EApEb6hiUwy-00000-00000029-00000161 all right EApEb6hiUwy-00001-00000162-00000359 so EApEb6hiUwy-00002-00000360-00000437 um EApEb6hiUwy-00003-00000438-00000767 first up uh just a couple of links to EApEb6hiUwy-00004-00000768-00001061 help you follow along uh first we are EApEb6hiUwy-00005-00001062-00001277 going to be looking at the neon data EApEb6hiUwy-00006-00001278-00001679 portal here data.neonscience.org EApEb6hiUwy-00007-00001680-00001967 um and then uh the tutorial that we're EApEb6hiUwy-00008-00001968-00002134 going to be following EApEb6hiUwy-00009-00002135-00002213 um EApEb6hiUwy-00010-00002214-00002542 is at the second link so that will be EApEb6hiUwy-00011-00002543-00002873 that tutorial contains the r code that EApEb6hiUwy-00012-00002874-00003058 we'll be working with EApEb6hiUwy-00013-00003059-00003359 um just to give you a heads up that I EApEb6hiUwy-00014-00003360-00003569 will be going through that in a slightly EApEb6hiUwy-00015-00003570-00003706 different order EApEb6hiUwy-00016-00003707-00003917 um than it appears in the tutorial but EApEb6hiUwy-00017-00003918-00004090 the content will be the same EApEb6hiUwy-00018-00004092-00004270 um it's just uh you know different EApEb6hiUwy-00019-00004271-00004438 different parts come first uh when I EApEb6hiUwy-00020-00004439-00004786 when I do this live EApEb6hiUwy-00021-00004787-00005152 all right so so EApEb6hiUwy-00022-00005153-00005477 starting with EApEb6hiUwy-00023-00005478-00005833 data portal EApEb6hiUwy-00024-00005834-00006059 all right so this is EApEb6hiUwy-00025-00006060-00006406 data.neonscience.org EApEb6hiUwy-00026-00006408-00006748 um we don't have time uh in this webinar EApEb6hiUwy-00027-00006750-00007048 to go through uh everything uh that's EApEb6hiUwy-00028-00007050-00007253 available on the website and data portal EApEb6hiUwy-00029-00007254-00007433 in detail so I just really want to EApEb6hiUwy-00030-00007434-00007775 encourage you to you know explore all of EApEb6hiUwy-00031-00007776-00007942 these menus EApEb6hiUwy-00032-00007943-00008003 um EApEb6hiUwy-00033-00008004-00008267 uh later on on your own there's all EApEb6hiUwy-00034-00008268-00008578 kinds of information about neon data EApEb6hiUwy-00035-00008579-00008921 collection uh about you know uh EApEb6hiUwy-00036-00008922-00009142 Publications and research using neon EApEb6hiUwy-00037-00009143-00009460 about uh teaching resources learning EApEb6hiUwy-00038-00009461-00009778 resources what else neon has to offer EApEb6hiUwy-00039-00009779-00010127 um so definitely check those out but we EApEb6hiUwy-00040-00010128-00010535 are going to go to the data portal EApEb6hiUwy-00041-00010536-00010685 and EApEb6hiUwy-00042-00010686-00011009 we are going to go to this first link to EApEb6hiUwy-00043-00011010-00011399 get data which takes us to this explore EApEb6hiUwy-00044-00011400-00011705 data products page so this is where you EApEb6hiUwy-00045-00011706-00011951 can find information about data products EApEb6hiUwy-00046-00011952-00012310 the full neon data products catalog EApEb6hiUwy-00047-00012311-00012377 um EApEb6hiUwy-00048-00012378-00012545 and basically just explore everything EApEb6hiUwy-00049-00012546-00012796 that's available and then also download EApEb6hiUwy-00050-00012797-00012916 it EApEb6hiUwy-00051-00012917-00013193 so the data product that we're going to EApEb6hiUwy-00052-00013194-00013325 use EApEb6hiUwy-00053-00013326-00013733 um as our example to download is EApEb6hiUwy-00054-00013734-00014044 photosynthetically active radiation EApEb6hiUwy-00055-00014045-00014333 um which we can search for in this EApEb6hiUwy-00056-00014334-00014608 little Universal search bar just by EApEb6hiUwy-00057-00014609-00014872 searching uh for par EApEb6hiUwy-00058-00014873-00015244 and you'll see uh the the data product EApEb6hiUwy-00059-00015245-00015551 par uh comes up first there are actually EApEb6hiUwy-00060-00015552-00015761 you know several other EApEb6hiUwy-00061-00015762-00015929 um data products that involve EApEb6hiUwy-00062-00015930-00016186 photosynthetically active radiation but EApEb6hiUwy-00063-00016187-00016372 the search you know has EApEb6hiUwy-00064-00016373-00016649 a little bit of intelligence behind it EApEb6hiUwy-00065-00016650-00016865 to know that if you type in par this is EApEb6hiUwy-00066-00016866-00016997 this is probably what you're most EApEb6hiUwy-00067-00016998-00017200 interested in EApEb6hiUwy-00068-00017201-00017530 uh before we get into how to download EApEb6hiUwy-00069-00017531-00017849 these data I do just want to point EApEb6hiUwy-00070-00017850-00018107 everyone to EApEb6hiUwy-00071-00018108-00018461 um this data product Details page EApEb6hiUwy-00072-00018462-00018653 um because I really really encourage EApEb6hiUwy-00073-00018654-00018953 folks to check this out for any uh data EApEb6hiUwy-00074-00018954-00019067 products that you're interested in EApEb6hiUwy-00075-00019068-00019355 working with because this Details page EApEb6hiUwy-00076-00019356-00019619 has a whole bunch of metadata and EApEb6hiUwy-00077-00019620-00020008 documentation about each data product so EApEb6hiUwy-00078-00020009-00020322 just scrolling down to the documentation EApEb6hiUwy-00079-00020323-00020639 there's this little document viewer on EApEb6hiUwy-00080-00020640-00020957 the page where you can read through EApEb6hiUwy-00081-00020958-00021185 you know this whole list of documents uh EApEb6hiUwy-00082-00021186-00021400 that's available for the data product uh EApEb6hiUwy-00083-00021401-00021563 if you keep scrolling down there's an EApEb6hiUwy-00084-00021564-00021947 issue log which is you know tracks uh if EApEb6hiUwy-00085-00021948-00022121 there have been you know unexpected EApEb6hiUwy-00086-00022122-00022397 issues uh with the data product EApEb6hiUwy-00087-00022398-00022643 um again you know not a ton of time to EApEb6hiUwy-00088-00022644-00022913 go through this in detail but EApEb6hiUwy-00089-00022914-00023164 um really really encourage you to keep EApEb6hiUwy-00090-00023165-00023386 these pages in mind uh when you're EApEb6hiUwy-00091-00023387-00023764 working with a new data product EApEb6hiUwy-00092-00023765-00024221 um okay so going back to the explore EApEb6hiUwy-00093-00024222-00024389 page EApEb6hiUwy-00094-00024390-00024755 so I'm gonna go straight to download EApEb6hiUwy-00095-00024756-00024911 data EApEb6hiUwy-00096-00024912-00025249 and that takes me to EApEb6hiUwy-00097-00025250-00025600 this interactive page that helps guide EApEb6hiUwy-00098-00025601-00025949 me through downloading the data EApEb6hiUwy-00099-00025950-00026255 so the first thing to look at is this uh EApEb6hiUwy-00100-00026256-00026423 availability grid EApEb6hiUwy-00101-00026424-00026802 so this shows the availability of data EApEb6hiUwy-00102-00026804-00027202 across sites and months so each of these EApEb6hiUwy-00103-00027204-00027533 little boxes represents one month at one EApEb6hiUwy-00104-00027533-00027743 site EApEb6hiUwy-00105-00027744-00027983 um the gray boxes indicate that there EApEb6hiUwy-00106-00027983-00028258 are no data available for that date and EApEb6hiUwy-00107-00028260-00028595 that site and the blue boxes indicate uh EApEb6hiUwy-00108-00028595-00028774 that data are available EApEb6hiUwy-00109-00028775-00029051 so here for par you can see that EApEb6hiUwy-00110-00029052-00029243 basically after you know a certain point EApEb6hiUwy-00111-00029244-00029573 in time there's basically always data EApEb6hiUwy-00112-00029574-00029807 um but different sites became available EApEb6hiUwy-00113-00029808-00029993 at different times EApEb6hiUwy-00114-00029994-00030046 um EApEb6hiUwy-00115-00030047-00030227 so that pattern is very common with the EApEb6hiUwy-00116-00030227-00030490 sensor data for the observational data EApEb6hiUwy-00117-00030491-00030862 where you know people go out into the EApEb6hiUwy-00118-00030863-00031145 field and collect data manually you'll EApEb6hiUwy-00119-00031145-00031385 see that you know we we don't EApEb6hiUwy-00120-00031386-00031570 necessarily collect data in every month EApEb6hiUwy-00121-00031572-00031949 for every data product and so uh this EApEb6hiUwy-00122-00031950-00032152 this chart will be in many ways a little EApEb6hiUwy-00123-00032154-00032357 bit more informative for those less EApEb6hiUwy-00124-00032358-00032657 frequently collected data products EApEb6hiUwy-00125-00032658-00032987 all right so we are going to EApEb6hiUwy-00126-00032988-00033077 um EApEb6hiUwy-00127-00033078-00033449 download data from uh the Wind River EApEb6hiUwy-00128-00033450-00033793 experimental Forest that's wref EApEb6hiUwy-00129-00033794-00034151 so if you can follow along here to EApEb6hiUwy-00130-00034152-00034402 download the data EApEb6hiUwy-00131-00034403-00034552 um this is what we're going to start out EApEb6hiUwy-00132-00034553-00034835 uh working with in the tutorial EApEb6hiUwy-00133-00034836-00035129 so select that site EApEb6hiUwy-00134-00035130-00035524 and then we are going to get just uh the EApEb6hiUwy-00135-00035525-00035807 most recent couple of months of data EApEb6hiUwy-00136-00035808-00036202 so this little chart lets us select EApEb6hiUwy-00137-00036203-00036431 2022 EApEb6hiUwy-00138-00036432-00036665 and now we need to select months EApEb6hiUwy-00139-00036666-00036911 so we are going to get EApEb6hiUwy-00140-00036912-00036989 um EApEb6hiUwy-00141-00036990-00037235 so that was selecting the start date on EApEb6hiUwy-00142-00037236-00037624 July 2022 and then we're going to select EApEb6hiUwy-00143-00037625-00037859 an end date EApEb6hiUwy-00144-00037860-00037979 um EApEb6hiUwy-00145-00037980-00038429 which in this case is September 2022. um EApEb6hiUwy-00146-00038430-00038657 I am guessing the September data are not EApEb6hiUwy-00147-00038658-00038830 actually online yet EApEb6hiUwy-00148-00038831-00039095 um but basically it's just saying you EApEb6hiUwy-00149-00039096-00039346 know that's that's the last uh date of EApEb6hiUwy-00150-00039347-00039527 data that will be EApEb6hiUwy-00151-00039528-00039977 um that will be considered for download EApEb6hiUwy-00152-00039978-00040373 all right so moving on EApEb6hiUwy-00153-00040374-00040612 um this next page asks if you want to EApEb6hiUwy-00154-00040613-00040817 include documentation so we were just EApEb6hiUwy-00155-00040818-00040985 looking at documentation on the data EApEb6hiUwy-00156-00040986-00041201 product Details page EApEb6hiUwy-00157-00041202-00041483 um if you select the box for include EApEb6hiUwy-00158-00041484-00041705 then those documents will also be EApEb6hiUwy-00159-00041706-00041945 downloaded with your data uh here we're EApEb6hiUwy-00160-00041946-00042137 gonna we're gonna include those those EApEb6hiUwy-00161-00042138-00042299 documents EApEb6hiUwy-00162-00042300-00042502 um I generally recommend doing that sort EApEb6hiUwy-00163-00042503-00042695 of the first time you download any data EApEb6hiUwy-00164-00042696-00042862 product obviously you don't need to do EApEb6hiUwy-00165-00042863-00042983 it every time because you'll just get EApEb6hiUwy-00166-00042984-00043162 the same copies of documents over and EApEb6hiUwy-00167-00043163-00043480 over again EApEb6hiUwy-00168-00043481-00043895 uh okay then uh you get a choice for for EApEb6hiUwy-00169-00043896-00044074 most although not all data products you EApEb6hiUwy-00170-00044075-00044285 get a choice between a basic and an EApEb6hiUwy-00171-00044286-00044537 expanded data package EApEb6hiUwy-00172-00044538-00045046 um so uh in general the expanded package EApEb6hiUwy-00173-00045047-00045311 is going to include more uh information EApEb6hiUwy-00174-00045312-00045557 about data quality EApEb6hiUwy-00175-00045558-00045833 um so for the sensor data EApEb6hiUwy-00176-00045834-00046030 um it's pretty consistent that the basic EApEb6hiUwy-00177-00046031-00046271 package has EApEb6hiUwy-00178-00046272-00046535 um you know things like mean minimum EApEb6hiUwy-00179-00046536-00046727 maximum you know EApEb6hiUwy-00180-00046728-00047068 um basic uh statistics from the data and EApEb6hiUwy-00181-00047069-00047351 then also just a single sort of summary EApEb6hiUwy-00182-00047352-00047567 quality flag whereas if you download EApEb6hiUwy-00183-00047568-00048023 expanded you get many many quality Flags EApEb6hiUwy-00184-00048024-00048179 about you know EApEb6hiUwy-00185-00048180-00048485 what what specific uh quality issues EApEb6hiUwy-00186-00048486-00048701 there might have been you know was there EApEb6hiUwy-00187-00048702-00048995 a spike in a data value was there a null EApEb6hiUwy-00188-00048996-00049157 in a data value EApEb6hiUwy-00189-00049158-00049361 um those kinds of details EApEb6hiUwy-00190-00049362-00049558 um and for the observational data it EApEb6hiUwy-00191-00049559-00049871 tends to be things like uh you know if EApEb6hiUwy-00192-00049872-00050230 analyzes were performed at a lab EApEb6hiUwy-00193-00050231-00050567 um what were the the results of like you EApEb6hiUwy-00194-00050568-00050771 know standards run as unknowns um at EApEb6hiUwy-00195-00050772-00050908 that lab those things tend to be in the EApEb6hiUwy-00196-00050909-00051040 expanded package EApEb6hiUwy-00197-00051041-00051220 uh so for this tutorial we're just going EApEb6hiUwy-00198-00051221-00051364 to download basic EApEb6hiUwy-00199-00051365-00051580 um but if you're you know interested in EApEb6hiUwy-00200-00051582-00051761 sort of more exhaustive analyzes and you EApEb6hiUwy-00201-00051762-00051844 really want to know the information EApEb6hiUwy-00202-00051845-00052099 that's quality Flags um you would do EApEb6hiUwy-00203-00052100-00052258 expanded EApEb6hiUwy-00204-00052259-00052523 so then you just check the box to say uh EApEb6hiUwy-00205-00052524-00052961 yes I agree to neon's policies and now EApEb6hiUwy-00206-00052962-00053291 it takes you to this final page where EApEb6hiUwy-00207-00053291-00053494 you can download the data EApEb6hiUwy-00208-00053495-00053669 um before I click that button I just EApEb6hiUwy-00209-00053670-00054071 want to note uh there are these EApEb6hiUwy-00210-00054072-00054575 um recommended citations on this page so EApEb6hiUwy-00211-00054576-00054880 definitely if you download some neon EApEb6hiUwy-00212-00054882-00055097 data and you write a paper about it that EApEb6hiUwy-00213-00055098-00055265 is amazing that is what we are trying to EApEb6hiUwy-00214-00055266-00055666 achieve use these data citations in your EApEb6hiUwy-00215-00055667-00055930 paper when you do that EApEb6hiUwy-00216-00055932-00056279 okay so clicking the download data EApEb6hiUwy-00217-00056279-00056482 button clarify can just interrupt real EApEb6hiUwy-00218-00056483-00056699 quick also the estimated size of the EApEb6hiUwy-00219-00056700-00056950 download is in the top right corner so EApEb6hiUwy-00220-00056951-00057107 that's something to be aware of in case EApEb6hiUwy-00221-00057108-00057388 you selected way too much EApEb6hiUwy-00222-00057389-00057688 yeah so that that is super useful EApEb6hiUwy-00223-00057689-00058144 um and that is one reason why uh for EApEb6hiUwy-00224-00058145-00058361 tutorials I usually do the basic package EApEb6hiUwy-00225-00058362-00058594 because it keeps it much smaller EApEb6hiUwy-00226-00058595-00058799 um and you know we we don't want to take EApEb6hiUwy-00227-00058800-00059038 forever here but this can give you an EApEb6hiUwy-00228-00059039-00059369 idea of how long your download will take EApEb6hiUwy-00229-00059370-00059741 okay so you can see at the bottom of EApEb6hiUwy-00230-00059741-00060029 this menu what's been downloaded EApEb6hiUwy-00231-00060029-00060238 um is a ZIP file EApEb6hiUwy-00232-00060239-00060371 so EApEb6hiUwy-00233-00060372-00060629 now I'm just gonna EApEb6hiUwy-00234-00060629-00060994 move these windows out of the way EApEb6hiUwy-00235-00060995-00061313 and we can take a look EApEb6hiUwy-00236-00061314-00061637 um at what is inside that zip file EApEb6hiUwy-00237-00061638-00062015 all right so here's what I downloaded EApEb6hiUwy-00238-00062016-00062185 just EApEb6hiUwy-00239-00062186-00062550 unzip it EApEb6hiUwy-00240-00062551-00062992 and look inside that folder okay EApEb6hiUwy-00241-00062994-00063173 so EApEb6hiUwy-00242-00063174-00063394 what is in this folder EApEb6hiUwy-00243-00063395-00063469 um EApEb6hiUwy-00244-00063470-00063844 these PDFs uh that is because we checked EApEb6hiUwy-00245-00063845-00064103 that uh include documents EApEb6hiUwy-00246-00064104-00064492 um checkbox so those are uh things like EApEb6hiUwy-00247-00064494-00064703 you know algorithm documentation the EApEb6hiUwy-00248-00064704-00064882 quick start guide EApEb6hiUwy-00249-00064883-00065200 um Etc uh basically describing the EApEb6hiUwy-00250-00065201-00065350 processing that went into this data EApEb6hiUwy-00251-00065351-00065465 product EApEb6hiUwy-00252-00065466-00065555 um EApEb6hiUwy-00253-00065556-00065932 and then we have these three folders EApEb6hiUwy-00254-00065933-00066197 so apparently um I was wrong and the EApEb6hiUwy-00255-00066198-00066359 September data have actually already EApEb6hiUwy-00256-00066360-00066544 been published EApEb6hiUwy-00257-00066545-00066941 um so these three folders are uh for EApEb6hiUwy-00258-00066942-00067211 each of the three months of data that we EApEb6hiUwy-00259-00067212-00067469 downloaded because we started our EApEb6hiUwy-00260-00067470-00067673 criteria in July so we got July August EApEb6hiUwy-00261-00067674-00067793 and September EApEb6hiUwy-00262-00067794-00068182 you can see here this werf from Wind EApEb6hiUwy-00263-00068183-00068465 River so this is just Wind River data if EApEb6hiUwy-00264-00068466-00068632 we had downloaded multiple sites we EApEb6hiUwy-00265-00068633-00069029 would also have folders for each site EApEb6hiUwy-00266-00069030-00069456 if you look inside those folders EApEb6hiUwy-00267-00069457-00069847 you see we have a whole bunch EApEb6hiUwy-00268-00069848-00070199 of comma separated files EApEb6hiUwy-00269-00070200-00070475 and if you EApEb6hiUwy-00270-00070476-00070679 look in in a little bit more detail you EApEb6hiUwy-00271-00070680-00070829 can see some of them are labeled one EApEb6hiUwy-00272-00070830-00071093 minute some are 30 minute and then EApEb6hiUwy-00273-00071094-00071441 there's this uh sort of code of EApEb6hiUwy-00274-00071442-00071771 different numbers here basically what EApEb6hiUwy-00275-00071772-00072041 this represents is uh there are data EApEb6hiUwy-00276-00072042-00072203 that are averaged EApEb6hiUwy-00277-00072204-00072431 um to once a minute and data that are EApEb6hiUwy-00278-00072432-00072791 averaged to uh once every 30 minutes and EApEb6hiUwy-00279-00072792-00073091 then there are sensors at multiple EApEb6hiUwy-00280-00073092-00073325 levels on the tower so you can actually EApEb6hiUwy-00281-00073326-00073787 see this in um my computer background so EApEb6hiUwy-00282-00073788-00074081 here's you know a sensor boom here's a EApEb6hiUwy-00283-00074082-00074326 sensor boom here's a sensor boom higher EApEb6hiUwy-00284-00074327-00074494 on the tower this is a fairly short EApEb6hiUwy-00285-00074495-00074603 Tower EApEb6hiUwy-00286-00074604-00074800 um in this picture Wind River is a EApEb6hiUwy-00287-00074801-00075029 taller one but there is a par sensor on EApEb6hiUwy-00288-00075030-00075256 each of these levels EApEb6hiUwy-00289-00075257-00075473 um and so you're also getting files from EApEb6hiUwy-00290-00075474-00075821 each of those levels EApEb6hiUwy-00291-00075822-00075923 so EApEb6hiUwy-00292-00075924-00076187 that is a lot of data files EApEb6hiUwy-00293-00076188-00076612 um and uh ideally instead of having you EApEb6hiUwy-00294-00076613-00076829 know several folders of files and then EApEb6hiUwy-00295-00076830-00076979 several EApEb6hiUwy-00296-00076980-00077194 um sets of files for for sensors at EApEb6hiUwy-00297-00077195-00077381 different levels you would have it a EApEb6hiUwy-00298-00077382-00077531 little bit more aggregated EApEb6hiUwy-00299-00077532-00077812 uh and so that is exactly EApEb6hiUwy-00300-00077813-00078065 um what uh neon utilities is going to do EApEb6hiUwy-00301-00078066-00078275 for us is EApEb6hiUwy-00302-00078276-00078521 um do that that aggregation to put the EApEb6hiUwy-00303-00078522-00078725 data into a little bit of a more EApEb6hiUwy-00304-00078726-00078982 tractable format EApEb6hiUwy-00305-00078983-00079115 um EApEb6hiUwy-00306-00079116-00079415 so at this point EApEb6hiUwy-00307-00079416-00079811 um we are going to move over EApEb6hiUwy-00308-00079812-00080081 uh to our studio EApEb6hiUwy-00309-00080082-00080225 um and EApEb6hiUwy-00310-00080226-00080488 uh start seeing what the neon utilities EApEb6hiUwy-00311-00080489-00080729 package does for us EApEb6hiUwy-00312-00080730-00081071 um so if you can follow along here EApEb6hiUwy-00313-00081072-00081329 um that will be great as well so I've EApEb6hiUwy-00314-00081330-00081461 just got EApEb6hiUwy-00315-00081462-00081532 um EApEb6hiUwy-00316-00081533-00081838 a blank R script here EApEb6hiUwy-00317-00081839-00082103 um and this is now I'm going to be EApEb6hiUwy-00318-00082104-00082337 following uh like I said in a slightly EApEb6hiUwy-00319-00082338-00082541 different order the code EApEb6hiUwy-00320-00082542-00082762 um in the tutorial EApEb6hiUwy-00321-00082763-00082973 so EApEb6hiUwy-00322-00082974-00083250 we start by EApEb6hiUwy-00323-00083251-00083656 uh loading the packages that we need EApEb6hiUwy-00324-00083657-00083950 um EApEb6hiUwy-00325-00083951-00084335 uh it was in um the information on the EApEb6hiUwy-00326-00084336-00084550 website to install this neon utilities EApEb6hiUwy-00327-00084551-00084755 package before the webinar EApEb6hiUwy-00328-00084756-00084982 um if you didn't get a chance to do that EApEb6hiUwy-00329-00084983-00085241 you just need to run EApEb6hiUwy-00330-00085242-00085499 install packages EApEb6hiUwy-00331-00085500-00085944 neon utilities and then you can run EApEb6hiUwy-00332-00085945-00086279 this Library line to to actually bring EApEb6hiUwy-00333-00086280-00086567 me on utilities into your environment EApEb6hiUwy-00334-00086568-00086950 um so go ahead and do that sorry about EApEb6hiUwy-00335-00086951-00087094 that EApEb6hiUwy-00336-00087095-00087203 um EApEb6hiUwy-00337-00087204-00087382 I'm not running the install packages EApEb6hiUwy-00338-00087383-00087503 line because of course I already have EApEb6hiUwy-00339-00087504-00087673 neon utilities EApEb6hiUwy-00340-00087674-00088061 loaded the other EApEb6hiUwy-00341-00088062-00088367 um package that we're going to need is EApEb6hiUwy-00342-00088368-00088679 the raster package so loading that as EApEb6hiUwy-00343-00088680-00088871 well EApEb6hiUwy-00344-00088872-00089350 okay and so now uh we are going to EApEb6hiUwy-00345-00089351-00089435 um EApEb6hiUwy-00346-00089436-00089909 like I said use neon utilities to bring EApEb6hiUwy-00347-00089910-00090193 together those files that we downloaded EApEb6hiUwy-00348-00090194-00090581 so function to do that is called stack EApEb6hiUwy-00349-00090582-00090844 by table if you're not familiar with EApEb6hiUwy-00350-00090845-00091031 this interface in our studio you you EApEb6hiUwy-00351-00091032-00091306 know start to type the function name and EApEb6hiUwy-00352-00091307-00091523 it will very helpfully pop up that this EApEb6hiUwy-00353-00091524-00091661 is a function in the neon utilities EApEb6hiUwy-00354-00091662-00091793 package and here's some information EApEb6hiUwy-00355-00091794-00092071 about its inputs EApEb6hiUwy-00356-00092072-00092459 so that can be useful EApEb6hiUwy-00357-00092460-00092794 um the only input that we need to give EApEb6hiUwy-00358-00092795-00093221 to stack by table is the file path EApEb6hiUwy-00359-00093222-00093799 um to wear that zip file is located so I EApEb6hiUwy-00360-00093800-00094199 had put that on my desktop EApEb6hiUwy-00361-00094200-00094361 so EApEb6hiUwy-00362-00094362-00094721 I just need to go to desktop Neon EApEb6hiUwy-00363-00094722-00094882 power.zip EApEb6hiUwy-00364-00094883-00095147 and run that line EApEb6hiUwy-00365-00095148-00095321 so now it's going to give a little bit EApEb6hiUwy-00366-00095322-00095573 of information a couple of progress bars EApEb6hiUwy-00367-00095574-00096073 as it does its thing and so it tells us EApEb6hiUwy-00368-00096074-00096425 all right you EApEb6hiUwy-00369-00096426-00096635 stacked a table for the one minute data EApEb6hiUwy-00370-00096636-00096779 it's stacked a table for the 30 minute EApEb6hiUwy-00371-00096780-00097097 data and then it tells us a little bit EApEb6hiUwy-00372-00097098-00097403 about where it saved those files EApEb6hiUwy-00373-00097404-00097673 okay so what does that mean in terms of EApEb6hiUwy-00374-00097674-00097906 what did it actually do during those EApEb6hiUwy-00375-00097907-00098171 little progress bar activities EApEb6hiUwy-00376-00098172-00098687 so if I go back to my desktop now EApEb6hiUwy-00377-00098688-00099065 I have a little neon par folder EApEb6hiUwy-00378-00099066-00099400 if I open that up now EApEb6hiUwy-00379-00099401-00099629 I still have all of those PDFs of the EApEb6hiUwy-00380-00099630-00099893 documentation but now instead of having EApEb6hiUwy-00381-00099894-00100156 three folders for each of the months of EApEb6hiUwy-00382-00100157-00100349 data that I downloaded I just have this EApEb6hiUwy-00383-00100350-00100618 one folder that says stacked files EApEb6hiUwy-00384-00100619-00101044 and what I have in there is uh EApEb6hiUwy-00385-00101045-00101399 one file with the data averaged to one EApEb6hiUwy-00386-00101400-00101497 minute EApEb6hiUwy-00387-00101498-00101794 and one file with a 30 minute averaging EApEb6hiUwy-00388-00101795-00101909 interval EApEb6hiUwy-00389-00101910-00102353 and then the rest of these are metadata EApEb6hiUwy-00390-00102354-00102790 files so sensor positions has EApEb6hiUwy-00391-00102791-00103030 information about uh you know the the EApEb6hiUwy-00392-00103031-00103360 locations of the sensors on those booms EApEb6hiUwy-00393-00103361-00103565 um variables we will look at in a second EApEb6hiUwy-00394-00103566-00103894 that has metadata about the data that we EApEb6hiUwy-00395-00103895-00103990 downloaded EApEb6hiUwy-00396-00103991-00104292 so let's just take a look at what is in EApEb6hiUwy-00397-00104293-00105221 that 30 minute file EApEb6hiUwy-00398-00105222-00105634 all right so what we've got here EApEb6hiUwy-00399-00105635-00105983 is uh you can see from the start start EApEb6hiUwy-00400-00105983-00106216 date and end date so this is uh the EApEb6hiUwy-00401-00106217-00106421 start and end of each averaging interval EApEb6hiUwy-00402-00106422-00106654 so you can see they're each 30 minutes EApEb6hiUwy-00403-00106655-00107069 for each of those 30 minutes we have EApEb6hiUwy-00404-00107070-00107134 um EApEb6hiUwy-00405-00107135-00107581 need minimum maximum variance EApEb6hiUwy-00406-00107582-00108010 sensor specific uncertainty EApEb6hiUwy-00407-00108011-00108419 um and so forth and then on the left we EApEb6hiUwy-00408-00108420-00108586 have EApEb6hiUwy-00409-00108588-00108923 um the site ID and the horizontal and EApEb6hiUwy-00410-00108924-00109181 vertical position so that horizontal and EApEb6hiUwy-00411-00109182-00109439 vertical position are the locations of EApEb6hiUwy-00412-00109440-00109666 Those sensors they're not the precise EApEb6hiUwy-00413-00109667-00109943 locations but sort of indices for the EApEb6hiUwy-00414-00109944-00110125 locations where those sensors are found EApEb6hiUwy-00415-00110126-00110489 and so if you scroll down EApEb6hiUwy-00416-00110490-00110807 you'll see you know okay we started at EApEb6hiUwy-00417-00110808-00110993 uh EApEb6hiUwy-00418-00110994-00111275 a vertical index of 10 here it's you EApEb6hiUwy-00419-00111276-00111581 know 50. you can keep EApEb6hiUwy-00420-00111582-00111910 going 60 70 I think this Tower yeah goes EApEb6hiUwy-00421-00111911-00112049 up to 80. EApEb6hiUwy-00422-00112050-00112133 um EApEb6hiUwy-00423-00112133-00112421 so basically that's the the eight levels EApEb6hiUwy-00424-00112422-00112625 um of the tower at Wind River um and the EApEb6hiUwy-00425-00112626-00112871 sensors found in each level EApEb6hiUwy-00426-00112872-00113189 okay so basically what stack by table EApEb6hiUwy-00427-00113190-00113381 did was it took all of those individual EApEb6hiUwy-00428-00113382-00113831 files and merged them into this file and EApEb6hiUwy-00429-00113832-00114181 the one minute averaging interval file EApEb6hiUwy-00430-00114182-00114515 uh and and indicated you know the the EApEb6hiUwy-00431-00114516-00114677 source of that EApEb6hiUwy-00432-00114678-00115139 um by giving the sensor uh location EApEb6hiUwy-00433-00115140-00115295 and then EApEb6hiUwy-00434-00115296-00115625 the variables file uh is really helpful EApEb6hiUwy-00435-00115626-00115871 and I always recommend taking a look at EApEb6hiUwy-00436-00115872-00116051 that EApEb6hiUwy-00437-00116052-00116147 um EApEb6hiUwy-00438-00116148-00116590 because it provides the definitions uh EApEb6hiUwy-00439-00116591-00116927 for each of those columns that we found EApEb6hiUwy-00440-00116928-00117101 um in the data file EApEb6hiUwy-00441-00117102-00117551 so you know here we're looking at okay EApEb6hiUwy-00442-00117552-00117701 you know maybe these are fairly EApEb6hiUwy-00443-00117702-00117886 intuitive parmine par minimum par EApEb6hiUwy-00444-00117888-00118036 maximum EApEb6hiUwy-00445-00118038-00118247 um but you know you might encounter some EApEb6hiUwy-00446-00118248-00118565 uh field names or column names that are EApEb6hiUwy-00447-00118566-00118852 less intuitive uh and you can find those EApEb6hiUwy-00448-00118853-00119069 here in this variables file so you can EApEb6hiUwy-00449-00119070-00119302 see that EApEb6hiUwy-00450-00119303-00119369 um EApEb6hiUwy-00451-00119370-00119657 the column name of part mean has a EApEb6hiUwy-00452-00119658-00119878 description here the arithmetic mean of EApEb6hiUwy-00453-00119879-00120131 photosynthetically active radiation uh EApEb6hiUwy-00454-00120132-00120515 it tells you the units so you know EApEb6hiUwy-00455-00120516-00120725 standard for par this is in micro moles EApEb6hiUwy-00456-00120726-00120928 per square meter per second EApEb6hiUwy-00457-00120929-00121001 um EApEb6hiUwy-00458-00121002-00121378 and then uh whether it's um whether that EApEb6hiUwy-00459-00121379-00121523 particular field is in the basic or EApEb6hiUwy-00460-00121524-00121727 expanded package so we downloaded the EApEb6hiUwy-00461-00121728-00122033 basic package you can see here all of EApEb6hiUwy-00462-00122033-00122243 these uh quality flags and quality EApEb6hiUwy-00463-00122244-00122434 metrics that we would have gotten in the EApEb6hiUwy-00464-00122435-00122902 expanded package EApEb6hiUwy-00465-00122903-00123107 okay EApEb6hiUwy-00466-00123108-00123304 um EApEb6hiUwy-00467-00123305-00123652 I think looking at the time EApEb6hiUwy-00468-00123653-00123940 um EApEb6hiUwy-00469-00123941-00124451 I am not going to show you how so EApEb6hiUwy-00470-00124452-00124702 um so right now those data that we EApEb6hiUwy-00471-00124703-00125015 stacked are just stored on my desktop EApEb6hiUwy-00472-00125016-00125416 um so there is uh a way that you can EApEb6hiUwy-00473-00125417-00125483 um EApEb6hiUwy-00474-00125483-00125860 use neon utilities to load those data EApEb6hiUwy-00475-00125861-00126160 into R where it will use the data type EApEb6hiUwy-00476-00126161-00126563 to sort of assign classes in r that EApEb6hiUwy-00477-00126564-00126784 function is called read table neon EApEb6hiUwy-00478-00126785-00127084 I'm just going to skip that step in the EApEb6hiUwy-00479-00127085-00127408 interests of time and instead show you EApEb6hiUwy-00480-00127409-00127823 neon utilities also has a method that EApEb6hiUwy-00481-00127824-00128075 basically does everything that we just EApEb6hiUwy-00482-00128076-00128345 did plus the loading data into r EApEb6hiUwy-00483-00128346-00128639 so it it downloads data EApEb6hiUwy-00484-00128640-00128710 um EApEb6hiUwy-00485-00128711-00129016 using the API the the neon application EApEb6hiUwy-00486-00129017-00129208 programming interface which is just a EApEb6hiUwy-00487-00129209-00129449 sort of machine to machine EApEb6hiUwy-00488-00129450-00129707 um system it does the stacking and it EApEb6hiUwy-00489-00129708-00129863 loads the data into your R environment EApEb6hiUwy-00490-00129864-00130097 basically all in one step EApEb6hiUwy-00491-00130098-00130247 so EApEb6hiUwy-00492-00130248-00130463 I'm going to show you how to do that so EApEb6hiUwy-00493-00130464-00130781 to load exactly the same data that we EApEb6hiUwy-00494-00130782-00130925 just downloaded EApEb6hiUwy-00495-00130926-00131189 I'm gonna EApEb6hiUwy-00496-00131190-00131639 name this object PR EApEb6hiUwy-00497-00131640-00131863 the function EApEb6hiUwy-00498-00131864-00132413 is load by product EApEb6hiUwy-00499-00132414-00132797 um and it needs a few more inputs and EApEb6hiUwy-00500-00132798-00133057 then stack by table so the first input EApEb6hiUwy-00501-00133058-00133595 is dpid that stands for data product ID EApEb6hiUwy-00502-00133596-00133654 um EApEb6hiUwy-00503-00133655-00134051 the place where you find that is if we EApEb6hiUwy-00504-00134052-00134437 go back to the data portal EApEb6hiUwy-00505-00134438-00134807 uh and go to this explore data products EApEb6hiUwy-00506-00134808-00135004 page that has the the menu of all the EApEb6hiUwy-00507-00135005-00135209 data products right under the data EApEb6hiUwy-00508-00135210-00135413 product's name you'll see this EApEb6hiUwy-00509-00135414-00135659 identifier and that is the data product EApEb6hiUwy-00510-00135660-00135787 ID EApEb6hiUwy-00511-00135788-00136102 that load by product needs in order to EApEb6hiUwy-00512-00136103-00136769 know what to do so dp1.00024.001 EApEb6hiUwy-00513-00136770-00137014 so we go back EApEb6hiUwy-00514-00137015-00137297 to our EApEb6hiUwy-00515-00137298-00137416 and that's what we're going to enter EApEb6hiUwy-00516-00137417-00137633 here EApEb6hiUwy-00517-00137634-00137821 so EApEb6hiUwy-00518-00137822-00138004 we are EApEb6hiUwy-00519-00138005-00138335 downloading par EApEb6hiUwy-00520-00138336-00138497 um EApEb6hiUwy-00521-00138498-00138731 we are EApEb6hiUwy-00522-00138732-00138989 downloading from just one site you can EApEb6hiUwy-00523-00138990-00139211 put multiple sites in here EApEb6hiUwy-00524-00139212-00139493 um but in this case we're looking just EApEb6hiUwy-00525-00139494-00139823 for Wind River EApEb6hiUwy-00526-00139824-00139907 um EApEb6hiUwy-00527-00139908-00140189 we want to get only certain dates we EApEb6hiUwy-00528-00140190-00140321 don't want to download all the part data EApEb6hiUwy-00529-00140322-00140507 that's ever been collected at Wind River EApEb6hiUwy-00530-00140508-00140740 so we're going to do EApEb6hiUwy-00531-00140741-00141035 2022.07 EApEb6hiUwy-00532-00141036-00141281 to end date EApEb6hiUwy-00533-00141282-00141652 2022.09 EApEb6hiUwy-00534-00141653-00141778 um EApEb6hiUwy-00535-00141779-00142031 here this start date and end date uh EApEb6hiUwy-00536-00142032-00142261 only go to the year and the month EApEb6hiUwy-00537-00142262-00142607 because that's the the resolution of EApEb6hiUwy-00538-00142608-00142901 what's available to download from neon EApEb6hiUwy-00539-00142902-00142973 um EApEb6hiUwy-00540-00142974-00143189 basically if you if you put if you EApEb6hiUwy-00541-00143190-00143416 specify it all the way to a day it would EApEb6hiUwy-00542-00143417-00143585 still just download everything from that EApEb6hiUwy-00543-00143586-00143854 month um so we leave the day off uh just EApEb6hiUwy-00544-00143855-00144131 so that that's clear EApEb6hiUwy-00545-00144132-00144190 um EApEb6hiUwy-00546-00144191-00144443 the download package EApEb6hiUwy-00547-00144444-00144581 is EApEb6hiUwy-00548-00144582-00144814 basic EApEb6hiUwy-00549-00144815-00145187 um EApEb6hiUwy-00550-00145188-00145402 [Music] EApEb6hiUwy-00551-00145403-00145643 and I think that is everything EApEb6hiUwy-00552-00145644-00145925 I needed to enter I will find out in a EApEb6hiUwy-00553-00145926-00146009 second EApEb6hiUwy-00554-00146010-00146333 so okay EApEb6hiUwy-00555-00146334-00146531 so I ran that line EApEb6hiUwy-00556-00146532-00146699 and the first thing it did was it said EApEb6hiUwy-00557-00146700-00147101 okay finding files but now it pauses and EApEb6hiUwy-00558-00147102-00147545 it says hey you're going to download 104 EApEb6hiUwy-00559-00147546-00147790 megabytes of files are you okay with EApEb6hiUwy-00560-00147791-00147869 that EApEb6hiUwy-00561-00147870-00148301 uh and this this step is here kind of EApEb6hiUwy-00562-00148302-00148427 for the same reason that the the EApEb6hiUwy-00563-00148428-00148613 download size is displayed on the portal EApEb6hiUwy-00564-00148614-00148901 just as a check in case you're EApEb6hiUwy-00565-00148902-00149045 downloading a whole bunch of data and EApEb6hiUwy-00566-00149046-00149266 you didn't mean to this gives you the EApEb6hiUwy-00567-00149267-00149435 opportunity to stop EApEb6hiUwy-00568-00149436-00149585 um there is EApEb6hiUwy-00569-00149586-00149878 um an option to bypass this when you EApEb6hiUwy-00570-00149879-00150047 when you make the function call and I'll EApEb6hiUwy-00571-00150048-00150245 show you how to do that in a second but EApEb6hiUwy-00572-00150246-00150437 here I'm just going to say yes I want to EApEb6hiUwy-00573-00150438-00150593 proceed EApEb6hiUwy-00574-00150594-00150851 so EApEb6hiUwy-00575-00150852-00151145 now it gives me some more progress bars EApEb6hiUwy-00576-00151146-00151481 saying that it is downloading EApEb6hiUwy-00577-00151482-00151745 and now EApEb6hiUwy-00578-00151746-00151925 now we are back to something we've seen EApEb6hiUwy-00579-00151926-00152375 before where it says hey I'm stacking EApEb6hiUwy-00580-00152376-00152597 the one minute table I'm stacking the 30 EApEb6hiUwy-00581-00152598-00152752 minute table EApEb6hiUwy-00582-00152753-00152909 and EApEb6hiUwy-00583-00152910-00153154 now it's thinking for a minute EApEb6hiUwy-00584-00153155-00153239 um EApEb6hiUwy-00585-00153240-00153443 this uh EApEb6hiUwy-00586-00153444-00153940 yeah there we go and now we have uh this EApEb6hiUwy-00587-00153941-00154240 object PR EApEb6hiUwy-00588-00154241-00154535 and I'm going to look at what is inside EApEb6hiUwy-00589-00154536-00154943 that object EApEb6hiUwy-00590-00154944-00155266 and here this should also be familiar EApEb6hiUwy-00591-00155267-00155657 um these are the same names as the EApEb6hiUwy-00592-00155658-00155826 objects that we had EApEb6hiUwy-00593-00155827-00156190 in what we downloaded to the desktop so EApEb6hiUwy-00594-00156191-00156461 we've got a one minute table a 30 minute EApEb6hiUwy-00595-00156462-00156754 table the variables file that tells us EApEb6hiUwy-00596-00156755-00157031 about the contents of those sensor EApEb6hiUwy-00597-00157032-00157151 positions that gives us information EApEb6hiUwy-00598-00157152-00157445 about the locations of the sensors EApEb6hiUwy-00599-00157446-00157523 um EApEb6hiUwy-00600-00157524-00157804 and uh the read me an issue blog EApEb6hiUwy-00601-00157805-00158087 so EApEb6hiUwy-00602-00158088-00158416 I can just take a look EApEb6hiUwy-00603-00158417-00158764 at what is inside there EApEb6hiUwy-00604-00158765-00159185 so let's view the 30 minute file EApEb6hiUwy-00605-00159186-00159473 you can see again this is the same thing EApEb6hiUwy-00606-00159474-00159737 that we got through sort of the the EApEb6hiUwy-00607-00159738-00159881 other access method through going EApEb6hiUwy-00608-00159882-00160078 through the data portal EApEb6hiUwy-00609-00160079-00160325 um we have the same contents in this EApEb6hiUwy-00610-00160326-00160469 file EApEb6hiUwy-00611-00160470-00160726 um except in this case the file is now EApEb6hiUwy-00612-00160727-00161171 loaded into our our environment EApEb6hiUwy-00613-00161172-00161471 and so EApEb6hiUwy-00614-00161472-00161747 just to look at something a little bit EApEb6hiUwy-00615-00161748-00161957 more interesting than EApEb6hiUwy-00616-00161958-00162359 um a bear spreadsheet we can just EApEb6hiUwy-00617-00162360-00162647 plot a little bit of that data EApEb6hiUwy-00618-00162648-00162731 um EApEb6hiUwy-00619-00162732-00162904 so EApEb6hiUwy-00620-00162905-00163133 let's see EApEb6hiUwy-00621-00163134-00163451 you're going to plot EApEb6hiUwy-00622-00163452-00163690 mean car EApEb6hiUwy-00623-00163691-00163954 as a function EApEb6hiUwy-00624-00163955-00164357 of start date time EApEb6hiUwy-00625-00164358-00164752 the data source EApEb6hiUwy-00626-00164753-00164993 is going to be EApEb6hiUwy-00627-00164994-00165275 that 30 minute file EApEb6hiUwy-00628-00165276-00165599 and we are going to EApEb6hiUwy-00629-00165600-00165821 subset it EApEb6hiUwy-00630-00165822-00166171 to EApEb6hiUwy-00631-00166172-00166361 just EApEb6hiUwy-00632-00166362-00166583 the 30 minute data EApEb6hiUwy-00633-00166584-00166709 um EApEb6hiUwy-00634-00166710-00167002 where the vertical position EApEb6hiUwy-00635-00167003-00167278 is 80 and we're doing that just because EApEb6hiUwy-00636-00167279-00167626 that is the top of the tower and it can EApEb6hiUwy-00637-00167627-00167837 be a little bit confusing EApEb6hiUwy-00638-00167838-00167939 um EApEb6hiUwy-00639-00167940-00168245 to try to view you know par from many EApEb6hiUwy-00640-00168246-00168521 levels of the tower at once EApEb6hiUwy-00641-00168522-00168809 um and we're going to make that EApEb6hiUwy-00642-00168810-00169073 a line plot EApEb6hiUwy-00643-00169074-00169607 so there we go we can EApEb6hiUwy-00644-00169608-00169925 we can see if we expand this out quite a EApEb6hiUwy-00645-00169926-00170045 bit EApEb6hiUwy-00646-00170046-00170219 um that you know you can see the diurnal EApEb6hiUwy-00647-00170220-00170549 cycle where sun comes up sun goes down EApEb6hiUwy-00648-00170550-00170776 uh it's actually a little bit easier to EApEb6hiUwy-00649-00170777-00170897 see if we EApEb6hiUwy-00650-00170898-00171239 compress it but you can also see you EApEb6hiUwy-00651-00171240-00171539 know as we move into the fall uh the the EApEb6hiUwy-00652-00171540-00171773 light intensity um at the at the peak EApEb6hiUwy-00653-00171774-00172043 every day is declining EApEb6hiUwy-00654-00172044-00172163 um and also EApEb6hiUwy-00655-00172164-00172349 Wind Rivers in the Pacific Northwest you EApEb6hiUwy-00656-00172350-00172552 can also see as we get into the fall it EApEb6hiUwy-00657-00172553-00172697 gets a little cloudier EApEb6hiUwy-00658-00172698-00172985 um so that's also uh EApEb6hiUwy-00659-00172986-00173219 sort of a reassurance EApEb6hiUwy-00660-00173220-00173363 um that you know the data that we've EApEb6hiUwy-00661-00173364-00173578 downloaded basically look like we expect EApEb6hiUwy-00662-00173579-00173890 them to EApEb6hiUwy-00663-00173891-00174052 okay EApEb6hiUwy-00664-00174053-00174233 so EApEb6hiUwy-00665-00174234-00174575 what I'm going to do next uh EApEb6hiUwy-00666-00174576-00175013 this walked us through uh downloading EApEb6hiUwy-00667-00175014-00175349 um and and taking a quick look at EApEb6hiUwy-00668-00175350-00175619 um sensor data uh what I'm going to do EApEb6hiUwy-00669-00175620-00175919 next is walk through using uh what's EApEb6hiUwy-00670-00175920-00176183 available in neon utilities for doing EApEb6hiUwy-00671-00176184-00176423 the same basically downloading and EApEb6hiUwy-00672-00176424-00176711 taking a quick look at observational EApEb6hiUwy-00673-00176712-00176999 data so data collected by humans and EApEb6hiUwy-00674-00177000-00177173 remote sensing data EApEb6hiUwy-00675-00177174-00177731 before I jump into that any questions or EApEb6hiUwy-00676-00177732-00178823 or concerns about what we've done so far EApEb6hiUwy-00677-00178824-00179207 all right we will keep going EApEb6hiUwy-00678-00179208-00179326 okay EApEb6hiUwy-00679-00179327-00179513 so EApEb6hiUwy-00680-00179514-00179752 what we're going to look at next EApEb6hiUwy-00681-00179753-00179837 um EApEb6hiUwy-00682-00179838-00180101 is observational data EApEb6hiUwy-00683-00180102-00180328 so EApEb6hiUwy-00684-00180329-00180587 um in this case uh we are going to EApEb6hiUwy-00685-00180588-00181223 download aquatic plant chemistry data so EApEb6hiUwy-00686-00181224-00181787 going back to the data portal EApEb6hiUwy-00687-00181788-00181949 um EApEb6hiUwy-00688-00181950-00182261 see yes okay if I EApEb6hiUwy-00689-00182262-00182501 uh conveniently if I type aquatic that EApEb6hiUwy-00690-00182502-00182752 is actually the first data product that EApEb6hiUwy-00691-00182753-00182897 shows up in this case that's a EApEb6hiUwy-00692-00182898-00183076 coincidence EApEb6hiUwy-00693-00183077-00183276 um but that's convenient for us EApEb6hiUwy-00694-00183277-00183538 so we're going to download aquatic plant EApEb6hiUwy-00695-00183539-00183797 graphite chemical properties the data EApEb6hiUwy-00696-00183798-00184175 product ID is here and so EApEb6hiUwy-00697-00184176-00184433 that is what we need EApEb6hiUwy-00698-00184434-00184685 for EApEb6hiUwy-00699-00184686-00185014 um downloading again using load by EApEb6hiUwy-00700-00185015-00185404 product so I'm going to call this one AP EApEb6hiUwy-00701-00185405-00185747 chem for aquatic plant chemistry EApEb6hiUwy-00702-00185748-00186028 I am again going to use the load by EApEb6hiUwy-00703-00186029-00186263 product function EApEb6hiUwy-00704-00186264-00186949 the data product ID in this case is EApEb6hiUwy-00705-00186950-00187319 dp1.20063 that we just saw EApEb6hiUwy-00706-00187320-00187378 um EApEb6hiUwy-00707-00187379-00187751 on the explore data products page EApEb6hiUwy-00708-00187752-00187966 in this case we're going to download EApEb6hiUwy-00709-00187967-00188195 data from three sites EApEb6hiUwy-00710-00188196-00188645 so that's going to be Prairie Lake EApEb6hiUwy-00711-00188646-00189295 uh Suggs Lake and tulip lake so this is EApEb6hiUwy-00712-00189296-00189587 I think let's see EApEb6hiUwy-00713-00189588-00189775 Prairie Lake is in the Upper Midwest EApEb6hiUwy-00714-00189776-00190031 Suggs I think is in Florida and tulik is EApEb6hiUwy-00715-00190032-00190271 in Alaska so we're we're looking sort of EApEb6hiUwy-00716-00190272-00190552 across the range EApEb6hiUwy-00717-00190553-00190637 um EApEb6hiUwy-00718-00190638-00191104 of uh of sites that neon has EApEb6hiUwy-00719-00191105-00191316 um in this case we are going to download EApEb6hiUwy-00720-00191317-00191657 uh the expanded package EApEb6hiUwy-00721-00191658-00191764 um EApEb6hiUwy-00722-00191765-00192004 that actually has more to do with sort EApEb6hiUwy-00723-00192005-00192233 of a follow-on tutorial that uses these EApEb6hiUwy-00724-00192234-00192383 same data that needs the expanded EApEb6hiUwy-00725-00192384-00192654 package but so that's going to download EApEb6hiUwy-00726-00192655-00192988 everything that's available including EApEb6hiUwy-00727-00192989-00193337 the the quality control information EApEb6hiUwy-00728-00193338-00193576 um and this time I'm going to show you EApEb6hiUwy-00729-00193577-00194002 how to bypass that little question about EApEb6hiUwy-00730-00194003-00194081 um EApEb6hiUwy-00731-00194082-00194345 that we had here of here's your file EApEb6hiUwy-00732-00194346-00194566 size do you want to proceed so you can EApEb6hiUwy-00733-00194567-00194902 avoid that or sort of skip that by using EApEb6hiUwy-00734-00194903-00195064 this EApEb6hiUwy-00735-00195065-00195131 um EApEb6hiUwy-00736-00195132-00195419 final input here that says check size oh EApEb6hiUwy-00737-00195420-00195676 except I typed true and actually we want EApEb6hiUwy-00738-00195677-00195995 check size equals false EApEb6hiUwy-00739-00195996-00196276 um because we're going to skip uh the EApEb6hiUwy-00740-00196277-00196547 the size checking step EApEb6hiUwy-00741-00196548-00196654 um EApEb6hiUwy-00742-00196655-00196799 so EApEb6hiUwy-00743-00196800-00197069 use that with caution it's obviously EApEb6hiUwy-00744-00197070-00197195 available EApEb6hiUwy-00745-00197196-00197399 um but definitely only use that if EApEb6hiUwy-00746-00197400-00197675 you're really sure that you know your EApEb6hiUwy-00747-00197676-00197854 download is a manageable size or that EApEb6hiUwy-00748-00197855-00197951 you're prepared to have the download EApEb6hiUwy-00749-00197952-00198173 take a long time EApEb6hiUwy-00750-00198174-00198511 so we're going to run that EApEb6hiUwy-00751-00198512-00198935 and Z it tells you it's downloading 23 EApEb6hiUwy-00752-00198936-00199102 files EApEb6hiUwy-00753-00199103-00199297 here it goes EApEb6hiUwy-00754-00199298-00199643 and right then you did the stacking EApEb6hiUwy-00755-00199644-00199864 super fast EApEb6hiUwy-00756-00199865-00200135 um so this is pretty typical of the the EApEb6hiUwy-00757-00200136-00200285 difference between the sensor data and EApEb6hiUwy-00758-00200286-00200454 the observational data EApEb6hiUwy-00759-00200455-00200788 the observational data uh EApEb6hiUwy-00760-00200789-00200926 you know EApEb6hiUwy-00761-00200927-00201214 they're they're typically larger because EApEb6hiUwy-00762-00201215-00201400 they you know have measurements at EApEb6hiUwy-00763-00201401-00201671 things like you know once every minute EApEb6hiUwy-00764-00201672-00201881 um whereas just inherently data that EApEb6hiUwy-00765-00201882-00202157 that are observed by humans EApEb6hiUwy-00766-00202158-00202378 are not going to be EApEb6hiUwy-00767-00202379-00202523 um as frequent EApEb6hiUwy-00768-00202524-00202673 um and as large EApEb6hiUwy-00769-00202674-00202876 because if you remember we only EApEb6hiUwy-00770-00202877-00203159 downloaded three months of data for par EApEb6hiUwy-00771-00203160-00203404 here we downloaded three sites but we EApEb6hiUwy-00772-00203405-00203597 just you know didn't specify a start EApEb6hiUwy-00773-00203598-00203795 date and an end date so it's downloaded EApEb6hiUwy-00774-00203796-00203938 the data for all time EApEb6hiUwy-00775-00203939-00204119 um and that was still pretty fast EApEb6hiUwy-00776-00204120-00204466 um and it stacked the data pretty fast EApEb6hiUwy-00777-00204467-00204881 all right so what do we have EApEb6hiUwy-00778-00204882-00205246 um in this object that we've downloaded EApEb6hiUwy-00779-00205248-00205444 uh so again some of this is going to be EApEb6hiUwy-00780-00205446-00205564 familiar EApEb6hiUwy-00781-00205565-00205655 um EApEb6hiUwy-00782-00205656-00206051 we have a variables file so just like EApEb6hiUwy-00783-00206052-00206327 for par this is going to give you uh the EApEb6hiUwy-00784-00206328-00206525 names and the definitions and the units EApEb6hiUwy-00785-00206526-00206873 for each of the column names in the data EApEb6hiUwy-00786-00206873-00207214 files the data tables we've got a readme EApEb6hiUwy-00787-00207215-00207425 that gives you sort of basic information EApEb6hiUwy-00788-00207426-00207707 about the data product EApEb6hiUwy-00789-00207708-00208036 um there's a couple of additional EApEb6hiUwy-00790-00208037-00208294 metadata files that we didn't have with EApEb6hiUwy-00791-00208296-00208564 the sensor data so categorical codes EApEb6hiUwy-00792-00208565-00208873 that gives information about EApEb6hiUwy-00793-00208873-00209255 the values of categorical data in the EApEb6hiUwy-00794-00209256-00209519 observational data files EApEb6hiUwy-00795-00209519-00209741 um and validation gives some information EApEb6hiUwy-00796-00209742-00210005 about how the data were validated when EApEb6hiUwy-00797-00210006-00210155 they were ingested EApEb6hiUwy-00798-00210156-00210442 um into the neon system I'm not going to EApEb6hiUwy-00799-00210444-00210605 go into those in detail EApEb6hiUwy-00800-00210606-00210779 um but those you know can also be EApEb6hiUwy-00801-00210780-00211091 obviously useful to you EApEb6hiUwy-00802-00211092-00211553 okay and then this these first five are EApEb6hiUwy-00803-00211554-00211708 the actual EApEb6hiUwy-00804-00211709-00211871 um data tables EApEb6hiUwy-00805-00211871-00212171 so let's take a look EApEb6hiUwy-00806-00212171-00212471 um at the external lab data EApEb6hiUwy-00807-00212471-00212656 per sample EApEb6hiUwy-00808-00212657-00212903 table EApEb6hiUwy-00809-00212904-00213641 um EApEb6hiUwy-00810-00213642-00213832 because I really I just want to show you EApEb6hiUwy-00811-00213833-00213994 sort of EApEb6hiUwy-00812-00213996-00214151 you know what's what's similar and EApEb6hiUwy-00813-00214152-00214265 what's different EApEb6hiUwy-00814-00214266-00214510 um between the sensor data and the EApEb6hiUwy-00815-00214511-00214660 observational data EApEb6hiUwy-00816-00214661-00215051 so you can see you know there are some EApEb6hiUwy-00817-00215052-00215303 similarities there's you know a site ID EApEb6hiUwy-00818-00215304-00215567 that tells you what site the data were EApEb6hiUwy-00819-00215567-00215842 collected at there's a date EApEb6hiUwy-00820-00215844-00216071 um this is EApEb6hiUwy-00821-00216071-00216287 you know sometimes typical sometimes not EApEb6hiUwy-00822-00216288-00216467 for the observational data that it just EApEb6hiUwy-00823-00216467-00216773 gives a day and doesn't go you know down EApEb6hiUwy-00824-00216773-00216965 to the the minute or second the way that EApEb6hiUwy-00825-00216966-00217163 the sensor data do EApEb6hiUwy-00826-00217164-00217391 um and again that is that is just EApEb6hiUwy-00827-00217392-00217529 because of the nature of human data EApEb6hiUwy-00828-00217530-00217673 collection EApEb6hiUwy-00829-00217673-00217739 um EApEb6hiUwy-00830-00217740-00218039 that you know in some cases but often in EApEb6hiUwy-00831-00218040-00218201 some cases it's that precise but often EApEb6hiUwy-00832-00218202-00218356 it's just you know we went and collected EApEb6hiUwy-00833-00218357-00218632 samples on this day EApEb6hiUwy-00834-00218633-00218758 okay EApEb6hiUwy-00835-00218759-00218915 so then EApEb6hiUwy-00836-00218916-00219191 scrolling to the right you have EApEb6hiUwy-00837-00219192-00219575 information about the sample so this is EApEb6hiUwy-00838-00219576-00219887 the sample identifier EApEb6hiUwy-00839-00219888-00220079 it's very reassuring that all of these EApEb6hiUwy-00840-00220080-00220294 have condition okay in the sample EApEb6hiUwy-00841-00220296-00220625 condition so that can flag for you if EApEb6hiUwy-00842-00220626-00220781 there was you know a problem with the EApEb6hiUwy-00843-00220782-00220931 sample during collection or processing EApEb6hiUwy-00844-00220932-00221201 it tells you where those samples were EApEb6hiUwy-00845-00221202-00221442 processed EApEb6hiUwy-00846-00221444-00221669 and then EApEb6hiUwy-00847-00221669-00222017 scrolling out here we get to the actual EApEb6hiUwy-00848-00222017-00222277 data EApEb6hiUwy-00849-00222278-00222851 so here we've got uh an analyte which is EApEb6hiUwy-00850-00222852-00223048 either carbon or nitrogen if we scroll EApEb6hiUwy-00851-00223050-00223223 down a bit EApEb6hiUwy-00852-00223223-00223541 yes we'll get to some that also have EApEb6hiUwy-00853-00223542-00223942 um stable isotope ratios uh for 13c and EApEb6hiUwy-00854-00223944-00224251 15n and then the analyte concentration EApEb6hiUwy-00855-00224252-00224663 gives you uh the actual analyte value EApEb6hiUwy-00856-00224664-00224908 for the analyte that's being EApEb6hiUwy-00857-00224909-00224989 um EApEb6hiUwy-00858-00224990-00225521 tested in each of these rows of data EApEb6hiUwy-00859-00225521-00225760 okay EApEb6hiUwy-00860-00225761-00226523 Okay so EApEb6hiUwy-00861-00226523-00226841 what we can do with that EApEb6hiUwy-00862-00226842-00226967 um EApEb6hiUwy-00863-00226967-00227273 going back to let's look at something a EApEb6hiUwy-00864-00227273-00227410 little bit more interesting than a EApEb6hiUwy-00865-00227411-00227813 spreadsheet we can take a look at EApEb6hiUwy-00866-00227814-00227989 um EApEb6hiUwy-00867-00227990-00228239 the let's EApEb6hiUwy-00868-00228240-00228382 um EApEb6hiUwy-00869-00228383-00228863 check out the 13c content of EApEb6hiUwy-00870-00228864-00229229 um plants at the different sites so that EApEb6hiUwy-00871-00229230-00229348 means we're going to look at analyte EApEb6hiUwy-00872-00229350-00229517 concentration EApEb6hiUwy-00873-00229517-00229823 versus site ID EApEb6hiUwy-00874-00229823-00229913 um EApEb6hiUwy-00875-00229914-00230075 and EApEb6hiUwy-00876-00230076-00230308 the data source EApEb6hiUwy-00877-00230309-00230584 is going to be EApEb6hiUwy-00878-00230585-00230837 the aquatic plant chemistry EApEb6hiUwy-00879-00230838-00231298 uh plant external lab data per sample EApEb6hiUwy-00880-00231300-00231971 we are going to subset that to just EApEb6hiUwy-00881-00231971-00232181 um EApEb6hiUwy-00882-00232182-00232573 the 13c data EApEb6hiUwy-00883-00232573-00232991 and see what that looks like EApEb6hiUwy-00884-00232992-00233369 all right so this shows us sort of a EApEb6hiUwy-00885-00233369-00233506 range EApEb6hiUwy-00886-00233507-00233813 um of carbon isotope concentrations at EApEb6hiUwy-00887-00233814-00233969 the three different sites EApEb6hiUwy-00888-00233969-00234106 um I think I need to expand this out a EApEb6hiUwy-00889-00234107-00234269 little bit to get that yeah the middle EApEb6hiUwy-00890-00234269-00234442 site name EApEb6hiUwy-00891-00234444-00234755 uh so you can see you know EApEb6hiUwy-00892-00234756-00235096 lighter at Prairie Lake and EApEb6hiUwy-00893-00235098-00235210 um EApEb6hiUwy-00894-00235211-00235517 sorry the way around uh more enriched at EApEb6hiUwy-00895-00235517-00235673 Prairie Lake EApEb6hiUwy-00896-00235673-00236141 um and later in 13c at Suggs and tulik EApEb6hiUwy-00897-00236142-00236392 uh but what would what you know you EApEb6hiUwy-00898-00236394-00236639 might really like to see is EApEb6hiUwy-00899-00236640-00236981 okay you know how does that map onto uh EApEb6hiUwy-00900-00236982-00237173 the different species that you find at EApEb6hiUwy-00901-00237173-00237382 those different sites EApEb6hiUwy-00902-00237383-00237508 um EApEb6hiUwy-00903-00237509-00237821 and so this is where we get into we've EApEb6hiUwy-00904-00237821-00238210 got you know these multiple data tables EApEb6hiUwy-00905-00238211-00238492 so if we go back EApEb6hiUwy-00906-00238494-00238732 to EApEb6hiUwy-00907-00238733-00238882 um EApEb6hiUwy-00908-00238883-00239173 looking at uh EApEb6hiUwy-00909-00239173-00239327 this EApEb6hiUwy-00910-00239328-00239531 um EApEb6hiUwy-00911-00239532-00239753 the analytes from the lab that we EApEb6hiUwy-00912-00239754-00239891 downloaded EApEb6hiUwy-00913-00239892-00240173 and we scroll across EApEb6hiUwy-00914-00240173-00240323 um EApEb6hiUwy-00915-00240323-00240556 you can see this doesn't tell us what EApEb6hiUwy-00916-00240557-00240815 species each of those samples uh came EApEb6hiUwy-00917-00240816-00241025 from EApEb6hiUwy-00918-00241026-00241342 but if we look EApEb6hiUwy-00919-00241344-00241487 um EApEb6hiUwy-00920-00241488-00241860 biomass table EApEb6hiUwy-00921-00241861-00242123 and scroll over EApEb6hiUwy-00922-00242123-00242563 here we find the scientific name EApEb6hiUwy-00923-00242564-00242903 for again each of those EApEb6hiUwy-00924-00242904-00243173 sample IDs which are you know the EApEb6hiUwy-00925-00243173-00243473 corresponding example IDs that we saw EApEb6hiUwy-00926-00243473-00243742 um in the the analyte table EApEb6hiUwy-00927-00243744-00244042 so what we need to do EApEb6hiUwy-00928-00244044-00244234 um is bring those two tables together EApEb6hiUwy-00929-00244235-00244642 and then we'll be able to see what the EApEb6hiUwy-00930-00244644-00244948 13c concentration was EApEb6hiUwy-00931-00244950-00245315 um for each of those species EApEb6hiUwy-00932-00245316-00245963 so EApEb6hiUwy-00933-00245964-00246142 um EApEb6hiUwy-00934-00246144-00246444 just to sort of uh back up a little bit EApEb6hiUwy-00935-00246446-00246677 that's really typical EApEb6hiUwy-00936-00246678-00246856 um of what you're going to find in the EApEb6hiUwy-00937-00246857-00247139 observational data so EApEb6hiUwy-00938-00247140-00247408 um the the data tables for neon EApEb6hiUwy-00939-00247409-00247571 observational data EApEb6hiUwy-00940-00247571-00247913 typically represent sort of a sampling EApEb6hiUwy-00941-00247914-00248129 activity that took place at a particular EApEb6hiUwy-00942-00248130-00248579 time so you know the the clip harvest EApEb6hiUwy-00943-00248580-00248951 table okay they went out and collected a EApEb6hiUwy-00944-00248952-00249132 bunch of aquatic plants EApEb6hiUwy-00945-00249133-00249437 uh they you know EApEb6hiUwy-00946-00249438-00249832 uh weighed those to get biomass EApEb6hiUwy-00947-00249833-00249923 um EApEb6hiUwy-00948-00249923-00250277 and then sent them out for analysis at a EApEb6hiUwy-00949-00250278-00250481 lab to get the carbon and nitrogen EApEb6hiUwy-00950-00250482-00250660 analytes EApEb6hiUwy-00951-00250661-00250942 um and then these other two tables EApEb6hiUwy-00952-00250944-00251260 um are the quality control tables EApEb6hiUwy-00953-00251261-00251627 um from from the laboratory information EApEb6hiUwy-00954-00251628-00251884 um and so uh it's it's very typical that EApEb6hiUwy-00955-00251885-00252208 you would have to bring together data EApEb6hiUwy-00956-00252209-00252563 um from from multiple tables often to do EApEb6hiUwy-00957-00252564-00252706 analyzes EApEb6hiUwy-00958-00252707-00252779 um EApEb6hiUwy-00959-00252780-00253210 of uh observational data because often EApEb6hiUwy-00960-00253211-00253403 you know the the information that you're EApEb6hiUwy-00961-00253404-00253534 looking for was collected at different EApEb6hiUwy-00962-00253535-00253775 times or by different people EApEb6hiUwy-00963-00253776-00253925 um and ended up in different data tables EApEb6hiUwy-00964-00253926-00254075 so they're just they're just relational EApEb6hiUwy-00965-00254076-00254369 tables EApEb6hiUwy-00966-00254369-00254494 um EApEb6hiUwy-00967-00254496-00254675 okay EApEb6hiUwy-00968-00254676-00254813 so EApEb6hiUwy-00969-00254814-00255217 before I do that step EApEb6hiUwy-00970-00255217-00255425 there is EApEb6hiUwy-00971-00255426-00255532 um EApEb6hiUwy-00972-00255533-00255898 a way to make some of these EApEb6hiUwy-00973-00255900-00256042 um getting at the tables a little bit EApEb6hiUwy-00974-00256044-00256373 simpler so I've been using you know the EApEb6hiUwy-00975-00256373-00256505 the name of the object that we EApEb6hiUwy-00976-00256506-00256829 identified and the dollar sign to get to EApEb6hiUwy-00977-00256830-00257110 the tables that are you know within this EApEb6hiUwy-00978-00257111-00257237 list object EApEb6hiUwy-00979-00257238-00257482 uh there is a command that can let you EApEb6hiUwy-00980-00257483-00257663 bring those tables into the environment EApEb6hiUwy-00981-00257664-00257932 individually so EApEb6hiUwy-00982-00257933-00258263 that is list to environment EApEb6hiUwy-00983-00258264-00258437 um which is what it sounds like we have EApEb6hiUwy-00984-00258438-00258605 a named list and we want to bring the EApEb6hiUwy-00985-00258606-00258796 elements of that list directly into the EApEb6hiUwy-00986-00258798-00259037 environment EApEb6hiUwy-00987-00259038-00259091 um EApEb6hiUwy-00988-00259092-00259271 we want to bring EApEb6hiUwy-00989-00259271-00259606 the objects from the list AP chem EApEb6hiUwy-00990-00259607-00259853 into EApEb6hiUwy-00991-00259854-00260110 the global environment EApEb6hiUwy-00992-00260111-00260555 so I run that and now you can see in my EApEb6hiUwy-00993-00260556-00260806 environment I have individual objects EApEb6hiUwy-00994-00260807-00261130 for each of those tables EApEb6hiUwy-00995-00261131-00261232 um EApEb6hiUwy-00996-00261233-00261455 so you know obviously you can do this EApEb6hiUwy-00997-00261456-00261677 either way a lot of people find that EApEb6hiUwy-00998-00261678-00261827 this makes it a little bit more EApEb6hiUwy-00999-00261828-00262006 convenient EApEb6hiUwy-01000-00262007-00262397 so EApEb6hiUwy-01001-00262398-00262799 what we're going to do now EApEb6hiUwy-01002-00262800-00262991 is EApEb6hiUwy-01003-00262992-00263405 merge the two tables so EApEb6hiUwy-01004-00263406-00263879 I'm naming this new object apct EApEb6hiUwy-01005-00263880-00264125 and EApEb6hiUwy-01006-00264126-00264406 I'm going to use the merge function you EApEb6hiUwy-01007-00264407-00264743 can also use the table joining functions EApEb6hiUwy-01008-00264744-00264929 from Deep wire if you're more familiar EApEb6hiUwy-01009-00264930-00265258 with those they do basically the same EApEb6hiUwy-01010-00265259-00265408 thing EApEb6hiUwy-01011-00265409-00265523 um EApEb6hiUwy-01012-00265524-00265823 and I'm going to merge EApEb6hiUwy-01013-00265824-00266039 the biomass table EApEb6hiUwy-01014-00266040-00266206 and EApEb6hiUwy-01015-00266207-00266656 the plant external lab data per sample EApEb6hiUwy-01016-00266657-00267280 and I'm going to do the join on EApEb6hiUwy-01017-00267281-00267413 um EApEb6hiUwy-01018-00267414-00267749 sample ID because that is the common EApEb6hiUwy-01019-00267750-00268097 identifier between those two tables EApEb6hiUwy-01020-00268098-00268205 um EApEb6hiUwy-01021-00268206-00268480 I'm also going to include EApEb6hiUwy-01022-00268481-00268823 the name location EApEb6hiUwy-01023-00268824-00269303 domain ID and site ID those EApEb6hiUwy-01024-00269304-00269639 um are not strictly necessary but EApEb6hiUwy-01025-00269640-00270106 including them in what you join by keeps EApEb6hiUwy-01026-00270107-00270341 the system from duplicating those EApEb6hiUwy-01027-00270342-00270689 columns so you don't have to have EApEb6hiUwy-01028-00270690-00270767 um EApEb6hiUwy-01029-00270768-00270982 uh basically one from each of the EApEb6hiUwy-01030-00270983-00271169 original tables EApEb6hiUwy-01031-00271170-00271379 uh so you might be thinking EApEb6hiUwy-01032-00271380-00271673 um how did I know to do that EApEb6hiUwy-01033-00271674-00271895 um so EApEb6hiUwy-01034-00271896-00272134 going back EApEb6hiUwy-01035-00272135-00272375 to EApEb6hiUwy-01036-00272376-00272453 um EApEb6hiUwy-01037-00272454-00272729 the data product catalog and the product EApEb6hiUwy-01038-00272730-00272927 Details page EApEb6hiUwy-01039-00272928-00273341 if I scroll down here to this quick EApEb6hiUwy-01040-00273342-00273515 start guide EApEb6hiUwy-01041-00273516-00273689 and EApEb6hiUwy-01042-00273690-00273929 look on the second page of the quick EApEb6hiUwy-01043-00273930-00274060 start guide EApEb6hiUwy-01044-00274061-00274277 there's a little table of instructions EApEb6hiUwy-01045-00274278-00274439 for table joining EApEb6hiUwy-01046-00274440-00274625 and it says EApEb6hiUwy-01047-00274626-00274895 all right you've got the Aquatic client EApEb6hiUwy-01048-00274896-00275213 biomass table and the aquatic plants EApEb6hiUwy-01049-00275214-00275410 external lab table EApEb6hiUwy-01050-00275411-00275584 and EApEb6hiUwy-01051-00275585-00275879 what am I droning by EApEb6hiUwy-01052-00275880-00276106 um EApEb6hiUwy-01053-00276107-00276395 interesting uh EApEb6hiUwy-01054-00276396-00276605 this is telling me that the name of the EApEb6hiUwy-01055-00276606-00276845 field in the biomass table is chem EApEb6hiUwy-01056-00276846-00277091 subsample ID and the name of the field EApEb6hiUwy-01057-00277092-00277384 in the external lab data EApEb6hiUwy-01058-00277385-00277756 um table is sample ID which is actually EApEb6hiUwy-01059-00277757-00277963 not what I just did EApEb6hiUwy-01060-00277964-00278249 since I indicated that it would be named EApEb6hiUwy-01061-00278250-00278555 Sample ID in both tables I think what is EApEb6hiUwy-01062-00278556-00278801 going on and the difference there is EApEb6hiUwy-01063-00278802-00279203 that the subsample ID and the sample ID EApEb6hiUwy-01064-00279204-00279508 actually have the same EApEb6hiUwy-01065-00279509-00279845 um value they're they're you know EApEb6hiUwy-01066-00279846-00280049 like the the actual string of the EApEb6hiUwy-01067-00280050-00280241 identifier is the same EApEb6hiUwy-01068-00280242-00280475 um and so it's working either way EApEb6hiUwy-01069-00280476-00280534 um EApEb6hiUwy-01070-00280535-00280810 because I know that this tutorial Works EApEb6hiUwy-01071-00280811-00281093 um but uh EApEb6hiUwy-01072-00281094-00281315 if you wanted to be precise EApEb6hiUwy-01073-00281316-00281693 um you can specify this uh this by can EApEb6hiUwy-01074-00281694-00281921 be specific to EApEb6hiUwy-01075-00281922-00282263 um the uh the name of the field EApEb6hiUwy-01076-00282264-00282401 um in each of the tables they don't EApEb6hiUwy-01077-00282402-00282808 actually have to be identical EApEb6hiUwy-01078-00282809-00282989 okay EApEb6hiUwy-01079-00282990-00283199 so EApEb6hiUwy-01080-00283200-00283429 now I have EApEb6hiUwy-01081-00283430-00283475 [Music] EApEb6hiUwy-01082-00283476-00283541 um EApEb6hiUwy-01083-00283542-00283793 a merged table EApEb6hiUwy-01084-00283794-00284075 which I can take a look at EApEb6hiUwy-01085-00284076-00284458 and here so the the fields that you join EApEb6hiUwy-01086-00284459-00284753 on will be on the far left so EApEb6hiUwy-01087-00284754-00285025 here's sample ID EApEb6hiUwy-01088-00285026-00285353 and yes confirming that this chem EApEb6hiUwy-01089-00285354-00285593 subsample ID is identical EApEb6hiUwy-01090-00285594-00285906 um which is why that that difference EApEb6hiUwy-01091-00285907-00286229 wasn't actually significant EApEb6hiUwy-01092-00286230-00286637 um and you can see here we've got the EApEb6hiUwy-01093-00286638-00286834 scientific name from the biomass table EApEb6hiUwy-01094-00286835-00287105 and all of the columns from the biomass EApEb6hiUwy-01095-00287106-00287417 table and then we scroll over and now we EApEb6hiUwy-01096-00287418-00287747 also have all of the columns from the EApEb6hiUwy-01097-00287748-00288095 chemical analyte table EApEb6hiUwy-01098-00288096-00288299 so EApEb6hiUwy-01099-00288300-00288658 that enables us now EApEb6hiUwy-01100-00288659-00288701 to EApEb6hiUwy-01101-00288702-00288953 [Music] EApEb6hiUwy-01102-00288954-00289217 um EApEb6hiUwy-01103-00289218-00289543 make a plot of EApEb6hiUwy-01104-00289544-00289991 uh 13c as a function of EApEb6hiUwy-01105-00289992-00290153 um species EApEb6hiUwy-01106-00290154-00290591 rather than by sight so we want anal EApEb6hiUwy-01107-00290592-00290860 analyte concentration EApEb6hiUwy-01108-00290861-00291239 by scientific name EApEb6hiUwy-01109-00291240-00291382 uh EApEb6hiUwy-01110-00291383-00291851 data coming from that merged table that EApEb6hiUwy-01111-00291852-00291995 we just made EApEb6hiUwy-01112-00291996-00292505 and we are again going to subset to EApEb6hiUwy-01113-00292506-00292579 um EApEb6hiUwy-01114-00292580-00292993 just uh the 13c data EApEb6hiUwy-01115-00292994-00293206 [Music] EApEb6hiUwy-01116-00293207-00293453 there we go EApEb6hiUwy-01117-00293454-00293513 um EApEb6hiUwy-01118-00293514-00293741 so if I EApEb6hiUwy-01119-00293742-00294023 expand this out EApEb6hiUwy-01120-00294024-00294323 actually I'm going to EApEb6hiUwy-01121-00294324-00294599 make one other change here EApEb6hiUwy-01122-00294600-00294689 um EApEb6hiUwy-01123-00294690-00294971 which is Las equals two that is just EApEb6hiUwy-01124-00294972-00295265 going to turn the axis labels uh EApEb6hiUwy-01125-00295266-00295499 vertical to make it a little bit more EApEb6hiUwy-01126-00295500-00295703 visible so EApEb6hiUwy-01127-00295704-00295913 well I could I could fuss with the size EApEb6hiUwy-01128-00295914-00296039 a little bit more to make that more EApEb6hiUwy-01129-00296040-00296369 legible but basically you can now see um EApEb6hiUwy-01130-00296370-00296729 the isotope uh concentration per species EApEb6hiUwy-01131-00296730-00296921 um and you can see that there's just a EApEb6hiUwy-01132-00296922-00297310 small number of species that are driving EApEb6hiUwy-01133-00297311-00297713 um those uh EApEb6hiUwy-01134-00297714-00297880 um EApEb6hiUwy-01135-00297881-00298234 those cases where uh the 13c is more EApEb6hiUwy-01136-00298235-00298613 enriched EApEb6hiUwy-01137-00298614-00298769 all right EApEb6hiUwy-01138-00298770-00298997 so EApEb6hiUwy-01139-00298998-00299279 that is just kind of a you know again EApEb6hiUwy-01140-00299280-00299519 like like the par data a very quick EApEb6hiUwy-01141-00299520-00299723 um example of what it looks like to work EApEb6hiUwy-01142-00299724-00300053 with the observational data EApEb6hiUwy-01143-00300054-00300449 um so now I'm just going to quickly demo EApEb6hiUwy-01144-00300450-00300851 um downloading and taking a look at EApEb6hiUwy-01145-00300852-00300919 um EApEb6hiUwy-01146-00300920-00301247 the uh EApEb6hiUwy-01147-00301248-00301432 remote sensing data EApEb6hiUwy-01148-00301433-00302051 so EApEb6hiUwy-01149-00302052-00302201 so the remote sensing data are a little EApEb6hiUwy-01150-00302202-00302303 bit different EApEb6hiUwy-01151-00302304-00302560 um so both the sensor data and the EApEb6hiUwy-01152-00302561-00302765 observational data EApEb6hiUwy-01153-00302766-00303047 um we got in these these tabular data EApEb6hiUwy-01154-00303048-00303377 files so tabular meaning you know we've EApEb6hiUwy-01155-00303378-00303593 got rows and columns EApEb6hiUwy-01156-00303594-00303953 um and you know they they contain all EApEb6hiUwy-01157-00303954-00304234 the information the remote sensing data EApEb6hiUwy-01158-00304235-00304301 um EApEb6hiUwy-01159-00304302-00304480 depending on on which data product EApEb6hiUwy-01160-00304481-00304637 you're accessing they they come in EApEb6hiUwy-01161-00304638-00304817 various formats um some of them are in EApEb6hiUwy-01162-00304818-00305141 hdf5 files which is this sort of uh like EApEb6hiUwy-01163-00305142-00305291 nested EApEb6hiUwy-01164-00305292-00305477 um self-describing EApEb6hiUwy-01165-00305478-00305884 um tables uh and um a lot of them are in EApEb6hiUwy-01166-00305885-00306077 uh rasters EApEb6hiUwy-01167-00306078-00306287 uh where you have different layers of EApEb6hiUwy-01168-00306288-00306479 information EApEb6hiUwy-01169-00306480-00306754 um uh you know contained in in one EApEb6hiUwy-01170-00306755-00306910 object EApEb6hiUwy-01171-00306911-00307175 so EApEb6hiUwy-01172-00307176-00307306 um EApEb6hiUwy-01173-00307307-00307601 so the functions that you use in neon EApEb6hiUwy-01174-00307602-00307799 utilities to access those data are EApEb6hiUwy-01175-00307800-00307954 different EApEb6hiUwy-01176-00307955-00308334 um there's a function called by file aop EApEb6hiUwy-01177-00308335-00308584 which downloads EApEb6hiUwy-01178-00308585-00308851 um everything for a particular EApEb6hiUwy-01179-00308852-00309353 date and site we are going to look at by EApEb6hiUwy-01180-00309354-00309784 tile aop which downloads a single tile EApEb6hiUwy-01181-00309785-00310129 from the Mosaic data products so this is EApEb6hiUwy-01182-00310130-00310504 uh only only a subset of the aop data EApEb6hiUwy-01183-00310505-00310739 are available in tiles EApEb6hiUwy-01184-00310740-00311080 um but I use this in the tutorial again EApEb6hiUwy-01185-00311081-00311308 because of the download size uh because EApEb6hiUwy-01186-00311309-00311591 the AAP data are really really large EApEb6hiUwy-01187-00311592-00311795 um and so downloading everything uh for EApEb6hiUwy-01188-00311796-00312047 a date and site is sort of unmanageable EApEb6hiUwy-01189-00312048-00312239 um in in the time frame that we have in EApEb6hiUwy-01190-00312240-00312454 a tutorial uh so we're just going to EApEb6hiUwy-01191-00312455-00312658 download a single tile of data and a EApEb6hiUwy-01192-00312659-00312880 tile in this case is one kilometer by EApEb6hiUwy-01193-00312881-00313079 one kilometer EApEb6hiUwy-01194-00313080-00313145 um EApEb6hiUwy-01195-00313146-00313321 so EApEb6hiUwy-01196-00313322-00313769 we so the first input is the same as we EApEb6hiUwy-01197-00313770-00313943 had in load by product it's the data EApEb6hiUwy-01198-00313944-00314141 product identifier EApEb6hiUwy-01199-00314142-00314375 uh what we're going to download EApEb6hiUwy-01200-00314376-00314617 um is the canopy hype model data product EApEb6hiUwy-01201-00314618-00314993 also known as ecosystem structure and EApEb6hiUwy-01202-00314994-00315401 that data product has the identifier EApEb6hiUwy-01203-00315402-00316030 dp3.30015 EApEb6hiUwy-01204-00316031-00316360 .001 EApEb6hiUwy-01205-00316361-00316691 um we are going to download from Wind EApEb6hiUwy-01206-00316692-00317099 River again so wref EApEb6hiUwy-01207-00317100-00317434 um here uh instead of a start date and EApEb6hiUwy-01208-00317435-00317663 an end date we just input a year EApEb6hiUwy-01209-00317664-00318347 so we are going to download uh 2017 data EApEb6hiUwy-01210-00318348-00318556 um and EApEb6hiUwy-01211-00318557-00318808 uh EApEb6hiUwy-01212-00318809-00318995 in this case EApEb6hiUwy-01213-00318996-00319277 um because again this is a tutorial I'm EApEb6hiUwy-01214-00319278-00319547 just pre-populating uh the coordinates EApEb6hiUwy-01215-00319548-00319823 of the tile that we're going to download EApEb6hiUwy-01216-00319824-00319913 um EApEb6hiUwy-01217-00319914-00320315 so so this function can take easting and EApEb6hiUwy-01218-00320316-00320680 northing as inputs it can also take a EApEb6hiUwy-01219-00320681-00320963 set of pairs so a vector using and a EApEb6hiUwy-01220-00320964-00321232 vector of nothing that match up EApEb6hiUwy-01221-00321233-00321406 um as its inputs EApEb6hiUwy-01222-00321407-00321491 um EApEb6hiUwy-01223-00321492-00321797 basically you would get these from you EApEb6hiUwy-01224-00321798-00321958 know having information on the ground EApEb6hiUwy-01225-00321959-00322199 about the locations where you want to EApEb6hiUwy-01226-00322200-00322510 download the aop data and so I'm just EApEb6hiUwy-01227-00322511-00322654 pre-populating EApEb6hiUwy-01228-00322655-00322925 um in this case EApEb6hiUwy-01229-00322926-00323123 um and if you're if you're interested in EApEb6hiUwy-01230-00323124-00323308 sort of the the process of how you would EApEb6hiUwy-01231-00323309-00323537 get that information EApEb6hiUwy-01232-00323538-00323801 um I can point you to another tutorial EApEb6hiUwy-01233-00323802-00324023 that goes through that in much more EApEb6hiUwy-01234-00324024-00324208 detail EApEb6hiUwy-01235-00324209-00324413 um and so then the final input that we EApEb6hiUwy-01236-00324414-00324647 need that we didn't have EApEb6hiUwy-01237-00324648-00324989 um in load by product is uh save path so EApEb6hiUwy-01238-00324990-00325234 this is a file path on your machine EApEb6hiUwy-01239-00325235-00325504 where you want to save the data EApEb6hiUwy-01240-00325505-00325801 um so this is uh basically this function EApEb6hiUwy-01241-00325802-00326110 doesn't load data directly into R and EApEb6hiUwy-01242-00326111-00326260 you can see that because you know we EApEb6hiUwy-01243-00326261-00326530 haven't assigned the output of this uh EApEb6hiUwy-01244-00326531-00326669 to anything EApEb6hiUwy-01245-00326670-00326765 um EApEb6hiUwy-01246-00326766-00326897 it's just going to download something EApEb6hiUwy-01247-00326898-00327017 locally EApEb6hiUwy-01248-00327018-00327154 um and again that's that's really just EApEb6hiUwy-01249-00327155-00327347 because of file management and file EApEb6hiUwy-01250-00327348-00327808 sizes uh so for me I'm just going to EApEb6hiUwy-01251-00327809-00328127 download directly to my desktop again EApEb6hiUwy-01252-00328128-00328367 um but you you know on your machines you EApEb6hiUwy-01253-00328368-00328715 can download to whatever location works EApEb6hiUwy-01254-00328716-00328882 for you EApEb6hiUwy-01255-00328883-00329134 okay so I'm going to run that EApEb6hiUwy-01256-00329135-00329380 and again I'm going to get the little EApEb6hiUwy-01257-00329381-00329717 message that says hey this is the size EApEb6hiUwy-01258-00329718-00329915 of what you're trying to download in EApEb6hiUwy-01259-00329916-00330125 this case it's only four megabytes EApEb6hiUwy-01260-00330126-00330503 and so yes we want to proceed EApEb6hiUwy-01261-00330504-00330610 um EApEb6hiUwy-01262-00330611-00330827 and again that's because this is a you EApEb6hiUwy-01263-00330828-00331037 know a one kilometer tile EApEb6hiUwy-01264-00331038-00331234 um if you download everything for a site EApEb6hiUwy-01265-00331235-00331432 it's It's Not Unusual EApEb6hiUwy-01266-00331433-00331625 um in aop to be talking about gigabytes EApEb6hiUwy-01267-00331626-00331991 of data EApEb6hiUwy-01268-00331992-00332110 okay EApEb6hiUwy-01269-00332111-00332399 so uh EApEb6hiUwy-01270-00332400-00332723 this tells me you know where that was EApEb6hiUwy-01271-00332724-00332856 downloaded EApEb6hiUwy-01272-00332857-00333227 and now EApEb6hiUwy-01273-00333228-00333503 um I can uh you know now now that it's EApEb6hiUwy-01274-00333504-00333875 available locally I can read it into r EApEb6hiUwy-01275-00333876-00334313 so I'm just going to be up here EApEb6hiUwy-01276-00334314-00334703 I'm just going to name this object chm EApEb6hiUwy-01277-00334704-00334960 for canopy height model EApEb6hiUwy-01278-00334961-00335254 I can use the raster function in the EApEb6hiUwy-01279-00335255-00335393 raster package EApEb6hiUwy-01280-00335394-00335704 to read that in EApEb6hiUwy-01281-00335705-00335975 um and EApEb6hiUwy-01282-00335976-00336395 this is where if you EApEb6hiUwy-01283-00336396-00336658 uh EApEb6hiUwy-01284-00336659-00337030 use r a lot you're going to be familiar EApEb6hiUwy-01285-00337031-00337156 with this EApEb6hiUwy-01286-00337157-00337330 that it has EApEb6hiUwy-01287-00337331-00337643 um this tab complete feature where you EApEb6hiUwy-01288-00337644-00337871 know I start writing out a file path EApEb6hiUwy-01289-00337872-00338206 and if at this point I hit tab it starts EApEb6hiUwy-01290-00338207-00338608 showing me the contents of that file EApEb6hiUwy-01291-00338609-00338927 um and you will see as we go through EApEb6hiUwy-01292-00338928-00339058 here EApEb6hiUwy-01293-00339059-00339275 there are a whole lot of nested folders EApEb6hiUwy-01294-00339276-00339508 here and you can just use the tab EApEb6hiUwy-01295-00339509-00339953 complete to keep digging down through EApEb6hiUwy-01296-00339954-00340384 those nested folders EApEb6hiUwy-01297-00340385-00340775 all the way to the file at the bottom of EApEb6hiUwy-01298-00340776-00340913 the nest EApEb6hiUwy-01299-00340914-00341008 um EApEb6hiUwy-01300-00341009-00341297 which is adoptive and that's that's how EApEb6hiUwy-01301-00341298-00341525 you know you've reached the end is that EApEb6hiUwy-01302-00341526-00341765 instead of you know hitting Tab and EApEb6hiUwy-01303-00341766-00342010 getting another folder name that ends in EApEb6hiUwy-01304-00342011-00342275 a slash there's no slash we get a DOT EApEb6hiUwy-01305-00342276-00342665 Tiff we have reached an actual file EApEb6hiUwy-01306-00342666-00342869 so EApEb6hiUwy-01307-00342870-00343104 I run that line EApEb6hiUwy-01308-00343105-00343534 and now I have an object EApEb6hiUwy-01309-00343535-00343775 called chm EApEb6hiUwy-01310-00343776-00344056 and I can just say EApEb6hiUwy-01311-00344057-00344423 plot that chm object EApEb6hiUwy-01312-00344424-00344560 and EApEb6hiUwy-01313-00344561-00344891 it gives me a little picture EApEb6hiUwy-01314-00344892-00344975 um EApEb6hiUwy-01315-00344976-00345263 so this is the canopy height EApEb6hiUwy-01316-00345264-00345604 in that tile that we downloaded EApEb6hiUwy-01317-00345605-00346001 where this you know this pink uh EApEb6hiUwy-01318-00346002-00346447 value is a short stature and the greens EApEb6hiUwy-01319-00346448-00346829 are tall this is in meters so you can EApEb6hiUwy-01320-00346830-00347027 see you know again Wind River in the EApEb6hiUwy-01321-00347028-00347219 Pacific Northwest has some very tall EApEb6hiUwy-01322-00347220-00347369 trees EApEb6hiUwy-01323-00347370-00347549 um but there is some sort of you know EApEb6hiUwy-01324-00347550-00347789 clear-cut situation uh here in the EApEb6hiUwy-01325-00347790-00348004 corner where the trees are much much EApEb6hiUwy-01326-00348005-00348143 shorter EApEb6hiUwy-01327-00348144-00348479 and this uh this little error thing here EApEb6hiUwy-01328-00348480-00348779 this is just our studio sometimes gets EApEb6hiUwy-01329-00348780-00348929 unhappy if you have a very very small EApEb6hiUwy-01330-00348930-00349180 plot window so that's that's all that it EApEb6hiUwy-01331-00349181-00349619 was complaining about there EApEb6hiUwy-01332-00349620-00349847 all right EApEb6hiUwy-01333-00349848-00350267 um so EApEb6hiUwy-01334-00350268-00350825 before before we break uh for questions EApEb6hiUwy-01335-00350826-00350999 um I just want to go back EApEb6hiUwy-01336-00351000-00351154 to EApEb6hiUwy-01337-00351155-00351251 um EApEb6hiUwy-01338-00351252-00351484 to link you to sort of where where you EApEb6hiUwy-01339-00351485-00351730 can go to learn more this was you know a EApEb6hiUwy-01340-00351731-00352091 very basic introduction to you know how EApEb6hiUwy-01341-00352092-00352403 to access and you know basics of how to EApEb6hiUwy-01342-00352404-00352739 navigate uh each of the three data types EApEb6hiUwy-01343-00352740-00352930 that neon has the sensor observational EApEb6hiUwy-01344-00352931-00353189 and remote sensing data but obviously EApEb6hiUwy-01345-00353190-00353399 there's much much more to learn EApEb6hiUwy-01346-00353400-00353693 um so we have EApEb6hiUwy-01347-00353694-00353765 um EApEb6hiUwy-01348-00353766-00354058 more than a hundred uh tutorials on the EApEb6hiUwy-01349-00354059-00354215 neon website EApEb6hiUwy-01350-00354216-00354653 this uh series that's linked here EApEb6hiUwy-01351-00354654-00354839 um is a set of tutorials that we EApEb6hiUwy-01352-00354840-00355054 recommend for as you're getting started EApEb6hiUwy-01353-00355055-00355253 and so you'll see if you go there EApEb6hiUwy-01354-00355254-00355493 there's kind of a a block of EApEb6hiUwy-01355-00355494-00355769 introductory tutorials EApEb6hiUwy-01356-00355770-00355973 um that you know go a little bit farther EApEb6hiUwy-01357-00355974-00356189 than this one and then there's sort of a EApEb6hiUwy-01358-00356190-00356506 pick and choose you know tutorials that EApEb6hiUwy-01359-00356507-00356728 are more specific to specific kinds of EApEb6hiUwy-01360-00356729-00356932 data but that are still fairly EApEb6hiUwy-01361-00356933-00357208 introductory and designed for for people EApEb6hiUwy-01362-00357209-00357389 who are getting EApEb6hiUwy-01363-00357390-00357569 um you know just getting familiar uh EApEb6hiUwy-01364-00357570-00357859 with neon data EAcv42X4XcI-00000-00000256-00001047 [Music] EAcv42X4XcI-00001-00001048-00001191 ladies and gentlemen EAcv42X4XcI-00002-00001192-00001563 welcome to this first total war live of EAcv42X4XcI-00003-00001564-00001702 2021 EAcv42X4XcI-00004-00001703-00001942 and we are here with the announcement of EAcv42X4XcI-00005-00001943-00002151 ajax and diomedes i am streaming from EAcv42X4XcI-00006-00002152-00002239 home today EAcv42X4XcI-00007-00002240-00002510 because i am working from home no longer EAcv42X4XcI-00008-00002511-00002639 in the office EAcv42X4XcI-00009-00002640-00002839 and unfortunately that means that we are EAcv42X4XcI-00010-00002840-00003102 unable to have any developers with us on EAcv42X4XcI-00011-00003103-00003134 this EAcv42X4XcI-00012-00003135-00003367 announcement stream normally we would EAcv42X4XcI-00013-00003368-00003559 have a developer with us EAcv42X4XcI-00014-00003560-00003799 to take us through some of the details EAcv42X4XcI-00015-00003800-00003879 really EAcv42X4XcI-00016-00003879-00004103 give you the information that i am EAcv42X4XcI-00017-00004104-00004335 normally unable to give EAcv42X4XcI-00018-00004336-00004511 that doesn't mean that i'm not going to EAcv42X4XcI-00019-00004512-00004647 be able to tell you anything though see EAcv42X4XcI-00020-00004648-00004831 i've done my homework EAcv42X4XcI-00021-00004832-00005167 see i have in my tome of knowledge EAcv42X4XcI-00022-00005168-00005486 and it's an actual tone of knowledge i EAcv42X4XcI-00023-00005487-00005743 have all the information that i need EAcv42X4XcI-00024-00005744-00006063 to be able to give you the low down on EAcv42X4XcI-00025-00006064-00006286 ajax and diameters EAcv42X4XcI-00026-00006287-00006470 we're going to talk about pretty much EAcv42X4XcI-00027-00006472-00006631 everything that is coming in the dlc and EAcv42X4XcI-00028-00006631-00006751 the free lc today EAcv42X4XcI-00029-00006752-00006942 but we won't go into the nitty-gritty EAcv42X4XcI-00030-00006943-00007055 details of EAcv42X4XcI-00031-00007056-00007295 everything then next week we're going to EAcv42X4XcI-00032-00007295-00007391 start streaming EAcv42X4XcI-00033-00007392-00007695 and on wednesday next week we're EAcv42X4XcI-00034-00007695-00007791 starting off with EAcv42X4XcI-00035-00007792-00008039 ajax in campaign so make sure that you EAcv42X4XcI-00036-00008040-00008263 tune in for that on wednesday next week EAcv42X4XcI-00037-00008264-00008542 twitch.tv slash total war and youtube EAcv42X4XcI-00038-00008543-00008631 total war EAcv42X4XcI-00039-00008632-00008959 live this is the uh the faction pack EAcv42X4XcI-00040-00008960-00009095 which is focusing on EAcv42X4XcI-00041-00009096-00009414 the uh greek mythical heroes ajax and EAcv42X4XcI-00042-00009415-00009567 diomedes EAcv42X4XcI-00043-00009568-00009814 uh ajax the great specifically there EAcv42X4XcI-00044-00009815-00009927 it's a little bit confusing because EAcv42X4XcI-00045-00009928-00010127 there was an ajax the lesser as well EAcv42X4XcI-00046-00010128-00010335 but we are focusing on ajax the great EAcv42X4XcI-00047-00010336-00010542 and diomedes of argos they are two of EAcv42X4XcI-00048-00010543-00010799 the greatest warriors of the achaeans EAcv42X4XcI-00049-00010800-00011103 generally thought to be only second EAcv42X4XcI-00050-00011104-00011423 to achilles but since achilles and ajax EAcv42X4XcI-00051-00011424-00011591 and diameters never fought EAcv42X4XcI-00052-00011592-00011719 we don't actually know who's the EAcv42X4XcI-00053-00011720-00011910 strongest fighter so we have a new type EAcv42X4XcI-00054-00011911-00011974 of unit EAcv42X4XcI-00055-00011975-00012199 paragon units which are available to EAcv42X4XcI-00056-00012200-00012278 both EAcv42X4XcI-00057-00012279-00012567 diameters and ajax though through very EAcv42X4XcI-00058-00012568-00012655 different ways EAcv42X4XcI-00059-00012656-00012879 in their campaign mechanics and we'll EAcv42X4XcI-00060-00012880-00012991 get into that EAcv42X4XcI-00061-00012991-00013238 as we talk about each of the factions on EAcv42X4XcI-00062-00013240-00013351 their own EAcv42X4XcI-00063-00013352-00013751 um both heroes also have had a focus on EAcv42X4XcI-00064-00013752-00013958 mechanics for them to sort of EAcv42X4XcI-00065-00013959-00014207 end wars early and dictate the terms of EAcv42X4XcI-00066-00014208-00014286 war EAcv42X4XcI-00067-00014287-00014575 so that you you know don't necessarily EAcv42X4XcI-00068-00014576-00014791 have to fight a war forever you're going EAcv42X4XcI-00069-00014791-00014879 to be able to EAcv42X4XcI-00070-00014880-00015103 do a lot of interesting diplomacy stuff EAcv42X4XcI-00071-00015104-00015255 with these new mechanics EAcv42X4XcI-00072-00015256-00015519 so here we have ajax himself great EAcv42X4XcI-00073-00015519-00015686 hulking man you can see that he's EAcv42X4XcI-00074-00015687-00015855 massive compared to middle east and EAcv42X4XcI-00075-00015856-00015991 odysseus you know EAcv42X4XcI-00076-00015991-00016207 just a giant of a man except you know EAcv42X4XcI-00077-00016208-00016375 he's not a giant EAcv42X4XcI-00078-00016376-00016703 or is he as you can see uh ajax EAcv42X4XcI-00079-00016704-00016967 has a big old honking shield and that EAcv42X4XcI-00080-00016968-00017127 sort of ties into his EAcv42X4XcI-00081-00017128-00017358 entire thing he's a very defensive guy EAcv42X4XcI-00082-00017359-00017447 and as EAcv42X4XcI-00083-00017448-00017711 i continue talking about this you'll see EAcv42X4XcI-00084-00017712-00017822 more and more EAcv42X4XcI-00085-00017823-00018135 um that he is really really defensive in EAcv42X4XcI-00086-00018136-00018239 style but still EAcv42X4XcI-00087-00018240-00018494 very strong so normally he would be EAcv42X4XcI-00088-00018495-00018663 referred to as ajax the great EAcv42X4XcI-00089-00018664-00018886 but in our story in other words saga EAcv42X4XcI-00090-00018887-00018975 troy EAcv42X4XcI-00091-00018976-00019303 we start before ajax has truly become EAcv42X4XcI-00092-00019304-00019350 great EAcv42X4XcI-00093-00019351-00019671 and his entire deal is EAcv42X4XcI-00094-00019672-00019967 to become the greatest um which ties EAcv42X4XcI-00095-00019968-00020127 into one of his mechanics EAcv42X4XcI-00096-00020128-00020358 uh or one of his resources renown so EAcv42X4XcI-00097-00020359-00020527 let's uh let's load into EAcv42X4XcI-00098-00020528-00020999 um a game i have here um on turn 24. EAcv42X4XcI-00099-00021000-00021167 defiance a guy who doesn't wear armor EAcv42X4XcI-00100-00021168-00021407 look you gotta show off them pecks EAcv42X4XcI-00101-00021408-00021614 so we can see here that we've got uh EAcv42X4XcI-00102-00021615-00021727 ajax here EAcv42X4XcI-00103-00021728-00021911 um we've also got his brother toaster EAcv42X4XcI-00104-00021912-00022127 here as a secondary army that i just EAcv42X4XcI-00105-00022128-00022311 recruited for the fun of it EAcv42X4XcI-00106-00022312-00022558 um and we've got the islands of salamis EAcv42X4XcI-00107-00022559-00022719 here i'm gonna turn this around so we're EAcv42X4XcI-00108-00022720-00022799 facing north EAcv42X4XcI-00109-00022800-00023111 let's talk about uh ajax's first EAcv42X4XcI-00110-00023112-00023358 unique mechanic which is the path to EAcv42X4XcI-00111-00023359-00023455 greatness EAcv42X4XcI-00112-00023456-00023822 so ajax wants to EAcv42X4XcI-00113-00023823-00024119 prove himself a great warrior uh EAcv42X4XcI-00114-00024120-00024303 greatest warrior EAcv42X4XcI-00115-00024304-00024614 perhaps even and that EAcv42X4XcI-00116-00024615-00024886 uh through that he wants to basically EAcv42X4XcI-00117-00024887-00025078 show how great of a fighter is EAcv42X4XcI-00118-00025079-00025439 and if we've taken this in-game to uh EAcv42X4XcI-00119-00025440-00025783 sort of challenge other um other great EAcv42X4XcI-00120-00025783-00025943 warriors other great commanders EAcv42X4XcI-00121-00025944-00026223 in battle now the through the path of EAcv42X4XcI-00122-00026224-00026358 greatness you can challenge EAcv42X4XcI-00123-00026360-00026567 various uh commanders we can see three EAcv42X4XcI-00124-00026568-00026807 of them here EAcv42X4XcI-00125-00026808-00027007 to a friendly battle friendly EAcv42X4XcI-00126-00027008-00027246 competition EAcv42X4XcI-00127-00027247-00027487 this means that you get a fight EAcv42X4XcI-00128-00027488-00027679 available to you EAcv42X4XcI-00129-00027680-00027951 which is a friendly battle you are not EAcv42X4XcI-00130-00027952-00028127 going to be taking permanent losses EAcv42X4XcI-00131-00028127-00028351 even if everyone dies you are not loose EAcv42X4XcI-00132-00028352-00028431 actually losing EAcv42X4XcI-00133-00028432-00028767 any of the units that you've got EAcv42X4XcI-00134-00028768-00028958 if you are to win you will come out the EAcv42X4XcI-00135-00028960-00029143 the combat unscathed because it's just a EAcv42X4XcI-00136-00029144-00029262 friendly skirmish you know EAcv42X4XcI-00137-00029263-00029518 it's it's a mock battle so to say and EAcv42X4XcI-00138-00029519-00029631 you will get access EAcv42X4XcI-00139-00029632-00029958 to a new type of unit the paragon units EAcv42X4XcI-00140-00029960-00030262 they are sort of a a slightly different EAcv42X4XcI-00141-00030263-00030318 version EAcv42X4XcI-00142-00030319-00030623 of a unit that is already in the game so EAcv42X4XcI-00143-00030624-00030783 visually they are going to look mostly EAcv42X4XcI-00144-00030783-00030943 the same but they are going to be led by EAcv42X4XcI-00145-00030944-00031167 a commander so if we were to challenge EAcv42X4XcI-00146-00031168-00031423 elias here he would be the commander of EAcv42X4XcI-00147-00031424-00031487 this EAcv42X4XcI-00148-00031488-00031831 paragon unit to to challenge these uh EAcv42X4XcI-00149-00031832-00032023 these commanders you need to have EAcv42X4XcI-00150-00032024-00032255 accumulated a certain amount of renown EAcv42X4XcI-00151-00032256-00032567 renown is a unique resource for ajax the EAcv42X4XcI-00152-00032568-00032758 higher your renown is EAcv42X4XcI-00153-00032760-00032990 the the more impressive of a person you EAcv42X4XcI-00154-00032991-00033190 are you are becoming closer to becoming EAcv42X4XcI-00155-00033191-00033295 ajax the great EAcv42X4XcI-00156-00033296-00033502 until you max out renown and then you EAcv42X4XcI-00157-00033503-00033631 are ajax the great EAcv42X4XcI-00158-00033632-00033823 you know if i want to you know practice EAcv42X4XcI-00159-00033824-00033967 some battle i'm not going to practice EAcv42X4XcI-00160-00033968-00034143 against some scrub i want to practice EAcv42X4XcI-00161-00034144-00034255 against EAcv42X4XcI-00162-00034256-00034527 someone who's really really good so you EAcv42X4XcI-00163-00034528-00034735 have to prove yourself before you can EAcv42X4XcI-00164-00034736-00034943 challenge some people there are some EAcv42X4XcI-00165-00034944-00035079 ways some different ways EAcv42X4XcI-00166-00035080-00035367 you could get renowned but one of the EAcv42X4XcI-00167-00035368-00035479 primary ways EAcv42X4XcI-00168-00035480-00035830 is through the second mechanics warrior EAcv42X4XcI-00169-00035831-00035967 of renown EAcv42X4XcI-00170-00035968-00036271 you can see here that i have my total EAcv42X4XcI-00171-00036272-00036471 renown is not very high in this game so EAcv42X4XcI-00172-00036472-00036543 far EAcv42X4XcI-00173-00036544-00036743 um but what i have is plus five to EAcv42X4XcI-00174-00036744-00037015 diplomatic relations with the da nan's EAcv42X4XcI-00175-00037016-00037246 so the donald's are gonna like me better EAcv42X4XcI-00176-00037247-00037327 and as EAcv42X4XcI-00177-00037328-00037495 uh renown goes up people are gonna think EAcv42X4XcI-00178-00037496-00037607 i'm more and more impressive they're EAcv42X4XcI-00179-00037608-00037718 gonna like me more EAcv42X4XcI-00180-00037719-00037959 and that's how we're gonna get through EAcv42X4XcI-00181-00037960-00038135 this EAcv42X4XcI-00182-00038136-00038415 however that's not the only thing as you EAcv42X4XcI-00183-00038416-00038567 can see i have renowned missions now EAcv42X4XcI-00184-00038568-00038687 these are EAcv42X4XcI-00185-00038688-00038943 unique missions to ajax which are EAcv42X4XcI-00186-00038944-00039039 dynamically EAcv42X4XcI-00187-00039040-00039351 created so whenever a EAcv42X4XcI-00188-00039352-00039630 an ally of ajax loses a battle you're EAcv42X4XcI-00189-00039631-00039702 gonna see EAcv42X4XcI-00190-00039703-00039951 a renowned mission coming up it's it's EAcv42X4XcI-00191-00039952-00040079 basically like ajax EAcv42X4XcI-00192-00040080-00040302 saying hey those people over there beat EAcv42X4XcI-00193-00040303-00040423 up my friend i'm gonna go EAcv42X4XcI-00194-00040424-00040702 beat them up and that's sort of the idea EAcv42X4XcI-00195-00040703-00040823 of renowned missions EAcv42X4XcI-00196-00040824-00041030 so it's you helping out your friends EAcv42X4XcI-00197-00041031-00041167 your friends being like oh my god this EAcv42X4XcI-00198-00041168-00041343 guy is amazing and then EAcv42X4XcI-00199-00041344-00041574 you uh you get more renown more people EAcv42X4XcI-00200-00041575-00041727 like you and so on and so forth this EAcv42X4XcI-00201-00041728-00041887 sort of snowballs EAcv42X4XcI-00202-00041888-00042071 now if we look to the left side here you EAcv42X4XcI-00203-00042072-00042215 can see that we have EAcv42X4XcI-00204-00042216-00042351 some interesting stuff here we can EAcv42X4XcI-00205-00042352-00042527 select the celebration price we can EAcv42X4XcI-00206-00042528-00042655 invite guests EAcv42X4XcI-00207-00042656-00042846 what's going on here that's it's very EAcv42X4XcI-00208-00042847-00043151 strange so what we can do EAcv42X4XcI-00209-00043152-00043679 is to basically call a celebration with EAcv42X4XcI-00210-00043680-00044030 uh those around us and if you were EAcv42X4XcI-00211-00044031-00044167 paying attention earlier i EAcv42X4XcI-00212-00044168-00044367 in this game i'm at war with athenia but EAcv42X4XcI-00213-00044368-00044623 i can still invite them to a celebration EAcv42X4XcI-00214-00044624-00044815 and so what you can do is you can host a EAcv42X4XcI-00215-00044816-00045030 celebration where you're basically EAcv42X4XcI-00216-00045031-00045311 uh mending bridges and you're calling a EAcv42X4XcI-00217-00045312-00045439 peace between you EAcv42X4XcI-00218-00045440-00045599 and whoever you're fighting it's it's EAcv42X4XcI-00219-00045600-00045774 not just uh EAcv42X4XcI-00220-00045775-00045902 you're whoever you're fighting as you EAcv42X4XcI-00221-00045903-00046071 can see here i could invite my cindy EAcv42X4XcI-00222-00046072-00046383 who's a very good friend of mine EAcv42X4XcI-00223-00046384-00046630 and in this celebration what you're EAcv42X4XcI-00224-00046631-00046767 doing is that you're giving away EAcv42X4XcI-00225-00046768-00046902 ancillaries that you have EAcv42X4XcI-00226-00046903-00047302 to basically men men fences ajax EAcv42X4XcI-00227-00047303-00047599 shield wielder he has a spear he is EAcv42X4XcI-00228-00047600-00047823 personified by a great big shield EAcv42X4XcI-00229-00047824-00048079 that he has going on and so he is a EAcv42X4XcI-00230-00048080-00048302 defender with a bit of fighter thrown in EAcv42X4XcI-00231-00048303-00048655 but primarily defender um as you level EAcv42X4XcI-00232-00048656-00048790 him up in campaign EAcv42X4XcI-00233-00048791-00049015 his skill tree gives you the choices EAcv42X4XcI-00234-00049016-00049143 between EAcv42X4XcI-00235-00049144-00049383 going offensive or defensive another EAcv42X4XcI-00236-00049384-00049471 part of EAcv42X4XcI-00237-00049472-00049774 ajax's skill tree is that it ties in EAcv42X4XcI-00238-00049775-00050135 with the new god hephaestus so we can we EAcv42X4XcI-00239-00050136-00050311 can click on divine will here EAcv42X4XcI-00240-00050312-00050471 and we can see that we have hephaestus EAcv42X4XcI-00241-00050472-00050711 here um i've leveled EAcv42X4XcI-00242-00050712-00050911 up hephaestus here on the the side i'm EAcv42X4XcI-00243-00050912-00051111 not going to show you all the bonuses EAcv42X4XcI-00244-00051112-00051479 but hephaestus is really focused on EAcv42X4XcI-00245-00051479-00051694 uh it's not really focused at all EAcv42X4XcI-00246-00051695-00051902 actually hephaestus gives both EAcv42X4XcI-00247-00051903-00052182 uh in battle and campaign bonuses it's EAcv42X4XcI-00248-00052183-00052366 more about EAcv42X4XcI-00249-00052367-00052711 because hephaestus is the the EAcv42X4XcI-00250-00052712-00053023 blacksmith of the gods so to say um EAcv42X4XcI-00251-00053024-00053342 hephaestus is more about EAcv42X4XcI-00252-00053344-00053663 leveling up the