ou6SqXxhWG4-00000-00000296-00000438 so i joined biathlon ou6SqXxhWG4-00001-00000440-00000719 um after watching the 2002 salt lake ou6SqXxhWG4-00002-00000720-00000767 games ou6SqXxhWG4-00003-00000768-00000950 i thought it was a really interesting ou6SqXxhWG4-00004-00000951-00001143 sport my brother and i both wanted to ou6SqXxhWG4-00005-00001144-00001215 get into it ou6SqXxhWG4-00006-00001216-00001503 and so we got into the cadet program and ou6SqXxhWG4-00007-00001504-00001535 then ou6SqXxhWG4-00008-00001536-00001847 later on merged uh into the civilian ou6SqXxhWG4-00009-00001848-00001975 side of iophone ou6SqXxhWG4-00010-00001976-00002342 and now it's my love and my passion ou6SqXxhWG4-00011-00002343-00002542 i originally chose biathlon because i ou6SqXxhWG4-00012-00002543-00002695 was really excited about the shooting ou6SqXxhWG4-00013-00002696-00002855 aspect of the sport when i was ou6SqXxhWG4-00014-00002856-00003047 a young boy that seemed really exciting ou6SqXxhWG4-00015-00003048-00003183 to me and then ou6SqXxhWG4-00016-00003184-00003375 uh yeah i eventually fell in love with ou6SqXxhWG4-00017-00003376-00003495 the skiing part of it too ou6SqXxhWG4-00018-00003496-00003686 so that was that was a lot of the reason ou6SqXxhWG4-00019-00003688-00003854 another big part of the reason was my ou6SqXxhWG4-00020-00003855-00003951 parents ou6SqXxhWG4-00021-00003952-00004143 were um they were really into this ou6SqXxhWG4-00022-00004144-00004311 lifestyle sports that the whole family ou6SqXxhWG4-00023-00004312-00004463 could do at the same time instead of all ou6SqXxhWG4-00024-00004464-00004622 of us going to the hockey rink ou6SqXxhWG4-00025-00004623-00004775 at different times or whatever so the ou6SqXxhWG4-00026-00004776-00004895 whole family could go to biathlon ou6SqXxhWG4-00027-00004896-00005015 practice at the same time they really ou6SqXxhWG4-00028-00005016-00005111 like that ou6SqXxhWG4-00029-00005112-00005295 i chose my athlon mostly because it's ou6SqXxhWG4-00030-00005296-00005463 just a really good group of people ou6SqXxhWG4-00031-00005464-00005751 and a lot of fun i got into country ou6SqXxhWG4-00032-00005752-00005902 skiing because i wanted to represent ou6SqXxhWG4-00033-00005903-00006111 mexico in the olympics ou6SqXxhWG4-00034-00006112-00006375 and uh it seemed like the hardest sport ou6SqXxhWG4-00035-00006376-00006518 in the world ou6SqXxhWG4-00036-00006519-00006663 and i was like all right let's do this ou6SqXxhWG4-00037-00006664-00006863 welcome everyone to ou6SqXxhWG4-00038-00006864-00007327 uh the very first faces of calgary sport ou6SqXxhWG4-00039-00007328-00007591 um featuring biathlon and cross country ou6SqXxhWG4-00040-00007592-00007742 skiing i'm katrina maydon i'm the ou6SqXxhWG4-00041-00007743-00007983 president and ceo of sport calgary ou6SqXxhWG4-00042-00007984-00008223 and we came up with doing uh this ou6SqXxhWG4-00043-00008224-00008391 virtual introduction to sport because ou6SqXxhWG4-00044-00008392-00008567 right now we cannot do ou6SqXxhWG4-00045-00008568-00008735 all sport one day all sport one city ou6SqXxhWG4-00046-00008736-00008910 which many community members have been a ou6SqXxhWG4-00047-00008911-00009078 part of where we're actually ou6SqXxhWG4-00048-00009079-00009263 physically introducing people to sports ou6SqXxhWG4-00049-00009264-00009503 we said let's do this virtually so ou6SqXxhWG4-00050-00009504-00009799 uh we have some videos um we have a ou6SqXxhWG4-00051-00009800-00009927 great panel of ou6SqXxhWG4-00052-00009928-00010278 experts and this is for community ou6SqXxhWG4-00053-00010279-00010487 members to learn more about a sport ou6SqXxhWG4-00054-00010488-00010791 and find out how to participate so i'll ou6SqXxhWG4-00055-00010792-00010871 introduce ou6SqXxhWG4-00056-00010872-00011110 the panel that we have michelle deacon ou6SqXxhWG4-00057-00011111-00011310 is a ski coach with foothills ou6SqXxhWG4-00058-00011311-00011535 nordic ski club michelle if you can give ou6SqXxhWG4-00059-00011536-00011687 a wave uh we ou6SqXxhWG4-00060-00011688-00011959 we actually pulled her off of uh the ski ou6SqXxhWG4-00061-00011960-00012078 course she'd already coached this ou6SqXxhWG4-00062-00012079-00012287 morning and has a replacement for ou6SqXxhWG4-00063-00012288-00012503 the group uh right now so thank you ou6SqXxhWG4-00064-00012504-00012655 michelle for joining us ou6SqXxhWG4-00065-00012656-00012958 we have uh great greg klafke who's ou6SqXxhWG4-00066-00012959-00013175 biathlon director with foothills nordic ou6SqXxhWG4-00067-00013176-00013366 and also a dad to two ou6SqXxhWG4-00068-00013368-00013694 biathlon athletes and we have marco renz ou6SqXxhWG4-00069-00013695-00014094 who is eight time paralympic medalist ou6SqXxhWG4-00070-00014095-00014294 in biathlon and cross country he's ou6SqXxhWG4-00071-00014295-00014558 participated in three paralympic games ou6SqXxhWG4-00072-00014559-00014863 uh in 2018 in pyeongchang he won a ou6SqXxhWG4-00073-00014863-00014919 record ou6SqXxhWG4-00074-00014919-00015119 six medals including gold and was ou6SqXxhWG4-00075-00015119-00015294 canada's flag bearer ou6SqXxhWG4-00076-00015295-00015583 at the closing ceremony so thank you ou6SqXxhWG4-00077-00015584-00015655 michelle ou6SqXxhWG4-00078-00015656-00015943 greg and mark for joining us and uh ou6SqXxhWG4-00079-00015944-00016071 thank you everybody for joining us i ou6SqXxhWG4-00080-00016072-00016230 want to give you a little uh breakdown ou6SqXxhWG4-00081-00016231-00016303 of ou6SqXxhWG4-00082-00016304-00016567 who has registered and again we will ou6SqXxhWG4-00083-00016568-00016822 have this on sport calgary's website ou6SqXxhWG4-00084-00016823-00017079 uh when we had registrations we asked ou6SqXxhWG4-00085-00017080-00017143 everybody ou6SqXxhWG4-00086-00017144-00017399 uh if they had been a part of this so ou6SqXxhWG4-00087-00017400-00017655 approximately a third of the registrants ou6SqXxhWG4-00088-00017656-00017822 have heard of the sport and have seen ou6SqXxhWG4-00089-00017823-00017975 pictures but know nothing about the ou6SqXxhWG4-00090-00017976-00018094 sport ou6SqXxhWG4-00091-00018095-00018335 almost half have seen videos of the ou6SqXxhWG4-00092-00018336-00018399 sport on ou6SqXxhWG4-00093-00018400-00018830 tv or online and about 18 percent ou6SqXxhWG4-00094-00018831-00019063 have tried the sport or actively ou6SqXxhWG4-00095-00019064-00019222 involved so a real ou6SqXxhWG4-00096-00019223-00019527 uh mixture demographics um so thank you ou6SqXxhWG4-00097-00019528-00019758 everybody for joining us let's get right ou6SqXxhWG4-00098-00019759-00019927 into it uh michelle i'm actually going ou6SqXxhWG4-00099-00019928-00020039 to start with you ou6SqXxhWG4-00100-00020040-00020230 this is a question i'm this is something ou6SqXxhWG4-00101-00020231-00020383 i'm struggling with so ou6SqXxhWG4-00102-00020384-00020558 your club is called foot foothills ou6SqXxhWG4-00103-00020559-00020967 nordic um i call it cross-country skiing ou6SqXxhWG4-00104-00020968-00021191 is it the sa is nordic and cross country ou6SqXxhWG4-00105-00021192-00021375 skiing is that the same thing or ou6SqXxhWG4-00106-00021376-00021671 can you clarify the the wording for us ou6SqXxhWG4-00107-00021672-00021743 please ou6SqXxhWG4-00108-00021744-00021950 yeah so foothills nordic ski club is ou6SqXxhWG4-00109-00021951-00022135 both a cross-country ski ou6SqXxhWG4-00110-00022136-00022407 and biathlon club and typically the term ou6SqXxhWG4-00111-00022408-00022483 nordic ou6SqXxhWG4-00112-00022484-00022878 encompasses biathlon nordic combined ou6SqXxhWG4-00113-00022879-00023111 so ski jumping as well and cross-country ou6SqXxhWG4-00114-00023112-00023191 skiing ou6SqXxhWG4-00115-00023192-00023311 and then within the discipline of ou6SqXxhWG4-00116-00023312-00023527 cross-country skiing you have classic ou6SqXxhWG4-00117-00023528-00023711 technique and skate techniques ou6SqXxhWG4-00118-00023712-00023935 so when you get to biathlon that is ou6SqXxhWG4-00119-00023936-00024047 always ou6SqXxhWG4-00120-00024048-00024391 done using skate technique ou6SqXxhWG4-00121-00024392-00024614 okay that that explains it a bit for me ou6SqXxhWG4-00122-00024615-00024711 so i ou6SqXxhWG4-00123-00024712-00024942 actually have not done classic skiing in ou6SqXxhWG4-00124-00024943-00025086 forever i think coming from speed ou6SqXxhWG4-00125-00025087-00025327 skating i went to skate skiing so ou6SqXxhWG4-00126-00025328-00025511 i i've been very confused on the wording ou6SqXxhWG4-00127-00025512-00025702 so thank you for clarifying that ou6SqXxhWG4-00128-00025704-00025878 um and sometimes that's a real barrier ou6SqXxhWG4-00129-00025879-00026078 with sport when we don't even understand ou6SqXxhWG4-00130-00026079-00026423 uh a title um i want to also ask you ou6SqXxhWG4-00131-00026424-00026583 how much in the last year with the ou6SqXxhWG4-00132-00026583-00026831 pandemic have you seen ou6SqXxhWG4-00133-00026832-00027070 um have you seen things change have you ou6SqXxhWG4-00134-00027072-00027295 seen the interest within your club ou6SqXxhWG4-00135-00027295-00027583 uh and within the sport yeah the ou6SqXxhWG4-00136-00027583-00027711 interest this year has been ou6SqXxhWG4-00137-00027712-00027895 incredible i know with foothills ou6SqXxhWG4-00138-00027895-00028087 specifically all of our programs ou6SqXxhWG4-00139-00028088-00028311 are over subscribed we've had to turn ou6SqXxhWG4-00140-00028312-00028390 people away ou6SqXxhWG4-00141-00028391-00028623 so i know on the cross-country side of ou6SqXxhWG4-00142-00028624-00028727 things i believe we have ou6SqXxhWG4-00143-00028727-00028967 over 400 athletes participating in ou6SqXxhWG4-00144-00028968-00029135 programs from ou6SqXxhWG4-00145-00029136-00029374 bunnies which is an active start program ou6SqXxhWG4-00146-00029375-00029462 targeted ou6SqXxhWG4-00147-00029463-00029839 at kids age four up to um ou6SqXxhWG4-00148-00029839-00030102 adults and i think the oldest athlete i ou6SqXxhWG4-00149-00030103-00030311 have in one of my programs is 78 years ou6SqXxhWG4-00150-00030312-00030374 old ou6SqXxhWG4-00151-00030375-00030590 so and then i know on the biathlon side ou6SqXxhWG4-00152-00030591-00030751 greg you can correct me if i'm wrong but ou6SqXxhWG4-00153-00030752-00030967 i think we have over 200 ou6SqXxhWG4-00154-00030968-00031135 biathlon participants this year and ou6SqXxhWG4-00155-00031136-00031374 that's in programs um targeting kids ou6SqXxhWG4-00156-00031375-00031455 eight ou6SqXxhWG4-00157-00031456-00031743 up through masters programming as well ou6SqXxhWG4-00158-00031744-00031943 and ou6SqXxhWG4-00159-00031944-00032135 i know there's just been incredible ou6SqXxhWG4-00160-00032136-00032302 interest with ou6SqXxhWG4-00161-00032303-00032558 among all clubs for private instruction ou6SqXxhWG4-00162-00032560-00032631 as well so ou6SqXxhWG4-00163-00032632-00032823 a real influx of interest this year it's ou6SqXxhWG4-00164-00032824-00032951 one thing that we can still get out and ou6SqXxhWG4-00165-00032952-00033111 do during the pandemic ou6SqXxhWG4-00166-00033112-00033415 yeah okay uh thanks michelle um so greg ou6SqXxhWG4-00167-00033416-00033599 i will turn that over to you just um ou6SqXxhWG4-00168-00033600-00033790 again the increase you know we heard ou6SqXxhWG4-00169-00033791-00033902 from michelle from ou6SqXxhWG4-00170-00033903-00034062 that cross-country side has it also been ou6SqXxhWG4-00171-00034063-00034246 there with biathlon and um ou6SqXxhWG4-00172-00034247-00034471 you're a dad of two young bi-athletes ou6SqXxhWG4-00173-00034472-00034574 how did you ou6SqXxhWG4-00174-00034575-00034839 discover the sport as a parent or was it ou6SqXxhWG4-00175-00034840-00034983 the kids that discovered it and you sort ou6SqXxhWG4-00176-00034984-00035095 of followed ou6SqXxhWG4-00177-00035096-00035399 um it was kind of a roundabout way my ou6SqXxhWG4-00178-00035400-00035774 wife's a teacher and we had our kids in ou6SqXxhWG4-00179-00035775-00036039 that get cop at the time had some ou6SqXxhWG4-00180-00036040-00036311 cross-country courses for like bunnies ou6SqXxhWG4-00181-00036312-00036359 the ou6SqXxhWG4-00182-00036360-00036630 young group and one of her students said ou6SqXxhWG4-00183-00036631-00036807 hey should check out foothills nordic ou6SqXxhWG4-00184-00036808-00036911 and ou6SqXxhWG4-00185-00036912-00037111 then as our kids participated in it she ou6SqXxhWG4-00186-00037112-00037302 said oh yeah by the way i'm a ou6SqXxhWG4-00187-00037303-00037623 bi-athlete and and ou6SqXxhWG4-00188-00037624-00037895 so that kind of got my girls interested ou6SqXxhWG4-00189-00037896-00038143 in it and so ou6SqXxhWG4-00190-00038144-00038318 they had started off on the ou6SqXxhWG4-00191-00038319-00038527 cross-country side of ou6SqXxhWG4-00192-00038528-00038830 of things and then moved over into the ou6SqXxhWG4-00193-00038831-00039071 biathlon side later on ou6SqXxhWG4-00194-00039072-00039446 okay great um mark um ou6SqXxhWG4-00195-00039447-00039615 in case people didn't see the the ou6SqXxhWG4-00196-00039616-00039774 beginning videos when when you're sort ou6SqXxhWG4-00197-00039775-00039967 of talking about how you discovered it ou6SqXxhWG4-00198-00039968-00040262 uh you grew up in pei so i i don't know ou6SqXxhWG4-00199-00040263-00040367 if ou6SqXxhWG4-00200-00040368-00040518 i mean i've been there i've seen this ou6SqXxhWG4-00201-00040519-00040711 park that is named after mark ou6SqXxhWG4-00202-00040712-00040974 um but but is that you know i don't ou6SqXxhWG4-00203-00040975-00041046 always link ou6SqXxhWG4-00204-00041047-00041327 pei in an islander with with cross ou6SqXxhWG4-00205-00041328-00041446 country or biathlon ou6SqXxhWG4-00206-00041447-00041687 uh can you tell everybody a little bit ou6SqXxhWG4-00207-00041688-00041879 how you got involved and you mentioned ou6SqXxhWG4-00208-00041880-00042062 your brother as well ou6SqXxhWG4-00209-00042063-00042399 yeah so after watching the 2002 ou6SqXxhWG4-00210-00042400-00042639 games we both saw baffling for the first ou6SqXxhWG4-00211-00042640-00042815 time on tv and we're both really ou6SqXxhWG4-00212-00042816-00042927 intrigued like ou6SqXxhWG4-00213-00042928-00043190 we both had ski before in cross country ou6SqXxhWG4-00214-00043191-00043262 um ou6SqXxhWG4-00215-00043263-00043502 i had done a little bit of downhill as ou6SqXxhWG4-00216-00043503-00043727 much as you can call downhill in pei ou6SqXxhWG4-00217-00043728-00043983 um but uh yeah it was something that ou6SqXxhWG4-00218-00043984-00044151 really intrigued us both ou6SqXxhWG4-00219-00044152-00044390 and so we've went looking for an ou6SqXxhWG4-00220-00044391-00044558 opportunity to try the sport and ou6SqXxhWG4-00221-00044559-00044718 eventually we found one through the ou6SqXxhWG4-00222-00044719-00044855 cadet program ou6SqXxhWG4-00223-00044856-00045062 um and at the time was the only way to ou6SqXxhWG4-00224-00045063-00045335 do biofun and so ou6SqXxhWG4-00225-00045336-00045599 uh we gave it a try i was still a little ou6SqXxhWG4-00226-00045600-00045743 hesitant i wasn't a fan ou6SqXxhWG4-00227-00045744-00046046 of rifles or shooting at all um that ou6SqXxhWG4-00228-00046047-00046207 first week but after my brother ou6SqXxhWG4-00229-00046208-00046430 you know he tried it that first week he ou6SqXxhWG4-00230-00046431-00046623 came back he talked about it all week ou6SqXxhWG4-00231-00046624-00046662 and ou6SqXxhWG4-00232-00046663-00046855 then the next following sunday was the ou6SqXxhWG4-00233-00046856-00047039 next practice and finally ou6SqXxhWG4-00234-00047040-00047295 um i'm like okay i'll give it a try and ou6SqXxhWG4-00235-00047296-00047351 i hit ou6SqXxhWG4-00236-00047352-00047615 four out of five on that first time and ou6SqXxhWG4-00237-00047616-00047743 that kind of just ou6SqXxhWG4-00238-00047744-00048015 took me i was i was done i was uh i was ou6SqXxhWG4-00239-00048016-00048215 in the sport now for life ou6SqXxhWG4-00240-00048216-00048495 um and uh then after kind of getting ou6SqXxhWG4-00241-00048496-00048551 just ou6SqXxhWG4-00242-00048552-00048790 developing the skills the skiing and the ou6SqXxhWG4-00243-00048791-00049007 shooting and then finally that kind of ou6SqXxhWG4-00244-00049008-00049358 uh quickly stepped towards my first uh ou6SqXxhWG4-00245-00049359-00049574 traveling trips to bc in alberta and ou6SqXxhWG4-00246-00049575-00049799 then uh within a month of that ou6SqXxhWG4-00247-00049800-00050039 i was actually on the world cup uh ou6SqXxhWG4-00248-00050040-00050135 circuit ou6SqXxhWG4-00249-00050136-00050543 um seeing what i could do ou6SqXxhWG4-00250-00050544-00050839 so you you progressed really quickly uh ou6SqXxhWG4-00251-00050840-00050911 yes ou6SqXxhWG4-00252-00050912-00051118 yeah this was about two two and a half ou6SqXxhWG4-00253-00051119-00051230 years but yeah it was ou6SqXxhWG4-00254-00051232-00051479 really quickly so how old were you when ou6SqXxhWG4-00255-00051479-00051566 you first ou6SqXxhWG4-00256-00051567-00051887 tried it uh i was fifteen ou6SqXxhWG4-00257-00051888-00052175 fourteen okay yeah almost four fifteen ou6SqXxhWG4-00258-00052176-00052223 okay ou6SqXxhWG4-00259-00052224-00052407 when i first tried it but i had some ou6SqXxhWG4-00260-00052408-00052582 skiing background i could ski a little ou6SqXxhWG4-00261-00052583-00052623 bit ou6SqXxhWG4-00262-00052624-00052782 but that's when i started shooting and ou6SqXxhWG4-00263-00052783-00053071 kind of really discovering and talking ou6SqXxhWG4-00264-00053072-00053279 about the sport of biathlon ou6SqXxhWG4-00265-00053279-00053607 so greg um going on what mark said just ou6SqXxhWG4-00266-00053608-00053694 even ou6SqXxhWG4-00267-00053695-00053838 what he said at the beginning about not ou6SqXxhWG4-00268-00053839-00054063 necessarily being a fan of the shooting ou6SqXxhWG4-00269-00054064-00054407 um you know has is that because that's ou6SqXxhWG4-00270-00054408-00054471 something that ou6SqXxhWG4-00271-00054472-00054711 sometimes deters family from a sport ou6SqXxhWG4-00272-00054712-00054847 like biathlon ou6SqXxhWG4-00273-00054848-00055030 has that ever been an issue with you i ou6SqXxhWG4-00274-00055032-00055199 mean you're talking as ou6SqXxhWG4-00275-00055200-00055391 a dad then your kids want to want to ou6SqXxhWG4-00276-00055391-00055535 take up the sport with shooting ou6SqXxhWG4-00277-00055536-00055735 and has it been an issue at all or do ou6SqXxhWG4-00278-00055736-00055894 you find that within the club that ou6SqXxhWG4-00279-00055895-00055991 people are hesitant ou6SqXxhWG4-00280-00055991-00056238 because it involves a rifle a gun and ou6SqXxhWG4-00281-00056239-00056454 might have a little bit of a ou6SqXxhWG4-00282-00056455-00056711 you know sort of a status towards that ou6SqXxhWG4-00283-00056712-00056782 people going oh ou6SqXxhWG4-00284-00056783-00057063 i'm not sure uh i think a little bit i ou6SqXxhWG4-00285-00057064-00057150 know that ou6SqXxhWG4-00286-00057151-00057423 um you know like when the when the kids ou6SqXxhWG4-00287-00057424-00057519 start off ou6SqXxhWG4-00288-00057520-00057687 at the time they were using air rifles ou6SqXxhWG4-00289-00057688-00057911 which are just basically high end ou6SqXxhWG4-00290-00057912-00058230 pellet guns and so ou6SqXxhWG4-00291-00058232-00058382 that wasn't too much of an issue but ou6SqXxhWG4-00292-00058383-00058535 then as you do have to ou6SqXxhWG4-00293-00058536-00058735 use you progress you start working to ou6SqXxhWG4-00294-00058736-00058871 22s ou6SqXxhWG4-00295-00058872-00059030 and yeah you're going oh now i'm gonna ou6SqXxhWG4-00296-00059032-00059294 have to take a canadian firearm safety ou6SqXxhWG4-00297-00059295-00059423 course ou6SqXxhWG4-00298-00059424-00059742 and but i mean that that yeah there is i ou6SqXxhWG4-00299-00059744-00059815 guess a ou6SqXxhWG4-00300-00059816-00059950 little bit of yes there's gonna be ou6SqXxhWG4-00301-00059951-00060175 rifles and what am i gonna deal with ou6SqXxhWG4-00302-00060176-00060447 but everyone has to take that canadian ou6SqXxhWG4-00303-00060448-00060623 firearm safety course ou6SqXxhWG4-00304-00060624-00060847 um you'll learn about you know the safe ou6SqXxhWG4-00305-00060848-00061063 handling the safe storage ou6SqXxhWG4-00306-00061064-00061406 um and then as well within the the club ou6SqXxhWG4-00307-00061407-00061663 i mean safety is the the number one ou6SqXxhWG4-00308-00061664-00061799 priority and the coaches ou6SqXxhWG4-00309-00061800-00062142 are always uh you know enforcing the ou6SqXxhWG4-00310-00062144-00062406 the the safety drills and the safety ou6SqXxhWG4-00311-00062407-00062566 practices ou6SqXxhWG4-00312-00062567-00062759 and when kids start off like in the ou6SqXxhWG4-00313-00062760-00062894 younger groups they we ou6SqXxhWG4-00314-00062895-00063263 now are working with camera based rifles ou6SqXxhWG4-00315-00063264-00063575 which don't involve any projectiles ou6SqXxhWG4-00316-00063576-00063766 whatsoever it's not even laser based or ou6SqXxhWG4-00317-00063767-00063838 anything ou6SqXxhWG4-00318-00063839-00064166 and it's just an infrared emitter and ou6SqXxhWG4-00319-00064167-00064463 uh the the rifle barrel has a camera in ou6SqXxhWG4-00320-00064464-00064679 it that picks it up and that's what ou6SqXxhWG4-00321-00064679-00064999 uh most of the kids up to the age of ou6SqXxhWG4-00322-00065000-00065294 12 use and so it's not so the older ages ou6SqXxhWG4-00323-00065295-00065342 that ou6SqXxhWG4-00324-00065344-00065735 uh you start progressing to ou6SqXxhWG4-00325-00065736-00066071 uh shooting with 22s okay yeah great ou6SqXxhWG4-00326-00066072-00066223 uh you know and i think that's it's a ou6SqXxhWG4-00327-00066224-00066375 little bit of a background on just sort ou6SqXxhWG4-00328-00066376-00066543 of you know how kids are introduced to ou6SqXxhWG4-00329-00066544-00066663 that which is great ou6SqXxhWG4-00330-00066664-00066999 uh michelle i wanna talk as a coach ou6SqXxhWG4-00331-00067000-00067175 um i mean you're talking numbers you ou6SqXxhWG4-00332-00067176-00067326 said from four to seventy eight ou6SqXxhWG4-00333-00067327-00067663 are the ages age range um so ou6SqXxhWG4-00334-00067664-00067823 and then you talked about this huge ou6SqXxhWG4-00335-00067824-00068031 increase so if people are interested in ou6SqXxhWG4-00336-00068032-00068167 coming out and just ou6SqXxhWG4-00337-00068168-00068399 learning and it's you know a family with ou6SqXxhWG4-00338-00068400-00068487 a variety ou6SqXxhWG4-00339-00068488-00068799 of ages of kids and you were ou6SqXxhWG4-00340-00068800-00068991 saying that you know you guys are pretty ou6SqXxhWG4-00341-00068992-00069111 much full ou6SqXxhWG4-00342-00069112-00069375 do you guys do an intro do you as a ou6SqXxhWG4-00343-00069376-00069431 coach ou6SqXxhWG4-00344-00069432-00069647 you said something even a private lesson ou6SqXxhWG4-00345-00069648-00069735 how does that work ou6SqXxhWG4-00346-00069736-00069935 and then equipment wise right i think ou6SqXxhWG4-00347-00069936-00070119 that's the biggest fear as well ou6SqXxhWG4-00348-00070120-00070294 is well do you have equipment does ou6SqXxhWG4-00349-00070295-00070438 everybody need to go buy it ou6SqXxhWG4-00350-00070439-00070671 how can you explain as a coach and a ou6SqXxhWG4-00351-00070672-00070935 member of that club how you guys deal ou6SqXxhWG4-00352-00070936-00071247 yeah so um so again ou6SqXxhWG4-00353-00071248-00071487 foothills is the full service club so we ou6SqXxhWG4-00354-00071488-00071623 have programming available ou6SqXxhWG4-00355-00071624-00071926 to that whole range of ou6SqXxhWG4-00356-00071927-00072223 ages and all athletes or participants ou6SqXxhWG4-00357-00072224-00072303 through ou6SqXxhWG4-00358-00072304-00072591 the entire long-term athlete development ou6SqXxhWG4-00359-00072592-00072791 spectrum so whether or not you're a ou6SqXxhWG4-00360-00072792-00072838 parent ou6SqXxhWG4-00361-00072839-00073062 and you want to get out on skis for the ou6SqXxhWG4-00362-00073063-00073223 very first time as your four-year-old ou6SqXxhWG4-00363-00073224-00073438 bunny is out on skis then we have learn ou6SqXxhWG4-00364-00073439-00073775 to speak programs for adults ou6SqXxhWG4-00365-00073776-00073975 or if you want to start competing as a ou6SqXxhWG4-00366-00073976-00074159 master's athlete then we've got ou6SqXxhWG4-00367-00074160-00074206 something ou6SqXxhWG4-00368-00074207-00074431 kind of for everyone and on the biathlon ou6SqXxhWG4-00369-00074432-00074543 side as well ou6SqXxhWG4-00370-00074544-00074815 so in terms of equipment we don't have ou6SqXxhWG4-00371-00074816-00075071 rental equipment as part of our club ou6SqXxhWG4-00372-00075072-00075287 uh we do this here have some rental ou6SqXxhWG4-00373-00075288-00075406 equipment for ou6SqXxhWG4-00374-00075407-00075679 younger jackrabbit age kids so six to ou6SqXxhWG4-00375-00075680-00075799 nine year olds ou6SqXxhWG4-00376-00075800-00076126 um and so ou6SqXxhWG4-00377-00076127-00076399 accessing equipment um the university of ou6SqXxhWG4-00378-00076400-00076519 calgary outdoor center ou6SqXxhWG4-00379-00076520-00076815 typically rents equipment um sometimes ou6SqXxhWG4-00380-00076816-00077015 they do season rentals as well ou6SqXxhWG4-00381-00077016-00077255 i know that's been restricted with covid ou6SqXxhWG4-00382-00077256-00077375 mountain equipment co-op ou6SqXxhWG4-00383-00077376-00077671 also does rentals um so those would be ou6SqXxhWG4-00384-00077672-00077903 kind of the best sources in town ou6SqXxhWG4-00385-00077904-00078247 so you need to definitely be equipped ou6SqXxhWG4-00386-00078248-00078350 with some equipment ou6SqXxhWG4-00387-00078351-00078550 and then finding a program there are a ou6SqXxhWG4-00388-00078551-00078671 number of clubs ou6SqXxhWG4-00389-00078672-00078935 uh throughout the calgary area that do ou6SqXxhWG4-00390-00078936-00079071 offer programming ou6SqXxhWG4-00391-00079072-00079359 and um i don't know if if you want to ou6SqXxhWG4-00392-00079360-00079494 share that in the chat ou6SqXxhWG4-00393-00079495-00079750 nordic alberta is the provincial sport ou6SqXxhWG4-00394-00079751-00079919 organization for cross-country skiing so ou6SqXxhWG4-00395-00079920-00080094 that'll have a listing of clubs and then ou6SqXxhWG4-00396-00080095-00080287 the biathlon canada website as well ou6SqXxhWG4-00397-00080288-00080455 we'll have some resources on ou6SqXxhWG4-00398-00080456-00080694 okay great thank you and yeah we will ou6SqXxhWG4-00399-00080695-00080911 share our disservice we'll share that ou6SqXxhWG4-00400-00080912-00081087 in the chat and then on our website as ou6SqXxhWG4-00401-00081088-00081247 well we will have um ou6SqXxhWG4-00402-00081248-00081423 links to all of these so you can you can ou6SqXxhWG4-00403-00081424-00081559 find various clubs ou6SqXxhWG4-00404-00081560-00081926 uh mark in uh in this uh ou6SqXxhWG4-00405-00081927-00082247 crazy coveted world um you ou6SqXxhWG4-00406-00082248-00082511 are still active we're just about one ou6SqXxhWG4-00407-00082512-00082638 year from the start ou6SqXxhWG4-00408-00082639-00082975 of the paralympics in beijing uh beijing ou6SqXxhWG4-00409-00082976-00083159 2022 ou6SqXxhWG4-00410-00083160-00083399 you know we talk about adapt everybody ou6SqXxhWG4-00411-00083400-00083591 adapting in a different world as an ou6SqXxhWG4-00412-00083592-00083926 athlete currently training uh you know ou6SqXxhWG4-00413-00083927-00084111 at the highest level ou6SqXxhWG4-00414-00084112-00084326 how can you tell everybody a little bit ou6SqXxhWG4-00415-00084327-00084550 how you've adapted and sort of ou6SqXxhWG4-00416-00084551-00084862 the changes you've had to make well ou6SqXxhWG4-00417-00084863-00084935 absolutely ou6SqXxhWG4-00418-00084936-00085223 um so for me my lifestyle was actually ou6SqXxhWG4-00419-00085224-00085335 quite ou6SqXxhWG4-00420-00085336-00085559 focused on sports so not a lot has ou6SqXxhWG4-00421-00085560-00085662 changed ou6SqXxhWG4-00422-00085663-00085894 um in my day to day the little aspects ou6SqXxhWG4-00423-00085895-00086023 of training so ou6SqXxhWG4-00424-00086024-00086215 for example we didn't have access to ou6SqXxhWG4-00425-00086216-00086375 gyms i think i've been ou6SqXxhWG4-00426-00086376-00086606 since a year ago in the last year i ou6SqXxhWG4-00427-00086607-00086806 guess i've only been inside a gym ou6SqXxhWG4-00428-00086807-00086999 three or four times which is quite ou6SqXxhWG4-00429-00087000-00087126 different when i would be ou6SqXxhWG4-00430-00087127-00087343 in normal years you know twice a week if ou6SqXxhWG4-00431-00087344-00087535 not three times a week at times so ou6SqXxhWG4-00432-00087536-00087694 um that was the biggest change but it ou6SqXxhWG4-00433-00087695-00087982 was also i saw a lot of a benefit from ou6SqXxhWG4-00434-00087983-00088175 it by just being able to i set up a ou6SqXxhWG4-00435-00088176-00088382 little bit of a home gym on my back deck ou6SqXxhWG4-00436-00088383-00088438 and ou6SqXxhWG4-00437-00088439-00088631 was able to do a lot of the exercises at ou6SqXxhWG4-00438-00088632-00088831 home and instead of just you know ou6SqXxhWG4-00439-00088832-00089015 going directly to the weights picking up ou6SqXxhWG4-00440-00089016-00089167 big weights and trying to get stronger ou6SqXxhWG4-00441-00089168-00089343 that way we really focused on the little ou6SqXxhWG4-00442-00089344-00089423 minor ou6SqXxhWG4-00443-00089424-00089687 imbalances and little um things that ou6SqXxhWG4-00444-00089688-00089799 will ou6SqXxhWG4-00445-00089800-00089975 that take a lot of time but have to be ou6SqXxhWG4-00446-00089976-00090150 really focused in order to ou6SqXxhWG4-00447-00090151-00090406 um get them to the level that i want to ou6SqXxhWG4-00448-00090407-00090511 at the level that i'm ou6SqXxhWG4-00449-00090512-00090855 competing at so that was a little um ou6SqXxhWG4-00450-00090856-00091023 a change for me and i think it was a ou6SqXxhWG4-00451-00091024-00091231 really good benefit uh right from the ou6SqXxhWG4-00452-00091232-00091391 beginning i really looked at ou6SqXxhWG4-00453-00091392-00091759 uh trying to for me to keep going was to ou6SqXxhWG4-00454-00091760-00091926 look at what i was gaining ou6SqXxhWG4-00455-00091927-00092159 gaining opportunities to train uh i ou6SqXxhWG4-00456-00092160-00092311 wasn't traveling as much ou6SqXxhWG4-00457-00092312-00092591 uh less you know with everyone kind of ou6SqXxhWG4-00458-00092592-00092623 not ou6SqXxhWG4-00459-00092624-00092879 in like full lockdown but more isolated ou6SqXxhWG4-00460-00092880-00093047 uh there was less chance to get sick so ou6SqXxhWG4-00461-00093048-00093174 these were all little things that i was ou6SqXxhWG4-00462-00093175-00093223 gaining ou6SqXxhWG4-00463-00093224-00093550 that could benefit my training and ou6SqXxhWG4-00464-00093551-00093750 you know living out here in the rockies ou6SqXxhWG4-00465-00093751-00093879 uh calgary ou6SqXxhWG4-00466-00093880-00094182 canmore banff all this beautiful area ou6SqXxhWG4-00467-00094183-00094399 um we can have that access to these ou6SqXxhWG4-00468-00094400-00094574 beautiful uh ou6SqXxhWG4-00469-00094575-00094879 areas trails um just experiences out ou6SqXxhWG4-00470-00094880-00095015 there so it was really neat to ou6SqXxhWG4-00471-00095016-00095215 kind of get out and do a little bit more ou6SqXxhWG4-00472-00095216-00095374 running um and see ou6SqXxhWG4-00473-00095375-00095526 deuce a lot of different trails this ou6SqXxhWG4-00474-00095527-00095662 year explore a little you know you ou6SqXxhWG4-00475-00095663-00095791 create that list at the beginning of the ou6SqXxhWG4-00476-00095792-00095903 year and see if you can ou6SqXxhWG4-00477-00095904-00096143 knock off a bunch of those hikes so ou6SqXxhWG4-00478-00096144-00096223 those kind of ou6SqXxhWG4-00479-00096224-00096567 different little changes um again ou6SqXxhWG4-00480-00096568-00096767 what kept me motivated was the fact that ou6SqXxhWG4-00481-00096768-00096959 uh i can keep looking towards ou6SqXxhWG4-00482-00096960-00097215 kind of that steadfast goal of march 5th ou6SqXxhWG4-00483-00097216-00097423 2022. that's the very first race of the ou6SqXxhWG4-00484-00097424-00097526 paralympics ou6SqXxhWG4-00485-00097527-00097750 and for me that's a really good kind of ou6SqXxhWG4-00486-00097751-00097838 anchor or ou6SqXxhWG4-00487-00097839-00098191 uh yeah a goal for me so i can keep my ou6SqXxhWG4-00488-00098192-00098238 uh ou6SqXxhWG4-00489-00098239-00098374 you know if i'm having a bad day or ou6SqXxhWG4-00490-00098375-00098543 struggling through something whether ou6SqXxhWG4-00491-00098544-00098671 it's restrictions or just ou6SqXxhWG4-00492-00098672-00098903 you know a tough day bad weather ou6SqXxhWG4-00493-00098904-00099015 something like that ou6SqXxhWG4-00494-00099016-00099231 i can keep thinking about that and that ou6SqXxhWG4-00495-00099232-00099503 kind of keeps me on the right course ou6SqXxhWG4-00496-00099504-00099743 awesome thank you uh so that is mark's ou6SqXxhWG4-00497-00099744-00099806 club and ou6SqXxhWG4-00498-00099807-00099967 again as mark talks about the ou6SqXxhWG4-00499-00099968-00100215 adaptability side of training we see ou6SqXxhWG4-00500-00100216-00100574 a variety of that uh michelle as a coach ou6SqXxhWG4-00501-00100575-00100855 um do you guys then run programs just as ou6SqXxhWG4-00502-00100856-00101071 we saw there you know people on ou6SqXxhWG4-00503-00101072-00101423 roller skis and dry land do do programs ou6SqXxhWG4-00504-00101424-00101479 run ou6SqXxhWG4-00505-00101480-00101782 other than just winter and and with that ou6SqXxhWG4-00506-00101783-00101862 also ou6SqXxhWG4-00507-00101863-00102126 can you let um those who are ou6SqXxhWG4-00508-00102127-00102223 participating here ou6SqXxhWG4-00509-00102224-00102447 know where you guys train as well ou6SqXxhWG4-00510-00102448-00102615 because we saw a variety of stuff on the ou6SqXxhWG4-00511-00102616-00102702 video ou6SqXxhWG4-00512-00102703-00103030 yeah definitely so it kind of depends on ou6SqXxhWG4-00513-00103031-00103134 the age of ou6SqXxhWG4-00514-00103135-00103471 the participants so um as kids ou6SqXxhWG4-00515-00103472-00103654 that are participating get older so kind ou6SqXxhWG4-00516-00103655-00103815 of around the 12 year old ou6SqXxhWG4-00517-00103816-00104071 age mark then there does start to be ou6SqXxhWG4-00518-00104072-00104206 more dry land training ou6SqXxhWG4-00519-00104207-00104551 and some training in the canmore area as ou6SqXxhWG4-00520-00104552-00104615 well ou6SqXxhWG4-00521-00104616-00104806 so for kids younger than that and some ou6SqXxhWG4-00522-00104807-00104990 adult programming it's all based in the ou6SqXxhWG4-00523-00104991-00105134 calgary area ou6SqXxhWG4-00524-00105135-00105447 and our typical programs run ou6SqXxhWG4-00525-00105448-00105710 for winter from december through to kind ou6SqXxhWG4-00526-00105711-00105847 of mid-march ou6SqXxhWG4-00527-00105848-00106166 and then for full-year programs ou6SqXxhWG4-00528-00106167-00106486 start in may and then run sort of ou6SqXxhWG4-00529-00106488-00106654 dryland programming ou6SqXxhWG4-00530-00106655-00107007 um or start in september with dry land ou6SqXxhWG4-00531-00107008-00107102 for some of the ou6SqXxhWG4-00532-00107103-00107415 uh sort of adolescent age kids and that ou6SqXxhWG4-00533-00107416-00107551 would entail ou6SqXxhWG4-00534-00107552-00107783 um ski striding which is kind of like ou6SqXxhWG4-00535-00107783-00107934 hiking with poles ou6SqXxhWG4-00536-00107935-00108319 um definitely lots of strength training ou6SqXxhWG4-00537-00108320-00108558 core stability sort of what mark alluded ou6SqXxhWG4-00538-00108559-00108734 to is really important ou6SqXxhWG4-00539-00108735-00109007 and definitely the shooting side can be ou6SqXxhWG4-00540-00109008-00109054 done ou6SqXxhWG4-00541-00109055-00109390 dry land and then roller skiing as well ou6SqXxhWG4-00542-00109391-00109478 so that is ou6SqXxhWG4-00543-00109479-00109686 mainly done in kenmore just because ou6SqXxhWG4-00544-00109688-00109902 that's where the best access to ou6SqXxhWG4-00545-00109903-00110207 safe roller ski trails is okay ou6SqXxhWG4-00546-00110208-00110534 great uh greg as a parent um ou6SqXxhWG4-00547-00110535-00110775 you know you're talking about uh whether ou6SqXxhWG4-00548-00110776-00110934 it's a full year program and then go ou6SqXxhWG4-00549-00110935-00111095 back and forth to ou6SqXxhWG4-00550-00111096-00111319 canmore for some of the shooting ou6SqXxhWG4-00551-00111320-00111607 training or some of the roller training ou6SqXxhWG4-00552-00111608-00111839 as a parent and you have two kids ou6SqXxhWG4-00553-00111840-00111951 involved ou6SqXxhWG4-00554-00111952-00112199 do you find that you know it's a winter ou6SqXxhWG4-00555-00112200-00112263 sport and ou6SqXxhWG4-00556-00112264-00112471 and i come from saskatoon so i ou6SqXxhWG4-00557-00112472-00112615 understand cold weather and being ou6SqXxhWG4-00558-00112616-00112695 outside ou6SqXxhWG4-00559-00112696-00112951 um you know we just had that really cold ou6SqXxhWG4-00560-00112952-00113047 spell do you ou6SqXxhWG4-00561-00113048-00113375 find that uh you struggle with ou6SqXxhWG4-00562-00113376-00113631 sort of motivating the kids because it's ou6SqXxhWG4-00563-00113632-00113695 it's ou6SqXxhWG4-00564-00113696-00113886 maybe a little different than some ou6SqXxhWG4-00565-00113888-00114054 sports that are team that you go ou6SqXxhWG4-00566-00114055-00114215 okay you know you have to be there ou6SqXxhWG4-00567-00114216-00114366 you've committed to this team it's more ou6SqXxhWG4-00568-00114367-00114615 of an individual sport but ou6SqXxhWG4-00569-00114616-00114943 how do you find that as as a parent with ou6SqXxhWG4-00570-00114944-00115110 a sport which is dealing with a lot of ou6SqXxhWG4-00571-00115111-00115254 outdoor elements ou6SqXxhWG4-00572-00115255-00115599 and and driving yeah the driving ou6SqXxhWG4-00573-00115600-00115975 usually you end up carpooling and a big ou6SqXxhWG4-00574-00115976-00116183 part of it as well becomes a social ou6SqXxhWG4-00575-00116183-00116302 aspect ou6SqXxhWG4-00576-00116303-00116663 and uh like the kids you know there'd be ou6SqXxhWG4-00577-00116664-00116775 the odd time they may not be as ou6SqXxhWG4-00578-00116776-00116934 motivated but most of the time and they ou6SqXxhWG4-00579-00116935-00117086 have to get us on the go ou6SqXxhWG4-00580-00117088-00117215 because they when they want to get they ou6SqXxhWG4-00581-00117216-00117415 want to get out there and see their ou6SqXxhWG4-00582-00117416-00117583 friends and have some fun ou6SqXxhWG4-00583-00117583-00117863 and do that it's not only is it sort of ou6SqXxhWG4-00584-00117864-00117895 the ou6SqXxhWG4-00585-00117896-00118086 the training and the competitive side of ou6SqXxhWG4-00586-00118088-00118263 it but there's a big social side to it ou6SqXxhWG4-00587-00118264-00118390 as well ou6SqXxhWG4-00588-00118391-00118678 and uh yeah so far as dealing with the ou6SqXxhWG4-00589-00118679-00118790 colds ou6SqXxhWG4-00590-00118791-00119007 you everybody when you're in the club ou6SqXxhWG4-00591-00119008-00119102 everybody sort of ou6SqXxhWG4-00592-00119103-00119302 shares their tips and you find out what ou6SqXxhWG4-00593-00119303-00119551 are the good gloves and ou6SqXxhWG4-00594-00119552-00119878 and the good gear to have and what works ou6SqXxhWG4-00595-00119879-00120254 um and yeah they seem to deal quite well ou6SqXxhWG4-00596-00120255-00120614 with it um yeah that yeah ou6SqXxhWG4-00597-00120615-00120814 like for the driving like we end up you ou6SqXxhWG4-00598-00120815-00120975 know with our kid kids are in different ou6SqXxhWG4-00599-00120976-00121134 age groups we end up with different two ou6SqXxhWG4-00600-00121135-00121334 different carpools but ou6SqXxhWG4-00601-00121335-00121614 that is the way of sharing that and they ou6SqXxhWG4-00602-00121615-00121702 get to ou6SqXxhWG4-00603-00121703-00121983 go see their friends and chit-chat on ou6SqXxhWG4-00604-00121983-00122078 the way out and back ou6SqXxhWG4-00605-00122079-00122271 as well as that training so they they ou6SqXxhWG4-00606-00122272-00122390 really enjoy it ou6SqXxhWG4-00607-00122391-00122614 yeah great thanks and you know i think ou6SqXxhWG4-00608-00122615-00122823 often uh i mean i was in an ou6SqXxhWG4-00609-00122824-00122975 individual sport but there is a real ou6SqXxhWG4-00610-00122976-00123151 team atmosphere as well so a lot of what ou6SqXxhWG4-00611-00123152-00123271 you're talking about ou6SqXxhWG4-00612-00123272-00123607 um you know is that um mark i want to ou6SqXxhWG4-00613-00123608-00123814 ask because we have a lot of ou6SqXxhWG4-00614-00123815-00124095 people in choir within sport calgary uh ou6SqXxhWG4-00615-00124096-00124231 within different sports ou6SqXxhWG4-00616-00124232-00124551 about what programs are adaptable ou6SqXxhWG4-00617-00124552-00124878 for people with a disability um so can ou6SqXxhWG4-00618-00124879-00125007 you ou6SqXxhWG4-00619-00125008-00125239 tell everybody a little bit about um you ou6SqXxhWG4-00620-00125240-00125447 know sort of that inclusive side and ou6SqXxhWG4-00621-00125448-00125734 and how you found it getting involved in ou6SqXxhWG4-00622-00125735-00125766 uh ou6SqXxhWG4-00623-00125767-00126134 cross country and with biathlon yeah so ou6SqXxhWG4-00624-00126135-00126375 for me i've been very fortunate uh i'm ou6SqXxhWG4-00625-00126376-00126558 missing my arm just above the ou6SqXxhWG4-00626-00126559-00126807 left elbow and so i can do a lot of the ou6SqXxhWG4-00627-00126808-00126895 training with ou6SqXxhWG4-00628-00126896-00127134 uh an able-bodied team so that's why i ou6SqXxhWG4-00629-00127135-00127231 jumped with uh ou6SqXxhWG4-00630-00127232-00127543 rocky mountain racers here in kenmore ou6SqXxhWG4-00631-00127544-00127886 to train with them and and pretty much i ou6SqXxhWG4-00632-00127888-00128007 can do everything ou6SqXxhWG4-00633-00128008-00128263 um anyone else can i can do the running ou6SqXxhWG4-00634-00128264-00128383 i can do the biking ou6SqXxhWG4-00635-00128383-00128663 uh the roller skiing uh and when we get ou6SqXxhWG4-00636-00128664-00128910 to the snow the skiing itself so ou6SqXxhWG4-00637-00128911-00129175 for me it's finding that little it was i ou6SqXxhWG4-00638-00129176-00129247 was very ou6SqXxhWG4-00639-00129248-00129383 comfortable getting into that ou6SqXxhWG4-00640-00129383-00129631 able-bodied side now for a few ou6SqXxhWG4-00641-00129632-00129799 uh disabilities it's a little more ou6SqXxhWG4-00642-00129800-00130007 challenging for example anyone you know ou6SqXxhWG4-00643-00130008-00130102 a wheelchair ou6SqXxhWG4-00644-00130103-00130502 or a wmd amputee um ou6SqXxhWG4-00645-00130503-00130678 it becomes a little bit more challenging ou6SqXxhWG4-00646-00130679-00130839 i as far as i know ou6SqXxhWG4-00647-00130840-00131135 uh trail sports at the camera nordics ou6SqXxhWG4-00648-00131136-00131207 center ou6SqXxhWG4-00649-00131208-00131471 will have i believe they have rentals um ou6SqXxhWG4-00650-00131472-00131654 for sit ski so you can get into a sit ou6SqXxhWG4-00651-00131655-00131839 ski and try that um ou6SqXxhWG4-00652-00131840-00131983 and it was mentioned before nordic ou6SqXxhWG4-00653-00131984-00132166 alberta is another good resource they ou6SqXxhWG4-00654-00132167-00132319 have a few ou6SqXxhWG4-00655-00132320-00132559 um what we call them sit skis and so ou6SqXxhWG4-00656-00132560-00132823 essentially it's just a seated position ou6SqXxhWG4-00657-00132824-00133023 on that's set onto some ski so that ou6SqXxhWG4-00658-00133024-00133175 allows people to get out ou6SqXxhWG4-00659-00133176-00133431 and ski like that and um i believe ou6SqXxhWG4-00660-00133432-00133623 nordic alberta has a few of those ou6SqXxhWG4-00661-00133624-00133775 kind of spaced everywhere i'm not sure ou6SqXxhWG4-00662-00133776-00133943 if foothills has access ou6SqXxhWG4-00663-00133944-00134271 to any of those um but could find uh ou6SqXxhWG4-00664-00134272-00134463 definitely find out if you wanted to try ou6SqXxhWG4-00665-00134464-00134566 that out ou6SqXxhWG4-00666-00134567-00134902 another side of uh or the third category ou6SqXxhWG4-00667-00134903-00135119 of disability that we deal with a lot is ou6SqXxhWG4-00668-00135120-00135231 visually impaired ou6SqXxhWG4-00669-00135232-00135423 so it's uh if someone visually impaired ou6SqXxhWG4-00670-00135424-00135639 goes out we ou6SqXxhWG4-00671-00135640-00135839 we can try to find someone around that ou6SqXxhWG4-00672-00135840-00135966 can help them ou6SqXxhWG4-00673-00135967-00136127 you know get started and guide them ou6SqXxhWG4-00674-00136128-00136311 through uh depending on what their ou6SqXxhWG4-00675-00136312-00136471 visually impairment is ou6SqXxhWG4-00676-00136472-00136727 um and then it's so they can act as a we ou6SqXxhWG4-00677-00136728-00136807 can always find ou6SqXxhWG4-00678-00136808-00136999 the clubs locally you can always try to ou6SqXxhWG4-00679-00137000-00137151 find someone as a guide ou6SqXxhWG4-00680-00137152-00137366 to kind of help someone to get going and ou6SqXxhWG4-00681-00137367-00137454 then uh ou6SqXxhWG4-00682-00137455-00137711 if the interest is there then we can ou6SqXxhWG4-00683-00137712-00137807 step in and ou6SqXxhWG4-00684-00137808-00138078 help out with uh the competition side of ou6SqXxhWG4-00685-00138079-00138111 uh ou6SqXxhWG4-00686-00138112-00138343 and training side um if that's something ou6SqXxhWG4-00687-00138344-00138519 that an individual wishes to ou6SqXxhWG4-00688-00138520-00138831 pursue okay that's awesome thank you and ou6SqXxhWG4-00689-00138832-00139007 again just so everybody knows we will ou6SqXxhWG4-00690-00139008-00139135 have a list of um ou6SqXxhWG4-00691-00139136-00139399 the links uh on our website afterwards ou6SqXxhWG4-00692-00139400-00139471 so ou6SqXxhWG4-00693-00139472-00139814 um that you can access that at any time ou6SqXxhWG4-00694-00139815-00140111 um michelle you know we talk a little ou6SqXxhWG4-00695-00140112-00140151 bit ou6SqXxhWG4-00696-00140152-00140302 uh you talked about it earlier and then ou6SqXxhWG4-00697-00140303-00140527 we saw it on the video there's the skate ou6SqXxhWG4-00698-00140528-00140566 seat ou6SqXxhWG4-00699-00140567-00140783 skiing and then there's the classic so ou6SqXxhWG4-00700-00140784-00140990 if somebody comes to the club ou6SqXxhWG4-00701-00140991-00141254 and they don't know which is best for ou6SqXxhWG4-00702-00141255-00141295 them ou6SqXxhWG4-00703-00141296-00141543 do you as a coach sort of watch how they ou6SqXxhWG4-00704-00141544-00141647 go about it like ou6SqXxhWG4-00705-00141648-00141814 how how does somebody actually i don't ou6SqXxhWG4-00706-00141815-00141999 know if it's decide or what i mean ou6SqXxhWG4-00707-00142000-00142175 mine i kind of came by naturally just ou6SqXxhWG4-00708-00142176-00142343 from speed skating but ou6SqXxhWG4-00709-00142344-00142671 how do you manage that yeah well both ou6SqXxhWG4-00710-00142672-00142759 disciplines ou6SqXxhWG4-00711-00142760-00142983 require the same foundation so you can ou6SqXxhWG4-00712-00142984-00143095 work on these at home ou6SqXxhWG4-00713-00143096-00143414 so there's body position weight shift ou6SqXxhWG4-00714-00143415-00143719 and balance and glide so you need both ou6SqXxhWG4-00715-00143720-00143790 of those for ou6SqXxhWG4-00716-00143791-00144159 classic and skate typically ou6SqXxhWG4-00717-00144160-00144335 it's sometimes easier to learn classic ou6SqXxhWG4-00718-00144336-00144478 first but if someone comes in ou6SqXxhWG4-00719-00144479-00144647 and they're keen on just starting with ou6SqXxhWG4-00720-00144648-00144823 biathlon then they can just jump into ou6SqXxhWG4-00721-00144824-00144863 that ou6SqXxhWG4-00722-00144864-00145135 so for our youth programming on the ou6SqXxhWG4-00723-00145136-00145335 biathlon side we definitely ou6SqXxhWG4-00724-00145336-00145535 encourage those kids and the coaches do ou6SqXxhWG4-00725-00145536-00145759 also do classic technique as well ou6SqXxhWG4-00726-00145760-00145951 and even the older athletes train in ou6SqXxhWG4-00727-00145952-00146095 both disciplines as well ou6SqXxhWG4-00728-00146096-00146414 so but i'd say if you if you're keen on ou6SqXxhWG4-00729-00146415-00146511 one or the other ou6SqXxhWG4-00730-00146512-00146799 you can do whatever you you prefer is a ou6SqXxhWG4-00731-00146800-00146959 good entry point ou6SqXxhWG4-00732-00146960-00147126 okay perfect we're going to show a ou6SqXxhWG4-00733-00147127-00147278 couple videos here we've ou6SqXxhWG4-00734-00147279-00147559 asked people about why they like ou6SqXxhWG4-00736-00150681-00151078 [Music] ou6SqXxhWG4-00737-00151079-00152206 is definitely just ou6SqXxhWG4-00738-00152207-00152678 [Music] ou6SqXxhWG4-00739-00152679-00153084 she ou6SqXxhWG4-00740-00153085-00153271 [Music] ou6SqXxhWG4-00741-00153272-00153647 awesome uh yeah i would say that's uh ou6SqXxhWG4-00742-00153648-00153799 it's probably one of the toughest sports ou6SqXxhWG4-00743-00153800-00153878 for sure ou6SqXxhWG4-00744-00153879-00154239 um greg as a parent um ou6SqXxhWG4-00745-00154240-00154383 you know i think that's sometimes the ou6SqXxhWG4-00746-00154384-00154590 most difficult thing is to see ou6SqXxhWG4-00747-00154591-00154935 um your children performing ou6SqXxhWG4-00748-00154936-00155239 struggling how has it been for you ou6SqXxhWG4-00749-00155240-00155519 to have two kids involved and to sort of ou6SqXxhWG4-00750-00155520-00155711 be on the sidelines watching a ou6SqXxhWG4-00751-00155712-00156014 you know it's it's a physically and it's ou6SqXxhWG4-00752-00156015-00156247 a difficult sport for sure ou6SqXxhWG4-00753-00156248-00156431 yeah i know there are those days when ou6SqXxhWG4-00754-00156432-00156654 you know their their skiing isn't as ou6SqXxhWG4-00755-00156655-00156871 good or their shooting isn't as good and ou6SqXxhWG4-00756-00156872-00157007 you know you're you're coming in ou6SqXxhWG4-00757-00157008-00157239 at the end of the pack where you know ou6SqXxhWG4-00758-00157240-00157366 there could be tears and ou6SqXxhWG4-00759-00157367-00157599 and sadness about it all and that you ou6SqXxhWG4-00760-00157600-00157775 know it's apparent you kind of ou6SqXxhWG4-00761-00157776-00158102 uh gets to get you at the heart but um ou6SqXxhWG4-00762-00158103-00158319 you know the kids they keep working at ou6SqXxhWG4-00763-00158320-00158431 it and ou6SqXxhWG4-00764-00158432-00158590 that's the you know the one thing with ou6SqXxhWG4-00765-00158591-00158766 biathlon is ou6SqXxhWG4-00766-00158767-00158966 it can be anyone's game because somebody ou6SqXxhWG4-00767-00158967-00159199 can can be ou6SqXxhWG4-00768-00159200-00159454 skiing really great and they're shooting ou6SqXxhWG4-00769-00159455-00159631 great and then all of a sudden they have ou6SqXxhWG4-00770-00159632-00159743 a shooting that ou6SqXxhWG4-00771-00159744-00159966 doesn't go well and the people from the ou6SqXxhWG4-00772-00159967-00160119 back of the pack their shooting goes ou6SqXxhWG4-00773-00160120-00160199 well ou6SqXxhWG4-00774-00160200-00160607 and it moves up but yeah the hard ou6SqXxhWG4-00775-00160608-00160783 but you know i think you know the kids ou6SqXxhWG4-00776-00160784-00160983 there's lots of opportunities like for ou6SqXxhWG4-00777-00160984-00161151 the coaches to help them improve them ou6SqXxhWG4-00778-00161152-00161295 and work on things ou6SqXxhWG4-00779-00161296-00161607 and um i know the coaches ou6SqXxhWG4-00780-00161608-00161823 you know that's what they really thrive ou6SqXxhWG4-00781-00161824-00161966 on as well is when they ou6SqXxhWG4-00782-00161967-00162095 do see these kids that are really ou6SqXxhWG4-00783-00162096-00162383 working hard and putting themselves out ou6SqXxhWG4-00784-00162384-00162687 and and being able to see them improve ou6SqXxhWG4-00785-00162688-00162847 as they work hard and ou6SqXxhWG4-00786-00162848-00163287 and get better on the sport ou6SqXxhWG4-00787-00163288-00163478 and uh mark i'm going to turn this one ou6SqXxhWG4-00788-00163479-00163702 to you this might not be fair it's maybe ou6SqXxhWG4-00789-00163703-00163814 like when people ou6SqXxhWG4-00790-00163815-00164063 ask me you know it's like asking which ou6SqXxhWG4-00791-00164064-00164199 of your children do you like the best ou6SqXxhWG4-00792-00164200-00164271 it's like ou6SqXxhWG4-00793-00164272-00164631 depends on the day what do you i'm gonna ou6SqXxhWG4-00794-00164632-00164790 ask do you like triathlon ou6SqXxhWG4-00795-00164791-00165031 or cross country could do you have a ou6SqXxhWG4-00796-00165032-00165151 favorite ou6SqXxhWG4-00797-00165152-00165463 uh classic biathlon race is that fair um ou6SqXxhWG4-00798-00165464-00165766 no uh i think i've really enjoyed ou6SqXxhWG4-00799-00165767-00166102 the uh like the greg was mentioning that ou6SqXxhWG4-00800-00166103-00166302 kind of balance there's always that ou6SqXxhWG4-00801-00166303-00166614 um that chance of having multiple bad ou6SqXxhWG4-00802-00166615-00166654 bit ou6SqXxhWG4-00803-00166655-00166919 parts of a bad day but there's also ou6SqXxhWG4-00804-00166920-00167087 really a lot of chances to have really ou6SqXxhWG4-00805-00167088-00167126 good ou6SqXxhWG4-00806-00167127-00167319 parts so your skin is going really well ou6SqXxhWG4-00807-00167320-00167478 your transitions are really good ou6SqXxhWG4-00808-00167479-00167711 and your shooting is going really well ou6SqXxhWG4-00809-00167712-00167831 and i really ou6SqXxhWG4-00810-00167832-00168102 like that element of biathlon as well ou6SqXxhWG4-00811-00168103-00168271 and there are opportunities you know if ou6SqXxhWG4-00812-00168272-00168463 i'm not skiing while or feeling well ou6SqXxhWG4-00813-00168464-00168671 i can rely on my shooting um i've had ou6SqXxhWG4-00814-00168672-00168790 races where ou6SqXxhWG4-00815-00168791-00169087 i know i'm not going to outski anyone it ou6SqXxhWG4-00816-00169088-00169231 may be the last skier ou6SqXxhWG4-00817-00169232-00169399 but as long as i can focus on my ou6SqXxhWG4-00818-00169400-00169559 shooting um ou6SqXxhWG4-00819-00169560-00169790 i can have a good race and i think and ou6SqXxhWG4-00820-00169791-00169926 and that works the other way ou6SqXxhWG4-00821-00169927-00170087 as around as well and i've done that as ou6SqXxhWG4-00822-00170088-00170295 well you know really bad shooting but my ou6SqXxhWG4-00823-00170296-00170447 scheme keeps me in it so ou6SqXxhWG4-00824-00170448-00170647 i think that element of biothon is ou6SqXxhWG4-00825-00170648-00170766 really exciting that ou6SqXxhWG4-00826-00170767-00171038 no matter what you can still fight um ou6SqXxhWG4-00827-00171039-00171166 because there are different aspects that ou6SqXxhWG4-00828-00171167-00171351 are still going to contribute to your ou6SqXxhWG4-00829-00171352-00171559 success on that day ou6SqXxhWG4-00830-00171560-00171863 awesome uh you know we kind of talking ou6SqXxhWG4-00831-00171864-00172031 about the perfect race which i think ou6SqXxhWG4-00832-00172032-00172166 every athlete ou6SqXxhWG4-00833-00172167-00172438 tries to chase uh we'd like to show ou6SqXxhWG4-00834-00172439-00172535 another video ou6SqXxhWG4-00835-00172536-00172751 uh this one is called uh the ou6SqXxhWG4-00836-00172752-00173471 paralympians so take a look everyone ou6SqXxhWG4-00837-00173472-00173663 for the baffling it's i'm looking for ou6SqXxhWG4-00838-00173664-00173863 that perfect race i almost feel like if ou6SqXxhWG4-00839-00173864-00174063 i have that perfect race then i'm done ou6SqXxhWG4-00840-00174064-00174295 i can retire but there's always more ou6SqXxhWG4-00841-00174296-00174519 there's always more speed to be had or ou6SqXxhWG4-00842-00174520-00174702 i can shoot a little quicker or shoot ou6SqXxhWG4-00843-00174703-00174823 cleaner and that's ou6SqXxhWG4-00844-00174824-00174990 what i'm going for from the bathroom ou6SqXxhWG4-00845-00174991-00175183 side hey you gotta do it again you got a ou6SqXxhWG4-00846-00175184-00175247 temple up ou6SqXxhWG4-00847-00175248-00175526 too slow you actually gotta ski i was ou6SqXxhWG4-00848-00175527-00175663 just walking up the hill you have to ou6SqXxhWG4-00849-00175664-00175719 smoke ou6SqXxhWG4-00850-00175720-00175863 you have to come up and you have to have ou6SqXxhWG4-00851-00175864-00176023 like some purpose robin's ou6SqXxhWG4-00852-00176024-00176302 been a huge component to what i've ou6SqXxhWG4-00853-00176303-00176359 become ou6SqXxhWG4-00854-00176360-00176638 as a racer we've worked together for ou6SqXxhWG4-00855-00176639-00176823 years now ou6SqXxhWG4-00856-00176824-00177031 almost my whole career all the lessons ou6SqXxhWG4-00857-00177032-00177207 he's learned all the ou6SqXxhWG4-00858-00177208-00177447 help he's giving me has made me the ou6SqXxhWG4-00859-00177448-00177590 racer i am today ou6SqXxhWG4-00860-00177591-00177766 i think i was always very good at ou6SqXxhWG4-00861-00177767-00177999 training but my racing was where ou6SqXxhWG4-00862-00178000-00178199 i was missing something and i think ou6SqXxhWG4-00863-00178200-00178407 robin always had that ou6SqXxhWG4-00864-00178408-00178575 it doesn't matter what else has happened ou6SqXxhWG4-00865-00178576-00178766 before it's a start line and go and i ou6SqXxhWG4-00866-00178767-00178895 think that's been one of the biggest ou6SqXxhWG4-00867-00178896-00178966 things ou6SqXxhWG4-00868-00178967-00179295 i needed to learn i don't think ou6SqXxhWG4-00869-00179296-00179575 just winning a paralympic medal is the ou6SqXxhWG4-00870-00179576-00179663 perfect race ou6SqXxhWG4-00871-00179664-00179926 i might have several of them but i know ou6SqXxhWG4-00872-00179927-00180023 that there is ou6SqXxhWG4-00873-00180024-00180207 more to be had there's more speed i ou6SqXxhWG4-00874-00180208-00180335 could be faster here ou6SqXxhWG4-00875-00180336-00180607 when i know absolutely that i'm going ou6SqXxhWG4-00876-00180608-00180751 the fastest i have ou6SqXxhWG4-00877-00180752-00180926 ever been and ever will be i think ou6SqXxhWG4-00878-00180927-00181095 that's the moment where i'll know i have ou6SqXxhWG4-00879-00181096-00181254 that perfect race ou6SqXxhWG4-00880-00181255-00181447 does that make you so excited mark for a ou6SqXxhWG4-00881-00181448-00181559 year from now ou6SqXxhWG4-00882-00181560-00181919 oh yeah exactly ou6SqXxhWG4-00883-00181920-00182078 that's awesome you're not going to go to ou6SqXxhWG4-00884-00182079-00182247 train again ou6SqXxhWG4-00885-00182248-00182454 yeah i know we tried to schedule this ou6SqXxhWG4-00886-00182455-00182623 around everybody's sort of work ou6SqXxhWG4-00887-00182624-00182926 training everything um and you know ou6SqXxhWG4-00888-00182927-00183102 we're sort of nearing the end we want to ou6SqXxhWG4-00889-00183103-00183287 make sure that everybody has uh ou6SqXxhWG4-00890-00183288-00183566 has a little bit of lunch hour left um ou6SqXxhWG4-00891-00183567-00183607 quick ou6SqXxhWG4-00892-00183608-00183926 question that came from the chat box so ou6SqXxhWG4-00893-00183927-00184135 i'm not sure who wants to take this ou6SqXxhWG4-00894-00184136-00184511 um does snowshoeba is snowshoe bath on ou6SqXxhWG4-00895-00184512-00184702 a thing in alberta or is that more ou6SqXxhWG4-00896-00184703-00184911 regional because it was ou6SqXxhWG4-00897-00184912-00185063 done somebody had done it at the ou6SqXxhWG4-00898-00185064-00185263 northwest territories and i ou6SqXxhWG4-00899-00185264-00185543 i don't know who to ask so to the panel ou6SqXxhWG4-00900-00185544-00185590 does ou6SqXxhWG4-00901-00185591-00185783 does anybody know if that's actually a ou6SqXxhWG4-00902-00185784-00185990 thing here ou6SqXxhWG4-00903-00185991-00186247 as far as i know it's not a thing here i ou6SqXxhWG4-00904-00186248-00186326 know ou6SqXxhWG4-00905-00186327-00186590 i think it's more regional um i know ou6SqXxhWG4-00906-00186591-00186759 i've seen there is ou6SqXxhWG4-00907-00186760-00186966 variations of like having biking ou6SqXxhWG4-00908-00186967-00187119 biathlon ou6SqXxhWG4-00909-00187120-00187431 um but ou6SqXxhWG4-00910-00187432-00187638 i haven't seen that happening regionally ou6SqXxhWG4-00911-00187639-00187887 around here okay ou6SqXxhWG4-00912-00187888-00188135 um okay and just uh sort of as we wrap ou6SqXxhWG4-00913-00188136-00188278 up a little bit if there are any ou6SqXxhWG4-00914-00188279-00188423 questions people can put them in the ou6SqXxhWG4-00915-00188424-00188502 chat ou6SqXxhWG4-00916-00188503-00188871 um i'm gonna start uh greg you're on so ou6SqXxhWG4-00917-00188872-00189007 i'm gonna start with you ou6SqXxhWG4-00918-00189008-00189319 um what's your favorite and again we're ou6SqXxhWG4-00919-00189320-00189454 talking either ou6SqXxhWG4-00920-00189455-00189678 well nordic how about i say nordic ou6SqXxhWG4-00921-00189679-00189878 sports so again it brings them all in ou6SqXxhWG4-00922-00189879-00190190 uh favorite thing about the sport ou6SqXxhWG4-00923-00190191-00190519 uh the favorite thing i mean like ou6SqXxhWG4-00924-00190520-00190719 i like to see like for my kids in it ou6SqXxhWG4-00925-00190720-00190863 like how much ou6SqXxhWG4-00926-00190864-00191047 they work and how much they progress and ou6SqXxhWG4-00927-00191048-00191263 how much opportunity it is to progress ou6SqXxhWG4-00928-00191264-00191526 and biathlon is uh like a late maturing ou6SqXxhWG4-00929-00191527-00191623 sport ou6SqXxhWG4-00930-00191624-00192007 like the kids uh like ou6SqXxhWG4-00931-00192008-00192175 by the time they're hitting grade 12 in ou6SqXxhWG4-00932-00192176-00192350 that they're just starting to come into ou6SqXxhWG4-00933-00192351-00192471 their strength and it's ou6SqXxhWG4-00934-00192472-00192790 it's amazing to see how much they can ou6SqXxhWG4-00935-00192791-00193143 they improve from age 12 up to age 16 ou6SqXxhWG4-00936-00193144-00193431 17 when they're an 18 when they're ou6SqXxhWG4-00937-00193432-00193526 getting out of ou6SqXxhWG4-00938-00193527-00194023 high school michelle favorite thing ou6SqXxhWG4-00939-00194024-00194414 oh it's too hard everything ou6SqXxhWG4-00940-00194415-00194750 i love the freedom um ou6SqXxhWG4-00941-00194751-00195038 the growth that people can experience ou6SqXxhWG4-00942-00195039-00195207 and just the opportunity to ou6SqXxhWG4-00943-00195208-00195414 learn something about yourself the ou6SqXxhWG4-00944-00195415-00195566 friendships ou6SqXxhWG4-00945-00195567-00195863 um and just the access it's available to ou6SqXxhWG4-00946-00195864-00195966 anyone you can be ou6SqXxhWG4-00947-00195967-00196278 2 or 92 able-bodied disabled ou6SqXxhWG4-00948-00196279-00196583 it's available to everyone awesome ou6SqXxhWG4-00949-00196584-00196902 mark the adventures uh ou6SqXxhWG4-00950-00196903-00197031 yeah the adventures throughout the ou6SqXxhWG4-00951-00197032-00197214 rockies have been uh some of the most ou6SqXxhWG4-00952-00197215-00197343 memorable uh ou6SqXxhWG4-00953-00197344-00197526 days and experiences i've ever had so ou6SqXxhWG4-00954-00197527-00197750 that's my favorite part ou6SqXxhWG4-00955-00197751-00197959 okay uh we're getting a couple questions ou6SqXxhWG4-00956-00197960-00198183 coming in so let me go through these um ou6SqXxhWG4-00957-00198184-00198438 when does registration open for t1 and ou6SqXxhWG4-00958-00198439-00198750 t2 with foothills nordic ou6SqXxhWG4-00959-00198751-00199095 that opens up in uh beginning of may ou6SqXxhWG4-00960-00199096-00199423 okay beginning may perfect thank you um ou6SqXxhWG4-00961-00199424-00199743 which event is your favorite and why so ou6SqXxhWG4-00962-00199744-00199847 whether it's ou6SqXxhWG4-00963-00199848-00200214 sprint pursuit relay so i think uh ou6SqXxhWG4-00964-00200215-00200550 mark that's that's probably for you um ou6SqXxhWG4-00965-00200551-00200766 i i have to probably have to say sprint ou6SqXxhWG4-00966-00200767-00200863 since it's the most ou6SqXxhWG4-00967-00200864-00201159 successful but uh um the individual's ou6SqXxhWG4-00968-00201160-00201207 also ou6SqXxhWG4-00969-00201208-00201471 right up there uh just in terms of i've ou6SqXxhWG4-00970-00201472-00201607 always been a better shooter ou6SqXxhWG4-00971-00201608-00201926 than skier so the the mentality of ou6SqXxhWG4-00972-00201927-00202087 approaching an individual has always ou6SqXxhWG4-00973-00202088-00202390 been a favorite of mine ou6SqXxhWG4-00974-00202391-00202687 uh question regarding budget and uh i ou6SqXxhWG4-00975-00202688-00202759 guess ou6SqXxhWG4-00976-00202760-00202966 for any of you how much should we brace ou6SqXxhWG4-00977-00202967-00203150 for for the first year or two ou6SqXxhWG4-00978-00203151-00203326 and again um you know we talked about ou6SqXxhWG4-00979-00203327-00203511 renting stuff what about the rightful ou6SqXxhWG4-00980-00203512-00203599 side so ou6SqXxhWG4-00981-00203600-00203823 if any of you could uh take the the ou6SqXxhWG4-00982-00203824-00204095 budget question ou6SqXxhWG4-00983-00204096-00204407 so for when you start getting to the 22s ou6SqXxhWG4-00984-00204408-00204550 and the older age groups when you're ou6SqXxhWG4-00985-00204551-00204687 training ou6SqXxhWG4-00986-00204688-00204998 year round uh the training is that runs ou6SqXxhWG4-00987-00205000-00205334 in the 1500 to 2 000 range for ou6SqXxhWG4-00988-00205335-00205638 uh going from may through to ou6SqXxhWG4-00989-00205639-00205975 mid-march the end of march and so far as ou6SqXxhWG4-00990-00205976-00206119 rifles go ou6SqXxhWG4-00991-00206119-00206279 you can either purchase a rifle but we ou6SqXxhWG4-00992-00206280-00206431 do have uh ou6SqXxhWG4-00993-00206432-00206710 rifle rentals for four hundred dollars a ou6SqXxhWG4-00994-00206711-00206775 year is ou6SqXxhWG4-00995-00206776-00207127 roughly what it is okay ou6SqXxhWG4-00996-00207128-00207351 um and then just on the rifle side ou6SqXxhWG4-00997-00207352-00207446 question ou6SqXxhWG4-00998-00207448-00207719 does my son need to take the firearm ou6SqXxhWG4-00999-00207719-00207846 safety course ou6SqXxhWG4-01000-00207848-00208086 and as a parent do they need to take it ou6SqXxhWG4-01001-00208087-00208231 as well to transport the rifles if ou6SqXxhWG4-01002-00208232-00208351 they're driving ou6SqXxhWG4-01003-00208352-00208582 uh yes the parents need to take it and ou6SqXxhWG4-01004-00208583-00208662 the ou6SqXxhWG4-01005-00208663-00208951 children or the the the younger athletes ou6SqXxhWG4-01006-00208952-00209038 when they're 12 ou6SqXxhWG4-01007-00209039-00209271 they take the training as well and they ou6SqXxhWG4-01008-00209271-00209503 get a minor's license that then they can ou6SqXxhWG4-01009-00209504-00209614 convert into ou6SqXxhWG4-01010-00209615-00209934 the full adult license later on okay ou6SqXxhWG4-01011-00209935-00210246 and maybe this is for michelle ou6SqXxhWG4-01012-00210248-00210598 um we're talking about kids starting um ou6SqXxhWG4-01013-00210600-00210934 so you said you have ou6SqXxhWG4-01014-00210935-00211263 people up to 78 i believe um and ou6SqXxhWG4-01015-00211264-00211527 sort of all age groups so can mature ou6SqXxhWG4-01016-00211528-00211606 adults ou6SqXxhWG4-01017-00211607-00211846 does that mean uh anybody my age and ou6SqXxhWG4-01018-00211848-00211919 older ou6SqXxhWG4-01019-00211919-00212191 um can you know sort of any age can can ou6SqXxhWG4-01020-00212192-00212279 you start ou6SqXxhWG4-01021-00212280-00212615 uh without any background yep for sure ou6SqXxhWG4-01022-00212616-00212998 so um so foothills specifically we ou6SqXxhWG4-01023-00213000-00213287 have a number of learn to ski programs ou6SqXxhWG4-01024-00213288-00213398 we have adult ou6SqXxhWG4-01025-00213400-00213719 um sort of training programs we have a ou6SqXxhWG4-01026-00213719-00213831 master's program ou6SqXxhWG4-01027-00213832-00214110 we have a women's specific 55 plus ou6SqXxhWG4-01028-00214111-00214239 program ou6SqXxhWG4-01029-00214240-00214471 and yeah so there's something for ou6SqXxhWG4-01030-00214471-00214646 everyone if you've never been on skis ou6SqXxhWG4-01031-00214648-00214727 before we've ou6SqXxhWG4-01032-00214728-00215023 got something for you there's also bias ou6SqXxhWG4-01033-00215023-00215255 on five two for masters so ou6SqXxhWG4-01034-00215256-00215510 so it's 55 plus not 50 plus so i have to ou6SqXxhWG4-01035-00215511-00215655 wait five years well i don't know we've ou6SqXxhWG4-01036-00215656-00215879 we had a few people like push the ou6SqXxhWG4-01037-00215880-00216063 boundary on that this year ou6SqXxhWG4-01038-00216064-00216446 okay okay good um and then ou6SqXxhWG4-01039-00216448-00216806 um last uh last little thing uh ou6SqXxhWG4-01040-00216807-00217110 so mark you are based in canmore so um ou6SqXxhWG4-01041-00217111-00217351 can you give an indication sort of when ou6SqXxhWG4-01042-00217352-00217479 people can ou6SqXxhWG4-01043-00217480-00217734 go out there and you know if they have ou6SqXxhWG4-01044-00217735-00217815 equipment ou6SqXxhWG4-01045-00217816-00217991 how that works and then i'll ask her to ou6SqXxhWG4-01046-00217992-00218151 greg and michelle within calgary but ou6SqXxhWG4-01047-00218152-00218294 how does it work to go to the kenmore ou6SqXxhWG4-01048-00218296-00218527 nordic center because it it sounds ou6SqXxhWG4-01049-00218528-00218839 intimidating uh not at all um ou6SqXxhWG4-01050-00218840-00218975 there is a lot of people and you can ou6SqXxhWG4-01051-00218976-00219246 have that if social aspect going out ou6SqXxhWG4-01052-00219248-00219382 especially on the weekends when ou6SqXxhWG4-01053-00219383-00219646 the newark center gets a lot busier but ou6SqXxhWG4-01054-00219648-00219823 you can always find some trails that are ou6SqXxhWG4-01055-00219823-00219910 really quiet ou6SqXxhWG4-01056-00219911-00220198 um as you kind of branch out uh yeah you ou6SqXxhWG4-01057-00220200-00220391 just can come to the nordic center uh ou6SqXxhWG4-01058-00220392-00220455 there are trail ou6SqXxhWG4-01059-00220456-00220663 event rentals also available at the ou6SqXxhWG4-01060-00220664-00220767 trail sports ou6SqXxhWG4-01061-00220767-00221039 right on site um and they have a large ou6SqXxhWG4-01062-00221040-00221151 fleet that you can ou6SqXxhWG4-01063-00221152-00221423 rent from and then just go and explore ou6SqXxhWG4-01064-00221423-00221471 and ou6SqXxhWG4-01065-00221471-00221751 starting to be safe probably early ou6SqXxhWG4-01066-00221752-00221815 december ou6SqXxhWG4-01067-00221816-00222031 you can start at the nordic center and ou6SqXxhWG4-01068-00222032-00222246 uh maybe it might be limited in the ou6SqXxhWG4-01069-00222248-00222334 first little ou6SqXxhWG4-01070-00222335-00222558 part of the early season um and ou6SqXxhWG4-01071-00222559-00222751 depending on when they stop grooming it ou6SqXxhWG4-01072-00222752-00222863 could be ou6SqXxhWG4-01073-00222864-00223015 through most of april where you could ou6SqXxhWG4-01074-00223016-00223175 keep skiing um ou6SqXxhWG4-01075-00223176-00223415 but uh some other fantastic places are ou6SqXxhWG4-01076-00223416-00223534 the k country ou6SqXxhWG4-01077-00223535-00223806 uh or canada's country so there's ou6SqXxhWG4-01078-00223807-00223863 several ou6SqXxhWG4-01079-00223864-00224167 trailheads around there mount shark is ou6SqXxhWG4-01080-00224167-00224206 another ou6SqXxhWG4-01081-00224207-00224358 great place if you have your own ou6SqXxhWG4-01082-00224359-00224503 equipment that can kind of get out there ou6SqXxhWG4-01083-00224504-00224694 and feel comfortable a little bit more ou6SqXxhWG4-01084-00224696-00225046 in our remote area and ou6SqXxhWG4-01085-00225048-00225246 yeah brad creek is another good example ou6SqXxhWG4-01086-00225248-00225446 of another venue that's really ou6SqXxhWG4-01087-00225448-00225727 a great spot to go out and train um ou6SqXxhWG4-01088-00225728-00225839 that's not ou6SqXxhWG4-01089-00225840-00225951 if you're looking for a little bit of ou6SqXxhWG4-01090-00225952-00226094 adventure if you're wanting to stay a ou6SqXxhWG4-01091-00226096-00226191 little closer to ou6SqXxhWG4-01092-00226192-00226375 calgary i'll let greg and michelle take ou6SqXxhWG4-01093-00226376-00226582 care of that okay yeah guys can you ou6SqXxhWG4-01094-00226583-00226631 mention ou6SqXxhWG4-01095-00226632-00226910 sort of within the city where you can go ou6SqXxhWG4-01096-00226911-00227079 yeah ou6SqXxhWG4-01097-00227080-00227271 did you want me to take that gregor yeah ou6SqXxhWG4-01098-00227271-00227446 sure go ahead okay ou6SqXxhWG4-01099-00227448-00227758 um so foothills grooms ou6SqXxhWG4-01100-00227759-00227975 and track sets confederation park golf ou6SqXxhWG4-01101-00227976-00228110 course and the ou6SqXxhWG4-01102-00228111-00228455 uh eco aims programs ou6SqXxhWG4-01103-00228456-00228615 run out of confederation park golf ou6SqXxhWG4-01104-00228616-00228775 course as well so ou6SqXxhWG4-01105-00228776-00229015 that's an option shaganaki golf course ou6SqXxhWG4-01106-00229016-00229167 is also groomed ou6SqXxhWG4-01107-00229167-00229631 the city does maple ridge um ou6SqXxhWG4-01108-00229632-00229839 west chem or west confederation park ou6SqXxhWG4-01109-00229840-00229991 which used to be canmore park so ou6SqXxhWG4-01110-00229992-00230142 directly across the street from the golf ou6SqXxhWG4-01111-00230144-00230198 course ou6SqXxhWG4-01112-00230200-00230527 is groomed from time to time and ou6SqXxhWG4-01113-00230528-00230855 um this year foothills is grooming in ou6SqXxhWG4-01114-00230856-00231039 partnership with fort calgary the east ou6SqXxhWG4-01115-00231040-00231191 village so there's a little loop down ou6SqXxhWG4-01116-00231192-00231223 there ou6SqXxhWG4-01117-00231223-00231519 so there are some great resources on the ou6SqXxhWG4-01118-00231519-00231567 list ou6SqXxhWG4-01119-00231567-00231798 on the city of calgary website and i ou6SqXxhWG4-01120-00231800-00231879 think i ou6SqXxhWG4-01121-00231880-00232031 shared that link so maybe we can share ou6SqXxhWG4-01122-00232032-00232198 that after the program ou6SqXxhWG4-01123-00232200-00232406 and really if you just want to get out ou6SqXxhWG4-01124-00232407-00232510 on your skis ou6SqXxhWG4-01125-00232511-00232823 anywhere there's snow can get out ou6SqXxhWG4-01126-00232823-00233134 and just make your own trap awesome okay ou6SqXxhWG4-01127-00233135-00233287 so that kind of answers the ou6SqXxhWG4-01128-00233288-00233631 um the uh one of the questions about can ou6SqXxhWG4-01129-00233632-00233806 you ski within calgary ou6SqXxhWG4-01130-00233807-00234151 um okay where can you practice ou6SqXxhWG4-01131-00234152-00234358 before can you practice shooting quick ou6SqXxhWG4-01132-00234359-00234503 question can you practice shooting ou6SqXxhWG4-01133-00234504-00234558 before ou6SqXxhWG4-01134-00234559-00234927 completing your firearm safety course ou6SqXxhWG4-01135-00234928-00235182 well yeah i think at that point you ou6SqXxhWG4-01136-00235183-00235231 pretty well ou6SqXxhWG4-01137-00235232-00235591 you have to join some uh a club and ou6SqXxhWG4-01138-00235592-00235975 uh i'm trying to think like what ages ou6SqXxhWG4-01139-00235976-00236055 and so on ou6SqXxhWG4-01140-00236056-00236415 in there um like ou6SqXxhWG4-01141-00236416-00236582 i'd have to check the specifics of that ou6SqXxhWG4-01142-00236583-00236782 but i know for the younger kids that ou6SqXxhWG4-01143-00236783-00236942 they have other people trans ou6SqXxhWG4-01144-00236944-00237158 transport their rifles out to the to the ou6SqXxhWG4-01145-00237159-00237319 range for the training center when they ou6SqXxhWG4-01146-00237319-00237471 are shooting on 22s ou6SqXxhWG4-01147-00237471-00237679 but that is for the younger kids why we ou6SqXxhWG4-01148-00237680-00237831 go to these eco aims which are these ou6SqXxhWG4-01149-00237832-00237951 camera based which ou6SqXxhWG4-01150-00237952-00238239 yeah don't require any of that so i mean ou6SqXxhWG4-01151-00238240-00238415 adults can use those as well ou6SqXxhWG4-01152-00238416-00238719 um but that in foothills we primarily ou6SqXxhWG4-01153-00238719-00238910 use them in the younger age groups ou6SqXxhWG4-01154-00238911-00239087 okay great and probably a good idea to ou6SqXxhWG4-01155-00239088-00239246 take it um ou6SqXxhWG4-01156-00239248-00239503 for sure you know safety first so we're ou6SqXxhWG4-01157-00239504-00239631 to show a quick video ou6SqXxhWG4-01158-00239632-00239934 um and you can also just know yeah you ou6SqXxhWG4-01159-00239935-00240094 can also contact calgary where i film ou6SqXxhWG4-01160-00240096-00240231 pistol club as well ou6SqXxhWG4-01161-00240232-00240439 uh we're gonna show quick little video ou6SqXxhWG4-01162-00240440-00240655 clips just on um ou6SqXxhWG4-01164-00243683-00245151 um ou6SqXxhWG4-01165-00245152-00246796 about ou6SqXxhWG4-01166-00246796-00247534 [Music] ou6SqXxhWG4-01167-00247535-00247882 [Music] ou6SqXxhWG4-01168-00247883-00248742 um ou6SqXxhWG4-01169-00248744-00249063 okay all right well um yeah we'll be ou6SqXxhWG4-01170-00249064-00249215 wrapping things up so i want to say ou6SqXxhWG4-01171-00249216-00249319 thank you ou6SqXxhWG4-01172-00249319-00249591 to mark and greg and michelle for being ou6SqXxhWG4-01173-00249592-00249655 a part of this ou6SqXxhWG4-01174-00249656-00249887 thank you for everybody who participated ou6SqXxhWG4-01175-00249888-00250079 uh this was our first ou6SqXxhWG4-01176-00250080-00250367 faces of calgary sport in two weeks on ou6SqXxhWG4-01177-00250367-00250542 march 11th we will be having our second ou6SqXxhWG4-01178-00250544-00250727 and we will feature orienteering so ou6SqXxhWG4-01179-00250728-00250910 again another sport that ou6SqXxhWG4-01180-00250911-00251246 uh you can do in a coveted friendly way ou6SqXxhWG4-01181-00251248-00251423 and we'll tell you more about that ou6SqXxhWG4-01182-00251423-00251806 so uh thank you to everybody um ou6SqXxhWG4-01183-00251807-00252230 you know go to our website look at the ou6SqXxhWG4-01184-00252231-00252327 links ou6SqXxhWG4-01185-00252328-00252591 email questions uh there is something ou6SqXxhWG4-01186-00252592-00252719 for everybody ou6SqXxhWG4-01187-00252719-00253063 as our panel explained it's a very ou6SqXxhWG4-01188-00253064-00253255 inclusive sport ou6SqXxhWG4-01189-00253256-00253630 available for all ages and finally as we ou6SqXxhWG4-01190-00253631-00253703 finish ou6SqXxhWG4-01191-00253704-00253871 um you can actually send questions to ou6SqXxhWG4-01192-00253871-00254094 info at sport calgary.ca ou6SqXxhWG4-01193-00254096-00254398 thank you uh to my team for uh helping ou6SqXxhWG4-01194-00254400-00254558 with that and coordinating ou6SqXxhWG4-01195-00254559-00254806 uh finally we want to wish mark uh all ou6SqXxhWG4-01196-00254807-00254863 the best ou6SqXxhWG4-01197-00254864-00255175 one your time uh we'll be cheering um ou6SqXxhWG4-01198-00255176-00255382 thank you for continuing to inspire us ou6SqXxhWG4-01199-00255383-00255606 as you adapt and we all continue to ou6SqXxhWG4-01200-00255607-00255846 adapt but as you represent all of us ou6SqXxhWG4-01201-00255848-00256055 and our country so thank you for what ou6SqXxhWG4-01202-00256056-00256206 you've done congratulations for what ou6SqXxhWG4-01203-00256207-00256303 you've done ou6SqXxhWG4-01204-00256304-00256639 and um we're going to continue to do ou6SqXxhWG4-01205-00256640-00256798 these and when it's safe ou6SqXxhWG4-01206-00256800-00256998 we will be in person doing all sport one ou6SqXxhWG4-01207-00257000-00257191 day in all sport one city so ou6SqXxhWG4-01208-00257192-00257375 thank you everybody have a great rest of ou6SqXxhWG4-01209-00257376-00257494 the day stay safe ou6SqXxhWG4-01210-00257496-00257734 and any questions just let us know so ou6SqXxhWG4-01211-00257735-00257871 again thank you guys for ou6SqXxhWG4-01212-00257871-00258367 being a part of this thank you ovqDNHaCcIU-00000-00000038-00000371 windows 1 to 5 Oh as a code page used ovqDNHaCcIU-00001-00000372-00000584 under Microsoft Windows to represent ovqDNHaCcIU-00002-00000585-00000797 texts in Central European and Eastern ovqDNHaCcIU-00003-00000798-00001025 European languages that use Latin script ovqDNHaCcIU-00004-00001026-00001312 such as polish Czech Slovak Hungarian ovqDNHaCcIU-00005-00001313-00001634 Slovene Bosnian Croatian Serbian Latin ovqDNHaCcIU-00006-00001635-00001930 script Romanian before 1993 spelling ovqDNHaCcIU-00007-00001932-00002222 reform and Albanian it may also be used ovqDNHaCcIU-00008-00002223-00002432 with the German language German language ovqDNHaCcIU-00009-00002433-00002708 texts encoded with Windows 1 to 5 oh and ovqDNHaCcIU-00010-00002709-00003089 windows 1 to 5 2 are identical in modern ovqDNHaCcIU-00011-00003090-00003404 applications utf-8 or utf-16 as a ovqDNHaCcIU-00012-00003404-00003683 preferred encoding 0.1 percent of all ovqDNHaCcIU-00013-00003684-00003965 web pages use windows 1 to 500 since ovqDNHaCcIU-00014-00003965-00004316 August 2017 windows 1 to 500 is similar ovqDNHaCcIU-00015-00004317-00004604 to iso-8859 2 and has all the printable ovqDNHaCcIU-00016-00004605-00004901 characters it has and more however a few ovqDNHaCcIU-00017-00004902-00005113 of them are rearranged unlike windows 1 ovqDNHaCcIU-00018-00005114-00005338 2 5 2 which keeps all printable ovqDNHaCcIU-00019-00005339-00005627 characters from iso-8859 1 in the same 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B 2 B 3 B a B D and B F are ovqDNHaCcIU-00034-00009378-00009746 the same as in iso-8859 2 positions ovqDNHaCcIU-00035-00009747-00010013 which are identical in Windows 1 2 5 2 ovqDNHaCcIU-00036-00010014-00010553 and Windows 1 to 500 are not shown ovqDNHaCcIU-00037-00010554-00011075 topic character set ovqDNHaCcIU-00038-00011076-00011348 the following table shows windows 1 to ovqDNHaCcIU-00039-00011349-00011600 500 each character is shown with its ovqDNHaCcIU-00040-00011601-00011923 Unicode equivalent and it's decimal code ovqDNHaCcIU-00041-00011924-00012203 letter number punctuation symbol other ovqDNHaCcIU-00042-00012204-00012564 undefined ovqDNHaCcIU-00043-00012565-00013094 topic references ovqDNHaCcIU-00044-00013094-00013483 topic external links ovqDNHaCcIU-00045-00013484-00013641 you ovqDNHaCcIU-00046-00013641-00014013 windows 1250 reference chart Junge ovqDNHaCcIU-00047-00014013-00014316 charset name registration unicode ovqDNHaCcIU-00048-00014316-00014669 mapping table for windows 1250 unicode ovqDNHaCcIU-00049-00014670-00015150 mappings of windows 1250 with best fit owXQTn0SrkU-00000-00000119-00000883 foreign owXQTn0SrkU-00001-00000884-00001211 from your Homeland what was that about owXQTn0SrkU-00002-00001212-00001361 cunning General owXQTn0SrkU-00003-00001362-00001660 a war over Forbidden Love I believe I've owXQTn0SrkU-00004-00001661-00001907 heard of this one did it involve a horse owXQTn0SrkU-00005-00001907-00002225 that was not as it appeared yes owXQTn0SrkU-00006-00002226-00002483 but that is not what happened oh it's owXQTn0SrkU-00007-00002484-00002789 based on truth then and you were there owXQTn0SrkU-00008-00002790-00003029 yes owXQTn0SrkU-00009-00003030-00003406 before owXQTn0SrkU-00010-00003407-00003767 oh the closer we get the more tightness owXQTn0SrkU-00011-00003768-00004013 grows in my chest you're sure you want owXQTn0SrkU-00012-00004014-00004270 to continue confronting the past comes owXQTn0SrkU-00013-00004271-00004529 with a price it must be done owXQTn0SrkU-00014-00004530-00004817 I've lived with this pain far too long owXQTn0SrkU-00015-00004818-00005254 if you can believe me we were happy ones owXQTn0SrkU-00016-00005255-00005554 for a Time foolishly believed the peace owXQTn0SrkU-00017-00005555-00005717 would last owXQTn0SrkU-00018-00005718-00006029 perhaps that was my mistake all I wanted owXQTn0SrkU-00019-00006030-00006293 was to protect my family there is no owXQTn0SrkU-00020-00006294-00007145 shame in that I failed all the same owXQTn0SrkU-00021-00007145-00008417 foreign owXQTn0SrkU-00022-00008418-00008735 s owXQTn0SrkU-00023-00008736-00009922 must be say they're nearby owXQTn0SrkU-00024-00009923-00010655 [Applause] owXQTn0SrkU-00025-00010656-00012121 foreign owXQTn0SrkU-00026-00012122-00012538 be cautious we know not what it does you owXQTn0SrkU-00027-00012539-00012683 really think she'd send us to get the owXQTn0SrkU-00028-00012684-00012821 bloody thing if it was going to kill us owXQTn0SrkU-00029-00012822-00013985 let's just take it back to her owXQTn0SrkU-00031-00017340-00019483 foreign owXQTn0SrkU-00032-00019484-00020633 that's it owXQTn0SrkU-00033-00020634-00021844 foreign owXQTn0SrkU-00034-00021845-00022173 [Music] oxkaL6mpODE-00000-00000254-00000856 [Music] oxkaL6mpODE-00001-00000857-00001345 [Music] oxkaL6mpODE-00002-00001346-00001676 [Applause] oxkaL6mpODE-00003-00001677-00001820 [Music] oxkaL6mpODE-00004-00001821-00002127 thank you oxlDpSHlrwU-00000-00000012-00000419 oh oh my God I think it impaled it hello oxlDpSHlrwU-00001-00000420-00000778 everyone and welcome to a new battle oxlDpSHlrwU-00002-00000779-00001054 arena not really a showcase video of oxlDpSHlrwU-00003-00001055-00001283 dominion because of course the new oxlDpSHlrwU-00004-00001284-00001457 update is coming out I think it's oxlDpSHlrwU-00005-00001458-00001702 tomorrow when I'm uploading this video oxlDpSHlrwU-00006-00001703-00001907 um and I have been giving special access oxlDpSHlrwU-00007-00001907-00002176 to sort of showcase all of the lovely oxlDpSHlrwU-00008-00002177-00002447 jubbly new gifty wifties uh that's oxlDpSHlrwU-00009-00002448-00002657 coming not only in the DLC the paid for oxlDpSHlrwU-00010-00002658-00002879 DLC I know who will get into that but oxlDpSHlrwU-00011-00002880-00003118 also the free DLC which is coming out as oxlDpSHlrwU-00012-00003119-00003353 well alongside with it which gives a oxlDpSHlrwU-00013-00003354-00003485 whole bunch of different features one of oxlDpSHlrwU-00014-00003486-00003647 them I I don't know everything for sure oxlDpSHlrwU-00015-00003647-00003856 but I'll definitely showcase one of the oxlDpSHlrwU-00016-00003857-00004031 things which is pretty cool and actually oxlDpSHlrwU-00017-00004032-00004217 was in Jay Park so what do you think oxlDpSHlrwU-00018-00004218-00004486 this is the new I could have stopped oxlDpSHlrwU-00019-00004487-00004601 talking into the microphone like this oxlDpSHlrwU-00020-00004602-00004975 because I end up going oxlDpSHlrwU-00021-00004976-00005195 I know when I'm editing I'm like oh oxlDpSHlrwU-00022-00005196-00005375 Jesus we have the oxlDpSHlrwU-00023-00005376-00005633 new environment that's coming oxlDpSHlrwU-00024-00005634-00005915 with the DLC this being oxlDpSHlrwU-00025-00005916-00006299 the biosome biosome the biodome uh oxlDpSHlrwU-00026-00006300-00006569 biosine Sanctuary uh which is set in oxlDpSHlrwU-00027-00006570-00006839 Italy it also comes with this the oxlDpSHlrwU-00028-00006840-00007006 research compound that you can click on oxlDpSHlrwU-00029-00007008-00007139 and it tells you everything like that oxlDpSHlrwU-00030-00007140-00007384 you can open the parking edit hyperloop oxlDpSHlrwU-00031-00007386-00007673 itself which is the new thing that is oxlDpSHlrwU-00032-00007673-00007901 how you get power now if you want to oxlDpSHlrwU-00033-00007902-00008183 just do in sandbox uh the buyerson only oxlDpSHlrwU-00034-00008184-00008428 you can and this is how you supply power oxlDpSHlrwU-00035-00008429-00008663 to the rest of the pack in fact actually oxlDpSHlrwU-00036-00008664-00008813 you know what it is I didn't even need oxlDpSHlrwU-00037-00008814-00009142 to do this in fact yeah let's just oxlDpSHlrwU-00038-00009143-00009346 delete this there we go now we've got oxlDpSHlrwU-00039-00009347-00009610 power all the way back so uh platforms oxlDpSHlrwU-00040-00009611-00009827 couldn't be viewable so these are the oxlDpSHlrwU-00041-00009828-00009995 new sort of viewing platforms that you oxlDpSHlrwU-00042-00009996-00010271 get to see uh with the DLC as well of oxlDpSHlrwU-00043-00010272-00010451 course straight from the movie looks oxlDpSHlrwU-00044-00010452-00010624 really cool there's like loads of detail oxlDpSHlrwU-00045-00010625-00010810 here and especially if there's dinosaurs oxlDpSHlrwU-00046-00010811-00011038 you can't see you can now actually have oxlDpSHlrwU-00047-00011039-00011237 them viewable in like a blueprint I oxlDpSHlrwU-00048-00011238-00011351 think that might be part of the free oxlDpSHlrwU-00049-00011352-00011531 update though I'm really not too sure oxlDpSHlrwU-00050-00011532-00011645 about that I haven't had too much of a oxlDpSHlrwU-00051-00011646-00011873 play around in it so this of course is oxlDpSHlrwU-00052-00011874-00012064 going to be the whole battle arena area oxlDpSHlrwU-00053-00012065-00012251 that we're going to be using uh going oxlDpSHlrwU-00054-00012252-00012455 here on out to Showcase you know Battle oxlDpSHlrwU-00055-00012456-00012670 Royale with all the dinosaurs anything oxlDpSHlrwU-00056-00012671-00012827 new we've got all the dinosaurs and oxlDpSHlrwU-00057-00012828-00013024 skins that are updated in this game as oxlDpSHlrwU-00058-00013025-00013205 well as this little bit which I kind of oxlDpSHlrwU-00059-00013206-00013301 want to showcase some fighting oxlDpSHlrwU-00060-00013302-00013486 animations and hopefully my camera oxlDpSHlrwU-00061-00013487-00013643 doesn't shut off because I've had this oxlDpSHlrwU-00062-00013644-00014303 problem in the past oxlDpSHlrwU-00063-00014304-00014638 is in an occasion so so here we go I'm oxlDpSHlrwU-00064-00014640-00014815 excited oxlDpSHlrwU-00065-00014816-00015222 oh wow oxlDpSHlrwU-00066-00015223-00015583 hello oxlDpSHlrwU-00067-00015584-00015905 Jesus this thing's here everything is oxlDpSHlrwU-00068-00015906-00016138 bigger in Texas and that certainly oxlDpSHlrwU-00069-00016140-00016429 applies to their fossil finds oh wow oxlDpSHlrwU-00070-00016430-00016691 is definitely one for the record books oxlDpSHlrwU-00071-00016692-00016900 we're talking about one of the largest oxlDpSHlrwU-00072-00016901-00017255 flying animals like ever it's not a word oxlDpSHlrwU-00073-00017256-00017519 and it's not a plane it's a Quetzal oxlDpSHlrwU-00074-00017520-00017677 coatless oxlDpSHlrwU-00075-00017678-00018167 damn wow okay this thing is huge oh oh oxlDpSHlrwU-00076-00018168-00018389 oh nice okay I deliberately put this oxlDpSHlrwU-00077-00018390-00018539 down because I wanted to see if it did oxlDpSHlrwU-00078-00018540-00018964 sit it looks so odd jeez I feel like oxlDpSHlrwU-00079-00018965-00019264 this thing would eat goats 100 this oxlDpSHlrwU-00080-00019265-00019499 thing is gonna eat goats right it's got oxlDpSHlrwU-00081-00019500-00019739 to hell yeah okay well I need to change oxlDpSHlrwU-00082-00019740-00019871 a couple of things just make sure that oxlDpSHlrwU-00083-00019872-00020021 it does eat because at the moment oxlDpSHlrwU-00084-00020022-00020394 everything's set to like not stop oxlDpSHlrwU-00085-00020395-00020764 oh here we go okay right sorry just oxlDpSHlrwU-00086-00020765-00021125 changed the whole situation with the um oxlDpSHlrwU-00087-00021126-00021335 the resolution knows that was an issue I oxlDpSHlrwU-00088-00021336-00021455 was like hold on a minute this doesn't oxlDpSHlrwU-00089-00021456-00021583 seem right oxlDpSHlrwU-00090-00021584-00022050 but we should be okay now oh look at it oxlDpSHlrwU-00091-00022051-00022349 gorgeous so that's how it eats and I oxlDpSHlrwU-00092-00022350-00022528 mean apart from seeing how it kills oxlDpSHlrwU-00093-00022529-00022835 people and how it uh it attacks maybe oxlDpSHlrwU-00094-00022836-00023008 about the pteranodons we'll maybe see oxlDpSHlrwU-00095-00023009-00023135 that later but in the moment I just want oxlDpSHlrwU-00096-00023136-00023350 to showcase everything that we've got so oxlDpSHlrwU-00097-00023351-00023603 apart from the quetzalcoatlas we've got oxlDpSHlrwU-00098-00023604-00023861 dilophosaur has a new skin dimetrodon is oxlDpSHlrwU-00099-00023862-00024078 of course a completely new uh creature oxlDpSHlrwU-00100-00024079-00024317 you've got oxlDpSHlrwU-00101-00024318-00024467 um dreading orders having a new skin oxlDpSHlrwU-00102-00024468-00024742 gigu having a new skin parasol actually oxlDpSHlrwU-00103-00024743-00025055 has three new skins uh Pi Raptor of oxlDpSHlrwU-00104-00025056-00025199 course a new creature has loads of oxlDpSHlrwU-00105-00025200-00025492 different skins uh Therizinosaurus uh oxlDpSHlrwU-00106-00025493-00025733 has as like I said there isn't a source oxlDpSHlrwU-00107-00025733-00025906 of course a new creature with loads of oxlDpSHlrwU-00108-00025907-00026128 different skins T-Rex actually has two oxlDpSHlrwU-00109-00026129-00026296 new skins and there you go there's loads oxlDpSHlrwU-00110-00026297-00026531 of therizinosauruses and oh that's it oxlDpSHlrwU-00111-00026532-00026861 okay so how about we showcase first and oxlDpSHlrwU-00112-00026862-00027179 foremost the dilophosaurus hopefully oxlDpSHlrwU-00113-00027180-00027358 they shouldn't fight each other kind of oxlDpSHlrwU-00114-00027360-00027587 interested how this one looks from what oxlDpSHlrwU-00115-00027588-00027814 I think it's just gonna be like a oh god oxlDpSHlrwU-00116-00027816-00028031 of course the way the sun's not hitting oxlDpSHlrwU-00117-00028032-00028462 ride brilliant oxlDpSHlrwU-00118-00028463-00028943 oh okay okay looks kind of normal as far oxlDpSHlrwU-00119-00028944-00029224 as a dilophosaur goes ah okay so the oxlDpSHlrwU-00120-00029225-00029417 pattern is different it still kind of oxlDpSHlrwU-00121-00029418-00029723 Hazard but you've got the uh the orange oxlDpSHlrwU-00122-00029724-00029920 Crest which is very dominion and the oxlDpSHlrwU-00123-00029922-00030149 orange frill as well that speaks to oxlDpSHlrwU-00124-00030150-00030299 Dominion because I don't think they oxlDpSHlrwU-00125-00030300-00030479 really ever wanted to change the model oxlDpSHlrwU-00126-00030480-00030611 of the daughter Source they wanted to oxlDpSHlrwU-00127-00030612-00030814 bring it back exactly how it is unlike oxlDpSHlrwU-00128-00030816-00030989 all the Raptors and every other in the oxlDpSHlrwU-00129-00030989-00031223 whole franchise oxlDpSHlrwU-00130-00031224-00031451 so that's Dilophosaurus there's nothing oxlDpSHlrwU-00131-00031452-00031612 we need to write home about when it oxlDpSHlrwU-00132-00031613-00031889 comes to dimetrodon there is like with oxlDpSHlrwU-00133-00031889-00032081 every other dinosaur in the game you oxlDpSHlrwU-00134-00032082-00032339 have patterns and you have skins and oxlDpSHlrwU-00135-00032339-00032489 there's a whole bunch of different oxlDpSHlrwU-00136-00032489-00032729 varieties of these uh so instead of oxlDpSHlrwU-00137-00032730-00033011 showcasing every dimetrodon with every oxlDpSHlrwU-00138-00033012-00033215 pattern variant which would be what like oxlDpSHlrwU-00139-00033216-00033485 13 times eight so you're talking like a oxlDpSHlrwU-00140-00033486-00033640 hundred and odd different dimetrodons or oxlDpSHlrwU-00141-00033641-00033749 whatever oxlDpSHlrwU-00142-00033750-00033905 um I've decided to show you guys all the oxlDpSHlrwU-00143-00033906-00034162 base colors and then put one pattern on oxlDpSHlrwU-00144-00034163-00034427 them so these will be all of the colors oxlDpSHlrwU-00145-00034428-00034655 and as you can see oh that was really oxlDpSHlrwU-00146-00034656-00034895 nice actually wow oxlDpSHlrwU-00147-00034896-00035117 we've decided to hone in on one of the oxlDpSHlrwU-00148-00035118-00035302 best looking ones so far what is that oxlDpSHlrwU-00149-00035303-00035621 one finally get it let me understand why oxlDpSHlrwU-00150-00035622-00035873 people have a foot skin in the dark once oxlDpSHlrwU-00151-00035874-00036139 you Amazon rainforest oxlDpSHlrwU-00152-00036140-00036502 wow well you'll be having nightmares for oxlDpSHlrwU-00153-00036503-00036689 years that's if you're lucky enough to oxlDpSHlrwU-00154-00036690-00036983 walk away because believe me not oxlDpSHlrwU-00155-00036984-00037246 everybody is so I think all of these oxlDpSHlrwU-00156-00037247-00037523 have lithobates on them so let's have a oxlDpSHlrwU-00157-00037524-00037667 look we can probably just scroll through oxlDpSHlrwU-00158-00037668-00037967 we've got Limpopo River you got Yukon oxlDpSHlrwU-00159-00037968-00038221 river which is more of a subdued one oxlDpSHlrwU-00160-00038222-00038507 salvad which is white uh quillium oxlDpSHlrwU-00161-00038508-00038668 mountains which is also another white oxlDpSHlrwU-00162-00038669-00038807 one but a little bit different look oxlDpSHlrwU-00163-00038808-00039052 between the two yeah salvad's more wide oxlDpSHlrwU-00164-00039053-00039305 and Amazon rainforest there so I've oxlDpSHlrwU-00165-00039306-00039557 managed to luckily get them all in one oxlDpSHlrwU-00166-00039558-00039899 uh incubator or one um Hatchery so oxlDpSHlrwU-00167-00039900-00040180 here's another batch already one that oxlDpSHlrwU-00168-00040181-00040439 must be Sonoran something oh wait that's oxlDpSHlrwU-00169-00040440-00040733 another rainforest oops I might have oxlDpSHlrwU-00170-00040734-00040937 made two of the same but hey oh there it oxlDpSHlrwU-00171-00040938-00041195 is oh look at you were you are you oxlDpSHlrwU-00172-00041196-00041345 another rainforest I feel like you are oxlDpSHlrwU-00173-00041346-00041530 you're mine Grove oh you look very oxlDpSHlrwU-00174-00041531-00041777 similar we've got Champlin Valley okay oxlDpSHlrwU-00175-00041778-00041999 no I these are all different gambian oxlDpSHlrwU-00176-00042000-00042262 River Basin and sonaran desert that's oxlDpSHlrwU-00177-00042263-00042371 the one and then we've got the Amazon oxlDpSHlrwU-00178-00042372-00042635 over there okay so we've got two left oxlDpSHlrwU-00179-00042636-00043012 and this is only two of them actually oxlDpSHlrwU-00180-00043013-00043174 yeah it was quite hard getting them all oxlDpSHlrwU-00181-00043175-00043457 I was like oh just got eggs discard eggs oxlDpSHlrwU-00182-00043458-00043715 but that I mean right off the bat like oxlDpSHlrwU-00183-00043716-00043949 you can tell that's the Dominion oxlDpSHlrwU-00184-00043950-00044165 dimetrodon and it just looks so good it oxlDpSHlrwU-00185-00044166-00044405 looks so good hey great sandy desert oxlDpSHlrwU-00186-00044406-00044573 with little bites as well so I think oxlDpSHlrwU-00187-00044574-00044818 we've only got one oh no there's two oxlDpSHlrwU-00188-00044819-00045017 there is two left that I didn't get is oxlDpSHlrwU-00189-00045018-00045305 Yukon River have I got that one yet also oxlDpSHlrwU-00190-00045306-00045749 the weird thing is these dimetrodon have oxlDpSHlrwU-00191-00045750-00046079 um the same call as the dragon from Age oxlDpSHlrwU-00192-00046080-00046390 of Mythology it's so weird it's the the oxlDpSHlrwU-00193-00046391-00046685 nidhog raw and I always hear it it's oxlDpSHlrwU-00194-00046686-00046907 like when you summon in the Nighthawk oxlDpSHlrwU-00195-00046908-00047080 and it would kind of make this specific oxlDpSHlrwU-00196-00047081-00047261 raw and they've used it for the oxlDpSHlrwU-00197-00047262-00047405 dimetrodon I must be some like oxlDpSHlrwU-00198-00047406-00047573 royalty-free sound effects or something oxlDpSHlrwU-00199-00047574-00047783 but it's for me I'm like yeah I know oxlDpSHlrwU-00200-00047784-00047974 exactly what that is oh that's Death oxlDpSHlrwU-00201-00047975-00048185 Valley oh look at you what are you doing oxlDpSHlrwU-00202-00048186-00048352 you're not part of the Hatchery get out oxlDpSHlrwU-00203-00048353-00048527 of there oh well there we go we didn't oxlDpSHlrwU-00204-00048528-00048689 get much of an introduction because it oxlDpSHlrwU-00205-00048690-00048923 was already blocked off but this is the oxlDpSHlrwU-00206-00048924-00049079 dread notice oxlDpSHlrwU-00207-00049080-00049621 oh oh it has really scary eyes oh wow oxlDpSHlrwU-00208-00049622-00049955 [Music] oxlDpSHlrwU-00209-00049956-00050224 all right you talking about my ass like oxlDpSHlrwU-00210-00050225-00050496 that oxlDpSHlrwU-00211-00050497-00050777 they said I always had pretty eyes but oxlDpSHlrwU-00212-00050778-00051023 look at the size difference between this oxlDpSHlrwU-00213-00051024-00051364 and a dreadnaughters this animal though oxlDpSHlrwU-00214-00051365-00051563 an herbivore can intimidate most oxlDpSHlrwU-00215-00051564-00051869 Predators with its size it's a biggie oxlDpSHlrwU-00216-00051870-00052163 named dreadnaughters give this dinosaur oxlDpSHlrwU-00217-00052164-00052637 a wide birth why why it looks fine it oxlDpSHlrwU-00218-00052638-00052750 can't move that far either it's oxlDpSHlrwU-00219-00052751-00053225 completely harmless over it shut up oxlDpSHlrwU-00220-00053226-00053411 what's going on here oxlDpSHlrwU-00221-00053412-00053615 I'm just trying to release the gig and oxlDpSHlrwU-00222-00053616-00053830 it's like Nah Block my dinosaur can't do oxlDpSHlrwU-00223-00053832-00054130 that let's just let me give you it's oxlDpSHlrwU-00224-00054132-00054394 like the Hatchery what right what we're oxlDpSHlrwU-00225-00054395-00054526 gonna do is we're gonna release the oxlDpSHlrwU-00226-00054527-00054707 power Raptor next because the power they oxlDpSHlrwU-00227-00054708-00055025 can't even release the kicker can't risk oxlDpSHlrwU-00228-00055026-00055187 the kick it and I try to release the oxlDpSHlrwU-00229-00055188-00055366 dreadnaughters to test it oxlDpSHlrwU-00230-00055367-00055697 that didn't even work either so this is oxlDpSHlrwU-00231-00055698-00056003 gonna be interesting so we kind of oxlDpSHlrwU-00232-00056004-00056297 showcased the pyroraptor in uh in the oxlDpSHlrwU-00233-00056298-00056716 campaign but now here it is in the uh oxlDpSHlrwU-00234-00056717-00056975 sandbox or at least with some pattern oxlDpSHlrwU-00235-00056976-00057292 because it oh it looks so much better oh oxlDpSHlrwU-00236-00057294-00057707 it looks so good look at that yes that oxlDpSHlrwU-00237-00057708-00058091 looks awesome it looks really really odd oxlDpSHlrwU-00238-00058091-00058319 last time but now it looks good okay I'm oxlDpSHlrwU-00239-00058320-00058576 happy oh look at that pattern on it oxlDpSHlrwU-00240-00058577-00058876 that's awesome so we've still got all of oxlDpSHlrwU-00241-00058877-00059165 these Pirates so I got again one skein oxlDpSHlrwU-00242-00059166-00059507 with all the different patterns oh that oxlDpSHlrwU-00243-00059508-00059675 looks so good the purple looks awesome oxlDpSHlrwU-00244-00059676-00059807 it's a shame that we're seeing it from oxlDpSHlrwU-00245-00059808-00059999 the terrible anger why'd you do this oxlDpSHlrwU-00246-00060000-00060142 games like oh you want to see a oxlDpSHlrwU-00247-00060144-00060442 dinosaurs nah you want to like look at oxlDpSHlrwU-00248-00060444-00060600 that so much nicer oxlDpSHlrwU-00249-00060601-00060821 but I guess it depends where you set up oxlDpSHlrwU-00250-00060822-00061013 your Hatcher I suppose maybe that could oxlDpSHlrwU-00251-00061014-00061223 be a nice angle it's just whenever I do oxlDpSHlrwU-00252-00061224-00061403 it it's always the wrong angle isn't it oxlDpSHlrwU-00253-00061404-00061666 I'll have to double check which uh which oxlDpSHlrwU-00254-00061667-00061882 pattern these guys have on them okay why oxlDpSHlrwU-00255-00061883-00062032 are we always on the wrong side of them oxlDpSHlrwU-00256-00062033-00062392 look at that it looks oxlDpSHlrwU-00257-00062394-00062699 the mistake it's weird like oxlDpSHlrwU-00258-00062700-00063106 a tree oh go to space all right oh that oxlDpSHlrwU-00259-00063107-00063269 that's got to be Amazon rainforest or oxlDpSHlrwU-00260-00063270-00063550 something right yeah Amazon rainforest oxlDpSHlrwU-00261-00063551-00063904 that looks so good so it is Rhino these oxlDpSHlrwU-00262-00063905-00064165 patterns actually oh they look great oxlDpSHlrwU-00263-00064166-00064450 they are all however buggering off in oxlDpSHlrwU-00264-00064451-00064613 different directions and again another oxlDpSHlrwU-00265-00064614-00064871 oh right I'll just switch the camera to oxlDpSHlrwU-00266-00064872-00065032 make it look like we can actually see it oxlDpSHlrwU-00267-00065033-00065447 from a nice angle yes oxlDpSHlrwU-00268-00065448-00065903 oh they look so good I love the pattern oxlDpSHlrwU-00269-00065904-00066113 yeah do not get them without a pattern oxlDpSHlrwU-00270-00066114-00066413 they look horrendous without a pattern oxlDpSHlrwU-00271-00066414-00066659 this one's a quillian Mountains and the oxlDpSHlrwU-00272-00066660-00066923 one next to it isn't too bad either and oxlDpSHlrwU-00273-00066924-00067223 this one is a nope that's accordion oxlDpSHlrwU-00274-00067224-00067409 Mountain this one's a great sandy desert oxlDpSHlrwU-00275-00067410-00067631 but look at that it's even changed the oxlDpSHlrwU-00276-00067632-00067823 uh there's like gray on the face there oxlDpSHlrwU-00277-00067824-00068099 looks awesome and the final one I think oxlDpSHlrwU-00278-00068100-00068237 this is the one that took me ages to get oxlDpSHlrwU-00279-00068238-00068429 this is the Yukon river so it should be oxlDpSHlrwU-00280-00068430-00068663 a darker one and again from a terrible oxlDpSHlrwU-00281-00068664-00068950 angle hold on I'll switch it up yeah oxlDpSHlrwU-00282-00068951-00069094 look at that oxlDpSHlrwU-00283-00069095-00069449 oh look at the texture look at this oxlDpSHlrwU-00284-00069450-00069688 Shimmer on the feathers this looks so oxlDpSHlrwU-00285-00069689-00069959 good yeah Frontier we're working on an oxlDpSHlrwU-00286-00069960-00070205 engine to re-portray feathers in a oxlDpSHlrwU-00287-00070206-00070529 realistic way and look you can see the oxlDpSHlrwU-00288-00070530-00070787 individual feathers on there oh where oxlDpSHlrwU-00289-00070788-00070949 are you off to you're going for a little oxlDpSHlrwU-00290-00070950-00071188 run around but like that looked amazing oxlDpSHlrwU-00291-00071189-00071362 the feather texture on there that was oxlDpSHlrwU-00292-00071363-00071638 beautiful so we've seen pyropter we oxlDpSHlrwU-00293-00071639-00071782 haven't we'll save gigaf they've gone to oxlDpSHlrwU-00294-00071783-00071981 the Hatchery with a giga but now let's oxlDpSHlrwU-00295-00071982-00072155 do the Therizinosaurus so again just oxlDpSHlrwU-00296-00072156-00072281 like the power raft and just like the oxlDpSHlrwU-00297-00072282-00072623 Metrodome these all have their own uh oxlDpSHlrwU-00298-00072624-00072785 what you may call it they all have their oxlDpSHlrwU-00299-00072786-00073031 own uh like pattern but they've got oxlDpSHlrwU-00300-00073032-00073306 different bass skins and thank god it oxlDpSHlrwU-00301-00073307-00073632 works oh there we go so oxlDpSHlrwU-00302-00073633-00074131 damn it's all from a terrible angle oxlDpSHlrwU-00303-00074132-00074417 where it's completely dark but look at oxlDpSHlrwU-00304-00074418-00074638 wow it's clawsome very black look at oxlDpSHlrwU-00305-00074639-00074861 that oh but look it looks so good it oxlDpSHlrwU-00306-00074862-00075094 looks like a teraboo actually oxlDpSHlrwU-00307-00075095-00075329 and believe it or not those huge claws oxlDpSHlrwU-00308-00075330-00075547 you see they actually that's better oxlDpSHlrwU-00309-00075548-00076181 that's better oxlDpSHlrwU-00310-00076182-00076385 don't let it near my hair with those oxlDpSHlrwU-00311-00076386-00076638 things oh he's so funny oxlDpSHlrwU-00312-00076639-00077026 yeah this is very terrible esque what is oxlDpSHlrwU-00313-00077027-00077471 this one uh Death Valley oh again I like oxlDpSHlrwU-00314-00077472-00077591 a little bit of green there this could oxlDpSHlrwU-00315-00077592-00077747 just be the pattern given the beak a oxlDpSHlrwU-00316-00077748-00077921 little bit of color as well that's the oxlDpSHlrwU-00317-00077922-00078269 one that's the one oh my God yes that oxlDpSHlrwU-00318-00078270-00078515 looks so good what is it great sandy oxlDpSHlrwU-00319-00078516-00078875 desert damn that looks awesome so oxlDpSHlrwU-00320-00078876-00079085 everything's gonna have like a hint of oxlDpSHlrwU-00321-00079086-00079288 yellow on it oh oxlDpSHlrwU-00322-00079289-00079505 I just I'm curious now because it oxlDpSHlrwU-00323-00079506-00079637 depending on which way you click this oxlDpSHlrwU-00324-00079638-00079865 the Hatchery is which way the animation oxlDpSHlrwU-00325-00079866-00080273 starts it could very well be and this oxlDpSHlrwU-00326-00080274-00080561 one is chaplain a valley with little oxlDpSHlrwU-00327-00080562-00080741 bites I always remember little bites oxlDpSHlrwU-00328-00080742-00080861 being quite good actually that's why oxlDpSHlrwU-00329-00080862-00081106 I've chosen and no because now we're on oxlDpSHlrwU-00330-00081107-00081341 the other side of the damn Hatchery oh oxlDpSHlrwU-00331-00081342-00081605 yes we've got a greeny one there looking oxlDpSHlrwU-00332-00081606-00081875 lovely yes anyone any more oxlDpSHlrwU-00333-00081876-00082031 Therizinosaurus I think there's probably oxlDpSHlrwU-00334-00082032-00082168 going to be a fair few I think I missed oxlDpSHlrwU-00335-00082169-00082468 the Hatchery here yes here's another one oxlDpSHlrwU-00336-00082469-00082612 just kind of curious we're gonna go oxlDpSHlrwU-00337-00082613-00082823 through them all but pretty much oxlDpSHlrwU-00338-00082824-00082985 apart from the pattern that maybe oxlDpSHlrwU-00339-00082986-00083279 changes a couple of things oxlDpSHlrwU-00340-00083280-00083465 you you might as well just be playing oxlDpSHlrwU-00341-00083466-00083675 with a human saturation slider when it oxlDpSHlrwU-00342-00083676-00083861 comes to all the different skins the oxlDpSHlrwU-00343-00083862-00084112 paler one I'm assuming great sandy oxlDpSHlrwU-00344-00084113-00084431 desert and a push I'm gonna say no it's oxlDpSHlrwU-00345-00084432-00084575 salad bar but this is the thing right oxlDpSHlrwU-00346-00084576-00084791 for some reason Southward is usually oxlDpSHlrwU-00347-00084792-00084965 white I think it's either white or black oxlDpSHlrwU-00348-00084966-00085217 I think it's white but here in the oxlDpSHlrwU-00349-00085218-00085393 friggin there isn't a source it's pink oxlDpSHlrwU-00350-00085394-00085709 it's so odd it's like what about this is oxlDpSHlrwU-00351-00085710-00085806 pink oxlDpSHlrwU-00352-00085807-00086165 I have no idea why they don't just stick oxlDpSHlrwU-00353-00086166-00086447 to the same name and same color because oxlDpSHlrwU-00354-00086448-00086623 you think oh I'm gonna get a pink oxlDpSHlrwU-00355-00086624-00086903 Therizinosaurus actually no you're not oxlDpSHlrwU-00356-00086904-00087088 because some of them are even like that oxlDpSHlrwU-00357-00087089-00087250 kind of makes more sense aquillian oxlDpSHlrwU-00358-00087251-00087575 mountains it's it's way darker but one oxlDpSHlrwU-00359-00087576-00087791 of them is like a a deep purple and I'm oxlDpSHlrwU-00360-00087792-00087994 not too sure which it is it's it's kind oxlDpSHlrwU-00361-00087995-00088138 of interesting because it's got very um oxlDpSHlrwU-00362-00088139-00088361 like a baby deer look to a Lucan River oxlDpSHlrwU-00363-00088362-00088547 look at that that's like a purple a oxlDpSHlrwU-00364-00088548-00088750 muted purple but it looks nothing like oxlDpSHlrwU-00365-00088751-00089075 the actual color itself it is so odd oxlDpSHlrwU-00366-00089076-00089338 we've got the sitting oh hold on oxlDpSHlrwU-00367-00089339-00089681 oh oxlDpSHlrwU-00368-00089682-00090149 that was adorable oh yeah you pick your oxlDpSHlrwU-00369-00090150-00090365 head yes so we're actually gonna see oxlDpSHlrwU-00370-00090366-00090587 it's like interacting animation there oh oxlDpSHlrwU-00371-00090588-00090850 do they have another one oh oh oh no no oxlDpSHlrwU-00372-00090851-00091126 thought they were gonna have one there oxlDpSHlrwU-00373-00091127-00091343 um have we got any more Therizinosaurus oxlDpSHlrwU-00374-00091344-00091523 coming out or are you just blocking the oxlDpSHlrwU-00375-00091524-00091715 way so none can get out I think you oxlDpSHlrwU-00376-00091716-00091937 probably are yes it is blocked what oxlDpSHlrwU-00377-00091938-00092165 about this one nope that's empty there