wVvZ3BVxWNA-00000-00000053-00000313 the house Democratic caucus nominates wVvZ3BVxWNA-00001-00000314-00000482 and elects the Democratic Party wVvZ3BVxWNA-00002-00000483-00000674 leadership in the United States House of wVvZ3BVxWNA-00003-00000675-00000961 Representatives the group is composed of wVvZ3BVxWNA-00004-00000963-00001157 all Democratic representatives in the wVvZ3BVxWNA-00005-00001158-00001415 house in its roles as a party conference wVvZ3BVxWNA-00006-00001416-00001636 the caucus writes and enforces rules of wVvZ3BVxWNA-00007-00001637-00001826 conduct and discipline for its members wVvZ3BVxWNA-00008-00001827-00002002 approves committee assignments and wVvZ3BVxWNA-00009-00002003-00002174 serves as the primary forum for wVvZ3BVxWNA-00010-00002175-00002345 development of party policy and wVvZ3BVxWNA-00011-00002346-00002639 legislative priorities it hosts weekly wVvZ3BVxWNA-00012-00002640-00002804 meetings for these purposes and to wVvZ3BVxWNA-00013-00002805-00002968 communicate the party's message to wVvZ3BVxWNA-00014-00002969-00003259 members the caucus has a caucus chairman wVvZ3BVxWNA-00015-00003260-00003457 and caucus vice-chair formerly called wVvZ3BVxWNA-00016-00003458-00003829 the secretary for the 115th Congress wVvZ3BVxWNA-00017-00003830-00004127 which began in 2017 Joe Crowley of New wVvZ3BVxWNA-00018-00004128-00004318 York serves as chair with Linda Sanchez wVvZ3BVxWNA-00019-00004319-00005018 of California as vice-chair wVvZ3BVxWNA-00020-00005019-00005579 topic leadership history wVvZ3BVxWNA-00021-00005580-00005795 the forerunner of the House Democratic wVvZ3BVxWNA-00022-00005796-00006056 caucus the Democratic Republican caucus wVvZ3BVxWNA-00023-00006057-00006381 was established on April 2nd 1796 to wVvZ3BVxWNA-00024-00006382-00006555 stop a treaty with Great Britain which wVvZ3BVxWNA-00025-00006556-00006843 unfairly treated American sailors for wVvZ3BVxWNA-00026-00006844-00007077 many years through 1820 it nominated wVvZ3BVxWNA-00027-00007078-00007295 presidential candidates before the era wVvZ3BVxWNA-00028-00007297-00007620 of national nominating conventions since wVvZ3BVxWNA-00029-00007620-00007889 2003 the House Democratic leader has wVvZ3BVxWNA-00030-00007890-00008223 been Rep Nancy Pelosi of California the wVvZ3BVxWNA-00031-00008224-00008448 first female Speaker of the House in US wVvZ3BVxWNA-00032-00008449-00008670 history at the organizational meeting on wVvZ3BVxWNA-00033-00008671-00008960 November 18th 2008 of the Democratic wVvZ3BVxWNA-00034-00008961-00009180 caucus for the 111th Congress wVvZ3BVxWNA-00035-00009181-00009405 representative John B Larsen D wVvZ3BVxWNA-00036-00009406-00009612 Connecticut was elected caucus chairman wVvZ3BVxWNA-00037-00009613-00009899 by acclamation the election was presided wVvZ3BVxWNA-00038-00009900-00010077 over by the outgoing chairman of the wVvZ3BVxWNA-00039-00010078-00010338 Democratic caucus for the 110th Congress wVvZ3BVxWNA-00040-00010339-00010602 former representative rama manuel de la wVvZ3BVxWNA-00041-00010603-00010889 Noi representative Larson officially wVvZ3BVxWNA-00042-00010890-00011063 assumed the position of chairman on the wVvZ3BVxWNA-00043-00011064-00011358 first day of the 111th Congress January wVvZ3BVxWNA-00044-00011359-00011745 3rd 2009 after his election as chairman wVvZ3BVxWNA-00045-00011746-00011904 at the organizational meeting on wVvZ3BVxWNA-00046-00011905-00012014 November 18th wVvZ3BVxWNA-00047-00012015-00012185 chairman Larson presided over the wVvZ3BVxWNA-00048-00012186-00012360 election of Representatives Xavier wVvZ3BVxWNA-00049-00012361-00012578 Becerra d California who defeated wVvZ3BVxWNA-00050-00012579-00012828 representative Marcy Kaptur of Ohio by a wVvZ3BVxWNA-00051-00012829-00013260 vote count of 175 to 67 representative wVvZ3BVxWNA-00052-00013261-00013443 Becerra likewise assumed his vice wVvZ3BVxWNA-00053-00013444-00014093 chairmanship on January 3rd wVvZ3BVxWNA-00054-00014094-00014672 topic list of caucus chairman wVvZ3BVxWNA-00055-00014674-00015038 this list may be incomplete chase G wVvZ3BVxWNA-00056-00015040-00015466 Woodhouse 1949 to 1951 wVvZ3BVxWNA-00057-00015468-00016167 Edna F Kelly 1953 to 1957 1964 Leonor K wVvZ3BVxWNA-00058-00016168-00016855 Sullivan 1959 to 1975 except 1964 Patsy wVvZ3BVxWNA-00059-00016856-00016908 Mink wVvZ3BVxWNA-00060-00016909-00017509 1975 to 1977 Shirley Chisolm 1977 to wVvZ3BVxWNA-00061-00017510-00018188 1981 Geraldine Ferraro 1981 to 1985 Mary wVvZ3BVxWNA-00062-00018189-00018910 Rose ocher 1985 to 1987 wVvZ3BVxWNA-00063-00018911-00019330 topic list of vice chairs wVvZ3BVxWNA-00064-00019331-00019488 you wVvZ3BVxWNA-00065-00019489-00020064 mary-rose ocher 1987 to 1989 steny hoyer wVvZ3BVxWNA-00066-00020065-00020766 1989 vic Fei Jie 1989 to 1995 Barbra be wVvZ3BVxWNA-00067-00020767-00021357 keneley 1995 to 1999 Bob Menendez 1999 wVvZ3BVxWNA-00068-00021358-00022072 to 2003 Jim Clyburn 2003 to 2005 John B wVvZ3BVxWNA-00069-00022073-00022689 Larson 2006 to 2009 Xavier Becerra 2009 wVvZ3BVxWNA-00070-00022690-00023310 to 2012 Joe Crowley 2012 to 2017 Linda wVvZ3BVxWNA-00071-00023311-00023750 Sanchez 2017 to 2019 Katherine Clark wVvZ3BVxWNA-00072-00023751-00024048 2019 wW9aebpnXBu-00000-00000000-00000181 congratulations guys you've completed wW9aebpnXBu-00001-00000182-00000398 this course on Adobe After Effects I wW9aebpnXBu-00002-00000399-00000542 hope that you find that you're able to wW9aebpnXBu-00003-00000543-00000728 use this piece of software with a lot wW9aebpnXBu-00004-00000729-00000893 more confidence now and like you're able wW9aebpnXBu-00005-00000894-00001043 to use it all by yourself wW9aebpnXBu-00006-00001044-00001237 but if you need some more touch-ups you wW9aebpnXBu-00007-00001238-00001345 can always go back and check out wW9aebpnXBu-00008-00001346-00001625 previous videos or you can go to wwm wW9aebpnXBu-00009-00001626-00001826 ocean or a comm where we have a bunch of wW9aebpnXBu-00010-00001827-00001982 other After Effects tutorials that you wW9aebpnXBu-00011-00001982-00002227 can check out per free thank you guys so wW9aebpnXBu-00012-00002228-00002348 much for taking the time to take this wW9aebpnXBu-00013-00002349-00002540 course with me and I hope to see you in wW9aebpnXBu-00014-00002541-00002834 a future video wW9aebpnXBu-00015-00002835-00003349 [Music] wXdeao3MWU0-00000-00000035-00000299 plasma is a real-time 3d game engine wXdeao3MWU0-00001-00000300-00000446 originally called head spin and wXdeao3MWU0-00002-00000447-00000670 developed by head spin technologies in wXdeao3MWU0-00003-00000671-00000961 1997 and later by cyan world's cyan wXdeao3MWU0-00004-00000963-00001112 purchased the engine as part of the wXdeao3MWU0-00005-00001113-00001291 acquisition of head spin to power the wXdeao3MWU0-00006-00001292-00001511 next generation of real-time 3d Myst wXdeao3MWU0-00007-00001512-00001714 Series games such as uru complete wXdeao3MWU0-00008-00001716-00001955 chronicles and mr. V end of ages cyan wXdeao3MWU0-00009-00001955-00002192 worlds and opener org foundry jointly wXdeao3MWU0-00010-00002193-00002357 announced open source delivery of thee wXdeao3MWU0-00011-00002358-00002683 cyan world's dot-com engine client and wXdeao3MWU0-00012-00002684-00003025 3ds max plug-in aka plasma engine 2.0 wXdeao3MWU0-00013-00003026-00003224 the engine used to power Myst online wXdeao3MWU0-00014-00003225-00003802 guru live wXdeao3MWU0-00015-00003803-00004504 topic games using plasma engine equals wXdeao3MWU0-00016-00004505-00004781 equals equals plasma one zero equals wXdeao3MWU0-00017-00004782-00005261 equals equals Roma's mm equals equals wXdeao3MWU0-00018-00005262-00005553 equals plasma 2.0 aka sighing world's wXdeao3MWU0-00019-00005554-00005947 comm engine equals equals equals guru wXdeao3MWU0-00020-00005948-00006528 ages beyond Myst 2003 guru to Denis 2004 wXdeao3MWU0-00021-00006529-00006983 guru the path of the shell 2004 mist wXdeao3MWU0-00022-00006984-00007427 online guru live 2007 megaquest online wXdeao3MWU0-00023-00007428-00007891 2010 wXdeao3MWU0-00024-00007892-00008533 topic plasma 2.1 crowd this'll wXdeao3MWU0-00025-00008534-00008749 chronicles the will of tears interactive wXdeao3MWU0-00026-00008750-00009493 CD 2005 mist v end of ages 2005 equals wXdeao3MWU0-00027-00009494-00009808 equals equals plasma 3 0 equals equals wXdeao3MWU0-00028-00009809-00010405 equals cosmic Kosmos hex I'll 2007 wajg_zRhb4U-00000-00000024-00000262 um i'm jean will andre i'm an obama wajg_zRhb4U-00001-00000263-00000574 scholar at columbia university i'm also wajg_zRhb4U-00002-00000575-00000790 my background's in in open data i've wajg_zRhb4U-00003-00000791-00000935 been active in the open data community wajg_zRhb4U-00004-00000936-00001223 for more than uh more than a decade uh wajg_zRhb4U-00005-00001224-00001358 and i used to lead an organization wajg_zRhb4U-00006-00001359-00001655 called open north which was the leading wajg_zRhb4U-00007-00001655-00001887 non-profit organization in canada wajg_zRhb4U-00008-00001888-00002183 on open data and civic technology and wajg_zRhb4U-00009-00002184-00002302 for today wajg_zRhb4U-00010-00002303-00002431 uh we're going to be talking about wajg_zRhb4U-00011-00002432-00002575 community driven extreme weather wajg_zRhb4U-00012-00002576-00002742 preparedness planning in northern wajg_zRhb4U-00013-00002743-00002934 manhattan and this is really intended to wajg_zRhb4U-00014-00002935-00003039 be a wajg_zRhb4U-00015-00003040-00003206 conversation from different types of wajg_zRhb4U-00016-00003207-00003422 perspectives so from different sectors wajg_zRhb4U-00017-00003423-00003719 um around data information and resource wajg_zRhb4U-00018-00003720-00004015 needs and i've had the privilege of wajg_zRhb4U-00019-00004015-00004295 being able to uh to volunteer with we wajg_zRhb4U-00020-00004296-00004527 act for environmental justice here in wajg_zRhb4U-00021-00004528-00004759 harlem where i'm living wajg_zRhb4U-00022-00004760-00004838 and wajg_zRhb4U-00023-00004839-00005006 learning a lot about wajg_zRhb4U-00024-00005007-00005127 you know the types of issues but also wajg_zRhb4U-00025-00005128-00005335 the ways that they've been mobilizing wajg_zRhb4U-00026-00005336-00005559 community uh residents wajg_zRhb4U-00027-00005560-00005711 in their preparedness wajg_zRhb4U-00028-00005712-00005902 plan on climate action wajg_zRhb4U-00029-00005903-00006022 and wajg_zRhb4U-00030-00006023-00006286 the idea came from just my involvement wajg_zRhb4U-00031-00006287-00006463 through through react and knowing the wajg_zRhb4U-00032-00006464-00006623 open data community and wanting to be wajg_zRhb4U-00033-00006623-00006727 able to kind of facilitate a wajg_zRhb4U-00034-00006728-00006927 conversation from different perspectives wajg_zRhb4U-00035-00006928-00007014 um wajg_zRhb4U-00036-00007015-00007175 we've got wajg_zRhb4U-00037-00007176-00007527 three of our uh five speakers uh fourth wajg_zRhb4U-00038-00007528-00007846 one is expected to be joining shortly um wajg_zRhb4U-00039-00007847-00008087 first off uh we'll be hearing from uh wajg_zRhb4U-00040-00008088-00008439 annie uh car car four four row sorry wajg_zRhb4U-00041-00008440-00008687 from the climate justice organizer at we wajg_zRhb4U-00042-00008688-00008823 act for environment environmental wajg_zRhb4U-00043-00008824-00008999 justice um wajg_zRhb4U-00044-00009000-00009287 then we'll hear from uh andrew uh wajg_zRhb4U-00045-00009288-00009551 kurkisky sorry i'm killing the names wajg_zRhb4U-00046-00009552-00009742 here wajg_zRhb4U-00047-00009743-00010031 who's a senior staff associate at the wajg_zRhb4U-00048-00010032-00010246 international research institute for wajg_zRhb4U-00049-00010247-00010414 climate and society at columbia wajg_zRhb4U-00050-00010415-00010606 university wajg_zRhb4U-00051-00010607-00010863 and we'll be hearing also from unesco wajg_zRhb4U-00052-00010864-00011110 deputy chief of staff and senior policy wajg_zRhb4U-00053-00011111-00011406 advisor for equity at the new york city wajg_zRhb4U-00054-00011407-00011606 mayor's office of climate and wajg_zRhb4U-00055-00011607-00011870 environmental justice wajg_zRhb4U-00056-00011871-00012174 and uh as soon as mark wajg_zRhb4U-00057-00012175-00012431 mark levine borough president from wajg_zRhb4U-00058-00012432-00012695 manhattan joins us we'll also be hearing wajg_zRhb4U-00059-00012696-00012863 from uh from him as well and wajg_zRhb4U-00060-00012863-00013158 unfortunately uh adrian wasn't able to wajg_zRhb4U-00061-00013159-00013286 make it but that's okay i think we've wajg_zRhb4U-00062-00013287-00013558 got an hour uh so let's jump right in wajg_zRhb4U-00063-00013559-00013727 the uh we're gonna hear first from uh wajg_zRhb4U-00064-00013728-00013975 from andy to tell us about the react uh wajg_zRhb4U-00065-00013976-00014151 kind of project that they've been uh wajg_zRhb4U-00066-00014152-00014311 leading in the community wajg_zRhb4U-00067-00014312-00014511 and then i'll turn it over to wajg_zRhb4U-00068-00014512-00014799 andrew then eunice and then wajg_zRhb4U-00069-00014800-00014991 if if mark joins then we'll also be wajg_zRhb4U-00070-00014991-00015311 hearing from him so over to you honey wajg_zRhb4U-00071-00015312-00015494 great thank you so much john way hi wajg_zRhb4U-00072-00015495-00015703 everybody thank you so much for being wajg_zRhb4U-00073-00015704-00015871 here today and thank you john way for wajg_zRhb4U-00074-00015872-00016022 organizing this and coordinating all of wajg_zRhb4U-00075-00016023-00016111 this wajg_zRhb4U-00076-00016112-00016343 uh my name is annie and as john ray said wajg_zRhb4U-00077-00016344-00016535 i'm the climate justice organizer we act wajg_zRhb4U-00078-00016536-00016703 for environmental justice wajg_zRhb4U-00079-00016704-00016911 uh we're a 34 year old community based wajg_zRhb4U-00080-00016912-00017247 non-profit working in northern manhattan wajg_zRhb4U-00081-00017248-00017471 and our work is all based in wajg_zRhb4U-00082-00017472-00017655 environmental justice we empower and wajg_zRhb4U-00083-00017656-00017830 organize low-income residents and people wajg_zRhb4U-00084-00017831-00018022 of color to build healthy communities by wajg_zRhb4U-00085-00018023-00018311 participating in the creation of sound wajg_zRhb4U-00086-00018312-00018575 and fair environmental health uh wajg_zRhb4U-00087-00018576-00018750 policies and practices wajg_zRhb4U-00088-00018751-00019039 um you know we've become real local and wajg_zRhb4U-00089-00019040-00019239 and national leaders in the field of wajg_zRhb4U-00090-00019240-00019399 advocating for environmental justice wajg_zRhb4U-00091-00019400-00019639 policy change but um are very committed wajg_zRhb4U-00092-00019640-00019903 to our local roots of northern manhattan wajg_zRhb4U-00093-00019904-00020214 and so since 2015 really our community wajg_zRhb4U-00094-00020215-00020422 has risen the issue of wajg_zRhb4U-00095-00020423-00020678 emergency preparedness as wajg_zRhb4U-00096-00020679-00020822 we are starting to see the advancing wajg_zRhb4U-00097-00020823-00021030 effects of climate change and wajg_zRhb4U-00098-00021031-00021230 how those effects are disproportionately wajg_zRhb4U-00099-00021231-00021375 impacting poor and working class wajg_zRhb4U-00100-00021376-00021494 communities wajg_zRhb4U-00101-00021495-00021694 but after the summer of 2021 there was wajg_zRhb4U-00102-00021695-00021886 really a renewed sense of urgency to wajg_zRhb4U-00103-00021887-00022078 engage in community level preparedness wajg_zRhb4U-00104-00022079-00022191 planning wajg_zRhb4U-00105-00022192-00022383 specifically around flooding and extreme wajg_zRhb4U-00106-00022384-00022655 heat which were the two climate-related wajg_zRhb4U-00107-00022656-00022807 extreme weather events that impacted wajg_zRhb4U-00108-00022808-00022967 northern manhattan the most and were wajg_zRhb4U-00109-00022968-00023199 especially prevalent this past summer wajg_zRhb4U-00110-00023200-00023294 um wajg_zRhb4U-00111-00023295-00023439 we act has a lot of experience wajg_zRhb4U-00112-00023440-00023639 organizing around and preparing for wajg_zRhb4U-00113-00023640-00023775 extreme heat wajg_zRhb4U-00114-00023776-00023903 we know that temperatures are getting wajg_zRhb4U-00115-00023904-00024086 hotter for longer periods of time we wajg_zRhb4U-00116-00024087-00024214 know that neighborhoods in northern wajg_zRhb4U-00117-00024215-00024399 manhattan and areas of the south bronx wajg_zRhb4U-00118-00024400-00024671 are disproportionately hotter than other wajg_zRhb4U-00119-00024672-00024863 parts of the city wajg_zRhb4U-00120-00024864-00025030 and that you know our neighborhoods lack wajg_zRhb4U-00121-00025031-00025230 key investments that can keep wajg_zRhb4U-00122-00025231-00025367 neighborhoods cool and have a wajg_zRhb4U-00123-00025368-00025583 disproportionate load of bus depots wajg_zRhb4U-00124-00025584-00025839 parking lots highways etc wajg_zRhb4U-00125-00025839-00025999 um but the flooding that northern wajg_zRhb4U-00126-00026000-00026206 manhattan experienced between tropical wajg_zRhb4U-00127-00026207-00026511 storm elsa this summer hurricane ida um wajg_zRhb4U-00128-00026512-00026646 and a couple you know one-off wajg_zRhb4U-00129-00026647-00026807 thunderstorms that just you know wajg_zRhb4U-00130-00026808-00027023 released an extreme amount of rain of wajg_zRhb4U-00131-00027024-00027231 like cloudburst type rain wajg_zRhb4U-00132-00027232-00027407 and we're really frightening to a lot of wajg_zRhb4U-00133-00027408-00027535 our community wajg_zRhb4U-00134-00027536-00027774 and people felt really unprepared wajg_zRhb4U-00135-00027775-00027951 especially when they saw you know common wajg_zRhb4U-00136-00027952-00028174 street corners like 125th in amsterdam wajg_zRhb4U-00137-00028175-00028502 or the one train 157th street completely wajg_zRhb4U-00138-00028504-00028751 flooded um and so this got react kind of wajg_zRhb4U-00139-00028752-00029039 thinking um you know wajg_zRhb4U-00140-00029039-00029287 people there's data out there um that wajg_zRhb4U-00141-00029288-00029446 can warn people about their increased wajg_zRhb4U-00142-00029447-00029687 flood risk the city has a really robust wajg_zRhb4U-00143-00029688-00029807 data wajg_zRhb4U-00144-00029808-00030095 incentive data that exists um you know wajg_zRhb4U-00145-00030095-00030302 especially the the most recent wajg_zRhb4U-00146-00030303-00030543 stormwater runoff map is very accurate wajg_zRhb4U-00147-00030544-00030758 to reflecting kind of areas that flooded wajg_zRhb4U-00148-00030760-00030958 this summer due to extreme rain wajg_zRhb4U-00149-00030960-00031127 um and for heat it's similar there's so wajg_zRhb4U-00150-00031127-00031287 many you know data sets out there that wajg_zRhb4U-00151-00031288-00031455 can help you understand tree cover and wajg_zRhb4U-00152-00031456-00031639 and heat vulnerability and where to find wajg_zRhb4U-00153-00031639-00031870 cooling centers et cetera but there's a wajg_zRhb4U-00154-00031872-00032102 disconnect between what we were noticing wajg_zRhb4U-00155-00032103-00032270 talking to community members is there's wajg_zRhb4U-00156-00032272-00032487 a disconnect between the data that the wajg_zRhb4U-00157-00032488-00032614 city is putting out there for our wajg_zRhb4U-00158-00032616-00032887 consumption and our community's ability wajg_zRhb4U-00159-00032888-00033183 to interpret and plan accordingly wajg_zRhb4U-00160-00033184-00033351 um so this kind of kicked off our wajg_zRhb4U-00161-00033352-00033599 community-led planning planning process wajg_zRhb4U-00162-00033600-00033887 um that has created our our new plan wajg_zRhb4U-00163-00033888-00034031 that we're calling the climate ready wajg_zRhb4U-00164-00034032-00034159 uptown plan wajg_zRhb4U-00165-00034160-00034351 um and this came out of we act's climate wajg_zRhb4U-00166-00034352-00034543 justice working group which is comprised wajg_zRhb4U-00167-00034544-00034751 of members of we act that live in wajg_zRhb4U-00168-00034752-00034943 northern manhattan and beyond and are wajg_zRhb4U-00169-00034944-00035079 fighting for climate justice and wajg_zRhb4U-00170-00035080-00035302 environmental justice communities wajg_zRhb4U-00171-00035303-00035527 um so our planning process involved like wajg_zRhb4U-00172-00035528-00035679 a number of different components because wajg_zRhb4U-00173-00035680-00035823 we really wanted to make sure we were wajg_zRhb4U-00174-00035824-00036079 receiving like extensive public input wajg_zRhb4U-00175-00036080-00036383 and that we were also making this plan wajg_zRhb4U-00176-00036384-00036559 for the people who live in northern wajg_zRhb4U-00177-00036560-00036830 manhattan who are not necessarily data wajg_zRhb4U-00178-00036831-00036999 experts or emergency preparedness wajg_zRhb4U-00179-00037000-00037102 experts wajg_zRhb4U-00180-00037103-00037455 um so we had our um subcommittee within wajg_zRhb4U-00181-00037456-00037607 our climate justice working group that wajg_zRhb4U-00182-00037608-00037767 was helping us on this emergency wajg_zRhb4U-00183-00037768-00037911 planning and they were really the wajg_zRhb4U-00184-00037912-00038095 backbone of the plan they're community wajg_zRhb4U-00185-00038096-00038287 members they're researchers they're wajg_zRhb4U-00186-00038288-00038439 experts in the field and they're also wajg_zRhb4U-00187-00038440-00038743 you know um long-time residents and they wajg_zRhb4U-00188-00038744-00038918 helped with research coming up with wajg_zRhb4U-00189-00038919-00039095 common definitions and common language wajg_zRhb4U-00190-00039096-00039262 to use within the plan wajg_zRhb4U-00191-00039263-00039471 um the design of the tool they've also wajg_zRhb4U-00192-00039472-00039695 helped outreach and facilitate broader wajg_zRhb4U-00193-00039696-00039959 public meeting with um with northern wajg_zRhb4U-00194-00039960-00040111 manhattan residents wajg_zRhb4U-00195-00040112-00040335 we also engaged local emergency wajg_zRhb4U-00196-00040336-00040511 preparedness organizations two wajg_zRhb4U-00197-00040512-00040767 specifically being the east harlem coad wajg_zRhb4U-00198-00040768-00041071 which formed after hurricane sandy wajg_zRhb4U-00199-00041072-00041207 when they felt that their community was wajg_zRhb4U-00200-00041208-00041383 really getting left behind in recovery wajg_zRhb4U-00201-00041384-00041535 efforts wajg_zRhb4U-00202-00041536-00041711 as well as the harlem emergency network wajg_zRhb4U-00203-00041712-00041918 that also formed after hurricane sandy wajg_zRhb4U-00204-00041919-00042215 and created a really a very robust wajg_zRhb4U-00205-00042216-00042423 communication network for emergencies wajg_zRhb4U-00206-00042424-00042702 that involves radio updated social media wajg_zRhb4U-00207-00042703-00042974 handheld walkie-talkies really anything wajg_zRhb4U-00208-00042975-00043262 but and also cell phones um wajg_zRhb4U-00209-00043263-00043351 so wajg_zRhb4U-00210-00043352-00043646 both of these organizations have long wajg_zRhb4U-00211-00043647-00043783 roots in the community and is wajg_zRhb4U-00212-00043784-00044030 specifically in emergency preparedness wajg_zRhb4U-00213-00044031-00044223 along with we act you know wajg_zRhb4U-00214-00044224-00044462 roots in the community wajg_zRhb4U-00215-00044463-00044630 we also held public planning meeting wajg_zRhb4U-00216-00044631-00044943 with the larger northern manhattan wajg_zRhb4U-00217-00044944-00045135 constituency we involved community wajg_zRhb4U-00218-00045136-00045295 boards in that elected official's wajg_zRhb4U-00219-00045296-00045583 offices and we ran through scenarios of wajg_zRhb4U-00220-00045584-00045743 extreme heat and flooding to get wajg_zRhb4U-00221-00045744-00045902 feedback on wajg_zRhb4U-00222-00045903-00046095 how northern manhattan residents respond wajg_zRhb4U-00223-00046096-00046279 to these issues and what data or what wajg_zRhb4U-00224-00046280-00046462 information they wish they had or would wajg_zRhb4U-00225-00046463-00046695 have if this issue if this scenario was wajg_zRhb4U-00226-00046696-00046807 to occur wajg_zRhb4U-00227-00046808-00047007 um we consulted experts at columbia who wajg_zRhb4U-00228-00047008-00047183 i see somewhere on this call so very wajg_zRhb4U-00229-00047184-00047446 happy that they're there they're here um wajg_zRhb4U-00230-00047447-00047646 and then we're also as we move into the wajg_zRhb4U-00231-00047647-00047958 design phase of the actual booklet we're wajg_zRhb4U-00232-00047959-00048215 creating a focus group of seven to eight wajg_zRhb4U-00233-00048216-00048343 manhattan residents that really wajg_zRhb4U-00234-00048344-00048535 represent the diversity of manhattan and wajg_zRhb4U-00235-00048536-00048767 can give granular feedback on how maps wajg_zRhb4U-00236-00048768-00048902 are portrayed wajg_zRhb4U-00237-00048903-00049158 how how easy or difficult the data is to wajg_zRhb4U-00238-00049159-00049351 understand and how the content looks and wajg_zRhb4U-00239-00049352-00049567 is is digested wajg_zRhb4U-00240-00049568-00049646 um wajg_zRhb4U-00241-00049647-00049823 so just through all of these different wajg_zRhb4U-00242-00049824-00050055 like groups and different um kind of wajg_zRhb4U-00243-00050056-00050239 stakeholders we found some like really wajg_zRhb4U-00244-00050240-00050407 acute challenges to informing wajg_zRhb4U-00245-00050408-00050599 communities specifically about flood wajg_zRhb4U-00246-00050600-00050686 risk wajg_zRhb4U-00247-00050687-00050846 because flood maps are changing so wajg_zRhb4U-00248-00050847-00051030 quickly and have changed dramatically wajg_zRhb4U-00249-00051031-00051254 since hurricane sandy many people are wajg_zRhb4U-00250-00051255-00051479 not up to date on if they are in a flood wajg_zRhb4U-00251-00051479-00051566 zone wajg_zRhb4U-00252-00051567-00051975 if their emergency shelter has changed wajg_zRhb4U-00253-00051976-00052126 and another really interesting thing wajg_zRhb4U-00254-00052127-00052279 that came out of these conversations is wajg_zRhb4U-00255-00052279-00052463 that there is a large constituency of wajg_zRhb4U-00256-00052464-00052703 northern manhattan that are not um wajg_zRhb4U-00257-00052704-00052919 reliably connected to the internet and wajg_zRhb4U-00258-00052920-00053159 so having physical copies of things is wajg_zRhb4U-00259-00053160-00053375 so critical for people in a way that is wajg_zRhb4U-00260-00053376-00053463 also wajg_zRhb4U-00261-00053464-00053687 readable for them to to wajg_zRhb4U-00262-00053688-00053926 relate to their own individual risk wajg_zRhb4U-00263-00053927-00054166 um and another really interesting wajg_zRhb4U-00264-00054167-00054382 um piece of feedback that we got from wajg_zRhb4U-00265-00054383-00054615 the these the public meetings is that wajg_zRhb4U-00266-00054616-00054782 there's a lot of additional data that wajg_zRhb4U-00267-00054783-00054942 people are looking for when they think wajg_zRhb4U-00268-00054944-00055135 about these emergencies wajg_zRhb4U-00269-00055136-00055415 this can include charging stations wajg_zRhb4U-00270-00055416-00055671 emergency shelters flood risk of subways wajg_zRhb4U-00271-00055672-00055887 and bus lanes wajg_zRhb4U-00272-00055888-00056111 publicly owned facilities and also just wajg_zRhb4U-00273-00056112-00056375 community resources informal networks wajg_zRhb4U-00274-00056376-00056503 and data wajg_zRhb4U-00275-00056504-00056599 um wajg_zRhb4U-00276-00056600-00056782 and so we're kind of right now in the wajg_zRhb4U-00277-00056783-00056966 compiling stage where we're putting all wajg_zRhb4U-00278-00056967-00057135 of this feedback that we've gotten from wajg_zRhb4U-00279-00057136-00057359 people and all of the open data that wajg_zRhb4U-00280-00057360-00057559 exists in the city and figuring out how wajg_zRhb4U-00281-00057560-00057735 can we put this in a way that again is wajg_zRhb4U-00282-00057736-00058030 digestible and relatable for somebody to wajg_zRhb4U-00283-00058032-00058287 understand their individual risk wajg_zRhb4U-00284-00058288-00058430 but i want to just mention a couple of wajg_zRhb4U-00285-00058432-00058599 key takeaways before i pass it on to our wajg_zRhb4U-00286-00058600-00058719 next speaker wajg_zRhb4U-00287-00058720-00058830 is that wajg_zRhb4U-00288-00058832-00059007 from this planning process we know that wajg_zRhb4U-00289-00059008-00059199 much of the data that communities need wajg_zRhb4U-00290-00059200-00059423 to prepare themselves for climate change wajg_zRhb4U-00291-00059424-00059542 exists wajg_zRhb4U-00292-00059544-00059679 but the challenge lies in really wajg_zRhb4U-00293-00059679-00059879 presenting that data to somebody who is wajg_zRhb4U-00294-00059879-00060142 not comfortable with data sets in a wajg_zRhb4U-00295-00060144-00060375 digestible way that is also relevant to wajg_zRhb4U-00296-00060376-00060519 them and relevant to their personal wajg_zRhb4U-00297-00060520-00060694 lives wajg_zRhb4U-00298-00060695-00060887 we also know that community-based wajg_zRhb4U-00299-00060888-00061063 organizations that have long-standing wajg_zRhb4U-00300-00061064-00061263 relationships with the community should wajg_zRhb4U-00301-00061264-00061447 be key players in disseminating this wajg_zRhb4U-00302-00061448-00061623 information wajg_zRhb4U-00303-00061624-00061823 because they're trusted figures and and wajg_zRhb4U-00304-00061824-00062023 when we you know we're talking to people wajg_zRhb4U-00305-00062024-00062103 they wajg_zRhb4U-00306-00062104-00062199 um wajg_zRhb4U-00307-00062200-00062350 they they know that the information wajg_zRhb4U-00308-00062351-00062503 that's coming from us is reliable and wajg_zRhb4U-00309-00062504-00062687 something that they can can and want to wajg_zRhb4U-00310-00062688-00062806 interact with wajg_zRhb4U-00311-00062807-00063023 and then finally building out community wajg_zRhb4U-00312-00063024-00063247 networks um that can provide services wajg_zRhb4U-00313-00063248-00063454 and resources in an emergency are really wajg_zRhb4U-00314-00063455-00063703 critical pieces of informal data that wajg_zRhb4U-00315-00063704-00063887 can improve a community's resilience and wajg_zRhb4U-00316-00063888-00064030 this is something that we're spending a wajg_zRhb4U-00317-00064032-00064175 lot of time working on with harlem wajg_zRhb4U-00318-00064176-00064438 emergency network to map local wajg_zRhb4U-00319-00064439-00064663 businesses organizations soup kitchens wajg_zRhb4U-00320-00064664-00064887 churches that have resources and can wajg_zRhb4U-00321-00064888-00065175 mobilize in an emergency situation um so wajg_zRhb4U-00322-00065176-00065375 that people know you know this data that wajg_zRhb4U-00323-00065376-00065575 might not exist in a formal data set on wajg_zRhb4U-00324-00065576-00065815 open data open data but can be really wajg_zRhb4U-00325-00065816-00066087 useful for for community members um wajg_zRhb4U-00326-00066088-00066215 alike so wajg_zRhb4U-00327-00066216-00066367 that's a little bit about our plan and wajg_zRhb4U-00328-00066368-00066526 i'm sure when we get into the discussion wajg_zRhb4U-00329-00066527-00066694 i'm happy to answer more questions but wajg_zRhb4U-00330-00066695-00066879 um i want to pass it back to john way wajg_zRhb4U-00331-00066880-00067111 and and thank you all for being here wajg_zRhb4U-00332-00067112-00067287 thank you very much uh thank you so much wajg_zRhb4U-00333-00067288-00067399 i mean i think you've really kind of wajg_zRhb4U-00334-00067400-00067679 laid the uh the ground for uh a great wajg_zRhb4U-00335-00067680-00067926 discussion and you know uh a really kind wajg_zRhb4U-00336-00067927-00068199 of commendable uh initiative by we act wajg_zRhb4U-00337-00068200-00068479 that helps us uh look at open data from wajg_zRhb4U-00338-00068480-00068782 a context-driven and community-led wajg_zRhb4U-00339-00068783-00068982 initiative and that's that's really what wajg_zRhb4U-00340-00068983-00069199 we wanted to focus on today so i'll pass wajg_zRhb4U-00341-00069200-00069303 it over to wajg_zRhb4U-00342-00069304-00069511 uh andrew um wajg_zRhb4U-00343-00069512-00069782 who will be able to uh speak to us wajg_zRhb4U-00344-00069783-00069991 more from the the climate uh science wajg_zRhb4U-00345-00069992-00070294 perspective uh given his specialization wajg_zRhb4U-00346-00070295-00070487 in remote sensing and mapping of wajg_zRhb4U-00347-00070488-00070703 atmospheric and meteorological uh wajg_zRhb4U-00348-00070704-00070823 variables wajg_zRhb4U-00349-00070824-00071023 so over to you andrew wajg_zRhb4U-00350-00071024-00071191 thanks john wayne thanks and thanks wajg_zRhb4U-00351-00071192-00071303 annie wajg_zRhb4U-00352-00071304-00071511 yes so as john noe said i'm andrew wajg_zRhb4U-00353-00071512-00071703 kuczkewicz i'm a meteorologist by wajg_zRhb4U-00354-00071704-00071879 background from the new york area and i wajg_zRhb4U-00355-00071880-00072023 lived in brooklyn i've been living in wajg_zRhb4U-00356-00072024-00072182 brooklyn different parts of brooklyn for wajg_zRhb4U-00357-00072183-00072382 the past 15 years wajg_zRhb4U-00358-00072383-00072703 um and i want to start to start off wajg_zRhb4U-00359-00072704-00072831 my wajg_zRhb4U-00360-00072832-00073079 my part of this is wajg_zRhb4U-00361-00073080-00073367 yeah sharing a rather a shocking story wajg_zRhb4U-00362-00073368-00073599 or a story i was surprised to hear wajg_zRhb4U-00363-00073600-00073694 and wajg_zRhb4U-00364-00073695-00073847 yeah it happened after the september wajg_zRhb4U-00365-00073848-00074031 floods that were mentioned already in wajg_zRhb4U-00366-00074032-00074143 the session wajg_zRhb4U-00367-00074144-00074399 um and i remember hearing stories about wajg_zRhb4U-00368-00074400-00074662 well from people that were impacted by wajg_zRhb4U-00369-00074663-00074838 the devastating flash floods in wajg_zRhb4U-00370-00074839-00075031 different parts of the city and they wajg_zRhb4U-00371-00075032-00075199 basically were saying well some were wajg_zRhb4U-00372-00075200-00075319 saying wajg_zRhb4U-00373-00075320-00075479 i can't believe i have to deal with this wajg_zRhb4U-00374-00075480-00075582 again wajg_zRhb4U-00375-00075583-00075838 you know i lived through this in sandy wajg_zRhb4U-00376-00075839-00076047 and i thought i was doing wajg_zRhb4U-00377-00076048-00076206 what i was supposed to do wajg_zRhb4U-00378-00076207-00076415 we wanted to get out of the flood zone wajg_zRhb4U-00379-00076416-00076655 you know we looked at the flood maps and wajg_zRhb4U-00380-00076656-00076919 we moved to central queens or so eastern wajg_zRhb4U-00381-00076920-00077135 queens or central brooklyn wajg_zRhb4U-00382-00077136-00077294 you know we thought we did what was wajg_zRhb4U-00383-00077295-00077399 right wajg_zRhb4U-00384-00077400-00077575 why is this happening wajg_zRhb4U-00385-00077576-00077711 you know why do i have to go through wajg_zRhb4U-00386-00077712-00077967 this when my part my apartment's flooded wajg_zRhb4U-00387-00077968-00078182 why do i have to go through this when wajg_zRhb4U-00388-00078183-00078438 i feel like my life my my life my life wajg_zRhb4U-00389-00078439-00078606 is in danger my family's lives could be wajg_zRhb4U-00390-00078607-00078911 in danger this is not it's not fair wajg_zRhb4U-00391-00078912-00079055 why can't we trust the data that's wajg_zRhb4U-00392-00079056-00079182 available wajg_zRhb4U-00393-00079183-00079335 now we're trying to do the right thing wajg_zRhb4U-00394-00079336-00079511 you tell us after sandy we're going to wajg_zRhb4U-00395-00079512-00079726 see more floods why are we having floods wajg_zRhb4U-00396-00079727-00079855 in areas wajg_zRhb4U-00397-00079856-00080038 where we don't expect them wajg_zRhb4U-00398-00080039-00080182 and that story really sticks with me and wajg_zRhb4U-00399-00080183-00080438 i think it's it's important as us wajg_zRhb4U-00400-00080439-00080599 let's say speaking from my perspective wajg_zRhb4U-00401-00080600-00080703 as wajg_zRhb4U-00402-00080704-00080871 a scientist a meteorologist a wajg_zRhb4U-00403-00080872-00081094 meteorologist and climate scientist who wajg_zRhb4U-00404-00081095-00081423 operates at the interface of science and wajg_zRhb4U-00405-00081424-00081543 society wajg_zRhb4U-00406-00081544-00081655 you know i think we have a wajg_zRhb4U-00407-00081656-00081871 responsibility to do better wajg_zRhb4U-00408-00081872-00082062 i think we're in a very privileged wajg_zRhb4U-00409-00082063-00082215 position wajg_zRhb4U-00410-00082216-00082438 and i think we need to be more aware you wajg_zRhb4U-00411-00082439-00082631 know of these accountability structures wajg_zRhb4U-00412-00082632-00082815 and when we tell people to know their wajg_zRhb4U-00413-00082816-00083006 risk what does that mean what is the wajg_zRhb4U-00414-00083007-00083206 uncertainty what are the limitations wajg_zRhb4U-00415-00083207-00083391 what are the expectations wajg_zRhb4U-00416-00083392-00083543 and right now the incentive structure wajg_zRhb4U-00417-00083544-00083767 for the scientists is not there you know wajg_zRhb4U-00418-00083768-00083918 the incentive structure is around wajg_zRhb4U-00419-00083919-00084150 getting out data getting out maps wajg_zRhb4U-00420-00084151-00084375 telling people where things might happen wajg_zRhb4U-00421-00084376-00084687 and not necessarily talking about wajg_zRhb4U-00422-00084688-00084831 the challenges in the forecast and wajg_zRhb4U-00423-00084832-00085062 limitations so i want to start off by wajg_zRhb4U-00424-00085063-00085238 saying that because i think wajg_zRhb4U-00425-00085239-00085447 we need to focus a little bit more on wajg_zRhb4U-00426-00085448-00085655 that especially in the coming years when wajg_zRhb4U-00427-00085656-00085791 we're going to see more floods we're wajg_zRhb4U-00428-00085792-00085975 going to see more floods in places that wajg_zRhb4U-00429-00085976-00086223 have not seen floods before wajg_zRhb4U-00430-00086224-00086471 and most specifically we're going to see wajg_zRhb4U-00431-00086472-00086718 floods impacting traditionally wajg_zRhb4U-00432-00086719-00086926 underserved communities even more than wajg_zRhb4U-00433-00086927-00087159 they do now even more wajg_zRhb4U-00434-00087160-00087359 so just starting off with that uh and i wajg_zRhb4U-00435-00087360-00087582 wanted to tie it back also back to to wajg_zRhb4U-00436-00087583-00087759 sandy so i mentioned this wajg_zRhb4U-00437-00087760-00087903 this wajg_zRhb4U-00438-00087904-00088126 i think connection or relationship wajg_zRhb4U-00439-00088127-00088287 between what happened wajg_zRhb4U-00440-00088288-00088471 in august and september this year so wajg_zRhb4U-00441-00088472-00088606 what happened in the summer and wajg_zRhb4U-00442-00088607-00088831 september this year and sandy what are wajg_zRhb4U-00443-00088832-00088982 some of the similarities and differences wajg_zRhb4U-00444-00088983-00089118 and why does it matter wajg_zRhb4U-00445-00089119-00089223 well we can start off with the wajg_zRhb4U-00446-00089224-00089462 differences well they happened in wajg_zRhb4U-00447-00089463-00089575 different times of the year different wajg_zRhb4U-00448-00089576-00089726 months rather wajg_zRhb4U-00449-00089727-00089911 different types of storms wajg_zRhb4U-00450-00089912-00090047 you know some similarities with the wajg_zRhb4U-00451-00090048-00090294 types of storms but sandy was also wajg_zRhb4U-00452-00090295-00090518 forecast you know to to wajg_zRhb4U-00453-00090519-00090735 to lead to some types of impact i mean wajg_zRhb4U-00454-00090736-00090894 so into some extent the floods were wajg_zRhb4U-00455-00090895-00091047 forecast as well just on a different wajg_zRhb4U-00456-00091048-00091382 lead time but the type of flood was very wajg_zRhb4U-00457-00091383-00091582 different you know with sandy we saw wajg_zRhb4U-00458-00091583-00091767 storm surge flooding so the rise and wajg_zRhb4U-00459-00091768-00091991 push of the ocean onto land in certain wajg_zRhb4U-00460-00091992-00092150 areas wajg_zRhb4U-00461-00092151-00092247 and in wajg_zRhb4U-00462-00092248-00092406 the summer and into september of this wajg_zRhb4U-00463-00092407-00092599 year we saw it flooding from intense wajg_zRhb4U-00464-00092600-00092815 rainfall so flooding in areas that were wajg_zRhb4U-00465-00092816-00093023 quite distant from the shoreline in some wajg_zRhb4U-00466-00093024-00093118 cases wajg_zRhb4U-00467-00093119-00093431 in some areas where we we have we have wajg_zRhb4U-00468-00093432-00093735 known locations of improper drainage or wajg_zRhb4U-00469-00093736-00093911 just areas that where the drains the wajg_zRhb4U-00470-00093912-00094135 drainage system cannot handle the heavy wajg_zRhb4U-00471-00094136-00094359 rainfall in my neighborhood in gowanus wajg_zRhb4U-00472-00094360-00094638 brooklyn for example we were we had feet wajg_zRhb4U-00473-00094639-00094887 of water in the street wajg_zRhb4U-00474-00094888-00094982 um wajg_zRhb4U-00475-00094983-00095111 so yeah but that was some of the main wajg_zRhb4U-00476-00095112-00095294 differences in the main similarities wajg_zRhb4U-00477-00095295-00095462 there but both were floods and i think wajg_zRhb4U-00478-00095463-00095615 that is one of the important factors wajg_zRhb4U-00479-00095616-00095759 here wajg_zRhb4U-00480-00095760-00095959 these are types of floods wajg_zRhb4U-00481-00095960-00096159 when people think of their flood risk wajg_zRhb4U-00482-00096160-00096415 what is our responsibility as scientists wajg_zRhb4U-00483-00096416-00096606 to to be aware wajg_zRhb4U-00484-00096607-00096799 that there are challenges in talking wajg_zRhb4U-00485-00096800-00096991 about different types of floods and wajg_zRhb4U-00486-00096992-00097135 where different types of floods might wajg_zRhb4U-00487-00097136-00097359 happen and also the different ways to wajg_zRhb4U-00488-00097360-00097518 forecast floods wajg_zRhb4U-00489-00097519-00097726 i mean i have i wajg_zRhb4U-00490-00097727-00097799 i wajg_zRhb4U-00491-00097800-00097926 i have a phone just like i'm sure wajg_zRhb4U-00492-00097927-00098047 everyone else does a phone that's wajg_zRhb4U-00493-00098048-00098238 capable of of receiving the push wajg_zRhb4U-00494-00098239-00098406 notifications when we have a flash flood wajg_zRhb4U-00495-00098407-00098582 warning and i'll be the first to say wajg_zRhb4U-00496-00098583-00098782 that there's times when that phone goes wajg_zRhb4U-00497-00098783-00098918 off and and wajg_zRhb4U-00498-00098919-00099126 not only do most people not do anything wajg_zRhb4U-00499-00099127-00099447 including me but like what would you do wajg_zRhb4U-00500-00099448-00099591 how would you how are you supposed to wajg_zRhb4U-00501-00099592-00099782 deviate from what you would do wajg_zRhb4U-00502-00099783-00099999 that day or that minute they seem very wajg_zRhb4U-00503-00100000-00100238 urgent and they seem very shocking and i wajg_zRhb4U-00504-00100239-00100359 think this is also something that wajg_zRhb4U-00505-00100360-00100526 happened wajg_zRhb4U-00506-00100527-00100743 in the summer in september of this past wajg_zRhb4U-00507-00100744-00100918 year where wajg_zRhb4U-00508-00100919-00101103 there was an acknowledgement of wajg_zRhb4U-00509-00101104-00101350 distributing warnings but in terms of wajg_zRhb4U-00510-00101351-00101638 linking those warnings into action and wajg_zRhb4U-00511-00101639-00101911 understanding the opportunity cost for wajg_zRhb4U-00512-00101912-00102103 populations to deviate from what they wajg_zRhb4U-00513-00102104-00102311 would normally do actually takes a lot wajg_zRhb4U-00514-00102312-00102534 of responsibility on the on the part of wajg_zRhb4U-00515-00102535-00102686 the disseminator wajg_zRhb4U-00516-00102688-00102854 uh and i think this ties back into what wajg_zRhb4U-00517-00102855-00103006 annie was saying also about there is a wajg_zRhb4U-00518-00103007-00103182 lot of data available you know and wajg_zRhb4U-00519-00103183-00103327 there's ways to wajg_zRhb4U-00520-00103328-00103615 to to share that you know and to wajg_zRhb4U-00521-00103616-00103799 to do so in a way that that should wajg_zRhb4U-00522-00103800-00104015 motivate change but yeah there's other wajg_zRhb4U-00523-00104016-00104182 issues at play here it's not necessarily wajg_zRhb4U-00524-00104183-00104310 the forecast wajg_zRhb4U-00525-00104311-00104494 fault or error wajg_zRhb4U-00526-00104495-00104854 there is a a very a growing need to have wajg_zRhb4U-00527-00104855-00105031 people that could that could tailor that wajg_zRhb4U-00528-00105032-00105271 data could interpret that data integrate wajg_zRhb4U-00529-00105272-00105454 that data into actions that could wajg_zRhb4U-00530-00105455-00105678 actually happen within communities you wajg_zRhb4U-00531-00105679-00105871 know within understanding what actions wajg_zRhb4U-00532-00105872-00106031 that those communities can take they wajg_zRhb4U-00533-00106032-00106239 should take and then figuring out how to wajg_zRhb4U-00534-00106240-00106375 prioritize wajg_zRhb4U-00535-00106376-00106623 and messaging to prioritize ties those wajg_zRhb4U-00536-00106624-00106815 actions specifically not just warning wajg_zRhb4U-00537-00106816-00107127 but moving from forecasts to warning wajg_zRhb4U-00538-00107128-00107351 into action and it's really not easy it wajg_zRhb4U-00539-00107352-00107623 really involves understanding the wajg_zRhb4U-00540-00107624-00107823 the let's say accountability that goes wajg_zRhb4U-00541-00107824-00108071 into issuing warnings but also wajg_zRhb4U-00542-00108072-00108239 understanding the accountability of wajg_zRhb4U-00543-00108240-00108431 de-prioritization wajg_zRhb4U-00544-00108432-00108599 you know and that's something that from wajg_zRhb4U-00545-00108600-00108743 some of my work wajg_zRhb4U-00546-00108744-00108966 working with the humanitarian community wajg_zRhb4U-00547-00108967-00109143 in other countries as well thinking wajg_zRhb4U-00548-00109144-00109358 about what does it mean to warn people wajg_zRhb4U-00549-00109359-00109590 in one county in one neighborhood and wajg_zRhb4U-00550-00109591-00109734 not warn people in the neighboring wajg_zRhb4U-00551-00109735-00109886 county or the other neighboring wajg_zRhb4U-00552-00109888-00110054 community what does it mean to take wajg_zRhb4U-00553-00110055-00110215 certain actions how do we draw these wajg_zRhb4U-00554-00110216-00110502 lines many times the forecasts that we wajg_zRhb4U-00555-00110503-00110719 use for rainfall for flooding they're wajg_zRhb4U-00556-00110720-00110958 not produced at the granularity that wajg_zRhb4U-00557-00110959-00111207 people perceive them to be produced at wajg_zRhb4U-00558-00111208-00111423 you know sometimes we're not necessarily wajg_zRhb4U-00559-00111424-00111590 able to give street by street forecasts wajg_zRhb4U-00560-00111591-00111815 therefore it could be inappropriate to wajg_zRhb4U-00561-00111816-00112063 de-prioritize some areas and prioritize wajg_zRhb4U-00562-00112064-00112263 others and that's okay i think another wajg_zRhb4U-00563-00112264-00112543 key message of my of my talk is wajg_zRhb4U-00564-00112544-00112743 there's limitations in forecasts you wajg_zRhb4U-00565-00112744-00112895 know there needs to be a greater wajg_zRhb4U-00566-00112896-00113047 acknowledgement that they're not perfect wajg_zRhb4U-00567-00113048-00113302 they're not supposed to be perfect wajg_zRhb4U-00568-00113303-00113463 and i'm not saying that we should never wajg_zRhb4U-00569-00113464-00113647 blame the scientists i think there are wajg_zRhb4U-00570-00113648-00113823 times when the forecast is wrong and the wajg_zRhb4U-00571-00113824-00113943 scientist wajg_zRhb4U-00572-00113944-00114247 is also is also wrong but many times i wajg_zRhb4U-00573-00114248-00114334 feel wajg_zRhb4U-00574-00114335-00114534 this is more about that transmission wajg_zRhb4U-00575-00114535-00114734 pathway from the forecast to the wajg_zRhb4U-00576-00114735-00114878 dissemination wajg_zRhb4U-00577-00114879-00115086 to saying things making statements from wajg_zRhb4U-00578-00115088-00115302 this trusted position as a scientist as wajg_zRhb4U-00579-00115303-00115510 a meteorologist that's where i think a wajg_zRhb4U-00580-00115511-00115623 lot of the wajg_zRhb4U-00581-00115624-00115799 a lot of the um wajg_zRhb4U-00582-00115800-00115990 challenges lie rather than in the data wajg_zRhb4U-00583-00115991-00116127 itself wajg_zRhb4U-00584-00116128-00116439 so we're here now i feel like there are wajg_zRhb4U-00585-00116440-00116623 significant gaps between availability wajg_zRhb4U-00586-00116624-00116831 and use but we need to break that down wajg_zRhb4U-00587-00116832-00116910 more wajg_zRhb4U-00588-00116911-00117047 and we need to do it from a community wajg_zRhb4U-00589-00117048-00117254 perspective i think there's wajg_zRhb4U-00590-00117255-00117454 there's signific there's opportunities wajg_zRhb4U-00591-00117455-00117575 here wajg_zRhb4U-00592-00117576-00117702 in northern manhattan for example wajg_zRhb4U-00593-00117703-00117886 there's opportunities now to understand wajg_zRhb4U-00594-00117888-00118071 what those gaps are between availability wajg_zRhb4U-00595-00118072-00118175 and use wajg_zRhb4U-00596-00118176-00118383 what are the data gaps perhaps the data wajg_zRhb4U-00597-00118383-00118695 gap could potentially be and likely i wajg_zRhb4U-00598-00118696-00118910 would say not the biggest gap wajg_zRhb4U-00599-00118911-00119054 but how do we integrate those forecasts wajg_zRhb4U-00600-00119055-00119239 how do we understand what actions can wajg_zRhb4U-00601-00119240-00119375 can be taken wajg_zRhb4U-00602-00119376-00119566 how do we fund those actions you know wajg_zRhb4U-00603-00119567-00119783 and then how do we monitor wajg_zRhb4U-00604-00119783-00119951 if we are wajg_zRhb4U-00605-00119952-00120107 leading to a decreased wajg_zRhb4U-00606-00120108-00120302 disproportionality of impact on wajg_zRhb4U-00607-00120303-00120495 underserved communities because there's wajg_zRhb4U-00608-00120496-00120743 also a risk at times where we're not wajg_zRhb4U-00609-00120744-00120910 necessarily doing that and i think we wajg_zRhb4U-00610-00120911-00121158 need to be more aware of that as well wajg_zRhb4U-00611-00121159-00121327 um the last thing i think there's a wajg_zRhb4U-00612-00121328-00121495 couple more minutes left wajg_zRhb4U-00613-00121496-00121807 um but just about wajg_zRhb4U-00614-00121808-00121966 yeah the wajg_zRhb4U-00615-00121967-00122158 the idea of just the cost of doing wajg_zRhb4U-00616-00122159-00122319 nothing and the cost of doing something wajg_zRhb4U-00617-00122320-00122495 i guess we could leave it off there wajg_zRhb4U-00618-00122496-00122671 yes like i would love to be more wajg_zRhb4U-00619-00122672-00122878 specific with forecasts and forecasts wajg_zRhb4U-00620-00122879-00123007 are getting better wajg_zRhb4U-00621-00123008-00123207 but we need to understand that this is wajg_zRhb4U-00622-00123208-00123471 exists across a continuum the costs and wajg_zRhb4U-00623-00123472-00123710 benefits of forecasts and taking action wajg_zRhb4U-00624-00123711-00123919 there are costs of doing nothing but wajg_zRhb4U-00625-00123920-00124119 there's also cost of doing something if wajg_zRhb4U-00626-00124120-00124375 we do so in a haphazard way without wajg_zRhb4U-00627-00124376-00124607 understanding the disproportionalities wajg_zRhb4U-00628-00124608-00124790 of impact that occur across our wajg_zRhb4U-00629-00124791-00124966 communities in new york city wajg_zRhb4U-00630-00124967-00125063 um wajg_zRhb4U-00631-00125064-00125231 and we and we have seen that and we will wajg_zRhb4U-00632-00125232-00125454 continue to see that wajg_zRhb4U-00633-00125455-00125654 so i think that i'll leave it there for wajg_zRhb4U-00634-00125655-00125871 now um i feel like wajg_zRhb4U-00635-00125872-00126031 there are definitely new york cities at wajg_zRhb4U-00636-00126032-00126239 the forefront at a lot of this work i wajg_zRhb4U-00637-00126240-00126423 should also say like i'm very proud to wajg_zRhb4U-00638-00126424-00126551 live here and wajg_zRhb4U-00639-00126552-00126695 and see wajg_zRhb4U-00640-00126696-00126895 work moving forward in activities and wajg_zRhb4U-00641-00126896-00127031 people acknowledging this that is the wajg_zRhb4U-00642-00127032-00127143 first step wajg_zRhb4U-00643-00127144-00127239 um wajg_zRhb4U-00644-00127240-00127390 there are various opportunities for wajg_zRhb4U-00645-00127391-00127527 northern manhattan to learn from the wajg_zRhb4U-00646-00127528-00127686 other parts of new york city which i wajg_zRhb4U-00647-00127688-00127943 think is also something to note wajg_zRhb4U-00648-00127944-00128031 um wajg_zRhb4U-00649-00128032-00128214 but yeah i think that wajg_zRhb4U-00650-00128215-00128399 overarching point of mind is there is a wajg_zRhb4U-00651-00128400-00128583 lot of data available wajg_zRhb4U-00652-00128583-00128871 as my career progresses i find myself wajg_zRhb4U-00653-00128872-00129063 producing a lot less data and acting wajg_zRhb4U-00654-00129064-00129278 more at the interface of science policy wajg_zRhb4U-00655-00129279-00129454 and practice in order to make sure the wajg_zRhb4U-00656-00129455-00129590 data that is produced is used wajg_zRhb4U-00657-00129591-00129847 appropriately is used effectively and wajg_zRhb4U-00658-00129848-00130007 used to actually decrease that wajg_zRhb4U-00659-00130008-00130199 disproportionality of impact for wajg_zRhb4U-00660-00130200-00130431 disasters so i think i'll leave it there wajg_zRhb4U-00661-00130432-00130678 i'm back over to you shaunae wajg_zRhb4U-00662-00130679-00130847 fantastic thank you so much andrew and i wajg_zRhb4U-00663-00130848-00131023 think you both of you both annie and wajg_zRhb4U-00664-00131024-00131199 yourself have touched on the role of wajg_zRhb4U-00665-00131200-00131454 intermediaries in in many ways of how to wajg_zRhb4U-00666-00131455-00131743 translate and make wajg_zRhb4U-00667-00131744-00131966 you know an effective use of of data so wajg_zRhb4U-00668-00131967-00132151 it's an interesting piece of the the wajg_zRhb4U-00669-00132152-00132351 open data puzzle if we're not dealing wajg_zRhb4U-00670-00132352-00132495 necessarily with the availability of wajg_zRhb4U-00671-00132496-00132687 data but actually how to how to use it wajg_zRhb4U-00672-00132688-00132959 well um so i think you also segue really wajg_zRhb4U-00673-00132960-00133247 well to uh to our next speaker uh eunice wajg_zRhb4U-00674-00133248-00133439 uh from wajg_zRhb4U-00675-00133440-00133623 the the mayor's office of climate and wajg_zRhb4U-00676-00133624-00134007 environmental justice so over to you wajg_zRhb4U-00677-00134008-00134067 thank you wajg_zRhb4U-00678-00134068-00134183 [Music] wajg_zRhb4U-00679-00134184-00134478 um hi everybody uh like as you know wajg_zRhb4U-00680-00134479-00134695 already said my name is eunice koh i wajg_zRhb4U-00681-00134696-00134935 work at the newly minted mayor's office wajg_zRhb4U-00682-00134936-00135159 of climate and environmental justice wajg_zRhb4U-00683-00135160-00135399 which now integrates both sustainability wajg_zRhb4U-00684-00135400-00135639 and resiliency into one office and a wajg_zRhb4U-00685-00135640-00135823 coordinated approach wajg_zRhb4U-00686-00135824-00135966 where we're going to work to make our wajg_zRhb4U-00687-00135967-00136151 buildings efficient and resilient our wajg_zRhb4U-00688-00136152-00136343 infrastructure climate ready and our wajg_zRhb4U-00689-00136344-00136583 public realm as living streets and open wajg_zRhb4U-00690-00136584-00136895 spaces and finally our energy clean and wajg_zRhb4U-00691-00136896-00137119 resilient so i will of course then be wajg_zRhb4U-00692-00137120-00137351 speaking from the city of perspective wajg_zRhb4U-00693-00137352-00137478 sorry from the perspective of the city wajg_zRhb4U-00694-00137479-00137654 of new york and how we use data and the wajg_zRhb4U-00695-00137655-00137790 types of data wajg_zRhb4U-00696-00137791-00137966 we collect to better understand climate wajg_zRhb4U-00697-00137967-00138143 risks that people face across the city wajg_zRhb4U-00698-00138144-00138327 and in their neighborhoods and really wajg_zRhb4U-00699-00138328-00138487 enables different stakeholders in the wajg_zRhb4U-00700-00138488-00138735 city to understand plan and prepare for wajg_zRhb4U-00701-00138736-00138983 these climate risks wajg_zRhb4U-00702-00138984-00139254 um and to annie's point uh we know uh wajg_zRhb4U-00703-00139255-00139407 the way we collect and produce data can wajg_zRhb4U-00704-00139408-00139583 certainly be improved to ensure we are wajg_zRhb4U-00705-00139584-00139751 thinking about quality of life impacts wajg_zRhb4U-00706-00139752-00139927 from climate change and really hearing wajg_zRhb4U-00707-00139928-00140166 from people on the ground um so that we wajg_zRhb4U-00708-00140167-00140351 are protecting and prioritizing the wajg_zRhb4U-00709-00140352-00140527 communities made most vulnerable to wajg_zRhb4U-00710-00140528-00140727 climate change so i'm going to break it wajg_zRhb4U-00711-00140728-00140935 down the kind of the different data wajg_zRhb4U-00712-00140936-00141102 types and how we use data in the two wajg_zRhb4U-00713-00141103-00141254 different risks that we are talking wajg_zRhb4U-00714-00141255-00141399 about so first wajg_zRhb4U-00715-00141400-00141527 extreme heat wajg_zRhb4U-00716-00141528-00141807 so in extreme heat uh we use our data to wajg_zRhb4U-00717-00141808-00142014 prioritize investments and resources and wajg_zRhb4U-00718-00142015-00142143 communities that are made most wajg_zRhb4U-00719-00142144-00142375 vulnerable it's extreme key so for wajg_zRhb4U-00720-00142376-00142614 example our be a buddy our faith-based wajg_zRhb4U-00721-00142615-00142790 outreach our tree planning initiatives wajg_zRhb4U-00722-00142791-00142999 all prioritize investments and resources wajg_zRhb4U-00723-00143000-00143166 and communities that are made most wajg_zRhb4U-00724-00143167-00143423 vulnerable to extreme heat as indicated wajg_zRhb4U-00725-00143424-00143663 by this data tool the heat vulnerability wajg_zRhb4U-00726-00143664-00143887 index so the heat vulnerability index wajg_zRhb4U-00727-00143888-00144102 for those of you who don't know wajg_zRhb4U-00728-00144103-00144295 uses a statistical model to summarize wajg_zRhb4U-00729-00144296-00144431 the most important social and wajg_zRhb4U-00730-00144432-00144623 environmental factors that contribute to wajg_zRhb4U-00731-00144624-00144783 neighborhood heat risk wajg_zRhb4U-00732-00144784-00144975 the resulting map shows neighborhoods wajg_zRhb4U-00733-00144976-00145119 whose residents are more at risk for wajg_zRhb4U-00734-00145120-00145326 dying during and immediately following wajg_zRhb4U-00735-00145327-00145463 extreme heat wajg_zRhb4U-00736-00145464-00145726 the factors included in the hvi are wajg_zRhb4U-00737-00145727-00145887 surface temperature wajg_zRhb4U-00738-00145888-00146023 green space wajg_zRhb4U-00739-00146024-00146199 access to home air conditioning and the wajg_zRhb4U-00740-00146200-00146359 percentage of residents who are low wajg_zRhb4U-00741-00146360-00146590 income or non-latin black wajg_zRhb4U-00742-00146591-00146790 so unlike many social vulnerability wajg_zRhb4U-00743-00146791-00147031 indices the hvi is actually validated wajg_zRhb4U-00744-00147032-00147278 against nyc mortality data wajg_zRhb4U-00745-00147279-00147439 meaning that neighborhoods with elevated wajg_zRhb4U-00746-00147440-00147647 risk identified by the index are those wajg_zRhb4U-00747-00147648-00147878 areas with elevated heat exacerbated wajg_zRhb4U-00748-00147879-00148223 deaths during extreme heat events wajg_zRhb4U-00749-00148224-00148407 separately for the past several years wajg_zRhb4U-00750-00148408-00148647 our office in partnership with dohmh and wajg_zRhb4U-00751-00148648-00148799 the parks department has run a wajg_zRhb4U-00752-00148800-00149014 temperature monitoring campaign wajg_zRhb4U-00753-00149015-00149207 which collects real time temperature wajg_zRhb4U-00754-00149208-00149383 data in high heat vulnerable wajg_zRhb4U-00755-00149384-00149543 neighborhoods to better understand the wajg_zRhb4U-00756-00149544-00149735 hyper local temperature differential wajg_zRhb4U-00757-00149736-00149959 differences between community and the wajg_zRhb4U-00758-00149960-00150159 factors i kind of already listed open wajg_zRhb4U-00759-00150160-00150399 space impervious services building wajg_zRhb4U-00760-00150400-00150590 orientation etc wajg_zRhb4U-00761-00150591-00150759 that are the primary driving factors to wajg_zRhb4U-00762-00150760-00150983 the urban heat island effect so the wajg_zRhb4U-00763-00150984-00151151 findings have been developed into a wajg_zRhb4U-00764-00151152-00151335 really cool data story and published on wajg_zRhb4U-00765-00151336-00151511 open data and really helped to inform wajg_zRhb4U-00766-00151512-00151839 the city's heat resiliency strategy wajg_zRhb4U-00767-00151840-00152007 for another example the be a buddy wajg_zRhb4U-00768-00152008-00152254 program which again uses the hvi to wajg_zRhb4U-00769-00152255-00152526 prioritize investments this is a social wajg_zRhb4U-00770-00152527-00152735 resiliency program that was piloted in wajg_zRhb4U-00771-00152736-00152871 three neighborhoods with the highest wajg_zRhb4U-00772-00152872-00153102 level of heat vulnerability so this is wajg_zRhb4U-00773-00153103-00153359 how we're using the hvi um so the goal wajg_zRhb4U-00774-00153360-00153543 here for the program is to identify and wajg_zRhb4U-00775-00153544-00153719 regularly engage with climate vulnerable wajg_zRhb4U-00776-00153720-00153951 residents through hyperlocal volunteer wajg_zRhb4U-00777-00153952-00154151 body networks and these networks can wajg_zRhb4U-00778-00154152-00154351 then be activated during extreme heat wajg_zRhb4U-00779-00154352-00154599 and other emergencies such as covid wajg_zRhb4U-00780-00154600-00154799 across the three bia buddy programs we wajg_zRhb4U-00781-00154800-00155047 have stood up cbo staff and volunteers wajg_zRhb4U-00782-00155048-00155247 have identified over a thousand climate wajg_zRhb4U-00783-00155248-00155566 susceptible residents and recruited 66 wajg_zRhb4U-00784-00155567-00155726 local volunteers wajg_zRhb4U-00785-00155727-00156078 70 of the residents are over 55 65 live wajg_zRhb4U-00786-00156079-00156287 in subsidized housing and a majority are wajg_zRhb4U-00787-00156288-00156478 black and latino women wajg_zRhb4U-00788-00156479-00156751 and during early covet activation from wajg_zRhb4U-00789-00156752-00157047 about march to may 2020 over 4 000 wajg_zRhb4U-00790-00157048-00157263 contacts were made um representing wajg_zRhb4U-00791-00157264-00157511 success rates of 92 which is just wajg_zRhb4U-00792-00157512-00157719 picking up the call wajg_zRhb4U-00793-00157720-00157878 um so that's some of the data again that wajg_zRhb4U-00794-00157879-00158126 we collect and again use actually in how wajg_zRhb4U-00795-00158127-00158343 we prioritize our investments and wajg_zRhb4U-00796-00158344-00158551 focus our programming funding wajg_zRhb4U-00797-00158552-00158863 in the city to address heat risks wajg_zRhb4U-00798-00158864-00159063 on the inland flooding side which we're wajg_zRhb4U-00799-00159064-00159223 referencing here is flash flooding which wajg_zRhb4U-00800-00159224-00159414 is due to extreme precipitation as we wajg_zRhb4U-00801-00159415-00159671 all mentioned cloud burst effect as wajg_zRhb4U-00802-00159672-00159919 annie pointed out um we have a few wajg_zRhb4U-00803-00159920-00160063 things that we're trying to do here i wajg_zRhb4U-00804-00160064-00160263 think that the key signature wajg_zRhb4U-00805-00160264-00160423 data initiative wajg_zRhb4U-00806-00160424-00160575 that we're working on is called flood wajg_zRhb4U-00807-00160576-00160807 knit floodnet is really an innovative wajg_zRhb4U-00808-00160808-00160975 flood data collection program that wajg_zRhb4U-00809-00160976-00161214 provides real-time street-level flood wajg_zRhb4U-00810-00161215-00161414 information to new york city government wajg_zRhb4U-00811-00161415-00161678 agencies local residents emergency wajg_zRhb4U-00812-00161679-00161919 response teams and researchers wajg_zRhb4U-00813-00161920-00162199 floodnet began in 2020 as a grant-funded wajg_zRhb4U-00814-00162200-00162439 pilot project in two areas of the city wajg_zRhb4U-00815-00162440-00162702 gowanus and parts of jamaica bay it's a wajg_zRhb4U-00816-00162703-00162975 partnership between our office the wajg_zRhb4U-00817-00162976-00163159 mayor's office of the chief technology wajg_zRhb4U-00818-00163160-00163478 office city agencies nyu tandon center wajg_zRhb4U-00819-00163479-00163726 for urban science and progress cuny wajg_zRhb4U-00820-00163727-00163943 advanced science research center and the wajg_zRhb4U-00821-00163944-00164087 science and resilience institute of wajg_zRhb4U-00822-00164088-00164199 jamaica pay so this is a wajg_zRhb4U-00823-00164200-00164502 multi-partnership collaboration wajg_zRhb4U-00824-00164503-00164726 and the pilot floodnet censors recorded wajg_zRhb4U-00825-00164727-00164951 flash floods in gowanus in real time and wajg_zRhb4U-00826-00164952-00165143 with high resolution during both wajg_zRhb4U-00827-00165144-00165383 tropical storm honoree and hurricane ida wajg_zRhb4U-00828-00165384-00165543 and has recorded high tide flooding in wajg_zRhb4U-00829-00165544-00165807 jamaica bay neighborhoods regularly wajg_zRhb4U-00830-00165808-00165990 so after the flooding from hurricane ida wajg_zRhb4U-00831-00165991-00166135 which has been referenced a few times in wajg_zRhb4U-00832-00166136-00166335 this conversation the city really wajg_zRhb4U-00833-00166336-00166543 committed to expanding the sensor wajg_zRhb4U-00834-00166544-00166766 network city-wide over the next five wajg_zRhb4U-00835-00166767-00167007 years by installing up to 500 new wajg_zRhb4U-00836-00167008-00167263 sensors in 50 priority areas wajg_zRhb4U-00837-00167264-00167438 to be determined by analysis of storm wajg_zRhb4U-00838-00167439-00167559 water risk wajg_zRhb4U-00839-00167560-00167807 tidal flooding risk storm damages wajg_zRhb4U-00840-00167808-00168047 environmental justice history social wajg_zRhb4U-00841-00168048-00168287 vulnerability critical infrastructure wajg_zRhb4U-00842-00168288-00168447 and proximity to wireless network wajg_zRhb4U-00843-00168448-00168575 connections wajg_zRhb4U-00844-00168576-00168847 the flood sensor data has multiple uses wajg_zRhb4U-00845-00168848-00169063 including one informing potential road wajg_zRhb4U-00846-00169064-00169278 closures or travel plans and alerting wajg_zRhb4U-00847-00169279-00169447 drivers to avoid flooded and dangerous wajg_zRhb4U-00848-00169448-00169559 streets wajg_zRhb4U-00849-00169560-00169751 two alerting communities to the need of wajg_zRhb4U-00850-00169752-00169935 emergency preparedness and response wajg_zRhb4U-00851-00169936-00170102 including activating real-time wajg_zRhb4U-00852-00170103-00170295 mitigation measures like sandbags and wajg_zRhb4U-00853-00170296-00170583 removal of valuables from basements wajg_zRhb4U-00854-00170584-00170871 three being used to help identify areas wajg_zRhb4U-00855-00170872-00171135 that most are most urgently in need of wajg_zRhb4U-00856-00171136-00171375 post storm um assistance wajg_zRhb4U-00857-00171376-00171631 fourth validating existing storm sorry wajg_zRhb4U-00858-00171632-00171814 validating existing flood models for wajg_zRhb4U-00859-00171815-00171975 example like the store model uh wajg_zRhb4U-00860-00171976-00172175 stormwater model as well as future flood wajg_zRhb4U-00861-00172176-00172383 models and better honing in flood wajg_zRhb4U-00862-00172384-00172526 flooding predictions wajg_zRhb4U-00863-00172527-00172759 and lastly informing storm water and wajg_zRhb4U-00864-00172760-00173071 tidal flooding resiliency planning wajg_zRhb4U-00865-00173072-00173199 we recently wajg_zRhb4U-00866-00173200-00173390 deployed some sensors in the bronx so we wajg_zRhb4U-00867-00173391-00173566 installed four sensors in the bronx in wajg_zRhb4U-00868-00173567-00173702 february wajg_zRhb4U-00869-00173703-00173975 westchester and colgate sheridan 173rd wajg_zRhb4U-00870-00173976-00174254 169th and intervale southern and freeman wajg_zRhb4U-00871-00174255-00174414 as well as one gateway at the bronx wajg_zRhb4U-00872-00174415-00174535 river house wajg_zRhb4U-00873-00174536-00174759 in starlight park so we're working with wajg_zRhb4U-00874-00174760-00174959 alicia grount grion and the newark's wajg_zRhb4U-00875-00174960-00175135 bronx collective to deploy additional wajg_zRhb4U-00876-00175136-00175351 sensors south of in portland park based wajg_zRhb4U-00877-00175352-00175575 on the flooding they've seen in the area wajg_zRhb4U-00878-00175576-00175775 cuny students are also involved as well wajg_zRhb4U-00879-00175776-00175911 as community members and they're all wajg_zRhb4U-00880-00175912-00176038 invited to wajg_zRhb4U-00881-00176039-00176207 the deployments to learn more about the wajg_zRhb4U-00882-00176208-00176575 sensor technology and gain installation wajg_zRhb4U-00883-00176576-00176759 so we will eventually do a concurrent wajg_zRhb4U-00884-00176760-00176959 community outreach process to identify wajg_zRhb4U-00885-00176960-00177223 high impact flooding locations explain wajg_zRhb4U-00886-00177224-00177454 sensor functions and uses collect and wajg_zRhb4U-00887-00177455-00177711 communicate community feedback produce wajg_zRhb4U-00888-00177712-00177831 educational wajg_zRhb4U-00889-00177832-00178023 materials and really train residents on wajg_zRhb4U-00890-00178024-00178302 flood net dashboard and methods wajg_zRhb4U-00891-00178303-00178575 reporting flooding and its impacts wajg_zRhb4U-00892-00178576-00178726 um you know i think the stretch really wajg_zRhb4U-00893-00178727-00179014 here um for our office um is really to wajg_zRhb4U-00894-00179015-00179254 think about and how to collect and use wajg_zRhb4U-00895-00179255-00179447 qualitative data for policy making wajg_zRhb4U-00896-00179448-00179695 decision making and strategic planning wajg_zRhb4U-00897-00179696-00179911 you know how are we wajg_zRhb4U-00898-00179912-00180111 enabling and including um community wajg_zRhb4U-00899-00180112-00180359 members voices to actually tell us wajg_zRhb4U-00900-00180360-00180543 what the risks are that they face and wajg_zRhb4U-00901-00180544-00180799 how they even define and view risk wajg_zRhb4U-00902-00180800-00181038 so again yeah more about quality of life wajg_zRhb4U-00903-00181039-00181214 impacts to climate change and better wajg_zRhb4U-00904-00181215-00181454 understanding what those are wajg_zRhb4U-00905-00181455-00181663 and being told by communities what those wajg_zRhb4U-00906-00181664-00181902 are and really thinking about wajg_zRhb4U-00907-00181903-00182047 then how we are wajg_zRhb4U-00908-00182048-00182223 creating our interventions making our wajg_zRhb4U-00909-00182224-00182463 decisions and again prioritizing our wajg_zRhb4U-00910-00182464-00182663 investments in the city to protect those wajg_zRhb4U-00911-00182664-00182854 who are most vulnerable to climate wajg_zRhb4U-00912-00182855-00182951 change wajg_zRhb4U-00913-00182952-00183190 um so those are just a few ways of the wajg_zRhb4U-00914-00183191-00183335 types of data again we collect and the wajg_zRhb4U-00915-00183336-00183583 ways we as city government try to use wajg_zRhb4U-00916-00183584-00183871 data but also publish data so that you wajg_zRhb4U-00917-00183872-00184151 know myriad of sectors and stakeholders wajg_zRhb4U-00918-00184152-00184407 are able to then use that data to help wajg_zRhb4U-00919-00184408-00184623 inform prepare and plan for wajg_zRhb4U-00920-00184624-00185047 climate risks in the city wajg_zRhb4U-00921-00185048-00185271 thank you so much um and if you don't wajg_zRhb4U-00922-00185272-00185454 mind sharing maybe links to some of the wajg_zRhb4U-00923-00185455-00185671 initiatives that you named uh in your in wajg_zRhb4U-00924-00185672-00185814 your remarks that would be great just wajg_zRhb4U-00925-00185815-00185990 for the benefit of everybody who's wajg_zRhb4U-00926-00185991-00186335 listening in today um and so our last wajg_zRhb4U-00927-00186336-00186559 speaker here who i i saw join us a wajg_zRhb4U-00928-00186560-00186823 little bit earlier um if he wants to put wajg_zRhb4U-00929-00186824-00187095 uh put on his uh his camera there we go wajg_zRhb4U-00930-00187096-00187199 uh wajg_zRhb4U-00931-00187200-00187390 borough president levine nice to see you wajg_zRhb4U-00932-00187391-00187623 nice to have you with us um so this is wajg_zRhb4U-00933-00187624-00187799 uh it's great to be able to have the wajg_zRhb4U-00934-00187800-00188054 perspective of an elected official uh in wajg_zRhb4U-00935-00188055-00188214 the region that we're discussing today wajg_zRhb4U-00936-00188215-00188495 around uh community preparedness uh for wajg_zRhb4U-00937-00188496-00188750 these types of weather events um and so wajg_zRhb4U-00938-00188751-00188935 i'll turn it over to you for for your wajg_zRhb4U-00939-00188936-00189166 remarks thank you well thank you jealous wajg_zRhb4U-00940-00189167-00189447 this has been an incredibly enlightening wajg_zRhb4U-00941-00189448-00189663 panel i have learned so much wajg_zRhb4U-00942-00189664-00189911 i am definitely the least expert person wajg_zRhb4U-00943-00189912-00189990 here wajg_zRhb4U-00944-00189991-00190199 uh so i'm not going to overstate my wajg_zRhb4U-00945-00190200-00190454 credentials but um i'm just thrilled wajg_zRhb4U-00946-00190455-00190695 that that open data week is now wajg_zRhb4U-00947-00190696-00190887 making a space for wajg_zRhb4U-00948-00190888-00191135 climate for resiliency and and for wajg_zRhb4U-00949-00191136-00191366 extreme weather preparedness because wajg_zRhb4U-00950-00191367-00191695 manhattan uh is after all a very small wajg_zRhb4U-00951-00191696-00191790 island wajg_zRhb4U-00952-00191791-00192078 not that far from the atlantic that uh wajg_zRhb4U-00953-00192079-00192278 has been proven over the past decade to wajg_zRhb4U-00954-00192279-00192366 be wajg_zRhb4U-00955-00192367-00192614 incredibly vulnerable to extreme weather wajg_zRhb4U-00956-00192615-00192854 and uh we're coming up on the 10th wajg_zRhb4U-00957-00192855-00193223 anniversary of sandy uh with very little wajg_zRhb4U-00958-00193224-00193390 to show for it very little of our wajg_zRhb4U-00959-00193391-00193511 coastline wajg_zRhb4U-00960-00193512-00193799 is any better protected than it was ten wajg_zRhb4U-00961-00193800-00194054 years ago and as i think andrew pointed wajg_zRhb4U-00962-00194055-00194350 out the threat no now comes as likely wajg_zRhb4U-00963-00194351-00194550 from above as from the sea wajg_zRhb4U-00964-00194551-00194647 um wajg_zRhb4U-00965-00194648-00194959 the community where we act was built in wajg_zRhb4U-00966-00194960-00195175 west harlem is hundreds of feet i think wajg_zRhb4U-00967-00195176-00195535 200 feet above sea level at 145th street wajg_zRhb4U-00968-00195536-00195726 and flooded terribly wajg_zRhb4U-00969-00195727-00196119 uh in some of the summer storms so uh if wajg_zRhb4U-00970-00196120-00196238 if west harlem wajg_zRhb4U-00971-00196239-00196399 is vulnerable to flooding then wajg_zRhb4U-00972-00196400-00196671 everywhere in this city certainly is wajg_zRhb4U-00973-00196672-00196775 uh wajg_zRhb4U-00974-00196776-00197023 we're celebrating a decade since a wajg_zRhb4U-00975-00197024-00197295 landmark law really cracked open wajg_zRhb4U-00976-00197296-00197487 data in new york city by making it more wajg_zRhb4U-00977-00197488-00197663 accessible to the public wajg_zRhb4U-00978-00197664-00197871 and it's been a decade that really wajg_zRhb4U-00979-00197872-00197983 showed wajg_zRhb4U-00980-00197984-00198271 uh all the impact that making data open wajg_zRhb4U-00981-00198272-00198519 to the public can have wajg_zRhb4U-00982-00198520-00198711 i i really believe there's there's no wajg_zRhb4U-00983-00198712-00198935 aspect of life here that can't be but we wajg_zRhb4U-00984-00198936-00199247 can't make better policy if we have open wajg_zRhb4U-00985-00199248-00199526 data but i think that environmental wajg_zRhb4U-00986-00199527-00199775 policy is probably the least explored wajg_zRhb4U-00987-00199776-00199871 field wajg_zRhb4U-00988-00199872-00199975 um wajg_zRhb4U-00989-00199976-00200150 it's more common that open data is being wajg_zRhb4U-00990-00200151-00200423 used on transportation and sanitation wajg_zRhb4U-00991-00200424-00200638 housing issues and other matters but wajg_zRhb4U-00992-00200639-00200823 we're really behind on using it as a wajg_zRhb4U-00993-00200824-00201071 tool for resiliency and for wajg_zRhb4U-00994-00201072-00201295 um environmental policy more broadly so wajg_zRhb4U-00995-00201296-00201583 there's huge potential here wajg_zRhb4U-00996-00201584-00201895 for policymakers like myself for wajg_zRhb4U-00997-00201896-00202175 activists like many of you wajg_zRhb4U-00998-00202176-00202423 and and ultimately for the public and it wajg_zRhb4U-00999-00202424-00202790 does seem like extreme weather is is a a wajg_zRhb4U-01000-00202791-00202975 good use case of data for for all of wajg_zRhb4U-01001-00202976-00203231 those reasons uh so as policy makers we wajg_zRhb4U-01002-00203232-00203375 can track it so wajg_zRhb4U-01003-00203376-00203495 activists who are fighting for wajg_zRhb4U-01004-00203496-00203678 investments have that data but also so wajg_zRhb4U-01005-00203679-00203799 the public wajg_zRhb4U-01006-00203800-00204071 uh is is adequately warned wajg_zRhb4U-01007-00204072-00204166 um wajg_zRhb4U-01008-00204167-00204366 i think that that my role in this debate wajg_zRhb4U-01009-00204367-00204566 more broadly is going to be wajg_zRhb4U-01010-00204567-00204855 serving as your ally and pushing for wajg_zRhb4U-01011-00204856-00205062 the right data to be collected wajg_zRhb4U-01012-00205063-00205366 for it to be made available and be made wajg_zRhb4U-01013-00205367-00205471 available wajg_zRhb4U-01014-00205471-00205831 in a way that that's easy to process wajg_zRhb4U-01015-00205832-00205966 and that will allow all of you as wajg_zRhb4U-01016-00205967-00206223 experts and activists to to do your job wajg_zRhb4U-01017-00206223-00206606 in fighting for good policy um we we've wajg_zRhb4U-01018-00206607-00206798 seen a pattern of wajg_zRhb4U-01019-00206800-00207014 compliance often with open data laws wajg_zRhb4U-01020-00207015-00207198 that adheres to the letter wajg_zRhb4U-01021-00207200-00207351 but um wajg_zRhb4U-01022-00207352-00207582 often doesn't in fact produce useful wajg_zRhb4U-01023-00207583-00207846 data a common technique is to release wajg_zRhb4U-01024-00207848-00208158 massive data sets in the form of a pdf wajg_zRhb4U-01025-00208159-00208238 uh wajg_zRhb4U-01026-00208239-00208446 this this is this just happened with wajg_zRhb4U-01027-00208448-00208686 with the mta i'm fighting for uh screen wajg_zRhb4U-01028-00208687-00208958 doors on subway platforms and uh they wajg_zRhb4U-01029-00208959-00209255 released a 4 000 page pdf in response wajg_zRhb4U-01030-00209256-00209551 and we got our great friends at beta nyc wajg_zRhb4U-01031-00209552-00209831 who i think are on here who are just you wajg_zRhb4U-01032-00209832-00210039 know obviously leaders in this movement wajg_zRhb4U-01033-00210040-00210142 to uh wajg_zRhb4U-01034-00210144-00210423 to scrape it so uh mta didn't stop us wajg_zRhb4U-01035-00210423-00210742 but it it shouldn't take having experts wajg_zRhb4U-01036-00210744-00211039 at beta nyc to analyze data anyone in wajg_zRhb4U-01037-00211040-00211215 new york city should be able to do it wajg_zRhb4U-01038-00211216-00211310 and wajg_zRhb4U-01039-00211311-00211534 so i think i think that that elected wajg_zRhb4U-01040-00211535-00211758 officials who are your allies really can wajg_zRhb4U-01041-00211759-00211967 fight to make sure that wajg_zRhb4U-01042-00211967-00212127 um wajg_zRhb4U-01043-00212128-00212358 the data that's collected on some really wajg_zRhb4U-01044-00212359-00212606 thrilling to hear from eunice um the new wajg_zRhb4U-01045-00212607-00212727 data that's going to be coming in i wajg_zRhb4U-01046-00212728-00212967 wasn't aware of that wajg_zRhb4U-01047-00212967-00213151 but we have to make sure that it's wajg_zRhb4U-01048-00213152-00213415 available to all of you in a way that's wajg_zRhb4U-01049-00213416-00213615 timely and accessible wajg_zRhb4U-01050-00213616-00213846 and uh that you don't need a doctorate wajg_zRhb4U-01051-00213848-00214223 in data science to to understand so uh i wajg_zRhb4U-01052-00214223-00214415 consider this probably the beginning of wajg_zRhb4U-01053-00214416-00214694 of of of um wajg_zRhb4U-01054-00214696-00214927 of really an intense period of work wajg_zRhb4U-01055-00214928-00215231 to uh collect to collate to post and wajg_zRhb4U-01056-00215232-00215310 then wajg_zRhb4U-01057-00215311-00215567 make policy based on data for wajg_zRhb4U-01058-00215567-00215767 resiliency and the environment more wajg_zRhb4U-01059-00215767-00215991 broadly really um proudly you're wajg_zRhb4U-01060-00215992-00216191 focusing on uptown and manhattan which wajg_zRhb4U-01061-00216192-00216367 is so vulnerable wajg_zRhb4U-01062-00216367-00216575 uh and just look forward to being a wajg_zRhb4U-01063-00216576-00216751 partner with you in this work uh in the wajg_zRhb4U-01064-00216752-00216927 months and years to come thank you so wajg_zRhb4U-01065-00216928-00217082 much for having me as part of this wajg_zRhb4U-01066-00217083-00217327 discussion thank you very much uh much wajg_zRhb4U-01067-00217328-00217606 appreciated um also as a as a data wajg_zRhb4U-01068-00217607-00217831 consumer yourself in terms of your your wajg_zRhb4U-01069-00217832-00218006 work and then your mandate uh and the wajg_zRhb4U-01070-00218007-00218231 function that you you serve uh wajg_zRhb4U-01071-00218232-00218494 in the in the community um wajg_zRhb4U-01072-00218496-00218775 so i now we we're getting a couple of wajg_zRhb4U-01073-00218776-00218998 questions that uh in in the chat but i wajg_zRhb4U-01074-00219000-00219134 also want to give the opportunity for wajg_zRhb4U-01075-00219135-00219327 the panelists themselves if they want to wajg_zRhb4U-01076-00219328-00219551 kind of comment on what's been said by wajg_zRhb4U-01077-00219552-00219815 uh by each other um so this would be a wajg_zRhb4U-01078-00219816-00220071 point if anybody wants to kind of react wajg_zRhb4U-01079-00220071-00220391 to uh to what's been said uh so far wajg_zRhb4U-01080-00220392-00220567 uh and otherwise i've got i've got wajg_zRhb4U-01081-00220567-00220734 questions too so i'm not sure andrew wajg_zRhb4U-01082-00220735-00220839 eunice wajg_zRhb4U-01083-00220840-00221006 or annie if you want to wajg_zRhb4U-01084-00221007-00221655 comment on what's already been said wajg_zRhb4U-01085-00221656-00221775 with andrew wajg_zRhb4U-01086-00221776-00221967 over to you wajg_zRhb4U-01087-00221967-00222151 yeah thank you thanks wajg_zRhb4U-01088-00222152-00222351 thanks again jonathan away for this for wajg_zRhb4U-01089-00222352-00222487 the discussion wajg_zRhb4U-01090-00222488-00222703 i'm trying to think of a way to wajg_zRhb4U-01091-00222704-00222863 phrase this question wajg_zRhb4U-01092-00222864-00223046 and perhaps this is not going to be the wajg_zRhb4U-01093-00223048-00223246 best way to phrase it i hate to start wajg_zRhb4U-01094-00223248-00223431 off with that but try to think of it to wajg_zRhb4U-01095-00223432-00223719 frame this around the narrative and wajg_zRhb4U-01096-00223719-00223823 i guess the thing i'm thinking of is wajg_zRhb4U-01097-00223823-00223975 this my my younger sister works at wajg_zRhb4U-01098-00223976-00224215 memorial sloan kettering hospital there wajg_zRhb4U-01099-00224216-00224446 and she deal and she's she's a nurse wajg_zRhb4U-01100-00224448-00224615 there and wajg_zRhb4U-01101-00224616-00224879 in many ways her role is to act as the wajg_zRhb4U-01102-00224880-00225094 kind of interpreter tailor tailor of wajg_zRhb4U-01103-00225096-00225342 data between patient and doctor and also wajg_zRhb4U-01104-00225344-00225551 doctor and patient wajg_zRhb4U-01105-00225552-00225863 and it makes me think of it of a story wajg_zRhb4U-01106-00225864-00226055 that she told me once before and she was wajg_zRhb4U-01107-00226056-00226223 like yeah like someone once said like wajg_zRhb4U-01108-00226223-00226398 why is it so difficult to read the cat wajg_zRhb4U-01109-00226400-00226639 scans or ct scans shouldn't they be easy wajg_zRhb4U-01110-00226640-00226767 to read wajg_zRhb4U-01111-00226767-00226903 and it's like well like this is wajg_zRhb4U-01112-00226904-00227071 something that like doctors are like wajg_zRhb4U-01113-00227071-00227215 they could be easily misinterpreted wajg_zRhb4U-01114-00227216-00227463 they're complex representations of risk wajg_zRhb4U-01115-00227464-00227655 really their images and you could wajg_zRhb4U-01116-00227656-00227903 identify some they tell stories that wajg_zRhb4U-01117-00227904-00228071 you should be someone that has some wajg_zRhb4U-01118-00228071-00228287 skill set to interpret that wajg_zRhb4U-01119-00228288-00228503 and it makes me think a lot about wajg_zRhb4U-01120-00228504-00228719 climate data and disaster risk data as wajg_zRhb4U-01121-00228719-00228998 well on one hand it's great to have data wajg_zRhb4U-01122-00229000-00229175 open and available i think we need to do wajg_zRhb4U-01123-00229176-00229279 that wajg_zRhb4U-01124-00229280-00229415 however i don't necessarily think it all wajg_zRhb4U-01125-00229416-00229631 needs to be easily accessible easy easy wajg_zRhb4U-01126-00229632-00229806 easy to understand i think it needs to wajg_zRhb4U-01127-00229807-00229958 be appropriately wajg_zRhb4U-01128-00229959-00230175 easy to understand if something is wajg_zRhb4U-01129-00230176-00230351 extremely complex and there's different wajg_zRhb4U-01130-00230352-00230551 types of flood risk kind of interacting wajg_zRhb4U-01131-00230552-00230694 and compounding wajg_zRhb4U-01132-00230696-00230903 in some areas like that might be it wajg_zRhb4U-01133-00230904-00231119 might be impossible wajg_zRhb4U-01134-00231119-00231334 and inappropriate i think to represent wajg_zRhb4U-01135-00231335-00231510 in a simplified way wajg_zRhb4U-01136-00231511-00231631 so i think that's just further wajg_zRhb4U-01137-00231632-00231831 discussion here i think that like i wajg_zRhb4U-01138-00231832-00232055 guess my to be provocative somewhat i wajg_zRhb4U-01139-00232056-00232206 don't necessarily think all climate risk wajg_zRhb4U-01140-00232207-00232406 data needs to be simple to understand i wajg_zRhb4U-01141-00232407-00232646 think there's times where you need wajg_zRhb4U-01142-00232648-00232855 sorry different types of experts to say wajg_zRhb4U-01143-00232856-00232967 well if you're thinking of a flood wajg_zRhb4U-01144-00232967-00233279 disaster what are the complex let's say wajg_zRhb4U-01145-00233280-00233519 let's say race and gender aspects that wajg_zRhb4U-01146-00233519-00233710 lead to some areas be at increased risk wajg_zRhb4U-01147-00233711-00233871 of a disaster what are the complex wajg_zRhb4U-01148-00233871-00234031 climate wajg_zRhb4U-01149-00234032-00234215 factors that lead to some areas to be at wajg_zRhb4U-01150-00234216-00234415 increased risk of a disaster and that wajg_zRhb4U-01151-00234416-00234582 stuff i find it's very sometimes when wajg_zRhb4U-01152-00234583-00234775 you oversimplify it it could be wajg_zRhb4U-01153-00234776-00234998 interpreted in a different way so just wajg_zRhb4U-01154-00235000-00235231 stating that for the group interested in wajg_zRhb4U-01155-00235232-00235367 in hearing other people's thoughts on wajg_zRhb4U-01156-00235367-00235679 that wajg_zRhb4U-01157-00235680-00235846 anybody want to react i mean to me that wajg_zRhb4U-01158-00235848-00235991 makes me think of because you're talking wajg_zRhb4U-01159-00235992-00236158 about different types of experts which wajg_zRhb4U-01160-00236159-00236294 also requires you know we're talking wajg_zRhb4U-01161-00236296-00236455 from wajg_zRhb4U-01162-00236456-00236694 making your data available and then not wajg_zRhb4U-01163-00236696-00236991 just usable but easily understandable um wajg_zRhb4U-01164-00236992-00237134 and that takes you know different wajg_zRhb4U-01165-00237135-00237327 perspectives but also different sectors wajg_zRhb4U-01166-00237328-00237471 to be able to kind of collaborate wajg_zRhb4U-01167-00237471-00237646 together and wajg_zRhb4U-01168-00237648-00237767 different sectors will have different wajg_zRhb4U-01169-00237767-00237927 time skills different objectives wajg_zRhb4U-01170-00237928-00238110 different interests you know so that's wajg_zRhb4U-01171-00238111-00238319 the kind of the the bringing together of wajg_zRhb4U-01172-00238319-00238510 different parties to collaborate that wajg_zRhb4U-01173-00238511-00238806 you know may not align you know as as wajg_zRhb4U-01174-00238807-00239031 effectively as we would assume even if wajg_zRhb4U-01175-00239032-00239239 there's you know a common cause to wajg_zRhb4U-01176-00239240-00239551 interpret the data uh well so i i wajg_zRhb4U-01177-00239552-00239655 just wanted to kind of mention that wajg_zRhb4U-01178-00239656-00239758 that's something that we've been looking wajg_zRhb4U-01179-00239759-00239934 at as well at the climate school while wajg_zRhb4U-01180-00239935-00240103 i'm here so i see another wajg_zRhb4U-01181-00240104-00240375 um a hand that's been raised so uh wajg_zRhb4U-01182-00240376-00240591 joanna if you want to ask your questions wajg_zRhb4U-01183-00240592-00240710 over to you wajg_zRhb4U-01184-00240711-00241063 hi everyone wajg_zRhb4U-01185-00241064-00241319 did i just speak over someone wajg_zRhb4U-01186-00241319-00241558 i hope i didn't i couldn't wait wajg_zRhb4U-01187-00241559-00241839 i wasn't sure he was your friend wajg_zRhb4U-01188-00241840-00242071 so you're honored first and then wajg_zRhb4U-01189-00242071-00242230 i'll go quickly um it's good to see wajg_zRhb4U-01190-00242231-00242455 everyone here lots of familiar faces wajg_zRhb4U-01191-00242456-00242687 thank you all for such wajg_zRhb4U-01192-00242688-00242927 like wise and interesting remarks i wajg_zRhb4U-01193-00242928-00243087 guess my questions for andrew some of wajg_zRhb4U-01194-00243088-00243303 your reflections and that story you told wajg_zRhb4U-01195-00243304-00243406 about wajg_zRhb4U-01196-00243407-00243694 um like you told us to leave these wajg_zRhb4U-01197-00243696-00243903 places after hurricane sandy and now i wajg_zRhb4U-01198-00243904-00244087 find myself somewhere else wajg_zRhb4U-01199-00244088-00244215 where you said it was going to be less wajg_zRhb4U-01200-00244216-00244391 risky and i think that raises such wajg_zRhb4U-01201-00244392-00244503 important wajg_zRhb4U-01202-00244504-00244710 points both about setting expectations wajg_zRhb4U-01203-00244711-00245094 about what data tells us and about wajg_zRhb4U-01204-00245096-00245246 being clear wajg_zRhb4U-01205-00245248-00245439 and appropriately framing what wajg_zRhb4U-01206-00245440-00245694 uncertainty means as it relates to wajg_zRhb4U-01207-00245696-00245982 projections and predictions and wajg_zRhb4U-01208-00245983-00246110 i think wajg_zRhb4U-01209-00246111-00246303 at you know as a moment of reflection 10 wajg_zRhb4U-01210-00246304-00246487 years out of sandy i think you're also wajg_zRhb4U-01211-00246488-00246671 pointing to like a real failing of wajg_zRhb4U-01212-00246671-00246791 engagement wajg_zRhb4U-01213-00246792-00247110 um and of methods and process wajg_zRhb4U-01214-00247111-00247415 in planning and design and in wajg_zRhb4U-01215-00247416-00247742 articulating and co-understanding what wajg_zRhb4U-01216-00247744-00247967 we mean by risk and vulnerability in new wajg_zRhb4U-01217-00247967-00248158 york and i think wajg_zRhb4U-01218-00248159-00248358 your remarks offer like a point of wajg_zRhb4U-01219-00248359-00248710 reflection on that so i'm curious wajg_zRhb4U-01220-00248711-00249046 um you know in your mind and in your wajg_zRhb4U-01221-00249048-00249471 experience like what change in process wajg_zRhb4U-01222-00249471-00249615 or method wajg_zRhb4U-01223-00249616-00250023 or vehicle is needed to wajg_zRhb4U-01224-00250023-00250206 get better at making some of this wajg_zRhb4U-01225-00250207-00250351 translation wajg_zRhb4U-01226-00250352-00250558 um you know we often have this kind of wajg_zRhb4U-01227-00250559-00250775 like more data is wajg_zRhb4U-01228-00250776-00250982 more better and i think what you're wajg_zRhb4U-01229-00250983-00251294 saying is not necessarily um so i'm just wajg_zRhb4U-01230-00251296-00251455 curious in your mind like when you think wajg_zRhb4U-01231-00251456-00251703 about the engagement piece wajg_zRhb4U-01232-00251704-00251967 what do you is does success look like in wajg_zRhb4U-01233-00251967-00252271 in that in that regard wajg_zRhb4U-01234-00252271-00252423 i'm glad to comment and wajg_zRhb4U-01235-00252423-00252582 really want to hear from everyone else wajg_zRhb4U-01236-00252583-00252775 as well yeah i'll actually start from wajg_zRhb4U-01237-00252776-00252967 echoing what eunice is saying about wajg_zRhb4U-01238-00252967-00253063 about wajg_zRhb4U-01239-00253064-00253230 not only engaging the community i mean wajg_zRhb4U-01240-00253231-00253375 there's a lot of talk about community wajg_zRhb4U-01241-00253376-00253542 engagement and stakeholder engagement wajg_zRhb4U-01242-00253544-00253719 getting people at the table but there's wajg_zRhb4U-01243-00253719-00253871 different ways to do that of course and wajg_zRhb4U-01244-00253871-00254039 like understanding who are the people wajg_zRhb4U-01245-00254040-00254175 that are trusted in the communities it wajg_zRhb4U-01246-00254176-00254351 sounds like units in your example you're wajg_zRhb4U-01247-00254352-00254519 finding those people wajg_zRhb4U-01248-00254519-00254663 i mean i call on ex most of my wajg_zRhb4U-01249-00254664-00254879 experiences is international working wajg_zRhb4U-01250-00254880-00254998 with different humanitarian wajg_zRhb4U-01251-00255000-00255142 organizations and wajg_zRhb4U-01252-00255144-00255319 the experience i recall is working in wajg_zRhb4U-01253-00255319-00255487 the the rohingya refugee camps in wajg_zRhb4U-01254-00255488-00255694 bangladesh where i was asked to support wajg_zRhb4U-01255-00255696-00255927 some prioritization of early warning wajg_zRhb4U-01256-00255928-00256046 action there wajg_zRhb4U-01257-00256048-00256134 and wajg_zRhb4U-01258-00256135-00256351 yeah it it really didn't matter where wajg_zRhb4U-01259-00256352-00256567 the information was coming from wajg_zRhb4U-01260-00256567-00256830 uh what the most vulnerable sub-camps wajg_zRhb4U-01261-00256831-00256991 within the larger cap million people in wajg_zRhb4U-01262-00256992-00257215 this camp the sub-camps would say listen wajg_zRhb4U-01263-00257216-00257391 we're trusting the local religious wajg_zRhb4U-01264-00257392-00257534 leaders the maji leaders these are the wajg_zRhb4U-01265-00257535-00257694 people that need to understand these are wajg_zRhb4U-01266-00257696-00257782 the people that need to do the wajg_zRhb4U-01267-00257783-00257927 translation wajg_zRhb4U-01268-00257928-00258110 we don't all have to know wajg_zRhb4U-01269-00258111-00258287 everything about the data set but these wajg_zRhb4U-01270-00258288-00258510 people should we will listen to them wajg_zRhb4U-01271-00258511-00258719 will we listen to the un maybe we listen wajg_zRhb4U-01272-00258719-00258934 to the bangladeshi government maybe we wajg_zRhb4U-01273-00258935-00259119 listen to these trusted people in our wajg_zRhb4U-01274-00259119-00259287 camps yes wajg_zRhb4U-01275-00259288-00259639 and it also reminds you of during sandy wajg_zRhb4U-01276-00259640-00259894 i mean during sandy uh wajg_zRhb4U-01277-00259896-00260167 aft after sandy in the rockaways wajg_zRhb4U-01278-00260167-00260279 um wajg_zRhb4U-01279-00260280-00260494 just having some some contacts and wajg_zRhb4U-01280-00260496-00260687 friends down there asking why people wajg_zRhb4U-01281-00260688-00260830 left and why people didn't like well wajg_zRhb4U-01282-00260831-00260982 with sandy we should also say the year wajg_zRhb4U-01283-00260983-00261151 before what happened we had we had wajg_zRhb4U-01284-00261152-00261430 tropical storm irene and many people wajg_zRhb4U-01285-00261431-00261598 interpreted that as something that would wajg_zRhb4U-01286-00261600-00261751 lead to very high impact and they wajg_zRhb4U-01287-00261752-00261919 perceived it as a miss now i actually wajg_zRhb4U-01288-00261919-00262023 don't think it's a miss because what wajg_zRhb4U-01289-00262023-00262206 does a miss mean kind of points fingers wajg_zRhb4U-01290-00262207-00262351 at the forecast wajg_zRhb4U-01291-00262352-00262558 and i mean the situation didn't lead to wajg_zRhb4U-01292-00262559-00262751 the impact expected is the best way to wajg_zRhb4U-01293-00262752-00262887 say it i think wajg_zRhb4U-01294-00262888-00263079 but with sandy the people that did leave wajg_zRhb4U-01295-00263080-00263191 would say they're like well you know wajg_zRhb4U-01296-00263192-00263375 what we left when wajg_zRhb4U-01297-00263376-00263567 the surfers and the fishermen told us to wajg_zRhb4U-01298-00263568-00263734 leave wajg_zRhb4U-01299-00263735-00263975 you know and so like who are like wajg_zRhb4U-01300-00263976-00264127 understanding there's a big difference wajg_zRhb4U-01301-00264128-00264319 between stakeholder engagement community wajg_zRhb4U-01302-00264320-00264575 engagement you know and actually taking wajg_zRhb4U-01303-00264576-00264734 the time to understand who these people wajg_zRhb4U-01304-00264735-00264855 are wajg_zRhb4U-01305-00264856-00264951 and wajg_zRhb4U-01306-00264952-00265151 i don't think they're scientists wajg_zRhb4U-01307-00265152-00265319 i think most there's a disincentive for wajg_zRhb4U-01308-00265320-00265575 scientists to engage substantively is wajg_zRhb4U-01309-00265576-00265734 that there's a disincentive in the wajg_zRhb4U-01310-00265735-00265919 university structure for us to engage in wajg_zRhb4U-01311-00265920-00266134 this work honestly i don't get credit wajg_zRhb4U-01312-00266135-00266279 for doing this you know i'm supposed to wajg_zRhb4U-01313-00266280-00266439 write papers and teach wajg_zRhb4U-01314-00266440-00266606 so i think like understanding who are wajg_zRhb4U-01315-00266607-00266719 the people wajg_zRhb4U-01316-00266720-00266863 who are the right trusted people the wajg_zRhb4U-01317-00266864-00267030 right type of trust wajg_zRhb4U-01318-00267031-00267239 uh i think is is a first step but i i wajg_zRhb4U-01319-00267240-00267471 really want to hear more from eunice and wajg_zRhb4U-01320-00267472-00267743 annie and anyone else on that as well wajg_zRhb4U-01321-00267744-00267879 eunice do you want to jump in and then wajg_zRhb4U-01322-00267880-00268047 we'll we've got a question also from wajg_zRhb4U-01323-00268048-00268158 sally but i do want to hear from the wajg_zRhb4U-01324-00268159-00268334 other panelists on that topic i'm seeing wajg_zRhb4U-01325-00268335-00268615 some head nodding so over over to you wajg_zRhb4U-01326-00268616-00268743 yeah i think me wajg_zRhb4U-01327-00268744-00269087 you know the bridge to to data wajg_zRhb4U-01328-00269088-00269367 and motivating behavior and i guess wajg_zRhb4U-01329-00269368-00269647 changing behavior i feel like is is wajg_zRhb4U-01330-00269648-00269982 translating risks to ways people care wajg_zRhb4U-01331-00269983-00270143 and understand their lives and their wajg_zRhb4U-01332-00270144-00270375 like their day-to-day so their kids wajg_zRhb4U-01333-00270376-00270623 going to school having access to clean wajg_zRhb4U-01334-00270624-00270719 air wajg_zRhb4U-01335-00270720-00270903 and water being able to go to church wajg_zRhb4U-01336-00270904-00271175 every sunday if that's what you do wajg_zRhb4U-01337-00271176-00271327 and really just like understanding how wajg_zRhb4U-01338-00271328-00271527 climate risk will just impact people's wajg_zRhb4U-01339-00271528-00271791 ability to do those things and wajg_zRhb4U-01340-00271792-00271975 ultimately impact like what they value wajg_zRhb4U-01341-00271976-00272167 and how they like live their lives i wajg_zRhb4U-01342-00272168-00272439 think is ultimately what will motivate wajg_zRhb4U-01343-00272440-00272719 people to to act to act and different wajg_zRhb4U-01344-00272720-00272855 types of people right we're talking wajg_zRhb4U-01345-00272856-00273039 about engaging houses of worship and wajg_zRhb4U-01346-00273040-00273239 doing a climate week where houses of wajg_zRhb4U-01347-00273240-00273399 worship are you know talking about wajg_zRhb4U-01348-00273400-00273543 climate change and the climate risks in wajg_zRhb4U-01349-00273544-00273703 neighborhoods you're now reaching a wajg_zRhb4U-01350-00273704-00273839 different group of people if we're doing wajg_zRhb4U-01351-00273840-00274071 that in our schools if we're doing that wajg_zRhb4U-01352-00274072-00274247 um i don't know with their health care wajg_zRhb4U-01353-00274248-00274439 workers um you start motivating wajg_zRhb4U-01354-00274440-00274639 different people based on what they care wajg_zRhb4U-01355-00274640-00274863 about and i think that's truly like i wajg_zRhb4U-01356-00274864-00275030 think it is a translation of data the wajg_zRhb4U-01357-00275031-00275263 way we see data on open data wajg_zRhb4U-01358-00275264-00275495 is not necessarily resonates with you wajg_zRhb4U-01359-00275496-00275647 know what that means for me getting my wajg_zRhb4U-01360-00275648-00275919 groceries or having access to food on a wajg_zRhb4U-01361-00275920-00276103 regular basis so wajg_zRhb4U-01362-00276104-00276239 i think that's like the missing piece wajg_zRhb4U-01363-00276240-00276447 here and that's again we need wajg_zRhb4U-01364-00276448-00276703 communities and people to be able to wajg_zRhb4U-01365-00276704-00277158 uh like fill in that gap wajg_zRhb4U-01366-00277159-00277399 that's great um any did you want to wajg_zRhb4U-01367-00277400-00277695 maybe comment on on that topic around uh wajg_zRhb4U-01368-00277696-00277823 kind of the wajg_zRhb4U-01369-00277824-00278063 the trust and you know different types wajg_zRhb4U-01370-00278064-00278295 of individuals you know that have that wajg_zRhb4U-01371-00278296-00278439 trust within a community that you've wajg_zRhb4U-01372-00278440-00278615 encountered maybe through uh we acts wajg_zRhb4U-01373-00278616-00278751 work wajg_zRhb4U-01374-00278752-00278951 yeah i think i agree with a lot of wajg_zRhb4U-01375-00278952-00279158 what's being said here and just like wajg_zRhb4U-01376-00279159-00279327 helping people understand how it relates wajg_zRhb4U-01377-00279328-00279471 to them i know something that we're wajg_zRhb4U-01378-00279472-00279639 looking at in our plan is like making wajg_zRhb4U-01379-00279640-00279815 our map interactive so people can mark wajg_zRhb4U-01380-00279816-00279982 where they live where they take their wajg_zRhb4U-01381-00279983-00280158 kids to school their nearest hospital wajg_zRhb4U-01382-00280159-00280358 and they can understand kind of in their wajg_zRhb4U-01383-00280359-00280575 day-to-day how flood or heat could wajg_zRhb4U-01384-00280576-00280879 impact their their lives um i also think wajg_zRhb4U-01385-00280880-00281039 that something that was interesting that wajg_zRhb4U-01386-00281040-00281223 came out of our community meeting is wajg_zRhb4U-01387-00281224-00281310 that wajg_zRhb4U-01388-00281311-00281406 um wajg_zRhb4U-01389-00281407-00281695 one of the biggest resources people wajg_zRhb4U-01390-00281696-00281839 mentioned when talking about wajg_zRhb4U-01391-00281840-00281991 preparedness were their neighbors in wajg_zRhb4U-01392-00281992-00282103 their building wajg_zRhb4U-01393-00282104-00282191 and wajg_zRhb4U-01394-00282192-00282382 making sure that they had connections wajg_zRhb4U-01395-00282383-00282519 with their neighbors and contact wajg_zRhb4U-01396-00282520-00282647 information and they knew who their wajg_zRhb4U-01397-00282648-00282830 vulnerable neighbors were wajg_zRhb4U-01398-00282831-00283039 and that they had meetings to talk about wajg_zRhb4U-01399-00283040-00283310 preparedness um which is kind of getting wajg_zRhb4U-01400-00283311-00283591 to andrew's point that not everybody wajg_zRhb4U-01401-00283592-00283839 needs to be able to understand this data wajg_zRhb4U-01402-00283840-00284063 but that there needs to be this you know wajg_zRhb4U-01403-00284064-00284343 informal network of support out there wajg_zRhb4U-01404-00284344-00284479 that is you know what the be a buddy wajg_zRhb4U-01405-00284480-00284663 program really gets to at the heart and wajg_zRhb4U-01406-00284664-00284823 is a really excellent and successful wajg_zRhb4U-01407-00284824-00285103 program and so um you know i think we wajg_zRhb4U-01408-00285104-00285263 really are looking wajg_zRhb4U-01409-00285264-00285519 for those like unofficial or informal wajg_zRhb4U-01410-00285520-00285775 networks that can can really improve and wajg_zRhb4U-01411-00285776-00286023 strengthen a community's resiliency wajg_zRhb4U-01412-00286024-00286215 um and and one other thing i would be wajg_zRhb4U-01413-00286216-00286375 doing a disservice to our partners at wajg_zRhb4U-01414-00286376-00286519 east harlem co-op if i didn't mention wajg_zRhb4U-01415-00286520-00286806 this but i do um wajg_zRhb4U-01416-00286807-00287006 agree with bro president levine that i wajg_zRhb4U-01417-00287007-00287191 think our elected officials have been wajg_zRhb4U-01418-00287192-00287430 very reactive instead of proactive when wajg_zRhb4U-01419-00287431-00287679 it comes to emergency preparedness and wajg_zRhb4U-01420-00287680-00287806 there's so much data out there and it wajg_zRhb4U-01421-00287807-00288079 can only do so much for you if it's if wajg_zRhb4U-01422-00288080-00288375 you know there's a one in 100 year flood wajg_zRhb4U-01423-00288376-00288567 and you know emergency preparedness in wajg_zRhb4U-01424-00288568-00288799 communities especially in this time of wajg_zRhb4U-01425-00288800-00288943 you know rapidly wajg_zRhb4U-01426-00288944-00289151 change um advance you know we're seeing wajg_zRhb4U-01427-00289152-00289310 the effects of climate change at a rapid wajg_zRhb4U-01428-00289311-00289534 clip it it really needs to be baked into wajg_zRhb4U-01429-00289535-00289767 everything it's an all-day everything wajg_zRhb4U-01430-00289768-00290006 it's an all-day everyday kind of wajg_zRhb4U-01431-00290007-00290239 mentality to be prepared and and to wajg_zRhb4U-01432-00290240-00290487 improve resiliency versus you know wajg_zRhb4U-01433-00290488-00290654 getting the ducks in a row and making wajg_zRhb4U-01434-00290655-00290847 sure that people have their maps for for wajg_zRhb4U-01435-00290848-00291119 the what if wajg_zRhb4U-01436-00291120-00291391 fantastic um okay so let's go to sally wajg_zRhb4U-01437-00291392-00291575 tell you had a question go ahead wajg_zRhb4U-01438-00291576-00291663 um wajg_zRhb4U-01439-00291664-00291871 more comment first i would say to andrew wajg_zRhb4U-01440-00291872-00292063 that i'm having looked at a lot of wajg_zRhb4U-01441-00292064-00292310 health systems um wajg_zRhb4U-01442-00292311-00292519 information systems memorial sloan wajg_zRhb4U-01443-00292520-00292703 kettering does a great job i mean the wajg_zRhb4U-01444-00292704-00292887 information is there it's it's there in wajg_zRhb4U-01445-00292888-00293095 a way that's accessible both to the wajg_zRhb4U-01446-00293096-00293399 experts and to the patients um and wajg_zRhb4U-01447-00293400-00293582 you're right that a patient might not wajg_zRhb4U-01448-00293583-00293710 understand everything but there's wajg_zRhb4U-01449-00293711-00293927 something reassuring about being able to wajg_zRhb4U-01450-00293928-00294158 go onto your portal and see everything wajg_zRhb4U-01451-00294159-00294319 that your doctor's seeing even if you wajg_zRhb4U-01452-00294320-00294479 don't understand it you at least are wajg_zRhb4U-01453-00294480-00294647 prepared with the questions to to wajg_zRhb4U-01454-00294648-00294879 present to the experts so i think that's wajg_zRhb4U-01455-00294880-00295143 really important i think what um wajg_zRhb4U-01456-00295144-00295295 president levine said is really wajg_zRhb4U-01457-00295296-00295454 important which is wajg_zRhb4U-01458-00295455-00295663 don't overwhelm people with data but wajg_zRhb4U-01459-00295664-00295863 give them data that can be easily wajg_zRhb4U-01460-00295864-00296119 manipulated and also just the point that wajg_zRhb4U-01461-00296120-00296358 we act um you know i'm part of their wajg_zRhb4U-01462-00296359-00296551 climate justice working group wajg_zRhb4U-01463-00296552-00296639 and wajg_zRhb4U-01464-00296640-00297030 giving people data well in advance of a wajg_zRhb4U-01465-00297031-00297279 disaster because it seems like i mean wajg_zRhb4U-01466-00297280-00297423 even with things like wajg_zRhb4U-01467-00297424-00297606 we find out that cooling centers are wajg_zRhb4U-01468-00297607-00297782 available when there's a heat emergency wajg_zRhb4U-01469-00297783-00298071 not an advancement we find out where you wajg_zRhb4U-01470-00298072-00298358 know when um places go for floods are wajg_zRhb4U-01471-00298359-00298503 when it's flooding we need the wajg_zRhb4U-01472-00298504-00298703 information well in advance so that the wajg_zRhb4U-01473-00298704-00298999 networks that we act in other groups are wajg_zRhb4U-01474-00299000-00299182 are looking at building wajg_zRhb4U-01475-00299183-00299406 know well in advance of disaster not wajg_zRhb4U-01476-00299407-00299591 when the disaster is happening what the wajg_zRhb4U-01477-00299592-00299767 escape plans are wajg_zRhb4U-01478-00299768-00299943 and i think that you know just the wajg_zRhb4U-01479-00299944-00300158 timeliness well in advance of an wajg_zRhb4U-01480-00300159-00300351 emergency when people can calmly think wajg_zRhb4U-01481-00300352-00300582 about what they might do i mean right wajg_zRhb4U-01482-00300583-00300791 now all we have out there is wajg_zRhb4U-01483-00300792-00300967 you know this is what you would put in wajg_zRhb4U-01484-00300968-00301215 the go kick but you know where do you go wajg_zRhb4U-01485-00301216-00301423 and i i don't think people know that or wajg_zRhb4U-01486-00301424-00301582 understand that at a time when they can wajg_zRhb4U-01487-00301583-00301799 digest the information instead they get wajg_zRhb4U-01488-00301800-00301958 it when the emergency is happening and wajg_zRhb4U-01489-00301959-00302063 that's wajg_zRhb4U-01490-00302064-00302191 way too late wajg_zRhb4U-01491-00302192-00302382 so i guess that's my comment that's wajg_zRhb4U-01492-00302383-00302527 great no i think it's an excellent point wajg_zRhb4U-01493-00302528-00302775 and especially given that we're entering wajg_zRhb4U-01494-00302776-00302919 into a phase now where there's going to wajg_zRhb4U-01495-00302920-00303151 be a higher frequency of these types of wajg_zRhb4U-01496-00303152-00303375 events so having like continuous kind of wajg_zRhb4U-01497-00303376-00303615 readiness right and to be able to wajg_zRhb4U-01498-00303616-00303791 to the point around like drivers of wajg_zRhb4U-01499-00303792-00304167 change in behavior um to to be ready for wajg_zRhb4U-01500-00304168-00304358 different types of scenarios different wajg_zRhb4U-01501-00304359-00304582 types of weather events like that's it's wajg_zRhb4U-01502-00304583-00304806 a mindset kind of shift that we all need wajg_zRhb4U-01503-00304807-00305039 to kind of adopt now through this uh wajg_zRhb4U-01504-00305040-00305182 we're getting close to the end of the wajg_zRhb4U-01505-00305183-00305334 the time here but we do have another wajg_zRhb4U-01506-00305335-00305454 question from wajg_zRhb4U-01507-00305455-00305671 karina so over to