equipment of your units EAcv42X4XcI-00253-00053664-00053982 making great buildings and all of those EAcv42X4XcI-00254-00053983-00054191 kinds of things so we've actually EAcv42X4XcI-00255-00054191-00054294 brought back EAcv42X4XcI-00256-00054295-00054607 equipment levels from uh total war roam EAcv42X4XcI-00257-00054608-00054694 2. EAcv42X4XcI-00258-00054695-00054935 so with hephaestus which is free to EAcv42X4XcI-00259-00054936-00055007 everyone EAcv42X4XcI-00260-00055008-00055142 you're gonna be able to do some EAcv42X4XcI-00261-00055144-00055326 interesting stuff with equipment EAcv42X4XcI-00262-00055327-00055687 and ajax's skill tree ties in with fss EAcv42X4XcI-00263-00055688-00055854 nicely as well if you wanna if you wanna EAcv42X4XcI-00264-00055855-00055982 go with the vessels maybe you're an EAcv42X4XcI-00265-00055983-00056071 aries person EAcv42X4XcI-00266-00056072-00056335 you to go with aries just beat people up EAcv42X4XcI-00267-00056336-00056479 that's fine or maybe you're all about EAcv42X4XcI-00268-00056479-00056511 love EAcv42X4XcI-00269-00056512-00056750 aphrodite so uh hephaestus comes with a EAcv42X4XcI-00270-00056751-00056871 new agent EAcv42X4XcI-00271-00056872-00057223 um the the the the caberos EAcv42X4XcI-00272-00057224-00057350 i want to say is how you pronounce it EAcv42X4XcI-00273-00057351-00057526 the cabay in mythology EAcv42X4XcI-00274-00057527-00057847 the caberas are sort of divine smiths EAcv42X4XcI-00275-00057848-00058166 or divine craftsmen EAcv42X4XcI-00276-00058167-00058487 what they do is that they tend to EAcv42X4XcI-00277-00058488-00058703 improve everything so what they can do EAcv42X4XcI-00278-00058704-00058807 is that they can go EAcv42X4XcI-00279-00058808-00059150 to a a settlement and permanently EAcv42X4XcI-00280-00059151-00059423 improve that's elements um it will it EAcv42X4XcI-00281-00059424-00059463 will EAcv42X4XcI-00282-00059464-00059782 uh mean that they stay that forever um EAcv42X4XcI-00283-00059783-00060111 some there are other um agents in say EAcv42X4XcI-00284-00060112-00060454 uh total war warhammer ii uh which EAcv42X4XcI-00285-00060455-00060623 worked like that where you take an agent EAcv42X4XcI-00286-00060624-00060750 somewhere and they EAcv42X4XcI-00287-00060751-00061071 um uh you you expend them by getting a EAcv42X4XcI-00288-00061072-00061199 permanent bonus EAcv42X4XcI-00289-00061200-00061487 same works for the cabaye the capitals EAcv42X4XcI-00290-00061488-00061682 the caberus EAcv42X4XcI-00291-00061683-00062111 and there's a folly in trying to EAcv42X4XcI-00292-00062112-00062319 properly pronounce ancient greek isn't EAcv42X4XcI-00293-00062320-00062542 there because it's literally ancient EAcv42X4XcI-00294-00062544-00062671 they could head to a settlement and EAcv42X4XcI-00295-00062672-00062926 permanently improve it um or you can EAcv42X4XcI-00296-00062927-00063287 embed them into an army and get uh EAcv42X4XcI-00297-00063288-00063519 upgrades to the equipment for the units EAcv42X4XcI-00298-00063520-00063679 in your army or EAcv42X4XcI-00299-00063679-00063991 you can head over and do some sabotage EAcv42X4XcI-00300-00063991-00064166 towards EAcv42X4XcI-00301-00064167-00064591 unfriendly unfriendly armies which will EAcv42X4XcI-00302-00064591-00064687 give them EAcv42X4XcI-00303-00064688-00064999 massive penalties like the equivalent of EAcv42X4XcI-00304-00065000-00065111 -10 EAcv42X4XcI-00305-00065112-00065423 motivation it's it's huge uh we i think EAcv42X4XcI-00306-00065424-00065567 we spent enough time on EAcv42X4XcI-00307-00065568-00065894 ajax the greats so let's hope over EAcv42X4XcI-00308-00065895-00066311 to um diameters then EAcv42X4XcI-00309-00066312-00066647 so diameters is the king of argus he is EAcv42X4XcI-00310-00066648-00067006 young like probably easily way younger EAcv42X4XcI-00311-00067007-00067294 than any of the other heroes that we EAcv42X4XcI-00312-00067295-00067343 have EAcv42X4XcI-00313-00067344-00067599 in a total war saga troy the thing is EAcv42X4XcI-00314-00067600-00067663 he's young EAcv42X4XcI-00315-00067664-00067855 but he's extremely experienced he's EAcv42X4XcI-00316-00067856-00068031 already been leading armies for quite a EAcv42X4XcI-00317-00068032-00068103 while EAcv42X4XcI-00318-00068104-00068406 so he's the king of argus and his entire EAcv42X4XcI-00319-00068407-00068582 thing is that he wants to avenge EAcv42X4XcI-00320-00068583-00068838 the death of his father his father died EAcv42X4XcI-00321-00068839-00068991 at the gates of thebes EAcv42X4XcI-00322-00068992-00069335 and so taking thebes avenging his father EAcv42X4XcI-00323-00069336-00069535 and even surpassing his father EAcv42X4XcI-00324-00069536-00069903 is a great ambition EAcv42X4XcI-00325-00069904-00070247 for diameters both diameters and ajax EAcv42X4XcI-00326-00070248-00070479 have access to paragon units however EAcv42X4XcI-00327-00070480-00070815 as you saw in ajax's case those EAcv42X4XcI-00328-00070816-00071143 were gotten by challenging great EAcv42X4XcI-00329-00071144-00071319 military leaders and getting them to EAcv42X4XcI-00330-00071320-00071511 join you effectively EAcv42X4XcI-00331-00071512-00071750 so here we have the first mechanic argos EAcv42X4XcI-00332-00071751-00071919 finest EAcv42X4XcI-00333-00071920-00072238 so as opposed to challenging a commander EAcv42X4XcI-00334-00072239-00072431 and getting them to join you EAcv42X4XcI-00335-00072432-00072679 argos finest allows you to train up your EAcv42X4XcI-00336-00072680-00072862 own paragons EAcv42X4XcI-00337-00072863-00073062 so what you do is that you select your EAcv42X4XcI-00338-00073063-00073223 unit type on the left here EAcv42X4XcI-00339-00073224-00073462 the trainee unit you then select a EAcv42X4XcI-00340-00073463-00073543 strategic EAcv42X4XcI-00341-00073544-00073911 strategos the strategos will then EAcv42X4XcI-00342-00073912-00074215 train the army to uh EAcv42X4XcI-00343-00074216-00074623 um to become a paragon unit EAcv42X4XcI-00344-00074624-00074975 so as opposed to uh ajax who just gets EAcv42X4XcI-00345-00074976-00075087 people to join him EAcv42X4XcI-00346-00075088-00075311 diameters make sure that his pyroguns EAcv42X4XcI-00347-00075312-00075823 are trained from the bottom up EAcv42X4XcI-00348-00075824-00076047 it's all ancient greek to me man cool we EAcv42X4XcI-00349-00076048-00076223 currently have two strategos available EAcv42X4XcI-00350-00076224-00076303 to us EAcv42X4XcI-00351-00076304-00076526 um but there's a scroll bar here this EAcv42X4XcI-00352-00076527-00076703 list is is fairly long EAcv42X4XcI-00353-00076704-00076959 um you can gain various different EAcv42X4XcI-00354-00076960-00077143 strategies EAcv42X4XcI-00355-00077144-00077343 throughout your campaign and you do that EAcv42X4XcI-00356-00077344-00077487 by basically going on EAcv42X4XcI-00357-00077488-00077662 going over and taking over their home EAcv42X4XcI-00358-00077663-00077831 basically the city where they live in if EAcv42X4XcI-00359-00077832-00077943 you control it EAcv42X4XcI-00360-00077944-00078215 they will be available to you to train EAcv42X4XcI-00361-00078216-00078335 your units EAcv42X4XcI-00362-00078336-00078575 the difference articles will give EAcv42X4XcI-00363-00078576-00078775 different bonuses and they also take EAcv42X4XcI-00364-00078776-00078943 different amount of time to EAcv42X4XcI-00365-00078944-00079303 train up uh paragons so EAcv42X4XcI-00366-00079304-00079662 one may be focused on increasing the um EAcv42X4XcI-00367-00079663-00079894 the defense of a unit while one other EAcv42X4XcI-00368-00079895-00080103 might be EAcv42X4XcI-00369-00080104-00080343 focused on the armor-piercing or the EAcv42X4XcI-00370-00080344-00080438 normal damage EAcv42X4XcI-00371-00080439-00080823 or the speed or something else and EAcv42X4XcI-00372-00080824-00081191 you have to select your strategos EAcv42X4XcI-00373-00081192-00081423 carefully when selecting your paragons EAcv42X4XcI-00374-00081424-00081623 um because EAcv42X4XcI-00375-00081624-00081759 you don't want you don't want to end up EAcv42X4XcI-00376-00081760-00081991 with you know like oh spears with EAcv42X4XcI-00377-00081992-00082287 great armor that's like young spears EAcv42X4XcI-00378-00082288-00082447 with great iron that's that's not gonna EAcv42X4XcI-00379-00082448-00082599 work out that's not what you want EAcv42X4XcI-00380-00082600-00082815 you want them to be fast in and out stab EAcv42X4XcI-00381-00082816-00082943 some people get out of there EAcv42X4XcI-00382-00082944-00083335 cool so let's talk about diameters EAcv42X4XcI-00383-00083336-00083599 second mechanic which is master EAcv42X4XcI-00384-00083600-00083799 strategist EAcv42X4XcI-00385-00083800-00084071 so um i said at the beginning of the EAcv42X4XcI-00386-00084072-00084167 stream EAcv42X4XcI-00387-00084168-00084487 that both of the new factions EAcv42X4XcI-00388-00084488-00084791 have a way of sort of increasing the EAcv42X4XcI-00389-00084792-00085006 diplomacy and ending wars early EAcv42X4XcI-00390-00085007-00085294 now ajax basically calls celebration and EAcv42X4XcI-00391-00085295-00085575 says hey let's be friends EAcv42X4XcI-00392-00085576-00085799 diameters does this in a much more EAcv42X4XcI-00393-00085800-00085982 aggressive way because he is really the EAcv42X4XcI-00394-00085983-00086047 sword EAcv42X4XcI-00395-00086048-00086391 to ajax's shield so EAcv42X4XcI-00396-00086392-00086703 as you uh go through the game EAcv42X4XcI-00397-00086704-00086991 and complete various object objectives EAcv42X4XcI-00398-00086992-00087079 you will get EAcv42X4XcI-00399-00087080-00087335 dominance dominance is a unique resource EAcv42X4XcI-00400-00087336-00087462 for diameters EAcv42X4XcI-00401-00087463-00087918 which you can use in diplomacy EAcv42X4XcI-00402-00087919-00088167 so we can see here that i'm fighting the EAcv42X4XcI-00403-00088168-00088326 corinthians in this uh EAcv42X4XcI-00404-00088327-00088582 in this fight and i will get a bunch of EAcv42X4XcI-00405-00088583-00088647 dominance EAcv42X4XcI-00406-00088648-00088862 by completing these objectives these are EAcv42X4XcI-00407-00088863-00089118 not the only objectives that exist EAcv42X4XcI-00408-00089119-00089287 these are just the objectives i have EAcv42X4XcI-00409-00089288-00089423 available to me at EAcv42X4XcI-00410-00089424-00089671 this time so as i complete these EAcv42X4XcI-00411-00089672-00089887 objectives i will get dominance EAcv42X4XcI-00412-00089888-00090326 now i can use dominance to assert EAcv42X4XcI-00413-00090327-00090662 my dominance in diplomacy so what i can EAcv42X4XcI-00414-00090663-00090718 do is EAcv42X4XcI-00415-00090719-00090918 when i get enough dominance is to go EAcv42X4XcI-00416-00090919-00091118 into the diplomacy and say hey EAcv42X4XcI-00417-00091119-00091438 let's end this war click the dominance EAcv42X4XcI-00418-00091439-00091503 button EAcv42X4XcI-00419-00091504-00091806 you get a huge bonus to EAcv42X4XcI-00420-00091807-00092150 your enemy's willingness to say EAcv42X4XcI-00421-00092151-00092343 yes to anything so what you can do is EAcv42X4XcI-00422-00092344-00092462 just go hey EAcv42X4XcI-00423-00092463-00092647 i've beaten you up a bunch you're weak EAcv42X4XcI-00424-00092648-00092918 now much weaker than me EAcv42X4XcI-00425-00092919-00093143 let's end this but also i want you to EAcv42X4XcI-00426-00093144-00093223 give me this EAcv42X4XcI-00427-00093224-00093455 this element i want you to give me EAcv42X4XcI-00428-00093456-00093550 something EAcv42X4XcI-00429-00093551-00093799 because i beat you it's not just gonna EAcv42X4XcI-00430-00093800-00093871 end the war EAcv42X4XcI-00431-00093872-00093991 you're gonna take a bunch of stuff EAcv42X4XcI-00432-00093992-00094191 they're 100 can i accept it so what it EAcv42X4XcI-00433-00094192-00094231 does EAcv42X4XcI-00434-00094232-00094447 so if you're familiar with how uh EAcv42X4XcI-00435-00094448-00094638 diplomacy works in three kingdoms and EAcv42X4XcI-00436-00094639-00094943 in total warsaw troy um it works on EAcv42X4XcI-00437-00094944-00095167 a a balance system right so it's like EAcv42X4XcI-00438-00095168-00095367 all right well EAcv42X4XcI-00439-00095368-00095655 i i'm gonna give you a thousand words a EAcv42X4XcI-00440-00095656-00095823 thousand words a thousand would EAcv42X4XcI-00441-00095824-00096135 and you give me fifty uh gold and EAcv42X4XcI-00442-00096136-00096423 there's gonna be a a number that says EAcv42X4XcI-00443-00096424-00096535 whether or not EAcv42X4XcI-00444-00096536-00096735 they will accept that what dominance EAcv42X4XcI-00445-00096736-00096982 does is that it gives a massive boost EAcv42X4XcI-00446-00096983-00097231 to that number so that you can basically EAcv42X4XcI-00447-00097232-00097359 mean EAcv42X4XcI-00448-00097360-00097591 deals that are more favorable to you EAcv42X4XcI-00449-00097592-00097711 let's talk about EAcv42X4XcI-00450-00097712-00097950 diameters on the battlefield diameters EAcv42X4XcI-00451-00097951-00098118 is a fighter with a little bit of EAcv42X4XcI-00452-00098119-00098303 defensive adder in there but primarily EAcv42X4XcI-00453-00098304-00098423 fighter and you're going to see that in EAcv42X4XcI-00454-00098424-00098615 a skill tree as well EAcv42X4XcI-00455-00098616-00098894 his units are focused on hard-hitting EAcv42X4XcI-00456-00098895-00099071 and shock infantry EAcv42X4XcI-00457-00099072-00099294 so as opposed to ajax who's all about EAcv42X4XcI-00458-00099295-00099455 the defense EAcv42X4XcI-00459-00099456-00099711 uh diamonds is all about the offense you EAcv42X4XcI-00460-00099712-00099879 you want to run in do some damage maybe EAcv42X4XcI-00461-00099880-00099999 get out EAcv42X4XcI-00462-00100000-00100350 recuperate get back in do some damage EAcv42X4XcI-00463-00100351-00100606 he's also got a very varied infantry EAcv42X4XcI-00464-00100607-00100903 he's got early access to swords EAcv42X4XcI-00465-00100904-00101159 uh i don't have any in my army here but EAcv42X4XcI-00466-00101160-00101303 uh you can you can get EAcv42X4XcI-00467-00101304-00101494 access to cert to sorts much earlier EAcv42X4XcI-00468-00101495-00101606 than some other uh EAcv42X4XcI-00469-00101607-00101879 factions and you get access to multiple EAcv42X4XcI-00470-00101880-00101967 types of EAcv42X4XcI-00471-00101968-00102311 axe units however to make up for that uh EAcv42X4XcI-00472-00102312-00102527 diameters does not have great missile EAcv42X4XcI-00473-00102528-00102678 units EAcv42X4XcI-00474-00102679-00102990 um he some of his units also have a EAcv42X4XcI-00475-00102991-00103071 trait EAcv42X4XcI-00476-00103072-00103254 that as they get damaged they will start EAcv42X4XcI-00477-00103255-00103471 to get weaker EAcv42X4XcI-00478-00103472-00103694 now what this means in combat is that EAcv42X4XcI-00479-00103695-00103799 missiles will be EAcv42X4XcI-00480-00103800-00104182 very dangerous to diameters you need to EAcv42X4XcI-00481-00104183-00104430 definitely deal with missiles quickly as EAcv42X4XcI-00482-00104431-00104599 quickly as possible EAcv42X4XcI-00483-00104600-00104910 when fighting as diameters because if if EAcv42X4XcI-00484-00104911-00105078 some of your units start getting weaker EAcv42X4XcI-00485-00105079-00105239 because they've taken damage EAcv42X4XcI-00486-00105240-00105471 you're going to have a bad time so deal EAcv42X4XcI-00487-00105472-00105543 with EAcv42X4XcI-00488-00105544-00105854 the missile units EAcv42X4XcI-00489-00105855-00106215 all right um so EAcv42X4XcI-00490-00106216-00106566 i believe i have exhausted my EAcv42X4XcI-00491-00106567-00106886 book or my tome of knowledge EAcv42X4XcI-00492-00106888-00107095 but if you have any questions about ajax EAcv42X4XcI-00493-00107096-00107215 and diameters EAcv42X4XcI-00494-00107216-00107431 um and i can answer them i will do so EAcv42X4XcI-00495-00107432-00107519 now EAcv42X4XcI-00496-00107520-00107943 i'm gonna head over back to this camera EAcv42X4XcI-00497-00107944-00108047 can you show the new units on the EAcv42X4XcI-00498-00108048-00108302 battlefield not today we're gonna show EAcv42X4XcI-00499-00108303-00108334 them EAcv42X4XcI-00500-00108335-00108566 on wednesday what about the palladium EAcv42X4XcI-00501-00108567-00108647 the palladium EAcv42X4XcI-00502-00108648-00108871 is gonna be in the game yes it is coming EAcv42X4XcI-00503-00108872-00109015 with the dlc EAcv42X4XcI-00504-00109016-00109254 um but i'm not gonna i'm not gonna tell EAcv42X4XcI-00505-00109255-00109327 you how EAcv42X4XcI-00506-00109328-00109543 but the palladium will be available to EAcv42X4XcI-00507-00109544-00109639 all EAcv42X4XcI-00508-00109640-00109958 the non-factions i believe EAcv42X4XcI-00509-00109959-00110151 as a special thing any new battle maps EAcv42X4XcI-00510-00110152-00110302 or settlements with the dlc EAcv42X4XcI-00511-00110303-00110551 uh yes there is a new battle map a EAcv42X4XcI-00512-00110552-00110807 unique battle map for the city of thebes EAcv42X4XcI-00513-00110808-00110990 because thebes is very important to EAcv42X4XcI-00514-00110991-00111134 diameters it shows up EAcv42X4XcI-00515-00111135-00111566 in the diomedes epic quest chain EAcv42X4XcI-00516-00111567-00111823 so we decided that thebes was very EAcv42X4XcI-00517-00111824-00111919 important EAcv42X4XcI-00518-00111920-00112158 and important enough to get a unique EAcv42X4XcI-00519-00112159-00112271 battle map EAcv42X4XcI-00520-00112272-00112439 alright i think that's where i'm gonna EAcv42X4XcI-00521-00112440-00112623 end this stream today i know it's EAcv42X4XcI-00522-00112624-00112878 i hope that you will join me on EAcv42X4XcI-00523-00112879-00112999 wednesday EAcv42X4XcI-00524-00113000-00113310 at 3 p.m gmt because then EAcv42X4XcI-00525-00113311-00113766 we're gonna be playing ajax the great EAcv42X4XcI-00526-00113767-00114995 [Music] EBHdgyWIC2g-00000-00000059-00000451 hey Jason hop on mobile EBHdgyWIC2g-00001-00000451-00000688 that thing Rusty is gonna give me EBHdgyWIC2g-00002-00000689-00001980 technicitis EBHdgyWIC2g-00003-00001980-00002092 [Music] EBHdgyWIC2g-00004-00002093-00002279 what's going on guys welcome back to EBHdgyWIC2g-00005-00002280-00002471 another dvrp video thank you guys for EBHdgyWIC2g-00006-00002472-00002633 all the love and all the support on the EBHdgyWIC2g-00007-00002634-00002807 last video I do appreciate it it seems EBHdgyWIC2g-00008-00002808-00002950 like y'all really like the edits however EBHdgyWIC2g-00009-00002951-00003095 I'm not gonna be bringing that back in EBHdgyWIC2g-00010-00003096-00003286 this video because I didn't do a full EBHdgyWIC2g-00011-00003288-00003538 intro on this video in in the title this EBHdgyWIC2g-00012-00003539-00003665 is gonna be a continuation of EBHdgyWIC2g-00013-00003665-00003922 yesterday's video if you guys want to um EBHdgyWIC2g-00014-00003923-00004054 check out the other guys that I was EBHdgyWIC2g-00015-00004055-00004193 playing with I'm gonna have their links EBHdgyWIC2g-00016-00004194-00004319 in the description down below I forgot EBHdgyWIC2g-00017-00004320-00004456 to put it in yesterday's video so you EBHdgyWIC2g-00018-00004457-00004595 guys can go back to yesterday's video EBHdgyWIC2g-00019-00004596-00004822 and get that done but if you guys like EBHdgyWIC2g-00020-00004823-00004997 this video drop a like comment subscribe EBHdgyWIC2g-00021-00004998-00005122 turn on notifications so you know EBHdgyWIC2g-00022-00005123-00005272 whenever I post thank you guys for all EBHdgyWIC2g-00023-00005273-00005381 the love and all the support I EBHdgyWIC2g-00024-00005382-00005554 appreciate it y'all have killed it on EBHdgyWIC2g-00025-00005555-00005759 that last video and hopefully you guys EBHdgyWIC2g-00026-00005760-00005956 can enjoy this one as well anyways I'll EBHdgyWIC2g-00027-00005957-00006101 see you guys next time a great day great EBHdgyWIC2g-00028-00006102-00007867 beat peace EBHdgyWIC2g-00029-00007868-00008674 all right EBHdgyWIC2g-00030-00008675-00008974 I'm an officer too you know stop EBHdgyWIC2g-00031-00008975-00009239 resisting no Sam I didn't stop resisting EBHdgyWIC2g-00032-00009240-00010237 don't steal my car yeah EBHdgyWIC2g-00033-00010238-00010624 hey stop resisting all right guys this EBHdgyWIC2g-00034-00010625-00010895 way come here boy I want a [__] EBHdgyWIC2g-00035-00010896-00011503 supervisor EBHdgyWIC2g-00036-00011504-00012167 stop resistance sir stop resisting EBHdgyWIC2g-00038-00016766-00017021 so I'm going to be getting a just a EBHdgyWIC2g-00039-00017022-00017315 little witness statement from you tell EBHdgyWIC2g-00040-00017316-00017471 me everything that happened see if EBHdgyWIC2g-00041-00017472-00017783 everything matches EBHdgyWIC2g-00042-00017784-00018011 oh you want to square up we can square EBHdgyWIC2g-00043-00018012-00018229 up everyone EBHdgyWIC2g-00044-00018230-00018479 just making sure I'll beat your butt up EBHdgyWIC2g-00045-00018480-00019043 here EBHdgyWIC2g-00046-00019044-00019403 well Batman got his car stolen and he EBHdgyWIC2g-00047-00019404-00019564 shot at the person that stole his car EBHdgyWIC2g-00048-00019565-00019975 that's all I know and who is he EBHdgyWIC2g-00049-00019976-00020200 that man in the black that y'all put in EBHdgyWIC2g-00050-00020201-00020350 handcuffs EBHdgyWIC2g-00051-00020351-00020669 he got his car stolen EBHdgyWIC2g-00052-00020670-00020903 did you say his car got stolen yeah EBHdgyWIC2g-00053-00020904-00021244 somebody took his car thank you okay and EBHdgyWIC2g-00054-00021245-00021472 he shot at who the person he shot out of EBHdgyWIC2g-00055-00021473-00021713 the person and shot his car yeah I was EBHdgyWIC2g-00056-00021714-00021857 just trying to botch a while watching EBHdgyWIC2g-00057-00021858-00022030 all you know what I mean EBHdgyWIC2g-00058-00022031-00022228 okay what does this car look like I'm EBHdgyWIC2g-00059-00022229-00022444 here ah it's a black car I don't know EBHdgyWIC2g-00060-00022445-00023808 what kind of car is man EBHdgyWIC2g-00061-00023809-00024053 come on man EBHdgyWIC2g-00062-00024054-00024335 hey hop on the track okay so he shot at EBHdgyWIC2g-00063-00024336-00024527 the other car and what happened after EBHdgyWIC2g-00064-00024528-00024857 that uh that's it EBHdgyWIC2g-00065-00024858-00025091 okay well you when I arrived on scene EBHdgyWIC2g-00066-00025092-00025199 you said he was trying to kick your EBHdgyWIC2g-00067-00025200-00025289 friend EBHdgyWIC2g-00068-00025290-00025457 they got my friend the one who stole his EBHdgyWIC2g-00069-00025458-00025547 car EBHdgyWIC2g-00070-00025548-00025775 who was your friend I don't know I don't EBHdgyWIC2g-00071-00025776-00025943 know where he is EBHdgyWIC2g-00072-00025944-00026183 so we just we just do we just do drugs EBHdgyWIC2g-00073-00026183-00026261 together EBHdgyWIC2g-00074-00026262-00026458 okay so you do drugs with them and you EBHdgyWIC2g-00075-00026460-00026705 don't know no I don't know what his name EBHdgyWIC2g-00076-00026706-00027046 is we just call him uh rays do you know EBHdgyWIC2g-00077-00027047-00027274 what he looks like I don't remember sir EBHdgyWIC2g-00078-00027275-00027587 it's all [__] remember okay EBHdgyWIC2g-00079-00027588-00027893 um so I'm pretty sure what are you able EBHdgyWIC2g-00080-00027894-00028273 to identify he showed you him EBHdgyWIC2g-00081-00028274-00028705 hey how you doing Billy uh I'm not sure EBHdgyWIC2g-00082-00028706-00028949 I think so EBHdgyWIC2g-00083-00028950-00029387 Jason EBHdgyWIC2g-00084-00029388-00029857 Jason my name Jason Cassidy you heard me EBHdgyWIC2g-00085-00029858-00030046 what would be a good phone number for EBHdgyWIC2g-00086-00030047-00030301 you Mr I ain't got no phone number sir EBHdgyWIC2g-00087-00030302-00030661 I got no phone number EBHdgyWIC2g-00088-00030662-00030946 hey Santa get off get out get away from EBHdgyWIC2g-00089-00030947-00031193 me man wrong with you what'd you say EBHdgyWIC2g-00090-00031194-00031343 I heard you earlier you said you were a EBHdgyWIC2g-00091-00031344-00031558 police officer it's me I'm not man I've EBHdgyWIC2g-00092-00031560-00031895 never said I was a police officer oh my EBHdgyWIC2g-00093-00031895-00032117 ears must be clogged up I'm sorry yeah EBHdgyWIC2g-00094-00032118-00032279 your ears are definitely hey stop EBHdgyWIC2g-00095-00032280-00032483 calling me man what's wrong with you EBHdgyWIC2g-00096-00032483-00032674 there's this guy impersonating you a EBHdgyWIC2g-00097-00032675-00033137 244. bro get your goofy butt out of here EBHdgyWIC2g-00098-00033138-00033623 man before I beat you up in here EBHdgyWIC2g-00099-00033624-00033935 hey what's your problem man hey man you EBHdgyWIC2g-00100-00033936-00034181 know what you're doing with me blame me EBHdgyWIC2g-00101-00034182-00034396 I don't know what's going on he's still EBHdgyWIC2g-00102-00034397-00034561 in my bank EBHdgyWIC2g-00103-00034562-00034817 why you hit my friend what's wrong with EBHdgyWIC2g-00104-00034818-00035129 you I am your friend boy I mean that's EBHdgyWIC2g-00105-00035130-00035423 true you got a point EBHdgyWIC2g-00106-00035424-00035831 hey Jason hop on mobile I ain't helping EBHdgyWIC2g-00107-00035832-00036040 that no Santa mobile that thing Rusty is EBHdgyWIC2g-00108-00036041-00036871 gonna give me technicidus EBHdgyWIC2g-00109-00036872-00039531 he's kidnapping me foreign EBHdgyWIC2g-00110-00039532-00040139 [Music] EBHdgyWIC2g-00111-00040140-00041617 [Laughter] EBHdgyWIC2g-00112-00041618-00041896 we're going off-road today EBHdgyWIC2g-00113-00041897-00042223 she think my tractors EBHdgyWIC2g-00114-00042224-00042499 it really turned EBHdgyWIC2g-00115-00042500-00042730 oh come on man EBHdgyWIC2g-00116-00042731-00043085 he's kidnapping me he's kidnapping me EBHdgyWIC2g-00117-00043086-00043302 he's kidnapping me EBHdgyWIC2g-00118-00043303-00043565 stand on for me EBHdgyWIC2g-00119-00043566-00043887 ah EBHdgyWIC2g-00120-00043888-00044158 [Music] EBHdgyWIC2g-00121-00044159-00044658 wait are they chasing me uh uh EBHdgyWIC2g-00122-00044659-00044927 I can't tell if they're chasing me uh EBHdgyWIC2g-00123-00044928-00045280 you got alcohol EBHdgyWIC2g-00124-00045281-00045508 hey you got bandages EBHdgyWIC2g-00125-00045509-00046318 I'm hurt EBHdgyWIC2g-00126-00046319-00046702 I'll feel so good EBHdgyWIC2g-00127-00046703-00047171 you're a bandage I don't feel so good EBHdgyWIC2g-00128-00047172-00047435 I I don't really feel so good sir EBHdgyWIC2g-00129-00047436-00047723 Connie medical sir EBHdgyWIC2g-00130-00047724-00048083 um EBHdgyWIC2g-00131-00048084-00048343 I don't feel so good sir EBHdgyWIC2g-00132-00048344-00048652 I'm just gonna take a nap here let me EBHdgyWIC2g-00133-00048653-00048787 check you over EBHdgyWIC2g-00134-00048788-00049096 so when we get a Call of shots fired EBHdgyWIC2g-00135-00049097-00049271 it's not even the fact that eight of you EBHdgyWIC2g-00136-00049272-00049390 are here it's the fact that y'all EBHdgyWIC2g-00137-00049391-00049540 automatically assumed that I was the EBHdgyWIC2g-00138-00049541-00049774 [__] guy that shot so then I was the EBHdgyWIC2g-00139-00049775-00049939 one that was targeted EBHdgyWIC2g-00140-00049940-00050296 so that's not that made of wood that EBHdgyWIC2g-00141-00050297-00050507 made how it seemed to you but when we EBHdgyWIC2g-00142-00050508-00050740 wrote up on the scene we had three EBHdgyWIC2g-00143-00050741-00050885 Witnesses EBHdgyWIC2g-00144-00050886-00051058 point to you that you were shooting and EBHdgyWIC2g-00145-00051059-00051257 tried to kill one of them so that's the EBHdgyWIC2g-00146-00051258-00051670 reason why we came in how we did EBHdgyWIC2g-00147-00051671-00052013 we wouldn't just tase you for no reason EBHdgyWIC2g-00148-00052014-00052264 and then and then after that effect EBHdgyWIC2g-00149-00052265-00052632 hello hello okay EBHdgyWIC2g-00150-00052633-00053069 that guy got so mad I know right so bad EBHdgyWIC2g-00151-00053070-00053357 bro hey DM me on team speaking that's EBHdgyWIC2g-00152-00053358-00053561 how they got into his car when the doors EBHdgyWIC2g-00153-00053562-00053699 were locked because he didn't know I was EBHdgyWIC2g-00154-00053700-00054011 inside the entire time yeah I was in the EBHdgyWIC2g-00155-00054012-00054221 store I was in the store and I'm being EBHdgyWIC2g-00156-00054222-00054503 arrested EBHdgyWIC2g-00157-00054504-00055030 oh boy EBHdgyWIC2g-00158-00055032-00055288 I'm gonna be this lady's security and go EBHdgyWIC2g-00159-00055289-00055619 shoot whoever goes in the store EBHdgyWIC2g-00160-00055620-00055907 we should just be like right there like EBHdgyWIC2g-00161-00055908-00056363 I said when we EBHdgyWIC2g-00162-00056364-00056585 were trying to kill them so that's why EBHdgyWIC2g-00163-00056586-00056813 we pulled up holy [__] I'm actually EBHdgyWIC2g-00164-00056814-00057011 Travis you like this car man EBHdgyWIC2g-00165-00057012-00057257 run out and you were being uncompliant EBHdgyWIC2g-00166-00057258-00057485 so you got tased and as well in your EBHdgyWIC2g-00167-00057486-00057635 handcuffs when you got put in handcuffs EBHdgyWIC2g-00168-00057636-00057797 you decided to run let me turn the tent EBHdgyWIC2g-00169-00057798-00057935 down on this thing you were placing EBHdgyWIC2g-00170-00057936-00058057 behind this car EBHdgyWIC2g-00171-00058058-00058253 all right EBHdgyWIC2g-00172-00058254-00058579 [__] EBHdgyWIC2g-00173-00058579-00058819 you shot at a car EBHdgyWIC2g-00174-00058820-00059011 stolen EBHdgyWIC2g-00175-00059012-00059230 we're gonna have the right to defend my EBHdgyWIC2g-00176-00059232-00059357 property EBHdgyWIC2g-00177-00059358-00059675 it is not that is excessive force it's EBHdgyWIC2g-00178-00059676-00059873 not excessive force I have the right to EBHdgyWIC2g-00179-00059874-00060065 defend my property whether or not it's EBHdgyWIC2g-00180-00060066-00060342 legal or not Skybox EBHdgyWIC2g-00181-00060344-00060625 Sam can you have that without a delivery EBHdgyWIC2g-00182-00060626-00061019 no you don't know what's inside EBHdgyWIC2g-00183-00061020-00061187 I could have another weapon inside my EBHdgyWIC2g-00184-00061188-00061319 vehicle that they now have access to EBHdgyWIC2g-00185-00061320-00062309 because they've just stolen my property EBHdgyWIC2g-00186-00062310-00062580 are you a supervisor EBHdgyWIC2g-00187-00062582-00062849 give me one reason why I shouldn't shoot EBHdgyWIC2g-00188-00062850-00063047 you because I got a lot of stuff they EBHdgyWIC2g-00189-00063048-00063292 won't let me out I should never touch EBHdgyWIC2g-00190-00063294-00063888 public roads EBHdgyWIC2g-00191-00063889-00064247 yeah damn he's knocked out EBHdgyWIC2g-00192-00064248-00064487 he's mcnabbing EBHdgyWIC2g-00193-00064488-00064637 I'm sorry I have a push pop into some EBHdgyWIC2g-00194-00064638-00065069 Band-Aids for you EBHdgyWIC2g-00195-00065070-00065473 so he can wake up for me is he all right EBHdgyWIC2g-00196-00065474-00065897 yeah I'm good what's up man all right I EBHdgyWIC2g-00197-00065898-00066065 have your bandages and a push pop for EBHdgyWIC2g-00198-00066066-00066323 you I appreciate it wait you got me a EBHdgyWIC2g-00199-00066324-00066779 push pop that's nice thank you EBHdgyWIC2g-00200-00066780-00067006 down the tractor did he uh actually EBHdgyWIC2g-00201-00067007-00067150 kidnap you or were you just joking EBHdgyWIC2g-00202-00067151-00067571 around uh he was 100 kidnapping me okay EBHdgyWIC2g-00203-00067572-00067835 perfect EBHdgyWIC2g-00204-00067836-00068071 [Music] EBHdgyWIC2g-00205-00068072-00068435 I quit Santa I'm not gonna be making no EBHdgyWIC2g-00206-00068436-00068669 more presents for you I'm not making no EBHdgyWIC2g-00207-00068670-00068873 more toys at the North Pole you know EBHdgyWIC2g-00208-00068874-00069179 what you know what I'ma go get Mrs Claus EBHdgyWIC2g-00209-00069180-00069485 and I'm gonna show her a good time I'm EBHdgyWIC2g-00210-00069486-00069749 gonna show Miss Claus a nice time EBHdgyWIC2g-00211-00069750-00070013 you were getting a promotion yeah I'm EBHdgyWIC2g-00212-00070014-00070385 gonna give her a good time man EBHdgyWIC2g-00213-00070386-00070594 yeah that's what you get for kidnapping EBHdgyWIC2g-00214-00070595-00070943 me on your ugly tractor I got Mrs calls EBHdgyWIC2g-00215-00070944-00071311 all to myself EBHdgyWIC2g-00216-00071312-00071585 man what'd you say and I'll get right EBHdgyWIC2g-00217-00071586-00071806 back you heard me that's disgusting EBHdgyWIC2g-00218-00071807-00072065 wrong with you man EBHdgyWIC2g-00219-00072066-00072341 hey ma'am can I buy that watch now EBHdgyWIC2g-00220-00072342-00072594 yeah EBHdgyWIC2g-00221-00072595-00072947 oh my God it's okay I know I know him I EBHdgyWIC2g-00222-00072948-00073456 know him oh okay okay yeah I know EBHdgyWIC2g-00223-00073457-00073811 which one which watch EBHdgyWIC2g-00224-00073812-00073973 you guys sell that bourbon up there EBHdgyWIC2g-00225-00073974-00074099 actually I'll just take it I'll work EBHdgyWIC2g-00226-00074100-00074369 here and then you don't get your fifty EBHdgyWIC2g-00227-00074370-00075150 dollars you just get paid in birth EBHdgyWIC2g-00228-00075151-00075605 okay change your outfit which one if I EBHdgyWIC2g-00229-00075606-00075797 can't get a thing back I'm about to let EBHdgyWIC2g-00230-00075798-00076091 this guy go yeah I don't I don't think EBHdgyWIC2g-00231-00076092-00076253 there's something that you can do it's EBHdgyWIC2g-00232-00076254-00076588 back I'm not taking my time yeah look at EBHdgyWIC2g-00233-00076589-00078965 the chat and now he's getting shot at EBHdgyWIC2g-00234-00078966-00079288 there you go no no no no he said it's EBHdgyWIC2g-00235-00079289-00079525 150. EBHdgyWIC2g-00236-00079526-00079919 150 all right hold on EBHdgyWIC2g-00237-00079920-00080279 hold on beer back here EBHdgyWIC2g-00238-00080280-00080609 hey man you got 50 dollars EBHdgyWIC2g-00239-00080610-00080873 hey hey man you got fifty dollar EBHdgyWIC2g-00240-00080874-00081082 oh sorry I do not I'm just gonna buy 50 EBHdgyWIC2g-00241-00081083-00081331 real quick man EBHdgyWIC2g-00242-00081332-00081562 I gotta buy another watch or if you EBHdgyWIC2g-00243-00081563-00081869 wanted me to shoot what EBHdgyWIC2g-00244-00081870-00082205 oh [__] to where EBHdgyWIC2g-00245-00082206-00082379 what do you do with a wife for you got EBHdgyWIC2g-00246-00082380-00082571 you got to tell Tom hey man you got 50 EBHdgyWIC2g-00247-00082572-00082750 dollars EBHdgyWIC2g-00248-00082751-00082900 what do you mean you got this you don't EBHdgyWIC2g-00249-00082901-00083032 got no fifty dollars you look like you EBHdgyWIC2g-00250-00083033-00083209 got money EBHdgyWIC2g-00251-00083210-00083381 oh EBHdgyWIC2g-00252-00083382-00083525 I would EBHdgyWIC2g-00253-00083526-00083729 are you shooting hey man you got that EBHdgyWIC2g-00254-00083730-00084125 I'm getting shot at it by who what's up EBHdgyWIC2g-00255-00084126-00084287 dude I need help back here hey man you EBHdgyWIC2g-00256-00084288-00084473 got 50 Hit the Dirt Road behind the EBHdgyWIC2g-00257-00084474-00084655 thing dude EBHdgyWIC2g-00258-00084656-00084809 so EBHdgyWIC2g-00259-00084810-00084947 you're telling me I'm gonna come up EBHdgyWIC2g-00260-00084948-00085141 there and hit them EBHdgyWIC2g-00261-00085142-00085421 there's other other cops coming back EBHdgyWIC2g-00262-00085422-00085631 over here yeah I don't need cops I need EBHdgyWIC2g-00263-00085632-00085973 you guys yeah bro you guys would but I'm EBHdgyWIC2g-00264-00085974-00086106 getting arrested EBHdgyWIC2g-00265-00086107-00086681 I'll be back all right Sam wait for me EBHdgyWIC2g-00266-00086682-00087094 well EBHdgyWIC2g-00267-00087095-00087299 Santa's coming back for Revenge I EBHdgyWIC2g-00268-00087300-00087659 knocked the car you Debbie EBHdgyWIC2g-00269-00087660-00087859 you're gonna get sent to the South Pole EBHdgyWIC2g-00270-00087860-00088156 where were you at I've got to get set to EBHdgyWIC2g-00271-00088157-00088415 the South Pole what the heck yeah you EBHdgyWIC2g-00272-00088416-00088565 don't deserves a North Pole anymore man EBHdgyWIC2g-00273-00088566-00088965 oh God yes I'm locked up EBHdgyWIC2g-00274-00088966-00089431 [Music] EBHdgyWIC2g-00275-00089432-00089756 thank you EDhxBVNN27y-00001-00003615-00003908 oh EDhxBVNN27y-00002-00003909-00006767 [Music] EDhxBVNN27y-00003-00006768-00006976 you EHJXIli7KN0-00000-00001278-00002556 foreign EHJXIli7KN0-00001-00002557-00005361 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00002-00005362-00006325 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00003-00006326-00006577 thank you EHJXIli7KN0-00004-00006578-00007253 they're breaking through us twice EHJXIli7KN0-00005-00007254-00007373 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00006-00007373-00007698 foreign EHJXIli7KN0-00007-00007700-00007948 Engineers on the field and ready for EHJXIli7KN0-00008-00007950-00008501 your orders EHJXIli7KN0-00009-00008502-00008693 Royal engineers EHJXIli7KN0-00010-00008694-00009185 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00011-00009186-00009427 our training center is online EHJXIli7KN0-00012-00009428-00009977 back at full strength EHJXIli7KN0-00013-00009978-00010837 Royal engineers EHJXIli7KN0-00014-00010838-00011195 we're taking that position EHJXIli7KN0-00015-00011196-00011441 Royal Engineers trained and ready to go EHJXIli7KN0-00016-00011442-00011963 royal Engineers reporting in EHJXIli7KN0-00017-00011964-00012818 dig it up EHJXIli7KN0-00018-00012819-00015388 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00019-00015390-00017027 foreign EHJXIli7KN0-00020-00017028-00017255 ERS to move EHJXIli7KN0-00021-00017256-00017435 right EHJXIli7KN0-00022-00017436-00017671 oh we didn't any cover is good cover EHJXIli7KN0-00023-00017672-00018743 brownies we're losing a fuel EHJXIli7KN0-00024-00018744-00018866 birthday EHJXIli7KN0-00025-00018867-00019967 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00026-00019968-00020429 heavy mortars are available to support EHJXIli7KN0-00027-00020430-00020880 heavy mortars EHJXIli7KN0-00028-00020881-00021250 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00029-00021251-00021955 what section CP is taking damage EHJXIli7KN0-00030-00021956-00022064 thank you EHJXIli7KN0-00031-00022065-00022236 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00032-00022237-00022557 coordinates prodigy EHJXIli7KN0-00033-00022558-00023863 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00034-00023864-00024172 okay fire EHJXIli7KN0-00035-00024173-00024364 Royal engine pack it up Lads we're EHJXIli7KN0-00036-00024365-00024472 moving EHJXIli7KN0-00037-00024473-00024635 getting to work EHJXIli7KN0-00038-00024636-00025441 yes sir we are ready to carry out EHJXIli7KN0-00039-00025442-00026173 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00040-00026174-00026695 apparently it's better over there EHJXIli7KN0-00041-00026695-00028968 we have vehicles on standby EHJXIli7KN0-00042-00028969-00029177 Eagles will ever be you have to follow EHJXIli7KN0-00043-00029177-00029285 it EHJXIli7KN0-00044-00029286-00029527 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00045-00029527-00029890 come on we're moving up now EHJXIli7KN0-00046-00029891-00030788 depending on you EHJXIli7KN0-00047-00030789-00031123 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00048-00031124-00031402 we have heavy mortar support on the EHJXIli7KN0-00049-00031404-00031990 field splendid EHJXIli7KN0-00050-00031991-00032164 oh Harry EHJXIli7KN0-00051-00032166-00032868 hey just a dad let's move EHJXIli7KN0-00052-00032869-00033418 as we unhooked this thing EHJXIli7KN0-00053-00033419-00033643 Zappos on site EHJXIli7KN0-00054-00033644-00034001 boys eyes open guns up we're taking that EHJXIli7KN0-00055-00034002-00035087 position EHJXIli7KN0-00056-00035088-00035577 soldiers prepare to carry out our orders EHJXIli7KN0-00057-00035578-00037440 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00058-00037441-00037779 we have vehicles on standby EHJXIli7KN0-00059-00037780-00039196 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00060-00039197-00041347 resource cash EHJXIli7KN0-00061-00041348-00041795 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00062-00041796-00042107 built the sector's locked up the men are EHJXIli7KN0-00063-00042108-00042383 eager to fight with Valor Commander no EHJXIli7KN0-00064-00042384-00042643 matter the costs EHJXIli7KN0-00065-00042644-00042911 come on soldiers come on does he shoot EHJXIli7KN0-00066-00042912-00043192 orders EHJXIli7KN0-00067-00043193-00043579 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00068-00043580-00044045 reporting supper's back to full numbers EHJXIli7KN0-00069-00044046-00044273 what's the task EHJXIli7KN0-00070-00044274-00044758 no need for scrum EHJXIli7KN0-00071-00044759-00047582 foreign EHJXIli7KN0-00072-00047583-00050236 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00073-00050237-00050856 go go EHJXIli7KN0-00074-00050857-00051388 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00075-00051389-00051676 the 15cwt truck has been wrecked by the EHJXIli7KN0-00076-00051677-00052258 enemy EHJXIli7KN0-00077-00052259-00053199 let's sit down EHJXIli7KN0-00078-00053200-00053561 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00079-00053562-00054979 concentration EHJXIli7KN0-00080-00054979-00055476 rifles have been made available EHJXIli7KN0-00081-00055477-00055949 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00082-00055950-00057930 we've lost contact with our sappers EHJXIli7KN0-00083-00057932-00058416 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00084-00058417-00059200 in over there EHJXIli7KN0-00085-00059201-00059369 heavy mortars have been made available EHJXIli7KN0-00086-00059370-00059519 to us EHJXIli7KN0-00087-00059520-00059716 not hard orders if you've got orders to EHJXIli7KN0-00088-00059717-00060061 move so move EHJXIli7KN0-00089-00060062-00060419 we're taking that position EHJXIli7KN0-00090-00060420-00060749 heavy motor on standby vehicle needs a EHJXIli7KN0-00091-00060750-00060844 heading EHJXIli7KN0-00092-00060845-00061315 help me unhook this thing EHJXIli7KN0-00093-00061316-00061715 take your stations we're heading out EHJXIli7KN0-00094-00061716-00062741 you can go scouting ahead EHJXIli7KN0-00095-00062741-00063582 dingo light Recon we've lost them EHJXIli7KN0-00096-00063583-00063925 position to engage EHJXIli7KN0-00097-00063926-00064115 sapper's on site EHJXIli7KN0-00098-00064116-00064769 we're taking that position EHJXIli7KN0-00099-00064770-00065382 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00100-00065383-00066487 we have vehicles on standby EHJXIli7KN0-00101-00066488-00066815 thanks love please EHJXIli7KN0-00102-00066816-00067356 okay EHJXIli7KN0-00103-00067357-00068665 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00104-00068666-00068963 Airbus channels will decimate enemy EHJXIli7KN0-00105-00068964-00070921 infantry concentrations EHJXIli7KN0-00106-00070922-00071956 let's get the job done EHJXIli7KN0-00107-00071957-00072155 Gurkha rifles have been brought up to EHJXIli7KN0-00108-00072156-00072508 the front EHJXIli7KN0-00109-00072509-00074213 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00110-00074214-00074923 thank you EHJXIli7KN0-00111-00074924-00075256 lock down that sector fill the cache EHJXIli7KN0-00112-00075257-00075473 awaiting the world do it back up we're EHJXIli7KN0-00113-00075474-00075875 heading out EHJXIli7KN0-00114-00075876-00076593 standby soldiers orders received EHJXIli7KN0-00115-00076594-00077550 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00116-00077551-00077959 because EHJXIli7KN0-00117-00077960-00078251 infantry are standing by to deploy EHJXIli7KN0-00118-00078252-00078967 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00119-00078968-00080041 we'll go EHJXIli7KN0-00120-00080042-00080238 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00121-00080239-00080788 this belongs to the Germans EHJXIli7KN0-00122-00080789-00081241 oh don't look at me look at them EHJXIli7KN0-00123-00081242-00082417 enemy fire is too heavy EHJXIli7KN0-00124-00082418-00083269 he's done EHJXIli7KN0-00125-00083270-00084187 you're gonna shift some dead weight EHJXIli7KN0-00126-00084188-00084406 initiating Rel out of Battlefield EHJXIli7KN0-00127-00084407-00084637 commissions EHJXIli7KN0-00128-00084638-00086453 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00129-00086454-00086688 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00130-00086689-00086962 training complete our infantry will be EHJXIli7KN0-00131-00086963-00087500 better prepared EHJXIli7KN0-00132-00087501-00089171 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00133-00089172-00089491 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00134-00089492-00089782 HMG crew has been lost to enemy action EHJXIli7KN0-00135-00090083-00090665 thank you EHJXIli7KN0-00136-00090666-00091262 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00137-00091263-00093494 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00138-00093495-00094091 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00139-00094092-00094473 ready EHJXIli7KN0-00140-00094474-00094793 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00141-00094794-00095068 supers ready to destroy some poor EHJXIli7KN0-00142-00095069-00095362 bastard po 5.5 howitzers can now be EHJXIli7KN0-00143-00095363-00095567 constructed in the field back a full EHJXIli7KN0-00144-00095568-00096500 strength EHJXIli7KN0-00145-00096501-00097253 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00146-00097254-00099895 foreign EHJXIli7KN0-00147-00099896-00100387 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00148-00100388-00100591 on your feet EHJXIli7KN0-00149-00100592-00102382 with me EHJXIli7KN0-00150-00102383-00102564 Surfers reported EHJXIli7KN0-00151-00102565-00103342 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00152-00103343-00104363 stop whinging work EHJXIli7KN0-00153-00104364-00105417 foreign EHJXIli7KN0-00154-00105418-00106027 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00155-00106028-00108132 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00156-00108133-00108707 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00157-00108708-00109136 okay EHJXIli7KN0-00158-00109138-00109577 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00159-00109578-00109978 soldiers soldiers have come in standby EHJXIli7KN0-00160-00109979-00110254 standby soldiers orders received sappers EHJXIli7KN0-00161-00110255-00110554 receiving orders EHJXIli7KN0-00162-00110555-00110808 fighting spirits EHJXIli7KN0-00163-00110809-00112127 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00164-00112128-00112492 foreign EHJXIli7KN0-00165-00112493-00113601 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00166-00113602-00114527 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00167-00114528-00114793 the enemy have taken our territory EHJXIli7KN0-00168-00114794-00115736 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00169-00115738-00116795 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00170-00116796-00116905 we are getting new Target EHJXIli7KN0-00171-00116906-00117083 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00172-00117083-00117521 clear the road EHJXIli7KN0-00173-00117522-00117829 Jordan EHJXIli7KN0-00174-00117830-00117995 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00175-00117996-00119843 coordinates EHJXIli7KN0-00176-00119844-00121218 foreign EHJXIli7KN0-00178-00125366-00125802 good morning EHJXIli7KN0-00179-00125803-00126281 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00180-00126282-00126478 we have reserves of infantry available EHJXIli7KN0-00181-00126479-00126734 to most there are ranks Commander EHJXIli7KN0-00182-00126735-00127031 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00183-00127032-00129749 foreign EHJXIli7KN0-00184-00129750-00131081 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00185-00131082-00131815 ridiculous EHJXIli7KN0-00186-00131816-00131999 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00187-00132000-00132227 yes sir we are ready to carry out the EHJXIli7KN0-00188-00132228-00132413 order EHJXIli7KN0-00189-00132414-00133958 what Horrors await the enemies complete EHJXIli7KN0-00190-00133959-00134971 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00191-00134972-00136487 after that EHJXIli7KN0-00192-00136488-00136757 destroy some four bastards soldiers EHJXIli7KN0-00193-00136758-00137132 soldiers EHJXIli7KN0-00194-00137133-00138293 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00195-00138294-00138504 enemies EHJXIli7KN0-00196-00138505-00139066 stand by soldiers orders received EHJXIli7KN0-00197-00139067-00139599 starting the work EHJXIli7KN0-00198-00139600-00140736 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00199-00140737-00140989 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00200-00140990-00141754 ERS prepare to carry on EHJXIli7KN0-00201-00141755-00143281 foreign EHJXIli7KN0-00202-00143282-00144245 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00203-00144246-00145852 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00204-00145853-00146369 orders EHJXIli7KN0-00205-00146370-00147793 enemy soldiers have been neutralized EHJXIli7KN0-00206-00147794-00148120 rounds complete EHJXIli7KN0-00207-00148121-00148714 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00208-00148715-00149446 foreign EHJXIli7KN0-00209-00149447-00152232 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00210-00152233-00153998 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00211-00153999-00154589 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00212-00154590-00154799 grenades are being distributed to the EHJXIli7KN0-00213-00154800-00154866 men EHJXIli7KN0-00214-00154867-00155486 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00215-00155487-00155861 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00216-00155862-00158013 foreign EHJXIli7KN0-00217-00158014-00159885 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00218-00159886-00160692 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00219-00160693-00161261 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00220-00161262-00161473 okay EHJXIli7KN0-00221-00161474-00161881 come on EHJXIli7KN0-00222-00161882-00162307 find him there is only Victory EHJXIli7KN0-00223-00162308-00162821 die standing brother EHJXIli7KN0-00224-00162822-00163387 10 flowers EHJXIli7KN0-00225-00163388-00163583 weapon teams have finished their EHJXIli7KN0-00226-00163584-00163699 training Commander EHJXIli7KN0-00227-00163700-00164676 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00228-00164677-00164975 Squad of gurkos have been cut down all EHJXIli7KN0-00229-00164976-00165908 of them EHJXIli7KN0-00230-00165909-00167196 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00231-00167197-00167393 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00232-00167394-00169126 thank you EHJXIli7KN0-00233-00169127-00169349 our tank Crews will be better trained in EHJXIli7KN0-00234-00169350-00170658 no time EHJXIli7KN0-00235-00170659-00171233 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00236-00171234-00172622 foreign EHJXIli7KN0-00237-00172623-00174510 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00238-00174511-00175331 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00239-00175332-00176263 Royal engineers ready EHJXIli7KN0-00240-00176264-00176676 look sharp Gunners we have our orders EHJXIli7KN0-00241-00176677-00176902 soldiers prepared to carry out our EHJXIli7KN0-00242-00176903-00177308 orders soldiers commanders issued orders EHJXIli7KN0-00243-00177309-00178702 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00244-00178703-00178976 thank you EHJXIli7KN0-00245-00178977-00179873 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00246-00179874-00180700 stand by soldiers orders received EHJXIli7KN0-00247-00180701-00182614 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00248-00182615-00183365 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00249-00183366-00184193 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00250-00184194-00184528 complete EHJXIli7KN0-00251-00184529-00187309 Windows received and understood EHJXIli7KN0-00252-00187310-00187602 job's done EHJXIli7KN0-00253-00187603-00190504 we've received our orders EHJXIli7KN0-00254-00190505-00191307 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00255-00191308-00192743 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00256-00192744-00194140 foreign EHJXIli7KN0-00257-00194141-00194429 lost our CMP truck EHJXIli7KN0-00258-00194430-00195083 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00259-00195084-00195997 s EHJXIli7KN0-00260-00195998-00196854 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00261-00196855-00197723 production of secured light tanks EHJXIli7KN0-00262-00197724-00198163 look sharp Gunners we have our orders EHJXIli7KN0-00263-00198164-00198845 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00264-00198846-00199097 soldiers orders have come in standby EHJXIli7KN0-00265-00199098-00199541 ready to carry out the orders EHJXIli7KN0-00266-00199542-00199990 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00267-00199991-00201413 ready for mustard EHJXIli7KN0-00268-00201414-00202290 foreign EHJXIli7KN0-00269-00202291-00204299 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00270-00204300-00204433 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00271-00204434-00204732 we've received our orders EHJXIli7KN0-00272-00204733-00205871 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00273-00205873-00206410 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00274-00206411-00206590 what the do you want me to do about EHJXIli7KN0-00275-00206591-00208926 it EHJXIli7KN0-00276-00208927-00210079 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00277-00210080-00210616 going down EHJXIli7KN0-00278-00210617-00211241 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00279-00211242-00212387 soldiers prepare to carry out our orders EHJXIli7KN0-00280-00212388-00213667 soldiers Commanders EHJXIli7KN0-00281-00213667-00214858 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00283-00217938-00218230 oil Engineers ready EHJXIli7KN0-00285-00222071-00222175 how about order EHJXIli7KN0-00286-00222176-00224446 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00287-00224448-00224609 is completed EHJXIli7KN0-00288-00224610-00226519 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00289-00226519-00226751 get to follow in EHJXIli7KN0-00290-00226752-00227123 Stow that gear boys we're going EHJXIli7KN0-00291-00227123-00227408 resource cash going down EHJXIli7KN0-00292-00227409-00230134 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00293-00230135-00230339 soldiers prepared to carry out door EHJXIli7KN0-00294-00230340-00231471 orders EHJXIli7KN0-00295-00231473-00232276 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00296-00232277-00233321 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00297-00233321-00234114 foreign EHJXIli7KN0-00298-00234115-00234744 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00299-00234746-00235301 let's get to it EHJXIli7KN0-00300-00235302-00235792 patching it up now EHJXIli7KN0-00301-00235794-00236242 upgrade done that's lovely EHJXIli7KN0-00302-00236244-00236656 let me guess we should see the other guy EHJXIli7KN0-00303-00236657-00236908 best behavior around the Lord nut is EHJXIli7KN0-00304-00236909-00237094 both a few pioneers of the front to work EHJXIli7KN0-00305-00237096-00237346 on the storing cables less chance of EHJXIli7KN0-00306-00237348-00238055 being shot at EHJXIli7KN0-00307-00238056-00238937 so move EHJXIli7KN0-00308-00238938-00239698 all right EHJXIli7KN0-00309-00239700-00241408 thank you EHJXIli7KN0-00310-00241409-00241642 we've been given our orders EHJXIli7KN0-00311-00241642-00242500 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00312-00242501-00245121 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00313-00245121-00246467 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00314-00246467-00246953 zappers eagers will ever be great EHJXIli7KN0-00315-00246954-00247931 laying out tank traps right there EHJXIli7KN0-00316-00247932-00248094 is completed EHJXIli7KN0-00317-00248094-00250701 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00318-00250702-00251707 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00319-00251708-00251905 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00320-00251906-00253430 thank you EHJXIli7KN0-00321-00253431-00254201 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00322-00254202-00254614 foreign EHJXIli7KN0-00323-00254615-00256313 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00324-00256314-00257123 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00325-00257123-00257351 Commando we should utilize all Manpower EHJXIli7KN0-00326-00257352-00258665 available to us EHJXIli7KN0-00327-00258666-00259405 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00328-00259406-00260871 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00329-00260873-00261427 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00330-00261428-00261910 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00331-00261911-00262852 foreign EHJXIli7KN0-00332-00262853-00264990 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00334-00268122-00270604 foreign EHJXIli7KN0-00336-00273962-00274397 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00337-00274398-00274497 complete EHJXIli7KN0-00338-00274498-00274960 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00339-00274961-00277953 stay up inside EHJXIli7KN0-00340-00277954-00278741 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00342-00282918-00283906 Commander we have artillery on Saturday EHJXIli7KN0-00343-00283907-00285553 been eliminated EHJXIli7KN0-00344-00285554-00285799 [Music] EHJXIli7KN0-00345-00285800-00286363 let me guess we should see the other guy EHJXIli7KN0-00346-00286364-00286691 one step closer to Victory Charlie good EHJXIli7KN0-00347-00286692-00286916 work EIvTpaeHDYQ-00001-00011284-00014083 foreign EIvTpaeHDYQ-00002-00014084-00015483 foreign EIvTpaeHDYQ-00003-00015484-00016883 yes EIvTpaeHDYQ-00004-00016884-00017119 where EIvTpaeHDYQ-00005-00017120-00018283 sorry EIvTpaeHDYQ-00006-00018284-00018903 hello EIvTpaeHDYQ-00007-00018904-00020468 what strength EIvTpaeHDYQ-00008-00020469-00022222 [Music] EIvTpaeHDYQ-00009-00022223-00022630 thank you EIvTpaeHDYQ-00010-00022631-00022839 last week i was waiting you but you EIvTpaeHDYQ-00011-00022840-00023319 didn't come EIvTpaeHDYQ-00012-00023320-00023455 i think it's the first time we start EIvTpaeHDYQ-00013-00023456-00024439 together EIvTpaeHDYQ-00014-00024440-00024783 last week i was waiting but no one comes EIvTpaeHDYQ-00015-00024784-00025030 mr because you sent two uh you sent two EIvTpaeHDYQ-00016-00025031-00025142 links i get EIvTpaeHDYQ-00017-00025143-00025407 and at the last one he said to me that EIvTpaeHDYQ-00018-00025408-00025486 you are in EIvTpaeHDYQ-00019-00025487-00025758 another meeting so i tried searching EIvTpaeHDYQ-00020-00025760-00025902 between messages EIvTpaeHDYQ-00021-00025904-00026127 then at last i found you you're right EIvTpaeHDYQ-00022-00026127-00026287 yeah yeah thank you EIvTpaeHDYQ-00023-00026288-00026679 i'm so sorry you are right EIvTpaeHDYQ-00024-00026680-00026927 i found that it's different but i didn't EIvTpaeHDYQ-00025-00026927-00027174 remember EIvTpaeHDYQ-00026-00027175-00027470 in a way you're welcome today i think we EIvTpaeHDYQ-00027-00027472-00027518 have EIvTpaeHDYQ-00028-00027519-00028774 four members more than me EIvTpaeHDYQ-00029-00028775-00028983 anyone of you is not in school all of EIvTpaeHDYQ-00030-00028983-00029111 you in sephora EIvTpaeHDYQ-00031-00029112-00029495 embassy namaste in school EIvTpaeHDYQ-00032-00029495-00029814 which is cool uh i'm a school in EIvTpaeHDYQ-00033-00029816-00030335 mecca uh you're welcome i know about it EIvTpaeHDYQ-00034-00030336-00032102 are you in school EIvTpaeHDYQ-00035-00032103-00033090 yes i know you're gripsy but EIvTpaeHDYQ-00036-00033091-00033702 [Music] EIvTpaeHDYQ-00037-00033703-00034246 is it egyptian school EIvTpaeHDYQ-00038-00034247-00034799 no egyptian curriculum egyptian section EIvTpaeHDYQ-00039-00034800-00036227 yes good type EIvTpaeHDYQ-00040-00036228-00036483 [Music] EIvTpaeHDYQ-00041-00036484-00039302 huh EIvTpaeHDYQ-00042-00039303-00039646 okay anyway uh i welcome all of you EIvTpaeHDYQ-00043-00039647-00039799 because this first time EIvTpaeHDYQ-00044-00039800-00040118 we meet i would like to introduce myself EIvTpaeHDYQ-00045-00040119-00040383 for you EIvTpaeHDYQ-00046-00040384-00040583 i am science teacher in gypsy in section EIvTpaeHDYQ-00047-00040584-00040951 in anders private EIvTpaeHDYQ-00048-00040952-00041223 uh i was teaching in egypt also before i EIvTpaeHDYQ-00049-00041224-00041430 come to here EIvTpaeHDYQ-00050-00041431-00041702 i was science and supervisor of science EIvTpaeHDYQ-00051-00041703-00041830 in EIvTpaeHDYQ-00052-00041831-00042407 agony administration alexandria EIvTpaeHDYQ-00053-00042408-00042599 actually in my school i teach for EIvTpaeHDYQ-00054-00042600-00042799 primary and secondary EIvTpaeHDYQ-00055-00042800-00043246 science physics and science EIvTpaeHDYQ-00056-00043247-00043599 i think in this program inshallah we EIvTpaeHDYQ-00057-00043600-00043815 maybe add to your information about EIvTpaeHDYQ-00058-00043816-00043958 space EIvTpaeHDYQ-00059-00043959-00044223 maybe we will discuss some things maybe EIvTpaeHDYQ-00060-00044224-00046095 and share our ideas EIvTpaeHDYQ-00061-00046096-00046407 um first EIvTpaeHDYQ-00062-00046408-00046743 i'd like to receive your ideas EIvTpaeHDYQ-00063-00046744-00046935 what's your expectations about this EIvTpaeHDYQ-00064-00046936-00047327 program do you expect to study EIvTpaeHDYQ-00065-00047328-00047711 then we can EIvTpaeHDYQ-00066-00047712-00047974 let's start our course insha'allah EIvTpaeHDYQ-00067-00047975-00048199 what's your ideas about this course or EIvTpaeHDYQ-00068-00048200-00048302 do you like to study EIvTpaeHDYQ-00069-00048303-00048646 maybe you help me by searching EIvTpaeHDYQ-00070-00048647-00049007 uh maybe i introduce some information EIvTpaeHDYQ-00071-00049008-00049318 for you especially with videos EIvTpaeHDYQ-00072-00049319-00049799 with news about space EIvTpaeHDYQ-00073-00049800-00050071 but i'm not only one who is going to EIvTpaeHDYQ-00074-00050072-00050230 talk only EIvTpaeHDYQ-00075-00050231-00050483 you have to share me you have to EIvTpaeHDYQ-00076-00050484-00050679 participate EIvTpaeHDYQ-00077-00050680-00050990 hello who's doing this noise EIvTpaeHDYQ-00078-00050991-00051550 oh my god EIvTpaeHDYQ-00079-00051551-00051882 good all are muted now thank you very EIvTpaeHDYQ-00080-00051883-00052046 much EIvTpaeHDYQ-00081-00052047-00052407 okay now i can EIvTpaeHDYQ-00082-00052408-00052647 if if i ask you you can unmute yourself EIvTpaeHDYQ-00083-00052648-00052847 to speak no worries right EIvTpaeHDYQ-00084-00052848-00053071 anna do you have any ideas to improve EIvTpaeHDYQ-00085-00053072-00053623 our course EIvTpaeHDYQ-00086-00053624-00053975 hannah yes EIvTpaeHDYQ-00087-00053976-00054166 do you have any ideas to improve our EIvTpaeHDYQ-00088-00054167-00054366 course EIvTpaeHDYQ-00089-00054367-00054750 no would you like to stand EIvTpaeHDYQ-00090-00054751-00055015 what's your expectation about studying EIvTpaeHDYQ-00091-00055016-00055535 space secrets EIvTpaeHDYQ-00092-00055536-00055959 isolates for um for exam only EIvTpaeHDYQ-00093-00055960-00056191 no it is not for example we are not we EIvTpaeHDYQ-00094-00056191-00056271 are not studying EIvTpaeHDYQ-00095-00056272-00056526 now we just play and have fun in summer EIvTpaeHDYQ-00096-00056527-00056679 season EIvTpaeHDYQ-00097-00056679-00056991 right it is not bad it is not boring EIvTpaeHDYQ-00098-00056991-00057375 don't worry i will not ask you as a test EIvTpaeHDYQ-00099-00057376-00057694 okay good do you have any expectation EIvTpaeHDYQ-00100-00057695-00058087 any ideas any thoughts about this course EIvTpaeHDYQ-00101-00058088-00058542 yes like um there are lots of planets EIvTpaeHDYQ-00102-00058544-00058959 like that study planets EIvTpaeHDYQ-00103-00058960-00059375 more information about planets EIvTpaeHDYQ-00104-00059376-00059575 uh like we have the sun we have the EIvTpaeHDYQ-00105-00059576-00059799 earth we have the mercury EIvTpaeHDYQ-00106-00059800-00060054 and we have the stars anyway and all of EIvTpaeHDYQ-00107-00060055-00060215 them are called planets EIvTpaeHDYQ-00108-00060216-00060742 what else more than planets EIvTpaeHDYQ-00109-00060744-00060975 what's necessary what else are more than EIvTpaeHDYQ-00110-00060976-00061142 balanced in this car in this space you EIvTpaeHDYQ-00111-00061144-00061479 like to study or know about it EIvTpaeHDYQ-00112-00061479-00061926 networks clouds EIvTpaeHDYQ-00113-00061927-00062303 you mean human atmosphere EIvTpaeHDYQ-00114-00062304-00062630 yes good EIvTpaeHDYQ-00115-00062632-00063082 good title to study thank you let me ask EIvTpaeHDYQ-00116-00063083-00063663 muhammad would you like to add muhammad EIvTpaeHDYQ-00117-00063664-00063966 what do you like to add i think we can EIvTpaeHDYQ-00118-00063967-00064142 add the EIvTpaeHDYQ-00119-00064144-00065735 stars and EIvTpaeHDYQ-00120-00065736-00067175 say it in english because oh no what EIvTpaeHDYQ-00121-00067176-00067503 you like to study about galaxies EIvTpaeHDYQ-00122-00067504-00067831 no i mean that there is more than EIvTpaeHDYQ-00123-00067832-00068175 our galaxy but bigger than EIvTpaeHDYQ-00124-00068176-00070082 you mean EIvTpaeHDYQ-00125-00070083-00070423 hello EIvTpaeHDYQ-00126-00070424-00070606 radha what's your expectation about this EIvTpaeHDYQ-00127-00070607-00070903 course what do you like to study more EIvTpaeHDYQ-00128-00070904-00071238 i want to study other galaxies EIvTpaeHDYQ-00129-00071239-00071567 galaxies huh yeah EIvTpaeHDYQ-00130-00071568-00071911 good thank you you're welcome maybe EIvTpaeHDYQ-00131-00071912-00072175 maybe you find time for this maybe not EIvTpaeHDYQ-00132-00072176-00072350 but for me i'd like also to study EIvTpaeHDYQ-00133-00072351-00072567 traveling to space it's interesting EIvTpaeHDYQ-00134-00072568-00072687 topic EIvTpaeHDYQ-00135-00072688-00073103 traveling to space how can we travel EIvTpaeHDYQ-00136-00073104-00073519 do you mean you travel huh EIvTpaeHDYQ-00137-00073520-00073894 yes traveling to space and it's just EIvTpaeHDYQ-00138-00073895-00074255 german history EIvTpaeHDYQ-00139-00074256-00074543 if man can travel to space or not and EIvTpaeHDYQ-00140-00074544-00074806 what does he found EIvTpaeHDYQ-00141-00074807-00075087 anyway also we can study secrets of EIvTpaeHDYQ-00142-00075088-00075167 planets EIvTpaeHDYQ-00143-00075168-00075519 we said planets are the fairest noris EIvTpaeHDYQ-00144-00075520-00075903 secrets of stars EIvTpaeHDYQ-00145-00075904-00076367 our galaxy and the other galaxies EIvTpaeHDYQ-00146-00076368-00076599 good good to share with you this topic EIvTpaeHDYQ-00147-00076600-00076719 because EIvTpaeHDYQ-00148-00076720-00077238 we like to know an untraditional EIvTpaeHDYQ-00149-00077239-00077471 information about space it is not school EIvTpaeHDYQ-00150-00077472-00077719 it is not test it is not exam EIvTpaeHDYQ-00151-00077720-00078103 but it is um as you know it's it's EIvTpaeHDYQ-00152-00078104-00078482 summer season club science club EIvTpaeHDYQ-00153-00078483-00078855 right so let's start with this EIvTpaeHDYQ-00154-00078856-00079238 um powerpoint simple one EIvTpaeHDYQ-00155-00079239-00079711 about the solar system EIvTpaeHDYQ-00156-00079712-00080326 as a gate to study the space EIvTpaeHDYQ-00157-00080327-00080647 we have to know about the EIvTpaeHDYQ-00158-00080648-00080935 solar system at the first i think all of EIvTpaeHDYQ-00159-00080936-00080991 you has EIvTpaeHDYQ-00160-00080992-00081438 studied this topic in grid four EIvTpaeHDYQ-00161-00081439-00081735 and you will study it again in grid nine EIvTpaeHDYQ-00162-00081736-00081918 in charlotte EIvTpaeHDYQ-00163-00081919-00082159 but now i'd like to add some information EIvTpaeHDYQ-00164-00082160-00082606 about it for you EIvTpaeHDYQ-00165-00082607-00082967 let's see EIvTpaeHDYQ-00166-00082968-00083287 these are nine planets not eight EIvTpaeHDYQ-00167-00083288-00083799 and this picture is old one before 2006 EIvTpaeHDYQ-00168-00083800-00084159 why because the scientists EIvTpaeHDYQ-00169-00084160-00084518 had gathered together and they decide to EIvTpaeHDYQ-00170-00084519-00084703 cancel below 2 EIvTpaeHDYQ-00171-00084704-00085023 which is last one which is numbered with EIvTpaeHDYQ-00172-00085024-00085103 9 EIvTpaeHDYQ-00173-00085104-00085350 because it's very small mercury venus EIvTpaeHDYQ-00174-00085351-00085575 earth mars jupiter saturn EIvTpaeHDYQ-00175-00085576-00085950 uranus neptune right they are eight EIvTpaeHDYQ-00176-00085951-00086031 planets EIvTpaeHDYQ-00177-00086032-00086399 and more than the sun so EIvTpaeHDYQ-00178-00086400-00086711 sun is the center and there are eight EIvTpaeHDYQ-00179-00086712-00086862 blades are rotating around EIvTpaeHDYQ-00180-00086863-00087247 it in circular orbits or EIvTpaeHDYQ-00181-00087248-00087549 in oval orbits EIvTpaeHDYQ-00182-00087550-00087982 [Music] EIvTpaeHDYQ-00183-00087983-00088175 first is the sun some information about EIvTpaeHDYQ-00184-00088176-00088471 the sun you can see and read with me EIvTpaeHDYQ-00185-00088472-00088750 it is in the center of the solar system EIvTpaeHDYQ-00186-00088751-00088823 yeah EIvTpaeHDYQ-00187-00088824-00089215 necklace EIvTpaeHDYQ-00188-00089216-00089487 look look at the sun forest sun is a EIvTpaeHDYQ-00189-00089488-00089662 star not planet EIvTpaeHDYQ-00190-00089663-00090079 sun is medium-sized EIvTpaeHDYQ-00191-00090080-00090375 and it is not too small sun is burning EIvTpaeHDYQ-00192-00090376-00090503 gases EIvTpaeHDYQ-00193-00090504-00090838 cares not rocky not rocks EIvTpaeHDYQ-00194-00090839-00091238 like planets sun is a gas EIvTpaeHDYQ-00195-00091239-00091582 helium and hydrogen are reacted together EIvTpaeHDYQ-00196-00091583-00091855 to produce light and heat also the EIvTpaeHDYQ-00197-00091856-00092015 metroid and the materials EIvTpaeHDYQ-00198-00092016-00092206 yes all of these are called celestial EIvTpaeHDYQ-00199-00092207-00092775 bodies celestial bodies EIvTpaeHDYQ-00200-00092776-00093399 smaller than them EIvTpaeHDYQ-00201-00093400-00093767 good these are some information about EIvTpaeHDYQ-00202-00093768-00094118 it it is a star shining EIvTpaeHDYQ-00203-00094119-00094415 because it creates or emits heat and EIvTpaeHDYQ-00204-00094416-00094462 light EIvTpaeHDYQ-00205-00094463-00094638 yeah it's light in the center of the EIvTpaeHDYQ-00206-00094639-00094838 solar system it is the biggest body in EIvTpaeHDYQ-00207-00094839-00094935 the source EIvTpaeHDYQ-00208-00094936-00095199 yes also it's a medium sized as i said EIvTpaeHDYQ-00209-00095200-00095303 before EIvTpaeHDYQ-00210-00095304-00095559 it is not as small it is not large its EIvTpaeHDYQ-00211-00095560-00095774 medium sized star EIvTpaeHDYQ-00212-00095775-00095943 and it is the nearest to start with the EIvTpaeHDYQ-00213-00095944-00096743 earth planet EIvTpaeHDYQ-00214-00096744-00097111 mister yes uh EIvTpaeHDYQ-00215-00097112-00097311 i want to ask about is this the first EIvTpaeHDYQ-00216-00097312-00097479 person in the EIvTpaeHDYQ-00217-00097480-00097782 in the in the great EIvTpaeHDYQ-00218-00097783-00098255 or this is not in grade 8 it is EIvTpaeHDYQ-00219-00098256-00098615 in grade 9 challenge will study EIvTpaeHDYQ-00220-00098616-00098815 but i teach you as you are you read EIvTpaeHDYQ-00221-00098816-00099006 eight now this is EIvTpaeHDYQ-00222-00099007-00099294 just additional information about space EIvTpaeHDYQ-00223-00099295-00099391 because EIvTpaeHDYQ-00224-00099392-00100535 these are foundational EIvTpaeHDYQ-00225-00100536-00101479 saturn jupiter EIvTpaeHDYQ-00226-00101480-00101735 is cancelled it is not considering now EIvTpaeHDYQ-00227-00101736-00101815 as EIvTpaeHDYQ-00228-00101816-00102079 a planet it's smaller than the moon so EIvTpaeHDYQ-00229-00102080-00102326 they cancel it in 2006. i have another EIvTpaeHDYQ-00230-00102327-00102399 information EIvTpaeHDYQ-00231-00102400-00102799 can i see yeah you can add no orders EIvTpaeHDYQ-00232-00102800-00103118 um the distance between the sun and the EIvTpaeHDYQ-00233-00103119-00103239 other planets EIvTpaeHDYQ-00234-00103240-00103502 because it's too big it's not measured EIvTpaeHDYQ-00235-00103503-00103727 in kilometer it's measured in a unit EIvTpaeHDYQ-00236-00103728-00103823 called the EIvTpaeHDYQ-00237-00103824-00104054 year light yes you're right you're EIvTpaeHDYQ-00238-00104055-00104254 excellent this information EIvTpaeHDYQ-00239-00104255-00104454 we are going to study it and the more EIvTpaeHDYQ-00240-00104455-00104775 also in traveling to space EIvTpaeHDYQ-00241-00104776-00104966 excellent thank you very much for this EIvTpaeHDYQ-00242-00104967-00105239 advanced information EIvTpaeHDYQ-00243-00105240-00105502 now we just have some ideas about EIvTpaeHDYQ-00244-00105503-00105566 planets EIvTpaeHDYQ-00245-00105567-00105878 and some secrets of planets EIvTpaeHDYQ-00246-00105879-00106247 they are dark they are not self shining EIvTpaeHDYQ-00247-00106248-00106566 they are not self shining they are dark EIvTpaeHDYQ-00248-00106567-00106823 it means that they don't they don't EIvTpaeHDYQ-00249-00106824-00106919 reduce EIvTpaeHDYQ-00250-00106920-00107143 heat or light they just receive them EIvTpaeHDYQ-00251-00107144-00107447 from the sun EIvTpaeHDYQ-00252-00107448-00107883 they revolve around the sun in oval EIvTpaeHDYQ-00253-00107883-00108078 orbits EIvTpaeHDYQ-00254-00108079-00108910 they are rotating in fixed orbits EIvTpaeHDYQ-00255-00108911-00109239 um now i'd like EIvTpaeHDYQ-00256-00109240-00109671 to give you um any EIvTpaeHDYQ-00257-00109672-00109934 two types to arrange the planets EIvTpaeHDYQ-00258-00109935-00110127 according to the distance between them EIvTpaeHDYQ-00259-00110128-00110247 and the sun EIvTpaeHDYQ-00260-00110248-00110654 and also according to their size EIvTpaeHDYQ-00261-00110655-00110910 just read i think you know this before EIvTpaeHDYQ-00262-00110911-00111039 but you will study them EIvTpaeHDYQ-00263-00111040-00111390 in details in grid nine in china EIvTpaeHDYQ-00264-00111391-00111710 these are in uh arrangement according to EIvTpaeHDYQ-00265-00111711-00111919 the distance EIvTpaeHDYQ-00266-00111920-00112551 look at this EIvTpaeHDYQ-00267-00112552-00112766 distance starts with mercury and this is EIvTpaeHDYQ-00268-00112767-00112975 bluetooth EIvTpaeHDYQ-00269-00112976-00114231 but for for the size they are different EIvTpaeHDYQ-00270-00114232-00114463 the beginning was biggest to the EIvTpaeHDYQ-00271-00114464-00114631 smallest EIvTpaeHDYQ-00272-00114632-00114966 look at the order biggest one is jupiter EIvTpaeHDYQ-00273-00114967-00115271 saturn uranus neptune EIvTpaeHDYQ-00274-00115272-00115631 um earth EIvTpaeHDYQ-00275-00115632-00115999 sorry mars earth venus mars EIvTpaeHDYQ-00276-00116000-00116310 mercury we start from jupiter and with EIvTpaeHDYQ-00277-00116311-00116478 mercury which is the smallest one in EIvTpaeHDYQ-00278-00116479-00117183 size EIvTpaeHDYQ-00279-00117183-00117447 i know that you all of you know the EIvTpaeHDYQ-00280-00117448-00117639 properties or the characteristics of the EIvTpaeHDYQ-00281-00117640-00117734 planets EIvTpaeHDYQ-00282-00117735-00117983 that we started it before in grid 4. now EIvTpaeHDYQ-00283-00117983-00118110 we like to EIvTpaeHDYQ-00284-00118111-00118447 see this video sorry watch this video EIvTpaeHDYQ-00285-00118448-00118719 it gives us more information about the EIvTpaeHDYQ-00286-00118720-00118775 space EIvTpaeHDYQ-00287-00118776-00119102 especially in the solar system bodies EIvTpaeHDYQ-00288-00119103-00119134 like EIvTpaeHDYQ-00289-00119135-00119383 stars and the planets look at this one EIvTpaeHDYQ-00290-00119383-00119439 if you can't EIvTpaeHDYQ-00291-00119440-00120358 hear me just tell me please EIvTpaeHDYQ-00292-00120359-00120783 this is the moon EIvTpaeHDYQ-00293-00120783-00121007 this is murky planet which in the middle EIvTpaeHDYQ-00294-00121008-00121190 of the screen EIvTpaeHDYQ-00295-00121191-00121647 mercury EIvTpaeHDYQ-00296-00121648-00121831 look at the number in the bottom which EIvTpaeHDYQ-00297-00121832-00122007 is diameter of this EIvTpaeHDYQ-00298-00122008-00122327 planet you know diameter in in EIvTpaeHDYQ-00299-00122328-00122734 geometry yes EIvTpaeHDYQ-00301-00126144-00126319 yeah and the perimeter is in muhit in EIvTpaeHDYQ-00302-00126320-00126910 arabic right EIvTpaeHDYQ-00303-00126911-00127134 yes thank you very much which divides EIvTpaeHDYQ-00304-00127135-00127302 the circle in two sides EIvTpaeHDYQ-00305-00127303-00128078 in two sections two parts EIvTpaeHDYQ-00306-00128079-00128383 look at this one uh this one is mars EIvTpaeHDYQ-00307-00128383-00129007 look at this color which is red EIvTpaeHDYQ-00308-00129008-00129190 is venus you see it's very very EIvTpaeHDYQ-00309-00129191-00129310 beautiful EIvTpaeHDYQ-00310-00129311-00129639 subhanallah they said it EIvTpaeHDYQ-00311-00129640-00129854 beautiful planet because it seems in the EIvTpaeHDYQ-00312-00129855-00129951 sky EIvTpaeHDYQ-00313-00129952-00130678 in the night in beautiful case EIvTpaeHDYQ-00314-00130679-00130999 this is the earth you see it's it's blue EIvTpaeHDYQ-00315-00131000-00131590 but not totally blue like neptune EIvTpaeHDYQ-00316-00131591-00131839 not totally blue some of them is some of EIvTpaeHDYQ-00317-00131840-00131959 it is blue some of EIvTpaeHDYQ-00318-00131960-00132239 it is not blue why because it's watery EIvTpaeHDYQ-00319-00132240-00132366 planet EIvTpaeHDYQ-00320-00132367-00132702 it means that the water exists in most EIvTpaeHDYQ-00321-00132703-00132743 of EIvTpaeHDYQ-00322-00132744-00133807 its areas or most of its service EIvTpaeHDYQ-00323-00133808-00134119 and it's only uh EIvTpaeHDYQ-00324-00134120-00134278 live villainous we will take this in EIvTpaeHDYQ-00325-00134279-00135119 next time sean EIvTpaeHDYQ-00326-00135120-00135527 this is kibbler cabler is not is not a EIvTpaeHDYQ-00327-00135528-00135790 planet EIvTpaeHDYQ-00328-00135791-00136231 she is smaller than any planet EIvTpaeHDYQ-00329-00136232-00136527 neptune you see it's a totally blue EIvTpaeHDYQ-00330-00136528-00136887 shave colorways EIvTpaeHDYQ-00331-00136888-00137071 there's this difference between neptune EIvTpaeHDYQ-00332-00137072-00137671 and the earth EIvTpaeHDYQ-00333-00137672-00138814 this is not uranus uranus EIvTpaeHDYQ-00334-00138815-00139175 this is saturn EIvTpaeHDYQ-00335-00139176-00139359 they have some secrets we will study EIvTpaeHDYQ-00336-00139360-00140375 them inshallah negotiation business EIvTpaeHDYQ-00337-00140376-00140615 this is jupiter EIvTpaeHDYQ-00338-00140616-00141327 [Music] EIvTpaeHDYQ-00339-00141328-00141551 these are the planets around the star EIvTpaeHDYQ-00340-00141552-00141919 which is the sun EIvTpaeHDYQ-00341-00141920-00142207 the next one is the sun EIvTpaeHDYQ-00342-00142208-00142639 [Music] EIvTpaeHDYQ-00343-00142640-00142943 you see it has different color different EIvTpaeHDYQ-00344-00142944-00143054 size EIvTpaeHDYQ-00345-00143055-00143326 because it is not rocks its gases EIvTpaeHDYQ-00346-00143327-00143502 burning gases EIvTpaeHDYQ-00347-00143503-00144799 burning gases helium and hydrogen EIvTpaeHDYQ-00348-00144800-00145014 this is another star which is smaller EIvTpaeHDYQ-00349-00145015-00145151 than the sun EIvTpaeHDYQ-00350-00145152-00145366 the next one which is below is bigger EIvTpaeHDYQ-00351-00145367-00145639 than the sun EIvTpaeHDYQ-00352-00145640-00145966 so we can we can say sun is medium it is EIvTpaeHDYQ-00353-00145967-00146071 not biggest EIvTpaeHDYQ-00354-00146072-00146271 it is not the smallest it is medium EIvTpaeHDYQ-00355-00146272-00146532 sized EIvTpaeHDYQ-00356-00146533-00147083 [Music] EIvTpaeHDYQ-00357-00147084-00149847 star EIvTpaeHDYQ-00358-00149848-00150119 these are another stars another stars in EIvTpaeHDYQ-00359-00150120-00150559 the sky EIvTpaeHDYQ-00360-00150560-00150959 good teachers that i was talking about EIvTpaeHDYQ-00361-00150960-00151095 what i was talking about EIvTpaeHDYQ-00362-00151096-00151439 what do you say that that's EIvTpaeHDYQ-00363-00151440-00151654 this is what i was talking about the EIvTpaeHDYQ-00364-00151655-00151783 first of the class EIvTpaeHDYQ-00365-00151784-00152119 yeah yeah these are another stars EIvTpaeHDYQ-00366-00152120-00152683 it is not our star yeah EIvTpaeHDYQ-00367-00152684-00153000 okay EIvTpaeHDYQ-00369-00156670-00156883 [Applause] EIvTpaeHDYQ-00370-00156884-00157467 so EIvTpaeHDYQ-00371-00157468-00159847 [Music] EIvTpaeHDYQ-00372-00159848-00160159 good EIvTpaeHDYQ-00373-00160160-00160423 i mean there are millions of stars we EIvTpaeHDYQ-00374-00160424-00160583 cannot count is him EIvTpaeHDYQ-00375-00160584-00160863 but we just try now to have an idea EIvTpaeHDYQ-00376-00160864-00161031 about stars EIvTpaeHDYQ-00377-00161032-00161311 as they are different in size they are EIvTpaeHDYQ-00378-00161312-00161366 different EIvTpaeHDYQ-00379-00161367-00161702 in names they are also different in EIvTpaeHDYQ-00380-00161703-00161911 distances between between them and EIvTpaeHDYQ-00381-00161912-00162135 between us EIvTpaeHDYQ-00382-00162136-00162463 and EIvTpaeHDYQ-00383-00162464-00162926 i mean EIvTpaeHDYQ-00384-00162927-00163551 we cannot count them EIvTpaeHDYQ-00385-00163552-00163878 we cannot also EIvTpaeHDYQ-00386-00163879-00164190 see there and see them in real because EIvTpaeHDYQ-00387-00164191-00164375 they are so far from us EIvTpaeHDYQ-00388-00164376-00164759 we just see their light we just EIvTpaeHDYQ-00389-00164760-00165175 see their light so if this is the moon EIvTpaeHDYQ-00390-00165176-00165519 of this is uh sorry EIvTpaeHDYQ-00391-00165520-00165766 if this is the star we don't see the EIvTpaeHDYQ-00392-00165767-00165847 star itself EIvTpaeHDYQ-00393-00165848-00166119 we see it's light here because it's very EIvTpaeHDYQ-00394-00166120-00166247 far EIvTpaeHDYQ-00395-00166248-00166551 from us let's start EIvTpaeHDYQ-00396-00166552-00167799 yes EIvTpaeHDYQ-00397-00167800-00168383 is a blue planet it means EIvTpaeHDYQ-00398-00168384-00168678 it's a blue planet neptune is blue EIvTpaeHDYQ-00399-00168679-00168759 planet but EIvTpaeHDYQ-00400-00168760-00169102 also earth is blue but not totally blue EIvTpaeHDYQ-00401-00169103-00169438 like neptune EIvTpaeHDYQ-00402-00169439-00169695 no i mean neptune neptune is a blue EIvTpaeHDYQ-00403-00169696-00169751 blonde EIvTpaeHDYQ-00404-00169752-00170078 right it means that it's EIvTpaeHDYQ-00405-00170079-00170454 it's totally blue in color but earth EIvTpaeHDYQ-00406-00170455-00170814 not totally blue i mean if this EIvTpaeHDYQ-00407-00170815-00171871 is neptune EIvTpaeHDYQ-00408-00171872-00172271 but if some of it is blue some of it EIvTpaeHDYQ-00409-00172272-00172599 is white some is rookie some is water EIvTpaeHDYQ-00410-00172600-00172847 you mean you know there are some seasons EIvTpaeHDYQ-00411-00172848-00172990 some oceans EIvTpaeHDYQ-00412-00172991-00174454 some seas rivers lakes EIvTpaeHDYQ-00413-00174455-00174663 we are going to study the nature of the EIvTpaeHDYQ-00414-00174664-00175031 planets and negation inshallah next week EIvTpaeHDYQ-00415-00175032-00175366 yeah i mean if it rocks if it is gases EIvTpaeHDYQ-00416-00175367-00175838 if it is water we will see right EIvTpaeHDYQ-00417-00175839-00176078 now i'd like to give you an idea about EIvTpaeHDYQ-00418-00176079-00176287 this uh EIvTpaeHDYQ-00419-00176288-00176702 lesson in details EIvTpaeHDYQ-00420-00176703-00177126 in my youtube channel you can find EIvTpaeHDYQ-00421-00177127-00177423 this video while i was teaching it to EIvTpaeHDYQ-00422-00177424-00177535 english students EIvTpaeHDYQ-00423-00177536-00177902 in uk before it was in 2010 EIvTpaeHDYQ-00424-00177903-00178238 you can just type this asar teaching EIvTpaeHDYQ-00425-00178239-00178638 day in in youtube to find my youtube EIvTpaeHDYQ-00426-00178639-00178726 channel and EIvTpaeHDYQ-00427-00178727-00179087 and to watch this video in details EIvTpaeHDYQ-00428-00179088-00179438 like this EIvTpaeHDYQ-00429-00179439-00179751 i'd like also to EIvTpaeHDYQ-00430-00179752-00180023 subscribe and like my channel you see EIvTpaeHDYQ-00431-00180024-00180366 this one EIvTpaeHDYQ-00432-00180367-00180671 this is my video in in 2010 while i was EIvTpaeHDYQ-00433-00180672-00180999 teaching in uk before EIvTpaeHDYQ-00434-00181000-00181183 i'd like you to watch it in details EIvTpaeHDYQ-00435-00181184-00181447 because i'm using models here EIvTpaeHDYQ-00436-00181448-00181766 and achieving about the magic uh EIvTpaeHDYQ-00437-00181767-00182078 which was i uh use them EIvTpaeHDYQ-00438-00182079-00182366 and some of my clay models also the EIvTpaeHDYQ-00439-00182367-00182423 students EIvTpaeHDYQ-00440-00182424-00182790 did for the planets in this video EIvTpaeHDYQ-00441-00182791-00182983 it's about 10 minutes i'd like you to EIvTpaeHDYQ-00442-00182984-00183102 watch EIvTpaeHDYQ-00443-00183103-00183438 like and comment then please please EIvTpaeHDYQ-00444-00183439-00183695 subscribe to my channel to EIvTpaeHDYQ-00445-00183696-00184102 display our signs right okay EIvTpaeHDYQ-00446-00184103-00184407 um EIvTpaeHDYQ-00447-00184408-00184814 if it is if it is all something else EIvTpaeHDYQ-00448-00184815-00185047 please muhammad if it is ordinary EIvTpaeHDYQ-00449-00185048-00185143 classroom EIvTpaeHDYQ-00450-00185144-00185463 i cannot say this but it is you know EIvTpaeHDYQ-00451-00185464-00185519 it's EIvTpaeHDYQ-00452-00185520-00185766 it's just science club so we can share EIvTpaeHDYQ-00453-00185767-00186031 our ideas if you subscribe to my channel EIvTpaeHDYQ-00454-00186032-00186231 i can subscribe to your channel if it is EIvTpaeHDYQ-00455-00186232-00186414 beneficial one EIvTpaeHDYQ-00456-00186415-00186831 yeah we change our benefits EIvTpaeHDYQ-00457-00186832-00187175 you understand EIvTpaeHDYQ-00458-00187176-00187511 we have changed mr vietnam EIvTpaeHDYQ-00459-00187512-00187711 so in this video you will see more EIvTpaeHDYQ-00460-00187712-00187887 information about planets more EIvTpaeHDYQ-00461-00187888-00188087 information about EIvTpaeHDYQ-00462-00188088-00188407 star which is the sun and you will see EIvTpaeHDYQ-00463-00188408-00188454 also EIvTpaeHDYQ-00464-00188455-00188759 watches as english students in grid i EIvTpaeHDYQ-00465-00188760-00188790 think EIvTpaeHDYQ-00466-00188791-00189119 grade 6 or grade 4 i don't remember EIvTpaeHDYQ-00467-00189120-00189454 but you will discover this video EIvTpaeHDYQ-00468-00189455-00189702 inshallah you would like it more EIvTpaeHDYQ-00469-00189703-00190054 um thank you for your uh watching me EIvTpaeHDYQ-00470-00190055-00190271 and i'd like to receive your questions EIvTpaeHDYQ-00471-00190272-00190423 now if you have any questions about EIvTpaeHDYQ-00472-00190424-00191087 our session today EIvTpaeHDYQ-00473-00191088-00191326 have you got any more additional ideas EIvTpaeHDYQ-00474-00191327-00191883 of this lesson EIvTpaeHDYQ-00475-00191884-00192175 hello yeah EIvTpaeHDYQ-00476-00192176-00192375 good so next time inshaallah we will EIvTpaeHDYQ-00477-00192376-00192478 study EIvTpaeHDYQ-00478-00192479-00192823 more secrets about each planet EIvTpaeHDYQ-00479-00192824-00193126 each planet has its uh its EIvTpaeHDYQ-00480-00193127-00193495 individual secrets study secrets of EIvTpaeHDYQ-00481-00193496-00193790 rocky planets and the gracious planets EIvTpaeHDYQ-00482-00193791-00194111 in nikhista inshallah EIvTpaeHDYQ-00483-00194112-00194431 thank you very much stay active and EIvTpaeHDYQ-00484-00194432-00194902 attractive goodbye everyone EIvTpaeHDYQ-00485-00194903-00195159 i wanted to say that that it was honor EIvTpaeHDYQ-00486-00195160-00195326 for me to meet him EIvTpaeHDYQ-00487-00195327-00195663 you're welcome it's my honor to all EIvTpaeHDYQ-00488-00195664-00195887 i'm so proud to you to see you and watch EIvTpaeHDYQ-00489-00195888-00196014 you to meet you today EIvTpaeHDYQ-00490-00196015-00196383 thank you very much if you like my uh EIvTpaeHDYQ-00491-00196384-00196854 my video link now i send it to your EIvTpaeHDYQ-00492-00196855-00197119 session if you like to place it in the EIvTpaeHDYQ-00493-00197120-00197166 set EIvTpaeHDYQ-00494-00197167-00197550 chat box of zoom you will find it now EIvTpaeHDYQ-00495-00197551-00197814 inshallah there is more EIvTpaeHDYQ-00496-00197815-00198135 here yes this one EIvTpaeHDYQ-00497-00198136-00198463 this is my video and you like EIvTpaeHDYQ-00498-00198464-00198687 uh if you like breath to watch and EIvTpaeHDYQ-00499-00198688-00198895 subscribe to my channel EIvTpaeHDYQ-00500-00198896-00199319 now before i end this decision please EIvTpaeHDYQ-00501-00199320-00199687 thank you very much my channel is called EIvTpaeHDYQ-00502-00199688-00199750 be nice EIvTpaeHDYQ-00503-00199751-00200400 on youtube with my picture ceramic EMjM0W20N0Q-00000-00000047-00001135 [Applause] EMjM0W20N0Q-00001-00001136-00001366 hi everyone welcome back EMjM0W20N0Q-00002-00001367-00001687 so we have another packet of tickets EMjM0W20N0Q-00003-00001688-00001823 this is EMjM0W20N0Q-00004-00001823-00002318 number 10. EMjM0W20N0Q-00005-00002319-00002631 i have a holiday winnings EMjM0W20N0Q-00006-00002632-00002871 ticket number 83 EMjM0W20N0Q-00007-00002872-00003055 it's a two dollar EMjM0W20N0Q-00008-00003056-00003470 i have a monopoly five dollar EMjM0W20N0Q-00009-00003471-00003815 number 42 EMjM0W20N0Q-00010-00003815-00004151 i have a gold rush supreme EMjM0W20N0Q-00011-00004152-00004351 number five EMjM0W20N0Q-00012-00004352-00004622 and another gold rush supreme five EMjM0W20N0Q-00013-00004623-00004959 dollar ticket number six EMjM0W20N0Q-00014-00004960-00005191 let's see what we can find on these EMjM0W20N0Q-00015-00005192-00005311 tickets EMjM0W20N0Q-00016-00005312-00007103 we'll start with the little one EMjM0W20N0Q-00017-00007104-00007334 i don't think this coin likes that EMjM0W20N0Q-00018-00007336-00007631 ticket very much i know i did it before EMjM0W20N0Q-00019-00007631-00007919 let's try my favorite coin EMjM0W20N0Q-00020-00007920-00008263 so we're looking for 20 or 12. we have a EMjM0W20N0Q-00021-00008264-00008446 25 EMjM0W20N0Q-00022-00008447-00008646 an 18. EMjM0W20N0Q-00023-00008647-00008871 a seven EMjM0W20N0Q-00024-00008872-00009055 a one EMjM0W20N0Q-00025-00009056-00009383 and a four EMjM0W20N0Q-00026-00009384-00009583 a ten EMjM0W20N0Q-00027-00009584-00009774 a three EMjM0W20N0Q-00028-00009775-00009883 a EMjM0W20N0Q-00029-00009884-00010206 fourteen a 23 EMjM0W20N0Q-00030-00010207-00010495 and a two and let's check the money bag EMjM0W20N0Q-00031-00010496-00010823 up here for the bonus EMjM0W20N0Q-00032-00010824-00011031 need a stack of cash EMjM0W20N0Q-00033-00011032-00011255 and we got a tree EMjM0W20N0Q-00034-00011256-00011438 so no bonus EMjM0W20N0Q-00035-00011439-00011638 no winning EMjM0W20N0Q-00036-00011639-00011942 number to match nothing EMjM0W20N0Q-00037-00011943-00012270 it's a losing 83. EMjM0W20N0Q-00038-00012271-00012391 okay EMjM0W20N0Q-00039-00012392-00012646 this monopoly ticket EMjM0W20N0Q-00040-00012647-00012966 ah there are no jackpots available EMjM0W20N0Q-00041-00012967-00013215 so we'll have to hope for something else EMjM0W20N0Q-00042-00013216-00013599 maybe another big winner like 10 000 or EMjM0W20N0Q-00043-00013600-00013719 so EMjM0W20N0Q-00044-00013719-00014158 that'd be all right EMjM0W20N0Q-00045-00014159-00014599 that's been out a long time EMjM0W20N0Q-00046-00014600-00014927 we have a bonus number of 14 but our EMjM0W20N0Q-00047-00014928-00015215 winning numbers are 27 EMjM0W20N0Q-00048-00015216-00015383 28 EMjM0W20N0Q-00049-00015384-00016238 5 and twenty wow EMjM0W20N0Q-00050-00016240-00016455 we have a two EMjM0W20N0Q-00051-00016456-00016655 a twenty two EMjM0W20N0Q-00052-00016656-00017055 a twenty one EMjM0W20N0Q-00053-00017056-00017191 an 8 EMjM0W20N0Q-00054-00017192-00017486 a 19 EMjM0W20N0Q-00055-00017487-00017743 a 9 EMjM0W20N0Q-00056-00017744-00017943 a 30 EMjM0W20N0Q-00057-00017944-00018004 a 3 EMjM0W20N0Q-00058-00018005-00018135 [Music] EMjM0W20N0Q-00059-00018136-00018407 and a 1 EMjM0W20N0Q-00060-00018408-00018711 26 we're so close EMjM0W20N0Q-00061-00018712-00018967 that's such a tease EMjM0W20N0Q-00062-00018968-00019319 18 but not this time EMjM0W20N0Q-00063-00019320-00019558 and a four one off EMjM0W20N0Q-00064-00019559-00019807 so that ticket gave us nothing back EMjM0W20N0Q-00065-00019808-00020007 anyway EMjM0W20N0Q-00066-00020008-00020263 total waste of money EMjM0W20N0Q-00067-00020264-00020750 let's try the gold rush supreme EMjM0W20N0Q-00068-00020751-00021030 and get this first one up here we're EMjM0W20N0Q-00069-00021031-00021630 on ticket number five EMjM0W20N0Q-00070-00021631-00021886 you get my lucky scratcher it does a EMjM0W20N0Q-00071-00021887-00022319 better job EMjM0W20N0Q-00072-00022320-00022550 not because it's lucky but because it EMjM0W20N0Q-00073-00022551-00022686 has this EMjM0W20N0Q-00074-00022687-00022991 really hard straight edge EMjM0W20N0Q-00075-00022992-00023286 sharp edge it does a great job EMjM0W20N0Q-00076-00023287-00023447 so EMjM0W20N0Q-00077-00023448-00023791 we are going to be looking for an 8 a 20 EMjM0W20N0Q-00078-00023792-00024230 a 22 and a 28 EMjM0W20N0Q-00079-00024231-00024447 17 EMjM0W20N0Q-00080-00024448-00024750 24 EMjM0W20N0Q-00081-00024751-00024886 21 EMjM0W20N0Q-00082-00024887-00025358 haha sami between 20 and 22 EMjM0W20N0Q-00083-00025359-00025535 16 EMjM0W20N0Q-00084-00025536-00025727 a 12 EMjM0W20N0Q-00085-00025727-00026143 a 29 one off EMjM0W20N0Q-00086-00026144-00026358 a 4 EMjM0W20N0Q-00087-00026360-00026502 22 EMjM0W20N0Q-00088-00026504-00026783 ding ding ding we have it we have the EMjM0W20N0Q-00089-00026783-00027102 winning number EMjM0W20N0Q-00090-00027104-00027185 that's good EMjM0W20N0Q-00091-00027186-00027327 [Music] EMjM0W20N0Q-00092-00027327-00027583 okay next one EMjM0W20N0Q-00093-00027583-00027958 we have seven one off EMjM0W20N0Q-00094-00027960-00028135 six EMjM0W20N0Q-00095-00028136-00028214 fourteen EMjM0W20N0Q-00096-00028214-00028423 [Music] EMjM0W20N0Q-00097-00028424-00028718 and an eight which is also a winning EMjM0W20N0Q-00098-00028719-00029007 number ding ding ding EMjM0W20N0Q-00099-00029008-00029223 so we have two winning numbers but let's EMjM0W20N0Q-00100-00029224-00029423 check our bonus EMjM0W20N0Q-00101-00029424-00029751 up here we have three bonus spots EMjM0W20N0Q-00102-00029752-00030014 if we can match them we can win extra EMjM0W20N0Q-00103-00030016-00030143 money EMjM0W20N0Q-00104-00030144-00030390 26 no EMjM0W20N0Q-00105-00030391-00030614 25 no EMjM0W20N0Q-00106-00030616-00030823 but they're in the family EMjM0W20N0Q-00107-00030824-00031199 and 11. nope not this time EMjM0W20N0Q-00108-00031200-00031758 we just have the two matching numbers EMjM0W20N0Q-00109-00031760-00032087 ten dollars under number eight hey EMjM0W20N0Q-00110-00032088-00032343 that's double the ticket price so that's EMjM0W20N0Q-00111-00032344-00032502 pretty good EMjM0W20N0Q-00112-00032503-00032935 and under 22 we have 10 more EMjM0W20N0Q-00113-00032936-00033190 wow i wasn't expecting that i thought EMjM0W20N0Q-00114-00033191-00033559 we'd have a break even EMjM0W20N0Q-00115-00033560-00033831 we're just a double up wow we have EMjM0W20N0Q-00116-00033832-00034062 twenty dollars back EMjM0W20N0Q-00117-00034063-00034415 on this five dollar ticket EMjM0W20N0Q-00118-00034416-00035046 oh let's try the next ticket EMjM0W20N0Q-00119-00035047-00035279 we only spent 17 EMjM0W20N0Q-00120-00035280-00035583 for the tickets today so we already got EMjM0W20N0Q-00121-00035584-00035990 back all our money and a little profit EMjM0W20N0Q-00122-00035991-00036279 so guess what florida lost today EMjM0W20N0Q-00123-00036280-00036487 we won EMjM0W20N0Q-00124-00036488-00036823 can't say that every day EMjM0W20N0Q-00125-00036824-00037023 matter of fact i probably can count the EMjM0W20N0Q-00126-00037024-00037359 days on my hands and toes EMjM0W20N0Q-00127-00037360-00037543 for the whole year EMjM0W20N0Q-00128-00037544-00038087 that i win and florida loses EMjM0W20N0Q-00129-00038088-00038302 they don't lose very often all right EMjM0W20N0Q-00130-00038303-00038727 we're looking for a 9 a 21 a 20 and a EMjM0W20N0Q-00131-00038728-00039015 24. EMjM0W20N0Q-00132-00039016-00039295 there's 26 EMjM0W20N0Q-00133-00039296-00039518 22 you know it's really tough because EMjM0W20N0Q-00134-00039519-00039839 this is a back-to-back ticket so EMjM0W20N0Q-00135-00039840-00040255 gonna be hard to win we have an eight EMjM0W20N0Q-00136-00040256-00040551 a thirteen EMjM0W20N0Q-00137-00040552-00040751 a twenty-three EMjM0W20N0Q-00138-00040752-00041046 one off EMjM0W20N0Q-00139-00041047-00041246 seventeen EMjM0W20N0Q-00140-00041247-00041543 a seven EMjM0W20N0Q-00141-00041544-00041614 eighteen EMjM0W20N0Q-00142-00041615-00041895 [Music] EMjM0W20N0Q-00143-00041896-00042007 eleven EMjM0W20N0Q-00144-00042008-00042223 we're going against the odds for this EMjM0W20N0Q-00145-00042224-00042399 one EMjM0W20N0Q-00146-00042400-00042774 29 EMjM0W20N0Q-00147-00042775-00043055 16 EMjM0W20N0Q-00148-00043056-00043318 and a 30 no EMjM0W20N0Q-00149-00043319-00043518 didn't expect it EMjM0W20N0Q-00150-00043519-00043751 on number six but let's go check that EMjM0W20N0Q-00151-00043752-00044023 bonus just in case EMjM0W20N0Q-00152-00044024-00044695 50 bonus we need 25 we're one off EMjM0W20N0Q-00153-00044696-00045015 20 bonus 15. EMjM0W20N0Q-00154-00045016-00045335 10 bonus number 12. EMjM0W20N0Q-00155-00045336-00045655 that one's backwards we have 21. okay so EMjM0W20N0Q-00156-00045656-00045927 didn't expect that and that's all right EMjM0W20N0Q-00157-00045928-00046079 got EMjM0W20N0Q-00158-00046080-00046302 three losing tickets EMjM0W20N0Q-00159-00046303-00046686 but we have one redeeming ticket EMjM0W20N0Q-00160-00046687-00046967 for twenty dollars EMjM0W20N0Q-00161-00046968-00047190 so that was all right EMjM0W20N0Q-00162-00047191-00047430 i will see you next time thank you so EMjM0W20N0Q-00163-00047431-00047884 much for watching bye bye EpNpJQ7BZNg-00000-00000003-00000193 we're here at jck in las vegas and EpNpJQ7BZNg-00001-00000194-00000422 anchor is just negotiated an awesome EpNpJQ7BZNg-00002-00000423-00000614 deal on Andalou site how did that deal EpNpJQ7BZNg-00003-00000615-00000661 go EpNpJQ7BZNg-00004-00000662-00000932 so from 10,000 carat we are selecting EpNpJQ7BZNg-00005-00000933-00001199 less than 2,000 carat and this is the EpNpJQ7BZNg-00006-00001200-00001408 top quality of Andalusia EpNpJQ7BZNg-00007-00001409-00001709 what makes this the selection that you EpNpJQ7BZNg-00008-00001710-00001988 want it has both green and brown color EpNpJQ7BZNg-00009-00001989-00002192 play they call it the Kiwi and chocolate EpNpJQ7BZNg-00010-00002193-00002366 that is the color play so that's why EpNpJQ7BZNg-00011-00002367-00002588 this is the top-notch quality all right EpNpJQ7BZNg-00012-00002589-00002813 my friends @ jck with Andaluz site EpNpJQ7BZNg-00013-00002814-00002968 Ankara and the deal we've got more EpNpJQ7BZNg-00014-00002969-00003367 shopping to do stay tuned EOy7AZgWGwI-00000-00000003-00000200 hey this is character from Kathy cooks EOy7AZgWGwI-00001-00000200-00000401 for you and we're doing this special EOy7AZgWGwI-00002-00000401-00000916 here with boxed cake mixes for Christmas EOy7AZgWGwI-00003-00000917-00001270 you guys are all so busy right you need EOy7AZgWGwI-00004-00001271-00001607 to have some time-saving tools to get EOy7AZgWGwI-00005-00001607-00001855 your Christmas shopping done and all EOy7AZgWGwI-00006-00001857-00002105 your gifts wrap but you still want to EOy7AZgWGwI-00007-00002106-00002300 have some treats and cookies and bars EOy7AZgWGwI-00008-00002301-00002480 for your family your friends your EOy7AZgWGwI-00009-00002481-00002825 co-workers this episode is for you you EOy7AZgWGwI-00010-00002826-00003005 just find your cake mix and half your EOy7AZgWGwI-00011-00003006-00003251 work is done for you so watch this EOy7AZgWGwI-00012-00003252-00003509 series and see what you can do with some EOy7AZgWGwI-00013-00003510-00004429 cake mixes this holiday season this EOy7AZgWGwI-00014-00004430-00004681 first recipe is peanut butter or EOy7AZgWGwI-00015-00004682-00005000 butterscotch chocolate squares I'm using EOy7AZgWGwI-00016-00005001-00005300 butterscotch just because that's what we EOy7AZgWGwI-00017-00005301-00005731 like no I don't got anything really now EOy7AZgWGwI-00018-00005732-00006056 if you're gonna use butterscotch you're EOy7AZgWGwI-00019-00006057-00006281 also going to use a nut I want to use EOy7AZgWGwI-00020-00006282-00006602 peanuts if you use peanut chips then I EOy7AZgWGwI-00021-00006603-00006851 would use peanuts babies butterscotch EOy7AZgWGwI-00022-00006852-00007192 you can use almonds pecans almonds EOy7AZgWGwI-00023-00007193-00007498 pecans what else lawns I'm using walnuts EOy7AZgWGwI-00024-00007498-00007742 so let's get going here we are gonna EOy7AZgWGwI-00025-00007743-00008239 start by making an ooey-gooey middle and EOy7AZgWGwI-00026-00008240-00008871 we're gonna put 1 can of condensed milk EOy7AZgWGwI-00027-00008872-00009266 into our pan then we have our chips EOy7AZgWGwI-00028-00009267-00009439 I have butterscotch chips and putting EOy7AZgWGwI-00029-00009440-00009752 one in 2/3 cup that's almost how much is EOy7AZgWGwI-00030-00009753-00009941 in a bag of chips so I just use the EOy7AZgWGwI-00031-00009942-00010381 whole bags and then 2 tablespoons of EOy7AZgWGwI-00032-00010382-00010714 butter and we are going to melt this so EOy7AZgWGwI-00033-00010715-00010846 that I've got some gooey gooey butter EOy7AZgWGwI-00034-00010847-00011256 here that looks EOy7AZgWGwI-00035-00011257-00011541 maybe a little over two but I doubt EOy7AZgWGwI-00036-00011542-00011814 it'll matter much so we're just gonna EOy7AZgWGwI-00037-00011815-00012241 put this on the stove have a seat up see EOy7AZgWGwI-00038-00012242-00012652 which side have to eat up and then we're EOy7AZgWGwI-00039-00012653-00012865 just gonna let it sit we don't need it EOy7AZgWGwI-00040-00012866-00013186 to boil or anything like that just gonna EOy7AZgWGwI-00041-00013187-00013618 let it heat up part one is done part two EOy7AZgWGwI-00042-00013619-00013899 we are putting our chocolate cake mix EOy7AZgWGwI-00043-00013900-00014188 that's where the name for the chocolate EOy7AZgWGwI-00044-00014188-00014713 comes from into a bowl and with that we EOy7AZgWGwI-00045-00014713-00015112 are going to put our oats our 2/3 cup of EOy7AZgWGwI-00046-00015113-00015580 oats into a ball then our 3/4 cups of EOy7AZgWGwI-00047-00015581-00016083 chopped nuts and we have here 2/3 cup of EOy7AZgWGwI-00048-00016084-00016544 softened butter what's putting at it oh EOy7AZgWGwI-00049-00016545-00016819 I hope it it not be good just with all EOy7AZgWGwI-00050-00016820-00017481 this butter right yummy get all that EOy7AZgWGwI-00051-00017482-00017818 softened butter in there oh why would I EOy7AZgWGwI-00052-00017819-00017997 not want it on that one and on my hips EOy7AZgWGwI-00053-00017998-00018397 right of course and a half a cup of milk EOy7AZgWGwI-00054-00018398-00018750 we're putting in good now we're gonna