oxlDpSHlrwU-00378-00092166-00092326 it is I don't know what exactly was oxlDpSHlrwU-00379-00092327-00092650 waiting for but it was waiting oh and I oxlDpSHlrwU-00380-00092651-00092993 went completely blurred why why did we oxlDpSHlrwU-00381-00092994-00093281 go put it these these guys are supposed oxlDpSHlrwU-00382-00093282-00093515 to be very not independent but oxlDpSHlrwU-00383-00093516-00093706 Territorial and not like each other but oxlDpSHlrwU-00384-00093707-00093905 here we are you got oh the drinking oxlDpSHlrwU-00385-00093906-00094109 animation's cool too oh they're talking oxlDpSHlrwU-00386-00094110-00094450 to each other here look at this look at oxlDpSHlrwU-00387-00094451-00094655 this it is beautiful I love this oxlDpSHlrwU-00388-00094656-00094888 environment it's so adorable he looks oxlDpSHlrwU-00389-00094889-00095017 like thank you oxlDpSHlrwU-00390-00095018-00095303 thanks for the head switches where are oxlDpSHlrwU-00391-00095304-00095656 you going I didn't say stop there we go oxlDpSHlrwU-00392-00095657-00095974 ouch to come and there it is the oxlDpSHlrwU-00393-00095975-00096388 Jurassic world Dominion 2022 skin the oxlDpSHlrwU-00394-00096389-00096659 final one to be released but speaking of oxlDpSHlrwU-00395-00096660-00097085 fabulous dinosaurs here is the new Paris oxlDpSHlrwU-00396-00097086-00097324 or Oliver's oh it looks so good this is oxlDpSHlrwU-00397-00097325-00097637 my favorite this is my favorite skin I I oxlDpSHlrwU-00398-00097638-00097952 is it my favorite from the entire DLC oxlDpSHlrwU-00399-00097953-00098249 [Music] oxlDpSHlrwU-00400-00098250-00098447 I don't know it's pretty hard it's oxlDpSHlrwU-00401-00098448-00098693 really hard I do like it though oxlDpSHlrwU-00402-00098694-00098993 I I love this design this next dinosaur oxlDpSHlrwU-00403-00098994-00099256 now I don't know as to whether they've oxlDpSHlrwU-00404-00099257-00099412 actually added specific sound effects oxlDpSHlrwU-00405-00099413-00099526 for this oxlDpSHlrwU-00406-00099527-00099688 um but they don't sound like normal oxlDpSHlrwU-00407-00099689-00100031 parasaur calls to me but look at it it oxlDpSHlrwU-00408-00100032-00100487 is just so good the skin the model I oxlDpSHlrwU-00409-00100488-00100703 mean it's completely new I think that oxlDpSHlrwU-00410-00100704-00100906 like the model's new the Skins new but oxlDpSHlrwU-00411-00100907-00101123 look at the textures on there oxlDpSHlrwU-00412-00101124-00101879 oh my God it is good look at that bun oxlDpSHlrwU-00413-00101880-00102059 dude how could parasol not be your oxlDpSHlrwU-00414-00102060-00102287 favorite dinosaur one look at this it's oxlDpSHlrwU-00415-00102288-00102751 so adorable I love them look at you oxlDpSHlrwU-00416-00102752-00103001 so cute there you go little interaction oxlDpSHlrwU-00417-00103002-00103240 like that very adorbs but you might oxlDpSHlrwU-00418-00103241-00103421 think well that makes okay oxlDpSHlrwU-00419-00103422-00103613 Parasaurolophus is in the movie and oxlDpSHlrwU-00420-00103614-00103882 that's the skin you see right but for oxlDpSHlrwU-00421-00103883-00104099 whatever reason Frontier were like one oxlDpSHlrwU-00422-00104100-00104410 Skin's not enough we need three skids oxlDpSHlrwU-00423-00104411-00104573 now it could be a case of uh there's oxlDpSHlrwU-00424-00104574-00104854 more uh Dominion parasaurs in there like oxlDpSHlrwU-00425-00104855-00105184 different kind of color schemes but if oxlDpSHlrwU-00426-00105185-00105316 there is well they've added them all in oxlDpSHlrwU-00427-00105317-00105569 because this is the same model but this oxlDpSHlrwU-00428-00105570-00105901 is varying to be oxlDpSHlrwU-00429-00105902-00105997 [Music] oxlDpSHlrwU-00430-00105998-00106423 [Applause] oxlDpSHlrwU-00431-00106424-00106678 apart from it you know having the same oxlDpSHlrwU-00432-00106679-00106913 model as the Dominion one it actually oxlDpSHlrwU-00433-00106914-00107219 looks very similar to The Lost World oxlDpSHlrwU-00434-00107220-00107393 power because you've got the backward oxlDpSHlrwU-00435-00107394-00107681 stripes on the legs there and also oxlDpSHlrwU-00436-00107682-00107908 across the spine you've got that little oxlDpSHlrwU-00437-00107909-00108107 bit of white as well which so this is oxlDpSHlrwU-00438-00108108-00108358 it's very inspired by the lost world oxlDpSHlrwU-00439-00108359-00108586 power I do like it the fact you've got oxlDpSHlrwU-00440-00108588-00108760 the you know the underbid as well like oxlDpSHlrwU-00441-00108761-00109066 the underbelly is lighter it's darker on oxlDpSHlrwU-00442-00109067-00109373 top it's very close to be my favorite I oxlDpSHlrwU-00443-00109374-00109565 just like the blue one more I don't know oxlDpSHlrwU-00444-00109566-00109745 what to say I just do it it's it's my oxlDpSHlrwU-00445-00109746-00109913 favorite I like it okay there we go oxlDpSHlrwU-00446-00109914-00110201 caught that as it froze right and the oxlDpSHlrwU-00447-00110202-00110315 final one which we're probably gonna oxlDpSHlrwU-00448-00110316-00110483 have to wait a little bit oh no never oxlDpSHlrwU-00449-00110483-00110663 mind it's it's happy to release these oxlDpSHlrwU-00450-00110664-00111083 guys the type C power which takes a bit oxlDpSHlrwU-00451-00111083-00111286 of both so let's say like the color of B oxlDpSHlrwU-00452-00111288-00111869 but you like the pattern of a you see oxlDpSHlrwU-00453-00111870-00112104 foreign oxlDpSHlrwU-00454-00112105-00112402 oh it looks so good though man it looks oxlDpSHlrwU-00455-00112403-00112649 so good look at oxlDpSHlrwU-00456-00112650-00112877 look at that it's gorgeous little bit oxlDpSHlrwU-00457-00112878-00113116 but still I think my favorite is just oxlDpSHlrwU-00458-00113117-00113410 hands down it has to be the blue look at oxlDpSHlrwU-00459-00113411-00113777 it there it's just so nice looking oxlDpSHlrwU-00460-00113778-00114149 oh well if anything para got the love in oxlDpSHlrwU-00461-00114150-00114323 this update and I don't care I will oxlDpSHlrwU-00462-00114324-00114478 happily pay money for more power skins oxlDpSHlrwU-00463-00114479-00114952 two King is two Dominion giggas oh it oxlDpSHlrwU-00464-00114953-00115416 looks so good look at this thank you oxlDpSHlrwU-00465-00115417-00115799 oh look at that they look so cool and oxlDpSHlrwU-00466-00115800-00115973 look at this Scott holder we'll pause it oxlDpSHlrwU-00467-00115974-00116249 there so there's like scars all over its oxlDpSHlrwU-00468-00116250-00116381 body oxlDpSHlrwU-00469-00116382-00116554 um you don't have the cleft lip on the oxlDpSHlrwU-00470-00116555-00116747 left side of it but you do have it on oxlDpSHlrwU-00471-00116748-00116843 the right side but we're not really oxlDpSHlrwU-00472-00116844-00116993 going to get a good shot of it yet there oxlDpSHlrwU-00473-00116994-00117281 it is because they're like oh that oxlDpSHlrwU-00474-00117282-00117449 that was a thumbnail shot look at that oxlDpSHlrwU-00475-00117450-00117701 that's a thumbnail shot looks so pretty oxlDpSHlrwU-00476-00117702-00117983 so photogenic aren't you I want to check oxlDpSHlrwU-00477-00117983-00118175 out this one this well I think over oxlDpSHlrwU-00478-00118176-00118486 hatching too oh interesting interesting oxlDpSHlrwU-00479-00118488-00119093 here it is the new Dominion Rexy Skin So oxlDpSHlrwU-00480-00119094-00119315 what's great about this is if when mods oxlDpSHlrwU-00481-00119316-00119728 now can come out they can add more new oxlDpSHlrwU-00482-00119729-00120034 rexes and on top of like you know the um oxlDpSHlrwU-00483-00120035-00120293 the Rexy animation set because this one oxlDpSHlrwU-00484-00120294-00120616 will be under a whole another uh little oxlDpSHlrwU-00485-00120617-00120808 uh menu tab in that oh we're gonna see oxlDpSHlrwU-00486-00120809-00120952 an interaction oxlDpSHlrwU-00487-00120953-00121428 oh oh yes oh that's glorious and then oxlDpSHlrwU-00488-00121429-00121708 [Laughter] oxlDpSHlrwU-00489-00121709-00122123 oh look oxlDpSHlrwU-00490-00122124-00122266 Oh look The Lost World I think that was oxlDpSHlrwU-00491-00122267-00122416 a new thing they put in for that right oxlDpSHlrwU-00492-00122417-00122675 the the DLC for that or maybe it was oxlDpSHlrwU-00493-00122676-00122860 always in yes oxlDpSHlrwU-00494-00122861-00123023 oh I'm so excited for this I'm so oxlDpSHlrwU-00495-00123024-00123358 excited okay uh here we go oh yeah yes oxlDpSHlrwU-00496-00123359-00123916 look at it it's a feather freaking Rexy oxlDpSHlrwU-00497-00123917-00124284 that's a little mohawk on it oxlDpSHlrwU-00498-00124285-00124763 oh wow look at you it's you kind of oxlDpSHlrwU-00499-00124764-00124984 being like scientifically accurate oxlDpSHlrwU-00500-00124985-00125183 what's that you wanted a scientifically oxlDpSHlrwU-00501-00125183-00125423 accurate Rexy well you've got it right oxlDpSHlrwU-00502-00125424-00125519 here we're also going to get the oxlDpSHlrwU-00503-00125520-00125716 animation as well that's quite nice wow oxlDpSHlrwU-00504-00125717-00126083 who would have thought feathers Ian like oxlDpSHlrwU-00505-00126083-00126347 Canon Jurassic well I guess Jurassic oxlDpSHlrwU-00506-00126348-00126551 world Evolution isn't can but I mean you oxlDpSHlrwU-00507-00126552-00126857 know in a triple A graphical game we oxlDpSHlrwU-00508-00126858-00127036 actually got to see feathered dinosaurs oxlDpSHlrwU-00509-00127038-00127264 look at the look at the feathers the way oxlDpSHlrwU-00510-00127265-00127528 they've got them blurred and stuff it oxlDpSHlrwU-00511-00127529-00127708 kind of loses its wow factor when you oxlDpSHlrwU-00512-00127709-00127927 zoom in a little bit but from far away oxlDpSHlrwU-00513-00127928-00128290 look at that I think pyro raptors look a oxlDpSHlrwU-00514-00128291-00128471 lot better just the way they've got that oxlDpSHlrwU-00515-00128472-00128740 glossy look to them and I think it still oxlDpSHlrwU-00516-00128741-00128939 looks really good look at that my oxlDpSHlrwU-00517-00128940-00129310 feather T-Rex awesome and our Sanctuary oxlDpSHlrwU-00518-00129311-00129539 is complete there is an asauruses oxlDpSHlrwU-00519-00129540-00129797 roaming about some oh where's that oh oxlDpSHlrwU-00520-00129798-00129989 I'm sorry that's a big Galley no it's oxlDpSHlrwU-00521-00129990-00130223 another Therizinosaurus we've got Paris oxlDpSHlrwU-00522-00130224-00130428 roaming over here to morphodons oxlDpSHlrwU-00523-00130429-00130649 dimetrodons always get those two mixed oxlDpSHlrwU-00524-00130650-00130883 up and dilophosaurs that is pretty much oxlDpSHlrwU-00525-00130883-00131081 all the Skins you get when it comes to oxlDpSHlrwU-00526-00131082-00131273 this game but there's a couple of things oxlDpSHlrwU-00527-00131274-00131423 I want to check out just before we you oxlDpSHlrwU-00528-00131424-00131663 know we showcase anything else and that oxlDpSHlrwU-00529-00131664-00132023 is over here so we have strong and we oxlDpSHlrwU-00530-00132024-00132316 have weak you know from releaser a oxlDpSHlrwU-00531-00132317-00132689 strong Therizinosaurus shall we and oxlDpSHlrwU-00532-00132690-00133073 maybe we'll put in a weak gig and and oxlDpSHlrwU-00533-00133074-00133264 just see oh now we get a different oxlDpSHlrwU-00534-00133265-00133601 animation oh we we can see this but for oxlDpSHlrwU-00535-00133602-00133781 whatever reason for the other one I oxlDpSHlrwU-00536-00133782-00134063 couldn't oh wow look at that the way the oxlDpSHlrwU-00537-00134064-00134321 sunlight sword just hatching on it oxlDpSHlrwU-00538-00134322-00134699 that looks so good oxlDpSHlrwU-00539-00134700-00134933 unlike John Favreau backlight is oxlDpSHlrwU-00540-00134934-00135102 something that works really really oxlDpSHlrwU-00541-00135103-00135497 whoa that was cool oh look at the power oxlDpSHlrwU-00542-00135498-00135754 oh oh it's it's not oh it's it's really oxlDpSHlrwU-00543-00135755-00136127 taking a beating look at that go wow I oxlDpSHlrwU-00544-00136128-00136331 love that they've updated the way the um oxlDpSHlrwU-00545-00136332-00136535 the sort of pack hunting goes that they oxlDpSHlrwU-00546-00136536-00136685 can actually run away a little bit now oxlDpSHlrwU-00547-00136686-00136954 although yep up yep the power is dead oxlDpSHlrwU-00548-00136955-00137177 power dead oh we've got a scientifically oxlDpSHlrwU-00549-00137178-00137557 accurate T-Rex taking on a pirate oxlDpSHlrwU-00550-00137558-00137849 don't you love the chaos that ensues oxlDpSHlrwU-00551-00137850-00138107 look at that yellow eye man that is very oxlDpSHlrwU-00552-00138108-00138311 yellow oh well at least you gotta see oxlDpSHlrwU-00553-00138312-00138533 kicker oh God yep there it is I was oxlDpSHlrwU-00554-00138534-00138695 gonna say we'll get a sea cookie to go oxlDpSHlrwU-00555-00138696-00138904 but uh that was just so quick I barely oxlDpSHlrwU-00556-00138905-00139339 even got an angle on that oxlDpSHlrwU-00557-00139340-00139661 best thing underrated underestimated in oxlDpSHlrwU-00558-00139662-00139919 this entire like Dominion DLC is the fog oxlDpSHlrwU-00559-00139920-00140225 it is MVP look at that first shot oxlDpSHlrwU-00560-00140226-00140452 oh the bike comes in from the T-Rex it oxlDpSHlrwU-00561-00140453-00140633 looks like the there has already taken a oxlDpSHlrwU-00562-00140634-00140981 hit oh oh they're slashed from the oxlDpSHlrwU-00563-00140982-00141299 pharaoh who's gonna win I think Rexy oxlDpSHlrwU-00564-00141300-00141443 probably attacked first yeah Rexy won oxlDpSHlrwU-00565-00141444-00141666 bye bye chicken oxlDpSHlrwU-00566-00141667-00142002 uh yes the Quince has gone out oxlDpSHlrwU-00567-00142003-00142271 oh what that Jesus oxlDpSHlrwU-00568-00142272-00142382 foreign oxlDpSHlrwU-00569-00142383-00142531 [Music] oxlDpSHlrwU-00570-00142532-00142913 like straight away I didn't waste any oxlDpSHlrwU-00571-00142914-00143309 time look at this thing it is ginormous oxlDpSHlrwU-00572-00143310-00143669 is it gonna get another person wow look oxlDpSHlrwU-00573-00143670-00143801 at it all there was gonna land in a oxlDpSHlrwU-00574-00143802-00143897 building there oh it's gonna get oxlDpSHlrwU-00575-00143898-00144413 somebody oh oh I got another person yes oxlDpSHlrwU-00576-00144414-00144731 Lance eat someone and flies up imagine oxlDpSHlrwU-00577-00144732-00145102 being in the helicopter oh look at that oxlDpSHlrwU-00578-00145103-00145507 oh my God it's coming for me oxlDpSHlrwU-00579-00145508-00146197 this is awesome but look at this oxlDpSHlrwU-00580-00146198-00146447 is amazing they're just watch him like oxlDpSHlrwU-00581-00146448-00146807 eat people whoa this is the best I've oxlDpSHlrwU-00582-00146808-00147154 ever look at this take them down oh and oxlDpSHlrwU-00583-00147155-00147409 he's gonna go uh oxlDpSHlrwU-00584-00147410-00147707 right I've released some pteranodons and oxlDpSHlrwU-00585-00147708-00148007 I'm very curious as to how this quetz is oxlDpSHlrwU-00586-00148008-00148193 gonna like react to them because it oxlDpSHlrwU-00587-00148194-00148331 could so easiest oxlDpSHlrwU-00588-00148332-00148528 um and just bite them going for another oxlDpSHlrwU-00589-00148529-00148897 person huh yum yums oxlDpSHlrwU-00590-00148898-00149254 oh my god oh he's got an amazing turning oxlDpSHlrwU-00591-00149255-00149561 control though wow look at the fog there oxlDpSHlrwU-00592-00149562-00149849 oh I'm getting another pit oh look at oxlDpSHlrwU-00593-00149850-00150221 this flu shot damn well we've kind of oxlDpSHlrwU-00594-00150222-00150514 seen how this one goes oh did he just oxlDpSHlrwU-00595-00150515-00150809 die oh I lost some help oh okay it kind oxlDpSHlrwU-00596-00150810-00150976 of like jumped into the claws and then oxlDpSHlrwU-00597-00150977-00151081 went oxlDpSHlrwU-00598-00151082-00151445 oh no I just missed it Giga killed the oxlDpSHlrwU-00599-00151446-00151890 ferret no okay here we go Giga versus oxlDpSHlrwU-00600-00151891-00152225 Therizinosaurus oh yeah as the stronger oxlDpSHlrwU-00601-00152226-00152489 there it goes for the hit first oh is oxlDpSHlrwU-00602-00152490-00152807 this gonna go oh Kika gets a bite in but oxlDpSHlrwU-00603-00152808-00153016 Ferris should win this one oh another oxlDpSHlrwU-00604-00153017-00153245 Slash from the pharaoh oxlDpSHlrwU-00605-00153246-00153437 could this be it could this be the oxlDpSHlrwU-00606-00153438-00153616 killer blow oxlDpSHlrwU-00607-00153617-00153959 oh it's not looking so good tell me they oxlDpSHlrwU-00608-00153960-00154121 put in a killing animation they surely oxlDpSHlrwU-00609-00154122-00154385 did no oxlDpSHlrwU-00610-00154386-00154540 right well I've put them in a tight oxlDpSHlrwU-00611-00154541-00154811 enclosure now yes that's right you did oxlDpSHlrwU-00612-00154812-00155057 it you won so he's not gonna be able to oxlDpSHlrwU-00613-00155058-00155278 get away even though he won that there oxlDpSHlrwU-00614-00155279-00155561 is panicking oh this looks to be it the oxlDpSHlrwU-00615-00155562-00155957 final battle how will it go down oh oh oxlDpSHlrwU-00616-00155958-00156197 it's another Slash from the ferret I oxlDpSHlrwU-00617-00156198-00156311 thought that was just gonna be a oxlDpSHlrwU-00618-00156312-00156739 straight up kill oh oh yes oxlDpSHlrwU-00619-00156740-00157204 oh oh my God I think it impaled it oxlDpSHlrwU-00620-00157205-00157511 yeah I think it did wow I think we oxlDpSHlrwU-00621-00157512-00157666 didn't see it from that angle but it oxlDpSHlrwU-00622-00157667-00157840 shoved its claw through its head and was oxlDpSHlrwU-00623-00157841-00158004 just like ah oxlDpSHlrwU-00624-00158005-00158266 oh we need to see that again oxlDpSHlrwU-00625-00158267-00158561 oh oh geek are going for the bite first oxlDpSHlrwU-00626-00158562-00158909 this time oh that's interesting oxlDpSHlrwU-00627-00158910-00159173 it shouldn't really have done that but oxlDpSHlrwU-00628-00159174-00159437 oh it goes for a second but is is there oxlDpSHlrwU-00629-00159438-00159593 we're gonna lose this one oh another oxlDpSHlrwU-00630-00159594-00159971 scratch from the Pharaoh but I think the oxlDpSHlrwU-00631-00159972-00160252 Giga won that one I I don't know how but oxlDpSHlrwU-00632-00160253-00160375 it did oxlDpSHlrwU-00633-00160376-00160654 okay this is it we're gonna see it from oxlDpSHlrwU-00634-00160655-00161213 this angle depending on how this goes I oxlDpSHlrwU-00635-00161214-00161416 I swear I think he's gonna stab him oxlDpSHlrwU-00636-00161417-00161602 through the head and if he does it's oxlDpSHlrwU-00637-00161603-00161909 gonna be this angle oh God is it is it oxlDpSHlrwU-00638-00161910-00162263 oh I don't know and oh this looks like oxlDpSHlrwU-00639-00162264-00162497 it okay so we saw it from the other oxlDpSHlrwU-00640-00162498-00162835 angle so are you ready guys here we go oxlDpSHlrwU-00641-00162836-00163061 oh never mind it was the other way oxlDpSHlrwU-00642-00163062-00163297 around oxlDpSHlrwU-00643-00163298-00163613 just stopped it in the neck look at that oxlDpSHlrwU-00644-00163614-00163885 oh oxlDpSHlrwU-00645-00163886-00164113 Jesus oxlDpSHlrwU-00646-00164114-00164549 damn oh it's coming run what I'm curious oxlDpSHlrwU-00647-00164550-00164747 to see now actually and maybe we'll just oxlDpSHlrwU-00648-00164748-00164945 do this one video that showcases all the oxlDpSHlrwU-00649-00164946-00165107 animations I think we're probably gonna oxlDpSHlrwU-00650-00165108-00165509 do that let's see if T-Rex and gego have oxlDpSHlrwU-00651-00165510-00165790 their own unique animation oh this looks oxlDpSHlrwU-00652-00165791-00165983 like it this looks like it's gonna be oxlDpSHlrwU-00653-00165984-00166093 the battle oxlDpSHlrwU-00654-00166094-00166390 right is Rex is gonna kill it right off oxlDpSHlrwU-00655-00166391-00166614 the bat we'll see oxlDpSHlrwU-00656-00166615-00166997 oh no no but it does go for a hit come oxlDpSHlrwU-00657-00166998-00167152 on please Frontier I've given them a oxlDpSHlrwU-00658-00167153-00167454 unique animation you know you want to oxlDpSHlrwU-00659-00167455-00167699 okay okay it doesn't look like Rex has oxlDpSHlrwU-00660-00167700-00167921 got much of a scratch there oh the oxlDpSHlrwU-00661-00167922-00168185 little little Dancy Dance all right but oxlDpSHlrwU-00662-00168186-00168395 is it a unique animation we're about to oxlDpSHlrwU-00663-00168396-00168595 find out oxlDpSHlrwU-00664-00168596-00168916 oh if only it was that would have been oxlDpSHlrwU-00665-00168917-00169264 so cool well on to something else so it oxlDpSHlrwU-00666-00169265-00169511 would appear that the Giga basically oxlDpSHlrwU-00667-00169512-00169714 just has the same animations as it oxlDpSHlrwU-00668-00169715-00169852 normally does they just give it another oxlDpSHlrwU-00669-00169853-00170154 skin however we have like oxlDpSHlrwU-00670-00170155-00170447 Therizinosaurus right so Therizinosaurus oxlDpSHlrwU-00671-00170448-00170699 can't have been given anything extra So oxlDpSHlrwU-00672-00170700-00170993 that's its kill for a large Carnival but oxlDpSHlrwU-00673-00170994-00171197 what about something that's a bit more oxlDpSHlrwU-00674-00171198-00171443 unique something that you know it might oxlDpSHlrwU-00675-00171444-00171661 never have faced up against but oxlDpSHlrwU-00676-00171662-00171899 indoraptor I really don't know how this oxlDpSHlrwU-00677-00171900-00172087 one's gonna go but we got a strong oxlDpSHlrwU-00678-00172088-00172433 Therizinosaurus oh ninja raptor goes oxlDpSHlrwU-00679-00172434-00172549 first oxlDpSHlrwU-00680-00172550-00172816 wow okay but that doesn't mean that it's oxlDpSHlrwU-00681-00172817-00173323 gonna win oh that slap just shut it down oxlDpSHlrwU-00682-00173324-00173669 oh but the kick again on the Barrett oxlDpSHlrwU-00683-00173670-00173854 dude this would be interesting whether oxlDpSHlrwU-00684-00173855-00174047 the interrupt has a unique kill but oxlDpSHlrwU-00685-00174048-00174437 there isn't a source or not oh Marvel it oxlDpSHlrwU-00686-00174438-00174821 just looks so like shut up oxlDpSHlrwU-00687-00174822-00175090 last hit of it still lost is it gonna oxlDpSHlrwU-00688-00175091-00175366 glitch out again or are we gonna see oxlDpSHlrwU-00689-00175367-00175585 interrupted actually kill the oxlDpSHlrwU-00690-00175586-00175811 Therizinosaurus I haven't got my hopes oxlDpSHlrwU-00691-00175812-00176309 up uh yeah there it is oh okay yeah I oxlDpSHlrwU-00692-00176310-00176393 love this oxlDpSHlrwU-00693-00176394-00176747 what is she doing stop it just die thank oxlDpSHlrwU-00694-00176748-00176833 you oxlDpSHlrwU-00695-00176834-00177178 okay so we've seen indoraptor try and oxlDpSHlrwU-00696-00177179-00177419 kill Thera but can indominus Rex oxlDpSHlrwU-00697-00177420-00177754 actually kill Thera oh okay we're going oxlDpSHlrwU-00698-00177755-00177904 on for a little bit longer than normal oxlDpSHlrwU-00699-00177905-00178145 this is interesting okay this is gonna oxlDpSHlrwU-00700-00178146-00178331 be at the third fight and it's it's oxlDpSHlrwU-00701-00178332-00178481 gonna be an instant loose but there oxlDpSHlrwU-00702-00178482-00178685 isn't a sore short it's on 30 indoors on oxlDpSHlrwU-00703-00178686-00178793 100 oxlDpSHlrwU-00704-00178794-00179014 oh oxlDpSHlrwU-00705-00179015-00179226 [Laughter] oxlDpSHlrwU-00706-00179227-00179735 oh my hair is so bugged at the moment I oxlDpSHlrwU-00707-00179736-00179902 just want to show like maybe it has a oxlDpSHlrwU-00708-00179903-00180178 unique animation it really didn't look oxlDpSHlrwU-00709-00180179-00180299 like it though it looked like the oxlDpSHlrwU-00710-00180300-00180454 indominus was just gonna like hit it oxlDpSHlrwU-00711-00180455-00180611 from the side anyway and probably kill oxlDpSHlrwU-00712-00180612-00180959 it and possibly that's what indoraptor oxlDpSHlrwU-00713-00180960-00181169 would do as well it's just like they oxlDpSHlrwU-00714-00181170-00181390 haven't matched that at the moment so oxlDpSHlrwU-00715-00181391-00181479 who's that oxlDpSHlrwU-00716-00181480-00181804 [Music] oxlDpSHlrwU-00717-00181805-00181985 what I thought there was gonna be oxlDpSHlrwU-00718-00181986-00182213 something there we just sort of bit it oxlDpSHlrwU-00719-00182214-00182447 and flipped and that looked beautiful I oxlDpSHlrwU-00720-00182448-00182597 think out of all of them the question oxlDpSHlrwU-00721-00182598-00182885 doesn't seem to work the best as far as oxlDpSHlrwU-00722-00182886-00183083 animation goes even though there isn't a oxlDpSHlrwU-00723-00183084-00183240 source literally has some oxlDpSHlrwU-00724-00183241-00183490 that don't like just turn it off and oxlDpSHlrwU-00725-00183491-00183809 then it pops dead but this one um yeah oxlDpSHlrwU-00726-00183810-00184421 oh and another one that sound man oxlDpSHlrwU-00727-00184422-00184643 well it shows that at least it takes two oxlDpSHlrwU-00728-00184644-00184949 hits for uh question oh oh my God okay I oxlDpSHlrwU-00729-00184950-00185111 was gonna say the question to break out oxlDpSHlrwU-00730-00185112-00185351 but oh no there it goes just having a oxlDpSHlrwU-00731-00185352-00185554 lovely stroll and then whoa before you oxlDpSHlrwU-00732-00185555-00185813 know it no I'm done an Eaton hole before oxlDpSHlrwU-00733-00185814-00186185 it takes off again oh wouldn't that just oxlDpSHlrwU-00734-00186186-00186335 be terrifying just one moment you're oxlDpSHlrwU-00735-00186336-00186514 gone next moment also the thing's gone oxlDpSHlrwU-00736-00186515-00186976 as well as you okay a 42 now 42. come on oxlDpSHlrwU-00737-00186977-00187121 this is an instant kill come on just oxlDpSHlrwU-00738-00187122-00187349 kill each other just do it no you're oxlDpSHlrwU-00739-00187350-00187771 doing the weird thing again no stop now oxlDpSHlrwU-00740-00187772-00188063 yeah I think there's some glitch uh oxlDpSHlrwU-00741-00188064-00188314 they've obviously got some maybe a oxlDpSHlrwU-00742-00188315-00188507 unique kill animation but because oxlDpSHlrwU-00743-00188508-00188752 there's there's some patch that still oxlDpSHlrwU-00744-00188753-00188945 needs to be put into the game oxlDpSHlrwU-00745-00188946-00189161 when the Therizinosaurus is gonna kill oxlDpSHlrwU-00746-00189162-00189400 the interrupt it just can't seem to make oxlDpSHlrwU-00747-00189401-00189635 the it's like pushing two magnets oxlDpSHlrwU-00748-00189636-00189809 together they just don't seem to work oxlDpSHlrwU-00749-00189810-00190031 well guys I'm gonna wrap it up there oxlDpSHlrwU-00750-00190032-00190204 because I don't really know how much oxlDpSHlrwU-00751-00190205-00190385 else I can show you with Therizinosaurus oxlDpSHlrwU-00752-00190386-00190583 bugged out the way it is it does have oxlDpSHlrwU-00753-00190584-00190769 one animation working at the moment I'm oxlDpSHlrwU-00754-00190770-00190925 hoping it released they'll fix I mean oxlDpSHlrwU-00755-00190926-00191099 they will fix it they're not this is oxlDpSHlrwU-00756-00191100-00191237 Frontier we're talking about but if you oxlDpSHlrwU-00757-00191238-00191363 enjoy the video guys leave a like until oxlDpSHlrwU-00758-00191364-00191646 next time I'll see cuties later oxlDpSHlrwU-00759-00191647-00192803 [Music] ozajPpv6rEY-00000-00000032-00000206 so thanks very much we're going to stay ozajPpv6rEY-00001-00000208-00000471 with technology as promised to graycroft ozajPpv6rEY-00002-00000472-00000734 partners alan patrickoff back with me ozajPpv6rEY-00003-00000735-00000935 along with the founder of one of the ozajPpv6rEY-00004-00000936-00001183 startups that he funded it is called ozajPpv6rEY-00005-00001184-00001415 when i work it's a mobile focused ozajPpv6rEY-00006-00001416-00001639 software company scheduling interaction ozajPpv6rEY-00007-00001639-00001855 between employees and employer made ozajPpv6rEY-00008-00001855-00002142 easier chad halverson right here beside ozajPpv6rEY-00009-00002143-00002342 allen and myself so chad welcome thank ozajPpv6rEY-00010-00002343-00002431 you ozajPpv6rEY-00011-00002432-00002591 uh why do you have a pencil i just have ozajPpv6rEY-00012-00002592-00002791 to ask very old school but do you write ozajPpv6rEY-00013-00002792-00002879 a lot ozajPpv6rEY-00014-00002880-00003095 it's like the antithesis of what we do ozajPpv6rEY-00015-00003096-00003231 in tech and it just kind of stuck i ozajPpv6rEY-00016-00003232-00003406 always am like scratching things down ozajPpv6rEY-00017-00003407-00003590 okay it's kind of this thing that so ozajPpv6rEY-00018-00003592-00003822 communication in its first stages and ozajPpv6rEY-00019-00003823-00004063 now it's involved scheduling was done ozajPpv6rEY-00020-00004064-00004367 before years ago we do it now so what ozajPpv6rEY-00021-00004368-00004654 you're doing now is essentially saving ozajPpv6rEY-00022-00004655-00004919 employers and employees time and as ozajPpv6rEY-00023-00004920-00005070 we've known for a long time time ozajPpv6rEY-00024-00005071-00005351 actually does equal money yeah so small ozajPpv6rEY-00025-00005352-00005511 businesses and businesses that have ozajPpv6rEY-00026-00005512-00005718 early employees they spend an insane ozajPpv6rEY-00027-00005719-00005879 amount of time scheduling and ozajPpv6rEY-00028-00005880-00006070 communicating with employees and it's ozajPpv6rEY-00029-00006071-00006222 one of the most daunting tasks that they ozajPpv6rEY-00030-00006223-00006431 have to deal with and ozajPpv6rEY-00031-00006431-00006518 we've ozajPpv6rEY-00032-00006519-00006710 we've kind of cracked the code in terms ozajPpv6rEY-00033-00006711-00006903 of software and communication to make it ozajPpv6rEY-00034-00006904-00007134 really really easy for these business ozajPpv6rEY-00035-00007136-00007270 owners and these managers of small ozajPpv6rEY-00036-00007272-00007519 businesses to communicate so if i work ozajPpv6rEY-00037-00007520-00007814 in a small business and my manager has ozajPpv6rEY-00038-00007815-00008023 your software i call in sick it doesn't ozajPpv6rEY-00039-00008023-00008207 take that person you know two hours to ozajPpv6rEY-00040-00008208-00008374 solve that problem it takes them three ozajPpv6rEY-00041-00008375-00008535 minutes ten seconds so they'll pull up ozajPpv6rEY-00042-00008536-00008695 their phone they'll see who's available ozajPpv6rEY-00043-00008696-00008878 who's not working find a replacement ozajPpv6rEY-00044-00008879-00008999 that shoots out text message to ozajPpv6rEY-00045-00009000-00009263 everybody email social cues things like ozajPpv6rEY-00046-00009264-00009542 that alan you get more than 50 pitches a ozajPpv6rEY-00047-00009543-00009751 week i'm sure maybe even higher than ozajPpv6rEY-00048-00009752-00009999 that number what made you invest in ozajPpv6rEY-00049-00010000-00010231 chad's company well in chad's case it ozajPpv6rEY-00050-00010232-00010374 really was an easy one i mean they're ozajPpv6rEY-00051-00010375-00010703 growing 20 to 30 percent a month ozajPpv6rEY-00052-00010704-00010863 they have a ozajPpv6rEY-00053-00010864-00011055 business that the most impressive thing ozajPpv6rEY-00054-00011056-00011303 was they don't do any outbound selling ozajPpv6rEY-00055-00011304-00011487 they have no salesmen on the road they ozajPpv6rEY-00056-00011488-00011646 don't have anyone calling so this is all ozajPpv6rEY-00057-00011647-00011878 word of mouth all inbound all in it's ozajPpv6rEY-00058-00011879-00012142 all inbound word of mouth and uh people ozajPpv6rEY-00059-00012143-00012399 discovering us and then us solving their ozajPpv6rEY-00060-00012400-00012606 problem so do you ever have you come ozajPpv6rEY-00061-00012607-00012783 across a situation where i mean i know ozajPpv6rEY-00062-00012784-00012974 you have something like 5 000 businesses ozajPpv6rEY-00063-00012975-00013158 signed up how big is your staff ozajPpv6rEY-00064-00013159-00013351 so right now it's about 30 people um ozajPpv6rEY-00065-00013352-00013535 seven months ago it was about seven ozajPpv6rEY-00066-00013536-00013758 people so okay well that tells its own ozajPpv6rEY-00067-00013759-00013935 tale but are you in this position where ozajPpv6rEY-00068-00013936-00014071 if you start going faster you either ozajPpv6rEY-00069-00014072-00014230 have to hurry up and hire more people or ozajPpv6rEY-00070-00014231-00014399 turn business away ozajPpv6rEY-00071-00014400-00014599 i mean i hope it'll never turn out i ozajPpv6rEY-00072-00014600-00014783 know allen's like dirty please don't ozajPpv6rEY-00073-00014784-00014975 start but optimizing all the different ozajPpv6rEY-00074-00014976-00015150 areas you know the customer success the ozajPpv6rEY-00075-00015151-00015383 marketing and the products that we can ozajPpv6rEY-00076-00015384-00015566 bring people on in larger quantities ozajPpv6rEY-00077-00015568-00015647 faster ozajPpv6rEY-00078-00015647-00015886 alan how does this fit in we mentioned ozajPpv6rEY-00079-00015887-00016063 media internet i mean this is obviously ozajPpv6rEY-00080-00016063-00016303 heavy internet heavy tech but how does ozajPpv6rEY-00081-00016304-00016511 this fit in to what you're doing right ozajPpv6rEY-00082-00016512-00016686 now at gray crosstalk well it's a mobile ozajPpv6rEY-00083-00016687-00016967 company mobile-based company it takes ozajPpv6rEY-00084-00016968-00017319 monthly recurring revenues uh uh and you ozajPpv6rEY-00085-00017320-00017447 know it's a ozajPpv6rEY-00086-00017448-00017711 software based i mean it's a it fits ozajPpv6rEY-00087-00017712-00017958 perfectly in well it's not a news ozajPpv6rEY-00088-00017959-00018222 company or a company that in our ozajPpv6rEY-00089-00018223-00018463 in our mind we think of as media it's ozajPpv6rEY-00090-00018464-00018679 internet-based and it's mobile based and ozajPpv6rEY-00091-00018680-00018783 it's ozajPpv6rEY-00092-00018784-00018911 some of your clients i mean you have ozajPpv6rEY-00093-00018912-00019119 atlanta braves you have uber you have ozajPpv6rEY-00094-00019120-00019279 the columbus zoo i mean you have a ozajPpv6rEY-00095-00019280-00019550 pretty wide swath of industries that ozajPpv6rEY-00096-00019551-00019758 you're working with right yeah so it's ozajPpv6rEY-00097-00019759-00019927 uh it's businesses that have hourly ozajPpv6rEY-00098-00019928-00020103 employees that are that are finding ozajPpv6rEY-00099-00020104-00020279 value in it and it doesn't whether it's ozajPpv6rEY-00100-00020280-00020471 restaurants retail entertainment ozajPpv6rEY-00101-00020472-00020583 if there's ozajPpv6rEY-00102-00020584-00020775 employees being scheduled it's a big ozajPpv6rEY-00103-00020776-00020950 problem and as we know we've talked ozajPpv6rEY-00104-00020951-00021111 about this allen big picture i mean ozajPpv6rEY-00105-00021112-00021271 larry summers even wrote about this ozajPpv6rEY-00106-00021272-00021511 yesterday in the journal about this work ozajPpv6rEY-00107-00021512-00021694 problem essentially that that the u.s ozajPpv6rEY-00108-00021695-00021878 has but more and more workers seem to be ozajPpv6rEY-00109-00021879-00022119 going to temporary work or freelance ozajPpv6rEY-00110-00022120-00022303 work or part-time work so you're ozajPpv6rEY-00111-00022304-00022486 answering in in that case that macro ozajPpv6rEY-00112-00022487-00022830 trend anyone who has seasonal workers ozajPpv6rEY-00113-00022831-00023071 whereas part-time workers hourly workers ozajPpv6rEY-00114-00023072-00023327 needs when i work software ozajPpv6rEY-00115-00023328-00023430 it's ozajPpv6rEY-00116-00023431-00023678 so easy to operate i was when the first ozajPpv6rEY-00117-00023679-00023822 time i saw it ozajPpv6rEY-00118-00023823-00024086 he said go and do it and i i don't have ozajPpv6rEY-00119-00024087-00024271 part-time workers but i registered ozajPpv6rEY-00120-00024272-00024486 everybody and everybody was notified and ozajPpv6rEY-00121-00024487-00024703 it was done in a matter of seconds plus ozajPpv6rEY-00122-00024704-00024847 it gives you an excuse to go to ozajPpv6rEY-00123-00024848-00025030 minnesota you said minneapolis-st paul ozajPpv6rEY-00124-00025031-00025150 is now your favorite city is that ozajPpv6rEY-00125-00025151-00025358 because of chance it was 24 below zero ozajPpv6rEY-00126-00025359-00025550 when i went there during the winter that ozajPpv6rEY-00127-00025551-00025799 is what we could call conviction all in ozajPpv6rEY-00128-00025800-00025967 capital letters thank you both for ozajPpv6rEY-00129-00025968-00026174 joining us so happy you're here chad ozajPpv6rEY-00130-00026175-00026390 halverson he is the founder of when i ozajPpv6rEY-00131-00026391-00026583 work alan patrickoff of course the ozajPpv6rEY-00132-00026583-00027016 founder of graycroft partners we o-JcGxnN-DQ-00000-00000000-00000750 [Music] o-JcGxnN-DQ-00001-00000751-00001211 welcome back everybody it's Gina I've o-JcGxnN-DQ-00002-00001212-00001670 got a design team project for Tracy Fox o-JcGxnN-DQ-00003-00001671-00002008 whose love junk journals on Etsy but o-JcGxnN-DQ-00004-00002009-00002254 before I get started you'll hear I've o-JcGxnN-DQ-00005-00002255-00002378 got my printer going in the background o-JcGxnN-DQ-00006-00002379-00002519 I'm printing out a couple more of these o-JcGxnN-DQ-00007-00002520-00002858 sheets before I get started I wanted to o-JcGxnN-DQ-00008-00002859-00003081 thank everybody for such a great o-JcGxnN-DQ-00009-00003082-00003506 response to my get to know me video I o-JcGxnN-DQ-00010-00003507-00003845 can't tell you how much I appreciate all o-JcGxnN-DQ-00011-00003846-00004072 of you taking the time to leave me such o-JcGxnN-DQ-00012-00004072-00004376 wonderful comments because I was o-JcGxnN-DQ-00013-00004377-00004625 extremely nervous about going it on in o-JcGxnN-DQ-00014-00004626-00004973 front of the camera but you guys just o-JcGxnN-DQ-00015-00004974-00005297 have made me feel just amazing so thank o-JcGxnN-DQ-00016-00005298-00005534 you so much for that welcome to all my o-JcGxnN-DQ-00017-00005535-00005975 new subscribers yeah it's just that was o-JcGxnN-DQ-00018-00005976-00006308 very very helpful getting the feedback o-JcGxnN-DQ-00019-00006309-00006692 from you guys on going forward I haven't o-JcGxnN-DQ-00020-00006693-00006884 you know got everything worked out yet o-JcGxnN-DQ-00021-00006884-00007112 but I do have a pretty good idea of how o-JcGxnN-DQ-00022-00007113-00007474 you know I want to the way the direction o-JcGxnN-DQ-00023-00007475-00007655 I want to go with the channels so that's o-JcGxnN-DQ-00024-00007656-00007870 awesome thank you thank you so much for o-JcGxnN-DQ-00025-00007871-00008387 that so today this is not my idea this o-JcGxnN-DQ-00026-00008388-00008731 was inspired by Angela Kerr and she's o-JcGxnN-DQ-00027-00008732-00009073 got YouTube channel here I've mentioned o-JcGxnN-DQ-00028-00009074-00009292 Angela several times before but I'm o-JcGxnN-DQ-00029-00009293-00009787 going to put her link to the tutorial of o-JcGxnN-DQ-00030-00009788-00010030 the of today's project because she is o-JcGxnN-DQ-00031-00010031-00010326 the one that inspired me to do this so o-JcGxnN-DQ-00032-00010327-00010471 check her out o-JcGxnN-DQ-00033-00010472-00010744 Angela's super super talented if you o-JcGxnN-DQ-00034-00010745-00011038 haven't already discovered her oh wow o-JcGxnN-DQ-00035-00011039-00011251 she's amazing o-JcGxnN-DQ-00036-00011252-00011776 so she did a altered envelope and so I o-JcGxnN-DQ-00037-00011777-00012244 just thought this paper from Tracy's o-JcGxnN-DQ-00038-00012245-00012664 shop and I'll put the link below to this o-JcGxnN-DQ-00039-00012665-00013010 kit these are her collage sheets and I'm o-JcGxnN-DQ-00040-00013011-00013241 sorry about right now I can't think of o-JcGxnN-DQ-00041-00013241-00013478 the name of them but I will put the link o-JcGxnN-DQ-00042-00013479-00013685 below to Tracy's shop I thought this o-JcGxnN-DQ-00043-00013686-00013925 would just make a really nice o-JcGxnN-DQ-00044-00013926-00014369 compliment to this idea of Angela's so o-JcGxnN-DQ-00045-00014369-00014777 what I've done is a while back I got o-JcGxnN-DQ-00046-00014778-00015022 these handmade paper envelopes and o-JcGxnN-DQ-00047-00015023-00015260 they're pretty big and that's it looked o-JcGxnN-DQ-00048-00015261-00015557 about the size of what Angela used so I o-JcGxnN-DQ-00049-00015558-00015922 grabbed this out and I had went ahead o-JcGxnN-DQ-00050-00015922-00016499 and what I do is I fold it and then I o-JcGxnN-DQ-00051-00016500-00016694 kind of cut down the middle but do it o-JcGxnN-DQ-00052-00016695-00016991 out of just a very slight angle because o-JcGxnN-DQ-00053-00016992-00017281 that way when it's when you close it o-JcGxnN-DQ-00054-00017282-00017474 you've got that just that little bit of o-JcGxnN-DQ-00055-00017475-00017819 space and it still looks nice I think o-JcGxnN-DQ-00056-00017820-00018103 and I just inked it up lightly because I o-JcGxnN-DQ-00057-00018104-00018341 didn't want it too dark but I love these o-JcGxnN-DQ-00058-00018342-00018716 papers and hopefully that would be the o-JcGxnN-DQ-00059-00018717-00019075 end of the print yeah that's that's good o-JcGxnN-DQ-00060-00019076-00019388 okay so these are some of the papers o-JcGxnN-DQ-00061-00019389-00020068 here just once welcome back everybody o-JcGxnN-DQ-00062-00020069-00020690 it's Gina I've got a design team project o-JcGxnN-DQ-00063-00020691-00021008 for Tracy Fox who's love junk journals o-JcGxnN-DQ-00064-00021009-00021340 on Etsy but before I get started you'll o-JcGxnN-DQ-00065-00021341-00021508 hear I've got my printer going in the o-JcGxnN-DQ-00066-00021509-00021628 background I'm printing out a couple o-JcGxnN-DQ-00067-00021629-00021919 more of these sheets before I get o-JcGxnN-DQ-00068-00021920-00022105 started I wanted to thank everybody for o-JcGxnN-DQ-00069-00022106-00022499 such a great response to my get to know o-JcGxnN-DQ-00070-00022500-00022840 me video I can't tell you how much I o-JcGxnN-DQ-00071-00022841-00023119 appreciate all of you taking the time to o-JcGxnN-DQ-00072-00023120-00023489 leave me such wonderful comments because o-JcGxnN-DQ-00073-00023490-00023719 I was extremely nervous about going it o-JcGxnN-DQ-00074-00023720-00024083 on in front of the camera but you guys o-JcGxnN-DQ-00075-00024084-00024412 just have made me feel just amazing so o-JcGxnN-DQ-00076-00024413-00024668 thank you so much for that welcome to o-JcGxnN-DQ-00077-00024669-00025049 all my new subscribers yeah it's just o-JcGxnN-DQ-00078-00025050-00025433 that was very very helpful getting the o-JcGxnN-DQ-00079-00025434-00025706 feedback from you guys on going forward o-JcGxnN-DQ-00080-00025707-00025972 I haven't you know got everything worked o-JcGxnN-DQ-00081-00025973-00026221 out yet but I do have a pretty good idea o-JcGxnN-DQ-00082-00026222-00026606 of how you know I want to the weight the o-JcGxnN-DQ-00083-00026607-00026768 direction I want to go with the channels o-JcGxnN-DQ-00084-00026769-00026983 that's awesome thank you thank you so o-JcGxnN-DQ-00085-00026984-00027058 much for that o-JcGxnN-DQ-00086-00027059-00027345 so today o-JcGxnN-DQ-00087-00027345-00027639 this is not my idea this was inspired by o-JcGxnN-DQ-00088-00027639-00027945 Angela Kerr and she's got a YouTube o-JcGxnN-DQ-00089-00027945-00028320 channel here I mentioned Angela several o-JcGxnN-DQ-00090-00028320-00028696 times before but I'm going to put her o-JcGxnN-DQ-00091-00028697-00029015 link to the tutorial of the of today's o-JcGxnN-DQ-00092-00029016-00029223 project because she is the one that o-JcGxnN-DQ-00093-00029224-00029621 inspired me to do this so check her out o-JcGxnN-DQ-00094-00029622-00029895 Angela's super super talented if you o-JcGxnN-DQ-00095-00029895-00030180 haven't already discovered her oh wow o-JcGxnN-DQ-00096-00030181-00030398 she's amazing o-JcGxnN-DQ-00097-00030399-00030924 so she did a altered envelope and so I o-JcGxnN-DQ-00098-00030925-00031395 just thought this paper from Tracy's o-JcGxnN-DQ-00099-00031395-00031814 shop and I'll put the link below to this o-JcGxnN-DQ-00100-00031816-00032160 kit these are her collage sheets and I'm o-JcGxnN-DQ-00101-00032161-00032387 sorry about right now I can't think of o-JcGxnN-DQ-00102-00032388-00032627 the name of them but I will put the link o-JcGxnN-DQ-00103-00032628-00032835 below to Tracy's shop I thought this o-JcGxnN-DQ-00104-00032836-00033165 would just make a really nice complement o-JcGxnN-DQ-00105-00033166-00033582 to this idea of Angela's so what I've o-JcGxnN-DQ-00106-00033583-00033942 done is a while back I got these o-JcGxnN-DQ-00107-00033943-00034187 handmade paper envelopes and they're o-JcGxnN-DQ-00108-00034188-00034440 pretty big and that's it looked about o-JcGxnN-DQ-00109-00034441-00034707 the size of what Angela used so I o-JcGxnN-DQ-00110-00034708-00035093 grabbed this out and I had went ahead o-JcGxnN-DQ-00111-00035094-00035649 and what I do is I fold it and then I o-JcGxnN-DQ-00112-00035650-00035856 kind of cut down the middle but do it o-JcGxnN-DQ-00113-00035857-00036140 out of just a very slight angle because o-JcGxnN-DQ-00114-00036141-00036432 that way when it's when you close it o-JcGxnN-DQ-00115-00036433-00036624 you've got that just that little bit of o-JcGxnN-DQ-00116-00036625-00036957 space and it still looks nice I think o-JcGxnN-DQ-00117-00036958-00037254 and I just inked it up lightly because I o-JcGxnN-DQ-00118-00037255-00037490 didn't want it too dark but I love these o-JcGxnN-DQ-00119-00037491-00037865 papers and hopefully that would be the o-JcGxnN-DQ-00120-00037866-00038046 end of the print o-JcGxnN-DQ-00121-00038047-00038364 yeah that's that's good okay so these o-JcGxnN-DQ-00122-00038365-00038618 are some of the papers here o-JcGxnN-DQ-00123-00038619-00038961 just one set okay guys o-JcGxnN-DQ-00124-00038962-00039327 whoa that turned into quite a task yeah o-JcGxnN-DQ-00125-00039328-00039771 I just went over to cut these and yeah I o-JcGxnN-DQ-00126-00039772-00040305 just went pear-shaped so they're just o-JcGxnN-DQ-00127-00040306-00040397 going to o-JcGxnN-DQ-00128-00040398-00040688 these up a little bit I've got an idea o-JcGxnN-DQ-00129-00040689-00040922 on how I want to use these but that o-JcGxnN-DQ-00130-00040923-00041453 could change as you know so well I had o-JcGxnN-DQ-00131-00041454-00041777 the camera off rather than you know o-JcGxnN-DQ-00132-00041778-00042056 stopping and starting I went ahead and o-JcGxnN-DQ-00133-00042057-00042223 [Music] o-JcGxnN-DQ-00134-00042224-00042617 stitched in the little papers so it's o-JcGxnN-DQ-00135-00042618-00043094 forming a nice little book there yeah I o-JcGxnN-DQ-00136-00043095-00043568 like the feel of that nice okay so let's o-JcGxnN-DQ-00137-00043569-00044833 finish off the front here and I decided o-JcGxnN-DQ-00138-00044834-00044956 [Music] o-JcGxnN-DQ-00139-00044957-00045377 instead of putting a name I generally do o-JcGxnN-DQ-00140-00045378-00045596 that this is one of Tracy's tiny o-JcGxnN-DQ-00141-00045597-00045833 embellishments I'm just going to cut out o-JcGxnN-DQ-00142-00045834-00046139 that little butterfly and put that in o-JcGxnN-DQ-00143-00046140-00046436 the center and then I'll attach it with o-JcGxnN-DQ-00144-00046437-00047429 some Brad's and then we can just start o-JcGxnN-DQ-00145-00047430-00047690 making little things to fill it up I'll o-JcGxnN-DQ-00146-00047691-00048002 probably do that off camera because as I o-JcGxnN-DQ-00147-00048003-00048209 said this isn't really a tutorial o-JcGxnN-DQ-00148-00048210-00048890 because Angela's done a great job on her o-JcGxnN-DQ-00150-00051932-00052364 okay let's just put on a couple of o-JcGxnN-DQ-00151-00052365-00054884 Brad's in there o-JcGxnN-DQ-00152-00054885-00055596 so I've decided to go home in December o-JcGxnN-DQ-00153-00055597-00056469 yay and now I'm starting to get a little o-JcGxnN-DQ-00154-00056470-00056724 list going of the things I want to pick o-JcGxnN-DQ-00155-00056725-00057324 up and one thing that I absolutely have o-JcGxnN-DQ-00156-00057325-00057866 to go it's a big paper twelve by twelve o-JcGxnN-DQ-00157-00057867-00058158 paper packs that are kind of they're o-JcGxnN-DQ-00158-00058159-00058662 thicker than copy paper but they're not o-JcGxnN-DQ-00159-00058663-00058914 like cardstock and I'm desperate for o-JcGxnN-DQ-00160-00058915-00059316 some of those in the vintage patterns so o-JcGxnN-DQ-00161-00059316-00059715 that's one I'm just like oh my gosh I've o-JcGxnN-DQ-00162-00059716-00059865 got a lot of stuff from the crafting o-JcGxnN-DQ-00163-00059866-00060129 unit turned out the crafting my storage o-JcGxnN-DQ-00164-00060129-00060984 unit that I want to bring and so it's o-JcGxnN-DQ-00165-00060985-00061260 wait and I'm not sure that anybody's got o-JcGxnN-DQ-00166-00061261-00061592 scaled so I can check the weight on my o-JcGxnN-DQ-00167-00061594-00062085 bag cuz um what I've decided to do is go o-JcGxnN-DQ-00168-00062086-00062865 in and see my daughter and my dad and o-JcGxnN-DQ-00169-00062866-00063080 then my son's coming down for Christmas o-JcGxnN-DQ-00170-00063082-00063435 and then I'm going to ride back up with o-JcGxnN-DQ-00171-00063436-00063726 him to Washington DC because he's just o-JcGxnN-DQ-00172-00063727-00064209 got his own place he's been living in DC o-JcGxnN-DQ-00173-00064210-00064458 for four years now but he's been rooming o-JcGxnN-DQ-00174-00064459-00065010 with a friend of his and he's just got o-JcGxnN-DQ-00175-00065011-00065301 his first apartment so just there's no o-JcGxnN-DQ-00176-00065302-00065484 way you can go home and not go see that o-JcGxnN-DQ-00177-00065485-00065688 I'm sort so I get for him he's worked o-JcGxnN-DQ-00178-00065689-00066183 really really hard so I'm anxious to go o-JcGxnN-DQ-00179-00066184-00066615 up there but now I'm thinking oh my gosh o-JcGxnN-DQ-00180-00066616-00066786 I'm gonna end up I can see what's gonna o-JcGxnN-DQ-00181-00066787-00066975 happen I'm gonna end up paying excess o-JcGxnN-DQ-00182-00066976-00067266 baggage fees because I probably end up o-JcGxnN-DQ-00183-00067267-00067515 with it's super heavy cuz I'm bringing o-JcGxnN-DQ-00184-00067516-00067645 back too bad o-JcGxnN-DQ-00185-00067646-00067930 I'm just gonna pay and because it's o-JcGxnN-DQ-00186-00067931-00068104 cheaper it's cheaper for me to do that o-JcGxnN-DQ-00187-00068105-00068392 then find the stuff here so what I o-JcGxnN-DQ-00188-00068393-00068743 thought here I thought that might be o-JcGxnN-DQ-00189-00068744-00070125 pretty if I can get it to work right not o-JcGxnN-DQ-00190-00070126-00070495 that one little arc I think just along o-JcGxnN-DQ-00191-00070496-00070831 the edge kind of I'm going to it it's a o-JcGxnN-DQ-00192-00070832-00071029 little bit short but that's okay o-JcGxnN-DQ-00193-00071030-00071269 I just think that looks kind of pretty o-JcGxnN-DQ-00194-00071270-00073142 isn't a decorative edge there o-JcGxnN-DQ-00195-00073143-00073646 started keeping some of these kind of o-JcGxnN-DQ-00196-00073647-00073981 like old rags in my space cuz I'm o-JcGxnN-DQ-00197-00073982-00074435 forever getting good glue everywhere so o-JcGxnN-DQ-00198-00074436-00074666 now there will be a pocket there and o-JcGxnN-DQ-00199-00074667-00074984 then I think I'll do something maybe add o-JcGxnN-DQ-00200-00074985-00075146 a little pocket or something inside o-JcGxnN-DQ-00201-00075147-00075527 there with some of the extra papers but o-JcGxnN-DQ-00202-00075528-00075731 over here let's see if I can make one of o-JcGxnN-DQ-00203-00075732-00076477 these see I'm just gonna do it just o-JcGxnN-DQ-00204-00076478-00076772 gonna cut it well fit there so I think o-JcGxnN-DQ-00205-00076773-00078844 that is quite ready yourself o-JcGxnN-DQ-00206-00078845-00079186 okay let me see what else it means I had o-JcGxnN-DQ-00207-00079187-00079810 these left over I think maybe yeah I'm o-JcGxnN-DQ-00208-00079811-00080157 gonna do that let me get a little bit of o-JcGxnN-DQ-00209-00080158-00081987 cheesecloth to put behind there o-JcGxnN-DQ-00210-00081988-00082586 this is the I've bought this over here o-JcGxnN-DQ-00211-00082587-00083196 it's the unbleached cheesecloth that you o-JcGxnN-DQ-00212-00083197-00083910 use you know in the kitchen and I like o-JcGxnN-DQ-00213-00083911-00084101 it because it's a nicer I don't like the o-JcGxnN-DQ-00214-00084102-00084431 really white cheese cloth that you get I o-JcGxnN-DQ-00215-00084432-00084654 think the last time I bought it o-JcGxnN-DQ-00216-00084655-00085062 there's on Walmart and it was so white I o-JcGxnN-DQ-00218-00088217-00088687 so last night my husband surprised me o-JcGxnN-DQ-00219-00088688-00089401 and he's just completed his coach driver o-JcGxnN-DQ-00220-00089402-00089772 training here o-JcGxnN-DQ-00221-00089773-00090151 and he passed his test yesterday and he o-JcGxnN-DQ-00222-00090152-00090631 got home and he said oh you didn't get o-JcGxnN-DQ-00223-00090632-00090829 my message you said I want to see if you o-JcGxnN-DQ-00224-00090830-00091006 want to go out for Indian tonight I'm o-JcGxnN-DQ-00225-00091007-00091432 like oh yeah because I had never had o-JcGxnN-DQ-00226-00091433-00091912 Indian food until I came here and when I o-JcGxnN-DQ-00227-00091913-00092236 first tried it I wasn't that crazy about o-JcGxnN-DQ-00228-00092237-00092337 it o-JcGxnN-DQ-00229-00092338-00092641 but I think it was the place that I had o-JcGxnN-DQ-00230-00092642-00092836 in that the first experience wasn't o-JcGxnN-DQ-00231-00092837-00092959 great o-JcGxnN-DQ-00232-00092960-00093199 but we found a place where we lived o-JcGxnN-DQ-00233-00093200-00093931 prior to here and it's amazing it's so o-JcGxnN-DQ-00234-00093932-00094291 now it's not something that I'd like to o-JcGxnN-DQ-00235-00094292-00094513 have a lot of but I'd say about once o-JcGxnN-DQ-00236-00094514-00095164 every three months maybe four months we o-JcGxnN-DQ-00237-00095165-00095365 like to go up there and it is really o-JcGxnN-DQ-00238-00095366-00095602 really nice so that was such a treat I o-JcGxnN-DQ-00239-00095603-00095845 was really really not expecting to do o-JcGxnN-DQ-00240-00095846-00096130 that okay so there we are o-JcGxnN-DQ-00241-00096131-00096751 let me let me pause at this point and o-JcGxnN-DQ-00242-00096752-00096958 gather up some little things and we'll o-JcGxnN-DQ-00243-00096959-00097167 finish this off o-JcGxnN-DQ-00244-00097168-00098041 [Music] o-JcGxnN-DQ-00245-00098042-00098423 okay guys here we go this is completed o-JcGxnN-DQ-00246-00098424-00098721 now so I filled it in with a few bits o-JcGxnN-DQ-00247-00098722-00099122 and pieces most of this is Tracy's from o-JcGxnN-DQ-00248-00099123-00099281 her shop she's got the little cigarette o-JcGxnN-DQ-00249-00099282-00099569 cards and labels she's got lots of o-JcGxnN-DQ-00250-00099570-00099822 labels in her shop and then when you o-JcGxnN-DQ-00251-00099823-00100007 open it up I just um o-JcGxnN-DQ-00252-00100008-00100265 I haven't put anything in the two large o-JcGxnN-DQ-00253-00100266-00100517 pockets but here I just took the left o-JcGxnN-DQ-00254-00100518-00100821 leftover papers backed him onto some o-JcGxnN-DQ-00255-00100822-00101138 card stock and then added a label to it o-JcGxnN-DQ-00256-00101139-00101411 so that maybe write the date there and o-JcGxnN-DQ-00257-00101412-00101640 then do some journaling on the back and o-JcGxnN-DQ-00258-00101641-00101810 I just added some more of the little o-JcGxnN-DQ-00259-00101811-00102080 tiny embellishments and then you got o-JcGxnN-DQ-00260-00102081-00102452 thoughts a little you know just papers o-JcGxnN-DQ-00261-00102453-00102680 for journaling and then here I just did o-JcGxnN-DQ-00262-00102681-00102857 a little bit of an embellishment there o-JcGxnN-DQ-00263-00102858-00103175 and then here same thing just what was o-JcGxnN-DQ-00264-00103176-00103490 left over I wanted to make use of all of o-JcGxnN-DQ-00265-00103491-00103883 the those bits of paper because they are o-JcGxnN-DQ-00266-00103884-00104192 beautifully collage so there you go it's o-JcGxnN-DQ-00267-00104193-00104472 a really quick and easy and then that's o-JcGxnN-DQ-00268-00104473-00104823 the back of it and it's just I think o-JcGxnN-DQ-00269-00104824-00105006 this will be nice because it's not too o-JcGxnN-DQ-00270-00105007-00105151 bulky o-JcGxnN-DQ-00271-00105152-00105434 it could be tucked into a pocket within o-JcGxnN-DQ-00272-00105435-00105645 a journal and I'm probably going to add o-JcGxnN-DQ-00273-00105646-00106466 this to the I don't know I'll see I o-JcGxnN-DQ-00274-00106467-00106671 might add it inside of this one it o-JcGxnN-DQ-00275-00106672-00107033 depends but kind of got my theme started o-JcGxnN-DQ-00276-00107034-00107283 on this one I'll just give you a little o-JcGxnN-DQ-00277-00107283-00107500 peek inside these are some of the papers o-JcGxnN-DQ-00278-00107501-00107837 that I've chosen I just had a son and o-JcGxnN-DQ-00279-00107838-00108041 and but I probably will add that because o-JcGxnN-DQ-00280-00108042-00108333 I want this to be a real vintage journal o-JcGxnN-DQ-00281-00108333-00108720 so anyways guys thank you so much for o-JcGxnN-DQ-00282-00108721-00109071 stopping by today and being patient with o-JcGxnN-DQ-00283-00109072-00109379 me it was a bit of a mix-up there I o-JcGxnN-DQ-00284-00109380-00109644 wasn't really prepped for it but anyways o-JcGxnN-DQ-00285-00109645-00109806 I just wanted to show you that's just o-JcGxnN-DQ-00286-00109807-00110193 another way you know that you can use o-JcGxnN-DQ-00287-00110194-00110568 those envelopes and I love that idea o-JcGxnN-DQ-00288-00110569-00110786 turning into a small journal so thank o-JcGxnN-DQ-00289-00110787-00111024 you Angela for sharing that you guys o-JcGxnN-DQ-00290-00111025-00111224 have a great weekend and I'll see you o-JcGxnN-DQ-00291-00111225-00111329 back next week o-JcGxnN-DQ-00292-00111330-00111584 take care oD4D9gDhl3g-00000-00001512-00001679 welcome back to my channel guys and oD4D9gDhl3g-00001-00001680-00001847 thanks for taking a couple minutes out oD4D9gDhl3g-00002-00001848-00002030 of your day to support the channel oD4D9gDhl3g-00003-00002032-00002223 as well as all the developers that oD4D9gDhl3g-00004-00002224-00002431 provide us with stunning designs and of oD4D9gDhl3g-00005-00002432-00002479 course oD4D9gDhl3g-00006-00002480-00002687 coupons for our giveaways now for oD4D9gDhl3g-00007-00002688-00002839 today's show i have a very oD4D9gDhl3g-00008-00002840-00003039 bold and aggressive looking watch face oD4D9gDhl3g-00009-00003040-00003175 to share with you from our friends at oD4D9gDhl3g-00010-00003176-00003303 timeless designs oD4D9gDhl3g-00011-00003304-00003527 now this one really has a unique look to oD4D9gDhl3g-00012-00003528-00003631 it and i almost wish oD4D9gDhl3g-00013-00003632-00003870 this was a real watch because it has a oD4D9gDhl3g-00014-00003871-00004054 very bold style to it which oD4D9gDhl3g-00015-00004055-00004279 just looks awesome plus you just have to oD4D9gDhl3g-00016-00004280-00004470 see the theme variations that this one oD4D9gDhl3g-00017-00004471-00004583 comes equipped with oD4D9gDhl3g-00018-00004584-00004727 and it's also a watch face that we're oD4D9gDhl3g-00019-00004728-00004847 going to be giving away because the oD4D9gDhl3g-00020-00004848-00005038 developer has provided me with oD4D9gDhl3g-00021-00005039-00005311 50 coupon codes per country which is oD4D9gDhl3g-00022-00005312-00005486 going to enable you to add this to your oD4D9gDhl3g-00023-00005487-00005647 collections completely for oD4D9gDhl3g-00024-00005648-00005870 free just remember though the codes are oD4D9gDhl3g-00025-00005871-00006038 limited and they always go oD4D9gDhl3g-00026-00006039-00006215 fast so make sure you click on the link oD4D9gDhl3g-00027-00006216-00006478 to them right after our review oD4D9gDhl3g-00028-00006479-00006719 okay guys this one is really cool it's oD4D9gDhl3g-00029-00006720-00006927 it's almost hard to describe the style oD4D9gDhl3g-00030-00006928-00007095 of it in just a word or two oD4D9gDhl3g-00031-00007095-00007310 because there are so many components of oD4D9gDhl3g-00032-00007311-00007487 it that i really really like oD4D9gDhl3g-00033-00007488-00007639 overall though i would say that this oD4D9gDhl3g-00034-00007640-00007855 one's got a really bold look to it oD4D9gDhl3g-00035-00007856-00008031 as well as some really aggressive oD4D9gDhl3g-00036-00008031-00008214 undertones to it because of those oD4D9gDhl3g-00037-00008215-00008399 markers they're just so prominent in oD4D9gDhl3g-00038-00008400-00008599 design and they really give the watch oD4D9gDhl3g-00039-00008600-00008639 face oD4D9gDhl3g-00040-00008640-00008878 character as well as a don't mess with oD4D9gDhl3g-00041-00008879-00009006 me attitude oD4D9gDhl3g-00042-00009007-00009183 now this one is set in a minimalist oD4D9gDhl3g-00043-00009184-00009399 style as you actually only have two main oD4D9gDhl3g-00044-00009400-00009542 display features on it oD4D9gDhl3g-00045-00009543-00009710 you got the current date off on the oD4D9gDhl3g-00046-00009711-00009871 right hand side and then you have a oD4D9gDhl3g-00047-00009872-00010006 power remaining indicator oD4D9gDhl3g-00048-00010007-00010214 to the left and both of these are set oD4D9gDhl3g-00049-00010215-00010487 with this rotating dial style display oD4D9gDhl3g-00050-00010488-00010663 you also have some animations in the oD4D9gDhl3g-00051-00010664-00010919 form of a rotating gear down below oD4D9gDhl3g-00052-00010920-00011135 then the rest of your selections are for oD4D9gDhl3g-00053-00011136-00011327 changing up the colors as well as the oD4D9gDhl3g-00054-00011328-00011399 textures for oD4D9gDhl3g-00055-00011400-00011614 your themes and boy do you ever have oD4D9gDhl3g-00056-00011615-00011799 some really bold and unique oD4D9gDhl3g-00057-00011800-00011974 options here it's actually hard for me oD4D9gDhl3g-00058-00011975-00012159 to pick which style is my favorite oD4D9gDhl3g-00059-00012160-00012214 because oD4D9gDhl3g-00060-00012215-00012470 each one has some aspect or accent that oD4D9gDhl3g-00061-00012471-00012574 i really like oD4D9gDhl3g-00062-00012575-00012799 and lastly this one comes preloaded with oD4D9gDhl3g-00063-00012800-00013007 three customizable app shortcuts oD4D9gDhl3g-00064-00013008-00013247 as well as a lovely green loom effect oD4D9gDhl3g-00065-00013247-00014083 for your aod oD4D9gDhl3g-00066-00014084-00014359 mode oD4D9gDhl3g-00067-00014360-00015071 [Music] oD4D9gDhl3g-00068-00015072-00015255 okay guys that's a wrap for this review oD4D9gDhl3g-00069-00015256-00015430 i hope you like the watch face as much oD4D9gDhl3g-00070-00015431-00015638 as i do and if you want to grab a copy oD4D9gDhl3g-00071-00015640-00015807 for yourself then make sure you click on oD4D9gDhl3g-00072-00015808-00015943 the link down below in our video oD4D9gDhl3g-00073-00015944-00016022 description oD4D9gDhl3g-00074-00016023-00016183 and you know what even if you miss out oD4D9gDhl3g-00075-00016184-00016383 on getting a code consider supporting oD4D9gDhl3g-00076-00016384-00016550 the developer with a purchase because oD4D9gDhl3g-00077-00016551-00016703 it's not going to break the bank oD4D9gDhl3g-00078-00016704-00016911 and it's great to support developers to oD4D9gDhl3g-00079-00016912-00017127 come up with bold and unique designs oD4D9gDhl3g-00080-00017128-00017230 such as this oD4D9gDhl3g-00081-00017231-00017375 thanks again for watching our review and oD4D9gDhl3g-00082-00017376-00017575 for supporting the channel and remember oD4D9gDhl3g-00083-00017576-00017799 to smash that like and subscribe button oD4D9gDhl3g-00084-00017800-00017894 before you leave oD4D9gDhl3g-00085-00017895-00018103 i'll see you all in our next video until oD4D9gDhl3g-00086-00018104-00018783 then take care oD4D9gDhl3g-00087-00018784-00018958 thanks again for watching our review and oD4D9gDhl3g-00088-00018959-00019135 if you liked it then show us some love oD4D9gDhl3g-00089-00019136-00019255 with a thumbs up oD4D9gDhl3g-00090-00019256-00019439 subscribe to the channel and share the oD4D9gDhl3g-00091-00019440-00019583 video with your friends because with oD4D9gDhl3g-00092-00019584-00019775 your support it really helps to keep the oD4D9gDhl3g-00093-00019776-00019863 channel going oD4D9gDhl3g-00094-00019864-00020055 so i can continue to offer you guys oD4D9gDhl3g-00095-00020056-00020271 discounts giveaways and of course fresh oD4D9gDhl3g-00096-00020272-00020343 content oD4D9gDhl3g-00097-00020344-00020543 i'll see you in the next episode until oD4D9gDhl3g-00098-00020544-00021064 then take care oEHcZLjbkDE-00000-00000078-00000199 yes oEHcZLjbkDE-00001-00000200-00001768 [Music] oEHcZLjbkDE-00002-00001769-00002039 hey guys nice to virtually meet you all oEHcZLjbkDE-00003-00002039-00002267 I am here to make your lives easier as oEHcZLjbkDE-00004-00002268-00002465 teachers teaching online distance oEHcZLjbkDE-00005-00002466-00002675 learning can be a bit boring and too oEHcZLjbkDE-00006-00002676-00002891 centered on the information at hand oEHcZLjbkDE-00007-00002892-00003058 how can we turn this experience around oEHcZLjbkDE-00008-00003059-00003329 into an interactive one by transforming oEHcZLjbkDE-00009-00003329-00003497 it into an engaging brainstorming oEHcZLjbkDE-00010-00003497-00003586 session oEHcZLjbkDE-00011-00003588-00003743 here are the eight steps of how oEHcZLjbkDE-00012-00003744-00003917 brainstorming for building knowledge can oEHcZLjbkDE-00013-00003918-00004115 be accomplished online that I'd love to oEHcZLjbkDE-00014-00004116-00004222 share with you oEHcZLjbkDE-00015-00004223-00004541 trigger and contextualize first kick off oEHcZLjbkDE-00016-00004542-00004751 by stimulating your students Minds with oEHcZLjbkDE-00017-00004752-00004954 contextualized visual support documents oEHcZLjbkDE-00018-00004955-00005075 that relate to the topic you're oEHcZLjbkDE-00019-00005076-00005369 discussing share photos videos audio oEHcZLjbkDE-00020-00005370-00005633 documents just to get the ball rolling oEHcZLjbkDE-00021-00005634-00005854 after that engage with them by asking oEHcZLjbkDE-00022-00005855-00005986 questions that trigger their thought oEHcZLjbkDE-00023-00005987-00006191 process this might also start a oEHcZLjbkDE-00024-00006192-00006370 conversation and could be an interesting oEHcZLjbkDE-00025-00006371-00006454 start oEHcZLjbkDE-00026-00006455-00006653 but don't forget to constantly lead oEHcZLjbkDE-00027-00006654-00006892 manage and sustain the visual classroom oEHcZLjbkDE-00028-00006893-00007127 encourage their motivation Expressions oEHcZLjbkDE-00029-00007128-00007373 ideas emotions while exploring the oEHcZLjbkDE-00030-00007373-00007534 subject without giving them the answers oEHcZLjbkDE-00031-00007536-00007673 from the start oEHcZLjbkDE-00032-00007673-00007948 tip of the day always yes and their oEHcZLjbkDE-00033-00007950-00008207 ideas never block their train of thought oEHcZLjbkDE-00034-00008208-00008519 Step 2 brainstorm welcome to step two oEHcZLjbkDE-00035-00008520-00008663 where we discuss the process of oEHcZLjbkDE-00036-00008664-00008896 brainstorming online let your students oEHcZLjbkDE-00037-00008897-00009113 ideas rain there are no wrong answers oEHcZLjbkDE-00038-00009114-00009407 all ideas are welcome the objective of oEHcZLjbkDE-00039-00009408-00009587 this exercise is to build your students oEHcZLjbkDE-00040-00009588-00009845 courage especially the shy ones to share oEHcZLjbkDE-00041-00009846-00010037 while revealing their conceptions and oEHcZLjbkDE-00042-00010038-00010210 misconceptions related to the idea oEHcZLjbkDE-00043-00010211-00010505 itself ideas can be shared via Post-its oEHcZLjbkDE-00044-00010506-00010714 on screen to add an element of fun to oEHcZLjbkDE-00045-00010715-00010937 the brainstorming process make sure to oEHcZLjbkDE-00046-00010938-00011164 keep a record of all the ideas they're oEHcZLjbkDE-00047-00011165-00011338 precious and will be useful for the next oEHcZLjbkDE-00048-00011339-00011423 step oEHcZLjbkDE-00049-00011424-00011681 zip up the day there are no rejected oEHcZLjbkDE-00050-00011682-00011878 ideas oEHcZLjbkDE-00051-00011879-00012185 step 3 manage data during a oEHcZLjbkDE-00052-00012186-00012383 brainstorming session lots of ideas are oEHcZLjbkDE-00053-00012384-00012581 shared and this third step we teach oEHcZLjbkDE-00054-00012582-00012760 students how to filter the ideas that oEHcZLjbkDE-00055-00012761-00012946 relate from those that don't oEHcZLjbkDE-00056-00012947-00013193 from the start remember never to judge oEHcZLjbkDE-00057-00013194-00013385 it blocks the student's thinking process oEHcZLjbkDE-00058-00013386-00013607 and sets doubts in them that's something oEHcZLjbkDE-00059-00013608-00013888 you don't want however to shed light on oEHcZLjbkDE-00060-00013890-00014080 the relatable ideas versus those that oEHcZLjbkDE-00061-00014081-00014291 don't ask your students questions that oEHcZLjbkDE-00062-00014291-00014447 guide them to reaching that conclusion oEHcZLjbkDE-00063-00014447-00014561 on their own oEHcZLjbkDE-00064-00014562-00014813 Let It Be an open discussion after all oEHcZLjbkDE-00065-00014813-00015005 learning should be fun oEHcZLjbkDE-00066-00015006-00015275 tip of the day eliminate the off-topic oEHcZLjbkDE-00067-00015276-00015383 ideas oEHcZLjbkDE-00068-00015384-00015730 step 4 categorize welcome to step four oEHcZLjbkDE-00069-00015731-00015930 where it's all about categorization oEHcZLjbkDE-00070-00015931-00016169 start by dividing the students into oEHcZLjbkDE-00071-00016169-00016403 groups on your digital platform and ask oEHcZLjbkDE-00072-00016404-00016583 them to group the words or Expressions oEHcZLjbkDE-00073-00016584-00016793 by categories and give a label to each oEHcZLjbkDE-00074-00016794-00016907 set oEHcZLjbkDE-00075-00016908-00017039 this is where they are given the oEHcZLjbkDE-00076-00017040-00017213 independence to think on their own and oEHcZLjbkDE-00077-00017214-00017363 implement it in their categorization oEHcZLjbkDE-00078-00017364-00017705 activity after that ask students to send oEHcZLjbkDE-00079-00017706-00017933 or share a photo of their work ask them oEHcZLjbkDE-00080-00017934-00018149 what they think of the categorization do oEHcZLjbkDE-00081-00018150-00018533 not interfere remember always yes anthem oEHcZLjbkDE-00082-00018534-00018803 tip of the day categorization is the oEHcZLjbkDE-00083-00018804-00019019 core of organization even when it comes oEHcZLjbkDE-00084-00019020-00019175 to thought oEHcZLjbkDE-00085-00019176-00019463 step five in the fifth step this is oEHcZLjbkDE-00086-00019464-00019672 where each group is asked to present its oEHcZLjbkDE-00087-00019673-00019907 categories online we emphasize on the oEHcZLjbkDE-00088-00019908-00020075 importance of the students independent oEHcZLjbkDE-00089-00020076-00020303 and individual thinking also known as oEHcZLjbkDE-00090-00020304-00020549 meta cognition by making discussions oEHcZLjbkDE-00091-00020550-00020819 about the categories done by each group oEHcZLjbkDE-00092-00020820-00021022 initiate the conversation by asking them oEHcZLjbkDE-00093-00021023-00021136 the rationale behind their oEHcZLjbkDE-00094-00021137-00021341 categorization this is where you oEHcZLjbkDE-00095-00021342-00021514 identify the different thinking process oEHcZLjbkDE-00096-00021515-00021779 of the same student groups adding to oEHcZLjbkDE-00097-00021780-00021947 that highlight the obstacles and oEHcZLjbkDE-00098-00021948-00022139 misconceptions that might surface but oEHcZLjbkDE-00099-00022140-00022433 never judge remember that tip of the day oEHcZLjbkDE-00100-00022434-00022678 share analyze and realize the oEHcZLjbkDE-00101-00022679-00022894 differences in students thinking oEHcZLjbkDE-00102-00022895-00023194 step 6 inquire we're on the sixth step oEHcZLjbkDE-00103-00023195-00023453 of our eight-step video tutorial and oEHcZLjbkDE-00104-00023454-00023608 this is where the students are asked to oEHcZLjbkDE-00105-00023609-00023783 discover and to understand the different oEHcZLjbkDE-00106-00023784-00024005 concepts related to the subject by oEHcZLjbkDE-00107-00024006-00024178 providing them with a series of studied oEHcZLjbkDE-00108-00024179-00024347 and guided questions and document oEHcZLjbkDE-00109-00024348-00024593 support that pertain to their level the oEHcZLjbkDE-00110-00024594-00024755 resources you chose to share with your oEHcZLjbkDE-00111-00024756-00024983 students can be sent via schools LMS oEHcZLjbkDE-00112-00024984-00025199 padlet or another online communication oEHcZLjbkDE-00113-00025200-00025475 platform the documents should be diverse oEHcZLjbkDE-00114-00025476-00025744 updated Visual and relatable to add some oEHcZLjbkDE-00115-00025745-00025894 food for thought along with clear oEHcZLjbkDE-00116-00025895-00026056 instructions in order to allow your oEHcZLjbkDE-00117-00026057-00026261 students to make their own synthesis oEHcZLjbkDE-00118-00026262-00026483 need help with questions you can use oEHcZLjbkDE-00119-00026483-00026735 Google forms for that they're great oEHcZLjbkDE-00120-00026736-00026962 tip of the day Empower their potential oEHcZLjbkDE-00121-00026963-00027299 to inquire and analyze step 7 discuss oEHcZLjbkDE-00122-00027300-00027605 this is my favorite step step 7 is all oEHcZLjbkDE-00123-00027606-00027737 about discussion and learning through oEHcZLjbkDE-00124-00027738-00027977 listening divide the classroom into the oEHcZLjbkDE-00125-00027977-00028133 same discussion groups and let them oEHcZLjbkDE-00126-00028133-00028324 identify the mistakes and misconceptions oEHcZLjbkDE-00127-00028325-00028487 on their own while leading the oEHcZLjbkDE-00128-00028488-00028618 discussion with questions that shed oEHcZLjbkDE-00129-00028619-00028774 light on the decisions that they have oEHcZLjbkDE-00130-00028775-00029051 taken regarding the activity ask them oEHcZLjbkDE-00131-00029052-00029296 why they are mistakes shed light on the oEHcZLjbkDE-00132-00029297-00029549 errors and misconceptions positively try oEHcZLjbkDE-00133-00029550-00029723 to reach a common synthesis about the oEHcZLjbkDE-00134-00029724-00029908 topic in a smooth way oEHcZLjbkDE-00135-00029910-00030173 tip of the day learning from mistakes is oEHcZLjbkDE-00136-00030174-00030479 the key to development step 8 synthesis oEHcZLjbkDE-00137-00030480-00030677 we're finally at the eighth and final oEHcZLjbkDE-00138-00030677-00030929 step of our tutorial compile the main oEHcZLjbkDE-00139-00030930-00031108 ideas discovered about the topic and oEHcZLjbkDE-00140-00031110-00031277 summarize them in a visually attractive oEHcZLjbkDE-00141-00031277-00031540 presentation you can use PowerPoint or oEHcZLjbkDE-00142-00031541-00031751 Prezi they are easy and provide various oEHcZLjbkDE-00143-00031752-00031943 design options that can add a touch of oEHcZLjbkDE-00144-00031944-00032177 charm to your document like this you can oEHcZLjbkDE-00145-00032177-00032417 end on a beautiful note tip of the day oEHcZLjbkDE-00146-00032418-00033196 leave a long lasting takeaway oEHcZLjbkDE-00147-00033197-00033333 foreign oEHcZLjbkDE-00148-00033334-00034042 [Music] oFqfD7WN2BQ-00000-00000024-00000286 welcome to tribe stories my name is oFqfD7WN2BQ-00001-00000287-00000415 aaron meshano oFqfD7WN2BQ-00002-00000416-00000695 entrepreneur and chief of the tribehut oFqfD7WN2BQ-00003-00000696-00000927 and each month we bring you an inspiring oFqfD7WN2BQ-00004-00000927-00001015 person oFqfD7WN2BQ-00005-00001016-00001278 or a message with a hope to equip oFqfD7WN2BQ-00006-00001279-00001487 connect and collaborate with you oFqfD7WN2BQ-00007-00001488-00001743 to help you on your journey to doing oFqfD7WN2BQ-00008-00001744-00001887 remarkable things oFqfD7WN2BQ-00009-00001888-00002063 thanks for spending some time with me oFqfD7WN2BQ-00010-00002064-00002295 today and thank you so much for finding oFqfD7WN2BQ-00011-00002296-00002383 our tribe oFqfD7WN2BQ-00012-00002384-00003055 now let the sharing begin oFqfD7WN2BQ-00013-00003056-00003319 so today i would love to introduce the oFqfD7WN2BQ-00014-00003320-00003390 infamous oFqfD7WN2BQ-00015-00003392-00003622 and probably one of the biggest hearts i oFqfD7WN2BQ-00016-00003623-00003775 know here in bali oFqfD7WN2BQ-00017-00003776-00004086 her name is ibru sarri she is the oFqfD7WN2BQ-00018-00004087-00004151 founder oFqfD7WN2BQ-00019-00004152-00004454 and ceo of pkp oFqfD7WN2BQ-00020-00004455-00004719 community center where at least from my oFqfD7WN2BQ-00021-00004720-00004959 personal experience i've seen her oFqfD7WN2BQ-00022-00004960-00005286 equip connect and collaborate with women oFqfD7WN2BQ-00023-00005287-00005415 with disadvantages oFqfD7WN2BQ-00024-00005416-00005647 in local communities in her village in oFqfD7WN2BQ-00025-00005648-00005847 selassie and other areas oFqfD7WN2BQ-00026-00005848-00006031 and she's just been a really great oFqfD7WN2BQ-00027-00006032-00006215 spokeswoman who's also oFqfD7WN2BQ-00028-00006216-00006527 been recognized and nominated as mother oFqfD7WN2BQ-00029-00006528-00006734 of the year for amongst many titles so oFqfD7WN2BQ-00030-00006736-00006951 ibusari thank you very much oFqfD7WN2BQ-00031-00006952-00007214 for making the time to attend our trump oFqfD7WN2BQ-00032-00007215-00007334 stories today oFqfD7WN2BQ-00033-00007336-00007710 appreciate it oFqfD7WN2BQ-00034-00007711-00008006 thank you thank you for having me yeah i oFqfD7WN2BQ-00035-00008008-00008119 appreciate it so oFqfD7WN2BQ-00036-00008120-00008374 i thought it would be nice in case oFqfD7WN2BQ-00037-00008375-00008478 people don't know oFqfD7WN2BQ-00038-00008479-00008742 much of you maybe you could uh just give oFqfD7WN2BQ-00039-00008743-00008846 us a little quick oFqfD7WN2BQ-00040-00008847-00009046 introduction as to how did you get the oFqfD7WN2BQ-00041-00009047-00009295 name ibusari because we know in bali has oFqfD7WN2BQ-00042-00009296-00009510 many different ways of having identity oFqfD7WN2BQ-00043-00009511-00009606 and names oFqfD7WN2BQ-00044-00009607-00009871 but how does evil sorry become a brand oFqfD7WN2BQ-00045-00009872-00010031 in itself so when i talk to oFqfD7WN2BQ-00046-00010032-00010238 other local people in bali who are oFqfD7WN2BQ-00047-00010239-00010351 mothers which is oFqfD7WN2BQ-00048-00010352-00010574 means or they are sorry but they say oh oFqfD7WN2BQ-00049-00010575-00010759 hebrew sorry yes we know her oFqfD7WN2BQ-00050-00010760-00010983 so how did you come up with that name oFqfD7WN2BQ-00051-00010984-00011431 and how did you become a brand oFqfD7WN2BQ-00052-00011432-00011663 thank you thank you for the good oFqfD7WN2BQ-00053-00011664-00011870 question oFqfD7WN2BQ-00054-00011871-00012183 and yeah my my oFqfD7WN2BQ-00055-00012184-00012478 real name not my real ibusari is also oFqfD7WN2BQ-00056-00012479-00012591 real name oFqfD7WN2BQ-00057-00012592-00013086 my full name is ni komang sariyari oFqfD7WN2BQ-00058-00013087-00013551 nin nii and i is oFqfD7WN2BQ-00059-00013552-00013927 the first letter oFqfD7WN2BQ-00060-00013928-00014238 letters for uh oFqfD7WN2BQ-00061-00014240-00014607 woman or female oFqfD7WN2BQ-00062-00014608-00014919 while i or e is for oFqfD7WN2BQ-00063-00014919-00015238 male so this is how the local oFqfD7WN2BQ-00064-00015240-00015638 divided the gender and oFqfD7WN2BQ-00065-00015640-00016007 command command is the oFqfD7WN2BQ-00066-00016008-00016335 um what is it called the third oFqfD7WN2BQ-00067-00016336-00016607 the third name the third child not the oFqfD7WN2BQ-00068-00016608-00016830 third name the third child oFqfD7WN2BQ-00069-00016831-00017175 in um the lowest oFqfD7WN2BQ-00070-00017176-00017519 the lowest uh case of uh oFqfD7WN2BQ-00071-00017520-00017886 balinese uh balinese society oFqfD7WN2BQ-00072-00017887-00018283 so nicoman you will oFqfD7WN2BQ-00073-00018284-00018583 definitely understood that me is oFqfD7WN2BQ-00074-00018584-00018894 or even without you seeing oFqfD7WN2BQ-00075-00018895-00019255 seeing the person if oFqfD7WN2BQ-00076-00019256-00019583 the name start with me and i oFqfD7WN2BQ-00077-00019584-00019991 it must be female female person oFqfD7WN2BQ-00078-00019992-00020303 and komang is the third as everyone oFqfD7WN2BQ-00079-00020304-00020343 might oFqfD7WN2BQ-00080-00020344-00020647 know or who don't know so the first oFqfD7WN2BQ-00081-00020648-00020958 the first child is wayan oFqfD7WN2BQ-00082-00020959-00021263 that's the original name oFqfD7WN2BQ-00083-00021264-00021575 putu is the modern name oFqfD7WN2BQ-00084-00021576-00021911 and the second name is madi modern name oFqfD7WN2BQ-00085-00021912-00021991 is kade oFqfD7WN2BQ-00086-00021992-00022199 for the second child and the third one oFqfD7WN2BQ-00087-00022200-00022343 is nyoman oFqfD7WN2BQ-00088-00022344-00022678 nyomand and modera name is komang oFqfD7WN2BQ-00089-00022679-00023047 so i'm me koman sari adi oFqfD7WN2BQ-00090-00023048-00023391 so that's my last name and oFqfD7WN2BQ-00091-00023392-00023807 uh everyone or well known as ibusari oFqfD7WN2BQ-00092-00023808-00024127 because i love to be oFqfD7WN2BQ-00093-00024128-00024535 called ebu it's coming from my oFqfD7WN2BQ-00094-00024536-00024782 own experiences oFqfD7WN2BQ-00095-00024783-00024935 [Music] oFqfD7WN2BQ-00096-00024936-00025283 ibu means mother ibu oFqfD7WN2BQ-00097-00025284-00025591 means oFqfD7WN2BQ-00098-00025592-00025927 women we honor oFqfD7WN2BQ-00099-00025927-00026287 a woman by calling them ebu oFqfD7WN2BQ-00100-00026288-00026590 and also for those oFqfD7WN2BQ-00101-00026591-00027062 women who married and having child oFqfD7WN2BQ-00102-00027063-00027390 we usually call name call oFqfD7WN2BQ-00103-00027391-00027767 them by their oFqfD7WN2BQ-00104-00027768-00028190 name of their first son or first child oFqfD7WN2BQ-00105-00028191-00028335 so for example like oFqfD7WN2BQ-00106-00028336-00028639 if i have a son oFqfD7WN2BQ-00107-00028639-00028990 or daughter named eva my first child oFqfD7WN2BQ-00108-00028991-00029351 then people call me oFqfD7WN2BQ-00109-00029352-00029702 ibu iva or oFqfD7WN2BQ-00110-00029704-00030151 according to the first child of oFqfD7WN2BQ-00111-00030152-00030543 the women so oFqfD7WN2BQ-00112-00030544-00030902 i'd love to know i always oFqfD7WN2BQ-00113-00030903-00031270 love to call ibu again it's coming from oFqfD7WN2BQ-00114-00031272-00031439 my own experiences oFqfD7WN2BQ-00115-00031439-00031783 because i unable oFqfD7WN2BQ-00116-00031783-00032143 to heard this word ebu oFqfD7WN2BQ-00117-00032144-00032655 means mama or mother from my own child oFqfD7WN2BQ-00118-00032656-00032927 which i could not oFqfD7WN2BQ-00119-00032928-00033127 [Music] oFqfD7WN2BQ-00120-00033128-00033439 raised by my own oFqfD7WN2BQ-00121-00033440-00033846 for almost oFqfD7WN2BQ-00122-00033847-00034199 17 years oFqfD7WN2BQ-00123-00034200-00034646 so yeah i've been i've been oFqfD7WN2BQ-00124-00034647-00035174 missing i've been missing this oFqfD7WN2BQ-00125-00035175-00035511 label this label oFqfD7WN2BQ-00126-00035512-00035815 this called this name oFqfD7WN2BQ-00127-00035816-00036135 ibu so oFqfD7WN2BQ-00128-00036136-00036446 that is the reason one of the reasons oFqfD7WN2BQ-00129-00036447-00036759 uh the main reason why i'd love oFqfD7WN2BQ-00130-00036760-00037143 everyone to call me edo oFqfD7WN2BQ-00131-00037144-00037367 wow that's a very beautiful story and i oFqfD7WN2BQ-00132-00037368-00037551 think i like the uh oFqfD7WN2BQ-00133-00037552-00037911 analogy of how balinese culture oFqfD7WN2BQ-00134-00037912-00038215 name the mothers after their first child oFqfD7WN2BQ-00135-00038216-00038430 and coincidentally it's exactly the same oFqfD7WN2BQ-00136-00038431-00038567 in africa so oFqfD7WN2BQ-00137-00038568-00038862 we say vana eunis which is my mother was oFqfD7WN2BQ-00138-00038863-00039062 called one eunice because my sister was oFqfD7WN2BQ-00139-00039063-00039183 the firstborn oFqfD7WN2BQ-00140-00039184-00039343 so i find those parallels really oFqfD7WN2BQ-00141-00039344-00039502 interesting so what was oFqfD7WN2BQ-00142-00039503-00039735 the topic of branding and how you are oFqfD7WN2BQ-00143-00039736-00039951 famously known as impresari oFqfD7WN2BQ-00144-00039952-00040102 uh maybe you could tell us a bit about oFqfD7WN2BQ-00145-00040103-00040327 pkp uh oFqfD7WN2BQ-00146-00040328-00040518 why that name came up and what does it oFqfD7WN2BQ-00147-00040519-00040646 mean oFqfD7WN2BQ-00148-00040647-00041046 why did you choose to uh get involved in oFqfD7WN2BQ-00149-00041047-00041207 community sector because i know your oFqfD7WN2BQ-00150-00041208-00041383 background you were a teacher oFqfD7WN2BQ-00151-00041384-00041630 got a chefing or cooking background you oFqfD7WN2BQ-00152-00041631-00041767 have so many skills oFqfD7WN2BQ-00153-00041768-00041974 but you picked to do community work so oFqfD7WN2BQ-00154-00041975-00042118 could you tell us a bit more about why oFqfD7WN2BQ-00155-00042119-00042415 pkp and also why you chose to oFqfD7WN2BQ-00156-00042416-00042807 commit your life to this space oFqfD7WN2BQ-00157-00042808-00043262 yes yes um i'm oFqfD7WN2BQ-00158-00043263-00043583 i'm very happy that i always get oFqfD7WN2BQ-00159-00043584-00043671 opportunity oFqfD7WN2BQ-00160-00043672-00043974 to share oFqfD7WN2BQ-00161-00043975-00044351 my stories openly and oFqfD7WN2BQ-00162-00044352-00044655 honestly why i'm oFqfD7WN2BQ-00163-00044656-00044967 really open share and have oFqfD7WN2BQ-00164-00044968-00045302 no problem sharing my stories because oFqfD7WN2BQ-00165-00045303-00045623 i found uh sharing by oFqfD7WN2BQ-00166-00045624-00045927 sharing story is oFqfD7WN2BQ-00167-00045928-00046262 a natural healing yeah it's a way of oFqfD7WN2BQ-00168-00046263-00046479 natural healing oFqfD7WN2BQ-00169-00046480-00046846 especially for those people who oFqfD7WN2BQ-00170-00046847-00047158 are unable to really oFqfD7WN2BQ-00171-00047159-00047683 find a way to oFqfD7WN2BQ-00172-00047684-00047918 um communicate oFqfD7WN2BQ-00173-00047919-00048246 their feelings uh in oFqfD7WN2BQ-00174-00048247-00048599 other way so sharing is caring oFqfD7WN2BQ-00175-00048600-00048911 sharing is healing oFqfD7WN2BQ-00176-00048912-00049399 and yes back again to your questions oFqfD7WN2BQ-00177-00049400-00049807 how do i end up what calling me oFqfD7WN2BQ-00178-00049808-00050239 to dedicating my life oFqfD7WN2BQ-00179-00050240-00050607 taking care of children and women oFqfD7WN2BQ-00180-00050608-00050911 i believe in every great things oFqfD7WN2BQ-00181-00050912-00051270 or good things people do for a good oFqfD7WN2BQ-00182-00051271-00051663 cause there's always story behind oFqfD7WN2BQ-00183-00051664-00052142 so do my myself so do i oFqfD7WN2BQ-00184-00052144-00052447 i i started with oFqfD7WN2BQ-00185-00052448-00052807 um when i was born oFqfD7WN2BQ-00186-00052808-00053111 i was born in south sulawesi another oFqfD7WN2BQ-00187-00053112-00053519 island of indonesia oFqfD7WN2BQ-00188-00053520-00053847 my parents my family originally oFqfD7WN2BQ-00189-00053848-00054070 come from bali and oFqfD7WN2BQ-00190-00054071-00054215 [Music] oFqfD7WN2BQ-00191-00054216-00054542 when too many population of oFqfD7WN2BQ-00192-00054544-00054879 indonesia for those i'm sharing oFqfD7WN2BQ-00193-00054879-00055254 uh from the beginning because um oFqfD7WN2BQ-00194-00055255-00055599 i know that many people who oFqfD7WN2BQ-00195-00055600-00055982 don't know me uh outside or maybe abroad oFqfD7WN2BQ-00196-00055983-00056366 also would like to learn more oFqfD7WN2BQ-00197-00056367-00056623 the details so i'm sharing from the oFqfD7WN2BQ-00198-00056624-00056711 beginning i oFqfD7WN2BQ-00199-00056712-00057135 came from we are originally from bali oFqfD7WN2BQ-00200-00057136-00057623 and uh too many population in indonesia oFqfD7WN2BQ-00201-00057624-00058111 makes government give free land oFqfD7WN2BQ-00202-00058112-00058487 in many different islands of indonesia oFqfD7WN2BQ-00203-00058488-00058879 for the the indonesian citizen oFqfD7WN2BQ-00204-00058879-00059254 and my grandparents chosen south oFqfD7WN2BQ-00205-00059255-00059694 sulawesi as the beast oFqfD7WN2BQ-00206-00059695-00060111 was in the 60s they transmigrated oFqfD7WN2BQ-00207-00060112-00060430 followed followed by my parents few oFqfD7WN2BQ-00208-00060432-00060550 years later oFqfD7WN2BQ-00209-00060551-00061182 and i was born in the jungle oFqfD7WN2BQ-00210-00061183-00061606 together with my siblings and oFqfD7WN2BQ-00211-00061607-00061982 financial struggles in the end oFqfD7WN2BQ-00212-00061983-00062335 first my parents oFqfD7WN2BQ-00213-00062336-00062735 planned and tried to move back to bali oFqfD7WN2BQ-00214-00062736-00063038 to come back come back to bali again and oFqfD7WN2BQ-00215-00063039-00063319 it happened oFqfD7WN2BQ-00216-00063320-00063687 uh arrived in bali um oFqfD7WN2BQ-00217-00063688-00064071 hardly survived made my parents oFqfD7WN2BQ-00218-00064072-00064494 placed me placing me in few different oFqfD7WN2BQ-00219-00064495-00064830 regent around bali as well as my oFqfD7WN2BQ-00220-00064832-00065199 siblings so my oFqfD7WN2BQ-00221-00065200-00065615 life my childhood was a lot of oFqfD7WN2BQ-00222-00065616-00065926 moment oFqfD7WN2BQ-00223-00065927-00066279 till my grand uncle the younger oFqfD7WN2BQ-00224-00066280-00066623 the younger brother of my granny oFqfD7WN2BQ-00225-00066624-00067071 took me and raised me up since oFqfD7WN2BQ-00226-00067072-00067431 after a few years moving around oFqfD7WN2BQ-00227-00067432-00067855 but oFqfD7WN2BQ-00228-00067856-00068303 growing without my parents oFqfD7WN2BQ-00229-00068304-00068631 triggered me to committed suicide oFqfD7WN2BQ-00230-00068632-00068943 myself when i was 10 oFqfD7WN2BQ-00231-00068944-00069263 i know it's very young but oFqfD7WN2BQ-00232-00069264-00069575 i was kind of oFqfD7WN2BQ-00233-00069576-00069935 a child who got frustrated oFqfD7WN2BQ-00234-00069936-00070294 easily when i oFqfD7WN2BQ-00235-00070295-00070638 knew i wasn't like lucky enough oFqfD7WN2BQ-00236-00070639-00070975 as a child without without oFqfD7WN2BQ-00237-00070976-00071303 parent and living oFqfD7WN2BQ-00238-00071304-00071719 in a family compound like oFqfD7WN2BQ-00239-00071720-00072255 a common balinese children oFqfD7WN2BQ-00240-00072256-00072606 so that was the first the first oFqfD7WN2BQ-00241-00072607-00073047 challenge when i was child oFqfD7WN2BQ-00242-00073048-00073375 then the second the second challenge was oFqfD7WN2BQ-00243-00073376-00073775 when finally um oFqfD7WN2BQ-00244-00073776-00074126 i and siblings as well as my parents oFqfD7WN2BQ-00245-00074127-00074462 are able to reunite oFqfD7WN2BQ-00246-00074463-00074903 we built a bamboo hat oFqfD7WN2BQ-00247-00074904-00075279 bamboo hat in the jungle for those oFqfD7WN2BQ-00248-00075280-00075378 people who oFqfD7WN2BQ-00249-00075379-00075631 [Music] oFqfD7WN2BQ-00250-00075632-00076055 not in financial oFqfD7WN2BQ-00251-00076056-00076582 struggles bamboo heart is a heaven oFqfD7WN2BQ-00252-00076583-00076950 it's a heaven but for us for us or for oFqfD7WN2BQ-00253-00076951-00077038 those people oFqfD7WN2BQ-00254-00077039-00077326 who financially struggle or economically oFqfD7WN2BQ-00255-00077327-00077494 struggle oFqfD7WN2BQ-00256-00077495-00077911 it's it's not a privilege i could say oFqfD7WN2BQ-00257-00077912-00078287 so i felt that and oFqfD7WN2BQ-00258-00078288-00078631 the challenge i'm talking about oFqfD7WN2BQ-00259-00078632-00078982 was not was not because of the bamboo oFqfD7WN2BQ-00260-00078983-00079023 hut oFqfD7WN2BQ-00261-00079024-00079406 itself but but because the neighbor oFqfD7WN2BQ-00262-00079407-00079735 the neighbor came to my bed oFqfD7WN2BQ-00263-00079736-00080191 and tried i wanted to oFqfD7WN2BQ-00264-00080192-00080806 sell sell me and my sibling my sister oFqfD7WN2BQ-00265-00080807-00081167 to someone or some oFqfD7WN2BQ-00266-00081168-00081494 some people oFqfD7WN2BQ-00267-00081495-00081823 because they thought the neighbor oFqfD7WN2BQ-00268-00081824-00081959 thought oFqfD7WN2BQ-00269-00081960-00082303 it was the issues oFqfD7WN2BQ-00270-00082304-00082682 or the best way to get money for our oFqfD7WN2BQ-00271-00082683-00082879 study oFqfD7WN2BQ-00272-00082880-00083535 and yeah oFqfD7WN2BQ-00273-00083536-00083862 that was hard um oFqfD7WN2BQ-00274-00083863-00084215 yeah this is um this is something that's oFqfD7WN2BQ-00275-00084216-00084294 not always oFqfD7WN2BQ-00276-00084295-00084615 easy when oFqfD7WN2BQ-00277-00084616-00085071 when you've been in a oFqfD7WN2BQ-00278-00085072-00085391 hardest time oFqfD7WN2BQ-00279-00085392-00085862 the challenge it's oFqfD7WN2BQ-00280-00085863-00086350 it's yet healing uh properly you know oFqfD7WN2BQ-00281-00086351-00086718 i appreciate it oFqfD7WN2BQ-00282-00086719-00087071 if we move back again to oFqfD7WN2BQ-00283-00087072-00087494 if we bring our our oFqfD7WN2BQ-00284-00087495-00087967 emotion again into that that moment oFqfD7WN2BQ-00285-00087968-00088494 appreciate it take your time oFqfD7WN2BQ-00286-00088495-00088887 so the second time i oFqfD7WN2BQ-00287-00088888-00089279 i triggered uh committed suicide again oFqfD7WN2BQ-00288-00089280-00089479 when i was oFqfD7WN2BQ-00289-00089480-00089847 when i was 15. oFqfD7WN2BQ-00290-00089848-00090150 um oFqfD7WN2BQ-00291-00090151-00090687 this is honestly skill oFqfD7WN2BQ-00292-00090688-00091103 um oFqfD7WN2BQ-00293-00091104-00091535 gives me tears i mean oFqfD7WN2BQ-00294-00091536-00091862 because because oFqfD7WN2BQ-00295-00091863-00092223 if i remember again oFqfD7WN2BQ-00296-00092224-00092662 i couldn't i couldn't respond oFqfD7WN2BQ-00297-00092663-00093206 i couldn't respond all those oFqfD7WN2BQ-00298-00093207-00093615 actions or behaviors oFqfD7WN2BQ-00299-00093616-00094167 of others towards me and my family oFqfD7WN2BQ-00300-00094168-00094718 because of property oFqfD7WN2BQ-00301-00094719-00095031 property can oFqfD7WN2BQ-00302-00095032-00095455 make people oFqfD7WN2BQ-00303-00095456-00095918 have no self-esteem oFqfD7WN2BQ-00304-00095919-00096479 in the society and oFqfD7WN2BQ-00305-00096480-00096871 as well as new oFqfD7WN2BQ-00306-00096872-00097318 respect so people oFqfD7WN2BQ-00307-00097319-00097982 look up and down with us oFqfD7WN2BQ-00308-00097983-00098294 it's also oFqfD7WN2BQ-00309-00098295-00098638 because when oFqfD7WN2BQ-00310-00098639-00099159 when we were in slow issue oFqfD7WN2BQ-00311-00099160-00099462 my parent also oFqfD7WN2BQ-00312-00099463-00099903 was not even purchased oFqfD7WN2BQ-00313-00099904-00100231 salt oFqfD7WN2BQ-00314-00100232-00100694 because of yeah oFqfD7WN2BQ-00315-00100695-00101318 this oh oFqfD7WN2BQ-00316-00101319-00101862 financial struggle oFqfD7WN2BQ-00317-00101863-00102191 so i failed oFqfD7WN2BQ-00318-00102192-00102599 i failed for the second time to oFqfD7WN2BQ-00319-00102600-00102857 end my life and oFqfD7WN2BQ-00320-00102858-00103247 [Music] oFqfD7WN2BQ-00321-00103248-00103575 the next challenge oFqfD7WN2BQ-00322-00103576-00104054 designed by the universe oFqfD7WN2BQ-00323-00104055-00104415 when i when i got married was in such a oFqfD7WN2BQ-00324-00104416-00104502 young age oFqfD7WN2BQ-00325-00104503-00105263 i had no experience in any relationship oFqfD7WN2BQ-00326-00105264-00105631 had no opportunity to oFqfD7WN2BQ-00327-00105632-00106199 broaden my horizon oFqfD7WN2BQ-00328-00106200-00106527 so i could not oFqfD7WN2BQ-00329-00106528-00106839 expect it oFqfD7WN2BQ-00330-00106840-00107215 myself to know how how to respond oFqfD7WN2BQ-00331-00107216-00107583 again when all those oFqfD7WN2BQ-00332-00107583-00108047 unpleasant unpleasant feelings are given oFqfD7WN2BQ-00333-00108048-00108078 by oFqfD7WN2BQ-00334-00108079-00108502 people towards me oFqfD7WN2BQ-00335-00108503-00108831 so another another few times oFqfD7WN2BQ-00336-00108832-00109080 during the merit oFqfD7WN2BQ-00337-00109081-00109207 [Music] oFqfD7WN2BQ-00338-00109208-00109815 i tried again too in my life oFqfD7WN2BQ-00339-00109816-00110102 but i could i could share that i wasn't oFqfD7WN2BQ-00340-00110103-00110383 smart enough oFqfD7WN2BQ-00341-00110383-00110823 i wasn't smart enough too oFqfD7WN2BQ-00342-00110824-00111175 to yeah oFqfD7WN2BQ-00343-00111176-00111719 to move from this earth to the heaven oFqfD7WN2BQ-00344-00111720-00112063 so because i always i was always oFqfD7WN2BQ-00345-00112064-00112390 end up in hospital i opened oFqfD7WN2BQ-00346-00112391-00112766 open my my eyes in the hospital in the oFqfD7WN2BQ-00347-00112767-00112999 hospital and oFqfD7WN2BQ-00348-00113000-00113483 yeah then then i just swear to myself oFqfD7WN2BQ-00349-00113776-00114175 why why enough again oFqfD7WN2BQ-00350-00114176-00114647 uh open my eyes and in the yard oFqfD7WN2BQ-00351-00114648-00115031 not in the in the heaven or on oFqfD7WN2BQ-00352-00115032-00115527 or in the hell you know oFqfD7WN2BQ-00353-00115528-00115604 so oFqfD7WN2BQ-00354-00115605-00115839 [Music] oFqfD7WN2BQ-00355-00115840-00116158 i i end up oFqfD7WN2BQ-00356-00116159-00116599 i end up got divorced oFqfD7WN2BQ-00357-00116600-00116902 and i had to leave oFqfD7WN2BQ-00358-00116903-00117239 leave my daughter when she was only oFqfD7WN2BQ-00359-00117240-00117519 eight months oFqfD7WN2BQ-00360-00117520-00117943 that was oFqfD7WN2BQ-00361-00117944-00118247 yeah there was another another oFqfD7WN2BQ-00362-00118248-00118710 i had this time oFqfD7WN2BQ-00363-00118711-00119143 even much harder oFqfD7WN2BQ-00364-00119144-00119406 compared to oFqfD7WN2BQ-00365-00119407-00119647 [Music] oFqfD7WN2BQ-00366-00119648-00120231 the other before i got married oFqfD7WN2BQ-00367-00120232-00120502 because i had to leave because i had to oFqfD7WN2BQ-00368-00120503-00120551 leave oFqfD7WN2BQ-00369-00120552-00120878 my blood part of my blood oFqfD7WN2BQ-00370-00120879-00121327 with my ex-husband oFqfD7WN2BQ-00371-00121328-00121663 for you who don't know oFqfD7WN2BQ-00372-00121664-00121983 we have a patriarchy oFqfD7WN2BQ-00373-00121983-00122310 society where we have to oFqfD7WN2BQ-00374-00122311-00122647 leave our child oFqfD7WN2BQ-00375-00122648-00123086 with our husband with a husband oFqfD7WN2BQ-00376-00123088-00123463 when we got divorced oFqfD7WN2BQ-00377-00123464-00123799 and oFqfD7WN2BQ-00378-00123800-00124223 i went back i went back to my family oFqfD7WN2BQ-00379-00124224-00124566 and i'm i'm so grateful oFqfD7WN2BQ-00380-00124567-00124990 to have my family my parents who love oFqfD7WN2BQ-00381-00124991-00125351 medially who always oFqfD7WN2BQ-00382-00125352-00126078 always by my side but oFqfD7WN2BQ-00383-00126079-00126390 they love me but at the same time of oFqfD7WN2BQ-00384-00126391-00126599 course oFqfD7WN2BQ-00385-00126600-00126990 they got pain oFqfD7WN2BQ-00386-00126991-00127607 they hurt they got pain a lot oFqfD7WN2BQ-00387-00127608-00127943 and i i did oFqfD7WN2BQ-00388-00127944-00128351 my very first time what people oFqfD7WN2BQ-00389-00128352-00128775 doing right now lock down oFqfD7WN2BQ-00390-00128776-00129302 my first down when i got divorced oFqfD7WN2BQ-00391-00129303-00129566 and i'm glad that i'm doing my second oFqfD7WN2BQ-00392-00129567-00129671 lockdown oFqfD7WN2BQ-00393-00129672-00130071 not alone oFqfD7WN2BQ-00394-00130072-00130366 because because not only with the oFqfD7WN2BQ-00395-00130367-00130486 balinese oFqfD7WN2BQ-00396-00130488-00130743 community but also all people around the oFqfD7WN2BQ-00397-00130744-00130831 world oFqfD7WN2BQ-00398-00130832-00131239 in my second lockdown but i did oFqfD7WN2BQ-00399-00131240-00131678 my first lockdown by myself oFqfD7WN2BQ-00400-00131679-00132127 in the room for a few months oFqfD7WN2BQ-00401-00132128-00132478 until again my mom oFqfD7WN2BQ-00402-00132479-00132790 my mom my mom was the key oFqfD7WN2BQ-00403-00132791-00133199 the key of my strength and my weakness oFqfD7WN2BQ-00404-00133200-00133647 at the same time and oFqfD7WN2BQ-00405-00133648-00134031 i opened the border it was because oFqfD7WN2BQ-00406-00134032-00134583 my mom gave me such a strong words oFqfD7WN2BQ-00407-00134584-00134943 okay if you not want to continue your oFqfD7WN2BQ-00408-00134944-00134983 life oFqfD7WN2BQ-00409-00134984-00135199 just kill yourself inside of the room oFqfD7WN2BQ-00410-00135200-00135414 but before that you will see my dead oFqfD7WN2BQ-00411-00135415-00135823 body outside oFqfD7WN2BQ-00412-00135824-00136183 that was uh what my mom said oFqfD7WN2BQ-00413-00136184-00136527 yeah i know my mom is such a strong oFqfD7WN2BQ-00414-00136528-00136902 strong woman um hard worker oFqfD7WN2BQ-00415-00136903-00137335 and oh everything so oFqfD7WN2BQ-00416-00137336-00137671 that was um oFqfD7WN2BQ-00417-00137672-00137990 of course the yeah really oFqfD7WN2BQ-00418-00137991-00138327 touch yeah really touch and oFqfD7WN2BQ-00419-00138328-00138814 it's like a knife or a hammer you know oFqfD7WN2BQ-00420-00138815-00139087 not a knife a hammer yeah a hammer okay oFqfD7WN2BQ-00421-00139088-00139239 bang bang bang oFqfD7WN2BQ-00422-00139240-00139614 okay wake up and yeah oFqfD7WN2BQ-00423-00139615-00139919 finally i decided to oFqfD7WN2BQ-00424-00139920-00140311 decided to open my border oFqfD7WN2BQ-00425-00140312-00140702 and promise to her i will face oFqfD7WN2BQ-00426-00140703-00141127 whatever comes next then oFqfD7WN2BQ-00427-00141128-00141487 i continue my life i taught oFqfD7WN2BQ-00428-00141488-00142087 challenge end oFqfD7WN2BQ-00429-00142088-00142502 challenges never end oFqfD7WN2BQ-00430-00142503-00142919 so when i gained my weight oFqfD7WN2BQ-00431-00142920-00143407 because my i lost weight a lot oFqfD7WN2BQ-00432-00143408-00143807 from 53 to 35 oFqfD7WN2BQ-00433-00143808-00144247 that was about it's totally the opposite oFqfD7WN2BQ-00434-00144248-00144575 i used to cut my long hair oFqfD7WN2BQ-00435-00144576-00144926 uh with a knife like big knife whenever oFqfD7WN2BQ-00436-00144927-00145247 whenever i felt uh stressed uh oFqfD7WN2BQ-00437-00145248-00145583 depressed frustrated i just i just oFqfD7WN2BQ-00438-00145584-00145911 cut my my my hair instead oFqfD7WN2BQ-00439-00145912-00146254 instead drawing things or any other oFqfD7WN2BQ-00440-00146255-00146351 objects oFqfD7WN2BQ-00441-00146352-00146678 or stuffs so oFqfD7WN2BQ-00442-00146679-00147111 i finally gained my weight oFqfD7WN2BQ-00443-00147112-00147526 and promise to my my mom i will i will oFqfD7WN2BQ-00444-00147527-00147823 move forward oFqfD7WN2BQ-00445-00147824-00148166 and the last challenge came oFqfD7WN2BQ-00446-00148167-00148526 the last challenge um in my first oFqfD7WN2BQ-00447-00148527-00148959 uh first space or my first journey oFqfD7WN2BQ-00448-00148960-00149351 man mend whoever oFqfD7WN2BQ-00449-00149352-00149878 whoever heard about a beautiful divorced oFqfD7WN2BQ-00450-00149879-00150207 um pretty divorced um oFqfD7WN2BQ-00451-00150208-00150526 pretty pretty for a local guy oFqfD7WN2BQ-00452-00150527-00151119 means a cubby i mean not really chubby oFqfD7WN2BQ-00453-00151120-00151519 um a great proportion um oFqfD7WN2BQ-00454-00151520-00151863 of a physical physical look oFqfD7WN2BQ-00455-00151864-00152311 yeah and also um yeah oFqfD7WN2BQ-00456-00152312-00152639 fails or whatever so all those physical oFqfD7WN2BQ-00457-00152640-00153054 look so they they came one by one oFqfD7WN2BQ-00458-00153055-00153511 to me and even ask my prize oFqfD7WN2BQ-00459-00153512-00153863 how much you per night oFqfD7WN2BQ-00460-00153864-00154247 and some of them even came with oFqfD7WN2BQ-00461-00154248-00154607 cars with all those their wealth oFqfD7WN2BQ-00462-00154608-00154983 and all this jewelry um oFqfD7WN2BQ-00463-00154984-00155319 to offer to offer to me oFqfD7WN2BQ-00464-00155320-00155735 um to get me sleep with them oFqfD7WN2BQ-00465-00155736-00156078 um because they thought i'm oFqfD7WN2BQ-00466-00156079-00156463 easygoing you know and of course oFqfD7WN2BQ-00467-00156464-00156766 the more the more men came to me oFqfD7WN2BQ-00468-00156767-00157183 the more partner of them oFqfD7WN2BQ-00469-00157184-00157726 or wives and girlfriends oFqfD7WN2BQ-00470-00157727-00158054 got a blind jealousy you can imagine oFqfD7WN2BQ-00471-00158055-00158399 when you blind um oFqfD7WN2BQ-00472-00158400-00158702 yeah blind jealousy oFqfD7WN2BQ-00473-00158703-00159023 you just cannot see anything oFqfD7WN2BQ-00474-00159024-00159375 so some of the woman and girl even speed oFqfD7WN2BQ-00475-00159376-00159687 on me oFqfD7WN2BQ-00476-00159688-00160111 um when i pass pass in front of them oFqfD7WN2BQ-00477-00160112-00161007 and that was like oFqfD7WN2BQ-00478-00161008-00161326 wow i just couldn't could not oFqfD7WN2BQ-00479-00161327-00161863 understand oFqfD7WN2BQ-00480-00161864-00162663 um why people saw oFqfD7WN2BQ-00481-00162664-00163214 so unrespectful oFqfD7WN2BQ-00482-00163215-00163726 is because of oFqfD7WN2BQ-00483-00163727-00164078 being divorced and also 40 oFqfD7WN2BQ-00484-00164079-00164935 and all those things oFqfD7WN2BQ-00485-00164936-00165263 i'm sorry oFqfD7WN2BQ-00486-00165264-00165919 that's appreciated take your time oFqfD7WN2BQ-00487-00165920-00166247 yeah actually actually it's oFqfD7WN2BQ-00488-00166248-00166926 been it has been years oFqfD7WN2BQ-00489-00166927-00167126 not to get oFqfD7WN2BQ-00490-00167127-00167359 [Music] oFqfD7WN2BQ-00491-00167360-00167711 space to do this oFqfD7WN2BQ-00492-00167712-00168231 tears purification oFqfD7WN2BQ-00493-00168232-00168463 i appreciate it i think this is how we oFqfD7WN2BQ-00494-00168464-00168623 met so oFqfD7WN2BQ-00495-00168624-00169007 space is yours go ahead oFqfD7WN2BQ-00496-00169008-00169423 so in the end oFqfD7WN2BQ-00497-00169424-00170126 i realize when many people go sipping oFqfD7WN2BQ-00498-00170127-00170519 with many people oFqfD7WN2BQ-00499-00170520-00170823 not nice to me i realized oFqfD7WN2BQ-00500-00170824-00171223 i was not not in a oFqfD7WN2BQ-00501-00171224-00171559 healthy environment oFqfD7WN2BQ-00502-00171560-00171951 so i decided to oFqfD7WN2BQ-00503-00171952-00172302 broken my mom's roof oFqfD7WN2BQ-00504-00172303-00172671 i became a stubborn daughter oFqfD7WN2BQ-00505-00172672-00173023 why i i said oFqfD7WN2BQ-00506-00173024-00173623 stubborn because my mom always wants to oFqfD7WN2BQ-00507-00173624-00174087 wanted to keep me just in the village oFqfD7WN2BQ-00508-00174088-00174575 and i didn't know why oFqfD7WN2BQ-00509-00174576-00174887 but now i can i could share when when oFqfD7WN2BQ-00510-00174888-00175095 the oFqfD7WN2BQ-00511-00175096-00175319 there anxiety a too much anxiety its oFqfD7WN2BQ-00512-00175320-00175478 create um oFqfD7WN2BQ-00513-00175479-00175863 rules uh in terms of protection oFqfD7WN2BQ-00514-00175864-00176263 so this is actually the cycles uh oFqfD7WN2BQ-00515-00176264-00176647 when you have so much oFqfD7WN2BQ-00516-00176648-00176966 pain and um oFqfD7WN2BQ-00517-00176967-00177238 yeah challenge in your life as well as oFqfD7WN2BQ-00518-00177239-00177478 my mom oFqfD7WN2BQ-00519-00177479-00177871 so i broken my mom's rules i oFqfD7WN2BQ-00520-00177872-00178183 i moved away from the village oFqfD7WN2BQ-00521-00178184-00178502 and i continued my study in university oFqfD7WN2BQ-00522-00178503-00179047 and became a teacher oFqfD7WN2BQ-00523-00179048-00179351 to be honest i studied oFqfD7WN2BQ-00524-00179352-00179919 uh my study was just an excuse oFqfD7WN2BQ-00525-00179920-00180375 because i couldn't find any best way oFqfD7WN2BQ-00526-00180376-00180719 to kept myself oFqfD7WN2BQ-00527-00180720-00181175 busy to not think of oFqfD7WN2BQ-00528-00181176-00181623 my my own daughter for a while oFqfD7WN2BQ-00529-00181624-00182054 which i couldn't see i couldn't raise oFqfD7WN2BQ-00530-00182055-00182383 my own and oFqfD7WN2BQ-00531-00182384-00182678 not think of anyone who look up and down oFqfD7WN2BQ-00532-00182679-00182726 on me oFqfD7WN2BQ-00533-00182727-00183095 who not nice to me so i just kept my oFqfD7WN2BQ-00534-00183096-00183166 visit oFqfD7WN2BQ-00535-00183167-00183543 myself by being busy with this oFqfD7WN2BQ-00536-00183544-00183863 studying in university and oFqfD7WN2BQ-00537-00183864-00184375 as well at the same time i also working oFqfD7WN2BQ-00538-00184376-00184752 yeah i just kept myself busy oFqfD7WN2BQ-00539-00184753-00184919 [Music] oFqfD7WN2BQ-00540-00184920-00185247 uh with work and study and oFqfD7WN2BQ-00541-00185248-00185559 honestly it it works um oFqfD7WN2BQ-00542-00185560-00185966 it works to help myself able to oFqfD7WN2BQ-00543-00185967-00186399 uh lay down uh during the evening oFqfD7WN2BQ-00544-00186400-00186702 and yeah because my oFqfD7WN2BQ-00545-00186703-00187014 uh i i got tired physically oFqfD7WN2BQ-00546-00187015-00187350 so yeah but oFqfD7WN2BQ-00547-00187351-00187654 it didn't it didn't heal oFqfD7WN2BQ-00548-00187655-00187990 heal properly what the oFqfD7WN2BQ-00549-00187991-00188390 the the root of the pain oFqfD7WN2BQ-00550-00188391-00188790 until until i met oFqfD7WN2BQ-00551-00188791-00189063 until i met many different women who oFqfD7WN2BQ-00552-00189064-00189231 struggles with many different oFqfD7WN2BQ-00553-00189232-00189535 challenges not only oFqfD7WN2BQ-00554-00189536-00189943 divorce women women having fertility oFqfD7WN2BQ-00555-00189944-00190231 issues oFqfD7WN2BQ-00556-00190232-00190623 single mom single moms here means oFqfD7WN2BQ-00557-00190624-00190983 having babies but no married oFqfD7WN2BQ-00558-00190984-00191278 and also some mothers who have children oFqfD7WN2BQ-00559-00191279-00191590 an adult with special needs oFqfD7WN2BQ-00560-00191591-00191926 transgender i met many oFqfD7WN2BQ-00561-00191927-00192366 um women who oFqfD7WN2BQ-00562-00192367-00192759 challenge having struggles oFqfD7WN2BQ-00563-00192760-00193238 with sexual illness and oFqfD7WN2BQ-00564-00193239-00193583 yeah many many different challenges of oFqfD7WN2BQ-00565-00193584-00193943 women i met and the more oFqfD7WN2BQ-00566-00193944-00194295 i met those women the more i realized oFqfD7WN2BQ-00567-00194296-00194719 oh my god ah oFqfD7WN2BQ-00568-00194720-00195054 this is a lot and i could not oFqfD7WN2BQ-00569-00195055-00195487 understand why um oFqfD7WN2BQ-00570-00195488-00196038 i i met those women it's like oFqfD7WN2BQ-00571-00196039-00196447 yeah i i felt like my energy oFqfD7WN2BQ-00572-00196448-00196854 was very attractive this is like attract oFqfD7WN2BQ-00573-00196855-00197166 more and more women oFqfD7WN2BQ-00574-00197167-00197487 who struggles and they they oFqfD7WN2BQ-00575-00197488-00197799 share their stories even oFqfD7WN2BQ-00576-00197800-00198183 without even um oFqfD7WN2BQ-00577-00198184-00198535 know each other you know i i could oFqfD7WN2BQ-00578-00198536-00198847 i could not understand why but oFqfD7WN2BQ-00579-00198848-00199159 one thing one thing in the end came in oFqfD7WN2BQ-00580-00199160-00199295 my head oFqfD7WN2BQ-00581-00199296-00199631 how can those women come together oFqfD7WN2BQ-00582-00199632-00199966 and sit together oFqfD7WN2BQ-00583-00199967-00200343 let them know they are not the only ones oFqfD7WN2BQ-00584-00200344-00200726 with issues or challenged and of course oFqfD7WN2BQ-00585-00200727-00201031 um yes i am as i oFqfD7WN2BQ-00586-00201032-00201407 share previously when i oFqfD7WN2BQ-00587-00201408-00201750 when i share excuse me when i share my oFqfD7WN2BQ-00588-00201751-00202071 stories i found oFqfD7WN2BQ-00589-00202072-00202511 i found is it's a natural way of feeling oFqfD7WN2BQ-00590-00202512-00202823 so i thought if if oFqfD7WN2BQ-00591-00202824-00203083 it works for me it should works for oFqfD7WN2BQ-00592-00203084-00203247 others oFqfD7WN2BQ-00593-00203248-00203590 so that's the idea cam i didn't i didn't oFqfD7WN2BQ-00594-00203591-00203726 think of oFqfD7WN2BQ-00595-00203727-00204014 uh create a women's circle women's oFqfD7WN2BQ-00596-00204015-00204087 center oFqfD7WN2BQ-00597-00204088-00204359 women's shelter or whatever whatever oFqfD7WN2BQ-00598-00204360-00204599 people name it or call it oFqfD7WN2BQ-00599-00204600-00204919 i just i just want them to oFqfD7WN2BQ-00600-00204919-00205255 be together and look you are not the oFqfD7WN2BQ-00601-00205256-00205406 only one oFqfD7WN2BQ-00602-00205407-00205790 there are thousands of women out there oFqfD7WN2BQ-00603-00205791-00206142 but we need to share we need to oFqfD7WN2BQ-00604-00206144-00206479 share one another and oFqfD7WN2BQ-00605-00206480-00206766 when i found that not many