265-00070616-00070935 says fruity on the front of the tube top TnnSu6CjUjy-00266-00070936-00071143 and then the back of the shorts which i TnnSu6CjUjy-00267-00071144-00071406 love the pattern because the pattern TnnSu6CjUjy-00268-00071407-00071791 reminds me of my logo it's all colorful TnnSu6CjUjy-00269-00071792-00071894 and stuff TnnSu6CjUjy-00270-00071895-00072303 but these are the same as the TnnSu6CjUjy-00271-00072304-00072623 single shorts and these are these say TnnSu6CjUjy-00272-00072624-00072782 fruity on the back TnnSu6CjUjy-00273-00072783-00073087 and it just has the style a little print TnnSu6CjUjy-00274-00073088-00073182 in the front TnnSu6CjUjy-00275-00073183-00073391 but these have a good stretch to it as TnnSu6CjUjy-00276-00073392-00073606 well you guys are going to love these TnnSu6CjUjy-00277-00073607-00073911 i knew these are so freaking cute TnnSu6CjUjy-00278-00073912-00074223 and i have two more styles two more TnnSu6CjUjy-00279-00074224-00074279 styles TnnSu6CjUjy-00280-00074280-00074535 on the web all right now the memory was TnnSu6CjUjy-00281-00074536-00074694 full so sorry about that TnnSu6CjUjy-00282-00074695-00074903 but um i'm gonna show you guys like i TnnSu6CjUjy-00283-00074904-00075055 was saying later how TnnSu6CjUjy-00284-00075056-00075375 i'm gonna make the um TnnSu6CjUjy-00285-00075376-00075703 stickers for this and now we're gonna TnnSu6CjUjy-00286-00075704-00075759 move on TnnSu6CjUjy-00287-00075760-00076071 into i want to show y'all the different TnnSu6CjUjy-00288-00076072-00076287 type of items that i'm wanting to take TnnSu6CjUjy-00289-00076288-00076391 with me TnnSu6CjUjy-00290-00076392-00076575 to the pop-up shop i'm going to make a TnnSu6CjUjy-00291-00076576-00076694 whole list TnnSu6CjUjy-00292-00076695-00076999 a whole price list and everything TnnSu6CjUjy-00293-00077000-00077215 just so that it'll make it it'll make TnnSu6CjUjy-00294-00077216-00077375 everything easy TnnSu6CjUjy-00295-00077376-00077631 i know i'm gonna be taking like a lot of TnnSu6CjUjy-00296-00077632-00077791 my lashes TnnSu6CjUjy-00297-00077792-00078119 but i'm thinking about TnnSu6CjUjy-00298-00078120-00078406 i only have what one two three four five TnnSu6CjUjy-00299-00078407-00078511 i only have five TnnSu6CjUjy-00300-00078512-00078775 eyelash glues left so i don't think i'm TnnSu6CjUjy-00301-00078776-00078982 gonna take those that was a thought to TnnSu6CjUjy-00302-00078983-00079023 take TnnSu6CjUjy-00303-00079024-00079382 the eyelash glue with me and just sell TnnSu6CjUjy-00304-00079383-00079447 them out TnnSu6CjUjy-00305-00079448-00079638 since i never put them on the website TnnSu6CjUjy-00306-00079639-00079887 but i only got five left so TnnSu6CjUjy-00307-00079888-00080159 it's no point in that but i am gonna TnnSu6CjUjy-00308-00080160-00080415 take a lot of my lashes TnnSu6CjUjy-00309-00080416-00080694 i do have these lashes that i got from TnnSu6CjUjy-00310-00080695-00080831 the bender TnnSu6CjUjy-00311-00080832-00081055 these were supposed to be lavish on a TnnSu6CjUjy-00312-00081056-00081206 budget but TnnSu6CjUjy-00313-00081207-00081526 this vendor ended up like giving me my TnnSu6CjUjy-00314-00081527-00081855 money back because the shipment got lost TnnSu6CjUjy-00315-00081856-00082055 by time i did get it which was six TnnSu6CjUjy-00316-00082056-00082231 months later TnnSu6CjUjy-00317-00082232-00082567 all of the packaging was damaged as you TnnSu6CjUjy-00318-00082568-00082662 could tell like TnnSu6CjUjy-00319-00082663-00082982 they're all smashed up TnnSu6CjUjy-00320-00082983-00083350 and tore up and then i finally got it in TnnSu6CjUjy-00321-00083351-00083406 the mail TnnSu6CjUjy-00322-00083407-00083750 look at how bad they're beating up like TnnSu6CjUjy-00323-00083751-00083918 this that i would never go with that TnnSu6CjUjy-00324-00083919-00084071 vendor again but TnnSu6CjUjy-00325-00084072-00084431 i plan on taking these out TnnSu6CjUjy-00326-00084432-00084735 of the package and putting them into TnnSu6CjUjy-00327-00084736-00085150 one of mine since it's still holographic TnnSu6CjUjy-00328-00085151-00085482 and i want to make it like some type of TnnSu6CjUjy-00329-00085483-00085606 bundle TnnSu6CjUjy-00330-00085607-00085943 um some type of bundle TnnSu6CjUjy-00331-00085944-00086231 put it in like this and make it some TnnSu6CjUjy-00332-00086232-00086350 type of bundle with a TnnSu6CjUjy-00333-00086351-00086615 lash spoolie and all that but i don't TnnSu6CjUjy-00334-00086616-00086815 know exactly what kind of bundle i'm TnnSu6CjUjy-00335-00086816-00086894 gonna put TnnSu6CjUjy-00336-00086895-00087175 i have 18 of these left and these are TnnSu6CjUjy-00337-00087176-00087215 not TnnSu6CjUjy-00338-00087216-00087638 on the website so i want to TnnSu6CjUjy-00339-00087639-00088055 give these sell those at the pop-up shop TnnSu6CjUjy-00340-00088056-00088391 as well as these lashes that i don't TnnSu6CjUjy-00341-00088392-00088479 know TnnSu6CjUjy-00342-00088480-00088782 hey close that door please as well as TnnSu6CjUjy-00343-00088783-00089055 these lashes i got from TnnSu6CjUjy-00344-00089056-00089438 somebody i honestly TnnSu6CjUjy-00345-00089439-00089791 don't i don't have these in my inventory TnnSu6CjUjy-00346-00089792-00089879 list TnnSu6CjUjy-00347-00089880-00090223 and i literally put everything TnnSu6CjUjy-00348-00090224-00090518 that i own and that i buy in the TnnSu6CjUjy-00349-00090519-00090743 inventory list and these are nowhere to TnnSu6CjUjy-00350-00090744-00090847 be found TnnSu6CjUjy-00351-00090848-00091175 so i don't know where they come from TnnSu6CjUjy-00352-00091176-00091494 but they did arrive to my house TnnSu6CjUjy-00353-00091495-00091743 and it's a whole bunch of them so i was TnnSu6CjUjy-00354-00091744-00091847 thinking about TnnSu6CjUjy-00355-00091848-00092047 putting these at the pop-up shop too TnnSu6CjUjy-00356-00092048-00092311 because these are not on my website TnnSu6CjUjy-00357-00092312-00092647 but i gotta get rid of them like TnnSu6CjUjy-00358-00092648-00092935 so i'm gonna sell those at the pop-up TnnSu6CjUjy-00359-00092936-00092967 shop TnnSu6CjUjy-00360-00092968-00093623 um these honestly look like this TnnSu6CjUjy-00361-00093624-00093823 and i don't know where they come from TnnSu6CjUjy-00362-00093824-00093935 but TnnSu6CjUjy-00363-00093936-00094174 i'm gonna put those at the pop-up shop TnnSu6CjUjy-00364-00094175-00094335 as well TnnSu6CjUjy-00365-00094336-00094718 i did do a wholesale starter kit TnnSu6CjUjy-00366-00094719-00095031 pre-order form it's gonna be the starter TnnSu6CjUjy-00367-00095032-00095174 kit pre-order TnnSu6CjUjy-00368-00095175-00095479 form if anybody wants to start their TnnSu6CjUjy-00369-00095480-00095694 business their lip gloss build TnnSu6CjUjy-00370-00095695-00096206 their lip gloss business i will have TnnSu6CjUjy-00371-00096207-00096535 you know all of the i'm gonna type this TnnSu6CjUjy-00372-00096536-00096735 up but this is just like a dummy that i TnnSu6CjUjy-00373-00096736-00096943 wrote up the starter kids TnnSu6CjUjy-00374-00096944-00097167 which the starter kits are on my website TnnSu6CjUjy-00375-00097168-00097431 if you guys want to TnnSu6CjUjy-00376-00097432-00097599 start your own business and want TnnSu6CjUjy-00377-00097600-00097806 somebody else to do all the hard work TnnSu6CjUjy-00378-00097807-00097999 for you TnnSu6CjUjy-00379-00098000-00098311 i'm your girl so the starter kids come TnnSu6CjUjy-00380-00098312-00098399 with TnnSu6CjUjy-00381-00098400-00098703 a eight ounce infused TnnSu6CjUjy-00382-00098704-00099038 eight ounce infused um TnnSu6CjUjy-00383-00099039-00099311 lip gloss of your choice so this one TnnSu6CjUjy-00384-00099312-00099350 here TnnSu6CjUjy-00385-00099351-00099567 is southern and this one is the eight TnnSu6CjUjy-00386-00099568-00099767 ounces it's on his prom nights TnnSu6CjUjy-00387-00099768-00100079 this one is also eight ounce TnnSu6CjUjy-00388-00100080-00100382 now i do have the other three colors in TnnSu6CjUjy-00389-00100383-00100767 the five ounces but this is silcom TnnSu6CjUjy-00390-00100768-00101431 it's like an iridescent glitter-ish TnnSu6CjUjy-00391-00101432-00101991 color i have she's blushing TnnSu6CjUjy-00392-00101992-00102247 she's a pinky nude and then of course i TnnSu6CjUjy-00393-00102248-00102430 got icy which is the TnnSu6CjUjy-00394-00102431-00102766 foggy clear TnnSu6CjUjy-00395-00102767-00103158 i like icy she's not clear TnnSu6CjUjy-00396-00103159-00103639 she's a foggy clear TnnSu6CjUjy-00397-00103640-00104023 i will make like a crystal clear TnnSu6CjUjy-00398-00104024-00104302 and i will add you know more colors but TnnSu6CjUjy-00399-00104303-00104334 for TnnSu6CjUjy-00400-00104335-00104582 starters since i'm just starting out TnnSu6CjUjy-00401-00104583-00104718 with the wholesale TnnSu6CjUjy-00402-00104719-00104966 i only decided to do five different TnnSu6CjUjy-00403-00104967-00105095 shades TnnSu6CjUjy-00404-00105096-00105510 and TnnSu6CjUjy-00405-00105511-00105686 that's how i wanted to start give you TnnSu6CjUjy-00406-00105688-00105871 guys five different options TnnSu6CjUjy-00407-00105872-00106239 but if you want customize TnnSu6CjUjy-00408-00106240-00106575 wholesale you would have to email me TnnSu6CjUjy-00409-00106576-00106751 you would have to email me and we could TnnSu6CjUjy-00410-00106752-00106902 come up with a TnnSu6CjUjy-00411-00106903-00107231 price but all of the starter kits come TnnSu6CjUjy-00412-00107232-00107351 with the 8 ounce TnnSu6CjUjy-00413-00107352-00107799 infused base of your choice TnnSu6CjUjy-00414-00107800-00108102 you also get 10 squeeze tubes i'm only TnnSu6CjUjy-00415-00108103-00108390 offering squeeze tubes at the moment TnnSu6CjUjy-00416-00108391-00108671 um you get one surprise flavoring so you TnnSu6CjUjy-00417-00108672-00108719 get TnnSu6CjUjy-00418-00108720-00108999 one of the lauren's i'm just going to TnnSu6CjUjy-00419-00109000-00109199 randomly pick TnnSu6CjUjy-00420-00109200-00109527 um and i won't put it inside of the TnnSu6CjUjy-00421-00109528-00109743 gloss TnnSu6CjUjy-00422-00109744-00110031 unless you ask for it you know what i TnnSu6CjUjy-00423-00110032-00110278 mean like if you want your gloss to come TnnSu6CjUjy-00424-00110279-00110607 unscented with just the oils i will have TnnSu6CjUjy-00425-00110608-00110663 it TnnSu6CjUjy-00426-00110664-00110902 just like this these don't have any TnnSu6CjUjy-00427-00110903-00111039 smells to them TnnSu6CjUjy-00428-00111040-00111327 but if you want me to put that random TnnSu6CjUjy-00429-00111328-00111439 flavor TnnSu6CjUjy-00430-00111440-00111847 inside of your gloss mixed already in TnnSu6CjUjy-00431-00111848-00112054 i can do that and then you get two TnnSu6CjUjy-00432-00112055-00112166 pipettes TnnSu6CjUjy-00433-00112167-00112463 which is the skinny pipettes and then TnnSu6CjUjy-00434-00112464-00112615 the 60s TnnSu6CjUjy-00435-00112616-00112910 ml syringe which is the big syringe to TnnSu6CjUjy-00436-00112911-00112983 put it in TnnSu6CjUjy-00437-00112983-00113286 and fill it up and then you get i will TnnSu6CjUjy-00438-00113288-00113327 give TnnSu6CjUjy-00439-00113328-00113702 a pair of gloves so that comes into the TnnSu6CjUjy-00440-00113703-00114039 starter kit but on my website i also TnnSu6CjUjy-00441-00114040-00114351 offer wholesale pre-filled tubes TnnSu6CjUjy-00442-00114352-00114695 empty tubes um all that it's all on my TnnSu6CjUjy-00443-00114696-00114815 website if you check TnnSu6CjUjy-00444-00114816-00115110 below i will also put it like somewhere TnnSu6CjUjy-00445-00115111-00115166 right here TnnSu6CjUjy-00446-00115167-00115463 the price list of the different sizes i TnnSu6CjUjy-00447-00115464-00115519 offer TnnSu6CjUjy-00448-00115520-00115758 and i'll do all that for you and just TnnSu6CjUjy-00449-00115759-00115975 send it to you but everything TnnSu6CjUjy-00450-00115976-00116183 when it comes to the pre-filled tubes TnnSu6CjUjy-00451-00116183-00116366 the starter kits all that there's TnnSu6CjUjy-00452-00116367-00116678 no labeling included you put your own TnnSu6CjUjy-00453-00116679-00116902 labels on it and sell it however you TnnSu6CjUjy-00454-00116903-00117015 like TnnSu6CjUjy-00455-00117016-00117223 so that's the pre-order form that i'm TnnSu6CjUjy-00456-00117224-00117358 gonna type uh TnnSu6CjUjy-00457-00117359-00117590 what else you guys i don't even know TnnSu6CjUjy-00458-00117591-00117775 exactly what all to put in the pop-up TnnSu6CjUjy-00459-00117776-00117807 shop TnnSu6CjUjy-00460-00117808-00118127 but i'm gonna like start a list TnnSu6CjUjy-00461-00118128-00118383 of what i'm gonna put in the pop-up shop TnnSu6CjUjy-00462-00118383-00118599 else oh i wanted to show you guys TnnSu6CjUjy-00463-00118600-00118919 the new glosses and TnnSu6CjUjy-00464-00118920-00119254 lipsticks i made and TnnSu6CjUjy-00465-00119255-00119471 i'm gonna take these with me to the TnnSu6CjUjy-00466-00119472-00119727 pop-up shop as well TnnSu6CjUjy-00467-00119728-00120207 you guys i came out with honey lip mask TnnSu6CjUjy-00468-00120208-00120566 these are nighttime lip lip TnnSu6CjUjy-00469-00120567-00120910 mask their lip glosses but at the same TnnSu6CjUjy-00470-00120911-00121078 time their TnnSu6CjUjy-00471-00121079-00121495 lip mask for the night time TnnSu6CjUjy-00472-00121496-00121886 nourishing your lips softening hydrating TnnSu6CjUjy-00473-00121888-00122247 moisturizing your lips at night but the TnnSu6CjUjy-00474-00122248-00122286 kick TnnSu6CjUjy-00475-00122288-00122647 is these here have real honey in them TnnSu6CjUjy-00476-00122648-00123014 i also have my very first this is on the TnnSu6CjUjy-00477-00123015-00123110 website TnnSu6CjUjy-00478-00123111-00123439 my very first um liquid lipstick TnnSu6CjUjy-00479-00123440-00123702 these have not been um shrink wrap none TnnSu6CjUjy-00480-00123703-00123878 of this in this bucket has been shrink TnnSu6CjUjy-00481-00123879-00123999 wrapped yet TnnSu6CjUjy-00482-00124000-00124319 but i do have my very first liquid TnnSu6CjUjy-00483-00124320-00124558 lipstick which is in ebony goddess my TnnSu6CjUjy-00484-00124559-00124702 sister named it TnnSu6CjUjy-00485-00124703-00124958 ebony goddess and it's just a matte TnnSu6CjUjy-00486-00124959-00125014 brown TnnSu6CjUjy-00487-00125015-00125214 liquid lipstick and y'all know i love me TnnSu6CjUjy-00488-00125215-00125399 a brown liquid lipstick TnnSu6CjUjy-00489-00125400-00125671 and it comes in the rainbow top TnnSu6CjUjy-00490-00125672-00125758 packaging TnnSu6CjUjy-00491-00125759-00126110 or the gold wand top i got them TnnSu6CjUjy-00492-00126111-00126439 in the 5ml TnnSu6CjUjy-00493-00126440-00126719 liquid lipstick tubes as well and i TnnSu6CjUjy-00494-00126720-00128327 think these are different TnnSu6CjUjy-00495-00128328-00129183 don't forget who you are TnnSu6CjUjy-00496-00129183-00129826 [Music] TnnSu6CjUjy-00497-00129827-00130343 [Music] TnnSu6CjUjy-00498-00130344-00131904 dancing on the moon TnnSu6CjUjy-00499-00131905-00133083 [Music] TnnSu6CjUjy-00500-00133084-00133360 um TnnSu6CjUjy-00501-00133361-00135759 [Music] TnnSu6CjUjy-00502-00135760-00136364 mama told me before TnnSu6CjUjy-00503-00136365-00137735 [Music] TnnSu6CjUjy-00504-00137736-00139214 [Music] TnnSu6CjUjy-00505-00139215-00140516 dancing on the moon TnnSu6CjUjy-00506-00140517-00140783 [Music] TnnSu6CjUjy-00507-00140784-00141959 dancing on TnnSu6CjUjy-00508-00141960-00143179 [Music] TnnSu6CjUjy-00509-00143180-00143860 [Music] TnnSu6CjUjy-00510-00143861-00143983 [Music] TnnSu6CjUjy-00511-00143984-00144302 don't forget who you are don't lose your TnnSu6CjUjy-00512-00144303-00144399 head or your TnnSu6CjUjy-00513-00144400-00144759 heart i bet my life on your stars you'll TnnSu6CjUjy-00514-00144760-00144790 be TnnSu6CjUjy-00515-00144791-00146190 dancing dancing on the moon TnnSu6CjUjy-00516-00146191-00146511 when i'm up through the night i can't TnnSu6CjUjy-00517-00146512-00146678 turn down the noise say TnnSu6CjUjy-00518-00146679-00147031 all the words out of my mind about who TnnSu6CjUjy-00519-00147032-00147477 i'm supposed TnnSu6CjUjy-00520-00147478-00148414 [Music] TnnSu6CjUjy-00521-00148415-00148807 mama told me before you leave TnnSu6CjUjy-00522-00148808-00149126 if there's only one thing you remember TnnSu6CjUjy-00523-00149127-00149287 from me TnnSu6CjUjy-00524-00149288-00149814 child when you're out on your own TnnSu6CjUjy-00525-00149815-00151232 feeling the TnnSu6CjUjy-00526-00151233-00151351 [Music] TnnSu6CjUjy-00527-00151352-00153735 dancing on them TnnSu6CjUjy-00528-00153736-00154111 hey i am back baby TnnSu6CjUjy-00529-00154112-00154390 i have two full batteries and one TnnSu6CjUjy-00530-00154391-00154590 charging i have my coke TnnSu6CjUjy-00531-00154591-00154814 yeah i hit the kids in the background TnnSu6CjUjy-00532-00154815-00155087 but girl i got some work done okay TnnSu6CjUjy-00533-00155088-00155526 so i got the candy packs done right TnnSu6CjUjy-00534-00155527-00155919 got the candy packs done TnnSu6CjUjy-00535-00155920-00156295 i got the lash kit TnnSu6CjUjy-00536-00156296-00156519 done well not the last kit the three TnnSu6CjUjy-00537-00156520-00156783 pair kit thing that i had TnnSu6CjUjy-00538-00156784-00157023 i'm gonna call these the lavish pack and TnnSu6CjUjy-00539-00157024-00157199 this is just the TnnSu6CjUjy-00540-00157200-00157414 this is not the lavish pack that's on my TnnSu6CjUjy-00541-00157415-00157663 website this was those extra lashes so TnnSu6CjUjy-00542-00157664-00157911 i'm just gonna call them lavish packs TnnSu6CjUjy-00543-00157912-00158207 so i have my business card in it they TnnSu6CjUjy-00544-00158208-00158366 come with three different pairs of TnnSu6CjUjy-00545-00158367-00158431 lashes TnnSu6CjUjy-00546-00158432-00158766 with with tweezers and i got a lash TnnSu6CjUjy-00547-00158767-00159031 fully and i put my information on the TnnSu6CjUjy-00548-00159032-00159095 back TnnSu6CjUjy-00549-00159096-00159359 with a little bit of confetti in it and TnnSu6CjUjy-00550-00159360-00159495 here is the TnnSu6CjUjy-00551-00159496-00159863 lash the lip gloss samples TnnSu6CjUjy-00552-00159864-00160295 two for a dollar i have those already TnnSu6CjUjy-00553-00160296-00160623 um and now i'm working on these lashes TnnSu6CjUjy-00554-00160624-00160831 that i was telling you guys about TnnSu6CjUjy-00555-00160832-00161102 i'm working on them and i decided to TnnSu6CjUjy-00556-00161103-00161311 name them queen TnnSu6CjUjy-00557-00161312-00161783 so yeah i decided to name them queen TnnSu6CjUjy-00558-00161784-00161854 because they're not TnnSu6CjUjy-00559-00161855-00162271 on the website so they're gonna be there TnnSu6CjUjy-00560-00162272-00162487 and i'm just gonna show you guys how i'm TnnSu6CjUjy-00561-00162488-00163095 doing it TnnSu6CjUjy-00562-00163096-00163399 grab some more hand sanitizer TnnSu6CjUjy-00563-00163400-00163990 okay so we're taking it out of the pack TnnSu6CjUjy-00564-00163991-00164471 sitting the pack to the side TnnSu6CjUjy-00565-00164472-00164790 we're taking this mink eyelash TnnSu6CjUjy-00566-00164791-00165166 premium these are mink eyelashes premium TnnSu6CjUjy-00567-00165167-00165654 quality eyelash extension TnnSu6CjUjy-00568-00165655-00165966 we're taking this and throwing it away TnnSu6CjUjy-00569-00165967-00166326 we're taking this part out TnnSu6CjUjy-00570-00166327-00166511 and we're gonna put the business card TnnSu6CjUjy-00571-00166512-00166687 back here TnnSu6CjUjy-00572-00166688-00167038 boom let me zoom y'all in some TnnSu6CjUjy-00573-00167039-00167190 y'all not gonna be able to see my face TnnSu6CjUjy-00574-00167191-00167407 but it's okay so we're gonna put the TnnSu6CjUjy-00575-00167408-00167638 business card in there TnnSu6CjUjy-00576-00167639-00167966 we're gonna put TnnSu6CjUjy-00577-00167967-00168431 the name TnnSu6CjUjy-00578-00168432-00168775 oh we're not wanting to focus boom there TnnSu6CjUjy-00579-00168776-00168823 we go TnnSu6CjUjy-00580-00168824-00169783 queen we're gonna put that on there TnnSu6CjUjy-00581-00169784-00170271 we're putting that at the bottom here TnnSu6CjUjy-00582-00170272-00170719 like that try to center it as TnnSu6CjUjy-00583-00170720-00171135 good as possible TnnSu6CjUjy-00584-00171136-00171495 taking a lash spoolie sitting it in that TnnSu6CjUjy-00585-00171496-00171878 dip we're gonna TnnSu6CjUjy-00586-00171879-00172335 put the lashes inside boom TnnSu6CjUjy-00587-00172336-00172526 y'all know all my lashes come with a TnnSu6CjUjy-00588-00172527-00172735 lash spoolie TnnSu6CjUjy-00589-00172736-00173135 we're gonna close it TnnSu6CjUjy-00590-00173136-00173359 and i have these labels that i was gonna TnnSu6CjUjy-00591-00173360-00173543 use for lip gloss tubes TnnSu6CjUjy-00592-00173544-00173943 but they are too