EOy7AZgWGwI-00055-00018751-00019272 stir this up we are really gonna get in EOy7AZgWGwI-00056-00019273-00019719 there to stir it up I might even yeah EOy7AZgWGwI-00057-00019720-00019912 we've got to get that butter that's EOy7AZgWGwI-00058-00019913-00020152 actually pray I don't know if we could EOy7AZgWGwI-00059-00020153-00020533 do this with the blender it's gonna be EOy7AZgWGwI-00060-00020534-00020833 thick so we just you know need to stir EOy7AZgWGwI-00061-00020834-00021030 to make sure there's no lumps besides EOy7AZgWGwI-00062-00021031-00021241 our nuts pressure to put our nuts in EOy7AZgWGwI-00063-00021242-00021499 after then we know if we had lumps or EOy7AZgWGwI-00064-00021500-00021862 not huh this is going to be our tap and EOy7AZgWGwI-00065-00021863-00022125 our bottom to our cake and what's on the EOy7AZgWGwI-00066-00022126-00022440 stove which let me just make sure we're EOy7AZgWGwI-00067-00022441-00022676 okay here okay EOy7AZgWGwI-00068-00022677-00023024 turn that up a little and then that's EOy7AZgWGwI-00069-00023025-00023353 going to be our middle is that we gooey EOy7AZgWGwI-00070-00023354-00023708 caramel like substance kind of has a EOy7AZgWGwI-00071-00023709-00024002 consistency of a thick frosting right EOy7AZgWGwI-00072-00024003-00024508 now there we have it let me just try it EOy7AZgWGwI-00073-00024509-00025010 huh gosh it tastes like frosting we have EOy7AZgWGwI-00074-00025011-00025229 a greased pan here we are going to put EOy7AZgWGwI-00075-00025230-00025523 half of this delicious batter in the EOy7AZgWGwI-00076-00025524-00025769 bottom of our pan do you have to measure EOy7AZgWGwI-00077-00025770-00026399 no want it all on the bottom kind of EOy7AZgWGwI-00078-00026400-00026864 like a crust it's going to be a crust it EOy7AZgWGwI-00079-00026864-00027404 is thick oh it's me so good now we are EOy7AZgWGwI-00080-00027405-00028037 going to pour our mixture of our chips EOy7AZgWGwI-00081-00028038-00028286 you could use any chip in this really EOy7AZgWGwI-00082-00028287-00028798 but her just gonna pour that on top oh EOy7AZgWGwI-00083-00028799-00029660 man that looks good now we are going to EOy7AZgWGwI-00084-00029661-00029843 take the rest of we're gonna take a EOy7AZgWGwI-00085-00029844-00029969 little teaspoon and we're gonna take the EOy7AZgWGwI-00086-00029970-00030164 rest of this batter and we're just gonna EOy7AZgWGwI-00087-00030164-00030836 drop it all over in small bits this is EOy7AZgWGwI-00088-00030837-00031169 yoking good you can make this double EOy7AZgWGwI-00089-00031170-00031538 chocolate and use chocolate chips you EOy7AZgWGwI-00090-00031539-00031801 can use white chips would that be good EOy7AZgWGwI-00091-00031802-00032083 you could use the peppermint you know EOy7AZgWGwI-00092-00032085-00032195 Christmastime you can get it like EOy7AZgWGwI-00093-00032195-00032689 peppermint um white and red chips and EOy7AZgWGwI-00094-00032691-00032930 then make it kind of pinkish that'd be EOy7AZgWGwI-00095-00032931-00033190 kind of pretty we are going to put this EOy7AZgWGwI-00096-00033191-00033699 in a 350 degree oven for 30 minutes EOy7AZgWGwI-00097-00033700-00033847 [Music] EOy7AZgWGwI-00098-00033848-00034634 OMG that looks good Wow no it's supposed EOy7AZgWGwI-00099-00034635-00034997 to be soft so that's jiggly quite a bit EOy7AZgWGwI-00100-00034998-00035456 but it says soft set so see how it's EOy7AZgWGwI-00101-00035457-00035867 kind of moving we're gonna chance it EOy7AZgWGwI-00102-00035868-00036096 because I want these EOy7AZgWGwI-00103-00036097-00036427 I'll let you know I'll let you know how EOy7AZgWGwI-00104-00036428-00036793 they turn out let these cool before you EOy7AZgWGwI-00105-00036794-00037003 cut them you saw how soft that was I'm EOy7AZgWGwI-00106-00037004-00037204 assuming they're gonna set a little bit EOy7AZgWGwI-00107-00037205-00037546 more onto our next bar we're gonna start EOy7AZgWGwI-00108-00037547-00037930 with one package of white cake mix and a EOy7AZgWGwI-00109-00037931-00038170 half a cup of melted butter and we're EOy7AZgWGwI-00110-00038171-00038389 gonna stir that all together and it's EOy7AZgWGwI-00111-00038390-00038722 gonna become a delicious crumbly mess EOy7AZgWGwI-00112-00038723-00039400 for us this is going to be our crust EOy7AZgWGwI-00113-00039401-00039682 we're gonna pour it into a 9 by 13 pan EOy7AZgWGwI-00114-00039683-00039935 that has the bottom greased we're gonna EOy7AZgWGwI-00115-00039936-00040480 bake it at 350 for 15 minutes and after EOy7AZgWGwI-00116-00040481-00040630 15 minutes we're gonna take it out of EOy7AZgWGwI-00117-00040631-00040855 the oven and let it cool for five EOy7AZgWGwI-00118-00040856-00041200 minutes before we pour the next mixture EOy7AZgWGwI-00119-00041201-00041505 that I'm gonna show you over it EOy7AZgWGwI-00120-00041506-00041776 be sure to Pat down those sides and EOy7AZgWGwI-00121-00041777-00041977 corners we just want a small lip on the EOy7AZgWGwI-00122-00041978-00042655 sides while that is baking we are gonna EOy7AZgWGwI-00123-00042656-00043050 mix four eggs with one cup of corn syrup EOy7AZgWGwI-00124-00043051-00043471 one cup of granulated sugar and three EOy7AZgWGwI-00125-00043472-00044041 tablespoons of melted butter stir that EOy7AZgWGwI-00126-00044042-00044332 all together yep get that all nice now EOy7AZgWGwI-00127-00044333-00044527 we're gonna add one and a half cups EOy7AZgWGwI-00128-00044528-00044872 coarsely chopped pecans and 3/4 cups of EOy7AZgWGwI-00129-00044873-00045163 dried cranberries YUM EOy7AZgWGwI-00130-00045164-00045463 now we are going to pour that into the EOy7AZgWGwI-00131-00045464-00045787 cooled crust Oh doesn't that look EOy7AZgWGwI-00132-00045788-00046186 amazing and we're gonna bake this at 350 EOy7AZgWGwI-00133-00046187-00046564 for 35 to 40 minutes ah look at it it's EOy7AZgWGwI-00134-00046565-00046810 gorgeous EOy7AZgWGwI-00135-00046811-00047258 [Music] EOy7AZgWGwI-00136-00047259-00047499 mix together quarter cup of butter EOy7AZgWGwI-00137-00047500-00047830 softened one white cake mix two eggs EOy7AZgWGwI-00138-00047831-00048076 quarter cup of water and a quarter cup EOy7AZgWGwI-00139-00048077-00048402 of packed brown sugar you're gonna mix EOy7AZgWGwI-00140-00048403-00048724 that all together it's gonna be thick EOy7AZgWGwI-00141-00048725-00049077 but delicious I had to switch to my EOy7AZgWGwI-00142-00049078-00049287 whisk because this really is a thick EOy7AZgWGwI-00143-00049288-00049715 batter we're gonna add one cup of dried EOy7AZgWGwI-00144-00049716-00050052 cranberries one cup of white chocolate EOy7AZgWGwI-00145-00050053-00050430 chips and one cup of chopped almonds EOy7AZgWGwI-00146-00050431-00050724 pecans or whatever kind of nut you have EOy7AZgWGwI-00147-00050725-00051127 in your pantry oh it's delicious looking EOy7AZgWGwI-00148-00051128-00051562 it's thick but man does it bake up well EOy7AZgWGwI-00149-00051563-00051929 we are gonna put this and I had a 9x9 EOy7AZgWGwI-00150-00051930-00052438 greased pan these came out so well it EOy7AZgWGwI-00151-00052439-00052719 was just like a brownie but blond it was EOy7AZgWGwI-00152-00052720-00053151 excellent bake these at 350 for 25 EOy7AZgWGwI-00153-00053152-00053698 minutes those recipes were absolutely EOy7AZgWGwI-00154-00053699-00053971 spectacular the chocolate with the EOy7AZgWGwI-00155-00053972-00054076 butterscotch EOy7AZgWGwI-00156-00054077-00054444 it was so chewy it is going to knock EOy7AZgWGwI-00157-00054445-00054790 your socks off my neighbor has loved it EOy7AZgWGwI-00158-00054791-00055021 and asked for it again so I need to make EOy7AZgWGwI-00159-00055022-00055438 that one for him my kids loved the pecan EOy7AZgWGwI-00160-00055439-00055776 cranberry bars very similar to pecan pie EOy7AZgWGwI-00161-00055777-00056221 but made in bars and also they loved the EOy7AZgWGwI-00162-00056222-00056516 cranberry and white chocolate Blondie's EOy7AZgWGwI-00163-00056517-00056866 excellent in those pecan bars that were EOy7AZgWGwI-00164-00056866-00057030 kind of like pecan pie what was great EOy7AZgWGwI-00165-00057032-00057247 about them is there wasn't so much of EOy7AZgWGwI-00166-00057248-00057480 the lead gooey filling maybe you liked EOy7AZgWGwI-00167-00057482-00057637 that but I would rather have a really EOy7AZgWGwI-00168-00057638-00057835 thick crust and a little bit less of EOy7AZgWGwI-00169-00057836-00058225 that brown goop I guess what do you call EOy7AZgWGwI-00170-00058226-00058498 it so try all those recipes thanks so EOy7AZgWGwI-00171-00058499-00058684 much for watching Kathy cooks for you EOy7AZgWGwI-00172-00058685-00058929 please subscribe below click that red EOy7AZgWGwI-00173-00058930-00059191 button and I would love to hear from you EOy7AZgWGwI-00174-00059191-00059387 with a comment or a thumbs up EOy7AZgWGwI-00175-00059388-00059404 you EOy7AZgWGwI-00176-00059405-00060426 [Music] EOBDfO5_PL0-00000-00000032-00000335 hey everybody it's me EOBDfO5_PL0-00001-00000336-00000663 ashley and i'm back with another video EOBDfO5_PL0-00002-00000664-00001015 and in this video i'm gonna be doing a EOBDfO5_PL0-00003-00001016-00001374 quick little valentine's day look EOBDfO5_PL0-00004-00001375-00001607 it is does have the traditional pink EOBDfO5_PL0-00005-00001607-00001855 purple and burgundy EOBDfO5_PL0-00006-00001855-00002102 and a pink lip of course if you're EOBDfO5_PL0-00007-00002103-00002318 interested in seeing how i got this look EOBDfO5_PL0-00008-00002319-00003647 then keep on watching EOBDfO5_PL0-00009-00003647-00003919 you can tell i'm super excited because i EOBDfO5_PL0-00010-00003920-00004022 have my base EOBDfO5_PL0-00011-00004023-00004327 so brows foundation and concealer EOBDfO5_PL0-00012-00004328-00004479 and i'm going in with my favorite EOBDfO5_PL0-00013-00004480-00004702 palette at the moment moment EOBDfO5_PL0-00014-00004703-00005079 the jackie aina abh palette EOBDfO5_PL0-00015-00005080-00005415 and we're going in first with edges EOBDfO5_PL0-00016-00005416-00005799 and i'm putting this in my inner corner EOBDfO5_PL0-00017-00005800-00006134 and right when i'm about to put it on EOBDfO5_PL0-00018-00006135-00006327 i'm looking in the mirror looking and EOBDfO5_PL0-00019-00006328-00006542 i'm like hit hey and i'm like EOBDfO5_PL0-00020-00006543-00006903 oh wait what uh i put foundation EOBDfO5_PL0-00021-00006904-00007223 on my eyelids which i don't do sometimes EOBDfO5_PL0-00022-00007223-00007478 or if i do i usually put powder down and EOBDfO5_PL0-00023-00007479-00007598 i didn't EOBDfO5_PL0-00024-00007600-00007814 and it started to crease and it looked EOBDfO5_PL0-00025-00007815-00007934 really funky EOBDfO5_PL0-00026-00007936-00008246 so i patted it away EOBDfO5_PL0-00027-00008247-00008551 to lay my foundation down or my EOBDfO5_PL0-00028-00008552-00008607 eyeshadow EOBDfO5_PL0-00029-00008608-00008903 down we're going to speed through this EOBDfO5_PL0-00030-00008904-00009039 because do you really EOBDfO5_PL0-00031-00009040-00009342 want to watch me slow well EOBDfO5_PL0-00032-00009343-00009639 regular speed do this it looks way EOBDfO5_PL0-00033-00009640-00010103 cooler sped up EOBDfO5_PL0-00034-00010104-00010438 and i'm just doing that in my crease EOBDfO5_PL0-00035-00010439-00010791 to warm it up and then i'm going in EOBDfO5_PL0-00036-00010792-00011183 with credit EOBDfO5_PL0-00037-00011184-00011670 and that's like a burgundy orange EOBDfO5_PL0-00038-00011671-00012070 and i'm putting that in my outer v EOBDfO5_PL0-00039-00012071-00012310 i didn't use too much because i didn't EOBDfO5_PL0-00040-00012311-00012438 really EOBDfO5_PL0-00041-00012439-00012759 plan on using very much of it EOBDfO5_PL0-00042-00012760-00013007 and uh i just used it mostly to put EOBDfO5_PL0-00043-00013008-00013175 dimension EOBDfO5_PL0-00044-00013176-00013615 in my outer v and i'm looking at my vice EOBDfO5_PL0-00045-00013616-00013919 palette from urban decay like EOBDfO5_PL0-00046-00013919-00014151 memory is not correct not the colors i EOBDfO5_PL0-00047-00014152-00014422 thought i would need EOBDfO5_PL0-00048-00014423-00014807 and i'm also watching my brush EOBDfO5_PL0-00049-00014808-00015094 and these are really good when you want EOBDfO5_PL0-00050-00015095-00015183 to get rid EOBDfO5_PL0-00051-00015184-00015399 of the eyeshadow that you were EOBDfO5_PL0-00052-00015400-00015543 previously using EOBDfO5_PL0-00053-00015544-00015719 without having to use a whole bunch of EOBDfO5_PL0-00054-00015719-00015991 brushes EOBDfO5_PL0-00055-00015991-00016222 and i'm going back in with the jackie EOBDfO5_PL0-00056-00016223-00016319 aina palette EOBDfO5_PL0-00057-00016319-00016575 to the color i thought was in the vice EOBDfO5_PL0-00058-00016576-00016783 and i'm using wig elise EOBDfO5_PL0-00059-00016784-00017127 and it's a beautiful sparkly burgundy EOBDfO5_PL0-00060-00017128-00017407 shade it's like a cranberry it's really EOBDfO5_PL0-00061-00017408-00017550 pretty EOBDfO5_PL0-00062-00017551-00017791 all right so we are going to speed EOBDfO5_PL0-00063-00017792-00017894 through EOBDfO5_PL0-00064-00017895-00018463 this and EOBDfO5_PL0-00065-00018464-00018630 again this eyeshadow is freaking EOBDfO5_PL0-00066-00018631-00019103 gorgeous EOBDfO5_PL0-00067-00019104-00019399 why is my mouth open i have no clue well EOBDfO5_PL0-00068-00019400-00019511 you know it helps EOBDfO5_PL0-00069-00019512-00019855 with applying eyeshadow EOBDfO5_PL0-00070-00019856-00020230 try it out EOBDfO5_PL0-00071-00020231-00020678 oh my EOBDfO5_PL0-00072-00020679-00021007 and then i was using my swatch EOBDfO5_PL0-00073-00021008-00021286 to clean off my brush and i'm going in EOBDfO5_PL0-00074-00021287-00021414 to EOBDfO5_PL0-00075-00021415-00021975 blend those two shadows together EOBDfO5_PL0-00076-00021976-00022255 and i'm coming back and i went to sit EOBDfO5_PL0-00077-00022256-00022407 down on my stool and i EOBDfO5_PL0-00078-00022408-00022575 totally missed it and almost fell on the EOBDfO5_PL0-00079-00022576-00022943 ground and i got this jelly much EOBDfO5_PL0-00080-00022944-00023327 eye shadow from colourpop and EOBDfO5_PL0-00081-00023328-00023567 that pink is gorgeous right it's gonna EOBDfO5_PL0-00082-00023568-00024111 pop with that burgundy EOBDfO5_PL0-00083-00024112-00024263 and i think that one's part of the EOBDfO5_PL0-00084-00024264-00024775 disney collection EOBDfO5_PL0-00085-00024776-00024991 when i seen the when i seen those EOBDfO5_PL0-00086-00024992-00025527 shadows i bought almost all of them EOBDfO5_PL0-00087-00025528-00025734 and how much how many times have i used EOBDfO5_PL0-00088-00025735-00025894 them EOBDfO5_PL0-00089-00025895-00026302 less than a handful but i'm going in EOBDfO5_PL0-00090-00026304-00026646 my inner corner with that color EOBDfO5_PL0-00091-00026647-00027039 and you can see me looking like yeah EOBDfO5_PL0-00092-00027039-00027270 not much payoff with the brush and EOBDfO5_PL0-00093-00027272-00027479 definitely not the color i thought EOBDfO5_PL0-00094-00027480-00027799 would be coming would show up i thought EOBDfO5_PL0-00095-00027800-00028102 it'd be a lot more pink EOBDfO5_PL0-00096-00028104-00028455 so i used my finger instead and got EOBDfO5_PL0-00097-00028456-00029055 hella color payoff EOBDfO5_PL0-00098-00029056-00029495 and it looks amazing EOBDfO5_PL0-00099-00029495-00029839 but also doesn't look as pink as i EOBDfO5_PL0-00100-00029839-00029943 thought it would EOBDfO5_PL0-00101-00029944-00030295 looks more purple pink purple with pink EOBDfO5_PL0-00102-00030295-00030431 reflects EOBDfO5_PL0-00103-00030432-00030799 but you know i'm like okay EOBDfO5_PL0-00104-00030800-00030974 it was kind of overwhelming and i'm like EOBDfO5_PL0-00105-00030975-00031518 i'm gonna tone that down EOBDfO5_PL0-00106-00031519-00031823 and i brushed off the excess well tried EOBDfO5_PL0-00107-00031824-00031887 to EOBDfO5_PL0-00108-00031888-00032167 didn't do very good i did do a decent EOBDfO5_PL0-00109-00032168-00032255 job EOBDfO5_PL0-00110-00032256-00032446 but i should have did my eyes and then EOBDfO5_PL0-00111-00032447-00032718 did my face EOBDfO5_PL0-00112-00032719-00033446 uh makeup but you know whatever EOBDfO5_PL0-00113-00033447-00033702 and then i'm going back in with jackie EOBDfO5_PL0-00114-00033703-00033935 aina palette with wig elise EOBDfO5_PL0-00115-00033936-00034246 and i'm going to be doing the EOBDfO5_PL0-00116-00034247-00034551 other half of my lower eyelid EOBDfO5_PL0-00117-00034552-00034887 because i did the other half EOBDfO5_PL0-00118-00034888-00035190 in the jelly mud shadow i can't remember EOBDfO5_PL0-00119-00035191-00035574 the name of it EOBDfO5_PL0-00120-00035575-00035751 i'm like yes this look it's coming EOBDfO5_PL0-00121-00035752-00035879 together EOBDfO5_PL0-00122-00035880-00036199 i'm feeling myself you can tell EOBDfO5_PL0-00123-00036200-00036415 super excited because i thought it was EOBDfO5_PL0-00124-00036416-00037815 gonna be a dud EOBDfO5_PL0-00125-00037816-00038030 i thought i heard something it was EOBDfO5_PL0-00126-00038031-00038543 nothing EOBDfO5_PL0-00127-00038544-00038743 and then i'm going in with i think EOBDfO5_PL0-00128-00038744-00038959 that's nyx EOBDfO5_PL0-00129-00038960-00039343 and it's there just a liquid eyeliner EOBDfO5_PL0-00130-00039344-00039646 matte i don't need EOBDfO5_PL0-00131-00039647-00040095 a satin or any else kind of shiny EOBDfO5_PL0-00132-00040096-00040815 eyeliner my face is shiny enough EOBDfO5_PL0-00133-00040816-00041135 and then i'm going in with my mascara my EOBDfO5_PL0-00134-00041136-00041455 current love for the moment EOBDfO5_PL0-00135-00041456-00041662 and then i'm using my royal cosmetics EOBDfO5_PL0-00136-00041663-00041758 lashes EOBDfO5_PL0-00137-00041759-00041967 you get a book of five and then she has EOBDfO5_PL0-00138-00041968-00042111 some other ones too but those are EOBDfO5_PL0-00139-00042112-00042399 cleopatra lashes EOBDfO5_PL0-00140-00042400-00042671 and now i'm deciding on which lip look EOBDfO5_PL0-00141-00042672-00042927 to pair EOBDfO5_PL0-00142-00042928-00043311 with my eyes EOBDfO5_PL0-00143-00043312-00043455 and i actually think that one would have EOBDfO5_PL0-00144-00043456-00043671 looked really good i almost picked it EOBDfO5_PL0-00145-00043672-00043887 but i'm like no no i want to do like a EOBDfO5_PL0-00146-00043888-00044039 pinky look EOBDfO5_PL0-00147-00044040-00044351 that wouldn't look very good but it was EOBDfO5_PL0-00148-00044352-00044662 pinky EOBDfO5_PL0-00149-00044663-00044883 that one might have looked really good EOBDfO5_PL0-00150-00044884-00045311 too EOBDfO5_PL0-00151-00045312-00045543 and then i ended up going with this tom EOBDfO5_PL0-00152-00045544-00045727 ford which was more of a EOBDfO5_PL0-00153-00045728-00046062 dusty rose color and i'm EOBDfO5_PL0-00154-00046063-00046430 using a color pop eyeliner eyeliner EOBDfO5_PL0-00155-00046431-00047486 lip liner EOBDfO5_PL0-00156-00047487-00047974 and i'm just blotting the lipstick on EOBDfO5_PL0-00157-00047975-00048311 and mixing the two together to give me EOBDfO5_PL0-00158-00048312-00048407 the look that i EOBDfO5_PL0-00159-00048408-00048718 lip look i was looking for EOBDfO5_PL0-00160-00048719-00049102 yeah i think it came out really good EOBDfO5_PL0-00161-00049103-00049407 just need to touch up a few spots EOBDfO5_PL0-00162-00049408-00050483 because it doesn't look as good as it EOBDfO5_PL0-00163-00050484-00051335 could EOBDfO5_PL0-00164-00051336-00051502 i'm like you know what i can need one EOBDfO5_PL0-00165-00051503-00051687 more thing EOBDfO5_PL0-00166-00051688-00051942 i'm going to use my royal cosmetics lip EOBDfO5_PL0-00167-00051944-00052030 gloss EOBDfO5_PL0-00168-00052032-00052335 and this is in bronze reflex EOBDfO5_PL0-00169-00052336-00052519 and i think it was a good addition i was EOBDfO5_PL0-00170-00052520-00052766 going to use a pink EOBDfO5_PL0-00171-00052767-00053135 lip gloss but i think this would this is EOBDfO5_PL0-00172-00053136-00053335 better EOBDfO5_PL0-00173-00053336-00053623 and it also smells amazing and you can EOBDfO5_PL0-00174-00053624-00053854 pick up royal cosmetics EOBDfO5_PL0-00175-00053855-00054182 um if you go on my instagram i have it EOBDfO5_PL0-00176-00054183-00054335 linked you can go through beauty by EOBDfO5_PL0-00177-00054336-00054415 haley EOBDfO5_PL0-00178-00054416-00054719 if you use my code ash03 you get a EOBDfO5_PL0-00179-00054720-00054799 percentage off EOBDfO5_PL0-00180-00054800-00055111 of your sales off your uh EOBDfO5_PL0-00181-00055112-00055671 order and i do get a small profit EOBDfO5_PL0-00182-00055672-00055919 um i had my lashes sitting waiting for EOBDfO5_PL0-00183-00055920-00056126 the glue to get sticky EOBDfO5_PL0-00184-00056127-00056454 and they would look great EOBDfO5_PL0-00185-00056455-00056607 they're like the perfect addition to EOBDfO5_PL0-00186-00056608-00056799 this look EOBDfO5_PL0-00187-00056800-00057094 these are my favorite lashes out of the EOBDfO5_PL0-00188-00057095-00057135 five EOBDfO5_PL0-00189-00057136-00057566 that i have EOBDfO5_PL0-00190-00057567-00057759 and now i'm going in with my blush this EOBDfO5_PL0-00191-00057760-00058311 is desert rose also from nyx EOBDfO5_PL0-00192-00058312-00059038 really feel it myself you could see EOBDfO5_PL0-00193-00059039-00059319 i'm looking for a brush even though EOBDfO5_PL0-00194-00059320-00060503 everything's right in front of me EOBDfO5_PL0-00195-00060504-00060726 and i really like how this eye look EOBDfO5_PL0-00196-00060727-00060815 turned out EOBDfO5_PL0-00197-00060816-00061135 it's not exactly what i expected EOBDfO5_PL0-00198-00061136-00061526 but it still look still looks amazing EOBDfO5_PL0-00199-00061527-00061703 now i'm going to be wearing this look EOBDfO5_PL0-00200-00061704-00061894 for quite a while EOBDfO5_PL0-00201-00061895-00062087 at least on my youtube channel because i EOBDfO5_PL0-00202-00062088-00062479 post made like four videos wearing it EOBDfO5_PL0-00203-00062479-00062806 keep a lookout for those and i added my EOBDfO5_PL0-00204-00062807-00062894 shirt EOBDfO5_PL0-00205-00062895-00063254 to the look EOBDfO5_PL0-00206-00063255-00063487 in the name of valentine's day you know EOBDfO5_PL0-00207-00063488-00063750 had to do a little bit more pink EOBDfO5_PL0-00208-00063751-00064079 and i put this shadow highlight shadow EOBDfO5_PL0-00209-00064079-00064215 under my brows EOBDfO5_PL0-00210-00064216-00064391 and i don't think it was completely EOBDfO5_PL0-00211-00064391-00064606 necessary i mean it didn't detract EOBDfO5_PL0-00212-00064607-00064894 from the look but i didn't think it was EOBDfO5_PL0-00213-00064895-00065015 needed EOBDfO5_PL0-00214-00065016-00065247 i was just going a little overboard EOBDfO5_PL0-00215-00065248-00065750 feeling myself EOBDfO5_PL0-00216-00065751-00066119 i recorded this before i went to EOBDfO5_PL0-00217-00066120-00066655 watch football in us EOBDfO5_PL0-00218-00066656-00066831 not wearing either team's colors but i EOBDfO5_PL0-00219-00066832-00067087 wasn't thought i look cute EOBDfO5_PL0-00220-00067088-00067863 my team lost though so whatever EOBDfO5_PL0-00221-00067864-00068199 and this is the finished look EOBDfO5_PL0-00222-00068200-00068423 if you enjoyed the video don't forget to EOBDfO5_PL0-00223-00068424-00068591 leave a thumbs up EOBDfO5_PL0-00224-00068592-00068911 subscribe leave a comment below EOBDfO5_PL0-00225-00068912-00070183 and i'll see you in the next video bye EOBDfO5_PL0-00226-00070184-00070488 [Music] EQumXTqBwcE-00000-00000008-00000206 hi friends today is going to be a EQumXTqBwcE-00001-00000208-00000407 reading vlog of bloodlike fate by EQumXTqBwcE-00002-00000408-00001325 lizelle samberry EQumXTqBwcE-00003-00001326-00001767 [Music] EQumXTqBwcE-00004-00001768-00002063 once again as always when i do a EQumXTqBwcE-00005-00002064-00002310 a reading vlog i don't film an opening EQumXTqBwcE-00006-00002311-00002567 clip so this is after the fact which is EQumXTqBwcE-00007-00002568-00002847 why if you can tell i've been crying EQumXTqBwcE-00008-00002848-00003031 i've already read the book i've already EQumXTqBwcE-00009-00003032-00003279 been crying so that's fine EQumXTqBwcE-00010-00003279-00003527 uh if you don't know blood like feet is EQumXTqBwcE-00011-00003528-00003767 the second book in the blood like magic EQumXTqBwcE-00012-00003768-00004015 duology by those el sandberry who is a EQumXTqBwcE-00013-00004015-00004167 fellow authortuber who i will link in EQumXTqBwcE-00014-00004168-00004359 description box down below EQumXTqBwcE-00015-00004360-00004591 if you have not read bloodlike magic yet EQumXTqBwcE-00016-00004592-00004791 i recommend you check out my reading EQumXTqBwcE-00017-00004792-00004919 vlog of the first book i'll link that EQumXTqBwcE-00018-00004920-00005135 down below um i read that last year as EQumXTqBwcE-00019-00005136-00005286 an arc as well and then i had a EQumXTqBwcE-00020-00005287-00005447 bloodlike fate as an arc this year as EQumXTqBwcE-00021-00005448-00005518 well EQumXTqBwcE-00022-00005519-00005638 one thing i always say when you're EQumXTqBwcE-00023-00005639-00005806 watching these review vlogs gazelle is a EQumXTqBwcE-00024-00005807-00006022 friend of mine so uh take that with a EQumXTqBwcE-00025-00006023-00006295 grain of salt if you will um but i do EQumXTqBwcE-00026-00006296-00006775 always give honest reviews so EQumXTqBwcE-00027-00006776-00007023 take that as you will EQumXTqBwcE-00028-00007023-00007414 the series follows voya thomas who is a EQumXTqBwcE-00029-00007415-00007710 witch living in a near future toronto EQumXTqBwcE-00030-00007711-00008014 the book is very magic and sci-fi heavy EQumXTqBwcE-00031-00008015-00008327 um voya is given a calling which is this EQumXTqBwcE-00032-00008328-00008535 task that she has to do EQumXTqBwcE-00033-00008536-00008655 in order to EQumXTqBwcE-00034-00008656-00008863 get her magical gift as part of her EQumXTqBwcE-00035-00008864-00009063 family voya is known to be very EQumXTqBwcE-00036-00009064-00009303 indecisive and really struggles with EQumXTqBwcE-00037-00009304-00009495 passing her calling EQumXTqBwcE-00038-00009496-00009814 and essentially is given this task to EQumXTqBwcE-00039-00009815-00009942 either EQumXTqBwcE-00040-00009943-00010039 um EQumXTqBwcE-00041-00010040-00010255 kill her first love or EQumXTqBwcE-00042-00010256-00010423 for her family to lose their magic EQumXTqBwcE-00043-00010424-00010591 forever EQumXTqBwcE-00044-00010592-00010783 and when you learn what the consequences EQumXTqBwcE-00045-00010784-00010935 are of her family losing their magic EQumXTqBwcE-00046-00010936-00011103 forever it's much higher than what you EQumXTqBwcE-00047-00011104-00011438 would think that it would be uh so the EQumXTqBwcE-00048-00011439-00011591 first book follows voya having to make EQumXTqBwcE-00049-00011592-00011751 this decision of what she's going to do EQumXTqBwcE-00050-00011752-00011935 and how she's going to do it and it was EQumXTqBwcE-00051-00011936-00012191 done fantastically and the second book EQumXTqBwcE-00052-00012192-00012351 is dealing with the fallout of what EQumXTqBwcE-00053-00012352-00012631 happened in book one and as i have EQumXTqBwcE-00054-00012632-00012894 already read it it was fantastic so EQumXTqBwcE-00055-00012895-00013191 um i'm going to get you guys started on EQumXTqBwcE-00056-00013191-00013527 the to past me so you can see EQumXTqBwcE-00057-00013528-00014071 all of the fun things like me crying EQumXTqBwcE-00058-00014072-00014263 i am currently EQumXTqBwcE-00059-00014263-00014471 at 16 EQumXTqBwcE-00060-00014472-00014663 of bloodlike fate EQumXTqBwcE-00061-00014663-00015127 and too lazy to get up and find my EQumXTqBwcE-00062-00015128-00015279 tripod so EQumXTqBwcE-00063-00015280-00015494 this is the glorious angle that you EQumXTqBwcE-00064-00015495-00015727 shall get um EQumXTqBwcE-00065-00015728-00015919 so here's my first impression of the EQumXTqBwcE-00066-00015919-00016071 second book EQumXTqBwcE-00067-00016072-00016391 i definitely think that EQumXTqBwcE-00068-00016392-00016494 if you EQumXTqBwcE-00069-00016495-00016591 haven't EQumXTqBwcE-00070-00016592-00016686 read EQumXTqBwcE-00071-00016687-00016975 the first book EQumXTqBwcE-00072-00016976-00017158 since it EQumXTqBwcE-00073-00017159-00017430 came out last year in june EQumXTqBwcE-00074-00017431-00017535 and EQumXTqBwcE-00075-00017536-00017703 you are not good at remembering stories EQumXTqBwcE-00076-00017704-00018014 much like myself i highly recommend um EQumXTqBwcE-00077-00018015-00018230 either doing reading like a recap EQumXTqBwcE-00078-00018231-00018439 re-reading through your own review EQumXTqBwcE-00079-00018440-00018711 um or looking into a spoiler review to EQumXTqBwcE-00080-00018712-00018830 kind of remind yourself of some of the EQumXTqBwcE-00081-00018831-00018975 things that happened EQumXTqBwcE-00082-00018976-00019183 because there were a lot of plot twists EQumXTqBwcE-00083-00019184-00019343 in the second half especially the last EQumXTqBwcE-00084-00019344-00019486 like 10 EQumXTqBwcE-00085-00019487-00019639 15 EQumXTqBwcE-00086-00019640-00019958 of bud like magic um so like EQumXTqBwcE-00087-00019959-00020150 i definitely think a refresher for EQumXTqBwcE-00088-00020151-00020383 yourself would be good me EQumXTqBwcE-00089-00020384-00020614 who is terrible at remembering things EQumXTqBwcE-00090-00020615-00020743 i do think EQumXTqBwcE-00091-00020744-00020903 there are a couple things that i'm still EQumXTqBwcE-00092-00020904-00021083 at 16 i'm EQumXTqBwcE-00093-00021084-00021430 like um EQumXTqBwcE-00094-00021431-00021647 i don't exactly remember what happened EQumXTqBwcE-00095-00021648-00021871 like i have a i have a vague idea in my EQumXTqBwcE-00096-00021872-00022014 brain of what happened but i don't EQumXTqBwcE-00097-00022015-00022214 remember exactly what happened EQumXTqBwcE-00098-00022215-00022599 uh but for most things for most things EQumXTqBwcE-00099-00022600-00022919 there's enough context in EQumXTqBwcE-00100-00022920-00023239 the story on page now EQumXTqBwcE-00101-00023240-00023503 to get me like a refresher EQumXTqBwcE-00102-00023504-00023783 but again i have a terrible memory EQumXTqBwcE-00103-00023784-00024071 so that's probably just a me thing EQumXTqBwcE-00104-00024072-00024239 uh but if you also have a bad memory you EQumXTqBwcE-00105-00024240-00024439 might want to check out a spoiler review EQumXTqBwcE-00106-00024440-00024639 or reread your own review um which i EQumXTqBwcE-00107-00024640-00024783 have since done EQumXTqBwcE-00108-00024784-00024942 i also EQumXTqBwcE-00109-00024943-00025175 watched my EQumXTqBwcE-00110-00025176-00025614 reading blog of public magic as well EQumXTqBwcE-00111-00025616-00025862 to refresh my brain EQumXTqBwcE-00112-00025863-00026111 but so far i'm enjoying EQumXTqBwcE-00113-00026112-00026343 no i'm not really enjoying EQumXTqBwcE-00114-00026344-00026599 how things are happening because i feel EQumXTqBwcE-00115-00026600-00026846 terrible for voya but EQumXTqBwcE-00116-00026847-00026999 um EQumXTqBwcE-00117-00027000-00027102 so far EQumXTqBwcE-00118-00027104-00027311 everything's reading really well having EQumXTqBwcE-00119-00027312-00027695 a good time ready to read some more so EQumXTqBwcE-00120-00027695-00027855 that be where i'm at EQumXTqBwcE-00121-00027856-00027999 and i'm gonna get back to reading and EQumXTqBwcE-00122-00028000-00028143 hopefully EQumXTqBwcE-00123-00028144-00028262 between EQumXTqBwcE-00124-00028263-00028631 now and the next update i will actually EQumXTqBwcE-00125-00028632-00028895 find my tripod EQumXTqBwcE-00126-00028895-00029214 okay look at me still haven't EQumXTqBwcE-00127-00029216-00029399 found the tripod this is what i get for EQumXTqBwcE-00128-00029400-00029567 cleaning the office EQumXTqBwcE-00129-00029568-00029670 um EQumXTqBwcE-00130-00029672-00029902 i'm at 26 EQumXTqBwcE-00131-00029904-00030014 and EQumXTqBwcE-00132-00030016-00030190 i'm giving up for the night i'm having a EQumXTqBwcE-00133-00030191-00030367 really good time though EQumXTqBwcE-00134-00030368-00030574 um EQumXTqBwcE-00135-00030575-00030918 really enjoying seeing boya come into EQumXTqBwcE-00136-00030919-00031270 her own being EQumXTqBwcE-00137-00031272-00031558 oh i don't know what do i say can i talk EQumXTqBwcE-00138-00031560-00031735 about things that happened EQumXTqBwcE-00139-00031736-00031902 yeah because this video is for people EQumXTqBwcE-00140-00031903-00032007 who have EQumXTqBwcE-00141-00032008-00032255 who have who have watched the first who EQumXTqBwcE-00142-00032256-00032462 have read the first book so so you know EQumXTqBwcE-00143-00032463-00032655 what happened in the first book right EQumXTqBwcE-00144-00032656-00032767 okay EQumXTqBwcE-00145-00032768-00032927 watching the way i come into her own as EQumXTqBwcE-00146-00032928-00033135 a matriarch and seeing EQumXTqBwcE-00147-00033136-00033246 the EQumXTqBwcE-00148-00033247-00033511 uh consequences of the choices that she EQumXTqBwcE-00149-00033512-00033695 made at the end of the first book EQumXTqBwcE-00150-00033696-00033879 um EQumXTqBwcE-00151-00033880-00034031 seeing all of that kind of come together EQumXTqBwcE-00152-00034032-00034143 and then EQumXTqBwcE-00153-00034144-00034431 um EQumXTqBwcE-00154-00034432-00034790 the scene that i just read was EQumXTqBwcE-00155-00034791-00034935 a bunch of the matriarchs from the other EQumXTqBwcE-00156-00034936-00035095 families so we're getting even more of EQumXTqBwcE-00157-00035096-00035207 the other families than what we were EQumXTqBwcE-00158-00035208-00035383 getting before EQumXTqBwcE-00159-00035384-00035774 i have a sneaking suspicion about EQumXTqBwcE-00160-00035775-00035999 somebody i have a i have ideas and EQumXTqBwcE-00161-00036000-00036151 thoughts in my brain EQumXTqBwcE-00162-00036152-00036415 uh so i'm like piecing together all of EQumXTqBwcE-00163-00036416-00036567 like the plot threads that i think are EQumXTqBwcE-00164-00036568-00036751 going to mean something EQumXTqBwcE-00165-00036752-00036862 um EQumXTqBwcE-00166-00036863-00037287 will we get there EQumXTqBwcE-00167-00037288-00037543 i am it's real it's still really early EQumXTqBwcE-00168-00037544-00037783 it's like 8 30 but i am EQumXTqBwcE-00169-00037784-00038046 going to go to bed because i have not EQumXTqBwcE-00170-00038047-00038190 been sleeping very well so i want to try EQumXTqBwcE-00171-00038191-00038279 to get EQumXTqBwcE-00172-00038280-00038462 as much sleep as i can EQumXTqBwcE-00173-00038463-00038599 when i can EQumXTqBwcE-00174-00038600-00038790 and i'm tired so EQumXTqBwcE-00175-00038791-00038999 i'm going to do that EQumXTqBwcE-00176-00039000-00039327 but essentially i'm having a good time EQumXTqBwcE-00177-00039328-00039646 there's been some very good moments and EQumXTqBwcE-00178-00039647-00039974 i'm excited to see where things go from EQumXTqBwcE-00179-00039975-00040246 here hello friends a tripod has been EQumXTqBwcE-00180-00040247-00040502 found i exist now EQumXTqBwcE-00181-00040503-00040623 um EQumXTqBwcE-00182-00040624-00040951 it is currently friday night at 9 30 EQumXTqBwcE-00183-00040952-00041087 p.m EQumXTqBwcE-00184-00041088-00041311 i have been reading today EQumXTqBwcE-00185-00041312-00041779 i am on page EQumXTqBwcE-00186-00041780-00042095 192 which is at about the 40 mark so i EQumXTqBwcE-00187-00042096-00042239 read about 13 EQumXTqBwcE-00188-00042240-00042527 today having a good time teared up a few EQumXTqBwcE-00189-00042528-00042983 times EQumXTqBwcE-00190-00042984-00043135 i think one of the things that i really EQumXTqBwcE-00191-00043136-00043423 love about this book is EQumXTqBwcE-00192-00043424-00043815 the society as a whole i'm reading about EQumXTqBwcE-00193-00043816-00044190 uh like the way that these families EQumXTqBwcE-00194-00044191-00044479 really are these insular little capsules EQumXTqBwcE-00195-00044480-00044695 of groups of people EQumXTqBwcE-00196-00044696-00044902 and EQumXTqBwcE-00197-00044903-00045071 voya is trying to like EQumXTqBwcE-00198-00045072-00045190 make them EQumXTqBwcE-00199-00045191-00045390 all come together and to work together EQumXTqBwcE-00200-00045391-00045646 to be this larger community of people to EQumXTqBwcE-00201-00045647-00045887 try to help everybody out and a lot of EQumXTqBwcE-00202-00045888-00046087 the other people are not really EQumXTqBwcE-00203-00046088-00046190 uh EQumXTqBwcE-00204-00046191-00046543 they're not down for that and EQumXTqBwcE-00205-00046544-00046767 reading about EQumXTqBwcE-00206-00046768-00046911 different choices the different families EQumXTqBwcE-00207-00046912-00047095 have made and some of the things that EQumXTqBwcE-00208-00047096-00047255 they've done that have been quite EQumXTqBwcE-00209-00047256-00047415 questionable EQumXTqBwcE-00210-00047416-00047615 things that they do EQumXTqBwcE-00211-00047616-00047935 for power it versus EQumXTqBwcE-00212-00047936-00048071 you know coming together and being a EQumXTqBwcE-00213-00048072-00048271 collective group of people and having EQumXTqBwcE-00214-00048272-00048518 power that way is very interesting so EQumXTqBwcE-00215-00048519-00048607 um EQumXTqBwcE-00216-00048608-00048783 i'm enjoying like the EQumXTqBwcE-00217-00048784-00049083 the social aspect of everything EQumXTqBwcE-00218-00049084-00049295 definitely one of my favorite parts of EQumXTqBwcE-00219-00049296-00049471 the book of EQumXTqBwcE-00220-00049472-00049671 um EQumXTqBwcE-00221-00049672-00049999 this duology is the community itself the EQumXTqBwcE-00222-00050000-00050183 black community of which is EQumXTqBwcE-00223-00050184-00050439 um seeing them both inside their family EQumXTqBwcE-00224-00050440-00050567 and then also in the community as a EQumXTqBwcE-00225-00050568-00050758 whole and how they all interact it's EQumXTqBwcE-00226-00050759-00051095 very interesting uh perspective and i am EQumXTqBwcE-00227-00051096-00051207 enjoying EQumXTqBwcE-00228-00051208-00051358 reading it EQumXTqBwcE-00229-00051359-00051558 so i'm gonna get back to reading i don't EQumXTqBwcE-00230-00051559-00051694 know how far i'm gonna get tonight but EQumXTqBwcE-00231-00051695-00051823 i'm just gonna keep reading until i EQumXTqBwcE-00232-00051824-00052038 can't keep my little eyes open anymore EQumXTqBwcE-00233-00052039-00052366 it is 11 o'clock at night EQumXTqBwcE-00234-00052367-00052950 and i am at the 50 mark i just finished EQumXTqBwcE-00235-00052951-00053054 chapter EQumXTqBwcE-00236-00053055-00053166 17 EQumXTqBwcE-00237-00053167-00053871 and EQumXTqBwcE-00238-00053872-00053999 it's going to be time to go to bed for EQumXTqBwcE-00239-00054000-00054182 me after work in the morning EQumXTqBwcE-00240-00054183-00054366 i should turn on some light so it's not EQumXTqBwcE-00241-00054367-00054566 so EQumXTqBwcE-00242-00054567-00054711 like EQumXTqBwcE-00243-00054712-00055030 dark and gross right EQumXTqBwcE-00244-00055032-00055326 definitely EQumXTqBwcE-00245-00055327-00055559 having EQumXTqBwcE-00246-00055560-00055799 some moments in this EQumXTqBwcE-00247-00055800-00055903 um EQumXTqBwcE-00248-00055904-00055991 you know EQumXTqBwcE-00249-00055991-00056238 things that make me cry uh things that EQumXTqBwcE-00250-00056239-00056503 make me tear up is this family like this EQumXTqBwcE-00251-00056504-00056871 family really just EQumXTqBwcE-00252-00056872-00057079 hits me in ways that a lot of families EQumXTqBwcE-00253-00057079-00057294 don't and EQumXTqBwcE-00254-00057295-00057542 i appreciate that they are EQumXTqBwcE-00255-00057544-00057935 a very close yet very weird sort of EQumXTqBwcE-00256-00057936-00058038 family EQumXTqBwcE-00257-00058039-00058247 when i watched back my EQumXTqBwcE-00258-00058248-00058407 vlog of the first book EQumXTqBwcE-00259-00058408-00058582 i talked a lot in the beginning about EQumXTqBwcE-00260-00058583-00058847 how the characters EQumXTqBwcE-00261-00058848-00058999 um and voya's family were not EQumXTqBwcE-00262-00059000-00059271 necessarily the most likable characters EQumXTqBwcE-00263-00059272-00059447 and i think a lot of that in the second EQumXTqBwcE-00264-00059448-00059607 book is still EQumXTqBwcE-00265-00059608-00059726 true EQumXTqBwcE-00266-00059727-00059982 um there's a lot of characters here like EQumXTqBwcE-00267-00059983-00060199 like i just want to like drown them in a EQumXTqBwcE-00268-00060200-00060319 river EQumXTqBwcE-00269-00060320-00060582 but also you can see like EQumXTqBwcE-00270-00060583-00060726 their importance to the family and what EQumXTqBwcE-00271-00060727-00060879 they bring to the family EQumXTqBwcE-00272-00060879-00061079 and also you can see EQumXTqBwcE-00273-00061079-00061238 a goodness in them EQumXTqBwcE-00274-00061239-00061423 they're very EQumXTqBwcE-00275-00061424-00061630 full characters they're very flawed EQumXTqBwcE-00276-00061632-00061830 everyone has their flaws everyone has EQumXTqBwcE-00277-00061832-00061942 their thing EQumXTqBwcE-00278-00061944-00062023 and EQumXTqBwcE-00279-00062024-00062182 the reason why they are the way they are EQumXTqBwcE-00280-00062183-00062335 is part of the story it's part of the EQumXTqBwcE-00281-00062336-00062519 plot like it's not just like EQumXTqBwcE-00282-00062520-00062750 this you know random thing where you EQumXTqBwcE-00283-00062751-00063087 know her aunt is sassy no her aunt is EQumXTqBwcE-00284-00063088-00063311 like angry at her and her aunt is angry EQumXTqBwcE-00285-00063312-00063454 at her because EQumXTqBwcE-00286-00063455-00063591 you know she was EQumXTqBwcE-00287-00063591-00063815 made the matriarch and her was something EQumXTqBwcE-00288-00063816-00063991 that her aunt had always coveted her and EQumXTqBwcE-00289-00063991-00064126 always wanted EQumXTqBwcE-00290-00064127-00064359 and it's like it's not her fault but EQumXTqBwcE-00291-00064360-00064559 that's a real emotion like EQumXTqBwcE-00292-00064560-00064799 we EQumXTqBwcE-00293-00064800-00064975 feelings don't make sense most of the EQumXTqBwcE-00294-00064976-00065111 time you know EQumXTqBwcE-00295-00065112-00065391 um you get feelings for reasons that EQumXTqBwcE-00296-00065391-00065623 don't make a lot of sense and so seeing EQumXTqBwcE-00297-00065624-00065806 them EQumXTqBwcE-00298-00065807-00066079 on page and it's just her lasalle's EQumXTqBwcE-00299-00066080-00066343 characters are done so well EQumXTqBwcE-00300-00066344-00066471 they're just EQumXTqBwcE-00301-00066472-00066615 an absolute EQumXTqBwcE-00302-00066616-00066887 joy to read but also they break my heart EQumXTqBwcE-00303-00066888-00067111 i have a pretty EQumXTqBwcE-00304-00067112-00067679 big suspicion on a character um EQumXTqBwcE-00305-00067680-00067871 i think i i think i know some things i EQumXTqBwcE-00306-00067872-00068087 think i've figured out some things EQumXTqBwcE-00307-00068088-00068311 and i'm interested to see how it plays EQumXTqBwcE-00308-00068312-00068615 out i do think that EQumXTqBwcE-00309-00068616-00068926 it's gonna be like i'm at 50 EQumXTqBwcE-00310-00068927-00069071 so i feel like i should have a better EQumXTqBwcE-00311-00069072-00069391 grasp of the villain at this point EQumXTqBwcE-00312-00069392-00069575 than what i do EQumXTqBwcE-00313-00069576-00069782 but also EQumXTqBwcE-00314-00069783-00069967 because i'm getting these feelings i EQumXTqBwcE-00315-00069968-00070143 think maybe we're getting there i EQumXTqBwcE-00316-00070144-00070311 definitely have some opinions and some EQumXTqBwcE-00317-00070312-00070526 thoughts and some questions EQumXTqBwcE-00318-00070527-00070703 about what's going on so EQumXTqBwcE-00319-00070704-00070975 that's going to be it for me tonight EQumXTqBwcE-00320-00070976-00071055 i EQumXTqBwcE-00321-00071056-00071182 thought i was going to finish this book EQumXTqBwcE-00322-00071183-00071438 tonight but apparently not uh EQumXTqBwcE-00323-00071439-00071694 which means i might finish it sunday EQumXTqBwcE-00324-00071695-00071831 because this EQumXTqBwcE-00325-00071832-00072111 vlog's going up on tuesday so i have EQumXTqBwcE-00326-00072112-00072367 basically zero time to finish this book EQumXTqBwcE-00327-00072368-00072462 which EQumXTqBwcE-00328-00072463-00072775 again like my first vlog um EQumXTqBwcE-00329-00072776-00072911 i was reading it like right before EQumXTqBwcE-00330-00072912-00073199 release and then i ended up having um my EQumXTqBwcE-00331-00073200-00073391 second coveted shot and was just like in EQumXTqBwcE-00332-00073392-00073599 a covered coma for like a week EQumXTqBwcE-00333-00073600-00073719 and EQumXTqBwcE-00334-00073720-00073791 didn't EQumXTqBwcE-00335-00073792-00073926 didn't leave myself enough time to EQumXTqBwcE-00336-00073927-00074191 finish the book um i did i did get my EQumXTqBwcE-00337-00074192-00074503 vlog up on release day EQumXTqBwcE-00338-00074504-00074662 i feel like this is going to be the same EQumXTqBwcE-00339-00074663-00074911 deal like i'm going to be EQumXTqBwcE-00340-00074912-00075119 real close EQumXTqBwcE-00341-00075120-00075279 which is fun EQumXTqBwcE-00342-00075280-00075455 because EQumXTqBwcE-00343-00075456-00075726 monday i have a readathon starting EQumXTqBwcE-00344-00075727-00075879 and EQumXTqBwcE-00345-00075880-00076031 i also have another book that i need to EQumXTqBwcE-00346-00076032-00076215 read by the 12th EQumXTqBwcE-00347-00076216-00076359 um EQumXTqBwcE-00348-00076360-00076599 for beta reading so i have a lot to do EQumXTqBwcE-00349-00076600-00076759 and i was hoping to have this one done EQumXTqBwcE-00350-00076760-00076887 tonight so that i could work on the EQumXTqBwcE-00351-00076888-00077071 other book the next two days but EQumXTqBwcE-00352-00077072-00077279 that's clearly not happening EQumXTqBwcE-00353-00077280-00077599 um but i'm having a great time um EQumXTqBwcE-00354-00077600-00077799 i'm reading it a lot slower than what i EQumXTqBwcE-00355-00077800-00077935 normally read EQumXTqBwcE-00356-00077936-00078215 um just because i'm having fun so EQumXTqBwcE-00357-00078216-00078343 you know EQumXTqBwcE-00358-00078344-00078631 this had a cookie crumble sometimes i'm EQumXTqBwcE-00359-00078632-00078799 off friends EQumXTqBwcE-00360-00078800-00079031 i'll see you EQumXTqBwcE-00361-00079032-00079279 probably not tomorrow EQumXTqBwcE-00362-00079280-00079447 but sunday EQumXTqBwcE-00363-00079448-00079823 hello friends it is sunday EQumXTqBwcE-00364-00079824-00080055 it's actually like EQumXTqBwcE-00365-00080056-00080279 4 30ish EQumXTqBwcE-00366-00080280-00080503 in the afternoon i have been reading EQumXTqBwcE-00367-00080504-00080935 today i am currently at 82 EQumXTqBwcE-00368-00080936-00081231 ah having a good time i haven't really EQumXTqBwcE-00369-00081232-00081359 felt the need to update because i've EQumXTqBwcE-00370-00081360-00081471 just been EQumXTqBwcE-00371-00081472-00081591 reading EQumXTqBwcE-00372-00081592-00081735 having fun EQumXTqBwcE-00373-00081736-00081991 but i know the 80 mark is where EQumXTqBwcE-00374-00081992-00082271 the last book got crazy and so i figured EQumXTqBwcE-00375-00082272-00082423 it was time to stop give you an update EQumXTqBwcE-00376-00082424-00082615 for the last 30 EQumXTqBwcE-00377-00082616-00082767 and then jump in and see what kind of EQumXTqBwcE-00378-00082768-00082911 fun things happen EQumXTqBwcE-00379-00082912-00083103 so i will say that EQumXTqBwcE-00380-00083104-00083255 i definitely EQumXTqBwcE-00381-00083256-00083638 had guessed a couple of plot points um EQumXTqBwcE-00382-00083639-00083838 very vaguely you know i mentioned EQumXTqBwcE-00383-00083839-00084079 earlier that i had an idea of like EQumXTqBwcE-00384-00084080-00084199 what was going on with a couple of EQumXTqBwcE-00385-00084200-00084350 things and i definitely was correct EQumXTqBwcE-00386-00084351-00084503 about those things EQumXTqBwcE-00387-00084504-00084711 i'm not mad about it because i like it EQumXTqBwcE-00388-00084712-00085031 it's a good plot like i like those plot EQumXTqBwcE-00389-00085032-00085303 direction fantastic EQumXTqBwcE-00390-00085304-00085391 um EQumXTqBwcE-00391-00085392-00085655 the other thing that i want to talk EQumXTqBwcE-00392-00085656-00085855 about that i'm reading EQumXTqBwcE-00393-00085856-00085999 right now if you've read the first book EQumXTqBwcE-00394-00086000-00086175 you know that EQumXTqBwcE-00395-00086176-00086318 um EQumXTqBwcE-00396-00086319-00086582 my boy's cousin's alex EQumXTqBwcE-00397-00086583-00086687 um EQumXTqBwcE-00398-00086688-00086767 her EQumXTqBwcE-00399-00086768-00086918 mother EQumXTqBwcE-00400-00086919-00087223 has passed away but her father is EQumXTqBwcE-00401-00087224-00087431 essentially a drug addict he has their EQumXTqBwcE-00402-00087432-00087662 specific drug that doesn't exist in our EQumXTqBwcE-00403-00087663-00087767 real world EQumXTqBwcE-00404-00087768-00087911 but there's a specific drug that he's EQumXTqBwcE-00405-00087912-00088150 addicted to it's an injection drug EQumXTqBwcE-00406-00088151-00088494 yeah those scenes they i don't EQumXTqBwcE-00407-00088495-00088687 i don't remember if i talked about it in EQumXTqBwcE-00408-00088688-00089006 the first EQumXTqBwcE-00409-00089007-00089150 review EQumXTqBwcE-00410-00089151-00089247 vlog EQumXTqBwcE-00411-00089248-00089487 i don't know zell's life i like that you EQumXTqBwcE-00412-00089488-00089567 know EQumXTqBwcE-00413-00089568-00089806 um lizelle is my friend but i don't know EQumXTqBwcE-00414-00089807-00089967 that much about her life but i can tell EQumXTqBwcE-00415-00089968-00090071 you EQumXTqBwcE-00416-00090072-00090199 um EQumXTqBwcE-00417-00090200-00090471 from personal experience that EQumXTqBwcE-00418-00090472-00090750 uh alex's relationship with her dad is EQumXTqBwcE-00419-00090751-00090967 very similar to my relationship with my EQumXTqBwcE-00420-00090968-00091047 dad EQumXTqBwcE-00421-00091048-00091199 um EQumXTqBwcE-00422-00091200-00091423 with the exception that i don't think EQumXTqBwcE-00423-00091424-00091631 that my dad will ever come back from EQumXTqBwcE-00424-00091632-00091815 that i think that alex's dad has a EQumXTqBwcE-00425-00091816-00091999 potential to be a decent human being and EQumXTqBwcE-00426-00092000-00092118 i don't know that my dad has that EQumXTqBwcE-00427-00092119-00092231 potential EQumXTqBwcE-00428-00092232-00092511 uh so those scenes in particular are EQumXTqBwcE-00429-00092512-00092815 very EQumXTqBwcE-00430-00092816-00093055 hard for me but also moving EQumXTqBwcE-00431-00093056-00093326 and also they make me cry a lot so EQumXTqBwcE-00432-00093327-00093535 it's always interesting to see something EQumXTqBwcE-00433-00093536-00093726 about yourself reflected in a story that EQumXTqBwcE-00434-00093727-00093943 you think has such great character work EQumXTqBwcE-00435-00093944-00094150 and i think that shows that EQumXTqBwcE-00436-00094151-00094271 um EQumXTqBwcE-00437-00094272-00094494 that the author is able to EQumXTqBwcE-00438-00094495-00094679 empathize with other people in the real EQumXTqBwcE-00439-00094680-00094950 world because they have that ability to EQumXTqBwcE-00440-00094951-00095126 make characters that are EQumXTqBwcE-00441-00095127-00095215 um EQumXTqBwcE-00442-00095216-00095374 those of us who are reading are able to EQumXTqBwcE-00443-00095375-00095631 empathize with as well so EQumXTqBwcE-00444-00095632-00095806 just more EQumXTqBwcE-00445-00095807-00095943 in the EQumXTqBwcE-00446-00095944-00096118 go lazelle column EQumXTqBwcE-00447-00096119-00096206 so EQumXTqBwcE-00448-00096207-00096487 i'm going to get back to reading i have EQumXTqBwcE-00449-00096488-00096838 let me do some math here EQumXTqBwcE-00450-00096839-00097206 i'm currently at 7 38 EQumXTqBwcE-00451-00097207-00097662 of 902 which means i'm on page 3 EQumXTqBwcE-00452-00097663-00098087 93 EQumXTqBwcE-00453-00098088-00098382 of 480 so i have a little less EQumXTqBwcE-00454-00098383-00098631 than 100 pages left to read EQumXTqBwcE-00455-00098632-00098999 and it'll probably take me another EQumXTqBwcE-00456-00099000-00099206 hour and a half ish EQumXTqBwcE-00457-00099207-00099294 uh EQumXTqBwcE-00458-00099295-00099374 so EQumXTqBwcE-00459-00099375-00099831 here i go EQumXTqBwcE-00460-00099832-00100118 i'm currently being attacked EQumXTqBwcE-00461-00100119-00100535 by a book so um EQumXTqBwcE-00462-00100536-00100828 figured i'd bring you along with me EQumXTqBwcE-00463-00100829-00101159 [Music] EQumXTqBwcE-00464-00101160-00101386 is EQumXTqBwcE-00465-00101387-00104026 [Music] EQumXTqBwcE-00466-00104027-00104327 [Music] EQumXTqBwcE-00467-00104328-00104614 is EQumXTqBwcE-00468-00104615-00107271 [Music] EQumXTqBwcE-00469-00107272-00107444 so EQumXTqBwcE-00470-00107445-00108815 [Music] EQumXTqBwcE-00471-00108816-00109718 that's right EQumXTqBwcE-00472-00109719-00110414 [Music] EQumXTqBwcE-00473-00110415-00111571 [Music] EQumXTqBwcE-00474-00111572-00111934 [Music] EQumXTqBwcE-00475-00111935-00113361 and i can't fix it trigger the damage EQumXTqBwcE-00476-00113363-00114086 [Music] EQumXTqBwcE-00477-00114088-00114327 i'm finished EQumXTqBwcE-00478-00114328-00114478 okay EQumXTqBwcE-00479-00114479-00114790 there is EQumXTqBwcE-00480-00114791-00115254 something about EQumXTqBwcE-00481-00115255-00115566 this community this family EQumXTqBwcE-00482-00115567-00115823 the magic system EQumXTqBwcE-00483-00115824-00116032 that for me is just so EQumXTqBwcE-00484-00116033-00116283 [Music] EQumXTqBwcE-00485-00116283-00116527 ah fantastic EQumXTqBwcE-00486-00116528-00116815 it's what makes the story for me EQumXTqBwcE-00487-00116816-00117063 um EQumXTqBwcE-00488-00117064-00117310 looking at the story as a whole EQumXTqBwcE-00489-00117311-00117407 um EQumXTqBwcE-00490-00117408-00117683 i definitely feel EQumXTqBwcE-00491-00117683-00117951 like um EQumXTqBwcE-00492-00117952-00118207 in the second book in particular there EQumXTqBwcE-00493-00118208-00118454 was a little meandering plot-wise EQumXTqBwcE-00494-00118455-00118710 but i think EQumXTqBwcE-00495-00118711-00118958 when you're so invested EQumXTqBwcE-00496-00118959-00119143 in EQumXTqBwcE-00497-00119144-00119390 the characters and what happens and the EQumXTqBwcE-00498-00119391-00119671 magic system in the community EQumXTqBwcE-00499-00119672-00119790 and EQumXTqBwcE-00500-00119791-00120007 i think all that trumps EQumXTqBwcE-00501-00120008-00120271 any like slowness and plot moving EQumXTqBwcE-00502-00120272-00120486 forward EQumXTqBwcE-00503-00120488-00120831 which is fine i think this book EQumXTqBwcE-00504-00120832-00121134 this both of these books this duology EQumXTqBwcE-00505-00121135-00121231 is EQumXTqBwcE-00506-00121232-00121390 very important EQumXTqBwcE-00507-00121391-00121527 for EQumXTqBwcE-00508-00121528-00121727 people who don't look like me EQumXTqBwcE-00509-00121728-00121934 um EQumXTqBwcE-00510-00121935-00122143 who have ancestors EQumXTqBwcE-00511-00122144-00122302 who have suffered who have been through EQumXTqBwcE-00512-00122303-00122614 some and who EQumXTqBwcE-00513-00122615-00122854 have had to deal with EQumXTqBwcE-00514-00122855-00123110 life just being absolutely unfair and EQumXTqBwcE-00515-00123111-00123271 unjust to them EQumXTqBwcE-00516-00123272-00123478 because in this magic system you have EQumXTqBwcE-00517-00123479-00123663 the ability to see EQumXTqBwcE-00518-00123664-00123910 um some of your more important ancestors EQumXTqBwcE-00519-00123911-00124078 than being these people who kind of EQumXTqBwcE-00520-00124079-00124239 guide you as your life goes through i EQumXTqBwcE-00521-00124240-00124423 think that is something that EQumXTqBwcE-00522-00124424-00124647 um a lot of religions EQumXTqBwcE-00523-00124648-00124919 not necessarily you know the major EQumXTqBwcE-00524-00124920-00125127 religion of christianity EQumXTqBwcE-00525-00125128-00125390 but a lot of religions really believe EQumXTqBwcE-00526-00125391-00125647 that your ancestors are EQumXTqBwcE-00527-00125648-00125863 um the people who guide you and people EQumXTqBwcE-00528-00125864-00125951 who EQumXTqBwcE-00529-00125952-00126143 help you on the path to being your true EQumXTqBwcE-00530-00126144-00126327 self EQumXTqBwcE-00531-00126328-00126502 this definitely takes a more literal EQumXTqBwcE-00532-00126503-00126727 approach to that but i think that it is EQumXTqBwcE-00533-00126728-00126958 done very very well EQumXTqBwcE-00534-00126959-00127134 i think that EQumXTqBwcE-00535-00127135-00127343 again these characters this family the EQumXTqBwcE-00536-00127344-00127623 way that people are built together EQumXTqBwcE-00537-00127624-00127871 and as i said in the first EQumXTqBwcE-00538-00127872-00128014 in the first book and in the first vlog EQumXTqBwcE-00539-00128015-00128183 i talked about how i EQumXTqBwcE-00540-00128183-00128295 like EQumXTqBwcE-00541-00128296-00128447 all of the characters are bad people and EQumXTqBwcE-00542-00128448-00128647 i think that EQumXTqBwcE-00543-00128648-00128910 the point is that EQumXTqBwcE-00544-00128911-00129054 nobody's perfect EQumXTqBwcE-00545-00129055-00129271 we've all made mistakes in our past EQumXTqBwcE-00546-00129272-00129439 we've all done things EQumXTqBwcE-00547-00129440-00129647 that have not been good for us or for EQumXTqBwcE-00548-00129648-00129863 others we've all done things that have EQumXTqBwcE-00549-00129864-00130047 hurt other people EQumXTqBwcE-00550-00130048-00130302 but you can't live your life based off EQumXTqBwcE-00551-00130303-00130727 of that past hurt and that past mistake EQumXTqBwcE-00552-00130728-00130863 you have to EQumXTqBwcE-00553-00130864-00131039 move forward EQumXTqBwcE-00554-00131040-00131119 and EQumXTqBwcE-00555-00131120-00131263 make EQumXTqBwcE-00556-00131264-00131463 new life choices based off of what's not EQumXTqBwcE-00557-00131464-00131759 going to continue to hurt people EQumXTqBwcE-00558-00131760-00131951 you don't have to necessarily EQumXTqBwcE-00559-00131952-00132159 make things right in order to make EQumXTqBwcE-00560-00132160-00132335 things better EQumXTqBwcE-00561-00132336-00132471 um EQumXTqBwcE-00562-00132472-00132663 i just EQumXTqBwcE-00563-00132664-00132966 the sentiment the feeling the love the EQumXTqBwcE-00564-00132967-00133083 community EQumXTqBwcE-00565-00133084-00133343 support um EQumXTqBwcE-00566-00133344-00133654 the way that voya was this perfect EQumXTqBwcE-00567-00133655-00133895 perfect person to bring all these people EQumXTqBwcE-00568-00133896-00134014 together EQumXTqBwcE-00569-00134015-00134151 and to do the things that needed to be EQumXTqBwcE-00570-00134152-00134311 done to save EQumXTqBwcE-00571-00134312-00134719 their families it was just EQumXTqBwcE-00572-00134720-00134847 so well done EQumXTqBwcE-00573-00134848-00135023 there were definitely EQumXTqBwcE-00574-00135024-00135302 for me more surprises in the first book EQumXTqBwcE-00575-00135303-00135439 than in the second book i don't think EQumXTqBwcE-00576-00135440-00135575 there was anything that really happened EQumXTqBwcE-00577-00135576-00135735 that was like EQumXTqBwcE-00578-00135736-00135943 a huge surprise for me EQumXTqBwcE-00579-00135944-00136166 um but it was just EQumXTqBwcE-00580-00136167-00136414 a damn good story it was EQumXTqBwcE-00581-00136415-00136599 a good book to EQumXTqBwcE-00582-00136600-00136807 get lost in to EQumXTqBwcE-00583-00136808-00137014 um to really you know get in your EQumXTqBwcE-00584-00137015-00137183 emotions getting your feels make you EQumXTqBwcE-00585-00137184-00137287 look at EQumXTqBwcE-00586-00137288-00137511 life and reevaluate things that i we get EQumXTqBwcE-00587-00137512-00137735 that a lot in like general fiction but EQumXTqBwcE-00588-00137736-00137983 you don't get that a lot in EQumXTqBwcE-00589-00137984-00138183 something that is this magic and sci-fi EQumXTqBwcE-00590-00138184-00138439 based EQumXTqBwcE-00591-00138440-00138559 this EQumXTqBwcE-00592-00138560-00138743 magic system is one of my favorite magic EQumXTqBwcE-00593-00138744-00138943 systems that i've ever read EQumXTqBwcE-00594-00138944-00139039 um EQumXTqBwcE-00595-00139040-00139295 because it's it's not EQumXTqBwcE-00596-00139296-00139478 it's not so simple EQumXTqBwcE-00597-00139479-00139727 that it doesn't make sense but it's also EQumXTqBwcE-00598-00139728-00139854 not so EQumXTqBwcE-00599-00139855-00140063 vast that it doesn't make sense you know EQumXTqBwcE-00600-00140064-00140351 what i mean the fact that we are is a EQumXTqBwcE-00601-00140352-00140583 lot of you know the blood the the blood EQumXTqBwcE-00602-00140584-00140727 of our ancestors runs through us and EQumXTqBwcE-00603-00140728-00140902 makes us who we are and that's what EQumXTqBwcE-00604-00140903-00141095 gives them their magic and that's what EQumXTqBwcE-00605-00141096-00141319 gives them these powers and gives them EQumXTqBwcE-00606-00141320-00141471 the power to be the people who they need EQumXTqBwcE-00607-00141472-00141702 to be and EQumXTqBwcE-00608-00141703-00141902 it's just it's very EQumXTqBwcE-00609-00141903-00142263 eloquently done so well done and EQumXTqBwcE-00610-00142264-00142519 i just EQumXTqBwcE-00611-00142520-00142766 had a fantastic time um as always i'm EQumXTqBwcE-00612-00142767-00142919 not going to EQumXTqBwcE-00613-00142920-00143166 um rate this right away EQumXTqBwcE-00614-00143167-00143439 um because i like to kind of sit on them EQumXTqBwcE-00615-00143440-00143671 for a little bit and and decide where EQumXTqBwcE-00616-00143672-00143831 i'm going to be EQumXTqBwcE-00617-00143832-00144023 but i'll have my review linked down EQumXTqBwcE-00618-00144024-00144239 below so if you want to EQumXTqBwcE-00619-00144240-00144447 check out my full EQumXTqBwcE-00620-00144448-00144551 review EQumXTqBwcE-00621-00144552-00144878 like if this wasn't full enough um EQumXTqBwcE-00622-00144879-00145119 but clearly i'm gonna be on the higher EQumXTqBwcE-00623-00145120-00145278 end of things EQumXTqBwcE-00624-00145279-00145399 um EQumXTqBwcE-00625-00145400-00145583 but yeah definitely i had a really good EQumXTqBwcE-00626-00145584-00145687 time EQumXTqBwcE-00627-00145688-00145839 definitely recommend for anybody who EQumXTqBwcE-00628-00145840-00145983 read the first book EQumXTqBwcE-00629-00145984-00146126 um if you've watched this far and you EQumXTqBwcE-00630-00146127-00146254 haven't read the first book and you've EQumXTqBwcE-00631-00146255-00146383 been spoiled for the first book you EQumXTqBwcE-00632-00146384-00146559 could still read the first book and the EQumXTqBwcE-00633-00146560-00146726 second book EQumXTqBwcE-00634-00146727-00146919 highly recommend very good very EQumXTqBwcE-00635-00146920-00147054 fantastic EQumXTqBwcE-00636-00147055-00147263 obviously i've been crying for like an EQumXTqBwcE-00637-00147264-00147566 hour it's fine you have read this book EQumXTqBwcE-00638-00147567-00147719 or the first book and you would like to EQumXTqBwcE-00639-00147720-00147871 discuss them that's what the comment EQumXTqBwcE-00640-00147872-00148039 section is for EQumXTqBwcE-00641-00148040-00148271 down below i will also leave purchase EQumXTqBwcE-00642-00148272-00148543 links down below as well EQumXTqBwcE-00643-00148544-00148687 that is all i have for today i post EQumXTqBwcE-00644-00148688-00148839 reading writing book and planner related EQumXTqBwcE-00645-00148840-00148966 videos a couple times a week if you EQumXTqBwcE-00646-00148967-00149087 don't want to miss anything i have go in EQumXTqBwcE-00647-00149088-00149199 the future make sure you subscribe EQumXTqBwcE-00648-00149200-00149319 button and the notification bell down EQumXTqBwcE-00649-00149320-00149487 below um until then i'll see you guys EQumXTqBwcE-00650-00149488-00150523 next time bye EQumXTqBwcE-00651-00150524-00151877 [Music] EVhc3WDZIcA-00000-00000183-00000318 who are you EVhc3WDZIcA-00001-00000319-00000551 i am your freaking neighbor EVhc3WDZIcA-00002-00000552-00000759 what are you doing in my garden EVhc3WDZIcA-00003-00000760-00001007 your garden it's not your garden all EVhc3WDZIcA-00004-00001008-00001319 gardens in the world the nine EVhc3WDZIcA-00005-00001320-00001807 get out EVhc3WDZIcA-00006-00001807-00002088 what EWqsFzCFBBu-00000-00000112-00002350 [Music] EWqsFzCFBBu-00001-00002351-00002575 hello i'm janis valfaikis with a very EWqsFzCFBBu-00002-00002576-00002791 warm welcome to all of you EWqsFzCFBBu-00003-00002792-00003206 on this episode of dmtv's another now EWqsFzCFBBu-00004-00003207-00003575 an end of year end of 2021 wrap-up EWqsFzCFBBu-00005-00003576-00003783 of um EWqsFzCFBBu-00006-00003784-00004103 a very strange weird and pretty awful EWqsFzCFBBu-00007-00004104-00004254 year EWqsFzCFBBu-00008-00004255-00004543 within which i trust and i hope you EWqsFzCFBBu-00009-00004544-00004902 manage to extract some joy and some hope EWqsFzCFBBu-00010-00004903-00005135 in this very special episode made EWqsFzCFBBu-00011-00005136-00005231 special EWqsFzCFBBu-00012-00005232-00005479 because i have a very special guest in EWqsFzCFBBu-00013-00005480-00005702 norm chomsky no less EWqsFzCFBBu-00014-00005703-00005918 we're going to be talking about EWqsFzCFBBu-00015-00005919-00006006 the EWqsFzCFBBu-00016-00006007-00006095 top EWqsFzCFBBu-00017-00006096-00006318 issues the top threats EWqsFzCFBBu-00018-00006319-00006463 as well as EWqsFzCFBBu-00019-00006464-00006751 glimmers of hope that have managed to EWqsFzCFBBu-00020-00006752-00006863 shine through EWqsFzCFBBu-00021-00006864-00007023 this very dark cloud EWqsFzCFBBu-00022-00007023-00007334 of the pandemic of the developments EWqsFzCFBBu-00023-00007336-00007583 that have depleted EWqsFzCFBBu-00024-00007584-00007759 many of the opportunities that our EWqsFzCFBBu-00025-00007759-00007991 species has had here is a preview of EWqsFzCFBBu-00026-00007992-00008167 some of the things that noam and i EWqsFzCFBBu-00027-00008168-00008446 discuss by the way please forgive us for EWqsFzCFBBu-00028-00008447-00008710 a very rough edit different camera EWqsFzCFBBu-00029-00008711-00008910 angles different EWqsFzCFBBu-00030-00008911-00009095 sound qualities EWqsFzCFBBu-00031-00009096-00009295 this interview took place EWqsFzCFBBu-00032-00009296-00009478 in the middle of the night for me late EWqsFzCFBBu-00033-00009479-00009655 in the afternoon in phoenix arizona for EWqsFzCFBBu-00034-00009656-00009742 gnome EWqsFzCFBBu-00035-00009743-00010039 i hope you recognize the dmtv thankfully EWqsFzCFBBu-00036-00010040-00010246 is not a professional outfit we shall EWqsFzCFBBu-00037-00010247-00010535 remain amateurs to the very last moment EWqsFzCFBBu-00038-00010536-00010759 of our existence so as you will see very EWqsFzCFBBu-00039-00010760-00010887 shortly EWqsFzCFBBu-00040-00010888-00011151 i kick off the discussion with noam by EWqsFzCFBBu-00041-00011152-00011335 asking him to pinpoint the radical EWqsFzCFBBu-00042-00011336-00011438 lessons EWqsFzCFBBu-00043-00011439-00011531 from EWqsFzCFBBu-00044-00011532-00011910 2021. naturally norm talks about the EWqsFzCFBBu-00045-00011911-00012142 pandemic the lessons we have learned EWqsFzCFBBu-00046-00012143-00012374 from the handling of the pandemic by the EWqsFzCFBBu-00047-00012375-00012495 powers that be EWqsFzCFBBu-00048-00012496-00012830 by those in authority and links it EWqsFzCFBBu-00049-00012831-00013086 skillfully with norm's EWqsFzCFBBu-00050-00013087-00013327 usual skill he links EWqsFzCFBBu-00051-00013328-00013663 the lessons from the pandemic and EWqsFzCFBBu-00052-00013663-00013975 the influence of corporate EWqsFzCFBBu-00053-00013976-00014079 capital EWqsFzCFBBu-00054-00014080-00014358 of financialized capital of concentrated EWqsFzCFBBu-00055-00014359-00014622 capital on the mishandling of this EWqsFzCFBBu-00056-00014623-00014855 pandemic he links it to EWqsFzCFBBu-00057-00014856-00015111 the other existential threat EWqsFzCFBBu-00058-00015112-00015438 that humanity is facing and which EWqsFzCFBBu-00059-00015440-00015735 made a turn for the far far worse in cop EWqsFzCFBBu-00060-00015736-00016038 26 in glasgow the pivotal moment EWqsFzCFBBu-00061-00016040-00016311 supposedly where the great and the good EWqsFzCFBBu-00062-00016312-00016511 from around the world would meet in EWqsFzCFBBu-00063-00016512-00016719 glasgow in the fall EWqsFzCFBBu-00064-00016720-00016983 in order to give our species a chance a EWqsFzCFBBu-00065-00016984-00017247 chance of ending its EWqsFzCFBBu-00066-00017248-00017527 vandalism of the planet a chance that we EWqsFzCFBBu-00067-00017528-00017727 missed EWqsFzCFBBu-00068-00017728-00017919 and it is interesting how norm connects EWqsFzCFBBu-00069-00017920-00018143 the way in which the capital is world EWqsFzCFBBu-00070-00018144-00018407 order or i call post-capitalist but EWqsFzCFBBu-00071-00018408-00018679 doesn't matter mishandled the pandemic EWqsFzCFBBu-00072-00018680-00018894 and the way in which it wasted a EWqsFzCFBBu-00073-00018895-00019079 fantastic opportunity this year in EWqsFzCFBBu-00074-00019080-00019279 glasgow at some point EWqsFzCFBBu-00075-00019280-00019535 i decided to play devil's advocate EWqsFzCFBBu-00076-00019536-00019743 and put it to him that we progressives EWqsFzCFBBu-00077-00019744-00019967 are a bunch of losers going from one EWqsFzCFBBu-00078-00019968-00020214 perpetual defeat to the other EWqsFzCFBBu-00079-00020215-00020422 it is interesting how noam chomsky EWqsFzCFBBu-00080-00020423-00020527 responds EWqsFzCFBBu-00081-00020528-00020727 and a great source of hope turning to EWqsFzCFBBu-00082-00020728-00021022 more specific geographic national EWqsFzCFBBu-00083-00021023-00021222 in the economic bloc EWqsFzCFBBu-00084-00021223-00021511 regions norm doesn't mince his words EWqsFzCFBBu-00085-00021512-00021799 regarding the united states he explains EWqsFzCFBBu-00086-00021800-00021943 meticulously EWqsFzCFBBu-00087-00021944-00022199 with his usual analytical skills EWqsFzCFBBu-00088-00022200-00022430 why and how the united states EWqsFzCFBBu-00089-00022431-00022671 is a political economy that is going off EWqsFzCFBBu-00090-00022672-00022791 the rails EWqsFzCFBBu-00091-00022792-00022935 with terrible repercussions for EWqsFzCFBBu-00092-00022936-00023247 americans and non-americans alike then EWqsFzCFBBu-00093-00023248-00023463 he turns his EWqsFzCFBBu-00094-00023464-00023622 laser-sharp EWqsFzCFBBu-00095-00023623-00023911 focus on the european union EWqsFzCFBBu-00096-00023912-00024047 is equally critical EWqsFzCFBBu-00097-00024048-00024230 particularly of the subservience of EWqsFzCFBBu-00098-00024231-00024447 european leaders to the united states EWqsFzCFBBu-00099-00024448-00024607 hegemonic EWqsFzCFBBu-00100-00024608-00024919 forces and then together we make a segue EWqsFzCFBBu-00101-00024920-00025094 to the oncoming EWqsFzCFBBu-00102-00025095-00025358 threat of a new cold war which is being EWqsFzCFBBu-00103-00025359-00025606 built up by washington dc by EWqsFzCFBBu-00104-00025607-00025870 certain forces within the security EWqsFzCFBBu-00105-00025872-00026158 apparatus of the west in europe in EWqsFzCFBBu-00106-00026160-00026279 australia EWqsFzCFBBu-00107-00026280-00026479 and of course in north america but i EWqsFzCFBBu-00108-00026480-00026758 also ask him the question how can we EWqsFzCFBBu-00109-00026760-00026983 fight against the new cold war EWqsFzCFBBu-00110-00026983-00027095 how can we EWqsFzCFBBu-00111-00027095-00027214 stop EWqsFzCFBBu-00112-00027216-00027383 as a movement as the progressive EWqsFzCFBBu-00113-00027383-00027567 international for instance a process EWqsFzCFBBu-00114-00027568-00027846 where the cold war may become a hot war EWqsFzCFBBu-00115-00027847-00028111 and certainly how we progressives led by EWqsFzCFBBu-00116-00028112-00028335 the progressive international of course EWqsFzCFBBu-00117-00028336-00028518 can put an end to this new cold war EWqsFzCFBBu-00118-00028519-00028767 without being apologists EWqsFzCFBBu-00119-00028768-00029118 for the atrocities committed against EWqsFzCFBBu-00120-00029119-00029487 peoples against dissidents against EWqsFzCFBBu-00121-00029488-00029743 certain segments of the population EWqsFzCFBBu-00122-00029744-00029974 within russia within china EWqsFzCFBBu-00123-00029975-00030214 within those economic and political EWqsFzCFBBu-00124-00030216-00030318 blocs EWqsFzCFBBu-00125-00030319-00030631 that the west's oligarchy EWqsFzCFBBu-00126-00030632-00030887 is trying to engage in EWqsFzCFBBu-00127-00030888-00031174 hostilities in a new cold war then and i EWqsFzCFBBu-00128-00031175-00031327 have to tell you that this is i think my EWqsFzCFBBu-00129-00031327-00031479 favorite part of the discussion with EWqsFzCFBBu-00130-00031480-00031670 noam i bring up the question of safe EWqsFzCFBBu-00131-00031672-00031774 spaces EWqsFzCFBBu-00132-00031775-00032070 in universities in particular but more EWqsFzCFBBu-00133-00032072-00032262 generally within movements a concept EWqsFzCFBBu-00134-00032263-00032518 that has emerged recently but powerfully EWqsFzCFBBu-00135-00032519-00032607 within EWqsFzCFBBu-00136-00032608-00032862 the scheme of identity politics within EWqsFzCFBBu-00137-00032863-00033079 our movements within our academy i think EWqsFzCFBBu-00138-00033080-00033295 that part of the discussion has a great EWqsFzCFBBu-00139-00033296-00033551 deal of utility for progressives and of EWqsFzCFBBu-00140-00033552-00033727 course at the very end i asked them to EWqsFzCFBBu-00141-00033728-00033931 deliver a message regarding EWqsFzCFBBu-00142-00033932-00034262 2022. before we start let me use this EWqsFzCFBBu-00143-00034263-00034583 opportunity to plug the meta dialogues EWqsFzCFBBu-00144-00034584-00034927 the dialogues that our meta center EWqsFzCFBBu-00145-00034928-00035159 the center for post capital civilization EWqsFzCFBBu-00146-00035160-00035418 of tm-25 will be planning throughout EWqsFzCFBBu-00147-00035419-00035574 2022 EWqsFzCFBBu-00148-00035575-00035774 between members of the advisory board of EWqsFzCFBBu-00149-00035775-00036030 dm-25 like noam chomsky EWqsFzCFBBu-00150-00036031-00036351 like guy standing like caroline lucas EWqsFzCFBBu-00151-00036352-00036607 these dialogues are going to bring two EWqsFzCFBBu-00152-00036608-00036983 members of our advisory report together EWqsFzCFBBu-00153-00036984-00037167 in a discussion like the one that i'm EWqsFzCFBBu-00154-00037168-00037374 having today with noam chomsky but far EWqsFzCFBBu-00155-00037375-00037695 more targeted to the issues of um EWqsFzCFBBu-00156-00037696-00037846 you know what is exactly that we're EWqsFzCFBBu-00157-00037847-00038062 fighting against what is the system that EWqsFzCFBBu-00158-00038063-00038239 we are fighting against is it capitalism EWqsFzCFBBu-00159-00038240-00038407 is it something worse than capitalism EWqsFzCFBBu-00160-00038408-00038639 and what system do we want to put in its EWqsFzCFBBu-00161-00038640-00038871 place this is the plug for the meta EWqsFzCFBBu-00162-00038872-00039207 dialogues watch this space and the dm-25 EWqsFzCFBBu-00163-00039208-00039455 and meta websites they promise to be EWqsFzCFBBu-00164-00039456-00039767 intriguing conversations throughout 2022 EWqsFzCFBBu-00165-00039768-00039959 without further ado let's go to my EWqsFzCFBBu-00166-00039960-00040335 discussion with noam chomsky covet 19 EWqsFzCFBBu-00167-00040336-00040607 to quote monty python what has it done EWqsFzCFBBu-00168-00040608-00040702 for us EWqsFzCFBBu-00169-00040703-00040911 has it contributed anything to EWqsFzCFBBu-00170-00040912-00041174 progressives to humanity has it taught EWqsFzCFBBu-00171-00041175-00041471 us any lessons that we can draw from has EWqsFzCFBBu-00172-00041472-00041562 it EWqsFzCFBBu-00173-00041563-00041855 accelerated the decline of the system of EWqsFzCFBBu-00174-00041856-00042062 capitalism call it what you will EWqsFzCFBBu-00175-00042063-00042287 that progressives must challenge EWqsFzCFBBu-00176-00042288-00042558 is there a silver lining to the covet 19 EWqsFzCFBBu-00177-00042559-00042839 cloud what have we learned in 2020 norm EWqsFzCFBBu-00178-00042840-00043039 chomsky we learned EWqsFzCFBBu-00179-00043040-00043127 more EWqsFzCFBBu-00180-00043128-00043502 forcefully things we already knew the uh EWqsFzCFBBu-00181-00043503-00043902 take omicron it's perfectly clear EWqsFzCFBBu-00182-00043903-00044023 why this EWqsFzCFBBu-00183-00044024-00044127 happened EWqsFzCFBBu-00184-00044128-00044367 and why it will happen again EWqsFzCFBBu-00185-00044368-00044511 the EWqsFzCFBBu-00186-00044512-00044695 rich countries EWqsFzCFBBu-00187-00044696-00044895 have EWqsFzCFBBu-00188-00044896-00045390 uh monopolized vaccines for themselves EWqsFzCFBBu-00189-00045391-00045567 and have insisted EWqsFzCFBBu-00190-00045568-00045743 on preserving EWqsFzCFBBu-00191-00045744-00045918 the EWqsFzCFBBu-00192-00045919-00046102 outlandish EWqsFzCFBBu-00193-00046103-00046239 uh EWqsFzCFBBu-00194-00046240-00046615 property rights agreements patent rights EWqsFzCFBBu-00195-00046616-00046774 assigned EWqsFzCFBBu-00196-00046775-00047023 to the the basically monopoly pricing EWqsFzCFBBu-00197-00047024-00047118 rights EWqsFzCFBBu-00198-00047119-00047271 assigned to the EWqsFzCFBBu-00199-00047272-00047623 pharmaceutical corporations in the uh EWqsFzCFBBu-00200-00047624-00047879 mislabeled free trade agreements which EWqsFzCFBBu-00201-00047880-00048199 means that for example moderna EWqsFzCFBBu-00202-00048200-00048446 which was a small company EWqsFzCFBBu-00203-00048447-00048623 was able to use EWqsFzCFBBu-00204-00048624-00048958 extensive government funding government EWqsFzCFBBu-00205-00048959-00049079 research EWqsFzCFBBu-00206-00049080-00049239 to develop a EWqsFzCFBBu-00207-00049240-00049462 very effective vaccine EWqsFzCFBBu-00208-00049463-00049727 propelled several of the management up EWqsFzCFBBu-00209-00049728-00050079 into the super billionaire category but EWqsFzCFBBu-00210-00050080-00050327 they will not permit EWqsFzCFBBu-00211-00050328-00050486 south africa EWqsFzCFBBu-00212-00050487-00050751 which has a pharmaceutical industry EWqsFzCFBBu-00213-00050752-00050886 to produce EWqsFzCFBBu-00214-00050887-00050983 their EWqsFzCFBBu-00215-00050984-00051279 vaccines it means that EWqsFzCFBBu-00216-00051279-00051607 south in south africa could not EWqsFzCFBBu-00217-00051608-00051950 vaccinate the population sufficiently EWqsFzCFBBu-00218-00051951-00052038 to EWqsFzCFBBu-00219-00052039-00052382 withhold the ongoing mutations EWqsFzCFBBu-00220-00052383-00052799 it means that in the unvaccinated self EWqsFzCFBBu-00221-00052800-00053199 there will be there's a EWqsFzCFBBu-00222-00053200-00053559 potential for a mutation EWqsFzCFBBu-00223-00053560-00053838 which can lead to EWqsFzCFBBu-00224-00053839-00054038 serious consequences of course will EWqsFzCFBBu-00225-00054039-00054326 spread back to the west the wealthy and EWqsFzCFBBu-00226-00054327-00054503 the powerful EWqsFzCFBBu-00227-00054504-00054726 are who recognize all this they EWqsFzCFBBu-00228-00054727-00054887 understand it EWqsFzCFBBu-00229-00054888-00054999 are we EWqsFzCFBBu-00230-00055000-00055279 willing to place the EWqsFzCFBBu-00231-00055279-00055407 prophets EWqsFzCFBBu-00232-00055408-00055519 of the EWqsFzCFBBu-00233-00055520-00055735 major corporate major pharmaceutical EWqsFzCFBBu-00234-00055736-00055894 corporations EWqsFzCFBBu-00235-00055895-00056142 and their EWqsFzCFBBu-00236-00056144-00056303 prerogatives EWqsFzCFBBu-00237-00056304-00056526 given in the EWqsFzCFBBu-00238-00056527-00056703 in the uh EWqsFzCFBBu-00239-00056704-00056815 improper EWqsFzCFBBu-00240-00056816-00057182 trade agreements place that above the EWqsFzCFBBu-00241-00057183-00057335 lives of EWqsFzCFBBu-00242-00057336-00057535 many millions of people EWqsFzCFBBu-00243-00057536-00057703 and even their own the welfare of their EWqsFzCFBBu-00244-00057704-00057879 own populations EWqsFzCFBBu-00245-00057879-00058479 it's an interesting value system EWqsFzCFBBu-00246-00058479-00058742 it generalizes to something much more EWqsFzCFBBu-00247-00058744-00058863 important EWqsFzCFBBu-00248-00058864-00059087 global warming EWqsFzCFBBu-00249-00059088-00059199 we just EWqsFzCFBBu-00250-00059200-00059342 saw the EWqsFzCFBBu-00251-00059344-00059579 outcome of the EWqsFzCFBBu-00252-00059579-00059759 cop26 EWqsFzCFBBu-00253-00059760-00059919 uh EWqsFzCFBBu-00254-00059920-00060087 fiasco EWqsFzCFBBu-00255-00060088-00060215 there were EWqsFzCFBBu-00256-00060216-00060454 two events taking place EWqsFzCFBBu-00257-00060455-00060703 uh inside the EWqsFzCFBBu-00258-00060704-00060806 uh EWqsFzCFBBu-00259-00060807-00060966 halls of the EWqsFzCFBBu-00260-00060967-00061150 great buildings the EWqsFzCFBBu-00261-00061151-00061430 men and women with their suits and ties EWqsFzCFBBu-00262-00061432-00061735 and jackets and you know fancy dresses EWqsFzCFBBu-00263-00061736-00062047 and so on so john kerry the EWqsFzCFBBu-00264-00062048-00062319 american negotiator was EWqsFzCFBBu-00265-00062320-00062559 euphoric about the fact that EWqsFzCFBBu-00266-00062560-00062863 we now have the market on our side how EWqsFzCFBBu-00267-00062864-00062999 can we lose EWqsFzCFBBu-00268-00063000-00063287 the big investors have uh EWqsFzCFBBu-00269-00063288-00063542 committed themselves to working for our EWqsFzCFBBu-00270-00063544-00063663 cause EWqsFzCFBBu-00271-00063664-00063823 so with the EWqsFzCFBBu-00272-00063824-00064103 holy market working for us we're EWqsFzCFBBu-00273-00064104-00064399 racing ahead he was referring EWqsFzCFBBu-00274-00064400-00064742 to the commitment by to the comments by EWqsFzCFBBu-00275-00064744-00064847 the EWqsFzCFBBu-00276-00064848-00065142 head of blackstone larry fink EWqsFzCFBBu-00277-00065144-00065287 that there are now EWqsFzCFBBu-00278-00065288-00065575 the investment community is now ready EWqsFzCFBBu-00279-00065576-00065926 to commit 130 trillion dollars EWqsFzCFBBu-00280-00065927-00066055 to EWqsFzCFBBu-00281-00066056-00066247 solving the crisis EWqsFzCFBBu-00282-00066248-00066415 we're in business EWqsFzCFBBu-00283-00066416-00066638 until you look at the footnotes EWqsFzCFBBu-00284-00066639-00066855 which was actually done by EWqsFzCFBBu-00285-00066856-00067182 adam twos and fine political economists EWqsFzCFBBu-00286-00067183-00067279 who EWqsFzCFBBu-00287-00067280-00067463 pointed out that there's a little EWqsFzCFBBu-00288-00067464-00067671 condition attached EWqsFzCFBBu-00289-00067672-00067782 the EWqsFzCFBBu-00290-00067783-00067975 investment community is willing to EWqsFzCFBBu-00291-00067976-00068206 invest the money if EWqsFzCFBBu-00292-00068207-00068526 they are guaranteed to be risk-free EWqsFzCFBBu-00293-00068527-00068719 by the imf EWqsFzCFBBu-00294-00068720-00068959 so we're perfectly happy to jump in and EWqsFzCFBBu-00295-00068960-00069071 help you EWqsFzCFBBu-00296-00069072-00069367 as long as we make money from it and EWqsFzCFBBu-00297-00069368-00069606 there's no risk involved EWqsFzCFBBu-00298-00069607-00069855 yes the market's on our side EWqsFzCFBBu-00299-00069856-00070087 that's the way the market works EWqsFzCFBBu-00300-00070088-00070479 the structured the market structured by EWqsFzCFBBu-00301-00070480-00070559 the EWqsFzCFBBu-00302-00070560-00070847 rich and the powerful in their interests EWqsFzCFBBu-00303-00070848-00071015 so we've learned that or we should have EWqsFzCFBBu-00304-00071016-00071247 learned that we should have also learned EWqsFzCFBBu-00305-00071248-00071535 that while the these EWqsFzCFBBu-00306-00071536-00071806 meetings were going on within the EWqsFzCFBBu-00307-00071807-00071975 stately halls EWqsFzCFBBu-00308-00071976-00072287 there was also another event outside EWqsFzCFBBu-00309-00072288-00072471 tens of thousands of EWqsFzCFBBu-00310-00072472-00072815 demonstrators mostly young EWqsFzCFBBu-00311-00072816-00072943 saying that EWqsFzCFBBu-00312-00072944-00073087 we want EWqsFzCFBBu-00313-00073088-00073206 a world EWqsFzCFBBu-00314-00073207-00073455 a decent survivable world EWqsFzCFBBu-00315-00073456-00073687 for ourselves and our children EWqsFzCFBBu-00316-00073688-00074031 we want you inside those halls to use EWqsFzCFBBu-00317-00074032-00074247 the means that are available and you EWqsFzCFBBu-00318-00074248-00074519 know are available to overcome this EWqsFzCFBBu-00319-00074520-00074623 crisis EWqsFzCFBBu-00320-00074624-00074847 to lead the way to open the door to a EWqsFzCFBBu-00321-00074848-00075006 much better world EWqsFzCFBBu-00322-00075007-00075175 and that leaves us EWqsFzCFBBu-00323-00075176-00075399 with the standard question EWqsFzCFBBu-00324-00075400-00075582 which of these forces is going to EWqsFzCFBBu-00325-00075583-00075726 prevail EWqsFzCFBBu-00326-00075727-00075871 here's where the EWqsFzCFBBu-00327-00075872-00076079 progressive international EWqsFzCFBBu-00328-00076080-00076287 has its main function EWqsFzCFBBu-00329-00076288-00076431 to ensure EWqsFzCFBBu-00330-00076432-00076662 that the demonstrators in the street EWqsFzCFBBu-00331-00076663-00076806 will prevail EWqsFzCFBBu-00332-00076807-00077062 and it's the same on covet EWqsFzCFBBu-00333-00077063-00077335 serious problem but not at the scale of EWqsFzCFBBu-00334-00077336-00077487 global warming EWqsFzCFBBu-00335-00077488-00077782 it's uh that means the end EWqsFzCFBBu-00336-00077783-00078038 if we don't deal with it it's finished EWqsFzCFBBu-00337-00078039-00078191 but uh EWqsFzCFBBu-00338-00078192-00078447 covet pandemics this is probably not the EWqsFzCFBBu-00339-00078448-00078543 last EWqsFzCFBBu-00340-00078544-00078911 i will be deadly and destructive EWqsFzCFBBu-00341-00078912-00079062 but not EWqsFzCFBBu-00342-00079063-00079262 total destruction EWqsFzCFBBu-00343-00079263-00079503 those are the choices we have it seems EWqsFzCFBBu-00344-00079504-00079791 to me from what you're saying that EWqsFzCFBBu-00345-00079792-00080071 the real lesson we're learning is that EWqsFzCFBBu-00346-00080072-00080350 concentrated capital concentrated EWqsFzCFBBu-00347-00080351-00080511 corporate power EWqsFzCFBBu-00348-00080512-00080775 knows how to make to take advantage of a EWqsFzCFBBu-00349-00080776-00081087 crisis of a humanitarian crisis EWqsFzCFBBu-00350-00081088-00081391 whether it's covet 19 or it's a crisis EWqsFzCFBBu-00351-00081392-00081615 of the climate breakdown they know how EWqsFzCFBBu-00352-00081616-00081871 to marketize it they know how to make EWqsFzCFBBu-00353-00081872-00082071 use of the state there's no conflict EWqsFzCFBBu-00354-00082072-00082350 between the the the state and uh the EWqsFzCFBBu-00355-00082351-00082543 market there will be no market without EWqsFzCFBBu-00356-00082544-00082711 the state the state creates the EWqsFzCFBBu-00357-00082712-00082862 circumstances EWqsFzCFBBu-00358-00082863-00083047 for capital accumulation for profit EWqsFzCFBBu-00359-00083048-00083279 maximization so they know how to take EWqsFzCFBBu-00360-00083280-00083423 advantage of that effectively EWqsFzCFBBu-00361-00083424-00083687 undermining humanity's collective EWqsFzCFBBu-00362-00083688-00083782 interest EWqsFzCFBBu-00363-00083783-00084015 or the interest of the majority you're EWqsFzCFBBu-00364-00084016-00084206 right these are the two forces the EWqsFzCFBBu-00365-00084207-00084431 forces within you know the corridors and EWqsFzCFBBu-00366-00084432-00084647 the rooms of power in glasgow let's say EWqsFzCFBBu-00367-00084648-00084894 and the demonstrations outside the war EWqsFzCFBBu-00368-00084895-00085079 the walls EWqsFzCFBBu-00369-00085080-00085382 but is it not really let's know EWqsFzCFBBu-00370-00085383-00085594 bit about the bush isn't the lesson of EWqsFzCFBBu-00371-00085595-00085847 2021 that so far EWqsFzCFBBu-00372-00085848-00086031 the forces within EWqsFzCFBBu-00373-00086032-00086223 the corridors and the rooms of power are EWqsFzCFBBu-00374-00086224-00086447 winning hands down you know we've had EWqsFzCFBBu-00375-00086448-00086711 demonstrations you know we had EWqsFzCFBBu-00376-00086712-00086982 the world social forum we had bologna we EWqsFzCFBBu-00377-00086983-00087262 had seattle we had the you know occupy EWqsFzCFBBu-00378-00087263-00087543 wall street we had the argentine here in EWqsFzCFBBu-00379-00087544-00087838 in greece we had indignados in spain EWqsFzCFBBu-00380-00087839-00088031 but in the end EWqsFzCFBBu-00381-00088032-00088262 our resistance EWqsFzCFBBu-00382-00088263-00088567 follows a sine wave goes up and down but EWqsFzCFBBu-00383-00088568-00088767 it doesn't affect the capacity of the EWqsFzCFBBu-00384-00088768-00089175 inside light to ride the coattails of a EWqsFzCFBBu-00385-00089176-00089438 of a catastrophe making it worse EWqsFzCFBBu-00386-00089439-00089662 for humanity for the majority while EWqsFzCFBBu-00387-00089663-00089918 maximizing their own returns i don't EWqsFzCFBBu-00388-00089919-00090238 think it's perpetual defeat EWqsFzCFBBu-00389-00090239-00090399 there's EWqsFzCFBBu-00390-00090400-00090567 slow steps EWqsFzCFBBu-00391-00090568-00090735 forward EWqsFzCFBBu-00392-00090736-00090999 not enough but so EWqsFzCFBBu-00393-00091000-00091247 so take the protests EWqsFzCFBBu-00394-00091248-00091399 uh the EWqsFzCFBBu-00395-00091400-00091638 international protests the EWqsFzCFBBu-00396-00091639-00091838 global climate strike EWqsFzCFBBu-00397-00091839-00092055 extinction rebellion EWqsFzCFBBu-00398-00092056-00092199 uh EWqsFzCFBBu-00399-00092200-00092543 all of these things have had an effect EWqsFzCFBBu-00400-00092544-00092638 it has EWqsFzCFBBu-00401-00092639-00092759 compelled EWqsFzCFBBu-00402-00092760-00093111 the rich and the powerful to recognize EWqsFzCFBBu-00403-00093112-00093367 that they have to do something EWqsFzCFBBu-00404-00093368-00093526 to indicate EWqsFzCFBBu-00405-00093527-00093615 that EWqsFzCFBBu-00406-00093616-00094006 they are on the side of the public now EWqsFzCFBBu-00407-00094007-00094247 of course they find their own ways of EWqsFzCFBBu-00408-00094248-00094543 doing it they'll do it rhetorically EWqsFzCFBBu-00409-00094544-00094782 they'll do it by greenwashing EWqsFzCFBBu-00410-00094783-00095126 they'll do it by saying yes EWqsFzCFBBu-00411-00095127-00095311 net zero EWqsFzCFBBu-00412-00095312-00095591 emissions but of course we mean EWqsFzCFBBu-00413-00095592-00095703 uh EWqsFzCFBBu-00414-00095704-00095943 no no elimination EWqsFzCFBBu-00415-00095944-00096150 only innovation EWqsFzCFBBu-00416-00096151-00096343 that's the phrase EWqsFzCFBBu-00417-00096344-00096462 out of the EWqsFzCFBBu-00418-00096463-00096718 exxon mobil playbook EWqsFzCFBBu-00419-00096719-00096879 repeated by EWqsFzCFBBu-00420-00096880-00097047 joe manchin EWqsFzCFBBu-00421-00097048-00097206 the EWqsFzCFBBu-00422-00097207-00097471 senator the EWqsFzCFBBu-00423-00097472-00097759 democratic senator who's essentially EWqsFzCFBBu-00424-00097760-00097999 working with the fossil fuel companies EWqsFzCFBBu-00425-00098000-00098294 to ensure that nothing happens EWqsFzCFBBu-00426-00098295-00098487 no elimination EWqsFzCFBBu-00427-00098488-00098847 only innovation and we're on your side EWqsFzCFBBu-00428-00098848-00099159 we want to go to net EWqsFzCFBBu-00429-00099160-00099462 net zero emissions but make as much EWqsFzCFBBu-00430-00099463-00099718 profit as we can along the way EWqsFzCFBBu-00431-00099719-00099935 okay which of course means EWqsFzCFBBu-00432-00099936-00100150 that it's finished they'll find their EWqsFzCFBBu-00433-00100151-00100318 ways to EWqsFzCFBBu-00434-00100319-00100487 that's class war EWqsFzCFBBu-00435-00100488-00100871 you find your ways to make to achieve EWqsFzCFBBu-00436-00100872-00101231 your aims by whatever method you can but EWqsFzCFBBu-00437-00101232-00101479 that doesn't mean you always win EWqsFzCFBBu-00438-00101480-00101823 in fact there are steps forward they're EWqsFzCFBBu-00439-00101824-00102150 very they're halting steps not enough EWqsFzCFBBu-00440-00102151-00102318 but there are some EWqsFzCFBBu-00441-00102319-00102566 take the united states the biden EWqsFzCFBBu-00442-00102567-00102734 administration EWqsFzCFBBu-00443-00102735-00102927 put forth a EWqsFzCFBBu-00444-00102928-00103271 climate program which is inadequate but EWqsFzCFBBu-00445-00103272-00103518 well beyond anything that preceded it EWqsFzCFBBu-00446-00103519-00103710 right now in congress EWqsFzCFBBu-00447-00103711-00103918 it's being cut back EWqsFzCFBBu-00448-00103919-00104102 to virtually nothing EWqsFzCFBBu-00449-00104103-00104542 by 100 percent republican opposition EWqsFzCFBBu-00450-00104543-00104647 and EWqsFzCFBBu-00451-00104648-00104975 right-wing democrats like joe manchin EWqsFzCFBBu-00452-00104976-00105295 who happens to be a coal baron himself EWqsFzCFBBu-00453-00105296-00105423 and the EWqsFzCFBBu-00454-00105424-00105743 leading recipient in congress of fossil EWqsFzCFBBu-00455-00105744-00105910 fuel funding EWqsFzCFBBu-00456-00105911-00106007 so EWqsFzCFBBu-00457-00106008-00106327 he's blocking it but at least something EWqsFzCFBBu-00458-00106328-00106463 is there EWqsFzCFBBu-00459-00106464-00106799 there is a resolution in congress EWqsFzCFBBu-00460-00106800-00107302 initiated by alexandria ocasio-cortez EWqsFzCFBBu-00461-00107303-00107519 ed markey senior senator from EWqsFzCFBBu-00462-00107520-00107695 massachusetts EWqsFzCFBBu-00463-00107696-00107831 which does EWqsFzCFBBu-00464-00107832-00108166 spell out in some detail EWqsFzCFBBu-00465-00108167-00108254 the EWqsFzCFBBu-00466-00108255-00108566 well-known feasible means EWqsFzCFBBu-00467-00108567-00108871 to deal with and overcome the crisis EWqsFzCFBBu-00468-00108872-00109183 it's reached the level of a resolution EWqsFzCFBBu-00469-00109183-00109351 well that tells you what you have to do EWqsFzCFBBu-00470-00109352-00109463 next EWqsFzCFBBu-00471-00109464-00109639 increase the pressure EWqsFzCFBBu-00472-00109640-00110031 until it becomes a legislative option EWqsFzCFBBu-00473-00110032-00110151 it's a step EWqsFzCFBBu-00474-00110152-00110351 not enough of a step EWqsFzCFBBu-00475-00110352-00110566 if it hadn't been for the EWqsFzCFBBu-00476-00110567-00110975 demonstrations the pressures and so on EWqsFzCFBBu-00477-00110976-00111158 we would just be EWqsFzCFBBu-00478-00111159-00111366 essentially in the trump era EWqsFzCFBBu-00479-00111367-00111639 race as fast as possible quickly as EWqsFzCFBBu-00480-00111640-00111895 possible toward the precipice EWqsFzCFBBu-00481-00111896-00111966 well EWqsFzCFBBu-00482-00111967-00112102 neither is good EWqsFzCFBBu-00483-00112103-00112327 but one is worse than the other EWqsFzCFBBu-00484-00112328-00112599 so in some ways we've EWqsFzCFBBu-00485-00112600-00112871 the activism has fended off EWqsFzCFBBu-00486-00112872-00112999 the worst EWqsFzCFBBu-00487-00113000-00113278 but left plenty of room for the class EWqsFzCFBBu-00488-00113279-00113439 war to continue EWqsFzCFBBu-00489-00113440-00114023 and that's true at every level EWqsFzCFBBu-00490-00114024-00114271 one of the lessons we should learn from EWqsFzCFBBu-00491-00114272-00114439 2021 EWqsFzCFBBu-00492-00114440-00114607 is what is happening EWqsFzCFBBu-00493-00114608-00114807 to the most powerful EWqsFzCFBBu-00494-00114808-00114927 wealthy EWqsFzCFBBu-00495-00114928-00115247 state in world history it's going off EWqsFzCFBBu-00496-00115248-00115486 literally going off the precipice there EWqsFzCFBBu-00497-00115488-00115831 was recently a study of attitudes of EWqsFzCFBBu-00498-00115832-00116007 republican voters EWqsFzCFBBu-00499-00116008-00116199 on many issues EWqsFzCFBBu-00500-00116200-00116510 comparative study comparing them with EWqsFzCFBBu-00501-00116511-00116847 european parties the results are pretty EWqsFzCFBBu-00502-00116848-00117190 grim they rank with parties like EWqsFzCFBBu-00503-00117191-00117383 alternative for deutschland the EWqsFzCFBBu-00504-00117383-00117743 right-wing neo-fascist parties that's EWqsFzCFBBu-00505-00117744-00117886 the EWqsFzCFBBu-00506-00117888-00118063 it's going it is EWqsFzCFBBu-00507-00118064-00118327 one of the two major parties in the EWqsFzCFBBu-00508-00118328-00118599 united states the party that is very EWqsFzCFBBu-00509-00118600-00118847 likely to take power EWqsFzCFBBu-00510-00118848-00119127 next year and in 2024 EWqsFzCFBBu-00511-00119128-00119315 because of various EWqsFzCFBBu-00512-00119316-00119599 manipulations and shenanigans that EWqsFzCFBBu-00513-00119600-00119823 they're carrying out they won't win the EWqsFzCFBBu-00514-00119824-00120054 vote but they may very well probably win EWqsFzCFBBu-00515-00120055-00120295 the election EWqsFzCFBBu-00516-00120296-00120566 now if the afd was taking power in EWqsFzCFBBu-00517-00120567-00120678 germany EWqsFzCFBBu-00518-00120679-00120895 we'd be concerned EWqsFzCFBBu-00519-00120896-00121095 it's much more dangerous when it's EWqsFzCFBBu-00520-00121096-00121454 taking power in the world dominant power EWqsFzCFBBu-00521-00121455-00121710 history's most powerful state EWqsFzCFBBu-00522-00121711-00121919 that's a lesson to learn it's not a EWqsFzCFBBu-00523-00121920-00122134 small point EWqsFzCFBBu-00524-00122135-00122334 if you take a look at EWqsFzCFBBu-00525-00122335-00122631 the attitudes of republican voters EWqsFzCFBBu-00526-00122632-00122934 during the four trump years EWqsFzCFBBu-00527-00122935-00123071 concern EWqsFzCFBBu-00528-00123072-00123334 for global warming EWqsFzCFBBu-00529-00123335-00123710 declined by about twenty percent EWqsFzCFBBu-00530-00123711-00124047 that's four years of propaganda EWqsFzCFBBu-00531-00124048-00124151 uh EWqsFzCFBBu-00532-00124152-00124295 there are EWqsFzCFBBu-00533-00124296-00124478 ominous signs EWqsFzCFBBu-00534-00124479-00124566 of EWqsFzCFBBu-00535-00124567-00124678 worship EWqsFzCFBBu-00536-00124679-00125071 of a semi-deity EWqsFzCFBBu-00537-00125072-00125302 we're both old enough to remember that EWqsFzCFBBu-00538-00125303-00125478 from somewhere else EWqsFzCFBBu-00539-00125479-00125590 okay EWqsFzCFBBu-00540-00125591-00125734 these are not EWqsFzCFBBu-00541-00125735-00125919 pleasant developments EWqsFzCFBBu-00542-00125920-00126063 and it's EWqsFzCFBBu-00543-00126064-00126390 going to be very tricky to overcome them EWqsFzCFBBu-00544-00126391-00126702 massive popular protest is necessary EWqsFzCFBBu-00545-00126703-00127327 and it has to be backed in europe EWqsFzCFBBu-00546-00127328-00127647 another lesson of 2021 EWqsFzCFBBu-00547-00127648-00127839 is that europe is EWqsFzCFBBu-00548-00127840-00128207 unwilling or uncapable incapable EWqsFzCFBBu-00549-00128208-00128286 of EWqsFzCFBBu-00550-00128288-00128566 taking its the role in the world that it EWqsFzCFBBu-00551-00128567-00128790 could play EWqsFzCFBBu-00552-00128791-00128958 take germany EWqsFzCFBBu-00553-00128959-00129310 which was in the lead in protecting EWqsFzCFBBu-00554-00129311-00129710 the rights of big pharma to keep EWqsFzCFBBu-00555-00129711-00129790 the EWqsFzCFBBu-00556-00129791-00129975 process EWqsFzCFBBu-00557-00129976-00130310 uh patents for themselves germany may be EWqsFzCFBBu-00558-00130311-00130583 the most civilized country EWqsFzCFBBu-00559-00130583-00130863 in the world right now was in the lead EWqsFzCFBBu-00560-00130864-00131078 that shouldn't be happening EWqsFzCFBBu-00561-00131079-00131231 right now the EWqsFzCFBBu-00562-00131232-00131431 iran negotiations EWqsFzCFBBu-00563-00131432-00131631 are collapsing EWqsFzCFBBu-00564-00131632-00131887 largely because germany EWqsFzCFBBu-00565-00131888-00132102 and the rest of europe EWqsFzCFBBu-00566-00132103-00132359 refuses to play an independent role in EWqsFzCFBBu-00567-00132360-00132527 world affairs EWqsFzCFBBu-00568-00132528-00132751 when the united states pulled out of the EWqsFzCFBBu-00569-00132752-00132935 agreement EWqsFzCFBBu-00570-00132936-00133199 in violation of international law if EWqsFzCFBBu-00571-00133200-00133439 anyone cares it's in violation of EWqsFzCFBBu-00572-00133440-00133663 security council resolution EWqsFzCFBBu-00573-00133664-00133911 europe strongly protested EWqsFzCFBBu-00574-00133912-00134007 said EWqsFzCFBBu-00575-00134008-00134263 we don't like this we oppose it EWqsFzCFBBu-00576-00134264-00134471 we oppose the extra sanctions you're EWqsFzCFBBu-00577-00134472-00134759 imposing but will obey EWqsFzCFBBu-00578-00134760-00135135 because we obey EWqsFzCFBBu-00579-00135136-00135390 as long as europe follows that EWqsFzCFBBu-00580-00135391-00135663 policy of subordination EWqsFzCFBBu-00581-00135664-00136087 to external power to u.s power the EWqsFzCFBBu-00582-00136088-00136663 outlook looks quite grim EWqsFzCFBBu-00583-00136664-00136927 that brings us to another crucial issue EWqsFzCFBBu-00584-00136928-00137111 what's called the china threat what EWqsFzCFBBu-00585-00137112-00137390 exactly is the china threat actually the EWqsFzCFBBu-00586-00137391-00137687 former prime minister of australia paul EWqsFzCFBBu-00587-00137688-00137814 keating a EWqsFzCFBBu-00588-00137815-00138111 distinguished international diplomat EWqsFzCFBBu-00589-00138112-00138375 had a pretty good definition of it EWqsFzCFBBu-00590-00138376-00138590 he wrote an article in the australian EWqsFzCFBBu-00591-00138591-00138719 press EWqsFzCFBBu-00592-00138720-00138919 running through the various EWqsFzCFBBu-00593-00138920-00139190 claims about the china threat showing EWqsFzCFBBu-00594-00139191-00139454 debunking them and said the china threat EWqsFzCFBBu-00595-00139455-00139566 is real EWqsFzCFBBu-00596-00139567-00139831 it's china's existence EWqsFzCFBBu-00597-00139832-00140119 the existence of a power that will not EWqsFzCFBBu-00598-00140120-00140414 be intimidated by the united states the EWqsFzCFBBu-00599-00140415-00140583 way europe is EWqsFzCFBBu-00600-00140584-00140871 and will not be pushed around the way EWqsFzCFBBu-00601-00140872-00141175 europe is but insists on pursuing its EWqsFzCFBBu-00602-00141176-00141311 own interests EWqsFzCFBBu-00603-00141312-00141590 plenty to criticize about china but EWqsFzCFBBu-00604-00141591-00141766 that's not the reason for the china EWqsFzCFBBu-00605-00141767-00141878 threat EWqsFzCFBBu-00606-00141879-00142166 it's the reason is it's there EWqsFzCFBBu-00607-00142167-00142414 it's refusing to be intimidated it's EWqsFzCFBBu-00608-00142415-00142566 continuing to EWqsFzCFBBu-00609-00142567-00142766 expand its EWqsFzCFBBu-00610-00142767-00143007 what are called soft power policies EWqsFzCFBBu-00611-00143008-00143231 expanding its influence through EWqsFzCFBBu-00612-00143232-00143463 central asia EWqsFzCFBBu-00613-00143464-00143766 obviously with the intention of reaching EWqsFzCFBBu-00614-00143767-00144095 eastern europe central europe uh EWqsFzCFBBu-00615-00144096-00144199 africa EWqsFzCFBBu-00616-00144200-00144559 will bring in afghanistan now EWqsFzCFBBu-00617-00144560-00144687 and EWqsFzCFBBu-00618-00144688-00144919 it's establishing vocational schools EWqsFzCFBBu-00619-00144920-00145047 throughout the world throughout EWqsFzCFBBu-00620-00145048-00145302 southeast asia and africa EWqsFzCFBBu-00621-00145303-00145495 where students will study EWqsFzCFBBu-00622-00145496-00145711 chinese technology EWqsFzCFBBu-00623-00145712-00145959 what the united states is trying hard to EWqsFzCFBBu-00624-00145960-00146214 prevent the world from accepting EWqsFzCFBBu-00625-00146215-00146590 fine they can't stop the us but they'll EWqsFzCFBBu-00626-00146591-00146878 do their method they'll bring in large EWqsFzCFBBu-00627-00146879-00147175 parts of the world to be EWqsFzCFBBu-00628-00147176-00147343 trained in EWqsFzCFBBu-00629-00147344-00147695 later using chinese technology as they EWqsFzCFBBu-00630-00147696-00147878 spread their influence EWqsFzCFBBu-00631-00147879-00147966 well EWqsFzCFBBu-00632-00147967-00148271 for the united states that's intolerable EWqsFzCFBBu-00633-00148272-00148551 you cannot have a force EWqsFzCFBBu-00634-00148552-00148847 counter force that can't be intimidated EWqsFzCFBBu-00635-00148848-00149166 and that's a