people oFqfD7WN2BQ-00606-00206767-00206958 concerned about these things oFqfD7WN2BQ-00607-00206959-00207334 for decades and it has been oFqfD7WN2BQ-00608-00207335-00207671 it has been troubled those cases those oFqfD7WN2BQ-00609-00207671-00207966 challenges that i mentioned in those oFqfD7WN2BQ-00610-00207967-00208119 women oFqfD7WN2BQ-00611-00208119-00208431 uh have been troubled to oFqfD7WN2BQ-00612-00208432-00208831 talk here in our society oFqfD7WN2BQ-00613-00208832-00209255 uh in the balinese society if we compare oFqfD7WN2BQ-00614-00209256-00209310 to oFqfD7WN2BQ-00615-00209311-00209686 your country like europe or america or oFqfD7WN2BQ-00616-00209687-00210246 abroad we are much much behind oFqfD7WN2BQ-00617-00210248-00210606 talking about these cases oFqfD7WN2BQ-00618-00210607-00210991 in in bali so that was the oFqfD7WN2BQ-00619-00210992-00211398 story but uh there's always bad and oFqfD7WN2BQ-00620-00211400-00211446 there's oFqfD7WN2BQ-00621-00211448-00211758 always uh beautiful beautiful oFqfD7WN2BQ-00622-00211759-00212175 things um designed by the universe oFqfD7WN2BQ-00623-00212176-00212487 but of course i i didn't know and i oFqfD7WN2BQ-00624-00212488-00212806 i could not understand what comes next oFqfD7WN2BQ-00625-00212807-00213182 in my life so oFqfD7WN2BQ-00626-00213183-00213527 the universe not oFqfD7WN2BQ-00627-00213528-00213879 led me to start the women oFqfD7WN2BQ-00628-00213880-00214198 gathering oFqfD7WN2BQ-00629-00214200-00214510 instead the universe thrown oFqfD7WN2BQ-00630-00214511-00214831 me in a school where oFqfD7WN2BQ-00631-00214832-00215094 where i where i was doing my oFqfD7WN2BQ-00632-00215096-00215263 volunteering oFqfD7WN2BQ-00633-00215264-00215606 work in public school secondary school oFqfD7WN2BQ-00634-00215607-00215815 and elementary school an english teacher oFqfD7WN2BQ-00635-00215816-00215910 came to me oFqfD7WN2BQ-00636-00215911-00216223 and asked me would you like to be would oFqfD7WN2BQ-00637-00216223-00216375 you like to be oFqfD7WN2BQ-00638-00216376-00216751 a teacher for idiot children what do you oFqfD7WN2BQ-00639-00216752-00217103 mean idiot oFqfD7WN2BQ-00640-00217104-00217310 you mean you mean mental hospital or oFqfD7WN2BQ-00641-00217311-00217494 what no no no they are oFqfD7WN2BQ-00642-00217496-00217798 their brains are errored okay so without oFqfD7WN2BQ-00643-00217800-00217855 without oFqfD7WN2BQ-00644-00217856-00218151 um thinking too much i went to the oFqfD7WN2BQ-00645-00218152-00218246 school oFqfD7WN2BQ-00646-00218248-00218519 i found about five adult with special oFqfD7WN2BQ-00647-00218519-00218646 needs oFqfD7WN2BQ-00648-00218648-00218958 this is how people labeling all those oFqfD7WN2BQ-00649-00218959-00219215 children and adults with special needs oFqfD7WN2BQ-00650-00219216-00219271 so i oFqfD7WN2BQ-00651-00219271-00219606 arrived there i i seen them rolling oFqfD7WN2BQ-00652-00219607-00219679 jumping oFqfD7WN2BQ-00653-00219680-00219998 uh crying or oFqfD7WN2BQ-00654-00220000-00220375 naked oFqfD7WN2BQ-00655-00220376-00220782 and i had i had no idea what i had to do oFqfD7WN2BQ-00656-00220783-00221103 because i'm not used to a teacher oFqfD7WN2BQ-00657-00221104-00221342 i'm a teacher but i'm not used to oFqfD7WN2BQ-00658-00221344-00221406 teaching oFqfD7WN2BQ-00659-00221407-00221751 those children and adult oFqfD7WN2BQ-00660-00221752-00222151 special needs so i brought to be honest oFqfD7WN2BQ-00661-00222152-00222415 my mind to mental hospital exactly oFqfD7WN2BQ-00662-00222416-00222487 because oFqfD7WN2BQ-00663-00222488-00222855 because when i visited my uncle oFqfD7WN2BQ-00664-00222856-00223263 who was there who been there for quite oFqfD7WN2BQ-00665-00223264-00223598 quite a long time oFqfD7WN2BQ-00666-00223600-00223998 um so then so then i got the idea oFqfD7WN2BQ-00667-00224000-00224239 how to build the trust with those oFqfD7WN2BQ-00668-00224240-00224406 special people oFqfD7WN2BQ-00669-00224407-00224742 so i just i just communicate the same i oFqfD7WN2BQ-00670-00224744-00224942 behave the same so i'm running and oFqfD7WN2BQ-00671-00224944-00225198 jumping i'm rolling i crying oFqfD7WN2BQ-00672-00225200-00225463 um but naked i didn't do of course oFqfD7WN2BQ-00673-00225464-00225855 [Laughter] oFqfD7WN2BQ-00674-00225856-00226151 only naked i didn't do and also pp on on oFqfD7WN2BQ-00675-00226152-00226182 the oFqfD7WN2BQ-00676-00226183-00226503 lunch table oFqfD7WN2BQ-00677-00226504-00226882 before we start lunch oFqfD7WN2BQ-00678-00226883-00227358 so i now i believe that nothing is oFqfD7WN2BQ-00679-00227359-00227463 coincidence oFqfD7WN2BQ-00680-00227464-00227934 in this life because my name oFqfD7WN2BQ-00681-00227935-00228287 was exists in that school oFqfD7WN2BQ-00682-00228288-00228710 so the school called sari hati oFqfD7WN2BQ-00683-00228711-00229031 sari means essence hati means heart oFqfD7WN2BQ-00684-00229032-00229367 so sarihati means essence of the heart oFqfD7WN2BQ-00685-00229367-00229694 and my name is sari adi oFqfD7WN2BQ-00686-00229696-00230103 means essence of the love oFqfD7WN2BQ-00687-00230104-00230494 essence of the love someone to be oFqfD7WN2BQ-00688-00230496-00230855 loved so oFqfD7WN2BQ-00689-00230856-00231198 sarihati started was uh oFqfD7WN2BQ-00690-00231200-00231558 in 2003 it was exactly oFqfD7WN2BQ-00691-00231559-00231887 exactly when i got divorced oFqfD7WN2BQ-00692-00231888-00232127 so again nothing is coincidence my name oFqfD7WN2BQ-00693-00232128-00232303 was exists there oFqfD7WN2BQ-00694-00232304-00232655 and they started exactly when i i oFqfD7WN2BQ-00695-00232656-00232982 got divorced and for for three years oFqfD7WN2BQ-00696-00232983-00233246 for first three years we did our journey oFqfD7WN2BQ-00697-00233248-00233455 moving around because sari had been oFqfD7WN2BQ-00698-00233456-00233551 moved from oFqfD7WN2BQ-00699-00233552-00233855 one places to another places or while oFqfD7WN2BQ-00700-00233856-00233927 myself oFqfD7WN2BQ-00701-00233928-00234246 also was in the hardest time for the oFqfD7WN2BQ-00702-00234248-00234615 the first three years of the divorce oFqfD7WN2BQ-00703-00234616-00234958 so then we met we met oFqfD7WN2BQ-00704-00234959-00235294 in 2008 oFqfD7WN2BQ-00705-00235296-00235646 i run i run the school founded by israel oFqfD7WN2BQ-00706-00235648-00235942 guys swiss lady and local guys so i run oFqfD7WN2BQ-00707-00235944-00235998 that oFqfD7WN2BQ-00708-00236000-00236431 without any other team so now we have oFqfD7WN2BQ-00709-00236432-00236751 we have from five children oFqfD7WN2BQ-00710-00236752-00237142 we got now about 40 oFqfD7WN2BQ-00711-00237144-00237471 40 children and adults from the rain age oFqfD7WN2BQ-00712-00237471-00237751 from 5 years old to 45 oFqfD7WN2BQ-00713-00237752-00238167 with mixed mix oFqfD7WN2BQ-00714-00238167-00238463 special like massi shampur i don't know oFqfD7WN2BQ-00715-00238464-00238582 if everyone known as oFqfD7WN2BQ-00716-00238583-00238910 champur champur is oFqfD7WN2BQ-00717-00238911-00239294 a mig dish where where you oFqfD7WN2BQ-00718-00239296-00239453 have rice and oFqfD7WN2BQ-00719-00239454-00239603 [Music] oFqfD7WN2BQ-00720-00239604-00240031 vegetables and meat or and other dishes oFqfD7WN2BQ-00721-00240032-00240255 in one plate so that's we call it oFqfD7WN2BQ-00722-00240256-00240342 shampoo oFqfD7WN2BQ-00723-00240344-00240742 kambu is mix mix of everything oFqfD7WN2BQ-00724-00240744-00241230 so yeah yeah now we have more or less 40 oFqfD7WN2BQ-00725-00241231-00241575 children and adults um from 5 years old oFqfD7WN2BQ-00726-00241576-00241791 to 45 years old oFqfD7WN2BQ-00727-00241792-00242119 and we have about 12 oFqfD7WN2BQ-00728-00242119-00242430 team in total and they are oFqfD7WN2BQ-00729-00242431-00242775 mothers we have zero zero staff oFqfD7WN2BQ-00730-00242776-00243151 coming from teachers education oFqfD7WN2BQ-00731-00243152-00243246 background oFqfD7WN2BQ-00732-00243248-00243534 nor special children education oFqfD7WN2BQ-00733-00243535-00243839 background because we believe uh oFqfD7WN2BQ-00734-00243840-00244230 by empowering and take oFqfD7WN2BQ-00735-00244231-00244551 mothers uh to be oFqfD7WN2BQ-00736-00244552-00244894 the teachers uh it will be oFqfD7WN2BQ-00737-00244896-00245367 it will be much oFqfD7WN2BQ-00738-00245367-00245751 great you know much better to to oFqfD7WN2BQ-00739-00245752-00246134 lead the children because uh mothers oFqfD7WN2BQ-00740-00246135-00246482 uh knows their children that's true oFqfD7WN2BQ-00741-00246483-00246846 so yeah so that was oFqfD7WN2BQ-00742-00246848-00247182 the first uh the first uh story oFqfD7WN2BQ-00743-00247183-00247534 where i came from uh running oFqfD7WN2BQ-00744-00247535-00247879 running sarihati for um oFqfD7WN2BQ-00745-00247880-00248191 few years then the women's center the oFqfD7WN2BQ-00746-00248192-00248327 pkp oFqfD7WN2BQ-00747-00248328-00248630 women's center so big happy stand oFqfD7WN2BQ-00748-00248631-00249119 for not part like london oFqfD7WN2BQ-00749-00249119-00249534 not any party or political political oFqfD7WN2BQ-00750-00249535-00249975 group or something but pkp stands for oFqfD7WN2BQ-00751-00249976-00250351 pusa oFqfD7WN2BQ-00752-00250352-00250703 mean center the gyata means activities oFqfD7WN2BQ-00753-00250704-00251015 and parampuan means a woman oFqfD7WN2BQ-00754-00251016-00251455 so big happy woman center created oFqfD7WN2BQ-00755-00251456-00251919 and we got our first paste oFqfD7WN2BQ-00756-00251919-00252255 in the gala in the gala and oFqfD7WN2BQ-00757-00252256-00252791 sarihati got their base in ubud oFqfD7WN2BQ-00758-00252792-00253303 10 years liz finished oFqfD7WN2BQ-00759-00253304-00253630 now sarihati moved to oFqfD7WN2BQ-00760-00253631-00253975 a new location and became oFqfD7WN2BQ-00761-00253976-00254279 kim yeah kim oFqfD7WN2BQ-00762-00254280-00254598 not kim kardashian or kim jong-un or oFqfD7WN2BQ-00763-00254600-00255894 other kim the korean uh oFqfD7WN2BQ-00764-00255896-00256255 is inspirational or inspired oFqfD7WN2BQ-00765-00256256-00256575 mandiri means independence so with love oFqfD7WN2BQ-00766-00256576-00256758 and compassion we always like to oFqfD7WN2BQ-00767-00256759-00257103 inspire others to be independent oFqfD7WN2BQ-00768-00257104-00257542 um but not yeah but long before oFqfD7WN2BQ-00769-00257544-00257894 uh sariha they moved oFqfD7WN2BQ-00770-00257896-00258310 to new location with new name oFqfD7WN2BQ-00771-00258311-00258687 pkp women's center had extended oFqfD7WN2BQ-00772-00258688-00258998 extended um the program oFqfD7WN2BQ-00773-00259000-00259351 to pyongyang area oFqfD7WN2BQ-00774-00259352-00259505 we oFqfD7WN2BQ-00775-00259506-00259991 [Music] oFqfD7WN2BQ-00776-00259992-00260351 brought the program to other area oFqfD7WN2BQ-00777-00260352-00260734 in terms of giving more opportunities oFqfD7WN2BQ-00778-00260735-00261063 for more people in different areas oFqfD7WN2BQ-00779-00261064-00261391 and now we oFqfD7WN2BQ-00780-00261392-00261934 turn into pkp community center oFqfD7WN2BQ-00781-00261935-00262206 from pkp women's center now we turn into oFqfD7WN2BQ-00782-00262207-00262463 pkp community center oFqfD7WN2BQ-00783-00262464-00262782 because uh i could oFqfD7WN2BQ-00784-00262783-00263175 i could put this in in the tree anger oFqfD7WN2BQ-00785-00263176-00263639 three anga means three part of the body oFqfD7WN2BQ-00786-00263640-00263991 three means three anga means body oFqfD7WN2BQ-00787-00263992-00264358 so and this actually has been oFqfD7WN2BQ-00788-00264359-00264799 formed uh by our ancestors oFqfD7WN2BQ-00789-00264800-00265243 to get our life balance as well as the oFqfD7WN2BQ-00790-00265244-00265423 trihitakarana oFqfD7WN2BQ-00791-00265424-00265751 another philosophies oFqfD7WN2BQ-00792-00265752-00266136 that we heritage by our ancestors oFqfD7WN2BQ-00793-00266137-00266310 [Music] oFqfD7WN2BQ-00794-00266311-00266623 means three cost of happiness oFqfD7WN2BQ-00795-00266624-00266943 or joy by oFqfD7WN2BQ-00796-00266944-00267255 taking good care of oFqfD7WN2BQ-00797-00267256-00267687 our relationship between human to god oFqfD7WN2BQ-00798-00267688-00268039 we call it para hiyanan and oFqfD7WN2BQ-00799-00268040-00268415 human to human powerman oFqfD7WN2BQ-00800-00268416-00268751 human to nature palama han oFqfD7WN2BQ-00801-00268752-00269095 so by taking good care of this oFqfD7WN2BQ-00802-00269096-00269239 relationship oFqfD7WN2BQ-00803-00269240-00269615 it will be create the balanced oFqfD7WN2BQ-00804-00269616-00269847 when the balance created it will be oFqfD7WN2BQ-00805-00269848-00270158 create the happiness the joy oFqfD7WN2BQ-00806-00270159-00270479 experience as well thank you oFqfD7WN2BQ-00807-00270480-00270782 as well as the three anga three anga oFqfD7WN2BQ-00808-00270783-00270958 three part of the body oFqfD7WN2BQ-00809-00270959-00271279 so i started even the idea oFqfD7WN2BQ-00810-00271280-00271599 the idea if if if i put this oFqfD7WN2BQ-00811-00271600-00271999 on our body again even the idea oFqfD7WN2BQ-00812-00272000-00272319 uh for cam firstly oFqfD7WN2BQ-00813-00272320-00272695 uh i would like to focus on the neck oFqfD7WN2BQ-00814-00272696-00273119 which is the woman but the universe oFqfD7WN2BQ-00815-00273120-00273399 the universe leads me to start with the oFqfD7WN2BQ-00816-00273400-00273534 feet oFqfD7WN2BQ-00817-00273535-00273847 which is the children oFqfD7WN2BQ-00818-00273848-00274182 and then i i finally oFqfD7WN2BQ-00819-00274183-00274679 finally can move move to the net which oFqfD7WN2BQ-00820-00274680-00274895 is the woman oFqfD7WN2BQ-00821-00274896-00275303 and now we complete complete the head oFqfD7WN2BQ-00822-00275304-00275687 the men the boys and the rest oFqfD7WN2BQ-00823-00275688-00275903 the rest of the family members of the oFqfD7WN2BQ-00824-00275904-00276167 women and children oFqfD7WN2BQ-00825-00276168-00276463 it's exactly i don't know if if you know oFqfD7WN2BQ-00826-00276464-00276731 garuda with nukan channel oFqfD7WN2BQ-00827-00276732-00276934 [Music] oFqfD7WN2BQ-00828-00276935-00277263 yeah down in uluwatu oFqfD7WN2BQ-00829-00277264-00277575 it's for a long time the head been oFqfD7WN2BQ-00830-00277576-00278063 not placed because it's not easy oFqfD7WN2BQ-00831-00278064-00278423 because it's not easy to place the head oFqfD7WN2BQ-00832-00278424-00278751 to complete the tree anger oFqfD7WN2BQ-00833-00278752-00279223 because the triangle is always oFqfD7WN2BQ-00834-00279224-00279679 involved with the asta kosala kosali oFqfD7WN2BQ-00835-00279680-00280095 the rules of architecture oFqfD7WN2BQ-00836-00280096-00280527 uh in bali so oFqfD7WN2BQ-00837-00280528-00280775 we also finally complete the head oFqfD7WN2BQ-00838-00280776-00280871 because oFqfD7WN2BQ-00839-00280872-00281191 we can put i myself can put this like a oFqfD7WN2BQ-00840-00281192-00281623 computer and cpu yeah the pc oFqfD7WN2BQ-00841-00281624-00282095 so the head the head is the monitor oFqfD7WN2BQ-00842-00282096-00282358 and the neck is the cpu the central oFqfD7WN2BQ-00843-00282359-00282551 processing unit oFqfD7WN2BQ-00844-00282552-00283143 where this takes very important roles oFqfD7WN2BQ-00845-00283144-00283406 the women takes very important roles in oFqfD7WN2BQ-00846-00283407-00283719 the balinese society oFqfD7WN2BQ-00847-00283720-00284039 the bridge the strength oFqfD7WN2BQ-00848-00284040-00284351 of the ideas if we oFqfD7WN2BQ-00849-00284352-00284639 if we're relating this to our medical oFqfD7WN2BQ-00850-00284640-00284799 services oFqfD7WN2BQ-00851-00284800-00285151 it's um we can we can oFqfD7WN2BQ-00852-00285152-00285615 definitely uh understand logically oFqfD7WN2BQ-00853-00285616-00285943 if something happened to the head oFqfD7WN2BQ-00854-00285944-00286343 it's not really affect the neck oFqfD7WN2BQ-00855-00286344-00286654 but if it's the opposite oFqfD7WN2BQ-00856-00286655-00287039 you can imagine if you get a sore throat oFqfD7WN2BQ-00857-00287040-00287351 throat or you unable to really oFqfD7WN2BQ-00858-00287352-00287727 express uh anything oFqfD7WN2BQ-00859-00287728-00288103 your voice it's it's really oFqfD7WN2BQ-00860-00288104-00288463 it's really affect the whole system oFqfD7WN2BQ-00861-00288464-00288775 isn't it so this oFqfD7WN2BQ-00862-00288776-00289103 is this is why i i oFqfD7WN2BQ-00863-00289104-00289391 was really focused on the neck how to oFqfD7WN2BQ-00864-00289392-00289439 help oFqfD7WN2BQ-00865-00289440-00289775 women to understand oFqfD7WN2BQ-00866-00289776-00290110 their situation themselves oFqfD7WN2BQ-00867-00290111-00290527 deeper and better because oFqfD7WN2BQ-00868-00290528-00290847 because if they don't understand oFqfD7WN2BQ-00869-00290848-00291151 how to treat themselves and oFqfD7WN2BQ-00870-00291152-00291510 if others also doesn't understand oFqfD7WN2BQ-00871-00291511-00291823 the the society that doesn't understand oFqfD7WN2BQ-00872-00291824-00291910 to treat oFqfD7WN2BQ-00873-00291911-00292215 women this neck this oFqfD7WN2BQ-00874-00292216-00292623 women it can be turned into durga oFqfD7WN2BQ-00875-00292624-00292975 into kali durga or kali oFqfD7WN2BQ-00876-00292976-00293327 is the scary image oFqfD7WN2BQ-00877-00293328-00293719 in our our hindu oFqfD7WN2BQ-00878-00293720-00294110 belief but if the neck treated oFqfD7WN2BQ-00879-00294111-00294534 nicely it can be turned the opposite oFqfD7WN2BQ-00880-00294535-00294879 the devi the parawati oFqfD7WN2BQ-00881-00294880-00295263 the goddess the beauty oFqfD7WN2BQ-00882-00295264-00295654 so i could put this easily to understand oFqfD7WN2BQ-00883-00295655-00295999 if it turns not nicely it can turn into oFqfD7WN2BQ-00884-00296000-00296343 the hell oFqfD7WN2BQ-00885-00296344-00296882 or treat nicely turn into the heaven oFqfD7WN2BQ-00886-00296883-00297206 so i think anyone with a mother would oFqfD7WN2BQ-00887-00297207-00297271 know that oFqfD7WN2BQ-00888-00297272-00297519 when the mom at home is not happy uh oFqfD7WN2BQ-00889-00297520-00297695 it's pretty hellish at home and when oFqfD7WN2BQ-00890-00297696-00297863 she's really happy oFqfD7WN2BQ-00891-00297864-00298103 everybody is happy so i i totally really oFqfD7WN2BQ-00892-00298104-00298206 like that oFqfD7WN2BQ-00893-00298207-00298567 go on exactly exactly oFqfD7WN2BQ-00894-00298568-00298895 so um yeah but again oFqfD7WN2BQ-00895-00298896-00299158 i i started i started the idea with the oFqfD7WN2BQ-00896-00299159-00299263 neck oFqfD7WN2BQ-00897-00299264-00299591 uh to give to give opportunity oFqfD7WN2BQ-00898-00299592-00299951 for the women to understand oFqfD7WN2BQ-00899-00299952-00300239 where they are where their position how oFqfD7WN2BQ-00900-00300240-00300382 their circumstance oFqfD7WN2BQ-00901-00300383-00300719 how their situation um oFqfD7WN2BQ-00902-00300720-00300934 what is the rules in the balinese oFqfD7WN2BQ-00903-00300935-00301239 society in the balinese compound oFqfD7WN2BQ-00904-00301240-00301623 because unfortunately we've been oFqfD7WN2BQ-00905-00301624-00301958 we've been follow uh follow the kingdom oFqfD7WN2BQ-00906-00301959-00302215 society the kingdom system oFqfD7WN2BQ-00907-00302216-00302567 where women used to oFqfD7WN2BQ-00908-00302568-00303063 treat treat like slaves you know oFqfD7WN2BQ-00909-00303064-00303159 they're not oFqfD7WN2BQ-00910-00303160-00303495 [Music] oFqfD7WN2BQ-00911-00303496-00303806 allowed to express because this is the oFqfD7WN2BQ-00912-00303807-00303895 chakra oFqfD7WN2BQ-00913-00303896-00304239 of expression so if we cannot express oFqfD7WN2BQ-00914-00304240-00304423 you can imagine oFqfD7WN2BQ-00915-00304424-00304767 how it could be so anyway that's um oFqfD7WN2BQ-00916-00304768-00305023 that's the story behind so now we oFqfD7WN2BQ-00917-00305024-00305182 finally complete oFqfD7WN2BQ-00918-00305183-00305503 complete the trianga oFqfD7WN2BQ-00919-00305504-00305943 by enlarge our activities our program oFqfD7WN2BQ-00920-00305944-00306358 into a community oFqfD7WN2BQ-00921-00306359-00306854 wow now that's a very extensive oFqfD7WN2BQ-00922-00306855-00307143 and uh important story in busari and i oFqfD7WN2BQ-00923-00307144-00307199 hope oFqfD7WN2BQ-00924-00307200-00307495 you know because we have less time uh to oFqfD7WN2BQ-00925-00307496-00307719 go into other type of curious questions oFqfD7WN2BQ-00926-00307720-00307782 but oFqfD7WN2BQ-00927-00307783-00308015 i feel for the audience and for us and oFqfD7WN2BQ-00928-00308016-00308175 this channel oFqfD7WN2BQ-00929-00308176-00308463 tribe stories i think you know someone oFqfD7WN2BQ-00930-00308464-00308558 like you with such an oFqfD7WN2BQ-00931-00308559-00308863 extensive mission it's not hard to see oFqfD7WN2BQ-00932-00308864-00309143 once we go into the genesis of something oFqfD7WN2BQ-00933-00309144-00309310 as to what keeps you going because i've oFqfD7WN2BQ-00934-00309311-00309534 worked with you a little while oFqfD7WN2BQ-00935-00309535-00309719 to see your struggles and the ones you oFqfD7WN2BQ-00936-00309720-00309951 continue to to go through oFqfD7WN2BQ-00937-00309952-00310199 and always ask myself what makes this oFqfD7WN2BQ-00938-00310200-00310399 woman keep going and overcome and it's oFqfD7WN2BQ-00939-00310400-00310519 just a really oFqfD7WN2BQ-00940-00310520-00310710 great story i think for everyone to see oFqfD7WN2BQ-00941-00310711-00310958 that you know behind every oFqfD7WN2BQ-00942-00310959-00311206 mission or passion some people have in oFqfD7WN2BQ-00943-00311207-00311351 community oFqfD7WN2BQ-00944-00311352-00311543 there's always a personal story that's oFqfD7WN2BQ-00945-00311544-00311671 driving that so oFqfD7WN2BQ-00946-00311672-00311823 i think everyone will appreciate the oFqfD7WN2BQ-00947-00311824-00312047 cultural background the history of you oFqfD7WN2BQ-00948-00312048-00312439 the pkp genesis the ibusari story oFqfD7WN2BQ-00949-00312440-00312606 and your own personal struggles and i'm oFqfD7WN2BQ-00950-00312607-00312815 sure not just women but oFqfD7WN2BQ-00951-00312816-00313039 sons of mothers can really deeply oFqfD7WN2BQ-00952-00313040-00313223 appreciate the effort and the importance oFqfD7WN2BQ-00953-00313224-00313391 of the neck as you call it oFqfD7WN2BQ-00954-00313392-00313623 and so that's really cool so i'm just oFqfD7WN2BQ-00955-00313624-00313751 curious about a lot of things you said oFqfD7WN2BQ-00956-00313752-00313799 and i took oFqfD7WN2BQ-00957-00313800-00313951 some notes so i might piece a few oFqfD7WN2BQ-00958-00313952-00314158 questions together just to expand oFqfD7WN2BQ-00959-00314159-00314343 further on on what you shared which i oFqfD7WN2BQ-00960-00314344-00314430 appreciate oFqfD7WN2BQ-00961-00314431-00314710 is you know if you look at that whole oFqfD7WN2BQ-00962-00314711-00314758 journey oFqfD7WN2BQ-00963-00314759-00314943 up to where you are now and i'm sure oFqfD7WN2BQ-00964-00314944-00315079 we'll have a few more episodes to oFqfD7WN2BQ-00965-00315080-00315230 discuss what you're currently doing oFqfD7WN2BQ-00966-00315231-00315406 because i think this is another oFqfD7WN2BQ-00967-00315407-00315679 uh episode for itself but what are the oFqfD7WN2BQ-00968-00315680-00315806 lessons maybe oFqfD7WN2BQ-00969-00315807-00316167 you feel you have learned from your past oFqfD7WN2BQ-00970-00316168-00316406 that maybe you would love the audience oFqfD7WN2BQ-00971-00316407-00316558 to know about oFqfD7WN2BQ-00972-00316559-00316751 which can help which is helping your oFqfD7WN2BQ-00973-00316752-00316943 life now just in summary oFqfD7WN2BQ-00974-00316944-00317199 a few lessons that you've learned from oFqfD7WN2BQ-00975-00317200-00317295 your past oFqfD7WN2BQ-00976-00317296-00317630 story that you shared and what oFqfD7WN2BQ-00977-00317631-00317887 maybe how do they help you in your life oFqfD7WN2BQ-00978-00317888-00318310 today oFqfD7WN2BQ-00979-00318311-00318654 i think i always believe that whatever oFqfD7WN2BQ-00980-00318655-00318910 whatever journey we went through or we oFqfD7WN2BQ-00981-00318911-00318999 go through oFqfD7WN2BQ-00982-00319000-00319310 whatever challenges yeah now i i oFqfD7WN2BQ-00983-00319311-00319615 call i love not oFqfD7WN2BQ-00984-00319616-00319919 i love i i always oFqfD7WN2BQ-00985-00319920-00320303 say uh all the pain all the struggles oFqfD7WN2BQ-00986-00320304-00320623 uh all the challenges is my oFqfD7WN2BQ-00987-00320624-00320963 great fertilizer oFqfD7WN2BQ-00988-00320964-00321391 fertilizer if i was a plant oFqfD7WN2BQ-00989-00321392-00321695 i think everyone could understand the oFqfD7WN2BQ-00990-00321696-00322095 plant grows because of great fertilizer oFqfD7WN2BQ-00991-00322096-00322439 the poopoo of the cows oFqfD7WN2BQ-00992-00322440-00322695 all those the organic things so this is oFqfD7WN2BQ-00993-00322696-00322782 also oFqfD7WN2BQ-00994-00322783-00323103 this is also how the life is we oFqfD7WN2BQ-00995-00323104-00323254 organically oFqfD7WN2BQ-00996-00323255-00323558 we uh got the challenge oFqfD7WN2BQ-00997-00323559-00323982 to help us grow and get our strength oFqfD7WN2BQ-00998-00323983-00324295 and find our way oFqfD7WN2BQ-00999-00324296-00324710 one thing that i've learned is how to oFqfD7WN2BQ-01000-00324711-00325110 to make myself happy happy no matter oFqfD7WN2BQ-01001-00325111-00325175 what oFqfD7WN2BQ-01002-00325176-00325575 my situation was because oFqfD7WN2BQ-01003-00325576-00325887 because no one could help you oFqfD7WN2BQ-01004-00325888-00326367 no one can oFqfD7WN2BQ-01005-00326368-00326782 make you happy only yourself oFqfD7WN2BQ-01006-00326783-00327119 and then i learned how to be a oFqfD7WN2BQ-01007-00327120-00327551 alpha afa oFqfD7WN2BQ-01008-00327552-00327903 i think i think this is coming from oFqfD7WN2BQ-01009-00327904-00328303 my life journey um oFqfD7WN2BQ-01010-00328304-00328558 was born in the jungle grew up in the oFqfD7WN2BQ-01011-00328559-00328943 jungle now i'm back again to the jungle oFqfD7WN2BQ-01012-00328944-00329327 and this leads me to oFqfD7WN2BQ-01013-00329328-00329695 follow natural way bali time oFqfD7WN2BQ-01014-00329696-00330006 slowly but surely even many times not oFqfD7WN2BQ-01015-00330007-00330087 sure oFqfD7WN2BQ-01016-00330088-00330478 but b alpha oFqfD7WN2BQ-01017-00330479-00330934 b alpha afa uh this is my acronym that i oFqfD7WN2BQ-01018-00330935-00331254 i put uh recently so if oFqfD7WN2BQ-01019-00331255-00331519 to motivate yourself you need to be a oFqfD7WN2BQ-01020-00331520-00331599 fire oFqfD7WN2BQ-01021-00331600-00332110 adaptable flexible adjustable oFqfD7WN2BQ-01022-00332111-00332510 no matter yeah no matter what situation oFqfD7WN2BQ-01023-00332511-00332799 uh you go through uh you need to be oFqfD7WN2BQ-01024-00332800-00332943 alpha because oFqfD7WN2BQ-01025-00332944-00333254 especially uh being in bali you live in oFqfD7WN2BQ-01026-00333255-00333510 bali oFqfD7WN2BQ-01027-00333511-00333934 you cannot really really force yourself oFqfD7WN2BQ-01028-00333935-00334167 you need to be adaptable flexible oFqfD7WN2BQ-01029-00334168-00334334 adjustable oFqfD7WN2BQ-01030-00334335-00334703 and i found the best way to create oFqfD7WN2BQ-01031-00334704-00335103 a road of life map oFqfD7WN2BQ-01032-00335104-00335463 is through uh oFqfD7WN2BQ-01033-00335464-00335623 getting the tree is oFqfD7WN2BQ-01034-00335624-00335854 [Laughter] oFqfD7WN2BQ-01035-00335855-00336230 getting the tree is um three oFqfD7WN2BQ-01036-00336231-00336551 is this is the rules of the center uh oFqfD7WN2BQ-01037-00336552-00336639 three issues oFqfD7WN2BQ-01038-00336640-00336999 or yeah everybody is a teacher oFqfD7WN2BQ-01039-00337000-00337303 every place is a sec a school oFqfD7WN2BQ-01040-00337304-00337647 and every moment is a lesson oFqfD7WN2BQ-01041-00337648-00338110 so wherever you go let yourself oFqfD7WN2BQ-01042-00338111-00338503 meet as many people as you could oFqfD7WN2BQ-01043-00338504-00338767 go to many different places and oFqfD7WN2BQ-01044-00338768-00339087 experience many different situations oFqfD7WN2BQ-01045-00339088-00339447 and always see see challenge oFqfD7WN2BQ-01046-00339448-00339854 even hard even the worst situation oFqfD7WN2BQ-01047-00339855-00340319 is your great fertilizer oFqfD7WN2BQ-01048-00340320-00340630 which will help you grow oFqfD7WN2BQ-01049-00340631-00340999 grow and help yourself oFqfD7WN2BQ-01050-00341000-00341495 to see yourself better and deeper oFqfD7WN2BQ-01051-00341496-00341823 then you can understand others you can oFqfD7WN2BQ-01052-00341824-00341910 understand oFqfD7WN2BQ-01053-00341911-00342263 others by not judging others oFqfD7WN2BQ-01054-00342264-00342582 easily because this is also oFqfD7WN2BQ-01055-00342583-00342815 something that has been formed in our oFqfD7WN2BQ-01056-00342816-00343095 principle our philosophies here in the oFqfD7WN2BQ-01057-00343096-00343271 bahamas culture oFqfD7WN2BQ-01058-00343272-00343878 violinist society oFqfD7WN2BQ-01059-00343879-00344334 means we are one you are me i'm you oFqfD7WN2BQ-01060-00344335-00344654 so the more you understand yourself and oFqfD7WN2BQ-01061-00344655-00344799 better and deeper oFqfD7WN2BQ-01062-00344800-00345063 the more you understand others why oFqfD7WN2BQ-01063-00345064-00345151 others oFqfD7WN2BQ-01064-00345152-00345503 behave not nice to you why others are oFqfD7WN2BQ-01065-00345504-00345582 judging you oFqfD7WN2BQ-01066-00345583-00346087 why others all those why um oFqfD7WN2BQ-01067-00346088-00346399 and also another thing that i've learned oFqfD7WN2BQ-01068-00346400-00346695 if you really would like to see what you oFqfD7WN2BQ-01069-00346696-00346903 are doing what you are learning oFqfD7WN2BQ-01070-00346904-00347478 you need to keep literally peace oFqfD7WN2BQ-01071-00347479-00347903 are your passion your patience oFqfD7WN2BQ-01072-00347904-00348230 and your perseverance oFqfD7WN2BQ-01073-00348231-00348519 your heart and mind need to be aligned oFqfD7WN2BQ-01074-00348520-00348847 trust the prosperous oFqfD7WN2BQ-01075-00348848-00349303 and keep on going do not stop oFqfD7WN2BQ-01076-00349304-00349615 then you will see a result oFqfD7WN2BQ-01077-00349616-00349934 and do not take it or leave it oFqfD7WN2BQ-01078-00349935-00350239 a principle but when the result oFqfD7WN2BQ-01079-00350240-00350575 not pleasant take a little bit more oFqfD7WN2BQ-01080-00350576-00350895 time oFqfD7WN2BQ-01081-00350896-00351206 because i believe we born with our soul oFqfD7WN2BQ-01082-00351207-00351615 mate not in a specific relationship i oFqfD7WN2BQ-01083-00351616-00351934 i'm talking about but someone we can oFqfD7WN2BQ-01084-00351935-00352078 listen to oFqfD7WN2BQ-01085-00352079-00352423 a place we can listen to an experience oFqfD7WN2BQ-01086-00352424-00352567 we can listen to oFqfD7WN2BQ-01087-00352568-00352927 when we are in uncomfortable zone oFqfD7WN2BQ-01088-00352928-00353263 or in a challenge which help us oFqfD7WN2BQ-01089-00353264-00353943 move forward and find find a motivation oFqfD7WN2BQ-01090-00353944-00354134 i like that i really like that are you oFqfD7WN2BQ-01091-00354135-00354382 have one more go ahead oFqfD7WN2BQ-01092-00354383-00354727 and and again if if talk about oFqfD7WN2BQ-01093-00354728-00355071 all those my my life journey i'm not oFqfD7WN2BQ-01094-00355072-00355134 doing oFqfD7WN2BQ-01095-00355135-00355551 something new but i'm doing oFqfD7WN2BQ-01096-00355552-00356103 cpi copy paste improvise oFqfD7WN2BQ-01097-00356104-00356406 so i copy paste all those great oFqfD7WN2BQ-01098-00356407-00356734 things heritage by our ancestors oFqfD7WN2BQ-01099-00356735-00356991 all those great things designed by the oFqfD7WN2BQ-01100-00356992-00357134 universe oFqfD7WN2BQ-01101-00357135-00357447 but what we human being oFqfD7WN2BQ-01102-00357448-00357823 can do is always see oFqfD7WN2BQ-01103-00357824-00358271 the beauty within the challenged oFqfD7WN2BQ-01104-00358272-00358703 in every single journey of our life oFqfD7WN2BQ-01105-00358704-00359023 because if we if we only focus on oFqfD7WN2BQ-01106-00359024-00359334 those negative side then oFqfD7WN2BQ-01107-00359335-00359639 everything will be it uh oFqfD7WN2BQ-01108-00359640-00360063 all the grief will be arise oFqfD7WN2BQ-01109-00360064-00360343 then the grief arrives when the grip oFqfD7WN2BQ-01110-00360344-00360430 above oFqfD7WN2BQ-01111-00360431-00360751 the level of happy oFqfD7WN2BQ-01112-00360752-00360991 then everything will be blind with what oFqfD7WN2BQ-01113-00360992-00361158 you said about some of the challenges oFqfD7WN2BQ-01114-00361159-00361334 that you've had oFqfD7WN2BQ-01115-00361335-00361534 it's really important for people to see oFqfD7WN2BQ-01116-00361535-00361703 how you've overcome them and come up oFqfD7WN2BQ-01117-00361704-00361895 with these acronyms oFqfD7WN2BQ-01118-00361896-00362087 to help you process because even during oFqfD7WN2BQ-01119-00362088-00362271 the pandemic some people had oFqfD7WN2BQ-01120-00362272-00362399 difficulties oFqfD7WN2BQ-01121-00362400-00362710 some people don't actually see them as oFqfD7WN2BQ-01122-00362711-00362871 fertilizers so i think it's a really oFqfD7WN2BQ-01123-00362872-00363063 important thing for people to hear oFqfD7WN2BQ-01124-00363064-00363303 uh just on another note on the opposite oFqfD7WN2BQ-01125-00363304-00363478 side i mean after all these oFqfD7WN2BQ-01126-00363479-00363758 challenges or obstacles and the suicide oFqfD7WN2BQ-01127-00363759-00363967 you know which is extraordinary oFqfD7WN2BQ-01128-00363968-00364230 you've actually for someone in a short oFqfD7WN2BQ-01129-00364231-00364303 period of time oFqfD7WN2BQ-01130-00364304-00364471 accomplished so much not just for oFqfD7WN2BQ-01131-00364472-00364703 yourself as a person to overcome oFqfD7WN2BQ-01132-00364704-00364934 but also the impact i've seen personally oFqfD7WN2BQ-01133-00364935-00365095 what you've done in the community it's oFqfD7WN2BQ-01134-00365096-00365278 been really phenomenal so oFqfD7WN2BQ-01135-00365279-00365439 this is one thing for me to say it but oFqfD7WN2BQ-01136-00365440-00365647 maybe the question i had for you is oFqfD7WN2BQ-01137-00365648-00365863 what are you most proud of out of all oFqfD7WN2BQ-01138-00365864-00365991 the accomplishments oFqfD7WN2BQ-01139-00365992-00366463 that you've had in your life and why oFqfD7WN2BQ-01140-00366464-00366799 it's talking about proud i oFqfD7WN2BQ-01141-00366800-00367151 am proud with everything oFqfD7WN2BQ-01142-00367152-00367495 but the most proud of oFqfD7WN2BQ-01143-00367496-00367871 myself is oFqfD7WN2BQ-01144-00367872-00368247 have such a amazing oFqfD7WN2BQ-01145-00368248-00368623 gift which is energy oFqfD7WN2BQ-01146-00368624-00368951 energy given by the universe oFqfD7WN2BQ-01147-00368952-00369327 and i'm grateful because oFqfD7WN2BQ-01148-00369328-00369639 i'm allowing myself to oFqfD7WN2BQ-01149-00369640-00370023 turn all those challenges into oFqfD7WN2BQ-01150-00370024-00370447 a meaningful work not only for myself oFqfD7WN2BQ-01151-00370448-00370839 but also for others oFqfD7WN2BQ-01152-00370840-00371119 as well as giving opportunities for oFqfD7WN2BQ-01153-00371120-00371334 everyone to oFqfD7WN2BQ-01154-00371335-00371767 get to participate in multiple programs oFqfD7WN2BQ-01155-00371768-00372054 that we have been running at the center oFqfD7WN2BQ-01156-00372055-00372380 to give them opportunity to oFqfD7WN2BQ-01157-00372381-00372615 [Music] oFqfD7WN2BQ-01158-00372616-00373054 get their financial sustainability oFqfD7WN2BQ-01159-00373055-00373391 as well as growth because because oFqfD7WN2BQ-01160-00373392-00373734 we are doing exactly oFqfD7WN2BQ-01161-00373735-00374047 uh follow the mass loss hierarchy oFqfD7WN2BQ-01162-00374048-00374558 in our in our work so we give everything oFqfD7WN2BQ-01163-00374559-00374895 to the society oFqfD7WN2BQ-01164-00374896-00375423 to balance to balance this oFqfD7WN2BQ-01165-00375424-00375861 energy as well as oFqfD7WN2BQ-01166-00375862-00375999 [Music] oFqfD7WN2BQ-01167-00376000-00376334 those people who lacked oFqfD7WN2BQ-01168-00376335-00376606 of opportunity because again one last oFqfD7WN2BQ-01169-00376607-00376751 thing that i oFqfD7WN2BQ-01170-00376752-00377239 did not mention before is to success oFqfD7WN2BQ-01171-00377240-00377791 things we need the wow oFqfD7WN2BQ-01172-00377792-00378119 w a o oFqfD7WN2BQ-01173-00378120-00378358 i know that people many people willing oFqfD7WN2BQ-01174-00378359-00378463 to do things oFqfD7WN2BQ-01175-00378464-00378878 w stand for uh willingness oFqfD7WN2BQ-01176-00378879-00379482 i believe they're able to a stand for oFqfD7WN2BQ-01177-00379483-00379654 ability then we oFqfD7WN2BQ-01178-00379655-00380087 create and give this all oFqfD7WN2BQ-01179-00380088-00380406 the opportunity the opportunity to meet oFqfD7WN2BQ-01180-00380407-00380510 many people oFqfD7WN2BQ-01181-00380511-00380719 the opportunity go to many different oFqfD7WN2BQ-01182-00380720-00380951 places the opportunity to experience oFqfD7WN2BQ-01183-00380952-00381230 many different situations oFqfD7WN2BQ-01184-00381231-00381615 so again i'm proud and proud of myself oFqfD7WN2BQ-01185-00381616-00381982 because this energy oFqfD7WN2BQ-01186-00381983-00382463 has been a nephilisa oFqfD7WN2BQ-01187-00382464-00382806 i always believe so much with energy oFqfD7WN2BQ-01188-00382807-00383119 energy of being kind oFqfD7WN2BQ-01189-00383120-00383582 energy of being compassion oFqfD7WN2BQ-01190-00383583-00383967 and energy of uh oFqfD7WN2BQ-01191-00383968-00384278 being grateful of oFqfD7WN2BQ-01192-00384279-00384630 these amazing things around oFqfD7WN2BQ-01193-00384631-00385071 us what the universe or the nature oFqfD7WN2BQ-01194-00385072-00385343 providing for us even in this uncertain oFqfD7WN2BQ-01195-00385344-00385439 time oFqfD7WN2BQ-01196-00385440-00386078 there are so much great things oFqfD7WN2BQ-01197-00386079-00386519 given by the universe oFqfD7WN2BQ-01198-00386520-00386758 i really like that that's uh i like the oFqfD7WN2BQ-01199-00386759-00386951 wow too i think a lot of people oFqfD7WN2BQ-01200-00386952-00387095 even who don't know you know well and oFqfD7WN2BQ-01201-00387096-00387271 they don't know where it came from oFqfD7WN2BQ-01202-00387272-00387543 um just a few final questions i guess uh oFqfD7WN2BQ-01203-00387544-00387695 and we'll definitely get you back on the oFqfD7WN2BQ-01204-00387696-00387775 session to oFqfD7WN2BQ-01205-00387776-00388047 explore more but question i had in my oFqfD7WN2BQ-01206-00388048-00388295 mind were like you know oFqfD7WN2BQ-01207-00388296-00388639 if your oFqfD7WN2BQ-01208-00388640-00388902 younger with all the lessons and all the oFqfD7WN2BQ-01209-00388903-00389095 acronyms you've now come to oFqfD7WN2BQ-01210-00389096-00389382 appreciate and follow what advice maybe oFqfD7WN2BQ-01211-00389383-00389534 would you give oFqfD7WN2BQ-01212-00389535-00389830 your younger self about who the woman oFqfD7WN2BQ-01213-00389831-00390006 you have become today what advice would oFqfD7WN2BQ-01214-00390007-00390182 you give the person that tried to maybe oFqfD7WN2BQ-01215-00390183-00390358 commit suicide oFqfD7WN2BQ-01216-00390359-00390606 the first time or ten what would you say oFqfD7WN2BQ-01217-00390607-00390671 to her oFqfD7WN2BQ-01218-00390672-00390999 that might maybe support her if you were oFqfD7WN2BQ-01219-00391000-00391030 to oFqfD7WN2BQ-01220-00391031-00391215 be able to reverse time what would you oFqfD7WN2BQ-01221-00391216-00391478 say oFqfD7WN2BQ-01222-00391479-00391878 have curiosity oFqfD7WN2BQ-01223-00391879-00392151 what do you mean because because by oFqfD7WN2BQ-01224-00392152-00392210 having oFqfD7WN2BQ-01225-00392211-00392582 curiosity you will you will allowing oFqfD7WN2BQ-01226-00392583-00392775 yourself oFqfD7WN2BQ-01227-00392776-00393143 you will give motivation to yourself oFqfD7WN2BQ-01228-00393144-00393567 to go and meet many people oFqfD7WN2BQ-01229-00393568-00394015 again back again to the tree is oFqfD7WN2BQ-01230-00394016-00394319 go and meet many people oFqfD7WN2BQ-01231-00394320-00394647 go to many different places explore oFqfD7WN2BQ-01232-00394648-00394895 explore yourself and experience oFqfD7WN2BQ-01233-00394896-00394999 experience many oFqfD7WN2BQ-01234-00395000-00395278 different situations because this is my oFqfD7WN2BQ-01235-00395279-00395423 experience oFqfD7WN2BQ-01236-00395424-00395734 this is also why why now we oFqfD7WN2BQ-01237-00395735-00396047 create this this opportunity for the oFqfD7WN2BQ-01238-00396048-00396167 young people oFqfD7WN2BQ-01239-00396168-00396430 not only for women for the young people oFqfD7WN2BQ-01240-00396431-00396671 the children everyone oFqfD7WN2BQ-01241-00396672-00396975 because by having curiosity you will oFqfD7WN2BQ-01242-00396976-00397391 you will always ask oFqfD7WN2BQ-01243-00397392-00397734 more you have you you will oFqfD7WN2BQ-01244-00397735-00398030 you will have a strong motivation to oFqfD7WN2BQ-01245-00398031-00398358 develop yourself oFqfD7WN2BQ-01246-00398359-00398751 go out don't just stay in the box oFqfD7WN2BQ-01247-00398752-00398975 because you wouldn't see anything if you oFqfD7WN2BQ-01248-00398976-00399054 sit oFqfD7WN2BQ-01249-00399055-00399327 and stay in the box there are many oFqfD7WN2BQ-01250-00399328-00399575 beautiful things you can do oFqfD7WN2BQ-01251-00399576-00399775 there are many opportunities and oFqfD7WN2BQ-01252-00399776-00399975 possibilities out there oFqfD7WN2BQ-01253-00399976-00400247 there are many great people that you can oFqfD7WN2BQ-01254-00400248-00400478 learn from oFqfD7WN2BQ-01255-00400479-00400902 but remember to always come back oFqfD7WN2BQ-01256-00400903-00401134 to always come back and build your own oFqfD7WN2BQ-01257-00401135-00401302 community oFqfD7WN2BQ-01258-00401303-00401702 and make your life joyful oFqfD7WN2BQ-01259-00401703-00403639 and meaningful that's powerful oFqfD7WN2BQ-01260-00403640-00403895 so that's really beautiful i really oFqfD7WN2BQ-01261-00403896-00404071 appreciate that so just a couple of oFqfD7WN2BQ-01262-00404072-00404175 things on uh oFqfD7WN2BQ-01263-00404176-00404367 how people can reach you and maybe learn oFqfD7WN2BQ-01264-00404368-00404551 more so do you guys use like oFqfD7WN2BQ-01265-00404552-00404830 their website or your instagram or oFqfD7WN2BQ-01266-00404831-00405030 facebook page where people can oFqfD7WN2BQ-01267-00405031-00405223 actually reach you and connect maybe oFqfD7WN2BQ-01268-00405224-00405543 support your projects oFqfD7WN2BQ-01269-00405544-00405902 yes definitely even we oFqfD7WN2BQ-01270-00405903-00406406 came from the jungle oFqfD7WN2BQ-01271-00406407-00406647 we also know that people would like to oFqfD7WN2BQ-01272-00406648-00406887 connect or reconnecting this is the oFqfD7WN2BQ-01273-00406888-00407030 amazing things of oFqfD7WN2BQ-01274-00407031-00407319 especially especially now in this corona oFqfD7WN2BQ-01275-00407320-00407406 time oFqfD7WN2BQ-01276-00407407-00407758 there are so many great things within oFqfD7WN2BQ-01277-00407759-00407902 these challenges oFqfD7WN2BQ-01278-00407903-00408119 so if for you who would like to know oFqfD7WN2BQ-01279-00408120-00408230 more about oFqfD7WN2BQ-01280-00408231-00408882 us please visit our website on www.pkp oFqfD7WN2BQ-01281-00408883-00409199 communitycenter.org i can written down oFqfD7WN2BQ-01282-00409200-00409527 here on the chat and oFqfD7WN2BQ-01283-00409528-00409910 aaron can help us to to link oFqfD7WN2BQ-01284-00409912-00410295 our website to get information and also oFqfD7WN2BQ-01285-00410296-00410630 we do have instagram uh which now i'm so oFqfD7WN2BQ-01286-00410631-00410687 happy oFqfD7WN2BQ-01287-00410688-00411055 get uh great teams who can update oFqfD7WN2BQ-01288-00411056-00411399 uh update um our activities oFqfD7WN2BQ-01289-00411400-00411734 on instagram because ibusari is a jungle oFqfD7WN2BQ-01290-00411735-00411870 woman oFqfD7WN2BQ-01291-00411871-00412326 so i'm not i'm not used to oFqfD7WN2BQ-01292-00412327-00412574 operate all these digital thingy thingy oFqfD7WN2BQ-01293-00412575-00412639 things oFqfD7WN2BQ-01294-00412639-00413039 so instead yeah oFqfD7WN2BQ-01295-00413039-00413391 i just um let the young people oFqfD7WN2BQ-01296-00413392-00413703 do their uh their skills oFqfD7WN2BQ-01297-00413704-00414166 um on these digital things oFqfD7WN2BQ-01298-00414167-00414495 so but for you but for you oFqfD7WN2BQ-01299-00414496-00414839 for you who live in bali um oFqfD7WN2BQ-01300-00414839-00415174 a long time or recently so please please oFqfD7WN2BQ-01301-00415175-00415574 do visit us in the jungle oFqfD7WN2BQ-01302-00415575-00416007 and i promise you you won't regret you oFqfD7WN2BQ-01303-00416008-00416199 won't regret coming to the jungle oFqfD7WN2BQ-01304-00416200-00416263 because oFqfD7WN2BQ-01305-00416264-00416630 there are much more things you can oFqfD7WN2BQ-01306-00416631-00417095 you can learn and share as well as oFqfD7WN2BQ-01307-00417096-00417407 as well as you will oFqfD7WN2BQ-01308-00417408-00417645 understand more by doing oFqfD7WN2BQ-01309-00417646-00417782 [Music] oFqfD7WN2BQ-01310-00417783-00418103 laugh look ask oFqfD7WN2BQ-01311-00418104-00418455 and feel in our jungle oFqfD7WN2BQ-01312-00418456-00418682 because i believe the more you oFqfD7WN2BQ-01313-00418683-00418807 experienced oFqfD7WN2BQ-01314-00418808-00419159 uh directly oFqfD7WN2BQ-01315-00419160-00419503 be in our jungle oFqfD7WN2BQ-01316-00419504-00419721 interact interacting with oFqfD7WN2BQ-01317-00419722-00419847 [Music] oFqfD7WN2BQ-01318-00419847-00420087 connect connect with our people in the oFqfD7WN2BQ-01319-00420088-00420351 jungle you will oFqfD7WN2BQ-01320-00420352-00420655 understand how how to oFqfD7WN2BQ-01321-00420656-00421022 support our program oFqfD7WN2BQ-01322-00421023-00421351 and we do also have and we do also have oFqfD7WN2BQ-01323-00421352-00421414 a oFqfD7WN2BQ-01324-00421415-00421718 menu we call it menu list oFqfD7WN2BQ-01325-00421719-00422070 of pkp needs that that you can oFqfD7WN2BQ-01326-00422071-00422455 consider which program you would like to oFqfD7WN2BQ-01327-00422456-00422543 support oFqfD7WN2BQ-01328-00422543-00422783 how you can support so we will oFqfD7WN2BQ-01329-00422784-00423022 definitely send you uh oFqfD7WN2BQ-01330-00423023-00423359 if you would like to yeah i definitely oFqfD7WN2BQ-01331-00423360-00423607 are personally there quite often and i oFqfD7WN2BQ-01332-00423608-00423799 can see for myself from the coconut oFqfD7WN2BQ-01333-00423800-00423879 project oFqfD7WN2BQ-01334-00423880-00424103 well-being products like coconut oil oFqfD7WN2BQ-01335-00424104-00424239 teas and oFqfD7WN2BQ-01336-00424239-00424447 the soaps the natural organic soaps and oFqfD7WN2BQ-01337-00424447-00424566 just the whole experience oFqfD7WN2BQ-01338-00424567-00424751 just a few final questions but before i oFqfD7WN2BQ-01339-00424752-00424870 ask them uh oFqfD7WN2BQ-01340-00424871-00425063 it was harry i'd love to acknowledge you oFqfD7WN2BQ-01341-00425064-00425214 for uh oFqfD7WN2BQ-01342-00425215-00425583 not just the extraordinary beautiful oFqfD7WN2BQ-01343-00425584-00425775 heart that you have and how you brought oFqfD7WN2BQ-01344-00425776-00425951 that into existence but oFqfD7WN2BQ-01345-00425952-00426263 i think also from the perseverance and oFqfD7WN2BQ-01346-00426264-00426343 the oFqfD7WN2BQ-01347-00426343-00426583 the decision you made not to take your oFqfD7WN2BQ-01348-00426584-00426663 life oFqfD7WN2BQ-01349-00426664-00426799 too often enough that you were oFqfD7WN2BQ-01350-00426800-00427007 unsuccessful which was great oFqfD7WN2BQ-01351-00427008-00427231 but you started having a relationship oFqfD7WN2BQ-01352-00427232-00427470 with turning it into fertilizer oFqfD7WN2BQ-01353-00427471-00427670 so that you can give other people the oFqfD7WN2BQ-01354-00427671-00427822 opportunity for them to oFqfD7WN2BQ-01355-00427823-00427975 share their stories share their oFqfD7WN2BQ-01356-00427976-00428207 suffering and get that healing and i oFqfD7WN2BQ-01357-00428208-00428414 think in a lot of societies not just in oFqfD7WN2BQ-01358-00428415-00428703 indonesia or bali but there's so many oFqfD7WN2BQ-01359-00428704-00428966 traditional cultures that greatly oFqfD7WN2BQ-01360-00428967-00429047 greatly i know oFqfD7WN2BQ-01361-00429047-00429263 benefit from the fact that they can oFqfD7WN2BQ-01362-00429264-00429470 point at least to one person called the oFqfD7WN2BQ-01363-00429471-00429670 busari on the other side of the world oFqfD7WN2BQ-01364-00429671-00429799 for the example oFqfD7WN2BQ-01365-00429800-00430039 so just wanted to say really honor you oFqfD7WN2BQ-01366-00430039-00430247 for your efforts your perseverance your oFqfD7WN2BQ-01367-00430247-00430359 consistency oFqfD7WN2BQ-01368-00430360-00430551 and most importantly for just being a oFqfD7WN2BQ-01369-00430552-00430839 role model for so many women and men oFqfD7WN2BQ-01370-00430839-00431118 uh who are looking out for some options oFqfD7WN2BQ-01371-00431119-00431207 of how they can oFqfD7WN2BQ-01372-00431208-00431463 overcome adversity so just wanted to oFqfD7WN2BQ-01373-00431464-00431599 really acknowledge you for that and you oFqfD7WN2BQ-01374-00431600-00431783 saw such an inspiring person not just to oFqfD7WN2BQ-01375-00431784-00431895 people but to myself oFqfD7WN2BQ-01376-00431896-00432159 personally um so yeah i just wanted to oFqfD7WN2BQ-01377-00432160-00432303 share that but last three questions for oFqfD7WN2BQ-01378-00432304-00432359 you oFqfD7WN2BQ-01379-00432360-00432710 um two one two questions uh i wanted you oFqfD7WN2BQ-01380-00432712-00432991 maybe quickly just to imagine uh that oFqfD7WN2BQ-01381-00432992-00433079 everything you've done oFqfD7WN2BQ-01382-00433080-00433383 bkp women's center all your projects oFqfD7WN2BQ-01383-00433384-00433495 that have been extraordinary in the oFqfD7WN2BQ-01384-00433496-00433566 world oFqfD7WN2BQ-01385-00433567-00433855 have all basically finished and you oFqfD7WN2BQ-01386-00433856-00433910 can't oFqfD7WN2BQ-01387-00433912-00434383 take anything with you to the next life oFqfD7WN2BQ-01388-00434384-00434575 but the only thing left now is you've oFqfD7WN2BQ-01389-00434576-00434727 got a pen and paper oFqfD7WN2BQ-01390-00434728-00434918 and you're asked by the universe to oFqfD7WN2BQ-01391-00434919-00435087 leave three oFqfD7WN2BQ-01392-00435088-00435255 short lessons for the rest of the oFqfD7WN2BQ-01393-00435256-00435422 universe to remember you by oFqfD7WN2BQ-01394-00435423-00435863 what will those three things be oFqfD7WN2BQ-01395-00435864-00436295 the first one is kinased oFqfD7WN2BQ-01396-00436296-00436596 the second one is oFqfD7WN2BQ-01397-00436597-00436883 [Music] oFqfD7WN2BQ-01398-00436884-00437279 workaholic oFqfD7WN2BQ-01399-00437280-00437647 because i do i do um oFqfD7WN2BQ-01400-00437647-00437991 yeah i could i could say that oFqfD7WN2BQ-01401-00437992-00438455 i i cannot sleep almost 24 hours oFqfD7WN2BQ-01402-00438456-00438791 of my brain because i keep oFqfD7WN2BQ-01403-00438792-00439063 i keep thinking how i can create more oFqfD7WN2BQ-01404-00439064-00439383 ibusari in the future oFqfD7WN2BQ-01405-00439384-00439703 and then the third one um oFqfD7WN2BQ-01406-00439704-00440014 is um oFqfD7WN2BQ-01407-00440015-00440422 a positive energy or motivation oFqfD7WN2BQ-01408-00440423-00440910 um always need to be bring oFqfD7WN2BQ-01409-00440912-00441239 in in your circumstance or oFqfD7WN2BQ-01410-00441239-00441551 society or friendship or whatever oFqfD7WN2BQ-01411-00441552-00441927 in in the environment so oFqfD7WN2BQ-01412-00441928-00442231 yeah i like that i like that okay and oFqfD7WN2BQ-01413-00442232-00442351 final question oFqfD7WN2BQ-01414-00442352-00442710 what do you define oFqfD7WN2BQ-01415-00442712-00443031 as someone in your inner tribe like your oFqfD7WN2BQ-01416-00443032-00443207 inner circle how do you oFqfD7WN2BQ-01417-00443208-00443455 define that uh for you as these are oFqfD7WN2BQ-01418-00443456-00443599 people you can trust in your inner oFqfD7WN2BQ-01419-00443600-00443679 circle oFqfD7WN2BQ-01420-00443680-00443855 and who might they be maybe top three oFqfD7WN2BQ-01421-00443856-00444014 people for example oFqfD7WN2BQ-01422-00444015-00444231 people you could share your feelings oFqfD7WN2BQ-01423-00444232-00444479 with like maybe oFqfD7WN2BQ-01424-00444480-00444639 if i may have the privilege sometimes oFqfD7WN2BQ-01425-00444639-00444831 you might even be so busy oFqfD7WN2BQ-01426-00444832-00445039 helping other people but somewhere you oFqfD7WN2BQ-01427-00445039-00445159 could go to oFqfD7WN2BQ-01428-00445160-00445359 and feel supported or someone can hold oFqfD7WN2BQ-01429-00445360-00445479 space for you oFqfD7WN2BQ-01430-00445480-00445631 and you can rely on these people for oFqfD7WN2BQ-01431-00445632-00445807 your healing yeah oFqfD7WN2BQ-01432-00445808-00446007 because as entrepreneurs and leaders out oFqfD7WN2BQ-01433-00446008-00446222 there we're constantly trying to solve oFqfD7WN2BQ-01434-00446223-00446422 other people's problems but we also need oFqfD7WN2BQ-01435-00446423-00446527 our own oFqfD7WN2BQ-01436-00446528-00446831 inner tribe of where we can go so oFqfD7WN2BQ-01437-00446832-00447222 how would you define that type of oFqfD7WN2BQ-01438-00447223-00447470 group of small people that you can rely oFqfD7WN2BQ-01439-00447471-00447535 on oFqfD7WN2BQ-01440-00447535-00447918 and also who might be those top three oFqfD7WN2BQ-01441-00447919-00448047 people that you can think of in your oFqfD7WN2BQ-01442-00448047-00448110 life oFqfD7WN2BQ-01443-00448112-00448287 that i've been in your inner tribe that oFqfD7WN2BQ-01444-00448288-00448431 i've been there to support you oFqfD7WN2BQ-01445-00448432-00448743 okay so first of all oFqfD7WN2BQ-01446-00448743-00449351 is of course number one is yourself oFqfD7WN2BQ-01447-00449352-00449935 and then the second one is your family oFqfD7WN2BQ-01448-00449935-00450239 and then the third one is your oFqfD7WN2BQ-01449-00450239-00450599 theme and oFqfD7WN2BQ-01450-00450600-00450895 the third one also including your oFqfD7WN2BQ-01451-00450896-00451175 society oFqfD7WN2BQ-01452-00451176-00451487 because because this is again oFqfD7WN2BQ-01453-00451488-00451879 i i could put my my uh my fingers like oFqfD7WN2BQ-01454-00451880-00452007 this oFqfD7WN2BQ-01455-00452008-00452431 it's always a triangle yeah so yourself oFqfD7WN2BQ-01456-00452432-00452799 is the center and then your family oFqfD7WN2BQ-01457-00452800-00453151 and communities communities is including oFqfD7WN2BQ-01458-00453152-00453279 your team oFqfD7WN2BQ-01459-00453280-00453622 your friends uh your neighbor oFqfD7WN2BQ-01460-00453623-00454039 or whoever around you oFqfD7WN2BQ-01461-00454039-00454399 because because again if only you oFqfD7WN2BQ-01462-00454400-00454614 understand what you are doing not your oFqfD7WN2BQ-01463-00454615-00454807 family or your community oFqfD7WN2BQ-01464-00454808-00455127 you could not move forward or oFqfD7WN2BQ-01465-00455128-00455559 change anything isn't it oFqfD7WN2BQ-01466-00455560-00455887 also if only only the community that you oFqfD7WN2BQ-01467-00455888-00456231 working with or you help with understand oFqfD7WN2BQ-01468-00456232-00456431 and not your family it can be also oFqfD7WN2BQ-01469-00456432-00456655 against your oFqfD7WN2BQ-01470-00456656-00457070 your efforts correct oFqfD7WN2BQ-01471-00457071-00457383 so this three three triangle oFqfD7WN2BQ-01472-00457384-00457766 yeah need to balance again oFqfD7WN2BQ-01473-00457767-00458166 and if we if we talk about oFqfD7WN2BQ-01474-00458167-00458566 about um uh oFqfD7WN2BQ-01475-00458567-00458918 working together if you oFqfD7WN2BQ-01476-00458919-00459287 already start uh clearly what oFqfD7WN2BQ-01477-00459288-00459551 you are going to do and you're oFqfD7WN2BQ-01478-00459552-00459783 passionate about oFqfD7WN2BQ-01479-00459784-00460014 it will be always come back to the oFqfD7WN2BQ-01480-00460015-00460231 energy oFqfD7WN2BQ-01481-00460232-00460647 cycles it will be spread oFqfD7WN2BQ-01482-00460647-00460910 around you to your family and your oFqfD7WN2BQ-01483-00460912-00460991 community oFqfD7WN2BQ-01484-00460992-00461399 or or your team yeah so uh oFqfD7WN2BQ-01485-00461400-00461599 we'll close it here but say thank you oFqfD7WN2BQ-01486-00461600-00461855 again for the amazing time the interview oFqfD7WN2BQ-01487-00461856-00462135 and this is probably one of the the oFqfD7WN2BQ-01488-00462135-00462310 interviews that i've done oFqfD7WN2BQ-01489-00462312-00462470 where i think someone really gave a good oFqfD7WN2BQ-01490-00462471-00462607 definition of how they're going to oFqfD7WN2BQ-01491-00462608-00462743 become who they are oFqfD7WN2BQ-01492-00462743-00462887 this is really really insightful for oFqfD7WN2BQ-01493-00462888-00463151 people looking to engage and become oFqfD7WN2BQ-01494-00463152-00463318 another leader of tomorrow so thank you oFqfD7WN2BQ-01495-00463319-00463518 very much for that opportunity oFqfD7WN2BQ-01496-00463519-00463839 and yeah appreciate your time thank you oFqfD7WN2BQ-01497-00463839-00463966 for having me oFqfD7WN2BQ-01498-00463967-00464399 thank you hopefully hopefully oFqfD7WN2BQ-01499-00464400-00464718 this will be inspired oFqfD7WN2BQ-01500-00464719-00465055 and keep spread around oFqfD7WN2BQ-01501-00465056-00465366 yeah to create more and more oFqfD7WN2BQ-01502-00465367-00465663 people who doing a great things in their oFqfD7WN2BQ-01503-00465664-00465759 community oFqfD7WN2BQ-01504-00465760-00466283 yeah try and build this thank you very oFqfD7WN2BQ-01505-00466284-00466447 much oFqfD7WN2BQ-01506-00466449-00467095 [Music] oFqfD7WN2BQ-01507-00467096-00467304 you oH1SqZZlYdI-00000-00000053-00000334 an ecological pyramid also trophic oH1SqZZlYdI-00001-00000335-00000567 pyramid el touni and pyramid energy oH1SqZZlYdI-00002-00000568-00000813 pyramid or sometimes food pyramid is a oH1SqZZlYdI-00003-00000814-00001029 graphical representation designed to oH1SqZZlYdI-00004-00001030-00001273 show the biomass or bio productivity at oH1SqZZlYdI-00005-00001274-00001566 each trophic level in a given ecosystem oH1SqZZlYdI-00006-00001567-00001828 biomass pyramids show how much biomass oH1SqZZlYdI-00007-00001829-00002077 the amount of living or organic matter oH1SqZZlYdI-00008-00002078-00002320 present in an organism is present in the oH1SqZZlYdI-00009-00002321-00002536 organisms at each trophic level while oH1SqZZlYdI-00010-00002537-00002704 productivity pyramids show the oH1SqZZlYdI-00011-00002705-00003025 procreation or turnover in biomass there oH1SqZZlYdI-00012-00003026-00003213 is also pyramid of numbers which oH1SqZZlYdI-00013-00003214-00003418 represent the number of organisms in oH1SqZZlYdI-00014-00003419-00003684 each trophic level they may be upright oH1SqZZlYdI-00015-00003685-00004006 eg grassland ecosystem inverted oH1SqZZlYdI-00016-00004007-00004257 parasitic ecosystem or dumbbell shaped oH1SqZZlYdI-00017-00004258-00004638 forest ecosystem energy pyramids begin oH1SqZZlYdI-00018-00004639-00004848 with producers on the bottom such as oH1SqZZlYdI-00019-00004849-00005034 plants and proceed through the various oH1SqZZlYdI-00020-00005035-00005250 trophic levels such as herbivores that oH1SqZZlYdI-00021-00005251-00005454 eat plants then carnivores that eat oH1SqZZlYdI-00022-00005455-00005661 flesh then omnivores that eat both oH1SqZZlYdI-00023-00005662-00005959 plants and flesh and so on the highest oH1SqZZlYdI-00024-00005960-00006236 level as the top of the food chain oH1SqZZlYdI-00025-00006237-00006468 biomass can be measured by a bomb oH1SqZZlYdI-00026-00006469-00007031 calorimeter oH1SqZZlYdI-00027-00007031-00007531 topic history oH1SqZZlYdI-00028-00007531-00007843 the concept of pyramid of numbers Alto oH1SqZZlYdI-00029-00007844-00008104 nyan pyramid was developed by Charles oH1SqZZlYdI-00030-00008105-00008473 elton 1927 later it would also be oH1SqZZlYdI-00031-00008474-00008677 expressed in terms of biomass by oH1SqZZlYdI-00032-00008678-00009019 bodenheimer 1938 the idea of pyramid of oH1SqZZlYdI-00033-00009020-00009262 productivity or energy relies on works oH1SqZZlYdI-00034-00009263-00009466 of g-- evelyn hutchinson and raymond oH1SqZZlYdI-00035-00009467-00010151 Lindemann 1942 oH1SqZZlYdI-00036-00010152-00010735 topic pyramid of numbers oH1SqZZlYdI-00037-00010736-00011125 a pyramid of numbers shows graphically oH1SqZZlYdI-00038-00011126-00011332 the population of each level in a food oH1SqZZlYdI-00039-00011333-00011605 chain it is an upright pyramid given in oH1SqZZlYdI-00040-00011606-00011851 an ecosystem where usually the producers oH1SqZZlYdI-00041-00011852-00012013 are more in number than any other oH1SqZZlYdI-00042-00012014-00012277 trophic level this shows the number of oH1SqZZlYdI-00043-00012278-00012502 organisms in each trophic level without oH1SqZZlYdI-00044-00012503-00012715 any consideration for their size oH1SqZZlYdI-00045-00012716-00012994 this type of pyramid can be convenient oH1SqZZlYdI-00046-00012994-00013237 as counting is often a simple task and oH1SqZZlYdI-00047-00013238-00013413 can be done over the years to observe oH1SqZZlYdI-00048-00013415-00013668 the changes in a particular ecosystem oH1SqZZlYdI-00049-00013669-00013957 however some types of organisms are oH1SqZZlYdI-00050-00013958-00014158 difficult to count especially when it oH1SqZZlYdI-00051-00014159-00014500 comes to some juvenile forms unit number oH1SqZZlYdI-00052-00014501-00015061 of organisms oH1SqZZlYdI-00053-00015062-00015662 topic pyramid of biomass oH1SqZZlYdI-00054-00015663-00016022 a pyramid of biomass shows the oH1SqZZlYdI-00055-00016022-00016268 relationship between biomass and trophic oH1SqZZlYdI-00056-00016269-00016487 level by quantifying the biomass present oH1SqZZlYdI-00057-00016488-00016697 at each trophic level of an energy oH1SqZZlYdI-00058-00016698-00016988 community at a particular time it is a oH1SqZZlYdI-00059-00016989-00017207 graphical representation of biomass oH1SqZZlYdI-00060-00017208-00017456 total amount of living or organic matter oH1SqZZlYdI-00061-00017457-00017738 in an ecosystem present in unit area in oH1SqZZlYdI-00062-00017739-00018035 different tropic levels typical units oH1SqZZlYdI-00063-00018036-00018290 are grams per meter 2 or calories per oH1SqZZlYdI-00064-00018291-00018656 meter - the pyramid of biomass may be oH1SqZZlYdI-00065-00018657-00018989 inverted for example in a pond ecosystem oH1SqZZlYdI-00066-00018990-00019292 the standing crop of phytoplankton the oH1SqZZlYdI-00067-00019293-00019532 major producers at any given point will oH1SqZZlYdI-00068-00019533-00019667 be lower than the mass of the oH1SqZZlYdI-00069-00019668-00019906 heterotrophs such as fish and insects oH1SqZZlYdI-00070-00019907-00020143 this is explained as the phytoplankton oH1SqZZlYdI-00071-00020144-00020405 reproduce very quickly but have much oH1SqZZlYdI-00072-00020406-00020753 shorter individual lives one problem oH1SqZZlYdI-00073-00020754-00020963 with biomass pyramids is that they can oH1SqZZlYdI-00074-00020964-00021137 make a trophic level appear to contain oH1SqZZlYdI-00075-00021138-00021458 more energy than it actually does for oH1SqZZlYdI-00076-00021459-00021668 example all birds have beaks and oH1SqZZlYdI-00077-00021669-00021896 skeletons which despite having mass are oH1SqZZlYdI-00078-00021897-00022088 not typically digested by the next oH1SqZZlYdI-00079-00022089-00022680 trophic level oH1SqZZlYdI-00080-00022681-00023255 topic pyramid of energy oH1SqZZlYdI-00081-00023256-00023645 a pyramid of productivity is often more oH1SqZZlYdI-00082-00023646-00023838 useful showing the production or oH1SqZZlYdI-00083-00023839-00024042 turnover the rate at which energy or oH1SqZZlYdI-00084-00024043-00024245 mass is transferred from one trophic oH1SqZZlYdI-00085-00024246-00024464 level to the next of biomass at each oH1SqZZlYdI-00086-00024465-00024725 trophic level instead of showing a oH1SqZZlYdI-00087-00024726-00024903 single snapshot in time oH1SqZZlYdI-00088-00024904-00025116 productivity pyramids show the flow of oH1SqZZlYdI-00089-00025117-00025394 energy through the food chain typical oH1SqZZlYdI-00090-00025395-00025625 units are grams per meter to per years oH1SqZZlYdI-00091-00025626-00025864 or calories per meter to per years as oH1SqZZlYdI-00092-00025866-00026081 with the others this graph shows oH1SqZZlYdI-00093-00026082-00026292 producers at the bottom and higher oH1SqZZlYdI-00094-00026293-00026633 trophic levels on top when an ecosystem oH1SqZZlYdI-00095-00026634-00026849 is healthy this graph produces a oH1SqZZlYdI-00096-00026850-00027149 standard ecological pyramid this is oH1SqZZlYdI-00097-00027150-00027342 because in order for the ecosystem to oH1SqZZlYdI-00098-00027343-00027587 sustain itself there must be more energy oH1SqZZlYdI-00099-00027588-00027795 at lower trophic levels than there is at oH1SqZZlYdI-00100-00027795-00028046 higher trophic levels this allows oH1SqZZlYdI-00101-00028047-00028271 organisms on the lower levels to not oH1SqZZlYdI-00102-00028272-00028536 only to maintain a stable population but oH1SqZZlYdI-00103-00028537-00028764 also to transfer energy up the pyramid oH1SqZZlYdI-00104-00028764-00029073 the exception to this generalization as oH1SqZZlYdI-00105-00029074-00029237 when portions of a food web are oH1SqZZlYdI-00106-00029238-00029462 supported by inputs of resources from oH1SqZZlYdI-00107-00029463-00029739 outside the local community in small oH1SqZZlYdI-00108-00029739-00030012 forested streams for example the volume oH1SqZZlYdI-00109-00030013-00030212 of higher levels as greater than could oH1SqZZlYdI-00110-00030213-00030368 be supported by the local primary oH1SqZZlYdI-00111-00030369-00030711 production when energy is transferred to oH1SqZZlYdI-00112-00030712-00030933 the next trophic level typically only oH1SqZZlYdI-00113-00030933-00031230 10% or 12% of it is used to build new oH1SqZZlYdI-00114-00031231-00031506 biomass becoming stored energy the rest oH1SqZZlYdI-00115-00031507-00031755 going to metabolic processes Polly and oH1SqZZlYdI-00116-00031756-00032139 Christensen 1995 in this case in the oH1SqZZlYdI-00117-00032139-00032367 pyramid of productivity each step will oH1SqZZlYdI-00118-00032368-00032552 be 10 percent the size of the previous oH1SqZZlYdI-00119-00032553-00032814 step one hundred thousand ten thousand oH1SqZZlYdI-00120-00032815-00033105 one thousand one hundred ten one point oH1SqZZlYdI-00121-00033106-00033468 one point zero one the advantages of the oH1SqZZlYdI-00122-00033469-00033629 pyramid of productivity as a oH1SqZZlYdI-00123-00033630-00033830 representation oH1SqZZlYdI-00124-00033831-00033977 it takes account of the rate of oH1SqZZlYdI-00125-00033978-00034301 production over a period of time two oH1SqZZlYdI-00126-00034302-00034547 species of comparable biomass may have oH1SqZZlYdI-00127-00034548-00034721 very different lifespans oH1SqZZlYdI-00128-00034722-00034961 thus a direct comparison of their total oH1SqZZlYdI-00129-00034962-00035183 biomass as misleading but their oH1SqZZlYdI-00130-00035184-00035504 productivity is directly comparable the oH1SqZZlYdI-00131-00035505-00035675 relative energy chain within an oH1SqZZlYdI-00132-00035676-00035924 ecosystem can be compared using pyramids oH1SqZZlYdI-00133-00035925-00036179 of energy also different ecosystems can oH1SqZZlYdI-00134-00036180-00036455 be compared there are no inverted oH1SqZZlYdI-00135-00036456-00036806 pyramids the input of solar energy can oH1SqZZlYdI-00136-00036807-00036986 be added the disadvantages of the oH1SqZZlYdI-00137-00036987-00037145 pyramid of productivity as a oH1SqZZlYdI-00138-00037146-00037460 representation the rate of biomass oH1SqZZlYdI-00139-00037461-00037670 production of an organism as required oH1SqZZlYdI-00140-00037671-00037880 which involves measuring growth and oH1SqZZlYdI-00141-00037881-00038180 reproduction through time there is still oH1SqZZlYdI-00142-00038181-00038324 the difficulty of assigning the oH1SqZZlYdI-00143-00038325-00038582 organisms to a specific trophic level as oH1SqZZlYdI-00144-00038583-00038873 well as the organisms in the food chains oH1SqZZlYdI-00145-00038874-00039062 there is the problem of assigning the oH1SqZZlYdI-00146-00039063-00039263 decomposers and detritivores to a oH1SqZZlYdI-00147-00039264-00039471 particular trophic level nonetheless oH1SqZZlYdI-00148-00039472-00039725 productivity pyramids usually provide oH1SqZZlYdI-00149-00039726-00039923 more insight into an ecological oH1SqZZlYdI-00150-00039924-00040118 community when the necessary information oH1SqZZlYdI-00151-00040119-00040740 is available oH1SqZZlYdI-00152-00040741-00041267 topic C also oH1SqZZlYdI-00153-00041268-00041606 trophic cascade oM7akSutf0U-00000-00000000-00000224 how to avoid the most common risks with oM7akSutf0U-00001-00000225-00000403 real estate investing in Europe oM7akSutf0U-00002-00000404-00000703 professional investors to not buy a oM7akSutf0U-00003-00000704-00000994 specific property or a super villa oM7akSutf0U-00004-00000996-00001253 they buy future cash flow with leveraged oM7akSutf0U-00005-00001254-00001565 properties I show you where you become a oM7akSutf0U-00006-00001566-00001907 mortgage loan covering up 85% of the oM7akSutf0U-00007-00001907-00002120 value of the property the loan will cost oM7akSutf0U-00008-00002121-00002354 you one point two five percent only oM7akSutf0U-00009-00002355-00002567 according to a recent survey on real oM7akSutf0U-00010-00002568-00002743 estate investing in Europe made by oM7akSutf0U-00011-00002744-00003001 PricewaterhouseCoopers 80 percent of the oM7akSutf0U-00012-00003002-00003140 respondent consider international oM7akSutf0U-00013-00003141-00003356 political instability as an important oM7akSutf0U-00014-00003357-00003638 risk factor I give you an insider view oM7akSutf0U-00015-00003639-00003935 on the latest trends and risks ultra oM7akSutf0U-00016-00003936-00004106 high net worth individuals and family oM7akSutf0U-00017-00004107-00004399 offices prefer prime locations with high oM7akSutf0U-00018-00004400-00004681 lending to value percentage you will oM7akSutf0U-00019-00004682-00004883 receive little-known real estate oM7akSutf0U-00020-00004884-00005111 investing tips on how to eliminate or oM7akSutf0U-00021-00005112-00005431 reduce risk where to invest and how to oM7akSutf0U-00022-00005432-00005918 increase leverage up to 85% LTV stay oM7akSutf0U-00023-00005919-00006500 tuned computer one for games Swiss oM7akSutf0U-00024-00006501-00006917 banking lawyers calm we fight for your oM7akSutf0U-00025-00006918-00006996 money oM7akSutf0U-00026-00006997-00007277 hi I'm into kaput the Swiss banking oM7akSutf0U-00027-00007278-00007396 lawyer the owner of the boutique law oM7akSutf0U-00028-00007397-00007577 firm kaput importance and the founder of oM7akSutf0U-00029-00007578-00007771 Swiss banking lawyers calm the place oM7akSutf0U-00030-00007772-00007958 where international business people find oM7akSutf0U-00031-00007959-00008183 tips and solutions with Pranab banking oM7akSutf0U-00032-00008184-00008389 Club deals with off market real estate oM7akSutf0U-00033-00008390-00008642 with high leverage and other investment oM7akSutf0U-00034-00008643-00008873 opportunities real estate investing in oM7akSutf0U-00035-00008874-00009083 Europe starts with the collection of oM7akSutf0U-00036-00009084-00009289 facts and figures connected to the oM7akSutf0U-00037-00009290-00009553 property as a buyer you have to analyze oM7akSutf0U-00038-00009554-00009806 and understand the information on the oM7akSutf0U-00039-00009807-00010049 property the real estate investing due oM7akSutf0U-00040-00010050-00010345 diligence should eliminate the gap of oM7akSutf0U-00041-00010346-00010580 information between the pattern informed oM7akSutf0U-00042-00010581-00010892 seller and the less level of information oM7akSutf0U-00043-00010893-00011102 of the buyer the different level of oM7akSutf0U-00044-00011103-00011321 information is the most common source of oM7akSutf0U-00045-00011322-00011513 risk and mistakes with real estate oM7akSutf0U-00046-00011514-00011708 investing in Europe a fully transparent oM7akSutf0U-00047-00011709-00011896 exchange of information will eliminate oM7akSutf0U-00048-00011897-00012139 the risks and mistakes of real estate oM7akSutf0U-00049-00012140-00012349 transaction accept the market risk on oM7akSutf0U-00050-00012350-00012566 the other hand a current risk assessment oM7akSutf0U-00051-00012567-00012752 can be used to negotiate a better price oM7akSutf0U-00052-00012753-00012997 if you work with us the high quality of oM7akSutf0U-00053-00012998-00013202 information is guaranteed and pleasing oM7akSutf0U-00054-00013203-00013332 surprises or oM7akSutf0U-00055-00013333-00013530 eliminated a deal should be a deal oM7akSutf0U-00056-00013531-00013797 ending with a successful closing and not oM7akSutf0U-00057-00013797-00014088 to generate into an expensive litigation oM7akSutf0U-00058-00014088-00014388 what are the most common risk with real oM7akSutf0U-00059-00014388-00014586 estate investing in Europe it's oM7akSutf0U-00060-00014587-00014835 impossible to eliminate the market risk oM7akSutf0U-00061-00014836-00015102 on future pricing interest rates and oM7akSutf0U-00062-00015103-00015180 inflation oM7akSutf0U-00063-00015181-00015480 nobody can influence and control future oM7akSutf0U-00064-00015481-00015705 market risk but there are other risk we oM7akSutf0U-00065-00015706-00015963 can manage well the controller are oM7akSutf0U-00066-00015963-00016155 connected to the property they are based oM7akSutf0U-00067-00016156-00016389 on infrastructure competitors practic oM7akSutf0U-00068-00016390-00016641 political and legal environment aro oM7akSutf0U-00069-00016642-00016916 development tax and legal exposure oM7akSutf0U-00070-00016917-00017162 environmental impact electro smoke oM7akSutf0U-00071-00017163-00017421 contaminated soil and exit risk how to oM7akSutf0U-00072-00017422-00017664 avoid such risk high quality of oM7akSutf0U-00073-00017665-00017877 information will lower the risk the oM7akSutf0U-00074-00017878-00018075 exchange of information is subject to a oM7akSutf0U-00075-00018076-00018294 non-disclosure agreement today detailed oM7akSutf0U-00076-00018295-00018492 information on the properties available oM7akSutf0U-00077-00018493-00018831 with a cloud-based data room and an oM7akSutf0U-00078-00018832-00018996 information memorandum we are oM7akSutf0U-00079-00018997-00019127 successfully helping international oM7akSutf0U-00080-00019128-00019359 investors mainly family offices and oM7akSutf0U-00081-00019360-00019584 ultra high-net-worth individuals finding oM7akSutf0U-00082-00019585-00019764 the best places to invest in real estate oM7akSutf0U-00083-00019765-00020094 in prime locations only our boutique law oM7akSutf0U-00084-00020095-00020415 firm is acting as an off-market real oM7akSutf0U-00085-00020416-00020652 estate agent and network with impeccable oM7akSutf0U-00086-00020653-00020940 players we make sure having full control oM7akSutf0U-00087-00020941-00021186 over the transaction we want to have the oM7akSutf0U-00088-00021187-00021492 full control over our counterparties and oM7akSutf0U-00089-00021493-00021864 the deal we are very cautious with whom oM7akSutf0U-00090-00021865-00022155 we are offering a property a white and oM7akSutf0U-00091-00022156-00022485 uncontrolled spreading of an offer will oM7akSutf0U-00092-00022486-00022752 diminish the value of the property we oM7akSutf0U-00093-00022753-00022977 accept existing portfolio properties oM7akSutf0U-00094-00022978-00023274 only we do not deal with projects please oM7akSutf0U-00095-00023275-00023592 do not send us projects before placing oM7akSutf0U-00096-00023593-00023808 an offer we are already hand the % shoe oM7akSutf0U-00097-00023809-00024050 that the counterparty can perform there oM7akSutf0U-00098-00024051-00024369 is no need for asking proof of funds we oM7akSutf0U-00099-00024370-00024543 just need a few impeccable oM7akSutf0U-00100-00024544-00024804 counterparties the right ones that's oM7akSutf0U-00101-00024805-00024861 enough oM7akSutf0U-00102-00024862-00025074 for closing the deal too many cooks oM7akSutf0U-00103-00025075-00025407 spoil the porridge how to achieve the oM7akSutf0U-00104-00025408-00025485 best possible oM7akSutf0U-00105-00025486-00025796 LTV of 85 percent from a Swiss bank the oM7akSutf0U-00106-00025797-00026031 Swiss real estate market is relatively oM7akSutf0U-00107-00026032-00026286 small if compared to London or Germany oM7akSutf0U-00108-00026287-00026523 we deal with the major players on a oM7akSutf0U-00109-00026524-00026723 personal level it's a people space oM7akSutf0U-00110-00026724-00026939 the number of people operating with real oM7akSutf0U-00111-00026939-00027145 estate investing in Europe is limited in oM7akSutf0U-00112-00027147-00027352 Switzerland based on our extensive oM7akSutf0U-00113-00027353-00027514 network of Swiss banks and senior oM7akSutf0U-00114-00027516-00027704 private bankers family offices asset oM7akSutf0U-00115-00027705-00027917 managers and institutional clients we oM7akSutf0U-00116-00027918-00028106 become direct access to very oM7akSutf0U-00117-00028107-00028361 confidential club deals at the moment we oM7akSutf0U-00118-00028362-00028517 are in a position to offer commercial oM7akSutf0U-00119-00028518-00028730 real estate investing opportunities with oM7akSutf0U-00120-00028731-00028921 impeccable tenants offering an oM7akSutf0U-00121-00028922-00029093 attractive real estate return on oM7akSutf0U-00122-00029094-00029458 investment of 4 to 8% in Swiss francs oM7akSutf0U-00123-00029460-00029774 with no leverage please be informed that oM7akSutf0U-00124-00029775-00029965 our real estate investment strategy can oM7akSutf0U-00125-00029966-00030248 be leveraged we can arrange a first oM7akSutf0U-00126-00030249-00030524 ranking mortgage loan with up to 85% oM7akSutf0U-00127-00030525-00030868 lending to value from a Swiss bank the oM7akSutf0U-00128-00030869-00031087 property must be located in an oM7akSutf0U-00129-00031088-00031358 absolutely prime location you will pay a oM7akSutf0U-00130-00031358-00031529 high price for best real estate oM7akSutf0U-00131-00031530-00031771 investments but the Swiss bank will oM7akSutf0U-00132-00031772-00032111 cover up to 85% and that the condition oM7akSutf0U-00133-00032112-00032405 that the location is top if you invest oM7akSutf0U-00134-00032406-00032576 and pay fifteen million Swiss francs oM7akSutf0U-00135-00032577-00032818 with your own money in a property the oM7akSutf0U-00136-00032819-00033104 Swiss bank will give you 85 million as a oM7akSutf0U-00137-00033105-00033514 loan for an interest rate of 1.2 5% or oM7akSutf0U-00138-00033515-00033806 less with 15 million you can buy a oM7akSutf0U-00139-00033807-00034064 property 400 million because the bank oM7akSutf0U-00140-00034065-00034402 will finance 85% of the value the lower oM7akSutf0U-00141-00034403-00034690 interest rate of 1.25 combined with an oM7akSutf0U-00142-00034691-00034973 attractive LTV of 85% is attracting oM7akSutf0U-00143-00034974-00035171 international investors who previously oM7akSutf0U-00144-00035172-00035423 invested in bankable assets its effect oM7akSutf0U-00145-00035424-00035693 that the booming high-tech economy in oM7akSutf0U-00146-00035694-00035948 Zurich is increasing demand for space if oM7akSutf0U-00147-00035949-00036196 you like this video show it to us now oM7akSutf0U-00148-00036197-00036433 and push the like button now if you like oM7akSutf0U-00149-00036434-00036629 information just like this make sure to oM7akSutf0U-00150-00036630-00036937 not miss the new videos and subscribe to oM7akSutf0U-00151-00036938-00037139 my youtube channel now click the oM7akSutf0U-00152-00037140-00037289 subscribe button and ring the bell oM7akSutf0U-00153-00037290-00037508 where are the properties located the oM7akSutf0U-00154-00037509-00037690 Swiss bank are offering a mortgage for oM7akSutf0U-00155-00037691-00037874 eighty five percent of the value we are oM7akSutf0U-00156-00037875-00038111 very well-informed on local properties oM7akSutf0U-00157-00038112-00038324 and opportunities in Switzerland Zurich oM7akSutf0U-00158-00038325-00038596 is definitely one of the best cities to oM7akSutf0U-00159-00038597-00038831 invest in real estate we are the local oM7akSutf0U-00160-00038832-00039058 networkers and Matadors of the real oM7akSutf0U-00161-00039059-00039299 estate arena the most attractive deals oM7akSutf0U-00162-00039300-00039560 are taking place of market we to oM7akSutf0U-00163-00039561-00039787 introduce in order to verify the quality oM7akSutf0U-00164-00039788-00040076 of information listed in the dollar room oM7akSutf0U-00165-00040077-00040382 hiring a local Matador like us as a real oM7akSutf0U-00166-00040383-00040558 estate agent is crucial for having oM7akSutf0U-00167-00040559-00040745 control over the deal and minimizing oM7akSutf0U-00168-00040746-00040901 risk with real estate investing in oM7akSutf0U-00169-00040902-00041210 Europe for such an exceptional LTV of 85 oM7akSutf0U-00170-00041211-00041492 percent you must invest in high-end top oM7akSutf0U-00171-00041493-00041677 properties in the center of the city of oM7akSutf0U-00172-00041678-00041864 Zurich a good location oM7akSutf0U-00173-00041865-00042136 is imperative otherwise the Swiss banks oM7akSutf0U-00174-00042137-00042355 are not offering such attractive LTVs oM7akSutf0U-00175-00042356-00042511 what are the requirements for a oM7akSutf0U-00176-00042512-00042782 non-binding offer the elements for a oM7akSutf0U-00177-00042783-00043015 non-binding offer or the information oM7akSutf0U-00178-00043016-00043226 memorandum of the property with access oM7akSutf0U-00179-00043227-00043460 to the data room and the viewing of the oM7akSutf0U-00180-00043461-00043751 property we provide a term sheet we ask oM7akSutf0U-00181-00043752-00043976 for the letter of intent in most of the oM7akSutf0U-00182-00043977-00044270 cases we do not ask for proof of funds oM7akSutf0U-00183-00044271-00044480 because we know very well the oM7akSutf0U-00184-00044481-00044683 environment of the potential buyer oM7akSutf0U-00185-00044684-00044957 normally the buyer asks for exclusivity oM7akSutf0U-00186-00044958-00045161 we want to meet one two three months oM7akSutf0U-00187-00045162-00045377 period the buyer receives all the oM7akSutf0U-00188-00045378-00045580 elements for submitting a non-binding oM7akSutf0U-00189-00045581-00045802 offer we have a chat list listing oM7akSutf0U-00190-00045803-00045998 everything you need to compose the oM7akSutf0U-00191-00045999-00046165 information memorandum and another oM7akSutf0U-00192-00046166-00046424 checklist for the correct setup of the oM7akSutf0U-00193-00046425-00046607 total room our check lists are covering oM7akSutf0U-00194-00046608-00046795 all sort of information connected to the oM7akSutf0U-00195-00046796-00047012 property an exhaustive information oM7akSutf0U-00196-00047013-00047183 memorandum in the full dollar room is oM7akSutf0U-00197-00047184-00047489 crucial for a fair risk assessment what oM7akSutf0U-00198-00047490-00047677 are the requirements for a binding offer oM7akSutf0U-00199-00047678-00047939 a binding offer needs the decision with oM7akSutf0U-00200-00047940-00048205 a price the price is not necessarily the oM7akSutf0U-00201-00048206-00048427 value of the property the value of the oM7akSutf0U-00202-00048428-00048718 property is an estimate a price is only oM7akSutf0U-00203-00048719-00048992 a price if it's paid the buyer will oM7akSutf0U-00204-00048993-00049220 start with the financial legal tax oM7akSutf0U-00205-00049221-00049396 technical environmental to diligence oM7akSutf0U-00206-00049397-00049595 process professional real estate oM7akSutf0U-00207-00049596-00049777 investors in Switzerland usually hire oM7akSutf0U-00208-00049778-00050045 viewers to partner or a Yahtzee okay for oM7akSutf0U-00209-00050046-00050230 the valuation of their property real oM7akSutf0U-00210-00050231-00050429 important Yoshioka are widely accepted oM7akSutf0U-00211-00050430-00050639 in Switzerland for real estate investing oM7akSutf0U-00212-00050640-00050882 in Europe you should hire a local price oM7akSutf0U-00213-00050883-00051149 evaluator who is recognized and accepted oM7akSutf0U-00214-00051150-00051457 in the market for a Swiss property on oM7akSutf0U-00215-00051458-00051719 average the price deviation between the oM7akSutf0U-00216-00051720-00051907 estimated value and the effectively paid oM7akSutf0U-00217-00051908-00052156 price will not supersede 10 percent if oM7akSutf0U-00218-00052157-00052327 you're a family office or a private oM7akSutf0U-00219-00052328-00052513 investor looking for an off-market oM7akSutf0U-00220-00052514-00052717 opportunity in the amount of 10 million oM7akSutf0U-00221-00052719-00052961 or more in Europe give us a call on zero oM7akSutf0U-00222-00052962-00053174 four one four four two one two four four oM7akSutf0U-00223-00053175-00053389 zero four most probably we oM7akSutf0U-00224-00053390-00053614 the right of market opportunity for you oM7akSutf0U-00225-00053615-00053932 or we will investigate our network and oM7akSutf0U-00226-00053933-00054172 come back to you soon with excellent oM7akSutf0U-00227-00054173-00054441 proposal which are not in the market if oM7akSutf0U-00228-00054442-00054646 you have a property exceeding ten oM7akSutf0U-00229-00054647-00054823 millions in Switzerland UK Germany oM7akSutf0U-00230-00054824-00055054 Austria France give me a call now and oM7akSutf0U-00231-00055054-00055329 let discuss how we find the right buyer oM7akSutf0U-00232-00055330-00055399 for you oM7akSutf0U-00233-00055400-00055651 due to our exclusive extensive network oM7akSutf0U-00234-00055652-00055825 with international bankers and family oM7akSutf0U-00235-00055826-00056023 offices we are in a position to place a oM7akSutf0U-00236-00056024-00056338 property in Europe of market what are oM7akSutf0U-00237-00056339-00056554 the latest trends for real estate oM7akSutf0U-00238-00056554-00056779 investing in Europe according to a oM7akSutf0U-00239-00056779-00057010 recent survey of PricewaterhouseCoopers oM7akSutf0U-00240-00057011-00057229 across 22 countries on the trends for oM7akSutf0U-00241-00057229-00057480 real estate investing in Europe 80% of oM7akSutf0U-00242-00057482-00057679 the respondents are concerned about the oM7akSutf0U-00243-00057679-00057792 risk connected to international oM7akSutf0U-00244-00057794-00058045 political instability because of prex it oM7akSutf0U-00245-00058046-00058237 for example mainly important family oM7akSutf0U-00246-00058238-00058447 offices moved from London to Zurich or oM7akSutf0U-00247-00058448-00058608 Geneva in the last two years oM7akSutf0U-00248-00058609-00058870 professional real estate investors such oM7akSutf0U-00249-00058871-00059104 as family offices do not buy a property oM7akSutf0U-00250-00059104-00059350 or a nice villa they buy future cash oM7akSutf0U-00251-00059351-00059592 flow and capital growth in a politically oM7akSutf0U-00252-00059594-00059782 stable environment choosing a secure oM7akSutf0U-00253-00059783-00059953 jurisdiction for real estate investing oM7akSutf0U-00254-00059954-00060136 in Europe is becoming more important oM7akSutf0U-00255-00060137-00060276 according to the survey of oM7akSutf0U-00256-00060277-00060469 PricewaterhouseCoopers non-financial oM7akSutf0U-00257-00060470-00060673 factors like political risks are oM7akSutf0U-00258-00060674-00060901 combined with future cash flow oM7akSutf0U-00259-00060902-00061099 calculations including leverage and oM7akSutf0U-00260-00061100-00061273 capital growth potential insider oM7akSutf0U-00261-00061274-00061455 information just like these cannot be oM7akSutf0U-00262-00061457-00061687 found in university libraries and not in oM7akSutf0U-00263-00061688-00061858 the internet if you like more oM7akSutf0U-00264-00061859-00062014 information on wealth management oM7akSutf0U-00265-00062015-00062269 offshore banking as a protection and off oM7akSutf0U-00266-00062270-00062505 market real estate I only share with oM7akSutf0U-00267-00062507-00062737 subscribers sign our boutique law firm oM7akSutf0U-00268-00062738-00063085 letter based on that information you oM7akSutf0U-00269-00063086-00063376 will save more money and expand your oM7akSutf0U-00270-00063377-00063646 business faster than your competitors oM7akSutf0U-00271-00063647-00063898 check our videos on our website Swiss oM7akSutf0U-00272-00063899-00064129 banking lawyers calm where you will find oM7akSutf0U-00273-00064129-00064522 the links to more of our educational to oM7akSutf0U-00274-00064523-00064786 read articles if you have a property you oM7akSutf0U-00275-00064787-00065055 want to sell or if you are searching for oM7akSutf0U-00276-00065057-00065245 an attractive market investment oM7akSutf0U-00277-00065246-00065452 opportunity call me on zero zero four oM7akSutf0U-00278-00065453-00065650 one four four two one two four four zero oM7akSutf0U-00279-00065651-00065950 four now let's discuss how we can sell oM7akSutf0U-00280-00065951-00066184 or buy an off-market property for you at oM7akSutf0U-00281-00066185-00066403 the fair price based on our extensive oM7akSutf0U-00282-00066404-00066595 network if you have a confidential or oM7akSutf0U-00283-00066596-00066679 sensitive oM7akSutf0U-00284-00066680-00066853 you would like to discuss only with me oM7akSutf0U-00285-00066854-00067080 grab your mobile phone number now and oM7akSutf0U-00286-00067081-00067171 give me a call oM7akSutf0U-00287-00067172-00067453 be rich and stay rich have a wonderful oM7akSutf0U-00288-00067454-00068283 day oM7akSutf0U-00289-00068284-00068490 you oPpTJUlEcjQ-00000-00000017-00000880 foreign oPpTJUlEcjQ-00003-00011363-00013403 [Music] oPpTJUlEcjQ-00008-00043805-00046484 [Music] oPpTJUlEcjQ-00009-00046485-00049267 [Music] oPpTJUlEcjQ-00010-00049268-00049674 foreign yeah oQ9sudibY-I-00000-00005280-00005391 your people need you oQ9sudibY-I-00001-00005392-00005551 be the last one you ready to see some oQ9sudibY-I-00002-00005552-00006191 action soldier oQ9sudibY-I-00003-00006192-00006406 talk to frontline solutions about how oQ9sudibY-I-00004-00006408-00006550 you can join the battles oQ9sudibY-I-00005-00006551-00006767 that will decide the future of this star oQ9sudibY-I-00006-00006768-00007167 system we've got oQ9sudibY-I-00009-00015484-00017686 six oQ9sudibY-I-00010-00017687-00018175 friendship drive charging oQ9sudibY-I-00011-00018176-00019683 four three 2 1 oQ9sudibY-I-00012-00019684-00021083 engage oQ9sudibY-I-00013-00021084-00022239 okay oQ9sudibY-I-00014-00022240-00023883 orbital flight engaged oQ9sudibY-I-00016-00028089-00028786 [Music] oQ9sudibY-I-00017-00028787-00029237 [Music] oQ9sudibY-I-00018-00029238-00029364 [Applause] oQ9sudibY-I-00019-00029366-00030311 [Music] oQ9sudibY-I-00020-00030312-00032283 control delta lima 5 nearing drop zone oQ9sudibY-I-00021-00032283-00033911 so oQ9sudibY-I-00022-00033912-00034095 counting on you to push the enemy out of oQ9sudibY-I-00023-00034096-00034431 this location get to a commander oQ9sudibY-I-00024-00034432-00035087 we're about to hit the drop zone oQ9sudibY-I-00025-00035088-00037883 move it now oQ9sudibY-I-00026-00037884-00038255 uh oQ9sudibY-I-00028-00041447-00042607 bravo is being contested by the enemy oQ9sudibY-I-00029-00042608-00044855 reinforcements are ready to deploy oQ9sudibY-I-00030-00044856-00045343 reinforcements are coming in hot oQ9sudibY-I-00031-00045344-00046846 foxtrot signal is online echo has lit up oQ9sudibY-I-00032-00046847-00047183 reinforcements have arrived delta has oQ9sudibY-I-00033-00047184-00048127 been captured oQ9sudibY-I-00034-00048128-00049399 alpha is now online oQ9sudibY-I-00035-00049400-00050771 enemy forces inbound oQ9sudibY-I-00036-00050772-00051102 [Music] oQ9sudibY-I-00037-00051103-00052982 reinforcements are touching down oQ9sudibY-I-00038-00052983-00053902 fully charged oQ9sudibY-I-00039-00053903-00054126 [Music] oQ9sudibY-I-00040-00054127-00054326 reinforcements inbound enemy oQ9sudibY-I-00041-00054327-00055559 reinforcements are coming in hot oQ9sudibY-I-00042-00055560-00055807 alpha point secured support needed at oQ9sudibY-I-00043-00055808-00055887 delta oQ9sudibY-I-00044-00055888-00056559 we've got the advantage keep going oQ9sudibY-I-00045-00056560-00056823 echo has lit up foxtrot taken by the oQ9sudibY-I-00046-00056824-00056911 enemy oQ9sudibY-I-00047-00056912-00057711 reinforcements are ready to deploy oQ9sudibY-I-00048-00057712-00057942 charlie has come online enemy command oQ9sudibY-I-00049-00057944-00058782 has called in back up oQ9sudibY-I-00050-00058783-00061630 support needed oQ9sudibY-I-00051-00061632-00063630 has arrived oQ9sudibY-I-00052-00063632-00064759 foxtrot signal is online oQ9sudibY-I-00053-00064760-00064991 enemy reinforcements are coming in hot oQ9sudibY-I-00054-00064991-00067311 reinforcements inbound oQ9sudibY-I-00055-00067312-00068655 bravo is online target cited oQ9sudibY-I-00056-00068656-00070543 enemy forces inbound enemies oQ9sudibY-I-00058-00074283-00074503 up shield oQ9sudibY-I-00059-00074504-00074862 online oQ9sudibY-I-00060-00074863-00076759 echo has lit up oQ9sudibY-I-00061-00076760-00078182 the enemy has taken out oQ9sudibY-I-00062-00078183-00079015 charlie was secured oQ9sudibY-I-00063-00079016-00079882 the enemy took echo but delta is now oQ9sudibY-I-00064-00079883-00080023 online oQ9sudibY-I-00065-00080024-00081423 alpha is now online oQ9sudibY-I-00066-00081424-00082903 reinforcements are ready to deploy oQ9sudibY-I-00067-00082904-00084062 enemy reinforcements are coming in hot oQ9sudibY-I-00068-00084063-00085223 acclaimed oQ9sudibY-I-00069-00085224-00085679 reinforcements have arrived oQ9sudibY-I-00070-00085680-00087391 echo is lit up oQ9sudibY-I-00071-00087392-00089682 you need to regroup oQ9sudibY-I-00073-00092951-00093279 reinforcements are touching down oQ9sudibY-I-00074-00093280-00093582 battery depleted activating emergency oQ9sudibY-I-00075-00093583-00094312 air supply oQ9sudibY-I-00076-00094313-00095015 [Music] oQ9sudibY-I-00077-00095016-00095399 bravo is online oQ9sudibY-I-00078-00095400-00097631 recharging shield online oQ9sudibY-I-00079-00097632-00098326 enemy support has arrived oQ9sudibY-I-00080-00098327-00100038 we've got the advantage keep going oQ9sudibY-I-00081-00100039-00102282 reinforcements are ready to deploy oQ9sudibY-I-00082-00102283-00103561 backup oQ9sudibY-I-00083-00103563-00103682 [Applause] oQ9sudibY-I-00084-00103683-00105083 inbound oQ9sudibY-I-00085-00105083-00106551 hmm oQ9sudibY-I-00086-00106552-00108231 enemy reinforcements are coming in hot oQ9sudibY-I-00087-00108232-00109431 reinforcements have arrived oQ9sudibY-I-00088-00109432-00111799 enemy forces inbound oQ9sudibY-I-00089-00111800-00112239 we've claimed bravo oQ9sudibY-I-00090-00112240-00112807 are touching down oQ9sudibY-I-00091-00112808-00114883 echo has lit up oQ9sudibY-I-00092-00114883-00115054 god oQ9sudibY-I-00093-00115055-00116278 inbound oQ9sudibY-I-00094-00116279-00119166 enemy command has called in back up oQ9sudibY-I-00095-00119167-00119519 reinforcements are ready to deploy oQ9sudibY-I-00096-00119520-00120599 enemy support has arrived oQ9sudibY-I-00097-00120600-00122590 closing distance oQ9sudibY-I-00098-00122591-00124190 reinforcements have arrived oQ9sudibY-I-00099-00124191-00125583 enemy reinforcements are coming in hot oQ9sudibY-I-00100-00125583-00127343 reinforcements are touching down oQ9sudibY-I-00101-00127344-00128343 alpha is now online oQ9sudibY-I-00102-00128344-00130283 enemy command has called in backup oQ9sudibY-I-00103-00130283-00133083 inbound oQ9sudibY-I-00104-00133084-00134199 again oQ9sudibY-I-00105-00134200-00134654 reinforcements have arrived oQ9sudibY-I-00106-00134655-00137078 echo is lit up oQ9sudibY-I-00107-00137079-00137271 the enemy reinforcements are depleted oQ9sudibY-I-00108-00137272-00137447 put the last targets down oQ9sudibY-I-00109-00137448-00140083 reinforcements are ready to deploy oQ9sudibY-I-00110-00140084-00140919 again oQ9sudibY-I-00111-00140920-00142883 reinforcements are touching down oQ9sudibY-I-00112-00142884-00143895 uh oQ9sudibY-I-00113-00143896-00145683 reinforcements have arrived oQ9sudibY-I-00114-00145684-00146111 uh oQ9sudibY-I-00115-00146112-00147295 one enemy remaining hug them down oQ9sudibY-I-00116-00147296-00147502 enemy force eliminated that's a solid oQ9sudibY-I-00117-00147503-00147599 victory oQ9sudibY-I-00118-00147600-00148483 we'll have your payment waiting at the oQ9sudibY-I-00119-00148484-00149883 port oQ9sudibY-I-00120-00149884-00151283 so oQ9sudibY-I-00121-00151284-00152702 so oQ9sudibY-I-00122-00152703-00152878 where do you want to go today with the oQ9sudibY-I-00123-00152879-00153031 largest shuttle fleet in the core oQ9sudibY-I-00124-00153032-00153143 systems apex oQ9sudibY-I-00125-00153144-00153366 interstellar transport can get you there oQ9sudibY-I-00126-00153367-00155247 come fly with us oQ9sudibY-I-00128-00158391-00160008 a shuttle is moving to your location oQ9sudibY-I-00129-00160009-00162483 [Music] oQ9sudibY-I-00130-00162484-00165283 so your shuttle has arrived oQ9sudibY-I-00131-00165284-00167299 so oQ9sudibY-I-00132-00167300-00168083 [Music] oQ9sudibY-I-00133-00168084-00169483 um oQ9sudibY-I-00134-00169484-00172283 so oQ9sudibY-I-00135-00172284-00175190 this oQ9sudibY-I-00137-00180512-00181839 four three two one oQ9sudibY-I-00138-00181840-00182083 [Music] oQ9sudibY-I-00139-00182084-00182857 engaged oQ9sudibY-I-00140-00182858-00183483 [Music] oQ9sudibY-I-00142-00187684-00190363 uh oQ9sudibY-I-00143-00190364-00190854 [Music] oQ9sudibY-I-00144-00190855-00191278 arriving shortly oQ9sudibY-I-00145-00191279-00191511 this is apex 618 requesting a landing oQ9sudibY-I-00146-00191512-00192175 pad over oQ9sudibY-I-00147-00192176-00193499 they're just coming into land now oQ9sudibY-I-00148-00193500-00194475 [Music] oQ9sudibY-I-00149-00194476-00195796 [Music] oQ9sudibY-I-00150-00195797-00196083 [Music] oQ9sudibY-I-00151-00196084-00196526 oh oQ9sudibY-I-00152-00196527-00197063 [Music] oQ9sudibY-I-00154-00202302-00202550 [Music] oQ9sudibY-I-00155-00202551-00202902 are you ready to see some action soldier oQ9sudibY-I-00156-00202903-00203687 earned him blood and paid for in full oQ9sudibY-I-00157-00203688-00203966 you all done soldier you confirmed for oQ9sudibY-I-00158-00203967-00204054 deployment oQ9sudibY-I-00159-00204055-00204679 give him hell soldier oQgOOPxYdz4-00000-00000874-00001198 lehren orchestre mari promenade pants on oQgOOPxYdz4-00001-00001199-00001437 ins your Kia striata nematode presume oQgOOPxYdz4-00002-00001438-00001586 pilaster oQgOOPxYdz4-00003-00001587-00001850 true las Rocas came into whatever oQgOOPxYdz4-00004-00001851-00002210 lodovic lotus aunt Ella's como con visca oQgOOPxYdz4-00005-00002211-00002583 fellas odds vida y no guest Andy Grove oQgOOPxYdz4-00006-00002584-00002897 Asmodeus you um nah parwana perwani oQgOOPxYdz4-00007-00002898-00003179 cuando la nguoi UK mccune shaggy fur 30 oQgOOPxYdz4-00008-00003180-00003560 s beauty nista this dolls there's the oQgOOPxYdz4-00009-00003561-00003818 police's turn into male tellin aastra oQgOOPxYdz4-00010-00003819-00004090 dad I'm a human at the probe on them oQgOOPxYdz4-00011-00004090-00004636 teens elidio loog on kobo's DST Nina oQgOOPxYdz4-00012-00004637-00005952 Garcia no ideas no I mr. balik como el oQgOOPxYdz4-00013-00005953-00006277 mono damn you need a given an igloo oQgOOPxYdz4-00014-00006278-00008441 prior need everyone can hear top o rama oQgOOPxYdz4-00016-00016084-00016461 you oQgOOPxYdz4-00017-00016462-00018839 Oh oQgOOPxYdz4-00018-00018840-00019230 yeah oh you're free for sorry Maggie oQgOOPxYdz4-00019-00019231-00019614 Sottero yes o de puta managem Anna oQgOOPxYdz4-00020-00019615-00019997 specimen ratas mola for alto proposition oQgOOPxYdz4-00021-00019998-00020351 well no es que oZXo8TFGpxA-00000-00000027-00001752 [Music] oZXo8TFGpxA-00001-00001753-00002305 [Applause] oZXo8TFGpxA-00003-00007515-00007605 [Applause] oZXo8TFGpxA-00005-00010905-00011410 [Applause] oZXo8TFGpxA-00006-00011411-00012550 [Music] oZXo8TFGpxA-00008-00016860-00017600 [Applause] oZXo8TFGpxA-00009-00017601-00018108 [Music] oZXo8TFGpxA-00010-00018109-00018204 [Applause] oZXo8TFGpxA-00011-00018205-00019477 [Music] oZc_r9FD3xk-00000-00000003-00000505 what uh-hmm pee indoors see how science oZc_r9FD3xk-00001-00000506-00000839 experiment right now alright Aegina my oZc_r9FD3xk-00002-00000840-00001025 great thing we're gonna put a peep we're oZc_r9FD3xk-00003-00001026-00001181 gonna put one of you guys now we'll put oZc_r9FD3xk-00004-00001182-00001700 a pea in the microwave and sees what oZc_r9FD3xk-00005-00001701-00001937 happens I said we put up for 10 minutes oZc_r9FD3xk-00006-00001938-00002204 time in 20 minutes they get really big oZc_r9FD3xk-00007-00002205-00002326 two at a time oZc_r9FD3xk-00008-00002327-00002500 yeah oh you're gonna use when I clean oZc_r9FD3xk-00009-00002501-00002762 this up you should put a girl probably oZc_r9FD3xk-00010-00002763-00002827 the microwave oZc_r9FD3xk-00011-00002828-00003125 oh yes we can capture it yeah that will oZc_r9FD3xk-00012-00003126-00003146 work oZc_r9FD3xk-00013-00003147-00003420 I just clean the microwave this alright oZc_r9FD3xk-00014-00003421-00003604 you guys ready oZc_r9FD3xk-00015-00003605-00004070 one minute ones this time there we go oZc_r9FD3xk-00016-00004071-00004345 peeps what's gonna happen to them but oZc_r9FD3xk-00017-00004346-00004502 they're getting bigger growing they're oZc_r9FD3xk-00018-00004503-00004643 growing they're gonna deflate when you oZc_r9FD3xk-00019-00004644-00004859 open it a bit you have to take a bite oZc_r9FD3xk-00020-00004860-00005056 really quick I'm not biting that you oZc_r9FD3xk-00021-00005057-00005311 bite it oh my god that one's getting oZc_r9FD3xk-00022-00005312-00005402 real pregnant oZc_r9FD3xk-00023-00005403-00005620 they're like fighting each other pretty oZc_r9FD3xk-00024-00005621-00005792 soon it's like they got a fart had been oZc_r9FD3xk-00025-00005793-00005897 holding in for years oZc_r9FD3xk-00026-00005898-00006472 alright shy by his head nope I burned oZc_r9FD3xk-00027-00006473-00006517 you oZc_r9FD3xk-00028-00006518-00007159 ah we it actually made them bigger yeah oZc_r9FD3xk-00029-00007161-00007396 if you want to like get peeps and eat oZc_r9FD3xk-00030-00007397-00007564 them put in mind whether they get larger oZc_r9FD3xk-00031-00007565-00007792 look they push their bowls right into oZc_r9FD3xk-00032-00007793-00007999 each other look at this how did that oZc_r9FD3xk-00033-00008000-00008285 happen we gave them food on other sides oZc_r9FD3xk-00034-00008286-00008495 of the room and somehow they ended up in oZc_r9FD3xk-00035-00008496-00008687 front of each other I turned it on for oZc_r9FD3xk-00036-00008688-00008777 two more minutes oZc_r9FD3xk-00037-00008778-00009199 look what happened inside of itself like oZc_r9FD3xk-00038-00009200-00009551 burnt and true P this one what if it was oZc_r9FD3xk-00039-00009552-00009770 like that we just didn't know trying to oZc_r9FD3xk-00040-00009771-00010180 sniff everything neither oZc_r9FD3xk-00041-00010181-00010406 totally right do you think she's gonna oZc_r9FD3xk-00042-00010407-00010748 eat it it's hot did it eat it I'll try I oZc_r9FD3xk-00043-00010749-00010958 shall try she thinks anything we have oZc_r9FD3xk-00044-00010959-00011149 it's good we try to get a little gem oZc_r9FD3xk-00045-00011150-00011413 session in we could go a hamlet look how oZc_r9FD3xk-00046-00011414-00011627 skinny Jeana god she's in rice do you oZc_r9FD3xk-00047-00011628-00011806 know I mean I got ok shape what do you oZc_r9FD3xk-00048-00011807-00012152 think I needed that six-pack let me see oZc_r9FD3xk-00049-00012153-00012287 you really like oZc_r9FD3xk-00050-00012288-00012560 we've been closed summertime is coming oZc_r9FD3xk-00051-00012561-00012852 we gotta get fixer it out 76 or down oZc_r9FD3xk-00052-00012853-00013172 like a week ago until I showed up me oZc_r9FD3xk-00053-00013172-00013519 okay Easter candy you look great oZc_r9FD3xk-00054-00013520-00013719 so we're listening to that song got two oZc_r9FD3xk-00055-00013720-00013979 phones one for the plug and one for the oZc_r9FD3xk-00056-00013980-00014890 load another look at my hair blood look oZc_r9FD3xk-00057-00014891-00015133 blue oZc_r9FD3xk-00058-00015134-00015430 so one of your guys's thing that you've oZc_r9FD3xk-00059-00015431-00015566 been saying in the comments were dead is oZc_r9FD3xk-00060-00015566-00015794 we wanna at home chill blog well guess oZc_r9FD3xk-00061-00015794-00016037 what we at home chilling Joe we've been oZc_r9FD3xk-00062-00016038-00016190 goin Handy's last eight months it feels oZc_r9FD3xk-00063-00016191-00016409 good I slept till two o'clock today two oZc_r9FD3xk-00064-00016410-00016643 o'clock I just was like this is great oZc_r9FD3xk-00065-00016644-00016832 but all the stuff that my boy Brandon oZc_r9FD3xk-00066-00016833-00016964 taught me in the gym I'm trying to apply oZc_r9FD3xk-00067-00016965-00017122 here it's not as good because I'm on my oZc_r9FD3xk-00068-00017123-00017234 phone I need my trainer oZc_r9FD3xk-00069-00017235-00017789 give me my trainer I'm gonna push me the oZc_r9FD3xk-00070-00017790-00018032 my hair getting done while ago tamil oZc_r9FD3xk-00071-00018033-00018299 Allatoona are we all done you wrapped up oZc_r9FD3xk-00072-00018300-00018544 gym truck outside King Kong become truck oZc_r9FD3xk-00073-00018545-00019685 with one wing we're not she's trying to oZc_r9FD3xk-00074-00019686-00020881 come to me for scare this is a dog ila oZc_r9FD3xk-00075-00020882-00021094 have you put it on your head she'll oZc_r9FD3xk-00076-00021095-00021233 fight she probably would over that more oZc_r9FD3xk-00077-00021234-00021578 scared so I feel like it's been a while oZc_r9FD3xk-00078-00021579-00021824 since we just sat down and had a oZc_r9FD3xk-00079-00021825-00022166 conversation with the peeps because I oZc_r9FD3xk-00080-00022167-00022463 feel like things have been a lot oZc_r9FD3xk-00081-00022464-00022868 different since my mom passed away and I oZc_r9FD3xk-00082-00022869-00023159 mean obviously things wouldn't be the oZc_r9FD3xk-00083-00023160-00023477 same you know I mean people deal with oZc_r9FD3xk-00084-00023478-00023644 things differently and I just want to oZc_r9FD3xk-00085-00023645-00023843 address some things that I've seen in oZc_r9FD3xk-00086-00023844-00024181 the comments and address some stuff for oZc_r9FD3xk-00087-00024182-00024447 you guys so you're not in the dark and oZc_r9FD3xk-00088-00024448-00024740 you kind of understand what's going on oZc_r9FD3xk-00089-00024741-00025203 because I rarely respond to trolls or oZc_r9FD3xk-00090-00025204-00025427 negative stuff in comments but this is a oZc_r9FD3xk-00091-00025428-00025592 negative this is just I don't think you oZc_r9FD3xk-00092-00025593-00025639 guys oZc_r9FD3xk-00093-00025641-00025897 understand the other day or a couple oZc_r9FD3xk-00094-00025898-00026189 weeks ago I posted the photo of the oZc_r9FD3xk-00095-00026189-00026389 tattoo with my mom on it and there like oZc_r9FD3xk-00096-00026391-00026489 a lot of people the comments were oZc_r9FD3xk-00097-00026489-00026657 confusing they didn't even know what was oZc_r9FD3xk-00098-00026658-00026912 going on and then I realized like yeah oZc_r9FD3xk-00099-00026913-00027161 when the whole thing happened we kind of oZc_r9FD3xk-00100-00027162-00027389 went solid on the internet and then we oZc_r9FD3xk-00101-00027389-00027554 didn't really talk about it because I oZc_r9FD3xk-00102-00027555-00027818 didn't feel like I was right so I mean oZc_r9FD3xk-00103-00027819-00028055 it's been like three months now oh my oZc_r9FD3xk-00104-00028056-00028277 god fighters we're trying to talk to the oZc_r9FD3xk-00105-00028277-00028460 peeps about something serious guaranteed oZc_r9FD3xk-00106-00028461-00028706 a fight over there I got a wish you oZc_r9FD3xk-00107-00028707-00028901 could see now running around the oZc_r9FD3xk-00108-00028902-00028958 familiar oZc_r9FD3xk-00109-00028958-00029231 I just wanted to dress this with you oZc_r9FD3xk-00110-00029232-00029389 guys and this way we could still oZc_r9FD3xk-00111-00029391-00029837 continue to make don't videos for you oZc_r9FD3xk-00112-00029838-00030050 and then maybe you'll can understand why oZc_r9FD3xk-00113-00030051-00030170 things were different for the last nine oZc_r9FD3xk-00114-00030170-00030452 months and just awkward and I was in a oZc_r9FD3xk-00115-00030452-00030647 weird state of mind and I still kind of oZc_r9FD3xk-00116-00030648-00030914 had what happened with our mom is like oZc_r9FD3xk-00117-00030914-00031193 you guys know that she would like was oZc_r9FD3xk-00118-00031194-00031364 missing and I feel like that's where we oZc_r9FD3xk-00119-00031364-00031547 left it at like her so she's missing and oZc_r9FD3xk-00120-00031548-00031889 then I didn't say what happened so well oZc_r9FD3xk-00121-00031889-00032213 what happened was my mom was suffering oZc_r9FD3xk-00122-00032214-00032543 from severe depression and she was oZc_r9FD3xk-00123-00032544-00032852 self-medicating herself with the wrong oZc_r9FD3xk-00124-00032853-00033071 kind of substance in the world what you oZc_r9FD3xk-00125-00033072-00033428 should never do I didn't know like it oZc_r9FD3xk-00126-00033429-00033650 was like it was like a thing that went oZc_r9FD3xk-00127-00033651-00033797 on for a while if I mom she's been in oZc_r9FD3xk-00128-00033798-00034061 and out of rehab she was dealing with it oZc_r9FD3xk-00129-00034062-00034292 for like 11 years substance abuse and we oZc_r9FD3xk-00130-00034293-00034454 tried everything with her mom was just oZc_r9FD3xk-00131-00034455-00034718 going through rough times and we've oZc_r9FD3xk-00132-00034719-00035015 tried everything at the time and then oZc_r9FD3xk-00133-00035016-00035249 when she went missing you guys didn't oZc_r9FD3xk-00134-00035250-00035698 know is she stole a bunch of pills and oZc_r9FD3xk-00135-00035699-00035921 she was missing with those pills and oZc_r9FD3xk-00136-00035922-00036047 these are the same pills that she's oZc_r9FD3xk-00137-00036048-00036338 taken before and she tried to commit oZc_r9FD3xk-00138-00036339-00036634 suicide once before and that happened oZc_r9FD3xk-00139-00036635-00036875 when we SH the vlog and I remember I oZc_r9FD3xk-00140-00036876-00037025 don't think I told you guys why she was oZc_r9FD3xk-00141-00037026-00037145 in the hospitals like my mom's in the oZc_r9FD3xk-00142-00037146-00037289 hospital and that's why she tried commit oZc_r9FD3xk-00143-00037290-00037541 suicide to put her in a coma oZc_r9FD3xk-00144-00037542-00037754 if you got your home bath it was like oZc_r9FD3xk-00145-00037755-00037979 last two years ago you know when I was a oZc_r9FD3xk-00146-00037980-00038285 long time ago in the vlogs and so when oZc_r9FD3xk-00147-00038286-00038474 she went missing we were all dreading oZc_r9FD3xk-00148-00038475-00038612 the fact that yet she took all these oZc_r9FD3xk-00149-00038613-00038861 pills and then she knows that she oZc_r9FD3xk-00150-00038862-00039032 committed suicide and so for a whole oZc_r9FD3xk-00151-00039033-00039089 week oZc_r9FD3xk-00152-00039090-00039347 my mom was missing and I was just oZc_r9FD3xk-00153-00039348-00039614 terrified like I didn't know a guy I was oZc_r9FD3xk-00154-00039615-00039779 so scared like we look for her card I oZc_r9FD3xk-00155-00039780-00039926 was scared that I would find her car oZc_r9FD3xk-00156-00039927-00040127 because I didn't want to find my mom you oZc_r9FD3xk-00157-00040128-00040457 know you know in the back of a car in oZc_r9FD3xk-00158-00040458-00040667 the way that she would be eventually we oZc_r9FD3xk-00159-00040668-00040841 found her and she did she committed oZc_r9FD3xk-00160-00040842-00041096 suicide and and I guess I just never oZc_r9FD3xk-00161-00041097-00041357 told you guys that like my mom I the oZc_r9FD3xk-00162-00041358-00041537 last 12 years of my life has have oZc_r9FD3xk-00163-00041538-00041777 suffered from you know drugs and and oZc_r9FD3xk-00164-00041778-00042119 there's the [__] up [__] so I just oZc_r9FD3xk-00165-00042120-00042326 wanted