big so TnnSu6CjUjy-00593-00173944-00174247 i'm going to use it and we're going to TnnSu6CjUjy-00594-00174248-00174335 put it TnnSu6CjUjy-00595-00174336-00175287 right here TnnSu6CjUjy-00596-00175288-00175887 and there we have it so when you open it TnnSu6CjUjy-00597-00175888-00176207 you have my name TnnSu6CjUjy-00598-00176208-00176495 boom boom boom you have the name of the TnnSu6CjUjy-00599-00176496-00176543 lash TnnSu6CjUjy-00600-00176544-00176863 inside the lash TnnSu6CjUjy-00601-00176864-00177135 like that and then we're just going to TnnSu6CjUjy-00602-00177136-00177231 put it right back TnnSu6CjUjy-00603-00177232-00177823 into the plastic sleeve TnnSu6CjUjy-00604-00177824-00178119 oh this is the hardest part is putting TnnSu6CjUjy-00605-00178120-00179559 it back in TnnSu6CjUjy-00606-00179560-00180095 boom bam and we have created queen TnnSu6CjUjy-00607-00180096-00180287 and i put business cards in every last TnnSu6CjUjy-00608-00180288-00180535 one of them so that we won't be having TnnSu6CjUjy-00609-00180536-00181183 extra business cards laid out everywhere TnnSu6CjUjy-00610-00181184-00181551 so yeah so i'm gonna bring you guys down TnnSu6CjUjy-00611-00181552-00181983 wait bring you guys down so y'all could TnnSu6CjUjy-00612-00181984-00183483 see me TnnSu6CjUjy-00613-00183484-00183863 do TnnSu6CjUjy-00614-00183864-00184238 maybe my compass was wrong and i'm still TnnSu6CjUjy-00615-00184239-00186102 on my way to where i belong TnnSu6CjUjy-00616-00186103-00186707 mama told me before you leave TnnSu6CjUjy-00617-00186708-00188078 [Music] TnnSu6CjUjy-00618-00188079-00188423 [Music] TnnSu6CjUjy-00619-00188424-00188814 so what i want to do now TnnSu6CjUjy-00620-00188815-00189111 how many of royalty do i have live TnnSu6CjUjy-00621-00189112-00189254 because i kind of want to TnnSu6CjUjy-00622-00189255-00189607 get rid of royalty too y'all TnnSu6CjUjy-00623-00189608-00190183 y'all know my royalty lip glosses TnnSu6CjUjy-00624-00190184-00190366 let's see how many of those i have TnnSu6CjUjy-00625-00190367-00190695 because i kind of want to do royalty TnnSu6CjUjy-00626-00190696-00191111 and rose gold lip oil as a duo TnnSu6CjUjy-00627-00191112-00191311 and i can always take them out if they TnnSu6CjUjy-00628-00191312-00191487 don't seal you know what i mean TnnSu6CjUjy-00629-00191488-00191766 take them out and put them back so we're TnnSu6CjUjy-00630-00191767-00192031 going to put a business card in there TnnSu6CjUjy-00631-00192032-00192407 of course TnnSu6CjUjy-00632-00192408-00192575 and we're still going to use these red TnnSu6CjUjy-00633-00192576-00192783 bags because i'm really trying to get TnnSu6CjUjy-00634-00192784-00192871 rid of them TnnSu6CjUjy-00635-00192872-00193102 but these here this slip oil is the TnnSu6CjUjy-00636-00193103-00193463 sunflower lip oil TnnSu6CjUjy-00637-00193464-00193775 that's the sunflower lip oil TnnSu6CjUjy-00638-00193776-00194078 we're gonna put those in TnnSu6CjUjy-00639-00194079-00194566 with the business card TnnSu6CjUjy-00640-00194567-00195126 and we're gonna do them like that TnnSu6CjUjy-00641-00195127-00195431 we have 15 of the TnnSu6CjUjy-00642-00195432-00195814 lip duos at the moment so let me show TnnSu6CjUjy-00643-00195815-00195959 you guys the TnnSu6CjUjy-00644-00195960-00196302 bags and the thank you cards TnnSu6CjUjy-00645-00196303-00196511 so here are the gift bags that i got TnnSu6CjUjy-00646-00196512-00196911 from dollar tree TnnSu6CjUjy-00647-00196912-00197247 um oh TnnSu6CjUjy-00648-00197248-00197735 y'all gift bags dollar tree tissue paper TnnSu6CjUjy-00649-00197736-00198095 all that um i do have these TnnSu6CjUjy-00650-00198096-00198423 little gift bags i guess we could use TnnSu6CjUjy-00651-00198424-00198535 this for like maybe TnnSu6CjUjy-00652-00198536-00198999 one to two TnnSu6CjUjy-00653-00199000-00199278 items ordered because i thought they TnnSu6CjUjy-00654-00199279-00199414 were gonna be bigger than this i got TnnSu6CjUjy-00655-00199415-00199614 these from aliexpress but they ended up TnnSu6CjUjy-00656-00199615-00199726 being like TnnSu6CjUjy-00657-00199727-00200071 super tiny so let's see TnnSu6CjUjy-00658-00200072-00200407 so if somebody orders one theme i guess TnnSu6CjUjy-00659-00200408-00200647 we could put it in there TnnSu6CjUjy-00660-00200648-00200990 and drop it in i guess TnnSu6CjUjy-00661-00200991-00201566 with these packs here yeah i guess so TnnSu6CjUjy-00662-00201567-00201743 i guess so and i guess we'll take the TnnSu6CjUjy-00663-00201744-00201943 roll of thank you stickers so that we TnnSu6CjUjy-00664-00201944-00202111 could close it and put the thank you on TnnSu6CjUjy-00665-00202112-00202183 it TnnSu6CjUjy-00666-00202184-00202447 so i guess that's what we'll do with TnnSu6CjUjy-00667-00202448-00202526 these TnnSu6CjUjy-00668-00202527-00202750 but i'm gonna keep this little baggie TnnSu6CjUjy-00669-00202751-00202919 with it TnnSu6CjUjy-00670-00202920-00203207 so i do have all of these thank you TnnSu6CjUjy-00671-00203208-00203447 cards that TnnSu6CjUjy-00672-00203448-00203678 i'm not talking to you y'all should be TnnSu6CjUjy-00673-00203679-00203807 listening too hard TnnSu6CjUjy-00674-00203808-00203999 okay but i have all of these thank you TnnSu6CjUjy-00675-00204000-00204143 cards that TnnSu6CjUjy-00676-00204144-00204463 are basically old and only have one more TnnSu6CjUjy-00677-00204464-00204495 left TnnSu6CjUjy-00678-00204496-00204838 of the ones that i made myself which is TnnSu6CjUjy-00679-00204839-00205046 so good because y'all remember if y'all TnnSu6CjUjy-00680-00205048-00205214 been following me on my entrepreneur TnnSu6CjUjy-00681-00205215-00205319 vlogs TnnSu6CjUjy-00682-00205319-00205566 that your girl had messed up real bad TnnSu6CjUjy-00683-00205567-00205751 when it came down to these TnnSu6CjUjy-00684-00205752-00206086 so i have a whole bunch of these um TnnSu6CjUjy-00685-00206087-00206246 that i have left i have a whole stack TnnSu6CjUjy-00686-00206248-00206406 here in this stack TnnSu6CjUjy-00687-00206407-00206782 so these and this one is going to go TnnSu6CjUjy-00688-00206783-00207119 into all of the gift bags with TnnSu6CjUjy-00689-00207119-00207446 one of the stickers which i need to TnnSu6CjUjy-00690-00207448-00207703 figure out which stickers i want to use TnnSu6CjUjy-00691-00207704-00208006 i want to use up all these amd lavish TnnSu6CjUjy-00692-00208007-00208198 cosmetic stickers that TnnSu6CjUjy-00693-00208200-00208462 i messed up on i don't know why i put TnnSu6CjUjy-00694-00208463-00208734 cosmetics on it but TnnSu6CjUjy-00695-00208735-00209071 it is what it is and i also have these TnnSu6CjUjy-00696-00209071-00209271 stickers that are way too big for TnnSu6CjUjy-00697-00209271-00209519 everything so i use these a lot on the TnnSu6CjUjy-00698-00209519-00209734 packaging TnnSu6CjUjy-00699-00209735-00210046 um but me just trying to get through all TnnSu6CjUjy-00700-00210048-00210319 of the TnnSu6CjUjy-00701-00210319-00210631 mess up stickers that's how i use them TnnSu6CjUjy-00702-00210632-00210815 up instead of wasting them TnnSu6CjUjy-00703-00210816-00211087 i think i have enough lashes though well TnnSu6CjUjy-00704-00211088-00211271 not enough lashes because i am going to TnnSu6CjUjy-00705-00211271-00211358 take some that's TnnSu6CjUjy-00706-00211359-00211679 in my regular box TnnSu6CjUjy-00707-00211680-00212046 in my original packaging TnnSu6CjUjy-00708-00212048-00212431 and um use those up too i will TnnSu6CjUjy-00709-00212432-00212687 advertise those two but i think i want TnnSu6CjUjy-00710-00212688-00212734 to take TnnSu6CjUjy-00711-00212735-00213039 some of my eyebrow serums TnnSu6CjUjy-00712-00213040-00213303 as well girl i'll be trying to use up TnnSu6CjUjy-00713-00213304-00213494 all of these TnnSu6CjUjy-00714-00213496-00213855 stickers and labels that TnnSu6CjUjy-00715-00213856-00214182 like i basically misprinted on TnnSu6CjUjy-00716-00214183-00214487 like messed up i TnnSu6CjUjy-00717-00214488-00214679 didn't know exactly where i was going TnnSu6CjUjy-00718-00214680-00214919 with my brand and stuff you know TnnSu6CjUjy-00719-00214919-00215310 so we're gonna slide these thank yous TnnSu6CjUjy-00720-00215311-00215671 into this one TnnSu6CjUjy-00721-00215671-00216246 i like that TnnSu6CjUjy-00722-00216248-00216791 and on the front of them we're gonna put TnnSu6CjUjy-00723-00216792-00217110 the logo and we'll TnnSu6CjUjy-00724-00217111-00217342 like i said take the thank you stickers TnnSu6CjUjy-00725-00217344-00217455 with us TnnSu6CjUjy-00726-00217456-00217727 so that we could close their stuff up TnnSu6CjUjy-00727-00217728-00217782 and TnnSu6CjUjy-00728-00217783-00218191 take down the thank yous i guess TnnSu6CjUjy-00729-00218192-00218534 and the thank you cards do have um TnnSu6CjUjy-00730-00218535-00218903 a discount code on them whoa TnnSu6CjUjy-00731-00218904-00219246 they do have a discount code on them TnnSu6CjUjy-00732-00219248-00219519 so that would be good for them to use TnnSu6CjUjy-00733-00219519-00219751 when they go back to the website if they TnnSu6CjUjy-00734-00219752-00219967 shall TnnSu6CjUjy-00735-00219967-00220167 want to shop again they can use that TnnSu6CjUjy-00736-00220167-00220391 discount code and it'll save them some TnnSu6CjUjy-00737-00220392-00220663 money TnnSu6CjUjy-00738-00220664-00220887 as well as if you guys that are watching TnnSu6CjUjy-00739-00220888-00221039 right now or TnnSu6CjUjy-00740-00221040-00221246 for the ones you have shared this video TnnSu6CjUjy-00741-00221248-00221398 with if you guys TnnSu6CjUjy-00742-00221400-00221646 want to shop on the website check the TnnSu6CjUjy-00743-00221648-00221782 hot box down below TnnSu6CjUjy-00744-00221783-00221975 i have a coupon code for my youtube TnnSu6CjUjy-00745-00221976-00222455 family as well TnnSu6CjUjy-00746-00222456-00223023 of course i got you covered TnnSu6CjUjy-00747-00223023-00223375 and put the sticker TnnSu6CjUjy-00748-00223376-00223751 on him like this TnnSu6CjUjy-00749-00223752-00224087 and you have the thank you card TnnSu6CjUjy-00750-00224088-00224398 in there already TnnSu6CjUjy-00751-00224400-00224631 and if i run out of these stickers as TnnSu6CjUjy-00752-00224632-00224767 i'm doing this i have TnnSu6CjUjy-00753-00224767-00225175 other stickers that i could use TnnSu6CjUjy-00754-00225176-00225510 as long as they know that they came from TnnSu6CjUjy-00755-00225511-00225575 a and b TnnSu6CjUjy-00756-00225576-00225894 shop table TnnSu6CjUjy-00757-00225896-00226382 hey we're all good you gotta have TnnSu6CjUjy-00758-00226383-00228158 brandon on every single TnnSu6CjUjy-00759-00228159-00229001 you'll be dancing on the moon TnnSu6CjUjy-00760-00229002-00231664 [Music] TnnSu6CjUjy-00761-00231665-00232344 [Music] TnnSu6CjUjy-00762-00232346-00232463 [Music] TnnSu6CjUjy-00763-00232464-00232791 don't forget who you are don't lose your TnnSu6CjUjy-00764-00232792-00232887 head or your TnnSu6CjUjy-00765-00232888-00233119 heart i'll bet my life all right you TnnSu6CjUjy-00766-00233119-00233215 guys this TnnSu6CjUjy-00767-00233216-00233471 part is gonna be a process because i TnnSu6CjUjy-00768-00233471-00233663 just came up with it TnnSu6CjUjy-00769-00233664-00233975 putting some more hand sanitizer on let TnnSu6CjUjy-00770-00233976-00233998 me TnnSu6CjUjy-00771-00234000-00234191 turn my tv down just in case if you guys TnnSu6CjUjy-00772-00234192-00234606 can hear that TnnSu6CjUjy-00773-00234607-00234782 i'm watching teen mom too in the TnnSu6CjUjy-00774-00234783-00234951 background i know you guys been seeing TnnSu6CjUjy-00775-00234952-00234998 it TnnSu6CjUjy-00776-00235000-00235319 so i have my confetti right here TnnSu6CjUjy-00777-00235319-00235606 and i have my drawer of mesh bags right TnnSu6CjUjy-00778-00235607-00235791 here TnnSu6CjUjy-00779-00235792-00236263 so i have my sticky note and my pen TnnSu6CjUjy-00780-00236264-00236734 my business cards and all of my TnnSu6CjUjy-00781-00236735-00237206 lashes i keep in the package right TnnSu6CjUjy-00782-00237207-00237358 so what i'm going to do is i'm going to TnnSu6CjUjy-00783-00237359-00237615 go through them the names are on the TnnSu6CjUjy-00784-00237616-00237694 inside TnnSu6CjUjy-00785-00237696-00237998 of the lash case TnnSu6CjUjy-00786-00238000-00238279 but this is what my lash cases look like TnnSu6CjUjy-00787-00238280-00238671 aren't they so cute this is king TnnSu6CjUjy-00788-00238671-00239151 and i have my information on the back TnnSu6CjUjy-00789-00239152-00239406 and my logo inside with the name on the TnnSu6CjUjy-00790-00239407-00239510 side TnnSu6CjUjy-00791-00239511-00239815 but these come TnnSu6CjUjy-00792-00239816-00240134 like a pull out drawer super freaking TnnSu6CjUjy-00793-00240135-00240255 cute right TnnSu6CjUjy-00794-00240256-00240551 i love my packaging so what i'm gonna do TnnSu6CjUjy-00795-00240552-00240791 is i'm gonna label TnnSu6CjUjy-00796-00240792-00241103 king on the back so when we go to pull TnnSu6CjUjy-00797-00241104-00241319 out that lash TnnSu6CjUjy-00798-00241319-00242282 everybody knows what it is TnnSu6CjUjy-00799-00242283-00242527 okay TnnSu6CjUjy-00800-00242528-00242958 huh all right TnnSu6CjUjy-00801-00242959-00243246 so it's gonna come like this you know TnnSu6CjUjy-00802-00243248-00243479 what i'm gonna put the lash fully TnnSu6CjUjy-00803-00243480-00244142 inside of the bag TnnSu6CjUjy-00804-00244144-00244342 and i have different color lash bullets TnnSu6CjUjy-00805-00244344-00244558 so these here are pink TnnSu6CjUjy-00806-00244559-00244951 so i'm going to slide that into the bag TnnSu6CjUjy-00807-00244952-00245342 so that it automatically comes with it TnnSu6CjUjy-00808-00245344-00245671 like that okay TnnSu6CjUjy-00809-00245671-00246119 and we're gonna slap king TnnSu6CjUjy-00810-00246119-00246446 label like that okay it fits in the TnnSu6CjUjy-00811-00246448-00246798 purple bag so let's see if it'll fit TnnSu6CjUjy-00812-00246800-00247055 with the wrapper on because i love to TnnSu6CjUjy-00813-00247056-00247182 keep TnnSu6CjUjy-00814-00247183-00247734 my packaging TnnSu6CjUjy-00815-00247735-00248039 i love to keep my packaging TnnSu6CjUjy-00816-00248040-00248479 inside of these TnnSu6CjUjy-00817-00248480-00248855 so let's see TnnSu6CjUjy-00818-00248856-00249206 if we can make this work TnnSu6CjUjy-00819-00249207-00249880 no it's not gonna work TnnSu6CjUjy-00820-00249881-00250463 [Applause] TnnSu6CjUjy-00821-00250464-00250775 when i'm up through the night i can't TnnSu6CjUjy-00822-00250776-00250951 turn down the noise say TnnSu6CjUjy-00823-00250952-00251303 all the worries out of my mind about who TnnSu6CjUjy-00824-00251304-00251542 i'm supposed to be i'll start to believe TnnSu6CjUjy-00825-00251544-00251751 i can't get it right TnnSu6CjUjy-00826-00251752-00252267 remember the days i let slip away TnnSu6CjUjy-00827-00252269-00254639 [Music] TnnSu6CjUjy-00828-00254640-00255500 don't forget who you are TnnSu6CjUjy-00829-00255501-00256282 [Music] TnnSu6CjUjy-00830-00256283-00256663 no TnnSu6CjUjy-00831-00256664-00257710 dancing on the TnnSu6CjUjy-00832-00257711-00259839 dancing moon the moon TnnSu6CjUjy-00833-00259840-00260206 maybe my compass was wrong and i'm still TnnSu6CjUjy-00834-00260207-00260398 on my way TnnSu6CjUjy-00835-00260400-00260634 to where i've TnnSu6CjUjy-00836-00260635-00261882 [Music] TnnSu6CjUjy-00837-00261883-00262334 girl let me tell y'all what i did TnnSu6CjUjy-00838-00262335-00262567 i completely forgot about y'all so TnnSu6CjUjy-00839-00262568-00262751 here's all my hair pins TnnSu6CjUjy-00840-00262752-00263143 i put how many i have of each TnnSu6CjUjy-00841-00263144-00263558 zodiac sign and i have these little TnnSu6CjUjy-00842-00263559-00264030 my little ziploc bags that's gonna have TnnSu6CjUjy-00843-00264031-00264230 that's gonna hold the hairpins and it TnnSu6CjUjy-00844-00264231-00264391 has TnnSu6CjUjy-00845-00264392-00264871 the business card in it TnnSu6CjUjy-00846-00264872-00265319 i counted up my honey lip mask TnnSu6CjUjy-00847-00265320-00265558 and put how much i'm gonna sell them for TnnSu6CjUjy-00848-00265559-00265639 i counted TnnSu6CjUjy-00849-00265640-00266015 up my TnnSu6CjUjy-00850-00266016-00266415 ebony goddess liquid lipstick TnnSu6CjUjy-00851-00266416-00266758 and count it up and put it how many i TnnSu6CjUjy-00852-00266759-00266806 have TnnSu6CjUjy-00853-00266807-00267215 i wrote down how many lash styles i have TnnSu6CjUjy-00854-00267216-00267351 and how many in each TnnSu6CjUjy-00855-00267352-00267775 lash down and how much they're gonna be TnnSu6CjUjy-00856-00267776-00268175 now i'd have moved on to the zodiac sign TnnSu6CjUjy-00857-00268176-00268519 necklaces that i forgot to even TnnSu6CjUjy-00858-00268520-00268855 show you guys so i'm putting them in the TnnSu6CjUjy-00859-00268856-00268999 red baggies TnnSu6CjUjy-00860-00269000-00269391 like this and i'm using my TnnSu6CjUjy-00861-00269392-00269710 debit card TnnSu6CjUjy-00862-00269711-00270167 my debit card business cards TnnSu6CjUjy-00863-00270168-00270343 putting them in there just to switch the TnnSu6CjUjy-00864-00270344-00270582 style up TnnSu6CjUjy-00865-00270583-00270887 and these are not on my side neither not TnnSu6CjUjy-00866-00270888-00271455 these um necklaces are not on my site TnnSu6CjUjy-00867-00271456-00271775 um i have been testing them out TnnSu6CjUjy-00868-00271776-00271934 i've been wearing them everybody in my TnnSu6CjUjy-00869-00271935-00272103 family has one TnnSu6CjUjy-00870-00272104-00272430 almost i think almost everybody has one TnnSu6CjUjy-00871-00272431-00272791 i have on mine right now um TnnSu6CjUjy-00872-00272792-00273006 everybody in my family has one on and TnnSu6CjUjy-00873-00273007-00273167 i've been testing them out making sure TnnSu6CjUjy-00874-00273168-00273247 that the TnnSu6CjUjy-00875-00273248-00273582 chain colors don't turn and all that TnnSu6CjUjy-00876-00273583-00273943 good stuff so TnnSu6CjUjy-00877-00273944-00274103 i've been putting them in here we're TnnSu6CjUjy-00878-00274104-00274334 gonna sell those at the event TnnSu6CjUjy-00879-00274335-00274687 so that i could put the outfits i know TnnSu6CjUjy-00880-00274688-00274958 for a factor 25 TnnSu6CjUjy-00881-00274959-00275263 the shorts are 15 TnnSu6CjUjy-00882-00275264-00275727 and i'll do the onesies for 17. TnnSu6CjUjy-00883-00275728-00276271 and i'll just write down TnnSu6CjUjy-00884-00276272-00276615 exactly i'll make the zodiac TnnSu6CjUjy-00885-00276616-00276934 necklaces five bucks i'm not tripping on TnnSu6CjUjy-00886-00276935-00277079 those TnnSu6CjUjy-00887-00277080-00277399 um my lip duos y'all TnnSu6CjUjy-00888-00277400-00277671 i still don't know what price for the TnnSu6CjUjy-00889-00277672-00277871 duo's TnnSu6CjUjy-00890-00277872-00278191 it's crazy um let me look at my website TnnSu6CjUjy-00891-00278192-00278406 i need to get my butt up and go cook TnnSu6CjUjy-00892-00278407-00278543 real talk TnnSu6CjUjy-00893-00278544-00278791 you guys i'm gonna do the duos for eight TnnSu6CjUjy-00894-00278792-00278934 dollars TnnSu6CjUjy-00895-00278935-00279247 and all of this may TnnSu6CjUjy-00896-00279248-00279743 change up TnnSu6CjUjy-00897-00279744-00280006 i may be taking too much but like i said TnnSu6CjUjy-00898-00280007-00280463 i know i want to take the sanitizers TnnSu6CjUjy-00899-00280464-00281071 um just to see how many i have left TnnSu6CjUjy-00900-00281072-00281527 i don't think i have many left TnnSu6CjUjy-00901-00281528-00281806 um i won't take none of the rose sprays TnnSu6CjUjy-00902-00281807-00282119 or none of that TnnSu6CjUjy-00903-00282120-00282447 what up what up what up it is TnnSu6CjUjy-00904-00282448-00282758 i want to say the next day yes it is the TnnSu6CjUjy-00905-00282759-00282903 next day TnnSu6CjUjy-00906-00282904-00283167 i finished recording i cut y'all off TnnSu6CjUjy-00907-00283168-00283303 yesterday TnnSu6CjUjy-00908-00283304-00283527 um yes i'm still in the same clothes TnnSu6CjUjy-00909-00283528-00283727 i've been cleaning all day TnnSu6CjUjy-00910-00283728-00284134 i haven't left the house or anything um TnnSu6CjUjy-00911-00284135-00284447 i've been cleaning all day so TnnSu6CjUjy-00912-00284448-00284615 i just wanted to pop in real quick TnnSu6CjUjy-00913-00284616-00284895 before i do go take a shower TnnSu6CjUjy-00914-00284896-00285287 and stuff because we have some TnnSu6CjUjy-00915-00285288-00285551 we have three packages okay we have TnnSu6CjUjy-00916-00285552-00285647 three packages TnnSu6CjUjy-00917-00285648-00285975 i showed you on last night yesterday TnnSu6CjUjy-00918-00285976-00286223 whatever that was TnnSu6CjUjy-00919-00286224-00286543 all of the um things TnnSu6CjUjy-00920-00286544-00286879 that i got packed up i did get an order TnnSu6CjUjy-00921-00286880-00287175 