y29UFFVVr9E-00000-00001175-00001619 once you get up y29UFFVVr9E-00003-00008484-00009014 okay y29UFFVVr9E-00004-00009015-00009883 they have to call the second duration y29UFFVVr9E-00005-00009884-00011352 suppression y29UFFVVr9E-00006-00011353-00012614 [Music] y29UFFVVr9E-00007-00012615-00012846 what was the rate 10 rupees six and y29UFFVVr9E-00008-00012847-00013030 eight don't listen y29UFFVVr9E-00009-00013031-00013391 okay y29UFFVVr9E-00010-00013391-00014407 hey so squad leadership y29UFFVVr9E-00011-00014408-00016535 gonna take it y29UFFVVr9E-00012-00016536-00018299 you're denied big dogs y29UFFVVr9E-00013-00018300-00019683 [Music] y29UFFVVr9E-00014-00019684-00021063 roger y29UFFVVr9E-00015-00021064-00021368 we have 11 minutes y29UFFVVr9E-00016-00021369-00022275 [Applause] y29UFFVVr9E-00017-00022276-00023215 [Music] y3jbTjDMEn4-00000-00003886-00005175 [Applause] y3jbTjDMEn4-00002-00008368-00008575 you y3R-EfNybQg-00000-00001802-00002712 what's that is worried oh what's that y3R-EfNybQg-00001-00002713-00003997 ribbon for I wanted four innings plus 4h y3R-EfNybQg-00002-00003997-00005923 I'm in 4h public speaking y3R-EfNybQg-00003-00005924-00006644 unemployed photography I'm in 4h good y3R-EfNybQg-00004-00006645-00007567 dog I'm a boy to compete on the grinch y3R-EfNybQg-00005-00007568-00008531 River kids I'm and for h1 record I'm the y3R-EfNybQg-00006-00008532-00009158 forage animal science I'm in 4h sport y3R-EfNybQg-00007-00009159-00010589 fishing we are in 48 arts and crafts I'm y3R-EfNybQg-00008-00010590-00011119 the 4-h wildlife y3R-EfNybQg-00009-00011120-00011636 I'm in 4-h shooting sports y3R-EfNybQg-00010-00011637-00012278 I y3R-EfNybQg-00011-00012279-00013826 and then for excellent y3R-EfNybQg-00012-00013827-00014033 you y3b13b__Gog-00000-00000017-00000289 the Radiological and environmental y3b13b__Gog-00001-00000290-00000512 sciences laboratory our ESL is a y3b13b__Gog-00002-00000513-00000716 government-owned and government operated y3b13b__Gog-00003-00000717-00000952 laboratory operated by the US Department y3b13b__Gog-00004-00000953-00001247 of Energy Idaho operations office it y3b13b__Gog-00005-00001248-00001441 reports directly to the DOE idea y3b13b__Gog-00006-00001442-00001651 assistant manager for technical programs y3b13b__Gog-00007-00001652-00001892 and operations and is located at the IRC y3b13b__Gog-00008-00001893-00002267 in Idaho Falls Idaho our ESL in its y3b13b__Gog-00009-00002268-00002500 predecessor organizations have been part y3b13b__Gog-00010-00002501-00002924 of the DOE ID since 1949 our ESL y3b13b__Gog-00011-00002925-00003158 provides an unbiased technical component y3b13b__Gog-00012-00003159-00003322 to doe oversight of contractor y3b13b__Gog-00013-00003323-00003542 operations at doe facilities and sites y3b13b__Gog-00014-00003543-00003856 as a reference laboratory it conducts y3b13b__Gog-00015-00003857-00004010 cost-effective measurement quality y3b13b__Gog-00016-00004011-00004220 assurance programs that help assure that y3b13b__Gog-00017-00004221-00004442 kedo missions are completed in a safe y3b13b__Gog-00018-00004443-00004631 and environmentally responsible manner y3b13b__Gog-00019-00004632-00004925 by assuring the quality and stability of y3b13b__Gog-00020-00004926-00005093 key laboratory measurement systems y3b13b__Gog-00021-00005094-00005291 throughout doe and by providing expert y3b13b__Gog-00022-00005292-00005486 technical assistance to improve those y3b13b__Gog-00023-00005487-00005695 systems and programs it assures the y3b13b__Gog-00024-00005696-00005909 reliability of data on which decisions y3b13b__Gog-00025-00005910-00006193 are based as a result customers and y3b13b__Gog-00026-00006194-00006338 stakeholders have greater confidence y3b13b__Gog-00027-00006339-00006587 that those programs protect workers the y3b13b__Gog-00028-00006588-00006800 public and the environment are ESL's y3b13b__Gog-00029-00006801-00007003 core scientific capabilities are in y3b13b__Gog-00030-00007004-00007175 analytical chemistry and radiation y3b13b__Gog-00031-00007176-00007466 calibrations and measurements the our y3b13b__Gog-00032-00007467-00007720 ESL staff includes professional chemists y3b13b__Gog-00033-00007722-00007939 physicists health physicists engineers y3b13b__Gog-00034-00007940-00008192 computer programmers and technicians y3b13b__Gog-00035-00008193-00008492 many of whom have advanced degrees their y3b13b__Gog-00036-00008493-00008660 professional involvement includes y3b13b__Gog-00037-00008661-00008881 participating in professional society y3b13b__Gog-00038-00008882-00009077 activities acting as reviewers and y3b13b__Gog-00039-00009078-00009260 