you guys to know like that's what oZc_r9FD3xk-00166-00042327-00042512 I was dealing with and that's what oZc_r9FD3xk-00167-00042513-00042671 happened to my mom so there should be no oZc_r9FD3xk-00168-00042672-00042911 more freaking questions about it and I oZc_r9FD3xk-00169-00042912-00043142 just hope we can move on from that with oZc_r9FD3xk-00170-00043143-00043409 you guys and and that's it so I just oZc_r9FD3xk-00171-00043410-00043526 want to get that off my chest and oZc_r9FD3xk-00172-00043527-00043861 hopefully I could help maybe in some way oZc_r9FD3xk-00173-00043862-00044150 make videos if you are suffering from oZc_r9FD3xk-00174-00044151-00044399 any kind of drug abuse or anything and oZc_r9FD3xk-00175-00044400-00045266 just don't do it oh yeah it's been tough oZc_r9FD3xk-00176-00045267-00045680 and sad and difficult to deal with I'll oZc_r9FD3xk-00177-00045681-00045842 be honest with you guys it made me go a oZc_r9FD3xk-00178-00045843-00046181 little crazy still is and you guys oZc_r9FD3xk-00179-00046182-00046322 probably tell in the videos like I've oZc_r9FD3xk-00180-00046323-00046727 changed so maybe if I felt like if I got oZc_r9FD3xk-00181-00046728-00047026 it off my chest maybe it would help me oZc_r9FD3xk-00182-00047027-00047345 snap out of it and not dwell on it so oZc_r9FD3xk-00183-00047346-00047395 bad oZc_r9FD3xk-00184-00047396-00047843 so yeah there it is drugs are bad having oZc_r9FD3xk-00185-00047844-00048014 severe depression is probably really oZc_r9FD3xk-00186-00048015-00048251 hard I don't I sometimes get worried oZc_r9FD3xk-00187-00048252-00048494 that I might get it because the maybe oZc_r9FD3xk-00188-00048495-00048716 it's hereditary I don't know I don't oZc_r9FD3xk-00189-00048717-00049025 think I have it sometimes I think I have oZc_r9FD3xk-00190-00049026-00049379 it but I will never self-medicate I oZc_r9FD3xk-00191-00049380-00049622 don't never trust pharmaceutical oZc_r9FD3xk-00192-00049623-00049892 companies and it's not my place to sit oZc_r9FD3xk-00193-00049893-00049966 there and bash oZc_r9FD3xk-00194-00049967-00050209 people that are on pharmaceutical drugs oZc_r9FD3xk-00195-00050210-00050392 like I don't even know their situation oZc_r9FD3xk-00196-00050393-00050743 but for me I'll never take them so if I oZc_r9FD3xk-00197-00050744-00050947 ever need surgery no no here's percocet oZc_r9FD3xk-00198-00050948-00051121 for your pain nope I'd rather deal with oZc_r9FD3xk-00199-00051122-00051274 the pain I'm sorry to bring the vlogs oZc_r9FD3xk-00200-00051275-00051472 depression we don't ever do that we oZc_r9FD3xk-00201-00051473-00051666 always stay away from the press like oZc_r9FD3xk-00202-00051667-00051930 depressing vlogs and keep them uplifting oZc_r9FD3xk-00203-00051932-00052183 and happy I just hope that I'll be able oZc_r9FD3xk-00204-00052184-00052408 in the future to understand more of this oZc_r9FD3xk-00205-00052409-00052633 stuff and teach people or help people oZc_r9FD3xk-00206-00052634-00052816 that suffer from depression and maybe oZc_r9FD3xk-00207-00052816-00053290 give them some tool I'm going to bed all oZc_r9FD3xk-00208-00053291-00053314 right oZc_r9FD3xk-00209-00053315-00053554 oh yeah I just feel like I should tell oZc_r9FD3xk-00210-00053554-00053754 you guys that and tomorrow should be a oZc_r9FD3xk-00211-00053755-00053998 fun vlog there's a cool parade we'll oZc_r9FD3xk-00212-00053999-00054412 probably miss it you miss every parade oZc_r9FD3xk-00213-00054413-00054780 but get to the end of it and I just want oZc_r9FD3xk-00214-00054782-00054970 to say thank you do first nation to the oZc_r9FD3xk-00215-00054971-00055126 peeps that's been sticking with us I oZc_r9FD3xk-00216-00055127-00055291 know a lot of people probably bounce oZc_r9FD3xk-00217-00055291-00055402 because they're all butthurt about oZc_r9FD3xk-00218-00055403-00055585 YouTube ray which drives me crazy oZc_r9FD3xk-00219-00055586-00055840 because we got default for it to be free oZc_r9FD3xk-00220-00055841-00056023 versions I just I think it's confusing oZc_r9FD3xk-00221-00056024-00056194 in there sub boxes and they're not oZc_r9FD3xk-00222-00056195-00056299 understanding that there's a free oZc_r9FD3xk-00223-00056300-00056515 version but you guys are made to edit oZc_r9FD3xk-00224-00056516-00056779 video you hopefully you do and let's go oZc_r9FD3xk-00225-00056779-00056944 to bed not a peep love you guys thank oZc_r9FD3xk-00226-00056945-00057267 you for your support all the time good oZc_r9FD3xk-00227-00057269-00057286 night oZc_r9FD3xk-00228-00057287-00057478 stick with us peace it's going to get oZc_r9FD3xk-00229-00057479-00057762 better for me I promise I hope whose oZc_r9FD3xk-00230-00057763-00058039 fashion is not said you're talking about oZc_r9FD3xk-00231-00058040-00058345 the Carribean clip Lapierre Karen oZc_r9FD3xk-00232-00058346-00058609 beautiful oag203mmANg-00000-00000631-00000807 hey there guys what's up game number oag203mmANg-00001-00000808-00001047 12kz here back with another video today oag203mmANg-00002-00001048-00001327 and guys welcome to the fourth video in oag203mmANg-00003-00001328-00001687 our forza horizon 5 let's play series um oag203mmANg-00004-00001688-00001895 wait hold up let's play series oag203mmANg-00005-00001896-00002055 is that the correct term i don't know oag203mmANg-00006-00002056-00002199 anyways guys oag203mmANg-00007-00002200-00002431 here we are so if again if you haven't oag203mmANg-00008-00002432-00002631 seen the last videos please make sure to oag203mmANg-00009-00002632-00002887 go check them out uh we you know we oag203mmANg-00010-00002888-00003087 started the game the intro was amazing oag203mmANg-00011-00003088-00003383 dude and we did the first showcase our oag203mmANg-00012-00003384-00003686 first race and our first horizon story a oag203mmANg-00013-00003688-00003927 lot of firsts in the last three videos oag203mmANg-00014-00003928-00004279 but today guys we are going to check out oag203mmANg-00015-00004280-00004735 the 2017 ford gt which despite being in oag203mmANg-00016-00004736-00005079 horizon three and four i know though it oag203mmANg-00017-00005080-00005222 wasn't those two games for sure i know oag203mmANg-00018-00005223-00005367 about horizon 2. oag203mmANg-00019-00005368-00005599 we never actually checked it out really oag203mmANg-00020-00005600-00005870 like i've knew about it since then but oag203mmANg-00021-00005871-00006038 i don't know i never got to check out oag203mmANg-00022-00006039-00006231 and the look of it is already stunning oag203mmANg-00023-00006232-00006334 like oag203mmANg-00024-00006335-00006550 you know is it wait hold on does it have oag203mmANg-00025-00006551-00006703 those like scissor doors where the doors oag203mmANg-00026-00006704-00007006 go up yeah it does dude that's amazing oag203mmANg-00027-00007008-00007159 hold on let me see oag203mmANg-00028-00007159-00007398 yeah okay hold up no no oag203mmANg-00029-00007400-00007678 okay it's a perfect look oag203mmANg-00030-00007679-00007806 hold up nope oag203mmANg-00031-00007808-00008183 oh the lights were already on oag203mmANg-00032-00008184-00008535 that is that is amazing oag203mmANg-00033-00008536-00008759 all right anyways guys uh so before we oag203mmANg-00034-00008760-00008919 get on the road let's see if we can do oag203mmANg-00035-00008920-00009119 any upgrades to this thing i mean we oag203mmANg-00036-00009120-00009359 only have 61 000 oag203mmANg-00037-00009360-00009574 credits in our balance so oag203mmANg-00038-00009575-00009735 i'm not sure oag203mmANg-00039-00009736-00009831 i don't think oag203mmANg-00040-00009832-00010031 come to the right place let me show you oag203mmANg-00041-00010032-00010263 around oag203mmANg-00042-00010264-00010446 i yeah i think she's showing us around oag203mmANg-00043-00010447-00010646 because this is our first time oag203mmANg-00044-00010647-00010903 upgrading a car so oag203mmANg-00045-00010904-00011135 still custom upgrade oag203mmANg-00046-00011136-00011271 okay oag203mmANg-00047-00011272-00011463 i should have hit don't show me again oag203mmANg-00048-00011464-00011719 but that's nice i heard like i've also oag203mmANg-00049-00011720-00011991 seen uh there's more customizability oag203mmANg-00050-00011992-00012246 with uh the upgrades in this game right oag203mmANg-00051-00012247-00012487 here oag203mmANg-00052-00012488-00012935 okay oag203mmANg-00053-00012936-00013247 so our car is currently in s1 now oag203mmANg-00054-00013247-00013399 if we could at least bring it up to like oag203mmANg-00055-00013400-00013671 an s2 that'd be amazing oag203mmANg-00056-00013672-00013830 anyways guys don't forget to like this oag203mmANg-00057-00013831-00014030 video and subscribe oag203mmANg-00058-00014031-00014319 it really shows your support oag203mmANg-00059-00014319-00014415 and oag203mmANg-00060-00014416-00014607 speaking of support again i really thank oag203mmANg-00061-00014608-00014775 you all for oag203mmANg-00062-00014776-00015022 all the support you've been giving me oag203mmANg-00063-00015023-00015294 all these years oag203mmANg-00064-00015295-00015486 okay oag203mmANg-00065-00015487-00016022 oh sure why not two thousand years later oag203mmANg-00066-00016023-00016271 anyways guys here we go let's install oag203mmANg-00067-00016272-00016599 the setup oag203mmANg-00068-00016600-00016799 let's get it installed bro i mean it's oag203mmANg-00069-00016800-00017055 gonna take away like 67 percent of our oag203mmANg-00070-00017056-00017271 balance but that's okay again we can oag203mmANg-00071-00017272-00017575 earn it back anytime so oag203mmANg-00072-00017576-00018283 anyways guys let's get in oag203mmANg-00073-00018284-00018735 okay okay it is it is a gt car i mean by oag203mmANg-00074-00018736-00019239 the name i can i suppose oag203mmANg-00075-00019240-00019486 okay guys so we are in the car now and i oag203mmANg-00076-00019487-00019663 gotta say this actually looks pretty oag203mmANg-00077-00019664-00019767 clean oag203mmANg-00078-00019768-00020039 uh not that it would be messy in any way oag203mmANg-00079-00020040-00020350 but you know the white chassis with the oag203mmANg-00080-00020351-00020558 black seats i don't know i can't see the oag203mmANg-00081-00020559-00020814 material exactly it might be i think oag203mmANg-00082-00020815-00021127 it's some sort of fiber carbon fibers or oag203mmANg-00083-00021128-00021278 maybe oag203mmANg-00084-00021279-00021375 but oag203mmANg-00085-00021376-00021543 i mean oag203mmANg-00086-00021544-00021678 let's go guys oag203mmANg-00087-00021679-00021822 we don't really have anything else to do oag203mmANg-00088-00021823-00022319 here oag203mmANg-00089-00022320-00022494 okay bro oag203mmANg-00090-00022495-00022678 that sounds like it's gonna go insanely oag203mmANg-00091-00022679-00022807 fast oag203mmANg-00092-00022808-00022999 let's see for ourselves now oag203mmANg-00093-00023000-00023175 here's how we track your accolades oag203mmANg-00094-00023176-00023367 everything updates automatically based oag203mmANg-00095-00023368-00023503 on what you've achieved here at horizon oag203mmANg-00096-00023504-00023735 mexico but right now all you need to oag203mmANg-00097-00023736-00023927 worry about is getting back out there oag203mmANg-00098-00023928-00024199 and doing what you do best oag203mmANg-00099-00024200-00024350 okay that is exactly what we're going to oag203mmANg-00100-00024351-00024439 do oag203mmANg-00101-00024440-00024678 i just want to see where we are hold up oag203mmANg-00102-00024679-00024999 purchase a car from the auto show oag203mmANg-00103-00025000-00025158 wow oag203mmANg-00104-00025159-00025391 bro i'm getting memories from the lego oag203mmANg-00105-00025392-00025622 speed champions dlc all over again are oag203mmANg-00106-00025623-00025783 we gonna have to like finish all of oag203mmANg-00107-00025783-00025983 these to like continue oag203mmANg-00108-00025983-00026343 it says earn 3 200 more accolades oag203mmANg-00109-00026344-00026511 okay i mean oag203mmANg-00110-00026512-00026735 let's see let's do the math guys oag203mmANg-00111-00026736-00026887 seven fifty plus two fifty that's a oag203mmANg-00112-00026888-00027039 thousand plus seven fifty one thousand oag203mmANg-00113-00027039-00027183 seven fifty plus five hundred would be oag203mmANg-00114-00027183-00027399 two thousand two hundred fifty oag203mmANg-00115-00027400-00027567 plus two fifty would be twenty five oag203mmANg-00116-00027568-00027727 hundred oag203mmANg-00117-00027727-00028102 twenty five hundred plus seven fifty uh oag203mmANg-00118-00028104-00028262 would be he oag203mmANg-00119-00028263-00028446 3250 oag203mmANg-00120-00028447-00028527 plus oag203mmANg-00121-00028527-00028783 250 would be 3500 oag203mmANg-00122-00028783-00028943 okay so i don't think that's the case oag203mmANg-00123-00028944-00029095 we're not gonna have to finish all of oag203mmANg-00124-00029095-00029223 these oag203mmANg-00125-00029224-00029383 anyways guys uh let's not worry about oag203mmANg-00126-00029383-00029607 that now like the lady said we just have oag203mmANg-00127-00029608-00029783 to worry about actually getting out oag203mmANg-00128-00029783-00030174 there so here we go oag203mmANg-00129-00030175-00030527 i can already tell this car is amazing oag203mmANg-00130-00030527-00030767 all right so let's see uh oag203mmANg-00131-00030768-00030935 okay there's a new race right here oag203mmANg-00132-00030936-00031174 horizon mexico circuit oag203mmANg-00133-00031175-00031518 oh okay this so this is we've okay uh i oag203mmANg-00134-00031519-00031862 think we're doing too many burnouts here oag203mmANg-00135-00031863-00032574 yeah this car is that fast apparently oag203mmANg-00136-00032575-00032662 okay oag203mmANg-00137-00032663-00032887 that was a unnecessary egypt let's avoid oag203mmANg-00138-00032888-00033039 that oag203mmANg-00139-00033040-00033302 okay oag203mmANg-00140-00033303-00033439 so oag203mmANg-00141-00033440-00033727 like i was saying uh there's always that oag203mmANg-00142-00033728-00034143 circuit race oag203mmANg-00143-00034144-00034351 guys so far uh i haven't told you this oag203mmANg-00144-00034352-00034735 but i think horizon mexico is amazing oag203mmANg-00145-00034736-00034855 uh oag203mmANg-00146-00034856-00035039 it already feels a bit more lively than oag203mmANg-00147-00035040-00035262 the map in horizon 4 oag203mmANg-00148-00035263-00035495 which don't get me wrong it was it was oag203mmANg-00149-00035496-00035711 pretty fun horizon 4. oag203mmANg-00150-00035712-00035879 uh it's just oag203mmANg-00151-00035880-00036079 i don't know man uh oag203mmANg-00152-00036080-00036207 i think different people have different oag203mmANg-00153-00036208-00036415 opinions i personally think horizon oag203mmANg-00154-00036416-00036679 australia and the one in horizon 3 and oag203mmANg-00155-00036680-00036862 the map now uh oag203mmANg-00156-00036863-00037574 are one of my favorites ryzen 4 was okay oag203mmANg-00157-00037575-00037687 okay oag203mmANg-00158-00037688-00038023 here we go oag203mmANg-00159-00038024-00038246 i mean oag203mmANg-00160-00038247-00038511 so how about we turn off uh oag203mmANg-00161-00038512-00038887 rewind oag203mmANg-00162-00038888-00039711 all right there we go oag203mmANg-00163-00039712-00039862 all right guys oag203mmANg-00164-00039863-00039974 here we go oag203mmANg-00165-00039975-00040327 so i have turned rewind off so oag203mmANg-00166-00040328-00040543 it's gonna be fun to see how this goes oag203mmANg-00167-00040544-00040718 and yeah we already have two people past oag203mmANg-00168-00040719-00040997 us and i can't do anything about it oag203mmANg-00169-00040998-00041727 [Music] oag203mmANg-00170-00041728-00041994 come on oag203mmANg-00171-00041995-00042583 [Music] oag203mmANg-00172-00042584-00042790 and we just passed that 720 on the oag203mmANg-00173-00042791-00042943 outside oag203mmANg-00174-00042944-00043127 it's a 720s or something right the oag203mmANg-00175-00043128-00043311 mclaren oag203mmANg-00176-00043312-00043439 all right so we're oag203mmANg-00177-00043440-00043625 already in putting position now oag203mmANg-00178-00043626-00044127 [Music] oag203mmANg-00179-00044128-00044275 please don't tell me we missed that oag203mmANg-00180-00044276-00044502 [Music] oag203mmANg-00181-00044503-00044735 we got passed by a huracan and a 720 oag203mmANg-00182-00044736-00044839 okay oag203mmANg-00183-00044840-00044967 dude we're gonna have to stop playing oag203mmANg-00184-00044968-00045699 around oag203mmANg-00185-00045700-00045839 [Music] oag203mmANg-00186-00045840-00046030 my god i don't think we're gaining oag203mmANg-00187-00046031-00046311 enough uh traction on the road oag203mmANg-00188-00046312-00046551 like our car our car you know it feels a oag203mmANg-00189-00046552-00046918 bit unstable for me i don't know why oag203mmANg-00190-00046919-00047038 yeah you see like oag203mmANg-00191-00047039-00047286 [Music] oag203mmANg-00192-00047287-00047353 look oag203mmANg-00193-00047354-00047567 [Music] oag203mmANg-00194-00047568-00048271 that guy is literally drafting us oag203mmANg-00195-00048272-00048439 probably gonna have to get better at my oag203mmANg-00196-00048440-00049097 breaking oag203mmANg-00197-00049098-00049983 [Music] oag203mmANg-00198-00049984-00050223 that was a pretty sleek oag203mmANg-00199-00050224-00050415 drift on a turn but we could have done oag203mmANg-00200-00050416-00050611 that faster in my opinion oag203mmANg-00201-00050612-00050918 [Music] oag203mmANg-00202-00050919-00051311 sorry about that guys oag203mmANg-00203-00051312-00051711 gosh dang oag203mmANg-00204-00051712-00051879 um oag203mmANg-00205-00051879-00052230 did that really backfired on us oag203mmANg-00206-00052232-00053111 [Music] oag203mmANg-00207-00053112-00053279 where our car is skidding all over the oag203mmANg-00208-00053279-00053542 place like one turn is like it's turning oag203mmANg-00209-00053544-00053886 it's like drifting oag203mmANg-00210-00053887-00054119 [Music] oag203mmANg-00211-00054120-00054303 all right oag203mmANg-00212-00054304-00054711 here we go oag203mmANg-00213-00054712-00055159 [Music] oag203mmANg-00214-00055160-00055319 okay oag203mmANg-00215-00055320-00055566 so final lap already oag203mmANg-00216-00055567-00055847 we gotta let's pass this nissan gtr here oag203mmANg-00217-00055848-00056038 nice car by the way we still haven't oag203mmANg-00218-00056039-00056287 drove one nissan gtr oag203mmANg-00219-00056288-00056630 i think we did in forza horizon 3 but oag203mmANg-00220-00056632-00056871 like we've actually never like oag203mmANg-00221-00056872-00057142 owned one or in the game obviously oag203mmANg-00222-00057144-00057335 i can't own one in real life i'm not oag203mmANg-00223-00057336-00057407 even oag203mmANg-00224-00057408-00057542 old enough oag203mmANg-00225-00057544-00057782 [Music] oag203mmANg-00226-00057783-00058023 please please oag203mmANg-00227-00058024-00058166 okay oag203mmANg-00228-00058167-00058366 that's okay second place is better than oag203mmANg-00229-00058367-00058623 third place oag203mmANg-00230-00058624-00058863 i mean oag203mmANg-00231-00058864-00059080 look oag203mmANg-00232-00059082-00059599 [Music] oag203mmANg-00233-00059600-00059823 okay bro oag203mmANg-00234-00059824-00060165 this guy's trying to pass us oag203mmANg-00235-00060166-00060494 [Music] oag203mmANg-00236-00060495-00060735 come on oag203mmANg-00237-00060736-00060966 perfect oag203mmANg-00238-00060967-00061135 all right oag203mmANg-00239-00061136-00061423 i mean it was difficult but we did it oag203mmANg-00240-00061424-00061991 guys we got first place oag203mmANg-00241-00061991-00062271 okay oag203mmANg-00242-00062272-00063230 all right oag203mmANg-00243-00063232-00063615 there we go oag203mmANg-00244-00063616-00064087 a thousand accolades oag203mmANg-00245-00064088-00064271 okay well hold up we're still in level oag203mmANg-00246-00064272-00064415 two oag203mmANg-00247-00064416-00064482 i oag203mmANg-00248-00064483-00065215 mean that's not good but okay oag203mmANg-00249-00065216-00065366 hey champ oag203mmANg-00250-00065367-00065519 we're tracking well towards our first oag203mmANg-00251-00065520-00065743 adventure keep going we're all cheering oag203mmANg-00252-00065744-00065950 for you oag203mmANg-00253-00065951-00066119 well hold up how many accolades do we oag203mmANg-00254-00066120-00066494 have so far 2200 more accolades oag203mmANg-00255-00066495-00066615 uh oag203mmANg-00256-00066616-00066838 hold up no cross country you can't do oag203mmANg-00257-00066839-00066991 okay there is oag203mmANg-00258-00066992-00067206 what do we need to get on this 205 miles oag203mmANg-00259-00067207-00067367 per oag203mmANg-00260-00067368-00067631 a speed trapper speed zone though i oag203mmANg-00261-00067632-00067950 think that's a speed trap oag203mmANg-00262-00067951-00068159 yeah okay it's a speed trap oag203mmANg-00263-00068160-00068631 205 miles per hour oag203mmANg-00264-00068632-00068831 guys we have the perfect place to do oag203mmANg-00265-00068832-00068950 that oag203mmANg-00266-00068951-00069103 i mean it's pretty easy that's probably oag203mmANg-00267-00069104-00069335 why they placed the pr stunt oag203mmANg-00268-00069336-00069703 in front of there to begin with oag203mmANg-00269-00069704-00069960 all right okay here we go oag203mmANg-00270-00069961-00070575 [Music] oag203mmANg-00271-00070576-00070687 here we go oag203mmANg-00272-00070688-00070863 205 miles per hour let's see if we can oag203mmANg-00273-00070864-00071199 do it oag203mmANg-00274-00071200-00071411 okay we're at oag203mmANg-00275-00071412-00072062 170 now oag203mmANg-00276-00072063-00073894 dude we were so close oag203mmANg-00277-00073895-00074415 sorry i just had to do the wheel spin oag203mmANg-00278-00074416-00074799 come on man i saw like 50 000 okay oag203mmANg-00279-00074800-00075487 let's call it now oag203mmANg-00280-00075488-00075726 oh discount on fast travel yeah we just oag203mmANg-00281-00075727-00075982 hit a fast travel board oag203mmANg-00282-00075983-00076094 okay um oag203mmANg-00283-00076095-00076271 [Music] oag203mmANg-00284-00076272-00077791 let's try again oag203mmANg-00285-00077792-00077982 all right guys we're starting from extra oag203mmANg-00286-00077983-00078167 farther away this time oag203mmANg-00287-00078168-00078359 there we go we're already at uh we're oag203mmANg-00288-00078360-00078519 already over 100 oag203mmANg-00289-00078520-00078735 and now we're not perfect oag203mmANg-00290-00078736-00079396 12 seconds later oag203mmANg-00291-00079397-00080879 [Music] oag203mmANg-00292-00080880-00081440 bruh oag203mmANg-00293-00081441-00082659 [Music] oag203mmANg-00294-00082660-00083143 [Music] oag203mmANg-00295-00083144-00083318 guys did we get it we got it we're at oag203mmANg-00296-00083319-00083567 206 come on man we got it it has to be oag203mmANg-00297-00083568-00083638 it oag203mmANg-00298-00083639-00083903 let's go okay oag203mmANg-00299-00083904-00084215 okay so i don't know but that took like oag203mmANg-00300-00084216-00084487 three four tries um oag203mmANg-00301-00084488-00084671 yeah apparently like the game itself oag203mmANg-00302-00084672-00084918 said like on at the bottom of the screen oag203mmANg-00303-00084919-00085118 it said it gave me a notification it's oag203mmANg-00304-00085119-00085303 it said that the ford gt is not the oag203mmANg-00305-00085304-00085550 correct car for this speed trap but oag203mmANg-00306-00085551-00085694 we still did it oag203mmANg-00307-00085695-00085862 uh hold up oag203mmANg-00308-00085863-00086079 no okay i don't want to do another oag203mmANg-00309-00086080-00086294 thing here we hold it is there anything oag203mmANg-00310-00086295-00086559 else to do you know we should do one uh oag203mmANg-00311-00086560-00086759 episode where oag203mmANg-00312-00086760-00086838 we oag203mmANg-00313-00086839-00087079 do board hunting meaning we just go oag203mmANg-00314-00087080-00087271 around the entire map oag203mmANg-00315-00087272-00087503 just breaking down all the boards so we oag203mmANg-00316-00087504-00087711 can get more xp and oag203mmANg-00317-00087712-00087799 uh oag203mmANg-00318-00087800-00087959 you know have to spend less on fast oag203mmANg-00319-00087960-00088159 traveling which i don't think is a oag203mmANg-00320-00088160-00088303 feature yet oag203mmANg-00321-00088304-00088591 i think i don't know oag203mmANg-00322-00088592-00088791 yeah but there's this map is huge again oag203mmANg-00323-00088792-00088975 it's uh us oag203mmANg-00324-00088976-00089262 it's uh one and a half oag203mmANg-00325-00089263-00089479 times bigger it's 50 percent larger than oag203mmANg-00326-00089480-00089743 the map in forza horizon 4 which is the oag203mmANg-00327-00089744-00089950 same size as the map in horizon 3 which oag203mmANg-00328-00089951-00090199 is twice the size of the map and horizon oag203mmANg-00329-00090200-00090438 2. so doing my map correctly 2 times 1.5 oag203mmANg-00330-00090439-00090575 is 3. oag203mmANg-00331-00090576-00090799 that if y'all have forza horizon 2 which oag203mmANg-00332-00090800-00091062 i used to have a long time ago on my old oag203mmANg-00333-00091063-00091343 xbox 360 which i don't have anymore oag203mmANg-00334-00091344-00091462 um oag203mmANg-00335-00091463-00091679 this map becomes bigger than the map in oag203mmANg-00336-00091680-00091871 horizon 2 which oag203mmANg-00337-00091872-00092038 is pretty cool oag203mmANg-00338-00092039-00092247 let's go to the driveway guys not the oag203mmANg-00339-00092248-00092511 driveway the strip the airstrip they oag203mmANg-00340-00092512-00092767 didn't have one or they did but it was oag203mmANg-00341-00092768-00092967 very small they they they had like a oag203mmANg-00342-00092968-00093103 really oag203mmANg-00343-00093104-00093374 small unconvenient you know inconvenient oag203mmANg-00344-00093375-00093503 i don't know if i'm convinced the word oag203mmANg-00345-00093504-00093703 inconvenient airstrip oag203mmANg-00346-00093704-00093974 in horizon four oag203mmANg-00347-00093975-00094062 which oag203mmANg-00348-00094063-00094247 um oag203mmANg-00349-00094248-00094503 yeah i i i never even went to that place oag203mmANg-00350-00094504-00094735 in the map i think oag203mmANg-00351-00094736-00094950 uh the one in horizon three i would go oag203mmANg-00352-00094951-00095311 to pretty much all the time oag203mmANg-00353-00095312-00095503 guys oag203mmANg-00354-00095504-00095718 dude it's just insane how diverse this oag203mmANg-00355-00095719-00096135 map is hold up oag203mmANg-00356-00096136-00096311 uh i think we're about to reach a dead oag203mmANg-00357-00096312-00096479 end here probably oag203mmANg-00358-00096480-00096671 come on oag203mmANg-00359-00096672-00096959 okay so there's 578 roads in this map oag203mmANg-00360-00096960-00097126 which is oag203mmANg-00361-00097127-00097271 like oag203mmANg-00362-00097272-00097535 i don't know like as a sixth and a oag203mmANg-00363-00097536-00097759 seventh or an eighth oag203mmANg-00364-00097760-00098082 bigger than the map and horizon uh oag203mmANg-00365-00098083-00098623 or okay let's just take the shortcut bro oag203mmANg-00366-00098624-00098959 all right yes we have here we are oag203mmANg-00367-00098960-00099118 deep in the mount actually not in the oag203mmANg-00368-00099119-00099343 mountains oag203mmANg-00369-00099344-00099494 but we're definitely surrounded by a ton oag203mmANg-00370-00099495-00099662 of mountains oag203mmANg-00371-00099663-00099767 okay oag203mmANg-00372-00099768-00099943 where are we in like the south oag203mmANg-00373-00099944-00100150 southwest part of the map i'm pretty oag203mmANg-00374-00100151-00100318 sure yeah oag203mmANg-00375-00100319-00100518 okay so let's just oag203mmANg-00376-00100519-00100862 let's let's gain some speed oag203mmANg-00377-00100863-00101159 so we have to go all the way back here oag203mmANg-00378-00101160-00101318 there's a cross country race that starts oag203mmANg-00379-00101319-00101415 right here oag203mmANg-00380-00101416-00101631 although can you create races like you oag203mmANg-00381-00101632-00101823 can in horizon 4 i'm pretty sure you can oag203mmANg-00382-00101824-00102023 wait hold up okay here we have another oag203mmANg-00383-00102024-00102374 board that's overboard oag203mmANg-00384-00102375-00102518 all right oag203mmANg-00385-00102519-00102934 here we go oag203mmANg-00386-00102935-00103158 let's do this oag203mmANg-00387-00103159-00103447 dude there's 250 boards in this game oag203mmANg-00388-00103448-00103742 we've only smashed six of them oag203mmANg-00389-00103743-00104247 hey we gotta we gotta up our game bro oag203mmANg-00390-00104248-00104358 okay oag203mmANg-00391-00104359-00104502 now thank god there's not really that oag203mmANg-00392-00104503-00104854 many other cars here oag203mmANg-00393-00104855-00105095 it seems like a more isolated place but oag203mmANg-00394-00105096-00105271 that's okay aren't all air strips and oag203mmANg-00395-00105272-00105654 horizon games like just isolated airways oag203mmANg-00396-00105655-00106134 didn't say we need like a thousand oag203mmANg-00397-00106135-00107078 come on oag203mmANg-00398-00107079-00107327 it's time for our first adventure and oag203mmANg-00399-00107328-00107607 another secret we've been working on oag203mmANg-00400-00107608-00108063 can't wait be there soon remy oag203mmANg-00401-00108064-00108263 oh that's us oag203mmANg-00402-00108264-00108478 okay guys so we've already unlocked our oag203mmANg-00403-00108479-00108734 next horizon adventure oag203mmANg-00404-00108735-00109356 nice oag203mmANg-00405-00109357-00109631 [Music] oag203mmANg-00406-00109632-00109990 okay guys so we are currently on our way oag203mmANg-00407-00109991-00110190 to oag203mmANg-00408-00110191-00110383 this is this gonna be like expanding the oag203mmANg-00409-00110383-00110847 festival like it was in horizon three oag203mmANg-00410-00110848-00111084 because if it is then i'm pretty excited oag203mmANg-00411-00111085-00111719 [Music] oag203mmANg-00412-00111720-00111975 we have only driven one-tenth of the oag203mmANg-00413-00111976-00112311 roads in this map apparently oag203mmANg-00414-00112313-00112502 [Music] oag203mmANg-00415-00112503-00112702 yeah one tenth of the roads there's 578 oag203mmANg-00416-00112703-00112927 roads so one tenth would be like oag203mmANg-00417-00112928-00113127 there's a board runner one tenth oag203mmANg-00418-00113128-00115247 would be like i don't know 59 58 roads oag203mmANg-00419-00115248-00115415 so guys i hope you all enjoyed the video oag203mmANg-00420-00115416-00115686 as you can see we are in a road uh in a oag203mmANg-00421-00115688-00115895 uh you know we're in an off-road vehicle oag203mmANg-00422-00115896-00116007 now oag203mmANg-00423-00116008-00116183 anyways guys oag203mmANg-00424-00116183-00116383 uh don't forget to like and subscribe if oag203mmANg-00425-00116383-00116654 you're new here on gamers4kz by the way oag203mmANg-00426-00116655-00116807 if you are new here oag203mmANg-00427-00116808-00117119 and yeah i'll see you guys next time oag203mmANg-00428-00117120-00117460 peace out oag203mmANg-00429-00117461-00118060 [Music] oag203mmANg-00430-00118061-00118423 [Music] oag203mmANg-00431-00118424-00118632 you oazumD3nd8A-00000-00003132-00004143 so we have discussed the summary of the oazumD3nd8A-00001-00004144-00004775 medium elements you need a good branch oazumD3nd8A-00002-00004776-00005111 predictor to make sure that the later oazumD3nd8A-00003-00005112-00005325 part of the pipeline works on useful oazumD3nd8A-00004-00005326-00005966 instructions and you have a good oazumD3nd8A-00005-00005967-00006150 predictor you will be fetching the wrong oazumD3nd8A-00006-00006151-00007206 instructions second element is multiple oazumD3nd8A-00007-00007206-00007398 issue you must fetch the code oazumD3nd8A-00008-00007398-00007548 selectively from what every instruction oazumD3nd8A-00009-00007548-00007863 in cycle and that's what is called a oazumD3nd8A-00010-00007864-00008466 superscalar a third element is wake up oazumD3nd8A-00011-00008467-00008681 logic so this logic is something oazumD3nd8A-00012-00008682-00009006 responsible for waking up instructions oazumD3nd8A-00013-00009007-00009216 that are waiting for Matins oazumD3nd8A-00014-00009217-00009671 so it reserves data flow and the the oazumD3nd8A-00015-00009672-00009813 implementation of the wakeup logical oazumD3nd8A-00016-00009814-00010216 isn't should be a bank of comparators oazumD3nd8A-00017-00010217-00010484 next one is selection logic which oazumD3nd8A-00018-00010485-00010756 essentially selects a subset of oazumD3nd8A-00019-00010757-00011321 instructions and two possibilities top oazumD3nd8A-00020-00011322-00011634 selection we could select in order or if oazumD3nd8A-00021-00011635-00011966 you select out of water so we look at oazumD3nd8A-00022-00011967-00012185 both of these very soon in fact we have oazumD3nd8A-00023-00012186-00012377 already looked at out of our selection oazumD3nd8A-00024-00012378-00012749 the only constraint the extra constraint oazumD3nd8A-00025-00012750-00013077 for a selection is giving a priority oazumD3nd8A-00026-00013078-00013326 I often come at right time paper well I oazumD3nd8A-00027-00013327-00013659 tell if you have decided that you design oazumD3nd8A-00028-00013660-00014066 hardware such that in a cycle maximum we oazumD3nd8A-00029-00014068-00014363 can shoot paintings drawings now it oazumD3nd8A-00030-00014365-00014487 could be possible that I have 220 oazumD3nd8A-00031-00014488-00014751 instructions right now about a selection oazumD3nd8A-00032-00014752-00014928 of course does not impose any constraint oazumD3nd8A-00033-00014929-00015144 on which instructions you can take you oazumD3nd8A-00034-00015144-00015621 can pick anything whereas in order oazumD3nd8A-00035-00015622-00015894 already gives you a restriction you have oazumD3nd8A-00036-00015894-00015978 to go anymore oazumD3nd8A-00037-00015979-00016272 you can refine it which means minute in oazumD3nd8A-00038-00016272-00016488 your twenties different instructions at oazumD3nd8A-00039-00016489-00016671 different places which are ready you oazumD3nd8A-00040-00016672-00016929 will be able to select she will soon oazumD3nd8A-00041-00016930-00017106 look at this one actually it's a oazumD3nd8A-00042-00017107-00017618 reconstruction of four components oazumD3nd8A-00043-00017619-00017907 so essentially the idea here is that the oazumD3nd8A-00044-00017908-00018063 selection logic obeys the issue oazumD3nd8A-00045-00018064-00018375 constants such as available in Step five oazumD3nd8A-00046-00018376-00018849 divorce memory divorce takes up with oazumD3nd8A-00047-00018850-00019062 just time I mentioned about these ten oazumD3nd8A-00048-00019063-00019287 instructions maximum that comes from oazumD3nd8A-00049-00019288-00019500 these constant solution because ten oazumD3nd8A-00050-00019501-00019937 instructions would possibly mean that oazumD3nd8A-00051-00019938-00020130 memory reports may be something oazumD3nd8A-00052-00020131-00020343 depending on how many of these oazumD3nd8A-00053-00020344-00020805 instructions can be and finally you have oazumD3nd8A-00054-00020806-00021485 decoupled execution and discussed for oazumD3nd8A-00055-00021486-00021800 single issue in order by place that is oazumD3nd8A-00056-00021801-00022118 you execute an instruction and then oazumD3nd8A-00057-00022119-00022761 after some time essentially as this oazumD3nd8A-00058-00022762-00023067 particular logic preserves in order oazumD3nd8A-00059-00023068-00023466 right back and store so so these are the oazumD3nd8A-00060-00023467-00023691 major elements of dynamic scheduling oazumD3nd8A-00061-00023692-00024039 that we have discussed which tries to oazumD3nd8A-00062-00024040-00024207 achieve this goal that is oazumD3nd8A-00063-00024208-00024693 CPI as oazumD3nd8A-00064-00024694-00025095 so at each stage if you feel if you oazumD3nd8A-00065-00025096-00025281 observe carefully you are introducing oazumD3nd8A-00066-00025282-00025572 certain constraints for implementation oazumD3nd8A-00067-00025573-00025785 purpose for example here you are saying oazumD3nd8A-00068-00025786-00026010 that I don't have an Oracle sorry I have oazumD3nd8A-00069-00026011-00026183 a realistic creditor who you make oazumD3nd8A-00070-00026185-00026469 mistakes sometimes that will oh that oazumD3nd8A-00071-00026470-00026777 will actually increase or CPI by so here oazumD3nd8A-00072-00026779-00026945 you are saying that I cannot really oazumD3nd8A-00073-00026947-00027302 fetch the currents and select an issue oazumD3nd8A-00074-00027304-00027539 and you find out unbounded number of oazumD3nd8A-00075-00027541-00027747 instructions I have some limited then oazumD3nd8A-00076-00027748-00028029 further reduce increase your CPR all oazumD3nd8A-00077-00028030-00028218 right here you are saying that I can oazumD3nd8A-00078-00028219-00028389 wake up are between up from instructions oazumD3nd8A-00079-00028389-00028569 but I cannot really select all of the oazumD3nd8A-00080-00028570-00028814 equation so they're also using certain oazumD3nd8A-00081-00028816-00029045 limits and here of course you are saying oazumD3nd8A-00082-00029047-00029250 that I cannot really commit another oazumD3nd8A-00083-00029251-00029562 model number of instructions so all oazumD3nd8A-00084-00029563-00029826 these take it together along with your oazumD3nd8A-00085-00029827-00031317 get up flows will give you some so these oazumD3nd8A-00086-00031318-00031439 actually I mean this description oazumD3nd8A-00087-00031441-00031620 abstracts away all the implementation oazumD3nd8A-00088-00031620-00031800 details how exactly you implement all oazumD3nd8A-00089-00031801-00032229 this is the basic algorithm ok so these oazumD3nd8A-00090-00032230-00032382 are also you have discussed so just to oazumD3nd8A-00091-00032383-00033219 recap believe it so ideally the CPI oazumD3nd8A-00092-00033220-00033411 should go down by a factor equal to oazumD3nd8A-00093-00033412-00033879 minimum of issue and coming so how many oazumD3nd8A-00094-00033880-00034059 instructions I can execute the signing oazumD3nd8A-00095-00034060-00034332 and how many structures I can go make my oazumD3nd8A-00096-00034333-00035364 cycle you know how much so actually oazumD3nd8A-00097-00035365-00035556 being full relating that is suppose you oazumD3nd8A-00098-00035557-00036872 have and so theta 2 and control focusing oazumD3nd8A-00099-00036873-00037092 also there could be structural hazards oazumD3nd8A-00100-00037093-00037418 that is insufficient functionalities and oazumD3nd8A-00101-00037419-00037608 there are 2 possible selection oazumD3nd8A-00102-00037609-00037821 algorithms the order selection on out oazumD3nd8A-00103-00037822-00037965 selection before we have already oazumD3nd8A-00104-00037966-00038157 discussed okay so let's take a look at oazumD3nd8A-00105-00038158-00039801 this one so these are simply design so oazumD3nd8A-00106-00039802-00040014 in this case what you do is you issue oazumD3nd8A-00107-00040015-00040515 the instructions sequential so you scan oazumD3nd8A-00108-00040516-00040704 the issue queue stop as soon as you come oazumD3nd8A-00109-00040705-00040842 to an instruction which cannot be oazumD3nd8A-00110-00040843-00041199 executed which could be positive oazumD3nd8A-00111-00041200-00041466 depending operands are insufficient so oazumD3nd8A-00112-00041467-00041589 here is an example let's see what's oazumD3nd8A-00113-00041590-00041862 happening here so these two are oazumD3nd8A-00114-00041863-00042090 independent instructions and let us oazumD3nd8A-00115-00042091-00042261 assume that their operands are now ready oazumD3nd8A-00116-00042262-00042963 five six this one depends on that so oazumD3nd8A-00117-00042964-00043299 it's clear that this one cannot execute oazumD3nd8A-00118-00043300-00043464 together with this one that's pretty oazumD3nd8A-00119-00043465-00044211 obvious and these two are also oazumD3nd8A-00120-00044212-00044622 independent so an out-of-order scheduler oazumD3nd8A-00121-00044623-00044829 could actually pick these four oazumD3nd8A-00122-00044830-00045209 instructions except the red one actually oazumD3nd8A-00123-00045210-00045444 and in order to do that you can actually oazumD3nd8A-00124-00045445-00045777 issue only these two insiders because it oazumD3nd8A-00125-00045778-00046269 cannot pile it up in the next cycle it oazumD3nd8A-00126-00046270-00047061 will probably pick up these three and so oazumD3nd8A-00127-00047062-00047280 you cannot issue the last two even oazumD3nd8A-00128-00047281-00047433 though they're independent of the first oazumD3nd8A-00129-00047434-00049425 so that's what you do oazumD3nd8A-00130-00049426-00050706 we got money gets in my way oazumD3nd8A-00131-00050707-00050962 but the selection logic is the logic oazumD3nd8A-00132-00050963-00051204 which picks instructions and stops at oazumD3nd8A-00133-00051205-00051755 the first rating so it's a simple logic oazumD3nd8A-00134-00051757-00053539 this one Authority so here we are oazumD3nd8A-00135-00053540-00053713 actually putting the results back to the oazumD3nd8A-00136-00053714-00054547 queue and we move our four not seven oazumD3nd8A-00137-00054548-00056462 related to instance oazumD3nd8A-00138-00056463-00057013 again oazumD3nd8A-00139-00057014-00057367 anyone yes oazumD3nd8A-00140-00057369-00057629 the butyric seems that modern issues oazumD3nd8A-00141-00057629-00059379 should oazumD3nd8A-00142-00059380-00059635 the single five minutes every single oazumD3nd8A-00143-00059636-00059890 student yes right otherwise they're on oazumD3nd8A-00144-00059891-00060468 because because talking about completion oazumD3nd8A-00145-00060469-00061264 No so it's instead of saying that in oazumD3nd8A-00146-00061265-00061951 that case whatever we know that should oazumD3nd8A-00147-00061952-00062212 that we have a single that's a simple oazumD3nd8A-00148-00062213-00062434 five six mic or whatever you know if oazumD3nd8A-00149-00062435-00063151 startled goes to say oazumD3nd8A-00150-00063152-00063681 okay okay oazumD3nd8A-00151-00063682-00063913 all right so essentially you are saying oazumD3nd8A-00152-00063914-00064322 that in the register file right port I oazumD3nd8A-00153-00064323-00064507 should have some bikini to maintain down oazumD3nd8A-00154-00064508-00064873 in which they write is that understand oazumD3nd8A-00155-00064874-00065090 for example these two is these two oazumD3nd8A-00156-00065091-00065228 instructions could be writing both two oazumD3nd8A-00157-00065229-00066710 are for I must preserve this order yes oazumD3nd8A-00158-00066711-00066890 but remember that instructions execute oazumD3nd8A-00159-00066891-00067030 in order which means if there is a oazumD3nd8A-00160-00067031-00067309 branch before it it has already executed oazumD3nd8A-00161-00067310-00067888 and I know the freedom now you can say oazumD3nd8A-00162-00067889-00070563 that I cannot execute anything oazumD3nd8A-00163-00070564-00071179 sure yes so we follow the here there oazumD3nd8A-00164-00071180-00071305 here things are much simpler because oazumD3nd8A-00165-00071306-00071581 they will go here or you know the oazumD3nd8A-00166-00071582-00072529 execution oazumD3nd8A-00167-00072530-00072785 right so you're saying that if I have a oazumD3nd8A-00168-00072786-00073028 stove in the load I cannot execute any oazumD3nd8A-00169-00073029-00073380 parallel unicycle that's what it's yes oazumD3nd8A-00170-00073381-00073624 yeah so we still have some issue oazumD3nd8A-00171-00073625-00074128 constants and you also have to maintain oazumD3nd8A-00172-00074129-00076136 register hazards okay all right so so oazumD3nd8A-00173-00076137-00076443 the pointing point here is that it's oazumD3nd8A-00174-00076444-00076784 pretty much leads you of the in order oazumD3nd8A-00175-00076785-00077140 extra pipe stage for you on account oazumD3nd8A-00176-00077141-00078226 providing to maintain certain points we oazumD3nd8A-00177-00078227-00078855 have already discussed this also so oazumD3nd8A-00178-00078856-00079450 three colors here so depends on your oazumD3nd8A-00179-00079451-00079732 test and how you see it I'll call it a oazumD3nd8A-00180-00079733-00080309 pink so the pink instructions can go in oazumD3nd8A-00181-00080310-00080696 the first cycle you can figure out why oazumD3nd8A-00182-00080697-00080980 the rest cannot go this one depends on oazumD3nd8A-00183-00080981-00081422 the load this one depends on the ad this oazumD3nd8A-00184-00081423-00081704 is independent this one depends on the oazumD3nd8A-00185-00081705-00082069 exam this is also independent this one oazumD3nd8A-00186-00082070-00082507 depends on the ad and this one depends oazumD3nd8A-00187-00082508-00083244 on the shift this one is independent so oazumD3nd8A-00188-00083245-00083605 that's that's the basic idea of a oazumD3nd8A-00189-00083606-00083917 correlation I don't care about order we oazumD3nd8A-00190-00083918-00084186 have discussed it already oazumD3nd8A-00191-00084187-00084628 the blue ones can go in the second cycle oazumD3nd8A-00192-00084629-00084890 because the black box still cannot go oazumD3nd8A-00193-00084891-00085028 because I'm single do the cash base oazumD3nd8A-00194-00085029-00085492 which is essentially oazumD3nd8A-00195-00085493-00085811 so these three instructions are oazumD3nd8A-00196-00085812-00086066 admitting instructions actually logic oazumD3nd8A-00197-00086067-00086486 instructions will complete so their oazumD3nd8A-00198-00086487-00086633 dependents can issue in the next cycle oazumD3nd8A-00199-00086634-00086855 like this one can you in the next cycle oazumD3nd8A-00200-00086856-00087035 this one can issue in the next cycle oazumD3nd8A-00201-00087036-00087331 okay so that's the second oazumD3nd8A-00202-00087332-00088055 and finally when the load completes okay oazumD3nd8A-00203-00088056-00088220 the third cycle this like this can go oazumD3nd8A-00204-00088221-00088511 now we are ready problem because both oazumD3nd8A-00205-00088512-00088988 the operands will get ready it means 20 oazumD3nd8A-00206-00088989-00089195 and 19 they come from here in here and oazumD3nd8A-00207-00089196-00089420 the finally one alert completes this oazumD3nd8A-00208-00089421-00090146 will go in the next cycle so that's the oazumD3nd8A-00209-00090147-00090389 update registers in the order specified oazumD3nd8A-00210-00090390-00092045 in this and we also discussed the oazumD3nd8A-00211-00092046-00092269 presence of this right after weed oazumD3nd8A-00212-00092270-00092597 problem which we have to worry about as oazumD3nd8A-00213-00092598-00092801 you can see here right so we said that oazumD3nd8A-00214-00092802-00092986 the shift can issue in the second cycle oazumD3nd8A-00215-00092987-00093272 but you have to be sure that it doesn't oazumD3nd8A-00216-00093273-00093482 overwrite our 19 which is being consumed oazumD3nd8A-00217-00093483-00093863 by the end instruction much later and in oazumD3nd8A-00218-00093864-00093983 order to come it solves a problem oazumD3nd8A-00219-00093984-00094337 because we make sure that 19 will not be oazumD3nd8A-00220-00094338-00094640 treated until all these instructions get oazumD3nd8A-00221-00094641-00094934 a chance to write so in order to commit oazumD3nd8A-00222-00094935-00095129 we'll make sure that first r4 is written oazumD3nd8A-00223-00095130-00095375 may not find in our 10 then after 6 oazumD3nd8A-00224-00095376-00095539 they're not oazumD3nd8A-00225-00095540-00096344 so this competing order okay but the oazumD3nd8A-00226-00096345-00096473 downside is that you need space to oazumD3nd8A-00227-00096474-00096839 barbarisms make sure that our 90 is not oazumD3nd8A-00228-00096840-00097712 made feasible okay so often called oazumD3nd8A-00229-00097713-00098405 dynamic scheduling is that you are oazumD3nd8A-00230-00098406-00098905 finding so so you can you can see this oazumD3nd8A-00231-00098906-00099395 if you go back to this list so often oazumD3nd8A-00232-00099396-00099619 this part except the branch predictor oazumD3nd8A-00233-00099620-00099896 can be used independent of what's oazumD3nd8A-00234-00099897-00100121 happening in the pigeon whether you have oazumD3nd8A-00235-00100122-00100307 predictor or not you can literally use oazumD3nd8A-00236-00100308-00100712 this part okay so so essentially you can oazumD3nd8A-00237-00100713-00101320 see that I'll keep on fetching the order oazumD3nd8A-00238-00101321-00101726 I can still do this section even without oazumD3nd8A-00239-00101727-00101966 it nothing stops me from using all this oazumD3nd8A-00240-00101967-00102248 one so that's that's the pure dynamic oazumD3nd8A-00241-00102249-00102444 should be me oazumD3nd8A-00242-00102445-00102671 as soon as you introduce a branch oazumD3nd8A-00243-00102672-00102811 predictor you are bringing in some oazumD3nd8A-00244-00102813-00102971 speculation in the pipeline you're now oazumD3nd8A-00245-00102972-00103148 saying that there are some instructions oazumD3nd8A-00246-00103149-00103391 which are speculative effaced which may oazumD3nd8A-00247-00103392-00103679 be actually on the round so eventually oazumD3nd8A-00248-00103680-00103933 the branch predictors pretty prediction oazumD3nd8A-00249-00103934-00104119 to test it and I'll get to know whether oazumD3nd8A-00250-00104120-00104290 the instructions are correct or not oazumD3nd8A-00251-00104291-00104576 so these two take it together is often oazumD3nd8A-00252-00104577-00105539 called speculative excitation so oazumD3nd8A-00253-00105540-00105701 resolved control dependences by oazumD3nd8A-00254-00105702-00105971 crediting continue execution passed oazumD3nd8A-00255-00105972-00106190 predicted branches that is not really oazumD3nd8A-00256-00106191-00106394 fetched from predicted path but also oazumD3nd8A-00257-00106395-00107042 execute them before results in some oazumD3nd8A-00258-00107043-00107222 structure this is called a reorder oazumD3nd8A-00259-00107223-00107651 buffer the processor architecture so so oazumD3nd8A-00260-00107652-00107894 active list is that are used by bits are oazumD3nd8A-00261-00107895-00108191 the edges otherwise most other processes oazumD3nd8A-00262-00108192-00108367 you see that oazumD3nd8A-00263-00108368-00108754 should be a separate structure which oazumD3nd8A-00264-00108755-00109088 which maintains the results of the oazumD3nd8A-00265-00109089-00109283 instructions and the order of the oazumD3nd8A-00266-00109283-00109649 explosions and located together they oazumD3nd8A-00267-00109650-00110198 should be weighted so here I am just oazumD3nd8A-00268-00110199-00110417 decoupling a few things when we should oazumD3nd8A-00269-00110418-00110830 put it in the simple structure Oh oazumD3nd8A-00270-00110831-00111095 so essentially decouples the value field oazumD3nd8A-00271-00111096-00111590 is typically the issue queue is oazumD3nd8A-00272-00111591-00111767 distributed among different types of oazumD3nd8A-00273-00111768-00111961 functional units these are known as oazumD3nd8A-00274-00111963-00112232 reservation stations that's what we have oazumD3nd8A-00275-00112233-00112442 discussed also eliminates unnecessary oazumD3nd8A-00276-00112443-00112667 comparisons during wake up for examples oazumD3nd8A-00277-00112668-00112841 it could now have a partition between oazumD3nd8A-00278-00112842-00113078 integer and 14-point issue queues in oazumD3nd8A-00279-00113079-00113306 detail results will broadcast only of oazumD3nd8A-00280-00113307-00113573 the ticket you the 41 mm broadcast oazumD3nd8A-00281-00113574-00113758 recording point here and so on so you oazumD3nd8A-00282-00113759-00114050 can save some comparisons because old oazumD3nd8A-00283-00114051-00114454 wall comparison is actually not needed oazumD3nd8A-00284-00114455-00114716 and finally you write or commit results oazumD3nd8A-00285-00114717-00114920 register file on memory only one oazumD3nd8A-00286-00114921-00115117 instruction comes to the top of the oazumD3nd8A-00287-00115118-00115415 Sahara visa is an acronym used for the oazumD3nd8A-00288-00115416-00115633 origami so reorder buffer is Virginia oazumD3nd8A-00289-00115634-00115933 Creeper key it maintains instructions oazumD3nd8A-00290-00115934-00116158 and it has a family which stores the oazumD3nd8A-00291-00116159-00116705 result produced by race and drain so oazumD3nd8A-00292-00116706-00116843 that's essentially that's what we have oazumD3nd8A-00293-00116844-00116900 discussed oazumD3nd8A-00294-00116901-00117104 it's just that I'm just introducing a oazumD3nd8A-00295-00117105-00117314 new structure called ROV to decouple the oazumD3nd8A-00296-00117315-00117593 benefit of this you keep distributing oazumD3nd8A-00297-00117594-00118817 they should you oazumD3nd8A-00298-00118818-00119658 hey question okay so now just one small oazumD3nd8A-00299-00119658-00119892 element that is left in this oazumD3nd8A-00300-00119893-00120057 architecture something called register oazumD3nd8A-00301-00120058-00120233 meaning where all these fields oazumD3nd8A-00302-00120234-00120458 essentially what we were doing was that oazumD3nd8A-00303-00120459-00120732 we have renaming our registers into oazumD3nd8A-00304-00120733-00121656 issue queue source so here essentially oazumD3nd8A-00305-00121657-00122015 on four will be renamed to slot ID 0 oazumD3nd8A-00306-00122016-00122309 okay our fight will be renamed to soar oazumD3nd8A-00307-00122310-00122684 anyone I can within him to start ID - oazumD3nd8A-00308-00122685-00122991 right so whenever it's thought ID 0 is oazumD3nd8A-00309-00122992-00123222 done it has the dependent source already oazumD3nd8A-00310-00123223-00123525 0 t be woken up my ponies so essentially oazumD3nd8A-00311-00123526-00123635 what I'm doing is I could actually oazumD3nd8A-00312-00123636-00123849 rewrite the instructions as follows I oazumD3nd8A-00313-00123850-00124839 could say no more IDs 0 comma 0 r 6 and oazumD3nd8A-00314-00124840-00125684 I ID 1 comma ATC 120 and so on and so oazumD3nd8A-00315-00125685-00125850 forth I can actually translate the oazumD3nd8A-00316-00125851-00126119 instructions for different entries oazumD3nd8A-00317-00126120-00126708 similarly I can say and whenever I get a oazumD3nd8A-00318-00126708-00127446 new instruction a new target is ie 1 r oazumD3nd8A-00320-00131064-00131285 the only thing to observe here is that oazumD3nd8A-00321-00131286-00131715 it's a mix of two namespaces okay some oazumD3nd8A-00322-00131716-00131823 of the names are coming from the oazumD3nd8A-00323-00131824-00132054 register architecture register some of oazumD3nd8A-00324-00132055-00132171 the names are coming from mine oazumD3nd8A-00325-00132172-00132408 you saw lights and there will be a table oazumD3nd8A-00326-00132409-00132591 we should maintain this memory for oazumD3nd8A-00327-00132592-00132798 example whenever you do this you'd say oazumD3nd8A-00328-00132799-00133002 our core is now mapped already zero okay oazumD3nd8A-00329-00133003-00133233 so the next instruction comes in we look oazumD3nd8A-00330-00133234-00133386 up the table and omit full I should oazumD3nd8A-00331-00133387-00133914 replace out to by so that's what we have oazumD3nd8A-00332-00133915-00134187 done came down and here since we have oazumD3nd8A-00333-00134188-00134442 two namespaces we have a problem that is oazumD3nd8A-00334-00134443-00134568 we need to figure out we never oazumD3nd8A-00335-00134569-00134975 instruction issues where it should be so oazumD3nd8A-00336-00134976-00135213 there are two possible places it can oazumD3nd8A-00337-00135214-00135465 read the value from so for example this oazumD3nd8A-00338-00135466-00135666 instruction would read one better from oazumD3nd8A-00339-00135667-00135897 the cubes or anyone the other resistor oazumD3nd8A-00340-00135898-00136067 mighty oazumD3nd8A-00341-00136068-00136314 and because of these two different oazumD3nd8A-00342-00136315-00137154 sources of ends let this instruction oazumD3nd8A-00343-00137155-00137385 know that for example suppose this oazumD3nd8A-00344-00137386-00137490 instruction okay oazumD3nd8A-00345-00137491-00137697 suppose this instruction issue got oazumD3nd8A-00346-00137698-00138012 delayed for some reason for some reason oazumD3nd8A-00347-00138013-00138243 whatever it may be and by the time it oazumD3nd8A-00348-00138244-00138426 issues this instruction has already come oazumD3nd8A-00349-00138427-00138657 back okay so when he tries to back it oazumD3nd8A-00350-00138658-00138792 has to tell this in structure that oh oazumD3nd8A-00351-00138793-00138984 now you should not take the value from oazumD3nd8A-00352-00138985-00139158 ID 0 you should actually take the value oazumD3nd8A-00353-00139159-00139416 from our code that has to be not changed oazumD3nd8A-00354-00139417-00139742 back ok so this becomes a huge problem oazumD3nd8A-00355-00139743-00140031 and the primary reason for this problem oazumD3nd8A-00356-00140032-00140220 is that we have two names this is big oazumD3nd8A-00357-00140221-00140968 subject we won't want these oazumD3nd8A-00358-00140969-00141272 so that's exactly what to this masters oazumD3nd8A-00359-00141273-00141590 doin that's called register renaming so oazumD3nd8A-00360-00141591-00141941 let's try to define a few terms is the oazumD3nd8A-00361-00141942-00142412 problem any question before I move on so oazumD3nd8A-00362-00142413-00142883 register is visible to the compiler for oazumD3nd8A-00363-00142884-00144890 example and there are physical registers oazumD3nd8A-00364-00144891-00145346 inside the processor usually to make oazumD3nd8A-00365-00145347-00145592 this much larger number and not visible oazumD3nd8A-00366-00145593-00145670 to combine oazumD3nd8A-00367-00145671-00145922 however the requirement is that your oazumD3nd8A-00368-00145923-00146219 physical register file size should be at oazumD3nd8A-00369-00146220-00146432 least as large as the logical register oazumD3nd8A-00370-00146433-00146801 prices so that in the minimum case you oazumD3nd8A-00371-00146802-00147617 should and that's what the processor oazumD3nd8A-00372-00147618-00147872 using for your homework activities it oazumD3nd8A-00373-00147873-00148169 has 32 logical registers we just 32 oazumD3nd8A-00374-00148170-00148931 customers there is always a fixed but oazumD3nd8A-00375-00148932-00149207 today sponsors actually have much larger oazumD3nd8A-00376-00149208-00149474 number of physical registers inside the oazumD3nd8A-00377-00149475-00149687 processor which are not visible to the oazumD3nd8A-00378-00149688-00150017 compiler and if you have that oazumD3nd8A-00379-00150018-00150209 essentially then you have to establish oazumD3nd8A-00380-00150210-00150622 the Madi and the mapping actually chains oazumD3nd8A-00381-00150623-00151058 which one is the register map 16 and oazumD3nd8A-00382-00151059-00151205 that's exactly the all that algorithm oazumD3nd8A-00383-00151206-00151673 that is really the destination logical oazumD3nd8A-00384-00151674-00151805 register of every instruction is oazumD3nd8A-00385-00151806-00151994 assigned a new physical register now oazumD3nd8A-00386-00151995-00152321 just like this instead of except except oazumD3nd8A-00387-00152322-00152693 assigning a queue slot ID and pick up a oazumD3nd8A-00388-00152694-00153067 free physical register oazumD3nd8A-00389-00153068-00153374 the dependencies attract based off the oazumD3nd8A-00390-00153375-00153553 namespace of physical registers for me oazumD3nd8A-00391-00153554-00154124 there is no no queue slot ideal space so oazumD3nd8A-00392-00154125-00154385 meeps our 10k has done is logical in 660 oazumD3nd8A-00393-00154386-00154682 port physical registers until 2004 has oazumD3nd8A-00394-00154683-00154841 eight logical and want to need physical oazumD3nd8A-00395-00154842-00155366 registers today single process so we'll oazumD3nd8A-00396-00155367-00155561 see exactly what it means to have more oazumD3nd8A-00397-00155562-00155756 physical registers why you would want oazumD3nd8A-00398-00155757-00156242 that and so on so let's revisit our last oazumD3nd8A-00399-00156243-00156469 example let's see how anything works oazumD3nd8A-00400-00156470-00156746 so let us that show that there are 64 oazumD3nd8A-00401-00156747-00157076 physical registers and this is the oazumD3nd8A-00402-00157077-00157412 currently already renamed registers so oazumD3nd8A-00403-00157413-00157949 our six currently points to 54 are 19 oazumD3nd8A-00404-00157950-00158288 points to p38 are two points to p0 our 7 oazumD3nd8A-00405-00158289-00158522 is p20 our five is three are successful oazumD3nd8A-00406-00158523-00158735 so there will be a table which will oazumD3nd8A-00407-00158736-00159026 maintain these maps so I will have a oazumD3nd8A-00408-00159027-00159236 table for MIPS I will say that we throw oazumD3nd8A-00409-00159237-00159728 into a freeze actually 31 with our 0 is oazumD3nd8A-00410-00159729-00160100 actually fixed so in this case for oazumD3nd8A-00411-00160101-00160688 example your let's see our 2 so this is oazumD3nd8A-00412-00160689-00160973 for R 2 it will basically hold 0 which oazumD3nd8A-00413-00160974-00161840 means that n etcetera so the first oazumD3nd8A-00414-00161841-00162128 instruction comes which has a target R oazumD3nd8A-00415-00162129-00162656 for which register should get so there oazumD3nd8A-00416-00162657-00163721 is a so let's suppose at 16 so our code oazumD3nd8A-00417-00163722-00164099 gets renamed to be 15 okay and then the oazumD3nd8A-00418-00164100-00164378 instruction mice that are 6 is the oazumD3nd8A-00419-00164379-00164555 source of a register so it looks up the oazumD3nd8A-00420-00164556-00164747 map table minds that are 6 is correctly oazumD3nd8A-00421-00164748-00165272 map to be 54 do this so when they oazumD3nd8A-00422-00165273-00165429 structure we finally we should oazumD3nd8A-00423-00165430-00166275 go ahead beat b54 so the next oazumD3nd8A-00424-00166276-00166671 instruction comes on for as the source oazumD3nd8A-00425-00166672-00166894 looks up the tables finds that our code oazumD3nd8A-00426-00166895-00167202 is renamed to 350 so it changes to 50 oazumD3nd8A-00427-00167203-00167588 and as I said you register to our fight oazumD3nd8A-00428-00167589-00167838 and that process continues now you can oazumD3nd8A-00429-00167839-00168090 see that the register switch Hatter of oazumD3nd8A-00430-00168091-00168918 War problem now get two different names oazumD3nd8A-00431-00168919-00169209 so this is faction will read from p38 oazumD3nd8A-00432-00169210-00169425 because at this point 119 universe map oazumD3nd8A-00433-00169426-00169674 will be circling it and here this oazumD3nd8A-00434-00169675-00170157 instruction will get a new register here oazumD3nd8A-00435-00170158-00170964 it cannot be p38 why is that it's not oazumD3nd8A-00436-00170965-00171153 over the hell are you just that p38 is oazumD3nd8A-00437-00171154-00171357 not available which has already been oazumD3nd8A-00438-00171358-00171591 allocated to erase so we will soon see oazumD3nd8A-00439-00171592-00171882 how to recycle registers so the oazumD3nd8A-00440-00171883-00172101 mechanism where why you will actually oazumD3nd8A-00441-00172102-00172432 recycle bins but currently the point is oazumD3nd8A-00442-00172433-00172657 that whenever something gets renamed to oazumD3nd8A-00443-00172658-00172803 a physical register that physical oazumD3nd8A-00444-00172804-00173121 register is occupied subsequent oazumD3nd8A-00445-00173122-00173340 instruction cannot use that rings until oazumD3nd8A-00446-00173341-00174861 please tweet and we see the basic yes oazumD3nd8A-00447-00174862-00175209 yes I assigned it to a new register say oazumD3nd8A-00448-00175210-00176522 every target right oazumD3nd8A-00449-00176523-00177036 so does this example then you that you oazumD3nd8A-00450-00177037-00178348 probably need if you have exactly same oazumD3nd8A-00451-00178349-00178976 gravity because at any point in dying oazumD3nd8A-00452-00178977-00180223 all the registers of oazumD3nd8A-00453-00180224-00180524 what exactly how it how it relates to oazumD3nd8A-00454-00180525-00180824 execution time in performance any oazumD3nd8A-00455-00180825-00181419 question of that one all right so branch oazumD3nd8A-00456-00181420-00181668 instructions don't have a target so they oazumD3nd8A-00457-00181669-00181818 don't get a new register they only oazumD3nd8A-00458-00181819-00182198 rename their sources so r19 becomes e 45 oazumD3nd8A-00459-00182199-00182585 because p45 was assigned 119 here and r oazumD3nd8A-00460-00182586-00183033 20 is taken from here which is p8r 20 oazumD3nd8A-00461-00183034-00183432 was renamed to create nothing there's no oazumD3nd8A-00462-00183433-00184170 new register assigned to branch oazumD3nd8A-00463-00184171-00184343 so this one now makes sure that oazumD3nd8A-00464-00184344-00184581 everything is a single namespace and oazumD3nd8A-00465-00184582-00184731 it's talking issues who knows where to oazumD3nd8A-00466-00184732-00185093 be from the value degrees 11 from there oazumD3nd8A-00467-00185094-00185439 so here is another example how renaming oazumD3nd8A-00468-00185440-00185619 solves the problem of write after write oazumD3nd8A-00469-00185620-00185673 hazard oazumD3nd8A-00470-00185674-00185892 so here are two instructions that write oazumD3nd8A-00471-00185893-00186198 to the same register r5 so in this oazumD3nd8A-00472-00186199-00186357 instruction are five will get renamed to oazumD3nd8A-00473-00186358-00186630 some registers a t30 and here in getting oazumD3nd8A-00474-00186631-00187164 into some other register so now they can oazumD3nd8A-00475-00187165-00187767 actually execute correctly so now it is oazumD3nd8A-00476-00187768-00187974 safe to issue them in parallel because oazumD3nd8A-00477-00187975-00188229 they are actually independent it's just oazumD3nd8A-00478-00188230-00188843 the compiler if you shorten of registers oazumD3nd8A-00479-00188844-00189138 so essentially what I'm saying here is oazumD3nd8A-00480-00189139-00189330 that well actually you could have a oazumD3nd8A-00481-00189331-00189870 question there since the compiler was oazumD3nd8A-00482-00189871-00190086 forced to do this why not expose all the oazumD3nd8A-00483-00190087-00190437 registers for the pilots in hardware oazumD3nd8A-00484-00190438-00193405 inside oazumD3nd8A-00486-00198818-00198982 you don't need to know but you can oazumD3nd8A-00487-00198983-00199132 expect in a compiler which I think we've oazumD3nd8A-00488-00199133-00199888 already given more races oazumD3nd8A-00489-00199889-00200064 yeah they still be their dependencies oazumD3nd8A-00490-00200065-00200218 this is not guarantee that all they oazumD3nd8A-00491-00200219-00200422 needed was inquiry but where we should oazumD3nd8A-00492-00200423-00200589 be soloing number of that it doesn't oazumD3nd8A-00495-00209830-00210013 fight this problem processors are to a oazumD3nd8A-00496-00210014-00210676 meeting site okay oazumD3nd8A-00497-00210677-00210867 although although I was mentioned oazumD3nd8A-00498-00210869-00211198 actually AME to Kirk took an interesting oazumD3nd8A-00499-00211198-00212137 step when they designed octave so of oazumD3nd8A-00500-00212138-00212508 course if they came with a rider that if oazumD3nd8A-00501-00212509-00213289 you want to make use of these so they oazumD3nd8A-00502-00213290-00213796 are oazumD3nd8A-00503-00213798-00214169 okay all right so register renaming oazumD3nd8A-00504-00214169-00214376 maintains a map table that records oazumD3nd8A-00505-00214377-00214582 logical register to physical register oazumD3nd8A-00506-00214583-00214903 map after an instruction is decoded it's oazumD3nd8A-00507-00214904-00215066 logical this is two numbers in available oazumD3nd8A-00508-00215067-00215288 the rename or groups of the map table to oazumD3nd8A-00509-00215289-00215441 find mapping for the logical source oazumD3nd8A-00510-00215442-00215671 registers of this instruction besides a oazumD3nd8A-00511-00215673-00215789 three physical register to the oazumD3nd8A-00512-00215790-00216783 destination logical register oazumD3nd8A-00513-00216784-00217030 so these are my pipeline stages oazumD3nd8A-00514-00217031-00217246 I'm not saying really that each stage is oazumD3nd8A-00515-00217248-00217717 a cycle so fetch decode then rename oazumD3nd8A-00516-00217719-00217973 allocate so in the rename allocate stage oazumD3nd8A-00517-00217973-00218578 you rename your logical registers we oazumD3nd8A-00518-00218579-00218785 allocate our OB entry we have the issue oazumD3nd8A-00519-00218786-00219092 queue entries then you do a selection oazumD3nd8A-00520-00219092-00219596 issue then you read the register file so oazumD3nd8A-00521-00219596-00219827 when you read this you read the physical oazumD3nd8A-00522-00219828-00220277 registers execute the cup before you oazumD3nd8A-00523-00220278-00220625 made it and commit which would come to oazumD3nd8A-00524-00220626-00220771 this particular stage because now the oazumD3nd8A-00525-00220773-00220906 question is what we stain is really oazumD3nd8A-00526-00220907-00221141 between this previously we are actually oazumD3nd8A-00527-00221142-00221344 copy values from hobby to the register oazumD3nd8A-00528-00221346-00221564 file now that the wheel is gone because oazumD3nd8A-00529-00221565-00222805 I can execute because so you see what oazumD3nd8A-00530-00222806-00223214 that protocol states does so fetch oazumD3nd8A-00531-00223215-00223492 decode rename allocate in order stages oazumD3nd8A-00532-00223492-00223763 each handles multiple instructions every oazumD3nd8A-00533-00223764-00223948 cycle meaning that here you go oazumD3nd8A-00534-00223950-00224171 sequentially french part of instructions oazumD3nd8A-00535-00224171-00224305 because all of them oazumD3nd8A-00536-00224306-00225067 rename all of the select issue register oazumD3nd8A-00537-00225069-00225302 file read execution oazumD3nd8A-00538-00225303-00225714 memory oazumD3nd8A-00539-00225715-00225884 execute instructions as and when they oazumD3nd8A-00540-00225885-00226067 become ratings you don't have to open oazumD3nd8A-00541-00226069-00226416 our an instruction directly updates the oazumD3nd8A-00542-00226417-00226631 destination register file destination oazumD3nd8A-00543-00226632-00226778 physical register contents or oazumD3nd8A-00544-00226779-00226985 competition doesn't wait till comment oazumD3nd8A-00545-00226986-00227198 will soon argue that this is tight oazumD3nd8A-00546-00227198-00227400 although intuitively it is correct oazumD3nd8A-00547-00227401-00227546 because every structure gets a new oazumD3nd8A-00548-00227548-00227763 physical register there is no question oazumD3nd8A-00549-00227764-00228671 of yeah so out of order instant update oazumD3nd8A-00550-00228673-00228902 that happens that you know and in the oazumD3nd8A-00551-00228903-00229127 prabhu why is it so we should come to oazumD3nd8A-00552-00229128-00229571 that point and retire is again in order oazumD3nd8A-00553-00229573-00229725 so why are you okay so these are oazumD3nd8A-00554-00229726-00229948 technical term of a new small so meet oazumD3nd8A-00555-00229950-00230273 three times which means that it was born oazumD3nd8A-00556-00230275-00230957 we were stretched so retirees again in oazumD3nd8A-00557-00230958-00231171 order but multiple instructions may oazumD3nd8A-00558-00231171-00231567 retire each cycle and register right oazumD3nd8A-00559-00231567-00231891 back is not part of the same it happens oazumD3nd8A-00560-00231892-00232628 as part of when an instruction issues oazumD3nd8A-00561-00232629-00232829 with podcasts is destination physical oazumD3nd8A-00562-00232830-00233016 which is 22 all instructions initiatives oazumD3nd8A-00563-00233017-00233373 and that's essentially the way so every oazumD3nd8A-00564-00233373-00233523 instruction will compare its source will oazumD3nd8A-00565-00233523-00234182 be the registers when this instruction oazumD3nd8A-00566-00234183-00234446 issues it will broadcast oazumD3nd8A-00567-00234446-00234860 p-52 all the instructions and this guy oazumD3nd8A-00568-00234861-00235473 will have a match and we know that this oazumD3nd8A-00569-00235473-00236250 gives similarly when this instruction oazumD3nd8A-00570-00236251-00236771 issues will broadcast t-62 okay and this oazumD3nd8A-00571-00236773-00236964 instruction will magic source and we oazumD3nd8A-00572-00236965-00237107 wake up and know that next type oazumD3nd8A-00573-00237108-00238000 indicator so that's how the wake up oazumD3nd8A-00574-00238001-00238753 any question oazumD3nd8A-00575-00238754-00239128 so it's register renaming what does oazumD3nd8A-00576-00239129-00239316 speculative execution on the flight oazumD3nd8A-00577-00239317-00239587 company it is much simpler because there oazumD3nd8A-00578-00239588-00239746 is no need to transfer values from oazumD3nd8A-00579-00239746-00240091 arrows each register file in fact no oazumD3nd8A-00580-00240092-00241221 computed value stores branches update oazumD3nd8A-00581-00241223-00241494 predictors branch target buffers and oazumD3nd8A-00582-00241496-00241975 reduce tax kill the instructions just oazumD3nd8A-00583-00241976-00242125 drain up so these are the instructions oazumD3nd8A-00584-00242126-00242373 stand on the wrong path later discovered oazumD3nd8A-00585-00242373-00242653 because of misprediction so we just get oazumD3nd8A-00586-00242654-00242908 bit Marcus killed and we will just oazumD3nd8A-00587-00242909-00243541 remove also stores right to my body at oazumD3nd8A-00588-00243542-00243759 this time stork you are speculative oazumD3nd8A-00589-00243760-00244009 store buffer holds the value so remember oazumD3nd8A-00590-00244010-00244159 that we say that we distribute very oazumD3nd8A-00591-00244160-00244615 Shuki we do so memory subsystem we get oazumD3nd8A-00592-00244616-00244884 to issue keys one is a load Q other one oazumD3nd8A-00593-00244885-00245140 in the store so the low D structures oazumD3nd8A-00594-00245141-00245353 will go into load key store instruction oazumD3nd8A-00595-00245354-00245623 we do story and the stork you will also oazumD3nd8A-00596-00245623-00246064 have the dam that it needs to store so oazumD3nd8A-00597-00246065-00246210 when the store comes to the head of the oazumD3nd8A-00598-00246211-00246448 ROV the value will be moved from you oazumD3nd8A-00599-00246448-00246979 store you to them and finally nerubian oazumD3nd8A-00600-00246980-00247279 trees recycled so that it can now be oazumD3nd8A-00601-00247280-00247746 reused and remember that the issue queue oazumD3nd8A-00602-00247748-00247923 entries are recycled with instruction oazumD3nd8A-00603-00247925-00249056 issues so they recycle oazumD3nd8A-00605-00255594-00255865 branch misprediction recovery which to oazumD3nd8A-00606-00255866-00256035 restore the register map so we are oazumD3nd8A-00607-00256036-00257148 talked about this you just rest on the oazumD3nd8A-00608-00257149-00257448 metal in addition to marking all the oazumD3nd8A-00609-00257449-00257638 instructions were on by the skin so oazumD3nd8A-00610-00257639-00258142 these are these instructions branches oazumD3nd8A-00611-00258142-00258294 were going through renaming checkpoint oazumD3nd8A-00612-00258296-00258603 the register map remember that these are oazumD3nd8A-00613-00258604-00258951 lots of matters oazumD3nd8A-00614-00258952-00259524 so here for examples why this branching oazumD3nd8A-00615-00259525-00259881 structure shows up when it is renamed it oazumD3nd8A-00616-00259882-00260127 with only checkpoint the map map meaning oazumD3nd8A-00617-00260128-00260376 that it remembers that at this point of oazumD3nd8A-00618-00260377-00260415 time oazumD3nd8A-00619-00260416-00260965 r19 was holding the map 245 are 27 was oazumD3nd8A-00620-00260966-00261306 43:19 and so what is the value of P 45 oazumD3nd8A-00621-00261307-00261994 is not so we soon our new white is oazumD3nd8A-00622-00261994-00262125 correct because it's not very long is oazumD3nd8A-00623-00262126-00262495 that that we're not checkpoint in the oazumD3nd8A-00624-00262496-00262693 band what we fortified we already oazumD3nd8A-00625-00262694-00262867 checked pointing the map that are 19 oazumD3nd8A-00626-00262868-00263177 corresponds to P 45 so could it be that oazumD3nd8A-00627-00263178-00264258 some instruction actually the only oazumD3nd8A-00628-00264259-00264426 observation here to make is white is oazumD3nd8A-00629-00264427-00264712 correct is that any instruction that oazumD3nd8A-00630-00264713-00264868 comes there suppose that this branch was oazumD3nd8A-00631-00264869-00265219 actually misguided any instruction that oazumD3nd8A-00632-00265220-00265533 comes after the branch will not be oazumD3nd8A-00633-00265534-00266188 allocated so P 45 can only be operated oazumD3nd8A-00634-00266189-00266713 by this instruction else so you don't oazumD3nd8A-00635-00266714-00267183 need to check point the values say again oazumD3nd8A-00636-00267184-00267439 of course we are continuously getting oazumD3nd8A-00637-00267440-00267825 visited option that is which recycles oazumD3nd8A-00638-00267826-00268042 registers in the same way we come to oazumD3nd8A-00639-00268043-00268102 that oazumD3nd8A-00640-00268103-00268816 exactly oazumD3nd8A-00641-00268817-00269379 okay oazumD3nd8A-00642-00269380-00269604 so this one the implication of this is oazumD3nd8A-00643-00269605-00269829 that this will also talked about limits oazumD3nd8A-00644-00269830-00270549 the number of outstanding Sciences also oazumD3nd8A-00645-00270550-00270789 can accommodate 100 checkpoints then you oazumD3nd8A-00646-00270790-00270894 process should be able to support oazumD3nd8A-00647-00270895-00271196 hundred and resolve outstanding charges oazumD3nd8A-00648-00271197-00271572 usually the number is much more if you oazumD3nd8A-00649-00271573-00273823 can so any question okay last point oazumD3nd8A-00650-00273824-00274189 so once you write three p15 well get oazumD3nd8A-00651-00274190-00274749 another instruction you sleepy oazumD3nd8A-00652-00274750-00275104 well EDI has finished do I know that oazumD3nd8A-00653-00275105-00276253 there is no instruction in future so I oazumD3nd8A-00654-00276254-00277507 say okay so you are saying that if there oazumD3nd8A-00655-00277508-00277681 is an instruction which rights to are oazumD3nd8A-00656-00277682-00279533 for Wendy so an instruction now that's oazumD3nd8A-00657-00279534-00280797 see only starter contracts okay all oazumD3nd8A-00658-00280798-00281022 right so so socially what is saying is oazumD3nd8A-00659-00281023-00281366 that let's suppose an instruction here oazumD3nd8A-00660-00281367-00281532 rights to r4 oazumD3nd8A-00661-00281533-00281721 all right so at that time our food will oazumD3nd8A-00662-00281722-00282122 be given a new map which is some ways oazumD3nd8A-00663-00282123-00282372 whatever whichever register is P at that oazumD3nd8A-00664-00282373-00282636 point and he's saying that when this oazumD3nd8A-00665-00282637-00282851 instruction finally commits and oazumD3nd8A-00666-00282852-00283223 guaranteed that P 15 can be recycled oazumD3nd8A-00667-00283224-00283493 which makes sense because from now on oazumD3nd8A-00668-00283494-00283856 our fourth has a new committed name oazumD3nd8A-00669-00283857-00284310 whatever was assigned here so our 4350 oazumD3nd8A-00670-00284311-00284616 map now must expire and I should be able oazumD3nd8A-00671-00284617-00284844 to reuse me to keep bought some other oazumD3nd8A-00672-00284845-00286715 things make sense oazumD3nd8A-00673-00286716-00287097 right right oazumD3nd8A-00674-00287098-00287381 it's not such a performance why it is oazumD3nd8A-00675-00287382-00288257 concentrate you see how I really cannot oazumD3nd8A-00676-00288258-00290311 see the future oazumD3nd8A-00678-00294144-00296993 path here oazumD3nd8A-00679-00296994-00297444 No there you see so are you suggesting oazumD3nd8A-00680-00297445-00297822 is that when Wendy see structural issues oazumD3nd8A-00681-00297823-00298124 use broadcast p15 so all the oazumD3nd8A-00682-00298125-00298242 instructions waiting in the issue queue oazumD3nd8A-00683-00298243-00300575 we will cop there and actually so yeah oazumD3nd8A-00684-00300576-00300948 so as such we saw Denise ago which is oazumD3nd8A-00685-00300949-00301175 what this muscle actually do what here oazumD3nd8A-00686-00301176-00301523 suggested we wait until our for is over oazumD3nd8A-00687-00301524-00301848 to and that instruction 22 weeks I know oazumD3nd8A-00688-00301849-00302016 that the new mayor has been committed oazumD3nd8A-00689-00302017-00302712 so I kept now 350 now the easy way to do oazumD3nd8A-00690-00302713-00302964 that so so how do you really implement oazumD3nd8A-00691-00302965-00303198 it that's not the question is and the oazumD3nd8A-00692-00303199-00303335 difficulty is that when this instruction oazumD3nd8A-00693-00303336-00303618 Cubby's you cannot really say that well oazumD3nd8A-00694-00303619-00303819 I look up the map table and find out oazumD3nd8A-00695-00303820-00303980 what our formats to and I feel at oazumD3nd8A-00696-00303981-00304634 register by the time these instruction oazumD3nd8A-00697-00304635-00304815 commits there may be many more oazumD3nd8A-00698-00304816-00304989 instructions the pipeline which already oazumD3nd8A-00699-00304990-00305313 have a warrant enough so how do you oazumD3nd8A-00700-00305314-00305723 defeat me how to find out that we 15 is oazumD3nd8A-00701-00305724-00305924 a one to be freed when this instruction oazumD3nd8A-00702-00305925-00306734 finally commits oazumD3nd8A-00703-00306735-00306986 yes exactly so you remember in the ROV oazumD3nd8A-00704-00306987-00307306 so when you rename this instruction you oazumD3nd8A-00705-00307307-00307580 when you assign are for at you map you oazumD3nd8A-00706-00307581-00307766 look up the table there then find like oazumD3nd8A-00707-00307767-00307988 or4 now maps to be 15s expires oazumD3nd8A-00708-00307989-00308399 it's just remember 15 you get when you oazumD3nd8A-00709-00308400-00309077 finally commit okay so that's my oazumD3nd8A-00710-00309078-00309443 register recycling them so now it should oazumD3nd8A-00711-00309444-00309650 tell you why I don't need to check point oazumD3nd8A-00712-00309651-00309989 values for branches because there is no oazumD3nd8A-00713-00309990-00310286 way p45 is going to be freed okay going oazumD3nd8A-00714-00310287-00310445 to be reassigned before this branch oazumD3nd8A-00715-00310446-00310691 Kuwait's because any instruction that oazumD3nd8A-00716-00310692-00310877 overrides p45 will have to come later oazumD3nd8A-00717-00310878-00312016 and we cannot commutation okay so the oazumD3nd8A-00718-00312017-00312239 physical registers the pipeline stalls oazumD3nd8A-00719-00312240-00312409 until at least one registers away them oazumD3nd8A-00720-00312410-00312703 so physical registers must be recycled oazumD3nd8A-00721-00312704-00312914 when is it safe to free up the second oazumD3nd8A-00722-00312915-00313109 register we have just discussed oazumD3nd8A-00723-00313110-00313319 what about wrong path instructions so oazumD3nd8A-00724-00313320-00314354 yeah this one right so here are 12 bits oazumD3nd8A-00725-00314355-00314834 map to be 59 and the pipeline's continue oazumD3nd8A-00726-00314835-00315023 is moving eventually you figure out that oazumD3nd8A-00727-00315024-00315188 this branch will miss predicted which oazumD3nd8A-00728-00315189-00315368 means this instruction should not have oazumD3nd8A-00729-00315369-00316697 been fetched so now what we do with P 59 oazumD3nd8A-00730-00316698-00317015 now does everybody see that as soon as oazumD3nd8A-00731-00317016-00317308 this instruction comes to a canid are we oazumD3nd8A-00732-00317309-00317506 in the Kiehl's state of course I can oazumD3nd8A-00733-00317507-00317690 feed me 59 immediately because weeks oazumD3nd8A-00734-00317691-00318148 actually are not committed back okay oazumD3nd8A-00735-00318149-00318440 because whatever Daniel that was food in oazumD3nd8A-00736-00318441-00319865 59 to the garbage so more physical oazumD3nd8A-00737-00319866-00320138 registers means boring like instructions oazumD3nd8A-00738-00320139-00320353 that should be not cleared because as oazumD3nd8A-00739-00320354-00320525 soon as I am out of registers like oazumD3nd8A-00740-00320526-00320837 pipelines has to stop so if I have more oazumD3nd8A-00741-00320838-00321095 registers I can keep on renaming oazumD3nd8A-00742-00321096-00321358 registers and it will keep on moving my oazumD3nd8A-00743-00321359-00321650 pipeline right and that also opens up oazumD3nd8A-00744-00321651-00322691 possibilities but cannot make the oazumD3nd8A-00745-00322692-00322841 register file very big because there are oazumD3nd8A-00746-00322842-00324024 downsides oazumD3nd8A-00747-00324025-00324250 bigger and bigger it's going to be oazumD3nd8A-00748-00324251-00324807 slower and slower so you start using CPI oazumD3nd8A-00749-00324808-00325742 and also it burns power what is the is oazumD3nd8A-00750-00325743-00325909 there a relationship between are we sign oazumD3nd8A-00751-00325910-00326401 register poisons so okay so today oazumD3nd8A-00752-00326402-00326546 register file size means the number of oazumD3nd8A-00754-00330877-00331649 right oazumD3nd8A-00755-00331650-00332140 right oazumD3nd8A-00756-00332141-00333630 yes oazumD3nd8A-00757-00333631-00333901 if all the instructions have the same oazumD3nd8A-00758-00333902-00334794 destination register recycling business oazumD3nd8A-00759-00334795-00335057 the worst case would actually be that oazumD3nd8A-00760-00335058-00335305 all right fine so what are suggesting so oazumD3nd8A-00761-00335306-00336163 less that equal what is it you're saying oazumD3nd8A-00762-00336164-00336415 that you're right so you're saying that oazumD3nd8A-00763-00336416-00336615 as many physical registers I have I oazumD3nd8A-00764-00336616-00336841 could shoot you to rename those many oazumD3nd8A-00765-00336842-00337059 instruments so which way is that you oazumD3nd8A-00766-00337060-00337515 coordinate what make sense sorry oazumD3nd8A-00767-00337516-00337888 necessary put yes because if I have a oazumD3nd8A-00768-00337889-00338122 bigger our OB some of the slots will oazumD3nd8A-00769-00338123-00339517 remain can I tie to this oazumD3nd8A-00770-00339518-00341216 but I have to oazumD3nd8A-00772-00347751-00347919 we are saying that there are two oazumD3nd8A-00774-00351008-00353200 what instruction that by then you have oazumD3nd8A-00775-00353201-00355208 always I should be all saying is that oazumD3nd8A-00776-00355209-00355925 the physical instance of the Eastern oazumD3nd8A-00777-00355926-00356110 five size should be greater than n okay oazumD3nd8A-00778-00356111-00356327 so we have that we have already oazumD3nd8A-00779-00356328-00356495 discussed right that our excise should oazumD3nd8A-00780-00356496-00356651 be another equal to n plus one oazumD3nd8A-00781-00356652-00357113 wait for word promise so can somebody oazumD3nd8A-00782-00357114-00358620 put in on some side oazumD3nd8A-00783-00358621-00359193 can I just say like this aina always oazumD3nd8A-00784-00359194-00359678 occupied whatever I have left odT6FEE8kT4-00000-00000128-00000634 saw ah Khmer pronunciation saw also such odT6FEE8kT4-00001-00000635-00000904 is an endangered nearly extinct Parekh odT6FEE8kT4-00002-00000905-00001181 language of Cambodia and Thailand spoken odT6FEE8kT4-00003-00001182-00001394 only occasionally by a decreasing number odT6FEE8kT4-00004-00001395-00001739 of older adults there are two dialects odT6FEE8kT4-00005-00001739-00002032 once spoken in viel Ren village prainha odT6FEE8kT4-00006-00002034-00002300 district sihanoukville province formerly odT6FEE8kT4-00007-00002301-00002552 known as Kampong some province cambodia odT6FEE8kT4-00008-00002553-00002819 and the other in kanchanaburi province odT6FEE8kT4-00009-00002820-00003331 thailand saw ah is the khmer exonym for odT6FEE8kT4-00010-00003332-00003545 the people in the language the sock odT6FEE8kT4-00011-00003546-00003861 however consider this label which means odT6FEE8kT4-00012-00003862-00004327 scarlet fever or pimply in Khmer odT6FEE8kT4-00013-00004328-00004684 pejorative and used the Onam Chung sock odT6FEE8kT4-00014-00004685-00004891 teeth to refer to themselves in their odT6FEE8kT4-00015-00004892-00005263 language odT6FEE8kT4-00016-00005264-00005834 classification saw Ock is an odT6FEE8kT4-00017-00005835-00006086 austroasiatic language within the odT6FEE8kT4-00018-00006087-00006428 austroasiatic family saw hawk is a odT6FEE8kT4-00019-00006429-00006605 member of the Parekh languages a odT6FEE8kT4-00020-00006606-00006794 subgroup consisting of a handful of odT6FEE8kT4-00021-00006795-00007028 dying languages including Suey Pere odT6FEE8kT4-00022-00007029-00007250 Chong and Samra spoken by small numbers odT6FEE8kT4-00023-00007251-00007487 of ethnic minorities living mostly in odT6FEE8kT4-00024-00007488-00007720 far western Cambodia and adjacent areas odT6FEE8kT4-00025-00007722-00007961 of Thailand in traditional odT6FEE8kT4-00026-00007962-00008198 classifications the Parekh languages are odT6FEE8kT4-00027-00008199-00008417 most closely related to Khmer dialects odT6FEE8kT4-00028-00008418-00008630 but more conservative schemes place the odT6FEE8kT4-00029-00008631-00008834 Parekh subfamily on a level equally odT6FEE8kT4-00030-00008835-00008981 distant from all the branches of odT6FEE8kT4-00031-00008982-00009244 austroasiatic odT6FEE8kT4-00032-00009245-00009872 history and geographical range after the odT6FEE8kT4-00033-00009873-00010049 breakup of the Khmer Empire the odT6FEE8kT4-00034-00010050-00010268 Cambodian central government was weak in odT6FEE8kT4-00035-00010269-00010460 neighboring Thailand and Vietnam vied odT6FEE8kT4-00036-00010461-00010763 for Cambodian territory during this time odT6FEE8kT4-00037-00010764-00010982 the sawed-off maintained a odT6FEE8kT4-00038-00010983-00011108 semi-autonomous odT6FEE8kT4-00039-00011109-00011324 territory centered on veal Ren in odT6FEE8kT4-00040-00011325-00011674 Kampung si om modern-day sihanoukville odT6FEE8kT4-00041-00011675-00012026 according to saw awk oral history they odT6FEE8kT4-00042-00012027-00012221 prospered along the coast protected by odT6FEE8kT4-00043-00012222-00012395 their fortified settlement of banteay odT6FEE8kT4-00044-00012396-00012725 prey however in the 1830s during the odT6FEE8kT4-00045-00012726-00012974 Siamese Vietnamese war for Cambodia the odT6FEE8kT4-00046-00012975-00013247 Thai army defeated the saw Aachen took odT6FEE8kT4-00047-00013247-00013490 many prisoners of war back to Thailand odT6FEE8kT4-00048-00013491-00013672 where they were forced to resettle in odT6FEE8kT4-00049-00013674-00013901 kanchanaburi province along the tiber odT6FEE8kT4-00050-00013902-00014210 mieze border this resulted in two odT6FEE8kT4-00051-00014211-00014480 disparate communities of saw hoc odT6FEE8kT4-00052-00014481-00014696 speakers separated by some 800 odT6FEE8kT4-00053-00014697-00014926 kilometers odT6FEE8kT4-00054-00014927-00015118 the defeat and dispersal of the odT6FEE8kT4-00055-00015119-00015436 sawed-off led to a drastic decline in odT6FEE8kT4-00056-00015437-00015802 the use of the language the saw Aachen odT6FEE8kT4-00057-00015803-00016003 Cambodia remained along the coast of odT6FEE8kT4-00058-00016004-00016219 Kampong sa om living in their own odT6FEE8kT4-00059-00016219-00016516 villages such as Long Lane the dialect odT6FEE8kT4-00060-00016517-00016708 that continued to evolve in Cambodia odT6FEE8kT4-00061-00016709-00017005 survived because the saw Ock were to odT6FEE8kT4-00062-00017006-00017257 stay isolated from Cambodians even odT6FEE8kT4-00063-00017258-00017482 through the colonial era until the Khmer odT6FEE8kT4-00064-00017483-00017716 Rouge rule of Cambodia when the vast odT6FEE8kT4-00065-00017717-00017989 majority were either killed or relocated odT6FEE8kT4-00066-00017990-00018169 and forced to live among khmer x' odT6FEE8kT4-00067-00018170-00018508 the saw aachen thailand were first odT6FEE8kT4-00068-00018509-00018712 resettled in the sisa wat district of odT6FEE8kT4-00069-00018713-00018883 kanchanaburi province in their own odT6FEE8kT4-00070-00018884-00019195 villages along the kwai yai River their odT6FEE8kT4-00071-00019196-00019450 dialect evolved in relative isolation in odT6FEE8kT4-00072-00019451-00019720 the fertile valley for almost 140 years odT6FEE8kT4-00073-00019721-00019894 until construction of the sea knocker odT6FEE8kT4-00074-00019895-00020104 and dam which completed in 1980 odT6FEE8kT4-00075-00020105-00020371 permanently inundated the valley in odT6FEE8kT4-00076-00020372-00020593 making preparations for the dam the Thai odT6FEE8kT4-00077-00020594-00020851 government again forced the saw ock to odT6FEE8kT4-00078-00020852-00021082 relocate this time to the gravelly hills odT6FEE8kT4-00079-00021083-00021358 above the new reservoir in their new odT6FEE8kT4-00080-00021359-00021598 villages which were now mixed with Karen odT6FEE8kT4-00081-00021599-00022075 khmu and tie the saw ox suddenly became odT6FEE8kT4-00082-00022076-00022258 minorities resulting in declining odT6FEE8kT4-00083-00022259-00022485 language use in favour of Thai odT6FEE8kT4-00084-00022486-00022804 additionally young saw her leaving the odT6FEE8kT4-00085-00022805-00023053 relatively barren isolated region to odT6FEE8kT4-00086-00023054-00023293 find work causing an additional decline odT6FEE8kT4-00087-00023294-00023617 in language use a paper published in odT6FEE8kT4-00088-00023618-00023893 2009 reported that use of the Chung odT6FEE8kT4-00089-00023894-00024112 language in Thailand was only found odT6FEE8kT4-00090-00024113-00024352 among older generations remaining in the odT6FEE8kT4-00091-00024353-00024598 village and a few small children left in odT6FEE8kT4-00092-00024599-00024964 their care both groups of saw hop called odT6FEE8kT4-00093-00024965-00025144 their language simply Chung to odT6FEE8kT4-00094-00025145-00025321 differentiate the two dialects odT6FEE8kT4-00095-00025322-00025540 researchers have arbitrarily designated odT6FEE8kT4-00096-00025541-00025891 the dialect found in Cambodia Chung Yul odT6FEE8kT4-00097-00025892-00026431 and that of Thailand Chung yuy Yul and odT6FEE8kT4-00098-00026432-00027067 Yui being their respective words for sky odT6FEE8kT4-00099-00027068-00027743 phonology saw och employs a phonemic odT6FEE8kT4-00100-00027744-00028016 inventory typical of modern Hmong Khmer odT6FEE8kT4-00101-00028017-00028187 languages and along with the other odT6FEE8kT4-00102-00028188-00028447 parrot languages show some phonological odT6FEE8kT4-00103-00028448-00028700 influences from the late middle Khmer of odT6FEE8kT4-00104-00028701-00029033 the 17th century like most of the other odT6FEE8kT4-00105-00029033-00029288 austroasiatic languages outside of odT6FEE8kT4-00106-00029289-00029699 Vietnam saw hock is not a tonal language odT6FEE8kT4-00107-00029700-00029963 however also similar to the other parrot odT6FEE8kT4-00108-00029964-00030206 languages sock is marked by an unusual odT6FEE8kT4-00109-00030207-00030439 four-way contrast two vocal register or odT6FEE8kT4-00110-00030441-00030795 phonation in its vowel system odT6FEE8kT4-00111-00030797-00031361 consonants sock has 21 consonant odT6FEE8kT4-00112-00031362-00031586 phonemes they are listed in table form odT6FEE8kT4-00113-00031587-00031787 below odT6FEE8kT4-00114-00031788-00032430 bowels sawed off contrasts 9 vowel odT6FEE8kT4-00115-00032431-00032661 qualities which can be either short or odT6FEE8kT4-00116-00032662-00032942 long yielding a total of 18 valve on odT6FEE8kT4-00117-00032943-00033258 eames diphthongs do not occur in native odT6FEE8kT4-00118-00033259-00033596 saw awkward's but the diphthongs I and odT6FEE8kT4-00119-00033597-00033858 you may be found in loanwords from Thai odT6FEE8kT4-00120-00033859-00034305 and Khmer the vowels of sakaar odT6FEE8kT4-00121-00034306-00034818 phonation similar to other modern and odT6FEE8kT4-00122-00034819-00035073 historical austroasiatic languages such odT6FEE8kT4-00123-00035074-00035349 as middle khmer western dialects of khmu odT6FEE8kT4-00124-00035350-00035556 and the monic and Cotuit languages odT6FEE8kT4-00125-00035557-00035859 sawed-off employs a system of phonemic odT6FEE8kT4-00126-00035860-00036078 register in which words contrasts odT6FEE8kT4-00127-00036079-00036282 according to their phonation or voice odT6FEE8kT4-00128-00036283-00036648 quality however unlike these languages odT6FEE8kT4-00129-00036649-00036921 which mostly display a two-way contrast odT6FEE8kT4-00130-00036922-00037274 eg between clear and breathy voice saw odT6FEE8kT4-00131-00037275-00037590 awk and other parrot languages contrast odT6FEE8kT4-00132-00037591-00037821 for different voice qualities in a tonal odT6FEE8kT4-00133-00037822-00038046 language an entire syllable carries the odT6FEE8kT4-00134-00038047-00038415 tone but in register languages phonation odT6FEE8kT4-00135-00038416-00038667 is manifested only on the vowels the odT6FEE8kT4-00136-00038668-00038871 four voice qualities in sauk and their odT6FEE8kT4-00137-00038872-00039111 transcriptions using the base vowel as odT6FEE8kT4-00138-00039112-00039357 an example or clear voice a creaky voice odT6FEE8kT4-00139-00039358-00039886 a breathy voice and breathy creaky voice odT6FEE8kT4-00140-00039887-00040601 references furnace michel 2011 toward odT6FEE8kT4-00141-00040602-00040859 pro tip eric problems and historical odT6FEE8kT4-00142-00040860-00041204 implications mon khmer studies journal odT6FEE8kT4-00143-00041205-00041468 mon khmer studies special issue number 2 odT6FEE8kT4-00144-00041469-00041780 austroasiatic studies papers from ica al odT6FEE8kT4-00145-00041781-00042342 for retrieve the 30th of november 2015 odT6FEE8kT4-00146-00042343-00042882 Headly RK jr. 1985 Ratana cool s Edie odT6FEE8kT4-00147-00042883-00043164 protip Eric and the classification of odT6FEE8kT4-00148-00043165-00043515 Perak Southeast Asian linguistic studies odT6FEE8kT4-00149-00043516-00043755 presented to Aundre G hound record odT6FEE8kT4-00150-00043756-00043977 Institute of language and culture for odT6FEE8kT4-00151-00043978-00044328 rural development Mahidol University odT6FEE8kT4-00152-00044329-00044797 Huffman Franklin 1985 Ratana cool s ed odT6FEE8kT4-00153-00044798-00045199 the phonology of cheong Southeast Asian odT6FEE8kT4-00154-00045200-00045412 linguistic studies presented to Andre odT6FEE8kT4-00155-00045413-00045679 gee how'd record Institute of language odT6FEE8kT4-00156-00045680-00045810 and culture for rural development odT6FEE8kT4-00157-00045811-00046107 Mahidol University odT6FEE8kT4-00158-00046108-00046574 it's ara choose read 2009 Chung sock of odT6FEE8kT4-00159-00046575-00046739 Thailand in Cambodia odT6FEE8kT4-00160-00046740-00047196 phonological and lexical comparisons PDF odT6FEE8kT4-00161-00047197-00047523 Mon Khmer studies journal 38 retrieved odT6FEE8kT4-00162-00047524-00048038 the 29th of November 2015 odT6FEE8kT4-00163-00048039-00048323 notes of_Rt8La9H4-00000-00000014-00000305 this article examines trends and of_Rt8La9H4-00001-00000306-00000482 developments in science and technology of_Rt8La9H4-00002-00000483-00001094 in Malawi topic socio-economic context of_Rt8La9H4-00003-00001095-00001265 one of the poorest countries in the of_Rt8La9H4-00004-00001266-00001331 world of_Rt8La9H4-00005-00001332-00001603 Malawi nevertheless spends 1% of its of_Rt8La9H4-00006-00001604-00001922 gross domestic product GDP on research of_Rt8La9H4-00007-00001923-00002204 and development R&D one of the highest of_Rt8La9H4-00008-00002205-00002359 ratios in Africa of_Rt8La9H4-00009-00002360-00002642 even if R&D spending remains low in real of_Rt8La9H4-00010-00002643-00002996 terms malawi thus has the potential to of_Rt8La9H4-00011-00002997-00003220 harness science technology and of_Rt8La9H4-00012-00003221-00003434 innovation to reducing poverty and of_Rt8La9H4-00013-00003435-00003688 diversifying its agriculture dependent of_Rt8La9H4-00014-00003689-00004006 economy the challenge will be to attract of_Rt8La9H4-00015-00004007-00004244 sufficient foreign direct investment FDI of_Rt8La9H4-00016-00004245-00004522 to foster technology transfer and of_Rt8La9H4-00017-00004523-00004756 empower the private sector to serve as of_Rt8La9H4-00018-00004757-00004981 an engine of economic growth having of_Rt8La9H4-00019-00004982-00005234 enjoyed stable democratic government for of_Rt8La9H4-00020-00005235-00005368 the past two decades of_Rt8La9H4-00021-00005369-00005552 ever since the introduction of a of_Rt8La9H4-00022-00005553-00005924 multi-party system in 1994 the country of_Rt8La9H4-00023-00005925-00006167 is a potentially reassuring destination of_Rt8La9H4-00024-00006168-00006493 for foreign investors the government has of_Rt8La9H4-00025-00006494-00006731 recently begun reforming its financial of_Rt8La9H4-00026-00006731-00006980 management system and has put a series of_Rt8La9H4-00027-00006981-00007226 of fiscal incentives in place to attract of_Rt8La9H4-00028-00007227-00007537 foreign investors the country has also of_Rt8La9H4-00029-00007538-00007774 introduced a series of policy of_Rt8La9H4-00030-00007775-00008071 instruments to promote FDI including tax of_Rt8La9H4-00031-00008072-00008309 incentives and the Malawi Innovation of_Rt8La9H4-00032-00008310-00008519 Challenge Fund for private businesses of_Rt8La9H4-00033-00008520-00008738 which nurtures productive partnerships of_Rt8La9H4-00034-00008739-00008981 between leading firms and poor producers of_Rt8La9H4-00035-00008982-00009302 and entrepreneurs the need for research of_Rt8La9H4-00036-00009303-00009566 and services is enormous in a country of_Rt8La9H4-00037-00009567-00009881 where 93% of the population still lacks of_Rt8La9H4-00038-00009882-00010181 access to electricity 47 percent of_Rt8La9H4-00039-00010182-00010396 improved sanitation and one in four of_Rt8La9H4-00040-00010397-00010637 adults lacks any form of family planning of_Rt8La9H4-00041-00010638-00011063 over the decade from 2003 to 2013 the of_Rt8La9H4-00042-00011064-00011396 economy grew annually by 5.6 percent on of_Rt8La9H4-00043-00011397-00011624 average making it the sixth fastest of_Rt8La9H4-00044-00011625-00011816 growing economy in the southern African of_Rt8La9H4-00045-00011817-00012341 Development Community SADC between 2009 of_Rt8La9H4-00046-00012342-00012745 and 2013 GDP per capita rose by six of_Rt8La9H4-00047-00012746-00012958 percent from seven hundred and thirteen of_Rt8La9H4-00048-00012959-00013175 dollars to seven hundred and fifty five of_Rt8La9H4-00049-00013176-00013424 dollars in purchasing power power of_Rt8La9H4-00050-00013425-00013789 it is projected that between 2015 and of_Rt8La9H4-00051-00013790-00014135 2019 annual growth in real GDP will of_Rt8La9H4-00052-00014136-00014618 range from 5% to 6% Malawi's ratio of of_Rt8La9H4-00053-00014619-00014875 donor funding to capital formation rose of_Rt8La9H4-00054-00014876-00015205 considerably over the period 2007 to of_Rt8La9H4-00055-00015206-00015575 2012 the African continent plans to of_Rt8La9H4-00056-00015576-00015833 create an African economic community by of_Rt8La9H4-00057-00015834-00016108 2028 which would be built on the main of_Rt8La9H4-00058-00016109-00016369 regional economic communities including of_Rt8La9H4-00059-00016370-00016775 the SADC Malawi has one of the lowest of_Rt8La9H4-00060-00016776-00017078 levels of human development in the SADC of_Rt8La9H4-00061-00017079-00017258 but is also one of three African of_Rt8La9H4-00062-00017259-00017458 countries that have been making of_Rt8La9H4-00063-00017459-00017666 especially impressive progress for of_Rt8La9H4-00064-00017667-00017869 several Millennium Development Goals of_Rt8La9H4-00065-00017870-00018158 along with Gambia and Rwanda including of_Rt8La9H4-00066-00018159-00018355 with regard to primary school net of_Rt8La9H4-00067-00018356-00018772 enrollment 83% in 2009 and gender parity of_Rt8La9H4-00068-00018773-00019000 which has been achieved at primary of_Rt8La9H4-00069-00019001-00019199 school level enrolment in higher of_Rt8La9H4-00070-00019200-00019447 education is struggling to keep up with of_Rt8La9H4-00071-00019448-00019811 rapid population growth despite a slight of_Rt8La9H4-00072-00019812-00020153 improvement only 0.8 1% of the age of_Rt8La9H4-00073-00020154-00020417 cohort was enrolled in university by of_Rt8La9H4-00074-00020418-00020809 2011 moreover although the number of of_Rt8La9H4-00075-00020810-00020999 students choosing to study abroad of_Rt8La9H4-00076-00021000-00021478 increased by 56% between 1999 and 2012 of_Rt8La9H4-00077-00021479-00021781 their proportion decreased from 26% to of_Rt8La9H4-00078-00021782-00022237 18% over the same period malawi devoted of_Rt8La9H4-00079-00022238-00022687 5.4 percent of GDP to education in 2011 of_Rt8La9H4-00080-00022688-00023119 of this 1.4 percent of GDP went to of_Rt8La9H4-00081-00023120-00023555 funding higher education between 2006 of_Rt8La9H4-00082-00023556-00023830 and 2012 the number of students enrolled of_Rt8La9H4-00083-00023831-00024089 in higher education almost doubled to of_Rt8La9H4-00084-00024090-00024777 twelve thousand two hundred and three of_Rt8La9H4-00085-00024778-00025078 topic an economy dependent on of_Rt8La9H4-00086-00025079-00025693 agriculture the economy of Malawi is of_Rt8La9H4-00087-00025694-00025981 predominantly agricultural over 80 of_Rt8La9H4-00088-00025982-00026239 percent of the population is engaged in of_Rt8La9H4-00089-00026239-00026433 subsistence farming even though of_Rt8La9H4-00090-00026435-00026716 agriculture only contributes to 27 of_Rt8La9H4-00091-00026717-00027061 percent of GDP the services sector of_Rt8La9H4-00092-00027062-00027408 accounts for more than half of GDP 54 of_Rt8La9H4-00093-00027410-00027639 percent compared to 11 percent for of_Rt8La9H4-00094-00027639-00027858 manufacturing and 8 percent for other of_Rt8La9H4-00095-00027860-00028081 industries including natural uranium of_Rt8La9H4-00096-00028082-00028441 mining Malawi invests more in of_Rt8La9H4-00097-00028442-00028750 agriculture as a share of GDP than any of_Rt8La9H4-00098-00028751-00029116 other African country 28% of GDP of_Rt8La9H4-00099-00029117-00029410 agriculture accounts for 90% of export of_Rt8La9H4-00100-00029411-00029767 revenue the three most important export of_Rt8La9H4-00101-00029768-00030045 crops a tobacco tea and sugarcane with of_Rt8La9H4-00102-00030047-00030283 the tobacco sector alone accounting for of_Rt8La9H4-00103-00030283-00030670 half of exports moreover most products of_Rt8La9H4-00104-00030670-00030922 are exported in a raw or semi processed of_Rt8La9H4-00105-00030923-00031261 State tobacco accounts for half of the of_Rt8La9H4-00106-00031262-00031567 country's exports 50% natural uranium of_Rt8La9H4-00107-00031568-00031825 and its compounds for a further 10 of_Rt8La9H4-00108-00031826-00032092 percent in raw sugarcane for 8% the of_Rt8La9H4-00109-00032093-00032299 government's attempt to diversify the of_Rt8La9H4-00110-00032300-00032500 agriculture sector and move up the of_Rt8La9H4-00111-00032501-00032758 global value chain have been seriously of_Rt8La9H4-00112-00032758-00032995 constrained by poor infrastructure and of_Rt8La9H4-00113-00032996-00033244 inadequately trained workforce in a weak of_Rt8La9H4-00114-00033245-00033829 business climate of_Rt8La9H4-00115-00033830-00034464 topic national export strategy of_Rt8La9H4-00116-00034465-00034785 in 2013 the government adopted a of_Rt8La9H4-00117-00034786-00035061 national export strategy to diversify of_Rt8La9H4-00118-00035062-00035370 the country's exports production of_Rt8La9H4-00119-00035371-00035583 facilities are to be established for a of_Rt8La9H4-00120-00035584-00035799 wide range of products within the three of_Rt8La9H4-00121-00035800-00036036 selected clusters oil seed products of_Rt8La9H4-00122-00036037-00036408 sugarcane products and manufacturing the of_Rt8La9H4-00123-00036409-00036615 government estimates that these three of_Rt8La9H4-00124-00036616-00036843 clusters have the potential to represent of_Rt8La9H4-00125-00036844-00037118 more than 50 percent of Malawi's exports of_Rt8La9H4-00126-00037119-00037560 by 2027 in order to help companies adopt of_Rt8La9H4-00127-00037561-00037790 innovative practices and technologies of_Rt8La9H4-00128-00037791-00038034 the strategy makes provision for greater of_Rt8La9H4-00129-00038035-00038271 access to the outcome of international of_Rt8La9H4-00130-00038272-00038493 research and better information about of_Rt8La9H4-00131-00038494-00038667 available technologies of_Rt8La9H4-00132-00038668-00038910 it also helps companies to obtain grants of_Rt8La9H4-00133-00038911-00039137 to invest in such technologies from of_Rt8La9H4-00134-00039138-00039368 sources such as the country's export of_Rt8La9H4-00135-00039369-00039546 Development Fund and the Malawi of_Rt8La9H4-00136-00039547-00040208 Innovation Challenge Fund of_Rt8La9H4-00137-00040209-00040539 topic fiscal incentives to attract of_Rt8La9H4-00138-00040540-00040971 foreign investors of_Rt8La9H4-00139-00040972-00041232 Malawi is conscious of the need to of_Rt8La9H4-00140-00041233-00041514 attract more FDI to foster technology of_Rt8La9H4-00141-00041515-00041772 transfer develop human capital and of_Rt8La9H4-00142-00041773-00041970 empower the private sector to drive of_Rt8La9H4-00143-00041971-00042336 economic growth FDI has been growing of_Rt8La9H4-00144-00042337-00042651 since 2011 thanks to a government reform of_Rt8La9H4-00145-00042652-00042888 of the financial management system and of_Rt8La9H4-00146-00042889-00043065 the adoption of an economic recovery of_Rt8La9H4-00147-00043066-00043560 plan FDI in Malawi amounted to 3.2 of_Rt8La9H4-00148-00043561-00044055 percent of GDP in 2013 in 2012 the of_Rt8La9H4-00149-00044056-00044382 majority of investors came from China 46 of_Rt8La9H4-00150-00044383-00044706 percent and the UK 46 percent with most of_Rt8La9H4-00151-00044707-00045063 FDI inflows going to infrastructure 62 of_Rt8La9H4-00152-00045064-00045419 percent and the energy sector 33 percent of_Rt8La9H4-00153-00045420-00045702 the government has introduced a series of_Rt8La9H4-00154-00045703-00045957 of fiscal incentives to attract foreign of_Rt8La9H4-00155-00045958-00046398 investors including tax breaks in 2013 of_Rt8La9H4-00156-00046399-00046662 the Malawi investment and trade center of_Rt8La9H4-00157-00046663-00046847 put together an investment portfolio of_Rt8La9H4-00158-00046848-00047163 spanning 20 companies in the country six of_Rt8La9H4-00159-00047164-00047549 major economic growth sectors namely of_Rt8La9H4-00160-00047550-00048054 agriculture manufacturing energy of_Rt8La9H4-00161-00048055-00048615 bioenergy mobile electricity tourism eco of_Rt8La9H4-00162-00048616-00048971 lodges infrastructure wastewater of_Rt8La9H4-00163-00048972-00049396 services fiber-optic cables etc and of_Rt8La9H4-00164-00049397-00049960 mining of_Rt8La9H4-00165-00049961-00050572 topic Malawi Innovation Challenge fund of_Rt8La9H4-00166-00050573-00050924 the Malawi Innovation Challenge Fund is of_Rt8La9H4-00167-00050925-00051131 a competitive facility through which of_Rt8La9H4-00168-00051132-00051391 businesses in Malawi zag racquel and of_Rt8La9H4-00169-00051392-00051620 manufacturing sectors can apply for of_Rt8La9H4-00170-00051621-00051839 grant funding for innovative projects of_Rt8La9H4-00171-00051840-00052025 with potential for making a strong of_Rt8La9H4-00172-00052026-00052291 social impact and helping the country to of_Rt8La9H4-00173-00052292-00052573 diversify its narrow range of exports of_Rt8La9H4-00174-00052574-00052859 