i may pack that order with you all right TnnSu6CjUjy-00922-00287176-00287287 sorry y'all TnnSu6CjUjy-00923-00287288-00287615 um is the light i see i try to put y'all TnnSu6CjUjy-00924-00287616-00287958 in different angles but i think TnnSu6CjUjy-00925-00287959-00288295 the light was bad so TnnSu6CjUjy-00926-00288296-00288606 that's this right here so let me move TnnSu6CjUjy-00927-00288607-00288727 this stuff TnnSu6CjUjy-00928-00288728-00289119 out the way my bad okay TnnSu6CjUjy-00929-00289120-00289439 so like i was saying TnnSu6CjUjy-00930-00289440-00289615 we got three boxes i wanted to share TnnSu6CjUjy-00931-00289616-00289830 with you guys so the first one TnnSu6CjUjy-00932-00289831-00290230 well two of them is from stickview and TnnSu6CjUjy-00933-00290231-00290558 y'all i've been cleaning up today i've TnnSu6CjUjy-00934-00290559-00290710 been TnnSu6CjUjy-00935-00290711-00291199 still working on the pop-up shop stuff TnnSu6CjUjy-00936-00291200-00291534 and yesterday i had got an TnnSu6CjUjy-00937-00291535-00292015 order and i had to delete TnnSu6CjUjy-00938-00292016-00292351 one item from not delete TnnSu6CjUjy-00939-00292352-00292710 but take an item from the pop-up shop TnnSu6CjUjy-00940-00292711-00292910 because one of those items were TnnSu6CjUjy-00941-00292911-00293158 purchased yesterday so i went ahead and TnnSu6CjUjy-00942-00293159-00293382 shipped that off yesterday now today TnnSu6CjUjy-00943-00293383-00293887 i got another order and the hairpin TnnSu6CjUjy-00944-00293888-00294223 the hairpin one of the hairpins TnnSu6CjUjy-00945-00294224-00294527 is a part of that order so when TnnSu6CjUjy-00946-00294528-00294815 i was just writing or whatever that's TnnSu6CjUjy-00947-00294816-00294967 what i was marking out TnnSu6CjUjy-00948-00294968-00295279 is that i have less okay so they gave me TnnSu6CjUjy-00949-00295280-00295639 a free hot sauce i guess and i love TnnSu6CjUjy-00950-00295640-00295847 their little stickers i know i'm gonna TnnSu6CjUjy-00951-00295848-00296103 order some more stickers TnnSu6CjUjy-00952-00296104-00296423 and they always give extra stuff so TnnSu6CjUjy-00953-00296424-00296687 inside i'm gonna keep this bubble wrap TnnSu6CjUjy-00954-00296688-00296823 recycle TnnSu6CjUjy-00955-00296824-00297110 so this is the hot sauce hot sauce that TnnSu6CjUjy-00956-00297111-00297287 kicks ass TnnSu6CjUjy-00957-00297288-00297591 meal sauce by sticker mule founded TnnSu6CjUjy-00958-00297592-00297958 in astra damn new york so this is the TnnSu6CjUjy-00959-00297959-00298054 hot sauce TnnSu6CjUjy-00960-00298055-00298319 um i barely eat hot sauce the only time TnnSu6CjUjy-00961-00298320-00298406 i eat hot sauce TnnSu6CjUjy-00962-00298407-00298743 is like when TnnSu6CjUjy-00963-00298744-00299079 i'm eating like etouffee or something TnnSu6CjUjy-00964-00299080-00299391 or gumbo that's the only time but TnnSu6CjUjy-00965-00299392-00299758 i'm gonna keep it and TnnSu6CjUjy-00966-00299759-00300023 hot intensity it's on the fourth pepper TnnSu6CjUjy-00967-00300024-00300095 from the fifth TnnSu6CjUjy-00968-00300096-00300406 so it must be supposedly really hot TnnSu6CjUjy-00969-00300407-00300719 so i'll try it and i'll TnnSu6CjUjy-00970-00300720-00301015 give sticker mule a shout out but what i TnnSu6CjUjy-00971-00301016-00301454 ordered was TnnSu6CjUjy-00972-00301455-00301903 baby i told you i was gonna do it and i TnnSu6CjUjy-00973-00301904-00302263 did it look at how thick this is TnnSu6CjUjy-00974-00302264-00302687 this is 300 yards of my own TnnSu6CjUjy-00975-00302688-00302991 my tape TnnSu6CjUjy-00976-00302992-00303334 amb lavish TnnSu6CjUjy-00977-00303335-00303671 it is the bomb i'm so TnnSu6CjUjy-00978-00303672-00303991 excited look how thick it is so i'm so TnnSu6CjUjy-00979-00303992-00304254 glad that i did invest in this TnnSu6CjUjy-00980-00304255-00304591 um so freaking happy let's set that to TnnSu6CjUjy-00981-00304592-00304703 the side TnnSu6CjUjy-00982-00304704-00304951 y'all i'm so sleepy i want to take a nap TnnSu6CjUjy-00983-00304952-00305054 so TnnSu6CjUjy-00984-00305055-00305358 bad like TnnSu6CjUjy-00985-00305359-00305775 i cleaned my whole house today and TnnSu6CjUjy-00986-00305776-00306054 i'm so tired okay so this one's from TnnSu6CjUjy-00987-00306055-00306351 stick reel tool TnnSu6CjUjy-00988-00306352-00306758 and TnnSu6CjUjy-00989-00306759-00307015 let's see well it ain't no let's see TnnSu6CjUjy-00990-00307016-00307271 because i know what it is TnnSu6CjUjy-00991-00307272-00307654 [Applause] TnnSu6CjUjy-00992-00307655-00307975 i know what it is i just TnnSu6CjUjy-00993-00307976-00308206 got me another coaster another sticker TnnSu6CjUjy-00994-00308207-00308430 which imma have sticker meal all over my TnnSu6CjUjy-00995-00308431-00308623 stuff TnnSu6CjUjy-00996-00308624-00309151 i got TnnSu6CjUjy-00997-00309152-00309351 and i can't remember what sizes these TnnSu6CjUjy-00998-00309352-00309599 are so the last time that i had got TnnSu6CjUjy-00999-00309600-00309743 these and i showed you guys i think it TnnSu6CjUjy-01000-00309744-00309958 was yesterday that i had got some more TnnSu6CjUjy-01001-00309959-00310047 millers TnnSu6CjUjy-01002-00310048-00310319 that i had got millage from sticker mule TnnSu6CjUjy-01003-00310320-00310454 with my logo on it TnnSu6CjUjy-01004-00310455-00310806 um those were samples TnnSu6CjUjy-01005-00310807-00311047 that they sent me and it was like ten TnnSu6CjUjy-01006-00311048-00311215 dollars for a sample TnnSu6CjUjy-01007-00311216-00311487 so i went ahead and got some more but TnnSu6CjUjy-01008-00311488-00311591 look at the size TnnSu6CjUjy-01009-00311592-00312006 difference size difference is TnnSu6CjUjy-01010-00312007-00312334 very different i mean it's not bad TnnSu6CjUjy-01011-00312335-00312815 but it's upside down my bad TnnSu6CjUjy-01012-00312816-00313143 but here we are TnnSu6CjUjy-01013-00313144-00313399 and i think this is a cool size i think TnnSu6CjUjy-01014-00313400-00313519 i ordered TnnSu6CjUjy-01015-00313520-00313934 50 i think so if you order from me TnnSu6CjUjy-01016-00313935-00314287 especially if it's clothing TnnSu6CjUjy-01017-00314288-00314543 or maybe even lashes i'll send them in TnnSu6CjUjy-01018-00314544-00314695 these TnnSu6CjUjy-01019-00314696-00315047 i think they're so freaking cute i am TnnSu6CjUjy-01020-00315048-00315334 so excited that i'm investing in my TnnSu6CjUjy-01021-00315335-00315479 brand TnnSu6CjUjy-01022-00315480-00315903 and then we got a dhl package TnnSu6CjUjy-01023-00315904-00316751 which i'm super excited for these TnnSu6CjUjy-01024-00316752-00316951 all right john i had to put it on pause TnnSu6CjUjy-01025-00316952-00317103 it's live right now TnnSu6CjUjy-01026-00317104-00317351 who are comment down below right now who TnnSu6CjUjy-01027-00317352-00317591 all watches the steve wilko show TnnSu6CjUjy-01028-00317592-00317887 girl i'll be all into it but like i was TnnSu6CjUjy-01029-00317888-00317943 singing TnnSu6CjUjy-01030-00317944-00318454 when it came to this shipment you guys TnnSu6CjUjy-01031-00318455-00318879 let me see where is there a small TnnSu6CjUjy-01032-00318880-00319215 i need a small TnnSu6CjUjy-01033-00319216-00319527 oh okay here's a small let me see what TnnSu6CjUjy-01034-00319528-00319679 all smalls they have TnnSu6CjUjy-01035-00319680-00319854 so that i can pick mine because i told TnnSu6CjUjy-01036-00319855-00320134 you guys i was gonna keep one TnnSu6CjUjy-01037-00320135-00320710 out of this TnnSu6CjUjy-01038-00320711-00320975 we already that's large and this one's TnnSu6CjUjy-01039-00320976-00321054 small TnnSu6CjUjy-01040-00321055-00321327 okay so these are all three smalls and TnnSu6CjUjy-01041-00321328-00321510 i'm super excited TnnSu6CjUjy-01042-00321511-00321830 this battery is going deep i have TnnSu6CjUjy-01043-00321831-00322223 the skittles the gushers TnnSu6CjUjy-01044-00322224-00322527 and then the fruity so TnnSu6CjUjy-01045-00322528-00322727 i think i want the gushers though i TnnSu6CjUjy-01046-00322728-00322991 ain't even gonna hold y'all TnnSu6CjUjy-01047-00322992-00323479 y'all look at this i'm excited TnnSu6CjUjy-01048-00323480-00323830 so we remember these right TnnSu6CjUjy-01049-00323831-00323999 and i told y'all i was getting them and TnnSu6CjUjy-01050-00324000-00324143 yes they are on my site TnnSu6CjUjy-01051-00324144-00324534 right now but look TnnSu6CjUjy-01052-00324535-00324879 super cute y'all are gonna love these TnnSu6CjUjy-01053-00324880-00325119 y'all are going to love these and TnnSu6CjUjy-01054-00325120-00325295 they're stretchy TnnSu6CjUjy-01055-00325296-00325487 let's see what material they're made out TnnSu6CjUjy-01056-00325488-00325727 of 95 TnnSu6CjUjy-01057-00325728-00326254 polyester and 5 spandex okay TnnSu6CjUjy-01058-00326255-00326519 and i have sizes from small to extra TnnSu6CjUjy-01059-00326520-00326654 large TnnSu6CjUjy-01060-00326655-00326958 and they're on my site right now so TnnSu6CjUjy-01061-00326959-00327151 y'all make sure to go shop them TnnSu6CjUjy-01062-00327152-00327463 right now and yes i am taking these with TnnSu6CjUjy-01063-00327464-00327551 me TnnSu6CjUjy-01064-00327552-00327910 to the pop-up shop as well TnnSu6CjUjy-01065-00327911-00328175 yes so y'all comment down below right TnnSu6CjUjy-01066-00328176-00328215 now TnnSu6CjUjy-01067-00328216-00328527 which outfit are you going to get right TnnSu6CjUjy-01068-00328528-00328558 now TnnSu6CjUjy-01069-00328559-00328871 comment down right now and then TnnSu6CjUjy-01070-00328872-00329078 when y'all order that outfit just go TnnSu6CjUjy-01071-00329079-00329278 ahead and tell me that y'all see me TnnSu6CjUjy-01072-00329279-00329454 y'all come from my youtube channel in TnnSu6CjUjy-01073-00329455-00329671 the notes at checkout okay TnnSu6CjUjy-01074-00329672-00329887 leave me kind words you know give me TnnSu6CjUjy-01075-00329888-00330158 some uplifting spirits TnnSu6CjUjy-01076-00330159-00330454 something girl something because your TnnSu6CjUjy-01077-00330455-00330703 girl been needing it i've been not being TnnSu6CjUjy-01078-00330704-00331006 real you know i told y'all i'm gonna TnnSu6CjUjy-01079-00331007-00331254 keep pushing but i've been real down TnnSu6CjUjy-01080-00331255-00331478 oh and once this battery charges i am TnnSu6CjUjy-01081-00331479-00331630 gonna come back and show you guys that i TnnSu6CjUjy-01082-00331631-00331782 did make the labels and i'm gonna label TnnSu6CjUjy-01083-00331783-00331895 them with y'all TnnSu6CjUjy-01084-00331896-00332143 and then i'm gonna do that one order for TnnSu6CjUjy-01085-00332144-00332230 y'all TnnSu6CjUjy-01086-00332231-00332567 today all right you guys so TnnSu6CjUjy-01087-00332568-00332943 i'm back real quick TnnSu6CjUjy-01088-00332944-00333175 i'm gonna package this order with you TnnSu6CjUjy-01089-00333176-00333295 guys TnnSu6CjUjy-01090-00333296-00333487 so without showing you guys her TnnSu6CjUjy-01091-00333488-00333695 information TnnSu6CjUjy-01092-00333696-00334078 she got one zodiac pant TnnSu6CjUjy-01093-00334079-00334439 that's the hairpin she got TnnSu6CjUjy-01094-00334440-00335343 crystallis lip gloss TnnSu6CjUjy-01095-00335344-00335575 she got the drip gloss which is in the TnnSu6CjUjy-01096-00335576-00335919 squeeze tube TnnSu6CjUjy-01097-00335920-00336271 um and then she got the long island TnnSu6CjUjy-01098-00336272-00336678 bundle this is the TnnSu6CjUjy-01099-00336679-00336999 let me highlight it so in the long TnnSu6CjUjy-01100-00337000-00337087 island TnnSu6CjUjy-01101-00337088-00337334 bundle all you have to do is shake it up TnnSu6CjUjy-01102-00337335-00337847 but this is the body mist TnnSu6CjUjy-01103-00337848-00337999 and if you guys would like for me to TnnSu6CjUjy-01104-00338000-00338287 bring these shimmer body mist TnnSu6CjUjy-01105-00338288-00338534 to the website let me know and i can TnnSu6CjUjy-01106-00338535-00338687 make a few TnnSu6CjUjy-01107-00338688-00338999 um but i this here bundle is just like a TnnSu6CjUjy-01108-00339000-00339358 sample but the long island TnnSu6CjUjy-01109-00339359-00339854 comes with the lip gloss which is a mini TnnSu6CjUjy-01110-00339855-00340247 and then the body oil is a sample TnnSu6CjUjy-01111-00340248-00340543 all you got to do is shake it up as well TnnSu6CjUjy-01112-00340544-00340654 and then here's the TnnSu6CjUjy-01113-00340655-00341063 sample and i was pretty upset at these TnnSu6CjUjy-01114-00341064-00341263 samples because i thought the box TnnSu6CjUjy-01115-00341264-00341543 the bottles was going to be bigger but TnnSu6CjUjy-01116-00341544-00341575 they TnnSu6CjUjy-01117-00341576-00341895 ended up being way too small so if you TnnSu6CjUjy-01118-00341896-00341982 guys would like TnnSu6CjUjy-01119-00341983-00342247 the body shimmer or the body oil added TnnSu6CjUjy-01120-00342248-00342391 to the website TnnSu6CjUjy-01121-00342392-00342663 comment down below and let your girl TnnSu6CjUjy-01122-00342664-00342823 know because i will TnnSu6CjUjy-01123-00342824-00343271 do it but only if asked for TnnSu6CjUjy-01124-00343272-00343478 and it's actually going to be purchased TnnSu6CjUjy-01125-00343479-00343887 because TnnSu6CjUjy-01126-00343888-00344223 i mean it is just what it is TnnSu6CjUjy-01127-00344224-00344567 so everything is going to go in here TnnSu6CjUjy-01128-00344568-00344758 and we're going to slide it right on TnnSu6CjUjy-01129-00344759-00344943 into this bad boy TnnSu6CjUjy-01130-00344944-00345247 with the ship and slip but before we do TnnSu6CjUjy-01131-00345248-00345367 that i want to go ahead TnnSu6CjUjy-01132-00345368-00345710 and print out TnnSu6CjUjy-01133-00345711-00345887 i'm going to go ahead and print out the TnnSu6CjUjy-01134-00345888-00346143 um TnnSu6CjUjy-01135-00346144-00346495 the shipping slip let's see if we can TnnSu6CjUjy-01136-00346496-00346847 let me do it today see it always messes TnnSu6CjUjy-01137-00346848-00346927 up on me i TnnSu6CjUjy-01138-00346928-00347463 i'm like really starting to hate my wigs TnnSu6CjUjy-01139-00347464-00347671 i can't create a shipping label or none TnnSu6CjUjy-01140-00347672-00347878 of that TnnSu6CjUjy-01141-00347879-00348191 on here so what i'm gonna do is go TnnSu6CjUjy-01142-00348192-00348495 to my paypal and create the shipping TnnSu6CjUjy-01143-00348496-00348682 later since she paid through paypal TnnSu6CjUjy-01144-00348683-00348854 anyway TnnSu6CjUjy-01145-00348855-00349023 so i'm just going to go to activities TnnSu6CjUjy-01146-00349024-00349158 and i don't want to show you guys TnnSu6CjUjy-01147-00349159-00349527 all of nobody's personal information i TnnSu6CjUjy-01148-00349528-00349710 don't think you can see from there TnnSu6CjUjy-01149-00349711-00350006 so i'm going to click on her name print TnnSu6CjUjy-01150-00350007-00350415 create and ship a label TnnSu6CjUjy-01151-00350416-00350934 and it's priority meal TnnSu6CjUjy-01152-00350935-00351334 padded thick envelope TnnSu6CjUjy-01153-00351335-00351671 five ounces TnnSu6CjUjy-01154-00351672-00352175 my dimensions is TnnSu6CjUjy-01155-00352176-00352710 6 by 10 TnnSu6CjUjy-01156-00352711-00353023 and i hate to always have to do this but TnnSu6CjUjy-01157-00353024-00353934 i need to know the hive 11. TnnSu6CjUjy-01158-00353935-00354303 and she did pay for a priority meal TnnSu6CjUjy-01159-00354304-00354799 so TnnSu6CjUjy-01160-00354800-00355127 i'm going to oh no not a note TnnSu6CjUjy-01161-00355128-00355767 um i'm going to calculate shipping TnnSu6CjUjy-01162-00355768-00356110 and then i'ma confirm and pay TnnSu6CjUjy-01163-00356111-00356495 which her priority shipping is 8.25 TnnSu6CjUjy-01164-00356496-00356647 and that's how much she paid i'm TnnSu6CjUjy-01165-00356648-00356823 calculating the shipping and paying out TnnSu6CjUjy-01166-00356824-00356903 of my TnnSu6CjUjy-01167-00356904-00357367 paypal balance i'm gonna print it now TnnSu6CjUjy-01168-00357368-00357671 and the print is gonna go right TnnSu6CjUjy-01169-00357672-00357806 underneath y'all TnnSu6CjUjy-01170-00357807-00358103 and it's gonna probably vibrate it's TnnSu6CjUjy-01171-00358104-00358295 probably gonna vibrate y'all TnnSu6CjUjy-01172-00358296-00358510 but i wanna put the shipping label on TnnSu6CjUjy-01173-00358511-00358815 before i put all this stuff in here TnnSu6CjUjy-01174-00358816-00359078 so while that's printing i'm gonna go TnnSu6CjUjy-01175-00359079-00359678 ahead and sign my name TnnSu6CjUjy-01176-00359679-00360158 little no TnnSu6CjUjy-01177-00360159-00360351 there we go we're gonna fold this in TnnSu6CjUjy-01178-00360352-00360830 half TnnSu6CjUjy-01179-00360831-00361287 slide this bad boy in TnnSu6CjUjy-01180-00361288-00362703 here is the shipping label TnnSu6CjUjy-01181-00362704-00363430 place the shipping label right on here TnnSu6CjUjy-01182-00363431-00363782 my fragile stickers goes right at the TnnSu6CjUjy-01183-00363783-00364167 bottom TnnSu6CjUjy-01184-00364168-00364367 and then we're going to slide the TnnSu6CjUjy-01185-00364368-00364653 product in TnnSu6CjUjy-01186-00364654-00364863 [Applause] TnnSu6CjUjy-01187-00364864-00365095 just like that and you guys the day that TnnSu6CjUjy-01188-00365096-00365319 i get like at least TnnSu6CjUjy-01189-00365320-00365734 10 to 12 orders or something like that TnnSu6CjUjy-01190-00365735-00366054 more than five orders i will do a whole TnnSu6CjUjy-01191-00366055-00366527 in-depth sit-down pack with me TnnSu6CjUjy-01192-00366528-00366806 video for you guys because i know you TnnSu6CjUjy-01193-00366807-00367054 guys love that on TnnSu6CjUjy-01194-00367055-00367463 here yeah every yeah every blue moon TnnSu6CjUjy-01195-00367464-00367630 so i do have the thank you sticker TnnSu6CjUjy-01196-00367631-00367791 that's gonna go TnnSu6CjUjy-01197-00367792-00368303 right over the seal and then i have my TnnSu6CjUjy-01198-00368304-00368575 information that i'm gonna lay on the TnnSu6CjUjy-01199-00368576-00368710 back TnnSu6CjUjy-01200-00368711-00368967 so just in case as it's going through TnnSu6CjUjy-01201-00368968-00369078 shipment TnnSu6CjUjy-01202-00369079-00369415 anybody knows my TnnSu6CjUjy-01203-00369416-00369703 instagram my email my website and my TnnSu6CjUjy-01204-00369704-00369823 facebook TnnSu6CjUjy-01205-00369824-00370127 boom and that's it to this order but TnnSu6CjUjy-01206-00370128-00370223 like i was saying TnnSu6CjUjy-01207-00370224-00370534 um i will start doing TnnSu6CjUjy-01208-00370535-00370910 well i will do you guys a in-depth TnnSu6CjUjy-01209-00370911-00371310 pack with me um once i get 10 or more TnnSu6CjUjy-01210-00371311-00371367 orders TnnSu6CjUjy-01211-00371368-00371663 because if it's like five or less i i TnnSu6CjUjy-01212-00371664-00371815 just don't TnnSu6CjUjy-01213-00371816-00372054 i don't like doing it i don't like doing TnnSu6CjUjy-01214-00372055-00372127 it because TnnSu6CjUjy-01215-00372128-00372482 to me it's not enough it's not a lot TnnSu6CjUjy-01216-00372483-00372782 so i rather just TnnSu6CjUjy-01217-00372783-00373247 um if it's a lot of orders i TnnSu6CjUjy-01218-00373248-00373439 i would do it i know y'all should have TnnSu6CjUjy-01219-00373440-00373575 probably TnnSu6CjUjy-01220-00373576-00373895 seen already maybe i did record my TnnSu6CjUjy-01221-00373896-00374239 um vr first wholesale order i think i TnnSu6CjUjy-01222-00374240-00374430 did both of my wholesale orders TnnSu6CjUjy-01223-00374431-00374734 the squeeze tubes TnnSu6CjUjy-01224-00374735-00375054 was my actual first wholesale order TnnSu6CjUjy-01225-00375055-00375382 and then my second wholesale order was TnnSu6CjUjy-01226-00375383-00375463 the TnnSu6CjUjy-01227-00375464-00375671 base and stuff and putting the whole kit TnnSu6CjUjy-01228-00375672-00375767 together TnnSu6CjUjy-01229-00375768-00376047 but i want to do more not just you know TnnSu6CjUjy-01230-00376048-00376191 one single order but TnnSu6CjUjy-01231-00376192-00376527 i was excited for the wholesale so TnnSu6CjUjy-01232-00376528-00376830 yeah i will hopefully be able to give TnnSu6CjUjy-01233-00376831-00377006 you guys that TnnSu6CjUjy-01234-00377007-00377439 very soon so i guess i'm gonna TnnSu6CjUjy-01235-00377440-00377758 probably nine times out of ten TnnSu6CjUjy-01236-00377759-00378023 take a shower and then take a nap and TnnSu6CjUjy-01237-00378024-00378078 then TnnSu6CjUjy-01238-00378079-00378406 i'll be here editing TnnSu6CjUjy-01239-00378407-00378823 because i need to edit these videos TnnSu6CjUjy-01240-00378824-00378999 i need to so that i can have a whole TnnSu6CjUjy-01241-00379000-00379191 bunch of videos going up and scheduled TnnSu6CjUjy-01242-00379192-00379295 already TnnSu6CjUjy-01243-00379296-00379487 to keep me going and keep me motivated TnnSu6CjUjy-01244-00379488-00379719 but as of right now TnnSu6CjUjy-01245-00379720-00380054 that's it this um