you karina that'll be wajg_zRhb4U-01508-00305672-00305887 our last question and then um wajg_zRhb4U-01509-00305888-00306087 maybe just a quick few words at the end wajg_zRhb4U-01510-00306088-00306310 from our panelists to close us off over wajg_zRhb4U-01511-00306311-00306439 to you karina wajg_zRhb4U-01512-00306440-00306654 yeah thank you so much for hosting this wajg_zRhb4U-01513-00306655-00307015 amazing event i am a senior in high wajg_zRhb4U-01514-00307016-00307223 school in the city so i was actually wajg_zRhb4U-01515-00307224-00307439 wondering where you might see any wajg_zRhb4U-01516-00307440-00307654 avenues for youth engagement in this wajg_zRhb4U-01517-00307655-00307871 whole thing perhaps like education so wajg_zRhb4U-01518-00307872-00308063 that young people can better understand wajg_zRhb4U-01519-00308064-00308343 what's going on and also how to inform wajg_zRhb4U-01520-00308344-00308591 ourselves so that once we rise to sort wajg_zRhb4U-01521-00308592-00308967 of positions of power how we can sort of wajg_zRhb4U-01522-00308968-00309134 manage all of these effects of climate wajg_zRhb4U-01523-00309135-00309334 change so i was wondering if you had any wajg_zRhb4U-01524-00309335-00309543 thoughts on that anyone wajg_zRhb4U-01525-00309544-00309654 thank you and i think what we'll do wajg_zRhb4U-01526-00309655-00309879 we'll ask uh like anybody who wants to wajg_zRhb4U-01527-00309880-00310071 comment and we'll take uh comments from wajg_zRhb4U-01528-00310072-00310239 all of our panelists on that topic and wajg_zRhb4U-01529-00310240-00310351 we'll close us off because i think wajg_zRhb4U-01530-00310352-00310519 that's that's the key question so i'm wajg_zRhb4U-01531-00310520-00310679 glad you raised it thank you wajg_zRhb4U-01532-00310680-00310879 who wants to go first i see andrew wajg_zRhb4U-01533-00310880-00311039 you're nodding your head here so go wajg_zRhb4U-01534-00311040-00311223 ahead wajg_zRhb4U-01535-00311224-00311358 yeah i'm nodding and i'm trying to think wajg_zRhb4U-01536-00311359-00311551 of the best the best thing to say i wajg_zRhb4U-01537-00311552-00311630 think wajg_zRhb4U-01538-00311631-00311903 from a climate and weather perspective i wajg_zRhb4U-01539-00311904-00312127 mean there are there are resources from wajg_zRhb4U-01540-00312128-00312303 places such as the national weather wajg_zRhb4U-01541-00312304-00312439 service wajg_zRhb4U-01542-00312440-00312599 for high schoolers if you're interested wajg_zRhb4U-01543-00312600-00312847 in more of getting involved like from a wajg_zRhb4U-01544-00312848-00313023 career perspective on the climate side wajg_zRhb4U-01545-00313024-00313223 there are many jobs opening up wajg_zRhb4U-01546-00313224-00313327 um wajg_zRhb4U-01547-00313328-00313558 and especially in this kind of wajg_zRhb4U-01548-00313559-00313775 intermediate space you know of wajg_zRhb4U-01549-00313776-00313943 intersection of science policy and wajg_zRhb4U-01550-00313944-00314167 practice how do you tailor the forecast wajg_zRhb4U-01551-00314168-00314343 how do you translate the forecasts into wajg_zRhb4U-01552-00314344-00314527 action how do you translate the opposite wajg_zRhb4U-01553-00314528-00314743 direction as well how do you translate wajg_zRhb4U-01554-00314744-00314999 the data from the communities into a way wajg_zRhb4U-01555-00315000-00315247 that scientists could understand wajg_zRhb4U-01556-00315248-00315367 these are wajg_zRhb4U-01557-00315368-00315567 jobs that are going to become more wajg_zRhb4U-01558-00315568-00315767 popular in higher demand and i'm already wajg_zRhb4U-01559-00315768-00315958 seeing it so i guess that's from a wajg_zRhb4U-01560-00315959-00316143 scientist perspective i think i'll i wajg_zRhb4U-01561-00316144-00316423 think i'll leave it there wajg_zRhb4U-01562-00316424-00316654 great um annie do you want to jump in wajg_zRhb4U-01563-00316655-00316839 yeah i can just say this idea this came wajg_zRhb4U-01564-00316840-00317143 up in conversations with with members um wajg_zRhb4U-01565-00317144-00317358 of having and you know emergency wajg_zRhb4U-01566-00317359-00317591 preparedness curriculum in in schools wajg_zRhb4U-01567-00317592-00317791 that you know this should this wajg_zRhb4U-01568-00317792-00318030 unfortunately is a new reality and and wajg_zRhb4U-01569-00318031-00318215 the more that we are wajg_zRhb4U-01570-00318216-00318375 talking about emergency preparedness the wajg_zRhb4U-01571-00318376-00318591 more prepared we are um wajg_zRhb4U-01572-00318592-00318782 and so yeah i'd love to follow up with wajg_zRhb4U-01573-00318783-00318943 you and maybe we can talk about you know wajg_zRhb4U-01574-00318944-00319134 having an emergency preparedness day at wajg_zRhb4U-01575-00319135-00319303 your school like i think that any of wajg_zRhb4U-01576-00319304-00319471 that helps wajg_zRhb4U-01577-00319472-00319630 well that sounds awesome thank you so wajg_zRhb4U-01578-00319631-00319854 much it does sound awesome wajg_zRhb4U-01579-00319855-00320158 that's great guinness wajg_zRhb4U-01580-00320159-00320351 yeah i think you know in our office we wajg_zRhb4U-01581-00320352-00320615 constantly think how we can make sure wajg_zRhb4U-01582-00320616-00320799 students are part of the solution it's wajg_zRhb4U-01583-00320800-00321039 you know their future ultimately wajg_zRhb4U-01584-00321040-00321191 um and also like if you think about wajg_zRhb4U-01585-00321192-00321367 students they're like at the center of wajg_zRhb4U-01586-00321368-00321591 like these amazing networks their peers wajg_zRhb4U-01587-00321592-00321782 their teachers their neighborhoods and wajg_zRhb4U-01588-00321783-00321939 communities if you live in like a wajg_zRhb4U-01589-00321940-00322119 multi-generational household you also wajg_zRhb4U-01590-00322120-00322271 have grandma so wajg_zRhb4U-01591-00322272-00322454 i think really viewing students as like wajg_zRhb4U-01592-00322455-00322719 yeah this this um anchor to like so many wajg_zRhb4U-01593-00322720-00322887 different networks um and being part of wajg_zRhb4U-01594-00322888-00323006 the solution and i would say you know wajg_zRhb4U-01595-00323007-00323175 just giving specific examples like fun wajg_zRhb4U-01596-00323176-00323367 net we have been talking to dewey for wajg_zRhb4U-01597-00323368-00323567 example what do you mean to train and wajg_zRhb4U-01598-00323568-00323751 professional development for teachers to wajg_zRhb4U-01599-00323752-00324006 be able to have a program where they can wajg_zRhb4U-01600-00324007-00324182 help students install these sensors and wajg_zRhb4U-01601-00324183-00324334 install them at their schools and then wajg_zRhb4U-01602-00324335-00324503 understanding how is flooding impacting wajg_zRhb4U-01603-00324504-00324743 maybe student attendance at this school wajg_zRhb4U-01604-00324744-00324934 um so really just like again making wajg_zRhb4U-01605-00324935-00325182 students like part of the solution um wajg_zRhb4U-01606-00325183-00325487 and how helping them install and track wajg_zRhb4U-01607-00325488-00325743 this data uh so again just being part of wajg_zRhb4U-01608-00325744-00325903 the solution and really trying to figure wajg_zRhb4U-01609-00325904-00326151 out um yeah how to tap into i think wajg_zRhb4U-01610-00326152-00326334 which has been incredible wajg_zRhb4U-01611-00326335-00326575 youth like excitement energy and passion wajg_zRhb4U-01612-00326576-00326782 around climate change especially here in wajg_zRhb4U-01613-00326783-00326919 new york city wajg_zRhb4U-01614-00326920-00327110 and how to yeah wajg_zRhb4U-01615-00327111-00327358 help channel that wajg_zRhb4U-01616-00327359-00327615 that's great mark over to you wajg_zRhb4U-01617-00327616-00327878 well this has been uh a great discussion wajg_zRhb4U-01618-00327879-00328054 from start to finish wajg_zRhb4U-01619-00328055-00328287 i think that data literacy should be wajg_zRhb4U-01620-00328288-00328463 part of the curriculum now standard wajg_zRhb4U-01621-00328464-00328727 curriculum not just for climate but wajg_zRhb4U-01622-00328728-00328958 this is a world awash in data wajg_zRhb4U-01623-00328959-00329182 and to to navigate this world wajg_zRhb4U-01624-00329183-00329327 successfully you need to be able to wajg_zRhb4U-01625-00329328-00329495 understand that data wajg_zRhb4U-01626-00329496-00329710 i think we saw in the public health wajg_zRhb4U-01627-00329711-00329943 crisis of the past two years wajg_zRhb4U-01628-00329944-00330063 um wajg_zRhb4U-01629-00330064-00330247 the failure of wajg_zRhb4U-01630-00330248-00330543 uh our country to adequately educate wajg_zRhb4U-01631-00330544-00330782 on how to read data wajg_zRhb4U-01632-00330783-00330895 and wajg_zRhb4U-01633-00330896-00331167 it resulted in enormous misuse and abuse wajg_zRhb4U-01634-00331168-00331310 of data throughout this crisis wajg_zRhb4U-01635-00331311-00331582 continuing through to today wajg_zRhb4U-01636-00331583-00331775 it could have been avoided if if more wajg_zRhb4U-01637-00331776-00331919 people wajg_zRhb4U-01638-00331920-00332047 understood wajg_zRhb4U-01639-00332048-00332287 some basic facts how to how to access wajg_zRhb4U-01640-00332288-00332439 data where to access data how to wajg_zRhb4U-01641-00332440-00332615 interpret data wajg_zRhb4U-01642-00332616-00332767 uh wajg_zRhb4U-01643-00332768-00332919 it's um wajg_zRhb4U-01644-00332920-00333071 it's critical that we provide young wajg_zRhb4U-01645-00333072-00333158 people wajg_zRhb4U-01646-00333159-00333375 these tools whether the issue of climate wajg_zRhb4U-01647-00333376-00333558 or public health or any other other wajg_zRhb4U-01648-00333559-00333791 aspect of modern society so i think we wajg_zRhb4U-01649-00333792-00333982 might be on to something here wajg_zRhb4U-01650-00333983-00334095 uh wajg_zRhb4U-01651-00334096-00334215 let's uh wajg_zRhb4U-01652-00334216-00334423 let's work together on that wajg_zRhb4U-01653-00334424-00334630 fantastic well thank you so much uh wajg_zRhb4U-01654-00334631-00334887 thank you to eunice andrew annie and wajg_zRhb4U-01655-00334888-00335071 mark uh and thank you for everybody who wajg_zRhb4U-01656-00335072-00335206 joined us today i think this was a wajg_zRhb4U-01657-00335207-00335454 really uh insightful uh conversation so wajg_zRhb4U-01658-00335455-00335567 thank you for everybody for making the wajg_zRhb4U-01659-00335568-00336295 time okay take care wajg_zRhb4U-01660-00336296-00336504 you waatVAqKSPc-00000-00001470-00001805 hi thank you for being patient little waatVAqKSPc-00001-00001807-00002073 technical difficulties also I'm insanely waatVAqKSPc-00002-00002074-00003081 nervous this is my first talk okay so my waatVAqKSPc-00003-00003082-00003380 name is Camilla Jenkins at Camilla J if waatVAqKSPc-00004-00003381-00003563 you want to follow me on twitter no waatVAqKSPc-00005-00003564-00003950 pressure I'm originally from Cleveland waatVAqKSPc-00006-00003951-00004209 Ohio I graduated with a BA in psychology waatVAqKSPc-00007-00004210-00004520 and I found my home in like a Seattle waatVAqKSPc-00008-00004521-00004841 and there I became engrossed in my waatVAqKSPc-00009-00004842-00005438 passion for coding I attended multiple waatVAqKSPc-00010-00005439-00005687 meetups there and found a way to use waatVAqKSPc-00011-00005688-00006000 code to automate tasks as a researcher waatVAqKSPc-00012-00006001-00006389 and shortly after I found ada developers waatVAqKSPc-00013-00006390-00006713 academy which is an all-women's software waatVAqKSPc-00014-00006714-00006977 training program in downtown seattle and waatVAqKSPc-00015-00006978-00007341 now i'm currently a intern at I salon waatVAqKSPc-00016-00007342-00007695 which is an e mc-squared company we do waatVAqKSPc-00017-00007695-00008091 big data storage and there i'm learning waatVAqKSPc-00018-00008092-00008295 python and quickly falling in love with waatVAqKSPc-00019-00008296-00009196 javascript sip visualizing disparity waatVAqKSPc-00020-00009197-00009659 what is this parity to me disparity is waatVAqKSPc-00021-00009660-00009963 greater than the quality or state of waatVAqKSPc-00022-00009964-00010116 being different if you look in a waatVAqKSPc-00023-00010117-00010324 dictionary that's what it will tell you waatVAqKSPc-00024-00010325-00010623 but I believe that the story is waatVAqKSPc-00025-00010624-00011045 incomplete and it's also casual at best waatVAqKSPc-00026-00011046-00011355 it lacks the key components that waatVAqKSPc-00027-00011356-00011595 directly impact the individuals waatVAqKSPc-00028-00011596-00011978 experiencing it and to me it lacks the waatVAqKSPc-00029-00011979-00012255 interpersonal connection and weight that waatVAqKSPc-00030-00012256-00012641 the word disparity carries when we waatVAqKSPc-00031-00012642-00012833 proceed disparity with words like waatVAqKSPc-00032-00012834-00013215 socioeconomic physical and racial we waatVAqKSPc-00033-00013216-00013359 link the symptoms to the waatVAqKSPc-00034-00013360-00013716 cause the World Health Organization waatVAqKSPc-00035-00013716-00014025 defying social determinants as the waatVAqKSPc-00036-00014026-00014253 circumstances into which people are born waatVAqKSPc-00037-00014254-00014883 live work and age and are put and the waatVAqKSPc-00038-00014884-00015091 systems put in place to deal with them waatVAqKSPc-00039-00015093-00015341 the circumstances are then in turn waatVAqKSPc-00040-00015343-00015584 shaped by a wider set of forces waatVAqKSPc-00041-00015585-00015872 economics social policies and politics waatVAqKSPc-00042-00015874-00016284 in my opinion this definition applies to waatVAqKSPc-00043-00016285-00016596 all forms of disparity for example waatVAqKSPc-00044-00016597-00017058 stating that in 2010 the u.s. census waatVAqKSPc-00045-00017059-00017361 listed owlsley county as having the waatVAqKSPc-00046-00017362-00017547 lowest median household income in the waatVAqKSPc-00047-00017548-00018051 country with 41 41 point five percent of waatVAqKSPc-00048-00018052-00018279 residents living below the poverty line waatVAqKSPc-00049-00018280-00018501 you are doing more than stating a waatVAqKSPc-00050-00018502-00018786 difference ideally you are acting as an waatVAqKSPc-00051-00018787-00019491 agent of awareness so why visualizing waatVAqKSPc-00052-00019492-00019821 disparity calm well growing up I waatVAqKSPc-00053-00019822-00020151 constantly hurt people say that by waatVAqKSPc-00054-00020152-00020472 traveling to fill in the blank country I waatVAqKSPc-00055-00020473-00020763 learned so much about poverty and waatVAqKSPc-00056-00020764-00021243 justice and equality and etc and because waatVAqKSPc-00057-00021244-00021432 they travel to those places they became waatVAqKSPc-00058-00021433-00021743 more grateful more sympathetic more waatVAqKSPc-00059-00021744-00022106 empathetic and well-rounded individuals waatVAqKSPc-00060-00022107-00022479 this is really fantastic and great but waatVAqKSPc-00061-00022480-00022719 as a teenager filled with a lot of angst waatVAqKSPc-00062-00022720-00023031 I had a really different idea what if we waatVAqKSPc-00063-00023032-00023325 could see all of the lives of the waatVAqKSPc-00064-00023326-00023519 underrepresented and undeserved waatVAqKSPc-00065-00023520-00023910 underserved very deserving underserved waatVAqKSPc-00066-00023911-00024383 in our backyards how could they starkly waatVAqKSPc-00067-00024384-00024723 contrast the American dream and with the waatVAqKSPc-00068-00024724-00025275 personal impact be greater my goal is to waatVAqKSPc-00069-00025276-00025494 create a dashboard displaying multiple waatVAqKSPc-00070-00025495-00025739 disparities like high school graduation waatVAqKSPc-00071-00025741-00026013 rates and infant mortality with total waatVAqKSPc-00072-00026014-00026405 separated by race and economic class waatVAqKSPc-00073-00026406-00026725 using multiple visualization techniques waatVAqKSPc-00074-00026726-00026931 I will engage users while providing waatVAqKSPc-00075-00026932-00028830 impactful data so let's take a look waatVAqKSPc-00076-00028831-00030385 ok so here is my project waatVAqKSPc-00077-00030386-00031017 okay so if you notice when you click on waatVAqKSPc-00078-00031018-00031761 a state use them into the city level and waatVAqKSPc-00079-00031762-00032092 on the right hand side there is an waatVAqKSPc-00080-00032093-00033243 information pain with data okay waatVAqKSPc-00081-00033244-00033912 oh okay yeah so in my project i'm using waatVAqKSPc-00082-00033913-00034275 a highly customizable javascript library waatVAqKSPc-00083-00034276-00034722 called d3 and what's so great about d3 waatVAqKSPc-00084-00034723-00035031 is not only beautiful but really really waatVAqKSPc-00085-00035032-00035378 powerful and once you regroup after waatVAqKSPc-00086-00035379-00035727 hyperventilating about seeing math math waatVAqKSPc-00087-00035728-00036057 and javascript code as a beginner you waatVAqKSPc-00088-00036058-00036240 really find well written and have waatVAqKSPc-00089-00036241-00036516 heavily documented library with many waatVAqKSPc-00090-00036517-00036837 code examples to help get you started so waatVAqKSPc-00091-00036838-00037044 as you notice when you hover over the waatVAqKSPc-00092-00037045-00037929 state the data is displayed in an waatVAqKSPc-00093-00037930-00038469 information paint and also another great waatVAqKSPc-00094-00038470-00038655 thing about d3 the creators and waatVAqKSPc-00095-00038656-00038861 contributors are always on hand for waatVAqKSPc-00096-00038862-00039357 questions that you have and this data is waatVAqKSPc-00097-00039358-00039705 stored in my Postgres database and it's waatVAqKSPc-00098-00039706-00040014 hosted on at my chosen URL which is waatVAqKSPc-00099-00040015-00040449 really long but with so great about AWS waatVAqKSPc-00100-00040450-00040833 where my site is hosted is that it waatVAqKSPc-00101-00040834-00041064 allows me to instantly send my coat from waatVAqKSPc-00102-00041065-00041421 my terminal on to a local into a cloud waatVAqKSPc-00103-00041422-00041796 server in a very comfortable way and AWS waatVAqKSPc-00104-00041797-00042087 stands for amazon web services and it waatVAqKSPc-00105-00042088-00042312 allows you to link your domain name to waatVAqKSPc-00106-00042313-00042651 your project and you can see the actual waatVAqKSPc-00107-00042652-00042963 progress happen as you're working on any waatVAqKSPc-00108-00042964-00043521 machine i would say a challenging aspect waatVAqKSPc-00109-00043522-00043865 of the project was finding reliable waatVAqKSPc-00110-00043866-00044187 up-to-date data and by up-to-date I mean waatVAqKSPc-00111-00044188-00044532 no earlier than 2010 and reliable waatVAqKSPc-00112-00044533-00044844 meaning consistent across all 50 states waatVAqKSPc-00113-00044845-00045183 and it was also challenging to then waatVAqKSPc-00114-00045184-00045675 dissect the data onto multiple races and waatVAqKSPc-00115-00045676-00045890 then send it to the database in the waatVAqKSPc-00116-00045891-00046113 format that was needed so that it can be waatVAqKSPc-00117-00046114-00046579 easily rendered in the browser waatVAqKSPc-00118-00046580-00047008 also another challenge was the fancy waatVAqKSPc-00119-00047009-00047192 term that I'm sure you're all familiar waatVAqKSPc-00120-00047193-00047521 with called the imposter syndrome yeah waatVAqKSPc-00121-00047522-00047935 that's really real and as a beginner waatVAqKSPc-00122-00047936-00048382 when i created this project i was coding waatVAqKSPc-00123-00048383-00048620 for about a total of five months so waatVAqKSPc-00124-00048621-00048918 imposter syndrome hit really hard and waatVAqKSPc-00125-00048919-00049211 speaking from the perspective of a woman waatVAqKSPc-00126-00049212-00049651 of color and tech imposter syndrome is waatVAqKSPc-00127-00049652-00049939 really confounded with external forces waatVAqKSPc-00128-00049940-00050314 that i mentioned earlier as well as you waatVAqKSPc-00129-00050315-00050620 know life circumstances and home life waatVAqKSPc-00130-00050621-00051036 experiences from school prior to your waatVAqKSPc-00131-00051037-00051325 current state and also microaggressions waatVAqKSPc-00132-00051326-00051655 and racism coupled with your perceived waatVAqKSPc-00133-00051657-00052036 ability so the list can be endless and waatVAqKSPc-00134-00052037-00052298 now that you've heard about the current waatVAqKSPc-00135-00052299-00052693 state of my project i will talk about waatVAqKSPc-00136-00052694-00052979 what i would do in the future currently waatVAqKSPc-00137-00052979-00053356 i have state-level data for only one waatVAqKSPc-00138-00053357-00054004 issue however and for one race but in waatVAqKSPc-00139-00054005-00054224 the future I want multiple issues waatVAqKSPc-00140-00054225-00054505 aggregated on multiple races ethnic waatVAqKSPc-00141-00054506-00054710 backgrounds physical abilities and waatVAqKSPc-00142-00054711-00055010 economic classes and then users will be waatVAqKSPc-00143-00055011-00055325 able to parse the data rendered by an waatVAqKSPc-00144-00055326-00055685 API by using multiple filters and for waatVAqKSPc-00145-00055686-00055973 example if you want to see high school waatVAqKSPc-00146-00055974-00056261 graduation rates for black middle class waatVAqKSPc-00147-00056262-00056776 individuals in Ohio or maybe for a waatVAqKSPc-00148-00056777-00056948 different issue in a different race in waatVAqKSPc-00149-00056949-00057337 the future you will be able to do so and waatVAqKSPc-00150-00057338-00057641 this information will also be provided waatVAqKSPc-00151-00057641-00058291 using a d3 chart or graph and right now waatVAqKSPc-00152-00058292-00058843 the information is statewide and soon waatVAqKSPc-00153-00058844-00059329 there will be county-level data and for waatVAqKSPc-00154-00059330-00059551 example if you want to see that in waatVAqKSPc-00155-00059552-00059813 Owsley County the 41 point waatVAqKSPc-00156-00059814-00060026 five percent of residents who live below waatVAqKSPc-00157-00060027-00060340 poverty line you'll be able to do so and waatVAqKSPc-00158-00060341-00060701 farther and there will be city data like waatVAqKSPc-00159-00060702-00061080 in Rochester New York the mortality rate waatVAqKSPc-00160-00061082-00061415 the infant mortality rate is double the waatVAqKSPc-00161-00061416-00061799 national figure with 12 deaths at 1,000 waatVAqKSPc-00162-00061800-00062099 live births and this was reported by NPR waatVAqKSPc-00163-00062100-00062641 in 2014 and after city data there will waatVAqKSPc-00164-00062642-00062917 be district and neighborhood data so you waatVAqKSPc-00165-00062919-00063101 will be able to see for example that in waatVAqKSPc-00166-00063102-00063466 the San Francisco Bay Area in a town in waatVAqKSPc-00167-00063467-00063794 san ramon only two point six percent of waatVAqKSPc-00168-00063795-00064103 adult residents did not finish high waatVAqKSPc-00169-00064104-00064579 school but 63.3 percent of vernon waatVAqKSPc-00170-00064580-00064907 central area los angeles students did waatVAqKSPc-00171-00064908-00065111 not finish high school and this is waatVAqKSPc-00172-00065112-00065627 reported by routers in 2011 so now that waatVAqKSPc-00173-00065628-00065768 I've talked about what I want to do in waatVAqKSPc-00174-00065769-00066023 the future why in a world that I choose waatVAqKSPc-00175-00066024-00066310 this career path after graduating in waatVAqKSPc-00176-00066311-00066521 psychology and working as a research waatVAqKSPc-00177-00066522-00066896 assistant well software engineering is waatVAqKSPc-00178-00066897-00067172 one of the few careers that allows me to waatVAqKSPc-00179-00067173-00067478 combine my creativity my social waatVAqKSPc-00180-00067479-00067739 proclivity and investigative nature into waatVAqKSPc-00181-00067740-00068180 one career there is always so much to waatVAqKSPc-00182-00068181-00068401 learn you can never learn enough and waatVAqKSPc-00183-00068402-00068687 there are avenues for me to express waatVAqKSPc-00184-00068688-00069086 social causes and this also makes it waatVAqKSPc-00185-00069087-00069446 near impossible to run low on creative waatVAqKSPc-00186-00069447-00069845 independent project ideas and if time waatVAqKSPc-00187-00069846-00070238 was renewable and eternal then i kid i waatVAqKSPc-00188-00070239-00070706 don't know i could do so much more also waatVAqKSPc-00189-00070707-00071057 i have a plethora of tools literally at waatVAqKSPc-00190-00071058-00071342 my fingertips and that really feels waatVAqKSPc-00191-00071343-00071801 powerful and also in my opinion tech waatVAqKSPc-00192-00071802-00072043 gives me the autonomy that I need unlike waatVAqKSPc-00193-00072044-00072503 being a research assistant I do not need waatVAqKSPc-00194-00072504-00072830 to fill out grant papers and hassle for waatVAqKSPc-00195-00072831-00072972 money waatVAqKSPc-00196-00072973-00073104 it's free and i can do it on my computer waatVAqKSPc-00197-00073105-00073542 I can make it happen thank you wbI82IJZ-c8-00000-00000008-00000302 foreign wbI82IJZ-c8-00001-00000303-00002255 [Music] wbI82IJZ-c8-00002-00002256-00002728 this is wbI82IJZ-c8-00003-00002729-00005691 [Music] wbI82IJZ-c8-00005-00009128-00009642 [Music] wbI82IJZ-c8-00006-00009643-00009983 [Music] wbI82IJZ-c8-00007-00009984-00010292 you wbI82IJZ-c8-00008-00010293-00012548 [Music] wbI82IJZ-c8-00010-00015985-00016496 [Music] wbI82IJZ-c8-00011-00016497-00019263 [Music] wbI82IJZ-c8-00012-00019264-00019414 is wbI82IJZ-c8-00013-00019415-00020086 [Music] wbI82IJZ-c8-00014-00020087-00020476 this is not a drill weONsZlxaD0-00000-00000043-00000352 general relativity gr is a theory of weONsZlxaD0-00001-00000353-00000586 gravitation that was developed by Albert weONsZlxaD0-00002-00000587-00000907 Einstein between 1907 and 1915 with weONsZlxaD0-00003-00000908-00001215 contributions by many others after 1915 weONsZlxaD0-00004-00001216-00001459 according to general relativity the weONsZlxaD0-00005-00001460-00001600 observed gravitational attraction weONsZlxaD0-00006-00001601-00001837 between masses results from the warping weONsZlxaD0-00007-00001838-00002155 of space and time by those masses before weONsZlxaD0-00008-00002156-00002281 the advent of general relativity weONsZlxaD0-00009-00002282-00002502 Newton's law of universal gravitation weONsZlxaD0-00010-00002503-00002749 had been accepted for more than 200 weONsZlxaD0-00011-00002750-00002926 years as a valid description of the weONsZlxaD0-00012-00002927-00003142 gravitational force between masses even weONsZlxaD0-00013-00003143-00003352 though Newton himself did not regard the weONsZlxaD0-00014-00003353-00003531 theory as the final word on the nature weONsZlxaD0-00015-00003532-00003811 of gravity within a century of Newton's weONsZlxaD0-00016-00003811-00004015 formulation careful astronomical weONsZlxaD0-00017-00004015-00004210 observation revealed unexplainable weONsZlxaD0-00018-00004211-00004396 variations between the theory and the weONsZlxaD0-00019-00004397-00004656 observations under Newton's model weONsZlxaD0-00020-00004657-00004861 gravity was the result of an attractive weONsZlxaD0-00021-00004862-00005104 force between massive objects although weONsZlxaD0-00022-00005105-00005313 even Newton was bothered by the unknown weONsZlxaD0-00023-00005314-00005515 nature of that force the basic framework weONsZlxaD0-00024-00005516-00005725 was extremely successful at describing weONsZlxaD0-00025-00005726-00006034 motion however experiments and weONsZlxaD0-00026-00006035-00006211 observations show that Einsteins weONsZlxaD0-00027-00006212-00006417 description accounts for several effects weONsZlxaD0-00028-00006418-00006580 that are unexplained by Newton's law weONsZlxaD0-00029-00006581-00006792 such as minute anomalies in the orbits weONsZlxaD0-00030-00006793-00007071 of Mercury and other planets general weONsZlxaD0-00031-00007072-00007305 relativity also predicts novel effects weONsZlxaD0-00032-00007306-00007524 of gravity such as gravitational waves weONsZlxaD0-00033-00007525-00007741 gravitational lensing and an effect of weONsZlxaD0-00034-00007742-00007933 gravity on time known as gravitational weONsZlxaD0-00035-00007934-00008214 time dilation many of these predictions weONsZlxaD0-00036-00008215-00008421 have been confirmed by experiment or weONsZlxaD0-00037-00008422-00008619 observation while others are the subject weONsZlxaD0-00038-00008620-00008944 of ongoing research general relativity weONsZlxaD0-00039-00008945-00009130 has developed into an essential tool in weONsZlxaD0-00040-00009131-00009391 modern astrophysics it provides the weONsZlxaD0-00041-00009392-00009588 foundation for the current understanding weONsZlxaD0-00042-00009589-00009801 of black holes regions of space where weONsZlxaD0-00043-00009802-00010005 gravitational attraction is so strong weONsZlxaD0-00044-00010006-00010245 that not even light can escape their weONsZlxaD0-00045-00010246-00010389 strong gravity is thought to be weONsZlxaD0-00046-00010390-00010542 responsible for the intense radiation weONsZlxaD0-00047-00010543-00010821 emitted by certain types of astronomical weONsZlxaD0-00048-00010822-00011052 objects such as active galactic nuclei weONsZlxaD0-00049-00011053-00011373 or micro quasars general relativity is weONsZlxaD0-00050-00011374-00011535 also part of the framework of the weONsZlxaD0-00051-00011536-00012064 standard Big Bang model of cosmology weONsZlxaD0-00052-00012065-00012691 topic creation of general relativity weONsZlxaD0-00053-00012692-00013246 topic early investigations weONsZlxaD0-00054-00013247-00013504 as Einstein later said the reason for weONsZlxaD0-00055-00013505-00013644 the development of general relativity weONsZlxaD0-00056-00013646-00013861 was the preference of inertial motion weONsZlxaD0-00057-00013862-00014088 within special relativity while a theory weONsZlxaD0-00058-00014090-00014275 which from the outset prefers no state weONsZlxaD0-00059-00014276-00014485 of motion appeared more satisfactory to weONsZlxaD0-00060-00014486-00014518 him weONsZlxaD0-00061-00014519-00014758 so while still working at the Patent weONsZlxaD0-00062-00014759-00015013 Office in 1907 Einstein had what he weONsZlxaD0-00063-00015013-00015288 would call his happiest thought he weONsZlxaD0-00064-00015290-00015433 realized that the principle of weONsZlxaD0-00065-00015434-00015601 relativity could be extended to weONsZlxaD0-00066-00015602-00015925 gravitational fields consequently in weONsZlxaD0-00067-00015926-00016261 1907 he wrote an article published 1908 weONsZlxaD0-00068-00016262-00016477 on acceleration under special relativity weONsZlxaD0-00069-00016478-00016816 in that article he argued that free fall weONsZlxaD0-00070-00016817-00017023 is really inertial motion and that for a weONsZlxaD0-00071-00017024-00017194 free-falling observer the rules of weONsZlxaD0-00072-00017195-00017455 special relativity must apply this weONsZlxaD0-00073-00017456-00017619 argument is called the equivalence weONsZlxaD0-00074-00017620-00017872 principle in the same article Einstein weONsZlxaD0-00075-00017873-00018046 also predicted the phenomenon of weONsZlxaD0-00076-00018047-00018376 gravitational time dilation in 1911 weONsZlxaD0-00077-00018377-00018598 Einstein published another article weONsZlxaD0-00078-00018599-00018973 expanding on the 1907 article there he weONsZlxaD0-00079-00018974-00019138 thought about the case of a uniformly weONsZlxaD0-00080-00019139-00019348 accelerated box not in a gravitational weONsZlxaD0-00081-00019349-00019513 field and noted that it would be weONsZlxaD0-00082-00019514-00019684 indistinguishable from a box sitting weONsZlxaD0-00083-00019685-00019894 still in an unchanging gravitational weONsZlxaD0-00084-00019895-00020194 field he used special relativity to see weONsZlxaD0-00085-00020195-00020365 that the rate of clocks at the top of a weONsZlxaD0-00086-00020366-00020584 box accelerating upward would be faster weONsZlxaD0-00087-00020585-00020824 than the rate of clocks at the bottom he weONsZlxaD0-00088-00020825-00020974 concludes that the rates of clocks weONsZlxaD0-00089-00020975-00021121 depend on their position in a weONsZlxaD0-00090-00021122-00021277 gravitational field and that the weONsZlxaD0-00091-00021278-00021457 difference in rate is proportional to weONsZlxaD0-00092-00021458-00021643 the gravitational potential to first weONsZlxaD0-00093-00021644-00021949 approximation also the deflection of weONsZlxaD0-00094-00021950-00022159 light by massive bodies was predicted weONsZlxaD0-00095-00022160-00022387 although the approximation was crude it weONsZlxaD0-00096-00022388-00022531 allowed him to calculate that the weONsZlxaD0-00097-00022532-00022800 deflection is nonzero german astronomer weONsZlxaD0-00098-00022801-00023041 Arwen Finlay Freund liqu publicized weONsZlxaD0-00099-00023042-00023230 einstein's challenge to scientists weONsZlxaD0-00100-00023231-00023491 around the world this urged astronomers weONsZlxaD0-00101-00023492-00023677 to detect the deflection of light during weONsZlxaD0-00102-00023678-00023863 a solar eclipse and gave n stein weONsZlxaD0-00103-00023864-00024046 confidence that the scalar theory of weONsZlxaD0-00104-00024047-00024250 gravity proposed by Gunnar Nordstrom was weONsZlxaD0-00105-00024251-00024528 incorrect but the actual value for the weONsZlxaD0-00106-00024529-00024721 deflection that he calculated was too weONsZlxaD0-00107-00024722-00024931 small by a factor of two because the weONsZlxaD0-00108-00024932-00025128 approximation he used doesn't work well weONsZlxaD0-00109-00025129-00025282 for things moving at near the speed of weONsZlxaD0-00110-00025283-00025315 light weONsZlxaD0-00111-00025316-00025585 when Einstein finished the full theory weONsZlxaD0-00112-00025586-00025768 of general relativity he would rectify weONsZlxaD0-00113-00025769-00025947 this error and predict the correct weONsZlxaD0-00114-00025948-00026154 amount of light deflection by the Sun weONsZlxaD0-00115-00026155-00026404 another of Einstein's notable thought weONsZlxaD0-00116-00026405-00026575 experiments about the nature of the weONsZlxaD0-00117-00026576-00026626 gravity weONsZlxaD0-00118-00026627-00026848 field is that of the rotating disc a weONsZlxaD0-00119-00026849-00027127 variant of the ehrenfest paradox he weONsZlxaD0-00120-00027127-00027295 imagined an observer performing weONsZlxaD0-00121-00027295-00027543 experiments on a rotating turntable he weONsZlxaD0-00122-00027544-00027736 noted that such an observer would find a weONsZlxaD0-00123-00027737-00027912 different value for the mathematical weONsZlxaD0-00124-00027913-00028102 constant pi than the one predicted by weONsZlxaD0-00125-00028102-00028365 Euclidean geometry the reason is that weONsZlxaD0-00126-00028366-00028576 the radius of a circle would be measured weONsZlxaD0-00127-00028577-00028735 with a nun contracted ruler but weONsZlxaD0-00128-00028736-00028927 according to special relativity the weONsZlxaD0-00129-00028927-00029080 circumference would seem to be longer weONsZlxaD0-00130-00029081-00029260 because the ruler would be contracted weONsZlxaD0-00131-00029261-00029524 since Einstein believed that the laws of weONsZlxaD0-00132-00029525-00029739 physics were local described by local weONsZlxaD0-00133-00029740-00029920 fields he concluded from this that weONsZlxaD0-00134-00029920-00030180 space-time could be locally curved this weONsZlxaD0-00135-00030181-00030412 led him to study Romanian geometry and weONsZlxaD0-00136-00030413-00030615 to formulate general relativity in this weONsZlxaD0-00137-00030616-00030989 language weONsZlxaD0-00138-00030991-00031533 topic developing general relativity weONsZlxaD0-00139-00031535-00031825 in 1912 Einstein returned to Switzerland weONsZlxaD0-00140-00031826-00032047 to accept a professorship at his alma weONsZlxaD0-00141-00032048-00032335 mater the F once back in Zurich weONsZlxaD0-00142-00032336-00032502 he immediately visited his old ed weONsZlxaD0-00143-00032504-00032698 classmate Marcel Grossman now a weONsZlxaD0-00144-00032699-00032917 professor of mathematics who introduced weONsZlxaD0-00145-00032918-00033112 him to Romanian geometry and more weONsZlxaD0-00146-00033113-00033328 generally to differential geometry on weONsZlxaD0-00147-00033329-00033565 the recommendation of Italian weONsZlxaD0-00148-00033566-00033735 mathematician tullio levi-civita weONsZlxaD0-00149-00033736-00033985 einstein began exploring the usefulness weONsZlxaD0-00150-00033986-00034207 of general covariance essentially the weONsZlxaD0-00151-00034208-00034405 use of tensors for his gravitational weONsZlxaD0-00152-00034406-00034684 theory for a while einstein thought that weONsZlxaD0-00153-00034685-00034834 there were problems with the approach weONsZlxaD0-00154-00034835-00035032 but he later returned to it and by late weONsZlxaD0-00155-00035033-00035305 1915 had published his general theory of weONsZlxaD0-00156-00035306-00035497 relativity in the form in which it is weONsZlxaD0-00157-00035498-00035746 used today this theory explains weONsZlxaD0-00158-00035747-00035935 gravitation as distortion of the weONsZlxaD0-00159-00035936-00036091 structure of space-time by matter weONsZlxaD0-00160-00036092-00036292 affecting the inertial motion of other weONsZlxaD0-00161-00036293-00036622 matter during World War one the work of weONsZlxaD0-00162-00036623-00036835 central powers scientists was available weONsZlxaD0-00163-00036836-00037054 only to central powers academics for weONsZlxaD0-00164-00037055-00037303 national security reasons some of weONsZlxaD0-00165-00037304-00037501 Einstein's work did reach the United weONsZlxaD0-00166-00037502-00037678 Kingdom in the United States through the weONsZlxaD0-00167-00037679-00037837 efforts of the austrian paul ehrenfest weONsZlxaD0-00168-00037838-00038047 and physicists in the netherlands weONsZlxaD0-00169-00038048-00038311 especially 1902 Nobel Prize winner weONsZlxaD0-00170-00038312-00038518 Hendrik Lorentz and willem de sitter of weONsZlxaD0-00171-00038519-00038803 Leiden University after the war ended weONsZlxaD0-00172-00038804-00038995 Einstein maintained his relationship weONsZlxaD0-00173-00038996-00039190 with Leiden University accepting a weONsZlxaD0-00174-00039191-00039400 contract as an extraordinary professor weONsZlxaD0-00175-00039401-00039715 for 10 years from 1920 to 1930 he weONsZlxaD0-00176-00039716-00039904 traveled to the Netherlands regularly to weONsZlxaD0-00177-00039905-00040189 lecture in 1917 several astronomers weONsZlxaD0-00178-00040190-00040447 accepted Einstein's 1911 challenge from weONsZlxaD0-00179-00040448-00040732 Prague the Mount Wilson Observatory in weONsZlxaD0-00180-00040733-00040945 California US published a solar weONsZlxaD0-00181-00040946-00041146 spectroscopic analysis that showed no weONsZlxaD0-00182-00041147-00041299 gravitational redshift weONsZlxaD0-00183-00041300-00041659 in 1918 the Lick Observatory also in weONsZlxaD0-00184-00041660-00041842 California announced that it too had weONsZlxaD0-00185-00041843-00042049 disproved Einstein's prediction although weONsZlxaD0-00186-00042050-00042217 its findings were not published however weONsZlxaD0-00187-00042218-00042505 in May 1919 a team led by the British weONsZlxaD0-00188-00042506-00042718 astronomer Arthur Stanley Eddington weONsZlxaD0-00189-00042719-00042877 claimed to have confirmed Einstein's weONsZlxaD0-00190-00042878-00043096 prediction of gravitational deflection weONsZlxaD0-00191-00043097-00043237 of starlight by the Sun while weONsZlxaD0-00192-00043238-00043438 photographing a solar eclipse with dual weONsZlxaD0-00193-00043439-00043672 expeditions in sobral northern Brazil weONsZlxaD0-00194-00043673-00044011 and príncipe a West African island Nobel weONsZlxaD0-00195-00044012-00044215 laureate Max Born praised general weONsZlxaD0-00196-00044216-00044464 relativity as the greatest feat of human weONsZlxaD0-00197-00044465-00044752 thinking about nature fellow laureate weONsZlxaD0-00198-00044753-00044914 Paul Dirac was quoted weONsZlxaD0-00199-00044915-00045184 it was probably the greatest scientific weONsZlxaD0-00200-00045185-00045445 discovery ever made weONsZlxaD0-00201-00045446-00045667 the international media guaranteed weONsZlxaD0-00202-00045668-00045949 Einsteins global renown there have been weONsZlxaD0-00203-00045950-00046146 claims that scrutiny of the specific weONsZlxaD0-00204-00046147-00046315 photographs taken on the Eddington weONsZlxaD0-00205-00046316-00046504 expedition showed the experimental weONsZlxaD0-00206-00046505-00046702 uncertainty to be comparable to the same weONsZlxaD0-00207-00046703-00046876 magnitude as the effect Eddington weONsZlxaD0-00208-00046877-00047040 claimed to have demonstrated and that a weONsZlxaD0-00209-00047041-00047329 1962 British expedition concluded that weONsZlxaD0-00210-00047330-00047596 the method was inherently unreliable the weONsZlxaD0-00211-00047597-00047764 deflection of light during a solar weONsZlxaD0-00212-00047765-00047968 eclipse was confirmed by later more weONsZlxaD0-00213-00047969-00048252 accurate observations some resented the weONsZlxaD0-00214-00048253-00048480 newcomers Fame notably among some German weONsZlxaD0-00215-00048481-00048655 physicists who later started the weONsZlxaD0-00216-00048656-00049134 Deutsche Physik German physics movement weONsZlxaD0-00217-00049135-00049422 topic general covariance in the whole weONsZlxaD0-00218-00049423-00049778 argument weONsZlxaD0-00219-00049779-00050111 by 1912 Einstein was actively seeking a weONsZlxaD0-00220-00050112-00050282 theory in which gravitation was weONsZlxaD0-00221-00050283-00050549 explained as a geometric phenomenon at weONsZlxaD0-00222-00050550-00050716 the urging of tullio levi-civita weONsZlxaD0-00223-00050717-00050987 Einstein began by exploring the use of weONsZlxaD0-00224-00050988-00051188 general covariance which is essentially weONsZlxaD0-00225-00051189-00051389 the use of curvature tensors to create a weONsZlxaD0-00226-00051390-00051788 gravitational theory however in 1939 weONsZlxaD0-00227-00051789-00051989 Stein abandoned that approach arguing weONsZlxaD0-00228-00051990-00052154 that it is inconsistent based on the weONsZlxaD0-00229-00052154-00052616 whole argument in 1914 and much of 1915 weONsZlxaD0-00230-00052616-00052814 Einstein was trying to create field weONsZlxaD0-00231-00052815-00053092 equations based on another approach when weONsZlxaD0-00232-00053094-00053230 that approach was proven to be weONsZlxaD0-00233-00053232-00053435 inconsistent Einstein revisited the weONsZlxaD0-00234-00053436-00053636 concept of general covariance and weONsZlxaD0-00235-00053637-00053795 discovered that the whole argument was weONsZlxaD0-00236-00053796-00054109 flawed weONsZlxaD0-00237-00054110-00054379 topic the development of the Einstein weONsZlxaD0-00238-00054379-00054760 field equations weONsZlxaD0-00239-00054761-00055030 when Einstein realized that general weONsZlxaD0-00240-00055032-00055235 covariance was actually tenable he weONsZlxaD0-00241-00055236-00055421 quickly completed the development of the weONsZlxaD0-00242-00055422-00055615 field equations that are named after him weONsZlxaD0-00243-00055616-00055942 however he made a now-famous mistake the weONsZlxaD0-00244-00055944-00056171 field equations he published in october weONsZlxaD0-00245-00056172-00056640 1915 were our mu weONsZlxaD0-00246-00056641-00057429 new equals T mu nu display style are weONsZlxaD0-00247-00057429-00057686 underscore mute nu equals T underscore weONsZlxaD0-00248-00057687-00057972 mu nu where weONsZlxaD0-00249-00057973-00058541 our new new display style our underscore weONsZlxaD0-00250-00058542-00059285 mute new is the Ricci tensor and T mu nu weONsZlxaD0-00251-00059286-00059685 display style t underscore mute new the weONsZlxaD0-00252-00059686-00059961 energy-momentum tensor this predicted weONsZlxaD0-00253-00059962-00060131 the non-newtonian perihelion precession weONsZlxaD0-00254-00060132-00060392 of mercury and so had Einstein very weONsZlxaD0-00255-00060394-00060684 excited however it was soon realized weONsZlxaD0-00256-00060685-00060830 that they were inconsistent with the weONsZlxaD0-00257-00060832-00061011 local conservation of energy momentum weONsZlxaD0-00258-00061012-00061221 unless the universe had a constant weONsZlxaD0-00259-00061222-00061497 density of mass energy momentum in other weONsZlxaD0-00260-00061498-00061734 words air Rock and even a vacuum should weONsZlxaD0-00261-00061735-00061959 all have the same density this weONsZlxaD0-00262-00061960-00062178 inconsistency with observation sent weONsZlxaD0-00263-00062179-00062316 Einstein back to the drawing board weONsZlxaD0-00264-00062316-00062616 however the solution was all but obvious weONsZlxaD0-00265-00062616-00062876 and on November 25th 1915 Einstein weONsZlxaD0-00266-00062877-00063111 presented the actual Einstein field weONsZlxaD0-00267-00063112-00063303 equations to the Prussian Academy of weONsZlxaD0-00268-00063304-00064329 Sciences R mu nu minus 1/2 weONsZlxaD0-00269-00064330-00065428 G mu nu equals T mu nu display style r weONsZlxaD0-00270-00065429-00065785 underscore mute nu 1 / 2 RG underscore weONsZlxaD0-00271-00065786-00066213 mu nu equals t underscore view new where weONsZlxaD0-00272-00066214-00066703 our display style R is the Ricci scalar weONsZlxaD0-00273-00066704-00067438 and G mu nu display style G underscore weONsZlxaD0-00274-00067439-00067807 mute new the metric tensor with the weONsZlxaD0-00275-00067808-00068020 publication of the field equations the weONsZlxaD0-00276-00068021-00068197 issue became one of solving them for weONsZlxaD0-00277-00068198-00068368 various cases and interpreting the weONsZlxaD0-00278-00068369-00068584 solutions this an experimental weONsZlxaD0-00279-00068585-00068824 verification have dominated general weONsZlxaD0-00280-00068825-00069274 relativity research ever since weONsZlxaD0-00281-00069275-00069815 topic Einstein and Hilbert weONsZlxaD0-00282-00069816-00070024 although Einstein is credited with weONsZlxaD0-00283-00070025-00070235 finding the field equations the German weONsZlxaD0-00284-00070236-00070438 mathematician David Hilbert published weONsZlxaD0-00285-00070439-00070604 them in an article before Einsteins weONsZlxaD0-00286-00070605-00070912 article this has resulted in accusations weONsZlxaD0-00287-00070913-00071123 of plagiarism against Einstein although weONsZlxaD0-00288-00071124-00071318 not from Hilbert and assertions that the weONsZlxaD0-00289-00071319-00071467 field equations should be called the weONsZlxaD0-00290-00071468-00071743 Einstein Hilbert field equations weONsZlxaD0-00291-00071744-00072017 however Hilbert did not press his claim weONsZlxaD0-00292-00072018-00072209 for priority and some have asserted that weONsZlxaD0-00293-00072210-00072424 Einstein submitted the correct equations weONsZlxaD0-00294-00072425-00072613 before Hilbert amended his own work to weONsZlxaD0-00295-00072614-00072856 include them this suggests that Einstein weONsZlxaD0-00296-00072857-00073073 developed the correct field equations weONsZlxaD0-00297-00073074-00073229 first though Hilbert may have reached weONsZlxaD0-00298-00073230-00073430 them later independently or even learned weONsZlxaD0-00299-00073431-00073553 of them afterwards through his weONsZlxaD0-00300-00073554-00073807 correspondence with Einstein however weONsZlxaD0-00301-00073808-00074367 others have criticized those assertions weONsZlxaD0-00302-00074368-00074835 topic Sir Arthur Eddington weONsZlxaD0-00303-00074836-00075048 in the early years after Einstein's weONsZlxaD0-00304-00075049-00075231 theory was published Sir Arthur weONsZlxaD0-00305-00075232-00075405 Eddington lent his considerable prestige weONsZlxaD0-00306-00075406-00075638 in the British scientific establishment weONsZlxaD0-00307-00075639-00075804 in an effort to champion the work of weONsZlxaD0-00308-00075805-00076076 this German scientist because the theory weONsZlxaD0-00309-00076077-00076311 was so complex and abstruse even today weONsZlxaD0-00310-00076312-00076515 it is popularly considered the pinnacle weONsZlxaD0-00311-00076516-00076694 of scientific thinking in the early weONsZlxaD0-00312-00076695-00076878 years it was even more so it was weONsZlxaD0-00313-00076879-00077043 rumoured that only three people in the weONsZlxaD0-00314-00077044-00077262 world understood it there was an weONsZlxaD0-00315-00077263-00077432 illuminating the probably apocryphal weONsZlxaD0-00316-00077433-00077778 anecdote about this as related by Ludwig weONsZlxaD0-00317-00077779-00077957 silverstein during one of Eddington's weONsZlxaD0-00318-00077958-00078216 lectures he asked professor Eddington weONsZlxaD0-00319-00078217-00078447 you must be one of three persons in the weONsZlxaD0-00320-00078448-00078763 world who understands general relativity weONsZlxaD0-00321-00078764-00079028 Eddington paused unable to answer weONsZlxaD0-00322-00079029-00079301 silverstein continued don't be modest weONsZlxaD0-00323-00079302-00079593 Eddington finally Eddington replied on weONsZlxaD0-00324-00079594-00079830 the contrary I'm trying to think who the weONsZlxaD0-00325-00079831-00080311 third person s weONsZlxaD0-00326-00080312-00080836 topic solutions weONsZlxaD0-00327-00080837-00081371 topic the Schwarzschild solution weONsZlxaD0-00328-00081372-00081639 since the field equations are nonlinear weONsZlxaD0-00329-00081640-00081783 Einstein assumed that they were weONsZlxaD0-00330-00081784-00081876 unsolvable weONsZlxaD0-00331-00081877-00082176 however Karl Schwarzschild discovered in weONsZlxaD0-00332-00082177-00082512 1915 and published in 1916 an exact weONsZlxaD0-00333-00082513-00082707 solution for the case of a spherically weONsZlxaD0-00334-00082708-00082878 symmetric space-time surrounding a weONsZlxaD0-00335-00082879-00083079 massive object in spherical coordinates weONsZlxaD0-00336-00083080-00083337 this is now known as the Schwarzschild weONsZlxaD0-00337-00083338-00083598 solution since then many other exact weONsZlxaD0-00338-00083599-00083998 solutions have been found weONsZlxaD0-00339-00083999-00084280 topic the expanding universe in the weONsZlxaD0-00340-00084281-00084725 cosmological constant weONsZlxaD0-00341-00084726-00085067 in 1922 Alexander Friedmann found a weONsZlxaD0-00342-00085068-00085235 solution in which the universe may weONsZlxaD0-00343-00085236-00085442 expand or contract and later George weONsZlxaD0-00344-00085443-00085637 lumetri derived a solution for an weONsZlxaD0-00345-00085638-00085931 expanding universe however Einstein weONsZlxaD0-00346-00085932-00086069 believed that the universe was weONsZlxaD0-00347-00086070-00086267 apparently static and since a static weONsZlxaD0-00348-00086268-00086450 cosmology was not supported by the weONsZlxaD0-00349-00086451-00086696 general relativistic field equations he weONsZlxaD0-00350-00086697-00086921 added a cosmological constant lambda to weONsZlxaD0-00351-00086922-00087532 the field equations which became R mu nu weONsZlxaD0-00352-00087533-00087978 minus 1/2 weONsZlxaD0-00353-00087979-00089411 our G mu nu plus lambda G mu nu equals T weONsZlxaD0-00354-00089412-00090009 mu nu display style R underscore mu nu 1 weONsZlxaD0-00355-00090010-00090393 / 2 RG underscore mu nu + lambda G weONsZlxaD0-00356-00090394-00090657 underscore mute new equals T underscore weONsZlxaD0-00357-00090658-00090960 mute nu this permitted the creation of weONsZlxaD0-00358-00090961-00091131 steady state solutions but they were weONsZlxaD0-00359-00091132-00091356 unstable the slightest perturbation of a weONsZlxaD0-00360-00091357-00091509 static state would result in the weONsZlxaD0-00361-00091510-00091766 universe expanding or contracting in weONsZlxaD0-00362-00091767-00092064 1929 Edwin Hubble found evidence for the weONsZlxaD0-00363-00092065-00092337 idea that the universe is expanding this weONsZlxaD0-00364-00092338-00092511 resulted in Einstein dropping the weONsZlxaD0-00365-00092512-00092739 cosmological constant referring to it as weONsZlxaD0-00366-00092740-00093087 the biggest blunder in my career at the weONsZlxaD0-00367-00093088-00093330 time it was an ad hoc hypothesis to add weONsZlxaD0-00368-00093331-00093546 in the cosmological constant as it was weONsZlxaD0-00369-00093547-00093765 only intended to justify one result a weONsZlxaD0-00370-00093766-00094135 static universe weONsZlxaD0-00371-00094136-00094688 topic more exact solutions weONsZlxaD0-00372-00094689-00094923 progress in solving the field equations weONsZlxaD0-00373-00094924-00095150 and understanding the solutions has been weONsZlxaD0-00374-00095151-00095429 ongoing the solution for a spherically weONsZlxaD0-00375-00095430-00095648 symmetric charged object was discovered weONsZlxaD0-00376-00095649-00095837 by Reissner and later rediscovered by weONsZlxaD0-00377-00095838-00096021 Nordstrom and is called the Reister weONsZlxaD0-00378-00096022-00096317 nordstrom solution the black hole aspect weONsZlxaD0-00379-00096318-00096516 of the Schwarzschild solution was very weONsZlxaD0-00380-00096517-00096701 controversial and Einstein did not weONsZlxaD0-00381-00096702-00096916 believe that singularities could be real weONsZlxaD0-00382-00096917-00097266 however in 1957 two years after weONsZlxaD0-00383-00097267-00097572 Einstein's death in 1955 Martin Kruskal weONsZlxaD0-00384-00097573-00097748 published a proof that black holes are weONsZlxaD0-00385-00097749-00097979 called for by the Schwarzschild solution weONsZlxaD0-00386-00097980-00098235 additionally the solution for a rotating weONsZlxaD0-00387-00098236-00098441 massive object was obtained by Kerr in weONsZlxaD0-00388-00098442-00098636 the 1960s and is called the Kerr weONsZlxaD0-00389-00098637-00098912 solution the Kerr Neumann solution for a weONsZlxaD0-00390-00098913-00099129 rotating charged massive object was weONsZlxaD0-00391-00099130-00099612 published a few years later weONsZlxaD0-00392-00099613-00100112 topic testing the theory weONsZlxaD0-00393-00100113-00100388 the perihelion precession of mercury was weONsZlxaD0-00394-00100389-00100538 the first evidence that general weONsZlxaD0-00395-00100539-00100679 relativity is correct weONsZlxaD0-00396-00100680-00100994 Sir Arthur Stanley edingtons 1919 weONsZlxaD0-00397-00100995-00101156 expedition in which he confirmed weONsZlxaD0-00398-00101157-00101330 Einstein's prediction for the deflection weONsZlxaD0-00399-00101331-00101531 of light by the Sun during the total weONsZlxaD0-00400-00101532-00101828 solar eclipse of the 29th of May 1919 weONsZlxaD0-00401-00101829-00102023 helped to cement the status of general weONsZlxaD0-00402-00102024-00102335 relativity as a likely true theory since weONsZlxaD0-00403-00102336-00102532 then many observations have confirmed weONsZlxaD0-00404-00102533-00102736 the correctness of general relativity weONsZlxaD0-00405-00102738-00102992 these include studies of binary pulsars weONsZlxaD0-00406-00102993-00103229 observations of radio signals passing weONsZlxaD0-00407-00103230-00103421 the limb of the Sun and even the GPS weONsZlxaD0-00408-00103422-00103748 system gravitational waves are ripples weONsZlxaD0-00409-00103749-00103942 in the curvature of space-time which weONsZlxaD0-00410-00103943-00104143 propagate his waves traveling outward weONsZlxaD0-00411-00104144-00104230 from the source weONsZlxaD0-00412-00104231-00104474 they were first detected in September weONsZlxaD0-00413-00104475-00104734 2015 by the advanced LIGO team from the weONsZlxaD0-00414-00104735-00105263 merging of a pair of black holes weONsZlxaD0-00415-00105264-00105774 topic alternative theories weONsZlxaD0-00416-00105775-00105996 there have been various attempts to find weONsZlxaD0-00417-00105997-00106263 modifications to general relativity the weONsZlxaD0-00418-00106264-00106458 most famous of these are the brands dick weONsZlxaD0-00419-00106458-00106665 theory also known as scalar tensor weONsZlxaD0-00420-00106666-00106958 theory and rosen's by metric theory both weONsZlxaD0-00421-00106959-00107154 of these theories proposed changes to weONsZlxaD0-00422-00107155-00107280 the field equations of general weONsZlxaD0-00423-00107281-00107502 relativity and both suffer from these weONsZlxaD0-00424-00107503-00107660 changes permitting the presence of weONsZlxaD0-00425-00107661-00107946 bipolar gravitational radiation as a weONsZlxaD0-00426-00107947-00108185 result Rosen's original theory has been weONsZlxaD0-00427-00108186-00108390 refuted by observations of binary weONsZlxaD0-00428-00108391-00108683 pulsars as for brands dick which has a weONsZlxaD0-00429-00108684-00108906 tunable parameter Omega such that Omega weONsZlxaD0-00430-00108907-00109149 equals infinity is the same as general weONsZlxaD0-00431-00109150-00109334 relativity the amount by which it can weONsZlxaD0-00432-00109335-00109527 differ from general relativity has been weONsZlxaD0-00433-00109528-00109647 severely constrained by these weONsZlxaD0-00434-00109648-00109961 observations in addition general weONsZlxaD0-00435-00109963-00110175 relativity is inconsistent with quantum weONsZlxaD0-00436-00110176-00110355 mechanics the physical theory that weONsZlxaD0-00437-00110356-00110558 describes the wave-particle duality of weONsZlxaD0-00438-00110559-00110757 matter and quantum mechanics does not weONsZlxaD0-00439-00110758-00110940 currently describe gravitational weONsZlxaD0-00440-00110941-00111132 attraction that relevant microscopic weONsZlxaD0-00441-00111133-00111354 scales there is a great deal of weONsZlxaD0-00442-00111355-00111579 speculation in the physics community as weONsZlxaD0-00443-00111580-00111744 to the modifications that might be weONsZlxaD0-00444-00111745-00111933 needed to both general relativity and weONsZlxaD0-00445-00111933-00112140 quantum mechanics in order to unite them weONsZlxaD0-00446-00112141-00112428 consistently the speculative theory that weONsZlxaD0-00447-00112429-00112602 unites general relativity and quantum weONsZlxaD0-00448-00112603-00112839 mechanics is usually called quantum weONsZlxaD0-00449-00112840-00113033 gravity prominent examples of which weONsZlxaD0-00450-00113034-00113214 include string theory and loop quantum weONsZlxaD0-00451-00113215-00113583 gravity weONsZlxaD0-00452-00113583-00114204 topic more about gr history weONsZlxaD0-00453-00114205-00114516 kip thorne identifies the Golden Age of weONsZlxaD0-00454-00114517-00114836 general relativity as the period roughly weONsZlxaD0-00455-00114838-00115182 from 1960 to 1975 during which the study weONsZlxaD0-00456-00115183-00115358 of general relativity which had weONsZlxaD0-00457-00115359-00115557 previously been regarded as something of weONsZlxaD0-00458-00115558-00115749 a curiosity entered the mainstream of weONsZlxaD0-00459-00115750-00116022 theoretical physics during this period weONsZlxaD0-00460-00116023-00116232 many of the concepts and terms which weONsZlxaD0-00461-00116233-00116442 continue to inspire the imagination of weONsZlxaD0-00462-00116443-00116609 gravitation researchers and the general weONsZlxaD0-00463-00116610-00116847 public were introduced including black weONsZlxaD0-00464-00116848-00117147 holes and gravitational singularity at weONsZlxaD0-00465-00117148-00117311 the same time in a closely related weONsZlxaD0-00466-00117313-00117528 development the study of physical weONsZlxaD0-00467-00117529-00117729 cosmology entered the mainstream and the weONsZlxaD0-00468-00117730-00118047 Big Bang became well-established Fulvio weONsZlxaD0-00469-00118048-00118299 melia refers frequently to the Golden weONsZlxaD0-00470-00118300-00118578 Age of relativity in his book cracking weONsZlxaD0-00471-00118579-00118848 the Einstein code Andre Troutman hosted weONsZlxaD0-00472-00118849-00119075 a relativity conference in Warsaw in weONsZlxaD0-00473-00119076-00119448 1962 to which Melia refers general weONsZlxaD0-00474-00119449-00119670 relativity moved very successfully from weONsZlxaD0-00475-00119671-00119844 that meeting in Warsaw hot on the heels weONsZlxaD0-00476-00119845-00120039 of the pound Rebka experiment and weONsZlxaD0-00477-00120040-00120243 entered its golden age of discovery that weONsZlxaD0-00478-00120244-00120507 lasted into the mid 1970s Roy curve weONsZlxaD0-00479-00120508-00120734 protagonist of the book contributed an weONsZlxaD0-00480-00120735-00120785 afterword weONsZlxaD0-00481-00120786-00121008 saying of the book it is a remarkable weONsZlxaD0-00482-00121008-00121230 piece of writing capturing beautifully weONsZlxaD0-00483-00121231-00121467 the period we now refer to as the golden weONsZlxaD0-00484-00121468-00121967 age of relativity weONsZlxaD0-00485-00121968-00122504 topic C also weONsZlxaD0-00486-00122505-00122780 contributors to general relativity weONsZlxaD0-00487-00122781-00123161 Golden Age of cosmology Golden Age of weONsZlxaD0-00488-00123163-00123693 physics max principal wk Clifford weONsZlxaD0-00489-00123694-00124184 hashtag premonition of relativity weONsZlxaD0-00490-00124185-00124693 topic notes weONsZlxaD0-00491-00124694-00125207 topic references weONsZlxaD0-00492-00125208-00125645 pays abraham 1982 subtle as the lord the weONsZlxaD0-00493-00125646-00125865 science and life of albert einstein weONsZlxaD0-00494-00125866-00126336 oxford oxford university press ISBN 0 2 weONsZlxaD0-00495-00126338-00127015 1985 3 907 x einstein a Grossman M 1913 weONsZlxaD0-00496-00127016-00127258 in tor finer ver allgemeine Urton weONsZlxaD0-00497-00127259-00127450 relative attached theory une diner weONsZlxaD0-00498-00127451-00127745 theorie der gravitation outline of a weONsZlxaD0-00499-00127746-00127963 generalized theory of relativity and of weONsZlxaD0-00500-00127964-00128110 a theory of gravitation weONsZlxaD0-00501-00128111-00128503 zeitschrift fur mathematic in physic 62 weONsZlxaD0-00502-00128504-00129044 - 225 - 261 einstein and the changing weONsZlxaD0-00503-00129045-00129320 world views of physics editors letter c weONsZlxaD0-00504-00129321-00129787 r NJ Schemmel m 2012 birkhäuser genesis weONsZlxaD0-00505-00129788-00130050 of general relativity series weONsZlxaD0-00506-00130051-00130220 Schwarzschild carl weONsZlxaD0-00507-00130221-00130615 191 6 a über das gravitations fell weONsZlxaD0-00508-00130616-00130828 Dinah's mass and punk t's match during weONsZlxaD0-00509-00130829-00131162 stein shin theory sittings ber Preuss weONsZlxaD0-00510-00131163-00131749 AKA dee dee wis 189 to 196 weONsZlxaD0-00511-00131750-00132204 schwartz child carl 191 6b über das weONsZlxaD0-00512-00132205-00132453 gravitations fell diner kugel house weONsZlxaD0-00513-00132454-00132710 incompressible or flus ik kate nach der weONsZlxaD0-00514-00132711-00133085 einstein shin theory sittings ber froy's weONsZlxaD0-00515-00133086-00133997 AKA dee dee Wis 424 to 434 weONsZlxaD0-00516-00133998-00134497 topic external links weONsZlxaD0-00517-00134498-00134731 works related to the foundation of the weONsZlxaD0-00518-00134732-00134928 generalized theory of relativity at weONsZlxaD0-00519-00134929-00135163 wikisource wfm8pxg394Y-00000-00000003-00000236 how much your closing cost in Utah today wfm8pxg394Y-00001-00000237-00000388 we're going to be talking about home wfm8pxg394Y-00002-00000389-00000586 buyer closing costs and we're going to wfm8pxg394Y-00003-00000587-00000796 be starting right now wfm8pxg394Y-00004-00000797-00001680 [Music] wfm8pxg394Y-00005-00001682-00001943 hi I'm Angela Duong with Coldwell Banker wfm8pxg394Y-00006-00001944-00002201 Chiba Realtors and Matt Hong be calm if wfm8pxg394Y-00007-00002202-00002333 this is your first time to our channel wfm8pxg394Y-00008-00002334-00002465 please go ahead and click the subscribe wfm8pxg394Y-00009-00002466-00002669 button down below and hit the bell to be wfm8pxg394Y-00010-00002670-00002899 notified of future videos let's get wfm8pxg394Y-00011-00002900-00003194 started on home buyer closing costs the wfm8pxg394Y-00012-00003195-00003434 cost can include a variety of fees and wfm8pxg394Y-00013-00003435-00003719 will depend on the amount of your loan wfm8pxg394Y-00014-00003720-00004031 and/or purchase price as a good rule of wfm8pxg394Y-00015-00004032-00004301 thumb I usually just kind of estimate a wfm8pxg394Y-00016-00004302-00004649 3% of the purchase price to help give wfm8pxg394Y-00017-00004650-00004883 homebuyers an idea of how much closing wfm8pxg394Y-00018-00004884-00005015 costs are going to be to get a more wfm8pxg394Y-00019-00005016-00005216 accurate number I would suggest talking wfm8pxg394Y-00020-00005217-00005408 to your lender because they're gonna be wfm8pxg394Y-00021-00005409-00005575 able to break down numbers for your wfm8pxg394Y-00022-00005576-00005849 situation and loan type and give you a wfm8pxg394Y-00023-00005850-00006082 more accurate number when it comes time wfm8pxg394Y-00024-00006083-00006307 to write an offer for my buyers I wfm8pxg394Y-00025-00006308-00006454 usually get with the lender and let them wfm8pxg394Y-00026-00006455-00006668 build a purchase price so they can give wfm8pxg394Y-00027-00006669-00006869 me an idea of how much closing costs wfm8pxg394Y-00028-00006870-00007043 that individual buyer is going to need wfm8pxg394Y-00029-00007044-00007304 that way we are not asking for too wfm8pxg394Y-00030-00007305-00007526 little or too much of closing costs for wfm8pxg394Y-00031-00007527-00007681 our home buyer when you start the wfm8pxg394Y-00032-00007683-00007856 pre-qual process with the lender they're wfm8pxg394Y-00033-00007856-00008030 going to give you a breakdown of the wfm8pxg394Y-00034-00008031-00008312 fees you can expect and when the time wfm8pxg394Y-00035-00008313-00008522 comes that you have mix up an offer on a wfm8pxg394Y-00036-00008523-00008726 home they're going to update you on wfm8pxg394Y-00037-00008727-00008939 those numbers to get it more accurate wfm8pxg394Y-00038-00008940-00009170 for that specific house and purchase wfm8pxg394Y-00039-00009171-00009407 price you are then gonna receive a wfm8pxg394Y-00040-00009408-00009629 closing disclosure meetings before your wfm8pxg394Y-00041-00009630-00009854 scheduled closing to look over the final wfm8pxg394Y-00042-00009855-00010046 numbers it is required that you wfm8pxg394Y-00043-00010047-00010337 acknowledge the closing disclosure 3 wfm8pxg394Y-00044-00010338-00010589 days before closing closing customer wfm8pxg394Y-00045-00010590-00010757 home buyer is usually broken down into wfm8pxg394Y-00046-00010758-00010883 three sections wfm8pxg394Y-00047-00010884-00011177 there is lender fees title company fees wfm8pxg394Y-00048-00011178-00011552 and prepaid costs lender fees may show wfm8pxg394Y-00049-00011553-00011732 up as an origination fee or it may be wfm8pxg394Y-00050-00011733-00011999 broke down into individual fees such as wfm8pxg394Y-00051-00012000-00012275 courier fees appraisal fees credit wfm8pxg394Y-00052-00012276-00012632 report fees underwriting fees tax to get wfm8pxg394Y-00053-00012633-00012958 these flooded certificate fees funding wfm8pxg394Y-00054-00012959-00013196 these items like that an optional wfm8pxg394Y-00055-00013197-00013382 closing fee that a home buyer can have wfm8pxg394Y-00056-00013383-00013666 is discount points a disc wfm8pxg394Y-00057-00013668-00013946 point is 1% of the loan amount and this wfm8pxg394Y-00058-00013947-00014147 discount point can be used to lower the wfm8pxg394Y-00059-00014147-00014305 interest rate your lender will be able wfm8pxg394Y-00060-00014306-00014522 to consult with you the pros and cons of wfm8pxg394Y-00061-00014522-00014780 doing discount points and whether that wfm8pxg394Y-00062-00014781-00015025 option is right for you the next section wfm8pxg394Y-00063-00015026-00015200 is the fees from the title company wfm8pxg394Y-00064-00015201-00015455 you're gonna have title search fees wfm8pxg394Y-00065-00015456-00015742 lenders title insurance settlement fees wfm8pxg394Y-00066-00015743-00016108 as well as fees to record the warranty wfm8pxg394Y-00067-00016109-00016424 deed wire transfer fees and career fees wfm8pxg394Y-00068-00016425-00016630 the last section of your closing costs wfm8pxg394Y-00069-00016631-00016943 are going to be the prepaid fees one wfm8pxg394Y-00070-00016944-00017102 being they're gonna pay your homeowners wfm8pxg394Y-00071-00017103-00017380 insurance for the year but then also set wfm8pxg394Y-00072-00017381-00017624 up your escrow account which is an wfm8pxg394Y-00073-00017625-00017875 account that holds your yearly property wfm8pxg394Y-00074-00017876-00018146 taxes and homeowners insurance so what wfm8pxg394Y-00075-00018147-00018328 they're gonna do is collect a few extra wfm8pxg394Y-00076-00018329-00018499 months of homeowners insurance as well wfm8pxg394Y-00077-00018500-00018850 as a few months to six months of your wfm8pxg394Y-00078-00018851-00019016 property taxes depending on the time of wfm8pxg394Y-00079-00019017-00019303 year so that when the time comes to wfm8pxg394Y-00080-00019304-00019528 renew your homeowners insurance or pay wfm8pxg394Y-00081-00019529-00019762 your property taxes there is enough in wfm8pxg394Y-00082-00019763-00019961 your escrow account to pay those wfm8pxg394Y-00083-00019962-00020180 payments the next year that comes around wfm8pxg394Y-00084-00020181-00020434 so who pays closing costs both buyers wfm8pxg394Y-00085-00020435-00020603 and sellers have their own set of wfm8pxg394Y-00086-00020604-00020858 closing costs a seller typically pays wfm8pxg394Y-00087-00020859-00021097 the real estate Commission's a title wfm8pxg394Y-00088-00021098-00021308 insurance policy not the lenders policy wfm8pxg394Y-00089-00021309-00021536 that you have to pay for but a title wfm8pxg394Y-00090-00021537-00021772 insurance policy and their side of the wfm8pxg394Y-00091-00021773-00022000 title settlement fees in many cases wfm8pxg394Y-00092-00022001-00022231 first-time homebuyers don't have all the wfm8pxg394Y-00093-00022232-00022577 closing costs to pay upfront or they may wfm8pxg394Y-00094-00022578-00022705 be doing a higher percent financing wfm8pxg394Y-00095-00022706-00022969 buyers are able to negotiate with the wfm8pxg394Y-00096-00022970-00023272 seller to get those costs figured out wfm8pxg394Y-00097-00023273-00023492 into the purchase price in order to wfm8pxg394Y-00098-00023493-00023737 finance their closing costs if you are wfm8pxg394Y-00099-00023738-00023890 able to negotiate all the closing costs wfm8pxg394Y-00100-00023891-00024184 into a purchase price I do highly wfm8pxg394Y-00101-00024185-00024311 suggest that you talk to your lender wfm8pxg394Y-00102-00024312-00024583 about the appraisal fee there are some wfm8pxg394Y-00103-00024584-00024800 lenders that do require the homebuyer to wfm8pxg394Y-00104-00024801-00025090 pay the appraisal fee upfront when the wfm8pxg394Y-00105-00025091-00025330 appraisal is ordered and there are many wfm8pxg394Y-00106-00025331-00025528 that will just finance that into their wfm8pxg394Y-00107-00025529-00025747 closing costs so just check with your wfm8pxg394Y-00108-00025748-00025964 lender because that is one expense that wfm8pxg394Y-00109-00025964-00026186 some buyers just aren't ready for and wfm8pxg394Y-00110-00026187-00026258 then wfm8pxg394Y-00111-00026260-00026477 upset at the time we're in the appraisal wfm8pxg394Y-00112-00026479-00026829 so just plan on if you do have to pay wfm8pxg394Y-00113-00026830-00027077 upfront for your appraisal it could be wfm8pxg394Y-00114-00027079-00027264 between five and six hundred dollars but wfm8pxg394Y-00115-00027264-00027395 of course your lender is going to be wfm8pxg394Y-00116-00027397-00027606 able to tell you what the report what wfm8pxg394Y-00117-00027607-00027819 they are going to require there are two wfm8pxg394Y-00118-00027820-00027983 other items that I do want you to know wfm8pxg394Y-00119-00027985-00028239 upfront that aren't really in your wfm8pxg394Y-00120-00028239-00028467 closing costs and that is when you write wfm8pxg394Y-00121-00028468-00028758 an offer you offer earnest money that wfm8pxg394Y-00122-00028758-00028977 sits in an account at the real estate wfm8pxg394Y-00123-00028977-00029220 company or title company and it's just wfm8pxg394Y-00124-00029220-00029429 showing their interest and you toss wfm8pxg394Y-00125-00029430-00029667 between five hundred two thousand wfm8pxg394Y-00126-00029668-00029991 dollars usually so you just want to be wfm8pxg394Y-00127-00029992-00030252 prepared that earnest money is most wfm8pxg394Y-00128-00030252-00030405 likely going to be a minimum of five wfm8pxg394Y-00129-00030406-00030608 dollars that you're gonna have to give wfm8pxg394Y-00130-00030610-00030879 within four days of your accepted wfm8pxg394Y-00131-00030880-00031119 awkward-ass it and then account and then wfm8pxg394Y-00132-00031120-00031358 also if you get a home inspection which wfm8pxg394Y-00133-00031360-00031595 I highly recommend because that is very wfm8pxg394Y-00134-00031597-00031773 important to know what kind of home wfm8pxg394Y-00135-00031774-00031902 you're getting into and if there's any wfm8pxg394Y-00136-00031902-00032166 issues that can cost you between three wfm8pxg394Y-00137-00032167-00032319 and four hundred dollars depending on wfm8pxg394Y-00138-00032320-00032532 what home inspection you get and which wfm8pxg394Y-00139-00032533-00032712 company you go with well I hope you wfm8pxg394Y-00140-00032713-00032919 found this information useful and you wfm8pxg394Y-00141-00032920-00033066 have learned something about buyer wfm8pxg394Y-00142-00033067-00033414 closing costs again as a rule of thumb I wfm8pxg394Y-00143-00033415-00033594 use about three percent of the purchase wfm8pxg394Y-00144-00033595-00033840 price to get a general idea of how much wfm8pxg394Y-00145-00033841-00033992 closing costs are going to be required wfm8pxg394Y-00146-00033993-00034290 but as always talk to you lender and wfm8pxg394Y-00147-00034291-00034395 they're going to be able to break down wfm8pxg394Y-00148-00034396-00034599 the numbers more accurately for your wfm8pxg394Y-00149-00034600-00034668 situation wfm8pxg394Y-00150-00034669-00034953 if you need a lender contact I'd be wfm8pxg394Y-00151-00034954-00035127 happy to help you my information is down wfm8pxg394Y-00152-00035128-00035340 below and I can share with you some of wfm8pxg394Y-00153-00035341-00035649 the lenders that we use and again this wfm8pxg394Y-00154-00035650-00035838 is Daniel wigwam Coldwell Banker - our wfm8pxg394Y-00155-00035839-00036120 Realtors and Matt home be calm and he's wfm8pxg394Y-00156-00036121-00036294 hit the subscribe button down below and wfm8pxg394Y-00157-00036295-00036526 we will see you in the next video wfm8pxg394Y-00158-00036527-00037129 [Music] wgwPT-gPxUM-00000-00000312-00001107 you wgwPT-gPxUM-00001-00001108-00001299 I think oil has to be understood as wgwPT-gPxUM-00002-00001300-00001461 something that is not simply an economic wgwPT-gPxUM-00003-00001462-00001707 question for Venezuela it's also a very wgwPT-gPxUM-00004-00001707-00001923 important political symbolic and wgwPT-gPxUM-00005-00001923-00002145 cultural element within Venezuelan wgwPT-gPxUM-00006-00002146-00002364 society for Venezuelans it was supposed wgwPT-gPxUM-00007-00002365-00002592 to be the vehicle to modernization when wgwPT-gPxUM-00008-00002593-00002838 Chavez comes to power in 1998 oil prices wgwPT-gPxUM-00009-00002839-00003050 were less than seven dollars a barrel so wgwPT-gPxUM-00010-00003051-00003222 in many ways what what the government wgwPT-gPxUM-00011-00003222-00003474 had to do was to reconstruct a vision of wgwPT-gPxUM-00012-00003475-00003717 Venezuela that included oil as part of wgwPT-gPxUM-00013-00003718-00003972 the motor of change of social change in wgwPT-gPxUM-00014-00003972-00004200 Venezuela not only for Venezuela but wgwPT-gPxUM-00015-00004201-00004467 also for the region an oil was its most wgwPT-gPxUM-00016-00004468-00004679 important cachet so for the first stage wgwPT-gPxUM-00017-00004680-00004917 we saw was an effort to reclaim the oil wgwPT-gPxUM-00018-00004918-00005067 industry which began to operate wgwPT-gPxUM-00019-00005068-00005166 essentially as an international wgwPT-gPxUM-00020-00005167-00005346 conglomerate that was housed in wgwPT-gPxUM-00021-00005347-00005507 Venezuela but did not really consider wgwPT-gPxUM-00022-00005508-00005724 itself Venezuelan so that was the first wgwPT-gPxUM-00023-00005725-00005900 stage we saw in the context of wgwPT-gPxUM-00024-00005901-00006122 reclaiming oil and attempting to create wgwPT-gPxUM-00025-00006123-00006399 oil within a sustainable bandwidth in wgwPT-gPxUM-00026-00006400-00006518 which Venezuela could sell oil wgwPT-gPxUM-00027-00006519-00006764 commercially and then also in a che wgwPT-gPxUM-00028-00006765-00007023 social programs and then also be able to wgwPT-gPxUM-00029-00007023-00007217 provide it as it did in the San Jose wgwPT-gPxUM-00030-00007218-00007491 accords in the 1970s along with Mexico wgwPT-gPxUM-00031-00007492-00007665 to Central American countries to wgwPT-gPxUM-00032-00007666-00007875 Caribbean countries that had to pay very wgwPT-gPxUM-00033-00007876-00008076 onerous prices so what Chavez government wgwPT-gPxUM-00034-00008077-00008337 does is to use oil and not simply to wgwPT-gPxUM-00035-00008338-00008520 buttress relations with the US but to wgwPT-gPxUM-00036-00008521-00008709 buttress relations with Latin America in wgwPT-gPxUM-00037-00008710-00008979 a very important way to provide oil and wgwPT-gPxUM-00038-00008980-00009144 long term credits to countries like wgwPT-gPxUM-00039-00009145-00009564 Nicaragua like Dominican Republic like wgwPT-gPxUM-00040-00009565-00009756 Jamaica and other countries in the wgwPT-gPxUM-00041-00009757-00010020 region and including Cuba and using that wgwPT-gPxUM-00042-00010021-00010214 to create a tremendous amount of wgwPT-gPxUM-00043-00010215-00010449 political goodwill because it recognized wgwPT-gPxUM-00044-00010450-00010650 that Venezuela has an important role not wgwPT-gPxUM-00045-00010651-00010851 simply as a purveyor of energy to the wgwPT-gPxUM-00046-00010852-00011055 first world to the US which was its wgwPT-gPxUM-00047-00011056-00011253 dominant trading partner but really to wgwPT-gPxUM-00048-00011254-00011430 Latin America and then that notion of wgwPT-gPxUM-00049-00011431-00011634 economic nationalism of economic wgwPT-gPxUM-00050-00011635-00011817 sovereignty spread throughout Latin wgwPT-gPxUM-00051-00011818-00012033 America we saw this same example in wgwPT-gPxUM-00052-00012034-00012237 Bolivia nationalizing the gas industry wgwPT-gPxUM-00053-00012238-00012513 we saw Ecuador rejoining OPEC we saw the wgwPT-gPxUM-00054-00012514-00012764 creation of Petrocaribe Caribbean wgwPT-gPxUM-00055-00012765-00012969 initiative the provided oil at wgwPT-gPxUM-00056-00012969-00013221 short-term long-term credit rates to the wgwPT-gPxUM-00057-00013222-00013472 Caribbean we saw the provider of oil to wgwPT-gPxUM-00058-00013473-00013703 of heating oil to communities in the wgwPT-gPxUM-00059-00013704-00013950 u.s. under the banner of cidco so that wgwPT-gPxUM-00060-00013951-00014184 northeastern communities that had to pay wgwPT-gPxUM-00061-00014185-00014372 onerous prices received oil wgwPT-gPxUM-00062-00014374-00014610 at subsidized prices as well and we saw wgwPT-gPxUM-00063-00014611-00014838 also petrol sued the creation of a South wgwPT-gPxUM-00064-00014838-00015132 American oil body that actually helped wgwPT-gPxUM-00065-00015133-00015416 negotiate conditions for oil industry so wgwPT-gPxUM-00066-00015418-00015606 in many ways many that's attributable to wgwPT-gPxUM-00067-00015607-00015771 the policies that the chávez government wgwPT-gPxUM-00068-00015772-00015990 instituted and I think that's what was wgwPT-gPxUM-00069-00015991-00016203 sustainable I think the previous system wgwPT-gPxUM-00070-00016204-00016446 that existed before 1998 was wgwPT-gPxUM-00071-00016447-00016647 unsustainable and the reality is that wgwPT-gPxUM-00072-00016648-00016884 with that kind of recasting of oil and wgwPT-gPxUM-00073-00016885-00017109 if it's symbolic importance as a part of wgwPT-gPxUM-00074-00017110-00017286 the integral development of social wgwPT-gPxUM-00075-00017287-00017502 development of Venezuela we saw that wgwPT-gPxUM-00076-00017503-00017727 clash between the imaginary Venezuela wgwPT-gPxUM-00077-00017728-00017880 that saw itself simply as an wgwPT-gPxUM-00078-00017881-00018105 international or producing country and wgwPT-gPxUM-00079-00018106-00018444 now reclaiming the oil industry as part wgwPT-gPxUM-00080-00018445-00018714 and parcel of the social development wgwPT-gPxUM-00081-00018715-00018966 within Venezuela a major chasm had wgwPT-gPxUM-00082-00018967-00019131 developed and I think that's what was wgwPT-gPxUM-00083-00019132-00019497 healed under the chaves administration whnNTYcFMfk-00000-00000056-00000335 on july the 4th whnNTYcFMfk-00001-00000336-00000455 we're going to be reading the whnNTYcFMfk-00002-00000456-00000647 declaration of independence whnNTYcFMfk-00003-00000648-00000790 i don't know if any of you are waiting whnNTYcFMfk-00004-00000791-00001023 around for dr fauci or dr whnNTYcFMfk-00005-00001024-00001262 collin or chuck huckleberry to tell you whnNTYcFMfk-00006-00001263-00001431 whether or not you're americans and whnNTYcFMfk-00007-00001432-00001558 you're free whnNTYcFMfk-00008-00001559-00001775 but if you like me think that that is whnNTYcFMfk-00009-00001776-00001967 completely unacceptable whnNTYcFMfk-00010-00001968-00002223 folks chris haskell here welcome back to whnNTYcFMfk-00011-00002224-00002342 my channel whnNTYcFMfk-00012-00002343-00002671 and um i haven't done too many stories whnNTYcFMfk-00013-00002672-00002767 for quite a while whnNTYcFMfk-00014-00002768-00003023 but uh you'll see what's going on now we whnNTYcFMfk-00015-00003024-00003231 uh decided to do a story about the whnNTYcFMfk-00016-00003232-00003406 school districts whnNTYcFMfk-00017-00003407-00003615 basically about the freedom getting our whnNTYcFMfk-00018-00003615-00003806 kids back to uh whnNTYcFMfk-00019-00003807-00004103 some normality and not going to school whnNTYcFMfk-00020-00004104-00004295 with mask on well whnNTYcFMfk-00021-00004296-00004638 so vale school district whnNTYcFMfk-00022-00004639-00004863 just had a meeting and they ended up whnNTYcFMfk-00023-00004864-00005022 canceling it because so many people whnNTYcFMfk-00024-00005023-00005143 showed up whnNTYcFMfk-00025-00005144-00005391 and these people a good lot of them are whnNTYcFMfk-00026-00005392-00005615 not all of them but a lot of them were whnNTYcFMfk-00027-00005616-00005863 anti-mass people normal people that whnNTYcFMfk-00028-00005864-00006047 don't want their children whnNTYcFMfk-00029-00006048-00006463 uh wearing an insane mask which whnNTYcFMfk-00030-00006464-00006646 protests tonight at bail district whnNTYcFMfk-00031-00006647-00006863 headquarters angry parents yelling they whnNTYcFMfk-00032-00006864-00007023 want their voices to be heard whnNTYcFMfk-00033-00007023-00007183 with some pushing their way into the whnNTYcFMfk-00034-00007184-00007470 boardroom that board okay so whnNTYcFMfk-00035-00007472-00007742 uh they canceled the meeting and then whnNTYcFMfk-00036-00007743-00007927 what i did is i was whnNTYcFMfk-00037-00007928-00008127 planning on seeing something the next whnNTYcFMfk-00038-00008128-00008310 day because they had a tanka verde whnNTYcFMfk-00039-00008311-00008431 school district whnNTYcFMfk-00040-00008432-00008751 they had us uh meeting and so i showed whnNTYcFMfk-00041-00008752-00008791 up whnNTYcFMfk-00042-00008792-00009135 and basically they canceled that one too whnNTYcFMfk-00043-00009136-00009327 because the sheriff suggested to the whnNTYcFMfk-00044-00009328-00009478 board meeting that whnNTYcFMfk-00045-00009479-00009727 uh due to the violence and craziness whnNTYcFMfk-00046-00009728-00009871 that's going on they should for their whnNTYcFMfk-00047-00009872-00009959 safety they should whnNTYcFMfk-00048-00009960-00010246 cancel it and they did so anyway this is whnNTYcFMfk-00049-00010247-00010310 uh whnNTYcFMfk-00050-00010311-00010631 us talking to a few people and at the whnNTYcFMfk-00051-00010632-00010710 parking lot whnNTYcFMfk-00052-00010711-00010999 tanka verde school district check it out whnNTYcFMfk-00053-00011000-00011255 then i'm inviting you right now to go whnNTYcFMfk-00054-00011256-00011567 to pmlp.org sign up whnNTYcFMfk-00055-00011568-00011799 to get on our newsletter and we will let whnNTYcFMfk-00056-00011800-00012006 you know where we are going to be the whnNTYcFMfk-00057-00012007-00012095 night before whnNTYcFMfk-00058-00012096-00012399 so we can all show up in person as whnNTYcFMfk-00059-00012400-00012774 free americans and let people know that whnNTYcFMfk-00060-00012775-00013207 we believe we believe in this american whnNTYcFMfk-00061-00013208-00013455 dream and we're living it whnNTYcFMfk-00062-00013456-00013783 so with that i'm gonna sign off and whnNTYcFMfk-00063-00013784-00014086 uh let you know that whnNTYcFMfk-00064-00014087-00014311 we're here and we're standing up for whnNTYcFMfk-00065-00014312-00014430 what's right and we're going to continue whnNTYcFMfk-00066-00014431-00014511 to do that whnNTYcFMfk-00067-00014512-00014822 so peace whnNTYcFMfk-00068-00014823-00014999 i have a couple questions what's your whnNTYcFMfk-00069-00015000-00015150 name again sir damn dan whnNTYcFMfk-00070-00015151-00015399 okay aaron ray tucson tierney response whnNTYcFMfk-00071-00015400-00015583 to you whnNTYcFMfk-00072-00015584-00015815 when you were at the meeting last night whnNTYcFMfk-00073-00015816-00015983 and the sheriff's came out and whnNTYcFMfk-00074-00015984-00016263 mentioned uh trespass and and the border whnNTYcFMfk-00075-00016263-00016375 the board members were whnNTYcFMfk-00076-00016376-00016575 going backstage or whatever it is they whnNTYcFMfk-00077-00016576-00016879 did was anybody charged with the salt whnNTYcFMfk-00078-00016880-00017150 no how about threats and intimidation whnNTYcFMfk-00079-00017151-00017367 about uh disorderly conduct involving whnNTYcFMfk-00080-00017368-00017591 profanity whnNTYcFMfk-00081-00017592-00017814 so there was no crimes committed no whnNTYcFMfk-00082-00017815-00017991 crimes absolutely well do you think it's whnNTYcFMfk-00083-00017992-00018283 a crime that they false report under ars whnNTYcFMfk-00084-00018284-00018655 13-25 which is false reporting to a law whnNTYcFMfk-00085-00018656-00018863 enforcement agency whnNTYcFMfk-00086-00018864-00019039 yes do you think there was more than one whnNTYcFMfk-00087-00019040-00019150 of the board members that made that whnNTYcFMfk-00088-00019151-00019279 report no i'm sure whnNTYcFMfk-00089-00019280-00019367 would you believe that there's a whnNTYcFMfk-00090-00019368-00019527 conspiracy involved between the board whnNTYcFMfk-00091-00019528-00019599 members to whnNTYcFMfk-00092-00019600-00019767 kind of stack the deck against you all whnNTYcFMfk-00093-00019768-00020007 people oh yeah absolutely whnNTYcFMfk-00094-00020008-00020375 i see well yeah just like here i mean whnNTYcFMfk-00095-00020376-00020503 they they claimed we were going to be whnNTYcFMfk-00096-00020504-00020550 violent whnNTYcFMfk-00097-00020551-00020855 and called to me and what were their whnNTYcFMfk-00098-00020856-00020950 grounds for the whnNTYcFMfk-00099-00020951-00021263 violence accusations from last night whnNTYcFMfk-00100-00021264-00021407 where there wasn't any yeah there were whnNTYcFMfk-00101-00021408-00021471 not whnNTYcFMfk-00102-00021472-00021647 they were in they were talking with the whnNTYcFMfk-00103-00021648-00021814 sheriffs and whnNTYcFMfk-00104-00021815-00022111 the sheriffs were advising them of what whnNTYcFMfk-00105-00022112-00022294 happened at vail whnNTYcFMfk-00106-00022295-00022575 and evidently they took that as violence whnNTYcFMfk-00107-00022576-00022639 and whnNTYcFMfk-00108-00022640-00022886 canceled the meeting the shares were whnNTYcFMfk-00109-00022887-00022967 advising them whnNTYcFMfk-00110-00022968-00023143 here they they were talking to one of whnNTYcFMfk-00111-00023144-00023342 the sheriffs here and that's one of whnNTYcFMfk-00112-00023343-00023511 it's in their email i was trying to pull whnNTYcFMfk-00113-00023512-00023727 it up and i couldn't pop it up whnNTYcFMfk-00114-00023728-00023999 of why they they canceled it was they whnNTYcFMfk-00115-00024000-00024135 were working with the sheriff and the whnNTYcFMfk-00116-00024136-00024271 sheriff was briefing them on what whnNTYcFMfk-00117-00024272-00024414 happened last night whnNTYcFMfk-00118-00024415-00024607 so yeah that could be that they're given whnNTYcFMfk-00119-00024608-00024839 some false information whnNTYcFMfk-00120-00024840-00024967 could it be that the sheriff might have whnNTYcFMfk-00121-00024968-00025214 also gave some uh legal advice whnNTYcFMfk-00122-00025215-00025503 so there was nothing to advise on is it whnNTYcFMfk-00123-00025504-00025606 possible whnNTYcFMfk-00124-00025607-00025983 anything's possible at that point right whnNTYcFMfk-00125-00025983-00026287 um what's your personal take on the mask whnNTYcFMfk-00126-00026288-00026479 issue is it a freedom issue for you whnNTYcFMfk-00127-00026480-00026743 is it is it up to everybody each their whnNTYcFMfk-00128-00026744-00026823 own or whnNTYcFMfk-00129-00026824-00026999 it's it's everybody should decide on whnNTYcFMfk-00130-00027000-00027183 their own but it should not be mandated whnNTYcFMfk-00131-00027183-00027255 curious whnNTYcFMfk-00132-00027256-00027631 correct um you know that some uh whnNTYcFMfk-00133-00027632-00027943 some countries uh have religious beliefs whnNTYcFMfk-00134-00027944-00027990 where whnNTYcFMfk-00135-00027991-00028143 they want their women to wear masks and whnNTYcFMfk-00136-00028144-00028318 whatnot yeah right whnNTYcFMfk-00137-00028319-00028639 are you know what the whnNTYcFMfk-00138-00028639-00028855 constitution in arizona mandates about whnNTYcFMfk-00139-00028856-00028951 uh whnNTYcFMfk-00140-00028952-00029279 religious sentiment no well it says whnNTYcFMfk-00141-00029280-00029446 perfect tolerance of religious sentiment whnNTYcFMfk-00142-00029447-00029583 shall be secured to each inhabited whnNTYcFMfk-00143-00029583-00029799 another state whnNTYcFMfk-00144-00029800-00029983 and no inhabitant shall be molested in whnNTYcFMfk-00145-00029983-00030174 person or property on the count of mode whnNTYcFMfk-00146-00030175-00030399 of religious worship whnNTYcFMfk-00147-00030400-00030646 or lack of the same so if someone wants whnNTYcFMfk-00148-00030647-00030831 to have that belief they can that's up whnNTYcFMfk-00149-00030832-00030902 to them whnNTYcFMfk-00150-00030903-00031046 but if someone doesn't want to have that whnNTYcFMfk-00151-00031047-00031174 belief because they think their face whnNTYcFMfk-00152-00031175-00031270 should be exposed whnNTYcFMfk-00153-00031272-00031583 as they look up at god or bow down then whnNTYcFMfk-00154-00031583-00031767 it's lack of the same and it's a whnNTYcFMfk-00155-00031768-00031951 constitutional mandate whnNTYcFMfk-00156-00031952-00032111 now the sheriffs are getting involved whnNTYcFMfk-00157-00032112-00032351 and they take an oath to whnNTYcFMfk-00158-00032352-00032567 defend protect and maintain our whnNTYcFMfk-00159-00032568-00032718 constitutions whnNTYcFMfk-00160-00032719-00032879 so this is happening everywhere across whnNTYcFMfk-00161-00032880-00033031 this once great nation you know what whnNTYcFMfk-00162-00033032-00033190 what would be your opinion on what we whnNTYcFMfk-00163-00033191-00033327 should be doing whnNTYcFMfk-00164-00033328-00033559 constitutional clubs for our children to whnNTYcFMfk-00165-00033560-00033815 send them to school with no masks uh you whnNTYcFMfk-00166-00033816-00033855 know whnNTYcFMfk-00167-00033856-00034007 clubs that that's like almost an whnNTYcFMfk-00168-00034008-00034183 association for a neighborhood whnNTYcFMfk-00169-00034184-00034455 it gives power to the mass and uh if whnNTYcFMfk-00170-00034456-00034631 nothing else if their lawsuits were if whnNTYcFMfk-00171-00034632-00034790 lawsuits were won whnNTYcFMfk-00172-00034791-00034959 you guys could all start your own school whnNTYcFMfk-00173-00034960-00035111 like was just mentioned a few moments whnNTYcFMfk-00174-00035112-00035255 ago from the whnNTYcFMfk-00175-00035256-00035615 uh winnings let alone make a case law whnNTYcFMfk-00176-00035616-00035895 as per say marbury versus madison which whnNTYcFMfk-00177-00035896-00036007 mandates that all whnNTYcFMfk-00178-00036008-00036127 laws that are repugnant to the whnNTYcFMfk-00179-00036128-00036399 constitution are in fact null and void whnNTYcFMfk-00180-00036400-00036567 now you go further back into shepherd's whnNTYcFMfk-00181-00036568-00036702 citations whnNTYcFMfk-00182-00036703-00036871 which talks about the case laws you'll whnNTYcFMfk-00183-00036872-00037055 find that marbury versus madison has whnNTYcFMfk-00184-00037056-00037327 never ever been turned over i'd like to whnNTYcFMfk-00185-00037328-00037423 use this word whnNTYcFMfk-00186-00037424-00037583 uh forgive me for those of you that whnNTYcFMfk-00187-00037584-00037855 don't but that that case law is trump whnNTYcFMfk-00188-00037856-00038095 law it's it trumps all other laws just whnNTYcFMfk-00189-00038096-00038239 like marbury versus whnNTYcFMfk-00190-00038240-00038407 madison with trump other things of whnNTYcFMfk-00191-00038408-00038559 certain natures whnNTYcFMfk-00192-00038560-00038807 and uh a trump card could be played that whnNTYcFMfk-00193-00038808-00038862 would whnNTYcFMfk-00194-00038863-00039167 uh and could i should say whnNTYcFMfk-00195-00039168-00039446 uh benefit uh be beneficial in any kind whnNTYcFMfk-00196-00039447-00039655 of a lawsuit if it got to that point whnNTYcFMfk-00197-00039656-00039790 do you think that that's something that whnNTYcFMfk-00198-00039791-00040007 the people would consider a club for the whnNTYcFMfk-00199-00040008-00040174 kids let them stand on their own two whnNTYcFMfk-00200-00040175-00040343 toes that's what drew's talking about whnNTYcFMfk-00201-00040344-00040646 i i picked up on that yeah and we whnNTYcFMfk-00202-00040647-00040790 certainly are talking about pulling our whnNTYcFMfk-00203-00040791-00040902 troops out of the district because whnNTYcFMfk-00204-00040903-00041039 they're not listening to us but what if whnNTYcFMfk-00205-00041040-00041246 they were suspended for violating whnNTYcFMfk-00206-00041247-00041462 uh for for violating school policy which whnNTYcFMfk-00207-00041463-00041774 is in conflict with arizona constitution whnNTYcFMfk-00208-00041775-00042246 yes yes whnNTYcFMfk-00209-00042247-00042471 well i i mean i can go on and on about whnNTYcFMfk-00210-00042472-00042590 this does uh what whnNTYcFMfk-00211-00042591-00042743 do you what was your name again was it whnNTYcFMfk-00212-00042744-00042902 drew my name's drew drew whnNTYcFMfk-00213-00042903-00043062 do you have any comments on this issue whnNTYcFMfk-00214-00043063-00043215 happening here besides the ones you just whnNTYcFMfk-00215-00043216-00043390 made whnNTYcFMfk-00216-00043391-00043607 well i think my concerns are is that whnNTYcFMfk-00217-00043608-00043823 we're living in a state of mob rule whnNTYcFMfk-00218-00043824-00044102 right now um if we don't know that then whnNTYcFMfk-00219-00044103-00044271 we're not paying attention whnNTYcFMfk-00220-00044272-00044579 i hear a lot of people talk about the whnNTYcFMfk-00221-00044580-00044758 constitutionality of things which i whnNTYcFMfk-00222-00044759-00045007 agree with 100 percent whnNTYcFMfk-00223-00045008-00045367 um but we're at a state in our whnNTYcFMfk-00224-00045368-00045751 society where we have lost whnNTYcFMfk-00225-00045752-00046102 our moral underpinnings of individual whnNTYcFMfk-00226-00046103-00046199 rights whnNTYcFMfk-00227-00046200-00046599 the american morality of individual whnNTYcFMfk-00228-00046600-00046671 rights whnNTYcFMfk-00229-00046672-00046862 and i believe that this has happened whnNTYcFMfk-00230-00046863-00047007 slowly whnNTYcFMfk-00231-00047008-00047374 deliberately over decades i would even whnNTYcFMfk-00232-00047375-00047615 argue it's happened over a century whnNTYcFMfk-00233-00047616-00048071 of conditioning um so that whnNTYcFMfk-00234-00048072-00048374 we now exist in the state of where we whnNTYcFMfk-00235-00048375-00048623 falsely believe ourselves free whnNTYcFMfk-00236-00048624-00048927 and we are more enslaved than ever so whnNTYcFMfk-00237-00048928-00049183 um i believe that we are at a moral whnNTYcFMfk-00238-00049184-00049311 crisis whnNTYcFMfk-00239-00049312-00049702 in our community and so despite whnNTYcFMfk-00240-00049703-00049918 what the law says and like i said i whnNTYcFMfk-00241-00049919-00050102 agree with you 100 whnNTYcFMfk-00242-00050103-00050343 but we are morally bankrupt that's the whnNTYcFMfk-00243-00050344-00050567 reason we are in this situation right whnNTYcFMfk-00244-00050568-00050655 now whnNTYcFMfk-00245-00050656-00050958 so the only solution to that whnNTYcFMfk-00246-00050959-00051254 is for individuals to reclaim their whnNTYcFMfk-00247-00051255-00051542 individual morality so that whnNTYcFMfk-00248-00051544-00051799 um protecting individual rights so that whnNTYcFMfk-00249-00051800-00052126 we can get to the point where on mass whnNTYcFMfk-00250-00052127-00052550 on mass we will regain that society but whnNTYcFMfk-00251-00052551-00052742 until that happens whnNTYcFMfk-00252-00052744-00053135 um we're actually on track to lose whnNTYcFMfk-00253-00053136-00053487 um freedom our freedoms whnNTYcFMfk-00254-00053488-00053654 do you believe that a fear-mongering is whnNTYcFMfk-00255-00053655-00053887 an issue with uh the masks whnNTYcFMfk-00256-00053888-00054191 absolutely that's how this entire thing whnNTYcFMfk-00257-00054191-00054326 has been whnNTYcFMfk-00258-00054327-00054682 perpetuated is through fear it's through whnNTYcFMfk-00259-00054683-00054815 fear and whnNTYcFMfk-00260-00054816-00054982 a moment ago he just brought up uh whnNTYcFMfk-00261-00054983-00055126 protecting our rights whnNTYcFMfk-00262-00055127-00055263 something of that nature i know my whnNTYcFMfk-00263-00055264-00055479 verbiage is right do you know what the whnNTYcFMfk-00264-00055479-00055742 government's purpose is for the arizona whnNTYcFMfk-00265-00055744-00055919 constitution whnNTYcFMfk-00266-00055920-00056071 i don't know what you're going to say whnNTYcFMfk-00267-00056072-00056271 but i will tell you that the purpose of whnNTYcFMfk-00268-00056272-00056447 government is to protect individual whnNTYcFMfk-00269-00056448-00056526 rights whnNTYcFMfk-00270-00056527-00056654 well you hit the nail on the head and whnNTYcFMfk-00271-00056655-00056799 i'm going to elaborate for those whnNTYcFMfk-00272-00056800-00056942 watching right now that probably haven't whnNTYcFMfk-00273-00056944-00057015 read it whnNTYcFMfk-00274-00057016-00057175 your sheriff's are going to be uh put to whnNTYcFMfk-00275-00057176-00057303 a test probably here because i've done whnNTYcFMfk-00276-00057304-00057535 it to y'all before so whnNTYcFMfk-00277-00057536-00057671 purpose of government arizona whnNTYcFMfk-00278-00057672-00057847 constitution all political power is whnNTYcFMfk-00279-00057848-00058054 inherent in the peoples yes whnNTYcFMfk-00280-00058055-00058215 and the government drives their just whnNTYcFMfk-00281-00058216-00058503 powers from consent of the governed whnNTYcFMfk-00282-00058504-00058742 that's all individuals against personal whnNTYcFMfk-00283-00058744-00058942 consent not a mass whnNTYcFMfk-00284-00058944-00059087 and are established to protect and whnNTYcFMfk-00285-00059088-00059247 maintain individual rights whnNTYcFMfk-00286-00059248-00059494 what are established governments to do whnNTYcFMfk-00287-00059495-00059599 what protect whnNTYcFMfk-00288-00059600-00059926 and maintain individual rights whnNTYcFMfk-00289-00059927-00060087 sheriff richard mack gets that question whnNTYcFMfk-00290-00060088-00060271 right every time they'll never get it whnNTYcFMfk-00291-00060272-00060342 wrong whnNTYcFMfk-00292-00060344-00060519 i've had sheriffs here in pima county whnNTYcFMfk-00293-00060520-00060638 tell me it has something to do with whnNTYcFMfk-00294-00060639-00060735 taxes i'm like whnNTYcFMfk-00295-00060736-00060975 you're useless to me you're wasting my whnNTYcFMfk-00296-00060976-00061054 hair get whnNTYcFMfk-00297-00061055-00061366 get away go just just go no whnNTYcFMfk-00298-00061367-00061599 government is force and the only whnNTYcFMfk-00299-00061600-00061679 justified whnNTYcFMfk-00300-00061679-00061982 the only uh use of justified force is to whnNTYcFMfk-00301-00061983-00062182 protect individual rights whnNTYcFMfk-00302-00062183-00062399 you know and this is one of the reasons whnNTYcFMfk-00303-00062400-00062575 that well that i was drawn to the whnNTYcFMfk-00304-00062576-00062735 libertarian party whnNTYcFMfk-00305-00062736-00062975 um is that if there's anybody can that whnNTYcFMfk-00306-00062976-00063199 can stand up and say i disagree with you whnNTYcFMfk-00307-00063200-00063375 but i can live peaceably with you it's whnNTYcFMfk-00308-00063376-00063526 the libertarian whnNTYcFMfk-00309-00063527-00063759 um i'm i'm challenging more and more whnNTYcFMfk-00310-00063760-00063950 libertarians to step up i know we have whnNTYcFMfk-00311-00063951-00064166 over 4 000 who are on the books whnNTYcFMfk-00312-00064167-00064503 and maybe you were like me you know i whnNTYcFMfk-00313-00064504-00064719 call myself a reluctant activist whnNTYcFMfk-00314-00064720-00065023 i say and rightly so i'm an introvert it whnNTYcFMfk-00315-00065024-00065215 must be really bad if the introverts whnNTYcFMfk-00316-00065216-00065311 show up whnNTYcFMfk-00317-00065312-00065655 you know um because i felt compelled to whnNTYcFMfk-00318-00065656-00065759 this whnNTYcFMfk-00319-00065760-00066047 um so i'm i'm asking people to step out whnNTYcFMfk-00320-00066048-00066231 of their comfort zone and stand up and whnNTYcFMfk-00321-00066232-00066382 do what's right whnNTYcFMfk-00322-00066383-00066647 and and it's my responsibility as the whnNTYcFMfk-00323-00066648-00066767 the pima county chair for the whnNTYcFMfk-00324-00066768-00066926 libertarian party to wake up whnNTYcFMfk-00325-00066927-00067263 specifically libertarians um i want you whnNTYcFMfk-00326-00067264-00067350 to step forward whnNTYcFMfk-00327-00067351-00067599 stop you know uh we get criticized all whnNTYcFMfk-00328-00067600-00067782 the time for pontificating in dark whnNTYcFMfk-00329-00067783-00067999 corners of the library and arguing whnNTYcFMfk-00330-00068000-00068223 arguments um that's not where you're whnNTYcFMfk-00331-00068224-00068343 gonna find me whnNTYcFMfk-00332-00068344-00068855 i i am at most of the demonstrations i whnNTYcFMfk-00333-00068856-00069038 work with people who are republican whnNTYcFMfk-00334-00069039-00069255 democrat independent whnNTYcFMfk-00335-00069256-00069463 anyone who's willing to work for freedom whnNTYcFMfk-00336-00069464-00069655 that is our single issue whnNTYcFMfk-00337-00069656-00069967 and i'm looking to unite whnNTYcFMfk-00338-00069968-00070255 us here in pima county to rise up and whnNTYcFMfk-00339-00070256-00070335 reclaim whnNTYcFMfk-00340-00070336-00070550 our individual rights because the only whnNTYcFMfk-00341-00070551-00070663 thing that is whnNTYcFMfk-00342-00070664-00070855 holding these things in place and power whnNTYcFMfk-00343-00070856-00071079 is not the law whnNTYcFMfk-00344-00071080-00071406 it's a belief system it's your belief whnNTYcFMfk-00345-00071407-00071559 system whnNTYcFMfk-00346-00071560-00072094 so i don't believe that whnNTYcFMfk-00347-00072095-00072455 our salvation is in the law it's in us whnNTYcFMfk-00348-00072456-00072855 claiming reclaiming our morality and whnNTYcFMfk-00349-00072856-00072894 that whnNTYcFMfk-00350-00072895-00073271 american tradition which is truly whnNTYcFMfk-00351-00073272-00073503 an american original tradition of whnNTYcFMfk-00352-00073504-00073711 individual rights that our rights are whnNTYcFMfk-00353-00073712-00073919 derived from our creator whnNTYcFMfk-00354-00073920-00074087 and you know what even if you're an whnNTYcFMfk-00355-00074088-00074399 atheist you recognize that whnNTYcFMfk-00356-00074400-00074694 whatever force created you is where your whnNTYcFMfk-00357-00074695-00074855 rights are derived from whnNTYcFMfk-00358-00074856-00075135 not from government so this is where you whnNTYcFMfk-00359-00075136-00075319 know i can be whnNTYcFMfk-00360-00075320-00075615 christian pro-life and i can have whnNTYcFMfk-00361-00075616-00075791 another libertarian friend who's going whnNTYcFMfk-00362-00075792-00075838 to say whnNTYcFMfk-00363-00075839-00076094 well i'm atheistic and i believe you whnNTYcFMfk-00364-00076095-00076262 know differently than you even to the whnNTYcFMfk-00365-00076263-00076359 point of uh whnNTYcFMfk-00366-00076360-00076638 of their them being pro-abortion but we whnNTYcFMfk-00367-00076639-00076726 can agree whnNTYcFMfk-00368-00076727-00076935 that the government doesn't belong in whnNTYcFMfk-00369-00076936-00077082 this conversation whnNTYcFMfk-00370-00077083-00077415 and actually a lot of things resolve whnNTYcFMfk-00371-00077416-00077559 themselves when we remove whnNTYcFMfk-00372-00077560-00077894 uh the government so again i'll just say whnNTYcFMfk-00373-00077895-00077999 that whnNTYcFMfk-00374-00078000-00078126 you know if there's anybody that can whnNTYcFMfk-00375-00078127-00078326 stand up and say i disagree with you whnNTYcFMfk-00376-00078327-00078526 but i can live peaceably with you it's whnNTYcFMfk-00377-00078527-00078647 the libertarian and that's what i'm whnNTYcFMfk-00378-00078648-00078838 doing is calling out libertarians whnNTYcFMfk-00379-00078839-00079087 and anyone else in this in this county whnNTYcFMfk-00380-00079088-00079182 you don't have to whnNTYcFMfk-00381-00079183-00079415 sign your name on the dotted line like i whnNTYcFMfk-00382-00079416-00079494 did whnNTYcFMfk-00383-00079495-00079806 um but come work with me for freedom whnNTYcFMfk-00384-00079807-00080126 here in pima county whnNTYcFMfk-00385-00080127-00080431 amen there you go amen whnNTYcFMfk-00386-00080432-00080615 that sounds good was there a lot of whnNTYcFMfk-00387-00080616-00080750 people here today whnNTYcFMfk-00388-00080751-00080975 even before they announced that it was whnNTYcFMfk-00389-00080976-00081055 done whnNTYcFMfk-00390-00081056-00081359 no actually we we got the message and whnNTYcFMfk-00391-00081360-00081543 only a handful of people showed up i'm whnNTYcFMfk-00392-00081544-00081703 not sure whnNTYcFMfk-00393-00081704-00081943 what message did you get i got a message whnNTYcFMfk-00394-00081944-00082087 from my friend who's whnNTYcFMfk-00395-00082088-00082279 in this district has children here in whnNTYcFMfk-00396-00082280-00082431 this district that the meeting was whnNTYcFMfk-00397-00082432-00082518 called off and whnNTYcFMfk-00398-00082519-00082775 that was even an indirect message he as whnNTYcFMfk-00399-00082776-00082871 a parent whnNTYcFMfk-00400-00082872-00083094 did not receive an email it was someone whnNTYcFMfk-00401-00083095-00083262 else who worked in the district who got whnNTYcFMfk-00402-00083263-00083318 that whnNTYcFMfk-00403-00083319-00083679 um you know there was a word conspiracy whnNTYcFMfk-00404-00083680-00083871 brought up you know is there a whnNTYcFMfk-00405-00083872-00083991 conspiracy to whnNTYcFMfk-00406-00083992-00084294 to keep mr juan out i don't know whnNTYcFMfk-00407-00084295-00084638 it's possible but you know they did know whnNTYcFMfk-00408-00084639-00084855 he was coming and yet he wasn't given whnNTYcFMfk-00409-00084856-00084991 any information whnNTYcFMfk-00410-00084992-00085159 as a parent in the district that this whnNTYcFMfk-00411-00085160-00085326 meeting was called off but somehow whnNTYcFMfk-00412-00085327-00085511 a whole bunch of other people got it but whnNTYcFMfk-00413-00085512-00085703 they knew he was going to stand whnNTYcFMfk-00414-00085704-00086047 and give his testimony so whnNTYcFMfk-00415-00086048-00086399 i don't know what do you call that whnNTYcFMfk-00416-00086400-00086775 hard to say exactly whnNTYcFMfk-00417-00086776-00087031 tyranny i watched the news last night whnNTYcFMfk-00418-00087032-00087103 and uh whnNTYcFMfk-00419-00087104-00087318 my friend had called me and said you whnNTYcFMfk-00420-00087319-00087471 know did you all you know about the whnNTYcFMfk-00421-00087472-00087655 thing i said yeah and they they put it whnNTYcFMfk-00422-00087656-00087718 as whnNTYcFMfk-00423-00087719-00088006 they totally they made it look like oh whnNTYcFMfk-00424-00088007-00088087 there's these whnNTYcFMfk-00425-00088088-00088399 crazy parents that were there whnNTYcFMfk-00426-00088400-00088750 creating a problem and i whnNTYcFMfk-00427-00088751-00089015 even in the news report i did not see whnNTYcFMfk-00428-00089016-00089094 anything whnNTYcFMfk-00429-00089095-00089406 that looked in any way bad you wake up whnNTYcFMfk-00430-00089407-00089462 and and whnNTYcFMfk-00431-00089463-00089687 sit down and relax because because when whnNTYcFMfk-00432-00089688-00089806 they're gonna talk about whnNTYcFMfk-00433-00089807-00090087 our kids we're gonna be there they want whnNTYcFMfk-00434-00090088-00090247 parents to be involved or at least they whnNTYcFMfk-00435-00090248-00090367 did whnNTYcFMfk-00436-00090368-00090647 and now it's like oh yeah well uh it's whnNTYcFMfk-00437-00090648-00090711 off whnNTYcFMfk-00438-00090712-00090975 this is too much that's what they said i whnNTYcFMfk-00439-00090976-00091215 i believe the quote from the news was whnNTYcFMfk-00440-00091216-00091487 it was too much they said and quote it whnNTYcFMfk-00441-00091488-00091543 just whnNTYcFMfk-00442-00091544-00091871 got to be too much what whnNTYcFMfk-00443-00091872-00092182 what was too much yeah exactly what what whnNTYcFMfk-00444-00092183-00092271 was too much whnNTYcFMfk-00445-00092272-00092638 yeah there has been an excuse made whnNTYcFMfk-00446-00092639-00093071 um that i just see it as an excuse whnNTYcFMfk-00447-00093072-00093391 that there's this civility um everything whnNTYcFMfk-00448-00093392-00093471 needs to be so whnNTYcFMfk-00449-00093472-00093750 civil yeah and i'm not again i'm not for whnNTYcFMfk-00450-00093751-00093903 being uncivil whnNTYcFMfk-00451-00093904-00094294 but they are using that as an excuse whnNTYcFMfk-00452-00094295-00094559 to disregard people's individual and whnNTYcFMfk-00453-00094560-00094671 parental rights whnNTYcFMfk-00454-00094672-00094935 i think that's disrespectful i don't whnNTYcFMfk-00455-00094936-00095047 find it civil whnNTYcFMfk-00456-00095048-00095455 i find it cowardly absolutely whnNTYcFMfk-00457-00095456-00095815 pertaining to the meeting last night whnNTYcFMfk-00458-00095816-00096006 when uh they closed the door and went whnNTYcFMfk-00459-00096007-00096159 behind the curtains and that that whnNTYcFMfk-00460-00096160-00096303 there was supposed to be a meeting whnNTYcFMfk-00461-00096304-00096543 called uh started it was whnNTYcFMfk-00462-00096544-00096911 a public meeting right whnNTYcFMfk-00463-00096912-00097150 um and since there was nobody charged whnNTYcFMfk-00464-00097151-00097350 with crimes uh do you think uh whnNTYcFMfk-00465-00097351-00097526 it might have been a constitutional door whnNTYcFMfk-00466-00097527-00097662 deprivation for say whnNTYcFMfk-00467-00097663-00097959 uh the right of the people to peacefully whnNTYcFMfk-00468-00097960-00098038 assemble whnNTYcFMfk-00469-00098039-00098391 question mark i think so but whnNTYcFMfk-00470-00098392-00098703 it's they they claim we're violent which whnNTYcFMfk-00471-00098704-00098767 we weren't whnNTYcFMfk-00472-00098768-00098943 and they said we're canceling the whnNTYcFMfk-00473-00098944-00099118 meeting they said wait it's a public whnNTYcFMfk-00474-00099119-00099687 meeting we're here whnNTYcFMfk-00475-00099688-00099911 if this went to some kind of litigation whnNTYcFMfk-00476-00099912-00100135 uh noting that the whnNTYcFMfk-00477-00100136-00100350 the students would need a new school if whnNTYcFMfk-00478-00100351-00100503 