the first round of competitive bidding of_Rt8La9H4-00175-00052860-00053195 opened in April 2014 the fund is aligned of_Rt8La9H4-00176-00053196-00053408 on the three clusters selected within of_Rt8La9H4-00177-00053409-00053645 the country's national export strategy of_Rt8La9H4-00178-00053646-00053939 oil seed products sugarcane products and of_Rt8La9H4-00179-00053940-00054266 manufacturing it provides a matching of_Rt8La9H4-00180-00054266-00054503 grant of up to 50% to innovative of_Rt8La9H4-00181-00054504-00054749 business projects to help absorb some of of_Rt8La9H4-00182-00054750-00054935 the commercial risk in triggering of_Rt8La9H4-00183-00054936-00055247 innovation this support should speed up of_Rt8La9H4-00184-00055248-00055475 the implementation of new business of_Rt8La9H4-00185-00055476-00055646 models and all the adoption of of_Rt8La9H4-00186-00055647-00055853 technologies the fund is endowed with of_Rt8La9H4-00187-00055854-00056084 eight million dollars from the United of_Rt8La9H4-00188-00056085-00056341 Nations Development Programme and the UK of_Rt8La9H4-00189-00056342-00057087 Department for International Development of_Rt8La9H4-00190-00057088-00057397 topic investment in research and of_Rt8La9H4-00191-00057398-00057988 development despite being one of the of_Rt8La9H4-00192-00057989-00058234 poorest countries in the world malawi of_Rt8La9H4-00193-00058235-00058621 devoted 1.06 percent of GDP to gerd in of_Rt8La9H4-00194-00058622-00058876 2010 according to a survey by the of_Rt8La9H4-00195-00058877-00059154 Department of Science and Technology one of_Rt8La9H4-00196-00059155-00059476 of the highest ratios in Africa this of_Rt8La9H4-00197-00059477-00059742 corresponds to 7 dollars and 80 cents of_Rt8La9H4-00198-00059744-00059979 per researcher in current purchasing of_Rt8La9H4-00199-00059980-00060354 parity dollars in 2010 Malawi counted of_Rt8La9H4-00200-00060354-00060646 123 researchers in head counts per of_Rt8La9H4-00201-00060647-00060895 million inhabitants a median number for of_Rt8La9H4-00202-00060896-00061213 southern Africa this was a higher ratio of_Rt8La9H4-00203-00061214-00061498 than the average for sub-saharan Africa of_Rt8La9H4-00204-00061499-00061738 as a whole ninety-one researchers per of_Rt8La9H4-00205-00061739-00062098 million inhabitants in Malawi one in of_Rt8La9H4-00206-00062099-00062341 five researchers were women in 2010 of_Rt8La9H4-00207-00062341-00062620 Malawi is considered as having a viable of_Rt8La9H4-00208-00062621-00062998 national innovation system status of of_Rt8La9H4-00209-00062999-00063214 national innovation systems in the of_Rt8La9H4-00210-00063215-00063454 southern Africa development community in of_Rt8La9H4-00211-00063454-00063745 2015 in terms of their potential to of_Rt8La9H4-00212-00063746-00064138 survive grow and evolve source of table of_Rt8La9H4-00213-00064139-00064273 umbrella crimer of_Rt8La9H4-00214-00064274-00064645 erika and scary mario 2015 Southern of_Rt8La9H4-00215-00064646-00065067 Africa in UNESCO science report towards of_Rt8La9H4-00216-00065069-00066007 2030 UNESCO Paris table 20 point 5 of_Rt8La9H4-00217-00066008-00066659 topic scientific productivity of_Rt8La9H4-00218-00066660-00067040 in 2014 malawian scientists had the of_Rt8La9H4-00219-00067041-00067289 third-largest output in southern Africa of_Rt8La9H4-00220-00067290-00067514 in terms of articles catalogued in of_Rt8La9H4-00221-00067515-00067876 international journals they published of_Rt8La9H4-00222-00067877-00068195 322 articles in Thomson Reuters web of of_Rt8La9H4-00223-00068196-00068513 science science Citation Index expanded of_Rt8La9H4-00224-00068514-00068752 that year almost tripled the number in of_Rt8La9H4-00225-00068753-00069497 2005 116 only South Africa 9000 309 and of_Rt8La9H4-00226-00069498-00069875 the United Republic of Tanzania 770 of_Rt8La9H4-00227-00069876-00070277 published more Malawian scientists of_Rt8La9H4-00228-00070278-00070487 published more in mainstream journals of_Rt8La9H4-00229-00070488-00070793 relative to GDP than any other country of_Rt8La9H4-00230-00070794-00071138 of a similar population size this is of_Rt8La9H4-00231-00071139-00071333 impressive even if the country's of_Rt8La9H4-00232-00071334-00071585 publication density remains modest with of_Rt8La9H4-00233-00071586-00071834 just 19 publications per million of_Rt8La9H4-00234-00071835-00072068 inhabitants catalogued in international of_Rt8La9H4-00235-00072069-00072344 journals in 2014 according to Thomson of_Rt8La9H4-00236-00072345-00072641 Reuters web of science science Citation of_Rt8La9H4-00237-00072642-00072989 Index expanded this compares with six of_Rt8La9H4-00238-00072990-00073256 for Mozambique 15 for the United of_Rt8La9H4-00239-00073257-00073637 Republic of Tanzania 20 for Swaziland 21 of_Rt8La9H4-00240-00073638-00073733 for Zimbabwe of_Rt8La9H4-00241-00073734-00074228 59 for Namibia 71 for Mauritius 103 for of_Rt8La9H4-00242-00074229-00074720 Botswana 103 and 364 for South Africa of_Rt8La9H4-00243-00074721-00075119 between 2008 and 2014 scientists from of_Rt8La9H4-00244-00075120-00075338 Malawi collaborated most with their of_Rt8La9H4-00245-00075339-00075587 peers from the United States of America of_Rt8La9H4-00246-00075588-00075884 followed by the UK South Africa and X of_Rt8La9H4-00247-00075885-00076073 acquire Kenya and the Netherlands of_Rt8La9H4-00248-00076074-00076277 according to Thomson Reuters web of of_Rt8La9H4-00249-00076278-00076851 science of_Rt8La9H4-00250-00076852-00077866 topic Science and Technology Policy of_Rt8La9H4-00251-00077867-00078506 topic science policy revision of_Rt8La9H4-00252-00078507-00078792 Malawi's first science and technology of_Rt8La9H4-00253-00078793-00079277 policy from 1991 was revised in 2002 of_Rt8La9H4-00254-00079278-00079662 despite being approved the 2002 policy of_Rt8La9H4-00255-00079663-00079896 has not been fully implemented largely of_Rt8La9H4-00256-00079897-00080118 due to the lack of an implementation of_Rt8La9H4-00257-00080119-00080376 plan and an uncoordinated approach to of_Rt8La9H4-00258-00080377-00080769 STI this policy has been under revision of_Rt8La9H4-00259-00080770-00081024 in recent years with UNESCO assistance of_Rt8La9H4-00260-00081025-00081294 to realign its focus and approaches with of_Rt8La9H4-00261-00081295-00081516 the second malawi growth and development of_Rt8La9H4-00262-00081517-00081800 strategy 2013 and with international of_Rt8La9H4-00263-00081801-00082130 instruments to which malawi is a party of_Rt8La9H4-00264-00082131-00082365 the National Science and Technology of_Rt8La9H4-00265-00082366-00082701 Policy of 2002 envisaged the of_Rt8La9H4-00266-00082702-00082926 establishment of a National Commission of_Rt8La9H4-00267-00082927-00083178 for Science and Technology to advise the of_Rt8La9H4-00268-00083179-00083379 government and other stakeholders on of_Rt8La9H4-00269-00083380-00083636 science and technology lead development of_Rt8La9H4-00270-00083637-00083949 although the Science and Technology Act of_Rt8La9H4-00271-00083950-00084276 of 2003 made provision for the creation of_Rt8La9H4-00272-00084277-00084474 of this Commission it only became of_Rt8La9H4-00273-00084475-00084801 operational in 2011 with a secretariat of_Rt8La9H4-00274-00084802-00084969 resulting from the merger of the of_Rt8La9H4-00275-00084970-00085209 Department of Science and Technology in of_Rt8La9H4-00276-00085210-00085494 the National Research Council the of_Rt8La9H4-00277-00085495-00085839 Science and Technology Act of 2003 also of_Rt8La9H4-00278-00085840-00086088 established a Science and Technology of_Rt8La9H4-00279-00086089-00086322 Fund to finance research and studies of_Rt8La9H4-00280-00086323-00086535 through government grants and loans but of_Rt8La9H4-00281-00086536-00086918 as of 2014 it was not yet operational of_Rt8La9H4-00282-00086919-00087189 the secretariat of the National of_Rt8La9H4-00283-00087190-00087411 Commission for Science and Technology of_Rt8La9H4-00284-00087412-00087653 reviewed the strategic plan for science of_Rt8La9H4-00285-00087654-00088020 technology and innovation 2011 to 2015 of_Rt8La9H4-00286-00088021-00088272 but as of early 2015 of_Rt8La9H4-00287-00088273-00088533 the revised policy had not yet met with of_Rt8La9H4-00288-00088534-00089117 cabinet approval of_Rt8La9H4-00289-00089118-00089475 topic achievements stemming from policy of_Rt8La9H4-00290-00089476-00089914 implementation of_Rt8La9H4-00291-00089915-00090172 among the notable achievements stemming of_Rt8La9H4-00292-00090173-00090349 from the implementation of national of_Rt8La9H4-00293-00090350-00090634 policies for science technology and of_Rt8La9H4-00294-00090635-00090957 innovation in recent years of the of_Rt8La9H4-00295-00090958-00091267 establishment in 2012 of the Malawi of_Rt8La9H4-00296-00091268-00091528 University of Science and Technology in of_Rt8La9H4-00297-00091529-00091777 the Longway University of Agriculture of_Rt8La9H4-00298-00091778-00092101 and natural resources l ua n AR to build of_Rt8La9H4-00299-00092102-00092554 STI capacity l ua n AR was deer linked of_Rt8La9H4-00300-00092555-00092869 from the University of Malawi this of_Rt8La9H4-00301-00092870-00093109 brings the number of public universities of_Rt8La9H4-00302-00093110-00093379 to fall with the University of Malawi of_Rt8La9H4-00303-00093380-00093769 and Mizzou zoo University improvement in of_Rt8La9H4-00304-00093770-00094030 biomedical research capacity through the of_Rt8La9H4-00305-00094031-00094218 five-year health research capacity of_Rt8La9H4-00306-00094219-00094566 strengthening initiative 2008 to 2013 of_Rt8La9H4-00307-00094567-00094846 awarding research grants and competitive of_Rt8La9H4-00308-00094847-00095134 scholarships at PhD masters and first of_Rt8La9H4-00309-00095135-00095389 degree levels supported by the UK of_Rt8La9H4-00310-00095390-00095839 Wellcome Trust and dfid strides made in of_Rt8La9H4-00311-00095840-00096094 conducting cotton confined field trials of_Rt8La9H4-00312-00096095-00096334 with support from the u.s. program for of_Rt8La9H4-00313-00096335-00096484 biosafety systems of_Rt8La9H4-00314-00096485-00096961 Monsanto and Lu a n AR introduction of of_Rt8La9H4-00315-00096962-00097225 ethanol fuel is an alternative fuel to of_Rt8La9H4-00316-00097226-00097411 petrol and the adoption of ethanol of_Rt8La9H4-00317-00097412-00097789 technology launched of the information of_Rt8La9H4-00318-00097790-00098137 and communication technology ICT policy of_Rt8La9H4-00319-00098138-00098467 for Malawi in December 2013 to drive the of_Rt8La9H4-00320-00098468-00098755 deployment of ICTs in all economic and of_Rt8La9H4-00321-00098756-00099001 productive sectors and improve ICT of_Rt8La9H4-00322-00099002-00099229 infrastructure in rural areas especially of_Rt8La9H4-00323-00099230-00099511 via the establishment of tele centres of_Rt8La9H4-00324-00099512-00099850 and a review of secondary school of_Rt8La9H4-00325-00099851-00100558 curricula in 2013 of_Rt8La9H4-00326-00100559-00100913 topic regional policy framework for of_Rt8La9H4-00327-00100914-00101405 science and technology of_Rt8La9H4-00328-00101406-00101777 Malawi is not one of four SADC countries of_Rt8La9H4-00329-00101778-00102080 which had ratified the SADC protocol on of_Rt8La9H4-00330-00102081-00102443 science technology and innovation 2008 of_Rt8La9H4-00331-00102444-00102983 by 2015 10 of the 15 sadc countries must of_Rt8La9H4-00332-00102983-00103234 ratify the protocol for it to enter into of_Rt8La9H4-00333-00103235-00103459 force but by 2015 of_Rt8La9H4-00334-00103460-00103778 only Botswana Mauritius Mozambique and of_Rt8La9H4-00335-00103779-00104132 South Africa had done so the protocol of_Rt8La9H4-00336-00104133-00104380 promotes legal and political cooperation of_Rt8La9H4-00337-00104381-00104686 it stresses the importance of Science of_Rt8La9H4-00338-00104688-00104954 and Technology for achieving sustainable of_Rt8La9H4-00339-00104955-00105230 and equitable socio-economic growth and of_Rt8La9H4-00340-00105231-00105518 poverty eradication two primary policy of_Rt8La9H4-00341-00105519-00105776 documents operationalized the SADC of_Rt8La9H4-00342-00105777-00106133 treaty 1992 the regional indicative of_Rt8La9H4-00343-00106133-00106483 strategic development plan for 2005 to of_Rt8La9H4-00344-00106484-00106841 2020 adopted in 2003 and the strategic of_Rt8La9H4-00345-00106842-00107303 indicative plan for the organ 2004 the of_Rt8La9H4-00346-00107304-00107504 regional indicative strategic of_Rt8La9H4-00347-00107505-00107864 development plan for 2005 to 2020 of_Rt8La9H4-00348-00107865-00108131 identifies the region's 12 priority of_Rt8La9H4-00349-00108132-00108332 areas for both SEK toriel and of_Rt8La9H4-00350-00108333-00108559 cross-cutting intervention mapping out of_Rt8La9H4-00351-00108560-00108791 goals and setting up concrete targets of_Rt8La9H4-00352-00108792-00109186 for each the 4sec toriel areas are trade of_Rt8La9H4-00353-00109188-00109390 and economic liberalisation of_Rt8La9H4-00354-00109391-00109664 infrastructure sustainable food security of_Rt8La9H4-00355-00109665-00110003 and human and Social Development the of_Rt8La9H4-00356-00110004-00110460 eight cross-cutting areas are poverty of_Rt8La9H4-00357-00110461-00110945 combating the hiv/aids pandemic gender of_Rt8La9H4-00358-00110946-00111364 equality Science and Technology of_Rt8La9H4-00359-00111365-00111634 information and communication of_Rt8La9H4-00360-00111635-00112073 technologies ICT s environment and of_Rt8La9H4-00361-00112074-00112445 sustainable development private sector of_Rt8La9H4-00362-00112446-00112829 development and statistics targets of_Rt8La9H4-00363-00112830-00113107 include ensuring of_Rt8La9H4-00364-00113108-00113407 50% of decision-making positions in the of_Rt8La9H4-00365-00113408-00113825 public sector are held by women by 2015 of_Rt8La9H4-00366-00113826-00114114 raising gross domestic expenditure on of_Rt8La9H4-00367-00114115-00114370 research and development GERD - at least of_Rt8La9H4-00368-00114371-00114779 1% of GDP by 2015 of_Rt8La9H4-00369-00114780-00115035 increasing inter-regional trade - at of_Rt8La9H4-00370-00115036-00115498 least 35% of total SADC trade by 2008 of_Rt8La9H4-00371-00115499-00115977 10% in 2008 increasing the share of of_Rt8La9H4-00372-00115978-00116556 manufacturing to 25% of GDP by 2015 and of_Rt8La9H4-00373-00116557-00116877 achieving 100% connectivity to the of_Rt8La9H4-00374-00116878-00117087 regional power grid for all member of_Rt8La9H4-00375-00117088-00117462 states by 2012 a 2013 midterm review of of_Rt8La9H4-00376-00117463-00117663 the regional indicative strategic of_Rt8La9H4-00377-00117664-00118065 development plan for 2005 to 2020 noted of_Rt8La9H4-00378-00118066-00118260 that limited progress had been made of_Rt8La9H4-00379-00118261-00118558 towards STI targets owing to the lack of of_Rt8La9H4-00380-00118558-00118783 human and financial resources at the of_Rt8La9H4-00381-00118783-00119103 SADC Secretariat to co-ordinate STI of_Rt8La9H4-00382-00119104-00119550 programs meeting in Maputo Mozambique in of_Rt8La9H4-00383-00119551-00119700 June 2014 of_Rt8La9H4-00384-00119701-00120049 sadc ministers of science technology and of_Rt8La9H4-00385-00120050-00120252 innovation Education and Training of_Rt8La9H4-00386-00120253-00120603 adopted the SADC regional strategic plan of_Rt8La9H4-00387-00120604-00120884 on science technology and innovation for of_Rt8La9H4-00388-00120885-00121251 2015 to 2020 to guide implementation of of_Rt8La9H4-00389-00121252-00121525 regional programs concerning sustainable of_Rt8La9H4-00390-00121526-00121950 development in 1999 the SADC adopted a of_Rt8La9H4-00391-00121951-00122221 protocol governing wildlife forestry of_Rt8La9H4-00392-00122222-00122478 shared water courses and the environment of_Rt8La9H4-00393-00122479-00122733 including climate change the SADC of_Rt8La9H4-00394-00122734-00123012 Protocol on wildlife conservation and of_Rt8La9H4-00395-00123013-00123568 law enforcement 1999 more recently SADC of_Rt8La9H4-00396-00123569-00123810 has initiated a number of regional and of_Rt8La9H4-00397-00123811-00124011 national initiatives to mitigate the of_Rt8La9H4-00398-00124013-00124389 impact of climate change in 2013 of_Rt8La9H4-00399-00124390-00124587 ministers responsible for the of_Rt8La9H4-00400-00124588-00124743 Environment and Natural Resources of_Rt8La9H4-00401-00124744-00125023 approved the development of the SADC of_Rt8La9H4-00402-00125024-00125376 Regional Climate Change Program in of_Rt8La9H4-00403-00125377-00125700 addition Co mes a the East African of_Rt8La9H4-00404-00125701-00125923 Community and SADC have been of_Rt8La9H4-00405-00125924-00126111 implementing a joint five-year of_Rt8La9H4-00406-00126113-00126343 initiative since 2010 known as the of_Rt8La9H4-00407-00126344-00126475 tripartite Pro of_Rt8La9H4-00408-00126476-00126690 on climate change adaptation and of_Rt8La9H4-00409-00126691-00126943 mitigation or the African solution to of_Rt8La9H4-00410-00126944-00127591 address climate change of_Rt8La9H4-00411-00127592-00128357 topic see also Science and Technology in of_Rt8La9H4-00412-00128358-00128734 Botswana science and technology in of_Rt8La9H4-00413-00128735-00129109 Tanzania science and technology in of_Rt8La9H4-00414-00129110-00129476 Uganda Science and Technology in of_Rt8La9H4-00415-00129477-00129983 Zimbabwe of_Rt8La9H4-00416-00129983-00130514 topic sources of_Rt8La9H4-00417-00130515-00130802 this article incorporates text from a of_Rt8La9H4-00418-00130803-00131051 free content work licensed under of_Rt8La9H4-00419-00131052-00131520 cc-by-sa ego 3.0 unesco science report of_Rt8La9H4-00420-00131521-00131966 towards 2030 UNESCO to learn how to add of_Rt8La9H4-00421-00131967-00132251 open licensed text to wikipedia articles of_Rt8La9H4-00422-00132252-00132491 please see Wikipedia adding open of_Rt8La9H4-00423-00132492-00132803 licensed text to Wikipedia for of_Rt8La9H4-00424-00132804-00133025 information on reusing text from of_Rt8La9H4-00425-00133026-00133451 Wikipedia please see the Terms of Use ohyWLYDoIhE-00000-00000032-00000311 what is it like to be on the inside hi ohyWLYDoIhE-00001-00000312-00000375 i'm mark ohyWLYDoIhE-00002-00000376-00000607 and welcome to a brand new episode of ohyWLYDoIhE-00003-00000608-00000831 the serps design show in this ohyWLYDoIhE-00004-00000832-00001047 episode you're going to hear stories ohyWLYDoIhE-00005-00001048-00001143 from five ohyWLYDoIhE-00006-00001144-00001374 in-house service design professionals ohyWLYDoIhE-00007-00001375-00001519 who are these people ohyWLYDoIhE-00008-00001520-00001718 that fight the challenge to build better ohyWLYDoIhE-00009-00001719-00001895 services from the inside ohyWLYDoIhE-00010-00001896-00002167 what are the common challenges they face ohyWLYDoIhE-00011-00002168-00002231 and ohyWLYDoIhE-00012-00002232-00002463 which important lessons can they share ohyWLYDoIhE-00013-00002464-00002607 with all of us ohyWLYDoIhE-00014-00002608-00002807 even if you're currently not working ohyWLYDoIhE-00015-00002808-00002975 in-house i think you'll find these ohyWLYDoIhE-00016-00002976-00003055 stories ohyWLYDoIhE-00017-00003056-00003270 very insightful the conversation that ohyWLYDoIhE-00018-00003271-00003511 you're about to hear as part of the ohyWLYDoIhE-00019-00003511-00003606 campfire ohyWLYDoIhE-00020-00003607-00003854 and in the campfire a small group of ohyWLYDoIhE-00021-00003855-00004006 in-house service designers ohyWLYDoIhE-00022-00004007-00004254 gets together for six weeks to learn ohyWLYDoIhE-00023-00004255-00004454 from each other to expand ohyWLYDoIhE-00024-00004455-00004711 their professional network and just to ohyWLYDoIhE-00025-00004712-00004838 slow down a little bit ohyWLYDoIhE-00026-00004839-00005038 to reflect on the journey that they're ohyWLYDoIhE-00027-00005039-00005167 on if you too ohyWLYDoIhE-00028-00005168-00005351 feel that you could use some support and ohyWLYDoIhE-00029-00005352-00005470 guidance from other ohyWLYDoIhE-00030-00005471-00005686 service design professionals outside of ohyWLYDoIhE-00031-00005687-00005863 your own organization ohyWLYDoIhE-00032-00005864-00006134 consider joining the next campfire group ohyWLYDoIhE-00033-00006135-00006318 we have a very limited number of seats ohyWLYDoIhE-00034-00006319-00006518 available in each group so there is an ohyWLYDoIhE-00035-00006519-00006639 application process ohyWLYDoIhE-00036-00006640-00006903 if you want to learn how to apply head ohyWLYDoIhE-00037-00006904-00007095 over to ohyWLYDoIhE-00038-00007095-00007342 slash servicedesignshow.com the deadline ohyWLYDoIhE-00039-00007343-00007463 for the next group ohyWLYDoIhE-00040-00007464-00007855 uh is june 28 2021 or ohyWLYDoIhE-00041-00007856-00008087 sooner if we reach the max number of ohyWLYDoIhE-00042-00008088-00008214 participants before ohyWLYDoIhE-00043-00008215-00008574 that date so head over to dot com ohyWLYDoIhE-00044-00008575-00008927 slash campfire and read how to apply ohyWLYDoIhE-00045-00008928-00009167 now without any further ado let's jump ohyWLYDoIhE-00046-00009168-00009327 into the conversation with ohyWLYDoIhE-00047-00009328-00009655 luciana taylor juliana dan ohyWLYDoIhE-00048-00009656-00010046 and amy let the show begin welcome to ohyWLYDoIhE-00049-00010047-00010319 the service design show campers ohyWLYDoIhE-00050-00010320-00010687 hi mark hi mark good to see you all ohyWLYDoIhE-00051-00010688-00010967 again for our final campfire session ohyWLYDoIhE-00052-00010968-00011191 we're going to reflect a little bit uh ohyWLYDoIhE-00053-00011192-00011399 on what has happened we're going to dive ohyWLYDoIhE-00054-00011400-00011655 into some of the tips and advices ohyWLYDoIhE-00055-00011656-00011921 around in-house service design ohyWLYDoIhE-00056-00011922-00012103 [Music] ohyWLYDoIhE-00057-00012104-00012399 so let's dive in and i would like to ohyWLYDoIhE-00058-00012400-00012470 start ohyWLYDoIhE-00059-00012471-00012863 with you then so my first question would ohyWLYDoIhE-00060-00012863-00012974 be to you ohyWLYDoIhE-00061-00012975-00013247 could you give a 30-second introduction ohyWLYDoIhE-00062-00013247-00013327 of who you are ohyWLYDoIhE-00063-00013328-00013486 what you do as an in-house service ohyWLYDoIhE-00064-00013487-00013727 designer these days ohyWLYDoIhE-00065-00013728-00014047 sure thanks mark so my name is dan butt ohyWLYDoIhE-00066-00014047-00014351 i am a service designer a design ohyWLYDoIhE-00067-00014352-00014630 manager at a nationwide nonprofit ohyWLYDoIhE-00068-00014631-00014822 organization in the us ohyWLYDoIhE-00069-00014823-00015166 um so i work across the organization and ohyWLYDoIhE-00070-00015168-00015335 with our network of partners to bring ohyWLYDoIhE-00071-00015336-00015671 new products and services to life ohyWLYDoIhE-00072-00015672-00015975 and my next question is what brought you ohyWLYDoIhE-00073-00015976-00016207 to the campfire what might you ohyWLYDoIhE-00074-00016208-00016647 join sign up for this six week journey ohyWLYDoIhE-00075-00016648-00016871 yeah well as a new function within the ohyWLYDoIhE-00076-00016872-00016983 organization ohyWLYDoIhE-00077-00016984-00017167 i think one of the main things i was ohyWLYDoIhE-00078-00017168-00017327 really looking for was ohyWLYDoIhE-00079-00017328-00017503 how to help think about positioning ohyWLYDoIhE-00080-00017504-00017735 service design and innovation and design ohyWLYDoIhE-00081-00017736-00017911 thinking within the organization ohyWLYDoIhE-00082-00017912-00018175 and really thinking about how do we ohyWLYDoIhE-00083-00018176-00018430 speak to the value of service design ohyWLYDoIhE-00084-00018431-00018607 how do you think about where it can have ohyWLYDoIhE-00085-00018608-00018758 the most impact and what are the right ohyWLYDoIhE-00086-00018759-00018814 types of ohyWLYDoIhE-00087-00018815-00019063 teams and structures so really just ohyWLYDoIhE-00088-00019064-00019127 helping ohyWLYDoIhE-00089-00019128-00019350 to learn from my peers about how it's ohyWLYDoIhE-00090-00019351-00019519 working in other organizations and how ohyWLYDoIhE-00091-00019520-00019719 that might apply to what my ohyWLYDoIhE-00092-00019720-00020079 challenges and speaking about challenges ohyWLYDoIhE-00093-00020080-00020430 what would you uh identify as one of ohyWLYDoIhE-00094-00020431-00020527 those ohyWLYDoIhE-00095-00020528-00020783 characteristic challenges for in-house ohyWLYDoIhE-00096-00020784-00021086 service designers ohyWLYDoIhE-00097-00021087-00021271 yeah i mean again because at my ohyWLYDoIhE-00098-00021272-00021447 organization it's still relatively new ohyWLYDoIhE-00099-00021448-00021503 so i think ohyWLYDoIhE-00100-00021504-00021671 one of the major challenges just getting ohyWLYDoIhE-00101-00021672-00021807 the space and time ohyWLYDoIhE-00102-00021808-00022007 to be able to focus on maybe the ohyWLYDoIhE-00103-00022008-00022199 problems that where service design can ohyWLYDoIhE-00104-00022200-00022399 deliver the greatest value ohyWLYDoIhE-00105-00022400-00022599 um you know there's there's a lot of ohyWLYDoIhE-00106-00022600-00022767 competing interests and there's lots of ohyWLYDoIhE-00107-00022768-00022975 ways that we can provide value just ohyWLYDoIhE-00108-00022976-00023375 in our skill sets that we have but um ohyWLYDoIhE-00109-00023376-00023519 because the organization is still trying ohyWLYDoIhE-00110-00023520-00023663 to figure out what's the most effective ohyWLYDoIhE-00111-00023664-00023903 way to utilize service design ohyWLYDoIhE-00112-00023904-00024030 i think part of the big challenge is ohyWLYDoIhE-00113-00024031-00024263 just being able to get the time to focus ohyWLYDoIhE-00114-00024264-00024550 on and to buy it to focus on the things ohyWLYDoIhE-00115-00024551-00024871 where maybe we can have the most impact ohyWLYDoIhE-00116-00024872-00025030 i think related to that is just you know ohyWLYDoIhE-00117-00025031-00025207 being able to create the the evidence ohyWLYDoIhE-00118-00025208-00025350 that we need along the way so that we ohyWLYDoIhE-00119-00025351-00025511 can build that social capital so that we ohyWLYDoIhE-00120-00025512-00025655 can start to ohyWLYDoIhE-00121-00025656-00025967 focus on some of those more impactful ohyWLYDoIhE-00122-00025968-00026390 problems and uh we've talked a lot about ohyWLYDoIhE-00123-00026391-00026758 evidence in this campfire group ohyWLYDoIhE-00124-00026760-00027079 i'm curious uh if you could give a piece ohyWLYDoIhE-00125-00027080-00027295 of advice to other in-house service ohyWLYDoIhE-00126-00027295-00027407 designers who ohyWLYDoIhE-00127-00027408-00027639 also want to be more successful what ohyWLYDoIhE-00128-00027639-00027718 would your ohyWLYDoIhE-00129-00027719-00028031 advice be yeah ohyWLYDoIhE-00130-00028032-00028190 this is probably true of most ohyWLYDoIhE-00131-00028191-00028335 organizations for most things but i ohyWLYDoIhE-00132-00028336-00028390 think it's ohyWLYDoIhE-00133-00028391-00028558 extra applicable for service design ohyWLYDoIhE-00134-00028560-00028718 because it's so new within uh ohyWLYDoIhE-00135-00028719-00028870 organizations it's just ohyWLYDoIhE-00136-00028872-00029095 really make sure to find your champions ohyWLYDoIhE-00137-00029095-00029214 and your allies ohyWLYDoIhE-00138-00029216-00029639 um you know because we're a new ohyWLYDoIhE-00139-00029639-00029846 function within organizations you really ohyWLYDoIhE-00140-00029847-00030039 need to find the leadership ohyWLYDoIhE-00141-00030039-00030351 uh find leaders that can um ohyWLYDoIhE-00142-00030352-00030527 that respond to the value proposition ohyWLYDoIhE-00143-00030527-00030687 service design and that can speak to ohyWLYDoIhE-00144-00030688-00030718 that ohyWLYDoIhE-00145-00030719-00030895 but you also need to find your allies ohyWLYDoIhE-00146-00030895-00031102 you know sometimes people that have ohyWLYDoIhE-00147-00031103-00031367 related functions within organization ohyWLYDoIhE-00148-00031368-00031487 like product teams ohyWLYDoIhE-00149-00031488-00031831 or you know marketing teams sometimes ohyWLYDoIhE-00150-00031832-00031990 they might not understand how we're ohyWLYDoIhE-00151-00031991-00032151 different and so ohyWLYDoIhE-00152-00032152-00032455 being able to find those allies ohyWLYDoIhE-00153-00032456-00032902 build those quick wins or early wins ohyWLYDoIhE-00154-00032903-00033223 so that you can build that ohyWLYDoIhE-00155-00033224-00033399 advocate more towards those champions i ohyWLYDoIhE-00156-00033400-00033623 think is particularly important ohyWLYDoIhE-00157-00033624-00033983 and uh if you could uh give a starting ohyWLYDoIhE-00158-00033984-00034023 point ohyWLYDoIhE-00159-00034024-00034239 how do you how do you go about finding ohyWLYDoIhE-00160-00034240-00034462 allies ohyWLYDoIhE-00161-00034463-00034799 yeah that's a good question um ohyWLYDoIhE-00162-00034800-00035031 you know i mean looking for who's people ohyWLYDoIhE-00163-00035032-00035190 that's within the organization that's ohyWLYDoIhE-00164-00035191-00035390 maybe doing similar work ohyWLYDoIhE-00165-00035391-00035623 um who are people that naturally sort of ohyWLYDoIhE-00166-00035624-00035871 gravitate towards ohyWLYDoIhE-00167-00035872-00036015 you know human centered design and ohyWLYDoIhE-00168-00036016-00036246 service design mentalities and mindsets ohyWLYDoIhE-00169-00036247-00036559 you know some as we all know many people ohyWLYDoIhE-00170-00036560-00036695 are doing service design and they don't ohyWLYDoIhE-00171-00036696-00036855 really know they're doing service design ohyWLYDoIhE-00172-00036856-00036887 so ohyWLYDoIhE-00173-00036888-00036990 finding those people within the ohyWLYDoIhE-00174-00036991-00037151 organization that sort of have a natural ohyWLYDoIhE-00175-00037152-00037343 affinity for it within their existing ohyWLYDoIhE-00176-00037344-00037543 work ohyWLYDoIhE-00177-00037544-00037790 also just try to find those people that ohyWLYDoIhE-00178-00037791-00037967 are maybe open to the process ohyWLYDoIhE-00179-00037968-00038207 but that are working on problems where a ohyWLYDoIhE-00180-00038208-00038383 service design approach can really ohyWLYDoIhE-00181-00038384-00038702 provide extra value and just being able ohyWLYDoIhE-00182-00038703-00038911 to ohyWLYDoIhE-00183-00038912-00039055 you know work with them in a ohyWLYDoIhE-00184-00039056-00039215 non-threatening way and just find ways ohyWLYDoIhE-00185-00039216-00039359 to help make whatever they're doing ohyWLYDoIhE-00186-00039360-00039718 better ohyWLYDoIhE-00187-00039719-00040071 now based on your experience ohyWLYDoIhE-00188-00040072-00040415 in the last six weeks of the campfire ohyWLYDoIhE-00189-00040416-00040683 what would you say is your biggest ohyWLYDoIhE-00190-00040684-00040807 insight ohyWLYDoIhE-00191-00040808-00040983 yeah it's been an amazing experience and ohyWLYDoIhE-00192-00040984-00041118 so grateful for it ohyWLYDoIhE-00193-00041119-00041423 um i'd say one of the biggest insights ohyWLYDoIhE-00194-00041424-00041790 you talked a little bit about evidence ohyWLYDoIhE-00195-00041791-00042102 but just being reminded that we are ohyWLYDoIhE-00196-00042103-00042271 service designers and we can apply that ohyWLYDoIhE-00197-00042272-00042407 you know both to our and we have a lot ohyWLYDoIhE-00198-00042408-00042551 of conversations about that but we can ohyWLYDoIhE-00199-00042552-00042655 we can apply it both ohyWLYDoIhE-00200-00042656-00042871 to our work but also to our workplace ohyWLYDoIhE-00201-00042872-00043102 and so really just thinking about ohyWLYDoIhE-00202-00043103-00043351 the value of the service design approach ohyWLYDoIhE-00203-00043352-00043551 and and the power of a reframe ohyWLYDoIhE-00204-00043552-00043718 you know in the challenges that we're ohyWLYDoIhE-00205-00043719-00043918 facing and how ohyWLYDoIhE-00206-00043919-00044087 we can really think about reframing that ohyWLYDoIhE-00207-00044088-00044230 in different ways and ohyWLYDoIhE-00208-00044231-00044487 using service design you know ohyWLYDoIhE-00209-00044488-00044671 stakeholder models and things like that ohyWLYDoIhE-00210-00044672-00044958 maps to to really think about the ohyWLYDoIhE-00211-00044959-00045030 context ohyWLYDoIhE-00212-00045031-00045199 in which we're situated within an ohyWLYDoIhE-00213-00045200-00045415 organization ohyWLYDoIhE-00214-00045416-00045695 what needs to change uh and how might we ohyWLYDoIhE-00215-00045696-00045807 intentionally kind of create the ohyWLYDoIhE-00216-00045808-00045967 environment that we need to be ohyWLYDoIhE-00217-00045968-00046127 successful to provide value to the ohyWLYDoIhE-00218-00046128-00046246 organization ohyWLYDoIhE-00219-00046247-00046390 and i think it's just a reminder that ohyWLYDoIhE-00220-00046391-00046535 like we have some of those skill sets ohyWLYDoIhE-00221-00046536-00046615 they're really ohyWLYDoIhE-00222-00046616-00046911 unique skill sets but it's just applying ohyWLYDoIhE-00223-00046912-00046951 that ohyWLYDoIhE-00224-00046952-00047230 you know in our um intentional way ohyWLYDoIhE-00225-00047231-00047279 getting ohyWLYDoIhE-00226-00047280-00047543 reminded that we should eat our own dog ohyWLYDoIhE-00227-00047544-00047583 food ohyWLYDoIhE-00228-00047584-00047839 and uh if we're preaching it to our ohyWLYDoIhE-00229-00047840-00047967 internal clients ohyWLYDoIhE-00230-00047968-00048183 we should be able to use it on ourselves ohyWLYDoIhE-00231-00048184-00048327 as well right ohyWLYDoIhE-00232-00048328-00048639 absolutely thanks uh dan ohyWLYDoIhE-00233-00048640-00048855 uh thank you for sharing this and i'm ohyWLYDoIhE-00234-00048856-00049143 going to move on to the next camper ohyWLYDoIhE-00235-00049144-00049486 who is juliana juliana could you give a ohyWLYDoIhE-00236-00049487-00049839 brief intro about who you are ohyWLYDoIhE-00237-00049840-00050102 yeah sure thank you mark my name is ohyWLYDoIhE-00238-00050103-00050215 juliana ohyWLYDoIhE-00239-00050216-00050535 and most of my professional life as a ohyWLYDoIhE-00240-00050536-00050615 service designer ohyWLYDoIhE-00241-00050616-00050879 i was a consultant in educational ohyWLYDoIhE-00242-00050880-00051015 projects ohyWLYDoIhE-00243-00051016-00051167 which is connect with server design and ohyWLYDoIhE-00244-00051168-00051319 design thinking but ohyWLYDoIhE-00245-00051320-00051590 last two months i'm in a position of ohyWLYDoIhE-00246-00051591-00051790 very in-house server design and in ohyWLYDoIhE-00247-00051791-00051999 innovation lab and somewhat the biggest ohyWLYDoIhE-00248-00052000-00052326 retail company in russia cool yeah ohyWLYDoIhE-00249-00052327-00052630 uh that's a different experience so ohyWLYDoIhE-00250-00052632-00053023 um you're um ohyWLYDoIhE-00251-00053024-00053303 being uh your journey into in-house ohyWLYDoIhE-00252-00053304-00053407 service design is quite ohyWLYDoIhE-00253-00053408-00053591 recent and you still signed up and ohyWLYDoIhE-00254-00053591-00053782 applied for the campfire why did you do ohyWLYDoIhE-00255-00053783-00054047 that what brought you to the campfire ohyWLYDoIhE-00256-00054048-00054399 yeah i think it was one of the ohyWLYDoIhE-00257-00054400-00054735 points why would it bring me to campfire ohyWLYDoIhE-00258-00054736-00054942 first of all of course it's desire to ohyWLYDoIhE-00259-00054944-00055135 find the international community ohyWLYDoIhE-00260-00055136-00055454 and i guess i get it so ohyWLYDoIhE-00261-00055455-00055766 to talk over my questions and pain ohyWLYDoIhE-00262-00055767-00055919 points about my ohyWLYDoIhE-00263-00055920-00056142 new in-house position and so that ohyWLYDoIhE-00264-00056144-00056247 designer and ohyWLYDoIhE-00265-00056248-00056630 find some answers on my questions ohyWLYDoIhE-00266-00056632-00056975 and uh to know uh some new ohyWLYDoIhE-00267-00056976-00057126 interesting people from uh my ohyWLYDoIhE-00268-00057127-00057311 professional uh field and ohyWLYDoIhE-00269-00057312-00057566 inspire from them yeah i guess it would ohyWLYDoIhE-00270-00057567-00057615 yeah ohyWLYDoIhE-00271-00057616-00057942 i i think in the uh ohyWLYDoIhE-00272-00057944-00058150 weeks that we do the campfire we really ohyWLYDoIhE-00273-00058151-00058294 try to build ohyWLYDoIhE-00274-00058295-00058487 um not only connections but ohyWLYDoIhE-00275-00058488-00058694 relationships uh that might sound a bit ohyWLYDoIhE-00276-00058695-00058871 abstract but at least that's what we're ohyWLYDoIhE-00277-00058872-00059098 going for in the campfire ohyWLYDoIhE-00278-00059099-00059287 [Music] ohyWLYDoIhE-00279-00059288-00059575 if you could pick one of the biggest ohyWLYDoIhE-00280-00059576-00059719 challenges for in-house ohyWLYDoIhE-00281-00059720-00060119 service designers what would you say is ohyWLYDoIhE-00282-00060120-00060430 is that challenge what ohyWLYDoIhE-00283-00060432-00060654 uh i don't have first of all big ohyWLYDoIhE-00284-00060655-00060847 experience in this case ohyWLYDoIhE-00285-00060848-00061166 but of course i already have some ohyWLYDoIhE-00286-00061167-00061535 uh poor point um and problem ohyWLYDoIhE-00287-00061536-00061838 uh problems with it and first of all i ohyWLYDoIhE-00288-00061839-00061887 guess ohyWLYDoIhE-00289-00061888-00062111 it's not like a challenge of in-house ohyWLYDoIhE-00290-00062112-00062191 service design ohyWLYDoIhE-00291-00062191-00062399 i guess it's a challenge of every person ohyWLYDoIhE-00292-00062400-00062566 who are working in a ohyWLYDoIhE-00293-00062567-00062799 large corporations it's bureaucratic ohyWLYDoIhE-00294-00062800-00062982 system of a large corporation ohyWLYDoIhE-00295-00062983-00063303 which is like absolutely killing me um ohyWLYDoIhE-00296-00063304-00063591 chris i never work in this field during ohyWLYDoIhE-00297-00063591-00063775 four years already ohyWLYDoIhE-00298-00063776-00064103 so uh bulky business process that ohyWLYDoIhE-00299-00064104-00064479 does don't work most of the time they ohyWLYDoIhE-00300-00064479-00064703 just on the paper but not like her ohyWLYDoIhE-00301-00064704-00065047 in life and difficult to ohyWLYDoIhE-00302-00065048-00065391 find like decay of the problem ohyWLYDoIhE-00303-00065391-00065638 and the main stakeholders and there's ohyWLYDoIhE-00304-00065639-00065711 like a ohyWLYDoIhE-00305-00065712-00066079 huge cooperation and difficulty find ohyWLYDoIhE-00306-00066080-00066399 someone who will implement the new pile ohyWLYDoIhE-00307-00066400-00066687 with the new pilot that you bring sir to ohyWLYDoIhE-00308-00066688-00066831 the project manager ohyWLYDoIhE-00309-00066832-00067167 or their product or whatever because uh ohyWLYDoIhE-00310-00067168-00067479 product manager is always really busy in ohyWLYDoIhE-00311-00067480-00067671 their process but you like bring ohyWLYDoIhE-00312-00067672-00067871 something new and they're like oh ohyWLYDoIhE-00313-00067872-00068175 i just can't find the uh ohyWLYDoIhE-00314-00068176-00068479 time for this yeah yeah yeah like ohyWLYDoIhE-00315-00068480-00068791 first challengers for me that's the that ohyWLYDoIhE-00316-00068792-00068950 is a challenge within service design ohyWLYDoIhE-00317-00068951-00069159 it's so holistic it's so ohyWLYDoIhE-00318-00069160-00069599 uh silo uh it's it's rising above silos ohyWLYDoIhE-00319-00069600-00069806 and then who has the ownership ohyWLYDoIhE-00320-00069807-00070135 where do you even start uh that is a ohyWLYDoIhE-00321-00070136-00070199 challenge ohyWLYDoIhE-00322-00070200-00070599 for sure um based on your ohyWLYDoIhE-00323-00070600-00070975 experience so far which piece of advice ohyWLYDoIhE-00324-00070976-00071079 would you give to ohyWLYDoIhE-00325-00071080-00071638 other in-house service designers ohyWLYDoIhE-00326-00071639-00071871 yeah when i was thinking about it uh i ohyWLYDoIhE-00327-00071872-00072015 guess um ohyWLYDoIhE-00328-00072016-00072343 improve your communication skills like ohyWLYDoIhE-00329-00072344-00072671 as much as possible uh especially if ohyWLYDoIhE-00330-00072672-00072806 you're working a lot really ohyWLYDoIhE-00331-00072807-00073159 large corporation um it's always not ohyWLYDoIhE-00332-00073160-00073271 enough i guess ohyWLYDoIhE-00333-00073272-00073511 always not enough you can like improve ohyWLYDoIhE-00334-00073512-00073791 it and improve it and like never stop ohyWLYDoIhE-00335-00073792-00074159 and uh like net um network inside of ohyWLYDoIhE-00336-00074160-00074206 there ohyWLYDoIhE-00337-00074207-00074479 um like different department it will ohyWLYDoIhE-00338-00074480-00074623 really can help ohyWLYDoIhE-00339-00074624-00074838 you if you really have a good ohyWLYDoIhE-00340-00074839-00074982 communication skills because ohyWLYDoIhE-00341-00074983-00075206 through communication you will get what ohyWLYDoIhE-00342-00075207-00075303 you really need ohyWLYDoIhE-00343-00075304-00075682 quickly uh or like just have a great ohyWLYDoIhE-00344-00075683-00075806 communication ohyWLYDoIhE-00345-00075807-00076119 leader in the team if you are really not ohyWLYDoIhE-00346-00076120-00076343 good in communication so what do you ohyWLYDoIhE-00347-00076344-00076535 mean with communication because that's a ohyWLYDoIhE-00348-00076536-00076599 very big ohyWLYDoIhE-00349-00076600-00076838 topic what kind of communication are we ohyWLYDoIhE-00350-00076839-00076950 talking about ohyWLYDoIhE-00351-00076951-00077311 uh like uh to have a connection with ohyWLYDoIhE-00352-00077312-00077582 most of the stakeholders you're working ohyWLYDoIhE-00353-00077583-00077694 so far ohyWLYDoIhE-00354-00077695-00078071 um uh know ohyWLYDoIhE-00355-00078072-00078399 the key uh people in their ohyWLYDoIhE-00356-00078400-00078767 company and try to connect ohyWLYDoIhE-00357-00078768-00079111 try to connect with them somehow through ohyWLYDoIhE-00358-00079112-00079431 your boss uh through like personally ohyWLYDoIhE-00359-00079432-00079767 uh whatever absolutely um uh ohyWLYDoIhE-00360-00079768-00080015 yeah i guess this like to have a ohyWLYDoIhE-00361-00080016-00080103 connection ohyWLYDoIhE-00362-00080104-00080423 like yeah and uh ohyWLYDoIhE-00363-00080424-00080655 and i guess the first point the second ohyWLYDoIhE-00364-00080656-00080750 point uh ohyWLYDoIhE-00365-00080751-00081038 i get um my recommendation develop ohyWLYDoIhE-00366-00081039-00081182 facilitation skills ohyWLYDoIhE-00367-00081183-00081391 and i guess this is really connect with ohyWLYDoIhE-00368-00081392-00081526 communication skills ohyWLYDoIhE-00369-00081527-00081950 because uh service designers really like ohyWLYDoIhE-00370-00081951-00082191 uh connect really a lot with sessions ohyWLYDoIhE-00371-00082192-00082367 and if your sessions ohyWLYDoIhE-00372-00082368-00082703 are effective uh interesting like ohyWLYDoIhE-00373-00082704-00083023 fun inspired ohyWLYDoIhE-00374-00083024-00083399 nicely built and beauty it brings ohyWLYDoIhE-00375-00083400-00083711 more people for these sessions and they ohyWLYDoIhE-00376-00083712-00083759 will be ohyWLYDoIhE-00377-00083760-00084071 really loyal for you and of course ohyWLYDoIhE-00378-00084072-00084391 they will come to you and bring insights ohyWLYDoIhE-00379-00084392-00084743 and it really improve your project ohyWLYDoIhE-00380-00084744-00084943 improve communication and facilitation ohyWLYDoIhE-00381-00084944-00085126 skills uh i can ohyWLYDoIhE-00382-00085127-00085455 second that now my final question to you ohyWLYDoIhE-00383-00085456-00085711 juliana is what is your biggest ohyWLYDoIhE-00384-00085712-00086047 learning from the campfire ohyWLYDoIhE-00385-00086048-00086367 yeah i already told it on some of ohyWLYDoIhE-00386-00086368-00086671 our sessions i guess uh my ohyWLYDoIhE-00387-00086672-00086943 biggest like insight is that service ohyWLYDoIhE-00388-00086944-00087006 design ohyWLYDoIhE-00389-00087007-00087326 and as um we all have ohyWLYDoIhE-00390-00087327-00087679 the same challenges and no matter where ohyWLYDoIhE-00391-00087680-00087815 we are ohyWLYDoIhE-00392-00087816-00088135 cultures countries nationality ohyWLYDoIhE-00393-00088136-00088438 and um in my perspective the current ohyWLYDoIhE-00394-00088439-00088526 service design ohyWLYDoIhE-00395-00088527-00088879 mostly connect with people behavior ohyWLYDoIhE-00396-00088880-00089262 so like the human has one basic needs ohyWLYDoIhE-00397-00089263-00089359 which leads to ohyWLYDoIhE-00398-00089360-00089623 behavior and attitude and that's why ohyWLYDoIhE-00399-00089624-00089867 like it doesn't matter where you are ohyWLYDoIhE-00400-00089868-00090262 unfortunately or thankfully i don't know ohyWLYDoIhE-00401-00090263-00090479 the challenges are really the same ohyWLYDoIhE-00402-00090480-00090726 absolutely and you can learn from ohyWLYDoIhE-00403-00090727-00091055 all people from all over the world and ohyWLYDoIhE-00404-00091056-00091423 doesn't matter yes in us ohyWLYDoIhE-00405-00091424-00091750 uk russia or netherlands i guess that's ohyWLYDoIhE-00406-00091751-00091815 the good thing ohyWLYDoIhE-00407-00091816-00092015 right there is uh there is a whole ohyWLYDoIhE-00408-00092016-00092135 community of people ohyWLYDoIhE-00409-00092136-00092382 who have to deal with the same struggles ohyWLYDoIhE-00410-00092383-00092518 and you don't have to deal with them ohyWLYDoIhE-00411-00092519-00092711 alone right ohyWLYDoIhE-00412-00092712-00093015 yeah for sure yeah thanks uh ohyWLYDoIhE-00413-00093016-00093374 juliana for for sharing your story um ohyWLYDoIhE-00414-00093375-00093711 now it's time to move over to uh ohyWLYDoIhE-00415-00093712-00093935 the united states we're going to have a ohyWLYDoIhE-00416-00093936-00094023 chat with ohyWLYDoIhE-00417-00094024-00094591 amy amy could you give a brief intro ohyWLYDoIhE-00418-00094592-00094838 good morning i think for me it's morning ohyWLYDoIhE-00419-00094839-00094926 um ohyWLYDoIhE-00420-00094927-00095231 i am a service design part designer ohyWLYDoIhE-00421-00095232-00095311 partner ohyWLYDoIhE-00422-00095312-00095662 in a professional services startup um ohyWLYDoIhE-00423-00095663-00095823 it's called design service professionals ohyWLYDoIhE-00424-00095824-00096087 and we provide design services for the ohyWLYDoIhE-00425-00096088-00096223 architecture engineering and ohyWLYDoIhE-00426-00096224-00096511 construction communities ohyWLYDoIhE-00427-00096512-00096847 sounds really interesting uh and ohyWLYDoIhE-00428-00096848-00097143 uh i know that uh you're building the ohyWLYDoIhE-00429-00097144-00097326 team you're building the service design ohyWLYDoIhE-00430-00097327-00097687 practice uh there what motivated you to ohyWLYDoIhE-00431-00097688-00097750 join ohyWLYDoIhE-00432-00097751-00098135 uh a thing called the campfire ohyWLYDoIhE-00433-00098136-00098303 uh it sounded like a good idea at the ohyWLYDoIhE-00434-00098304-00098455 time um ohyWLYDoIhE-00435-00098456-00098726 i think it was about community for me ohyWLYDoIhE-00436-00098727-00098759 just ohyWLYDoIhE-00437-00098760-00098935 looking for camaraderie and learning ohyWLYDoIhE-00438-00098936-00099087 that comes from ohyWLYDoIhE-00439-00099088-00099318 um shared struggles so kind of like ohyWLYDoIhE-00440-00099319-00099415 juliana was saying ohyWLYDoIhE-00441-00099416-00099662 we all seem to have very similar ohyWLYDoIhE-00442-00099663-00099767 challenges ohyWLYDoIhE-00443-00099768-00100150 within our very experience and um ohyWLYDoIhE-00444-00100151-00100343 i was just looking for somebody who ohyWLYDoIhE-00445-00100344-00100455 could ohyWLYDoIhE-00446-00100456-00100735 share those experiences and and support ohyWLYDoIhE-00447-00100736-00100871 my learning as well ohyWLYDoIhE-00448-00100872-00101047 and how would you describe those ohyWLYDoIhE-00449-00101048-00101238 challenges because ohyWLYDoIhE-00450-00101239-00101423 there are many which one would you pick ohyWLYDoIhE-00451-00101424-00101735 and highlight ohyWLYDoIhE-00452-00101736-00102031 um i think for me i often find myself in ohyWLYDoIhE-00453-00102032-00102118 meetings ohyWLYDoIhE-00454-00102119-00102311 or experiences looking around and saying ohyWLYDoIhE-00455-00102312-00102471 where does service design fit in here ohyWLYDoIhE-00456-00102472-00102518 and ohyWLYDoIhE-00457-00102519-00102775 is this the right time and if it's the ohyWLYDoIhE-00458-00102776-00102934 right time how do i tell people it's the ohyWLYDoIhE-00459-00102935-00103086 right time what do i do how do i just ohyWLYDoIhE-00460-00103088-00103182 say like hey ohyWLYDoIhE-00461-00103183-00103375 we should move into service design now ohyWLYDoIhE-00462-00103376-00103630 um ohyWLYDoIhE-00463-00103631-00103823 or do we just is it just like an ohyWLYDoIhE-00464-00103824-00103975 underlying current in all the things ohyWLYDoIhE-00465-00103976-00104030 that we do ohyWLYDoIhE-00466-00104031-00104342 i don't i don't always know yeah ohyWLYDoIhE-00467-00104343-00104542 yeah finding the right time and place ohyWLYDoIhE-00468-00104543-00104694 for service design that's not ohyWLYDoIhE-00469-00104695-00105054 uh that's not an easy task for sure ohyWLYDoIhE-00470-00105055-00105239 if somebody is struggling with that ohyWLYDoIhE-00471-00105240-00105399 challenge as well do you have a piece of ohyWLYDoIhE-00472-00105400-00105775 advice for them ohyWLYDoIhE-00473-00105776-00106076 um i mean i think i'm i'm ohyWLYDoIhE-00474-00106077-00106199 [Music] ohyWLYDoIhE-00475-00106200-00106534 i'm learning that at least for me i i ohyWLYDoIhE-00476-00106535-00106671 am looking at what it would look like to ohyWLYDoIhE-00477-00106672-00106886 be my own service designer so if ohyWLYDoIhE-00478-00106888-00107078 if i was the client and i came in and ohyWLYDoIhE-00479-00107079-00107247 said this is what i'm doing ohyWLYDoIhE-00480-00107248-00107575 what advice would i give myself um in ohyWLYDoIhE-00481-00107576-00107815 working with these teams working with my ohyWLYDoIhE-00482-00107816-00107934 own internal team and then ohyWLYDoIhE-00483-00107935-00108286 my partner teams and how would i provide ohyWLYDoIhE-00484-00108288-00108495 the support and the guidance that i ohyWLYDoIhE-00485-00108496-00108647 really want to provide everyone ohyWLYDoIhE-00486-00108648-00108958 um but how would i design that you know ohyWLYDoIhE-00487-00108959-00109127 actually taking the time to design my ohyWLYDoIhE-00488-00109128-00109278 own service within my ohyWLYDoIhE-00489-00109279-00109623 practice yeah again applying ohyWLYDoIhE-00490-00109624-00109934 our own methodology on our own practice ohyWLYDoIhE-00491-00109935-00110334 yeah um what is the thing that ohyWLYDoIhE-00492-00110335-00110683 you're going to take away from the ohyWLYDoIhE-00493-00110683-00110823 campfire ohyWLYDoIhE-00494-00110824-00110966 uh this one's hard there's so many ohyWLYDoIhE-00495-00110967-00111127 things i feel like i want to just hold ohyWLYDoIhE-00496-00111128-00111310 on to the mural board and cuddle it for ohyWLYDoIhE-00497-00111311-00111431 a few more weeks ohyWLYDoIhE-00498-00111432-00111702 before i answer this question fully but ohyWLYDoIhE-00499-00111703-00111799 um ohyWLYDoIhE-00500-00111800-00112023 i think for me what seems to stick out ohyWLYDoIhE-00501-00112024-00112207 the most is this idea of evidence ohyWLYDoIhE-00502-00112208-00112351 we've talked about it a lot i think dan ohyWLYDoIhE-00503-00112352-00112566 mentioned it too but um ohyWLYDoIhE-00504-00112567-00112799 you know for when i look at evidence ohyWLYDoIhE-00505-00112800-00112910 it's not just ohyWLYDoIhE-00506-00112911-00113134 you know the the journey map at the end ohyWLYDoIhE-00507-00113135-00113358 or the um ohyWLYDoIhE-00508-00113359-00113566 or the workshop and and how everybody ohyWLYDoIhE-00509-00113567-00113671 feels at the end ohyWLYDoIhE-00510-00113672-00113902 i feel like the evidence that we share ohyWLYDoIhE-00511-00113903-00113999 is really layered ohyWLYDoIhE-00512-00114000-00114151 it might just be a suggestion in a ohyWLYDoIhE-00513-00114152-00114319 meeting it might be an introduction to ohyWLYDoIhE-00514-00114320-00114519 the idea of designing a service it might ohyWLYDoIhE-00515-00114520-00114702 actually be calling out a service for ohyWLYDoIhE-00516-00114703-00114775 what it is ohyWLYDoIhE-00517-00114776-00114934 saying you know hey you're actually ohyWLYDoIhE-00518-00114935-00115078 designing a service right now can we ohyWLYDoIhE-00519-00115079-00115263 just talk about that for a second ohyWLYDoIhE-00520-00115264-00115519 um and so when we talk about this we're ohyWLYDoIhE-00521-00115520-00115647 almost dosing or ohyWLYDoIhE-00522-00115648-00115975 layering that evidence in small ways ohyWLYDoIhE-00523-00115976-00116199 until people are ready for more ohyWLYDoIhE-00524-00116200-00116478 and i need to look at that in my own ohyWLYDoIhE-00525-00116479-00116615 practice and say oh hey ohyWLYDoIhE-00526-00116616-00116878 that's evidence not maybe out loud but ohyWLYDoIhE-00527-00116879-00117039 um in general just sort of like write ohyWLYDoIhE-00528-00117040-00117190 down an evidence log like oh ohyWLYDoIhE-00529-00117191-00117439 that's evidence you know and kind of ohyWLYDoIhE-00530-00117440-00117527 maybe even ohyWLYDoIhE-00531-00117528-00117671 look at it like a prescription and what ohyWLYDoIhE-00532-00117672-00117902 kind of what was that dosing um and ohyWLYDoIhE-00533-00117903-00118102 where was it in in this person's ohyWLYDoIhE-00534-00118103-00118247 learning and in this ohyWLYDoIhE-00535-00118248-00118471 part of our process and kind of get a ohyWLYDoIhE-00536-00118472-00118702 feel for what that looks like ohyWLYDoIhE-00537-00118703-00119110 we had steve portegal ohyWLYDoIhE-00538-00119111-00119423 on the show twice and in the first uh ohyWLYDoIhE-00539-00119424-00119623 interview that i had with him we ended ohyWLYDoIhE-00540-00119624-00119783 up on the term ohyWLYDoIhE-00541-00119783-00120031 noticing and this is i feel very ohyWLYDoIhE-00542-00120032-00120175 appropriate here like ohyWLYDoIhE-00543-00120176-00120510 if we just uh be if we just are a bit ohyWLYDoIhE-00544-00120511-00120599 more attuned ohyWLYDoIhE-00545-00120600-00120999 to noticing evidence of service design ohyWLYDoIhE-00546-00121000-00121247 then that already will help a lot to ohyWLYDoIhE-00547-00121248-00121414 actually articulate what we're doing and ohyWLYDoIhE-00548-00121415-00121639 the value we're bringing ohyWLYDoIhE-00549-00121640-00122039 yeah i agree thanks amy uh we're going ohyWLYDoIhE-00550-00122040-00122086 to ohyWLYDoIhE-00551-00122088-00122454 move from the united states to sweden to ohyWLYDoIhE-00552-00122455-00122758 luciana luciana could you give a brief ohyWLYDoIhE-00553-00122759-00122934 introduction to who you are and what you ohyWLYDoIhE-00554-00122935-00123110 do these days ohyWLYDoIhE-00555-00123111-00123447 yeah hi mark my name is luciona and ohyWLYDoIhE-00556-00123448-00123695 i am a ux designer i've been working ohyWLYDoIhE-00557-00123696-00123895 with ux for a long time ohyWLYDoIhE-00558-00123896-00124166 and also with service design for the ohyWLYDoIhE-00559-00124167-00124231 past ohyWLYDoIhE-00560-00124232-00124575 five years currently i work in a ohyWLYDoIhE-00561-00124576-00124886 financial company and we deal with ohyWLYDoIhE-00562-00124888-00125214 payment solutions okay um ohyWLYDoIhE-00563-00125215-00125519 so you mentioned ux ui uh this is a ohyWLYDoIhE-00564-00125520-00125607 campfire for ohyWLYDoIhE-00565-00125608-00125790 in-house service designers how did you ohyWLYDoIhE-00566-00125791-00125983 end up here ohyWLYDoIhE-00567-00125983-00126327 yeah because i i think the the ux uh ohyWLYDoIhE-00568-00126328-00126623 role let's say evolve evolve it during ohyWLYDoIhE-00569-00126624-00126695 the time ohyWLYDoIhE-00570-00126696-00126927 and uh it's quite common for the ux ohyWLYDoIhE-00571-00126928-00127239 designers that start to notice like ohyWLYDoIhE-00572-00127240-00127478 it's not only about the digital part for ohyWLYDoIhE-00573-00127479-00127710 example we need to take a more ohyWLYDoIhE-00574-00127711-00127958 broader and deeper look on what we are ohyWLYDoIhE-00575-00127959-00128286 designing here it's a whole ecosystem so ohyWLYDoIhE-00576-00128288-00128519 uh and we'll start to to notice like ohyWLYDoIhE-00577-00128520-00128631 okay we need to ohyWLYDoIhE-00578-00128632-00128871 touch upon all these areas if you want ohyWLYDoIhE-00579-00128872-00129007 to build a real ohyWLYDoIhE-00580-00129008-00129334 meaningful experience that's a ohyWLYDoIhE-00581-00129335-00129566 that's a good message for all the ux ohyWLYDoIhE-00582-00129567-00129695 designers listening to the service ohyWLYDoIhE-00583-00129696-00129823 design show ohyWLYDoIhE-00584-00129824-00130134 um so luciano what would you say is a ohyWLYDoIhE-00585-00130135-00130254 typical ohyWLYDoIhE-00586-00130255-00130414 challenge one in our service designer ohyWLYDoIhE-00587-00130415-00130671 that you have faced ohyWLYDoIhE-00588-00130672-00130943 yeah i think a service design is ohyWLYDoIhE-00589-00130944-00131111 receiving more and more ohyWLYDoIhE-00590-00131112-00131399 spotlight but it's still not very clear ohyWLYDoIhE-00591-00131400-00131614 what are the roles or the tasks or the ohyWLYDoIhE-00592-00131615-00131727 benefits ohyWLYDoIhE-00593-00131728-00132078 so people get excited when you say uh ohyWLYDoIhE-00594-00132079-00132311 let's also work with the concepts of ohyWLYDoIhE-00595-00132312-00132535 service design but it's not very clear ohyWLYDoIhE-00596-00132536-00132807 so i would say the challenges like from ohyWLYDoIhE-00597-00132808-00132895 the starting ohyWLYDoIhE-00598-00132896-00133183 trying to have things some alignment ohyWLYDoIhE-00599-00133184-00133327 some expectations ohyWLYDoIhE-00600-00133328-00133599 keep discussing about this so we can ohyWLYDoIhE-00601-00133600-00133639 make ohyWLYDoIhE-00602-00133640-00133871 things more tangible and not so fluffy ohyWLYDoIhE-00603-00133872-00134014 like what i'm doing here ohyWLYDoIhE-00604-00134015-00134343 yeah is that also your piece of advice ohyWLYDoIhE-00605-00134344-00134647 to other in-house service designers yes ohyWLYDoIhE-00606-00134648-00134878 i think so like it's not a one-time ohyWLYDoIhE-00607-00134879-00135007 conversation you know ohyWLYDoIhE-00608-00135008-00135190 it's not something like okay let's have ohyWLYDoIhE-00609-00135191-00135375 a meeting deciding what we are going to ohyWLYDoIhE-00610-00135376-00135407 do ohyWLYDoIhE-00611-00135408-00135702 and no it's a continuous conversation ohyWLYDoIhE-00612-00135703-00135766 and i think ohyWLYDoIhE-00613-00135767-00135927 through this conversations is also ohyWLYDoIhE-00614-00135928-00136127 possible to build bridges ohyWLYDoIhE-00615-00136128-00136511 and to have some uh allies uh ohyWLYDoIhE-00616-00136512-00136823 stakeholders on your side some buying so ohyWLYDoIhE-00617-00136824-00137119 yeah it's yeah we we've been uh ohyWLYDoIhE-00618-00137120-00137295 mentioning this already a few times ohyWLYDoIhE-00619-00137296-00137431 during this ohyWLYDoIhE-00620-00137432-00137775 recording but how would you do that so ohyWLYDoIhE-00621-00137776-00137966 if you would have to start ohyWLYDoIhE-00622-00137967-00138271 over in your service design career and ohyWLYDoIhE-00623-00138272-00138423 your service design journey ohyWLYDoIhE-00624-00138424-00138639 what would maybe be the first thing that ohyWLYDoIhE-00625-00138640-00138807 you would do knowing what you know ohyWLYDoIhE-00626-00138808-00139166 right now yeah i i think it's ohyWLYDoIhE-00627-00139167-00139478 uh starting conversations with people ohyWLYDoIhE-00628-00139479-00139695 in the company you know and make things ohyWLYDoIhE-00629-00139696-00139799 more tangible ohyWLYDoIhE-00630-00139800-00140319 like how would you how would you do that ohyWLYDoIhE-00631-00140320-00140535 well i i don't know with conversations ohyWLYDoIhE-00632-00140536-00140743 really grab for a coffee ohyWLYDoIhE-00633-00140744-00140951 have some meetings have an orchard a ohyWLYDoIhE-00634-00140952-00141183 workshop i think it depends on the ohyWLYDoIhE-00635-00141184-00141495 situation and depends on the ohyWLYDoIhE-00636-00141496-00141702 people you are talking to or the ohyWLYDoIhE-00637-00141703-00141871 stakeholders i think ohyWLYDoIhE-00638-00141872-00142190 also a bit of observation from your ohyWLYDoIhE-00639-00142191-00142263 environment ohyWLYDoIhE-00640-00142264-00142590 to see what is best fit for them yeah ohyWLYDoIhE-00641-00142591-00142766 and what is the thing that you feel ohyWLYDoIhE-00642-00142767-00142919 needs to be made ohyWLYDoIhE-00643-00142920-00143223 more tangible ohyWLYDoIhE-00644-00143224-00143447 because i think if if we're just ohyWLYDoIhE-00645-00143448-00143535 discussing ohyWLYDoIhE-00646-00143536-00143839 uh let's say in a fluffy ohyWLYDoIhE-00647-00143840-00144119 terms like okay we need to map these or ohyWLYDoIhE-00648-00144120-00144263 we need to ohyWLYDoIhE-00649-00144264-00144478 improve this process maybe it's not so ohyWLYDoIhE-00650-00144479-00144575 tangible but ohyWLYDoIhE-00651-00144576-00144790 what exactly we need to improve here ohyWLYDoIhE-00652-00144791-00144902 what exactly ohyWLYDoIhE-00653-00144903-00145223 uh we want with this a change ohyWLYDoIhE-00654-00145224-00145447 you know at least uh it's not that you ohyWLYDoIhE-00655-00145448-00145526 are going to reach ohyWLYDoIhE-00656-00145527-00145751 that point but you can have some ohyWLYDoIhE-00657-00145752-00145959 parameters here ohyWLYDoIhE-00658-00145960-00146166 connected to reality and making it very ohyWLYDoIhE-00659-00146167-00146335 specific ohyWLYDoIhE-00660-00146336-00146614 yeah i think the more specific you can ohyWLYDoIhE-00661-00146615-00146743 do things ohyWLYDoIhE-00662-00146744-00146959 uh it's easier to to keep this ohyWLYDoIhE-00663-00146960-00147063 conversation and ohyWLYDoIhE-00664-00147064-00147383 even later to prove some benefits yeah ohyWLYDoIhE-00665-00147384-00147726 yeah i agree now ohyWLYDoIhE-00666-00147727-00147919 what is the thing that you're going to ohyWLYDoIhE-00667-00147920-00148047 take away from this ohyWLYDoIhE-00668-00148048-00148414 uh campfire i think ohyWLYDoIhE-00669-00148415-00148743 for me uh first thing is to have uh uh ohyWLYDoIhE-00670-00148744-00148975 find a good community where you can ohyWLYDoIhE-00671-00148976-00149135 discuss like a safe place ohyWLYDoIhE-00672-00149136-00149343 you know because through the discussions ohyWLYDoIhE-00673-00149344-00149502 here i i could learn ohyWLYDoIhE-00674-00149503-00149719 i could heard our i heard other ohyWLYDoIhE-00675-00149720-00149919 experiences and i learned a lot from ohyWLYDoIhE-00676-00149920-00150014 this ohyWLYDoIhE-00677-00150015-00150207 and also having this continuous ohyWLYDoIhE-00678-00150208-00150375 assessment i think ohyWLYDoIhE-00679-00150376-00150695 with myself am i doing what i ohyWLYDoIhE-00680-00150696-00151047 i was expected to do and i'm in the in ohyWLYDoIhE-00681-00151048-00151078 an ohyWLYDoIhE-00682-00151079-00151335 environment that is providing me what i ohyWLYDoIhE-00683-00151336-00151423 need or ohyWLYDoIhE-00684-00151424-00151614 if i need to do to take some action ohyWLYDoIhE-00685-00151615-00151814 because i feel that sometimes we ohyWLYDoIhE-00686-00151815-00152143 forgot to access what we need and ohyWLYDoIhE-00687-00152144-00152319 what we are supposed to do because we ohyWLYDoIhE-00688-00152320-00152607 are kind of overwhelmed by the other ohyWLYDoIhE-00689-00152608-00152839 yeah yeah and that's that's also the ohyWLYDoIhE-00690-00152840-00152975 thing i've been trying to ohyWLYDoIhE-00691-00152976-00153295 advocate a lot like when you're in-house ohyWLYDoIhE-00692-00153296-00153343 you're just ohyWLYDoIhE-00693-00153344-00153543 working all the time yeah people are ohyWLYDoIhE-00694-00153544-00153726 demanding things from you you're always ohyWLYDoIhE-00695-00153727-00153814 running ohyWLYDoIhE-00696-00153815-00154007 it's really hard to take a step back and ohyWLYDoIhE-00697-00154008-00154159 reflect if you're actually running in ohyWLYDoIhE-00698-00154160-00154359 the correct direction and i think the ohyWLYDoIhE-00699-00154360-00154495 campfire is ohyWLYDoIhE-00700-00154496-00154783 an excuse for a lot of people to find ohyWLYDoIhE-00701-00154784-00154831 that ohyWLYDoIhE-00702-00154832-00155175 time to reflect and and breathe for a ohyWLYDoIhE-00703-00155176-00155295 moment ohyWLYDoIhE-00704-00155296-00155671 yeah exactly thanks uh luciana we're ohyWLYDoIhE-00705-00155672-00155823 going to move to ohyWLYDoIhE-00706-00155824-00156071 uh the final camper and in this case ohyWLYDoIhE-00707-00156072-00156135 it's ohyWLYDoIhE-00708-00156136-00156423 taylor uh taylor can you say hi and give ohyWLYDoIhE-00709-00156424-00156726 us a brief intro into what you do ohyWLYDoIhE-00710-00156727-00157183 hi everyone i am also a ux researcher ohyWLYDoIhE-00711-00157184-00157375 currently who is also a subject matter ohyWLYDoIhE-00712-00157376-00157543 expert for service design within my ohyWLYDoIhE-00713-00157544-00157639 company ohyWLYDoIhE-00714-00157640-00157831 i work at a software industrial company ohyWLYDoIhE-00715-00157832-00158031 right now that's moving into the iot ohyWLYDoIhE-00716-00158032-00158151 space ohyWLYDoIhE-00717-00158152-00158463 okay um intriguing ohyWLYDoIhE-00718-00158464-00158766 what we've been um ohyWLYDoIhE-00719-00158767-00159063 emailing about the campfire for quite a ohyWLYDoIhE-00720-00159064-00159151 long time ohyWLYDoIhE-00721-00159152-00159439 uh and eventually you managed to get a ohyWLYDoIhE-00722-00159440-00159535 seat ohyWLYDoIhE-00723-00159536-00159847 what motivated you to join ohyWLYDoIhE-00724-00159848-00160054 i was looking for a sense of community ohyWLYDoIhE-00725-00160055-00160247 um i think i definitely got it ohyWLYDoIhE-00726-00160248-00160511 with this group but i also was looking ohyWLYDoIhE-00727-00160512-00160663 for a way to kind of figure out what's ohyWLYDoIhE-00728-00160664-00160847 my place in my current organization what ohyWLYDoIhE-00729-00160848-00160975 are my opportunities and ohyWLYDoIhE-00730-00160976-00161175 where's the best place to really sink my ohyWLYDoIhE-00731-00161176-00161575 teeth in with service design ohyWLYDoIhE-00732-00161576-00161911 now what would you say are some typical ohyWLYDoIhE-00733-00161912-00162039 challenges ohyWLYDoIhE-00734-00162040-00162375 for in-house service designers um ohyWLYDoIhE-00735-00162376-00162590 i i would say that there's always kind ohyWLYDoIhE-00736-00162591-00162735 of this foreign element when you're ohyWLYDoIhE-00737-00162736-00162887 introducing service design not ohyWLYDoIhE-00738-00162888-00163087 everybody's familiar with it ohyWLYDoIhE-00739-00163088-00163302 um people can get a little nervous when ohyWLYDoIhE-00740-00163303-00163439 you're introducing it especially because ohyWLYDoIhE-00741-00163440-00163607 of the the way it can kind of intersect ohyWLYDoIhE-00742-00163608-00163711 with other ohyWLYDoIhE-00743-00163712-00163999 disciplines things like product design ohyWLYDoIhE-00744-00164000-00164078 you know ohyWLYDoIhE-00745-00164079-00164326 customer operations all that fun stuff ohyWLYDoIhE-00746-00164327-00164454 so because you're in this interesting ohyWLYDoIhE-00747-00164455-00164607 intersection point ohyWLYDoIhE-00748-00164608-00164814 um you know you have different dynamics ohyWLYDoIhE-00749-00164815-00164951 to consider with people ohyWLYDoIhE-00750-00164952-00165223 you have to consider how you visualize ohyWLYDoIhE-00751-00165224-00165399 and communicate that experience ohyWLYDoIhE-00752-00165400-00165575 as well so you're not like overwhelming ohyWLYDoIhE-00753-00165576-00165814 everybody with your tools ohyWLYDoIhE-00754-00165815-00166038 um i would also say uh you know another ohyWLYDoIhE-00755-00166039-00166135 challenge ohyWLYDoIhE-00756-00166136-00166271 uh that i've encountered is just kind of ohyWLYDoIhE-00757-00166272-00166463 finding that balance between ohyWLYDoIhE-00758-00166464-00166623 making sure that you you know where you ohyWLYDoIhE-00759-00166624-00166863 fit in but not getting boxed in ohyWLYDoIhE-00760-00166864-00167102 either so i work in a digital space ohyWLYDoIhE-00761-00167103-00167207 right but there's ohyWLYDoIhE-00762-00167208-00167407 still lots of opportunity outside of ohyWLYDoIhE-00763-00167408-00167535 that um ohyWLYDoIhE-00764-00167536-00167695 so so looking for those opportunities ohyWLYDoIhE-00765-00167696-00167847 and not being afraid to push for them ohyWLYDoIhE-00766-00167848-00168207 as well yeah it's a lot of trade-offs ohyWLYDoIhE-00767-00168208-00168295 and uh ohyWLYDoIhE-00768-00168296-00168614 finding balances um makes service design ohyWLYDoIhE-00769-00168615-00168687 isn't easy ohyWLYDoIhE-00770-00168688-00168959 um where does it fit in yeah it's it's ohyWLYDoIhE-00771-00168960-00169119 definitely not easy ohyWLYDoIhE-00772-00169120-00169454 um based on your experience what piece ohyWLYDoIhE-00773-00169455-00169590 of advice would you give to other ohyWLYDoIhE-00774-00169591-00169743 in-house service designers or maybe ohyWLYDoIhE-00775-00169744-00169814 which ohyWLYDoIhE-00776-00169815-00170135 which piece of advice would you have ohyWLYDoIhE-00777-00170136-00170487 liked to have so ohyWLYDoIhE-00778-00170488-00170687 so i i agree with amy there's so many ohyWLYDoIhE-00779-00170688-00170887 good nuggets of ohyWLYDoIhE-00780-00170888-00171190 advice that we got from this um i think ohyWLYDoIhE-00781-00171191-00171423 that the biggest one and i heard it over ohyWLYDoIhE-00782-00171424-00171575 and over again from every person at some ohyWLYDoIhE-00783-00171576-00171663 point in time is ohyWLYDoIhE-00784-00171664-00171951 you know don't base your your sense of ohyWLYDoIhE-00785-00171952-00172038 success ohyWLYDoIhE-00786-00172039-00172278 or value in your organization on the ohyWLYDoIhE-00787-00172279-00172366 dynamics ohyWLYDoIhE-00788-00172367-00172535 that you might be experiencing early on ohyWLYDoIhE-00789-00172536-00172711 you know we we like i said ohyWLYDoIhE-00790-00172712-00172838 we are in a space where you might ohyWLYDoIhE-00791-00172839-00173007 encounter friction it's really common in ohyWLYDoIhE-00792-00173008-00173166 our role to encounter that ohyWLYDoIhE-00793-00173167-00173375 and i think when we hit that friction ohyWLYDoIhE-00794-00173376-00173559 it's really easy to say oh i'm ohyWLYDoIhE-00795-00173560-00173711 i'm messing up i'm not doing something ohyWLYDoIhE-00796-00173712-00173854 right maybe i don't know what i'm doing ohyWLYDoIhE-00797-00173855-00174102 and we internalize and personalize that ohyWLYDoIhE-00798-00174103-00174302 um i think it's really important to seek ohyWLYDoIhE-00799-00174303-00174414 ways outside ohyWLYDoIhE-00800-00174415-00174654 of your role to validate your skills and ohyWLYDoIhE-00801-00174655-00174799 to empower yourself ohyWLYDoIhE-00802-00174800-00174951 so that that doesn't get to you because ohyWLYDoIhE-00803-00174952-00175119 that can really diminish your your ohyWLYDoIhE-00804-00175120-00175343 feelings of value and worth and ohyWLYDoIhE-00805-00175344-00175526 and really get to you after a period of ohyWLYDoIhE-00806-00175527-00175695 time i think uh part of this group is ohyWLYDoIhE-00807-00175696-00175878 also the emotional component ohyWLYDoIhE-00808-00175879-00176078 forever for everybody just being able to ohyWLYDoIhE-00809-00176079-00176183 share in ohyWLYDoIhE-00810-00176184-00176438 those frustrations and chat about that ohyWLYDoIhE-00811-00176439-00176519 have you found ohyWLYDoIhE-00812-00176520-00177014 ways to uh to find that validation ohyWLYDoIhE-00813-00177015-00177263 yeah yeah i've been looking into more uh ohyWLYDoIhE-00814-00177264-00177447 passion areas ways that i can get ohyWLYDoIhE-00815-00177448-00177607 involved with my community looking at ohyWLYDoIhE-00816-00177608-00177759 nonprofits dan ohyWLYDoIhE-00817-00177760-00177943 you are definitely inspiring some of ohyWLYDoIhE-00818-00177944-00178311 that um ohyWLYDoIhE-00819-00178312-00178487 and then also you know just looking for ohyWLYDoIhE-00820-00178488-00178638 opportunities to freelance i think ohyWLYDoIhE-00821-00178639-00178814 that's a really great way to do it ohyWLYDoIhE-00822-00178815-00178959 um there's tons of people that are ohyWLYDoIhE-00823-00178960-00179159 always looking for help and and may not ohyWLYDoIhE-00824-00179160-00179278 even realize like ohyWLYDoIhE-00825-00179279-00179487 who said this earlier service design is ohyWLYDoIhE-00826-00179488-00179654 a good fit for them so ohyWLYDoIhE-00827-00179655-00179823 um i think yeah freelancing is a great ohyWLYDoIhE-00828-00179824-00179966 way to do that um ohyWLYDoIhE-00829-00179967-00180319 cool cool take um finally ohyWLYDoIhE-00830-00180320-00180502 is there anything else that you would ohyWLYDoIhE-00831-00180503-00180759 say is a takeaway or an insight ohyWLYDoIhE-00832-00180760-00180951 from the campfire next to the thing that ohyWLYDoIhE-00833-00180952-00181175 you've already mentioned ohyWLYDoIhE-00834-00181176-00181478 yeah um i am somebody so i'm ohyWLYDoIhE-00835-00181479-00181695 kind of a more extroverted person so ohyWLYDoIhE-00836-00181696-00181871 being in this space can always be ohyWLYDoIhE-00837-00181872-00182087 challenging for my listening skills i ohyWLYDoIhE-00838-00182088-00182223 will say um ohyWLYDoIhE-00839-00182224-00182375 and this definitely challenged that but ohyWLYDoIhE-00840-00182376-00182575 in a great new way we we ohyWLYDoIhE-00841-00182576-00182759 focused on perspective when we were ohyWLYDoIhE-00842-00182760-00182919 listening and it challenged me to think ohyWLYDoIhE-00843-00182920-00183038 of new ways to ohyWLYDoIhE-00844-00183039-00183263 like to listen to the problems and the ohyWLYDoIhE-00845-00183264-00183431 views being expressed ohyWLYDoIhE-00846-00183432-00183735 um i really dove into sociology and got ohyWLYDoIhE-00847-00183736-00183887 back into that space and that was ohyWLYDoIhE-00848-00183888-00184078 really cool that was actually a really ohyWLYDoIhE-00849-00184079-00184295 great way to look at things ohyWLYDoIhE-00850-00184296-00184502 um so i would say yeah when you're ohyWLYDoIhE-00851-00184503-00184678 listening to your your users your ohyWLYDoIhE-00852-00184679-00184783 customers ohyWLYDoIhE-00853-00184784-00184951 um make sure that you're thinking about ohyWLYDoIhE-00854-00184952-00185111 that it's not just your perspective ohyWLYDoIhE-00855-00185112-00185247 that's important but think about ohyWLYDoIhE-00856-00185248-00185399 listening from other perspectives as ohyWLYDoIhE-00857-00185400-00185607 well and is there a perspective ohyWLYDoIhE-00858-00185608-00185902 that uh you found uh specifically ohyWLYDoIhE-00859-00185903-00186102 valuable ohyWLYDoIhE-00860-00186103-00186414 um i think it came down to the dynamic ohyWLYDoIhE-00861-00186415-00186623 piece the the interpersonal dynamics ohyWLYDoIhE-00862-00186624-00186726 piece um ohyWLYDoIhE-00863-00186727-00187007 we we talked about conflict theory and ohyWLYDoIhE-00864-00187008-00187238 this idea of what's the resource right i ohyWLYDoIhE-00865-00187239-00187278 think ohyWLYDoIhE-00866-00187279-00187454 because we're in that intersection ohyWLYDoIhE-00867-00187455-00187687 sometimes we're seen as a threat ohyWLYDoIhE-00868-00187688-00187902 sometimes we feel like we don't really ohyWLYDoIhE-00869-00187903-00188014 know if we're fighting ohyWLYDoIhE-00870-00188015-00188214 over the resource with someone and it ohyWLYDoIhE-00871-00188215-00188399 can feel like that so understanding ohyWLYDoIhE-00872-00188400-00188550 what's the resource that i'm trying to ohyWLYDoIhE-00873-00188551-00188759 get out of this whole situation ohyWLYDoIhE-00874-00188760-00188895 what are they trying to get are we even ohyWLYDoIhE-00875-00188896-00189135 fighting over the same thing here ohyWLYDoIhE-00876-00189136-00189311 or you know is there a way that i can ohyWLYDoIhE-00877-00189312-00189511 position myself and what i'm doing to ohyWLYDoIhE-00878-00189512-00189583 kind of ohyWLYDoIhE-00879-00189584-00189847 remove some of that friction right um to ohyWLYDoIhE-00880-00189848-00190102 diminish it to enhance our relationship ohyWLYDoIhE-00881-00190103-00190254 it's it's interesting that you mentioned ohyWLYDoIhE-00882-00190255-00190423 this because ohyWLYDoIhE-00883-00190424-00190631 communication has been mentioned uh in ohyWLYDoIhE-00884-00190632-00190926 the last 30 minutes a few times ohyWLYDoIhE-00885-00190927-00191143 and listening is a really important part ohyWLYDoIhE-00886-00191144-00191359 of communicating and ohyWLYDoIhE-00887-00191360-00191526 maybe the campfire is adding or ohyWLYDoIhE-00888-00191527-00191726 contributing or helping us to practice ohyWLYDoIhE-00889-00191727-00191831 that a little bit ohyWLYDoIhE-00890-00191832-00192071 a little bit more as you've heard it ohyWLYDoIhE-00891-00192072-00192231 helps to connect with other service ohyWLYDoIhE-00892-00192232-00192359 design professionals ohyWLYDoIhE-00893-00192360-00192607 outside of your organization if you want ohyWLYDoIhE-00894-00192608-00192743 to be part of a next ohyWLYDoIhE-00895-00192744-00192935 campfire group here's what you need to ohyWLYDoIhE-00896-00192936-00193263 do head over to servicedesignshow.com ohyWLYDoIhE-00897-00193264-00193502 campfire there you'll find all the ohyWLYDoIhE-00898-00193503-00193671 instructions on how to ohyWLYDoIhE-00899-00193672-00193871 apply the deadline to send in your ohyWLYDoIhE-00900-00193872-00193990 application is june ohyWLYDoIhE-00901-00193991-00194326 28 2021 or sooner if we have ohyWLYDoIhE-00902-00194327-00194543 reached the max number of participants ohyWLYDoIhE-00903-00194544-00194647 before that ohyWLYDoIhE-00904-00194648-00194943 date and i review all the applications ohyWLYDoIhE-00905-00194944-00195031 in the order ohyWLYDoIhE-00906-00195032-00195207 that i receive them so if you want to ohyWLYDoIhE-00907-00195208-00195414 increase your chance of getting in ohyWLYDoIhE-00908-00195415-00195654 make sure to send in that application ohyWLYDoIhE-00909-00195655-00195871 right after this episode ohyWLYDoIhE-00910-00195872-00196102 i hope that you found these stories ohyWLYDoIhE-00911-00196103-00196302 useful even if you're not currently ohyWLYDoIhE-00912-00196303-00196359 working ohyWLYDoIhE-00913-00196360-00196607 in house thanks a lot for making it all ohyWLYDoIhE-00914-00196608-00196823 the way to the end of this episode ohyWLYDoIhE-00915-00196824-00197047 keep making a positive impact and i'll ohyWLYDoIhE-00916-00197048-00197351 catch you soon okhnUsM_4Wc-00000-00001455-00001695 can you confirm there you are okhnUsM_4Wc-00001-00001696-00002191 do you want to go ahead and put your uh okhnUsM_4Wc-00002-00002192-00002302 yeah okhnUsM_4Wc-00003-00002303-00002471 and we we do have a few minutes before okhnUsM_4Wc-00004-00002472-00002767 the next scheduled talk so if you don't okhnUsM_4Wc-00005-00002768-00002966 mind me picking your brain a little bit okhnUsM_4Wc-00006-00002967-00003231 while we wait um okhnUsM_4Wc-00007-00003232-00003543 and and chat just a little bit um i know okhnUsM_4Wc-00008-00003544-00003615 i okhnUsM_4Wc-00009-00003615-00003686 i okhnUsM_4Wc-00010-00003688-00003951 think the first time that i that i got okhnUsM_4Wc-00011-00003952-00004086 to okhnUsM_4Wc-00012-00004087-00004183 um okhnUsM_4Wc-00013-00004184-00004599 see you speak was in uh at cern uh when okhnUsM_4Wc-00014-00004600-00004847 we were there what two years ago wow it okhnUsM_4Wc-00015-00004848-00005054 seems like forever um and then i've had okhnUsM_4Wc-00016-00005055-00005279 the opportunity to hear you speak um a okhnUsM_4Wc-00017-00005280-00005463 couple times and then okhnUsM_4Wc-00018-00005464-00005695 see your your training sessions and okhnUsM_4Wc-00019-00005696-00005934 things like that um you're a long-time okhnUsM_4Wc-00020-00005935-00006102 member of the community you remember the okhnUsM_4Wc-00021-00006103-00006254 zeke lt now okhnUsM_4Wc-00022-00006255-00006518 um you also give other trainings about okhnUsM_4Wc-00023-00006519-00006695 you know the introduction to zeke and okhnUsM_4Wc-00024-00006695-00006919 setting up zeke i think primarily i've okhnUsM_4Wc-00025-00006920-00007110 seen your okhnUsM_4Wc-00026-00007111-00007359 ubuntu setups and things like that okhnUsM_4Wc-00027-00007359-00007598 uh you you recently moved to i believe okhnUsM_4Wc-00028-00007600-00007719 uh okhnUsM_4Wc-00029-00007720-00007998 esnet um to to work there okhnUsM_4Wc-00030-00008000-00008303 uh can you tell folks a little bit um okhnUsM_4Wc-00031-00008304-00008495 because i've heard you not use these okhnUsM_4Wc-00032-00008496-00008695 exact words but kind of like allude to okhnUsM_4Wc-00033-00008696-00008959 this they're you know in your day-to-day okhnUsM_4Wc-00034-00008960-00009183 job and what you do the magic of zeke okhnUsM_4Wc-00035-00009184-00009414 and how it kind of pulls things together okhnUsM_4Wc-00036-00009415-00009639 can you without giving away your talk okhnUsM_4Wc-00037-00009640-00009799 can you talk about okhnUsM_4Wc-00038-00009800-00010071 what makes zeke so special to you as as okhnUsM_4Wc-00039-00010072-00010142 a okhnUsM_4Wc-00040-00010143-00010519 uh a cyber security professional okhnUsM_4Wc-00041-00010520-00010846 uh okay so i can talk about zeke all day okhnUsM_4Wc-00042-00010847-00011142 long i mean there is so much information okhnUsM_4Wc-00043-00011143-00011438 to share but just a high level view zeke okhnUsM_4Wc-00044-00011439-00011678 is one of its kind like uh okhnUsM_4Wc-00045-00011679-00011959 in the when i but but okhnUsM_4Wc-00046-00011960-00012191 i started my uh security engineer career okhnUsM_4Wc-00047-00012192-00012438 at a university and a lot of okhnUsM_4Wc-00048-00012439-00012599 universities do not have like whole lot okhnUsM_4Wc-00049-00012600-00012799 of budget to buy like super expensive okhnUsM_4Wc-00050-00012800-00012974 and cool tools that can give them enough okhnUsM_4Wc-00051-00012975-00013183 visibility in their network right and okhnUsM_4Wc-00052-00013184-00013471 even capturing packets full scale okhnUsM_4Wc-00053-00013472-00013630 is pretty expensive right like you need okhnUsM_4Wc-00054-00013631-00013775 to have a lot of this and then you need okhnUsM_4Wc-00055-00013776-00013911 to have somebody who is looking through okhnUsM_4Wc-00056-00013912-00014063 the peak apps you know what's going on okhnUsM_4Wc-00057-00014063-00014279 so it's pretty tricky and hard process okhnUsM_4Wc-00058-00014280-00014447 to set up that kind of infrastructure okhnUsM_4Wc-00059-00014447-00014615 that consumes um okhnUsM_4Wc-00060-00014616-00014758 you know that kind of like gives you okhnUsM_4Wc-00061-00014759-00014903 that kind of uh okhnUsM_4Wc-00062-00014904-00015166 holistic vision of your network and then okhnUsM_4Wc-00063-00015168-00015486 bro came into the picture and um i okhnUsM_4Wc-00064-00015487-00015743 i i always tell that story that i have okhnUsM_4Wc-00065-00015744-00016015 not heard of bro until i started uh my okhnUsM_4Wc-00066-00016016-00016238 job at university of delaware and one of okhnUsM_4Wc-00067-00016240-00016391 the things that my manager was going okhnUsM_4Wc-00068-00016392-00016558 through one of the tasks that i was okhnUsM_4Wc-00069-00016559-00016758 supposed to do in my job is monitoring okhnUsM_4Wc-00070-00016759-00017111 uh and creating zeke scripts and i still okhnUsM_4Wc-00071-00017112-00017439 remember um my dumb question that do you okhnUsM_4Wc-00072-00017440-00017527 do you okhnUsM_4Wc-00073-00017528-00017750 mean pro and not bro and then he's like okhnUsM_4Wc-00074-00017751-00017999 no bro with a b and i was like well okhnUsM_4Wc-00075-00018000-00018199 that's a very interesting name for an okhnUsM_4Wc-00076-00018200-00018422 ids but then i um started looking at it okhnUsM_4Wc-00077-00018423-00018550 and there were like whole bunch of okhnUsM_4Wc-00078-00018551-00018735 resources available that what is the okhnUsM_4Wc-00079-00018736-00019022 capability of uh bro at that time okhnUsM_4Wc-00080-00019023-00019191 and then how you can actually utilize it okhnUsM_4Wc-00081-00019192-00019407 so it was like a pretty quick start for okhnUsM_4Wc-00082-00019408-00019655 me and then when i started uh analyzing okhnUsM_4Wc-00083-00019656-00020030 more the i got more appreciation on okhnUsM_4Wc-00084-00020031-00020391 what zeke do for you and uh what are its okhnUsM_4Wc-00085-00020392-00020599 capabilities like the amazing frameworks okhnUsM_4Wc-00086-00020600-00020807 that it offers and the uh scripting okhnUsM_4Wc-00087-00020808-00021071 framework that that helps you uh and okhnUsM_4Wc-00088-00021072-00021350 then makes you uh um okhnUsM_4Wc-00089-00021351-00021583 expand uh extend the functionality of okhnUsM_4Wc-00090-00021584-00021743 zeek according to your use case you can okhnUsM_4Wc-00091-00021744-00021975 do log filtering and whatnot so the okhnUsM_4Wc-00092-00021976-00022135 whole bunch of things and whole bunch of okhnUsM_4Wc-00093-00022136-00022391 frameworks that we comes with makes it okhnUsM_4Wc-00094-00022392-00022614 makes it one of its own kind of tool okhnUsM_4Wc-00095-00022615-00022735 right like it gives you enough okhnUsM_4Wc-00096-00022736-00022975 information to dig and investigate the okhnUsM_4Wc-00097-00022976-00023111 incidents that are happening on your okhnUsM_4Wc-00098-00023112-00023319 network and analyze the traffic and not okhnUsM_4Wc-00099-00023320-00023494 overwhelming you with like whole bunch okhnUsM_4Wc-00100-00023495-00023655 of pcapp and package that you have to okhnUsM_4Wc-00101-00023656-00023839 dig through it so that is like a sweet okhnUsM_4Wc-00102-00023840-00024039 spot for a security engineer or even a okhnUsM_4Wc-00103-00024040-00024271 network professional that wants to track okhnUsM_4Wc-00104-00024272-00024439 down some of these configurations and okhnUsM_4Wc-00105-00024440-00024678 what's going on on their network so that okhnUsM_4Wc-00106-00024679-00024927 was pretty amazing and mind-blowing that okhnUsM_4Wc-00107-00024928-00025022 uh okhnUsM_4Wc-00108-00025023-00025207 that institutions like universities who okhnUsM_4Wc-00109-00025208-00025367 cannot okhnUsM_4Wc-00110-00025368-00025542 write on the budgets of like millions of okhnUsM_4Wc-00111-00025543-00025790 dollars for uh spending on security can okhnUsM_4Wc-00112-00025791-00025967 actually take advantage of open source okhnUsM_4Wc-00113-00025968-00026167 and free tool that can give them enough okhnUsM_4Wc-00114-00026168-00026407 visibility to do to do their job and okhnUsM_4Wc-00115-00026408-00026623 that was like a very big okhnUsM_4Wc-00116-00026624-00026902 revelation and i was like i i uh okhnUsM_4Wc-00117-00026904-00027031 i started getting more and more okhnUsM_4Wc-00118-00027032-00027231 intrigued in zeke development and then i okhnUsM_4Wc-00119-00027232-00027455 started contributing and then it started okhnUsM_4Wc-00120-00027456-00027623 being a part of the member because that okhnUsM_4Wc-00121-00027624-00027751 is one of the important things right okhnUsM_4Wc-00122-00027752-00027918 like when you keep using it and you okhnUsM_4Wc-00123-00027919-00028087 don't contribute it the kind of like okhnUsM_4Wc-00124-00028088-00028335 life cycle of the project depends on okhnUsM_4Wc-00125-00028336-00028535 community right like if you can okhnUsM_4Wc-00126-00028536-00028767 contribute back to the project and be an okhnUsM_4Wc-00127-00028768-00029007 active member just to you know for me it okhnUsM_4Wc-00128-00029008-00029246 was like to show my gratefulness that okhnUsM_4Wc-00129-00029247-00029446 this is an amazing tool and we are using okhnUsM_4Wc-00130-00029447-00029655 it and we use it so much and we get so okhnUsM_4Wc-00131-00029656-00029839 much insights and whatnot we should okhnUsM_4Wc-00132-00029839-00029967 contribute back to the tool and we okhnUsM_4Wc-00133-00029968-00030102 should contribute back to the community okhnUsM_4Wc-00134-00030103-00030302 right like whatever we learn even as a okhnUsM_4Wc-00135-00030303-00030511 user not a developer you can contribute okhnUsM_4Wc-00136-00030512-00030718 back to the community by um okhnUsM_4Wc-00137-00030719-00030887 you know sharing the use cases and by okhnUsM_4Wc-00138-00030888-00031062 sharing and propagating the knowledge okhnUsM_4Wc-00139-00031063-00031246 that what kind of things you can find okhnUsM_4Wc-00140-00031247-00031527 with zeke so that was like and again i okhnUsM_4Wc-00141-00031527-00031758 said i can talk the whole day long about okhnUsM_4Wc-00142-00031760-00031918 my journey with zeke and how i got okhnUsM_4Wc-00143-00031919-00032127 involved but for me personally it was okhnUsM_4Wc-00144-00032127-00032223 like okhnUsM_4Wc-00145-00032224-00032431 one of its own kind of tool that i have okhnUsM_4Wc-00146-00032432-00032631 seen in the while which is open source okhnUsM_4Wc-00147-00032632-00032879 and free has amazing developer support okhnUsM_4Wc-00148-00032880-00033151 and you can get your answers um you can okhnUsM_4Wc-00149-00033152-00033423 get your questions answered uh by the okhnUsM_4Wc-00150-00033424-00033646 developers and it's free and open source okhnUsM_4Wc-00151-00033647-00033831 you can join the mailing list and even okhnUsM_4Wc-00152-00033832-00034007 if you are a beginner and i remember okhnUsM_4Wc-00153-00034008-00034174 when i was starting with these i had all okhnUsM_4Wc-00154-00034175-00034367 sorts of stupid questions and i don't i okhnUsM_4Wc-00155-00034368-00034567 didn't even know how to start with zeke okhnUsM_4Wc-00156-00034568-00034831 and what are the basic error messages it okhnUsM_4Wc-00157-00034832-00035015 triggers when it is misconfigured and okhnUsM_4Wc-00158-00035016-00035287 how you can resolve them so i i remember okhnUsM_4Wc-00159-00035288-00035527 i was and when i go back and look i look okhnUsM_4Wc-00160-00035528-00035687 into those questions that i use to ask okhnUsM_4Wc-00161-00035688-00035839 community it kind of like embarrasses okhnUsM_4Wc-00162-00035840-00036007 myself that oh my god i was so stupid okhnUsM_4Wc-00163-00036008-00036167 when i was starting up but okhnUsM_4Wc-00164-00036168-00036351 the is this there's a saying that there okhnUsM_4Wc-00165-00036352-00036527 is no thing there is no such thing as a okhnUsM_4Wc-00166-00036528-00036718 stupid question so it always kind of okhnUsM_4Wc-00167-00036719-00036911 like you know puts me at ease that it's okhnUsM_4Wc-00168-00036912-00037095 okay it's the learning curve you have to okhnUsM_4Wc-00169-00037096-00037262 start from somewhere and you have to okhnUsM_4Wc-00170-00037263-00037487 have people around you who are okhnUsM_4Wc-00171-00037488-00037718 supportive and they are not like okhnUsM_4Wc-00172-00037719-00037830 we are going to answer your stupid okhnUsM_4Wc-00173-00037831-00037951 question because it is way too stupid okhnUsM_4Wc-00174-00037952-00038255 for us right so amazing support from the okhnUsM_4Wc-00175-00038256-00038487 z developers and zeke team kind of like okhnUsM_4Wc-00176-00038488-00038735 was uh one of the key factors of okhnUsM_4Wc-00177-00038736-00038983 my little bit of success with zeke and okhnUsM_4Wc-00178-00038984-00039223 i'm still a learner so i still okhnUsM_4Wc-00179-00039224-00039446 try to learn more and more and uh try to okhnUsM_4Wc-00180-00039447-00039630 keep up with what's going on what's okhnUsM_4Wc-00181-00039631-00039823 going on with the project and all the okhnUsM_4Wc-00182-00039824-00040046 cool stuff people are working on like okhnUsM_4Wc-00183-00040047-00040302 spicy and the different kind of uh okhnUsM_4Wc-00184-00040303-00040551 plugins and whatnot so it's a lot of okhnUsM_4Wc-00185-00040552-00040727 ground and area to cover when you start okhnUsM_4Wc-00186-00040728-00040951 with z but eventually you learn and you okhnUsM_4Wc-00187-00040952-00041190 move forward okhnUsM_4Wc-00188-00041191-00041479 you know um i i i don't think anybody is okhnUsM_4Wc-00189-00041480-00041646 born with this knowledge you know like okhnUsM_4Wc-00190-00041647-00041774 like okhnUsM_4Wc-00191-00041775-00041871 we all okhnUsM_4Wc-00192-00041872-00042158 start from some point you know like okhnUsM_4Wc-00193-00042159-00042295 you know when i go back and i look at okhnUsM_4Wc-00194-00042296-00042479 when i first you know started an open okhnUsM_4Wc-00195-00042480-00042630 source to where i am today it's hard to okhnUsM_4Wc-00196-00042631-00042846 remember you know what it was like back okhnUsM_4Wc-00197-00042847-00043030 then and um okhnUsM_4Wc-00198-00043031-00043239 you know i see the things that you do okhnUsM_4Wc-00199-00043240-00043439 and others on the lt and our developers okhnUsM_4Wc-00200-00043440-00043630 and our community as a whole you know okhnUsM_4Wc-00201-00043631-00043911 folks like seth and updating the the 17 okhnUsM_4Wc-00202-00043912-00044087 packages that you know that he did and okhnUsM_4Wc-00203-00044088-00044311 contributed back so i think we're all okhnUsM_4Wc-00204-00044312-00044439 learning i don't think i think when okhnUsM_4Wc-00205-00044440-00044702 we're done learning it's when we die so okhnUsM_4Wc-00206-00044703-00044911 um you know never stop learning and okhnUsM_4Wc-00207-00044912-00045071 never stop sharing we still have a few okhnUsM_4Wc-00208-00045072-00045223 minutes before the actual start of the okhnUsM_4Wc-00209-00045224-00045415 talk so i i do have a couple more okhnUsM_4Wc-00210-00045416-00045599 questions if you feel like answering okhnUsM_4Wc-00211-00045600-00045846 some questions from the hip uh sure okhnUsM_4Wc-00212-00045847-00046039 included go ahead okhnUsM_4Wc-00213-00046040-00046127 so okhnUsM_4Wc-00214-00046128-00046311 one of the things that i think i first okhnUsM_4Wc-00215-00046312-00046518 saw you talk about was the weird logs okhnUsM_4Wc-00216-00046519-00046871 and and um when i saw this talk today um okhnUsM_4Wc-00217-00046872-00047023 and what you were speaking i'm like oh okhnUsM_4Wc-00218-00047024-00047183 she didn't submit anything i'm weird but okhnUsM_4Wc-00219-00047184-00047358 what was it about okhnUsM_4Wc-00220-00047359-00047630 or what is it that continues to be okhnUsM_4Wc-00221-00047631-00047830 your favorite thing about the weird logs okhnUsM_4Wc-00222-00047831-00048030 i mean you've got 30 plus types of logs okhnUsM_4Wc-00223-00048031-00048271 that you could really you know okhnUsM_4Wc-00224-00048272-00048479 derive information from but okhnUsM_4Wc-00225-00048480-00048686 what made you like gravitate toward that okhnUsM_4Wc-00226-00048687-00048918 particular log type okhnUsM_4Wc-00227-00048919-00049062 so that's another interesting thing okhnUsM_4Wc-00228-00049063-00049223 right as a security professional you okhnUsM_4Wc-00229-00049224-00049455 never go for anything normal and okhnUsM_4Wc-00230-00049456-00049630 ordinary in your network you are always okhnUsM_4Wc-00231-00049631-00049790 looking for something special an okhnUsM_4Wc-00232-00049791-00049943 abnormal thing that is going on in your okhnUsM_4Wc-00233-00049944-00050102 network because that is what will catch okhnUsM_4Wc-00234-00050103-00050286 your eye and that is what will help you okhnUsM_4Wc-00235-00050287-00050527 investigate either if there is any okhnUsM_4Wc-00236-00050528-00050727 misconfiguration in the network or if okhnUsM_4Wc-00237-00050728-00050846 there is any misconfiguration okhnUsM_4Wc-00238-00050847-00051135 application and the goodness of z lies okhnUsM_4Wc-00239-00051136-00051366 in that right that although it has like okhnUsM_4Wc-00240-00051367-00051575 more than 50 protocol parser and it okhnUsM_4Wc-00241-00051576-00051814 generates like normal log files for them okhnUsM_4Wc-00242-00051815-00051999 there are some special kind of um okhnUsM_4Wc-00243-00052000-00052279 analysis that it does that actually uh okhnUsM_4Wc-00244-00052279-00052430 helps you investigate those kind of okhnUsM_4Wc-00245-00052432-00052623 issues right so like abnormalities in okhnUsM_4Wc-00246-00052624-00052879 the network so as a networking person okhnUsM_4Wc-00247-00052879-00053079 you have a very uh black and white okhnUsM_4Wc-00248-00053079-00053326 concept of how tcp should work right but okhnUsM_4Wc-00249-00053327-00053519 in the practical scenario when you are okhnUsM_4Wc-00250-00053520-00053726 actually in the network there is like okhnUsM_4Wc-00251-00053727-00053959 all sort of all sort of weird situations okhnUsM_4Wc-00252-00053960-00054126 that are not in any kind of bookish okhnUsM_4Wc-00253-00054127-00054271 language that you come across and then okhnUsM_4Wc-00254-00054272-00054471 you investigate that why exactly this okhnUsM_4Wc-00255-00054472-00054638 thing is happening on my network and okhnUsM_4Wc-00256-00054639-00054950 zeke logs those special kind of um okhnUsM_4Wc-00257-00054951-00055159 scenarios where it says that hey this is okhnUsM_4Wc-00258-00055160-00055326 something abnormal and this is something okhnUsM_4Wc-00259-00055327-00055526 anomalous i should actually login down okhnUsM_4Wc-00260-00055527-00055719 for the user right so those are the okhnUsM_4Wc-00261-00055720-00055999 files that are very interesting uh uh as okhnUsM_4Wc-00262-00056000-00056166 a security and his perspective right okhnUsM_4Wc-00263-00056167-00056238 like okhnUsM_4Wc-00264-00056239-00056423 sure there are like more than 50 log okhnUsM_4Wc-00265-00056424-00056647 files but they are very normal ordinary okhnUsM_4Wc-00266-00056648-00056879 day-to-day traffic but what's special is okhnUsM_4Wc-00267-00056879-00057047 if you look into the vr dot or notice okhnUsM_4Wc-00268-00057048-00057215 dot or intel if you have a framework okhnUsM_4Wc-00269-00057216-00057430 enabled you can actually see all those okhnUsM_4Wc-00270-00057432-00057526 um okhnUsM_4Wc-00271-00057527-00057726 all those outliers in your network that okhnUsM_4Wc-00272-00057727-00057863 hey something is going on in your okhnUsM_4Wc-00273-00057864-00058071 network and zeke is not happy about it okhnUsM_4Wc-00274-00058072-00058303 and given that given that zeke is okhnUsM_4Wc-00275-00058304-00058487 totally based on the heuristics and okhnUsM_4Wc-00276-00058488-00058759 analysis of the protocols via rfc okhnUsM_4Wc-00277-00058760-00058887 verbatim okhnUsM_4Wc-00278-00058888-00059071 there is something that is not complying okhnUsM_4Wc-00279-00059072-00059294 with rfcs right so and that's the that's okhnUsM_4Wc-00280-00059295-00059526 the crown jewel for security and network okhnUsM_4Wc-00281-00059527-00059679 engineers to actually go through those okhnUsM_4Wc-00282-00059679-00059911 log files that are special uh in their okhnUsM_4Wc-00283-00059912-00060142 uh in their kind and then investigate uh okhnUsM_4Wc-00284-00060144-00060359 and kind of like backtrace it that what okhnUsM_4Wc-00285-00060360-00060526 exactly is going on because either it okhnUsM_4Wc-00286-00060527-00060663 will give you peace of mind that okay my okhnUsM_4Wc-00287-00060664-00060863 network is fine it's just like there is okhnUsM_4Wc-00288-00060864-00061023 some false positives that i need to okhnUsM_4Wc-00289-00061024-00061223 ignore or it will actually reveal some okhnUsM_4Wc-00290-00061224-00061399 information that hey this was actually a okhnUsM_4Wc-00291-00061400-00061550 true positive and okhnUsM_4Wc-00292-00061551-00061726 when you started uh investigating it you okhnUsM_4Wc-00293-00061727-00061838 actually found okhnUsM_4Wc-00294-00061839-00062015 a way to improve your network so this is okhnUsM_4Wc-00295-00062016-00062159 either one of the two ways you can go okhnUsM_4Wc-00296-00062160-00062287 with the uh okhnUsM_4Wc-00297-00062288-00062479 analysis of weird and special log files okhnUsM_4Wc-00298-00062479-00062654 that keep generates and that's one of okhnUsM_4Wc-00299-00062655-00062903 the important uh plus points of running okhnUsM_4Wc-00300-00062904-00063063 zeke that apart from the normal okhnUsM_4Wc-00301-00063064-00063254 heuristics it actually gives you some okhnUsM_4Wc-00302-00063255-00063438 interesting heuristics that are going on okhnUsM_4Wc-00303-00063439-00063703 in your network so and and as a yeah as okhnUsM_4Wc-00304-00063704-00063830 i said as a security engineer you okhnUsM_4Wc-00305-00063832-00063999 actually go for those kind of files that okhnUsM_4Wc-00306-00064000-00064150 can show you something that is not okhnUsM_4Wc-00307-00064151-00064287 normal happening in your network and okhnUsM_4Wc-00308-00064288-00064487 weird is one of those files that you can okhnUsM_4Wc-00309-00064488-00064606 start looking and digging through your okhnUsM_4Wc-00310-00064607-00064863 network and see why exactly your network okhnUsM_4Wc-00311-00064864-00065047 is so noisy and all these different okhnUsM_4Wc-00312-00065048-00065215 hundred types of weirds are triggering okhnUsM_4Wc-00313-00065216-00065375 of course there might be cases that some okhnUsM_4Wc-00314-00065376-00065559 of them are false positive which i have okhnUsM_4Wc-00315-00065560-00065703 talked about in my previous talks with okhnUsM_4Wc-00316-00065704-00065943 weird but there might be some cases okhnUsM_4Wc-00317-00065944-00066063 where actually you can find okhnUsM_4Wc-00318-00066064-00066287 misconfigurations and um enormous okhnUsM_4Wc-00319-00066288-00066455 behavior in your network which i have okhnUsM_4Wc-00320-00066456-00066638 again covered in my old talks where i okhnUsM_4Wc-00321-00066639-00066831 have shown people that hey you should okhnUsM_4Wc-00322-00066832-00067023 not ignore vr.log but it's actually a okhnUsM_4Wc-00323-00067024-00067182 pretty useful file and you should take a okhnUsM_4Wc-00324-00067183-00067399 look at it and today's talk as well like okhnUsM_4Wc-00325-00067400-00067703 i cover some part of uh weird analysis okhnUsM_4Wc-00326-00067704-00067879 and then how it led to okhnUsM_4Wc-00327-00067880-00068143 some other traffic investigation uh okhnUsM_4Wc-00328-00068144-00068463 we'll seek okhnUsM_4Wc-00329-00068464-00068655 weird log never disappoints me like if okhnUsM_4Wc-00330-00068656-00068855 you are trying to get something fun and okhnUsM_4Wc-00331-00068856-00069055 exciting for your job just start looking okhnUsM_4Wc-00332-00069056-00069223 at weird and it will all of a sudden you okhnUsM_4Wc-00333-00069224-00069343 know it will okhnUsM_4Wc-00334-00069344-00069479 brighten up your day and lighten up your okhnUsM_4Wc-00335-00069480-00069719 day okhnUsM_4Wc-00336-00069720-00069894 you know i think the description weird okhnUsM_4Wc-00337-00069895-00070055 just sums it up it doesn't matter what okhnUsM_4Wc-00338-00070056-00070199 you're talking about whether it's log okhnUsM_4Wc-00339-00070200-00070350 types or something in your day-to-day okhnUsM_4Wc-00340-00070351-00070623 life that is quote unquote weird it adds okhnUsM_4Wc-00341-00070624-00070838 excitement to to your life now some okhnUsM_4Wc-00342-00070839-00071031 people may look at that as positive some okhnUsM_4Wc-00343-00071032-00071255 may look at that as as negative but you okhnUsM_4Wc-00344-00071256-00071494 know weird anything keeps life okhnUsM_4Wc-00345-00071495-00071703 interesting um and with that we've got okhnUsM_4Wc-00346-00071704-00071862 about three minutes before the start of okhnUsM_4Wc-00347-00071863-00072135 your talk so we'll go ahead and get get okhnUsM_4Wc-00348-00072136-00072343 that started i know folks are commenting okhnUsM_4Wc-00349-00072344-00072479 in the channel that they're enjoying okhnUsM_4Wc-00350-00072480-00072743 kind of the pre-show here but i want to okhnUsM_4Wc-00351-00072744-00072887 you know go ahead and let you take the okhnUsM_4Wc-00352-00072888-00073143 floor and uh so let me introduce you okhnUsM_4Wc-00353-00073144-00073367 correctly so when we do the the video we okhnUsM_4Wc-00354-00073368-00073615 have the correct uh introduction okhnUsM_4Wc-00355-00073616-00073782 a quick question can you see my slide okhnUsM_4Wc-00356-00073783-00073991 deck am i sharing the right screen you okhnUsM_4Wc-00357-00073992-00074206 are you are can you just bump your sound okhnUsM_4Wc-00358-00074207-00074559 up just a little bit how was it now okhnUsM_4Wc-00359-00074560-00074806 it it's good for me but um we had some okhnUsM_4Wc-00360-00074807-00075015 folks saying that on the recording or okhnUsM_4Wc-00361-00075016-00075255 you know even on their uh screen i guess okhnUsM_4Wc-00362-00075256-00075399 they didn't have their okhnUsM_4Wc-00363-00075400-00075582 sound turned up as loud as i do and some okhnUsM_4Wc-00364-00075583-00075759 of the talks are coming across a little okhnUsM_4Wc-00365-00075760-00075982 a little soft for them so just want to okhnUsM_4Wc-00366-00075983-00076199 make sure that you can be okay let me okhnUsM_4Wc-00367-00076200-00076382 introduce you correctly for the video okhnUsM_4Wc-00368-00076383-00076775 and we'll we'll go from there okhnUsM_4Wc-00369-00076776-00077119 welcome everybody to uh the third talk okhnUsM_4Wc-00370-00077120-00077350 of zeke week for today today we have okhnUsM_4Wc-00371-00077351-00077591 fatima bennett walla she's a security okhnUsM_4Wc-00372-00077592-00077726 engineer with the snatch she's going to okhnUsM_4Wc-00373-00077727-00077935 be talking about dns and traffic okhnUsM_4Wc-00374-00077936-00078223 investigation with zeke fatima is a long okhnUsM_4Wc-00375-00078224-00078399 time member of the community she's a okhnUsM_4Wc-00376-00078400-00078599 member of the zeke lt and has okhnUsM_4Wc-00377-00078600-00078935 contributed um lots of content okhnUsM_4Wc-00378-00078936-00079119 and helps the community okhnUsM_4Wc-00379-00079120-00079294 with introduction to zeke many of you okhnUsM_4Wc-00380-00079295-00079511 may have been in her training yesterday okhnUsM_4Wc-00381-00079512-00079743 and so with that fatima take it away the okhnUsM_4Wc-00382-00079744-00079903 floor is yours okhnUsM_4Wc-00383-00079904-00080087 perfect thank you so much amber for the okhnUsM_4Wc-00384-00080088-00080350 great introduction so i will not um talk okhnUsM_4Wc-00385-00080351-00080550 a lot about myself as amber mentioned okhnUsM_4Wc-00386-00080551-00080694 i'm security engineer right now with okhnUsM_4Wc-00387-00080695-00080911 esnet it's been one and a half years and okhnUsM_4Wc-00388-00080912-00081103 it's been an amazing it's been an okhnUsM_4Wc-00389-00081104-00081375 amazing journey so far so quickly diving okhnUsM_4Wc-00390-00081376-00081559 into the talk okhnUsM_4Wc-00391-00081560-00081799 so weird history um i have been talking okhnUsM_4Wc-00392-00081800-00082031 about weird for past three years now so okhnUsM_4Wc-00393-00082032-00082206 i will not go into the very detail of okhnUsM_4Wc-00394-00082207-00082375 what weird is and how you should okhnUsM_4Wc-00395-00082376-00082567 investigate because those things have okhnUsM_4Wc-00396-00082568-00082703 already been covered and since i have a okhnUsM_4Wc-00397-00082704-00082991 very like small um okhnUsM_4Wc-00398-00082992-00083238 window to cover the stuff i will not okhnUsM_4Wc-00399-00083239-00083423 dive into uh what exactly weird is but okhnUsM_4Wc-00400-00083424-00083543 i'm just going to give you a little bit okhnUsM_4Wc-00401-00083544-00083815 of background of what weird is okhnUsM_4Wc-00402-00083816-00083967 so if you're not familiar with weird in okhnUsM_4Wc-00403-00083968-00084191 zeek it is it is unusual or exceptional okhnUsM_4Wc-00404-00084192-00084455 activity that can indicate male from uh okhnUsM_4Wc-00405-00084456-00084703 that can indicate malform connections or okhnUsM_4Wc-00406-00084704-00084855 traffic that doesn't conform to a okhnUsM_4Wc-00407-00084856-00085111 protocol to a particular protocol a okhnUsM_4Wc-00408-00085112-00085303 malfunctioning or misconfigured hardware okhnUsM_4Wc-00409-00085304-00085511 or even an attacker attempting to um okhnUsM_4Wc-00410-00085512-00085815 avoid or confuse your z sensor okhnUsM_4Wc-00411-00085816-00085991 and as part of the normal network okhnUsM_4Wc-00412-00085992-00086143 monitoring uh okhnUsM_4Wc-00413-00086144-00086415 that zeke does it uh it generates via okhnUsM_4Wc-00414-00086416-00086582 dot log as part of it so you don't have okhnUsM_4Wc-00415-00086583-00086767 to enable something very explicit in okhnUsM_4Wc-00416-00086768-00086959 your network for zeek to log that log okhnUsM_4Wc-00417-00086960-00087167 file for you it's automatically done by okhnUsM_4Wc-00418-00087168-00087359 vr it's automatically done by zeke when okhnUsM_4Wc-00419-00087360-00087543 it sees those weird patterns near okhnUsM_4Wc-00420-00087544-00087638 traffic okhnUsM_4Wc-00421-00087639-00087894 so um yeah so it's when whenever they okhnUsM_4Wc-00422-00087895-00088071 see something that is worth noting in okhnUsM_4Wc-00423-00088072-00088311 weird it will just lock down and it will okhnUsM_4Wc-00424-00088312-00088455 just log down and trigger a weird okhnUsM_4Wc-00425-00088456-00088671 indian.log file for you to later on take okhnUsM_4Wc-00426-00088672-00088791 a look at okhnUsM_4Wc-00427-00088792-00088950 so why it matters okhnUsM_4Wc-00428-00088951-00089182 um analyzing the weird logs might reveal okhnUsM_4Wc-00429-00089183-00089423 information about uh some activity that okhnUsM_4Wc-00430-00089424-00089647 is hard to notice in your day-to-day okhnUsM_4Wc-00431-00089648-00089871 life of network and network or security okhnUsM_4Wc-00432-00089872-00090055 engineer as i was mentioning with ember okhnUsM_4Wc-00433-00090056-00090238 before that as a security engineer you okhnUsM_4Wc-00434-00090239-00090423 always want to go for okhnUsM_4Wc-00435-00090424-00090606 the log files that are abnormal right okhnUsM_4Wc-00436-00090607-00090862 the log files that not confirm to the okhnUsM_4Wc-00437-00090863-00091055 normal traffic of course we has more okhnUsM_4Wc-00438-00091056-00091271 than 50 protocol parsers and it okhnUsM_4Wc-00439-00091272-00091479 generates really cool log files for them okhnUsM_4Wc-00440-00091480-00091606 but it's just like day-to-day ordinary okhnUsM_4Wc-00441-00091607-00091838 traffic so if you explicitly want to see okhnUsM_4Wc-00442-00091839-00092055 and add some fun you can actually start okhnUsM_4Wc-00443-00092056-00092318 looking at uh the weird.log file uh in okhnUsM_4Wc-00444-00092319-00092511 your day-to-day job okhnUsM_4Wc-00445-00092512-00092711 and investigating them actually might okhnUsM_4Wc-00446-00092712-00092879 reveal a network or applications okhnUsM_4Wc-00447-00092880-00093103 configurations which can then lead to okhnUsM_4Wc-00448-00093104-00093231 some kind of improvements in your okhnUsM_4Wc-00449-00093232-00093431 overall network or if it's a false okhnUsM_4Wc-00450-00093432-00093582 positive you can at least have ease in okhnUsM_4Wc-00451-00093583-00093831 the mind that okay i know that this okhnUsM_4Wc-00452-00093832-00094006 this activity is happening but it's kind okhnUsM_4Wc-00453-00094007-00094182 of like false cost in my network my okhnUsM_4Wc-00454-00094183-00094367 particular network okhnUsM_4Wc-00455-00094368-00094543 all right so before jumping in it's okhnUsM_4Wc-00456-00094544-00094743 important to um discuss that where okhnUsM_4Wc-00457-00094744-00094926 exactly our taps are and what traffic okhnUsM_4Wc-00458-00094927-00095062 zeke sees because then it will make okhnUsM_4Wc-00459-00095063-00095231 sense when i will discuss the weird and okhnUsM_4Wc-00460-00095232-00095447 how we investigate it and analyzed them okhnUsM_4Wc-00461-00095448-00095662 so this is the data center setup so we okhnUsM_4Wc-00462-00095663-00095855 have two data centers at east one is at okhnUsM_4Wc-00463-00095856-00096038 east coast east coast and the second one okhnUsM_4Wc-00464-00096039-00096294 is at the west coast and uh we have tabs okhnUsM_4Wc-00465-00096295-00096479 between our distribution switch and the okhnUsM_4Wc-00466-00096480-00096582 um okhnUsM_4Wc-00467-00096583-00096815 core router so