TnnSu6CjUjy-01246-00380055-00380230 probably nine times out of 10 ain't the TnnSu6CjUjy-01247-00380231-00380454 end of this vlog but TnnSu6CjUjy-01248-00380455-00380871 if it is then i'll get you guys TnnSu6CjUjy-01249-00380872-00381230 but i know it won't be so i'll come back TnnSu6CjUjy-01250-00381231-00381310 when i got TnnSu6CjUjy-01251-00381311-00381663 some more stuff to do but right now your TnnSu6CjUjy-01252-00381664-00381943 girl is just like TnnSu6CjUjy-01253-00381944-00382254 uber and tired like i'm TnnSu6CjUjy-01254-00382255-00382575 overly tired and i really can't take a TnnSu6CjUjy-01255-00382576-00382758 nap because my kids are going in and out TnnSu6CjUjy-01256-00382759-00382871 the house playing TnnSu6CjUjy-01257-00382872-00383199 so i can't even really take a nap so TnnSu6CjUjy-01258-00383200-00383358 i'm just gonna jump in the shower and TnnSu6CjUjy-01259-00383359-00383527 then TnnSu6CjUjy-01260-00383528-00383895 um watch some youtube i'm over TnnSu6CjUjy-01261-00383896-00384158 i'm done with the steve wilkers so i'm TnnSu6CjUjy-01262-00384159-00384263 gonna TnnSu6CjUjy-01263-00384264-00384654 yeah i'm gonna TnnSu6CjUjy-01264-00384655-00384934 watch some youtube oh and when my wife TnnSu6CjUjy-01265-00384935-00385206 gets home i'll show you guys how we got TnnSu6CjUjy-01266-00385207-00385502 how we did the wholesale orders for the TnnSu6CjUjy-01267-00385503-00385663 pre wholesale orders TnnSu6CjUjy-01268-00385664-00385887 for the pop-up shop and all that i TnnSu6CjUjy-01269-00385888-00385999 started to work with TnnSu6CjUjy-01270-00386000-00386367 a um a side task and TnnSu6CjUjy-01271-00386368-00386534 she's getting it done for me so i TnnSu6CjUjy-01272-00386535-00386775 appreciate it so much TnnSu6CjUjy-01273-00386776-00387263 um and jk jkl TnnSu6CjUjy-01274-00387264-00387558 is the one who ordered this as well as TnnSu6CjUjy-01275-00387559-00387767 she owns her own TnnSu6CjUjy-01276-00387768-00387991 online boutique which i would have TnnSu6CjUjy-01277-00387992-00388175 linked down below TnnSu6CjUjy-01278-00388176-00388615 clothing haul that i purchased from her TnnSu6CjUjy-01279-00388616-00389039 a few months ago i'm still gonna do it TnnSu6CjUjy-01280-00389040-00389247 it nine times out of ten is going to be TnnSu6CjUjy-01281-00389248-00389551 up after this vlog but make sure you TnnSu6CjUjy-01282-00389552-00389719 subscribe and hit the notification so TnnSu6CjUjy-01283-00389720-00389982 you won't miss that clothing haul coming TnnSu6CjUjy-01284-00389983-00390310 but jkl is the one who TnnSu6CjUjy-01285-00390311-00390743 put together this all black owned TnnSu6CjUjy-01286-00390744-00390951 pop-up shop that's going on so y'all TnnSu6CjUjy-01287-00390952-00391063 will get to meet her TnnSu6CjUjy-01288-00391064-00391439 when we go to the pop-up shop yeah TnnSu6CjUjy-01289-00391440-00391767 hey y'all so TnnSu6CjUjy-01290-00391768-00392054 i have my train case right here y'all TnnSu6CjUjy-01291-00392055-00392478 probably can't even see it TnnSu6CjUjy-01292-00392479-00392878 let's angle y'all down just a little bit TnnSu6CjUjy-01293-00392879-00393247 then you can't see me um i have my TnnSu6CjUjy-01294-00393248-00393406 turning case TnnSu6CjUjy-01295-00393407-00393815 right here i'm trying to figure out TnnSu6CjUjy-01296-00393816-00394182 how to TnnSu6CjUjy-01297-00394183-00394558 how to do this my train case is TnnSu6CjUjy-01298-00394559-00394910 my client makeup kit TnnSu6CjUjy-01299-00394911-00395302 and i'm trying to figure out how to take TnnSu6CjUjy-01300-00395303-00395623 the stuff out while TnnSu6CjUjy-01301-00395624-00396023 putting the pop-up shop stuff in TnnSu6CjUjy-01302-00396024-00396447 so i don't want to get anything in the TnnSu6CjUjy-01303-00396448-00396543 little stuff TnnSu6CjUjy-01304-00396544-00396878 or messed up TnnSu6CjUjy-01305-00396879-00397199 i have just cleaned TnnSu6CjUjy-01306-00397200-00397591 out my makeup training case TnnSu6CjUjy-01307-00397592-00397854 excuse me and made everything all nice TnnSu6CjUjy-01308-00397855-00398143 and pretty and now TnnSu6CjUjy-01309-00398144-00398582 here i am taking it all out again TnnSu6CjUjy-01310-00398583-00398982 so TnnSu6CjUjy-01311-00398983-00399327 i gotta figure this out TnnSu6CjUjy-01312-00399328-00399543 because everything for the pop-up shop TnnSu6CjUjy-01313-00399544-00399630 is like TnnSu6CjUjy-01314-00399631-00399982 right here on the floor i'm gonna have TnnSu6CjUjy-01315-00399983-00400199 glitter everywhere TnnSu6CjUjy-01316-00400200-00400527 um i am where my TnnSu6CjUjy-01317-00400528-00400975 snack fit two TnnSu6CjUjy-01318-00400976-00401375 top i just had on the bottom earlier but TnnSu6CjUjy-01319-00401376-00401558 i took it off because y'all know your TnnSu6CjUjy-01320-00401559-00401878 girl ain't got nobody so TnnSu6CjUjy-01321-00401879-00402230 i don't want to be wearing it with a TnnSu6CjUjy-01322-00402231-00403127 flat a TnnSu6CjUjy-01323-00403128-00403415 so i did sell two items this morning TnnSu6CjUjy-01324-00403416-00403663 both of my pickups TnnSu6CjUjy-01325-00403664-00404151 and i have them sitting over there TnnSu6CjUjy-01326-00404152-00404471 i need to figure out how i'm going to do TnnSu6CjUjy-01327-00404472-00404591 it oh TnnSu6CjUjy-01328-00404592-00404910 let me show you guys so my rings finally TnnSu6CjUjy-01329-00404911-00405263 came in TnnSu6CjUjy-01330-00405264-00405599 my rings finally came in and it took TnnSu6CjUjy-01331-00405600-00405727 forever TnnSu6CjUjy-01332-00405728-00406054 but i am gonna upload them to the site TnnSu6CjUjy-01333-00406055-00406591 their 18th ring set TnnSu6CjUjy-01334-00406592-00407239 let's see oh oh TnnSu6CjUjy-01335-00407240-00407551 hopefully they're all they all fit TnnSu6CjUjy-01336-00407552-00408151 so they look something like this TnnSu6CjUjy-01337-00408152-00408551 um i just put them all on TnnSu6CjUjy-01338-00408552-00408791 but they're eight piece ring sets they TnnSu6CjUjy-01339-00408792-00408871 come in a TnnSu6CjUjy-01340-00408872-00409334 eight set but um TnnSu6CjUjy-01341-00409335-00409759 i'm hungry go get some heat TnnSu6CjUjy-01342-00409760-00410282 no hey two things TnnSu6CjUjy-01343-00410283-00410830 exactly from last night TnnSu6CjUjy-01344-00410831-00411222 so they come in TnnSu6CjUjy-01345-00411223-00411759 the set and i got TnnSu6CjUjy-01346-00411760-00412063 quite a few of them just to see TnnSu6CjUjy-01347-00412064-00412366 how they would do but TnnSu6CjUjy-01348-00412367-00412607 let's try to figure out how we're gonna TnnSu6CjUjy-01349-00412608-00413278 sit up TnnSu6CjUjy-01350-00413279-00413718 try to figure this out TnnSu6CjUjy-01351-00413719-00414143 so here are my lipsticks TnnSu6CjUjy-01352-00414143-00414359 here are the honey lip mask i guess i'm TnnSu6CjUjy-01353-00414360-00415287 gonna put these here TnnSu6CjUjy-01354-00415288-00415882 hand sanitizers you can put in this TnnSu6CjUjy-01355-00415883-00416566 section TnnSu6CjUjy-01356-00416567-00416903 like that um TnnSu6CjUjy-01357-00416904-00417303 something could go here TnnSu6CjUjy-01358-00417304-00417495 you know what let's put the testers TnnSu6CjUjy-01359-00417496-00417718 right there TnnSu6CjUjy-01360-00417719-00418159 i got testers for the lip gloss TnnSu6CjUjy-01361-00418160-00418830 all those are testers and then TnnSu6CjUjy-01362-00418831-00419447 i'm gonna take out this part TnnSu6CjUjy-01363-00419449-00419695 [Music] TnnSu6CjUjy-01364-00419696-00420103 mama told me TnnSu6CjUjy-01365-00420104-00420399 there's before one thing you remember TnnSu6CjUjy-01366-00420400-00420566 for me TnnSu6CjUjy-01367-00420567-00420879 child when you're out on your own a TnnSu6CjUjy-01368-00420880-00421655 million miles TnnSu6CjUjy-01369-00421656-00423670 don't forget who you are TnnSu6CjUjy-01370-00423671-00424453 dancing on the moon TnnSu6CjUjy-01371-00424454-00424718 [Music] TnnSu6CjUjy-01372-00424719-00425896 dancing on TnnSu6CjUjy-01373-00425897-00427116 [Music] TnnSu6CjUjy-01374-00427117-00427797 [Music] TnnSu6CjUjy-01375-00427797-00427918 [Music] TnnSu6CjUjy-01376-00427919-00428239 don't forget who you are don't lose your TnnSu6CjUjy-01377-00428239-00428407 head or your heart TnnSu6CjUjy-01378-00428408-00428735 i bet my life on your stars you'll be TnnSu6CjUjy-01379-00428735-00429615 dancing dancing on the moon U5Pzktq9rTo-00000-00000096-00000668 oh U5Pzktq9rTo-00001-00000669-00002152 [Music] U5Pzktq9rTo-00002-00002153-00004057 [Music] U5Pzktq9rTo-00003-00004058-00004251 [Applause] U5Pzktq9rTo-00004-00004252-00006022 [Music] U5Pzktq9rTo-00005-00006023-00006237 oh U5Pzktq9rTo-00006-00006238-00008467 [Music] U5Pzktq9rTo-00007-00008468-00008499 [Applause] U5Pzktq9rTo-00008-00008500-00009657 [Music] U5Pzktq9rTo-00009-00009658-00009977 [Applause] U5Pzktq9rTo-00010-00009978-00010978 [Music] U5Pzktq9rTo-00011-00010979-00012359 [Music] U5Pzktq9rTo-00012-00012360-00012636 much U5Pzktq9rTo-00013-00012637-00013660 [Music] U5Pzktq9rTo-00014-00013661-00013951 [Applause] U5Pzktq9rTo-00015-00013952-00014190 oh U5Pzktq9rTo-00016-00014191-00014391 [Music] U5Pzktq9rTo-00017-00014391-00014746 uh U5Pzktq9rTo-00019-00018000-00018030 [Applause] U5Pzktq9rTo-00020-00018031-00020102 [Music] U5Pzktq9rTo-00021-00020103-00020585 [Applause] U5Pzktq9rTo-00022-00020586-00023270 [Music] U5Pzktq9rTo-00023-00023271-00025271 [Music] U5Pzktq9rTo-00024-00025272-00025396 you U5Pzktq9rTo-00025-00025397-00027064 [Music] U5Pzktq9rTo-00026-00027066-00027783 [Music] U5Pzktq9rTo-00027-00027783-00028027 you U5Pzktq9rTo-00028-00028027-00028607 [Music] U5Pzktq9rTo-00029-00028608-00029038 so U5Pzktq9rTo-00030-00029039-00031127 [Music] U5Pzktq9rTo-00031-00031127-00031985 [Music] U5Pzktq9rTo-00032-00031986-00032424 [Music] U5Pzktq9rTo-00033-00032425-00032700 [Applause] U5Pzktq9rTo-00034-00032701-00032902 [Music] U5Pzktq9rTo-00035-00032903-00033389 [Applause] U5Pzktq9rTo-00036-00033390-00033455 [Music] U5Pzktq9rTo-00037-00033456-00033623 [Applause] U5Pzktq9rTo-00038-00033624-00033744 foreign U5Pzktq9rTo-00039-00033745-00034118 [Music] U5Pzktq9rTo-00040-00034119-00034291 [Applause] U5Pzktq9rTo-00041-00034292-00035478 [Music] U5Pzktq9rTo-00042-00035479-00036343 [Music] U5Pzktq9rTo-00043-00036344-00036492 more U5Pzktq9rTo-00044-00036493-00037537 [Music] U5Pzktq9rTo-00045-00037538-00037817 [Applause] U5Pzktq9rTo-00046-00037818-00039430 [Music] U5Pzktq9rTo-00047-00039431-00039570 uh U5Pzktq9rTo-00049-00048019-00048111 [Applause] U5Pzktq9rTo-00050-00048112-00048774 [Music] U5Pzktq9rTo-00051-00048775-00048996 [Applause] U5Pzktq9rTo-00053-00053779-00055063 [Music] U5Pzktq9rTo-00054-00055064-00055630 thank you U5Pzktq9rTo-00055-00055632-00057732 [Music] U5Pzktq9rTo-00056-00057733-00060132 [Music] U5Pzktq9rTo-00057-00060133-00060342 [Applause] U5Pzktq9rTo-00058-00060344-00060579 [Music] U5Pzktq9rTo-00059-00060580-00060675 [Applause] U5Pzktq9rTo-00060-00060676-00061047 [Music] U5Pzktq9rTo-00061-00061048-00061316 so U5Pzktq9rTo-00062-00061316-00061754 [Music] U5Pzktq9rTo-00063-00061754-00061954 [Applause] U5Pzktq9rTo-00064-00061955-00062429 [Music] U5Pzktq9rTo-00065-00062430-00062776 [Applause] U6wQAB6eNpc-00000-00000032-00000327 encourages you and inspire you to U6wQAB6eNpc-00001-00000328-00000471 fulfill your destiny U6wQAB6eNpc-00002-00000472-00000774 in life look around you U6wQAB6eNpc-00003-00000775-00001111 and start identifying four or six U6wQAB6eNpc-00004-00001112-00001431 important people strategic people U6wQAB6eNpc-00005-00001432-00001782 who will encourage you and inspire you U6wQAB6eNpc-00006-00001784-00002142 and influence you positively to achieve U6wQAB6eNpc-00007-00002143-00002423 your goals in life to achieve your U6wQAB6eNpc-00008-00002424-00002583 vision in life U6wQAB6eNpc-00009-00002584-00002934 to achieve your aim in life god bless U6wQAB6eNpc-00010-00002935-00003158 you i will see you tomorrow U6wQAB6eNpc-00011-00003159-00003615 shalom peace U6Wo7l7YUV4-00000-00000377-00000650 good afternoon traders welcome to the U6Wo7l7YUV4-00001-00000651-00000977 book map pro trader webinar series will U6Wo7l7YUV4-00002-00000978-00001335 continue on with this and today we've U6Wo7l7YUV4-00003-00001336-00001626 got Neil's coups Niels is a professional U6Wo7l7YUV4-00004-00001627-00001905 trader nine years of experience he U6Wo7l7YUV4-00005-00001905-00002061 currently trades at the Amsterdam U6Wo7l7YUV4-00006-00002062-00002364 exchange and trades and develops his own U6Wo7l7YUV4-00007-00002365-00002532 proprietary I'll go for quite a while U6Wo7l7YUV4-00008-00002533-00002877 now a number of years and he finds that U6Wo7l7YUV4-00009-00002878-00003165 book map complements his work very U6Wo7l7YUV4-00010-00003166-00003510 nicely and shows the intended order flow U6Wo7l7YUV4-00011-00003511-00003779 in relationship to the executed U6Wo7l7YUV4-00012-00003779-00004089 transactions so I need to go through the U6Wo7l7YUV4-00013-00004090-00004247 wrist disclaimer trading futures U6Wo7l7YUV4-00014-00004248-00004464 equities and digital currencies involve U6Wo7l7YUV4-00015-00004465-00004656 stands for risk of loss and it's not U6Wo7l7YUV4-00016-00004657-00004821 suitable for all investors past U6Wo7l7YUV4-00017-00004822-00004962 performance is not necessarily U6Wo7l7YUV4-00018-00004963-00005213 indicative of future results here you U6Wo7l7YUV4-00019-00005214-00005460 have our contact information and then U6Wo7l7YUV4-00020-00005461-00005706 there's also some contact information U6Wo7l7YUV4-00021-00005707-00005918 that I will put into the chat for you U6Wo7l7YUV4-00022-00005919-00006038 regarding U6Wo7l7YUV4-00023-00006039-00006228 Niels here so if you want to reach out U6Wo7l7YUV4-00024-00006229-00006599 to him on Twitter or his website or his U6Wo7l7YUV4-00025-00006600-00006803 affiliate link here as well for a book U6Wo7l7YUV4-00026-00006804-00007086 map okay so other than that I'll just U6Wo7l7YUV4-00027-00007087-00007634 turn it over to Niels and go at it yeah U6Wo7l7YUV4-00028-00007636-00008151 thanks to Bruce so we again started with U6Wo7l7YUV4-00029-00008152-00008355 a data feed on my server and that didn't U6Wo7l7YUV4-00030-00008356-00008682 work again so sorry about that U6Wo7l7YUV4-00031-00008683-00008910 so Bruce is going to show the screen and U6Wo7l7YUV4-00032-00008911-00009150 then I'm gonna comment about that so we U6Wo7l7YUV4-00033-00009151-00009438 have to go back and forth doing that so U6Wo7l7YUV4-00034-00009439-00009669 for the rest I'm trading at the exchange U6Wo7l7YUV4-00035-00009670-00009921 well it's just like like it's not like U6Wo7l7YUV4-00036-00009922-00010092 that you're trading on the floor anymore U6Wo7l7YUV4-00037-00010093-00010341 of course it's just several companies U6Wo7l7YUV4-00038-00010342-00010542 are trading there on the floor and I'm U6Wo7l7YUV4-00039-00010543-00010964 at one of them but it's a really nice U6Wo7l7YUV4-00040-00010965-00011153 environment it's like still kind of like U6Wo7l7YUV4-00041-00011154-00011324 being on the floor but still on the U6Wo7l7YUV4-00042-00011325-00011610 screen right so so it has a nice vibe U6Wo7l7YUV4-00043-00011611-00011859 but but yes still it's only screen U6Wo7l7YUV4-00044-00011860-00012299 trading there as well so book map yeah I U6Wo7l7YUV4-00045-00012300-00012573 think I was one of the one of the first U6Wo7l7YUV4-00046-00012574-00012960 to it like like who got it at the time U6Wo7l7YUV4-00047-00012961-00013149 it's been in been a while I guess now U6Wo7l7YUV4-00048-00013150-00013288 right Bruce U6Wo7l7YUV4-00049-00013290-00013558 yeah yeah no I mean we've been you know U6Wo7l7YUV4-00050-00013559-00013808 chatting back and forth for number of U6Wo7l7YUV4-00051-00013809-00014444 years so yeah yeah and and and the funny U6Wo7l7YUV4-00052-00014444-00014569 thing to mention now is that we U6Wo7l7YUV4-00053-00014570-00014813 connected our proprietary data feed from U6Wo7l7YUV4-00054-00014813-00015019 the exchange to book map so we wrote an U6Wo7l7YUV4-00055-00015020-00015211 API for that or you guys wrote it by the U6Wo7l7YUV4-00056-00015212-00015713 way I think a couple months ago now so U6Wo7l7YUV4-00057-00015713-00015994 I'm running that as well and also to U6Wo7l7YUV4-00058-00015995-00016346 test it on on stocks as well but I U6Wo7l7YUV4-00059-00016347-00016519 mainly trade futures by the way so I U6Wo7l7YUV4-00060-00016520-00017036 managed reaches the decks and the SP we U6Wo7l7YUV4-00061-00017037-00017197 don't have your X data so we're going to U6Wo7l7YUV4-00062-00017198-00017702 go over the S&P right now yeah and I U6Wo7l7YUV4-00063-00017703-00017953 just want to go through like how I how I U6Wo7l7YUV4-00064-00017954-00018331 use it or I want to look for and yeah U6Wo7l7YUV4-00065-00018332-00018772 that can help you as well yeah let's U6Wo7l7YUV4-00066-00018773-00019067 let's zoom to I guess the open will be U6Wo7l7YUV4-00067-00019068-00020344 good yeah sure yeah yeah you can keep U6Wo7l7YUV4-00068-00020345-00020597 the open all the way to the left so then U6Wo7l7YUV4-00069-00020598-00021136 we see the rest yeah thanks yeah so what U6Wo7l7YUV4-00070-00021137-00021464 we see already is that below there are U6Wo7l7YUV4-00071-00021465-00021797 several bits in and being added while U6Wo7l7YUV4-00072-00021798-00022047 training there right so it's turning U6Wo7l7YUV4-00073-00022048-00022714 white or whitish and well if we can go a U6Wo7l7YUV4-00074-00022715-00023021 little for a little second to my screen U6Wo7l7YUV4-00075-00023022-00023230 how can we do that Roo's yeah sure no U6Wo7l7YUV4-00076-00023231-00023287 problem U6Wo7l7YUV4-00077-00023288-00024433 here let me hand it over to you U6Wo7l7YUV4-00078-00024434-00025067 [Music] U6Wo7l7YUV4-00079-00025068-00025427 yeah I see security and privacy there U6Wo7l7YUV4-00080-00025428-00025625 okay there you go yeah all right U6Wo7l7YUV4-00081-00025626-00026117 yeah so the open is here 9:30 here we U6Wo7l7YUV4-00082-00026118-00026324 got a cluster of volume can you see the U6Wo7l7YUV4-00083-00026325-00026474 mouse to waste updating quick enough U6Wo7l7YUV4-00084-00026475-00026867 yeah yeah we see it yeah yeah so that U6Wo7l7YUV4-00085-00026868-00027092 high-volume node over here U6Wo7l7YUV4-00086-00027093-00027464 and that's right at the low from well U6Wo7l7YUV4-00087-00027464-00027851 the day problem so that was 47 so that U6Wo7l7YUV4-00088-00027852-00028189 max yourself right there can you guys U6Wo7l7YUV4-00089-00028191-00028472 see that yes or no I can see yeah yeah U6Wo7l7YUV4-00090-00028473-00028789 we can see it great great so that's the U6Wo7l7YUV4-00091-00028791-00028904 point that I was interested in U6Wo7l7YUV4-00092-00028905-00029233 interested in anyway so yeah can we take U6Wo7l7YUV4-00093-00029235-00029987 it back to your friend yep so what's U6Wo7l7YUV4-00094-00029988-00030233 that level again forty forty seven forty U6Wo7l7YUV4-00095-00030233-00030947 seventy even yeah okay yeah yeah there U6Wo7l7YUV4-00096-00030948-00031235 you go and that was right we're like U6Wo7l7YUV4-00097-00031236-00031619 into the bits over there at the 1002 no U6Wo7l7YUV4-00098-00031620-00031844 three or something yep right there huh U6Wo7l7YUV4-00099-00031845-00032249 and then hold it so of course you don't U6Wo7l7YUV4-00100-00032250-00032393 know beforehand if it's gonna hold or U6Wo7l7YUV4-00101-00032394-00032573 not but at least when you know there's U6Wo7l7YUV4-00102-00032574-00032747 previous volume and it's trading up U6Wo7l7YUV4-00103-00032748-00033062 before they open plus we had expired a U6Wo7l7YUV4-00104-00033063-00033286 right that was that was fun to watch um U6Wo7l7YUV4-00105-00033287-00033689 especially in the DAX by the way um but U6Wo7l7YUV4-00106-00033690-00033938 so they likely wanted to hold it about U6Wo7l7YUV4-00107-00033939-00034235 the 250 at least that was my that was my U6Wo7l7YUV4-00108-00034236-00034607 idea with it and so in a 47 test was U6Wo7l7YUV4-00109-00034608-00034739 interesting to see if they're gonna hold U6Wo7l7YUV4-00110-00034740-00034928 it or not so and they did that test the U6Wo7l7YUV4-00111-00034929-00035153 volume and right into the bits from U6Wo7l7YUV4-00112-00035154-00035410 there and then yeah I kind of hold it U6Wo7l7YUV4-00113-00035411-00035789 when when well a little bit higher and U6Wo7l7YUV4-00114-00035790-00035965 then we I think we hit the China news U6Wo7l7YUV4-00115-00035966-00036293 then right well said that's right here U6Wo7l7YUV4-00116-00036294-00036620 alright it looks I think I think it 10 U6Wo7l7YUV4-00117-00036621-00036875 18 or something I think that yeah that's U6Wo7l7YUV4-00118-00036876-00037109 it okay I was wondering what that was I U6Wo7l7YUV4-00119-00037110-00037307 wasn't watching the news news feeds oh U6Wo7l7YUV4-00120-00037308-00037610 well and then someone