major threat to survival EWqsFzCFBBu-00636-00149167-00149319 it's leading to EWqsFzCFBBu-00637-00149320-00149526 provocative actions EWqsFzCFBBu-00638-00149527-00149631 which EWqsFzCFBBu-00639-00149632-00149814 might explode EWqsFzCFBBu-00640-00149815-00149966 and could lead EWqsFzCFBBu-00641-00149967-00150166 to a terminal war EWqsFzCFBBu-00642-00150167-00150351 this is another threat EWqsFzCFBBu-00643-00150352-00150511 similar things are EWqsFzCFBBu-00644-00150512-00150831 happening in the ukraine other lessons EWqsFzCFBBu-00645-00150832-00150926 uh EWqsFzCFBBu-00646-00150927-00151102 there are ways EWqsFzCFBBu-00647-00151103-00151302 to deal with these things EWqsFzCFBBu-00648-00151303-00151614 diplomatic options are open EWqsFzCFBBu-00649-00151615-00151935 negotiation is possible EWqsFzCFBBu-00650-00151936-00152190 negotiations not going to lead to the EWqsFzCFBBu-00651-00152191-00152526 world the way the u.s leadership wants EWqsFzCFBBu-00652-00152527-00152831 but it can lead to a viable world a EWqsFzCFBBu-00653-00152832-00152999 world in which we can EWqsFzCFBBu-00654-00153000-00153319 move forward progress beyond EWqsFzCFBBu-00655-00153320-00153535 we could even imagine EWqsFzCFBBu-00656-00153536-00153799 in europe going back to EWqsFzCFBBu-00657-00153800-00154054 something like gorbachev's vision EWqsFzCFBBu-00658-00154055-00154351 in 1991 EWqsFzCFBBu-00659-00154352-00154639 time of the collapse of the soviet union EWqsFzCFBBu-00660-00154640-00154814 there were two EWqsFzCFBBu-00661-00154815-00155063 options on the table EWqsFzCFBBu-00662-00155064-00155495 gorbachev's vision of a unified eurasia EWqsFzCFBBu-00663-00155496-00155790 brussels too vladivostok EWqsFzCFBBu-00664-00155791-00155959 no military EWqsFzCFBBu-00665-00155960-00156135 uh EWqsFzCFBBu-00666-00156136-00156311 organizations EWqsFzCFBBu-00667-00156312-00156439 just a EWqsFzCFBBu-00668-00156440-00156551 peaceful EWqsFzCFBBu-00669-00156552-00156719 eurasia EWqsFzCFBBu-00670-00156720-00156831 us EWqsFzCFBBu-00671-00156832-00157151 vision was different expansion EWqsFzCFBBu-00672-00157152-00157511 of a hostile military alliance nato EWqsFzCFBBu-00673-00157512-00157790 under u.s control as far to the east as EWqsFzCFBBu-00674-00157791-00157919 possible EWqsFzCFBBu-00675-00157920-00158087 well EWqsFzCFBBu-00676-00158088-00158223 but there were EWqsFzCFBBu-00677-00158224-00158383 moves to EWqsFzCFBBu-00678-00158384-00158654 invite you even ukraine EWqsFzCFBBu-00679-00158655-00158759 into EWqsFzCFBBu-00680-00158760-00158887 nato EWqsFzCFBBu-00681-00158888-00158966 uh EWqsFzCFBBu-00682-00158967-00159254 something that no EWqsFzCFBBu-00683-00159255-00159526 russian government would ever tolerate EWqsFzCFBBu-00684-00159527-00159702 and in its leading it's one of the EWqsFzCFBBu-00685-00159703-00159911 factors there are many EWqsFzCFBBu-00686-00159912-00160247 leading to what could be an ex a highly EWqsFzCFBBu-00687-00160248-00160575 uh dangerous crisis well these things EWqsFzCFBBu-00688-00160576-00160759 can be overcome EWqsFzCFBBu-00689-00160760-00160966 here again EWqsFzCFBBu-00690-00160967-00161247 an independent force like EWqsFzCFBBu-00691-00161248-00161431 progressive international EWqsFzCFBBu-00692-00161432-00161654 can play a major role in EWqsFzCFBBu-00693-00161655-00161839 mobilizing public EWqsFzCFBBu-00694-00161840-00161943 opinion EWqsFzCFBBu-00695-00161944-00162078 and taking EWqsFzCFBBu-00696-00162079-00162414 particular actions in case after case EWqsFzCFBBu-00697-00162415-00162678 there have been some successes it's a EWqsFzCFBBu-00698-00162679-00162983 long haul it's the only way EWqsFzCFBBu-00699-00162984-00163207 only way in which you can avert EWqsFzCFBBu-00700-00163208-00163487 catastrophe which is looming EWqsFzCFBBu-00701-00163488-00163799 on many fronts let me share a concern EWqsFzCFBBu-00702-00163800-00163966 that i have EWqsFzCFBBu-00703-00163967-00164102 i have been EWqsFzCFBBu-00704-00164103-00164254 along the lines of what you've been EWqsFzCFBBu-00705-00164255-00164343 saying EWqsFzCFBBu-00706-00164344-00164695 i've been struggling EWqsFzCFBBu-00707-00164696-00164911 in various fora EWqsFzCFBBu-00708-00164912-00164990 to EWqsFzCFBBu-00709-00164991-00165247 maintain a balance between EWqsFzCFBBu-00710-00165248-00165502 warning progressives against falling EWqsFzCFBBu-00711-00165503-00165599 prey EWqsFzCFBBu-00712-00165600-00165854 to the new cold warriors of washington EWqsFzCFBBu-00713-00165855-00166111 dc from brussels from britain EWqsFzCFBBu-00714-00166112-00166302 who are persecuting a new cold war EWqsFzCFBBu-00715-00166303-00166478 against china EWqsFzCFBBu-00716-00166479-00166726 and also EWqsFzCFBBu-00717-00166727-00166990 looking forward to uh they are looking EWqsFzCFBBu-00718-00166991-00167087 forward EWqsFzCFBBu-00719-00167088-00167335 to incite some kind of long-term EWqsFzCFBBu-00720-00167336-00167543 simmering conflict with russia EWqsFzCFBBu-00721-00167544-00167902 in eastern europe and in the black sea EWqsFzCFBBu-00722-00167903-00168023 how to EWqsFzCFBBu-00723-00168024-00168247 not fall prey to this EWqsFzCFBBu-00724-00168248-00168431 not demonize EWqsFzCFBBu-00725-00168432-00168551 china EWqsFzCFBBu-00726-00168552-00168831 uh understand what paul keating said in EWqsFzCFBBu-00727-00168832-00169054 the press club in canberra which uh you EWqsFzCFBBu-00728-00169055-00169319 quoted well i thought this was a very EWqsFzCFBBu-00729-00169320-00169526 apt and brilliant intervention by paul EWqsFzCFBBu-00730-00169527-00169695 keating at the time EWqsFzCFBBu-00731-00169696-00170023 while at the same time EWqsFzCFBBu-00732-00170024-00170326 maintaining vigilance and EWqsFzCFBBu-00733-00170327-00170511 a critical stance towards the EWqsFzCFBBu-00734-00170512-00170687 authoritarianism of the chinese EWqsFzCFBBu-00735-00170688-00170943 communist party of what they're doing to EWqsFzCFBBu-00736-00170944-00171190 the brave students of the hong kong EWqsFzCFBBu-00737-00171191-00171414 polytechnic the uyghurs EWqsFzCFBBu-00738-00171415-00171671 similarly the EWqsFzCFBBu-00739-00171672-00171983 authoritarianism of putin this balance EWqsFzCFBBu-00740-00171984-00172295 seems increasingly difficult to maintain EWqsFzCFBBu-00741-00172296-00172719 i find it personally very trying that i EWqsFzCFBBu-00742-00172720-00173007 have simultaneously to suffer the slings EWqsFzCFBBu-00743-00173008-00173166 and arrows of those who accuse me of EWqsFzCFBBu-00744-00173167-00173254 being EWqsFzCFBBu-00745-00173255-00173511 an agent of the chinese communist party EWqsFzCFBBu-00746-00173512-00173599 and EWqsFzCFBBu-00747-00173600-00173790 you know some people who are supporting EWqsFzCFBBu-00748-00173791-00174031 the chinese communist party who are uh EWqsFzCFBBu-00749-00174032-00174183 portraying me as EWqsFzCFBBu-00750-00174184-00174399 portraying me as a stooge of western EWqsFzCFBBu-00751-00174400-00174647 imperialism yeah how are you handling EWqsFzCFBBu-00752-00174648-00174999 this do you have any hints our priority EWqsFzCFBBu-00753-00175000-00175287 always any moral human being EWqsFzCFBBu-00754-00175288-00175599 your priority is one should be EWqsFzCFBBu-00755-00175600-00175807 what you can hope to change and EWqsFzCFBBu-00756-00175808-00175983 influence EWqsFzCFBBu-00757-00175984-00176126 uh EWqsFzCFBBu-00758-00176127-00176263 i can't EWqsFzCFBBu-00759-00176264-00176663 change the crimes of genghis khan i can EWqsFzCFBBu-00760-00176664-00176823 protest them EWqsFzCFBBu-00761-00176824-00177063 but i can't change them EWqsFzCFBBu-00762-00177064-00177414 the i can protest and do protest EWqsFzCFBBu-00763-00177415-00177571 the brutal EWqsFzCFBBu-00764-00177572-00177854 authoritarianism and cruelty EWqsFzCFBBu-00765-00177855-00178071 of the chinese government EWqsFzCFBBu-00766-00178072-00178326 but i can't do much about it EWqsFzCFBBu-00767-00178327-00178438 so the EWqsFzCFBBu-00768-00178439-00178702 uh persecution of the EWqsFzCFBBu-00769-00178703-00178871 uyghurs in EWqsFzCFBBu-00770-00178872-00179119 concentration camps can certainly EWqsFzCFBBu-00771-00179120-00179287 condemn EWqsFzCFBBu-00772-00179288-00179559 uh by EWqsFzCFBBu-00773-00179560-00179911 provocative acts against china we only EWqsFzCFBBu-00774-00179912-00180111 increase the EWqsFzCFBBu-00775-00180112-00180231 repression EWqsFzCFBBu-00776-00180232-00180495 but we can certainly protest it EWqsFzCFBBu-00777-00180496-00180911 we can cooperate with elements within EWqsFzCFBBu-00778-00180912-00181135 china which do exist EWqsFzCFBBu-00779-00181136-00181231 that are EWqsFzCFBBu-00780-00181232-00181343 seeking EWqsFzCFBBu-00781-00181344-00181647 amelioration and reform to the extent we EWqsFzCFBBu-00782-00181648-00181743 can EWqsFzCFBBu-00783-00181744-00181847 so EWqsFzCFBBu-00784-00181848-00182071 we can do everything we we can that is EWqsFzCFBBu-00785-00182072-00182247 within our reach EWqsFzCFBBu-00786-00182248-00182463 there are other things we can do EWqsFzCFBBu-00787-00182464-00182775 within our reach that we're not doing EWqsFzCFBBu-00788-00182776-00182926 so what's happening EWqsFzCFBBu-00789-00182927-00183271 in western china is bad enough EWqsFzCFBBu-00790-00183272-00183551 how about what's happening in gaza EWqsFzCFBBu-00791-00183552-00183711 in china EWqsFzCFBBu-00792-00183712-00183999 a million people weakers were sent to EWqsFzCFBBu-00793-00184000-00184287 concentration camps detention camps EWqsFzCFBBu-00794-00184288-00184399 treated EWqsFzCFBBu-00795-00184400-00184543 very badly EWqsFzCFBBu-00796-00184544-00184687 in gaza EWqsFzCFBBu-00797-00184688-00184926 a million children EWqsFzCFBBu-00798-00184927-00185295 are living in EWqsFzCFBBu-00799-00185296-00185766 such virtually unsurvivable situations EWqsFzCFBBu-00800-00185767-00185990 waters poisoned EWqsFzCFBBu-00801-00185991-00186247 constant attacks EWqsFzCFBBu-00802-00186248-00186478 sewage systems destroyed EWqsFzCFBBu-00803-00186479-00186847 uh water and power systems devastated EWqsFzCFBBu-00804-00186848-00187014 uh EWqsFzCFBBu-00805-00187015-00187238 military attacks any time EWqsFzCFBBu-00806-00187239-00187526 israel wants to do it with u.s weapons EWqsFzCFBBu-00807-00187527-00187775 well we can do something about that EWqsFzCFBBu-00808-00187776-00187983 a lot we can end it EWqsFzCFBBu-00809-00187984-00188095 okay EWqsFzCFBBu-00810-00188096-00188343 so that should be our priority EWqsFzCFBBu-00811-00188344-00188623 incidentally we all understand this very EWqsFzCFBBu-00812-00188624-00188711 well EWqsFzCFBBu-00813-00188712-00188959 with regard to enemies EWqsFzCFBBu-00814-00188960-00189319 so take say EWqsFzCFBBu-00815-00189320-00189583 i don't care you don't care whether he EWqsFzCFBBu-00816-00189584-00189831 criticizes u.s policies EWqsFzCFBBu-00817-00189832-00190063 if he wants to okay if he doesn't want EWqsFzCFBBu-00818-00190064-00190183 to EWqsFzCFBBu-00819-00190184-00190335 doesn't matter EWqsFzCFBBu-00820-00190336-00190614 his role is to be concerned with what he EWqsFzCFBBu-00821-00190615-00190702 can EWqsFzCFBBu-00822-00190703-00190823 influence EWqsFzCFBBu-00823-00190824-00191014 to a limited extent EWqsFzCFBBu-00824-00191015-00191190 china's policies EWqsFzCFBBu-00825-00191191-00191495 same with east european dissidents under EWqsFzCFBBu-00826-00191496-00191719 the soviet union EWqsFzCFBBu-00827-00191720-00191919 we didn't care what they said about EWqsFzCFBBu-00828-00191920-00192166 western crimes we didn't even care when EWqsFzCFBBu-00829-00192167-00192423 they supported western crimes as they EWqsFzCFBBu-00830-00192424-00192566 often did EWqsFzCFBBu-00831-00192567-00192895 sometimes in very ugly ways but EWqsFzCFBBu-00832-00192896-00193038 didn't bother us EWqsFzCFBBu-00833-00193039-00193238 and shouldn't have bothered us EWqsFzCFBBu-00834-00193239-00193447 their job is to EWqsFzCFBBu-00835-00193448-00193726 uh deal with the crimes of their own EWqsFzCFBBu-00836-00193727-00193959 society things they can do something EWqsFzCFBBu-00837-00193960-00194054 about EWqsFzCFBBu-00838-00194055-00194375 when we can do something to help others EWqsFzCFBBu-00839-00194376-00194463 under EWqsFzCFBBu-00840-00194464-00194631 distress and EWqsFzCFBBu-00841-00194632-00194895 oppression should certainly do it EWqsFzCFBBu-00842-00194896-00195223 but the main priority is the main EWqsFzCFBBu-00843-00195224-00195590 decision of any moral person is what can EWqsFzCFBBu-00844-00195591-00195743 i influence EWqsFzCFBBu-00845-00195744-00195919 that's what i should should be my EWqsFzCFBBu-00846-00195920-00196054 priority EWqsFzCFBBu-00847-00196055-00196350 that's just elementary morality EWqsFzCFBBu-00848-00196351-00196519 i mean if a EWqsFzCFBBu-00849-00196520-00196671 crime say EWqsFzCFBBu-00850-00196672-00196871 suppose i read about a EWqsFzCFBBu-00851-00196872-00197071 a crime in uh EWqsFzCFBBu-00852-00197072-00197311 you know siberia EWqsFzCFBBu-00853-00197312-00197526 i can't do anything about it EWqsFzCFBBu-00854-00197527-00197695 suppose i read about EWqsFzCFBBu-00855-00197696-00197847 criminal acts in EWqsFzCFBBu-00856-00197848-00198007 the town where i live EWqsFzCFBBu-00857-00198008-00198287 well i can do something about it EWqsFzCFBBu-00858-00198288-00198559 even if the crime in siberia is worse EWqsFzCFBBu-00859-00198560-00198807 the moral position is the one you can EWqsFzCFBBu-00860-00198808-00199102 affect somehow that's elementary EWqsFzCFBBu-00861-00199103-00199238 morality EWqsFzCFBBu-00862-00199239-00199495 as to these slings and arrows sure they EWqsFzCFBBu-00863-00199496-00199766 come with the turf you disregard them EWqsFzCFBBu-00864-00199767-00200007 just add one more example to the ones EWqsFzCFBBu-00865-00200008-00200126 you gave EWqsFzCFBBu-00866-00200127-00200287 kashmir EWqsFzCFBBu-00867-00200288-00200535 what the indian government the modi EWqsFzCFBBu-00868-00200536-00200759 government is doing to kashmiri muslims EWqsFzCFBBu-00869-00200760-00201143 today is conspicuous by its absence from EWqsFzCFBBu-00870-00201144-00201399 any narrative of western concern about EWqsFzCFBBu-00871-00201400-00201614 human rights of muslims we have this EWqsFzCFBBu-00872-00201615-00201702 this EWqsFzCFBBu-00873-00201703-00201887 category of EWqsFzCFBBu-00874-00201888-00202166 fashionable victims juxtaposed against a EWqsFzCFBBu-00875-00202167-00202390 category of unfashionable victims EWqsFzCFBBu-00876-00202391-00202695 depending on the interests of um EWqsFzCFBBu-00877-00202696-00202895 you know our great and good leaders of EWqsFzCFBBu-00878-00202896-00203023 western imperialism to put it EWqsFzCFBBu-00879-00203024-00203183 differently let me take to you to EWqsFzCFBBu-00880-00203184-00203447 another completely different setting EWqsFzCFBBu-00881-00203448-00203638 setting closer to EWqsFzCFBBu-00882-00203639-00204047 you know our university background EWqsFzCFBBu-00883-00204048-00204199 i remember EWqsFzCFBBu-00884-00204200-00204583 back in the day the 1970s and 1980s in EWqsFzCFBBu-00885-00204584-00204759 britain EWqsFzCFBBu-00886-00204760-00204903 i remember EWqsFzCFBBu-00887-00204904-00205134 i encountered for the first time the EWqsFzCFBBu-00888-00205135-00205431 term safe space EWqsFzCFBBu-00889-00205432-00205671 and same space back then and i was EWqsFzCFBBu-00890-00205671-00205934 reminded of that by a great comrade of EWqsFzCFBBu-00891-00205935-00206271 ours from dm25 rosemary bachelor a EWqsFzCFBBu-00892-00206271-00206598 superb fighter and comrade i mentioned EWqsFzCFBBu-00893-00206600-00206790 her because she she passed away two EWqsFzCFBBu-00894-00206791-00207046 weeks ago and left us EWqsFzCFBBu-00895-00207048-00207271 feeling like vessels caught up in a EWqsFzCFBBu-00896-00207271-00207471 storm anchorless EWqsFzCFBBu-00897-00207471-00207758 but she reminded me some time ago EWqsFzCFBBu-00898-00207759-00208055 of what safe space meant back then it EWqsFzCFBBu-00899-00208056-00208255 meant a place EWqsFzCFBBu-00900-00208256-00208438 where you would bring EWqsFzCFBBu-00901-00208439-00208682 supporters of the ira EWqsFzCFBBu-00902-00208683-00209094 and unionists in one room EWqsFzCFBBu-00903-00209096-00209334 where they would have an opportunity to EWqsFzCFBBu-00904-00209335-00209551 make each other uncomfortable through EWqsFzCFBBu-00905-00209552-00209734 the power of words and arguments a EWqsFzCFBBu-00906-00209735-00210031 remarkable institution small scale EWqsFzCFBBu-00907-00210032-00210351 institution but today safe space means EWqsFzCFBBu-00908-00210352-00210494 something quite different in our EWqsFzCFBBu-00909-00210496-00210710 universities especially north america EWqsFzCFBBu-00910-00210711-00211015 and in some parts of europe a safe space EWqsFzCFBBu-00911-00211016-00211119 which EWqsFzCFBBu-00912-00211119-00211423 causes a great deal of concern EWqsFzCFBBu-00913-00211423-00211727 your view should cause concern EWqsFzCFBBu-00914-00211728-00211982 uh universities should not EWqsFzCFBBu-00915-00211983-00212167 protect students EWqsFzCFBBu-00916-00212167-00212382 from views they don't want to hear you EWqsFzCFBBu-00917-00212383-00212567 can understand the EWqsFzCFBBu-00918-00212567-00212719 sensibilities EWqsFzCFBBu-00919-00212719-00212903 of people like EWqsFzCFBBu-00920-00212904-00213167 i wouldn't uh want to have to go to a EWqsFzCFBBu-00921-00213167-00213334 lecture which is EWqsFzCFBBu-00922-00213335-00213494 condemning uh EWqsFzCFBBu-00923-00213496-00213710 for uh EWqsFzCFBBu-00924-00213711-00213934 destroying the word for trying to EWqsFzCFBBu-00925-00213935-00214151 destroy the aryan race but i wouldn't EWqsFzCFBBu-00926-00214152-00214327 ban it i think EWqsFzCFBBu-00927-00214328-00214582 if some group of students wants to EWqsFzCFBBu-00928-00214583-00214910 invite those people good invite them EWqsFzCFBBu-00929-00214911-00215134 set up a counter meeting EWqsFzCFBBu-00930-00215135-00215423 use it as an educational opportunity EWqsFzCFBBu-00931-00215423-00215591 and expose them EWqsFzCFBBu-00932-00215592-00215679 and EWqsFzCFBBu-00933-00215680-00215942 bring students to understand EWqsFzCFBBu-00934-00215944-00216231 where that's coming from what it's meant EWqsFzCFBBu-00935-00216232-00216479 what our attitudes should be towards it EWqsFzCFBBu-00936-00216480-00216710 that's the way to deal with it EWqsFzCFBBu-00937-00216711-00216823 not EWqsFzCFBBu-00938-00216823-00216967 creating a EWqsFzCFBBu-00939-00216967-00217167 space where you can't hear views you EWqsFzCFBBu-00940-00217167-00217319 don't like EWqsFzCFBBu-00941-00217319-00217575 that's very effective in fact if you do EWqsFzCFBBu-00942-00217576-00217798 it they don't come EWqsFzCFBBu-00943-00217800-00217910 if EWqsFzCFBBu-00944-00217911-00218206 it's shown over and over or if they do EWqsFzCFBBu-00945-00218207-00218519 come they run off campus EWqsFzCFBBu-00946-00218519-00218734 defeated EWqsFzCFBBu-00947-00218735-00219031 and students have learned something EWqsFzCFBBu-00948-00219032-00219255 the pressure for safe spaces is EWqsFzCFBBu-00949-00219256-00219415 understandable EWqsFzCFBBu-00950-00219416-00219727 there are the students sensibilities are EWqsFzCFBBu-00951-00219728-00219839 real EWqsFzCFBBu-00952-00219840-00220191 it's not invented it can be overblown EWqsFzCFBBu-00953-00220192-00220463 but it's based on real things however EWqsFzCFBBu-00954-00220464-00220598 you have to ask EWqsFzCFBBu-00955-00220600-00220846 what is the right way to deal with it EWqsFzCFBBu-00956-00220848-00221167 we should also recognize something else EWqsFzCFBBu-00957-00221167-00221558 the universities have been safe spaces EWqsFzCFBBu-00958-00221559-00221839 safe from the left EWqsFzCFBBu-00959-00221840-00222055 that goes way back EWqsFzCFBBu-00960-00222056-00222134 uh EWqsFzCFBBu-00961-00222135-00222446 keeping the university clean EWqsFzCFBBu-00962-00222448-00222542 from EWqsFzCFBBu-00963-00222544-00222855 the subversion of people like you and me EWqsFzCFBBu-00964-00222856-00223127 who are sometimes tolerated but kept EWqsFzCFBBu-00965-00223128-00223342 very much at the margins EWqsFzCFBBu-00966-00223344-00223494 take a look at say EWqsFzCFBBu-00967-00223496-00223671 economics EWqsFzCFBBu-00968-00223671-00223919 departments in the united states EWqsFzCFBBu-00969-00223919-00224110 and ask EWqsFzCFBBu-00970-00224111-00224334 until a couple of years ago when things EWqsFzCFBBu-00971-00224335-00224479 eased up a little EWqsFzCFBBu-00972-00224480-00224719 ask how many marxist economists could EWqsFzCFBBu-00973-00224719-00224887 you find EWqsFzCFBBu-00974-00224888-00225231 could you find paul sweezey at harvard EWqsFzCFBBu-00975-00225232-00225487 certainly a qualified economist EWqsFzCFBBu-00976-00225488-00225639 wrong ideas EWqsFzCFBBu-00977-00225640-00225879 got to keep a safe space EWqsFzCFBBu-00978-00225880-00225991 uh EWqsFzCFBBu-00979-00225992-00226239 i could mention names but i won't EWqsFzCFBBu-00980-00226240-00226319 of EWqsFzCFBBu-00981-00226319-00226558 beco left economists EWqsFzCFBBu-00982-00226559-00226887 who got who kept their views silent EWqsFzCFBBu-00983-00226888-00227087 until they got tenure EWqsFzCFBBu-00984-00227088-00227279 then started writing EWqsFzCFBBu-00985-00227280-00227510 that's keeping safe spaces EWqsFzCFBBu-00986-00227511-00227775 it was not just the economics department EWqsFzCFBBu-00987-00227776-00228015 all across the board EWqsFzCFBBu-00988-00228016-00228119 there are EWqsFzCFBBu-00989-00228119-00228287 people who EWqsFzCFBBu-00990-00228288-00228606 former harvard dean mcgeorge bundy EWqsFzCFBBu-00991-00228607-00228879 national security adviser for kennedy EWqsFzCFBBu-00992-00228880-00229023 and johnson EWqsFzCFBBu-00993-00229023-00229182 people who he called EWqsFzCFBBu-00994-00229183-00229415 wild men in the wings EWqsFzCFBBu-00995-00229416-00229598 you got to keep them EWqsFzCFBBu-00996-00229600-00229806 out of the universities he didn't say EWqsFzCFBBu-00997-00229807-00230046 that i'm seeing it but it was done EWqsFzCFBBu-00998-00230048-00230334 the wild men and the wings are those to EWqsFzCFBBu-00999-00230335-00230615 go beyond criticizing EWqsFzCFBBu-01000-00230616-00230982 u.s power for tactical errors EWqsFzCFBBu-01001-00230983-00231142 and talk about EWqsFzCFBBu-01002-00231144-00231271 more EWqsFzCFBBu-01003-00231271-00231415 deeper EWqsFzCFBBu-01004-00231416-00231527 crimes EWqsFzCFBBu-01005-00231528-00231775 that's wild men in the wings EWqsFzCFBBu-01006-00231776-00232127 he was writing that in 1968 EWqsFzCFBBu-01007-00232128-00232391 when people were daring for the first EWqsFzCFBBu-01008-00232392-00232494 time EWqsFzCFBBu-01009-00232496-00232871 to criticize the worst crime since the EWqsFzCFBBu-01010-00232871-00233031 second world war EWqsFzCFBBu-01011-00233032-00233231 u.s wars in vietnam EWqsFzCFBBu-01012-00233232-00233446 saying they're more than mistakes EWqsFzCFBBu-01013-00233448-00233742 they're crimes gotta stop that EWqsFzCFBBu-01014-00233744-00234055 well the universities cooperated and in EWqsFzCFBBu-01015-00234056-00234255 fact the reaction EWqsFzCFBBu-01016-00234256-00234510 when the 60s began to open the door EWqsFzCFBBu-01017-00234511-00234815 slightly is very revealing EWqsFzCFBBu-01018-00234816-00235006 very revealing EWqsFzCFBBu-01019-00235007-00235142 so in EWqsFzCFBBu-01020-00235144-00235231 in the EWqsFzCFBBu-01021-00235232-00235575 early 70s the EWqsFzCFBBu-01022-00235576-00235806 there was an extremely interesting EWqsFzCFBBu-01023-00235807-00235998 important publication EWqsFzCFBBu-01024-00236000-00236175 very revealing one EWqsFzCFBBu-01025-00236176-00236479 the first publication of the trilateral EWqsFzCFBBu-01026-00236480-00236598 commission EWqsFzCFBBu-01027-00236600-00236687 that's EWqsFzCFBBu-01028-00236688-00236958 liberal internationalists EWqsFzCFBBu-01029-00236959-00237271 europe japan the united states EWqsFzCFBBu-01030-00237271-00237534 uh basically carter administration EWqsFzCFBBu-01031-00237535-00237639 liberals EWqsFzCFBBu-01032-00237640-00237831 carter administration was drawn from EWqsFzCFBBu-01033-00237832-00238127 their ranks so the kind of liberal EWqsFzCFBBu-01034-00238128-00238391 international intelligence EWqsFzCFBBu-01035-00238392-00238558 they were very concerned about the EWqsFzCFBBu-01036-00238559-00238798 activism of the 60s EWqsFzCFBBu-01037-00238800-00238934 they said it was EWqsFzCFBBu-01038-00238935-00239134 pressing too far EWqsFzCFBBu-01039-00239135-00239246 it was EWqsFzCFBBu-01040-00239248-00239479 what we what they say people were asking EWqsFzCFBBu-01041-00239480-00239727 for too much democracy EWqsFzCFBBu-01042-00239728-00239934 they were pressing that's their term EWqsFzCFBBu-01043-00239935-00240079 incidentally EWqsFzCFBBu-01044-00240080-00240382 we need more moderation in democracy EWqsFzCFBBu-01045-00240383-00240551 you shouldn't be pressing for your EWqsFzCFBBu-01046-00240552-00240839 rights in the public arena EWqsFzCFBBu-01047-00240840-00241039 young people old people EWqsFzCFBBu-01048-00241040-00241167 women EWqsFzCFBBu-01049-00241167-00241423 farmers workers just EWqsFzCFBBu-01050-00241423-00241510 keep EWqsFzCFBBu-01051-00241511-00241839 keep to your place don't press too hard EWqsFzCFBBu-01052-00241840-00242119 too much pressure for democracy EWqsFzCFBBu-01053-00242119-00242351 in particular they were concerned about EWqsFzCFBBu-01054-00242352-00242551 the universities EWqsFzCFBBu-01055-00242552-00242863 they said the universities are failing EWqsFzCFBBu-01056-00242864-00242955 in their EWqsFzCFBBu-01057-00242956-00243179 responsibility of EWqsFzCFBBu-01058-00243180-00243463 indoctrination of the young EWqsFzCFBBu-01059-00243464-00243615 their phrase EWqsFzCFBBu-01060-00243616-00243958 not enough indoctrination of the young EWqsFzCFBBu-01061-00243959-00244230 you're not keeping safe spaces EWqsFzCFBBu-01062-00244231-00244487 you're letting these people out there EWqsFzCFBBu-01063-00244488-00244582 who are EWqsFzCFBBu-01064-00244583-00244871 calling for women's rights uh EWqsFzCFBBu-01065-00244871-00245119 posing the war in vietnam EWqsFzCFBBu-01066-00245119-00245294 calling for offered amer EWqsFzCFBBu-01067-00245296-00245510 american indian rights EWqsFzCFBBu-01068-00245511-00245775 let's ensure better indoctrination of EWqsFzCFBBu-01069-00245776-00245910 the young EWqsFzCFBBu-01070-00245911-00246142 those are the safe spaces that have EWqsFzCFBBu-01071-00246144-00246303 reigned EWqsFzCFBBu-01072-00246304-00246615 as long as far back as we want to go EWqsFzCFBBu-01073-00246616-00246839 certainly since the second world war but EWqsFzCFBBu-01074-00246840-00247015 long before EWqsFzCFBBu-01075-00247016-00247191 plenty of examples EWqsFzCFBBu-01076-00247192-00247519 so the universities were kept safe EWqsFzCFBBu-01077-00247519-00247751 had safe spaces EWqsFzCFBBu-01078-00247752-00247927 it's now an issue EWqsFzCFBBu-01079-00247928-00248071 because EWqsFzCFBBu-01080-00248071-00248287 young students are asking for safe EWqsFzCFBBu-01081-00248288-00248575 spaces for something else EWqsFzCFBBu-01082-00248576-00248782 safe from EWqsFzCFBBu-01083-00248783-00249282 racism misogyny EWqsFzCFBBu-01084-00249283-00249606 anti-semitism violence aggression and EWqsFzCFBBu-01085-00249607-00249839 support for aggression and so on they EWqsFzCFBBu-01086-00249840-00249958 don't want that EWqsFzCFBBu-01087-00249959-00250198 well it was wrong then EWqsFzCFBBu-01088-00250200-00250479 when it was overwhelmingly the powerful EWqsFzCFBBu-01089-00250480-00250710 doctrine it's wrong now and it's at the EWqsFzCFBBu-01090-00250711-00250879 margins EWqsFzCFBBu-01091-00250880-00251087 always wrong in principle EWqsFzCFBBu-01092-00251088-00251358 and tactically ridiculous EWqsFzCFBBu-01093-00251359-00251494 for the EWqsFzCFBBu-01094-00251496-00251798 sit left to take over the EWqsFzCFBBu-01095-00251800-00252071 tactical EWqsFzCFBBu-01096-00252071-00252382 devices of the powerful EWqsFzCFBBu-01097-00252383-00252494 is EWqsFzCFBBu-01098-00252496-00252863 both wrong in principle and suicidal EWqsFzCFBBu-01099-00252864-00253094 first it will be turned against them EWqsFzCFBBu-01100-00253096-00253446 secondly it's a gift to the far right EWqsFzCFBBu-01101-00253448-00253639 a wonderful gift EWqsFzCFBBu-01102-00253640-00253894 in fact the republican party is now EWqsFzCFBBu-01103-00253896-00254223 running on it as their main campaign EWqsFzCFBBu-01104-00254223-00254367 program EWqsFzCFBBu-01105-00254367-00254542 the main campaign EWqsFzCFBBu-01106-00254544-00254727 is true for the republicans they think EWqsFzCFBBu-01107-00254728-00254910 they found a wishing EWqsFzCFBBu-01108-00254911-00255087 a winning issue EWqsFzCFBBu-01109-00255088-00255294 is crt EWqsFzCFBBu-01110-00255296-00255463 critical race theory EWqsFzCFBBu-01111-00255464-00255663 nobody has a clue what it is EWqsFzCFBBu-01112-00255664-00255887 but it's a cover term and EWqsFzCFBBu-01113-00255888-00256119 explained as a cover term EWqsFzCFBBu-01114-00256119-00256342 for everything we don't like EWqsFzCFBBu-01115-00256344-00256542 women's rights EWqsFzCFBBu-01116-00256544-00256775 native american rights EWqsFzCFBBu-01117-00256776-00257039 opposition to white supremacy all of EWqsFzCFBBu-01118-00257040-00257319 these things are critical race theory EWqsFzCFBBu-01119-00257319-00257455 and then EWqsFzCFBBu-01120-00257456-00257823 you demonize it you mobilize parents to EWqsFzCFBBu-01121-00257823-00258046 say look what these EWqsFzCFBBu-01122-00258048-00258415 anti-american commie democrats are doing EWqsFzCFBBu-01123-00258416-00258630 they're forcing your innocent little EWqsFzCFBBu-01124-00258631-00258782 white child EWqsFzCFBBu-01125-00258783-00258967 to believe that he or she is an EWqsFzCFBBu-01126-00258967-00259087 oppressor EWqsFzCFBBu-01127-00259088-00259319 because of her skin color EWqsFzCFBBu-01128-00259319-00259630 and how do you show that you know EWqsFzCFBBu-01129-00259631-00259798 you find some EWqsFzCFBBu-01130-00259800-00259991 thing that happened in some county EWqsFzCFBBu-01131-00259992-00260263 somewhere and turn it into a EWqsFzCFBBu-01132-00260264-00260639 national um operation it's working EWqsFzCFBBu-01133-00260640-00260887 you can mobilize people on that EWqsFzCFBBu-01134-00260888-00261119 again we've had examples EWqsFzCFBBu-01135-00261119-00261423 we've had examples of people uh EWqsFzCFBBu-01136-00261423-00261598 i don't have to give the examples EWqsFzCFBBu-01137-00261600-00261782 they're obvious enough EWqsFzCFBBu-01138-00261783-00262182 let's give the example take adolf hitler EWqsFzCFBBu-01139-00262183-00262455 germany in the 1920s EWqsFzCFBBu-01140-00262456-00262567 was EWqsFzCFBBu-01141-00262568-00262855 the peak of western civilization EWqsFzCFBBu-01142-00262856-00263143 in the arts in the sciences it's EWqsFzCFBBu-01143-00263144-00263415 considered a model of democracy EWqsFzCFBBu-01144-00263416-00263630 american political scientists looked at EWqsFzCFBBu-01145-00263631-00263727 it as EWqsFzCFBBu-01146-00263728-00264087 by mars the real model of democracy EWqsFzCFBBu-01147-00264088-00264271 ten years later EWqsFzCFBBu-01148-00264272-00264447 germans were EWqsFzCFBBu-01149-00264448-00264599 enthralled EWqsFzCFBBu-01150-00264600-00264695 to a EWqsFzCFBBu-01151-00264696-00264934 maniac who EWqsFzCFBBu-01152-00264935-00265127 convinced them EWqsFzCFBBu-01153-00265128-00265439 that they have to subject themselves EWqsFzCFBBu-01154-00265440-00265558 to his EWqsFzCFBBu-01155-00265559-00265815 ideological commitments EWqsFzCFBBu-01156-00265816-00265903 to EWqsFzCFBBu-01157-00265904-00266055 carry out EWqsFzCFBBu-01158-00266056-00266239 some of the worst atrocities in human EWqsFzCFBBu-01159-00266240-00266367 history EWqsFzCFBBu-01160-00266368-00266575 same human beings EWqsFzCFBBu-01161-00266576-00266710 10 years EWqsFzCFBBu-01162-00266711-00266919 10 years later EWqsFzCFBBu-01163-00266920-00267151 starting to become again EWqsFzCFBBu-01164-00267152-00267343 maybe the most civilized EWqsFzCFBBu-01165-00267344-00267487 people in EWqsFzCFBBu-01166-00267488-00267710 the world well EWqsFzCFBBu-01167-00267711-00267919 can happen elsewhere EWqsFzCFBBu-01168-00267920-00268134 can happen in the united states EWqsFzCFBBu-01169-00268135-00268415 it can happen in europe EWqsFzCFBBu-01170-00268416-00268655 and in fact as i mentioned it's EWqsFzCFBBu-01171-00268656-00268767 happening EWqsFzCFBBu-01172-00268768-00269039 right now the republican party is EWqsFzCFBBu-01173-00269040-00269223 concentrating on that EWqsFzCFBBu-01174-00269224-00269534 as the means to try to regain what might EWqsFzCFBBu-01175-00269535-00269847 be virtually perpetual power EWqsFzCFBBu-01176-00269848-00270063 it's not a small EWqsFzCFBBu-01177-00270064-00270319 it's not an exaggeration EWqsFzCFBBu-01178-00270320-00270679 uh not my just my opinion you can read EWqsFzCFBBu-01179-00270680-00270839 that in the most EWqsFzCFBBu-01180-00270840-00271055 respectable uh EWqsFzCFBBu-01181-00271056-00271127 uh EWqsFzCFBBu-01182-00271128-00271375 sober uh world journals like the EWqsFzCFBBu-01183-00271376-00271639 financial times for example EWqsFzCFBBu-01184-00271640-00271975 martin wolf their highly respected EWqsFzCFBBu-01185-00271976-00272230 economic political correspondent warned EWqsFzCFBBu-01186-00272231-00272375 recently that EWqsFzCFBBu-01187-00272376-00272719 the united states is in danger of EWqsFzCFBBu-01188-00272720-00272910 losing EWqsFzCFBBu-01189-00272911-00273039 of uh EWqsFzCFBBu-01190-00273040-00273287 collapsing as a democracy and falling EWqsFzCFBBu-01191-00273288-00273534 under authoritarianism EWqsFzCFBBu-01192-00273535-00273943 more accurately a kind of proto-fascism EWqsFzCFBBu-01193-00273944-00274119 well that can happen EWqsFzCFBBu-01194-00274120-00274358 but going back to safe spaces EWqsFzCFBBu-01195-00274359-00274527 you're helping that EWqsFzCFBBu-01196-00274528-00274823 when you carry out when you go overboard EWqsFzCFBBu-01197-00274824-00275047 when you do things that are too much EWqsFzCFBBu-01198-00275048-00275215 they'll be picked up EWqsFzCFBBu-01199-00275216-00275527 and turned into propaganda weapons EWqsFzCFBBu-01200-00275528-00275806 which will facilitate the forces that EWqsFzCFBBu-01201-00275807-00276030 you think you're opposing EWqsFzCFBBu-01202-00276031-00276271 that's what happens you can see it EWqsFzCFBBu-01203-00276272-00276471 before you rise EWqsFzCFBBu-01204-00276472-00276815 tactical choices are not trivial matters EWqsFzCFBBu-01205-00276816-00277030 they are matters on which EWqsFzCFBBu-01206-00277031-00277358 human life and human society depends and EWqsFzCFBBu-01207-00277359-00277599 you have to take them with thoughtfully EWqsFzCFBBu-01208-00277600-00277847 thoughtfully and carefully EWqsFzCFBBu-01209-00277848-00277958 uh EWqsFzCFBBu-01210-00277959-00278151 often not being done EWqsFzCFBBu-01211-00278152-00278358 you can give examples you can give EWqsFzCFBBu-01212-00278359-00278495 examples EWqsFzCFBBu-01213-00278496-00278671 these are things to be very concerned EWqsFzCFBBu-01214-00278672-00278991 about often the EWqsFzCFBBu-01215-00278992-00279271 i say almost always the motive behind EWqsFzCFBBu-01216-00279272-00279343 them EWqsFzCFBBu-01217-00279344-00279719 may be very decent and very honest EWqsFzCFBBu-01218-00279720-00279991 but you have to be careful what you do EWqsFzCFBBu-01219-00279992-00280255 not act in ways which are wrong in EWqsFzCFBBu-01220-00280256-00280567 principle and provide weapons to the EWqsFzCFBBu-01221-00280568-00280758 oppressors EWqsFzCFBBu-01222-00280759-00280991 and that they're waiting for it eager to EWqsFzCFBBu-01223-00280992-00281239 leap on it lastly EWqsFzCFBBu-01224-00281240-00281487 a message for 2022 EWqsFzCFBBu-01225-00281488-00281791 message for 22 is to EWqsFzCFBBu-01226-00281792-00282063 the same as for past years EWqsFzCFBBu-01227-00282064-00282175 was EWqsFzCFBBu-01228-00282176-00282343 made famous by EWqsFzCFBBu-01229-00282344-00282503 gramtri EWqsFzCFBBu-01230-00282504-00282655 you have to keep EWqsFzCFBBu-01231-00282656-00282919 pessimism of the intellect optimism of EWqsFzCFBBu-01232-00282920-00283071 the will EWqsFzCFBBu-01233-00283072-00283358 and there's reason for optimism there EWqsFzCFBBu-01234-00283359-00283582 are opportunities EWqsFzCFBBu-01235-00283583-00283823 things may look grim but there are ways EWqsFzCFBBu-01236-00283824-00284071 out and we know the ways out EWqsFzCFBBu-01237-00284072-00284319 we simply have to reach enough people EWqsFzCFBBu-01238-00284320-00284527 get them energized enough EWqsFzCFBBu-01239-00284528-00284782 so they'll join EWqsFzCFBBu-01240-00284783-00285087 and take over what they can and in any EWqsFzCFBBu-01241-00285088-00285295 case struggling EWqsFzCFBBu-01242-00285296-00285439 and not EWqsFzCFBBu-01243-00285440-00285775 ending up compromised is more fun EWqsFzCFBBu-01244-00285776-00285854 than EWqsFzCFBBu-01245-00285855-00286319 submitting and ending up complete EWqsFzCFBBu-01246-00286320-00286519 nom thank you so much for being EWqsFzCFBBu-01247-00286520-00286647 with us today EWqsFzCFBBu-01248-00286648-00286863 to talk to you it was wonderful talking EWqsFzCFBBu-01249-00286864-00287327 to you EWqsFzCFBBu-01250-00287328-00287639 and this concludes our discussion for EWqsFzCFBBu-01251-00287640-00287958 2021 with noam chomsky i bid you EWqsFzCFBBu-01252-00287959-00288239 farewell i implore you to be active EWqsFzCFBBu-01253-00288240-00288719 within dm25 to stay active in dm25 to EWqsFzCFBBu-01254-00288720-00288943 participate in our campaigns in the EWqsFzCFBBu-01255-00288944-00289319 scripting of our new manifesto 2022 will EWqsFzCFBBu-01256-00289320-00289591 prove beyond the reasonable doubt EWqsFzCFBBu-01257-00289592-00289999 that dm 25 has never been as necessary EWqsFzCFBBu-01258-00290000-00290191 as it is now EWqsFzCFBBu-01259-00290192-00290353 carpe diem EWqsFzCFBBu-01260-00290354-00291758 [Music] EWqsFzCFBBu-01261-00291759-00291968 you EWxALRRMopU-00000-00000069-00001511 [Music] EWxALRRMopU-00001-00001512-00001791 write that joke we played was that fun EWxALRRMopU-00002-00001792-00001975 well the second i sat down i heard you EWxALRRMopU-00003-00001976-00002134 guys talking and then i put my EWxALRRMopU-00004-00002135-00002302 headphones on i still heard you talking EWxALRRMopU-00005-00002303-00002455 and then i said hello and then you all EWxALRRMopU-00006-00002456-00002542 got quiet EWxALRRMopU-00007-00002543-00002887 you also responded the second i said hi EWxALRRMopU-00008-00002888-00003319 we EWxALRRMopU-00009-00003320-00003511 did you see no i believe you at this EWxALRRMopU-00010-00003511-00003822 point do you see the underground EWxALRRMopU-00011-00003823-00004086 society down there let's go look maybe EWxALRRMopU-00012-00004087-00004359 box clicking down there let's go EWxALRRMopU-00013-00004360-00004735 it's insane EWxALRRMopU-00014-00004736-00005102 i mean let's go let's just go because EWxALRRMopU-00015-00005103-00005231 two of us are on the verge of death EWxALRRMopU-00016-00005232-00005438 anyway look straight down look EWxALRRMopU-00017-00005439-00005654 see it the yellow no i don't i don't EWxALRRMopU-00018-00005655-00005831 think we i think we need the flippers EWxALRRMopU-00019-00005832-00006038 it's a whole underground we can't go EWxALRRMopU-00020-00006039-00006222 down there there's no way EWxALRRMopU-00021-00006223-00006431 oh wait wait wait wait are the pond dabs EWxALRRMopU-00022-00006431-00006975 oh there's air bubbles EWxALRRMopU-00023-00006976-00007214 guys it's gonna kill me i can't fucking EWxALRRMopU-00024-00007215-00007319 eel EWxALRRMopU-00025-00007320-00007623 i can't sleep close it's not an eel EWxALRRMopU-00026-00007623-00007719 that's a wire EWxALRRMopU-00027-00007720-00008055 it's it's it's a light explore the EWxALRRMopU-00028-00008056-00008214 depths yeah there's a wire that goes EWxALRRMopU-00029-00008215-00008351 underneath it the thing's chasing me EWxALRRMopU-00030-00008352-00009359 casey is right behind us EWxALRRMopU-00031-00009360-00009478 oh every time you run into the air EWxALRRMopU-00032-00009479-00009671 bubble do you get yeah you get EWxALRRMopU-00033-00009672-00010127 40 seconds back oh EWxALRRMopU-00034-00010128-00010295 well i got one and then i just kept EWxALRRMopU-00035-00010296-00010495 swimming there's none at the bottom so EWxALRRMopU-00036-00010496-00010774 oh your backpacks are gonna be down EWxALRRMopU-00037-00010775-00010814 there EWxALRRMopU-00038-00010815-00011046 i think we need to craft those EWxALRRMopU-00039-00011047-00011206 flip-flops EWxALRRMopU-00040-00011207-00011463 the backpacks kind of float around to be EWxALRRMopU-00041-00011464-00011606 able to don't just stir EWxALRRMopU-00042-00011607-00011951 they don't just sink that's good EWxALRRMopU-00043-00011952-00012391 well he's from home EWxALRRMopU-00044-00012392-00012678 okay let's take a look at fin flops four EWxALRRMopU-00045-00012679-00012838 water boatman fins EWxALRRMopU-00046-00012839-00012999 which i think are those nasty bugs that EWxALRRMopU-00047-00013000-00013158 just detect us EWxALRRMopU-00048-00013159-00013399 two grass strands which just look like EWxALRRMopU-00049-00013400-00013599 grass blades that we can EWxALRRMopU-00050-00013600-00013911 what'd you say what EWxALRRMopU-00051-00013912-00014303 eel eelgrass EWxALRRMopU-00052-00014304-00014583 i don't want an eel okay what's the word EWxALRRMopU-00053-00014584-00014879 that comes after eel EWxALRRMopU-00054-00014880-00015094 and tell me whether you're a grass or an EWxALRRMopU-00055-00015095-00015207 eel EWxALRRMopU-00056-00015208-00015479 i think it's a eel you think eel grass EWxALRRMopU-00057-00015480-00015622 comes from an eel and you don't think EWxALRRMopU-00058-00015623-00015743 it's grass even though i'm looking at EWxALRRMopU-00059-00015744-00015863 the picture and it's literally just a EWxALRRMopU-00060-00015863-00016022 blade of grass that clearly grows EWxALRRMopU-00061-00016023-00016343 underwater EWxALRRMopU-00062-00016344-00016550 why would there be an electric eel in EWxALRRMopU-00063-00016551-00016807 this backyard EWxALRRMopU-00064-00016808-00017343 because people harvest really EWxALRRMopU-00065-00017344-00017479 we do have to kill one of those water EWxALRRMopU-00066-00017480-00017622 boatmans though i think that's the thing EWxALRRMopU-00067-00017623-00017967 that's been attacking us EWxALRRMopU-00068-00017968-00018255 what are we gonna do bach you guys gotta EWxALRRMopU-00069-00018256-00018399 get over here EWxALRRMopU-00070-00018400-00018711 there's some nasty bug down there casey EWxALRRMopU-00071-00018712-00019271 looks like a villain a villain EWxALRRMopU-00072-00019272-00019494 i thought this would give me oh my god EWxALRRMopU-00073-00019495-00019683 help EWxALRRMopU-00074-00019684-00020486 jesus i made it just in time holy shit EWxALRRMopU-00075-00020487-00020863 bird EWxALRRMopU-00076-00020864-00021083 i don't think that's what he said i said EWxALRRMopU-00077-00021084-00021286 bird EWxALRRMopU-00078-00021287-00021663 do you see a bird i heard a bird EWxALRRMopU-00079-00021664-00021967 you heard a bird EWxALRRMopU-00080-00021968-00022294 wow oh my god casey EWxALRRMopU-00081-00022295-00022614 wait what did i say it's enormous it's EWxALRRMopU-00082-00022615-00022814 on the bird EWxALRRMopU-00083-00022815-00023214 oh my god oh my god oh my god EWxALRRMopU-00084-00023215-00023335 that was the bird i'm looking right EWxALRRMopU-00085-00023336-00023607 there that was the bird i saw EWxALRRMopU-00086-00023608-00023894 look how oh jesus what oh my god it's so EWxALRRMopU-00087-00023895-00024007 big i thought it was EWxALRRMopU-00088-00024008-00024142 a background i thought they were going EWxALRRMopU-00089-00024143-00024358 to be big that's 10 times bigger than i EWxALRRMopU-00090-00024359-00024503 thought it was going to be EWxALRRMopU-00091-00024504-00024767 oh my god that's fucking horrifying EWxALRRMopU-00092-00024768-00024863 fucking EWxALRRMopU-00093-00024864-00025142 like god it's kind of cute though but EWxALRRMopU-00094-00025143-00025383 still ladybug EWxALRRMopU-00095-00025384-00025718 kill him casey okay look at EWxALRRMopU-00096-00025719-00025950 huh it makes a sound when it turns what EWxALRRMopU-00097-00025951-00026046 are you doing EWxALRRMopU-00098-00026047-00026335 i'm saying hi to this ladybug it's gonna EWxALRRMopU-00099-00026336-00026543 attack you EWxALRRMopU-00100-00026544-00026927 only if you attack it first EWxALRRMopU-00101-00026927-00027070 what should i do curse you throw my EWxALRRMopU-00102-00027072-00027295 spear yeah through your spirit EWxALRRMopU-00103-00027295-00027646 fucking crap i'm right up here on this EWxALRRMopU-00104-00027647-00027831 blade of grass do you see me EWxALRRMopU-00105-00027832-00027958 do you hear the noise when it turns its EWxALRRMopU-00106-00027960-00028183 head yes i do oh there you are yeah EWxALRRMopU-00107-00028183-00028599 throw it throw it EWxALRRMopU-00108-00028600-00028943 you're not gonna make that throw oh EWxALRRMopU-00109-00028944-00029327 oh my gosh sailing fuck we need you and EWxALRRMopU-00110-00029327-00029767 your bow and arrow EWxALRRMopU-00111-00029768-00030302 oh i need to get my backpack first shit EWxALRRMopU-00112-00030303-00030511 it literally it's so huge that it turned EWxALRRMopU-00113-00030512-00030655 when it turns its head it's like making EWxALRRMopU-00114-00030656-00030883 a EWxALRRMopU-00115-00030883-00031111 noise EWxALRRMopU-00116-00031112-00031446 lost the icon oh me too EWxALRRMopU-00117-00031447-00031687 oh it died yeah straight down oh i see EWxALRRMopU-00118-00031688-00031751 it i see EWxALRRMopU-00119-00031752-00032070 i need i need you here cuz i just fell EWxALRRMopU-00120-00032072-00032399 where are you i'm on that grass EWxALRRMopU-00121-00032400-00032735 they're closer to you EWxALRRMopU-00122-00032736-00032918 are you guys swimming underwater yeah EWxALRRMopU-00123-00032919-00033087 yeah i need help all right i'm coming EWxALRRMopU-00124-00033088-00033446 i'm coming EWxALRRMopU-00125-00033447-00033751 i gotta go back up oh geez spider spider EWxALRRMopU-00126-00033752-00033807 no EWxALRRMopU-00127-00033808-00034302 no we need water tools EWxALRRMopU-00128-00034303-00034567 so we can chop down the grass so we get EWxALRRMopU-00129-00034568-00034679 those fins and some EWxALRRMopU-00130-00034680-00034935 oh shit there's a t-rex down here oh EWxALRRMopU-00131-00034936-00034999 what EWxALRRMopU-00132-00035000-00035295 oh it's a toy it's like oh what now it's EWxALRRMopU-00133-00035296-00035343 got like EWxALRRMopU-00134-00035344-00035646 red eyes oh geez here we go again here EWxALRRMopU-00135-00035647-00035790 we go EWxALRRMopU-00136-00035791-00036143 fucking huge how the fuck you're mine EWxALRRMopU-00137-00036144-00036271 if you usually say herbals you can EWxALRRMopU-00138-00036272-00036790 actually oh there it goes EWxALRRMopU-00139-00036791-00037023 it just flew off but it didn't as soon EWxALRRMopU-00140-00037024-00037215 as it like lifted off it was just gone EWxALRRMopU-00141-00037216-00037423 like it disappeared there is no way i'm EWxALRRMopU-00142-00037424-00037599 gonna be able to get my backpack wow EWxALRRMopU-00143-00037600-00037702 that was scary EWxALRRMopU-00144-00037703-00037839 you just gotta find the air bubbles EWxALRRMopU-00145-00037840-00038174 that's the key EWxALRRMopU-00146-00038175-00038518 you just run across them oh EWxALRRMopU-00147-00038519-00038807 oh oh i don't know what's behind me i EWxALRRMopU-00148-00038808-00039111 don't know what's behind me EWxALRRMopU-00149-00039112-00039455 but it does not sound good oh i got a EWxALRRMopU-00150-00039456-00039951 weapon i hear drums EWxALRRMopU-00151-00039952-00040135 everyone casey so i thought that cord EWxALRRMopU-00152-00040136-00040271 was an eel EWxALRRMopU-00153-00040272-00040639 oh my god what was that EWxALRRMopU-00154-00040640-00040862 oh it's a spider okay all right i'm just EWxALRRMopU-00155-00040863-00041007 floating in the water on EWxALRRMopU-00156-00041008-00041183 above one of these bubble spawns there's EWxALRRMopU-00157-00041184-00041415 a rotten stinger spear down here but i EWxALRRMopU-00158-00041416-00041727 can't pick it up EWxALRRMopU-00159-00041728-00041927 because we haven't discovered yet all EWxALRRMopU-00160-00041928-00042135 right we need some sort of bladed thing EWxALRRMopU-00161-00042136-00042271 to be able to cut the crap yeah EWxALRRMopU-00162-00042272-00042471 i think we should focus on that guys we EWxALRRMopU-00163-00042472-00042823 need this guy you're a mosquito EWxALRRMopU-00164-00042824-00043183 public dagger it's an aquatic floor EWxALRRMopU-00165-00043184-00043318 or for defending oneself against EWxALRRMopU-00166-00043319-00043518 underwater fauna okay so here's our new EWxALRRMopU-00167-00043519-00043687 goal everybody oh this is actually EWxALRRMopU-00168-00043688-00043927 really easy we all need a pebblet dagger EWxALRRMopU-00169-00043928-00044062 to be able to defend to kill those EWxALRRMopU-00170-00044063-00044279 things underwater and get the underwater EWxALRRMopU-00171-00044280-00044511 grass thing so we need two pebblets two EWxALRRMopU-00172-00044512-00044735 crude ropes and just two lily pad waxes EWxALRRMopU-00173-00044736-00044823 so everybody EWxALRRMopU-00174-00044824-00045111 swim around look under lily pads yeah i EWxALRRMopU-00175-00045112-00045287 got a bunch of wax EWxALRRMopU-00176-00045288-00045487 get you have you have a bunch of wax EWxALRRMopU-00177-00045488-00045646 yeah i got like 10. EWxALRRMopU-00178-00045647-00045815 oh nice okay so we can make it let's EWxALRRMopU-00179-00045816-00046062 head back on land let's get the material EWxALRRMopU-00180-00046063-00046127 on you EWxALRRMopU-00181-00046128-00046383 peblets and rope and then you can make EWxALRRMopU-00182-00046384-00046439 us each EWxALRRMopU-00183-00046440-00046702 a knife i think we should build an EWxALRRMopU-00184-00046703-00046886 outpost here what do you think EWxALRRMopU-00185-00046887-00047079 yeah that's not a bad idea all right EWxALRRMopU-00186-00047080-00047246 does it who does not who did not make a EWxALRRMopU-00187-00047247-00047407 knife yet EWxALRRMopU-00188-00047408-00047646 do you make one i got one the two of you EWxALRRMopU-00189-00047647-00047830 need to make yourself a knife EWxALRRMopU-00190-00047831-00047958 i don't think i have the point you need EWxALRRMopU-00191-00047959-00048135 tablets okay so EWxALRRMopU-00192-00048136-00048286 guess what you have to get the parts EWxALRRMopU-00193-00048287-00048407 that's how this game works EWxALRRMopU-00194-00048408-00048695 [Laughter] EWxALRRMopU-00195-00048696-00048974 you see that one down there wait what EWxALRRMopU-00196-00048975-00049158 are we looking for a bull man EWxALRRMopU-00197-00049159-00049335 either one whatever we find first we EWxALRRMopU-00198-00049336-00049502 gotta kill one of each EWxALRRMopU-00199-00049503-00049862 at least a boatman bowman EWxALRRMopU-00200-00049863-00050174 bowman technically is what we want EWxALRRMopU-00201-00050175-00050543 and what is the other one the spider oh EWxALRRMopU-00202-00050544-00050743 come here the spider down here all right EWxALRRMopU-00203-00050744-00050911 i'm gonna go fucking hit it so it starts EWxALRRMopU-00204-00050912-00050967 coming EWxALRRMopU-00205-00050968-00051279 up are you guys with me i'm not i'm EWxALRRMopU-00206-00051279-00051319 gonna go EWxALRRMopU-00207-00051320-00051894 i was i had two EWxALRRMopU-00208-00051895-00052070 let's see if we can draw it onto like EWxALRRMopU-00209-00052071-00052287 towards the lily pad EWxALRRMopU-00210-00052288-00052566 well it's not going to come up yeah but EWxALRRMopU-00211-00052567-00052638 i thought it EWxALRRMopU-00212-00052639-00052991 maybe could come up to the surface EWxALRRMopU-00213-00052991-00053119 make sure you keep an eye on your water EWxALRRMopU-00214-00053120-00053503 too i'm already earning your breath EWxALRRMopU-00215-00053504-00054054 keep drawing them over here EWxALRRMopU-00216-00054055-00054326 how high up do they come they go up to EWxALRRMopU-00217-00054327-00054463 the surface EWxALRRMopU-00218-00054464-00054607 do that one's coming out they're gonna EWxALRRMopU-00219-00054608-00054742 have a little pad all right there's one EWxALRRMopU-00220-00054744-00054838 right on me EWxALRRMopU-00221-00054839-00055159 come here EWxALRRMopU-00222-00055160-00055807 oh there's two we can get him EWxALRRMopU-00223-00055808-00056159 all right this one this is a fucking EWxALRRMopU-00224-00056160-00056271 mess EWxALRRMopU-00225-00056272-00056542 yeah i can't see you got to go under you EWxALRRMopU-00226-00056544-00056591 got to go EWxALRRMopU-00227-00056591-00056999 you got to dive below a little bit EWxALRRMopU-00228-00057000-00057238 got it one of them is really one more EWxALRRMopU-00229-00057239-00057382 one's dead i think we got one EWxALRRMopU-00230-00057383-00057782 get the other one oh these aren't so bad EWxALRRMopU-00231-00057783-00058071 no they hurt nice we got it yeah and EWxALRRMopU-00232-00058072-00058199 then you got to be careful because if EWxALRRMopU-00233-00058200-00058238 you EWxALRRMopU-00234-00058239-00058519 get if you you've passed out you're dead EWxALRRMopU-00235-00058520-00058638 wait here's the other thing EWxALRRMopU-00236-00058639-00058750 let's get this one while it's at the EWxALRRMopU-00237-00058751-00058959 surface look at it EWxALRRMopU-00238-00058960-00059119 what is this this is this is the thing EWxALRRMopU-00239-00059120-00059319 we need yes ready EWxALRRMopU-00240-00059320-00059663 let's go fuck you oh i've never seen EWxALRRMopU-00241-00059664-00059791 this thing before EWxALRRMopU-00242-00059791-00059903 yeah that's the other one i can talk EWxALRRMopU-00243-00059904-00060126 about super weak EWxALRRMopU-00244-00060127-00060438 holy shit i see a koi fish EWxALRRMopU-00245-00060439-00061071 really coy no way EWxALRRMopU-00246-00061072-00061382 yeah of course would be fucking gigantic EWxALRRMopU-00247-00061383-00061999 yeah you haven't seen the koi no EWxALRRMopU-00248-00062000-00062287 where are they should we go say hi no EWxALRRMopU-00249-00062288-00062591 way they would eat us EWxALRRMopU-00250-00062591-00062791 i want to get eaten i want to see what EWxALRRMopU-00251-00062791-00062991 it's like EWxALRRMopU-00252-00062991-00063319 inside you see it EWxALRRMopU-00253-00063320-00063687 no i don't fuck yeah i see it EWxALRRMopU-00254-00063688-00063942 oh yeah i do holy shit i think we should EWxALRRMopU-00255-00063944-00064030 go pays him EWxALRRMopU-00256-00064032-00064526 what is it all right let's go see him EWxALRRMopU-00257-00064527-00064787 this is stupid we're going to die EWxALRRMopU-00258-00064788-00065175 [Laughter] EWxALRRMopU-00259-00065176-00065882 um why are you following me i'm going by EWxALRRMopU-00260-00065883-00066879 myself EWxALRRMopU-00261-00066880-00067455 give it a little high five EWxALRRMopU-00262-00067456-00067806 i'm just gonna poke it on me EWxALRRMopU-00263-00067807-00068479 oh i see a thing uh oh man EWxALRRMopU-00264-00068480-00068871 why didn't the bowman drop it oh jesus EWxALRRMopU-00265-00068872-00069287 it's true his mouth is right in my face EWxALRRMopU-00266-00069288-00069599 no no i just said hi EWxALRRMopU-00267-00069600-00069911 just like i thought it was all right EWxALRRMopU-00268-00069912-00070159 and the noises that thing makes oh my EWxALRRMopU-00269-00070160-00070391 gosh EWxALRRMopU-00270-00070392-00070694 oh my god EWxALRRMopU-00271-00070695-00071103 that thing is so huge EWxALRRMopU-00272-00071104-00071255 does it does it attack you as soon as EWxALRRMopU-00273-00071256-00071487 you go past it EWxALRRMopU-00274-00071488-00071791 and it just like looked at me and roared EWxALRRMopU-00275-00071792-00071967 why am i just literally you just started EWxALRRMopU-00276-00071968-00072103 talking about it and now here it is in EWxALRRMopU-00277-00072104-00072182 our camp EWxALRRMopU-00278-00072183-00072655 let's fucking kill it i'm going at it EWxALRRMopU-00279-00072656-00073038 yeah we can't kill the coin EWxALRRMopU-00280-00073039-00073191 are you that's the second biggest thing EWxALRRMopU-00281-00073192-00073406 after the birth that thing's enormous EWxALRRMopU-00282-00073407-00073711 oh i'm right next to it oh my EWxALRRMopU-00283-00073712-00074087 god oh yeah he gets mad oh i bet you can EWxALRRMopU-00284-00074088-00074159 swim in his mouth EWxALRRMopU-00285-00074160-00074367 look at his mouth it's wide open yeah EWxALRRMopU-00286-00074368-00074562 you can try that EWxALRRMopU-00287-00074563-00074703 [Laughter] EWxALRRMopU-00288-00074704-00074943 see what's down there dude that thing EWxALRRMopU-00289-00074944-00075094 roared at me like EWxALRRMopU-00290-00075095-00075455 yeah dragons dude they're saying don't EWxALRRMopU-00291-00075456-00077082 fuck with me stay out of my territory EWxALRRMopU-00292-00077083-00078226 max EWxALRRMopU-00293-00078227-00079069 [Music] EWxALRRMopU-00294-00079070-00079367 [Music] EWxALRRMopU-00295-00079368-00079576 you EXqx2E1LSVI-00000-00001807-00002007 video EXqx2E1LSVI-00001-00002009-00003751 [Music] EXqx2E1LSVI-00002-00003752-00004197 no no no no no no no EXqx2E1LSVI-00003-00004198-00004870 [Music] EXqx2E1LSVI-00004-00004871-00005758 is EXqx2E1LSVI-00005-00005759-00006983 [Music] EXqx2E1LSVI-00006-00006984-00007284 ah Ea0e1CPO9Bo-00000-00000296-00000415 oh Ea0e1CPO9Bo-00001-00000416-00000615 linux and licenses Ea0e1CPO9Bo-00002-00000616-00000807 ironically the most copyright issues Ea0e1CPO9Bo-00003-00000808-00001254 happen in open source space Ea0e1CPO9Bo-00004-00001255-00001503 probably expected because it's easier to Ea0e1CPO9Bo-00005-00001504-00001967 violate something that's open isn't it Ea0e1CPO9Bo-00006-00001968-00002167 but in reality the problem is only the Ea0e1CPO9Bo-00007-00002168-00002359 attitudes of certain people Ea0e1CPO9Bo-00008-00002360-00002591 all my videos are distributed under the Ea0e1CPO9Bo-00009-00002592-00002799 creative commons non-commercial Ea0e1CPO9Bo-00010-00002800-00002999 sharealike license which is probably Ea0e1CPO9Bo-00011-00003000-00003142 something i should write somewhere in Ea0e1CPO9Bo-00012-00003143-00003335 the description of my videos at some Ea0e1CPO9Bo-00013-00003336-00003599 point basically you can grab any of my Ea0e1CPO9Bo-00014-00003600-00003806 videos you can modify them and share Ea0e1CPO9Bo-00015-00003807-00004015 them again as long as you're not trying Ea0e1CPO9Bo-00016-00004015-00004222 to make a profit from them or trying to Ea0e1CPO9Bo-00017-00004223-00004495 copyright them as well which i'm looking Ea0e1CPO9Bo-00018-00004496-00004767 at you baby woke if you're using my face Ea0e1CPO9Bo-00019-00004768-00004991 in your videos you are not authorized to Ea0e1CPO9Bo-00020-00004992-00005295 monetize them sorry so nick help me to Ea0e1CPO9Bo-00021-00005296-00005415 understand Ea0e1CPO9Bo-00022-00005416-00005615 your half content is basically reading Ea0e1CPO9Bo-00023-00005616-00005767 websites of others and you're Ea0e1CPO9Bo-00024-00005768-00005967 complaining about copyrights for the 10 Ea0e1CPO9Bo-00025-00005968-00006655 seconds i made fun of you Ea0e1CPO9Bo-00026-00006656-00006910 that's a new low even for you i'm sorry Ea0e1CPO9Bo-00027-00006911-00007011 too Ea0e1CPO9Bo-00028-00007012-00007315 [Music] Ebey5eKJQhE-00000-00000000-00000202 before the video starts I want to go and Ebey5eKJQhE-00001-00000204-00000463 explain half of the screen will be black Ebey5eKJQhE-00002-00000465-00000989 with my logo and my my little socials on Ebey5eKJQhE-00003-00000990-00001189 it because I blurred out the information Ebey5eKJQhE-00004-00001190-00001493 so you guys can't find their info only I Ebey5eKJQhE-00005-00001494-00001868 can and I also asked a series of Ebey5eKJQhE-00006-00001869-00002099 questions just so I can confuse them Ebey5eKJQhE-00007-00002100-00002234 long enough where I can get their Ebey5eKJQhE-00008-00002235-00002485 information so they don't skip me by the Ebey5eKJQhE-00009-00002486-00002798 time I get it so yep take care everybody Ebey5eKJQhE-00010-00002799-00002977 and thank you for clicking on this video Ebey5eKJQhE-00011-00002978-00003320 hope you have a good time he's good okay Ebey5eKJQhE-00012-00003321-00003760 what's your favorite color Ebey5eKJQhE-00013-00003761-00004517 how tall are you and what's your Ebey5eKJQhE-00014-00004518-00004845 favorite number Ebey5eKJQhE-00015-00004846-00005008 [Music] Ebey5eKJQhE-00016-00005009-00005390 yeah so I'm gonna guess you guys are Ebey5eKJQhE-00017-00005391-00006279 from California okay Ebey5eKJQhE-00018-00006280-00006869 what's your first name oh well yeah okay Ebey5eKJQhE-00019-00006870-00007120 actually Ebey5eKJQhE-00020-00007120-00007739 is it cold or warm outside has it snowed Ebey5eKJQhE-00021-00007740-00008117 in the past five days somebody guess you Ebey5eKJQhE-00022-00008118-00008665 guys are from San Marcos or near there Ebey5eKJQhE-00023-00008666-00009055 [Music] Ebey5eKJQhE-00024-00009056-00009799 what's your favorite color teal how old Ebey5eKJQhE-00025-00009800-00010231 are you 14 and what's your favorite Ebey5eKJQhE-00026-00010232-00010706 number four I'm gonna guess you're from Ebey5eKJQhE-00027-00010707-00011894 Utah okay have you ever played the game Ebey5eKJQhE-00028-00011895-00012209 Monopoly before yes have you went to a Ebey5eKJQhE-00029-00012210-00012721 Walmart yes do you know what Costco is Ebey5eKJQhE-00030-00012722-00012854 yes Ebey5eKJQhE-00031-00012855-00013102 I'm gonna guess you guys are near South Ebey5eKJQhE-00032-00013103-00013233 Jordan Ebey5eKJQhE-00033-00013234-00013772 stop shut up No okay wait Rick okay Ebey5eKJQhE-00034-00013772-00014358 what's your favorite number how tall are Ebey5eKJQhE-00035-00014359-00014628 you Ebey5eKJQhE-00036-00014629-00014952 do you know the rapper six nine have you Ebey5eKJQhE-00037-00014953-00015258 ever played Monopoly before somebody Ebey5eKJQhE-00038-00015259-00016185 gets you guys from from Connecticut okay Ebey5eKJQhE-00039-00016186-00016875 I see your eyes what's your favorite Ebey5eKJQhE-00040-00016876-00017744 number have you ever owned a Montclair Ebey5eKJQhE-00041-00017745-00018486 Canadian goose jacket for no no and do Ebey5eKJQhE-00042-00018487-00018699 you like to skate or like watching skate Ebey5eKJQhE-00043-00018700-00020109 videos you guys are near Clinton for the Ebey5eKJQhE-00044-00020110-00020306 craziest part okay watch give me a Ebey5eKJQhE-00045-00020307-00020361 number Ebey5eKJQhE-00046-00020362-00020715 give me three numbers from one to ten I Ebey5eKJQhE-00047-00020716-00020967 mean from zero to ten three six and Ebey5eKJQhE-00048-00020968-00021428 eight three four okay so yeah me three Ebey5eKJQhE-00049-00021429-00022155 six your postilla zero six four one Ebey5eKJQhE-00050-00022156-00024666 three your areas 86 oh never heard pasta Ebey5eKJQhE-00051-00024667-00024794 okay Ebey5eKJQhE-00052-00024795-00025347 how tall are you and do you know who the Ebey5eKJQhE-00053-00025348-00025830 rapper six nine is yes um I guess you Ebey5eKJQhE-00054-00025831-00026274 guys were from Wellington he's hacking Ebey5eKJQhE-00055-00026275-00026438 me Ebey5eKJQhE-00056-00026439-00026991 yeah okay what's your favorite color Ebey5eKJQhE-00057-00026992-00027231 have you ever seen the rapper six-nine Ebey5eKJQhE-00058-00027232-00027576 I'd like know who he is you don't know Ebey5eKJQhE-00059-00027577-00027966 who six nine is okay and how tall are Ebey5eKJQhE-00060-00027967-00028941 you how old are you okay Ebey5eKJQhE-00061-00028942-00029447 I'm gonna guess you're from Maryland Ebey5eKJQhE-00062-00029448-00030297 what that cool okay okay you ever watch Ebey5eKJQhE-00063-00030298-00030647 the show Fresh Prince of bel-air Ebey5eKJQhE-00064-00030648-00031254 do you know who do you know the Ebey5eKJQhE-00065-00031255-00031875 president right now yeah you know who Ebey5eKJQhE-00066-00031876-00032487 Trump is or no yeah okay and [__] him Ebey5eKJQhE-00067-00032488-00032697 try think which I think another question Ebey5eKJQhE-00068-00032698-00032832 because there's this gonna be cool if I Ebey5eKJQhE-00069-00032833-00033705 get this Bethesda okay have you ever ate Ebey5eKJQhE-00070-00033706-00034128 Eero chocolate bars somebody else you Ebey5eKJQhE-00071-00034129-00034908 guys are from near Bethesda can't you Ebey5eKJQhE-00072-00034909-00035262 come a trick yes okay what's your Ebey5eKJQhE-00073-00035263-00035747 favorite color orange how tall are you Ebey5eKJQhE-00074-00035748-00036119 511 and do you know the rapper six nine Ebey5eKJQhE-00075-00036120-00036249 yes Ebey5eKJQhE-00076-00036250-00036486 I'm gonna guess you're from North Ebey5eKJQhE-00077-00036487-00036924 Carolina well that was actually really Ebey5eKJQhE-00078-00036925-00037176 good yeah thank you uh we were playing Ebey5eKJQhE-00079-00037177-00037812 Monopoly before I have has it been as Ebey5eKJQhE-00080-00037813-00038309 it's known in the last few days no and Ebey5eKJQhE-00081-00038310-00038721 do you like to eat Chinese food depends Ebey5eKJQhE-00082-00038722-00039117 on the day I guess you're near High Ebey5eKJQhE-00083-00039118-00039687 Point oh my god you get I'll give you Ebey5eKJQhE-00084-00039688-00040071 respects respects respects okay what's Ebey5eKJQhE-00085-00040072-00040464 your favorite color blue okay how tall Ebey5eKJQhE-00086-00040465-00040692 are you 510 Ebey5eKJQhE-00087-00040693-00041022 and you know the rapper six nine yeah we Ebey5eKJQhE-00088-00041023-00041367 were played Monopoly no buddy guess Ebey5eKJQhE-00089-00041368-00041739 you're from Maryland Ebey5eKJQhE-00090-00041740-00042024 hey actually guys a cool magic trick go Ebey5eKJQhE-00091-00042025-00042440 yes okay what's your favorite color blue Ebey5eKJQhE-00092-00042441-00042987 purple you know the rapper 69 yeah do Ebey5eKJQhE-00093-00042988-00043308 you ever play Monopoly yeah how old are Ebey5eKJQhE-00094-00043309-00043533 you 16 Ebey5eKJQhE-00095-00043534-00043791 okay I'm gonna guess you guys are from Ebey5eKJQhE-00096-00043792-00044679 Nevada we're in Nevada from California Ebey5eKJQhE-00097-00044680-00045396 well okay how he did it okay have you Ebey5eKJQhE-00098-00045397-00045604 ever worn a Montclair jacket or owned Ebey5eKJQhE-00099-00045605-00046497 one you know the rapper chance the Ebey5eKJQhE-00100-00046498-00046719 rapper yeah yeah did you hear about the Ebey5eKJQhE-00101-00046720-00047001 baby getting arrested yeah no I didn't Ebey5eKJQhE-00102-00047002-00047235 Tomas he talked about any smokes bad Ebey5eKJQhE-00103-00047236-00047646 weed hey don't talk about it about my my Ebey5eKJQhE-00104-00047647-00048210 guy the baby okay and it has it been Ebey5eKJQhE-00105-00048211-00048720 cold the last few days yeah when I guess Ebey5eKJQhE-00106-00048721-00048924 right now you guys are near incline Ebey5eKJQhE-00107-00048925-00049644 village okay this is a crazy magic trick Ebey5eKJQhE-00108-00049645-00050211 and okay what's your favorite color blue Ebey5eKJQhE-00109-00050212-00050637 do you know the rapper 69 yes and did Ebey5eKJQhE-00110-00050638-00050774 you hear about the baby being arrested Ebey5eKJQhE-00111-00050775-00051365 no your and your you're from Georgia Ebey5eKJQhE-00112-00051366-00051695 yeah Ebey5eKJQhE-00113-00051696-00051979 have you ever played Monopoly before yes Ebey5eKJQhE-00114-00051979-00052313 have you ever owned a montclair jacket Ebey5eKJQhE-00115-00052314-00052653 no have you ever owned a pair of Uggs Ebey5eKJQhE-00116-00052654-00053267 yes and do you know the store Costco yes Ebey5eKJQhE-00117-00053268-00053526 I'm gonna guess you're from guy near Ebey5eKJQhE-00118-00053527-00054424 Gaytan give me three numbers from one to Ebey5eKJQhE-00119-00054425-00055077 five and Ebey5eKJQhE-00120-00055078-00055390 one one two and four one two and four Ebey5eKJQhE-00121-00055391-00055641 that's our number four okay let me Ebey5eKJQhE-00122-00055642-00055774 change that four to three Ebey5eKJQhE-00123-00055775-00056779 and now your postal is three one three Ebey5eKJQhE-00124-00056779-00056935 one two Ebey5eKJQhE-00125-00056936-00057709 holy crap they get that error on three Ebey5eKJQhE-00126-00057710-00058324 one three one two my god okay as long as Ebey5eKJQhE-00127-00058325-00058449 that gonna ask you a question after Ebey5eKJQhE-00128-00058450-00058866 Bofur all right what's your favorite Ebey5eKJQhE-00129-00058867-00059329 color blue you know who the rapper 6:9 Ebey5eKJQhE-00130-00059329-00059929 is I do and blight I did what did you Ebey5eKJQhE-00131-00059929-00060240 hear about the baby being arrested I did Ebey5eKJQhE-00132-00060241-00060627 I'm gonna guess you're from Alabama Wow Ebey5eKJQhE-00133-00060628-00061378 thank you how tall are you about five Ebey5eKJQhE-00134-00061379-00062029 foot eleven and if you were to go Ebey5eKJQhE-00135-00062029-00062248 skydiving which city would you go Ebey5eKJQhE-00136-00062249-00062620 skydiving in like anywhere in the world Ebey5eKJQhE-00137-00062621-00062955 [__] I would go to Guam actually all Ebey5eKJQhE-00138-00062957-00063310 right so Guam I'm here for Montgomery Ebey5eKJQhE-00139-00063311-00063829 uh-huh what that cool that is pretty Ebey5eKJQhE-00140-00063829-00064015 cool how did you know that all right Ebey5eKJQhE-00141-00064016-00064355 give me four numbers from zero to ten Ebey5eKJQhE-00142-00064357-00064825 five numbers five numbers alright five Ebey5eKJQhE-00143-00064826-00065366 numbers from zero to ten seven two three Ebey5eKJQhE-00144-00065367-00065628 five six Ebey5eKJQhE-00145-00065629-00066312 okay I'm gonna guess now so five no Ebey5eKJQhE-00146-00066313-00067015 seven no the 3 and the 6 are the Ebey5eKJQhE-00147-00067016-00067685 beginning numbers of your posting Ebey5eKJQhE-00148-00067686-00067865 that is a Montgomery postal service code Ebey5eKJQhE-00149-00067866-00068087 yeah okay Ebey5eKJQhE-00150-00068088-00068327 the next two numbers are followed by Ebey5eKJQhE-00151-00068328-00068825 ones because you didn't say one the last Ebey5eKJQhE-00152-00068826-00069193 number I've no clue Ebey5eKJQhE-00153-00069194-00070133 wanna say nine zero all right Wow Wow Ebey5eKJQhE-00154-00070134-00070442 oh good that that's impressive let's go Ebey5eKJQhE-00155-00070443-00070841 okay okay so it's are you a hacker yeah Ebey5eKJQhE-00156-00070842-00070958 yeah Ebey5eKJQhE-00157-00070959-00071186 Green Corps service member that's in Ebey5eKJQhE-00158-00071187-00072143 need of your support and its name is Ebey5eKJQhE-00159-00072144-00073159 [Music] Ebey5eKJQhE-00160-00073160-00073499 [__] crazy yo can you do me the Ebey5eKJQhE-00161-00073500-00073820 biggest favor okay and say subscribe to Ebey5eKJQhE-00162-00073821-00073984 slip in that coolest [__] voice Ebey5eKJQhE-00163-00073985-00074444 should I should I have the the music in Ebey5eKJQhE-00164-00074445-00074804 the background playing do two takes one Ebey5eKJQhE-00165-00074805-00074981 with that one with his eyes like a Ebey5eKJQhE-00166-00074982-00075368 different music so just subscribe to Ebey5eKJQhE-00167-00075369-00075671 slippery yeah just like that alright Ebey5eKJQhE-00168-00075672-00075806 just let me know when you're ready okay Ebey5eKJQhE-00169-00075807-00076053 go for it alright Ebey5eKJQhE-00170-00076054-00076521 [Music] Ec4J4EksMuo-00000-00000038-00000569 u.s. route 84 u.s. 84 is an east-west US Ec4J4EksMuo-00001-00000570-00000968 highway it started as a short Georgia Ec4J4EksMuo-00002-00000969-00001328 Alabama route in the original 1926 Ec4J4EksMuo-00003-00001329-00001723 scheme but by 1941 it had been extended Ec4J4EksMuo-00004-00001725-00002132 all the way to Colorado the highways Ec4J4EksMuo-00005-00002133-00002401 eastern terminus is a short distance Ec4J4EksMuo-00006-00002402-00002738 east of Midway Georgia at an interchange Ec4J4EksMuo-00007-00002739-00003206 with interstate 95 the road continues Ec4J4EksMuo-00008-00003207-00003529 toward the nearby Atlantic Ocean as a Ec4J4EksMuo-00009-00003530-00003970 County Road its western terminus is in Ec4J4EksMuo-00010-00003971-00004295 Pagosa Springs Colorado at an Ec4J4EksMuo-00011-00004296-00004663 intersection with u.s. 160 the section Ec4J4EksMuo-00012-00004664-00005029 from Brunswick Georgia to Roscoe Texas Ec4J4EksMuo-00013-00005030-00005322 has been designated by five state Ec4J4EksMuo-00014-00005323-00005611 legislatures as part of the el camino Ec4J4EksMuo-00015-00005612-00006029 east-west corridor the designation was Ec4J4EksMuo-00016-00006030-00006272 in recognition of its history as a Ec4J4EksMuo-00017-00006273-00006523 migration route from the Atlantic coast Ec4J4EksMuo-00018-00006525-00006856 to the present Mexico United States Ec4J4EksMuo-00019-00006858-00007117 border one of the routes that Spanish Ec4J4EksMuo-00020-00007118-00007423 settlers called El Camino rey al in Ec4J4EksMuo-00021-00007423-00007696 louisiana the route was called the Ec4J4EksMuo-00022-00007697-00007988 Harrisonburg road the designation is Ec4J4EksMuo-00023-00007989-00008224 intended to promote the route for both Ec4J4EksMuo-00024-00008225-00008552 tourism and NAFTA facilitated trade with Ec4J4EksMuo-00025-00008553-00008948 Mexico states are asking for federal Ec4J4EksMuo-00026-00008949-00009331 funds to widen the u.s. 84 el camino Ec4J4EksMuo-00027-00009332-00010042 east-west corridor Ec4J4EksMuo-00028-00010043-00010670 topic route description Ec4J4EksMuo-00029-00010671-00011021 you Ec4J4EksMuo-00030-00011022-00011799 topic Colorado the western terminus of Ec4J4EksMuo-00031-00011800-00012243 u.s. 84 per Gaza Springs Colorado was Ec4J4EksMuo-00032-00012244-00012714 made famous by CW McCall in the 1975 Ec4J4EksMuo-00033-00012715-00013227 song and album Wolf Creek Pass us 84 Ec4J4EksMuo-00034-00013228-00013563 actually ends approximately 1 mile 1.6 Ec4J4EksMuo-00035-00013563-00013922 kilometers east of downtown Pagosa Ec4J4EksMuo-00036-00013923-00014358 Springs at 80 intersection with us 160 Ec4J4EksMuo-00037-00014359-00014874 Main Street south of Pagosa Springs the Ec4J4EksMuo-00038-00014875-00015318 28 miles 45 kilometers of the Colorado Ec4J4EksMuo-00039-00015319-00015684 section of us 84 pass through a portion Ec4J4EksMuo-00040-00015685-00016107 of San Juan National Forest the highway Ec4J4EksMuo-00041-00016108-00016431 climbs Khanfar Hill a drainage divide Ec4J4EksMuo-00042-00016432-00016755 between the rio blanco and navajo river Ec4J4EksMuo-00043-00016756-00017028 before descending into the village of Ec4J4EksMuo-00044-00017029-00017845 chromo and passing into New Mexico Ec4J4EksMuo-00045-00017846-00018427 topic New Mexico Ec4J4EksMuo-00046-00018428-00018784 you SAT four enters Rio Arriba County Ec4J4EksMuo-00047-00018785-00019333 New Mexico 28 miles 45 kilometers south Ec4J4EksMuo-00048-00019334-00019816 of its terminus at u.s. 160 about six Ec4J4EksMuo-00049-00019817-00020167 miles nine point seven kilometers south Ec4J4EksMuo-00050-00020168-00020544 of the Colorado New Mexico State Line us Ec4J4EksMuo-00051-00020545-00020875 64 comes from the West and travels Ec4J4EksMuo-00052-00020876-00021268 concurrently with us 84 for the next 28 Ec4J4EksMuo-00053-00021269-00021789 miles 45 kilometers on the three miles Ec4J4EksMuo-00054-00021790-00022177 4.8 kilometers east of this intersection Ec4J4EksMuo-00055-00022178-00022483 the concurrency crosses the Continental Ec4J4EksMuo-00056-00022484-00022843 Divide at Sargent pass elevation seven Ec4J4EksMuo-00057-00022844-00023097 thousand seven hundred and eighteen feet Ec4J4EksMuo-00058-00023098-00023389 two thousand three hundred and fifty two Ec4J4EksMuo-00059-00023390-00023712 meters above sea level or more than Ec4J4EksMuo-00060-00023713-00024121 3,100 feet nine hundred and forty meters Ec4J4EksMuo-00061-00024122-00024355 lower than Wolf Creek Pass Ec4J4EksMuo-00062-00024356-00024697 the next Continental Divide highway pass Ec4J4EksMuo-00063-00024698-00025275 to the north therefore only 37 miles 60 Ec4J4EksMuo-00064-00025276-00025659 kilometres of you SAT for a located west Ec4J4EksMuo-00065-00025660-00026046 of the Continental Divide about twelve Ec4J4EksMuo-00066-00026047-00026362 miles nineteen kilometers east of the Ec4J4EksMuo-00067-00026363-00026877 intersection us 64 us 84 enters the town Ec4J4EksMuo-00068-00026878-00026961 of Chema Ec4J4EksMuo-00069-00026962-00027424 at 80 intersection New Mexico State Road Ec4J4EksMuo-00070-00027425-00027754 17 enters from the north and terminates Ec4J4EksMuo-00071-00027755-00028123 at said intersection while u.s. 64 and Ec4J4EksMuo-00072-00028124-00028518 us 84 enter from the south and west Ec4J4EksMuo-00073-00028519-00029029 after heading south from Chama us 64 and Ec4J4EksMuo-00074-00029030-00029500 us 84 combined for about 14 miles 23 Ec4J4EksMuo-00075-00029501-00029839 kilometers to Tierra amarilla where us Ec4J4EksMuo-00076-00029839-00030208 64 departs from us 84 and heads Ec4J4EksMuo-00077-00030208-00030540 southeast while you SAT for continues Ec4J4EksMuo-00078-00030541-00031170 south about 57 miles 92 kilometres the Ec4J4EksMuo-00079-00031172-00031705 road us 84 is joined by us 285 south of Ec4J4EksMuo-00080-00031706-00031798 the small canoe Ec4J4EksMuo-00081-00031799-00032266 unity of Chile about five miles 8.0 Ec4J4EksMuo-00082-00032267-00032727 kilometers further you SAT for us 285 Ec4J4EksMuo-00083-00032727-00033055 enters the city of Espanola from the Ec4J4EksMuo-00084-00033056-00033490 north as North Paseo de Onate Street at Ec4J4EksMuo-00085-00033491-00033886 the south end of the town you SAT for us Ec4J4EksMuo-00086-00033887-00034288 285 becomes the SantaFe highway and an Ec4J4EksMuo-00087-00034289-00034696 expressway about nine miles 14 Ec4J4EksMuo-00088-00034697-00035166 kilometers further you SAT for us 285 Ec4J4EksMuo-00089-00035167-00035632 becomes a limited access freeway 15 Ec4J4EksMuo-00090-00035633-00036040 miles 24 kilometres further south the Ec4J4EksMuo-00091-00036041-00036322 two returned to surface street status Ec4J4EksMuo-00092-00036323-00036667 and then travel past downtown Santa Fay Ec4J4EksMuo-00093-00036668-00037117 via st. Francis Drive on the south side Ec4J4EksMuo-00094-00037118-00037696 of Santa Fe at interstate 25 exit 282 a Ec4J4EksMuo-00095-00037697-00038131 you SAT for us 285 merges with Ec4J4EksMuo-00096-00038132-00038737 northbound i-25 us 85 all for highways Ec4J4EksMuo-00097-00038738-00039043 head east and slightly to the south to Ec4J4EksMuo-00098-00039044-00039390 avoid the Sangre de Cristo Mountains Ec4J4EksMuo-00099-00039391-00039901 just before turning north us 285 exits Ec4J4EksMuo-00100-00039902-00040306 the freeway at exit 290 and continues Ec4J4EksMuo-00101-00040307-00040729 south after winding north and south the Ec4J4EksMuo-00102-00040730-00040996 freeway finally begins heading slowly Ec4J4EksMuo-00103-00040997-00041575 north and us 84 exits about 55 miles 89 Ec4J4EksMuo-00104-00041576-00042091 kilometers later at exit 339 near Romero Ec4J4EksMuo-00105-00042092-00042385 Ville and travels in an east southeast Ec4J4EksMuo-00106-00042386-00042841 direction while i-25 us 85 continue Ec4J4EksMuo-00107-00042842-00043255 north to Colorado following a path south Ec4J4EksMuo-00108-00043256-00043672 east and then south for 42 miles 68 Ec4J4EksMuo-00109-00043673-00044113 kilometers us 84 merges with i-40 and Ec4J4EksMuo-00110-00044114-00044799 historic us 66 at i-40 s exit 256 Ec4J4EksMuo-00111-00044800-00045370 after 17 miles 27 kilometres I forty us Ec4J4EksMuo-00112-00045371-00046017 84 enters Santa Rosa about 21 miles 34 Ec4J4EksMuo-00113-00046018-00046374 kilometers from its confluence with i-40 Ec4J4EksMuo-00114-00046375-00047112 u.s. 84 diverges at exit 277 the highway Ec4J4EksMuo-00115-00047113-00047467 then travels south southeast for 42 Ec4J4EksMuo-00116-00047468-00047862 miles 68 kilometers until merging with Ec4J4EksMuo-00117-00047863-00048330 us 60 in downtown Fort Sumner from the Ec4J4EksMuo-00118-00048331-00048840 intersection with us 60 us 60 us 84 Ec4J4EksMuo-00119-00048841-00049164 travels east passing through Tyburn and Ec4J4EksMuo-00120-00049165-00049551 Melrose before intersecting us 70 after Ec4J4EksMuo-00121-00049552-00050115 61 miles 98 kilometers in Clovis from Ec4J4EksMuo-00122-00050116-00050679 the intersection with us 70 us 64 us 70 Ec4J4EksMuo-00123-00050680-00051030 us 84 travels east eight point seven Ec4J4EksMuo-00124-00051031-00051518 miles 14 point O kilometers and texaco Ec4J4EksMuo-00125-00051519-00052119 here about 280 feet 85 metres before the Ec4J4EksMuo-00126-00052120-00052542 Texas New Mexico State Line us 60 splits Ec4J4EksMuo-00127-00052544-00053116 from us 70 us 84 with us 70 us 84 Ec4J4EksMuo-00128-00053116-00053562 continuing East into Farwell Texas de Ec4J4EksMuo-00129-00053563-00053931 spite being an east-west route us 84 is Ec4J4EksMuo-00130-00053932-00054279 signed as north/south between feat Ec4J4EksMuo-00131-00054279-00055040 Sumner and the Colorado border Ec4J4EksMuo-00132-00055041-00055597 topic Texas Ec4J4EksMuo-00133-00055598-00056116 u.s. 70 us 84 crosses into Texas at Ec4J4EksMuo-00134-00056116-00056569 Farwell after passing through Farwell us Ec4J4EksMuo-00135-00056570-00056976 70 us 84 veers to the southeast Ec4J4EksMuo-00136-00056977-00057262 continuing as a concurrency until Ec4J4EksMuo-00137-00057263-00057727 mallesh you from mallesh shoo us 70 Ec4J4EksMuo-00138-00057728-00057975 leaves the route while you SAT for Ec4J4EksMuo-00139-00057976-00058309 continues on a southeasterly direction Ec4J4EksMuo-00140-00058310-00058540 across the level plains of the Llano Ec4J4EksMuo-00141-00058541-00059020 Estacado along this stretch us 84 Ec4J4EksMuo-00142-00059021-00059353 travels parallel to the BNSF Railway Ec4J4EksMuo-00143-00059354-00059641 crosses a sandy section called the Ec4J4EksMuo-00144-00059641-00059902 mallesh you toons and then passes Ec4J4EksMuo-00145-00059903-00060022 Littlefield Ec4J4EksMuo-00146-00060023-00060301 the birthplace of country singer Waylon Ec4J4EksMuo-00147-00060302-00060739 Jennings u.s. 84 continues in a Ec4J4EksMuo-00148-00060740-00061021 southeasterly direction through cotton Ec4J4EksMuo-00149-00061022-00061360 fields and small towns such as Anton and Ec4J4EksMuo-00150-00061361-00061605 shallow water eventually entering Ec4J4EksMuo-00151-00061607-00061888 Lubbock the largest city in the South Ec4J4EksMuo-00152-00061889-00062238 Plains and the birthplace of Buddy Holly Ec4J4EksMuo-00153-00062239-00062716 signed as Avenue Q us 84 passes through Ec4J4EksMuo-00154-00062716-00062971 the heart of downtown Lubbock before Ec4J4EksMuo-00155-00062972-00063232 making a sharp easterly turn on the Ec4J4EksMuo-00156-00063233-00063511 southeast side of the city where it is Ec4J4EksMuo-00157-00063512-00063870 known as the Slaton highway after Ec4J4EksMuo-00158-00063871-00064252 bypassing the town of Slayton us 84 Ec4J4EksMuo-00159-00064253-00064512 makes another gentle turn to the east Ec4J4EksMuo-00160-00064513-00064783 following a generally southeasterly Ec4J4EksMuo-00161-00064784-00065130 heading through post Snyder and Rosco Ec4J4EksMuo-00162-00065132-00065569 where it merges with i-20 from this Ec4J4EksMuo-00163-00065570-00066079 point us 84 follows i-20 unsigned until Ec4J4EksMuo-00164-00066080-00066337 Abilene where it leaves the interstate Ec4J4EksMuo-00165-00066338-00066652 making a hard southerly turn and forming Ec4J4EksMuo-00166-00066653-00066961 the western side of a 3/4 loop around Ec4J4EksMuo-00167-00066962-00067518 the city along with us 83 and us 277 Ec4J4EksMuo-00168-00067519-00067954 from the south side of Abilene u.s. 84 Ec4J4EksMuo-00169-00067955-00068326 continues as a concurrency with us 83 Ec4J4EksMuo-00170-00068327-00068791 signed as us 84 West East and us 83 Ec4J4EksMuo-00171-00068792-00068959 south north and Ec4J4EksMuo-00172-00068960-00069235 the two highways split about two miles Ec4J4EksMuo-00173-00069236-00069586 three point two kilometres northeast of Ec4J4EksMuo-00174-00069587-00069831 Tuscola and those still signed as Ec4J4EksMuo-00175-00069832-00070165 east-west maintains a juice South North Ec4J4EksMuo-00176-00070166-00070662 heading u.s. 84 makes a gentle turn back Ec4J4EksMuo-00177-00070663-00070867 to the southeast at lon Ec4J4EksMuo-00178-00070868-00071146 following this bearing until Santa Ana Ec4J4EksMuo-00179-00071147-00071562 where it merges with us 67 and take some Ec4J4EksMuo-00180-00071563-00072081 more Juiz stoolie turn u.s. 84 merges Ec4J4EksMuo-00181-00072082-00072438 with us 183 at Brownwood and once again Ec4J4EksMuo-00182-00072439-00072768 turns to the southeast continuing as a Ec4J4EksMuo-00183-00072769-00073068 concurrency until Goldthwait where it Ec4J4EksMuo-00184-00073069-00073423 leaves us 283 and yet again makes a Ec4J4EksMuo-00185-00073424-00073810 sharp turn to the east it follows this Ec4J4EksMuo-00186-00073811-00074116 heading all the way to McGregor from Ec4J4EksMuo-00187-00074117-00074424 McGregor the highway makes a turn to the Ec4J4EksMuo-00188-00074425-00074505 northeast Ec4J4EksMuo-00189-00074506-00074836 to would way this stretch of us 84 is Ec4J4EksMuo-00190-00074837-00075249 also signed as the George W Bush Parkway Ec4J4EksMuo-00191-00075250-00075744 us 84 then crosses into Waco going past Ec4J4EksMuo-00192-00075745-00076072 the downtown area along Waco Drive and Ec4J4EksMuo-00193-00076073-00076348 then northeast into the suburb of Belle Ec4J4EksMuo-00194-00076349-00076719 Meade after a brief concurrency with Ec4J4EksMuo-00195-00076720-00077092 state highway 31 through Belle meet us Ec4J4EksMuo-00196-00077093-00077467 84 continues fairly jus East passing Ec4J4EksMuo-00197-00077468-00077725 through Mexia then at Teague it takes Ec4J4EksMuo-00198-00077726-00077976 yet another turn to the north before Ec4J4EksMuo-00199-00077977-00078187 turning back to the east at an Ec4J4EksMuo-00200-00078188-00078726 intersection with I 45 in Fairfield us Ec4J4EksMuo-00201-00078727-00079153 84 merges with us 79 and makes another Ec4J4EksMuo-00202-00079154-00079459 northerly turned southwest of Palestine Ec4J4EksMuo-00203-00079460-00079666 and then splits from us Ec4J4EksMuo-00204-00079667-00080017 79 just southwest of downtown before Ec4J4EksMuo-00205-00080018-00080337 making another turn eastward and passing Ec4J4EksMuo-00206-00080338-00080676 through town the highway follows a Ec4J4EksMuo-00207-00080677-00080986 gentle northeastly path all the way to Ec4J4EksMuo-00208-00080987-00081267 Timpson passing through the towns of Ec4J4EksMuo-00209-00081268-00081555 made au Rusk where it intersects with Ec4J4EksMuo-00210-00081556-00081934 u.s. 69 rip law mount Enterprise where Ec4J4EksMuo-00211-00081935-00082330 it intersects us to 59 and Timpson Ec4J4EksMuo-00212-00082331-00082690 emerges with us 59 and serves as the Ec4J4EksMuo-00213-00082691-00083209 northern terminus of Sh 87 from Timpson Ec4J4EksMuo-00214-00083210-00083580 210 aha it is briefly concurrent with us Ec4J4EksMuo-00215-00083581-00084148 59 - its intersection with us 96 from Ec4J4EksMuo-00216-00084149-00084541 this point us 84 continues its easterly Ec4J4EksMuo-00217-00084542-00084816 path through to rest of eastern Texas Ec4J4EksMuo-00218-00084817-00085129 passing through joaquin before crossing Ec4J4EksMuo-00219-00085130-00085407 into louisiana across the Sabine River Ec4J4EksMuo-00220-00085408-00086197 into the town of Logansport Ec4J4EksMuo-00221-00086198-00086954 topic Louisiana once the highway leaves Ec4J4EksMuo-00222-00086955-00087278 Logan's port it travels through Stanley Ec4J4EksMuo-00223-00087279-00087581 and then northeast into Mansfield where Ec4J4EksMuo-00224-00087582-00087860 it merges for a brief stretch with us Ec4J4EksMuo-00225-00087861-00088393 171 it continues east crossing under Ec4J4EksMuo-00226-00088394-00088772 i-49 until it reaches grande Bayou where Ec4J4EksMuo-00227-00088773-00089069 it turns to the southeast merging with Ec4J4EksMuo-00228-00089070-00089527 Louisiana Highway one la 1 after Ec4J4EksMuo-00229-00089528-00089843 approximately two miles three point two Ec4J4EksMuo-00230-00089844-00090143 kilometers it turns back again to the Ec4J4EksMuo-00231-00090144-00090503 east where it merges with u.s. 71 in Ec4J4EksMuo-00232-00090504-00090782 coushatta and stays with that highway Ec4J4EksMuo-00233-00090783-00091178 until Clarence it then heads northeast Ec4J4EksMuo-00234-00091179-00091496 towards Winfield where it merges for a Ec4J4EksMuo-00235-00091497-00092030 short time with us 167 it turns to the Ec4J4EksMuo-00236-00092031-00092348 northeast towards Joyce then begins a Ec4J4EksMuo-00237-00092349-00092651 long stretch to the southeast passing Ec4J4EksMuo-00238-00092652-00092962 through Tullus where it intersects u.s. Ec4J4EksMuo-00239-00092963-00093284 165 through the parish seat of Jenner Ec4J4EksMuo-00240-00093285-00093602 and continues in that direction until it Ec4J4EksMuo-00241-00093603-00093857 crosses into Catahoula Parish Ec4J4EksMuo-00242-00093858-00094232 it bears east through Jonesville until Ec4J4EksMuo-00243-00094233-00094760 faraday where it merges with us 425 it Ec4J4EksMuo-00244-00094761-00095021 then heads southeast through Vidalia Ec4J4EksMuo-00245-00095022-00095276 where it crosses the Mississippi River Ec4J4EksMuo-00246-00095277-00096041 into Natchez Mississippi Ec4J4EksMuo-00247-00096042-00096804 topic Mississippi the four-lane Natchez Ec4J4EksMuo-00248-00096805-00097050 Vidalia Bridge crossing the Mississippi Ec4J4EksMuo-00249-00097051-00097665 River carries us 84 into Natchez here it Ec4J4EksMuo-00250-00097666-00098067 merges with us 61 it then travels Ec4J4EksMuo-00251-00098068-00098511 approximately four miles 6.4 kilometers Ec4J4EksMuo-00252-00098512-00098793 to the northeast where it reaches the Ec4J4EksMuo-00253-00098794-00099174 western terminus of us 98 of Washington Ec4J4EksMuo-00254-00099175-00099513 where it is paired with us 98 until Ec4J4EksMuo-00255-00099514-00099912 Butte Meadville the road continues east Ec4J4EksMuo-00256-00099913-00100248 crossing under i-55 and heads east Ec4J4EksMuo-00257-00100249-00100526 towards Collins Ec4J4EksMuo-00258-00100527-00100894 a new bypass of Collins opened in March Ec4J4EksMuo-00259-00100895-00101233 2009 relieving the heavily congested Ec4J4EksMuo-00260-00101234-00101639 original route through downtown the new Ec4J4EksMuo-00261-00101640-00102068 bypass provides improved access to us 49 Ec4J4EksMuo-00262-00102069-00102376 another of Mississippi's major four lane Ec4J4EksMuo-00263-00102377-00102701 highways connecting Jackson and points Ec4J4EksMuo-00264-00102702-00102985 north through the Mississippi Delta with Ec4J4EksMuo-00265-00102986-00103493 the Mississippi Gulf Coast us 84 travels Ec4J4EksMuo-00266-00103494-00103807 concurrent with I 59 for a short Ec4J4EksMuo-00267-00103808-00104150 distance through Laurel it then heads Ec4J4EksMuo-00268-00104151-00104461 east to Waynesboro and continues to the Ec4J4EksMuo-00269-00104463-00105156 Alabama state line Ec4J4EksMuo-00270-00105157-00105703 topic Alabama Ec4J4EksMuo-00271-00105704-00106078 in Alabama USA t4 is paired with Ec4J4EksMuo-00272-00106079-00106432 unsigned Alabama State Route 12s are Ec4J4EksMuo-00273-00106433-00106681 twelve parts of the route have been Ec4J4EksMuo-00274-00106682-00106969 widened in recent years to four-lane Ec4J4EksMuo-00275-00106970-00107398 status the most significant exists from Ec4J4EksMuo-00276-00107399-00107749 River Falls eastward to Andalusia Nierop Ec4J4EksMuo-00277-00107750-00108043 where a recent bypass of the downtown Ec4J4EksMuo-00278-00108044-00108430 area now carries us 84 in a southern arc Ec4J4EksMuo-00279-00108431-00108697 around the town and from Enterprise Ec4J4EksMuo-00280-00108698-00108973 eastward through Daleville and on to the Ec4J4EksMuo-00281-00108974-00109249 Dauphin area and then the Georgia state Ec4J4EksMuo-00282-00109250-00109501 line at the Chattahoochee River in Ec4J4EksMuo-00283-00109502-00110058 Saffold plans exist to widen the u.s. 84 Ec4J4EksMuo-00284-00110059-00110347 corridor to four lanes elsewhere in Ec4J4EksMuo-00285-00110348-00110665 Alabama but due to funding issues the Ec4J4EksMuo-00286-00110666-00110910 projects are in various stages of Ec4J4EksMuo-00287-00110911-00111045 development Ec4J4EksMuo-00288-00111046-00111397 one such stretch is just east of op Ec4J4EksMuo-00289-00111398-00111700 where construction began on a four lane Ec4J4EksMuo-00290-00111701-00111994 eastward towards Elbert but has stalled Ec4J4EksMuo-00291-00111995-00112492 due to funding u.s. 84 has brief Ec4J4EksMuo-00292-00112493-00112734 stretches concurrent with other US Ec4J4EksMuo-00293-00112735-00113233 highways in Alabama u.s. 84 shares a Ec4J4EksMuo-00294-00113233-00113578 routing with us 31 from just southwest Ec4J4EksMuo-00295-00113579-00113917 of Evergreen - a few miles east of the Ec4J4EksMuo-00296-00113918-00114349 town it briefly shares a routing with us Ec4J4EksMuo-00297-00114350-00114796 29 in the city of Andalusia it also Ec4J4EksMuo-00298-00114797-00115201 shares a routing with us 331 near the Ec4J4EksMuo-00299-00115202-00115638 opposite a Dauphin us 84 shares a Ec4J4EksMuo-00300-00115639-00116152 concurrency with us to 31 and us 431 on Ec4J4EksMuo-00301-00116153-00116392 the Ross Clark circle which is the Ec4J4EksMuo-00302-00116393-00116908 circular bypass of downtown us 84 Ec4J4EksMuo-00303-00116908-00117241 crosses three major navigable waterways Ec4J4EksMuo-00304-00117242-00117510 in Alabama they are the Tombigbee River Ec4J4EksMuo-00305-00117511-00117858 at Coffeyville the Alabama River at Ec4J4EksMuo-00306-00117859-00118144 Claiborne and the Chattahoochee River at Ec4J4EksMuo-00307-00118145-00118624 the Alabama Georgia state line us 84 Ec4J4EksMuo-00308-00118625-00118933 passes through enterprise which is very Ec4J4EksMuo-00309-00118933-00119083 near the large mill Ec4J4EksMuo-00310-00119083-00119389 a facility of Fort Rucker which is the Ec4J4EksMuo-00311-00119390-00119689 United States Army's helicopter training Ec4J4EksMuo-00312-00119690-00120161 school most of us 84 in Alabama Ec4J4EksMuo-00313-00120163-00120469 traverses the Gulf Coastal Plain which Ec4J4EksMuo-00314-00120470-00120742 is relatively low leaing land with some Ec4J4EksMuo-00315-00120743-00121136 sand content the area is heavily Ec4J4EksMuo-00316-00121138-00121452 agricultural with little heavy industry Ec4J4EksMuo-00317-00121453-00121804 Dauphin is the largest city in Alabama Ec4J4EksMuo-00318-00121805-00122143 traversed by us 84 and it is the Ec4J4EksMuo-00319-00122144-00122404 business and agricultural center of Ec4J4EksMuo-00320-00122405-00122818 southeast Alabama the area is commonly Ec4J4EksMuo-00321-00122819-00123575 referred to as the Wiregrass region Ec4J4EksMuo-00322-00123576-00124307 topic Georgia after entering Georgia Ec4J4EksMuo-00323-00124308-00124670 from Alabama west of jaqen Georgia the Ec4J4EksMuo-00324-00124671-00124871 route travels through the southern Ec4J4EksMuo-00325-00124872-00125165 portion of the state meeting its eastern Ec4J4EksMuo-00326-00125166-00125590 terminus at Interstate 95 east of Midway Ec4J4EksMuo-00327-00125591-00126041 u.s. route 84 through Georgia is also Ec4J4EksMuo-00328-00126042-00126388 known as the wire grass Georgia Parkway Ec4J4EksMuo-00329-00126389-00126698 after entering the state from Alabama Ec4J4EksMuo-00330-00126699-00127031 u.s. route 84 travels east to Ec4J4EksMuo-00331-00127032-00127391 Donaldsonville to Bainbridge the routes Ec4J4EksMuo-00332-00127392-00127706 travels around the city to the south to Ec4J4EksMuo-00333-00127707-00128059 a freeway bypass co-signed with US Route Ec4J4EksMuo-00334-00128060-00128525 27 state route 1 the route continues Ec4J4EksMuo-00335-00128526-00128819 east through Cairo to Thomasville where Ec4J4EksMuo-00336-00128820-00129113 it bypasses downtown to the north and Ec4J4EksMuo-00337-00129114-00129518 east coast signed with u.s. route 319 Ec4J4EksMuo-00338-00129519-00129926 then US Route 19 State Route 3 State Ec4J4EksMuo-00339-00129927-00130325 Route 300 the route continues east Ec4J4EksMuo-00340-00130326-00130609 equipmen where it becomes co-signed with Ec4J4EksMuo-00341-00130610-00131087 u.s. route 221 east past its interchange Ec4J4EksMuo-00342-00131088-00131549 with interstate 75 to Valdosta in Ec4J4EksMuo-00343-00131550-00132110 Valdosta u.s. route 221 departs and u.s. Ec4J4EksMuo-00344-00132111-00132461 route 84 continues east northeast to Ec4J4EksMuo-00345-00132462-00132524 Waycross Ec4J4EksMuo-00346-00132525-00132815 where it is briefly co-signed with us Ec4J4EksMuo-00347-00132816-00133400 routes 123 and 80 to u.s. route 84 Ec4J4EksMuo-00348-00133401-00133666 continues northeast from Waycross Ec4J4EksMuo-00349-00133667-00133943 passing through Blackshear before Ec4J4EksMuo-00350-00133944-00134354 arriving in Jessup in Jessup the route Ec4J4EksMuo-00351-00134355-00134741 becomes co-signed with us routes 25 and Ec4J4EksMuo-00352-00134742-00135311 301 northeast - Ludo vici in Ludo vici Ec4J4EksMuo-00353-00135312-00135785 u.s. routes 25 and 301 departs to the Ec4J4EksMuo-00354-00135786-00136139 northwest and u.s. route 84 continues Ec4J4EksMuo-00355-00136140-00136517 north east to Hinesville in Hinesville Ec4J4EksMuo-00356-00136518-00136826 the route becomes co-signed with state Ec4J4EksMuo-00357-00136827-00136967 route 100 Ec4J4EksMuo-00358-00136968-00137318 96 and takes a drastic turn to the east Ec4J4EksMuo-00359-00137319-00137582 a short-distance Ec4J4EksMuo-00360-00137583-00138068 state route 196 to parts and u.s. route Ec4J4EksMuo-00361-00138069-00138491 84 as well as state route 38 continues Ec4J4EksMuo-00362-00138492-00138848 east to its eastern terminus at exit 76 Ec4J4EksMuo-00363-00138849-00139751 on interstate 95 east of Midway Ec4J4EksMuo-00364-00139752-00140320 topic history Ec4J4EksMuo-00365-00140321-00140860 when originally designated in 1926 us 84 Ec4J4EksMuo-00366-00140861-00141280 was a much shorter route spanning 281 Ec4J4EksMuo-00367-00141281-00141748 miles 452 kilometers from Dothan Alabama Ec4J4EksMuo-00368-00141749-00142336 to Brunswick Georgia in 1934 the highway Ec4J4EksMuo-00369-00142337-00142732 was extended west to Farwell Texas for Ec4J4EksMuo-00370-00142733-00143029 its subsequent extension Northwest into Ec4J4EksMuo-00371-00143030-00143155 Colorado Ec4J4EksMuo-00372-00143156-00143458 according to maps and documents held at Ec4J4EksMuo-00373-00143459-00143739 the Alabama Department of Transportation Ec4J4EksMuo-00374-00143740-00144058 library in Montgomery the section Ec4J4EksMuo-00375-00144059-00144373 between Natchez Mississippi and Wagga Ec4J4EksMuo-00376-00144374-00144679 Ville Alabama had been planned as u.s. Ec4J4EksMuo-00377-00144680-00145406 86 the year before Ec4J4EksMuo-00378-00145407-00145985 topic Louisiana Ec4J4EksMuo-00379-00145986-00146416 throughout Louisiana us 84 was largely Ec4J4EksMuo-00380-00146417-00146773 aligned with the existing state route 6 Ec4J4EksMuo-00381-00146774-00147149 the major exception was the portion west Ec4J4EksMuo-00382-00147150-00147443 of Clarence where route six followed a Ec4J4EksMuo-00383-00147444-00147715 more southern path from the Texas line Ec4J4EksMuo-00384-00147716-00147931 through Makkah Tish Ec4J4EksMuo-00385-00147932-00148351 additionally u.s. 84 took advantage of a Ec4J4EksMuo-00386-00148352-00148627 shorter route between Winfield and Jenna Ec4J4EksMuo-00387-00148628-00148886 that passed through Tullus rather than Ec4J4EksMuo-00388-00148887-00149313 Allah the only major realignment since Ec4J4EksMuo-00389-00149314-00149735 1934 occurred about 1955 when an Ec4J4EksMuo-00390-00149736-00149952 improved road was opened between Ec4J4EksMuo-00391-00149953-00150229 Mansfield and coushatta that passed Ec4J4EksMuo-00392-00150230-00150532 through grande by you rather than evylyn Ec4J4EksMuo-00393-00150533-00150923 that year the state highway designations Ec4J4EksMuo-00394-00150924-00151298 co-signed with us 84 were discontinued Ec4J4EksMuo-00395-00151299-00151682 as part of the 1955 Louisiana Highway Ec4J4EksMuo-00396-00151683-00152313 renumber Ec4J4EksMuo-00397-00152314-00152952 topic mississippi-alabama Ec4J4EksMuo-00398-00152953-00153370 upon its extension us 84 originally Ec4J4EksMuo-00399-00153371-00153684 looped southeast on us 45 from Ec4J4EksMuo-00400-00153685-00153975 Waynesboro Mississippi to state line Ec4J4EksMuo-00401-00153976-00154338 then east along Alabama's state route 56 Ec4J4EksMuo-00402-00154339-00154665 to way gavel Alabama and back to the Ec4J4EksMuo-00403-00154666-00155028 Northeast via us 43 to Grove Hill Ec4J4EksMuo-00404-00155029-00155489 Alabama this route was bypassed in the Ec4J4EksMuo-00405-00155490-00155778 1960s when a more direct connection Ec4J4EksMuo-00406-00155779-00156078 between Waynesboro and Grove Hill was Ec4J4EksMuo-00407-00156079-00156697 established Ec4J4EksMuo-00408-00156698-00157517 topic Georgia the eastern ends of us 84 Ec4J4EksMuo-00409-00157518-00157964 and us 82 were swapped in 1989 after the Ec4J4EksMuo-00410-00157965-00158261 road surround Waycross Georgia were Ec4J4EksMuo-00411-00158262-00158907 reconfigured Ec4J4EksMuo-00412-00158908-00159599 topic major intersections Ec4J4EksMuo-00413-00159600-00160377 Colorado u.s. 160 in Pagosa Springs New Ec4J4EksMuo-00414-00160378-00160998 Mexico us 64 east of ma narrow the Ec4J4EksMuo-00415-00160999-00161223 highways travel concurrently to Ec4J4EksMuo-00416-00161224-00161722 south-southwest of Tierra amarilla us Ec4J4EksMuo-00417-00161723-00162198 285 north-northwest of Hernandez the Ec4J4EksMuo-00418-00162199-00162516 highways travel concurrently to Eldorado Ec4J4EksMuo-00419-00162517-00163265 at Santa Fe I 25 us 85 south of Santa Fe Ec4J4EksMuo-00420-00163266-00163611 the highways travel concurrently to Ec4J4EksMuo-00421-00163612-00164103 Romero Ville I 40 west northwest of Ec4J4EksMuo-00422-00164104-00164388 Santa Rosa the highways travel Ec4J4EksMuo-00423-00164389-00164973 concurrently to Santa Rosa u.s. 54 in Ec4J4EksMuo-00424-00164974-00165273 Santa Rosa the highways travel Ec4J4EksMuo-00425-00165274-00165808 concurrently through Santa Rosa I 40 in Ec4J4EksMuo-00426-00165809-00166648 santa rosa i 40 us 54 in santa rosa us Ec4J4EksMuo-00427-00166649-00167071 60 in Fort Sumner the highways travel Ec4J4EksMuo-00428-00167072-00167659 concurrently to texaco u.s. 70 in Clovis Ec4J4EksMuo-00429-00167660-00167976 the highways travel concurrently to Ec4J4EksMuo-00430-00167977-00168318 mallesh you Texas Ec4J4EksMuo-00431-00168319-00169119 Texas us 385 in Littlefield us 82 in Ec4J4EksMuo-00432-00169120-00170004 Lubbock us 62 in Lubbock I 27 us 87 in Ec4J4EksMuo-00433-00170005-00170616 Lubbock us 380 in post the highways Ec4J4EksMuo-00434-00170617-00171006 travel concurrently through post Ec4J4EksMuo-00435-00171007-00171410 u.s. 180 in Schneider Ec4J4EksMuo-00436-00171411-00171785 I twenty east of Roscoe the highways Ec4J4EksMuo-00437-00171786-00172082 travel concurrently to the Ty Abilene Ec4J4EksMuo-00438-00172083-00173009 city line us 83 us 277 in Abilene us 83 Ec4J4EksMuo-00439-00173010-00173366 us 84 travels concurrently to east Ec4J4EksMuo-00440-00173367-00173875 northeast of Tuscola you SAT for us Ec4J4EksMuo-00441-00173876-00174354 277 travels concurrently through Abilene Ec4J4EksMuo-00442-00174355-00174865 us 283 in Coleman the highways travel Ec4J4EksMuo-00443-00174866-00175496 concurrently to Santa Ana us 67 in Santa Ec4J4EksMuo-00444-00175497-00175862 Ana the highways travel concurrently to Ec4J4EksMuo-00445-00175863-00176543 early us 377 in brown wood the highways Ec4J4EksMuo-00446-00176544-00177137 