primarily zeke nodes are okhnUsM_4Wc-00468-00096816-00097015 getting the east-west traffic of our okhnUsM_4Wc-00469-00097016-00097215 network that is getting load balanced okhnUsM_4Wc-00470-00097216-00097382 with arista and then okhnUsM_4Wc-00471-00097383-00097543 properly uh getting load balance to the okhnUsM_4Wc-00472-00097544-00097703 seat nodes and they're in there they're okhnUsM_4Wc-00473-00097704-00097887 analyzing that traffic so these are 10 okhnUsM_4Wc-00474-00097888-00098103 gig links and uh yeah the taps are okhnUsM_4Wc-00475-00098104-00098326 between our core switch core router and okhnUsM_4Wc-00476-00098327-00098574 the distribution switch so we can expect okhnUsM_4Wc-00477-00098575-00098799 not some of the internet traffic coming okhnUsM_4Wc-00478-00098800-00098999 in and out from our uh data center and okhnUsM_4Wc-00479-00099000-00099231 mostly the east west traffic uh that is okhnUsM_4Wc-00480-00099232-00099479 uh going uh between our distribution okhnUsM_4Wc-00481-00099480-00099782 switch and the uh router okhnUsM_4Wc-00482-00099783-00099974 interesting weird analysis so the good okhnUsM_4Wc-00483-00099975-00100215 part is in es net we do not get whole okhnUsM_4Wc-00484-00100216-00100462 ton of weird uh unique viewers log i okhnUsM_4Wc-00485-00100463-00100718 think it's like hardly we see unique uh okhnUsM_4Wc-00486-00100719-00101047 like 50 or 55 unique weirds per day okhnUsM_4Wc-00487-00101048-00101247 uh and we investigate the most triggered okhnUsM_4Wc-00488-00101248-00101471 beards usually and then uh okhnUsM_4Wc-00489-00101472-00101647 we then go from there so a couple of okhnUsM_4Wc-00490-00101648-00101887 months ago we were analyzing the dot log okhnUsM_4Wc-00491-00101888-00102023 file and those were the three important okhnUsM_4Wc-00492-00102024-00102215 readers that got triggered that we okhnUsM_4Wc-00493-00102216-00102439 actually started analyzing so and i will okhnUsM_4Wc-00494-00102440-00102663 go into the detail of each one and how okhnUsM_4Wc-00495-00102664-00102854 we uh what we found out when we were okhnUsM_4Wc-00496-00102855-00102990 analyzing it or whether it was true okhnUsM_4Wc-00497-00102991-00103206 positive or false positive so data after okhnUsM_4Wc-00498-00103207-00103454 reset dns our unknown type and tcp act okhnUsM_4Wc-00499-00103455-00103630 under flow rms order okhnUsM_4Wc-00500-00103631-00103782 or the three weird types that we okhnUsM_4Wc-00501-00103783-00103918 investigated okhnUsM_4Wc-00502-00103919-00104102 in past few months okhnUsM_4Wc-00503-00104103-00104334 okay so data after recent analysis for okhnUsM_4Wc-00504-00104335-00104510 those of you who do not know where okhnUsM_4Wc-00505-00104511-00104790 exactly uh the weirs are defined in zeke okhnUsM_4Wc-00506-00104791-00104983 there are primarily two places where the okhnUsM_4Wc-00507-00104983-00105215 where weirds are kind of like define and okhnUsM_4Wc-00508-00105216-00105423 from defined what i mean is if you're okhnUsM_4Wc-00509-00105424-00105590 really investing it investigating a okhnUsM_4Wc-00510-00105591-00105847 weird you have to see if the condition okhnUsM_4Wc-00511-00105848-00105999 that is triggering that weird and okhnUsM_4Wc-00512-00106000-00106175 getting logged in nba.log is a true okhnUsM_4Wc-00513-00106176-00106334 positive or false positive right so if okhnUsM_4Wc-00514-00106335-00106583 you are really curious and if you are if okhnUsM_4Wc-00515-00106583-00106702 you want to know what condition okhnUsM_4Wc-00516-00106703-00106878 triggered that weird you can actually okhnUsM_4Wc-00517-00106879-00107086 look at the source files and one of the okhnUsM_4Wc-00518-00107088-00107254 locations that beard is defined is okhnUsM_4Wc-00519-00107255-00107439 source files so if you have compiled c okhnUsM_4Wc-00520-00107440-00107558 from source you can go through the okhnUsM_4Wc-00521-00107559-00107815 source file and try to grab that weird okhnUsM_4Wc-00522-00107816-00107951 name okhnUsM_4Wc-00523-00107952-00108086 from the source file and you will get to okhnUsM_4Wc-00524-00108088-00108271 know where exactly it is defined so for okhnUsM_4Wc-00525-00108272-00108495 data after reset if you look into the uh okhnUsM_4Wc-00526-00108496-00108719 source slash analyzer slash protocol it okhnUsM_4Wc-00527-00108720-00108910 is defined in the pcp.cc file so the okhnUsM_4Wc-00528-00108911-00109134 condition is defined there and then when okhnUsM_4Wc-00529-00109135-00109399 that condition is met the z triggers the okhnUsM_4Wc-00530-00109400-00109615 weird and it is getting logged in vl.log okhnUsM_4Wc-00531-00109616-00109839 file so the cause as the name suggests okhnUsM_4Wc-00532-00109840-00110007 the vr names are pretty descriptive in okhnUsM_4Wc-00533-00110008-00110158 itself so you don't have to go through okhnUsM_4Wc-00534-00110159-00110319 the uh and look for the condition every okhnUsM_4Wc-00535-00110320-00110678 time it triggers so data after reset is okhnUsM_4Wc-00536-00110679-00110895 uh triggered when zeke sees a data okhnUsM_4Wc-00537-00110896-00111158 packet uh after seeing a reset packet okhnUsM_4Wc-00538-00111159-00111319 for the connection that means it is not okhnUsM_4Wc-00539-00111320-00111463 complying with the normal teardown of okhnUsM_4Wc-00540-00111464-00111734 the tcp connection right um okhnUsM_4Wc-00541-00111735-00111943 seeing the traffic so once the viewer is okhnUsM_4Wc-00542-00111944-00112127 triggered we try to we start analyzing okhnUsM_4Wc-00543-00112128-00112327 our traffic to see are there any okhnUsM_4Wc-00544-00112328-00112575 specific patterns that are getting um okhnUsM_4Wc-00545-00112576-00112775 that we are triggered in the log files okhnUsM_4Wc-00546-00112776-00112990 so majority of time since i said that we okhnUsM_4Wc-00547-00112991-00113239 monitor east-west traffic from our taps okhnUsM_4Wc-00548-00113240-00113383 that goes into the z okhnUsM_4Wc-00549-00113383-00113502 majority of the traffic that was okhnUsM_4Wc-00550-00113503-00113686 triggering that weird was our uh okhnUsM_4Wc-00551-00113688-00113871 internal traffic that was like internal okhnUsM_4Wc-00552-00113872-00114031 vlan traffic okhnUsM_4Wc-00553-00114032-00114127 um okhnUsM_4Wc-00554-00114128-00114278 yeah and you can see the number i have okhnUsM_4Wc-00555-00114279-00114415 just masked the ip addresses but they okhnUsM_4Wc-00556-00114416-00114575 are internal like like one address in okhnUsM_4Wc-00557-00114576-00114710 one vlan and the second address in the okhnUsM_4Wc-00558-00114711-00114807 second okhnUsM_4Wc-00559-00114808-00115023 under our distribution switch so the okhnUsM_4Wc-00560-00115024-00115231 reason for data after reset okhnUsM_4Wc-00561-00115232-00115471 so um what happens is if you have a okhnUsM_4Wc-00562-00115472-00115671 system in one vlan behind a distribution okhnUsM_4Wc-00563-00115672-00115839 switch that wants to communicate to a okhnUsM_4Wc-00564-00115840-00116031 system in another vlan behind the okhnUsM_4Wc-00565-00116032-00116199 distribution switch it is going to send okhnUsM_4Wc-00566-00116200-00116407 the packet out which will get rerouted okhnUsM_4Wc-00567-00116408-00116527 from the router back into the okhnUsM_4Wc-00568-00116528-00116743 distribution switch right and if you okhnUsM_4Wc-00569-00116744-00116983 have taps on those lines you are going okhnUsM_4Wc-00570-00116983-00117183 to see the packet twice and that's what okhnUsM_4Wc-00571-00117183-00117334 was happening we were able we were okhnUsM_4Wc-00572-00117335-00117566 seeing the duplicate packets okhnUsM_4Wc-00573-00117567-00117766 from those tabs and those duplicate okhnUsM_4Wc-00574-00117767-00117895 packets were getting good balance to the okhnUsM_4Wc-00575-00117896-00118166 zip nodes so data after reset was okhnUsM_4Wc-00576-00118167-00118431 happening because zeke was seeing a data okhnUsM_4Wc-00577-00118432-00118615 packet a duplicate data packet after it okhnUsM_4Wc-00578-00118616-00118871 saw a first reset of the connection so okhnUsM_4Wc-00579-00118872-00119063 now we knew that okay we are seeing okhnUsM_4Wc-00580-00119064-00119223 duplicate traffic which is interview and okhnUsM_4Wc-00581-00119224-00119366 traffic and it is getting load balanced okhnUsM_4Wc-00582-00119367-00119543 to zeke which is causing the most uh okhnUsM_4Wc-00583-00119544-00119815 noisiest uh data after uh reset okhnUsM_4Wc-00584-00119816-00120207 triggered in our vp.log file okhnUsM_4Wc-00585-00120208-00120663 okay um so resolution um okhnUsM_4Wc-00586-00120664-00120934 i'm just trying to watch for the time okhnUsM_4Wc-00587-00120935-00121190 uh resolution was uh there is just only okhnUsM_4Wc-00588-00121191-00121454 one resolution uh either you should okhnUsM_4Wc-00589-00121455-00121639 re architecture okhnUsM_4Wc-00590-00121640-00121727 the okhnUsM_4Wc-00591-00121728-00121919 position of your taps in the network okhnUsM_4Wc-00592-00121920-00122078 that where exactly you want to tap the okhnUsM_4Wc-00593-00122079-00122271 network so that you can avoid okhnUsM_4Wc-00594-00122272-00122527 uh that you should you avoid seeing the okhnUsM_4Wc-00595-00122528-00122758 duplicated packet going back and forth okhnUsM_4Wc-00596-00122759-00122958 from the tabs or if you do not want to okhnUsM_4Wc-00597-00122959-00123127 do that you can actually write some okhnUsM_4Wc-00598-00123128-00123327 complex ingress and address filters on okhnUsM_4Wc-00599-00123328-00123439 your uh okhnUsM_4Wc-00600-00123440-00123590 in our case arista that was a load okhnUsM_4Wc-00601-00123591-00123878 balancer uh so we tried that we tried to okhnUsM_4Wc-00602-00123879-00124063 write some complex ingress and egress okhnUsM_4Wc-00603-00124064-00124263 filters on aristota's tab aggregation okhnUsM_4Wc-00604-00124264-00124519 group for van inland tab and then we okhnUsM_4Wc-00605-00124520-00124743 were just trying to see if we get okhnUsM_4Wc-00606-00124744-00125127 reduced uh noise for duplicate traffic okhnUsM_4Wc-00607-00125128-00125327 that change we did on a friday around okhnUsM_4Wc-00608-00125328-00125534 16th april i think around afternoon and okhnUsM_4Wc-00609-00125535-00125702 then we just we just said that okay it's okhnUsM_4Wc-00610-00125703-00125871 just like our passive monitoring even if okhnUsM_4Wc-00611-00125872-00126078 we put the wrong filter okhnUsM_4Wc-00612-00126079-00126231 majority of the time like what will okhnUsM_4Wc-00613-00126232-00126431 happen is we will just not see the okhnUsM_4Wc-00614-00126432-00126614 traffic so we were just testing it out okhnUsM_4Wc-00615-00126615-00126807 so it was friday afternoon we put the okhnUsM_4Wc-00616-00126808-00126990 filter and then um okhnUsM_4Wc-00617-00126991-00127119 we thought that next week we will come okhnUsM_4Wc-00618-00127120-00127366 back and see if we see the tip in the uh okhnUsM_4Wc-00619-00127367-00127551 data after we set weird okhnUsM_4Wc-00620-00127552-00127743 so well uh when we came back on monday okhnUsM_4Wc-00621-00127744-00127990 uh and we started seeing the starting okhnUsM_4Wc-00622-00127991-00128207 started mapping out the weird we all of okhnUsM_4Wc-00623-00128208-00128414 a sudden saw a new weird that got popped okhnUsM_4Wc-00624-00128415-00128575 up and it just spiked through the okhnUsM_4Wc-00625-00128576-00128799 weekend and that was tcp act underflow okhnUsM_4Wc-00626-00128800-00129047 or misorder so we were nervous that okhnUsM_4Wc-00627-00129048-00129214 maybe our change actually triggered okhnUsM_4Wc-00628-00129215-00129431 something else that is now responsible okhnUsM_4Wc-00629-00129432-00129678 for uh spiking that we are in our in our okhnUsM_4Wc-00630-00129679-00129958 network so we started analyzing that now okhnUsM_4Wc-00631-00129959-00130102 we started analyzing the second weird okhnUsM_4Wc-00632-00130103-00130310 now but although even that weird was okhnUsM_4Wc-00633-00130311-00130551 that first uh tcp act underflow we had okhnUsM_4Wc-00634-00130552-00130751 was triggering throughout the um the okhnUsM_4Wc-00635-00130752-00130966 weekend we actually saw a dip in data okhnUsM_4Wc-00636-00130967-00131166 after reset that means our filters were okhnUsM_4Wc-00637-00131167-00131447 working that means zeke was not uh okhnUsM_4Wc-00638-00131448-00131607 seeing the duplicate traffic most of the okhnUsM_4Wc-00639-00131608-00131887 duplicate traffic anymore and this graph okhnUsM_4Wc-00640-00131888-00132087 actually plots um okhnUsM_4Wc-00641-00132088-00132254 this is a this is the graph that plots okhnUsM_4Wc-00642-00132255-00132607 the um weird tcpac underflow and its okhnUsM_4Wc-00643-00132608-00132790 trend over the weekend so from sunday okhnUsM_4Wc-00644-00132791-00133078 april 18th then uh on monday till 8. so okhnUsM_4Wc-00645-00133079-00133287 something definitely happened on monday okhnUsM_4Wc-00646-00133288-00133535 morning at 8 a.m that actually you know okhnUsM_4Wc-00647-00133536-00133766 um dead out that weird so something okhnUsM_4Wc-00648-00133767-00133943 changed on monday morning that kind of okhnUsM_4Wc-00649-00133944-00134166 like got rid of the beard but during the okhnUsM_4Wc-00650-00134167-00134351 whole weekend we saw like whole bumps okhnUsM_4Wc-00651-00134352-00134487 and spikes in that weird that we have okhnUsM_4Wc-00652-00134488-00134654 never seen before never be a dot lock okhnUsM_4Wc-00653-00134655-00134966 fight okhnUsM_4Wc-00654-00134967-00135254 okay so since that was triggering we our okhnUsM_4Wc-00655-00135255-00135439 first guess was let's go back and check okhnUsM_4Wc-00656-00135440-00135639 what is actually causing that viewer to okhnUsM_4Wc-00657-00135640-00135831 trigger so we started analyzing the log okhnUsM_4Wc-00658-00135832-00136031 files that zeke was uh generating over okhnUsM_4Wc-00659-00136032-00136183 the weekend and starting with the okhnUsM_4Wc-00660-00136184-00136439 connection logs we got the statistics of okhnUsM_4Wc-00661-00136440-00136663 top most source or top most destination okhnUsM_4Wc-00662-00136664-00136847 that was figuring that weird and we okhnUsM_4Wc-00663-00136848-00137007 realized that the 99 percent of the okhnUsM_4Wc-00664-00137008-00137102 traffic okhnUsM_4Wc-00665-00137103-00137271 that was triggering the tcp i kind of okhnUsM_4Wc-00666-00137272-00137583 prepared was uh from the liver nms okhnUsM_4Wc-00667-00137584-00137823 folder to the delivery liver nms server okhnUsM_4Wc-00668-00137824-00137983 so for those of you who do not know what okhnUsM_4Wc-00669-00137984-00138239 libre nms is it's a service uh just high okhnUsM_4Wc-00670-00138240-00138423 level view that it's a network okhnUsM_4Wc-00671-00138424-00138527 monitoring okhnUsM_4Wc-00672-00138528-00138711 software that you deploy on your network okhnUsM_4Wc-00673-00138712-00138878 it's like a clusterized service that has okhnUsM_4Wc-00674-00138879-00139054 different components in it and one okhnUsM_4Wc-00675-00139055-00139278 component of it is a polar that actually okhnUsM_4Wc-00676-00139279-00139471 goes out in your network pulls your host okhnUsM_4Wc-00677-00139472-00139623 and then brings that information back to okhnUsM_4Wc-00678-00139624-00139775 the server and then pushes it out to the okhnUsM_4Wc-00679-00139776-00139975 server and writes the file on the server okhnUsM_4Wc-00680-00139976-00140151 uh whatever information it has collected okhnUsM_4Wc-00681-00140152-00140351 on your network okhnUsM_4Wc-00682-00140352-00140599 so 99 of the traffic was coming from the okhnUsM_4Wc-00683-00140600-00140790 folder and going to the server and we okhnUsM_4Wc-00684-00140791-00140975 knew that there is something wrong with okhnUsM_4Wc-00685-00140976-00141214 our labor nms cluster there okhnUsM_4Wc-00686-00141215-00141414 uh i was able to capture and that was okhnUsM_4Wc-00687-00141415-00141559 the only thing that was inferred from okhnUsM_4Wc-00688-00141560-00141783 the logs so i tried to capture a pcap okhnUsM_4Wc-00689-00141784-00142047 from one of our bro workers okhnUsM_4Wc-00690-00142048-00142190 that was seeing that traffic and that okhnUsM_4Wc-00691-00142191-00142383 was triggering that weird and i was able okhnUsM_4Wc-00692-00142384-00142526 to capture the pcap and we were looking okhnUsM_4Wc-00693-00142527-00142671 through the connections that what is okhnUsM_4Wc-00694-00142672-00142911 exactly happening to those connections okhnUsM_4Wc-00695-00142912-00143166 and realized that i have not seen sar okhnUsM_4Wc-00696-00143167-00143311 connection before so if you guys are okhnUsM_4Wc-00697-00143312-00143519 familiar with the connection log con.log okhnUsM_4Wc-00698-00143520-00143607 file okhnUsM_4Wc-00699-00143608-00143831 it has a history feel in it and it's uh okhnUsM_4Wc-00700-00143832-00143902 it okhnUsM_4Wc-00701-00143903-00144126 records the history of the package sent okhnUsM_4Wc-00702-00144127-00144295 from the originated responder and then okhnUsM_4Wc-00703-00144296-00144471 back from responder to originator and okhnUsM_4Wc-00704-00144472-00144671 the capitalized version like capital s okhnUsM_4Wc-00705-00144672-00144799 it means the syn packet from the okhnUsM_4Wc-00706-00144800-00144966 originator and then this okhnUsM_4Wc-00707-00144967-00145302 small version of the um letters uh say okhnUsM_4Wc-00708-00145303-00145526 the other way around like a a stands for okhnUsM_4Wc-00709-00145527-00145678 acknowledgement and it is coming from okhnUsM_4Wc-00710-00145679-00145823 the responder to source and then the okhnUsM_4Wc-00711-00145824-00146039 reset from source respond okhnUsM_4Wc-00712-00146040-00146199 i have not seen that history before so okhnUsM_4Wc-00713-00146200-00146343 that was one of one of the interesting okhnUsM_4Wc-00714-00146344-00146559 points to see that why exactly we are okhnUsM_4Wc-00715-00146560-00146663 seeing that history for those okhnUsM_4Wc-00716-00146664-00146783 connections okhnUsM_4Wc-00717-00146784-00146935 and then the second important point was okhnUsM_4Wc-00718-00146936-00147119 the port so we knew that the ips from okhnUsM_4Wc-00719-00147120-00147278 polar the destination spoolers are a okhnUsM_4Wc-00720-00147279-00147559 polar server uh nms server and the four okhnUsM_4Wc-00721-00147560-00147839 was four two two one seven which is um okhnUsM_4Wc-00722-00147840-00148031 there's a service called rd cache that okhnUsM_4Wc-00723-00148032-00148302 runs on deliver nms server that that okhnUsM_4Wc-00724-00148303-00148439 deals with the reading and writing of okhnUsM_4Wc-00725-00148440-00148678 the files to the um to the server and okhnUsM_4Wc-00726-00148679-00148863 that service runs on that port so we okhnUsM_4Wc-00727-00148864-00149023 exactly knew that there is some problem okhnUsM_4Wc-00728-00149024-00149254 with that service okhnUsM_4Wc-00729-00149255-00149478 okay so the reason um okhnUsM_4Wc-00730-00149479-00149687 the reason was our librarian server was okhnUsM_4Wc-00731-00149688-00149871 running into the out of memory issues okhnUsM_4Wc-00732-00149872-00150095 during the same period of time when we okhnUsM_4Wc-00733-00150096-00150295 saw the spike in the tcp act under a okhnUsM_4Wc-00734-00150296-00150502 weird and all the connections from the okhnUsM_4Wc-00735-00150503-00150711 polars were either flat hung up on the okhnUsM_4Wc-00736-00150712-00150902 server or the kernel was silently okhnUsM_4Wc-00737-00150903-00151102 killing the pids to deal with the uh to okhnUsM_4Wc-00738-00151103-00151254 be to deal with the swapping and out of okhnUsM_4Wc-00739-00151255-00151559 memory issue on the server and that was okhnUsM_4Wc-00740-00151560-00151831 the reason for the sar connections okhnUsM_4Wc-00741-00151832-00152007 uh the clients were sending sends to okhnUsM_4Wc-00742-00152008-00152183 create a new connection but since the okhnUsM_4Wc-00743-00152184-00152335 connections were already established the okhnUsM_4Wc-00744-00152336-00152519 server so the server was responding back okhnUsM_4Wc-00745-00152520-00152678 with an act and the clients were okhnUsM_4Wc-00746-00152679-00152775 responding okhnUsM_4Wc-00747-00152776-00153007 and the client were responding um with okhnUsM_4Wc-00748-00153008-00153254 the reset to that ad trying to get the okhnUsM_4Wc-00749-00153255-00153423 established connection go away from the okhnUsM_4Wc-00750-00153424-00153663 server and then resending a send to okhnUsM_4Wc-00751-00153664-00153911 create a new connection okhnUsM_4Wc-00752-00153912-00154095 it was hard for me to wrap my head okhnUsM_4Wc-00753-00154096-00154231 around the star connections and i okhnUsM_4Wc-00754-00154232-00154431 struggled to understand what exactly it okhnUsM_4Wc-00755-00154432-00154726 means and then vlad actually pointed me okhnUsM_4Wc-00756-00154727-00154975 to an article that actually discussed okhnUsM_4Wc-00757-00154976-00155159 that it is possible to end up with a okhnUsM_4Wc-00758-00155160-00155335 server in established state and the okhnUsM_4Wc-00759-00155336-00155526 client in closed state if the connection okhnUsM_4Wc-00760-00155527-00155847 is lost or timed out on the client okhnUsM_4Wc-00761-00155848-00156102 and the client in uh in order to attempt okhnUsM_4Wc-00762-00156103-00156343 a new connection uh in order to open a okhnUsM_4Wc-00763-00156344-00156566 new connection in the scenario would okhnUsM_4Wc-00764-00156567-00156751 cause a sin packet to be receiving the okhnUsM_4Wc-00765-00156752-00156951 established state on the server which okhnUsM_4Wc-00766-00156952-00157159 was precise which precisely explained okhnUsM_4Wc-00767-00157160-00157414 what was going on with the um libre ns okhnUsM_4Wc-00768-00157415-00157566 polar and the liberatedness server when okhnUsM_4Wc-00769-00157567-00157790 the server ran out of the memory okhnUsM_4Wc-00770-00157791-00158071 um the resolution uh was pretty easy the okhnUsM_4Wc-00771-00158072-00158302 infd or infrastructure team knew about okhnUsM_4Wc-00772-00158303-00158519 the issue and they actually okhnUsM_4Wc-00773-00158520-00158790 took off the cluster on the morning of okhnUsM_4Wc-00774-00158791-00159014 monday so right after 8 a.m when we okhnUsM_4Wc-00775-00159015-00159231 didn't see any weird happening like the okhnUsM_4Wc-00776-00159232-00159471 flat line on the on the graph that was okhnUsM_4Wc-00777-00159472-00159663 the time when the cluster was taken off okhnUsM_4Wc-00778-00159664-00159966 the uh taken off the network and then okhnUsM_4Wc-00779-00159967-00160095 the infrastructure team was okhnUsM_4Wc-00780-00160096-00160239 troubleshooting the server and bringing okhnUsM_4Wc-00781-00160240-00160478 it back to the life okhnUsM_4Wc-00782-00160479-00160695 so the interesting lesson learned here okhnUsM_4Wc-00783-00160696-00160990 is you can actually use your nsm tool okhnUsM_4Wc-00784-00160991-00161239 to help you uh check for the health of okhnUsM_4Wc-00785-00161240-00161390 your monitoring tool okhnUsM_4Wc-00786-00161391-00161647 so that was pretty interesting uh find okhnUsM_4Wc-00787-00161648-00161854 that okay we used to kind of like okhnUsM_4Wc-00788-00161855-00162095 troubleshoot our monitoring systems that okhnUsM_4Wc-00789-00162096-00162263 are actually responsible for monitoring okhnUsM_4Wc-00790-00162264-00162495 our network okhnUsM_4Wc-00791-00162496-00162671 okay last but not the least dns our okhnUsM_4Wc-00792-00162672-00162911 unknown type uh we do not get a whole okhnUsM_4Wc-00793-00162912-00163087 lot right now triggering our network okhnUsM_4Wc-00794-00163088-00163214 mostly we have okhnUsM_4Wc-00795-00163215-00163454 uh gotten uh uh okhnUsM_4Wc-00796-00163455-00163631 like we have gotten rid of like we have okhnUsM_4Wc-00797-00163632-00163847 uh uh we do not kind of like get too okhnUsM_4Wc-00798-00163848-00164071 much of weird rr types but we still get okhnUsM_4Wc-00799-00164072-00164238 couple every now and then and we were okhnUsM_4Wc-00800-00164239-00164431 just trying to uh you know add support okhnUsM_4Wc-00801-00164432-00164614 to those so that we kind of like get the okhnUsM_4Wc-00802-00164615-00164831 rid of the dns runtime totally from our okhnUsM_4Wc-00803-00164832-00165007 vr.log file okhnUsM_4Wc-00804-00165008-00165254 uh that's the weird as the name suggest okhnUsM_4Wc-00805-00165255-00165543 uh it's triggered when zeke doesn't know okhnUsM_4Wc-00806-00165544-00165854 how to parse a resource rr type in the okhnUsM_4Wc-00807-00165855-00166078 dns traffic and the good part is it okhnUsM_4Wc-00808-00166079-00166375 actually logs the additional uh value of okhnUsM_4Wc-00809-00166376-00166647 the dns rr type id that it is not able okhnUsM_4Wc-00810-00166648-00166838 to parse so you can actually take a look okhnUsM_4Wc-00811-00166839-00167047 and see what exactly are the types that okhnUsM_4Wc-00812-00167048-00167351 uh seek doesn't have parsing support for okhnUsM_4Wc-00813-00167352-00167526 in our case there were like okhnUsM_4Wc-00814-00167527-00167726 four types that we saw in our network okhnUsM_4Wc-00815-00167727-00167887 that kind of like trigger every now and okhnUsM_4Wc-00816-00167888-00168119 then which is like okhnUsM_4Wc-00817-00168120-00168183 six 29 51 okhnUsM_4Wc-00818-00168184-00168478 three four and forty four okhnUsM_4Wc-00819-00168479-00168647 so the reason is pretty straightforward okhnUsM_4Wc-00820-00168648-00168823 c doesn't have currently parsing support okhnUsM_4Wc-00821-00168824-00169087 for those r types and those r type ids okhnUsM_4Wc-00822-00169088-00169302 correspond to correspond to these uh okhnUsM_4Wc-00823-00169303-00169599 type names so 29 is the location record okhnUsM_4Wc-00824-00169600-00169814 uh it specifies the geographical okhnUsM_4Wc-00825-00169815-00170054 location associated with the domain name okhnUsM_4Wc-00826-00170055-00170438 51 is nsec 3 uh param which is like okhnUsM_4Wc-00827-00170439-00170590 which is the record that contains the okhnUsM_4Wc-00828-00170591-00170823 parameters for the next secure record okhnUsM_4Wc-00829-00170824-00171087 version 3 protocol not protocol the okhnUsM_4Wc-00830-00171088-00171519 other type that dns has uh 65534 is a okhnUsM_4Wc-00831-00171520-00171647 private type okhnUsM_4Wc-00832-00171648-00171878 which is defined in bind nine and okhnUsM_4Wc-00833-00171879-00172111 mineline uses that special private type okhnUsM_4Wc-00834-00172112-00172366 to a signal the state of signing process okhnUsM_4Wc-00835-00172367-00172590 it is only seen on in the zone transfer okhnUsM_4Wc-00836-00172591-00172790 dns request and only if you have okhnUsM_4Wc-00837-00172791-00172990 implemented dns check on your dns okhnUsM_4Wc-00838-00172991-00173087 servers okhnUsM_4Wc-00839-00173088-00173343 44 is ssh fingerprinting uh it contains okhnUsM_4Wc-00840-00173344-00173423 the okhnUsM_4Wc-00841-00173424-00173726 public or it is it contains the ssh okhnUsM_4Wc-00842-00173727-00173975 host public key fingerprint in it and we okhnUsM_4Wc-00843-00173976-00174135 were seeing all those four side four okhnUsM_4Wc-00844-00174136-00174343 types which are not getting parts so okhnUsM_4Wc-00845-00174344-00174559 the parsing support was uh implemented okhnUsM_4Wc-00846-00174560-00174759 and contributed back to zeke and i think okhnUsM_4Wc-00847-00174760-00175023 the last end of last year and it should okhnUsM_4Wc-00848-00175024-00175263 be available now in the 4.0 and above so okhnUsM_4Wc-00849-00175264-00175623 if you run uh z4 sleep 4.0 above then okhnUsM_4Wc-00850-00175624-00175735 you should have the parts and support okhnUsM_4Wc-00851-00175736-00175902 for those four types again they're okhnUsM_4Wc-00852-00175903-00176047 pretty they're not that they're not okhnUsM_4Wc-00853-00176048-00176263 pretty noisy but still we get them okhnUsM_4Wc-00854-00176264-00176431 couple a couple of times every now and okhnUsM_4Wc-00855-00176432-00176743 then so we just uh try to add support okhnUsM_4Wc-00856-00176744-00176919 for it okhnUsM_4Wc-00857-00176920-00177126 okay finally the last topic i wanted to okhnUsM_4Wc-00858-00177127-00177343 cover was uh okhnUsM_4Wc-00859-00177344-00177535 interesting dns uh dns connections so okhnUsM_4Wc-00860-00177536-00177735 when we were doing the dns uh traffic okhnUsM_4Wc-00861-00177736-00177902 analysis uh that were triggered in the okhnUsM_4Wc-00862-00177903-00178102 veer.log file we came across some okhnUsM_4Wc-00863-00178103-00178247 interesting connections and those okhnUsM_4Wc-00864-00178248-00178487 connections were type of uh as i have okhnUsM_4Wc-00865-00178488-00178775 noted x dot y to x dot y minus 1 that okhnUsM_4Wc-00866-00178776-00178854 means okhnUsM_4Wc-00867-00178855-00179071 the last object of source ip was one okhnUsM_4Wc-00868-00179072-00179199 greater than the last octet of the okhnUsM_4Wc-00869-00179200-00179414 destination ip which clearly shows that okhnUsM_4Wc-00870-00179415-00179654 it's the intra wheel and traffic and you okhnUsM_4Wc-00871-00179655-00179911 do not see intravalent traffic on either okhnUsM_4Wc-00872-00179912-00180166 of your tabs firewall or a router right okhnUsM_4Wc-00873-00180167-00180287 because it's in gravity line it should okhnUsM_4Wc-00874-00180288-00180487 not even hit the attacks because it okhnUsM_4Wc-00875-00180488-00180790 should be within the um local vlan and okhnUsM_4Wc-00876-00180791-00180911 they were all dns connections they were okhnUsM_4Wc-00877-00180912-00181071 proper dns connections without any okhnUsM_4Wc-00878-00181072-00181238 problem it was just that the ip okhnUsM_4Wc-00879-00181239-00181471 addresses were throwing us off that wise okhnUsM_4Wc-00880-00181472-00181702 why is that kind of uh things happening okhnUsM_4Wc-00881-00181703-00182014 uh in our in our network okhnUsM_4Wc-00882-00182015-00182311 so it turns out that the reason is uh okhnUsM_4Wc-00883-00182312-00182526 there are people uh that work for the okhnUsM_4Wc-00884-00182527-00182719 closed resolver project okhnUsM_4Wc-00885-00182720-00183166 who have devised a noise way to use dns okhnUsM_4Wc-00886-00183167-00183471 to scan for uh the uh source address okhnUsM_4Wc-00887-00183472-00183702 validation across the internet so source okhnUsM_4Wc-00888-00183703-00183926 address validation scanning means that okhnUsM_4Wc-00889-00183927-00184087 if they find uh okhnUsM_4Wc-00890-00184088-00184351 if they scan and then if they find okhnUsM_4Wc-00891-00184352-00184583 uh the if they find that there are some okhnUsM_4Wc-00892-00184584-00184807 uh networks that do not have okhnUsM_4Wc-00893-00184808-00184919 um okhnUsM_4Wc-00894-00184920-00185159 inbound spoof packet filtering enabled okhnUsM_4Wc-00895-00185160-00185351 then they will get to know about it and okhnUsM_4Wc-00896-00185352-00185471 there's a whole okhnUsM_4Wc-00897-00185472-00185671 whole big blog post in detail that how okhnUsM_4Wc-00898-00185672-00185919 they do that and why they use that uh okhnUsM_4Wc-00899-00185920-00186126 that type where that kind of traffic okhnUsM_4Wc-00900-00186127-00186383 where the octet of the la the spoofed okhnUsM_4Wc-00901-00186384-00186590 source ips update is one more than the okhnUsM_4Wc-00902-00186591-00186814 destination ip and they go into the very okhnUsM_4Wc-00903-00186815-00186966 detail of how they have implemented it okhnUsM_4Wc-00904-00186967-00187071 and why they have implemented okhnUsM_4Wc-00905-00187072-00187263 implemented it and what they have found okhnUsM_4Wc-00906-00187264-00187454 so far in that blog post and i don't okhnUsM_4Wc-00907-00187455-00187631 have enough time to go through it so i okhnUsM_4Wc-00908-00187632-00187790 have just provided a link so if people okhnUsM_4Wc-00909-00187791-00187911 are interested they can go through it okhnUsM_4Wc-00910-00187912-00188111 and see how they're using dns that's okhnUsM_4Wc-00911-00188112-00188263 definitely one of one of the off-label okhnUsM_4Wc-00912-00188264-00188526 dns use cases i have seen uh in the okhnUsM_4Wc-00913-00188527-00188735 detection so we were seeing that traffic okhnUsM_4Wc-00914-00188736-00188823 uh okhnUsM_4Wc-00915-00188824-00189038 for our espress cluster so we wrote okhnUsM_4Wc-00916-00189039-00189238 detection scripts for uh east-west okhnUsM_4Wc-00917-00189239-00189390 traffic and north-south traffic so this okhnUsM_4Wc-00918-00189391-00189623 moved east west dot zeek script should okhnUsM_4Wc-00919-00189624-00189838 detect the spoofed traffic okhnUsM_4Wc-00920-00189839-00190111 uh which is in driving land so that the okhnUsM_4Wc-00921-00190112-00190271 exact same traffic that we saw in the okhnUsM_4Wc-00922-00190272-00190463 last slide which is in trevilla and the okhnUsM_4Wc-00923-00190464-00190750 north south will uh log the traffic that okhnUsM_4Wc-00924-00190751-00191014 is inter vlan or local to local and one okhnUsM_4Wc-00925-00191015-00191263 thing to note here is uh we and es let okhnUsM_4Wc-00926-00191264-00191487 have multi-cluster uh okhnUsM_4Wc-00927-00191488-00191663 setup so these scripts are just okhnUsM_4Wc-00928-00191664-00191911 specifically for the single site uh not okhnUsM_4Wc-00929-00191912-00192063 multi-cluster services multi-site okhnUsM_4Wc-00930-00192064-00192263 deployments so these scripts are okhnUsM_4Wc-00931-00192264-00192423 exclusively for single site deployment okhnUsM_4Wc-00932-00192424-00192687 that means if you have your um local uh okhnUsM_4Wc-00933-00192688-00192854 if you have just one site where you have okhnUsM_4Wc-00934-00192855-00193095 uh you have you all your network types okhnUsM_4Wc-00935-00193096-00193287 are contained in that site so that's okhnUsM_4Wc-00936-00193288-00193478 another thing to note uh and that okhnUsM_4Wc-00937-00193479-00193719 actually i'm right on time at least at okhnUsM_4Wc-00938-00193720-00193902 least three minutes earlier but okhnUsM_4Wc-00939-00193903-00194135 acknowledgements uh i know i have okhnUsM_4Wc-00940-00194136-00194295 been very quick and i've just breezed okhnUsM_4Wc-00941-00194296-00194463 through some of the slides uh i just okhnUsM_4Wc-00942-00194464-00194726 wanted to um thank uh the awesome team okhnUsM_4Wc-00943-00194727-00195031 for the amazing support and uh being uh okhnUsM_4Wc-00944-00195032-00195175 giving me an opportunity to be a okhnUsM_4Wc-00945-00195176-00195478 presenter in zeke week 21 um this year okhnUsM_4Wc-00946-00195479-00195607 as well okhnUsM_4Wc-00947-00195608-00195687 so okhnUsM_4Wc-00948-00195688-00195838 thank you thank you thank you everyone okhnUsM_4Wc-00949-00195839-00196038 for attending and i can take some okhnUsM_4Wc-00950-00196039-00196183 questions if there are any i haven't okhnUsM_4Wc-00951-00196184-00196407 been paying attention to the chat okhnUsM_4Wc-00952-00196408-00196566 but if there are any burning questions okhnUsM_4Wc-00953-00196567-00196735 that that i can answer in next three okhnUsM_4Wc-00954-00196736-00197111 minutes i would be more than happy to okhnUsM_4Wc-00955-00197112-00197319 i think the most interesting comment in okhnUsM_4Wc-00956-00197320-00197519 the channel was when seth said he didn't okhnUsM_4Wc-00957-00197520-00197863 know about sar so seth wasn't okhnUsM_4Wc-00958-00197864-00198038 wasn't aware of that and learned that okhnUsM_4Wc-00959-00198039-00198231 too then um okhnUsM_4Wc-00960-00198232-00198366 he just goes to show you it doesn't okhnUsM_4Wc-00961-00198367-00198559 matter how long you've been using okhnUsM_4Wc-00962-00198560-00198750 zeke you can learn something new every okhnUsM_4Wc-00963-00198751-00198878 day so okhnUsM_4Wc-00964-00198879-00199119 so thank you so much for your um for okhnUsM_4Wc-00965-00199120-00199414 your talk and i'll let you pop over into okhnUsM_4Wc-00966-00199415-00199623 the slack channel and we'll bring jeff okhnUsM_4Wc-00967-00199624-00199888 up to poFsDb7E3NQ-00000-00000064-00000254 this video has been brought to you by poFsDb7E3NQ-00001-00000256-00000591 nordvpn the five largest armed forces in poFsDb7E3NQ-00002-00000592-00000790 the world poFsDb7E3NQ-00003-00000791-00001039 when world war ii ended the world poFsDb7E3NQ-00004-00001040-00001311 entered an age known as the long piece a poFsDb7E3NQ-00005-00001312-00001599 77-year period that saw no large-scale poFsDb7E3NQ-00006-00001600-00001863 clashes between the major powers poFsDb7E3NQ-00007-00001864-00002047 however the fact is that during this poFsDb7E3NQ-00008-00002048-00002279 period there was always a conflict going poFsDb7E3NQ-00009-00002280-00002495 on somewhere in the world poFsDb7E3NQ-00010-00002496-00002726 during all these years of peace the cold poFsDb7E3NQ-00011-00002727-00002934 war between the east and the west held poFsDb7E3NQ-00012-00002935-00003150 the world constantly on the brink of a poFsDb7E3NQ-00013-00003151-00003375 total all-out war poFsDb7E3NQ-00014-00003376-00003567 around the world armed forces were poFsDb7E3NQ-00015-00003568-00003743 building up their strength while the poFsDb7E3NQ-00016-00003744-00004015 major powers became the superpowers with poFsDb7E3NQ-00017-00004015-00004367 arsenals of unimaginable proportions poFsDb7E3NQ-00018-00004368-00004583 even when the cold war ended in the late poFsDb7E3NQ-00019-00004584-00004863 20th century a fragile piece remained poFsDb7E3NQ-00020-00004864-00005006 over the planet poFsDb7E3NQ-00021-00005007-00005215 some new military powers emerged to poFsDb7E3NQ-00022-00005216-00005399 challenge the balance of the established poFsDb7E3NQ-00023-00005400-00005670 powers the race in armament production poFsDb7E3NQ-00024-00005671-00005854 and the building up of military strength poFsDb7E3NQ-00025-00005855-00006070 continued and in the second decade of poFsDb7E3NQ-00026-00006071-00006327 the 21st century the world's armies have poFsDb7E3NQ-00027-00006328-00006550 grown to a level never seen before in poFsDb7E3NQ-00028-00006551-00006703 history poFsDb7E3NQ-00029-00006704-00007183 out of a world population of 7.9 billion poFsDb7E3NQ-00030-00007184-00007375 million men and women are engaged in poFsDb7E3NQ-00031-00007376-00007639 military service that's a quarter of one poFsDb7E3NQ-00032-00007640-00007870 percent of all the people in the world poFsDb7E3NQ-00033-00007872-00008110 that are carrying arms each of the poFsDb7E3NQ-00034-00008111-00008327 largest top five armies in the world has poFsDb7E3NQ-00035-00008328-00008535 more than a million soldiers on active poFsDb7E3NQ-00036-00008536-00008663 service poFsDb7E3NQ-00037-00008664-00009023 this is who they are poFsDb7E3NQ-00038-00009024-00009255 at number five the armed forces of the poFsDb7E3NQ-00039-00009256-00009463 russian federation poFsDb7E3NQ-00040-00009464-00009783 with 1 million 14 000 active personnel poFsDb7E3NQ-00041-00009784-00009935 the armed forces of the russian poFsDb7E3NQ-00042-00009936-00010135 federation ranked number five on our poFsDb7E3NQ-00043-00010136-00010255 list poFsDb7E3NQ-00044-00010256-00010495 the successor of the famous red army the poFsDb7E3NQ-00045-00010496-00010663 current russian armed forces were poFsDb7E3NQ-00046-00010664-00010871 established in 1992 after the poFsDb7E3NQ-00047-00010872-00011127 dissolution of the soviet union poFsDb7E3NQ-00048-00011128-00011319 for years the army had struggled to poFsDb7E3NQ-00049-00011320-00011527 survive the economic transition brought poFsDb7E3NQ-00050-00011528-00011695 on by the democratic changes in the poFsDb7E3NQ-00051-00011696-00011919 country the new russian military poFsDb7E3NQ-00052-00011920-00012151 inherited almost the entire arsenal from poFsDb7E3NQ-00053-00012152-00012367 the soviet period which made the russian poFsDb7E3NQ-00054-00012368-00012519 army even though the second most poFsDb7E3NQ-00055-00012520-00012735 powerful poorly equipped compared to its poFsDb7E3NQ-00056-00012736-00013015 main rival the united states poFsDb7E3NQ-00057-00013016-00013255 however after the 2008 reform the poFsDb7E3NQ-00058-00013256-00013430 russian armed forces have undergone a poFsDb7E3NQ-00059-00013431-00013607 profound reorganization and poFsDb7E3NQ-00060-00013608-00013783 modernization of their arsenal and poFsDb7E3NQ-00061-00013784-00013894 equipment poFsDb7E3NQ-00062-00013895-00014127 in 2010 the russian government allocated poFsDb7E3NQ-00063-00014128-00014422 over 650 billion dollars to procure new poFsDb7E3NQ-00064-00014423-00014558 weapons and equipment for all the poFsDb7E3NQ-00065-00014559-00014775 branches of their armed forces poFsDb7E3NQ-00066-00014776-00014975 as a result the russian military budget poFsDb7E3NQ-00067-00014976-00015215 in 2021 was the fourth highest in the poFsDb7E3NQ-00068-00015216-00015607 world worth 61.7 billion dollars they poFsDb7E3NQ-00069-00015608-00015847 comprise three main branches the ground poFsDb7E3NQ-00070-00015847-00016271 forces the navy and the aerospace forces poFsDb7E3NQ-00071-00016272-00016415 apart from these there are three poFsDb7E3NQ-00072-00016416-00016663 independent arms of service the airborne poFsDb7E3NQ-00073-00016664-00016927 army special operations forces and the poFsDb7E3NQ-00074-00016928-00017175 strategic rocket forces poFsDb7E3NQ-00075-00017176-00017358 despite the attempts to professionalize poFsDb7E3NQ-00076-00017359-00017558 the active personnel more than half of poFsDb7E3NQ-00077-00017559-00017758 the russian armed forces consist of poFsDb7E3NQ-00078-00017759-00017879 conscripts poFsDb7E3NQ-00079-00017880-00018047 conscription is obligatory for all poFsDb7E3NQ-00080-00018048-00018350 russian male citizens aged 18 to 27 with poFsDb7E3NQ-00081-00018351-00018679 their term of service lasting 12 months poFsDb7E3NQ-00082-00018680-00018886 although the army lost its role as the poFsDb7E3NQ-00083-00018887-00019094 global superpower after the collapse of poFsDb7E3NQ-00084-00019095-00019303 the soviet union it still holds the poFsDb7E3NQ-00085-00019304-00019455 title for having the second most poFsDb7E3NQ-00086-00019456-00019686 powerful force in the world primarily poFsDb7E3NQ-00087-00019687-00019847 thanks to its frightening arsenal of poFsDb7E3NQ-00088-00019848-00020039 weapons and equipment poFsDb7E3NQ-00089-00020040-00020239 the russian army has the largest tank poFsDb7E3NQ-00090-00020240-00020503 fleet in the world its ground forces are poFsDb7E3NQ-00091-00020504-00020678 equipped with twelve thousand four poFsDb7E3NQ-00092-00020679-00020886 hundred and twenty tanks mostly poFsDb7E3NQ-00093-00020887-00021383 modernized t72 b3 b3m tanks but also t90 poFsDb7E3NQ-00094-00021384-00021655 m's and t80 bvms poFsDb7E3NQ-00095-00021656-00021747 30 poFsDb7E3NQ-00096-00021748-00022039 122 armored fighting vehicles including poFsDb7E3NQ-00097-00022040-00022503 the btr 82 am infantry fighting vehicles poFsDb7E3NQ-00098-00022504-00022622 five hundred and seventy four poFsDb7E3NQ-00099-00022623-00022863 self-propelled artillery guns poFsDb7E3NQ-00100-00022864-00023055 seven thousand five hundred and seventy poFsDb7E3NQ-00101-00023056-00023263 one towed artillery guns poFsDb7E3NQ-00102-00023264-00023422 and three thousand three hundred and poFsDb7E3NQ-00103-00023423-00023671 ninety one rocket projectors mainly the poFsDb7E3NQ-00104-00023672-00024158 bm thirty smirch and bm-21 grad systems poFsDb7E3NQ-00105-00024159-00024467 russian air power consists of poFsDb7E3NQ-00106-00024468-00024878 4173 aircraft of which there are 772 poFsDb7E3NQ-00107-00024879-00025263 fighters and 739 attack aircraft accent poFsDb7E3NQ-00108-00025264-00025618 given on modern types such as the su-35s poFsDb7E3NQ-00109-00025619-00026014 su-30sm and su-34 poFsDb7E3NQ-00110-00026016-00026214 in addition to this the air fleet also poFsDb7E3NQ-00111-00026216-00026711 has 445 transport aircraft 522 trainers poFsDb7E3NQ-00112-00026712-00027079 32 special mission aircraft 20 tankers poFsDb7E3NQ-00113-00027080-00027170 and poFsDb7E3NQ-00114-00027172-00027567 1543 helicopters which includes 544 poFsDb7E3NQ-00115-00027568-00027814 attack helicopters poFsDb7E3NQ-00116-00027816-00028062 at sea the russian navy deploys one poFsDb7E3NQ-00117-00028063-00028262 aircraft carrier the famous admiral poFsDb7E3NQ-00118-00028263-00028583 kunetsov alongside 11 frigates 15 poFsDb7E3NQ-00119-00028583-00029023 destroyers 86 corvettes 49 mine layers poFsDb7E3NQ-00120-00029024-00029358 59 patrol vessels and 70 submarines poFsDb7E3NQ-00121-00029360-00029574 including the most modern yes and yes poFsDb7E3NQ-00122-00029575-00029790 and m missile armed nuclear-powered poFsDb7E3NQ-00123-00029791-00030014 submarines poFsDb7E3NQ-00124-00030016-00030214 the crown of the russian armed forces poFsDb7E3NQ-00125-00030216-00030467 arsenal is its inventory of poFsDb7E3NQ-00126-00030468-00030743 6257 nuclear warheads poFsDb7E3NQ-00127-00030744-00030867 of that poFsDb7E3NQ-00128-00030868-00031151 1458 warheads are strategically deployed poFsDb7E3NQ-00129-00031152-00031318 on ballistic missiles poFsDb7E3NQ-00130-00031319-00031418 and poFsDb7E3NQ-00131-00031419-00031718 4497 are held in strategic reserve poFsDb7E3NQ-00132-00031719-00031918 making russia one of the two leading poFsDb7E3NQ-00133-00031919-00032287 nuclear powers in the world poFsDb7E3NQ-00134-00032288-00032639 at number four the korean people's army poFsDb7E3NQ-00135-00032639-00032895 with a mighty force of 1.2 million poFsDb7E3NQ-00136-00032896-00033118 active personnel north korea is poFsDb7E3NQ-00137-00033119-00033295 considered one of the biggest threats to poFsDb7E3NQ-00138-00033296-00033487 international security by the united poFsDb7E3NQ-00139-00033488-00033702 states and its allies poFsDb7E3NQ-00140-00033703-00033959 the nuclear outlaw north korea has poFsDb7E3NQ-00141-00033960-00034159 invested almost all of its resources poFsDb7E3NQ-00142-00034160-00034374 into building a strong military to guard poFsDb7E3NQ-00143-00034375-00034567 the north of the korean peninsula from poFsDb7E3NQ-00144-00034568-00034807 the capitalist invaders of the united poFsDb7E3NQ-00145-00034808-00035055 states and south korea poFsDb7E3NQ-00146-00035056-00035287 according to the country's constitution poFsDb7E3NQ-00147-00035288-00035502 national defense is the supreme duty and poFsDb7E3NQ-00148-00035503-00035735 honor of citizens citizens shall defend poFsDb7E3NQ-00149-00035736-00035871 the country and serve in the armed poFsDb7E3NQ-00150-00035872-00036159 forces as required by law poFsDb7E3NQ-00151-00036160-00036446 indeed 36 of north korean population poFsDb7E3NQ-00152-00036447-00036671 comprises the manpower available for poFsDb7E3NQ-00153-00036672-00036879 military service poFsDb7E3NQ-00154-00036880-00037102 out of all the armed forces in the world poFsDb7E3NQ-00155-00037103-00037335 the korean people's army has the longest poFsDb7E3NQ-00156-00037336-00037567 term of conscription amounting to 10 poFsDb7E3NQ-00157-00037568-00037695 years service poFsDb7E3NQ-00158-00037696-00037959 all males aged 14 are conscripted poFsDb7E3NQ-00159-00037960-00038230 starting their actual service at 17. poFsDb7E3NQ-00160-00038231-00038430 postponing their service is possible for poFsDb7E3NQ-00161-00038431-00038630 those who continue their education but poFsDb7E3NQ-00162-00038631-00038902 only for a three-year period females too poFsDb7E3NQ-00163-00038903-00039151 are conscripted although selectively the poFsDb7E3NQ-00164-00039152-00039374 ratio of men to women conscripts is nine poFsDb7E3NQ-00165-00039375-00039502 to one poFsDb7E3NQ-00166-00039503-00039671 children of the political elites are poFsDb7E3NQ-00167-00039672-00039855 exempt from doing military service poFsDb7E3NQ-00168-00039856-00040007 altogether poFsDb7E3NQ-00169-00040008-00040151 even though it's one of the poorest poFsDb7E3NQ-00170-00040152-00040327 countries in the world north korea poFsDb7E3NQ-00171-00040328-00040495 allocates enormous funds into poFsDb7E3NQ-00172-00040496-00040695 maintaining its armed forces the poFsDb7E3NQ-00173-00040696-00040951 military budget of 1.6 billion dollars poFsDb7E3NQ-00174-00040952-00041230 makes up a staggering 15.9 percent of poFsDb7E3NQ-00175-00041231-00041399 the central government spending poFsDb7E3NQ-00176-00041400-00041558 distributing this amount of money is poFsDb7E3NQ-00177-00041559-00041783 necessary to keep the gigantic military poFsDb7E3NQ-00178-00041784-00041983 machine functioning poFsDb7E3NQ-00179-00041984-00042183 the korean people's army has five poFsDb7E3NQ-00180-00042184-00042415 service branches the ground force the poFsDb7E3NQ-00181-00042416-00042718 naval force the air and anti-air force poFsDb7E3NQ-00182-00042719-00042918 the special operation force and the poFsDb7E3NQ-00183-00042919-00043158 strategic rocket force poFsDb7E3NQ-00184-00043159-00043335 they are equipped exclusively with poFsDb7E3NQ-00185-00043336-00043543 soviet and chinese origin weapons and poFsDb7E3NQ-00186-00043544-00043783 domestic production modifications as a poFsDb7E3NQ-00187-00043784-00043990 result most of the weapons and equipment poFsDb7E3NQ-00188-00043991-00044174 are obsolete poFsDb7E3NQ-00189-00044175-00044474 the ground forces are equipped with poFsDb7E3NQ-00190-00044475-00044887 5895 tanks mainly the old soviet t-54s poFsDb7E3NQ-00191-00044888-00045327 and 55s t-62s t-72s and an unknown poFsDb7E3NQ-00192-00045328-00045671 number of the new prototype m2020 tanks poFsDb7E3NQ-00193-00045672-00045883 the army also possesses poFsDb7E3NQ-00194-00045884-00046262 4114 armored vehicles mostly soviet btr poFsDb7E3NQ-00195-00046263-00046767 60 pbs 450 self-propelled artillery 250 poFsDb7E3NQ-00196-00046768-00047095 towed artillery and 1 360 rocket poFsDb7E3NQ-00197-00047096-00047271 projectors poFsDb7E3NQ-00198-00047272-00047507 for air combat the north koreans have poFsDb7E3NQ-00199-00047508-00047927 946 aircraft comprised of 458 fighters poFsDb7E3NQ-00200-00047928-00048167 which are mainly obsolete chinese copies poFsDb7E3NQ-00201-00048168-00048599 of the soviet mig-17 mig-19 and mig-21 poFsDb7E3NQ-00202-00048600-00048955 114 attack aircraft one transport and poFsDb7E3NQ-00203-00048956-00049374 169 trainers this also includes 204 poFsDb7E3NQ-00204-00049375-00049623 helicopters of which 20 are attack poFsDb7E3NQ-00205-00049624-00049799 helicopters poFsDb7E3NQ-00206-00049800-00049999 interestingly the north korean air fleet poFsDb7E3NQ-00207-00050000-00050279 comprises 80 american md 500 light poFsDb7E3NQ-00208-00050280-00050471 helicopters illegally bought by poFsDb7E3NQ-00209-00050472-00050799 circumventing u.s export controls poFsDb7E3NQ-00210-00050800-00051015 their modest naval forces consist of poFsDb7E3NQ-00211-00051016-00051342 five frigates 35 submarines 200 patrol poFsDb7E3NQ-00212-00051344-00051614 vessels and 10 mine layers poFsDb7E3NQ-00213-00051615-00051823 the true power of the korean people's poFsDb7E3NQ-00214-00051824-00052087 army lies in its strategic rocket force poFsDb7E3NQ-00215-00052088-00052246 who are in charge of the military's poFsDb7E3NQ-00216-00052247-00052447 nuclear and conventional strategic poFsDb7E3NQ-00217-00052448-00052663 missiles even though it's unknown how poFsDb7E3NQ-00218-00052664-00052879 many warheads the north koreans actually poFsDb7E3NQ-00219-00052879-00053047 have it's estimated that they have poFsDb7E3NQ-00220-00053048-00053279 produced fissile material for up to 50 poFsDb7E3NQ-00221-00053279-00053550 warheads such an arsenal of nuclear poFsDb7E3NQ-00222-00053551-00053735 weapons is enough to present a major poFsDb7E3NQ-00223-00053736-00054015 deterrent poFsDb7E3NQ-00224-00054016-00054207 but now let's dedicate a moment to thank poFsDb7E3NQ-00225-00054208-00054494 our sponsor nordvpn using public poFsDb7E3NQ-00226-00054495-00054687 networks and being online doesn't have poFsDb7E3NQ-00227-00054688-00054942 to mean being unprotected your personal poFsDb7E3NQ-00228-00054944-00055111 data can stay safe whether you're poFsDb7E3NQ-00229-00055112-00055311 shopping from your home network or just poFsDb7E3NQ-00230-00055312-00055535 browsing the web at a coffee shop with poFsDb7E3NQ-00231-00055536-00055799 just one click nordvpn and its latest poFsDb7E3NQ-00232-00055800-00055959 feature will uplift your digital poFsDb7E3NQ-00233-00055960-00056191 security to a whole 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poFsDb7E3NQ-00247-00059048-00059294 a single nordvpn account including your poFsDb7E3NQ-00248-00059295-00059535 smart tv and router hurry up and go to poFsDb7E3NQ-00249-00059536-00059703 nordvpn.com poFsDb7E3NQ-00250-00059704-00059894 simplehistory or click the link in the poFsDb7E3NQ-00251-00059895-00060087 description to get an exclusive discount poFsDb7E3NQ-00252-00060088-00060311 on the two-year plan plus the free poFsDb7E3NQ-00253-00060312-00060566 anti-malware you can try nord risk free poFsDb7E3NQ-00254-00060567-00060766 today thanks to their 30-day money-back poFsDb7E3NQ-00255-00060767-00061038 guarantee poFsDb7E3NQ-00256-00061039-00061263 at number three the united states armed poFsDb7E3NQ-00257-00061264-00061423 forces poFsDb7E3NQ-00258-00061424-00061582 even though it only has the third poFsDb7E3NQ-00259-00061583-00061791 largest military in the world with 1 poFsDb7E3NQ-00260-00061791-00062111 million 390 000 active personnel the poFsDb7E3NQ-00261-00062112-00062287 united states armed forces are poFsDb7E3NQ-00262-00062288-00062479 undisputedly the world's leading poFsDb7E3NQ-00263-00062479-00062711 military superpower poFsDb7E3NQ-00264-00062712-00062935 the u.s gained this status during and poFsDb7E3NQ-00265-00062936-00063150 after world war ii and especially during poFsDb7E3NQ-00266-00063151-00063287 the cold war poFsDb7E3NQ-00267-00063288-00063550 between 1945 and 1991 the american poFsDb7E3NQ-00268-00063551-00063775 military and political domination in the poFsDb7E3NQ-00269-00063776-00063999 world was matched only by the soviet poFsDb7E3NQ-00270-00064000-00064199 union and its red army poFsDb7E3NQ-00271-00064200-00064415 however once the soviet union dissolved poFsDb7E3NQ-00272-00064416-00064711 in 1991 the u.s armed forces became the poFsDb7E3NQ-00273-00064712-00064959 sole superpower in the world even though poFsDb7E3NQ-00274-00064960-00065119 the last war that the united states poFsDb7E3NQ-00275-00065120-00065359 officially fought in was world war ii poFsDb7E3NQ-00276-00065360-00065550 its armed forces were engaged in poFsDb7E3NQ-00277-00065551-00065735 numerous conflicts and military poFsDb7E3NQ-00278-00065736-00065935 operations worldwide earning its poFsDb7E3NQ-00279-00065936-00066255 nickname the global policeman poFsDb7E3NQ-00280-00066256-00066447 to maintain its enormous military poFsDb7E3NQ-00281-00066448-00066655 hardware and retain its dominance the poFsDb7E3NQ-00282-00066656-00066887 united states paid a hefty price the poFsDb7E3NQ-00283-00066888-00067191 annual defense budget of 770 billion poFsDb7E3NQ-00284-00067192-00067438 dollars surpasses by far the budgets of poFsDb7E3NQ-00285-00067439-00067655 all other countries it makes up poFsDb7E3NQ-00286-00067656-00067847 one-third of the entire military poFsDb7E3NQ-00287-00067848-00068126 expenditure of the whole world poFsDb7E3NQ-00288-00068127-00068375 since 1973 the united states armed poFsDb7E3NQ-00289-00068376-00068582 forces has been an all-volunteer poFsDb7E3NQ-00290-00068583-00068831 professional military however upon poFsDb7E3NQ-00291-00068832-00069015 congress's approval the president may poFsDb7E3NQ-00292-00069016-00069223 enact the selective conscription system poFsDb7E3NQ-00293-00069224-00069463 in case of war with all male citizens poFsDb7E3NQ-00294-00069464-00069711 and residents between 18 and 25 years of poFsDb7E3NQ-00295-00069712-00069935 age required to register poFsDb7E3NQ-00296-00069936-00070111 once in the service conscripts are poFsDb7E3NQ-00297-00070112-00070375 engaged into one of six service branches poFsDb7E3NQ-00298-00070376-00070663 these are the us army u.s marine corps poFsDb7E3NQ-00299-00070664-00071038 u.s navy u.s air force u.s space force poFsDb7E3NQ-00300-00071039-00071247 and u.s coast guard poFsDb7E3NQ-00301-00071248-00071455 combined forces of all branches are poFsDb7E3NQ-00302-00071456-00071655 organized under unified combatant poFsDb7E3NQ-00303-00071656-00071815 commands based on the area of poFsDb7E3NQ-00304-00071816-00072006 responsibility in the world or on a poFsDb7E3NQ-00305-00072007-00072262 functional basis currently there are 11 poFsDb7E3NQ-00306-00072263-00072543 unified combatant commands poFsDb7E3NQ-00307-00072544-00072743 in recent years the united states armed poFsDb7E3NQ-00308-00072744-00072967 forces dominance has been challenged by poFsDb7E3NQ-00309-00072968-00073159 other armies especially the rising poFsDb7E3NQ-00310-00073160-00073455 powers such as russia china and india to poFsDb7E3NQ-00311-00073456-00073631 counter measure against their efforts poFsDb7E3NQ-00312-00073632-00073767 the united states pays a lot of poFsDb7E3NQ-00313-00073768-00073943 attention to the procurement of new poFsDb7E3NQ-00314-00073944-00074191 weapons and equipment the united states poFsDb7E3NQ-00315-00074192-00074406 armed forces therefore have some of the poFsDb7E3NQ-00316-00074407-00074631 finest and latest generation weapons and poFsDb7E3NQ-00317-00074632-00074823 systems in its arsenal poFsDb7E3NQ-00318-00074824-00075015 the number of systems in service also poFsDb7E3NQ-00319-00075016-00075199 puts the americans at the very top of poFsDb7E3NQ-00320-00075200-00075438 the world's military forces poFsDb7E3NQ-00321-00075439-00075623 their ground forces are equipped with poFsDb7E3NQ-00322-00075624-00075815 6612 poFsDb7E3NQ-00323-00075816-00076055 tanks with the m1 abrams being the main poFsDb7E3NQ-00324-00076056-00076182 battle tank poFsDb7E3NQ-00325-00076183-00076299 45 poFsDb7E3NQ-00326-00076300-00076631 193 armored vehicles including the m2 poFsDb7E3NQ-00327-00076632-00076959 and m3 bradley fighting vehicles m1120 poFsDb7E3NQ-00328-00076960-00077271 striker and m113 personnel carriers and poFsDb7E3NQ-00329-00077272-00077375 others poFsDb7E3NQ-00330-00077376-00077594 the artillery consists of poFsDb7E3NQ-00331-00077595-00078079 1498 self-propelled artillery guns 1 39 poFsDb7E3NQ-00332-00078080-00078338 towed artillery guns and 1 poFsDb7E3NQ-00333-00078339-00078687 366 rocket projectors poFsDb7E3NQ-00334-00078688-00078919 the us air fleet is undoubtedly the poFsDb7E3NQ-00335-00078920-00079094 mightiest force in the world with the poFsDb7E3NQ-00336-00079095-00079367 number of aircraft it has in service it poFsDb7E3NQ-00337-00079368-00079531 includes 13 poFsDb7E3NQ-00338-00079532-00079855 246 aircraft of various types three poFsDb7E3NQ-00339-00079856-00080062 times more than the second largest air poFsDb7E3NQ-00340-00080063-00080335 force the russian aerospace force poFsDb7E3NQ-00341-00080336-00080499 of that number poFsDb7E3NQ-00342-00080500-00080911 1957 are fighters mainly the f-15ce poFsDb7E3NQ-00343-00080912-00081287 eagles the f-16 cd fighting falcons and poFsDb7E3NQ-00344-00081288-00081526 their modern replacement the f-35a poFsDb7E3NQ-00345-00081527-00081799 lightning ii poFsDb7E3NQ-00346-00081800-00082079 in addition to this there are 783 attack poFsDb7E3NQ-00347-00082080-00082471 aircraft and other heavier bombers poFsDb7E3NQ-00348-00082472-00082743 the airfleet also comprises 982 poFsDb7E3NQ-00349-00082744-00082947 transport aircraft poFsDb7E3NQ-00350-00082948-00083171 2661 trainers poFsDb7E3NQ-00351-00083172-00083482 774 special missions aircraft poFsDb7E3NQ-00352-00083483-00083787 627 tankers and 5 poFsDb7E3NQ-00353-00083788-00084182 463 helicopters including 910 attack poFsDb7E3NQ-00354-00084183-00084615 helicopters mostly ah-64 apaches poFsDb7E3NQ-00355-00084616-00084871 at sea the u.s navy has 11 aircraft poFsDb7E3NQ-00356-00084872-00085111 carriers and nine helicopter carriers poFsDb7E3NQ-00357-00085112-00085350 the largest such fleet in the world poFsDb7E3NQ-00358-00085351-00085718 together with 92 destroyers 22 corvettes poFsDb7E3NQ-00359-00085719-00086006 68 submarines including 14 ballistic poFsDb7E3NQ-00360-00086007-00086262 missile submarines eight mine layers and poFsDb7E3NQ-00361-00086263-00086479 10 patrol vessels poFsDb7E3NQ-00362-00086480-00086679 alongside the russians the united states poFsDb7E3NQ-00363-00086680-00086871 armed forces have the largest nuclear poFsDb7E3NQ-00364-00086872-00087238 arsenal with 5 550 warheads poFsDb7E3NQ-00365-00087239-00087406 a quarter of these are strategically poFsDb7E3NQ-00366-00087407-00087582 deployed on ballistic missiles in the poFsDb7E3NQ-00367-00087583-00087806 united states and u.s bomber bases poFsDb7E3NQ-00368-00087807-00087999 across the globe poFsDb7E3NQ-00369-00088000-00088255 with such a powerful arsenal it's clear poFsDb7E3NQ-00370-00088256-00088487 why the u.s armed forces are considered poFsDb7E3NQ-00371-00088488-00088903 the most powerful military in the world poFsDb7E3NQ-00372-00088904-00089279 at number two the indian armed forces poFsDb7E3NQ-00373-00089280-00089479 india is the second most populated poFsDb7E3NQ-00374-00089480-00089687 country in the world and accordingly has poFsDb7E3NQ-00375-00089688-00089911 the second largest military with one poFsDb7E3NQ-00376-00089912-00090103 million four hundred and fifty thousand poFsDb7E3NQ-00377-00090104-00090271 active personnel poFsDb7E3NQ-00378-00090272-00090447 it is however the fastest growing poFsDb7E3NQ-00379-00090448-00090679 military with twenty two million seven poFsDb7E3NQ-00380-00090680-00090847 hundred and sixty eight thousand six poFsDb7E3NQ-00381-00090848-00091023 hundred and nineteen men reaching the poFsDb7E3NQ-00382-00091024-00091350 age to serve in the military annually poFsDb7E3NQ-00383-00091351-00091550 the military was formed on the basis of poFsDb7E3NQ-00384-00091551-00091711 the british indian army from the poFsDb7E3NQ-00385-00091712-00091871 colonial period poFsDb7E3NQ-00386-00091872-00092062 after india gained its independence in poFsDb7E3NQ-00387-00092063-00092359 1947 the army was split between india poFsDb7E3NQ-00388-00092360-00092503 and pakistan poFsDb7E3NQ-00389-00092504-00092750 it gave birth to the indian armed forces poFsDb7E3NQ-00390-00092751-00092950 over the years india has forged its poFsDb7E3NQ-00391-00092951-00093150 military strength in several conflicts poFsDb7E3NQ-00392-00093151-00093271 with the neighboring countries of poFsDb7E3NQ-00393-00093272-00093462 pakistan and china poFsDb7E3NQ-00394-00093463-00093638 today the military has three basic poFsDb7E3NQ-00395-00093639-00093871 service branches the indian army the poFsDb7E3NQ-00396-00093872-00094094 indian navy and the indian air force poFsDb7E3NQ-00397-00094095-00094287 which are supported by the indian coast poFsDb7E3NQ-00398-00094288-00094511 guard and paramilitary organizations and poFsDb7E3NQ-00399-00094512-00094791 various inter-service commands poFsDb7E3NQ-00400-00094792-00095038 due to its large population of 1.3 poFsDb7E3NQ-00401-00095039-00095271 billion people india doesn't practice poFsDb7E3NQ-00402-00095272-00095423 conscription even though there's a poFsDb7E3NQ-00403-00095424-00095671 provision for one in their constitution poFsDb7E3NQ-00404-00095672-00095838 the indian armed forces is an poFsDb7E3NQ-00405-00095839-00096038 all-volunteer force gathering new poFsDb7E3NQ-00406-00096039-00096262 recruits at recruitment rallies poFsDb7E3NQ-00407-00096263-00096550 all males aged between 17 and 21 may poFsDb7E3NQ-00408-00096551-00096718 join the army if they meet the health poFsDb7E3NQ-00409-00096719-00096943 and physical criteria poFsDb7E3NQ-00410-00096944-00097143 women are not actively recruited for the poFsDb7E3NQ-00411-00097144-00097318 service but they are allowed to serve as poFsDb7E3NQ-00412-00097319-00097511 officers and combat pilots through the poFsDb7E3NQ-00413-00097512-00097726 short service commission poFsDb7E3NQ-00414-00097727-00097926 with its foreign activities india has poFsDb7E3NQ-00415-00097927-00098079 developed a strong relationship with poFsDb7E3NQ-00416-00098080-00098247 almost all of the leading powers in the poFsDb7E3NQ-00417-00098248-00098471 world they've conducted joint military poFsDb7E3NQ-00418-00098472-00098726 exercises with the united states russia poFsDb7E3NQ-00419-00098727-00098991 china japan brazil and france poFsDb7E3NQ-00420-00098992-00099199 similarly india has established solid poFsDb7E3NQ-00421-00099200-00099391 connections to procure weapons and poFsDb7E3NQ-00422-00099392-00099615 equipment for its armed forces as a poFsDb7E3NQ-00423-00099616-00099774 result they are one of the largest poFsDb7E3NQ-00424-00099775-00099991 importers of defense equipment most of poFsDb7E3NQ-00425-00099992-00100159 this coming from russia the united poFsDb7E3NQ-00426-00100160-00100391 states france and israel poFsDb7E3NQ-00427-00100392-00100582 however recently india has conducted a poFsDb7E3NQ-00428-00100583-00100759 campaign to build its own domestic poFsDb7E3NQ-00429-00100760-00100967 defense industry and so reduced its poFsDb7E3NQ-00430-00100968-00101238 independence on foreign imports poFsDb7E3NQ-00431-00101239-00101438 one of its leading domestic products is poFsDb7E3NQ-00432-00101439-00101687 the arjun mark 1 tank which is the main poFsDb7E3NQ-00433-00101688-00102015 battle tank in its fleet of 4614 poFsDb7E3NQ-00434-00102016-00102247 tanks most of the other tanks used are poFsDb7E3NQ-00435-00102248-00102551 russian t-90s and t-72s poFsDb7E3NQ-00436-00102552-00102734 indian ground forces are equipped with poFsDb7E3NQ-00437-00102735-00103078 12 000 armored vehicles mostly the bmp-2 poFsDb7E3NQ-00438-00103079-00103190 2k poFsDb7E3NQ-00439-00103191-00103482 100 self-propelled artillery poFsDb7E3NQ-00440-00103483-00103786 3311 towed artillery and poFsDb7E3NQ-00441-00103788-00104102 1338 rocket projectors mostly russian poFsDb7E3NQ-00442-00104103-00104439 smirch 9k 58 mbrls poFsDb7E3NQ-00443-00104440-00104639 the air power of the indian military poFsDb7E3NQ-00444-00104640-00104771 includes poFsDb7E3NQ-00445-00104772-00104995 2182 aircraft poFsDb7E3NQ-00446-00104996-00105263 564 of these are fighter planes the poFsDb7E3NQ-00447-00105264-00105486 sukhoi su-30mk1 poFsDb7E3NQ-00448-00105488-00105671 being the primary fighter in the fleet poFsDb7E3NQ-00449-00105672-00105863 that also includes the french de soul poFsDb7E3NQ-00450-00105864-00106239 mirage 2000 and the indian hal tejas poFsDb7E3NQ-00451-00106240-00106502 in addition to this there are 130 attack poFsDb7E3NQ-00452-00106503-00106951 aircraft 253 transport planes 353 poFsDb7E3NQ-00453-00106952-00107302 trainers 71 special mission planes six poFsDb7E3NQ-00454-00107303-00107686 elution il-78 tankers and 805 poFsDb7E3NQ-00455-00107688-00107958 helicopters of which 37 are attack poFsDb7E3NQ-00456-00107959-00108351 helicopters mainly the mi 25 mi 35 and poFsDb7E3NQ-00457-00108352-00108599 indian hull rudra poFsDb7E3NQ-00458-00108600-00108807 the indian navy is among the top 10 poFsDb7E3NQ-00459-00108808-00109166 navies in the world with 295 vessels poFsDb7E3NQ-00460-00109167-00109327 india is one of the few countries with poFsDb7E3NQ-00461-00109328-00109578 an aircraft carrier in its fleet the ins poFsDb7E3NQ-00462-00109579-00109831 vikramaditya a modified russian kiev poFsDb7E3NQ-00463-00109832-00110127 class ship and another undergoing trials poFsDb7E3NQ-00464-00110128-00110415 the indians also have 10 destroyers 13 poFsDb7E3NQ-00465-00110416-00110831 frigates 22 corvettes 128 patrol vessels poFsDb7E3NQ-00466-00110832-00111078 and 17 submarines including the poFsDb7E3NQ-00467-00111079-00111295 nuclear-powered attack submarine ins poFsDb7E3NQ-00468-00111296-00111558 chakra released from russia poFsDb7E3NQ-00469-00111559-00111783 being one of the nuclear powers india is poFsDb7E3NQ-00470-00111783-00112078 believed to have 156 warheads and has poFsDb7E3NQ-00471-00112079-00112271 developed systems for launching nuclear poFsDb7E3NQ-00472-00112272-00112534 weapons from the land sea and air poFsDb7E3NQ-00473-00112535-00112743 the nuclear weapon program is developed poFsDb7E3NQ-00474-00112744-00112958 primarily as a deterrent strategy poFsDb7E3NQ-00475-00112959-00113175 against neighboring pakistan india's poFsDb7E3NQ-00476-00113176-00113478 main adversary poFsDb7E3NQ-00477-00113479-00113710 at number one the chinese people's poFsDb7E3NQ-00478-00113711-00113910 liberation army poFsDb7E3NQ-00479-00113911-00114183 the people's liberation army or pla was poFsDb7E3NQ-00480-00114183-00114463 founded in 1927 and took its present poFsDb7E3NQ-00481-00114464-00114751 form in 1947 after the chinese communist poFsDb7E3NQ-00482-00114752-00114999 party took control of the country for poFsDb7E3NQ-00483-00115000-00115199 many years it's had a massive but poFsDb7E3NQ-00484-00115200-00115454 cumbersome and obsolete military force poFsDb7E3NQ-00485-00115455-00115654 however in recent years china has poFsDb7E3NQ-00486-00115655-00115854 undertaken some serious efforts in poFsDb7E3NQ-00487-00115855-00116086 modernizing its military so that it has poFsDb7E3NQ-00488-00116088-00116302 now become the largest military force poFsDb7E3NQ-00489-00116303-00116534 globally with the second highest budget poFsDb7E3NQ-00490-00116535-00116727 and third strongest armed force in the poFsDb7E3NQ-00491-00116728-00116839 world poFsDb7E3NQ-00492-00116840-00117047 as a result the chinese armed forces poFsDb7E3NQ-00493-00117048-00117239 have expressed a clear indication that poFsDb7E3NQ-00494-00117240-00117607 it intends on becoming a new superpower poFsDb7E3NQ-00495-00117608-00117783 the active personnel in the chinese poFsDb7E3NQ-00496-00117783-00118007 forces combined numbers 2 million poFsDb7E3NQ-00497-00118008-00118231 servicemen military service is poFsDb7E3NQ-00498-00118232-00118431 obligatory for all chinese males from poFsDb7E3NQ-00499-00118432-00118590 the age of 18. poFsDb7E3NQ-00500-00118591-00118775 teenagers are required to register with poFsDb7E3NQ-00501-00118776-00118934 the central military commission poFsDb7E3NQ-00502-00118935-00119158 recruitment body however mandatory poFsDb7E3NQ-00503-00119159-00119351 recruitment has been abandoned in china poFsDb7E3NQ-00504-00119352-00119631 since 1949 as the armed forces have a poFsDb7E3NQ-00505-00119632-00119790 sufficient number of volunteers to poFsDb7E3NQ-00506-00119791-00119990 maintain the service poFsDb7E3NQ-00507-00119991-00120223 the chinese armed forces consist of five poFsDb7E3NQ-00508-00120224-00120551 branches the ground force the navy the poFsDb7E3NQ-00509-00120552-00120654 air force poFsDb7E3NQ-00510-00120655-00120871 the rocket force and the strategic poFsDb7E3NQ-00511-00120872-00121031 support force poFsDb7E3NQ-00512-00121032-00121223 in addition to this the country's entire poFsDb7E3NQ-00513-00121224-00121463 territory is divided into five theater poFsDb7E3NQ-00514-00121464-00121639 commands that are responsible for the poFsDb7E3NQ-00515-00121640-00121854 development of tactics and response to poFsDb7E3NQ-00516-00121855-00122095 threats or crises poFsDb7E3NQ-00517-00122096-00122247 like the rest of the country the poFsDb7E3NQ-00518-00122248-00122447 military is under the strict control of poFsDb7E3NQ-00519-00122448-00122743 the chinese communist party the pla even poFsDb7E3NQ-00520-00122744-00122886 has its members in the national poFsDb7E3NQ-00521-00122888-00123014 parliament poFsDb7E3NQ-00522-00123015-00123183 being the backbone of the regime the poFsDb7E3NQ-00523-00123183-00123399 armed forces are granted a substantial poFsDb7E3NQ-00524-00123400-00123547 military budget of poFsDb7E3NQ-00525-00123548-00123814 250.2 billion dollars poFsDb7E3NQ-00526-00123815-00123943 most of the budget is aimed at poFsDb7E3NQ-00527-00123944-00124143 purchasing modern weapons and equipment poFsDb7E3NQ-00528-00124144-00124295 to compete with the other leading poFsDb7E3NQ-00529-00124296-00124551 military powers in the world poFsDb7E3NQ-00530-00124552-00124734 apart from the procurement of weapons poFsDb7E3NQ-00531-00124735-00124878 the chinese have invested a lot of poFsDb7E3NQ-00532-00124879-00125095 effort and finances into developing new poFsDb7E3NQ-00533-00125096-00125295 types of weapons such as the laser poFsDb7E3NQ-00534-00125296-00125543 device for tracking submarines at twice poFsDb7E3NQ-00535-00125544-00125727 the depth and the most sophisticated poFsDb7E3NQ-00536-00125728-00125975 sonars and magnetic detectors currently poFsDb7E3NQ-00537-00125976-00126071 can poFsDb7E3NQ-00538-00126072-00126254 there are also programs in developing poFsDb7E3NQ-00539-00126255-00126439 high-powered lasers high-powered poFsDb7E3NQ-00540-00126440-00126686 microwave weapons particle beam weapons poFsDb7E3NQ-00541-00126688-00126943 and electromagnetic pulse weapons poFsDb7E3NQ-00542-00126944-00127151 a significant step in this direction was poFsDb7E3NQ-00543-00127152-00127302 also the development of imagery poFsDb7E3NQ-00544-00127303-00127534 satellites for military purposes it poFsDb7E3NQ-00545-00127535-00127734 should be noted that in 2019 china poFsDb7E3NQ-00546-00127735-00127919 became only the third country to have poFsDb7E3NQ-00547-00127920-00128175 sent a man into space using only its own poFsDb7E3NQ-00548-00128176-00128366 technology poFsDb7E3NQ-00549-00128367-00128551 over the years the chinese have managed poFsDb7E3NQ-00550-00128552-00128766 to modernize their arsenal to a similar poFsDb7E3NQ-00551-00128767-00128943 level to the most developed militaries poFsDb7E3NQ-00552-00128944-00129039 in the world poFsDb7E3NQ-00553-00129040-00129247 the chinese ground forces have in their poFsDb7E3NQ-00554-00129248-00129686 armament 5 250 tanks 35 000 armored poFsDb7E3NQ-00555-00129688-00130063 vehicles 4 120 self-propelled artillery poFsDb7E3NQ-00556-00130064-00130234 guns poFsDb7E3NQ-00557-00130235-00130558 1734 artillery guns and 3 poFsDb7E3NQ-00558-00130559-00130863 160 rocket projectors poFsDb7E3NQ-00559-00130864-00131071 almost the entire arsenal of weapons is poFsDb7E3NQ-00560-00131072-00131271 the product of their domestic defense poFsDb7E3NQ-00561-00131272-00131495 industry this includes among others the poFsDb7E3NQ-00562-00131496-00132023 ztz 96 and ztz 99 battle tanks the zbl08 poFsDb7E3NQ-00563-00132024-00132447 zbd04a and the zsl92b infantry fighting poFsDb7E3NQ-00564-00132448-00132799 vehicles the plz-89 and plz-05 poFsDb7E3NQ-00565-00132800-00133023 self-propelled tracked howitzers and the poFsDb7E3NQ-00566-00133024-00133414 phl 8190 and phl03 multiple rocket poFsDb7E3NQ-00567-00133415-00133607 launchers poFsDb7E3NQ-00568-00133608-00133759 for combat in the air the chinese poFsDb7E3NQ-00569-00133760-00134078 military has a fleet of 3285 poFsDb7E3NQ-00570-00134079-00134278 aircraft a significant part of this poFsDb7E3NQ-00571-00134279-00134647 fleet comprises 1200 fighter jets 371 poFsDb7E3NQ-00572-00134648-00135047 attack planes and 912 combat helicopters poFsDb7E3NQ-00573-00135048-00135207 the most notable aircraft are the poFsDb7E3NQ-00574-00135208-00135527 chengdu j-10 the shenyang j-11 chinese poFsDb7E3NQ-00575-00135528-00135902 version of the su-27 and the xi'an jh-7 poFsDb7E3NQ-00576-00135903-00136207 jets in addition to this the non-combat poFsDb7E3NQ-00577-00136208-00136607 fleet includes 286 transport planes 399 poFsDb7E3NQ-00578-00136608-00136911 trainers 114 special mission aircraft poFsDb7E3NQ-00579-00136912-00137151 and three tankers poFsDb7E3NQ-00580-00137152-00137535 the chinese navy has total assets of 777 poFsDb7E3NQ-00581-00137536-00137807 vessels including two aircraft carriers poFsDb7E3NQ-00582-00137808-00138159 one helicopter carrier 41 destroyers 49 poFsDb7E3NQ-00583-00138160-00138559 frigates 70 corvettes 79 submarines of poFsDb7E3NQ-00584-00138560-00138759 which eight our nuclear and conventional poFsDb7E3NQ-00585-00138760-00139127 ballistic submarines 152 patrol vessels poFsDb7E3NQ-00586-00139128-00139375 and 36 mine layers poFsDb7E3NQ-00587-00139376-00139535 like the other top five largest poFsDb7E3NQ-00588-00139536-00139727 militaries in the world china also poFsDb7E3NQ-00589-00139728-00139951 possesses a nuclear arsenal the number poFsDb7E3NQ-00590-00139952-00140166 of warheads is top secret but it's poFsDb7E3NQ-00591-00140167-00140454 estimated at around 350 which makes them poFsDb7E3NQ-00592-00140455-00140663 the third most powerful nuclear force in poFsDb7E3NQ-00593-00140664-00140759 the world poFsDb7E3NQ-00594-00140760-00140927 however that number is likely to poFsDb7E3NQ-00595-00140928-00141151 increase as china is determined to poFsDb7E3NQ-00596-00141152-00141335 establish its place among the leading poFsDb7E3NQ-00597-00141336-00141687 military forces in the world poFsDb7E3NQ-00598-00141688-00141839 these were the top five largest poFsDb7E3NQ-00599-00141840-00142047 militaries in the world their active poFsDb7E3NQ-00600-00142048-00142247 personnel make up one third of the poFsDb7E3NQ-00601-00142248-00142519 entire military personnel in the world poFsDb7E3NQ-00602-00142520-00142751 with such forces at their disposal apart poFsDb7E3NQ-00603-00142752-00143007 from north korea these are undoubtedly poFsDb7E3NQ-00604-00143008-00143199 the powers that will shape the planet's poFsDb7E3NQ-00606-00147224-00147432 you p11rt7nQY2o-00000-00002618-00002891 zipping and tired laughing ain't right p11rt7nQY2o-00001-00002892-00003155 once you once needed to never be insane p11rt7nQY2o-00002-00003156-00003383 life isn't the Vaseline you'll just die p11rt7nQY2o-00003-00003384-00004476 with seeds p11rt7nQY2o-00004-00004477-00004897 [Applause] p11rt7nQY2o-00005-00004898-00006534 take your breath away p11rt7nQY2o-00006-00006536-00006856 no whatever's in my way getting your p11rt7nQY2o-00007-00006858-00007559 pizza is p11rt7nQY2o-00008-00007559-00007897 forever p11rt7nQY2o-00009-00007898-00008383 [Applause] p11rt7nQY2o-00011-00012186-00012424 those people who tell you not to teach p11rt7nQY2o-00012-00012425-00012653 dresses they are all missing out what p11rt7nQY2o-00013-00012654-00012899 life's about you won't even want some p11rt7nQY2o-00014-00012900-00013272 take hold of the dance p11rt7nQY2o-00015-00013274-00014453 [Applause] p11rt7nQY2o-00016-00014454-00014887 is going to take him at the way p2tcjhzApWI-00000-00000208-00000686 uh-huh you miss me p2tcjhzApWI-00001-00000687-00000894 come on p2tcjhzApWI-00002-00000896-00001111 oh my god this boy got bullets for days p2tcjhzApWI-00003-00001112-00001311 boy you gotta extend the clip i don't p2tcjhzApWI-00004-00001312-00002063 know what the [__] to p2tcjhzApWI-00005-00002064-00002271 what's up bro look this is gonna be a p2tcjhzApWI-00006-00002272-00002455 quick little one two three talk real p2tcjhzApWI-00007-00002456-00002687 quick i just want everybody to know look p2tcjhzApWI-00008-00002688-00002895 if you on my channel watching my [__] p2tcjhzApWI-00009-00002896-00003031 you know i'm saying you know you come p2tcjhzApWI-00010-00003032-00003254 past my stuff p2tcjhzApWI-00011-00003255-00003399 look p2tcjhzApWI-00012-00003400-00003615 go ahead sub to your boy and hit that p2tcjhzApWI-00013-00003615-00003815 bell and like like it like it up you p2tcjhzApWI-00014-00003815-00003927 know what i'm saying p2tcjhzApWI-00015-00003928-00004247 i don't be usually say that [__] but p2tcjhzApWI-00016-00004248-00004447 i feel like i got it but at the same p2tcjhzApWI-00017-00004448-00004615 time i'm going to let the gameplay go p2tcjhzApWI-00018-00004616-00004743 show p2tcjhzApWI-00019-00004744-00004838 look p2tcjhzApWI-00020-00004839-00005054 go ahead yourself for your boy hit the p2tcjhzApWI-00021-00005055-00005222 like for your boys p2tcjhzApWI-00022-00005223-00005318 stop p2tcjhzApWI-00023-00005319-00005415 coming p2tcjhzApWI-00024-00005416-00005559 on my channel p2tcjhzApWI-00025-00005560-00005791 and if you [__] with my channel you [__] p2tcjhzApWI-00026-00005792-00006006 how i move and you [__] how my homies p2tcjhzApWI-00027-00006007-00006102 move p2tcjhzApWI-00028-00006103-00006270 look p2tcjhzApWI-00029-00006271-00006478 go ahead hit the like go ahead hit the p2tcjhzApWI-00030-00006479-00006663 sub go ahead hit the bell so you won't p2tcjhzApWI-00031-00006664-00007070 miss a video bro big fans okay okay okay p2tcjhzApWI-00032-00007072-00007287 let go so who's there p2tcjhzApWI-00033-00007288-00007559 that's prince charming p2tcjhzApWI-00034-00007559-00007720 i've been waiting for you p2tcjhzApWI-00035-00007720-00007919 [Music] p2tcjhzApWI-00036-00007920-00009639 you can make a shrek movie p2tcjhzApWI-00037-00009640-00010183 kabue p2tcjhzApWI-00038-00010184-00011710 he's dead p2tcjhzApWI-00039-00011711-00011910 he said look at her she sleeps so p2tcjhzApWI-00040-00011911-00012446 peacefully you know she dead p2tcjhzApWI-00041-00012447-00013207 i ain't get the [__] p2tcjhzApWI-00042-00013208-00013351 i don't know if that even p2tcjhzApWI-00043-00013352-00013655 his wife girlfriend or sister a whole p2tcjhzApWI-00044-00013656-00013863 bunch of sister all right y'all [__] we p2tcjhzApWI-00045-00013863-00015550 bought right we bought we bought p2tcjhzApWI-00046-00015551-00015983 what that door is horse calm down p2tcjhzApWI-00047-00015984-00016199 so i heard something p2tcjhzApWI-00048-00016200-00016447 yeah p2tcjhzApWI-00049-00016448-00016822 doggy p2tcjhzApWI-00050-00016823-00017175 um p2tcjhzApWI-00051-00017176-00017407 i got lucky p2tcjhzApWI-00052-00017408-00017599 not nine you're lucky i just got a cheat p2tcjhzApWI-00053-00017600-00017822 sheet p2tcjhzApWI-00054-00017823-00018071 it's so cool this could have been p2tcjhzApWI-00055-00018072-00018407 if they were actually would have put uh p2tcjhzApWI-00056-00018408-00018630 some legit animals in here wildlife p2tcjhzApWI-00057-00018631-00018983 dangerous dangerous wildlife p2tcjhzApWI-00058-00018984-00019230 everybody gotta go p2tcjhzApWI-00059-00019231-00019683 oh that horse say hell to the no no p2tcjhzApWI-00060-00019684-00019958 no that boy was not about to jump off p2tcjhzApWI-00061-00019959-00020191 that [__] i'm kind of glad you did cause p2tcjhzApWI-00062-00020192-00020822 [__] we both haven't been dead p2tcjhzApWI-00063-00020823-00020975 i'm gonna have to get my horse some p2tcjhzApWI-00064-00020976-00021127 horse knee p2tcjhzApWI-00065-00021128-00021255 insurance p2tcjhzApWI-00066-00021256-00021471 and my knee is showing about they go oh p2tcjhzApWI-00067-00021472-00021822 oh my god boy p2tcjhzApWI-00068-00021823-00021975 the devil was really trying to take my p2tcjhzApWI-00069-00021976-00022230 knees out cool p2tcjhzApWI-00070-00022231-00022447 they'll probably like [__] i ain't even p2tcjhzApWI-00071-00022448-00022894 i don't know you even talking about sir p2tcjhzApWI-00072-00022895-00023022 horse if you p2tcjhzApWI-00073-00023023-00023158 oh my god p2tcjhzApWI-00074-00023159-00023519 how what how long is this cliff p2tcjhzApWI-00075-00023520-00023742 oh [__] p2tcjhzApWI-00076-00023743-00024007 oh p2tcjhzApWI-00077-00024008-00024463 okay this is a a [__] p2tcjhzApWI-00078-00024464-00024750 a steam land p2tcjhzApWI-00079-00024751-00025103 horse if your mama p2tcjhzApWI-00080-00025104-00026479 [__] your daddy p2tcjhzApWI-00081-00026480-00026862 oh god look at this cave bro p2tcjhzApWI-00082-00026863-00027143 [Applause] p2tcjhzApWI-00083-00027144-00027351 well hey how you doing sir um yeah you p2tcjhzApWI-00084-00027352-00027574 guys heard the good word you know jesus p2tcjhzApWI-00085-00027575-00027711 is our savior p2tcjhzApWI-00086-00027712-00027902 so i'm here to spread the gospel p2tcjhzApWI-00087-00027904-00028395 holy [__] [__] i'm big p2tcjhzApWI-00088-00028395-00028718 [Music] p2tcjhzApWI-00089-00028719-00029295 like a [__] turtle p2tcjhzApWI-00090-00029295-00030814 oh god come on ah [__] p2tcjhzApWI-00091-00030816-00031351 damn stupid ass horse p2tcjhzApWI-00092-00031352-00031646 oh my god come on horse don't stop the p2tcjhzApWI-00093-00031647-00032014 momentum don't stop the momentum p2tcjhzApWI-00094-00032016-00032255 come on i got tasty heal me over here p2tcjhzApWI-00095-00032256-00032631 and a tasty horse 241 combo it's a kids p2tcjhzApWI-00096-00032632-00033223 meal come on p2tcjhzApWI-00097-00033224-00033559 come on p2tcjhzApWI-00098-00033560-00033662 yeah p2tcjhzApWI-00099-00033663-00034662 it makes p2tcjhzApWI-00100-00034663-00034871 come on p2tcjhzApWI-00101-00034872-00035079 oh my god this boy got bullets for days p2tcjhzApWI-00102-00035080-00035751 boy he got extended clip p2tcjhzApWI-00103-00035752-00035900 come on sucker p2tcjhzApWI-00104-00035901-00036483 [Music] p2tcjhzApWI-00105-00036484-00036662 yeah p2tcjhzApWI-00106-00036663-00036871 oh yeah oh yeah p2tcjhzApWI-00107-00036872-00037058 oh yeah p2tcjhzApWI-00108-00037059-00037609 [Music] p2tcjhzApWI-00109-00037610-00037815 [Music] p2tcjhzApWI-00110-00037816-00038174 [__] p2tcjhzApWI-00111-00038175-00038462 come on guys come on guys p2tcjhzApWI-00112-00038463-00039446 oh [__] p2tcjhzApWI-00113-00039447-00039599 come on guys p2tcjhzApWI-00114-00039600-00040383 guys come on p2tcjhzApWI-00115-00040384-00040639 i got i'm a tasty human tasty human down p2tcjhzApWI-00116-00040640-00041062 here p2tcjhzApWI-00117-00041063-00041287 oh [__] oh my god boy you got some p2tcjhzApWI-00118-00041288-00042007 breakfall p2tcjhzApWI-00119-00042008-00042164 come on p2tcjhzApWI-00120-00042165-00042718 [Music] p2tcjhzApWI-00121-00042719-00042769 hey p2tcjhzApWI-00122-00042770-00042990 [Music] p2tcjhzApWI-00123-00042991-00043522 oh my god p2tcjhzApWI-00124-00043523-00043727 [Music] p2tcjhzApWI-00125-00043728-00044951 oh just made one [__] p2tcjhzApWI-00126-00044952-00045215 come on come on i'm over here i'm over p2tcjhzApWI-00127-00045216-00045446 here sir oh my god watch out for the p2tcjhzApWI-00128-00045447-00046439 [__] disco balls you got on his feet p2tcjhzApWI-00129-00046440-00047479 [__] p2tcjhzApWI-00130-00047480-00048023 oh [__] oh [__] oh [__] oh [__] p2tcjhzApWI-00131-00048024-00048223 softly p2tcjhzApWI-00132-00048224-00048446 i don't want to be p2tcjhzApWI-00133-00048447-00048527 too p2tcjhzApWI-00134-00048528-00048679 i don't want to be too far from him when p2tcjhzApWI-00135-00048680-00049283 he gonna start blasting my ass p2tcjhzApWI-00136-00049284-00049823 [Music] p2tcjhzApWI-00137-00049824-00050527 bro p2tcjhzApWI-00138-00050528-00050886 hey p2tcjhzApWI-00139-00050887-00051055 hey p2tcjhzApWI-00140-00051056-00051407 yeah sucker uh p2tcjhzApWI-00141-00051408-00051530 timber p2tcjhzApWI-00142-00051532-00051790 [Music] p2tcjhzApWI-00143-00051791-00052423 you like tail p2tcjhzApWI-00144-00052424-00052542 [__] p2tcjhzApWI-00145-00052544-00052638 [__] p2tcjhzApWI-00146-00052639-00052766 how you going how are you going to take p2tcjhzApWI-00147-00052767-00052919 a bat how you doing how you getting a p2tcjhzApWI-00148-00052920-00054703 [__] p2tcjhzApWI-00149-00054704-00055111 uh huh sucker p2tcjhzApWI-00150-00055112-00055319 chop chop flip over p2tcjhzApWI-00151-00055320-00055647 chop flip over p2tcjhzApWI-00152-00055648-00055766 oh p2tcjhzApWI-00153-00055767-00055935 get up p2tcjhzApWI-00154-00055936-00056063 go p2tcjhzApWI-00155-00056064-00056871 go p2tcjhzApWI-00156-00056872-00057638 no p2tcjhzApWI-00157-00057639-00057775 no p2tcjhzApWI-00158-00057776-00057959 oh my god p2tcjhzApWI-00159-00057960-00058366 get up p2tcjhzApWI-00160-00058367-00058566 all right we're on your back we're on p2tcjhzApWI-00161-00058567-00058775 your back i'm on cockroach i'm a p2tcjhzApWI-00162-00058776-00058942 cockroach p2tcjhzApWI-00163-00058944-00059215 um i want your [__] come here p2tcjhzApWI-00164-00059216-00059415 come here p2tcjhzApWI-00165-00059416-00059838 don't try to shake p2tcjhzApWI-00166-00059839-00060079 oh my god this boy this boy boy had p2tcjhzApWI-00167-00060079-00060399 enough of my [__] p2tcjhzApWI-00168-00060400-00060687 come here i'm on your [__] but hey what p2tcjhzApWI-00169-00060688-00061030 he didn't [__] move like that p2tcjhzApWI-00170-00061032-00061206 oh don't you dare don't you [__] p2tcjhzApWI-00171-00061207-00061823 there p2tcjhzApWI-00172-00061824-00062182 oh [__] where's his [__] p2tcjhzApWI-00173-00062183-00062342 no p2tcjhzApWI-00174-00062344-00062511 no p2tcjhzApWI-00175-00062512-00063263 no p2tcjhzApWI-00176-00063264-00063423 no p2tcjhzApWI-00177-00063424-00065454 [__] p2tcjhzApWI-00178-00065455-00066031 bessie if you bring your ass over here p2tcjhzApWI-00179-00066032-00066535 come here p2tcjhzApWI-00180-00066536-00067071 i need him getting my guys up p2tcjhzApWI-00181-00067072-00067319 hey [__] p2tcjhzApWI-00182-00067320-00067543 hey [__] p2tcjhzApWI-00183-00067544-00067655 horse p2tcjhzApWI-00184-00067656-00068255 keep moving p2tcjhzApWI-00185-00068256-00068703 over here p2tcjhzApWI-00186-00068704-00069212 [__] p2tcjhzApWI-00187-00069213-00069791 [Music] p2tcjhzApWI-00188-00069792-00069935 over here p2tcjhzApWI-00189-00069936-00070094 hey big stupid p2tcjhzApWI-00190-00070095-00070263 hey big stupid p2tcjhzApWI-00191-00070264-00070447 hey big stupid p2tcjhzApWI-00192-00070448-00070638 oh [__] he ain't that stupid yeah that's p2tcjhzApWI-00193-00070639-00071015 stupid p2tcjhzApWI-00194-00071016-00071750 oh my god p2tcjhzApWI-00195-00071751-00071855 oh [__] p2tcjhzApWI-00196-00071856-00072791 oh [__] p2tcjhzApWI-00197-00072792-00073103 come on come on come on come come on p2tcjhzApWI-00198-00073104-00074103 flip him over p2tcjhzApWI-00199-00074104-00075231 hey hey everyone p2tcjhzApWI-00200-00075232-00075350 come on p2tcjhzApWI-00201-00075351-00075743 but you need a sprint button cuz p2tcjhzApWI-00202-00075744-00076015 put a sprint button in his hand p2tcjhzApWI-00203-00076016-00076231 there don't you [__] damn p2tcjhzApWI-00204-00076232-00076406 get that hey p2tcjhzApWI-00205-00076407-00077223 get that p2tcjhzApWI-00206-00077224-00077487 hey p2tcjhzApWI-00207-00077488-00077743 hey p2tcjhzApWI-00208-00077744-00078919 hey p2tcjhzApWI-00209-00078920-00079294 [Music] p2tcjhzApWI-00210-00079295-00079687 there we go there we go there we go p2tcjhzApWI-00211-00079688-00080967 oh my god oh my god p2tcjhzApWI-00212-00080968-00081062 [__] p2tcjhzApWI-00213-00081063-00081163 negro p2tcjhzApWI-00214-00081164-00081943 [Music] p2tcjhzApWI-00215-00081944-00082182 oh [__] what the [__] is this [__] weak p2tcjhzApWI-00216-00082183-00082494 spy p2tcjhzApWI-00217-00082495-00082647 [__] big p2tcjhzApWI-00218-00082648-00082991 yo p2tcjhzApWI-00219-00082992-00083494 well you gonna [__] stop p2tcjhzApWI-00220-00083495-00083718 well i would p2tcjhzApWI-00221-00083719-00083855 negro p2tcjhzApWI-00222-00083856-00084087 i was just there p2tcjhzApWI-00223-00084088-00084343 you say the game play me p2tcjhzApWI-00224-00084344-00084759 the beach p2tcjhzApWI-00225-00084760-00084950 that should not pop up the first time p2tcjhzApWI-00226-00084951-00085087 you uh p2tcjhzApWI-00227-00085088-00085423 that's good devious dash for you p2tcjhzApWI-00228-00085424-00085879 [__] i keep no i gotta hold it p2tcjhzApWI-00229-00085880-00086359 yeah stop it what's up what's up p2tcjhzApWI-00230-00086360-00086767 brain damage ah [__] p2tcjhzApWI-00231-00086768-00088015 chill beat calm down p2tcjhzApWI-00232-00088016-00088326 oh my god this boy is a this is a rodeo p2tcjhzApWI-00233-00088327-00088575 right here p2tcjhzApWI-00234-00088576-00088711 [__] turtle p2tcjhzApWI-00235-00088712-00088831 beach p2tcjhzApWI-00236-00088832-00089071 crap p2tcjhzApWI-00237-00089072-00089175 [__] p2tcjhzApWI-00238-00089176-00089638 [__] p2tcjhzApWI-00239-00089639-00091079 hey p2tcjhzApWI-00240-00091080-00091415 oh my god p2tcjhzApWI-00241-00091416-00091623 oh chill b just one more hit just one p2tcjhzApWI-00242-00091624-00091759 more head i'm trying to line you up p2tcjhzApWI-00243-00091760-00091975 quick trying to line you up p2tcjhzApWI-00244-00091976-00092318 okay okay stop moving stop moving p2tcjhzApWI-00245-00092319-00092455 there you go p2tcjhzApWI-00246-00092456-00093009 you're good so that'd be fifty dollars p2tcjhzApWI-00247-00093010-00093215 [Music] p2tcjhzApWI-00248-00093216-00093343 yeah yeah p2tcjhzApWI-00249-00093344-00093879 sucker p2tcjhzApWI-00250-00093880-00094150 go night night you're like damn boy i'll p2tcjhzApWI-00251-00094151-00094415 just have me some that night quilt oh p2tcjhzApWI-00252-00094416-00094655 oh p2tcjhzApWI-00253-00094656-00094799 i better be i'll call them a second if p2tcjhzApWI-00254-00094800-00095087 i'm gonna i'll run this dead p2tcjhzApWI-00255-00095088-00095215 too late p2tcjhzApWI-00256-00095216-00095350 too late oh now you want to help me p2tcjhzApWI-00257-00095351-00095518 horse [__] you p2tcjhzApWI-00258-00095519-00095687 i'm deleting the game and i'm deleting p2tcjhzApWI-00259-00095688-00095838 you p2tcjhzApWI-00260-00095839-00096038 somebody kick everybody from [__] mc p2tcjhzApWI-00261-00096039-00097894 and do this [__] myself p2tcjhzApWI-00263-00101319-00101680 bye have a beautiful time p3sZsxKr-VA-00000-00000114-00002110 foreign p3sZsxKr-VA-00002-00005660-00005965 thank you p3sZsxKr-VA-00003-00005966-00006347 all live this is the market update I'm p3sZsxKr-VA-00004-00006348-00006581 your host Bill Noble p3sZsxKr-VA-00005-00006581-00006742 today we're going to talk about the p3sZsxKr-VA-00006-00006743-00006923 crypto rally that's going to come over p3sZsxKr-VA-00007-00006923-00007060 the next week p3sZsxKr-VA-00008-00007061-00007373 and then a possible dump into the Davos p3sZsxKr-VA-00009-00007373-00007583 conference p3sZsxKr-VA-00010-00007584-00007870 so get while the getting is good it's p3sZsxKr-VA-00011-00007872-00007978 green p3sZsxKr-VA-00012-00007979-00008273 dip buying makes sense not investment p3sZsxKr-VA-00013-00008274-00008405 advice p3sZsxKr-VA-00014-00008406-00008591 if you need a road map at crypto p3sZsxKr-VA-00015-00008592-00008867 subscribe to this channel p3sZsxKr-VA-00016-00008868-00009041 turn on alerts so you know when we're p3sZsxKr-VA-00017-00009042-00009281 going live and if you like all the cool p3sZsxKr-VA-00018-00009282-00009551 charts and commentary and news p3sZsxKr-VA-00019-00009552-00009814 hit the like button p3sZsxKr-VA-00020-00009815-00010031 all right p3sZsxKr-VA-00021-00010032-00010271 Bull Runner 76 first on the stream p3sZsxKr-VA-00022-00010272-00010546 followed by Richard Berry welcome JB p3sZsxKr-VA-00023-00010547-00010723 from Southern California p3sZsxKr-VA-00024-00010724-00010991 Travis spear good to have me back on the p3sZsxKr-VA-00025-00010992-00011213 air good to have you with us sir p3sZsxKr-VA-00026-00011214-00011537 Sports hobbyists crypto lion green shirt p3sZsxKr-VA-00027-00011538-00011821 yes the green shirt is back not on today p3sZsxKr-VA-00028-00011822-00012064 but the green shirt did make an p3sZsxKr-VA-00029-00012065-00012221 appearance and we're going to be p3sZsxKr-VA-00030-00012222-00012514 bringing it back regular basis I'm still p3sZsxKr-VA-00031-00012515-00012659 doing the shopping p3sZsxKr-VA-00032-00012660-00013013 right Carlos welcome crypto crazy right p3sZsxKr-VA-00033-00013013-00013366 shiziel welcome yes Richard Barry is p3sZsxKr-VA-00034-00013368-00013505 noting that p3sZsxKr-VA-00035-00013506-00013835 this show has had the call on the market p3sZsxKr-VA-00036-00013836-00014219 since December so join us thank you for p3sZsxKr-VA-00037-00014219-00014435 coming tell your friends hit the like p3sZsxKr-VA-00038-00014436-00014680 button top semper fidelis is here p3sZsxKr-VA-00039-00014681-00014927 welcome Kenneth Phillips what's going on p3sZsxKr-VA-00040-00014928-00015175 today South Dakota is here cold right p3sZsxKr-VA-00041-00015176-00015599 dead future Society welcome right Aruna p3sZsxKr-VA-00042-00015600-00015905 is here Daniel J from Jersey Joan of p3sZsxKr-VA-00043-00015906-00016069 America Andre p3sZsxKr-VA-00044-00016069-00016321 recognizing the names p3sZsxKr-VA-00045-00016322-00016600 everybody's coming back everybody's p3sZsxKr-VA-00046-00016601-00016997 hanging in it's the market update all p3sZsxKr-VA-00047-00016998-00017230 right I'm I'm diving I'm diving straight p3sZsxKr-VA-00048-00017231-00017513 into a chart p3sZsxKr-VA-00049-00017514-00017879 okay so here's each four hour p3sZsxKr-VA-00050-00017880-00018149 uh undoubtedly you know you may have p3sZsxKr-VA-00051-00018150-00018322 this feeling if you weren't tuned in p3sZsxKr-VA-00052-00018323-00018569 over the weekend where I was like you p3sZsxKr-VA-00053-00018570-00018677 know hedge funds were going to come p3sZsxKr-VA-00054-00018678-00018850 after it on Sunday and of course they p3sZsxKr-VA-00055-00018851-00019091 came after it I believe on Saturday p3sZsxKr-VA-00056-00019092-00019361 and you're like oh I missed it I'm like p3sZsxKr-VA-00057-00019362-00019589 wait I don't think you did p3sZsxKr-VA-00058-00019590-00019799 right you maybe missed the first part p3sZsxKr-VA-00059-00019800-00020075 but if you look here this is a four hour p3sZsxKr-VA-00060-00020076-00020393 chart of eth right you have a nine top p3sZsxKr-VA-00061-00020394-00020680 right and normally after a nine top p3sZsxKr-VA-00062-00020681-00020897 right let's talk about that p3sZsxKr-VA-00063-00020898-00021083 a nine top comes from the work of Tom p3sZsxKr-VA-00064-00021084-00021425 DeMark right he measures Trends in two p3sZsxKr-VA-00065-00021426-00021694 parts the setup phase that's p3sZsxKr-VA-00066-00021695-00021893 counts a set of conditions from one p3sZsxKr-VA-00067-00021894-00022157 through nine like the high is higher p3sZsxKr-VA-00068-00022158-00022463 than the high two days ago as an example p3sZsxKr-VA-00069-00022464-00022703 right there's the setup phase there's a p3sZsxKr-VA-00070-00022704-00022847 sharp correction and then if there's p3sZsxKr-VA-00071-00022848-00023080 going to be a bigger Trend after that p3sZsxKr-VA-00072-00023081-00023327 sharp correction is when things take off p3sZsxKr-VA-00073-00023328-00023521 and you get a certain set of conditions p3sZsxKr-VA-00074-00023522-00023783 13 times p3sZsxKr-VA-00075-00023784-00024143 so if you get a correction after a nine p3sZsxKr-VA-00076-00024144-00024371 it can be one of two things the market p3sZsxKr-VA-00077-00024372-00024641 is in a range and that's it or if p3sZsxKr-VA-00078-00024642-00024899 somebody comes in and buys the dip then p3sZsxKr-VA-00079-00024900-00025085 the trend can resume p3sZsxKr-VA-00080-00025086-00025264 I'm thinking we're seeing dip buyers p3sZsxKr-VA-00081-00025265-00025522 because hedge funds missed it hedge p3sZsxKr-VA-00082-00025523-00025768 funds missed it last week and they p3sZsxKr-VA-00083-00025769-00025949 really missed it this week which is why p3sZsxKr-VA-00084-00025950-00026189 all these coins you know all the eth p3sZsxKr-VA-00085-00026189-00026345 killers you know you got Solana p3sZsxKr-VA-00086-00026345-00026620 Avalanche Avalanche can go way higher p3sZsxKr-VA-00087-00026622-00026927 than anybody thinks right cardano and p3sZsxKr-VA-00088-00026927-00027407 yes xrp I know YouTubers are catering to p3sZsxKr-VA-00089-00027408-00027587 that audience but I got an argument p3sZsxKr-VA-00090-00027588-00028001 about xrp that connects xrp to the Davos p3sZsxKr-VA-00091-00028002-00028235 conference or the the world economic p3sZsxKr-VA-00092-00028236-00028552 Forum conference in Davos that starts p3sZsxKr-VA-00093-00028554-00028829 eight days from now one of the things we p3sZsxKr-VA-00094-00028830-00028990 love to do on the show I love to do on p3sZsxKr-VA-00095-00028991-00029201 the show is get you guys ahead of the p3sZsxKr-VA-00096-00029202-00029285 game p3sZsxKr-VA-00097-00029286-00029543 so if you missed it you didn't miss it p3sZsxKr-VA-00098-00029544-00029795 there's Pro here's your sharp dip p3sZsxKr-VA-00099-00029795-00030262 okay daily chart very similar look okay p3sZsxKr-VA-00100-00030263-00030581 this is eth one through nine right you p3sZsxKr-VA-00101-00030582-00030845 get the fomo this morning and then it p3sZsxKr-VA-00102-00030845-00031133 comes off sometimes on the nine right p3sZsxKr-VA-00103-00031133-00031343 it'll either come off the next day or p3sZsxKr-VA-00104-00031344-00031596 sometimes it comes off the same day p3sZsxKr-VA-00105-00031597-00031912 cardano is a good example of that so p3sZsxKr-VA-00106-00031913-00032105 sometimes it's like oh well that's a bad p3sZsxKr-VA-00107-00032106-00032327 Candlestick because it went way off its p3sZsxKr-VA-00108-00032327-00032596 high not necessarily not in DeMark so p3sZsxKr-VA-00109-00032597-00032807 like you look at Bitcoin and you're like p3sZsxKr-VA-00110-00032808-00033071 okay well that's a shooting star and p3sZsxKr-VA-00111-00033072-00033281 that's not good I was like well in the p3sZsxKr-VA-00112-00033282-00033521 mark it actually is because it may give p3sZsxKr-VA-00113-00033522-00033737 you the dip it may be giving you the dip p3sZsxKr-VA-00114-00033738-00034079 as we speak as of four o'clock Eastern p3sZsxKr-VA-00115-00034080-00034337 time after the stock market closed on p3sZsxKr-VA-00116-00034338-00034631 Monday somewhere in here in the next say p3sZsxKr-VA-00117-00034632-00034918 12 to 14 hours is going to be the dip p3sZsxKr-VA-00118-00034919-00035146 whatever that looks like it could be a p3sZsxKr-VA-00119-00035147-00035381 small dip like what we got now right p3sZsxKr-VA-00120-00035382-00035662 that dip I think you got to get on that p3sZsxKr-VA-00121-00035663-00036023 okay that's an opportunity p3sZsxKr-VA-00122-00036024-00036227 for the rest of this week right it's p3sZsxKr-VA-00123-00036228-00036424 going to go right through the inflation p3sZsxKr-VA-00124-00036425-00036689 statistics because the market has p3sZsxKr-VA-00125-00036690-00037031 already psychologically priced in some p3sZsxKr-VA-00126-00037032-00037301 sort of moderating inflation and the FED p3sZsxKr-VA-00127-00037302-00037577 moderating its stance now the market p3sZsxKr-VA-00128-00037578-00037762 will probably price that in and get p3sZsxKr-VA-00129-00037763-00038068 disappointed in February however anyone p3sZsxKr-VA-00130-00038069-00038261 who's been watching the show and all the p3sZsxKr-VA-00131-00038262-00038465 little videos we've produced we know p3sZsxKr-VA-00132-00038466-00038615 that the FED is eventually going to have p3sZsxKr-VA-00133-00038616-00038902 to face reality that inflation is p3sZsxKr-VA-00134-00038903-00039101 probably going to not only slow down but p3sZsxKr-VA-00135-00039102-00039251 I'm willing to say it's going to fall p3sZsxKr-VA-00136-00039252-00039527 out of bed and crypto being the fastest p3sZsxKr-VA-00137-00039528-00039724 Market in the world will start pricing p3sZsxKr-VA-00138-00039725-00040180 that in now so we'll trade up now and p3sZsxKr-VA-00139-00040181-00040457 then we'll have Davos fund followed by p3sZsxKr-VA-00140-00040458-00040793 perhaps you know fed Fund in early p3sZsxKr-VA-00141-00040794-00041080 February so you got to trade it it's p3sZsxKr-VA-00142-00041081-00041351 going to go higher than you think in p3sZsxKr-VA-00143-00041352-00041549 shorter periods of time and then we'll p3sZsxKr-VA-00144-00041550-00041861 see if the dips are shallow or big I'd p3sZsxKr-VA-00145-00041862-00042017 be really interested I'm kind of p3sZsxKr-VA-00146-00042018-00042245 thinking the dips are going to be more p3sZsxKr-VA-00147-00042246-00042424 shallow than people think p3sZsxKr-VA-00148-00042425-00042767 I am I've got some conviction that these p3sZsxKr-VA-00149-00042768-00042952 rallies affect especially since they're p3sZsxKr-VA-00150-00042953-00043151 happening in stages right p3sZsxKr-VA-00151-00043152-00043402 just like they did off the 2009 bottom p3sZsxKr-VA-00152-00043403-00043721 in stocks these rallies can have legs p3sZsxKr-VA-00153-00043722-00043973 I saw somebody on Twitter making fun of p3sZsxKr-VA-00154-00043974-00044207 people who do YouTube for a living that p3sZsxKr-VA-00155-00044208-00044417 they're all out making funny faces well p3sZsxKr-VA-00156-00044418-00044705 that's part of the game in YouTube right p3sZsxKr-VA-00157-00044706-00044933 and it's also an indication that people p3sZsxKr-VA-00158-00044934-00045215 are still bearish it's like oh YouTubers p3sZsxKr-VA-00159-00045216-00045383 are excited you know you better sell p3sZsxKr-VA-00160-00045384-00045821 well okay not at 17K people not at 17K p3sZsxKr-VA-00161-00045822-00045989 again p3sZsxKr-VA-00162-00045990-00046324 stay tuned for more charts let's go p3sZsxKr-VA-00163-00046325-00046493 let's go to news p3sZsxKr-VA-00164-00046494-00046643 okay p3sZsxKr-VA-00165-00046644-00047083 Davos 2023 David Solomon Jamie Diamond p3sZsxKr-VA-00166-00047084-00047315 Solomon is the head of Goldman diamond p3sZsxKr-VA-00167-00047316-00047621 is the head of JP Morgan okay they're p3sZsxKr-VA-00168-00047622-00047915 sending a huge contingent p3sZsxKr-VA-00169-00047916-00048058 the Davos p3sZsxKr-VA-00170-00048059-00048262 okay p3sZsxKr-VA-00171-00048263-00048461 a lot of these guys have stayed away p3sZsxKr-VA-00172-00048462-00048630 from this conference p3sZsxKr-VA-00173-00048631-00048899 covid it's not environmentally friendly p3sZsxKr-VA-00174-00048900-00049174 because they have to go in on a jet p3sZsxKr-VA-00175-00049175-00049385 I think these guys are going to go to p3sZsxKr-VA-00176-00049386-00049517 this conference and they're going to p3sZsxKr-VA-00177-00049518-00049715 have a lot to say they're going to have p3sZsxKr-VA-00178-00049716-00049943 a lot to say about the dollar they're p3sZsxKr-VA-00179-00049944-00050129 going to have a lot to say about the FED p3sZsxKr-VA-00180-00050130-00050267 tightening cycle p3sZsxKr-VA-00181-00050268-00050440 this is your opportunity if you wanted p3sZsxKr-VA-00182-00050441-00050674 to push back against the fed you wanted p3sZsxKr-VA-00183-00050675-00050885 to push back against the Russians the p3sZsxKr-VA-00184-00050886-00051202 Chinese or any Sovereign you would do so p3sZsxKr-VA-00185-00051203-00051544 at Davos okay p3sZsxKr-VA-00186-00051545-00051808 and then I also think it's interesting p3sZsxKr-VA-00187-00051809-00052114 that you know there's a former UK p3sZsxKr-VA-00188-00052115-00052438 Chancellor Philip Hammond will be there p3sZsxKr-VA-00189-00052439-00052625 okay p3sZsxKr-VA-00190-00052626-00052841 undoubtedly someone is going to talk p3sZsxKr-VA-00191-00052841-00053080 about crypto regulation p3sZsxKr-VA-00192-00053082-00053338 and I think Wall Street is showing up in p3sZsxKr-VA-00193-00053339-00053513 Davos let me see if I can get to the p3sZsxKr-VA-00194-00053514-00053891 point oh there he is the BlackRock CEO p3sZsxKr-VA-00195-00053891-00054149 is going to be there p3sZsxKr-VA-00196-00054150-00054353 Wall Street is going to tell the world p3sZsxKr-VA-00197-00054354-00054682 that they can do crypto better than p3sZsxKr-VA-00198-00054683-00054875 crypto can do crypto p3sZsxKr-VA-00199-00054876-00055109 and then I'm sure because the world p3sZsxKr-VA-00200-00055110-00055354 economic forum is like well we've got to p3sZsxKr-VA-00201-00055355-00055597 solve all of our problems together p3sZsxKr-VA-00202-00055598-00056009 undoubtedly right the world today is at p3sZsxKr-VA-00203-00056010-00056273 a critical inflection point the sheer p3sZsxKr-VA-00204-00056274-00056591 number of ongoing crisis calls for bold p3sZsxKr-VA-00205-00056591-00056765 Collective action p3sZsxKr-VA-00206-00056766-00057047 in other words don't let a good crisis p3sZsxKr-VA-00207-00057048-00057280 go to waste you're going to hear about p3sZsxKr-VA-00208-00057282-00057538 Central Bank digital currencies you're p3sZsxKr-VA-00209-00057539-00057737 going to hear about we're from the p3sZsxKr-VA-00210-00057738-00057953 government and we're here to help p3sZsxKr-VA-00211-00057954-00058132 okay so that's what you're going to hear p3sZsxKr-VA-00212-00058133-00058450 starting in six days in the meantime p3sZsxKr-VA-00213-00058451-00058829 okay make money because crypto is crypto p3sZsxKr-VA-00214-00058829-00059104 for six days then when this nonsense p3sZsxKr-VA-00215-00059105-00059453 starts we'll reevaluate make money while p3sZsxKr-VA-00216-00059454-00059711 you can been saying it for a couple days p3sZsxKr-VA-00217-00059712-00059987 Market validating me which I'm grateful p3sZsxKr-VA-00218-00059988-00060209 on okay p3sZsxKr-VA-00219-00060210-00060449 four crypto billionaires dead in the p3sZsxKr-VA-00220-00060450-00060635 span of a month according to Wall Street p3sZsxKr-VA-00221-00060636-00060959 Silver just before and during the FTX p3sZsxKr-VA-00222-00060960-00061199 collapse too strange p3sZsxKr-VA-00223-00061200-00061403 now obviously it's unfortunate when p3sZsxKr-VA-00224-00061404-00061630 people pass away but when this is the p3sZsxKr-VA-00225-00061632-00061949 headline and not price price can become p3sZsxKr-VA-00226-00061950-00062080 the headline p3sZsxKr-VA-00227-00062082-00062387 so if Solana goes up 10 to 15 percent on p3sZsxKr-VA-00228-00062388-00062566 three different days and we're still p3sZsxKr-VA-00229-00062567-00062819 talking about this how high does Solana p3sZsxKr-VA-00230-00062820-00063011 have to go up before we stop talking p3sZsxKr-VA-00231-00063012-00063259 about this p3sZsxKr-VA-00232-00063260-00063580 right don't think you have to be a chart p3sZsxKr-VA-00233-00063582-00063971 genius to figure that one out let's just p3sZsxKr-VA-00234-00063972-00064463 uh p3sZsxKr-VA-00235-00064464-00064816 uh okay so one thing I put in as a tweet p3sZsxKr-VA-00236-00064817-00064991 there are a lot of sectors in a crypto p3sZsxKr-VA-00237-00064991-00065209 Market that could still rally a lot p3sZsxKr-VA-00238-00065210-00065615 xrp may be one of those sectors meaning p3sZsxKr-VA-00239-00065616-00065921 the payment sectors which could mean xrp p3sZsxKr-VA-00240-00065922-00066293 it could mean Stellar uh it could mean p3sZsxKr-VA-00241-00066294-00066485 tazos don't have those charts up p3sZsxKr-VA-00242-00066486-00066743 anything that could be a test net for p3sZsxKr-VA-00243-00066744-00066976 either payments or digital Euros or p3sZsxKr-VA-00244-00066977-00067073 whatever p3sZsxKr-VA-00245-00067074-00067426 that sector could rally a lot I know qnt p3sZsxKr-VA-00246-00067427-00067600 was outperforming p3sZsxKr-VA-00247-00067601-00067876 at the end of last year p3sZsxKr-VA-00248-00067877-00068111 one thing about xrp say what you want p3sZsxKr-VA-00249-00068112-00068363 but it's an alternative to Swift That's p3sZsxKr-VA-00250-00068364-00068597 the current US dollar payment system and p3sZsxKr-VA-00251-00068598-00068938 you know it's an attempt at Swift uh p3sZsxKr-VA-00252-00068939-00069179 that's not supported by the enemies of p3sZsxKr-VA-00253-00069180-00069299 the West p3sZsxKr-VA-00254-00069300-00069563 everybody wants to get rid of Swift uh p3sZsxKr-VA-00255-00069564-00069725 except you're you know you'd be scared p3sZsxKr-VA-00256-00069726-00069947 of anybody who wants to get rid of Swift p3sZsxKr-VA-00257-00069948-00070097 because you know p3sZsxKr-VA-00258-00070098-00070300 they're pissed at us p3sZsxKr-VA-00259-00070301-00070643 xrp say what you want at least is not p3sZsxKr-VA-00260-00070644-00070876 some you know evil government actors p3sZsxKr-VA-00261-00070877-00071153 attempt to undermine the dollar the p3sZsxKr-VA-00262-00071154-00071326 dollar is going to get undermined all by p3sZsxKr-VA-00263-00071327-00071711 itself bottom line xrp could be the p3sZsxKr-VA-00264-00071712-00071909 Davos sleeper p3sZsxKr-VA-00265-00071910-00072149 right xrp could actually go up in front p3sZsxKr-VA-00266-00072150-00072485 of Davos once people figure out that hey p3sZsxKr-VA-00267-00072486-00072676 maybe somebody's going to say something p3sZsxKr-VA-00268-00072677-00073205 positive about xrp at Davos p3sZsxKr-VA-00269-00073206-00073619 or related payment Networks p3sZsxKr-VA-00270-00073620-00073985 bankruptcy Voyager locks horns bankrupt p3sZsxKr-VA-00271-00073986-00074291 Voyager locks horns with Alameda as the p3sZsxKr-VA-00272-00074292-00074711 SEC questions the binance deal p3sZsxKr-VA-00273-00074712-00074867 who cares p3sZsxKr-VA-00274-00074868-00075173 right seriously I mean this is in the p3sZsxKr-VA-00275-00075174-00075473 weeds of a bankruptcy that was last year p3sZsxKr-VA-00276-00075474-00075713 the market is still hooked on old news p3sZsxKr-VA-00277-00075714-00076015 now p3sZsxKr-VA-00278-00076016-00076505 Solana cardano up 21 late Sunday setting p3sZsxKr-VA-00279-00076506-00076805 