they were withdrawn or suspended for whnNTYcFMfk-00479-00100504-00100679 exercising any of their constitutional whnNTYcFMfk-00480-00100680-00100823 rights whnNTYcFMfk-00481-00100824-00100950 would you call it even if they gave you whnNTYcFMfk-00482-00100951-00101087 the school and your parents could take whnNTYcFMfk-00483-00101088-00101359 over whnNTYcFMfk-00484-00101360-00101647 i don't know they certainly last night whnNTYcFMfk-00485-00101648-00101823 tried to take over i mean whnNTYcFMfk-00486-00101824-00101991 they had indication that the board whnNTYcFMfk-00487-00101992-00102223 resigned and they actually had elections whnNTYcFMfk-00488-00102224-00102399 there for people in the district to whnNTYcFMfk-00489-00102400-00102806 take over which they they did whnNTYcFMfk-00490-00102807-00103142 and i don't know how i i'm not a person whnNTYcFMfk-00491-00103143-00103182 that whnNTYcFMfk-00492-00103183-00103375 understands that stuff very well it whnNTYcFMfk-00493-00103376-00103542 looked like job abandonment to me whnNTYcFMfk-00494-00103543-00103727 it looked like job abandonment to me and whnNTYcFMfk-00495-00103728-00103942 so they stepped in and took the job whnNTYcFMfk-00496-00103943-00104247 and they actually said no more mass whnNTYcFMfk-00497-00104248-00104551 and no more vaccines uh opened the whnNTYcFMfk-00498-00104552-00104639 schools up whnNTYcFMfk-00499-00104640-00104910 and uh but then i heard that the board whnNTYcFMfk-00500-00104911-00105078 didn't resign they were just in the back whnNTYcFMfk-00501-00105079-00105231 room hiding whnNTYcFMfk-00502-00105232-00105502 but they certainly didn't hold the whnNTYcFMfk-00503-00105503-00105786 meeting whnNTYcFMfk-00504-00105788-00106139 [Music] whnNTYcFMfk-00505-00106140-00106502 h-e-a-t-o-n chair for the pima county whnNTYcFMfk-00506-00106503-00106727 libertarian party whnNTYcFMfk-00507-00106728-00107015 excellent thank you it's good to see whnNTYcFMfk-00508-00107016-00107166 someone doing it thank you whnNTYcFMfk-00509-00107167-00107327 you're welcome it's lonely out there whnNTYcFMfk-00510-00107328-00107486 sometimes huh whnNTYcFMfk-00511-00107488-00107751 yes you know okay maybe that's the the whnNTYcFMfk-00512-00107752-00107878 thing whnNTYcFMfk-00513-00107879-00108310 i'll leave on a good note um whnNTYcFMfk-00514-00108311-00108575 at with all the terrible stuff that's whnNTYcFMfk-00515-00108576-00108663 going on whnNTYcFMfk-00516-00108664-00109007 in the world today the great thing is whnNTYcFMfk-00517-00109008-00109207 it's never been whnNTYcFMfk-00518-00109208-00109558 a better time to meet your people whnNTYcFMfk-00519-00109559-00109807 i will tell you that despite the fact whnNTYcFMfk-00520-00109808-00109886 that i've lost whnNTYcFMfk-00521-00109888-00110239 friends family members who we cannot whnNTYcFMfk-00522-00110240-00110447 associate any longer whnNTYcFMfk-00523-00110448-00110799 what i've gained in the quantity whnNTYcFMfk-00524-00110800-00111183 and quality of friends in my life whnNTYcFMfk-00525-00111183-00111495 far outweighs anything i've lost whnNTYcFMfk-00526-00111496-00111702 so i think that's maybe the powerful whnNTYcFMfk-00527-00111703-00111847 message for those of you whnNTYcFMfk-00528-00111848-00112215 who are wondering should i stand up what whnNTYcFMfk-00529-00112216-00112383 what am i going to lose you're going to whnNTYcFMfk-00530-00112383-00112431 gain whnNTYcFMfk-00531-00112432-00113095 so much more by standing up whnNTYcFMfk-00532-00113096-00113463 that's excellent reach it very good whnNTYcFMfk-00533-00113464-00114151 all right well whnNTYcFMfk-00534-00114152-00114486 if you friend me on facebook um whnNTYcFMfk-00535-00114488-00114847 drew heaton d-r-u t-n-e-l-c my cowboy whnNTYcFMfk-00536-00114848-00114943 hat whnNTYcFMfk-00537-00114944-00115334 um publix whnNTYcFMfk-00538-00115335-00115623 yeah then then we can message each other whnNTYcFMfk-00539-00115624-00115783 and i can get you in touch with some of whnNTYcFMfk-00540-00115783-00115878 these other whnNTYcFMfk-00541-00115879-00116190 community groups because they're whnNTYcFMfk-00542-00116191-00116415 it's not like they're secret but we're whnNTYcFMfk-00543-00116416-00116590 just a little more careful if that makes whnNTYcFMfk-00544-00116591-00116895 sense yeah yeah because obviously whnNTYcFMfk-00545-00116896-00117247 yeah so dr whnNTYcFMfk-00546-00117248-00117631 dru sorry whnNTYcFMfk-00547-00117632-00117871 you can see full footage of um the whnNTYcFMfk-00548-00117872-00117983 meeting last night whnNTYcFMfk-00549-00117983-00118119 they were saying that we were violent whnNTYcFMfk-00550-00118120-00118351 and there wasn't a lot of it but whnNTYcFMfk-00551-00118352-00118495 did you see any violence oh yeah yeah whnNTYcFMfk-00552-00118496-00118727 yeah that's me so if you want to just whnNTYcFMfk-00553-00118728-00119015 uh message yep that's me you can message whnNTYcFMfk-00554-00119016-00119134 me or friend me whnNTYcFMfk-00555-00119135-00119447 and then i will get you in contact with whnNTYcFMfk-00556-00119448-00119623 some of these other groups whnNTYcFMfk-00557-00119624-00119983 um that are i guess more on the ground whnNTYcFMfk-00558-00119983-00120207 and i it's just i don't wanna i'm not whnNTYcFMfk-00559-00120208-00120286 gonna say that whnNTYcFMfk-00560-00120288-00120599 i'm on camera right now um which is fine whnNTYcFMfk-00561-00120600-00120799 it's just because it's to protect you whnNTYcFMfk-00562-00120800-00121039 know these community groups families whnNTYcFMfk-00563-00121040-00121214 people coming together to get through whnNTYcFMfk-00564-00121215-00121343 this you know whnNTYcFMfk-00565-00121344-00121647 really difficult time so yeah whnNTYcFMfk-00566-00121648-00121863 so so at the next part meeting kathy and whnNTYcFMfk-00567-00121864-00122086 i hopefully will speak and if you guys whnNTYcFMfk-00568-00122088-00122119 know whnNTYcFMfk-00569-00122120-00122366 others that are like-minded especially whnNTYcFMfk-00570-00122367-00122623 with what you experience with your son whnNTYcFMfk-00571-00122624-00122790 uh we're right up i mean we're right on whnNTYcFMfk-00572-00122791-00122927 that page so whnNTYcFMfk-00573-00122928-00123127 to support we tried to gain some support whnNTYcFMfk-00574-00123128-00123271 here are the people we know whnNTYcFMfk-00575-00123272-00123495 and in the very district and most people whnNTYcFMfk-00576-00123496-00123575 said whnNTYcFMfk-00577-00123576-00124023 it's not interesting whnNTYcFMfk-00578-00124024-00124431 oh yeah yeah yeah yeah i heard that too whnNTYcFMfk-00579-00124432-00124558 it doesn't matter if they come to whnNTYcFMfk-00580-00124559-00124710 support something there would have been whnNTYcFMfk-00581-00124711-00124831 plenty of people whnNTYcFMfk-00582-00124832-00125086 correct they don't have any issues over whnNTYcFMfk-00583-00125088-00125175 there whnNTYcFMfk-00584-00125176-00125463 those guys might believe in uh uh in the whnNTYcFMfk-00585-00125464-00125623 deep end of the pool whnNTYcFMfk-00586-00125624-00125790 and it doesn't affect the rest of it whnNTYcFMfk-00587-00125791-00126083 like whnNTYcFMfk-00588-00126083-00126678 right whnNTYcFMfk-00589-00126679-00126910 okay i'm hoping that they will have one whnNTYcFMfk-00590-00126911-00127039 because what we've seen whnNTYcFMfk-00591-00127040-00127247 happen with some of these community whnNTYcFMfk-00592-00127248-00127383 meetings is that they just get pushed whnNTYcFMfk-00593-00127383-00127486 push push whnNTYcFMfk-00594-00127488-00127847 to be like on zoom and then basically whnNTYcFMfk-00595-00127848-00128127 there's no accountability whatsoever i whnNTYcFMfk-00596-00128128-00128175 mean whnNTYcFMfk-00597-00128176-00128399 well they've been doing zoom this whole whnNTYcFMfk-00598-00128400-00128566 time and then you can submit your whnNTYcFMfk-00599-00128567-00128654 questions whnNTYcFMfk-00600-00128655-00128886 and they even tell you they're they can whnNTYcFMfk-00601-00128888-00128999 select whatever questions they whnNTYcFMfk-00602-00129000-00129366 want exactly exactly whnNTYcFMfk-00603-00129367-00129551 yeah the three of us here we've been whnNTYcFMfk-00604-00129552-00129719 speaking out at the board of supervisor whnNTYcFMfk-00605-00129720-00129910 meetings until basically they pushed us whnNTYcFMfk-00606-00129911-00129983 out whnNTYcFMfk-00607-00129983-00130175 you know yes they say something like oh whnNTYcFMfk-00608-00130176-00130302 we'll read your statement whnNTYcFMfk-00609-00130303-00130614 but they went to such an extreme that whnNTYcFMfk-00610-00130615-00130823 we were left to only just holding signs whnNTYcFMfk-00611-00130824-00130990 that they could see through the window whnNTYcFMfk-00612-00130991-00131159 they installed curtains so they didn't whnNTYcFMfk-00613-00131160-00131319 have to see our signs whnNTYcFMfk-00614-00131320-00131654 so i mean this is the state of um whnNTYcFMfk-00615-00131655-00131823 representative government which is whnNTYcFMfk-00616-00131824-00132063 totally not bad whnNTYcFMfk-00617-00132064-00132471 i hope you have a happy birthday whnNTYcFMfk-00618-00132472-00133760 thanks for saying goodbye whnNTYcFMfk-00619-00133761-00133878 [Applause] whnNTYcFMfk-00620-00133879-00134071 yeah that's great to hear that that kind whnNTYcFMfk-00621-00134072-00134302 of sentiment well that's a story right whnNTYcFMfk-00622-00134303-00134351 there whnNTYcFMfk-00623-00134352-00135311 that makes me so mad yeah whnNTYcFMfk-00624-00135312-00135607 office within he's got a mask on and the whnNTYcFMfk-00625-00135608-00135678 guys have whnNTYcFMfk-00626-00135679-00136039 breathing problems hello whnNTYcFMfk-00627-00136040-00136199 where was the oxygen bottle i mean whnNTYcFMfk-00628-00136200-00136495 sounds like malpractice to me whnNTYcFMfk-00629-00136496-00136711 well like i said i think like i said whnNTYcFMfk-00630-00136712-00136887 earlier it's it's that we're morally whnNTYcFMfk-00631-00136888-00137071 bankrupt and i would love to have a whnNTYcFMfk-00632-00137072-00137190 lawyer stand up and whnNTYcFMfk-00633-00137191-00137543 and help us litigate this but so far um whnNTYcFMfk-00634-00137544-00137743 not really anybody has stepped forward whnNTYcFMfk-00635-00137744-00138007 so i'm still working on it i'm whnNTYcFMfk-00636-00138008-00138848 i'm not giving up hope wif4umx6c6Q-00000-00000088-00000262 when it comes to crash protection the wif4umx6c6Q-00001-00000263-00000478 world of motorcycle clothing changed in wif4umx6c6Q-00002-00000479-00000759 2018. before then it was legal to make wif4umx6c6Q-00003-00000760-00000975 clothing for us motorcyclists without wif4umx6c6Q-00004-00000976-00001158 putting it through any tests to show it wif4umx6c6Q-00005-00001159-00001366 would offer us any protection in a crash wif4umx6c6Q-00006-00001367-00001574 it wasn't legal to put armor in that kit wif4umx6c6Q-00007-00001575-00001751 unless the armor itself had passed a wif4umx6c6Q-00008-00001752-00001910 test to prove it would protect against wif4umx6c6Q-00009-00001911-00002199 impact so in almost every case bike wif4umx6c6Q-00010-00002200-00002423 clothing was untested kit it was fitted wif4umx6c6Q-00011-00002424-00002655 with tested armor and it was down to us wif4umx6c6Q-00012-00002656-00002823 as riders to trust the manufacturer's wif4umx6c6Q-00013-00002824-00002991 standards that it would hold together if wif4umx6c6Q-00014-00002992-00003206 we fell off now that came to an end in wif4umx6c6Q-00015-00003207-00003463 2018 now anything that sold his bike wif4umx6c6Q-00016-00003464-00003654 clothing has to be tested to show it wif4umx6c6Q-00017-00003655-00003806 offers at least minimum protection wif4umx6c6Q-00018-00003807-00004022 levels and don't just mean the armor all wif4umx6c6Q-00019-00004023-00004222 of it has to be tested now there are a wif4umx6c6Q-00020-00004223-00004415 range of tests for things like abrasion wif4umx6c6Q-00021-00004416-00004615 resistance seam strength and resistance wif4umx6c6Q-00022-00004616-00004838 to tear i could go into all sorts of wif4umx6c6Q-00023-00004839-00004975 detail but i'll save you from that wif4umx6c6Q-00024-00004976-00005151 particular boreathon and point you wif4umx6c6Q-00025-00005152-00005295 instead to the links in the description wif4umx6c6Q-00026-00005296-00005415 for this video they'll take you to wif4umx6c6Q-00027-00005416-00005599 detailed explanations of those ce tests wif4umx6c6Q-00028-00005600-00005783 and how they're done this video is all wif4umx6c6Q-00029-00005784-00005943 about the kit that meets the highest wif4umx6c6Q-00030-00005944-00006143 levels within those various standards wif4umx6c6Q-00031-00006144-00006383 without costing you a fortune so let's wif4umx6c6Q-00032-00006384-00007006 get on with it wif4umx6c6Q-00033-00007008-00007127 okay everything i've been talking about wif4umx6c6Q-00034-00007128-00007310 so far on this video none of that wif4umx6c6Q-00035-00007311-00007551 applies to helmets they've been legally wif4umx6c6Q-00036-00007552-00007734 required to meet safety standards for wif4umx6c6Q-00037-00007736-00007927 yonks and anyone who makes helmets and wif4umx6c6Q-00038-00007928-00008095 doesn't get them certified has been on wif4umx6c6Q-00039-00008095-00008335 very very thin ice for all that time wif4umx6c6Q-00040-00008336-00008607 there's a reason this nolan n66 is in wif4umx6c6Q-00041-00008608-00008783 this video and that's down to its safety wif4umx6c6Q-00042-00008784-00009095 approval under the new ece 2206 category wif4umx6c6Q-00043-00009096-00009295 it's a stiffer more comprehensive set of wif4umx6c6Q-00044-00009296-00009542 tests than the ones in the ece 2205 wif4umx6c6Q-00045-00009543-00009742 standard and i think you can have more wif4umx6c6Q-00046-00009743-00009935 confidence in a helmet that passes it wif4umx6c6Q-00047-00009936-00010110 the first few lids to be certified to wif4umx6c6Q-00048-00010111-00010246 the new standard were all top end wif4umx6c6Q-00049-00010247-00010478 helmets that cost at least 400 quid and wif4umx6c6Q-00050-00010479-00010599 nolan changed all that when they wif4umx6c6Q-00051-00010600-00010767 released their first two lids to the new wif4umx6c6Q-00052-00010768-00011110 standard the n88 started at just 200 wif4umx6c6Q-00053-00011111-00011399 pounds and this n66 is just 150 quid in wif4umx6c6Q-00054-00011400-00011638 plain schemes as we record this video as wif4umx6c6Q-00055-00011639-00011783 with all nolan lids it has a plastic wif4umx6c6Q-00056-00011784-00011927 shell and it's got a comfy interior wif4umx6c6Q-00057-00011928-00012127 that's fully removable it fastens with wif4umx6c6Q-00058-00012128-00012327 an easy life strap buckle and it comes wif4umx6c6Q-00059-00012328-00012495 with a pinlock anti-mist insert on the wif4umx6c6Q-00060-00012496-00012687 visor as standard it's a simple sporty wif4umx6c6Q-00061-00012688-00012846 lid but you still get a luxury like a wif4umx6c6Q-00062-00012847-00013015 sun visor though there aren't recesses wif4umx6c6Q-00063-00013016-00013143 for intercom speakers and you don't get wif4umx6c6Q-00064-00013144-00013311 a posh carrying bag but all of the wif4umx6c6Q-00065-00013312-00013463 basics are covered and this helmet gives wif4umx6c6Q-00066-00013463-00013679 great value for money the main standout wif4umx6c6Q-00067-00013680-00013855 though is that certification to the new wif4umx6c6Q-00068-00013856-00014119 2206 standard again i won't go into too wif4umx6c6Q-00069-00014119-00014263 much detail about the new test so we'd wif4umx6c6Q-00070-00014263-00014463 be here all day well i'd be here all day wif4umx6c6Q-00071-00014463-00014591 but you'd probably drift off pretty wif4umx6c6Q-00072-00014591-00014871 quickly but where the old test subjected wif4umx6c6Q-00073-00014872-00015103 lids to impacts from just one height the wif4umx6c6Q-00074-00015104-00015271 new one has a wider range of different wif4umx6c6Q-00075-00015272-00015455 impact speeds the helmet that best wif4umx6c6Q-00076-00015456-00015607 protects you in a high speed impact wif4umx6c6Q-00077-00015608-00015783 might not be as good if you have a lower wif4umx6c6Q-00078-00015784-00016015 speed knock so the new standard does wif4umx6c6Q-00079-00016016-00016207 high low and medium speed impacts to wif4umx6c6Q-00080-00016208-00016335 make sure the lid meets the minimum wif4umx6c6Q-00081-00016336-00016519 standard in all three of those the new wif4umx6c6Q-00082-00016520-00016663 standard also tests a helmet is wif4umx6c6Q-00083-00016664-00016822 effective when it hits the floor an wif4umx6c6Q-00084-00016823-00017039 angle rather than just in a direct hit wif4umx6c6Q-00085-00017040-00017222 that's a definite bonus over the old wif4umx6c6Q-00086-00017223-00017367 test as glancing blows like that are wif4umx6c6Q-00087-00017368-00017599 actually quite common there are also wif4umx6c6Q-00088-00017600-00017799 more potential impact locations on each wif4umx6c6Q-00089-00017800-00017975 helmet when they're doing the tests so a wif4umx6c6Q-00090-00017976-00018143 greater range of the lid surface is wif4umx6c6Q-00091-00018144-00018350 subject to testing which makes sure you wif4umx6c6Q-00092-00018351-00018599 get good quality coverage overall so is wif4umx6c6Q-00093-00018600-00018791 a 2206 helmet safe for the one that wif4umx6c6Q-00094-00018792-00019055 passes the older 2205 standard i can't wif4umx6c6Q-00095-00019056-00019207 say it is because who could say how a wif4umx6c6Q-00096-00019208-00019350 helmet certified to the older standard wif4umx6c6Q-00097-00019351-00019511 would perform if it was tested to the wif4umx6c6Q-00098-00019512-00019703 new standard i'll bet that a load of wif4umx6c6Q-00099-00019704-00019871 helmets that are the better ones that wif4umx6c6Q-00100-00019872-00020175 pass 2205 would also pass 22.06 but the wif4umx6c6Q-00101-00020176-00020350 only way you absolutely know you're wif4umx6c6Q-00102-00020351-00020471 getting a helmet that's up to the new wif4umx6c6Q-00103-00020472-00020647 performance level is to buy one with the wif4umx6c6Q-00104-00020648-00020878 certificate to prove it and this nolan wif4umx6c6Q-00105-00020879-00021039 is currently the cheapest way you can wif4umx6c6Q-00106-00021040-00021527 get one with that certificate wif4umx6c6Q-00107-00021528-00021694 back to clothing and those new ce wif4umx6c6Q-00108-00021695-00021886 standards i was talking about earlier wif4umx6c6Q-00109-00021887-00022094 fair play to rst they adopted the new wif4umx6c6Q-00110-00022095-00022286 rules right from the beginning in 2018 wif4umx6c6Q-00111-00022287-00022430 and this leather jacket meets the wif4umx6c6Q-00112-00022431-00022622 highest level within the latest ce wif4umx6c6Q-00113-00022623-00022830 clothing tests this one has the ce wif4umx6c6Q-00114-00022831-00023039 triple a label inside so you know offers wif4umx6c6Q-00115-00023040-00023255 a decent level of protection in my wif4umx6c6Q-00116-00023256-00023414 opinion and also in my experience wif4umx6c6Q-00117-00023415-00023622 leather is still the best material when wif4umx6c6Q-00118-00023623-00023830 it comes to crash protection personally wif4umx6c6Q-00119-00023831-00024039 i'd rather not fall off a motorbike ever wif4umx6c6Q-00120-00024040-00024247 again but if i had to then i'd rather be wif4umx6c6Q-00121-00024248-00024471 wearing leather at the time this jacket wif4umx6c6Q-00122-00024472-00024671 has a sporty cut stretch panels and wif4umx6c6Q-00123-00024672-00024839 elasticated inserts that let you move wif4umx6c6Q-00124-00024840-00025071 around comfortably on the bike there are wif4umx6c6Q-00125-00025072-00025263 two external pockets you get two on the wif4umx6c6Q-00126-00025264-00025422 inside as well and there's also a wif4umx6c6Q-00127-00025423-00025614 connection zip to join it up to rst wif4umx6c6Q-00128-00025616-00025862 trousers on the inside you get shoulder wif4umx6c6Q-00129-00025863-00026031 and elbow armor but that only meets the wif4umx6c6Q-00130-00026032-00026239 basic level one of the ce standard for wif4umx6c6Q-00131-00026239-00026439 impact protection there's no standard wif4umx6c6Q-00132-00026439-00026607 back protector either but there is a wif4umx6c6Q-00133-00026608-00026783 pocket for an optional insert now if wif4umx6c6Q-00134-00026783-00026927 it's maximum protection you want and i wif4umx6c6Q-00135-00026927-00027079 guess that's the whole point of this wif4umx6c6Q-00136-00027080-00027231 then you can upgrade the shoulder and wif4umx6c6Q-00137-00027232-00027431 elbow armor for 34 quid and then spend wif4umx6c6Q-00138-00027432-00027599 another 30 quid on a level 2 back wif4umx6c6Q-00139-00027600-00027831 protector if you put that 64 quid on top wif4umx6c6Q-00140-00027832-00028055 of the 230 pounds for this jacket and at wif4umx6c6Q-00141-00028056-00028199 current prices it'll still cost less wif4umx6c6Q-00142-00028200-00028495 than 300 pounds for a aaa cu jacket with wif4umx6c6Q-00143-00028495-00028718 top level armor throughout the jacket is wif4umx6c6Q-00144-00028719-00028951 based on the top half of rst's s1 race wif4umx6c6Q-00145-00028952-00029151 suit so if you want leather top and wif4umx6c6Q-00146-00029152-00029318 bottom there are also matching jeans wif4umx6c6Q-00147-00029319-00029431 that based on the bottom half of the wif4umx6c6Q-00148-00029432-00029662 race suit they're triple a as well and wif4umx6c6Q-00149-00029663-00029902 they cost 200 pounds a pair but this wif4umx6c6Q-00150-00029904-00030118 video is about top level ce passes for wif4umx6c6Q-00151-00030119-00030295 the least money and when it comes to wif4umx6c6Q-00152-00030295-00031014 jeans there is a cheaper way to aaa wif4umx6c6Q-00153-00031016-00031183 this video is all about the highest wif4umx6c6Q-00154-00031183-00031423 safety test passes for the least cash wif4umx6c6Q-00155-00031424-00031574 and that's exactly what you get with wif4umx6c6Q-00156-00031575-00031839 these vice gator jeans they're lined wif4umx6c6Q-00157-00031839-00032062 denim jeans that have a ce aaa rating wif4umx6c6Q-00158-00032063-00032327 and cost 159 pounds 99 as we record this wif4umx6c6Q-00159-00032327-00032558 video the lining is made from aramid wif4umx6c6Q-00160-00032560-00032727 fiber that's the generic term for the wif4umx6c6Q-00161-00032727-00032927 type of material that also covers kevlar wif4umx6c6Q-00162-00032928-00033062 so the lining in these jeans isn't wif4umx6c6Q-00163-00033063-00033215 kevlar but it's made to perform a wif4umx6c6Q-00164-00033216-00033423 similar function i.e protect against wif4umx6c6Q-00165-00033424-00033646 abrasions on the road the lining goes wif4umx6c6Q-00166-00033647-00033855 all the way from waist to the bottom hem wif4umx6c6Q-00167-00033856-00034031 on the front of the leg and it lines wif4umx6c6Q-00168-00034032-00034255 just the seat area on the back then wif4umx6c6Q-00169-00034256-00034462 there's a mesh lining between the two wif4umx6c6Q-00170-00034463-00034671 layers which has pockets in it that you wif4umx6c6Q-00171-00034672-00034839 get soft squishy armor in that actually wif4umx6c6Q-00172-00034840-00035039 meets the higher level 2 grade within wif4umx6c6Q-00173-00035040-00035287 the ce impact protection tests wif4umx6c6Q-00174-00035288-00035446 when we're talking about protection that wif4umx6c6Q-00175-00035447-00035639 mesh layer makes quite a big difference wif4umx6c6Q-00176-00035640-00035862 actually from the early days of testing wif4umx6c6Q-00177-00035863-00035999 leather race suits manufacturers wif4umx6c6Q-00178-00036000-00036190 discovered that an extra layer there wif4umx6c6Q-00179-00036191-00036415 helped avoid abrasions to the skin wif4umx6c6Q-00180-00036416-00036671 caused by friction inside the suit when wif4umx6c6Q-00181-00036672-00036790 the outside of the suit's rubbing wif4umx6c6Q-00182-00036791-00036959 against the track or the road it's the wif4umx6c6Q-00183-00036960-00037135 same story with denim and having that wif4umx6c6Q-00184-00037136-00037311 extra layer can really help if you're wif4umx6c6Q-00185-00037312-00037455 unlucky enough to find yourself skating wif4umx6c6Q-00186-00037456-00037646 along the road on your backside all wif4umx6c6Q-00187-00037647-00037823 sorts of claims get thrown around about wif4umx6c6Q-00188-00037824-00038015 protective than in riding jeans you'll wif4umx6c6Q-00189-00038016-00038174 hear people saying that you don't need a wif4umx6c6Q-00190-00038175-00038374 high ce rating to get high levels of wif4umx6c6Q-00191-00038375-00038487 protection wif4umx6c6Q-00192-00038488-00038662 they might be right the thing about ce wif4umx6c6Q-00193-00038663-00038887 testing is that it doesn't test kit to a wif4umx6c6Q-00194-00038888-00039102 single point of failure and then award a wif4umx6c6Q-00195-00039103-00039271 rating based on how long it took for it wif4umx6c6Q-00196-00039272-00039543 to fail there are separate tests so you wif4umx6c6Q-00197-00039544-00039743 can submit for either the a test the wif4umx6c6Q-00198-00039744-00039983 double a test or the triple a test the wif4umx6c6Q-00199-00039984-00040111 threshold for single a is obviously wif4umx6c6Q-00200-00040112-00040287 lower than double a and again double a wif4umx6c6Q-00201-00040288-00040471 is lower than triple a a manufacturer wif4umx6c6Q-00202-00040472-00040695 decides which one to submit it for so wif4umx6c6Q-00203-00040696-00040839 who's to know how something that's only wif4umx6c6Q-00204-00040840-00041023 passed with a single a would have done wif4umx6c6Q-00205-00041024-00041215 if it been tested to the specification wif4umx6c6Q-00206-00041216-00041462 for double or aaa it might have passed wif4umx6c6Q-00207-00041463-00041630 it might have exceeded it by a massive wif4umx6c6Q-00208-00041631-00041815 margin or it might have been submitted wif4umx6c6Q-00209-00041816-00041967 for either of those tests and fallen wif4umx6c6Q-00210-00041968-00042271 short we don't know but we do know these wif4umx6c6Q-00211-00042272-00042511 160 pound jeans were submitted for the wif4umx6c6Q-00212-00042512-00042687 triple a test and they did well enough wif4umx6c6Q-00213-00042688-00042862 to pass it and you've got to give wise wif4umx6c6Q-00214-00042863-00043511 credit for that haven't you wif4umx6c6Q-00215-00043512-00043662 let's just say you decide that you want wif4umx6c6Q-00216-00043663-00043830 to start making motorcycle gloves if you wif4umx6c6Q-00217-00043831-00044055 do you've got three ce test pass levels wif4umx6c6Q-00218-00044056-00044174 you can aim for with those new gloves wif4umx6c6Q-00219-00044175-00044311 that you've made start with the basic wif4umx6c6Q-00220-00044312-00044543 level one then you can add a kp mark if wif4umx6c6Q-00221-00044544-00044743 your gloves have knuckle armor and that wif4umx6c6Q-00222-00044744-00044935 passes the impact protection test the wif4umx6c6Q-00223-00044936-00045102 third and highest level is level two wif4umx6c6Q-00224-00045103-00045279 which has to come with the kp mark after wif4umx6c6Q-00225-00045280-00045430 it because if you don't have password wif4umx6c6Q-00226-00045431-00045583 the armor then you can't have a level wif4umx6c6Q-00227-00045584-00045727 two pass at all wif4umx6c6Q-00228-00045728-00045911 this pair from ls2 meet that last wif4umx6c6Q-00229-00045912-00046095 category level two and an 80 quid wif4umx6c6Q-00230-00046096-00046239 they're nowhere near the most expensive wif4umx6c6Q-00231-00046240-00046439 gloves on the market either the leather wif4umx6c6Q-00232-00046440-00046590 throughout they've got plenty of plastic wif4umx6c6Q-00233-00046591-00046830 reinforcements there's beefed up bits in wif4umx6c6Q-00234-00046831-00047015 the key areas and then accordion stretch wif4umx6c6Q-00235-00047016-00047239 panels for extra flexibility you even wif4umx6c6Q-00236-00047240-00047423 get a rubber visor wipe on the left wif4umx6c6Q-00237-00047424-00047567 thumb in case you get caught out in the wif4umx6c6Q-00238-00047568-00047735 rain even though the gloves aren't wif4umx6c6Q-00239-00047736-00047967 waterproof so most gloves on the market wif4umx6c6Q-00240-00047968-00048223 at the moment meet the lower level 1kp wif4umx6c6Q-00241-00048224-00048351 are any of those other gloves more wif4umx6c6Q-00242-00048352-00048558 protective than these ls2s maybe they wif4umx6c6Q-00243-00048559-00048743 are i think the tests for gloves are wif4umx6c6Q-00244-00048744-00048879 fairly basic actually and might not wif4umx6c6Q-00245-00048880-00049039 reflect some of the protective features wif4umx6c6Q-00246-00049040-00049183 on some of those more expensive race wif4umx6c6Q-00247-00049184-00049486 gloves equally if the tests are basic wif4umx6c6Q-00248-00049487-00049630 then when you expect those more featured wif4umx6c6Q-00249-00049631-00049799 loading gloves to actually pass them wif4umx6c6Q-00250-00049800-00049951 really easily wif4umx6c6Q-00251-00049952-00050143 these gloves have a certificate to prove wif4umx6c6Q-00252-00050144-00050327 they pass and that's why they're in this wif4umx6c6Q-00253-00050328-00050943 video wif4umx6c6Q-00254-00050944-00051102 the ce ratings for boots are the wif4umx6c6Q-00255-00051103-00051294 trickiest of all of them to understand wif4umx6c6Q-00256-00051295-00051487 there are four compulsory tests and then wif4umx6c6Q-00257-00051488-00051646 a series of optional ones which cover wif4umx6c6Q-00258-00051647-00051807 things like waterproofing and protection wif4umx6c6Q-00259-00051808-00052070 against impacts these zenith boots by wif4umx6c6Q-00260-00052071-00052335 risha cost 80 quid they've got 290 wif4umx6c6Q-00261-00052336-00052471 reviews on sports bike shop but an wif4umx6c6Q-00262-00052472-00052726 average score of 4.63 out of 5 and they wif4umx6c6Q-00263-00052727-00052903 meet the higher level 2 in all four wif4umx6c6Q-00264-00052904-00053103 compulsory tests first test is for wif4umx6c6Q-00265-00053104-00053215 height and they're tall enough to meet wif4umx6c6Q-00266-00053216-00053415 level 2 in that and they then resist wif4umx6c6Q-00267-00053416-00053638 abrasion cuts and crushing forces for wif4umx6c6Q-00268-00053639-00053799 long enough to get level two in all of wif4umx6c6Q-00269-00053800-00053919 those as well wif4umx6c6Q-00270-00053920-00054047 as i've said with the other stuff in wif4umx6c6Q-00271-00054048-00054207 this video i'm not promising these boots wif4umx6c6Q-00272-00054208-00054359 offer the highest level of protection wif4umx6c6Q-00273-00054360-00054575 that's available i'd be crazy to say wif4umx6c6Q-00274-00054576-00054703 that when there are boots on the market wif4umx6c6Q-00275-00054704-00054950 with comprehensive ankle braces impact wif4umx6c6Q-00276-00054951-00055215 protection inserts and meaty soles wif4umx6c6Q-00277-00055216-00055382 those boots will offer you better wif4umx6c6Q-00278-00055383-00055630 protection and many of those also have wif4umx6c6Q-00279-00055632-00055887 level two of the ce test throughout but wif4umx6c6Q-00280-00055888-00056047 if you're after tested performance for wif4umx6c6Q-00281-00056048-00056230 not a lot of money and after all i guess wif4umx6c6Q-00282-00056232-00056391 that's why you're watching this video wif4umx6c6Q-00283-00056391-00056542 then you don't need to look much further wif4umx6c6Q-00284-00056544-00056903 than these richer zenith boots wif4umx6c6Q-00285-00056904-00057063 loads of people have had their say about wif4umx6c6Q-00286-00057064-00057287 safety testing and whether it reflects wif4umx6c6Q-00287-00057288-00057407 how well your bike kit is going to wif4umx6c6Q-00288-00057408-00057679 protect you crash protection is only wif4umx6c6Q-00289-00057679-00057894 part of the story and we all hope it's a wif4umx6c6Q-00290-00057895-00058038 function that it's never going to have wif4umx6c6Q-00291-00058039-00058263 to perform but if we could really say wif4umx6c6Q-00292-00058264-00058407 for certain that it's never going to be wif4umx6c6Q-00293-00058408-00058591 called into that kind of action then why wif4umx6c6Q-00294-00058591-00058823 would we wear dedicated bike kit at all wif4umx6c6Q-00295-00058824-00058975 even when it comes to crash protection wif4umx6c6Q-00296-00058976-00059191 those testing labels don't and they wif4umx6c6Q-00297-00059191-00059415 can't give the entire picture which i've wif4umx6c6Q-00298-00059416-00059575 really tried to put across in this video wif4umx6c6Q-00299-00059576-00059694 when i've been going through all of the wif4umx6c6Q-00300-00059695-00059903 bits that we've covered there may well wif4umx6c6Q-00301-00059904-00060126 be kit with a lower level ce pass that's wif4umx6c6Q-00302-00060127-00060287 more protective than the stuff i've run wif4umx6c6Q-00303-00060288-00060454 through in this video wif4umx6c6Q-00304-00060455-00060599 really not promising this stuff gives wif4umx6c6Q-00305-00060600-00060759 the maximum protection of all the kit wif4umx6c6Q-00306-00060760-00060935 that's available there might or might wif4umx6c6Q-00307-00060936-00061119 not be brilliantly protective kit that's wif4umx6c6Q-00308-00061120-00061335 only been tested to single a so it can wif4umx6c6Q-00309-00061336-00061566 only be labeled a single a there also wif4umx6c6Q-00310-00061567-00061775 might or might not be a whack and great wif4umx6c6Q-00311-00061776-00061999 monster swimming around in loch ness we wif4umx6c6Q-00312-00062000-00062271 don't know what we do actually know is wif4umx6c6Q-00313-00062272-00062423 how all of the kit in this video wif4umx6c6Q-00314-00062424-00062630 performs because it's all been tested wif4umx6c6Q-00315-00062632-00062838 and it all does well in the top level wif4umx6c6Q-00316-00062839-00063030 tests that are currently available and wif4umx6c6Q-00317-00063032-00063175 you can buy the whole lot based on wif4umx6c6Q-00318-00063176-00063447 prices as we record this for 800 pounds wif4umx6c6Q-00319-00063448-00063647 and that includes the armor upgrades to wif4umx6c6Q-00320-00063648-00063942 make the rst jacket level two throughout wif4umx6c6Q-00321-00063944-00064135 if you want more info on any of the kit wif4umx6c6Q-00322-00064136-00064279 we featured in this video then there are wif4umx6c6Q-00323-00064279-00064438 links in the description below to the wif4umx6c6Q-00324-00064439-00064615 product listings for all of it if we wif4umx6c6Q-00325-00064616-00064766 reviewed anything in more detail then wif4umx6c6Q-00326-00064767-00064950 we've also added in a link to that wif4umx6c6Q-00327-00064951-00065191 specific review video if you've got any wif4umx6c6Q-00328-00065191-00065415 feedback then please pop a comment below wif4umx6c6Q-00329-00065416-00067791 but otherwise thanks for watching wif4umx6c6Q-00330-00067792-00068000 you wiZ07gU2xwE-00000-00001008-00001191 my name is ed finkler i work for a wiZ07gU2xwE-00001-00001192-00001470 company called fictive kin and wiZ07gU2xwE-00002-00001471-00001687 this is a talk uh called more code more wiZ07gU2xwE-00003-00001688-00002030 problems and i it sort of came out of a wiZ07gU2xwE-00004-00002032-00002231 thing when um wiZ07gU2xwE-00005-00002232-00002423 a couple years ago was it that long ago wiZ07gU2xwE-00006-00002424-00002702 a couple years ago i was doing uh wiZ07gU2xwE-00007-00002703-00002918 i was sort of getting at the end of my wiZ07gU2xwE-00008-00002919-00003095 rope particularly the php community how wiZ07gU2xwE-00009-00003096-00003295 many of you guys work in php like do a wiZ07gU2xwE-00010-00003296-00003663 lot of php work so it's a fair number um wiZ07gU2xwE-00011-00003664-00003935 so if you're familiar with the php wiZ07gU2xwE-00012-00003936-00004199 uh sort of i guess ecosystem wiZ07gU2xwE-00013-00004200-00004503 um there's a lot of wiZ07gU2xwE-00014-00004504-00004727 like full stack framework stuff out wiZ07gU2xwE-00015-00004728-00004895 there there's literally just like dozens wiZ07gU2xwE-00016-00004896-00005427 and dozens and dozens of choices and um wiZ07gU2xwE-00017-00005428-00005735 foreign reasons um wiZ07gU2xwE-00018-00005736-00005983 there aren't a lot of sort of like wiZ07gU2xwE-00019-00005984-00006143 single wiZ07gU2xwE-00020-00006144-00006399 use reusable libraries and i was wiZ07gU2xwE-00021-00006400-00006559 frustrated by that wiZ07gU2xwE-00022-00006559-00006646 and wiZ07gU2xwE-00023-00006647-00006831 especially when i would say jump and do wiZ07gU2xwE-00024-00006831-00006983 some stuff in node or i would do some wiZ07gU2xwE-00025-00006984-00007151 things in python or something like that wiZ07gU2xwE-00026-00007152-00007278 and they had really nice sort of package wiZ07gU2xwE-00027-00007279-00007646 management stuff and a lot of wiZ07gU2xwE-00028-00007647-00007791 just i guess you'd call utility wiZ07gU2xwE-00029-00007792-00007959 libraries as opposed to big frameworks wiZ07gU2xwE-00030-00007959-00008167 that had a bunch of stuff all thrown wiZ07gU2xwE-00031-00008168-00008503 into one and um wiZ07gU2xwE-00032-00008504-00008751 in building large applications in php wiZ07gU2xwE-00033-00008752-00008895 and things that had to scale up and wiZ07gU2xwE-00034-00008896-00009135 stuff like that it's uh it became wiZ07gU2xwE-00035-00009136-00009271 frustrating because we'd have to bring wiZ07gU2xwE-00036-00009272-00009439 in large amounts of code to get like wiZ07gU2xwE-00037-00009440-00009703 certain functionality um we had uh wiZ07gU2xwE-00038-00009704-00009855 certain things that you know we had to wiZ07gU2xwE-00039-00009856-00010046 pull in like a huge full stack framework wiZ07gU2xwE-00040-00010047-00010167 just to get wiZ07gU2xwE-00041-00010168-00010319 really just one piece of something and wiZ07gU2xwE-00042-00010320-00010542 that doesn't really that wasn't exciting wiZ07gU2xwE-00043-00010543-00010671 um wiZ07gU2xwE-00044-00010672-00010814 and i so i wrote up this thing called wiZ07gU2xwE-00045-00010815-00011174 the micro php manifesto and um that wiZ07gU2xwE-00046-00011175-00011446 talked about sort of had some wiZ07gU2xwE-00047-00011447-00011631 basic concepts that i thought about it's wiZ07gU2xwE-00048-00011632-00011855 like that the idea that you essentially wiZ07gU2xwE-00049-00011856-00012055 you it's better to have more had less wiZ07gU2xwE-00050-00012056-00012270 code than more right wiZ07gU2xwE-00051-00012271-00012359 and wiZ07gU2xwE-00052-00012360-00012599 uh but in general after talking with a wiZ07gU2xwE-00053-00012600-00012727 few people about it i realized that this wiZ07gU2xwE-00054-00012728-00012838 is pretty applicable to lots of wiZ07gU2xwE-00055-00012839-00012991 different languages and that you see wiZ07gU2xwE-00056-00012991-00013151 these kinds of things wiZ07gU2xwE-00057-00013152-00013311 maybe it's more prominent in php than wiZ07gU2xwE-00058-00013312-00013447 some other say interpreted languages wiZ07gU2xwE-00059-00013447-00013607 that people use but it's still pretty wiZ07gU2xwE-00060-00013608-00013830 common uh for people to wiZ07gU2xwE-00061-00013831-00014103 write big stuff and and and uh wiZ07gU2xwE-00062-00014104-00014375 and i so i i reworked basically that wiZ07gU2xwE-00063-00014376-00014630 talk and that that that idea wiZ07gU2xwE-00064-00014631-00014830 into these uh sort of set of principles wiZ07gU2xwE-00065-00014831-00015183 that i've got um that i try to follow wiZ07gU2xwE-00066-00015184-00015366 to try to make me more like i think a wiZ07gU2xwE-00067-00015368-00015647 better programmer stuff like that so i'm wiZ07gU2xwE-00068-00015647-00015830 gonna get into that and just start off wiZ07gU2xwE-00069-00015831-00016158 with number one here and the first thing wiZ07gU2xwE-00070-00016159-00016319 that i do wiZ07gU2xwE-00071-00016319-00016486 is that i i try to focus on learning wiZ07gU2xwE-00072-00016487-00016694 languages and not frameworks wiZ07gU2xwE-00073-00016695-00016871 um wiZ07gU2xwE-00074-00016872-00017143 i like uh php although a little less wiZ07gU2xwE-00075-00017144-00017319 lately and i like python and i like wiZ07gU2xwE-00076-00017320-00017543 javascript and i like making things in wiZ07gU2xwE-00077-00017544-00017750 those languages a php and python wiZ07gU2xwE-00078-00017751-00017935 javascript i like making web stuff and i wiZ07gU2xwE-00079-00017936-00018094 like things that work on the web and wiZ07gU2xwE-00080-00018095-00018471 stuff like that um but although i use wiZ07gU2xwE-00081-00018472-00018663 these tools sometimes i'm not a jquery wiZ07gU2xwE-00082-00018664-00018855 developer and i'm not say a symphony wiZ07gU2xwE-00083-00018856-00019014 developer or a zen framework developer wiZ07gU2xwE-00084-00019015-00019286 i'm not a django developer um wiZ07gU2xwE-00085-00019287-00019391 i wiZ07gU2xwE-00086-00019392-00019679 i'm a developer in those kinds of in in wiZ07gU2xwE-00087-00019680-00019871 in these languages not these frameworks wiZ07gU2xwE-00088-00019872-00020094 i think they're all wiZ07gU2xwE-00089-00020095-00020327 uh valuable and useful tools in many wiZ07gU2xwE-00090-00020328-00020622 situations i use jquery all the time um wiZ07gU2xwE-00091-00020623-00020863 for example um wiZ07gU2xwE-00092-00020864-00021119 and i've used wiZ07gU2xwE-00093-00021120-00021303 i've used zen for stuff i've used other wiZ07gU2xwE-00094-00021304-00021439 kinds of full stack frameworks and other wiZ07gU2xwE-00095-00021440-00021671 situations but i think the thing that wiZ07gU2xwE-00096-00021672-00021855 you get into and i often see this wiZ07gU2xwE-00097-00021856-00022063 particularly with people who are say wiZ07gU2xwE-00098-00022064-00022222 just learning how to get into coding or wiZ07gU2xwE-00099-00022223-00022335 just learning how to get into a wiZ07gU2xwE-00100-00022336-00022519 particular language wiZ07gU2xwE-00101-00022520-00022647 i think the problem that you get into is wiZ07gU2xwE-00102-00022648-00022807 that if you only know how to use one wiZ07gU2xwE-00103-00022808-00022958 framework wiZ07gU2xwE-00104-00022959-00023135 i think your options for using the right wiZ07gU2xwE-00105-00023136-00023407 tool for the job are get pretty limited wiZ07gU2xwE-00106-00023408-00023630 and i think wiZ07gU2xwE-00107-00023631-00023935 if all that i know are those tools wiZ07gU2xwE-00108-00023936-00024167 my options get limited particularly if wiZ07gU2xwE-00109-00024168-00024319 like flexibility and performance are a wiZ07gU2xwE-00110-00024320-00024527 big concern wiZ07gU2xwE-00111-00024528-00024663 one of the things that i think you see a wiZ07gU2xwE-00112-00024664-00024886 lot of times is that wiZ07gU2xwE-00113-00024887-00025094 when you have wiZ07gU2xwE-00114-00025095-00025214 when you have say a large stack wiZ07gU2xwE-00115-00025215-00025311 framework that's gotten a lot of wiZ07gU2xwE-00116-00025312-00025527 popularity you'll still see people wiZ07gU2xwE-00117-00025528-00025767 starting to just building on top of that wiZ07gU2xwE-00118-00025768-00025902 to do stuff wiZ07gU2xwE-00119-00025904-00026127 that um it wasn't necessarily meant to wiZ07gU2xwE-00120-00026127-00026311 do like wiZ07gU2xwE-00121-00026312-00026527 i i've seen some we had some experience wiZ07gU2xwE-00122-00026527-00026655 with uh wiZ07gU2xwE-00123-00026656-00026895 there's a django add-on that does wiZ07gU2xwE-00124-00026895-00027135 restful um wiZ07gU2xwE-00125-00027136-00027295 that certainly makes a restful kind of wiZ07gU2xwE-00126-00027295-00027607 api stuff out of it um and it that works wiZ07gU2xwE-00127-00027608-00027751 pretty well for for that kind of stuff wiZ07gU2xwE-00128-00027752-00027895 but we ran into tons of performance wiZ07gU2xwE-00129-00027895-00028014 problems with it and basically had to wiZ07gU2xwE-00130-00028016-00028190 rip it out and redo the whole thing wiZ07gU2xwE-00131-00028191-00028383 because of the way that it worked wiZ07gU2xwE-00132-00028383-00028535 i think that's a common problem you run wiZ07gU2xwE-00133-00028536-00028758 into wiZ07gU2xwE-00134-00028760-00028927 i think that wiZ07gU2xwE-00135-00028927-00029118 my experience has been that i become a wiZ07gU2xwE-00136-00029119-00029223 better wiZ07gU2xwE-00137-00029224-00029431 and a more versatile programmer when i wiZ07gU2xwE-00138-00029432-00029695 focus on learning a language first wiZ07gU2xwE-00139-00029695-00029783 so wiZ07gU2xwE-00140-00029783-00029974 when i'm learning a framework first i wiZ07gU2xwE-00141-00029975-00030158 think that tends to kind of lead to a wiZ07gU2xwE-00142-00030160-00030439 sort of a plug and prey approach um and wiZ07gU2xwE-00143-00030439-00030614 i guess you kind of call hammer nail wiZ07gU2xwE-00144-00030616-00030774 scenarios where wiZ07gU2xwE-00145-00030775-00030983 you you know if you only have one hammer wiZ07gU2xwE-00146-00030983-00031135 now everything else looks like a nail or wiZ07gU2xwE-00147-00031136-00031287 you only have you know if all you've got wiZ07gU2xwE-00148-00031288-00031535 is that hammer um wiZ07gU2xwE-00149-00031536-00031751 and i think that personally i'd rather wiZ07gU2xwE-00150-00031752-00031911 spend time learning about more about the wiZ07gU2xwE-00151-00031912-00032055 language itself wiZ07gU2xwE-00152-00032056-00032239 and learning about like small ways that wiZ07gU2xwE-00153-00032239-00032399 people solve problems with the language wiZ07gU2xwE-00154-00032400-00032590 itself knowing that the skills that i wiZ07gU2xwE-00155-00032591-00032679 learned they're going to be able to wiZ07gU2xwE-00156-00032680-00032990 apply to anything that i build in in the wiZ07gU2xwE-00157-00032991-00033118 in the future wiZ07gU2xwE-00158-00033119-00033223 um wiZ07gU2xwE-00159-00033224-00033431 i think it's a common thing that you see wiZ07gU2xwE-00160-00033432-00033543 with uh wiZ07gU2xwE-00161-00033544-00033862 if you've learned say com like in php uh wiZ07gU2xwE-00162-00033863-00034199 we'll see i'd say probably the two top wiZ07gU2xwE-00163-00034200-00034351 deployed things and i don't know these wiZ07gU2xwE-00164-00034352-00034567 might be the two top like deployed if wiZ07gU2xwE-00165-00034568-00034743 you call them platforms wiZ07gU2xwE-00166-00034744-00035223 on the web say wordpress and drupal um wiZ07gU2xwE-00167-00035224-00035446 it typically what happens is that wiZ07gU2xwE-00168-00035447-00035583 uh wiZ07gU2xwE-00169-00035584-00035774 people may not even be really coders wiZ07gU2xwE-00170-00035775-00035974 with them but they uh they learn even if wiZ07gU2xwE-00171-00035975-00036151 they are developers if they're working wiZ07gU2xwE-00172-00036152-00036343 in this kind of a if the all they know wiZ07gU2xwE-00173-00036344-00036471 is wordpress all they know is drupal wiZ07gU2xwE-00174-00036472-00036590 what they'll tend to do is they'll look wiZ07gU2xwE-00175-00036591-00036767 for say a plugin that solves their wiZ07gU2xwE-00176-00036768-00036943 problem and that's fine and that's the wiZ07gU2xwE-00177-00036944-00037143 ending and a lot of times that can bring wiZ07gU2xwE-00178-00037144-00037302 that that can bring you up to speed wiZ07gU2xwE-00179-00037303-00037471 pretty quickly but their knowledge of wiZ07gU2xwE-00180-00037472-00037630 how that stuff works wiZ07gU2xwE-00181-00037631-00037951 and um the potential downside so what wiZ07gU2xwE-00182-00037952-00038183 you know uh what you might be doing by wiZ07gU2xwE-00183-00038184-00038430 bringing stuff in gets to be problematic wiZ07gU2xwE-00184-00038431-00038918 and we'll get into that in a little bit wiZ07gU2xwE-00185-00038919-00039102 i also think that the complexity of full wiZ07gU2xwE-00186-00039103-00039311 stack frameworks wiZ07gU2xwE-00187-00039312-00039535 is hard wiZ07gU2xwE-00188-00039536-00039718 particularly if you don't already have a wiZ07gU2xwE-00189-00039719-00039951 decent feel for the language itself a wiZ07gU2xwE-00190-00039952-00040111 lot of times they're very complex wiZ07gU2xwE-00191-00040112-00040351 architectures and nomenclatures that go wiZ07gU2xwE-00192-00040352-00040487 along with it wiZ07gU2xwE-00193-00040488-00040583 and wiZ07gU2xwE-00194-00040584-00040759 and those things you often don't carry wiZ07gU2xwE-00195-00040760-00040951 over to other frameworks or other tools wiZ07gU2xwE-00196-00040952-00041079 or things like that wiZ07gU2xwE-00197-00041080-00041199 um wiZ07gU2xwE-00198-00041200-00041343 and i think that's problematic and wiZ07gU2xwE-00199-00041344-00041535 getting back to that idea of diversity wiZ07gU2xwE-00200-00041536-00041759 or if you say build an application and wiZ07gU2xwE-00201-00041760-00041943 find yourself needing to scale that up wiZ07gU2xwE-00202-00041944-00042215 to a certain to a higher level uh you wiZ07gU2xwE-00203-00042216-00042383 might run into a problem if you if you wiZ07gU2xwE-00204-00042384-00042535 can't transition to something else or wiZ07gU2xwE-00205-00042536-00042735 you can't pull a piece of that out and wiZ07gU2xwE-00206-00042736-00042902 say i need to rework that in a different wiZ07gU2xwE-00207-00042903-00042983 tool wiZ07gU2xwE-00208-00042984-00043215 um or either i build myself or i build wiZ07gU2xwE-00209-00043216-00043327 with a different wiZ07gU2xwE-00210-00043328-00043511 you know different available pieces that wiZ07gU2xwE-00211-00043512-00043943 i've got wiZ07gU2xwE-00212-00043944-00044102 i think the second thing second wiZ07gU2xwE-00213-00044103-00044271 principle that i like is is building wiZ07gU2xwE-00214-00044272-00044590 small things and i like small things i wiZ07gU2xwE-00215-00044591-00044839 like small stuff i think it's good wiZ07gU2xwE-00216-00044840-00044990 it's easier to understand and it's wiZ07gU2xwE-00217-00044991-00045151 harder to screw up wiZ07gU2xwE-00218-00045152-00045230 i wiZ07gU2xwE-00219-00045231-00045367 i wiZ07gU2xwE-00220-00045368-00045535 have a wiZ07gU2xwE-00221-00045536-00045646 one of the things that wiZ07gU2xwE-00222-00045647-00045799 i always feel i'm kind of embarrassed wiZ07gU2xwE-00223-00045800-00045943 about but wiZ07gU2xwE-00224-00045944-00046199 um i think uh wiZ07gU2xwE-00225-00046200-00046374 i always like to read beginner wiZ07gU2xwE-00226-00046375-00046543 documentation for stuff even though i wiZ07gU2xwE-00227-00046544-00046687 feel like i mean i've been doing web wiZ07gU2xwE-00228-00046688-00046999 development for wiZ07gU2xwE-00229-00047000-00047239 16 years now um wiZ07gU2xwE-00230-00047240-00047399 i always like to read the absolute wiZ07gU2xwE-00231-00047400-00047623 beginner stuff because i sort of have to wiZ07gU2xwE-00232-00047624-00047799 start at a small level and take little wiZ07gU2xwE-00233-00047800-00047999 bites and get a little bigger and a wiZ07gU2xwE-00234-00048000-00048118 little more knowledge a little more wiZ07gU2xwE-00235-00048119-00048279 knowledge and i like to see it broken wiZ07gU2xwE-00236-00048280-00048551 down as much as possible and so i find wiZ07gU2xwE-00237-00048552-00048702 it i always find it really overwhelming wiZ07gU2xwE-00238-00048703-00048967 to get sort of tossed into a very large wiZ07gU2xwE-00239-00048968-00049223 complex system that tries to solve as wiZ07gU2xwE-00240-00049224-00049351 many problems as possible and that's wiZ07gU2xwE-00241-00049352-00049567 what hap tends to happen with full stack wiZ07gU2xwE-00242-00049568-00049774 frameworks as they try to gain wiZ07gU2xwE-00243-00049775-00049974 popularity and more and more people add wiZ07gU2xwE-00244-00049975-00050127 more stuff into it to solve their own wiZ07gU2xwE-00245-00050128-00050262 problems and tries to kind of become wiZ07gU2xwE-00246-00050263-00050479 everything to everybody i think smaller wiZ07gU2xwE-00247-00050480-00050639 things like i said they're easier for me wiZ07gU2xwE-00248-00050640-00050918 to understand and it's harder wiZ07gU2xwE-00249-00050919-00051071 it's just harder to screw stuff up wiZ07gU2xwE-00250-00051072-00051463 because there's just less stuff going on wiZ07gU2xwE-00251-00051464-00051614 i think that it's really important to wiZ07gU2xwE-00252-00051615-00051823 try to build small things wiZ07gU2xwE-00253-00051824-00052126 with simple purposes and don't try to wiZ07gU2xwE-00254-00052127-00052335 make a single module or piece or wiZ07gU2xwE-00255-00052336-00052487 whatever however you want to divide up wiZ07gU2xwE-00256-00052488-00052719 your code and and think about that don't wiZ07gU2xwE-00257-00052720-00052975 try to make it do too much wiZ07gU2xwE-00258-00052976-00053159 try to solve wiZ07gU2xwE-00259-00053160-00053430 single problems as much as you can with wiZ07gU2xwE-00260-00053432-00053647 self-contained pieces that solve wiZ07gU2xwE-00261-00053648-00053894 individual problems as best you can wiZ07gU2xwE-00262-00053895-00054007 again wiZ07gU2xwE-00263-00054008-00054135 and those are going to work together and wiZ07gU2xwE-00264-00054136-00054463 they're going to solve bigger problems wiZ07gU2xwE-00265-00054464-00054647 i think each piece wiZ07gU2xwE-00266-00054648-00054782 should work together with other pieces wiZ07gU2xwE-00267-00054783-00055063 to accomplish bigger things wiZ07gU2xwE-00268-00055064-00055230 fixing bugs is easier because you can wiZ07gU2xwE-00269-00055232-00055415 look at an individual piece and see wiZ07gU2xwE-00270-00055416-00055550 what's going on wiZ07gU2xwE-00271-00055551-00055742 and i think that verifying code or wiZ07gU2xwE-00272-00055744-00055966 testing that code is a lot easier wiZ07gU2xwE-00273-00055967-00056254 because it's smaller and more modular wiZ07gU2xwE-00274-00056255-00056375 and you can wiZ07gU2xwE-00275-00056376-00056559 again much more easily do testing and wiZ07gU2xwE-00276-00056560-00056719 that kind of thing wiZ07gU2xwE-00277-00056720-00056847 does anybody have any questions at this wiZ07gU2xwE-00278-00056848-00057047 point comments whatever wiZ07gU2xwE-00279-00057048-00057359 okay wiZ07gU2xwE-00280-00057360-00057591 the third thing is really that i think wiZ07gU2xwE-00281-00057591-00057815 less code is better than more wiZ07gU2xwE-00282-00057816-00057959 and that's really where this comes from wiZ07gU2xwE-00283-00057960-00058199 is a paraphrase of biggie smalls more wiZ07gU2xwE-00284-00058200-00058487 code more problems wiZ07gU2xwE-00285-00058488-00058630 i think that it's important that you're wiZ07gU2xwE-00286-00058632-00058847 able to you have to manage less code and wiZ07gU2xwE-00287-00058848-00058999 you know trying to manage less code i wiZ07gU2xwE-00288-00059000-00059207 think that bigger code bases get harder wiZ07gU2xwE-00289-00059208-00059335 to manage wiZ07gU2xwE-00290-00059336-00059542 i think reps take longer wiZ07gU2xwE-00291-00059544-00059687 um wiZ07gU2xwE-00292-00059688-00059894 i've had i've had to do a lot of work wiZ07gU2xwE-00293-00059895-00060087 when i've been doing consulting where i wiZ07gU2xwE-00294-00060088-00060238 essentially had to wiZ07gU2xwE-00295-00060239-00060438 sort of not reverse engineer but i come wiZ07gU2xwE-00296-00060439-00060607 into a code base that's an existing wiZ07gU2xwE-00297-00060608-00060823 large code base and i don't really have wiZ07gU2xwE-00298-00060824-00060959 an understanding for how it works and i wiZ07gU2xwE-00299-00060960-00061094 have to come in and try to fix a problem wiZ07gU2xwE-00300-00061095-00061238 or i have to do like say some kind of wiZ07gU2xwE-00301-00061239-00061399 security assessment on it or something wiZ07gU2xwE-00302-00061400-00061663 like that and um wiZ07gU2xwE-00303-00061664-00061879 so i've gotten pretty good at figuring wiZ07gU2xwE-00304-00061879-00062142 out how like uh the techniques for like wiZ07gU2xwE-00305-00062144-00062311 how to how to figure out how a code base wiZ07gU2xwE-00306-00062312-00062463 works how did i you know why is this wiZ07gU2xwE-00307-00062464-00062615 page generating this way and where does wiZ07gU2xwE-00308-00062616-00062799 this variable come from where does this wiZ07gU2xwE-00309-00062800-00062911 stuff come from wiZ07gU2xwE-00310-00062912-00063006 um wiZ07gU2xwE-00311-00063007-00063238 i think that navigating through like wiZ07gU2xwE-00312-00063239-00063430 things like complex file structures wiZ07gU2xwE-00313-00063432-00063735 tends to take longer um wiZ07gU2xwE-00314-00063736-00063919 i i think that the you know just the wiZ07gU2xwE-00315-00063920-00064087 more code you've got again it just takes wiZ07gU2xwE-00316-00064088-00064303 longer to kind of search through that um wiZ07gU2xwE-00317-00064304-00064471 i think that tracing execution through wiZ07gU2xwE-00318-00064472-00064742 bunches of files is really hard um wiZ07gU2xwE-00319-00064744-00064959 that's a common thing that i'll see wiZ07gU2xwE-00320-00064960-00065150 particularly with php stuff is that wiZ07gU2xwE-00321-00065151-00065406 you'll see stuff divided into wiZ07gU2xwE-00322-00065407-00065535 and for the effort of sort of wiZ07gU2xwE-00323-00065536-00065791 organizational purposes they'll wiZ07gU2xwE-00324-00065792-00065935 divide stuff up into bunches of wiZ07gU2xwE-00325-00065936-00066119 different files but you'll see execution wiZ07gU2xwE-00326-00066120-00066367 happen across say you know 10 or 20 wiZ07gU2xwE-00327-00066368-00066503 files and it's really hard to kind of wiZ07gU2xwE-00328-00066504-00066719 trace that through and say draw okay wiZ07gU2xwE-00329-00066720-00066871 we're going from here to here to here to wiZ07gU2xwE-00330-00066872-00067055 here wiZ07gU2xwE-00331-00067056-00067191 and i think that wiZ07gU2xwE-00332-00067192-00067367 keeping that all straight wiZ07gU2xwE-00333-00067368-00067703 in your brain gets challenging wiZ07gU2xwE-00334-00067704-00067935 um i think that uh wiZ07gU2xwE-00335-00067936-00068199 there's this idea uh that i've heard wiZ07gU2xwE-00336-00068200-00068382 talked about that you sort of have a wiZ07gU2xwE-00337-00068383-00068550 you know a buffer of information that wiZ07gU2xwE-00338-00068551-00068663 you can keep in your brain and i think wiZ07gU2xwE-00339-00068664-00068879 that varies for people but i think mine wiZ07gU2xwE-00340-00068880-00069031 is pretty small wiZ07gU2xwE-00341-00069032-00069135 and wiZ07gU2xwE-00342-00069136-00069359 i think that what i found is that wiZ07gU2xwE-00343-00069360-00069526 just just the wiZ07gU2xwE-00344-00069527-00069759 literally the longer and more code that wiZ07gU2xwE-00345-00069760-00070063 i've got to look at on a screen and i i wiZ07gU2xwE-00346-00070064-00070191 find myself that i start getting wiZ07gU2xwE-00347-00070192-00070343 overwhelmed with it that it's hard for wiZ07gU2xwE-00348-00070344-00070567 me to keep track of it um part of that wiZ07gU2xwE-00349-00070568-00070879 is just visually i find that hard to do wiZ07gU2xwE-00350-00070880-00071150 and then um it just hard to keep wiZ07gU2xwE-00351-00071151-00071294 straight in my head sort of all the wiZ07gU2xwE-00352-00071295-00071463 stuff that's going on wiZ07gU2xwE-00353-00071464-00071638 it kind of overflows that brain buffer wiZ07gU2xwE-00354-00071639-00071823 that i have wiZ07gU2xwE-00355-00071824-00072038 so that you know code management but wiZ07gU2xwE-00356-00072039-00072438 also supporting less code wiZ07gU2xwE-00357-00072439-00072687 i think if your app is using it you have wiZ07gU2xwE-00358-00072688-00072838 to support it wiZ07gU2xwE-00359-00072839-00073199 and that's a really key thing um that wiZ07gU2xwE-00360-00073200-00073415 every line of code that your application wiZ07gU2xwE-00361-00073416-00073526 is using wiZ07gU2xwE-00362-00073527-00073615 um wiZ07gU2xwE-00363-00073616-00073767 you have to support that you have to wiZ07gU2xwE-00364-00073768-00073982 support that in the sense that if bugs wiZ07gU2xwE-00365-00073983-00074182 come out you need to be aware or you say wiZ07gU2xwE-00366-00074183-00074350 bug reports or things like that need to wiZ07gU2xwE-00367-00074351-00074582 be aware of that or if you i if you id a wiZ07gU2xwE-00368-00074583-00074743 bug you need to be responsible for wiZ07gU2xwE-00369-00074744-00074903 taking care of that if there's security wiZ07gU2xwE-00370-00074904-00075031 issues that come up you have to keep on wiZ07gU2xwE-00371-00075032-00075311 top of that stuff um wiZ07gU2xwE-00372-00075312-00075406 i wiZ07gU2xwE-00373-00075407-00075671 but i see that all the time where wiZ07gU2xwE-00374-00075672-00075903 i see installs of wiZ07gU2xwE-00375-00075904-00076126 things like say wordpress that just sit wiZ07gU2xwE-00376-00076127-00076303 there and don't do anything and they wiZ07gU2xwE-00377-00076304-00076471 don't see either they don't upgrade core wiZ07gU2xwE-00378-00076472-00076711 wordpress or they don't upgrade say wiZ07gU2xwE-00379-00076712-00076894 plugins they've installed wiZ07gU2xwE-00380-00076895-00077082 for stuff and wiZ07gU2xwE-00381-00077083-00077343 um those things it's it's not a matter wiZ07gU2xwE-00382-00077344-00077519 of if but when those things are going to wiZ07gU2xwE-00383-00077520-00077823 get exploited um wiZ07gU2xwE-00384-00077824-00078006 so and supporting that isn't just a wiZ07gU2xwE-00385-00078007-00078231 matter of like say security and you know wiZ07gU2xwE-00386-00078232-00078399 bugs and stuff like that but i think wiZ07gU2xwE-00387-00078400-00078567 also if you think about working as a wiZ07gU2xwE-00388-00078568-00078782 team and working with other people and wiZ07gU2xwE-00389-00078783-00078999 considering that other people might be wiZ07gU2xwE-00390-00079000-00079206 interacting with your code down the road wiZ07gU2xwE-00391-00079207-00079359 i think if you imagine yourself wiZ07gU2xwE-00392-00079360-00079511 explaining how your code works to wiZ07gU2xwE-00393-00079512-00079743 another developer who's never seen it wiZ07gU2xwE-00394-00079744-00079871 before wiZ07gU2xwE-00395-00079872-00079991 you kind of have to ask yourself well wiZ07gU2xwE-00396-00079992-00080175 how long would that take to explain that wiZ07gU2xwE-00397-00080176-00080423 and how hard would it be and wiZ07gU2xwE-00398-00080424-00080599 when i say when i'm conscious of that wiZ07gU2xwE-00399-00080600-00080871 while i'm writing code i tend to find wiZ07gU2xwE-00400-00080872-00081103 that i wiZ07gU2xwE-00401-00081104-00081423 write more explicit code i write clearer wiZ07gU2xwE-00402-00081424-00081743 code and it isn't necessarily the amount wiZ07gU2xwE-00403-00081744-00081903 of lines that it takes but it's the wiZ07gU2xwE-00404-00081904-00082175 clarity of it um and how you know how wiZ07gU2xwE-00405-00082176-00082255 much wiZ07gU2xwE-00406-00082256-00082455 what's this really trying to do and it wiZ07gU2xwE-00407-00082456-00082615 helps with my commenting and stuff like wiZ07gU2xwE-00408-00082616-00082735 that wiZ07gU2xwE-00409-00082736-00082950 so i guess the idea is that i need to wiZ07gU2xwE-00410-00082951-00083206 justify every line wiZ07gU2xwE-00411-00083207-00083350 um now i wiZ07gU2xwE-00412-00083351-00083503 some people have asked me well that wiZ07gU2xwE-00413-00083504-00083615 means you should write you know wiZ07gU2xwE-00414-00083616-00083775 everything from scratch and wiZ07gU2xwE-00415-00083776-00083903 you never use wiZ07gU2xwE-00416-00083904-00084103 libraries or never use wiZ07gU2xwE-00417-00084104-00084262 never use anybody else's code well wiZ07gU2xwE-00418-00084263-00084415 that's absolutely not what i'm talking wiZ07gU2xwE-00419-00084416-00084599 about i use tons of code that i didn't wiZ07gU2xwE-00420-00084600-00084775 write because there are a lot of people wiZ07gU2xwE-00421-00084776-00085047 who are smarter than me wiZ07gU2xwE-00422-00085048-00085206 but wiZ07gU2xwE-00423-00085207-00085391 i and i also i also use a lot of wiZ07gU2xwE-00424-00085392-00085559 libraries and tools that are not really wiZ07gU2xwE-00425-00085560-00085894 trivial to understand um wiZ07gU2xwE-00426-00085895-00086111 because i i don't know a lot about like wiZ07gU2xwE-00427-00086112-00086311 say encryption so i use a lot of you wiZ07gU2xwE-00428-00086312-00086438 know for things that particularly for wiZ07gU2xwE-00429-00086439-00086567 things like encryption you don't want to wiZ07gU2xwE-00430-00086568-00086735 i don't try to write my own i use what wiZ07gU2xwE-00431-00086736-00087031 somebody else has worked on um wiZ07gU2xwE-00432-00087032-00087255 uh lots of things um wiZ07gU2xwE-00433-00087256-00087518 i view you know i use stuff like uh i wiZ07gU2xwE-00434-00087519-00087711 don't try to write my own framework uh wiZ07gU2xwE-00435-00087712-00088038 like basic framework to do uh wiZ07gU2xwE-00436-00088039-00088279 you know basic http request routing and wiZ07gU2xwE-00437-00088280-00088423 stuff like that i usually use something wiZ07gU2xwE-00438-00088424-00088655 like flask or in php i use something wiZ07gU2xwE-00439-00088656-00088847 like slim or things like that because i wiZ07gU2xwE-00440-00088848-00088959 don't really want to have to write that wiZ07gU2xwE-00441-00088960-00089271 myself again and then secondly um i it wiZ07gU2xwE-00442-00089272-00089471 just they understand those things better wiZ07gU2xwE-00443-00089472-00089718 than i do in general but wiZ07gU2xwE-00444-00089719-00089911 i think that wiZ07gU2xwE-00445-00089912-00090062 the key thing is understanding the wiZ07gU2xwE-00446-00090063-00090279 responsibility that you take on when you wiZ07gU2xwE-00447-00090280-00090438 bring code in wiZ07gU2xwE-00448-00090439-00090638 and particularly the technical debt that wiZ07gU2xwE-00449-00090639-00090759 you take on wiZ07gU2xwE-00450-00090760-00090879 um wiZ07gU2xwE-00451-00090880-00091071 every piece of code that you bring in wiZ07gU2xwE-00452-00091072-00091326 and all of its say requirements and all wiZ07gU2xwE-00453-00091327-00091543 of its dependencies that you bring in wiZ07gU2xwE-00454-00091544-00091711 you're going to be responsible for that wiZ07gU2xwE-00455-00091712-00092071 as the application developer and so wiZ07gU2xwE-00456-00092072-00092231 you're taking on this responsibility and wiZ07gU2xwE-00457-00092232-00092382 saying i really need to understand how wiZ07gU2xwE-00458-00092383-00092567 this stuff works i need to understand wiZ07gU2xwE-00459-00092568-00092943 what's going on i i'm having trouble wiZ07gU2xwE-00460-00092944-00093111 thinking of a case where i wasn't wiZ07gU2xwE-00461-00093112-00093318 writing say a fairly complex application wiZ07gU2xwE-00462-00093319-00093518 and i didn't have to at one point or wiZ07gU2xwE-00463-00093519-00093735 another dig into wiZ07gU2xwE-00464-00093736-00093911 the wiZ07gU2xwE-00465-00093912-00094087 to try to figure out like how am i going wiZ07gU2xwE-00466-00094088-00094271 to accomplish this with this tool like wiZ07gU2xwE-00467-00094272-00094487 even a relatively small framework like wiZ07gU2xwE-00468-00094488-00094703 say slim or flask and i didn't have to wiZ07gU2xwE-00469-00094704-00094831 dig into it and like go into the wiZ07gU2xwE-00470-00094832-00095038 debugger and test through and see okay wiZ07gU2xwE-00471-00095039-00095206 well what exactly is it doing here and wiZ07gU2xwE-00472-00095207-00095391 why is it setting it like this and how wiZ07gU2xwE-00473-00095392-00095494 is it setting this cookie and wiZ07gU2xwE-00474-00095495-00095687 understanding that stuff every single wiZ07gU2xwE-00475-00095688-00095918 project i worked on it that was fairly wiZ07gU2xwE-00476-00095919-00096223 of of a fair size i ended up having to wiZ07gU2xwE-00477-00096224-00096374 do that so wiZ07gU2xwE-00478-00096375-00096550 you kind of have to become an expert in wiZ07gU2xwE-00479-00096551-00096718 that wiZ07gU2xwE-00480-00096719-00096943 and or you have to make sure that you're wiZ07gU2xwE-00481-00096944-00097215 on the ball for things like wiZ07gU2xwE-00482-00097216-00097471 uh you know again keeping up with uh any wiZ07gU2xwE-00483-00097472-00097694 fixes changes stuff like that just you wiZ07gU2xwE-00484-00097695-00097847 have to learn that stuff because you're wiZ07gU2xwE-00485-00097848-00098082 responsible for that as the wiZ07gU2xwE-00486-00098083-00098326 developer um one of the things we use a wiZ07gU2xwE-00487-00098327-00098494 lot is elasticsearch wiZ07gU2xwE-00488-00098495-00098718 and wiZ07gU2xwE-00489-00098719-00098862 we uh wiZ07gU2xwE-00490-00098863-00099047 that's it ends up being kind of a black wiZ07gU2xwE-00491-00099048-00099255 box because we don't have like say a lot wiZ07gU2xwE-00492-00099256-00099415 of java engineers here it's not like wiZ07gU2xwE-00493-00099416-00099526 something we could write ourselves wiZ07gU2xwE-00494-00099527-00099774 necessarily wiZ07gU2xwE-00495-00099775-00099943 but we're willing to take on that wiZ07gU2xwE-00496-00099944-00100094 technical debt wiZ07gU2xwE-00497-00100095-00100238 for installing java and being wiZ07gU2xwE-00498-00100239-00100406 responsible for maintaining those things wiZ07gU2xwE-00499-00100407-00100615 and stuff like that and we do that wiZ07gU2xwE-00500-00100616-00100838 because it's such a good tool it doesn't wiZ07gU2xwE-00501-00100839-00101015 mean that we shouldn't use it what it wiZ07gU2xwE-00502-00101016-00101167 means is that we have to understand that wiZ07gU2xwE-00503-00101168-00101574 responsibility that we take on wiZ07gU2xwE-00504-00101575-00101774 um and i think the the fourth principle wiZ07gU2xwE-00505-00101775-00101950 that i try to work with is really wiZ07gU2xwE-00506-00101951-00102287 creating and using simple readable code wiZ07gU2xwE-00507-00102288-00102494 and i i want code that's easy to wiZ07gU2xwE-00508-00102495-00102806 understand um because i think that if wiZ07gU2xwE-00509-00102807-00103030 you understand things quickly and you wiZ07gU2xwE-00510-00103031-00103294 can parse things quickly uh wiZ07gU2xwE-00511-00103295-00103551 it means getting stuff done faster wiZ07gU2xwE-00512-00103552-00103782 your time to productivity is shortened wiZ07gU2xwE-00513-00103783-00104134 uh your time to fix bugs is shortened um wiZ07gU2xwE-00514-00104135-00104318 i feel kind of strongly that you don't wiZ07gU2xwE-00515-00104319-00104502 need i see you know developer wiZ07gU2xwE-00516-00104503-00104647 certification programs and stuff like wiZ07gU2xwE-00517-00104648-00104766 that that go on and so there's some of wiZ07gU2xwE-00518-00104767-00104902 that stuff in php wiZ07gU2xwE-00519-00104903-00105134 there's less of that in some areas but wiZ07gU2xwE-00520-00105135-00105278 i don't really think that you need to be wiZ07gU2xwE-00521-00105279-00105423 a certified developer i think what you wiZ07gU2xwE-00522-00105424-00105583 need to be is this you need smart wiZ07gU2xwE-00523-00105583-00105727 adaptive people wiZ07gU2xwE-00524-00105728-00105910 and who like learning things that like wiZ07gU2xwE-00525-00105911-00106031 building things wiZ07gU2xwE-00526-00106032-00106127 and wiZ07gU2xwE-00527-00106128-00106375 um i you know their ability to pick wiZ07gU2xwE-00528-00106376-00106566 those things up quickly i think that's wiZ07gU2xwE-00529-00106567-00106719 what affects your productivity more than wiZ07gU2xwE-00530-00106720-00106886 anything wiZ07gU2xwE-00531-00106888-00107127 and i want code that's easy to verify i wiZ07gU2xwE-00532-00107128-00107358 think code should be testable wiZ07gU2xwE-00533-00107359-00107510 and i think simpler code is more wiZ07gU2xwE-00534-00107511-00107639 testable now there's a little bit more wiZ07gU2xwE-00535-00107640-00107807 to that and you could do a whole talk on wiZ07gU2xwE-00536-00107808-00107975 how to use structure code that makes it wiZ07gU2xwE-00537-00107976-00108127 testable in certain ways and stuff like wiZ07gU2xwE-00538-00108128-00108295 that and just not wiZ07gU2xwE-00539-00108296-00108590 it's not an easy thing but wiZ07gU2xwE-00540-00108591-00108815 i think in general if you have simpler wiZ07gU2xwE-00541-00108816-00109031 code it's easier for you to do automated wiZ07gU2xwE-00542-00109032-00109215 testing on that wiZ07gU2xwE-00543-00109216-00109399 and it's easier for you to again go wiZ07gU2xwE-00544-00109400-00109583 through that and if you have to say even wiZ07gU2xwE-00545-00109583-00109710 step to bug through it or something like wiZ07gU2xwE-00546-00109711-00109895 that to see what's going on to try to wiZ07gU2xwE-00547-00109896-00110054 find a bug it's going to be a lot easier wiZ07gU2xwE-00548-00110055-00110263 to do that wiZ07gU2xwE-00549-00110264-00110486 and one thing i i i wiZ07gU2xwE-00550-00110488-00110607 this is probably one of the reasons why wiZ07gU2xwE-00551-00110608-00110743 i like picking up python is i really wiZ07gU2xwE-00552-00110744-00110902 feel strongly that readability is a wiZ07gU2xwE-00553-00110903-00111086 feature wiZ07gU2xwE-00554-00111088-00111231 and i feel that wiZ07gU2xwE-00555-00111232-00111423 the code that i write wiZ07gU2xwE-00556-00111424-00111815 should be simple and terse but clear wiZ07gU2xwE-00557-00111816-00112175 basically like as simple as possible wiZ07gU2xwE-00558-00112176-00112495 but you know still maintaining clarity wiZ07gU2xwE-00559-00112496-00112766 i really value clarity over cleverness wiZ07gU2xwE-00560-00112767-00112966 and i think that's important because i wiZ07gU2xwE-00561-00112967-00113151 think that makes your code accessible to wiZ07gU2xwE-00562-00113152-00113399 more people and wiZ07gU2xwE-00563-00113400-00113599 i think it's a common problem and i can wiZ07gU2xwE-00564-00113600-00113790 understand sort of the excitement of of wiZ07gU2xwE-00565-00113791-00113871 uh wiZ07gU2xwE-00566-00113872-00114023 of making something that's kind of wiZ07gU2xwE-00567-00114024-00114215 clever and and you know wiZ07gU2xwE-00568-00114216-00114423 obscure but what works well and hey how wiZ07gU2xwE-00569-00114424-00114575 much can i get done on like a single wiZ07gU2xwE-00570-00114576-00114751 line but i don't think that's a wiZ07gU2xwE-00571-00114752-00114919 particularly effective way to build wiZ07gU2xwE-00572-00114920-00115102 things wiZ07gU2xwE-00573-00115103-00115295 and it's definitely not an effective way wiZ07gU2xwE-00574-00115296-00115678 to build things if you're on a team wiZ07gU2xwE-00575-00115679-00115878 chances are your team is going to change wiZ07gU2xwE-00576-00115879-00115999 you're going to have to hire in new wiZ07gU2xwE-00577-00116000-00116223 people and other and people are going to wiZ07gU2xwE-00578-00116224-00116327 go away wiZ07gU2xwE-00579-00116328-00116558 and wiZ07gU2xwE-00580-00116559-00116847 if they come in wiZ07gU2xwE-00581-00116848-00117031 the amount of time you have to spend wiZ07gU2xwE-00582-00117032-00117207 ramping them up wiZ07gU2xwE-00583-00117208-00117366 is wiZ07gU2xwE-00584-00117367-00117551 directly going to affect your bottom wiZ07gU2xwE-00585-00117552-00117695 line wiZ07gU2xwE-00586-00117696-00117839 even when it's not necessarily wiZ07gU2xwE-00587-00117840-00117943 uh uh wiZ07gU2xwE-00588-00117944-00118247 money involved i would consistently see wiZ07gU2xwE-00589-00118248-00118375 um wiZ07gU2xwE-00590-00118376-00118654 uh turnover uh when i worked at at wiZ07gU2xwE-00591-00118655-00118943 purdue university and i would sometimes wiZ07gU2xwE-00592-00118944-00119199 in my role i would i would advise groups wiZ07gU2xwE-00593-00119200-00119327 that were doing say building web wiZ07gU2xwE-00594-00119328-00119534 projects or stuff like that and a common wiZ07gU2xwE-00595-00119535-00119702 thing to do was to build to bring in wiZ07gU2xwE-00596-00119703-00119919 students to build stuff and one of the wiZ07gU2xwE-00597-00119920-00120102 things that you see in that is you see wiZ07gU2xwE-00598-00120103-00120447 how much turnover affects stuff and how wiZ07gU2xwE-00599-00120448-00120678 common it is that you'll just completely wiZ07gU2xwE-00600-00120679-00120886 lose the thread because the thing is i'd wiZ07gU2xwE-00601-00120888-00121095 see over and over is that you have one wiZ07gU2xwE-00602-00121096-00121295 or two people students come in they'd wiZ07gU2xwE-00603-00121296-00121478 build something for six months and then wiZ07gU2xwE-00604-00121479-00121671 they'd leave they'd be by graduating or wiZ07gU2xwE-00605-00121672-00121839 moving on to something else and then the wiZ07gU2xwE-00606-00121840-00121975 next thing that happens is they get two wiZ07gU2xwE-00607-00121976-00122110 more students who don't understand the wiZ07gU2xwE-00608-00122111-00122223 code base and feel like they could wiZ07gU2xwE-00609-00122224-00122366 probably just instead of spending the wiZ07gU2xwE-00610-00122367-00122502 time to try to wiZ07gU2xwE-00611-00122503-00122758 which may be a lot to try to get up to wiZ07gU2xwE-00612-00122759-00123047 speed on it they would just rewrite it wiZ07gU2xwE-00613-00123048-00123143 and the wiZ07gU2xwE-00614-00123144-00123334 the consequence of that at the end of wiZ07gU2xwE-00615-00123335-00123543 the road is that um wiZ07gU2xwE-00616-00123544-00123663 i guess that's one way of dealing with wiZ07gU2xwE-00617-00123664-00123831 technical debt it's just toss everything wiZ07gU2xwE-00618-00123832-00124102 out but they never really go anywhere wiZ07gU2xwE-00619-00124103-00124319 you you basically uh you keep writing wiZ07gU2xwE-00620-00124320-00124454 stuff and you keep tossing it out and wiZ07gU2xwE-00621-00124455-00124686 you know you don't have any uh wiZ07gU2xwE-00622-00124688-00124854 sense uh you know these things can't wiZ07gU2xwE-00623-00124855-00125110 build and there's no maintainability i i wiZ07gU2xwE-00624-00125111-00125223 i or wiZ07gU2xwE-00625-00125224-00125366 not maintainability but there's no wiZ07gU2xwE-00626-00125367-00125566 consistency between it i think if you wiZ07gU2xwE-00627-00125567-00125743 imagine well what's going to happen with wiZ07gU2xwE-00628-00125744-00125934 my code say wiZ07gU2xwE-00629-00125935-00126110 if this is still being used five years wiZ07gU2xwE-00630-00126111-00126271 down the road wiZ07gU2xwE-00631-00126272-00126454 are you still going to be there i mean wiZ07gU2xwE-00632-00126455-00126631 most of the people i know who do wiZ07gU2xwE-00633-00126632-00126799 development gig they just switch gigs wiZ07gU2xwE-00634-00126800-00126983 all the time not everybody does i was at wiZ07gU2xwE-00635-00126983-00127231 purdue for nine years but but it's wiZ07gU2xwE-00636-00127232-00127519 common that you switch out a lot wiZ07gU2xwE-00637-00127520-00127639 so who's going to be maintaining that wiZ07gU2xwE-00638-00127640-00127807 code five years from now especially if wiZ07gU2xwE-00639-00127808-00127958 you're building something that's not for wiZ07gU2xwE-00640-00127959-00128158 like oh you know this is some vc funded wiZ07gU2xwE-00641-00128159-00128278 thing that i'm going to try that they're wiZ07gU2xwE-00642-00128279-00128447 trying to flip but something that's wiZ07gU2xwE-00643-00128448-00128614 actually you know trying to maybe help wiZ07gU2xwE-00644-00128615-00129023 people it's trying to empower people um wiZ07gU2xwE-00645-00129024-00129183 i think thinking about that thinking wiZ07gU2xwE-00646-00129183-00129302 about who well who's going to maintain wiZ07gU2xwE-00647-00129303-00129527 this that five years down the road wiZ07gU2xwE-00648-00129528-00129702 um wiZ07gU2xwE-00649-00129703-00129910 and i i think that wiZ07gU2xwE-00650-00129911-00130086 that is that's stuff that you have to wiZ07gU2xwE-00651-00130088-00130271 take into account you have to take that wiZ07gU2xwE-00652-00130272-00130590 into account um wiZ07gU2xwE-00653-00130591-00130854 i get you know again uh will i wiZ07gU2xwE-00654-00130855-00131063 even even not somebody else am i going wiZ07gU2xwE-00655-00131064-00131199 to be able to understand my code if i wiZ07gU2xwE-00656-00131200-00131366 come back to it in two months i do that wiZ07gU2xwE-00657-00131367-00131599 all the time or i wrote out tons of code wiZ07gU2xwE-00658-00131600-00131727 and then i come back to it two months wiZ07gU2xwE-00659-00131728-00131871 later because somebody found a bug in wiZ07gU2xwE-00660-00131872-00131999 something it's like this doesn't behave wiZ07gU2xwE-00661-00132000-00132151 the way i'm supposed to and i have to wiZ07gU2xwE-00662-00132152-00132414 re-remember why it works the way it does wiZ07gU2xwE-00663-00132415-00132678 um and there are times where i have wiZ07gU2xwE-00664-00132679-00132775 uh wiZ07gU2xwE-00665-00132776-00132990 had code that i wrote and then said oh wiZ07gU2xwE-00666-00132991-00133135 you know what i can pull this thing out wiZ07gU2xwE-00667-00133136-00133295 and no i couldn't have pulled that out wiZ07gU2xwE-00668-00133296-00133527 that broke something else right which wiZ07gU2xwE-00669-00133528-00133678 gets into why you should have testing wiZ07gU2xwE-00670-00133679-00134007 too but the uh the key thing is again am wiZ07gU2xwE-00671-00134008-00134127 i going to be able to understand this wiZ07gU2xwE-00672-00134128-00134414 code wiZ07gU2xwE-00673-00134415-00134671 the less time uh that you waste trying wiZ07gU2xwE-00674-00134672-00134927 to figure out how things work the more wiZ07gU2xwE-00675-00134928-00135175 time you have for getting stuff done wiZ07gU2xwE-00676-00135176-00135454 and no matter what whether there's wiZ07gU2xwE-00677-00135455-00135535 you know wiZ07gU2xwE-00678-00135536-00135831 money is on the line yes or no or uh wiZ07gU2xwE-00679-00135832-00135966 what have you whatever those wiZ07gU2xwE-00680-00135967-00136127 consequences are wiZ07gU2xwE-00681-00136128-00136351 time is is like wiZ07gU2xwE-00682-00136352-00136631 it's the the one resource we spend wiZ07gU2xwE-00683-00136632-00136854 on on every single project we do profit wiZ07gU2xwE-00684-00136855-00137151 for profit or not and uh wiZ07gU2xwE-00685-00137152-00137319 that's why i wiZ07gU2xwE-00686-00137320-00137647 i feel really strongly about that wiZ07gU2xwE-00687-00137648-00137854 well most of the end of this talk so i wiZ07gU2xwE-00688-00137855-00138047 went fast um wiZ07gU2xwE-00689-00138048-00138214 now i have a confession i don't always wiZ07gU2xwE-00690-00138215-00138366 follow these rules wiZ07gU2xwE-00691-00138367-00138535 and sometimes i get really lazy well wiZ07gU2xwE-00692-00138536-00138854 most of the time i get really lazy and wiZ07gU2xwE-00693-00138855-00139047 a lot of times what i found is that time wiZ07gU2xwE-00694-00139048-00139166 constraints wiZ07gU2xwE-00695-00139167-00139295 um wiZ07gU2xwE-00696-00139296-00139390 and wiZ07gU2xwE-00697-00139391-00139607 particularly when you know you have to wiZ07gU2xwE-00698-00139608-00139759 you have a business that you have to eat wiZ07gU2xwE-00699-00139760-00139990 at and you know that that pays you and wiZ07gU2xwE-00700-00139991-00140151 stuff like that and you know you wiZ07gU2xwE-00701-00140152-00140366 actually have to get stuff done with wiZ07gU2xwE-00702-00140367-00140527 i think those time constraints a lot of wiZ07gU2xwE-00703-00140528-00140814 times mean i write hacky complex code wiZ07gU2xwE-00704-00140815-00140975 and it's oftentimes the case that just wiZ07gU2xwE-00705-00140976-00141231 to understand how things work for me i wiZ07gU2xwE-00706-00141232-00141375 tend to write out wiZ07gU2xwE-00707-00141376-00141639 a very linear long you know series of wiZ07gU2xwE-00708-00141640-00141790 statements and then i start breaking wiZ07gU2xwE-00709-00141791-00142023 that down into smaller pieces um wiZ07gU2xwE-00710-00142024-00142254 smallers or modular pieces just to make wiZ07gU2xwE-00711-00142255-00142502 sure because it's hard i haven't quite wiZ07gU2xwE-00712-00142503-00142671 figured out in my head exactly how the wiZ07gU2xwE-00713-00142672-00142847 flow is going to work so it helps me to wiZ07gU2xwE-00714-00142848-00143047 do that but a lot of times problem is i wiZ07gU2xwE-00715-00143048-00143199 start writing out that thing and it wiZ07gU2xwE-00716-00143200-00143383 functions as we've got to push this out wiZ07gU2xwE-00717-00143384-00143566 and the little sort of prototype that wiZ07gU2xwE-00718-00143567-00143775 you end up thinking that you want to use wiZ07gU2xwE-00719-00143776-00143951 ends up being the the thing that gets wiZ07gU2xwE-00720-00143952-00144127 deployed wiZ07gU2xwE-00721-00144128-00144254 i think there's a lot of times i pull in wiZ07gU2xwE-00722-00144255-00144414 a library and i don't really review it wiZ07gU2xwE-00723-00144415-00144678 carefully wiZ07gU2xwE-00724-00144679-00144887 and and and i kind of hope it works i wiZ07gU2xwE-00725-00144888-00145023 hope it works out the way it's supposed wiZ07gU2xwE-00726-00145024-00145463 to um and that's problematic but at the wiZ07gU2xwE-00727-00145464-00145599 same time wiZ07gU2xwE-00728-00145600-00145863 i guess i've always found that wiZ07gU2xwE-00729-00145864-00146199 even though it typically takes wiZ07gU2xwE-00730-00146200-00146478 more time up front to wiZ07gU2xwE-00731-00146479-00146702 focus on this and write wiZ07gU2xwE-00732-00146703-00146935 clear modular wiZ07gU2xwE-00733-00146936-00147166 straightforward code wiZ07gU2xwE-00734-00147167-00147383 i found that it always pays off in the wiZ07gU2xwE-00735-00147384-00147454 end wiZ07gU2xwE-00736-00147455-00147647 it pays off in terms of not just you wiZ07gU2xwE-00737-00147648-00147895 know stuff that i develop it but wiZ07gU2xwE-00738-00147896-00148063 how we work together as a team with the wiZ07gU2xwE-00739-00148064-00148239 other people who touch it wiZ07gU2xwE-00740-00148240-00148454 and i so i feel really strongly about wiZ07gU2xwE-00741-00148455-00148702 that wiZ07gU2xwE-00742-00148703-00148887 and that's why i feel like one of the wiZ07gU2xwE-00743-00148888-00149151 things that i often see is that um wiZ07gU2xwE-00744-00149152-00149335 a lot of folks who they want to get into wiZ07gU2xwE-00745-00149336-00149478 programming wiZ07gU2xwE-00746-00149479-00149583 um wiZ07gU2xwE-00747-00149584-00149743 i'll often see get people get pushed wiZ07gU2xwE-00748-00149744-00149902 into it where they'll say oh you know wiZ07gU2xwE-00749-00149903-00150031 what i kind of want to learn programming wiZ07gU2xwE-00750-00150032-00150159 and i'll hear a lot of people say oh you wiZ07gU2xwE-00751-00150160-00150302 should learn rails wiZ07gU2xwE-00752-00150303-00150471 or you should learn wiZ07gU2xwE-00753-00150472-00150614 django or you should learn something wiZ07gU2xwE-00754-00150615-00150807 like that but i do hear a lot of people wiZ07gU2xwE-00755-00150808-00151014 do say you should say learn rails and wiZ07gU2xwE-00756-00151015-00151207 that comes up a lot and some of those wiZ07gU2xwE-00757-00151208-00151414 are i see paid courses where it's like wiZ07gU2xwE-00758-00151415-00151502 we'll wiZ07gU2xwE-00759-00151503-00151654 you pay us five thousand dollars and wiZ07gU2xwE-00760-00151655-00151823 we'll guarantee that you can build stuff wiZ07gU2xwE-00761-00151824-00151959 after this point wiZ07gU2xwE-00762-00151960-00152143 um wiZ07gU2xwE-00763-00152144-00152295 and i sort of wiZ07gU2xwE-00764-00152296-00152566 i understand why people want to do that wiZ07gU2xwE-00765-00152567-00152839 because it's probably the quickest path wiZ07gU2xwE-00766-00152840-00153063 to some level of productivity wiZ07gU2xwE-00767-00153064-00153247 and i think that that there's there's a wiZ07gU2xwE-00768-00153248-00153487 lot of value to that like wiZ07gU2xwE-00769-00153488-00153590 really what you're saying is i don't wiZ07gU2xwE-00770-00153591-00153726 want to learn how to program really is wiZ07gU2xwE-00771-00153727-00153887 is like i want to build how to learn wiZ07gU2xwE-00772-00153888-00154023 build wiZ07gU2xwE-00773-00154024-00154199 web applications wiZ07gU2xwE-00774-00154200-00154414 and if i want to do that maybe the wiZ07gU2xwE-00775-00154415-00154687 fastest road to that to build some kind wiZ07gU2xwE-00776-00154688-00154895 of web applications to do that by just wiZ07gU2xwE-00777-00154896-00155014 learning some kind of full stack wiZ07gU2xwE-00778-00155015-00155207 framework wiZ07gU2xwE-00779-00155208-00155526 but i i i really think it's problematic wiZ07gU2xwE-00780-00155527-00155711 if you skip those steps of i want to wiZ07gU2xwE-00781-00155712-00155999 learn how to program um i want to learn wiZ07gU2xwE-00782-00156000-00156199 how you know why these things you know wiZ07gU2xwE-00783-00156200-00156383 the basic principles and this is why it wiZ07gU2xwE-00784-00156384-00156575 works this way because i think if you wiZ07gU2xwE-00785-00156576-00156863 don't you end up just sort of wrote wiZ07gU2xwE-00786-00156864-00157047 it it ends up being sort of a series of wiZ07gU2xwE-00787-00157048-00157278 incantations as opposed to understanding wiZ07gU2xwE-00788-00157279-00157447 you know what are you know how this wiZ07gU2xwE-00789-00157448-00157678 stuff works and i think that's wiZ07gU2xwE-00790-00157679-00157871 problematic i think that um you're going wiZ07gU2xwE-00791-00157872-00158023 to end up not being as good a developer wiZ07gU2xwE-00792-00158024-00158119 and you're going to pigeon your whole wiZ07gU2xwE-00793-00158120-00158247 yourself into wiZ07gU2xwE-00794-00158248-00158431 you know one kind of thing that ends up wiZ07gU2xwE-00795-00158432-00158623 going away a lot of the time wiZ07gU2xwE-00796-00158624-00158799 um wiZ07gU2xwE-00797-00158800-00158943 so yeah wiZ07gU2xwE-00798-00158944-00159166 uh if you're curious there's a couple wiZ07gU2xwE-00799-00159167-00159319 things that i wrote that are kind of wiZ07gU2xwE-00800-00159320-00159551 impeached in php and wiZ07gU2xwE-00801-00159552-00159711 um i think other languages that wiZ07gU2xwE-00802-00159712-00159863 oftentimes they have better examples for wiZ07gU2xwE-00803-00159864-00159983 this but these were a couple things i wiZ07gU2xwE-00804-00159984-00160390 wrote in php one was a um wiZ07gU2xwE-00805-00160391-00160623 a testing framework that i wrote because wiZ07gU2xwE-00806-00160624-00160919 the in php probably the most common wiZ07gU2xwE-00807-00160920-00161126 uh the one that almost everybody knows wiZ07gU2xwE-00808-00161127-00161463 really is php unit which is a very large wiZ07gU2xwE-00809-00161464-00161623 very thick wiZ07gU2xwE-00810-00161624-00161887 testing framework and i wiZ07gU2xwE-00811-00161888-00162047 feel like well if you want to write wiZ07gU2xwE-00812-00162048-00162199 testing you want to start doing that as wiZ07gU2xwE-00813-00162200-00162359 fast as possible and you don't want to wiZ07gU2xwE-00814-00162360-00162566 have a lot of ramp up to learn how it wiZ07gU2xwE-00815-00162567-00162711 works and you don't have to buy books to wiZ07gU2xwE-00816-00162712-00162831 learn how it works you should just be wiZ07gU2xwE-00817-00162832-00163063 able to like say okay i write this wiZ07gU2xwE-00818-00163064-00163254 there's my test i ran it that's fine it wiZ07gU2xwE-00819-00163255-00163471 should be like two lines of code so i wiZ07gU2xwE-00820-00163472-00163566 wrote a little thing it's not wiZ07gU2xwE-00821-00163567-00163671 necessarily the best thing in the world wiZ07gU2xwE-00822-00163672-00163839 but it's a simple unit testing framework wiZ07gU2xwE-00823-00163840-00164102 i called f unit and then another thing i wiZ07gU2xwE-00824-00164103-00164263 wrote is wiZ07gU2xwE-00825-00164264-00164599 a thing called resty.php which is a wiZ07gU2xwE-00826-00164600-00164878 it's basically a real simple http client wiZ07gU2xwE-00827-00164879-00165078 for the ideas that you're interacting wiZ07gU2xwE-00828-00165079-00165447 with http apis wiZ07gU2xwE-00829-00165448-00165759 and the reason i like it is because wiZ07gU2xwE-00830-00165760-00166031 we had to uh wiZ07gU2xwE-00831-00166032-00166159 we didn't want to write stuff against wiZ07gU2xwE-00832-00166160-00166319 the curl api which if you're familiar wiZ07gU2xwE-00833-00166320-00166502 with that in php is it's commonly wiZ07gU2xwE-00834-00166503-00166671 installed but wiZ07gU2xwE-00835-00166672-00166935 the api for it for the library i think wiZ07gU2xwE-00836-00166936-00167071 is really bad wiZ07gU2xwE-00837-00167072-00167159 um wiZ07gU2xwE-00838-00167160-00167326 and uh i just wanted something simple wiZ07gU2xwE-00839-00167327-00167438 and straightforward that was going to do wiZ07gU2xwE-00840-00167439-00167654 what i wanted and uh wiZ07gU2xwE-00841-00167655-00167871 there wasn't much available at the time wiZ07gU2xwE-00842-00167872-00168095 so we wrote that for uh for a project we wiZ07gU2xwE-00843-00168096-00168263 were working on so those are a couple of wiZ07gU2xwE-00844-00168264-00168431 things you can look at wiZ07gU2xwE-00845-00168432-00168711 kind of get an idea for it wiZ07gU2xwE-00846-00168712-00168975 i'm basically at the end wiZ07gU2xwE-00847-00168976-00169199 i think i went a little fast but wiZ07gU2xwE-00848-00169200-00169454 i'd like to hear questions or discussion wiZ07gU2xwE-00849-00169455-00169638 i you know things that if you have or if wiZ07gU2xwE-00850-00169639-00169807 you don't that's okay too please go wiZ07gU2xwE-00851-00169808-00171495 ahead wiZ07gU2xwE-00852-00171496-00171623 might have wiZ07gU2xwE-00853-00171624-00171766 something that looks just like it came wiZ07gU2xwE-00854-00171767-00171999 out of the textbook right wiZ07gU2xwE-00855-00172000-00172214 that explains how the language works wiZ07gU2xwE-00856-00172215-00173631 right and then wiZ07gU2xwE-00857-00173632-00173743 right so wiZ07gU2xwE-00858-00173744-00173943 but to repeat the question for the wiZ07gU2xwE-00859-00173944-00174102 recording um wiZ07gU2xwE-00860-00174103-00174247 i hope i get it right wiZ07gU2xwE-00861-00174248-00174543 is that uh that particularly for as wiZ07gU2xwE-00862-00174544-00174711 from when you're beginning learning a wiZ07gU2xwE-00863-00174712-00174943 language and as you sort of uh i guess wiZ07gU2xwE-00864-00174944-00175087 you'd say ramp up and become more wiZ07gU2xwE-00865-00175088-00175302 comfortable with it sort of what you wiZ07gU2xwE-00866-00175303-00175638 view as readable changes um and and how wiZ07gU2xwE-00867-00175639-00175863 you define readability and i think wiZ07gU2xwE-00868-00175864-00176038 that's true i remember when i was first wiZ07gU2xwE-00869-00176039-00176126 writing wiZ07gU2xwE-00870-00176127-00176366 a more complex python application i had wiZ07gU2xwE-00871-00176367-00176623 written a few a couple like tiny scripts wiZ07gU2xwE-00872-00176624-00176814 but i was writing a more complex python wiZ07gU2xwE-00873-00176815-00177023 web application and i found myself wiZ07gU2xwE-00874-00177024-00177335 making notes so that i understood what wiZ07gU2xwE-00875-00177336-00177583 was going on here like this statement is wiZ07gU2xwE-00876-00177584-00177766 doing this it's pulling in this module wiZ07gU2xwE-00877-00177767-00177959 and it's located over here you know i wiZ07gU2xwE-00878-00177960-00178119 because i didn't understand really how wiZ07gU2xwE-00879-00178120-00178319 the module system worked wiZ07gU2xwE-00880-00178320-00178495 and i had to write that stuff out so wiZ07gU2xwE-00881-00178496-00178711 that i had that clarity and somebody wiZ07gU2xwE-00882-00178712-00178823 who's familiar with it certainly wiZ07gU2xwE-00883-00178824-00179151 wouldn't need something like that wiZ07gU2xwE-00884-00179152-00179302 i wiZ07gU2xwE-00885-00179303-00179502 so i think that i think that differs to wiZ07gU2xwE-00886-00179503-00179790 some extent i i think that wiZ07gU2xwE-00887-00179791-00179887 uh wiZ07gU2xwE-00888-00179888-00180063 it's also the case that wiZ07gU2xwE-00889-00180064-00180278 and i think this is where you see maybe wiZ07gU2xwE-00890-00180279-00180526 some sometimes you see a certain like a wiZ07gU2xwE-00891-00180527-00180871 little amount of sneering uh towards uh wiZ07gU2xwE-00892-00180872-00181014 folks who wiZ07gU2xwE-00893-00181015-00181214 like i tend to try to sort of be wiZ07gU2xwE-00894-00181215-00181390 explicit about what's going on and i wiZ07gU2xwE-00895-00181391-00181759 prefer explicitness in my code um wiZ07gU2xwE-00896-00181760-00181975 that explains what it's doing hopefully wiZ07gU2xwE-00897-00181976-00182278 in the statements that i've written wiZ07gU2xwE-00898-00182279-00182559 i think that uh i think some folks they wiZ07gU2xwE-00899-00182560-00182743 say well i'm familiar with it and i'm wiZ07gU2xwE-00900-00182744-00182975 comfortable with it so that's cool and i wiZ07gU2xwE-00901-00182976-00183166 i had a wiZ07gU2xwE-00902-00183167-00183351 i wish i had this example but there was wiZ07gU2xwE-00903-00183352-00183519 a friend of mine who i did i was on a wiZ07gU2xwE-00904-00183520-00183711 dev team with and he would write the wiZ07gU2xwE-00905-00183712-00183887 most esoteric wiZ07gU2xwE-00906-00183888-00184135 like sort of wiZ07gU2xwE-00907-00184136-00184263 he was writing i think it was some wiZ07gU2xwE-00908-00184264-00184502 command line scripts and he basically he wiZ07gU2xwE-00909-00184503-00184702 wrote like his own little wiZ07gU2xwE-00910-00184703-00184807 uh wiZ07gU2xwE-00911-00184808-00185031 domain specific language and php for wiZ07gU2xwE-00912-00185032-00185190 like uh wiZ07gU2xwE-00913-00185191-00185383 or that php would interpret that with wiZ07gU2xwE-00914-00185384-00185566 its own syntax to run a bunch of things wiZ07gU2xwE-00915-00185567-00185695 and it was wiZ07gU2xwE-00916-00185696-00185935 to him it made sense wiZ07gU2xwE-00917-00185936-00186159 i would say that hit one i think what wiZ07gU2xwE-00918-00186160-00186326 made sense to him doesn't necessarily it wiZ07gU2xwE-00919-00186327-00186487 didn't make sense to the rest of us and wiZ07gU2xwE-00920-00186488-00186751 it was very very complex and it was an wiZ07gU2xwE-00921-00186752-00187007 extreme example where it was like let's wiZ07gU2xwE-00922-00187008-00187175 jam as much stuff onto one line as wiZ07gU2xwE-00923-00187176-00187295 possible where it's like there's no wiZ07gU2xwE-00924-00187296-00187471 white space and it was you know but it wiZ07gU2xwE-00925-00187472-00187623 made sense to him wiZ07gU2xwE-00926-00187624-00187719 um wiZ07gU2xwE-00927-00187720-00188023 i suppose there's some threshold there wiZ07gU2xwE-00928-00188024-00188295 uh where wiZ07gU2xwE-00929-00188296-00188414 and there's smarter people in me are wiZ07gU2xwE-00930-00188415-00188631 gonna who are gonna talk about this that wiZ07gU2xwE-00931-00188632-00188854 um we agree that this code is more wiZ07gU2xwE-00932-00188855-00189063 readable and less readable i also think wiZ07gU2xwE-00933-00189064-00189287 that it varies from person to person but wiZ07gU2xwE-00934-00189288-00189511 i think that it helps a lot to implement wiZ07gU2xwE-00935-00189512-00189759 code standards and kind of focus wiZ07gU2xwE-00936-00189760-00189895 on i i wiZ07gU2xwE-00937-00189896-00190287 i generally feel that wiZ07gU2xwE-00938-00190288-00190414 i wish i had to get an example of this wiZ07gU2xwE-00939-00190415-00190702 but i generally feel that wiZ07gU2xwE-00940-00190703-00191038 uh wiZ07gU2xwE-00941-00191039-00191207 if you imagine wiZ07gU2xwE-00942-00191208-00191438 other team members who are working on it wiZ07gU2xwE-00943-00191439-00191583 and having that kind of going back to wiZ07gU2xwE-00944-00191584-00191799 that imagine having to explain it to wiZ07gU2xwE-00945-00191800-00191943 somebody else wiZ07gU2xwE-00946-00191944-00192166 and wiZ07gU2xwE-00947-00192167-00192335 or actually going through that process wiZ07gU2xwE-00948-00192336-00192454 and like sitting down with them and wiZ07gU2xwE-00949-00192455-00192631 explaining it to them i think that gives wiZ07gU2xwE-00950-00192632-00192838 you some good insights into well is what wiZ07gU2xwE-00951-00192839-00192975 i'm writing here is that really the wiZ07gU2xwE-00952-00192976-00193111 obvious wiZ07gU2xwE-00953-00193112-00193335 or is it not wiZ07gU2xwE-00954-00193336-00193550 one thing that i like an example and wiZ07gU2xwE-00955-00193551-00193719 some people are very comfortable with wiZ07gU2xwE-00956-00193720-00193919 the ternary operator you know in various wiZ07gU2xwE-00957-00193920-00194023 languages wiZ07gU2xwE-00958-00194024-00194143 i've never been comfortable with a wiZ07gU2xwE-00959-00194144-00194359 ternary operator it doesn't when i look wiZ07gU2xwE-00960-00194360-00194599 at it it doesn't read right to me and i wiZ07gU2xwE-00961-00194600-00194799 have to think very carefully what's wiZ07gU2xwE-00962-00194800-00195054 going on each time so i tend to avoid wiZ07gU2xwE-00963-00195055-00195214 using that i'm much more comfortable wiZ07gU2xwE-00964-00195215-00195319 with like wiZ07gU2xwE-00965-00195320-00195543 a standard like if else construct for wiZ07gU2xwE-00966-00195544-00195671 that reason wiZ07gU2xwE-00967-00195672-00195878 um wiZ07gU2xwE-00968-00195879-00196159 so like in that case my you know part of wiZ07gU2xwE-00969-00196160-00196375 that's certainly my bias wiZ07gU2xwE-00970-00196376-00196583 i would tend to like if i were setting wiZ07gU2xwE-00971-00196584-00196678 up wiZ07gU2xwE-00972-00196679-00196871 you know uh wiZ07gU2xwE-00973-00196872-00197126 i guess uh coding standards for for a wiZ07gU2xwE-00974-00197127-00197311 team i would say really try to avoid the wiZ07gU2xwE-00975-00197312-00197519 ternary operator unless there's some wiZ07gU2xwE-00976-00197520-00197775 really good reason for doing it wiZ07gU2xwE-00977-00197776-00197902 but that would be an example of wiZ07gU2xwE-00978-00197903-00198047 something where wiZ07gU2xwE-00979-00198048-00198207 i know how it works but i just always wiZ07gU2xwE-00980-00198208-00198383 struggle with that and i feel like i wiZ07gU2xwE-00981-00198384-00198575 feel like it's just wiZ07gU2xwE-00982-00198576-00198743 hard to read but i don't know it does wiZ07gU2xwE-00983-00198744-00198950 vary from person to person wiZ07gU2xwE-00984-00198951-00199199 um but my i guess yeah my feeling is wiZ07gU2xwE-00985-00199200-00199366 that there's some sort of a base level wiZ07gU2xwE-00986-00199367-00199535 of stuff that i think it where it works wiZ07gU2xwE-00987-00199536-00199823 better and and wiZ07gU2xwE-00988-00199824-00200007 certain things you try to avoid wiZ07gU2xwE-00989-00200008-00200343 did that answer your question at all wiZ07gU2xwE-00990-00200344-00202719 yeah it is wiZ07gU2xwE-00991-00202720-00204238 yep wiZ07gU2xwE-00992-00204239-00204343 right wiZ07gU2xwE-00993-00204344-00204543 yeah and i think it i think it varies wiZ07gU2xwE-00994-00204544-00204695 because it's not wiZ07gU2xwE-00995-00204696-00204831 it's not always just the language it's wiZ07gU2xwE-00996-00204832-00205023 the ecosystem it's the tools and things wiZ07gU2xwE-00997-00205023-00205198 like that and that varies from language wiZ07gU2xwE-00998-00205200-00205366 to language and what's wiZ07gU2xwE-00999-00205367-00205462 sort of wiZ07gU2xwE-01000-00205463-00205734 uh wiZ07gU2xwE-01001-00205735-00206023 i think i i think that there's always a wiZ07gU2xwE-01002-00206023-00206255 tendency that people tend to prefer the wiZ07gU2xwE-01003-00206256-00206503 languages they know and i think or wiZ07gU2xwE-01004-00206504-00206686 they'll often say well i don't like that wiZ07gU2xwE-01005-00206687-00206823 because wiZ07gU2xwE-01006-00206823-00206982 and they'll criticize some aspect of it wiZ07gU2xwE-01007-00206983-00207158 like you know with php i'll hear a lot wiZ07gU2xwE-01008-00207159-00207327 of people criticize meaningful name wiZ07gU2xwE-01009-00207328-00207519 space in um wiZ07gU2xwE-01010-00207519-00207686 in python wiZ07gU2xwE-01011-00207687-00207910 but i really think that wiZ07gU2xwE-01012-00207911-00208175 most of what that has to do with is wiZ07gU2xwE-01013-00208176-00208462 my brain is used to reading is used to wiZ07gU2xwE-01014-00208463-00208655 parsing this and understands how to wiZ07gU2xwE-01015-00208656-00208823 parse this and i can glance at it and wiZ07gU2xwE-01016-00208823-00209023 kind of get what's going on so that when wiZ07gU2xwE-01017-00209023-00209190 i go to something that has a different wiZ07gU2xwE-01018-00209191-00209423 syntax that's different enough where i'm wiZ07gU2xwE-01019-00209423-00209590 not comfortable anymore now that seems wiZ07gU2xwE-01020-00209591-00209751 wrong to me and i think that that's wiZ07gU2xwE-01021-00209752-00209903 always going to be a tendency when wiZ07gU2xwE-01022-00209904-00210023 especially if you're not really wiZ07gU2xwE-01023-00210023-00210246 comfortable with the language wiZ07gU2xwE-01024-00210248-00210375 i know i have that problem with wiZ07gU2xwE-01025-00210376-00210503 objective c wiZ07gU2xwE-01026-00210504-00210679 i don't like objective c and i don't wiZ07gU2xwE-01027-00210680-00210839 want to dive into it because i find it wiZ07gU2xwE-01028-00210840-00211079 really obtuse looking and i just don't wiZ07gU2xwE-01029-00211080-00211263 like it it looks alien to me wiZ07gU2xwE-01030-00211264-00211494 the way that it mixes things up and i i wiZ07gU2xwE-01031-00211496-00211727 don't like it and um wiZ07gU2xwE-01032-00211728-00212046 but i bet if somebody said well uh for wiZ07gU2xwE-01033-00212048-00212191 the next year you're gonna have to write wiZ07gU2xwE-01034-00212192-00212327 objective c wiZ07gU2xwE-01035-00212328-00212487 i'm probably gonna learn it i'm gonna wiZ07gU2xwE-01036-00212488-00212687 and there's there's a certain level of wiZ07gU2xwE-01037-00212688-00212831 you have to understand kind of what the wiZ07gU2xwE-01038-00212832-00213079 syntax means i guess it's it's judging wiZ07gU2xwE-01039-00213080-00213239 like well how common is this there's wiZ07gU2xwE-01040-00213240-00213382 some there's some constructs that are wiZ07gU2xwE-01041-00213383-00213703 common that if you have wiZ07gU2xwE-01042-00213704-00213894 any business saying yeah i can code some wiZ07gU2xwE-01043-00213896-00214103 in this language wiZ07gU2xwE-01044-00214104-00214246 i should be able to figure that out like wiZ07gU2xwE-01045-00214248-00214446 a switch statement or you know things wiZ07gU2xwE-01046-00214448-00214927 like that wiZ07gU2xwE-01047-00214928-00215142 yes and that's why every time i'm wiZ07gU2xwE-01048-00215144-00215319 talking to colleagues and show them wiZ07gU2xwE-01049-00215319-00215527 something in a strange language like wiZ07gU2xwE-01050-00215528-00217110 closure yep wiZ07gU2xwE-01051-00217111-00217279 yeah well i think it's a good comment wiZ07gU2xwE-01052-00217280-00217431 and it's a good thing to keep in mind i wiZ07gU2xwE-01053-00217432-00217615 i i i i i it's wiZ07gU2xwE-01054-00217616-00217775 um wiZ07gU2xwE-01055-00217776-00217951 you know and to repeat again for what wiZ07gU2xwE-01056-00217952-00218158 you said was that that wiZ07gU2xwE-01057-00218159-00218431 most languages kind of look like c wiZ07gU2xwE-01058-00218432-00218551 and the things that we're tending to be wiZ07gU2xwE-01059-00218552-00218687 comfortable with is see because that's wiZ07gU2xwE-01060-00218688-00218887 what most people have sort of started wiZ07gU2xwE-01061-00218888-00219055 from and and so wiZ07gU2xwE-01062-00219056-00219191 languages that developed out of that wiZ07gU2xwE-01063-00219192-00219423 tend to look fairly similar to that and wiZ07gU2xwE-01064-00219423-00219639 when we look at something that just wiZ07gU2xwE-01065-00219640-00219831 at first glance looks alien and we don't wiZ07gU2xwE-01066-00219832-00220039 understand how how it works at first wiZ07gU2xwE-01067-00220040-00220310 glance that's really problematic um and wiZ07gU2xwE-01068-00220311-00220471 they they're kind of like oh i don't wiZ07gU2xwE-01069-00220471-00220655 like that well and i could kind of dig wiZ07gU2xwE-01070-00220656-00220815 that but wiZ07gU2xwE-01071-00220816-00220942 um wiZ07gU2xwE-01072-00220944-00221103 so i think there's a practical aspect wiZ07gU2xwE-01073-00221104-00221246 you have to think about well what am i wiZ07gU2xwE-01074-00221248-00221423 trying to accomplish like am i going to wiZ07gU2xwE-01075-00221423-00221558 write something in the next four weeks wiZ07gU2xwE-01076-00221559-00221791 well maybe i don't want to pull and wiZ07gU2xwE-01077-00221792-00221982 say a language that that folks don't wiZ07gU2xwE-01078-00221983-00222175 understand and the same way you know wiZ07gU2xwE-01079-00222176-00222375 there's going to be variants where wiZ07gU2xwE-01080-00222376-00222503 uh wiZ07gU2xwE-01081-00222504-00222775 you have to again you have to consider wiZ07gU2xwE-01082-00222776-00222910 all this stuff really comes down to wiZ07gU2xwE-01083-00222911-00223142 being pragmatic about things if you come wiZ07gU2xwE-01084-00223144-00223358 if your team is really familiar with say wiZ07gU2xwE-01085-00223359-00223582 doing django apps and you guys and and wiZ07gU2xwE-01086-00223583-00223742 hopefully you know you know the people wiZ07gU2xwE-01087-00223744-00224119 on your team know django in and out well wiZ07gU2xwE-01088-00224119-00224263 uh wiZ07gU2xwE-01089-00224264-00224446 i wouldn't advise if you want to spin up wiZ07gU2xwE-01090-00224448-00224671 something like fairly quickly you decide wiZ07gU2xwE-01091-00224671-00224782 you know what we're going to write this wiZ07gU2xwE-01092-00224783-00224919 in i don't know wiZ07gU2xwE-01093-00224919-00225215 pylons or something like that because wiZ07gU2xwE-01094-00225216-00225319 i wiZ07gU2xwE-01095-00225319-00225471 you have to consider the expertise you wiZ07gU2xwE-01096-00225471-00225663 have in-house and and wiZ07gU2xwE-01097-00225664-00225791 you're all wiZ07gU2xwE-01098-00225792-00225934 you know speaking the same language not wiZ07gU2xwE-01099-00225935-00226127 just programming language but you haul wiZ07gU2xwE-01100-00226128-00226431 the understanding that expertise there wiZ07gU2xwE-01101-00226432-00226567 so you're going to be more comfortable wiZ07gU2xwE-01102-00226567-00226775 with that technical debt and that wiZ07gU2xwE-01103-00226776-00226910 technical debt isn't going to weigh as wiZ07gU2xwE-01104-00226911-00227167 much because you guys all have you know wiZ07gU2xwE-01105-00227167-00227342 are comfortable with that and feel wiZ07gU2xwE-01106-00227344-00227655 strong about in that area but um if you wiZ07gU2xwE-01107-00227656-00227798 pull in something else that's new that wiZ07gU2xwE-01108-00227800-00227982 you're not familiar with well you have wiZ07gU2xwE-01109-00227983-00228151 to be prepared to kind of pull that in wiZ07gU2xwE-01110-00228152-00228367 and again take that on be responsible wiZ07gU2xwE-01111-00228367-00228455 for that wiZ07gU2xwE-01112-00228456-00228655 and uh and wiZ07gU2xwE-01113-00228656-00228798 and if it's not a good idea you wiZ07gU2xwE-01114-00228800-00229071 shouldn't do it right um wiZ07gU2xwE-01115-00229071-00229310 yeah so wiZ07gU2xwE-01116-00229311-00229487 any other questions comments anything wiZ07gU2xwE-01117-00229488-00229798 like that wiZ07gU2xwE-01118-00229800-00230023 please wiZ07gU2xwE-01119-00230023-00230310 what i found worked best wiZ07gU2xwE-01120-00230311-00230479 when i learned more from that i'm trying wiZ07gU2xwE-01121-00230480-00230567 to like wiZ07gU2xwE-01122-00230567-00230782 imagine what i think wiZ07gU2xwE-01123-00230783-00231167 makes sense oh yeah wiZ07gU2xwE-01124-00231167-00231294 okay i think it seems you're doing here wiZ07gU2xwE-01125-00231296-00231471 but is this what you meant wiZ07gU2xwE-01126-00231471-00231710 yeah so the first thing i'll say wiZ07gU2xwE-01127-00231711-00232071 oh i'm sorry i i interrupted you um to wiZ07gU2xwE-01128-00232071-00232334 repeat i'd say that you that you said wiZ07gU2xwE-01129-00232335-00232510 that code reviewing has been really wiZ07gU2xwE-01130-00232511-00232710 valuable for you rather than sort of wiZ07gU2xwE-01131-00232711-00232894 like guessing of what's effective you wiZ07gU2xwE-01132-00232896-00233094 learn a lot about what really wiZ07gU2xwE-01133-00233096-00233327 what really is comprehensible for other wiZ07gU2xwE-01134-00233328-00233606 people so and first off i totally agree wiZ07gU2xwE-01135-00233607-00233791 with that wiZ07gU2xwE-01136-00233792-00233919 i think that gives you immediate wiZ07gU2xwE-01137-00233919-00234127 feedback so i really feel strongly like wiZ07gU2xwE-01138-00234128-00234367 code reviews on in team wiZ07gU2xwE-01139-00234367-00234487 uh wiZ07gU2xwE-01140-00234488-00234806 flows really help a lot and i'd say wiZ07gU2xwE-01141-00234807-00235055 you know they say get model of like pull wiZ07gU2xwE-01142-00235056-00235231 requests and doing code reviews before wiZ07gU2xwE-01143-00235232-00235431 you merge that stuff in i think that's wiZ07gU2xwE-01144-00235432-00235582 really effective but however you do your wiZ07gU2xwE-01145-00235583-00235742 code reads i think that's really really wiZ07gU2xwE-01146-00235744-00235839 good wiZ07gU2xwE-01147-00235840-00235998 because just getting a second set of wiZ07gU2xwE-01148-00236000-00236198 eyes on it to say wiZ07gU2xwE-01149-00236200-00236342 yeah i don't i don't care what's going wiZ07gU2xwE-01150-00236344-00236623 on here or what's helped me a lot is wiZ07gU2xwE-01151-00236623-00236791 getting somebody who knows