travel concurrently to early us 183 in Ec4J4EksMuo-00447-00177138-00177412 early the highways travel concurrently Ec4J4EksMuo-00448-00177413-00178019 to north of Goldthwait us to 81 in Ec4J4EksMuo-00449-00178020-00178895 'event I 35 us 77 in Waco I 45 in Ec4J4EksMuo-00450-00178896-00179543 Fairfield us 79 northeast of Oak wid the Ec4J4EksMuo-00451-00179544-00179786 highways travel concurrently to Ec4J4EksMuo-00452-00179787-00180004 Palestine Ec4J4EksMuo-00453-00180005-00180490 u.s. 287 in Palestine the highways Ec4J4EksMuo-00454-00180491-00180912 travel concurrently through Palestine Ec4J4EksMuo-00455-00180913-00181533 u.s. 69 in Rusk us 259 in Mount Ec4J4EksMuo-00456-00181534-00182124 enterprise future i-69 u.s. 59 in Ec4J4EksMuo-00457-00182125-00182459 Timpson the highways travel concurrently Ec4J4EksMuo-00458-00182460-00183353 to 10 aha future i-69 future i 369 us 59 Ec4J4EksMuo-00459-00183354-00184052 us 96 in 10 AHA future i-69 east of 10 Ec4J4EksMuo-00460-00184053-00184214 aha Ec4J4EksMuo-00461-00184215-00184871 Louisiana us 171 in Mansfield the Ec4J4EksMuo-00462-00184872-00185159 highways travel concurrently through Ec4J4EksMuo-00463-00185160-00186077 Mansfield I 49 east of Mansfield us 371 Ec4J4EksMuo-00464-00186078-00186452 west of coushatta the highways travel Ec4J4EksMuo-00465-00186453-00186791 concurrently to coushatta Ec4J4EksMuo-00466-00186792-00187271 u.s. 71 in coushatta the highways travel Ec4J4EksMuo-00467-00187272-00187880 concurrently to Clarence u.s. 167 in Ec4J4EksMuo-00468-00187881-00188141 Winfield the highways travel Ec4J4EksMuo-00469-00188142-00188540 concurrently to east of Winfield Ec4J4EksMuo-00470-00188541-00189325 u.s. 165 in Tullus us for 25 in Faraday Ec4J4EksMuo-00471-00189326-00189650 the highways travel concurrently to Ec4J4EksMuo-00472-00189651-00190529 Natchez Mississippi us 61 us 425 in Ec4J4EksMuo-00473-00190530-00191106 Natchez us 61 us 84 travel concurrently Ec4J4EksMuo-00474-00191107-00191759 to west southwest of Washington us 61 us Ec4J4EksMuo-00475-00191760-00192294 98 west southwest of Washington USA t4 Ec4J4EksMuo-00476-00192295-00192926 us 98 travels concurrently to Butte I 55 Ec4J4EksMuo-00477-00192927-00193427 south southwest of Brookhaven us 51 Ec4J4EksMuo-00478-00193428-00194140 south of Brookhaven us 49 in Collins I Ec4J4EksMuo-00479-00194141-00194558 59 in Laurel the highways travel Ec4J4EksMuo-00480-00194559-00194883 concurrently through Laurel Ec4J4EksMuo-00481-00194884-00195723 us 45 in Waynesboro Alabama us 43 in Ec4J4EksMuo-00482-00195724-00196236 Grove Hill i-65 west southwest of Ec4J4EksMuo-00483-00196237-00196784 evergreen us 31 southwest of Evergreen Ec4J4EksMuo-00484-00196785-00197157 the highways travel concurrently to east Ec4J4EksMuo-00485-00197158-00197748 of Evergreen us 29 in Andalusia the Ec4J4EksMuo-00486-00197749-00198013 highways travel concurrently through Ec4J4EksMuo-00487-00198014-00198228 Andalusia Ec4J4EksMuo-00488-00198229-00198711 us 331 in opposite the highways travel Ec4J4EksMuo-00489-00198712-00199062 concurrently through opposite Ec4J4EksMuo-00490-00199063-00199539 u.s. 231 in Dauphin the highways travel Ec4J4EksMuo-00491-00199540-00200129 concurrently through Dauphin u.s. 431 in Ec4J4EksMuo-00492-00200130-00200448 Dauphin the highways share a hidden Ec4J4EksMuo-00493-00200449-00201048 concurrency through Dauphin Georgia us Ec4J4EksMuo-00494-00201049-00201444 27 in Bainbridge the highways travel Ec4J4EksMuo-00495-00201445-00201813 concurrently through Bainbridge Ec4J4EksMuo-00496-00201814-00202248 u.s. 3:19 north-northwest of Thomasville Ec4J4EksMuo-00497-00202249-00202589 the highways travel concurrently to Ec4J4EksMuo-00498-00202590-00202920 north-northeast of Thomasville Ec4J4EksMuo-00499-00202921-00203388 us 19 us 319 north-northeast of Ec4J4EksMuo-00500-00203389-00203904 Thomasville us 19 us 84 travels Ec4J4EksMuo-00501-00203905-00204389 concurrently to east of Thomasville us Ec4J4EksMuo-00502-00204390-00204768 221 in Quitman the highways travel Ec4J4EksMuo-00503-00204769-00205326 concurrently to Valdosta i-75 in Ec4J4EksMuo-00504-00205327-00206337 Valdosta us 41 us 221 in Valdosta us 129 Ec4J4EksMuo-00505-00206338-00207102 in Stockton u.s. 441 in Homerville us 1 Ec4J4EksMuo-00506-00207103-00207711 us 23 us 82 in Waycross the highways Ec4J4EksMuo-00507-00207712-00208229 travel concurrently through Waycross us Ec4J4EksMuo-00508-00208230-00209067 341 in Jessup us 25 us 301 in Jessup the Ec4J4EksMuo-00509-00209067-00209369 highways travel concurrently to Ludo Ec4J4EksMuo-00510-00209371-00210366 vici us 17 in Midway I 95 in Midway Ech8MQW4NUI-00000-00000041-00000356 right now is welcome to my channel pass Ech8MQW4NUI-00001-00000357-00000728 kitchen so as you can see it's be very Ech8MQW4NUI-00002-00000729-00001306 time I have closed 1000 go to Ech8MQW4NUI-00003-00001307-00001630 subscribers on my youtube channel so a Ech8MQW4NUI-00004-00001632-00002017 big thank you to all of you and for the Ech8MQW4NUI-00005-00002018-00002231 giveaway I have this slowly move Ech8MQW4NUI-00006-00002232-00002635 cookware that he said it is a nonstick Ech8MQW4NUI-00007-00002636-00002987 therapy to end those you need to follow Ech8MQW4NUI-00008-00002988-00003238 the steps given down below all you need Ech8MQW4NUI-00009-00003239-00003785 to do is this over like my video so step Ech8MQW4NUI-00010-00003786-00004138 to my channel tag any of your five Ech8MQW4NUI-00011-00004139-00004597 friends or Facebook or Instagram and Ech8MQW4NUI-00012-00004598-00004760 that's it Ech8MQW4NUI-00013-00004761-00005081 the winner will be chosen enemy thank Ech8MQW4NUI-00014-00005082-00005312 you EchE9YkZ1hu-00000-00000042-00000281 give me back my journal class has begun EchE9YkZ1hu-00001-00000282-00000532 everyone in your seats Linus took my EchE9YkZ1hu-00002-00000533-00000844 journal I did not minus EchE9YkZ1hu-00003-00000846-00001012 I mean Linus EchE9YkZ1hu-00004-00001013-00001270 mine is for misconduct give Max back his EchE9YkZ1hu-00005-00001271-00001495 journal EchE9YkZ1hu-00006-00001496-00001739 one more time Linus we'll have to change EchE9YkZ1hu-00007-00001739-00002225 your name to minus EchE9YkZ1hu-00008-00002226-00002749 [Music] EchE9YkZ1hu-00009-00002750-00003137 my dream journal I did not Mr Electric EchE9YkZ1hu-00010-00003138-00003335 send him to the principal's office and EchE9YkZ1hu-00011-00003336-00003754 have him expelled you're in my class not EchE9YkZ1hu-00012-00003755-00003995 the other way around I know everything EchE9YkZ1hu-00013-00003996-00004270 and you know nothing EchE9YkZ1hu-00014-00004271-00004522 at the end of class both of you report EchE9YkZ1hu-00015-00004523-00004804 to the principal's office EchE9YkZ1hu-00016-00004805-00005084 your parents Eg3j9kfzGmk-00000-00000042-00000118 [Music] Eg3j9kfzGmk-00001-00000119-00000289 foreign Eg3j9kfzGmk-00002-00000290-00002009 [Music] Eg3j9kfzGmk-00003-00002010-00003265 [Music] Eg3j9kfzGmk-00004-00003265-00003581 optimized and settled Eg3j9kfzGmk-00005-00003582-00003911 and it can be created by resetting the Eg3j9kfzGmk-00006-00003911-00004379 WWE class so uh if you have this PHP we Eg3j9kfzGmk-00007-00004380-00004735 can uh there's a way to instead um Eg3j9kfzGmk-00008-00004736-00004991 class like uh in order to create the Eg3j9kfzGmk-00009-00004992-00005167 object in the same way we can use this Eg3j9kfzGmk-00010-00005168-00005531 by resetting the communicable task Eg3j9kfzGmk-00011-00005532-00005735 and it has several properties and Eg3j9kfzGmk-00012-00005736-00005963 methods so that it help us create Eg3j9kfzGmk-00013-00005964-00006322 flexible and large amount of ways to Eg3j9kfzGmk-00014-00006323-00006587 optimize and perform our batteries Eg3j9kfzGmk-00015-00006588-00006689 footage Eg3j9kfzGmk-00016-00006690-00007642 foreign Eg3j9kfzGmk-00017-00007643-00007937 so let's see an example Eg3j9kfzGmk-00018-00007938-00008153 um here is the basic example of a Eg3j9kfzGmk-00019-00008154-00008291 government query this is how we are Eg3j9kfzGmk-00020-00008292-00008599 fetching the data it is Eg3j9kfzGmk-00021-00008600-00008891 you know to provide all the arguments Eg3j9kfzGmk-00022-00008892-00009059 for the governing building and then with Eg3j9kfzGmk-00023-00009060-00009274 the new WP query Eg3j9kfzGmk-00024-00009275-00009700 um Eg3j9kfzGmk-00025-00009701-00011203 [Music] Eg3j9kfzGmk-00026-00011204-00011488 yes there are several ways we will see Eg3j9kfzGmk-00027-00011489-00011735 through those uh techniques and ideas Eg3j9kfzGmk-00028-00011736-00011981 how we can improve this Eg3j9kfzGmk-00029-00011982-00012413 okay when we use the wp query class by Eg3j9kfzGmk-00030-00012414-00012767 people out of the examples but we have Eg3j9kfzGmk-00031-00012768-00013001 to only face the thing that we only need Eg3j9kfzGmk-00032-00013002-00013180 we don't need to tell the things that Eg3j9kfzGmk-00033-00013181-00013577 are not required enough uh tasks so how Eg3j9kfzGmk-00034-00013578-00013780 you can run the query Eg3j9kfzGmk-00035-00013781-00014099 that we only did so that's the confusion Eg3j9kfzGmk-00036-00014100-00014422 so dog is also convenient here Eg3j9kfzGmk-00037-00014423-00014861 okay by 84 2020 plates five queries and Eg3j9kfzGmk-00038-00014862-00015107 it calculates statements and queries Eg3j9kfzGmk-00039-00015108-00015419 and it also pays post data and taxonomy Eg3j9kfzGmk-00040-00015419-00015821 terms data and it calculates reserves so Eg3j9kfzGmk-00041-00015822-00015983 there are number of couple of queries it Eg3j9kfzGmk-00042-00015984-00016277 goes by default but we may not need all Eg3j9kfzGmk-00043-00016278-00016553 those things at the same time so we have Eg3j9kfzGmk-00044-00016554-00016817 to uh specify the thing that we really Eg3j9kfzGmk-00045-00016818-00017069 did and exclude the thing that we don't Eg3j9kfzGmk-00046-00017070-00017267 need Eg3j9kfzGmk-00047-00017268-00017525 when can improve each bypassing some Eg3j9kfzGmk-00048-00017526-00017777 parameters and techniques we will Eg3j9kfzGmk-00049-00017778-00018077 discuss about them one by one Eg3j9kfzGmk-00050-00018078-00018413 okay uh when we don't really need Eg3j9kfzGmk-00051-00018414-00018749 representation what we need to do is uh Eg3j9kfzGmk-00052-00018750-00019067 we need to pass compound rows is true so Eg3j9kfzGmk-00053-00019068-00019313 to write this thought if this is a Eg3j9kfzGmk-00054-00019314-00020047 um Eg3j9kfzGmk-00055-00020048-00020230 query class Eg3j9kfzGmk-00056-00020231-00020500 and when you pass this parameter what Eg3j9kfzGmk-00057-00020501-00020800 the water can prevents the pages some uh Eg3j9kfzGmk-00058-00020801-00021149 queries within the uh from the database Eg3j9kfzGmk-00059-00021150-00021413 so when you need specific number of Eg3j9kfzGmk-00060-00021414-00021641 posts to the application it is used now Eg3j9kfzGmk-00061-00021642-00021907 it is useful to use this undocumented Eg3j9kfzGmk-00062-00021908-00022235 parameter is a True Value this will Eg3j9kfzGmk-00063-00022236-00022493 increase our performance Eg3j9kfzGmk-00064-00022494-00022780 and next thing is what we really done in Eg3j9kfzGmk-00065-00022781-00022997 the post meta information then we can Eg3j9kfzGmk-00066-00022998-00023297 say this uh office for update postmeter Eg3j9kfzGmk-00067-00023298-00023699 cash parameter to force and in this uh Eg3j9kfzGmk-00068-00023700-00023950 with this that this parameter of this Eg3j9kfzGmk-00069-00023951-00024305 technique we we exclude the all the post Eg3j9kfzGmk-00070-00024306-00024677 data information and get noun formulas Eg3j9kfzGmk-00071-00024678-00024977 and next thing is similar similar to The Eg3j9kfzGmk-00072-00024978-00025300 Post meta it is different uh it is most Eg3j9kfzGmk-00073-00025301-00025606 from now so when we pass this object Eg3j9kfzGmk-00074-00025607-00025883 poster cache to the boss it will exclude Eg3j9kfzGmk-00075-00025883-00026105 all the information from the post from Eg3j9kfzGmk-00076-00026106-00026458 poster means that you have I think it is Eg3j9kfzGmk-00077-00026460-00026705 if you have used the our face which is Eg3j9kfzGmk-00078-00026706-00026920 the taxonomy so here we are referencing Eg3j9kfzGmk-00079-00026922-00027149 your taxonomy the first term so if you Eg3j9kfzGmk-00080-00027150-00027377 need to explore all the information from Eg3j9kfzGmk-00081-00027377-00027611 the taxonomies then we can pass this uh Eg3j9kfzGmk-00082-00027612-00027881 parameter in our argument and it will Eg3j9kfzGmk-00083-00027882-00028073 help without performance Eg3j9kfzGmk-00084-00028074-00031025 foreign Eg3j9kfzGmk-00085-00031026-00032051 [Music] Eg3j9kfzGmk-00086-00032052-00034462 [Music] Eg3j9kfzGmk-00087-00034463-00034793 remember these things are uh if you Eg3j9kfzGmk-00088-00034794-00034973 change in case the Benchmark of these Eg3j9kfzGmk-00089-00034974-00035135 things these things are either Eg3j9kfzGmk-00090-00035136-00035351 noticeable in the last data system in Eg3j9kfzGmk-00091-00035352-00035579 external data system you may notice the Eg3j9kfzGmk-00092-00035580-00035765 between first Eg3j9kfzGmk-00093-00035766-00036017 okay you can see the characters there Eg3j9kfzGmk-00094-00036018-00036443 because some things were gone wrong Eg3j9kfzGmk-00095-00036444-00036743 so in the same way if you pass uh post Eg3j9kfzGmk-00096-00036744-00036983 score phase is minus one it will stretch Eg3j9kfzGmk-00097-00036984-00037205 all the posts from your paragraphs that Eg3j9kfzGmk-00098-00037206-00037415 means if you pass your site imagine Eg3j9kfzGmk-00099-00037416-00037583 there are millions of force in your Eg3j9kfzGmk-00100-00037584-00037823 remote system and you pass this value as Eg3j9kfzGmk-00101-00037824-00037996 a minus one and it will crash your sign Eg3j9kfzGmk-00102-00037997-00038207 in a busy environment even in a normal Eg3j9kfzGmk-00103-00038208-00038452 environment as well Eg3j9kfzGmk-00104-00038453-00038771 so another thing is we have to avoid Eg3j9kfzGmk-00105-00038772-00039101 who's not in uh the reason for course Eg3j9kfzGmk-00106-00039102-00039329 not in to able to post nothing without Eg3j9kfzGmk-00107-00039330-00039593 is because uh in those additional Eg3j9kfzGmk-00108-00039594-00039839 database queries as well it is even Eg3j9kfzGmk-00109-00039840-00040043 though it is helpful in a small Eg3j9kfzGmk-00110-00040044-00040246 environment but in a big environment it Eg3j9kfzGmk-00111-00040247-00040462 can lead to poor performance and Eg3j9kfzGmk-00112-00040463-00040768 poor governments and even pass aside Eg3j9kfzGmk-00113-00040769-00040979 uh if you want to give digital Eg3j9kfzGmk-00114-00040980-00041209 information about this there is a link Eg3j9kfzGmk-00115-00041210-00041639 uh I can pass I can provide this thing Eg3j9kfzGmk-00116-00041640-00041824 later if you want to be interested if Eg3j9kfzGmk-00117-00041825-00041968 you are interested to hear this it's Eg3j9kfzGmk-00118-00041969-00042137 detailed Eg3j9kfzGmk-00119-00042138-00042385 and what's the alternative for Eg3j9kfzGmk-00120-00042386-00042629 techniques for post noting by the way Eg3j9kfzGmk-00121-00042630-00042952 post Notting is uh used if you if you Eg3j9kfzGmk-00122-00042953-00043180 need to exclude any of the posts uh in Eg3j9kfzGmk-00123-00043181-00043396 our query and what's the alternative Eg3j9kfzGmk-00124-00043397-00043571 technique or someone else is the default Eg3j9kfzGmk-00125-00043572-00043774 by our basic way this is how we Eg3j9kfzGmk-00126-00043775-00043967 generally pass the course not in paramet Eg3j9kfzGmk-00127-00043968-00044212 argument in our query or improve going Eg3j9kfzGmk-00128-00044213-00044477 past the area that area are the IDS of Eg3j9kfzGmk-00129-00044478-00044701 the first Eg3j9kfzGmk-00130-00044702-00044939 but what's the alternative technique Eg3j9kfzGmk-00131-00044940-00045317 let's see the alternative technique Eg3j9kfzGmk-00132-00045318-00045401 um Eg3j9kfzGmk-00133-00045402-00045658 so let's see the poor form line first Eg3j9kfzGmk-00134-00045659-00046073 line but in the beginning there is ID to Eg3j9kfzGmk-00135-00046074-00046312 explode which is the array and then Eg3j9kfzGmk-00136-00046313-00046612 these two five twelve 14 20 are poster Eg3j9kfzGmk-00137-00046613-00047011 IDs and let's create a WordPress query Eg3j9kfzGmk-00138-00047012-00047345 and we are I have assigned the variable Eg3j9kfzGmk-00139-00047346-00047608 as optimize for this in this array I Eg3j9kfzGmk-00140-00047609-00047843 have passed the positive and job listing Eg3j9kfzGmk-00141-00047844-00048173 and post purpose is the uh I have passed Eg3j9kfzGmk-00142-00048174-00048593 yes 50 plus count of the most IDs array Eg3j9kfzGmk-00143-00048594-00048899 first ID is to exclude variable so if Eg3j9kfzGmk-00144-00048900-00049390 total is 55 so post for page is 55 Eg3j9kfzGmk-00145-00049391-00049715 and then we can see the loop discussed Eg3j9kfzGmk-00146-00049716-00050039 and if you see just everyone the the Eg3j9kfzGmk-00147-00050040-00050285 title function this uh we check the in Eg3j9kfzGmk-00148-00050286-00050458 error we check the area of post Eg3j9kfzGmk-00149-00050459-00050758 activities in a function so if the post Eg3j9kfzGmk-00150-00050759-00051329 ID is forced to explore uh item includes Eg3j9kfzGmk-00151-00051329-00051738 in that input in that group then we will Eg3j9kfzGmk-00152-00051739-00051946 continue to the next installation Eg3j9kfzGmk-00153-00051947-00052459 iteration so that is how we are uh Eg3j9kfzGmk-00154-00052460-00052703 instead of trying things and checking Eg3j9kfzGmk-00155-00052704-00052954 things from the database Eg3j9kfzGmk-00156-00052955-00053197 okay next thing is Eg3j9kfzGmk-00157-00053198-00053573 uh do not use geography TV and get post Eg3j9kfzGmk-00158-00053574-00053885 unless you have a solid reason in some Eg3j9kfzGmk-00159-00053886-00054094 case during the development TV and get Eg3j9kfzGmk-00160-00054095-00054376 close to you but if you are using a Eg3j9kfzGmk-00161-00054377-00054538 basic query if you are making a basic Eg3j9kfzGmk-00162-00054539-00054880 query ever it's better to avoid them uh Eg3j9kfzGmk-00163-00054882-00055132 I saw this avoiding WP DB for security Eg3j9kfzGmk-00164-00055133-00055366 reason if you misuse this if you do not Eg3j9kfzGmk-00165-00055367-00055553 properly used it there will be security Eg3j9kfzGmk-00166-00055554-00055661 issue Eg3j9kfzGmk-00167-00055662-00056032 and for the gate post functions uh under Eg3j9kfzGmk-00168-00056033-00056200 the hood give the gate post function Eg3j9kfzGmk-00169-00056201-00056476 also uses WP query and some of the Eg3j9kfzGmk-00170-00056477-00056638 arguments may be limited some of the Eg3j9kfzGmk-00171-00056639-00056830 parameter parameters may not work within Eg3j9kfzGmk-00172-00056832-00057076 the get post so that's why if it is Eg3j9kfzGmk-00173-00057077-00057365 already using WP query uh class inside Eg3j9kfzGmk-00174-00057366-00057587 that function then we can directly use Eg3j9kfzGmk-00175-00057588-00057838 the uh WP query because it is more Eg3j9kfzGmk-00176-00057839-00058079 flexible Eg3j9kfzGmk-00177-00058079-00058300 and when you are working in the last Eg3j9kfzGmk-00178-00058301-00058535 database system you may see a lot of Eg3j9kfzGmk-00179-00058536-00058799 solo queries and the easiest way to Eg3j9kfzGmk-00180-00058800-00059009 detect the slow query is using query Eg3j9kfzGmk-00181-00059010-00059291 monitor plugin if you go to the wp opt Eg3j9kfzGmk-00182-00059291-00059615 plugin site plugin page and Source the Eg3j9kfzGmk-00183-00059616-00059825 query Mentor plugin and install Windows Eg3j9kfzGmk-00184-00059826-00060149 environment then you will see the uh top Eg3j9kfzGmk-00185-00060150-00060257 menu Eg3j9kfzGmk-00186-00060258-00060466 support this plugin and when you visit Eg3j9kfzGmk-00187-00060467-00060803 every phase you will see the reports of Eg3j9kfzGmk-00188-00060804-00061054 the queries from that plugin so it's a Eg3j9kfzGmk-00189-00061055-00061354 really helpful plugin Eg3j9kfzGmk-00190-00061355-00061619 utilize transient spacer when possible Eg3j9kfzGmk-00191-00061620-00061835 so first of all let's understand what Eg3j9kfzGmk-00192-00061836-00062129 what is transient in WordPress we show Eg3j9kfzGmk-00193-00062129-00062416 the cash in geography option data is Eg3j9kfzGmk-00194-00062417-00062741 stable also providing the expiry date so Eg3j9kfzGmk-00195-00062741-00062963 this is basically like storing the cash Eg3j9kfzGmk-00196-00062964-00063371 in our database and it also by in the Eg3j9kfzGmk-00197-00063372-00063604 normal data in the development option Eg3j9kfzGmk-00198-00063605-00063832 table there is no expiry date but in Eg3j9kfzGmk-00199-00063833-00064066 this transient phasor we provide the Eg3j9kfzGmk-00200-00064067-00064361 expiry date as well so whenever it is Eg3j9kfzGmk-00201-00064362-00064625 possible to use this transient please Eg3j9kfzGmk-00202-00064626-00064954 use transient in your WP query but make Eg3j9kfzGmk-00203-00064955-00065171 sure you are using it really well really Eg3j9kfzGmk-00204-00065172-00065359 organize and really Eg3j9kfzGmk-00205-00065360-00065543 secured way Eg3j9kfzGmk-00206-00065544-00065806 if you use if you if it is used in a Eg3j9kfzGmk-00207-00065807-00066065 wrong way you may not see the changes Eg3j9kfzGmk-00208-00066066-00066425 that are happening in your query Eg3j9kfzGmk-00209-00066426-00066719 and this is really a cool thing uh Eg3j9kfzGmk-00210-00066720-00066905 provide a way to override suppose you Eg3j9kfzGmk-00211-00066906-00067109 are making a Plugin or product theme Eg3j9kfzGmk-00212-00067110-00067373 whatever you are making provide a way Eg3j9kfzGmk-00213-00067374-00067661 provide a way as a to override the Eg3j9kfzGmk-00214-00067662-00067871 default vibr of the Plugin or theme Eg3j9kfzGmk-00215-00067872-00068093 Whatever It Is by creating the custom Eg3j9kfzGmk-00216-00068094-00068375 hook like this so we I have to there is Eg3j9kfzGmk-00217-00068376-00068479 a hook called Eg3j9kfzGmk-00218-00068480-00068819 plugins query aux so this is Eg3j9kfzGmk-00219-00068820-00069106 um in this second last line so this is Eg3j9kfzGmk-00220-00069107-00069419 created using apply filter functions so Eg3j9kfzGmk-00221-00069420-00069659 this is where this is how we can over ah Eg3j9kfzGmk-00222-00069660-00070006 override or change the arguments ah Eg3j9kfzGmk-00223-00070007-00070091 value Eg3j9kfzGmk-00224-00070092-00070379 so it is if if we provide like this you Eg3j9kfzGmk-00225-00070380-00070553 if you have a product and you provide Eg3j9kfzGmk-00226-00070554-00070756 like this your developers your users Eg3j9kfzGmk-00227-00070757-00070961 will thank you because they don't need Eg3j9kfzGmk-00228-00070962-00071129 to directly edit the theme or Plugin Eg3j9kfzGmk-00229-00071130-00071393 they just override things using their Eg3j9kfzGmk-00230-00071394-00071644 own way on them child theme whatever it Eg3j9kfzGmk-00231-00071645-00071869 is Eg3j9kfzGmk-00232-00071870-00072215 and we can use WP query for the source Eg3j9kfzGmk-00233-00072216-00072719 and filter as well so let's see it Eg3j9kfzGmk-00234-00072720-00072929 so there's a way to pass the source Eg3j9kfzGmk-00235-00072930-00073121 parameter for text source so we just Eg3j9kfzGmk-00236-00073122-00073379 provide the S parameter as the N the Eg3j9kfzGmk-00237-00073380-00073594 pass the keyword value Eg3j9kfzGmk-00238-00073595-00073793 this is the basic way Eg3j9kfzGmk-00239-00073794-00074050 but in a WordPress there is a big issue Eg3j9kfzGmk-00240-00074051-00074291 the Eco is default in search engine for Eg3j9kfzGmk-00241-00074292-00074561 the WordPress sources only the title and Eg3j9kfzGmk-00242-00074562-00074723 the post content so this is the default Eg3j9kfzGmk-00243-00074724-00074905 Behavior or the WordPress Source engine Eg3j9kfzGmk-00244-00074906-00075221 so suppose if we need to Source the post Eg3j9kfzGmk-00245-00075222-00075526 author or taxonomy information or post Eg3j9kfzGmk-00246-00075527-00075791 meta information then we have to extend Eg3j9kfzGmk-00247-00075792-00076031 it the way to extend is using an Eg3j9kfzGmk-00248-00076032-00076265 extension Plugin or Library whatever it Eg3j9kfzGmk-00249-00076266-00076547 is the easiest way to use is relevancy Eg3j9kfzGmk-00250-00076548-00076847 plugin in integration so Eg3j9kfzGmk-00251-00076848-00077050 you can see there I have passed the Eg3j9kfzGmk-00252-00077051-00077267 relevancy as true I have passed this Eg3j9kfzGmk-00253-00077268-00077555 agreement there so when you do that uh Eg3j9kfzGmk-00254-00077556-00077800 relevancy is integrated relevance is a Eg3j9kfzGmk-00255-00077801-00077956 plugin you can source that in the Eg3j9kfzGmk-00256-00077957-00078329 WordPress or Plugin page and this is how Eg3j9kfzGmk-00257-00078330-00078635 we are integrating it and after that it Eg3j9kfzGmk-00258-00078636-00078826 will also saw you can define a lot of Eg3j9kfzGmk-00259-00078827-00079085 source Logics and include a lot of Eg3j9kfzGmk-00260-00079086-00079337 different information within the ah Eg3j9kfzGmk-00261-00079338-00079535 Source operation Eg3j9kfzGmk-00262-00079536-00079811 and if we ah this is relevancy is only Eg3j9kfzGmk-00263-00079812-00080056 for the text Source but what what if we Eg3j9kfzGmk-00264-00080057-00080332 need to so ah add our air the filters Eg3j9kfzGmk-00265-00080333-00080549 you know in the wp query I mean source Eg3j9kfzGmk-00266-00080550-00080711 and filter things that is happening on Eg3j9kfzGmk-00267-00080712-00080956 the wp query then we can use the Eg3j9kfzGmk-00268-00080957-00081185 um cases plugin like source and filter Eg3j9kfzGmk-00269-00081186-00081388 Pro Plus relevancy combination so this Eg3j9kfzGmk-00270-00081389-00081665 is my favorite con combinations Eg3j9kfzGmk-00271-00081666-00082115 and in WordPress 6.1 ah there is there Eg3j9kfzGmk-00272-00082116-00082391 is big change in wwp query improvements Eg3j9kfzGmk-00273-00082392-00082594 so if the database query is run more Eg3j9kfzGmk-00274-00082595-00082787 than once the same result would loaded Eg3j9kfzGmk-00275-00082788-00083009 from the cache so Eg3j9kfzGmk-00276-00083010-00083206 um if you like to explore more about Eg3j9kfzGmk-00277-00083207-00083543 this we can have a chat later or you can Eg3j9kfzGmk-00278-00083544-00083800 see check the WordPress or page about Eg3j9kfzGmk-00279-00083801-00084035 WordPress 6.1 updates and you will see Eg3j9kfzGmk-00280-00084036-00084281 lots of information about this Eg3j9kfzGmk-00281-00084282-00084532 and final point Eg3j9kfzGmk-00282-00084533-00084829 um the thing is even the all the Eg3j9kfzGmk-00283-00084830-00085103 techniques I have explained here may not Eg3j9kfzGmk-00284-00085104-00085397 be um possible to use every time because Eg3j9kfzGmk-00285-00085398-00085588 you have to really understand your Eg3j9kfzGmk-00286-00085589-00085811 requirement and implement it accordingly Eg3j9kfzGmk-00287-00085812-00086044 some in some cases you need separate Eg3j9kfzGmk-00288-00086045-00086225 ideas and in some cases you need Eg3j9kfzGmk-00289-00086226-00086423 separate ideas that's why understand Eg3j9kfzGmk-00290-00086424-00086626 your requirement really well and Eg3j9kfzGmk-00291-00086627-00086788 implement the techniques that you can Eg3j9kfzGmk-00292-00086789-00087041 optimize your query Eg3j9kfzGmk-00293-00087042-00087208 there's all Eg3j9kfzGmk-00294-00087209-00087852 [Music] Egv2d-PWkh4-00000-00000516-00000773 that money has been wanting to make it Egv2d-PWkh4-00001-00000774-00001421 for 30 years and I think and I'm really Egv2d-PWkh4-00002-00001422-00001550 grateful it looking that long even Egv2d-PWkh4-00003-00001551-00001630 though it must have been very painful Egv2d-PWkh4-00004-00001632-00001942 for him because it means that I I was Egv2d-PWkh4-00005-00001943-00002156 the person that ultimately got to go on Egv2d-PWkh4-00006-00002157-00002564 the journey with him he I had heard I Egv2d-PWkh4-00007-00002565-00002758 had heard that he wanted to make the Egv2d-PWkh4-00008-00002759-00003097 film turn this book into a film and I Egv2d-PWkh4-00009-00003098-00003590 got sent the script and I was asked if I Egv2d-PWkh4-00010-00003590-00003934 would audition and and meet with him and Egv2d-PWkh4-00011-00003935-00004273 and I hadn't had an audition for a while Egv2d-PWkh4-00012-00004274-00004715 which was really great that he wanted to Egv2d-PWkh4-00013-00004716-00005084 audition for the for the role it was it Egv2d-PWkh4-00014-00005085-00005243 was heartening and reassuring because it Egv2d-PWkh4-00015-00005244-00005660 meant that he was he was going to do his Egv2d-PWkh4-00016-00005661-00005873 due diligence and make sure that this Egv2d-PWkh4-00017-00005874-00006218 was the right fit okay I think a bunch Egv2d-PWkh4-00018-00006219-00006383 of us saw there was a bunch of us that Egv2d-PWkh4-00019-00006384-00006778 ended up reading for him for him and it Egv2d-PWkh4-00020-00006779-00007112 was at his office in the city and we Egv2d-PWkh4-00021-00007113-00007288 read a bunch of scene and he was very Egv2d-PWkh4-00022-00007289-00007538 light-hearted and fun and jovial about Egv2d-PWkh4-00023-00007539-00007648 it we were doing it's very intense Egv2d-PWkh4-00024-00007649-00007841 scenes and really great actor was Egv2d-PWkh4-00025-00007842-00008038 reading off-camera Michael Stuhlbarg was Egv2d-PWkh4-00026-00008039-00008491 just this great great actor and we was Egv2d-PWkh4-00027-00008492-00008671 about two or three hours we read a bunch Egv2d-PWkh4-00028-00008672-00008830 of scenes and talked and with the Egv2d-PWkh4-00029-00008831-00009055 casting director and it was it was Egv2d-PWkh4-00030-00009056-00009245 really just a wonderful process and then Egv2d-PWkh4-00031-00009246-00009478 and then he asked me if I wanted to do Egv2d-PWkh4-00032-00009479-00009937 it and I said well well I mean yes Egv2d-PWkh4-00033-00009938-00010171 there's no that there's there's no other Egv2d-PWkh4-00034-00010172-00010330 option you know it's a passion project Egv2d-PWkh4-00035-00010331-00010634 and it's such a you don't often get to Egv2d-PWkh4-00036-00010635-00010898 tell these kinds of stories in cinema it Egv2d-PWkh4-00037-00010899-00011126 is a passion project for Marty and it Egv2d-PWkh4-00038-00011127-00011338 did become a passion project for me by Egv2d-PWkh4-00039-00011339-00011809 proxy and not only because obviously he Egv2d-PWkh4-00040-00011810-00012026 is who he is and he is such a master and Egv2d-PWkh4-00041-00012027-00012567 he is such a you know a gift himself to Egv2d-PWkh4-00042-00012568-00012880 storytelling to cinema itself he is the Egv2d-PWkh4-00043-00012881-00013152 high priest the cinema you know Egv2d-PWkh4-00044-00013153-00013538 so in that regard it was very easy for Egv2d-PWkh4-00045-00013540-00013833 me to devote myself to to his vision to Egv2d-PWkh4-00046-00013834-00014216 what he had been longing for and then of Egv2d-PWkh4-00047-00014218-00014658 course and then secondarily I I fell Egv2d-PWkh4-00048-00014659-00015149 into I fell in love with the story Egv2d-PWkh4-00049-00015150-00015530 this almost will surprise people because Egv2d-PWkh4-00050-00015531-00015686 even though you can feel it's a month Egv2d-PWkh4-00051-00015687-00015947 will save you film it feels like a new Egv2d-PWkh4-00052-00015947-00016124 type of Martin Scorsese film it feels Egv2d-PWkh4-00053-00016125-00016430 like it he transcended himself and he's Egv2d-PWkh4-00054-00016431-00016634 made something that that transcends his Egv2d-PWkh4-00055-00016635-00016819 own name in some way there's something Egv2d-PWkh4-00056-00016820-00017171 deeply mysterious about it not unlike Egv2d-PWkh4-00057-00017172-00017609 how I felt watching kundan those deep Egv2d-PWkh4-00058-00017610-00018026 sand deeply devotional reverent and Egv2d-PWkh4-00059-00018027-00018139 [Music] Egv2d-PWkh4-00060-00018140-00018413 multi-layered about about the way he's Egv2d-PWkh4-00061-00018414-00018506 told this story Egv2d-PWkh4-00062-00018507-00019190 I think it's it'll indirectly I believe Egv2d-PWkh4-00063-00019191-00019543 in the responses so far people are being Egv2d-PWkh4-00064-00019544-00019763 coming out of coming out of seeing it Egv2d-PWkh4-00065-00019764-00020201 very shaken in a really positive way and Egv2d-PWkh4-00066-00020202-00020422 are less questioning themselves Egv2d-PWkh4-00067-00020423-00020747 questioning their own life fate in their Egv2d-PWkh4-00068-00020748-00021092 own life questioning what is required of Egv2d-PWkh4-00069-00021093-00021392 them in this life there's deep big Egv2d-PWkh4-00070-00021393-00021680 existential questions silence is the Egv2d-PWkh4-00071-00021681-00022378 story of two Jesuit priests in the 1600s Egv2d-PWkh4-00072-00022379-00022816 from Portugal who are on a mission in Egv2d-PWkh4-00073-00022817-00023225 Japan to find the old mentor and teacher Egv2d-PWkh4-00074-00023226-00023450 father Ferreira played by Liam Neeson Egv2d-PWkh4-00075-00023451-00023986 and it's a double mission wanted to find Egv2d-PWkh4-00076-00023987-00024260 them their mentor and the other is to Egv2d-PWkh4-00077-00024261-00024509 keep the flame of Christianity burning Egv2d-PWkh4-00078-00024510-00024959 and a light in this country that is has Egv2d-PWkh4-00079-00024960-00025249 outlawed Christianity Egv2d-PWkh4-00080-00025250-00025543 the locations were epic unto themselves Egv2d-PWkh4-00081-00025544-00025792 the the nature that the characters find Egv2d-PWkh4-00082-00025793-00025975 themselves in and and then Dante Egv2d-PWkh4-00083-00025976-00026274 Ferretti the production designer built Egv2d-PWkh4-00084-00026275-00026638 Macao Harbor in the middle of Taiwan he Egv2d-PWkh4-00085-00026639-00027027 built Japanese marketplaces of sixteen Egv2d-PWkh4-00086-00027029-00027322 hundreds you know the detail on the Egv2d-PWkh4-00087-00027323-00027483 research that went into all these things Egv2d-PWkh4-00088-00027485-00027844 is just unbelievable and then and then Egv2d-PWkh4-00089-00027845-00028114 Rodrigo just shot it so beautifully the Egv2d-PWkh4-00090-00028114-00028602 Rodrigo creator and and and yes Egv2d-PWkh4-00091-00028604-00028758 physically it was very demanding first Egv2d-PWkh4-00092-00028760-00028948 of all Adam and myself and Lee and we Egv2d-PWkh4-00093-00028949-00029176 had to lose a lot of weight to be Egv2d-PWkh4-00094-00029177-00029452 starving priests in them you know you Egv2d-PWkh4-00095-00029452-00029857 know outlawed Christian Japan so that Egv2d-PWkh4-00096-00029858-00030226 was a big physical toll Egv2d-PWkh4-00097-00030227-00030445 the cost that Marty put together is Egv2d-PWkh4-00098-00030445-00030955 unbelievable the starting with Adam and Egv2d-PWkh4-00099-00030956-00031698 Kiran you know Adam is such a an Egv2d-PWkh4-00100-00031699-00031905 instinctive actor and such a unique Egv2d-PWkh4-00101-00031906-00032433 actor and play playful and in the moment Egv2d-PWkh4-00102-00032434-00032780 and unpredictable and spontaneous and Egv2d-PWkh4-00103-00032781-00033154 and I love him and I think that's very Egv2d-PWkh4-00104-00033155-00033390 important for that both of us loved each Egv2d-PWkh4-00105-00033391-00033624 other as much as we possibly could and Egv2d-PWkh4-00106-00033625-00033933 you know kind of brothers-in-arms him Egv2d-PWkh4-00107-00033934-00034105 having been a marine I think that was Egv2d-PWkh4-00108-00034106-00034362 something very I found fascinating about Egv2d-PWkh4-00109-00034363-00034590 talking to him about that and about the Egv2d-PWkh4-00110-00034591-00034846 bond that he had with his fellow Egv2d-PWkh4-00111-00034847-00035171 soldiers and you know in walking into Egv2d-PWkh4-00112-00035172-00035473 possible you know deadly circumstances Egv2d-PWkh4-00113-00035474-00035686 together what that does to the nature of Egv2d-PWkh4-00114-00035687-00036073 a friendship a relationship Egv2d-PWkh4-00115-00036074-00036382 it's a thriller of a film and it's Egv2d-PWkh4-00116-00036383-00036627 dealing with with themes that are deeply Egv2d-PWkh4-00117-00036628-00037040 human and it's unlike anything I think Egv2d-PWkh4-00118-00037041-00037377 I've ever seen on a cinema screen I Egv2d-PWkh4-00119-00037378-00037657 think it's a landmark film for Scorsese Egv2d-PWkh4-00120-00037658-00037905 and I think he's transcended himself Egv2d-PWkh4-00121-00037906-00038568 with this film and I've never I've never Egv2d-PWkh4-00122-00038569-00038948 seen a film like this Egv2d-PWkh4-00123-00038949-00039224 [Music] EhqgU0Ub1UA-00000-00000200-00000327 good morning everyone EhqgU0Ub1UA-00001-00000328-00000638 um welcome to morning prayer on thursday EhqgU0Ub1UA-00002-00000639-00000862 it's the first of october can you EhqgU0Ub1UA-00003-00000863-00001039 believe october EhqgU0Ub1UA-00004-00001040-00001343 already um and the weather has turned a EhqgU0Ub1UA-00005-00001344-00001439 little autumnal EhqgU0Ub1UA-00006-00001440-00001687 hasn't it um usually a beautiful time of EhqgU0Ub1UA-00007-00001688-00001830 year actually EhqgU0Ub1UA-00008-00001832-00002199 um so welcome to morning prayer EhqgU0Ub1UA-00009-00002200-00002407 i'm actually at a conference at the EhqgU0Ub1UA-00010-00002408-00002615 moment we're just having a EhqgU0Ub1UA-00011-00002616-00003023 a a quick break before morning prayer EhqgU0Ub1UA-00012-00003024-00003286 with the conference there are about um EhqgU0Ub1UA-00013-00003288-00003415 about 500 EhqgU0Ub1UA-00014-00003415-00003654 delegates on this conference the EhqgU0Ub1UA-00015-00003655-00003831 majority from the cv EhqgU0Ub1UA-00016-00003832-00004167 um church leaders from the cv and EhqgU0Ub1UA-00017-00004168-00004519 but a few ecumenical uh participants as EhqgU0Ub1UA-00018-00004520-00004711 well so it's really interested it EhqgU0Ub1UA-00019-00004712-00005022 interesting it's called reimagining EhqgU0Ub1UA-00020-00005023-00005351 and of course we're thinking about um EhqgU0Ub1UA-00021-00005352-00005695 the church in these strange posts EhqgU0Ub1UA-00022-00005696-00005991 covered times and of course the church EhqgU0Ub1UA-00023-00005992-00006095 was changing EhqgU0Ub1UA-00024-00006096-00006463 anyway well before covert came along EhqgU0Ub1UA-00025-00006464-00006631 so we're having a think of that uh i EhqgU0Ub1UA-00026-00006631-00006975 think about um EhqgU0Ub1UA-00027-00006976-00007206 how to reimagine the church and because EhqgU0Ub1UA-00028-00007208-00007406 it's not going to go back to how it was EhqgU0Ub1UA-00029-00007408-00007734 before EhqgU0Ub1UA-00030-00007736-00007983 no things are things that are changing EhqgU0Ub1UA-00031-00007984-00008070 um but the one EhqgU0Ub1UA-00032-00008072-00008287 thing about this is that originally it EhqgU0Ub1UA-00033-00008288-00008463 would have meant that i would have taken EhqgU0Ub1UA-00034-00008464-00008646 had to take three days or probably four EhqgU0Ub1UA-00035-00008647-00008727 days EhqgU0Ub1UA-00036-00008728-00008959 off um for this conference because it EhqgU0Ub1UA-00037-00008960-00009151 was up in swaneck that the one EhqgU0Ub1UA-00038-00009152-00009431 up north not the one that's local to us EhqgU0Ub1UA-00039-00009432-00009559 and so it had been quite EhqgU0Ub1UA-00040-00009560-00009895 um some traveling and three days out EhqgU0Ub1UA-00041-00009896-00010199 so the wonderful thing about um govit is EhqgU0Ub1UA-00042-00010200-00010383 that it's brought it all online EhqgU0Ub1UA-00043-00010384-00010671 and and we can still meet together uh EhqgU0Ub1UA-00044-00010672-00010887 still have conversations together EhqgU0Ub1UA-00045-00010888-00011199 using um a particular piece of software EhqgU0Ub1UA-00046-00011200-00011510 that allows us to attend together EhqgU0Ub1UA-00047-00011511-00011838 um so it's much better and um i could be EhqgU0Ub1UA-00048-00011839-00012014 in my pajamas if i want to do it well EhqgU0Ub1UA-00049-00012015-00012246 not all the time because we are talking EhqgU0Ub1UA-00050-00012247-00012374 so top half pajam EhqgU0Ub1UA-00051-00012375-00012663 top half dressed bottom half pajamas EhqgU0Ub1UA-00052-00012664-00012710 anyway EhqgU0Ub1UA-00053-00012711-00013022 that's um far beyond morning prayer so EhqgU0Ub1UA-00054-00013023-00013255 let's um have a look at the readings for EhqgU0Ub1UA-00055-00013256-00013407 today EhqgU0Ub1UA-00056-00013408-00013599 if you wanted to follow on with the EhqgU0Ub1UA-00057-00013600-00013799 readings today the psalms EhqgU0Ub1UA-00058-00013800-00014055 set for today again short psalms so EhqgU0Ub1UA-00059-00014056-00014103 we've got EhqgU0Ub1UA-00060-00014104-00014430 psalm 56 and psalm 57 EhqgU0Ub1UA-00061-00014431-00014807 set for today um and EhqgU0Ub1UA-00062-00014808-00015127 our readings from the old testament EhqgU0Ub1UA-00063-00015128-00015463 the old testament reading is one kings EhqgU0Ub1UA-00064-00015463-00015894 18 chapter 18 verse 1 to 20 EhqgU0Ub1UA-00065-00015895-00016303 1 kings 18 1-20 and the new testament EhqgU0Ub1UA-00066-00016304-00016591 which i shall read in a moment EhqgU0Ub1UA-00067-00016592-00016758 continuing the book of acts EhqgU0Ub1UA-00068-00016759-00016943 are you keeping up with acts in between EhqgU0Ub1UA-00069-00016944-00017063 warning prayers EhqgU0Ub1UA-00070-00017064-00017294 and we're reading through the whole book EhqgU0Ub1UA-00071-00017295-00017527 and we're now on chapter 20 EhqgU0Ub1UA-00072-00017528-00017807 and i'll be reading verses 17 to the end EhqgU0Ub1UA-00073-00017808-00017935 of that chapter so EhqgU0Ub1UA-00074-00017936-00018343 acts 2017 to the end EhqgU0Ub1UA-00075-00018344-00018799 so let's let's pray EhqgU0Ub1UA-00076-00018800-00019119 oh lord open our lips and our mouth EhqgU0Ub1UA-00077-00019120-00019471 shall proclaim your praise EhqgU0Ub1UA-00078-00019472-00019647 the night has passed and the day lies EhqgU0Ub1UA-00079-00019648-00019903 open before us let us pray with one EhqgU0Ub1UA-00080-00019904-00019950 heart EhqgU0Ub1UA-00081-00019951-00020391 and mind as we rejoice in the gift of EhqgU0Ub1UA-00082-00020392-00020519 this new day EhqgU0Ub1UA-00083-00020520-00020750 so may the light of your presence of god EhqgU0Ub1UA-00084-00020751-00020894 set our hearts on fire EhqgU0Ub1UA-00085-00020895-00021399 with love for you now and forever EhqgU0Ub1UA-00086-00021400-00021783 amen and so EhqgU0Ub1UA-00087-00021784-00022078 before we have our reading from the book EhqgU0Ub1UA-00088-00022079-00022230 of acts EhqgU0Ub1UA-00089-00022231-00022775 you will have our thursday canticle EhqgU0Ub1UA-00090-00022776-00022927 i have given you as a light to the EhqgU0Ub1UA-00091-00022928-00023135 nations and i have called you EhqgU0Ub1UA-00092-00023136-00023471 in righteousness thus says god who EhqgU0Ub1UA-00093-00023472-00023622 created the heavens EhqgU0Ub1UA-00094-00023623-00023799 who fashion the earth and all that EhqgU0Ub1UA-00095-00023800-00024030 dwells in it EhqgU0Ub1UA-00096-00024031-00024230 who gives breath to the people upon it EhqgU0Ub1UA-00097-00024231-00024663 and spirit to those who walk in it EhqgU0Ub1UA-00098-00024664-00024830 i am the lord and i have called you in EhqgU0Ub1UA-00099-00024831-00024975 righteousness EhqgU0Ub1UA-00100-00024976-00025150 i have taken you by the hand and kept EhqgU0Ub1UA-00101-00025151-00025327 you EhqgU0Ub1UA-00102-00025328-00025486 i've given you as a covenant to the EhqgU0Ub1UA-00103-00025487-00025758 people a light to the nations EhqgU0Ub1UA-00104-00025760-00026087 to open the eyes that are blind EhqgU0Ub1UA-00105-00026088-00026223 to bring out the captives from the EhqgU0Ub1UA-00106-00026224-00026414 dungeon from the prison EhqgU0Ub1UA-00107-00026416-00026767 those who sit in darkness EhqgU0Ub1UA-00108-00026768-00027127 i am the lord that is my name my glory EhqgU0Ub1UA-00109-00027127-00027495 i give to no other glory to the father EhqgU0Ub1UA-00110-00027495-00027711 and to the son to the holy spirit EhqgU0Ub1UA-00111-00027712-00027990 as it was in the beginning is now and EhqgU0Ub1UA-00112-00027991-00028358 shall be forever amen EhqgU0Ub1UA-00113-00028360-00028495 i have given you as a light to the EhqgU0Ub1UA-00114-00028495-00028751 nations and i have called you EhqgU0Ub1UA-00115-00028752-00029295 in righteousness EhqgU0Ub1UA-00116-00029295-00029470 so our reading then spawned from the new EhqgU0Ub1UA-00117-00029472-00029627 testament from the book of acts EhqgU0Ub1UA-00118-00029627-00030158 2017 to the end EhqgU0Ub1UA-00119-00030160-00030414 from my lightest he sent a message to EhqgU0Ub1UA-00120-00030416-00030518 ephesus EhqgU0Ub1UA-00121-00030519-00030695 asking the elders of the church to meet EhqgU0Ub1UA-00122-00030695-00030927 him when they came to him EhqgU0Ub1UA-00123-00030927-00031239 he said to them you yourselves know how EhqgU0Ub1UA-00124-00031239-00031358 i lived among you EhqgU0Ub1UA-00125-00031360-00031623 the entire time from the first day i set EhqgU0Ub1UA-00126-00031624-00031767 foot in asia EhqgU0Ub1UA-00127-00031768-00031958 serving the lord with all humility and EhqgU0Ub1UA-00128-00031960-00032079 with tears EhqgU0Ub1UA-00129-00032080-00032255 enduring the trials that came to me EhqgU0Ub1UA-00130-00032256-00032502 through the plots from the jews EhqgU0Ub1UA-00131-00032503-00032711 i did not shrink from doing anything EhqgU0Ub1UA-00132-00032712-00032807 helpful EhqgU0Ub1UA-00133-00032808-00032983 proclaiming the message to you and EhqgU0Ub1UA-00134-00032984-00033143 teaching you publicly EhqgU0Ub1UA-00135-00033144-00033446 and from house to house as i testified EhqgU0Ub1UA-00136-00033447-00033567 to both jews EhqgU0Ub1UA-00137-00033568-00033895 and greeks about repentance towards god EhqgU0Ub1UA-00138-00033896-00034351 and faith towards our lord jesus christ EhqgU0Ub1UA-00139-00034352-00034655 and now as my captive to the spirit i EhqgU0Ub1UA-00140-00034656-00034999 am on my way to jerusalem not knowing EhqgU0Ub1UA-00141-00035000-00035159 what will happen to me there EhqgU0Ub1UA-00142-00035160-00035359 except that the holy spirit testifies to EhqgU0Ub1UA-00143-00035360-00035551 me in every city EhqgU0Ub1UA-00144-00035552-00035855 that imprisonment and persecutions EhqgU0Ub1UA-00145-00035856-00036215 are waiting for me but i do not count my EhqgU0Ub1UA-00146-00036216-00036471 life as any value to myself EhqgU0Ub1UA-00147-00036472-00036774 if only i may finish my course EhqgU0Ub1UA-00148-00036775-00036943 and the ministry that i received from EhqgU0Ub1UA-00149-00036944-00037087 the lord jesus EhqgU0Ub1UA-00150-00037088-00037359 to testify to the good news of god's EhqgU0Ub1UA-00151-00037360-00037630 grace EhqgU0Ub1UA-00152-00037631-00037959 and now i know that none of you among EhqgU0Ub1UA-00153-00037960-00038118 whom i have gone about proclaiming the EhqgU0Ub1UA-00154-00038119-00038207 kingdom EhqgU0Ub1UA-00155-00038208-00038551 will ever see my face again EhqgU0Ub1UA-00156-00038552-00038799 therefore i declare to you this day that EhqgU0Ub1UA-00157-00038800-00038983 i am not responsible for the blood of EhqgU0Ub1UA-00158-00038984-00039095 any of you EhqgU0Ub1UA-00159-00039096-00039311 for i did not shrink from declaring to EhqgU0Ub1UA-00160-00039312-00039751 you the whole purpose of god EhqgU0Ub1UA-00161-00039752-00040046 keep watch over yourselves and over the EhqgU0Ub1UA-00162-00040047-00040143 flock EhqgU0Ub1UA-00163-00040144-00040335 of which the holy spirit has made you EhqgU0Ub1UA-00164-00040336-00040502 overseers EhqgU0Ub1UA-00165-00040503-00040711 to shepherd the church of god that he EhqgU0Ub1UA-00166-00040712-00041095 obtained with the blood of his own son EhqgU0Ub1UA-00167-00041096-00041302 i know that after i've gone savage EhqgU0Ub1UA-00168-00041303-00041558 wolves will come among you EhqgU0Ub1UA-00169-00041559-00041887 not sparing the flock some even from EhqgU0Ub1UA-00170-00041888-00042046 your own group will come distorting the EhqgU0Ub1UA-00171-00042047-00042118 truth EhqgU0Ub1UA-00172-00042119-00042383 in order to entice the disciples to EhqgU0Ub1UA-00173-00042384-00042590 follow them EhqgU0Ub1UA-00174-00042591-00042927 therefore be alert remembering that for EhqgU0Ub1UA-00175-00042928-00043190 three years i did not cease night or day EhqgU0Ub1UA-00176-00043191-00043615 to warn everyone with tears EhqgU0Ub1UA-00177-00043616-00043911 and now i commend you to god and to the EhqgU0Ub1UA-00178-00043912-00044127 message of his grace EhqgU0Ub1UA-00179-00044128-00044374 a message that is able to build you up EhqgU0Ub1UA-00180-00044375-00044590 and give you the inheritance among all EhqgU0Ub1UA-00181-00044591-00044823 who are sanctified EhqgU0Ub1UA-00182-00044824-00045071 i coveted no one's silver or gold or EhqgU0Ub1UA-00183-00045072-00045158 clothing EhqgU0Ub1UA-00184-00045159-00045302 you know for yourselves that i worked EhqgU0Ub1UA-00185-00045303-00045535 with my own hands to support myself EhqgU0Ub1UA-00186-00045536-00045879 and my companions in all of this i have EhqgU0Ub1UA-00187-00045880-00046111 given you as an example that by such EhqgU0Ub1UA-00188-00046112-00046183 work EhqgU0Ub1UA-00189-00046184-00046511 we must support the weak remembering the EhqgU0Ub1UA-00190-00046512-00046655 words of the lord jesus EhqgU0Ub1UA-00191-00046656-00046990 for he himself said it is more blessed EhqgU0Ub1UA-00192-00046991-00047479 to give than to receive EhqgU0Ub1UA-00193-00047480-00047655 when he had finished speaking he knelt EhqgU0Ub1UA-00194-00047656-00047895 down with them and all prayed EhqgU0Ub1UA-00195-00047896-00048151 there was much weeping among them all EhqgU0Ub1UA-00196-00048152-00048383 they embraced paul and kissed him EhqgU0Ub1UA-00197-00048384-00048695 grieving especially for what he had said EhqgU0Ub1UA-00198-00048696-00049111 that they would not see him again EhqgU0Ub1UA-00199-00049112-00049511 then they brought him to the ship EhqgU0Ub1UA-00200-00049512-00049871 this is the word of the lord thanks be EhqgU0Ub1UA-00201-00049872-00050446 to god EhqgU0Ub1UA-00202-00050447-00050702 well of course you've gathered that it's EhqgU0Ub1UA-00203-00050703-00050790 paul EhqgU0Ub1UA-00204-00050791-00051015 um who we're talking about there who EhqgU0Ub1UA-00205-00051016-00051127 paul who EhqgU0Ub1UA-00206-00051128-00051463 is traveling to jerusalem not knowing EhqgU0Ub1UA-00207-00051464-00051638 what's going to happen to him but EhqgU0Ub1UA-00208-00051639-00051966 suspecting um that he will not ever come EhqgU0Ub1UA-00209-00051967-00052175 back EhqgU0Ub1UA-00210-00052176-00052511 um that um EhqgU0Ub1UA-00211-00052512-00052782 the persecutions continued for EhqgU0Ub1UA-00212-00052783-00052919 christians and those EhqgU0Ub1UA-00213-00052920-00053271 who seem to hold power and sway EhqgU0Ub1UA-00214-00053272-00053654 in the community um EhqgU0Ub1UA-00215-00053655-00053999 but it's made me think and those EhqgU0Ub1UA-00216-00054000-00054247 who are on the conference with me this EhqgU0Ub1UA-00217-00054248-00054359 morning EhqgU0Ub1UA-00218-00054360-00054503 we're thinking very much about the EhqgU0Ub1UA-00219-00054504-00054750 leadership of the church EhqgU0Ub1UA-00220-00054751-00055030 um we're thinking about the leadership EhqgU0Ub1UA-00221-00055032-00055150 of the church EhqgU0Ub1UA-00222-00055151-00055342 of england and the anglican church as a EhqgU0Ub1UA-00223-00055344-00055550 whole EhqgU0Ub1UA-00224-00055551-00055759 but very much about our local churches EhqgU0Ub1UA-00225-00055760-00056082 and and what it means to lead our EhqgU0Ub1UA-00226-00056083-00056238 churches EhqgU0Ub1UA-00227-00056239-00056599 and have we got lost a little bit along EhqgU0Ub1UA-00228-00056600-00056654 the way EhqgU0Ub1UA-00229-00056655-00057030 in um EhqgU0Ub1UA-00230-00057032-00057254 in how we lead our churches and and what EhqgU0Ub1UA-00231-00057255-00057438 we're there for as a church EhqgU0Ub1UA-00232-00057439-00057775 what are we there for as a church what EhqgU0Ub1UA-00233-00057776-00058166 do we exist for in our communities EhqgU0Ub1UA-00234-00058167-00058671 yes we exist to help our community EhqgU0Ub1UA-00235-00058672-00059054 yes we exist to perhaps EhqgU0Ub1UA-00236-00059055-00059599 be um a social hub in our community EhqgU0Ub1UA-00237-00059600-00059854 but that's not what we actually exist EhqgU0Ub1UA-00238-00059855-00059919 for what EhqgU0Ub1UA-00239-00059920-00060215 we only have one purpose and that is to EhqgU0Ub1UA-00240-00060216-00060423 share the love of god EhqgU0Ub1UA-00241-00060424-00060903 and to share EhqgU0Ub1UA-00242-00060904-00061206 god's love for all people and EhqgU0Ub1UA-00243-00061207-00061454 to bring people to faith that's what EhqgU0Ub1UA-00244-00061455-00061615 we're there for as a church EhqgU0Ub1UA-00245-00061616-00061838 there is no other reason those other EhqgU0Ub1UA-00246-00061839-00062023 things that come along EhqgU0Ub1UA-00247-00062024-00062150 maybe some of those things that we're EhqgU0Ub1UA-00248-00062151-00062359 really missing at the moment meeting EhqgU0Ub1UA-00249-00062360-00062638 each other the social side EhqgU0Ub1UA-00250-00062639-00062966 that's not what church is about it's EhqgU0Ub1UA-00251-00062967-00063094 nice EhqgU0Ub1UA-00252-00063095-00063430 it's great many are missing that EhqgU0Ub1UA-00253-00063432-00063815 particularly but if that's all that EhqgU0Ub1UA-00254-00063816-00063999 you're missing EhqgU0Ub1UA-00255-00064000-00064191 then it's time to sit down and read acts EhqgU0Ub1UA-00256-00064191-00064335 again EhqgU0Ub1UA-00257-00064336-00064606 because that's not what being church is EhqgU0Ub1UA-00258-00064607-00064654 at EhqgU0Ub1UA-00259-00064655-00064966 we can get our social systems um EhqgU0Ub1UA-00260-00064967-00065230 from many things you know i know you EhqgU0Ub1UA-00261-00065232-00065326 know many of us EhqgU0Ub1UA-00262-00065327-00065655 um belong to um EhqgU0Ub1UA-00263-00065656-00065903 other organizations you know i i go to EhqgU0Ub1UA-00264-00065904-00065999 the to the local EhqgU0Ub1UA-00265-00066000-00066263 gym and i see some of you there at the EhqgU0Ub1UA-00266-00066264-00066479 gym sometimes we share classes sometimes EhqgU0Ub1UA-00267-00066480-00066550 we just EhqgU0Ub1UA-00268-00066551-00066694 see each other as we're walking in or EhqgU0Ub1UA-00269-00066695-00067006 out um there are choirs there are EhqgU0Ub1UA-00270-00067007-00067399 clubs knitting coffee gardening all EhqgU0Ub1UA-00271-00067400-00067582 sorts of things that people belong to EhqgU0Ub1UA-00272-00067583-00067711 for the social side EhqgU0Ub1UA-00273-00067712-00067943 and and it's wonderful and so important EhqgU0Ub1UA-00274-00067944-00068111 because as human beings that's what we EhqgU0Ub1UA-00275-00068112-00068191 need EhqgU0Ub1UA-00276-00068192-00068503 um that social interaction even EhqgU0Ub1UA-00277-00068504-00068847 introverts like perhaps smaller groups EhqgU0Ub1UA-00278-00068848-00069015 for their social interaction but we all EhqgU0Ub1UA-00279-00069016-00069215 need it and and and we've felt that EhqgU0Ub1UA-00280-00069216-00069303 haven't we EhqgU0Ub1UA-00281-00069304-00069655 since march how much we miss EhqgU0Ub1UA-00282-00069656-00070087 and those small things that we do EhqgU0Ub1UA-00283-00070088-00070382 but that's not what church is paul is EhqgU0Ub1UA-00284-00070383-00070503 telling us EhqgU0Ub1UA-00285-00070504-00070847 what the church is there for EhqgU0Ub1UA-00286-00070848-00071126 and of course he as leader is not in all EhqgU0Ub1UA-00287-00071127-00071303 of those churches he he may have been EhqgU0Ub1UA-00288-00071304-00071438 there and he might have started the EhqgU0Ub1UA-00289-00071439-00071591 churches he might have taught in those EhqgU0Ub1UA-00290-00071592-00071662 churches EhqgU0Ub1UA-00291-00071663-00071894 and we know from our bible of course he EhqgU0Ub1UA-00292-00071895-00072159 writes to many of his churches and i'm EhqgU0Ub1UA-00293-00072160-00072319 sure there are many many letters that we EhqgU0Ub1UA-00294-00072320-00072367 haven't EhqgU0Ub1UA-00295-00072368-00072943 got to build them up in the faith EhqgU0Ub1UA-00296-00072944-00073303 but his job as leader as overseer EhqgU0Ub1UA-00297-00073304-00073799 is to make sure that EhqgU0Ub1UA-00298-00073800-00074031 those those churches are teaching the EhqgU0Ub1UA-00299-00074032-00074143 faith EhqgU0Ub1UA-00300-00074144-00074431 to those around them that we're bringing EhqgU0Ub1UA-00301-00074432-00074526 our children EhqgU0Ub1UA-00302-00074527-00074894 up in the faith our grandchildren EhqgU0Ub1UA-00303-00074895-00075167 um all those we have contact with we EhqgU0Ub1UA-00304-00075168-00075423 we're talking about the faith EhqgU0Ub1UA-00305-00075424-00075623 and when we can come together in the EhqgU0Ub1UA-00306-00075624-00075855 church or online EhqgU0Ub1UA-00307-00075856-00076167 that's where we learn together that's EhqgU0Ub1UA-00308-00076168-00076255 where we EhqgU0Ub1UA-00309-00076256-00076647 discuss together that's what church is EhqgU0Ub1UA-00310-00076648-00076823 about EhqgU0Ub1UA-00311-00076824-00077111 and bringing that out into our community EhqgU0Ub1UA-00312-00077112-00077326 showing the love EhqgU0Ub1UA-00313-00077327-00077582 and caring about others those who are EhqgU0Ub1UA-00314-00077583-00078103 less fortunate than ourselves EhqgU0Ub1UA-00315-00078104-00078431 that stems from our faith but if we EhqgU0Ub1UA-00316-00078432-00078606 don't have that solid and secure EhqgU0Ub1UA-00317-00078607-00078950 faith first EhqgU0Ub1UA-00318-00078951-00079255 that idea that um EhqgU0Ub1UA-00319-00079256-00079623 that we are our saved people because of EhqgU0Ub1UA-00320-00079624-00079750 our faith EhqgU0Ub1UA-00321-00079751-00080406 and our trust in our lord jesus EhqgU0Ub1UA-00322-00080407-00080582 then anything else we do is nothing EhqgU0Ub1UA-00323-00080583-00080943 worth EhqgU0Ub1UA-00324-00080944-00081343 how many of us give up our lives EhqgU0Ub1UA-00325-00081344-00081687 like paul did like peter did EhqgU0Ub1UA-00326-00081688-00082038 like in the end all the disciples did EhqgU0Ub1UA-00327-00082039-00082431 you know if you ever wondered um EhqgU0Ub1UA-00328-00082432-00082671 right back at the resurrection did it EhqgU0Ub1UA-00329-00082672-00082831 happen or did they EhqgU0Ub1UA-00330-00082832-00083150 just steal the body and and pretend it EhqgU0Ub1UA-00331-00083151-00083375 had been resurrected EhqgU0Ub1UA-00332-00083376-00083623 well no they lost their lives because EhqgU0Ub1UA-00333-00083624-00083799 they stood up for what they believed EhqgU0Ub1UA-00334-00083800-00083959 which was the resurrection if they'd EhqgU0Ub1UA-00335-00083960-00084182 known that it wasn't true would you give EhqgU0Ub1UA-00336-00084183-00084399 your life away for it EhqgU0Ub1UA-00337-00084400-00084662 do you know that it's true would you EhqgU0Ub1UA-00338-00084663-00084959 give your life EhqgU0Ub1UA-00339-00084960-00085606 do you give your life to god EhqgU0Ub1UA-00340-00085607-00086350 let's pray EhqgU0Ub1UA-00341-00086351-00086543 my father in heaven we pray for all EhqgU0Ub1UA-00342-00086544-00086687 people EhqgU0Ub1UA-00343-00086688-00087079 in the name of your son jesus christ EhqgU0Ub1UA-00344-00087080-00087431 we pray for your church particularly the EhqgU0Ub1UA-00345-00087432-00087487 church EhqgU0Ub1UA-00346-00087488-00087847 in these communities in this time EhqgU0Ub1UA-00347-00087848-00088047 and the churches around the world all EhqgU0Ub1UA-00348-00088048-00088167 suffering EhqgU0Ub1UA-00349-00088168-00088511 from this pandemic EhqgU0Ub1UA-00350-00088512-00088847 for all of those reimagining EhqgU0Ub1UA-00351-00088848-00089382 this morning at this conference EhqgU0Ub1UA-00352-00089383-00089638 that we would find ways to keep this EhqgU0Ub1UA-00353-00089639-00089687 faith EhqgU0Ub1UA-00354-00089688-00090215 alive and to share it EhqgU0Ub1UA-00355-00090216-00090615 we pray for our leaders EhqgU0Ub1UA-00356-00090616-00090815 in this diocese we pray for our bishops EhqgU0Ub1UA-00357-00090816-00091047 tim david and debbie EhqgU0Ub1UA-00358-00091048-00091535 for all who minister in christ's name EhqgU0Ub1UA-00359-00091536-00091726 we pray that we would all be nourished EhqgU0Ub1UA-00360-00091727-00091967 in our faith and understanding EhqgU0Ub1UA-00361-00091968-00092311 and bear a daily witness to christ's EhqgU0Ub1UA-00362-00092312-00092479 love EhqgU0Ub1UA-00363-00092480-00092791 lord in your mercy hear EhqgU0Ub1UA-00364-00092792-00093303 our prayer EhqgU0Ub1UA-00365-00093304-00093606 we pray for nations around the world EhqgU0Ub1UA-00366-00093607-00093950 for all those who take authority EhqgU0Ub1UA-00367-00093951-00094126 for all those who serve the cause of EhqgU0Ub1UA-00368-00094127-00094615 justice and human well-being EhqgU0Ub1UA-00369-00094616-00094911 we pray for our leaders in this country EhqgU0Ub1UA-00370-00094912-00094943 for EhqgU0Ub1UA-00371-00094944-00095415 our prime minister for our government we EhqgU0Ub1UA-00372-00095416-00095543 pray that they would EhqgU0Ub1UA-00373-00095544-00095735 lead with wisdom and courage and EhqgU0Ub1UA-00374-00095736-00096038 integrity EhqgU0Ub1UA-00375-00096039-00096294 we pray that your will would be done on EhqgU0Ub1UA-00376-00096295-00096431 earth EhqgU0Ub1UA-00377-00096432-00096871 as in heaven EhqgU0Ub1UA-00378-00096872-00097206 lord in your mercy hear EhqgU0Ub1UA-00379-00097207-00097599 our prayer EhqgU0Ub1UA-00380-00097600-00097847 we pray for all of those afflicted by EhqgU0Ub1UA-00381-00097848-00098071 natural disasters or caught up in brutal EhqgU0Ub1UA-00382-00098072-00098374 conflicts all over the world EhqgU0Ub1UA-00383-00098375-00098615 we pray for our brothers and sisters in EhqgU0Ub1UA-00384-00098616-00098750 christ EhqgU0Ub1UA-00385-00098751-00099518 suffering in many parts of the world EhqgU0Ub1UA-00386-00099519-00099806 we pray for all of those who are EhqgU0Ub1UA-00387-00099807-00100047 affected by this pandemic EhqgU0Ub1UA-00388-00100048-00100406 for the ill for the lonely EhqgU0Ub1UA-00389-00100407-00100631 for those who can who serve our EhqgU0Ub1UA-00390-00100632-00100799 communities as EhqgU0Ub1UA-00391-00100800-00101191 doctors and nurses and in our nhs our EhqgU0Ub1UA-00392-00101192-00101543 ambulance services EhqgU0Ub1UA-00393-00101544-00102071 we pray for the police EhqgU0Ub1UA-00394-00102072-00102415 particularly thinking of those police EhqgU0Ub1UA-00395-00102416-00102582 officers who have died EhqgU0Ub1UA-00396-00102583-00103478 in their duty EhqgU0Ub1UA-00397-00103479-00103686 lord phil all people with the EhqgU0Ub1UA-00398-00103688-00103990 resurrection hope EhqgU0Ub1UA-00399-00103991-00104342 that good will prevail EhqgU0Ub1UA-00400-00104343-00104686 and bless all who stand with EhqgU0Ub1UA-00401-00104688-00105175 those who suffer EhqgU0Ub1UA-00402-00105176-00105543 and help them find solutions EhqgU0Ub1UA-00403-00105544-00105902 and keep hold of the hope EhqgU0Ub1UA-00404-00105903-00106415 lord in your mercy hear our prayer EhqgU0Ub1UA-00405-00106416-00106719 we think of those whom we know there's EhqgU0Ub1UA-00406-00106720-00106799 very many EhqgU0Ub1UA-00407-00106800-00107110 on our prayer EhqgU0Ub1UA-00408-00107111-00107478 lists those in our own hearts and minds EhqgU0Ub1UA-00409-00107479-00107751 who we know are suffering from illnesses EhqgU0Ub1UA-00410-00107752-00108295 loneliness or loss EhqgU0Ub1UA-00411-00108296-00108519 we pray for those whose funerals take EhqgU0Ub1UA-00412-00108520-00108815 place this week EhqgU0Ub1UA-00413-00108816-00109463 this afternoon and next week EhqgU0Ub1UA-00414-00109464-00109654 and we ask that you raise them from EhqgU0Ub1UA-00415-00109655-00110007 despair to hopefulness EhqgU0Ub1UA-00416-00110008-00110495 and health EhqgU0Ub1UA-00417-00110496-00110831 merciful father accept these prayers EhqgU0Ub1UA-00418-00110832-00111127 for the sake of your son our savior EhqgU0Ub1UA-00419-00111128-00111343 jesus christ EhqgU0Ub1UA-00420-00111344-00111790 amen EhqgU0Ub1UA-00421-00111791-00112127 and so the collect for this week the EhqgU0Ub1UA-00422-00112128-00112575 16th week after trinity EhqgU0Ub1UA-00423-00112576-00112766 oh lord we beseech you mercifully to EhqgU0Ub1UA-00424-00112767-00112943 hear the prayers of your people who call EhqgU0Ub1UA-00425-00112944-00113078 upon you EhqgU0Ub1UA-00426-00113079-00113366 and grant that they may both perceive EhqgU0Ub1UA-00427-00113367-00113399 and EhqgU0Ub1UA-00428-00113400-00113783 know what things they ought to do EhqgU0Ub1UA-00429-00113783-00114102 and also have grace and power EhqgU0Ub1UA-00430-00114103-00114423 faithfully to fulfill them through jesus EhqgU0Ub1UA-00431-00114424-00114534 christ your son EhqgU0Ub1UA-00432-00114535-00115158 our lord amen EhqgU0Ub1UA-00433-00115159-00115599 as our savior taught us so we pray EhqgU0Ub1UA-00434-00115600-00115975 our father who art in heaven EhqgU0Ub1UA-00435-00115976-00116358 hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come EhqgU0Ub1UA-00436-00116359-00116663 thy will be done on earth as it is in EhqgU0Ub1UA-00437-00116664-00116839 heaven EhqgU0Ub1UA-00438-00116840-00117078 give us this day our daily bread and EhqgU0Ub1UA-00439-00117079-00117310 forgive us our trespasses EhqgU0Ub1UA-00440-00117311-00117551 as we forgive those who trespass against EhqgU0Ub1UA-00441-00117552-00117686 us EhqgU0Ub1UA-00442-00117688-00117966 and lead us not into temptation but to EhqgU0Ub1UA-00443-00117967-00118190 deliver us from evil EhqgU0Ub1UA-00444-00118191-00118463 for thine is the kingdom the power and EhqgU0Ub1UA-00445-00118464-00118607 the glory EhqgU0Ub1UA-00446-00118608-00119286 forever and ever are then the lord bless EhqgU0Ub1UA-00447-00119288-00119607 us and preserve us from all evil and EhqgU0Ub1UA-00448-00119608-00119727 keep us in life EhqgU0Ub1UA-00449-00119728-00120278 eternal amen let us bless the lord EhqgU0Ub1UA-00450-00120279-00120678 thanks be to god EhqgU0Ub1UA-00451-00120679-00121063 have a super week i'll see you on EhqgU0Ub1UA-00452-00121064-00121832 sunday or next week bless you bye Eh_6VhiqY_c-00000-00000000-00000169 the innovative companies who were able Eh_6VhiqY_c-00001-00000170-00000422 to scale to global businesses and to Eh_6VhiqY_c-00002-00000423-00000614 have valuations of billions of dollars I Eh_6VhiqY_c-00003-00000615-00000784 think there's room for both and I would Eh_6VhiqY_c-00004-00000785-00001010 I think we're not lacking in the first Eh_6VhiqY_c-00005-00001011-00001178 it would be nice to see some more of the Eh_6VhiqY_c-00006-00001179-00002030 second thank you in fact as a personal Eh_6VhiqY_c-00007-00002030-00002282 perspective I very much agree with you Eh_6VhiqY_c-00008-00002283-00002489 to be honest since concentration of Eh_6VhiqY_c-00009-00002490-00002659 money is also a concentration of power Eh_6VhiqY_c-00010-00002660-00002891 obviously it would be nice if we didn't Eh_6VhiqY_c-00011-00002892-00003041 just do the inventing and left all the Eh_6VhiqY_c-00012-00003042-00003431 power to everyone else but actually gave Eh_6VhiqY_c-00013-00003432-00003703 Europe a bit more of a stronger backbone Eh_6VhiqY_c-00014-00003704-00004850 Simon I was having a discussion last Eh_6VhiqY_c-00015-00004851-00005129 night I over dinner with a member of a Eh_6VhiqY_c-00016-00005130-00005290 representative of a large corporation Eh_6VhiqY_c-00017-00005291-00005643 who was saying that it was vital that if Eh_6VhiqY_c-00018-00005644-00005951 government-funded research was performed Eh_6VhiqY_c-00019-00005952-00006233 that the results were kept confidential Eh_6VhiqY_c-00020-00006234-00006571 and could be patented by the Eh_6VhiqY_c-00021-00006572-00006731 corporations who had collaborated with Eh_6VhiqY_c-00022-00006731-00006956 them on that research what would you say Eh_6VhiqY_c-00023-00006956-00007067 to that person if you had the Eh_6VhiqY_c-00024-00007068-00007295 opportunity to have that discussion Eh_6VhiqY_c-00025-00007295-00007784 yourself Alma I think this is this is Eh_6VhiqY_c-00026-00007784-00008414 hieu well very simply i would say that i Eh_6VhiqY_c-00027-00008415-00008621 do i disagree with you completely if Eh_6VhiqY_c-00028-00008622-00008824 governments fund something that's arts Eh_6VhiqY_c-00029-00008825-00009089 funding something and what we pay for we Eh_6VhiqY_c-00030-00009090-00009346 should be able to benefit from so I Eh_6VhiqY_c-00031-00009347-00009656 don't actually think if he tried or she Eh_6VhiqY_c-00032-00009657-00009881 it might be who who was making the case Eh_6VhiqY_c-00033-00009882-00010153 if they tried to make a case that that Eh_6VhiqY_c-00034-00010154-00010358 taking the route that they were Eh_6VhiqY_c-00035-00010359-00010639 advocating was going to benefit society Eh_6VhiqY_c-00036-00010640-00010916 more than taking the route I advocate I Eh_6VhiqY_c-00037-00010917-00011131 would be prepared to listen to them but Eh_6VhiqY_c-00038-00011132-00011278 I would still tell them that they were Eh_6VhiqY_c-00039-00011279-00011687 wrong ah one of the central tenets of Eh_6VhiqY_c-00040-00011688-00011867 our argument is that publicly funded Eh_6VhiqY_c-00041-00011868-00012124 research should be publicly available Eh_6VhiqY_c-00042-00012125-00012431 and and I can't think of anything that Eh_6VhiqY_c-00043-00012432-00013207 could possibly be said against that Eh_6VhiqY_c-00044-00013208-00013636 does anybody want to disagree and eep Eh_6VhiqY_c-00045-00013637-00013819 think you're gonna get many people who Eh_6VhiqY_c-00046-00013820-00014363 disagree all right I will just say one Eh_6VhiqY_c-00047-00014363-00014558 thing and that is that I do understand Eh_6VhiqY_c-00048-00014559-00014872 the nervousness of some businesses when Eh_6VhiqY_c-00049-00014873-00015284 they have collaborated with publicly Eh_6VhiqY_c-00050-00015285-00015626 funded say university groups or Eh_6VhiqY_c-00051-00015627-00016147 something about making what they have Eh_6VhiqY_c-00052-00016148-00016496 done open but I think in many cases Eh_6VhiqY_c-00053-00016497-00016754 especially over this horizon 2020 thing Eh_6VhiqY_c-00054-00016755-00016982 there is a misunderstanding on the part Eh_6VhiqY_c-00055-00016983-00017255 of some certainly some industries who Eh_6VhiqY_c-00056-00017256-00017422 are showing nervousness at what is in Eh_6VhiqY_c-00057-00017423-00017867 that in that legislation they think that Eh_6VhiqY_c-00058-00017868-00018122 what we're advocating for is that Eh_6VhiqY_c-00059-00018123-00018322 everything they do all the things that Eh_6VhiqY_c-00060-00018323-00018557 they create in their industry in their Eh_6VhiqY_c-00061-00018558-00018833 business must now be made open simply Eh_6VhiqY_c-00062-00018834-00019133 because on some scores they collaborate Eh_6VhiqY_c-00063-00019134-00019406 with a university or two on something Eh_6VhiqY_c-00064-00019407-00019600 that is absolutely not what we're saying Eh_6VhiqY_c-00065-00019601-00019949 all we're asking for is that what has Eh_6VhiqY_c-00066-00019950-00020186 been paid for by the public and is going Eh_6VhiqY_c-00067-00020187-00020399 to be published in fact is published in Eh_6VhiqY_c-00068-00020400-00020675 academic journals and books should be Eh_6VhiqY_c-00069-00020676-00020888 made freely available to that public Eh_6VhiqY_c-00070-00020889-00021152 that paid for it if there are industrial Eh_6VhiqY_c-00071-00021153-00021509 secrets behind there that are going to Eh_6VhiqY_c-00072-00021510-00021761 be patented or whatever that's fine they Eh_6VhiqY_c-00073-00021762-00021986 can stay there and be patented as far as Eh_6VhiqY_c-00074-00021987-00022184 we're concerned we're trying to open up Eh_6VhiqY_c-00075-00022185-00022397 the scholarly literature and I do think Eh_6VhiqY_c-00076-00022398-00022519 that sometimes there is a Eh_6VhiqY_c-00077-00022520-00022756 misunderstanding that can lead to that Eh_6VhiqY_c-00078-00022757-00022964 kind of fear I mean it may not be in Eh_6VhiqY_c-00079-00022965-00023108 this particular case we don't know Eh_6VhiqY_c-00080-00023109-00023240 because the person isn't going to say Eh_6VhiqY_c-00081-00023241-00023525 anything but but I think in somewhere i Eh_6VhiqY_c-00082-00023526-00023789 know that in some cases that that is a Eh_6VhiqY_c-00083-00023790-00024222 misunderstanding Eh_6VhiqY_c-00084-00024223-00024683 all right Andy wanted the comment Eh_6VhiqY_c-00085-00024684-00025002 briefly on the JOBS Act in the Eh_6VhiqY_c-00086-00025003-00025272 crowdfunding I give you a little bit of Eh_6VhiqY_c-00087-00025273-00025485 an update on how funding has worked and Eh_6VhiqY_c-00088-00025486-00025608 hasn't worked well in the US because Eh_6VhiqY_c-00089-00025608-00025781 that's the other thing I do is start up Eh_6VhiqY_c-00090-00025782-00026037 representation for about 20 years the Eh_6VhiqY_c-00091-00026038-00026189 laws have been really quite liberal in Eh_6VhiqY_c-00092-00026191-00026502 the United States for startups securing Eh_6VhiqY_c-00093-00026502-00026832 funding from so-called angel investors Eh_6VhiqY_c-00094-00026833-00027081 and the sort of Keystone behind the Eh_6VhiqY_c-00095-00027082-00027408 existing law is that if people have Eh_6VhiqY_c-00096-00027408-00027620 enough money to be able to afford to Eh_6VhiqY_c-00097-00027622-00027870 lose it they can sort of watch out for Eh_6VhiqY_c-00098-00027870-00028052 themselves but you can only raise so Eh_6VhiqY_c-00099-00028053-00028190 much money because we don't want the Eh_6VhiqY_c-00100-00028191-00028554 bloodshed to be too broad based and then Eh_6VhiqY_c-00101-00028555-00028868 secondarily you can't advertise so it Eh_6VhiqY_c-00102-00028869-00029118 has to be sort of one-on-one so that Eh_6VhiqY_c-00103-00029119-00029655 there's a limitation of how easy it is Eh_6VhiqY_c-00104-00029656-00030020 to gull people basically and it's also Eh_6VhiqY_c-00105-00030022-00030189 very difficult for someone to be an Eh_6VhiqY_c-00106-00030189-00030435 intermediary so they're very few finders Eh_6VhiqY_c-00107-00030436-00030839 so even though there are many times the Eh_6VhiqY_c-00108-00030841-00031008 amount per year raise from angels as Eh_6VhiqY_c-00109-00031008-00031271 there are from angel investors it's all Eh_6VhiqY_c-00110-00031272-00031437 sort of below the surface and doesn't Eh_6VhiqY_c-00111-00031438-00031623 have a lot of high visibility what Eh_6VhiqY_c-00112-00031624-00031857 happened with the JOBS Act is a little Eh_6VhiqY_c-00113-00031858-00032217 bit of a salutary story if you look at Eh_6VhiqY_c-00114-00032218-00032406 where it started and where it ended up Eh_6VhiqY_c-00115-00032407-00032712 the idea was when Kickstarter and these Eh_6VhiqY_c-00116-00032713-00032877 other sites that couldn't sell Eh_6VhiqY_c-00117-00032878-00033150 securities were doing very well the idea Eh_6VhiqY_c-00118-00033151-00033360 was gee why don't we spread this more Eh_6VhiqY_c-00119-00033361-00033515 broadly why don't we make it easier to Eh_6VhiqY_c-00120-00033516-00033849 do sadly what happened was what started Eh_6VhiqY_c-00121-00033850-00034133 out as the quote/unquote JOBS Act Eh_6VhiqY_c-00122-00034134-00034323 assuming that all these little companies Eh_6VhiqY_c-00123-00034324-00034482 would be able to do these little Eh_6VhiqY_c-00124-00034483-00034743 offerings what eventually happened was Eh_6VhiqY_c-00125-00034744-00035136 they had riders by the financial Eh_6VhiqY_c-00126-00035137-00035448 industry added to it which relaxed the Eh_6VhiqY_c-00127-00035449-00035631 public reporting requirements which had Eh_6VhiqY_c-00128-00035632-00035840 been there since the meltdown at the end Eh_6VhiqY_c-00129-00035841-00036093 of the Internet bubble which venture Eh_6VhiqY_c-00130-00036094-00036300 capitalists and emerging companies have Eh_6VhiqY_c-00131-00036301-00036435 been complaining about bitterly the Eh_6VhiqY_c-00132-00036436-00036606 sarbanes-oxley laws that they said Eh_6VhiqY_c-00133-00036607-00036855 rightly do cost the millions of dollars Eh_6VhiqY_c-00134-00036856-00037131 a year in a very very burdensome however Eh_6VhiqY_c-00135-00037132-00037410 in order to get the jobs act through Eh_6VhiqY_c-00136-00037411-00037761 I Congress agreed to raise the limit of Eh_6VhiqY_c-00137-00037762-00038010 quote/unquote a small business to 1 Eh_6VhiqY_c-00138-00038011-00038304 billion dollars in capitalization which Eh_6VhiqY_c-00139-00038305-00038583 includes small businesses such as Barnes Eh_6VhiqY_c-00140-00038584-00038913 & Noble with hundreds of large outlets Eh_6VhiqY_c-00141-00038914-00039117 around the world that's now a small Eh_6VhiqY_c-00142-00039118-00039446 business so you had all of this massive Eh_6VhiqY_c-00143-00039447-00039801 deregulation poured on the top at the Eh_6VhiqY_c-00144-00039802-00040083 same time because Congress didn't want Eh_6VhiqY_c-00145-00040084-00040260 to open the floodgates to abuse they Eh_6VhiqY_c-00146-00040261-00040470 told the SEC you have to come up with Eh_6VhiqY_c-00147-00040471-00040659 the regulations to allow crowdfunding Eh_6VhiqY_c-00148-00040660-00040956 the SEC then did nothing for nine months Eh_6VhiqY_c-00149-00040957-00041133 and they finally released the Eh_6VhiqY_c-00150-00041134-00041382 regulations which say that it can only Eh_6VhiqY_c-00151-00041383-00041673 be done through an intermediary the Eh_6VhiqY_c-00152-00041674-00041853 intermediary has to be registered with Eh_6VhiqY_c-00153-00041854-00042171 the major association which would Eh_6VhiqY_c-00154-00042172-00042612 imposes asset tests and light a Eh_6VhiqY_c-00155-00042613-00043023 certification exam testing anyway it Eh_6VhiqY_c-00156-00043024-00043230 goes on and on and on would the result Eh_6VhiqY_c-00157-00043231-00043467 that the good news is you're not going Eh_6VhiqY_c-00158-00043468-00044007 to see the legions of snake oil salesmen Eh_6VhiqY_c-00159-00044008-00044265 that undoubtedly would have come in to Eh_6VhiqY_c-00160-00044266-00044502 set up spurious exchanges and fleece Eh_6VhiqY_c-00161-00044503-00044703 people from lots of money but on the Eh_6VhiqY_c-00162-00044704-00044898 other hand you're also not going to see Eh_6VhiqY_c-00163-00044899-00045072 any angel networks that were Eh_6VhiqY_c-00164-00045073-00045267 contemplated by the Act because it's so Eh_6VhiqY_c-00165-00045268-00045501 burdensome and the fact that you can Eh_6VhiqY_c-00166-00045502-00045656 only raise under the safe harbor Eh_6VhiqY_c-00167-00045657-00046008 1,000,000 that it's not worth anyones Eh_6VhiqY_c-00168-00046009-00046221 while to register because if you're Eh_6VhiqY_c-00169-00046222-00046431 registered you wouldn't do a deal that Eh_6VhiqY_c-00170-00046432-00046716 small so it's sort of a sad tale that Eh_6VhiqY_c-00171-00046717-00046929 after all this good feeling in the press Eh_6VhiqY_c-00172-00046930-00047184 and all of this Jobs Act what you really Eh_6VhiqY_c-00173-00047185-00047562 saw was a major scam by imagine this the Eh_6VhiqY_c-00174-00047563-00047804 financial industry to ram through Eh_6VhiqY_c-00175-00047805-00048000 deregulation that they've been striving Eh_6VhiqY_c-00176-00048001-00048216 to have for a decade at the expense of Eh_6VhiqY_c-00177-00048217-00048384 something which in fact is likely to Eh_6VhiqY_c-00178-00048385-00048734 never happen at all so it's a great idea Eh_6VhiqY_c-00179-00048735-00049074 but be aware of what may happen if you Eh_6VhiqY_c-00180-00049075-00049242 try and do the same thing here that Eh_6VhiqY_c-00181-00049243-00049406 you'll need to take a different approach Eh_6VhiqY_c-00182-00049407-00049740 to avoid something likely very much like Eh_6VhiqY_c-00183-00049741-00050013 that happening because the same market Eh_6VhiqY_c-00184-00050014-00050220 interests somewhat different but the Eh_6VhiqY_c-00185-00050221-00050553 same market interests are likely to Eh_6VhiqY_c-00186-00050554-00050733 want to ride on the back of it here so Eh_6VhiqY_c-00187-00050734-00051180 go for it but beware thank you very much Eh_6VhiqY_c-00188-00051181-00051354 that indeed sounds like something we Eh_6VhiqY_c-00189-00051354-00051779 really don't want to have happen I am Eh_6VhiqY_c-00190-00051780-00052091 getting signs that we should be heading Eh_6VhiqY_c-00191-00052092-00052580 to the drinks just a few words to close Eh_6VhiqY_c-00192-00052582-00053097 up you have any final words should i do Eh_6VhiqY_c-00193-00053098-00053472 the summary actually have a question Eh_6VhiqY_c-00194-00053473-00053859 briefly for Alma which is that the the Eh_6VhiqY_c-00195-00053860-00054090 problem that you described clearly a Eh_6VhiqY_c-00196-00054091-00054399 real problem seems to me to be an Eh_6VhiqY_c-00197-00054400-00054762 opportunity for innovation in that you Eh_6VhiqY_c-00198-00054763-00054915 have some big entrenched players who Eh_6VhiqY_c-00199-00054916-00055161 have a sort of privileged access Eh_6VhiqY_c-00200-00055162-00055541 business model and really it ought to be Eh_6VhiqY_c-00201-00055542-00055742 the case that yes regulation can play a Eh_6VhiqY_c-00202-00055744-00055938 role but actually there should be loads Eh_6VhiqY_c-00203-00055939-00056124 and loads of new of new entrants coming Eh_6VhiqY_c-00204-00056125-00056232 in and disrupting this business model Eh_6VhiqY_c-00205-00056233-00056478 now there are some like mendeley and Eh_6VhiqY_c-00206-00056479-00056804 people like that but I mean do X would Eh_6VhiqY_c-00207-00056805-00056979 you bet that it will be regulation that Eh_6VhiqY_c-00208-00056979-00057309 solves the problem or innovation well I Eh_6VhiqY_c-00209-00057310-00057495 think we need the work while there's a Eh_6VhiqY_c-00210-00057496-00057669 whiff of regulation I mean we're going Eh_6VhiqY_c-00211-00057670-00057842 to go for that and let's get that in Eh_6VhiqY_c-00212-00057844-00058041 place because that that gives us our Eh_6VhiqY_c-00213-00058041-00058359 policy basis to work on but yes I agree Eh_6VhiqY_c-00214-00058360-00058569 with you we do need innovation we have Eh_6VhiqY_c-00215-00058570-00058698 the players like you've mentioned Eh_6VhiqY_c-00216-00058699-00059034 mentally and so on we also have a whole Eh_6VhiqY_c-00217-00059035-00059279 tranche now of open access publishers Eh_6VhiqY_c-00218-00059280-00059617 who have a new business model and are Eh_6VhiqY_c-00219-00059619-00059841 demonstrating that that's a sustainable Eh_6VhiqY_c-00220-00059841-00060087 one so that's good and that is Eh_6VhiqY_c-00221-00060088-00060402 innovative in a way it's not very Eh_6VhiqY_c-00222-00060403-00060723 innovative but it is a bit innovative Eh_6VhiqY_c-00223-00060724-00061053 and it is helping I would really like to Eh_6VhiqY_c-00224-00061054-00061413 see more innovation I think we need a Eh_6VhiqY_c-00225-00061414-00061632 kind of game changer here we need Eh_6VhiqY_c-00226-00061633-00061896 someone to come in with a completely new Eh_6VhiqY_c-00227-00061897-00062250 idea that everybody and this is not my Eh_6VhiqY_c-00228-00062251-00062520 generation or maybe not even your Eh_6VhiqY_c-00229-00062521-00062729 generation though with respect I say Eh_6VhiqY_c-00230-00062730-00063072 that I think we're talking about the Eh_6VhiqY_c-00231-00063073-00063303 people who are undergraduates now and Eh_6VhiqY_c-00232-00063304-00063666 young graduate students what I want one Eh_6VhiqY_c-00233-00063666-00063891 of them or somebody who can appear Eh_6VhiqY_c-00234-00063892-00064165 alter them to come along so that they Eh_6VhiqY_c-00235-00064166-00064466 all say that's a great way of Eh_6VhiqY_c-00236-00064467-00064771 communicating our science why don't we Eh_6VhiqY_c-00237-00064772-00065221 do that I'm sure it will happen but it Eh_6VhiqY_c-00238-00065222-00065473 hasn't happened yet all right thank you Eh_6VhiqY_c-00239-00065474-00065826 very much um in the interest of brevity Eh_6VhiqY_c-00240-00065827-00066025 let me just try to summarize a few Eh_6VhiqY_c-00241-00066026-00066418 points so from this panel to the Eh_6VhiqY_c-00242-00066419-00066724 audience and all the legislators and Eh_6VhiqY_c-00243-00066725-00066982 everyone who is active out there I have Eh_6VhiqY_c-00244-00066983-00067168 a couple of points that I take from our Eh_6VhiqY_c-00245-00067169-00067432 various speakers starting perhaps even Eh_6VhiqY_c-00246-00067433-00067798 with the let's do what we can to Eh_6VhiqY_c-00247-00067799-00067954 actually foster a culture of Eh_6VhiqY_c-00248-00067955-00068347 entrepreneurship first of all change the Eh_6VhiqY_c-00249-00068348-00068559 social value that is attributed to it Eh_6VhiqY_c-00250-00068560-00068857 there is obviously a lot of potential in Eh_6VhiqY_c-00251-00068858-00069103 crowdfunding and other ways of raising Eh_6VhiqY_c-00252-00069104-00069436 capital and perhaps we should also look Eh_6VhiqY_c-00253-00069437-00069754 at the other side of things which is in Eh_6VhiqY_c-00254-00069755-00069982 the area of the tax incentives for Eh_6VhiqY_c-00255-00069983-00070246 investment but perhaps even text Eh_6VhiqY_c-00256-00070247-00070546 incentive for choosing innovative Eh_6VhiqY_c-00257-00070547-00070765 technologies which in fact funnily Eh_6VhiqY_c-00258-00070766-00070939 enough is a point that came up at last Eh_6VhiqY_c-00259-00070940-00071155 year's entrepreneurship panel at this Eh_6VhiqY_c-00260-00071156-00071485 conference as a way to ease market entry Eh_6VhiqY_c-00261-00071486-00071842 for innovative companies we had two Eh_6VhiqY_c-00262-00071843-00072178 speakers advocating to think bigger to Eh_6VhiqY_c-00263-00072179-00072406 not think you know it's just enough to Eh_6VhiqY_c-00264-00072407-00072637 settle for survival but actually you Eh_6VhiqY_c-00265-00072638-00072940 know go for the big one and you know try Eh_6VhiqY_c-00266-00072941-00073168 to reach the sky maybe we actually need Eh_6VhiqY_c-00267-00073169-00073519 a bit more of that thinking and perhaps Eh_6VhiqY_c-00268-00073520-00073906 one way in which we can help people do Eh_6VhiqY_c-00269-00073907-00074275 that would be to find ways to shape hubs Eh_6VhiqY_c-00270-00074276-00074626 of expertise you know create that friend Eh_6VhiqY_c-00271-00074627-00074881 effect where someone can tell you Eh_6VhiqY_c-00272-00074882-00075130 something about how this is done how Eh_6VhiqY_c-00273-00075131-00075343 this works how this works I mean I know Eh_6VhiqY_c-00274-00075344-00075574 from my own experience that it is not so Eh_6VhiqY_c-00275-00075575-00075738 easy to get by that information in Eh_6VhiqY_c-00276-00075739-00075937 Europe I mean I had to dig a bit to Eh_6VhiqY_c-00277-00075938-00076291 actually get to it of course we want Eh_6VhiqY_c-00278-00076292-00076543 innovation based on scientific progress Eh_6VhiqY_c-00279-00076544-00076846 which is funded by the public for the Eh_6VhiqY_c-00280-00076847-00077098 purpose of making innovation Eh_6VhiqY_c-00281-00077099-00077356 economic activity happened as one of the Eh_6VhiqY_c-00282-00077357-00077632 goals that currently isn't happening on Eh_6VhiqY_c-00283-00077633-00077794 the level it should be so I think this Eh_6VhiqY_c-00284-00077795-00077936 is clearly something we need to be Eh_6VhiqY_c-00285-00077937-00078181 looking at EjB-J7Zip_Q-00000-00000065-00000358 foreign EjB-J7Zip_Q-00002-00003489-00003731 [Music] EjB-J7Zip_Q-00003-00003732-00003814 thank you EjB-J7Zip_Q-00007-00021686-00024228 foreign EjB-J7Zip_Q-00010-00035472-00038273 foreign EjB-J7Zip_Q-00011-00038274-00040919 foreign EjB-J7Zip_Q-00012-00040920-00043057 [Music] EjB-J7Zip_Q-00014-00048794-00049777 foreign Jose EjB-J7Zip_Q-00015-00049778-00050683 [Music] EjB-J7Zip_Q-00016-00050684-00050861 [Music] EjB-J7Zip_Q-00017-00050862-00050946 foreign EjB-J7Zip_Q-00018-00050947-00051722 [Music] El1C3RBnOAU-00000-00000778-00001087 in this video I want to show you how to El1C3RBnOAU-00001-00001088-00001495 use a file input with visual logic it El1C3RBnOAU-00002-00001496-00001774 can be done it's pretty easy there are El1C3RBnOAU-00003-00001775-00001942 some simple mistakes that you can make El1C3RBnOAU-00004-00001943-00002125 they can leave you very frustrated El1C3RBnOAU-00005-00002126-00002321 I've spent a couple of days playing with El1C3RBnOAU-00006-00002322-00002663 this just to find that I made a very El1C3RBnOAU-00007-00002664-00002870 serious error that I didn't even think El1C3RBnOAU-00008-00002871-00003043 about so I'm going to start by showing El1C3RBnOAU-00009-00003044-00003320 everybody what mistake I made so that El1C3RBnOAU-00010-00003321-00003493 hopefully you don't repeat the El1C3RBnOAU-00011-00003494-00003701 experience when you're working with El1C3RBnOAU-00012-00003702-00004006 visual logic and creating an input file El1C3RBnOAU-00013-00004007-00004327 it has to be a simple text file and you El1C3RBnOAU-00014-00004328-00004736 have to put each entry on a newline my El1C3RBnOAU-00015-00004737-00005047 error when I saved it was they did a El1C3RBnOAU-00016-00005048-00005866 file save as and I saved it as input dot El1C3RBnOAU-00017-00005867-00006232 txt well that might not be bad you're El1C3RBnOAU-00018-00006233-00006422 thinking to yourself except though I El1C3RBnOAU-00019-00006423-00006895 didn't see it it was actually saving it El1C3RBnOAU-00020-00006897-00007156 as input.txt dot txt because the El1C3RBnOAU-00021-00007158-00007456 extension was already on here that was El1C3RBnOAU-00022-00007458-00007684 my mistake so I want to make sure that I El1C3RBnOAU-00023-00007686-00007943 do it as an input in a text document El1C3RBnOAU-00024-00007944-00008273 type I don't want to save it as input El1C3RBnOAU-00025-00008274-00008636 dot txt that destroys it it doesn't work El1C3RBnOAU-00026-00008637-00008813 you'll never get it to work as long as El1C3RBnOAU-00027-00008814-00009058 it's named that so don't make my mistake El1C3RBnOAU-00028-00009059-00009572 so I'm going to save it and I have very El1C3RBnOAU-00029-00009573-00009866 simple input here I just have six El1C3RBnOAU-00030-00009867-00010148 numbers which I'm going to call ID and El1C3RBnOAU-00031-00010149-00010403 they've created a very simple program so El1C3RBnOAU-00032-00010404-00010733 I've made an array called ID and I'm El1C3RBnOAU-00033-00010734-00010994 using traditional programming numbering El1C3RBnOAU-00034-00010995-00011285 where I have a variable I numbered 0 El1C3RBnOAU-00035-00011286-00011599 through 5 and I have an input with ID El1C3RBnOAU-00036-00011600-00012092 with my transcript my index of I and my El1C3RBnOAU-00037-00012093-00012551 file name is input.txt notice I'm also El1C3RBnOAU-00038-00012552-00012808 using I again here it's ok once you El1C3RBnOAU-00039-00012809-00013052 leave this loop this I ceases to exist El1C3RBnOAU-00040-00013053-00013291 it's out of scope it doesn't matter El1C3RBnOAU-00041-00013293-00013380 anymore El1C3RBnOAU-00042-00013381-00013613 we can use that name again it won't hurt El1C3RBnOAU-00043-00013615-00013838 anything so now I have my output and El1C3RBnOAU-00044-00013840-00014040 this one I'm doing to the console I did El1C3RBnOAU-00045-00014041-00014259 put a blank line after here by clicking El1C3RBnOAU-00046-00014260-00014519 enter and making sure the new lines at El1C3RBnOAU-00047-00014520-00014741 the end of my text symbol appears down El1C3RBnOAU-00048-00014743-00015096 here and so now it should take all of my El1C3RBnOAU-00049-00015097-00015540 input here and it should display it in El1C3RBnOAU-00050-00015541-00015915 the console let's give it a try there El1C3RBnOAU-00051-00015916-00016155 you go let's say we want to do this as a El1C3RBnOAU-00052-00016156-00016614 parallel array how would we do that well El1C3RBnOAU-00053-00016615-00016815 here you actually have to put in all the El1C3RBnOAU-00054-00016816-00017100 data one field at a time so we would El1C3RBnOAU-00055-00017101-00017265 have student let's say we're going to El1C3RBnOAU-00056-00017266-00017415 just put in student last names now they El1C3RBnOAU-00057-00017416-00017790 have to be in quotes because they are El1C3RBnOAU-00058-00017791-00018084 text fields so we'll just make up some El1C3RBnOAU-00059-00018085-00019931 last names and there we go so let's see El1C3RBnOAU-00060-00019932-00020346 we have six student IDs and six student El1C3RBnOAU-00061-00020347-00020475 names perfect so we're going to have to El1C3RBnOAU-00062-00020476-00020589 save this again so I'm just go ahead El1C3RBnOAU-00063-00020590-00020790 save since I've got it named properly El1C3RBnOAU-00064-00020791-00021042 move that out of my way and now I'm El1C3RBnOAU-00065-00021043-00021459 going to have to do this as a separate El1C3RBnOAU-00066-00021460-00021606 one because we've got it we've got to do El1C3RBnOAU-00067-00021607-00021756 all of these and then it will take the El1C3RBnOAU-00068-00021757-00022119 next line so we're going to add a we've El1C3RBnOAU-00069-00022120-00022284 got to add another array I like to have El1C3RBnOAU-00070-00022285-00022500 all of my arrays right up at the top El1C3RBnOAU-00071-00022501-00022683 this is the way I program to all the El1C3RBnOAU-00072-00022684-00022905 variables should go first and so this El1C3RBnOAU-00073-00022906-00023222 will be last name and the upper bound El1C3RBnOAU-00074-00023223-00023619 will be six because we can have six El1C3RBnOAU-00075-00023620-00023822 spaces in it and then we're going to El1C3RBnOAU-00076-00023823-00024567 have another for loop and we're going to El1C3RBnOAU-00077-00024568-00024759 call it I am just proving that you can El1C3RBnOAU-00078-00024760-00024972 use it over and over you don't have to El1C3RBnOAU-00079-00024973-00025309 but you can give it a five by one and El1C3RBnOAU-00080-00025310-00025940 then we're going to input and our El1C3RBnOAU-00081-00025941-00026424 variable is last name I and we have to El1C3RBnOAU-00082-00026425-00026736 go into more and we have to choose five El1C3RBnOAU-00083-00026737-00027242 and file name should be input that txt El1C3RBnOAU-00084-00027243-00027687 okay and here we don't need to do it as El1C3RBnOAU-00085-00027688-00027876 a separate loop because once they're in El1C3RBnOAU-00086-00027877-00028058 their arrays we can make them that put El1C3RBnOAU-00087-00028060-00028550 them next to each other so we can do ID El1C3RBnOAU-00088-00028551-00029358 plus quote space space space quote I'm El1C3RBnOAU-00089-00029358-00029493 going to show you can use ampersand El1C3RBnOAU-00090-00029494-00029765 instead plus or ampersand they do the El1C3RBnOAU-00091-00029766-00029987 same thing and then we're going to have El1C3RBnOAU-00092-00029988-00030582 last name I and that looks good let's El1C3RBnOAU-00093-00030583-00031044 test it I just love testing program and El1C3RBnOAU-00094-00031045-00031190 code live you can see I made mistakes El1C3RBnOAU-00095-00031191-00031454 they make but that worked so you can see El1C3RBnOAU-00096-00031455-00031881 input and output are fine but what if we El1C3RBnOAU-00097-00031882-00032162 want to output it to a file well number El1C3RBnOAU-00098-00032163-00032355 one rule if you're going to output it El1C3RBnOAU-00099-00032356-00032621 you don't put it you don't output it to El1C3RBnOAU-00100-00032622-00032778 the same file that you input it from El1C3RBnOAU-00101-00032779-00033003 that's not allowed so the file name El1C3RBnOAU-00102-00033004-00033207 needs to be we'll just call it output El1C3RBnOAU-00103-00033208-00034017 dot txt and it will hit OK and I will El1C3RBnOAU-00104-00034018-00034386 choose file or I will play it and El1C3RBnOAU-00105-00034387-00034704 nothing appears to happen so I'm going El1C3RBnOAU-00106-00034705-00035007 to go out to where my documents are oh El1C3RBnOAU-00107-00035008-00035205 and the other thing you have to remember El1C3RBnOAU-00108-00035206-00035682 is your visual logic executable file El1C3RBnOAU-00109-00035683-00036048 must be in the same file folder as your El1C3RBnOAU-00110-00036049-00036351 input file it's also where your output El1C3RBnOAU-00111-00036352-00036618 file should show up so if I did this El1C3RBnOAU-00112-00036619-00036962 right there is output and there it is so El1C3RBnOAU-00113-00036963-00037344 input output both files will be in the El1C3RBnOAU-00114-00037345-00037679 same file folder your visual logic El1C3RBnOAU-00115-00037680-00037995 executable file is in and when you're El1C3RBnOAU-00116-00037996-00038265 saving it make sure not to put the extra El1C3RBnOAU-00117-00038266-00038552 dot txt on it as long as you do that El1C3RBnOAU-00118-00038553-00038826 pretty simple it's all good it works El1C3RBnOAU-00119-00038827-00038931 it's lots of fun El1C3RBnOAU-00120-00038932-00039267 so that's your input output example for El1C3RBnOAU-00121-00039268-00039546 visual logic EmsJxHtDcS8-00000-00000729-00001044 predictive mapping of the cover is is EmsJxHtDcS8-00001-00001045-00001220 very exciting work is innovative EmsJxHtDcS8-00002-00001221-00001431 research what we're doing we're applying EmsJxHtDcS8-00003-00001432-00001617 state-of-the-art spatial modeling EmsJxHtDcS8-00004-00001618-00001884 approaches to integrate vast amounts of EmsJxHtDcS8-00005-00001885-00002157 Geo scientific data to model the EmsJxHtDcS8-00006-00002158-00002361 physical and chemical characteristics of EmsJxHtDcS8-00007-00002362-00002616 the cover both at local scales and EmsJxHtDcS8-00008-00002617-00003189 australia-wide scales the benefits of EmsJxHtDcS8-00009-00003190-00003420 this work are potentially huge not only EmsJxHtDcS8-00010-00003421-00003645 for the mining industry where they can EmsJxHtDcS8-00011-00003646-00003843 more effectively explore and deeply EmsJxHtDcS8-00012-00003844-00004007 weather than varied landscapes which EmsJxHtDcS8-00013-00004008-00004247 typify the Australian continent but also EmsJxHtDcS8-00014-00004248-00004434 more broadly in understanding how the EmsJxHtDcS8-00015-00004435-00004688 Australian landscape has developed and EmsJxHtDcS8-00016-00004689-00004859 this information can be used to better EmsJxHtDcS8-00017-00004860-00005084 manage Australian landscapes going EmsJxHtDcS8-00018-00005085-00005736 forward into the future EmsJxHtDcS8-00019-00005737-00005943 you EmVJa_c8piu-00000-00000104-00000375 hi welcome back to rebecca's travels EmVJa_c8piu-00001-00000376-00000559 or if you're watching my lifestyle EmVJa_c8piu-00002-00000560-00000835 channel welcome back to rebecca's EmVJa_c8piu-00003-00000836-00000975 lifestyle EmVJa_c8piu-00004-00000976-00001335 uh today and in the uk it's um EmVJa_c8piu-00005-00001336-00001607 another beautiful sunny day in the EmVJa_c8piu-00006-00001607-00001751 midlands EmVJa_c8piu-00007-00001752-00002167 um again it is a bit windy also EmVJa_c8piu-00008-00002168-00002534 now but it is the sun is out and EmVJa_c8piu-00009-00002535-00003183 um everything just looks uh EmVJa_c8piu-00010-00003184-00003463 so much nicer and better just in my EmVJa_c8piu-00011-00003464-00003631 opinion EmVJa_c8piu-00012-00003632-00004006 um so today i'm going to be doing EmVJa_c8piu-00013-00004007-00004438 a travel news uk 5. EmVJa_c8piu-00014-00004439-00004895 new facts june 2021 EmVJa_c8piu-00015-00004896-00005238 part one again if you haven't subscribed EmVJa_c8piu-00016-00005239-00005327 to my channel EmVJa_c8piu-00017-00005328-00005606 and you're new here please subscribe and EmVJa_c8piu-00018-00005607-00005791 it's the red and white subscription EmVJa_c8piu-00019-00005792-00005847 button EmVJa_c8piu-00020-00005848-00006111 also click the notification bell so you EmVJa_c8piu-00021-00006112-00006286 never miss EmVJa_c8piu-00022-00006287-00006631 a vlog EmVJa_c8piu-00023-00006631-00006983 and um also if you click the join button EmVJa_c8piu-00024-00006984-00007198 then you can join my memberships for EmVJa_c8piu-00025-00007200-00007839 just 99 pence per month for extra perks EmVJa_c8piu-00026-00007840-00008159 that i can deliver on my EmVJa_c8piu-00027-00008159-00008542 travel channel so let's fire away EmVJa_c8piu-00028-00008543-00008846 and with number one uk EmVJa_c8piu-00029-00008847-00009167 is unlikely to unlock travel EmVJa_c8piu-00030-00009168-00009559 at two key european destinations EmVJa_c8piu-00031-00009560-00009878 um say sources EmVJa_c8piu-00032-00009879-00010206 the uk is unlikely EmVJa_c8piu-00033-00010207-00010555 to unlock significant new summer EmVJa_c8piu-00034-00010556-00010735 destinations EmVJa_c8piu-00035-00010736-00011095 at this week when changes to travel EmVJa_c8piu-00036-00011096-00011414 restrictions are announced with EmVJa_c8piu-00037-00011415-00011783 a key holidays EmVJa_c8piu-00038-00011784-00012270 um or key holiday countries unlikely to EmVJa_c8piu-00039-00012271-00012510 be quarantine free until EmVJa_c8piu-00040-00012511-00012815 later in the summer EmVJa_c8piu-00041-00012816-00013111 whitehall sources have said also the EmVJa_c8piu-00042-00013112-00013335 government considers adding EmVJa_c8piu-00043-00013336-00013655 uh more destinations to england's red EmVJa_c8piu-00044-00013656-00013711 list EmVJa_c8piu-00045-00013712-00014111 as it monitors the the vietnam EmVJa_c8piu-00046-00014112-00014415 variant and EmVJa_c8piu-00047-00014416-00014711 the change is expected to be announced EmVJa_c8piu-00048-00014712-00014911 at this thursday tomorrow EmVJa_c8piu-00049-00014912-00015230 the 3rd of june after ministers receive EmVJa_c8piu-00050-00015231-00015663 advance from the joint biosecurity EmVJa_c8piu-00051-00015663-00015743 center EmVJa_c8piu-00052-00015744-00016086 those EmVJa_c8piu-00053-00016087-00016711 changes can affect EmVJa_c8piu-00054-00016712-00017047 will come in effect uh by the following EmVJa_c8piu-00055-00017048-00017119 week EmVJa_c8piu-00056-00017120-00017447 that's according to the guardian and EmVJa_c8piu-00057-00017448-00017791 uh number two at the time say boris EmVJa_c8piu-00058-00017792-00018055 johnson wants uh joe biden to open an EmVJa_c8piu-00059-00018056-00018158 american EmVJa_c8piu-00060-00018159-00018535 travel corner EmVJa_c8piu-00061-00018536-00018943 or travel corridor boris johnson hopes EmVJa_c8piu-00062-00018944-00019063 that president EmVJa_c8piu-00063-00019064-00019399 biden will agree to extend EmVJa_c8piu-00064-00019400-00019727 vaccinated or EmVJa_c8piu-00065-00019728-00020086 ex except vaccinated british and EmVJa_c8piu-00066-00020087-00020263 american travelers from EmVJa_c8piu-00067-00020264-00020622 quarantine restrictions so EmVJa_c8piu-00068-00020623-00020999 hopefully that will EmVJa_c8piu-00069-00021000-00021303 take place soon hopefully EmVJa_c8piu-00070-00021304-00021607 fingers crossed number three sky sports EmVJa_c8piu-00071-00021608-00022055 euro 2020 scotland fans with tickets EmVJa_c8piu-00072-00022056-00022471 for england a group gain are urged to EmVJa_c8piu-00073-00022472-00022694 not travel to london unless they've got EmVJa_c8piu-00074-00022695-00022830 tickets for a game EmVJa_c8piu-00075-00022831-00023278 or have a plans to watch it in a safe EmVJa_c8piu-00076-00023279-00023719 place which again is understandable EmVJa_c8piu-00077-00023720-00024222 number four covered news live uh boris EmVJa_c8piu-00078-00024223-00024703 at johnson told at delay EmVJa_c8piu-00079-00024704-00025111 in lockdown exit as over 18s EmVJa_c8piu-00080-00025112-00025414 at queue for the facts and seen EmVJa_c8piu-00081-00025415-00025758 at twickenham stadium EmVJa_c8piu-00082-00025760-00026158 follow at five EmVJa_c8piu-00083-00026160-00026558 as scientists to EmVJa_c8piu-00084-00026560-00026862 tell the prime minister to delay EmVJa_c8piu-00085-00026863-00027207 his lockdown exit date by EmVJa_c8piu-00086-00027208-00027527 the weekend or EmVJa_c8piu-00087-00027527-00028023 by a few weeks just say and EmVJa_c8piu-00088-00028024-00028462 bricks begin self-isolating EmVJa_c8piu-00089-00028463-00028783 in france also EmVJa_c8piu-00090-00028783-00029095 and that's um EmVJa_c8piu-00091-00029095-00029423 