shouted in U6Wo7l7YUV4-00121-00037611-00038030 at the - look China I like what so I ran U6Wo7l7YUV4-00122-00038031-00038399 back but I kind of I missed that move U6Wo7l7YUV4-00123-00038400-00038771 but good yeah but but still it's U6Wo7l7YUV4-00124-00038772-00038999 interesting to see that because the DAC U6Wo7l7YUV4-00125-00039000-00039209 spiked up like 40 points something and U6Wo7l7YUV4-00126-00039210-00039578 this is like 250 to 8 points yeah ok so U6Wo7l7YUV4-00127-00039579-00040133 that's that's similar but but yeah like U6Wo7l7YUV4-00128-00040134-00040514 right into the the heavy offers from 58 U6Wo7l7YUV4-00129-00040515-00040817 right went above there because it was U6Wo7l7YUV4-00130-00040818-00041246 probably stops there as well yeah you U6Wo7l7YUV4-00131-00041247-00041641 scroll it to the right U6Wo7l7YUV4-00132-00041642-00041876 you want to you want to zoom into this U6Wo7l7YUV4-00133-00041877-00042242 area or I guess okay know what you can U6Wo7l7YUV4-00134-00042243-00042596 do is then like what I want to do is U6Wo7l7YUV4-00135-00042597-00042862 like I'm gonna switch you back to mine U6Wo7l7YUV4-00136-00042863-00043322 okay bring in a bid here I'm just gonna U6Wo7l7YUV4-00137-00043323-00043634 make you know I think it would be easier U6Wo7l7YUV4-00138-00043635-00043934 if I do it yeah okay yeah I think so U6Wo7l7YUV4-00139-00043935-00044246 yeah I'll just be more attentive here U6Wo7l7YUV4-00140-00044247-00044347 there you go U6Wo7l7YUV4-00141-00044348-00044702 right so oh I can draw - that's that's U6Wo7l7YUV4-00142-00044703-00044966 great so let's do can you guys see my U6Wo7l7YUV4-00143-00044967-00045173 screen now yeah right U6Wo7l7YUV4-00144-00045174-00045428 so you can see all the zero prints no U6Wo7l7YUV4-00145-00045429-00045930 I'm trying to draw that's not working U6Wo7l7YUV4-00146-00045931-00046078 [Music] U6Wo7l7YUV4-00147-00046079-00046340 yeah they're right let's just watch the U6Wo7l7YUV4-00148-00046341-00046769 cursor if you can the stops were old U6Wo7l7YUV4-00149-00046770-00046988 they were one-sided bias right because U6Wo7l7YUV4-00150-00046989-00047234 of the news it's usually one-sided and U6Wo7l7YUV4-00151-00047235-00047651 takes upticks optics up but the volume U6Wo7l7YUV4-00152-00047652-00047965 is concentrated here right before that I U6Wo7l7YUV4-00153-00047966-00048446 think you can see that yeah like 52 ish U6Wo7l7YUV4-00154-00048447-00048749 the test was also right to that point U6Wo7l7YUV4-00155-00048750-00048965 and yeah that's not really a coincidence U6Wo7l7YUV4-00156-00048966-00049310 right um so this test previous volume U6Wo7l7YUV4-00157-00049311-00049748 and then tries to go back up yeah can we U6Wo7l7YUV4-00158-00049749-00050743 take it back yeah U6Wo7l7YUV4-00159-00050744-00051126 so yeah I mean you know I know I know U6Wo7l7YUV4-00160-00051127-00051290 you you like the footprint chart very U6Wo7l7YUV4-00161-00051291-00051587 much yeah this is what it looks like in U6Wo7l7YUV4-00162-00051588-00051791 book map right here's that here's that U6Wo7l7YUV4-00163-00051792-00052062 cluster right here yo yeah or you know U6Wo7l7YUV4-00164-00052063-00052250 that's that's why you get these retests U6Wo7l7YUV4-00165-00052251-00052316 right to it U6Wo7l7YUV4-00166-00052317-00052994 right yeah anyway continue on it was U6Wo7l7YUV4-00167-00052995-00053231 fifty to fifty so that's a little bit oh U6Wo7l7YUV4-00168-00053232-00053474 so it was actually down down here then U6Wo7l7YUV4-00169-00053475-00053705 what you're talking about is this that's U6Wo7l7YUV4-00170-00053706-00053979 weird you're talking about this cluster U6Wo7l7YUV4-00171-00053979-00054251 down here actually yeah yeah U6Wo7l7YUV4-00172-00054252-00054435 well this is the difference and this is U6Wo7l7YUV4-00173-00054436-00054569 what you this is the difference that you U6Wo7l7YUV4-00174-00054570-00055004 get in book map like it's over time we U6Wo7l7YUV4-00175-00055005-00055221 see we see this the micro structure here U6Wo7l7YUV4-00176-00055222-00055461 see exactly like what you were looking U6Wo7l7YUV4-00177-00055462-00055769 at is is the aggregate view of all of U6Wo7l7YUV4-00178-00055770-00056046 this volume within that cluster yeah so U6Wo7l7YUV4-00179-00056047-00056288 we know that there's a cluster here and U6Wo7l7YUV4-00180-00056289-00056504 this is where it sprung out from and the U6Wo7l7YUV4-00181-00056505-00056726 retest come comes right back to it here U6Wo7l7YUV4-00182-00056727-00056963 the first retest though is to this U6Wo7l7YUV4-00183-00056964-00057350 cluster here and well actually the first U6Wo7l7YUV4-00184-00057351-00057579 we test was to this smaller cluster here U6Wo7l7YUV4-00185-00057579-00057816 and then the breakout continued so I U6Wo7l7YUV4-00186-00057816-00058037 mean it's the same stuff I just want to U6Wo7l7YUV4-00187-00058038-00058187 reiterate that because I do that in the U6Wo7l7YUV4-00188-00058188-00058675 I thought did you know take your U6Wo7l7YUV4-00189-00058676-00058947 presentation here but this is what book U6Wo7l7YUV4-00190-00058948-00059144 map displays and this is this is an U6Wo7l7YUV4-00191-00059145-00059298 advantage is to be able to look at it U6Wo7l7YUV4-00192-00059299-00059738 look at those closures I think you can U6Wo7l7YUV4-00193-00059739-00060406 also see it in the and see CVP yeah U6Wo7l7YUV4-00194-00060407-00060948 nicely yeah yeah very much so right here U6Wo7l7YUV4-00195-00060949-00061284 yeah right yeah so that's that's kind of U6Wo7l7YUV4-00196-00061285-00061566 what I would use if I only had to look U6Wo7l7YUV4-00197-00061566-00061766 at book map yeah that's the Destin eyes U6Wo7l7YUV4-00198-00061767-00061971 which is II see where the volume to go U6Wo7l7YUV4-00199-00061972-00062184 from and where it's likely to hold U6Wo7l7YUV4-00200-00062185-00062366 because those people are off-site right U6Wo7l7YUV4-00201-00062367-00062673 so if you were selling there well you U6Wo7l7YUV4-00202-00062674-00062819 probably want to get out the first time U6Wo7l7YUV4-00203-00062820-00063043 it gets back at least if that's your U6Wo7l7YUV4-00204-00063044-00063387 view but yeah then you can call it a U6Wo7l7YUV4-00205-00063388-00063601 little bit to your left again you know U6Wo7l7YUV4-00206-00063602-00063815 so U6Wo7l7YUV4-00207-00063816-00064237 so besides the fact that the 52 level U6Wo7l7YUV4-00208-00064238-00064567 was previous high volume from the U6Wo7l7YUV4-00209-00064569-00064733 breakout you can also see that the bits U6Wo7l7YUV4-00210-00064734-00064941 are increasing at that point right U6Wo7l7YUV4-00211-00064942-00065141 they're starting to add a little bit U6Wo7l7YUV4-00212-00065141-00065414 more you see a little L goes going on U6Wo7l7YUV4-00213-00065415-00065699 there as well and above there it's kind U6Wo7l7YUV4-00214-00065700-00065969 of light right about the 50 to 54 area U6Wo7l7YUV4-00215-00065970-00066215 it's it's it's a bit light so means U6Wo7l7YUV4-00216-00066216-00066455 that's likely er that it's if it's going U6Wo7l7YUV4-00217-00066456-00066620 up that it's going to be much easier to U6Wo7l7YUV4-00218-00066621-00067043 push through um and yeah um that's U6Wo7l7YUV4-00219-00067044-00067679 that's a nice setup yeah beauty beauty U6Wo7l7YUV4-00220-00067680-00068047 I mean Super Bowl --is-- news and then U6Wo7l7YUV4-00221-00068048-00068279 you know then then here it is in the U6Wo7l7YUV4-00222-00068280-00068984 order book and anyway for for everybody U6Wo7l7YUV4-00223-00068985-00069143 like this is uh this is what Neil's U6Wo7l7YUV4-00224-00069144-00069329 looks at in book map you know he's got U6Wo7l7YUV4-00225-00069330-00069467 he's got the colored heat map and U6Wo7l7YUV4-00226-00069468-00069725 everything but this is the this is the U6Wo7l7YUV4-00227-00069726-00070007 setup that he likes right he has very U6Wo7l7YUV4-00228-00070008-00070385 extreme or much more extreme settings on U6Wo7l7YUV4-00229-00070386-00070820 the on the cut-offs on the volume if you U6Wo7l7YUV4-00230-00070821-00071036 if you want you can set it to high twice U6Wo7l7YUV4-00231-00071037-00071258 how I said it like if you go to the yeah U6Wo7l7YUV4-00232-00071259-00071540 then don't set at exact size to the U6Wo7l7YUV4-00233-00071541-00071879 lower cutoff then put it to I think to U6Wo7l7YUV4-00234-00071880-00072596 200 no yeah yeah so I like it like U6Wo7l7YUV4-00235-00072597-00073025 filtered a lot yeah so you can only see U6Wo7l7YUV4-00236-00073026-00073118 the big ones U6Wo7l7YUV4-00237-00073119-00073337 um and I'm kind of still kind of playing U6Wo7l7YUV4-00238-00073338-00073502 with the different color schemes by the U6Wo7l7YUV4-00239-00073503-00073838 way like today I was using this one and U6Wo7l7YUV4-00240-00073839-00074270 last week I was but with the yellow one U6Wo7l7YUV4-00241-00074271-00074444 the yellow or the red one terrific U6Wo7l7YUV4-00242-00074445-00074726 stream one yeah this is one this one I U6Wo7l7YUV4-00243-00074727-00075446 prefer as well yeah yeah turn it on as U6Wo7l7YUV4-00244-00075447-00075815 well see how it looks okay and so and U6Wo7l7YUV4-00245-00075816-00075976 natalia's got a question here for you U6Wo7l7YUV4-00246-00075977-00076304 let's see so are there areas in high U6Wo7l7YUV4-00247-00076305-00076625 volume and CVP you'd like to buy in U6Wo7l7YUV4-00248-00076626-00076880 those areas on the retracement yeah I do U6Wo7l7YUV4-00249-00076881-00077150 yeah yeah because usually when that when U6Wo7l7YUV4-00250-00077151-00077198 people U6Wo7l7YUV4-00251-00077199-00077492 outside like oxides if they mean if U6Wo7l7YUV4-00252-00077493-00077780 they're wrong right a retest of that U6Wo7l7YUV4-00253-00077781-00077990 area is likely to get it bounced or at U6Wo7l7YUV4-00254-00077991-00078248 least some or at least that you don't U6Wo7l7YUV4-00255-00078249-00078460 like that you're not wrong right away U6Wo7l7YUV4-00256-00078461-00078761 they could be consolidation sure but U6Wo7l7YUV4-00257-00078762-00079049 usually it gives you a bounce in that U6Wo7l7YUV4-00258-00079050-00079196 area because they're wrong and they want U6Wo7l7YUV4-00259-00079197-00079424 to buy it back if they're short and the U6Wo7l7YUV4-00260-00079425-00079484 other way around U6Wo7l7YUV4-00261-00079485-00079801 um yeah that's kind of how it works and U6Wo7l7YUV4-00262-00079802-00080063 I always look at like what would I do if U6Wo7l7YUV4-00263-00080064-00080234 I was shorting there and I'd the news U6Wo7l7YUV4-00264-00080235-00080474 came out and the first chance I had to U6Wo7l7YUV4-00265-00080475-00080624 get out what would I do U6Wo7l7YUV4-00266-00080625-00081176 well I would get out so yeah I agree I U6Wo7l7YUV4-00267-00081177-00081611 mean like you know the the stronger U6Wo7l7YUV4-00268-00081612-00081832 moves like that and then coming back to U6Wo7l7YUV4-00269-00081833-00082043 and then understanding this now in terms U6Wo7l7YUV4-00270-00082044-00082319 of how people are reacting to this area U6Wo7l7YUV4-00271-00082320-00082618 in in essence though this is a gift U6Wo7l7YUV4-00272-00082619-00082766 they're lucky U6Wo7l7YUV4-00273-00082767-00083084 it came back oh yeah oh yeah you know U6Wo7l7YUV4-00274-00083085-00083306 because because the stronger move like U6Wo7l7YUV4-00275-00083307-00083588 usually you know it might not even come U6Wo7l7YUV4-00276-00083589-00083735 back to this one it might come back to U6Wo7l7YUV4-00277-00083736-00083879 this little cluster here and that's U6Wo7l7YUV4-00278-00083880-00084092 that's all you get and maybe it comes up U6Wo7l7YUV4-00279-00084093-00084467 in tests like Hulk way test is like it's U6Wo7l7YUV4-00280-00084468-00084737 common but all the way back is less U6Wo7l7YUV4-00281-00084738-00085106 common yeah sometimes it doesn't test it U6Wo7l7YUV4-00282-00085107-00085394 at all so right you know and then you U6Wo7l7YUV4-00283-00085395-00085963 get a squeeze so yeah yeah yeah well U6Wo7l7YUV4-00284-00085964-00086174 yeah is already the whole way up of U6Wo7l7YUV4-00285-00086175-00086624 course but um know if maybe you could U6Wo7l7YUV4-00286-00086625-00086885 talk a bit about how you would look for U6Wo7l7YUV4-00287-00086886-00087319 entry points in here yeah well the end U6Wo7l7YUV4-00288-00087320-00087515 point is exactly what I just pointed out U6Wo7l7YUV4-00289-00087516-00087731 like the 52s area is exactly what I U6Wo7l7YUV4-00290-00087732-00087988 would buy and I I did buy it but that it U6Wo7l7YUV4-00291-00087989-00088478 did it in the decks because I was U6Wo7l7YUV4-00292-00088479-00088831 trading guides today I think that the U6Wo7l7YUV4-00293-00088832-00089153 level was like I don't know I don't have U6Wo7l7YUV4-00294-00089154-00089294 the chart for in front of me now I think U6Wo7l7YUV4-00295-00089295-00089560 like sixteenth or something in the decks U6Wo7l7YUV4-00296-00089561-00090113 I thought it was before that U6Wo7l7YUV4-00297-00090114-00090345 interesting so so you're you're looking U6Wo7l7YUV4-00298-00090346-00090723 at the S&P as confirmation or a U6Wo7l7YUV4-00299-00090724-00090975 correlation oh yeah I look at both I U6Wo7l7YUV4-00300-00090976-00091152 mean the same thing thing happened U6Wo7l7YUV4-00301-00091153-00091496 pretty much in the DAGs of course but U6Wo7l7YUV4-00302-00091497-00091698 little bit different but yeah I watch U6Wo7l7YUV4-00303-00091699-00091947 the S&P as well to look for confirmation U6Wo7l7YUV4-00304-00091948-00092181 index that all not always works but U6Wo7l7YUV4-00305-00092182-00092331 sometimes that's really frustrating U6Wo7l7YUV4-00306-00092332-00092700 because I think like its user or U6Wo7l7YUV4-00307-00092701-00092925 something they the dax went down before U6Wo7l7YUV4-00308-00092926-00093111 they opened and the SP was holding it U6Wo7l7YUV4-00309-00093112-00093420 and I was buying it because of the the U6Wo7l7YUV4-00310-00093421-00093672 whole of the SP and the expectation of U6Wo7l7YUV4-00311-00093673-00093927 it to go higher and then the Dex went U6Wo7l7YUV4-00312-00093928-00094302 down I was like oh no so I almost U6Wo7l7YUV4-00313-00094303-00094647 stopped out and then I didn't but at the U6Wo7l7YUV4-00314-00094648-00094782 end I didn't make any money of it U6Wo7l7YUV4-00315-00094783-00094959 because I wanted to get out and then it U6Wo7l7YUV4-00316-00094960-00095390 then it ran up but it just kind of yeah U6Wo7l7YUV4-00317-00095391-00095697 my trade wasn't good anymore so I was U6Wo7l7YUV4-00318-00095698-00095877 too much of sides at that point almost U6Wo7l7YUV4-00319-00095878-00096030 stopped out and then I didn't like it U6Wo7l7YUV4-00320-00096031-00096297 anymore but but yeah if I would have U6Wo7l7YUV4-00321-00096298-00096522 done it in ESP then it would have been a U6Wo7l7YUV4-00322-00096523-00096771 great trade but yeah what do you do can U6Wo7l7YUV4-00323-00096772-00097038 have it all yeah interesting so I mean U6Wo7l7YUV4-00324-00097039-00097521 sometimes the the I mean you use you U6Wo7l7YUV4-00325-00097522-00097799 actually saw the discrepancy as a U6Wo7l7YUV4-00326-00097800-00098130 opportunity and in this instance it U6Wo7l7YUV4-00327-00098131-00098412 didn't work out yeah right yeah well U6Wo7l7YUV4-00328-00098413-00098583 usually it does so it is the thing it's U6Wo7l7YUV4-00329-00098584-00099033 like if you can see like volume closest U6Wo7l7YUV4-00330-00099034-00099222 building before you open and it tests it U6Wo7l7YUV4-00331-00099223-00099624 down let me see if I can if you can see U6Wo7l7YUV4-00332-00099625-00099984 that in mind chart well then it was not U6Wo7l7YUV4-00333-00099985-00100614 today like well that's matter anyway so U6Wo7l7YUV4-00334-00100615-00100923 then but then the expectation is that U6Wo7l7YUV4-00335-00100924-00101178 they're gonna test it at least once or U6Wo7l7YUV4-00336-00101179-00101595 or go higher so if I see that then I U6Wo7l7YUV4-00337-00101596-00101949 want to be long into that right and if I U6Wo7l7YUV4-00338-00101950-00102114 see the Dex going down a chute if like U6Wo7l7YUV4-00339-00102115-00102441 when that happened bought more probably U6Wo7l7YUV4-00340-00102442-00102825 but yeah but that can be a little bit U6Wo7l7YUV4-00341-00102826-00103092 crazy so I like suddenly there was down U6Wo7l7YUV4-00342-00103093-00103377 20 points it was like that's not a lot U6Wo7l7YUV4-00343-00103378-00103766 of fun when you're holding it through U6Wo7l7YUV4-00344-00103767-00104417 yeah so yeah maybe not if I can't get U6Wo7l7YUV4-00345-00104418-00104622 out I'm happy but but it didn't work out U6Wo7l7YUV4-00346-00104623-00105006 but yeah you know sometimes there's like U6Wo7l7YUV4-00347-00105007-00105192 something different in the dax going on U6Wo7l7YUV4-00348-00105193-00105333 maybe like with that with the cars U6Wo7l7YUV4-00349-00105333-00105672 lately like if the car sector goes down U6Wo7l7YUV4-00350-00105673-00105852 then yeah well that X goes down and U6Wo7l7YUV4-00351-00105853-00106083 maybe doesn't like it affects S&P that U6Wo7l7YUV4-00352-00106083-00106266 much and then yeah you get a different U6Wo7l7YUV4-00353-00106267-00106589 move but yeah that can happen you know U6Wo7l7YUV4-00354-00106590-00107121 you know so so I'm just just to follow U6Wo7l7YUV4-00355-00107122-00107463 up on entry in trade management on this U6Wo7l7YUV4-00356-00107464-00107823 so you're looking for you know the and U6Wo7l7YUV4-00357-00107824-00108081 you'll wait for this move into this area U6Wo7l7YUV4-00358-00108082-00108141 here U6Wo7l7YUV4-00359-00108142-00108342 and you're not really looking too much U6Wo7l7YUV4-00360-00108343-00108498 at the order flow you're looking for it U6Wo7l7YUV4-00361-00108499-00108717 to just test that area and then thinking U6Wo7l7YUV4-00362-00108718-00109218 that the other traders like that they're U6Wo7l7YUV4-00363-00109219-00109416 waiting to get down here and they're U6Wo7l7YUV4-00364-00109417-00109575 they're gonna they're gonna get out U6Wo7l7YUV4-00365-00109576-00109830 immediately so you're anticipating the U6Wo7l7YUV4-00366-00109831-00110148 bounce but that the test will occur yeah U6Wo7l7YUV4-00367-00110149-00110553 some supportive buyers you know like you U6Wo7l7YUV4-00368-00110554-00110984 see some it's in the book are like U6Wo7l7YUV4-00369-00110985-00111615 filling okay so so yeah yeah sure so U6Wo7l7YUV4-00370-00111616-00111732 then that's that's when you you're U6Wo7l7YUV4-00371-00111733-00111858 looking to to the heatmap U6Wo7l7YUV4-00372-00111858-00112341 yeah okay got it got it then and where U6Wo7l7YUV4-00373-00112342-00112479 would you would you be really aggressive U6Wo7l7YUV4-00374-00112480-00112671 with your stop would you just have it a U6Wo7l7YUV4-00375-00112672-00112796 few ticks below U6Wo7l7YUV4-00376-00112797-00113118 no I with ASP right now with this U6Wo7l7YUV4-00377-00113119-00113379 volatility I use it like at least two U6Wo7l7YUV4-00378-00113380-00113826 points yeah otherwise it's really hard U6Wo7l7YUV4-00379-00113827-00114243 to stay in yeah a few years back then U6Wo7l7YUV4-00380-00114244-00114624 with every level being like like like U6Wo7l7YUV4-00381-00114625-00114906 it's like 1.5 K or whatever you know but U6Wo7l7YUV4-00382-00114907-00115170 right now there's only I think on U6Wo7l7YUV4-00383-00115171-00115529 average like to see 300 on on one price U6Wo7l7YUV4-00384-00115530-00115998 yeah it's not much now it can move U6Wo7l7YUV4-00385-00115999-00116202 faster as well so even if a little leak U6Wo7l7YUV4-00386-00116203-00116463 increases well also your stop has to U6Wo7l7YUV4-00387-00116464-00116742 increase or ysus just doesn't make it U6Wo7l7YUV4-00388-00116743-00117156 right yeah so so then um what about U6Wo7l7YUV4-00389-00117157-00117471 targets and scaling in scaling out U6Wo7l7YUV4-00390-00117472-00117708 adding more that kind of thing like you U6Wo7l7YUV4-00391-00117708-00117849 know in this and this kind of move would U6Wo7l7YUV4-00392-00117850-00117999 you take some off at the top of this U6Wo7l7YUV4-00393-00118000-00118140 little range or you'd be looking for U6Wo7l7YUV4-00394-00118141-00118392 this swing or would be usually the first U6Wo7l7YUV4-00395-00118393-00118554 the first move up so that's like four U6Wo7l7YUV4-00396-00118555-00118890 points i scale out usually two-thirds U6Wo7l7YUV4-00397-00118891-00119139 and then like super to run or whatever U6Wo7l7YUV4-00398-00119140-00119631 the rest of and I think it didn't really U6Wo7l7YUV4-00399-00119632-00119976 just lower do do you do bring your stop U6Wo7l7YUV4-00400-00119977-00120126 to break-even at that point to or you U6Wo7l7YUV4-00401-00120127-00120618 just let it - one okay so you move it up U6Wo7l7YUV4-00402-00120619-00120891 just a little bit yeah because it just U6Wo7l7YUV4-00403-00120892-00121085 dusted and then move