this stuff wiZ07gU2xwE-01152-00236792-00236934 better than i do especially when i'm wiZ07gU2xwE-01153-00236935-00237094 sort of ramping up and trying to trying wiZ07gU2xwE-01154-00237096-00237351 to get with it uh who can say yeah you wiZ07gU2xwE-01155-00237352-00237455 can do it like this but you know what wiZ07gU2xwE-01156-00237456-00237639 would be simpler if you just did wiZ07gU2xwE-01157-00237640-00238175 and there's oh okay yeah and um wiZ07gU2xwE-01158-00238176-00238391 and my my and that helps me a lot in wiZ07gU2xwE-01159-00238392-00238694 just in terms of just learning stuff um wiZ07gU2xwE-01160-00238696-00238910 uh because a lot of times you just don't wiZ07gU2xwE-01161-00238911-00239063 know the language as well as you you'd wiZ07gU2xwE-01162-00239064-00239231 like to um wiZ07gU2xwE-01163-00239232-00239487 but uh the thing so yes i think code wiZ07gU2xwE-01164-00239488-00239663 reviews are really really effective in wiZ07gU2xwE-01165-00239664-00239855 that in that area so wiZ07gU2xwE-01166-00239856-00240031 yes wiZ07gU2xwE-01167-00240032-00240294 anything else wiZ07gU2xwE-01168-00240296-00240431 all right well thanks for coming i wiZ07gU2xwE-01169-00240432-00240771 appreciate it wkiaRZMcmNo-00002-00091168-00091551 good evening how are you all doing wkiaRZMcmNo-00003-00091552-00091780 I'm glad to hear that wkiaRZMcmNo-00004-00091781-00092164 you're in a nice cool place and this is wkiaRZMcmNo-00005-00092165-00092659 a cool place to be this is our 2019 wkiaRZMcmNo-00006-00092660-00092973 urban Bush women summer Leadership wkiaRZMcmNo-00007-00092974-00093246 culminating summer Leadership Institute wkiaRZMcmNo-00008-00093247-00094132 culminating performance so what you will wkiaRZMcmNo-00009-00094133-00094482 be seeing has all been created by the wkiaRZMcmNo-00010-00094483-00094795 participants and it's the it's a way wkiaRZMcmNo-00011-00094796-00095047 that they embody the learning the wkiaRZMcmNo-00012-00095048-00095398 research the things that have come up wkiaRZMcmNo-00013-00095399-00095707 for them as a part of the learning of wkiaRZMcmNo-00014-00095708-00095968 the summer Leadership Institute we work wkiaRZMcmNo-00015-00095969-00096160 with an organization people's Institute wkiaRZMcmNo-00016-00096161-00096493 for survival and beyond that steeps us wkiaRZMcmNo-00017-00096494-00096876 in learning around the workshop is wkiaRZMcmNo-00018-00096877-00097153 understanding and undoing racism and it wkiaRZMcmNo-00019-00097154-00097381 steeps us in a deep understanding of wkiaRZMcmNo-00020-00097382-00097702 what that is and where we hold it in our wkiaRZMcmNo-00021-00097703-00097915 bodies and in our hearts and our minds wkiaRZMcmNo-00022-00097916-00098248 and we want to get to the undoing we are wkiaRZMcmNo-00023-00098249-00098593 in the undoing and there and the urban wkiaRZMcmNo-00024-00098594-00098848 Bush was workshop entering building an wkiaRZMcmNo-00025-00098849-00099028 exiting community which is about the wkiaRZMcmNo-00026-00099029-00099307 values that we hold when we come to wkiaRZMcmNo-00027-00099308-00099568 community and all of that is grounded by wkiaRZMcmNo-00028-00099569-00099850 our topic this year which is when black wkiaRZMcmNo-00029-00099851-00100429 women Plus prevail we all prevail when wkiaRZMcmNo-00030-00100430-00100920 black women plus prevail we all prevail wkiaRZMcmNo-00031-00100921-00101311 so this is a very exciting I'm always wkiaRZMcmNo-00032-00101312-00101683 excited by this we have ten days and so wkiaRZMcmNo-00033-00101684-00102079 somewhere around the fifth sixth day we wkiaRZMcmNo-00034-00102080-00102271 start to take all of the learning and wkiaRZMcmNo-00035-00102272-00102598 look at how it how to bring it into wkiaRZMcmNo-00036-00102599-00102885 performance and we work from the assets wkiaRZMcmNo-00037-00102886-00103096 in the room which is why everything that wkiaRZMcmNo-00038-00103097-00103468 you see has been created come from come wkiaRZMcmNo-00039-00103469-00103789 through the participants who and faculty wkiaRZMcmNo-00040-00103790-00103996 and staff for the summer Leadership wkiaRZMcmNo-00041-00103997-00104276 Institute who wkiaRZMcmNo-00042-00104277-00104664 bringing light light light so without wkiaRZMcmNo-00043-00104665-00104898 further ado women first of all I gotta wkiaRZMcmNo-00044-00104899-00105117 just say there's parts or you know we wkiaRZMcmNo-00045-00105118-00105543 need your energy in the performance so wkiaRZMcmNo-00046-00105544-00105789 and sometimes that's a silent with a wkiaRZMcmNo-00047-00105790-00106106 witnessing and sometimes I say it not wkiaRZMcmNo-00048-00106107-00106482 and sometimes it's just loud and we need wkiaRZMcmNo-00049-00106483-00106791 and want all of that from you so we wkiaRZMcmNo-00050-00106792-00107127 invite you to be with us in performance wkiaRZMcmNo-00051-00107128-00107384 thank you very much wkiaRZMcmNo-00054-00115272-00116975 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00055-00116976-00118222 what into the water going into the earth wkiaRZMcmNo-00056-00118223-00118665 from where life springs forth from the wkiaRZMcmNo-00057-00118666-00119358 darkness comes when we pour water and wkiaRZMcmNo-00058-00119358-00119766 motivation to the ancestors we call out wkiaRZMcmNo-00059-00119767-00120224 the names to remember those who have wkiaRZMcmNo-00060-00120225-00120619 laid this path for us who have wkiaRZMcmNo-00061-00120620-00120990 sacrificed and who have made it so that wkiaRZMcmNo-00062-00120991-00121500 we can prevail we will call out the wkiaRZMcmNo-00063-00121501-00121763 names of wkiaRZMcmNo-00064-00121764-00122147 from ancient times and from times past wkiaRZMcmNo-00065-00122148-00122640 the great ones who we know and remember wkiaRZMcmNo-00066-00122641-00123019 well when we call out those names we wkiaRZMcmNo-00067-00123020-00125133 will say oh we will next pour wkiaRZMcmNo-00068-00125134-00125937 libation to those ancestors those are wkiaRZMcmNo-00069-00125938-00126438 teens the mothers the grandfathers the wkiaRZMcmNo-00070-00126439-00126931 uncles the father's with war so that wkiaRZMcmNo-00071-00126932-00127235 they know that they have a place here wkiaRZMcmNo-00072-00127236-00127629 amongst us we will call their names and wkiaRZMcmNo-00073-00127630-00129550 say wkiaRZMcmNo-00074-00129551-00130475 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00075-00130476-00131741 we prepare for them wkiaRZMcmNo-00076-00131742-00132340 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00077-00132341-00133975 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00078-00133976-00136113 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00080-00140203-00142976 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00081-00142977-00144380 sequence seamless she secret home wkiaRZMcmNo-00082-00144381-00144810 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00083-00144811-00145719 Hollings she already has breaking down wkiaRZMcmNo-00084-00145720-00146418 we GUI love she becomes and she became wkiaRZMcmNo-00085-00146419-00147201 she is she was she ain't black woman wkiaRZMcmNo-00086-00147202-00148120 butterfly black woman all she needs is wkiaRZMcmNo-00087-00148121-00149064 all she has black woman butterfly that wkiaRZMcmNo-00088-00149065-00149872 woman wkiaRZMcmNo-00089-00149873-00152357 secrets secret she secret home breaking wkiaRZMcmNo-00090-00152358-00152786 down on her we go we love she becomes wkiaRZMcmNo-00091-00152787-00153766 and she became she is she was she ain't wkiaRZMcmNo-00092-00153767-00154700 black woman butterfly oh she needs is wkiaRZMcmNo-00093-00154701-00155540 all she has wkiaRZMcmNo-00094-00155541-00155813 black woman watch wkiaRZMcmNo-00095-00155814-00157193 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00096-00157194-00158763 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00097-00158764-00160542 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00098-00160543-00162997 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00099-00162998-00163756 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00100-00163757-00163967 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00101-00163968-00164220 [Laughter] wkiaRZMcmNo-00102-00164221-00165051 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00103-00165052-00165403 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00104-00165404-00167447 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00105-00167448-00167834 the gaze of the powerful not in disgrace wkiaRZMcmNo-00106-00167835-00168156 resting on assumptions high for wkiaRZMcmNo-00107-00168157-00168422 visibility or silent transparency wkiaRZMcmNo-00108-00168423-00169565 refusing to recognize me wkiaRZMcmNo-00109-00169566-00171448 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00110-00171449-00171839 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00111-00171840-00172832 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00112-00172833-00173554 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00113-00173555-00173605 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00114-00173606-00174447 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00115-00174448-00174985 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00116-00174986-00176089 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00117-00176090-00177610 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00118-00177611-00178328 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00119-00178329-00178739 we made for bringing us back into the wkiaRZMcmNo-00120-00178740-00179326 tradition of our mothers we labor wkiaRZMcmNo-00121-00179327-00179694 pushing and guiding the future carefully wkiaRZMcmNo-00122-00179695-00180198 into the present see we carry the dreams wkiaRZMcmNo-00123-00180199-00180577 of our fathers and our mothers deep wkiaRZMcmNo-00124-00180578-00181086 inside the dark secret places where we wkiaRZMcmNo-00125-00181087-00181562 nurture the hopes and visions our people wkiaRZMcmNo-00126-00181563-00182018 have passed on down from one generation wkiaRZMcmNo-00127-00182019-00182341 to the next wkiaRZMcmNo-00128-00182342-00182868 you see it is there inside grandma's wkiaRZMcmNo-00129-00182869-00183311 calm bread oh yes you see it's there wkiaRZMcmNo-00130-00183312-00183908 inside great grandma's greens oh yeah wkiaRZMcmNo-00131-00183909-00184296 where the secrets about to find work are wkiaRZMcmNo-00132-00184297-00184749 here and you see we tap into our female wkiaRZMcmNo-00133-00184750-00185276 power and press old girl down our lowest wkiaRZMcmNo-00134-00185277-00185687 sales hi yourself wkiaRZMcmNo-00135-00185688-00187131 you see we cry we scream we shout as we wkiaRZMcmNo-00136-00187132-00187398 consist to the most powerful work that wkiaRZMcmNo-00137-00187399-00187857 ever was see we are fertile we are full wkiaRZMcmNo-00138-00187858-00188307 with potential endowed with the power to wkiaRZMcmNo-00139-00188308-00188973 heal to build to create and to define wkiaRZMcmNo-00140-00188974-00189436 reality as we see fit wkiaRZMcmNo-00141-00189437-00189828 you see we are abundant we are connected wkiaRZMcmNo-00142-00189829-00190290 to the earth we are the essence we are wkiaRZMcmNo-00143-00190291-00190476 the answer wkiaRZMcmNo-00144-00190477-00190893 oh yes we pray that the Divine Feminine wkiaRZMcmNo-00145-00190894-00191524 and the divine masculine are all that wkiaRZMcmNo-00146-00191525-00191893 they exist in balance so that we may all wkiaRZMcmNo-00147-00191894-00192003 thrive wkiaRZMcmNo-00148-00192004-00192301 oh yes may we remember the line of wkiaRZMcmNo-00149-00192302-00192712 prayers from all the mothers that have wkiaRZMcmNo-00150-00192713-00193344 come before us may we always remember wkiaRZMcmNo-00151-00193345-00194197 who we are and whose we are may the wkiaRZMcmNo-00152-00194198-00195247 mothers fortify and protect us wkiaRZMcmNo-00154-00201088-00202717 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00155-00202718-00204785 Oh wkiaRZMcmNo-00156-00204786-00205598 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00157-00205600-00208375 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00158-00208376-00208777 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00159-00208778-00210846 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00160-00210846-00211586 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00161-00211587-00212081 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00162-00212082-00214194 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00163-00214196-00214792 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00164-00214794-00215326 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00165-00215327-00216116 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00166-00216117-00216756 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00167-00216757-00217837 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00168-00217838-00220651 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00169-00220652-00221276 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00171-00225178-00227496 right they forbad us the written word wkiaRZMcmNo-00172-00227496-00228028 our culture so rich they arrest us from wkiaRZMcmNo-00173-00228029-00228517 a continent our bodies and rules so wkiaRZMcmNo-00174-00228517-00228790 fruitful they defile dismembered wkiaRZMcmNo-00175-00228791-00229381 desecrated and dissected us locate the wkiaRZMcmNo-00176-00229382-00229863 ancestral burial ground dig for bones wkiaRZMcmNo-00177-00229864-00230677 find bones hear the bones sing write it wkiaRZMcmNo-00178-00230678-00231109 down we invoke the living conduits of wkiaRZMcmNo-00179-00231110-00231454 this world we call upon the black women wkiaRZMcmNo-00180-00231455-00231748 and fens of our communities and Families wkiaRZMcmNo-00181-00231748-00232194 for all those who say her name for the wkiaRZMcmNo-00182-00232196-00232531 combined river collective for Stacey wkiaRZMcmNo-00183-00232532-00232935 Abrams and for aunty Maxine Waters for wkiaRZMcmNo-00184-00232936-00233212 bell hooks Toni Morrison and Nikki wkiaRZMcmNo-00185-00233213-00233304 Giovanni wkiaRZMcmNo-00186-00233305-00233640 for Ava Duvernay and Janelle Monae for wkiaRZMcmNo-00187-00233641-00233942 kimberlé crenshaw for Alesia Garza wkiaRZMcmNo-00188-00233944-00234242 patrisse cullors and opal tometi for wkiaRZMcmNo-00189-00234244-00234746 Adrian Marie Brown and our urban Bush wkiaRZMcmNo-00190-00234748-00235631 women this is for the women sacrificed wkiaRZMcmNo-00191-00235632-00236252 on the altar of science for Lucy and wkiaRZMcmNo-00192-00236253-00236669 Betsy in an ARCA Westcott's for Sachi wkiaRZMcmNo-00193-00236671-00237066 Bartman and Henrietta Lacks this is for wkiaRZMcmNo-00194-00237067-00237390 our grandmothers and for minutes for wkiaRZMcmNo-00195-00237391-00237857 Harriet Tubman and on a judge for Maine wkiaRZMcmNo-00196-00237858-00238167 e24 Marcia P Johnson and the Stonewall wkiaRZMcmNo-00197-00238167-00238548 Raiders for Barbara Jordan shirley wkiaRZMcmNo-00198-00238548-00239040 Chisholm for Maya Angelou and audre wkiaRZMcmNo-00199-00239041-00239354 Lorde for inches sake Sean gain and wkiaRZMcmNo-00201-00243116-00243427 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00202-00243428-00244973 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00203-00244973-00245190 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00204-00245191-00245784 when I walked into the room there was no wkiaRZMcmNo-00205-00245785-00246551 space for my grief the songs the smiles wkiaRZMcmNo-00206-00246552-00247484 crowded around my back is too fragile to wkiaRZMcmNo-00207-00247485-00248341 have the strength my voice is lost my wkiaRZMcmNo-00208-00248342-00249495 smile is a lie we cried at my grandma's wkiaRZMcmNo-00209-00249496-00250144 funeral the crying doesn't count for wkiaRZMcmNo-00210-00250144-00250319 much wkiaRZMcmNo-00211-00250321-00250898 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00212-00250898-00251769 there's no time for my anxiety I shrink wkiaRZMcmNo-00213-00251769-00254336 it folded so all the wait to see wkiaRZMcmNo-00214-00254337-00255417 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00215-00255417-00256300 I don't want you to see wkiaRZMcmNo-00216-00256301-00257251 when I walk into the room wkiaRZMcmNo-00217-00257252-00258863 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00218-00258864-00260205 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00219-00260206-00260748 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00220-00260748-00262171 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00221-00262172-00263352 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00222-00263353-00264260 [Laughter] wkiaRZMcmNo-00223-00264261-00265750 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00224-00265751-00266272 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00225-00266273-00266955 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00226-00266956-00267511 [Laughter] wkiaRZMcmNo-00227-00267512-00268099 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00228-00268100-00270677 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00230-00274945-00276141 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00231-00276142-00278837 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00232-00278838-00279108 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00233-00279109-00280435 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00234-00280436-00281037 hello hi this is mommy for chickens wkiaRZMcmNo-00235-00281038-00281256 calling from the transatlantic wkiaRZMcmNo-00236-00281257-00281735 ancestral phone services from Harriet wkiaRZMcmNo-00237-00281736-00282035 Fatima whooping truth are you ready to wkiaRZMcmNo-00238-00282036-00282854 take the collect call for reparations wkiaRZMcmNo-00239-00282855-00283551 hey this is your great great great great wkiaRZMcmNo-00240-00283552-00283599 great wkiaRZMcmNo-00241-00283600-00283992 oh so great grandmama true now we don't wkiaRZMcmNo-00242-00283993-00284190 have much time so I gotta make this real wkiaRZMcmNo-00243-00284191-00284262 fast wkiaRZMcmNo-00244-00284263-00284659 I got your mama your aunties behind now wkiaRZMcmNo-00245-00284660-00285059 we see you been struck they got some wkiaRZMcmNo-00246-00285060-00285509 doubt some fear you got this thing wkiaRZMcmNo-00247-00285510-00286068 called wkiaRZMcmNo-00248-00286069-00287731 with being called Zora Shirley naughty wkiaRZMcmNo-00249-00287732-00288130 so it's this thing called internalized wkiaRZMcmNo-00250-00288131-00288953 racial and inferiority oppression hello wkiaRZMcmNo-00251-00288954-00289392 hello great-grandmama I can't I can't wkiaRZMcmNo-00252-00289393-00289818 hear you I can't hear you I'm sorry baby wkiaRZMcmNo-00253-00289819-00290555 you see we are deep deep deep leaves and wkiaRZMcmNo-00254-00290556-00291089 phantoms deep rebellions revolts and wkiaRZMcmNo-00255-00291090-00291462 revolutions deep if you put your ears wkiaRZMcmNo-00256-00291463-00291608 out to the ocean wkiaRZMcmNo-00257-00291609-00292391 she's still whispers Barney this is wkiaRZMcmNo-00258-00292392-00292634 you've got about one minute left to this wkiaRZMcmNo-00259-00292635-00293664 poem ends but I am listening to you to wkiaRZMcmNo-00260-00293665-00294403 pull down from the boob I need you I wkiaRZMcmNo-00261-00294404-00294803 need you to research and continue to wkiaRZMcmNo-00262-00294804-00295042 share our stories wkiaRZMcmNo-00263-00295043-00296626 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00264-00296627-00297882 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00265-00297883-00298709 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00266-00298710-00301062 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00267-00301063-00302246 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00268-00302247-00302705 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00269-00302706-00303063 there's been a serious we're talking wkiaRZMcmNo-00270-00303064-00305109 academic scholarship white woman finally wkiaRZMcmNo-00271-00305110-00306198 falls out of window this white male has wkiaRZMcmNo-00272-00306199-00306605 a really good idea wkiaRZMcmNo-00273-00306606-00308592 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00274-00308593-00311309 structure a plan wkiaRZMcmNo-00276-00315075-00315868 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00277-00315869-00317677 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00278-00317678-00318657 you wkiaRZMcmNo-00279-00318658-00319759 now wkiaRZMcmNo-00283-00338357-00338688 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00284-00338689-00340341 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00285-00340342-00341722 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00286-00341723-00344683 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00287-00344684-00345964 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00288-00345965-00347088 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00289-00347089-00347677 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00290-00347678-00347858 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00291-00347859-00348425 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00292-00348426-00349728 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00293-00349729-00352027 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00294-00352028-00352343 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00296-00355380-00356437 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00297-00356438-00356835 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00298-00356836-00358924 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00299-00358925-00360369 [Laughter] wkiaRZMcmNo-00300-00360370-00360562 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00301-00360563-00361329 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00302-00361330-00363420 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00303-00363421-00364055 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00304-00364056-00364944 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00305-00364945-00366329 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00307-00371170-00372562 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00308-00372563-00373301 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00310-00379001-00381260 take me to the war to be that wkiaRZMcmNo-00311-00381261-00383533 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00312-00383534-00384063 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00313-00384064-00385900 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00316-00394092-00395015 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00317-00395016-00395999 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00318-00396000-00397016 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00319-00397017-00398238 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00320-00398239-00398452 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00321-00398453-00400117 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00322-00400118-00401228 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00323-00401229-00401747 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00324-00401748-00401793 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00325-00401794-00404259 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00326-00404260-00404931 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00327-00404932-00405778 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00328-00405779-00406970 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00329-00406971-00408066 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00330-00408067-00408228 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00331-00408229-00409222 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00332-00409223-00410092 Oh wkiaRZMcmNo-00333-00410093-00411713 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00334-00411714-00413363 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00335-00413364-00414983 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00336-00414984-00416089 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00337-00416091-00416097 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00338-00416099-00416813 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00339-00416814-00416851 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00340-00416852-00417455 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00341-00417456-00417632 I wkiaRZMcmNo-00342-00417633-00418451 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00343-00418452-00418813 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00344-00418814-00419489 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00346-00434705-00435834 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00348-00440437-00442485 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00349-00442485-00443068 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00350-00443070-00444089 save it Queen Tao morning song yes about wkiaRZMcmNo-00351-00444089-00444284 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00352-00444285-00444897 memories of love she's lost yet she wkiaRZMcmNo-00353-00444897-00445766 stands despite the cost she is a mother wkiaRZMcmNo-00354-00445767-00446759 she is a sister she's a wkiaRZMcmNo-00355-00446760-00447066 she's alone wkiaRZMcmNo-00356-00447067-00447264 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00357-00447266-00447859 let her rest a noon and night she is wkiaRZMcmNo-00358-00447860-00448438 worthy of the time nothing more and wkiaRZMcmNo-00359-00448439-00449002 nothing less sing her song yes let her wkiaRZMcmNo-00360-00449003-00449964 rest she is here Ella bye good morning wkiaRZMcmNo-00361-00449964-00451271 she is here by the morning she is he wkiaRZMcmNo-00362-00451272-00453943 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00363-00453945-00454749 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00365-00458916-00459697 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00366-00459699-00460310 I'm tired of my back always hurting I'm wkiaRZMcmNo-00367-00460312-00460647 allowed to rest I will not hold your wkiaRZMcmNo-00368-00460647-00460833 weight any longer wkiaRZMcmNo-00369-00460834-00461427 my legs my feet my stomach my lungs my wkiaRZMcmNo-00370-00461428-00461735 lungs my lungs wkiaRZMcmNo-00371-00461735-00462164 they are drowning who are you to enter wkiaRZMcmNo-00372-00462166-00462468 into this sacred space wringing your wkiaRZMcmNo-00373-00462468-00462681 hands around my neck draining the life wkiaRZMcmNo-00374-00462682-00462951 force from my soul I must rest wkiaRZMcmNo-00375-00462952-00463437 I must rest I must rest hurting from the wkiaRZMcmNo-00376-00463438-00463757 weight of what the world wants from me wkiaRZMcmNo-00377-00463758-00464345 my comfort my brilliance my forgiveness wkiaRZMcmNo-00378-00464346-00464864 my care my saying it so that others can wkiaRZMcmNo-00379-00464866-00465417 hear it when everyone else gets today wkiaRZMcmNo-00380-00465418-00466230 no no no no no I am NOT bored your your wkiaRZMcmNo-00381-00466231-00466692 anything heavy heavy dizzy eyes gloss wkiaRZMcmNo-00382-00466693-00467031 over seeking rescue Sun on back stomach wkiaRZMcmNo-00383-00467032-00467625 extended I carry I carry we carry too wkiaRZMcmNo-00384-00467626-00468477 damn much Thai dust white cook clean run wkiaRZMcmNo-00385-00468478-00468945 wait walk too slow too fast easy easy wkiaRZMcmNo-00386-00468946-00469291 easy but ain't none of burden carrying wkiaRZMcmNo-00387-00469292-00469779 easy my hands have held many backs limbs wkiaRZMcmNo-00388-00469780-00470116 Chin's bodies but where are my hands wkiaRZMcmNo-00389-00470117-00470322 when I need support because it looks wkiaRZMcmNo-00390-00470323-00470745 like minds are full so we survive black wkiaRZMcmNo-00391-00470746-00471129 women + persevere resist rise and repeat wkiaRZMcmNo-00392-00471130-00471585 resist rise and repeat resist rise and wkiaRZMcmNo-00393-00471586-00471945 repeat resist right and repeat but this wkiaRZMcmNo-00394-00471946-00472270 cycle is not for me for freedom is my wkiaRZMcmNo-00395-00472271-00472602 destiny my a goon goon fight for me and wkiaRZMcmNo-00396-00472603-00473095 so I'm here to your request for a quick wkiaRZMcmNo-00397-00473096-00473418 30-minute meeting I already told you I'm wkiaRZMcmNo-00398-00473419-00473950 not available to your sorry to bother wkiaRZMcmNo-00399-00473951-00474658 you on your day off - your babe don't wkiaRZMcmNo-00400-00474659-00475900 you want to help me get these boundaries wkiaRZMcmNo-00401-00475901-00476132 called my back wkiaRZMcmNo-00402-00476133-00477697 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00403-00477699-00478207 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00405-00482878-00483804 Dickie thing did it see buy hay sweet wkiaRZMcmNo-00406-00483805-00484467 hay down take it Oh sweetie take it take wkiaRZMcmNo-00407-00484468-00484612 it should go do better wkiaRZMcmNo-00408-00484613-00485166 fine hi and get er done baby baby stone wkiaRZMcmNo-00409-00485167-00485541 don't let it in sweet right oh that wkiaRZMcmNo-00410-00485542-00485902 other little do painting pie take it wkiaRZMcmNo-00411-00485903-00485967 take it wkiaRZMcmNo-00412-00485968-00486483 ooh sweet I done Dave I think Charlie wkiaRZMcmNo-00413-00486484-00486852 rein it in any meat dignity little baby wkiaRZMcmNo-00414-00486853-00487122 baby I'm little and secondly Dean did wkiaRZMcmNo-00415-00487123-00487252 anything the thing that don't make wkiaRZMcmNo-00416-00487253-00487905 Charlotte and wkiaRZMcmNo-00417-00487906-00488367 duties all right Slendy pay it back Hey wkiaRZMcmNo-00418-00488368-00488917 she said I sing so I don't baby by wkiaRZMcmNo-00419-00488918-00489147 anybody but us but a little a little wkiaRZMcmNo-00420-00489149-00489427 dude Jose I don't play you don't play wkiaRZMcmNo-00421-00489428-00490234 you know nothing then why I she I don't wkiaRZMcmNo-00422-00490235-00490603 know damn straight until it's written wkiaRZMcmNo-00423-00490604-00490785 down didn't they ordained today nothing wkiaRZMcmNo-00424-00490787-00491097 little anything then let anything hey wkiaRZMcmNo-00425-00491099-00491251 hey hey wkiaRZMcmNo-00426-00491252-00491905 swinging by do-do-do-do world hi wkiaRZMcmNo-00427-00491906-00492250 thing that doesn't Bey idle kind they wkiaRZMcmNo-00428-00492251-00492682 don't die damn right I'm running but I'm wkiaRZMcmNo-00429-00492683-00493539 done gangbanging they don't bang bang by wkiaRZMcmNo-00430-00493541-00494551 a I am sensing hi hail John Dee hey wkiaRZMcmNo-00431-00494552-00494782 hopfully finger dingga dingga dingga wkiaRZMcmNo-00432-00494783-00494926 dingga dingga dingga dingga dingga wkiaRZMcmNo-00433-00494927-00495304 dingga dingga dingga bong bong bong wkiaRZMcmNo-00434-00495305-00495757 hi ching ching ching sink to do next i wkiaRZMcmNo-00435-00495758-00496012 think i don't sit on back panic take wkiaRZMcmNo-00436-00496013-00496159 that hi wkiaRZMcmNo-00437-00496160-00496537 Hey cutting fiend guy down wkiaRZMcmNo-00438-00496538-00497549 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00439-00497550-00497697 raghida wkiaRZMcmNo-00440-00497697-00497959 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00441-00497960-00497999 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00442-00498000-00499064 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00443-00499066-00500077 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00444-00500078-00500891 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00445-00500892-00501106 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00446-00501107-00502297 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00447-00502297-00502899 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00449-00506496-00508062 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00450-00508063-00510085 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00452-00515957-00517134 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00453-00517135-00518285 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00454-00518287-00518910 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00455-00518910-00519205 one who saves the nation in the hands of wkiaRZMcmNo-00459-00532931-00533974 and your mother your sister I am the wkiaRZMcmNo-00460-00533975-00536073 child bear wkiaRZMcmNo-00462-00539745-00540306 I am I wkiaRZMcmNo-00463-00540307-00541432 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00464-00541433-00544033 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00466-00547487-00548942 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00467-00548943-00549340 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00468-00549341-00549920 you don't really know the flow and do wkiaRZMcmNo-00469-00549921-00550931 what I do not stick to the sky not going wkiaRZMcmNo-00470-00550932-00551120 back just an erection of being black wkiaRZMcmNo-00471-00551121-00551564 that's royalty you can't you see that's wkiaRZMcmNo-00472-00551565-00552648 what you see wkiaRZMcmNo-00473-00552649-00554013 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00474-00554014-00554183 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00475-00554184-00555837 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00476-00555838-00557241 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00477-00557242-00558156 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00478-00558157-00559761 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00479-00559762-00561438 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00480-00561439-00562879 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00481-00562880-00563413 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00482-00563414-00565196 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00483-00565197-00565825 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00484-00565826-00566411 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00485-00566412-00567882 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00486-00567883-00569815 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00487-00569816-00572687 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00488-00572688-00574628 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00489-00574629-00575495 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00490-00575496-00576217 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00491-00576218-00576289 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00492-00576290-00577113 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00493-00577114-00577390 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00494-00577391-00577720 yeah wkiaRZMcmNo-00495-00577721-00577859 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00496-00577860-00579061 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00497-00579062-00580660 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00498-00580661-00581321 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00499-00581322-00581366 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00500-00581367-00582054 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00501-00582055-00583861 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00502-00583862-00585520 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00503-00585521-00585857 this little light of mine I'm gonna let wkiaRZMcmNo-00504-00585858-00587189 it shine this little light of mine wkiaRZMcmNo-00505-00587190-00588757 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00506-00588758-00590326 you're like gosh you're like gosh wkiaRZMcmNo-00507-00590327-00592117 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00508-00592118-00592481 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00509-00592482-00593165 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00510-00593166-00593388 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00511-00593389-00594759 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00512-00594760-00595577 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00513-00595578-00596269 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00514-00596270-00596999 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00515-00597000-00598024 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00516-00598025-00599095 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00517-00599096-00599635 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00518-00599636-00599794 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00519-00599795-00600380 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00520-00600381-00600978 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00521-00600979-00601868 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00522-00601869-00602467 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00523-00602468-00603718 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00524-00603719-00603828 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00525-00603829-00604134 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00526-00604135-00604443 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00527-00604444-00607275 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00528-00607276-00607922 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00529-00607923-00608656 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00530-00608657-00608955 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00531-00608956-00609120 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00532-00609121-00609421 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00533-00609422-00610652 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00534-00610653-00612274 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00535-00612275-00612686 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00536-00612687-00613060 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00537-00613061-00614706 [Laughter] wkiaRZMcmNo-00538-00614707-00616710 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00539-00616711-00617328 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00540-00617329-00619456 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00541-00619457-00619670 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00542-00619671-00619875 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00543-00619876-00619952 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00544-00619953-00620398 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00545-00620399-00620744 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00546-00620745-00620906 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00547-00620907-00620987 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00548-00620988-00622026 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00549-00622027-00622512 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00550-00622513-00623397 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00551-00623398-00624315 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00552-00624316-00625116 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00553-00625117-00625817 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00554-00625818-00627150 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00555-00627151-00627559 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00556-00627560-00628755 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00557-00628756-00629238 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00558-00629239-00629437 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00559-00629438-00631834 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00560-00631835-00632814 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00561-00632815-00632904 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00562-00632905-00633024 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00563-00633025-00633495 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00564-00633496-00633982 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00565-00633983-00634356 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00566-00634357-00634720 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00567-00634721-00635467 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00568-00635468-00635941 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00569-00635942-00636148 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00570-00636149-00636786 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00571-00636787-00637028 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00572-00637029-00637560 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00573-00637561-00637814 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00574-00637815-00637835 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00576-00643467-00643499 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00577-00643500-00643936 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00578-00643937-00644782 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00579-00644783-00646883 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00580-00646884-00647058 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00581-00647059-00648078 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00582-00648079-00648568 where they're from for the 2019 urban wkiaRZMcmNo-00583-00648569-00648714 Bush woman summer leadership wkiaRZMcmNo-00584-00648715-00649082 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00585-00649083-00649357 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00586-00649358-00651863 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00587-00651864-00652266 from the west coast from California wkiaRZMcmNo-00588-00652267-00654099 Washington and Oregon wkiaRZMcmNo-00589-00654100-00654454 from the great states of Texas and wkiaRZMcmNo-00590-00654455-00654580 Nevada wkiaRZMcmNo-00591-00654581-00656247 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00592-00656248-00656626 now let's come on to the Midwest from wkiaRZMcmNo-00593-00656627-00657012 Iowa Illinois's Minnesota Missouri Ohio wkiaRZMcmNo-00594-00657013-00659795 and Wisconsin wkiaRZMcmNo-00595-00659796-00660238 from the mid-atlantic region Maryland DC wkiaRZMcmNo-00596-00660239-00660503 Pennsylvania and Virginia wkiaRZMcmNo-00597-00660504-00662305 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00598-00662306-00662582 let's go home a little further north to wkiaRZMcmNo-00599-00662583-00662888 New England Maine Vermont and wkiaRZMcmNo-00600-00662889-00663041 Massachusetts wkiaRZMcmNo-00601-00663042-00664728 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00602-00664729-00665125 now let's go to our partner junebug and wkiaRZMcmNo-00603-00665126-00667387 folks from New Orleans oh yeah wkiaRZMcmNo-00604-00667388-00668167 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00605-00668168-00668546 now let's go on to some more of the wkiaRZMcmNo-00606-00668547-00668816 Dirty South from Alabama Mississippi wkiaRZMcmNo-00607-00668817-00669063 Florida Georgia and North Carolina wkiaRZMcmNo-00608-00669064-00669134 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00609-00669135-00669438 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00610-00669439-00671437 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00611-00671438-00671861 from across from across the waters from wkiaRZMcmNo-00612-00671862-00672206 the Caribbean Barbados Juma Trinidad and wkiaRZMcmNo-00613-00672207-00674169 Tobago wkiaRZMcmNo-00614-00674170-00674537 we gotta go a little further across wkiaRZMcmNo-00615-00674538-00674800 across the waters from United Kingdom wkiaRZMcmNo-00616-00674801-00676526 and Netherlands wkiaRZMcmNo-00617-00676527-00676851 and now you know we couldn't do this wkiaRZMcmNo-00618-00676852-00677166 without the fabulous drum ensemble from wkiaRZMcmNo-00619-00677167-00677409 Atlanta doing my time wkiaRZMcmNo-00620-00677410-00680092 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00621-00680093-00680513 and we could not do this without the wkiaRZMcmNo-00622-00680514-00680901 people's Institute from survival wkiaRZMcmNo-00623-00680902-00683074 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00624-00683075-00683449 and we definitely could not do this wkiaRZMcmNo-00625-00683450-00686176 without the interns for the semester wkiaRZMcmNo-00626-00686177-00686413 and we shouldn't have couldn't do it wkiaRZMcmNo-00627-00686414-00686682 without the production team wkiaRZMcmNo-00628-00686683-00687295 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00629-00687296-00687581 and we've no reason couldn't do it wkiaRZMcmNo-00630-00687582-00687966 without the urban Bush woman Edmonton wkiaRZMcmNo-00631-00687967-00689877 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00632-00689878-00690593 and because we know that place matters wkiaRZMcmNo-00633-00690594-00691056 so Brooklyn New York Harlem wkiaRZMcmNo-00634-00691057-00691130 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00635-00691131-00691292 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00636-00691293-00693400 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00637-00693401-00693791 let's bring it on home y'all let's bring wkiaRZMcmNo-00638-00693792-00694280 it on home and we sure couldn't do this wkiaRZMcmNo-00639-00694281-00694699 without the creative directing team wkiaRZMcmNo-00640-00694700-00694814 Thomas wkiaRZMcmNo-00641-00694815-00697082 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00642-00697083-00697565 call me the UPW company in town you can wkiaRZMcmNo-00643-00697566-00698094 have company house wkiaRZMcmNo-00644-00698095-00699017 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00645-00699018-00699042 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00646-00699043-00699214 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00647-00699215-00699441 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00648-00699442-00699544 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00649-00699545-00699648 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00650-00699649-00700877 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00651-00700878-00701162 and we for show could not do it without wkiaRZMcmNo-00652-00701163-00701385 Javel a Willa Jose Allah wkiaRZMcmNo-00653-00701386-00702392 [Applause] wkiaRZMcmNo-00654-00702393-00702882 that's possible your host committee here wkiaRZMcmNo-00655-00702883-00703860 and give thank you all for being a part wkiaRZMcmNo-00656-00703861-00704271 of this evening follow us on Twitter wkiaRZMcmNo-00657-00704272-00704562 Instagram Facebook although I don't know wkiaRZMcmNo-00658-00704563-00704889 really what that is our website wkiaRZMcmNo-00660-00712509-00714817 [Music] wkiaRZMcmNo-00661-00714818-00715628 you wkiaRZMcmNo-00662-00715629-00715835 you wn7krrFM0Wu-00000-00000014-00000347 good afternoon my name is Michele Hughes wn7krrFM0Wu-00001-00000348-00000682 and I am a star beauty guide with wn7krrFM0Wu-00002-00000683-00000974 limelight by alcone and I just got back wn7krrFM0Wu-00003-00000975-00001453 from my very first convention ever I wn7krrFM0Wu-00004-00001454-00001798 have never attended a convention ever wn7krrFM0Wu-00005-00001800-00002260 before in my entire life and I have to wn7krrFM0Wu-00006-00002261-00002725 share my personal experience with my wn7krrFM0Wu-00007-00002726-00003065 network all of my friends I did go live wn7krrFM0Wu-00008-00003066-00003554 on facebook on my way home when I drove wn7krrFM0Wu-00009-00003554-00004061 i drove 14 hours to get there and it was wn7krrFM0Wu-00010-00004061-00004538 worth it it was completely worth the wn7krrFM0Wu-00011-00004539-00005072 drive time I could not afford a plane wn7krrFM0Wu-00012-00005073-00005431 ticket and it was cheaper for me to put wn7krrFM0Wu-00013-00005432-00005756 gas in a car and you drive than to fly wn7krrFM0Wu-00014-00005757-00006224 pay for a cab etc etc so I'm going to wn7krrFM0Wu-00015-00006225-00006514 keep this very short at least five wn7krrFM0Wu-00016-00006515-00006728 minutes hopefully I don't go over five wn7krrFM0Wu-00017-00006729-00007016 minutes but I want to share with anybody wn7krrFM0Wu-00018-00007017-00007417 out there who is in any direct sales wn7krrFM0Wu-00019-00007418-00007770 business any network marketing business wn7krrFM0Wu-00020-00007772-00008224 if you want to change the course of your wn7krrFM0Wu-00021-00008225-00008630 career of your business of your wn7krrFM0Wu-00022-00008631-00009194 leadership skills of your your integrity wn7krrFM0Wu-00023-00009195-00009637 um how you look at everything you wn7krrFM0Wu-00024-00009638-00010141 absolutely need to attend your wn7krrFM0Wu-00025-00010142-00010808 conventions or trainings it is more than wn7krrFM0Wu-00026-00010809-00011344 just being in a room and learning from wn7krrFM0Wu-00027-00011345-00011660 professional speakers top professional wn7krrFM0Wu-00028-00011661-00012169 speakers who of course give you tons of wn7krrFM0Wu-00029-00012170-00012406 important knowledge that they have wn7krrFM0Wu-00030-00012407-00012781 learned in over decades of time these wn7krrFM0Wu-00031-00012782-00013091 are not people that have been working wn7krrFM0Wu-00032-00013091-00013424 for a year or even five years wn7krrFM0Wu-00033-00013425-00013643 may have been in this business for a wn7krrFM0Wu-00034-00013644-00014009 very long time and they are there to wn7krrFM0Wu-00035-00014010-00014456 help you grow to help you see your wn7krrFM0Wu-00036-00014457-00014678 potential to give you the right wn7krrFM0Wu-00037-00014679-00015259 information to succeed that to me was wn7krrFM0Wu-00038-00015260-00015887 well worth going to this convention the wn7krrFM0Wu-00039-00015888-00016175 other important aspect of going to a wn7krrFM0Wu-00040-00016176-00016519 convention is to finally meet in person wn7krrFM0Wu-00041-00016520-00016829 all the people that you have connected wn7krrFM0Wu-00042-00016830-00017204 with in your business these are your top wn7krrFM0Wu-00043-00017205-00017426 leaders these are your mentors these are wn7krrFM0Wu-00044-00017427-00017669 people that inspire you people that you wn7krrFM0Wu-00045-00017670-00018014 talk to on a daily basis your team the wn7krrFM0Wu-00046-00018015-00018326 girls are guys that are on your team you wn7krrFM0Wu-00047-00018327-00018692 get to mingle with them hug them take wn7krrFM0Wu-00048-00018693-00018992 pictures with them get to know them on a wn7krrFM0Wu-00049-00018993-00019403 more personal level when you are in the wn7krrFM0Wu-00050-00019404-00019691 same room as them and the energy that wn7krrFM0Wu-00051-00019692-00020141 you feel that is just oozing out of wn7krrFM0Wu-00052-00020142-00020482 everybody in this in a huge room is so wn7krrFM0Wu-00053-00020483-00020963 over powering it you can literally feel wn7krrFM0Wu-00054-00020964-00021358 it enter yours I mean I did I felt it wn7krrFM0Wu-00055-00021359-00022024 just hug me like the the positivity the wn7krrFM0Wu-00056-00022025-00022610 the atmosphere the just the wow factor wn7krrFM0Wu-00057-00022611-00023200 okay that alone is going to kick you in wn7krrFM0Wu-00058-00023201-00023653 the butt if your business hasn't already wn7krrFM0Wu-00059-00023654-00024011 if you are lagging if you're unmotivated wn7krrFM0Wu-00060-00024012-00024443 if you are on that slow declining slope wn7krrFM0Wu-00061-00024444-00024703 because you have lost confidence you wn7krrFM0Wu-00062-00024704-00024908 don't think you have what it takes let wn7krrFM0Wu-00063-00024909-00025310 me tell you something first if you wn7krrFM0Wu-00064-00025311-00025586 didn't go to convention please reach out wn7krrFM0Wu-00065-00025587-00025988 to someone who inspires you that can wn7krrFM0Wu-00066-00025989-00026206 help you I can guide you in the right wn7krrFM0Wu-00067-00026207-00026389 direction that could give you wn7krrFM0Wu-00068-00026391-00026712 encouraging words that can help you wn7krrFM0Wu-00069-00026713-00027070 with maybe something to boost that wn7krrFM0Wu-00070-00027070-00027307 energy that you need on a daily basis wn7krrFM0Wu-00071-00027308-00027670 basis because your self talk to yourself wn7krrFM0Wu-00072-00027670-00027924 one thing I've learned that self talk wn7krrFM0Wu-00073-00027925-00028161 but thought that's going on in your mind wn7krrFM0Wu-00074-00028162-00028348 on a daily basis you are dragging wn7krrFM0Wu-00075-00028349-00028740 yourself down to failure you want to get wn7krrFM0Wu-00076-00028741-00029223 rid of the negativity the self sabotage wn7krrFM0Wu-00077-00029224-00029427 self-sabotaging thoughts that you give wn7krrFM0Wu-00078-00029428-00029736 to yourself daily oh my goodness i can wn7krrFM0Wu-00079-00029737-00029914 tell you so many wonderful things I wn7krrFM0Wu-00080-00029914-00030232 could tell you so much about what going wn7krrFM0Wu-00081-00030233-00030468 to your annual convention will do for wn7krrFM0Wu-00082-00030469-00030676 you and your business and for your team wn7krrFM0Wu-00083-00030677-00030907 because you will bring this back with wn7krrFM0Wu-00084-00030908-00031152 you you will bring this back into your wn7krrFM0Wu-00085-00031153-00031795 home into your lifestyle um it let me wn7krrFM0Wu-00086-00031795-00032110 just say if anything you need to save wn7krrFM0Wu-00087-00032111-00032380 your money now and get ready get ready wn7krrFM0Wu-00088-00032381-00032995 now tell yourself I am going no excuses wn7krrFM0Wu-00089-00032996-00033382 I will be there maybe you're struggling wn7krrFM0Wu-00090-00033383-00033823 financially and you know what don't wn7krrFM0Wu-00091-00033824-00034074 think about that think about this wn7krrFM0Wu-00092-00034075-00034492 instead I will not accept not being able wn7krrFM0Wu-00093-00034493-00034732 to go I don't know how I'm going to get wn7krrFM0Wu-00094-00034733-00034932 there I don't know how I'm gonna get the wn7krrFM0Wu-00095-00034933-00035265 money but I know I'm going and that's it wn7krrFM0Wu-00096-00035266-00035690 I declare that I'm going period and wn7krrFM0Wu-00097-00035691-00036085 every day say that every day say that wn7krrFM0Wu-00098-00036086-00036240 and let me tell you what's going to wn7krrFM0Wu-00099-00036241-00036486 happen by you putting that out into the wn7krrFM0Wu-00100-00036487-00036849 universe heck yes you're going to end up wn7krrFM0Wu-00101-00036850-00037113 getting some money somehow some way it's wn7krrFM0Wu-00102-00037114-00037383 going to come and I have experienced wn7krrFM0Wu-00103-00037384-00037824 this I have done this and it works so I wn7krrFM0Wu-00104-00037825-00038251 am on a mission I am on a huge mission wn7krrFM0Wu-00105-00038252-00038607 to take my team to the top I'm not wn7krrFM0Wu-00106-00038608-00038802 letting up and stop me I'm not going to wn7krrFM0Wu-00107-00038803-00038986 be around negative people I'm not going wn7krrFM0Wu-00108-00038987-00039195 to let negative Nancy get in my way I'm wn7krrFM0Wu-00109-00039196-00039426 not going to talk to talk self-talk wn7krrFM0Wu-00110-00039427-00039714 myself to death that I I don't deserve wn7krrFM0Wu-00111-00039715-00039949 it I deserve it you deserve it your wn7krrFM0Wu-00112-00039950-00040057 teams deserve wn7krrFM0Wu-00113-00040058-00040423 someone that is rooting for them that is wn7krrFM0Wu-00114-00040424-00040740 cheering them on to be their best to do wn7krrFM0Wu-00115-00040741-00041124 their best and how do you get this you wn7krrFM0Wu-00116-00041125-00041395 go to convention go to convention wn7krrFM0Wu-00117-00041396-00041635 because I want to be honest with you the wn7krrFM0Wu-00118-00041636-00041905 month before convention I was self wn7krrFM0Wu-00119-00041906-00042162 sabotaging myself I was belittling wn7krrFM0Wu-00120-00042163-00042445 myself I was talking myself out of doing wn7krrFM0Wu-00121-00042446-00042685 certain things I was talking myself out wn7krrFM0Wu-00122-00042686-00043117 of doing videos for my youtube I was wn7krrFM0Wu-00123-00043118-00043357 putting out excuses and that hurt me wn7krrFM0Wu-00124-00043358-00043737 that hurt my team and by god I'm done wn7krrFM0Wu-00125-00043738-00044115 with that I am done with that so give me wn7krrFM0Wu-00126-00044116-00044358 an Amen shout out a comment saying wn7krrFM0Wu-00127-00044359-00044560 you're done with it too and let's do wn7krrFM0Wu-00128-00044561-00044845 something about it let's rock our wn7krrFM0Wu-00129-00044846-00045318 businesses and get this done okay I'm wn7krrFM0Wu-00130-00045319-00045724 done you want to connect with me message wn7krrFM0Wu-00131-00045725-00046065 me on facebook it's WWE facebook com wn7krrFM0Wu-00132-00046066-00046574 beck / Mechele Hughes dot 69 I am here I wn7krrFM0Wu-00133-00046575-00046889 don't care what business you're in I wn7krrFM0Wu-00134-00046890-00047254 celebrate and I appreciate everybody wn7krrFM0Wu-00135-00047255-00047601 that watches me that comments on my post wn7krrFM0Wu-00136-00047602-00047807 I don't care if you're in Gymboree wn7krrFM0Wu-00137-00047808-00048168 paparazzi jewelry and candles unique it wn7krrFM0Wu-00138-00048169-00048592 does not matter to me you are in wn7krrFM0Wu-00139-00048593-00048945 business right you are in business for wn7krrFM0Wu-00140-00048946-00049351 yourself you're doing what I do which wn7krrFM0Wu-00141-00049352-00049677 means I support you if you don't like wn7krrFM0Wu-00142-00049678-00049857 what you're doing if you're not wn7krrFM0Wu-00143-00049858-00050076 satisfied with your comp plan if you wn7krrFM0Wu-00144-00050077-00050293 want to know more about limelight I'm wn7krrFM0Wu-00145-00050294-00050554 not trying to cross recruit but you I'll wn7krrFM0Wu-00146-00050555-00050695 tell you for another thing from wn7krrFM0Wu-00147-00050696-00051126 experience I made the decision to do my wn7krrFM0Wu-00148-00051127-00051337 life the way I wanted to do my life with wn7krrFM0Wu-00149-00051338-00051519 what business I wanted to do because wn7krrFM0Wu-00150-00051520-00051783 it's my life and I do not let anybody wn7krrFM0Wu-00151-00051784-00052099 tell me that I am stuck somewhere but I wn7krrFM0Wu-00152-00052100-00052326 have to stay somewhere out of obligation wn7krrFM0Wu-00153-00052327-00052672 to thousands of people if I'm I'm not wn7krrFM0Wu-00154-00052673-00053065 happy and I'm happy now I am genuinely wn7krrFM0Wu-00155-00053066-00053254 happy with where I wn7krrFM0Wu-00156-00053255-00053554 m act and that's what I want that's what wn7krrFM0Wu-00157-00053555-00053761 i want for everybody else to be wn7krrFM0Wu-00158-00053762-00054161 generally happy with your business no wn7krrFM0Wu-00159-00054162-00054517 matter what business it is so with that wn7krrFM0Wu-00160-00054519-00054986 have a great day cheers to you all that wn7krrFM0Wu-00161-00054987-00055250 are working hard that are learning that wn7krrFM0Wu-00162-00055251-00055541 are doing self personal development that wn7krrFM0Wu-00163-00055541-00055739 are taking note you know no excuses wn7krrFM0Wu-00164-00055740-00056092 there go go go below I love you thank wn7krrFM0Wu-00165-00056094-00056441 you for watching and subscribe if you wn7krrFM0Wu-00166-00056441-00056696 haven't subscribed already have a pucker wn7krrFM0Wu-00167-00056697-00057067 up beautiful day bye x00kqILxvbI-00000-00000210-00000334 foreign x00kqILxvbI-00002-00005846-00005999 laughs x00kqILxvbI-00003-00006000-00006283 we'll do it x00kqILxvbI-00004-00006284-00007159 [Music] x00kqILxvbI-00005-00007159-00007411 do it x00kqILxvbI-00006-00007412-00007705 [Music] x00kqILxvbI-00007-00007706-00007788 [Applause] x00kqILxvbI-00008-00007789-00008184 [Music] x00kqILxvbI-00009-00008186-00008445 thank you thank you x00kqILxvbI-00011-00012697-00013112 all right x00kqILxvbI-00013-00016376-00017335 thank you x00kqILxvbI-00015-00020408-00020710 we'll do it x00kqILxvbI-00016-00020711-00021486 [Music] x00kqILxvbI-00017-00021487-00022291 let's do it x1wQe_c1IWA-00000-00001944-00003060 [Music] x1wQe_c1IWA-00001-00003061-00004015 [Music] x1wQe_c1IWA-00002-00004015-00004223 you x2dQEag-AUc-00000-00000005-00000329 the malaria eradication scientific x2dQEag-AUc-00001-00000330-00000628 alliance Mesa is an organization founded x2dQEag-AUc-00002-00000629-00000805 on the research carried out by the x2dQEag-AUc-00003-00000806-00001066 malaria eradication research agenda x2dQEag-AUc-00004-00001067-00001415 malaria malaria was a project carried x2dQEag-AUc-00005-00001416-00001648 out by the scientific community to x2dQEag-AUc-00006-00001650-00001862 identify the steps and future research x2dQEag-AUc-00007-00001863-00002090 that must be done in order to eradicate x2dQEag-AUc-00008-00002091-00002465 malaria it was created after the malaria x2dQEag-AUc-00009-00002466-00002800 forum in 2007 hosted by the Bill and x2dQEag-AUc-00010-00002801-00003043 Melinda Gates Foundation reestablished x2dQEag-AUc-00011-00003044-00003317 malaria eradication as a long-term goal x2dQEag-AUc-00012-00003318-00003722 molera first launched in 2008 and x2dQEag-AUc-00013-00003722-00003919 resulted in a research and development x2dQEag-AUc-00014-00003920-00004172 agenda which was published in a PLoS x2dQEag-AUc-00015-00004173-00004547 Medicine magazine in 2011 Mesa was x2dQEag-AUc-00016-00004548-00004829 formed in 2012 to continue the goals of x2dQEag-AUc-00017-00004830-00005051 malaria through research and development x2dQEag-AUc-00018-00005052-00006221 of methods to fight malaria topic goals x2dQEag-AUc-00019-00006222-00006539 as stated on the Mesa website Mesa aims x2dQEag-AUc-00020-00006540-00006827 to advance the science of malaria x2dQEag-AUc-00021-00006828-00007067 eradication by providing the community x2dQEag-AUc-00022-00007068-00007358 with a dedicated hub to track research x2dQEag-AUc-00023-00007359-00007645 share relevant resources and showcase x2dQEag-AUc-00024-00007647-00008081 examples of elimination programs Mesa x2dQEag-AUc-00025-00008081-00008297 does this through the pioneering of new x2dQEag-AUc-00026-00008298-00008534 ideas managing knowledge and research x2dQEag-AUc-00027-00008535-00008765 support of research projects through x2dQEag-AUc-00028-00008766-00009566 funding and monitoring progress topic x2dQEag-AUc-00029-00009567-00010169 governance Mesa is governed by a x2dQEag-AUc-00030-00010170-00010382 steering committee and is guided by the x2dQEag-AUc-00031-00010383-00010727 Mesa strategic advisory council the x2dQEag-AUc-00032-00010728-00010949 Alliance is composed of international x2dQEag-AUc-00033-00010950-00011201 global health institutions countries in x2dQEag-AUc-00034-00011202-00011441 which malaria is a significant problem x2dQEag-AUc-00035-00011442-00011774 and the who global malaria program much x2dQEag-AUc-00036-00011775-00011996 of the organization is hosted by the x2dQEag-AUc-00037-00011997-00012235 Barcelona Institute for Global Health x2dQEag-AUc-00038-00012236-00012440 and the Alliance is funded by a grant x2dQEag-AUc-00039-00012441-00012596 from the Bill and Melinda Gates x2dQEag-AUc-00040-00012597-00013066 Foundation Mesa is composed of 740 x2dQEag-AUc-00041-00013067-00013457 institutions in 94 countries and has 806 x2dQEag-AUc-00042-00013458-00014300 projects in progress topic grant may x2dQEag-AUc-00043-00014301-00014849 cling one of the main ways Mesa x2dQEag-AUc-00044-00014850-00015065 contributes to research is through x2dQEag-AUc-00045-00015066-00015260 grants for projects which would help to x2dQEag-AUc-00046-00015261-00015578 fight malaria these projects tend to x2dQEag-AUc-00047-00015579-00015791 fall within three categories health x2dQEag-AUc-00048-00015791-00015994 systems readiness measurement of x2dQEag-AUc-00049-00015995-00016249 transmission and operational research x2dQEag-AUc-00050-00016250-00016562 the project's tend to last an average of x2dQEag-AUc-00051-00016563-00016811 two years and work with a maximum budget x2dQEag-AUc-00052-00016812-00017231 of $200,000 dollars a list of grants is x2dQEag-AUc-00053-00017232-00017981 available on the Mesa website topic x2dQEag-AUc-00054-00017982-00018455 history and x2dQEag-AUc-00055-00018456-00018862 in 2012 Mesa began a process to select x2dQEag-AUc-00056-00018863-00019114 science research projects dealing with x2dQEag-AUc-00057-00019115-00019282 the measurement of transmission of x2dQEag-AUc-00058-00019283-00019489 malaria and the preparation of health x2dQEag-AUc-00059-00019490-00019849 systems to fight malaria six projects x2dQEag-AUc-00060-00019850-00020065 were selected total to receive funding x2dQEag-AUc-00061-00020066-00020287 from Mesa and another was supported to x2dQEag-AUc-00062-00020288-00020629 raise funds from other organizations the x2dQEag-AUc-00063-00020630-00020830 project's conduct research in Africa x2dQEag-AUc-00064-00020831-00021162 Asia Latin America and Australasia in x2dQEag-AUc-00065-00021163-00021484 2014 for new projects were selected x2dQEag-AUc-00066-00021485-00021780 these projects include new tools for x2dQEag-AUc-00067-00021781-00022042 vector control and diagnosis use of x2dQEag-AUc-00068-00022043-00022219 monitoring and response mapping x2dQEag-AUc-00069-00022220-00022489 technologies and mobile applications for x2dQEag-AUc-00070-00022490-00022936 hard-to-reach populations in June 2015 x2dQEag-AUc-00071-00022937-00023212 Mesa led a process called malaria x2dQEag-AUc-00072-00023213-00023605 refresh to review and update molera this x2dQEag-AUc-00073-00023606-00023883 project examines six different subjects x2dQEag-AUc-00074-00023884-00024222 basic science and enabling technologies x2dQEag-AUc-00075-00024223-00024480 insecticide and drug resistance x2dQEag-AUc-00076-00024481-00024681 characterizing the reservoir and x2dQEag-AUc-00077-00024682-00024906 measuring transmission tools for x2dQEag-AUc-00078-00024907-00024993 elimination x2dQEag-AUc-00079-00024994-00025255 combination interventions and modeling x2dQEag-AUc-00080-00025256-00025619 health systems and policy research x2dQEag-AUc-00081-00025620-00025744 molera x2dQEag-AUc-00082-00025745-00026022 refresh is expected to be complete and x2dQEag-AUc-00083-00026023-00026248 available for open publication by the x2dQEag-AUc-00084-00026249-00026398 end of 2016 x2dQEag-AUc-00085-00026399-00026664 other current projects include mes A's x2dQEag-AUc-00086-00026666-00026877 goal to eradicate the Plasmodium x2dQEag-AUc-00087-00026878-00027106 falciparum and Plasmodium vivax malaria x2dQEag-AUc-00088-00027107-00028760 strains in China by 2020 topic partners x2dQEag-AUc-00089-00028761-00029690 topic external links official website x6nnJo86H8A-00000-00000048-00000366 we're gonna do these stairs x6nnJo86H8A-00001-00000367-00000630 and make them look new x6nnJo86H8A-00002-00000631-00000839 so i've recently had a lot of inquiries x6nnJo86H8A-00003-00000840-00001079 about dirty clothes and how people can x6nnJo86H8A-00004-00001080-00001254 purchase them or acquire them that's x6nnJo86H8A-00005-00001255-00001415 kind of weird but i just want to let you x6nnJo86H8A-00006-00001416-00001639 know i have now made those available you x6nnJo86H8A-00007-00001639-00001934 can also see me more naked on fans only x6nnJo86H8A-00008-00001935-00002223 yes yeah it's actually only fans you x6nnJo86H8A-00009-00002224-00002479 don't tell me what i know x6nnJo86H8A-00010-00002480-00002639 they've got a lot of x6nnJo86H8A-00011-00002640-00002863 chipping concrete and you know it's got x6nnJo86H8A-00012-00002864-00003055 an overlay what we don't want to do is x6nnJo86H8A-00013-00003056-00003206 damage it any further so we're going to x6nnJo86H8A-00014-00003207-00003479 apply chemicals see where that takes us x6nnJo86H8A-00015-00003479-00003638 and then we'll use a surface cleaner on x6nnJo86H8A-00016-00003639-00003886 the top and be very very careful while x6nnJo86H8A-00017-00003887-00004222 wanding off the front face of the steps x6nnJo86H8A-00018-00004223-00004543 but the idea is if we can avoid x6nnJo86H8A-00019-00004544-00004702 using a lot of pressure we're going to x6nnJo86H8A-00020-00004703-00004886 avoid using pressure so we don't want to x6nnJo86H8A-00021-00004887-00005047 damage it any further x6nnJo86H8A-00022-00005048-00005206 what's going on this is kevin hansen x6nnJo86H8A-00023-00005207-00005359 you're watching the lawn care juggernaut x6nnJo86H8A-00024-00005360-00005479 in this video i'm going to be showing x6nnJo86H8A-00025-00005480-00005718 you another one of my parents crazy x6nnJo86H8A-00026-00005719-00005911 power washing videos they're down in x6nnJo86H8A-00027-00005912-00006247 arkansas and it just gets really nasty x6nnJo86H8A-00028-00006248-00006375 and dirty there we get a lot of x6nnJo86H8A-00029-00006376-00006598 questions about hey is this fake is it x6nnJo86H8A-00030-00006600-00006846 photoshopped it's 100 real x6nnJo86H8A-00031-00006847-00007055 concrete just gets dirty down in the x6nnJo86H8A-00032-00007056-00007270 south they got a lot of algae tannins x6nnJo86H8A-00033-00007272-00007519 from the leaves mold and just natural x6nnJo86H8A-00034-00007520-00007719 dirt that builds up on the concrete so x6nnJo86H8A-00035-00007720-00007927 anyways i have my father and my mother x6nnJo86H8A-00036-00007928-00008142 on the phone and if you guys could down x6nnJo86H8A-00037-00008143-00008310 in the comments just give my mother a x6nnJo86H8A-00038-00008311-00008455 big happy birthday what are you guys x6nnJo86H8A-00039-00008456-00008727 doing today well i am having a cup of x6nnJo86H8A-00040-00008728-00008991 coffee if people haven't noticed yet i'm x6nnJo86H8A-00041-00008992-00009214 kind of addicted to my coffee it's my x6nnJo86H8A-00042-00009215-00009359 friend we've been cleaning the x6nnJo86H8A-00043-00009360-00009591 greenhouse all day today kevin and i x6nnJo86H8A-00044-00009592-00009927 built a greenhouse for your x6nnJo86H8A-00045-00009928-00010174 she mom just so excited about it and x6nnJo86H8A-00046-00010175-00010359 she's been out there playing all day x6nnJo86H8A-00047-00010360-00010487 you're getting pretty excited about it x6nnJo86H8A-00048-00010488-00010591 what are you what are you guys planting x6nnJo86H8A-00049-00010592-00010895 right now planted lettuce spinach green x6nnJo86H8A-00050-00010896-00011246 onions cilantro parsley basil cherry x6nnJo86H8A-00051-00011247-00011631 tomatoes and tomatoes and for beauty and x6nnJo86H8A-00052-00011632-00011942 effects of aromatherapy i planted some x6nnJo86H8A-00053-00011943-00012214 columbine but that's just the beginning x6nnJo86H8A-00054-00012215-00012351 just beginning you guys gonna do a bunch x6nnJo86H8A-00055-00012352-00012574 of herbs and vegetables and stuff it's x6nnJo86H8A-00056-00012575-00012742 pretty amazing how much you can grow out x6nnJo86H8A-00057-00012743-00012991 of a small area hey by the way guys i x6nnJo86H8A-00058-00012991-00013191 just want to tell you uh real quick if x6nnJo86H8A-00059-00013191-00013366 you do want to watch what they are doing x6nnJo86H8A-00060-00013368-00013566 not only on their farm but as well as x6nnJo86H8A-00061-00013568-00013775 the community donation services that x6nnJo86H8A-00062-00013776-00013935 they do they do a lot of power washing x6nnJo86H8A-00063-00013936-00014158 in their area for people completely free x6nnJo86H8A-00064-00014159-00014311 they put them up on youtube they haven't x6nnJo86H8A-00065-00014312-00014511 really made any money to support their x6nnJo86H8A-00066-00014512-00014663 channel yet but if you would like to x6nnJo86H8A-00067-00014663-00014847 support them so that they can continue x6nnJo86H8A-00068-00014847-00015119 to do that and their time off of work x6nnJo86H8A-00069-00015119-00015247 all you have to do is go to their x6nnJo86H8A-00070-00015247-00015479 channel just hit the subscribe button x6nnJo86H8A-00071-00015480-00015711 watch the video or two and give it a x6nnJo86H8A-00072-00015712-00015927 thumbs up and just be careful you might x6nnJo86H8A-00073-00015928-00016127 get sucked in some of their animals are x6nnJo86H8A-00074-00016128-00016279 pretty fun to watch and they've always x6nnJo86H8A-00075-00016280-00016479 got really cool projects going on so x6nnJo86H8A-00076-00016480-00016686 with the power washing guys right now x6nnJo86H8A-00077-00016687-00016927 dad's power washing the stairs and dad x6nnJo86H8A-00078-00016928-00017086 and i kind of found this this house and x6nnJo86H8A-00079-00017087-00017215 we went and talked to the people but you x6nnJo86H8A-00080-00017216-00017399 guys ended up building a relationship x6nnJo86H8A-00081-00017400-00017558 with these people because you went out x6nnJo86H8A-00082-00017559-00017735 and did this service to help them out x6nnJo86H8A-00083-00017736-00017950 right yeah they uh they called us and x6nnJo86H8A-00084-00017951-00018183 they asked us if we could help them move x6nnJo86H8A-00085-00018184-00018439 some stuff at the house yeah uh they x6nnJo86H8A-00086-00018440-00018735 were trying to open a bed and breakfast x6nnJo86H8A-00087-00018736-00019063 this house was pretty previously a bed x6nnJo86H8A-00088-00019064-00019319 and breakfast but their plans have been x6nnJo86H8A-00089-00019320-00019550 put on hold for some reason something to x6nnJo86H8A-00090-00019551-00019750 do with the insurance it's probably x6nnJo86H8A-00091-00019751-00019879 pretty crazy right now with all the x6nnJo86H8A-00092-00019880-00020055 pandemic stuff going on i'm sure the x6nnJo86H8A-00093-00020056-00020263 insurance is pretty uh stringent on x6nnJo86H8A-00094-00020264-00020527 their uh stipulations nowadays that's x6nnJo86H8A-00095-00020528-00020783 what we figured was the deal you know x6nnJo86H8A-00096-00020784-00021030 there are some really good people though x6nnJo86H8A-00097-00021031-00021335 very very x6nnJo86H8A-00098-00021336-00021575 they came from louisiana she was x6nnJo86H8A-00099-00021576-00021830 originally from new jersey i believe and x6nnJo86H8A-00100-00021831-00022022 they are just some really x6nnJo86H8A-00101-00022023-00022222 really great people yeah it was really x6nnJo86H8A-00102-00022223-00022383 cool to meet them it's a x6nnJo86H8A-00103-00022384-00022599 really cool situation that you guys are x6nnJo86H8A-00104-00022600-00022799 able to build friends in the community x6nnJo86H8A-00105-00022800-00022950 which in their case they're brand new to x6nnJo86H8A-00106-00022951-00023094 the community as well but you guys have x6nnJo86H8A-00107-00023095-00023191 been there x6nnJo86H8A-00108-00023192-00023358 seven or eight years now so i mean x6nnJo86H8A-00109-00023359-00023511 you're still meeting people you're still x6nnJo86H8A-00110-00023512-00023735 building relationships and you know i x6nnJo86H8A-00111-00023736-00023894 think that going out and doing the x6nnJo86H8A-00112-00023895-00024086 donation services and just helping x6nnJo86H8A-00113-00024087-00024311 people it really is something like i x6nnJo86H8A-00114-00024312-00024486 have through my videos built some x6nnJo86H8A-00115-00024487-00024630 relationships with some of the people x6nnJo86H8A-00116-00024631-00024830 that i've helped that you know it's it's x6nnJo86H8A-00117-00024831-00025022 just a cool friendship that i have from x6nnJo86H8A-00118-00025023-00025255 it now i really like the reaction that x6nnJo86H8A-00119-00025256-00025414 you see on their face and you're like x6nnJo86H8A-00120-00025415-00025606 hey we'd really like to do this and we x6nnJo86H8A-00121-00025607-00025870 just want to do it for freedom yeah yeah x6nnJo86H8A-00122-00025872-00026046 they're always shocked they're like huh x6nnJo86H8A-00123-00026047-00026335 you want to do what x6nnJo86H8A-00124-00026336-00026607 just cross people off yeah x6nnJo86H8A-00125-00026608-00026758 and then at the end they're extremely x6nnJo86H8A-00126-00026760-00026951 happy and you know it makes them feel x6nnJo86H8A-00127-00026952-00027158 good about coming to their house and and x6nnJo86H8A-00128-00027160-00027399 it just uplifts them and it feels good x6nnJo86H8A-00129-00027400-00027607 to to do something for other people as x6nnJo86H8A-00130-00027608-00027846 well x6nnJo86H8A-00131-00027847-00028062 people want some water or anything like x6nnJo86H8A-00132-00028063-00028318 that and they a lot of times they're x6nnJo86H8A-00133-00028319-00028567 just lonely and they want to talk to you x6nnJo86H8A-00134-00028568-00028695 yeah x6nnJo86H8A-00135-00028695-00028846 yeah x6nnJo86H8A-00136-00028847-00029014 i mean so many people right now are kind x6nnJo86H8A-00137-00029016-00029239 of stuck at their house not able to get x6nnJo86H8A-00138-00029239-00029455 out and about whatever it might be x6nnJo86H8A-00139-00029456-00029718 and you know it gives some interaction x6nnJo86H8A-00140-00029719-00029895 it shows some kindness x6nnJo86H8A-00141-00029895-00030135 and uh makes them you know happy and x6nnJo86H8A-00142-00030136-00030327 feel good about their home again so x6nnJo86H8A-00143-00030327-00030543 there's there's a lot of positive to x6nnJo86H8A-00144-00030544-00030695 doing this type of work hey we're kind x6nnJo86H8A-00145-00030695-00030927 of uh wrapping up the video now what do x6nnJo86H8A-00146-00030927-00031046 you guys want to do as a phrase of the x6nnJo86H8A-00147-00031047-00031246 day happy birthday all right let's go x6nnJo86H8A-00148-00031247-00031383 ahead and give mom a happy birthday in x6nnJo86H8A-00149-00031383-00031558 the comments let her know that she's x6nnJo86H8A-00150-00031560-00031727 going to have a wonderful year love you x6nnJo86H8A-00151-00031727-00031927 all and stay blessed and we'll see you x6nnJo86H8A-00152-00031927-00032102 guys in the next one x6nnJo86H8A-00153-00032103-00032351 so we're all done here tonight x6nnJo86H8A-00154-00032352-00032551 it's looking amazing x6nnJo86H8A-00155-00032552-00032828 and we'll see you next time x6nnJo86H8A-00157-00036575-00036784 foreign x6Jk8qNNZcU-00000-00000295-00000542 this tutorial is about the Google x6Jk8qNNZcU-00001-00000543-00000908 classroom app all students and staff and x6Jk8qNNZcU-00002-00000909-00001154 WCBS have the Google classroom app x6Jk8qNNZcU-00003-00001155-00001361 available to you and self-service if x6Jk8qNNZcU-00004-00001362-00001648 it's not already on your iPad the Google x6Jk8qNNZcU-00005-00001650-00001901 classroom app works closely with Drive x6Jk8qNNZcU-00006-00001902-00002189 Docs and slides as well so you want to x6Jk8qNNZcU-00007-00002190-00002405 make sure that you have those apps x6Jk8qNNZcU-00008-00002406-00002822 installed so my Google classroom app is x6Jk8qNNZcU-00009-00002823-00003131 right here in my doc bar so whenever I x6Jk8qNNZcU-00010-00003132-00003561 pull it up it looks very much like the x6Jk8qNNZcU-00011-00003563-00003961 the website version from your macbook x6Jk8qNNZcU-00012-00003961-00004208 essentially as soon as you as soon as it x6Jk8qNNZcU-00013-00004209-00004436 loads it's going to show you your entire x6Jk8qNNZcU-00014-00004437-00004763 list of classes those that you are the x6Jk8qNNZcU-00015-00004764-00004901 teacher of and also those that you x6Jk8qNNZcU-00016-00004902-00005593 belong to as a student just like you do x6Jk8qNNZcU-00017-00005594-00006011 in the website you can choose the x6Jk8qNNZcU-00018-00006012-00006368 classroom that you want to go into I'm x6Jk8qNNZcU-00019-00006369-00006578 going to choose fourth grade ela for x6Jk8qNNZcU-00020-00006579-00006866 this so it comes up with your stream x6Jk8qNNZcU-00021-00006867-00007189 where your announcements are it shows x6Jk8qNNZcU-00022-00007190-00007403 you all the people who are in the x6Jk8qNNZcU-00023-00007404-00007714 classroom and then for the newer ones x6Jk8qNNZcU-00024-00007715-00008087 the newer classes it's going to show you x6Jk8qNNZcU-00025-00008088-00008423 your class work area as well just like x6Jk8qNNZcU-00026-00008424-00008717 with the website you click on the x6Jk8qNNZcU-00027-00008718-00008981 assignments you'll be able to see all x6Jk8qNNZcU-00028-00008982-00009155 the student work you can insert the x6Jk8qNNZcU-00029-00009156-00009464 grades one thing it to note is when you x6Jk8qNNZcU-00030-00009465-00009749 click on a document it does open it in x6Jk8qNNZcU-00031-00009750-00010073 Google Docs opens it like this and then x6Jk8qNNZcU-00032-00010074-00010321 from here this is where you can click x6Jk8qNNZcU-00033-00010322-00010808 the pencil and manipulate it kind of x6Jk8qNNZcU-00034-00010809-00011278 like you would the markup feature in x6Jk8qNNZcU-00035-00011279-00011946 your photos or you can click the little x6Jk8qNNZcU-00036-00011947-00012188 box in the top right corner with the x6Jk8qNNZcU-00037-00012189-00012431 arrow and that will open it in Google x6Jk8qNNZcU-00038-00012432-00012980 Docs for editing ok so back in the x6Jk8qNNZcU-00039-00012981-00013150 classroom x6Jk8qNNZcU-00040-00013151-00013676 you let me pull up a question from a x6Jk8qNNZcU-00041-00013677-00014372 different class so you can see all the x6Jk8qNNZcU-00042-00014372-00014530 way that things look here is very much x6Jk8qNNZcU-00043-00014531-00014963 the same as it does whenever you do it x6Jk8qNNZcU-00044-00014963-00015283 on the website the students see things x6Jk8qNNZcU-00045-00015284-00015683 very similarly to here's the question so x6Jk8qNNZcU-00046-00015684-00015947 you can see each of the student answers x6Jk8qNNZcU-00047-00015947-00016232 the question the student work all listed x6Jk8qNNZcU-00048-00016233-00016415 here for you and you can also insert the x6Jk8qNNZcU-00049-00016416-00016694 grades to see what it's like when you're x6Jk8qNNZcU-00050-00016695-00017428 a student in a class I'm going to go to x6Jk8qNNZcU-00051-00017429-00017717 the students will see a view very x6Jk8qNNZcU-00052-00017718-00017969 similar to what they also see on the x6Jk8qNNZcU-00053-00017970-00018269 website and they can access all of their x6Jk8qNNZcU-00054-00018270-00018599 documents and information the same way x6Jk8qNNZcU-00055-00018600-00018908 so basically anything that you can do on x6Jk8qNNZcU-00056-00018909-00019091 the website you can do here it's very x6Jk8qNNZcU-00057-00019092-00019457 similar it under your classes if you hit x6Jk8qNNZcU-00058-00019458-00019603 the plus in the corner you can actually x6Jk8qNNZcU-00059-00019604-00019799 even create a class or have your x6Jk8qNNZcU-00060-00019800-00020027 students join a class from the app so x6Jk8qNNZcU-00061-00020028-00020194 Google has done a great job of mimicking x6Jk8qNNZcU-00062-00020195-00020516 the website on the app and really giving x6Jk8qNNZcU-00063-00020517-00020741 you all the functionality that you that x6Jk8qNNZcU-00064-00020742-00020987 you would need xsUwKPacPyU-00000-00000114-00001491 [Music] xsUwKPacPyU-00001-00001492-00002060 uh xsUwKPacPyU-00002-00002061-00002883 [Music] xsUwKPacPyU-00003-00002884-00003076 so xsUwKPacPyU-00004-00003077-00004001 [Music] xsUwKPacPyU-00005-00004002-00004283 [Music] xsUwKPacPyU-00006-00004284-00004617 so xsUwKPacPyU-00008-00012684-00013580 so xsUwKPacPyU-00009-00013581-00016108 [Music] xsUwKPacPyU-00011-00023884-00024491 hmm xsUwKPacPyU-00012-00024492-00026683 [Music] xsUwKPacPyU-00013-00026683-00027114 uh xsUwKPacPyU-00014-00027116-00029511 [Music] xsUwKPacPyU-00015-00029512-00029606 you xsUwKPacPyU-00017-00036484-00036797 so xsUwKPacPyU-00019-00044884-00045207 oh xsUwKPacPyU-00020-00045208-00047683 [Music] xsUwKPacPyU-00021-00047684-00047831 food xsUwKPacPyU-00023-00056083-00056459 so xsUwKPacPyU-00024-00056460-00057482 [Music] xsUwKPacPyU-00025-00057483-00057920 do xsUwKPacPyU-00026-00057921-00058882 [Music] xsUwKPacPyU-00027-00058883-00059753 me xsUwKPacPyU-00029-00068149-00070772 [Music] xsUwKPacPyU-00030-00070773-00072975 [Music] xsUwKPacPyU-00031-00072976-00073293 foreign xsUwKPacPyU-00033-00079883-00080421 hmm xsUwKPacPyU-00035-00087536-00087744 you xt6aVv6SzKY-00000-00000064-00000407 the pal patrol xt6aVv6SzKY-00001-00000408-00000695 taimon and pumba waited xt6aVv6SzKY-00002-00000696-00000902 and waited xt6aVv6SzKY-00003-00000903-00001103 and waited xt6aVv6SzKY-00004-00001104-00001335 they were supposed to meet simba at xt6aVv6SzKY-00005-00001336-00001679 pride rock over an hour ago and he still xt6aVv6SzKY-00006-00001680-00001942 wasn't there xt6aVv6SzKY-00007-00001943-00002231 what did i tell you taimonix complained xt6aVv6SzKY-00008-00002232-00002375 to pumbaa xt6aVv6SzKY-00009-00002376-00002647 a guy becomes king and suddenly he xt6aVv6SzKY-00010-00002648-00002887 forgets about the little people xt6aVv6SzKY-00011-00002888-00003126 the ones who knew him when he was all xt6aVv6SzKY-00012-00003127-00004175 alone with no one to turn to xt6aVv6SzKY-00013-00004176-00004438 i heard that called simba xt6aVv6SzKY-00014-00004439-00004711 as he came up behind his buddies xt6aVv6SzKY-00015-00004712-00004927 and i didn't forget you xt6aVv6SzKY-00016-00004928-00005143 there was an emergency xt6aVv6SzKY-00017-00005144-00005399 a whole elephant hurt slipped on some xt6aVv6SzKY-00018-00005400-00005551 banana peels xt6aVv6SzKY-00019-00005552-00005759 why can't those monkeys remember to xt6aVv6SzKY-00020-00005760-00006175 clean up after themselves xt6aVv6SzKY-00021-00006176-00006422 pumbaa looked confused xt6aVv6SzKY-00022-00006423-00006831 i thought monkeys never forgot he said xt6aVv6SzKY-00023-00006831-00007134 that's elephants answered timon rolling xt6aVv6SzKY-00024-00007136-00007303 his eyes xt6aVv6SzKY-00025-00007304-00008231 elephants never forget xt6aVv6SzKY-00026-00008232-00008478 the three pals headed off to enjoy a xt6aVv6SzKY-00027-00008479-00008839 lazy day in the pride lands xt6aVv6SzKY-00028-00008840-00009310 together again finally said taimon xt6aVv6SzKY-00029-00009311-00009751 yeah agree agreed simba hakuna matata no xt6aVv6SzKY-00030-00009752-00010271 worries at least for one afternoon xt6aVv6SzKY-00031-00010272-00010551 lately simba just didn't seem to have as xt6aVv6SzKY-00032-00010552-00010910 much time to spend with his old friends xt6aVv6SzKY-00033-00010911-00011223 being the lion king meant that simba was xt6aVv6SzKY-00034-00011224-00012151 always needed for something xt6aVv6SzKY-00035-00012152-00012367 oh simba xt6aVv6SzKY-00036-00012368-00012606 oh simba xt6aVv6SzKY-00037-00012607-00012838 zazu's voice came drifting up from xt6aVv6SzKY-00038-00012839-00012983 behind them xt6aVv6SzKY-00039-00012984-00013119 come quick xt6aVv6SzKY-00040-00013119-00013366 one of the cubs has its head stuck in a xt6aVv6SzKY-00041-00013368-00013703 tree again xt6aVv6SzKY-00042-00013704-00013966 then the cranky hornbill turned to timon xt6aVv6SzKY-00043-00013968-00014127 and pumbaa xt6aVv6SzKY-00044-00014128-00014422 it's all your fault he declared xt6aVv6SzKY-00045-00014423-00014719 teaching the cubs how to hunt for bugs xt6aVv6SzKY-00046-00014719-00014966 disgraceful behavior xt6aVv6SzKY-00047-00014968-00015847 simply disgraceful xt6aVv6SzKY-00048-00015847-00016238 what's eating him asked pumbaa xt6aVv6SzKY-00049-00016240-00016511 nothing answered taimon xt6aVv6SzKY-00050-00016512-00016879 he's too tough and gamey xt6aVv6SzKY-00051-00016880-00017119 simba left xt6aVv6SzKY-00052-00017120-00017511 very funny but seriously guys i'm sorry xt6aVv6SzKY-00053-00017512-00017750 i've got to go i'll catch up with you xt6aVv6SzKY-00054-00017751-00018079 later xt6aVv6SzKY-00055-00018080-00018383 simba asked pumbaa do you like being the xt6aVv6SzKY-00056-00018384-00018607 lion king i mean xt6aVv6SzKY-00057-00018608-00019607 isn't it an awful lot of responsibility xt6aVv6SzKY-00058-00019608-00019855 well sure answered his friend xt6aVv6SzKY-00059-00019856-00020094 but i like having everyone depend on me xt6aVv6SzKY-00060-00020095-00020279 to keep them safe xt6aVv6SzKY-00061-00020280-00020471 it makes me feel as if i'm doing xt6aVv6SzKY-00062-00020472-00020799 something that matters xt6aVv6SzKY-00063-00020800-00021039 as pumbaa and taimon watch simba head xt6aVv6SzKY-00064-00021040-00021175 off with xt6aVv6SzKY-00065-00021176-00021494 taimon shook his head xt6aVv6SzKY-00066-00021495-00021822 just listen to him said taimonin disgust xt6aVv6SzKY-00067-00021823-00022103 is he a boar or what xt6aVv6SzKY-00068-00022104-00022343 pumbaa looked confused xt6aVv6SzKY-00069-00022344-00023247 i thought i was the boar he said xt6aVv6SzKY-00070-00023248-00023550 taimon gave his spell a playful tap xt6aVv6SzKY-00071-00023551-00023863 oh well said taimon at least we don't xt6aVv6SzKY-00072-00023864-00024191 have any responsibilities to tie us down xt6aVv6SzKY-00073-00024192-00024375 let's go have some fun xt6aVv6SzKY-00074-00024376-00024599 what do you say xt6aVv6SzKY-00075-00024600-00025078 i say hakuna matata boomba replied xt6aVv6SzKY-00076-00025079-00025342 exactly agreed taimon xt6aVv6SzKY-00077-00025343-00025550 and so the two wandered off into the xt6aVv6SzKY-00078-00025551-00025839 brush looking for grubs and whatever xt6aVv6SzKY-00079-00025839-00026735 adventure might come their way xt6aVv6SzKY-00080-00026736-00027014 soon pumbaa's stomach started to rumble xt6aVv6SzKY-00081-00027016-00027270 so he and taimon stopped to rustle up xt6aVv6SzKY-00082-00027272-00027511 some grubs for lunch xt6aVv6SzKY-00083-00027512-00027790 while pumbaa rooted around under a rock xt6aVv6SzKY-00084-00027791-00028031 taimon stuck his head in a tree the way xt6aVv6SzKY-00085-00028032-00028390 he had taught the cups to do xt6aVv6SzKY-00086-00028391-00028743 boy taimon it sure is hot pumbaa called xt6aVv6SzKY-00087-00028744-00029623 i'm sweating like a pig xt6aVv6SzKY-00088-00029624-00029895 taimon emerged from the tree with a leaf xt6aVv6SzKY-00089-00029895-00030167 full of colorful insects xt6aVv6SzKY-00090-00030168-00030495 you ain't kidding he told pumbaa i'm off xt6aVv6SzKY-00091-00030495-00030790 fire xt6aVv6SzKY-00092-00030791-00030983 the warthog looked up from his bug xt6aVv6SzKY-00093-00030983-00031135 hunting xt6aVv6SzKY-00094-00031136-00031502 yikes he cried his eyes opening wide xt6aVv6SzKY-00095-00031503-00032055 if we don't watch it we both will be xt6aVv6SzKY-00096-00032056-00032302 taimon whirled around and saw that the xt6aVv6SzKY-00097-00032303-00032679 grass just behind them was on fire xt6aVv6SzKY-00098-00032680-00032911 right now the flames were small xt6aVv6SzKY-00099-00032912-00033271 but with all the dried brush around xt6aVv6SzKY-00100-00033272-00033374 them xt6aVv6SzKY-00101-00033375-00033623 taimou knew the fire would grow fierce xt6aVv6SzKY-00102-00033624-00034302 in no time xt6aVv6SzKY-00103-00034303-00034583 let's go get simba shouted pumbaa he'll xt6aVv6SzKY-00104-00034584-00034807 know what to do xt6aVv6SzKY-00105-00034808-00034983 there's no time for that taimoun xt6aVv6SzKY-00106-00034984-00035255 declared it's up to us xt6aVv6SzKY-00107-00035256-00035543 got any ideas xt6aVv6SzKY-00108-00035544-00035895 i know pumbaa exclaimed how about i stay xt6aVv6SzKY-00109-00035896-00036207 here and keep everyone away while you go xt6aVv6SzKY-00110-00036208-00036439 to the waterhole xt6aVv6SzKY-00111-00036440-00036702 i don't have time for a dip pumbaa this xt6aVv6SzKY-00112-00036703-00037518 is serious taimon yelled xt6aVv6SzKY-00113-00037519-00037743 no i meant maybe there will be someone xt6aVv6SzKY-00114-00037744-00038079 there who can help us pumbaa explained xt6aVv6SzKY-00115-00038080-00038367 so taimon ran to the waterhole as fast xt6aVv6SzKY-00116-00038368-00038646 as he could while pumbaa posted himself xt6aVv6SzKY-00117-00038647-00039007 as a guard near the fire xt6aVv6SzKY-00118-00039008-00039215 don't worry taimon called over his xt6aVv6SzKY-00119-00039216-00039318 shoulder xt6aVv6SzKY-00120-00039319-00039551 everything's gonna be alright xt6aVv6SzKY-00121-00039552-00040367 but he wasn't so sure xt6aVv6SzKY-00122-00040368-00040639 pumbaa paced nervously glancing back at xt6aVv6SzKY-00123-00040640-00040951 the fire every few seconds xt6aVv6SzKY-00124-00040952-00041199 soon in the distance he could make out xt6aVv6SzKY-00125-00041200-00041711 some shapes moving quickly toward him xt6aVv6SzKY-00126-00041712-00041911 that must be tymon back with help xt6aVv6SzKY-00127-00041912-00042239 already what a relief he sighed xt6aVv6SzKY-00128-00042240-00042551 but as the shapes got closer he saw that xt6aVv6SzKY-00129-00042552-00042799 it wasn't timon at all there was a herd xt6aVv6SzKY-00130-00042800-00043639 of zebras on the move xt6aVv6SzKY-00131-00043640-00043846 pumbaa ran toward them xt6aVv6SzKY-00132-00043847-00044135 whooping as loud as he could xt6aVv6SzKY-00133-00044136-00044407 but they didn't seem to see him xt6aVv6SzKY-00134-00044408-00044495 hey xt6aVv6SzKY-00135-00044496-00044799 stop he screamed as the herd thundered xt6aVv6SzKY-00136-00044800-00045039 closer xt6aVv6SzKY-00137-00045040-00045295 then just as puma closed his eyes xt6aVv6SzKY-00138-00045296-00045607 expecting the worst the animals came to xt6aVv6SzKY-00139-00045608-00046311 an abrupt halt xt6aVv6SzKY-00140-00046312-00046558 pumbaa let out a sigh of relief and xt6aVv6SzKY-00141-00046559-00046927 explained to the zebras about the fire xt6aVv6SzKY-00142-00046928-00047199 the leader of the herd was grateful and xt6aVv6SzKY-00143-00047200-00047390 quickly let the animals away from the xt6aVv6SzKY-00144-00047391-00047630 blaze xt6aVv6SzKY-00145-00047631-00047846 as pumbaa watched the babies tagging xt6aVv6SzKY-00146-00047847-00048127 along after their mothers he felt happy xt6aVv6SzKY-00147-00048128-00048951 knowing he had kept them out of danger xt6aVv6SzKY-00148-00048952-00049271 moments later taimon did arrive xt6aVv6SzKY-00149-00049272-00049502 and he was followed by a long line of xt6aVv6SzKY-00150-00049503-00049686 elephants xt6aVv6SzKY-00151-00049687-00049990 did i strike it big or what taimon xt6aVv6SzKY-00152-00049991-00050311 called gesturing toward his pachyderm xt6aVv6SzKY-00153-00050312-00050455 parade xt6aVv6SzKY-00154-00050456-00050958 pumbaa meet the fire brigade xt6aVv6SzKY-00155-00050959-00051223 while timon yelled out directions the xt6aVv6SzKY-00156-00051224-00051454 elephants sprayed the fire with water xt6aVv6SzKY-00157-00051455-00051623 from their trunks xt6aVv6SzKY-00158-00051624-00051766 that's the way xt6aVv6SzKY-00159-00051767-00052023 just a little more and this fire will be xt6aVv6SzKY-00160-00052024-00052791 history taimon told them xt6aVv6SzKY-00161-00052791-00052999 a small elephant approached xt6aVv6SzKY-00162-00053000-00053326 and blasted timon with his trunk xt6aVv6SzKY-00163-00053327-00053663 you gotta work on your aim kid settimon xt6aVv6SzKY-00164-00053664-00053999 shaking the water from his body xt6aVv6SzKY-00165-00054000-00054263 by the time simba arrived all that xt6aVv6SzKY-00166-00054264-00054454 remained of the blaze were delicate xt6aVv6SzKY-00167-00054455-00054687 whips of smoke curling into the xt6aVv6SzKY-00168-00054688-00054959 afternoon sky xt6aVv6SzKY-00169-00054960-00055191 i came as soon as the zebras told me xt6aVv6SzKY-00170-00055191-00055454 said simba but it looks like you two xt6aVv6SzKY-00171-00055455-00056382 handles things on your own xt6aVv6SzKY-00172-00056383-00056566 pumbaa looked proud xt6aVv6SzKY-00173-00056567-00056854 while taimon acted embarrassed xt6aVv6SzKY-00174-00056855-00057071 ah go on xt6aVv6SzKY-00175-00057072-00057342 it was nothing really so we saved the xt6aVv6SzKY-00176-00057344-00057494 pride lands xt6aVv6SzKY-00177-00057495-00057726 it's all in a day's work for me and xt6aVv6SzKY-00178-00057727-00057854 pumbaa here xt6aVv6SzKY-00179-00057855-00058142 taimon explained xt6aVv6SzKY-00180-00058144-00058559 a slow smile spread across simba's face xt6aVv6SzKY-00181-00058560-00058663 hmm xt6aVv6SzKY-00182-00058664-00059015 a day's work that gives me an idea he xt6aVv6SzKY-00183-00059016-00059654 said xt6aVv6SzKY-00184-00059655-00059926 since you guys get around so much simba xt6aVv6SzKY-00185-00059927-00060063 suggested xt6aVv6SzKY-00186-00060064-00060271 how would you like to be the official xt6aVv6SzKY-00187-00060272-00060559 fire patrol of the pride lands xt6aVv6SzKY-00188-00060560-00060663 that is xt6aVv6SzKY-00189-00060664-00060799 if it wouldn't be too much xt6aVv6SzKY-00190-00060800-00061175 responsibility xt6aVv6SzKY-00191-00061176-00061494 okay here's the deal tymon replied xt6aVv6SzKY-00192-00061495-00061671 if we're going to start acting xt6aVv6SzKY-00193-00061672-00061830 responsible xt6aVv6SzKY-00194-00061832-00062103 you're gonna have to lighten up a little xt6aVv6SzKY-00195-00062104-00062350 stop and smell the stink bugs for pete's xt6aVv6SzKY-00196-00062351-00062487 sake xt6aVv6SzKY-00197-00062488-00063071 deal xt6aVv6SzKY-00198-00063072-00063254 deal simba agreed xt6aVv6SzKY-00199-00063255-00063542 pounding off into the distance xt6aVv6SzKY-00200-00063544-00063766 last one to the water holes a rotten xt6aVv6SzKY-00201-00063767-00064063 ostrich egg xt6aVv6SzKY-00202-00064064-00064335 look who's all fired up now wisecrack xt6aVv6SzKY-00203-00064336-00064854 taimon climbing up on pumbaa's back xt6aVv6SzKY-00204-00064855-00065071 just like the old days pumbaa said xt6aVv6SzKY-00205-00065072-00065303 cheerfully as he took off running after xt6aVv6SzKY-00206-00065304-00065406 their pal xt6aVv6SzKY-00207-00065407-00065631 the lion king xt6aVv6SzKY-00208-00065632-00065863 if you liked this video please leave a xt6aVv6SzKY-00209-00065864-00066324 comment and don't forget to subscribe xvLlrmXBlmU-00000-00000065-00000587 your coffee xvLlrmXBlmU-00001-00000588-00000872 no xAnsQtGij30-00000-00000391-00000519 good morning xAnsQtGij30-00001-00000520-00000823 everybody here again xAnsQtGij30-00002-00000824-00001135 is another colloquium from the instituto xAnsQtGij30-00003-00001136-00001374 of after physical and lucia xAnsQtGij30-00004-00001375-00001734 and today we will have the talk from xAnsQtGij30-00005-00001735-00002071 dr professor luis hara xAnsQtGij30-00006-00002072-00002375 from pmod in davos switzerland xAnsQtGij30-00007-00002376-00002647 and she will talk about flaring on the xAnsQtGij30-00008-00002648-00002687 sun xAnsQtGij30-00009-00002688-00003023 at all skates and dr xAnsQtGij30-00010-00003024-00003286 luiz harrah will be proper properly xAnsQtGij30-00011-00003288-00003415 introduced by xAnsQtGij30-00012-00003415-00003727 isabel marquez our scientific director xAnsQtGij30-00013-00003728-00003951 isabel please so hello good morning xAnsQtGij30-00014-00003952-00004095 everybody welcome xAnsQtGij30-00015-00004096-00004303 and thank for thanks for coming to our xAnsQtGij30-00016-00004304-00004422 um to our xAnsQtGij30-00017-00004423-00004670 colloquium at several colloquium today xAnsQtGij30-00018-00004671-00004879 uh for us it's a pleasure to have xAnsQtGij30-00019-00004880-00005118 with us today professor lewis harrah xAnsQtGij30-00020-00005119-00005286 she's director of the uh xAnsQtGij30-00021-00005287-00005486 physically i'm going to say it wrong i'm xAnsQtGij30-00022-00005487-00005591 um i xAnsQtGij30-00023-00005592-00005927 i know that so apology sorry xAnsQtGij30-00024-00005928-00006215 physicalist meteorologist observatorium xAnsQtGij30-00025-00006216-00006334 davos xAnsQtGij30-00026-00006335-00006518 from the word radiation center in in xAnsQtGij30-00027-00006519-00006639 switzerland xAnsQtGij30-00028-00006640-00006934 she's also an affiliate professor at eth xAnsQtGij30-00029-00006936-00006967 in xAnsQtGij30-00030-00006968-00007142 zurich institute of particle physics and xAnsQtGij30-00031-00007143-00007278 astrophysics xAnsQtGij30-00032-00007279-00007478 previously she was a professor of solar xAnsQtGij30-00033-00007479-00007639 physics at the university college in xAnsQtGij30-00034-00007640-00007791 london muller space science xAnsQtGij30-00035-00007792-00007998 laboratory she studied a number of xAnsQtGij30-00036-00008000-00008110 courses at xAnsQtGij30-00037-00008111-00008423 undergraduate and postgraduate levels xAnsQtGij30-00038-00008424-00008655 and supervised more than a dozen phd xAnsQtGij30-00039-00008656-00008799 thesis xAnsQtGij30-00040-00008800-00009031 she also enjoys public outreach and in xAnsQtGij30-00041-00009032-00009127 fact she xAnsQtGij30-00042-00009128-00009335 regularly gives toxin and media xAnsQtGij30-00043-00009336-00009471 interviews xAnsQtGij30-00044-00009472-00009695 her research career has been mainly xAnsQtGij30-00045-00009696-00009783 focused xAnsQtGij30-00046-00009784-00009983 on the understanding of the mechanisms xAnsQtGij30-00047-00009984-00010206 that triggered solar flares and coronal xAnsQtGij30-00048-00010207-00010342 mass ejections xAnsQtGij30-00049-00010343-00010646 and on solo information and propagation xAnsQtGij30-00050-00010647-00010910 she is also in fact of more than 290 xAnsQtGij30-00051-00010911-00011087 purposes in this subject xAnsQtGij30-00052-00011088-00011303 during her career she has been closely xAnsQtGij30-00053-00011304-00011510 engaged on the design xAnsQtGij30-00054-00011511-00011819 built operation and data analysis of xAnsQtGij30-00055-00011820-00012063 spacecrafts at the highest levels xAnsQtGij30-00056-00012064-00012287 for instance she was project scientist xAnsQtGij30-00057-00012288-00012446 and npi of the xAnsQtGij30-00058-00012447-00012822 euv imaging spectrometer until last year xAnsQtGij30-00059-00012823-00013094 and she's also a co-pi of the euv imager xAnsQtGij30-00060-00013095-00013230 on the esa solar xAnsQtGij30-00061-00013231-00013607 orbiter mission launched in 2020 that we xAnsQtGij30-00062-00013608-00013775 have the pleasure to know quite well in xAnsQtGij30-00063-00013776-00014007 this in this institute xAnsQtGij30-00064-00014008-00014230 her research work has received a number xAnsQtGij30-00065-00014231-00014430 of awards like the arthur clark award xAnsQtGij30-00066-00014431-00014543 for research xAnsQtGij30-00067-00014544-00014999 the es ris uh chapman medal their res xAnsQtGij30-00068-00015000-00015199 group achievement award for the another xAnsQtGij30-00069-00015200-00015366 esl instrument and an honorary xAnsQtGij30-00070-00015368-00015558 professorship in china xAnsQtGij30-00071-00015559-00015799 she is a member of prestigious xAnsQtGij30-00072-00015800-00015950 committees both at national and xAnsQtGij30-00073-00015951-00016047 international xAnsQtGij30-00074-00016047-00016230 levels and today she will talk about xAnsQtGij30-00075-00016231-00016486 flaring on the sun at all skates xAnsQtGij30-00076-00016487-00016807 we we are very grateful uh luis herrera xAnsQtGij30-00077-00016808-00016958 professor louis harrah for xAnsQtGij30-00078-00016959-00017143 for accepting our invitation to provide xAnsQtGij30-00079-00017144-00017375 us with the with this seminar and that xAnsQtGij30-00080-00017376-00017647 we extend the invitation to uh when the xAnsQtGij30-00081-00017648-00017814 time will allow to to come here in xAnsQtGij30-00082-00017815-00017903 person in xAnsQtGij30-00083-00017904-00018207 granada uh to to take profit of our good xAnsQtGij30-00084-00018208-00018471 weather for instance xAnsQtGij30-00085-00018472-00018775 and and so welcome here xAnsQtGij30-00086-00018776-00019135 and um the the uh discussion will be led xAnsQtGij30-00087-00019136-00019294 at the end of your seminar by xAnsQtGij30-00088-00019295-00019703 by professor jose carlos el toro and xAnsQtGij30-00089-00019704-00019958 so and i i apology i will have to leave xAnsQtGij30-00090-00019959-00020103 before the end of the meeting xAnsQtGij30-00091-00020104-00020367 because i have another one but i insist xAnsQtGij30-00092-00020368-00020414 on xAnsQtGij30-00093-00020415-00020671 extending invitation to come here thank xAnsQtGij30-00094-00020672-00020758 you xAnsQtGij30-00095-00020759-00020950 and thank you for the introduction and xAnsQtGij30-00096-00020951-00021127 the invite and xAnsQtGij30-00097-00021128-00021414 i certainly look forward to visiting um xAnsQtGij30-00098-00021415-00021503 when we can xAnsQtGij30-00099-00021504-00021743 and i'll be trying to show in my xAnsQtGij30-00100-00021744-00021903 presentation at different xAnsQtGij30-00101-00021904-00022175 aspects of what can be observed with xAnsQtGij30-00102-00022176-00022294 soul over there and xAnsQtGij30-00103-00022295-00022567 hopefully it will be obvious how closely xAnsQtGij30-00104-00022568-00022607 we can xAnsQtGij30-00105-00022608-00022911 connect um our sciences of the different xAnsQtGij30-00106-00022912-00023183 our institutes so i'll be concentrating xAnsQtGij30-00107-00023184-00023214 on xAnsQtGij30-00108-00023215-00023494 flaring on the sun and flaring at all xAnsQtGij30-00109-00023495-00023583 scales xAnsQtGij30-00110-00023584-00023855 so from the very small scales to the xAnsQtGij30-00111-00023856-00023950 large xAnsQtGij30-00112-00023951-00024383 events that can have an impact on us xAnsQtGij30-00113-00024384-00024727 so in this movie that hopefully you can xAnsQtGij30-00114-00024728-00024822 see xAnsQtGij30-00115-00024823-00025103 i think jose carla said it was a bit um xAnsQtGij30-00116-00025104-00025263 slow but hopefully xAnsQtGij30-00117-00025264-00025558 you can see that this is a movie an xAnsQtGij30-00118-00025559-00025774 extreme ultraviolet of the sun xAnsQtGij30-00119-00025775-00026118 and that um it's very dynamic xAnsQtGij30-00120-00026119-00026343 when you look in extreme ultraviolet you xAnsQtGij30-00121-00026344-00026574 can see a lot of activity occurring xAnsQtGij30-00122-00026575-00026758 and this is the kind of thing that we're xAnsQtGij30-00123-00026760-00026935 interested in understanding xAnsQtGij30-00124-00026936-00027095 so you can see uh there's a filament xAnsQtGij30-00125-00027095-00027295 eruption here you can see this active xAnsQtGij30-00126-00027295-00027535 region that's um very dynamic xAnsQtGij30-00127-00027536-00027846 and this is a our sun is a xAnsQtGij30-00128-00027847-00028118 simple middle-aged star but you can see xAnsQtGij30-00129-00028119-00028262 how active it is xAnsQtGij30-00130-00028263-00028423 and it's important for us to understand xAnsQtGij30-00131-00028424-00028639 that activity because it applies to xAnsQtGij30-00132-00028639-00028814 other stars and other xAnsQtGij30-00133-00028816-00029262 exoplanetary systems xAnsQtGij30-00134-00029263-00029462 and just to put the size skills and xAnsQtGij30-00135-00029463-00029567 context xAnsQtGij30-00136-00029568-00029918 there's a an image to scale of the earth xAnsQtGij30-00137-00029919-00030127 so again to remember the size scales xAnsQtGij30-00138-00030127-00030262 when we're talking towards the end of xAnsQtGij30-00139-00030263-00030358 the talk xAnsQtGij30-00140-00030360-00030551 of the impact that the sun can have on xAnsQtGij30-00141-00030552-00030735 us xAnsQtGij30-00142-00030736-00030935 so the outline of the talk is i will xAnsQtGij30-00143-00030936-00031151 describe salupator which i know you're xAnsQtGij30-00144-00031152-00031335 very familiar with but i'll xAnsQtGij30-00145-00031336-00031590 talk a little more um maybe about the xAnsQtGij30-00146-00031591-00031758 instruments that we are involved in to xAnsQtGij30-00147-00031760-00031951 give you a different slant xAnsQtGij30-00148-00031952-00032174 and then i'll be talking about flaring xAnsQtGij30-00149-00032175-00032446 at all scales so from the small scales xAnsQtGij30-00150-00032447-00032646 that can contribute to the solar winds xAnsQtGij30-00151-00032647-00032871 that happens all the time so as we're xAnsQtGij30-00152-00032872-00032967 sitting here xAnsQtGij30-00153-00032968-00033311 the solar wind is flowing past us xAnsQtGij30-00154-00033312-00033527 and to the large scales that are related xAnsQtGij30-00155-00033528-00033662 to the significant xAnsQtGij30-00156-00033663-00033983 space weather events xAnsQtGij30-00157-00033984-00034190 so an important thing to keep in mind xAnsQtGij30-00158-00034191-00034351 which xAnsQtGij30-00159-00034352-00034543 i'm sure you all know is that the sun is xAnsQtGij30-00160-00034544-00034671 a magnetic star xAnsQtGij30-00161-00034672-00034967 and that's an important factor in us xAnsQtGij30-00162-00034968-00035055 understanding xAnsQtGij30-00163-00035056-00035302 and where the solar wind comes from so xAnsQtGij30-00164-00035303-00035462 you can see in this image where the xAnsQtGij30-00165-00035463-00035702 magnetic fields are shown by these white xAnsQtGij30-00166-00035703-00035815 lines xAnsQtGij30-00167-00035816-00036127 and this is produced using xAnsQtGij30-00168-00036128-00036502 magnetic field data from the photosphere xAnsQtGij30-00169-00036503-00036711 and you can see here that there are xAnsQtGij30-00170-00036712-00036839 closed field lines xAnsQtGij30-00171-00036840-00037007 you can see especially around this xAnsQtGij30-00172-00037008-00037183 bright region and xAnsQtGij30-00173-00037184-00037343 that's where the plasma is trapped xAnsQtGij30-00174-00037344-00037495 within the field lines xAnsQtGij30-00175-00037496-00037662 and then you can see regions that are xAnsQtGij30-00176-00037663-00037895 dark where you've got open field lines xAnsQtGij30-00177-00037896-00038174 so in these regions here um the plasma xAnsQtGij30-00178-00038175-00038335 is free to escape xAnsQtGij30-00179-00038336-00038502 and particularly in the polar regions xAnsQtGij30-00180-00038503-00038711 here that's where you'll see the fasts xAnsQtGij30-00181-00038712-00038999 of the wind xAnsQtGij30-00182-00039000-00039239 so solo buddha hopefully you're you're xAnsQtGij30-00183-00039240-00039399 all familiar with it xAnsQtGij30-00184-00039400-00039543 and the excitement that's been happening xAnsQtGij30-00185-00039544-00039799 this year the science skills of it xAnsQtGij30-00186-00039800-00040127 are what drives the solar wind and where xAnsQtGij30-00187-00040128-00040262 does the coronal magnetic field xAnsQtGij30-00188-00040263-00040446 originate from xAnsQtGij30-00189-00040447-00040702 hydrosolar transients drive heliospheric xAnsQtGij30-00190-00040703-00040879 variability xAnsQtGij30-00191-00040880-00041079 how do solar eruptions produce energetic xAnsQtGij30-00192-00041080-00041239 particle radiation that fills the xAnsQtGij30-00193-00041240-00041358 heliosphere xAnsQtGij30-00194-00041359-00041727 and how does a solar dynamo work xAnsQtGij30-00195-00041728-00041902 so these are the the fundamental xAnsQtGij30-00196-00041903-00042079 questions and xAnsQtGij30-00197-00042080-00042318 the overarching question is how does the xAnsQtGij30-00198-00042319-00042407 sun xAnsQtGij30-00199-00042408-00042718 drive activity in the heliosphere so all xAnsQtGij30-00200-00042719-00042790 of these xAnsQtGij30-00201-00042791-00043039 activities that are mentioned the solar xAnsQtGij30-00202-00043040-00043255 wind solar transients solar energetic xAnsQtGij30-00203-00043256-00043399 particle events xAnsQtGij30-00204-00043400-00043655 those are all things that we care about xAnsQtGij30-00205-00043656-00043743 because xAnsQtGij30-00206-00043744-00043974 they impact us here on earth and of xAnsQtGij30-00207-00043975-00044207 course the launch was in february 2020 xAnsQtGij30-00208-00044208-00044302 which was xAnsQtGij30-00209-00044303-00044535 the last physical meeting i think i was xAnsQtGij30-00210-00044536-00044615 at xAnsQtGij30-00211-00044616-00044911 or i did see some of the people at your xAnsQtGij30-00212-00044912-00044999 institute which xAnsQtGij30-00213-00045000-00045399 was very very nice so xAnsQtGij30-00214-00045400-00045783 this is a a schematic of the spacecraft xAnsQtGij30-00215-00045784-00046087 and our institute here was involved in xAnsQtGij30-00216-00046088-00046439 two instruments the euv imagers and xAnsQtGij30-00217-00046440-00046599 the spice instrument which is a xAnsQtGij30-00218-00046600-00046743 spectrometer xAnsQtGij30-00219-00046744-00046990 i'll be talking quite a bit about um xAnsQtGij30-00220-00046991-00047246 spectroscopic data of the corona xAnsQtGij30-00221-00047247-00047455 as opposed to spectroscopic data in the xAnsQtGij30-00222-00047456-00047599 photosphere that xAnsQtGij30-00223-00047600-00047902 you may be more familiar with um xAnsQtGij30-00224-00047903-00048295 so i'll concentrate in this aspect xAnsQtGij30-00225-00048296-00048615 so the