sky news again and EmVJa_c8piu-00092-00029424-00029846 um last but not least when EmVJa_c8piu-00093-00029847-00030246 is the greenness a country's review EmVJa_c8piu-00094-00030247-00030558 a date of next update which EmVJa_c8piu-00095-00030560-00030951 amber list countries could change EmVJa_c8piu-00096-00030952-00031223 when the traffic light system was EmVJa_c8piu-00097-00031224-00031470 announced it was confirmed that EmVJa_c8piu-00098-00031472-00031758 greendesk countries will be reviewed EmVJa_c8piu-00099-00031760-00031927 every three weeks EmVJa_c8piu-00100-00031927-00032231 within uh with the next update on the EmVJa_c8piu-00101-00032232-00032558 7th of june that's next week however EmVJa_c8piu-00102-00032560-00032879 it the independence day simon EmVJa_c8piu-00103-00032880-00033102 cader reported that the view could EmVJa_c8piu-00104-00033103-00033199 happen EmVJa_c8piu-00105-00033200-00033683 thursday the 3rd of june which is EmVJa_c8piu-00106-00033684-00033815 tomorrow EmVJa_c8piu-00107-00033816-00034127 with any change to EmVJa_c8piu-00108-00034128-00034455 the list of countries and EmVJa_c8piu-00109-00034456-00034783 quarantine free countries that is taking EmVJa_c8piu-00110-00034784-00034855 effect EmVJa_c8piu-00111-00034856-00035207 one week later at 4 00 a.m on EmVJa_c8piu-00112-00035208-00035518 thursday the 10th of june EmVJa_c8piu-00113-00035519-00035871 so i g EmVJa_c8piu-00114-00035872-00036199 again and it is still EmVJa_c8piu-00115-00036200-00036535 wise to listen EmVJa_c8piu-00116-00036536-00036846 especially if you are thinking about EmVJa_c8piu-00117-00036847-00037311 um booking a holiday EmVJa_c8piu-00118-00037312-00037718 um out outside the uk EmVJa_c8piu-00119-00037719-00038102 and worth checking up on EmVJa_c8piu-00120-00038103-00038359 and just say or if you have got a EmVJa_c8piu-00121-00038360-00038615 holiday booked EmVJa_c8piu-00122-00038616-00039046 um whether you'll be able to quarantine EmVJa_c8piu-00123-00039047-00039095 free EmVJa_c8piu-00124-00039096-00039415 or not EmVJa_c8piu-00125-00039416-00039727 so um i would like to say EmVJa_c8piu-00126-00039728-00040087 uh thank you for watching um EmVJa_c8piu-00127-00040088-00040462 and um i hope everybody has um EmVJa_c8piu-00128-00040463-00040799 a nice day and a nice night EmVJa_c8piu-00129-00040800-00041127 and um i'll see you tomorrow EmVJa_c8piu-00130-00041128-00041535 um with um another EmVJa_c8piu-00131-00041536-00041871 update on evans's affair EmVJa_c8piu-00132-00041872-00042318 um a footage video and an intro video EmVJa_c8piu-00133-00042319-00042639 um so thank you EmVJa_c8piu-00134-00042640-00042943 and have a nice day EmVJa_c8piu-00135-00042944-00043456 and bye for now thank you bye FoP2ND57OuQ-00000-00000000-00000199 oh and welcome everyone this is curl FoP2ND57OuQ-00001-00000200-00000478 779.1 FoP2ND57OuQ-00002-00000479-00000630 uh FoP2ND57OuQ-00003-00000631-00000862 this time it's a FoP2ND57OuQ-00004-00000863-00001087 quick patch release FoP2ND57OuQ-00005-00001088-00001319 we only spent a week on this i am daniel FoP2ND57OuQ-00006-00001320-00001503 stanberry of course i work on FoP2ND57OuQ-00007-00001504-00001807 carl full time all day FoP2ND57OuQ-00008-00001807-00002079 i work for wolf ssl we do curl support FoP2ND57OuQ-00009-00002080-00002367 and offer help for anyone who needs help FoP2ND57OuQ-00010-00002368-00002639 with curl and call related stuff so FoP2ND57OuQ-00011-00002640-00002815 let's go through some numbers security FoP2ND57OuQ-00012-00002816-00003142 features and bug fixes we did this time FoP2ND57OuQ-00013-00003143-00003495 and as i said this is a FoP2ND57OuQ-00014-00003496-00003719 this is of course another release and FoP2ND57OuQ-00015-00003720-00003903 i'm going to talk about the changes we FoP2ND57OuQ-00016-00003904-00004038 did in this release compared to the FoP2ND57OuQ-00017-00004039-00004343 previous one but in this FoP2ND57OuQ-00018-00004344-00004535 this particular case we only FoP2ND57OuQ-00019-00004536-00004743 spent a week from the previous one so FoP2ND57OuQ-00020-00004744-00005006 it's not going to be a lot FoP2ND57OuQ-00021-00005007-00005295 this is release 203 FoP2ND57OuQ-00022-00005296-00005422 from the beginning FoP2ND57OuQ-00023-00005423-00005670 uh and this time we only had 11 FoP2ND57OuQ-00024-00005671-00005918 contributors in these seven days but FoP2ND57OuQ-00025-00005919-00006143 they were five of them were new so we're FoP2ND57OuQ-00026-00006144-00006527 really really close to 2500 um now FoP2ND57OuQ-00027-00006528-00006719 we just need 11 more and then we can FoP2ND57OuQ-00028-00006720-00007070 mark off that celebration um FoP2ND57OuQ-00029-00007072-00007334 three people committed the commits in FoP2ND57OuQ-00030-00007336-00007574 this and none of them were new FoP2ND57OuQ-00031-00007575-00007783 uh in this particular release actually FoP2ND57OuQ-00032-00007784-00008031 no new committers in a release that's FoP2ND57OuQ-00033-00008031-00008231 been a while since we FoP2ND57OuQ-00034-00008232-00008319 actually FoP2ND57OuQ-00035-00008320-00008510 had it like that but of course this was FoP2ND57OuQ-00036-00008511-00008759 a very quick one and only FoP2ND57OuQ-00037-00008760-00009055 we only tried to merge really safe bug FoP2ND57OuQ-00038-00009056-00009246 fixes this time so that we would FoP2ND57OuQ-00039-00009247-00009463 actually get a really good and solid FoP2ND57OuQ-00040-00009464-00009631 patch release now and of course as i FoP2ND57OuQ-00041-00009632-00009903 said we spent seven days on this release FoP2ND57OuQ-00042-00009904-00010183 we've been added for a while um FoP2ND57OuQ-00043-00010184-00010551 85 86 87 FoP2ND57OuQ-00044-00010552-00010735 days FoP2ND57OuQ-00045-00010736-00010935 since inception and the inception is the FoP2ND57OuQ-00046-00010936-00011087 first card release FoP2ND57OuQ-00047-00011088-00011263 there's no bug boundaries handed out FoP2ND57OuQ-00048-00011264-00011446 this time because you know we only had FoP2ND57OuQ-00049-00011447-00011670 weeks and we haven't had any new reports FoP2ND57OuQ-00050-00011671-00011759 so FoP2ND57OuQ-00051-00011760-00012031 if you have or know any security FoP2ND57OuQ-00052-00012032-00012346 problems in carl report them at FoP2ND57OuQ-00053-00012347-00012710 hackerone.com and you will be rewarded FoP2ND57OuQ-00054-00012711-00012919 i am working on a blog post on an FoP2ND57OuQ-00055-00012919-00013151 announcement that will happen soon about FoP2ND57OuQ-00056-00013152-00013551 the new bug bounty stem setup for carl FoP2ND57OuQ-00057-00013552-00013822 hopefully meaning that we will get FoP2ND57OuQ-00058-00013823-00014047 better payouts for rewards FoP2ND57OuQ-00059-00014047-00014358 so yeah we did about 10 bug fixes in FoP2ND57OuQ-00060-00014359-00014479 this FoP2ND57OuQ-00061-00014480-00014671 release and here are some of them FoP2ND57OuQ-00062-00014672-00014966 first the the particular the big one FoP2ND57OuQ-00063-00014968-00015183 that was reported first that made me FoP2ND57OuQ-00064-00015184-00015327 decide that we needed a patch release FoP2ND57OuQ-00065-00015328-00015550 was this FoP2ND57OuQ-00066-00015551-00015766 and it's such an annoying bug FoP2ND57OuQ-00067-00015768-00015879 so FoP2ND57OuQ-00068-00015880-00015971 in FoP2ND57OuQ-00069-00015972-00016222 779.00 in the previous release i fixed FoP2ND57OuQ-00070-00016223-00016567 the bug that FoP2ND57OuQ-00071-00016568-00016830 so when we FoP2ND57OuQ-00072-00016831-00017071 when carl sets up a second stream over FoP2ND57OuQ-00073-00017072-00017294 the same connection you know using the FoP2ND57OuQ-00074-00017295-00017567 same connection again for a new stream i FoP2ND57OuQ-00075-00017568-00017711 fixed the bug in the previous release FoP2ND57OuQ-00076-00017712-00017911 that made it not initialize stuff for FoP2ND57OuQ-00077-00017912-00018047 the new stream FoP2ND57OuQ-00078-00018048-00018286 because it would reuse the connection so FoP2ND57OuQ-00079-00018287-00018414 hey it's the same connection we're FoP2ND57OuQ-00080-00018415-00018639 already using skip this part FoP2ND57OuQ-00081-00018640-00018879 so i've fixed this oh we need to also FoP2ND57OuQ-00082-00018880-00019103 initialize some other stuff for the new FoP2ND57OuQ-00083-00019104-00019286 stream FoP2ND57OuQ-00084-00019287-00019430 which was good because i fixed the bug FoP2ND57OuQ-00085-00019431-00019703 but of course i overdid it so i not only FoP2ND57OuQ-00086-00019704-00020007 fixed initialized things for that new FoP2ND57OuQ-00087-00020008-00020279 stream i also initialized some FoP2ND57OuQ-00088-00020280-00020447 data FoP2ND57OuQ-00089-00020448-00020735 you know components for the connection FoP2ND57OuQ-00090-00020736-00020958 which is really bad initialize FoP2ND57OuQ-00091-00020959-00021167 connection related stuff in in a FoP2ND57OuQ-00092-00021168-00021358 connection that is already used by FoP2ND57OuQ-00093-00021359-00021719 another stream or many other streams so FoP2ND57OuQ-00094-00021720-00021878 i had to sort of FoP2ND57OuQ-00095-00021879-00022094 not totally revert the commit but you FoP2ND57OuQ-00096-00022095-00022319 know half of the commit was good half of FoP2ND57OuQ-00097-00022320-00022807 it was bad so now i hopefully made it FoP2ND57OuQ-00098-00022808-00023094 correct who knows FoP2ND57OuQ-00099-00023095-00023230 we have this FoP2ND57OuQ-00100-00023231-00023494 we have this function called curl multi FoP2ND57OuQ-00101-00023495-00023999 fd set in in curl and it FoP2ND57OuQ-00102-00024000-00024335 it basically sets an fd set being a FoP2ND57OuQ-00103-00024336-00024575 variable in c FoP2ND57OuQ-00104-00024576-00024822 used for select FoP2ND57OuQ-00105-00024823-00025103 and you could ask then curl to FoP2ND57OuQ-00106-00025104-00025430 populate your fd sets with this function FoP2ND57OuQ-00107-00025431-00025583 and if you FoP2ND57OuQ-00108-00025584-00025814 if curl then operates on FoP2ND57OuQ-00109-00025816-00026022 sockets that are FoP2ND57OuQ-00110-00026023-00026302 larger and beyond the fd set size you FoP2ND57OuQ-00111-00026304-00026479 know the the largest number of sockets FoP2ND57OuQ-00112-00026480-00026687 that this variable handles FoP2ND57OuQ-00113-00026688-00026927 it would overwrite FoP2ND57OuQ-00114-00026927-00027095 them FoP2ND57OuQ-00115-00027095-00027374 in some cases it was just a FoP2ND57OuQ-00116-00027375-00027551 bad check it FoP2ND57OuQ-00117-00027552-00027814 the check was in place but it was wrong FoP2ND57OuQ-00118-00027816-00027990 it's better now FoP2ND57OuQ-00119-00027991-00028151 also if you build FoP2ND57OuQ-00120-00028152-00028335 the previous curl release with enable FoP2ND57OuQ-00121-00028336-00028614 debug or you just ran make check source FoP2ND57OuQ-00122-00028616-00028783 to to check the FoP2ND57OuQ-00123-00028783-00029046 um the source uh code style which we FoP2ND57OuQ-00124-00029047-00029190 have which we do FoP2ND57OuQ-00125-00029191-00029318 um FoP2ND57OuQ-00126-00029319-00029487 by default if you build with enable FoP2ND57OuQ-00127-00029488-00029831 debug it would fail at the build or the FoP2ND57OuQ-00128-00029832-00030031 check if you build from the tarball and FoP2ND57OuQ-00129-00030032-00030302 the release tarball because i had missed FoP2ND57OuQ-00130-00030303-00030670 to add this file in the release FoP2ND57OuQ-00131-00030672-00030855 okay yeah FoP2ND57OuQ-00132-00030856-00031118 annoying but fixed now FoP2ND57OuQ-00133-00031119-00031262 some other things FoP2ND57OuQ-00134-00031263-00031495 clearly we don't have too many users FoP2ND57OuQ-00135-00031495-00032055 using is just ts FoP2ND57OuQ-00136-00032056-00032214 because we got FoP2ND57OuQ-00137-00032216-00032543 at least two bike reports on hsts FoP2ND57OuQ-00138-00032544-00032735 um that i managed to fix for this FoP2ND57OuQ-00139-00032736-00032879 release so FoP2ND57OuQ-00140-00032880-00033071 there's for example this read callback FoP2ND57OuQ-00141-00033072-00033262 that carl can do to allow the FoP2ND57OuQ-00142-00033263-00033671 application to populate the hsts um FoP2ND57OuQ-00143-00033672-00033959 well cache the list of domains that it FoP2ND57OuQ-00144-00033960-00034079 should FoP2ND57OuQ-00145-00034080-00034190 care about FoP2ND57OuQ-00146-00034191-00034318 and FoP2ND57OuQ-00147-00034319-00034559 lib curl clearly didn't handle a return FoP2ND57OuQ-00148-00034560-00034718 code the proper way that it was FoP2ND57OuQ-00149-00034719-00034959 documented to do and FoP2ND57OuQ-00150-00034960-00035135 was supposed to do FoP2ND57OuQ-00151-00035136-00035423 it also didn't handle unlimited expiry FoP2ND57OuQ-00152-00035424-00035655 properly on 64-bit machines and of FoP2ND57OuQ-00153-00035656-00035879 course i learned then that if you set FoP2ND57OuQ-00154-00035880-00036087 because carl said when when you said FoP2ND57OuQ-00155-00036088-00036239 unlimited FoP2ND57OuQ-00156-00036240-00036311 i FoP2ND57OuQ-00157-00036312-00036567 internally we translated that to not FoP2ND57OuQ-00158-00036568-00036767 really unlimited but we set it to the FoP2ND57OuQ-00159-00036768-00037071 maximum time t value which is a very FoP2ND57OuQ-00160-00037072-00037462 very large 30 63 bit number right FoP2ND57OuQ-00161-00037463-00037727 and then we convert it to date and we FoP2ND57OuQ-00162-00037728-00038007 write that date in the in the file but FoP2ND57OuQ-00163-00038008-00038246 it turned out that converting that value FoP2ND57OuQ-00164-00038247-00038407 to date is FoP2ND57OuQ-00165-00038408-00038702 not possible if you use a 32-bit field FoP2ND57OuQ-00166-00038703-00039023 for the year because that's FoP2ND57OuQ-00167-00039024-00039255 there's a larger rear number than can FoP2ND57OuQ-00168-00039256-00039527 fit in a 32-bit number that's that's FoP2ND57OuQ-00169-00039528-00039807 quite far far away in the future FoP2ND57OuQ-00170-00039808-00039974 uh that's fixed now we handle it FoP2ND57OuQ-00171-00039975-00040143 differently so now it's actually doesn't FoP2ND57OuQ-00172-00040144-00040430 use a date now it uses the fixed stream FoP2ND57OuQ-00173-00040431-00040683 unlimited FoP2ND57OuQ-00174-00040684-00040879 um FoP2ND57OuQ-00175-00040880-00041023 so uh FoP2ND57OuQ-00176-00041024-00041279 another really stupid FoP2ND57OuQ-00177-00041280-00041487 bug that would i think this was the FoP2ND57OuQ-00178-00041488-00041623 second bug FoP2ND57OuQ-00179-00041624-00041702 that FoP2ND57OuQ-00180-00041703-00041974 really made this patch release sort of FoP2ND57OuQ-00181-00041975-00042239 happen is that i broke FoP2ND57OuQ-00182-00042240-00042423 in in the previous release i FoP2ND57OuQ-00183-00042424-00042607 made it a little bit stricter the http FoP2ND57OuQ-00184-00042608-00042887 response parser that did now it's it's FoP2ND57OuQ-00185-00042888-00043095 supposed to verify that you only get a FoP2ND57OuQ-00186-00043096-00043383 three digit hp response code you know FoP2ND57OuQ-00187-00043384-00043799 200 404 301 all those things so if it FoP2ND57OuQ-00188-00043800-00044055 was if it is more than three digits it's FoP2ND57OuQ-00189-00044056-00044351 not a valid http one response which is FoP2ND57OuQ-00190-00044352-00044471 fine because FoP2ND57OuQ-00191-00044472-00044599 that's how it's FoP2ND57OuQ-00192-00044600-00044790 defined in the specs and everything and FoP2ND57OuQ-00193-00044791-00045062 a lot of other parsers of hp FoP2ND57OuQ-00194-00045063-00045230 are stricter so i'm FoP2ND57OuQ-00195-00045231-00045446 pretty content that that will FoP2ND57OuQ-00196-00045447-00045702 won't sort of cause any FoP2ND57OuQ-00197-00045703-00046030 big problems out there but of course i FoP2ND57OuQ-00198-00046031-00046230 messed it up FoP2ND57OuQ-00199-00046231-00046623 maybe not of course but uh i did and um FoP2ND57OuQ-00200-00046624-00046695 and FoP2ND57OuQ-00201-00046696-00046935 the problem was that i did an s scanf to FoP2ND57OuQ-00202-00046936-00047239 parse it and then i parsed the number FoP2ND57OuQ-00203-00047240-00047535 afterwards i parsed three digits and FoP2ND57OuQ-00204-00047536-00047751 then i tried to parse is there a digit FoP2ND57OuQ-00205-00047752-00047935 coming after that FoP2ND57OuQ-00206-00047936-00048039 and FoP2ND57OuQ-00207-00048040-00048279 in that parser i accidentally allowed it FoP2ND57OuQ-00208-00048280-00048351 to FoP2ND57OuQ-00209-00048352-00048623 skip leading spaces which FoP2ND57OuQ-00210-00048624-00048967 meant that it would also wrongly trigger FoP2ND57OuQ-00211-00048968-00049135 if there was FoP2ND57OuQ-00212-00049136-00049446 three digits space and digits so if the FoP2ND57OuQ-00213-00049447-00049646 you know the reason phrase in a response FoP2ND57OuQ-00214-00049647-00049918 code started with a digit curl would FoP2ND57OuQ-00215-00049919-00050262 wrongly consider that as a FoP2ND57OuQ-00216-00050263-00050399 bad http FoP2ND57OuQ-00217-00050400-00050535 which it wasn't FoP2ND57OuQ-00218-00050536-00050679 now it's fixed FoP2ND57OuQ-00219-00050680-00051023 uh another small fix is that FoP2ND57OuQ-00220-00051024-00051319 we now use this FoP2ND57OuQ-00221-00051320-00051599 the list of errors we access it directly FoP2ND57OuQ-00222-00051600-00051911 on windows builds to avoid the use of FoP2ND57OuQ-00223-00051912-00052190 error in in on windows as well FoP2ND57OuQ-00224-00052191-00052319 the function FoP2ND57OuQ-00225-00052320-00052591 error is documented as not thread safe FoP2ND57OuQ-00226-00052591-00052711 on FoP2ND57OuQ-00227-00052712-00052919 postx on windows and basically FoP2ND57OuQ-00228-00052920-00053094 everywhere so we should FoP2ND57OuQ-00229-00053095-00053350 always try to avoid it so FoP2ND57OuQ-00230-00053351-00053630 you know to more accurately be able to FoP2ND57OuQ-00231-00053632-00053838 get the actual error instead of risking FoP2ND57OuQ-00232-00053839-00053999 that it actually returns something that FoP2ND57OuQ-00233-00054000-00054199 wasn't error because of some threading FoP2ND57OuQ-00234-00054200-00054487 issues FoP2ND57OuQ-00235-00054488-00054854 we also made the ssh related tests work FoP2ND57OuQ-00236-00054855-00055199 now with more recent openssh FoP2ND57OuQ-00237-00055200-00055519 installations openssh obviously has FoP2ND57OuQ-00238-00055520-00055766 started to be much more FoP2ND57OuQ-00239-00055767-00056087 rigid and strict on how it interprets FoP2ND57OuQ-00240-00056088-00056559 configure items so when we in fire up FoP2ND57OuQ-00241-00056560-00056782 these servers so for the test suite we FoP2ND57OuQ-00242-00056783-00056991 generated a configure FoP2ND57OuQ-00243-00056991-00057142 configure file for them and that FoP2ND57OuQ-00244-00057144-00057366 configure file we generated was FoP2ND57OuQ-00245-00057367-00057654 incomplete or sort of it didn't contain FoP2ND57OuQ-00246-00057655-00057847 the correct syntax for uh FoP2ND57OuQ-00247-00057848-00058030 four or five different options with FoP2ND57OuQ-00248-00058032-00058223 within openssh so FoP2ND57OuQ-00249-00058224-00058399 we're starting with this release of FoP2ND57OuQ-00250-00058400-00058647 openssh it's it would refuse to start FoP2ND57OuQ-00251-00058648-00059071 because of these syntax errors fixed now FoP2ND57OuQ-00252-00059072-00059182 those are the FoP2ND57OuQ-00253-00059183-00059375 highlights i think those were FoP2ND57OuQ-00254-00059376-00059638 eight of the ten bugs FoP2ND57OuQ-00255-00059639-00059719 so FoP2ND57OuQ-00256-00059720-00060038 pretty much that was it and those FoP2ND57OuQ-00257-00060039-00060294 are in that release and we are now back FoP2ND57OuQ-00258-00060295-00060382 on FoP2ND57OuQ-00259-00060383-00060719 aiming for 7.80.0 FoP2ND57OuQ-00260-00060720-00060966 in the next release we're going to stick FoP2ND57OuQ-00261-00060967-00061206 to the release schedule so we just have FoP2ND57OuQ-00262-00061207-00061406 a shorter window for new features for FoP2ND57OuQ-00263-00061407-00061599 the next release but it should be fine FoP2ND57OuQ-00264-00061600-00061766 we should have done about two and a half FoP2ND57OuQ-00265-00061767-00061942 weeks to merge features so if you have FoP2ND57OuQ-00266-00061944-00062150 features and they're ready and and the FoP2ND57OuQ-00267-00062151-00062326 pull requests are there and clean and FoP2ND57OuQ-00268-00062327-00062535 fine we should be able to merge them so FoP2ND57OuQ-00269-00062536-00062615 we FoP2ND57OuQ-00270-00062616-00062726 as i FoP2ND57OuQ-00271-00062727-00062838 already FoP2ND57OuQ-00272-00062839-00063006 talked about in the previous release FoP2ND57OuQ-00273-00063007-00063271 presentation i'm just going to FoP2ND57OuQ-00274-00063272-00063519 keep it short that we have pull request FoP2ND57OuQ-00275-00063520-00063599 for FoP2ND57OuQ-00276-00063600-00063799 for a new option for FoP2ND57OuQ-00277-00063800-00063966 the car command line tool to avoid FoP2ND57OuQ-00278-00063967-00064271 overriding local files we have a new api FoP2ND57OuQ-00279-00064272-00064582 proposed for lib curl to get errors for FoP2ND57OuQ-00280-00064583-00064806 url parsing parsing FoP2ND57OuQ-00281-00064807-00065254 ss shot 256 for ssh related transfers FoP2ND57OuQ-00282-00065255-00065391 uh and FoP2ND57OuQ-00283-00065391-00065550 another callback FoP2ND57OuQ-00284-00065551-00066079 for lib crawl to tell the application FoP2ND57OuQ-00285-00066080-00066359 just before it starts to transfer after FoP2ND57OuQ-00286-00066360-00066631 the connection has been made FoP2ND57OuQ-00287-00066632-00066775 and there are other FoP2ND57OuQ-00288-00066776-00067006 things you know more protocols left http FoP2ND57OuQ-00289-00067007-00067255 3 some other options that have been FoP2ND57OuQ-00290-00067256-00067582 in the works for a while uh we have them FoP2ND57OuQ-00291-00067583-00067767 more or less ongoing i'm not sure that FoP2ND57OuQ-00292-00067768-00067975 we will actually get around to do a lot FoP2ND57OuQ-00293-00067976-00068191 of this for the next release but FoP2ND57OuQ-00294-00068192-00068511 potentially it depends on what you and FoP2ND57OuQ-00295-00068512-00068615 what i FoP2ND57OuQ-00296-00068616-00068887 have time for and get to FoP2ND57OuQ-00297-00068888-00069231 get to in time FoP2ND57OuQ-00298-00069232-00069406 so yeah FoP2ND57OuQ-00299-00069407-00069543 maybe websockets i don't think FoP2ND57OuQ-00300-00069544-00069735 websockets i i made a separate blog post FoP2ND57OuQ-00301-00069736-00069982 about websockets uh websockets is FoP2ND57OuQ-00302-00069983-00070438 probably pretty much put on hold because FoP2ND57OuQ-00303-00070439-00070671 i need help or sponsorship to get that FoP2ND57OuQ-00304-00070672-00070903 going so november 10 FoP2ND57OuQ-00305-00070904-00071223 uh 7.80.0 FoP2ND57OuQ-00306-00071224-00071575 unless we get another set of critical FoP2ND57OuQ-00307-00071576-00071879 bug reports to warrant another patch FoP2ND57OuQ-00308-00071880-00072071 release FoP2ND57OuQ-00309-00072072-00072150 but FoP2ND57OuQ-00310-00072151-00072287 by the way let's hope let's hope it's FoP2ND57OuQ-00311-00072288-00072447 not going to happen so let's stick to FoP2ND57OuQ-00312-00072448-00072735 the schedule that is the schedule to do FoP2ND57OuQ-00313-00072736-00072950 this FoP2ND57OuQ-00314-00072951-00073247 every eight weeks so okay everyone so FoP2ND57OuQ-00315-00073248-00073447 seven weeks to that release and this is FoP2ND57OuQ-00316-00073448-00073623 the url for the FoP2ND57OuQ-00317-00073624-00073975 current release notes in progress FoP2ND57OuQ-00318-00073976-00074399 this is now no longer 552 days this is FoP2ND57OuQ-00319-00074400-00074519 actually another slide i should have FoP2ND57OuQ-00320-00074520-00074750 been kept here so there's actually seven FoP2ND57OuQ-00321-00074751-00074894 days less now FoP2ND57OuQ-00322-00074895-00075175 to the planned version eight FoP2ND57OuQ-00323-00075176-00075367 if you have any issues with curl curl FoP2ND57OuQ-00324-00075368-00075655 help curl ports whatever contacts um FoP2ND57OuQ-00325-00075656-00075959 with ssl file bug reports FoP2ND57OuQ-00326-00075960-00076175 file security FoP2ND57OuQ-00327-00076176-00076479 issues on hacker one FoP2ND57OuQ-00328-00076480-00076638 these are the FoP2ND57OuQ-00329-00076639-00076926 set of fine sponsors that help us keep FoP2ND57OuQ-00330-00076927-00077082 this project FoP2ND57OuQ-00331-00077083-00077359 afloat that's pretty much it for this FoP2ND57OuQ-00332-00077360-00077615 time FoP2ND57OuQ-00333-00077616-00077919 you find curl and everything about curl FoP2ND57OuQ-00334-00077920-00078391 on curl.s e of course FoP2ND57OuQ-00335-00078392-00078526 and FoP2ND57OuQ-00336-00078527-00078687 you will find FoP2ND57OuQ-00337-00078688-00078975 binary packages and release stuff for FoP2ND57OuQ-00338-00078976-00079135 your distributions your operating FoP2ND57OuQ-00339-00079136-00079399 systems and everything and they will pop FoP2ND57OuQ-00340-00079400-00079582 up and FoP2ND57OuQ-00341-00079583-00079711 show up on FoP2ND57OuQ-00342-00079712-00080031 on all those providers FoP2ND57OuQ-00343-00080032-00080359 later on FoP2ND57OuQ-00344-00080360-00080615 i hear an alarm FoP2ND57OuQ-00345-00080616-00080847 somewhere in my house i'll shut up now FoP2ND57OuQ-00346-00080848-00081079 and stop the recording and and until the FoP2ND57OuQ-00347-00081080-00081439 next release is see you F0igjkgnaKc-00000-00000048-00000238 when scheduling a zoom meeting it is F0igjkgnaKc-00001-00000239-00000375 important to keep in mind F0igjkgnaKc-00002-00000376-00000591 who will be attending that zoom meeting F0igjkgnaKc-00003-00000592-00000759 because this will determine which F0igjkgnaKc-00004-00000760-00000999 authentication option you choose F0igjkgnaKc-00005-00001000-00001150 in this video you will learn how to F0igjkgnaKc-00006-00001151-00001358 select the appropriate authentication F0igjkgnaKc-00007-00001359-00001407 method F0igjkgnaKc-00008-00001408-00001687 for your meeting begin by scheduling F0igjkgnaKc-00009-00001688-00001791 your zoom meeting F0igjkgnaKc-00010-00001792-00002014 in this video we will be scheduling the F0igjkgnaKc-00011-00002016-00002183 zoom meeting through the browser F0igjkgnaKc-00012-00002184-00002342 you could also schedule your meeting F0igjkgnaKc-00013-00002343-00002534 through the zoom desktop app or using F0igjkgnaKc-00014-00002535-00002607 the zoom F0igjkgnaKc-00015-00002608-00002918 outlook add-in from your favorite F0igjkgnaKc-00016-00002919-00003083 browser type F0igjkgnaKc-00017-00003084-00003886 zoom.towson.edu and then click schedule F0igjkgnaKc-00018-00003887-00004063 if prompted enter your netid and F0igjkgnaKc-00019-00004064-00004247 password and then click login F0igjkgnaKc-00020-00004248-00004663 you may have to authenticate through duo F0igjkgnaKc-00021-00004664-00004854 after entering all applicable F0igjkgnaKc-00022-00004855-00005006 information for your meeting F0igjkgnaKc-00023-00005007-00005263 including the topic start date and F0igjkgnaKc-00024-00005264-00005391 duration F0igjkgnaKc-00025-00005392-00005695 scroll down to require authentication to F0igjkgnaKc-00026-00005696-00005902 join F0igjkgnaKc-00027-00005903-00006095 you have the following options number F0igjkgnaKc-00028-00006096-00006422 one tu net id authenticated users only F0igjkgnaKc-00029-00006423-00006670 recommended this is the default option F0igjkgnaKc-00030-00006672-00006878 and it limits attendees to tu F0igjkgnaKc-00031-00006879-00007127 account holders only this recommended F0igjkgnaKc-00032-00007128-00007231 and secure option F0igjkgnaKc-00033-00007231-00007431 is ideal when inviting tu students F0igjkgnaKc-00034-00007431-00007614 faculty and staff only F0igjkgnaKc-00035-00007615-00007759 and they must be logged in through their F0igjkgnaKc-00036-00007759-00007951 tu zoom account F0igjkgnaKc-00037-00007952-00008139 anyone with an at towson or at F0igjkgnaKc-00038-00008140-00008342 students.towson email address F0igjkgnaKc-00039-00008343-00008599 will be permitted into the meeting F0igjkgnaKc-00040-00008600-00008687 number two F0igjkgnaKc-00041-00008688-00008951 tuneded or other zoom authenticated F0igjkgnaKc-00042-00008952-00009039 users F0igjkgnaKc-00043-00009040-00009287 select this less secure option to open F0igjkgnaKc-00044-00009288-00009446 the meeting to anyone with a zoom F0igjkgnaKc-00045-00009447-00009527 account F0igjkgnaKc-00046-00009528-00009767 this would include those with the tu F0igjkgnaKc-00047-00009768-00009855 zoom account F0igjkgnaKc-00048-00009856-00010127 as well as non-tu invitees who have F0igjkgnaKc-00049-00010128-00010246 either a personal F0igjkgnaKc-00050-00010247-00010471 or other zoom account those who do not F0igjkgnaKc-00051-00010472-00010583 have a zoom account F0igjkgnaKc-00052-00010584-00010895 will not have access to the meeting the F0igjkgnaKc-00053-00010896-00010974 third option F0igjkgnaKc-00054-00010975-00011255 is no authentication required this is F0igjkgnaKc-00055-00011256-00011406 the least secure option F0igjkgnaKc-00056-00011407-00011655 and is applied by unchecking the box F0igjkgnaKc-00057-00011656-00011742 beside F0igjkgnaKc-00058-00011743-00012006 require authentication to join this F0igjkgnaKc-00059-00012007-00012151 opens the meeting up to F0igjkgnaKc-00060-00012152-00012431 anyone tu zoom account holders and F0igjkgnaKc-00061-00012432-00012591 non-tu invitees F0igjkgnaKc-00062-00012592-00012886 with and without personal zoom accounts F0igjkgnaKc-00063-00012887-00013063 please be cautious when choosing this F0igjkgnaKc-00064-00013063-00013255 option F0igjkgnaKc-00065-00013256-00013455 thanks for watching for more information F0igjkgnaKc-00066-00013456-00013655 go to towson.edu F0igjkgnaKc-00067-00013656-00014184 forward slash ots training F0S9Ic7vISE-00000-00000059-00001312 [Music] F0S9Ic7vISE-00001-00001313-00002068 [Music] F0S9Ic7vISE-00003-00005404-00006470 [Music] F0S9Ic7vISE-00004-00006472-00006480 [Applause] F0S9Ic7vISE-00005-00006481-00006804 [Music] F0S9Ic7vISE-00006-00006805-00007110 surprising day when a one of the F0S9Ic7vISE-00007-00007111-00007363 mindfulness challenge I'm here today in F0S9Ic7vISE-00008-00007364-00007615 the wonderful town or city of F0S9Ic7vISE-00009-00007616-00007891 Glastonbury behind me you can see the F0S9Ic7vISE-00010-00007892-00008212 Glastonbury Abbey and if I spin it F0S9Ic7vISE-00011-00008213-00008463 around a little bit you will see all the F0S9Ic7vISE-00012-00008464-00008782 grounds of Glastonbury and that pot of F0S9Ic7vISE-00013-00008783-00009001 land you see there dogs back in the F0S9Ic7vISE-00014-00009002-00009210 distance but that plot of land that you F0S9Ic7vISE-00015-00009211-00009568 see there is if you look at the well F0S9Ic7vISE-00016-00009569-00009709 Center and you see the things that I F0S9Ic7vISE-00017-00009710-00009991 talk about in terms of plant it major B F0S9Ic7vISE-00018-00009992-00010162 in the first seat of Christian learning F0S9Ic7vISE-00019-00010163-00010506 that place there is the first Christian F0S9Ic7vISE-00020-00010507-00010821 settlement which was in 39 ad which is F0S9Ic7vISE-00021-00010822-00011059 the photograph that I showed you when I F0S9Ic7vISE-00022-00011060-00011212 was asking about the lady about the F0S9Ic7vISE-00023-00011213-00011437 round houses and she said and I designed F0S9Ic7vISE-00024-00011438-00011623 the round house and she said oh my god F0S9Ic7vISE-00025-00011624-00011853 let me show you where this is and that F0S9Ic7vISE-00026-00011854-00012360 plot of land a is exactly where the F0S9Ic7vISE-00027-00012361-00012562 first seat of or the actually the first F0S9Ic7vISE-00028-00012563-00012846 Christian settlement was and this is the F0S9Ic7vISE-00029-00012847-00013390 abbey and this is me hi hope you well um F0S9Ic7vISE-00030-00013391-00013612 it's really nice to see you day 101 of F0S9Ic7vISE-00031-00013613-00013777 the mindfulness challenge who would have F0S9Ic7vISE-00032-00013778-00013897 thought it we thought there was only a F0S9Ic7vISE-00033-00013897-00014044 hundred days of the mindfulness F0S9Ic7vISE-00034-00014044-00014290 challenge well here we are and the F0S9Ic7vISE-00035-00014291-00014491 reason why I wanted to come on today was F0S9Ic7vISE-00036-00014491-00014758 that we should always do things that F0S9Ic7vISE-00037-00014759-00015163 inspire us and you know drive ourselves F0S9Ic7vISE-00038-00015163-00015313 to be inspired by those people who F0S9Ic7vISE-00039-00015313-00015733 inspire us Glastonbury is a very special F0S9Ic7vISE-00040-00015734-00015943 place in my heart and if you just seeing F0S9Ic7vISE-00041-00015944-00016186 the book that I wrote from a burden to a F0S9Ic7vISE-00042-00016187-00016438 blessing chapter 18 talks about F0S9Ic7vISE-00043-00016439-00016768 Glastonbury and it talks about a lady a F0S9Ic7vISE-00044-00016769-00016849 room lady F0S9Ic7vISE-00045-00016850-00016999 her name's Tegan I never mentioned a F0S9Ic7vISE-00046-00017000-00017158 name before Bergen to mention it now and F0S9Ic7vISE-00047-00017159-00017344 today I went to the shop F0S9Ic7vISE-00048-00017345-00017503 but unfortunately she's not there at the F0S9Ic7vISE-00049-00017504-00017728 moment because of kovat but I signed a F0S9Ic7vISE-00050-00017729-00017875 book and gave it to her and said please F0S9Ic7vISE-00051-00017876-00018271 read chapter 19 because it's such a such F0S9Ic7vISE-00052-00018272-00018439 an important chapter in my life and how F0S9Ic7vISE-00053-00018440-00018718 much she's inspired me to do the things F0S9Ic7vISE-00054-00018719-00018919 that spirit wanted me to do and and F0S9Ic7vISE-00055-00018920-00019171 today I went there and delivered a book F0S9Ic7vISE-00056-00019172-00019396 and it's no surprise to me when I spoke F0S9Ic7vISE-00057-00019397-00019558 to the gentleman I said I was Tegan here F0S9Ic7vISE-00058-00019559-00019768 today and he said no she's she's F0S9Ic7vISE-00059-00019769-00020038 obviously working with kovat and I said F0S9Ic7vISE-00060-00020039-00020394 well she's not here and she's a carer F0S9Ic7vISE-00061-00020395-00020683 now this lady doesn't know me from Adam F0S9Ic7vISE-00062-00020684-00021187 and I go and see her and she really F0S9Ic7vISE-00063-00021188-00021490 helped me with the Runestones showed me F0S9Ic7vISE-00064-00021491-00021622 that my pathway which and give me F0S9Ic7vISE-00065-00021623-00021868 confirmation and affirmation of the F0S9Ic7vISE-00066-00021869-00022080 things that I've been shown from spirit F0S9Ic7vISE-00067-00022081-00022569 and she's a carer no reason why that's a F0S9Ic7vISE-00068-00022570-00022755 surprise because she's an empath and F0S9Ic7vISE-00069-00022756-00022897 she's somebody who's really connected to F0S9Ic7vISE-00070-00022898-00023041 the world and help in the world and F0S9Ic7vISE-00071-00023042-00023250 making this world a very special place F0S9Ic7vISE-00072-00023251-00023430 so I signed the one of my books and I F0S9Ic7vISE-00073-00023431-00023638 left it behind the counter and generally F0S9Ic7vISE-00074-00023639-00023821 said can I take your name please I said F0S9Ic7vISE-00075-00023822-00024052 Jay Julianne he looked at the book and F0S9Ic7vISE-00076-00024053-00024180 he looked at me and he sort of put two F0S9Ic7vISE-00077-00024181-00024381 and two together and and I walked out F0S9Ic7vISE-00078-00024382-00024616 and if you think about as well I was F0S9Ic7vISE-00079-00024617-00024736 thinking it's driving over the F0S9Ic7vISE-00080-00024737-00025033 catch-and-release song that I play F0S9Ic7vISE-00081-00025034-00025284 there's a place I go to where nobody F0S9Ic7vISE-00082-00025285-00025711 knows me yeah this is it Bastin be F0S9Ic7vISE-00083-00025712-00025918 nobody knows me there's a place I go to F0S9Ic7vISE-00084-00025919-00026295 where nobody knows me it's it's what F0S9Ic7vISE-00085-00026297-00026505 it's not easy it's a necessary thing F0S9Ic7vISE-00086-00026506-00026818 yeah I'm not lonely you know and this is F0S9Ic7vISE-00087-00026819-00027133 the place this is Glastonbury and it's F0S9Ic7vISE-00088-00027133-00027370 such a special place for me so day one F0S9Ic7vISE-00089-00027370-00027523 or one of the mindfulness challenge this F0S9Ic7vISE-00090-00027524-00027787 is the last day and it is a bit of a F0S9Ic7vISE-00091-00027788-00027927 surprise and I've got some other footage F0S9Ic7vISE-00092-00027928-00028144 so I'm going to cut into this and put up F0S9Ic7vISE-00093-00028145-00028423 on YouTube but I thought I would make F0S9Ic7vISE-00094-00028424-00028827 the trip across the water and I'm F0S9Ic7vISE-00095-00028828-00029017 working so I'm allowed to do it so I'm F0S9Ic7vISE-00096-00029018-00029187 socially distancing you know there's F0S9Ic7vISE-00097-00029188-00029970 nobody within a good way of me F0S9Ic7vISE-00098-00029970-00030523 beautiful isn't it absolute stone so F0S9Ic7vISE-00099-00030524-00030667 there's also the tomb of King Arthur F0S9Ic7vISE-00100-00030668-00030949 here I do it you can see just up in the F0S9Ic7vISE-00101-00030950-00031366 hill there I can get it I get it F0S9Ic7vISE-00102-00031367-00031545 can I get it can I get it can I get it F0S9Ic7vISE-00103-00031547-00032283 can I get it can I get it look sit there F0S9Ic7vISE-00104-00032285-00032758 yeah F0S9Ic7vISE-00105-00032759-00033040 I'm doing this live guys right so so F0S9Ic7vISE-00106-00033041-00033418 please bear with me you can see the F0S9Ic7vISE-00107-00033419-00033646 Glastonbury Tor the little building on F0S9Ic7vISE-00108-00033647-00034033 the top of the hill and that okay that F0S9Ic7vISE-00109-00034034-00034741 Glastonbury Tor well you can see this is F0S9Ic7vISE-00110-00034742-00034951 very much on the Hoff the Glastonbury F0S9Ic7vISE-00111-00034952-00035221 Tor I can see it from my house and I F0S9Ic7vISE-00112-00035222-00035377 would have never thought that I went to F0S9Ic7vISE-00113-00035378-00035608 my backyard and I can see there which is F0S9Ic7vISE-00114-00035609-00035905 33 miles away from my house so all these F0S9Ic7vISE-00115-00035906-00036049 things keep linking together and they F0S9Ic7vISE-00116-00036050-00036313 just inspire me to to follow the F0S9Ic7vISE-00117-00036314-00036496 spiritual string keep going keep F0S9Ic7vISE-00118-00036497-00036705 believing keep doing the things that F0S9Ic7vISE-00119-00036706-00037105 that you have passion for and you know F0S9Ic7vISE-00120-00037106-00037363 I've been greatly inspired by this place F0S9Ic7vISE-00121-00037364-00037705 and I've been greatly inspired every day F0S9Ic7vISE-00122-00037706-00038035 from the comments and the emails and F0S9Ic7vISE-00123-00038036-00038305 everything that I get so saying thank F0S9Ic7vISE-00124-00038306-00038446 you very much you know it's really great F0S9Ic7vISE-00125-00038447-00038623 and everything else so here's my F0S9Ic7vISE-00126-00038624-00039023 question to you we have the great unique F0S9Ic7vISE-00127-00039024-00039329 ability to inspire others through you F0S9Ic7vISE-00128-00039330-00039682 know doing things to inspire people and F0S9Ic7vISE-00129-00039683-00040039 I'd like you to if you can I'm gonna pop F0S9Ic7vISE-00130-00040040-00040264 a video up a little later on in the F0S9Ic7vISE-00131-00040265-00040474 YouTube channel or you can put on here F0S9Ic7vISE-00132-00040475-00040719 and just inspire people to why F0S9Ic7vISE-00133-00040720-00040999 mindfulness and 100 day challenge has F0S9Ic7vISE-00134-00041000-00041233 inspired you and it's how it's helped F0S9Ic7vISE-00135-00041234-00041518 you through this period of time and what F0S9Ic7vISE-00136-00041519-00041729 it's done for you and it's not about me F0S9Ic7vISE-00137-00041730-00041955 please don't it's not it never about me F0S9Ic7vISE-00138-00041956-00042254 but what I wanted to do is I want day F0S9Ic7vISE-00139-00042255-00043456 101 to be a testimonials a statement so F0S9Ic7vISE-00140-00043457-00043618 people are just something why will it F0S9Ic7vISE-00141-00043619-00043807 work for me what it worked for me they F0S9Ic7vISE-00142-00043808-00044089 can see the experiences of real people F0S9Ic7vISE-00143-00044090-00044467 and actually use that inspiration and F0S9Ic7vISE-00144-00044468-00044873 and and power to truly change their F0S9Ic7vISE-00145-00044874-00045087 lives and change their lives through F0S9Ic7vISE-00146-00045088-00045421 spirituality and spiritualism so if F0S9Ic7vISE-00147-00045422-00045535 you've been doing the mindfulness F0S9Ic7vISE-00148-00045536-00045838 challenge and if you've been doing that F0S9Ic7vISE-00149-00045839-00045992 on YouTube or whatever and you're F0S9Ic7vISE-00150-00045993-00046099 watching this video now on F0S9Ic7vISE-00151-00046100-00046301 udemy group and I'll put this video up a F0S9Ic7vISE-00152-00046302-00046426 little bit later on on YouTube when I F0S9Ic7vISE-00153-00046427-00046645 get back to Wales about two hours away F0S9Ic7vISE-00154-00046646-00046979 today is just say why you've been F0S9Ic7vISE-00155-00046980-00047198 inspired and and how mindfulness and F0S9Ic7vISE-00156-00047199-00047407 this challenge has helped you because by F0S9Ic7vISE-00157-00047408-00047779 doing so you could just plant that seed F0S9Ic7vISE-00158-00047780-00048049 that makes somebody or has somebody or F0S9Ic7vISE-00159-00048050-00048313 inspires somebody to start from day one F0S9Ic7vISE-00160-00048314-00048658 and that's what I'm looking for is if we F0S9Ic7vISE-00161-00048659-00048886 can all reach out and help others to F0S9Ic7vISE-00162-00048887-00049060 help themselves live a happy balanced F0S9Ic7vISE-00163-00049061-00049380 spiritual life with clarity and purpose F0S9Ic7vISE-00164-00049381-00049735 and be part of this wonderful F0S9Ic7vISE-00165-00049736-00050270 surroundings of Glastonbury Abbey what a F0S9Ic7vISE-00166-00050271-00050962 beautiful space so this has inspired me F0S9Ic7vISE-00167-00050963-00051331 I hope it inspires you I have to kick on F0S9Ic7vISE-00168-00051332-00051604 now guys because I have to go home the F0S9Ic7vISE-00169-00051605-00051889 sun is shining it's sort of summer here F0S9Ic7vISE-00170-00051890-00052243 but before I go on day one or one of the F0S9Ic7vISE-00171-00052244-00052466 mindfulness challenge thank you all very F0S9Ic7vISE-00172-00052466-00052850 much thank you also for your support F0S9Ic7vISE-00173-00052851-00053129 for your love for your kindness for your F0S9Ic7vISE-00174-00053129-00053387 inspiration for your energy for F0S9Ic7vISE-00175-00053388-00053753 everything that you do to inspire me to F0S9Ic7vISE-00176-00053754-00053992 get up every morning and dust myself off F0S9Ic7vISE-00177-00053994-00054311 sometimes and go again because that's F0S9Ic7vISE-00178-00054312-00054442 what it's all about let's play the long F0S9Ic7vISE-00179-00054444-00054643 game I said yesterday when eyes up the F0S9Ic7vISE-00180-00054644-00054787 woods with my mate it's like as if F0S9Ic7vISE-00181-00054788-00055150 spirit have got me to this phase and I'm F0S9Ic7vISE-00182-00055151-00055310 waiting for the next download I'm F0S9Ic7vISE-00183-00055311-00055507 waiting for the next like you know F0S9Ic7vISE-00184-00055508-00055799 what's happening now and I've come here F0S9Ic7vISE-00185-00055800-00056084 today sunglasses day Melissa I've come F0S9Ic7vISE-00186-00056085-00056459 here today to to sit to feel inspired to F0S9Ic7vISE-00187-00056460-00056701 feel the energy again - ding ding round F0S9Ic7vISE-00188-00056702-00056924 2 so I don't know where I'm gonna go F0S9Ic7vISE-00189-00056925-00056972 from here F0S9Ic7vISE-00190-00056973-00057094 I do actually I'm gonna get in a car and F0S9Ic7vISE-00191-00057095-00057307 go home but on a bigger picture than hat F0S9Ic7vISE-00192-00057308-00057437 I don't know where I'm gonna go from F0S9Ic7vISE-00193-00057438-00057619 here I know I've got the forest and I've F0S9Ic7vISE-00194-00057620-00057749 know I got to start building our oats F0S9Ic7vISE-00195-00057750-00057925 and that's gonna change now due to kovat F0S9Ic7vISE-00196-00057926-00058141 but I'm not worried because I can bathe F0S9Ic7vISE-00197-00058142-00058454 in that sea of uncertainty knowing that F0S9Ic7vISE-00198-00058454-00058697 spirit got my back and I've got theirs F0S9Ic7vISE-00199-00058698-00058991 as well and I've got yours because I F0S9Ic7vISE-00200-00058991-00059159 know you got mine F0S9Ic7vISE-00201-00059160-00059378 and that's important so thank you very F0S9Ic7vISE-00202-00059379-00059591 much for all your love your support your F0S9Ic7vISE-00203-00059591-00059828 kindness your messages but I want to ask F0S9Ic7vISE-00204-00059829-00060248 a favor from you now and that is put in F0S9Ic7vISE-00205-00060249-00060449 the comment section below or put on the F0S9Ic7vISE-00206-00060450-00060821 YouTube channel when I pop it up things F0S9Ic7vISE-00207-00060822-00061034 that have inspired you to do the things F0S9Ic7vISE-00208-00061035-00061490 that you do and that comment that remark F0S9Ic7vISE-00209-00061491-00061774 may inspire somebody else and it's all F0S9Ic7vISE-00210-00061775-00062060 about today Sunday day 101 of the F0S9Ic7vISE-00211-00062061-00062297 mindfulness challenge is a surprised you F0S9Ic7vISE-00212-00062298-00062443 didn't probably expect it or maybe the F0S9Ic7vISE-00213-00062444-00062656 psychic ones and probably did all the F0S9Ic7vISE-00214-00062657-00062866 ones with clairvoyance probably did but F0S9Ic7vISE-00215-00062867-00063071 it's all about inspiration and this F0S9Ic7vISE-00216-00063072-00063323 place inspired me you inspire me and I F0S9Ic7vISE-00217-00063324-00063487 hope I can inspire you to make those F0S9Ic7vISE-00218-00063488-00063724 changes to your life that can have you F0S9Ic7vISE-00219-00063725-00063949 that happy balanced spiritual life be F0S9Ic7vISE-00220-00063950-00064265 love and give love lovely Sunday it's F0S9Ic7vISE-00221-00064266-00064541 it's an absolute pleasure to be with you F0S9Ic7vISE-00222-00064541-00064736 guys working with you guys and spending F0S9Ic7vISE-00223-00064737-00064969 time with you guys so thank you very F0S9Ic7vISE-00224-00064970-00065521 much for all that you do F0S9Ic7vISE-00225-00065522-00066288 [Music] F1I7ZjlzYhg-00000-00000378-00000761 who are you study my name is Sami suomi F1I7ZjlzYhg-00001-00000762-00000947 and I'm a second year student here in F1I7ZjlzYhg-00002-00000948-00001157 ICT and I'm specializing in data F1I7ZjlzYhg-00003-00001158-00001291 networking F1I7ZjlzYhg-00004-00001292-00001610 what made you apply from him before we F1I7ZjlzYhg-00005-00001611-00001751 will have started there was some talk F1I7ZjlzYhg-00006-00001752-00001973 about getting 5g equipment here to work F1I7ZjlzYhg-00007-00001973-00002165 with unfortunately that didn't happen F1I7ZjlzYhg-00008-00002166-00002410 and instead we got narrowband technique F1I7ZjlzYhg-00009-00002411-00002707 to work with which has been equally F1I7ZjlzYhg-00010-00002708-00003395 educational for us actually I didn't F1I7ZjlzYhg-00011-00003396-00003613 have any expectations for women up so I F1I7ZjlzYhg-00012-00003614-00003860 came with an open mind here to learn new F1I7ZjlzYhg-00013-00003861-00004311 skills and to expand my social network F1I7ZjlzYhg-00014-00004312-00004613 for this summer in women op I have been F1I7ZjlzYhg-00015-00004614-00004877 working as a team leader for overflow F1I7ZjlzYhg-00016-00004878-00005342 group I have learned what a lot here in F1I7ZjlzYhg-00017-00005343-00005642 Vemma lot more like working in projects F1I7ZjlzYhg-00018-00005643-00005986 and about cloud services and a little F1I7ZjlzYhg-00019-00005987-00006236 bit from program what kind of F1I7ZjlzYhg-00020-00006237-00006401 assignments would you like to work with F1I7ZjlzYhg-00021-00006402-00006685 in the future F1I7ZjlzYhg-00022-00006686-00007006 I don't have any specific assignment I F1I7ZjlzYhg-00023-00007008-00007270 would want to work with I'm always open F1I7ZjlzYhg-00024-00007272-00007541 for challenge I have myself in a F1I7ZjlzYhg-00025-00007542-00007850 leading role time to time sometimes not F1I7ZjlzYhg-00026-00007851-00008051 even noticing this myself so that will F1I7ZjlzYhg-00027-00008052-00008378 be a bit interesting of course I would F1I7ZjlzYhg-00028-00008379-00008570 want to work in a field where I can tell F1I7ZjlzYhg-00029-00008571-00008864 about my own skills if you could change F1I7ZjlzYhg-00030-00008865-00009044 the team you're working from one day F1I7ZjlzYhg-00031-00009045-00009235 which one would it be in a way I F1I7ZjlzYhg-00032-00009236-00009499 wouldn't change my team even for a day F1I7ZjlzYhg-00033-00009500-00009778 but if I would have to then it would be F1I7ZjlzYhg-00034-00009779-00010024 perhaps be perhaps be mr. cones where F1I7ZjlzYhg-00035-00010025-00010262 they work with more pa and automation in F1I7ZjlzYhg-00036-00010263-00010507 general F4xg-5qD1sM-00000-00000016-00000231 hi in this video we're going to discuss F4xg-5qD1sM-00001-00000231-00000567 about kajarya ceramics F4xg-5qD1sM-00002-00000568-00000695 so if you have not subscribed to this F4xg-5qD1sM-00003-00000696-00000935 channel please feel free to subscribe it F4xg-5qD1sM-00004-00000936-00001135 so that you are on top of F4xg-5qD1sM-00005-00001136-00001454 the latest videos that i'll be posting F4xg-5qD1sM-00006-00001455-00001743 so kajarya ceramics again uh it's uh F4xg-5qD1sM-00007-00001744-00001823 they are into F4xg-5qD1sM-00008-00001823-00002102 ceramic walls and uh tile manufacturing F4xg-5qD1sM-00009-00002103-00002295 so presumably again uh they are actually F4xg-5qD1sM-00010-00002296-00002463 a 15 000 crore F4xg-5qD1sM-00011-00002464-00002750 both company as of today so let's F4xg-5qD1sM-00012-00002751-00002855 understand uh F4xg-5qD1sM-00013-00002856-00003199 what kajarya does i'm just going to F4xg-5qD1sM-00014-00003200-00003319 their website F4xg-5qD1sM-00015-00003320-00003686 and let's and F4xg-5qD1sM-00016-00003688-00003919 pretty much to get an idea in terms of F4xg-5qD1sM-00017-00003920-00004103 what they do F4xg-5qD1sM-00018-00004104-00004286 so by and large if you see the product F4xg-5qD1sM-00019-00004287-00004583 categories so they are actually F4xg-5qD1sM-00020-00004584-00004959 making different vitrified tiles F4xg-5qD1sM-00021-00004960-00005199 stair tiles volatiles and floor tiles F4xg-5qD1sM-00022-00005200-00005343 and also F4xg-5qD1sM-00023-00005344-00005527 they have given the design as well in F4xg-5qD1sM-00024-00005528-00005751 terms of you can F4xg-5qD1sM-00025-00005752-00006054 find your own tile F4xg-5qD1sM-00026-00006055-00006295 mainly for your house office or for F4xg-5qD1sM-00027-00006296-00006375 other F4xg-5qD1sM-00028-00006376-00006583 institutional location and also you have F4xg-5qD1sM-00029-00006584-00006695 the option to F4xg-5qD1sM-00030-00006695-00007063 find a dealer inside so now one F4xg-5qD1sM-00031-00007064-00007206 thing about this company is that they F4xg-5qD1sM-00032-00007208-00007375 are the market leader F4xg-5qD1sM-00033-00007376-00007678 in terms of volatiles as well as F4xg-5qD1sM-00034-00007679-00007983 other forms of tiles as well F4xg-5qD1sM-00035-00007984-00008174 and sarah sanitary wear is one of their F4xg-5qD1sM-00036-00008175-00008303 competitor but they are com F4xg-5qD1sM-00037-00008304-00008574 relatively smaller compared to how big F4xg-5qD1sM-00038-00008575-00008751 kacharia is F4xg-5qD1sM-00039-00008752-00008927 curiously i wanted to study their F4xg-5qD1sM-00040-00008928-00009174 financials over the last 10 years so F4xg-5qD1sM-00041-00009175-00009335 the company has almost doubled over the F4xg-5qD1sM-00042-00009336-00009487 last 10 years so they made F4xg-5qD1sM-00043-00009488-00009806 1300 crores of revenue in their march F4xg-5qD1sM-00044-00009807-00010174 2012 and that became almost F4xg-5qD1sM-00045-00010175-00010606 2800 crores if you see the margins have F4xg-5qD1sM-00046-00010607-00010759 always remained stable F4xg-5qD1sM-00047-00010760-00011127 between 16 to 18 and their net profit F4xg-5qD1sM-00048-00011128-00011319 margin also has remained stable F4xg-5qD1sM-00049-00011320-00011559 between six percent to 11 percent and it F4xg-5qD1sM-00050-00011560-00011774 has increased over the last F4xg-5qD1sM-00051-00011775-00011959 three years due to reduction in the F4xg-5qD1sM-00052-00011960-00012167 interest payment right so they F4xg-5qD1sM-00053-00012168-00012391 were making close to 50 crores but now F4xg-5qD1sM-00054-00012392-00012519 they are paying only 10 crores as F4xg-5qD1sM-00055-00012520-00012710 interest outflow because the debt had F4xg-5qD1sM-00056-00012711-00013119 reduced substantially and also their F4xg-5qD1sM-00057-00013119-00013294 self-sustaining growth rate also seems F4xg-5qD1sM-00058-00013295-00013430 to be around seven percent F4xg-5qD1sM-00059-00013431-00013630 but their revenue growth has been almost F4xg-5qD1sM-00060-00013631-00013783 less than five percent F4xg-5qD1sM-00061-00013784-00014115 right so when the sales is less than the F4xg-5qD1sM-00062-00014116-00014503 self-sustainable growth rate the company F4xg-5qD1sM-00063-00014504-00014727 will not have to rely on external data F4xg-5qD1sM-00064-00014728-00014822 rather they could F4xg-5qD1sM-00065-00014823-00015030 service their growth and grow only by F4xg-5qD1sM-00066-00015031-00015279 means of their internal cash flows F4xg-5qD1sM-00067-00015280-00015483 which is good like almost their cash F4xg-5qD1sM-00068-00015484-00015615 flows F4xg-5qD1sM-00069-00015616-00015838 are relatively healthy and they are able F4xg-5qD1sM-00070-00015840-00016022 to convert all their net profits into F4xg-5qD1sM-00071-00016023-00016175 cash flow which is a positive sign for F4xg-5qD1sM-00072-00016176-00016303 this company and they have paid out F4xg-5qD1sM-00073-00016304-00016607 dividends every single year F4xg-5qD1sM-00074-00016608-00016879 right and their roe which is the written F4xg-5qD1sM-00075-00016880-00016950 on equity F4xg-5qD1sM-00076-00016951-00017255 is almost around 15 which is good like F4xg-5qD1sM-00077-00017256-00017447 which is above the cost of capital which F4xg-5qD1sM-00078-00017448-00017550 is good F4xg-5qD1sM-00079-00017551-00017743 and also again the net fixed asset F4xg-5qD1sM-00080-00017744-00017886 turnover where how efficiently the F4xg-5qD1sM-00081-00017887-00017999 company is using its F4xg-5qD1sM-00082-00018000-00018294 fixed assets that also seems to be good F4xg-5qD1sM-00083-00018295-00018399 so one thing i noticed F4xg-5qD1sM-00084-00018400-00018719 about receivables in this industry space F4xg-5qD1sM-00085-00018720-00018855 is that F4xg-5qD1sM-00086-00018856-00019055 almost all companies they have a F4xg-5qD1sM-00087-00019056-00019191 receivable cycle of F4xg-5qD1sM-00088-00019192-00019343 greater than 30 days that is because F4xg-5qD1sM-00089-00019344-00019519 since they are into tile manufacturing F4xg-5qD1sM-00090-00019520-00019558 and F4xg-5qD1sM-00091-00019559-00019830 also other ceramic products the credit F4xg-5qD1sM-00092-00019831-00019983 line extended by these companies is F4xg-5qD1sM-00093-00019984-00020150 typically like two months to even four F4xg-5qD1sM-00094-00020151-00020191 months F4xg-5qD1sM-00095-00020192-00020375 some even online players they give a F4xg-5qD1sM-00096-00020376-00020519 credit line of even greater than four F4xg-5qD1sM-00097-00020520-00020622 months F4xg-5qD1sM-00098-00020623-00020783 right so which needed to be kept in F4xg-5qD1sM-00099-00020784-00020943 consideration F4xg-5qD1sM-00100-00020944-00021127 and also again their market cap has F4xg-5qD1sM-00101-00021128-00021303 almost become collects F4xg-5qD1sM-00102-00021304-00021663 from 1250 to 16 and 16 000 crores F4xg-5qD1sM-00103-00021664-00021830 that is because now they are able to F4xg-5qD1sM-00104-00021831-00021991 grow their market share substantially in F4xg-5qD1sM-00105-00021992-00022143 the last 10 years because now there were F4xg-5qD1sM-00106-00022144-00022335 recent regulation in gst F4xg-5qD1sM-00107-00022336-00022486 where anarchist market is getting F4xg-5qD1sM-00108-00022487-00022799 converted to agnes market where kajaria F4xg-5qD1sM-00109-00022800-00023030 gained a lot of market share by scaling F4xg-5qD1sM-00110-00023031-00023167 this whole front F4xg-5qD1sM-00111-00023168-00023422 and also their total equity has also F4xg-5qD1sM-00112-00023423-00023527 almost F4xg-5qD1sM-00113-00023528-00023839 become 10x so when the return on equity F4xg-5qD1sM-00114-00023840-00023999 has grown extensively the market is F4xg-5qD1sM-00115-00024000-00024239 rewarding so where uh there is expansion F4xg-5qD1sM-00116-00024240-00024407 in earnings and also there is a pe F4xg-5qD1sM-00117-00024408-00024558 multiple expansion so F4xg-5qD1sM-00118-00024559-00024871 once p p and the e component expands so F4xg-5qD1sM-00119-00024872-00024983 there is an increase in F4xg-5qD1sM-00120-00024984-00025167 value unlocking in the market cap which F4xg-5qD1sM-00121-00025168-00025350 is true for this cap and also the data F4xg-5qD1sM-00122-00025351-00025471 has almost come down from F4xg-5qD1sM-00123-00025472-00025687 one to point one which is another thing F4xg-5qD1sM-00124-00025688-00025911 that has to be noted F4xg-5qD1sM-00125-00025912-00026118 right so i think this is an interesting F4xg-5qD1sM-00126-00026119-00026214 company F4xg-5qD1sM-00127-00026216-00026431 and to be kept in uh the radar but i F4xg-5qD1sM-00128-00026432-00026574 think currently it's over valued where F4xg-5qD1sM-00129-00026575-00026743 historical stock used to trade at around F4xg-5qD1sM-00130-00026744-00026807 30 p F4xg-5qD1sM-00131-00026808-00027039 but currently it's trading around 51 pe F4xg-5qD1sM-00132-00027039-00027214 and there is muted growth because the F4xg-5qD1sM-00133-00027216-00027295 real estate F4xg-5qD1sM-00134-00027295-00027558 sector is under uh big pressure but what F4xg-5qD1sM-00135-00027560-00027646 i think is F4xg-5qD1sM-00136-00027647-00027887 this company might be a huge beneficiary F4xg-5qD1sM-00137-00027888-00028079 in the real estate growth part where F4xg-5qD1sM-00138-00028080-00028279 india has a long way to go F4xg-5qD1sM-00139-00028280-00028599 in terms of using these modern F4xg-5qD1sM-00140-00028600-00028831 tiles for infrastructure development in F4xg-5qD1sM-00141-00028832-00029014 different houses and offices and other F4xg-5qD1sM-00142-00029016-00029087 places F4xg-5qD1sM-00143-00029088-00029311 so where this company could benefit but F4xg-5qD1sM-00144-00029312-00029495 from a price to sale multiple point it's F4xg-5qD1sM-00145-00029495-00029646 again highly overvalued where it's F4xg-5qD1sM-00146-00029647-00029831 trading at around F4xg-5qD1sM-00147-00029832-00030087 5x of what it was trading uh three four F4xg-5qD1sM-00148-00030088-00030183 years back F4xg-5qD1sM-00149-00030183-00030399 where in the last one year bull market F4xg-5qD1sM-00150-00030400-00030614 most stocks have gone up F4xg-5qD1sM-00151-00030616-00030895 relatively higher so i would wait and F4xg-5qD1sM-00152-00030895-00031087 watch this talk in my watch list F4xg-5qD1sM-00153-00031088-00031231 and i don't have any holdings in the F4xg-5qD1sM-00154-00031232-00031446 stock but again F4xg-5qD1sM-00155-00031447-00031639 keeping the infrastructure and real F4xg-5qD1sM-00156-00031639-00031751 estate story F4xg-5qD1sM-00157-00031752-00032111 ahead these companies can stay a F4xg-5qD1sM-00158-00032112-00032414 chance to benefit big in the next 10 20 F4xg-5qD1sM-00159-00032416-00032455 years F4xg-5qD1sM-00160-00032456-00032670 of india's road story in terms of F4xg-5qD1sM-00161-00032672-00032911 ceramic sanitary wear and real estate F4xg-5qD1sM-00162-00032912-00033223 so i think uh you i you found this video F4xg-5qD1sM-00163-00033224-00033318 useful and F4xg-5qD1sM-00164-00033319-00033495 please feel free to include your F4xg-5qD1sM-00165-00033496-00033702 thoughts about what you think about this F4xg-5qD1sM-00166-00033703-00033831 company F4xg-5qD1sM-00167-00033832-00034015 in the comments so that we'll discuss F4xg-5qD1sM-00168-00034016-00034143 about the detail in the F4xg-5qD1sM-00169-00034144-00034568 subsequent videos thank you so much F4EbmiEKdBo-00000-00000034-00002957 [Music] F4EbmiEKdBo-00001-00002958-00003233 what's up guys this is Jeremiah James I F4EbmiEKdBo-00002-00003234-00003422 have got an easy guitar lesson here for F4EbmiEKdBo-00003-00003423-00003744 you easy in quotations on stay-awake by F4EbmiEKdBo-00004-00003745-00003986 Dean Lewis it's going to be tough with F4EbmiEKdBo-00005-00003987-00004197 your finger picking it's a good song if F4EbmiEKdBo-00006-00004198-00004347 you are learning how to finger pick you F4EbmiEKdBo-00007-00004348-00004509 know I'm going to break it down nice and F4EbmiEKdBo-00008-00004510-00004665 easy for you so before I get started F4EbmiEKdBo-00009-00004666-00004911 I've got super exciting news I have F4EbmiEKdBo-00010-00004912-00005111 released my first single called rest of F4EbmiEKdBo-00011-00005112-00005375 my days it's available now on cdbaby.com F4EbmiEKdBo-00012-00005376-00005625 it's coming on iTunes and Spotify it F4EbmiEKdBo-00013-00005626-00005772 just takes a little bit of time for them F4EbmiEKdBo-00014-00005773-00006122 to square away my new account etc so F4EbmiEKdBo-00015-00006123-00006288 we'll probably a few weeks before it's F4EbmiEKdBo-00016-00006289-00006420 actually available on iTunes and Spotify F4EbmiEKdBo-00017-00006420-00006633 but for now I'm gonna put the links F4EbmiEKdBo-00018-00006634-00006923 below to my CD Baby page and if you guys F4EbmiEKdBo-00019-00006925-00007176 listened to that and liked the song do F4EbmiEKdBo-00020-00007177-00007349 me a huge favor and support me as an F4EbmiEKdBo-00021-00007350-00007515 artist by purchasing it I'd really F4EbmiEKdBo-00022-00007516-00007796 appreciate that second note I've got a F4EbmiEKdBo-00023-00007797-00008127 tutorial out for chemicals and be F4EbmiEKdBo-00024-00008128-00008288 alright by Dean Lewis already so I'll F4EbmiEKdBo-00025-00008289-00008598 put those in the card above and then F4EbmiEKdBo-00026-00008599-00008727 we're gonna just break down this song F4EbmiEKdBo-00027-00008728-00008856 piece by piece F4EbmiEKdBo-00028-00008857-00009015 okay so we've got three parts we've got F4EbmiEKdBo-00029-00009016-00009618 this part that's the first part that's F4EbmiEKdBo-00030-00009619-00009785 played throughout most of the song so F4EbmiEKdBo-00031-00009786-00009938 that's the most important one to get F4EbmiEKdBo-00032-00009939-00010281 down then we've also got this one F4EbmiEKdBo-00033-00010282-00010645 [Music] F4EbmiEKdBo-00034-00010646-00010884 that's the second part and that's played F4EbmiEKdBo-00035-00010885-00011102 as a pre-chorus I think twice in the F4EbmiEKdBo-00036-00011103-00011330 song and then there's this bridge F4EbmiEKdBo-00037-00011331-00012524 section which goes like this okay so F4EbmiEKdBo-00038-00012525-00012617 those are the three parts we're gonna F4EbmiEKdBo-00039-00012618-00012807 walk through the first part starting out F4EbmiEKdBo-00040-00012808-00013008 I will put the tab up and try and walk F4EbmiEKdBo-00041-00013009-00013341 through as slow as possible all right so F4EbmiEKdBo-00042-00013341-00013500 this first part we're gonna start on a D F4EbmiEKdBo-00043-00013501-00013725 chord and we're going to plug these F4EbmiEKdBo-00044-00013726-00014003 three strings that is your D string your F4EbmiEKdBo-00045-00014004-00014352 D string and your D string I'm using my F4EbmiEKdBo-00046-00014353-00014646 thumb to pluck that D string my index F4EbmiEKdBo-00047-00014647-00014871 finger to plug the G and my middle F4EbmiEKdBo-00048-00014872-00015175 finger to pluck the bistra F4EbmiEKdBo-00049-00015176-00015543 and then I'm plucking the genie again F4EbmiEKdBo-00050-00015544-00015808 and I'm doing it claw mute you don't F4EbmiEKdBo-00051-00015809-00015958 have to do the poem you you can let it F4EbmiEKdBo-00052-00015959-00016311 ring that would sound like this but if F4EbmiEKdBo-00053-00016312-00016492 you add the palm mute in there it sounds F4EbmiEKdBo-00054-00016493-00017230 like this instead from there after you F4EbmiEKdBo-00055-00017231-00017416 do that palm you you are going to pluck F4EbmiEKdBo-00056-00017417-00017680 your D string it yet so that sounds like F4EbmiEKdBo-00057-00017681-00017775 this F4EbmiEKdBo-00058-00017776-00018101 [Music] F4EbmiEKdBo-00059-00018102-00018293 then we're gonna switch over to a G F4EbmiEKdBo-00060-00018294-00018689 chord and now I'm plucking the low E F4EbmiEKdBo-00061-00018690-00019004 string with my thumb G and the B with my F4EbmiEKdBo-00062-00019005-00019340 index in my middle finger in that ring F4EbmiEKdBo-00063-00019341-00019646 where you can do the palm 8 and then F4EbmiEKdBo-00064-00019647-00019766 you're gonna pluck that one more time F4EbmiEKdBo-00065-00019767-00020126 after your palm mute so string that F4EbmiEKdBo-00066-00020127-00020607 together we've got D on mute F4EbmiEKdBo-00067-00020608-00020862 go to your G chord F4EbmiEKdBo-00068-00020863-00021264 I'll mute pluck one more time okay so F4EbmiEKdBo-00069-00021265-00021557 after you pluck that gee court one time F4EbmiEKdBo-00070-00021558-00021786 you're going to transition back to your F4EbmiEKdBo-00071-00021787-00021984 décor pluck those same three strings F4EbmiEKdBo-00072-00021985-00022284 that D the G and the B and then you're F4EbmiEKdBo-00073-00022285-00022458 going to move over to an a chord and F4EbmiEKdBo-00074-00022459-00022773 plug the a string via the B string now F4EbmiEKdBo-00075-00022774-00023039 okay so that sounds like this F4EbmiEKdBo-00076-00023040-00023955 [Music] F4EbmiEKdBo-00077-00023956-00024625 one more time here F4EbmiEKdBo-00078-00024626-00024967 [Music] F4EbmiEKdBo-00079-00024968-00025373 okay so that's the first part then we F4EbmiEKdBo-00080-00025374-00025674 have the second part F4EbmiEKdBo-00081-00025675-00025904 [Music] F4EbmiEKdBo-00082-00025905-00026133 so I'm just going between an E minor F4EbmiEKdBo-00083-00026133-00026695 chord and an a chord F4EbmiEKdBo-00084-00026697-00027218 and I'm plucking the e.g the be on my F4EbmiEKdBo-00085-00027219-00027595 minor chord F4EbmiEKdBo-00086-00027597-00027875 so that goes pluck those three F4EbmiEKdBo-00087-00027876-00028100 simultaneously let it ring first I can F4EbmiEKdBo-00088-00028101-00028892 and then pluck your G B G F4EbmiEKdBo-00089-00028893-00029365 go to your a chord now pluck your AG and F4EbmiEKdBo-00090-00029366-00029627 your B simultaneously F4EbmiEKdBo-00091-00029628-00030051 and alternate from GBG F4EbmiEKdBo-00092-00030052-00030397 and that's it and you can do that twice F4EbmiEKdBo-00093-00030398-00031224 [Music] F4EbmiEKdBo-00094-00031225-00031506 and it transitions right back into this F4EbmiEKdBo-00095-00031507-00031635 part F4EbmiEKdBo-00096-00031636-00032033 [Music] F4EbmiEKdBo-00097-00032034-00032343 and then so now you pretty much know how F4EbmiEKdBo-00098-00032344-00032502 to play 90% of the song but there's one F4EbmiEKdBo-00099-00032502-00032685 piece you're missing which is this part F4EbmiEKdBo-00100-00032686-00033443 [Music] F4EbmiEKdBo-00101-00033444-00033786 okay and so that part goes like this I'm F4EbmiEKdBo-00102-00033787-00034040 on my minor chord you can either let it F4EbmiEKdBo-00103-00034041-00034095 ring F4EbmiEKdBo-00104-00034096-00034374 I'd like to let it ring for a second and F4EbmiEKdBo-00105-00034375-00034877 then Paul mute go to here an a chord do F4EbmiEKdBo-00106-00034878-00035012 the same thing let it ring for a second F4EbmiEKdBo-00107-00035013-00035364 and palm mute so your décor look those F4EbmiEKdBo-00108-00035365-00035593 three strings as indicated up on the tab F4EbmiEKdBo-00109-00035594-00036049 and then we're going to pluck our DNR F4EbmiEKdBo-00110-00036050-00036618 string or YT string we're gonna walk F4EbmiEKdBo-00111-00036619-00036789 down and back up so F4EbmiEKdBo-00112-00036790-00037330 [Music] F4EbmiEKdBo-00113-00037331-00037660 and then on the second time it's the F4EbmiEKdBo-00114-00037661-00038041 same thing my nerd a and hold it on the F4EbmiEKdBo-00115-00038042-00038301 team and he does that progression twice F4EbmiEKdBo-00116-00038302-00038899 so that again sounds like this F4EbmiEKdBo-00117-00038900-00039662 [Music] F4EbmiEKdBo-00118-00039663-00039948 and that's all there is to it so that's F4EbmiEKdBo-00119-00039949-00040142 how you play stay awake by Dean Lewis if F4EbmiEKdBo-00120-00040143-00040335 this helped you give me a thumbs up let F4EbmiEKdBo-00121-00040336-00040479 me know what I'm doing right if you have F4EbmiEKdBo-00122-00040480-00040689 other suggestions for tutorials I'll do F4EbmiEKdBo-00123-00040690-00040980 my best to get to them if it didn't help F4EbmiEKdBo-00124-00040981-00041133 you give me a thumbs down comment below F4EbmiEKdBo-00125-00041134-00041280 let me know what I can do better because F4EbmiEKdBo-00126-00041281-00041477 I am listening and these tutorials are F4EbmiEKdBo-00127-00041478-00041552 for you guys F4EbmiEKdBo-00128-00041553-00041832 so hopefully this helped have a good F4EbmiEKdBo-00129-00041833-00042150 rest today thanks for watching F4G0WsAeEpy-00000-00000028-00001087 [Music] F4G0WsAeEpy-00001-00001088-00001843 thank you F4G0WsAeEpy-00002-00001844-00002593 [Music] F4G0WsAeEpy-00003-00002594-00004888 [Music] F4G0WsAeEpy-00004-00004889-00005117 foreign F4G0WsAeEpy-00006-00008179-00008487 thank you F4G0WsAeEpy-00007-00008488-00009505 [Music] F4G0WsAeEpy-00008-00009506-00009630 thank you F4G0WsAeEpy-00009-00009631-00012101 [Music] F4G0WsAeEpy-00010-00012102-00012240 foreign F4G0WsAeEpy-00012-00016195-00016309 thank you F4G0WsAeEpy-00013-00016310-00016607 [Music] F4G0WsAeEpy-00014-00016608-00016740 foreign F4G0WsAeEpy-00015-00016741-00018529 [Music] F4G0WsAeEpy-00016-00018530-00019342 [Music] F4G0WsAeEpy-00017-00019343-00019901 [Music] Fx6PlYOwH00-00000-00000084-00000379 hello my name is Scott vanish I am the Fx6PlYOwH00-00001-00000380-00000559 president and CEO of the Autism Society Fx6PlYOwH00-00002-00000560-00000886 America and it's our delight and honor Fx6PlYOwH00-00003-00000886-00001174 to co-host this wonderful webinar called Fx6PlYOwH00-00004-00001175-00001461 the therapeutic promise of CBD on autism Fx6PlYOwH00-00005-00001462-00001758 with the holistic research and education Fx6PlYOwH00-00006-00001759-00002010 foundation along with the University of Fx6PlYOwH00-00007-00002011-00002325 California San Diego I know there's a Fx6PlYOwH00-00008-00002326-00002563 tremendous not people listening to this Fx6PlYOwH00-00009-00002564-00002817 webinar and one thing I want to start it Fx6PlYOwH00-00010-00002818-00003009 will be about an hour it won't last more Fx6PlYOwH00-00011-00003010-00003226 than an hour secondly if you have Fx6PlYOwH00-00012-00003227-00003535 questions on on your page and your Fx6PlYOwH00-00013-00003536-00003790 computer under the chat please put those Fx6PlYOwH00-00014-00003790-00004078 questions inevitably with so many people Fx6PlYOwH00-00015-00004079-00004219 we will not be able to answer all the Fx6PlYOwH00-00016-00004220-00004471 questions tonight but during this Fx6PlYOwH00-00017-00004472-00004675 webinar but for those that we can't we Fx6PlYOwH00-00018-00004676-00004872 will get back to you with the answers I Fx6PlYOwH00-00019-00004873-00005176 want to say how the autism se America Fx6PlYOwH00-00020-00005177-00005407 for those who don't know is the oldest Fx6PlYOwH00-00021-00005408-00005812 and largest grassroots autism agency in Fx6PlYOwH00-00022-00005813-00006003 America our job is to help people Fx6PlYOwH00-00023-00006004-00006277 maximize their quality of life and when Fx6PlYOwH00-00024-00006278-00006549 we partnered with the holistic research Fx6PlYOwH00-00025-00006550-00006823 and education foundation about CBD oil Fx6PlYOwH00-00026-00006823-00007066 we did it for a couple reasons we know a Fx6PlYOwH00-00027-00007067-00007284 number of people call us and call our Fx6PlYOwH00-00028-00007285-00007591 call center daily wanting to know about Fx6PlYOwH00-00029-00007592-00007852 the benefits of CBD or medical marijuana Fx6PlYOwH00-00030-00007853-00008044 and there's a lot of confusion out there Fx6PlYOwH00-00031-00008045-00008194 and we thought this would be a wonderful Fx6PlYOwH00-00032-00008195-00008424 way to help address that confusion and Fx6PlYOwH00-00033-00008425-00008758 secondly we want to help people maximize Fx6PlYOwH00-00034-00008759-00008926 their quality of life and if someone Fx6PlYOwH00-00035-00008927-00009187 could make an educational decision for Fx6PlYOwH00-00036-00009188-00009339 what's best for them or what's best for Fx6PlYOwH00-00037-00009340-00009606 their child we want to be there we also Fx6PlYOwH00-00038-00009607-00009787 want to say the autism say America does Fx6PlYOwH00-00039-00009788-00010009 not have a position on a medical Fx6PlYOwH00-00040-00010010-00010234 marijuana or CBD oil as you'll see from Fx6PlYOwH00-00041-00010235-00010555 this webinar we're working to see best Fx6PlYOwH00-00042-00010556-00010860 practices and proven research to back up Fx6PlYOwH00-00043-00010861-00011106 things and we also encourage that Fx6PlYOwH00-00044-00011107-00011385 anytime you use anything that relates to Fx6PlYOwH00-00045-00011386-00011706 treating a person with anything that you Fx6PlYOwH00-00046-00011707-00011869 go to your doctors and have your Fx6PlYOwH00-00047-00011870-00012030 physicians know about it and hopefully Fx6PlYOwH00-00048-00012031-00012208 this will give them research this will Fx6PlYOwH00-00049-00012209-00012363 be on tape so if they want to see it Fx6PlYOwH00-00050-00012364-00012694 they could see it I also want to thank Fx6PlYOwH00-00051-00012695-00012861 the University of California San Diego Fx6PlYOwH00-00052-00012862-00013164 for putting on this webinar for filming Fx6PlYOwH00-00053-00013165-00013382 it and thank you very much Fx6PlYOwH00-00054-00013383-00013553 and it's my pleasure or someone we Fx6PlYOwH00-00055-00013554-00013724 worked with who's has been a very Fx6PlYOwH00-00056-00013725-00014041 wonderful person as Palin Thorogood who Fx6PlYOwH00-00057-00014043-00014219 is the co-founder and president of the Fx6PlYOwH00-00058-00014219-00014390 holistic research and education Fx6PlYOwH00-00059-00014391-00014633 foundation which is the real emphasis of Fx6PlYOwH00-00060-00014634-00014927 studying the relationship of CBD and all Fx6PlYOwH00-00061-00014928-00015116 autism Palin it's my pleasure to Fx6PlYOwH00-00062-00015116-00015836 introduce you thank you welcome we're Fx6PlYOwH00-00063-00015837-00015988 delighted that you have joined us today Fx6PlYOwH00-00064-00015990-00016291 to learn just what kind of therapeutic Fx6PlYOwH00-00065-00016293-00016676 promise CBD holds on autism we have some Fx6PlYOwH00-00066-00016677-00016868 brilliant minds here with us today who Fx6PlYOwH00-00067-00016869-00017132 have been studying this very important Fx6PlYOwH00-00068-00017133-00017459 topic from many angles and they'll share Fx6PlYOwH00-00069-00017460-00017741 with us their insights to date as well Fx6PlYOwH00-00070-00017742-00017944 as talk about what they hope to learn Fx6PlYOwH00-00071-00017945-00018203 from some groundbreaking research that Fx6PlYOwH00-00072-00018204-00018644 is already underway here at UCSD but Fx6PlYOwH00-00073-00018645-00018839 before I introduce my esteemed Fx6PlYOwH00-00074-00018840-00019034 colleagues I'd like to tell you a little Fx6PlYOwH00-00075-00019035-00019277 bit about our foundation as well as Fx6PlYOwH00-00076-00019278-00019598 about CVD which is fast becoming a Fx6PlYOwH00-00077-00019599-00019940 miracle medicine of sorts and hopefully Fx6PlYOwH00-00078-00019941-00020216 with this information as long as well as Fx6PlYOwH00-00079-00020217-00020414 the insights that you will gain from our Fx6PlYOwH00-00080-00020415-00020774 doctors and researchers on the panel you Fx6PlYOwH00-00081-00020775-00021116 can separate fact from fiction holistic Fx6PlYOwH00-00082-00021117-00021325 research and Education Foundation is a Fx6PlYOwH00-00083-00021326-00021584 California public charity that is Fx6PlYOwH00-00084-00021585-00021769 dedicated to exploring the health Fx6PlYOwH00-00085-00021770-00022046 benefits of CBD rich therapeutics across Fx6PlYOwH00-00086-00022047-00022304 a variety of conditions including autism Fx6PlYOwH00-00087-00022305-00022868 and advocating for safe and legal access Fx6PlYOwH00-00088-00022869-00022975 to those in need Fx6PlYOwH00-00089-00022976-00023318 via education and advocacy our desire is Fx6PlYOwH00-00090-00023319-00023756 to understand if how and why CBD may Fx6PlYOwH00-00091-00023757-00023993 benefit certain conditions for certain Fx6PlYOwH00-00092-00023994-00024294 people which is why we fund only Fx6PlYOwH00-00093-00024295-00024530 multidisciplinary research that brings Fx6PlYOwH00-00094-00024531-00025000 together clinical scientific genetic Fx6PlYOwH00-00095-00025001-00025169 neuroscience and neuroimaging Fx6PlYOwH00-00096-00025170-00025394 disciplines just name a few Fx6PlYOwH00-00097-00025395-00025708 for us systematic and comprehensive view Fx6PlYOwH00-00098-00025710-00026040 into the underlying mechanisms at play Fx6PlYOwH00-00099-00026041-00026332 we want both the public and the Fx6PlYOwH00-00100-00026333-00026594 healthcare professionals to be empowered Fx6PlYOwH00-00101-00026595-00026712 with the later Fx6PlYOwH00-00102-00026713-00027151 scientific data which is why we're Fx6PlYOwH00-00103-00027152-00027430 committed to education and sharing this Fx6PlYOwH00-00104-00027431-00027676 information far and wide including Fx6PlYOwH00-00105-00027677-00028152 venues such as this we also believe that Fx6PlYOwH00-00106-00028153-00028395 legal access to products that are deemed Fx6PlYOwH00-00107-00028397-00028843 safe is critical for a given CBD and Fx6PlYOwH00-00108-00028844-00029055 other cannabis based products are Fx6PlYOwH00-00109-00029056-00029311 becoming so prevalent across much of our Fx6PlYOwH00-00110-00029312-00029670 country which is why once again we Fx6PlYOwH00-00111-00029672-00029943 leverage the scientific information to Fx6PlYOwH00-00112-00029944-00030283 advocate at the state and federal level Fx6PlYOwH00-00113-00030283-00030639 to increase access to all families in Fx6PlYOwH00-00114-00030640-00030930 need and provide better treatment Fx6PlYOwH00-00115-00030931-00031504 options so what exactly is CBD CBD is Fx6PlYOwH00-00116-00031505-00031855 the non psychoactive compound found in Fx6PlYOwH00-00117-00031856-00032270 cannabis along with 150 or so other Fx6PlYOwH00-00118-00032271-00032643 cannabinoids found in the plant numerous Fx6PlYOwH00-00119-00032644-00032904 studies show that CBD has Fx6PlYOwH00-00120-00032905-00033152 anti-inflammatory and the oxidative Fx6PlYOwH00-00121-00033153-00033523 neuro protectant and anti-inflammatory Fx6PlYOwH00-00122-00033524-00033930 properties which is likely why CBD has Fx6PlYOwH00-00123-00033931-00034210 been shown to be effective across so Fx6PlYOwH00-00124-00034211-00034545 many health conditions this is probably Fx6PlYOwH00-00125-00034546-00034786 a good place to also tell you that CBD Fx6PlYOwH00-00126-00034787-00035037 can come from both the hemp and the Fx6PlYOwH00-00127-00035038-00035289 marijuana plants both variations of Fx6PlYOwH00-00128-00035290-00035802 cannabis over the years marijuana has Fx6PlYOwH00-00129-00035803-00036039 been bred to include a higher Fx6PlYOwH00-00130-00036040-00036361 concentration of the psychoactive THC Fx6PlYOwH00-00131-00036362-00036426 compound Fx6PlYOwH00-00132-00036427-00036760 whereas hemp has been bred for exactly Fx6PlYOwH00-00133-00036761-00037146 the opposite purpose legally hemp has Fx6PlYOwH00-00134-00037147-00037665 less than 0.3 percent THC so with the Fx6PlYOwH00-00135-00037666-00037968 introduction of the historic 2018 farm Fx6PlYOwH00-00136-00037969-00038326 bill hemp is going to be able to be Fx6PlYOwH00-00137-00038327-00038676 grown legally across all 50 states and Fx6PlYOwH00-00138-00038677-00039012 CBD derived from hemp will be removed Fx6PlYOwH00-00139-00039013-00039333 from the Controlled Substances Act this Fx6PlYOwH00-00140-00039334-00039777 should make hemp a CBD products much Fx6PlYOwH00-00141-00039778-00039956 easier to access and will Fx6PlYOwH00-00142-00039957-00040223 better regulations about the safety and Fx6PlYOwH00-00143-00040224-00040420 efficacy of these products so Fx6PlYOwH00-00144-00040421-00040793 cultivation manufacturing distribution Fx6PlYOwH00-00145-00040794-00041021 and access all should become a lot Fx6PlYOwH00-00146-00041022-00041435 easier for these wellness products also Fx6PlYOwH00-00147-00041436-00041699 it's important to note that the w-h-o or Fx6PlYOwH00-00148-00041700-00041909 the World Health Organization has Fx6PlYOwH00-00149-00041910-00042140 published a very comprehensive report on Fx6PlYOwH00-00150-00042141-00042505 CBD last year November of 2017 which Fx6PlYOwH00-00151-00042506-00043070 deems CBD safe and effective both for Fx6PlYOwH00-00152-00043071-00043460 humans and for animals and it indicates Fx6PlYOwH00-00153-00043461-00043778 that their ETA CBD poses no public Fx6PlYOwH00-00154-00043779-00044195 health risk the WH o indicates that CBD Fx6PlYOwH00-00155-00044196-00044441 has been very effective for epilepsy Fx6PlYOwH00-00156-00044442-00044705 which is likely where most of us have Fx6PlYOwH00-00157-00044706-00045122 heard about CBD and FDA recently also Fx6PlYOwH00-00158-00045123-00045500 approved a CBD based product a drug for Fx6PlYOwH00-00159-00045501-00045830 out the treatment of epilepsy the WH o Fx6PlYOwH00-00160-00045831-00046090 further states that preliminary evidence Fx6PlYOwH00-00161-00046091-00046406 indicates that CBD can be helpful for Fx6PlYOwH00-00162-00046407-00046643 numerous other serious health conditions Fx6PlYOwH00-00163-00046644-00046951 including cancer Parkinson's Alzheimer's Fx6PlYOwH00-00164-00046952-00047849 and psychosis so how does CBD work CBD Fx6PlYOwH00-00165-00047850-00048122 works by interacting with a major Fx6PlYOwH00-00166-00048123-00048361 biological system called the Fx6PlYOwH00-00167-00048362-00048776 endocannabinoid system or ECS ECS was Fx6PlYOwH00-00168-00048777-00049073 discovered in the late 1980s so Fx6PlYOwH00-00169-00049074-00049433 relatively recently and it is found in Fx6PlYOwH00-00170-00049434-00049760 all mammals it has the single largest Fx6PlYOwH00-00171-00049761-00050117 receptor network in our bodies and it Fx6PlYOwH00-00172-00050118-00050588 can affect almost all cells muscles Fx6PlYOwH00-00173-00050589-00051028 organs by regulating nearly all major Fx6PlYOwH00-00174-00051029-00051314 systems in our body including the Fx6PlYOwH00-00175-00051315-00051638 nervous system endocrine immune and Fx6PlYOwH00-00176-00051639-00051929 digestive systems even our heart and our Fx6PlYOwH00-00177-00051929-00052385 brain Fx6PlYOwH00-00178-00052386-00052816 this is why CBD has been shown to have Fx6PlYOwH00-00179-00052816-00053111 effect on so many serious conditions Fx6PlYOwH00-00180-00053112-00053324 we've already talked about its effect on Fx6PlYOwH00-00181-00053325-00053566 epilepsy and how it's becoming approved Fx6PlYOwH00-00182-00053567-00054038 to be used even through the FDA CBD has Fx6PlYOwH00-00183-00054039-00054404 also been quite effective with anxiety Fx6PlYOwH00-00184-00054404-00054722 and depression including PTSD it can Fx6PlYOwH00-00185-00054723-00054970 help with inflammatory disorders such as Fx6PlYOwH00-00186-00054971-00055403 arthritis or Crohn's disease it can help Fx6PlYOwH00-00187-00055404-00055751 with neurodegenerative disorders such as Fx6PlYOwH00-00188-00055752-00056101 Parkinson's and Alzheimer's Fx6PlYOwH00-00189-00056102-00056392 neurodevelopmental disorders such as Fx6PlYOwH00-00190-00056394-00056833 autism it may even help with cancer Fx6PlYOwH00-00191-00056834-00057209 however we just don't know enough as to Fx6PlYOwH00-00192-00057210-00057422 how it helps some of these conditions Fx6PlYOwH00-00193-00057423-00057701 and why it's more effective with some Fx6PlYOwH00-00194-00057702-00058202 people and not with others it is really Fx6PlYOwH00-00195-00058203-00058504 this question that has been part of our Fx6PlYOwH00-00196-00058505-00058760 mission to understand the mechanisms Fx6PlYOwH00-00197-00058761-00059087 that play how CBD works why it works Fx6PlYOwH00-00198-00059088-00059537 which is why we are funding scientific Fx6PlYOwH00-00199-00059538-00059704 and clinical research to really Fx6PlYOwH00-00200-00059705-00060004 understand the underlying mechanisms at Fx6PlYOwH00-00201-00060005-00060308 play now it is with great pleasure that Fx6PlYOwH00-00202-00060309-00060729 I introduce you dr. Keith Vox renowned Fx6PlYOwH00-00203-00060730-00061037 pediatrician and geneticist who has been Fx6PlYOwH00-00204-00061038-00061241 working with autistic children for over Fx6PlYOwH00-00205-00061241-00061529 two decades and in many cases as Fx6PlYOwH00-00206-00061529-00061832 recommended CBD when he believed it Fx6PlYOwH00-00207-00061833-00062012 would help the child or to help the Fx6PlYOwH00-00208-00062013-00062471 patient in need he will give you a brief Fx6PlYOwH00-00209-00062472-00062854 history of medicinal CBD as well as Fx6PlYOwH00-00210-00062855-00063308 share from his vast experience so please Fx6PlYOwH00-00211-00063309-00064037 join me in welcoming dr. Keith walks Fx6PlYOwH00-00212-00064038-00064226 thank you it's a real pleasure to be Fx6PlYOwH00-00213-00064227-00064445 here and I appreciate being on this Fx6PlYOwH00-00214-00064446-00064733 panel so I'm just starting off I take Fx6PlYOwH00-00215-00064734-00065096 most of my inspiration from my dog so Fx6PlYOwH00-00216-00065097-00065341 when things you know get bad you feel Fx6PlYOwH00-00217-00065342-00065552 really tired and you know that heads Fx6PlYOwH00-00218-00065553-00065813 getting heavy you just find a place to Fx6PlYOwH00-00219-00065814-00066185 prop it and keep moving so I have a Fx6PlYOwH00-00220-00066186-00066461 foundation as well that I started I was Fx6PlYOwH00-00221-00066462-00066911 in at UCSD for quite a bit of my career Fx6PlYOwH00-00222-00066912-00067193 I am a pediatrician and I trained as a Fx6PlYOwH00-00223-00067194-00067553 dis morphologist but got into sequencing Fx6PlYOwH00-00224-00067554-00067790 and I've been working on sequencing for Fx6PlYOwH00-00225-00067791-00067868 quite a while Fx6PlYOwH00-00226-00067869-00068198 the fascinating thing for me was that Fx6PlYOwH00-00227-00068199-00068411 once we started sequencing we were Fx6PlYOwH00-00228-00068412-00068753 finding many many associated genes and Fx6PlYOwH00-00229-00068754-00069056 the question always was well now what do Fx6PlYOwH00-00230-00069057-00069605 I do and I really found it to be a very Fx6PlYOwH00-00231-00069606-00069953 in-depth and and very troubling question Fx6PlYOwH00-00232-00069954-00070087 because I didn't really have an answer Fx6PlYOwH00-00233-00070088-00070385 certainly using neuro active drugs or Fx6PlYOwH00-00234-00070386-00070610 what we do for the most part those drugs Fx6PlYOwH00-00235-00070611-00071093 to me SAP a lot of the life out of the Fx6PlYOwH00-00236-00071094-00071396 patient and in particular patients that Fx6PlYOwH00-00237-00071397-00071801 have autism who have fulfilled every Fx6PlYOwH00-00238-00071802-00072104 inch of my life I have a family member Fx6PlYOwH00-00239-00072105-00072358 that's on the spectrum has done great Fx6PlYOwH00-00240-00072359-00072896 and so I just to see what the treatments Fx6PlYOwH00-00241-00072897-00073109 we have do to somebody was really Fx6PlYOwH00-00242-00073110-00073430 heartbreaking to me so it really got me Fx6PlYOwH00-00243-00073431-00073583 motivated to want to look for Fx6PlYOwH00-00244-00073584-00073913 alternatives and other ways to to Fx6PlYOwH00-00245-00073914-00074186 explore what's happening so I started a Fx6PlYOwH00-00246-00074187-00074384 foundation with the help of a couple of Fx6PlYOwH00-00247-00074385-00074659 my friends and we focused mainly on Fx6PlYOwH00-00248-00074660-00075266 exploring novel treatments so this is Fx6PlYOwH00-00249-00075267-00075407 one of my favorite quotes and I've Fx6PlYOwH00-00250-00075408-00075731 actually probably done most of my career Fx6PlYOwH00-00251-00075732-00076184 this way probably to the detriment of my Fx6PlYOwH00-00252-00076185-00076409 working for corporate medicine but Fx6PlYOwH00-00253-00076410-00076595 anyway it's another story Fx6PlYOwH00-00254-00076596-00076904 so this is from Thomas Kuhn science is Fx6PlYOwH00-00255-00076905-00077129 not a steady cumulative process but a Fx6PlYOwH00-00256-00077130-00077368 series of peaceful interludes Fx6PlYOwH00-00257-00077369-00077659 which is what we've been in punctuated Fx6PlYOwH00-00258-00077660-00077884 by intellectually violent revolutions Fx6PlYOwH00-00259-00077885-00078097 which is where I think we're heading Fx6PlYOwH00-00260-00078098-00078337 with autism treatment I think that the Fx6PlYOwH00-00261-00078338-00078547 standard therapy is doing a disservice Fx6PlYOwH00-00262-00078548-00078766 to everybody and I think we're looking Fx6PlYOwH00-00263-00078767-00079201 at a paradigm shift coming up and I Fx6PlYOwH00-00264-00079202-00079351 would like to be part of that so I I Fx6PlYOwH00-00265-00079352-00079501 went over a little bit of the history Fx6PlYOwH00-00266-00079502-00079687 first because I think it's important to Fx6PlYOwH00-00267-00079688-00080047 remember that we practice medicine Fx6PlYOwH00-00268-00080048-00080269 we don't know medicine we practice Fx6PlYOwH00-00269-00080270-00080545 medicine so you always have to be Fx6PlYOwH00-00270-00080546-00080743 learning you always have to be exploring Fx6PlYOwH00-00271-00080744-00081031 but you also need to understand the Fx6PlYOwH00-00272-00081032-00081370 Giants that came before you and know Fx6PlYOwH00-00273-00081371-00081802 that they knew a lot of stuff that we've Fx6PlYOwH00-00274-00081803-00082014 forgotten and that we need to relearn Fx6PlYOwH00-00275-00082015-00082357 one of my great friends is out in the Fx6PlYOwH00-00276-00082358-00082621 audience and we're learning so much Fx6PlYOwH00-00277-00082622-00082918 through the work that she's done about Fx6PlYOwH00-00278-00082919-00083197 diet and nutrition I mean how many times Fx6PlYOwH00-00279-00083198-00083365 does your doctor talk to you about diet Fx6PlYOwH00-00280-00083366-00083656 and nutrition never we forgot that we Fx6PlYOwH00-00281-00083657-00084013 forgot how important that is and so I'm Fx6PlYOwH00-00282-00084014-00084277 bringing this up because cannabis has Fx6PlYOwH00-00283-00084278-00084571 been around and cultivated by humans as Fx6PlYOwH00-00284-00084572-00084922 long as we have knowledge of what has Fx6PlYOwH00-00285-00084923-00085135 happened to us so you know you can go Fx6PlYOwH00-00286-00085136-00085366 anywhere from two to four thousand years Fx6PlYOwH00-00287-00085367-00085642 and see that there was cannabis involved Fx6PlYOwH00-00288-00085643-00085954 in in holistic treatments and faith Fx6PlYOwH00-00289-00085955-00086200 healing and all kinds of different Fx6PlYOwH00-00290-00086201-00086610 activities it appeared in in one of the Fx6PlYOwH00-00291-00086611-00086884 most amazing books probably ever written Fx6PlYOwH00-00292-00086885-00087268 about medicine by a persian in the 900s Fx6PlYOwH00-00293-00087269-00087588 which basically catalogue every known Fx6PlYOwH00-00294-00087589-00087901 substance that was used in healing at Fx6PlYOwH00-00295-00087902-00088135 the time it's an incredible read if you Fx6PlYOwH00-00296-00088136-00088342 ever have a chance to look at it and Fx6PlYOwH00-00297-00088343-00088879 then in the 1830s an Irish physician Fx6PlYOwH00-00298-00088880-00089398 actually brought a cannabis to the West Fx6PlYOwH00-00299-00089399-00089731 which was Europe at the time and used it Fx6PlYOwH00-00300-00089732-00089974 for treatment and it actually got to the Fx6PlYOwH00-00301-00089975-00090376 point where the end of the 1800s and the Fx6PlYOwH00-00302-00090377-00090628 beginning of the 1900s cannabis was a Fx6PlYOwH00-00303-00090629-00090742 regular Fx6PlYOwH00-00304-00090743-00091018 regularly prescribed treatment so was Fx6PlYOwH00-00305-00091019-00091267 opium and so was willow bark those were Fx6PlYOwH00-00306-00091268-00091524 kind of the big guys that everybody had Fx6PlYOwH00-00307-00091525-00091789 this is a photo that shows each you Fx6PlYOwH00-00308-00091790-00091966 can't really read them but this is what Fx6PlYOwH00-00309-00091967-00092164 the doctors carried around as they went Fx6PlYOwH00-00310-00092165-00092512 from from house to house treating their Fx6PlYOwH00-00311-00092513-00092788 their patients so yet opium your willow Fx6PlYOwH00-00312-00092789-00093043 bark which is aspirin and you add Fx6PlYOwH00-00313-00093044-00093196 cannabis and that took care of your Fx6PlYOwH00-00314-00093197-00093412 anxiety and your stomach pain some of Fx6PlYOwH00-00315-00093413-00093709 your gastrointestinal complaints this is Fx6PlYOwH00-00316-00093710-00093919 well published it's all over the Fx6PlYOwH00-00317-00093920-00094111 literature from that time but we've Fx6PlYOwH00-00318-00094112-00094510 forgotten it and I also probably have Fx6PlYOwH00-00319-00094511-00094729 that same bag I think that hasn't Fx6PlYOwH00-00320-00094730-00094993 changed a bit I don't know if I put my Fx6PlYOwH00-00321-00094994-00095347 computer in it now but so this is when Fx6PlYOwH00-00322-00095348-00095682 the big change started and for me and Fx6PlYOwH00-00323-00095683-00096028 for all of us that practice you know we Fx6PlYOwH00-00324-00096029-00096373 sometimes feel like drug pushers and but Fx6PlYOwH00-00325-00096374-00096619 we we push them basically on a result of Fx6PlYOwH00-00326-00096620-00096790 what happened here Fx6PlYOwH00-00327-00096791-00097042 so salicylic acid was isolated from Fx6PlYOwH00-00328-00097043-00097678 willow bark and in 1899 Bayer patented Fx6PlYOwH00-00329-00097679-00098044 it they put a acetyl body on the edge of Fx6PlYOwH00-00330-00098045-00098242 the salicylic acid and then that became Fx6PlYOwH00-00331-00098243-00098557 a patentable item and that was aspirin Fx6PlYOwH00-00332-00098558-00098782 and that's been the first real Fx6PlYOwH00-00333-00098783-00099031 blockbuster drug it's still the biggest Fx6PlYOwH00-00334-00099032-00099268 selling drug in the world they don't Fx6PlYOwH00-00335-00099269-00099424 make any money off it but it's still Fx6PlYOwH00-00336-00099425-00099769 huge again as I mentioned opium and and Fx6PlYOwH00-00337-00099770-00099982 marijuana also came into use right Fx6PlYOwH00-00338-00099983-00100267 around the same time but what happened Fx6PlYOwH00-00339-00100268-00100693 was the opium use became so so common Fx6PlYOwH00-00340-00100694-00101011 that the physician stopped using it Fx6PlYOwH00-00341-00101012-00101167 there was a lot of pressure to move into Fx6PlYOwH00-00342-00101168-00101469 these other manufactured drugs again Fx6PlYOwH00-00343-00101470-00101674 something we're seeing right now again Fx6PlYOwH00-00344-00101675-00102004 as history tends to repeat itself so at Fx6PlYOwH00-00345-00102005-00102190 the turn of the century about one in 200 Fx6PlYOwH00-00346-00102191-00102480 US citizens were addicted to opium at Fx6PlYOwH00-00347-00102481-00102642 that time we're not quite there but Fx6PlYOwH00-00348-00102643-00102867 we're getting there quick so the Fx6PlYOwH00-00349-00102868-00103080 government started to step in and and Fx6PlYOwH00-00350-00103081-00103447 regulate what was prescribed Abul by Fx6PlYOwH00-00351-00103448-00103726 physicians and there's a narcotic act in Fx6PlYOwH00-00352-00103727-00103915 1914 and then mayor Fx6PlYOwH00-00353-00103916-00104266 got into it at that point - what Fx6PlYOwH00-00354-00104267-00104535 happened with the narcotic act was it Fx6PlYOwH00-00355-00104536-00104961 was an anti opium act and then marijuana Fx6PlYOwH00-00356-00104963-00105406 became the go-to drug so it was sort of Fx6PlYOwH00-00357-00105407-00105633 perceived as not quite as classy as Fx6PlYOwH00-00358-00105634-00106204 opium so they quickly regulated that it Fx6PlYOwH00-00359-00106205-00106813 was officially banned in 1970 and then Fx6PlYOwH00-00360-00106814-00107080 again banned even harder during the Fx6PlYOwH00-00361-00107081-00107470 anti-drug Abuse Act and with the Fx6PlYOwH00-00362-00107471-00107991 Reagan's both in 1986 and 88 it became Fx6PlYOwH00-00363-00107992-00108336 an offense that was jailable at that Fx6PlYOwH00-00364-00108338-00108649 point prior to this if it wasn't usually Fx6PlYOwH00-00365-00108650-00108925 something you got arrested for but what Fx6PlYOwH00-00366-00108926-00109150 was interesting for us is is that then Fx6PlYOwH00-00367-00109151-00109348 it became illegal to prescribe it as Fx6PlYOwH00-00368-00109349-00109878 well and with the accompanying jail time Fx6PlYOwH00-00369-00109879-00110200 and as we tend to do California and Fx6PlYOwH00-00370-00110201-00110590 Oregon two of the more progressive Fx6PlYOwH00-00371-00110591-00111022 states legalized medical use despite the Fx6PlYOwH00-00372-00111023-00111492 federal regulations California in 1995 Fx6PlYOwH00-00373-00111493-00111861 and and again this is an important Fx6PlYOwH00-00374-00111863-00112150 background because from 2001 to 2010 Fx6PlYOwH00-00375-00112151-00112450 there 8.2 million marijuana arrests in Fx6PlYOwH00-00376-00112451-00112678 the US and that's 50 percent of all drug Fx6PlYOwH00-00377-00112679-00113008 arrests that's just crazy so when when Fx6PlYOwH00-00378-00113008-00113197 you try to get your doctor to talk about Fx6PlYOwH00-00379-00113198-00113398 marijuana this is the background that Fx6PlYOwH00-00380-00113399-00113671 they're using now we've gotten to the Fx6PlYOwH00-00381-00113672-00114022 point where this year there are now 46 Fx6PlYOwH00-00382-00114023-00114223 states that allow medical use of Fx6PlYOwH00-00383-00114224-00114384 marijuana in many states that allow Fx6PlYOwH00-00384-00114385-00114733 recreational use the problem is is that Fx6PlYOwH00-00385-00114733-00115011 we're still licensed federally and this Fx6PlYOwH00-00386-00115013-00115258 is still a class one medication Fx6PlYOwH00-00387-00115258-00115611 therefore we cannot ever prescribe it Fx6PlYOwH00-00388-00115613-00115917 it's illegal for us to prescribe it Fx6PlYOwH00-00389-00115918-00116152 there's a workaround which is Fx6PlYOwH00-00390-00116153-00116470 recommending it but again in most states Fx6PlYOwH00-00391-00116471-00116708 if the federal government decided to Fx6PlYOwH00-00392-00116709-00116989 change what they were doing we would all Fx6PlYOwH00-00393-00116990-00117225 be prosecutable if we ever Fx6PlYOwH00-00394-00117226-00117714 as a prescription now that's the way I Fx6PlYOwH00-00395-00117715-00118020 feel about this because my patients the Fx6PlYOwH00-00396-00118021-00118257 patients that I spend each and every day Fx6PlYOwH00-00397-00118258-00118488 caring for and up at night worrying Fx6PlYOwH00-00398-00118489-00118716 about are taking a substance that I Fx6PlYOwH00-00399-00118717-00119154 can't talk to them about and so I feel Fx6PlYOwH00-00400-00119155-00119328 that I'm I have all this good knowledge Fx6PlYOwH00-00401-00119329-00119559 about cannabis but I can't say anything Fx6PlYOwH00-00402-00119560-00119748 so I'm just banging my head against the Fx6PlYOwH00-00403-00119749-00120256 chalkboard but I see patients even today Fx6PlYOwH00-00404-00120257-00120606 I have a young man who's 15 he suffered Fx6PlYOwH00-00405-00120607-00121107 epilepsy since he was born I've had him Fx6PlYOwH00-00406-00121108-00121341 for about two years now he was on a very Fx6PlYOwH00-00407-00121342-00121871 very very strong regimen of psychoactive Fx6PlYOwH00-00408-00121872-00122131 medications prescribed Abul medications Fx6PlYOwH00-00409-00122132-00122356 and he he couldn't do anything he Fx6PlYOwH00-00410-00122357-00122595 couldn't read he just sat in his bed and Fx6PlYOwH00-00411-00122596-00122979 did nothing so we started to wean those Fx6PlYOwH00-00412-00122980-00123447 medications and the recommendation using Fx6PlYOwH00-00413-00123448-00123687 one of the naturopathic physicians that Fx6PlYOwH00-00414-00123688-00123954 I've collaborated with was to go to to Fx6PlYOwH00-00415-00123955-00124578 CBD 20 to one CBD THC which is one Fx6PlYOwH00-00416-00124579-00124833 similar to Charlotte's Web which I'll Fx6PlYOwH00-00417-00124834-00125201 talk about just briefly I saw him today Fx6PlYOwH00-00418-00125202-00125610 despite having roseola he did not have Fx6PlYOwH00-00419-00125611-00126132 any episodes of seizures on only CBD now Fx6PlYOwH00-00420-00126133-00126351 in the past when he got fevers he would Fx6PlYOwH00-00421-00126352-00126744 have large series of epilepsy events and Fx6PlYOwH00-00422-00126745-00126921 would usually stop breathing it would Fx6PlYOwH00-00423-00126922-00127179 end up in the hospital we were able to Fx6PlYOwH00-00424-00127180-00127437 get him home last night just by giving Fx6PlYOwH00-00425-00127438-00127857 an extra dose of CBD so you know again Fx6PlYOwH00-00426-00127858-00128076 as a scientist that's I don't want to Fx6PlYOwH00-00427-00128077-00128364 hear myself say so see it works but in Fx6PlYOwH00-00428-00128365-00128634 his case it was certainly was much more Fx6PlYOwH00-00429-00128635-00128838 beneficial to him than the medications Fx6PlYOwH00-00430-00128839-00129228 he was on before it's also important Fx6PlYOwH00-00431-00129229-00129540 when you are trying to communicate with Fx6PlYOwH00-00432-00129541-00129822 your physician that you understand what Fx6PlYOwH00-00433-00129823-00130020 the terms are I just briefly went Fx6PlYOwH00-00434-00130021-00130260 through this palin explain this briefly Fx6PlYOwH00-00435-00130261-00130626 but there's the cannabis plant itself Fx6PlYOwH00-00436-00130627-00130906 and the two main types are the first two Fx6PlYOwH00-00437-00130907-00131056 on there and there's a third one that's Fx6PlYOwH00-00438-00131057-00131415 coming into action now there's growers Fx6PlYOwH00-00439-00131416-00131874 in cultivators who are good and growers Fx6PlYOwH00-00440-00131875-00132118 and cultivators who are not so good so Fx6PlYOwH00-00441-00132119-00132351 it's very important that that you Fx6PlYOwH00-00442-00132352-00132588 understand what the plants are marijuana Fx6PlYOwH00-00443-00132589-00132946 itself is the dried cannabis plant so it Fx6PlYOwH00-00444-00132947-00133132 includes the leaves the flowers the Fx6PlYOwH00-00445-00133133-00133381 stems and seeds that's different than Fx6PlYOwH00-00446-00133382-00133773 than hemp hemp does also have have CBD Fx6PlYOwH00-00447-00133774-00134059 in it but there'll be more on that at a Fx6PlYOwH00-00448-00134060-00134359 later point so cannabis has right now we Fx6PlYOwH00-00449-00134360-00134676 understand about 400 substances and and Fx6PlYOwH00-00450-00134677-00134853 and somewhere in the hundred one hundred Fx6PlYOwH00-00451-00134854-00135161 and fifty of the substances are Fx6PlYOwH00-00452-00135162-00135537 cannabinoid type substances the ones Fx6PlYOwH00-00453-00135538-00135675 that you've all heard of and the ones Fx6PlYOwH00-00454-00135676-00135931 that are most studied are the Delta nine Fx6PlYOwH00-00455-00135932-00136725 tetrahydrocannabinol active portion of Fx6PlYOwH00-00456-00136726-00137228 it the canna but da the dial or CBD Fx6PlYOwH00-00457-00137229-00137458 works on the pathway that Palin Fx6PlYOwH00-00458-00137459-00137659 mentioned and there's two others that Fx6PlYOwH00-00459-00137660-00137838 are coming into use there's the DHT Fx6PlYOwH00-00460-00137839-00138339 eight the D eight THC and the cbn and Fx6PlYOwH00-00461-00138340-00138583 