then it really U6Wo7l7YUV4-00404-00121086-00121551 pisses me off so yeah and then they like U6Wo7l7YUV4-00405-00121552-00121656 to do that a lot U6Wo7l7YUV4-00406-00121657-00121934 often so yeah I try to be careful with U6Wo7l7YUV4-00407-00121935-00122268 that um oh yeah yeah and then this point U6Wo7l7YUV4-00408-00122269-00122541 yeah I kind of probably yeah just let U6Wo7l7YUV4-00409-00122542-00122889 the one go you know and then when it U6Wo7l7YUV4-00410-00122890-00123185 moves above the creepiest scale out then U6Wo7l7YUV4-00411-00123186-00123392 I move to stop to break even U6Wo7l7YUV4-00412-00123393-00123633 yeah about that level then I move this U6Wo7l7YUV4-00413-00123633-00124014 up to break even so yeah yeah yeah and U6Wo7l7YUV4-00414-00124015-00124413 then my levels on the on the upside I I U6Wo7l7YUV4-00415-00124414-00124746 look at the market profile that I have U6Wo7l7YUV4-00416-00124747-00124920 on and then I see if I see some U6Wo7l7YUV4-00417-00124921-00125178 resistance levels from before and they U6Wo7l7YUV4-00418-00125179-00125430 actually got some they're like at 64 65 U6Wo7l7YUV4-00419-00125431-00125703 and also DDD offers offers they were U6Wo7l7YUV4-00420-00125704-00126171 pretty high like it's 65 yep do I want U6Wo7l7YUV4-00421-00126172-00126369 to see somewhere before dad right so U6Wo7l7YUV4-00422-00126370-00126813 yeah first I start off with like U6Wo7l7YUV4-00423-00126814-00126999 offering just a little bit below because U6Wo7l7YUV4-00424-00127000-00127184 sometimes it flushes right to that order U6Wo7l7YUV4-00425-00127185-00127491 like the big order but if it doesn't U6Wo7l7YUV4-00426-00127492-00127671 take that right away then I just move it U6Wo7l7YUV4-00427-00127672-00127851 a bit lower and to get a fill and then U6Wo7l7YUV4-00428-00127852-00128043 I'm kind of happy with it you know U6Wo7l7YUV4-00429-00128044-00128313 okay interesting that's so that's what I U6Wo7l7YUV4-00430-00128314-00128520 do as well like I kind of front-run they U6Wo7l7YUV4-00431-00128521-00128883 did higher liquidity because yeah just U6Wo7l7YUV4-00432-00128883-00129102 higher probability of getting out yeah U6Wo7l7YUV4-00433-00129103-00129330 exactly I was a bit unlucky with the DAX U6Wo7l7YUV4-00434-00129331-00129516 because the I I was in the book I was U6Wo7l7YUV4-00435-00129517-00129963 buying 11 K 1 and U6Wo7l7YUV4-00436-00129964-00130353 and I added eleven thousand eight U6Wo7l7YUV4-00437-00130354-00130782 something so my Everest was great and U6Wo7l7YUV4-00438-00130783-00130914 then he moved up and I was like okay U6Wo7l7YUV4-00439-00130915-00130944 cool U6Wo7l7YUV4-00440-00130945-00131240 and then I spilled out sixteen I guess U6Wo7l7YUV4-00441-00131241-00131640 and then it had a flush up to the forty U6Wo7l7YUV4-00442-00131641-00131805 eight point five and I was in the book U6Wo7l7YUV4-00443-00131806-00132255 at 49 Wow no I didn't feel and I well U6Wo7l7YUV4-00444-00132256-00132486 that's a bit unlucky because I just U6Wo7l7YUV4-00445-00132487-00132837 wanted to front run did like the even U6Wo7l7YUV4-00446-00132838-00132972 numbers ride the fifty sixty seventy U6Wo7l7YUV4-00447-00132973-00133359 whatever yeah but I didn't feel so 49 so U6Wo7l7YUV4-00448-00133360-00133548 I just moved it to like right away to U6Wo7l7YUV4-00449-00133549-00133782 like thirty six point five or something U6Wo7l7YUV4-00450-00133783-00133950 just be done with it U6Wo7l7YUV4-00451-00133951-00134220 um but still I was lucky of course MIT U6Wo7l7YUV4-00452-00134221-00134415 with the with the up thing but over U6Wo7l7YUV4-00453-00134416-00134691 there was before I think it was before I U6Wo7l7YUV4-00454-00134692-00134853 don't know at the time anymore actually U6Wo7l7YUV4-00455-00134854-00135156 I did I had like 40 trades today so I U6Wo7l7YUV4-00456-00135157-00135858 don't 40 trades I mean so on that I mean U6Wo7l7YUV4-00457-00135859-00136131 so you've got one third on still and U6Wo7l7YUV4-00458-00136132-00136347 you've got after you've gotten this move U6Wo7l7YUV4-00459-00136348-00136683 up here above the swing stop is up to U6Wo7l7YUV4-00460-00136684-00136973 break-even where you entered and U6Wo7l7YUV4-00461-00136974-00137796 fantastic entry yeah and then do you U6Wo7l7YUV4-00462-00137797-00138036 scale in as well on another fall and U6Wo7l7YUV4-00463-00138037-00138174 sometimes I do that I didn't do that U6Wo7l7YUV4-00464-00138175-00138555 here because I had enough on already U6Wo7l7YUV4-00465-00138556-00138936 sometimes when I like try small to see U6Wo7l7YUV4-00466-00138937-00139310 if it works or not then I then I buy U6Wo7l7YUV4-00467-00139311-00139575 higher when it breaks a level that I U6Wo7l7YUV4-00468-00139576-00139701 wanted to see U6Wo7l7YUV4-00469-00139702-00140049 well I wanted to break so I wait for a U6Wo7l7YUV4-00470-00140050-00140196 little pullback or I just buy market U6Wo7l7YUV4-00471-00140197-00140406 because I have a good average right from U6Wo7l7YUV4-00472-00140407-00140757 do from the entry below right and kind U6Wo7l7YUV4-00473-00140758-00140985 of depends on what I'm expecting when U6Wo7l7YUV4-00474-00140986-00141222 the S&P I expected before it opened like U6Wo7l7YUV4-00475-00141223-00141486 to test seventy-five something because U6Wo7l7YUV4-00476-00141487-00141636 there was a high-volume cluster from U6Wo7l7YUV4-00477-00141637-00141966 before so I was expecting like 20 26 75 U6Wo7l7YUV4-00478-00141967-00142392 and the decks I was expecting 20 20 30 I U6Wo7l7YUV4-00479-00142393-00142641 think it just hit twenty thirty eight so U6Wo7l7YUV4-00480-00142642-00143020 yeah so that was pretty good U6Wo7l7YUV4-00481-00143021-00143351 unfortunately didn't hold to that but U6Wo7l7YUV4-00482-00143352-00144011 yeah what do you do okay yeah so and you U6Wo7l7YUV4-00483-00144012-00144346 know I mean it's invaluable T to here U6Wo7l7YUV4-00484-00144347-00144716 you know your process of you know entry U6Wo7l7YUV4-00485-00144717-00145025 trade management etc also the way that U6Wo7l7YUV4-00486-00145026-00145210 you're using and looking at book map U6Wo7l7YUV4-00487-00145211-00145541 using the book combined with your other U6Wo7l7YUV4-00488-00145542-00145775 trading methods like volume profile and U6Wo7l7YUV4-00489-00145776-00146429 footprint and together the I was I'm U6Wo7l7YUV4-00490-00146430-00146720 going to say about the you can still see U6Wo7l7YUV4-00491-00146721-00147065 the I'll go by the way no oh yeah yeah U6Wo7l7YUV4-00492-00147066-00147617 exactly exactly the and then my mean U6Wo7l7YUV4-00493-00147618-00147767 much much higher time frames stuff here U6Wo7l7YUV4-00494-00147768-00147911 you you know you're also kind of U6Wo7l7YUV4-00495-00147912-00148121 integrating but then looking very U6Wo7l7YUV4-00496-00148122-00148295 specifically at the book at some of U6Wo7l7YUV4-00497-00148296-00148670 these areas yeah would you chase when U6Wo7l7YUV4-00498-00148671-00148871 you you know you know this is bullish U6Wo7l7YUV4-00499-00148872-00149321 news from China and would you you know U6Wo7l7YUV4-00500-00149322-00149561 see this if let's say you didn't get U6Wo7l7YUV4-00501-00149562-00149750 filled down here mmm U6Wo7l7YUV4-00502-00149751-00149951 would you would you jump in like with a U6Wo7l7YUV4-00503-00149952-00150131 market by and some of these areas or U6Wo7l7YUV4-00504-00150132-00150428 would you not yeah not to do that U6Wo7l7YUV4-00505-00150429-00150722 because usually when I do it you just U6Wo7l7YUV4-00506-00150723-00151205 down takes right away yeah what I do U6Wo7l7YUV4-00507-00151206-00151415 okay so you would miss you would miss U6Wo7l7YUV4-00508-00151416-00151544 the move and look just look for the next U6Wo7l7YUV4-00509-00151545-00151610 opportunity U6Wo7l7YUV4-00510-00151611-00151862 yeah kind of I might try it I'm a little U6Wo7l7YUV4-00511-00151863-00152159 pullback like till till the well you U6Wo7l7YUV4-00512-00152160-00152468 have a little cluster right at 54 is 55 U6Wo7l7YUV4-00513-00152469-00152906 I think yeah so I might like yeah there U6Wo7l7YUV4-00514-00152907-00153182 yeah data point yeah I might say like U6Wo7l7YUV4-00515-00153183-00153323 they're like where it broke off from U6Wo7l7YUV4-00516-00153324-00153782 broke out from but probably to be honest U6Wo7l7YUV4-00517-00153783-00154256 I would miss it yeah yeah and just it U6Wo7l7YUV4-00518-00154257-00154421 just to give like you know people that U6Wo7l7YUV4-00519-00154422-00154655 kind of an an idea you know from a U6Wo7l7YUV4-00520-00154656-00154922 professional trader make how often does U6Wo7l7YUV4-00521-00154923-00155021 that happen to you U6Wo7l7YUV4-00522-00155022-00155303 what do you mean like it you miss it but U6Wo7l7YUV4-00523-00155304-00155918 didn't mean a lot yeah U6Wo7l7YUV4-00524-00155919-00156380 and sometimes sometimes I do chase it U6Wo7l7YUV4-00525-00156381-00156647 and then I like I like oh now why did I U6Wo7l7YUV4-00526-00156648-00156815 do that because when you do that when U6Wo7l7YUV4-00527-00156816-00157088 you're chasing the DAX because like when U6Wo7l7YUV4-00528-00157089-00157217 you're a pope is open I usually try to U6Wo7l7YUV4-00529-00157218-00157814 duck oh you're gonna pay you're chasing U6Wo7l7YUV4-00530-00157815-00157955 the bags he's like you usually buying U6Wo7l7YUV4-00531-00157956-00158177 too high and then it's down ten points U6Wo7l7YUV4-00532-00158178-00158429 before you know it and I don't know if U6Wo7l7YUV4-00533-00158430-00158764 you you know you guys know how the decks U6Wo7l7YUV4-00534-00158765-00159011 raise but ten points is tuned to fifty U6Wo7l7YUV4-00535-00159012-00159524 euros and it happens in a heartbeat yeah U6Wo7l7YUV4-00536-00159525-00159953 yeah yeah in a few seconds really U6Wo7l7YUV4-00537-00159954-00160523 sometime yeah yeah I try not to do that U6Wo7l7YUV4-00538-00160524-00160688 I mean of course I did that I mean I U6Wo7l7YUV4-00539-00160689-00160952 made all the mistakes you guys have made U6Wo7l7YUV4-00540-00160953-00161363 or gonna make yeah sure yeah it's just U6Wo7l7YUV4-00541-00161364-00161662 really important thing I mean like to U6Wo7l7YUV4-00542-00161663-00161953 understand like you know from from your U6Wo7l7YUV4-00543-00161954-00162242 professional perspective you know you U6Wo7l7YUV4-00544-00162243-00162584 are looking for something specific if it U6Wo7l7YUV4-00545-00162585-00162983 doesn't happen you know you you you let U6Wo7l7YUV4-00546-00162984-00163160 it go and look for the next one yeah U6Wo7l7YUV4-00547-00163161-00163376 yeah well at least I try to let it go U6Wo7l7YUV4-00548-00163377-00163553 you know I'm also human so I'm sometimes U6Wo7l7YUV4-00549-00163554-00163988 I just go for it and try it anyway but U6Wo7l7YUV4-00550-00163989-00164159 in reality that usually cost money so U6Wo7l7YUV4-00551-00164160-00164354 yeah you know try to not do that U6Wo7l7YUV4-00552-00164355-00164699 that often and you're good yeah yeah U6Wo7l7YUV4-00553-00164700-00165035 okay fantastic I've got some questions U6Wo7l7YUV4-00554-00165036-00165407 coming in here for you mm so Gregory U6Wo7l7YUV4-00555-00165408-00165563 I'll get I'll get back to you maybe your U6Wo7l7YUV4-00556-00165564-00165716 question next week if you don't mind U6Wo7l7YUV4-00557-00165717-00166097 this will continue on with things here U6Wo7l7YUV4-00558-00166098-00166433 or questions here for for Neil's let's U6Wo7l7YUV4-00559-00166434-00166586 see can you go to current time you see U6Wo7l7YUV4-00560-00166587-00166826 what levels and nose okay Scott will do U6Wo7l7YUV4-00561-00166827-00167153 that in a second here are you taking one U6Wo7l7YUV4-00562-00167154-00167393 or multiple art are you trading one or U6Wo7l7YUV4-00563-00167394-00167573 multiple markets at the same time Steve U6Wo7l7YUV4-00564-00167574-00167876 is asking a youthfully icon spread in U6Wo7l7YUV4-00565-00167877-00168233 one like or either yes or Dax yeah yeah U6Wo7l7YUV4-00566-00168234-00168515 okay yeah yeah so that answers your U6Wo7l7YUV4-00567-00168516-00168873 question I also look at Nasdaq U6Wo7l7YUV4-00568-00168874-00169154 it kinda depends on where we're the best U6Wo7l7YUV4-00569-00169155-00169632 set up is forming I say I stick to one U6Wo7l7YUV4-00570-00169633-00169859 you know it's enough to look out so yeah U6Wo7l7YUV4-00571-00169860-00170481 okay okay well let said maybe get to U6Wo7l7YUV4-00572-00170482-00170685 Scott's question here about the current U6Wo7l7YUV4-00573-00170686-00170922 market in any sort of anything that U6Wo7l7YUV4-00574-00170923-00171174 you're looking for here and he's U6Wo7l7YUV4-00575-00171175-00171663 actually talking about high-volume nodes U6Wo7l7YUV4-00576-00171664-00171981 in spoof spoofing and how how you might U6Wo7l7YUV4-00577-00171982-00172284 be looking at the market here at in the U6Wo7l7YUV4-00578-00172285-00172639 current current environment right now U6Wo7l7YUV4-00579-00172640-00172874 yeah yeah more or less U6Wo7l7YUV4-00580-00172875-00173177 75 level tested that I was talking about U6Wo7l7YUV4-00581-00173178-00173376 so I think it could be over right and U6Wo7l7YUV4-00582-00173377-00173682 before the market opened I saw already U6Wo7l7YUV4-00583-00173683-00173850 in the book because we're it mchip U6Wo7l7YUV4-00584-00173851-00174231 unlimited Depp right so 26 the 26 had U6Wo7l7YUV4-00585-00174232-00174452 some high volume in the book it still U6Wo7l7YUV4-00586-00174453-00174906 hasn't been taken out so yeah so I would U6Wo7l7YUV4-00587-00174907-00175149 I would now like stop being on the long U6Wo7l7YUV4-00588-00175150-00175425 side I was long to hold all the whole U6Wo7l7YUV4-00589-00175426-00175584 day until the decks closed I tried to U6Wo7l7YUV4-00590-00175585-00175833 short a little bit didn't go that well U6Wo7l7YUV4-00591-00175834-00176314 but didn't lose so yeah I had to try it U6Wo7l7YUV4-00592-00176315-00176874 but yeah so from now on I kind of showed U6Wo7l7YUV4-00593-00176875-00177048 up down you know it's for me it's for me U6Wo7l7YUV4-00594-00177049-00177294 it's weekend already but let's let's U6Wo7l7YUV4-00595-00177295-00177561 take a look let me look at my chart a U6Wo7l7YUV4-00596-00177562-00177764 little bit I kind of was shutting it U6Wo7l7YUV4-00597-00177765-00178109 down I mean that's another just you know U6Wo7l7YUV4-00598-00178110-00178374 your great perspective like you're U6Wo7l7YUV4-00599-00178375-00178608 looking for it to move up into 75 and U6Wo7l7YUV4-00600-00178609-00178754 you're basically you're done for the day U6Wo7l7YUV4-00601-00178755-00179046 like that's what you you're anticipated U6Wo7l7YUV4-00602-00179047-00179337 from the from the get-go it did it and U6Wo7l7YUV4-00603-00179338-00179559 you're you don't you don't really even U6Wo7l7YUV4-00604-00179560-00180063 care after that point like no no no yeah U6Wo7l7YUV4-00605-00180064-00180159 yeah U6Wo7l7YUV4-00606-00180160-00180444 well I mean now I don't you know like U6Wo7l7YUV4-00607-00180445-00180720 like 10 years ago something like that I U6Wo7l7YUV4-00608-00180721-00180996 think I started like I think it's 10 U6Wo7l7YUV4-00609-00180997-00181386 years already but then yeah I was I was U6Wo7l7YUV4-00610-00181387-00181626 looking at the market the whole time if U6Wo7l7YUV4-00611-00181627-00181802 it came to my level I just wanted to see U6Wo7l7YUV4-00612-00181803-00181929 it even was U6Wo7l7YUV4-00613-00181930-00182340 at night for me you know or whatever but U6Wo7l7YUV4-00614-00182341-00182664 but yeah you also kind of keep like U6Wo7l7YUV4-00615-00182665-00182920 having a life you know I was trading for U6Wo7l7YUV4-00616-00182921-00183193 sometimes I was really trading like 24/7 U6Wo7l7YUV4-00617-00183194-00183334 and it's just like it drives you crazy U6Wo7l7YUV4-00618-00183335-00183591 so stop doing that U6Wo7l7YUV4-00619-00183592-00183879 and now it I just don't care I really U6Wo7l7YUV4-00620-00183880-00184243 don't care yeah yeah so they're like U6Wo7l7YUV4-00621-00184244-00184449 always even if you miss them miss the U6Wo7l7YUV4-00622-00184450-00184621 best trade ever the best setup there's U6Wo7l7YUV4-00623-00184622-00185008 always in our trade no yeah yeah really U6Wo7l7YUV4-00624-00185009-00185637 really great great to hear the so you're U6Wo7l7YUV4-00625-00185638-00186000 you in the morning when you are looking U6Wo7l7YUV4-00626-00186001-00186256 at your charts or you know whatever it U6Wo7l7YUV4-00627-00186257-00186426 is you know reading the news whatever it U6Wo7l7YUV4-00628-00186427-00186643 is your expectations or anticipations U6Wo7l7YUV4-00629-00186644-00187074 are you outline these kinds of scenarios U6Wo7l7YUV4-00630-00187075-00187341 and then that's what you're looking for U6Wo7l7YUV4-00631-00187342-00187720 yep yep I did I like I know take my U6Wo7l7YUV4-00632-00187721-00187870 market provel chart then I saw I U6Wo7l7YUV4-00633-00187871-00188221 annotated so 2675 was annotating well U6Wo7l7YUV4-00634-00188222-00188485 the two 2650 of course with the with the U6Wo7l7YUV4-00635-00188486-00188782 European uh at the European open so it U6Wo7l7YUV4-00636-00188783-00188952 was waiting I don't know where where he U6Wo7l7YUV4-00637-00188953-00189160 was writing was pretty lower so there U6Wo7l7YUV4-00638-00189161-00189334 was level that I wants to keep in mind U6Wo7l7YUV4-00639-00189335-00189508 also with the expiry like that the whole U6Wo7l7YUV4-00640-00189509-00189660 levels are pretty you sleep ritty good U6Wo7l7YUV4-00641-00189661-00190009 like when you 5075 the evens yep so U6Wo7l7YUV4-00642-00190010-00190236 that's good with expire ease and with U6Wo7l7YUV4-00643-00190237-00191177 the decks I had 11 o 60 and 11 1 165 and U6Wo7l7YUV4-00644-00191178-00191877 11 to 30 well they all hit but yeah well U6Wo7l7YUV4-00645-00191878-00192034 that was a little bit lucky I guess I U6Wo7l7YUV4-00646-00192035-00192275 mean it's not always always that good um U6Wo7l7YUV4-00647-00192276-00192636 but yeah I just look at the previous U6Wo7l7YUV4-00648-00192637-00192840 volume like where does high volume and U6Wo7l7YUV4-00649-00192841-00193086 that's going to be an area of resistance U6Wo7l7YUV4-00650-00193087-00193275 or consolidation right so it doesn't U6Wo7l7YUV4-00651-00193276-00193437 mean that it has to go down from that U6Wo7l7YUV4-00652-00193438-00193558 point but at least they're going to U6Wo7l7YUV4-00653-00193559-00193824 reconsider and check what their want to U6Wo7l7YUV4-00654-00193825-00194170 do with that and like well I moved a lot U6Wo7l7YUV4-00655-00194171-00194376 lately right so if you move it they U6Wo7l7YUV4-00656-00194377-00194656 could probably move down like from that U6Wo7l7YUV4-00657-00194657-00195010 that point on like 5 6 % 6 7 % I don't U6Wo7l7YUV4-00658-00195011-00195178 know that's something like that U6Wo7l7YUV4-00659-00195179-00195427 so if it comes all the way back to that U6Wo7l7YUV4-00660-00195428-00195772 point well they're gonna be a lot of U6Wo7l7YUV4-00661-00195773-00195895 people like scratching their head like U6Wo7l7YUV4-00662-00195896-00196234 hey what should we do do we do we think U6Wo7l7YUV4-00663-00196235-00196552 it's gonna still go to 3 3 K or maybe we U6Wo7l7YUV4-00664-00196553-00196744 should reconsider and go flat or or just U6Wo7l7YUV4-00665-00196745-00197245 even go short so those points are always U6Wo7l7YUV4-00666-00197246-00197452 gonna have a reaction you know like what U6Wo7l7YUV4-00667-00197453-00197845 high volume so if you try an area like U6Wo7l7YUV4-00668-00197846-00198025 that even if you're outside for a little U6Wo7l7YUV4-00669-00198026-00198382 bit usually not always but what Texas U6Wo7l7YUV4-00670-00198383-00198736 desta is tested back you know yeah yeah U6Wo7l7YUV4-00671-00198737-00199213 yeah those whole numbers extremely high U6Wo7l7YUV4-00672-00199214-00199471 volume numbers I mean you know okay yeah U6Wo7l7YUV4-00673-00199472-00199780 high volume points from before like if U6Wo7l7YUV4-00674-00199781-00199951 you look at a weekly profile or a U6Wo7l7YUV4-00675-00199952-00200278 monthly profile and it moves away from U6Wo7l7YUV4-00676-00200279-00200545 that on the retest those levels are U6Wo7l7YUV4-00677-00200546-00200730 usually pretty good you know yeah yeah U6Wo7l7YUV4-00678-00200731-00201100 yeah yeah but right now right now I see U6Wo7l7YUV4-00679-00201101-00201577 bits coming in at 65 I see a little LVN U6Wo7l7YUV4-00680-00201578-00202018 also at 66 on the profile but it's going U6Wo7l7YUV4-00681-00202019-00202177 is still kind of low volume till the U6Wo7l7YUV4-00682-00202178-00202642 57th right so um oh yeah something like U6Wo7l7YUV4-00683-00202643-00202672 that U6Wo7l7YUV4-00684-00202673-00203164 but since the 75 hits already my best U6Wo7l7YUV4-00685-00203165-00203518 are kind of off that's kind of