monthly highs what we're going to talk p3sZsxKr-VA-00280-00076806-00077117 about the market thank goodness they're p3sZsxKr-VA-00281-00077118-00077303 finally talking about the market p3sZsxKr-VA-00282-00077304-00077512 okay that means we got a week and then p3sZsxKr-VA-00283-00077513-00077632 when they're all talking about the p3sZsxKr-VA-00284-00077633-00077999 market we exit okay p3sZsxKr-VA-00285-00078000-00078262 Davos will be important because Davos p3sZsxKr-VA-00286-00078263-00078485 will tell you the extent of the dip also p3sZsxKr-VA-00287-00078486-00078719 whatever fed won't want comes out in p3sZsxKr-VA-00288-00078720-00078844 early February p3sZsxKr-VA-00289-00078845-00079055 I still say make money while you can p3sZsxKr-VA-00290-00079056-00079265 because Davos and the FED will create p3sZsxKr-VA-00291-00079266-00079571 choppiness and the fact that there's not p3sZsxKr-VA-00292-00079572-00079756 enough of this kind of article and way p3sZsxKr-VA-00293-00079757-00080009 more of the other kind of article p3sZsxKr-VA-00294-00080010-00080412 okay tells you where the media is okay p3sZsxKr-VA-00295-00080413-00080741 again starting to bend bullish ethereum p3sZsxKr-VA-00296-00080742-00081017 staking tokens rally right as the p3sZsxKr-VA-00297-00081018-00081275 Shanghai upgrade nears p3sZsxKr-VA-00298-00081276-00081623 and everyone goes hey remember ethereum p3sZsxKr-VA-00299-00081624-00081929 and I'm like yeah remember ethereum p3sZsxKr-VA-00300-00081930-00082103 hello p3sZsxKr-VA-00301-00082104-00082499 right 1400. what was 1400 in eighth oh p3sZsxKr-VA-00302-00082500-00082781 that was the 2017 High p3sZsxKr-VA-00303-00082782-00082961 was eighth is still a hundred dollars p3sZsxKr-VA-00304-00082962-00083350 below the 2017 High p3sZsxKr-VA-00305-00083351-00083512 I mean people can be like wow I could p3sZsxKr-VA-00306-00083513-00083837 have bought eth way below the old 2017 p3sZsxKr-VA-00307-00083838-00084088 High that's what they'll be saying at p3sZsxKr-VA-00308-00084089-00084431 2500 or 3000. p3sZsxKr-VA-00309-00084432-00084773 Swiss National Bank p3sZsxKr-VA-00310-00084774-00085306 posts record 143 billion dollar loss in p3sZsxKr-VA-00311-00085307-00085643 2022. as in the Central Bank of p3sZsxKr-VA-00312-00085644-00085769 Switzerland p3sZsxKr-VA-00313-00085770-00086009 AKA probably one of the world's biggest p3sZsxKr-VA-00314-00086010-00086243 hedge funds they're huge owners of U.S p3sZsxKr-VA-00315-00086244-00086356 equities p3sZsxKr-VA-00316-00086357-00086632 right and of course central banks own p3sZsxKr-VA-00317-00086633-00086956 huge amount of negative yielding debt p3sZsxKr-VA-00318-00086957-00087221 which in an inflationary disaster with p3sZsxKr-VA-00319-00087222-00087509 rates going up is a disaster p3sZsxKr-VA-00320-00087510-00087659 okay p3sZsxKr-VA-00321-00087660-00087988 as we head into Davos how many how many p3sZsxKr-VA-00322-00087989-00088355 years how many months can central banks p3sZsxKr-VA-00323-00088356-00088565 talk tough p3sZsxKr-VA-00324-00088566-00088750 and lose money p3sZsxKr-VA-00325-00088751-00089038 what happens if a central bank blows up p3sZsxKr-VA-00326-00089039-00089182 I don't know p3sZsxKr-VA-00327-00089183-00089356 Satoshi did p3sZsxKr-VA-00328-00089357-00089531 but I have no idea what happens if p3sZsxKr-VA-00329-00089532-00089735 there's a p l problem or a liquidity p3sZsxKr-VA-00330-00089736-00089915 crisis with the people who are p3sZsxKr-VA-00331-00089916-00090112 responsible for backstopping everyone's p3sZsxKr-VA-00332-00090113-00090244 liquidity p3sZsxKr-VA-00333-00090245-00090497 it's mind-boggling p3sZsxKr-VA-00334-00090498-00090809 somebody might say something at Davos p3sZsxKr-VA-00335-00090810-00091126 right these these issues are real p3sZsxKr-VA-00336-00091127-00091294 why do you think the Japanese are p3sZsxKr-VA-00337-00091295-00091409 panicking p3sZsxKr-VA-00338-00091410-00091721 right the the bank of Japan itself is p3sZsxKr-VA-00339-00091722-00091961 intervening in their bond market to p3sZsxKr-VA-00340-00091962-00092153 defend their Banks their insurance p3sZsxKr-VA-00341-00092154-00092476 companies and themselves themselves p3sZsxKr-VA-00342-00092477-00092723 as in the country of Japan p3sZsxKr-VA-00343-00092724-00092975 as in the Bank of Japan p3sZsxKr-VA-00344-00092976-00093215 like seriously p3sZsxKr-VA-00345-00093216-00093467 exclusive Microsoft strengthens a p3sZsxKr-VA-00346-00093468-00093862 partnership with open AI p3sZsxKr-VA-00347-00093863-00094162 Silicon Valley and web 2 p3sZsxKr-VA-00348-00094163-00094541 are going Lord of the Flies right p3sZsxKr-VA-00349-00094542-00094799 everybody has got a cut costs and fight p3sZsxKr-VA-00350-00094800-00094961 with each other this looks like Wall p3sZsxKr-VA-00351-00094962-00095194 Street from the days of old the gravy p3sZsxKr-VA-00352-00095195-00095629 train is over and Microsoft plugs chat p3sZsxKr-VA-00353-00095630-00096355 gbt GPT into Bing Outlook and Excel p3sZsxKr-VA-00354-00096356-00096731 175 000 employees at Google regrettably p3sZsxKr-VA-00355-00096732-00097000 and I mean necessarily regrettably are p3sZsxKr-VA-00356-00097001-00097271 losing sleep over this p3sZsxKr-VA-00357-00097272-00097462 web 2 p3sZsxKr-VA-00358-00097463-00097732 web 2 is f'd p3sZsxKr-VA-00359-00097733-00098003 and it's amazing how no one's talking p3sZsxKr-VA-00360-00098004-00098411 about web3 I saw somebody in here say uh p3sZsxKr-VA-00361-00098412-00098650 you know decentraland took off p3sZsxKr-VA-00362-00098651-00098885 the central ant took off p3sZsxKr-VA-00363-00098886-00099155 not surprised right there are sectors p3sZsxKr-VA-00364-00099156-00099353 that are just going to Rally it started p3sZsxKr-VA-00365-00099354-00099605 with Gala I was actually wondering if p3sZsxKr-VA-00366-00099606-00099785 the chain might be next p3sZsxKr-VA-00367-00099786-00099988 we'll talk about maybe going to some p3sZsxKr-VA-00368-00099989-00100415 charts and some PowerPoint let me just p3sZsxKr-VA-00369-00100416-00100787 check out who's here p3sZsxKr-VA-00370-00100788-00101044 Channel says the Germans are chopping p3sZsxKr-VA-00371-00101045-00101344 down trees for firewood p3sZsxKr-VA-00372-00101345-00101705 yup p3sZsxKr-VA-00373-00101706-00101867 you got to watch out for what happens p3sZsxKr-VA-00374-00101868-00102106 when it's cold over there in Europe p3sZsxKr-VA-00375-00102107-00102388 they're out of power so if you have a p3sZsxKr-VA-00376-00102389-00102640 temperature dip over there you're gonna p3sZsxKr-VA-00377-00102641-00103030 have an immediate recession an immediate p3sZsxKr-VA-00378-00103031-00103253 recession in Europe p3sZsxKr-VA-00379-00103254-00103397 immediate p3sZsxKr-VA-00380-00103398-00103606 fascinated to know how the fed's going p3sZsxKr-VA-00381-00103607-00103804 to tighten when everybody's chopping p3sZsxKr-VA-00382-00103805-00104021 down firewood p3sZsxKr-VA-00383-00104022-00104260 they try everyone's hunting for firewood p3sZsxKr-VA-00384-00104261-00104453 in Germany p3sZsxKr-VA-00385-00104454-00104686 right and for us Americans right you p3sZsxKr-VA-00386-00104688-00104854 know we'll look at the Europeans you p3sZsxKr-VA-00387-00104855-00105023 know the European Union p3sZsxKr-VA-00388-00105024-00105281 right the biggest stock market you know p3sZsxKr-VA-00389-00105282-00105490 sometimes people say you know the the p3sZsxKr-VA-00390-00105491-00105778 euro is really like Germany's currency p3sZsxKr-VA-00391-00105779-00105940 and everyone else has to kind of live p3sZsxKr-VA-00392-00105941-00106181 with that value p3sZsxKr-VA-00393-00106182-00106331 whatever p3sZsxKr-VA-00394-00106332-00106504 not here to piss off our friends in p3sZsxKr-VA-00395-00106505-00106721 Europe what I am here to tell you is if p3sZsxKr-VA-00396-00106722-00106889 they're chopping down if they're if p3sZsxKr-VA-00397-00106890-00107063 they're trying to heat their home with p3sZsxKr-VA-00398-00107064-00107297 firewood in Germany there are other p3sZsxKr-VA-00399-00107298-00107554 places in Europe and the world who are p3sZsxKr-VA-00400-00107555-00107890 just as screwed if not more okay Mathias p3sZsxKr-VA-00401-00107891-00108184 welcome have you back thank you pancakes p3sZsxKr-VA-00402-00108185-00108401 and peanut butter is here how you doing p3sZsxKr-VA-00403-00108402-00108581 okay p3sZsxKr-VA-00404-00108582-00108910 Julio is here he just bought more bark p3sZsxKr-VA-00405-00108911-00109073 that's the p3sZsxKr-VA-00406-00109074-00109313 water pricing mechanism from the gold p3sZsxKr-VA-00407-00109314-00109673 retriever group that I work at p3sZsxKr-VA-00408-00109674-00109871 want to know whether or not there could p3sZsxKr-VA-00409-00109872-00110134 be a drought or weird weather this year p3sZsxKr-VA-00410-00110135-00110375 just check out what's going on in p3sZsxKr-VA-00411-00110376-00110602 California p3sZsxKr-VA-00412-00110603-00110869 is getting more water that it can handle p3sZsxKr-VA-00413-00110870-00111215 so where there was a drought there's now p3sZsxKr-VA-00414-00111216-00111502 a flood and then there will be the p3sZsxKr-VA-00415-00111503-00111754 drought and the storms later on this p3sZsxKr-VA-00416-00111755-00112181 year or so some forecasts I have read p3sZsxKr-VA-00417-00112182-00112595 okay gold and water seem like a logical p3sZsxKr-VA-00418-00112596-00112847 long along with an active trading book p3sZsxKr-VA-00419-00112848-00113015 in crypto p3sZsxKr-VA-00420-00113016-00113225 Travis is giving me some love for p3sZsxKr-VA-00421-00113226-00113404 calling cardano p3sZsxKr-VA-00422-00113405-00113681 cardano trade may not be over but I'm p3sZsxKr-VA-00423-00113682-00113873 glad you made money on that and you p3sZsxKr-VA-00424-00113874-00114166 never can can never get fired taken p3sZsxKr-VA-00425-00114167-00114389 you can never get fire taken profits p3sZsxKr-VA-00426-00114390-00114754 right slosh on is here right hello from p3sZsxKr-VA-00427-00114755-00114904 Down Under p3sZsxKr-VA-00428-00114905-00115115 let's see what else Chanel is asking p3sZsxKr-VA-00429-00115116-00115390 about Galaxy we can go into that p3sZsxKr-VA-00430-00115391-00115739 uh is it crypto to cash is like is it is p3sZsxKr-VA-00431-00115740-00115954 it time to buy coins and shizzy says p3sZsxKr-VA-00432-00115955-00116207 Aptos took off p3sZsxKr-VA-00433-00116208-00116531 yes all these you know this like layer p3sZsxKr-VA-00434-00116532-00116710 one universe p3sZsxKr-VA-00435-00116711-00116939 some serious stuff happening there so p3sZsxKr-VA-00436-00116940-00117281 let's go to the PowerPoint p3sZsxKr-VA-00437-00117282-00117449 because I know there's people out there p3sZsxKr-VA-00438-00117450-00117707 who dig the PowerPoint so let's let's p3sZsxKr-VA-00439-00117708-00118007 give them some love remember charts not p3sZsxKr-VA-00440-00118008-00118254 investment advice p3sZsxKr-VA-00441-00118255-00118613 microstrategy weekly chart to mark p3sZsxKr-VA-00442-00118614-00119015 13 bottom here in the corner wave five p3sZsxKr-VA-00443-00119016-00119386 down complete two weeks ago in other p3sZsxKr-VA-00444-00119388-00119704 words the final puke and microstrategy p3sZsxKr-VA-00445-00119705-00119928 may have happened p3sZsxKr-VA-00446-00119929-00120190 these guys are not just running a p3sZsxKr-VA-00447-00120191-00120395 Bitcoin hedge fund but they're going to p3sZsxKr-VA-00448-00120396-00120551 run a Bitcoin hedge fund and they're p3sZsxKr-VA-00449-00120552-00120731 going to try to develop software on p3sZsxKr-VA-00450-00120732-00120899 bitcoin p3sZsxKr-VA-00451-00120900-00121210 which makes Bitcoin way less boring or p3sZsxKr-VA-00452-00121211-00121565 Bitcoin may join web 3. so not only is p3sZsxKr-VA-00453-00121566-00121840 no one talking about web 3 which is p3sZsxKr-VA-00454-00121841-00122063 probably going to change in a week but p3sZsxKr-VA-00455-00122064-00122266 no one's talking about Bitcoin and p3sZsxKr-VA-00456-00122267-00122393 definitely no one's talking about p3sZsxKr-VA-00457-00122394-00122686 Bitcoin and web3 together even though p3sZsxKr-VA-00458-00122688-00122854 sailor has already made the announcement p3sZsxKr-VA-00459-00122855-00123199 and Mr Market is figuring this out p3sZsxKr-VA-00460-00123200-00123502 coinbase given up for dead remember all p3sZsxKr-VA-00461-00123503-00123665 this binance fud and all this other p3sZsxKr-VA-00462-00123666-00123760 stuff p3sZsxKr-VA-00463-00123761-00124013 well is that if SPF has it rolled over p3sZsxKr-VA-00464-00124014-00124240 on coinbase or there's no dirt on p3sZsxKr-VA-00465-00124241-00124343 coinbase p3sZsxKr-VA-00466-00124344-00124702 guess what uh there's a 13 and a nine p3sZsxKr-VA-00467-00124703-00125063 bottom and I even saw a demarc zero from p3sZsxKr-VA-00468-00125064-00125315 The Mark Elliott wave tool which p3sZsxKr-VA-00469-00125316-00125621 essentially means Trend over in this p3sZsxKr-VA-00470-00125622-00125873 case downtrend over p3sZsxKr-VA-00471-00125874-00126065 Kathy Wood's been buying a ton of p3sZsxKr-VA-00472-00126066-00126343 coinbase and the entire FTX down move p3sZsxKr-VA-00473-00126344-00126736 could unwind itself p3sZsxKr-VA-00474-00126738-00127084 dollar Index p3sZsxKr-VA-00475-00127085-00127216 really p3sZsxKr-VA-00476-00127217-00127499 can't help it but making fun of people p3sZsxKr-VA-00477-00127500-00127708 who were bullish to dollar Index going p3sZsxKr-VA-00478-00127709-00127828 into this year p3sZsxKr-VA-00479-00127829-00128165 can't help it probably should be cool so p3sZsxKr-VA-00480-00128166-00128340 I'll try to be p3sZsxKr-VA-00481-00128341-00128704 103.68 is resistance it kind of acted as p3sZsxKr-VA-00482-00128705-00128884 resistance perfectly and then it came p3sZsxKr-VA-00483-00128885-00129136 off again guessing the Tactical Target p3sZsxKr-VA-00484-00129138-00129604 for this week is 101.76 so the inflation p3sZsxKr-VA-00485-00129605-00129773 number will print and I'm assuming p3sZsxKr-VA-00486-00129774-00130054 inflation will be reasonable p3sZsxKr-VA-00487-00130055-00130199 right p3sZsxKr-VA-00488-00130200-00130463 inflation year over year is probably p3sZsxKr-VA-00489-00130464-00130733 going to be down p3sZsxKr-VA-00490-00130733-00130960 either that or the money supply p3sZsxKr-VA-00491-00130961-00131177 statistics combined with the inflation p3sZsxKr-VA-00492-00131178-00131404 statistics are going to lead people to p3sZsxKr-VA-00493-00131405-00131633 believe that the FED does not have to go p3sZsxKr-VA-00494-00131634-00131825 ballistic anymore no matter what they p3sZsxKr-VA-00495-00131826-00132059 say so that will probably send a dollar p3sZsxKr-VA-00496-00132060-00132413 lower this week bigger picture p3sZsxKr-VA-00497-00132414-00132604 you know the dollar just came off an p3sZsxKr-VA-00498-00132605-00132911 insane period last year on a monthly p3sZsxKr-VA-00499-00132912-00133354 chart and reversion to the mean on this p3sZsxKr-VA-00500-00133355-00133649 regression band is probably a hundred p3sZsxKr-VA-00501-00133650-00133925 if you look at the last 90 months and p3sZsxKr-VA-00502-00133926-00134152 the eventual destination in 2023 p3sZsxKr-VA-00503-00134153-00134501 probably in the summer is 90. p3sZsxKr-VA-00504-00134502-00134711 so everyone's waiting for this to come p3sZsxKr-VA-00505-00134712-00134914 back and they're going to have to wait a p3sZsxKr-VA-00506-00134915-00135119 long time p3sZsxKr-VA-00507-00135120-00135407 eth bottoms on the full moon those are p3sZsxKr-VA-00508-00135408-00135616 the dark circles at the bottom yes I can p3sZsxKr-VA-00509-00135617-00135802 talk about all this stuff now p3sZsxKr-VA-00510-00135803-00136114 you don't get a bottom every full moon p3sZsxKr-VA-00511-00136115-00136414 but in a Commodities bull market full p3sZsxKr-VA-00512-00136415-00136523 moons p3sZsxKr-VA-00513-00136524-00136828 sometimes work as tops new moons the p3sZsxKr-VA-00514-00136829-00136954 light gray p3sZsxKr-VA-00515-00136955-00137249 circles sometimes work as tops that's p3sZsxKr-VA-00516-00137250-00137471 when you're in a commodity Market bull p3sZsxKr-VA-00517-00137472-00137873 cycle that's just my general observation p3sZsxKr-VA-00518-00137874-00138119 hidden pivot analysis talked about last p3sZsxKr-VA-00519-00138120-00138551 week support was at 1217 they broke p3sZsxKr-VA-00520-00138552-00138749 through that and then they went flying p3sZsxKr-VA-00521-00138750-00139049 through resistance at 1288 on p3sZsxKr-VA-00522-00139050-00139343 hedge fund fomo p3sZsxKr-VA-00523-00139344-00139481 fomo p3sZsxKr-VA-00524-00139482-00139673 stand up straight up straight up and p3sZsxKr-VA-00525-00139674-00139913 down performance chasing you can't p3sZsxKr-VA-00526-00139914-00140164 underperform last year p3sZsxKr-VA-00527-00140165-00140375 blame it on the bear market and then p3sZsxKr-VA-00528-00140376-00140681 have the market going up this year and p3sZsxKr-VA-00529-00140682-00140975 say oops we missed it no p3sZsxKr-VA-00530-00140976-00141137 you can blame last year on the bear p3sZsxKr-VA-00531-00141138-00141323 Market but if the Market's going up you p3sZsxKr-VA-00532-00141324-00141485 better be on it if you're a hedge fund p3sZsxKr-VA-00533-00141486-00141719 or you're going away that's why the p3sZsxKr-VA-00534-00141720-00141887 market is trading like this p3sZsxKr-VA-00535-00141888-00142090 right so oh I missed Solana and p3sZsxKr-VA-00536-00142091-00142264 Avalanche okay let's get levered long p3sZsxKr-VA-00537-00142265-00142481 eth on a weekend p3sZsxKr-VA-00538-00142482-00142661 hidden pivot analysis and this p3sZsxKr-VA-00539-00142662-00142871 regression band here say there's p3sZsxKr-VA-00540-00142872-00143116 absolutely no reason eth can't go back p3sZsxKr-VA-00541-00143117-00143519 to 1425 which oh by the way was the 2017 p3sZsxKr-VA-00542-00143520-00143777 high so that's just basically getting p3sZsxKr-VA-00543-00143778-00144059 eth back to kind of like p3sZsxKr-VA-00544-00144060-00144407 normal right because eighth and Bitcoin p3sZsxKr-VA-00545-00144408-00144731 shouldn't be below the 2017 High p3sZsxKr-VA-00546-00144732-00144893 in my opinion p3sZsxKr-VA-00547-00144894-00145127 so everyone's like oh my God bitcoin's p3sZsxKr-VA-00548-00145128-00145414 at 17 and a half K I can't buy it what p3sZsxKr-VA-00549-00145415-00145799 are you talking about what stop it p3sZsxKr-VA-00550-00145800-00145973 stop it p3sZsxKr-VA-00551-00145974-00146290 total three okay so we have the p3sZsxKr-VA-00552-00146291-00146621 regression ban for the last 200 days p3sZsxKr-VA-00553-00146622-00146890 shows total three just breaking out p3sZsxKr-VA-00554-00146891-00147064 above the mean p3sZsxKr-VA-00555-00147065-00147443 right just just get started right so it p3sZsxKr-VA-00556-00147444-00147569 goes all the way up and it comes all the p3sZsxKr-VA-00557-00147570-00147683 way back down p3sZsxKr-VA-00558-00147684-00147821 so what p3sZsxKr-VA-00559-00147822-00148025 right the support is right underneath p3sZsxKr-VA-00560-00148026-00148295 the market where today opened and you p3sZsxKr-VA-00561-00148296-00148487 know you got you got nothing but blue p3sZsxKr-VA-00562-00148488-00148678 sky here and they were they managed p3sZsxKr-VA-00563-00148679-00148937 rallies during the bear Market p3sZsxKr-VA-00564-00148938-00149309 oh they this exact setup created you p3sZsxKr-VA-00565-00149310-00149675 know really Hefty rallies prior to FTX p3sZsxKr-VA-00566-00149676-00149933 so if you can have bear Market rallies p3sZsxKr-VA-00567-00149934-00150214 that go to the top of this band p3sZsxKr-VA-00568-00150215-00150443 you know you can have whatever New World p3sZsxKr-VA-00569-00150444-00150647 we're living in which I call commodity p3sZsxKr-VA-00570-00150648-00151066 positive or gold positive right p3sZsxKr-VA-00571-00151067-00151366 the foreign exchange world is changing p3sZsxKr-VA-00572-00151367-00151601 crypto is a part of the larger foreign p3sZsxKr-VA-00573-00151602-00151751 exchange world that means you know p3sZsxKr-VA-00574-00151752-00152339 dollar euro Yen Bitcoin ethereum silver p3sZsxKr-VA-00575-00152340-00152525 copper Palladium p3sZsxKr-VA-00576-00152526-00152669 Etc p3sZsxKr-VA-00577-00152670-00152951 the world of Foreign Exchange is trading p3sZsxKr-VA-00578-00152952-00153257 you got to start looking at altcoins p3sZsxKr-VA-00579-00153258-00153461 possibly as a part of the world of p3sZsxKr-VA-00580-00153462-00153737 Foreign Exchange like oh Solana was dead p3sZsxKr-VA-00581-00153738-00153971 it's a lot of the networks a lot of tvl p3sZsxKr-VA-00582-00153972-00154331 blah blah blah blah get your head out of p3sZsxKr-VA-00583-00154332-00154583 GitHub and get it into a finance book p3sZsxKr-VA-00584-00154584-00154823 not you because you're listening and I I p3sZsxKr-VA-00585-00154824-00155063 know I get it but this is for like hey p3sZsxKr-VA-00586-00155064-00155449 new people hey if you're out there hey p3sZsxKr-VA-00587-00155450-00155887 get out of GitHub who cares what tvl is p3sZsxKr-VA-00588-00155888-00156178 tvl comes back when people start using p3sZsxKr-VA-00589-00156179-00156454 Solana and Avalanche and cardano as p3sZsxKr-VA-00590-00156455-00156611 money p3sZsxKr-VA-00591-00156612-00156778 when it when it's thought of as money p3sZsxKr-VA-00592-00156779-00157001 and it can be used to build a network so p3sZsxKr-VA-00593-00157002-00157319 it's like money and a tech stock p3sZsxKr-VA-00594-00157320-00157528 then you get in get up p3sZsxKr-VA-00595-00157529-00157961 after it's gone up 40 50 100 percent p3sZsxKr-VA-00596-00157962-00158183 then then you sort that out in in the p3sZsxKr-VA-00597-00158184-00158340 first stage it's about the narrative p3sZsxKr-VA-00598-00158341-00158693 right this is why the gldn the bark all p3sZsxKr-VA-00599-00158694-00158831 that stuff p3sZsxKr-VA-00600-00158832-00159233 it's about the story and the narrative p3sZsxKr-VA-00601-00159234-00159751 layer ones nfts art gold water p3sZsxKr-VA-00602-00159752-00159947 total two p3sZsxKr-VA-00603-00159948-00160223 this is total crypto market cap without p3sZsxKr-VA-00604-00160224-00160540 Bitcoin total three just to go back for p3sZsxKr-VA-00605-00160541-00160726 a second that's total crypto market cap p3sZsxKr-VA-00606-00160727-00161021 without Bitcoin and ethereum p3sZsxKr-VA-00607-00161022-00161297 so again what does that mean Solana p3sZsxKr-VA-00608-00161298-00161561 Avalanche cardano xrp p3sZsxKr-VA-00609-00161562-00161789 the big boys p3sZsxKr-VA-00610-00161790-00162083 leading to this idea that xrp could p3sZsxKr-VA-00611-00162084-00162209 explode p3sZsxKr-VA-00612-00162210-00162454 I know everyone says that but it could p3sZsxKr-VA-00613-00162455-00162545 happen p3sZsxKr-VA-00614-00162546-00162851 total two Mark the market the crypto p3sZsxKr-VA-00615-00162852-00163151 Market without Bitcoin I mean eighth has p3sZsxKr-VA-00616-00163152-00163409 a huge amount of room p3sZsxKr-VA-00617-00163410-00163613 you could add 80 p3sZsxKr-VA-00618-00163614-00163919 you could you could add 60 billion to p3sZsxKr-VA-00619-00163920-00164147 Total two in market cap p3sZsxKr-VA-00620-00164148-00164471 that is an epic rally this could be uh p3sZsxKr-VA-00621-00164472-00164609 and I've seen this in equities in p3sZsxKr-VA-00622-00164610-00164854 January where like the month of January p3sZsxKr-VA-00623-00164855-00165125 is almost like a year in terms of the p3sZsxKr-VA-00624-00165126-00165316 price performance that you can get p3sZsxKr-VA-00625-00165317-00165461 so if everyone's selling and everyone's p3sZsxKr-VA-00626-00165462-00165599 bearish and everybody's making fun of p3sZsxKr-VA-00627-00165600-00165881 YouTube people go making faces like p3sZsxKr-VA-00628-00165882-00166090 you just let them do that p3sZsxKr-VA-00629-00166091-00166390 right you worry about all that maybe in p3sZsxKr-VA-00630-00166391-00166607 August or September when everybody's p3sZsxKr-VA-00631-00166608-00166895 doing it but right now people are just p3sZsxKr-VA-00632-00166896-00167075 too quick to be bearish given what's p3sZsxKr-VA-00633-00167076-00167399 going on on these charts now Solana to p3sZsxKr-VA-00634-00167400-00167554 be somewhat conservative right I mean p3sZsxKr-VA-00635-00167555-00167723 again we're talking about this in single p3sZsxKr-VA-00636-00167724-00168011 digits nobody nobody thought p3sZsxKr-VA-00637-00168012-00168202 nobody thought this could go any higher p3sZsxKr-VA-00638-00168203-00168539 I think it's going to 21 minimum I think p3sZsxKr-VA-00639-00168540-00168797 it's going to overshoot 21 because it's p3sZsxKr-VA-00640-00168798-00169019 overshot it during the bear Market this p3sZsxKr-VA-00641-00169020-00169216 regression Channel p3sZsxKr-VA-00642-00169217-00169349 so p3sZsxKr-VA-00643-00169350-00169631 overall Solana 45. p3sZsxKr-VA-00644-00169632-00169864 right now they can take it to 20 no p3sZsxKr-VA-00645-00169865-00170063 problem and if it's dipping and everyone p3sZsxKr-VA-00646-00170064-00170297 goes oh my God I can't touch it p3sZsxKr-VA-00647-00170298-00170423 that's how you know it's going to go p3sZsxKr-VA-00648-00170424-00170507 there p3sZsxKr-VA-00649-00170508-00170776 because when you have these rallies off p3sZsxKr-VA-00650-00170777-00171154 the lows no one wants to touch it no one p3sZsxKr-VA-00651-00171155-00171347 wants to buy the dip p3sZsxKr-VA-00652-00171348-00171526 I mean it's comfortable to buy it when p3sZsxKr-VA-00653-00171527-00171647 it's going up because it's like okay p3sZsxKr-VA-00654-00171648-00171809 this feels like a bottom but then when p3sZsxKr-VA-00655-00171810-00172025 it dips you have what I call the knife p3sZsxKr-VA-00656-00172026-00172199 experience where like oh p3sZsxKr-VA-00657-00172200-00172463 just like last year I can't handle it I p3sZsxKr-VA-00658-00172464-00172733 please please stop it p3sZsxKr-VA-00659-00172734-00172973 no that's the part you have to overcome p3sZsxKr-VA-00660-00172974-00173213 psychologically which is why the theme p3sZsxKr-VA-00661-00173214-00173464 of get well getting is good is something p3sZsxKr-VA-00662-00173465-00173825 that I'm doing for this year right if if p3sZsxKr-VA-00663-00173826-00174119 it's on it's on p3sZsxKr-VA-00664-00174120-00174293 right and when it's time to get out it's p3sZsxKr-VA-00665-00174294-00174539 time to get out but while while things p3sZsxKr-VA-00666-00174540-00174790 are going if they give you a dip take p3sZsxKr-VA-00667-00174791-00175169 the dip Steve J no room for emotion p3sZsxKr-VA-00668-00175170-00175504 no room for emotion true passion for p3sZsxKr-VA-00669-00175505-00175613 crypto p3sZsxKr-VA-00670-00175614-00175931 yes right maybe not passion maybe we use p3sZsxKr-VA-00671-00175932-00176075 belief p3sZsxKr-VA-00672-00176076-00176435 everyone Stop Believing p3sZsxKr-VA-00673-00176436-00176609 you know what I'm saying everyone Stop p3sZsxKr-VA-00674-00176610-00176952 Believing hello from Montreal okay p3sZsxKr-VA-00675-00176953-00177407 Andrew R agrees talking to gldn and bark p3sZsxKr-VA-00676-00177408-00177647 narrative it's about the story yes it's p3sZsxKr-VA-00677-00177648-00177976 you know code is it has its place p3sZsxKr-VA-00678-00177977-00178199 right but the narrative is going to be p3sZsxKr-VA-00679-00178200-00178414 more important everyone's like oh what's p3sZsxKr-VA-00680-00178415-00178625 going to happen for the next cycle well p3sZsxKr-VA-00681-00178626-00178835 you're going to need to have a narrative p3sZsxKr-VA-00682-00178836-00179111 right in the narrative for ethereum for p3sZsxKr-VA-00683-00179112-00179375 web 3 is out there everyone just forgot p3sZsxKr-VA-00684-00179376-00179495 about it p3sZsxKr-VA-00685-00179496-00179687 Jimmy from Toronto is in the house p3sZsxKr-VA-00686-00179688-00179873 welcome p3sZsxKr-VA-00687-00179874-00180137 dead future society says the restraints p3sZsxKr-VA-00688-00180138-00180514 have been removed I get a t-shirt that p3sZsxKr-VA-00689-00180515-00180652 says that that's what I'm talking about p3sZsxKr-VA-00690-00180653-00181007 right that is what I'm talking about p3sZsxKr-VA-00691-00181008-00181228 all right yes somebody here for Steve is p3sZsxKr-VA-00692-00181229-00181366 from Thailand p3sZsxKr-VA-00693-00181367-00181714 okay people looking for Ta on Phantom I p3sZsxKr-VA-00694-00181715-00181883 will be sure and get pen and paper out p3sZsxKr-VA-00695-00181884-00182104 and try to get as many things as I can p3sZsxKr-VA-00696-00182105-00182285 jam in here today p3sZsxKr-VA-00697-00182286-00182728 continuing on Avalanche oh my God p3sZsxKr-VA-00698-00182729-00182938 this is the 200th day regression band p3sZsxKr-VA-00699-00182939-00183245 you had a bump and run off the center p3sZsxKr-VA-00700-00183246-00183599 line right there is nobody home in this p3sZsxKr-VA-00701-00183600-00183833 thing on the upside I think until 16 and p3sZsxKr-VA-00702-00183834-00183988 a half p3sZsxKr-VA-00703-00183989-00184457 like this thing could just go there like p3sZsxKr-VA-00704-00184458-00184637 no one thinks they can no one wants to p3sZsxKr-VA-00705-00184638-00184876 buy it it's up too much I missed it p3sZsxKr-VA-00706-00184877-00185051 it's painful p3sZsxKr-VA-00707-00185052-00185543 like I hate this term but Max Payne is p3sZsxKr-VA-00708-00185544-00185699 higher p3sZsxKr-VA-00709-00185700-00185890 like quickly p3sZsxKr-VA-00710-00185891-00186154 there is no way hedge funds can afford p3sZsxKr-VA-00711-00186155-00186431 to underperform there's no way they can p3sZsxKr-VA-00712-00186432-00186635 miss out and guess what there's nobody p3sZsxKr-VA-00713-00186636-00186869 to sell them this crypto these cryptos p3sZsxKr-VA-00714-00186870-00187151 there's no one to sell them there's no p3sZsxKr-VA-00715-00187152-00187421 seller right everybody's already puked p3sZsxKr-VA-00716-00187422-00187535 it out p3sZsxKr-VA-00717-00187536-00187738 that's what this whole FTX thing was p3sZsxKr-VA-00718-00187739-00187811 about p3sZsxKr-VA-00719-00187812-00188021 so whoever hoovered all this up is is p3sZsxKr-VA-00720-00188022-00188338 not going to sell it at 12. p3sZsxKr-VA-00721-00188339-00188495 no p3sZsxKr-VA-00722-00188496-00188626 no p3sZsxKr-VA-00723-00188627-00189023 okay here's xrp 13 bottom p3sZsxKr-VA-00724-00189024-00189238 on the weekly chart p3sZsxKr-VA-00725-00189239-00189557 you know you had that nice reversal last p3sZsxKr-VA-00726-00189558-00189671 week p3sZsxKr-VA-00727-00189672-00189916 and then this week with the up move p3sZsxKr-VA-00728-00189917-00190211 if it's a green week in xrp you have a p3sZsxKr-VA-00729-00190212-00190457 confirmed 13 bottom p3sZsxKr-VA-00730-00190458-00190583 foreign p3sZsxKr-VA-00731-00190584-00190793 so if you were going to take your shot p3sZsxKr-VA-00732-00190794-00190985 if you were into xrp and you were going p3sZsxKr-VA-00733-00190986-00191147 to take your shot I'm guessing you take p3sZsxKr-VA-00734-00191148-00191338 it now p3sZsxKr-VA-00735-00191339-00191626 right betting that either somebody it p3sZsxKr-VA-00736-00191627-00191866 does well in front of Davos or even p3sZsxKr-VA-00737-00191867-00192064 after p3sZsxKr-VA-00738-00192065-00192328 if you look at the regression bands I p3sZsxKr-VA-00739-00192329-00192659 mean xrp is still near the bottom and p3sZsxKr-VA-00740-00192660-00192988 it's got room to 41 or 52 cents p3sZsxKr-VA-00741-00192989-00193259 now is there regulatory overhang on this p3sZsxKr-VA-00742-00193260-00193540 yeah are there bigger problems in crypto p3sZsxKr-VA-00743-00193541-00193966 than xrp uh yeah p3sZsxKr-VA-00744-00193967-00194226 so some sort of government capitulation p3sZsxKr-VA-00745-00194227-00194519 some sort of a talk about a replacement p3sZsxKr-VA-00746-00194520-00194771 to the Swift system like I don't think p3sZsxKr-VA-00747-00194772-00194957 someone's going to stand up at Davos and p3sZsxKr-VA-00748-00194958-00195161 go you know I really think we should use p3sZsxKr-VA-00749-00195162-00195509 xrp instead of Swift but if they're all p3sZsxKr-VA-00750-00195510-00195785 bellyaching about the dollar system or p3sZsxKr-VA-00751-00195786-00196013 all worried about the Chinese and the p3sZsxKr-VA-00752-00196014-00196278 Russians once they get done with that p3sZsxKr-VA-00753-00196279-00196499 somewhere in the next two weeks there p3sZsxKr-VA-00754-00196500-00196757 could be an xrp opportunity p3sZsxKr-VA-00755-00196758-00197057 if not sooner right p3sZsxKr-VA-00756-00197058-00197387 okay cardano p3sZsxKr-VA-00757-00197388-00197578 everybody gave up on cardano okay p3sZsxKr-VA-00758-00197579-00197764 cardano smokes to the upside and then p3sZsxKr-VA-00759-00197765-00197890 comes off p3sZsxKr-VA-00760-00197891-00198154 so cardano is like I don't know where it p3sZsxKr-VA-00761-00198155-00198383 is right this second but when I did this p3sZsxKr-VA-00762-00198384-00198659 chart it was like right at 31 cents p3sZsxKr-VA-00763-00198660-00198916 which was a prior p3sZsxKr-VA-00764-00198917-00199061 resistance point p3sZsxKr-VA-00765-00199062-00199240 so even though they're doing it all in p3sZsxKr-VA-00766-00199241-00199499 one candle right you get the nine top p3sZsxKr-VA-00767-00199500-00199690 and then you get the correction p3sZsxKr-VA-00768-00199691-00199949 you know if cardano doesn't close well p3sZsxKr-VA-00769-00199950-00200273 or even his week tomorrow that's okay p3sZsxKr-VA-00770-00200274-00200447 because that could be a dip buying p3sZsxKr-VA-00771-00200448-00200650 opportunity because p3sZsxKr-VA-00772-00200651-00200885 it's been a while since we've priced it p3sZsxKr-VA-00773-00200886-00201257 a crypto Market has priced in cardano p3sZsxKr-VA-00774-00201258-00201473 doing well p3sZsxKr-VA-00775-00201474-00201785 okay and again Bitcoin just to drive the p3sZsxKr-VA-00776-00201786-00202193 point home 19k is just the simple top of p3sZsxKr-VA-00777-00202194-00202354 a regression band p3sZsxKr-VA-00778-00202355-00202661 noise it still can be in a downtrend and p3sZsxKr-VA-00779-00202662-00202876 still get to 19k p3sZsxKr-VA-00780-00202877-00203200 stock market right s p p3sZsxKr-VA-00781-00203201-00203645 it's got room to go to 4128 p3sZsxKr-VA-00782-00203646-00203849 you know I mean p3sZsxKr-VA-00783-00203850-00204028 it's hard to believe that people are p3sZsxKr-VA-00784-00204029-00204154 going to still take these inflation p3sZsxKr-VA-00785-00204155-00204478 numbers seriously knowing that inflation p3sZsxKr-VA-00786-00204479-00204713 is going to moderate no matter what p3sZsxKr-VA-00787-00204714-00204971 Jerome Powell says the tighter he goes p3sZsxKr-VA-00788-00204971-00205210 the more people Silicon Valley are going p3sZsxKr-VA-00789-00205211-00205421 to get laid off p3sZsxKr-VA-00790-00205421-00205792 so if everybody from web 2 has to go to p3sZsxKr-VA-00791-00205794-00205973 work at Chick-fil-A p3sZsxKr-VA-00792-00205973-00206155 if that's strong Powell's answer p3sZsxKr-VA-00793-00206156-00206386 inflation's going to wind up back at two p3sZsxKr-VA-00794-00206387-00206548 percent p3sZsxKr-VA-00795-00206550-00206698 because p3sZsxKr-VA-00796-00206700-00206855 that's not going to stop commodity p3sZsxKr-VA-00797-00206856-00207005 inflation but it is going to crush p3sZsxKr-VA-00798-00207006-00207190 housing it's going to crush a lot of p3sZsxKr-VA-00799-00207191-00207442 things so the tougher he talks he just p3sZsxKr-VA-00800-00207444-00207640 gives Silicon Valley a smoke screen to p3sZsxKr-VA-00801-00207641-00207857 lay people off p3sZsxKr-VA-00802-00207858-00208079 cost cutting can be good for stocks even p3sZsxKr-VA-00803-00208080-00208216 though it's unfortunate from a human p3sZsxKr-VA-00804-00208217-00208451 point of view and I think stocks and p3sZsxKr-VA-00805-00208452-00208673 crypto are going to see through any BS p3sZsxKr-VA-00806-00208673-00208888 on this inflation number p3sZsxKr-VA-00807-00208889-00209231 Tesla ended a world at 106 right p3sZsxKr-VA-00808-00209232-00209453 it's all coming to an end elon's getting p3sZsxKr-VA-00809-00209454-00209729 carried out it's over a classic p3sZsxKr-VA-00810-00209730-00210053 sentiment trap on top of Gan support at p3sZsxKr-VA-00811-00210054-00210394 106. you don't have to love Tesla at 120 p3sZsxKr-VA-00812-00210396-00210653 but you have to go back to 106 and go p3sZsxKr-VA-00813-00210654-00210917 was being that bearish actually p3sZsxKr-VA-00814-00210917-00211319 warranted did that make sense no p3sZsxKr-VA-00815-00211319-00211481 no p3sZsxKr-VA-00816-00211482-00211684 okay p3sZsxKr-VA-00817-00211685-00211937 GLD p3sZsxKr-VA-00818-00211938-00212327 no not gldn GLD as in the gold p3sZsxKr-VA-00819-00212328-00212477 ETF p3sZsxKr-VA-00820-00212478-00212681 so it's interesting to sometimes look at p3sZsxKr-VA-00821-00212682-00212831 these things because you know this is p3sZsxKr-VA-00822-00212832-00213046 the paper Gold World p3sZsxKr-VA-00823-00213048-00213442 weekly chart uh last week was a nine top p3sZsxKr-VA-00824-00213444-00213694 which means this week could be very p3sZsxKr-VA-00825-00213696-00213827 quiet p3sZsxKr-VA-00826-00213828-00213977 possibly p3sZsxKr-VA-00827-00213978-00214210 or there could be a dip off the p3sZsxKr-VA-00828-00214211-00214517 inflation number who knows p3sZsxKr-VA-00829-00214517-00214642 but p3sZsxKr-VA-00830-00214644-00215021 gold is set to have one dip or one pause p3sZsxKr-VA-00831-00215021-00215405 this week or next and then go on a p3sZsxKr-VA-00832-00215406-00215669 13-week rampage p3sZsxKr-VA-00833-00215669-00215848 GDX p3sZsxKr-VA-00834-00215850-00216160 GDX are big gold mining stocks there are p3sZsxKr-VA-00835-00216161-00216677 gaps at 34 and 37 and as they say on p3sZsxKr-VA-00836-00216678-00216965 page one of the chapter about gaps in p3sZsxKr-VA-00837-00216966-00217415 the chart book gaps get filled p3sZsxKr-VA-00838-00217416-00217889 so GDX is going from 31 to 37 which is a p3sZsxKr-VA-00839-00217890-00218087 big percentage gain and you got to think p3sZsxKr-VA-00840-00218088-00218387 that's going to be driven by parabolic p3sZsxKr-VA-00841-00218388-00218563 action in gold p3sZsxKr-VA-00842-00218564-00218842 gldn interesting some FIB speed p3sZsxKr-VA-00843-00218844-00219184 resistance line gldn is a small cap p3sZsxKr-VA-00844-00219185-00219460 crypto extremely risky p3sZsxKr-VA-00845-00219461-00219827 however that risk they help compensate I p3sZsxKr-VA-00846-00219828-00220067 don't want to compensate they there's a p3sZsxKr-VA-00847-00220067-00220463 sort of payout Auto staking in packs p3sZsxKr-VA-00848-00220464-00220577 gold p3sZsxKr-VA-00849-00220578-00220792 so instead of giving you the actual coin p3sZsxKr-VA-00850-00220794-00221008 they give you packs gold I work for this p3sZsxKr-VA-00851-00221009-00221153 company p3sZsxKr-VA-00852-00221154-00221387 interesting that when I drew the FIB p3sZsxKr-VA-00853-00221388-00221734 speed resistance lines that puke below p3sZsxKr-VA-00854-00221735-00222029 60 cents was right on a line and the p3sZsxKr-VA-00855-00222030-00222275 next Line's at 102. p3sZsxKr-VA-00856-00222276-00222527 and this is the bigger chart I think p3sZsxKr-VA-00857-00222528-00222905 because as Big Brother moves the small p3sZsxKr-VA-00858-00222906-00223139 cap stuff the gold mining stocks they p3sZsxKr-VA-00859-00223140-00223403 got a long way to go p3sZsxKr-VA-00860-00223404-00223577 before they get back to where their p3sZsxKr-VA-00861-00223578-00223739 highs were p3sZsxKr-VA-00862-00223740-00224123 gold monthly teacup and handle talked p3sZsxKr-VA-00863-00224123-00224375 about it last year talked about how p3sZsxKr-VA-00864-00224376-00224567 awful handles can be p3sZsxKr-VA-00865-00224567-00225010 gold went down seven weeks in a row just p3sZsxKr-VA-00866-00225011-00225196 straight down p3sZsxKr-VA-00867-00225198-00225334 okay p3sZsxKr-VA-00868-00225335-00225653 the handle was awful p3sZsxKr-VA-00869-00225654-00226001 and now the target should be 21.59 p3sZsxKr-VA-00870-00226002-00226205 minimum that's just inside the p3sZsxKr-VA-00871-00226206-00226439 regression band the target for the p3sZsxKr-VA-00872-00226440-00226696 teacup and handle is Way Beyond two p3sZsxKr-VA-00873-00226698-00226834 thousand p3sZsxKr-VA-00874-00226835-00227194 keeping in mind gold and eth can move p3sZsxKr-VA-00875-00227196-00227363 together p3sZsxKr-VA-00876-00227364-00227692 so you could have an insane parabolic in p3sZsxKr-VA-00877-00227694-00227884 gold as a matter of fact I'm going to go p3sZsxKr-VA-00878-00227885-00228079 as far to say p3sZsxKr-VA-00879-00228080-00228473 2023 could be for gold what 2017 was for p3sZsxKr-VA-00880-00228473-00228587 Bitcoin p3sZsxKr-VA-00881-00228588-00228869 it's the holy what is this I gotta p3sZsxKr-VA-00882-00228869-00229175 Own It moment it's like it's Brewing you p3sZsxKr-VA-00883-00229176-00229403 can feel it Goldman also came out today p3sZsxKr-VA-00884-00229404-00229642 reaffirming their view on gold which p3sZsxKr-VA-00885-00229644-00229913 means Goldman is long the clients are p3sZsxKr-VA-00886-00229914-00230129 long and they're just pushing it with p3sZsxKr-VA-00887-00230130-00230363 research which by the way is a p3sZsxKr-VA-00888-00230364-00230573 completely legit thing p3sZsxKr-VA-00889-00230573-00230771 right if you're right if you called it p3sZsxKr-VA-00890-00230771-00231119 as an analyst you just pound the table p3sZsxKr-VA-00891-00231119-00231503 be like I'm long gold I'm long eth I'm p3sZsxKr-VA-00892-00231504-00231796 long cardano come get me p3sZsxKr-VA-00893-00231798-00232091 that's just that's how conviction works p3sZsxKr-VA-00894-00232092-00232384 at Wall Street okay speaking of come get p3sZsxKr-VA-00895-00232385-00232673 me e-t-h-e p3sZsxKr-VA-00896-00232673-00232937 right the ethereum trust in the equity p3sZsxKr-VA-00897-00232938-00233201 Market okay normally in the change of p3sZsxKr-VA-00898-00233202-00233465 seasons whatever it does prior to the p3sZsxKr-VA-00899-00233466-00233669 change of seasons it turns around and p3sZsxKr-VA-00900-00233669-00233891 can reverse p3sZsxKr-VA-00901-00233892-00234292 so ethi winter came on the 21st of p3sZsxKr-VA-00902-00234294-00234539 December they tax loss sold it for eight p3sZsxKr-VA-00903-00234540-00234658 days p3sZsxKr-VA-00904-00234659-00234982 now eth e is back p3sZsxKr-VA-00905-00234983-00235192 it's currently at six and a half and I p3sZsxKr-VA-00906-00235194-00235439 don't see any reason based on how this p3sZsxKr-VA-00907-00235440-00235639 thing trades why it just can't Unwound p3sZsxKr-VA-00908-00235640-00236075 unwind all or more of the decline since p3sZsxKr-VA-00909-00236076-00236237 November p3sZsxKr-VA-00910-00236238-00236656 okay so you know if p3sZsxKr-VA-00911-00236657-00236777 um p3sZsxKr-VA-00912-00236778-00237148 you know there is huge upside here p3sZsxKr-VA-00913-00237150-00237581 getting some breaking news Okay looks p3sZsxKr-VA-00914-00237582-00237917 like immediate evacuation order for the p3sZsxKr-VA-00915-00237917-00238169 entire Montecito community p3sZsxKr-VA-00916-00238169-00238456 including all 15 zones p3sZsxKr-VA-00917-00238457-00238763 okay all residents of Sycamore can p3sZsxKr-VA-00918-00238764-00238991 Canyon and in the city of Santa Barbara p3sZsxKr-VA-00919-00238992-00239177 and Montecito p3sZsxKr-VA-00920-00239178-00239603 so some unfortunate weather happening in p3sZsxKr-VA-00921-00239604-00239842 California p3sZsxKr-VA-00922-00239844-00240077 what is the lesson from these p3sZsxKr-VA-00923-00240078-00240439 Unfortunate Events you gotta expect p3sZsxKr-VA-00924-00240440-00240856 majorly outside the box stuff last year p3sZsxKr-VA-00925-00240857-00241258 the storm was Celsius and FTX this year p3sZsxKr-VA-00926-00241259-00241584 the storm could actually be a storm p3sZsxKr-VA-00927-00241585-00242056 multiple storms droughts acts of God War p3sZsxKr-VA-00928-00242057-00242255 tactical nukes p3sZsxKr-VA-00929-00242256-00242484 Etc p3sZsxKr-VA-00930-00242485-00242771 yeah I know everybody in their 2023 p3sZsxKr-VA-00931-00242771-00242951 preview was like you know it really p3sZsxKr-VA-00932-00242952-00243329 depends on what the FED does no it's not p3sZsxKr-VA-00933-00243330-00243610 that's what everyone says and every when p3sZsxKr-VA-00934-00243611-00243821 everyone says it it's what p3sZsxKr-VA-00935-00243821-00243989 wrong p3sZsxKr-VA-00936-00243990-00244877 okay diving into charts p3sZsxKr-VA-00937-00244878-00245387 the live ta portion of our show p3sZsxKr-VA-00938-00245388-00245591 so p3sZsxKr-VA-00939-00245592-00246041 weird weird weather is back p3sZsxKr-VA-00940-00246042-00246371 weird everything is back p3sZsxKr-VA-00941-00246371-00246737 now just as a side note p3sZsxKr-VA-00942-00246738-00247042 you can be afraid of what's weird or you p3sZsxKr-VA-00943-00247044-00247246 can get on the right side of it p3sZsxKr-VA-00944-00247248-00247541 right like everyone's afraid of AI I get p3sZsxKr-VA-00945-00247542-00247631 it p3sZsxKr-VA-00946-00247632-00247829 okay everyone's afraid of weird weather p3sZsxKr-VA-00947-00247830-00248087 I get it if you can find something to p3sZsxKr-VA-00948-00248088-00248231 invest in p3sZsxKr-VA-00949-00248232-00248381 okay p3sZsxKr-VA-00950-00248382-00248639 go with the trend go with the new p3sZsxKr-VA-00951-00248640-00248825 thinking and research you get paid for p3sZsxKr-VA-00952-00248826-00249125 imagination okay Phantom p3sZsxKr-VA-00953-00249126-00249448 13 I'm sorry nine top and it comes off p3sZsxKr-VA-00954-00249450-00249689 so this is to be expected so either p3sZsxKr-VA-00955-00249690-00249887 Phantom is in a Range kind of like it p3sZsxKr-VA-00956-00249888-00250205 was back here in early December or p3sZsxKr-VA-00957-00250206-00250408 there's going to be a dip in Phantom and p3sZsxKr-VA-00958-00250409-00250606 then you're gonna have like six or seven p3sZsxKr-VA-00959-00250607-00250841 more updates let's look at the four hour p3sZsxKr-VA-00960-00250842-00251267 chart p3sZsxKr-VA-00961-00251267-00251555 okay so that's pretty classic you have a p3sZsxKr-VA-00962-00251556-00251777 13 top and a nine top which uh you know p3sZsxKr-VA-00963-00251778-00251981 I don't know that that doesn't make me p3sZsxKr-VA-00964-00251982-00252305 want to rush in p3sZsxKr-VA-00965-00252306-00252473 however p3sZsxKr-VA-00966-00252473-00252989 there is support around 24 cents p3sZsxKr-VA-00967-00252990-00253181 I'm going to go to a 90 minute on this p3sZsxKr-VA-00968-00253182-00253384 just just so you're seeing how I'm p3sZsxKr-VA-00969-00253385-00253534 dissecting it p3sZsxKr-VA-00970-00253535-00253751 okay p3sZsxKr-VA-00971-00253752-00253925 this looks like a very simple p3sZsxKr-VA-00972-00253926-00254134 retracement like Phantom has been up p3sZsxKr-VA-00973-00254135-00254387 sideways up it's like a step p3sZsxKr-VA-00974-00254388-00254584 right this could be nothing more than a p3sZsxKr-VA-00975-00254585-00254848 step function in Phantom where everybody p3sZsxKr-VA-00976-00254850-00255196 kind of takes profits all at once p3sZsxKr-VA-00977-00255198-00255389 right everyone's like oh wow a rally p3sZsxKr-VA-00978-00255390-00255587 let's get out or let's sell oh I made a p3sZsxKr-VA-00979-00255588-00255731 little money that's which is fine I'll p3sZsxKr-VA-00980-00255732-00255898 please people you never get fired taking p3sZsxKr-VA-00981-00255900-00256205 profits but Trends can sometimes last p3sZsxKr-VA-00982-00256206-00256342 longer than you think and particularly p3sZsxKr-VA-00983-00256344-00256534 when we're trying to do this and like p3sZsxKr-VA-00984-00256535-00256889 you know condensed periods p3sZsxKr-VA-00985-00256890-00257129 condensed time frames p3sZsxKr-VA-00986-00257130-00257296 right like if we say okay we got two p3sZsxKr-VA-00987-00257298-00257629 weeks or we got three weeks or whatever p3sZsxKr-VA-00988-00257630-00257873 those Trends can last longer than you p3sZsxKr-VA-00989-00257873-00257975 think p3sZsxKr-VA-00990-00257976-00258155 right especially since people don't p3sZsxKr-VA-00991-00258156-00258287 believe it and people are just now p3sZsxKr-VA-00992-00258288-00258563 coming around to wow you know Salon is p3sZsxKr-VA-00993-00258564-00258851 like up 50 check that out p3sZsxKr-VA-00994-00258852-00259121 you know eventually when that's the only p3sZsxKr-VA-00995-00259121-00259379 headline okay we go the other way all p3sZsxKr-VA-00996-00259380-00259625 right let's just put in cardano somebody p3sZsxKr-VA-00997-00259626-00259829 said cardano was flipping let's just see p3sZsxKr-VA-00998-00259830-00260503 what is happening with cardano p3sZsxKr-VA-00999-00260504-00260848 okay so that's cardano on a 90 minute I p3sZsxKr-VA-01000-00260850-00261094 think the four hour chart has become p3sZsxKr-VA-01001-00261096-00261251 more relevant p3sZsxKr-VA-01002-00261252-00261658 okay so you got the nine top in cardano p3sZsxKr-VA-01003-00261659-00261815 and then it comes off p3sZsxKr-VA-01004-00261816-00262067 if there's a buyer here it's going to go p3sZsxKr-VA-01005-00262067-00262277 back up again just like there was a p3sZsxKr-VA-01006-00262278-00262499 buyer after this nine top p3sZsxKr-VA-01007-00262500-00262810 so you're looking to see if people are p3sZsxKr-VA-01008-00262811-00263134 interested in dips and again not to beat p3sZsxKr-VA-01009-00263135-00263453 this not to beat the dead not to you p3sZsxKr-VA-01010-00263454-00263675 know pound the table too much p3sZsxKr-VA-01011-00263676-00264082 but this Zone around 30 cents was where p3sZsxKr-VA-01012-00264083-00264365 I I guess kind of this whole final tax p3sZsxKr-VA-01013-00264366-00264532 loss selling puke p3sZsxKr-VA-01014-00264533-00264701 started from p3sZsxKr-VA-01015-00264702-00265108 right 31 cents so if cardano is p3sZsxKr-VA-01016-00265109-00265439 correcting but is above 31 cents that's p3sZsxKr-VA-01017-00265440-00265679 where the get this monster give up trade p3sZsxKr-VA-01018-00265680-00265817 started from p3sZsxKr-VA-01019-00265818-00266110 or at least the acceleration point so p3sZsxKr-VA-01020-00266111-00266279 the fact that they were able to break p3sZsxKr-VA-01021-00266280-00266465 out if it holds p3sZsxKr-VA-01022-00266466-00266579 you know p3sZsxKr-VA-01023-00266580-00266741 these things are tough right it's like p3sZsxKr-VA-01024-00266742-00266963 oh my God I missed it then it comes off p3sZsxKr-VA-01025-00266964-00267167 and you like say oh wait a minute I p3sZsxKr-VA-01026-00267168-00267401 don't I don't know about this right p3sZsxKr-VA-01027-00267402-00267647 Steve J says the printer will be turned p3sZsxKr-VA-01028-00267648-00267851 back on in March p3sZsxKr-VA-01029-00267852-00268030 I think they're going to be in full p3sZsxKr-VA-01030-00268031-00268210 swing by the end of March I think that's p3sZsxKr-VA-01031-00268211-00268391 like spot on p3sZsxKr-VA-01032-00268392-00268673 spot on p3sZsxKr-VA-01033-00268674-00268882 I mean they're they're going to have to p3sZsxKr-VA-01034-00268883-00268991 print because there's going to be a p3sZsxKr-VA-01035-00268992-00269123 problem it could be the weather you p3sZsxKr-VA-01036-00269124-00269237 don't know p3sZsxKr-VA-01037-00269238-00269423 but whatever whatever it is it's going p3sZsxKr-VA-01038-00269424-00269687 to invalidate this idiotic you know we p3sZsxKr-VA-01039-00269688-00269855 need to tighten for everything because p3sZsxKr-VA-01040-00269856-00270071 you know that that's not what's going to p3sZsxKr-VA-01041-00270072-00270460 stop inflation p3sZsxKr-VA-01042-00270461-00270730 okay p3sZsxKr-VA-01043-00270731-00271043 so Matic p3sZsxKr-VA-01044-00271044-00271708 not seeing anything on the DeMark front p3sZsxKr-VA-01045-00271709-00271984 okay if if anything it looks like Matic p3sZsxKr-VA-01046-00271985-00272225 may be doing its correction early p3sZsxKr-VA-01047-00272226-00272453 and you may actually get one more update p3sZsxKr-VA-01048-00272454-00272734 in Matic or possibly more p3sZsxKr-VA-01049-00272735-00272963 so when you have one through nine and p3sZsxKr-VA-01050-00272964-00273130 then correction since the whole world p3sZsxKr-VA-01051-00273131-00273319 knows that that's in the DeMark book p3sZsxKr-VA-01052-00273320-00273605 sometimes the correction comes before or p3sZsxKr-VA-01053-00273606-00273821 after the nine Candlestick so p3sZsxKr-VA-01054-00273822-00274025 interesting Matic runs up everybody p3sZsxKr-VA-01055-00274026-00274403 sells and it comes back that may be an p3sZsxKr-VA-01056-00274404-00274601 interesting dip p3sZsxKr-VA-01057-00274602-00274830 okay again gotta stay away from p3sZsxKr-VA-01058-00274831-00275189 investment advice but you know dips are p3sZsxKr-VA-01059-00275190-00275351 interesting here p3sZsxKr-VA-01060-00275352-00276082 let me see if I get Aptos up here p3sZsxKr-VA-01061-00276083-00276263 take that that'll show up on trading p3sZsxKr-VA-01062-00276264-00277180 View p3sZsxKr-VA-01063-00277181-00277667 okay p3sZsxKr-VA-01064-00277668-00277847 so as I understand it this had a very p3sZsxKr-VA-01065-00277848-00278171 unique value proposition p3sZsxKr-VA-01066-00278172-00278525 form a former Silicon Valley employees p3sZsxKr-VA-01067-00278526-00278855 involved p3sZsxKr-VA-01068-00278856-00279251 kind of rushed to the market p3sZsxKr-VA-01069-00279252-00279437 and let's see if there's anything p3sZsxKr-VA-01070-00279438-00279677 interesting that we can draw on this p3sZsxKr-VA-01071-00279678-00279856 chart p3sZsxKr-VA-01072-00279857-00280427 so in apdos p3sZsxKr-VA-01073-00280428-00280780 this is on cuecoin p3sZsxKr-VA-01074-00280781-00281260 so five dollars and five cents on a dip p3sZsxKr-VA-01075-00281261-00281549 well if at those holds five dollars and p3sZsxKr-VA-01076-00281550-00281729 five cents p3sZsxKr-VA-01077-00281730-00281980 you know they mean business that they p3sZsxKr-VA-01078-00281981-00282125 mean business in this you know they're p3sZsxKr-VA-01079-00282126-00282334 going to mean business in avalanche and p3sZsxKr-VA-01080-00282335-00282773 near and all these other layer ones and p3sZsxKr-VA-01081-00282774-00282955 again p3sZsxKr-VA-01082-00282956-00283421 qnt outperformed p3sZsxKr-VA-01083-00283422-00283715 back in December I'm really interested p3sZsxKr-VA-01084-00283716-00284008 in these payment networks heading into p3sZsxKr-VA-01085-00284009-00284441 Davos maybe the trade is over maybe qnt p3sZsxKr-VA-01086-00284442-00284813 blows through 127 and it's on p3sZsxKr-VA-01087-00284814-00284999 that's a guess p3sZsxKr-VA-01088-00285000-00285197 and I don't know that I'd be buying it p3sZsxKr-VA-01089-00285198-00285437 in front of resistance or that it's p3sZsxKr-VA-01090-00285438-00285629 appropriate to be bullish in front of p3sZsxKr-VA-01091-00285630-00285755 that p3sZsxKr-VA-01092-00285756-00285947 okay but when these things start taking p3sZsxKr-VA-01093-00285948-00286319 off if they take off the idea of gold p3sZsxKr-VA-01094-00286320-00286637 different payment systems p3sZsxKr-VA-01095-00286638-00287279 you know that includes GLD gldn xrp qnt p3sZsxKr-VA-01096-00287280-00287530 there's a lot of ways to express the p3sZsxKr-VA-01097-00287531-00287921 view of you know changes in the value of p3sZsxKr-VA-01098-00287922-00288208 money changes in the perception of money p3sZsxKr-VA-01099-00288209-00288377 and how that relates to government p3sZsxKr-VA-01100-00288378-00288658 policy the weather and commodities p3sZsxKr-VA-01101-00288659-00288947 a lot of different ways to do it p3sZsxKr-VA-01102-00288948-00289193 a lot p3sZsxKr-VA-01103-00289194-00289463 all right people saying Steve's saying p3sZsxKr-VA-01104-00289464-00289630 you know smash the like button and I p3sZsxKr-VA-01105-00289631-00289769 appreciate that p3sZsxKr-VA-01106-00289770-00290080 please do so p3sZsxKr-VA-01107-00290081-00290513 all right let me sum it up p3sZsxKr-VA-01108-00290514-00290806 more upside now than later p3sZsxKr-VA-01109-00290807-00291095 rally through CPI into this conference p3sZsxKr-VA-01110-00291096-00291395 the conference starts on the 16th expect p3sZsxKr-VA-01111-00291396-00291755 Wall Street to tell you that they know p3sZsxKr-VA-01112-00291756-00292049 what's better for you than you do p3sZsxKr-VA-01113-00292050-00292373 central banks could also chime in p3sZsxKr-VA-01114-00292374-00292732 flood could appear that flood is p3sZsxKr-VA-01115-00292733-00293015 probably an opportunity p3sZsxKr-VA-01116-00293016-00293206 another opportunity p3sZsxKr-VA-01117-00293207-00293579 so it could be a mo trade now p3sZsxKr-VA-01118-00293580-00293729 and a p3sZsxKr-VA-01119-00293730-00294106 patient dip buying opportunity later p3sZsxKr-VA-01120-00294107-00294443 nobody knows crypto better than the p3sZsxKr-VA-01121-00294444-00294701 people in crypto if you're new to people p3sZsxKr-VA-01122-00294702-00294965 if you're new to crypto welcome to the p3sZsxKr-VA-01123-00294966-00295067 no p3sZsxKr-VA-01124-00295068-00295301 I'm your host Bill Noble we will see you p3sZsxKr-VA-01125-00295302-00295556 next time p5ezXV61HSg-00000-00000013-00000070 [Music] p5ezXV61HSg-00001-00000071-00000521 foreign p5ezXV61HSg-00002-00000522-00000773 [Music] p5ezXV61HSg-00003-00000774-00001012 you probably could call it a ritual p5ezXV61HSg-00004-00001013-00001270 each morning I go into my study and I p5ezXV61HSg-00005-00001271-00001553 open the shade from the front window p5ezXV61HSg-00006-00001554-00001930 and the room that I'm in is filled with p5ezXV61HSg-00007-00001932-00002351 sunlight the Sun comes over the horizon p5ezXV61HSg-00008-00002352-00002813 over the tree line and fills that room p5ezXV61HSg-00009-00002814-00003184 with light and with warmth for me that's p5ezXV61HSg-00010-00003185-00003383 a new beginning it's the beginning of a p5ezXV61HSg-00011-00003384-00003659 new day and it's an experience of new p5ezXV61HSg-00012-00003660-00003965 life and it's in that experience of new p5ezXV61HSg-00013-00003965-00004204 life in the Sun p5ezXV61HSg-00014-00004205-00004499 that I have my morning time for prayer p5ezXV61HSg-00015-00004500-00004643 and meditation p5ezXV61HSg-00016-00004644-00004967 today I want to talk about new life and p5ezXV61HSg-00017-00004968-00005254 as I do I want to invite you to p5ezXV61HSg-00018-00005255-00005477 subscribe to this channel as well as to p5ezXV61HSg-00019-00005478-00005651 click the Bell so you're notified of p5ezXV61HSg-00020-00005652-00005836 future videos p5ezXV61HSg-00021-00005837-00006029 it's springtime right now in the p5ezXV61HSg-00022-00006030-00006191 northern hemisphere p5ezXV61HSg-00023-00006192-00006527 and outside of that same front window p5ezXV61HSg-00024-00006528-00006760 that I where I sit in the morning p5ezXV61HSg-00025-00006761-00007013 there's a cherry tree that's in full p5ezXV61HSg-00026-00007014-00007306 bloom and the blossoms are being p5ezXV61HSg-00027-00007308-00007570 pollinated by our bees from the backyard p5ezXV61HSg-00028-00007572-00007834 from where we have a beehive in my p5ezXV61HSg-00029-00007836-00008039 neighborhood there is Dogwood and p5ezXV61HSg-00030-00008040-00008423 azaleas bringing all kinds of color back p5ezXV61HSg-00031-00008424-00008591 into the neighborhood p5ezXV61HSg-00032-00008592-00008795 in other parts of the northern p5ezXV61HSg-00033-00008796-00009071 hemisphere there are daffodils and p5ezXV61HSg-00034-00009072-00009437 tulips and irises and dandelions and p5ezXV61HSg-00035-00009438-00009624 many other things coming to bloom p5ezXV61HSg-00036-00009625-00009941 bringing color and life again we know p5ezXV61HSg-00037-00009942-00010210 that spring is that season of new life p5ezXV61HSg-00038-00010211-00010499 where we experience a renewal a new p5ezXV61HSg-00039-00010500-00010781 beginning and it gives us hope it gives p5ezXV61HSg-00040-00010782-00010985 us a sense of imagination from the p5ezXV61HSg-00041-00010986-00011303 future so it's no wonder that the great p5ezXV61HSg-00042-00011304-00011537 religious traditions of the world p5ezXV61HSg-00043-00011538-00011777 or at least the great traditions of the p5ezXV61HSg-00044-00011778-00012035 West have situated holidays that are p5ezXV61HSg-00045-00012036-00012209 significant p5ezXV61HSg-00046-00012210-00012628 about New Life in springtime p5ezXV61HSg-00047-00012629-00012863 for Jewish people it's Passover for p5ezXV61HSg-00048-00012863-00013247 Christians it's Easter and this year for p5ezXV61HSg-00049-00013247-00013379 Muslims p5ezXV61HSg-00050-00013380-00013807 Ramadan and eat a fitter all take place p5ezXV61HSg-00051-00013808-00014099 in Spring p5ezXV61HSg-00052-00014100-00014357 and it's in this season of Hope and p5ezXV61HSg-00053-00014358-00014555 goodness a new life p5ezXV61HSg-00054-00014556-00014872 that the holidays of promise p5ezXV61HSg-00055-00014873-00015208 arcs are celebrated but it's hard for p5ezXV61HSg-00056-00015209-00015394 many people to to relate to some of p5ezXV61HSg-00057-00015395-00015911 these religious images from and and p5ezXV61HSg-00058-00015912-00016144 the holidays that are presented to us p5ezXV61HSg-00059-00016145-00016421 because of the dogma and the doctrine I p5ezXV61HSg-00060-00016422-00016643 mean believing that someone came back to p5ezXV61HSg-00061-00016644-00016853 life who was once dead well that p5ezXV61HSg-00062-00016854-00017117 scientifically doesn't work for us p5ezXV61HSg-00063-00017118-00017297 and it's even more confusing if you p5ezXV61HSg-00064-00017298-00017639 think in terms of cycles of Karma and p5ezXV61HSg-00065-00017640-00017957 and reincarnation and and rebirth in p5ezXV61HSg-00066-00017958-00018094 that way p5ezXV61HSg-00067-00018095-00018539 but if we look in our lives we'll see p5ezXV61HSg-00068-00018540-00018839 around us we'll see within us that those p5ezXV61HSg-00069-00018840-00019127 cycles of life and rebirth are already p5ezXV61HSg-00070-00019128-00019277 present p5ezXV61HSg-00071-00019278-00019558 and I think that it's in becoming more p5ezXV61HSg-00072-00019559-00019811 aware of them and recognizing them that p5ezXV61HSg-00073-00019812-00020008 we're able to honor the sense of life p5ezXV61HSg-00074-00020009-00020363 that we carry with us p5ezXV61HSg-00075-00020364-00020561 I have another ritual p5ezXV61HSg-00076-00020562-00020800 at the end of the day before I go to p5ezXV61HSg-00077-00020801-00020939 sleep p5ezXV61HSg-00078-00020940-00021227 I say a monastic prayer it's it's called p5ezXV61HSg-00079-00021228-00021449 complainer night prayer p5ezXV61HSg-00080-00021450-00021827 and one verse in complement p5ezXV61HSg-00081-00021828-00021989 is p5ezXV61HSg-00082-00021990-00022261 into your hands I commend my spirit p5ezXV61HSg-00083-00022262-00022517 these are the words of Jesus spoken from p5ezXV61HSg-00084-00022518-00022805 the cross before he dies p5ezXV61HSg-00085-00022806-00023117 for me it's not so much about recalling p5ezXV61HSg-00086-00023118-00023417 the death of Jesus but it's about p5ezXV61HSg-00087-00023418-00023783 where I am in that moment in that day p5ezXV61HSg-00088-00023784-00024028 that at the end of the day p5ezXV61HSg-00089-00024029-00024353 a day that's probably marked by some p5ezXV61HSg-00090-00024354-00024617 joyful experiences and some some good p5ezXV61HSg-00091-00024618-00024971 things some challenges and stresses p5ezXV61HSg-00092-00024972-00025217 and probably a whole lot of routine and p5ezXV61HSg-00093-00025218-00025330 monotony p5ezXV61HSg-00094-00025331-00025631 I'm able to pause and say p5ezXV61HSg-00095-00025632-00025762 here p5ezXV61HSg-00096-00025763-00026212 I commend my life and what has been and p5ezXV61HSg-00097-00026213-00026531 I can return that to the source of life p5ezXV61HSg-00098-00026532-00026789 and it's with that that I lay back in my p5ezXV61HSg-00099-00026789-00026867 bed p5ezXV61HSg-00100-00026868-00027173 and let go and allow myself to sleep p5ezXV61HSg-00101-00027174-00027461 it's a letting go what some writers p5ezXV61HSg-00102-00027462-00027767 refer to as sort of a a mini kind of p5ezXV61HSg-00103-00027768-00028037 death that we let go of our lives in p5ezXV61HSg-00104-00028038-00028277 order to sleep we let go of our p5ezXV61HSg-00105-00028277-00028511 awareness to go into that place of p5ezXV61HSg-00106-00028512-00028757 slumber p5ezXV61HSg-00107-00028758-00029105 and I go there comforted knowing that I p5ezXV61HSg-00108-00029106-00029308 have let go p5ezXV61HSg-00109-00029310-00029573 of whatever the day has been p5ezXV61HSg-00110-00029574-00029939 into your hands I commend my spirit p5ezXV61HSg-00111-00029939-00030190 but then I come back in the morning and p5ezXV61HSg-00112-00030191-00030485 experience that newness of life as I p5ezXV61HSg-00113-00030486-00030731 open the shades and experience that new p5ezXV61HSg-00114-00030732-00030862 sunlight p5ezXV61HSg-00115-00030863-00031211 and it warms and radiates me p5ezXV61HSg-00116-00031212-00031487 you know the Ancients understood these p5ezXV61HSg-00117-00031488-00031720 cycles and their importance p5ezXV61HSg-00118-00031722-00032087 before there were our modern religions p5ezXV61HSg-00119-00032088-00032374 the people at Stonehedge the people who p5ezXV61HSg-00120-00032375-00032596 built the City of Petra p5ezXV61HSg-00121-00032597-00032855 the Incans who built the temple of the p5ezXV61HSg-00122-00032856-00032939 Sun p5ezXV61HSg-00123-00032940-00033262 and so many other people knew the p5ezXV61HSg-00124-00033263-00033545 importance of observing the sun and the p5ezXV61HSg-00125-00033546-00033773 stars and their movement and the cycles p5ezXV61HSg-00126-00033774-00033940 and the seasons p5ezXV61HSg-00127-00033941-00034181 they observed the winter solstice and p5ezXV61HSg-00128-00034182-00034337 the summer solstice p5ezXV61HSg-00129-00034338-00034571 and they knew the importance of light p5ezXV61HSg-00130-00034572-00034751 and darkness p5ezXV61HSg-00131-00034752-00035140 life and death and renewal p5ezXV61HSg-00132-00035141-00035399 and so they built monuments to these p5ezXV61HSg-00133-00035400-00035723 things to Mark these things to celebrate p5ezXV61HSg-00134-00035724-00036017 them because they're part of our life p5ezXV61HSg-00135-00036018-00036373 they remind us that our lives are Cycles p5ezXV61HSg-00136-00036374-00036785 Our Lives move through our birth and our p5ezXV61HSg-00137-00036786-00036893 life p5ezXV61HSg-00138-00036894-00037037 our death p5ezXV61HSg-00139-00037038-00037517 and then move into another new life p5ezXV61HSg-00140-00037518-00037823 that's part of what's important about p5ezXV61HSg-00141-00037824-00038117 the cycle of life and death to realize p5ezXV61HSg-00142-00038118-00038321 that we're on a spectrum here that that p5ezXV61HSg-00143-00038322-00038668 it's not just an isolated event that we p5ezXV61HSg-00144-00038669-00038861 experience but that there is a movement p5ezXV61HSg-00145-00038862-00039130 that happens for all of us p5ezXV61HSg-00146-00039131-00039389 and as we Embrace that Movement we p5ezXV61HSg-00147-00039390-00039580 Embrace more and more the fullness of p5ezXV61HSg-00148-00039581-00039671 life p5ezXV61HSg-00149-00039672-00040012 and it's with us that I I invite you p5ezXV61HSg-00150-00040013-00040246 to celebrate the spring religious p5ezXV61HSg-00151-00040247-00040549 holidays with a different kind of vision p5ezXV61HSg-00152-00040550-00040901 recognizing the signs of life and death p5ezXV61HSg-00153-00040902-00041333 and new life where you are in life where p5ezXV61HSg-00154-00041334-00041645 you are at this moment where you can p5ezXV61HSg-00155-00041646-00041957 touch and feel and encounter them p5ezXV61HSg-00156-00041958-00042168 be sure to subscribe to this channel p5ezXV61HSg-00157-00042169-00042533 like the video share it with others and p5ezXV61HSg-00158-00042534-00042718 be sure to leave some comments and thank p5ezXV61HSg-00159-00042719-00042917 you for the time you spend with p5ezXV61HSg-00160-00042918-00043115 spirituality Beyond borders have a great p5ezXV61HSg-00161-00043116-00043235 day p5ezXV61HSg-00162-00043236-00044917 [Music] p7yqNaoWamI-00000-00000032-00000262 so in this video we'll take a look at p7yqNaoWamI-00001-00000263-00000415 astavak ragita p7yqNaoWamI-00002-00000416-00000582 it is also known as song of p7yqNaoWamI-00003-00000583-00000774 self-realization p7yqNaoWamI-00004-00000775-00001039 and it is one of those rarest book which p7yqNaoWamI-00005-00001040-00001174 talks about p7yqNaoWamI-00006-00001175-00001399 what exactly we are and what exactly we p7yqNaoWamI-00007-00001400-00001710 are not in extreme detail p7yqNaoWamI-00008-00001711-00002071 and if you know so if you see p7yqNaoWamI-00009-00002072-00002247 so far we have covered in these p7yqNaoWamI-00010-00002248-00002383 different video series p7yqNaoWamI-00011-00002384-00002799 books like bhagavad-gita books like p7yqNaoWamI-00012-00002800-00002983 eight four five noble eightfold path by p7yqNaoWamI-00013-00002984-00003311 buddha uh different meditations p7yqNaoWamI-00014-00003311-00003599 these sort of things and they are p7yqNaoWamI-00015-00003600-00003735 generally p7yqNaoWamI-00016-00003736-00003959 very very targeted towards everybody p7yqNaoWamI-00017-00003960-00004175 right they try to p7yqNaoWamI-00018-00004176-00004375 teach everybody how one should live how p7yqNaoWamI-00019-00004376-00004535 one should not live what is the dharma p7yqNaoWamI-00020-00004536-00004686 what is the dharma p7yqNaoWamI-00021-00004687-00004935 what should what is the karma and how p7yqNaoWamI-00022-00004936-00005095 one should act according to the p7yqNaoWamI-00023-00005096-00005270 dharma so one should one lead a better p7yqNaoWamI-00024-00005271-00005406 quality of life right p7yqNaoWamI-00025-00005407-00005799 in a way that is all um p7yqNaoWamI-00026-00005800-00006006 designed to teach how you live a better p7yqNaoWamI-00027-00006007-00006151 quality of life how you live a more p7yqNaoWamI-00028-00006152-00006318 decent life how you live a life which p7yqNaoWamI-00029-00006319-00006567 leads to contentment satisfaction p7yqNaoWamI-00030-00006568-00006742 and meaning in the life that sort of p7yqNaoWamI-00031-00006743-00006895 thing right p7yqNaoWamI-00032-00006895-00007223 so these practices and these sort of p7yqNaoWamI-00033-00007223-00007319 books p7yqNaoWamI-00034-00007320-00007639 were mainly designed around that p7yqNaoWamI-00035-00007640-00007878 and then they start to nudge you towards p7yqNaoWamI-00036-00007879-00008023 self-realization p7yqNaoWamI-00037-00008023-00008199 all the books all the traditions right p7yqNaoWamI-00038-00008200-00008399 it starts from most basic they start p7yqNaoWamI-00039-00008400-00008535 from most p7yqNaoWamI-00040-00008536-00008735 outer layer how you should act so that p7yqNaoWamI-00041-00008736-00008878 you don't get yourself in trouble then p7yqNaoWamI-00042-00008879-00009039 they go into mind and then they go into p7yqNaoWamI-00043-00009040-00009135 intelligence p7yqNaoWamI-00044-00009136-00009342 and these kind of things but they give p7yqNaoWamI-00045-00009343-00009510 you the nudge towards you know the p7yqNaoWamI-00046-00009511-00009759 self-realization is important p7yqNaoWamI-00047-00009760-00009942 but they don't really talk about it you p7yqNaoWamI-00048-00009943-00010110 know they just touch on it and then they p7yqNaoWamI-00049-00010111-00010246 leave it but they don't really talk p7yqNaoWamI-00050-00010247-00010446 about it p7yqNaoWamI-00051-00010447-00010806 the and then there are books like who am p7yqNaoWamI-00052-00010807-00010838 i p7yqNaoWamI-00053-00010839-00011031 by ramana maheshi and these people are p7yqNaoWamI-00054-00011032-00011223 mastering vedanta p7yqNaoWamI-00055-00011224-00011519 and with the ramad maheshi and the p7yqNaoWamI-00056-00011520-00011727 masters like ravan mayashi p7yqNaoWamI-00057-00011728-00011967 they talks a lot about what exactly you p7yqNaoWamI-00058-00011968-00012031 are not p7yqNaoWamI-00059-00012032-00012223 right we covered the who am i and he p7yqNaoWamI-00060-00012224-00012391 talks a lot about what exactly you are p7yqNaoWamI-00061-00012392-00012438 not p7yqNaoWamI-00062-00012439-00012623 and then he touch around the edges of p7yqNaoWamI-00063-00012624-00012822 what exactly you are right he taught he p7yqNaoWamI-00064-00012823-00012943 talks about p7yqNaoWamI-00065-00012944-00013143 you are the awareness consciousness p7yqNaoWamI-00066-00013144-00013263 truth uh p7yqNaoWamI-00067-00013263-00013543 bliss awareness consciousness bliss uh p7yqNaoWamI-00068-00013544-00013630 away p7yqNaoWamI-00069-00013631-00013879 the truth consciousness and bliss and p7yqNaoWamI-00070-00013880-00014094 these sort of things he talks about p7yqNaoWamI-00071-00014095-00014279 he touches around the edges what exactly p7yqNaoWamI-00072-00014280-00014447 you are and then he talks a lot about p7yqNaoWamI-00073-00014447-00014543 what exactly you know p7yqNaoWamI-00074-00014544-00014791 you are not so he kind of breaks down p7yqNaoWamI-00075-00014791-00014855 our p7yqNaoWamI-00076-00014856-00015038 beliefs about ourselves that we have p7yqNaoWamI-00077-00015040-00015294 just believed that we are the body and p7yqNaoWamI-00078-00015295-00015622 all these kind of things right so he he p7yqNaoWamI-00079-00015623-00015847 he focused there he tried to cut down p7yqNaoWamI-00080-00015847-00015975 these beliefs p7yqNaoWamI-00081-00015976-00016207 and you know he nudges you more in the p7yqNaoWamI-00082-00016208-00016286 direction of p7yqNaoWamI-00083-00016287-00016463 self-realization what exactly you are he p7yqNaoWamI-00084-00016464-00016679 makes it it makes it more serious p7yqNaoWamI-00085-00016680-00016775 question for you p7yqNaoWamI-00086-00016776-00017055 right the person who gets to that level p7yqNaoWamI-00087-00017056-00017215 will feel more sincere about p7yqNaoWamI-00088-00017216-00017407 exactly knowing what exactly i am if i'm p7yqNaoWamI-00089-00017408-00017543 not all this right p7yqNaoWamI-00090-00017544-00017686 but again ramana maharishi doesn't go p7yqNaoWamI-00091-00017687-00017863 much more deeper into p7yqNaoWamI-00092-00017864-00018150 what exactly you are right and it is i p7yqNaoWamI-00093-00018151-00018414 think it is done with a purpose because p7yqNaoWamI-00094-00018415-00018607 if something like self-realization is p7yqNaoWamI-00095-00018608-00018655 talked p7yqNaoWamI-00096-00018656-00018894 a lot about you know if buddha talked a p7yqNaoWamI-00097-00018895-00019063 lot about that or bhagavad-gita talks a p7yqNaoWamI-00098-00019064-00019167 lot about that then p7yqNaoWamI-00099-00019168-00019327 what happens is it is going to end up p7yqNaoWamI-00100-00019328-00019558 building a belief you have to have an p7yqNaoWamI-00101-00019559-00019671 enough depth p7yqNaoWamI-00102-00019672-00019911 of awareness to make the sense of p7yqNaoWamI-00103-00019912-00020079 something like that to first feel like p7yqNaoWamI-00104-00020080-00020247 this is an important thing to understand p7yqNaoWamI-00105-00020248-00020375 this is an important p7yqNaoWamI-00106-00020376-00020791 question to ask and then also p7yqNaoWamI-00107-00020792-00021022 it needs to work on this like this layer p7yqNaoWamI-00108-00021023-00021119 of depth right p7yqNaoWamI-00109-00021120-00021399 if i if i'm have no depth of awareness p7yqNaoWamI-00110-00021400-00021591 if my mind is extremely p7yqNaoWamI-00111-00021592-00021911 active and extremely turbulent and p7yqNaoWamI-00112-00021912-00022175 you know that sort of state if somebody p7yqNaoWamI-00113-00022176-00022255 tells me p7yqNaoWamI-00114-00022256-00022471 what exactly you are and all that first p7yqNaoWamI-00115-00022472-00022663 of all it won't register and then it i p7yqNaoWamI-00116-00022664-00022807 might end up building belief p7yqNaoWamI-00117-00022808-00023063 about it right and that will that kind p7yqNaoWamI-00118-00023064-00023286 of a belief system will be even more p7yqNaoWamI-00119-00023287-00023478 dangerous for me because then i won't be p7yqNaoWamI-00120-00023479-00023591 able to work properly p7yqNaoWamI-00121-00023592-00023767 right if i have some sort of that kind p7yqNaoWamI-00122-00023768-00023975 of a belief going on that i am not this p7yqNaoWamI-00123-00023976-00024071 i am not that p7yqNaoWamI-00124-00024072-00024255 it will become even more difficult for p7yqNaoWamI-00125-00024256-00024414 me to act in the world p7yqNaoWamI-00126-00024415-00024630 so astar also comes with this fear p7yqNaoWamI-00127-00024631-00024830 caution that this is not a beginner p7yqNaoWamI-00128-00024831-00024927 level books p7yqNaoWamI-00129-00024928-00025150 this is not something you should be p7yqNaoWamI-00130-00025151-00025350 doing if you are just starting on the p7yqNaoWamI-00131-00025351-00025471 spirituality or if you p7yqNaoWamI-00132-00025472-00025806 just started um in this journey p7yqNaoWamI-00133-00025807-00026183 of going inside astavakra is assuming p7yqNaoWamI-00134-00026183-00026311 that you have done the preliminary p7yqNaoWamI-00135-00026312-00026374 practices p7yqNaoWamI-00136-00026375-00026551 you have done the meditation you have p7yqNaoWamI-00137-00026552-00026767 done the you have gone through you know p7yqNaoWamI-00138-00026768-00026974 basic morality of the life you have gone p7yqNaoWamI-00139-00026975-00027118 through these books like bhagavad-gita p7yqNaoWamI-00140-00027119-00027246 and all that p7yqNaoWamI-00141-00027247-00027455 and then if you are interested in this p7yqNaoWamI-00142-00027456-00027639 question of who am i and then if you are p7yqNaoWamI-00143-00027639-00027814 interested in the self p7yqNaoWamI-00144-00027816-00028039 and hopefully these practices make you p7yqNaoWamI-00145-00028039-00028207 interested in the self p7yqNaoWamI-00146-00028208-00028390 then ashtavakra tells you what exactly p7yqNaoWamI-00147-00028391-00028631 you are and ashtavakra goes into detail p7yqNaoWamI-00148-00028632-00028814 ashtavakra is not touching on the edges p7yqNaoWamI-00149-00028816-00029023 astavakra goes into real detail p7yqNaoWamI-00150-00029024-00029174 what exactly you are and what exactly p7yqNaoWamI-00151-00029175-00029414 you are not and it is going as deep as p7yqNaoWamI-00152-00029416-00029662 the indian wisdom tradition has to offer p7yqNaoWamI-00153-00029663-00029862 right so it is considered one of the p7yqNaoWamI-00154-00029863-00029990 pinnacle of wisdom p7yqNaoWamI-00155-00029991-00030190 in indian tradition works in vedanta p7yqNaoWamI-00156-00030191-00030302 system right p7yqNaoWamI-00157-00030303-00030695 and it is cons it is uh hold into very p7yqNaoWamI-00158-00030695-00030823 high esteem p7yqNaoWamI-00159-00030824-00031014 by the great masters like uh rahman p7yqNaoWamI-00160-00031016-00031167 wahishi actually p7yqNaoWamI-00161-00031168-00031358 in fact once i was in the ramadish p7yqNaoWamI-00162-00031360-00031574 ashram i was going through tavanamalai p7yqNaoWamI-00163-00031575-00031887 so i visited his ashram where he used to p7yqNaoWamI-00164-00031888-00031935 live p7yqNaoWamI-00165-00031936-00032174 and it is a very lively place right now p7yqNaoWamI-00166-00032175-00032283 there p7yqNaoWamI-00167-00032283-00032599 uh so i was surprised to know first of p7yqNaoWamI-00168-00032600-00032735 all they have a library so in the p7yqNaoWamI-00169-00032736-00032887 library they have all the books which p7yqNaoWamI-00170-00032888-00033023 are p7yqNaoWamI-00171-00033024-00033167 you know something that raman mahesh p7yqNaoWamI-00172-00033168-00033423 would recommend for people to read p7yqNaoWamI-00173-00033424-00033662 and establish of course one of them and p7yqNaoWamI-00174-00033663-00033815 i was surprised to know that they p7yqNaoWamI-00175-00033816-00034007 actually chant a stubborn cry every day p7yqNaoWamI-00176-00034008-00034207 morning right the establishment chanting p7yqNaoWamI-00177-00034208-00034302 going on p7yqNaoWamI-00178-00034303-00034455 something like ramanuja won't expect p7yqNaoWamI-00179-00034456-00034639 like chanting and all these things are p7yqNaoWamI-00180-00034640-00034943 going on but it's it's kind of p7yqNaoWamI-00181-00034944-00035143 surprising that ramanu marishi or people p7yqNaoWamI-00182-00035144-00035359 of the caliber of raman maharishi p7yqNaoWamI-00183-00035360-00035518 esteem something like ashtavakra p7yqNaoWamI-00184-00035519-00035711 extremely high so this is p7yqNaoWamI-00185-00035712-00036023 uh this is a beautiful book and the p7yqNaoWamI-00186-00036024-00036167 subject of the book is even more p7yqNaoWamI-00187-00036168-00036359 beautiful right what exactly we are p7yqNaoWamI-00188-00036360-00036687 right very very very very few books p7yqNaoWamI-00189-00036688-00036887 uh talked about these kind of things p7yqNaoWamI-00190-00036888-00037062 right very few books p7yqNaoWamI-00191-00037063-00037527 uh you know very very few books p7yqNaoWamI-00192-00037528-00037807 have that insight that level of depth to p7yqNaoWamI-00193-00037808-00037959 talk about something like this p7yqNaoWamI-00194-00037960-00038287 yeah so we'll go into a staggered either p7yqNaoWamI-00195-00038288-00038527 and of course the warning here before we p7yqNaoWamI-00196-00038528-00038702 go and you will see this probably in p7yqNaoWamI-00197-00038703-00038871 almost every video that you will watch p7yqNaoWamI-00198-00038872-00039102 on the youtube or the starcraft p7yqNaoWamI-00199-00039103-00039271 that before you are jumping into p7yqNaoWamI-00200-00039272-00039439 something like a stravakra there is a p7yqNaoWamI-00201-00039440-00039599 fair caution that p7yqNaoWamI-00202-00039600-00039735 you should have done the preliminary p7yqNaoWamI-00203-00039736-00039959 practice right it's not a starting level p7yqNaoWamI-00204-00039960-00040046 book so you p7yqNaoWamI-00205-00040047-00040262 in fact it is considered very advanced p7yqNaoWamI-00206-00040263-00040455 not exactly very advanced but is p7yqNaoWamI-00207-00040456-00040662 actually the topic that it talks about p7yqNaoWamI-00208-00040663-00040927 is very subtle right the talking about p7yqNaoWamI-00209-00040928-00041039 the self p7yqNaoWamI-00210-00041040-00041279 is very subtle right so it's assuming p7yqNaoWamI-00211-00041280-00041415 that you have done the preliminary p7yqNaoWamI-00212-00041416-00041558 practices you have done p7yqNaoWamI-00213-00041559-00041662 you have gone through books like p7yqNaoWamI-00214-00041663-00041846 bhagavad-gita you have you know p7yqNaoWamI-00215-00041847-00042030 implement those teachings in your life p7yqNaoWamI-00216-00042031-00042102 you have p7yqNaoWamI-00217-00042103-00042311 done all these things and now if you are p7yqNaoWamI-00218-00042312-00042430 interested in self p7yqNaoWamI-00219-00042431-00042583 the stravakra offers a lot of p7yqNaoWamI-00220-00042584-00042823 explanation on what exactly is the self p7yqNaoWamI-00221-00042824-00043158 right so it gives you this p7yqNaoWamI-00222-00043159-00043383 you know let's say if you're meditating p7yqNaoWamI-00223-00043384-00043543 you might be having a lot of experiences p7yqNaoWamI-00224-00043544-00043671 but ashtavakra p7yqNaoWamI-00225-00043672-00043855 explained that experience as developer p7yqNaoWamI-00226-00043856-00044046 tells you what exactly you are p7yqNaoWamI-00227-00044047-00044383 and without a book like ashtavakra p7yqNaoWamI-00228-00044384-00044639 our basic understanding would be that i p7yqNaoWamI-00229-00044640-00044799 am the awareness i am the consciousness p7yqNaoWamI-00230-00044800-00044839 right p7yqNaoWamI-00231-00044840-00045007 but i don't really know the nature of p7yqNaoWamI-00232-00045008-00045151 awareness in the consciousness p7yqNaoWamI-00233-00045152-00045423 right and the stockholder goes in more p7yqNaoWamI-00234-00045424-00045574 detail of p7yqNaoWamI-00235-00045575-00045758 what exactly is this consciousness what p7yqNaoWamI-00236-00045759-00045951 is exactly is this awareness p7yqNaoWamI-00237-00045952-00046151 then it is mind-blowing what he explains p7yqNaoWamI-00238-00046152-00046302 right so we'll go into this book in p7yqNaoWamI-00239-00046303-00046543 great detail p7yqNaoWamI-00240-00046544-00046815 step by step and we'll take our time and p7yqNaoWamI-00241-00046816-00046879 we'll see p7yqNaoWamI-00242-00046880-00047111 what established pita has to tell about p7yqNaoWamI-00243-00047112-00047424 what exactly we are p9QVB1q9nLy-00000-00000030-00001045 [Music] p9QVB1q9nLy-00001-00001046-00001361 hi there you found us here at story time p9QVB1q9nLy-00002-00001362-00001603 with Miss Becky I'm miss Becky and this p9QVB1q9nLy-00003-00001604-00001838 is our friend Bear who loves to read p9QVB1q9nLy-00004-00001839-00002123 along with you bear has a question for p9QVB1q9nLy-00005-00002124-00002492 you did you ever meet a duck who thought p9QVB1q9nLy-00006-00002493-00002897 he could drive a tractor believe it or p9QVB1q9nLy-00007-00002898-00003410 not hear that duck is now bear thanks p9QVB1q9nLy-00008-00003411-00003899 duck will crash but fair also thinks we p9QVB1q9nLy-00009-00003900-00004034 should put on the magic reading glasses p9QVB1q9nLy-00010-00004035-00004424 and go along to see what happens if the p9QVB1q9nLy-00011-00004425-00004883 farmer sees duck riding the tractor do p9QVB1q9nLy-00012-00004884-00005158 you think he'll give his friends a ride p9QVB1q9nLy-00013-00005159-00005906 duck on a tractor by David Shannon down p9QVB1q9nLy-00014-00005907-00006002 on the farm p9QVB1q9nLy-00015-00006003-00006403 ducks sometimes got wild ideas one day p9QVB1q9nLy-00016-00006404-00006698 he decided he could ride a bike so he p9QVB1q9nLy-00017-00006698-00007376 did then he spotted the tractor I bet I p9QVB1q9nLy-00018-00007377-00007778 can drive a tractor he said the other p9QVB1q9nLy-00019-00007779-00008084 animals weren't so sure but they all p9QVB1q9nLy-00020-00008084-00008542 said well if he can ride a bike maybe he p9QVB1q9nLy-00021-00008543-00009089 can drive a tractor too duck climbed on p9QVB1q9nLy-00022-00009090-00009467 the tractor and looked around he pushed p9QVB1q9nLy-00023-00009468-00009823 some petals and wiggled a metal stick p9QVB1q9nLy-00024-00009824-00010253 but nothing happened then a shiny little p9QVB1q9nLy-00025-00010254-00010448 piece of metal by the steering wheel p9QVB1q9nLy-00026-00010449-00010906 caught his eye he pulled it out he p9QVB1q9nLy-00027-00010907-00011026 pushed it in p9QVB1q9nLy-00028-00011027-00011498 then he turned it all of a sudden the p9QVB1q9nLy-00029-00011499-00012034 tractor shook and coughed and rumbled it p9QVB1q9nLy-00030-00012035-00012664 began to move at first it moved very p9QVB1q9nLy-00031-00012665-00013115 slowly and it jerked a lot but it was p9QVB1q9nLy-00032-00013116-00013232 fun p9QVB1q9nLy-00033-00013233-00013522 duck drove around the barnyard until he p9QVB1q9nLy-00034-00013524-00013819 got the hang of it then he stopped in p9QVB1q9nLy-00035-00013821-00014200 front of the other animals climb on p9QVB1q9nLy-00036-00014201-00014333 everybody p9QVB1q9nLy-00037-00014334-00014947 shouted duck dog was first he jumped p9QVB1q9nLy-00038-00014949-00015431 right up next to duck woof said dog but p9QVB1q9nLy-00039-00015432-00015701 what he thought was we're going for a p9QVB1q9nLy-00040-00015702-00016156 ride to everyone's surprise cow p9QVB1q9nLy-00041-00016157-00016739 clambered on next Moo said cow but what p9QVB1q9nLy-00042-00016740-00017003 she thought was this is the silliest p9QVB1q9nLy-00043-00017004-00017579 thing I've ever done Pig and pig took a p9QVB1q9nLy-00044-00017580-00017708 seat in the back p9QVB1q9nLy-00045-00017709-00018113 oink said Pig and pig but what they p9QVB1q9nLy-00046-00018114-00018685 thought was this sure beats walking p9QVB1q9nLy-00047-00018686-00019208 then came chicken mouse and goat squawk p9QVB1q9nLy-00048-00019209-00019576 said chicken but what she thought was p9QVB1q9nLy-00049-00019577-00020122 last one on is a rotten egg squeak said p9QVB1q9nLy-00050-00020123-00020534 mouse but what she thought was I can see p9QVB1q9nLy-00051-00020535-00020809 everything from up here p9QVB1q9nLy-00052-00020810-00021283 man said goat but what he thought was p9QVB1q9nLy-00053-00021284-00021491 I'm hungry p9QVB1q9nLy-00054-00021492-00021671 does the garbage dump have a p9QVB1q9nLy-00055-00021672-00022274 drive-through window next up were horse p9QVB1q9nLy-00056-00022275-00022736 and cat cat jumped up gracefully onto p9QVB1q9nLy-00057-00022737-00023360 the tractor horse not so much yeah said p9QVB1q9nLy-00058-00023361-00023894 cat but what she thought was I was going p9QVB1q9nLy-00059-00023895-00024367 to take a nap but this should be very p9QVB1q9nLy-00060-00024368-00024738 interesting p9QVB1q9nLy-00061-00024739-00025169 said horse but what he thought was I p9QVB1q9nLy-00062-00025170-00025883 think I'd rather walk the only one left p9QVB1q9nLy-00063-00025885-00026342 on the ground was sheep back said sheep p9QVB1q9nLy-00064-00026343-00026802 but what she thought was this is too p9QVB1q9nLy-00065-00026802-00027050 dangerous p9QVB1q9nLy-00066-00027051-00027492 get on sheep everyone shouted but sheep p9QVB1q9nLy-00067-00027493-00027845 wouldn't budge so duck started driving p9QVB1q9nLy-00068-00027847-00027970 away without her p9QVB1q9nLy-00069-00027972-00028467 wait cried sheep don't leave me here all p9QVB1q9nLy-00070-00028468-00028917 alone she ran after the tractor and took p9QVB1q9nLy-00071-00028918-00029379 a flying leap onto it quack p9QVB1q9nLy-00072-00029380-00030052 yelled duck but what he thought was whoa p9QVB1q9nLy-00073-00030054-00030372 duck steered the tractor down the lane p9QVB1q9nLy-00074-00030373-00030726 and out onto the main road and before p9QVB1q9nLy-00075-00030727-00030924 long they were driving right through the p9QVB1q9nLy-00076-00030925-00031323 middle of town it was lunchtime so most p9QVB1q9nLy-00077-00031324-00031623 people were in the diner they all looked p9QVB1q9nLy-00078-00031624-00031848 up when duck and the other animals p9QVB1q9nLy-00079-00031849-00032418 passed by the big window a little boy p9QVB1q9nLy-00080-00032419-00032649 named Edison was having lunch with his p9QVB1q9nLy-00081-00032650-00033204 grandma did you ever Grandma gasped but p9QVB1q9nLy-00082-00033205-00033588 what she thought was a duck on a tractor p9QVB1q9nLy-00083-00033589-00034196 that's impossible that's totally awesome p9QVB1q9nLy-00084-00034197-00034544 Edison shouted but what he thought was p9QVB1q9nLy-00085-00034545-00035064 no one's gonna believe this Marcin the p9QVB1q9nLy-00086-00035065-00035295 waitress looked up from her pad and p9QVB1q9nLy-00087-00035296-00035760 noticed cat heavens to Betsy she p9QVB1q9nLy-00088-00035761-00036036 exclaimed but what she thought was I p9QVB1q9nLy-00089-00036037-00036355 like cats p9QVB1q9nLy-00090-00036356-00036791 deputy bob blabbered if that don't beat p9QVB1q9nLy-00091-00036792-00037294 all but what he thought was how am I p9QVB1q9nLy-00092-00037295-00037715 gonna explain this to the sheriff p9QVB1q9nLy-00093-00037716-00038462 a man named Otis chimed in I must be p9QVB1q9nLy-00094-00038463-00038591 seeing things p9QVB1q9nLy-00095-00038592-00039295 but what he thought was oh no not again p9QVB1q9nLy-00096-00039296-00039566 holy cow p9QVB1q9nLy-00097-00039567-00039827 hollered man EDA cook but what he p9QVB1q9nLy-00098-00039828-00040255 thought was holy cow p9QVB1q9nLy-00099-00040256-00040547 mani usually said exactly what he p9QVB1q9nLy-00100-00040548-00040937 thought the mayor almost choked on his p9QVB1q9nLy-00101-00040938-00041440 pie good gravy he sputtered but what he p9QVB1q9nLy-00102-00041441-00041843 thought was those pigs are even fatter p9QVB1q9nLy-00103-00041844-00042289 than I am p9QVB1q9nLy-00104-00042290-00042647 Corky just whistled but what he thought p9QVB1q9nLy-00105-00042648-00043153 was that duck is smarter than he looks p9QVB1q9nLy-00106-00043154-00043547 Gwen came out of the restroom would you p9QVB1q9nLy-00107-00043548-00043949 look at that she exclaimed but what she p9QVB1q9nLy-00108-00043950-00044276 thought was I can't see a thing without p9QVB1q9nLy-00109-00044277-00044488 my glasses p9QVB1q9nLy-00110-00044489-00044896 Barbara Odell observed that's a dang p9QVB1q9nLy-00111-00044897-00045298 nice tractor but what he thought was hey p9QVB1q9nLy-00112-00045299-00045914 that's my tractor he decided he'd better p9QVB1q9nLy-00113-00045915-00046207 go after it and ran out the door p9QVB1q9nLy-00114-00046208-00046517 everyone else ran out too and chased p9QVB1q9nLy-00115-00046518-00046710 after him p9QVB1q9nLy-00116-00046711-00046918 [Music] p9QVB1q9nLy-00117-00046919-00047255 by this time duck had turned onto the p9QVB1q9nLy-00118-00047256-00047608 next street the tractors shattered to a p9QVB1q9nLy-00119-00047609-00047718 stop p9QVB1q9nLy-00120-00047719-00047995 duck tried turning the shiny little p9QVB1q9nLy-00121-00047996-00048408 piece of metal again nothing happened I p9QVB1q9nLy-00122-00048409-00048811 don't know much about spelling said dog p9QVB1q9nLy-00123-00048812-00049324 but I think that e means it's the end of p9QVB1q9nLy-00124-00049325-00049829 our ride sheep cleared her throat you p9QVB1q9nLy-00125-00049830-00050287 know she said I I think we might get in p9QVB1q9nLy-00126-00050288-00050580 trouble for this p9QVB1q9nLy-00127-00050581-00050992 let's get out of here yelled duck just p9QVB1q9nLy-00128-00050993-00051205 as farmer O'Dell and everyone from the p9QVB1q9nLy-00129-00051207-00052177 diner came around the corner everyone p9QVB1q9nLy-00130-00052178-00052625 burst out laughing now they all said it p9QVB1q9nLy-00131-00052626-00053080 couldn't have been it was an optical p9QVB1q9nLy-00132-00053082-00053510 illusion exclaimed Otis farmer O'Dell p9QVB1q9nLy-00133-00053511-00053750 said he must have left his tractor p9QVB1q9nLy-00134-00053751-00054110 running by accident I guess that p9QVB1q9nLy-00135-00054111-00054538 explains it deputy Bob agreed then they p9QVB1q9nLy-00136-00054539-00054779 all went back to the diner to finish p9QVB1q9nLy-00137-00054779-00055294 their lunch and no one ever admitted p9QVB1q9nLy-00138-00055295-00055700 that on that day they had seen a cow a p9QVB1q9nLy-00139-00055701-00056266 goat a cat a dog a sheep a chicken a p9QVB1q9nLy-00140-00056267-00056857 horse two pigs a mouse and a duck on a p9QVB1q9nLy-00141-00056858-00057416 tractor bears wondering why do you think p9QVB1q9nLy-00142-00057416-00057693 the people could not admit that they saw p9QVB1q9nLy-00143-00057694-00058163 animals on a tractor lots of answers p9QVB1q9nLy-00144-00058164-00058704 bear but did you see who had a camera p9QVB1q9nLy-00145-00058705-00059009 hmm what would you say if someone showed p9QVB1q9nLy-00146-00059010-00059418 you their picture of duck on a tractor p9QVB1q9nLy-00147-00059419-00059685 what would you think p9QVB1q9nLy-00148-00059686-00060120 what would you say well bear hopes you p9QVB1q9nLy-00149-00060121-00060329 come back soon for more adventures in p9QVB1q9nLy-00150-00060330-00060687 saying or not saying what we're really p9QVB1q9nLy-00151-00060688-00060980 thinking bye for now p9QVB1q9nLy-00152-00060982-00061186 please subscribe p9QVB1q9nLy-00153-00061187-00062447 [Music] pwqdrOqaRru-00000-00000000-00000114 foreign pwqdrOqaRru-00001-00000115-00002123 [Music] pwqdrOqaRru-00002-00002124-00003695 [Music] pwqdrOqaRru-00003-00003696-00003838 [Music] pwqdrOqaRru-00004-00003839-00004947 foreign pwqdrOqaRru-00005-00004948-00007510 [Music] pwqdrOqaRru-00006-00007511-00008367 foreign pwqdrOqaRru-00007-00008368-00010660 [Music] pwqdrOqaRru-00008-00010661-00010799 foreign pwqdrOqaRru-00009-00010800-00012837 [Music] pwqdrOqaRru-00010-00012838-00014008 [Music] pxbfsf55mxI-00000-00000000-00000077 [Music] pxbfsf55mxI-00001-00000078-00000921 foreign pxbfsf55mxI-00002-00000922-00002131 [Music] pxbfsf55mxI-00003-00002132-00002825 [Music] pxbfsf55mxI-00004-00002826-00003686 [Music] pxbfsf55mxI-00005-00003686-00004420 [Music] pxbfsf55mxI-00006-00004421-00004861 Roblox pxbfsf55mxI-00007-00004862-00007383 [Music] pxbfsf55mxI-00008-00007384-00008507 [Music] pxbfsf55mxI-00009-00008508-00008839 foreign pxbfsf55mxI-00011-00013656-00013944 [Music] pxbfsf55mxI-00012-00013945-00014911 the only ones pxbfsf55mxI-00013-00014912-00015893 [Music] pxbfsf55mxI-00014-00015894-00016044 [Music] pxbfsf55mxI-00015-00016045-00016445 the only one pxbfsf55mxI-00016-00016446-00016723 [Applause] pxbfsf55mxI-00017-00016724-00017183 [Music] pxbfsf55mxI-00018-00017184-00018894 um pxbfsf55mxI-00019-00018895-00019036 [Music] pxbfsf55mxI-00020-00019037-00019463 I don't know pxbfsf55mxI-00021-00019464-00020374 [Music] pxbfsf55mxI-00022-00020375-00023008 [Music] pxbfsf55mxI-00023-00023009-00023222 I don't know pxbfsf55mxI-00024-00023223-00024345 [Music] pxbfsf55mxI-00025-00024346-00026508 [Music] pxbfsf55mxI-00026-00026510-00027367 [Music] pxbfsf55mxI-00027-00027368-00028002 one one pxbfsf55mxI-00028-00028004-00028482 two three pxbfsf55mxI-00029-00028483-00029573 [Music] pxbfsf55mxI-00030-00029574-00029962 one minute pxbfsf55mxI-00031-00029963-00031477 [Music] pxbfsf55mxI-00032-00031477-00031766 I Wanna Live pxbfsf55mxI-00033-00031767-00034393 [Music] pxbfsf55mxI-00034-00034394-00034660 thank you pxbfsf55mxI-00035-00034661-00036124 [Music] p__tobV16zI-00000-00000352-00000519 hello all p__tobV16zI-00001-00000520-00000734 this tutorial will explain how to save p__tobV16zI-00002-00000735-00000919 the project and the backup files of p__tobV16zI-00003-00000919-00001079 autocad p__tobV16zI-00004-00001080-00001287 it is critical to saving your file as p__tobV16zI-00005-00001288-00001491 early as possible and as many as p__tobV16zI-00006-00001492-00001607 possible p__tobV16zI-00007-00001607-00001839 moreover save any time and the moment p__tobV16zI-00008-00001839-00002079 you think it is appropriate p__tobV16zI-00009-00002080-00002350 i usually save within 15 minutes at p__tobV16zI-00010-00002351-00002599 least four times per hour p__tobV16zI-00011-00002600-00002775 this is the way to save the file for p__tobV16zI-00012-00002776-00003015 your project p__tobV16zI-00013-00003016-00003390 1 click application menu p__tobV16zI-00014-00003392-00003727 click save step 2 p__tobV16zI-00015-00003728-00003935 select a project folder on your hard p__tobV16zI-00016-00003936-00004175 drive external hard drive p__tobV16zI-00017-00004176-00004527 usb dropbox or onedrive p__tobV16zI-00018-00004528-00004879 step 3 the recommended file type is auto p__tobV16zI-00019-00004880-00005411 cad 2007 slash lt 2007 drawing p__tobV16zI-00020-00005412-00005718 star.dwg this file version is p__tobV16zI-00021-00005719-00005806 recommended because p__tobV16zI-00022-00005807-00006015 of the compatibility of use the file in p__tobV16zI-00023-00006016-00006318 different versions with different users p__tobV16zI-00024-00006319-00006734 step 4 the recommended file name is p__tobV16zI-00025-00006736-00006959 eems underscore house underscore project p__tobV16zI-00026-00006959-00007167 underscore first name underscore last p__tobV16zI-00027-00007168-00007559 name underscore01.dwg p__tobV16zI-00028-00007559-00007919 tip you may find dot bach p__tobV16zI-00029-00007920-00008295 file this file is a backup file p__tobV16zI-00030-00008296-00008583 in the default setting every 10 minutes p__tobV16zI-00031-00008584-00008807 the file will be saved p__tobV16zI-00032-00008808-00009078 to use the backup file change the file p__tobV16zI-00033-00009079-00009183 extension p__tobV16zI-00034-00009184-00009551 dot bach to dwg p__tobV16zI-00035-00009552-00009895 it will simply change to autocad file p__tobV16zI-00036-00009896-00010167 after you completed this lecture i also p__tobV16zI-00037-00010168-00010374 recommended copying the project file to p__tobV16zI-00038-00010375-00010574 another source of a drive as a backup p__tobV16zI-00039-00010575-00010687 file p__tobV16zI-00040-00010688-00010887 it is very critical to have a backup p__tobV16zI-00041-00010888-00011063 plan always p__tobV16zI-00042-00011064-00011295 i hope this video clarifies how to save p__tobV16zI-00043-00011296-00011503 the project file and use of the backup p__tobV16zI-00044-00011504-00011638 file p__tobV16zI-00045-00011639-00012471 thank you pBTQgcZDsgo-00000-00000035-00000286 Mauritius listen French Maurice pBTQgcZDsgo-00001-00000287-00000494 officially the Republic of Mauritius pBTQgcZDsgo-00002-00000495-00000749 French republik de Maurice is an island pBTQgcZDsgo-00003-00000750-00000970 nation in the Indian Ocean about 2,000 pBTQgcZDsgo-00004-00000971-00001277 kilometers 1,200 miles off the southeast pBTQgcZDsgo-00005-00001278-00001514 coast of the African continent the pBTQgcZDsgo-00006-00001515-00001670 country includes the islands of pBTQgcZDsgo-00007-00001671-00001984 Mauritius and Rodrigues 560 kilometers pBTQgcZDsgo-00008-00001985-00002258 350 miles east of Mauritius and the pBTQgcZDsgo-00009-00002259-00002443 outer islands of Agra lekha and Saint pBTQgcZDsgo-00010-00002444-00002696 Brandon the islands of Mauritius and pBTQgcZDsgo-00011-00002697-00002906 Rodrigues formed part of the Mascarene pBTQgcZDsgo-00012-00002907-00003125 Islands along with nearby ray Union an pBTQgcZDsgo-00013-00003126-00003331 overseas department and region of France pBTQgcZDsgo-00014-00003332-00003686 the area of the country as 2040 square pBTQgcZDsgo-00015-00003686-00004085 kilometres 790 square miles the capital pBTQgcZDsgo-00016-00004086-00004325 and largest city is Port Louis the pBTQgcZDsgo-00017-00004326-00004526 island is widely known as the only known pBTQgcZDsgo-00018-00004527-00004694 home of the dodo which along with pBTQgcZDsgo-00019-00004695-00004913 several other avian species was made pBTQgcZDsgo-00020-00004914-00005135 extinct by human activities relatively pBTQgcZDsgo-00021-00005136-00005350 shortly after the island settlement pBTQgcZDsgo-00022-00005351-00005792 formerly a Dutch colony 1638 to 1710 and pBTQgcZDsgo-00023-00005793-00006170 a French colony 1715 to 1810 Mauritius pBTQgcZDsgo-00024-00006171-00006377 became a British colonial possession in pBTQgcZDsgo-00025-00006378-00006709 1810 and remained so until 1968 the year pBTQgcZDsgo-00026-00006711-00006950 in which it attained independence the pBTQgcZDsgo-00027-00006951-00007169 British crown colony of Mauritius once pBTQgcZDsgo-00028-00007170-00007352 included the current territories of pBTQgcZDsgo-00029-00007353-00007598 Mauritius Rodrigues the outer islands of pBTQgcZDsgo-00030-00007598-00007787 Agra lega Saint Brandon Chagos pBTQgcZDsgo-00031-00007788-00008081 archipelago and Seychelles the Mauritian pBTQgcZDsgo-00032-00008081-00008296 territories gradually devolved with the pBTQgcZDsgo-00033-00008297-00008467 creation of a separate colony of pBTQgcZDsgo-00034-00008468-00008726 Seychelles in 1903 and the excision of pBTQgcZDsgo-00035-00008727-00009083 the Chagos archipelago in 1965 the pBTQgcZDsgo-00036-00009084-00009239 sovereignty over the Chagos archipelago pBTQgcZDsgo-00037-00009240-00009496 is disputed between Mauritius and the pBTQgcZDsgo-00038-00009497-00009767 United Kingdom the UK excised the pBTQgcZDsgo-00039-00009768-00009996 archipelago from Mauritian territory in pBTQgcZDsgo-00040-00009997-00010262 1965 three years prior to Mauritian pBTQgcZDsgo-00041-00010263-00010526 independence the UK gradually pBTQgcZDsgo-00042-00010527-00010733 depopulated the archipelago's local pBTQgcZDsgo-00043-00010734-00010942 population and leased its biggest island pBTQgcZDsgo-00044-00010943-00011296 Diego Garcia to the United States access pBTQgcZDsgo-00045-00011297-00011534 to the Chagos archipelago is prohibited pBTQgcZDsgo-00046-00011535-00011753 to casual tourists the media and its pBTQgcZDsgo-00047-00011754-00012056 former inhabitants Mauritius also claims pBTQgcZDsgo-00048-00012057-00012253 sovereignty over drom land island from pBTQgcZDsgo-00049-00012254-00012548 France the people of Mauritius are pBTQgcZDsgo-00050-00012549-00012728 multi-ethnic multi-religious pBTQgcZDsgo-00051-00012729-00013001 multicultural and multilingual the pBTQgcZDsgo-00052-00013002-00013202 islands government is closely modelled pBTQgcZDsgo-00053-00013203-00013369 on the Westminster parliamentary pBTQgcZDsgo-00054-00013371-00013556 system and Mauritius is highly ranked pBTQgcZDsgo-00055-00013557-00013747 for democracy and for economic and pBTQgcZDsgo-00056-00013749-00013955 political freedom the Human Development pBTQgcZDsgo-00057-00013956-00014204 Index of Mauritius as the highest in pBTQgcZDsgo-00058-00014205-00014432 Africa along with the other Mascarene pBTQgcZDsgo-00059-00014433-00014606 Islands Mauritius is known for its pBTQgcZDsgo-00060-00014607-00014843 varied flora and fauna with many species pBTQgcZDsgo-00061-00014844-00015134 endemic to the island Mauritius is the pBTQgcZDsgo-00062-00015135-00015362 only country in Africa where Hinduism is pBTQgcZDsgo-00063-00015363-00015635 the largest religion the administration pBTQgcZDsgo-00064-00015636-00016180 uses English as its main language pBTQgcZDsgo-00065-00016181-00016652 topic etymology pBTQgcZDsgo-00066-00016653-00017009 topic the first historical evidence of pBTQgcZDsgo-00067-00017010-00017192 the existence of an island now known as pBTQgcZDsgo-00068-00017193-00017378 Mauritius is on a map produced by the pBTQgcZDsgo-00069-00017379-00017639 Italian cartographer Alberto Cantino in pBTQgcZDsgo-00070-00017640-00017999 1502 from this it appears that Mauritius pBTQgcZDsgo-00071-00018000-00018323 was first named Dina Aerobie around 975 pBTQgcZDsgo-00072-00018324-00018527 by Arab sailors the first people to pBTQgcZDsgo-00073-00018528-00018902 visit the island in 1507 Portuguese pBTQgcZDsgo-00074-00018903-00019085 sailors visited the uninhabited island pBTQgcZDsgo-00075-00019086-00019301 the island appears with a Portuguese pBTQgcZDsgo-00076-00019302-00019523 name sir nan early Portuguese maps pBTQgcZDsgo-00077-00019524-00019721 probably from the name of a ship in the pBTQgcZDsgo-00078-00019722-00020044 1507 expedition another Portuguese pBTQgcZDsgo-00079-00020045-00020294 sailor Dom Pedro Mascarenhas gave the pBTQgcZDsgo-00080-00020295-00020578 name mascarenes to the archipelago in pBTQgcZDsgo-00081-00020579-00020876 1598 a Dutch squadron under Admiral pBTQgcZDsgo-00082-00020877-00021116 wyvern van Warwick landed at Grande port pBTQgcZDsgo-00083-00021117-00021305 and named the island Mauritius in honor pBTQgcZDsgo-00084-00021306-00021566 of Prince Maurice van nassau stad holder pBTQgcZDsgo-00085-00021567-00021833 of the dutch republic later the island pBTQgcZDsgo-00086-00021834-00022028 became a French colony and was renamed pBTQgcZDsgo-00087-00022029-00022313 Isle de France on the 3rd of December pBTQgcZDsgo-00088-00022314-00022547 1810 the French surrendered the island pBTQgcZDsgo-00089-00022548-00022730 to Great Britain during the Napoleonic pBTQgcZDsgo-00090-00022731-00023015 Wars under British rule the island's pBTQgcZDsgo-00091-00023016-00023156 name reverted to Mauritius pBTQgcZDsgo-00092-00023157-00023441 listen Mauritius is also commonly known pBTQgcZDsgo-00093-00023442-00023672 as Maurice pronounced M is a Neil pBTQgcZDsgo-00094-00023673-00023872 Maurice in French Morris pronounced pBTQgcZDsgo-00095-00023873-00024405 moist in Mauritian Creole pBTQgcZDsgo-00096-00024406-00024904 topic history pBTQgcZDsgo-00097-00024905-00025231 topic the island of Mauritius was pBTQgcZDsgo-00098-00025232-00025441 uninhabited before its first recorded pBTQgcZDsgo-00099-00025442-00025630 visit during the Middle Ages by Arab pBTQgcZDsgo-00100-00025631-00025836 sailors who named it Deena arobie pBTQgcZDsgo-00101-00025837-00026062 however the island might have been pBTQgcZDsgo-00102-00026063-00026242 visited well before by sailors of pBTQgcZDsgo-00103-00026243-00026458 ancient times wax tablets were found on pBTQgcZDsgo-00104-00026458-00026650 the shores of Mauritius by the Dutch but pBTQgcZDsgo-00105-00026651-00026839 since the tablets were not preserved it pBTQgcZDsgo-00106-00026839-00026992 cannot be said whether they were of pBTQgcZDsgo-00107-00026993-00027277 Greek Phoenician or Arab origin in 1507 pBTQgcZDsgo-00108-00027277-00027454 Portuguese sailors came to the pBTQgcZDsgo-00109-00027455-00027645 uninhabited island and established a pBTQgcZDsgo-00110-00027647-00027973 visiting base Diogo Fernandez Pereira a pBTQgcZDsgo-00111-00027974-00028168 Portuguese navigator was the first pBTQgcZDsgo-00112-00028169-00028447 European known to land in Mauritius he pBTQgcZDsgo-00113-00028448-00028810 named the island ILH a deuce earn the pBTQgcZDsgo-00114-00028811-00028999 Portuguese did not stay long as they pBTQgcZDsgo-00115-00029000-00029520 were not interested in these islands pBTQgcZDsgo-00116-00029520-00030177 pick Dutch Mauritius 1638 to 1710 pBTQgcZDsgo-00117-00030179-00030595 topic in 1598 a Dutch squadron under pBTQgcZDsgo-00118-00030595-00030826 Admiral wyvern van Warwick landed at pBTQgcZDsgo-00119-00030827-00030985 Grand Port and named the island pBTQgcZDsgo-00120-00030986-00031267 Mauritius after prince maurice van pBTQgcZDsgo-00121-00031268-00031483 nassau of the dutch republic the ruler pBTQgcZDsgo-00122-00031483-00031750 of his country the Dutch established a pBTQgcZDsgo-00123-00031751-00032047 small colony on the island in 1638 from pBTQgcZDsgo-00124-00032048-00032239 which they exploited evany trees and pBTQgcZDsgo-00125-00032239-00032485 introduced sugarcane domestic animals in pBTQgcZDsgo-00126-00032486-00032530 deer pBTQgcZDsgo-00127-00032531-00032767 it was from here that Dutch navigator pBTQgcZDsgo-00128-00032768-00032959 Abel Tasman set out to discover the pBTQgcZDsgo-00129-00032960-00033226 western part of Australia the first pBTQgcZDsgo-00130-00033227-00033517 dutch settlement lasted 20 years several pBTQgcZDsgo-00131-00033518-00033721 attempts were subsequently made but the pBTQgcZDsgo-00132-00033722-00033892 settlements never developed enough to pBTQgcZDsgo-00133-00033893-00034087 produce dividends causing the dutch to pBTQgcZDsgo-00134-00034088-00034611 abandon Mauritius in 1710 pBTQgcZDsgo-00135-00034612-00035289 topic French Mauritius 1715 to 1810 pBTQgcZDsgo-00136-00035290-00035625 topic France which already controlled pBTQgcZDsgo-00137-00035626-00035868 neighboring Ile Bourbon now reunion took pBTQgcZDsgo-00138-00035869-00036162 control of Mauritius in 1715 and renamed pBTQgcZDsgo-00139-00036163-00036549 it Isle de France in 1723 the code noir pBTQgcZDsgo-00140-00036550-00036780 was established to categorize one group pBTQgcZDsgo-00141-00036781-00037107 of human beings as goods in order for pBTQgcZDsgo-00142-00037108-00037269 the owner of these Goods to be able to pBTQgcZDsgo-00143-00037270-00037488 obtain insurance money and compensation pBTQgcZDsgo-00144-00037489-00037692 in case of loss of his goods pBTQgcZDsgo-00145-00037693-00038043 the 1735 arrival of French governor pBTQgcZDsgo-00146-00038044-00038250 Bertrand Francois my de la Bourdonnais pBTQgcZDsgo-00147-00038251-00038439 coincided with development of a pBTQgcZDsgo-00148-00038440-00038625 prosperous economy based on sugar pBTQgcZDsgo-00149-00038626-00038874 production model aboard and a pBTQgcZDsgo-00150-00038875-00039096 established port Louis as a naval base pBTQgcZDsgo-00151-00039097-00039282 and a shipbuilding center under his pBTQgcZDsgo-00152-00039283-00039459 governorship numerous buildings were pBTQgcZDsgo-00153-00039460-00039627 erected a number of which are still pBTQgcZDsgo-00154-00039628-00039858 standing these include part of pBTQgcZDsgo-00155-00039859-00040041 Government House the Chateau de Mon pBTQgcZDsgo-00156-00040042-00040230 plaisir and the line barracks the pBTQgcZDsgo-00157-00040231-00040479 headquarters of the police force the pBTQgcZDsgo-00158-00040480-00040671 island was under the administration of pBTQgcZDsgo-00159-00040672-00040845 the French East India Company which pBTQgcZDsgo-00160-00040846-00041127 maintained its presence until 1767 pBTQgcZDsgo-00161-00041128-00041472 from 1767 to 1810 except for a brief pBTQgcZDsgo-00162-00041473-00041682 period during the French Revolution when pBTQgcZDsgo-00163-00041683-00041826 the inhabitants set up a government pBTQgcZDsgo-00164-00041827-00042048 virtually independent of France the