spacecraft um gained as you're xAnsQtGij30-00226-00048616-00048858 aware as closest encounter will be xAnsQtGij30-00227-00048859-00049143 0.28 au xAnsQtGij30-00228-00049144-00049439 which is the closest any telescope has xAnsQtGij30-00229-00049440-00049502 been xAnsQtGij30-00230-00049503-00049815 to point at the sun and it has a heat xAnsQtGij30-00231-00049816-00050062 shield to protect it because of this xAnsQtGij30-00232-00050063-00050399 and that heat shield will reach 500 xAnsQtGij30-00233-00050400-00050567 degrees at the front at its closest xAnsQtGij30-00234-00050568-00050718 point xAnsQtGij30-00235-00050719-00051095 and one of the very interesting aspects xAnsQtGij30-00236-00051096-00051183 of this orbit xAnsQtGij30-00237-00051184-00051382 is the orbit protects us right out of xAnsQtGij30-00238-00051383-00051511 the ecliptic xAnsQtGij30-00239-00051512-00051807 to peer right down at the poles and we xAnsQtGij30-00240-00051808-00051879 have never xAnsQtGij30-00241-00051879-00052079 observed images of the poles before so xAnsQtGij30-00242-00052079-00052287 this this stage of the mission xAnsQtGij30-00243-00052288-00052511 is will be a very exciting one and that xAnsQtGij30-00244-00052512-00052623 happens towards the xAnsQtGij30-00245-00052624-00052894 end of the mission lifetime so if xAnsQtGij30-00246-00052895-00053007 there's any xAnsQtGij30-00247-00053008-00053182 students there who are just starting xAnsQtGij30-00248-00053183-00053359 their undergraduate xAnsQtGij30-00249-00053360-00053582 that time skill for you to do phd is xAnsQtGij30-00250-00053583-00053782 just about perfect to have the first few xAnsQtGij30-00251-00053783-00053894 of the polls xAnsQtGij30-00252-00053895-00054063 it will definitely be an exciting time xAnsQtGij30-00253-00054064-00054335 for us xAnsQtGij30-00254-00054336-00054591 so to summarize the remote sensing xAnsQtGij30-00255-00054591-00054838 instrumentation that we have xAnsQtGij30-00256-00054839-00055119 so this is one of our instruments here xAnsQtGij30-00257-00055120-00055199 the ev xAnsQtGij30-00258-00055200-00055430 images and it consists of three xAnsQtGij30-00259-00055432-00055559 telescopes xAnsQtGij30-00260-00055560-00055894 um it's the full sun imager has two xAnsQtGij30-00261-00055895-00055991 filters in it xAnsQtGij30-00262-00055991-00056294 and then it has a two high resolution xAnsQtGij30-00263-00056295-00056415 images one xAnsQtGij30-00264-00056416-00056775 in the ev in the corona and one in lyman xAnsQtGij30-00265-00056776-00057111 alpha which is roughly chromospheric xAnsQtGij30-00266-00057112-00057238 and then another instrument from xAnsQtGij30-00267-00057239-00057415 switzerland is stixx xAnsQtGij30-00268-00057416-00057726 which is measuring high energy so it's xAnsQtGij30-00269-00057727-00057935 measuring the high energy output of xAnsQtGij30-00270-00057936-00058175 flares looking at both the thermal and xAnsQtGij30-00271-00058176-00058342 non-thermal emission xAnsQtGij30-00272-00058344-00058535 and in the past few days sticks was xAnsQtGij30-00273-00058536-00058679 switched back on again xAnsQtGij30-00274-00058679-00058847 and there is an active region that has xAnsQtGij30-00275-00058848-00059063 produced quite a number of flares xAnsQtGij30-00276-00059064-00059375 which is quite exciting to get that xAnsQtGij30-00277-00059376-00059679 spice is a spectrometer and xAnsQtGij30-00278-00059679-00060007 it will produce a spectra xAnsQtGij30-00279-00060008-00060326 at each pixel in an image and we do have xAnsQtGij30-00280-00060327-00060487 one of the active region xAnsQtGij30-00281-00060488-00060719 that is on the disk currently and that xAnsQtGij30-00282-00060720-00060911 was taken a couple of days ago xAnsQtGij30-00283-00060912-00061063 so we haven't started to look at that xAnsQtGij30-00284-00061064-00061230 data yet xAnsQtGij30-00285-00061232-00061566 then there's a chronograph um here which xAnsQtGij30-00286-00061567-00061726 blocks out the disk of the sun so you xAnsQtGij30-00287-00061727-00061903 can see the coronal emission xAnsQtGij30-00288-00061904-00062119 move away we have the heliospheric xAnsQtGij30-00289-00062120-00062215 imager xAnsQtGij30-00290-00062216-00062591 which is looking away from the sun line xAnsQtGij30-00291-00062591-00062775 so they can see things moving through xAnsQtGij30-00292-00062776-00062935 the heliosphere xAnsQtGij30-00293-00062936-00063335 and then these data sets are from xAnsQtGij30-00294-00063336-00063511 your instrument and granada the fee xAnsQtGij30-00295-00063512-00063711 instrument and you can see the different xAnsQtGij30-00296-00063712-00063847 range of measurements that can xAnsQtGij30-00297-00063848-00064054 can be made both high resolution and xAnsQtGij30-00298-00064055-00064182 full disk xAnsQtGij30-00299-00064183-00064494 so it's a huge array of information so xAnsQtGij30-00300-00064495-00064679 we've got images and spectra xAnsQtGij30-00301-00064679-00064911 right from the visible range to the xAnsQtGij30-00302-00064912-00065054 x-ray range xAnsQtGij30-00303-00065055-00065287 right from the surface of the sun away xAnsQtGij30-00304-00065288-00065430 into the heliosphere xAnsQtGij30-00305-00065432-00065703 and we're measuring all these plasma xAnsQtGij30-00306-00065704-00065903 parameters so the velocity xAnsQtGij30-00307-00065904-00066103 the density the temperature magnetic xAnsQtGij30-00308-00066104-00066375 field and the chemical composition xAnsQtGij30-00309-00066376-00066582 and these are all very key parameters to xAnsQtGij30-00310-00066583-00066759 measure in order to xAnsQtGij30-00311-00066760-00067031 link into what is in the solar winds so xAnsQtGij30-00312-00067032-00067247 what is flowing past the spacecraft xAnsQtGij30-00313-00067248-00067463 what is flowing past the earth we need xAnsQtGij30-00314-00067464-00067894 to understand these to make that link xAnsQtGij30-00315-00067895-00068223 so for the full sun imagers this is um xAnsQtGij30-00316-00068224-00068543 an indication of what we will see so xAnsQtGij30-00317-00068544-00068855 we'll have an imager when we're at um xAnsQtGij30-00318-00068856-00068999 point to it a u xAnsQtGij30-00319-00069000-00069199 which will have this field of view so xAnsQtGij30-00320-00069200-00069406 you'll see these large scale coronal xAnsQtGij30-00321-00069407-00069543 structures xAnsQtGij30-00322-00069544-00069694 and then we'll have the high resolution xAnsQtGij30-00323-00069695-00069999 imager which zooms in xAnsQtGij30-00324-00070000-00070143 and we don't know what we'll see yet xAnsQtGij30-00325-00070144-00070279 because we've never seen those xAnsQtGij30-00326-00070280-00070391 resolutions xAnsQtGij30-00327-00070392-00070719 yet and then when we get out of the xAnsQtGij30-00328-00070720-00070791 ecliptic xAnsQtGij30-00329-00070792-00070950 and look down at the poles this is a xAnsQtGij30-00330-00070951-00071119 simulation of what we'll see here xAnsQtGij30-00331-00071120-00071311 so we'll have a fantastic view of the xAnsQtGij30-00332-00071312-00071479 polar region xAnsQtGij30-00333-00071480-00071743 where you have um open field lines and xAnsQtGij30-00334-00071744-00071935 coronal holes where the fast solar wind xAnsQtGij30-00335-00071936-00072094 is coming on xAnsQtGij30-00336-00072095-00072447 and we have no idea what's there xAnsQtGij30-00337-00072448-00072623 so the current data that we have this xAnsQtGij30-00338-00072624-00072799 was the first image that we took on the xAnsQtGij30-00339-00072800-00072959 12th of may this year xAnsQtGij30-00340-00072960-00073126 this is when we were close to the earth xAnsQtGij30-00341-00073127-00073415 so this is not our highest resolution xAnsQtGij30-00342-00073416-00073567 but it was the first image we got when xAnsQtGij30-00343-00073568-00073726 we opened the door so it's a very xAnsQtGij30-00344-00073727-00073950 special one to the team xAnsQtGij30-00345-00073951-00074262 um and this is a xAnsQtGij30-00346-00074263-00074599 movie of the high resolution imager here xAnsQtGij30-00347-00074600-00074711 so you can see xAnsQtGij30-00348-00074712-00075071 um details of the quiet sun xAnsQtGij30-00349-00075072-00075271 and if you zoom in a feature such as xAnsQtGij30-00350-00075272-00075415 this xAnsQtGij30-00351-00075416-00075671 so this is being labeled campfires in xAnsQtGij30-00352-00075672-00075823 the press release xAnsQtGij30-00353-00075824-00076135 so they're small energetic events xAnsQtGij30-00354-00076136-00076382 that are not seen in current xAnsQtGij30-00355-00076383-00076606 instrumentation xAnsQtGij30-00356-00076607-00076726 so this is something that we're xAnsQtGij30-00357-00076727-00076926 currently working on to understand the xAnsQtGij30-00358-00076927-00077159 calibration and will be presented at a xAnsQtGij30-00359-00077160-00077343 conference next month xAnsQtGij30-00360-00077344-00077535 so if you're you're going to the agu xAnsQtGij30-00361-00077536-00077823 you'll get to hear more about these xAnsQtGij30-00362-00077824-00078135 and coast bar as well xAnsQtGij30-00363-00078136-00078415 so if we go on to the science questions xAnsQtGij30-00364-00078416-00078591 one of the first ones is what drives the xAnsQtGij30-00365-00078592-00078719 solar wind xAnsQtGij30-00366-00078720-00078943 and we'll start with um one type of the xAnsQtGij30-00367-00078944-00079223 solar wind which is a slow solar wind xAnsQtGij30-00368-00079224-00079526 um and the slow solar wind is is more xAnsQtGij30-00369-00079527-00079711 complex than the fast one i've referred xAnsQtGij30-00370-00079712-00079838 to which comes from the xAnsQtGij30-00371-00079839-00080119 coronal holes the so solar wind has xAnsQtGij30-00372-00080120-00080294 multiple sources xAnsQtGij30-00373-00080295-00080606 um we're not really sure exactly what xAnsQtGij30-00374-00080607-00080903 creates it it's very complex xAnsQtGij30-00375-00080904-00081238 active regions are one source and you xAnsQtGij30-00376-00081239-00081415 can see in this movie here one of the xAnsQtGij30-00377-00081416-00081599 results from the hanoi xAnsQtGij30-00378-00081600-00081903 um mission that isabelle mentioned xAnsQtGij30-00379-00081904-00082103 is that we can see at the edges of xAnsQtGij30-00380-00082104-00082262 active regions so this is an active xAnsQtGij30-00381-00082263-00082311 region xAnsQtGij30-00382-00082312-00082638 in um observed in x-rays xAnsQtGij30-00383-00082639-00082855 and at the edge you can see this xAnsQtGij30-00384-00082856-00083055 spurting jetting xAnsQtGij30-00385-00083056-00083199 material at the edge of the active xAnsQtGij30-00386-00083200-00083423 region and this is xAnsQtGij30-00387-00083424-00083623 one potential source of the slow solar xAnsQtGij30-00388-00083624-00083831 winds xAnsQtGij30-00389-00083832-00084062 and this is what this solar wind data xAnsQtGij30-00390-00084063-00084231 looks like in situ so xAnsQtGij30-00391-00084232-00084479 you can see how much it varies because xAnsQtGij30-00392-00084480-00084559 this is xAnsQtGij30-00393-00084560-00084806 corona hall data here and this is a slow xAnsQtGij30-00394-00084807-00084975 solar wind here with these xAnsQtGij30-00395-00084976-00085335 unusual bumps and changes and xAnsQtGij30-00396-00085336-00085550 we're measuring on the disk and then we xAnsQtGij30-00397-00085551-00085655 have to wait xAnsQtGij30-00398-00085656-00085855 until the wind travels one astronomical xAnsQtGij30-00399-00085856-00086047 unit before it's measured xAnsQtGij30-00400-00086048-00086247 so it's always been extremely difficult xAnsQtGij30-00401-00086248-00086391 to connect up xAnsQtGij30-00402-00086392-00086623 what the solar wind is is doing because xAnsQtGij30-00403-00086624-00086911 of that distance xAnsQtGij30-00404-00086912-00087087 and if we look at the fast solar wind if xAnsQtGij30-00405-00087088-00087279 we look at up the polar data that we can xAnsQtGij30-00406-00087280-00087399 currently see xAnsQtGij30-00407-00087400-00087718 this is also x-ray from hanode um worked xAnsQtGij30-00408-00087719-00087903 by jonathan certain xAnsQtGij30-00409-00087904-00088215 and the poles here um the polar coronal xAnsQtGij30-00410-00088216-00088406 hole is not empty xAnsQtGij30-00411-00088407-00088599 it has these small features in it that xAnsQtGij30-00412-00088600-00088862 jet and they jet regularly xAnsQtGij30-00413-00088863-00089062 so if you pick any region here and stare xAnsQtGij30-00414-00089063-00089167 at it you'll see xAnsQtGij30-00415-00089168-00089535 jets in it eventually what we do know xAnsQtGij30-00416-00089536-00089838 is that if you look xAnsQtGij30-00417-00089839-00090015 at the solar winds so this is at the xAnsQtGij30-00418-00090016-00090255 speed of the solar wind xAnsQtGij30-00419-00090256-00090479 and this was measured at 2.4 xAnsQtGij30-00420-00090480-00090662 astronomical units by the unisex xAnsQtGij30-00421-00090663-00090767 missions xAnsQtGij30-00422-00090768-00091079 it's very flat really it looks like the xAnsQtGij30-00423-00091080-00091175 sun is xAnsQtGij30-00424-00091176-00091415 having a little snooze if you look at xAnsQtGij30-00425-00091416-00091575 one astronomical xAnsQtGij30-00426-00091576-00091703 unit which is where most of our xAnsQtGij30-00427-00091704-00091935 measurements are taken um xAnsQtGij30-00428-00091936-00092287 it fluctuates more and and then xAnsQtGij30-00429-00092288-00092503 this measurement was taken in the 1980s xAnsQtGij30-00430-00092504-00092623 by the helios mission xAnsQtGij30-00431-00092624-00093006 which which reached 0.3 iu but was blind xAnsQtGij30-00432-00093007-00093191 it couldn't see where the sources were xAnsQtGij30-00433-00093192-00093374 and you can see how much it fluctuates xAnsQtGij30-00434-00093375-00093550 by so xAnsQtGij30-00435-00093551-00093759 by the time you get in close to the sun xAnsQtGij30-00436-00093760-00093967 it's much more dynamic xAnsQtGij30-00437-00093968-00094271 so are these dynamic events here xAnsQtGij30-00438-00094272-00094447 measured in the speed in the solar wind xAnsQtGij30-00439-00094448-00094606 are they related to these jet type xAnsQtGij30-00440-00094607-00094718 features xAnsQtGij30-00441-00094719-00094974 that are so small these are are tiny in xAnsQtGij30-00442-00094975-00095167 the sun xAnsQtGij30-00443-00095168-00095494 so this is something we want to explore xAnsQtGij30-00444-00095495-00095671 and then this is the solar wind as it's xAnsQtGij30-00445-00095672-00095815 moving from the sun is xAnsQtGij30-00446-00095816-00096071 over here on the right-hand side and you xAnsQtGij30-00447-00096072-00096150 can see xAnsQtGij30-00448-00096151-00096399 um all the material that's moving xAnsQtGij30-00449-00096400-00096471 through xAnsQtGij30-00450-00096472-00096679 the heliosphere here his venus and xAnsQtGij30-00451-00096680-00096911 here's the earth xAnsQtGij30-00452-00096912-00097182 so on every day we have this flow of xAnsQtGij30-00453-00097183-00097406 solar wind going past us xAnsQtGij30-00454-00097407-00097631 you can see these density fluctuations xAnsQtGij30-00455-00097632-00097735 in it you can see xAnsQtGij30-00456-00097736-00098079 um variations in it that xAnsQtGij30-00457-00098080-00098359 um have an impact on us and and very xAnsQtGij30-00458-00098360-00098471 high our xAnsQtGij30-00459-00098472-00098799 magnetic field on the earth reacts to it xAnsQtGij30-00460-00098800-00099303 so it is important to understand it xAnsQtGij30-00461-00099304-00099535 so this is the sun and a quiet day solar xAnsQtGij30-00462-00099536-00099718 wind and a quiet day xAnsQtGij30-00463-00099719-00099967 so you can see there's this constant xAnsQtGij30-00464-00099968-00100111 streaming material xAnsQtGij30-00465-00100112-00100438 leaving the sun and then on xAnsQtGij30-00466-00100439-00100782 a dynamic days this is xAnsQtGij30-00467-00100783-00101071 the very famous halloween storms back in xAnsQtGij30-00468-00101072-00101294 2003 xAnsQtGij30-00469-00101295-00101599 so you can see how dynamic it is and you xAnsQtGij30-00470-00101600-00101806 can also see xAnsQtGij30-00471-00101807-00102079 the snow effect on it during particular xAnsQtGij30-00472-00102080-00102159 storms and xAnsQtGij30-00473-00102160-00102391 those are energetic particles that are xAnsQtGij30-00474-00102392-00102742 reaching the detectors very very quickly xAnsQtGij30-00475-00102743-00102910 and this is one of the goals of the xAnsQtGij30-00476-00102911-00103142 solar orbiter mission is to understand xAnsQtGij30-00477-00103143-00103463 what creates those and how they are xAnsQtGij30-00478-00103464-00103615 transported xAnsQtGij30-00479-00103616-00103751 through the solar system how they're xAnsQtGij30-00480-00103752-00104190 accelerated xAnsQtGij30-00481-00104191-00104390 so how can we understand when the sun is xAnsQtGij30-00482-00104391-00104494 so far away xAnsQtGij30-00483-00104495-00104734 we've got one astronomical unit between xAnsQtGij30-00484-00104735-00104878 us and xAnsQtGij30-00485-00104879-00105134 the sun so what has happened over the xAnsQtGij30-00486-00105135-00105239 past decades xAnsQtGij30-00487-00105240-00105502 is two missions have been worked on to xAnsQtGij30-00488-00105503-00105702 try and get close to the sun xAnsQtGij30-00489-00105703-00105919 one is the parker solar probe mission a xAnsQtGij30-00490-00105920-00106039 nasa mission xAnsQtGij30-00491-00106040-00106343 and that gets very close to the sun and xAnsQtGij30-00492-00106344-00106463 it concentrates xAnsQtGij30-00493-00106464-00106799 on the in-situ measurements so magnetic xAnsQtGij30-00494-00106800-00106999 fields radio data xAnsQtGij30-00495-00107000-00107231 and so on i can't see what it's looking xAnsQtGij30-00496-00107232-00107302 at xAnsQtGij30-00497-00107303-00107527 i can't see what the sources are and xAnsQtGij30-00498-00107528-00107663 then we have solubility xAnsQtGij30-00499-00107664-00107910 which combines both the telescopes and xAnsQtGij30-00500-00107911-00108054 the in-situ measurements xAnsQtGij30-00501-00108055-00108358 that sits a bit further away so to xAnsQtGij30-00502-00108359-00108502 understand that these two missions have xAnsQtGij30-00503-00108503-00108783 been developed xAnsQtGij30-00504-00108783-00108975 and these are some first results from xAnsQtGij30-00505-00108976-00109239 the parker solar probe mission xAnsQtGij30-00506-00109240-00109623 and uh during the first encounter it had xAnsQtGij30-00507-00109624-00109910 it was launched in 2018 and during its xAnsQtGij30-00508-00109911-00110110 first encounter it was noticed that you xAnsQtGij30-00509-00110111-00110231 got these um xAnsQtGij30-00510-00110232-00110454 what are called switchbacks so you can xAnsQtGij30-00511-00110455-00110631 see in this movie that the magnetic xAnsQtGij30-00512-00110632-00110766 field just doesn't xAnsQtGij30-00513-00110767-00110958 go outwards in a more or less straight xAnsQtGij30-00514-00110959-00111183 line it's dynamical there's these xAnsQtGij30-00515-00111183-00111351 switchbacks where the magnetic field xAnsQtGij30-00516-00111352-00111463 turns back on itself xAnsQtGij30-00517-00111464-00111783 and goes forward and you can see this in xAnsQtGij30-00518-00111783-00111927 the data xAnsQtGij30-00519-00111928-00112215 the magnetic field data here you can see xAnsQtGij30-00520-00112216-00112358 how it varies xAnsQtGij30-00521-00112359-00112671 like this and you've got xAnsQtGij30-00522-00112672-00112847 compressions as well going along with xAnsQtGij30-00523-00112848-00113071 that which is consistent with these xAnsQtGij30-00524-00113072-00113199 switchbacks xAnsQtGij30-00525-00113200-00113510 so um this is one thing that people are xAnsQtGij30-00526-00113511-00113663 looking at to try and understand xAnsQtGij30-00527-00113664-00113895 this is happening close into the sun and xAnsQtGij30-00528-00113896-00114071 may help us understand the source of xAnsQtGij30-00529-00114072-00114319 what's ending up on the solar winds xAnsQtGij30-00530-00114320-00114607 so this is work um led by stewart beale xAnsQtGij30-00531-00114608-00114743 and justin casper xAnsQtGij30-00532-00114744-00114990 both published in nature last year xAnsQtGij30-00533-00114991-00115239 really interesting work xAnsQtGij30-00534-00115240-00115631 um and we've been working with um xAnsQtGij30-00535-00115632-00115839 the genode mission and parker solar xAnsQtGij30-00536-00115840-00115951 probe xAnsQtGij30-00537-00115952-00116231 on parker's first two encounters so the xAnsQtGij30-00538-00116232-00116415 first encounter was xAnsQtGij30-00539-00116416-00116727 in november 2018 and xAnsQtGij30-00540-00116728-00116990 this is this one and during this time xAnsQtGij30-00541-00116991-00117054 the sun xAnsQtGij30-00542-00117055-00117423 was quiet as in dead quiet xAnsQtGij30-00543-00117424-00117607 there was a coronal hole no active xAnsQtGij30-00544-00117608-00117823 regions nothing on it xAnsQtGij30-00545-00117824-00118063 the next encounter there were two active xAnsQtGij30-00546-00118064-00118183 regions during this xAnsQtGij30-00547-00118183-00118583 in april 2019 so this data is showing xAnsQtGij30-00548-00118583-00118631 you xAnsQtGij30-00549-00118632-00118951 um evidence of type 3 bursts or showing xAnsQtGij30-00550-00118952-00119166 you measurements of type 3 bursts xAnsQtGij30-00551-00119167-00119439 so in encounter one you can see that xAnsQtGij30-00552-00119440-00119495 there are xAnsQtGij30-00553-00119496-00119831 little peaks here so even when the sun xAnsQtGij30-00554-00119832-00119854 is xAnsQtGij30-00555-00119855-00120151 is dead dead dead there were still type xAnsQtGij30-00556-00120152-00120310 3 bursts coming from it xAnsQtGij30-00557-00120311-00120599 which is very interesting in encounter xAnsQtGij30-00558-00120600-00120678 two xAnsQtGij30-00559-00120679-00120975 you can see even more type three bursts xAnsQtGij30-00560-00120976-00121183 so the type three bursts are indicating xAnsQtGij30-00561-00121183-00121527 um electrons sap solar energetic xAnsQtGij30-00562-00121528-00121631 particles xAnsQtGij30-00563-00121632-00121839 flowing out from the sun so it's xAnsQtGij30-00564-00121840-00121951 something that we really want to xAnsQtGij30-00565-00121952-00122183 understand xAnsQtGij30-00566-00122183-00122358 now these measurements that are made xAnsQtGij30-00567-00122359-00122639 here by one iu we wouldn't see these xAnsQtGij30-00568-00122640-00122886 we don't know that those are happening xAnsQtGij30-00569-00122888-00123078 from us sitting here earth we had to get xAnsQtGij30-00570-00123079-00123510 in close to see these xAnsQtGij30-00571-00123511-00123751 so this is an array of data you don't xAnsQtGij30-00572-00123752-00123958 need to try and understand it all xAnsQtGij30-00573-00123959-00124247 but there are some key measurements that xAnsQtGij30-00574-00124248-00124295 um xAnsQtGij30-00575-00124296-00124510 we looked at during counter two so this xAnsQtGij30-00576-00124511-00124647 is when we had xAnsQtGij30-00577-00124648-00124958 two active regions um the first of which xAnsQtGij30-00578-00124959-00125231 was during this period that we looked at xAnsQtGij30-00579-00125232-00125527 and you can see this is the x-ray-like xAnsQtGij30-00580-00125528-00125575 curve xAnsQtGij30-00581-00125576-00125766 and there are no fluctuations there are xAnsQtGij30-00582-00125767-00125951 no flares at all xAnsQtGij30-00583-00125952-00126151 so flaring is not the source of those xAnsQtGij30-00584-00126152-00126286 type 3 xAnsQtGij30-00585-00126288-00126734 bursts the uv emission here measured xAnsQtGij30-00586-00126735-00126847 from xAnsQtGij30-00587-00126848-00127199 sdo in the corona slowly gradually xAnsQtGij30-00588-00127200-00127302 increases xAnsQtGij30-00589-00127303-00127551 during this time when you see all these xAnsQtGij30-00590-00127552-00127775 types reverse xAnsQtGij30-00591-00127776-00127927 and then you can use the frequency of xAnsQtGij30-00592-00127928-00128127 these type three bursts to measure the xAnsQtGij30-00593-00128128-00128454 um source height so during this time xAnsQtGij30-00594-00128455-00128647 the source height gradually increased xAnsQtGij30-00595-00128648-00128927 which is consistent with xAnsQtGij30-00596-00128928-00129158 a source that is increasing in altitude xAnsQtGij30-00597-00129159-00129478 or decreasing in density xAnsQtGij30-00598-00129479-00129702 so this is the period that we started to xAnsQtGij30-00599-00129703-00129814 look at xAnsQtGij30-00600-00129815-00130007 and we looked at it with the genode ice xAnsQtGij30-00601-00130008-00130207 data to try and see if we could find a xAnsQtGij30-00602-00130208-00130310 source xAnsQtGij30-00603-00130311-00130534 in the active region that could be xAnsQtGij30-00604-00130535-00130758 creating this xAnsQtGij30-00605-00130759-00130990 the other the second active region was xAnsQtGij30-00606-00130991-00131095 flaring and it xAnsQtGij30-00607-00131096-00131295 it behaved in a different way but this xAnsQtGij30-00608-00131296-00131447 first active region xAnsQtGij30-00609-00131448-00131759 had no flares but had all this related xAnsQtGij30-00610-00131760-00132078 to it potentially xAnsQtGij30-00611-00132079-00132390 so this is the active region um and it xAnsQtGij30-00612-00132391-00132511 just emerges xAnsQtGij30-00613-00132512-00132783 and you can see it start to develop um xAnsQtGij30-00614-00132784-00133031 and you can see it increase in size xAnsQtGij30-00615-00133032-00133278 you can see the loops become brighter as xAnsQtGij30-00616-00133279-00133343 you could see xAnsQtGij30-00617-00133344-00133614 in the light curve of the extreme xAnsQtGij30-00618-00133615-00133814 ultraviolet intensity just gradually xAnsQtGij30-00619-00133815-00133943 increased xAnsQtGij30-00620-00133944-00134214 um so this is it's there's nothing xAnsQtGij30-00621-00134215-00134390 special about this active region it's a xAnsQtGij30-00622-00134391-00134519 very simple one xAnsQtGij30-00623-00134520-00134831 magnetically xAnsQtGij30-00624-00134832-00135031 but something in this active region xAnsQtGij30-00625-00135032-00135166 created those xAnsQtGij30-00626-00135167-00135375 um type three bursts the energetic xAnsQtGij30-00627-00135376-00135671 particles xAnsQtGij30-00628-00135672-00136039 so we looked at it in different ways xAnsQtGij30-00629-00136040-00136414 and we had spectroscopic data so xAnsQtGij30-00630-00136415-00136735 um this region shows you where our field xAnsQtGij30-00631-00136736-00136839 of view was xAnsQtGij30-00632-00136840-00137166 and this is where we see xAnsQtGij30-00633-00137167-00137559 blue shifted up flowing plasma here xAnsQtGij30-00634-00137560-00137863 um and we looked at the the minimum of xAnsQtGij30-00635-00137864-00138014 the velocity xAnsQtGij30-00636-00138015-00138223 in in ice in this region and we can see xAnsQtGij30-00637-00138224-00138383 that that fluctuates this is a high xAnsQtGij30-00638-00138384-00138551 cadence study xAnsQtGij30-00639-00138552-00138823 um and then we compare it to the type xAnsQtGij30-00640-00138824-00138911 three xAnsQtGij30-00641-00138912-00139071 emission and you can see how frequent xAnsQtGij30-00642-00139072-00139254 this is this is just one hour's worth of xAnsQtGij30-00643-00139255-00139359 data xAnsQtGij30-00644-00139360-00139511 and this is fluctuating and this is xAnsQtGij30-00645-00139512-00139814 fluctuating xAnsQtGij30-00646-00139815-00140095 so we can see that we have something xAnsQtGij30-00647-00140096-00140311 dynamic going on here even though this xAnsQtGij30-00648-00140312-00140390 active region xAnsQtGij30-00649-00140391-00140599 is not flaring it's not doing very much xAnsQtGij30-00650-00140600-00140711 at all xAnsQtGij30-00651-00140712-00140863 in the region where you've got blue xAnsQtGij30-00652-00140864-00141023 shifted emission xAnsQtGij30-00653-00141024-00141390 there are fluctuations occurring xAnsQtGij30-00654-00141391-00141599 so we concluded then that the most xAnsQtGij30-00655-00141600-00141783 likely sources at the edge of the active xAnsQtGij30-00656-00141784-00141887 region were xAnsQtGij30-00657-00141888-00142087 in the movie earlier you could see the xAnsQtGij30-00658-00142088-00142583 flooring material coming xAnsQtGij30-00659-00142584-00142751 so the magnetic field of the sun is xAnsQtGij30-00660-00142752-00142895 extremely complex xAnsQtGij30-00661-00142896-00143159 and we can look at sources on the disk xAnsQtGij30-00662-00143160-00143335 but then we have to xAnsQtGij30-00663-00143336-00143575 understand if they can actually escape xAnsQtGij30-00664-00143576-00143790 into the solar wind or not xAnsQtGij30-00665-00143791-00143999 and that that is much more complex xAnsQtGij30-00666-00144000-00144183 because if you have overlying magnetic xAnsQtGij30-00667-00144184-00144278 field xAnsQtGij30-00668-00144279-00144454 close magnetic field it could trap xAnsQtGij30-00669-00144455-00144631 something that's trying to xAnsQtGij30-00670-00144632-00144911 to leave the sun so not all upflowing xAnsQtGij30-00671-00144912-00145095 regions will leave the sun xAnsQtGij30-00672-00145096-00145254 so we have to understand the sun as a xAnsQtGij30-00673-00145255-00145526 whole in order to understand what makes xAnsQtGij30-00674-00145527-00145766 into the solar winds and to do that we xAnsQtGij30-00675-00145767-00145926 need to understand the magnetic field xAnsQtGij30-00676-00145927-00146375 extremely well xAnsQtGij30-00677-00146376-00146566 so the other mysterious thing in the xAnsQtGij30-00678-00146567-00146735 fast solar wind xAnsQtGij30-00679-00146736-00147039 is a phenomena called stealth jets so xAnsQtGij30-00680-00147040-00147390 in the movie that um i showed you of the xAnsQtGij30-00681-00147391-00147687 the um polls you could see these very xAnsQtGij30-00682-00147688-00147799 bright chats that xAnsQtGij30-00683-00147800-00148119 are repeatedly going off xAnsQtGij30-00684-00148120-00148463 in addition to those you can also see xAnsQtGij30-00685-00148464-00148759 features in spectroscopic data only that xAnsQtGij30-00686-00148760-00149023 are only seen in the doppler velocity xAnsQtGij30-00687-00149024-00149311 or in the non-thermal velocity the xAnsQtGij30-00688-00149312-00149478 non-plumbing velocity is a measure of xAnsQtGij30-00689-00149479-00149623 the line width xAnsQtGij30-00690-00149624-00149983 of a optically thin line and that's the xAnsQtGij30-00691-00149984-00150063 excess xAnsQtGij30-00692-00150064-00150351 width above the thermal width so you can xAnsQtGij30-00693-00150352-00150535 see an example here xAnsQtGij30-00694-00150536-00150702 if you look in intensity there's hardly xAnsQtGij30-00695-00150703-00150839 anything xAnsQtGij30-00696-00150840-00151014 if you look at non-thermal velocity you xAnsQtGij30-00697-00151015-00151247 can see something very strong here xAnsQtGij30-00698-00151248-00151526 although the intensity is weak so this xAnsQtGij30-00699-00151527-00151614 is um xAnsQtGij30-00700-00151615-00151966 work that um peter young did a paper on xAnsQtGij30-00701-00151967-00152159 and called them stealth jets xAnsQtGij30-00702-00152160-00152487 um and my student conrad spanich xAnsQtGij30-00703-00152488-00152807 is currently doing a study of xAnsQtGij30-00704-00152808-00153095 these features to try and see what is xAnsQtGij30-00705-00153096-00153278 actually creating them xAnsQtGij30-00706-00153279-00153526 but they also could be a factor in xAnsQtGij30-00707-00153527-00153614 what's creating xAnsQtGij30-00708-00153615-00153951 a solar wind xAnsQtGij30-00709-00153952-00154359 and just to remind you again if the eui xAnsQtGij30-00710-00154360-00154590 first press release so all these small xAnsQtGij30-00711-00154591-00154726 features here xAnsQtGij30-00712-00154727-00154911 examples like this in you can see xAnsQtGij30-00713-00154912-00155166 flowing plasma coming upwards xAnsQtGij30-00714-00155167-00155375 and in our first data sets that we xAnsQtGij30-00715-00155376-00155614 started to look at when we explored it xAnsQtGij30-00716-00155615-00155823 it's like five minutes of a high cadence xAnsQtGij30-00717-00155824-00155943 data set xAnsQtGij30-00718-00155944-00156166 and there are hundreds and hundreds of xAnsQtGij30-00719-00156167-00156390 these in a small field of view xAnsQtGij30-00720-00156391-00156631 so these could be contributing again to xAnsQtGij30-00721-00156632-00156719 the solar wind xAnsQtGij30-00722-00156720-00156911 in a way that we still don't understand xAnsQtGij30-00723-00156912-00157054 we still don't understand these little xAnsQtGij30-00724-00157055-00157151 features yet xAnsQtGij30-00725-00157152-00157351 but you can see them wherever i'm trying xAnsQtGij30-00726-00157352-00157519 to move my xAnsQtGij30-00727-00157520-00157702 cursor to point to them but they are xAnsQtGij30-00728-00157703-00157966 quite fast and there's many of them xAnsQtGij30-00729-00157967-00158214 um so this is something that we're xAnsQtGij30-00730-00158215-00158414 definitely exploring xAnsQtGij30-00731-00158415-00158799 which is interesting xAnsQtGij30-00732-00158800-00159095 so one of the big things about steel xAnsQtGij30-00733-00159096-00159151 orbiter xAnsQtGij30-00734-00159152-00159390 is its ability to get out of the xAnsQtGij30-00735-00159391-00159631 ecliptic to look down at the poles xAnsQtGij30-00736-00159632-00159823 and one of the big things that we don't xAnsQtGij30-00737-00159824-00159975 understand is this xAnsQtGij30-00738-00159976-00160343 the sunspot cycle so the sun has a cycle xAnsQtGij30-00739-00160344-00160583 which is roughly 11 years xAnsQtGij30-00740-00160584-00160943 where you have a period where you have xAnsQtGij30-00741-00160944-00161223 a lot of sunspots um called a solar xAnsQtGij30-00742-00161224-00161295 maximum xAnsQtGij30-00743-00161296-00161543 and then they reduce and then you get a xAnsQtGij30-00744-00161544-00161711 silver minimum period xAnsQtGij30-00745-00161712-00161878 which we've just come out of and we're xAnsQtGij30-00746-00161879-00162039 just starting to get active regions of xAnsQtGij30-00747-00162040-00162087 the xAnsQtGij30-00748-00162088-00162375 next cycle come in we don't know why xAnsQtGij30-00749-00162376-00162743 that period is particularly 11 years xAnsQtGij30-00750-00162744-00163014 and we can't predict what the next cycle xAnsQtGij30-00751-00163015-00163190 will do xAnsQtGij30-00752-00163191-00163478 very accurately so the magnitude of the xAnsQtGij30-00753-00163479-00163671 cycle is important to know whether we xAnsQtGij30-00754-00163672-00163726 will be xAnsQtGij30-00755-00163727-00164071 in a period where it's um extreme xAnsQtGij30-00756-00164072-00164151 activity xAnsQtGij30-00757-00164152-00164454 or the reverse that xAnsQtGij30-00758-00164455-00164590 it's a period where it's very low xAnsQtGij30-00759-00164591-00164799 activity and both those xAnsQtGij30-00760-00164800-00165031 extremes can affect the impact on the xAnsQtGij30-00761-00165032-00165119 earth xAnsQtGij30-00762-00165120-00165447 both on the irradiance into the xAnsQtGij30-00763-00165448-00165807 that affects the climate and also on the xAnsQtGij30-00764-00165808-00166175 uh technical um xAnsQtGij30-00765-00166176-00166390 technical issues that we're all reliant xAnsQtGij30-00766-00166391-00166575 on like spacecraft or xAnsQtGij30-00767-00166576-00166775 electricity the our electricity xAnsQtGij30-00768-00166776-00166951 functions and so on xAnsQtGij30-00769-00166952-00167126 so we really want to understand the xAnsQtGij30-00770-00167127-00167302 solar cycle and to be able to predict it xAnsQtGij30-00771-00167303-00167454 in the long term xAnsQtGij30-00772-00167455-00167671 and the big weakness in the models that xAnsQtGij30-00773-00167672-00167871 we have currently is understanding this xAnsQtGij30-00774-00167872-00167966 pole xAnsQtGij30-00775-00167967-00168143 these poles so we don't see them we xAnsQtGij30-00776-00168144-00168431 don't know what's there in detail xAnsQtGij30-00777-00168432-00168654 but we know that the the polar regions xAnsQtGij30-00778-00168655-00168887 the magnetic polarity flips xAnsQtGij30-00779-00168888-00169183 during the cycle and it flips in a very xAnsQtGij30-00780-00169184-00169278 slow way xAnsQtGij30-00781-00169279-00169614 very intriguing way but we won't until xAnsQtGij30-00782-00169615-00169807 we get to see those poles xAnsQtGij30-00783-00169808-00170254 um we won't understand the details xAnsQtGij30-00784-00170255-00170543 and this is a visualization that nasa xAnsQtGij30-00785-00170544-00170663 put together xAnsQtGij30-00786-00170664-00171054 over a solar cycle or so so you can see xAnsQtGij30-00787-00171055-00171431 um how how dynamic it is and how complex xAnsQtGij30-00788-00171432-00171543 it is xAnsQtGij30-00789-00171544-00171726 and maybe you'll understand why we don't xAnsQtGij30-00790-00171727-00171878 understand it yet because we're missing xAnsQtGij30-00791-00171879-00171990 the key bits at the xAnsQtGij30-00792-00171991-00172295 polar regions xAnsQtGij30-00793-00172296-00172487 so it is something quite magical about xAnsQtGij30-00794-00172488-00172663 it xAnsQtGij30-00795-00172664-00172999 but this is going over um a solar cycle xAnsQtGij30-00796-00173000-00173063 so we went xAnsQtGij30-00797-00173064-00173302 past minimum period started just past xAnsQtGij30-00798-00173303-00173407 minimum xAnsQtGij30-00799-00173408-00173711 and you can see how it changes um xAnsQtGij30-00800-00173712-00174238 with time over around a 10-year period xAnsQtGij30-00801-00174239-00174519 so then we'll move on to solar flares xAnsQtGij30-00802-00174520-00174551 and xAnsQtGij30-00803-00174552-00174727 coronal mass ejections um xAnsQtGij30-00804-00174728-00174895 [Music] xAnsQtGij30-00805-00174896-00175207 so a solar flare is basically a emission xAnsQtGij30-00806-00175208-00175351 right across the electromagnetic xAnsQtGij30-00807-00175352-00175566 spectrum xAnsQtGij30-00808-00175567-00175847 and that happens over tens of minutes so xAnsQtGij30-00809-00175848-00175943 it's a short xAnsQtGij30-00810-00175944-00176302 fast energy release burst across xAnsQtGij30-00811-00176303-00176559 the electromagnetic spectrum coronal xAnsQtGij30-00812-00176560-00176854 mass ejections on the other hand xAnsQtGij30-00813-00176855-00177166 are releases of plasma and magnetic xAnsQtGij30-00814-00177167-00177214 field xAnsQtGij30-00815-00177215-00177487 into the heliosphere so this is a xAnsQtGij30-00816-00177488-00177654 coronal mass ejection xAnsQtGij30-00817-00177655-00177975 and this brightening is a flare xAnsQtGij30-00818-00177976-00178238 flares you don't always get a corona xAnsQtGij30-00819-00178239-00178359 mass ejection xAnsQtGij30-00820-00178360-00178663 but often with big flares you do xAnsQtGij30-00821-00178664-00179023 but not always so again there's a lot xAnsQtGij30-00822-00179024-00179319 to be understood about this some players xAnsQtGij30-00823-00179320-00179423 have a lot of xAnsQtGij30-00824-00179424-00179687 solar energetic particles and some don't xAnsQtGij30-00825-00179688-00179831 have as many xAnsQtGij30-00826-00179832-00180054 um they are solar energetic particles xAnsQtGij30-00827-00180055-00180271 accelerated through shocks in the cmes xAnsQtGij30-00828-00180272-00180407 as well xAnsQtGij30-00829-00180408-00180766 so these are very interrelated phenomena xAnsQtGij30-00830-00180767-00181463 but they don't always go hand in hand xAnsQtGij30-00831-00181464-00181807 so a flare what creates a flare xAnsQtGij30-00832-00181808-00182095 so you've got solar differential xAnsQtGij30-00833-00182096-00182319 rotation so that's the xAnsQtGij30-00834-00182320-00182551 rotation special rotation that a ball of xAnsQtGij30-00835-00182552-00182671 plasma has xAnsQtGij30-00836-00182672-00182951 where it rotates faster at the equator xAnsQtGij30-00837-00182952-00183166 than at the poles xAnsQtGij30-00838-00183167-00183366 on top of that you've got confection xAnsQtGij30-00839-00183367-00183535 which is xAnsQtGij30-00840-00183536-00183838 occurring everywhere in the sun so you xAnsQtGij30-00841-00183839-00184063 see that on small scales on the sun xAnsQtGij30-00842-00184064-00184295 so you've got two ways of moving stuff xAnsQtGij30-00843-00184296-00184375 around xAnsQtGij30-00844-00184376-00184687 differential rotation and confection xAnsQtGij30-00845-00184688-00184959 if you move plasma around you're going xAnsQtGij30-00846-00184960-00184999 to get xAnsQtGij30-00847-00185000-00185287 magnetic field created and this will xAnsQtGij30-00848-00185288-00185343 store xAnsQtGij30-00849-00185344-00185671 chronal magnetic energy so the magnetic xAnsQtGij30-00850-00185672-00185902 energy is built up xAnsQtGij30-00851-00185903-00186135 and it will be stored and then it will xAnsQtGij30-00852-00186136-00186366 be released at some point xAnsQtGij30-00853-00186367-00186607 and it will be released through regen xAnsQtGij30-00854-00186608-00186678 energy xAnsQtGij30-00855-00186679-00187014 so the flare itself so xAnsQtGij30-00856-00187015-00187271 covering the electromagnetic spectrum xAnsQtGij30-00857-00187272-00187375 mass motion xAnsQtGij30-00858-00187376-00187647 coronal mass ejection and accelerating xAnsQtGij30-00859-00187648-00187799 fast particles electrons xAnsQtGij30-00860-00187800-00188183 ions so you've got movement you've got xAnsQtGij30-00861-00188184-00188543 storage and then you've got a release xAnsQtGij30-00862-00188544-00188854 so we know quite a lot about flares xAnsQtGij30-00863-00188855-00189207 but what we don't know exactly is how xAnsQtGij30-00864-00189208-00189335 the energy is stored xAnsQtGij30-00865-00189336-00189566 and we definitely don't know at what xAnsQtGij30-00866-00189567-00189871 point that energy will be released xAnsQtGij30-00867-00189872-00190102 and we also don't know what the ratios xAnsQtGij30-00868-00190103-00190214 between these are xAnsQtGij30-00869-00190215-00190654 so we can get a flare where xAnsQtGij30-00870-00190655-00190814 all the energy just goes into the xAnsQtGij30-00871-00190815-00191047 electromagnetic spectrum xAnsQtGij30-00872-00191048-00191238 our weak we can get a flare where not xAnsQtGij30-00873-00191239-00191350 much fluid xAnsQtGij30-00874-00191351-00191607 we can get a small flare so not much xAnsQtGij30-00875-00191608-00191726 radiant energy xAnsQtGij30-00876-00191727-00191926 but you get a big corona mass ejection xAnsQtGij30-00877-00191927-00192111 with it xAnsQtGij30-00878-00192112-00192295 so we don't understand the differences xAnsQtGij30-00879-00192296-00192543 between these different xAnsQtGij30-00880-00192544-00193071 energy releases and how that works xAnsQtGij30-00881-00193072-00193423 so spectroscopy euv xAnsQtGij30-00882-00193424-00193654 and ultraviolet spectroscopy measures xAnsQtGij30-00883-00193655-00193863 from the chromosphere to the corona xAnsQtGij30-00884-00193864-00194054 and that can provide an insight on the xAnsQtGij30-00885-00194055-00194247 stored coronal energy xAnsQtGij30-00886-00194248-00194471 any non-thermal behavior dynamics in the xAnsQtGij30-00887-00194472-00194623 flare itself xAnsQtGij30-00888-00194624-00194950 and also in the the eruption itself if xAnsQtGij30-00889-00194951-00195175 there is one xAnsQtGij30-00890-00195176-00195399 so we use this spectroscopy um for many xAnsQtGij30-00891-00195400-00195695 many different aspects xAnsQtGij30-00892-00195696-00195966 now this is a very simple model of a xAnsQtGij30-00893-00195967-00196063 flare xAnsQtGij30-00894-00196064-00196254 and if you remember back to my first xAnsQtGij30-00895-00196255-00196414 movie you can xAnsQtGij30-00896-00196415-00196695 understand that most players don't look xAnsQtGij30-00897-00196696-00196847 like this at all xAnsQtGij30-00898-00196848-00197166 but this is a model that provides us xAnsQtGij30-00899-00197167-00197399 good input into understanding roughly xAnsQtGij30-00900-00197400-00197566 what happens xAnsQtGij30-00901-00197567-00197902 so we know that reconnection occurs xAnsQtGij30-00902-00197903-00198087 high in the corona so this is where xAnsQtGij30-00903-00198088-00198326 you've got these magnetic field lines xAnsQtGij30-00904-00198327-00198654 they pinch together and they've released xAnsQtGij30-00905-00198655-00198919 energy particles are accelerated in both xAnsQtGij30-00906-00198920-00199159 directions here xAnsQtGij30-00907-00199160-00199359 so particle acceleration takes place xAnsQtGij30-00908-00199360-00199463 here xAnsQtGij30-00909-00199464-00199702 that heats up a coronal x-ray source xAnsQtGij30-00910-00199703-00199831 here xAnsQtGij30-00911-00199832-00200078 the accelerated particles flow down the xAnsQtGij30-00912-00200079-00200302 legs of the loops xAnsQtGij30-00913-00200303-00200550 and then they reach their the denser xAnsQtGij30-00914-00200551-00200759 atmosphere here xAnsQtGij30-00915-00200760-00201119 and cause that plasma to evaporate up xAnsQtGij30-00916-00201120-00201431 so we see evidence of nearly all of xAnsQtGij30-00917-00201432-00201511 these things xAnsQtGij30-00918-00201512-00201790 in the observations nearly we don't see xAnsQtGij30-00919-00201791-00201975 the acceleration xAnsQtGij30-00920-00201976-00202214 but we see evidence of coronal x-ray xAnsQtGij30-00921-00202215-00202423 sources we see coronal x-ray foot points xAnsQtGij30-00922-00202424-00202638 we see evidence of evaporation xAnsQtGij30-00923-00202639-00202783 and we see evidence of these xAnsQtGij30-00924-00202784-00202999 precipitating particles xAnsQtGij30-00925-00203000-00203207 so there's a lot that is consistent in xAnsQtGij30-00926-00203208-00203311 this model xAnsQtGij30-00927-00203312-00203735 but a lot that is still not understood xAnsQtGij30-00928-00203736-00203950 destroy the complexity of it flux xAnsQtGij30-00929-00203951-00204095 submergence is really key to xAnsQtGij30-00930-00204096-00204278 understanding flares xAnsQtGij30-00931-00204279-00204519 and this is simulations that um i'm xAnsQtGij30-00932-00204520-00204631 modeling that mark xAnsQtGij30-00933-00204632-00204966 chang led um to show you the complexity xAnsQtGij30-00934-00204967-00205119 of the magnetic field xAnsQtGij30-00935-00205119-00205303 so you can see that previous cartoon xAnsQtGij30-00936-00205304-00205455 where you've got two xAnsQtGij30-00937-00205456-00205862 two foot points sitting there is is not xAnsQtGij30-00938-00205863-00206046 exactly real what happens in the real xAnsQtGij30-00939-00206048-00206334 world although this is a simulation xAnsQtGij30-00940-00206335-00206534 that complex magnetic field with the xAnsQtGij30-00941-00206535-00206710 mixed polarity the black and white is xAnsQtGij30-00942-00206711-00206958 showing you the magnetic polarity xAnsQtGij30-00943-00206959-00207158 is actually observed it's observed and xAnsQtGij30-00944-00207159-00207310 magnetograph data xAnsQtGij30-00945-00207311-00207575 and you can see that complex field it's xAnsQtGij30-00946-00207576-00207662 known as xAnsQtGij30-00947-00207663-00207990 serpentine field as flux emerges and you xAnsQtGij30-00948-00207991-00208190 can see the complexity of the loops here xAnsQtGij30-00949-00208191-00208479 that are are seen above that so it is a xAnsQtGij30-00950-00208480-00208582 complex thing xAnsQtGij30-00951-00208583-00208910 flux emerges is important so if you do xAnsQtGij30-00952-00208911-00209103 get flux emergence the chances are you xAnsQtGij30-00953-00209104-00209166 will xAnsQtGij30-00954-00209167-00209358 you will get a flare if you get flux xAnsQtGij30-00955-00209359-00209566 emergence into a pre-existing sunspot xAnsQtGij30-00956-00209567-00209662 group xAnsQtGij30-00957-00209663-00210255 you're likely to get a flare as well xAnsQtGij30-00958-00210256-00210463 so this is an example of data coronal xAnsQtGij30-00959-00210464-00210558 data xAnsQtGij30-00960-00210559-00210855 um this is from a node x-ray telescope xAnsQtGij30-00961-00210856-00210942 data xAnsQtGij30-00962-00210944-00211191 and it's a series of images of an active xAnsQtGij30-00963-00211192-00211391 region xAnsQtGij30-00964-00211392-00211742 measured in x-rays and the first image xAnsQtGij30-00965-00211744-00212063 i'll show you xAnsQtGij30-00966-00212064-00212310 the bright loops here are lying in a xAnsQtGij30-00967-00212311-00212455 potential state as in xAnsQtGij30-00968-00212456-00212767 they have no shear here so this is a xAnsQtGij30-00969-00212767-00213039 polarity inversion line so it's sitting xAnsQtGij30-00970-00213040-00213239 nicely under these loops xAnsQtGij30-00971-00213240-00213503 so it's it's a very relaxed magnetic xAnsQtGij30-00972-00213504-00213639 field here xAnsQtGij30-00973-00213640-00213982 there's no additional energy in it xAnsQtGij30-00974-00213983-00214206 and that's on the 10th of december if xAnsQtGij30-00975-00214207-00214471 you track the way through xAnsQtGij30-00976-00214471-00214879 to over a day later this is where xAnsQtGij30-00977-00214880-00215055 the polarity inversion line was lying xAnsQtGij30-00978-00215056-00215246 it's right along that loop xAnsQtGij30-00979-00215248-00215551 so the loop is twisted such that it is xAnsQtGij30-00980-00215552-00215782 distorted along the polarity inversion xAnsQtGij30-00981-00215783-00215879 line xAnsQtGij30-00982-00215880-00216079 so you can imagine how much energy is xAnsQtGij30-00983-00216080-00216223 stored xAnsQtGij30-00984-00216223-00216479 at that point and you can see how it's xAnsQtGij30-00985-00216480-00216567 slowly shearing xAnsQtGij30-00986-00216567-00216742 so it goes from this nice potential xAnsQtGij30-00987-00216744-00216934 state it's starting starting to move xAnsQtGij30-00988-00216935-00217110 here xAnsQtGij30-00989-00217111-00217239 this is happening during a flux xAnsQtGij30-00990-00217240-00217487 emergence event and you can see it ends xAnsQtGij30-00991-00217488-00217663 up highly sheared and then there's a xAnsQtGij30-00992-00217664-00217934 huge flare occurred xAnsQtGij30-00993-00217935-00218334 so you can track the energy that's in xAnsQtGij30-00994-00218335-00218558 a flare by looking at twisting looking xAnsQtGij30-00995-00218559-00218679 at shearing xAnsQtGij30-00996-00218680-00219015 and looking at turbulence xAnsQtGij30-00997-00219016-00219263 so it's some measurement that we can do xAnsQtGij30-00998-00219264-00219503 to try and work out when a flare occurs xAnsQtGij30-00999-00219504-00219646 so xAnsQtGij30-01000-00219648-00219998 here you've got an x-ray light curve xAnsQtGij30-01001-00220000-00220255 here so this is the big flare we're xAnsQtGij30-01002-00220256-00220527 concerned about here xAnsQtGij30-01003-00220528-00220742 and you can see how many small flares xAnsQtGij30-01004-00220744-00220846 occur xAnsQtGij30-01005-00220848-00221191 beforehand so when you've got a new xAnsQtGij30-01006-00221192-00221271 active region xAnsQtGij30-01007-00221271-00221551 you've need new flux emergence there's a xAnsQtGij30-01008-00221552-00221806 lot happens it doesn't just one flare xAnsQtGij30-01009-00221807-00221927 and you can tell when that's going to xAnsQtGij30-01010-00221928-00222198 happen there'll be a lot of small flares xAnsQtGij30-01011-00222200-00222382 and then there would be something that xAnsQtGij30-01012-00222383-00222551 builds up to allow that xAnsQtGij30-01013-00222552-00222998 big flare to erupt xAnsQtGij30-01014-00223000-00223198 so in here we see the measurement of xAnsQtGij30-01015-00223200-00223351 helicity which is measured from the xAnsQtGij30-01016-00223352-00223527 magnetic field xAnsQtGij30-01017-00223528-00223846 and in this as is often seen in active xAnsQtGij30-01018-00223848-00223927 regions xAnsQtGij30-01019-00223928-00224142 and before flyers the holistic is a xAnsQtGij30-01020-00224144-00224239 measure of the xAnsQtGij30-01021-00224240-00224527 the twist in the magnetic field and that xAnsQtGij30-01022-00224528-00224671 slowly rises xAnsQtGij30-01023-00224671-00225071 um before the big flare occurs xAnsQtGij30-01024-00225071-00225287 in the corona so this is photosphere in xAnsQtGij30-01025-00225288-00225431 the corona xAnsQtGij30-01026-00225432-00225646 what we do see is a measurement of the xAnsQtGij30-01027-00225648-00225751 turbulence xAnsQtGij30-01028-00225752-00226046 which is the non-thermal component of xAnsQtGij30-01029-00226048-00226158 the emission line xAnsQtGij30-01030-00226159-00226479 and that rapidly goes up hours before xAnsQtGij30-01031-00226480-00226646 that big flare occurs xAnsQtGij30-01032-00226648-00226894 so there's a big build up in turbulence xAnsQtGij30-01033-00226896-00227142 there's a build up in helicity xAnsQtGij30-01034-00227144-00227391 before the flare occurs and there's xAnsQtGij30-01035-00227392-00227582 nothing significant here before these xAnsQtGij30-01036-00227583-00227798 other smaller flares xAnsQtGij30-01037-00227800-00227991 although the time cadence isn't isn't xAnsQtGij30-01038-00227992-00228406 perfect for this xAnsQtGij30-01039-00228407-00228598 solar flares again this is the standard xAnsQtGij30-01040-00228600-00228839 model so you've got reconnection here xAnsQtGij30-01041-00228840-00229134 you've got plasmoid this direction xAnsQtGij30-01042-00229135-00229191 you've got xAnsQtGij30-01043-00229192-00229455 um a source here created from the xAnsQtGij30-01044-00229456-00229639 accelerated particles here you've got xAnsQtGij30-01045-00229640-00229798 the footpoints here and so on xAnsQtGij30-01046-00229800-00230046 and then you've got this flex rope here xAnsQtGij30-01047-00230048-00230271 that's something that's extremely hard xAnsQtGij30-01048-00230271-00230310 to xAnsQtGij30-01049-00230311-00230598 observe we'll talk about that in a xAnsQtGij30-01050-00230600-00230719 minute xAnsQtGij30-01051-00230719-00231055 but this is a rare example of xAnsQtGij30-01052-00231056-00231319 a flare that fits nearly exactly what xAnsQtGij30-01053-00231319-00231471 that model looks like if you turned it xAnsQtGij30-01054-00231471-00231606 on its side xAnsQtGij30-01055-00231607-00231927 so you've got this region here um xAnsQtGij30-01056-00231928-00232071 which is dark which is where that xAnsQtGij30-01057-00232071-00232367 plasmoid is so the reason why we find it xAnsQtGij30-01058-00232367-00232623 hard to observe is it it is dark xAnsQtGij30-01059-00232623-00232967 so you're looking in a dark region here xAnsQtGij30-01060-00232967-00233119 but you can see the flaring look xAnsQtGij30-01061-00233119-00233279 underneath the bright loops underneath xAnsQtGij30-01062-00233280-00233382 here xAnsQtGij30-01063-00233383-00233639 and this was one where we managed to get xAnsQtGij30-01064-00233640-00233798 spectroscopic data xAnsQtGij30-01065-00233800-00234110 throughout this flaring loop here which xAnsQtGij30-01066-00234111-00234406 took us quite a few years to get the xAnsQtGij30-01067-00234407-00234551 active region and the flare xAnsQtGij30-01068-00234552-00234734 happening at the limb at the right time xAnsQtGij30-01069-00234735-00234975 for us so there's a wealth of data in xAnsQtGij30-01070-00234976-00235231 that xAnsQtGij30-01071-00235232-00235455 but to go back to the flat are the early xAnsQtGij30-01072-00235456-00235663 stages of the flyer this is an example xAnsQtGij30-01073-00235664-00235806 where xAnsQtGij30-01074-00235807-00236015 we looked at a number of active regions xAnsQtGij30-01075-00236016-00236142 before they flared xAnsQtGij30-01076-00236144-00236519 and um we measured the turbulence xAnsQtGij30-01077-00236519-00236903 in them again and what we saw was that xAnsQtGij30-01078-00236904-00237215 in flares that were eruptive i.e xAnsQtGij30-01079-00237216-00237487 associated with a coronal mass ejection xAnsQtGij30-01080-00237488-00237582 that you have xAnsQtGij30-01081-00237583-00237855 um these red regions are showing where xAnsQtGij30-01082-00237856-00238039 you've got enhanced xAnsQtGij30-01083-00238040-00238215 and non-thermal velocity before the xAnsQtGij30-01084-00238216-00238391 flare xAnsQtGij30-01085-00238392-00238742 the dark regions here showing you um xAnsQtGij30-01086-00238744-00238927 after the flare when the coronal mass xAnsQtGij30-01087-00238928-00239151 ejection erupted and plasma was pushed xAnsQtGij30-01088-00239152-00239279 away xAnsQtGij30-01089-00239280-00239487 so this is evidence from after the flare xAnsQtGij30-01090-00239488-00239679 but before the flare xAnsQtGij30-01091-00239680-00239951 these red regions were what part of the xAnsQtGij30-01092-00239952-00240142 region was activated it wasn't in the xAnsQtGij30-01093-00240144-00240334 actual flare side itself xAnsQtGij30-01094-00240335-00240534 slightly off from that but that's the xAnsQtGij30-01095-00240535-00240719 flux rope being activated before it xAnsQtGij30-01096-00240719-00240958 lifted off xAnsQtGij30-01097-00240959-00241246 so that's this part here is where we xAnsQtGij30-01098-00241248-00241430 could actually see evidence of xAnsQtGij30-01099-00241431-00241615 m in the spectroscopic data before it xAnsQtGij30-01100-00241616-00241991 went xAnsQtGij30-01101-00241992-00242246 and then this data here is showing you xAnsQtGij30-01102-00242248-00242294 whoops xAnsQtGij30-01103-00242296-00242606 i do apologize um xAnsQtGij30-01104-00242607-00242782 this is a spectroscopic data of that xAnsQtGij30-01105-00242783-00242958 flare again xAnsQtGij30-01106-00242959-00243294 um and we zoomed in xAnsQtGij30-01107-00243296-00243542 on the dark region so that that bit on xAnsQtGij30-01108-00243544-00243798 the flux rope that's a mysterious xAnsQtGij30-01109-00243800-00244198 mysterious region and this was at a xAnsQtGij30-01110-00244200-00244575 hot temperature line it was observed in xAnsQtGij30-01111-00244576-00244894 and this is the iron 15 xAnsQtGij30-01112-00244896-00245182 spectrum here and this really excited us xAnsQtGij30-01113-00245183-00245303 because xAnsQtGij30-01114-00245304-00245534 the spectrum was so blue shifted that it xAnsQtGij30-01115-00245535-00245703 was blue shifted out of the spectral xAnsQtGij30-01116-00245704-00245871 window xAnsQtGij30-01117-00245871-00246239 the speeds in this part um of the xAnsQtGij30-01118-00246240-00246455 the flare itself are more than 300 xAnsQtGij30-01119-00246456-00246734 kilometers per second coming towards us xAnsQtGij30-01120-00246735-00246879 so this is something we hadn't seen a xAnsQtGij30-01121-00246880-00247142 spectrum quite as complex before xAnsQtGij30-01122-00247144-00247287 and it's something that needs to feed xAnsQtGij30-01123-00247288-00247455 into the models to understand the flex xAnsQtGij30-01124-00247456-00247615 rope xAnsQtGij30-01125-00247616-00247879 we also see this filamentary material xAnsQtGij30-01126-00247880-00248006 which is cool material xAnsQtGij30-01127-00248007-00248271 often associated with flyers and we also xAnsQtGij30-01128-00248271-00248334 saw xAnsQtGij30-01129-00248335-00248830 a fast blue shifted material as well xAnsQtGij30-01130-00248831-00249282 which is expected and has been seen xAnsQtGij30-01131-00249283-00249471 before xAnsQtGij30-01132-00249471-00249798 so then we have um xAnsQtGij30-01133-00249800-00250030 eruptions that take place basically xAnsQtGij30-01134-00250031-00250230 across the whole solar disk xAnsQtGij30-01135-00250231-00250463 right so this is a flare that occurred xAnsQtGij30-01136-00250464-00250615 on the limb xAnsQtGij30-01137-00250616-00250958 and this is showing you um basically the xAnsQtGij30-01138-00250959-00251182 different temperatures so xAnsQtGij30-01139-00251183-00251375 the the different colors are showing you xAnsQtGij30-01140-00251376-00251519 different filters in xAnsQtGij30-01141-00251519-00251823 aia and it's giving you an indication of xAnsQtGij30-01142-00251823-00251951 the temperature xAnsQtGij30-01143-00251952-00252151 but the main thing to pay attention to xAnsQtGij30-01144-00252152-00252351 is the fact that this is a global xAnsQtGij30-01145-00252352-00252727 phenomena pretty much it starts on this xAnsQtGij30-01146-00252728-00252782 limb xAnsQtGij30-01147-00252783-00253030 and then it transfers itself more or xAnsQtGij30-01148-00253031-00253198 less you can see evidence of it right xAnsQtGij30-01149-00253200-00253351 over here xAnsQtGij30-01150-00253352-00253519 so it's going right the way around the xAnsQtGij30-01151-00253519-00253694 disc xAnsQtGij30-01152-00253696-00253855 what's going to be really interesting is xAnsQtGij30-01153-00253856-00254119 when we whistle orbiter xAnsQtGij30-01154-00254119-00254310 when we have a different view from the xAnsQtGij30-01155-00254311-00254527 earth observing spacecraft xAnsQtGij30-01156-00254528-00254782 we'll be able to see this track and the xAnsQtGij30-01157-00254783-00254927 whole way around the disc which will be xAnsQtGij30-01158-00254928-00255071 amazing xAnsQtGij30-01159-00255071-00255367 um and we have observations of these xAnsQtGij30-01160-00255367-00255534 they're called coronal waves we have xAnsQtGij30-01161-00255535-00255687 observations of these also xAnsQtGij30-01162-00255688-00255846 spectroscopically xAnsQtGij30-01163-00255848-00256223 um and this has been a real source of xAnsQtGij30-01164-00256223-00256382 information to help us understand what's xAnsQtGij30-01165-00256383-00256782 going on xAnsQtGij30-01166-00256783-00257103 so that's the the end of the slide xAnsQtGij30-01167-00257104-00257310 and i just want to finish by wishing xAnsQtGij30-01168-00257311-00257487 solar over there good luck xAnsQtGij30-01169-00257488-00257694 and talking a little bit about what xAnsQtGij30-01170-00257696-00257806 we're doing next xAnsQtGij30-01171-00257807-00258119 on stillwater so we have taken data the xAnsQtGij30-01172-00258119-00258167 past xAnsQtGij30-01173-00258167-00258455 a few days so we're having checkout xAnsQtGij30-01174-00258456-00258623 windows where we're taking data xAnsQtGij30-01175-00258623-00258919 and we're getting some nice data even xAnsQtGij30-01176-00258919-00258991 though it's xAnsQtGij30-01177-00258992-00259327 supposed to be mostly calibration data xAnsQtGij30-01178-00259328-00259639 and we'll be in our science proper xAnsQtGij30-01179-00259640-00259871 science mode at the end of next year xAnsQtGij30-01180-00259871-00260055 and that's when we'll be able to xAnsQtGij30-01181-00260056-00260230 properly combine the instruments xAnsQtGij30-01182-00260231-00260319 together xAnsQtGij30-01183-00260319-00260582 to address the issues that we have xAnsQtGij30-01184-00260583-00260646 mentioned xAnsQtGij30-01185-00260648-00260967 so so things like those small phenomena xAnsQtGij30-01186-00260967-00261175 we've seen already xAnsQtGij30-01187-00261176-00261463 with uh eui so those measurements were xAnsQtGij30-01188-00261464-00261519 taken xAnsQtGij30-01189-00261519-00261855 at a roughly 0.6 a u xAnsQtGij30-01190-00261856-00262142 so when we get to 0.3 iu we'll have xAnsQtGij30-01191-00262144-00262255 roughly double xAnsQtGij30-01192-00262256-00262439 the spatial resolution so we'll be able xAnsQtGij30-01193-00262440-00262599 to see so much more xAnsQtGij30-01194-00262600-00262847 when we're in our final orbit and what xAnsQtGij30-01195-00262848-00263087 we really need to do to understand those xAnsQtGij30-01196-00263088-00263319 is to see the magnetic fragments xAnsQtGij30-01197-00263320-00263430 underneath them xAnsQtGij30-01198-00263431-00263639 so are we getting small scale flux xAnsQtGij30-01199-00263640-00263791 emergence are we getting xAnsQtGij30-01200-00263792-00263999 cancellation what's happening under the xAnsQtGij30-01201-00264000-00264182 underneath those events xAnsQtGij30-01202-00264183-00264455 so we need to understand those um how xAnsQtGij30-01203-00264456-00264647 frequently they occur xAnsQtGij30-01204-00264648-00264847 where they occur are they in different xAnsQtGij30-01205-00264848-00265023 regions of the sun and so on xAnsQtGij30-01206-00265024-00265199 and how those could possibly link to the xAnsQtGij30-01207-00265200-00265471 extremely dynamic solar wind that we xAnsQtGij30-01208-00265472-00265823 we see in parker solar probe um xAnsQtGij30-01209-00265824-00265991 so that's one of the questions for the xAnsQtGij30-01210-00265992-00266223 quieter xAnsQtGij30-01211-00266224-00266471 quieter sun and then we've got the xAnsQtGij30-01212-00266472-00266551 coronal hole xAnsQtGij30-01213-00266552-00266879 action as well where we've got the fast xAnsQtGij30-01214-00266880-00267158 fast solar wind and we've got jets in xAnsQtGij30-01215-00267159-00267247 there we've got xAnsQtGij30-01216-00267248-00267479 stealth jets in there we've got tiny xAnsQtGij30-01217-00267480-00267647 filaments in there xAnsQtGij30-01218-00267648-00267799 but what is it that actually creates xAnsQtGij30-01219-00267800-00268039 those switchbacks for example xAnsQtGij30-01220-00268040-00268334 um that we see in the solar wind data xAnsQtGij30-01221-00268335-00268567 and then we have the flaring aspects as xAnsQtGij30-01222-00268568-00268751 well so xAnsQtGij30-01223-00268752-00269023 we know that active regions without xAnsQtGij30-01224-00269024-00269095 flares xAnsQtGij30-01225-00269096-00269327 can have an impact on the solar wind and xAnsQtGij30-01226-00269328-00269495 the active regions with flares have a xAnsQtGij30-01227-00269496-00269630 more significant xAnsQtGij30-01228-00269631-00269943 effect so understanding xAnsQtGij30-01229-00269944-00270295 when a flare triggers why it starts why xAnsQtGij30-01230-00270296-00270534 sometimes with coronal mass ejections xAnsQtGij30-01231-00270535-00270679 and white sometimes with xAnsQtGij30-01232-00270680-00270943 solar energetic particles is something xAnsQtGij30-01233-00270944-00270999 that xAnsQtGij30-01234-00271000-00271223 we want to understand with this mission xAnsQtGij30-01235-00271224-00271423 and there's a lot of xAnsQtGij30-01236-00271424-00271639 science to do with this mission um so xAnsQtGij30-01237-00271640-00271839 hopefully if any of you are students xAnsQtGij30-01238-00271840-00272087 you'll be able to join us on the team so xAnsQtGij30-01239-00272088-00272655 thank you very much for listening xAnsQtGij30-01240-00272656-00272927 thank you very much luis thank you for xAnsQtGij30-01241-00272928-00272982 this xAnsQtGij30-01242-00272983-00273382 very nice talk and now the talk is open xAnsQtGij30-01243-00273383-00273487 for questions xAnsQtGij30-01244-00273488-00273855 and jose carlos will xAnsQtGij30-01245-00273856-00274087 manage the administration of the xAnsQtGij30-01246-00274088-00274182 questions so xAnsQtGij30-01247-00274183-00274471 jose carlos jose carlos you want me to xAnsQtGij30-01248-00274472-00274606 stop sharing so you can see xAnsQtGij30-01249-00274607-00274958 people okay as you want yes xAnsQtGij30-01250-00274959-00275255 yes probably yeah it's for me that's xAnsQtGij30-01251-00275256-00275895 much better xAnsQtGij30-01252-00275896-00276087 for all participants if you if you want xAnsQtGij30-01253-00276088-00276199 to ask a question xAnsQtGij30-01254-00276200-00276687 just raise your hand or xAnsQtGij30-01255-00276688-00277047 write the question in the chat box xAnsQtGij30-01256-00277048-00277367 so let me just first xAnsQtGij30-01257-00277368-00277639 thank you very much for a wonderful talk xAnsQtGij30-01258-00277640-00277806 i've enjoyed it xAnsQtGij30-01259-00277807-00278158 very much i've learned a lot xAnsQtGij30-01260-00278159-00278447 and i have myself a couple of questions xAnsQtGij30-01261-00278448-00278519 that i xAnsQtGij30-01262-00278520-00279479 will let go xAnsQtGij30-01263-00279480-00279823 really cool material xAnsQtGij30-01264-00279824-00280182 it was very exciting so xAnsQtGij30-01265-00280183-00280647 is there any xAnsQtGij30-01266-00280648-00281423 anyone interested in breaking the ice xAnsQtGij30-01267-00281424-00281767 everybody wants their lunch xAnsQtGij30-01268-00281768-00282279 still uh xAnsQtGij30-01269-00282280-00282591 so maybe like i xAnsQtGij30-01270-00282592-00283023 i can start because the the first xAnsQtGij30-01271-00283024-00283382 the first thing i uh uh xAnsQtGij30-01272-00283383-00283719 stroked to me it was your first slide xAnsQtGij30-01273-00283720-00284023 and it's been also repeated in in the xAnsQtGij30-01274-00284024-00284430 david long uh uh display xAnsQtGij30-01275-00284431-00284839 of how global how global xAnsQtGij30-01276-00284840-00285175 solar phenomena can be to me as a xAnsQtGij30-01277-00285176-00285519 as a photospheric personal physicist a xAnsQtGij30-01278-00285520-00285823 always obsessed with highest higher and xAnsQtGij30-01279-00285824-00286095 higher resolution xAnsQtGij30-01280-00286096-00286406 looking at those global effects xAnsQtGij30-01281-00286407-00286639 covering the whole star are simply xAnsQtGij30-01282-00286640-00286727 amazing xAnsQtGij30-01283-00286728-00287134 amazing and xAnsQtGij30-01284-00287135-00287447 can you can you tell us illustrate us xAnsQtGij30-01285-00287448-00287871 uh a little bit on on the degree xAnsQtGij30-01286-00287872-00288199 of knowledge we have in that regard how xAnsQtGij30-01287-00288200-00288543 how how close are we to understand this xAnsQtGij30-01288-00288544-00288847 huge events xAnsQtGij30-01289-00288848-00289167 i think i mean there is some level of xAnsQtGij30-01290-00289168-00289479 knowledge on how they propagate and they xAnsQtGij30-01291-00289480-00289519 will xAnsQtGij30-01292-00289520-00289806 propagate you know they'll do things xAnsQtGij30-01293-00289807-00289975 like they'll avoid coronal holes and xAnsQtGij30-01294-00289976-00290158 their propagation and so on xAnsQtGij30-01295-00290159-00290439 so there is um some knowledge of how xAnsQtGij30-01296-00290440-00290630 they propagate xAnsQtGij30-01297-00290631-00290903 predicting i mean we we have tried as xAnsQtGij30-01298-00290904-00291119 you know hanoi ice is a small field of xAnsQtGij30-01299-00291120-00291206 view instrument xAnsQtGij30-01300-00291207-00291510 and we have tried to observe xAnsQtGij30-01301-00291511-00291727 a coronal wave as a propagates away but xAnsQtGij30-01302-00291728-00291951 you have to be in the right direction xAnsQtGij30-01303-00291952-00292103 you have to know which direction is xAnsQtGij30-01304-00292104-00292358 going in to catch it um xAnsQtGij30-01305-00292359-00292591 and we have failed quite a number of xAnsQtGij30-01306-00292592-00292767 times so xAnsQtGij30-01307-00292768-00292927 if you're looking at an active region to xAnsQtGij30-01308-00292928-00293263 know which way it's going to propagate xAnsQtGij30-01309-00293264-00293406 and which magnetic field is going to xAnsQtGij30-01310-00293407-00293703 interact with i think that isn't xAnsQtGij30-01311-00293704-00293958 sometimes it can be a bit obvious but xAnsQtGij30-01312-00293959-00294230 sometimes it's just not clear xAnsQtGij30-01313-00294231-00294551 um so i don't think we know that yet to xAnsQtGij30-01314-00294552-00294710 know the direction xAnsQtGij30-01315-00294711-00294943 um and that has been challenging with xAnsQtGij30-01316-00294944-00295103 small field of view instruments and it xAnsQtGij30-01317-00295104-00295167 will be xAnsQtGij30-01318-00295168-00295703 it'll be possibly worse than salute xAnsQtGij30-01319-00295704-00295879 but having i say having the different xAnsQtGij30-01320-00295880-00296047 views of the sun to see how it xAnsQtGij30-01321-00296048-00296167 propagates around xAnsQtGij30-01322-00296168-00296551 will be amazing to be able to see that xAnsQtGij30-01323-00296552-00296703 with the magnetic field measurements xAnsQtGij30-01324-00296704-00296821 alongside it so xAnsQtGij30-01325-00296822-00296951 [Music] xAnsQtGij30-01326-00296952-00297351 using the fee full disk telescope data xAnsQtGij30-01327-00297352-00297599 modeling what that field of view is and xAnsQtGij30-01328-00297600-00297823 then our earth field of view xAnsQtGij30-01329-00297824-00298103 then that should help us understand the xAnsQtGij30-01330-00298104-00298367 global nature of it xAnsQtGij30-01331-00298368-00298519 but there are beautiful events when they xAnsQtGij30-01332-00298520-00298727 go and not not all not all big players xAnsQtGij30-01333-00298728-00298934 have them as well that's the other thing xAnsQtGij30-01334-00298935-00299254 so it's that is not understood xAnsQtGij30-01335-00299255-00299558 properly either and xAnsQtGij30-01336-00299559-00299767 and just for those who are not suffice xAnsQtGij30-01337-00299768-00299919 it this should be xAnsQtGij30-01338-00299920-00300271 occurring in all stars yeah so it is xAnsQtGij30-01339-00300272-00300430 and that that's what one of the things xAnsQtGij30-01340-00300431-00300639 we want to understand so there have been xAnsQtGij30-01341-00300640-00300847 flares where xAnsQtGij30-01342-00300848-00301063 for the sun they are huge flares but xAnsQtGij30-01343-00301064-00301175 they don't xAnsQtGij30-01344-00301176-00301382 they don't have these coronal mass xAnsQtGij30-01345-00301383-00301606 ejections or propagations xAnsQtGij30-01346-00301607-00301982 um and that seems to be due to the xAnsQtGij30-01347-00301983-00302143 complexity of the overlying field xAnsQtGij30-01348-00302144-00302287 holding it dawn xAnsQtGij30-01349-00302288-00302543 so on stars i kind of imagine in my head xAnsQtGij30-01350-00302544-00302599 that these xAnsQtGij30-01351-00302600-00302823 huge stellar flares are producing these xAnsQtGij30-01352-00302824-00303030 huge mass ejections and it's xAnsQtGij30-01353-00303031-00303271 all a lot more dramatic but it may be xAnsQtGij30-01354-00303272-00303454 the magnetic field is so strong it's xAnsQtGij30-01355-00303455-00303703 kind of just holding everything down xAnsQtGij30-01356-00303704-00303895 so understanding that would be really xAnsQtGij30-01357-00303896-00304054 interesting xAnsQtGij30-01358-00304055-00304375 okay i see xAnsQtGij30-01359-00304376-00304927 hands already raised sergio torres xAnsQtGij30-01360-00304928-00305230 hi first of all thank you very much luis xAnsQtGij30-01361-00305231-00305343 for this very nice xAnsQtGij30-01362-00305344-00305647 presentation so i actually have xAnsQtGij30-01363-00305648-00305863 two questions which are a bit uh xAnsQtGij30-01364-00305864-00305999 specific but um xAnsQtGij30-01365-00306000-00306191 so the first one is about these stealth xAnsQtGij30-01366-00306192-00306406 checks that you were presenting xAnsQtGij30-01367-00306407-00306687 yes so i'm not familiar with them but uh xAnsQtGij30-01368-00306688-00306823 i wonder xAnsQtGij30-01369-00306824-00307079 at which distance from the atmosphere xAnsQtGij30-01370-00307080-00307175 they occur xAnsQtGij30-01371-00307176-00307382 and if you have some sort of uh xAnsQtGij30-01372-00307383-00307575 estimations of what should be the alvin xAnsQtGij30-01373-00307576-00307695 velocity xAnsQtGij30-01374-00307696-00307879 in those regions and how does it compare xAnsQtGij30-01375-00307880-00308030 to the jet xAnsQtGij30-01376-00308031-00308263 okay so they they are occurring in the xAnsQtGij30-01377-00308264-00308430 corona xAnsQtGij30-01378-00308431-00308758 um so i xAnsQtGij30-01379-00308759-00308927 don't think the alpha and philosophy is xAnsQtGij30-01380-00308928-00309071 going to be much different to normal xAnsQtGij30-01381-00309072-00309199 jets xAnsQtGij30-01382-00309200-00309606 um the xAnsQtGij30-01383-00309607-00309958 frequency of them is is interesting and xAnsQtGij30-01384-00309959-00310143 what causes them is interesting and we xAnsQtGij30-01385-00310144-00310206 also xAnsQtGij30-01386-00310207-00310367 said my student conrad is working on xAnsQtGij30-01387-00310368-00310606 this and that they are very very xAnsQtGij30-01388-00310607-00310887 subtle in intensity they're not dramatic xAnsQtGij30-01389-00310888-00310999 but they seem to be xAnsQtGij30-01390-00311000-00311327 some relationship between um xAnsQtGij30-01391-00311328-00311582 very small coronal bright points and xAnsQtGij30-01392-00311583-00311823 connections between those xAnsQtGij30-01393-00311824-00312182 um so the thing that the observations xAnsQtGij30-01394-00312183-00312254 we've been doing xAnsQtGij30-01395-00312255-00312534 mostly at the polls so we don't have xAnsQtGij30-01396-00312535-00312743 good magnetic field data but xAnsQtGij30-01397-00312744-00313015 we'll we want to try and look uh closer xAnsQtGij30-01398-00313016-00313134 at the equator where we get that xAnsQtGij30-01399-00313135-00313327 magnetic field data to see xAnsQtGij30-01400-00313328-00313639 what's going on so if there are high xAnsQtGij30-01401-00313640-00313719 resolution xAnsQtGij30-01402-00313720-00313943 data sets the magnetic field that we xAnsQtGij30-01403-00313944-00314103 could connect up with xAnsQtGij30-01404-00314104-00314319 that could be very interesting i mean he xAnsQtGij30-01405-00314320-00314543 has a few examples that are xAnsQtGij30-01406-00314544-00314743 possibly okay magnetic field-wise but xAnsQtGij30-01407-00314744-00314975 we'll need to check xAnsQtGij30-01408-00314976-00315134 okay thank you thank you very much so my xAnsQtGij30-01409-00315135-00315279 second question it's xAnsQtGij30-01410-00315280-00315479 you were showing some data about a very xAnsQtGij30-01411-00315480-00315630 large scale flare xAnsQtGij30-01412-00315631-00315823 an association with a chronological xAnsQtGij30-01413-00315824-00315999 multi-color you were saying that was xAnsQtGij30-01414-00316000-00316263 related to the temperature there was a xAnsQtGij30-01415-00316264-00316391 time scale on the xAnsQtGij30-01416-00316392-00316510 on the bottom of the video but i xAnsQtGij30-01417-00316511-00316687 couldn't really realize what was the xAnsQtGij30-01418-00316688-00316871 time scale at which this propagation xAnsQtGij30-01419-00316872-00317063 towards the whole sun was occurring and xAnsQtGij30-01420-00317064-00317167 also that relates xAnsQtGij30-01421-00317168-00317391 my question to what are the typical time xAnsQtGij30-01422-00317392-00317479 scales of these xAnsQtGij30-01423-00317480-00317639 cmes or these flowers that you can xAnsQtGij30-01424-00317640-00317863 observe with a cme associated xAnsQtGij30-01425-00317864-00318143 so there's there's a range of speeds of xAnsQtGij30-01426-00318144-00318295 cmes from xAnsQtGij30-01427-00318296-00318463 you know 100 kilometers per second to a xAnsQtGij30-01428-00318464-00318615 couple of thousand xAnsQtGij30-01429-00318616-00318854 um the propagation of those waves around xAnsQtGij30-01430-00318855-00319063 the disks maybe takes an hour xAnsQtGij30-01431-00319064-00319295 it's not very long to get around the xAnsQtGij30-01432-00319296-00319519 whole sun um so they are they are quite xAnsQtGij30-01433-00319520-00319767 fast xAnsQtGij30-01434-00319768-00320071 okay okay thank you xAnsQtGij30-01435-00320072-00320543 okay luis video please xAnsQtGij30-01436-00320544-00320854 um luis thank you very much for xAnsQtGij30-01437-00320855-00321223 a fantastic talk i have a xAnsQtGij30-01438-00321224-00321439 question for you concerning the um xAnsQtGij30-01439-00321440-00321543 observations xAnsQtGij30-01440-00321544-00321871 by ey that you presented um xAnsQtGij30-01441-00321872-00322134 do you think or would you say that the xAnsQtGij30-01442-00322135-00322263 campfires xAnsQtGij30-01443-00322264-00322575 are nanoflares xAnsQtGij30-01444-00322576-00322958 um i don't know xAnsQtGij30-01445-00322959-00323279 yet i would say i mean i think what's xAnsQtGij30-01446-00323280-00323351 interesting xAnsQtGij30-01447-00323352-00323679 what we're currently doing is xAnsQtGij30-01448-00323680-00324047 uh calibrating to make sure that any xAnsQtGij30-01449-00324048-00324215 results that we present are xAnsQtGij30-01450-00324216-00324519 are correct um so some of these are xAnsQtGij30-01451-00324520-00324687 right at the limit of our observation xAnsQtGij30-01452-00324688-00324895 they're nearly like you know one or two xAnsQtGij30-01453-00324896-00325023 pixels xAnsQtGij30-01454-00325024-00325375 um so you can't see them in aaa for xAnsQtGij30-01455-00325376-00325534 example xAnsQtGij30-01456-00325535-00325815 but the frequency of them are the number xAnsQtGij30-01457-00325816-00325975 of them xAnsQtGij30-01458-00325976-00326158 would maybe be consistent with that but xAnsQtGij30-01459-00326159-00326343 we haven't done a parallel xAnsQtGij30-01460-00326344-00326606 distribution study yet it's something xAnsQtGij30-01461-00326607-00326758 that's on our list xAnsQtGij30-01462-00326759-00327047 will you be able to to determine their xAnsQtGij30-01463-00327048-00327223 energies xAnsQtGij30-01464-00327224-00327599 um well currently xAnsQtGij30-01465-00327600-00327782 we we can obviously measure their xAnsQtGij30-01466-00327783-00327943 intensities and they are xAnsQtGij30-01467-00327944-00328110 quite significantly different from each xAnsQtGij30-01468-00328111-00328375 other there's quite a broad spectrum xAnsQtGij30-01469-00328376-00328663 um there's also a broad spectrum in xAnsQtGij30-01470-00328664-00328791 their xAnsQtGij30-01471-00328792-00329006 the shape of them so some of them are xAnsQtGij30-01472-00329007-00329119 long jet like xAnsQtGij30-01473-00329120-00329582 and some of them are more loop like um xAnsQtGij30-01474-00329583-00329743 so what we're doing now is we're trying xAnsQtGij30-01475-00329744-00329919 to categorize them xAnsQtGij30-01476-00329920-00330263 in in different so the small dot-like xAnsQtGij30-01477-00330264-00330319 ones xAnsQtGij30-01478-00330320-00330630 and the loop-like ones and the more ones xAnsQtGij30-01479-00330631-00330910 that show evidence of some kind of flow xAnsQtGij30-01480-00330911-00331254 um but yeah this is what we're trying to xAnsQtGij30-01481-00331255-00331423 do unfortunately when we were running xAnsQtGij30-01482-00331424-00331527 that fee was xAnsQtGij30-01483-00331528-00331871 not running so when we're xAnsQtGij30-01484-00331872-00332039 really looking forward to us being in xAnsQtGij30-01485-00332040-00332191 proper science mode where you could go xAnsQtGij30-01486-00332192-00332351 we can look at fee and it will help us xAnsQtGij30-01487-00332352-00332534 understand that xAnsQtGij30-01488-00332535-00332847 yeah well uh it will come at some point xAnsQtGij30-01489-00332848-00333158 yeah one last question um do you see xAnsQtGij30-01490-00333159-00333206 those xAnsQtGij30-01491-00333207-00333558 those uh brightenings also in the quiet xAnsQtGij30-01492-00333559-00333630 sun xAnsQtGij30-01493-00333631-00333903 in the internet work or only in active xAnsQtGij30-01494-00333904-00334030 regions xAnsQtGij30-01495-00334031-00334206 so the the movie that i showed was in xAnsQtGij30-01496-00334207-00334415 the quiet sun xAnsQtGij30-01497-00334416-00334615 um so they're seen in the quiet sun we xAnsQtGij30-01498-00334616-00334847 haven't we've only just got observations xAnsQtGij30-01499-00334848-00334887 in the xAnsQtGij30-01500-00334888-00335303 of an active region um we also have xAnsQtGij30-01501-00335304-00335682 a lyman alpha data which is xAnsQtGij30-01502-00335683-00336110 pseudochromospheric and we're currently xAnsQtGij30-01503-00336111-00336287 trying to correlate to see if there's xAnsQtGij30-01504-00336288-00336487 any brightenings in the lyman alpha that xAnsQtGij30-01505-00336488-00336639 are related to those xAnsQtGij30-01506-00336640-00336830 um but that's definitely very much work xAnsQtGij30-01507-00336831-00336991 in progress xAnsQtGij30-01508-00336992-00337215 um so hopefully that that's kind of xAnsQtGij30-01509-00337216-00337375 getting lower down in the atmosphere but xAnsQtGij30-01510-00337376-00337543 the lyman alpha you can distinctly see xAnsQtGij30-01511-00337544-00337791 the network xAnsQtGij30-01512-00337792-00337982 for sure and you can see brightenings in xAnsQtGij30-01513-00337983-00338191 it which won't surprise you that there's xAnsQtGij30-01514-00338192-00338454 brightenings in the network xAnsQtGij30-01515-00338455-00338839 very good thank you very much xAnsQtGij30-01516-00338840-00339143 well i i have a another question myself xAnsQtGij30-01517-00339144-00339551 because i am and i'm a layman in xAnsQtGij30-01518-00339552-00339975 in the field and and then your slide on xAnsQtGij30-01519-00339976-00340319 on on how how flares xAnsQtGij30-01520-00340320-00340623 are are xAnsQtGij30-01521-00340624-00340991 preceded by changes in xAnsQtGij30-01522-00340992-00341343 helicity and then by turbulence and so xAnsQtGij30-01523-00341344-00341695 a a can i understand xAnsQtGij30-01524-00341696-00342063 that there is a a course of events xAnsQtGij30-01525-00342064-00342439 or a cause effect a relationship xAnsQtGij30-01526-00342440-00342743 between the xAnsQtGij30-01527-00342744-00343127 growing in helicity xAnsQtGij30-01528-00343128-00343463 then turbulence and then the flare xAnsQtGij30-01529-00343464-00343823 or you know which are the physical xAnsQtGij30-01530-00343824-00343982 mechanisms xAnsQtGij30-01531-00343983-00344215 to understand this yes i think that's xAnsQtGij30-01532-00344216-00344382 that's true that order is xAnsQtGij30-01533-00344383-00344710 is is true so the holistic is of the xAnsQtGij30-01534-00344711-00344823 first thing to xAnsQtGij30-01535-00344824-00345143 get the energy in yeah increase the lsd xAnsQtGij30-01536-00345144-00345295 so you get energy in xAnsQtGij30-01537-00345296-00345543 and then it takes a while for that to xAnsQtGij30-01538-00345544-00345743 propagate into the corona xAnsQtGij30-01539-00345744-00345991 um so the measurements we see if the xAnsQtGij30-01540-00345992-00346191 turbulence are xAnsQtGij30-01541-00346192-00346495 coronal turbulence and they the xAnsQtGij30-01542-00346496-00346695 measurements that we saw before the xAnsQtGij30-01543-00346696-00346910 flare we saw the activation of the flux xAnsQtGij30-01544-00346911-00347039 rope xAnsQtGij30-01545-00347040-00347230 that's something that the flux rope is xAnsQtGij30-01546-00347231-00347463 this mysterious thing to us right xAnsQtGij30-01547-00347464-00347639 you kind of see it in models and you can xAnsQtGij30-01548-00347640-00347830 see them at the limb but on the disc xAnsQtGij30-01549-00347831-00347982 it's harder to see xAnsQtGij30-01550-00347983-00348278 um so it was nice to be able to see that xAnsQtGij30-01551-00348279-00348471 yes those are activated xAnsQtGij30-01552-00348472-00348671 before the flare and that is whatever xAnsQtGij30-01553-00348672-00348887 causes those to erupt xAnsQtGij30-01554-00348888-00349239 is causing the flare yeah um xAnsQtGij30-01555-00349240-00349558 yeah okay xAnsQtGij30-01556-00349559-00349887 this is this is really really beaut xAnsQtGij30-01557-00349888-00350278 beautiful beautiful because it is well xAnsQtGij30-01558-00350279-00350582 indeed i would like to to know how how xAnsQtGij30-01559-00350583-00350999 that ellicity crea is is created xAnsQtGij30-01560-00351000-00351334 and and i saw i saw also this xAnsQtGij30-01561-00351335-00351647 is there in the audience and and maybe xAnsQtGij30-01562-00351648-00351982 he would i don't know whether or xAnsQtGij30-01563-00351983-00352303 or indigo and you are already who are xAnsQtGij30-01564-00352304-00352399 over over there xAnsQtGij30-01565-00352400-00352582 and they can they can tell us because xAnsQtGij30-01566-00352583-00352871 they they as you know they xAnsQtGij30-01567-00352872-00353254 they on stability of those xAnsQtGij30-01568-00353255-00353599 of those fields having the chronosphere xAnsQtGij30-01569-00353600-00353991 in the in the corona and is is xAnsQtGij30-01570-00353992-00354343 it is really really beautiful xAnsQtGij30-01571-00354344-00354503 i mean it would be interesting and i xAnsQtGij30-01572-00354504-00354719 mean those kind of measurements of xAnsQtGij30-01573-00354720-00354975 understanding the helicity are to my xAnsQtGij30-01574-00354976-00355230 understanding always of active regions xAnsQtGij30-01575-00355231-00355406 and i wonder what we can do with the xAnsQtGij30-01576-00355407-00355615 smaller scale things that you will see xAnsQtGij30-01577-00355616-00355682 with xAnsQtGij30-01578-00355683-00355919 fee high resolution when we're looking xAnsQtGij30-01579-00355920-00356078 at really small scale xAnsQtGij30-01580-00356079-00356391 yeah things so that this is where i xAnsQtGij30-01581-00356392-00356767 i'm quite desperate to see for example xAnsQtGij30-01582-00356768-00356958 the edges of active regions where we see xAnsQtGij30-01583-00356959-00357103 the up flows xAnsQtGij30-01584-00357104-00357278 right we're starting to get evidence xAnsQtGij30-01585-00357279-00357447 that those are creating energetic xAnsQtGij30-01586-00357448-00357567 particles xAnsQtGij30-01587-00357568-00357710 why are those creating energetic xAnsQtGij30-01588-00357711-00357951 particles it's xAnsQtGij30-01589-00357952-00358254 it's just not clear and without this xAnsQtGij30-01590-00358255-00358495 very small scale magnetic field data xAnsQtGij30-01591-00358496-00358663 it will be hard for us to understand xAnsQtGij30-01592-00358664-00358878 that i have this image in my head of xAnsQtGij30-01593-00358879-00359054 what might be going on xAnsQtGij30-01594-00359055-00359358 um but you know xAnsQtGij30-01595-00359359-00359599 your edges your answers are different to xAnsQtGij30-01596-00359600-00359687 act to ours xAnsQtGij30-01597-00359688-00360158 we see we see it is everywhere xAnsQtGij30-01598-00360159-00360415 yeah yeah of course of course but yeah xAnsQtGij30-01599-00360416-00360599 it's um xAnsQtGij30-01600-00360600-00360839 yeah i i'm quite excited to be able to xAnsQtGij30-01601-00360840-00360934 see xAnsQtGij30-01602-00360935-00361182 this is why i'm curious if he saw the xAnsQtGij30-01603-00361183-00361343 active region the last couple of days xAnsQtGij30-01604-00361344-00361495 what do you see at the edge xAnsQtGij30-01605-00361496-00361823 the coronal edges is there some really xAnsQtGij30-01606-00361824-00361991 small scale behavior we haven't seen xAnsQtGij30-01607-00361992-00362247 before that could be the cause of those xAnsQtGij30-01608-00362248-00362430 energetic particles xAnsQtGij30-01609-00362431-00362663 that we've only observed because parker xAnsQtGij30-01610-00362664-00362830 is in so close xAnsQtGij30-01611-00362831-00363039 you couldn't see them at one of you but xAnsQtGij30-01612-00363040-00363134 they're there xAnsQtGij30-01613-00363135-00363527 something's causing them so xAnsQtGij30-01614-00363528-00363823 it will be really cool if you in the end xAnsQtGij30-01615-00363824-00364039 you can collaborate and make something xAnsQtGij30-01616-00364040-00364151 together xAnsQtGij30-01617-00364152-00364454 you know we we have we have already our xAnsQtGij30-01618-00364455-00364767 our student who hopefully xAnsQtGij30-01619-00364768-00365134 visit you for for a while in order to to xAnsQtGij30-01620-00365135-00365934 to to have things xAnsQtGij30-01621-00365935-00366191 yeah i i think we can start that with xAnsQtGij30-01622-00366192-00366358 the work that conrad's doing xAnsQtGij30-01623-00366359-00366639 um you say he's just reached the point xAnsQtGij30-01624-00366640-00366791 where we have a list where there are a xAnsQtGij30-01625-00366792-00366958 few examples of the xAnsQtGij30-01626-00366959-00367278 the kind of stealth jets that xAnsQtGij30-01627-00367279-00367487 would possibly be in the right location xAnsQtGij30-01628-00367488-00367710 to look at the magnetic field xAnsQtGij30-01629-00367711-00368023 and even looking at with hmi would be xAnsQtGij30-01630-00368024-00368206 good enough as a start so this this xAnsQtGij30-01631-00368207-00368439 could be something that we can already xAnsQtGij30-01632-00368440-00368727 work on um because i think those are xAnsQtGij30-01633-00368728-00368895 interesting because they xAnsQtGij30-01634-00368896-00369054 say you can see them in the up flow in xAnsQtGij30-01635-00369055-00369271 the spectroscopic data but the intensity xAnsQtGij30-01636-00369272-00369463 you would miss it you would not pick it xAnsQtGij30-01637-00369464-00369575 up at all xAnsQtGij30-01638-00369576-00369758 i mean you can't if your eye is always xAnsQtGij30-01639-00369759-00370023 destroyed oh there's a jet over there xAnsQtGij30-01640-00370024-00370158 but that that bit where you're seeing xAnsQtGij30-01641-00370159-00370423 the blue shifted is is xAnsQtGij30-01642-00370424-00370671 sometimes just looks so insignificant xAnsQtGij30-01643-00370672-00370895 but it obviously is significant xAnsQtGij30-01644-00370896-00371087 and it's possibly more significant in xAnsQtGij30-01645-00371088-00371271 the magnetic field xAnsQtGij30-01646-00371272-00371399 than we're seeing in the coronal xAnsQtGij30-01647-00371400-00371663 intensity okay xAnsQtGij30-01648-00371664-00371958 okay i think there is uh possibly the xAnsQtGij30-01649-00371959-00372071 last question by xAnsQtGij30-01650-00372072-00372543 by david navidorov so please david xAnsQtGij30-01651-00372544-00372919 hello luis hello i have a question do xAnsQtGij30-01652-00372920-00373015 you plan to xAnsQtGij30-01653-00373016-00373254 to perform stereoscopic observations xAnsQtGij30-01654-00373255-00373415 between xAnsQtGij30-01655-00373416-00373863 ui and sdo yes xAnsQtGij30-01656-00373864-00374054 yeah because i'm thinking about this xAnsQtGij30-01657-00374055-00374302 it's a phone call xAnsQtGij30-01658-00374303-00374630 campfires that you saw with the uh xAnsQtGij30-01659-00374631-00374887 so are you working on that yeah so we've xAnsQtGij30-01660-00374888-00374982 done some work xAnsQtGij30-01661-00374983-00375302 um yelana here has done some work on xAnsQtGij30-01662-00375303-00375695 also um 3d spectroscopy in the corona xAnsQtGij30-01663-00375696-00375991 so not only just the imaging but also xAnsQtGij30-01664-00375992-00376206 the spectroscopy so we want to be able xAnsQtGij30-01665-00376207-00376367 to get xAnsQtGij30-01666-00376368-00376647 um an idea of i mean the campfires may xAnsQtGij30-01667-00376648-00376767 be too small for this xAnsQtGij30-01668-00376768-00377087 the 3d imaging i'm not i'm not sure but xAnsQtGij30-01669-00377088-00377134 let xAnsQtGij30-01670-00377135-00377454 let's see how it goes because so far a xAnsQtGij30-01671-00377455-00377599 lot of it has been done with xAnsQtGij30-01672-00377600-00377815 active regions but yeah if we could see xAnsQtGij30-01673-00377816-00378034 one of the campfires xAnsQtGij30-01674-00378035-00378302 spectroscopically with spice ice iris xAnsQtGij30-01675-00378303-00378399 and then xAnsQtGij30-01676-00378400-00378734 sdo eui um and then xAnsQtGij30-01677-00378735-00379182 fee and hmi it'll make our head hurt but xAnsQtGij30-01678-00379183-00379415 it would be quite amazing to get those xAnsQtGij30-01679-00379416-00379710 different views so yeah definitely we're xAnsQtGij30-01680-00379711-00379927 we're trying we're we're hoping elena's xAnsQtGij30-01681-00379928-00380015 hoping to submit xAnsQtGij30-01682-00380016-00380302 paper in the next month or so for the 3d xAnsQtGij30-01683-00380303-00380454 spectroscopy xAnsQtGij30-01684-00380455-00380895 but yeah i'd love to do xAnsQtGij30-01685-00380896-00381110 the in the that is already really xAnsQtGij30-01686-00381111-00381319 challenging because xAnsQtGij30-01687-00381320-00381671 so yeah well yeah i say it will make our xAnsQtGij30-01688-00381672-00381791 heads hurt but xAnsQtGij30-01689-00381792-00382282 hopefully okay thank you thank you xAnsQtGij30-01690-00382283-00382599 so may i ask a question jose carlos xAnsQtGij30-01691-00382600-00382895 sure yes go ahead thank you very much xAnsQtGij30-01692-00382896-00383143 luis for your talk i am javier trujillo xAnsQtGij30-01693-00383144-00383543 from tenerife hello um well xAnsQtGij30-01694-00383544-00383743 if i am correct solar orbiter was xAnsQtGij30-01695-00383744-00384127 planned more than 20 or 25 years ago xAnsQtGij30-01696-00384128-00384343 and finally now is on its way towards xAnsQtGij30-01697-00384344-00384454 the sun xAnsQtGij30-01698-00384455-00384751 so all of us are very excited but in xAnsQtGij30-01699-00384752-00384847 your opinion xAnsQtGij30-01700-00384848-00385110 what should be the next solar space xAnsQtGij30-01701-00385111-00385263 telescope led by europe xAnsQtGij30-01702-00385264-00385519 what kind of instrumentation should this xAnsQtGij30-01703-00385520-00385854 shoot future space scope carry on xAnsQtGij30-01704-00385855-00386158 so there were a number of um white xAnsQtGij30-01705-00386159-00386319 papers put into issa xAnsQtGij30-01706-00386320-00386615 was it last year the year before xAnsQtGij30-01707-00386616-00386775 somebody two years ago now xAnsQtGij30-01708-00386776-00387095 um and there was a wide array of xAnsQtGij30-01709-00387096-00387358 um instruments i mean some of some of xAnsQtGij30-01710-00387359-00387471 which are already xAnsQtGij30-01711-00387472-00387863 underway so the solar c mission in japan xAnsQtGij30-01712-00387864-00388191 is it will be looking at spectroscopy xAnsQtGij30-01713-00388192-00388471 with the same spatial and spectral xAnsQtGij30-01714-00388472-00388543 resolution xAnsQtGij30-01715-00388544-00388743 from the chromosphere to the corona xAnsQtGij30-01716-00388744-00388967 which is technically very challenging xAnsQtGij30-01717-00388968-00389175 to do but that will allow us to track xAnsQtGij30-01718-00389176-00389543 that energy flow through xAnsQtGij30-01719-00389544-00389782 missions like the nasa one solaris there xAnsQtGij30-01720-00389783-00389975 was also a european xAnsQtGij30-01721-00389976-00390247 option for this and this is to spend xAnsQtGij30-01722-00390248-00390471 more time over the poles so xAnsQtGij30-01723-00390472-00390647 soul orbiter will see the poles for the xAnsQtGij30-01724-00390648-00390839 first time but it won't do long-term xAnsQtGij30-01725-00390840-00390975 observations xAnsQtGij30-01726-00390976-00391247 so i think having the longer term xAnsQtGij30-01727-00391248-00391382 observations there xAnsQtGij30-01728-00391383-00391610 are really important especially for the xAnsQtGij30-01729-00391611-00391847 helioseismology which will be key xAnsQtGij30-01730-00391848-00392191 to understanding and then i think as xAnsQtGij30-01731-00392192-00392247 david xAnsQtGij30-01732-00392248-00392534 was saying the multi-few points of the xAnsQtGij30-01733-00392535-00392654 sun xAnsQtGij30-01734-00392655-00392815 with similar instruments so we had xAnsQtGij30-01735-00392816-00393054 stereo but stereo didn't have a xAnsQtGij30-01736-00393055-00393215 spectrometer or xAnsQtGij30-01737-00393216-00393599 a magnetograph on um but if you had xAnsQtGij30-01738-00393600-00393908 i don't know five or ten xAnsQtGij30-01739-00393909-00394110 [Music] xAnsQtGij30-01740-00394111-00394287 i'm just dreaming now you asked me my xAnsQtGij30-01741-00394288-00394439 dream question so xAnsQtGij30-01742-00394440-00394687 um with all the same instruments and xAnsQtGij30-01743-00394688-00394767 you've got all these different xAnsQtGij30-01744-00394768-00394878 viewpoints xAnsQtGij30-01745-00394879-00395206 and you've got missions observing xAnsQtGij30-01746-00395207-00395367 around the equator but also over the xAnsQtGij30-01747-00395368-00395567 poles with the same instruments xAnsQtGij30-01748-00395568-00396023 it would be amazing to do that xAnsQtGij30-01749-00396024-00396302 okay i think there's lots of ideas on xAnsQtGij30-01750-00396303-00396495 what to do and also how to improve the xAnsQtGij30-01751-00396496-00396615 instruments to xAnsQtGij30-01752-00396616-00396863 measure the magnetic field photosphere xAnsQtGij30-01753-00396864-00396975 into chromosphere xAnsQtGij30-01754-00396976-00397278 in the corona so there's there's xAnsQtGij30-01755-00397279-00397527 definitely a lot still to do xAnsQtGij30-01756-00397528-00397758 okay thank you very much thank you xAnsQtGij30-01757-00397759-00397951 what's your dream instrument xAnsQtGij30-01758-00397952-00398127 well you know very well it's inspector xAnsQtGij30-01759-00398128-00398214 polar imagery xAnsQtGij30-01760-00398215-00398487 [Laughter] xAnsQtGij30-01761-00398488-00398815 bigger better yeah xAnsQtGij30-01762-00398816-00399206 of course so xAnsQtGij30-01763-00399207-00399510 is there any any more question i i i xAnsQtGij30-01764-00399511-00399782 don't see any any more race times xAnsQtGij30-01765-00399783-00400206 so i i think we should xAnsQtGij30-01766-00400207-00400534 just clock xAnsQtGij30-01767-00400535-00400943 our hands uh for for luis xAnsQtGij30-01768-00400944-00401230 thank her for a beautiful for a xAnsQtGij30-01769-00401231-00401310 beautiful xAnsQtGij30-01770-00401311-00401663 uh uh talk and xAnsQtGij30-01771-00401664-00402071 hope that uh your personal real xAnsQtGij30-01772-00402072-00402367 visit to granada next visit to granada xAnsQtGij30-01773-00402368-00402495 will be xAnsQtGij30-01774-00402496-00402815 very soon so i hope so it will be xAnsQtGij30-01775-00402816-00403047 really nice too but okay so we have we xAnsQtGij30-01776-00403048-00403327 have data that we can start working on xAnsQtGij30-01777-00403328-00403558 together so i will send you it maybe in xAnsQtGij30-01778-00403559-00403702 a few weeks xAnsQtGij30-01779-00403703-00404006 if you're willing wonderful your student xAnsQtGij30-01780-00404007-00404151 has started right xAnsQtGij30-01781-00404152-00405167 yes yes yes yes you see online xAnsQtGij30-01782-00405168-00405719 yeah say hello alejandro xAnsQtGij30-01783-00405720-00406006 nope we should we should arrange a xAnsQtGij30-01784-00406007-00406434 telecom xAnsQtGij30-01785-00406435-00406735 sorry xCQqxvUgjSo-00000-00000003-00000296 pokemons Pocket Monsters we all love xCQqxvUgjSo-00001-00000297-00000539 them from classics like Pikachu Eevee xCQqxvUgjSo-00002-00000540-00000773 Charmander Mudkip to newer pokemon like xCQqxvUgjSo-00003-00000774-00000998 Super Smash Brothers greninja pokemons xCQqxvUgjSo-00004-00000999-00001204 has a fun place in the hearts of many xCQqxvUgjSo-00005-00001205-00001385 children around the world xCQqxvUgjSo-00006-00001386-00001676 oh hey what's up dude yeah well if you xCQqxvUgjSo-00007-00001677-00001987 started the second already without ok xCQqxvUgjSo-00008-00001988-00002207 alright so today's episode we're gonna xCQqxvUgjSo-00009-00002208-00002452 be talking about the pokémon origins on xCQqxvUgjSo-00010-00002453-00002758 one kid childhood that changed hours of xCQqxvUgjSo-00011-00002759-00003001 impact all over hours and just what you xCQqxvUgjSo-00012-00003002-00003478 gonna mine and today's I'm flexing xCQqxvUgjSo-00013-00003479-00003604 you xCQqxvUgjSo-00014-00003606-00004634 [Music] xCQqxvUgjSo-00015-00004635-00004965 we start with Satoshi Tajiri as a child xCQqxvUgjSo-00016-00004966-00005199 Tajiri love and sex and tadpoles a xCQqxvUgjSo-00017-00005200-00005433 common sight of his suburban Tokyo home xCQqxvUgjSo-00018-00005434-00005643 did you know that Shigeru Miyamoto the xCQqxvUgjSo-00019-00005644-00005886 creative Mario also he created Mario xCQqxvUgjSo-00020-00005887-00006222 Legend of Zelda and he also created xCQqxvUgjSo-00021-00006223-00006414 Legend of Zelda to pay homage to when he xCQqxvUgjSo-00022-00006415-00006564 was a kid walking around in caves in the xCQqxvUgjSo-00023-00006565-00006951 forest oh she's me definitely Miyamoto xCQqxvUgjSo-00024-00006952-00007128 must have seen a lot of his younger self xCQqxvUgjSo-00025-00007129-00007314 in Tajiri because he was responsible for xCQqxvUgjSo-00026-00007315-00007569 introducing Tajiri and Pokemon to xCQqxvUgjSo-00027-00007570-00007763 Nintendo let's go back a few years first xCQqxvUgjSo-00028-00007764-00007985 Tajiri as an adult formed Game Freak and xCQqxvUgjSo-00029-00007986-00008133 a design studio called creatures xCQqxvUgjSo-00030-00008134-00008382 alongside artist Ken Sugimori who xCQqxvUgjSo-00031-00008383-00008552 illustrated the original Pokemon games xCQqxvUgjSo-00032-00008553-00008760 Tajiri loved the possibilities of xCQqxvUgjSo-00033-00008761-00008907 Nintendo's Game Boy system at the time xCQqxvUgjSo-00034-00008908-00009069 and he pictured little monsters xCQqxvUgjSo-00035-00009070-00009330 traveling along the wire weirdly enough xCQqxvUgjSo-00036-00009331-00009579 he was inspired by Ultraman fantasy TV xCQqxvUgjSo-00037-00009580-00009899 show called ultra 7 and a fantasy TV xCQqxvUgjSo-00038-00009900-00010035 show that revolved around the xCQqxvUgjSo-00039-00010036-00010194 protagonist using giant moss is xCQqxvUgjSo-00040-00010195-00010380 contained within small capsules Miyamoto xCQqxvUgjSo-00041-00010381-00010616 pushed Nintendo to fund the project her xCQqxvUgjSo-00042-00010617-00010788 production was not easy during his xCQqxvUgjSo-00043-00010789-00010965 six-year production time Pokemon nearly xCQqxvUgjSo-00044-00010966-00011210 drove Game Freak into bankruptcy but it xCQqxvUgjSo-00045-00011211-00011424 was totally worth it because when xCQqxvUgjSo-00046-00011425-00011604 pokemon red and green was released it xCQqxvUgjSo-00047-00011605-00011868 blew up in Japan pokemons mania was xCQqxvUgjSo-00048-00011869-00012093 everywhere trading cards a manga xCQqxvUgjSo-00049-00012094-00012393 adaptation the iconic anime now all that xCQqxvUgjSo-00050-00012394-00012552 was left for Nintendo was to release the xCQqxvUgjSo-00051-00012553-00012855 game overseas and the results was in xCQqxvUgjSo-00052-00012856-00013071 state officials are finding that Pokemon xCQqxvUgjSo-00053-00013072-00013287 cards are responsible for fistfights and xCQqxvUgjSo-00054-00013288-00013461 the constant trading is not only xCQqxvUgjSo-00055-00013462-00013710 distracting kids from class work but xCQqxvUgjSo-00056-00013711-00013878 turning the playground into a black xCQqxvUgjSo-00057-00013879-00014100 market in terms of games the next entry xCQqxvUgjSo-00058-00014101-00014297 in the franchise was yellow given the xCQqxvUgjSo-00059-00014298-00014516 popularity of the anime yellow allowed xCQqxvUgjSo-00060-00014518-00014715 players to play as Ashe and follow the xCQqxvUgjSo-00061-00014716-00014976 events of the enemy following yellow xCQqxvUgjSo-00062-00014977-00015197 gold and silver introduced the johto xCQqxvUgjSo-00063-00015198-00015422 region and an entirely new continent xCQqxvUgjSo-00064-00015423-00015666 with a hundred new Pokemon the features xCQqxvUgjSo-00065-00015666-00015807 introduced in this game went on to xCQqxvUgjSo-00066-00015808-00016058 become some Pokemon staples not one for xCQqxvUgjSo-00067-00016059-00016203 disappointed fans but Nintendo also xCQqxvUgjSo-00068-00016204-00016479 recreated red and green for the GBA as a xCQqxvUgjSo-00069-00016480-00016744 firered and leafgreen it was around xCQqxvUgjSo-00070-00016745-00016897 that Nintendo twisted the pokemons xCQqxvUgjSo-00071-00016898-00017192 formula with Pokemon Ranger pokemon xCQqxvUgjSo-00072-00017193-00017428 mystery dungeon and hardcore gamerz as xCQqxvUgjSo-00073-00017429-00017588 well as Pokemon fans considered the xCQqxvUgjSo-00074-00017589-00017786 mystery dungeon series not only were xCQqxvUgjSo-00075-00017787-00017983 these spent on for the main game but xCQqxvUgjSo-00076-00017984-00018211 some of the best video games ever made xCQqxvUgjSo-00077-00018212-00018475 it was around 2006 pokemons 10 year xCQqxvUgjSo-00078-00018476-00018683 anniversary that the franchise no longer xCQqxvUgjSo-00079-00018684-00018892 needed to prove itself diamond and pearl xCQqxvUgjSo-00080-00018893-00019124 black and white heart gold and soul xCQqxvUgjSo-00081-00019125-00019364 silver platinum X&Y xCQqxvUgjSo-00082-00019365-00019652 Sun and Moon were all top quality games xCQqxvUgjSo-00083-00019653-00019889 in fact every single main line game is xCQqxvUgjSo-00084-00019890-00020075 in the top selling best games list of xCQqxvUgjSo-00085-00020076-00020308 all time are you forgetting something I xCQqxvUgjSo-00086-00020309-00020497 don't think so xCQqxvUgjSo-00087-00020498-00020686 I covered a lot of Pokemon content xCQqxvUgjSo-00088-00020687-00020953 already there was Pokemon Conquest a xCQqxvUgjSo-00089-00020954-00021197 fire emblem like spin-off the anime is xCQqxvUgjSo-00090-00021198-00021280 still going strong xCQqxvUgjSo-00091-00021281-00021467 oh and sword and shield will be the xCQqxvUgjSo-00092-00021468-00021614 first main line entry for a Nintendo xCQqxvUgjSo-00093-00021615-00021911 console rather than a handheld I wonder xCQqxvUgjSo-00094-00021912-00022120 what else I'm getting it hope you won't xCQqxvUgjSo-00095-00022121-00023155 go oh I'm so dumb the game as many of us xCQqxvUgjSo-00096-00023156-00023389 remember was a huge hit that summary xCQqxvUgjSo-00097-00023390-00023561 that it came out everyone was talking xCQqxvUgjSo-00098-00023562-00023755 about playing Pokemon go for better or xCQqxvUgjSo-00099-00023756-00024064 for worse pokey mania was huge companies xCQqxvUgjSo-00100-00024065-00024239 got people into their stores using the xCQqxvUgjSo-00101-00024240-00024469 pokey stop feature gyms were crowded xCQqxvUgjSo-00102-00024470-00024724 with people actual criminals were caught xCQqxvUgjSo-00103-00024725-00024940 memorials were desecrated by gamers xCQqxvUgjSo-00104-00024941-00025147 injuries were had friendships were made xCQqxvUgjSo-00105-00025148-00025384 people actually started to go to church xCQqxvUgjSo-00106-00025385-00025612 again what's that about xCQqxvUgjSo-00107-00025613-00025877 Nintendo had a ton of merchandise money xCQqxvUgjSo-00108-00025877-00026039 thanks to the increased interest in xCQqxvUgjSo-00109-00026039-00026308 pokemons and of course celebrities and xCQqxvUgjSo-00110-00026309-00026515 politicians had to get involved will xCQqxvUgjSo-00111-00026516-00026987 create it Pokemon go xCQqxvUgjSo-00112-00026988-00027316 but I've tried to figure out how we get xCQqxvUgjSo-00113-00027317-00027769 them to have pokemon go to the polls do xCQqxvUgjSo-00114-00027770-00027964 you think that would be another game a xCQqxvUgjSo-00115-00027964-00028087 populist Pokemon go xCQqxvUgjSo-00116-00028088-00028617 I don't know Jill it's hard to say hmm xCQqxvUgjSo-00117-00028618-00028885 it's lunchtime do you know what that xCQqxvUgjSo-00118-00028886-00029032 means what does it mean xCQqxvUgjSo-00119-00029033-00030216 it's pokemons die it's a Charmander xCQqxvUgjSo-00120-00030217-00030927 [Music] xCQqxvUgjSo-00121-00030928-00031134 you xElFtsI6xnc-00000-00000215-00000451 Dean Chang is the John eight Edwardson xElFtsI6xnc-00001-00000452-00000661 Dean of the College of Engineering xElFtsI6xnc-00002-00000662-00000994 his research received a 2013 Alan T xElFtsI6xnc-00003-00000995-00001265 Waterman award his online courses and xElFtsI6xnc-00004-00001266-00001609 textbooks reached over 250,000 students xElFtsI6xnc-00005-00001610-00001868 a small number and he co-founded several xElFtsI6xnc-00006-00001869-00002063 startup country companies and a xElFtsI6xnc-00007-00002064-00002527 non-profit consortium so Dean Chang xElFtsI6xnc-00008-00002528-00002919 [Applause] xElFtsI6xnc-00009-00002920-00003206 let me see if I can turn this off also xElFtsI6xnc-00010-00003207-00003552 well great to see all of you here and xElFtsI6xnc-00011-00003553-00003761 welcome to this installment of the xElFtsI6xnc-00012-00003763-00003975 Purdue engineering distinguished a xElFtsI6xnc-00013-00003976-00004353 lecture series as we aspire to the xElFtsI6xnc-00014-00004354-00004659 pinnacle of excellence at scale were xElFtsI6xnc-00015-00004660-00004986 delighted and honored to invite a number xElFtsI6xnc-00016-00004987-00005307 of just incredibly distinguished xElFtsI6xnc-00017-00005308-00005664 colleagues from around the world mostly xElFtsI6xnc-00018-00005665-00005891 from academia some from industry and xElFtsI6xnc-00019-00005892-00006182 today we are delighted and honored to xElFtsI6xnc-00020-00006183-00006627 welcome a dr. group Chakrabarty from MIT xElFtsI6xnc-00021-00006628-00006896 who's the haslam professor of chemical xElFtsI6xnc-00022-00006897-00007095 engineering there and also the founding xElFtsI6xnc-00023-00007095-00007506 director of the Institute for medical xElFtsI6xnc-00024-00007506-00007952 engineering and Sciences at MIT today's xElFtsI6xnc-00025-00007953-00008238 distinguished lecture I think is very xElFtsI6xnc-00026-00008239-00008544 