annoying U6Wo7l7YUV4-00686-00203519-00204004 to say now because there's yeah no not U6Wo7l7YUV4-00687-00204005-00204394 at all I mean that's it's really you U6Wo7l7YUV4-00688-00204395-00204625 know good to know I mean that's what U6Wo7l7YUV4-00689-00204626-00204802 you're looking for now you're out and U6Wo7l7YUV4-00690-00204803-00205156 like and now you know the question here U6Wo7l7YUV4-00691-00205157-00205402 was to analyze what you currently see U6Wo7l7YUV4-00692-00205403-00205767 but you know you you haven't even really U6Wo7l7YUV4-00693-00205769-00206110 looked at it or even considered it you U6Wo7l7YUV4-00694-00206111-00206242 know what zooming it in a little bit U6Wo7l7YUV4-00695-00206242-00207033 like stretch it out to the yeah yes okay U6Wo7l7YUV4-00696-00207034-00207201 well there's more U6Wo7l7YUV4-00697-00207202-00207381 downside pressure now right because if U6Wo7l7YUV4-00698-00207382-00207510 you don't succeed at the bottom you see U6Wo7l7YUV4-00699-00207511-00208016 the Delta moving down probably like 2 K U6Wo7l7YUV4-00700-00208017-00208479 2 to H 2 3 K so there's some sellers U6Wo7l7YUV4-00701-00208480-00208840 active and here at the retest to the U6Wo7l7YUV4-00702-00208841-00209178 7150 you saw some offers coming in and U6Wo7l7YUV4-00703-00209179-00209390 that the level kind of hold it after as U6Wo7l7YUV4-00704-00209391-00209909 well at the downtick at the 72 s so i U6Wo7l7YUV4-00705-00209910-00210359 wouldn't be dead and client probably to U6Wo7l7YUV4-00706-00210360-00210687 go long while I'm still my bias is still U6Wo7l7YUV4-00707-00210688-00211071 bullish but I want to be careful at this U6Wo7l7YUV4-00708-00211071-00211416 point you know we've stretched out a lot U6Wo7l7YUV4-00709-00211417-00211983 already from the lows so even though I I U6Wo7l7YUV4-00710-00211984-00212250 think it's still like positive I I don't U6Wo7l7YUV4-00711-00212251-00212669 think it's gonna go to the moon so yeah U6Wo7l7YUV4-00712-00212669-00212934 at this point I don't have anything like U6Wo7l7YUV4-00713-00212935-00213351 really solid to say I think 75 GS every U6Wo7l7YUV4-00714-00213352-00213531 5 could still hold you know it's still U6Wo7l7YUV4-00715-00213532-00213729 hold it doesn't have to first I have to U6Wo7l7YUV4-00716-00213730-00213966 go higher but since it's Friday and it's U6Wo7l7YUV4-00717-00213967-00214448 expiry yeah I got a gift the the odds to U6Wo7l7YUV4-00718-00214450-00215117 the upside still sort of 65 holds yeah I U6Wo7l7YUV4-00719-00215119-00215367 would say we could still see 75 or 80 at U6Wo7l7YUV4-00720-00215367-00215676 the close you know it's still kind of U6Wo7l7YUV4-00721-00215677-00216027 what was well the volume is pretty low I U6Wo7l7YUV4-00722-00216028-00216561 think yeah I don't know so if I had to U6Wo7l7YUV4-00723-00216562-00216825 guess at this point in which it all is I U6Wo7l7YUV4-00724-00216826-00217148 had to say like if 65 whole 65 6 tools U6Wo7l7YUV4-00725-00217150-00217421 then I would still say well there's a U6Wo7l7YUV4-00726-00217423-00217641 potential of 3 testing the the highest U6Wo7l7YUV4-00727-00217642-00218042 yeah since it this is expiry and and U6Wo7l7YUV4-00728-00218044-00218265 Friday and people are gonna close out U6Wo7l7YUV4-00729-00218266-00218471 and you get margin calls as you like U6Wo7l7YUV4-00730-00218473-00218865 keep holding and we're up a lot too many U6Wo7l7YUV4-00731-00218866-00219092 shorts that need to coffer well they U6Wo7l7YUV4-00732-00219094-00219464 already covering but probably not all U6Wo7l7YUV4-00733-00219465-00219735 yeah that would never be my my my U6Wo7l7YUV4-00734-00219736-00220067 thinking yeah mmhmm yeah no great great U6Wo7l7YUV4-00735-00220069-00220194 to hear U6Wo7l7YUV4-00736-00220194-00220498 guys get your questions in U6Wo7l7YUV4-00737-00220498-00220873 the you know it's kind of an interview U6Wo7l7YUV4-00738-00220873-00221107 or interactive here you know with Niels U6Wo7l7YUV4-00739-00221108-00221329 yet you're welcome Scott U6Wo7l7YUV4-00740-00221330-00221632 so yeah ask away I mean you've got the U6Wo7l7YUV4-00741-00221633-00221860 ear of you know professional trader and U6Wo7l7YUV4-00742-00221861-00222171 what he looks at and how he even you U6Wo7l7YUV4-00743-00222173-00222471 know gets into management here bigger U6Wo7l7YUV4-00744-00222473-00222798 picture even smaller picture here and U6Wo7l7YUV4-00745-00222800-00223196 using you know footprint as well as U6Wo7l7YUV4-00746-00223198-00223612 volume profile altogether so and then U6Wo7l7YUV4-00747-00223613-00223800 looking at the book map for the book U6Wo7l7YUV4-00748-00223801-00224259 volume and and microstructure here U6Wo7l7YUV4-00749-00224260-00224752 CDL goes canceling you see that that U6Wo7l7YUV4-00750-00224753-00225316 pulling a little bit went up the cancel U6Wo7l7YUV4-00751-00225317-00225616 and went down thinking they adding uh I U6Wo7l7YUV4-00752-00225617-00225898 mean right in this little area here yeah U6Wo7l7YUV4-00753-00225898-00226189 yeah I'm been below it like the 6950 and U6Wo7l7YUV4-00754-00226190-00227008 the 59 yes yes yeah absolutely yeah yeah U6Wo7l7YUV4-00755-00227009-00227209 and there and they are adding more at U6Wo7l7YUV4-00756-00227210-00228082 higher levels in here yeah let's see U6Wo7l7YUV4-00757-00228083-00228454 here a couple more questions so do you U6Wo7l7YUV4-00758-00228455-00228894 think that the volume on the F dak what U6Wo7l7YUV4-00759-00228894-00229105 what do you think about the volume on U6Wo7l7YUV4-00760-00229106-00229810 the F Dax compared to the F DX M yeah U6Wo7l7YUV4-00761-00229811-00230455 well the the mini Dax it just trades U6Wo7l7YUV4-00762-00230456-00230851 it's just I like arbitration between the U6Wo7l7YUV4-00763-00230852-00231561 the big bag so I don't really like the U6Wo7l7YUV4-00764-00231562-00231838 mini Dax U6Wo7l7YUV4-00765-00231839-00232054 because sometimes I had traded because U6Wo7l7YUV4-00766-00232055-00232432 he can like scale anymore right because U6Wo7l7YUV4-00767-00232433-00232767 one one five five mini taxes or is one U6Wo7l7YUV4-00768-00232769-00233040 big one U6Wo7l7YUV4-00769-00233041-00233517 but the fills are usually pretty bad if U6Wo7l7YUV4-00770-00233519-00233755 you really want to scalp the minis are U6Wo7l7YUV4-00771-00233756-00233784 pretty U6Wo7l7YUV4-00772-00233785-00234209 pretty yeah pretty bad Phil's actually U6Wo7l7YUV4-00773-00234210-00234629 so I prefer to buy the the gate one U6Wo7l7YUV4-00774-00234630-00234849 because that's the real market so the U6Wo7l7YUV4-00775-00234850-00235100 minis mini is just following the big one U6Wo7l7YUV4-00776-00235101-00235829 as you know so yeah I mean it doesn't U6Wo7l7YUV4-00777-00235830-00236094 not really or yeah yeah absolutely I U6Wo7l7YUV4-00778-00236095-00236362 mean it's it's it's very much like you U6Wo7l7YUV4-00779-00236363-00236853 know looking at the the micro crude oil U6Wo7l7YUV4-00780-00236854-00237285 QM like a you know it's a derivative of U6Wo7l7YUV4-00781-00237286-00237510 the bigger contract it's not as it's U6Wo7l7YUV4-00782-00237511-00237795 thin it thinly traded the fills can be U6Wo7l7YUV4-00783-00237796-00238155 kind of odd and strange but it does U6Wo7l7YUV4-00784-00238156-00238458 allow you the scaling which is nice yeah U6Wo7l7YUV4-00785-00238459-00238663 yeah and usually when I scale it goes U6Wo7l7YUV4-00786-00238664-00238914 wrong so I try not to do that U6Wo7l7YUV4-00787-00238915-00239178 the right or I'm wrong and I don't want U6Wo7l7YUV4-00788-00239179-00239416 to I prefer not to scale in maybe maybe U6Wo7l7YUV4-00789-00239417-00239925 once but that's it and and by the way U6Wo7l7YUV4-00790-00239926-00240132 when the when the Dax had to flush up U6Wo7l7YUV4-00791-00240133-00240687 till the 48.5 the mini only went to 42 U6Wo7l7YUV4-00792-00240688-00240846 that's weird U6Wo7l7YUV4-00793-00240847-00241179 sometimes you have like different I mean U6Wo7l7YUV4-00794-00241180-00241596 it was just stopped of course but but U6Wo7l7YUV4-00795-00241597-00241912 yeah it's a little bit different I mean U6Wo7l7YUV4-00796-00241913-00242130 if you don't have the capital to try the U6Wo7l7YUV4-00797-00242131-00242409 big one yeah sure go ahead and trade a U6Wo7l7YUV4-00798-00242410-00242802 mini that's fine sure but but it feels a U6Wo7l7YUV4-00799-00242803-00243129 little bit a little bit worse or or U6Wo7l7YUV4-00800-00243130-00243471 harder to get then on the big one yeah U6Wo7l7YUV4-00801-00243472-00243795 yeah yeah that makes it make sense let's U6Wo7l7YUV4-00802-00243796-00244070 see here a bunch of questions so um I U6Wo7l7YUV4-00803-00244071-00245196 see just a second here okay that ticker U6Wo7l7YUV4-00804-00245197-00245427 won't show up on that on the DX feed U6Wo7l7YUV4-00805-00245428-00245590 okay yeah Richard that's because there's U6Wo7l7YUV4-00806-00245591-00246042 your X and you can't subscribe to to U6Wo7l7YUV4-00807-00246044-00246260 your X through through DX feed right now U6Wo7l7YUV4-00808-00246261-00246621 okay I don't think that I think you can U6Wo7l7YUV4-00809-00246622-00247060 get ice but you cannot get your X U6Wo7l7YUV4-00810-00247061-00247342 I wouldn't a few if you're new probably U6Wo7l7YUV4-00811-00247344-00247783 not best idea to do that the X training U6Wo7l7YUV4-00812-00247784-00248117 the Dax no yeah the the margin is the U6Wo7l7YUV4-00813-00248117-00248444 margin is quite high and in it it moves U6Wo7l7YUV4-00814-00248444-00248809 it's very volatile and and you know you U6Wo7l7YUV4-00815-00248810-00249017 can get slammed very very quickly U6Wo7l7YUV4-00816-00249017-00249304 yeah really hard yeah yeah it's a very U6Wo7l7YUV4-00817-00249305-00249775 very challenging market to trade U6Wo7l7YUV4-00818-00249776-00250088 so the csj is asking can you give an U6Wo7l7YUV4-00819-00250089-00250324 approximate idea of your performance U6Wo7l7YUV4-00820-00250325-00250819 average annual return drawdown etc and U6Wo7l7YUV4-00821-00250821-00250975 you know I know that's kind of personal U6Wo7l7YUV4-00822-00250976-00251332 but like I'm kind of very personal but U6Wo7l7YUV4-00823-00251333-00251884 like just you know as retail traders U6Wo7l7YUV4-00824-00251885-00252310 like you know we put together studies U6Wo7l7YUV4-00825-00252311-00252850 looking for an edge and you know trying U6Wo7l7YUV4-00826-00252851-00253244 to you know risk capital in a way that U6Wo7l7YUV4-00827-00253244-00253603 you know takes advantage of that edge so U6Wo7l7YUV4-00828-00253604-00253783 in terms of like drawdowns U6Wo7l7YUV4-00829-00253784-00254042 they're expected in terms of annual U6Wo7l7YUV4-00830-00254042-00254464 return it is expected at a certain range U6Wo7l7YUV4-00831-00254465-00254990 so do those maybe you can comment on U6Wo7l7YUV4-00832-00254991-00255172 that like how do you how do you look at U6Wo7l7YUV4-00833-00255173-00255424 how do you define your edge and do your U6Wo7l7YUV4-00834-00255425-00255757 returns kind of match that that you know U6Wo7l7YUV4-00835-00255758-00256078 those studies well the thing is like I U6Wo7l7YUV4-00836-00256079-00256333 set my wrist usually initially on like U6Wo7l7YUV4-00837-00256334-00257162 one on one or one on 1.5 and my my I U6Wo7l7YUV4-00838-00257163-00257765 call it when rate is high so when I take U6Wo7l7YUV4-00839-00257766-00257915 it rate is too high chance that I'm U6Wo7l7YUV4-00840-00257916-00258292 gonna win that's why I like the risk of U6Wo7l7YUV4-00841-00258294-00258491 one on one as on the DAX at least U6Wo7l7YUV4-00842-00258492-00258610 because if you do if you use a U6Wo7l7YUV4-00843-00258611-00258887 five-point stop on the DAX well forget U6Wo7l7YUV4-00844-00258888-00259163 it you get you're gonna get hit a 10 U6Wo7l7YUV4-00845-00259164-00259289 point yeah U6Wo7l7YUV4-00846-00259290-00259705 less chance but it's just really hard to U6Wo7l7YUV4-00847-00259706-00260098 do that so so first you got to make sure U6Wo7l7YUV4-00848-00260099-00260392 your win rate is high and then you can U6Wo7l7YUV4-00849-00260394-00260679 set your U6Wo7l7YUV4-00850-00260680-00261085 with that so it kind of depends on your U6Wo7l7YUV4-00851-00261086-00261355 own your strategy right yeah if you got U6Wo7l7YUV4-00852-00261356-00261617 if you hold longer if you if you aim for U6Wo7l7YUV4-00853-00261619-00261961 in the decks for example let's talk U6Wo7l7YUV4-00854-00261962-00262135 about es most people know yes better I U6Wo7l7YUV4-00855-00262136-00262375 guess like if you if you want to hold U6Wo7l7YUV4-00856-00262376-00262792 for 10 points well you also got a risk U6Wo7l7YUV4-00857-00262793-00263206 at least to probably 3/3 and more likely U6Wo7l7YUV4-00858-00263207-00263836 for to get 10 points you know so if you U6Wo7l7YUV4-00859-00263837-00264130 if you yeah it kind of depends so but if U6Wo7l7YUV4-00860-00264131-00264373 you just want to get 2 points do three U6Wo7l7YUV4-00861-00264374-00264529 points really quick trades if you want U6Wo7l7YUV4-00862-00264530-00264850 to get out ASAP then you could work with U6Wo7l7YUV4-00863-00264851-00265125 two points tops and then your win rate U6Wo7l7YUV4-00864-00265126-00265507 like kinda has to be like 60 to 70% I U6Wo7l7YUV4-00865-00265508-00265732 guess do you get a really good return U6Wo7l7YUV4-00866-00265733-00265995 and for the rest if you if you hit that U6Wo7l7YUV4-00867-00265996-00266287 then you can scale up you know like then U6Wo7l7YUV4-00868-00266288-00266455 then it kind of doesn't matter at the U6Wo7l7YUV4-00869-00266456-00266767 point if you got that running then you U6Wo7l7YUV4-00870-00266768-00266929 can scale up and if that goes well you U6Wo7l7YUV4-00871-00266930-00267145 can scale up and then with its futures U6Wo7l7YUV4-00872-00267146-00267712 you know you can scale up a lot so yeah U6Wo7l7YUV4-00873-00267713-00267838 you got to work on that first and then U6Wo7l7YUV4-00874-00267839-00267955 you can scale up and then the kind of U6Wo7l7YUV4-00875-00267956-00268177 doesn't matter what you make and so if U6Wo7l7YUV4-00876-00268178-00268549 you first made like 5km on with to a lot U6Wo7l7YUV4-00877-00268550-00268840 then you can make then you switched you U6Wo7l7YUV4-00878-00268841-00268957 with three lot U6Wo7l7YUV4-00879-00268958-00269146 you also get better scale at U6Wo7l7YUV4-00880-00269147-00269272 opportunities and you can make second U6Wo7l7YUV4-00881-00269273-00269584 haul and and then you may be switched to U6Wo7l7YUV4-00882-00269585-00269872 for a lot that you make ten came on and U6Wo7l7YUV4-00883-00269873-00270112 I said to Rhino it kind of depends on U6Wo7l7YUV4-00884-00270113-00270280 your strategy depends on your risk U6Wo7l7YUV4-00885-00270281-00270559 management and yes stuff like that so it U6Wo7l7YUV4-00886-00270560-00270997 kind of doesn't matter what someone U6Wo7l7YUV4-00887-00270998-00271204 makes it all depends on how they make it U6Wo7l7YUV4-00888-00271205-00271600 so right right no great to hear I mean U6Wo7l7YUV4-00889-00271601-00271897 make em you know for example them in the U6Wo7l7YUV4-00890-00271898-00272143 webinars that you know we you know do U6Wo7l7YUV4-00891-00272144-00272326 the analysis and then we look for we U6Wo7l7YUV4-00892-00272327-00272611 anticipate the move but we're usually U6Wo7l7YUV4-00893-00272612-00272875 we're looking at many kind of lower U6Wo7l7YUV4-00894-00272876-00273205 timeframe examples and even in those U6Wo7l7YUV4-00895-00273206-00273430 lower timeframe examples you'll see you U6Wo7l7YUV4-00896-00273431-00273715 know where all the sudden the order flow U6Wo7l7YUV4-00897-00273716-00273909 has shifted dramatically U6Wo7l7YUV4-00898-00273910-00274324 and going for one-to-one like that the U6Wo7l7YUV4-00899-00274325-00274621 way that you're trading makes makes you U6Wo7l7YUV4-00900-00274622-00274834 know a lot of sense you're most mostly a U6Wo7l7YUV4-00901-00274835-00274960 scalper U6Wo7l7YUV4-00902-00274961-00275620 or day trader so so what my point is the U6Wo7l7YUV4-00903-00275621-00275899 higher time frame moves you're gonna U6Wo7l7YUV4-00904-00275900-00276184 have to just take more risk yeah just U6Wo7l7YUV4-00905-00276185-00276757 like you're saying so for the rest it U6Wo7l7YUV4-00906-00276758-00276925 also depends where you set up I mean if U6Wo7l7YUV4-00907-00276926-00277090 you're working at home then your costs U6Wo7l7YUV4-00908-00277091-00277231 are probably probably low U6Wo7l7YUV4-00909-00277232-00277573 like I say that the desk it cost to sit U6Wo7l7YUV4-00910-00277574-00277756 there as 1k a month then you have the U6Wo7l7YUV4-00911-00277757-00277957 systems running is six seven hundred U6Wo7l7YUV4-00912-00277958-00278167 then stuff like that and then you have U6Wo7l7YUV4-00913-00278168-00278491 the fees and so your to start what you U6Wo7l7YUV4-00914-00278492-00278785 probably done 2k to start with so first U6Wo7l7YUV4-00915-00278786-00278911 you got to make sure you can make that U6Wo7l7YUV4-00916-00278912-00279262 back and then I do a profit split with U6Wo7l7YUV4-00917-00279263-00279469 the company so I have to make more to U6Wo7l7YUV4-00918-00279470-00279832 get more so that that all matter you U6Wo7l7YUV4-00919-00279833-00280282 know so at first you're probably trying U6Wo7l7YUV4-00920-00280283-00280615 at home or so that's good then you can U6Wo7l7YUV4-00921-00280616-00281164 keep the cost low and yeah from that U6Wo7l7YUV4-00922-00281165-00281416 point on you could like move move up if U6Wo7l7YUV4-00923-00281417-00281653 you if you want that some people only U6Wo7l7YUV4-00924-00281654-00281872 want to trade from home it's fine too U6Wo7l7YUV4-00925-00281873-00282118 could be really handy if your kids at U6Wo7l7YUV4-00926-00282119-00282253 home or something and then you don't U6Wo7l7YUV4-00927-00282254-00282691 have to leave so like I get that so it's U6Wo7l7YUV4-00928-00282692-00282907 all personal personal and it kind of U6Wo7l7YUV4-00929-00282908-00283393 depends what worth kids you yeah yeah U6Wo7l7YUV4-00930-00283394-00283687 yeah no it makes makes makes real good U6Wo7l7YUV4-00931-00283688-00283939 sense and I think as Jay that answers U6Wo7l7YUV4-00932-00283940-00284149 the question as well instead of getting U6Wo7l7YUV4-00933-00284150-00284623 into that very specifics so let's see U6Wo7l7YUV4-00934-00284624-00285019 here Natalia a bunch of questions coming U6Wo7l7YUV4-00935-00285020-00285364 in so hold on a minute here yep U6Wo7l7YUV4-00936-00285365-00285541 Sulaiman okay so these are more about U6Wo7l7YUV4-00937-00285542-00286143 comments um let's see here U6Wo7l7YUV4-00938-00286144-00287023 Natalya about gaps okay so um do you do U6Wo7l7YUV4-00939-00287024-00287221 you do trade gaps do you look for am U6Wo7l7YUV4-00940-00287222-00287527 you know gaps to fill if setting orders U6Wo7l7YUV4-00941-00287528-00287977 there waiting yeah yeah sure so there U6Wo7l7YUV4-00942-00287978-00288139 are two things you can do you can like U6Wo7l7YUV4-00943-00288140-00288553 sell into the gap and then or or you can U6Wo7l7YUV4-00944-00288554-00288739 just buy settlement right so there are U6Wo7l7YUV4-00945-00288740-00288933 two different things U6Wo7l7YUV4-00946-00288934-00289423 I like to do by settlements or sell U6Wo7l7YUV4-00947-00289424-00289705 settlements when they test it and I U6Wo7l7YUV4-00948-00289706-00290181 always try to sell or or buy into a gap U6Wo7l7YUV4-00949-00290182-00290674 but I'm not really good at that so yeah U6Wo7l7YUV4-00950-00290675-00290995 still working on that I guess but I find U6Wo7l7YUV4-00951-00290996-00291181 that hard to do then just wait for the U6Wo7l7YUV4-00952-00291182-00291403 settlement to hit and then either by U6Wo7l7YUV4-00953-00291404-00291757 herself it comes from below or above and U6Wo7l7YUV4-00954-00291758-00292110 do that but in essence you can do both U6Wo7l7YUV4-00955-00292111-00292284 but the thing is like he has it's it's U6Wo7l7YUV4-00956-00292285-00292738 all mathematic right so if you if you U6Wo7l7YUV4-00957-00292739-00293058 with the es at least if you have a gap U6Wo7l7YUV4-00958-00293059-00293368 of more than ten fifteen points then the U6Wo7l7YUV4-00959-00293369-00293703 chances of closing they they decrease U6Wo7l7YUV4-00960-00293704-00294073 significantly but you can run a study on U6Wo7l7YUV4-00961-00294074-00294183 that I mean then you have the U6Wo7l7YUV4-00962-00294184-00294496 percentages so you can kind of work with U6Wo7l7YUV4-00963-00294497-00294793 that but yeah sure yeah that always U6Wo7l7YUV4-00964-00294794-00295189 works a usually pretty good yeah okay U6Wo7l7YUV4-00965-00295190-00295339 okay great U6Wo7l7YUV4-00966-00295340-00295588 let's see a lot of these comments here U6Wo7l7YUV4-00967-00295589-00295744 are questions that I think he's already U6Wo7l7YUV4-00968-00295745-00296023 answered