pBTQgcZDsgo-00165-00042049-00042216 island was controlled by officials pBTQgcZDsgo-00166-00042217-00042368 appointed by the French government pBTQgcZDsgo-00167-00042369-00042642 jacques on reborn' arden de Santi Eyre pBTQgcZDsgo-00168-00042643-00043002 lived on the island from 1768 to 1771 pBTQgcZDsgo-00169-00043003-00043221 then went back to France where he wrote pBTQgcZDsgo-00170-00043222-00043464 Paul at Virginie a love story which made pBTQgcZDsgo-00171-00043465-00043659 the Isle to France famous wherever the pBTQgcZDsgo-00172-00043660-00043926 French language was spoken two famous pBTQgcZDsgo-00173-00043927-00044154 French governors were the vicomte Sulak pBTQgcZDsgo-00174-00044155-00044367 who constructed the cha se in Port Louis pBTQgcZDsgo-00175-00044368-00044571 and encouraged farmers to settle in the pBTQgcZDsgo-00176-00044572-00044775 district of Savannah an Antoine Bruni pBTQgcZDsgo-00177-00044776-00044964 Don Turk a Stowe who saw to it that the pBTQgcZDsgo-00178-00044965-00045132 French in the Indian Ocean should have pBTQgcZDsgo-00179-00045133-00045321 their headquarters in Mauritius instead pBTQgcZDsgo-00180-00045322-00045546 of Pondicherry in India Charles Mathieu pBTQgcZDsgo-00181-00045547-00045780 Isadora de Caen was a successful general pBTQgcZDsgo-00182-00045781-00045981 in the French Revolutionary Wars and in pBTQgcZDsgo-00183-00045982-00046215 some ways a rival of Napoleon the first pBTQgcZDsgo-00184-00046216-00046407 he ruled as governor of aisle to France pBTQgcZDsgo-00185-00046408-00046788 and reunion from 1803 to 1810 British pBTQgcZDsgo-00186-00046789-00047016 naval cartographer and explorer Matthew pBTQgcZDsgo-00187-00047017-00047208 Flinders was arrested and detained by pBTQgcZDsgo-00188-00047209-00047373 General de kan on the island in pBTQgcZDsgo-00189-00047374-00047585 contravention of an order from Napoleon pBTQgcZDsgo-00190-00047586-00047868 during the Napoleonic Wars Mauritius pBTQgcZDsgo-00191-00047869-00048075 became a base from which French Corsairs pBTQgcZDsgo-00192-00048076-00048285 organised successful raids on British pBTQgcZDsgo-00193-00048286-00048558 commercial ships the raids continued pBTQgcZDsgo-00194-00048559-00048681 until 1810 pBTQgcZDsgo-00195-00048682-00048864 when a Royal Navy expedition led by pBTQgcZDsgo-00196-00048865-00049098 Commodore Josias Raleigh RN an pBTQgcZDsgo-00197-00049099-00049308 anglo-irish aristocrat was sent to pBTQgcZDsgo-00198-00049309-00049542 capture the island despite winning the pBTQgcZDsgo-00199-00049543-00049746 Battle of Grand Port the only French pBTQgcZDsgo-00200-00049747-00049938 naval victory over the British during pBTQgcZDsgo-00201-00049939-00050118 these wars the French could not prevent pBTQgcZDsgo-00202-00050119-00050304 the British from landing at cap malreaux pBTQgcZDsgo-00203-00050305-00050541 three months later they formally pBTQgcZDsgo-00204-00050542-00050712 surrendered the island on the fifth day pBTQgcZDsgo-00205-00050713-00050873 of the invasion the third of December pBTQgcZDsgo-00206-00050874-00051168 1810 on terms allowing settlers to keep pBTQgcZDsgo-00207-00051169-00051345 their land and property and to use the pBTQgcZDsgo-00208-00051346-00051533 French language and law of France in pBTQgcZDsgo-00209-00051534-00051810 criminal and civil matters under British pBTQgcZDsgo-00210-00051811-00051996 rule the islands name reverted to pBTQgcZDsgo-00211-00051997-00052390 Mauritius pBTQgcZDsgo-00212-00052391-00053082 topic British Mauritius 1810 to 1968 pBTQgcZDsgo-00213-00053083-00053429 topic the British administration which pBTQgcZDsgo-00214-00053430-00053607 began with Sir Robert Farquhar as pBTQgcZDsgo-00215-00053608-00053801 governor led to rapid social and pBTQgcZDsgo-00216-00053802-00054107 economic changes however it was tainted pBTQgcZDsgo-00217-00054108-00054336 by the rats he detained episode rats he pBTQgcZDsgo-00218-00054337-00054522 detain nephew of King Redeemer of pBTQgcZDsgo-00219-00054523-00054747 Madagascar was brought to Mauritius as a pBTQgcZDsgo-00220-00054748-00054996 political prisoner he managed to escape pBTQgcZDsgo-00221-00054997-00055215 from prison and plotted a rebellion that pBTQgcZDsgo-00222-00055216-00055494 would free the island as slaves he was pBTQgcZDsgo-00223-00055495-00055713 betrayed by an associate and was caught pBTQgcZDsgo-00224-00055714-00055955 by the British forces summarily judged pBTQgcZDsgo-00225-00055957-00056235 and condemned to death he was beheaded pBTQgcZDsgo-00226-00056236-00056594 at plane vert on the 15th of April 1822 pBTQgcZDsgo-00227-00056595-00056775 and his head was displayed as a pBTQgcZDsgo-00228-00056776-00057026 deterrent against future uprisings among pBTQgcZDsgo-00229-00057027-00057519 the slaves in 1832 Adrien D Eponine CH pBTQgcZDsgo-00230-00057520-00057731 the first Mauritian newspaper lucerne pBTQgcZDsgo-00231-00057732-00057888 ain which was not controlled by the pBTQgcZDsgo-00232-00057889-00058134 government in the same year there was a pBTQgcZDsgo-00233-00058135-00058350 move by the procureur general to abolish pBTQgcZDsgo-00234-00058351-00058536 slavery without compensation to the pBTQgcZDsgo-00235-00058537-00058754 slave owners this gave rise to pBTQgcZDsgo-00236-00058755-00058950 discontent and to check an eventual pBTQgcZDsgo-00237-00058951-00059154 rebellion the government ordered all the pBTQgcZDsgo-00238-00059154-00059360 inhabitants to surrender their arms pBTQgcZDsgo-00239-00059361-00059604 furthermore a stone fortress Fort pBTQgcZDsgo-00240-00059604-00059804 Adelaide was built on a hill now known pBTQgcZDsgo-00241-00059805-00059979 as the Citadel Hill in the centre of pBTQgcZDsgo-00242-00059979-00060315 Port Lewis to quell any uprising slavery pBTQgcZDsgo-00243-00060316-00060591 was abolished in 1835 and the planters pBTQgcZDsgo-00244-00060591-00060779 ultimately received 2 million pound pBTQgcZDsgo-00245-00060780-00060987 sterling in compensation for the loss of pBTQgcZDsgo-00246-00060988-00061154 their slaves who had been imported from pBTQgcZDsgo-00247-00061155-00061367 Africa and Madagascar during the French pBTQgcZDsgo-00248-00061369-00061674 occupation the abolition of slavery had pBTQgcZDsgo-00249-00061675-00061916 important impacts on Mauritius society pBTQgcZDsgo-00250-00061917-00062199 economy and population the planters pBTQgcZDsgo-00251-00062200-00062349 brought a large number of indentured pBTQgcZDsgo-00252-00062350-00062547 labourers from India to work in the pBTQgcZDsgo-00253-00062548-00062966 sugarcane fields between 1834 and 1921 pBTQgcZDsgo-00254-00062967-00063150 around half a million in ventured pBTQgcZDsgo-00255-00063151-00063317 labourers were present on the island pBTQgcZDsgo-00256-00063319-00063593 they worked on sugar estates factories pBTQgcZDsgo-00257-00063594-00063851 in transport and on construction sites pBTQgcZDsgo-00258-00063852-00064203 additionally the British brought 8740 pBTQgcZDsgo-00259-00064204-00064466 Indian soldiers to the island approve pBTQgcZDsgo-00260-00064467-00064679 Ozzy got in the bay at Port Lewis and pBTQgcZDsgo-00261-00064680-00064892 now a UNESCO site was the first British pBTQgcZDsgo-00262-00064894-00065091 colony to serve as a major reception pBTQgcZDsgo-00263-00065091-00065315 center for indentured servants an pBTQgcZDsgo-00264-00065316-00065594 important figure of the 19th century was pBTQgcZDsgo-00265-00065595-00065835 Ramiro Lear a journalist of mixed origin pBTQgcZDsgo-00266-00065836-00066174 in 1828 the color bar was officially pBTQgcZDsgo-00267-00066175-00066356 abolished in Mauritius but British pBTQgcZDsgo-00268-00066357-00066459 governors gave pBTQgcZDsgo-00269-00066460-00066672 power to colored persons and appointed pBTQgcZDsgo-00270-00066673-00066954 only whites as leading officials Ramiro pBTQgcZDsgo-00271-00066955-00067140 Lear petitioned to Queen Victoria to pBTQgcZDsgo-00272-00067141-00067317 allow collards in the Council of pBTQgcZDsgo-00273-00067318-00067503 government and this became possible a pBTQgcZDsgo-00274-00067504-00067793 few years later he also made port Lewis pBTQgcZDsgo-00275-00067794-00067980 become a municipality so that the pBTQgcZDsgo-00276-00067981-00068136 citizens could administer the town pBTQgcZDsgo-00277-00068137-00068235 through their own elected pBTQgcZDsgo-00278-00068236-00068501 representatives a street has been named pBTQgcZDsgo-00279-00068502-00068724 after him in Port Louis and his bust was pBTQgcZDsgo-00280-00068725-00068906 erected in the jardin de la compagnie in pBTQgcZDsgo-00281-00068907-00069326 1906 in 1885 a new constitution was pBTQgcZDsgo-00282-00069327-00069561 introduced to Mauritius it created pBTQgcZDsgo-00283-00069562-00069729 elected positions on the Governing pBTQgcZDsgo-00284-00069730-00069944 Council but the franchise was restricted pBTQgcZDsgo-00285-00069945-00070168 mainly to the French and Creole classes pBTQgcZDsgo-00286-00070169-00070446 the laborers brought from India were not pBTQgcZDsgo-00287-00070447-00070688 always fairly treated and a german adolf pBTQgcZDsgo-00288-00070689-00070907 von klevens made himself the unofficial pBTQgcZDsgo-00289-00070908-00071178 protector of these immigrants he mixed pBTQgcZDsgo-00290-00071179-00071415 with many of the laborers and in 1871 pBTQgcZDsgo-00291-00071416-00071586 helped them to write a petition which pBTQgcZDsgo-00292-00071587-00071849 was sent to Governor Gordon a commission pBTQgcZDsgo-00293-00071850-00071975 was appointed to look into the pBTQgcZDsgo-00294-00071976-00072168 complaints made by the Indian immigrants pBTQgcZDsgo-00295-00072169-00072474 and in 1872 two lawyers appointed by the pBTQgcZDsgo-00296-00072475-00072666 British crown were sent from England to pBTQgcZDsgo-00297-00072667-00072917 make an inquiry this Royal Commission pBTQgcZDsgo-00298-00072918-00073098 recommended several measures that would pBTQgcZDsgo-00299-00073099-00073268 affect the lives of Indian laborers pBTQgcZDsgo-00300-00073269-00073584 during the next 50 years in November pBTQgcZDsgo-00301-00073585-00073896 1901 Mahatma Gandhi visited Mauritius on pBTQgcZDsgo-00302-00073897-00074180 his way from South Africa to India he pBTQgcZDsgo-00303-00074181-00074351 stayed on the island for two weeks pBTQgcZDsgo-00304-00074352-00074535 and urged the Indo Mauritian community pBTQgcZDsgo-00305-00074536-00074736 to take an interest in education and to pBTQgcZDsgo-00306-00074737-00075015 play a more active role in politics back pBTQgcZDsgo-00307-00075016-00075212 in India he sent over a young lawyer pBTQgcZDsgo-00308-00075213-00075429 Manila doctor to improve the plight of pBTQgcZDsgo-00309-00075430-00075680 the Indo Marisha n--'s during the same pBTQgcZDsgo-00310-00075681-00075879 year faster links were established with pBTQgcZDsgo-00311-00075880-00076071 the island of Rodrigues thanks to the pBTQgcZDsgo-00312-00076072-00076337 wireless in 1903 motor cars were pBTQgcZDsgo-00313-00076338-00076599 introduced in Mauritius and in 1910 the pBTQgcZDsgo-00314-00076600-00076838 first taxis operated by Joseph Mervyn pBTQgcZDsgo-00315-00076839-00077093 came in to service the electrification pBTQgcZDsgo-00316-00077094-00077426 of Port Louis took place in 1909 and in pBTQgcZDsgo-00317-00077427-00077576 the same decade the Mauritius pBTQgcZDsgo-00318-00077577-00077778 hydroelectric company managed by the pBTQgcZDsgo-00319-00077779-00077981 Atia brothers was authorized to provide pBTQgcZDsgo-00320-00077982-00078167 power to the towns of upper plains pBTQgcZDsgo-00321-00078168-00078500 Willems the 1910s were a period of pBTQgcZDsgo-00322-00078501-00078747 political agitation the rising middle pBTQgcZDsgo-00323-00078748-00078966 class made up of doctors lawyers and pBTQgcZDsgo-00324-00078967-00079124 teachers began to challenge the pBTQgcZDsgo-00325-00079125-00079275 political power of the sugarcane pBTQgcZDsgo-00326-00079276-00079572 landowners dr. Eugene Laurent pBTQgcZDsgo-00327-00079573-00079757 mayor of Port Louis was the leader of pBTQgcZDsgo-00328-00079758-00079842 this new group pBTQgcZDsgo-00329-00079843-00080067 his party action liberal demanded that pBTQgcZDsgo-00330-00080068-00080226 more people should be allowed to vote in pBTQgcZDsgo-00331-00080227-00080517 the elections action liberal was opposed pBTQgcZDsgo-00332-00080518-00080742 by the party de l'Ordre led by unreal pBTQgcZDsgo-00333-00080743-00080955 ecclesia the most influential of the pBTQgcZDsgo-00334-00080956-00081276 sugar magnates in 1911 there were riots pBTQgcZDsgo-00335-00081277-00081494 in Port Louis due to a false rumor that pBTQgcZDsgo-00336-00081495-00081719 dr. Eugene Laurent had been murdered by pBTQgcZDsgo-00337-00081720-00081996 the oligarchs in Corp i'p shops and pBTQgcZDsgo-00338-00081997-00082197 offices were damaged in the capital and pBTQgcZDsgo-00339-00082198-00082469 one person was killed in the same year pBTQgcZDsgo-00340-00082470-00082761 1911 the first public cinema shows took pBTQgcZDsgo-00341-00082762-00082998 place in Kor pipe and in the same town a pBTQgcZDsgo-00342-00082999-00083184 stone building was erected to house the pBTQgcZDsgo-00343-00083185-00083544 Royal College in 1912 a wider telephone pBTQgcZDsgo-00344-00083545-00083726 network came into service and it was pBTQgcZDsgo-00345-00083727-00083907 used by the government business firms pBTQgcZDsgo-00346-00083908-00084240 and a few private households World War pBTQgcZDsgo-00347-00084241-00084534 one broke out in August 1914 many pBTQgcZDsgo-00348-00084535-00084696 Marisha pnes volunteered to fight in pBTQgcZDsgo-00349-00084697-00084867 europe against the Germans and in pBTQgcZDsgo-00350-00084868-00085146 Mesopotamia against the Turks but the pBTQgcZDsgo-00351-00085147-00085341 war affected Mauritius much less than pBTQgcZDsgo-00352-00085342-00085607 the Wars of the 18th century on the pBTQgcZDsgo-00353-00085608-00085953 contrary the 1914 to 1918 war was a pBTQgcZDsgo-00354-00085954-00086175 period of great prosperity because of a pBTQgcZDsgo-00355-00086176-00086511 boom in sugar prices in 1919 the pBTQgcZDsgo-00356-00086512-00086685 Mauritius sugar syndicate came into pBTQgcZDsgo-00357-00086686-00086955 being and it included 70% of all sugar pBTQgcZDsgo-00358-00086956-00087318 producers the 1920s saw the rise of a-- pBTQgcZDsgo-00359-00087319-00087618 retrocession ism movement which favored pBTQgcZDsgo-00360-00087619-00087822 the retrocession of Mauritius to France pBTQgcZDsgo-00361-00087823-00088053 the movement rapidly collapsed because pBTQgcZDsgo-00362-00088054-00088203 none of the candidates who wanted pBTQgcZDsgo-00363-00088204-00088394 Mauritius to be given back to France was pBTQgcZDsgo-00364-00088395-00088731 elected in the 1921 elections due to the pBTQgcZDsgo-00365-00088732-00088917 post-war recession there was a sharp pBTQgcZDsgo-00366-00088918-00089219 drop in sugar prices many sugar estates pBTQgcZDsgo-00367-00089220-00089442 closed down and it marked the end of an pBTQgcZDsgo-00368-00089443-00089631 era for the sugar magnates who had not pBTQgcZDsgo-00369-00089632-00089847 only controlled the economy but also the pBTQgcZDsgo-00370-00089848-00090101 political life of the country raoul pBTQgcZDsgo-00371-00090102-00090291 rivet the editor of Lamoure ec and pBTQgcZDsgo-00372-00090292-00090486 newspaper campaigned for a revision of pBTQgcZDsgo-00373-00090487-00090644 the constitution that would give the pBTQgcZDsgo-00374-00090645-00090828 emerging middle class a greater role in pBTQgcZDsgo-00375-00090829-00091035 the running of the country the pBTQgcZDsgo-00376-00091036-00091256 principles of arya samaj began to pBTQgcZDsgo-00377-00091257-00091440 infiltrate the hindu community who pBTQgcZDsgo-00378-00091441-00091635 clamored for more social justice the pBTQgcZDsgo-00379-00091636-00091838 1930s saw the birth of the Labour Party pBTQgcZDsgo-00380-00091839-00092184 launched by dr. Maurice curiae Emanuel pBTQgcZDsgo-00381-00092185-00092388 Anquetil rallied the urban workers while pBTQgcZDsgo-00382-00092389-00092601 pended sahajiya concentrated on the pBTQgcZDsgo-00383-00092602-00092910 rural working-class the u ba riots of pBTQgcZDsgo-00384-00092911-00093226 1937 resulted in reforms by the local pBTQgcZDsgo-00385-00093227-00093388 British government that improved labor pBTQgcZDsgo-00386-00093389-00093592 conditions and led to the unbanning of pBTQgcZDsgo-00387-00093593-00093835 labor unions Labor Day was celebrated pBTQgcZDsgo-00388-00093836-00094237 for the first time in 1938 more than 30 pBTQgcZDsgo-00389-00094238-00094465 thousand workers sacrificed a day's wage pBTQgcZDsgo-00390-00094466-00094660 and came from all over the island to pBTQgcZDsgo-00391-00094661-00094837 attend a giant meeting at the Champ de pBTQgcZDsgo-00392-00094838-00095067 Mars at the outbreak of World War Two in pBTQgcZDsgo-00393-00095068-00095347 1939 many Marisha pnes volunteered to pBTQgcZDsgo-00394-00095348-00095542 serve under the British flag in Africa pBTQgcZDsgo-00395-00095543-00095710 and the Near East fighting against the pBTQgcZDsgo-00396-00095711-00095995 German and Italian armies some went to pBTQgcZDsgo-00397-00095996-00096157 England to become pilots and ground pBTQgcZDsgo-00398-00096158-00096475 staff in the Royal Air Force Mauritius pBTQgcZDsgo-00399-00096476-00096652 was never really threatened but several pBTQgcZDsgo-00400-00096653-00096850 British ships were sunk outside Port pBTQgcZDsgo-00401-00096851-00097161 Louis by German submarines in 1943 pBTQgcZDsgo-00402-00097162-00097450 during World War two conditions were pBTQgcZDsgo-00403-00097451-00097621 hard in the country the prices of pBTQgcZDsgo-00404-00097622-00097816 commodities doubled but the salaries of pBTQgcZDsgo-00405-00097817-00098044 workers increased only by 10 to 20 pBTQgcZDsgo-00406-00098045-00098302 percent there was civil unrest and the pBTQgcZDsgo-00407-00098303-00098494 colonial government crushed all trade pBTQgcZDsgo-00408-00098495-00098791 union activities however the laborers of pBTQgcZDsgo-00409-00098792-00099013 Belleview Horrell sugar estate went on pBTQgcZDsgo-00410-00099014-00099333 strike on the 27th of September 1943 pBTQgcZDsgo-00411-00099334-00099616 police officers eventually fired on the pBTQgcZDsgo-00412-00099617-00099781 crowd and killed three labourers pBTQgcZDsgo-00413-00099782-00099982 including a boy of 10 and a pregnant pBTQgcZDsgo-00414-00099983-00100219 woman Anjali Co oppan the first general pBTQgcZDsgo-00415-00100220-00100411 elections were held on the 9th of August pBTQgcZDsgo-00416-00100412-00100663 1948 and were won by the Labour Party pBTQgcZDsgo-00417-00100664-00100969 this party led by gai Rosemont bettered pBTQgcZDsgo-00418-00100970-00101260 its position in 1953 and on the strength pBTQgcZDsgo-00419-00101261-00101434 of the election results demanded pBTQgcZDsgo-00420-00101435-00101707 universal suffrage constitutional pBTQgcZDsgo-00421-00101708-00101995 conferences were held in London in 1955 pBTQgcZDsgo-00422-00101996-00102292 in 1957 and the ministerial system was pBTQgcZDsgo-00423-00102293-00102550 introduced voting took place for the pBTQgcZDsgo-00424-00102551-00102754 first time on the basis of universal pBTQgcZDsgo-00425-00102755-00103032 adult suffrage on the 9th of March 1959 pBTQgcZDsgo-00426-00103033-00103318 the general election was again won by pBTQgcZDsgo-00427-00103319-00103546 the Labour Party led this time by Sir C pBTQgcZDsgo-00428-00103547-00103756 whoosah garam Ghulam a constitutional pBTQgcZDsgo-00429-00103757-00103961 review conference was held in London in pBTQgcZDsgo-00430-00103963-00104191 1961 and a programme of further pBTQgcZDsgo-00431-00104192-00104407 constitutional advance was established pBTQgcZDsgo-00432-00104408-00104749 the 1963 election was won by the Labour pBTQgcZDsgo-00433-00104750-00105036 Party and its allies the Colonial Office pBTQgcZDsgo-00434-00105038-00105261 noted that politics of a communal nature pBTQgcZDsgo-00435-00105263-00105481 was gaining ground in Mauritius and that pBTQgcZDsgo-00436-00105482-00105679 the choice of candidates by parties and pBTQgcZDsgo-00437-00105680-00105865 the voting behavior of electors were pBTQgcZDsgo-00438-00105866-00106003 governed by ethnic and caste pBTQgcZDsgo-00439-00106004-00106282 considerations around that time two pBTQgcZDsgo-00440-00106283-00106516 eminent British academics Richard TIPNIS pBTQgcZDsgo-00441-00106517-00106624 and James Mead pBTQgcZDsgo-00442-00106625-00106813 published a report of the island social pBTQgcZDsgo-00443-00106814-00107047 problems caused by overpopulation in the pBTQgcZDsgo-00444-00107048-00107341 monoculture of sugarcane this led to an pBTQgcZDsgo-00445-00107342-00107548 intense campaign to halt the population pBTQgcZDsgo-00446-00107549-00107752 explosion and the decade registered a pBTQgcZDsgo-00447-00107753-00108224 sharp decline in population growth pBTQgcZDsgo-00448-00108225-00108888 topic independence since 1968 pBTQgcZDsgo-00449-00108889-00109234 topic at the Lancaster conference of pBTQgcZDsgo-00450-00109235-00109533 1965 it became clear that Britain wanted pBTQgcZDsgo-00451-00109533-00109685 to relieve itself of the colony of pBTQgcZDsgo-00452-00109686-00110064 Mauritius in 1959 Harold Macmillan had pBTQgcZDsgo-00453-00110065-00110247 made his famous winds of change speech pBTQgcZDsgo-00454-00110248-00110394 where he acknowledged that the best pBTQgcZDsgo-00455-00110395-00110577 option for Britain was to give complete pBTQgcZDsgo-00456-00110578-00110868 independence to its colonies thus since pBTQgcZDsgo-00457-00110869-00111059 the late 50s the way was paved for pBTQgcZDsgo-00458-00111060-00111458 independence later in 1965 after the pBTQgcZDsgo-00459-00111459-00111635 Lancaster conference the Chagos pBTQgcZDsgo-00460-00111636-00111803 archipelago was excised from the pBTQgcZDsgo-00461-00111804-00111996 territory of Mauritius to form the pBTQgcZDsgo-00462-00111997-00112234 British Indian Ocean Territory via a pBTQgcZDsgo-00463-00112235-00112503 general election took place on the 7th pBTQgcZDsgo-00464-00112504-00112797 of August 1967 and the Labour Party and pBTQgcZDsgo-00465-00112798-00112989 its two allies obtained the majority of pBTQgcZDsgo-00466-00112990-00113388 seats in January 1968 six weeks before pBTQgcZDsgo-00467-00113389-00113666 the declaration of independence the 1968 pBTQgcZDsgo-00468-00113667-00113877 Mauritian riots occurred in Port Louis pBTQgcZDsgo-00469-00113878-00114096 leading to the deaths of 25 people pBTQgcZDsgo-00470-00114097-00114335 Mauritius adopted a new constitution and pBTQgcZDsgo-00471-00114336-00114533 independence was proclaimed on the 12th pBTQgcZDsgo-00472-00114534-00114709 of March 1968 pBTQgcZDsgo-00473-00114710-00114969 circe we sagoo Ram Gilliam became the pBTQgcZDsgo-00474-00114970-00115131 first Prime Minister of an independent pBTQgcZDsgo-00475-00115132-00115320 Mauritius with Queen Elizabeth the pBTQgcZDsgo-00476-00115321-00115521 second remaining head of state as Queen pBTQgcZDsgo-00477-00115522-00115893 of Mauritius in 1969 the opposition pBTQgcZDsgo-00478-00115894-00116084 party Mauritian militant movement and pBTQgcZDsgo-00479-00116085-00116370 led by Paul baring er was founded later pBTQgcZDsgo-00480-00116371-00116690 in 1971 the impact by unions called a pBTQgcZDsgo-00481-00116691-00116856 series of strikes in the port which pBTQgcZDsgo-00482-00116857-00117021 caused a state of emergency in the pBTQgcZDsgo-00483-00117022-00117290 country the coalition government of the pBTQgcZDsgo-00484-00117291-00117519 Labour Party and a p.m. SD party pBTQgcZDsgo-00485-00117520-00117756 Morrissey and Social Democrat reacted by pBTQgcZDsgo-00486-00117757-00117963 curtailing civil liberties and curbing pBTQgcZDsgo-00487-00117964-00118214 freedom of the press two unsuccessful pBTQgcZDsgo-00488-00118215-00118454 assassination attempts were made against pBTQgcZDsgo-00489-00118455-00118701 Paul baring er the second one led to the pBTQgcZDsgo-00490-00118702-00118940 death of azor Adelaide a dock worker and pBTQgcZDsgo-00491-00118941-00119278 activist on the 25th of November 1971 pBTQgcZDsgo-00492-00119279-00119534 general elections were postponed and pBTQgcZDsgo-00493-00119535-00119772 public meetings were prohibited members pBTQgcZDsgo-00494-00119773-00119952 of the M including Paul baring er were pBTQgcZDsgo-00495-00119953-00120251 imprisoned on the 23rd of December 1971 pBTQgcZDsgo-00496-00120252-00120471 the young leader was released a year pBTQgcZDsgo-00497-00120472-00120791 later in May 1975 a student revolt that pBTQgcZDsgo-00498-00120792-00121002 started at the University of Mauritius pBTQgcZDsgo-00499-00121003-00121259 swept across the country the students pBTQgcZDsgo-00500-00121260-00121449 were unsatisfied with an education pBTQgcZDsgo-00501-00121450-00121578 system that did not meet their pBTQgcZDsgo-00502-00121579-00121803 aspirations and gave limited prospects pBTQgcZDsgo-00503-00121804-00122088 for future employment on the 20th of May pBTQgcZDsgo-00504-00122089-00122268 thousands of students tried to end pBTQgcZDsgo-00505-00122269-00122421 port Lewis over the Grand River pBTQgcZDsgo-00506-00122422-00122613 Northwest bridge and clashed with police pBTQgcZDsgo-00507-00122614-00122901 an Act of Parliament was passed on the pBTQgcZDsgo-00508-00122902-00123207 16th of December 1975 to extend the pBTQgcZDsgo-00509-00123208-00123468 right to vote to eighteen-year-olds this pBTQgcZDsgo-00510-00123469-00123645 was seen as an attempt to appease the pBTQgcZDsgo-00511-00123646-00123831 frustration of the younger generation pBTQgcZDsgo-00512-00123832-00124044 the next general election took place on pBTQgcZDsgo-00513-00124045-00124404 the 20th of December 1976 the Labor pBTQgcZDsgo-00514-00124405-00124728 Party won 28 seats out of 62 but Prime pBTQgcZDsgo-00515-00124729-00124929 Minister Cersei we say garam Ghulam pBTQgcZDsgo-00516-00124930-00125094 managed to remain in office with a pBTQgcZDsgo-00517-00125095-00125301 two-seat majority after striking an pBTQgcZDsgo-00518-00125302-00125526 alliance with the PM SD of Gaytan to vow pBTQgcZDsgo-00519-00125527-00125907 in 1982 annum government led by Prime pBTQgcZDsgo-00520-00125908-00126141 Minister annaroo jugnu and Paul baring pBTQgcZDsgo-00521-00126142-00126347 er as Minister of Finance was elected pBTQgcZDsgo-00522-00126348-00126648 however ideological and personality pBTQgcZDsgo-00523-00126649-00126807 differences emerged within the 'm pBTQgcZDsgo-00524-00126808-00126996 leadership the power struggle between pBTQgcZDsgo-00525-00126997-00127349 baring er and jugnu peaked in March 1983 pBTQgcZDsgo-00526-00127350-00127650 jugnu travelled to New Delhi to attend a pBTQgcZDsgo-00527-00127651-00127821 non-aligned movement summit on his pBTQgcZDsgo-00528-00127822-00127961 return bearing her proposed pBTQgcZDsgo-00529-00127963-00128172 constitutional changes that would strip pBTQgcZDsgo-00530-00128173-00128394 power from the prime minister at pBTQgcZDsgo-00531-00128395-00128646 juggernauts request p.m. Indira Gandhi pBTQgcZDsgo-00532-00128647-00128799 of India planned an armed intervention pBTQgcZDsgo-00533-00128800-00129042 involving the Indian Navy an Indian Army pBTQgcZDsgo-00534-00129043-00129204 to prevent a coup under the codename pBTQgcZDsgo-00535-00129205-00129456 operation Lal Dora the in government pBTQgcZDsgo-00536-00129457-00129705 split up nine months after the June 1982 pBTQgcZDsgo-00537-00129706-00129978 election according to an Information pBTQgcZDsgo-00538-00129979-00130169 Ministry official the nine months was a pBTQgcZDsgo-00539-00130170-00130554 socialist experiment the new MSM party pBTQgcZDsgo-00540-00130555-00130776 led by a Naru judge north was elected in pBTQgcZDsgo-00541-00130777-00131139 1983 gave and eval became the vice prime pBTQgcZDsgo-00542-00131140-00131370 minister throughout the decade and arou pBTQgcZDsgo-00543-00131371-00131550 jug mouths ruled the country with the pBTQgcZDsgo-00544-00131551-00131801 help of the PM SD in the Labour Party pBTQgcZDsgo-00545-00131802-00132108 that period saw a growth in the epz pBTQgcZDsgo-00546-00132109-00132380 export processing zone sector pBTQgcZDsgo-00547-00132381-00132591 industrialization began to spread to pBTQgcZDsgo-00548-00132592-00132774 villages as well and attracted young pBTQgcZDsgo-00549-00132775-00133059 workers from all ethnic communities as a pBTQgcZDsgo-00550-00133060-00133284 result the sugar industry began to lose pBTQgcZDsgo-00551-00133285-00133572 its hold on the economy large retail pBTQgcZDsgo-00552-00133573-00133788 chains began opening stores opened in pBTQgcZDsgo-00553-00133789-00134064 1985 and offered credit facilities to pBTQgcZDsgo-00554-00134065-00134172 low income earners pBTQgcZDsgo-00555-00134173-00134322 thus allowing them to afford basic pBTQgcZDsgo-00556-00134323-00134595 household appliances there was also a pBTQgcZDsgo-00557-00134596-00134793 boom in the tourism industry and new pBTQgcZDsgo-00558-00134794-00134976 hotels sprang up throughout the island pBTQgcZDsgo-00559-00134977-00135318 in 1989 the stock exchange opened its pBTQgcZDsgo-00560-00135319-00135579 doors and in 1992 the Freeport began pBTQgcZDsgo-00561-00135580-00135674 operation pBTQgcZDsgo-00562-00135675-00135986 in 1990 the Prime Minister lost the vote pBTQgcZDsgo-00563-00135987-00136187 on changing the Constitution to make the pBTQgcZDsgo-00564-00136188-00136358 country a republic with bearing her as pBTQgcZDsgo-00565-00136359-00136760 president pBTQgcZDsgo-00566-00136761-00137325 pick Republic since 1992 pBTQgcZDsgo-00567-00137326-00137828 topic on the 12th of March 1992 24 years pBTQgcZDsgo-00568-00137829-00138003 after independence Mauritius was pBTQgcZDsgo-00569-00138004-00138150 proclaimed a republic within the pBTQgcZDsgo-00570-00138151-00138390 Commonwealth of Nations the last pBTQgcZDsgo-00571-00138391-00138639 governor-general sir virus ami ringa do pBTQgcZDsgo-00572-00138640-00138878 became the first president this was pBTQgcZDsgo-00573-00138879-00139056 under a transitional arrangement in pBTQgcZDsgo-00574-00139057-00139263 which he was replaced by Kassim you team pBTQgcZDsgo-00575-00139264-00139548 later that year political power remained pBTQgcZDsgo-00576-00139549-00139818 with the Prime Minister despite an pBTQgcZDsgo-00577-00139819-00139983 improvement in the economy which pBTQgcZDsgo-00578-00139984-00140163 coincided with a fall in the price of pBTQgcZDsgo-00579-00140164-00140361 petrol and a favorable dollar exchange pBTQgcZDsgo-00580-00140362-00140574 rate the government did not enjoy full pBTQgcZDsgo-00581-00140575-00140919 popularity as early as 1984 there was pBTQgcZDsgo-00582-00140920-00141150 discontent through the newspapers and pBTQgcZDsgo-00583-00141151-00141369 periodicals Amendment Act the government pBTQgcZDsgo-00584-00141370-00141552 tried to make every newspaper provide a pBTQgcZDsgo-00585-00141553-00141812 bank guarantee of half a million rupees pBTQgcZDsgo-00586-00141813-00142056 43 journalists protested by pBTQgcZDsgo-00587-00142057-00142227 participating in a public demonstration pBTQgcZDsgo-00588-00142228-00142485 in Port Louis in front of Parliament pBTQgcZDsgo-00589-00142486-00142719 they were arrested and freed on bail pBTQgcZDsgo-00590-00142720-00142956 this caused a public outcry and the pBTQgcZDsgo-00591-00142957-00143145 government had to review its policy pBTQgcZDsgo-00592-00143146-00143334 there was also dissatisfaction in the pBTQgcZDsgo-00593-00143335-00143559 education sector there were not enough pBTQgcZDsgo-00594-00143560-00143799 high quality secondary colleges to pBTQgcZDsgo-00595-00143800-00143976 answer the growing demand of primary pBTQgcZDsgo-00596-00143977-00144138 school leavers who had got through their pBTQgcZDsgo-00597-00144139-00144488 CPE certificate of primary education in pBTQgcZDsgo-00598-00144489-00144801 1991 a master plan for education failed pBTQgcZDsgo-00599-00144802-00145011 to get national support and contributed pBTQgcZDsgo-00600-00145012-00145290 to the government s downfall Naveen Ram pBTQgcZDsgo-00601-00145291-00145526 Ghulam was elected as prime minister in pBTQgcZDsgo-00602-00145527-00145998 1995 in February 1999 the country pBTQgcZDsgo-00603-00145999-00146220 experienced a brief period of civil pBTQgcZDsgo-00604-00146221-00146562 unrest riots flared after the popular pBTQgcZDsgo-00605-00146563-00146769 singer kaya arrested for smoking pBTQgcZDsgo-00606-00146770-00147039 marijuana at a public concert was found pBTQgcZDsgo-00607-00147040-00147381 dead in his prison cell president Qasim pBTQgcZDsgo-00608-00147382-00147645 you team and Cardinal gene Mar Jo toured pBTQgcZDsgo-00609-00147646-00147843 the country and after four days of pBTQgcZDsgo-00610-00147844-00148173 turmoil calm was restored a commission pBTQgcZDsgo-00611-00148174-00148410 of inquiry was set up to investigate the pBTQgcZDsgo-00612-00148411-00148622 root causes of the social disturbance pBTQgcZDsgo-00613-00148623-00148914 the resulting report delved into the pBTQgcZDsgo-00614-00148915-00149139 cause of poverty and qualified many pBTQgcZDsgo-00615-00149140-00149376 tenacious beliefs as perceptions Anna pBTQgcZDsgo-00616-00149377-00149634 root jug north of the MSM returned to pBTQgcZDsgo-00617-00149635-00149883 power in 2000 after making an alliance pBTQgcZDsgo-00618-00149884-00150239 with them in 2002 the island of pBTQgcZDsgo-00619-00150240-00150495 Rodrigues became an autonomous entity pBTQgcZDsgo-00620-00150496-00150687 within the Republic and was thus pBTQgcZDsgo-00621-00150688-00150903 able to elect its own representatives to pBTQgcZDsgo-00622-00150904-00151296 administer the island in 2003 the prime pBTQgcZDsgo-00623-00151297-00151500 ministership was transferred to Paul pBTQgcZDsgo-00624-00151501-00151767 baring erbium an aneroid jug Knauth went pBTQgcZDsgo-00625-00151768-00151988 to Laura duit to serve as president pBTQgcZDsgo-00626-00151989-00152292 bérenger was the first Franco Mauritian pBTQgcZDsgo-00627-00152293-00152691 premier in the country s history in 2005 pBTQgcZDsgo-00628-00152692-00152907 Naveen Ram Ghulam and the Labour Party pBTQgcZDsgo-00629-00152908-00153192 returned to power Ram Ghulam lost power pBTQgcZDsgo-00630-00153193-00153495 in 2014 he was succeeded by Anna rude pBTQgcZDsgo-00631-00153496-00153915 judge naught on the 21st of January 2017 pBTQgcZDsgo-00632-00153916-00154128 Anna rude jugnu announced that in two pBTQgcZDsgo-00633-00154129-00154314 days time he would resign in favour of pBTQgcZDsgo-00634-00154315-00154365 his son pBTQgcZDsgo-00635-00154366-00154611 finance minister prevent jugnu who would pBTQgcZDsgo-00636-00154612-00154866 assume the office of Prime Minister the pBTQgcZDsgo-00637-00154867-00155067 transition took place as planned on the pBTQgcZDsgo-00638-00155068-00155376 23rd of January in 2018 Mauritian pBTQgcZDsgo-00639-00155377-00155583 president Amina guru became the only pBTQgcZDsgo-00640-00155584-00155781 erstwhile female head of state in the pBTQgcZDsgo-00641-00155782-00155997 African Union resigned over a financial pBTQgcZDsgo-00642-00155998-00156291 scandal gir if Hakeem faced pressure to pBTQgcZDsgo-00643-00156292-00156507 resign from Prime Minister jugnu and his pBTQgcZDsgo-00644-00156508-00156825 father pBTQgcZDsgo-00645-00156826-00157391 topic truth and justice Commission pBTQgcZDsgo-00646-00157392-00157841 topic operating from 2009 to 2011 the pBTQgcZDsgo-00647-00157842-00158009 truth and justice Commission was pBTQgcZDsgo-00648-00158010-00158198 established to explore the impact of pBTQgcZDsgo-00649-00158199-00158387 slavery and indentured servitude in pBTQgcZDsgo-00650-00158388-00158645 Mauritius the Commission was tasked to pBTQgcZDsgo-00651-00158646-00158834 investigate the dispossession of land pBTQgcZDsgo-00652-00158835-00159089 and determine appropriate measures to be pBTQgcZDsgo-00653-00159090-00159311 extended to descendants of slaves and pBTQgcZDsgo-00654-00159312-00159689 indentured labourers it was unique in pBTQgcZDsgo-00655-00159690-00159917 that it dealt with socio-economic class pBTQgcZDsgo-00656-00159918-00160214 abuses and explored the possibility of pBTQgcZDsgo-00657-00160215-00160460 reparations the Commission attempted to pBTQgcZDsgo-00658-00160461-00160736 cover more than 370 years the longest pBTQgcZDsgo-00659-00160737-00160898 period of time that a Truth Commission pBTQgcZDsgo-00660-00160899-00161204 has ever covered published on the 25th pBTQgcZDsgo-00661-00161205-00161450 of November 2011 the report outlined pBTQgcZDsgo-00662-00161451-00161702 over 300 recommendations detailing ways pBTQgcZDsgo-00663-00161703-00161900 to bring those affected by slavery and pBTQgcZDsgo-00664-00161901-00162372 indentured labour out of poverty pBTQgcZDsgo-00665-00162373-00162903 topic geography pBTQgcZDsgo-00666-00162904-00163257 topic the total land area of the country pBTQgcZDsgo-00667-00163258-00163629 as 2040 square kilometers 790 square pBTQgcZDsgo-00668-00163630-00163896 miles about 80% the size of Luxembourg pBTQgcZDsgo-00669-00163897-00164244 it is the 170th largest nation in the pBTQgcZDsgo-00670-00164245-00164550 world by size the Republic of Mauritius pBTQgcZDsgo-00671-00164551-00164736 is constituted of the main island of pBTQgcZDsgo-00672-00164737-00164940 Mauritius and several outlying islands pBTQgcZDsgo-00673-00164941-00165237 the second largest island is Rodrigues pBTQgcZDsgo-00674-00165238-00165564 with an area of 108 square kilometres 42 pBTQgcZDsgo-00675-00165565-00165908 square miles and situated 560 kilometers pBTQgcZDsgo-00676-00165909-00166200 350 miles to the east of Mauritius the pBTQgcZDsgo-00677-00166201-00166401 twin islands of Agra lega with a total pBTQgcZDsgo-00678-00166402-00166593 land area of two thousand six hundred pBTQgcZDsgo-00679-00166594-00166908 hectares 26 square kilometers 10 square pBTQgcZDsgo-00680-00166909-00167180 miles are situated some 1000 kilometres pBTQgcZDsgo-00681-00167181-00167541 620 miles north of Mauritius Saint pBTQgcZDsgo-00682-00167542-00167754 Brandon as an archipelago comprising a pBTQgcZDsgo-00683-00167755-00167979 number of sand banks shoals and islands pBTQgcZDsgo-00684-00167980-00168426 it is situated some 430 kilometres 270 pBTQgcZDsgo-00685-00168427-00168624 miles northeast of Mauritius and is pBTQgcZDsgo-00686-00168625-00168810 mostly used as a fishing base by the pBTQgcZDsgo-00687-00168811-00169089 Raphael fishing company limited the pBTQgcZDsgo-00688-00169090-00169353 nation's exclusive economic zone EEZ pBTQgcZDsgo-00689-00169354-00169587 covers about 2.3 million square pBTQgcZDsgo-00690-00169588-00169884 kilometres 890 thousand square miles of pBTQgcZDsgo-00691-00169885-00170123 the Indian Ocean including approximately pBTQgcZDsgo-00692-00170124-00170472 400,000 square kilometres 150,000 square pBTQgcZDsgo-00693-00170473-00170643 miles jointly managed with the pBTQgcZDsgo-00694-00170644-00170982 Seychelles pBTQgcZDsgo-00695-00170983-00171505 topic Mauritius Island pBTQgcZDsgo-00696-00171506-00171909 topic Marisha says 2,000 kilometers pBTQgcZDsgo-00697-00171910-00172177 1,200 miles off the southeast coast of pBTQgcZDsgo-00698-00172178-00172522 Africa between latitudes 19 degrees 58.8 pBTQgcZDsgo-00699-00172523-00172813 and 20 degrees thirty one point seven pBTQgcZDsgo-00700-00172814-00173188 south and longitudes 57 degrees 18 point pBTQgcZDsgo-00701-00173189-00173529 O and 57 degrees forty six point five pBTQgcZDsgo-00702-00173530-00173953 East it is 65 kilometers 40 miles long pBTQgcZDsgo-00703-00173954-00174334 and 45 kilometers 30 miles wide its land pBTQgcZDsgo-00704-00174335-00174679 area as 1860 four point eight square pBTQgcZDsgo-00705-00174680-00175066 kilometers 720 point where miles the pBTQgcZDsgo-00706-00175067-00175306 island is surrounded by more than 150 pBTQgcZDsgo-00707-00175307-00175585 kilometers 100 miles of white sandy pBTQgcZDsgo-00708-00175586-00175771 beaches and the lagoons are protected pBTQgcZDsgo-00709-00175772-00175951 from the open sea by the world's third pBTQgcZDsgo-00710-00175952-00176143 largest coral reef which surrounds the pBTQgcZDsgo-00711-00176144-00176428 island just off the Mauritian coast lies pBTQgcZDsgo-00712-00176429-00176692 some 49 uninhabited islands and Islands pBTQgcZDsgo-00713-00176693-00176902 several used as natural reserves for pBTQgcZDsgo-00714-00176903-00177184 endangered species the island of pBTQgcZDsgo-00715-00177185-00177337 Mauritius is relatively young pBTQgcZDsgo-00716-00177338-00177559 geologically having been created by pBTQgcZDsgo-00717-00177560-00177748 volcanic activity some eight million pBTQgcZDsgo-00718-00177749-00178036 years ago together with saint brandon pBTQgcZDsgo-00719-00178037-00178303 reunion and rodrigues the island is part pBTQgcZDsgo-00720-00178304-00178573 of the Mascarene Islands these islands pBTQgcZDsgo-00721-00178574-00178774 have emerged as a result of gigantic pBTQgcZDsgo-00722-00178775-00178969 underwater volcanic eruptions that pBTQgcZDsgo-00723-00178970-00179143 happened thousands of kilometres to the pBTQgcZDsgo-00724-00179144-00179344 east of the Continental bloc made up of pBTQgcZDsgo-00725-00179345-00179626 Africa and Madagascar they are no longer pBTQgcZDsgo-00726-00179627-00179854 volcanically active in the hotspot now pBTQgcZDsgo-00727-00179855-00180160 rests under Reunion Island Mauritius is pBTQgcZDsgo-00728-00180161-00180358 encircled by a broken ring of mountain pBTQgcZDsgo-00729-00180359-00180649 ranges varying in height from 300 to 800 pBTQgcZDsgo-00730-00180650-00180982 meters 1000 to 2,600 feet above sea pBTQgcZDsgo-00731-00180983-00181279 level the land rises from coastal plains pBTQgcZDsgo-00732-00181280-00181477 to a central plateau where it reaches a pBTQgcZDsgo-00733-00181478-00181689 height of 670 meters pBTQgcZDsgo-00734-00181690-00181945 2200 feet the highest peak is in the pBTQgcZDsgo-00735-00181946-00182170 southwest Pathan de la petite Riviera pBTQgcZDsgo-00736-00182171-00182701 nor at 828 meters 2,700 17 feet streams pBTQgcZDsgo-00737-00182702-00182881 and rivers speckle the island many pBTQgcZDsgo-00738-00182882-00183067 formed in the cracks created by lava pBTQgcZDsgo-00739-00183068-00183652 flows landscapes of Mauritius Island pBTQgcZDsgo-00740-00183653-00184211 topic districts of Mauritius Island pBTQgcZDsgo-00741-00184212-00184579 topic Mauritius is subdivided into nine pBTQgcZDsgo-00742-00184580-00184765 districts they consist of different pBTQgcZDsgo-00743-00184766-00185199 cities towns and villages pBTQgcZDsgo-00744-00185200-00185701 topic Rodriguez pBTQgcZDsgo-00745-00185702-00186076 topic the autonomous region of Rodriguez pBTQgcZDsgo-00746-00186077-00186484 has located 560 kilometers 350 miles to pBTQgcZDsgo-00747-00186485-00186751 the east of Mauritius Island Rodriguez pBTQgcZDsgo-00748-00186752-00186967 as a volcanic island rising from a ridge pBTQgcZDsgo-00749-00186968-00187153 along the edge of the Mascarene plateau pBTQgcZDsgo-00750-00187154-00187435 the island is hilly with a central spine pBTQgcZDsgo-00751-00187436-00187639 culminating in the highest peak mountain pBTQgcZDsgo-00752-00187640-00188122 lee-moan at 398 metres 1306 feet the pBTQgcZDsgo-00753-00188123-00188314 island also has a coral reef an pBTQgcZDsgo-00754-00188315-00188777 extensive limestone deposits pBTQgcZDsgo-00755-00188778-00189275 topic outer islands pBTQgcZDsgo-00756-00189276-00189623 topic pBTQgcZDsgo-00757-00189624-00190077 topic a Galaga pBTQgcZDsgo-00758-00190078-00190458 topic the Agra lega region forms part of pBTQgcZDsgo-00759-00190459-00190710 the outer islands of Mauritius it is pBTQgcZDsgo-00760-00190711-00191064 located 1,000 kilometres 620 miles north pBTQgcZDsgo-00761-00191065-00191349 of Mauritius Island its North Island as pBTQgcZDsgo-00762-00191350-00191778 12.5 kilometres 7.8 miles long and 1.5 pBTQgcZDsgo-00763-00191779-00192075 kilometers 0.9 miles wide while its pBTQgcZDsgo-00764-00192076-00192342 South Island is seven kilometres 4.3 pBTQgcZDsgo-00765-00192343-00192684 miles long and 4.5 kilometers 2.8 miles pBTQgcZDsgo-00766-00192685-00193002 wide the total area of both islands as pBTQgcZDsgo-00767-00193003-00193533 26 square kilometres 10 square miles pBTQgcZDsgo-00768-00193534-00194016 topic Saint Brandon pBTQgcZDsgo-00769-00194017-00194388 topic Saint Brandon also known as car pBTQgcZDsgo-00770-00194389-00194697 Gatos carajás Shoals is located 430 pBTQgcZDsgo-00771-00194698-00194982 kilometres 270 miles northeast of pBTQgcZDsgo-00772-00194983-00195234 Mauritius Island the archipelago pBTQgcZDsgo-00773-00195235-00195438 consists of five island groups which pBTQgcZDsgo-00774-00195439-00195894 include many Shoals and islets pBTQgcZDsgo-00775-00195895-00196414 topic biodiversity pBTQgcZDsgo-00776-00196415-00196741 topic the country is home to some of the pBTQgcZDsgo-00777-00196742-00196951 world's rarest plants and animals but pBTQgcZDsgo-00778-00196952-00197164 human habitation and the introduction of pBTQgcZDsgo-00779-00197165-00197338 non-native species have threatened its pBTQgcZDsgo-00780-00197339-00197602 indigenous flora and fauna due to its pBTQgcZDsgo-00781-00197603-00197884 volcanic origin age isolation and its pBTQgcZDsgo-00782-00197885-00198076 unique terrain Mauritius is home to a pBTQgcZDsgo-00783-00198077-00198322 diversity of flora and fauna not usually pBTQgcZDsgo-00784-00198323-00198589 found in such a small area before the pBTQgcZDsgo-00785-00198590-00198856 Portuguese arrival in 1507 there were no pBTQgcZDsgo-00786-00198857-00199036 terrestrial mammals on the island pBTQgcZDsgo-00787-00199037-00199273 this allowed the evolution of a number pBTQgcZDsgo-00788-00199274-00199465 of flightless birds and large reptile pBTQgcZDsgo-00789-00199466-00199744 species the arrival of man saw the pBTQgcZDsgo-00790-00199745-00199960 introduction of invasive alien species pBTQgcZDsgo-00791-00199961-00200179 and the rapid destruction of habitats pBTQgcZDsgo-00792-00200180-00200344 and the loss of much of the endemic pBTQgcZDsgo-00793-00200345-00200644 flora and fauna less than two percent of pBTQgcZDsgo-00794-00200645-00200788 the native forests now remains pBTQgcZDsgo-00795-00200789-00201004 concentrated in the Black River Gorga's pBTQgcZDsgo-00796-00201005-00201202 National Park in the southwest the pBTQgcZDsgo-00797-00201203-00201394 bamba's mountain range in the southeast pBTQgcZDsgo-00798-00201395-00201598 and the mocha port Lewis ranges in the pBTQgcZDsgo-00799-00201599-00201835 northwest there are some isolated pBTQgcZDsgo-00800-00201836-00201970 mountains Korda guard pBTQgcZDsgo-00801-00201971-00202153 lamorne Brabant and several offshore pBTQgcZDsgo-00802-00202154-00202351 islands with remnants of coastal and pBTQgcZDsgo-00803-00202352-00202669 mainland diversity over 100 species of pBTQgcZDsgo-00804-00202670-00202897 plants and animals have become extinct pBTQgcZDsgo-00805-00202898-00203058 and many more are threatened pBTQgcZDsgo-00806-00203059-00203293 conservation activities began in the pBTQgcZDsgo-00807-00203294-00203506 1980s with the implementation of pBTQgcZDsgo-00808-00203507-00203671 programs for the reproduction of pBTQgcZDsgo-00809-00203672-00203863 threatened bird and plant species as pBTQgcZDsgo-00810-00203864-00204046 well as habitat restoration in the pBTQgcZDsgo-00811-00204047-00204256 national parks and nature reserves in pBTQgcZDsgo-00812-00204257-00204505 2011 the Ministry of Environment and pBTQgcZDsgo-00813-00204506-00204685 sustainable development issued the pBTQgcZDsgo-00814-00204686-00204865 Mauritius Environment Outlook report pBTQgcZDsgo-00815-00204866-00205078 which recommended that st. Brandon be pBTQgcZDsgo-00816-00205079-00205351 declared a marine protected area in the pBTQgcZDsgo-00817-00205352-00205504 president's report of the Mauritian pBTQgcZDsgo-00818-00205505-00205816 Wildlife Foundation dated March 2016 pBTQgcZDsgo-00819-00205817-00205983 Saint Brandon has declared an official pBTQgcZDsgo-00820-00205984-00206257 MWF project in order to promote the pBTQgcZDsgo-00821-00206258-00206544 conservation of the at all in April 2016 pBTQgcZDsgo-00822-00206546-00206742 a seven day fact-finding mission pBTQgcZDsgo-00823-00206744-00206902 composed of three highly acclaimed pBTQgcZDsgo-00824-00206903-00207123 international experts professor Hank pBTQgcZDsgo-00825-00207125-00207388 Baumann ecotoxicology environmental pBTQgcZDsgo-00826-00207389-00207640 pollution bird ecology professor Tony pBTQgcZDsgo-00827-00207641-00207873 Martin world's foremost expert on marine pBTQgcZDsgo-00828-00207875-00208126 mammals and dr. Nick Cole herpetologist pBTQgcZDsgo-00829-00208127-00208390 MWF Islands restoration manager pBTQgcZDsgo-00830-00208391-00208561 inspected the islands to raise awareness pBTQgcZDsgo-00831-00208562-00208767 about the need to protect the islands pBTQgcZDsgo-00832-00208769-00208951 and to investigate for the longer term pBTQgcZDsgo-00833-00208952-00209164 the effects of plastic and heavy metal pBTQgcZDsgo-00834-00209165-00209442 pollution in the Indian Ocean in 2016 a pBTQgcZDsgo-00835-00209444-00209665 documentary was made on conservation on pBTQgcZDsgo-00836-00209666-00209748 the Saint Brandon pBTQgcZDsgo-00837-00209750-00210007 Islands held on permanent lease when it pBTQgcZDsgo-00838-00210008-00210202 was discovered Mauritius was the home of pBTQgcZDsgo-00839-00210203-00210444 a previously unknown species of bird pBTQgcZDsgo-00840-00210446-00210658 the dodo descendants of a type of pigeon pBTQgcZDsgo-00841-00210659-00210832 which settled in Mauritius over four pBTQgcZDsgo-00842-00210833-00211108 million years ago with no predators to pBTQgcZDsgo-00843-00211109-00211255 attack them they had lost their ability pBTQgcZDsgo-00844-00211256-00211594 to fly arabs became the first humans to pBTQgcZDsgo-00845-00211594-00211767 set foot on mauritius followed by pBTQgcZDsgo-00846-00211769-00212092 portuguese around 1505 the island pBTQgcZDsgo-00847-00212092-00212287 quickly became a stopover for ships pBTQgcZDsgo-00848-00212288-00212551 engaged in the spice trade weighing up pBTQgcZDsgo-00849-00212552-00212854 to 50 pounds 23 kilograms the dodo was a pBTQgcZDsgo-00850-00212855-00213031 welcome source of fresh meat for the pBTQgcZDsgo-00851-00213032-00213301 sailors large numbers of Dodos were pBTQgcZDsgo-00852-00213302-00213526 killed for food later when the Dutch pBTQgcZDsgo-00853-00213527-00213742 used the island as a penal colony new pBTQgcZDsgo-00854-00213742-00213925 species were introduced to the island pBTQgcZDsgo-00855-00213926-00214261 rats pigs and monkeys ate dodo eggs in pBTQgcZDsgo-00856-00214262-00214513 the ground nests the combination of pBTQgcZDsgo-00857-00214514-00214705 human exploitation and introduced pBTQgcZDsgo-00858-00214706-00214933 species significantly reduced the dodo pBTQgcZDsgo-00859-00214934-00215215 population within 100 years of the pBTQgcZDsgo-00860-00215216-00215440 arrival of humans on Mauritius the once pBTQgcZDsgo-00861-00215441-00215716 abundant dodo became a rare bird the pBTQgcZDsgo-00862-00215717-00216040 last one was killed in 1681 the dodo is pBTQgcZDsgo-00863-00216041-00216232 prominently featured as a parodic pBTQgcZDsgo-00864-00216233-00216415 supporter of the national coat of arms pBTQgcZDsgo-00865-00216416-00216691 of Mauritius topic Environment and pBTQgcZDsgo-00866-00216692-00216867 climate atopic the environment in pBTQgcZDsgo-00867-00216869-00217081 Mauritius is typically tropical in the pBTQgcZDsgo-00868-00217082-00217246 coastal regions with forests in the pBTQgcZDsgo-00869-00217246-00217540 mountainous areas seasonal cyclones are pBTQgcZDsgo-00870-00217541-00217705 destructive to its flora and fauna pBTQgcZDsgo-00871-00217706-00217875 although they recover quickly pBTQgcZDsgo-00872-00217876-00218110 Mauritius ranked second in an air pBTQgcZDsgo-00873-00218111-00218290 quality index released by the World pBTQgcZDsgo-00874-00218291-00218571 Health Organization in 2011 situated pBTQgcZDsgo-00875-00218573-00218782 near the Tropic of Capricorn Mauritius pBTQgcZDsgo-00876-00218783-00219031 has a tropical climate there are two pBTQgcZDsgo-00877-00219032-00219226 seasons a warm humid summer from pBTQgcZDsgo-00878-00219227-00219382 November to April with a mean pBTQgcZDsgo-00879-00219383-00219621 temperature of 24 point 7 degrees pBTQgcZDsgo-00880-00219623-00219925 Celsius 76 point five degrees Fahrenheit pBTQgcZDsgo-00881-00219926-00220135 and a relatively cool dry winter from pBTQgcZDsgo-00882-00220136-00220279 June to September with a mean pBTQgcZDsgo-00883-00220280-00220473 temperature of twenty point four degrees pBTQgcZDsgo-00884-00220475-00220666 Celsius sixty-eight point seven degrees pBTQgcZDsgo-00885-00220667-00220951 Fahrenheit the temperature difference pBTQgcZDsgo-00886-00220952-00221155 between the seasons is only four point pBTQgcZDsgo-00887-00221156-00221373 three degrees Celsius seven point seven pBTQgcZDsgo-00888-00221375-00221653 degrees Fahrenheit the warmest months pBTQgcZDsgo-00889-00221654-00221892 are January in February with average day pBTQgcZDsgo-00890-00221894-00222142 maximum temperature reaching 29 point pBTQgcZDsgo-00891-00222142-00222385 two degrees Celsius 84 point six degrees pBTQgcZDsgo-00892-00222386-00222592 Fahrenheit and the coolest months are pBTQgcZDsgo-00893-00222592-00222781 July and August with average overnight pBTQgcZDsgo-00894-00222782-00223003 minimum temperatures of sixteen point pBTQgcZDsgo-00895-00223004-00223090 four degrees cell pBTQgcZDsgo-00896-00223091-00223467 sheis 61.5 degrees fahrenheit annual pBTQgcZDsgo-00897-00223469-00223771 rainfall ranges from 900 millimeters 35 pBTQgcZDsgo-00898-00223771-00224119 in on the coast to 1500 millimeters 59 pBTQgcZDsgo-00899-00224119-00224394 in on the central plateau although there pBTQgcZDsgo-00900-00224396-00224596 is no marked rainy season most of the pBTQgcZDsgo-00901-00224596-00224877 rainfall occurs in summer months sea pBTQgcZDsgo-00902-00224878-00225139 temperature in the lagoon varies from 22 pBTQgcZDsgo-00903-00225140-00225514 to 27 degrees Celsius 72 to 81 degrees pBTQgcZDsgo-00904-00225515-00225721 Fahrenheit the central plateau is much pBTQgcZDsgo-00905-00225721-00225882 cooler than the surrounding coastal pBTQgcZDsgo-00906-00225883-00226077 areas and can experience as much as pBTQgcZDsgo-00907-00226078-00226342 double the rainfall the prevailing trade pBTQgcZDsgo-00908-00226342-00226501 winds keep the east side of the island pBTQgcZDsgo-00909-00226502-00226782 cooler and bring more rain there can pBTQgcZDsgo-00910-00226783-00226923 also be a marked difference in pBTQgcZDsgo-00911-00226925-00227121 temperature and rainfall from one side pBTQgcZDsgo-00912-00227123-00227373 of the island to the other occasional pBTQgcZDsgo-00913-00227375-00227571 tropical cyclones generally occur pBTQgcZDsgo-00914-00227573-00227778 between January and March and tend to pBTQgcZDsgo-00915-00227779-00227967 disrupt the weather for only about three pBTQgcZDsgo-00916-00227969-00228444 days bringing heavy rain pBTQgcZDsgo-00917-00228444-00228931 topic territorial dispute pBTQgcZDsgo-00918-00228932-00229273 topic pBTQgcZDsgo-00919-00229275-00229801 topic Chagos archipelago pBTQgcZDsgo-00920-00229802-00230107 topic Mauritius has long sought pBTQgcZDsgo-00921-00230108-00230298 sovereignty over the Chagos archipelago pBTQgcZDsgo-00922-00230298-00230785 located 1287 kilometers 800 miles to the pBTQgcZDsgo-00923-00230786-00231058 northeast Chagos was administratively pBTQgcZDsgo-00924-00231059-00231250 part of mauritius from the 18th century pBTQgcZDsgo-00925-00231251-00231430 when the French first settled the pBTQgcZDsgo-00926-00231431-00231709 islands all of the islands forming part pBTQgcZDsgo-00927-00231710-00231919 of the French colonial territory of Isle pBTQgcZDsgo-00928-00231919-00232110 de France as Mauritius was then known pBTQgcZDsgo-00929-00232111-00232348 were ceded to the British in 1810 under pBTQgcZDsgo-00930-00232348-00232528 the act of capitulation signed between pBTQgcZDsgo-00931-00232529-00232896 the two powers in 1965 three years pBTQgcZDsgo-00932-00232898-00233107 before the independence of Mauritius the pBTQgcZDsgo-00933-00233108-00233284 United Kingdom split the Chagos pBTQgcZDsgo-00934-00233285-00233464 archipelago from Mauritius and the pBTQgcZDsgo-00935-00233465-00233665 islands of Aldabra Farquhar and des pBTQgcZDsgo-00936-00233666-00233857 Roches from the Seychelles to form the pBTQgcZDsgo-00937-00233858-00234154 British Indian Ocean Territory Bo the pBTQgcZDsgo-00938-00234155-00234358 islands were formally established as an pBTQgcZDsgo-00939-00234359-00234577 overseas territory of the United Kingdom pBTQgcZDsgo-00940-00234578-00234960 on the 8th of November 1965 on the 23rd pBTQgcZDsgo-00941-00234961-00235285 of June 1976 Aldabra Farquhar and des pBTQgcZDsgo-00942-00235286-00235477 Roches were returned to Seychelles as a pBTQgcZDsgo-00943-00235478-00235746 result of its attaining independence the pBTQgcZDsgo-00944-00235748-00235923 Biot now comprises the Chagos pBTQgcZDsgo-00945-00235925-00236203 archipelago only the UK leased the main pBTQgcZDsgo-00946-00236204-00236434 island of the archipelago Diego Garcia pBTQgcZDsgo-00947-00236435-00236646 to the United States under a 50-year pBTQgcZDsgo-00948-00236648-00236944 lease which expires in 2016 to establish pBTQgcZDsgo-00949-00236944-00237253 a military base Mauritius has repeatedly pBTQgcZDsgo-00950-00237254-00237430 asserted that the separation of its pBTQgcZDsgo-00951-00237431-00237652 territories as a violation of United pBTQgcZDsgo-00952-00237653-00237826 Nations resolutions banning the pBTQgcZDsgo-00953-00237827-00238023 dismemberment of colonial territories pBTQgcZDsgo-00954-00238025-00238228 before independence and claims that the pBTQgcZDsgo-00955-00238229-00238459 Chagos archipelago including Diego pBTQgcZDsgo-00956-00238460-00238659 Garcia forms an integral part of the pBTQgcZDsgo-00957-00238660-00238828 territory of Mauritius under both pBTQgcZDsgo-00958-00238829-00239055 Mauritian law and international law pBTQgcZDsgo-00959-00239056-00239319 after initially denying that the islands pBTQgcZDsgo-00960-00239321-00239488 were inhabited British officials pBTQgcZDsgo-00961-00239489-00239659 forcibly expelled to the mainland pBTQgcZDsgo-00962-00239660-00239896 approximately 2000 chickens who had pBTQgcZDsgo-00963-00239896-00240075 lived on those islands for a century pBTQgcZDsgo-00964-00240076-00240289 since 1971 pBTQgcZDsgo-00965-00240290-00240517 only the at all of Diego Garcia has pBTQgcZDsgo-00966-00240517-00240798 inhabited home to some 3,000 UK and US pBTQgcZDsgo-00967-00240800-00240991 military and civilian contracted pBTQgcZDsgo-00968-00240992-00241296 personnel chickens have since engaged in pBTQgcZDsgo-00969-00241298-00241501 activism to return to the archipelago pBTQgcZDsgo-00970-00241502-00241696 claiming that their forced expulsion and pBTQgcZDsgo-00971-00241696-00242056 dispossession were illegal pBTQgcZDsgo-00972-00242057-00242586 topic permanent Court of Arbitration pBTQgcZDsgo-00973-00242587-00242969 topic on the 20th of December 2010 pBTQgcZDsgo-00974-00242971-00243210 Mauritius initiated proceedings against pBTQgcZDsgo-00975-00243211-00243387 the United Kingdom under the United pBTQgcZDsgo-00976-00243388-00243585 Nations Convention on the law of the sea pBTQgcZDsgo-00977-00243586-00243888 UNCLOS to challenge the legality of the pBTQgcZDsgo-00978-00243889-00244148 Chagos marine protected area MPA which pBTQgcZDsgo-00979-00244150-00244362 the UK purported to declare around the pBTQgcZDsgo-00980-00244363-00244683 Chagos archipelago in April 2010 the pBTQgcZDsgo-00981-00244684-00244923 dispute was arbitrable Court of pBTQgcZDsgo-00982-00244923-00245187 Arbitration after lengthy written pBTQgcZDsgo-00983-00245188-00245382 pleadings by the parties in a hearing pBTQgcZDsgo-00984-00245383-00245610 from the 22nd of April to the 9th of May pBTQgcZDsgo-00985-00245611-00245904 2014 in Istanbul Turkey the arbitral pBTQgcZDsgo-00986-00245905-00246138 tribunal ruled unanimously on the 18th pBTQgcZDsgo-00987-00246139-00246357 of March 2015 that the marine protected pBTQgcZDsgo-00988-00246358-00246621 area which the United Kingdom had pBTQgcZDsgo-00989-00246621-00246789 declared around the Chagos archipelago pBTQgcZDsgo-00990-00246790-00247152 in April 2010 violates international law pBTQgcZDsgo-00991-00247153-00247581 it is the first time that UK s conduct pBTQgcZDsgo-00992-00247582-00247728 with regard to the Chagos archipelago pBTQgcZDsgo-00993-00247729-00247989 has been considered and condemned by any pBTQgcZDsgo-00994-00247990-00248192 international court or tribunal the pBTQgcZDsgo-00995-00248194-00248394 tribunal held unanimously that in pBTQgcZDsgo-00996-00248394-00248634 declaring the MPA UK violated pBTQgcZDsgo-00997-00248635-00248913 international law it ruled that UK pBTQgcZDsgo-00998-00248914-00249114 breached its obligations under articles pBTQgcZDsgo-00999-00249115-00249726 to 356 2 and 194 4 of UNCLOS in reaching pBTQgcZDsgo-01000-00249727-00249923 these conclusions the Tribunal made pBTQgcZDsgo-01001-00249925-00250140 several findings it considered the pBTQgcZDsgo-01002-00250141-00250344 undertakings given by UK to the pBTQgcZDsgo-01003-00250344-00250517 Mauritian ministers at the Lancaster pBTQgcZDsgo-01004-00250519-00250932 House talks in September 1965 UK argued pBTQgcZDsgo-01005-00250933-00251121 that those undertakings were not binding pBTQgcZDsgo-01006-00251121-00251321 and had no status in international law pBTQgcZDsgo-01007-00251323-00251544 the tribunal rejected that argument pBTQgcZDsgo-01008-00251544-00251778 holding that those undertakings became a pBTQgcZDsgo-01009-00251779-00251994 binding international agreement upon the pBTQgcZDsgo-01010-00251994-00252186 independence of Mauritius and have bound pBTQgcZDsgo-01011-00252187-00252486 UK since then it found that UK s pBTQgcZDsgo-01012-00252487-00252735 commitments to Mauritius in relation to pBTQgcZDsgo-01013-00252736-00252951 fishing rights and oil and mineral pBTQgcZDsgo-01014-00252952-00253173 rights in the Chagos archipelago are pBTQgcZDsgo-01015-00253173-00253503 legally binding the tribunal also found pBTQgcZDsgo-01016-00253504-00253803 that UK s undertaking to return the pBTQgcZDsgo-01017-00253804-00254028 Chagos archipelago to Mauritius when no pBTQgcZDsgo-01018-00254029-00254217 longer needed for defence purposes is pBTQgcZDsgo-01019-00254217-00254406 legally binding pBTQgcZDsgo-01020-00254407-00254598 the tribunal held that UK had not pBTQgcZDsgo-01021-00254598-00254873 respected Mauritius s legal rights over pBTQgcZDsgo-01022-00254875-00255165 the Chagos archipelago it considered the pBTQgcZDsgo-01023-00255166-00255542 events from February 2009 to April 2010 pBTQgcZDsgo-01024-00255544-00255944 during which time the MPA proposal came pBTQgcZDsgo-01025-00255946-00256119 into being and was then imposed on pBTQgcZDsgo-01026-00256119-00256356 Mauritius the tribunal observed that UK pBTQgcZDsgo-01027-00256357-00256611 s failure to balance its rights and pBTQgcZDsgo-01028-00256612-00256823 interests with those of Mauritius as to pBTQgcZDsgo-01029-00256825-00257021 be contrasted with the approach adopted pBTQgcZDsgo-01030-00257023-00257321 by UK with respect to the United States pBTQgcZDsgo-01031-00257321-00257631 it noted that the record demonstrates a pBTQgcZDsgo-01032-00257632-00257826 conscious balancing of rights and pBTQgcZDsgo-01033-00257827-00258102 interests suggestions of compromise and pBTQgcZDsgo-01034-00258103-00258342 willingness to offer assurances by UK pBTQgcZDsgo-01035-00258342-00258548 and an understanding of the United pBTQgcZDsgo-01036-00258550-00258855 States concerns in connection with the pBTQgcZDsgo-01037-00258856-00259179 proposed MP a single quote dot those pBTQgcZDsgo-01038-00259180-00259517 elements were noticeably absent in UK s pBTQgcZDsgo-01039-00259519-00259746 approach to Mauritius accordingly pBTQgcZDsgo-01040-00259746-00259956 the tribunal found that in declaring the pBTQgcZDsgo-01041-00259957-00260286 MPA UK had acted unlawfully and in pBTQgcZDsgo-01042-00260287-00260586 disregard of Mauritius s rights the pBTQgcZDsgo-01043-00260587-00260771 parties differ on the characterization pBTQgcZDsgo-01044-00260773-00261039 of the dispute Mauritius states that its pBTQgcZDsgo-01045-00261040-00261252 case is that the MPA is unlawful under pBTQgcZDsgo-01046-00261253-00261525 the convention UK argued that the pBTQgcZDsgo-01047-00261526-00261711 dispute concerns sovereignty over the pBTQgcZDsgo-01048-00261712-00262029 Chagos archipelago Mauritius requested pBTQgcZDsgo-01049-00262030-00262227 the tribunal to a judge and declare that pBTQgcZDsgo-01050-00262228-00262554 UK is not entitled to declare an MPA or pBTQgcZDsgo-01051-00262555-00262806 other maritime zones because it is not pBTQgcZDsgo-01052-00262807-00263043 the coastal state within the meaning of pBTQgcZDsgo-01053-00263044-00263487 inter alia articles 2 55 56 and 76 of pBTQgcZDsgo-01054-00263488-00263745 the convention the sovereignty of pBTQgcZDsgo-01055-00263746-00263976 Mauritius was explicitly recognized by pBTQgcZDsgo-01056-00263977-00264150 two of the arbitrator's and denied by pBTQgcZDsgo-01057-00264151-00264417 none of the other three three members of pBTQgcZDsgo-01058-00264418-00264585 the tribunal found that they did not pBTQgcZDsgo-01059-00264586-00264729 have jurisdiction to rule on that pBTQgcZDsgo-01060-00264730-00264933 question they expressed no view as to pBTQgcZDsgo-01061-00264934-00265128 which of the two states has sovereignty pBTQgcZDsgo-01062-00265129-00265322 over the Chagos archipelago pBTQgcZDsgo-01063-00265323-00265575 tribunal judges rüdiger wolfram and pBTQgcZDsgo-01064-00265576-00265800 James katika held that the tribunal did pBTQgcZDsgo-01065-00265801-00265953 have jurisdiction to decide this pBTQgcZDsgo-01066-00265954-00266172 question and concluded that UK does not pBTQgcZDsgo-01067-00266173-00266328 have sovereignty over the Chagos pBTQgcZDsgo-01068-00266329-00266665 archipelago they found that pBTQgcZDsgo-01069-00266666-00266874 internal United Kingdom documents pBTQgcZDsgo-01070-00266875-00267022 suggested there was an ulterior motive pBTQgcZDsgo-01071-00267023-00267343 behind the MPA and noted the disturbing pBTQgcZDsgo-01072-00267344-00267574 similarities and common pattern between pBTQgcZDsgo-01073-00267575-00267875 the establishment of the so called Bo in pBTQgcZDsgo-01074-00267876-00268290 1965 and the proclamation of the MPA in pBTQgcZDsgo-01075-00268291-00268612 2010 the excision of the Chagos pBTQgcZDsgo-01076-00268613-00268953 archipelago from Mauritius in 1965 shows pBTQgcZDsgo-01077-00268954-00269173 a complete disregard for the territorial pBTQgcZDsgo-01078-00269174-00269539 integrity of Mauritius by UK UK Prime pBTQgcZDsgo-01079-00269540-00269722 Minister Harold Wilson's threat to pBTQgcZDsgo-01080-00269723-00269943 premier cersei we say Gore Ram ghulam in pBTQgcZDsgo-01081-00269944-00270174 1965 that he could return home without pBTQgcZDsgo-01082-00270175-00270391 independence if he did not consent to pBTQgcZDsgo-01083-00270392-00270543 the excision of the Chagos archipelago pBTQgcZDsgo-01084-00270544-00270807 amounted to duress Mauritian ministers pBTQgcZDsgo-01085-00270808-00270964 were coerced into agreeing to the pBTQgcZDsgo-01086-00270965-00271185 detachment of the Chagos archipelago and pBTQgcZDsgo-01087-00271186-00271359 that this detachment violated the pBTQgcZDsgo-01088-00271360-00271574 international law of self-determination pBTQgcZDsgo-01089-00271575-00271996 the MPA is legally invalid the tribunal pBTQgcZDsgo-01090-00271997-00272253 s decision determined that uk's pBTQgcZDsgo-01091-00272254-00272427 undertaking to return the Chagos pBTQgcZDsgo-01092-00272428-00272652 archipelago to mauritius gives Mauritius pBTQgcZDsgo-01093-00272653-00272845 an interest in significant decisions pBTQgcZDsgo-01094-00272846-00273067 that bear upon possible future uses of pBTQgcZDsgo-01095-00273068-00273306 the archipelago the result of the pBTQgcZDsgo-01096-00273307-00273504 Tribunal's decision is that it is now pBTQgcZDsgo-01097-00273505-00273688 open to the parties to enter into the pBTQgcZDsgo-01098-00273689-00273879 negotiations that the tribunal would pBTQgcZDsgo-01099-00273880-00274029 have expected prior to the proclamation pBTQgcZDsgo-01100-00274030-00274284 of the MPA with a view to achieving a pBTQgcZDsgo-01101-00274285-00274489 mutually satisfactory arrangement for pBTQgcZDsgo-01102-00274490-00274666 protecting the marine environment to the pBTQgcZDsgo-01103-00274667-00274891 extent necessary under a sovereignty pBTQgcZDsgo-01104-00274892-00275085 umbrella pBTQgcZDsgo-01105-00275086-00275314 you pBTQgcZDsgo-01106-00275315-00275787 pick International Court of Justice pBTQgcZDsgo-01107-00275788-00276264 topic on the 22nd of June 2017 the UN pBTQgcZDsgo-01108-00276265-00276486 General Assembly asked the International pBTQgcZDsgo-01109-00276487-00276663 Court of Justice to give an advisory pBTQgcZDsgo-01110-00276664-00276843 opinion on the separation of the Chagos pBTQgcZDsgo-01111-00276844-00277062 archipelago from Mauritius before the pBTQgcZDsgo-01112-00277063-00277377 country's independence in the 1960s in pBTQgcZDsgo-01113-00277378-00277710 September 2018 the ICJ began hearings on pBTQgcZDsgo-01114-00277711-00277980 the case seventeen countries have been pBTQgcZDsgo-01115-00277981-00278193 expected to argue in favor of Mauritius pBTQgcZDsgo-01116-00278194-00278717 including India South Africa and Nigeria pBTQgcZDsgo-01117-00278718-00279181 topic drom LAN pBTQgcZDsgo-01118-00279182-00279520 topic mauritius also claims sovereignty pBTQgcZDsgo-01119-00279521-00279742 over Tremmel an island from France a pBTQgcZDsgo-01120-00279743-00280024 small island that lies 430 kilometers pBTQgcZDsgo-01121-00280025-00280282 northeast of Mauritius France and pBTQgcZDsgo-01122-00280283-00280480 Mauritius reached a co-management treaty pBTQgcZDsgo-01123-00280481-00280870 in 2010 pBTQgcZDsgo-01124-00280871-00281387 topic politics pBTQgcZDsgo-01125-00281388-00281738 topic the politics of Mauritius take pBTQgcZDsgo-01126-00281739-00281914 place in a framework of a parliamentary pBTQgcZDsgo-01127-00281915-00282161 representative Democratic Republic in pBTQgcZDsgo-01128-00282162-00282326 which the president is the head of state pBTQgcZDsgo-01129-00282327-00282506 and the Prime Minister as the head of pBTQgcZDsgo-01130-00282507-00282692 government assisted by a Council of pBTQgcZDsgo-01131-00282693-00282986 Ministers Mauritius has a multi-party pBTQgcZDsgo-01132-00282987-00283268 system executive power is exercised by pBTQgcZDsgo-01133-00283269-00283481 the government legislative power is pBTQgcZDsgo-01134-00283482-00283664 vested in both the government and the pBTQgcZDsgo-01135-00283665-00284041 National Assembly pBTQgcZDsgo-01136-00284042-00284517 topic Parliament pBTQgcZDsgo-01137-00284518-00284882 topic the National Assembly is Mauritius pBTQgcZDsgo-01138-00284883-00285174 s unicameral legislature which was pBTQgcZDsgo-01139-00285175-00285396 called the Legislative Assembly until pBTQgcZDsgo-01140-00285397-00285698 1992 when the country became a republic pBTQgcZDsgo-01141-00285699-00286157 it consists of 70 members 62 elected for pBTQgcZDsgo-01142-00286158-00286344 four-year terms in multi-member pBTQgcZDsgo-01143-00286345-00286607 constituencies and 8 additional members pBTQgcZDsgo-01144-00286608-00286842 known as best losers appointed by the pBTQgcZDsgo-01145-00286843-00287064 electoral service commission to ensure pBTQgcZDsgo-01146-00287065-00287301 that ethnic and religious minorities are pBTQgcZDsgo-01147-00287302-00287625 equitably represented the UN Human pBTQgcZDsgo-01148-00287626-00287712 Rights Committee pBTQgcZDsgo-01149-00287713-00288085 UNH RC which monitors member states pBTQgcZDsgo-01150-00288086-00288288 compliance with the International pBTQgcZDsgo-01151-00288289-00288482 Covenant on political and civil rights pBTQgcZDsgo-01152-00288483-00288803 ICP CR has criticized the country's best pBTQgcZDsgo-01153-00288804-00289014 looser system following a complaint by pBTQgcZDsgo-01154-00289015-00289287 local youth and trade union movement the pBTQgcZDsgo-01155-00289288-00289446 president is elected for a five-year pBTQgcZDsgo-01156-00289447-00289749 term by the Parliament the island of pBTQgcZDsgo-01157-00289750-00289931 Mauritius has divided into 20 pBTQgcZDsgo-01158-00289932-00290151 constituencies that return three members pBTQgcZDsgo-01159-00290152-00290330 each while Rodriguez as a single pBTQgcZDsgo-01160-00290331-00290538 constituency that returns two members pBTQgcZDsgo-01161-00290539-00290844 after a general election the electoral pBTQgcZDsgo-01162-00290845-00291048 supervisory commission may nominate up pBTQgcZDsgo-01163-00291049-00291219 to eight additional members with a view pBTQgcZDsgo-01164-00291220-00291369 to correct any imbalance in the pBTQgcZDsgo-01165-00291370-00291576 representation of ethnic minorities in pBTQgcZDsgo-01166-00291577-00291822 parliament this system of nominating pBTQgcZDsgo-01167-00291823-00292001 members is commonly called the best pBTQgcZDsgo-01168-00292002-00292299 loser system the political party or pBTQgcZDsgo-01169-00292300-00292515 party Alliance that wins the majority of pBTQgcZDsgo-01170-00292516-00292691 seats in parliament forms the government pBTQgcZDsgo-01171-00292692-00292974 its leader becomes the Prime Minister pBTQgcZDsgo-01172-00292975-00293169 who selects the cabinet from elected pBTQgcZDsgo-01173-00293170-00293357 members of the assembly except for the pBTQgcZDsgo-01174-00293358-00293520 Attorney General who may not be an pBTQgcZDsgo-01175-00293521-00293756 elected member of the assembly the pBTQgcZDsgo-01176-00293757-00293967 political party or Alliance which has pBTQgcZDsgo-01177-00293968-00294168 the second largest majority forms the pBTQgcZDsgo-01178-00294169-00294356 official opposition and its leader is pBTQgcZDsgo-01179-00294357-00294543 normally nominated by the President of pBTQgcZDsgo-01180-00294544-00294687 the Republic as the leader of the pBTQgcZDsgo-01181-00294688-00294977 Opposition the assembly elects a speaker pBTQgcZDsgo-01182-00294978-00295202 a Deputy Speaker and a deputy chairmen pBTQgcZDsgo-01183-00295203-00295672 of committees as some of its first tasks pBTQgcZDsgo-01184-00295673-00296148 topic government pBTQgcZDsgo-01185-00296149-00296493 topic Mauritius is a democracy with a pBTQgcZDsgo-01186-00296494-00296700 government elected every five years the pBTQgcZDsgo-01187-00296701-00296988 most recent National Assembly election pBTQgcZDsgo-01188-00296989-00297243 was held on the 10th of December 2014 in pBTQgcZDsgo-01189-00297244-00297465 all the 20 mainland constituencies and pBTQgcZDsgo-01190-00297466-00297666 in the constituency covering the island pBTQgcZDsgo-01191-00297667-00297948 of Rodrigues elections have tended to be pBTQgcZDsgo-01192-00297949-00298176 a contest between two major coalitions pBTQgcZDsgo-01193-00298177-00298572 of parties the 2006 to 2014 pBTQgcZDsgo-01194-00298573-00298767 Ibrahim index of African Governance pBTQgcZDsgo-01195-00298768-00298929 ranked Mauritius first in good pBTQgcZDsgo-01196-00298930-00299220 governance according to the 2017 pBTQgcZDsgo-01197-00299221-00299415 democracy index compiled by The pBTQgcZDsgo-01198-00299416-00299585 Economist Intelligence Unit that pBTQgcZDsgo-01199-00299586-00299904 measures the state of democracy in 167 pBTQgcZDsgo-01200-00299905-00300162 countries Mauritius ranks 16th worldwide pBTQgcZDsgo-01201-00300163-00300381 and is the only African related country pBTQgcZDsgo-01202-00300382-00300854 with full democracy pBTQgcZDsgo-01203-00300855-00301352 topic military pBTQgcZDsgo-01204-00301353-00301718 topic all military police and security pBTQgcZDsgo-01205-00301719-00301931 functions in Mauritius are carried out pBTQgcZDsgo-01206-00301932-00302177 by 10,000 active duty personnel under pBTQgcZDsgo-01207-00302178-00302450 the Commissioner of Police the 8,000 pBTQgcZDsgo-01208-00302451-00302621 member national police force is pBTQgcZDsgo-01209-00302622-00302846 responsible for domestic law enforcement pBTQgcZDsgo-01210-00302847-00303203 the 1,400 members special mobile force pBTQgcZDsgo-01211-00303204-00303539 SMF and the 688 member National Coast pBTQgcZDsgo-01212-00303540-00303728 Guard are the only two paramilitary pBTQgcZDsgo-01213-00303729-00303995 units in Mauritius both units are pBTQgcZDsgo-01214-00303996-00304205 composed of police officers on lengthy pBTQgcZDsgo-01215-00304206-00304638 rotations to those services pBTQgcZDsgo-01216-00304639-00305173 topic foreign relations pBTQgcZDsgo-01217-00305174-00305530 topic Mauritius has strong and friendly pBTQgcZDsgo-01218-00305531-00305773 relations with various african-american pBTQgcZDsgo-01219-00305774-00306063 Asian European and Oceania countries pBTQgcZDsgo-01220-00306064-00306340 considered part of Africa geographically pBTQgcZDsgo-01221-00306341-00306550 Mauritius has friendly relations with pBTQgcZDsgo-01222-00306551-00306681 African states in the region pBTQgcZDsgo-01223-00306682-00306928 particularly South Africa by far its pBTQgcZDsgo-01224-00306929-00307149 largest continental trading partner pBTQgcZDsgo-01225-00307150-00307378 Mauritian investors are gradually pBTQgcZDsgo-01226-00307379-00307560 entering African markets notably pBTQgcZDsgo-01227-00307561-00307906 Madagascar Mozambique and Zimbabwe the pBTQgcZDsgo-01228-00307907-00308082 country's political heritage and pBTQgcZDsgo-01229-00308083-00308281 dependence on Western markets have led pBTQgcZDsgo-01230-00308282-00308484 to close ties with the European Union pBTQgcZDsgo-01231-00308485-00308662 and its member states particularly pBTQgcZDsgo-01232-00308663-00308929 France it also depends on the United pBTQgcZDsgo-01233-00308930-00309193 Kingdom as a trading partner relations pBTQgcZDsgo-01234-00309194-00309400 with China and India are strong for both pBTQgcZDsgo-01235-00309401-00309597 historical and commercial reasons pBTQgcZDsgo-01236-00309598-00309809 Mauritius established diplomatic pBTQgcZDsgo-01237-00309810-00310138 relations with China in April of 1972 pBTQgcZDsgo-01238-00310139-00310354 and was forced to defend this decision pBTQgcZDsgo-01239-00310355-00310597 along with naval contracts with the USSR pBTQgcZDsgo-01240-00310598-00310903 in the same year Mauritius is a member pBTQgcZDsgo-01241-00310904-00311092 of the World Trade Organization the pBTQgcZDsgo-01242-00311093-00311263 Commonwealth of Nations La Francophonie pBTQgcZDsgo-01243-00311264-00311532 the African Union the southern Africa pBTQgcZDsgo-01244-00311533-00311818 Development Community SADC the Indian pBTQgcZDsgo-01245-00311819-00311971 Ocean Commission camisa pBTQgcZDsgo-01246-00311972-00312124 informed the Indian Ocean rim pBTQgcZDsgo-01247-00312125-00312543 Association pBTQgcZDsgo-01248-00312544-00312984 topic legal system pBTQgcZDsgo-01249-00312985-00313344 topic laws governing the Mauritian penal pBTQgcZDsgo-01250-00313345-00313533 system are derived partly from French pBTQgcZDsgo-01251-00313534-00313806 civil law and British common law the pBTQgcZDsgo-01252-00313807-00314103 crime rate reduced from 4.3 per 1000 pBTQgcZDsgo-01253-00314104-00314454 population in 2009 to 3.6 for 1,000 pBTQgcZDsgo-01254-00314455-00314778 population in 2010 the constitution of pBTQgcZDsgo-01255-00314779-00314976 Mauritius states that for purposes of pBTQgcZDsgo-01256-00314977-00315214 separation of powers the judiciary is pBTQgcZDsgo-01257-00315215-00315474 independent according to justice a pBTQgcZDsgo-01258-00315475-00315643 balance ii public opinion is pBTQgcZDsgo-01259-00315644-00315846 characterized by excessive emotional pBTQgcZDsgo-01260-00315847-00316042 reaction to crimes arousing the moral pBTQgcZDsgo-01261-00316043-00316308 indignation of the community the result pBTQgcZDsgo-01262-00316309-00316465 is a reluctance to give due weight to pBTQgcZDsgo-01263-00316466-00316632 the liberty of the citizen and the pBTQgcZDsgo-01264-00316633-00316830 presumption of innocence the provisional pBTQgcZDsgo-01265-00316831-00317017 charge part of Criminal Procedure law pBTQgcZDsgo-01266-00317018-00317304 since 1852 is a practice that allows pBTQgcZDsgo-01267-00317305-00317508 anyone suspected of a crime to be pBTQgcZDsgo-01268-00317509-00317679 detained sometimes for up to two years pBTQgcZDsgo-01269-00317680-00318084 before being charged in 1994 the police pBTQgcZDsgo-01270-00318085-00318252 detained the editor-in-chief and a pBTQgcZDsgo-01271-00318253-00318442 journalist of a weekly magazine for pBTQgcZDsgo-01272-00318443-00318714 having unlawfully published secret news pBTQgcZDsgo-01273-00318715-00318943 the chairman of the company was also pBTQgcZDsgo-01274-00318944-00319308 arrested in 1995 the Supreme Court found pBTQgcZDsgo-01275-00319309-00319479 the provisional charge to be null and pBTQgcZDsgo-01276-00319480-00319656 void as the offence set out on the pBTQgcZDsgo-01277-00319657-00319896 provisional charge publishing secret pBTQgcZDsgo-01278-00319897-00320169 news was not known to the law sodomy pBTQgcZDsgo-01279-00320170-00320421 opposite-sex and same-sex anal sex is pBTQgcZDsgo-01280-00320422-00320562 banned by the laws of the country pBTQgcZDsgo-01281-00320563-00320863 although same-sex relationships are not pBTQgcZDsgo-01282-00320864-00321156 recognized in Mauritius LGBT people are pBTQgcZDsgo-01283-00321157-00321292 protected from any kind of pBTQgcZDsgo-01284-00321293-00321487 discrimination with the Constitution pBTQgcZDsgo-01285-00321488-00321664 guaranteeing the right of individuals to pBTQgcZDsgo-01286-00321665-00321865 a private life Mauritius is one of the pBTQgcZDsgo-01287-00321866-00322042 ninety six countries to have signed on pBTQgcZDsgo-01288-00322043-00322264 joint statement on ending acts of pBTQgcZDsgo-01289-00322265-00322462 violence and related human rights pBTQgcZDsgo-01290-00322463-00322683 violations based on sexual orientation pBTQgcZDsgo-01291-00322684-00323070 and gender identity at the United pBTQgcZDsgo-01292-00323071-00323247 Nations condemning violence and pBTQgcZDsgo-01293-00323248-00323839 discrimination against LGBT people pBTQgcZDsgo-01294-00323840-00324328 topic demographics pBTQgcZDsgo-01295-00324329-00324709 topic the estimated resident population pBTQgcZDsgo-01296-00324710-00324895 of the Republic of Mauritius was one pBTQgcZDsgo-01297-00324896-00325120 million two hundred sixty-four thousand pBTQgcZDsgo-01298-00325121-00325411 as of December 2016 the female pBTQgcZDsgo-01299-00325412-00325642 population was six hundred thirty seven pBTQgcZDsgo-01300-00325643-00325831 thousand thirty-two compared to a male pBTQgcZDsgo-01301-00325832-00326041 population of six hundred twenty-four pBTQgcZDsgo-01302-00326042-00326311 thousand one hundred seventy-six the pBTQgcZDsgo-01303-00326312-00326533 population on the island of Mauritius as pBTQgcZDsgo-01304-00326534-00326704 one million two hundred nineteen pBTQgcZDsgo-01305-00326705-00326914 thousand two hundred sixty-five and that pBTQgcZDsgo-01306-00326915-00327109 of Rodrigues Island as forty one pBTQgcZDsgo-01307-00327110-00327367 thousand six hundred sixty-nine a galaga pBTQgcZDsgo-01308-00327368-00327559 and Saint Brandon had an estimated total pBTQgcZDsgo-01309-00327560-00327810 population of two hundred seventy-four pBTQgcZDsgo-01310-00327811-00328057 Mauritius has the highest population pBTQgcZDsgo-01311-00328058-00328435 density in Africa pBTQgcZDsgo-01312-00328436-00328951 topic ethnic groups pBTQgcZDsgo-01313-00328952-00329308 topic subsequent to a constitutional pBTQgcZDsgo-01314-00329309-00329554 amendment in 1982 there is no need for pBTQgcZDsgo-01315-00329555-00329713 Murray shion's to reveal their ethnic pBTQgcZDsgo-01316-00329714-00329923 identities for the purpose of population pBTQgcZDsgo-01317-00329924-00330244 census official statistics on ethnicity pBTQgcZDsgo-01318-00330245-00330565 are not available the 1972 census was pBTQgcZDsgo-01319-00330566-00330768 the last one to measure ethnicity pBTQgcZDsgo-01320-00330769-00331024 Mauritius is a multi-ethnic Society pBTQgcZDsgo-01321-00331025-00331260 drawn from Indian mostly of Biharis and pBTQgcZDsgo-01322-00331261-00331507 a significant minority of Tamils African pBTQgcZDsgo-01323-00331508-00331726 Chinese and European mostly French pBTQgcZDsgo-01324-00331727-00332066 origin pBTQgcZDsgo-01325-00332067-00332542 topic religion pBTQgcZDsgo-01326-00332543-00332914 topic according to the 2011 census pBTQgcZDsgo-01327-00332915-00333100 conducted by Statistics Mauritius pBTQgcZDsgo-01328-00333101-00333307 Hinduism is the largest religion at pBTQgcZDsgo-01329-00333308-00333505 forty eight point five percent followed pBTQgcZDsgo-01330-00333506-00334018 by Christianity 32.7% Islam 17.2% and pBTQgcZDsgo-01331-00334019-00334251 other religions zero point seven percent pBTQgcZDsgo-01332-00334252-00334534 zero point seven percent reported pBTQgcZDsgo-01333-00334535-00334792 themselves as non-religious and 0.1 pBTQgcZDsgo-01334-00334793-00335080 percent did not answer Mauritius is the pBTQgcZDsgo-01335-00335081-00335281 only country in Africa to have a Hindu pBTQgcZDsgo-01336-00335282-00335593 plurality an officially secular state pBTQgcZDsgo-01337-00335594-00335764 Mauritius has a religiously diverse pBTQgcZDsgo-01338-00335765-00335983 nation with freedom of religion being pBTQgcZDsgo-01339-00335984-00336250 enshrined as a constitutional right the pBTQgcZDsgo-01340-00336251-00336415 culture of the Mauritian people as pBTQgcZDsgo-01341-00336416-00336592 reflected in the various religious pBTQgcZDsgo-01342-00336593-00336733 festivities that are celebrated pBTQgcZDsgo-01343-00336734-00336913 throughout the year some of which are pBTQgcZDsgo-01344-00336914-00337213 recognized as public holidays according pBTQgcZDsgo-01345-00337214-00337399 to one estimate Mauritian spend an pBTQgcZDsgo-01346-00337400-00337683 average of more than 700 hours per year pBTQgcZDsgo-01347-00337684-00338252 engaging in religious activities pBTQgcZDsgo-01348-00338253-00338700 topic languages pBTQgcZDsgo-01349-00338701-00339054 topic the Mauritian Constitution makes pBTQgcZDsgo-01350-00339055-00339267 no mention of an official language it is pBTQgcZDsgo-01351-00339268-00339402 both in english-speaking and pBTQgcZDsgo-01352-00339403-00339672 french-speaking nation in Parliament the pBTQgcZDsgo-01353-00339673-00339894 official language is English however any pBTQgcZDsgo-01354-00339895-00340095 member of the National Assembly can also pBTQgcZDsgo-01355-00340096-00340268 address the chair in French pBTQgcZDsgo-01356-00340269-00340518 despite this English and French are pBTQgcZDsgo-01357-00340519-00340665 generally considered to be de facto pBTQgcZDsgo-01358-00340666-00340887 national and common languages of pBTQgcZDsgo-01359-00340888-00341073 Mauritius as they are the languages of pBTQgcZDsgo-01360-00341074-00341265 government administration courts and pBTQgcZDsgo-01361-00341266-00341562 business the Constitution of Mauritius pBTQgcZDsgo-01362-00341563-00341735 is written in English while some laws pBTQgcZDsgo-01363-00341736-00342066 such as the Civil Code are in French the pBTQgcZDsgo-01364-00342067-00342252 Mauritian population is multilingual pBTQgcZDsgo-01365-00342253-00342447 while Mauritian Creole is the mother pBTQgcZDsgo-01366-00342448-00342588 tongue of most Marisha --nz pBTQgcZDsgo-01367-00342589-00342798 most people are also fluent in English pBTQgcZDsgo-01368-00342799-00342999 and French they tend to switch languages pBTQgcZDsgo-01369-00343000-00343257 according to the situation French and pBTQgcZDsgo-01370-00343258-00343460 English are favored in educational and pBTQgcZDsgo-01371-00343461-00343614 professional settings while Asian pBTQgcZDsgo-01372-00343615-00343815 languages are used mainly in music pBTQgcZDsgo-01373-00343816-00344094 religious and cultural activities the pBTQgcZDsgo-01374-00344095-00344292 media and literature are primarily in pBTQgcZDsgo-01375-00344293-00344583 French the creole language which is pBTQgcZDsgo-01376-00344584-00344735 french based with some additional pBTQgcZDsgo-01377-00344736-00344955 influences is spoken by the majority of pBTQgcZDsgo-01378-00344956-00345228 the population as a native language the pBTQgcZDsgo-01379-00345229-00345423 creole languages which are spoken in pBTQgcZDsgo-01380-00345424-00345584 different islands of the country are pBTQgcZDsgo-01381-00345585-00345777 more or less similar Mauritian Creole pBTQgcZDsgo-01382-00345778-00346041 Rodrigue and Creole a galaga creole and pBTQgcZDsgo-01383-00346042-00346233 chalk ocean creole are spoken by people pBTQgcZDsgo-01384-00346234-00346479 from the islands of mauritius rodrigues pBTQgcZDsgo-01385-00346480-00346809 a Galaga and Chagas Bhojpuri which was pBTQgcZDsgo-01386-00346810-00347016 widely spoken as mother tongue has been pBTQgcZDsgo-01387-00347017-00347274 decreasing over the years according to pBTQgcZDsgo-01388-00347275-00347505 the 2011 census there was a decrease in pBTQgcZDsgo-01389-00347506-00347709 the use of Bhojpuri at home it was pBTQgcZDsgo-01390-00347710-00347979 spoken by 5% of the population compared pBTQgcZDsgo-01391-00347980-00348306 to 12% in 2000 some ancestral languages pBTQgcZDsgo-01392-00348307-00348489 that are also spoken in Mauritius pBTQgcZDsgo-01393-00348490-00348741 include Bhojpuri Chinese Hindi Marathi pBTQgcZDsgo-01394-00348742-00349044 Tamil Telugu and urdu school students pBTQgcZDsgo-01395-00349045-00349233 must learn English and French they also pBTQgcZDsgo-01396-00349234-00349422 have to opt for an Asian language or pBTQgcZDsgo-01397-00349423-00349650 Mauritian Creole the medium of pBTQgcZDsgo-01398-00349651-00349833 instruction varies from school to school pBTQgcZDsgo-01399-00349834-00350242 but is usually Creole French and English pBTQgcZDsgo-01400-00350243-00350422 although the Dutch were the first to pBTQgcZDsgo-01401-00350423-00350607 colonize Mauritius and were present for pBTQgcZDsgo-01402-00350608-00350856 more than 70 years in the 17th and early pBTQgcZDsgo-01403-00350857-00350989 18th centuries pBTQgcZDsgo-01404-00350990-00351180 today Dutch is no longer spoken in the pBTQgcZDsgo-01405-00351181-00351357 country and the only traces of the pBTQgcZDsgo-01406-00351358-00351555 language can be found in old historical pBTQgcZDsgo-01407-00351556-00351971 documents and inscriptions pBTQgcZDsgo-01408-00351972-00352535 topic largest urban centers pBTQgcZDsgo-01409-00352536-00352909 topic pBTQgcZDsgo-01410-00352910-00353363 topic health pBTQgcZDsgo-01411-00353364-00353728 topic mauritius had a life expectancy of pBTQgcZDsgo-01412-00353729-00354102 75 point 1 7 years in 2014 pBTQgcZDsgo-01413-00354103-00354491 39% of Mauritian men smoked in 2014 13 pBTQgcZDsgo-01414-00354492-00354767 percent of men and 23 percent of women pBTQgcZDsgo-01415-00354768-00355205 were obese in 2008 pBTQgcZDsgo-01416-00355206-00355708 topic education pBTQgcZDsgo-01417-00355709-00356089 topic the education system in Mauritius pBTQgcZDsgo-01418-00356090-00356293 consists of pre primary primary pBTQgcZDsgo-01419-00356294-00356590 secondary and tertiary sectors the pBTQgcZDsgo-01420-00356591-00356818 education structure consists of two to pBTQgcZDsgo-01421-00356819-00357049 three years of pre-primary school six pBTQgcZDsgo-01422-00357050-00357241 years of primary schooling leading to pBTQgcZDsgo-01423-00357242-00357354 the primary school achievement pBTQgcZDsgo-01424-00357355-00357583 certificate five years of secondary pBTQgcZDsgo-01425-00357584-00357739 education leading to the school pBTQgcZDsgo-01426-00357740-00357904 certificate and two years of higher pBTQgcZDsgo-01427-00357905-00358090 secondary ending with the higher school pBTQgcZDsgo-01428-00358091-00358360 certificate secondary schools have pBTQgcZDsgo-01429-00358361-00358663 College as part of their title the pBTQgcZDsgo-01430-00358664-00358852 government of Mauritius provides free pBTQgcZDsgo-01431-00358853-00359041 education to its citizens from pre pBTQgcZDsgo-01432-00359042-00359380 primary to tertiary level in 2013 pBTQgcZDsgo-01433-00359381-00359614 government expenditure on education was pBTQgcZDsgo-01434-00359615-00359818 estimated at about thirteen thousand pBTQgcZDsgo-01435-00359819-00360016 five hundred eighty-four million rupees pBTQgcZDsgo-01436-00360017-00360304 representing 13% of total expenditure pBTQgcZDsgo-01437-00360305-00360538 the OU level in a-level examinations are pBTQgcZDsgo-01438-00360539-00360682 carried out by the University of pBTQgcZDsgo-01439-00360683-00360841 Cambridge through University of pBTQgcZDsgo-01440-00360842-00361129 Cambridge International examinations the pBTQgcZDsgo-01441-00361130-00361345 tertiary education sector includes pBTQgcZDsgo-01442-00361346-00361522 universities and other technical pBTQgcZDsgo-01443-00361523-00361813 institutions in Mauritius the country's pBTQgcZDsgo-01444-00361814-00362011 two main public universities are the pBTQgcZDsgo-01445-00362012-00362173 University of Mauritius and the pBTQgcZDsgo-01446-00362174-00362473 University of Technology the adult pBTQgcZDsgo-01447-00362474-00362671 literacy rate was estimated at eighty pBTQgcZDsgo-01448-00362672-00362983 nine point eight percent in 2011 male pBTQgcZDsgo-01449-00362984-00363172 literacy was ninety two point three pBTQgcZDsgo-01450-00363173-00363805 percent and female literacy 87.3% pBTQgcZDsgo-01451-00363806-00364325 topic economy pBTQgcZDsgo-01452-00364326-00364681 topic since independence from Britain in pBTQgcZDsgo-01453-00364682-00364943 1968 Mauritius has developed from a pBTQgcZDsgo-01454-00364944-00365198 low-income agriculture based economy to pBTQgcZDsgo-01455-00365199-00365414 a middle-income diversified economy pBTQgcZDsgo-01456-00365415-00365675 based on tourism textiles sugar and pBTQgcZDsgo-01457-00365676-00365984 financial services the economic history pBTQgcZDsgo-01458-00365985-00366182 of Mauritius since independence has been pBTQgcZDsgo-01459-00366183-00366458 called the Mauritian miracle and the pBTQgcZDsgo-01460-00366459-00366881 success of Africa Romer 1992 Frankel pBTQgcZDsgo-01461-00366882-00367193 2010 Stiglitz 2011 in recent years pBTQgcZDsgo-01462-00367194-00367435 information and communication technology pBTQgcZDsgo-01463-00367436-00367660 seafood hospitality and property pBTQgcZDsgo-01464-00367661-00367892 development healthcare renewable energy pBTQgcZDsgo-01465-00367893-00368099 and education and training have emerged pBTQgcZDsgo-01466-00368100-00368284 as important sectors attracting pBTQgcZDsgo-01467-00368285-00368501 substantial investment from both local pBTQgcZDsgo-01468-00368502-00368705 and foreign investors Mauritius has no pBTQgcZDsgo-01469-00368706-00368906 exploitable natural resources and pBTQgcZDsgo-01470-00368907-00369068 therefore depends on imported petroleum pBTQgcZDsgo-01471-00369069-00369251 products to meet most of its energy pBTQgcZDsgo-01472-00369252-00369545 requirements local and renewable energy pBTQgcZDsgo-01473-00369546-00369839 sources are biomass hydro solar and wind pBTQgcZDsgo-01474-00369840-00370133 energy Mauritius has one of the largest pBTQgcZDsgo-01475-00370134-00370355 exclusive economic zones in the world pBTQgcZDsgo-01476-00370356-00370585 and in 2012 the government announced its pBTQgcZDsgo-01477-00370586-00370790 intention to develop the marine economy pBTQgcZDsgo-01478-00370791-00370976 Mauritius is ranked high in terms of pBTQgcZDsgo-01479-00370977-00371177 economic competitiveness a friendly pBTQgcZDsgo-01480-00371178-00371384 investment climate good governance and a pBTQgcZDsgo-01481-00371385-00371669 free economy the gross domestic product pBTQgcZDsgo-01482-00371670-00371942 PPP was estimated at twenty two point pBTQgcZDsgo-01483-00371943-00372251 zero to five billion dollars in 2014 and pBTQgcZDsgo-01484-00372252-00372575 GDP PPP per capita was over sixteen pBTQgcZDsgo-01485-00372576-00372746 thousand eight hundred twenty dollars pBTQgcZDsgo-01486-00372747-00372962 one of the highest in Africa Mauritius pBTQgcZDsgo-01487-00372963-00373148 has an upper middle-income economy pBTQgcZDsgo-01488-00373149-00373454 according to the World Bank in 2011 the pBTQgcZDsgo-01489-00373455-00373775 World Bank s 2018 Ease of Doing Business pBTQgcZDsgo-01490-00373776-00374126 Index ranks Mauritius 25th worldwide out pBTQgcZDsgo-01491-00374127-00374414 of 190 economies in terms of Ease of pBTQgcZDsgo-01492-00374415-00374566 Doing Business pBTQgcZDsgo-01493-00374567-00374804 according to the Mauritian Ministry of pBTQgcZDsgo-01494-00374805-00375140 Foreign Affairs the country s challenges pBTQgcZDsgo-01495-00375141-00375334 are heavy reliance on a few industry pBTQgcZDsgo-01496-00375335-00375557 sectors high brain-drain scarcity of pBTQgcZDsgo-01497-00375558-00375782 skilled labour aging population and pBTQgcZDsgo-01498-00375783-00375929 inefficient public companies and pBTQgcZDsgo-01499-00375930-00376178 parastatal bodies Mauritius has built pBTQgcZDsgo-01500-00376179-00376399 its success on a free market economy pBTQgcZDsgo-01501-00376400-00376670 according to the 2013 index of economic pBTQgcZDsgo-01502-00376671-00376889 freedom Mauritius is ranked as having pBTQgcZDsgo-01503-00376890-00377069 the eighth most free economy in the pBTQgcZDsgo-01504-00377070-00377204 world and the highest score in pBTQgcZDsgo-01505-00377205-00377485 investment freedom the reports ranking pBTQgcZDsgo-01506-00377486-00377710 of 183 countries as base pBTQgcZDsgo-01507-00377711-00377963 measures of economic openness regulatory pBTQgcZDsgo-01508-00377964-00378137 efficiency rule of law and pBTQgcZDsgo-01509-00378138-00378503 competitiveness pBTQgcZDsgo-01510-00378504-00378985 topic tourism pBTQgcZDsgo-01511-00378986-00379313 topic Mauritius is a major tourist pBTQgcZDsgo-01512-00379314-00379541 destination ranking third in the region pBTQgcZDsgo-01513-00379542-00379873 and 56th globally it enjoys a tropical pBTQgcZDsgo-01514-00379874-00380063 climate with clear warm sea waters pBTQgcZDsgo-01515-00380064-00380275 beaches tropical fonda and flora pBTQgcZDsgo-01516-00380276-00380470 complemented by a multi ethnic and pBTQgcZDsgo-01517-00380471-00380752 cultural population mauritius received pBTQgcZDsgo-01518-00380753-00380980 the world s leading island destination pBTQgcZDsgo-01519-00380981-00381346 award for the third time in world s best pBTQgcZDsgo-01520-00381347-00381539 beach at the World Travel Awards in pBTQgcZDsgo-01521-00381540-00381802 January 2012 tourists can now climb the pBTQgcZDsgo-01522-00381803-00382006 lamorne brahmin mountain which is listed pBTQgcZDsgo-01523-00382007-00382234 as a unesco world heritage site issues pBTQgcZDsgo-01524-00382235-00382429 often encountered by foreign tourists pBTQgcZDsgo-01525-00382430-00382645 include scams overcharging and dual pBTQgcZDsgo-01526-00382646-00382973 pricing pBTQgcZDsgo-01527-00382974-00383467 topic transport pBTQgcZDsgo-01528-00383468-00383923 topic since 2005 public bus transport in pBTQgcZDsgo-01529-00383924-00384139 Mauritius is free of charge for students pBTQgcZDsgo-01530-00384140-00384331 people with disabilities and senior pBTQgcZDsgo-01531-00384332-00384598 citizens there are currently no railways pBTQgcZDsgo-01532-00384599-00384796 in Mauritius former privately owned pBTQgcZDsgo-01533-00384797-00384958 industrial railways having been pBTQgcZDsgo-01534-00384959-00385243 abandoned the harbour of Port Lewis pBTQgcZDsgo-01535-00385244-00385447 handles international trade as well as a pBTQgcZDsgo-01536-00385448-00385726 cruise terminal the Seoul International pBTQgcZDsgo-01537-00385727-00385948 Airport for civil aviation as Cersei pBTQgcZDsgo-01538-00385949-00386128 whoosah garam Ghulam International pBTQgcZDsgo-01539-00386129-00386323 Airport which also serves as the home pBTQgcZDsgo-01540-00386324-00386515 operating base for the national airline pBTQgcZDsgo-01541-00386516-00386728 Air Mauritius the Airport Authority pBTQgcZDsgo-01542-00386729-00386932 inaugurated a new passenger terminal in pBTQgcZDsgo-01543-00386933-00387244 September 2013 another Airport is the pBTQgcZDsgo-01544-00387245-00387409 sir gate in Deauville airport in pBTQgcZDsgo-01545-00387410-00387757 Rodrigues pBTQgcZDsgo-01546-00387758-00388307 topic Financial Services pBTQgcZDsgo-01547-00388308-00388667 topic financial-services as one of the pBTQgcZDsgo-01548-00388668-00388952 growing sectors of the economy Mauritius pBTQgcZDsgo-01549-00388953-00389165 has an outsize offshore sector which had pBTQgcZDsgo-01550-00389166-00389387 built on a low tax regime and extensive pBTQgcZDsgo-01551-00389388-00389668 treaty network Mauritius accounted for pBTQgcZDsgo-01552-00389669-00389966 42% of india's foreign direct investment pBTQgcZDsgo-01553-00389967-00390421 between 2000 and 2011 pBTQgcZDsgo-01554-00390422-00390705 topic information and communication pBTQgcZDsgo-01555-00390706-00391088 technology pBTQgcZDsgo-01556-00391089-00391466 topic ICT is the fourth pillar of the pBTQgcZDsgo-01557-00391467-00391871 economy ICT has contributed to 5.7 pBTQgcZDsgo-01558-00391872-00392420 percent of its GDP in 2016 pBTQgcZDsgo-01559-00392421-00392920 topic culture pBTQgcZDsgo-01560-00392921-00393288 topic pBTQgcZDsgo-01561-00393289-00393741 topic art pBTQgcZDsgo-01562-00393742-00394071 topic prominent Mauritian painters pBTQgcZDsgo-01563-00394072-00394317 include Vaako basic unreal aside inner pBTQgcZDsgo-01564-00394318-00394605 and malcolm to Chazal Gabrielle wheely pBTQgcZDsgo-01565-00394606-00394770 is a prominent illustrator and graphic pBTQgcZDsgo-01566-00394771-00395285 designer pBTQgcZDsgo-01567-00395286-00395642 texture pBTQgcZDsgo-01568-00395643-00395978 topic the distinctive architecture of pBTQgcZDsgo-01569-00395979-00396179 Mauritius reflects the island nation's pBTQgcZDsgo-01570-00396180-00396359 history as a colonial trade base pBTQgcZDsgo-01571-00396360-00396638 connecting Europe with the east styles pBTQgcZDsgo-01572-00396639-00396857 and forms introduced by Dutch French and pBTQgcZDsgo-01573-00396858-00397058 British settlers from the 17th century pBTQgcZDsgo-01574-00397059-00397316 onward mixed with influences from India pBTQgcZDsgo-01575-00397317-00397532 and East Africa resulted in a unique pBTQgcZDsgo-01576-00397533-00397730 hybrid architecture of international pBTQgcZDsgo-01577-00397731-00397882 historic social and artistic pBTQgcZDsgo-01578-00397883-00398171 significance Mauritian structures pBTQgcZDsgo-01579-00398172-00398429 present a variety of designs materials pBTQgcZDsgo-01580-00398430-00398618 and decorative elements that are unique pBTQgcZDsgo-01581-00398619-00398819 to the country and inform the historical pBTQgcZDsgo-01582-00398820-00399035 context of the Indian Ocean and European pBTQgcZDsgo-01583-00399036-00399278 colonialism decades of political social pBTQgcZDsgo-01584-00399279-00399506 and economic change have resulted in the pBTQgcZDsgo-01585-00399507-00399668 routine destruction of Mauritian pBTQgcZDsgo-01586-00399669-00399989 architectural heritage between 1960 and pBTQgcZDsgo-01587-00399990-00400253 1980 the historic homes of the islands pBTQgcZDsgo-01588-00400254-00400451 high grounds known locally as campaign's pBTQgcZDsgo-01589-00400452-00400724 disappeared at alarming rates more pBTQgcZDsgo-01590-00400725-00400862 recent years have witnessed the pBTQgcZDsgo-01591-00400863-00401102 demolition of plantations residences and pBTQgcZDsgo-01592-00401103-00401255 civic buildings as they have been pBTQgcZDsgo-01593-00401256-00401459 cleared or drastically renovated for new pBTQgcZDsgo-01594-00401460-00401630 developments to serve an expanding pBTQgcZDsgo-01595-00401631-00401900 tourism industry the capital city of pBTQgcZDsgo-01596-00401901-00402143 Port Louis remained relatively unchanged pBTQgcZDsgo-01597-00402144-00402407 until the mid 1990s yet now reflects the pBTQgcZDsgo-01598-00402408-00402557 irreversible damage that has been pBTQgcZDsgo-01599-00402558-00402845 inflicted on its built heritage rising pBTQgcZDsgo-01600-00402846-00403010 land values are pitted against the pBTQgcZDsgo-01601-00403011-00403238 cultural value of historic structures in pBTQgcZDsgo-01602-00403239-00403445 Mauritius while the prohibitive costs of pBTQgcZDsgo-01603-00403446-00403598 maintenance and the steady decline in pBTQgcZDsgo-01604-00403599-00403793 traditional building skills make it pBTQgcZDsgo-01605-00403794-00403988 harder to invest in preservation the pBTQgcZDsgo-01606-00403989-00404195 general populace historically lived in pBTQgcZDsgo-01607-00404196-00404492 what are termed Creole houses pBTQgcZDsgo-01608-00404493-00405040 architectural heritage of Mauritius pBTQgcZDsgo-01609-00405041-00405490 topic literature pBTQgcZDsgo-01610-00405491-00405807 topic prominent Mauritian writers pBTQgcZDsgo-01611-00405808-00406002 include Morita resi Humbert pBTQgcZDsgo-01612-00406003-00406243 Malcolm de Chazal and Nanda Devi Shahnaz pBTQgcZDsgo-01613-00406244-00406543 Patel called horribly J mg/l ecclesia pBTQgcZDsgo-01614-00406544-00406972 Akhil Gopi and dev virus ami jmg like pBTQgcZDsgo-01615-00406973-00407149 Lazio who won the Nobel Prize for pBTQgcZDsgo-01616-00407150-00407413 Literature in 2008 is of Mauritian pBTQgcZDsgo-01617-00407414-00407625 heritage and holds dual French Mauritian pBTQgcZDsgo-01618-00407626-00407931 citizenship the island plays host to the pBTQgcZDsgo-01619-00407932-00408180 lip prints Maurice prize in keeping with pBTQgcZDsgo-01620-00408181-00408378 the islands literary culture the prize pBTQgcZDsgo-01621-00408379-00408573 alternates on a yearly basis between pBTQgcZDsgo-01622-00408574-00408721 english-speaking and french-speaking pBTQgcZDsgo-01623-00408722-00409074 writers pBTQgcZDsgo-01624-00409075-00409554 topic music pBTQgcZDsgo-01625-00409555-00409901 topic the major musical genres of pBTQgcZDsgo-01626-00409902-00410135 Mauritius are Sega and its fusion genre pBTQgcZDsgo-01627-00410137-00410210 say gay pBTQgcZDsgo-01628-00410212-00410397 Bhojpuri songs and Western classical pBTQgcZDsgo-01629-00410397-00410897 music opera and drama pBTQgcZDsgo-01630-00410897-00411320 topic cuisine pBTQgcZDsgo-01631-00411321-00411651 topic the cuisine of Mauritius is a pBTQgcZDsgo-01632-00411652-00411912 combination of Creole French Chinese and pBTQgcZDsgo-01633-00411913-00412097 Indian with many dishes unique to the pBTQgcZDsgo-01634-00412098-00412382 island spices are also a big part of pBTQgcZDsgo-01635-00412383-00412754 Mauritian cuisine pBTQgcZDsgo-01636-00412755-00413318 topic holidays and festivals pBTQgcZDsgo-01637-00413319-00413678 topic the public holidays of Mauritius pBTQgcZDsgo-01638-00413679-00413870 involved a blending of several cultures pBTQgcZDsgo-01639-00413871-00414101 from Mauritius is history there are pBTQgcZDsgo-01640-00414102-00414368 Hindu festivals Chinese festivals Muslim pBTQgcZDsgo-01641-00414369-00414614 festivals as well as Christian festivals pBTQgcZDsgo-01642-00414614-00414924 there are 15 annual public holidays in pBTQgcZDsgo-01643-00414925-00415157 Mauritius seven of these are fixed pBTQgcZDsgo-01644-00415158-00415349 holidays one in the second of January pBTQgcZDsgo-01645-00415350-00415616 the first of February the 12th of March pBTQgcZDsgo-01646-00415617-00415866 the 1st of May the 2nd of November and pBTQgcZDsgo-01647-00415867-00416124 the 25th of December the remaining pBTQgcZDsgo-01648-00416125-00416349 public holidays are religious festivals pBTQgcZDsgo-01649-00416350-00416543 with dates that vary from year to year pBTQgcZDsgo-01650-00416543-00416814 however these are public holidays many pBTQgcZDsgo-01651-00416814-00417053 other festivals such as holy Russia Bund pBTQgcZDsgo-01652-00417054-00417291 --n / LaValle pilgrimage also exist in pBTQgcZDsgo-01653-00417292-00417697 Mauritius pBTQgcZDsgo-01654-00417698-00418118 epic sports pBTQgcZDsgo-01655-00418118-00418439 topic the most popular sport in pBTQgcZDsgo-01656-00418439-00418649 Mauritius is football and the national pBTQgcZDsgo-01657-00418650-00418847 team is known as the Dodos or Club M pBTQgcZDsgo-01658-00418847-00419039 other popular sports in Mauritius pBTQgcZDsgo-01659-00419039-00419258 include cricket cycling table tennis pBTQgcZDsgo-01660-00419259-00419453 horse racing badminton volleyball pBTQgcZDsgo-01661-00419454-00419827 basketball handball boxing judo karate pBTQgcZDsgo-01662-00419828-00420113 Taekwondo weightlifting bodybuilding and pBTQgcZDsgo-01663-00420114-00420397 athletics water sports include swimming pBTQgcZDsgo-01664-00420399-00420662 sailing scuba diving windsurfing and pBTQgcZDsgo-01665-00420663-00420959 kitesurfing horse-racing which dates pBTQgcZDsgo-01666-00420960-00421157 from 1812 when the champ-de-mars pBTQgcZDsgo-01667-00421158-00421367 racecourse was inaugurated remains pBTQgcZDsgo-01668-00421368-00421757 popular the country hosted the 2nd 1985 pBTQgcZDsgo-01669-00421758-00422042 and fifth editions 2003 of the Indian pBTQgcZDsgo-01670-00422043-00422327 Ocean island games Mauritius won its pBTQgcZDsgo-01671-00422328-00422567 first Olympic medal at the 2008 Summer pBTQgcZDsgo-01672-00422568-00422807 Olympics in Beijing when boxer Bruno pBTQgcZDsgo-01673-00422808-00423125 Julie won the bronze medal in golf the pBTQgcZDsgo-01674-00423126-00423308 former Mauritius opened and the current pBTQgcZDsgo-01675-00423309-00423497 of Fraser Bank Mauritius Open have been pBTQgcZDsgo-01676-00423497-00423935 part of the European Tour pBTQgcZDsgo-01677-00423935-00424450 topic see also pBTQgcZDsgo-01678-00424451-00424918 topic outline of Mauritius index of pBTQgcZDsgo-01679-00424919-00425210 Mauritius related articles list of pBTQgcZDsgo-01680-00425210-00425704 Mauritius related topics pBTQgcZDsgo-01681-00425705-00426200 topic notes pBTQgcZDsgo-01682-00426201-00426591 topic pBTQgcZDsgo-01683-00426592-00427102 topic references pBTQgcZDsgo-01684-00427103-00427495 topic pBTQgcZDsgo-01685-00427496-00428033 topic bibliography pBTQgcZDsgo-01686-00428034-00428421 topic pBTQgcZDsgo-01687-00428422-00428941 topic further reading pBTQgcZDsgo-01688-00428942-00429424 topic the hotter guy Udrih 2014 pBTQgcZDsgo-01689-00429425-00429658 woman The Odyssey of inventor the pBTQgcZDsgo-01690-00429659-00429937 University of Chicago is B and nine pBTQgcZDsgo-01691-00429938-00430189 seven eight oh two two six two one one pBTQgcZDsgo-01692-00430189-00430675 three eight one Murray Perry J 1998 a pBTQgcZDsgo-01693-00430676-00430999 concise history of Dutch Mauritius 1598 pBTQgcZDsgo-01694-00431000-00431374 - 1710 a fruitful and healthy land route pBTQgcZDsgo-01695-00431375-00431447 liege pBTQgcZDsgo-01696-00431449-00431833 Vinc marcus 2003 the world's oldest pBTQgcZDsgo-01697-00431834-00432106 trade Dutch slavery and slave trade in pBTQgcZDsgo-01698-00432107-00432313 the Indian Ocean in the 17th century pBTQgcZDsgo-01699-00432314-00433295 journal of world history 14 - 131 - 177 pBTQgcZDsgo-01700-00433296-00433847 topic external links pBTQgcZDsgo-01701-00433848-00434372 topic reference Mauritius the World pBTQgcZDsgo-01702-00434373-00434708 Factbook Central Intelligence Agency pBTQgcZDsgo-01703-00434709-00434945 Mauritius entry at encyclopædia pBTQgcZDsgo-01704-00434946-00435264 Britannica Mauritius at UCB libraries pBTQgcZDsgo-01705-00435264-00435720 govpubs Mauritius at curly country pBTQgcZDsgo-01706-00435721-00436022 profile from the BBC News key pBTQgcZDsgo-01707-00436023-00436245 development forecasts for Mauritius from pBTQgcZDsgo-01708-00436246-00436447 international futures government pBTQgcZDsgo-01709-00436448-00436812 Mauritius government portal statistics pBTQgcZDsgo-01710-00436813-00437183 Mauritius Board of investment geography pBTQgcZDsgo-01711-00437184-00437559 wikimedia atlas of Mauritius Geographic pBTQgcZDsgo-01712-00437560-00437720 data related to Mauritius at pBTQgcZDsgo-01713-00437721-00438012 openstreetmap wicka satellite view of pBTQgcZDsgo-01714-00438013-00438342 Mauritius at wickham Apia