special in three ways one is the very xElFtsI6xnc-00027-00008545-00008799 subject matter how do we hit HIV where xElFtsI6xnc-00028-00008800-00009159 it hurts and secondly is just the xElFtsI6xnc-00029-00009160-00009584 incredible scholarship of the lecture xElFtsI6xnc-00030-00009585-00009938 today not only is a Rupe a member of all xElFtsI6xnc-00031-00009939-00010220 three National Academies natural kanva xElFtsI6xnc-00032-00010221-00010433 of engineering national canvas size xElFtsI6xnc-00033-00010434-00010833 National Academy of Medicine and also xElFtsI6xnc-00034-00010834-00011016 American Academy of Arts and Sciences xElFtsI6xnc-00035-00011017-00011489 but also he was elected into the NA and xElFtsI6xnc-00036-00011490-00011870 NES for two completely different sets of xElFtsI6xnc-00037-00011871-00012216 contributions and that is just unheard xElFtsI6xnc-00038-00012217-00012581 of reinvention of one's own research xElFtsI6xnc-00039-00012582-00012944 career a true inspiration to all the xElFtsI6xnc-00040-00012944-00013326 bottom acre engineers here now thirdly xElFtsI6xnc-00041-00013327-00013611 is also because of groups a leadership xElFtsI6xnc-00042-00013612-00013854 both at Berkeley where he was a xElFtsI6xnc-00043-00013855-00014049 distinguished professor and chair of xElFtsI6xnc-00044-00014050-00014319 chemical engineering and then since then xElFtsI6xnc-00045-00014319-00014760 at MIT where he founded this Institute xElFtsI6xnc-00046-00014761-00015005 for medical engineering and science and xElFtsI6xnc-00047-00015006-00015390 as Purdue engineering starts the deep xElFtsI6xnc-00048-00015391-00015719 partnership with ru School of Medicine xElFtsI6xnc-00049-00015720-00016074 and we had this partnership announced xElFtsI6xnc-00050-00016075-00016305 just about two weeks ago xElFtsI6xnc-00051-00016306-00016674 research teaching students faculty and xElFtsI6xnc-00052-00016675-00016989 translation we have a lot to learn from xElFtsI6xnc-00053-00016990-00017217 our friends and colleagues over in xElFtsI6xnc-00054-00017218-00017478 Cambridge Massachusetts with leaders xElFtsI6xnc-00055-00017479-00017691 such as a Roop a warm welcome thank you xElFtsI6xnc-00056-00017692-00018729 so much a room well thank you very very xElFtsI6xnc-00057-00018730-00018762 much xElFtsI6xnc-00058-00018763-00019232 for the very kind words of introduction xElFtsI6xnc-00059-00019233-00019430 probably best after that type of xElFtsI6xnc-00060-00019431-00019614 introduction not to give a talk because xElFtsI6xnc-00061-00019615-00019806 things can only go downhill after this xElFtsI6xnc-00062-00019807-00020202 but but nonetheless I'm delighted and xElFtsI6xnc-00063-00020203-00020532 privileged to be here and so I thank you xElFtsI6xnc-00064-00020533-00020889 also for the invitation so as was xElFtsI6xnc-00065-00020890-00021342 mentioned in passing the preponderance xElFtsI6xnc-00066-00021343-00021600 of my work over the last 20 years has xElFtsI6xnc-00067-00021601-00021840 been focused in trying to understand how xElFtsI6xnc-00068-00021841-00022050 the immune system functions and then xElFtsI6xnc-00069-00022051-00022244 trying to harness that knowledge toward xElFtsI6xnc-00070-00022245-00022494 practical ends and by way of xElFtsI6xnc-00071-00022495-00022836 introduction let me say that we have an xElFtsI6xnc-00072-00022837-00023109 adaptive immune system which is xElFtsI6xnc-00073-00023110-00023286 remarkable in that it enables us to xElFtsI6xnc-00074-00023287-00023603 mount pathogen specific responses xElFtsI6xnc-00075-00023604-00023838 against a diverse and evolving world of xElFtsI6xnc-00076-00023839-00024237 microbes including your ability to mount xElFtsI6xnc-00077-00024238-00024537 a pathogen specific response against xElFtsI6xnc-00078-00024538-00024753 pathogens that may not have evolved when xElFtsI6xnc-00079-00024754-00025031 you were born to roughly see how this xElFtsI6xnc-00080-00025032-00025239 works consider infection with the virus xElFtsI6xnc-00081-00025240-00025542 when a virus infects the host cell in xElFtsI6xnc-00082-00025543-00025742 hijacks its transcriptional machinery xElFtsI6xnc-00083-00025743-00025974 enabling the synthesis of new viral xElFtsI6xnc-00084-00025975-00026252 proteins and the assembly of new virus xElFtsI6xnc-00085-00026253-00026493 particles that can go on to infect other xElFtsI6xnc-00086-00026494-00026771 cells important players in adaptive xElFtsI6xnc-00087-00026772-00027227 immunity or B cells most b-cells xElFtsI6xnc-00088-00027228-00027429 have a receptor on their surface that's xElFtsI6xnc-00089-00027430-00027651 distinct from the receptor on another xElFtsI6xnc-00090-00027652-00027894 b-cell so the receptor on this xElFtsI6xnc-00091-00027895-00028119 particular b-cell can bind sufficiently xElFtsI6xnc-00092-00028120-00028370 strongly to the proteins that make up xElFtsI6xnc-00093-00028372-00028629 the spike of this particular virus then xElFtsI6xnc-00094-00028630-00028827 while chemical reactions cause it to get xElFtsI6xnc-00095-00028827-00029094 activated it starts to proliferate that xElFtsI6xnc-00096-00029095-00029408 is make many copies of itself and then a xElFtsI6xnc-00097-00029409-00029613 Darwinian evolutionary process a person xElFtsI6xnc-00098-00029614-00029633 of xElFtsI6xnc-00099-00029635-00029862 a short time that I shall describe a bit xElFtsI6xnc-00100-00029863-00030141 later that ultimately leads to secretion xElFtsI6xnc-00101-00030142-00030435 of soluble and even more high affinity xElFtsI6xnc-00102-00030436-00030744 forms of this receptor and that is what xElFtsI6xnc-00103-00030745-00031044 is called an antibody these antibodies xElFtsI6xnc-00104-00031045-00031269 can then bind specifically to the spikes xElFtsI6xnc-00105-00031270-00031461 and strongly to the spikes on the xElFtsI6xnc-00106-00031462-00031620 surface of this particular virus and xElFtsI6xnc-00107-00031620-00031794 then dispose of it in a number of xElFtsI6xnc-00108-00031795-00031962 different ways that I shall not describe xElFtsI6xnc-00109-00031963-00032289 today but antibodies principally back xElFtsI6xnc-00110-00032289-00032562 act on free virus particles in your xElFtsI6xnc-00111-00032563-00032907 blood or extracellular spaces now some xElFtsI6xnc-00112-00032908-00033168 of these vile proteins are chopped up xElFtsI6xnc-00113-00033169-00033405 into short peptides about ten amino xElFtsI6xnc-00114-00033406-00033636 acids long and displayed on the surface xElFtsI6xnc-00115-00033637-00033978 of these infected cells in complex with xElFtsI6xnc-00116-00033979-00034308 human proteins called MHC proteins we xElFtsI6xnc-00117-00034309-00034542 each have six to twelve types of MHC xElFtsI6xnc-00118-00034543-00034800 proteins but there are thousands of xElFtsI6xnc-00119-00034801-00034992 variants in the human population and xElFtsI6xnc-00120-00034993-00035262 different MHC proteins tend to bind xElFtsI6xnc-00121-00035263-00035604 different types of peptides now t-cells xElFtsI6xnc-00122-00035605-00035787 are also important players in adaptive xElFtsI6xnc-00123-00035788-00036036 immunity again most t-cells have a xElFtsI6xnc-00124-00036037-00036174 receptor on their surface that's xElFtsI6xnc-00125-00036175-00036384 distinct from that of another T cell and xElFtsI6xnc-00126-00036385-00036612 if the receptor on this particular T xElFtsI6xnc-00127-00036613-00036828 cell can bind sufficiently strongly to xElFtsI6xnc-00128-00036829-00037191 this viral peptide it gets activated it xElFtsI6xnc-00129-00037192-00037413 starts to proliferate and then it can xElFtsI6xnc-00130-00037414-00037575 coordinate an immune response in a xElFtsI6xnc-00131-00037576-00037757 number of different ways for example xElFtsI6xnc-00132-00037758-00038076 certain kinds of T cells called CTLs are xElFtsI6xnc-00133-00038077-00038397 such that if an activated CTL sees xElFtsI6xnc-00134-00038398-00038625 another cell displaying the same peptide xElFtsI6xnc-00135-00038626-00038877 that originally activated it it can xElFtsI6xnc-00136-00038878-00039045 secrete products that will kill this xElFtsI6xnc-00137-00039046-00039255 infected cell and the virus particles xElFtsI6xnc-00138-00039256-00039471 that it harbours now after you have xElFtsI6xnc-00139-00039472-00039843 cleared an infection most of the B cells xElFtsI6xnc-00140-00039844-00040002 and T cells that proliferated in xElFtsI6xnc-00141-00040003-00040323 responses particular infection die but a xElFtsI6xnc-00142-00040324-00040551 few remain as so-called memory cells xElFtsI6xnc-00143-00040552-00040815 which can mount robust and rapid xElFtsI6xnc-00144-00040816-00041043 responses upon reinfection with the same xElFtsI6xnc-00145-00041044-00041295 pathogen this pathogen specific xElFtsI6xnc-00146-00041296-00041574 immunological memory is the basis for xElFtsI6xnc-00147-00041575-00041841 vaccination with a vaccine you try to xElFtsI6xnc-00148-00041842-00042072 induce memory B cells T cells and xElFtsI6xnc-00149-00042073-00042303 antibodies that are specific for the bug xElFtsI6xnc-00150-00042304-00042477 against which you wish to protect the xElFtsI6xnc-00151-00042478-00043002 host now a barrier to the xElFtsI6xnc-00152-00043003-00043227 for mechanistic understanding of these xElFtsI6xnc-00153-00043228-00043449 processes is that the involve xElFtsI6xnc-00154-00043450-00043719 cooperative dynamic events with many xElFtsI6xnc-00155-00043720-00043950 participating components that have to xElFtsI6xnc-00156-00043951-00044175 act collectively in order for any given xElFtsI6xnc-00157-00044176-00044436 phenomenon to emerge moreover these xElFtsI6xnc-00158-00044437-00044658 cooperative processes span a spectrum of xElFtsI6xnc-00159-00044659-00044910 skills from many molecules in a single xElFtsI6xnc-00160-00044911-00045213 cell to many cells in tissues to the xElFtsI6xnc-00161-00045214-00045435 scale of the entire organism and indeed xElFtsI6xnc-00162-00045436-00045642 populations of organisms that are xElFtsI6xnc-00163-00045643-00045846 evolving to try and evade our immune xElFtsI6xnc-00164-00045847-00046140 system so this hierarchy of cooperative xElFtsI6xnc-00165-00046141-00046323 processes with feedback between the xElFtsI6xnc-00166-00046324-00046560 scales can often make it difficult to xElFtsI6xnc-00167-00046561-00046776 intuit underlying mechanism from xElFtsI6xnc-00168-00046777-00047001 observing experimental observations and xElFtsI6xnc-00169-00047002-00047214 further confirming intuition is that xElFtsI6xnc-00170-00047215-00047469 many of these prop processes are xElFtsI6xnc-00171-00047470-00047765 inherently stochastic in character so xElFtsI6xnc-00172-00047766-00047994 the last two decades what we've been xElFtsI6xnc-00173-00047995-00048138 trying to do is help confront these xElFtsI6xnc-00174-00048139-00048294 challenges by bringing together xElFtsI6xnc-00175-00048295-00048477 approaches that have traditionally been xElFtsI6xnc-00176-00048478-00048666 stove-piped in different disciplines in xElFtsI6xnc-00177-00048667-00048885 particular where we have tried to do is xElFtsI6xnc-00178-00048886-00049122 bring together theory and computation xElFtsI6xnc-00179-00049123-00049263 that's rooted in the physical and xElFtsI6xnc-00180-00049264-00049482 engineering sciences with the diversity xElFtsI6xnc-00181-00049483-00049683 of different biological experiments and xElFtsI6xnc-00182-00049684-00049974 clinical work now a conceptual framework xElFtsI6xnc-00183-00049975-00050144 that we use a lot in our work is xElFtsI6xnc-00184-00050145-00050475 statistical mechanics its central goal xElFtsI6xnc-00185-00050476-00050709 is to understand how fluctuating xElFtsI6xnc-00186-00050710-00050991 interacting microscopic objects can xElFtsI6xnc-00187-00050992-00051209 conspire together so that coherent xElFtsI6xnc-00188-00051210-00051399 mesoscopic and macroscopic behavior xElFtsI6xnc-00189-00051400-00051678 emerges so given some of the challenges xElFtsI6xnc-00190-00051679-00051873 in immunology that I just described xElFtsI6xnc-00191-00051874-00052098 perhaps it is not so surprising that xElFtsI6xnc-00192-00052099-00052311 bringing these apparently disparate xElFtsI6xnc-00193-00052312-00052619 disciplines together has been fruitful xElFtsI6xnc-00194-00052620-00053066 now I should point out that these xElFtsI6xnc-00195-00053066-00053274 experiments and the clinical work that xElFtsI6xnc-00196-00053275-00053504 can test predictions that emerge from xElFtsI6xnc-00197-00053505-00053727 the theoretical computation work have xElFtsI6xnc-00198-00053728-00053867 been often been carried out in xElFtsI6xnc-00199-00053869-00054162 collaboration with diverse immunologists xElFtsI6xnc-00200-00054163-00054396 around the world and indeed with the key xElFtsI6xnc-00201-00054397-00054617 assistance of these collaborators indeed xElFtsI6xnc-00202-00054619-00054897 my immunology teachers so over the years xElFtsI6xnc-00203-00054898-00055089 we've had some luck in shedding light on xElFtsI6xnc-00204-00055090-00055332 a diversity of different questions that xElFtsI6xnc-00205-00055333-00055662 span the scale from molecules to human xElFtsI6xnc-00206-00055663-00055935 disease and the latter will be my focus xElFtsI6xnc-00207-00055936-00056358 today so acceptance or xElFtsI6xnc-00208-00056359-00056600 parts of the west coast of this country xElFtsI6xnc-00209-00056601-00056889 it is not a matter of debate that xElFtsI6xnc-00210-00056890-00057096 vaccination has saved more lives than xElFtsI6xnc-00211-00057097-00057495 any other medical procedure but today xElFtsI6xnc-00212-00057496-00057822 some pathogens have evolved that defy xElFtsI6xnc-00213-00057823-00058050 successful vaccination using the xElFtsI6xnc-00214-00058051-00058269 empirical paradigms that were pioneered xElFtsI6xnc-00215-00058270-00058554 by Pasteur in general over two centuries xElFtsI6xnc-00216-00058554-00058977 ago HIV is a prominent example what is xElFtsI6xnc-00217-00058978-00059244 required in order to eliminate such xElFtsI6xnc-00218-00059245-00059514 Courage's from the planet is rational xElFtsI6xnc-00219-00059515-00059724 rather than empirical design of vaccines xElFtsI6xnc-00220-00059725-00059970 based on a mechanistic understanding of xElFtsI6xnc-00221-00059971-00060360 the pertinent biology and immunology now xElFtsI6xnc-00222-00060361-00060542 a major barrier to the quest for a xElFtsI6xnc-00223-00060544-00060786 vaccine against HIV has been the high xElFtsI6xnc-00224-00060787-00061062 mutability of the virus so in these xElFtsI6xnc-00225-00061063-00061278 phylogenetic trees the number of ends xElFtsI6xnc-00226-00061279-00061464 corresponds to the diversity of xElFtsI6xnc-00227-00061465-00061758 circulating strains and you can see in xElFtsI6xnc-00228-00061759-00061979 this diagram that is to scale the xElFtsI6xnc-00229-00061980-00062172 diversity of the flu virus in the entire xElFtsI6xnc-00230-00062173-00062424 world in a particular year is comparable xElFtsI6xnc-00231-00062425-00062676 to the diversity of HIV strains in a xElFtsI6xnc-00232-00062677-00062852 single infected individual and xElFtsI6xnc-00233-00062853-00063080 completely dwarfed by the diversity of xElFtsI6xnc-00234-00063082-00063327 strains circulating in just one region xElFtsI6xnc-00235-00063328-00063566 in Africa so this high mutability xElFtsI6xnc-00236-00063567-00063755 presents a challenge for vaccination xElFtsI6xnc-00237-00063757-00064128 because HIV can mutate to evade vaccine xElFtsI6xnc-00238-00064129-00064350 induced antibodies than T cells that xElFtsI6xnc-00239-00064351-00064515 live ready and waiting for certain xElFtsI6xnc-00240-00064516-00064703 strains because we have a specific xElFtsI6xnc-00241-00064704-00065121 immune system I'm briefly going to tell xElFtsI6xnc-00242-00065122-00065301 you today about are some of our work on xElFtsI6xnc-00243-00065302-00065514 both the antibody and T cell arms of xElFtsI6xnc-00244-00065515-00065730 this challenge beginning with our work xElFtsI6xnc-00245-00065731-00066087 on T cells so because of the high xElFtsI6xnc-00246-00066088-00066267 immutability of the virus there has long xElFtsI6xnc-00247-00066268-00066519 been interest in trying to focus a xElFtsI6xnc-00248-00066520-00066810 vaccine induced t cell response to xElFtsI6xnc-00249-00066811-00067104 target single residues of HIV proteins xElFtsI6xnc-00250-00067105-00067428 that appear relatively conserved when xElFtsI6xnc-00251-00067429-00067695 you look at sequences of the same HIV xElFtsI6xnc-00252-00067696-00067917 protein derived from virus samples xElFtsI6xnc-00253-00067918-00068187 extracted from diverse patients the idea xElFtsI6xnc-00254-00068188-00068445 of course is that over t saw attacks xElFtsI6xnc-00255-00068446-00068718 such a residue then HIV will have to xElFtsI6xnc-00256-00068719-00068973 evolve a mutation there to evade the t xElFtsI6xnc-00257-00068974-00069147 cell pressure but that should likely xElFtsI6xnc-00258-00069148-00069354 make the virus replicating ly unfit xElFtsI6xnc-00259-00069355-00069510 because why else do you see that xElFtsI6xnc-00260-00069511-00069699 particular residue relatively xElFtsI6xnc-00261-00069700-00069992 from one strain to another but because xElFtsI6xnc-00262-00069993-00070335 of the high mutability and replication xElFtsI6xnc-00263-00070336-00070635 rate of HIV this strategy can be blunted xElFtsI6xnc-00264-00070636-00070886 because often it can involve other xElFtsI6xnc-00265-00070887-00071093 mutations so-called compensatory xElFtsI6xnc-00266-00071094-00071448 mutations that can partially restore the xElFtsI6xnc-00267-00071449-00071661 fitness cost incurred by making the xElFtsI6xnc-00268-00071662-00071963 first immunity mutation so now you have xElFtsI6xnc-00269-00071964-00072204 a virus that's almost as fit as before xElFtsI6xnc-00270-00072205-00072437 and it has invaded this t-cell response xElFtsI6xnc-00271-00072438-00072637 so the point is if you want to define xElFtsI6xnc-00272-00072638-00072911 the mutational vulnerability of a virus xElFtsI6xnc-00273-00072912-00073161 like HIV you have to determine these xElFtsI6xnc-00274-00073162-00073455 collective compensatory pathways that xElFtsI6xnc-00275-00073456-00073761 the virus uses in order to evade human xElFtsI6xnc-00276-00073762-00074091 immunity so that you do not target them xElFtsI6xnc-00277-00074092-00074294 to the vaccine induced t-cell response xElFtsI6xnc-00278-00074295-00074553 and you also want to determine those xElFtsI6xnc-00279-00074554-00074805 combinations of mutations that the virus xElFtsI6xnc-00280-00074806-00075026 cannot make at simultaneously and remain xElFtsI6xnc-00281-00075027-00075311 viable so that you do target them with a xElFtsI6xnc-00282-00075312-00075587 vaccine induced immune response or in xElFtsI6xnc-00283-00075588-00075851 short you need to determine the fitness xElFtsI6xnc-00284-00075852-00076074 landscape of this virus and in order to xElFtsI6xnc-00285-00076075-00076262 illustrate what I mean by a fitness xElFtsI6xnc-00286-00076263-00076493 landscape on a two-dimensional slide xElFtsI6xnc-00287-00076494-00076775 here just for illustration I have to xElFtsI6xnc-00288-00076776-00077012 consider a cartoon virus that's made up xElFtsI6xnc-00289-00077013-00077178 of one protein with two residues xElFtsI6xnc-00290-00077179-00077480 otherwise I can't draw it here so in xElFtsI6xnc-00291-00077481-00077766 this axis every grid point is a mutant xElFtsI6xnc-00292-00077767-00077993 amino acid net may arise in residue one xElFtsI6xnc-00293-00077994-00078261 and on this axis every grid point is a xElFtsI6xnc-00294-00078262-00078447 mutant amino acid that might arise in xElFtsI6xnc-00295-00078448-00078735 residue two so for this cartoon virus xElFtsI6xnc-00296-00078736-00078968 any point in this two-dimensional plane xElFtsI6xnc-00297-00078969-00079301 is a mutant strain and information about xElFtsI6xnc-00298-00079302-00079572 its ability to replicate and propagate xElFtsI6xnc-00299-00079573-00079781 infection is shown on this third axis so xElFtsI6xnc-00300-00079782-00079988 you can see how this information of xElFtsI6xnc-00301-00079989-00080199 fitness as a function of sequence will xElFtsI6xnc-00302-00080200-00080444 trace out hills and valleys except of xElFtsI6xnc-00303-00080445-00080594 course in a much more higher dimensional xElFtsI6xnc-00304-00080595-00080806 space than what I have illustrated here xElFtsI6xnc-00305-00080807-00081074 now knowledge of this fitness landscape xElFtsI6xnc-00306-00081075-00081326 can be very useful for vaccine design xElFtsI6xnc-00307-00081327-00081546 because with the vaccine induced t-cell xElFtsI6xnc-00308-00081547-00081774 response you want to push the virus off xElFtsI6xnc-00309-00081775-00081999 of one of these Fitness Hills and force xElFtsI6xnc-00310-00082000-00082272 it to make immune evading mutations that xElFtsI6xnc-00311-00082273-00082422 correspond to one of these Fitness xElFtsI6xnc-00312-00082423-00082691 values and you also want to block these xElFtsI6xnc-00313-00082692-00082976 mountain passes that correspond xElFtsI6xnc-00314-00082977-00083255 to the mutational pathways that the xElFtsI6xnc-00315-00083256-00083516 virus takes to go from one hill to xElFtsI6xnc-00316-00083517-00083741 another when this one is under immune xElFtsI6xnc-00317-00083742-00083987 attack and on with this Fitness xElFtsI6xnc-00318-00083988-00084200 landscape you can then design the xElFtsI6xnc-00319-00084201-00084419 immunogen or the active component of the xElFtsI6xnc-00320-00084420-00084620 vaccine not to behold proteins of the xElFtsI6xnc-00321-00084621-00084884 virus as is typical but one that xElFtsI6xnc-00322-00084885-00085163 contains only one parts of the proteins xElFtsI6xnc-00323-00085164-00085463 of the virus those that satisfy these xElFtsI6xnc-00324-00085464-00085697 three criteria they minimize regions xElFtsI6xnc-00325-00085698-00085868 that are rife with these compensatory xElFtsI6xnc-00326-00085869-00086201 pathways they maximize regions where xElFtsI6xnc-00327-00086202-00086348 multiple mutations are especially xElFtsI6xnc-00328-00086349-00086573 deleterious so that that is targeted and xElFtsI6xnc-00329-00086574-00086741 the compensatory regions are simply not xElFtsI6xnc-00330-00086742-00086954 there to target and they maximize xElFtsI6xnc-00331-00086955-00087176 regions that can be displayed as xElFtsI6xnc-00332-00087177-00087499 peptides by people with diverse people xElFtsI6xnc-00333-00087500-00087764 so as to get broad coverage of a xElFtsI6xnc-00334-00087765-00088022 population it is this very practical xElFtsI6xnc-00335-00088023-00088283 goal is what led us to try and convert xElFtsI6xnc-00336-00088284-00088616 the data of thousands of sequences of xElFtsI6xnc-00337-00088617-00088856 HIV viruses into knowledge of these xElFtsI6xnc-00338-00088857-00089228 Fitness landscapes so this work has been xElFtsI6xnc-00339-00089229-00089519 going on for a while and suffice it to xElFtsI6xnc-00340-00089520-00089698 say that the people in the top row are xElFtsI6xnc-00341-00089699-00090011 all in former lab members who have their xElFtsI6xnc-00342-00090012-00090299 own faculty positions now and I shall xElFtsI6xnc-00343-00090300-00090560 mention those in the bottom row here as xElFtsI6xnc-00344-00090561-00090944 we proceed so the way that we do this is xElFtsI6xnc-00345-00090945-00091451 the following each viral sequence can be xElFtsI6xnc-00346-00091452-00091727 represented as a vector because it's xElFtsI6xnc-00347-00091728-00091898 simply a list of amino acids and xElFtsI6xnc-00348-00091899-00092141 different residues let's call that xElFtsI6xnc-00349-00092142-00092530 vector Z and let us first set a more xElFtsI6xnc-00350-00092531-00092834 easy goal of trying to determine what I xElFtsI6xnc-00351-00092835-00092999 call the prevalence landscape of the xElFtsI6xnc-00352-00093000-00093293 virus that is the probability of seeing xElFtsI6xnc-00353-00093294-00093593 a particular sequence in circulation the xElFtsI6xnc-00354-00093594-00093925 sequence data contains this information xElFtsI6xnc-00355-00093926-00094163 the sequence data also contains xElFtsI6xnc-00356-00094164-00094307 information and the probability of xElFtsI6xnc-00357-00094308-00094478 seeing single mutations and every xElFtsI6xnc-00358-00094479-00094721 residue double mutations at every pair xElFtsI6xnc-00359-00094722-00094904 of residues triple mutations at every xElFtsI6xnc-00360-00094905-00095117 triplet of residues and so on so on an xElFtsI6xnc-00361-00095118-00095333 any mathematical model that can xElFtsI6xnc-00362-00095334-00095501 recapitulate these mutational xElFtsI6xnc-00363-00095502-00095804 probabilities is a legitimate model for xElFtsI6xnc-00364-00095805-00096153 P of C and then xElFtsI6xnc-00365-00096154-00096430 extending and abstracting methods that xElFtsI6xnc-00366-00096431-00096610 were developed in other context such as xElFtsI6xnc-00367-00096611-00096918 in neuroscience we asked what is the xElFtsI6xnc-00368-00096919-00097218 least biased model for P of Z that by xElFtsI6xnc-00369-00097219-00097475 construction fits the one and two side xElFtsI6xnc-00370-00097476-00097860 mutational probabilities and then xElFtsI6xnc-00371-00097861-00098106 exploiting the connection between xElFtsI6xnc-00372-00098107-00098398 statistical mechanics and what xElFtsI6xnc-00373-00098399-00098673 electrical engineers developed as xElFtsI6xnc-00374-00098674-00099087 information theory least biased isn't xElFtsI6xnc-00375-00099088-00099401 interpreted as the maximum entropy model xElFtsI6xnc-00376-00099402-00099630 let me just take you through two and xElFtsI6xnc-00377-00099631-00099847 last pieces of algebra for this general xElFtsI6xnc-00378-00099848-00100372 talk if Z K is the KH sequence P of ZK xElFtsI6xnc-00379-00100373-00100573 is the probability of observing the xElFtsI6xnc-00380-00100574-00100798 sequence and that is what we seek and xElFtsI6xnc-00381-00100799-00101007 the entropy of that probability xElFtsI6xnc-00382-00101008-00101296 distribution is given thusly and we want xElFtsI6xnc-00383-00101297-00101548 to maximize this entropy subject to xElFtsI6xnc-00384-00101549-00101880 constraints that it is normalized it's xElFtsI6xnc-00385-00101881-00102049 predicted one point mutational xElFtsI6xnc-00386-00102050-00102274 probability is the observed one it's xElFtsI6xnc-00387-00102275-00102429 predicted to point mutational xElFtsI6xnc-00388-00102430-00102654 probability is the observed one and we xElFtsI6xnc-00389-00102655-00102814 enforce these constraints through xElFtsI6xnc-00390-00102815-00103065 Lagrange multipliers and two lines of xElFtsI6xnc-00391-00103066-00103303 algebra will show you that P of Z then xElFtsI6xnc-00392-00103304-00103560 has this familiar form from statistical xElFtsI6xnc-00393-00103561-00103815 mechanics with a Hamiltonian given like xElFtsI6xnc-00394-00103816-00104214 so and we fit the fields and couplings xElFtsI6xnc-00395-00104215-00104413 here to match the one and two point xElFtsI6xnc-00396-00104414-00104658 mutational probabilities now I should xElFtsI6xnc-00397-00104659-00105009 mention interestingly that this model xElFtsI6xnc-00398-00105010-00105228 because the GI J's have different signs xElFtsI6xnc-00399-00105229-00105394 by the way today people would like to xElFtsI6xnc-00400-00105395-00105621 call this machine learning which it is xElFtsI6xnc-00401-00105622-00106083 and you know that these signs of g IJ xElFtsI6xnc-00402-00106083-00106363 have both plus and minus signs so it xElFtsI6xnc-00403-00106364-00106659 actually has a beautiful analogy with xElFtsI6xnc-00404-00106660-00106878 models that have feel developed for xElFtsI6xnc-00405-00106879-00107101 memory in the brain and we have xElFtsI6xnc-00406-00107102-00107281 exploited these connections but I shall xElFtsI6xnc-00407-00107282-00107586 not describe them today rather let me xElFtsI6xnc-00408-00107588-00107782 say that model we obtain here is a model xElFtsI6xnc-00409-00107783-00107964 of prevalence now you could say that the xElFtsI6xnc-00410-00107965-00108303 more prevalent strains are also more fit xElFtsI6xnc-00411-00108304-00108646 other why are they more prevalent but xElFtsI6xnc-00412-00108647-00108786 this relationship could be highly xElFtsI6xnc-00413-00108788-00109075 complicated because the sequences that xElFtsI6xnc-00414-00109076-00109464 we used to obtain this Fitness landscape xElFtsI6xnc-00415-00109465-00109657 a prevalence landscape or not sequence xElFtsI6xnc-00416-00109658-00109875 that virus is growing in petri dishes xElFtsI6xnc-00417-00109876-00110107 they were viruses that were growing in xElFtsI6xnc-00418-00110108-00110298 humans and there was a battle between xElFtsI6xnc-00419-00110299-00110529 the immune system of this human and the xElFtsI6xnc-00420-00110530-00110802 virus and the virus may have been forced xElFtsI6xnc-00421-00110803-00111114 to make a mutation to evade this t-cell xElFtsI6xnc-00422-00111115-00111343 response that made it intrinsically less xElFtsI6xnc-00423-00111344-00111600 dead but it became the fittest virus in xElFtsI6xnc-00424-00111601-00111846 this person now we seek the intrinsic xElFtsI6xnc-00425-00111847-00112146 fitness landscape because we wanted then xElFtsI6xnc-00426-00112147-00112350 push and pull on it with a vaccine xElFtsI6xnc-00427-00112351-00112524 induced immune response to corner the xElFtsI6xnc-00428-00112525-00112969 virus so without the details we with my xElFtsI6xnc-00429-00112970-00113274 colleague Marin Carter and former xElFtsI6xnc-00430-00113275-00113535 student Karthik shaker soon-to-be a xElFtsI6xnc-00431-00113536-00113946 faculty member I think in Berkeley we xElFtsI6xnc-00432-00113947-00114157 used a variety of methods developed in xElFtsI6xnc-00433-00114158-00114360 completely different contexts in order xElFtsI6xnc-00434-00114361-00114699 to address this question and the answer xElFtsI6xnc-00435-00114700-00114888 that we got from all of this that the xElFtsI6xnc-00436-00114889-00115140 prevalence and fitness for HIV were not xElFtsI6xnc-00437-00115141-00115347 the same but for HIV there is a xElFtsI6xnc-00438-00115348-00115582 simplicity that is the rank order of xElFtsI6xnc-00439-00115583-00115858 prevalence and rank order of fitness is xElFtsI6xnc-00440-00115858-00116056 the same and that's all we care about we xElFtsI6xnc-00441-00116057-00116170 need to know which one's fitter than xElFtsI6xnc-00442-00116171-00116361 which one which one's less fit that the xElFtsI6xnc-00443-00116362-00116604 other one that's all so I'm not gonna xElFtsI6xnc-00444-00116605-00116787 take you through how we did it except to xElFtsI6xnc-00445-00116788-00117031 note that we were able to map this xElFtsI6xnc-00446-00117032-00117246 problem on evolution in the population xElFtsI6xnc-00447-00117247-00117498 of viral strains to problems that have xElFtsI6xnc-00448-00117499-00117678 been developed by Richard Fineman in xElFtsI6xnc-00449-00117679-00117908 totally different contexts and so forth xElFtsI6xnc-00450-00117909-00118158 but rather what I want to focus on is xElFtsI6xnc-00451-00118159-00118393 what this analysis revealed about the xElFtsI6xnc-00452-00118394-00118674 reasons why this relationship between xElFtsI6xnc-00453-00118675-00118878 prevalence and fitness was so simple for xElFtsI6xnc-00454-00118879-00119139 HIV and there are three principal xElFtsI6xnc-00455-00119140-00119391 reasons one is I told you that there was xElFtsI6xnc-00456-00119392-00119596 a great diversity of these MHC genes xElFtsI6xnc-00457-00119597-00120078 that present peptides so if you go and xElFtsI6xnc-00458-00120079-00120271 look in the clinical data you will find xElFtsI6xnc-00459-00120272-00120571 that no particular region of the virus's xElFtsI6xnc-00460-00120572-00120858 proteome is targeted by a significant xElFtsI6xnc-00461-00120859-00121149 fraction of people they call each person xElFtsI6xnc-00462-00121150-00121548 is targeting a different region the xElFtsI6xnc-00463-00121549-00121740 other is there also the clinical xElFtsI6xnc-00464-00121741-00122112 observation that if I force the virus to xElFtsI6xnc-00465-00122113-00122379 make a mutation that incurs a fitness xElFtsI6xnc-00466-00122380-00122616 cost to evade my t-cell pressure and xElFtsI6xnc-00467-00122617-00122807 then i infect another xElFtsI6xnc-00468-00122808-00123004 person who then targets a different xElFtsI6xnc-00469-00123005-00123296 region because HIV is a chronic xElFtsI6xnc-00470-00123297-00123634 infection over time in the second person xElFtsI6xnc-00471-00123635-00123877 the original fitness incurring mutation xElFtsI6xnc-00472-00123878-00124159 will revert so there's a scrambling back xElFtsI6xnc-00473-00124160-00124424 to where it was and finally and very xElFtsI6xnc-00474-00124425-00124752 importantly unlike influenza the xElFtsI6xnc-00475-00124753-00125006 population of HIV has never been xElFtsI6xnc-00476-00125007-00125440 subjected to a few effective classes of xElFtsI6xnc-00477-00125441-00125734 vaccine or natural vaccine induced or xElFtsI6xnc-00478-00125735-00126166 natural immune responses so it has not xElFtsI6xnc-00479-00126167-00126403 the population HIV unlike influenza has xElFtsI6xnc-00480-00126404-00126628 not evolved in a narrowly directed ways xElFtsI6xnc-00481-00126629-00127006 in order to avoid past herd immunity and xElFtsI6xnc-00482-00127007-00127250 you can see this from looking at those xElFtsI6xnc-00483-00127251-00127486 phylogenetic trees of HIV and comparing xElFtsI6xnc-00484-00127488-00127777 them to flu the flu phylogenetic tree xElFtsI6xnc-00485-00127778-00128008 looks like a flowing river with a few xElFtsI6xnc-00486-00128009-00128225 branches coming off of it and I showed xElFtsI6xnc-00487-00128226-00128512 you the HIV tree is like a dendrimer so xElFtsI6xnc-00488-00128513-00128761 the point is that while human immune xElFtsI6xnc-00489-00128763-00128918 responses they're forced the virus to xElFtsI6xnc-00490-00128919-00129235 sample sequence space and at the end of xElFtsI6xnc-00491-00129236-00129433 the day for these reasons it's just like xElFtsI6xnc-00492-00129434-00129668 shaking it rather than changing its xElFtsI6xnc-00493-00129669-00129952 order and so prevalence and Fitness look xElFtsI6xnc-00494-00129953-00130223 roughly the same look this kind of xElFtsI6xnc-00495-00130224-00130540 analysis machine learning and arguments xElFtsI6xnc-00496-00130541-00130885 that I just made our approximate xElFtsI6xnc-00497-00130886-00131159 arguments approximate methods directed xElFtsI6xnc-00498-00131160-00131312 to a very complex problem and could be xElFtsI6xnc-00499-00131313-00131543 completely wrong and the only way to xElFtsI6xnc-00500-00131544-00131885 test their veracity is to confront xElFtsI6xnc-00501-00131886-00132158 predictions that come out of this model xElFtsI6xnc-00502-00132159-00132521 with in vitro experiments in clinical xElFtsI6xnc-00503-00132522-00132739 work and I shall show you snapshots of xElFtsI6xnc-00504-00132740-00132944 that now beginning with in vitro xElFtsI6xnc-00505-00132945-00133106 experiments so we can make predictions xElFtsI6xnc-00506-00133107-00133298 or the fitness of different viral xElFtsI6xnc-00507-00133299-00133643 strains our collaborators can then make xElFtsI6xnc-00508-00133644-00133973 these strains by side directed xElFtsI6xnc-00509-00133974-00134324 mutagenesis they can then measure the xElFtsI6xnc-00510-00134325-00134613 ability of the virus the mutant strain xElFtsI6xnc-00511-00134614-00135013 to infect human cells and grow out in xElFtsI6xnc-00512-00135014-00135364 Petri dishes and compare that with some xElFtsI6xnc-00513-00135365-00135698 reference strain so the metric of xElFtsI6xnc-00514-00135699-00135821 fitness for us is a quantity called xElFtsI6xnc-00515-00135822-00136025 Eve's the value of that Hamiltonian for xElFtsI6xnc-00516-00136026-00136145 the street sequence xElFtsI6xnc-00517-00136146-00136403 and the theory predicts that the value xElFtsI6xnc-00518-00136404-00136658 of e for as mutant minus the value of e xElFtsI6xnc-00519-00136659-00136838 for some reference strain should xElFtsI6xnc-00520-00136839-00137057 correlate negatively with the fitness of xElFtsI6xnc-00521-00137058-00137240 that strain divided by the fitness of a xElFtsI6xnc-00522-00137241-00137390 reference strain plotted in the xElFtsI6xnc-00523-00137391-00137603 logarithmic coordinates now if we show xElFtsI6xnc-00524-00137604-00137831 you the data where the mutants were all xElFtsI6xnc-00525-00137832-00138071 in one large poly protein of HIV called xElFtsI6xnc-00526-00138072-00138518 gag so we make predictions for 36 xElFtsI6xnc-00527-00138519-00138761 different strains our collaborators xElFtsI6xnc-00528-00138762-00139097 Bruce Walker and Tim bu dong GU may have xElFtsI6xnc-00529-00139098-00139463 made those measurements and this is the xElFtsI6xnc-00530-00139464-00139688 prediction and the data is the long are xElFtsI6xnc-00531-00139689-00140177 the other dots and for nine of these xElFtsI6xnc-00532-00140178-00140369 strains we said that there would be xElFtsI6xnc-00533-00140370-00140612 extremely unfair and they didn't grow xElFtsI6xnc-00534-00140613-00140903 out at all and they are not graphed here xElFtsI6xnc-00535-00140904-00141026 simply because the difficulty of xElFtsI6xnc-00536-00141027-00141287 plotting the log of zero but if you xElFtsI6xnc-00537-00141288-00141488 include those annoying data points then xElFtsI6xnc-00538-00141489-00141593 you see that although we are not xElFtsI6xnc-00539-00141594-00141833 certainly not perfect with high xElFtsI6xnc-00540-00141834-00142094 statistical significance we capture what xElFtsI6xnc-00541-00142095-00142427 80% of the time right here it is for xElFtsI6xnc-00542-00142428-00142664 another set of strains where we compare xElFtsI6xnc-00543-00142665-00142844 with a hundred and three different old xElFtsI6xnc-00544-00142845-00143114 and new data points for another large xElFtsI6xnc-00545-00143115-00143399 poly protein called envelope of HIV and xElFtsI6xnc-00546-00143400-00143576 again you see we are not perfect but xElFtsI6xnc-00547-00143577-00144086 that we do reasonably well compared to xElFtsI6xnc-00548-00144087-00144335 other HIV proteins are similarly xElFtsI6xnc-00549-00144336-00144560 encouraging Ron's show you that let me xElFtsI6xnc-00550-00144561-00144832 show you one snapshot of comparison or xElFtsI6xnc-00551-00144833-00145193 the tests rather with clinical data and xElFtsI6xnc-00552-00145194-00145355 this work was done in collaboration with xElFtsI6xnc-00553-00145356-00145649 Andrew McMichaels lab at the Oxford xElFtsI6xnc-00554-00145650-00146015 University so Andrew had historical xElFtsI6xnc-00555-00146016-00146243 blood samples from HIV infected people xElFtsI6xnc-00556-00146244-00146438 who had never been under treatment and xElFtsI6xnc-00557-00146439-00146713 he had temporarily ordered blood samples xElFtsI6xnc-00558-00146714-00147173 so he could sequence the viral swarm as xElFtsI6xnc-00559-00147174-00147445 a function of time in these individuals xElFtsI6xnc-00560-00147446-00147695 at an early time point he could also xElFtsI6xnc-00561-00147696-00147989 determine what were the targets of the T xElFtsI6xnc-00562-00147990-00148223 cells which region was the targets of xElFtsI6xnc-00563-00148224-00148483 the T cell for this individual person xElFtsI6xnc-00564-00148484-00148739 unfortunately in these individuals the xElFtsI6xnc-00565-00148740-00148928 virus was always able to make mutations xElFtsI6xnc-00566-00148929-00149315 to evade the T cell response so he asked xElFtsI6xnc-00567-00149316-00149522 based on your fitness landscape xElFtsI6xnc-00568-00149523-00149771 can you tell us that of all the places xElFtsI6xnc-00569-00149772-00150020 where mutations could have occurred to xElFtsI6xnc-00570-00150021-00150218 evade the t-cell response where did they xElFtsI6xnc-00571-00150219-00150497 actually happen in these people and can xElFtsI6xnc-00572-00150498-00150698 you also tell us the relative times that xElFtsI6xnc-00573-00150699-00151046 which they escaped in these patients so xElFtsI6xnc-00574-00151047-00151216 for a hundred years people have done xElFtsI6xnc-00575-00151217-00151511 stochastic evolutionary dynamics ever xElFtsI6xnc-00576-00151512-00151694 since right in Fisher but to our xElFtsI6xnc-00577-00151695-00151879 knowledge always with toy models of xElFtsI6xnc-00578-00151880-00152123 these Fitness landscapes but for xElFtsI6xnc-00579-00152124-00152353 answering these questions we did very xElFtsI6xnc-00580-00152354-00152735 similar things except that we now did xElFtsI6xnc-00581-00152736-00152960 this with the Fitness landscape of a xElFtsI6xnc-00582-00152961-00153248 real human pathogen with known t-cell xElFtsI6xnc-00583-00153249-00153557 response and the only input to this xElFtsI6xnc-00584-00153558-00153731 calculation is the initial viral xElFtsI6xnc-00585-00153732-00154144 sequence and where the T cell attack is xElFtsI6xnc-00586-00154145-00154436 so how do we do with predicting where xElFtsI6xnc-00587-00154437-00154748 the mutations are well roughly speaking xElFtsI6xnc-00588-00154749-00154948 86 percent of the time we get it right xElFtsI6xnc-00589-00154949-00155269 rather than show you this data in detail xElFtsI6xnc-00590-00155270-00155640 let me show you examples that highlight xElFtsI6xnc-00591-00155641-00156064 how HIV uses these compensatory pathways xElFtsI6xnc-00592-00156065-00156362 to evade human immunity which also xElFtsI6xnc-00593-00156363-00156623 illustrates the importance of the xElFtsI6xnc-00594-00156624-00156925 sequence background in which if the same xElFtsI6xnc-00595-00156926-00157216 mutation has to arise and this is best xElFtsI6xnc-00596-00157217-00157462 done by comparing pairs of patients who xElFtsI6xnc-00597-00157463-00157663 target exactly the same region of the xElFtsI6xnc-00598-00157664-00157931 virus with their T cell response so xElFtsI6xnc-00599-00157932-00158144 these are two patients who target xElFtsI6xnc-00600-00158145-00158440 exactly the same peptide mute escape xElFtsI6xnc-00601-00158441-00158686 happens by precisely the same mutation xElFtsI6xnc-00602-00158687-00159025 the circle here represents the protein xElFtsI6xnc-00603-00159026-00159315 in which this peptide is embedded and xElFtsI6xnc-00604-00159316-00159695 the marked residues are those where xElFtsI6xnc-00605-00159696-00160118 mutations existed in the virus that xElFtsI6xnc-00606-00160119-00160436 infected this patient blue lines xElFtsI6xnc-00607-00160437-00160646 indicate that we predict from the xElFtsI6xnc-00608-00160647-00160850 Fitness landscape that the pre-existing xElFtsI6xnc-00609-00160851-00161273 mutation has a compensatory effect on xElFtsI6xnc-00610-00161274-00161626 the final escape mutation red lines xElFtsI6xnc-00611-00161627-00161858 indicate that the pre-existing mutation xElFtsI6xnc-00612-00161859-00162137 has a negative synergistic impact on the xElFtsI6xnc-00613-00162138-00162335 final scape mutation making it even more xElFtsI6xnc-00614-00162336-00162550 unfit than if it didn't think if it was xElFtsI6xnc-00615-00162551-00162800 the escaped mutation alone and the xElFtsI6xnc-00616-00162801-00162932 thickness of the wall xElFtsI6xnc-00617-00162933-00163160 is the size of the effect that we xElFtsI6xnc-00618-00163161-00163499 predict so you can see in this case very xElFtsI6xnc-00619-00163500-00163721 vividly that this person was infected xElFtsI6xnc-00620-00163722-00163978 with the virus that had many more xElFtsI6xnc-00621-00163979-00164156 pre-existing mutations that were xElFtsI6xnc-00622-00164157-00164393 strongly negatively coupled with the xElFtsI6xnc-00623-00164394-00164582 ultimate escape mutation making that xElFtsI6xnc-00624-00164583-00164877 escape virus much less step and xElFtsI6xnc-00625-00164878-00165113 therefore it took much longer to grow xElFtsI6xnc-00626-00165114-00165419 out and this in this patient the escape xElFtsI6xnc-00627-00165420-00165691 happened 40 times more slowly than in xElFtsI6xnc-00628-00165692-00165968 this person now how do you are xElFtsI6xnc-00629-00165969-00166187 predicting the relative times so we can xElFtsI6xnc-00630-00166188-00166463 only predict evolutionary generations xElFtsI6xnc-00631-00166464-00166795 not actual time so here's the comparison xElFtsI6xnc-00632-00166796-00167039 this is our prediction of the escape xElFtsI6xnc-00633-00167040-00167278 time in evolutionary generations this is xElFtsI6xnc-00634-00167279-00167444 the actual escape time you can measure xElFtsI6xnc-00635-00167445-00167716 from the blood samples and while there xElFtsI6xnc-00636-00167717-00167939 is a lot of scatter in specially in the xElFtsI6xnc-00637-00167940-00168308 middle we don't do too badly with high xElFtsI6xnc-00638-00168309-00168485 statistical significant and please note xElFtsI6xnc-00639-00168486-00168701 that these are not contrived experiments xElFtsI6xnc-00640-00168702-00168938 these were natural infections that xElFtsI6xnc-00641-00168939-00169127 happen in this virus in in these humans xElFtsI6xnc-00642-00169128-00169520 and significantly we can do very well in xElFtsI6xnc-00643-00169521-00169700 separating regions where escape occurs xElFtsI6xnc-00644-00169701-00169871 very slowly those are the things we want xElFtsI6xnc-00645-00169872-00170285 a target in a vaccine and we also can xElFtsI6xnc-00646-00170286-00170438 tell where things happen very quickly xElFtsI6xnc-00647-00170439-00170590 these are things you don't want the xElFtsI6xnc-00648-00170591-00170744 target with a vaccine induced immune xElFtsI6xnc-00649-00170745-00171011 response so based on these sorts of xElFtsI6xnc-00650-00171012-00171200 successes and others that I have not xElFtsI6xnc-00651-00171201-00171620 shown you we were encouraged to develop xElFtsI6xnc-00652-00171621-00171899 an immunogen based on the criteria I xElFtsI6xnc-00653-00171900-00172165 show told you earlier so these are only xElFtsI6xnc-00654-00172166-00172433 parts of proteins and we've done that xElFtsI6xnc-00655-00172434-00172786 and the challenge now with this is xElFtsI6xnc-00656-00172787-00173093 delivery of these long peptide imagens xElFtsI6xnc-00657-00173094-00173384 in a way that gets you a big response xElFtsI6xnc-00658-00173385-00173593 that happens when you give the whole xElFtsI6xnc-00659-00173594-00173900 whole shebang this is also the problem xElFtsI6xnc-00660-00173901-00174143 in cancer vaccines by the way so there xElFtsI6xnc-00661-00174144-00174323 is a whole industry of people who are xElFtsI6xnc-00662-00174324-00174539 engineers trying to do this like my xElFtsI6xnc-00663-00174540-00174758 colleague Darrel organ who's trying to xElFtsI6xnc-00664-00174759-00174940 make nanoparticles then that can xElFtsI6xnc-00665-00174941-00175189 discover that can deliver these subunit xElFtsI6xnc-00666-00175190-00175516 vaccines as they are called nicely and xElFtsI6xnc-00667-00175517-00175706 we are collaborating with him but the xElFtsI6xnc-00668-00175707-00175856 most immediate thing that has happened xElFtsI6xnc-00669-00175857-00176093 is that Dan Baruch at Harvard Medical xElFtsI6xnc-00670-00176094-00176202 School xElFtsI6xnc-00671-00176203-00176490 has this replicating viral vector called xElFtsI6xnc-00672-00176491-00176913 ad 26 which is approved for human trials xElFtsI6xnc-00673-00176914-00177221 and he synthesized our immunogen xElFtsI6xnc-00674-00177222-00177681 interest viral vector and then he first xElFtsI6xnc-00675-00177682-00177966 immunized mice with this to see if there xElFtsI6xnc-00676-00177967-00178179 is an immune response that is the thing xElFtsI6xnc-00677-00178180-00178416 is immunogenic and without showing you xElFtsI6xnc-00678-00178417-00178746 the details of the data about one and a xElFtsI6xnc-00679-00178747-00178965 half months ago this data came in that xElFtsI6xnc-00680-00178966-00179325 it is immuno genic so now it can move to xElFtsI6xnc-00681-00179326-00179694 the next step which is monkeys and so xElFtsI6xnc-00682-00179695-00179865 two weeks ago a little over two weeks xElFtsI6xnc-00683-00179866-00180144 ago there were monkey four monkeys were xElFtsI6xnc-00684-00180145-00180387 immunized with this so we went from xElFtsI6xnc-00685-00180388-00180555 statistical physics to monkeys that's xElFtsI6xnc-00686-00180556-00180932 even if it fails after this okay anyway xElFtsI6xnc-00687-00180933-00181281 first blood draw was earlier this week xElFtsI6xnc-00688-00181282-00181449 and it appears that three of the four xElFtsI6xnc-00689-00181450-00181632 monkeys have shown some response which xElFtsI6xnc-00690-00181633-00182052 Dan is hopeful will grow and then we xElFtsI6xnc-00691-00182053-00182370 will boost it and so on so this and all xElFtsI6xnc-00692-00182371-00182588 of it will never work but if it does xElFtsI6xnc-00693-00182589-00182994 then what one would like to do is to use xElFtsI6xnc-00694-00182995-00183273 this as a therapeutic vaccine that can xElFtsI6xnc-00695-00183274-00183561 redirect the immune response of people xElFtsI6xnc-00696-00183562-00183861 who are already infected to hit parts xElFtsI6xnc-00697-00183862-00184059 that will corner the virus and then be xElFtsI6xnc-00698-00184060-00184230 able to take them off of treatment for xElFtsI6xnc-00699-00184231-00184536 example but this is all well over my pay xElFtsI6xnc-00700-00184537-00184848 grade so let me spend the remainder of xElFtsI6xnc-00701-00184849-00185049 the time that I have to tell you about xElFtsI6xnc-00702-00185050-00185250 the or work on the antibody or on with xElFtsI6xnc-00703-00185251-00185654 challenge so this is a schematic xElFtsI6xnc-00704-00185655-00186056 representation of the viral spike of HIV xElFtsI6xnc-00705-00186057-00186384 it has some residues such as the one xElFtsI6xnc-00706-00186385-00186567 shown in yellow which are relatively xElFtsI6xnc-00707-00186568-00186801 conserved because they have to bind to xElFtsI6xnc-00708-00186802-00186990 human proteins in order to propagate xElFtsI6xnc-00709-00186991-00187320 infection but they are surrounded by xElFtsI6xnc-00710-00187321-00187524 these highly variable residues shown in xElFtsI6xnc-00711-00187525-00187923 red and shielded by these sugars shown xElFtsI6xnc-00712-00187924-00188421 in blue now recently immunologists like xElFtsI6xnc-00713-00188422-00188598 michelle rosensweig and denis bertrand xElFtsI6xnc-00714-00188599-00188970 have been able to isolate antibodies xElFtsI6xnc-00715-00188971-00189309 from infected people that at least in xElFtsI6xnc-00716-00189310-00189593 vitro seem to be able to xElFtsI6xnc-00717-00189594-00189987 neutralized diverse HIV strains these xElFtsI6xnc-00718-00189988-00190152 so-called broadly neutralising xElFtsI6xnc-00719-00190153-00190509 antibodies or B NAB's contains such xElFtsI6xnc-00720-00190510-00190725 conserved regions as part of the region xElFtsI6xnc-00721-00190726-00191058 to which they bind the trouble is that xElFtsI6xnc-00722-00191059-00191295 these B maps emerge in these individuals xElFtsI6xnc-00723-00191296-00191541 several years after infection and that xElFtsI6xnc-00724-00191542-00191721 too in low numbers so it doesn't help xElFtsI6xnc-00725-00191722-00191943 these people nonetheless it provides xElFtsI6xnc-00726-00191944-00192216 proof of concept that the human immune xElFtsI6xnc-00727-00192217-00192441 system can evolve such antibodies and xElFtsI6xnc-00728-00192442-00192669 that thus raises the tantalizing xElFtsI6xnc-00729-00192670-00192941 possibility of inducing such B NAB's xElFtsI6xnc-00730-00192942-00193206 efficiently in diverse people by xElFtsI6xnc-00731-00193207-00193586 properly designed vaccination protocols xElFtsI6xnc-00732-00193587-00193988 so upon natural infection or vaccination xElFtsI6xnc-00733-00193989-00194271 antibodies develop by a Darwinian xElFtsI6xnc-00734-00194272-00194598 evolutionary process called affinity xElFtsI6xnc-00735-00194599-00194844 maturation which occurs in a very short xElFtsI6xnc-00736-00194845-00195090 time I told you that when a b-cells xElFtsI6xnc-00737-00195091-00195303 receptor binds sufficiently strongly to xElFtsI6xnc-00738-00195304-00195624 the spike it gets activated and then it xElFtsI6xnc-00739-00195625-00195837 can seed structures in your lymph nodes xElFtsI6xnc-00740-00195838-00196158 that are called germinal centers here's xElFtsI6xnc-00741-00196159-00196389 what happens in there the B saw starts xElFtsI6xnc-00742-00196390-00196581 to replicate and as it starts to xElFtsI6xnc-00743-00196582-00196914 replicate it also starts to turn on xElFtsI6xnc-00744-00196915-00197136 mutations into the antigen binding xElFtsI6xnc-00745-00197137-00197370 region of the receptor at a very high xElFtsI6xnc-00746-00197371-00197814 rate these mutated receptor the B cells xElFtsI6xnc-00747-00197815-00198066 with mutated receptors then interact xElFtsI6xnc-00748-00198067-00198402 with the virus particles that are xElFtsI6xnc-00749-00198403-00198645 displayed on the surface of other types xElFtsI6xnc-00750-00198646-00199050 of cells called F disease if the xElFtsI6xnc-00751-00199051-00199296 receptor on this particular mutated B xElFtsI6xnc-00752-00199297-00199575 cell can bind sufficiently strongly to xElFtsI6xnc-00753-00199576-00199914 the virus it can eat it up and then xElFtsI6xnc-00754-00199915-00200112 inside the B cell is chopped up into xElFtsI6xnc-00755-00200113-00200373 short peptides and displayed on its xElFtsI6xnc-00756-00200374-00200604 surface with these MHC molecules and xElFtsI6xnc-00757-00200605-00200793 then these B cells that have xElFtsI6xnc-00758-00200794-00200979 internalized antigen compete with each xElFtsI6xnc-00759-00200980-00201306 other to bind to another kind of T cell xElFtsI6xnc-00760-00201307-00201540 called helper T cell that's present in xElFtsI6xnc-00761-00201541-00201894 limited numbers a productive interaction xElFtsI6xnc-00762-00201895-00202143 results in survival otherwise the B cell xElFtsI6xnc-00763-00202144-00202530 dies so you can see the bezel that binds xElFtsI6xnc-00764-00202531-00202767 more strongly to the virus is more xElFtsI6xnc-00765-00202768-00202889 likely xElFtsI6xnc-00766-00202890-00203104 to eat more antigen therefore xElFtsI6xnc-00767-00203105-00203291 stochastically more likely to display xElFtsI6xnc-00768-00203292-00203447 more peptide and therefore xElFtsI6xnc-00769-00203448-00203654 stochastically more likely to beat out xElFtsI6xnc-00770-00203655-00203978 its peers now a small fraction of these xElFtsI6xnc-00771-00203979-00204182 positively selected b-cells are let out xElFtsI6xnc-00772-00204183-00204461 and they secrete soluble forms of the xElFtsI6xnc-00773-00204462-00204725 receptor in the form of antibodies but xElFtsI6xnc-00774-00204726-00205039 the vast majority are recycled for xElFtsI6xnc-00775-00205040-00205204 further rounds of mutation and selection xElFtsI6xnc-00776-00205205-00205513 so you can see how as time ensues of the xElFtsI6xnc-00777-00205514-00205760 infection the affinity and potency of xElFtsI6xnc-00778-00205761-00206311 the antibody grows for the antigen so xElFtsI6xnc-00779-00206312-00206561 this problem has been described xElFtsI6xnc-00780-00206562-00206746 extensively through experiments ever xElFtsI6xnc-00781-00206748-00207035 since my late colleague Herman Eisen xElFtsI6xnc-00782-00207036-00207394 first described it in 1964 and has also xElFtsI6xnc-00783-00207396-00207602 been the subject to much computational xElFtsI6xnc-00784-00207603-00207950 analysis but my own interest was is xElFtsI6xnc-00785-00207951-00208148 focused on trying to see how we can xElFtsI6xnc-00786-00208148-00208291 trick this Darwinian evolutionary xElFtsI6xnc-00787-00208292-00208478 process to make cross reactive xElFtsI6xnc-00788-00208479-00208648 antibodies to divorce strains rather xElFtsI6xnc-00789-00208650-00208951 than strain specific ones so you can see xElFtsI6xnc-00790-00208952-00209159 that the induction of broadly xElFtsI6xnc-00791-00209160-00209479 neutralizing anybody's will require xElFtsI6xnc-00792-00209480-00209713 vaccination with multiple variant xElFtsI6xnc-00793-00209714-00209777 strains xElFtsI6xnc-00794-00209778-00209990 that share the concern residues but are xElFtsI6xnc-00795-00209991-00210298 different elsewhere because if you just xElFtsI6xnc-00796-00210300-00210533 do one strain this Darwinian xElFtsI6xnc-00797-00210534-00210683 evolutionary process will make a very xElFtsI6xnc-00798-00210684-00211058 good strain specific antibody so once xElFtsI6xnc-00799-00211059-00211196 you have to give many antigens new xElFtsI6xnc-00800-00211196-00211396 questions arise what are these variant xElFtsI6xnc-00801-00211398-00211751 antigens how should I give them as a xElFtsI6xnc-00802-00211752-00212036 cocktail sequentially or in various xElFtsI6xnc-00803-00212037-00212221 different temporal patterns that big I xElFtsI6xnc-00804-00212223-00212504 can think up which one what should be xElFtsI6xnc-00805-00212505-00212705 the concentrations how many should there xElFtsI6xnc-00806-00212706-00212915 be how differentially they're variable xElFtsI6xnc-00807-00212916-00213244 parts B and so on so the answers to xElFtsI6xnc-00808-00213246-00213437 these questions are drawn from a very xElFtsI6xnc-00809-00213438-00213827 large space of possibilities and it may xElFtsI6xnc-00810-00213828-00214031 be difficult to find the golden nuggets xElFtsI6xnc-00811-00214032-00214241 that we seek by randomly sampling this xElFtsI6xnc-00812-00214242-00214773 space in experiments with monkeys now xElFtsI6xnc-00813-00214775-00214973 mechanistic understanding of affinity xElFtsI6xnc-00814-00214973-00215162 maturation could guide the choice of xElFtsI6xnc-00815-00215163-00215630 answers to these questions but until xElFtsI6xnc-00816-00215631-00215807 about four four years ago affinity xElFtsI6xnc-00817-00215808-00215990 maturation had only been studied in the xElFtsI6xnc-00818-00215991-00216191 context of single antigens so how it xElFtsI6xnc-00819-00216192-00216254 occurs xElFtsI6xnc-00820-00216255-00216488 there are multiple antigens is still xElFtsI6xnc-00821-00216489-00216752 poorly understood which is why a few xElFtsI6xnc-00822-00216753-00216884 years ago we started to build xElFtsI6xnc-00823-00216885-00217103 computational models of affinity xElFtsI6xnc-00824-00217104-00217294 maturation in the setting of multiple xElFtsI6xnc-00825-00217296-00217511 variant antigens with the goal of xElFtsI6xnc-00826-00217512-00217748 guiding vaccination strategies to more xElFtsI6xnc-00827-00217748-00217982 promising directions as well as to xElFtsI6xnc-00828-00217983-00218119 understand this basic problem in xElFtsI6xnc-00829-00218121-00218390 immunology again a number of people have xElFtsI6xnc-00830-00218391-00218552 played a role in this let me just xElFtsI6xnc-00831-00218553-00218765 highlight Chen Chen man who was the xElFtsI6xnc-00832-00218766-00218923 first postdoc who worked with me on this xElFtsI6xnc-00833-00218925-00219092 problem and is now a faculty member at xElFtsI6xnc-00834-00219092-00219341 UCLA and is involved collaboration with xElFtsI6xnc-00835-00219342-00219806 diverse life and physical scientists so xElFtsI6xnc-00836-00219807-00219971 the model that we developed is so-called xElFtsI6xnc-00837-00219971-00220246 agent-based model which is fancy wording xElFtsI6xnc-00838-00220248-00220396 for saying that the computer is given a xElFtsI6xnc-00839-00220398-00220694 set of instructions it follows these xElFtsI6xnc-00840-00220694-00220940 instructions what are these instructions xElFtsI6xnc-00841-00220941-00221221 they're just the rules of a theory xElFtsI6xnc-00842-00221223-00221408 maturation that I just told you except xElFtsI6xnc-00843-00221409-00221585 that there are experimental numbers for xElFtsI6xnc-00844-00221586-00221756 the rate at which mutations happen and xElFtsI6xnc-00845-00221757-00221921 so on so on it's exactly those rules xElFtsI6xnc-00846-00221921-00222179 that I told you and the computer execute xElFtsI6xnc-00847-00222180-00222491 these instructions except now it does it xElFtsI6xnc-00848-00222492-00222836 in the context of multiple variant xElFtsI6xnc-00849-00222837-00223106 antigens and complexity emerges because xElFtsI6xnc-00850-00223107-00223298 of the coupling between the rules that xElFtsI6xnc-00851-00223298-00223596 may not be so easy to gets into ative ly xElFtsI6xnc-00852-00223598-00223778 so I'm not going to take you through xElFtsI6xnc-00853-00223779-00223969 this because I already told you and it's xElFtsI6xnc-00854-00223971-00224159 a stochastic process and so forth so xElFtsI6xnc-00855-00224160-00224408 there are stochastic probabilities of xElFtsI6xnc-00856-00224409-00224617 internalizing the antigen and winning xElFtsI6xnc-00857-00224619-00224804 the battle with your peers and so forth xElFtsI6xnc-00858-00224805-00225026 much like taking exams or writing papers xElFtsI6xnc-00859-00225027-00225271 and so forth the only thing one thing I xElFtsI6xnc-00860-00225273-00225394 will tell you is that when there are xElFtsI6xnc-00861-00225396-00225584 multiple variant antigens some things we xElFtsI6xnc-00862-00225585-00225734 don't know anything about experiments xElFtsI6xnc-00863-00225735-00225967 from like if there are multiple variants xElFtsI6xnc-00864-00225969-00226151 are they distributed so homogeneous ly xElFtsI6xnc-00865-00226152-00226328 that every time the B cell interacts xElFtsI6xnc-00866-00226329-00226546 with this it sees all the types of xElFtsI6xnc-00867-00226548-00226798 antigens or is it very heterogeneous so xElFtsI6xnc-00868-00226800-00226961 every time the B cell interacts with xElFtsI6xnc-00869-00226962-00227177 this C's only one type of antigen we xElFtsI6xnc-00870-00227178-00227333 will see that the which of these xElFtsI6xnc-00871-00227334-00227587 scenarios is true makes a big difference xElFtsI6xnc-00872-00227588-00227969 so the calculation goes like this you xElFtsI6xnc-00873-00227969-00228311 activate you replicate you mutate you xElFtsI6xnc-00874-00228312-00228650 select small fraction let out the rest xElFtsI6xnc-00875-00228651-00228902 cycle and the simulation comes to an end xElFtsI6xnc-00876-00228903-00229181 in one of three circumstances all the B xElFtsI6xnc-00877-00229182-00229669 cells die unlike in xElFtsI6xnc-00878-00229671-00229879 physical sciences and engineering in xElFtsI6xnc-00879-00229880-00230096 biology there is this hard boundary xElFtsI6xnc-00880-00230096-00230225 condition that can happen which is xElFtsI6xnc-00881-00230226-00230771 called death and the other is when the B xElFtsI6xnc-00882-00230771-00230942 cells exceed the threshold number which xElFtsI6xnc-00883-00230942-00231133 is simply a proxy that's eaten up all xElFtsI6xnc-00884-00231134-00231333 the antigen so there's no food it stops xElFtsI6xnc-00885-00231334-00231631 and the final one is after a maximum xElFtsI6xnc-00886-00231632-00231781 time because even if you haven't eaten xElFtsI6xnc-00887-00231782-00231946 up all the air again the antigen decays xElFtsI6xnc-00888-00231948-00232289 with time so then now antibodies come xElFtsI6xnc-00889-00232290-00232594 out from this in silico affinity xElFtsI6xnc-00890-00232596-00232867 maturation we check the binding affinity xElFtsI6xnc-00891-00232869-00233138 of that antibody against a number of xElFtsI6xnc-00892-00233139-00233494 strains which are used for a saying for xElFtsI6xnc-00893-00233496-00233758 breath in the experiments and the xElFtsI6xnc-00894-00233759-00233908 breadth of coverage is defined as a xElFtsI6xnc-00895-00233909-00234128 fraction of strains that bind with an xElFtsI6xnc-00896-00234129-00234452 affinity above a threshold because xElFtsI6xnc-00897-00234453-00234685 evolution is a stochastic process we do xElFtsI6xnc-00898-00234686-00234842 this multiple times on identical xElFtsI6xnc-00899-00234842-00235115 conditions collect statistics and the xElFtsI6xnc-00900-00235116-00235313 results are presented as histograms that xElFtsI6xnc-00901-00235314-00235796 describe the probability that an typical xElFtsI6xnc-00902-00235796-00235979 vaccinated person will make antibodies xElFtsI6xnc-00903-00235980-00236308 of different breath so here's what we xElFtsI6xnc-00904-00236309-00236706 first seen when you immunize with three xElFtsI6xnc-00905-00236707-00236923 computationally immunized with three xElFtsI6xnc-00906-00236925-00237098 antigens that share conserved residues xElFtsI6xnc-00907-00237098-00237344 what are separated from each other in xElFtsI6xnc-00908-00237344-00237544 their variable domains by a large xElFtsI6xnc-00909-00237546-00237767 mutational distance of eleven xElFtsI6xnc-00910-00237767-00238073 non-overlapping mutations if you give a xElFtsI6xnc-00911-00238073-00238423 cocktail all simultaneously we find that xElFtsI6xnc-00912-00238425-00238573 the probability this is the probability xElFtsI6xnc-00913-00238575-00238823 of generating anybody's of different xElFtsI6xnc-00914-00238823-00239090 coverage or breath one being perfect xElFtsI6xnc-00915-00239091-00239335 breath and you see under these xElFtsI6xnc-00916-00239336-00239546 conditions you don't get cross reactive xElFtsI6xnc-00917-00239546-00239830 antibodies we also find that you get xElFtsI6xnc-00918-00239831-00240055 very few most of the B salts just die xElFtsI6xnc-00919-00240056-00240430 and the reason for this is seen very xElFtsI6xnc-00920-00240431-00240709 vividly if you first consider the case xElFtsI6xnc-00921-00240710-00240896 where every time a b-cell comes to xElFtsI6xnc-00922-00240896-00241091 interact with these antigens it sees xElFtsI6xnc-00923-00241092-00241451 only one type of very advantaging so in xElFtsI6xnc-00924-00241452-00241814 this cartoon these are the three xElFtsI6xnc-00925-00241815-00242023 antigens that share the red can solve xElFtsI6xnc-00926-00242025-00242225 residues and the different colors xElFtsI6xnc-00927-00242226-00242423 indicate that they have different xElFtsI6xnc-00928-00242423-00242842 variable residues now suppose a b-cell xElFtsI6xnc-00929-00242844-00242998 in one round of mutations xElFtsI6xnc-00930-00243000-00243169 action is positively selected upon xElFtsI6xnc-00931-00243171-00243440 interacting with this guy now in the xElFtsI6xnc-00932-00243441-00243719 early stage of affinity maturation the xElFtsI6xnc-00933-00243719-00243917 affinity of the receptor for the energy xElFtsI6xnc-00934-00243917-00244079 is not very high that is why you're xElFtsI6xnc-00935-00244080-00244406 doing this mutation in selection so the xElFtsI6xnc-00936-00244407-00244613 next so it's very unlikely that strong xElFtsI6xnc-00937-00244614-00244766 interactions have developed with these xElFtsI6xnc-00938-00244767-00245042 shared conserved residues so the next xElFtsI6xnc-00939-00245042-00245204 time if this B cell goes and interacts xElFtsI6xnc-00940-00245205-00245489 with this guy most likely it will not xElFtsI6xnc-00941-00245490-00245759 interact sufficiently strongly and it xElFtsI6xnc-00942-00245760-00246071 will die the point I'm making is that xElFtsI6xnc-00943-00246071-00246362 these variant antigens are conflicting xElFtsI6xnc-00944-00246363-00246584 selection forces that can frustrate this xElFtsI6xnc-00945-00246585-00246728 Darwinian evolutionary process with xElFtsI6xnc-00946-00246729-00246977 affinity maturation in fact the word xElFtsI6xnc-00947-00246978-00247163 frustration here I use a bit technically xElFtsI6xnc-00948-00247164-00247352 because very similar things happen in xElFtsI6xnc-00949-00247353-00247700 spin glasses and so on and so on of xElFtsI6xnc-00950-00247701-00247819 course you will say that this xElFtsI6xnc-00951-00247821-00248030 frustration doesn't exist if you can see xElFtsI6xnc-00952-00248031-00248269 every type of antigen at every time xElFtsI6xnc-00953-00248271-00248459 because then if you just keep growing to xElFtsI6xnc-00954-00248460-00248675 the same one but then there's no driving xElFtsI6xnc-00955-00248676-00248915 force for the evolving breath or cross xElFtsI6xnc-00956-00248916-00249056 reactivity and that's what you get xElFtsI6xnc-00957-00249057-00249371 strain specific antibodies now if you xElFtsI6xnc-00958-00249371-00249656 give the same damages in a sequence xElFtsI6xnc-00959-00249657-00249911 first one then another then another then xElFtsI6xnc-00960-00249912-00250096 we see the chance of getting cross xElFtsI6xnc-00961-00250098-00250280 reactive antibody is much higher you xElFtsI6xnc-00962-00250281-00250616 also get many more and the reason for xElFtsI6xnc-00963-00250617-00250805 this again is explained here in terms of xElFtsI6xnc-00964-00250806-00251081 a cartoon we're focused only on this xElFtsI6xnc-00965-00251082-00251366 panel which describes the footprint of xElFtsI6xnc-00966-00251367-00251669 the antibody on the antigen what is it xElFtsI6xnc-00967-00251669-00251903 binding to so when you give the first xElFtsI6xnc-00968-00251904-00252152 one of course is a broad footprint that xElFtsI6xnc-00969-00252153-00252353 covers both the conserved residues and xElFtsI6xnc-00970-00252354-00252569 the variable residues because that's the xElFtsI6xnc-00971-00252569-00252821 driving force but when you come with the xElFtsI6xnc-00972-00252821-00253004 second one that has mutations in the xElFtsI6xnc-00973-00253005-00253223 variable residues compared to this one xElFtsI6xnc-00974-00253223-00253423 we see that two types of lineages xElFtsI6xnc-00975-00253425-00253876 develop one build strong interactions xElFtsI6xnc-00976-00253877-00254150 with the shared variable residues xElFtsI6xnc-00977-00254151-00254486 between these two parts the other builds xElFtsI6xnc-00978-00254487-00254657 strong interactions with the conserved xElFtsI6xnc-00979-00254658-00254981 residues that are also shared now when xElFtsI6xnc-00980-00254982-00255164 you come with the third one that has non xElFtsI6xnc-00981-00255165-00255421 overlapping mutations in the variable xElFtsI6xnc-00982-00255423-00255623 residues compared to these two this xElFtsI6xnc-00983-00255623-00255769 these guys are in trouble because xElFtsI6xnc-00984-00255771-00256025 they'll have to undo these reactions and xElFtsI6xnc-00985-00256026-00256215 interactions and build new xElFtsI6xnc-00986-00256216-00256531 whereas this lineage can keep going and xElFtsI6xnc-00987-00256532-00256696 keep building strong interactions with xElFtsI6xnc-00988-00256696-00256837 the conserved residues and become xElFtsI6xnc-00989-00256838-00257350 cross-reactive so this basic idea has xElFtsI6xnc-00990-00257351-00257610 been tested in model experiments in mice xElFtsI6xnc-00991-00257611-00257946 so here four different strains a xElFtsI6xnc-00992-00257946-00258294 variance of M of the protein that makes xElFtsI6xnc-00993-00258296-00258586 up the spike of HIV where designed that xElFtsI6xnc-00994-00258587-00258775 shared some residues but had mutations xElFtsI6xnc-00995-00258776-00259030 everywhere else and mice were immunized xElFtsI6xnc-00996-00259031-00259221 with this once with a cocktail and once xElFtsI6xnc-00997-00259223-00259486 sequentially and this is the binding xElFtsI6xnc-00998-00259487-00259689 affinity of the antibodies and this is xElFtsI6xnc-00999-00259690-00260059 just how much antibody you have and you xElFtsI6xnc-01000-00260060-00260329 can see that even for the four strains xElFtsI6xnc-01001-00260330-00260578 with which you immunize there's a huge xElFtsI6xnc-01002-00260579-00260823 variance in the binding affinity that is xElFtsI6xnc-01003-00260825-00261000 these are not cross reactive antibodies xElFtsI6xnc-01004-00261001-00261238 whereas if you do it sequentially you xElFtsI6xnc-01005-00261239-00261466 see a much narrower distribution that is xElFtsI6xnc-01006-00261467-00261754 cross reactive antibodies have evolved xElFtsI6xnc-01007-00261755-00262039 and they did a number of assays to also xElFtsI6xnc-01008-00262040-00262357 show that sequential immunization caused xElFtsI6xnc-01009-00262358-00262588 the antibodies to focus on the conserved xElFtsI6xnc-01010-00262589-00262924 residues and cocktail did not and a xElFtsI6xnc-01011-00262925-00263065 number of studies have since been xElFtsI6xnc-01012-00263066-00263437 published that show the importance of xElFtsI6xnc-01013-00263438-00263785 sequential immunization let me close by xElFtsI6xnc-01014-00263786-00264046 just noting two more two more things xElFtsI6xnc-01015-00264047-00264499 with the same point two more slides all xElFtsI6xnc-01016-00264500-00264775 of this is done with three antigens xElFtsI6xnc-01017-00264776-00265009 separated by large mutational distance xElFtsI6xnc-01018-00265010-00265246 but what if I did a cocktail of many xElFtsI6xnc-01019-00265247-00265483 antigens separated by tiny mutational xElFtsI6xnc-01020-00265484-00265744 distances will it be better so we looked xElFtsI6xnc-01021-00265745-00266101 at this on this axis on this direction xElFtsI6xnc-01022-00266102-00266422 the number of antigens is growing the xElFtsI6xnc-01023-00266423-00266635 variant antigens but as we increase the xElFtsI6xnc-01024-00266636-00266872 number of antigens we reduce the xElFtsI6xnc-01025-00266873-00267163 mutational distance between them so here xElFtsI6xnc-01026-00267164-00267370 is the situation we studied before few xElFtsI6xnc-01027-00267371-00267571 antigens separated by large mutational xElFtsI6xnc-01028-00267572-00267883 distances and here we have many antigens xElFtsI6xnc-01029-00267884-00268084 separated by tiny mutational distances xElFtsI6xnc-01030-00268085-00268300 and this is our prediction for the xElFtsI6xnc-01031-00268301-00268498 breadth you see that there is an optimum xElFtsI6xnc-01032-00268499-00268756 at some optimum number of antigens and xElFtsI6xnc-01033-00268757-00268993 mutational distance now remember xElFtsI6xnc-01034-00268994-00269221 frustration is very high here I already xElFtsI6xnc-01035-00269222-00269389 argued why that's the case xElFtsI6xnc-01036-00269390-00269566 and on this side frustration is very xElFtsI6xnc-01037-00269567-00269770 tiny because you have 20 antigens xElFtsI6xnc-01038-00269771-00269956 separated by a mutation of distance of 1 xElFtsI6xnc-01039-00269957-00270199 they're almost the same so it appears xElFtsI6xnc-01040-00270200-00270445 that you need an intermediate level of xElFtsI6xnc-01041-00270446-00270646 frustration to do the best you can to xElFtsI6xnc-01042-00270647-00270958 get cross reactivity so what is the xElFtsI6xnc-01043-00270959-00271123 reason for this the reason for this is xElFtsI6xnc-01044-00271124-00271486 very simple to understand in any round xElFtsI6xnc-01045-00271487-00271726 of mutation and selection the B cell can xElFtsI6xnc-01046-00271727-00272041 either not mutate and survive mutate and xElFtsI6xnc-01047-00272042-00272260 survive or die there is nothing else xElFtsI6xnc-01048-00272261-00272647 that can happen to it so let's say that xElFtsI6xnc-01049-00272648-00272833 there's some survival probability and xElFtsI6xnc-01050-00272834-00273112 this depends on this frustration there xElFtsI6xnc-01051-00273113-00273298 is some mutational probability and let's xElFtsI6xnc-01052-00273299-00273532 just do this arithmetic trivially what xElFtsI6xnc-01053-00273533-00273697 is the chance that this path will be xElFtsI6xnc-01054-00273698-00274041 occupied it didn't mutate survived xElFtsI6xnc-01055-00274042-00274618 mutated survived died did not survive so xElFtsI6xnc-01056-00274619-00274933 if P s the survival probability is very xElFtsI6xnc-01057-00274934-00275173 low as in high frustration everything xElFtsI6xnc-01058-00275174-00275494 dies if P s survival probability is very xElFtsI6xnc-01059-00275495-00275917 low very high no frustration between xElFtsI6xnc-01060-00275918-00276097 these two paths it will choose this one xElFtsI6xnc-01061-00276098-00276484 because mu is less than half so that's xElFtsI6xnc-01062-00276485-00276696 why you need this Goldilocks situation xElFtsI6xnc-01063-00276697-00277036 that allows this path to be taken so you xElFtsI6xnc-01064-00277037-00277345 can collect lots of mutations and that xElFtsI6xnc-01065-00277346-00277609 are required to confer this breadth now xElFtsI6xnc-01066-00277610-00277783 this principle of optimal frustration xElFtsI6xnc-01067-00277784-00278032 remains to be tested in experiments so xElFtsI6xnc-01068-00278033-00278493 let me close with this last slide xElFtsI6xnc-01069-00278494-00278731 affinity maturation is a Darwinian xElFtsI6xnc-01070-00278732-00278884 evolutionary process which is a highly xElFtsI6xnc-01071-00278885-00279055 non equilibrium process that has two xElFtsI6xnc-01072-00279056-00279358 very strong attractors one is the valley xElFtsI6xnc-01073-00279359-00279514 of death and one is strain specific xElFtsI6xnc-01074-00279515-00279889 antibodies a very narrow Ridgeline that xElFtsI6xnc-01075-00279890-00280141 takes you to this promised land and what xElFtsI6xnc-01076-00280142-00280357 the whole field is trying to do is to xElFtsI6xnc-01077-00280358-00280546 make this narrow bridge not a Ridgeline xElFtsI6xnc-01078-00280547-00280905 a broad stairway to heaven if you like xElFtsI6xnc-01079-00280906-00281215 the trouble is that we don't until very xElFtsI6xnc-01080-00281216-00281416 recently understood how frustration xElFtsI6xnc-01081-00281417-00281710 depends on all of this and now we've xElFtsI6xnc-01082-00281711-00281836 done a number of studies that have xElFtsI6xnc-01083-00281837-00282061 culminated in a design of an immunogen xElFtsI6xnc-01084-00282062-00282283 that is being tested now in mice and xElFtsI6xnc-01085-00282284-00282688 scripts but all those studies xElFtsI6xnc-01086-00282689-00282928 what they are telling us is that there xElFtsI6xnc-01087-00282929-00283228 is not an optimal frustration but there xElFtsI6xnc-01088-00283229-00283509 is an optimal temporal trajectory of xElFtsI6xnc-01089-00283510-00283756 frustration you want the frustration to xElFtsI6xnc-01090-00283757-00284002 be low at first so that you get diverse xElFtsI6xnc-01091-00284003-00284191 types of B cells to survive and xElFtsI6xnc-01092-00284192-00284434 temporarily you make it harder and xElFtsI6xnc-01093-00284435-00284806 harder for it to survive other than the xElFtsI6xnc-01094-00284807-00285016 cross reactive ones so you have many xElFtsI6xnc-01095-00285017-00285274 possibilities that start and then slowly xElFtsI6xnc-01096-00285275-00285564 you win all this down and and and so on xElFtsI6xnc-01097-00285565-00285880 but my time is up so I shall now tell xElFtsI6xnc-01098-00285881-00286087 you about these the last few things that xElFtsI6xnc-01099-00286088-00286453 make that point but rather just stop xElFtsI6xnc-01100-00286454-00286690 here except to say that I think I've xElFtsI6xnc-01101-00286691-00286921 thanked all the people involved in the xElFtsI6xnc-01102-00286922-00287134 work I have described and these are the xElFtsI6xnc-01103-00287135-00287323 some of the people who provide the xElFtsI6xnc-01104-00287324-00287515 dollars that make it all possible so xElFtsI6xnc-01105-00287516-00287731 thank you for your attention I apologize xElFtsI6xnc-01106-00287732-00288619 for running just a little bit late xElFtsI6xnc-01107-00288620-00288929 I'd be happy to answer questions it xElFtsI6xnc-01109-00293147-00293414 thank you one of you extrapolated from xElFtsI6xnc-01110-00293415-00293608 the two cases where people were xElFtsI6xnc-01111-00293609-00293840 effectively cured from HIV what have you xElFtsI6xnc-01112-00293841-00294020 like how have you injected that into xElFtsI6xnc-01113-00294021-00294175 your studies and what have you kind of xElFtsI6xnc-01114-00294176-00294619 pulled out of those unique situations xElFtsI6xnc-01115-00294620-00294866 well short answer is we don't because xElFtsI6xnc-01116-00294867-00295067 the following reason the two people who xElFtsI6xnc-01117-00295068-00295447 have been cured in court cured have xElFtsI6xnc-01118-00295448-00295981 happened by the following way they so xElFtsI6xnc-01119-00295982-00296251 there is a particular molecule so the xElFtsI6xnc-01120-00296252-00296546 principal target of HIV is that it xElFtsI6xnc-01121-00296547-00296749 infects our t-cells themselves which is xElFtsI6xnc-01122-00296750-00296959 why it's such a disastrous thing because xElFtsI6xnc-01123-00296960-00297184 you're you have to whatever it has to do xElFtsI6xnc-01124-00297185-00297406 you have to do quickly and there is a xElFtsI6xnc-01125-00297407-00297757 protein on the surface of HIV of our xElFtsI6xnc-01126-00297758-00298102 t-cells called ccr5 or equivalently xElFtsI6xnc-01127-00298103-00298579 cxcr4 and there are people a small xElFtsI6xnc-01128-00298580-00298807 fraction of individuals who have xElFtsI6xnc-01129-00298808-00299155 mutations in that protein in their T xElFtsI6xnc-01130-00299156-00299727 cells and thus HIV cannot infect them so xElFtsI6xnc-01131-00299728-00300070 this was known a long time ago by seeing xElFtsI6xnc-01132-00300071-00300334 that certain sex workers in Thailand xElFtsI6xnc-01133-00300335-00300580 would never get HIV in spite of constant xElFtsI6xnc-01134-00300581-00300877 exposure what happened in these two xElFtsI6xnc-01135-00300878-00301084 individuals the first one by chance the xElFtsI6xnc-01136-00301085-00301300 second one by design is that they also xElFtsI6xnc-01137-00301301-00301664 got cancer and as a consequence of this xElFtsI6xnc-01138-00301665-00301820 cancer they had to have a bone marrow xElFtsI6xnc-01139-00301821-00301895 transplant xElFtsI6xnc-01140-00301896-00302101 and a bone marrow transplant they were xElFtsI6xnc-01141-00302102-00302431 transpiring with people whose T cells xElFtsI6xnc-01142-00302432-00302632 because bone marrows where T cells are xElFtsI6xnc-01143-00302633-00303147 made had this mutation so this is not a xElFtsI6xnc-01144-00303148-00303638 practical way to cure somebody and nor xElFtsI6xnc-01145-00303639-00304105 is it somewhat something that any person xElFtsI6xnc-01146-00304106-00304348 would like to do but it's not an expense xElFtsI6xnc-01147-00304349-00304555 issue it's not so what people are doing xElFtsI6xnc-01148-00304556-00304870 are trying to do is to say can I have xElFtsI6xnc-01149-00304871-00305021 small molecule in xElFtsI6xnc-01150-00305022-00305284 bitters that will go and inhibit this xElFtsI6xnc-01151-00305285-00305549 particular protein and therefore HIV xElFtsI6xnc-01152-00305550-00305762 will not infect this person the others xElFtsI6xnc-01153-00305763-00305990 have dreams of using CRISPR cast nine to xElFtsI6xnc-01154-00305991-00306227 go and make this mutation but frankly xElFtsI6xnc-01155-00306228-00306455 you know a major part of the burden of xElFtsI6xnc-01156-00306456-00306719 this is in countries like southern xElFtsI6xnc-01157-00306720-00307082 Africa so a region around Durban that I xElFtsI6xnc-01158-00307083-00307309 visit a lot because of my HIV work in xElFtsI6xnc-01159-00307310-00307631 the kwazulu-natal province sixty-six xElFtsI6xnc-01160-00307632-00307883 percent or so of the women in their 20s xElFtsI6xnc-01161-00307884-00308141 are HIV positive and it's a very very xElFtsI6xnc-01162-00308142-00308426 poor location I think what is really xElFtsI6xnc-01163-00308427-00308630 required as has been required for xElFtsI6xnc-01164-00308631-00308860 eradication of any bug through history xElFtsI6xnc-01165-00308861-00309173 is some kind of mass vaccination xElFtsI6xnc-01166-00309174-00309419 protocol so that's why we are not so xElFtsI6xnc-01167-00309420-00309626 informed by those particular studies xElFtsI6xnc-01168-00309627-00310316 what yeah xElFtsI6xnc-01169-00310317-00310578 you talk about statistical physics xElFtsI6xnc-01170-00310579-00310963 applications to this problem but xElFtsI6xnc-01171-00310964-00311223 whenever you have the antibodies and the xElFtsI6xnc-01172-00311224-00311442 antigens and all that it's more xElFtsI6xnc-01173-00311443-00311637 deterministic you don't consider xElFtsI6xnc-01174-00311638-00311993 Chemical Engineering effects such as xElFtsI6xnc-01175-00311994-00312260 equilibrium constants genetic xElFtsI6xnc-01176-00312261-00312558 limitations must transfer effects can xElFtsI6xnc-01177-00312559-00312810 you comment on that no it's a good xElFtsI6xnc-01178-00312811-00313071 question what I have not told you is xElFtsI6xnc-01179-00313072-00313332 well I think I understand your specific xElFtsI6xnc-01180-00313333-00313599 questions you can do stochastic dynamics xElFtsI6xnc-01181-00313600-00314010 of transport as you well know but those xElFtsI6xnc-01182-00314011-00314304 processes in the affinity maturation the xElFtsI6xnc-01183-00314305-00314526 second part of my talk where things go xElFtsI6xnc-01184-00314527-00314714 from one place to another and so forth xElFtsI6xnc-01185-00314715-00315084 that is by transport and in fact there xElFtsI6xnc-01186-00315085-00315471 are transport limitations so and and for xElFtsI6xnc-01187-00315472-00315787 example if you take a human being or any xElFtsI6xnc-01188-00315788-00316035 animal and you do affinity maturation xElFtsI6xnc-01189-00316036-00316305 give them some imagine you will find xElFtsI6xnc-01190-00316306-00316564 that you will never get an affinity of xElFtsI6xnc-01191-00316565-00316749 that antibody to exceed a particular xElFtsI6xnc-01192-00316750-00317133 threshold on the other hand protein xElFtsI6xnc-01193-00317134-00317484 engineers like Francis Arnold who what xElFtsI6xnc-01194-00317485-00317634 directed evolution is affinity xElFtsI6xnc-01195-00317635-00318114 maturation in done in a laboratory she xElFtsI6xnc-01196-00318115-00318417 can get you think not just she'll work xElFtsI6xnc-01197-00318418-00318613 and get you things that will bind like a xElFtsI6xnc-01198-00318614-00318834 rock I mean very hard we much higher xElFtsI6xnc-01199-00318835-00319083 than the threshold in humans you know xElFtsI6xnc-01200-00319084-00319500 why the reason is that there is a rate xElFtsI6xnc-01201-00319501-00319987 of transport of the mutated B cells from xElFtsI6xnc-01202-00319988-00320283 where they mutate to that cell that xElFtsI6xnc-01203-00320284-00320541 holds up the virus so that's a xElFtsI6xnc-01204-00320542-00320910 particular time scale if you now have xElFtsI6xnc-01205-00320911-00321201 developed B cells with mutations where xElFtsI6xnc-01206-00321202-00321369 the on rate that is the rate at which xElFtsI6xnc-01207-00321370-00321651 they bind the virus is faster xElFtsI6xnc-01208-00321652-00321927 corresponds to a faster time scale than xElFtsI6xnc-01209-00321928-00322254 the transport rate what is the xElFtsI6xnc-01210-00322255-00322398 evolutionary selection force for xElFtsI6xnc-01211-00322399-00322659 generating better antibodies nothing xElFtsI6xnc-01212-00322660-00322959 because the limiting limiting step now xElFtsI6xnc-01213-00322960-00323289 has become diffusion and transport that xElFtsI6xnc-01214-00323290-00323414 is why xElFtsI6xnc-01215-00323415-00323744 we cannot make antibodies that are of xElFtsI6xnc-01216-00323745-00323983 more affinity that some threshold and xElFtsI6xnc-01217-00323984-00324296 neither can humans I mean both are xElFtsI6xnc-01218-00324297-00324596 computation yes I do not describe that xElFtsI6xnc-01219-00324597-00324853 bit whereas in the in vitro laboratory xElFtsI6xnc-01220-00324854-00325030 you can make whatever you like because xElFtsI6xnc-01221-00325031-00325201 you can beat that transport limitation xElFtsI6xnc-01222-00325202-00325432 so they are all there in various ways xElFtsI6xnc-01223-00325433-00325637 inside this thing for the t-cell part xElFtsI6xnc-01224-00325638-00325849 they're not and they don't need to me xElFtsI6xnc-01225-00325850-00326155 because in 24 hours their circulation xElFtsI6xnc-01226-00326156-00326342 through your blood and lymphatic system xElFtsI6xnc-01227-00326343-00326479 of the t-cells so they should likely xElFtsI6xnc-01228-00326480-00326725 find various parts and you become a xElFtsI6xnc-01229-00326726-00326993 mixed bag it's not totally true some xElFtsI6xnc-01230-00326994-00327212 tissues are more privileged in the sense xElFtsI6xnc-01231-00327213-00327416 that diffusion limitations prevent xElFtsI6xnc-01232-00327417-00327607 things to go there and so forth it's not xElFtsI6xnc-01233-00327608-00327821 diffusion there it's transport through xElFtsI6xnc-01234-00327822-00328030 the tissue to the blood vessel walls and xElFtsI6xnc-01235-00328031-00328289 so forth so they are all they are in xElFtsI6xnc-01236-00328290-00328469 there but sometimes they important to xElFtsI6xnc-01237-00328470-00329359 treat in other times not sorry so forth xElFtsI6xnc-01238-00329360-00329564 the algorithms you were talking about I xElFtsI6xnc-01239-00329565-00331394 cannot I have this physiological driver xElFtsI6xnc-01240-00331395-00331807 mutations in the cancer yeah so you know xElFtsI6xnc-01241-00331808-00332012 right after we did this work I suddenly xElFtsI6xnc-01242-00332013-00332209 started getting invitations from has to xElFtsI6xnc-01243-00332210-00332476 cancel meetings because they were asking xElFtsI6xnc-01244-00332477-00332584 the same question that you're asking xElFtsI6xnc-01245-00332585-00332926 that is a related question that how can xElFtsI6xnc-01246-00332927-00333164 you identify new antigens as the cancer xElFtsI6xnc-01247-00333165-00333475 people call it that is mutated epitopes xElFtsI6xnc-01248-00333476-00333751 that will not be able to mutate away xElFtsI6xnc-01249-00333752-00334027 from whatever immunotherapy you're doing xElFtsI6xnc-01250-00334028-00334360 and so on and so on I think you can use xElFtsI6xnc-01251-00334361-00334616 it for that the only issue right now is xElFtsI6xnc-01252-00334617-00335131 that in order for doing this you need a xElFtsI6xnc-01253-00335132-00335696 large set of sequences because your xElFtsI6xnc-01254-00335697-00336097 learning algorithm is just as good as xElFtsI6xnc-01255-00336098-00336379 the extent of data you have in fact even xElFtsI6xnc-01256-00336380-00336662 in these cases we have to I mean I hit a xElFtsI6xnc-01257-00336663-00336782 lot of detail xElFtsI6xnc-01258-00336783-00336977 but not only that but how we become xElFtsI6xnc-01259-00336978-00337117 literate affects of immunity from xElFtsI6xnc-01260-00337118-00337424 intrinsic fitness even in this case we xElFtsI6xnc-01261-00337425-00337598 have to be very careful about the finite xElFtsI6xnc-01262-00337599-00337931 size of the data you have to do things xElFtsI6xnc-01263-00337932-00338135 like regularization and things like that xElFtsI6xnc-01264-00338136-00338321 to worry about the finite size the data xElFtsI6xnc-01265-00338322-00338573 but at the moment there are not enough xElFtsI6xnc-01266-00338574-00338891 whole genome cancer whole cancer genomes xElFtsI6xnc-01267-00338892-00339187 to have statistical power to do that xElFtsI6xnc-01268-00339188-00339437 our day will come when I think this will xElFtsI6xnc-01269-00339438-00339704 be possible not necessarily just by our xElFtsI6xnc-01270-00339705-00339857 learning method there may be other xElFtsI6xnc-01271-00339858-00340025 learning methods that could achieve the xElFtsI6xnc-01272-00340026-00340250 same goal but right now I don't think xElFtsI6xnc-01273-00340251-00340415 there are enough whole genome sequences xElFtsI6xnc-01274-00340416-00341226 to do this xElFtsI6xnc-01275-00341227-00341433 you xElNF05t7GA-00000-00000000-00000346 my greatest hope with Internet is xElNF05t7GA-00001-00000347-00000829 freedom of expression and my biggest xElNF05t7GA-00002-00000830-00001283 fear is lack of safety xFfUXruqrGY-00000-00000069-00000191 [Music] xFfUXruqrGY-00001-00000192-00000379 foreign xFfUXruqrGY-00002-00000380-00000940 [Music] xFfUXruqrGY-00003-00000941-00001019 [Applause] xFfUXruqrGY-00004-00001021-00001359 [Music] xFfUXruqrGY-00005-00001360-00001398 [Applause] xFfUXruqrGY-00006-00001399-00002920 [Music] xFfUXruqrGY-00007-00002921-00002997 [Applause] xFfUXruqrGY-00008-00002998-00004306 [Music] xFfUXruqrGY-00009-00004307-00004547 foreign xFfUXruqrGY-00010-00004548-00005120 [Music] xFfUXruqrGY-00011-00005121-00006878 [Music] xFfUXruqrGY-00012-00006879-00007100 [Applause] xFfUXruqrGY-00013-00007101-00007204 [Music] xFfUXruqrGY-00014-00007205-00007337 [Applause] xFfUXruqrGY-00015-00007338-00007819 foreign xFfUXruqrGY-00016-00007820-00010144 [Music] xFfUXruqrGY-00017-00010145-00011353 [Music] xFfUXruqrGY-00018-00011354-00011667 thank you xFfUXruqrGY-00019-00011668-00012553 [Music] xFfUXruqrGY-00020-00012554-00014243 [Music] xFfUXruqrGY-00021-00014244-00014794 foreign xFfUXruqrGY-00022-00014796-00014932 [Applause] xFfUXruqrGY-00023-00014933-00017549 [Music] xFfUXruqrGY-00024-00017550-00017774 foreign xFfUXruqrGY-00026-00020837-00021006 foreign xFfUXruqrGY-00027-00021007-00022247 [Music] xFcpVwup2z4-00000-00002840-00004206 foreign xFcpVwup2z4-00001-00004207-00004776 foreign xFcpVwup2z4-00003-00009864-00012006 um xFcpVwup2z4-00006-00019672-00022391 foreign xFcpVwup2z4-00009-00030775-00031899 foreign xFcpVwup2z4-00014-00051727-00052871 foreign xFcpVwup2z4-00015-00052872-00054559 foreign xFcpVwup2z4-00018-00062967-00064366 foreign xFcpVwup2z4-00019-00064367-00065847 foreign xFcpVwup2z4-00020-00065848-00067060 foreign xFcpVwup2z4-00021-00067061-00070055 [Music] xFcpVwup2z4-00022-00070056-00072879 foreign xFcpVwup2z4-00023-00072880-00075215 foreign xFcpVwup2z4-00027-00088179-00089130 [Music] xFcpVwup2z4-00028-00089131-00090623 [Laughter] xFcpVwup2z4-00031-00097904-00098251 foreign xFcpVwup2z4-00033-00105143-00106471 [Laughter] xFcpVwup2z4-00034-00106472-00109295 foreign xFcpVwup2z4-00038-00128864-00131373 be thankful xFcpVwup2z4-00039-00131374-00131543 [Music] xFcpVwup2z4-00041-00137024-00140014 foreign xFcpVwup2z4-00043-00146608-00148166 foreign xFcpVwup2z4-00045-00155432-00156101 foreign xFcpVwup2z4-00047-00160984-00161844 we are not eligible xFcpVwup2z4-00048-00161845-00163583 [Music] xFcpVwup2z4-00050-00177784-00179207 foreign xFcpVwup2z4-00052-00185859-00188823 [Music] xFcpVwup2z4-00053-00188824-00189038 this is going to be one of the most xFcpVwup2z4-00054-00189039-00189815 wonderful xFcpVwup2z4-00055-00189816-00191887 [Music] xFcpVwup2z4-00057-00197426-00200183 [Music] xFcpVwup2z4-00058-00200184-00202878 foreign xFcpVwup2z4-00059-00202879-00204414 [Music] xFcpVwup2z4-00060-00204415-00205766 foreign xFcpVwup2z4-00061-00205767-00206927 foreign xFcpVwup2z4-00062-00206928-00209671 foreign xFcpVwup2z4-00066-00225383-00227967 foreign xFcpVwup2z4-00067-00227967-00229615 foreign xFcpVwup2z4-00068-00229616-00231958 foreign xFcpVwup2z4-00075-00278234-00280039 [Music] xFcpVwup2z4-00079-00311720-00311903 this is the most beautiful simplest xFcpVwup2z4-00080-00311904-00312727 easiest and the most effective xFcpVwup2z4-00081-00312728-00313663 [Music] xFcpVwup2z4-00082-00313664-00315951 foreign xFcpVwup2z4-00083-00315952-00317719 foreign xFcpVwup2z4-00084-00317720-00318951 foreign xFcpVwup2z4-00086-00323344-00324839 mobile number xFcpVwup2z4-00087-00324840-00326191 foreign xFcpVwup2z4-00088-00326192-00328600 oh xFcpVwup2z4-00089-00328601-00328878 [Music] xFcpVwup2z4-00090-00328879-00329485 foreign xFcpVwup2z4-00091-00329486-00331271 [Music] xFcpVwup2z4-00092-00331272-00331789 um xFcpVwup2z4-00093-00331790-00332078 [Music] xGd4TWfl2N4-00000-00001626-00001798 and xGd4TWfl2N4-00001-00001800-00002099 okay so just to say a few words on on xGd4TWfl2N4-00002-00002100-00002326 behalf of UK Society for Cooperative xGd4TWfl2N4-00003-00002327-00002573 studies we're happy to welcome you and xGd4TWfl2N4-00004-00002574-00002968 I'm also acting as the host the The xGd4TWfl2N4-00005-00002969-00003166 fairchairs Institute is the organizer of xGd4TWfl2N4-00006-00003167-00003299 these conference that's my University xGd4TWfl2N4-00007-00003300-00003461 role xGd4TWfl2N4-00008-00003461-00003653 um so I say very little other than to xGd4TWfl2N4-00009-00003654-00003922 remind people that um when you signed up xGd4TWfl2N4-00010-00003923-00004217 that you gave permission for us to use xGd4TWfl2N4-00011-00004218-00004522 any video or or or articulated xGd4TWfl2N4-00012-00004523-00004799 contributions so if you don't want to be xGd4TWfl2N4-00013-00004800-00005152 recorded during the opening plenary and xGd4TWfl2N4-00014-00005153-00005417 the feedback and closing sort of plenary xGd4TWfl2N4-00015-00005418-00005704 then do switch off your video and xGd4TWfl2N4-00016-00005705-00005891 remember that anything you put in chat xGd4TWfl2N4-00017-00005892-00006245 will be saved as well so that's part of xGd4TWfl2N4-00018-00006246-00006478 the record of the meeting when we go xGd4TWfl2N4-00019-00006479-00006646 into breakout rooms you won't be xGd4TWfl2N4-00020-00006647-00006910 recorded So you're completely free to xGd4TWfl2N4-00021-00006911-00007048 discuss whatever you like in the xGd4TWfl2N4-00022-00007050-00007283 breakout rooms the facilitators and the xGd4TWfl2N4-00023-00007284-00007523 panelists won't join you in the breakout xGd4TWfl2N4-00024-00007523-00007696 rooms they'll they'll form a breakout xGd4TWfl2N4-00025-00007697-00007846 group of Their Own xGd4TWfl2N4-00026-00007847-00008087 uh which we will record and will be part xGd4TWfl2N4-00027-00008088-00008345 of the record thereafter xGd4TWfl2N4-00028-00008346-00008627 so let me hand over to Nicole who is our xGd4TWfl2N4-00029-00008628-00008873 facilitator today yes hello everybody xGd4TWfl2N4-00030-00008874-00009214 I'm glad to see all of you for our um xGd4TWfl2N4-00031-00009215-00009413 interesting session on learning from new xGd4TWfl2N4-00032-00009414-00009671 Cooperative isn't my name is Nicole from xGd4TWfl2N4-00033-00009672-00009833 good and I come from Frankfurt xGd4TWfl2N4-00034-00009834-00010067 University for cloud Sciences I have xGd4TWfl2N4-00035-00010068-00010324 been a member in various net research xGd4TWfl2N4-00036-00010325-00010517 networks on cooperatives and social xGd4TWfl2N4-00037-00010518-00010792 Enterprises over the years xGd4TWfl2N4-00038-00010793-00011023 um my role here today is perhaps because xGd4TWfl2N4-00039-00011024-00011374 we had an intensive evaluative research xGd4TWfl2N4-00040-00011375-00011633 on pupils cooperatives in Germany for a xGd4TWfl2N4-00041-00011634-00011974 long time and so I feel particularly for xGd4TWfl2N4-00042-00011975-00012103 this issue xGd4TWfl2N4-00043-00012104-00012520 okay we have three renowned panelists xGd4TWfl2N4-00044-00012521-00012744 today from Poland xGd4TWfl2N4-00045-00012745-00013271 Italy and Europe stroke Africa they will xGd4TWfl2N4-00046-00013272-00013480 hopefully give us a little insight into xGd4TWfl2N4-00047-00013481-00013829 who they are what they are doing and xGd4TWfl2N4-00048-00013830-00014105 they are concepts for improving learning xGd4TWfl2N4-00049-00014106-00014555 of four new cooperative Vision each one xGd4TWfl2N4-00050-00014556-00014716 of them will give us a statement of xGd4TWfl2N4-00051-00014718-00014963 about three four minutes and then there xGd4TWfl2N4-00052-00014963-00015172 will be a few interview questions which xGd4TWfl2N4-00053-00015173-00015466 we will actually hear and listen to in xGd4TWfl2N4-00054-00015468-00015694 the plenary after that you will be going xGd4TWfl2N4-00055-00015695-00015905 into breakout sessions for about 20 xGd4TWfl2N4-00056-00015906-00016205 minutes with the purpose of generating xGd4TWfl2N4-00057-00016206-00016433 your questions questions that you want xGd4TWfl2N4-00058-00016434-00016679 to have discussed in the next plenary xGd4TWfl2N4-00059-00016680-00016979 after the 20 minutes Rory will bring you xGd4TWfl2N4-00060-00016980-00017213 back into the plenary and we will be xGd4TWfl2N4-00061-00017214-00017507 discussing your questions so make quite xGd4TWfl2N4-00062-00017508-00017807 sure that you have either a sequence of xGd4TWfl2N4-00063-00017808-00018077 question how you want to bring in your xGd4TWfl2N4-00064-00018078-00018299 questions into the plenary or that you xGd4TWfl2N4-00065-00018300-00018533 have one spokesperson from your breakout xGd4TWfl2N4-00066-00018534-00018785 group that poses the questions we will xGd4TWfl2N4-00067-00018786-00019025 then hope that the panelists will xGd4TWfl2N4-00068-00019026-00019307 discuss and maybe there will be xGd4TWfl2N4-00069-00019308-00019561 um contradictory views there might be xGd4TWfl2N4-00070-00019562-00019841 special information questions that you xGd4TWfl2N4-00071-00019842-00020083 bring in everything goes xGd4TWfl2N4-00072-00020084-00020333 we will have a xGd4TWfl2N4-00073-00020334-00020585 a an attitude towards each other which xGd4TWfl2N4-00074-00020586-00020807 is constructive because as you well know xGd4TWfl2N4-00075-00020808-00021011 the seminars are being recorded so that xGd4TWfl2N4-00076-00021012-00021277 there will be um a book in the end xGd4TWfl2N4-00077-00021278-00021617 covering the ten subjects the 10 topics xGd4TWfl2N4-00078-00021618-00021922 on new cooperativism so that we can xGd4TWfl2N4-00079-00021923-00022150 actually disseminate experiences that xGd4TWfl2N4-00080-00022151-00022349 come from different countries but also xGd4TWfl2N4-00081-00022350-00022619 critical questions critical answers as xGd4TWfl2N4-00082-00022620-00022805 to are we really xGd4TWfl2N4-00083-00022806-00023135 on a way to a new cooperativism or is xGd4TWfl2N4-00084-00023136-00023278 this just a new word for something xGd4TWfl2N4-00085-00023279-00023572 practiced for a long time so xGd4TWfl2N4-00086-00023573-00023825 um please feel free to bring in all your xGd4TWfl2N4-00087-00023826-00024191 comments and all your views in the last xGd4TWfl2N4-00088-00024192-00024444 part of our seminar which is our xGd4TWfl2N4-00089-00024445-00024761 reflective session we will probably end xGd4TWfl2N4-00090-00024762-00024994 towards 1800 hours xGd4TWfl2N4-00091-00024995-00025241 um Central European Time or 1700 hours xGd4TWfl2N4-00092-00025242-00025667 European British UK time and wherever xGd4TWfl2N4-00093-00025668-00026008 you are I don't know what your time zone xGd4TWfl2N4-00094-00026010-00026435 is so I hope we will um satisfy your xGd4TWfl2N4-00095-00026436-00026723 interests within the next 90 minutes xGd4TWfl2N4-00096-00026724-00027029 to start off with may I ask Joanna to xGd4TWfl2N4-00097-00027030-00027257 introduce yourself briefly and to also xGd4TWfl2N4-00098-00027258-00027551 let us share her experience in The xGd4TWfl2N4-00099-00027552-00027796 Cooperative learning xGd4TWfl2N4-00100-00027797-00028067 yes just a moment hello everyone good xGd4TWfl2N4-00101-00028068-00028252 evening thank you for xGd4TWfl2N4-00102-00028254-00028535 inviting us to and and give us the xGd4TWfl2N4-00103-00028536-00028849 opportunity to share these um xGd4TWfl2N4-00104-00028850-00029064 experience xGd4TWfl2N4-00105-00029066-00029531 I've prepared just few slides for you to xGd4TWfl2N4-00106-00029532-00029795 maybe xGd4TWfl2N4-00107-00029795-00029887 um xGd4TWfl2N4-00108-00029888-00030173 get to knowledge about our experiences xGd4TWfl2N4-00109-00030174-00030437 in a more smooth way xGd4TWfl2N4-00110-00030438-00030677 so I represent the national auditing xGd4TWfl2N4-00111-00030677-00030895 Union of Corp of Cooperative xGd4TWfl2N4-00112-00030895-00031139 cooperatives it's a voluntary and xGd4TWfl2N4-00113-00031139-00031343 self-governing organization that was xGd4TWfl2N4-00114-00031344-00031661 established exactly 30 years ago we are xGd4TWfl2N4-00115-00031662-00031873 just having our anniversary xGd4TWfl2N4-00116-00031874-00032231 we associate mainly workers cooperatives xGd4TWfl2N4-00117-00032232-00032537 and even until January this year we were xGd4TWfl2N4-00118-00032538-00032717 called National auditing Union of xGd4TWfl2N4-00119-00032718-00033052 workers cooperatives but just now and xGd4TWfl2N4-00120-00033053-00033209 somehow connected with the new xGd4TWfl2N4-00121-00033210-00033439 cooperativism we have changed the name xGd4TWfl2N4-00122-00033440-00033802 and opened ourselves to new forms of xGd4TWfl2N4-00123-00033803-00034121 cooperatives because there are new types xGd4TWfl2N4-00124-00034122-00034445 of cooperatives emerging and actually xGd4TWfl2N4-00125-00034446-00034896 they don't fit into any other branch xGd4TWfl2N4-00126-00034897-00035224 that was well traditionally called in xGd4TWfl2N4-00127-00035225-00035489 Poland so that's why and and we are also xGd4TWfl2N4-00128-00035490-00035668 an organization that works very much xGd4TWfl2N4-00129-00035669-00035843 with different non-governmental xGd4TWfl2N4-00130-00035844-00036083 organizations with local authorities xGd4TWfl2N4-00131-00036084-00036217 with government xGd4TWfl2N4-00132-00036218-00036529 trying to promote the Corp active model xGd4TWfl2N4-00133-00036530-00036924 and this is why they actually xGd4TWfl2N4-00134-00036925-00037523 come to us to to cooperate to to do xGd4TWfl2N4-00135-00037524-00037702 different things together that's why we xGd4TWfl2N4-00136-00037703-00037907 open ourselves to new forms of xGd4TWfl2N4-00137-00037908-00038429 cooperatives uh well in among our aims xGd4TWfl2N4-00138-00038430-00038740 one of the most important ones is of xGd4TWfl2N4-00139-00038741-00038968 course education and we look at the xGd4TWfl2N4-00140-00038969-00039137 educational in three different xGd4TWfl2N4-00141-00039138-00039299 dimensions xGd4TWfl2N4-00142-00039300-00039527 there's of course it's education of xGd4TWfl2N4-00143-00039528-00039761 personnel of personnel of cooperatives xGd4TWfl2N4-00144-00039762-00040067 in order to help them to run their xGd4TWfl2N4-00145-00040068-00040390 businesses in a more professional way so xGd4TWfl2N4-00146-00040391-00040637 that they can achieve their economic and xGd4TWfl2N4-00147-00040638-00040883 social goals of course it's also xGd4TWfl2N4-00148-00040884-00041057 education of young people about xGd4TWfl2N4-00149-00041058-00041317 cooperatives as a way of doing business xGd4TWfl2N4-00150-00041318-00041633 so in this context we cooperate with the xGd4TWfl2N4-00151-00041634-00041980 universities where we try to introduce xGd4TWfl2N4-00152-00041981-00042274 the Cooperative Enterprises into the xGd4TWfl2N4-00153-00042275-00042473 university curricula so that the xGd4TWfl2N4-00154-00042474-00042689 students get the knowledge about the xGd4TWfl2N4-00155-00042690-00043139 possibility of choosing that kind of of xGd4TWfl2N4-00156-00043140-00043446 business entity and last but not least xGd4TWfl2N4-00157-00043447-00043793 we believe very much that the learning xGd4TWfl2N4-00158-00043794-00043985 by doing approach brings the best xGd4TWfl2N4-00159-00043986-00044380 results and that's why we feel that the xGd4TWfl2N4-00160-00044381-00044621 approach that we should xGd4TWfl2N4-00161-00044622-00044927 teach about cooperatives but through the xGd4TWfl2N4-00162-00044928-00045179 corporities it's uh it's really the best xGd4TWfl2N4-00163-00045180-00045317 way to xGd4TWfl2N4-00164-00045318-00045474 to xGd4TWfl2N4-00165-00045475-00045761 promote the Cooperative model and this xGd4TWfl2N4-00166-00045762-00046085 is why we for many years now we um xGd4TWfl2N4-00167-00046086-00046452 support the populist cognitive xGd4TWfl2N4-00168-00046453-00046733 that have a very long tradition in xGd4TWfl2N4-00169-00046734-00046973 Poland because the first one was xGd4TWfl2N4-00170-00046974-00047339 established over 120 years ago so it's a xGd4TWfl2N4-00171-00047340-00047567 very long tradition uh puppies xGd4TWfl2N4-00172-00047568-00047818 cooperatives they are established at xGd4TWfl2N4-00173-00047819-00048143 schools their members are only pupils xGd4TWfl2N4-00174-00048144-00048649 only young people but they of course are xGd4TWfl2N4-00175-00048650-00048946 under the care of a teacher that is xGd4TWfl2N4-00176-00048947-00049295 devoted to support them by the director xGd4TWfl2N4-00177-00049296-00049552 of the school and even we call him a xGd4TWfl2N4-00178-00049553-00049990 caretaker so he helps supports he leads xGd4TWfl2N4-00179-00049991-00050243 the group of young people in their xGd4TWfl2N4-00180-00050244-00050412 Cooperative xGd4TWfl2N4-00181-00050413-00050939 way and the statistics says that now in xGd4TWfl2N4-00182-00050940-00051185 problem we have around 700 cooperatives xGd4TWfl2N4-00183-00051186-00051508 all around Poland but some years ago we xGd4TWfl2N4-00184-00051509-00051761 were talking about even five or six xGd4TWfl2N4-00185-00051762-00052061 thousand of that kind of entities and xGd4TWfl2N4-00186-00052062-00052319 such a big decrease of the of the amount xGd4TWfl2N4-00187-00052320-00052565 of populist cooperatives is is totally xGd4TWfl2N4-00188-00052566-00052811 connected with the fact that we are xGd4TWfl2N4-00189-00052812-00053032 still lacking a legal regulation xGd4TWfl2N4-00190-00053033-00053350 concerning that kind of activity so this xGd4TWfl2N4-00191-00053351-00053542 is one of the things that we are very xGd4TWfl2N4-00192-00053544-00053825 much fighting for as a union together xGd4TWfl2N4-00193-00053826-00054053 with the foundation that supports that xGd4TWfl2N4-00194-00054054-00054473 kind of school entities I will stop now xGd4TWfl2N4-00195-00054474-00054659 I know I'm out of time thank you very xGd4TWfl2N4-00196-00054660-00054916 much I'm feel free to ask all the xGd4TWfl2N4-00197-00054917-00055109 questions there and share your views xGd4TWfl2N4-00198-00055110-00055265 thank you so much xGd4TWfl2N4-00199-00055266-00055511 thank you very much Jenna that was a xGd4TWfl2N4-00200-00055512-00055788 really hard task three minutes for xGd4TWfl2N4-00201-00055789-00055985 introducing yourself and your xGd4TWfl2N4-00202-00055986-00056207 organization and the concepts but don't xGd4TWfl2N4-00203-00056208-00056447 worry we will have time to come back to xGd4TWfl2N4-00204-00056448-00056687 uh specific parts of it xGd4TWfl2N4-00205-00056688-00057059 Sarah would you like to continue please xGd4TWfl2N4-00206-00057060-00057449 yeah again thank you very much let me xGd4TWfl2N4-00207-00057450-00057700 sure xGd4TWfl2N4-00208-00057701-00058138 okay xGd4TWfl2N4-00209-00058139-00058444 that's good so good afternoon everyone xGd4TWfl2N4-00210-00058445-00058649 and thank you very much for inviting me xGd4TWfl2N4-00211-00058650-00058907 to share their android.com perspective xGd4TWfl2N4-00212-00058908-00059129 in terms of learning xGd4TWfl2N4-00213-00059129-00059338 um everything I would like that started xGd4TWfl2N4-00214-00059339-00059597 from a very simple question that is how xGd4TWfl2N4-00215-00059598-00059794 have cops contributed to improving xGd4TWfl2N4-00216-00059795-00059938 members well-being and transforming xGd4TWfl2N4-00217-00059939-00060149 their communities and when we asked xGd4TWfl2N4-00218-00060150-00060359 ourselves a few years ago this question xGd4TWfl2N4-00219-00060360-00060653 actually we were meaning those uh new xGd4TWfl2N4-00220-00060654-00060875 cooperatives that you uh mentioned so xGd4TWfl2N4-00221-00060876-00061138 those costs that are really uh inspired xGd4TWfl2N4-00222-00061139-00061576 by cops values and principles and um xGd4TWfl2N4-00223-00061577-00061847 I mean we were freezing at that time I xGd4TWfl2N4-00224-00061848-00062021 was busy in my work as a participant xGd4TWfl2N4-00225-00062022-00062207 reaction researcher but also as a xGd4TWfl2N4-00226-00062208-00062500 citizen the the fact that too often we xGd4TWfl2N4-00227-00062501-00062711 Face misconception about cops and xGd4TWfl2N4-00228-00062712-00062926 particularly what they're concern us is xGd4TWfl2N4-00229-00062927-00063269 that media uh um I mean talk about xGd4TWfl2N4-00230-00063270-00063491 cooperatives only when there is some bad xGd4TWfl2N4-00231-00063491-00063641 happening xGd4TWfl2N4-00232-00063641-00063863 um so I mean you can find I don't know xGd4TWfl2N4-00233-00063864-00064007 if you share this thing but you can find xGd4TWfl2N4-00234-00064008-00064216 news on the first page of newspapers but xGd4TWfl2N4-00235-00064217-00064499 too often only on that situation while xGd4TWfl2N4-00236-00064500-00064744 we were asking us how could