I think Roger Suleiman a bunch U6Wo7l7YUV4-00969-00296024-00296164 of them here U6Wo7l7YUV4-00970-00296165-00296341 Scott has a question here about high U6Wo7l7YUV4-00971-00296342-00296521 volume knows and this is a good question U6Wo7l7YUV4-00972-00296522-00296932 because looking at the high volume knows U6Wo7l7YUV4-00973-00296933-00297265 or even low volume nodes how do you I U6Wo7l7YUV4-00974-00297266-00297505 mean you just set your order there if U6Wo7l7YUV4-00975-00297506-00297718 you have it already your bias from U6Wo7l7YUV4-00976-00297719-00298429 earlier or do you start to move that U6Wo7l7YUV4-00977-00298430-00298681 order in relationship to what you see in U6Wo7l7YUV4-00978-00298682-00299038 the order flow around that area yeah U6Wo7l7YUV4-00979-00299039-00299353 good question well I tend to watch if it U6Wo7l7YUV4-00980-00299354-00299950 level holds there's always a pullback so U6Wo7l7YUV4-00981-00299951-00300139 I just wait for that and maybe have like U6Wo7l7YUV4-00982-00300140-00300418 a few ticks worst price but then I at U6Wo7l7YUV4-00983-00300419-00300553 least know that at level U6Wo7l7YUV4-00984-00300554-00300868 at some point hold it sure can make a U6Wo7l7YUV4-00985-00300869-00301186 new low of course but I I want to see it U6Wo7l7YUV4-00986-00301187-00301513 hold first and then I'll enter okay so U6Wo7l7YUV4-00987-00301514-00301653 you look for a retest on it U6Wo7l7YUV4-00988-00301654-00302035 yeah micro micro retest like a little U6Wo7l7YUV4-00989-00302036-00302200 like a tiny little double bottom like U6Wo7l7YUV4-00990-00302201-00302434 like something like this right here for U6Wo7l7YUV4-00991-00302435-00302617 example somewhere like what's on the U6Wo7l7YUV4-00992-00302618-00302788 screen or we're down here a triple U6Wo7l7YUV4-00993-00302789-00303046 little bottom don't like that one yeah U6Wo7l7YUV4-00994-00303047-00303366 yeah there get some volume in and then U6Wo7l7YUV4-00995-00303367-00303709 you know that's what I would know okay U6Wo7l7YUV4-00996-00303710-00304003 yeah fantastic I think that answers your U6Wo7l7YUV4-00997-00304004-00304264 question there Scott it's a great U6Wo7l7YUV4-00998-00304265-00304612 question because we've seen it so many U6Wo7l7YUV4-00999-00304613-00304813 times where we know that there's orders U6Wo7l7YUV4-01000-00304814-00304954 there we know that there's traders U6Wo7l7YUV4-01001-00304955-00305125 interested in the low volume nodes or U6Wo7l7YUV4-01002-00305126-00305431 high volume nodes and the larger players U6Wo7l7YUV4-01003-00305432-00305635 know that too and those bright close U6Wo7l7YUV4-01004-00305636-00306184 areas through it yeah yeah or or spike U6Wo7l7YUV4-01005-00306185-00306376 it through and then just massive volume U6Wo7l7YUV4-01006-00306377-00306646 on the other side to drive it away as U6Wo7l7YUV4-01007-00306647-00307069 quickly as they can so how do you handle U6Wo7l7YUV4-01008-00307070-00307486 those kinds of situations you mean that U6Wo7l7YUV4-01009-00307487-00307669 I buy it and then they smack it down U6Wo7l7YUV4-01010-00307670-00308485 yeah oh I stopped out okay yeah goes U6Wo7l7YUV4-01011-00308486-00308764 fast then I stop out if they try to do U6Wo7l7YUV4-01012-00308765-00309016 it really slow then I then I like U6Wo7l7YUV4-01013-00309017-00309304 probably size down and then wait for U6Wo7l7YUV4-01014-00309305-00309664 that that that order that moves it down U6Wo7l7YUV4-01015-00309665-00309952 to fill and usually when that gets gets U6Wo7l7YUV4-01016-00309953-00310120 filled they usually don't want the fill U6Wo7l7YUV4-01017-00310121-00310477 and then they it tends to be the low of U6Wo7l7YUV4-01018-00310478-00310882 that move so then I buy back but at U6Wo7l7YUV4-01019-00310883-00311020 least in the DAX to where it works U6Wo7l7YUV4-01020-00311021-00311374 pretty well they usually see a lot of U6Wo7l7YUV4-01021-00311375-00311548 artists like big auras moving it down U6Wo7l7YUV4-01022-00311549-00311737 and at some point it's getting filled U6Wo7l7YUV4-01023-00311738-00312033 and that's it that's the end of the move U6Wo7l7YUV4-01024-00312034-00312522 so I look for that as well but usually I U6Wo7l7YUV4-01025-00312523-00312763 like to get out for us and see how it U6Wo7l7YUV4-01026-00312764-00313519 reacts I kind of like to have a low fret U6Wo7l7YUV4-01027-00313520-00313675 well I try to have U6Wo7l7YUV4-01028-00313676-00314275 low-risk pro well and you can always get U6Wo7l7YUV4-01029-00314276-00314554 in later you know that does yeah you're U6Wo7l7YUV4-01030-00314555-00314758 gonna miss trade sure but that's true U6Wo7l7YUV4-01031-00314759-00314803 but U6Wo7l7YUV4-01032-00314804-00315076 and then probably pissed for a minute or U6Wo7l7YUV4-01033-00315077-00315640 two but yeah no yeah I I hear you I mean U6Wo7l7YUV4-01034-00315641-00315882 like it I mean you have to take the risk U6Wo7l7YUV4-01035-00315883-00316180 and it depends on what your strategy or U6Wo7l7YUV4-01036-00316181-00316429 method is you know and that that's all U6Wo7l7YUV4-01037-00316430-00316657 you can do though U6Wo7l7YUV4-01038-00316658-00317082 so no it's a it's a fantastic answer U6Wo7l7YUV4-01039-00317083-00317383 let's see a few more questions and then U6Wo7l7YUV4-01040-00317384-00317638 we'll call it to call it a day here in a U6Wo7l7YUV4-01041-00317639-00317731 week U6Wo7l7YUV4-01042-00317732-00317947 let's see Suman has asked a couple times U6Wo7l7YUV4-01043-00317948-00318142 so I skipped over it here any strategies U6Wo7l7YUV4-01044-00318143-00318430 that you find particularly on the Year X U6Wo7l7YUV4-01045-00318431-00318784 or Dax which may not work on the es or U6Wo7l7YUV4-01046-00318785-00320206 NQ well the Dax sometimes has like the U6Wo7l7YUV4-01047-00320207-00320482 really big orders trading like usually U6Wo7l7YUV4-01048-00320483-00320781 in the book there's like 10 Lots Peru U6Wo7l7YUV4-01049-00320782-00321052 but sometimes day they put in like a U6Wo7l7YUV4-01050-00321053-00321448 hundred lot or 150 or two and a lot and U6Wo7l7YUV4-01051-00321449-00321706 I always want to see how that plays out U6Wo7l7YUV4-01052-00321707-00322000 and that usually gives a good move when U6Wo7l7YUV4-01053-00322001-00322444 it fills you don't really have such U6Wo7l7YUV4-01054-00322445-00322768 setups in the SPMS a they also sometimes U6Wo7l7YUV4-01055-00322769-00323149 have Big Lots but it tries different U6Wo7l7YUV4-01056-00323150-00323446 around it probably also because the book U6Wo7l7YUV4-01057-00323447-00323824 in the bags is also like fairly empty U6Wo7l7YUV4-01058-00323825-00324187 you know yeah those who those big orders U6Wo7l7YUV4-01059-00324188-00324361 can really move the market you know U6Wo7l7YUV4-01060-00324362-00324595 especially if at them lows you know if U6Wo7l7YUV4-01061-00324596-00324817 you get like sometimes at the lows they U6Wo7l7YUV4-01062-00324818-00325195 try they offer a 150 lot and I'm like oh U6Wo7l7YUV4-01063-00325196-00325561 whoa then I'm paying attention and then U6Wo7l7YUV4-01064-00325562-00325873 I see when is trading if it's traded U6Wo7l7YUV4-01065-00325874-00326014 then I want to buy it but I don't want U6Wo7l7YUV4-01066-00326015-00326188 to see a new lower after that so if it's U6Wo7l7YUV4-01067-00326189-00326413 a new low then yeah I'm probably gonna U6Wo7l7YUV4-01068-00326414-00326794 say goodbye and thanks for thanks for U6Wo7l7YUV4-01069-00326795-00327180 the airport but uh U6Wo7l7YUV4-01070-00327181-00327430 but often that gets you a really good U6Wo7l7YUV4-01071-00327431-00327607 move to the upside for at least 15 U6Wo7l7YUV4-01072-00327608-00328090 points so yeah I do look for that and U6Wo7l7YUV4-01073-00328091-00328318 that doesn't really occur in the NASDAQ U6Wo7l7YUV4-01074-00328319-00328522 and S&P well they have the nets like U6Wo7l7YUV4-01075-00328523-00328675 sometimes in ethics sometimes there's U6Wo7l7YUV4-01076-00328676-00329425 also a hundred laws or something I think U6Wo7l7YUV4-01077-00329426-00329914 I saw 300 Lots sometime but yeah you U6Wo7l7YUV4-01078-00329915-00330259 don't see that often and it tastes a U6Wo7l7YUV4-01079-00330260-00330547 little different around out then the U6Wo7l7YUV4-01080-00330548-00330799 DAGs you know yeah I would say that U6Wo7l7YUV4-01081-00330800-00331084 would be a difference for the rest well U6Wo7l7YUV4-01082-00331085-00331231 the backs is a little bit crazy it moves U6Wo7l7YUV4-01083-00331232-00331651 a lot so that too is more volatile the U6Wo7l7YUV4-01084-00331652-00332140 whole throughout the whole day yeah U6Wo7l7YUV4-01085-00332141-00332515 that's about it I think okay no I make U6Wo7l7YUV4-01086-00332516-00332734 mix makes really good sense I mean that U6Wo7l7YUV4-01087-00332735-00332896 thinner market and you see the bigger U6Wo7l7YUV4-01088-00332897-00333112 players like that's gonna that's a U6Wo7l7YUV4-01089-00333113-00333634 really big difference our kids I mean U6Wo7l7YUV4-01090-00333635-00334063 S&P is so so thick that well recently it U6Wo7l7YUV4-01091-00334064-00334429 hasn't been but no yeah yeah it's been U6Wo7l7YUV4-01092-00334430-00334585 funny U6Wo7l7YUV4-01093-00334586-00334915 let's see another question here just U6Wo7l7YUV4-01094-00334916-00335104 more or less kind of your typical target U6Wo7l7YUV4-01095-00335105-00335470 and stop-loss on on Dax or F tax on Dax U6Wo7l7YUV4-01096-00335471-00335758 oh no that's I usually have like a ten U6Wo7l7YUV4-01097-00335759-00336280 fifteen point stop that depends on how U6Wo7l7YUV4-01098-00336281-00336790 good my entry is and well I try to keep U6Wo7l7YUV4-01099-00336791-00337039 this up tight like before like below U6Wo7l7YUV4-01100-00337040-00337381 lows and above highs but recently they U6Wo7l7YUV4-01101-00337382-00337582 stopped me out and then turn around so U6Wo7l7YUV4-01102-00337583-00338083 that doesn't really work so I'm still U6Wo7l7YUV4-01103-00338084-00338248 kind of looking for a way around that U6Wo7l7YUV4-01104-00338249-00338515 because sometimes it runs 20 30 points U6Wo7l7YUV4-01105-00338516-00338797 or in a blink of the eye and then I'm U6Wo7l7YUV4-01106-00338798-00339136 like okay yeah so then you're already U6Wo7l7YUV4-01107-00339137-00339328 you stop will be ten point and then run U6Wo7l7YUV4-01108-00339329-00339649 another 30 points well if you can do the U6Wo7l7YUV4-01109-00339650-00339865 math then you're down 1k without doing U6Wo7l7YUV4-01110-00339866-00340349 anything like very wrong so U6Wo7l7YUV4-01111-00340350-00340655 my friend huh but it's also annoying U6Wo7l7YUV4-01112-00340656-00340820 that they just take out just stop and U6Wo7l7YUV4-01113-00340821-00340991 turn around because well of course they U6Wo7l7YUV4-01114-00340992-00341294 look for stops that's what they do but U6Wo7l7YUV4-01115-00341295-00341669 the goal is not to be in that so um so U6Wo7l7YUV4-01116-00341670-00341882 that that's a good question but I'm U6Wo7l7YUV4-01117-00341883-00342125 still sometimes playing with it and you U6Wo7l7YUV4-01118-00342126-00342445 also don't want to risk a lot every time U6Wo7l7YUV4-01119-00342446-00342743 like less if I have like a to lot on in U6Wo7l7YUV4-01120-00342744-00343136 the DAX then ten points risk is 500 U6Wo7l7YUV4-01121-00343137-00343475 euros and yeah something depending on U6Wo7l7YUV4-01122-00343476-00343748 the time of day and then how that mark U6Wo7l7YUV4-01123-00343749-00344027 trades I think ten points to be enough U6Wo7l7YUV4-01124-00344028-00344276 at that point to see if you're right or U6Wo7l7YUV4-01125-00344277-00344600 wrong but depends on the structure of U6Wo7l7YUV4-01126-00344601-00345164 the market as well so yeah no makes U6Wo7l7YUV4-01127-00345165-00345470 sense yeah okay let's see yeah we'll end U6Wo7l7YUV4-01128-00345471-00345764 here with Natalia she actually had a U6Wo7l7YUV4-01129-00345765-00345989 couple questions that I didn't cover one U6Wo7l7YUV4-01130-00345990-00346253 was about just you know kind of overall U6Wo7l7YUV4-01131-00346254-00346589 like bias in the morning that you set up U6Wo7l7YUV4-01132-00346590-00346766 I guess it sounds like it's mostly U6Wo7l7YUV4-01133-00346767-00347216 through your volume profile and and then U6Wo7l7YUV4-01134-00347217-00347455 looking at maybe footprint and volume U6Wo7l7YUV4-01135-00347456-00347843 and then and then book map and then the U6Wo7l7YUV4-01136-00347844-00348089 second question is your favorite set up U6Wo7l7YUV4-01137-00348090-00348553 and how often do you see it and trade it U6Wo7l7YUV4-01138-00348554-00349067 well my favorite set up is that is the U6Wo7l7YUV4-01139-00349068-00349460 retest as a retest of the volume after a U6Wo7l7YUV4-01140-00349461-00349781 bigger move by the way we're moving up U6Wo7l7YUV4-01141-00349782-00350321 right yeah yeah and they they're U6Wo7l7YUV4-01142-00350322-00350771 canceling the arborist so yeah so if you U6Wo7l7YUV4-01143-00350772-00350909 guys paid attention you should have U6Wo7l7YUV4-01144-00350910-00351848 bought 67 no no but but yeah so I know I U6Wo7l7YUV4-01145-00351849-00352118 forgot I was what I was saying but about U6Wo7l7YUV4-01146-00352119-00352409 your favorite setup is that correct know U6Wo7l7YUV4-01147-00352410-00352598 if it's the pullback to do the high U6Wo7l7YUV4-01148-00352599-00352838 volume or at least like the whole point U6Wo7l7YUV4-01149-00352839-00353192 that where people were wrong so if you U6Wo7l7YUV4-01150-00353193-00353471 want to get into a move that's usually U6Wo7l7YUV4-01151-00353472-00353632 good good entry point U6Wo7l7YUV4-01152-00353633-00353875 to go with the market instead of going U6Wo7l7YUV4-01153-00353876-00354169 against it you can also fade the market U6Wo7l7YUV4-01154-00354170-00354484 like if you probably would have I don't U6Wo7l7YUV4-01155-00354485-00354712 know I don't know if I wasn't in it show U6Wo7l7YUV4-01156-00354713-00355009 it 75 s was a level of my so the test to U6Wo7l7YUV4-01157-00355010-00355249 75 on the last move after a downtick U6Wo7l7YUV4-01158-00355250-00355681 here was probably a setup I don't know I U6Wo7l7YUV4-01159-00355682-00355909 mean it's easy to say now is I can see U6Wo7l7YUV4-01160-00355910-00356329 it working so I yeah I probably would U6Wo7l7YUV4-01161-00356330-00356467 have tried you know like probably U6Wo7l7YUV4-01162-00356468-00356539 probably U6Wo7l7YUV4-01163-00356540-00356881 I don't so yeah so that's one thing that U6Wo7l7YUV4-01164-00356882-00357115 I probably did let me see them go in U6Wo7l7YUV4-01165-00357116-00357777 there not a lot at the most one was a 60 U6Wo7l7YUV4-01166-00357778-00358522 at 73 73 3/4 so there was the first move U6Wo7l7YUV4-01167-00358523-00358783 and then it uptick so I don't know if I U6Wo7l7YUV4-01168-00358784-00358951 did that well so probably would have U6Wo7l7YUV4-01169-00358952-00359317 entered 73 75 then I was like oh I'm U6Wo7l7YUV4-01170-00359318-00359607 happy I'm going scumming to 70 to 50 and U6Wo7l7YUV4-01171-00359608-00359854 then it probably won't be that happy at U6Wo7l7YUV4-01172-00359855-00360160 75 the retest but I did I did see the U6Wo7l7YUV4-01173-00360161-00360277 over there so that was good U6Wo7l7YUV4-01174-00360278-00360951 so while my bias was still bullish I U6Wo7l7YUV4-01175-00360952-00361273 probably I don't really want to say that U6Wo7l7YUV4-01176-00361274-00361447 because it's easy to see now since it U6Wo7l7YUV4-01177-00361448-00361743 worked but still let's say I did try and U6Wo7l7YUV4-01178-00361744-00361966 yeah I still would have put my stop U6Wo7l7YUV4-01179-00361967-00362338 above the high and when it down take U6Wo7l7YUV4-01180-00362339-00362695 close to 75 so I could have stopped my U6Wo7l7YUV4-01181-00362696-00363160 stopped 75 and scaled out probably U6Wo7l7YUV4-01182-00363161-00363412 seventy one seventy one fifty or U6Wo7l7YUV4-01183-00363413-00363694 something and then just let it let it U6Wo7l7YUV4-01184-00363695-00364246 run yeah something like that U6Wo7l7YUV4-01185-00364247-00364816 but yeah it's always hard to or to easy U6Wo7l7YUV4-01186-00364817-00364987 to say when you see the chart you know U6Wo7l7YUV4-01187-00364988-00365284 right right and especially to I mean U6Wo7l7YUV4-01188-00365285-00365923 like you may take a shot at it but you U6Wo7l7YUV4-01189-00365924-00366535 you're you're done for the day so yeah U6Wo7l7YUV4-01190-00366536-00366654 make make sense U6Wo7l7YUV4-01191-00366655-00367015 yeah okay U6Wo7l7YUV4-01192-00367016-00367359 well I think that that's everything we U6Wo7l7YUV4-01193-00367360-00367588 answered all your questions here uh you U6Wo7l7YUV4-01194-00367589-00368041 know let me put into the into the feed U6Wo7l7YUV4-01195-00368042-00368245 here if you are guy if you guys are U6Wo7l7YUV4-01196-00368246-00368617 interested and reaching Neil's here are U6Wo7l7YUV4-01197-00368618-00368875 more information there it is it's all in U6Wo7l7YUV4-01198-00368876-00369372 the in the chat there so I gave you his U6Wo7l7YUV4-01199-00369373-00369787 his website his Twitter handle there and U6Wo7l7YUV4-01200-00369788-00370000 then his affiliate link there for a book U6Wo7l7YUV4-01201-00370001-00370542 now you guys are all set with that and U6Wo7l7YUV4-01202-00370543-00371229 any any parting comments Neil's or you U6Wo7l7YUV4-01203-00371230-00371373 know thank you thank you very much U6Wo7l7YUV4-01204-00371374-00371500 you're welcome U6Wo7l7YUV4-01205-00371501-00371722 no well um when I start talking about it U6Wo7l7YUV4-01206-00371723-00371979 I think it was trading at 67 right so I U6Wo7l7YUV4-01207-00371980-00372172 said like yeah so when it's training U6Wo7l7YUV4-01208-00372173-00372616 testing 66 66 65 I probably want to go U6Wo7l7YUV4-01209-00372617-00372919 long because the bias is long right and U6Wo7l7YUV4-01210-00372920-00373114 it's a low volume that's tested in U6Wo7l7YUV4-01211-00373115-00373666 previous previous volume and why I can U6Wo7l7YUV4-01212-00373667-00373801 comment on this one because I called it U6Wo7l7YUV4-01213-00373802-00373851 in real time U6Wo7l7YUV4-01214-00373852-00374266 right so I did trade it higher there was U6Wo7l7YUV4-01215-00374267-00374737 some offering at the 770 even so I U6Wo7l7YUV4-01216-00374738-00374869 probably would have scaled out just U6Wo7l7YUV4-01217-00374870-00375444 before that like 69 50 or 75 so and then U6Wo7l7YUV4-01218-00375445-00375957 right now they're still offering it now U6Wo7l7YUV4-01219-00375958-00376324 I see a little bit I kind of don't want U6Wo7l7YUV4-01220-00376325-00376638 to give up too much so my stop would be U6Wo7l7YUV4-01221-00376639-00377007 let's say let's say if I got the 68 all U6Wo7l7YUV4-01222-00377008-00377280 right something like that I don't want U6Wo7l7YUV4-01223-00377281-00377623 to see it trading below 69 yeah yeah U6Wo7l7YUV4-01224-00377624-00377859 problems with just a break-even stop on U6Wo7l7YUV4-01225-00377860-00378193 this on after the scale out yeah yeah U6Wo7l7YUV4-01226-00378194-00378646 and and the exits exits probably well if U6Wo7l7YUV4-01227-00378647-00378817 I had a three lot then I would scale out U6Wo7l7YUV4-01228-00378818-00379254 69 50 and or 75 ideally but let's say 50 U6Wo7l7YUV4-01229-00379255-00379878 and two points above this of 70 150 not U6Wo7l7YUV4-01230-00379879-00380064 sure if you gotta fill there so anyone U6Wo7l7YUV4-01231-00380065-00380263 yeah you probably wouldn't have gotten U6Wo7l7YUV4-01232-00380264-00380353 filled there U6Wo7l7YUV4-01233-00380354-00381117 now you wouldn't have know let me know I U6Wo7l7YUV4-01234-00381118-00381454 mean just 43 traded up there oh yeah U6Wo7l7YUV4-01235-00381455-00381646 there's nothing no no that that's no no U6Wo7l7YUV4-01236-00381647-00381874 yeah yeah you probably missed that one U6Wo7l7YUV4-01237-00381875-00382603 yeah yeah no I just just great stuff you U6Wo7l7YUV4-01238-00382604-00382837 know that to kind of bend bend your ear U6Wo7l7YUV4-01239-00382838-00383217 a little bit on you know how you know U6Wo7l7YUV4-01240-00383218-00383602 professional here looks at it integrates U6Wo7l7YUV4-01241-00383603-00383830 it with their higher time frame analysis U6Wo7l7YUV4-01242-00383831-00384265 you're trading from the floor the costs U6Wo7l7YUV4-01243-00384266-00384562 involved all sorts of great stuff here U6Wo7l7YUV4-01244-00384563-00384709 Niels thank you very much U6Wo7l7YUV4-01245-00384710-00385144 yeah you're welcome yeah all right well U6Wo7l7YUV4-01246-00385145-00385404 we'll do it again sometime soon and U6Wo7l7YUV4-01247-00385405-00385681 everybody everyone have it have a great U6Wo7l7YUV4-01248-00385682-00386302 weekend and we'll catch up next week all U6Wo7l7YUV4-01249-00386303-00386323 right U6Wo7l7YUV4-01250-00386324-00386530 okay thanks Niels yeah thanks Bruce U6Wo7l7YUV4-01251-00386531-00386773 Thanks