both of those have are you're gonna hear Fx6PlYOwH00-00462-00138584-00138963 a lot about them coming up the really Fx6PlYOwH00-00463-00138964-00139156 fascinating thing and I'm just going to Fx6PlYOwH00-00464-00139157-00139338 touch on this is this is the endo Fx6PlYOwH00-00465-00139339-00139645 cabinet system itself and we're starting Fx6PlYOwH00-00466-00139646-00139906 to just understand it and you know I Fx6PlYOwH00-00467-00139907-00140223 have a partial understanding of it but I Fx6PlYOwH00-00468-00140224-00140586 heard it best described as most of our Fx6PlYOwH00-00469-00140587-00140886 neurons for obvious reasons are active Fx6PlYOwH00-00470-00140887-00141201 they're under constant stimulation and Fx6PlYOwH00-00471-00141202-00141513 constant activity it makes sense you Fx6PlYOwH00-00472-00141514-00141678 know if the balls coming at you you Fx6PlYOwH00-00473-00141679-00141798 don't want to have to start the engine Fx6PlYOwH00-00474-00141799-00141984 and you know wait for things to happen Fx6PlYOwH00-00475-00141985-00142236 you want to be able to dodge it so the Fx6PlYOwH00-00476-00142237-00142461 endo cab enoyed system down regulates Fx6PlYOwH00-00477-00142462-00142737 that normal activity and therefore for Fx6PlYOwH00-00478-00142738-00142926 for kids that we deal with kids with Fx6PlYOwH00-00479-00142927-00143265 autism kids with ADHD kids with Fx6PlYOwH00-00480-00143266-00143529 intellectual disabilities that Fx6PlYOwH00-00481-00143530-00143760 regulation piece is really what's at Fx6PlYOwH00-00482-00143761-00143813 heart Fx6PlYOwH00-00483-00143814-00144293 so being able to calm yourself down so Fx6PlYOwH00-00484-00144294-00144529 again I sometimes feel like this as well Fx6PlYOwH00-00485-00144530-00144824 you know watching my shows at home and I Fx6PlYOwH00-00486-00144825-00144994 don't really want to go to work but Fx6PlYOwH00-00487-00144995-00145298 we've all seen this so we've all seen Fx6PlYOwH00-00488-00145299-00145547 this kind of activity you know this this Fx6PlYOwH00-00489-00145548-00145910 young man is having a meltdown again Fx6PlYOwH00-00490-00145911-00146197 with the active medicines that we have Fx6PlYOwH00-00491-00146198-00146423 you know you don't want to have to give Fx6PlYOwH00-00492-00146424-00146630 this kid ativan or something similar to Fx6PlYOwH00-00493-00146631-00146819 that it would be nice to have something Fx6PlYOwH00-00494-00146820-00147107 that would be able to calm down that Fx6PlYOwH00-00495-00147108-00147416 situation and allow them to function so Fx6PlYOwH00-00496-00147417-00147731 how about the data itself so with Fx6PlYOwH00-00497-00147732-00148037 epilepsy the data has been very clear to Fx6PlYOwH00-00498-00148038-00148457 the point where the fda-approved can't Fx6PlYOwH00-00499-00148458-00148874 avoid CBD derivative medication that can Fx6PlYOwH00-00500-00148875-00149129 be prescribed and that's down at the Fx6PlYOwH00-00501-00149130-00149639 bottom but we don't have the same good Fx6PlYOwH00-00502-00149640-00150008 studies with autism part of the problem Fx6PlYOwH00-00503-00150009-00150340 with that is is that there's not a Fx6PlYOwH00-00504-00150341-00150865 autism with epilepsy you have an EEG Fx6PlYOwH00-00505-00150866-00151226 signature that you can show improvement Fx6PlYOwH00-00506-00151227-00151601 with autism as the saying goes once Fx6PlYOwH00-00507-00151602-00151796 you've seen a child with autism you've Fx6PlYOwH00-00508-00151797-00152054 seen a child with autism that makes it Fx6PlYOwH00-00509-00152055-00152222 very difficult to do scientific studies Fx6PlYOwH00-00510-00152223-00152630 of any type however Israel as with many Fx6PlYOwH00-00511-00152631-00153002 things has led the way in stave see the Fx6PlYOwH00-00512-00153003-00153245 wreck they see and recognize that this Fx6PlYOwH00-00513-00153246-00153676 medication is very powerful so dr. Aaron Fx6PlYOwH00-00514-00153677-00154136 in 2018 published this retrospective Fx6PlYOwH00-00515-00154137-00154475 review of 60 of his patients they were Fx6PlYOwH00-00516-00154476-00154691 taking a very similar one to two Fx6PlYOwH00-00517-00154692-00155153 Charlotte's Web 20% CBD 1% THC they were Fx6PlYOwH00-00518-00155154-00155501 observed for seven months they had pre Fx6PlYOwH00-00519-00155502-00155744 some pre testing and some post testing Fx6PlYOwH00-00520-00155745-00156142 and the results were just astronomical Fx6PlYOwH00-00521-00156143-00156395 so they were an eighty percent decrease Fx6PlYOwH00-00522-00156396-00156590 in the parent reported problematic Fx6PlYOwH00-00523-00156591-00156827 behavior now the one thing that's Fx6PlYOwH00-00524-00156828-00157016 important to say and this is is that Fx6PlYOwH00-00525-00157017-00157126 these were kids that did Fx6PlYOwH00-00526-00157127-00157456 not respond to standard neuro active Fx6PlYOwH00-00527-00157457-00157744 medications they were not responders to Fx6PlYOwH00-00528-00157745-00158014 any of the meds we normally use so this Fx6PlYOwH00-00529-00158015-00158419 is even larger with that in mind there's Fx6PlYOwH00-00530-00158420-00158809 a 50% increase in communication with the Fx6PlYOwH00-00531-00158810-00159154 parent by their report so 40% decrease Fx6PlYOwH00-00532-00159155-00159601 in self-reported anxiety and for a lot Fx6PlYOwH00-00533-00159602-00159808 of us this is a big point it's 30% Fx6PlYOwH00-00534-00159809-00160153 decrease in parental anxiety which is a Fx6PlYOwH00-00535-00160154-00160609 major bonus as you know now this was not Fx6PlYOwH00-00536-00160610-00160882 a controlled style trial there would not Fx6PlYOwH00-00537-00160883-00161155 be any one that would be able to stay Fx6PlYOwH00-00538-00161156-00161488 say this is scientific proof it's you Fx6PlYOwH00-00539-00161489-00161683 know the patient's essentially are self Fx6PlYOwH00-00540-00161684-00162067 selected but it's a very promising start Fx6PlYOwH00-00541-00162068-00162367 and hopefully you know with the group Fx6PlYOwH00-00542-00162368-00162562 here today we'll be able to make more Fx6PlYOwH00-00543-00162563-00162781 scientific definitive statements about Fx6PlYOwH00-00544-00162782-00163060 this so again I want to emphasize that Fx6PlYOwH00-00545-00163061-00163327 the Epilepsy data is clear from a Fx6PlYOwH00-00546-00163328-00163621 scientific standpoint it is there so Fx6PlYOwH00-00547-00163622-00163867 Charlotte's Web being the model of this Fx6PlYOwH00-00548-00163868-00164386 particular one this is a 20% CBD 2 to 1% Fx6PlYOwH00-00549-00164387-00164866 THC that seems to make the CBD a more Fx6PlYOwH00-00550-00164867-00165235 functional in this particular setup as I Fx6PlYOwH00-00551-00165236-00165433 mentioned there is an FDA approved Fx6PlYOwH00-00552-00165434-00165610 medication for these two very rare Fx6PlYOwH00-00553-00165611-00165919 epilepsy syndromes but it's going to be Fx6PlYOwH00-00554-00165920-00166201 used and more in the future I also just Fx6PlYOwH00-00555-00166202-00166387 want to briefly touch on Marinol which Fx6PlYOwH00-00556-00166388-00166600 has been around forever this is this is Fx6PlYOwH00-00557-00166601-00167100 a synthetic THC this is used for diet Fx6PlYOwH00-00558-00167101-00167563 for stimulation of diet particularly in Fx6PlYOwH00-00559-00167564-00167821 cancer patients and then in some eating Fx6PlYOwH00-00560-00167822-00168010 disorder patients it's starting to get Fx6PlYOwH00-00561-00168011-00168394 used so this this also points to there Fx6PlYOwH00-00562-00168395-00168808 some promise in that area so that Fx6PlYOwH00-00563-00168809-00169051 basically the summary of my talk I I Fx6PlYOwH00-00564-00169052-00169414 have somewhere north of 200 patients Fx6PlYOwH00-00565-00169415-00169690 that are actively on the medication I Fx6PlYOwH00-00566-00169691-00170248 have had again very good results with it Fx6PlYOwH00-00567-00170249-00170593 from from parent reports but I really Fx6PlYOwH00-00568-00170594-00170803 excited that this project is happening I Fx6PlYOwH00-00569-00170804-00171043 think we have a team together that's Fx6PlYOwH00-00570-00171044-00171202 really going to make a difference here Fx6PlYOwH00-00571-00171203-00171567 this is another young young gentleman Fx6PlYOwH00-00572-00171568-00171954 that ended up going the family moved to Fx6PlYOwH00-00573-00171955-00172480 Colorado to get Charlotte's Web for 300 Fx6PlYOwH00-00574-00172481-00172711 plus seizures per day that the young Fx6PlYOwH00-00575-00172712-00172960 gentleman was having and he has none Fx6PlYOwH00-00576-00172961-00173215 moving forward this is one of the Fx6PlYOwH00-00577-00173216-00173440 cultivators it's become a whole science Fx6PlYOwH00-00578-00173441-00173728 now it's like a brewer they they really Fx6PlYOwH00-00579-00173729-00174145 concoct these these plants in an Fx6PlYOwH00-00580-00174146-00174472 incredible fashion so I have place or I Fx6PlYOwH00-00581-00174473-00174742 will place this afternoon on my website Fx6PlYOwH00-00582-00174743-00175090 some references that I I brought up here Fx6PlYOwH00-00583-00175091-00175294 there's some fascinating articles on Fx6PlYOwH00-00584-00175295-00175705 animal studies and an THC but again Fx6PlYOwH00-00585-00175706-00175900 we're just moving forward with the Fx6PlYOwH00-00586-00175901-00176116 autism group so I appreciate the Fx6PlYOwH00-00587-00176117-00176359 opportunity to speak to you today and I Fx6PlYOwH00-00588-00176360-00176494 look forward to your questions Fx6PlYOwH00-00589-00176495-00176893 thank you before I invite dr. Allison Fx6PlYOwH00-00590-00176894-00177208 nutri I wanted to dive into two areas Fx6PlYOwH00-00591-00177209-00177565 that key talked about as I mentioned CBD Fx6PlYOwH00-00592-00177566-00177937 can come from two sources both the hemp Fx6PlYOwH00-00593-00177938-00178129 plant and the marijuana plant both Fx6PlYOwH00-00594-00178130-00178450 variations of the cannabis plant and as Fx6PlYOwH00-00595-00178451-00178768 I said hemp has less than 0.3 percent Fx6PlYOwH00-00596-00178769-00179235 THC now with the passing of the 2018 Fx6PlYOwH00-00597-00179236-00179685 farm bill hemp will be federally legal Fx6PlYOwH00-00598-00179686-00179959 and I also want to point out that the Fx6PlYOwH00-00599-00179960-00180222 UCSD study that we'll be discussing next Fx6PlYOwH00-00600-00180223-00180790 uses CBD only though tac itself has many Fx6PlYOwH00-00601-00180791-00181063 medicinal benefits and other studies Fx6PlYOwH00-00602-00181064-00181255 that were funding for other conditions Fx6PlYOwH00-00603-00181256-00181552 were actually trying a combination of Fx6PlYOwH00-00604-00181553-00181837 CBD and THC with the researchers to see Fx6PlYOwH00-00605-00181838-00182032 what the medicinal effects together Fx6PlYOwH00-00606-00182033-00182440 might be so there's definitely the whole Fx6PlYOwH00-00607-00182441-00182680 plant of hemp the whole plant of Fx6PlYOwH00-00608-00182681-00182893 cannabis has many medicinal benefits and Fx6PlYOwH00-00609-00182894-00183079 while it's important for us to study Fx6PlYOwH00-00610-00183080-00183219 individual compounds Fx6PlYOwH00-00611-00183220-00183377 is also important for us to look at the Fx6PlYOwH00-00612-00183378-00183599 whole plant and how it may benefit Fx6PlYOwH00-00613-00183600-00183872 second I wanted to talk about the Fx6PlYOwH00-00614-00183873-00184214 Israeli study that Keith talked about as Fx6PlYOwH00-00615-00184215-00184584 one of his last points it's wonderful Fx6PlYOwH00-00616-00184585-00184956 that we were able to see significant Fx6PlYOwH00-00617-00184957-00185204 percentage of the autistic children who Fx6PlYOwH00-00618-00185205-00185564 were treated with CBD were we were Fx6PlYOwH00-00619-00185565-00185890 seeing major improvements in behavioral Fx6PlYOwH00-00620-00185891-00186261 communication reduction anxiety etc but Fx6PlYOwH00-00621-00186262-00186633 while some kids see saw those benefits Fx6PlYOwH00-00622-00186634-00186993 other kids did not it was really the Fx6PlYOwH00-00623-00186994-00187187 curiosity as to why there was a Fx6PlYOwH00-00624-00187188-00187433 difference in the kids that fueled our Fx6PlYOwH00-00625-00187434-00187770 funding of the UCSD research which is Fx6PlYOwH00-00626-00187771-00188033 truly a first of its kind Fx6PlYOwH00-00627-00188034-00188325 multidisciplinary research that not only Fx6PlYOwH00-00628-00188326-00188598 looks into the safety and efficacy of Fx6PlYOwH00-00629-00188599-00188961 CBD and autism but also looks into the Fx6PlYOwH00-00630-00188962-00189243 mechanisms that play so we can better Fx6PlYOwH00-00631-00189244-00189597 understand why some kids benefits while Fx6PlYOwH00-00632-00189598-00189887 others don't and hopefully we can also Fx6PlYOwH00-00633-00189888-00190185 explore if there are any modalities that Fx6PlYOwH00-00634-00190186-00190454 we can use to be able to improve the Fx6PlYOwH00-00635-00190455-00190824 odds so with that it is my great Fx6PlYOwH00-00636-00190825-00191114 pleasure to introduce you dr. Alison Fx6PlYOwH00-00637-00191115-00191453 Moyet REE who's the director of the UCSD Fx6PlYOwH00-00638-00191454-00191787 stem cell program as well as one of the Fx6PlYOwH00-00639-00191788-00192101 three pis or principal investigators in Fx6PlYOwH00-00640-00192102-00192387 the autism study that we have funded Fx6PlYOwH00-00641-00192388-00192834 earlier this year Alison Fx6PlYOwH00-00642-00192835-00193131 thank you really and thank you for Fx6PlYOwH00-00643-00193132-00193350 organizing these meetings is a very Fx6PlYOwH00-00644-00193351-00193550 helpful for the families and in people Fx6PlYOwH00-00645-00193551-00193879 who are online or curious about the CBD Fx6PlYOwH00-00646-00193880-00194201 in exactly how it acts and in brain Fx6PlYOwH00-00647-00194202-00194412 cells and that's that's my job here is Fx6PlYOwH00-00648-00194413-00194576 try to figure out exactly how these a Fx6PlYOwH00-00649-00194577-00194796 this MOC molecule that it can be Fx6PlYOwH00-00650-00194797-00195033 extracted from those plans how that can Fx6PlYOwH00-00651-00195034-00195320 affect your behavior in some of these Fx6PlYOwH00-00652-00195321-00195696 neurological conditions so but before I Fx6PlYOwH00-00653-00195697-00195957 jump into that I'll summarize I mean the Fx6PlYOwH00-00654-00195958-00196182 aims or the goals of these studies and Fx6PlYOwH00-00655-00196183-00196528 the first thing is really to determine Fx6PlYOwH00-00656-00196529-00196869 using chemical evidence if CBD is safe Fx6PlYOwH00-00657-00196870-00197263 tolerable and if alleviates some of the Fx6PlYOwH00-00658-00197264-00197530 symptoms of autism and we will be Fx6PlYOwH00-00659-00197531-00197796 talking about a specific type of autism Fx6PlYOwH00-00660-00197797-00198181 that you are the most severe type of Fx6PlYOwH00-00661-00198182-00198415 autism these are traditionally more Fx6PlYOwH00-00662-00198416-00198748 difficult to study because the behavior Fx6PlYOwH00-00663-00198749-00198919 the stress on the families to Fx6PlYOwH00-00664-00198920-00199168 participate on this kind of studies but Fx6PlYOwH00-00665-00199169-00199351 we are all making an effort to include Fx6PlYOwH00-00666-00199352-00199669 the more severe types of autism and we Fx6PlYOwH00-00667-00199670-00199984 think that's when the benefit might Fx6PlYOwH00-00668-00199985-00200188 become more evident so we're going to be Fx6PlYOwH00-00669-00200189-00200614 as recruiting autistic individuals who Fx6PlYOwH00-00670-00200615-00200790 have like aggressive behavior Fx6PlYOwH00-00671-00200791-00201154 hyperactivity in in low level of social Fx6PlYOwH00-00672-00201155-00201415 communication so the second goal or the Fx6PlYOwH00-00673-00201416-00201604 second aim of these studies is to Fx6PlYOwH00-00674-00201605-00201820 determine if the potential mechanism of Fx6PlYOwH00-00675-00201821-00202176 action of CBD actually relates to the Fx6PlYOwH00-00676-00202177-00202579 alterations in neurotransmitters or how Fx6PlYOwH00-00677-00202580-00202785 the neurons communicate to each other Fx6PlYOwH00-00678-00202786-00202986 improvements in the neuro physiological Fx6PlYOwH00-00679-00202987-00203200 normalities that we see in these Fx6PlYOwH00-00680-00203201-00203473 neuronal networks and all overall if Fx6PlYOwH00-00681-00203474-00203638 there is any improvement in brain Fx6PlYOwH00-00682-00203639-00203911 connectivity so there are plenty of Fx6PlYOwH00-00683-00203912-00204199 evidence suggesting that autistic Fx6PlYOwH00-00684-00204200-00204394 individuals have alterations in these Fx6PlYOwH00-00685-00204395-00204694 brain communications so we are designing Fx6PlYOwH00-00686-00204695-00204942 our study actually to really prove if Fx6PlYOwH00-00687-00204944-00205269 CBD can act on that and I think finally Fx6PlYOwH00-00688-00205271-00205705 in perhaps one of unique aims of this is Fx6PlYOwH00-00689-00205706-00205881 to determine where whether there are Fx6PlYOwH00-00690-00205882-00206182 biomarkers for neuro inflammation that Fx6PlYOwH00-00691-00206183-00206428 are affected by CBD M administration in Fx6PlYOwH00-00692-00206429-00206717 autistic individuals so that would be Fx6PlYOwH00-00693-00206719-00206950 really helpful moving forward to Fx6PlYOwH00-00694-00206951-00207232 identify the population of autistic Fx6PlYOwH00-00695-00207233-00207607 children and even adults that might be Fx6PlYOwH00-00696-00207608-00207760 more susceptible to this kind of Fx6PlYOwH00-00697-00207761-00208091 treatment so this is a truly Fx6PlYOwH00-00698-00208092-00208348 multidisciplinary approach am there are Fx6PlYOwH00-00699-00208348-00208726 many disciplines that are involved on Fx6PlYOwH00-00700-00208727-00208971 that there are clinical and neuro Fx6PlYOwH00-00701-00208973-00209196 physiological evaluation that would be Fx6PlYOwH00-00702-00209198-00209514 done before and after treatment would do Fx6PlYOwH00-00703-00209515-00209902 the intervention using synthetic Fx6PlYOwH00-00704-00209903-00210319 CBD initially in 30 children with severe Fx6PlYOwH00-00705-00210319-00210598 type of autism as I said the clinical Fx6PlYOwH00-00706-00210598-00210835 part is going to be led by Doris Traynor Fx6PlYOwH00-00707-00210836-00211054 who is also a professor in the Fx6PlYOwH00-00708-00211055-00211342 neuroscience department it UCSC G then Fx6PlYOwH00-00709-00211342-00211510 finally we move on into the more Fx6PlYOwH00-00710-00211511-00211879 mechanistic molecular cellular analysis Fx6PlYOwH00-00711-00211880-00212254 of CBD acting on brain cells to do that Fx6PlYOwH00-00712-00212255-00212492 we are taking advantage of a very Fx6PlYOwH00-00713-00212494-00212935 interesting technology that involves the Fx6PlYOwH00-00714-00212936-00213169 stem cell biology and this is by Fx6PlYOwH00-00715-00213169-00213388 reprogramming cells from the subjects Fx6PlYOwH00-00716-00213389-00213678 that are participating in our study in Fx6PlYOwH00-00717-00213679-00213958 reprogramming them in the lab creating Fx6PlYOwH00-00718-00213959-00214201 what we call induced pluripotent stem Fx6PlYOwH00-00719-00214202-00214692 cells these stem cells can be driven to Fx6PlYOwH00-00720-00214694-00214930 specialized into the brain cells so we Fx6PlYOwH00-00721-00214931-00215200 can study the effect of CBD in these Fx6PlYOwH00-00722-00215201-00215485 brain cells derived from each one of the Fx6PlYOwH00-00723-00215486-00215646 individuals that are participating in Fx6PlYOwH00-00724-00215648-00215857 our study and finally going to hear a Fx6PlYOwH00-00725-00215858-00216133 little bit later on the analysis of Fx6PlYOwH00-00726-00216134-00216490 these networks that we can collect it in Fx6PlYOwH00-00727-00216491-00216661 a very dynamic way because these are Fx6PlYOwH00-00728-00216662-00216907 live cells in the lab and these will be Fx6PlYOwH00-00729-00216908-00217416 done by dr. gabe sylvia here at Udacity Fx6PlYOwH00-00730-00217417-00217759 so the clinical study it's a it's quite Fx6PlYOwH00-00731-00217760-00217960 simple it's very similar to many of the Fx6PlYOwH00-00732-00217961-00218125 clinical studies that are perhaps you're Fx6PlYOwH00-00733-00218126-00218377 you hear about you're familiar about so Fx6PlYOwH00-00734-00218378-00218662 these would be 30 kids with severe type Fx6PlYOwH00-00735-00218663-00218967 of autism that would be pre-screen in Fx6PlYOwH00-00736-00218967-00219367 between ages of 8 and 12 years old it's Fx6PlYOwH00-00737-00219367-00219601 going to be a randomized crossover trial Fx6PlYOwH00-00738-00219602-00219898 of CBD versus placebo so we're gonna Fx6PlYOwH00-00739-00219898-00220294 know exactly I mean if there is a Fx6PlYOwH00-00740-00220294-00220579 positive effect on top of placebo here Fx6PlYOwH00-00741-00220580-00220971 and both cognitive and behavioral be Fx6PlYOwH00-00742-00220973-00221167 done before and after treatment so gonna Fx6PlYOwH00-00743-00221167-00221346 be collecting lots of data regarding Fx6PlYOwH00-00744-00221348-00221871 social behavior language all type of Fx6PlYOwH00-00745-00221873-00222144 stereotypes as well also importantly Fx6PlYOwH00-00746-00222146-00222316 we're going to be collecting brainwave Fx6PlYOwH00-00747-00222317-00222616 activity this is what you can extract Fx6PlYOwH00-00748-00222617-00222963 using a letter encephalo gram or EEG Fx6PlYOwH00-00749-00222964-00223173 also eye tracking Fx6PlYOwH00-00750-00223173-00223323 gonna be measuring some of these Fx6PlYOwH00-00751-00223323-00223610 movements spontaneous movements that I Fx6PlYOwH00-00752-00223611-00223980 need Aviles with autism will do often Fx6PlYOwH00-00753-00223981-00224269 have and finally we're gonna have Fx6PlYOwH00-00754-00224271-00224598 several types of brain scan on resting Fx6PlYOwH00-00755-00224598-00224901 state for kids with that there are part Fx6PlYOwH00-00756-00224902-00225048 of the trial before and after the Fx6PlYOwH00-00757-00225048-00225273 treatment so overall we're going to be Fx6PlYOwH00-00758-00225273-00225516 collecting tons of clinical data and I Fx6PlYOwH00-00759-00225517-00225696 think the challenge is to collect these Fx6PlYOwH00-00760-00225696-00225927 to connect with this clinical data with Fx6PlYOwH00-00761-00225928-00226113 the molecular cellular analysis that Fx6PlYOwH00-00762-00226114-00226491 would be done in vitro in the lab so I Fx6PlYOwH00-00763-00226492-00226740 briefly touch on the idea that we can Fx6PlYOwH00-00764-00226741-00227016 reprogram cells from all the subjects Fx6PlYOwH00-00765-00227017-00227316 participating on on the trial and we can Fx6PlYOwH00-00766-00227317-00227510 induce the cells to differentiate into Fx6PlYOwH00-00767-00227511-00227798 brain cells most of the time we do that Fx6PlYOwH00-00768-00227800-00228006 in three dimension in this cell Fx6PlYOwH00-00769-00228007-00228219 self-organized and something that we Fx6PlYOwH00-00770-00228219-00228528 call a brain organoid most of the time Fx6PlYOwH00-00771-00228529-00228666 you're going to see in the media that Fx6PlYOwH00-00772-00228667-00228996 they call these mini brains it's a it's Fx6PlYOwH00-00773-00228996-00229164 not a very good name because they don't Fx6PlYOwH00-00774-00229165-00229455 actually look like a mini brain but it's Fx6PlYOwH00-00775-00229456-00229658 a cluster of cells that have electrical Fx6PlYOwH00-00776-00229659-00229878 activity going on and they self organize Fx6PlYOwH00-00777-00229879-00230103 on something that resemble of the human Fx6PlYOwH00-00778-00230104-00230309 brain and before I move on I want to Fx6PlYOwH00-00779-00230310-00230717 make very clear that as any other model Fx6PlYOwH00-00780-00230719-00230988 to study the human brain there are Fx6PlYOwH00-00781-00230989-00231180 limitations and these are the potential Fx6PlYOwH00-00782-00231181-00231456 limitations that that we anticipate most Fx6PlYOwH00-00783-00231457-00231744 of the time when we specialized in these Fx6PlYOwH00-00784-00231744-00231896 neurons in the lab there are more Fx6PlYOwH00-00785-00231898-00232152 immature neurons compared to the neurons Fx6PlYOwH00-00786-00232153-00232334 that you have in the brain this is Fx6PlYOwH00-00787-00232335-00232571 organoids are not vascularized and not Fx6PlYOwH00-00788-00232573-00232866 all cell types are represented we don't Fx6PlYOwH00-00789-00232867-00233033 even know if the conditions that we are Fx6PlYOwH00-00790-00233034-00233332 growing these organoids are ideal and Fx6PlYOwH00-00791-00233333-00233577 finally we don't know if what we learn Fx6PlYOwH00-00792-00233578-00233832 into the tissue culture in vitro can Fx6PlYOwH00-00793-00233833-00234087 translate to the human brain so the Fx6PlYOwH00-00794-00234088-00234342 translational potential of this Fx6PlYOwH00-00795-00234342-00234531 technology is too unknown that's why Fx6PlYOwH00-00796-00234532-00234915 this study is so important is when it is Fx6PlYOwH00-00797-00234916-00235104 the first one that we'll be able to Fx6PlYOwH00-00798-00235105-00235478 connect the in vitro data towards the Fx6PlYOwH00-00799-00235479-00235737 subjects in a clinical trial so I do Fx6PlYOwH00-00800-00235738-00235896 think that this technology will be Fx6PlYOwH00-00801-00235896-00236141 disruptive in the way we understand Fx6PlYOwH00-00802-00236142-00236478 neuro development autism in the impact Fx6PlYOwH00-00803-00236479-00236529 of Fx6PlYOwH00-00804-00236530-00236846 Deonne social human behavior so the way Fx6PlYOwH00-00805-00236848-00237146 we create these mini brains we follow a Fx6PlYOwH00-00806-00237148-00237408 recipe that has been developed in my lab Fx6PlYOwH00-00807-00237409-00237719 for the past years we start with this Fx6PlYOwH00-00808-00237721-00238002 pluripotent reprogrammed cells from each Fx6PlYOwH00-00809-00238003-00238230 individual so each one of these cells Fx6PlYOwH00-00810-00238231-00238461 will capture the entire genome Fx6PlYOwH00-00811-00238462-00238734 information for each one of the subjects Fx6PlYOwH00-00812-00238735-00239085 and through a series of process in media Fx6PlYOwH00-00813-00239086-00239376 and factors we guide the cells to Fx6PlYOwH00-00814-00239377-00239709 self-assemble in 3d floating structures Fx6PlYOwH00-00815-00239710-00240033 that again resemble a very mature human Fx6PlYOwH00-00816-00240034-00240242 brain and that's what we call brain Fx6PlYOwH00-00817-00240244-00240411 organoid these brain organoids Fx6PlYOwH00-00818-00240412-00240642 they can mature for long periods of Fx6PlYOwH00-00819-00240642-00240927 times and we have been collecting data Fx6PlYOwH00-00820-00240928-00241217 from them the way they self organize is Fx6PlYOwH00-00821-00241219-00241421 quite interesting the video here what Fx6PlYOwH00-00822-00241423-00241704 you see are some of the presenter cells Fx6PlYOwH00-00823-00241705-00242013 that are migrant migrating out of the Fx6PlYOwH00-00824-00242014-00242267 center of this colony and as they Fx6PlYOwH00-00825-00242269-00242490 migrate out these neural progenitor Fx6PlYOwH00-00826-00242491-00242769 cells whose top would differentiate and Fx6PlYOwH00-00827-00242769-00242964 start forming connections to each other Fx6PlYOwH00-00828-00242965-00243192 forming what we call the cortical plate Fx6PlYOwH00-00829-00243192-00243537 the cortex in the human brain is the Fx6PlYOwH00-00830-00243538-00243876 center of most of the sophisticated Fx6PlYOwH00-00831-00243877-00244176 cognition that we have and is one of the Fx6PlYOwH00-00832-00244177-00244452 brain regions affected in autism so for Fx6PlYOwH00-00833-00244453-00244602 this particularly studies we're going to Fx6PlYOwH00-00834-00244603-00245061 be focusing on on on the cortex so we Fx6PlYOwH00-00835-00245062-00245286 can measure the activity of these Fx6PlYOwH00-00836-00245287-00245655 organized by placing them on dishes that Fx6PlYOwH00-00837-00245656-00245889 contains much electrode arrays printed Fx6PlYOwH00-00838-00245890-00246159 in the bottom of the dishes all the time Fx6PlYOwH00-00839-00246160-00246354 when there is activity passing through Fx6PlYOwH00-00840-00246355-00246573 these electrodes we can capture that and Fx6PlYOwH00-00841-00246573-00246834 generate an activity map so we can Fx6PlYOwH00-00842-00246835-00247298 simulate how the networks are are firing Fx6PlYOwH00-00843-00247300-00247569 or how the neurons are being active and Fx6PlYOwH00-00844-00247569-00247776 connecting to each other by studying Fx6PlYOwH00-00845-00247777-00247994 these kind of networks and in Gabe Fx6PlYOwH00-00846-00247996-00248205 silver will tell you more what we can do Fx6PlYOwH00-00847-00248206-00248531 with this data later on so very Fx6PlYOwH00-00848-00248532-00248819 surprisingly we learned that we can keep Fx6PlYOwH00-00849-00248821-00249012 this brain organized for long periods of Fx6PlYOwH00-00850-00249013-00249441 the time and as we do that they age in a Fx6PlYOwH00-00851-00249442-00249600 way that is very similar to human Fx6PlYOwH00-00852-00249601-00249828 development reaching to a point where Fx6PlYOwH00-00853-00249829-00249900 the Fx6PlYOwH00-00854-00249901-00250137 tivity super high for example in the Fx6PlYOwH00-00855-00250138-00250506 first graphic here I have time from two Fx6PlYOwH00-00856-00250507-00250737 month attitude to ten month and the Fx6PlYOwH00-00857-00250738-00250962 number of spikes or activity from those Fx6PlYOwH00-00858-00250963-00251277 neurons are moving from 3,000 per second Fx6PlYOwH00-00859-00251278-00251642 to a little bit over 300,000 per seconds Fx6PlYOwH00-00860-00251644-00251832 so there is a time frame where the Fx6PlYOwH00-00861-00251833-00252117 networks really get organized and become Fx6PlYOwH00-00862-00252117-00252486 super active and because we have such an Fx6PlYOwH00-00863-00252487-00252798 amount of activity these networks start Fx6PlYOwH00-00864-00252798-00253046 to generate brain isolations in these Fx6PlYOwH00-00865-00253048-00253275 oscillations is what we can detect it by Fx6PlYOwH00-00866-00253276-00253653 using ages and so that will be the basis Fx6PlYOwH00-00867-00253654-00253917 of our comparison with the clinical data Fx6PlYOwH00-00868-00253917-00254241 the clinical data all the subjects will Fx6PlYOwH00-00869-00254242-00254442 have the ages done before and after Fx6PlYOwH00-00870-00254442-00254844 treatment and we can use the EEG Fx6PlYOwH00-00871-00254844-00255087 collected from the subjects brain Fx6PlYOwH00-00872-00255088-00255442 organoids and be able to compare that Fx6PlYOwH00-00873-00255444-00256019 with before and after CBD treatment so Fx6PlYOwH00-00874-00256021-00256251 virtually what we are doing is running Fx6PlYOwH00-00875-00256252-00256506 the clinical trial in parallel in vitro Fx6PlYOwH00-00876-00256507-00256767 in the lab in hoping we can match the Fx6PlYOwH00-00877-00256767-00257064 data that we have with the clinical data Fx6PlYOwH00-00878-00257065-00257382 by doing that not only we can see who Fx6PlYOwH00-00879-00257383-00257628 are the responders and non-responders we Fx6PlYOwH00-00880-00257629-00258071 can actually search on the genome what Fx6PlYOwH00-00881-00258073-00258285 are the potential genetic variants that Fx6PlYOwH00-00882-00258286-00258569 account for these differences and we can Fx6PlYOwH00-00883-00258571-00258906 also test many many different Fx6PlYOwH00-00884-00258907-00259217 concentrations and doses of CBD and THC Fx6PlYOwH00-00885-00259217-00259458 to actually personalize the treatment Fx6PlYOwH00-00886-00259459-00259725 for each individual so that would be Fx6PlYOwH00-00887-00259726-00259992 something closer to a personalized Fx6PlYOwH00-00888-00259992-00260294 treatment for each one of them so this Fx6PlYOwH00-00889-00260296-00260531 is just one example of how the network's Fx6PlYOwH00-00890-00260532-00260931 changes over time so I will stop here in Fx6PlYOwH00-00891-00260932-00261198 in pest - Gabe silver to talk a little Fx6PlYOwH00-00892-00261198-00261576 bit more about dr. Silva speaks I just Fx6PlYOwH00-00893-00261577-00261732 wanted to tell you to clarify something Fx6PlYOwH00-00894-00261733-00261981 for our audience where do you get the Fx6PlYOwH00-00895-00261982-00262164 India's pluripotent stem cells yeah so Fx6PlYOwH00-00896-00262165-00262365 the induced pluripotent stem cells will Fx6PlYOwH00-00897-00262366-00262608 be reprogrammed from a small three Fx6PlYOwH00-00898-00262609-00263013 millimeter skin biopsy from each one of Fx6PlYOwH00-00899-00263014-00263124 the subjects so these are Fx6PlYOwH00-00900-00263125-00263364 muskan from this teen sells ok great Fx6PlYOwH00-00901-00263365-00264150 thank you so much thank you very much so Fx6PlYOwH00-00902-00264151-00264408 for the opportunity to participate so Fx6PlYOwH00-00903-00264409-00264885 just to pick up more Alison left off I'm Fx6PlYOwH00-00904-00264886-00265064 a theoretical and computational Fx6PlYOwH00-00905-00265065-00265320 neuroscientist and one of the things Fx6PlYOwH00-00906-00265321-00265632 that we've done is we've essentially Fx6PlYOwH00-00907-00265633-00265844 developed this sort of the the the most Fx6PlYOwH00-00908-00265845-00266124 innovative kind of far-reaching part of Fx6PlYOwH00-00909-00266125-00266496 this study we are going to take Alison's Fx6PlYOwH00-00910-00266497-00266712 models the organoids that they're Fx6PlYOwH00-00911-00266713-00266949 deriving from the individual patients Fx6PlYOwH00-00912-00266950-00267108 actually participating in the clinical Fx6PlYOwH00-00913-00267109-00267573 trial and carry out a sort of very new Fx6PlYOwH00-00914-00267574-00267837 rather sophisticated mathematical Fx6PlYOwH00-00915-00267838-00268148 analysis of how information flows Fx6PlYOwH00-00916-00268149-00268452 through individual neurons and then Fx6PlYOwH00-00917-00268453-00268677 through networks of neurons in a dish Fx6PlYOwH00-00918-00268678-00268893 essentially and the types of organs that Fx6PlYOwH00-00919-00268894-00269238 Alison was showing so what we've done is Fx6PlYOwH00-00920-00269239-00269556 we we have a we have a mathematical Fx6PlYOwH00-00921-00269557-00269724 theory a set of mathematical equations Fx6PlYOwH00-00922-00269725-00269999 essentially that says something about Fx6PlYOwH00-00923-00270000-00270315 how signals propagate through a network Fx6PlYOwH00-00924-00270316-00270495 how information flows through a network Fx6PlYOwH00-00925-00270496-00270698 and what we've been able to identify is Fx6PlYOwH00-00926-00270699-00271052 that there has to be a balance between Fx6PlYOwH00-00927-00271053-00271389 the the the nodes the internal Fx6PlYOwH00-00928-00271390-00271689 components in the network how they're Fx6PlYOwH00-00929-00271690-00271878 they're holding on to information as Fx6PlYOwH00-00930-00271879-00272232 they process that and then the the rate Fx6PlYOwH00-00931-00272233-00272424 at which the speed at which information Fx6PlYOwH00-00932-00272425-00272607 is propagating through the whole network Fx6PlYOwH00-00933-00272608-00272952 right so when that balance breaks down Fx6PlYOwH00-00934-00272953-00273282 we we've shown in in simulations and Fx6PlYOwH00-00935-00273283-00273462 again sort of mathematically that Fx6PlYOwH00-00936-00273463-00273621 there's there's a breakdown in Fx6PlYOwH00-00937-00273622-00273941 information processing and we've Fx6PlYOwH00-00938-00273942-00274251 recently shown that that in in typical Fx6PlYOwH00-00939-00274252-00274623 neurons and normal neurons the this Fx6PlYOwH00-00940-00274624-00274818 ratio this balance which we call the Fx6PlYOwH00-00941-00274819-00275087 refraction ratio between this Fx6PlYOwH00-00942-00275088-00275418 information processing within individual Fx6PlYOwH00-00943-00275419-00275658 nodes and the speed of information flow Fx6PlYOwH00-00944-00275659-00275931 within the network that ratio is an Fx6PlYOwH00-00945-00275932-00276150 optimization principle that neurons are Fx6PlYOwH00-00946-00276151-00276452 actually designed they're optimized for Fx6PlYOwH00-00947-00276453-00276711 their their structure their actual shape Fx6PlYOwH00-00948-00276712-00277107 is optimized to for that ratio and Fx6PlYOwH00-00949-00277108-00277269 that's basically precisely what we want Fx6PlYOwH00-00950-00277270-00277590 to test in in as part of this study Fx6PlYOwH00-00951-00277591-00278091 related to CBD in autism so we we will Fx6PlYOwH00-00952-00278092-00278469 take dr. Mardis organoids and neurons at Fx6PlYOwH00-00953-00278470-00278631 and again these are very you know each Fx6PlYOwH00-00954-00278632-00278856 individual patient in the study will Fx6PlYOwH00-00955-00278857-00279069 have organized drive from from their own Fx6PlYOwH00-00956-00279070-00279362 skin cells basically and we are going to Fx6PlYOwH00-00957-00279363-00279651 carry out this analysis and look at this Fx6PlYOwH00-00958-00279652-00279846 ratio and in the end individual patients Fx6PlYOwH00-00959-00279847-00280140 and depending on what those that Fx6PlYOwH00-00960-00280141-00280398 analysis shows both positive and Fx6PlYOwH00-00961-00280399-00280575 negative results will actually teach us Fx6PlYOwH00-00962-00280576-00280761 something about the underlying Fx6PlYOwH00-00963-00280762-00281100 physiology how is information changing Fx6PlYOwH00-00964-00281101-00281319 how is it different in these patient Fx6PlYOwH00-00965-00281320-00281628 derived autistic networks the the Fx6PlYOwH00-00966-00281629-00281991 ultimate dream if you will will be to be Fx6PlYOwH00-00967-00281992-00282345 able to almost predict which one of Fx6PlYOwH00-00968-00282346-00282561 these patients will respond clinically Fx6PlYOwH00-00969-00282562-00282822 now that's that's sort of the the you Fx6PlYOwH00-00970-00282823-00282996 know the the pipe dream that's the Fx6PlYOwH00-00971-00282997-00283197 ultimate objective but if we understand Fx6PlYOwH00-00972-00283198-00283440 enough in terms of network signaling Fx6PlYOwH00-00973-00283441-00283629 what's happening in in these organized Fx6PlYOwH00-00974-00283630-00283791 models and in these neurons from these Fx6PlYOwH00-00975-00283792-00284055 patients we may be able to actually Fx6PlYOwH00-00976-00284056-00284409 inform that both before and after sort Fx6PlYOwH00-00977-00284410-00284862 of the treatment with CBD that was great Fx6PlYOwH00-00978-00284863-00285090 thank you F_6PaAUbhbU-00000-00000827-00001000 and that's why I think the drug problem F_6PaAUbhbU-00001-00001001-00001216 in Portland is getting better overall F_6PaAUbhbU-00002-00001217-00001793 we've come a long way don't you think F_6PaAUbhbU-00003-00001794-00002315 huh what do you mean by that F_6PaAUbhbU-00004-00002316-00002675 well those numbers are um higher than I F_6PaAUbhbU-00005-00002676-00003041 expected F_6PaAUbhbU-00006-00003042-00003304 yeah I guess that's true there are a lot F_6PaAUbhbU-00007-00003305-00003461 of people I'm addicted that are on the F_6PaAUbhbU-00008-00003461-00003695 streets because of money issues F_6PaAUbhbU-00009-00003696-00004186 but I didn't think there were that many F_6PaAUbhbU-00010-00004187-00004283 really F_6PaAUbhbU-00011-00004284-00004409 how do you think you can start fixing F_6PaAUbhbU-00012-00004410-00004817 this F_6PaAUbhbU-00013-00004818-00005009 oh yeah there are a lot of these F_6PaAUbhbU-00014-00005010-00005099 buildings and the treatment is F_6PaAUbhbU-00015-00005100-00005441 Affordable over there as well F_6PaAUbhbU-00016-00005442-00005585 oh F_6PaAUbhbU-00017-00005586-00005806 yeah you're right I should go tell other F_6PaAUbhbU-00018-00005807-00006187 people about this thanks whiteboard FARuPRF0tFu-00000-00000026-00001000 [Music] FARuPRF0tFu-00001-00001001-00001241 what is good everybody welcome join Eric FARuPRF0tFu-00002-00001242-00001495 my team towards video today we have some FARuPRF0tFu-00003-00001496-00001667 questions for you guys and we are going FARuPRF0tFu-00004-00001668-00001876 to take an analysis on a couple of FARuPRF0tFu-00005-00001877-00002023 things that I want to discuss with you FARuPRF0tFu-00006-00002025-00002218 guys and I apologize this video is not FARuPRF0tFu-00007-00002219-00002429 going up earlier in the morning because FARuPRF0tFu-00008-00002430-00002690 last night I felt like absolute terrible FARuPRF0tFu-00009-00002691-00003076 trash garbage idiot dumb awfulness and FARuPRF0tFu-00010-00003077-00003299 so I could know like guys I felt so not FARuPRF0tFu-00011-00003300-00003434 I don't know what it is hit me out of FARuPRF0tFu-00012-00003435-00003674 nowhere just freaking RKO style Randy FARuPRF0tFu-00013-00003675-00003904 Orton with the nausea statisti freakin FARuPRF0tFu-00014-00003905-00004100 nausea just came out of nowhere and just FARuPRF0tFu-00015-00004101-00004409 RKO'd my face into the pavement but I'm FARuPRF0tFu-00016-00004410-00004652 back here today one two three OS down FARuPRF0tFu-00017-00004653-00004826 for the count but here I am back and FARuPRF0tFu-00018-00004827-00005126 we're gonna upload now and we're gonna FARuPRF0tFu-00019-00005127-00005327 get through it anyways I sat down to do FARuPRF0tFu-00020-00005328-00005431 this video last night and I was FARuPRF0tFu-00021-00005432-00005647 literally just just wobbly and whatever FARuPRF0tFu-00022-00005648-00005852 and then BAM RKO out of nowhere but FARuPRF0tFu-00023-00005853-00006011 we're back we're good now we're good now FARuPRF0tFu-00024-00006012-00006181 so today we're gonna be discussing the FARuPRF0tFu-00025-00006182-00006361 MDT pick fit as you can see we have all FARuPRF0tFu-00026-00006362-00006541 the champions lined up right here and FARuPRF0tFu-00027-00006542-00006734 yesterday's video if you guys missed the FARuPRF0tFu-00028-00006734-00006895 unboxing yesterday we discussed FARuPRF0tFu-00029-00006897-00007076 something for a little bit I think it FARuPRF0tFu-00030-00007077-00007259 was like a minute or longer maybe like FARuPRF0tFu-00031-00007259-00007534 60 seconds maybe 120 seconds I don't FARuPRF0tFu-00032-00007536-00007720 know but we discussed something and it FARuPRF0tFu-00033-00007722-00008092 was the fact of chris benoit now crisp FARuPRF0tFu-00034-00008093-00008224 in law if you guys don't know who that FARuPRF0tFu-00035-00008225-00008438 is well i think that you need to do a FARuPRF0tFu-00036-00008439-00008666 quick little google Wikipedia search but FARuPRF0tFu-00037-00008667-00008810 i think everybody pretty much knows who FARuPRF0tFu-00038-00008811-00009023 Crispin why is now when I was growing up FARuPRF0tFu-00039-00009024-00009167 Crispin wall was one of my favorite FARuPRF0tFu-00040-00009168-00009428 wrestlers in the world okay like when I FARuPRF0tFu-00041-00009429-00009566 first started watching wrestling my FARuPRF0tFu-00042-00009567-00009827 three favorites were Kurt Angle Chris FARuPRF0tFu-00043-00009828-00010024 Jericho and Chris Benoit I was huge on FARuPRF0tFu-00044-00010025-00010210 him I used to cry when this man would FARuPRF0tFu-00045-00010211-00010414 lose that's how big of a fan I was if FARuPRF0tFu-00046-00010415-00010583 Kurt Angle Chris Jericho Chris Benoit FARuPRF0tFu-00047-00010584-00010820 lost I was devastated and I was so upset FARuPRF0tFu-00048-00010821-00010994 but that made all the high moments FARuPRF0tFu-00049-00010995-00011201 really really big for me so I would get FARuPRF0tFu-00050-00011202-00011389 really excited and awesome you know when FARuPRF0tFu-00051-00011390-00011603 they won so when Chris Benoit won at FARuPRF0tFu-00052-00011604-00011845 WrestleMania 20 I literally I think I FARuPRF0tFu-00053-00011846-00012049 cried tears of joy so I mean it's you FARuPRF0tFu-00054-00012050-00012206 know it's give or take there but Chris FARuPRF0tFu-00055-00012207-00012349 Benoit we all know what he did FARuPRF0tFu-00056-00012350-00012488 tragically if you don't know what Chris FARuPRF0tFu-00057-00012489-00012638 Benoit did definitely just do a quick FARuPRF0tFu-00058-00012639-00012827 google search it's pretty terrible it's FARuPRF0tFu-00059-00012828-00013076 awful miss and so yesterday in our video FARuPRF0tFu-00060-00013077-00013258 we picked up two Jack's figures from my FARuPRF0tFu-00061-00013259-00013337 boy Gio FARuPRF0tFu-00062-00013338-00013583 we picked up - Jax Kristen want figures FARuPRF0tFu-00063-00013584-00013744 and I've already popped the heads off FARuPRF0tFu-00064-00013746-00013928 here because I'm gonna paint them up and FARuPRF0tFu-00065-00013929-00014102 customize them and try to make two new FARuPRF0tFu-00066-00014103-00014351 Chris Benoit custom elite figures so FARuPRF0tFu-00067-00014352-00014516 that I can have them just like this FARuPRF0tFu-00068-00014516-00014693 I like Chrisman was the wrestler you FARuPRF0tFu-00069-00014694-00014807 know he's one of my favorites of all FARuPRF0tFu-00070-00014808-00015029 time so I want to make some customs of FARuPRF0tFu-00071-00015030-00015191 the man and put them up on the shelf FARuPRF0tFu-00072-00015191-00015394 just like I have my AJ's and my dogs and FARuPRF0tFu-00073-00015396-00015572 my Cena's and everything else you guys FARuPRF0tFu-00074-00015572-00015743 know how I'd like to display my figures FARuPRF0tFu-00075-00015744-00015916 so I want to make those customs but then FARuPRF0tFu-00076-00015918-00016106 you know that I did cross that you know FARuPRF0tFu-00077-00016107-00016322 I've always thought to myself I never FARuPRF0tFu-00078-00016322-00016499 want to put this man in the pig head FARuPRF0tFu-00079-00016500-00016691 because I feel like you know other pig FARuPRF0tFu-00080-00016692-00016853 fans there's storyline but there's not FARuPRF0tFu-00081-00016854-00017054 as much you know talking and you know FARuPRF0tFu-00082-00017055-00017225 you know the commentators talking about FARuPRF0tFu-00083-00017226-00017444 it and I have to you know give my own FARuPRF0tFu-00084-00017445-00017642 personal feelings about somebody and it FARuPRF0tFu-00085-00017643-00017762 just always crossed my mind that would FARuPRF0tFu-00086-00017763-00018002 just be distasteful to the family and FARuPRF0tFu-00087-00018003-00018323 the victims of crispin law to put him in FARuPRF0tFu-00088-00018324-00018533 the pic bed and show him as a champion FARuPRF0tFu-00089-00018534-00018791 or glorify him in any way even if it's FARuPRF0tFu-00090-00018792-00018998 just wrestling I just felt like that FARuPRF0tFu-00091-00018999-00019193 would be distasteful or wrong in my FARuPRF0tFu-00092-00019194-00019397 opinion when I'm on commentary with Brad FARuPRF0tFu-00093-00019398-00019583 and what I know Chris Benoit Chris FARuPRF0tFu-00094-00019584-00019715 Benoit has done and he's won the FARuPRF0tFu-00095-00019716-00019898 championship crystal water does that FARuPRF0tFu-00096-00019899-00020099 he's overpaid all the odds and all this FARuPRF0tFu-00097-00020100-00020279 stuff like I just I don't know how I FARuPRF0tFu-00098-00020280-00020432 feel about that because again I feel FARuPRF0tFu-00099-00020433-00020549 like it's a little distasteful it FARuPRF0tFu-00100-00020550-00020765 doesn't feel all the way appropriate it FARuPRF0tFu-00101-00020766-00020978 doesn't feel right and so forth and I FARuPRF0tFu-00102-00020979-00021155 feel the same way about guys like FARuPRF0tFu-00103-00021156-00021401 ultimate warrior or macho man or just FARuPRF0tFu-00104-00021402-00021584 people that are that you know have FARuPRF0tFu-00105-00021585-00021776 passed away the if you've noticed FARuPRF0tFu-00106-00021777-00021989 there's no wrestlers in the pic bed that FARuPRF0tFu-00107-00021990-00022232 are you know that have passed away and FARuPRF0tFu-00108-00022233-00022388 the reason that is just because I feel FARuPRF0tFu-00109-00022389-00022598 like it's it's more respectful it's more FARuPRF0tFu-00110-00022599-00022799 you know it's better for the families FARuPRF0tFu-00111-00022800-00022970 and like everything like that like I I FARuPRF0tFu-00112-00022971-00023156 know that probably nobody that is FARuPRF0tFu-00113-00023157-00023360 related to those people click on my FARuPRF0tFu-00114-00023361-00023537 videos or watch my videos or whatever FARuPRF0tFu-00115-00023538-00023729 but I don't know what if somebody wore FARuPRF0tFu-00116-00023730-00023906 it one day - just click on one that's FARuPRF0tFu-00117-00023907-00024095 related to them or around them or FARuPRF0tFu-00118-00024096-00024260 whatever and it's like oh there's FARuPRF0tFu-00119-00024261-00024551 there's my murderer father there's my FARuPRF0tFu-00120-00024552-00024655 murderer FARuPRF0tFu-00121-00024656-00024920 uncle there's my murderer whatever and FARuPRF0tFu-00122-00024921-00025247 this guy's making him a champion you FARuPRF0tFu-00123-00025248-00025394 know what I mean so it's just like I FARuPRF0tFu-00124-00025395-00025616 don't know a lot of people yesterday I FARuPRF0tFu-00125-00025617-00025781 got a lot of great comments on FARuPRF0tFu-00126-00025782-00025897 yesterday's video and I really FARuPRF0tFu-00127-00025898-00025972 appreciated it FARuPRF0tFu-00128-00025973-00026099 and I'm gonna need you to comment on FARuPRF0tFu-00129-00026100-00026239 this video as well so down in the FARuPRF0tFu-00130-00026241-00026402 comment section below guys I need you to FARuPRF0tFu-00131-00026402-00026543 comment down below yeah FARuPRF0tFu-00132-00026544-00026702 I would like to see Chris Rwanda pick FARuPRF0tFu-00133-00026702-00026873 fed you're overthinking it it's not a FARuPRF0tFu-00134-00026874-00027068 big deal it's just action figures and FARuPRF0tFu-00135-00027069-00027251 it's all good bro don't worry about it FARuPRF0tFu-00136-00027252-00027488 or I want you to comment down below yeah FARuPRF0tFu-00137-00027489-00027695 bro that just sounds distasteful you FARuPRF0tFu-00138-00027695-00027905 know it's probably not the best idea the FARuPRF0tFu-00139-00027906-00028061 pic fits fine without Chris Benoit FARuPRF0tFu-00140-00028062-00028214 there's no need to even add him FARuPRF0tFu-00141-00028214-00028355 so there's definitely two sides of the FARuPRF0tFu-00142-00028356-00028529 story and there's two sides of the coin FARuPRF0tFu-00143-00028530-00028811 but it's it's just interesting it's it's FARuPRF0tFu-00144-00028812-00028949 it's definitely something that I wanted FARuPRF0tFu-00145-00028950-00029060 to get on here to discuss with you guys FARuPRF0tFu-00146-00029061-00029239 because I love Chris Milan - as the FARuPRF0tFu-00147-00029241-00029483 wrestler I know and it is again I don't FARuPRF0tFu-00148-00029483-00029720 think it was ever proven without a doubt FARuPRF0tFu-00149-00029720-00029873 that you know Chris mallanna did this FARuPRF0tFu-00150-00029874-00030032 and you know I've looked into the case FARuPRF0tFu-00151-00030033-00030248 many times and I've dug deep into it and FARuPRF0tFu-00152-00030249-00030425 I still think that you know it's FARuPRF0tFu-00153-00030426-00030632 disrespectful to think that he didn't do FARuPRF0tFu-00154-00030633-00030833 it honestly however you know I think FARuPRF0tFu-00155-00030833-00031088 it's still alleged it's just I pretty it FARuPRF0tFu-00156-00031089-00031295 just seems like he did it there is some FARuPRF0tFu-00157-00031295-00031481 evidence that points towards him not FARuPRF0tFu-00158-00031482-00031616 saying there's no evidence that says FARuPRF0tFu-00159-00031617-00031838 it's him just saying I don't know like FARuPRF0tFu-00160-00031839-00031982 some of the facts of the case are a FARuPRF0tFu-00161-00031983-00032168 little bit suspicious and I know he FARuPRF0tFu-00162-00032169-00032375 dealt with terrible brain injuries and FARuPRF0tFu-00163-00032376-00032570 CTE and stuff guys I mean the guy they FARuPRF0tFu-00164-00032570-00032723 when they analyzed his brain they said FARuPRF0tFu-00165-00032724-00032891 he had the burning of an 80 year old FARuPRF0tFu-00166-00032892-00033053 with Alzheimer's if you guys don't know FARuPRF0tFu-00167-00033054-00033263 what Alzheimer's is it is a disease that FARuPRF0tFu-00168-00033264-00033446 deteriorates your brain and makes you FARuPRF0tFu-00169-00033447-00033695 forget things it makes you where you you FARuPRF0tFu-00170-00033696-00033845 don't know where you are most of the FARuPRF0tFu-00171-00033846-00034001 time you forget people's names you FARuPRF0tFu-00172-00034002-00034202 forget where you put things and you are FARuPRF0tFu-00173-00034203-00034469 utterly confused a lot of the time my FARuPRF0tFu-00174-00034470-00034646 grandmother actually had it she had FARuPRF0tFu-00175-00034647-00034880 dementia and Alzheimer's and it was very FARuPRF0tFu-00176-00034881-00035065 difficult dude like she wouldn't know FARuPRF0tFu-00177-00035066-00035246 where she was she wouldn't recognize me FARuPRF0tFu-00178-00035247-00035471 she wouldn't recognize our family so I FARuPRF0tFu-00179-00035472-00035669 mean I know exactly what that's like and FARuPRF0tFu-00180-00035670-00035852 if Chris patois was going through that FARuPRF0tFu-00181-00035853-00036092 as a wrestler on top of taking you know FARuPRF0tFu-00182-00036093-00036299 the steroids and on top of any FARuPRF0tFu-00183-00036300-00036551 alcoholism and on top of the depression FARuPRF0tFu-00184-00036552-00036715 that this man went through and on top of FARuPRF0tFu-00185-00036716-00036914 all of the concussions that the man took FARuPRF0tFu-00186-00036915-00037151 I mean it makes sense it's a perfect FARuPRF0tFu-00187-00037152-00037325 storm if you will it's a perfect FARuPRF0tFu-00188-00037326-00037532 disaster waiting to happen and I think FARuPRF0tFu-00189-00037533-00037733 that is what took place on that weekend FARuPRF0tFu-00190-00037734-00038030 in Georgia and it's very it's a terrible FARuPRF0tFu-00191-00038031-00038198 situation and obviously it happened like FARuPRF0tFu-00192-00038199-00038387 12 years ago I still remember to this FARuPRF0tFu-00193-00038388-00038588 day I was 11 years old and I was FARuPRF0tFu-00194-00038589-00038843 devastated by this news but it's just a FARuPRF0tFu-00195-00038844-00039017 tough situation that I don't know if I FARuPRF0tFu-00196-00039018-00039215 get if I want to put this man in the pit FARuPRF0tFu-00197-00039216-00039371 for all those reasons you know what I'm FARuPRF0tFu-00198-00039372-00039629 saying but I will say that he's a FARuPRF0tFu-00199-00039630-00039799 fantastic performer I loved in FARuPRF0tFu-00200-00039800-00039973 to death as a wrestler he was incredible FARuPRF0tFu-00201-00039974-00040174 marine put on classics over and over and FARuPRF0tFu-00202-00040175-00040408 over again week in and week out he was FARuPRF0tFu-00203-00040409-00040601 just just a beast and I enjoyed all of FARuPRF0tFu-00204-00040602-00040732 his matches again he was one of my FARuPRF0tFu-00205-00040733-00040924 favorites he was without a doubt one of FARuPRF0tFu-00206-00040925-00041110 my favorite he would probably if he FARuPRF0tFu-00207-00041111-00041236 would have never passed away he would FARuPRF0tFu-00208-00041237-00041417 probably be number one over Cena FARuPRF0tFu-00209-00041418-00041732 if inordinate you know he didn't if that FARuPRF0tFu-00210-00041733-00041926 stuff never took place there's a good FARuPRF0tFu-00211-00041927-00042070 chance that it could have happened but FARuPRF0tFu-00212-00042071-00042289 anyways ladies and gentlemen moving on I FARuPRF0tFu-00213-00042290-00042557 want to know if if Chris and walk were FARuPRF0tFu-00214-00042558-00042673 to come in the Pigpen I want you to FARuPRF0tFu-00215-00042674-00042862 comment down below not only you know do FARuPRF0tFu-00216-00042863-00042970 you think you should come to the pick FARuPRF0tFu-00217-00042971-00043145 fair what would be your feelings on if FARuPRF0tFu-00218-00043146-00043286 he came to the pick that would you want FARuPRF0tFu-00219-00043287-00043492 to see them on MDT live competing for FARuPRF0tFu-00220-00043493-00043798 the MDT the MDT world tag the US and the FARuPRF0tFu-00221-00043799-00043970 Extreme Championship or would you want FARuPRF0tFu-00222-00043971-00044098 to see him on the blue brim where he FARuPRF0tFu-00223-00044099-00044248 would compete for the elite championship FARuPRF0tFu-00224-00044249-00044423 the Ironman Championship the FARuPRF0tFu-00225-00044424-00044602 revolutionary championship or the MDT FARuPRF0tFu-00226-00044603-00044815 tag championships now see the only FARuPRF0tFu-00227-00044816-00044995 problem is is the only way that I add FARuPRF0tFu-00228-00044996-00045161 people to the pick that as if it makes FARuPRF0tFu-00229-00045162-00045424 any sense okay I'm not WWE I'm not FARuPRF0tFu-00230-00045425-00045595 Monday Night Raw garbage I'm not gonna FARuPRF0tFu-00231-00045596-00045805 come out and just add this guy to the FARuPRF0tFu-00232-00045806-00046073 crowd and just this is this guy and he's FARuPRF0tFu-00233-00046074-00046240 gonna be in here the only thing that can FARuPRF0tFu-00234-00046241-00046483 remotely think of is when Johnny Organo FARuPRF0tFu-00235-00046484-00046714 showed up to Cody Rhodes for the Ironman FARuPRF0tFu-00236-00046715-00046973 championship but to be fair nobody on FARuPRF0tFu-00237-00046974-00047167 that roster on vindication that really FARuPRF0tFu-00238-00047168-00047404 has earned an opportunity at Cody Rhodes FARuPRF0tFu-00239-00047405-00047642 and he was asking somebody to come out FARuPRF0tFu-00240-00047643-00047818 there and Johnny Gargano happened to be FARuPRF0tFu-00241-00047819-00048001 the one that answered the challenge so FARuPRF0tFu-00242-00048002-00048142 with all of that said guys I would love FARuPRF0tFu-00243-00048143-00048283 to know all this info down in the FARuPRF0tFu-00244-00048284-00048454 comment section below also if you guys FARuPRF0tFu-00245-00048455-00048673 want to if you guys know what attire is FARuPRF0tFu-00246-00048674-00048871 Chris from world wears I used to have a FARuPRF0tFu-00247-00048872-00049042 yellow for real that's my favorite FARuPRF0tFu-00248-00049043-00049189 attires are the ones that say for real FARuPRF0tFu-00249-00049190-00049457 arm it's this exact the tire but instead FARuPRF0tFu-00250-00049458-00049648 of claws I think on the left side it's FARuPRF0tFu-00251-00049649-00049900 the foreo logo and it's beautiful I used FARuPRF0tFu-00252-00049901-00050048 to have the t-shirt which that still had FARuPRF0tFu-00253-00050049-00050239 that damn shirt probably rare AF FARuPRF0tFu-00254-00050240-00050467 nowadays but let me know what a tire you FARuPRF0tFu-00255-00050468-00050642 want to see for these custom Crispin FARuPRF0tFu-00256-00050643-00050827 laws and do you think this torso is good FARuPRF0tFu-00257-00050828-00051001 for Benoit I like this torso for Benoit FARuPRF0tFu-00258-00051002-00051163 I think it's a really good torso I think FARuPRF0tFu-00259-00051164-00051299 that it works the only thing that sucks FARuPRF0tFu-00260-00051300-00051469 about this torso is that the arm gets FARuPRF0tFu-00261-00051470-00051643 loose as hell look at that right there FARuPRF0tFu-00262-00051644-00051862 that says both arms are very loose and I FARuPRF0tFu-00263-00051863-00051988 think that's because of this Stone Cold FARuPRF0tFu-00264-00051989-00052225 Steve Austin torso so I would also FARuPRF0tFu-00265-00052226-00052387 appreciate that like you know what FARuPRF0tFu-00266-00052388-00052594 formula do you like I think this formula FARuPRF0tFu-00267-00052595-00052762 works perfectly for Benoit again it's FARuPRF0tFu-00268-00052763-00052942 just that torso gets loose and stuff and FARuPRF0tFu-00269-00052943-00053119 I still think this looks like his torso FARuPRF0tFu-00270-00053120-00053166 though FARuPRF0tFu-00271-00053166-00053340 it's all good and nasty and stuff this FARuPRF0tFu-00272-00053341-00053511 custom was made by showstopper custom FARuPRF0tFu-00273-00053512-00053679 figs I used to have again the yellow FARuPRF0tFu-00274-00053679-00053937 black and red attire but I did get rid FARuPRF0tFu-00275-00053938-00054090 of it in a trade kind of feel bad about FARuPRF0tFu-00276-00054091-00054273 it had the same head sculpt on there but FARuPRF0tFu-00277-00054274-00054483 it was kind of like glossy and stuff and FARuPRF0tFu-00278-00054484-00054678 I wanted to you know I wanted to keep my FARuPRF0tFu-00279-00054679-00054882 WrestleMania 20 attire cuz I had to keep FARuPRF0tFu-00280-00054883-00055065 at least one bin while in my collection FARuPRF0tFu-00281-00055066-00055290 so I'm definitely going to make some FARuPRF0tFu-00282-00055291-00055442 more here with these Jegs head skulls FARuPRF0tFu-00283-00055444-00055545 but again let me know down in the FARuPRF0tFu-00284-00055546-00055620 comments section below FARuPRF0tFu-00285-00055621-00055851 Chrisman wanna pick fed yes or no MDT FARuPRF0tFu-00286-00055852-00056052 live or vindication what championship FARuPRF0tFu-00287-00056053-00056196 would you like to see them go forward do FARuPRF0tFu-00288-00056197-00056337 you think I'm overthinking it again or FARuPRF0tFu-00289-00056338-00056508 do you think you know what Brad it's all FARuPRF0tFu-00290-00056509-00056682 good it's just fantasy action figures FARuPRF0tFu-00291-00056683-00056853 whatever I know some people said book FARuPRF0tFu-00292-00056854-00056970 him as a hero I got a lot of great FARuPRF0tFu-00293-00056971-00057123 comments on the video yesterday from the FARuPRF0tFu-00294-00057124-00057276 unboxing if you guys missed yesterday's FARuPRF0tFu-00295-00057277-00057416 video definitely go check that out FARuPRF0tFu-00296-00057417-00057666 epic unboxing from geo is freaking FARuPRF0tFu-00297-00057666-00057873 fantastic and now we're gonna get this FARuPRF0tFu-00298-00057874-00058203 thing going in farts and bags and Chris FARuPRF0tFu-00299-00058204-00058398 Benoit pick that or no pick fit let me FARuPRF0tFu-00300-00058399-00058515 know down in the comments section below FARuPRF0tFu-00301-00058516-00058674 but that's gonna do for today's video FARuPRF0tFu-00302-00058675-00058791 guys I just wanted to get on here and FARuPRF0tFu-00303-00058791-00058953 discuss that and let you guys know and FARuPRF0tFu-00304-00058954-00059121 ask you guys that question but let me FARuPRF0tFu-00305-00059122-00059232 know down in the comment section below FARuPRF0tFu-00306-00059233-00059429 all of that good info subscribe to the FARuPRF0tFu-00307-00059430-00059628 channel for more epic double w/e action FARuPRF0tFu-00308-00059629-00059792 figure videos thank you guys so very FARuPRF0tFu-00309-00059794-00059958 much for staying tuned and sticking with FARuPRF0tFu-00310-00059959-00060090 me through this video follow me on FARuPRF0tFu-00311-00060091-00060246 instagram at Winterbottom toys and i'll FARuPRF0tFu-00312-00060247-00060801 see you guys in the next video thank you FAUEJ1vhKmk-00000-00000647-00000998 hey Royals I'm Shelby and I'm Mari and FAUEJ1vhKmk-00001-00000999-00001277 this is Royals we can review today is FAUEJ1vhKmk-00002-00001278-00001457 Friday October thirty-first and you know FAUEJ1vhKmk-00003-00001458-00001787 what that means it is Hwy first on the FAUEJ1vhKmk-00004-00001788-00002159 deck king of hearts so I'm going to put FAUEJ1vhKmk-00005-00002160-00002326 the king of hearts in your hand I need FAUEJ1vhKmk-00006-00002327-00002443 you to put your other hand on top and FAUEJ1vhKmk-00007-00002444-00002560 hold it as herejust camp I'm gonna FAUEJ1vhKmk-00008-00002561-00003226 replace it two of spades with carne I'm FAUEJ1vhKmk-00009-00003227-00003434 gonna need you to point to a card okay FAUEJ1vhKmk-00010-00003435-00003665 where this one yeah there's the card FAUEJ1vhKmk-00011-00003665-00003971 right I'm gonna read your mind FAUEJ1vhKmk-00012-00003972-00004406 it was right right FAUEJ1vhKmk-00013-00004407-00004994 was it the ace of diamonds FAUEJ1vhKmk-00014-00004995-00005271 stick this back my debts are any I need FAUEJ1vhKmk-00015-00005272-00005457 you to put your hand over the back say I FAUEJ1vhKmk-00016-00005458-00005676 believe me I'm gonna make your card FAUEJ1vhKmk-00017-00005677-00005922 appear face up on the deck that's car FAUEJ1vhKmk-00018-00005923-00006567 yeah i'm gonna read your mom FAUEJ1vhKmk-00019-00006568-00006948 it was red right yeah FAUEJ1vhKmk-00020-00006950-00007286 the symbol like no similar like that and FAUEJ1vhKmk-00021-00007287-00007466 it's something that you have it's the FAUEJ1vhKmk-00022-00007467-00008027 heart this is an ace of hearts hey FAUEJ1vhKmk-00023-00008028-00008183 Shelby I'm trying on new skill FAUEJ1vhKmk-00024-00008184-00008444 fortune-telling that is so cool yeah FAUEJ1vhKmk-00025-00008445-00008855 here it is why hello i am the great lady FAUEJ1vhKmk-00026-00008856-00009146 mammal ed and i have come to tell you FAUEJ1vhKmk-00027-00009147-00009410 your future child so let's just take a FAUEJ1vhKmk-00028-00009411-00009890 look into my crystal balls or maybe just FAUEJ1vhKmk-00029-00009891-00010285 the one so my ball it is a very very FAUEJ1vhKmk-00030-00010286-00010457 good friend and it tells me things FAUEJ1vhKmk-00031-00010458-00010682 things that are true in that you should FAUEJ1vhKmk-00032-00010683-00010991 believe no matter what so what my ball FAUEJ1vhKmk-00033-00010992-00011294 is currently telling me is that you will FAUEJ1vhKmk-00034-00011295-00011534 trip over some very moist moist moist FAUEJ1vhKmk-00035-00011535-00011776 spaghetti somewhere in the near future FAUEJ1vhKmk-00036-00011777-00012170 it also has told me that Bay is closer FAUEJ1vhKmk-00037-00012171-00012493 than you think in those eyebrows yours FAUEJ1vhKmk-00038-00012494-00012929 then we'll be on fleek in turn Halloween FAUEJ1vhKmk-00039-00012930-00013205 you will get that big candy I'm talking FAUEJ1vhKmk-00040-00013206-00013661 king-sized boss also about next week FAUEJ1vhKmk-00041-00013662-00014084 your hair it would be on point and then FAUEJ1vhKmk-00042-00014085-00014366 last but not least you won't win the FAUEJ1vhKmk-00043-00014366-00014705 mcdonalds monopoly game FAUEJ1vhKmk-00044-00014706-00015107 see you later FAUEJ1vhKmk-00045-00015108-00015383 that was so cool and so funny I know FAUEJ1vhKmk-00046-00015384-00015558 right you know else is cool and funny FAUEJ1vhKmk-00047-00015559-00015852 who hears in crab he was amazing at the FAUEJ1vhKmk-00048-00015853-00016011 choice of a symbol you're right so let's FAUEJ1vhKmk-00050-00022701-00023094 hi I'm Jocelyn and I'm Jezreel and this FAUEJ1vhKmk-00051-00023095-00023428 is corny jokes of the week Halloween FAUEJ1vhKmk-00052-00023429-00023911 edition danto what do baby go swear on FAUEJ1vhKmk-00053-00023912-00025086 their feet I don't know booties FAUEJ1vhKmk-00054-00025087-00025403 I'm drawing to win k em branco president FAUEJ1vhKmk-00055-00025404-00025787 Jason nuin secretary and vice president FAUEJ1vhKmk-00056-00025788-00026078 Nicolas park and we have two missing FAUEJ1vhKmk-00057-00026079-00026505 officers that can be here today and we FAUEJ1vhKmk-00058-00026506-00026745 have a treasure to me wrong and PR FAUEJ1vhKmk-00059-00026745-00026921 champagne do you guys do in Bray club FAUEJ1vhKmk-00060-00026922-00027168 well generally we try to think of which FAUEJ1vhKmk-00061-00027169-00027381 I find different styles of break club we FAUEJ1vhKmk-00062-00027382-00027564 do anything on everything we go from a FAUEJ1vhKmk-00063-00027564-00027758 hip hop through hardcore power modes or FAUEJ1vhKmk-00064-00027760-00027893 people are flying in the air doing those FAUEJ1vhKmk-00065-00027894-00028152 cool cool spins we do have different FAUEJ1vhKmk-00066-00028152-00028407 stuff like rock and pop pop and lock and FAUEJ1vhKmk-00067-00028408-00028712 liquid up anything truthfully it as long FAUEJ1vhKmk-00068-00028713-00028851 as you're exploring your dance styles FAUEJ1vhKmk-00069-00028852-00029010 and we have many people who will teach FAUEJ1vhKmk-00070-00029011-00029133 you from scratch so you don't even need FAUEJ1vhKmk-00071-00029133-00029367 to know how to dance just come and try FAUEJ1vhKmk-00072-00029368-00029556 it out every so often were asked to do FAUEJ1vhKmk-00073-00029557-00029718 our performances like say at basketball FAUEJ1vhKmk-00074-00029719-00029985 games your left conferences royality we FAUEJ1vhKmk-00075-00029986-00030146 do some multi-culture is going to be our FAUEJ1vhKmk-00076-00030147-00030314 biggest but sometimes the students will FAUEJ1vhKmk-00077-00030316-00030474 actually go out in themselves and to FAUEJ1vhKmk-00078-00030475-00030633 tournaments out in town like tell you FAUEJ1vhKmk-00079-00030633-00030810 they go to Seattle red team they just go FAUEJ1vhKmk-00080-00030811-00030908 to other schools and how those FAUEJ1vhKmk-00081-00030910-00031218 tournaments talk like what you know it's FAUEJ1vhKmk-00082-00031219-00031524 really sad but there's all this girls in FAUEJ1vhKmk-00083-00031525-00031880 the school I can't find me a boo oh FAUEJ1vhKmk-00084-00031881-00032349 sorry i'll be your boo hey I talked to FAUEJ1vhKmk-00085-00032350-00032508 my friends throughout the week and none FAUEJ1vhKmk-00086-00032508-00032706 of them had costumes wow so I guess FAUEJ1vhKmk-00087-00032707-00032846 they're not trick-or-treating yes they FAUEJ1vhKmk-00088-00032847-00033000 are I help them pull together these last FAUEJ1vhKmk-00089-00033001-00033249 minute costumes okay so let's check them FAUEJ1vhKmk-00090-00033250-00035686 out then FAUEJ1vhKmk-00091-00035687-00036086 Jocelyn how does a vampire flirt she FAUEJ1vhKmk-00092-00036087-00036432 bats her eyes know how do you fix a FAUEJ1vhKmk-00093-00036433-00036851 pumpkin with a band-aid duh no a pumpkin FAUEJ1vhKmk-00094-00036852-00037095 patch duh wow this is some really cool FAUEJ1vhKmk-00095-00037096-00037401 costumes Thanks lastly we want to show FAUEJ1vhKmk-00097-00041983-00042172 well that's all for this week's FAUEJ1vhKmk-00098-00042173-00042361 halloween edition of Royals we can view FAUEJ1vhKmk-00099-00042362-00042598 I'm Mari and I'm Shelby see you next FAUEJ1vhKmk-00100-00042599-00044380 week stay spooky bye FAUEJ1vhKmk-00101-00044381-00044882 hmmm cat look at me 33 FBOmeQIHkzY-00000-00000000-00000906 [Music] FBOmeQIHkzY-00001-00000907-00001193 so what we did with the clay today FBOmeQIHkzY-00002-00001194-00001655 pretty much fits in into identity and FBOmeQIHkzY-00003-00001657-00002004 that's to see what is special about FBOmeQIHkzY-00004-00002005-00002298 being you and it it gives him you know FBOmeQIHkzY-00005-00002299-00002667 that sense of sense of belonging and FBOmeQIHkzY-00006-00002668-00002906 that's really important you know when FBOmeQIHkzY-00007-00002907-00003171 you when you feel like you belong you FBOmeQIHkzY-00008-00003172-00003536 feel comfortable and and that's when FBOmeQIHkzY-00009-00003536-00003836 your relationships will start and that's FBOmeQIHkzY-00010-00003838-00004113 when the real learning takes place so we FBOmeQIHkzY-00011-00004114-00004581 had a clay experience today and the idea FBOmeQIHkzY-00012-00004582-00004917 of that was for them to look at we had FBOmeQIHkzY-00013-00004918-00005124 mirrors to like look at the mirrors and FBOmeQIHkzY-00014-00005125-00005460 to see and I suppose to draw or to FBOmeQIHkzY-00015-00005461-00005724 communicate what they were looking at FBOmeQIHkzY-00016-00005725-00006000 what was staring back at them so we had FBOmeQIHkzY-00017-00006001-00006399 a boy who did an amazing job at the clay FBOmeQIHkzY-00018-00006400-00006651 we started off by looking at the mirror FBOmeQIHkzY-00019-00006652-00006938 and just identifying himself and FBOmeQIHkzY-00020-00006939-00007158 highlighting his features you know he's FBOmeQIHkzY-00021-00007159-00007395 got short hair he's got a pointy nose I FBOmeQIHkzY-00022-00007395-00007578 know he said somewhere in there that FBOmeQIHkzY-00023-00007579-00007859 he's got sharp teeth so just identifying FBOmeQIHkzY-00024-00007861-00008148 what we saw about himself why he was FBOmeQIHkzY-00025-00008148-00008396 special and then I guess transferring FBOmeQIHkzY-00026-00008397-00008828 that into a drawing a 2d drawing so for FBOmeQIHkzY-00027-00008829-00009270 this boy specifically he was I guess FBOmeQIHkzY-00028-00009271-00009426 there was a lot of identity but also a FBOmeQIHkzY-00029-00009427-00009617 lot of literacy there communicating FBOmeQIHkzY-00030-00009618-00009852 through a different medium and we FBOmeQIHkzY-00031-00009853-00010074 believe in that so much giving children FBOmeQIHkzY-00032-00010075-00010271 opportunities to express themselves FBOmeQIHkzY-00033-00010272-00010539 through a different medium and he did so FBOmeQIHkzY-00034-00010540-00010871 he used his hands and what he saw what FBOmeQIHkzY-00035-00010872-00011091 he made and that was what he was telling FBOmeQIHkzY-00036-00011092-00011342 me he was looking at sharp teeth he was FBOmeQIHkzY-00037-00011343-00011541 looking at you know ears with holes in FBOmeQIHkzY-00038-00011542-00011967 there and he was looking at spiky hair FBOmeQIHkzY-00039-00011968-00012210 because he just had a haircut I like FBOmeQIHkzY-00040-00012211-00012474 what you're doing there Elijah do if you FBOmeQIHkzY-00041-00012475-00013424 need extra clay just that FBOmeQIHkzY-00042-00013425-00014021 how you doing eyelashes I can say that FBOmeQIHkzY-00043-00014022-00014471 that you're part of the eyelashes I FBOmeQIHkzY-00044-00014472-00015126 might mess up and Elijah is planting his FBOmeQIHkzY-00045-00015127-00015308 eyes inside that's a good technique FBOmeQIHkzY-00046-00015309-00015912 leaving little holes first I guess I FBOmeQIHkzY-00047-00015913-00016080 wanted them to see what were the FBOmeQIHkzY-00048-00016081-00016463 similarities between each other but also FBOmeQIHkzY-00049-00016464-00016710 seeing what was different about each FBOmeQIHkzY-00050-00016711-00017106 other and from there celebrating what FBOmeQIHkzY-00051-00017107-00017348 was special about them FBOmeQIHkzY-00052-00017349-00017836 [Music] FHohhLSeQ5M-00000-00000408-00000519 oh god what's that FHohhLSeQ5M-00001-00000520-00000711 oh what the hell is this the big turret FHohhLSeQ5M-00002-00000712-00000878 it's shooting my prize FHohhLSeQ5M-00003-00000880-00001775 hold you yes FHohhLSeQ5M-00004-00001776-00001967 it doesn't matter i just need a couple FHohhLSeQ5M-00005-00001968-00002134 of power source then okay but like you FHohhLSeQ5M-00006-00002135-00002287 didn't need to spend power cells on this FHohhLSeQ5M-00007-00002288-00002415 you could have used one of the batteries FHohhLSeQ5M-00008-00002416-00002599 that we have lying around FHohhLSeQ5M-00009-00002600-00003015 hmm this is a bit of a box isn't it FHohhLSeQ5M-00010-00003016-00003270 i think i need to work on the roof more FHohhLSeQ5M-00011-00003271-00003575 wait FHohhLSeQ5M-00012-00003576-00003815 oh there is a uranium shipment oh really FHohhLSeQ5M-00013-00003815-00003967 let's go get that let's go get that FHohhLSeQ5M-00014-00003968-00004270 where is it it's very close no we're not FHohhLSeQ5M-00015-00004271-00004431 gonna make it it's too late it's too FHohhLSeQ5M-00016-00004432-00004567 close to the headquarters FHohhLSeQ5M-00017-00004568-00004719 it's not that close to the headquarters FHohhLSeQ5M-00018-00004720-00004847 it's like a kilometer and a half from FHohhLSeQ5M-00019-00004848-00004879 the head FHohhLSeQ5M-00020-00004880-00005038 it's just gone it's just gone out of FHohhLSeQ5M-00021-00005039-00005254 range of the air base oh no hold on FHohhLSeQ5M-00022-00005255-00008103 i'm looking at the wrong marker FHohhLSeQ5M-00023-00008104-00008295 are we gonna go and get this uranium FHohhLSeQ5M-00024-00008296-00008478 yeah let's go and get it okay so i FHohhLSeQ5M-00025-00008479-00008742 think this ship is basically ready i FHohhLSeQ5M-00026-00008743-00008846 know hang on it needs this thing at the FHohhLSeQ5M-00027-00008847-00008967 back that's it FHohhLSeQ5M-00028-00008968-00009167 that's all it needs right now because FHohhLSeQ5M-00029-00009168-00009287 we're gonna go into battle FHohhLSeQ5M-00030-00009288-00009551 right now uh no it would it would just FHohhLSeQ5M-00031-00009552-00009687 be allowing it to connect up FHohhLSeQ5M-00032-00009688-00009883 so it could park which you can't do now FHohhLSeQ5M-00033-00009884-00010791 anyway FHohhLSeQ5M-00034-00010792-00011191 how do i set um buttons up by the way FHohhLSeQ5M-00035-00011192-00011599 so uh FHohhLSeQ5M-00036-00011600-00011799 you will want an on off button for the FHohhLSeQ5M-00037-00011800-00011942 gatling guns FHohhLSeQ5M-00038-00011943-00012683 uh one of your wheels is damaged oh FHohhLSeQ5M-00039-00012684-00012963 okay FHohhLSeQ5M-00040-00012965-00013838 [Music] FHohhLSeQ5M-00041-00013840-00014247 guys yeah move here FHohhLSeQ5M-00042-00014247-00015483 [Music] FHohhLSeQ5M-00043-00015484-00015663 is FHohhLSeQ5M-00044-00015663-00015879 uh hang on let me let me i need to i'm FHohhLSeQ5M-00045-00015880-00016094 trying to set this this thing up so FHohhLSeQ5M-00046-00016095-00016407 there is a scene there are seats FHohhLSeQ5M-00047-00016408-00016647 in this one i'll be quicker can um if FHohhLSeQ5M-00048-00016648-00016883 there's a wheel broken can somebody fix FHohhLSeQ5M-00049-00016884-00019622 it FHohhLSeQ5M-00050-00019623-00019799 i have no idea where i'm going careful FHohhLSeQ5M-00051-00019800-00020271 there's a big hole in front of me FHohhLSeQ5M-00052-00020272-00020511 right um i got blown up a bit who's FHohhLSeQ5M-00053-00020512-00020655 getting shots get my guns FHohhLSeQ5M-00054-00020656-00020967 my gun watch out for the air base FHohhLSeQ5M-00055-00020968-00022255 yeah watch out FHohhLSeQ5M-00056-00022256-00023894 because it's really heavy now it FHohhLSeQ5M-00057-00023895-00024214 left um increase the speed limit it's on FHohhLSeQ5M-00058-00024215-00024303 the hot bar FHohhLSeQ5M-00059-00024304-00024535 why is it so low because i'm if i'm FHohhLSeQ5M-00060-00024536-00024783 maneuvering in the FHohhLSeQ5M-00061-00024784-00025094 like can you get out and back in please FHohhLSeQ5M-00062-00025095-00025471 sure no that's the air base okay what is FHohhLSeQ5M-00063-00025472-00025639 shooting we're going to we're going to FHohhLSeQ5M-00064-00025639-00025934 the uranium shipment right FHohhLSeQ5M-00065-00025935-00027158 apparently not FHohhLSeQ5M-00066-00027160-00027351 mike's in the range of the headquarters FHohhLSeQ5M-00067-00027352-00027518 yep FHohhLSeQ5M-00068-00027519-00027783 oh no i just it's like guys i drove into FHohhLSeQ5M-00069-00027783-00027943 range with the air base FHohhLSeQ5M-00070-00027944-00028143 drove away from it and said to you watch FHohhLSeQ5M-00071-00028144-00028318 out for the airbase FHohhLSeQ5M-00072-00028319-00028799 he did and he did FHohhLSeQ5M-00073-00028800-00029039 okay it's not firing at me i'm directly FHohhLSeQ5M-00074-00029039-00029374 above it oh now it is firing at me FHohhLSeQ5M-00075-00029375-00029567 are you firing at it oh no watch out FHohhLSeQ5M-00076-00029568-00029718 you've got incoming you've got incoming FHohhLSeQ5M-00077-00029719-00029927 drone FHohhLSeQ5M-00078-00029927-00030246 you know that FHohhLSeQ5M-00079-00030247-00030535 who's going to join that was it that was FHohhLSeQ5M-00080-00030536-00030751 it that was what was flying at me FHohhLSeQ5M-00081-00030752-00031087 hey we got a FHohhLSeQ5M-00082-00031088-00031351 oh it is a flying shipment exactly it's FHohhLSeQ5M-00083-00031352-00031470 a flying ship and that's why i'm saying FHohhLSeQ5M-00084-00031472-00031839 it was oh FHohhLSeQ5M-00085-00031839-00032111 so is there anybody ahead of us yeah i FHohhLSeQ5M-00086-00032112-00032199 am there FHohhLSeQ5M-00087-00032200-00032702 okay i'm nearly there um my guns firing FHohhLSeQ5M-00088-00032703-00033143 possibly FHohhLSeQ5M-00089-00033144-00033479 i'm bringing it back towards you FHohhLSeQ5M-00090-00033480-00033646 actually i can't see very much how do i FHohhLSeQ5M-00091-00033647-00033951 go into third person view actually FHohhLSeQ5M-00092-00033952-00034311 yes know your guns are not shut off one FHohhLSeQ5M-00093-00034312-00034374 of your FHohhLSeQ5M-00094-00034375-00034679 top guns and your left top gun uh FHohhLSeQ5M-00095-00034680-00034871 no your guns are not shooting okay uh FHohhLSeQ5M-00096-00034872-00036351 how do i turn the guns on FHohhLSeQ5M-00097-00036352-00036718 yes that was me it okay FHohhLSeQ5M-00098-00036719-00037102 now oh god FHohhLSeQ5M-00099-00037103-00037415 oh my dead person oh hi mike what are FHohhLSeQ5M-00100-00037416-00037583 your guns shooting each other why are we FHohhLSeQ5M-00101-00037584-00037830 not shooting FHohhLSeQ5M-00102-00037831-00039295 shooting each other FHohhLSeQ5M-00103-00039296-00039743 i am uh you're not like no no FHohhLSeQ5M-00104-00039744-00040062 aim radius is down to zero FHohhLSeQ5M-00105-00040063-00040295 okay how do i get out of the the um FHohhLSeQ5M-00106-00040296-00040455 press f okay FHohhLSeQ5M-00107-00040456-00040607 it's all like the gun got destroyed FHohhLSeQ5M-00108-00040608-00040807 anyway it's not all right because FHohhLSeQ5M-00109-00040808-00041039 we now don't have a gun that's working FHohhLSeQ5M-00110-00041040-00041167 right FHohhLSeQ5M-00111-00041168-00041535 why are our turrets never working FHohhLSeQ5M-00112-00041536-00041815 you know what look then i'm just gonna FHohhLSeQ5M-00113-00041816-00042143 go in on foot FHohhLSeQ5M-00114-00042144-00042287 it's probably the safest way what do you FHohhLSeQ5M-00115-00042288-00042479 think FHohhLSeQ5M-00116-00042480-00042790 is it though facility threat FHohhLSeQ5M-00117-00042791-00043079 dispatching additional drones oh hold on FHohhLSeQ5M-00118-00043080-00043167 let me equip my FHohhLSeQ5M-00119-00043168-00044302 good a weapon doesn't sound good FHohhLSeQ5M-00120-00044303-00044607 okay top terrorist is down oh FHohhLSeQ5M-00121-00044608-00044935 approaching it from above well clever me FHohhLSeQ5M-00122-00044936-00045079 i equip myself for the weapon but not i FHohhLSeQ5M-00123-00045080-00045279 mean it's coming down FHohhLSeQ5M-00124-00045280-00045679 all right cool FHohhLSeQ5M-00125-00045680-00045999 okay uh right okay well we can talk FHohhLSeQ5M-00126-00046000-00046283 about this FHohhLSeQ5M-00127-00046284-00046558 good so is it FHohhLSeQ5M-00128-00046559-00046879 is the base still shooting us FHohhLSeQ5M-00129-00046880-00047023 nothing should be shooting you we are FHohhLSeQ5M-00130-00047024-00047174 quite close to the headquarters though FHohhLSeQ5M-00131-00047175-00047399 yeah very close to headquarters FHohhLSeQ5M-00132-00047400-00047662 right okay i so you guys can deal with FHohhLSeQ5M-00133-00047663-00047815 this right so maybe it might be a good FHohhLSeQ5M-00134-00047816-00047918 idea if we send this thing FHohhLSeQ5M-00135-00047919-00048086 if i go back home with it we already FHohhLSeQ5M-00136-00048087-00048407 dealt with it it is now dealt with FHohhLSeQ5M-00137-00048408-00048558 that might be a good issue as if we go FHohhLSeQ5M-00138-00048559-00048830 back home and then fix up reasonable um FHohhLSeQ5M-00139-00048831-00049446 uh okay where's home um FHohhLSeQ5M-00140-00049447-00049695 uh have i it's the flight research FHohhLSeQ5M-00141-00049696-00049862 station no it's not is it no it's not FHohhLSeQ5M-00142-00049863-00050127 yeah where is our station hang slightly FHohhLSeQ5M-00143-00050128-00050311 to the left so we to give the air base a FHohhLSeQ5M-00144-00050312-00050374 wide berth FHohhLSeQ5M-00145-00050375-00050551 and just keep going forward i'll i'll FHohhLSeQ5M-00146-00050552-00050695 try and left right he FHohhLSeQ5M-00147-00050696-00050839 it is the flight research station i FHohhLSeQ5M-00148-00050840-00051118 think isn't it yeah FHohhLSeQ5M-00149-00051119-00051454 uh can i get in the desert bus please oh FHohhLSeQ5M-00150-00051455-00051775 sorry um rcx are you close yes FHohhLSeQ5M-00151-00051776-00051966 i'm just here then you can drive FHohhLSeQ5M-00152-00051967-00052087 anything FHohhLSeQ5M-00153-00052088-00052390 fine well FHohhLSeQ5M-00154-00052391-00052535 i should probably edit that one out to FHohhLSeQ5M-00155-00052536-00052863 the video FHohhLSeQ5M-00156-00052864-00053175 uh oh can you mark your location FHohhLSeQ5M-00157-00053176-00053750 who FHohhLSeQ5M-00158-00053751-00053942 you're heading the right direction okay FHohhLSeQ5M-00159-00053944-00054063 cool should be able to see me floating FHohhLSeQ5M-00160-00054064-00054159 above it FHohhLSeQ5M-00161-00054160-00054511 yeah yeah yeah i see you now FHohhLSeQ5M-00162-00054512-00054799 oh she's something now yeah i see you FHohhLSeQ5M-00163-00054800-00054830 yeah FHohhLSeQ5M-00164-00054832-00055247 stop stop stop nope FHohhLSeQ5M-00165-00055248-00055399 do you want to retrieve these batteries FHohhLSeQ5M-00166-00055400-00055575 for the power cells FHohhLSeQ5M-00167-00055576-00055799 you know [__] a dangerous who wants a FHohhLSeQ5M-00168-00055800-00055894 bit of territory FHohhLSeQ5M-00169-00055895-00056047 i i would like the battery of that FHohhLSeQ5M-00170-00056048-00056238 magnitude to go on my car because my car FHohhLSeQ5M-00171-00056239-00056350 had like FHohhLSeQ5M-00172-00056351-00056711 one minute of power okay here we have it FHohhLSeQ5M-00173-00056712-00057094 um parts for a landing gear FHohhLSeQ5M-00174-00057095-00057423 can i count so we must i can drive the FHohhLSeQ5M-00175-00057424-00057591 big dot well the big daddy isn't too far FHohhLSeQ5M-00176-00057591-00057919 from you i guess FHohhLSeQ5M-00177-00057920-00058159 oh yeah bring the big daddy's no i'm too FHohhLSeQ5M-00178-00058160-00058319 busy trying to get my corpse out of FHohhLSeQ5M-00179-00058320-00058438 range of the turret FHohhLSeQ5M-00180-00058439-00058742 in front of the FHohhLSeQ5M-00181-00058744-00058926 if we mark this spot someone else can FHohhLSeQ5M-00182-00058927-00059375 bring the big debbie FHohhLSeQ5M-00183-00059376-00059511 you're not going to be able to pick them FHohhLSeQ5M-00184-00059512-00059687 up like and keep them high enough FHohhLSeQ5M-00185-00059688-00060054 to not smash them i think yeah FHohhLSeQ5M-00186-00060055-00060399 or something FHohhLSeQ5M-00187-00060400-00060566 he drives backwards all the way maybe FHohhLSeQ5M-00188-00060567-00060742 that'll work FHohhLSeQ5M-00189-00060744-00061026 oh sugar i am driving backwards for FHohhLSeQ5M-00190-00061027-00061254 christmas FHohhLSeQ5M-00191-00061255-00061404 crush FHohhLSeQ5M-00192-00061405-00061663 [Applause] FHohhLSeQ5M-00193-00061664-00061815 you're too high you need to lower the FHohhLSeQ5M-00194-00061816-00062103 suspension FHohhLSeQ5M-00195-00062104-00062254 okay can you just lower the front one FHohhLSeQ5M-00196-00062255-00062471 all the way so that you've got more of FHohhLSeQ5M-00197-00062472-00062671 an angle FHohhLSeQ5M-00198-00062672-00062959 and raise the back one indeed i could FHohhLSeQ5M-00199-00062960-00063254 dig a hole FHohhLSeQ5M-00200-00063255-00063623 um one sec um you had it when you FHohhLSeQ5M-00201-00063624-00064287 lowered the middle suspension FHohhLSeQ5M-00202-00064288-00064782 nah i got it FHohhLSeQ5M-00203-00064783-00065071 then i get lower than did you just do FHohhLSeQ5M-00204-00065072-00065150 the thing FHohhLSeQ5M-00205-00065151-00065359 i did just do the thing it's fine here FHohhLSeQ5M-00206-00065360-00065559 we don't like it's in the wilderness FHohhLSeQ5M-00207-00065560-00065882 it's not like we're gonna drive here FHohhLSeQ5M-00208-00065883-00066006 again FHohhLSeQ5M-00209-00066007-00066238 the problem with this thing is the left FHohhLSeQ5M-00210-00066239-00066447 one the guns just get taken out FHohhLSeQ5M-00211-00066448-00066815 very very quickly yes FHohhLSeQ5M-00212-00066816-00067055 the left one is locked they are usually FHohhLSeQ5M-00213-00067056-00067282 the first thing to get taken out yes FHohhLSeQ5M-00214-00067283-00067838 uh if you FHohhLSeQ5M-00215-00067839-00068038 oh this is bold move think about it give FHohhLSeQ5M-00216-00068039-00068167 it more space on the FHohhLSeQ5M-00217-00068168-00068350 on the left one so that i can move FHohhLSeQ5M-00218-00068351-00069159 around a bit yeah FHohhLSeQ5M-00219-00069160-00069350 you can't actually put guns behind armor FHohhLSeQ5M-00220-00069351-00069487 because the guns will just shoot through FHohhLSeQ5M-00221-00069488-00069687 the armor FHohhLSeQ5M-00222-00069688-00069847 i mean even if they wouldn't that FHohhLSeQ5M-00223-00069848-00070047 wouldn't be useful well it would if you FHohhLSeQ5M-00224-00070048-00070167 were wanting to point them in certain FHohhLSeQ5M-00225-00070168-00070582 directions FHohhLSeQ5M-00226-00070583-00070719 yeah you can play football with the FHohhLSeQ5M-00227-00070720-00071543 batteries FHohhLSeQ5M-00228-00071544-00072182 are you locked you're locked oh cool FHohhLSeQ5M-00229-00072183-00072335 yeah we stole all your suspension to FHohhLSeQ5M-00230-00072336-00072503 normal FHohhLSeQ5M-00231-00072504-00073126 oh look at that that's great FHohhLSeQ5M-00232-00073127-00073623 are you getting in i am FHohhLSeQ5M-00233-00073624-00073975 you want to maybe um like drop that FHohhLSeQ5M-00234-00073976-00074182 left right hand battery and then pick it FHohhLSeQ5M-00235-00074183-00074399 up again oh small steel tube FHohhLSeQ5M-00236-00074400-00074638 yeah that seems wise can use the build FHohhLSeQ5M-00237-00074639-00074815 vision to take it off FHohhLSeQ5M-00238-00074816-00075143 yeah just uh yeah FHohhLSeQ5M-00239-00075144-00076326 cool right and then FHohhLSeQ5M-00240-00076327-00076623 yeah i know well just unlock it okay and FHohhLSeQ5M-00241-00076624-00076759 i've turned off auto lock i'll turn it FHohhLSeQ5M-00242-00076760-00076950 back on when you're ready FHohhLSeQ5M-00243-00076951-00077231 just go down you also need the middle FHohhLSeQ5M-00244-00077232-00077847 wheels to go down FHohhLSeQ5M-00245-00077848-00078175 yeah um FHohhLSeQ5M-00246-00078176-00078471 and then you pop back up again yeah down FHohhLSeQ5M-00247-00078472-00078559 and dirty FHohhLSeQ5M-00248-00078560-00078726 okay for some reason i can't seem to FHohhLSeQ5M-00249-00078727-00078903 repair this buckled plate FHohhLSeQ5M-00250-00078904-00079175 even though it says 100 there's two on FHohhLSeQ5M-00251-00079176-00079350 the side as well down here that FHohhLSeQ5M-00252-00079351-00079599 i can't repair yeah do you want it is FHohhLSeQ5M-00253-00079600-00079882 that buggered it's ready FHohhLSeQ5M-00254-00079883-00080119 uh adults FHohhLSeQ5M-00255-00080120-00080262 yeah i think that's about as far as i FHohhLSeQ5M-00256-00080263-00080431 can go okay FHohhLSeQ5M-00257-00080432-00080623 i i cannot unlock the other one actually FHohhLSeQ5M-00258-00080624-00080799 hang on no the other one's higher up FHohhLSeQ5M-00259-00080800-00080919 don't look yeah but that's what's like FHohhLSeQ5M-00260-00080920-00081135 keeping me from getting any further down FHohhLSeQ5M-00261-00081136-00081223 i don't think it is FHohhLSeQ5M-00262-00081224-00081550 not touching the ground oh god FHohhLSeQ5M-00263-00081551-00081679 like it's not touching the ground and FHohhLSeQ5M-00264-00081680-00081823 it's higher up than the right hand one FHohhLSeQ5M-00265-00081824-00081950 oh you're never going to get it that FHohhLSeQ5M-00266-00081951-00082231 high up again FHohhLSeQ5M-00267-00082232-00082487 okay fine uh i think we're fine i think FHohhLSeQ5M-00268-00082488-00082559 if you um FHohhLSeQ5M-00269-00082560-00082687 i think if you now restore your FHohhLSeQ5M-00270-00082688-00082903 suspension they're right but they are FHohhLSeQ5M-00271-00082904-00083182 now both locked FHohhLSeQ5M-00272-00083183-00083431 great yeah check them out we're fine FHohhLSeQ5M-00273-00083432-00083535 also that is FHohhLSeQ5M-00274-00083536-00084255 a new cool ride that is really cool FHohhLSeQ5M-00275-00084256-00084447 uh yeah maybe take it slowly on the way FHohhLSeQ5M-00276-00084448-00084591 back FHohhLSeQ5M-00277-00084592-00085055 yes will anyone like any assistance FHohhLSeQ5M-00278-00085056-00085375 well so now we need right is is rev FHohhLSeQ5M-00279-00085376-00085599 to come in the trinity porter and pick FHohhLSeQ5M-00280-00085600-00085703 up the desert bus FHohhLSeQ5M-00281-00085704-00085999 which is in turn yeah yeah yeah please FHohhLSeQ5M-00282-00086000-00086135 make sure that none of the turrets of FHohhLSeQ5M-00283-00086136-00086287 the base will shoot these two batteries FHohhLSeQ5M-00284-00086288-00086406 when we get back FHohhLSeQ5M-00285-00086407-00086575 i think that's a job for rcx isn't it FHohhLSeQ5M-00286-00086576-00087118 since he's the guy yeah FHohhLSeQ5M-00287-00087119-00087367 oh there's a large steel shipment here FHohhLSeQ5M-00288-00087368-00087518 that's interesting a large steel FHohhLSeQ5M-00289-00087519-00087638 shipment FHohhLSeQ5M-00290-00087639-00087950 large steel tubes FHohhLSeQ5M-00291-00087951-00088343 yeah it's from our turrets FHohhLSeQ5M-00292-00088344-00088599 well something got blown up okay let's FHohhLSeQ5M-00293-00088600-00088662 go FHohhLSeQ5M-00294-00088663-00089511 take a look at that yeah sounds wise FHohhLSeQ5M-00295-00089512-00089631 i'm just running along behind you FHohhLSeQ5M-00296-00089632-00090038 picking up scraps FHohhLSeQ5M-00297-00090039-00090343 let's have a look oh we got oh FHohhLSeQ5M-00298-00090344-00090694 oh wow have you seen what it took down FHohhLSeQ5M-00299-00090695-00090750 the drone FHohhLSeQ5M-00300-00090751-00090935 oh hang on that's why that was hang on FHohhLSeQ5M-00301-00090936-00091082 did that come through the cap must have FHohhLSeQ5M-00302-00091083-00091206 done FHohhLSeQ5M-00303-00091207-00091375 okay i've forgotten what i have there FHohhLSeQ5M-00304-00091376-00091582 okay FHohhLSeQ5M-00305-00091583-00091971 oh what's this little thing here is that FHohhLSeQ5M-00306-00091972-00092862 another block FHohhLSeQ5M-00307-00092863-00093206 oh no why'd you broken now nothing i've FHohhLSeQ5M-00308-00093207-00093238 just FHohhLSeQ5M-00309-00093239-00093487 kind of got myself sort of a bit stuck FHohhLSeQ5M-00310-00093488-00093671 okay like i wasn't even asking you but FHohhLSeQ5M-00311-00093672-00093998 if the shoe fits FHohhLSeQ5M-00312-00093999-00094238 [Music] FHohhLSeQ5M-00313-00094239-00094406 right who would like to do secret FHohhLSeQ5M-00314-00094407-00094567 weapons facility or so would you strong FHohhLSeQ5M-00315-00094568-00094703 air base first FHohhLSeQ5M-00316-00094704-00094967 uh i mean first thing we're doing is FHohhLSeQ5M-00317-00094968-00095215 rebuilding my ship FHohhLSeQ5M-00318-00095216-00095559 [__] but your your car had one outing FHohhLSeQ5M-00319-00095560-00095743 which didn't even get in contact range FHohhLSeQ5M-00320-00095744-00096087 of the enemy so i'm not quite sure why FHohhLSeQ5M-00321-00096088-00096471 well the problem is the guns didn't fire FHohhLSeQ5M-00322-00096472-00096671 the problem was the guns didn't fire uh FHohhLSeQ5M-00323-00096672-00096935 edgy getting in i would argue they fired FHohhLSeQ5M-00324-00096936-00097174 the guns did fire they actually did they FHohhLSeQ5M-00325-00097175-00097350 shoot did they actually shoot each other FHohhLSeQ5M-00326-00097351-00098318 yes i'm very sure they did FHohhLSeQ5M-00327-00098319-00098503 um so when we do go against the air base FHohhLSeQ5M-00328-00098504-00098655 i can strongly recommend FHohhLSeQ5M-00329-00098656-00098838 not bringing the rovers within range of FHohhLSeQ5M-00330-00098839-00099015 the air base FHohhLSeQ5M-00331-00099016-00099215 suggesting yes i think it's on foot or FHohhLSeQ5M-00332-00099216-00099415 we could tunnel under it of course FHohhLSeQ5M-00333-00099416-00099679 oh no let's not tunnel under it that's FHohhLSeQ5M-00334-00099680-00099879 boring FHohhLSeQ5M-00335-00099880-00099999 so we can have the rovers but not FHohhLSeQ5M-00336-00100000-00100191 actually use them well they're there to FHohhLSeQ5M-00337-00100192-00100391 defend against the drones FHohhLSeQ5M-00338-00100392-00100750 okay so what so what how could we FHohhLSeQ5M-00339-00100751-00100918 walk there but we can't use a thing to FHohhLSeQ5M-00340-00100919-00101055 get there FHohhLSeQ5M-00341-00101056-00101343 because the turrets you can dodge the FHohhLSeQ5M-00342-00101344-00101550 large grid turrets FHohhLSeQ5M-00343-00101551-00101847 but you can't um oh there's a battery in FHohhLSeQ5M-00344-00101848-00103263 a hole yeah FHohhLSeQ5M-00345-00103264-00103415 control k on it and it didn't do FHohhLSeQ5M-00346-00103416-00103630 anything well ctrl k doesn't do anything FHohhLSeQ5M-00347-00103631-00103942 you mean control middle click FHohhLSeQ5M-00348-00103943-00104310 uh it should be off now any better FHohhLSeQ5M-00349-00104311-00104582 yeah are you actually sure about that it FHohhLSeQ5M-00350-00104583-00104751 has ceased firing FHohhLSeQ5M-00351-00104752-00105086 i'm gonna go and check these two FHohhLSeQ5M-00352-00105088-00105254 yeah well i said how many turrets have FHohhLSeQ5M-00353-00105255-00105463 we got like uh FHohhLSeQ5M-00354-00105464-00105639 i said there was one on the rover and FHohhLSeQ5M-00355-00105640-00105807 you acknowledged it FHohhLSeQ5M-00356-00105808-00105951 yeah sure then you did it and then i FHohhLSeQ5M-00357-00105952-00106110 pressed the buttons on it and FHohhLSeQ5M-00358-00106111-00106558 nothing happened therefore that was fine FHohhLSeQ5M-00359-00106559-00106695 yeah i went that spot pretty fine i FHohhLSeQ5M-00360-00106696-00107263 couldn't press k you know FHohhLSeQ5M-00361-00107264-00107415 i thought dan hadn't shared his grid FHohhLSeQ5M-00362-00107416-00107575 with us or something i just saw FHohhLSeQ5M-00363-00107576-00108190 the big daddies FHohhLSeQ5M-00364-00108191-00108351 you could do as well is uh you could try FHohhLSeQ5M-00365-00108352-00108495 it build a FHohhLSeQ5M-00366-00108496-00108815 um suitable connector point for FHohhLSeQ5M-00367-00108816-00109119 plugging this into FHohhLSeQ5M-00368-00109120-00109510 okay so that would be the same height FHohhLSeQ5M-00369-00109511-00109766 yeah at the same height as the one on FHohhLSeQ5M-00370-00109767-00109871 the ship FHohhLSeQ5M-00371-00109872-00110151 somewhere okay so i believe ed wants one FHohhLSeQ5M-00372-00110152-00110383 of these batteries on his rover FHohhLSeQ5M-00373-00110383-00110534 i i would like one of the other FHohhLSeQ5M-00374-00110535-00110663 batteries on my vote for as soon as i've FHohhLSeQ5M-00375-00110664-00110815 worked out how to um FHohhLSeQ5M-00376-00110816-00111063 as soon as i've made a slot for it oh FHohhLSeQ5M-00377-00111064-00111207 you do you know about FHohhLSeQ5M-00378-00111208-00111502 uh merge blocks i do not because that FHohhLSeQ5M-00379-00111503-00111999 might inform your choice of slot FHohhLSeQ5M-00380-00112000-00112175 two existing grids together you need a FHohhLSeQ5M-00381-00112176-00112478 thing called a merge block FHohhLSeQ5M-00382-00112479-00112823 and uh there you go this is how FHohhLSeQ5M-00383-00112824-00113166 big they are oh no i just couldn't find FHohhLSeQ5M-00384-00113167-00113483 you FHohhLSeQ5M-00385-00113483-00114590 um FHohhLSeQ5M-00386-00114591-00114919 you have to attach a FHohhLSeQ5M-00387-00114920-00115254 another merge block so the other mode FHohhLSeQ5M-00388-00115255-00115463 goes the other way out so the merge FHohhLSeQ5M-00389-00115464-00115758 blocks will attach together FHohhLSeQ5M-00390-00115759-00116086 so what i need to do is see the edge FHohhLSeQ5M-00391-00116088-00116207 block on your thing FHohhLSeQ5M-00392-00116208-00116486 and a merge block on the batteries right FHohhLSeQ5M-00393-00116488-00116695 once they've attached together FHohhLSeQ5M-00394-00116696-00117015 if the battery is held on by FHohhLSeQ5M-00395-00117016-00117334 oh oh you shouldn't have done that oh FHohhLSeQ5M-00396-00117335-00117607 sorry about that because now you've got FHohhLSeQ5M-00397-00117608-00117710 no power on this grid FHohhLSeQ5M-00398-00117711-00117990 until you're done yeah yeah but i i FHohhLSeQ5M-00399-00117991-00118295 didn't have any power anyway so FHohhLSeQ5M-00400-00118296-00118671 um but yeah so if i merge block atop FHohhLSeQ5M-00401-00118672-00118919 the i well i wouldn't put it at the top FHohhLSeQ5M-00402-00118920-00118975 because FHohhLSeQ5M-00403-00118976-00119158 you probably want the battery to go atop FHohhLSeQ5M-00404-00119159-00119519 the beam FHohhLSeQ5M-00405-00119520-00119743 right what are we going to say is once FHohhLSeQ5M-00406-00119744-00120015 you've merged the two together FHohhLSeQ5M-00407-00120016-00120351 if you have like other blocks attached FHohhLSeQ5M-00408-00120352-00120702 that are attaching the two blocks that FHohhLSeQ5M-00409-00120703-00120743 you've FHohhLSeQ5M-00410-00120744-00121023 just added together then you can remove FHohhLSeQ5M-00411-00121024-00121295 the merge blocks FHohhLSeQ5M-00412-00121296-00121558 oh i see so merging the merge blocks FHohhLSeQ5M-00413-00121559-00121895 makes the two grids into a single grid FHohhLSeQ5M-00414-00121896-00122078 and if they're attached together you can FHohhLSeQ5M-00415-00122079-00122327 just grind the merge blocks off FHohhLSeQ5M-00416-00122328-00122639 afterwards i think i get it FHohhLSeQ5M-00417-00122640-00122943 so so you probably want the mode the FHohhLSeQ5M-00418-00122944-00123078 merge block either FHohhLSeQ5M-00419-00123079-00123310 like where i put it or maybe on the back FHohhLSeQ5M-00420-00123311-00123551 of the cockpit FHohhLSeQ5M-00421-00123552-00123775 and think about how to orient it on the FHohhLSeQ5M-00422-00123776-00123863 battery FHohhLSeQ5M-00423-00123864-00124063 so that when the merge blocks are FHohhLSeQ5M-00424-00124064-00124278 aligned the battery will be in the place FHohhLSeQ5M-00425-00124279-00124447 that it's going to end up FHohhLSeQ5M-00426-00124448-00124558 would you like me to move these FHohhLSeQ5M-00427-00124559-00126083 batteries which you have placed here FHohhLSeQ5M-00428-00126083-00126919 oh FHohhLSeQ5M-00429-00126920-00127143 well i'd say i think the static nature FHohhLSeQ5M-00430-00127144-00127278 of your body may have killed me FHohhLSeQ5M-00431-00127279-00127814 okay okay well no that's not fair FHohhLSeQ5M-00432-00127815-00128175 to fine i'll take the place FHohhLSeQ5M-00433-00128176-00128486 it's entirely rev's fault FHohhLSeQ5M-00434-00128488-00128919 that's fair FHohhLSeQ5M-00435-00128920-00129223 okay i've got a i've got a battery with FHohhLSeQ5M-00436-00129224-00129439 a merge block on it FHohhLSeQ5M-00437-00129440-00130110 what did we do with it okay FHohhLSeQ5M-00438-00130111-00130836 don't just check that he okay he didn't FHohhLSeQ5M-00439-00130838-00131647 [Music] FHohhLSeQ5M-00440-00131648-00131878 yes you need a much luck on both things FHohhLSeQ5M-00441-00131879-00132223 good good FHohhLSeQ5M-00442-00132224-00132366 there were also occurs to me that i FHohhLSeQ5M-00443-00132367-00132575 shouldn't put it on can i put it should FHohhLSeQ5M-00444-00132576-00132783 i wait until revs picked up the battery FHohhLSeQ5M-00445-00132784-00132935 before i put the mode block on FHohhLSeQ5M-00446-00132936-00133199 you can do that if you like because FHohhLSeQ5M-00447-00133200-00133414 otherwise this would be the wrong way up FHohhLSeQ5M-00448-00133415-00133711 which battery is it well tell you what FHohhLSeQ5M-00449-00133712-00133759 i'll just FHohhLSeQ5M-00450-00133760-00134119 remove them FHohhLSeQ5M-00451-00134120-00134502 up and i'll um okay you need to move FHohhLSeQ5M-00452-00134503-00134647 you've got the connector attached to it FHohhLSeQ5M-00453-00134648-00135199 you need to move backward FHohhLSeQ5M-00454-00135200-00135439 that one are we there i have it further FHohhLSeQ5M-00455-00135440-00135590 back FHohhLSeQ5M-00456-00135591-00135943 yes this second wind tower you've built FHohhLSeQ5M-00457-00135944-00136271 yes is actually making you produce less FHohhLSeQ5M-00458-00136272-00136623 energy okay you're ready to connect FHohhLSeQ5M-00459-00136624-00136975 yeah you could have no no FHohhLSeQ5M-00460-00136976-00137327 no yeah