we could in xGd4TWfl2N4-00237-00064745-00064829 a way xGd4TWfl2N4-00238-00064829-00064926 um xGd4TWfl2N4-00239-00064927-00065176 propose an approach that can foster xGd4TWfl2N4-00240-00065177-00065549 easily Mutual learning and Innovation xGd4TWfl2N4-00241-00065550-00065617 um xGd4TWfl2N4-00242-00065618-00065932 in a cryptokop approach xGd4TWfl2N4-00243-00065933-00066197 um and so that was the moment that we xGd4TWfl2N4-00244-00066198-00066365 decided to engage in this around the xGd4TWfl2N4-00245-00066366-00066581 world trip uh with the purpose of xGd4TWfl2N4-00246-00066582-00066815 catching the essence of cooperatives of xGd4TWfl2N4-00247-00066816-00067019 this new cooperativism so not only xGd4TWfl2N4-00248-00067020-00067253 focusing on on what Cooperative were xGd4TWfl2N4-00249-00067254-00067487 doing but particularly on cop identity xGd4TWfl2N4-00250-00067488-00067793 that was the approach so really on uh xGd4TWfl2N4-00251-00067794-00068015 the idea and the motivational xGd4TWfl2N4-00252-00068016-00068249 Cooperators so with the international xGd4TWfl2N4-00253-00068250-00068488 Cooperative Alliance we uh in xGd4TWfl2N4-00254-00068489-00068656 Partnership we carry out this trip xGd4TWfl2N4-00255-00068657-00068849 around the world xGd4TWfl2N4-00256-00068850-00069232 um that I mean in 2019 and also part of xGd4TWfl2N4-00257-00069233-00069388 2020. xGd4TWfl2N4-00258-00069389-00069538 um but I mean at the heart of this xGd4TWfl2N4-00259-00069539-00069737 actually I would like to just few words xGd4TWfl2N4-00260-00069738-00069976 about our methodology because is this xGd4TWfl2N4-00261-00069977-00070121 combination of participant reaction xGd4TWfl2N4-00262-00070122-00070332 research and video making where xGd4TWfl2N4-00263-00070333-00070619 Cooperators are at the heart of the xGd4TWfl2N4-00264-00070620-00070949 story building so uh they engage in xGd4TWfl2N4-00265-00070950-00071176 activity that is first of all a mutual xGd4TWfl2N4-00266-00071177-00071513 learning among the itself about uh they xGd4TWfl2N4-00267-00071514-00071825 cop Endeavor they cop story and then uh xGd4TWfl2N4-00268-00071826-00072088 then we all together come up with a xGd4TWfl2N4-00269-00072089-00072281 video xGd4TWfl2N4-00270-00072282-00072509 um we continue of course we started as a xGd4TWfl2N4-00271-00072510-00072676 two person now we are a group that we xGd4TWfl2N4-00272-00072677-00072917 are incubated in as master.com I guess xGd4TWfl2N4-00273-00072918-00073067 you all know xGd4TWfl2N4-00274-00073068-00073379 um and our mission is to transform xGd4TWfl2N4-00275-00073380-00073673 research findings so what we you are xGd4TWfl2N4-00276-00073674-00073979 usually in the academic community and we xGd4TWfl2N4-00277-00073980-00074255 usually see in a paper uh to transform xGd4TWfl2N4-00278-00074256-00074591 them into a video so that the inspiring xGd4TWfl2N4-00279-00074592-00074879 findings evidence-based stories can xGd4TWfl2N4-00280-00074880-00075131 reach a wider audience so not only the xGd4TWfl2N4-00281-00075132-00075419 academic Community but uh also and xGd4TWfl2N4-00282-00075420-00075749 marble roller citizenship communities xGd4TWfl2N4-00283-00075750-00076144 um so to be engaged into and inspired by xGd4TWfl2N4-00284-00076145-00076337 the stories xGd4TWfl2N4-00285-00076338-00076588 um so we could identify two levels in a xGd4TWfl2N4-00286-00076589-00076829 way of impact one is at the crop level xGd4TWfl2N4-00287-00076830-00077038 The Cooperative engage in this process xGd4TWfl2N4-00288-00077039-00077279 of Storytelling uh because it's an xGd4TWfl2N4-00289-00077280-00077494 opportunity of mutual learning and xGd4TWfl2N4-00290-00077495-00077788 strengthening the cop identity xGd4TWfl2N4-00291-00077789-00078067 um it's I mean the story I actually xGd4TWfl2N4-00292-00078068-00078400 redocumented a Polish cop story exactly xGd4TWfl2N4-00293-00078401-00078611 one of those Cooperative that are not xGd4TWfl2N4-00294-00078612-00078862 recognized as cooperative and at the end xGd4TWfl2N4-00295-00078863-00079061 of the of this uh process was very xGd4TWfl2N4-00296-00079062-00079265 interesting for them to say wow we have xGd4TWfl2N4-00297-00079266-00079469 done all this now so it's really a kind xGd4TWfl2N4-00298-00079470-00079687 of learning about their own experience xGd4TWfl2N4-00299-00079688-00080105 and and of course then for us this is a xGd4TWfl2N4-00300-00080106-00080344 a tool it means that we are using but we xGd4TWfl2N4-00301-00080345-00080525 know that other organizations too are xGd4TWfl2N4-00302-00080526-00080776 using to inspire Youth and other xGd4TWfl2N4-00303-00080777-00080999 communities so learning directly from xGd4TWfl2N4-00304-00081000-00081382 others experiences so I think uh I mean xGd4TWfl2N4-00305-00081383-00081556 grow and has xGd4TWfl2N4-00306-00081557-00081755 a substantial experience in xGd4TWfl2N4-00307-00081756-00081971 entrepreneurship education xGd4TWfl2N4-00308-00081972-00082126 um and learning as well as the xGd4TWfl2N4-00309-00082127-00082438 evaluation component of it so our xGd4TWfl2N4-00310-00082439-00082679 objective in ecoop xGd4TWfl2N4-00311-00082680-00083032 um was to identify a set of high school xGd4TWfl2N4-00312-00083033-00083267 programs and a set of University xGd4TWfl2N4-00313-00083268-00083526 programs um that could serve as xGd4TWfl2N4-00314-00083527-00083788 illustrations of good practice right of xGd4TWfl2N4-00315-00083789-00084125 of what is a successful learning program xGd4TWfl2N4-00316-00084126-00084437 and we encountered many very impressive xGd4TWfl2N4-00317-00084438-00084605 and Innovative programs across Europe xGd4TWfl2N4-00318-00084606-00084947 and ultimately selected seven University xGd4TWfl2N4-00319-00084948-00085282 programs and six high school programs to xGd4TWfl2N4-00320-00085283-00085565 be featured in our ecoop good practice xGd4TWfl2N4-00321-00085566-00085793 right xGd4TWfl2N4-00322-00085794-00086062 um and these programs uh varied widely xGd4TWfl2N4-00323-00086063-00086411 and in format and somewhere xGd4TWfl2N4-00324-00086412-00086621 um long-term programs spending an entire xGd4TWfl2N4-00325-00086622-00086879 master program somewhere very short xGd4TWfl2N4-00326-00086880-00087137 programs of only three days xGd4TWfl2N4-00327-00087138-00087359 um and what they all had in common was xGd4TWfl2N4-00328-00087360-00087635 that they raise awareness of the um xGd4TWfl2N4-00329-00087636-00087923 Cooperative alternative to Learners that xGd4TWfl2N4-00330-00087924-00088223 otherwise would um possibly never have xGd4TWfl2N4-00331-00088224-00088343 been exposed xGd4TWfl2N4-00332-00088344-00088594 um to a co-op xGd4TWfl2N4-00333-00088595-00088962 um also most had a practical component xGd4TWfl2N4-00334-00088963-00089279 and that ranged from internships in xGd4TWfl2N4-00335-00089280-00089476 existing co-ops xGd4TWfl2N4-00336-00089477-00089735 um to students simulating model co-ops xGd4TWfl2N4-00337-00089736-00090023 going all the way to students xGd4TWfl2N4-00338-00090024-00090418 um creating actual student co-ops xGd4TWfl2N4-00339-00090419-00090479 um xGd4TWfl2N4-00340-00090480-00090718 and of course internships was uh xGd4TWfl2N4-00341-00090719-00090868 something we only saw in University xGd4TWfl2N4-00342-00090869-00091199 programs uh not so much in high schools xGd4TWfl2N4-00343-00091200-00091487 um but um but where you have them they xGd4TWfl2N4-00344-00091488-00091649 can be a great way for students to be xGd4TWfl2N4-00345-00091650-00091853 exposed to the co-op setting and of xGd4TWfl2N4-00346-00091854-00092123 course also for the co-ops to benefit xGd4TWfl2N4-00347-00092124-00092303 um from the work that the students are xGd4TWfl2N4-00348-00092304-00092549 putting into the cooperative and very xGd4TWfl2N4-00349-00092550-00092825 importantly also the fresh ideas that xGd4TWfl2N4-00350-00092826-00093112 might come from uh having an intern so xGd4TWfl2N4-00351-00093113-00093371 it really goes uh it really goes both xGd4TWfl2N4-00352-00093372-00093544 ways in terms of xGd4TWfl2N4-00353-00093545-00093850 the advantages xGd4TWfl2N4-00354-00093851-00094025 um we also found that xGd4TWfl2N4-00355-00094026-00094259 um many of the the good practices in xGd4TWfl2N4-00356-00094260-00094462 University programs have a research xGd4TWfl2N4-00357-00094463-00094582 component xGd4TWfl2N4-00358-00094583-00094949 and also what stood out there was uh xGd4TWfl2N4-00359-00094950-00095153 that these research components have a xGd4TWfl2N4-00360-00095154-00095350 strong practical xGd4TWfl2N4-00361-00095351-00095662 um action-oriented component so it's not xGd4TWfl2N4-00362-00095663-00095944 just about researching papers that have xGd4TWfl2N4-00363-00095945-00096118 been published about the subject but xGd4TWfl2N4-00364-00096119-00096299 rather it's about also students going xGd4TWfl2N4-00365-00096300-00096562 into actual co-ops and interact actively xGd4TWfl2N4-00366-00096563-00096791 with them for instance through in-depth xGd4TWfl2N4-00367-00096792-00097097 interviews uh to learn something xGd4TWfl2N4-00368-00097098-00097343 um but no program is alike there are xGd4TWfl2N4-00369-00097344-00097517 many good ones no program is alike xGd4TWfl2N4-00370-00097518-00097787 there's also no one-size-fits-all xGd4TWfl2N4-00371-00097788-00097991 approach in terms of what constitutes xGd4TWfl2N4-00372-00097992-00098188 good practice xGd4TWfl2N4-00373-00098189-00098488 um well and um developing and running a xGd4TWfl2N4-00374-00098489-00098668 learning program is xGd4TWfl2N4-00375-00098669-00099047 um I'd say very hard work xGd4TWfl2N4-00376-00099048-00099335 um this is what we took away from it and xGd4TWfl2N4-00377-00099336-00099509 from our conversations with the program xGd4TWfl2N4-00378-00099510-00099797 leaders uh very hard work that they do xGd4TWfl2N4-00379-00099798-00100144 and and we hope that xGd4TWfl2N4-00380-00100145-00100456 um through our work on identifying good xGd4TWfl2N4-00381-00100457-00100721 practices and sharing them in YouTube we xGd4TWfl2N4-00382-00100722-00100937 hope that we really came up with some xGd4TWfl2N4-00383-00100938-00101171 inspiring examples uh that can be used xGd4TWfl2N4-00384-00101172-00101459 as a reference uh for improvement in the xGd4TWfl2N4-00385-00101460-00101579 future xGd4TWfl2N4-00386-00101580-00101843 thank you very much Christian xGd4TWfl2N4-00387-00101844-00102185 um so we have three various approaches xGd4TWfl2N4-00388-00102186-00102515 of different approaches to xGd4TWfl2N4-00389-00102516-00102904 looking at Cooperative learning xGd4TWfl2N4-00390-00102905-00102977 um xGd4TWfl2N4-00391-00102978-00103277 what unites us in our discussion is that xGd4TWfl2N4-00392-00103278-00103625 we want to look at the practices the xGd4TWfl2N4-00393-00103626-00103853 concepts that are being used in regard xGd4TWfl2N4-00394-00103854-00104165 to in how far do they actually promote a xGd4TWfl2N4-00395-00104166-00104404 new type of Cooperative system and with xGd4TWfl2N4-00396-00104405-00104747 that of course we mean what Joanna has xGd4TWfl2N4-00397-00104748-00104957 Illustrated right at the beginning that xGd4TWfl2N4-00398-00104958-00105139 there were sectors of cooperatives xGd4TWfl2N4-00399-00105140-00105401 established in most countries there was xGd4TWfl2N4-00400-00105402-00105640 a firm law that there was registration xGd4TWfl2N4-00401-00105641-00105952 that was auditing Etc and now we find xGd4TWfl2N4-00402-00105953-00106375 that initiatives from the bottom have xGd4TWfl2N4-00403-00106376-00106595 developed which don't fit these xGd4TWfl2N4-00404-00106596-00106828 categories which might actually Edge on xGd4TWfl2N4-00405-00106829-00107021 to the law which might actually be xGd4TWfl2N4-00406-00107022-00107278 difficult to audit which um perhaps xGd4TWfl2N4-00407-00107279-00107495 aren't even registered as cooperatives xGd4TWfl2N4-00408-00107496-00107752 and this is a movement that that xGd4TWfl2N4-00409-00107753-00108113 probably is inspired by new values we we xGd4TWfl2N4-00410-00108114-00108395 put this as a hypothesis as it were and xGd4TWfl2N4-00411-00108396-00108652 from the angle of learning we would like xGd4TWfl2N4-00412-00108653-00108823 to find out today xGd4TWfl2N4-00413-00108824-00109139 in how far the these programs that that xGd4TWfl2N4-00414-00109140-00109486 you have either studied or are xGd4TWfl2N4-00415-00109488-00109708 instrumental in xGd4TWfl2N4-00416-00109709-00109997 um are actually doing certain things to xGd4TWfl2N4-00417-00109998-00110278 reach these xGd4TWfl2N4-00418-00110279-00110681 um has Nicole gone silent for the rest xGd4TWfl2N4-00419-00110682-00110915 of you yeah I was not able to understand xGd4TWfl2N4-00420-00110916-00111113 at some point it cut off xGd4TWfl2N4-00421-00111114-00111275 right xGd4TWfl2N4-00422-00111276-00111449 um let's just give her a moment and see xGd4TWfl2N4-00423-00111450-00111634 if it comes out right Nicole you're back xGd4TWfl2N4-00424-00111635-00111821 you you went off for about 30 seconds xGd4TWfl2N4-00425-00111822-00112054 there oh Shame Shame xGd4TWfl2N4-00426-00112055-00112271 um so I'd repeat my question because we xGd4TWfl2N4-00427-00112272-00112499 looking at this new phenomenon of new xGd4TWfl2N4-00428-00112500-00112757 cooperativism we want to find out in xGd4TWfl2N4-00429-00112758-00112871 which regard xGd4TWfl2N4-00430-00112872-00113128 um learning concepts are actually xGd4TWfl2N4-00431-00113129-00113477 contributing to new types of values that xGd4TWfl2N4-00432-00113478-00113849 seem to be a part of this new movement xGd4TWfl2N4-00433-00113850-00114058 um my first question to the panelists xGd4TWfl2N4-00434-00114059-00114215 therefore would be in which regard do xGd4TWfl2N4-00435-00114216-00114365 you think the approaches that you have xGd4TWfl2N4-00436-00114366-00114904 to do with further workplace democracy xGd4TWfl2N4-00437-00114905-00115765 foreign xGd4TWfl2N4-00438-00115766-00116045 start with the point that xGd4TWfl2N4-00439-00116046-00116273 um these new types of cooperatives that xGd4TWfl2N4-00440-00116274-00116627 are emerging in Poland for instance xGd4TWfl2N4-00441-00116628-00116740 um xGd4TWfl2N4-00442-00116741-00117016 well it started actually and it was xGd4TWfl2N4-00443-00117017-00117149 totally connected with the new xGd4TWfl2N4-00444-00117150-00117413 cooperativism I mean this was there xGd4TWfl2N4-00445-00117414-00117545 there was a movement of food xGd4TWfl2N4-00446-00117546-00117857 cooperatives that started in 2010 it and xGd4TWfl2N4-00447-00117858-00118078 it was actually the first xGd4TWfl2N4-00448-00118079-00118349 after many many years the first moment xGd4TWfl2N4-00449-00118350-00118708 moment when the solidarity trust xGd4TWfl2N4-00450-00118709-00118997 responsibility values connected with the xGd4TWfl2N4-00451-00118998-00119308 Cooperative movement emerge in such a xGd4TWfl2N4-00452-00119309-00119471 way that people really gather together xGd4TWfl2N4-00453-00119472-00119704 and they wanted to do something xGd4TWfl2N4-00454-00119705-00120077 but at that moment they used they were xGd4TWfl2N4-00455-00120078-00120293 more like informal groups and most of xGd4TWfl2N4-00456-00120294-00120443 the Cooperative Food cooperatives in xGd4TWfl2N4-00457-00120444-00120790 Poland still are so if they used an xGd4TWfl2N4-00458-00120791-00121097 illegal entity they used associations xGd4TWfl2N4-00459-00121098-00121439 like a you know very I would say mild xGd4TWfl2N4-00460-00121440-00121769 and illegal entity not the Cooperative xGd4TWfl2N4-00461-00121770-00122033 because Incorporated in Poland it's xGd4TWfl2N4-00462-00122033-00122333 strictly an Enterprise so if you create xGd4TWfl2N4-00463-00122333-00122501 a Cooperative you create an Enterprise xGd4TWfl2N4-00464-00122502-00122893 so they chose to to use an association xGd4TWfl2N4-00465-00122894-00123371 and and then maybe make a step for for xGd4TWfl2N4-00466-00123372-00123647 word I mean take a next step like there xGd4TWfl2N4-00467-00123648-00124049 is a food Cooperative uh dobj in uh in xGd4TWfl2N4-00468-00124050-00124397 in Universal that already runs two shops xGd4TWfl2N4-00469-00124398-00124702 in crack in in Warsaw in Krakow xGd4TWfl2N4-00470-00124703-00124901 hopefully xGd4TWfl2N4-00471-00124902-00125116 um but uh but they are like you know xGd4TWfl2N4-00472-00125117-00125560 they are developing slowly but for last xGd4TWfl2N4-00473-00125561-00125647 years xGd4TWfl2N4-00474-00125648-00126184 we see the uh the situation where new xGd4TWfl2N4-00475-00126185-00126378 groups of people xGd4TWfl2N4-00476-00126379-00126863 involved and I would say willing to xGd4TWfl2N4-00477-00126864-00127145 really introduce Cooperative values into xGd4TWfl2N4-00478-00127146-00127577 the reality they really choose the legal xGd4TWfl2N4-00479-00127578-00127913 entity Cooperative Enterprise that is xGd4TWfl2N4-00480-00127914-00128189 possible in Poland according to the law xGd4TWfl2N4-00481-00128190-00128573 but the law is from 1982 so as you can xGd4TWfl2N4-00482-00128574-00128945 remember it's before the economical and xGd4TWfl2N4-00483-00128946-00129299 political transformation so many of the xGd4TWfl2N4-00484-00129300-00129766 of the I would say regulations there are xGd4TWfl2N4-00485-00129767-00130181 not very modern so now we have a huge xGd4TWfl2N4-00486-00130182-00130445 challenge because on one hand on the one xGd4TWfl2N4-00487-00130446-00130583 hand they xGd4TWfl2N4-00488-00130583-00130816 choose the The Cooperative Enterprise xGd4TWfl2N4-00489-00130817-00131116 model they create a real Cooperative xGd4TWfl2N4-00490-00131117-00131416 this Cooperative they do not fit any of xGd4TWfl2N4-00491-00131417-00131771 of the you know current branches because xGd4TWfl2N4-00492-00131772-00132149 it they are totally new ones so they run xGd4TWfl2N4-00493-00132150-00132652 business but the challenge is to make a xGd4TWfl2N4-00494-00132653-00132983 real change so that the real Cooperative xGd4TWfl2N4-00495-00132984-00133390 law can be much more modern and be and xGd4TWfl2N4-00496-00133391-00133589 that's much easier for them to run xGd4TWfl2N4-00497-00133590-00133907 business and that's one point but the xGd4TWfl2N4-00498-00133908-00134104 second part is that they need exactly xGd4TWfl2N4-00499-00134105-00134501 the same skills when it comes to run a xGd4TWfl2N4-00500-00134502-00134854 business like those who already run xGd4TWfl2N4-00501-00134855-00135227 cooperatives for 5 50 years so xGd4TWfl2N4-00502-00135228-00135443 um that's one thing but the other thing xGd4TWfl2N4-00503-00135444-00135743 is that uh and this is exactly the xGd4TWfl2N4-00504-00135744-00136043 Public's cooperatives uh what create xGd4TWfl2N4-00505-00136044-00136373 popular populist cooperatives uh I must xGd4TWfl2N4-00506-00136374-00136552 here recall xGd4TWfl2N4-00507-00136553-00136919 um definition of a competence that says xGd4TWfl2N4-00508-00136920-00137213 that its components are not only skills xGd4TWfl2N4-00509-00137214-00137573 and knowledge but also attitudes xGd4TWfl2N4-00510-00137574-00137939 and attitude is something that we xGd4TWfl2N4-00511-00137940-00138304 um actually get in the process in let's xGd4TWfl2N4-00512-00138305-00138509 say ingrained in the process of learning xGd4TWfl2N4-00513-00138510-00138785 but this is like a personal uh xGd4TWfl2N4-00514-00138786-00139007 experience and this is exactly what xGd4TWfl2N4-00515-00139008-00139211 purpose cooperatives give to students xGd4TWfl2N4-00516-00139212-00139457 and to pupils because xGd4TWfl2N4-00517-00139458-00139799 at school they run a real business okay xGd4TWfl2N4-00518-00139800-00140266 the market is only it's only the uh the xGd4TWfl2N4-00519-00140267-00140543 school but the values the principles are xGd4TWfl2N4-00520-00140544-00140977 exactly the same so we feel China xGd4TWfl2N4-00521-00140978-00141364 last sentence I promise I will stop so xGd4TWfl2N4-00522-00141365-00141581 we feel like we xGd4TWfl2N4-00523-00141582-00142097 create people we create new Cooperators xGd4TWfl2N4-00524-00142098-00142378 that when they finish schools and xGd4TWfl2N4-00525-00142379-00142751 universities they will be able to uh to xGd4TWfl2N4-00526-00142752-00142931 run their businesses in a Cooperative xGd4TWfl2N4-00527-00142932-00143137 way xGd4TWfl2N4-00528-00143138-00143363 I would like to give the other two xGd4TWfl2N4-00529-00143364-00143585 panels just a brief opportunity because xGd4TWfl2N4-00530-00143586-00143819 Rory has restricted us to 10 minutes xGd4TWfl2N4-00531-00143820-00144181 here so uh Sarah yes xGd4TWfl2N4-00532-00144182-00144466 I'm very happy to contribute now right xGd4TWfl2N4-00533-00144467-00144683 after Joanna because these things xGd4TWfl2N4-00534-00144684-00145001 doesn't happen by chance but honestly xGd4TWfl2N4-00535-00145002-00145223 let's inform everyone that was not xGd4TWfl2N4-00536-00145224-00145475 prepared but one of the cop stories that xGd4TWfl2N4-00537-00145476-00145733 we documented is exactly the Dodger cup xGd4TWfl2N4-00538-00145734-00146069 so we have been with them in September xGd4TWfl2N4-00539-00146070-00146278 last year we had a fantastic time we xGd4TWfl2N4-00540-00146279-00146464 spent fantastic time with them and xGd4TWfl2N4-00541-00146465-00146651 exactly one of the stories so I will now xGd4TWfl2N4-00542-00146652-00146969 in a second uh copy in the chat uh the xGd4TWfl2N4-00543-00146970-00147197 the video story and that they prepared xGd4TWfl2N4-00544-00147198-00147431 no according to this methodology so they xGd4TWfl2N4-00545-00147432-00147599 decided how to develop their own story xGd4TWfl2N4-00546-00147600-00147911 so watching 15 minute video uh it's like xGd4TWfl2N4-00547-00147912-00148139 visiting them spending time with with xGd4TWfl2N4-00548-00148140-00148264 them xGd4TWfl2N4-00549-00148265-00148619 um and so to go back to the question of xGd4TWfl2N4-00550-00148620-00149027 uh Nicole exactly this is a bit our xGd4TWfl2N4-00551-00149028-00149351 approach exactly identifying uh cops xGd4TWfl2N4-00552-00149352-00149621 that uh all the story actually have a xGd4TWfl2N4-00553-00149622-00149866 common ground that they started in xGd4TWfl2N4-00554-00149867-00150240 formal so they started as a process of xGd4TWfl2N4-00555-00150241-00150604 collective action uh in a bottom-up way xGd4TWfl2N4-00556-00150605-00150899 where people identify the common needs xGd4TWfl2N4-00557-00150900-00151114 and according to around that communities xGd4TWfl2N4-00558-00151115-00151366 they developed the organization and then xGd4TWfl2N4-00559-00151367-00151685 step by step perhaps they structure it xGd4TWfl2N4-00560-00151686-00151990 and became a formal register Cooperative xGd4TWfl2N4-00561-00151991-00152314 but um this is exactly what we were xGd4TWfl2N4-00562-00152315-00152561 looking for in these stories insights xGd4TWfl2N4-00563-00152562-00152902 about this how important is this glue of xGd4TWfl2N4-00564-00152903-00153245 a share common Vision than to set up and xGd4TWfl2N4-00565-00153246-00153611 develop a sustainable business so really xGd4TWfl2N4-00566-00153612-00153790 uh focusing on the fact that the xGd4TWfl2N4-00567-00153791-00153989 two-dimension of being an association of xGd4TWfl2N4-00568-00153990-00154259 being Enterprise are imbalanced and when xGd4TWfl2N4-00569-00154260-00154439 they're in Balance they can move forward xGd4TWfl2N4-00570-00154440-00154709 so all these stories I would say that xGd4TWfl2N4-00571-00154710-00154997 have this Common Ground xGd4TWfl2N4-00572-00154998-00155369 um and I can also share with Joanna one xGd4TWfl2N4-00573-00155370-00155585 of the storyline with what Joanna was xGd4TWfl2N4-00574-00155586-00155819 saying one of the story about a school xGd4TWfl2N4-00575-00155820-00155964 car xGd4TWfl2N4-00576-00155965-00156257 in Malaysia this time that they have a xGd4TWfl2N4-00577-00156258-00156425 very well developed system about that xGd4TWfl2N4-00578-00156426-00156713 that perhaps we might say that when we xGd4TWfl2N4-00579-00156714-00156893 went there we were a bit xGd4TWfl2N4-00580-00156894-00157126 um you know surprised to see that xGd4TWfl2N4-00581-00157127-00157354 perhaps the first principle was not xGd4TWfl2N4-00582-00157355-00157540 really fully implemented in the sense xGd4TWfl2N4-00583-00157541-00157639 that xGd4TWfl2N4-00584-00157640-00157943 each school has to develop this cop xGd4TWfl2N4-00585-00157944-00158219 school but it was fantastic to see xGd4TWfl2N4-00586-00158220-00158513 students reporting while developing xGd4TWfl2N4-00587-00158514-00158716 their own video that say as a main xGd4TWfl2N4-00588-00158717-00158963 achievement for them that whoever know xGd4TWfl2N4-00589-00158964-00159257 what we will be doing in the future but xGd4TWfl2N4-00590-00159258-00159551 for sure maybe we won't be Cooperators xGd4TWfl2N4-00591-00159552-00159826 but for sure this Cooperative values xGd4TWfl2N4-00592-00159827-00160187 will be with us forever and uh I think xGd4TWfl2N4-00593-00160188-00160378 that this at the end was one of the most xGd4TWfl2N4-00594-00160379-00160643 important impact in this sense of what xGd4TWfl2N4-00595-00160644-00160811 means Cooperative learning you know they xGd4TWfl2N4-00596-00160812-00161351 really empowering people to face life in xGd4TWfl2N4-00597-00161352-00161676 a Cooperative ways competitive way so xGd4TWfl2N4-00598-00161677-00161897 okay so xGd4TWfl2N4-00599-00161898-00162209 um it seems to me that really it's about xGd4TWfl2N4-00600-00162210-00162539 um the balance of how a cooperation of xGd4TWfl2N4-00601-00162540-00162731 people with a particular intention xGd4TWfl2N4-00602-00162732-00163002 discuss xGd4TWfl2N4-00603-00163003-00163564 we lost that yes xGd4TWfl2N4-00604-00163565-00163840 um that's very sad because Nicole we got xGd4TWfl2N4-00605-00163841-00163990 we got the last word we got was a xGd4TWfl2N4-00606-00163991-00164123 balance between xGd4TWfl2N4-00607-00164124-00164476 Okay then if you can hear me again then xGd4TWfl2N4-00608-00164477-00164764 um that's great um so I was going to ask xGd4TWfl2N4-00609-00164765-00164963 Christian because in fact all the xGd4TWfl2N4-00610-00164964-00165269 initiatives that you had in your Eco P xGd4TWfl2N4-00611-00165270-00165557 project showed um particularly xGd4TWfl2N4-00612-00165558-00165749 um high level of awareness of a xGd4TWfl2N4-00613-00165750-00166043 Cooperative type of Enterprise xGd4TWfl2N4-00614-00166044-00166252 um hearing what Joanna and what Sarah xGd4TWfl2N4-00615-00166253-00166589 have said how would you see the major xGd4TWfl2N4-00616-00166590-00166871 factors in education in learning xGd4TWfl2N4-00617-00166872-00167171 cooperativeness that contribute to a xGd4TWfl2N4-00618-00167172-00167621 continued cooperation xGd4TWfl2N4-00619-00167622-00167902 um well to a continued xGd4TWfl2N4-00620-00167903-00168101 skills uh xGd4TWfl2N4-00621-00168102-00168389 it's just one component uh okay students xGd4TWfl2N4-00622-00168390-00168533 are learning a set of skills and you xGd4TWfl2N4-00623-00168534-00168725 could list them xGd4TWfl2N4-00624-00168726-00168911 um a very tangible skills that I needed xGd4TWfl2N4-00625-00168912-00169126 to to run a Cooperative or contribute in xGd4TWfl2N4-00626-00169127-00169264 one way or another xGd4TWfl2N4-00627-00169265-00169571 but uh a core component is also this xGd4TWfl2N4-00628-00169572-00169709 awareness xGd4TWfl2N4-00629-00169710-00169864 um awareness element and let me just xGd4TWfl2N4-00630-00169865-00170152 elaborate a bit a bit further on that so xGd4TWfl2N4-00631-00170153-00170369 we all go to high school for how many xGd4TWfl2N4-00632-00170370-00170764 years it's uh 12 years on average and xGd4TWfl2N4-00633-00170765-00171016 then some of us go to university and xGd4TWfl2N4-00634-00171017-00171311 maybe for three years xGd4TWfl2N4-00635-00171312-00171599 um maybe for seven whatever it is but xGd4TWfl2N4-00636-00171600-00171821 where do we hear about cooperatives in xGd4TWfl2N4-00637-00171822-00172013 all those years of education xGd4TWfl2N4-00638-00172014-00172199 right normally in high school we would xGd4TWfl2N4-00639-00172200-00172463 hear about co-ops perhaps in a history xGd4TWfl2N4-00640-00172464-00172714 class somewhere around 8th grade ninth xGd4TWfl2N4-00641-00172715-00173176 grade maybe for uh one hour maximum it's xGd4TWfl2N4-00642-00173177-00173314 not more than a footnote about xGd4TWfl2N4-00643-00173315-00173525 cooperatives right if you're in xGd4TWfl2N4-00644-00173526-00173699 University xGd4TWfl2N4-00645-00173700-00173813 um let's say you're a business Student xGd4TWfl2N4-00646-00173814-00174011 Business School xGd4TWfl2N4-00647-00174012-00174161 um probably you don't hear anything xGd4TWfl2N4-00648-00174162-00174401 about co-ops normally unless you take an xGd4TWfl2N4-00649-00174402-00174593 economic history course which is usually xGd4TWfl2N4-00650-00174594-00174802 optional xGd4TWfl2N4-00651-00174803-00175097 and there maybe again it's it's just uh xGd4TWfl2N4-00652-00175098-00175289 just a small footnote about Cooperative xGd4TWfl2N4-00653-00175290-00175589 so so this rather little a small xGd4TWfl2N4-00654-00175590-00175949 exposure to co-ops is is not enough xGd4TWfl2N4-00655-00175950-00176087 um for us xGd4TWfl2N4-00656-00176088-00176369 um to instill an awareness of the co-op xGd4TWfl2N4-00657-00176370-00176675 model in students uh especially if we xGd4TWfl2N4-00658-00176676-00176866 hope that maybe one day some of those xGd4TWfl2N4-00659-00176867-00177131 students only a small fraction xGd4TWfl2N4-00660-00177132-00177454 um uh goes on to actually become an xGd4TWfl2N4-00661-00177455-00177754 entrepreneur one way or another and be xGd4TWfl2N4-00662-00177755-00178049 active in the establishment of a co-op xGd4TWfl2N4-00663-00178050-00178378 um or take some proactive role so so xGd4TWfl2N4-00664-00178379-00178726 awareness learning is really Central xGd4TWfl2N4-00665-00178727-00179057 um Central to promoting uh co-ops in in xGd4TWfl2N4-00666-00179058-00179326 the long run and also this this element xGd4TWfl2N4-00667-00179327-00179488 of getting xGd4TWfl2N4-00668-00179489-00179752 um people involved and the Grassroots xGd4TWfl2N4-00669-00179753-00179999 element which I think is Central to to xGd4TWfl2N4-00670-00180000-00180214 the topic of your uh of new xGd4TWfl2N4-00671-00180215-00180401 cooperativism xGd4TWfl2N4-00672-00180402-00180533 um and it could be didn't look xGd4TWfl2N4-00673-00180534-00180725 specifically at new Cooperative we did xGd4TWfl2N4-00674-00180726-00180964 not distinguish but I felt that there xGd4TWfl2N4-00675-00180965-00181240 was a lot in this Grassroots element and xGd4TWfl2N4-00676-00181241-00181409 a great example I know I'm running out xGd4TWfl2N4-00677-00181410-00181690 of time but we we saw these student xGd4TWfl2N4-00678-00181691-00181901 cooperative where students high school xGd4TWfl2N4-00679-00181902-00182140 students really took the initiative and xGd4TWfl2N4-00680-00182141-00182333 sat down together and said we want to do xGd4TWfl2N4-00681-00182334-00182488 something we want a more sustainable xGd4TWfl2N4-00682-00182489-00182681 solution in our high school here locally xGd4TWfl2N4-00683-00182682-00183040 or we want to eat uh something very xGd4TWfl2N4-00684-00183041-00183240 healthy and fresh during our xGd4TWfl2N4-00685-00183241-00183538 school breaks so xGd4TWfl2N4-00686-00183539-00183773 um there was this one uh student xGd4TWfl2N4-00687-00183774-00184114 Cooperative that that was cited as also xGd4TWfl2N4-00688-00184115-00184285 a good practice xGd4TWfl2N4-00689-00184286-00184590 it was a fruit cup xGd4TWfl2N4-00690-00184591-00184811 student Co-op where students got xGd4TWfl2N4-00691-00184812-00185081 together and and um and arranged a small xGd4TWfl2N4-00692-00185082-00185345 business to produce fruit cups xGd4TWfl2N4-00693-00185346-00185669 essentially fruits cut freshly and those xGd4TWfl2N4-00694-00185670-00185902 were sold in in the schools and then xGd4TWfl2N4-00695-00185903-00186119 also to The Wider community so so this xGd4TWfl2N4-00696-00186120-00186257 is where you have that element that xGd4TWfl2N4-00697-00186258-00186437 involved also the local community local xGd4TWfl2N4-00698-00186438-00186749 businesses the parents and so on xGd4TWfl2N4-00699-00186750-00186935 um so I think you see that reflected xGd4TWfl2N4-00700-00186936-00187259 there okay so maybe we underestimating xGd4TWfl2N4-00701-00187260-00187528 young people in their ability and wish xGd4TWfl2N4-00702-00187529-00187823 in fact to um to do business in a xGd4TWfl2N4-00703-00187824-00188063 different way to do it more operatively xGd4TWfl2N4-00704-00188064-00188423 to live a future that we possibly have xGd4TWfl2N4-00705-00188424-00188609 forgotten about because we have grown so xGd4TWfl2N4-00706-00188610-00188759 oh xGd4TWfl2N4-00707-00188760-00189083 um I think Rory uh we could possibly go xGd4TWfl2N4-00708-00189084-00189299 into breakout groups now and please xGd4TWfl2N4-00709-00189300-00189514 remember your breakout group is to xGd4TWfl2N4-00710-00189515-00189713 generate questions for the general xGd4TWfl2N4-00711-00189714-00189916 discussion so possibly the breakout xGd4TWfl2N4-00712-00189917-00190114 group can only be 10 minutes 12 minutes xGd4TWfl2N4-00713-00190115-00190337 that would probably no I think it can if xGd4TWfl2N4-00714-00190338-00190552 we can afford to have 20 minutes yeah xGd4TWfl2N4-00715-00190553-00190823 when you come back there'll be about 20 xGd4TWfl2N4-00716-00190824-00191231 minutes where you the floor is yours so xGd4TWfl2N4-00717-00191232-00191531 you can you can comment as well as ask xGd4TWfl2N4-00718-00191532-00191728 questions what we really want is to hear xGd4TWfl2N4-00719-00191729-00191849 the conversation that takes place xGd4TWfl2N4-00720-00191850-00192023 between participants rather than between xGd4TWfl2N4-00721-00192024-00192490 panelists so we're interested in in your xGd4TWfl2N4-00722-00192491-00192707 um your thoughts xGd4TWfl2N4-00723-00192708-00192773 um xGd4TWfl2N4-00724-00192774-00192995 and the the other thing I just say in in xGd4TWfl2N4-00725-00192996-00193163 your breakout rooms xGd4TWfl2N4-00726-00193164-00193331 is there anything different about xGd4TWfl2N4-00727-00193332-00193516 learning for new cooperativism than xGd4TWfl2N4-00728-00193517-00193702 there has been you know tradition xGd4TWfl2N4-00729-00193703-00193883 traditional way of learning about courts xGd4TWfl2N4-00730-00193884-00194159 as well so if we think about that xGd4TWfl2N4-00731-00194160-00194447 all right I will I will create breakout xGd4TWfl2N4-00732-00194448-00194813 rooms and panelists uh facilitators just xGd4TWfl2N4-00733-00194814-00195125 reject the invitation so the rest of you xGd4TWfl2N4-00734-00195126-00195407 should end up in two rooms okay xGd4TWfl2N4-00735-00195408-00195725 I'm going to create three xGd4TWfl2N4-00736-00195726-00196264 using the time before we get back Sarah xGd4TWfl2N4-00737-00196265-00196576 um Sarah's back Christian can I ask you xGd4TWfl2N4-00738-00196577-00196763 I've wrote you in my email address on xGd4TWfl2N4-00739-00196764-00196990 the chat room could you please send me xGd4TWfl2N4-00740-00196991-00197159 some information about these students xGd4TWfl2N4-00741-00197160-00197333 cooperatives you were talking about just xGd4TWfl2N4-00742-00197334-00197626 right now just after after the meeting xGd4TWfl2N4-00743-00197627-00197795 okay yes xGd4TWfl2N4-00744-00197796-00198088 um yes in fact the student cooperatives xGd4TWfl2N4-00745-00198089-00198340 you mean the not the program but really xGd4TWfl2N4-00746-00198341-00198647 the student Co-op yeah okay the best way xGd4TWfl2N4-00747-00198648-00198959 you can find this is if you if you go to xGd4TWfl2N4-00748-00198960-00199235 uh you Google ecoop good practice guide xGd4TWfl2N4-00749-00199236-00199561 okay okay okay xGd4TWfl2N4-00750-00199562-00199871 good to be to the equal xGd4TWfl2N4-00751-00199872-00200099 um website and they under downloads you xGd4TWfl2N4-00752-00200100-00200278 can download the Eco good practice that xGd4TWfl2N4-00753-00200279-00200497 this other document possible xGd4TWfl2N4-00754-00200498-00200866 okay okay the high school programs we xGd4TWfl2N4-00755-00200867-00200993 mentioned that some of those examples xGd4TWfl2N4-00756-00200994-00201233 like the fruit cup example is in the xGd4TWfl2N4-00757-00201234-00201378 department program xGd4TWfl2N4-00758-00201379-00201640 you'll see it there okay xGd4TWfl2N4-00759-00201641-00201845 great thank you xGd4TWfl2N4-00760-00201846-00201983 um if you've got subsequent questions xGd4TWfl2N4-00761-00201984-00202157 that you want to aren't asked I've xGd4TWfl2N4-00762-00202158-00202426 certainly got um one clarification I'd xGd4TWfl2N4-00763-00202427-00202757 like to yeah please don't do start Rory xGd4TWfl2N4-00764-00202758-00202978 yeah it's it's really xGd4TWfl2N4-00765-00202979-00203093 um xGd4TWfl2N4-00766-00203094-00203278 I mean there's clearly a lot of xGd4TWfl2N4-00767-00203279-00203519 Education about about how you can get xGd4TWfl2N4-00768-00203520-00203771 your people interested in co-ops xGd4TWfl2N4-00769-00203772-00203950 um I was very interested in Joanna what xGd4TWfl2N4-00770-00203951-00204100 you were saying about the new co-ops xGd4TWfl2N4-00771-00204101-00204323 that don't really fit into the the old xGd4TWfl2N4-00772-00204324-00204509 category xGd4TWfl2N4-00773-00204510-00204749 um so in in new cooperativism one of the xGd4TWfl2N4-00774-00204750-00205001 dimensions that we've identified is is a xGd4TWfl2N4-00775-00205002-00205132 strong orientation towards xGd4TWfl2N4-00776-00205133-00205290 multi-stakeholding xGd4TWfl2N4-00777-00205291-00205577 and that seems to be true in food co-ops xGd4TWfl2N4-00778-00205578-00205805 as as well as digital co-ops and things xGd4TWfl2N4-00779-00205806-00205973 like that xGd4TWfl2N4-00780-00205973-00206236 um and the other thing is is this this xGd4TWfl2N4-00781-00206237-00206525 this you know sort of flat egalitarian xGd4TWfl2N4-00782-00206526-00206842 culture that Marcelo was discovered in xGd4TWfl2N4-00783-00206844-00207029 South America xGd4TWfl2N4-00784-00207030-00207329 um and therefore how old is learning xGd4TWfl2N4-00785-00207330-00207544 take place in a flattamore egalitarian xGd4TWfl2N4-00786-00207546-00207712 culture xGd4TWfl2N4-00787-00207713-00207910 um I think there's a lot in education xGd4TWfl2N4-00788-00207911-00208151 about cooperation uh although we don't xGd4TWfl2N4-00789-00208152-00208408 call it about co-ops you know so uh so xGd4TWfl2N4-00790-00208409-00208673 I'm just wondering what in your xGd4TWfl2N4-00791-00208673-00208925 understanding of educational theory and xGd4TWfl2N4-00792-00208926-00209153 and practice of education is xGd4TWfl2N4-00793-00209154-00209381 particularly good to Foster multi xGd4TWfl2N4-00794-00209382-00209590 understanding of multi-stakeholding and xGd4TWfl2N4-00795-00209591-00209910 more egalitarian culture xGd4TWfl2N4-00796-00209911-00210251 I I would say there are two aspects xGd4TWfl2N4-00797-00210252-00210532 the first one is that uh xGd4TWfl2N4-00798-00210533-00210965 these groups that decide to create a xGd4TWfl2N4-00799-00210966-00211210 business together xGd4TWfl2N4-00800-00211211-00211379 they xGd4TWfl2N4-00801-00211380-00211613 don't always xGd4TWfl2N4-00802-00211614-00211739 have xGd4TWfl2N4-00803-00211740-00212032 that much awareness that they are xGd4TWfl2N4-00804-00212033-00212194 creating business xGd4TWfl2N4-00805-00212196-00212494 there's so much about values and xGd4TWfl2N4-00806-00212496-00212729 principles and that we cooperate xGd4TWfl2N4-00807-00212730-00213046 together that we come together and xGd4TWfl2N4-00808-00213048-00213256 that's great because it's a huge basis xGd4TWfl2N4-00809-00213257-00213544 but then they challenge business xGd4TWfl2N4-00810-00213546-00213742 decisions xGd4TWfl2N4-00811-00213744-00214013 and xGd4TWfl2N4-00812-00214014-00214319 when we talk about the egalitarian xGd4TWfl2N4-00813-00214319-00214673 culture in an association of people that xGd4TWfl2N4-00814-00214673-00215039 want that want uh I don't know make some xGd4TWfl2N4-00815-00215040-00215375 ecological promotion together or you xGd4TWfl2N4-00816-00215376-00215663 know make protests or whatever xGd4TWfl2N4-00817-00215664-00215927 well it we go with these values I mean xGd4TWfl2N4-00818-00215928-00216184 it's enough but when you decide about xGd4TWfl2N4-00819-00216185-00216389 doing business together xGd4TWfl2N4-00820-00216390-00216827 sometimes it's it's very important to xGd4TWfl2N4-00821-00216828-00216984 know xGd4TWfl2N4-00822-00216985-00217360 that the business decisions when they xGd4TWfl2N4-00823-00217361-00217615 are taken in a egalitarian xGd4TWfl2N4-00824-00217616-00217963 organization there are even much more xGd4TWfl2N4-00825-00217964-00218344 complicated and difficult than in the xGd4TWfl2N4-00826-00218346-00218567 hierarchic organization and I think xGd4TWfl2N4-00827-00218567-00218975 that's one of the main challenges xGd4TWfl2N4-00828-00218976-00219229 so this business education xGd4TWfl2N4-00829-00219230-00219706 Financial education and xGd4TWfl2N4-00830-00219707-00220067 let's say raising awareness with about xGd4TWfl2N4-00831-00220067-00220289 the consequences of different decisions xGd4TWfl2N4-00832-00220290-00220673 take taken by these groups so did any of xGd4TWfl2N4-00833-00220673-00220877 you find any organizations that we've xGd4TWfl2N4-00834-00220878-00221063 worked with who've got particularly good xGd4TWfl2N4-00835-00221064-00221339 ways of collaborating in complex exactly xGd4TWfl2N4-00836-00221340-00221632 yeah exactly if I can contribute about xGd4TWfl2N4-00837-00221633-00221842 this discussion xGd4TWfl2N4-00838-00221844-00221941 um xGd4TWfl2N4-00839-00221942-00222263 well I think the best story that we xGd4TWfl2N4-00840-00222264-00222634 documented in this regard is uh the xGd4TWfl2N4-00841-00222635-00222894 cheeseburger collective in California xGd4TWfl2N4-00842-00222896-00223367 Berkeley uh it's amazing story that has xGd4TWfl2N4-00843-00223367-00223708 a more than 50 years so it's they are xGd4TWfl2N4-00844-00223709-00224069 doing a great job in terms of business xGd4TWfl2N4-00845-00224069-00224375 um with 1 million turnover so it's a xGd4TWfl2N4-00846-00224376-00224605 very huge organization xGd4TWfl2N4-00847-00224606-00224879 but the interesting part is that they xGd4TWfl2N4-00848-00224880-00225155 have a totally flat management and they xGd4TWfl2N4-00849-00225156-00225346 have always been like that since the xGd4TWfl2N4-00850-00225348-00225419 beginning xGd4TWfl2N4-00851-00225419-00225701 uh this means that they have to innovate xGd4TWfl2N4-00852-00225702-00225923 that's to me the key part of the xGd4TWfl2N4-00853-00225923-00226151 discussion because when we find xGd4TWfl2N4-00854-00226152-00226403 something different it's a it's xGd4TWfl2N4-00855-00226404-00226673 interesting to see how they've done and xGd4TWfl2N4-00856-00226673-00226901 very often they've done without being xGd4TWfl2N4-00857-00226902-00227106 aware that they were creating Innovation xGd4TWfl2N4-00858-00227107-00227363 uh this is xGd4TWfl2N4-00859-00227364-00227669 for instance yes exactly is because for xGd4TWfl2N4-00860-00227669-00227951 them was absolutely normal to have a an xGd4TWfl2N4-00861-00227952-00228131 external facilitator in that decision xGd4TWfl2N4-00862-00228132-00228371 making process so basically they are xGd4TWfl2N4-00863-00228371-00228731 organizing committees and during xGd4TWfl2N4-00864-00228732-00228965 um during meetings they usually have xGd4TWfl2N4-00865-00228966-00229301 these external hire facilitators so it's xGd4TWfl2N4-00866-00229302-00229487 not a member so it's always taking the xGd4TWfl2N4-00867-00229488-00229834 decision and facilitate the group so xGd4TWfl2N4-00868-00229835-00230015 they can take the best decision for the xGd4TWfl2N4-00869-00230016-00230279 group and this is basically what means a xGd4TWfl2N4-00870-00230280-00230471 suggestion for cooperatives to hire xGd4TWfl2N4-00871-00230471-00230710 sociologists that is not something that xGd4TWfl2N4-00872-00230711-00230981 if you go to the next corporate that you xGd4TWfl2N4-00873-00230982-00231167 meet along the corner they would say xGd4TWfl2N4-00874-00231167-00231341 immediately understand the reason why xGd4TWfl2N4-00875-00231342-00231808 but uh this was that way to innovate xGd4TWfl2N4-00876-00231809-00232103 um to continue in this purpose that's xGd4TWfl2N4-00877-00232104-00232355 adherence to values no since the very xGd4TWfl2N4-00878-00232356-00232594 beginning but in a very business xGd4TWfl2N4-00879-00232596-00232894 oriented way and if I can just say for xGd4TWfl2N4-00880-00232896-00233056 instance I mean when we have worked with xGd4TWfl2N4-00881-00233057-00233398 dobj of course they have a xGd4TWfl2N4-00882-00233400-00233879 strong value and principle and interest xGd4TWfl2N4-00883-00233880-00234173 in what they do but uh our our xGd4TWfl2N4-00884-00234173-00234394 understanding is that they had they're xGd4TWfl2N4-00885-00234396-00234598 struggling of course but sometimes the xGd4TWfl2N4-00886-00234600-00234767 bottlenecks might be a different level xGd4TWfl2N4-00887-00234767-00235055 for instance for them the the what what xGd4TWfl2N4-00888-00235056-00235301 we learned from them is this bottleneck xGd4TWfl2N4-00889-00235302-00235553 because of uh exactly the fact they are xGd4TWfl2N4-00890-00235554-00235792 not registered and B is an association xGd4TWfl2N4-00891-00235794-00236117 they cannot reinvest and this is xGd4TWfl2N4-00892-00236117-00236387 absolutely a big limitation for them to xGd4TWfl2N4-00893-00236388-00236705 develop as a proper business so um what xGd4TWfl2N4-00894-00236706-00236867 was very interesting to learn this xGd4TWfl2N4-00895-00236867-00237196 because in terms of a model it's very xGd4TWfl2N4-00896-00237198-00237431 clear in their mind you know this the xGd4TWfl2N4-00897-00237432-00237646 fact that they volunteer they have this xGd4TWfl2N4-00898-00237648-00237832 shift and they volunteer in the xGd4TWfl2N4-00899-00237833-00238067 logistics doesn't mean that the world xGd4TWfl2N4-00900-00238067-00238301 picture actually has a very clear scheme xGd4TWfl2N4-00901-00238302-00238492 in terms of business xGd4TWfl2N4-00902-00238494-00238648 um but that exactly you know when we xGd4TWfl2N4-00903-00238650-00238834 talk about new properties that was it xGd4TWfl2N4-00904-00238835-00239056 was a big challenge for them to develop xGd4TWfl2N4-00905-00239057-00239284 further and reinvest and then be xGd4TWfl2N4-00906-00239285-00239501 sustainable as a business business yeah xGd4TWfl2N4-00907-00239502-00239782 so um just just to share some some xGd4TWfl2N4-00908-00239783-00240187 thoughts yeah xGd4TWfl2N4-00909-00240188-00240587 my uh observation is very close to yours xGd4TWfl2N4-00910-00240588-00240934 that um I have value and principle bias xGd4TWfl2N4-00911-00240935-00241175 groups frequently xGd4TWfl2N4-00912-00241176-00241408 um take a longer time to actually decide xGd4TWfl2N4-00913-00241409-00241558 at what point they want to become xGd4TWfl2N4-00914-00241559-00241817 professional at what point they want to xGd4TWfl2N4-00915-00241817-00242003 register at what point they want to have xGd4TWfl2N4-00916-00242004-00242165 a business plan at what point they want xGd4TWfl2N4-00917-00242166-00242501 to go for external Finance Etc xGd4TWfl2N4-00918-00242502-00242741 um the other side if we turn this around xGd4TWfl2N4-00919-00242742-00242958 is that um xGd4TWfl2N4-00920-00242959-00243227 Cooperative business and just lived at xGd4TWfl2N4-00921-00243228-00243479 the basis of having a set of rules xGd4TWfl2N4-00922-00243480-00243821 statutes or business plans it is also xGd4TWfl2N4-00923-00243821-00244048 lived in the business itself in other xGd4TWfl2N4-00924-00244050-00244319 words egalitarian structures also means xGd4TWfl2N4-00925-00244319-00244577 you look at your salary structures you xGd4TWfl2N4-00926-00244578-00244769 look at your working times you look at xGd4TWfl2N4-00927-00244769-00245110 responsibility and how it's shared Etc xGd4TWfl2N4-00928-00245111-00245339 um what are your observations in these xGd4TWfl2N4-00929-00245340-00245531 learning settings and I mean learning xGd4TWfl2N4-00930-00245532-00245813 settings with adults and with pupils and xGd4TWfl2N4-00931-00245814-00246203 students and in regard to their own xGd4TWfl2N4-00932-00246204-00246456 self-definition of cooperativism because xGd4TWfl2N4-00933-00246457-00246773 frequently when say a Cooperative xGd4TWfl2N4-00934-00246773-00246905 Federation or an international xGd4TWfl2N4-00935-00246906-00247146 organizations wants to inspire xGd4TWfl2N4-00936-00247148-00247408 Cooperative businesses they tell them oh xGd4TWfl2N4-00937-00247409-00247613 it's very easy yeah we have a model xGd4TWfl2N4-00938-00247614-00247865 statute you can go it's almost a xGd4TWfl2N4-00939-00247866-00248098 doubling of the old fashioned xGd4TWfl2N4-00940-00248100-00248321 cooperativism where the Federation hands xGd4TWfl2N4-00941-00248321-00248548 that model statutes to xGd4TWfl2N4-00942-00248550-00248758 um applicants xGd4TWfl2N4-00943-00248759-00249041 um whilst the other way around means xGd4TWfl2N4-00944-00249042-00249298 that you make rules that don't all end xGd4TWfl2N4-00945-00249300-00249484 in the statute some of them have to do xGd4TWfl2N4-00946-00249485-00249767 with who has what workspace when do you xGd4TWfl2N4-00947-00249767-00249953 begin to work when do you end what xGd4TWfl2N4-00948-00249954-00250198 customers do you sell to Etc what are xGd4TWfl2N4-00949-00250200-00250565 your your experience in regard to xGd4TWfl2N4-00950-00250566-00250775 um the self-definition of what xGd4TWfl2N4-00951-00250776-00251177 Cooperative business is in in comparison xGd4TWfl2N4-00952-00251178-00251477 in in differentiation from other types xGd4TWfl2N4-00953-00251478-00252169 of businesses xGd4TWfl2N4-00954-00252169-00252527 yes please yeah okay all this is very xGd4TWfl2N4-00955-00252528-00252671 interesting because I just came back xGd4TWfl2N4-00956-00252671-00252863 from a training with FAO with the xGd4TWfl2N4-00957-00252864-00253055 Cooperators in Ukraine that have this xGd4TWfl2N4-00958-00253056-00253396 pet Legacy of records and the top-downs xGd4TWfl2N4-00959-00253398-00253732 yeah and um and we had a big challenge xGd4TWfl2N4-00960-00253733-00253996 ahead because the idea they wanted us to xGd4TWfl2N4-00961-00253998-00254267 support them in business development but xGd4TWfl2N4-00962-00254267-00254537 first of all that was not clear at all xGd4TWfl2N4-00963-00254538-00254687 for that what means being cooperative xGd4TWfl2N4-00964-00254688-00255106 and um and was very interesting to see xGd4TWfl2N4-00965-00255107-00255310 uh how xGd4TWfl2N4-00966-00255311-00255665 um strengthening the co-op identity is xGd4TWfl2N4-00967-00255666-00255863 not just because of the values but xGd4TWfl2N4-00968-00255864-00256187 because if you have the main problem is xGd4TWfl2N4-00969-00256188-00256319 passive membership xGd4TWfl2N4-00970-00256319-00256708 when members are committed and loyal and xGd4TWfl2N4-00971-00256709-00256948 know what they are doing then they xGd4TWfl2N4-00972-00256950-00257296 contribute to develop the business xGd4TWfl2N4-00973-00257298-00257567 um so basically this was that we found xGd4TWfl2N4-00974-00257567-00257753 this for us was interesting to see these xGd4TWfl2N4-00975-00257754-00257956 are the entry point and then to to work xGd4TWfl2N4-00976-00257957-00258215 with them on all the topics but I would xGd4TWfl2N4-00977-00258216-00258491 say that uh to me at least in the xGd4TWfl2N4-00978-00258492-00258677 experience of the cooperatives that we xGd4TWfl2N4-00979-00258678-00258958 have met so far this is a really a key xGd4TWfl2N4-00980-00258959-00259175 point because xGd4TWfl2N4-00981-00259176-00259463 um if you have a members that are there xGd4TWfl2N4-00982-00259464-00259708 just as the employees xGd4TWfl2N4-00983-00259709-00259942 um they will not be committed to develop xGd4TWfl2N4-00984-00259944-00260279 their business and so at the end we xGd4TWfl2N4-00985-00260280-00260530 should be a business like any others xGd4TWfl2N4-00986-00260531-00260692 that can be called cooperatives but xGd4TWfl2N4-00987-00260694-00260873 would be as any other that is not a xGd4TWfl2N4-00988-00260873-00260992 problem it should be just called xGd4TWfl2N4-00989-00260994-00261329 differently so to me the key point is xGd4TWfl2N4-00990-00261330-00261587 that when you have so the values and xGd4TWfl2N4-00991-00261588-00261898 principles are not good as as such or or xGd4TWfl2N4-00992-00261900-00262180 just because you can take a list that is xGd4TWfl2N4-00993-00262181-00262384 good for the audit when it comes to xGd4TWfl2N4-00994-00262385-00262660 assess you that is because xGd4TWfl2N4-00995-00262661-00262919 this turn into motivated and committed xGd4TWfl2N4-00996-00262920-00263003 relationship xGd4TWfl2N4-00997-00263004-00263189 to me that's at least and what we found xGd4TWfl2N4-00998-00263190-00263537 as a yes absolutely absolutely I mean we xGd4TWfl2N4-00999-00263538-00263705 have this experience with the pupils to xGd4TWfl2N4-01000-00263706-00263879 identify so highly with their xGd4TWfl2N4-01001-00263880-00263987 Cooperative xGd4TWfl2N4-01002-00263988-00264245 um but then from the type it's rather a xGd4TWfl2N4-01003-00264246-00264395 worker Cooperative you have pupils xGd4TWfl2N4-01004-00264396-00264647 cooperatives are all workers so coming xGd4TWfl2N4-01005-00264648-00264923 back to what role we asked yeah you have xGd4TWfl2N4-01006-00264924-00265151 a setup in many new cooperatives that is xGd4TWfl2N4-01007-00265152-00265432 a multi-stakeholder cooperative and so xGd4TWfl2N4-01008-00265433-00265613 the different groups have different xGd4TWfl2N4-01009-00265614-00265925 interests in what this Co-op must xGd4TWfl2N4-01010-00265926-00266134 benefit them xGd4TWfl2N4-01011-00266135-00266530 how what type of Cooperative learning xGd4TWfl2N4-01012-00266531-00266897 has to happen so that your spirit is xGd4TWfl2N4-01013-00266898-00267137 still one of high identification even xGd4TWfl2N4-01014-00267138-00267269 though you're coming from different xGd4TWfl2N4-01015-00267270-00267593 angles to cooperating xGd4TWfl2N4-01016-00267594-00267834 I could probably share experience on on xGd4TWfl2N4-01017-00267835-00268079 decision making and multi-stakeholder xGd4TWfl2N4-01018-00268080-00268301 Co-op so xGd4TWfl2N4-01019-00268302-00268384 um xGd4TWfl2N4-01020-00268385-00268577 I mean most of this has been done you xGd4TWfl2N4-01021-00268578-00268715 know pioneered with pupils and xGd4TWfl2N4-01022-00268716-00268895 Cooperators at conferences but what xGd4TWfl2N4-01023-00268896-00269134 we're doing is setting out protocols for xGd4TWfl2N4-01024-00269135-00269351 other multi-stakeholder co-ops that are xGd4TWfl2N4-01025-00269352-00269591 forming and when we when we first xGd4TWfl2N4-01026-00269592-00269765 experimented we would put them in their xGd4TWfl2N4-01027-00269766-00270041 own groups and get them to to discuss a xGd4TWfl2N4-01028-00270042-00270215 decision and then they would vote xGd4TWfl2N4-01029-00270216-00270430 individually I mean what actually xGd4TWfl2N4-01030-00270431-00270617 happened is they would decide as a group xGd4TWfl2N4-01031-00270618-00270887 how to vote so what we then started xGd4TWfl2N4-01032-00270888-00271103 doing was mixing xGd4TWfl2N4-01033-00271104-00271330 um the different member groups up so xGd4TWfl2N4-01034-00271331-00271499 they would discuss initially in their xGd4TWfl2N4-01035-00271500-00271655 own groups then they were discussing a xGd4TWfl2N4-01036-00271656-00271756 mixed group xGd4TWfl2N4-01037-00271757-00271960 And discussing in a mixed group was was xGd4TWfl2N4-01038-00271961-00272117 highly productive xGd4TWfl2N4-01039-00272118-00272249 because xGd4TWfl2N4-01040-00272250-00272453 um they would then get proper exposure xGd4TWfl2N4-01041-00272454-00272663 to the positions or the attitudes of xGd4TWfl2N4-01042-00272664-00272873 people who have a different connection xGd4TWfl2N4-01043-00272874-00273023 to the co-op xGd4TWfl2N4-01044-00273024-00273163 and xGd4TWfl2N4-01045-00273164-00273389 sometimes we will then put them back in xGd4TWfl2N4-01046-00273390-00273515 their own groups but actually it's xGd4TWfl2N4-01047-00273516-00273695 better we we think it's better that they xGd4TWfl2N4-01048-00273696-00273851 take their vote when they haven't xGd4TWfl2N4-01049-00273852-00274139 returned to their own groups so that xGd4TWfl2N4-01050-00274140-00274415 then they're not sort of their their xGd4TWfl2N4-01051-00274416-00274589 independence of thought I think is at xGd4TWfl2N4-01052-00274590-00274805 its highest when they've had a xGd4TWfl2N4-01053-00274806-00274925 discussion in their own group and a xGd4TWfl2N4-01054-00274926-00275069 discussion in a mixed group and then xGd4TWfl2N4-01055-00275070-00275237 then they then they get asked to vote on xGd4TWfl2N4-01056-00275238-00275441 a proposal xGd4TWfl2N4-01057-00275442-00275651 um and then there's a European project xGd4TWfl2N4-01058-00275652-00275819 where you know the whole host of xGd4TWfl2N4-01059-00275820-00276017 techniques that people use xGd4TWfl2N4-01060-00276018-00276395 in development work and in xGd4TWfl2N4-01061-00276396-00276617 um learning situations like um I don't xGd4TWfl2N4-01062-00276618-00276725 know if you've come up with open space xGd4TWfl2N4-01063-00276726-00276929 technology and action groups and World xGd4TWfl2N4-01064-00276930-00277055 Cafe xGd4TWfl2N4-01065-00277056-00277349 World Cafe is great again for a xGd4TWfl2N4-01066-00277350-00277553 multi-stakeholder setting as as is open xGd4TWfl2N4-01067-00277554-00277805 space because people are not tied to xGd4TWfl2N4-01068-00277806-00277949 their own groups they navigate around xGd4TWfl2N4-01069-00277950-00278123 and mix with people from other groups xGd4TWfl2N4-01070-00278124-00278405 but the one that we've really xGd4TWfl2N4-01071-00278406-00278567 um found productive because it actually xGd4TWfl2N4-01072-00278568-00278747 leads to decisions is something called xGd4TWfl2N4-01073-00278748-00278980 Opera which is a five-stage xGd4TWfl2N4-01074-00278981-00279191 process I think Nicole you went through xGd4TWfl2N4-01075-00279192-00279358 this when we were in yes and I'll say xGd4TWfl2N4-01076-00279359-00279539 didn't you yes so you have to go through xGd4TWfl2N4-01077-00279540-00279856 five steps and the last step is having xGd4TWfl2N4-01078-00279857-00280084 voted on what you want to prioritize you xGd4TWfl2N4-01079-00280085-00280229 then have to sort out how you're going xGd4TWfl2N4-01080-00280230-00280360 to action it you know how you're going xGd4TWfl2N4-01081-00280361-00280745 to categorize it and and and organize xGd4TWfl2N4-01082-00280746-00280973 activities to pursue it xGd4TWfl2N4-01083-00280974-00281189 um but it's it's it's highly xGd4TWfl2N4-01084-00281190-00281345 participative and everybody gets xGd4TWfl2N4-01085-00281346-00281525 involved and and it can cope with a xGd4TWfl2N4-01086-00281526-00281758 multi-statement setting yeah I was xGd4TWfl2N4-01087-00281759-00281993 driving at this because in fact I think xGd4TWfl2N4-01088-00281994-00282208 that um when I started to study xGd4TWfl2N4-01089-00282209-00282545 cooperatives long long time ago xGd4TWfl2N4-01090-00282546-00282839 um we started to xGd4TWfl2N4-01091-00282840-00283205 um on very tightly knit cooperatives xGd4TWfl2N4-01092-00283206-00283427 like keyboard Sim and xGd4TWfl2N4-01093-00283428-00283705 um several uh geologically and um xGd4TWfl2N4-01094-00283706-00283997 ethically based type of cooperatives and xGd4TWfl2N4-01095-00283998-00284284 the observation we had was the one that xGd4TWfl2N4-01096-00284285-00284543 um Sarah just said they usually had xGd4TWfl2N4-01097-00284544-00284887 either a abstract xGd4TWfl2N4-01098-00284888-00285203 instance outside of their group which xGd4TWfl2N4-01099-00285204-00285503 gave them some of the basic rules or xGd4TWfl2N4-01100-00285504-00285743 they had an external coach xGd4TWfl2N4-01101-00285744-00286234 stroke moderator stroke resources yeah xGd4TWfl2N4-01102-00286235-00286691 so and it's this third variation of xGd4TWfl2N4-01103-00286692-00287051 um getting a group to accept or to xGd4TWfl2N4-01104-00287052-00287269 practice certain xGd4TWfl2N4-01105-00287270-00287449 participatory xGd4TWfl2N4-01106-00287450-00287765 methodologies that can actually lead to xGd4TWfl2N4-01107-00287766-00288071 a similar type of effect without having xGd4TWfl2N4-01108-00288072-00288347 spirituality without having the external xGd4TWfl2N4-01109-00288348-00288647 coach um maybe the coach is there to xGd4TWfl2N4-01110-00288648-00288910 begin to teach them or to make them use xGd4TWfl2N4-01111-00288911-00289223 a particular methodology but then he or xGd4TWfl2N4-01112-00289224-00289510 she can retract and this methodology can xGd4TWfl2N4-01113-00289511-00289708 be explored even further and developed xGd4TWfl2N4-01114-00289709-00289919 even further for the group I think xGd4TWfl2N4-01115-00289920-00290147 that's a very important part xGd4TWfl2N4-01116-00290148-00290399 um of this and we can see this even in xGd4TWfl2N4-01117-00290400-00290597 the in the pupils cooperatives that the xGd4TWfl2N4-01118-00290598-00290903 teachers are in fact educated to use xGd4TWfl2N4-01119-00290904-00291160 such methodologies and as long as the xGd4TWfl2N4-01120-00291161-00291401 teacher accepts the role of not being xGd4TWfl2N4-01121-00291402-00291653 influential but being just a resource xGd4TWfl2N4-01122-00291654-00291905 person standing on the sideline until xGd4TWfl2N4-01123-00291906-00292117 his or her coaching xGd4TWfl2N4-01124-00292118-00292469 role is needed and apart from that xGd4TWfl2N4-01125-00292470-00292793 perhaps being a good Observer being able xGd4TWfl2N4-01126-00292794-00293063 to actually watch the group dynamics as xGd4TWfl2N4-01127-00293064-00293225 much as the learning on an individual xGd4TWfl2N4-01128-00293226-00293656 level then that teacher can actually let xGd4TWfl2N4-01129-00293657-00293893 the group decide and let the group xGd4TWfl2N4-01130-00293894-00294173 produce and that the group find its own xGd4TWfl2N4-01131-00294174-00294382 rules and xGd4TWfl2N4-01132-00294383-00294629 only at certain points he or she will xGd4TWfl2N4-01133-00294630-00294827 offer them a new methodology to actually xGd4TWfl2N4-01134-00294828-00295091 come to a decision so you can do this xGd4TWfl2N4-01135-00295092-00295258 with adults but you can do this with xGd4TWfl2N4-01136-00295259-00295553 pupils and I was asking myself well we xGd4TWfl2N4-01137-00295554-00295727 have all this fantastically trained xGd4TWfl2N4-01138-00295728-00295877 teachers who can do this if they xGd4TWfl2N4-01139-00295878-00296051 understand their role properly they are xGd4TWfl2N4-01140-00296052-00296279 perfectly equipped to do this but have xGd4TWfl2N4-01141-00296280-00296706 we got any kind of analogy any kind of xGd4TWfl2N4-01142-00296707-00297082 for adult groups and I see for example xGd4TWfl2N4-01143-00297083-00297263 in the housing sector in Germany new xGd4TWfl2N4-01144-00297264-00297443 housing type of cooperatives develop xGd4TWfl2N4-01145-00297444-00297755 with multi-generational living Etc and xGd4TWfl2N4-01146-00297756-00297934 there the housing Cooperative xGd4TWfl2N4-01147-00297935-00298229 federations have actually not got the xGd4TWfl2N4-01148-00298230-00298660 staff to do this but local governments xGd4TWfl2N4-01149-00298661-00299032 who are initiating housing groups to use xGd4TWfl2N4-01150-00299033-00299267 spaces that otherwise would not be xGd4TWfl2N4-01151-00299268-00299567 sensibly usable that may be xGd4TWfl2N4-01152-00299568-00299782 um xGd4TWfl2N4-01153-00299783-00300125 military areas in a town or that may be xGd4TWfl2N4-01154-00300126-00300377 a high density area of old buildings xGd4TWfl2N4-01155-00300378-00300658 that have not been renovated Etc they're xGd4TWfl2N4-01156-00300659-00300953 sometimes actually employ such coaches xGd4TWfl2N4-01157-00300954-00301063 such xGd4TWfl2N4-01158-00301064-00301260 external xGd4TWfl2N4-01159-00301261-00301451 coaches and xGd4TWfl2N4-01160-00301452-00301679 they are brief is not to be a coach xGd4TWfl2N4-01161-00301680-00301919 forever their brief is to actually xGd4TWfl2N4-01162-00301920-00302137 enable the group xGd4TWfl2N4-01163-00302138-00302530 to adopt certain moderation techniques xGd4TWfl2N4-01164-00302531-00302734 um to actually do this on a continuing xGd4TWfl2N4-01165-00302735-00302980 basis and I'd like to know from your xGd4TWfl2N4-01166-00302981-00303280 point of view have you seen any other xGd4TWfl2N4-01167-00303281-00303634 such sources to actually bring in such xGd4TWfl2N4-01168-00303635-00303995 participatory technology into group xGd4TWfl2N4-01169-00303996-00304289 dynamics into such new cooperatives xGd4TWfl2N4-01170-00304290-00304453 a particularly interesting Christian xGd4TWfl2N4-01171-00304454-00304606 [Music] xGd4TWfl2N4-01172-00304607-00304865 you know the the education programs xGd4TWfl2N4-01173-00304866-00304979 whether they're teaching these xGd4TWfl2N4-01174-00304980-00305249 participatory management techniques as xGd4TWfl2N4-01175-00305250-00305584 part of Co-op curricular or not xGd4TWfl2N4-01176-00305585-00305771 yeah xGd4TWfl2N4-01177-00305772-00306101 um I would think that would be something xGd4TWfl2N4-01178-00306102-00306208 um you would find more in xGd4TWfl2N4-01179-00306209-00306484 university-based programs xGd4TWfl2N4-01180-00306485-00306695 so it's not happening in high schools xGd4TWfl2N4-01181-00306696-00306982 well also in high schools now that I xGd4TWfl2N4-01182-00306983-00307163 that I think about it I remember that xGd4TWfl2N4-01183-00307164-00307493 one of the student co-op programs where xGd4TWfl2N4-01184-00307494-00307660 students actually started a real Co-op xGd4TWfl2N4-01185-00307661-00307913 not a simulated one the real one I xGd4TWfl2N4-01186-00307914-00308153 remember that there was also xGd4TWfl2N4-01187-00308154-00308434 yes there was there was I remember it xGd4TWfl2N4-01188-00308435-00308854 now there was a student co-ops that xGd4TWfl2N4-01189-00308855-00309058 received mentors that came in from the xGd4TWfl2N4-01190-00309059-00309280 local community and they came from from xGd4TWfl2N4-01191-00309281-00309532 businesses or non-profit organizations xGd4TWfl2N4-01192-00309533-00309803 uh in town that Were Somehow linked to xGd4TWfl2N4-01193-00309804-00309965 whatever theme the student Co-op was xGd4TWfl2N4-01194-00309966-00310073 working on xGd4TWfl2N4-01195-00310074-00310271 but I remember it was something that xGd4TWfl2N4-01196-00310272-00310541 went over time it was not just uh like a xGd4TWfl2N4-01197-00310542-00310715 one day coaching maybe that was the xGd4TWfl2N4-01198-00310716-00310967 beginning but then maybe once a month xGd4TWfl2N4-01199-00310968-00311171 there was some kind of follow-up uh over xGd4TWfl2N4-01200-00311172-00311434 time it was that component and I guess xGd4TWfl2N4-01201-00311435-00311741 also that these were experienced um xGd4TWfl2N4-01202-00311742-00312239 coaches uh uh would also train the co-op xGd4TWfl2N4-01203-00312240-00312593 leaders to to find patterns to manage xGd4TWfl2N4-01204-00312594-00312821 you know these processes on their own so xGd4TWfl2N4-01205-00312822-00313043 capacity building uh would be part of it xGd4TWfl2N4-01206-00313044-00313253 again but you Joanna xGd4TWfl2N4-01207-00313254-00313582 well what I can be called I don't know xGd4TWfl2N4-01208-00313583-00313939 like many programs concerning the xGd4TWfl2N4-01209-00313940-00314254 participatory techniques although it's xGd4TWfl2N4-01210-00314255-00314608 one of my our main my main Reflections xGd4TWfl2N4-01211-00314609-00314830 after today that I should xGd4TWfl2N4-01212-00314831-00315191 um let's say uh study that and introduce xGd4TWfl2N4-01213-00315192-00315437 more of that to our trainings but what xGd4TWfl2N4-01214-00315438-00315767 we were doing for many years is that one xGd4TWfl2N4-01215-00315768-00316025 of well we will even deliver trainings xGd4TWfl2N4-01216-00316026-00316432 to to corporators uh for instance on xGd4TWfl2N4-01217-00316433-00316906 management or on communication and I xGd4TWfl2N4-01218-00316907-00317327 felt that uh well we we shouldn't xGd4TWfl2N4-01219-00317328-00317669 talk about communication itself but we xGd4TWfl2N4-01220-00317670-00317854 should talk about communication in the xGd4TWfl2N4-01221-00317855-00317963 cooperative xGd4TWfl2N4-01222-00317964-00318329 so what we were doing is we had before xGd4TWfl2N4-01223-00318330-00318893 each training we had like a a let's say xGd4TWfl2N4-01224-00318894-00319253 full work with the with the trainer xGd4TWfl2N4-01225-00319254-00319625 that when he prepared or she prepared a xGd4TWfl2N4-01226-00319626-00319987 case a case studies on communication xGd4TWfl2N4-01227-00319988-00320375 that that were real situation from xGd4TWfl2N4-01228-00320376-00320597 cooperatives for instance from General xGd4TWfl2N4-01229-00320598-00320904 assemblies from the meetings between xGd4TWfl2N4-01230-00320905-00321137 supervisor report and a management board xGd4TWfl2N4-01231-00321138-00321371 and we were recalling all the difficult xGd4TWfl2N4-01232-00321372-00321784 situations that we had in mind that were xGd4TWfl2N4-01233-00321785-00322030 actually going on in the cooperatives xGd4TWfl2N4-01234-00322031-00322475 before uh to put that into the this best xGd4TWfl2N4-01235-00322476-00322877 cases uh to to use them during that xGd4TWfl2N4-01236-00322878-00323267 trainings so they had to figure out what xGd4TWfl2N4-01237-00323268-00323501 communication techniques they should use xGd4TWfl2N4-01238-00323502-00323782 to solve the real problem of a real xGd4TWfl2N4-01239-00323783-00324251 Cooperative so this was also much better xGd4TWfl2N4-01240-00324252-00324521 for them to really connect the knowledge xGd4TWfl2N4-01241-00324522-00324737 they get during the training to their xGd4TWfl2N4-01242-00324738-00324953 real life because it's one of the main xGd4TWfl2N4-01243-00324954-00325193 challenges of the trainings that you you xGd4TWfl2N4-01244-00325194-00325504 can you can get the knowledge or skills xGd4TWfl2N4-01245-00325505-00325721 during the training but then it's really xGd4TWfl2N4-01246-00325722-00326032 difficult to Implement them in the real xGd4TWfl2N4-01247-00326033-00326356 life so this was one of the things that xGd4TWfl2N4-01248-00326357-00326603 we were trying to do to really connect xGd4TWfl2N4-01249-00326604-00326899 the real life with the knowledge they xGd4TWfl2N4-01250-00326900-00327149 they get during the training so that xGd4TWfl2N4-01251-00327150-00327413 they can really get skills in that xGd4TWfl2N4-01252-00327414-00327665 process okay one of the things I was xGd4TWfl2N4-01253-00327666-00327875 just thinking is um there was a question xGd4TWfl2N4-01254-00327876-00328108 there was a question in the chat and I'd xGd4TWfl2N4-01255-00328109-00328383 like to post this again to Sarah because xGd4TWfl2N4-01256-00328384-00328427 [Music] xGd4TWfl2N4-01257-00328428-00328541 um xGd4TWfl2N4-01258-00328542-00328804 we can learn this from a coach who comes xGd4TWfl2N4-01259-00328805-00329045 in and practices this with us do you xGd4TWfl2N4-01260-00329046-00329279 believe we could also learn more xGd4TWfl2N4-01261-00329280-00329530 participatory methods for a group from xGd4TWfl2N4-01262-00329531-00329801 watching videos xGd4TWfl2N4-01263-00329802-00330149 so I usually as a trainer I usually xGd4TWfl2N4-01264-00330150-00330491 participatory methods uh it is um really xGd4TWfl2N4-01265-00330492-00330760 where people I I mean their philosophy xGd4TWfl2N4-01266-00330761-00331069 that we are we follow is the trade xGd4TWfl2N4-01267-00331070-00331313 pedagogy and unless you are familiar but xGd4TWfl2N4-01268-00331314-00331613 the concept is yes learner is not a xGd4TWfl2N4-01269-00331614-00332003 passive uh beneficiary of knowledge uh xGd4TWfl2N4-01270-00332004-00332345 it's not an empty shell to uh field of xGd4TWfl2N4-01271-00332346-00332621 knowledge what is a active participants xGd4TWfl2N4-01272-00332622-00332867 and uh by the way I'm I'm about to close xGd4TWfl2N4-01273-00332868-00333084 the other room so people will start xGd4TWfl2N4-01274-00333085-00333551 okay okay well we'll continue yes we've xGd4TWfl2N4-01275-00333552-00333875 got 60 seconds and then do we do we now xGd4TWfl2N4-01276-00333876-00334049 bundle questions xGd4TWfl2N4-01277-00334050-00334265 um no we let we give the floor to the xGd4TWfl2N4-01278-00334266-00334480 participants in the in the other rooms xGd4TWfl2N4-01279-00334481-00334823 let them let them have a conversation xGd4TWfl2N4-01280-00334824-00334997 um and hopefully questions will emerge xGd4TWfl2N4-01281-00334998-00335134 there were some questions left by xGd4TWfl2N4-01282-00335135-00335393 Catalina before she left yes this is xGd4TWfl2N4-01283-00335394-00335669 what I was referring to yeah which they xGd4TWfl2N4-01284-00335670-00335860 were they were good questions if very xGd4TWfl2N4-01285-00335861-00336017 much some xGd4TWfl2N4-01286-00336018-00336173 okay xGd4TWfl2N4-01287-00336174-00336677 so here come back yeah xGd4TWfl2N4-01288-00336678-00336863 right so you're you're effectively xGd4TWfl2N4-01289-00336864-00337153 interviewing the participants now Nicole xGd4TWfl2N4-01290-00337154-00337451 yes the participants have all come back xGd4TWfl2N4-01291-00337452-00337804 from their breakout group and hopefully xGd4TWfl2N4-01292-00337805-00337889 um xGd4TWfl2N4-01293-00337890-00338134 developed a few questions comments xGd4TWfl2N4-01294-00338135-00338308 subjects that they would like to go in xGd4TWfl2N4-01295-00338309-00338495 depth into xGd4TWfl2N4-01296-00338496-00338706 um xGd4TWfl2N4-01297-00338707-00339191 Stephen Ursula and Anna okay so we're xGd4TWfl2N4-01298-00339192-00339480 not ready yet xGd4TWfl2N4-01299-00339481-00339845 can sketch a few from each group so that xGd4TWfl2N4-01300-00339846-00340025 we can see xGd4TWfl2N4-01301-00340026-00340271 um maybe there are some parallel or xGd4TWfl2N4-01302-00340272-00340415 similar questions from the different xGd4TWfl2N4-01303-00340416-00340582 groups so we can answer those together xGd4TWfl2N4-01304-00340583-00340849 yeah xGd4TWfl2N4-01305-00340850-00341117 so let me tell you who was in group uh xGd4TWfl2N4-01306-00341118-00341519 so the first group was Anna Stephen and xGd4TWfl2N4-01307-00341520-00341843 Ursula okay xGd4TWfl2N4-01308-00341844-00342071 so xGd4TWfl2N4-01309-00342072-00342275 okay xGd4TWfl2N4-01310-00342276-00342599 um let's take turns shall we start with xGd4TWfl2N4-01311-00342600-00342784 group one then one questions from group xGd4TWfl2N4-01312-00342785-00342973 two and then one from groups xGd4TWfl2N4-01313-00342974-00343241 yeah or comments yeah xGd4TWfl2N4-01314-00343242-00343637 so group one Anna Stephen or Ursula who xGd4TWfl2N4-01315-00343638-00343877 uh what have you xGd4TWfl2N4-01316-00343878-00344254 uh that you want to ask to comment on to xGd4TWfl2N4-01317-00344255-00344579 go into depth on yeah thanks Nicole I'm xGd4TWfl2N4-01318-00344580-00344741 really interested in what is the xGd4TWfl2N4-01319-00344742-00344999 relationship with sort of existing xGd4TWfl2N4-01320-00345000-00345299 corpse and the sort of attempt for new xGd4TWfl2N4-01321-00345300-00345479 Cooperative forms xGd4TWfl2N4-01322-00345480-00345665 um xGd4TWfl2N4-01323-00345666-00345887 okay xGd4TWfl2N4-01324-00345888-00346132 one of the panelists is there any one of xGd4TWfl2N4-01325-00346133-00346408 you would want to venture an answer on xGd4TWfl2N4-01326-00346409-00346595 this one xGd4TWfl2N4-01327-00346596-00346787 but no not the panelists the panelists xGd4TWfl2N4-01328-00346788-00346943 don't speak for the next 20 minutes yeah xGd4TWfl2N4-01329-00346944-00347075 oh xGd4TWfl2N4-01330-00347076-00347315 um it's it's participants now so I mean xGd4TWfl2N4-01331-00347316-00347723 Steve how's learning going on in vme xGd4TWfl2N4-01332-00347724-00347903 we're having a good chat about this xGd4TWfl2N4-01333-00347904-00348053 actually in First Years and and xGd4TWfl2N4-01334-00348054-00348269 multi-stakeholder xGd4TWfl2N4-01335-00348270-00348701 um and also the uh interesting news xGd4TWfl2N4-01336-00348702-00348869 Consciousness is recording so I'll xGd4TWfl2N4-01337-00348870-00349037 describe it as interesting news that the xGd4TWfl2N4-01338-00349038-00349204 largest consumer co-op in the UK today's xGd4TWfl2N4-01339-00349205-00349510 announced a partnership with Amazon xGd4TWfl2N4-01340-00349511-00349703 um so you know we did have a good xGd4TWfl2N4-01341-00349704-00349865 discussion about new cooperativism and xGd4TWfl2N4-01342-00349866-00350117 the future and returning to proper xGd4TWfl2N4-01343-00350118-00350393 member control and education is key to xGd4TWfl2N4-01344-00350394-00350687 all of that so uh and we did have a good xGd4TWfl2N4-01345-00350688-00350843 discussion to answer your question Rory xGd4TWfl2N4-01346-00350844-00351167 since you asked we we've implemented xGd4TWfl2N4-01347-00351168-00351365 sociocracy xGd4TWfl2N4-01348-00351366-00351521 um and it's very early days but that's xGd4TWfl2N4-01349-00351522-00351803 been a resounding success xGd4TWfl2N4-01350-00351804-00351934 um and it's really helped people to xGd4TWfl2N4-01351-00351935-00352108 understand xGd4TWfl2N4-01352-00352109-00352337 um just explain for the the rest of the xGd4TWfl2N4-01353-00352338-00352534 audience that we converted to a worker xGd4TWfl2N4-01354-00352535-00352643 Co-op xGd4TWfl2N4-01355-00352644-00352882 um last year almost a year ago actually xGd4TWfl2N4-01356-00352883-00353182 September 28th and for most of the xGd4TWfl2N4-01357-00353183-00353489 employees 36 of us most of us xGd4TWfl2N4-01358-00353490-00353741 um it kind of just happened that you xGd4TWfl2N4-01359-00353742-00353860 know there wasn't an awful lot of xGd4TWfl2N4-01360-00353861-00353999 involvement there was no money that was xGd4TWfl2N4-01361-00354000-00354269 required by the employees so uh so it's xGd4TWfl2N4-01362-00354270-00354454 been a bit of an education process as we xGd4TWfl2N4-01363-00354455-00354689 go forward understanding in more detail xGd4TWfl2N4-01364-00354690-00354941 the different types of co-ops xGd4TWfl2N4-01365-00354942-00355187 um why we're a worker Co-op and actually xGd4TWfl2N4-01366-00355188-00355463 a key element is actually controls it's xGd4TWfl2N4-01367-00355464-00355732 not just member control and AGM once a xGd4TWfl2N4-01368-00355733-00355930 year you know it's regular with xGd4TWfl2N4-01369-00355931-00356134 delegated authority from the board then xGd4TWfl2N4-01370-00356135-00356447 for the management team down to circles xGd4TWfl2N4-01371-00356448-00356693 um and so individuals do people need a xGd4TWfl2N4-01372-00356694-00356921 an explanation of sociocracy xGd4TWfl2N4-01373-00356922-00357137 a well we've actually and I would xGd4TWfl2N4-01374-00357138-00357263 recommend it personally I'd recommend xGd4TWfl2N4-01375-00357264-00357443 this to a lot of people and we've taken xGd4TWfl2N4-01376-00357444-00357623 a subset of sociocracy to begin with xGd4TWfl2N4-01377-00357624-00357839 which is really just you have circles xGd4TWfl2N4-01378-00357840-00358217 that have a responsibility for areas and xGd4TWfl2N4-01379-00358218-00358427 these circles start with no Authority xGd4TWfl2N4-01380-00358428-00358649 they work at what Authority they need xGd4TWfl2N4-01381-00358650-00358834 it's about like growing up they work out xGd4TWfl2N4-01382-00358835-00359021 what Authority they need they request it xGd4TWfl2N4-01383-00359022-00359260 from the parent and the parent delegates xGd4TWfl2N4-01384-00359261-00359428 that Authority and that's been a xGd4TWfl2N4-01385-00359429-00359651 tremendous success xGd4TWfl2N4-01386-00359652-00359795 um and that's really starting to grow xGd4TWfl2N4-01387-00359796-00359956 people are really starting to understand xGd4TWfl2N4-01388-00359957-00360221 the cooperative and why we exist and now xGd4TWfl2N4-01389-00360222-00360365 we have some of the team members that xGd4TWfl2N4-01390-00360366-00360556 are moving into into education xGd4TWfl2N4-01391-00360557-00360737 themselves studying at the St Mary's xGd4TWfl2N4-01392-00360738-00360947 University like I am the Master's in xGd4TWfl2N4-01393-00360948-00361193 Cooperative management and so yeah xGd4TWfl2N4-01394-00361194-00361421 sociocracy I would uh to answer your xGd4TWfl2N4-01395-00361422-00361534 question xGd4TWfl2N4-01396-00361535-00361715 um early days but it is it's certainly xGd4TWfl2N4-01397-00361716-00362104 looking very good mm-hmm xGd4TWfl2N4-01398-00362105-00362513 so Anna does that uh answer more or less xGd4TWfl2N4-01399-00362514-00362903 your point your question it does blonde xGd4TWfl2N4-01400-00362904-00363113 very keen to hear what other people here xGd4TWfl2N4-01401-00363114-00363480 might have to say right questions xGd4TWfl2N4-01402-00363481-00363815 any other ideas observations and that xGd4TWfl2N4-01403-00363816-00364097 would relate to this question xGd4TWfl2N4-01404-00364098-00364427 main difference between all the new cops xGd4TWfl2N4-01405-00364428-00364493 um xGd4TWfl2N4-01406-00364494-00364810 and what we need to learn for it xGd4TWfl2N4-01407-00364811-00364973 so it's not so much about the main xGd4TWfl2N4-01408-00364974-00365165 difference it's about the nature of the xGd4TWfl2N4-01409-00365166-00365453 relationship between the two okay you're xGd4TWfl2N4-01410-00365454-00365639 discussing because just just you know xGd4TWfl2N4-01411-00365640-00365813 you've had your discussion that nothing xGd4TWfl2N4-01412-00365814-00365987 goes on the record except what you bring xGd4TWfl2N4-01413-00365988-00366256 back to us so we unless you tell us what xGd4TWfl2N4-01414-00366257-00366425 you were discussing and what the points xGd4TWfl2N4-01415-00366426-00366778 of debate are that then uh we have no xGd4TWfl2N4-01416-00366779-00367013 knowledge of of what was behind the xGd4TWfl2N4-01417-00367014-00367217 question yeah xGd4TWfl2N4-01418-00367218-00367558 so how did you get to that question xGd4TWfl2N4-01419-00367559-00367780 I got to that question I suppose through xGd4TWfl2N4-01420-00367781-00368056 personal experience of uh being involved xGd4TWfl2N4-01421-00368057-00368249 in multi-stakeholder forms and trying to xGd4TWfl2N4-01422-00368250-00368578 create those and being told by what I xGd4TWfl2N4-01423-00368579-00368710 would see is the mainstream movement is xGd4TWfl2N4-01424-00368711-00368993 no no that is not the way to go so I'm xGd4TWfl2N4-01425-00368994-00369125 very interested when people are talking xGd4TWfl2N4-01426-00369126-00369365 about lots of new cooperativism forms xGd4TWfl2N4-01427-00369366-00369587 and there are existing crops is there xGd4TWfl2N4-01428-00369588-00369713 any relationship xGd4TWfl2N4-01429-00369714-00369887 what's it like xGd4TWfl2N4-01430-00369888-00370121 can we build on it xGd4TWfl2N4-01431-00370122-00370408 um xGd4TWfl2N4-01432-00370409-00370637 should we move to group two yes let's xGd4TWfl2N4-01433-00370638-00370919 move to group two is there any Jillian xGd4TWfl2N4-01434-00370920-00371423 Grant and Hazel xGd4TWfl2N4-01435-00371424-00371743 okay so um xGd4TWfl2N4-01436-00371744-00371987 you just want one question at the moment xGd4TWfl2N4-01437-00371988-00372221 is that right comments we want we want xGd4TWfl2N4-01438-00372222-00372413 your what you were talking about and and xGd4TWfl2N4-01439-00372414-00372743 your commentary of okay so so we would xGd4TWfl2N4-01440-00372744-00372917 we talked about xGd4TWfl2N4-01441-00372918-00373145 um a number of things one one is about xGd4TWfl2N4-01442-00373146-00373325 the nature of cognitive learning itself xGd4TWfl2N4-01443-00373326-00373493 what is it xGd4TWfl2N4-01444-00373494-00373606 um and xGd4TWfl2N4-01445-00373607-00373727 um xGd4TWfl2N4-01446-00373728-00373973 so not so much xGd4TWfl2N4-01447-00373974-00374153 um of course in part it's learning about xGd4TWfl2N4-01448-00374154-00374284 corpse xGd4TWfl2N4-01449-00374285-00374549 um and it's learning how to be a co-op xGd4TWfl2N4-01450-00374550-00374789 with the incorporator xGd4TWfl2N4-01451-00374790-00374993 um but it's also about the nature of the xGd4TWfl2N4-01452-00374994-00375275 learning itself so I think this was our xGd4TWfl2N4-01453-00375276-00375497 question really is xGd4TWfl2N4-01454-00375498-00375701 um xGd4TWfl2N4-01455-00375702-00376001 uh what kind of learning is productive xGd4TWfl2N4-01456-00376002-00376241 learning I guess we were seeing it as xGd4TWfl2N4-01457-00376242-00376534 forms of Collaborative Learning xGd4TWfl2N4-01458-00376535-00376906 um and that that in turn leads to other xGd4TWfl2N4-01459-00376907-00377230 kinds of questions like about learning xGd4TWfl2N4-01460-00377231-00377399 between cooperatives xGd4TWfl2N4-01461-00377400-00377813 so what Collaborative Learning in a in xGd4TWfl2N4-01462-00377814-00377987 the school or higher education setting xGd4TWfl2N4-01463-00377988-00378347 or in a formal learning session setting xGd4TWfl2N4-01464-00378348-00378623 could take particular forms xGd4TWfl2N4-01465-00378624-00378965 um uh and probably involve a lot of peer xGd4TWfl2N4-01466-00378966-00379097 group learning xGd4TWfl2N4-01467-00379098-00379201 um xGd4TWfl2N4-01468-00379202-00379523 but when you take it kind of beyond that xGd4TWfl2N4-01469-00379524-00379804 into learning between Partnerships xGd4TWfl2N4-01470-00379805-00379889 um xGd4TWfl2N4-01471-00379890-00380147 how it how can it be done and how can it xGd4TWfl2N4-01472-00380148-00380489 be done better and in a particular note xGd4TWfl2N4-01473-00380490-00380728 being that xGd4TWfl2N4-01474-00380729-00381082 um the consumer movement which is you xGd4TWfl2N4-01475-00381083-00381232 know substantial xGd4TWfl2N4-01476-00381233-00381295 um xGd4TWfl2N4-01477-00381296-00381545 certainly in the UK xGd4TWfl2N4-01478-00381546-00381910 how can it engage with other types of xGd4TWfl2N4-01479-00381911-00382139 cooperative and learn from other types xGd4TWfl2N4-01480-00382140-00382445 of marketing so so there's a kind of you xGd4TWfl2N4-01481-00382446-00382895 know another aspect to learning here so xGd4TWfl2N4-01482-00382896-00383082 um how can it learn from about xGd4TWfl2N4-01483-00383083-00383351 sociopathy for example how could it use xGd4TWfl2N4-01484-00383352-00383441 it xGd4TWfl2N4-01485-00383442-00383806 um so so there are questions of that xGd4TWfl2N4-01486-00383807-00383956 kind coming up xGd4TWfl2N4-01487-00383957-00384197 I don't know if Julian wants to add xGd4TWfl2N4-01488-00384198-00384767 anything to what I said xGd4TWfl2N4-01489-00384768-00384880 okay xGd4TWfl2N4-01490-00384881-00385097 thank you did you have any answers to xGd4TWfl2N4-01491-00385098-00385384 that query all that you know is there is xGd4TWfl2N4-01492-00385385-00385534 there xGd4TWfl2N4-01493-00385535-00385732 about the this is because it kind of xGd4TWfl2N4-01494-00385733-00386158 Builds on Anna's question doesn't it xGd4TWfl2N4-01495-00386159-00386471 I don't think we have answers xGd4TWfl2N4-01496-00386472-00386563 um xGd4TWfl2N4-01497-00386564-00386758 certainly answer to the second question xGd4TWfl2N4-01498-00386759-00386975 I think I've probably got xGd4TWfl2N4-01499-00386976-00387167 personally a better handle on the first xGd4TWfl2N4-01500-00387168-00387425 question about Collaborative Learning xGd4TWfl2N4-01501-00387426-00387641 um just because I work in education but xGd4TWfl2N4-01502-00387642-00387845 it's um xGd4TWfl2N4-01503-00387846-00388265 but I I was I was interested that not a xGd4TWfl2N4-01504-00388266-00388463 lot was said about that as a methodology xGd4TWfl2N4-01505-00388464-00388745 as a learning methodology in the initial xGd4TWfl2N4-01506-00388746-00389008 presentation is there anyone else coming xGd4TWfl2N4-01507-00389009-00389399 from the educational field in our group xGd4TWfl2N4-01508-00389400-00389699 yes in in room three we've got George xGd4TWfl2N4-01509-00389700-00389995 and Raphael both xGd4TWfl2N4-01510-00389996-00390256 university-based or a higher education xGd4TWfl2N4-01511-00390257-00390449 sector-based maybe you would want to xGd4TWfl2N4-01512-00390450-00390689 come in on Cooperative learning xGd4TWfl2N4-01513-00390690-00390893 Collaborative Learning so the room three xGd4TWfl2N4-01514-00390894-00391289 was George Ken Martin and Rafael xGd4TWfl2N4-01515-00391290-00391530 foreign xGd4TWfl2N4-01516-00391531-00391841 I can start Rory if you want xGd4TWfl2N4-01517-00391842-00392099 so we basically xGd4TWfl2N4-01518-00392100-00392332 um started the discussion um with this xGd4TWfl2N4-01519-00392333-00392458 question that you had asked with the new xGd4TWfl2N4-01520-00392459-00392567 values xGd4TWfl2N4-01521-00392568-00392849 and I think we kind of thought it's xGd4TWfl2N4-01522-00392850-00393106 maybe more a question of um new xGd4TWfl2N4-01523-00393107-00393515 expressions of um of values or shifting xGd4TWfl2N4-01524-00393516-00393737 priorities you know that are important xGd4TWfl2N4-01525-00393738-00393958 for students housing delivery services xGd4TWfl2N4-01526-00393959-00394217 these kind of different topics so we xGd4TWfl2N4-01527-00394218-00394451 discuss those a little bit xGd4TWfl2N4-01528-00394452-00394703 and thought that these are important to xGd4TWfl2N4-01529-00394704-00395008 attract other students to um xGd4TWfl2N4-01530-00395009-00395230 we had we had a topic that often maybe xGd4TWfl2N4-01531-00395231-00395428 the millennial values are quite close to xGd4TWfl2N4-01532-00395429-00395560 cooperatives but they don't know about xGd4TWfl2N4-01533-00395561-00395717 the opportunities so this awareness xGd4TWfl2N4-01534-00395718-00395927 points that I think um xGd4TWfl2N4-01535-00395928-00396137 sorry I forgot the name Chris Christian xGd4TWfl2N4-01536-00396138-00396539 and if I heard it properly I'm made so xGd4TWfl2N4-01537-00396540-00396647 that's definitely I'm on a business xGd4TWfl2N4-01538-00396648-00396778 school so that's definitely relevant xGd4TWfl2N4-01539-00396779-00396965 there and that students just don't know xGd4TWfl2N4-01540-00396966-00397193 about it and we're right now trying to xGd4TWfl2N4-01541-00397194-00397403 work on a guide for our students so we xGd4TWfl2N4-01542-00397404-00397553 are thinking what's the best way to xGd4TWfl2N4-01543-00397554-00397769 reach out to them right to have this xGd4TWfl2N4-01544-00397770-00398045 awareness point there and so I'm curious xGd4TWfl2N4-01545-00398046-00398230 here to learn about this xGd4TWfl2N4-01546-00398231-00398380 um but xGd4TWfl2N4-01547-00398381-00398615 um George also raised the question if xGd4TWfl2N4-01548-00398616-00398884 anyone worked on the question if xGd4TWfl2N4-01549-00398885-00399191 students who were taking courses on xGd4TWfl2N4-01550-00399192-00399310 cooperatives xGd4TWfl2N4-01551-00399311-00399647 as pupils or students afterwards are xGd4TWfl2N4-01552-00399648-00399904 engaged in Cooperative education xGd4TWfl2N4-01553-00399905-00400108 so this is just a question we had after xGd4TWfl2N4-01554-00400109-00400271 anyone studied that xGd4TWfl2N4-01555-00400272-00400602 and the other one was for the Polish xGd4TWfl2N4-01556-00400603-00400841 program if this is actually government xGd4TWfl2N4-01557-00400842-00401045 supported or if it's a bottom-up xGd4TWfl2N4-01558-00401046-00401434 initiative just how it works xGd4TWfl2N4-01559-00401435-00401669 I I don't know if that was really all xGd4TWfl2N4-01560-00401670-00401819 the points but that's what I remember xGd4TWfl2N4-01561-00401820-00402071 right now and that was really for the xGd4TWfl2N4-01562-00402072-00402371 pupils cooperatives in Poland how they xGd4TWfl2N4-01563-00402372-00402839 Resort how that program is resourced xGd4TWfl2N4-01564-00402840-00403054 maybe we can start with this it's very xGd4TWfl2N4-01565-00403055-00403321 practical question isn't it Jenna okay xGd4TWfl2N4-01566-00403322-00403613 so I would say it's totally not xGd4TWfl2N4-01567-00403614-00403937 supported by the government because uh xGd4TWfl2N4-01568-00403938-00404332 as I told you before uh we are for many xGd4TWfl2N4-01569-00404333-00404573 years now we are fighting for the legal xGd4TWfl2N4-01570-00404574-00404795 regulation xGd4TWfl2N4-01571-00404796-00405095 um it's totally bottom up I think and we xGd4TWfl2N4-01572-00405096-00405395 last year we were preparing a research xGd4TWfl2N4-01573-00405396-00405719 paper for the ministry of uh of Labor xGd4TWfl2N4-01574-00405720-00405904 and social Affairs this is actually the xGd4TWfl2N4-01575-00405905-00406199 only Ministry uh in the government that xGd4TWfl2N4-01576-00406200-00406373 really xGd4TWfl2N4-01577-00406374-00406656 um is involved in promoting that xGd4TWfl2N4-01578-00406657-00406984 that issue that that kind of initiatives xGd4TWfl2N4-01579-00406985-00407182 because it's involved in the social xGd4TWfl2N4-01580-00407183-00407602 economy sector and uh well xGd4TWfl2N4-01581-00407603-00407830 so people's cooperatives are well xGd4TWfl2N4-01582-00407831-00408034 workers cooperatives uh disabled people xGd4TWfl2N4-01583-00408035-00408184 competitives are part of the social xGd4TWfl2N4-01584-00408185-00408437 economy sector in Poland we are xGd4TWfl2N4-01585-00408438-00408610 supporting for many years purpose xGd4TWfl2N4-01586-00408611-00408941 Cooperative movement so like the men xGd4TWfl2N4-01587-00408942-00409189 this is the only Ministry which actually xGd4TWfl2N4-01588-00409190-00409601 uh feels the importance of of that kind xGd4TWfl2N4-01589-00409602-00409816 of school initiatives xGd4TWfl2N4-01590-00409817-00410170 uh but there is no money from the xGd4TWfl2N4-01591-00410171-00410407 government going down it's totally xGd4TWfl2N4-01592-00410408-00410878 bottom up and I think that the only xGd4TWfl2N4-01593-00410879-00411245 reason why the uh puppy's Cooperative xGd4TWfl2N4-01594-00411246-00411605 still exists despite of the support of xGd4TWfl2N4-01595-00411606-00411797 the foundation for students cooperatives xGd4TWfl2N4-01596-00411797-00412139 or the unions like ours but the main xGd4TWfl2N4-01597-00412139-00412324 reasons are teachers xGd4TWfl2N4-01598-00412325-00412793 these are the key success factors that xGd4TWfl2N4-01599-00412793-00412978 this movement still exists in Poland xGd4TWfl2N4-01600-00412979-00413272 because these teachers they don't get xGd4TWfl2N4-01601-00413273-00413664 any additional salary they do it xGd4TWfl2N4-01602-00413666-00414041 totally voluntary after the work they do xGd4TWfl2N4-01603-00414042-00414310 already uh at schools after doing xGd4TWfl2N4-01604-00414312-00414568 program the you know the essential xGd4TWfl2N4-01605-00414569-00414874 program Etc that's totally voluntary xGd4TWfl2N4-01606-00414875-00415199 they devote their time in the afternoons xGd4TWfl2N4-01607-00415200-00415547 in the weekends to to take these uh xGd4TWfl2N4-01608-00415547-00415889 these students to to compete in xGd4TWfl2N4-01609-00415889-00416134 different content contents for instance xGd4TWfl2N4-01610-00416135-00416501 like organized by the foundation so it's xGd4TWfl2N4-01611-00416502-00416722 totally bottom up and what we are trying xGd4TWfl2N4-01612-00416723-00417124 to do is to really help them in many xGd4TWfl2N4-01613-00417125-00417557 different ways and maybe finally we will xGd4TWfl2N4-01614-00417558-00417887 get the government the you know the xGd4TWfl2N4-01615-00417888-00418187 nation uh support for it but we are xGd4TWfl2N4-01616-00418188-00418330 still fighting for it it's totally xGd4TWfl2N4-01617-00418331-00418510 bottom-up movement xGd4TWfl2N4-01618-00418512-00418780 if you want to have new ideas on how to xGd4TWfl2N4-01619-00418781-00419074 finance a pupilco operative system we xGd4TWfl2N4-01620-00419075-00419237 can talk about this because in Germany xGd4TWfl2N4-01621-00419238-00419555 it's actually a tandem Finance or by the xGd4TWfl2N4-01622-00419556-00419777 state and the cooperative federations xGd4TWfl2N4-01623-00419778-00420143 and still the product is uh new to both xGd4TWfl2N4-01624-00420143-00420359 of them it's an Innovative product xGd4TWfl2N4-01625-00420360-00420647 basically for both of them and we will xGd4TWfl2N4-01626-00420647-00420857 do for sure because we already contacted xGd4TWfl2N4-01627-00420858-00421175 you on that okay okay so I gave you a xGd4TWfl2N4-01628-00421176-00421366 link I think to the Syriac public xGd4TWfl2N4-01629-00421367-00421583 passion thank you but we can go into xGd4TWfl2N4-01630-00421584-00421810 more in-depth if anyone else wants to xGd4TWfl2N4-01631-00421812-00422099 know about how it was done here xGd4TWfl2N4-01632-00422100-00422309 um in fact I would like to take up the xGd4TWfl2N4-01633-00422310-00422464 other question that came from the group xGd4TWfl2N4-01634-00422465-00422579 three xGd4TWfl2N4-01635-00422580-00422764 um that's uh xGd4TWfl2N4-01636-00422765-00423095 the long-term effects are there pupils xGd4TWfl2N4-01637-00423096-00423316 or students that in the long run after xGd4TWfl2N4-01638-00423317-00423514 that having left University having left xGd4TWfl2N4-01639-00423515-00423845 school would actually tend to want to xGd4TWfl2N4-01640-00423846-00424037 start co-ops xGd4TWfl2N4-01641-00424038-00424318 um I can only speak from the small xGd4TWfl2N4-01642-00424319-00424637 um German perspective and we don't have xGd4TWfl2N4-01643-00424638-00424931 any research on this as yet I was trying xGd4TWfl2N4-01644-00424932-00425153 very hard to convince xGd4TWfl2N4-01645-00425154-00425459 um possible funders to actually get back xGd4TWfl2N4-01646-00425460-00425729 to students and pupils who have gone xGd4TWfl2N4-01647-00425730-00425939 through such programs because we do have xGd4TWfl2N4-01648-00425939-00426263 a very close link with with the schools xGd4TWfl2N4-01649-00426264-00426443 but what I can tell you is that xGd4TWfl2N4-01650-00426443-00426641 informally we get the information and xGd4TWfl2N4-01651-00426642-00426893 many schools find that a lot of their xGd4TWfl2N4-01652-00426893-00427116 alumni are in fact xGd4TWfl2N4-01653-00427117-00427433 pupils who have been in the pupils xGd4TWfl2N4-01654-00427434-00427655 Cooperative before that those are their xGd4TWfl2N4-01655-00427656-00427972 most faithful alumni and they come back xGd4TWfl2N4-01656-00427973-00428231 after two years four years ten years xGd4TWfl2N4-01657-00428232-00428399 um having been to school having left xGd4TWfl2N4-01658-00428400-00428735 school and the account that part of the xGd4TWfl2N4-01659-00428735-00428945 most impressive part of their school xGd4TWfl2N4-01660-00428946-00429293 education was this Cooperative setup so xGd4TWfl2N4-01661-00429293-00429466 even if they don't start their own xGd4TWfl2N4-01662-00429467-00429755 Cooperative they go out into the Working xGd4TWfl2N4-01663-00429756-00429947 World with a different kind of xGd4TWfl2N4-01664-00429947-00430187 confidence in regard to xGd4TWfl2N4-01665-00430188-00430272 um xGd4TWfl2N4-01666-00430273-00430516 self-employment but also in regard to xGd4TWfl2N4-01667-00430517-00430757 being an employee who has rights and who xGd4TWfl2N4-01668-00430758-00431063 can go into Project work who can go into xGd4TWfl2N4-01669-00431064-00431266 an organization and actually stand up xGd4TWfl2N4-01670-00431267-00431639 for themselves in a way and that brings xGd4TWfl2N4-01671-00431639-00431818 me back to Cooperative learning xGd4TWfl2N4-01672-00431819-00432118 Cooperative learning is something which xGd4TWfl2N4-01673-00432119-00432389 is recognized by educational science as xGd4TWfl2N4-01674-00432389-00432695 as hassle has said as a as a very xGd4TWfl2N4-01675-00432696-00433037 specific type of pedagogic of approach xGd4TWfl2N4-01676-00433038-00433391 to acquiring competencies skills xGd4TWfl2N4-01677-00433392-00433560 attitudes xGd4TWfl2N4-01678-00433562-00433889 but it demands a lot of teachers Hazel xGd4TWfl2N4-01679-00433889-00434122 would you agree with us um the teachers xGd4TWfl2N4-01680-00434123-00434459 that we we worked with and we encouraged xGd4TWfl2N4-01681-00434460-00434807 to actually really go into City created xGd4TWfl2N4-01682-00434808-00435209 Cooperative learning have to um xGd4TWfl2N4-01683-00435210-00435557 undergo a complete change of role they xGd4TWfl2N4-01684-00435558-00435893 are being trained to be resource persons xGd4TWfl2N4-01685-00435893-00436043 to xGd4TWfl2N4-01686-00436043-00436355 come back responsibility to the group we xGd4TWfl2N4-01687-00436356-00436672 lost you for about 20 seconds xGd4TWfl2N4-01688-00436673-00436799 um the role of the teacher in xGd4TWfl2N4-01689-00436800-00437014 Cooperative learning is means he he xGd4TWfl2N4-01690-00437015-00437218 gives responsibility more or less xGd4TWfl2N4-01691-00437219-00437560 entirely to the students and sets the xGd4TWfl2N4-01692-00437562-00437843 frame and encourages them to reflect xGd4TWfl2N4-01693-00437843-00438053 upon their learning situation and what xGd4TWfl2N4-01694-00438054-00438233 they gained out of it that's a xGd4TWfl2N4-01695-00438234-00438383 completely different role to what most xGd4TWfl2N4-01696-00438384-00438520 teachers in Germany would have been xGd4TWfl2N4-01697-00438521-00438791 prepared for in their own to training xGd4TWfl2N4-01698-00438792-00438959 would you agree with this is this xGd4TWfl2N4-01699-00438960-00439175 something that you find in other xGd4TWfl2N4-01700-00439176-00439577 countries as well xGd4TWfl2N4-01701-00439578-00439847 who are you asking I'm asking Hazel xGd4TWfl2N4-01702-00439847-00440125 because she comes all right xGd4TWfl2N4-01703-00440126-00440483 you're asking me all of us xGd4TWfl2N4-01704-00440484-00440585 um xGd4TWfl2N4-01705-00440585-00440909 yeah it it it's definitely definitely a xGd4TWfl2N4-01706-00440910-00441131 different way of xGd4TWfl2N4-01707-00441132-00441418 um uh enabling learning to happen xGd4TWfl2N4-01708-00441419-00441539 um that's for sure xGd4TWfl2N4-01709-00441539-00441760 um because the teacher themselves you xGd4TWfl2N4-01710-00441762-00441899 know the teachers themselves have to xGd4TWfl2N4-01711-00441900-00442210 learn and rethink how they do things xGd4TWfl2N4-01712-00442212-00442589 um but it it it isn't I I don't feel xGd4TWfl2N4-01713-00442589-00442841 it's an all or nothing approach actually xGd4TWfl2N4-01714-00442842-00443057 um that's there are you know different xGd4TWfl2N4-01715-00443058-00443363 ways in which teachers can both kind of xGd4TWfl2N4-01716-00443364-00443555 perform their traditional roles as well xGd4TWfl2N4-01717-00443556-00443681 as xGd4TWfl2N4-01718-00443682-00443945 um enable peer-to-peer learning um and xGd4TWfl2N4-01719-00443946-00444143 setting up a frame so you can you know xGd4TWfl2N4-01720-00444143-00444377 combine these things xGd4TWfl2N4-01721-00444378-00444539 um I mean I'm just looking for the xGd4TWfl2N4-01722-00444539-00444701 personal point of view here xGd4TWfl2N4-01723-00444702-00445109 um so but um xGd4TWfl2N4-01724-00445110-00445283 I xGd4TWfl2N4-01725-00445284-00445339 I xGd4TWfl2N4-01726-00445339-00445618 think uh one of the things that we were xGd4TWfl2N4-01727-00445619-00445793 talking a bit about in in the group or xGd4TWfl2N4-01728-00445793-00446051 group or or this maybe that I was saying xGd4TWfl2N4-01729-00446052-00446249 is that everybody comes to a learning xGd4TWfl2N4-01730-00446250-00446489 situation with knowledge it's not like xGd4TWfl2N4-01731-00446489-00446807 everyone is a blank cheek and therefore xGd4TWfl2N4-01732-00446808-00447107 everybody brings something and and xGd4TWfl2N4-01733-00447108-00447329 everybody can also start to reflect on xGd4TWfl2N4-01734-00447330-00447491 their own backgrounds and experiences xGd4TWfl2N4-01735-00447492-00447910 and um Anew I mean uh so actually xGd4TWfl2N4-01736-00447912-00448151 reflecting on that might xGd4TWfl2N4-01737-00448152-00448391 um enable them to think about okay so I xGd4TWfl2N4-01738-00448392-00448637 love this from doing that but how did xGd4TWfl2N4-01739-00448638-00448907 that how did that happen and uh how what xGd4TWfl2N4-01740-00448908-00449201 has that done for me in terms of my xGd4TWfl2N4-01741-00449202-00449560 approach to cooperation or to being a xGd4TWfl2N4-01742-00449562-00449759 corporate in corporator xGd4TWfl2N4-01743-00449760-00449999 um and it isn't that xGd4TWfl2N4-01744-00450000-00450220 um there's I was interested in the xGd4TWfl2N4-01745-00450221-00450509 conversation earlier about you know this xGd4TWfl2N4-01746-00450510-00450743 is the way to do co-ops that is not the xGd4TWfl2N4-01747-00450743-00451013 way to do cool so and of course what xGd4TWfl2N4-01748-00451014-00451247 we're talking about is in fact xGd4TWfl2N4-01749-00451247-00451631 um people finding new ways of doing of xGd4TWfl2N4-01750-00451632-00451943 being a cooperator it isn't all said in xGd4TWfl2N4-01751-00451943-00452218 stone so so people can build on the xGd4TWfl2N4-01752-00452219-00452345 experiences they've had in the past xGd4TWfl2N4-01753-00452346-00452609 which may not be pure cooperating xGd4TWfl2N4-01754-00452610-00453005 um in a traditional sense that's also xGd4TWfl2N4-01755-00453006-00453137 good because they're bringing something xGd4TWfl2N4-01756-00453138-00453275 that's a bit different than what people xGd4TWfl2N4-01757-00453276-00453466 can think about xGd4TWfl2N4-01758-00453467-00453707 um so I'm I'm awful kind of learning xGd4TWfl2N4-01759-00453708-00453863 from difference really learning from xGd4TWfl2N4-01760-00453864-00454055 different experiences and people having xGd4TWfl2N4-01761-00454056-00454247 different life histories and narratives xGd4TWfl2N4-01762-00454247-00454529 to tell about what they do xGd4TWfl2N4-01763-00454530-00454757 um as well as different you know xGd4TWfl2N4-01764-00454758-00455027 narratives and textbooks I mean it's uh xGd4TWfl2N4-01765-00455028-00455185 so there's um xGd4TWfl2N4-01766-00455185-00455459 there's a lot of stuff here but yes I xGd4TWfl2N4-01767-00455460-00455759 think you're right Nicole that that xGd4TWfl2N4-01768-00455760-00455843 um xGd4TWfl2N4-01769-00455843-00456179 it's quite important there therefore for xGd4TWfl2N4-01770-00456180-00456370 how the facilitators or teachers or xGd4TWfl2N4-01771-00456371-00456545 trainers or whoever they are are xGd4TWfl2N4-01772-00456546-00456779 themselves taught and trained and how xGd4TWfl2N4-01773-00456780-00456922 they understand what they're doing what xGd4TWfl2N4-01774-00456923-00457141 their role is xGd4TWfl2N4-01775-00457142-00457529 yeah I'm getting signs from Rory that we xGd4TWfl2N4-01776-00457530-00457883 must now come to our final discussion of xGd4TWfl2N4-01777-00457884-00458447 um or reflection of the panelists um xGd4TWfl2N4-01778-00458447-00458764 yeah yeah is that right I think yeah xGd4TWfl2N4-01779-00458765-00458927 yeah xGd4TWfl2N4-01780-00458928-00459281 so maybe we could start with those open xGd4TWfl2N4-01781-00459282-00459593 issues maybe the panelists could give an xGd4TWfl2N4-01782-00459593-00459827 impression as to what they've taken on xGd4TWfl2N4-01783-00459828-00460127 board what they want to reconsider what xGd4TWfl2N4-01784-00460128-00460318 they think our main points about xGd4TWfl2N4-01785-00460319-00460666 improving or developing towards a new xGd4TWfl2N4-01786-00460667-00460901 type of cooperativism using xGd4TWfl2N4-01787-00460902-00461266 learning settings of any kind yeah xGd4TWfl2N4-01788-00461267-00461572 um you know just a few words any chords xGd4TWfl2N4-01789-00461573-00461831 yes xGd4TWfl2N4-01790-00461832-00462077 when are we um xGd4TWfl2N4-01791-00462078-00462533 uh interviewed uh Professor develter he xGd4TWfl2N4-01792-00462534-00462731 told us you all know Professor director xGd4TWfl2N4-01793-00462732-00462947 I'm sure he told us the future of coffee xGd4TWfl2N4-01794-00462947-00463229 movement is in a Cooperative learning xGd4TWfl2N4-01795-00463230-00463420 since early age xGd4TWfl2N4-01796-00463421-00463666 um so learn people teach people like to xGd4TWfl2N4-01797-00463667-00464033 be to cooperate and not compete xGd4TWfl2N4-01798-00464034-00464297 um and uh I would like I totally agree xGd4TWfl2N4-01799-00464297-00464495 yeah I think it's a sum up a bit of xGd4TWfl2N4-01800-00464496-00464831 discussion but uh um also or we were xGd4TWfl2N4-01801-00464832-00465047 saying before I was sharing before the xGd4TWfl2N4-01802-00465047-00465341 pedagogical approach of freyr that we xGd4TWfl2N4-01803-00465342-00465653 are inspire a lot in our work intending xGd4TWfl2N4-01804-00465654-00465845 that people are not passive beneficiary xGd4TWfl2N4-01805-00465846-00466057 of any knowledge even the technical xGd4TWfl2N4-01806-00466058-00466391 knowledge how to be a cooperator xGd4TWfl2N4-01807-00466392-00466649 um so the key I saw a comment in the xGd4TWfl2N4-01808-00466650-00466810 chat and this is something that I xGd4TWfl2N4-01809-00466812-00467087 totally agree is about inspiring people xGd4TWfl2N4-01810-00467088-00467345 and whatever was saying as well over xGd4TWfl2N4-01811-00467346-00467633 creating their own way Innovative way to xGd4TWfl2N4-01812-00467634-00467891 set up and basically if a new form of xGd4TWfl2N4-01813-00467892-00468053 public without serving new form of xGd4TWfl2N4-01814-00468054-00468251 cooperatives is exactly because the xGd4TWfl2N4-01815-00468252-00468437 sound communities came together and xGd4TWfl2N4-01816-00468438-00468695 without any preconceived knowledge they xGd4TWfl2N4-01817-00468696-00468893 Inspire themselves about how to xGd4TWfl2N4-01818-00468893-00469013 transform their lives and their xGd4TWfl2N4-01819-00469014-00469253 communities and probably these xGd4TWfl2N4-01820-00469254-00469493 participatory methods of learning from xGd4TWfl2N4-01821-00469493-00469649 each other because at the end the xGd4TWfl2N4-01822-00469650-00469847 participatory method is this that I xGd4TWfl2N4-01823-00469847-00469991 learned from you you learn from me and xGd4TWfl2N4-01824-00469992-00470213 we create something new probably is a xGd4TWfl2N4-01825-00470214-00470533 bit at the heart of uh to me xGd4TWfl2N4-01826-00470534-00470783 yeah thank you very much that's already xGd4TWfl2N4-01827-00470784-00471185 kind of a final statement from you uh xGd4TWfl2N4-01828-00471185-00471407 Joanna what what are you taking with xGd4TWfl2N4-01829-00471408-00471641 what's in your bag from the seminar yeah xGd4TWfl2N4-01830-00471642-00472013 well my huge reflection after today's xGd4TWfl2N4-01831-00472014-00472433 seminar is that the we are actually xGd4TWfl2N4-01832-00472434-00472753 um we have a challenge xGd4TWfl2N4-01833-00472754-00473225 to uh because the there was a question xGd4TWfl2N4-01834-00473226-00473410 about the relations between new xGd4TWfl2N4-01835-00473412-00473627 cooperativism and new Cooperative types xGd4TWfl2N4-01836-00473628-00473885 and the old I wouldn't say old I would xGd4TWfl2N4-01837-00473885-00474035 say traditional one xGd4TWfl2N4-01838-00474035-00474427 and I think that in Poland for instance xGd4TWfl2N4-01839-00474428-00474875 the new types of cooperatives these uh xGd4TWfl2N4-01840-00474876-00475109 these groups that that are entering xGd4TWfl2N4-01841-00475110-00475360 Cooperative work they really want to xGd4TWfl2N4-01842-00475362-00475720 learn from the traditional movement but xGd4TWfl2N4-01843-00475721-00475985 for the traditional movement it's a huge xGd4TWfl2N4-01844-00475985-00476105 challenge xGd4TWfl2N4-01845-00476106-00476455 to transform this knowledge xGd4TWfl2N4-01846-00476456-00476914 and to put it in a way where we teach xGd4TWfl2N4-01847-00476915-00477299 about about how to run an Enterprise but xGd4TWfl2N4-01848-00477300-00477616 in the language uh that these people xGd4TWfl2N4-01849-00477617-00477820 will understand