because having another building FHohhLSeQ5M-00461-00137328-00137831 in front of the wind turbines FHohhLSeQ5M-00462-00137832-00137975 i checked it part way through the build FHohhLSeQ5M-00463-00137976-00138135 and it hadn't reduced the FHohhLSeQ5M-00464-00138136-00138327 power output of the first one now if you FHohhLSeQ5M-00465-00138328-00138543 hold your ground for just a second rev FHohhLSeQ5M-00466-00138544-00138943 okay up stop stop stop i need to attack FHohhLSeQ5M-00467-00138944-00139175 i need to attach the merge block to the FHohhLSeQ5M-00468-00139176-00139302 battery FHohhLSeQ5M-00469-00139303-00139519 in an orientation which will work okay i FHohhLSeQ5M-00470-00139520-00139647 can't attach it to the front do you mind FHohhLSeQ5M-00471-00139648-00139702 if i get FHohhLSeQ5M-00472-00139703-00140087 popcorn are you sure that's the FHohhLSeQ5M-00473-00140088-00140199 orientation in which you want FHohhLSeQ5M-00474-00140200-00140535 it are you sure FHohhLSeQ5M-00475-00140536-00140927 well i need to land on something FHohhLSeQ5M-00476-00140928-00141159 yeah why don't i go up and you can park FHohhLSeQ5M-00477-00141160-00141366 your car underneath this battery FHohhLSeQ5M-00478-00141367-00141511 because the car doesn't have a battery FHohhLSeQ5M-00479-00141512-00141663 at the moment yeah okay it's not getting FHohhLSeQ5M-00480-00141664-00141799 driven anywhere FHohhLSeQ5M-00481-00141800-00141919 are you sure there's enough clearance FHohhLSeQ5M-00482-00141920-00142102 for me to apply to the building okay FHohhLSeQ5M-00483-00142103-00142231 well we'll find out i guess in the FHohhLSeQ5M-00484-00142232-00142375 moment won't we i'll tell you what i'll FHohhLSeQ5M-00485-00142376-00142551 put it on the bottom i'll move the merge FHohhLSeQ5M-00486-00142552-00142599 block FHohhLSeQ5M-00487-00142600-00142775 so that we're just surrounding it FHohhLSeQ5M-00488-00142776-00142926 vertically and i won't even delete the FHohhLSeQ5M-00489-00142927-00143078 merge box afterwards like this or even FHohhLSeQ5M-00490-00143079-00143175 there FHohhLSeQ5M-00491-00143176-00143375 so i'll just move this merge book hold FHohhLSeQ5M-00492-00143376-00143535 on and you're expecting rev to be able FHohhLSeQ5M-00493-00143536-00143854 to put this on sideways FHohhLSeQ5M-00494-00143855-00144283 i'm not i'm moving this merge rock FHohhLSeQ5M-00495-00144284-00144575 uh-huh FHohhLSeQ5M-00496-00144576-00144871 can't do geometry yeah no spatial FHohhLSeQ5M-00497-00144872-00145311 reasoning FHohhLSeQ5M-00498-00145312-00145478 how much clearance have i got that is as FHohhLSeQ5M-00499-00145479-00145683 close to building as i can go i think FHohhLSeQ5M-00500-00145684-00146023 okay that's you should be okay if you FHohhLSeQ5M-00501-00146024-00146247 just move straight downwards FHohhLSeQ5M-00502-00146248-00146526 coming down yeah keep going down every FHohhLSeQ5M-00503-00146527-00146639 time FHohhLSeQ5M-00504-00146640-00147854 uh yeah yeah fine go down go down FHohhLSeQ5M-00505-00147855-00148078 oh how do we now lock them oh they're FHohhLSeQ5M-00506-00148079-00148190 locked FHohhLSeQ5M-00507-00148191-00148487 okay thank you very much are you aware FHohhLSeQ5M-00508-00148488-00148647 rev that one of your large atmo FHohhLSeQ5M-00509-00148648-00148751 thrusters is FHohhLSeQ5M-00510-00148752-00149087 on fire oh yeah it's it's what it's FHohhLSeQ5M-00511-00149088-00149439 upside down FHohhLSeQ5M-00512-00149440-00149711 it's what what's wrong with that it's on FHohhLSeQ5M-00513-00149712-00149783 fire FHohhLSeQ5M-00514-00149784-00150039 oh sure yeah that's fine isn't it i mean FHohhLSeQ5M-00515-00150040-00150119 it's not working FHohhLSeQ5M-00516-00150120-00150366 it's not providing you with thrust yeah FHohhLSeQ5M-00517-00150367-00150502 it's fine FHohhLSeQ5M-00518-00150503-00150766 that's not what i was laughing at though FHohhLSeQ5M-00519-00150767-00150911 what were you laughing at FHohhLSeQ5M-00520-00150912-00151199 uh ed immediately backing his new rover FHohhLSeQ5M-00521-00151200-00151808 into the FHohhLSeQ5M-00522-00151809-00152463 [Applause] FHohhLSeQ5M-00523-00152464-00152607 well i know one of them is the big daddy FHohhLSeQ5M-00524-00152608-00152735 i can't remember what you want oh that's FHohhLSeQ5M-00525-00152736-00153031 very fetching paint job FHohhLSeQ5M-00526-00153032-00153223 i i noticed how it used to say pns and FHohhLSeQ5M-00527-00153224-00153726 now it just says n FHohhLSeQ5M-00528-00153727-00154031 what are you doing sis see so FHohhLSeQ5M-00529-00154032-00154399 your connector on your thing is three FHohhLSeQ5M-00530-00154400-00154711 uh mini blocks tall yes when you put a FHohhLSeQ5M-00531-00154712-00154926 block onto the side of the building FHohhLSeQ5M-00532-00154927-00155278 it becomes a deep block um FHohhLSeQ5M-00533-00155279-00155511 so for your connector to connect to the FHohhLSeQ5M-00534-00155512-00155631 connector i assume FHohhLSeQ5M-00535-00155632-00155863 it needs to be three mini blocks tall FHohhLSeQ5M-00536-00155864-00155990 right FHohhLSeQ5M-00537-00155991-00156375 and yeah okay so done FHohhLSeQ5M-00538-00156376-00156702 yeah all right a little help yeah FHohhLSeQ5M-00539-00156703-00156871 what you just need to build it at the FHohhLSeQ5M-00540-00156872-00157007 right height FHohhLSeQ5M-00541-00157008-00157166 yeah the problem is is it it's FHohhLSeQ5M-00542-00157167-00157302 connecting to a building that's made out FHohhLSeQ5M-00543-00157303-00157487 of big blocks and this is a small block FHohhLSeQ5M-00544-00157488-00157823 that's fine how does that work though FHohhLSeQ5M-00545-00157824-00157999 well a large grid connector is the same FHohhLSeQ5M-00546-00158000-00158151 size as a small grid connector FHohhLSeQ5M-00547-00158152-00158375 oh is it oh you just need to but you're FHohhLSeQ5M-00548-00158376-00158575 like where you put the connector FHohhLSeQ5M-00549-00158576-00158759 is going to be it's not going to line up FHohhLSeQ5M-00550-00158760-00158895 right you need your connector either FHohhLSeQ5M-00551-00158896-00159039 higher or lower FHohhLSeQ5M-00552-00159040-00159263 okay so it's so it just needs something FHohhLSeQ5M-00553-00159264-00159423 so i just need to move the connector FHohhLSeQ5M-00554-00159424-00159463 then FHohhLSeQ5M-00555-00159464-00159631 i just put two connectors on here it's FHohhLSeQ5M-00556-00159632-00159823 got to line up the other FHohhLSeQ5M-00557-00159824-00160271 one okay right okay okay FHohhLSeQ5M-00558-00160272-00160495 you're kind of halfway in between them FHohhLSeQ5M-00559-00160496-00160759 rcx pushing me out the way FHohhLSeQ5M-00560-00160760-00161263 okay see what can i do okay is that FHohhLSeQ5M-00561-00161264-00161471 at the right height i know that is now FHohhLSeQ5M-00562-00161472-00161607 too high FHohhLSeQ5M-00563-00161608-00161919 you sure for the second one i mean i'm FHohhLSeQ5M-00564-00161920-00162447 very sure yes FHohhLSeQ5M-00565-00162448-00162599 if you'd like to prove me wrong i would FHohhLSeQ5M-00566-00162600-00162839 enjoy seeing it i would like to FHohhLSeQ5M-00567-00162840-00163078 i would like to see if um but FHohhLSeQ5M-00568-00163079-00163199 unfortunately i can't because of where FHohhLSeQ5M-00569-00163200-00163343 mike's car is at the moment FHohhLSeQ5M-00570-00163344-00163551 ed i could promise just come and have a FHohhLSeQ5M-00571-00163552-00163743 look you donkey you can clearly see it's FHohhLSeQ5M-00572-00163744-00163838 higher FHohhLSeQ5M-00573-00163839-00164014 it's i'm trying to make it as high as FHohhLSeQ5M-00574-00164015-00164175 the higher one yeah FHohhLSeQ5M-00575-00164176-00164487 yeah where are you standing let's have a FHohhLSeQ5M-00576-00164488-00164543 look FHohhLSeQ5M-00577-00164544-00164790 behind your vehicle looking at them no FHohhLSeQ5M-00578-00164791-00164975 is that right yes right i don't i don't FHohhLSeQ5M-00579-00164976-00165283 think that's higher FHohhLSeQ5M-00580-00165284-00165407 okay FHohhLSeQ5M-00581-00165408-00165599 mike yours is in exactly the right place FHohhLSeQ5M-00582-00165600-00165887 yeah thank you that was FHohhLSeQ5M-00583-00165888-00166190 didn't cocky how much higher is yours FHohhLSeQ5M-00584-00166191-00166223 than FHohhLSeQ5M-00585-00166224-00166590 where mike says ed yes but mike's is FHohhLSeQ5M-00586-00166591-00166926 not right they have to be at the same FHohhLSeQ5M-00587-00166927-00167071 height ed FHohhLSeQ5M-00588-00167072-00167343 yes i'm aware it was just slightly too FHohhLSeQ5M-00589-00167344-00167487 high in my love FHohhLSeQ5M-00590-00167488-00167735 okay okay let me just let me prove it to FHohhLSeQ5M-00591-00167736-00167871 my own satisfaction by FHohhLSeQ5M-00592-00167872-00168671 okay and FHohhLSeQ5M-00593-00168672-00168902 it's slightly too high it doesn't line FHohhLSeQ5M-00594-00168903-00169023 up FHohhLSeQ5M-00595-00169024-00169175 trees would you like me to pick up with FHohhLSeQ5M-00596-00169176-00169390 the trinity porter it looks like it's FHohhLSeQ5M-00597-00169391-00169495 the right height FHohhLSeQ5M-00598-00169496-00170247 it's i'm returning the base look FHohhLSeQ5M-00599-00170248-00170447 assuming they have to align exactly it's FHohhLSeQ5M-00600-00170448-00170583 slightly too high FHohhLSeQ5M-00601-00170584-00170966 so what happens exactly okay well then FHohhLSeQ5M-00602-00170967-00171054 maybe it'll be okay FHohhLSeQ5M-00603-00171055-00171247 look at that they are right at the right FHohhLSeQ5M-00604-00171248-00171366 at the same height you know why don't FHohhLSeQ5M-00605-00171367-00171502 you just build the connector on the base FHohhLSeQ5M-00606-00171503-00171607 and then you'll be able to tell if FHohhLSeQ5M-00607-00171608-00171726 they're close enough to lock FHohhLSeQ5M-00608-00171727-00171966 because you'd be able to lock it all FHohhLSeQ5M-00609-00171967-00172199 right okay i'll FHohhLSeQ5M-00610-00172200-00172575 yeah okay that will be fine for lucky FHohhLSeQ5M-00611-00172576-00172766 that's probably not a great place to FHohhLSeQ5M-00612-00172767-00172983 park for the record FHohhLSeQ5M-00613-00172984-00173199 who's parked where uh the person who FHohhLSeQ5M-00614-00173200-00173302 passed the desert bus FHohhLSeQ5M-00615-00173303-00173599 directly behind my car which is now very FHohhLSeQ5M-00616-00173600-00173766 slowly rolling backwards into the desert FHohhLSeQ5M-00617-00173767-00174254 bus FHohhLSeQ5M-00618-00174255-00174431 only in as much as it shows court FHohhLSeQ5M-00619-00174432-00174966 judgment about parking near you i guess FHohhLSeQ5M-00620-00174967-00175159 the trinity porter is now three for FHohhLSeQ5M-00621-00175160-00175326 three on lift missions FHohhLSeQ5M-00622-00175327-00175471 and the new engineers are starting to FHohhLSeQ5M-00623-00175472-00175687 get the hang of building soon we'll be FHohhLSeQ5M-00624-00175688-00175919 armed and ready to attack one of the big FHohhLSeQ5M-00625-00175920-00176063 bases FHohhLSeQ5M-00626-00176064-00176263 i hope you can join us again next time FHohhLSeQ5M-00627-00176264-00176611 as we escape from mars FHohhLSeQ5M-00628-00176612-00177818 [Music] FI4kgOSLHWQ-00000-00001375-00001679 the last lecture where we discussed in FI4kgOSLHWQ-00001-00001680-00001879 extensive detail about the resolution FI4kgOSLHWQ-00002-00001880-00002142 refutation method FI4kgOSLHWQ-00003-00002143-00002302 resolution refrigeration method is also FI4kgOSLHWQ-00004-00002303-00002431 considered to be one of the important FI4kgOSLHWQ-00005-00002432-00002702 decision procedure methods with which FI4kgOSLHWQ-00006-00002703-00002926 one one will be able to know whether a FI4kgOSLHWQ-00007-00002927-00003215 given well form formula is tautology or FI4kgOSLHWQ-00008-00003215-00003327 valid FI4kgOSLHWQ-00009-00003328-00003399 or FI4kgOSLHWQ-00010-00003400-00003479 when FI4kgOSLHWQ-00011-00003479-00003679 two or three groups of statements are FI4kgOSLHWQ-00012-00003679-00003847 consistent to each other are satisfiable FI4kgOSLHWQ-00013-00003847-00003967 to each other FI4kgOSLHWQ-00014-00003968-00004103 etcetera all these things one can come FI4kgOSLHWQ-00015-00004104-00004231 to know FI4kgOSLHWQ-00016-00004232-00004438 so resolution refrigeration method is FI4kgOSLHWQ-00017-00004439-00004606 also like ah FI4kgOSLHWQ-00018-00004607-00004815 semantic tableaux method where FI4kgOSLHWQ-00019-00004816-00005063 we looked for a counter example so here FI4kgOSLHWQ-00020-00005064-00005238 what we will do is FI4kgOSLHWQ-00021-00005239-00005470 given some set of clauses FI4kgOSLHWQ-00022-00005471-00005718 which are usually FI4kgOSLHWQ-00023-00005719-00005870 in disjunctions FI4kgOSLHWQ-00024-00005871-00006095 so given these clauses so we will try to FI4kgOSLHWQ-00025-00006096-00006311 prove an empty clause FI4kgOSLHWQ-00026-00006312-00006559 so after resolving these clauses and all FI4kgOSLHWQ-00027-00006559-00006767 so one will come up with the FI4kgOSLHWQ-00028-00006768-00006934 empty clause then FI4kgOSLHWQ-00029-00006936-00007142 that proof is called as resolution FI4kgOSLHWQ-00030-00007143-00007334 refrigeration method so that means you FI4kgOSLHWQ-00031-00007336-00007623 have used the resolution method and then FI4kgOSLHWQ-00032-00007623-00007846 you are refuting refuting it in the FI4kgOSLHWQ-00033-00007847-00008078 sense that you have come up with FI4kgOSLHWQ-00034-00008079-00008278 an empty clause that is the FI4kgOSLHWQ-00035-00008279-00008439 contradiction FI4kgOSLHWQ-00036-00008440-00008655 so in this lecture what we will be doing FI4kgOSLHWQ-00037-00008656-00008839 is we will be studying some more FI4kgOSLHWQ-00038-00008840-00009023 examples based on resolution FI4kgOSLHWQ-00039-00009024-00009174 refrigeration method FI4kgOSLHWQ-00040-00009175-00009342 and then second FI4kgOSLHWQ-00041-00009343-00009542 in the second part of this lecture we FI4kgOSLHWQ-00042-00009543-00009742 will be talking about the comparative FI4kgOSLHWQ-00043-00009743-00009895 evaluation of FI4kgOSLHWQ-00044-00009896-00010063 various methods that we have learnt so FI4kgOSLHWQ-00045-00010064-00010167 far FI4kgOSLHWQ-00046-00010168-00010399 so far we have learnt ah truth table FI4kgOSLHWQ-00047-00010400-00010599 method to start with this is considered FI4kgOSLHWQ-00048-00010600-00010855 to be the most simplest method FI4kgOSLHWQ-00049-00010856-00011087 and then truth table method we have used FI4kgOSLHWQ-00050-00011088-00011342 indirect truth table method so one need FI4kgOSLHWQ-00051-00011343-00011519 not have to FI4kgOSLHWQ-00052-00011520-00011710 construct all the rows and all it is FI4kgOSLHWQ-00053-00011711-00011974 more or less like a constructive method FI4kgOSLHWQ-00054-00011975-00012135 so especially when the number of rows FI4kgOSLHWQ-00055-00012136-00012319 increases and number of variables FI4kgOSLHWQ-00056-00012320-00012510 increases and the number of rows FI4kgOSLHWQ-00057-00012511-00012719 increases then truth table method may FI4kgOSLHWQ-00058-00012720-00012935 not be an effective kind of decision FI4kgOSLHWQ-00059-00012936-00013071 procedure method FI4kgOSLHWQ-00060-00013072-00013358 ah maybe partly a computer can FI4kgOSLHWQ-00061-00013359-00013551 compute these things in a better way FI4kgOSLHWQ-00062-00013552-00013775 then especially when the number of row FI4kgOSLHWQ-00063-00013776-00013919 number of propositional variables FI4kgOSLHWQ-00064-00013919-00014030 increases FI4kgOSLHWQ-00065-00014031-00014255 to four or five more than five things FI4kgOSLHWQ-00066-00014256-00014486 will become unmanageable in all for us FI4kgOSLHWQ-00067-00014487-00014694 because for checking the validity you FI4kgOSLHWQ-00068-00014695-00014911 need to check all the rows in which your FI4kgOSLHWQ-00069-00014912-00015111 true premises in a false conclusion that FI4kgOSLHWQ-00070-00015112-00015327 establishes that a given argument is FI4kgOSLHWQ-00071-00015328-00015471 invalid FI4kgOSLHWQ-00072-00015472-00015719 so then we talked about semantic tablox FI4kgOSLHWQ-00073-00015719-00015966 method and then we try to solve one FI4kgOSLHWQ-00074-00015968-00016166 single problem FI4kgOSLHWQ-00075-00016168-00016430 with the help of all these methods one FI4kgOSLHWQ-00076-00016431-00016615 is truth table method the second is FI4kgOSLHWQ-00077-00016616-00016815 semantic tablox method FI4kgOSLHWQ-00078-00016816-00016958 and the third one is FI4kgOSLHWQ-00079-00016959-00017286 reducing it into cnf and dnf FI4kgOSLHWQ-00080-00017287-00017494 and the fourth method is FI4kgOSLHWQ-00081-00017495-00017686 the semantic FI4kgOSLHWQ-00082-00017687-00017975 sorry the resolution method FI4kgOSLHWQ-00083-00017976-00018222 and we also use some kind of syntactic FI4kgOSLHWQ-00084-00018223-00018503 methods so that is the natural deduction FI4kgOSLHWQ-00085-00018504-00018783 method where we used conditional proof FI4kgOSLHWQ-00086-00018784-00018975 and the direction i add absolutely kind FI4kgOSLHWQ-00087-00018976-00019167 of proof so what i will be doing in the FI4kgOSLHWQ-00088-00019168-00019375 second part of this lecture is is that i FI4kgOSLHWQ-00089-00019376-00019622 will take up one example then i will i FI4kgOSLHWQ-00090-00019623-00019894 will try to solve that problem using all FI4kgOSLHWQ-00091-00019895-00020014 these methods FI4kgOSLHWQ-00092-00020015-00020199 and then when the time arises i will FI4kgOSLHWQ-00093-00020200-00020463 talk about the importance FI4kgOSLHWQ-00094-00020464-00020663 the merits and demerits of these FI4kgOSLHWQ-00095-00020664-00020903 particular kinds of decision procedures FI4kgOSLHWQ-00096-00020904-00021143 that are available to us FI4kgOSLHWQ-00097-00021144-00021383 to start with in continuation to the FI4kgOSLHWQ-00098-00021384-00021550 last lecture FI4kgOSLHWQ-00099-00021551-00021807 here let us take some ah examples some FI4kgOSLHWQ-00100-00021808-00021975 more examples so that we can understand FI4kgOSLHWQ-00101-00021976-00022191 this resolution refrigeration method in FI4kgOSLHWQ-00102-00022192-00022391 a better way basically it is a decision FI4kgOSLHWQ-00103-00022392-00022550 procedure method with which you can FI4kgOSLHWQ-00104-00022551-00022783 establish whether or not a given formula FI4kgOSLHWQ-00105-00022784-00022903 is FI4kgOSLHWQ-00106-00022904-00023167 satisfiable or unsatisfiable or one can FI4kgOSLHWQ-00107-00023168-00023358 even come to know whether or not a given FI4kgOSLHWQ-00108-00023359-00023535 welfare formula is valid or in the same FI4kgOSLHWQ-00109-00023536-00023639 way when you are talking about an FI4kgOSLHWQ-00110-00023640-00023814 argument you will come to know whether FI4kgOSLHWQ-00111-00023815-00024055 argument is valid or invalid FI4kgOSLHWQ-00112-00024056-00024350 so let us consider ah one simple example FI4kgOSLHWQ-00113-00024351-00024607 where we are trying to find out ah the FI4kgOSLHWQ-00114-00024608-00024839 inconsistent clauses inconsistent FI4kgOSLHWQ-00115-00024840-00024999 clauses in the sense that FI4kgOSLHWQ-00116-00025000-00025167 all these ah FI4kgOSLHWQ-00117-00025168-00025447 clauses that is p one p 2 p 3 FI4kgOSLHWQ-00118-00025448-00025614 in the first example FI4kgOSLHWQ-00119-00025616-00025918 and the second clause is p 1 and not p 3 FI4kgOSLHWQ-00120-00025919-00026127 the third clause is not p 1 and not p 2 FI4kgOSLHWQ-00121-00026127-00026351 whether all these clauses FI4kgOSLHWQ-00122-00026352-00026574 after applying the resolution principle FI4kgOSLHWQ-00123-00026575-00026799 whether it lead to FI4kgOSLHWQ-00124-00026800-00027007 an empty clause or not is the one which FI4kgOSLHWQ-00125-00027008-00027262 we try to look for if you come across an FI4kgOSLHWQ-00126-00027263-00027462 empty clause that is considered to be FI4kgOSLHWQ-00127-00027463-00027590 these clauses are considered to be FI4kgOSLHWQ-00128-00027591-00027839 inconsistent otherwise it is considered FI4kgOSLHWQ-00129-00027839-00028190 to be consistent so now we have these FI4kgOSLHWQ-00130-00028191-00028431 clauses p one p two FI4kgOSLHWQ-00131-00028432-00028702 p three usually this is uh expressed in FI4kgOSLHWQ-00132-00028704-00028967 this particular kind of format FI4kgOSLHWQ-00133-00028968-00029174 p three FI4kgOSLHWQ-00134-00029175-00029623 and the second clause is p one r p e3 FI4kgOSLHWQ-00135-00029624-00029958 not p3 FI4kgOSLHWQ-00136-00029960-00030158 usually we write it in this way it is a FI4kgOSLHWQ-00137-00030160-00030358 set which consists of all these clauses FI4kgOSLHWQ-00138-00030360-00030574 and all FI4kgOSLHWQ-00139-00030575-00030790 and the third one is FI4kgOSLHWQ-00140-00030791-00031223 not p one and not p two FI4kgOSLHWQ-00141-00031224-00031439 so basically what we are trying to do is FI4kgOSLHWQ-00142-00031439-00031527 is that FI4kgOSLHWQ-00143-00031527-00031846 so these are the clauses c one c two FI4kgOSLHWQ-00144-00031847-00032031 and c three FI4kgOSLHWQ-00145-00032032-00032207 so now what we will be doing is we will FI4kgOSLHWQ-00146-00032208-00032358 apply will be applying the principle of FI4kgOSLHWQ-00147-00032360-00032639 resolution to it and will find out FI4kgOSLHWQ-00148-00032639-00032846 the resolvent of these clauses and all FI4kgOSLHWQ-00149-00032847-00033015 ultimately FI4kgOSLHWQ-00150-00033016-00033279 if we can reduce this empty clause as a FI4kgOSLHWQ-00151-00033280-00033511 contradiction then it is considered to FI4kgOSLHWQ-00152-00033512-00033695 be inconsistent all these clauses are FI4kgOSLHWQ-00153-00033696-00033999 considered to be inconsistent FI4kgOSLHWQ-00154-00034000-00034318 so now ah apply the resolution principle FI4kgOSLHWQ-00155-00034319-00034423 for FI4kgOSLHWQ-00156-00034424-00034615 the first two things FI4kgOSLHWQ-00157-00034616-00034855 like FI4kgOSLHWQ-00158-00034856-00035046 this and this FI4kgOSLHWQ-00159-00035047-00035223 because you have a literal p three and FI4kgOSLHWQ-00160-00035224-00035439 you have a little not p three applying FI4kgOSLHWQ-00161-00035440-00035718 resolution on a literal p three taking FI4kgOSLHWQ-00162-00035719-00035935 into consideration the other things as FI4kgOSLHWQ-00163-00035936-00036295 formulas p one p two and p one etcetera FI4kgOSLHWQ-00164-00036296-00036679 the what you will get is this one p 1 FI4kgOSLHWQ-00165-00036680-00036895 p 2 FI4kgOSLHWQ-00166-00036896-00037190 and this will go away not p 3 will go FI4kgOSLHWQ-00167-00037191-00037351 away then FI4kgOSLHWQ-00168-00037352-00037574 you have another p 1. FI4kgOSLHWQ-00169-00037575-00037695 so now FI4kgOSLHWQ-00170-00037696-00037862 after applying the resolution principle FI4kgOSLHWQ-00171-00037863-00038023 you have to ensure that there is no FI4kgOSLHWQ-00172-00038024-00038239 redundancy at all for example in this FI4kgOSLHWQ-00173-00038240-00038567 case p1 appears twice in so this is as FI4kgOSLHWQ-00174-00038568-00039159 good as same as p1 and p2 FI4kgOSLHWQ-00175-00039160-00039567 so now what we got is p1 FI4kgOSLHWQ-00176-00039568-00039855 and p2 FI4kgOSLHWQ-00177-00039856-00040102 so now once again you apply the FI4kgOSLHWQ-00178-00040103-00040279 resolution FI4kgOSLHWQ-00179-00040280-00040583 on these two things FI4kgOSLHWQ-00180-00040584-00040935 example FI4kgOSLHWQ-00181-00040936-00041471 apply resolution on these two FI4kgOSLHWQ-00182-00041472-00041767 p1 p2 and this one FI4kgOSLHWQ-00183-00041768-00041895 so now FI4kgOSLHWQ-00184-00041896-00042007 you will write it FI4kgOSLHWQ-00185-00042008-00042255 right down here now you have FI4kgOSLHWQ-00186-00042256-00042407 not p1 FI4kgOSLHWQ-00187-00042408-00042774 and not p2 FI4kgOSLHWQ-00188-00042775-00043079 so that is the third clause FI4kgOSLHWQ-00189-00043080-00043311 so now applying simultaneously for FI4kgOSLHWQ-00190-00043312-00043639 example uh applying resolution principle FI4kgOSLHWQ-00191-00043640-00043774 on p 1 FI4kgOSLHWQ-00192-00043775-00044030 that leads to FI4kgOSLHWQ-00193-00044031-00044351 p 2 FI4kgOSLHWQ-00194-00044352-00044487 gamma naught FI4kgOSLHWQ-00195-00044488-00045030 p 2. FI4kgOSLHWQ-00196-00045031-00045215 so now FI4kgOSLHWQ-00197-00045216-00045423 now once again applying this particular FI4kgOSLHWQ-00198-00045424-00045662 kind of thing resolution principle on FI4kgOSLHWQ-00199-00045663-00045935 these two clauses c1 and so now what we FI4kgOSLHWQ-00200-00045936-00046062 have here FI4kgOSLHWQ-00201-00046063-00046455 your c1 c2 c3 and this is c4 for example FI4kgOSLHWQ-00202-00046456-00046823 and then c5 FI4kgOSLHWQ-00203-00046824-00046958 now FI4kgOSLHWQ-00204-00046959-00047046 this is FI4kgOSLHWQ-00205-00047047-00047502 this is as it is c3 only this is c5 FI4kgOSLHWQ-00206-00047503-00047743 so now once again applying resolution on FI4kgOSLHWQ-00207-00047744-00047855 this one FI4kgOSLHWQ-00208-00047856-00048151 you will get FI4kgOSLHWQ-00209-00048152-00048358 these two on resolution FI4kgOSLHWQ-00210-00048359-00048599 you will get p1 FI4kgOSLHWQ-00211-00048600-00048807 p2 will go away FI4kgOSLHWQ-00212-00048808-00049030 because FI4kgOSLHWQ-00213-00049031-00049367 you have p2 and your not p2 so that will FI4kgOSLHWQ-00214-00049368-00049479 go away FI4kgOSLHWQ-00215-00049480-00049646 and then FI4kgOSLHWQ-00216-00049647-00050127 so what is left is p3 FI4kgOSLHWQ-00217-00050128-00050751 so now here ah in this case FI4kgOSLHWQ-00218-00050752-00050902 so once you have FI4kgOSLHWQ-00219-00050903-00051558 this particular kind of thing FI4kgOSLHWQ-00220-00051559-00051782 so now you have p1 here and you have p2 FI4kgOSLHWQ-00221-00051783-00052046 here and you have not p1 and not p2 FI4kgOSLHWQ-00222-00052047-00052326 so now applying resolution on FI4kgOSLHWQ-00223-00052327-00052679 both p1 and p2 simultaneously then FI4kgOSLHWQ-00224-00052679-00052807 you will get FI4kgOSLHWQ-00225-00052808-00053023 this particular kind of clause FI4kgOSLHWQ-00226-00053024-00053230 since you have a literal here FI4kgOSLHWQ-00227-00053232-00053526 and you have ah negation of is literal FI4kgOSLHWQ-00228-00053527-00053782 here and the same way not p 2 here and p FI4kgOSLHWQ-00229-00053783-00053903 2 here FI4kgOSLHWQ-00230-00053904-00054135 so applying simultaneously FI4kgOSLHWQ-00231-00054136-00054366 the resolution principle on both the FI4kgOSLHWQ-00232-00054367-00054682 literals p 1 and p 2 you will left with FI4kgOSLHWQ-00233-00054683-00054975 only an empty clause FI4kgOSLHWQ-00234-00054976-00055238 so that means that given these three FI4kgOSLHWQ-00235-00055239-00055487 clauses are said to be FI4kgOSLHWQ-00236-00055488-00055726 inconsistent to each other FI4kgOSLHWQ-00237-00055727-00055847 because FI4kgOSLHWQ-00238-00055848-00056119 when it got resolved by using FI4kgOSLHWQ-00239-00056120-00056399 resolution principle it led to some kind FI4kgOSLHWQ-00240-00056400-00056615 of empty clause that is a contradiction FI4kgOSLHWQ-00241-00056616-00056791 so empty clause is always false that FI4kgOSLHWQ-00242-00056791-00056894 means FI4kgOSLHWQ-00243-00056895-00057047 there is no interpretation which makes FI4kgOSLHWQ-00244-00057048-00057230 this particular kind of formula true FI4kgOSLHWQ-00245-00057232-00057423 that means the formula is considered to FI4kgOSLHWQ-00246-00057424-00057703 be unsatisfiable FI4kgOSLHWQ-00247-00057704-00057926 so now let us assume that another FI4kgOSLHWQ-00248-00057927-00058215 example where we are trying to check for FI4kgOSLHWQ-00249-00058216-00058582 the validity of a given argument so in FI4kgOSLHWQ-00250-00058583-00058766 the second example that you are seeing FI4kgOSLHWQ-00251-00058767-00058935 this slide FI4kgOSLHWQ-00252-00058936-00059047 so let us FI4kgOSLHWQ-00253-00059048-00059263 try to solve this particular kind of FI4kgOSLHWQ-00254-00059264-00059382 problem FI4kgOSLHWQ-00255-00059383-00059815 by using resolution repetition method FI4kgOSLHWQ-00256-00059816-00060030 so these are the clauses FI4kgOSLHWQ-00257-00060032-00060271 that we have FI4kgOSLHWQ-00258-00060272-00060463 a implies b FI4kgOSLHWQ-00259-00060464-00060791 the first one FI4kgOSLHWQ-00260-00060791-00061030 ah second one is FI4kgOSLHWQ-00261-00061032-00061382 not a r c r t FI4kgOSLHWQ-00262-00061383-00061535 not a or FI4kgOSLHWQ-00263-00061536-00061735 c r FI4kgOSLHWQ-00264-00061736-00061887 d FI4kgOSLHWQ-00265-00061888-00062271 and the third one is not c r FI4kgOSLHWQ-00266-00062272-00062854 not c r d and a FI4kgOSLHWQ-00267-00062855-00063047 not c are d and a FI4kgOSLHWQ-00268-00063048-00063391 and c and not d FI4kgOSLHWQ-00269-00063391-00063719 c and not d FI4kgOSLHWQ-00270-00063720-00063823 ah FI4kgOSLHWQ-00271-00063824-00063966 implies FI4kgOSLHWQ-00272-00063967-00064126 not e FI4kgOSLHWQ-00273-00064127-00064415 so these are the clauses c 1 c 2 c 3 c 4 FI4kgOSLHWQ-00274-00064416-00064654 etcetera actually these are not in the FI4kgOSLHWQ-00275-00064655-00064871 actual conjunctive normal form and all FI4kgOSLHWQ-00276-00064872-00065047 you should note that FI4kgOSLHWQ-00277-00065048-00065263 resolution refrigeration method applies FI4kgOSLHWQ-00278-00065264-00065503 only to those formulas which are in a FI4kgOSLHWQ-00279-00065504-00065703 conjunctive normal form suppose if the FI4kgOSLHWQ-00280-00065704-00065871 formula is not in the conjunctive normal FI4kgOSLHWQ-00281-00065872-00066135 form then we should ensure that we FI4kgOSLHWQ-00282-00066136-00066319 convert it into the appropriate FI4kgOSLHWQ-00283-00066320-00066503 conjunctive normal form FI4kgOSLHWQ-00284-00066504-00066687 so each and every formula that occurs in FI4kgOSLHWQ-00285-00066688-00066855 the prepositional logic FI4kgOSLHWQ-00286-00066856-00067055 will have its own corresponding FI4kgOSLHWQ-00287-00067056-00067247 conjunctive normal form FI4kgOSLHWQ-00288-00067248-00067399 so converting FI4kgOSLHWQ-00289-00067400-00067543 any given formula into conjunctive FI4kgOSLHWQ-00290-00067544-00067887 normal form may not be that difficult FI4kgOSLHWQ-00291-00067888-00068175 so now this leads to FI4kgOSLHWQ-00292-00068176-00068391 a conclusion which is FI4kgOSLHWQ-00293-00068392-00068511 not d FI4kgOSLHWQ-00294-00068512-00068682 implies FI4kgOSLHWQ-00295-00068683-00068879 b FI4kgOSLHWQ-00296-00068880-00069038 so now in the resolution refrigeration FI4kgOSLHWQ-00297-00069039-00069335 method what you will do here FI4kgOSLHWQ-00298-00069336-00069479 is is that FI4kgOSLHWQ-00299-00069480-00069806 given these clauses c1 c2 FI4kgOSLHWQ-00300-00069807-00070182 c3 and c4 FI4kgOSLHWQ-00301-00070183-00070367 and then in addition to that you take FI4kgOSLHWQ-00302-00070368-00070543 the negation of this particular kind of FI4kgOSLHWQ-00303-00070544-00070719 formula FI4kgOSLHWQ-00304-00070720-00070871 so now let us write FI4kgOSLHWQ-00305-00070872-00071087 the converted into appropriate form and FI4kgOSLHWQ-00306-00071088-00071415 on so the first clause can be written in FI4kgOSLHWQ-00307-00071416-00071550 this phase FI4kgOSLHWQ-00308-00071551-00071847 because a implies b is nothing but not e FI4kgOSLHWQ-00309-00071848-00072015 r b FI4kgOSLHWQ-00310-00072016-00072319 now the second clause FI4kgOSLHWQ-00311-00072320-00072550 can be written as say as it is it is FI4kgOSLHWQ-00312-00072551-00072759 already in the disjunctive form so we FI4kgOSLHWQ-00313-00072760-00073062 need not have to do much FI4kgOSLHWQ-00314-00073063-00073447 so now the third clause is not c FI4kgOSLHWQ-00315-00073448-00073615 r FI4kgOSLHWQ-00316-00073616-00073862 d FI4kgOSLHWQ-00317-00073863-00074271 so now we need to apply FI4kgOSLHWQ-00318-00074272-00074559 distributive law then it will become FI4kgOSLHWQ-00319-00074560-00074879 not c r d and not c FI4kgOSLHWQ-00320-00074880-00075175 r e FI4kgOSLHWQ-00321-00075176-00075743 so this is a third clause FI4kgOSLHWQ-00322-00075744-00076031 so now the fourth one ah can be written FI4kgOSLHWQ-00323-00076032-00076167 in this way FI4kgOSLHWQ-00324-00076168-00076375 so now this whole thing is taken as x FI4kgOSLHWQ-00325-00076376-00076735 and this as y so now this is not of FI4kgOSLHWQ-00326-00076736-00076887 c and FI4kgOSLHWQ-00327-00076888-00077359 not d are not e FI4kgOSLHWQ-00328-00077360-00077575 so these are the clauses that we have c FI4kgOSLHWQ-00329-00077576-00077662 1 FI4kgOSLHWQ-00330-00077663-00078119 c 2 c 3 and c 4 FI4kgOSLHWQ-00331-00078120-00078247 first we write it in this particular FI4kgOSLHWQ-00332-00078248-00078494 kind of format and the third one FI4kgOSLHWQ-00333-00078495-00078694 is is that so now what we are trying to FI4kgOSLHWQ-00334-00078695-00078926 do is is that you know listed out all FI4kgOSLHWQ-00335-00078927-00079175 the premises and all and now FI4kgOSLHWQ-00336-00079176-00079471 we take the negation of the conclusion FI4kgOSLHWQ-00337-00079472-00079591 so now FI4kgOSLHWQ-00338-00079592-00079911 negation of the conclusion is not d FI4kgOSLHWQ-00339-00079912-00080103 implies b FI4kgOSLHWQ-00340-00080104-00080391 so first of all not d implies b FI4kgOSLHWQ-00341-00080392-00080599 is uh same as FI4kgOSLHWQ-00342-00080600-00080687 ah FI4kgOSLHWQ-00343-00080688-00080926 not not d or b FI4kgOSLHWQ-00344-00080927-00081182 so now if you apply negation to this one FI4kgOSLHWQ-00345-00081183-00081438 so this will become FI4kgOSLHWQ-00346-00081439-00081719 not d and FI4kgOSLHWQ-00347-00081720-00081879 not b FI4kgOSLHWQ-00348-00081880-00082103 because not not d is d only negation of FI4kgOSLHWQ-00349-00082104-00082303 d is negation of d and negation of FI4kgOSLHWQ-00350-00082304-00082511 disjunction will become conjunction and FI4kgOSLHWQ-00351-00082512-00082703 the negation of b so this is the one FI4kgOSLHWQ-00352-00082704-00082950 which we have so now this can be written FI4kgOSLHWQ-00353-00082951-00083231 as FI4kgOSLHWQ-00354-00083232-00083511 the same as this one FI4kgOSLHWQ-00355-00083512-00083735 so now this is the final clause or not FI4kgOSLHWQ-00356-00083736-00083894 of d or FI4kgOSLHWQ-00357-00083895-00084094 b FI4kgOSLHWQ-00358-00084095-00084294 so now ah FI4kgOSLHWQ-00359-00084295-00084487 this particular kind of formula we FI4kgOSLHWQ-00360-00084488-00084711 further converted into an appropriate FI4kgOSLHWQ-00361-00084712-00084799 form FI4kgOSLHWQ-00362-00084800-00085023 then ah it will become FI4kgOSLHWQ-00363-00085024-00085287 same thing will become not c FI4kgOSLHWQ-00364-00085288-00085887 r naught naught d is d r naught e FI4kgOSLHWQ-00365-00085888-00086311 so this formula is same as this one FI4kgOSLHWQ-00366-00086312-00086494 so FI4kgOSLHWQ-00367-00086495-00086711 so now what is that we are trying to do FI4kgOSLHWQ-00368-00086712-00086975 is is that we now we need to apply FI4kgOSLHWQ-00369-00086976-00087262 resolution principle on these clauses FI4kgOSLHWQ-00370-00087263-00087423 and then in addition to that if you take FI4kgOSLHWQ-00371-00087424-00087623 the negation of that one ultimately you FI4kgOSLHWQ-00372-00087624-00087718 need to FI4kgOSLHWQ-00373-00087719-00087991 generate this particular kind of thing FI4kgOSLHWQ-00374-00087992-00088126 the contradiction that is the empty FI4kgOSLHWQ-00375-00088127-00088223 clause FI4kgOSLHWQ-00376-00088224-00088399 if you can generate empty clause and FI4kgOSLHWQ-00377-00088400-00088526 that means FI4kgOSLHWQ-00378-00088527-00088759 ah your result with using resolution FI4kgOSLHWQ-00379-00088760-00088918 repetition process FI4kgOSLHWQ-00380-00088919-00089079 you showed that FI4kgOSLHWQ-00381-00089080-00089223 ah FI4kgOSLHWQ-00382-00089224-00089438 all these things x one x two c one c two FI4kgOSLHWQ-00383-00089439-00089671 c three etcetera and the negation of FI4kgOSLHWQ-00384-00089672-00089831 this particular kind of formula is FI4kgOSLHWQ-00385-00089832-00090262 unsatisfiable now FI4kgOSLHWQ-00386-00090263-00090447 so FI4kgOSLHWQ-00387-00090448-00090799 now what you need to do here FI4kgOSLHWQ-00388-00090800-00091031 is this so now you start applying the FI4kgOSLHWQ-00389-00091032-00091294 resolution repetition method on this FI4kgOSLHWQ-00390-00091295-00091550 particular kind of thing FI4kgOSLHWQ-00391-00091551-00091743 so FI4kgOSLHWQ-00392-00091744-00091911 so there are two ways to prove this FI4kgOSLHWQ-00393-00091912-00092087 particular kind of thing either you FI4kgOSLHWQ-00394-00092088-00092303 resolve this FI4kgOSLHWQ-00395-00092304-00092575 consequence sorry FI4kgOSLHWQ-00396-00092576-00092694 the terms FI4kgOSLHWQ-00397-00092695-00092926 c2 c3 etc ultimately you will generate FI4kgOSLHWQ-00398-00092927-00093111 this particular kind of formula FI4kgOSLHWQ-00399-00093112-00093238 or FI4kgOSLHWQ-00400-00093239-00093391 you take the negation of the conclusion FI4kgOSLHWQ-00401-00093392-00093735 and show that it leads to contradiction FI4kgOSLHWQ-00402-00093736-00093967 so now FI4kgOSLHWQ-00403-00093968-00094094 so these two FI4kgOSLHWQ-00404-00094095-00094294 for example FI4kgOSLHWQ-00405-00094295-00094447 ah FI4kgOSLHWQ-00406-00094448-00094687 this will not go to anything not because FI4kgOSLHWQ-00407-00094688-00095215 you are not here here FI4kgOSLHWQ-00408-00095216-00095294 now FI4kgOSLHWQ-00409-00095295-00095559 ah taking into consideration any one of FI4kgOSLHWQ-00410-00095560-00095782 these things FI4kgOSLHWQ-00411-00095783-00095974 um FI4kgOSLHWQ-00412-00095975-00096359 so not c or d and not c are a so that FI4kgOSLHWQ-00413-00096360-00096631 means both the things are there FI4kgOSLHWQ-00414-00096632-00096799 so you not have to write anything in all FI4kgOSLHWQ-00415-00096800-00096950 so you know you can skip this particular FI4kgOSLHWQ-00416-00096951-00097062 kind of thing because all these are FI4kgOSLHWQ-00417-00097063-00097271 premises only all the premises will be FI4kgOSLHWQ-00418-00097272-00097559 in the form of conjunction c1 c2 c3 and FI4kgOSLHWQ-00419-00097560-00097782 ultimately it leads to some conclusion FI4kgOSLHWQ-00420-00097783-00097959 x FI4kgOSLHWQ-00421-00097960-00098082 so FI4kgOSLHWQ-00422-00098083-00098415 now where we can apply this particular FI4kgOSLHWQ-00423-00098416-00098638 kind of thing ah FI4kgOSLHWQ-00424-00098639-00098879 so you have a here and you have not a FI4kgOSLHWQ-00425-00098880-00098967 here FI4kgOSLHWQ-00426-00098968-00099150 so now FI4kgOSLHWQ-00427-00099151-00099294 what you will do is FI4kgOSLHWQ-00428-00099295-00099479 not a rb FI4kgOSLHWQ-00429-00099480-00099894 ah and not c r e FI4kgOSLHWQ-00430-00099895-00100159 so now you have listed out c one and c FI4kgOSLHWQ-00431-00100160-00100438 four for example so now these two FI4kgOSLHWQ-00432-00100439-00100559 resolution FI4kgOSLHWQ-00433-00100560-00100718 you will get FI4kgOSLHWQ-00434-00100719-00100799 b FI4kgOSLHWQ-00435-00100800-00100999 resolution applying on this particular FI4kgOSLHWQ-00436-00101000-00101382 kind of literal a leads to b FI4kgOSLHWQ-00437-00101383-00101623 r FI4kgOSLHWQ-00438-00101624-00101887 b r naught c FI4kgOSLHWQ-00439-00101888-00102262 these two you will get this one FI4kgOSLHWQ-00440-00102263-00102494 ah these two FI4kgOSLHWQ-00441-00102495-00102606 so now FI4kgOSLHWQ-00442-00102607-00102823 you apply resolution on FI4kgOSLHWQ-00443-00102824-00103039 these two things not c FI4kgOSLHWQ-00444-00103040-00103175 r d FI4kgOSLHWQ-00445-00103176-00103263 and FI4kgOSLHWQ-00446-00103264-00103486 b are no sorry FI4kgOSLHWQ-00447-00103488-00103902 not this one FI4kgOSLHWQ-00448-00103903-00104166 ah FI4kgOSLHWQ-00449-00104167-00104375 so where else we have literal and its FI4kgOSLHWQ-00450-00104376-00104527 negation is the one which you need to FI4kgOSLHWQ-00451-00104528-00104854 take into consideration so now b are FI4kgOSLHWQ-00452-00104855-00105207 ah so now this will become b r naught c FI4kgOSLHWQ-00453-00105208-00105319 now FI4kgOSLHWQ-00454-00105320-00105607 here you have c here and your not c here FI4kgOSLHWQ-00455-00105608-00105983 so now you write it like this not a r c FI4kgOSLHWQ-00456-00105983-00106127 r d FI4kgOSLHWQ-00457-00106128-00106483 so now these FI4kgOSLHWQ-00458-00106483-00106671 two ah FI4kgOSLHWQ-00459-00106672-00106895 applying resolution principle its FI4kgOSLHWQ-00460-00106896-00107039 applying on c FI4kgOSLHWQ-00461-00107040-00107295 then the c will vanish so now what you FI4kgOSLHWQ-00462-00107296-00107534 have is b r FI4kgOSLHWQ-00463-00107535-00107766 naught a FI4kgOSLHWQ-00464-00107767-00107902 r FI4kgOSLHWQ-00465-00107903-00108158 d because c ah vanish FI4kgOSLHWQ-00466-00108159-00108358 vanishes here because your not c here FI4kgOSLHWQ-00467-00108359-00108543 and c here so applying dissolution FI4kgOSLHWQ-00468-00108544-00108758 principle on the literal c you will FI4kgOSLHWQ-00469-00108759-00108943 generate this thing FI4kgOSLHWQ-00470-00108944-00109215 b r naught a FI4kgOSLHWQ-00471-00109216-00109566 ah and d FI4kgOSLHWQ-00472-00109567-00109758 ah FI4kgOSLHWQ-00473-00109759-00110023 so one can apply resolution principle ah FI4kgOSLHWQ-00474-00110024-00110215 many times in all ultimately in the FI4kgOSLHWQ-00475-00110216-00110399 process you should be in a position to FI4kgOSLHWQ-00476-00110400-00110599 generate whenever you come across an FI4kgOSLHWQ-00477-00110600-00110847 empty clause you need to stop the FI4kgOSLHWQ-00478-00110848-00111054 proof procedure and then that is that FI4kgOSLHWQ-00479-00111055-00111295 will serve as FI4kgOSLHWQ-00480-00111296-00111478 a proof for this particular kind of FI4kgOSLHWQ-00481-00111479-00111623 thing dinner of the conclusion leads to FI4kgOSLHWQ-00482-00111624-00111823 contradiction FI4kgOSLHWQ-00483-00111824-00112207 so now FI4kgOSLHWQ-00484-00112208-00112583 so now observe this two things ah FI4kgOSLHWQ-00485-00112583-00112775 so here we have FI4kgOSLHWQ-00486-00112776-00112902 not d FI4kgOSLHWQ-00487-00112903-00112975 and FI4kgOSLHWQ-00488-00112976-00113263 and here not b n so that is what we have FI4kgOSLHWQ-00489-00113264-00113743 so not of d or b means not d not b FI4kgOSLHWQ-00490-00113744-00113927 so now FI4kgOSLHWQ-00491-00113928-00114175 applying the for the first thing ah for FI4kgOSLHWQ-00492-00114176-00114431 the not d you will get your applying FI4kgOSLHWQ-00493-00114432-00114719 resolution principle on d you will get b FI4kgOSLHWQ-00494-00114720-00114790 r FI4kgOSLHWQ-00495-00114791-00115063 not e FI4kgOSLHWQ-00496-00115064-00115271 so this is what you get FI4kgOSLHWQ-00497-00115272-00115534 now once again applying a resolution FI4kgOSLHWQ-00498-00115535-00115678 principle on FI4kgOSLHWQ-00499-00115679-00115975 not b which is there here already FI4kgOSLHWQ-00500-00115976-00116254 then this b and not b goes away and then FI4kgOSLHWQ-00501-00116255-00116751 you will get not e FI4kgOSLHWQ-00502-00116752-00116871 so now FI4kgOSLHWQ-00503-00116872-00117143 we need to see whether ah we will FI4kgOSLHWQ-00504-00117144-00117495 generate a from some other things in FI4kgOSLHWQ-00505-00117496-00117831 like FI4kgOSLHWQ-00506-00117832-00117958 ah FI4kgOSLHWQ-00507-00117959-00118071 so now FI4kgOSLHWQ-00508-00118072-00118343 you have not c r a FI4kgOSLHWQ-00509-00118344-00118590 and then you have not e FI4kgOSLHWQ-00510-00118591-00118910 so this leads to FI4kgOSLHWQ-00511-00118911-00119310 a particular kind of thing so FI4kgOSLHWQ-00512-00119311-00119615 b are not c FI4kgOSLHWQ-00513-00119616-00120015 not a or c or d FI4kgOSLHWQ-00514-00120016-00120447 so now we need to apply on this thing FI4kgOSLHWQ-00515-00120448-00120575 so FI4kgOSLHWQ-00516-00120576-00121023 not a or c or d not c or d and then FI4kgOSLHWQ-00517-00121024-00121263 somehow we need to take these clauses in FI4kgOSLHWQ-00518-00121264-00121607 such a way that you generate this empty FI4kgOSLHWQ-00519-00121608-00122199 clause FI4kgOSLHWQ-00520-00122200-00122302 so now FI4kgOSLHWQ-00521-00122303-00122519 ah instead of taking this into FI4kgOSLHWQ-00522-00122520-00122783 consideration now you take this b r FI4kgOSLHWQ-00523-00122783-00123175 naught c and not b FI4kgOSLHWQ-00524-00123176-00123623 so these two you will generate not c FI4kgOSLHWQ-00525-00123624-00123831 so this is what you have generated from FI4kgOSLHWQ-00526-00123832-00123927 not b FI4kgOSLHWQ-00527-00123928-00124223 ah b are not c so now FI4kgOSLHWQ-00528-00124224-00124463 apply this particular kind of thing now FI4kgOSLHWQ-00529-00124464-00124607 not a FI4kgOSLHWQ-00530-00124608-00124975 and not c are a these two FI4kgOSLHWQ-00531-00124976-00125502 under resolution you will get not c FI4kgOSLHWQ-00532-00125503-00125647 okay FI4kgOSLHWQ-00533-00125648-00125958 ah FI4kgOSLHWQ-00534-00125959-00126423 not c FI4kgOSLHWQ-00535-00126424-00127047 ah not c are a FI4kgOSLHWQ-00536-00127048-00127143 second FI4kgOSLHWQ-00537-00127144-00127366 this is not serving our purpose so FI4kgOSLHWQ-00538-00127367-00127663 somehow we need to get this particular FI4kgOSLHWQ-00539-00127664-00127983 kind of FI4kgOSLHWQ-00540-00127983-00128319 c r a FI4kgOSLHWQ-00541-00128320-00128527 b r not e FI4kgOSLHWQ-00542-00128528-00129486 not b we will get not FI4kgOSLHWQ-00543-00129488-00130590 so FI4kgOSLHWQ-00544-00130591-00130847 how to get this one this thing which we FI4kgOSLHWQ-00545-00130848-00130951 are trying to FI4kgOSLHWQ-00546-00130952-00131190 look for FI4kgOSLHWQ-00547-00131191-00131566 not a or b not here c party so not c or FI4kgOSLHWQ-00548-00131567-00131678 d FI4kgOSLHWQ-00549-00131679-00132039 ah c r e a etcetera FI4kgOSLHWQ-00550-00132040-00132319 ah somehow we did not still generate FI4kgOSLHWQ-00551-00132320-00132487 this particular kind of FI4kgOSLHWQ-00552-00132488-00132719 contradiction at all FI4kgOSLHWQ-00553-00132720-00132990 um FI4kgOSLHWQ-00554-00132991-00134463 you take into consideration FI4kgOSLHWQ-00555-00134464-00134599 this is FI4kgOSLHWQ-00556-00134600-00134799 not not d a b FI4kgOSLHWQ-00557-00134800-00134895 not d FI4kgOSLHWQ-00558-00134896-00135063 and not b FI4kgOSLHWQ-00559-00135064-00136071 and not of d are FI4kgOSLHWQ-00560-00136072-00136439 not c FI4kgOSLHWQ-00561-00136440-00136551 so this FI4kgOSLHWQ-00562-00136552-00136902 and FI4kgOSLHWQ-00563-00136903-00137166 for example in this case FI4kgOSLHWQ-00564-00137167-00137590 ah not c or d and then not d this will FI4kgOSLHWQ-00565-00137591-00137735 you will generate FI4kgOSLHWQ-00566-00137736-00138478 not c FI4kgOSLHWQ-00567-00138479-00138678 and this one FI4kgOSLHWQ-00568-00138679-00138975 not c and not a FI4kgOSLHWQ-00569-00138976-00139071 r FI4kgOSLHWQ-00570-00139072-00139287 c r and d FI4kgOSLHWQ-00571-00139288-00139423 you will get FI4kgOSLHWQ-00572-00139424-00139799 these two on resolution you will get FI4kgOSLHWQ-00573-00139800-00139999 this particular kind of FI4kgOSLHWQ-00574-00140000-00140311 ah applying resolution on c you will get FI4kgOSLHWQ-00575-00140312-00140439 not e FI4kgOSLHWQ-00576-00140440-00141087 r d FI4kgOSLHWQ-00577-00141088-00141311 so ultimately what is happening here is FI4kgOSLHWQ-00578-00141312-00141495 is that ah FI4kgOSLHWQ-00579-00141496-00141727 we have applied result resolution uh n FI4kgOSLHWQ-00580-00141728-00141919 number of times in all FI4kgOSLHWQ-00581-00141920-00142254 somehow ah we are not able to generate FI4kgOSLHWQ-00582-00142255-00142423 contradiction FI4kgOSLHWQ-00583-00142424-00142790 c and not d are e FI4kgOSLHWQ-00584-00142791-00143063 naught of c and d are FI4kgOSLHWQ-00585-00143064-00143326 not key FI4kgOSLHWQ-00586-00143327-00143535 so if you can generate a contradiction FI4kgOSLHWQ-00587-00143536-00143878 out of these four clauses and all then FI4kgOSLHWQ-00588-00143879-00144239 ah your your proved not d implies b ah FI4kgOSLHWQ-00589-00144240-00144414 negation of not d implies v leads to FI4kgOSLHWQ-00590-00144415-00144654 unsatisfiability and hence you you are FI4kgOSLHWQ-00591-00144655-00144790 said to have shown FI4kgOSLHWQ-00592-00144791-00144911 that ah FI4kgOSLHWQ-00593-00144912-00145071 true premises and a false conclusion FI4kgOSLHWQ-00594-00145072-00145271 that is an invalid kind of argument and FI4kgOSLHWQ-00595-00145272-00145343 all FI4kgOSLHWQ-00596-00145344-00145526 so somehow this needs to be worked out FI4kgOSLHWQ-00597-00145527-00145751 in greater detail i will come back to FI4kgOSLHWQ-00598-00145752-00146023 this problem in a while from now so what FI4kgOSLHWQ-00599-00146024-00146126 we will be FI4kgOSLHWQ-00600-00146127-00146214 doing FI4kgOSLHWQ-00601-00146215-00146543 is we will take up one simple problem FI4kgOSLHWQ-00602-00146544-00146719 and then we try to see FI4kgOSLHWQ-00603-00146720-00146823 how this FI4kgOSLHWQ-00604-00146824-00147102 problem can be solved in ah three FI4kgOSLHWQ-00605-00147103-00147326 different ways you know FI4kgOSLHWQ-00606-00147327-00147511 that is using the FI4kgOSLHWQ-00607-00147512-00147695 different decision procedure methods FI4kgOSLHWQ-00608-00147696-00147814 that we have FI4kgOSLHWQ-00609-00147815-00148047 learnt here FI4kgOSLHWQ-00610-00148048-00148214 so let us consider FI4kgOSLHWQ-00611-00148215-00148463 some one more example and with which we FI4kgOSLHWQ-00612-00148464-00148654 will come to know ah FI4kgOSLHWQ-00613-00148655-00148799 how to solve this particular kind of FI4kgOSLHWQ-00614-00148800-00149054 problem by using ah various kinds of FI4kgOSLHWQ-00615-00149055-00149254 method so the one which is explained on FI4kgOSLHWQ-00616-00149255-00149454 the board in the first problem FI4kgOSLHWQ-00617-00149455-00149751 so ultimately what one needs to solve FI4kgOSLHWQ-00618-00149752-00149935 here is is that FI4kgOSLHWQ-00619-00149936-00150054 so FI4kgOSLHWQ-00620-00150055-00150423 you apply resolution on ah in num in n FI4kgOSLHWQ-00621-00150424-00150599 number of steps and all FI4kgOSLHWQ-00622-00150600-00150759 and then resolve those things and FI4kgOSLHWQ-00623-00150760-00150926 ultimately so that has to be FI4kgOSLHWQ-00624-00150927-00151119 contradictory with this particular kind FI4kgOSLHWQ-00625-00151120-00151278 of thing FI4kgOSLHWQ-00626-00151279-00151535 so then you are said to have achieved FI4kgOSLHWQ-00627-00151536-00151863 your particular kind of task FI4kgOSLHWQ-00628-00151864-00152135 so here what we have done simply is is FI4kgOSLHWQ-00629-00152136-00152223 that FI4kgOSLHWQ-00630-00152224-00152390 we started applying FI4kgOSLHWQ-00631-00152391-00152583 resolution principle FI4kgOSLHWQ-00632-00152584-00152839 on different kinds of conjuncts and all FI4kgOSLHWQ-00633-00152840-00152999 ultimately we generated some kind of FI4kgOSLHWQ-00634-00153000-00153151 formulas FI4kgOSLHWQ-00635-00153152-00153335 so somehow we are FI4kgOSLHWQ-00636-00153336-00153623 not able to get to our conclusion that FI4kgOSLHWQ-00637-00153624-00153823 is the empty clause FI4kgOSLHWQ-00638-00153824-00153975 suppose if you do not get this FI4kgOSLHWQ-00639-00153976-00154135 particular kind of empty clause after FI4kgOSLHWQ-00640-00154136-00154343 applying the resolution FI4kgOSLHWQ-00641-00154344-00154423 ah FI4kgOSLHWQ-00642-00154424-00154639 exhaustively applied this resolution FI4kgOSLHWQ-00643-00154640-00154854 on all these steps and all FI4kgOSLHWQ-00644-00154855-00155047 then the argument is considered to be FI4kgOSLHWQ-00645-00155048-00155271 invalid FI4kgOSLHWQ-00646-00155272-00155359 ok FI4kgOSLHWQ-00647-00155360-00155711 so now let us consider another example FI4kgOSLHWQ-00648-00155712-00155990 so we will see how we can apply this FI4kgOSLHWQ-00649-00155991-00156199 resolution principle FI4kgOSLHWQ-00650-00156200-00156454 in solving this particular kind of FI4kgOSLHWQ-00651-00156455-00156566 problem FI4kgOSLHWQ-00652-00156567-00156790 not a or b FI4kgOSLHWQ-00653-00156791-00156990 yeah this is what is creating problem FI4kgOSLHWQ-00654-00156991-00157214 here so i made a mistake here FI4kgOSLHWQ-00655-00157215-00157359 so that is the reason why i am looking FI4kgOSLHWQ-00656-00157360-00157583 for the solution here FI4kgOSLHWQ-00657-00157584-00157847 actually this is not of a FI4kgOSLHWQ-00658-00157848-00157959 implies FI4kgOSLHWQ-00659-00157960-00158102 b FI4kgOSLHWQ-00660-00158103-00158383 so now this will become FI4kgOSLHWQ-00661-00158384-00158663 ar FI4kgOSLHWQ-00662-00158664-00158902 not not a means a ar FI4kgOSLHWQ-00663-00158903-00159126 b FI4kgOSLHWQ-00664-00159127-00159287 so now FI4kgOSLHWQ-00665-00159288-00159463 as you can FI4kgOSLHWQ-00666-00159464-00159663 clearly see here FI4kgOSLHWQ-00667-00159664-00159975 so now we need to apply again and all so FI4kgOSLHWQ-00668-00159976-00160183 so this problem changes you know so if FI4kgOSLHWQ-00669-00160184-00160463 if it is simply a implies b FI4kgOSLHWQ-00670-00160464-00160766 and not a or c r d then there is no way FI4kgOSLHWQ-00671-00160767-00160966 in which you can generate ah a FI4kgOSLHWQ-00672-00160967-00161207 contradiction here that means the FI4kgOSLHWQ-00673-00161208-00161383 argument is going to be FI4kgOSLHWQ-00674-00161384-00161583 invalid in all that means not d implies FI4kgOSLHWQ-00675-00161584-00161647 b FI4kgOSLHWQ-00676-00161648-00161839 doesn't follow from this one FI4kgOSLHWQ-00677-00161840-00162014 so the actual problem which i could have FI4kgOSLHWQ-00678-00162015-00162151 taken ah FI4kgOSLHWQ-00679-00162152-00162390 for proving the validity of this given FI4kgOSLHWQ-00680-00162391-00162647 argument is in this sense so this FI4kgOSLHWQ-00681-00162648-00162863 negation is missing here if you take the FI4kgOSLHWQ-00682-00162864-00163031 negation sign here FI4kgOSLHWQ-00683-00163032-00163287 then by applying resolution principle FI4kgOSLHWQ-00684-00163288-00163543 then maybe one can come up with FI4kgOSLHWQ-00685-00163544-00163775 a kind of repetition so let us try to FI4kgOSLHWQ-00686-00163776-00164031 see this try to solve the same kind of FI4kgOSLHWQ-00687-00164032-00164423 problem by taking into consideration FI4kgOSLHWQ-00688-00164424-00164647 this negation sign FI4kgOSLHWQ-00689-00164648-00164814 and then we try to solve the same FI4kgOSLHWQ-00690-00164815-00164911 problem FI4kgOSLHWQ-00691-00164912-00165031 with the help of FI4kgOSLHWQ-00692-00165032-00165407 other methods as well FI4kgOSLHWQ-00693-00165408-00165623 so actual problem is this one negation FI4kgOSLHWQ-00694-00165624-00165799 of not FI4kgOSLHWQ-00695-00165800-00166087 not a implies b FI4kgOSLHWQ-00696-00166088-00166271 and not a are FI4kgOSLHWQ-00697-00166272-00166359 c FI4kgOSLHWQ-00698-00166360-00166478 and then FI4kgOSLHWQ-00699-00166479-00166607 not c FI4kgOSLHWQ-00700-00166608-00166871 are e and f FI4kgOSLHWQ-00701-00166872-00167143 not c FI4kgOSLHWQ-00702-00167144-00167463 r e and f FI4kgOSLHWQ-00703-00167464-00167678 ah this problem is different in all so FI4kgOSLHWQ-00704-00167679-00167895 forget about this thing so now let us FI4kgOSLHWQ-00705-00167896-00168047 come back to FI4kgOSLHWQ-00706-00168048-00168366 a different kind of problem ah this this FI4kgOSLHWQ-00707-00168367-00168654 problem will try to solve it ah by using FI4kgOSLHWQ-00708-00168655-00168935 ah different kind of methods FI4kgOSLHWQ-00709-00168936-00169263 so let us consider a simple example FI4kgOSLHWQ-00710-00169264-00169438 ah FI4kgOSLHWQ-00711-00169439-00169719 so this problem ah is the one which we FI4kgOSLHWQ-00712-00169720-00169871 have already seen FI4kgOSLHWQ-00713-00169872-00170135 so this is FI4kgOSLHWQ-00714-00170136-00170271 like this FI4kgOSLHWQ-00715-00170272-00170463 here is a puzzle in which there was a FI4kgOSLHWQ-00716-00170464-00170678 robbery in which lots of goods were FI4kgOSLHWQ-00717-00170679-00170823 stolen FI4kgOSLHWQ-00718-00170824-00171031 and the robbers left in a truck and it FI4kgOSLHWQ-00719-00171032-00171151 is known that FI4kgOSLHWQ-00720-00171152-00171311 nobody else could have been involved FI4kgOSLHWQ-00721-00171312-00171454 other than a b c FI4kgOSLHWQ-00722-00171455-00171687 that means it is simply represented as a FI4kgOSLHWQ-00723-00171688-00171823 or b rc FI4kgOSLHWQ-00724-00171824-00172054 and c never commits a crime without a's FI4kgOSLHWQ-00725-00172055-00172319 participation that means c implies a FI4kgOSLHWQ-00726-00172320-00172551 and b does not know how to write that FI4kgOSLHWQ-00727-00172552-00172638 means FI4kgOSLHWQ-00728-00172639-00172935 ah a b requires the company of a and c FI4kgOSLHWQ-00729-00172936-00173238 so this is represented as b implies b FI4kgOSLHWQ-00730-00173239-00173326 and a FI4kgOSLHWQ-00731-00173327-00173638 ah are b and c so now we need to find FI4kgOSLHWQ-00732-00173639-00174023 out whether a is innocent or guilty FI4kgOSLHWQ-00733-00174024-00174326 now this problem we try to solve it ah FI4kgOSLHWQ-00734-00174327-00174438 by using FI4kgOSLHWQ-00735-00174439-00174743 various kinds of methods first we will FI4kgOSLHWQ-00736-00174744-00174863 start with FI4kgOSLHWQ-00737-00174864-00175175 the simple resolution repetition method FI4kgOSLHWQ-00738-00175176-00175351 so in that method what we will be doing FI4kgOSLHWQ-00739-00175352-00175790 is will be listing out all the FI4kgOSLHWQ-00740-00175791-00176047 all the conjunction on and we will start FI4kgOSLHWQ-00741-00176048-00176278 applying the resolution repetition FI4kgOSLHWQ-00742-00176279-00176559 method on this particular kind of thing FI4kgOSLHWQ-00743-00176560-00176695 so then FI4kgOSLHWQ-00744-00176696-00176902 if we can generate FI4kgOSLHWQ-00745-00176903-00177135 an empty clause from these things then FI4kgOSLHWQ-00746-00177136-00177399 that means FI4kgOSLHWQ-00747-00177400-00177566 we are said to have achieved our FI4kgOSLHWQ-00748-00177567-00177783 particular kind of thing FI4kgOSLHWQ-00749-00177784-00177871 so FI4kgOSLHWQ-00750-00177872-00178143 so what is that we are trying to do here FI4kgOSLHWQ-00751-00178144-00178502 in this example is like this FI4kgOSLHWQ-00752-00178503-00178863 so here are ah these conjuncts and all FI4kgOSLHWQ-00753-00178864-00178990 a r FI4kgOSLHWQ-00754-00178991-00179183 b r c FI4kgOSLHWQ-00755-00179184-00179375 so now what i will be doing here is is FI4kgOSLHWQ-00756-00179376-00179526 that i will be trying to solve this FI4kgOSLHWQ-00757-00179527-00179807 problem by using ah one of the some of FI4kgOSLHWQ-00758-00179808-00179959 the methods that we have already FI4kgOSLHWQ-00759-00179960-00180126 discussed so far FI4kgOSLHWQ-00760-00180127-00180287 so the first FI4kgOSLHWQ-00761-00180288-00180383 ah FI4kgOSLHWQ-00762-00180384-00180590 c one clause is like this FI4kgOSLHWQ-00763-00180591-00180878 and second clause is c and FI4kgOSLHWQ-00764-00180879-00181047 a FI4kgOSLHWQ-00765-00181048-00181207 sorry c are FI4kgOSLHWQ-00766-00181208-00181319 a FI4kgOSLHWQ-00767-00181320-00181575 and the third one is FI4kgOSLHWQ-00768-00181576-00181871 b implies FI4kgOSLHWQ-00769-00181872-00182119 b and a FI4kgOSLHWQ-00770-00182120-00182238 r FI4kgOSLHWQ-00771-00182239-00182647 b and c FI4kgOSLHWQ-00772-00182648-00182775 so now this is already in the FI4kgOSLHWQ-00773-00182776-00183095 disjunctive form this is also in a FI4kgOSLHWQ-00774-00183096-00183335 is consists of disjunctions and now we FI4kgOSLHWQ-00775-00183336-00183454 need to convert this thing into FI4kgOSLHWQ-00776-00183455-00183663 appropriately into corresponding FI4kgOSLHWQ-00777-00183664-00183814 disjunctive form FI4kgOSLHWQ-00778-00183815-00183966 so now this FI4kgOSLHWQ-00779-00183967-00184199 whole thing is taken as x and this has y FI4kgOSLHWQ-00780-00184200-00184583 so now this will become not b r FI4kgOSLHWQ-00781-00184584-00184847 ah the whole thing b and FI4kgOSLHWQ-00782-00184848-00184966 a FI4kgOSLHWQ-00783-00184967-00185414 r b and c FI4kgOSLHWQ-00784-00185415-00185671 so now you need to apply ah FI4kgOSLHWQ-00785-00185672-00185799 associative FI4kgOSLHWQ-00786-00185800-00185926 law here FI4kgOSLHWQ-00787-00185927-00186150 so now this will become FI4kgOSLHWQ-00788-00186151-00186302 not b FI4kgOSLHWQ-00789-00186303-00186399 are FI4kgOSLHWQ-00790-00186400-00186590 b and a FI4kgOSLHWQ-00791-00186591-00186743 that is the first one FI4kgOSLHWQ-00792-00186744-00187047 and the second one is FI4kgOSLHWQ-00793-00187048-00187190 not b FI4kgOSLHWQ-00794-00187191-00187463 r FI4kgOSLHWQ-00795-00187464-00187759 this is r not b r FI4kgOSLHWQ-00796-00187760-00187854 b FI4kgOSLHWQ-00797-00187855-00187943 and FI4kgOSLHWQ-00798-00187944-00188302 c FI4kgOSLHWQ-00799-00188303-00188495 so now these are the things which we FI4kgOSLHWQ-00800-00188496-00188759 have and then we can further expand it FI4kgOSLHWQ-00801-00188760-00188950 ah in this way using distributive law FI4kgOSLHWQ-00802-00188951-00189047 here FI4kgOSLHWQ-00803-00189048-00189335 so now this will become not b FI4kgOSLHWQ-00804-00189336-00189414 r FI4kgOSLHWQ-00805-00189415-00189519 b FI4kgOSLHWQ-00806-00189520-00189702 and FI4kgOSLHWQ-00807-00189703-00189911 not b FI4kgOSLHWQ-00808-00189912-00190078 r a FI4kgOSLHWQ-00809-00190079-00190247 so this is the first one if you apply FI4kgOSLHWQ-00810-00190248-00190471 distributive law this is the thing FI4kgOSLHWQ-00811-00190472-00190702 now r FI4kgOSLHWQ-00812-00190703-00191038 now the other one so that is not b FI4kgOSLHWQ-00813-00191039-00191111 r FI4kgOSLHWQ-00814-00191112-00191214 b FI4kgOSLHWQ-00815-00191215-00191350 and then FI4kgOSLHWQ-00816-00191351-00191883 r not FI4kgOSLHWQ-00817-00191884-00192175 b so this is FI4kgOSLHWQ-00818-00192176-00192559 not brb and FI4kgOSLHWQ-00819-00192560-00192807 and not b FI4kgOSLHWQ-00820-00192808-00193047 are c FI4kgOSLHWQ-00821-00193048-00193319 so this is the one which we have FI4kgOSLHWQ-00822-00193320-00193495 so FI4kgOSLHWQ-00823-00193496-00193750 so what are the clauses now for us FI4kgOSLHWQ-00824-00193751-00194014 so these are the clauses that we have FI4kgOSLHWQ-00825-00194015-00194326 the first one is a r b r c FI4kgOSLHWQ-00826-00194327-00194799 and not c r e FI4kgOSLHWQ-00827-00194800-00194990 and the whole thing FI4kgOSLHWQ-00828-00194991-00195271 so now in this case not b or b is of FI4kgOSLHWQ-00829-00195272-00195487 obviously is going to be true only so FI4kgOSLHWQ-00830-00195488-00195631 you not have to FI4kgOSLHWQ-00831-00195632-00195887 worry much about it it is written as FI4kgOSLHWQ-00832-00195888-00196111 top always true and all FI4kgOSLHWQ-00833-00196112-00196359 so now whatever is left here is these FI4kgOSLHWQ-00834-00196360-00196511 things not b FI4kgOSLHWQ-00835-00196512-00196743 r a FI4kgOSLHWQ-00836-00196744-00196919 r again here FI4kgOSLHWQ-00837-00196920-00196999 ah FI4kgOSLHWQ-00838-00197000-00197263 not b or b is always true and all so we FI4kgOSLHWQ-00839-00197264-00197483 not have to worry much about it FI4kgOSLHWQ-00840-00197484-00197847 so and then not me FI4kgOSLHWQ-00841-00197848-00198366 are c FI4kgOSLHWQ-00842-00198367-00198631 ah so that means not b FI4kgOSLHWQ-00843-00198632-00198838 r a FI4kgOSLHWQ-00844-00198839-00199119 and then the other clause is not b FI4kgOSLHWQ-00845-00199120-00199207 r FI4kgOSLHWQ-00846-00199208-00199566 c FI4kgOSLHWQ-00847-00199567-00199887 so now ah one can do it in various ways FI4kgOSLHWQ-00848-00199888-00200063 and all applying resolution principle on FI4kgOSLHWQ-00849-00200064-00200199 this one FI4kgOSLHWQ-00850-00200200-00200431 whether you will get a as an outcome or FI4kgOSLHWQ-00851-00200432-00200590 not that is a problem or there is a FI4kgOSLHWQ-00852-00200591-00200726 question that we are trying to answer FI4kgOSLHWQ-00853-00200727-00200838 here FI4kgOSLHWQ-00854-00200839-00201023 so each resolvent is considered to be a FI4kgOSLHWQ-00855-00201024-00201311 logical consequence of the above to FI4kgOSLHWQ-00856-00201312-00201454 clauses FI4kgOSLHWQ-00857-00201455-00201631 so now FI4kgOSLHWQ-00858-00201632-00201735 ah FI4kgOSLHWQ-00859-00201736-00201950 so these are the clauses that we have c1 FI4kgOSLHWQ-00860-00201951-00202063 c2 FI4kgOSLHWQ-00861-00202064-00202311 and c3 FI4kgOSLHWQ-00862-00202312-00202519 so now the conclusion here for us is is FI4kgOSLHWQ-00863-00202520-00202719 that now we are trying to find out FI4kgOSLHWQ-00864-00202720-00203031 whether or not a is guilty so assuming FI4kgOSLHWQ-00865-00203032-00203238 that a is guilty FI4kgOSLHWQ-00866-00203239-00203399 suppose if you take into consideration FI4kgOSLHWQ-00867-00203400-00203671 that not a whether that is FI4kgOSLHWQ-00868-00203672-00203831 inconsistent with this thing or not is FI4kgOSLHWQ-00869-00203832-00204054 the one which we are trying to see FI4kgOSLHWQ-00870-00204055-00204183 so now FI4kgOSLHWQ-00871-00204184-00204390 uh ar brc FI4kgOSLHWQ-00872-00204391-00204647 and this one so now we need to apply the FI4kgOSLHWQ-00873-00204648-00204927 resolution principle on this one FI4kgOSLHWQ-00874-00204928-00205046 so now FI4kgOSLHWQ-00875-00205048-00205334 ah these two FI4kgOSLHWQ-00876-00205335-00205727 ah applying resolution on literal c FI4kgOSLHWQ-00877-00205728-00205882 you will get FI4kgOSLHWQ-00878-00205883-00206151 not ah b FI4kgOSLHWQ-00879-00206152-00206294 a r FI4kgOSLHWQ-00880-00206296-00206494 naught b FI4kgOSLHWQ-00881-00206496-00206751 so because not c will go away so what is FI4kgOSLHWQ-00882-00206752-00206934 left is a r FI4kgOSLHWQ-00883-00206935-00207062 naught b FI4kgOSLHWQ-00884-00207063-00207246 so you have to add add these two things FI4kgOSLHWQ-00885-00207248-00207623 it will become a r naught b FI4kgOSLHWQ-00886-00207623-00207734 so now FI4kgOSLHWQ-00887-00207735-00207942 ah FI4kgOSLHWQ-00888-00207944-00208471 applying resolution on these two things FI4kgOSLHWQ-00889-00208471-00208590 you will get FI4kgOSLHWQ-00890-00208591-00208934 playing resolution on the literal b FI4kgOSLHWQ-00891-00208935-00209094 you will get FI4kgOSLHWQ-00892-00209096-00209206 a FI4kgOSLHWQ-00893-00209207-00209423 a r FI4kgOSLHWQ-00894-00209423-00209606 c r a FI4kgOSLHWQ-00895-00209607-00209894 so now in order to avoid redundancy here FI4kgOSLHWQ-00896-00209896-00210087 so you will simply write a occurs twice FI4kgOSLHWQ-00897-00210088-00210415 here so you will just simply write a r FI4kgOSLHWQ-00898-00210416-00210975 c FI4kgOSLHWQ-00899-00210976-00211198 so now FI4kgOSLHWQ-00900-00211200-00211446 this is what has come as an outcome of FI4kgOSLHWQ-00901-00211448-00211527 this FI4kgOSLHWQ-00902-00211528-00211671 resolutions FI4kgOSLHWQ-00903-00211671-00211855 so now FI4kgOSLHWQ-00904-00211856-00211982 you apply FI4kgOSLHWQ-00905-00211983-00212334 ah resolution on these things not c FI4kgOSLHWQ-00906-00212335-00212591 r e a FI4kgOSLHWQ-00907-00212592-00212894 applying resolution on the clauses arc FI4kgOSLHWQ-00908-00212896-00213079 and the clause that are that is there FI4kgOSLHWQ-00909-00213080-00213255 here not c are a FI4kgOSLHWQ-00910-00213256-00213463 so now FI4kgOSLHWQ-00911-00213464-00213719 the c and not c will vanish then you FI4kgOSLHWQ-00912-00213719-00213975 will get a r e FI4kgOSLHWQ-00913-00213976-00214246 so now this a r e a is in order to avoid FI4kgOSLHWQ-00914-00214248-00214631 redundancy in all we simply write a FI4kgOSLHWQ-00915-00214632-00214879 so what is that we got we listed out all FI4kgOSLHWQ-00916-00214880-00215094 this uh the information that is there FI4kgOSLHWQ-00917-00215096-00215382 here there is a first clause a r b r c FI4kgOSLHWQ-00918-00215383-00215591 and not c r a FI4kgOSLHWQ-00919-00215592-00215782 and then the third clause FI4kgOSLHWQ-00920-00215783-00215967 is this one so we simplified this thing FI4kgOSLHWQ-00921-00215967-00216158 into this particular kind of format by FI4kgOSLHWQ-00922-00216159-00216423 using distribution and associative law FI4kgOSLHWQ-00923-00216423-00216598 and here is what we got FI4kgOSLHWQ-00924-00216600-00216775 so we got it because of this particular FI4kgOSLHWQ-00925-00216776-00216998 kind of thing not b or b is always true FI4kgOSLHWQ-00926-00217000-00217182 so you not have to worry much about it FI4kgOSLHWQ-00927-00217183-00217287 so FI4kgOSLHWQ-00928-00217288-00217575 so what is left here is not b r a and FI4kgOSLHWQ-00929-00217576-00217742 not b or c that is what we have written FI4kgOSLHWQ-00930-00217744-00217998 here these are the two clauses and FI4kgOSLHWQ-00931-00218000-00218255 applying resolution on c two FI4kgOSLHWQ-00932-00218256-00218510 and c four FI4kgOSLHWQ-00933-00218511-00218710 that means this is a logical consequence FI4kgOSLHWQ-00934-00218711-00218982 of these two clauses c2 and c4 FI4kgOSLHWQ-00935-00218983-00219167 we got a or not b FI4kgOSLHWQ-00936-00219167-00219255 and FI4kgOSLHWQ-00937-00219256-00219398 again applying FI4kgOSLHWQ-00938-00219400-00219694 c1 and let us say this is FI4kgOSLHWQ-00939-00219696-00219855 c5 and all FI4kgOSLHWQ-00940-00219856-00220127 resolution on c1 and c5 we got a r FI4kgOSLHWQ-00941-00220128-00220263 naught a r c FI4kgOSLHWQ-00942-00220264-00220479 and we already have this particular kind FI4kgOSLHWQ-00943-00220480-00220727 of thing not c r a so that is what is FI4kgOSLHWQ-00944-00220728-00220934 already there and now again once again FI4kgOSLHWQ-00945-00220935-00221158 you apply resolution principle on this FI4kgOSLHWQ-00946-00221159-00221334 particular kind of thing FI4kgOSLHWQ-00947-00221335-00221534 concerned with the literal c whenever FI4kgOSLHWQ-00948-00221535-00221703 you have a literal c and its negation is FI4kgOSLHWQ-00949-00221704-00222006 there it cancels and he lets then what FI4kgOSLHWQ-00950-00222007-00222223 is left here is a r a FI4kgOSLHWQ-00951-00222223-00222494 so a r a in order to avoid redundancy we FI4kgOSLHWQ-00952-00222496-00222582 got FI4kgOSLHWQ-00953-00222583-00222694 a n FI4kgOSLHWQ-00954-00222696-00223039 so a is the one which we got it as an FI4kgOSLHWQ-00955-00223040-00223303 outcome of all these prepositions and FI4kgOSLHWQ-00956-00223304-00223415 all that means FI4kgOSLHWQ-00957-00223416-00223503 a is FI4kgOSLHWQ-00958-00223504-00223703 in the original interpretation FI4kgOSLHWQ-00959-00223704-00224055 a means a is guilty if it is not a FI4kgOSLHWQ-00960-00224056-00224439 if you somehow you generated not a ah as FI4kgOSLHWQ-00961-00224440-00224615 as a result of applying the resolution FI4kgOSLHWQ-00962-00224616-00224871 here then not a FI4kgOSLHWQ-00963-00224871-00225134 means a is innocent FI4kgOSLHWQ-00964-00225135-00225239 so now FI4kgOSLHWQ-00965-00225240-00225479 ah the same particular kind of thing FI4kgOSLHWQ-00966-00225480-00225703 which can be this can be solved FI4kgOSLHWQ-00967-00225704-00225991 by using the semantic tablox method as FI4kgOSLHWQ-00968-00225992-00226223 well FI4kgOSLHWQ-00969-00226223-00226494 we can show that whether or not FI4kgOSLHWQ-00970-00226496-00226742 he is guilty or not FI4kgOSLHWQ-00971-00226744-00227046 so now in the semantic tablox method FI4kgOSLHWQ-00972-00227048-00227206 what you need to do FI4kgOSLHWQ-00973-00227207-00227831 is this thing FI4kgOSLHWQ-00974-00227832-00228079 so these are the three prepositions FI4kgOSLHWQ-00975-00228080-00228246 that we have FI4kgOSLHWQ-00976-00228248-00228375 so now FI4kgOSLHWQ-00977-00228376-00228551 we are trying to say FI4kgOSLHWQ-00978-00228552-00228663 that FI4kgOSLHWQ-00979-00228664-00228782 ah FI4kgOSLHWQ-00980-00228783-00228887 a is FI4kgOSLHWQ-00981-00228888-00229279 assuming that a is guilty now FI4kgOSLHWQ-00982-00229280-00229479 so now we are assuming that suppose let FI4kgOSLHWQ-00983-00229480-00229767 us say a is the conclusion from this one FI4kgOSLHWQ-00984-00229767-00229879 and FI4kgOSLHWQ-00985-00229880-00230006 there are two ways to solve this FI4kgOSLHWQ-00986-00230007-00230182 particular kind of problem using the FI4kgOSLHWQ-00987-00230183-00230382 semantic diablox method semantic FI4kgOSLHWQ-00988-00230383-00230615 tableaux method always look we look for FI4kgOSLHWQ-00989-00230616-00230806 the counter example that means if you FI4kgOSLHWQ-00990-00230807-00231055 assume that a is guilty in the beginning FI4kgOSLHWQ-00991-00231056-00231231 then what you need to do is you have to FI4kgOSLHWQ-00992-00231232-00231446 consider not a and then you constructed FI4kgOSLHWQ-00993-00231448-00231687 semantic type velocity and then you need FI4kgOSLHWQ-00994-00231688-00231823 to generate FI4kgOSLHWQ-00995-00231823-00232071 a contradiction FI4kgOSLHWQ-00996-00232071-00232471 so now you list out all the premises FI4kgOSLHWQ-00997-00232471-00232558 ah FI4kgOSLHWQ-00998-00232559-00232798 not c r a FI4kgOSLHWQ-00999-00232800-00233094 and b implies FI4kgOSLHWQ-01000-00233096-00233351 b and a FI4kgOSLHWQ-01001-00233352-00233503 are FI4kgOSLHWQ-01002-00233504-00233846 ah v and c FI4kgOSLHWQ-01003-00233848-00234103 so i am comparatively evaluating FI4kgOSLHWQ-01004-00234104-00234303 checking this this particular kind of FI4kgOSLHWQ-01005-00234304-00234527 problem with various methods so that you FI4kgOSLHWQ-01006-00234528-00234742 will come to know the merits of this FI4kgOSLHWQ-01007-00234744-00234879 methods FI4kgOSLHWQ-01008-00234880-00234958 so FI4kgOSLHWQ-01009-00234959-00235134 so now right now i am trying to solve FI4kgOSLHWQ-01010-00235135-00235398 this same problem by using semantic FI4kgOSLHWQ-01011-00235400-00235734 tablox method FI4kgOSLHWQ-01012-00235735-00235951 so now you list out all the premises and FI4kgOSLHWQ-01013-00235952-00236223 all so now the problem tells us that FI4kgOSLHWQ-01014-00236223-00236479 these are satisfiable and all that means FI4kgOSLHWQ-01015-00236480-00236679 all these statements are consistent to FI4kgOSLHWQ-01016-00236680-00236871 each other at least under some FI4kgOSLHWQ-01017-00236871-00237015 interpretation FI4kgOSLHWQ-01018-00237016-00237239 this formula is going to be true FI4kgOSLHWQ-01019-00237240-00237463 x1 x2 x3 FI4kgOSLHWQ-01020-00237464-00237575 so now FI4kgOSLHWQ-01021-00237576-00237671 you FI4kgOSLHWQ-01022-00237671-00237815 expand FI4kgOSLHWQ-01023-00237816-00238046 use treed rules you know to expand this FI4kgOSLHWQ-01024-00238048-00238463 particular kind of thing so now FI4kgOSLHWQ-01025-00238464-00238831 so you apply ah this one x implies y FI4kgOSLHWQ-01026-00238832-00239158 then it will become not x and y FI4kgOSLHWQ-01027-00239159-00239415 so this will become not b and this is FI4kgOSLHWQ-01028-00239416-00239503 same FI4kgOSLHWQ-01029-00239504-00239663 b and a FI4kgOSLHWQ-01030-00239664-00239742 are FI4kgOSLHWQ-01031-00239744-00240255 b and c FI4kgOSLHWQ-01032-00240256-00240519 so now so this is over FI4kgOSLHWQ-01033-00240519-00240798 now this can be further simplified into FI4kgOSLHWQ-01034-00240800-00240942 this thing FI4kgOSLHWQ-01035-00240944-00241151 ah FI4kgOSLHWQ-01036-00241152-00241263 sorry FI4kgOSLHWQ-01037-00241264-00241415 so either it is FI4kgOSLHWQ-01038-00241416-00241534 b FI4kgOSLHWQ-01039-00241535-00241639 and a FI4kgOSLHWQ-01040-00241640-00242103 r it should be b and c FI4kgOSLHWQ-01041-00242104-00242310 now this we checked it and all so now we FI4kgOSLHWQ-01042-00242311-00242487 need to look into this particular kind FI4kgOSLHWQ-01043-00242488-00242598 of thing FI4kgOSLHWQ-01044-00242600-00242815 so now wherever the open branch is there FI4kgOSLHWQ-01045-00242816-00242982 you need to write this particular kind FI4kgOSLHWQ-01046-00242983-00243119 of information FI4kgOSLHWQ-01047-00243119-00243342 so since this is a branch it will be FI4kgOSLHWQ-01048-00243344-00243494 like not c FI4kgOSLHWQ-01049-00243496-00243598 r a FI4kgOSLHWQ-01050-00243600-00243758 and here also you write the same FI4kgOSLHWQ-01051-00243759-00243879 information FI4kgOSLHWQ-01052-00243880-00244087 and every branch which is open you need FI4kgOSLHWQ-01053-00244088-00244182 to write FI4kgOSLHWQ-01054-00244183-00244398 this particular piece of information FI4kgOSLHWQ-01055-00244400-00244575 so now each time you finish with FI4kgOSLHWQ-01056-00244576-00244775 checking with this formula you need to FI4kgOSLHWQ-01057-00244776-00244887 see whether FI4kgOSLHWQ-01058-00244888-00245127 a literal and its negation exist in a FI4kgOSLHWQ-01059-00245128-00245303 in a branch so this is considered to be FI4kgOSLHWQ-01060-00245304-00245575 one branch this constant one branch like FI4kgOSLHWQ-01061-00245576-00245694 this FI4kgOSLHWQ-01062-00245696-00245806 so now FI4kgOSLHWQ-01063-00245807-00245958 in this case FI4kgOSLHWQ-01064-00245959-00246206 ah we don't have we don't still have a FI4kgOSLHWQ-01065-00246207-00246367 literal and its negation all the FI4kgOSLHWQ-01066-00246367-00246558 branches are open FI4kgOSLHWQ-01067-00246559-00246727 so now apply FI4kgOSLHWQ-01068-00246728-00246998 ah FI4kgOSLHWQ-01069-00247000-00247167 rule for this particular kind of thing a FI4kgOSLHWQ-01070-00247167-00247423 r b r c so then this particular kind of FI4kgOSLHWQ-01071-00247423-00247606 information needs to be written FI4kgOSLHWQ-01072-00247607-00247694 on FI4kgOSLHWQ-01073-00247696-00248134 every branch and all like this thing FI4kgOSLHWQ-01074-00248135-00248294 a FI4kgOSLHWQ-01075-00248296-00248519 b and c FI4kgOSLHWQ-01076-00248519-00248758 so this information a or b rc we have FI4kgOSLHWQ-01077-00248759-00248910 written it under FI4kgOSLHWQ-01078-00248911-00249215 whatever branch which is open FI4kgOSLHWQ-01079-00249216-00249623 so now so this is a r b r c FI4kgOSLHWQ-01080-00249623-00249710 a FI4kgOSLHWQ-01081-00249711-00249934 b r c FI4kgOSLHWQ-01082-00249935-00250023 a FI4kgOSLHWQ-01083-00250023-00250110 b FI4kgOSLHWQ-01084-00250111-00250398 and c likes FI4kgOSLHWQ-01085-00250400-00250487 a FI4kgOSLHWQ-01086-00250488-00250679 b and c FI4kgOSLHWQ-01087-00250680-00250887 so now we need to inspect FI4kgOSLHWQ-01088-00250888-00251239 all these branches and all ah wherever FI4kgOSLHWQ-01089-00251240-00251446 a literal its negation occurs the branch FI4kgOSLHWQ-01090-00251448-00251646 closes and all so now this branch goes FI4kgOSLHWQ-01091-00251648-00251951 like this a naught c not b FI4kgOSLHWQ-01092-00251952-00252246 so that branch is open so now your b FI4kgOSLHWQ-01093-00252248-00252406 here and not b here this branch closes FI4kgOSLHWQ-01094-00252407-00252639 here and c and not c this closes here FI4kgOSLHWQ-01095-00252640-00252751 itself FI4kgOSLHWQ-01096-00252752-00253015 and now this branch is open FI4kgOSLHWQ-01097-00253016-00253255 now your b here and not b here this FI4kgOSLHWQ-01098-00253256-00253398 branch closes FI4kgOSLHWQ-01099-00253400-00253703 and this is also open so now you have a FI4kgOSLHWQ-01100-00253704-00253934 naught c and a b FI4kgOSLHWQ-01101-00253935-00254087 and there is no c here that means this FI4kgOSLHWQ-01102-00254088-00254279 branch is also open FI4kgOSLHWQ-01103-00254280-00254527 and this is also just to be open but FI4kgOSLHWQ-01104-00254528-00254742 here here you have c and not c this FI4kgOSLHWQ-01105-00254744-00254879 closes FI4kgOSLHWQ-01106-00254880-00255039 so big branch and all FI4kgOSLHWQ-01107-00255040-00255271 so FI4kgOSLHWQ-01108-00255271-00255382 sometimes FI4kgOSLHWQ-01109-00255383-00255479 some FI4kgOSLHWQ-01110-00255480-00255639 resolution refrigeration method might be FI4kgOSLHWQ-01111-00255640-00255958 better than the semantic diablox method FI4kgOSLHWQ-01112-00255959-00256142 because the number of branches are more FI4kgOSLHWQ-01113-00256144-00256351 here so in the resolution refrigeration FI4kgOSLHWQ-01114-00256352-00256439 method FI4kgOSLHWQ-01115-00256440-00256527 ah FI4kgOSLHWQ-01116-00256528-00256703 we have seen in the FI4kgOSLHWQ-01117-00256704-00256934 the last slide that ah that will FI4kgOSLHWQ-01118-00256935-00257103 simplify our task FI4kgOSLHWQ-01119-00257104-00257303 so now here this is also open this also FI4kgOSLHWQ-01120-00257304-00257406 opens FI4kgOSLHWQ-01121-00257407-00257519 and FI4kgOSLHWQ-01122-00257519-00257782 all the open branches suggested that FI4kgOSLHWQ-01123-00257783-00257910 that makes FI4kgOSLHWQ-01124-00257911-00258151 this formula true and all that means FI4kgOSLHWQ-01125-00258152-00258319 if you observe this particular kind of FI4kgOSLHWQ-01126-00258319-00258575 open branch this says that FI4kgOSLHWQ-01127-00258576-00258751 under the interpretation in which a is FI4kgOSLHWQ-01128-00258752-00258919 true c is false FI4kgOSLHWQ-01129-00258919-00259198 sorry this branch closes ah here itself FI4kgOSLHWQ-01130-00259200-00259471 so neenah have to worry about it because FI4kgOSLHWQ-01131-00259471-00259655 your b c here FI4kgOSLHWQ-01132-00259656-00259742 and then FI4kgOSLHWQ-01133-00259744-00260023 not c here this closes here itself FI4kgOSLHWQ-01134-00260023-00260239 so you not have to worry much about FI4kgOSLHWQ-01135-00260240-00260471 whatever follows FI4kgOSLHWQ-01136-00260471-00260703 so now in this case all the branches are FI4kgOSLHWQ-01137-00260704-00260894 open FI4kgOSLHWQ-01138-00260896-00261215 so now open branches tells us the answer FI4kgOSLHWQ-01139-00261216-00261391 and all so that satisfies this FI4kgOSLHWQ-01140-00261392-00261623 particular kind of formula FI4kgOSLHWQ-01141-00261623-00261798 so now any open branch which you take FI4kgOSLHWQ-01142-00261800-00261982 and take into consideration the first FI4kgOSLHWQ-01143-00261983-00262151 one is like this FI4kgOSLHWQ-01144-00262152-00262255 a c FI4kgOSLHWQ-01145-00262256-00262510 and not b FI4kgOSLHWQ-01146-00262511-00262703 so that is the first thing and the other FI4kgOSLHWQ-01147-00262704-00262999 open branch you will find it here a FI4kgOSLHWQ-01148-00263000-00263119 not b FI4kgOSLHWQ-01149-00263120-00263295 and we do not know whether FI4kgOSLHWQ-01150-00263296-00263455 about c in this particular kind of FI4kgOSLHWQ-01151-00263456-00263582 branch FI4kgOSLHWQ-01152-00263583-00263806 so this is the first one second one FI4kgOSLHWQ-01153-00263807-00264030 and third one and the third one is FI4kgOSLHWQ-01154-00264031-00264175 a FI4kgOSLHWQ-01155-00264176-00264367 not c FI4kgOSLHWQ-01156-00264368-00264558 and b FI4kgOSLHWQ-01157-00264559-00264758 is also another kind of solution FI4kgOSLHWQ-01158-00264759-00264871 and then FI4kgOSLHWQ-01159-00264872-00265023 the other one is FI4kgOSLHWQ-01160-00265024-00265327 a b FI4kgOSLHWQ-01161-00265328-00265503 so this is the one which we have FI4kgOSLHWQ-01162-00265504-00265623 and FI4kgOSLHWQ-01163-00265624-00265758 other things are FI4kgOSLHWQ-01164-00265759-00265863 a b FI4kgOSLHWQ-01165-00265864-00266015 again the same thing which you not have FI4kgOSLHWQ-01166-00266016-00266167 to write again FI4kgOSLHWQ-01167-00266168-00266287 another FI4kgOSLHWQ-01168-00266288-00266582 thing which satisfies this formula is ac FI4kgOSLHWQ-01169-00266583-00266710 and b FI4kgOSLHWQ-01170-00266711-00266806 a FI4kgOSLHWQ-01171-00266807-00267110 b and c FI4kgOSLHWQ-01172-00267111-00267343 and the other branches are like this a b FI4kgOSLHWQ-01173-00267344-00267415 c FI4kgOSLHWQ-01174-00267416-00267575 and FI4kgOSLHWQ-01175-00267576-00267782 bc FI4kgOSLHWQ-01176-00267783-00267999 we don't know about a here FI4kgOSLHWQ-01177-00268000-00268279 so now the last one is this thing FI4kgOSLHWQ-01178-00268280-00268575 a b c which is already we have listed so FI4kgOSLHWQ-01179-00268576-00268782 all these things are considered to be FI4kgOSLHWQ-01180-00268783-00269015 the interpretations which are going to FI4kgOSLHWQ-01181-00269016-00269223 satisfy this particular kind of formula FI4kgOSLHWQ-01182-00269224-00269487 that means when a is true c is false b FI4kgOSLHWQ-01183-00269488-00269663 is false that makes these three FI4kgOSLHWQ-01184-00269664-00269830 sentences true FI4kgOSLHWQ-01185-00269831-00270063 and in the same way when a is true b is FI4kgOSLHWQ-01186-00270064-00270255 false that also satisfies this FI4kgOSLHWQ-01187-00270256-00270479 particular kind of form so now in all FI4kgOSLHWQ-01188-00270480-00270655 these cases FI4kgOSLHWQ-01189-00270656-00270847 you will observe that FI4kgOSLHWQ-01190-00270848-00270999 you have turned out it turned out to be FI4kgOSLHWQ-01191-00271000-00271151 the case that FI4kgOSLHWQ-01192-00271152-00271343 we got only a n FI4kgOSLHWQ-01193-00271344-00271471 so that means FI4kgOSLHWQ-01194-00271472-00271558 that FI4kgOSLHWQ-01195-00271559-00271982 usually a is considered to be guilty FI4kgOSLHWQ-01196-00271983-00272191 so our interpretation is is that when i FI4kgOSLHWQ-01197-00272192-00272439 write simply a that means a is guilty FI4kgOSLHWQ-01198-00272440-00272710 when i write simply FI4kgOSLHWQ-01199-00272711-00272895 not a that means a is considered to be FI4kgOSLHWQ-01200-00272896-00273023 innocent FI4kgOSLHWQ-01201-00273024-00273151 so now FI4kgOSLHWQ-01202-00273152-00273471 ah the same kind of thing ah can be FI4kgOSLHWQ-01203-00273472-00273782 solved by using a FI4kgOSLHWQ-01204-00273783-00273943 truth table method FI4kgOSLHWQ-01205-00273944-00274167 in the but in the truth table method FI4kgOSLHWQ-01206-00274168-00274358 the problem is is that FI4kgOSLHWQ-01207-00274359-00274543 you have FI4kgOSLHWQ-01208-00274544-00274743 three variables that means the number of FI4kgOSLHWQ-01209-00274744-00274999 entries would be FI4kgOSLHWQ-01210-00275000-00275230 eight eight rows will be will occur in FI4kgOSLHWQ-01211-00275231-00275439 the truth table so now in the truth FI4kgOSLHWQ-01212-00275440-00275679 table what you need to look for FI4kgOSLHWQ-01213-00275680-00275903 is a row in which ah FI4kgOSLHWQ-01214-00275904-00276079 all these statements are considered to FI4kgOSLHWQ-01215-00276080-00276343 be true that means conjunction of FI4kgOSLHWQ-01216-00276344-00276534 c1 c2 c3 FI4kgOSLHWQ-01217-00276535-00276751 whenever that is true and all so that FI4kgOSLHWQ-01218-00276752-00277015 rogue corresponds to our particular kind FI4kgOSLHWQ-01219-00277016-00277134 of answer FI4kgOSLHWQ-01220-00277135-00277510 the same thing which you might get it FI4kgOSLHWQ-01221-00277511-00277767 so a particular kind of ah FI4kgOSLHWQ-01222-00277768-00278110 example it can be done in n number of FI4kgOSLHWQ-01223-00278111-00278239 ways and all FI4kgOSLHWQ-01224-00278240-00278358 so FI4kgOSLHWQ-01225-00278359-00278567 so there in the natural reduction what FI4kgOSLHWQ-01226-00278568-00278855 you will do here is is that FI4kgOSLHWQ-01227-00278856-00279158 from a or brc and not cra and all these FI4kgOSLHWQ-01228-00279159-00279247 things FI4kgOSLHWQ-01229-00279248-00279519 so what essentially you do here is is FI4kgOSLHWQ-01230-00279520-00279599 that FI4kgOSLHWQ-01231-00279600-00279823 you list out all the premises in all so FI4kgOSLHWQ-01232-00279824-00280015 now we need to assume something in all FI4kgOSLHWQ-01233-00280016-00280279 here suppose if you start with FI4kgOSLHWQ-01234-00280280-00280487 a is guilty and all so that is the FI4kgOSLHWQ-01235-00280488-00280695 original conclusion FI4kgOSLHWQ-01236-00280696-00280791 ah FI4kgOSLHWQ-01237-00280792-00281047 so you need to assume something or other FI4kgOSLHWQ-01238-00281048-00281230 then FI4kgOSLHWQ-01239-00281231-00281423 you take the negation of this thing into FI4kgOSLHWQ-01240-00281424-00281663 consideration and then see whether that FI4kgOSLHWQ-01241-00281664-00282110 leads to contradiction or not FI4kgOSLHWQ-01242-00282111-00282503 so for example in this case FI4kgOSLHWQ-01243-00282504-00282751 you list out all these things in all a r FI4kgOSLHWQ-01244-00282752-00283406 b r c c r e etc and all FI4kgOSLHWQ-01245-00283407-00283639 so what essentially one needs to do is FI4kgOSLHWQ-01246-00283640-00283919 by taking all these premises and all FI4kgOSLHWQ-01247-00283920-00284087 ultimately you should be in a good in a FI4kgOSLHWQ-01248-00284088-00284295 position to deduce a FI4kgOSLHWQ-01249-00284296-00284767 in that case a follows from these things FI4kgOSLHWQ-01250-00284768-00284919 with using resolution graphitation FI4kgOSLHWQ-01251-00284920-00285087 method we showed that FI4kgOSLHWQ-01252-00285088-00285158 a FI4kgOSLHWQ-01253-00285159-00285375 will come as a logical consequence by FI4kgOSLHWQ-01254-00285376-00285639 applying the resolution principle so in FI4kgOSLHWQ-01255-00285640-00285782 the natural detection method what you FI4kgOSLHWQ-01256-00285783-00285934 will be doing is you will be using the FI4kgOSLHWQ-01257-00285935-00286143 principles of logic like more response FI4kgOSLHWQ-01258-00286144-00286343 modulus tolerance etcetera and all FI4kgOSLHWQ-01259-00286344-00286623 and then you will generate FI4kgOSLHWQ-01260-00286624-00286767 something like FI4kgOSLHWQ-01261-00286768-00287134 a and all from these things FI4kgOSLHWQ-01262-00287135-00287527 so let us see whether we can deduce FI4kgOSLHWQ-01263-00287528-00287710 a from FI4kgOSLHWQ-01264-00287711-00287967 this particular kind of premises FI4kgOSLHWQ-01265-00287968-00288695 so FI4kgOSLHWQ-01266-00288696-00289406 so now ah FI4kgOSLHWQ-01267-00289407-00289815 four FI4kgOSLHWQ-01268-00289816-00290110 so you have a r b are not c FI4kgOSLHWQ-01269-00290111-00290415 and your not c are e FI4kgOSLHWQ-01270-00290416-00290775 so from these two things you will get uh FI4kgOSLHWQ-01271-00290776-00290887 of course c FI4kgOSLHWQ-01272-00290888-00290975 r FI4kgOSLHWQ-01273-00290976-00291143 b r c FI4kgOSLHWQ-01274-00291144-00291479 and not c are g so from this you will FI4kgOSLHWQ-01275-00291480-00291671 get a r b FI4kgOSLHWQ-01276-00291672-00292215 r FI4kgOSLHWQ-01277-00292216-00292447 a r b r a FI4kgOSLHWQ-01278-00292448-00292647 so in order to avoid redundancy you will FI4kgOSLHWQ-01279-00292648-00292871 write it only once in all so this will FI4kgOSLHWQ-01280-00292872-00293271 be a or b simply a or b FI4kgOSLHWQ-01281-00293272-00293543 so this rule is which we have discussed FI4kgOSLHWQ-01282-00293544-00293654 earlier FI4kgOSLHWQ-01283-00293655-00293943 this rule is called as cut rule so that FI4kgOSLHWQ-01284-00293944-00294319 says that alpha are gamma naught alpha FI4kgOSLHWQ-01285-00294320-00294630 are beta suppose if you have a formula FI4kgOSLHWQ-01286-00294631-00294734 like this FI4kgOSLHWQ-01287-00294735-00294839 then FI4kgOSLHWQ-01288-00294840-00295087 so this will become gamma FI4kgOSLHWQ-01289-00295088-00295167 r FI4kgOSLHWQ-01290-00295168-00295439 beta this is called as cut rule which is FI4kgOSLHWQ-01291-00295440-00295615 also the rule responsible for the FI4kgOSLHWQ-01292-00295616-00295854 resolution principle FI4kgOSLHWQ-01293-00295855-00296103 the same rule which we apply here FI4kgOSLHWQ-01294-00296104-00296182 then FI4kgOSLHWQ-01295-00296183-00296367 you will get e FI4kgOSLHWQ-01296-00296368-00296487 r FI4kgOSLHWQ-01297-00296488-00296575 b FI4kgOSLHWQ-01298-00296576-00296758 so one n two FI4kgOSLHWQ-01299-00296759-00296958 this is a kind of a modus ponens rule it FI4kgOSLHWQ-01300-00296959-00297230 is a special kind of rule you can use FI4kgOSLHWQ-01301-00297231-00297487 any rule which preserves the truth that FI4kgOSLHWQ-01302-00297488-00297806 you can use here FI4kgOSLHWQ-01303-00297807-00298071 so now FI4kgOSLHWQ-01304-00298072-00298527 ah FI4kgOSLHWQ-01305-00298528-00298687 so now this means FI4kgOSLHWQ-01306-00298688-00299039 something is a or b is true means ah FI4kgOSLHWQ-01307-00299040-00299230 definitely some one of these things FI4kgOSLHWQ-01308-00299231-00299479 should be true n so assuming that FI4kgOSLHWQ-01309-00299480-00299727 b is true here FI4kgOSLHWQ-01310-00299728-00299951 irrespective of whether is false or a is FI4kgOSLHWQ-01311-00299952-00300158 true so let us assume that b is true and FI4kgOSLHWQ-01312-00300159-00300454 all so now these two three and five FI4kgOSLHWQ-01313-00300455-00300782 modus ponens you will get b and a FI4kgOSLHWQ-01314-00300783-00300871 r FI4kgOSLHWQ-01315-00300872-00300999 b are FI4kgOSLHWQ-01316-00301000-00301071 c FI4kgOSLHWQ-01317-00301072-00301295 so how did you get this one three FI4kgOSLHWQ-01318-00301296-00302079 and five more responses you'll get this FI4kgOSLHWQ-01319-00302080-00302271 so now FI4kgOSLHWQ-01320-00302272-00302495 somehow we we have to deduce FI4kgOSLHWQ-01321-00302496-00302703 a as an outcome of this particular kind FI4kgOSLHWQ-01322-00302704-00302871 of thing FI4kgOSLHWQ-01323-00302872-00303471 ah FI4kgOSLHWQ-01324-00303472-00303710 so now from this since FI4kgOSLHWQ-01325-00303711-00303919 this is true and all FI4kgOSLHWQ-01326-00303920-00304167 b and a and b are c FI4kgOSLHWQ-01327-00304168-00304406 is already true FI4kgOSLHWQ-01328-00304407-00304510 so FI4kgOSLHWQ-01329-00304511-00304943 that means even b and a is also true FI4kgOSLHWQ-01330-00304944-00305039 because FI4kgOSLHWQ-01331-00305040-00305319 of this particular kind of thing x and x FI4kgOSLHWQ-01332-00305320-00305447 r y FI4kgOSLHWQ-01333-00305448-00305710 is going to be true when both x and y FI4kgOSLHWQ-01334-00305711-00305951 are true or even in the case in which FI4kgOSLHWQ-01335-00305952-00306047 ah FI4kgOSLHWQ-01336-00306048-00306263 one of the distinct is false also then FI4kgOSLHWQ-01337-00306264-00306591 that also it leads to this thing FI4kgOSLHWQ-01338-00306592-00306919 so now since b and a is the case so now FI4kgOSLHWQ-01339-00306920-00307015 from this FI4kgOSLHWQ-01340-00307016-00307223 ah you can FI4kgOSLHWQ-01341-00307224-00307454 eliminate this conjunction FI4kgOSLHWQ-01342-00307455-00307615 conjunction elimination rule which we FI4kgOSLHWQ-01343-00307616-00307815 use and then from this FI4kgOSLHWQ-01344-00307816-00308039 you will get this one conjunction FI4kgOSLHWQ-01345-00308040-00308375 elimination rule FI4kgOSLHWQ-01346-00308376-00308639 you will get a that means we have FI4kgOSLHWQ-01347-00308640-00308823 reduced a from FI4kgOSLHWQ-01348-00308824-00309167 these three premises you know using ah a FI4kgOSLHWQ-01349-00309168-00309406 kind of proof method which is called as FI4kgOSLHWQ-01350-00309407-00309679 natural reduction method so now you have FI4kgOSLHWQ-01351-00309680-00309791 to note that FI4kgOSLHWQ-01352-00309792-00310015 in this particular kind of method each FI4kgOSLHWQ-01353-00310016-00310182 step is considered to be the assumptions FI4kgOSLHWQ-01354-00310183-00310375 are obviously considered to be true and FI4kgOSLHWQ-01355-00310376-00310575 then if that has to be true this also FI4kgOSLHWQ-01356-00310576-00310727 has to be true each step is considered FI4kgOSLHWQ-01357-00310728-00311087 to be true and hence the final last step FI4kgOSLHWQ-01358-00311088-00311271 of your proof which is considered to be FI4kgOSLHWQ-01359-00311272-00311510 a theorem so that also turned out to be FI4kgOSLHWQ-01360-00311511-00311623 true FI4kgOSLHWQ-01361-00311624-00311895 so this is another way of showing that FI4kgOSLHWQ-01362-00311896-00312079 in this particular kind of problem FI4kgOSLHWQ-01363-00312080-00312382 a is said to be guilty and all in this FI4kgOSLHWQ-01364-00312383-00312582 particular kind of way so there is FI4kgOSLHWQ-01365-00312583-00312758 another way of doing this particular FI4kgOSLHWQ-01366-00312759-00312919 kind of thing within the natural FI4kgOSLHWQ-01367-00312920-00313087 detection method FI4kgOSLHWQ-01368-00313088-00313399 so now what you do here is this FI4kgOSLHWQ-01369-00313400-00313551 particular kind of thing FI4kgOSLHWQ-01370-00313552-00313767 so now assuming that FI4kgOSLHWQ-01371-00313768-00314030 let us assume that a is guilty in all FI4kgOSLHWQ-01372-00314031-00314143 so now FI4kgOSLHWQ-01373-00314144-00314319 for the sake of argument you take into FI4kgOSLHWQ-01374-00314320-00314654 consideration not a FI4kgOSLHWQ-01375-00314655-00314903 that means you are assuming that a is FI4kgOSLHWQ-01376-00314904-00315110 not guilty FI4kgOSLHWQ-01377-00315111-00315343 so now we are trying to FI4kgOSLHWQ-01378-00315344-00315671 come up with some kind of contradiction FI4kgOSLHWQ-01379-00315672-00315919 so now FI4kgOSLHWQ-01380-00315920-00316079 so on the fourth step FI4kgOSLHWQ-01381-00316080-00316367 since not c r a and you have FI4kgOSLHWQ-01382-00316368-00316663 a here so this option is ruled out what FI4kgOSLHWQ-01383-00316664-00316854 you get is not FI4kgOSLHWQ-01384-00316855-00316991 c FI4kgOSLHWQ-01385-00316992-00317679 so now in the second principle FI4kgOSLHWQ-01386-00317680-00318023 so how did you get this one not not a is FI4kgOSLHWQ-01387-00318024-00318503 denial of conclusion FI4kgOSLHWQ-01388-00318504-00318719 so now you got FI4kgOSLHWQ-01389-00318720-00318951 from FI4kgOSLHWQ-01390-00318952-00319054 2 FI4kgOSLHWQ-01391-00319055-00319447 2 and 4 you got this not c FI4kgOSLHWQ-01392-00319448-00319599 ah FI4kgOSLHWQ-01393-00319600-00319999 so now since ah not a and not c are true FI4kgOSLHWQ-01394-00320000-00320351 we have not a and not c is also going to FI4kgOSLHWQ-01395-00320352-00320591 be true FI4kgOSLHWQ-01396-00320592-00320982 so now seventh step ah FI4kgOSLHWQ-01397-00320983-00321287 once again not a and not c FI4kgOSLHWQ-01398-00321288-00321439 so now these two FI4kgOSLHWQ-01399-00321440-00321910 uh FI4kgOSLHWQ-01400-00321911-00322047 second FI4kgOSLHWQ-01401-00322048-00322263 so from this particular kind of thing FI4kgOSLHWQ-01402-00322264-00322654 ah not c r a is already true that means FI4kgOSLHWQ-01403-00322655-00322806 um FI4kgOSLHWQ-01404-00322807-00323023 a is also considered to be FI4kgOSLHWQ-01405-00323024-00323206 true at all FI4kgOSLHWQ-01406-00323207-00323406 from this particular kind of thing FI4kgOSLHWQ-01407-00323407-00323551 we can take into consideration FI4kgOSLHWQ-01408-00323552-00323854 assumption that a is also true so now FI4kgOSLHWQ-01409-00323855-00323951 you have FI4kgOSLHWQ-01410-00323952-00324191 you come across a situation where FI4kgOSLHWQ-01411-00324192-00324551 your not a is true and a is also true FI4kgOSLHWQ-01412-00324552-00324743 so that means this leads to a FI4kgOSLHWQ-01413-00324744-00325047 contradiction that means the negation of FI4kgOSLHWQ-01414-00325048-00325239 this particular kind of formula a FI4kgOSLHWQ-01415-00325240-00325367 assuming that FI4kgOSLHWQ-01416-00325368-00325663 a is considered to be not guilty leads FI4kgOSLHWQ-01417-00325664-00325991 to this particular kind of contradiction FI4kgOSLHWQ-01418-00325992-00326151 so in this FI4kgOSLHWQ-01419-00326152-00326415 lecture what we have done is simply this FI4kgOSLHWQ-01420-00326416-00326639 that we started with some examples of FI4kgOSLHWQ-01421-00326640-00326839 resolution repetition method FI4kgOSLHWQ-01422-00326840-00327054 ah in that method what we essentially FI4kgOSLHWQ-01423-00327055-00327247 show is if we want to show that a given FI4kgOSLHWQ-01424-00327248-00327423 argument is FI4kgOSLHWQ-01425-00327424-00327751 valid then what you need to do is FI4kgOSLHWQ-01426-00327752-00327951 given these clauses there are the FI4kgOSLHWQ-01427-00327952-00328182 premises you add the conclusion to it FI4kgOSLHWQ-01428-00328183-00328367 the denial of the conclusion and then FI4kgOSLHWQ-01429-00328368-00328599 you will be deriving an empty clause FI4kgOSLHWQ-01430-00328600-00328782 if you can derive empty clause from that FI4kgOSLHWQ-01431-00328783-00328943 one that means FI4kgOSLHWQ-01432-00328944-00329151 ah denial of this particular kind of FI4kgOSLHWQ-01433-00329152-00329303 formula FI4kgOSLHWQ-01434-00329304-00329567 renal of the conclusion is unsatisfiable FI4kgOSLHWQ-01435-00329568-00329863 that means the original conclusion holds FI4kgOSLHWQ-01436-00329864-00330063 so that is one way of showing that given FI4kgOSLHWQ-01437-00330064-00330239 argument is valid FI4kgOSLHWQ-01438-00330240-00330471 in case using resolution refrigeration FI4kgOSLHWQ-01439-00330472-00330678 method so then in the second part what FI4kgOSLHWQ-01440-00330679-00330919 we have seen is we have we have taken up FI4kgOSLHWQ-01441-00330920-00331134 one simple problem that exists in the FI4kgOSLHWQ-01442-00331135-00331295 prepositional logic FI4kgOSLHWQ-01443-00331296-00331439 and then FI4kgOSLHWQ-01444-00331440-00331710 we showed with various methods FI4kgOSLHWQ-01445-00331711-00331839 the methods that we FI4kgOSLHWQ-01446-00331840-00332087 which we have shown are semantic tablox FI4kgOSLHWQ-01447-00332088-00332175 method FI4kgOSLHWQ-01448-00332176-00332447 and we also shown the same thing by FI4kgOSLHWQ-01449-00332448-00332647 using a syntactic method that is a FI4kgOSLHWQ-01450-00332648-00332854 natural reduction method with which we FI4kgOSLHWQ-01451-00332855-00333023 showed that FI4kgOSLHWQ-01452-00333024-00333358 in fact a is considered to be guilty ah FI4kgOSLHWQ-01453-00333359-00333558 that is what we have deduced from a FI4kgOSLHWQ-01454-00333559-00333751 given set of premises and all that is FI4kgOSLHWQ-01455-00333752-00334023 the natural deduction method the same FI4kgOSLHWQ-01456-00334024-00334199 kind of thing which we did not show in FI4kgOSLHWQ-01457-00334200-00334334 this class FI4kgOSLHWQ-01458-00334335-00334558 is is that we can show the same thing FI4kgOSLHWQ-01459-00334559-00334758 with the help of truth table method that FI4kgOSLHWQ-01460-00334759-00334967 means you list out all the premises and FI4kgOSLHWQ-01461-00334968-00335254 then you assume that not here and then FI4kgOSLHWQ-01462-00335255-00335423 you will come across a row in the truth FI4kgOSLHWQ-01463-00335424-00335654 table in which your true premises and a FI4kgOSLHWQ-01464-00335655-00335799 false conclusion FI4kgOSLHWQ-01465-00335800-00336015 so in that case you can show that this FI4kgOSLHWQ-01466-00336016-00336278 argument is invalid that means not a FI4kgOSLHWQ-01467-00336279-00336399 leads to FI4kgOSLHWQ-01468-00336400-00336606 contradiction that means a has to be FI4kgOSLHWQ-01469-00336607-00336687 true FI4kgOSLHWQ-01470-00336688-00336887 so in this sense one can solve the same FI4kgOSLHWQ-01471-00336888-00337030 problem by using any one of these FI4kgOSLHWQ-01472-00337031-00337239 decision procedure methods it is all up FI4kgOSLHWQ-01473-00337240-00337487 to our convenience which method to FI4kgOSLHWQ-01474-00337488-00337727 employ so in some cases natural FI4kgOSLHWQ-01475-00337728-00337927 deduction method might be simpler FI4kgOSLHWQ-01476-00337928-00338167 or in other case semantic tablox method FI4kgOSLHWQ-01477-00338168-00338423 may be better or in some simple cases to FI4kgOSLHWQ-01478-00338424-00338639 begin with truth table method phase FI4kgOSLHWQ-01479-00338640-00338806 better than other methods FI4kgOSLHWQ-01480-00338807-00339039 are in some other cases resolution FI4kgOSLHWQ-01481-00339040-00339199 refrigeration method especially when you FI4kgOSLHWQ-01482-00339200-00339287 have FI4kgOSLHWQ-01483-00339288-00339567 conjunctive normal forms then you can FI4kgOSLHWQ-01484-00339568-00339719 straight away apply the resolution FI4kgOSLHWQ-01485-00339720-00339919 principle and simply get your answer FI4kgOSLHWQ-01486-00339920-00340078 because each resolvent is considered to FI4kgOSLHWQ-01487-00340079-00340327 be a logical consequence of FI4kgOSLHWQ-01488-00340328-00340510 the conjunctions that you are taking FI4kgOSLHWQ-01489-00340511-00340663 into consideration that conjunction is FI4kgOSLHWQ-01490-00340664-00340871 nothing but ah FI4kgOSLHWQ-01491-00340872-00341054 each conjunction will have its own FI4kgOSLHWQ-01492-00341055-00341247 corresponding disjunctions so that is FI4kgOSLHWQ-01493-00341248-00341471 what is in a conjunctive normal form FI4kgOSLHWQ-01494-00341472-00341615 so in the next class what we will be FI4kgOSLHWQ-01495-00341616-00341871 doing is is that we will be taking up FI4kgOSLHWQ-01496-00341872-00342158 the axiomatic prepositional calculus in FI4kgOSLHWQ-01497-00342159-00342391 that what you will be doing here is is FI4kgOSLHWQ-01498-00342392-00342558 that will be we will be taking into FI4kgOSLHWQ-01499-00342559-00342782 consideration the primitive axioms FI4kgOSLHWQ-01500-00342783-00343023 and then will be using as many FI4kgOSLHWQ-01501-00343024-00343119 little FI4kgOSLHWQ-01502-00343120-00343334 uh as many minimal kind of FI4kgOSLHWQ-01503-00343335-00343558 principles and all like only modus FI4kgOSLHWQ-01504-00343559-00343743 ponens is the one which we use and we FI4kgOSLHWQ-01505-00343744-00343895 use transformation rules and then we FI4kgOSLHWQ-01506-00343896-00344119 will reduce all the valid formulas FI4kgOSLHWQ-01507-00344120-00344351 within your logical system so in the FI4kgOSLHWQ-01508-00344352-00344534 next class we will be taking up FI4kgOSLHWQ-01509-00344535-00344758 the axiomatic prepositional calculus FI4kgOSLHWQ-01510-00344759-00345039 there we will study two exomatic systems FI4kgOSLHWQ-01511-00345040-00345206 one is due to FI4kgOSLHWQ-01512-00345207-00345423 russell and whitehead that is in the FI4kgOSLHWQ-01513-00345424-00345623 pinkie pier mathematica and the second FI4kgOSLHWQ-01514-00345624-00345839 one is due to hilbert and ackermann FI4kgOSLHWQ-01515-00345840-00345982 gilberta carmen FI4kgOSLHWQ-01517-00349359-00349568 you