xGd4TWfl2N4-01850-00477821-00478229 but also in the way that this xGd4TWfl2N4-01851-00478230-00478439 way of doing business Cooperative xGd4TWfl2N4-01852-00478439-00478751 business today will fit into the today's xGd4TWfl2N4-01853-00478752-00479087 world that is totally different than the xGd4TWfl2N4-01854-00479088-00479368 one that we uh we had when the the xGd4TWfl2N4-01855-00479369-00479572 traditional properties were born at the xGd4TWfl2N4-01856-00479573-00479777 time so xGd4TWfl2N4-01857-00479778-00480101 this is the challenge of combining the xGd4TWfl2N4-01858-00480102-00480353 traditional Cooperative movement xGd4TWfl2N4-01859-00480354-00480670 with the modern world and with the new xGd4TWfl2N4-01860-00480671-00480899 cooperatives actually and I think it's xGd4TWfl2N4-01861-00480900-00481313 uh I've seen a lot of tools today that xGd4TWfl2N4-01862-00481314-00481768 we could incorporate and I hope uh we xGd4TWfl2N4-01863-00481769-00482110 will have time after some years to come xGd4TWfl2N4-01864-00482112-00482435 back and recall that and uh and some new xGd4TWfl2N4-01865-00482435-00482609 experiences to share xGd4TWfl2N4-01866-00482610-00482957 thank you that sounds um like a lot of xGd4TWfl2N4-01867-00482958-00483245 work ahead but a very promising type of xGd4TWfl2N4-01868-00483246-00483643 initiative yeah Christian what have you xGd4TWfl2N4-01869-00483643-00483929 benefited taken with you what would you xGd4TWfl2N4-01870-00483930-00484301 like to focus on yes I mean I understood xGd4TWfl2N4-01871-00484302-00484570 once again that um as I said there's not xGd4TWfl2N4-01872-00484571-00484937 that one perfect uh educational xGd4TWfl2N4-01873-00484938-00485159 initiative but it's rather that there xGd4TWfl2N4-01874-00485160-00485483 are are many and also xGd4TWfl2N4-01875-00485484-00485609 um and this is the point I want to hit xGd4TWfl2N4-01876-00485610-00485831 is that when you have a cooperative and xGd4TWfl2N4-01877-00485832-00486016 you look at the leaders and the persons xGd4TWfl2N4-01878-00486017-00486166 involved in the shaping of the co-op xGd4TWfl2N4-01879-00486167-00486377 they all have different educational xGd4TWfl2N4-01880-00486378-00486514 backgrounds xGd4TWfl2N4-01881-00486515-00486743 and and it's this mix that comes xGd4TWfl2N4-01882-00486743-00486989 together if they all were exposed to the xGd4TWfl2N4-01883-00486989-00487145 best program in the world if there is xGd4TWfl2N4-01884-00487146-00487487 this top program for Co-Op that they all xGd4TWfl2N4-01885-00487488-00487739 would participate in then it would mean xGd4TWfl2N4-01886-00487739-00487877 they all have the same educational xGd4TWfl2N4-01887-00487878-00488116 background and and this provides less xGd4TWfl2N4-01888-00488117-00488410 value it's better to have this very wide xGd4TWfl2N4-01889-00488412-00488657 range of educational experiences and xGd4TWfl2N4-01890-00488658-00488843 people come together and are not afraid xGd4TWfl2N4-01891-00488843-00489083 of sharing their inputs and then I think xGd4TWfl2N4-01892-00489084-00489359 that is when the best uh the best xGd4TWfl2N4-01893-00489360-00489629 Solutions come out and and that is the xGd4TWfl2N4-01894-00489630-00489857 best use of of all those educational xGd4TWfl2N4-01895-00489858-00490072 backgrounds for the benefit of the xGd4TWfl2N4-01896-00490073-00490270 cooperative xGd4TWfl2N4-01897-00490271-00490672 yeah yeah I'm sure you're right and I xGd4TWfl2N4-01898-00490673-00490925 think um the interesting thing is xGd4TWfl2N4-01899-00490926-00490979 um xGd4TWfl2N4-01900-00490980-00491195 talking of this thing about developing xGd4TWfl2N4-01901-00491196-00491363 cooperativism xGd4TWfl2N4-01902-00491364-00491633 in our evaluations we saw that those 12 xGd4TWfl2N4-01903-00491634-00491866 13 year old kids are basically xGd4TWfl2N4-01904-00491867-00492101 cooperativists xGd4TWfl2N4-01905-00492102-00492514 we make them capitalists we make them xGd4TWfl2N4-01906-00492515-00492845 compete we make them develop standards xGd4TWfl2N4-01907-00492846-00493145 that um they are looking to achieve that xGd4TWfl2N4-01908-00493146-00493457 might be competitive with the others xGd4TWfl2N4-01909-00493458-00493831 um in fact if we were to support their xGd4TWfl2N4-01910-00493832-00494122 initiative of trying to convince others xGd4TWfl2N4-01911-00494123-00494351 getting them on board making them do xGd4TWfl2N4-01912-00494352-00494651 things negotiating the rules Etc would xGd4TWfl2N4-01913-00494652-00494866 probably end up with students entering xGd4TWfl2N4-01914-00494867-00495101 University that would be far less xGd4TWfl2N4-01915-00495102-00495377 competitive and on top of that if I now xGd4TWfl2N4-01916-00495378-00495485 consider xGd4TWfl2N4-01917-00495485-00495851 how this covid-19 pandemic has brought xGd4TWfl2N4-01918-00495852-00496103 students and pupils into isolation and xGd4TWfl2N4-01919-00496104-00496366 how self-centered they have to have xGd4TWfl2N4-01920-00496367-00496607 become I mean I I've witnessed this with xGd4TWfl2N4-01921-00496608-00497045 my first impressive seminars then um I xGd4TWfl2N4-01922-00497046-00497266 am more than ever convinced that this is xGd4TWfl2N4-01923-00497267-00497405 the road to go xGd4TWfl2N4-01924-00497406-00497764 um in whatever form combination of xGd4TWfl2N4-01925-00497765-00498018 giving input being a coach xGd4TWfl2N4-01926-00498019-00498322 situative to teaching Cooperative xGd4TWfl2N4-01927-00498323-00498514 learning whatever xGd4TWfl2N4-01928-00498515-00498772 and I really am looking forward to xGd4TWfl2N4-01929-00498773-00499163 practicing more of um sociography and um xGd4TWfl2N4-01930-00499164-00499414 practicing more of Opera and practicing xGd4TWfl2N4-01931-00499415-00499709 more of the other uh participatory um xGd4TWfl2N4-01932-00499710-00500009 methods with children students and xGd4TWfl2N4-01933-00500010-00500279 adults because I believe that this will xGd4TWfl2N4-01934-00500280-00500495 probably be the key to changing our xGd4TWfl2N4-01935-00500496-00500759 world in an economic way in in a xGd4TWfl2N4-01936-00500760-00500963 different direction but it needs many of xGd4TWfl2N4-01937-00500964-00501322 us so great that you have been all in a xGd4TWfl2N4-01938-00501323-00501563 way multipliers to this and I'm looking xGd4TWfl2N4-01939-00501564-00501929 forward to the varied results of um this xGd4TWfl2N4-01940-00501930-00502097 will have in regard to developing xGd4TWfl2N4-01941-00502097-00502403 cooperativism for them thanks very much xGd4TWfl2N4-01942-00502404-00502717 for your participation xG72l5Y8v80-00000-00000026-00000313 we've is a grass widely cultivated for xG72l5Y8v80-00001-00000314-00000503 its seed a cereal grain which is a xG72l5Y8v80-00002-00000504-00000802 worldwide staple food the many species xG72l5Y8v80-00003-00000803-00000977 of wheat together make up the genus xG72l5Y8v80-00004-00000977-00001199 triticum the most widely grown as common xG72l5Y8v80-00005-00001200-00001514 wheat tea aestivum the archaeological xG72l5Y8v80-00006-00001515-00001702 record suggests that wheat was first xG72l5Y8v80-00007-00001703-00001901 cultivated in the regions of the Fertile xG72l5Y8v80-00008-00001902-00002309 Crescent around 9600 BCE botanically the xG72l5Y8v80-00009-00002310-00002504 wheat kernel is a type of fruit called a xG72l5Y8v80-00010-00002505-00002818 carry OPS's wheat is grown on more land xG72l5Y8v80-00011-00002819-00003109 area than any other food crop 220 point xG72l5Y8v80-00012-00003110-00003497 4 million hectares 2014 world trade and xG72l5Y8v80-00013-00003497-00003640 wheat is greater than for all other xG72l5Y8v80-00014-00003642-00004013 crops combined in 2016 world production xG72l5Y8v80-00015-00004014-00004336 of wheat was 749 million tonnes making xG72l5Y8v80-00016-00004337-00004541 it the second most produced cereal after xG72l5Y8v80-00017-00004542-00004886 maize since 1960 world production of xG72l5Y8v80-00018-00004887-00005111 wheat and other grains has tripled and xG72l5Y8v80-00019-00005112-00005279 is expected to grow further through the xG72l5Y8v80-00020-00005280-00005600 middle of the 21st century global demand xG72l5Y8v80-00021-00005601-00005759 for wheat is increasing due to the xG72l5Y8v80-00022-00005760-00005959 unique viscoelastic and adhesive xG72l5Y8v80-00023-00005960-00006158 properties of gluten proteins which xG72l5Y8v80-00024-00006159-00006359 facilitate the production of processed xG72l5Y8v80-00025-00006360-00006569 foods whose consumption is increasing as xG72l5Y8v80-00026-00006570-00006681 a result of the worldwide xG72l5Y8v80-00027-00006683-00006889 industrialization process and the xG72l5Y8v80-00028-00006890-00007096 westernization of the diet wheat is an xG72l5Y8v80-00029-00007097-00007309 important source of carbohydrates xG72l5Y8v80-00030-00007309-00007544 globally it is the leading source of xG72l5Y8v80-00031-00007545-00007763 vegetal protein in human food having a xG72l5Y8v80-00032-00007764-00008023 protein content of about 13% which is xG72l5Y8v80-00033-00008025-00008201 relatively high compared to other major xG72l5Y8v80-00034-00008202-00008417 cereals but relatively low in protein xG72l5Y8v80-00035-00008418-00008624 quality for supplying essential amino xG72l5Y8v80-00036-00008625-00008888 acids when eaten as the whole grain xG72l5Y8v80-00037-00008889-00009101 wheat is a source of multiple nutrients xG72l5Y8v80-00038-00009102-00009335 and dietary fiber in a small part of the xG72l5Y8v80-00039-00009336-00009455 general population xG72l5Y8v80-00040-00009456-00009659 gluten the major part of wheat protein xG72l5Y8v80-00041-00009660-00009881 can trigger coeliac disease non coeliac xG72l5Y8v80-00042-00009882-00010127 gluten sensitivity gluten ataxia and xG72l5Y8v80-00043-00010128-00010788 dermatitis herpetiformis xG72l5Y8v80-00044-00010789-00011295 topic origin xG72l5Y8v80-00045-00011296-00011557 cultivation and repeated harvesting and xG72l5Y8v80-00046-00011558-00011776 sowing of the grains of wild grasses led xG72l5Y8v80-00047-00011777-00011977 to the creation of domestic strains as xG72l5Y8v80-00048-00011978-00012184 mutant forms sports of wheat were xG72l5Y8v80-00049-00012185-00012423 preferentially chosen by farmers in xG72l5Y8v80-00050-00012424-00012694 domesticated wheat grains are larger and xG72l5Y8v80-00051-00012695-00012891 the seeds inside the spikelets remain xG72l5Y8v80-00052-00012892-00013044 attached to the ear by a toughened xG72l5Y8v80-00053-00013045-00013330 rachis during harvesting in wild strains xG72l5Y8v80-00054-00013331-00013563 a more fragile rachis allows the ear to xG72l5Y8v80-00055-00013565-00013719 easily shatter and disperse the xG72l5Y8v80-00056-00013720-00014002 spikelets selection for these traits by xG72l5Y8v80-00057-00014003-00014185 farmers might not have been deliberately xG72l5Y8v80-00058-00014186-00014359 intended but simply have occurred xG72l5Y8v80-00059-00014360-00014533 because these traits made gathering the xG72l5Y8v80-00060-00014534-00014704 seeds easier nevertheless such xG72l5Y8v80-00061-00014705-00014919 incidental selection was an important xG72l5Y8v80-00062-00014920-00015208 part of crop domestication as the traits xG72l5Y8v80-00063-00015209-00015415 that improve wheat as a food source also xG72l5Y8v80-00064-00015416-00015634 involved the loss of the plants natural xG72l5Y8v80-00065-00015635-00015829 seed dispersal mechanisms highly xG72l5Y8v80-00066-00015830-00016027 domesticated strains of wheat cannot xG72l5Y8v80-00067-00016028-00016333 survive in the wild cultivation of wheat xG72l5Y8v80-00068-00016334-00016513 began to spread beyond the Fertile xG72l5Y8v80-00069-00016514-00016867 Crescent after about 8000 BCE Jared xG72l5Y8v80-00070-00016868-00017077 Diamond traces the spread of cultivated xG72l5Y8v80-00071-00017078-00017233 Emmer wheat starting in the Fertile xG72l5Y8v80-00072-00017234-00017574 Crescent some time before 8800 BCE xG72l5Y8v80-00073-00017575-00017806 archaeological analysis of wild Emmer xG72l5Y8v80-00074-00017807-00017983 indicates that it was first cultivated xG72l5Y8v80-00075-00017984-00018214 in the southern Levant with finds dating xG72l5Y8v80-00076-00018215-00018643 back as far as 9600 BCE genetic analysis xG72l5Y8v80-00077-00018644-00018862 of wild einkorn wheat suggests that it xG72l5Y8v80-00078-00018863-00019024 was first grown in the carica dag xG72l5Y8v80-00079-00019025-00019318 mountains in southeastern Turkey dated xG72l5Y8v80-00080-00019319-00019506 archaeological remains of einkorn wheat xG72l5Y8v80-00081-00019507-00019717 in settlement sites near this region xG72l5Y8v80-00082-00019718-00019947 including those at abu huraira in syria xG72l5Y8v80-00083-00019948-00020164 suggest the domestication of I incur xG72l5Y8v80-00084-00020165-00020425 near the carica dag mountain range with xG72l5Y8v80-00085-00020426-00020619 the anomalous exception of two grains xG72l5Y8v80-00086-00020620-00020878 from Iraq at dub the earliest carbon-14 xG72l5Y8v80-00087-00020879-00021115 date for einkorn wheat remains at abu xG72l5Y8v80-00088-00021116-00021574 huraira as 7800 to 7,500 years BCE xG72l5Y8v80-00089-00021575-00021814 remains of harvested Emmer from several xG72l5Y8v80-00090-00021815-00022003 sites near the Carrick adeg range have xG72l5Y8v80-00091-00022004-00022321 been dated to between 8600 @ko new and xG72l5Y8v80-00092-00022322-00022647 8400 BCE abu huraira that is in the xG72l5Y8v80-00093-00022648-00022915 neolithic period with the exception of xG72l5Y8v80-00094-00022916-00023221 Iraq at dub the earliest carbon-14 dated xG72l5Y8v80-00095-00023222-00023428 remains of domesticated Emmer wheat were xG72l5Y8v80-00096-00023429-00023619 found in the earliest levels of Tellez xG72l5Y8v80-00097-00023620-00023830 wet in the damascus basin near Mount xG72l5Y8v80-00098-00023831-00024118 Hermon in Syria these remains were dated xG72l5Y8v80-00099-00024119-00024331 by willem van Zeist and his assistant xG72l5Y8v80-00100-00024332-00024579 johanna Bakker here's to 8800 xG72l5Y8v80-00101-00024580-00024828 seee they also concluded that the xG72l5Y8v80-00102-00024829-00025053 settlers of Tel aswad did not develop xG72l5Y8v80-00103-00025054-00025227 this form of Emmer themselves but xG72l5Y8v80-00104-00025228-00025398 brought the domesticated grains with xG72l5Y8v80-00105-00025399-00025514 them from an as-yet unidentified xG72l5Y8v80-00106-00025515-00025764 location elsewhere the cultivation of xG72l5Y8v80-00107-00025764-00026024 Emmer reached Greece Cyprus and India by xG72l5Y8v80-00108-00026025-00026436 6500 BCE Egypt shortly after 6000 BCE xG72l5Y8v80-00109-00026437-00026787 and Germany and Spain by 5000 BCE the xG72l5Y8v80-00110-00026788-00027030 early Egyptians were developers of bread xG72l5Y8v80-00111-00027031-00027225 and the use of the oven and developed xG72l5Y8v80-00112-00027226-00027426 baking into one of the first large-scale xG72l5Y8v80-00113-00027427-00027867 food production industries by 3000 BCE xG72l5Y8v80-00114-00027868-00028070 wheat had reached the British Isles in xG72l5Y8v80-00115-00028072-00028341 Scandinavia a millennium later it xG72l5Y8v80-00116-00028342-00028635 reached China the oldest evidence for xG72l5Y8v80-00117-00028636-00028808 hexaploid wheat has been confirmed xG72l5Y8v80-00118-00028810-00029027 through DNA analysis of wheat seeds xG72l5Y8v80-00119-00029029-00029408 dating to around 6 400 6 200 BCE xG72l5Y8v80-00120-00029410-00029697 recovered from catalhoyuk the first xG72l5Y8v80-00121-00029698-00029895 identifiable bread wheat Triticum xG72l5Y8v80-00122-00029895-00030075 aestivum with sufficient gluten for xG72l5Y8v80-00123-00030076-00030279 yeasted breads has been identified using xG72l5Y8v80-00124-00030280-00030543 DNA analysis in samples from a granary xG72l5Y8v80-00125-00030544-00030849 dating to approximately 1350 BCE at xG72l5Y8v80-00126-00030850-00031086 Aceros in Macedonia from Asia wheat xG72l5Y8v80-00127-00031087-00031347 continued to spread across Europe in the xG72l5Y8v80-00128-00031348-00031551 British Isles wheat straw thatch was xG72l5Y8v80-00129-00031552-00031739 used for roofing in the Bronze Age and xG72l5Y8v80-00130-00031741-00031952 was in common use until the late 19th xG72l5Y8v80-00131-00031954-00032511 century xG72l5Y8v80-00132-00032512-00033104 topic farming techniques xG72l5Y8v80-00133-00033105-00033312 technological advances in soil xG72l5Y8v80-00134-00033313-00033504 preparation and seed placement at xG72l5Y8v80-00135-00033505-00033735 planting time use of crop rotation and xG72l5Y8v80-00136-00033736-00033951 fertilizers to improve plant growth and xG72l5Y8v80-00137-00033952-00034164 advances in harvesting methods have all xG72l5Y8v80-00138-00034165-00034347 combined to promote wheat as a viable xG72l5Y8v80-00139-00034348-00034584 crop when the use of seed drills xG72l5Y8v80-00140-00034585-00034821 replaced broadcasting sowing of seed in xG72l5Y8v80-00141-00034822-00035049 the 18th century another great increase xG72l5Y8v80-00142-00035050-00035367 in productivity occurred yields of pure xG72l5Y8v80-00143-00035368-00035592 wheat per unit area increased as methods xG72l5Y8v80-00144-00035593-00035796 of crop rotation were applied to long xG72l5Y8v80-00145-00035797-00035964 cultivated land and the use of xG72l5Y8v80-00146-00035965-00036255 fertilisers became widespread improved xG72l5Y8v80-00147-00036256-00036465 agricultural husbandry has more recently xG72l5Y8v80-00148-00036466-00036690 included threshing machines and reaping xG72l5Y8v80-00149-00036691-00036924 machines the combine harvester tractor xG72l5Y8v80-00150-00036925-00037104 drawn cultivators and planters and xG72l5Y8v80-00151-00037105-00037341 better varieties see Green Revolution in xG72l5Y8v80-00152-00037342-00037614 nor intend wheat great expansion of xG72l5Y8v80-00153-00037615-00037809 wheat production occurred as new arable xG72l5Y8v80-00154-00037810-00037980 land was farmed in the Americas in xG72l5Y8v80-00155-00037981-00038754 Australia in the 19th and 20th centuries xG72l5Y8v80-00156-00038755-00039271 topic genetics xG72l5Y8v80-00157-00039272-00039508 huit genetics is more complicated than xG72l5Y8v80-00158-00039509-00039732 that of most other domesticated species xG72l5Y8v80-00159-00039733-00040021 some wheat species are diploid with two xG72l5Y8v80-00160-00040022-00040246 sets of chromosomes but many are stable xG72l5Y8v80-00161-00040247-00040450 polyploids with four sets of chromosomes xG72l5Y8v80-00162-00040451-00040822 tetraploid or six hexaploid einkorn xG72l5Y8v80-00163-00040823-00041089 wheat tea menachem is diploid double A xG72l5Y8v80-00164-00041090-00041344 two compliments of seven chromosomes 2n xG72l5Y8v80-00165-00041345-00041716 equals 14 most tetraploid wheats eg xG72l5Y8v80-00166-00041717-00041893 Emmer and durum wheat are derived from xG72l5Y8v80-00167-00041894-00041971 wild Emmer xG72l5Y8v80-00168-00041972-00042286 TDI co coitus wild Emmer is itself the xG72l5Y8v80-00169-00042287-00042508 result of a hybridization between two xG72l5Y8v80-00170-00042509-00042796 diploid wild grasses T or R 2 and a wild xG72l5Y8v80-00171-00042797-00043018 goat grass such as aegilops C or C or a xG72l5Y8v80-00172-00043019-00043351 spell toys the unknown grass has never xG72l5Y8v80-00173-00043352-00043576 been identified among now surviving wild xG72l5Y8v80-00174-00043577-00043792 grasses but the closest living relative xG72l5Y8v80-00175-00043793-00043864 as aegilops xG72l5Y8v80-00176-00043865-00044158 spell toys the hybridization that formed xG72l5Y8v80-00177-00044159-00044437 wild Emmer AABB occurred in the wild xG72l5Y8v80-00178-00044438-00044638 long before domestication and was driven xG72l5Y8v80-00179-00044639-00044956 by natural selection hexaploid wheats xG72l5Y8v80-00180-00044957-00045175 evolved in farmer's fields either xG72l5Y8v80-00181-00045176-00045370 domesticated Emmer or durum wheat xG72l5Y8v80-00182-00045371-00045586 hybridized with yet another wild diploid xG72l5Y8v80-00183-00045587-00045796 grass egg elapsed ouchy to make the xG72l5Y8v80-00184-00045797-00045994 hexaploid wheats spelt wheat and bread xG72l5Y8v80-00185-00045995-00046249 wheat these have three sets of paired xG72l5Y8v80-00186-00046250-00046450 chromosomes three times as many as in xG72l5Y8v80-00187-00046451-00046639 diploid wheat the presence of certain xG72l5Y8v80-00188-00046640-00046807 versions of wheat genes has been xG72l5Y8v80-00189-00046808-00047068 important for crop yields apart from xG72l5Y8v80-00190-00047069-00047265 mutant versions of genes selected in xG72l5Y8v80-00191-00047266-00047482 antiquity during domestication there has xG72l5Y8v80-00192-00047483-00047680 been more recent deliberate selection of xG72l5Y8v80-00193-00047681-00047794 alleles that affect growth xG72l5Y8v80-00194-00047795-00048085 characteristics genes for the dwarfing xG72l5Y8v80-00195-00048086-00048292 trait first used by Japanese wheat xG72l5Y8v80-00196-00048293-00048487 breeders to produce short stock tweet xG72l5Y8v80-00197-00048488-00048685 have had a huge effect on wheat yields xG72l5Y8v80-00198-00048686-00048889 worldwide and were major factors in the xG72l5Y8v80-00199-00048890-00049065 success of the Green Revolution in xG72l5Y8v80-00200-00049066-00049273 Mexico and Asia an initiative led by xG72l5Y8v80-00201-00049274-00049603 Norman Borlaug dwarfing genes enable the xG72l5Y8v80-00202-00049604-00049771 carbon that is fixed in the plant during xG72l5Y8v80-00203-00049772-00049978 photosynthesis to be diverted towards xG72l5Y8v80-00204-00049979-00050149 seed production and they also help xG72l5Y8v80-00205-00050150-00050415 prevent the problem of lodging lodging xG72l5Y8v80-00206-00050416-00050620 occurs when an ear stock falls over in xG72l5Y8v80-00207-00050621-00050782 the wind and rots on the ground and xG72l5Y8v80-00208-00050783-00051001 heavy nitrogenous fertilization of wheat xG72l5Y8v80-00209-00051002-00051202 makes the grass grow taller and become xG72l5Y8v80-00210-00051203-00051544 more susceptible to this problem by 1997 xG72l5Y8v80-00211-00051545-00051844 81% of the developing world's wheat area xG72l5Y8v80-00212-00051845-00052069 was planted to semi-dwarf wheats giving xG72l5Y8v80-00213-00052070-00052221 both increased yields and better xG72l5Y8v80-00214-00052222-00052502 response to nitrogenous fertilizer xG72l5Y8v80-00215-00052503-00052766 wild grasses in the genus triticum and xG72l5Y8v80-00216-00052766-00052985 related genera and grasses such as rye xG72l5Y8v80-00217-00052986-00053153 have been a source of many disease xG72l5Y8v80-00218-00053154-00053354 resistance traits for cultivated wheat xG72l5Y8v80-00219-00053354-00053629 breeding since the 1930s heterosis or xG72l5Y8v80-00220-00053630-00053861 hybrid vigor as in the familiar f1 xG72l5Y8v80-00221-00053862-00054067 hybrids of maize occurs in common xG72l5Y8v80-00222-00054069-00054269 hexaploid wheat but it is difficult to xG72l5Y8v80-00223-00054270-00054470 produce seed of hybrid cultivars on a xG72l5Y8v80-00224-00054471-00054671 commercial scale as is done with maize xG72l5Y8v80-00225-00054672-00054869 because wheat flowers are perfect and xG72l5Y8v80-00226-00054870-00055124 normally self pollinate commercial xG72l5Y8v80-00227-00055125-00055307 hybrid wheat seed has been produced xG72l5Y8v80-00228-00055308-00055535 using chemical hybridizing agents these xG72l5Y8v80-00229-00055536-00055721 chemicals selectively interfere with xG72l5Y8v80-00230-00055722-00055891 pollen development or naturally xG72l5Y8v80-00231-00055892-00056075 occurring cytoplasmic male sterility xG72l5Y8v80-00232-00056076-00056390 systems hybrid wheat has been a limited xG72l5Y8v80-00233-00056391-00056546 commercial success in Europe xG72l5Y8v80-00234-00056547-00056765 particularly France the United States xG72l5Y8v80-00235-00056766-00057062 and South Africa f1 hybrid wheat xG72l5Y8v80-00236-00057063-00057260 cultivars should not be confused with xG72l5Y8v80-00237-00057261-00057454 the standard method of breeding inbred xG72l5Y8v80-00238-00057455-00057667 wheat cultivars by crossing two lines xG72l5Y8v80-00239-00057669-00057920 using hand emasculation then selfing or xG72l5Y8v80-00240-00057921-00058124 inbreeding the progeny many ten or more xG72l5Y8v80-00241-00058125-00058334 generations before release selections xG72l5Y8v80-00242-00058335-00058499 are identified to be released as a xG72l5Y8v80-00243-00058500-00058850 variety or cultivar synthetic hexaploid xG72l5Y8v80-00244-00058851-00059045 is made by crossing the wild goat grass xG72l5Y8v80-00245-00059046-00059270 wheat ancestor aegilops tashi and xG72l5Y8v80-00246-00059271-00059432 various durum wheats are now being xG72l5Y8v80-00247-00059433-00059639 deployed and these increase the genetic xG72l5Y8v80-00248-00059640-00059858 diversity of cultivated wheats stomata xG72l5Y8v80-00249-00059859-00060059 or leaf pores are involved in both xG72l5Y8v80-00250-00060060-00060290 uptake of carbon dioxide gas from the xG72l5Y8v80-00251-00060291-00060488 atmosphere and water vapor losses from xG72l5Y8v80-00252-00060489-00060694 the leaf due to water transpiration xG72l5Y8v80-00253-00060695-00060983 basic physiological investigation of xG72l5Y8v80-00254-00060984-00061196 these gas exchange processes has yielded xG72l5Y8v80-00255-00061197-00061439 valuable carbon isotope based methods xG72l5Y8v80-00256-00061440-00061567 that are used for breeding wheat xG72l5Y8v80-00257-00061569-00061757 varieties with improved water use xG72l5Y8v80-00258-00061758-00062048 efficiency these varieties can improve xG72l5Y8v80-00259-00062049-00062291 crop productivity in rain-fed dryland xG72l5Y8v80-00260-00062291-00062558 wheat farms in 2010 a team of UK xG72l5Y8v80-00261-00062559-00062842 scientists funded by BBSRC announced xG72l5Y8v80-00262-00062844-00063014 they had decoded the wheat genome for xG72l5Y8v80-00263-00063015-00063245 the first time 95 percent of the genome xG72l5Y8v80-00264-00063246-00063442 of a variety of wheat known as chinese xG72l5Y8v80-00265-00063444-00063766 spring line 42 this genome was released xG72l5Y8v80-00266-00063767-00063979 in a basic format for scientists and xG72l5Y8v80-00267-00063980-00064172 plant breeders to use but was not a xG72l5Y8v80-00268-00064173-00064370 fully annotated sequence which was xG72l5Y8v80-00269-00064371-00064550 reported in some of the media on the xG72l5Y8v80-00270-00064551-00064823 29th of November 2012 an essentially xG72l5Y8v80-00271-00064824-00065015 complete gene set of bread wheat was xG72l5Y8v80-00272-00065016-00065083 published xG72l5Y8v80-00273-00065084-00065372 random shotgun libraries of total DNA xG72l5Y8v80-00274-00065373-00065777 and cDNA from the T aestivum CV Chinese xG72l5Y8v80-00275-00065778-00065891 spring CS xG72l5Y8v80-00276-00065892-00066215 forty-two were sequenced in Roche 454 xG72l5Y8v80-00277-00066216-00066532 pyro sequencer using GS f LX titanium xG72l5Y8v80-00278-00066533-00066872 and GS F lx+ platforms to generate 85 xG72l5Y8v80-00279-00066873-00067154 gigabits of sequence 220 million reads xG72l5Y8v80-00280-00067155-00067406 equivalent to 5x genome coverage and xG72l5Y8v80-00281-00067407-00067637 identified between 94 thousand and xG72l5Y8v80-00282-00067638-00067862 ninety six thousand genes this sequence xG72l5Y8v80-00283-00067863-00068141 data provides direct access to about 96 xG72l5Y8v80-00284-00068142-00068324 thousand genes relying on earth xG72l5Y8v80-00285-00068325-00068650 Oligocene sets from other serials and xG72l5Y8v80-00286-00068651-00068855 represents an essential step towards a xG72l5Y8v80-00287-00068856-00069092 systematic understanding of biology and xG72l5Y8v80-00288-00069093-00069305 engineering the cereal crop for valuable xG72l5Y8v80-00289-00069306-00069587 traits its implications in cereal xG72l5Y8v80-00290-00069588-00069761 genetics and breeding includes the xG72l5Y8v80-00291-00069762-00069955 examination of genome variation xG72l5Y8v80-00292-00069956-00070175 Association mapping using natural xG72l5Y8v80-00293-00070176-00070418 populations performing wide crosses an xG72l5Y8v80-00294-00070419-00070594 alien introgression studying the xG72l5Y8v80-00295-00070595-00070823 expression and nucleotide polymorphism xG72l5Y8v80-00296-00070824-00071068 in transcriptomes analyzing population xG72l5Y8v80-00297-00071069-00071291 genetics and evolutionary biology and xG72l5Y8v80-00298-00071292-00071524 studying the epigenetic modifications xG72l5Y8v80-00299-00071525-00071816 moreover the availability of large-scale xG72l5Y8v80-00300-00071817-00072053 genetic markers generated through NGS xG72l5Y8v80-00301-00072054-00072287 technology will facilitate trade mapping xG72l5Y8v80-00302-00072288-00072467 and make marker-assisted breeding much xG72l5Y8v80-00303-00072468-00072536 feasible xG72l5Y8v80-00304-00072537-00072775 moreover the data not only facilitate in xG72l5Y8v80-00305-00072776-00072974 deciphering the complex phenomena such xG72l5Y8v80-00306-00072975-00073225 as heterosis and epigenetics it may also xG72l5Y8v80-00307-00073226-00073381 enable breeders to predict which xG72l5Y8v80-00308-00073382-00073582 fragment of a chromosome is derived from xG72l5Y8v80-00309-00073583-00073799 which parent in the progeny line thereby xG72l5Y8v80-00310-00073800-00074006 recognizing crossover events occurring xG72l5Y8v80-00311-00074007-00074186 in every progeny line and inserting xG72l5Y8v80-00312-00074187-00074381 markers on genetic and physical maps xG72l5Y8v80-00313-00074382-00074666 without ambiguity in due course this xG72l5Y8v80-00314-00074667-00074861 will assist in introducing specific xG72l5Y8v80-00315-00074862-00075065 chromosomal segments from one cultivar xG72l5Y8v80-00316-00075066-00075136 to another xG72l5Y8v80-00317-00075137-00075406 besides the researchers had identified xG72l5Y8v80-00318-00075407-00075656 diverse classes of genes participating xG72l5Y8v80-00319-00075657-00075875 in energy production metabolism and xG72l5Y8v80-00320-00075876-00076043 growth that were probably linked with xG72l5Y8v80-00321-00076044-00076243 crop yield which can now be utilized for xG72l5Y8v80-00322-00076244-00076523 the development of transgenic wheat thus xG72l5Y8v80-00323-00076524-00076718 whole genome sequence of wheat and the xG72l5Y8v80-00324-00076719-00076943 availability of thousands of s and p s-- xG72l5Y8v80-00325-00076944-00077135 will inevitably permit the breeders to xG72l5Y8v80-00326-00077136-00077348 stride towards identifying novel traits xG72l5Y8v80-00327-00077349-00077555 providing biological knowledge and xG72l5Y8v80-00328-00077556-00078260 empowering biodiversity based breeding xG72l5Y8v80-00329-00078261-00078793 topic plant-breeding xG72l5Y8v80-00330-00078794-00079036 in traditional agricultural systems xG72l5Y8v80-00331-00079037-00079243 wheat populations often consist of xG72l5Y8v80-00332-00079244-00079471 laundresses informal farmer maintained xG72l5Y8v80-00333-00079472-00079672 populations that often maintain high xG72l5Y8v80-00334-00079673-00079845 levels of morphological diversity xG72l5Y8v80-00335-00079846-00080107 although laundresses of wheat are no xG72l5Y8v80-00336-00080108-00080272 longer grown in Europe and North America xG72l5Y8v80-00337-00080273-00080500 they continue to be important elsewhere xG72l5Y8v80-00338-00080501-00080785 the origins of formal wheat breeding lie xG72l5Y8v80-00339-00080786-00081007 in the 19th century when single line xG72l5Y8v80-00340-00081008-00081193 varieties were created through selection xG72l5Y8v80-00341-00081194-00081400 of seed from a single plant noted to xG72l5Y8v80-00342-00081401-00081661 have desired properties modern wheat xG72l5Y8v80-00343-00081662-00081850 breeding developed in the first years of xG72l5Y8v80-00344-00081851-00082078 the 20th century and was closely linked xG72l5Y8v80-00345-00082079-00082273 to the development of Mendelian genetics xG72l5Y8v80-00346-00082274-00082546 the standard method of breeding inbred xG72l5Y8v80-00347-00082547-00082765 wheat cultivars is by crossing two lines xG72l5Y8v80-00348-00082766-00083014 using hand emasculation then selfing or xG72l5Y8v80-00349-00083015-00083281 inbreeding the progeny selections are xG72l5Y8v80-00350-00083282-00083455 identified shown to have the genes xG72l5Y8v80-00351-00083456-00083728 responsible for the verita 10 or more xG72l5Y8v80-00352-00083729-00083965 generations before release as a variety xG72l5Y8v80-00353-00083966-00084124 or cultivar the major breeding xG72l5Y8v80-00354-00084125-00084352 objectives include high grain yield good xG72l5Y8v80-00355-00084353-00084583 quality disease and insect resistance xG72l5Y8v80-00356-00084584-00084763 and tolerance to abiotic stresses xG72l5Y8v80-00357-00084764-00084964 including mineral moisture and heat xG72l5Y8v80-00358-00084965-00085213 tolerance the major diseases in xG72l5Y8v80-00359-00085214-00085378 temperate environments include the xG72l5Y8v80-00360-00085379-00085567 following arranged in a rough order of xG72l5Y8v80-00361-00085568-00085735 their significance from cooler to warmer xG72l5Y8v80-00362-00085736-00085987 climates ice pot stagger nose poor and xG72l5Y8v80-00363-00085988-00086176 adorned blotch also known as gloom xG72l5Y8v80-00364-00086177-00086401 blotch yellow or stripe rust powdery xG72l5Y8v80-00365-00086402-00086611 mildew septoria triticeae blotch xG72l5Y8v80-00366-00086612-00086854 sometimes known as leaf blotch Brown or xG72l5Y8v80-00367-00086855-00087109 leaf rust Fusarium head blight tan spot xG72l5Y8v80-00368-00087110-00087430 and stem rust in tropical areas spot xG72l5Y8v80-00369-00087431-00087610 blotch also known as Helmand those xG72l5Y8v80-00370-00087611-00087837 Boreum leaf blight is also important xG72l5Y8v80-00371-00087838-00088084 weed has also been the subject of xG72l5Y8v80-00372-00088085-00088282 mutation breeding with the use of gamma xG72l5Y8v80-00373-00088283-00088528 x-rays ultraviolet light and sometimes xG72l5Y8v80-00374-00088529-00088825 harsh chemicals the varieties of wheat xG72l5Y8v80-00375-00088826-00089002 created through these methods are in the xG72l5Y8v80-00376-00089003-00089296 hundreds going as far back as 1960 more xG72l5Y8v80-00377-00089297-00089437 of them being created in higher xG72l5Y8v80-00378-00089438-00089731 populated countries such as China bread xG72l5Y8v80-00379-00089732-00089887 wheat with high grain iron and zinc xG72l5Y8v80-00380-00089888-00090076 content was developed through gamma xG72l5Y8v80-00381-00090077-00090349 radiation breeding modern bread wheat xG72l5Y8v80-00382-00090350-00090532 varieties have been crossed bred to xG72l5Y8v80-00383-00090533-00090724 contain greater amounts of gluten which xG72l5Y8v80-00384-00090725-00090919 affords significant advantages for xG72l5Y8v80-00385-00090920-00091087 improving the quality of breads and xG72l5Y8v80-00386-00091088-00091299 pastas from a functional point of view xG72l5Y8v80-00387-00091300-00091539 gluten is appreciated for its unique xG72l5Y8v80-00388-00091540-00091696 viscoelastic properties xG72l5Y8v80-00389-00091697-00091930 it gives elasticity to dough and is xG72l5Y8v80-00390-00091931-00092122 responsible for dough's gas retaining xG72l5Y8v80-00391-00092123-00092214 proper xG72l5Y8v80-00392-00092215-00092664 you xG72l5Y8v80-00393-00092665-00093167 topic hybrid wheat xG72l5Y8v80-00394-00093168-00093428 because wheat self pollinates creating xG72l5Y8v80-00395-00093429-00093613 hybrid varieties as extremely xG72l5Y8v80-00396-00093614-00093835 labor-intensive the high cost of hybrid xG72l5Y8v80-00397-00093836-00093998 wheat seed relative to its moderate xG72l5Y8v80-00398-00093999-00094217 benefits have kept farmers from adopting xG72l5Y8v80-00399-00094218-00094421 them widely despite nearly 90 years of xG72l5Y8v80-00400-00094422-00094738 effort f1 hybrid wheat cultivars should xG72l5Y8v80-00401-00094739-00094891 not be confused with wheat cultivars xG72l5Y8v80-00402-00094892-00095142 deriving from standard plant breeding xG72l5Y8v80-00403-00095143-00095404 heterosis or hybrid vigor as in the xG72l5Y8v80-00404-00095405-00095654 familiar f1 hybrids of maize occurs in xG72l5Y8v80-00405-00095655-00095830 common pecks employed wheat but it is xG72l5Y8v80-00406-00095831-00096010 difficult to produce seed of hybrid xG72l5Y8v80-00407-00096011-00096221 cultivars on a commercial scale as is xG72l5Y8v80-00408-00096222-00096398 done with maize because wheat flowers xG72l5Y8v80-00409-00096399-00096566 are perfect in the botanical sense xG72l5Y8v80-00410-00096567-00096728 meaning they have both male and female xG72l5Y8v80-00411-00096729-00096973 parts and normally self pollinate xG72l5Y8v80-00412-00096974-00097213 commercial hybrid wheat seed has been xG72l5Y8v80-00413-00097214-00097409 produced using chemical hybridizing xG72l5Y8v80-00414-00097410-00097588 agents plant growth regulators that xG72l5Y8v80-00415-00097589-00097774 selectively interfere with pollen xG72l5Y8v80-00416-00097775-00097948 development or naturally occurring xG72l5Y8v80-00417-00097949-00098166 cytoplasmic male sterility systems xG72l5Y8v80-00418-00098167-00098401 hybrid wheat has been a limited xG72l5Y8v80-00419-00098402-00098542 commercial success in Europe xG72l5Y8v80-00420-00098543-00098776 particularly France the United States xG72l5Y8v80-00421-00098777-00099387 and South Africa xG72l5Y8v80-00422-00099388-00100031 topic hold versus free threshing wheat xG72l5Y8v80-00423-00100032-00100271 the four wild species of wheat along xG72l5Y8v80-00424-00100272-00100493 with the domesticated varieties anchor xG72l5Y8v80-00425-00100494-00100663 and Emmer and spelt have hulls xG72l5Y8v80-00426-00100664-00100918 this more primitive morphology in xG72l5Y8v80-00427-00100919-00101156 evolutionary terms consists of toughened xG72l5Y8v80-00428-00101157-00101336 glooms that tightly enclosed the grains xG72l5Y8v80-00429-00101337-00101563 and in domesticated wheats a semi xG72l5Y8v80-00430-00101564-00101747 brittle rachis that breaks easily on xG72l5Y8v80-00431-00101748-00101974 threshing the result is that when xG72l5Y8v80-00432-00101975-00102151 threshed the wheat ear breaks up into xG72l5Y8v80-00433-00102152-00102430 spikelets to obtain the grain further xG72l5Y8v80-00434-00102431-00102655 processing such as milling or pounding xG72l5Y8v80-00435-00102656-00102859 is needed to remove the hulls or husks xG72l5Y8v80-00436-00102860-00103178 in contrast in free threshing or naked xG72l5Y8v80-00437-00103179-00103378 forms such as durum wheat and common xG72l5Y8v80-00438-00103379-00103540 wheat the glooms are fragile and the xG72l5Y8v80-00439-00103541-00103807 Rotch is tough on threshing the chaff xG72l5Y8v80-00440-00103808-00104041 breaks up releasing the grains hulled xG72l5Y8v80-00441-00104042-00104225 wheats are often stored as spikelets xG72l5Y8v80-00442-00104226-00104392 because the toughened glooms give good xG72l5Y8v80-00443-00104393-00105105 protection against pests of stored grain xG72l5Y8v80-00444-00105106-00105594 topic naming xG72l5Y8v80-00445-00105595-00105858 there are many botanical classification xG72l5Y8v80-00446-00105858-00106085 systems used for wheat species discussed xG72l5Y8v80-00447-00106086-00106295 in a separate article on wheat taxonomy xG72l5Y8v80-00448-00106296-00106563 the name of the wheat species from one xG72l5Y8v80-00449-00106564-00106755 information source may not be the name xG72l5Y8v80-00450-00106756-00107052 of a wheat species in another within a xG72l5Y8v80-00451-00107053-00107250 species wheat cultivars are further xG72l5Y8v80-00452-00107251-00107475 classified by wheat breeders and farmers xG72l5Y8v80-00453-00107476-00107751 in terms of growing season such as xG72l5Y8v80-00454-00107752-00108069 winter wheat versus spring wheat protein xG72l5Y8v80-00455-00108070-00108300 content bread wheat protein content xG72l5Y8v80-00456-00108301-00108564 ranges from 10% in some soft wheats with xG72l5Y8v80-00457-00108565-00108825 high starch content to 15% in hard xG72l5Y8v80-00458-00108826-00109116 wheats the quality of the wheat protein xG72l5Y8v80-00459-00109117-00109338 gluten this protein can determine the xG72l5Y8v80-00460-00109339-00109533 suitability of the wheat to a particular xG72l5Y8v80-00461-00109533-00109857 dish a strong and elastic gluten present xG72l5Y8v80-00462-00109858-00110040 in bread wheats enables dough to trap xG72l5Y8v80-00463-00110041-00110241 carbon dioxide during leavening but xG72l5Y8v80-00464-00110242-00110418 elastic gluten interferes with the xG72l5Y8v80-00465-00110419-00110682 rolling of pasta into thin sheets the xG72l5Y8v80-00466-00110683-00110895 gluten protein in durum wheats used for xG72l5Y8v80-00467-00110896-00111225 pasta is strong but not elastic grain xG72l5Y8v80-00468-00111226-00111513 color red white or amber many wheat xG72l5Y8v80-00469-00111514-00111699 varieties are reddish brown due to xG72l5Y8v80-00470-00111700-00111897 phenolic compounds present in the bran xG72l5Y8v80-00471-00111898-00112085 layer which are transformed to pigments xG72l5Y8v80-00472-00112086-00112358 by browning enzymes white wheats have a xG72l5Y8v80-00473-00112359-00112566 lower content of phenolic sand browning xG72l5Y8v80-00474-00112567-00112728 enzymes and are generally less xG72l5Y8v80-00475-00112729-00112926 astringent in taste than red wheats xG72l5Y8v80-00476-00112927-00113175 the yellowish color of durum wheat and xG72l5Y8v80-00477-00113176-00113391 semolina flour made from it is due to a xG72l5Y8v80-00478-00113392-00113607 carotenoid pigment called lutein which xG72l5Y8v80-00479-00113608-00113820 can be oxidized to a colorless form by xG72l5Y8v80-00480-00113821-00114446 enzymes present in the grain xG72l5Y8v80-00481-00114447-00114969 topic major cultivated species of wheat xG72l5Y8v80-00482-00114970-00115108 you xG72l5Y8v80-00483-00115109-00115481 hexaploid species common wheat or bread xG72l5Y8v80-00484-00115482-00115745 weak tea aestivum a hexaploid species xG72l5Y8v80-00485-00115746-00115931 that is the most widely cultivated in xG72l5Y8v80-00486-00115932-00116013 the world xG72l5Y8v80-00487-00116014-00116324 spelt T spelt ax another hexaploid xG72l5Y8v80-00488-00116325-00116574 species cultivated in limited quantities xG72l5Y8v80-00489-00116575-00116809 spelt is sometimes considered a xG72l5Y8v80-00490-00116810-00116996 subspecies of the closely related xG72l5Y8v80-00491-00116997-00117253 species common wheat T aestivum in which xG72l5Y8v80-00492-00117254-00117478 case its botanical name is considered to xG72l5Y8v80-00493-00117479-00117824 be TS to MSSP spelt a' tetraploid xG72l5Y8v80-00494-00117825-00118228 species durum T durum a tetraploid form xG72l5Y8v80-00495-00118229-00118421 of wheat widely used today and the xG72l5Y8v80-00496-00118422-00118621 second most widely cultivated wheat xG72l5Y8v80-00497-00118622-00118973 Emmer t dico con a tetraploid species xG72l5Y8v80-00498-00118974-00119200 cultivated in ancient times but no xG72l5Y8v80-00499-00119201-00119539 longer in widespread use Khorasan t xG72l5Y8v80-00500-00119540-00119873 turgid MSSP tyrannic 'm also called xG72l5Y8v80-00501-00119874-00120079 Titor anakim is a tetraploid wheat xG72l5Y8v80-00502-00120080-00120356 species it is an ancient grain type xG72l5Y8v80-00503-00120357-00120596 Khorasan refers to a historical region xG72l5Y8v80-00504-00120597-00120763 in modern-day afghanistan and the xG72l5Y8v80-00505-00120764-00121039 northeast of iran this grain is twice xG72l5Y8v80-00506-00121040-00121220 the size of modern-day wheat and is xG72l5Y8v80-00507-00121221-00121426 known for its rich nutty flavor diploid xG72l5Y8v80-00508-00121427-00121759 species i'm current tea menachem a xG72l5Y8v80-00509-00121760-00121966 diploid species with wild and cultivated xG72l5Y8v80-00510-00121967-00122299 variants domesticated at the same time xG72l5Y8v80-00511-00122300-00122681 as Emmer wheat topic classes used in xG72l5Y8v80-00512-00122682-00122890 north america the named classes of wheat xG72l5Y8v80-00513-00122891-00123091 in english are more or less the same in xG72l5Y8v80-00514-00123092-00123301 canada as in the US as broadly the same xG72l5Y8v80-00515-00123302-00123511 commercial cash crop strains can be xG72l5Y8v80-00516-00123512-00123770 found in both the classes used in the xG72l5Y8v80-00517-00123771-00123976 United States are durum very hard xG72l5Y8v80-00518-00123977-00124213 translucent light-colored grain used to xG72l5Y8v80-00519-00124214-00124450 make semolina flour for pasta and bulgur xG72l5Y8v80-00520-00124451-00124682 high in protein specifically gluten xG72l5Y8v80-00521-00124683-00124990 protein hard red spring hard brownish xG72l5Y8v80-00522-00124991-00125171 high-protein wheat used for bread and xG72l5Y8v80-00523-00125172-00125468 hard baked goods bread flour and high xG72l5Y8v80-00524-00125469-00125665 gluten flowers are commonly made from xG72l5Y8v80-00525-00125666-00125933 hard red spring wheat it is primarily xG72l5Y8v80-00526-00125933-00126121 traded at the Minneapolis Grain Exchange xG72l5Y8v80-00527-00126122-00126407 hard red winter hard brownish mellow xG72l5Y8v80-00528-00126408-00126625 high-protein wheat used for bread hard xG72l5Y8v80-00529-00126626-00126806 baked goods and as an adjunct and other xG72l5Y8v80-00530-00126807-00127022 flours to increase protein in pastry xG72l5Y8v80-00531-00127023-00127303 flour for pie crusts some brands of xG72l5Y8v80-00532-00127304-00127483 unbleached all-purpose flowers are xG72l5Y8v80-00533-00127484-00127660 commonly made from hard red winter wheat xG72l5Y8v80-00534-00127661-00127943 alone it is primarily traded on the xG72l5Y8v80-00535-00127944-00128168 Kansas City Board of Trade one variety xG72l5Y8v80-00536-00128169-00128389 is known as turkey red wheat and was xG72l5Y8v80-00537-00128390-00128501 brought to Kansas by xG72l5Y8v80-00538-00128502-00128750 Mennonite immigrants from Russia soft xG72l5Y8v80-00539-00128751-00128999 red winter soft low protein wheat used xG72l5Y8v80-00540-00129000-00129224 for cakes pie crusts biscuits and xG72l5Y8v80-00541-00129225-00129566 muffins cake flour pastry flour and some xG72l5Y8v80-00542-00129567-00129767 self-rising flowers with baking powder xG72l5Y8v80-00543-00129768-00130013 and salt added for example are made from xG72l5Y8v80-00544-00130014-00130277 soft red winter wheat it is primarily xG72l5Y8v80-00545-00130278-00130451 traded on the Chicago Board of Trade xG72l5Y8v80-00546-00130452-00130730 hard white part light-colored opaque xG72l5Y8v80-00547-00130731-00130967 chalky medium protein wheat planted in xG72l5Y8v80-00548-00130968-00131246 dry temperate areas used for bread and xG72l5Y8v80-00549-00131247-00131525 brewing soft white soft light-colored xG72l5Y8v80-00550-00131526-00131705 very low protein wheat grown in xG72l5Y8v80-00551-00131706-00131966 temperate moist areas used for pie xG72l5Y8v80-00552-00131967-00132245 crusts and pastry pastry flour for xG72l5Y8v80-00553-00132246-00132449 example is sometimes made from soft xG72l5Y8v80-00554-00132450-00132638 white winter wheat bread wheats may need xG72l5Y8v80-00555-00132639-00132863 bleaching therefore white wheats usually xG72l5Y8v80-00556-00132864-00133064 command higher prices than red wheats on xG72l5Y8v80-00557-00133065-00133676 the commodities market xG72l5Y8v80-00558-00133677-00134357 topic as of food raw wheat can be ground xG72l5Y8v80-00559-00134358-00134573 into flour or using hard durum wheat xG72l5Y8v80-00560-00134574-00134750 only can be ground into semolina xG72l5Y8v80-00561-00134751-00134954 germinated and dried creating malt xG72l5Y8v80-00562-00134955-00135154 crushed or cut into cracked wheat par xG72l5Y8v80-00563-00135155-00135401 boiled or steamed dried crushed and de xG72l5Y8v80-00564-00135402-00135596 brand into bulgur also known as growths xG72l5Y8v80-00565-00135597-00135890 if the raw wheat is broken into parts at xG72l5Y8v80-00566-00135891-00136088 the mill as is usually done the outer xG72l5Y8v80-00567-00136089-00136313 husk or bran can be used several ways xG72l5Y8v80-00568-00136314-00136516 wheat is a major ingredient in such xG72l5Y8v80-00569-00136517-00136727 foods as bread porridge crackers xG72l5Y8v80-00570-00136728-00137021 biscuits muesli pancakes pasta and xG72l5Y8v80-00571-00137022-00137324 noodles pies pastries pizza polenta and xG72l5Y8v80-00572-00137325-00137609 semolina cakes cookies muffins rolls xG72l5Y8v80-00573-00137610-00137996 Donuts gravy beer vodka Boza a fermented xG72l5Y8v80-00574-00137997-00138182 beverage and breakfast cereals in xG72l5Y8v80-00575-00138183-00138413 manufacturing wheat products gluten is xG72l5Y8v80-00576-00138414-00138608 valuable to impart viscoelastic xG72l5Y8v80-00577-00138609-00138827 functional qualities in dough enabling xG72l5Y8v80-00578-00138828-00139022 the preparation of diverse processed xG72l5Y8v80-00579-00139023-00139271 foods such as breads noodles and pasta xG72l5Y8v80-00580-00139272-00139915 that facilitate wheat consumption xG72l5Y8v80-00581-00139916-00140408 topic nutrition xG72l5Y8v80-00582-00140409-00140795 in 100 grams wheat provides 327 xG72l5Y8v80-00583-00140796-00141101 kilocalories and as a rich source 20% or xG72l5Y8v80-00584-00141102-00141359 more of the daily value DV of multiple xG72l5Y8v80-00585-00141360-00141560 essential nutrients such as protein xG72l5Y8v80-00586-00141561-00141830 dietary fiber manganese phosphorus and xG72l5Y8v80-00587-00141831-00142136 niacin table several B vitamins and xG72l5Y8v80-00588-00142137-00142289 other dietary minerals are in xG72l5Y8v80-00589-00142290-00142613 significant content wheat is 13% water xG72l5Y8v80-00590-00142614-00143177 71% carbohydrates and 1.5% fat its 13% xG72l5Y8v80-00591-00143178-00143474 protein content is mostly gluten 75 to xG72l5Y8v80-00592-00143475-00143684 80 percent of the protein in wheat wheat xG72l5Y8v80-00593-00143685-00143891 proteins have a low quality for human xG72l5Y8v80-00594-00143892-00144086 nutrition according to the new protein xG72l5Y8v80-00595-00144087-00144359 quality method di AAS promoted by the xG72l5Y8v80-00596-00144360-00144632 Food and Agriculture Organization though xG72l5Y8v80-00597-00144633-00144800 they contain adequate amounts of the xG72l5Y8v80-00598-00144801-00145034 other essential amino acids at least for xG72l5Y8v80-00599-00145035-00145238 adults wheat proteins are deficient in xG72l5Y8v80-00600-00145239-00145538 the essential amino acid lysine because xG72l5Y8v80-00601-00145539-00145694 the proteins present in the wheat xG72l5Y8v80-00602-00145695-00145868 endosperm gluten proteins are xG72l5Y8v80-00603-00145869-00146069 particularly poor in lysine white xG72l5Y8v80-00604-00146070-00146258 flowers are more deficient in lysine xG72l5Y8v80-00605-00146259-00146534 compared with whole grains significant xG72l5Y8v80-00606-00146535-00146717 efforts in plant breeding are being made xG72l5Y8v80-00607-00146718-00146936 to develop lysine rich wheat varieties xG72l5Y8v80-00608-00146937-00147217 without successes of 2017 xG72l5Y8v80-00609-00147218-00147431 supplementation with proteins from other xG72l5Y8v80-00610-00147432-00147683 food sources mainly legumes is commonly xG72l5Y8v80-00611-00147684-00147887 used to compensate for this deficiency xG72l5Y8v80-00612-00147888-00148064 since the limitation of a single xG72l5Y8v80-00613-00148065-00148277 essential amino acid causes the others xG72l5Y8v80-00614-00148278-00148484 to break down and become excreted which xG72l5Y8v80-00615-00148485-00148646 is especially important during the xG72l5Y8v80-00616-00148647-00149093 period of growth 100 grams 3.5 ounces of xG72l5Y8v80-00617-00149094-00149273 hard red winter wheat contain about xG72l5Y8v80-00618-00149274-00149627 twelve point six grams 0.44 ounces of xG72l5Y8v80-00619-00149628-00150095 protein 1.5 grams 0.05 three ounces of xG72l5Y8v80-00620-00150096-00150434 total fat 71 grams 2.5 ounces of xG72l5Y8v80-00621-00150435-00150683 carbohydrate by difference 12 point 2 xG72l5Y8v80-00622-00150684-00151067 grams 0.4 3 ounces of dietary fiber and xG72l5Y8v80-00623-00151068-00151372 3.2 milligrams xG72l5Y8v80-00624-00151373-00151739 0.0001 one ounces of iron 17 percent of xG72l5Y8v80-00625-00151740-00151919 the daily requirement the same weight of xG72l5Y8v80-00626-00151920-00152180 hard red spring wheat contains about 15 xG72l5Y8v80-00627-00152181-00152542 point 4 grams 0.5 4 ounces of protein xG72l5Y8v80-00628-00152543-00152761 1.9 grams xG72l5Y8v80-00629-00152762-00153182 0.06 7 ounces of total fat 68 grams 2 xG72l5Y8v80-00630-00153183-00153413 point 4 ounces of carbohydrate by xG72l5Y8v80-00631-00153414-00153794 difference 12 point 2 grams 0.4 3 ounces xG72l5Y8v80-00632-00153795-00154015 of dietary fiber and three point six xG72l5Y8v80-00633-00154016-00154465 milligrams 0.0001 three ounces of iron xG72l5Y8v80-00634-00154466-00155150 20% of the daily requirement xG72l5Y8v80-00635-00155151-00155726 topic worldwide consumption xG72l5Y8v80-00636-00155727-00156017 weed has grown on more than 218 million xG72l5Y8v80-00637-00156018-00156341 hectares 540 million acres a larger area xG72l5Y8v80-00638-00156342-00156626 than for any other crop world trade and xG72l5Y8v80-00639-00156627-00156773 wheat is greater than for all other xG72l5Y8v80-00640-00156774-00157064 crops combined with rice wheat is the xG72l5Y8v80-00641-00157065-00157298 world's most favorite staple food it is xG72l5Y8v80-00642-00157299-00157511 a major diet component because of the xG72l5Y8v80-00643-00157512-00157739 wheat plant agronomic adaptability with xG72l5Y8v80-00644-00157740-00157913 the ability to grow from near arctic xG72l5Y8v80-00645-00157914-00158126 regions to equator from sea level to xG72l5Y8v80-00646-00158127-00158378 plains of Tibet approximately 4,000 xG72l5Y8v80-00647-00158379-00158639 metres 13,000 feet above sea level in xG72l5Y8v80-00648-00158640-00158945 addition to agronomic adaptability wheat xG72l5Y8v80-00649-00158946-00159149 offers ease of grain storage and ease of xG72l5Y8v80-00650-00159150-00159341 converting grain into flour for making xG72l5Y8v80-00651-00159342-00159560 edible palatable interesting and xG72l5Y8v80-00652-00159561-00159818 satisfying foods wheat is the most xG72l5Y8v80-00653-00159819-00160028 important source of carbohydrate in a xG72l5Y8v80-00654-00160029-00160232 majority of countries the most common xG72l5Y8v80-00655-00160233-00160426 forms of wheat are white and red wheat xG72l5Y8v80-00656-00160427-00160691 however other natural forms of wheat xG72l5Y8v80-00657-00160692-00160943 exist other commercially minor but xG72l5Y8v80-00658-00160944-00161150 nutritionally promising species of xG72l5Y8v80-00659-00161151-00161366 naturally evolved wheat species include xG72l5Y8v80-00660-00161367-00161986 black yellow and blue wheat xG72l5Y8v80-00661-00161987-00162497 topic health effects xG72l5Y8v80-00662-00162498-00162766 consumed worldwide by billions of people xG72l5Y8v80-00663-00162767-00162968 we've as a significant food for human xG72l5Y8v80-00664-00162969-00163153 nutrition particularly in the least xG72l5Y8v80-00665-00163154-00163349 developed countries where wheat products xG72l5Y8v80-00666-00163350-00163619 are primary foods when even as the whole xG72l5Y8v80-00667-00163620-00163835 grain wheat is a healthy food source of xG72l5Y8v80-00668-00163836-00164018 multiple nutrients and dietary fiber xG72l5Y8v80-00669-00164019-00164249 recommended for children and adults in xG72l5Y8v80-00670-00164250-00164440 several daily servings containing a xG72l5Y8v80-00671-00164441-00164615 variety of foods that meet whole-grain xG72l5Y8v80-00672-00164616-00164929 rich criteria dietary fiber may also xG72l5Y8v80-00673-00164930-00165122 help people feel full and therefore xG72l5Y8v80-00674-00165123-00165338 helped with a healthy weight further xG72l5Y8v80-00675-00165339-00165572 wheat is a major source for natural and xG72l5Y8v80-00676-00165573-00165778 bio fortified nutrient supplementation xG72l5Y8v80-00677-00165779-00166034 including dietary fiber protein and xG72l5Y8v80-00678-00166035-00166268 dietary minerals manufacturers of foods xG72l5Y8v80-00679-00166269-00166448 containing wheat as a whole grain in xG72l5Y8v80-00680-00166449-00166622 specified amounts are allowed a health xG72l5Y8v80-00681-00166623-00166808 claim for marketing purposes in the xG72l5Y8v80-00682-00166809-00167116 United States stating low-fat diets rich xG72l5Y8v80-00683-00167117-00167348 in fiber containing grain products xG72l5Y8v80-00684-00167349-00167570 fruits and vegetables may reduce the xG72l5Y8v80-00685-00167571-00167818 risk of some types of cancer a disease xG72l5Y8v80-00686-00167819-00168241 associated with many factors and diets xG72l5Y8v80-00687-00168242-00168448 low in saturated fat and cholesterol xG72l5Y8v80-00688-00168449-00168764 enriched in fruits vegetables and grain xG72l5Y8v80-00689-00168765-00168974 products that contain some types of xG72l5Y8v80-00690-00168975-00169271 dietary fiber particularly soluble fiber xG72l5Y8v80-00691-00169272-00169523 may reduce the risk of heart disease a xG72l5Y8v80-00692-00169524-00169913 disease associated with many factors the xG72l5Y8v80-00693-00169914-00170138 scientific opinion of the European Food xG72l5Y8v80-00694-00170139-00170416 Safety Authority EFSA related to health xG72l5Y8v80-00695-00170417-00170606 claims on gut health bowel function xG72l5Y8v80-00696-00170607-00170834 weight control blood glucose insulin xG72l5Y8v80-00697-00170835-00171016 levels weight management blood xG72l5Y8v80-00698-00171017-00171281 cholesterol satiety glycemic index xG72l5Y8v80-00699-00171282-00171512 digestive function and cardiovascular xG72l5Y8v80-00700-00171513-00171737 health as that the food constituent xG72l5Y8v80-00701-00171738-00171935 whole grain xG72l5Y8v80-00702-00171936-00172199 is not sufficiently characterized in xG72l5Y8v80-00703-00172200-00172409 relation to the claimed health effects xG72l5Y8v80-00704-00172410-00172663 and that a cause-and-effect relationship xG72l5Y8v80-00705-00172664-00172889 cannot be established between the xG72l5Y8v80-00706-00172890-00173039 consumption of whole grain and the xG72l5Y8v80-00707-00173040-00173189 claimed effects considered in this xG72l5Y8v80-00708-00173190-00173681 opinion xG72l5Y8v80-00709-00173682-00174163 topic concerns xG72l5Y8v80-00710-00174164-00174441 in genetically susceptible people gluten xG72l5Y8v80-00711-00174442-00174637 a major part of wheat protein can xG72l5Y8v80-00712-00174638-00174889 trigger coeliac disease coeliac disease xG72l5Y8v80-00713-00174890-00175135 affects about 1% of the general xG72l5Y8v80-00714-00175136-00175411 population in developed countries there xG72l5Y8v80-00715-00175412-00175591 is evidence that most cases remain xG72l5Y8v80-00716-00175592-00175854 undiagnosed and untreated the only known xG72l5Y8v80-00717-00175855-00176068 effective treatment is a strict lifelong xG72l5Y8v80-00718-00176069-00176257 gluten-free diet while coeliac disease xG72l5Y8v80-00719-00176258-00176454 is caused by a reaction to wheat xG72l5Y8v80-00720-00176455-00176656 proteins it is not the same as a wheat xG72l5Y8v80-00721-00176657-00176928 allergy other diseases triggered by xG72l5Y8v80-00722-00176929-00177133 eating gluten or non coeliac gluten xG72l5Y8v80-00723-00177134-00177481 sensitivity estimated to affect 0.5% to xG72l5Y8v80-00724-00177482-00177753 13% of the general population gluten xG72l5Y8v80-00725-00177754-00178462 ataxia and dermatitis herpetiformis xG72l5Y8v80-00726-00178463-00179118 topic comparison with other staple foods xG72l5Y8v80-00727-00179119-00179358 the following table shows the nutrient xG72l5Y8v80-00728-00179359-00179562 content of wheat and other major staple xG72l5Y8v80-00729-00179563-00179778 foods in a raw form raw forms of these xG72l5Y8v80-00730-00179779-00179997 staples however are not edible and xG72l5Y8v80-00731-00179998-00180243 cannot be digested these must be xG72l5Y8v80-00732-00180244-00180441 sprouted or prepared and cooked as xG72l5Y8v80-00733-00180442-00180650 appropriate for human consumption in xG72l5Y8v80-00734-00180651-00180891 sprouted or cooked form the relative xG72l5Y8v80-00735-00180892-00181025 nutritional and anti-nutritional xG72l5Y8v80-00736-00181026-00181239 contents of each of these grains is xG72l5Y8v80-00737-00181240-00181407 remarkably different from that of raw xG72l5Y8v80-00738-00181408-00181596 form of these grains reported in this xG72l5Y8v80-00739-00181597-00181902 table in cooked form the nutrition value xG72l5Y8v80-00740-00181903-00182127 for each staple depends on the cooking xG72l5Y8v80-00741-00182128-00182340 method for example baking boiling xG72l5Y8v80-00742-00182341-00183012 steaming frying etc xG72l5Y8v80-00743-00183013-00183565 topic commercial use xG72l5Y8v80-00744-00183566-00183812 harvested wheat grain that enters trade xG72l5Y8v80-00745-00183813-00183979 is classified according to grain xG72l5Y8v80-00746-00183980-00184151 properties for the purposes of the xG72l5Y8v80-00747-00184152-00184439 commodity markets wheat buyers use these xG72l5Y8v80-00748-00184440-00184625 to decide which wheat to buy as each xG72l5Y8v80-00749-00184626-00184874 class has special uses and producers use xG72l5Y8v80-00750-00184875-00185053 them to decide which classes of wheat xG72l5Y8v80-00751-00185054-00185266 will be most profitable to cultivate xG72l5Y8v80-00752-00185267-00185540 weave is widely cultivated as a cash xG72l5Y8v80-00753-00185541-00185744 crop because it produces a good yield xG72l5Y8v80-00754-00185745-00185969 per unit area grows well in a temperate xG72l5Y8v80-00755-00185970-00186140 climate even with a moderately short xG72l5Y8v80-00756-00186141-00186326 growing season and yields a versatile xG72l5Y8v80-00757-00186327-00186515 high-quality flower that is widely used xG72l5Y8v80-00758-00186516-00186782 in baking most breads are made with xG72l5Y8v80-00759-00186783-00187001 wheat flour including many breads named xG72l5Y8v80-00760-00187002-00187184 for the other grains they contain for xG72l5Y8v80-00761-00187185-00187465 example most Ryan oat breads the xG72l5Y8v80-00762-00187466-00187658 popularity of foods made from wheat xG72l5Y8v80-00763-00187659-00187865 flour creates a large demand for the xG72l5Y8v80-00764-00187866-00188093 grain even in economies with significant xG72l5Y8v80-00765-00188094-00188404 food surpluses in recent years low xG72l5Y8v80-00766-00188405-00188606 international wheat prices have often xG72l5Y8v80-00767-00188607-00188803 encouraged farmers in the United States xG72l5Y8v80-00768-00188804-00189085 to change to more profitable crops in xG72l5Y8v80-00769-00189086-00189403 1998 the price at harvest of a 60 pounds xG72l5Y8v80-00770-00189404-00189686 27 kilograms bushel was two dollars and xG72l5Y8v80-00771-00189687-00190019 68 cents per some information providers xG72l5Y8v80-00772-00190020-00190274 following CBOT practice clip the wheat xG72l5Y8v80-00773-00190275-00190591 market in per ton denomination a USDA xG72l5Y8v80-00774-00190592-00190889 report revealed that in 1998 average xG72l5Y8v80-00775-00190890-00191140 operating costs were one dollar and 43 xG72l5Y8v80-00776-00191141-00191348 cents per bushel and total costs were xG72l5Y8v80-00777-00191349-00191609 three dollars and 97 cents per bushel in xG72l5Y8v80-00778-00191610-00191926 that study farm wheat yields average xG72l5Y8v80-00779-00191927-00192227 41.7 bushels per acre two point two four xG72l5Y8v80-00780-00192228-00192452 three five metric ton hectare and xG72l5Y8v80-00781-00192453-00192679 typical total wheat production value was xG72l5Y8v80-00782-00192680-00192904 31 thousand nine hundred dollars per xG72l5Y8v80-00783-00192905-00193124 farm with total farm production value xG72l5Y8v80-00784-00193125-00193334 including other crops of one hundred xG72l5Y8v80-00785-00193335-00193496 seventy three thousand six hundred xG72l5Y8v80-00786-00193497-00193703 eighty one dollars per farm plus xG72l5Y8v80-00787-00193704-00193889 seventeen thousand four hundred two xG72l5Y8v80-00788-00193890-00194126 dollars in government payments there xG72l5Y8v80-00789-00194127-00194273 were significant profitability xG72l5Y8v80-00790-00194274-00194491 differences between low and high cost xG72l5Y8v80-00791-00194492-00194681 farms mainly due to crop yield xG72l5Y8v80-00792-00194682-00195423 differences location and farm size xG72l5Y8v80-00793-00195424-00196020 topic production and consumption xG72l5Y8v80-00794-00196021-00196436 in 2016 global wheat production was 749 xG72l5Y8v80-00795-00196437-00196736 million tonnes wheat is the primary food xG72l5Y8v80-00796-00196737-00196908 staple in North Africa and the Middle xG72l5Y8v80-00797-00196909-00197145 East and is growing in uses in Asia xG72l5Y8v80-00798-00197146-00197414 unlike rice wheat production is more xG72l5Y8v80-00799-00197415-00197673 widespread globally though 47 percent of xG72l5Y8v80-00800-00197674-00197943 the world total in 2014 was produced by xG72l5Y8v80-00801-00197944-00198179 just four countries China India Russia xG72l5Y8v80-00802-00198180-00198825 in the United States table xG72l5Y8v80-00803-00198826-00199386 topic historical factors xG72l5Y8v80-00804-00199387-00199674 in the 20th century global wheat output xG72l5Y8v80-00805-00199675-00199860 expanded by about fivefold xG72l5Y8v80-00806-00199861-00200114 but until about 1955 most of this xG72l5Y8v80-00807-00200115-00200343 reflected increases in wheat crop area xG72l5Y8v80-00808-00200344-00200646 with lesser about 20% increases in crop xG72l5Y8v80-00809-00200647-00201036 yields per unit area after 1955 however xG72l5Y8v80-00810-00201037-00201243 there was a tenfold increase in the rate xG72l5Y8v80-00811-00201244-00201432 of wheat yield improvement per year and xG72l5Y8v80-00812-00201433-00201614 this became the major factor allowing xG72l5Y8v80-00813-00201615-00201890 global wheat production to increase thus xG72l5Y8v80-00814-00201891-00202103 technological innovation and scientific xG72l5Y8v80-00815-00202104-00202320 crop management with synthetic nitrogen xG72l5Y8v80-00816-00202321-00202563 fertilizer irrigation and wheat breeding xG72l5Y8v80-00817-00202564-00202751 were the main drivers of wheat output xG72l5Y8v80-00818-00202752-00202937 growth in the second half of the century xG72l5Y8v80-00819-00202938-00203204 there were some significant decreases in xG72l5Y8v80-00820-00203205-00203424 wheat crop area for instance in North xG72l5Y8v80-00821-00203425-00203615 America better seed storage and xG72l5Y8v80-00822-00203616-00203813 germination ability and hence a smaller xG72l5Y8v80-00823-00203814-00204041 requirement to retain harvested crop for xG72l5Y8v80-00824-00204042-00204270 next year's seed is another 20th century xG72l5Y8v80-00825-00204271-00204543 technological innovation in medieval xG72l5Y8v80-00826-00204544-00204788 England farmers saved 1/4 of their wheat xG72l5Y8v80-00827-00204789-00204962 harvest as seed for the next crop xG72l5Y8v80-00828-00204963-00205176 leaving only three quarters for food and xG72l5Y8v80-00829-00205177-00205517 feed consumption by 1999 the global xG72l5Y8v80-00830-00205519-00205755 average seed use of wheat was about 6% xG72l5Y8v80-00831-00205756-00206082 of output several factors are currently xG72l5Y8v80-00832-00206083-00206285 slowing the rate of global expansion of xG72l5Y8v80-00833-00206286-00206502 wheat production population growth rates xG72l5Y8v80-00834-00206503-00206682 are falling while wheat yields continue xG72l5Y8v80-00835-00206683-00206856 to rise and the better economic xG72l5Y8v80-00836-00206857-00207051 profitability of other crops such as xG72l5Y8v80-00837-00207052-00207215 soybeans and maize linked with xG72l5Y8v80-00838-00207216-00207369 investment in modern genetic xG72l5Y8v80-00839-00207369-00207576 technologies has promoted shifts to xG72l5Y8v80-00840-00207577-00208123 other crops xG72l5Y8v80-00841-00208123-00208658 topic farming systems xG72l5Y8v80-00842-00208659-00208982 in 2014 the most productive crop yields xG72l5Y8v80-00843-00208983-00209189 for wheat were in Ireland producing 10 xG72l5Y8v80-00844-00209190-00209456 tonnes per hectare in addition to gaps xG72l5Y8v80-00845-00209457-00209657 in farming system technology and xG72l5Y8v80-00846-00209658-00209825 knowledge some large wheat grain xG72l5Y8v80-00847-00209826-00210023 producing countries have significant xG72l5Y8v80-00848-00210023-00210217 losses after harvest at the farm and xG72l5Y8v80-00849-00210219-00210440 because of poor roads inadequate storage xG72l5Y8v80-00850-00210441-00210667 technologies inefficient supply chains xG72l5Y8v80-00851-00210669-00210851 and farmers inability to bring the xG72l5Y8v80-00852-00210852-00211088 produce into retail markets dominated by xG72l5Y8v80-00853-00211089-00211379 small shopkeepers various studies in xG72l5Y8v80-00854-00211380-00211577 India for example have concluded that xG72l5Y8v80-00855-00211578-00211832 about 10% of total wheat production is xG72l5Y8v80-00856-00211833-00212098 lost at farm level another 10% is lost xG72l5Y8v80-00857-00212100-00212264 because of poor storage and road xG72l5Y8v80-00858-00212265-00212486 networks and additional amounts lost at xG72l5Y8v80-00859-00212487-00212702 the retail level in the punjab region of xG72l5Y8v80-00860-00212703-00212912 india and pakistan as well as north xG72l5Y8v80-00861-00212913-00213104 china irrigation has been a major xG72l5Y8v80-00862-00213105-00213311 contributor to increased grain output xG72l5Y8v80-00863-00213312-00213608 more widely over the last 40 years a xG72l5Y8v80-00864-00213609-00213809 massive increase in fertilizer used xG72l5Y8v80-00865-00213810-00213953 together with the increased availability xG72l5Y8v80-00866-00213954-00214223 of semi dwarf varieties in developing xG72l5Y8v80-00867-00214223-00214423 countries has greatly increased yields xG72l5Y8v80-00868-00214425-00214721 per hectare in developing countries use xG72l5Y8v80-00869-00214721-00214855 of mainly nitrogenous fertilizer xG72l5Y8v80-00870-00214856-00215216 increased 25 fold in this period however xG72l5Y8v80-00871-00215217-00215465 farming systems rely on much more than xG72l5Y8v80-00872-00215466-00215639 fertilizer and breeding to improve xG72l5Y8v80-00873-00215640-00215930 productivity a good illustration of this xG72l5Y8v80-00874-00215931-00216107 is Australian wheat growing in the xG72l5Y8v80-00875-00216108-00216278 southern winter cropping zone where xG72l5Y8v80-00876-00216279-00216517 despite low rainfall 300 millimetres xG72l5Y8v80-00877-00216519-00216721 wheat cropping is successful even with xG72l5Y8v80-00878-00216723-00216917 relatively little use of nitrogenous xG72l5Y8v80-00879-00216917-00217219 fertilizer this is achieved by rotation xG72l5Y8v80-00880-00217221-00217403 cropping traditionally called the lay xG72l5Y8v80-00881-00217404-00217616 system with leguminous pastures and in xG72l5Y8v80-00882-00217617-00217844 the last decade including a canola crop xG72l5Y8v80-00883-00217844-00218023 in the rotations has boosted wheat xG72l5Y8v80-00884-00218025-00218354 yields by a further 25% in these low xG72l5Y8v80-00885-00218355-00218561 rainfall areas better use of available xG72l5Y8v80-00886-00218562-00218801 soil water and better control of soil xG72l5Y8v80-00887-00218802-00218998 erosion is achieved by retaining the xG72l5Y8v80-00888-00219000-00219155 stubble after harvesting and by xG72l5Y8v80-00889-00219156-00219726 minimizing tillage xG72l5Y8v80-00890-00219727-00220307 topic geographical variation xG72l5Y8v80-00891-00220308-00220532 there are substantial differences in xG72l5Y8v80-00892-00220533-00220775 wheat farming trading policy sector xG72l5Y8v80-00893-00220776-00220952 growth and weak uses in different xG72l5Y8v80-00894-00220953-00221156 regions of the world the largest xG72l5Y8v80-00895-00221157-00221456 exporters of wheat in 2013 were in order xG72l5Y8v80-00896-00221457-00221675 of exported quantities United States xG72l5Y8v80-00897-00221676-00221873 thirty three point two million tonnes xG72l5Y8v80-00898-00221874-00222119 Canada nineteen point eight million tons xG72l5Y8v80-00899-00222121-00222395 France nineteen point six million tonnes xG72l5Y8v80-00900-00222396-00222632 Australia eighteen million tonnes and xG72l5Y8v80-00901-00222633-00222827 the Russian Federation thirteen point xG72l5Y8v80-00902-00222828-00223076 eight million tonnes the largest xG72l5Y8v80-00903-00223077-00223338 importers of wheat in 2013 were in order xG72l5Y8v80-00904-00223339-00223580 of imported quantities Egypt ten point xG72l5Y8v80-00905-00223581-00223829 three million tonnes Brazil seven point xG72l5Y8v80-00906-00223830-00224088 three million tonnes Indonesia six point xG72l5Y8v80-00907-00224089-00224345 seven million tonnes Algeria six point xG72l5Y8v80-00908-00224346-00224597 three million tonnes and Japan six point xG72l5Y8v80-00909-00224598-00224771 two million tonnes in the rapidly xG72l5Y8v80-00910-00224772-00225004 developing countries of Asia and Africa xG72l5Y8v80-00911-00225005-00225251 westernization of diets associated with xG72l5Y8v80-00912-00225252-00225441 increasing prosperity is leading to xG72l5Y8v80-00913-00225442-00225653 growth in per capita demand for wheat at xG72l5Y8v80-00914-00225654-00225854 the expense of the other food staples in xG72l5Y8v80-00915-00225855-00226049 the past there has been significant xG72l5Y8v80-00916-00226050-00226212 governmental intervention in wheat xG72l5Y8v80-00917-00226213-00226454 markets such as price supports in the US xG72l5Y8v80-00918-00226455-00226781 and farm payments in EU in the EU these xG72l5Y8v80-00919-00226782-00226967 subsidies have encouraged heavy use of xG72l5Y8v80-00920-00226969-00227180 fertilizer inputs with resulting high xG72l5Y8v80-00921-00227181-00227458 crop yields in Australia and Argentina xG72l5Y8v80-00922-00227459-00227696 direct government subsidies are much xG72l5Y8v80-00923-00227697-00228182 lower xG72l5Y8v80-00924-00228183-00228704 topic most productive xG72l5Y8v80-00925-00228705-00228956 the average annual world farm yield for xG72l5Y8v80-00926-00228957-00229289 wheat in 2014 was 3.3 tonnes per hectare xG72l5Y8v80-00927-00229290-00229655 330 grams per square meter Ireland wheat xG72l5Y8v80-00928-00229656-00229916 farms were the most productive in 2014 xG72l5Y8v80-00929-00229917-00230144 with a nationwide average of 10 point Oh xG72l5Y8v80-00930-00230144-00230315 tonnes per hectare followed by the xG72l5Y8v80-00931-00230316-00230615 Netherlands 9.2 in Germany New Zealand xG72l5Y8v80-00932-00230616-00231330 and the United Kingdom each with 8.6 xG72l5Y8v80-00933-00231331-00231901 topic futures contracts xG72l5Y8v80-00934-00231902-00232102 wheat futures are traded on the Chicago xG72l5Y8v80-00935-00232103-00232213 Board of Trade xG72l5Y8v80-00936-00232214-00232392 Kansas City Board of Trade and xG72l5Y8v80-00937-00232394-00232596 Minneapolis Grain Exchange and have xG72l5Y8v80-00938-00232598-00232930 delivery dates in March H may k July n xG72l5Y8v80-00939-00232931-00233687 September you and December Z xG72l5Y8v80-00940-00233688-00234198 topic agronomy xG72l5Y8v80-00941-00234198-00234540 you xG72l5Y8v80-00942-00234541-00235091 topic crop development xG72l5Y8v80-00943-00235092-00235448 week normally needs between 110 and 130 xG72l5Y8v80-00944-00235448-00235654 days between sowing and harvest xG72l5Y8v80-00945-00235655-00235871 depending upon climate seed type and xG72l5Y8v80-00946-00235871-00236050 soil conditions winter wheat lies xG72l5Y8v80-00947-00236051-00236339 dormant during a winter freeze optimal xG72l5Y8v80-00948-00236340-00236546 crop management requires that the farmer xG72l5Y8v80-00949-00236546-00236719 have a detailed understanding of each xG72l5Y8v80-00950-00236721-00236881 stage of development in the growing xG72l5Y8v80-00951-00236882-00237212 plants in particular spring fertilizers xG72l5Y8v80-00952-00237213-00237427 herbicides fungicides and growth xG72l5Y8v80-00953-00237428-00237644 regulators are typically applied only at xG72l5Y8v80-00954-00237644-00237938 specific stages of plant development for xG72l5Y8v80-00955-00237939-00238148 example it is currently recommended that xG72l5Y8v80-00956-00238148-00238348 the second application of nitrogen is xG72l5Y8v80-00957-00238350-00238555 best done when the ear not visible at xG72l5Y8v80-00958-00238556-00238756 this stage is about one centimeter in xG72l5Y8v80-00959-00238757-00239114 size Zee 31 on Tzadik scale knowledge of xG72l5Y8v80-00960-00239115-00239287 stages is also important to identify xG72l5Y8v80-00961-00239288-00239533 periods of higher risk from the climate xG72l5Y8v80-00962-00239534-00239816 for example pollen formation from the xG72l5Y8v80-00963-00239817-00239975 mother cell and the stages between xG72l5Y8v80-00964-00239976-00240202 emphasis and maturity are susceptible to xG72l5Y8v80-00965-00240203-00240382 high temperatures and this adverse xG72l5Y8v80-00966-00240383-00240600 effect is made worse by water stress xG72l5Y8v80-00967-00240601-00240869 farmers also benefit from knowing when xG72l5Y8v80-00968-00240869-00241102 the flag leaf last leaf appears as this xG72l5Y8v80-00969-00241103-00241351 leaf represents about 75% of xG72l5Y8v80-00970-00241352-00241541 photosynthesis reactions during the xG72l5Y8v80-00971-00241542-00241721 grain filling period and so should be xG72l5Y8v80-00972-00241721-00241937 preserved from disease or insect attacks xG72l5Y8v80-00973-00241938-00242230 to ensure a good yield several systems xG72l5Y8v80-00974-00242231-00242476 exist to identify crop stages with the xG72l5Y8v80-00975-00242477-00242671 feek sands onyx scales being the most xG72l5Y8v80-00976-00242673-00242959 widely used each scale is a standard xG72l5Y8v80-00977-00242960-00243169 system which describes successive stages xG72l5Y8v80-00978-00243171-00243323 reached by the crop during the xG72l5Y8v80-00979-00243323-00243939 agricultural season xG72l5Y8v80-00980-00243940-00244454 topic diseases xG72l5Y8v80-00981-00244455-00244670 there are many wheat diseases mainly xG72l5Y8v80-00982-00244671-00244964 caused by fungi bacteria and viruses xG72l5Y8v80-00983-00244965-00245219 plant breeding to develop new disease xG72l5Y8v80-00984-00245220-00245429 resistant varieties and sound crop xG72l5Y8v80-00985-00245430-00245627 management practices are important for xG72l5Y8v80-00986-00245628-00245921 preventing disease fungicides used to xG72l5Y8v80-00987-00245922-00246122 prevent the significant crop losses from xG72l5Y8v80-00988-00246123-00246326 fungal disease can be a significant xG72l5Y8v80-00989-00246327-00246529 variable cost in wheat production xG72l5Y8v80-00990-00246530-00246717 estimates of the amount of wheat xG72l5Y8v80-00991-00246717-00246917 production lost owing to plant diseases xG72l5Y8v80-00992-00246918-00247124 vary between ten to twenty five percent xG72l5Y8v80-00993-00247125-00247424 in Missouri a wide range of organisms xG72l5Y8v80-00994-00247425-00247652 infect wheat of which the most important xG72l5Y8v80-00995-00247653-00247863 are viruses and fungi the main wheat xG72l5Y8v80-00996-00247864-00248142 disease categories are seed borne xG72l5Y8v80-00997-00248142-00248198 diseases xG72l5Y8v80-00998-00248199-00248456 these include seed borne SCAP seed borne xG72l5Y8v80-00999-00248457-00248645 stag and Apsara previously known as xG72l5Y8v80-01000-00248646-00248906 septoria common bunt stinking smut and xG72l5Y8v80-01001-00248907-00249119 loose smut these are managed with xG72l5Y8v80-01002-00249120-00249458 fungicides leaf and head blight diseases xG72l5Y8v80-01003-00249459-00249704 powdery mildew leaf rust septoria xG72l5Y8v80-01004-00249705-00249947 triticeae leaf blotch stag enou spore at xG72l5Y8v80-01005-00249948-00250178 septoria new dorm leaf and gloom blotch xG72l5Y8v80-01006-00250179-00250515 and Fusarium head scab crown and root xG72l5Y8v80-01007-00250516-00250727 rot diseases two of the more important xG72l5Y8v80-01008-00250728-00250910 of these are take-all and cephalosporin xG72l5Y8v80-01009-00250911-00251210 stripe both of these diseases are soil xG72l5Y8v80-01010-00251211-00251531 borne stem rust diseases caused by xG72l5Y8v80-01011-00251532-00251752 basidiomycetes xG72l5Y8v80-01012-00251753-00252167 ug99 viral diseases wheat spindle xG72l5Y8v80-01013-00252168-00252401 streaked mosaic yellow mosaic and barley xG72l5Y8v80-01014-00252402-00252554 yellow dwarf are the two most common xG72l5Y8v80-01015-00252555-00252833 viral diseases control can be achieved xG72l5Y8v80-01016-00252834-00253479 by using resistant varieties xG72l5Y8v80-01017-00253480-00253983 topic pests xG72l5Y8v80-01018-00253984-00254196 weed is used as a food plant by the xG72l5Y8v80-01019-00254196-00254427 larvae of some Lepidoptera butterfly and xG72l5Y8v80-01020-00254428-00254655 moth species including the flame rustic xG72l5Y8v80-01021-00254656-00254873 shoulder not cetaceans abreu character xG72l5Y8v80-01022-00254875-00255189 and turnip moth early in the season many xG72l5Y8v80-01023-00255190-00255369 species of birds including the xG72l5Y8v80-01024-00255369-00255567 long-tailed widow bird and rodents feet xG72l5Y8v80-01025-00255567-00255852 upon wheat crops these animals can cause xG72l5Y8v80-01026-00255853-00256065 significant damage to a crop by digging xG72l5Y8v80-01027-00256066-00256263 up and eating newly planted seeds or xG72l5Y8v80-01028-00256264-00256515 young plants they can also damage the xG72l5Y8v80-01029-00256516-00256704 crop late in the season by eating the xG72l5Y8v80-01030-00256705-00256980 grain from the mature spike recent post xG72l5Y8v80-01031-00256981-00257198 harvest losses in cereals amount to xG72l5Y8v80-01032-00257200-00257369 billions of dollars per year in the xG72l5Y8v80-01033-00257371-00257589 United States alone and damage to wheat xG72l5Y8v80-01034-00257590-00257823 by various boars beetles and weevils as xG72l5Y8v80-01035-00257823-00258090 no exception rodents can also cause xG72l5Y8v80-01036-00258091-00258315 major losses during storage and in major xG72l5Y8v80-01037-00258316-00258546 grain growing regions field mice numbers xG72l5Y8v80-01038-00258546-00258756 can sometimes build up explosively to xG72l5Y8v80-01039-00258757-00258923 plague proportions because of the ready xG72l5Y8v80-01040-00258925-00259185 availability of food to reduce the xG72l5Y8v80-01041-00259186-00259346 amount of wheat loss to post harvest xG72l5Y8v80-01042-00259348-00259563 pests Agricultural Research Service xG72l5Y8v80-01043-00259564-00259817 scientists have developed an insect o xG72l5Y8v80-01044-00259819-00260088 graph which can detect insects in wheat xG72l5Y8v80-01045-00260089-00260262 that are not visible to the naked eye xG72l5Y8v80-01046-00260263-00260544 the device uses electrical signals to xG72l5Y8v80-01047-00260544-00260739 detect the insects as the wheat is being xG72l5Y8v80-01048-00260740-00261030 milled the new technology is so precise xG72l5Y8v80-01049-00261031-00261248 that it can detect five to ten infested xG72l5Y8v80-01050-00261250-00261435 seeds out of three hundred thousand good xG72l5Y8v80-01051-00261436-00261503 ones xG72l5Y8v80-01052-00261504-00261777 tracking insect infestations in stored xG72l5Y8v80-01053-00261778-00261975 grain is critical for food safety as xG72l5Y8v80-01054-00261976-00262152 well as for the marketing value of the xG72l5Y8v80-01055-00262153-00262688 crop xG72l5Y8v80-01056-00262689-00263220 topic see also xG72l5Y8v80-01057-00263221-00263814 bran chef gluten-free diet taxonomy of xG72l5Y8v80-01058-00263815-00264312 wheat wheat berry wheat germ oil wheat xG72l5Y8v80-01059-00264313-00264591 production in the United States wheat xG72l5Y8v80-01060-00264592-00264999 middlings whole wheat flour xHTU6qjSNNc-00000-00000053-00000361 the contemporary legal systems of the xHTU6qjSNNc-00001-00000362-00000644 world are generally based on one of four xHTU6qjSNNc-00002-00000645-00000950 basic systems civil law common law xHTU6qjSNNc-00003-00000951-00001286 statutory law religious law or xHTU6qjSNNc-00004-00001287-00001697 combinations of these however the legal xHTU6qjSNNc-00005-00001698-00001991 system of each country is shaped by its xHTU6qjSNNc-00006-00001992-00002258 unique history and so incorporates xHTU6qjSNNc-00007-00002259-00002675 individual variations the science that xHTU6qjSNNc-00008-00002676-00002906 studies law at the level of legal xHTU6qjSNNc-00009-00002907-00003293 systems as called comparative law xHTU6qjSNNc-00010-00003294-00003620 both civil also known as Roman and xHTU6qjSNNc-00011-00003621-00003911 common law systems can be considered the xHTU6qjSNNc-00012-00003911-00004199 most widespread in the world civil law xHTU6qjSNNc-00013-00004200-00004466 because it has the most widespread by xHTU6qjSNNc-00014-00004467-00004747 land mass and common law because it is xHTU6qjSNNc-00015-00004748-00004972 employed by the greatest number of xHTU6qjSNNc-00016-00004973-00005581 people xHTU6qjSNNc-00017-00005582-00006165 topic civil-law xHTU6qjSNNc-00018-00006166-00006489 the source of law that is recognized as xHTU6qjSNNc-00019-00006490-00006767 authoritative as codifications in a xHTU6qjSNNc-00020-00006768-00007031 constitution or statute passed by xHTU6qjSNNc-00021-00007031-00007406 legislature to amend a code xHTU6qjSNNc-00022-00007408-00007719 while the concept of codification dates xHTU6qjSNNc-00023-00007720-00008022 back to the Code of Hammurabi in Babylon xHTU6qjSNNc-00024-00008023-00008673 CA 1790 BC civil law systems derive from xHTU6qjSNNc-00025-00008674-00008952 the Roman Empire and more particularly xHTU6qjSNNc-00026-00008953-00009261 the corpus juris civilus issued by the xHTU6qjSNNc-00027-00009262-00010008 Emperor Justinian CA ad 529 this was an xHTU6qjSNNc-00028-00010009-00010266 extensive reform of the law in the xHTU6qjSNNc-00029-00010267-00010536 Byzantine Empire bringing it together xHTU6qjSNNc-00030-00010537-00010974 into codified documents civil law was xHTU6qjSNNc-00031-00010975-00011298 also partly influenced by religious laws xHTU6qjSNNc-00032-00011299-00011742 such as canon law and Islamic law civil xHTU6qjSNNc-00033-00011743-00012075 law today in theory is interpreted xHTU6qjSNNc-00034-00012076-00012410 rather than developed or made by judges xHTU6qjSNNc-00035-00012411-00012756 only legislative enactment rather than xHTU6qjSNNc-00036-00012757-00013038 legal precedent as in common law are xHTU6qjSNNc-00037-00013038-00013363 considered legally binding xHTU6qjSNNc-00038-00013363-00013628 scholars of comparative law and xHTU6qjSNNc-00039-00013629-00013907 economists promoting the legal origins xHTU6qjSNNc-00040-00013908-00014261 theory usually subdivide civil law into xHTU6qjSNNc-00041-00014262-00014693 four distinct groups French civil law in xHTU6qjSNNc-00042-00014694-00015011 France the Benelux countries Italy xHTU6qjSNNc-00043-00015012-00015353 Romania Spain and former colonies of xHTU6qjSNNc-00044-00015354-00015752 those countries German civil law in xHTU6qjSNNc-00045-00015753-00016100 Germany Austria Russia Switzerland xHTU6qjSNNc-00046-00016101-00016505 Estonia Latvia Bosnia and Herzegovina xHTU6qjSNNc-00047-00016506-00016868 Croatia Kosovo asterisk Macedonia xHTU6qjSNNc-00048-00016869-00017222 Montenegro Slovenia Serbia Greece xHTU6qjSNNc-00049-00017223-00017579 Portugal and its former colonies Turkey xHTU6qjSNNc-00050-00017580-00017888 and East Asian countries including Japan xHTU6qjSNNc-00051-00017889-00018412 South Korea and Taiwan Republic of China xHTU6qjSNNc-00052-00018413-00018758 Scandinavian civil law in Denmark Norway xHTU6qjSNNc-00053-00018759-00019190 and Sweden as historically integrated in xHTU6qjSNNc-00054-00019191-00019508 the Scandinavian cultural sphere Finland xHTU6qjSNNc-00055-00019509-00019929 and Iceland also inherited the system xHTU6qjSNNc-00056-00019930-00020280 Chinese law a mixture of civil law and xHTU6qjSNNc-00057-00020281-00020562 socialist law in use in the People's xHTU6qjSNNc-00058-00020563-00020865 Republic of China however some of these xHTU6qjSNNc-00059-00020866-00021099 legal systems are often and more xHTU6qjSNNc-00060-00021100-00021518 correctly said to be of hybrid nature xHTU6qjSNNc-00061-00021519-00021801 napoleonic to German istic influence xHTU6qjSNNc-00062-00021802-00022263 Italian civil law the Italian Civil Code xHTU6qjSNNc-00063-00022264-00022697 of 1942 replaced the original one of xHTU6qjSNNc-00064-00022698-00023085 1865 introducing German istic elements xHTU6qjSNNc-00065-00023086-00023379 due to the geopolitical alliances of the xHTU6qjSNNc-00066-00023380-00023742 time the Italian approach has been xHTU6qjSNNc-00067-00023743-00023976 imitated by other countries including xHTU6qjSNNc-00068-00023977-00024495 the Netherlands 1992 Argentina 2014 xHTU6qjSNNc-00069-00024496-00025188 Brazil 2002 and Portugal 1966 most of xHTU6qjSNNc-00070-00025189-00025437 them have innovations introduced by the xHTU6qjSNNc-00071-00025438-00025727 Italian legislation including the xHTU6qjSNNc-00072-00025727-00025958 unification of the civil and commercial xHTU6qjSNNc-00073-00025960-00026186 codes xHTU6qjSNNc-00074-00026187-00026495 germán istic to Napoleonic influence xHTU6qjSNNc-00075-00026495-00026849 Swiss civil law the Swiss Civil Code is xHTU6qjSNNc-00076-00026850-00027083 considered mainly influenced by the xHTU6qjSNNc-00077-00027083-00027410 German Civil Code and partly influenced xHTU6qjSNNc-00078-00027411-00027802 by the French Civil Code the Civil Code xHTU6qjSNNc-00079-00027804-00028076 of the republic of turkey as a slightly xHTU6qjSNNc-00080-00028077-00028342 modified version of the swiss code xHTU6qjSNNc-00081-00028343-00028783 adopted in 1926 during Mustafa Kemal xHTU6qjSNNc-00082-00028785-00029045 Ataturk's presidency as part of the xHTU6qjSNNc-00083-00029045-00029317 government's progressive reforms and xHTU6qjSNNc-00084-00029318-00029622 secularization xHTU6qjSNNc-00085-00029623-00029898 a comprehensive list of countries that xHTU6qjSNNc-00086-00029899-00030170 base their legal system on a codified xHTU6qjSNNc-00087-00030172-00030810 civil law follows xHTU6qjSNNc-00088-00030811-00031393 topic common-law xHTU6qjSNNc-00089-00031394-00031756 common law inequity legal concept our xHTU6qjSNNc-00090-00031757-00032020 systems of law whose sources are the xHTU6qjSNNc-00091-00032020-00032467 decisions in cases by judges in addition xHTU6qjSNNc-00092-00032468-00032725 every system will have a legislature xHTU6qjSNNc-00093-00032726-00033147 that passes new laws and statutes the xHTU6qjSNNc-00094-00033148-00033418 relationships between statutes and xHTU6qjSNNc-00095-00033419-00033727 judicial decisions can be complex in xHTU6qjSNNc-00096-00033728-00034096 some jurisdictions such statutes may xHTU6qjSNNc-00097-00034097-00034408 overrule judicial decisions or codify xHTU6qjSNNc-00098-00034409-00034629 the topic covered by several xHTU6qjSNNc-00099-00034630-00035023 contradictory or ambiguous decisions in xHTU6qjSNNc-00100-00035024-00035383 some jurisdictions judicial decisions xHTU6qjSNNc-00101-00035384-00035649 may decide whether the jurisdictions xHTU6qjSNNc-00102-00035650-00035887 Constitution allowed a particular xHTU6qjSNNc-00103-00035888-00036169 statute or statutory provision to be xHTU6qjSNNc-00104-00036170-00036433 made or what meaning is contained within xHTU6qjSNNc-00105-00036434-00036871 the statutory provisions statutes were xHTU6qjSNNc-00106-00036872-00037113 allowed to be made by the government xHTU6qjSNNc-00107-00037114-00037386 common law developed in England xHTU6qjSNNc-00108-00037387-00037720 influenced by anglo-saxon law and to a xHTU6qjSNNc-00109-00037721-00037963 much lesser extent by the Norman xHTU6qjSNNc-00110-00037964-00038230 conquest of England which introduced xHTU6qjSNNc-00111-00038231-00038554 legal concepts from Norman law which in xHTU6qjSNNc-00112-00038555-00039031 turn had its origins in salic law common xHTU6qjSNNc-00113-00039032-00039232 law was later inherited by the xHTU6qjSNNc-00114-00039233-00039550 Commonwealth of Nations and almost every xHTU6qjSNNc-00115-00039551-00039844 former colony of the British Empire has xHTU6qjSNNc-00116-00039845-00040255 adopted it Malta being an exception the xHTU6qjSNNc-00117-00040256-00040597 doctrine of stare decisis also known as xHTU6qjSNNc-00118-00040598-00040912 case law or precedent by courts is the xHTU6qjSNNc-00119-00040913-00041206 major difference to codified civil law xHTU6qjSNNc-00120-00041207-00041623 systems common law is currently in xHTU6qjSNNc-00121-00041624-00041917 practice in Ireland most of the United xHTU6qjSNNc-00122-00041918-00042130 Kingdom England and Wales and Northern xHTU6qjSNNc-00123-00042131-00042538 Ireland Australia New Zealand Bangladesh xHTU6qjSNNc-00124-00042539-00042915 India excluding Goa Pakistan South xHTU6qjSNNc-00125-00042916-00043300 Africa Canada excluding Quebec Hong Kong xHTU6qjSNNc-00126-00043301-00043588 the United States on a state level xHTU6qjSNNc-00127-00043589-00043882 excluding Louisiana and many other xHTU6qjSNNc-00128-00043883-00044244 places in addition to these countries xHTU6qjSNNc-00129-00044245-00044548 several others have adapted the common xHTU6qjSNNc-00130-00044549-00044862 law system into a mixed xHTU6qjSNNc-00131-00044863-00045252 for example Nigeria operates largely on xHTU6qjSNNc-00132-00045253-00045535 a common law system but incorporates xHTU6qjSNNc-00133-00045536-00045774 religious law xHTU6qjSNNc-00134-00045775-00046065 in the European Union the Court of xHTU6qjSNNc-00135-00046066-00046347 Justice takes an approach mixing civil xHTU6qjSNNc-00136-00046348-00046596 law based on the treaties with an xHTU6qjSNNc-00137-00046597-00046913 attachment to the importance of case law xHTU6qjSNNc-00138-00046914-00047268 one of the most fundamental documents to xHTU6qjSNNc-00139-00047269-00047550 shape common law as the English Magna xHTU6qjSNNc-00140-00047551-00047814 Carta which placed limits on the power xHTU6qjSNNc-00141-00047815-00048240 of the English kings it served as a kind xHTU6qjSNNc-00142-00048241-00048500 of medieval bill of rights for the xHTU6qjSNNc-00143-00048501-00048765 aristocracy and the judiciary who xHTU6qjSNNc-00144-00048766-00049435 developed the law xHTU6qjSNNc-00145-00049436-00050239 topic religious law religious law refers xHTU6qjSNNc-00146-00050240-00050502 to the notion of a religious system or xHTU6qjSNNc-00147-00050503-00050796 document being used as a legal source xHTU6qjSNNc-00148-00050797-00051223 though the methodology used varies for xHTU6qjSNNc-00149-00051224-00051499 example the use of Jewish and halacha xHTU6qjSNNc-00150-00051500-00051769 for public law has a static and xHTU6qjSNNc-00151-00051770-00052060 unalterable quality precluding amendment xHTU6qjSNNc-00152-00052061-00052290 through legislative acts of government xHTU6qjSNNc-00153-00052291-00052459 or development through judicial xHTU6qjSNNc-00154-00052460-00052755 precedent Christian canon law is more xHTU6qjSNNc-00155-00052757-00053062 similar to civil law in its use of codes xHTU6qjSNNc-00156-00053063-00053347 and Islamic sharia law and thick xHTU6qjSNNc-00157-00053348-00053590 jurisprudence is based on legal xHTU6qjSNNc-00158-00053591-00053901 precedent and reasoning by analogy Kias xHTU6qjSNNc-00159-00053902-00054172 and as thus considered similar to common xHTU6qjSNNc-00160-00054173-00054499 law the main kinds of religious law are xHTU6qjSNNc-00161-00054500-00054853 Sharia in Islam Calaca in judaism and xHTU6qjSNNc-00162-00054854-00055225 canon law in some christian groups in xHTU6qjSNNc-00163-00055226-00055566 some cases these are intended purely as xHTU6qjSNNc-00164-00055567-00055861 individual moral guidance whereas in xHTU6qjSNNc-00165-00055862-00056118 other cases they are intended and may be xHTU6qjSNNc-00166-00056119-00056442 used as the basis for a country's legal xHTU6qjSNNc-00167-00056444-00056775 system the latter was particularly xHTU6qjSNNc-00168-00056776-00057145 common during the Middle Ages xHTU6qjSNNc-00169-00057146-00057475 the halacha is followed by Orthodox and xHTU6qjSNNc-00170-00057476-00057811 conservative Jews in both ecclesiastical xHTU6qjSNNc-00171-00057812-00058222 and civil relations no country as fully xHTU6qjSNNc-00172-00058223-00058546 governed by halacha but to Jewish people xHTU6qjSNNc-00173-00058547-00058879 may decide because of personal belief to xHTU6qjSNNc-00174-00058879-00059140 have a dispute heard by a Jewish court xHTU6qjSNNc-00175-00059141-00059607 and be bound by its rulings the Islamic xHTU6qjSNNc-00176-00059608-00059944 legal system of Sharia Islamic law and xHTU6qjSNNc-00177-00059945-00060244 thick Islamic jurisprudence is the most xHTU6qjSNNc-00178-00060245-00060562 widely used religious law and one of the xHTU6qjSNNc-00179-00060563-00060853 three most common legal systems in the xHTU6qjSNNc-00180-00060854-00061150 world alongside common law and civil law xHTU6qjSNNc-00181-00061151-00061609 it is based on both divine law derived xHTU6qjSNNc-00182-00061610-00061842 from the Quran and Sunnah and the xHTU6qjSNNc-00183-00061844-00062142 rulings of ulema jurists who used the xHTU6qjSNNc-00184-00062144-00062519 methods of ijma consensus Kias xHTU6qjSNNc-00185-00062520-00062884 analogical deduction IG HOD research and xHTU6qjSNNc-00186-00062885-00063250 URF common practice to derive fatwa xHTU6qjSNNc-00187-00063251-00063703 legal opinions analemma was required to xHTU6qjSNNc-00188-00063704-00064009 qualify for an age as a legal doctorate xHTU6qjSNNc-00189-00064010-00064339 at a madrassa law school college before xHTU6qjSNNc-00190-00064340-00064666 they could issue fatwa during the xHTU6qjSNNc-00191-00064666-00065023 Islamic Golden Age classical Islamic law xHTU6qjSNNc-00192-00065024-00065257 may have had an influence on the xHTU6qjSNNc-00193-00065258-00065524 development of common law and several xHTU6qjSNNc-00194-00065525-00065917 civil law institutions Sharia law xHTU6qjSNNc-00195-00065918-00066196 governs a number of Islamic countries xHTU6qjSNNc-00196-00066197-00066535 including Saudi Arabia and Iran though xHTU6qjSNNc-00197-00066536-00066865 most countries use Sharia law only as a xHTU6qjSNNc-00198-00066866-00067251 supplement to national law it can relate xHTU6qjSNNc-00199-00067252-00067588 to all aspects of civil law including xHTU6qjSNNc-00200-00067589-00067719 property rights xHTU6qjSNNc-00201-00067720-00068450 contracts or public law xHTU6qjSNNc-00202-00068451-00069453 topic pluralistic systems xHTU6qjSNNc-00203-00069454-00070165 topic civil law in canon law xHTU6qjSNNc-00204-00070166-00070516 canon law is not divine law properly xHTU6qjSNNc-00205-00070517-00070786 speaking because it is not found in xHTU6qjSNNc-00206-00070787-00071203 Revelation instead it is seen as human xHTU6qjSNNc-00207-00071204-00071512 law inspired by the Word of God and xHTU6qjSNNc-00208-00071513-00071746 applying the demands of that revelation xHTU6qjSNNc-00209-00071747-00072099 to the actual situation of the church xHTU6qjSNNc-00210-00072100-00072406 canon law regulates the internal xHTU6qjSNNc-00211-00072407-00072640 ordering of the Catholic Church the xHTU6qjSNNc-00212-00072641-00072880 Eastern Orthodox Church and the Anglican xHTU6qjSNNc-00213-00072881-00073300 Communion canon law is amended and xHTU6qjSNNc-00214-00073301-00073576 adapted by the legislative authority of xHTU6qjSNNc-00215-00073577-00073857 the church such as councils of bishops xHTU6qjSNNc-00216-00073858-00074116 individual bishops for their respective xHTU6qjSNNc-00217-00074117-00074404 seas the Pope for the entire Catholic xHTU6qjSNNc-00218-00074405-00074677 Church and the British Parliament for xHTU6qjSNNc-00219-00074678-00075328 the Church of England xHTU6qjSNNc-00220-00075329-00076384 topic civil law and common law xHTU6qjSNNc-00221-00076385-00077444 topic civil law and Sharia law xHTU6qjSNNc-00222-00077445-00078521 topic common law and Sharia law xHTU6qjSNNc-00223-00078522-00079114 topic perceptions xHTU6qjSNNc-00224-00079115-00079404 despite the usefulness of different xHTU6qjSNNc-00225-00079405-00079701 classifications every legal system has xHTU6qjSNNc-00226-00079702-00080119 its own individual identity below are xHTU6qjSNNc-00227-00080120-00080443 groups of legal systems categorized by xHTU6qjSNNc-00228-00080444-00080848 their geography click the expand' xHTU6qjSNNc-00229-00080849-00081130 buttons on the right for the lists of xHTU6qjSNNc-00230-00081131-00081490 countries some studies show that ethnic xHTU6qjSNNc-00231-00081491-00081790 minorities are more likely to feel that xHTU6qjSNNc-00232-00081791-00082056 the legal system within their particular xHTU6qjSNNc-00233-00082057-00082468 jurisdiction as unfair and unjust people xHTU6qjSNNc-00234-00082469-00082786 with mental health issues particularly xHTU6qjSNNc-00235-00082787-00083089 young ones are also likely to have a low xHTU6qjSNNc-00236-00083090-00083851 opinion of the justice system xHTU6qjSNNc-00237-00083852-00084472 topic by geography xHTU6qjSNNc-00238-00084473-00084931 equals equals see also xI_Dh0IA80u-00000-00000544-00002175 my child is completely fine xI_Dh0IA80u-00001-00002176-00002476 so xKZv3J_1cOI-00000-00000024-00002002 video xKZv3J_1cOI-00001-00002003-00002939 [Music] xKZv3J_1cOI-00002-00002940-00003431 [Music] xKZv3J_1cOI-00003-00003432-00006245 foreign xKZv3J_1cOI-00004-00006246-00007391 foreign xKZv3J_1cOI-00005-00007392-00009735 foreign xKZv3J_1cOI-00006-00009736-00010913 [Music] xKZv3J_1cOI-00008-00014330-00014807 Capital R2 small R1 small R2 xKZv3J_1cOI-00009-00014808-00015138 F2 Generation plans on a genotype player xKZv3J_1cOI-00010-00015140-00017663 capital r Genesis xKZv3J_1cOI-00011-00017664-00020405 foreign xKZv3J_1cOI-00012-00020406-00022169 foreign xKZv3J_1cOI-00014-00025826-00027312 red and white wheat kernels xKZv3J_1cOI-00015-00027313-00027733 to 15 East 2 6 East to one upper xKZv3J_1cOI-00016-00027733-00028987 okay students xKZv3J_1cOI-00017-00028988-00029189 [Music] xKZv3J_1cOI-00018-00029189-00029561 foreign xKZv3J_1cOI-00020-00032730-00035531 foreign xKZv3J_1cOI-00021-00035532-00036802 foreign xKZv3J_1cOI-00022-00036803-00038077 another xKZv3J_1cOI-00023-00038078-00039637 mandolin inheritance xKZv3J_1cOI-00024-00039638-00040295 different intensities xKZv3J_1cOI-00025-00040296-00041959 bye xKZv3J_1cOI-00026-00041960-00042579 [Music] xLPjdeZVVzg-00000-00000246-00000582 [Music] xLPjdeZVVzg-00001-00000583-00001057 this song for my boyfriend kept still xLPjdeZVVzg-00002-00001058-00001304 didn't make a lovely mom xLPjdeZVVzg-00003-00001305-00002809 [Music] xLPjdeZVVzg-00004-00002810-00003270 Kano's above go sailing xLPjdeZVVzg-00005-00003271-00003590 [Music] xLPjdeZVVzg-00006-00003592-00003715 meaning xLPjdeZVVzg-00007-00003715-00004579 [Music] xLPjdeZVVzg-00008-00004580-00005459 if there's good leaves gone xLPjdeZVVzg-00009-00005460-00005672 because I've been away xLPjdeZVVzg-00010-00005673-00005858 [Applause] xLPjdeZVVzg-00011-00005859-00006356 [Music] xLWxHy5k0iY-00000-00000050-00000311 nightshade released in Japan is kunoichi xLWxHy5k0iY-00001-00000312-00000638 rent female ninja is an action video xLWxHy5k0iY-00002-00000639-00000941 game for the PlayStation 2 ps2 developed xLWxHy5k0iY-00003-00000942-00001157 by overworks and published by Sega in xLWxHy5k0iY-00004-00001158-00001493 2003 it is the 11th game in the shinobi xLWxHy5k0iY-00005-00001494-00001702 series and follows the exploits of a xLWxHy5k0iY-00006-00001703-00001979 female ninja named Habana the game is a xLWxHy5k0iY-00007-00001980-00002800 sequel to the 2002 ps2 game shinobi xLWxHy5k0iY-00008-00002801-00003308 topic story xLWxHy5k0iY-00009-00003309-00003560 in nightshade the player plays as Habana xLWxHy5k0iY-00010-00003561-00003788 a female counterpart to Shinobi's hot xLWxHy5k0iY-00011-00003789-00004072 Zuma she is a government employed ninja xLWxHy5k0iY-00012-00004074-00004259 tasked with the elimination of members xLWxHy5k0iY-00013-00004260-00004463 of the Nakatomi Corporation which has xLWxHy5k0iY-00014-00004464-00004649 unwittingly unleashed hell spawned upon xLWxHy5k0iY-00015-00004650-00004793 futuristic Tokyo xLWxHy5k0iY-00016-00004794-00005021 she is also ordered to recover the xLWxHy5k0iY-00017-00005022-00005345 shards of a Kuchiki the legendary cursed xLWxHy5k0iY-00018-00005346-00005537 sword that hot Zuma used to seal the xLWxHy5k0iY-00019-00005538-00006134 hell spawn the last time xLWxHy5k0iY-00020-00006135-00006641 topic characters xLWxHy5k0iY-00021-00006642-00006921 Habana PHA while voiced by atsuko tanaka xLWxHy5k0iY-00022-00006922-00007325 japanese Karen Swenson English the main xLWxHy5k0iY-00023-00007326-00007541 character Habana was born to a branch xLWxHy5k0iY-00024-00007542-00007754 family of the overall lineage but due to xLWxHy5k0iY-00025-00007755-00007939 being a girl she was not allowed to vie xLWxHy5k0iY-00026-00007940-00008126 for leadership of the clan and was put xLWxHy5k0iY-00027-00008127-00008312 up for adoption at an early age - a xLWxHy5k0iY-00028-00008313-00008567 branch of the overall she is a jaded xLWxHy5k0iY-00029-00008568-00008780 ninja who was abandoned by Jim mushi and xLWxHy5k0iY-00030-00008781-00008993 now works for the government the xLWxHy5k0iY-00031-00008994-00009182 government modeled her sword and outfit xLWxHy5k0iY-00032-00009183-00009392 after hot samus the main character of xLWxHy5k0iY-00033-00009393-00009698 the previous game Habana also appears in xLWxHy5k0iY-00034-00009699-00009913 the 3ds crossover role-playing game xLWxHy5k0iY-00035-00009914-00010184 Project X zone - Jim mushi de Jong xLWxHy5k0iY-00036-00010185-00010474 voiced by sawaki Akua japanese alan xLWxHy5k0iY-00037-00010475-00010787 creased english the shinobi of Earth and xLWxHy5k0iY-00038-00010788-00011060 Habanos former master one of the Oboro xLWxHy5k0iY-00039-00011061-00011296 clan elders until he seceded and became xLWxHy5k0iY-00040-00011297-00011524 a government agent he would become xLWxHy5k0iY-00041-00011525-00011693 disenchanted with the government and xLWxHy5k0iY-00042-00011694-00011891 leave becoming a Nakatomi mercenary xLWxHy5k0iY-00043-00011892-00012179 ninja Kazu guruma funk a voiced by uncho xLWxHy5k0iY-00044-00012180-00012490 ishizuka japanese Timothy eNOS English xLWxHy5k0iY-00045-00012491-00012731 the shinobi of wind and the first xLWxHy5k0iY-00046-00012732-00012935 shinobi who confronts Habana in Jimmy xLWxHy5k0iY-00047-00012936-00013199 she's gang an honorable warrior who xLWxHy5k0iY-00048-00013200-00013406 claims that Habana is his 1,000th xLWxHy5k0iY-00049-00013407-00013637 opponent only be kwai hoooo voiced by xLWxHy5k0iY-00050-00013638-00013903 Wataru Takagi japanese Kevin Millar xLWxHy5k0iY-00051-00013904-00014206 English the shinobi of fire and the xLWxHy5k0iY-00052-00014207-00014488 second shinobi who confronts Habana he xLWxHy5k0iY-00053-00014490-00014687 is attracted to Habana and wants her to xLWxHy5k0iY-00054-00014688-00014906 kill him his soui face wave voiced by xLWxHy5k0iY-00055-00014907-00015143 Chee Hwa Saito Japanese Aran beers xLWxHy5k0iY-00056-00015144-00015449 English the shinobi of water and the xLWxHy5k0iY-00057-00015450-00015635 third shinobi who confronts Habana xLWxHy5k0iY-00058-00015636-00015890 she is Jimmy's new apprentice and is xLWxHy5k0iY-00059-00015891-00016138 essentially Habanos replacement however xLWxHy5k0iY-00060-00016140-00016385 she despises Habana because Jimmy she xLWxHy5k0iY-00061-00016386-00016460 prefers her xLWxHy5k0iY-00062-00016461-00016691 kurohagi hey gang voiced by toch it xLWxHy5k0iY-00063-00016692-00016793 sagoo takashina xLWxHy5k0iY-00064-00016794-00017138 alpha japanese masala rata beta japanese xLWxHy5k0iY-00065-00017139-00017428 hero she ADA final Japanese que si xLWxHy5k0iY-00066-00017429-00017759 Robertson English the antagonist a xLWxHy5k0iY-00067-00017760-00017966 robotic ninja created by the Nakatomi xLWxHy5k0iY-00068-00017967-00018175 group ordered to work with gym mushi and xLWxHy5k0iY-00069-00018176-00018461 retrieve pieces of a Kuchiki although a xLWxHy5k0iY-00070-00018462-00018677 soulless robot he begins to have his own xLWxHy5k0iY-00071-00018678-00018881 agenda with each piece of a Kuchiki he xLWxHy5k0iY-00072-00018882-00019095 absorbs xLWxHy5k0iY-00073-00019096-00019446 you xLWxHy5k0iY-00074-00019447-00019967 topic gameplay xLWxHy5k0iY-00075-00019968-00020210 nightshades missions are linear and each xLWxHy5k0iY-00076-00020211-00020405 one culminates in a battle against a xLWxHy5k0iY-00077-00020406-00020647 challenging boss opponent the core of xLWxHy5k0iY-00078-00020648-00020852 nightshades gameplay is hack and slash xLWxHy5k0iY-00079-00020853-00021064 with accumulating combos on spawning xLWxHy5k0iY-00080-00021065-00021331 enemies about the level using Habanos xLWxHy5k0iY-00081-00021332-00021569 arsenal of a katana the primary weapon xLWxHy5k0iY-00082-00021570-00021800 short daggers achieve less damage but xLWxHy5k0iY-00083-00021801-00022036 score a higher combo multiplier shuriken xLWxHy5k0iY-00084-00022037-00022255 long-range projectiles and various xLWxHy5k0iY-00085-00022256-00022483 ninjutsu spells the game challenges the xLWxHy5k0iY-00086-00022484-00022667 player to achieve as high a score as xLWxHy5k0iY-00087-00022668-00022867 possible while eliminating the opposing xLWxHy5k0iY-00088-00022868-00023086 threat nightshade also includes aspects xLWxHy5k0iY-00089-00023087-00023362 of platforming with a bondas ability to xLWxHy5k0iY-00090-00023363-00023564 dash in midair the game requires the xLWxHy5k0iY-00091-00023565-00023734 player to use this ability to bypass xLWxHy5k0iY-00092-00023735-00024071 holes in hazards game mechanics restrict xLWxHy5k0iY-00093-00024072-00024283 Habana to only a double jump and an air xLWxHy5k0iY-00094-00024284-00024500 dash before she falls requiring the xLWxHy5k0iY-00095-00024501-00024686 player to strike enemies in mid-flight xLWxHy5k0iY-00096-00024687-00024953 to stay in the air by doing this the xLWxHy5k0iY-00097-00024954-00025162 player combines accuracy and timing to xLWxHy5k0iY-00098-00025163-00025381 stay in the air continuously or fall to xLWxHy5k0iY-00099-00025382-00025612 their death if the player has a xLWxHy5k0iY-00100-00025613-00025837 completed save file from shinobi than xLWxHy5k0iY-00101-00025838-00026024 hot Zuma the protagonists of the xLWxHy5k0iY-00102-00026025-00026203 previous game is available as an xLWxHy5k0iY-00103-00026204-00026470 optional playable character he differs xLWxHy5k0iY-00104-00026472-00026642 from Habana in that he does not use xLWxHy5k0iY-00105-00026643-00026839 daggers like her and is only able to use xLWxHy5k0iY-00106-00026841-00027035 a Kuchiki the sword he used in the xLWxHy5k0iY-00107-00027036-00027350 previous game hot Zuma plays exactly as xLWxHy5k0iY-00108-00027351-00027542 before with the same arsenal of moves xLWxHy5k0iY-00109-00027543-00027752 and operates under the same mechanics as xLWxHy5k0iY-00110-00027752-00027989 he did in the previous game he must xLWxHy5k0iY-00111-00027989-00028187 always be finding and defeating enemies xLWxHy5k0iY-00112-00028188-00028402 to feed their souls to a Kuchiki or the xLWxHy5k0iY-00113-00028403-00028568 cursed sword will devour his soul xLWxHy5k0iY-00114-00028569-00029180 instead and kill him xLWxHy5k0iY-00115-00029181-00029689 topic development xLWxHy5k0iY-00116-00029689-00030030 you xLWxHy5k0iY-00117-00030031-00030539 topic soundtrack xLWxHy5k0iY-00118-00030539-00030782 the nightshade soundtrack is based upon xLWxHy5k0iY-00119-00030783-00030977 the Japanese techno of the previous xLWxHy5k0iY-00120-00030977-00031256 iteration shinobi all tracks were xLWxHy5k0iY-00121-00031257-00031483 produced by fumika Mitanni tomonori xLWxHy5k0iY-00122-00031485-00031775 Sawada kg Sugiyama Yutaka minobii xLWxHy5k0iY-00123-00031776-00032077 teruhiko Nakagawa and Massaro set sumaru xLWxHy5k0iY-00124-00032079-00032371 of Sega digital studio nightshade did xLWxHy5k0iY-00125-00032372-00032564 not see an official soundtrack release xLWxHy5k0iY-00126-00032564-00032804 until July 2014 where it was released xLWxHy5k0iY-00127-00032805-00033565 digitally on Amazon music and iTunes xLWxHy5k0iY-00128-00033566-00034081 topic reception xLWxHy5k0iY-00129-00034082-00034362 knightshade received average reviews xLWxHy5k0iY-00130-00034363-00034567 according to the review aggregation xLWxHy5k0iY-00131-00034568-00034879 website metacritic in Japan Famitsu gave xLWxHy5k0iY-00132-00034880-00035077 it a score of one nine and three eighths xLWxHy5k0iY-00133-00035078-00035488 for a total of thirty three out of 40