participating on working groups and y3b13b__Gog-00040-00009261-00009460 committees for organizations such as the y3b13b__Gog-00041-00009461-00009653 American Society for testing and y3b13b__Gog-00042-00009654-00009908 materials the health physics Society the y3b13b__Gog-00043-00009909-00010148 American Chemical Society the Council on y3b13b__Gog-00044-00010149-00010337 ionizing radiation measurements and y3b13b__Gog-00045-00010338-00010513 standards the American Water Works y3b13b__Gog-00046-00010514-00010745 Association the American National y3b13b__Gog-00047-00010746-00010892 Standards Institute and the y3b13b__Gog-00048-00010893-00011218 international standards organization y6nGGybYReA-00000-00000003-00000361 a capacitive micromachined ultrasonic y6nGGybYReA-00001-00000362-00000724 transducer CMU t is a relatively new y6nGGybYReA-00002-00000725-00000958 concept in the field of ultrasonic y6nGGybYReA-00003-00000959-00001258 transducers most of the commercial y6nGGybYReA-00004-00001259-00001523 ultrasonic transducers today are based y6nGGybYReA-00005-00001524-00001907 on piezoelectricity CMU TS are the y6nGGybYReA-00006-00001907-00002096 transducers where the energy y6nGGybYReA-00007-00002097-00002297 transduction is due to change in y6nGGybYReA-00008-00002298-00002732 capacitance CMU TS are constructed on y6nGGybYReA-00009-00002733-00003005 silicon using micromachining techniques y6nGGybYReA-00010-00003006-00003284 a cavity is formed in a silicon y6nGGybYReA-00011-00003285-00003547 substrate and a thin layer suspended on y6nGGybYReA-00012-00003548-00003731 the top of the cavity serves as a y6nGGybYReA-00013-00003732-00003931 membrane on which a metallized layer y6nGGybYReA-00014-00003932-00004163 acts an electrode together with the y6nGGybYReA-00015-00004164-00004379 silicon substrate which serves as a y6nGGybYReA-00016-00004380-00004602 bottom electrode y6nGGybYReA-00017-00004603-00004843 if an AC signal is applied across the y6nGGybYReA-00018-00004844-00005134 biased electrodes the vibrating membrane y6nGGybYReA-00019-00005135-00005361 will produce ultrasonic waves in the y6nGGybYReA-00020-00005362-00005692 medium of interest in this way it works y6nGGybYReA-00021-00005693-00005977 as a transmitter on the other hand if y6nGGybYReA-00022-00005978-00006199 ultrasonic waves are applied on the y6nGGybYReA-00023-00006200-00006481 membrane of a biased C mu T it will y6nGGybYReA-00024-00006481-00006681 generate alternating signal as the y6nGGybYReA-00025-00006683-00007002 capacitance of the C mu T is varied in y6nGGybYReA-00026-00007003-00007306 this way it works as a receiver of y6nGGybYReA-00027-00007306-00007602 ultrasonic waves as C mu TS are y6nGGybYReA-00028-00007603-00007858 micromachined devices it is easier to y6nGGybYReA-00029-00007859-00008179 construct 2d arrays of transducers using y6nGGybYReA-00030-00008180-00008530 this technology this means large numbers y6nGGybYReA-00031-00008531-00008782 of C mu TS could be included in a y6nGGybYReA-00032-00008783-00009001 transducer array providing larger y6nGGybYReA-00033-00009002-00009232 bandwidth compared to other transducer y6nGGybYReA-00034-00009233-00009570 technologies to achieve a high frequency y6nGGybYReA-00035-00009571-00009943 operation using C mu TS as easier due to y6nGGybYReA-00036-00009944-00010291 its smaller dimensions the frequency of y6nGGybYReA-00037-00010292-00010507 operation depends on the cell size y6nGGybYReA-00038-00010508-00010762 cavity of membrane and on the stiffness y6nGGybYReA-00039-00010763-00011124 of the material used as a membrane as it y6nGGybYReA-00040-00011125-00011397 is built on silicon the integration of y6nGGybYReA-00041-00011398-00011655 electronics would be easier for the C mu y6nGGybYReA-00042-00011656-00011902 TS compared to other transducer y6nGGybYReA-00043-00011903-00012235 technologies the properties to use in y6nGGybYReA-00044-00012236-00012441 high frequency with large bandwidth y6nGGybYReA-00045-00012442-00012636 makes it a good choice to use as a y6nGGybYReA-00046-00012637-00012936 transducer in medical imaging especially y6nGGybYReA-00047-00012937-00013316 in an intravascular ultrasound IV us y6nGGybYReA-00048-00013318-00013585 because of its broader bandwidth it y6nGGybYReA-00049-00013586-00013852 could be used in second harmonic imaging y6nGGybYReA-00050-00013853-00014122 also some experiments have been y6nGGybYReA-00051-00014122-00014975 performed to use C mu T s as hydrophones y6nGGybYReA-00052-00014976-00015974 topic fabrication methods y6nGGybYReA-00053-00015975-00016322 topic sacrificial release surface y6nGGybYReA-00054-00016322-00016758 micromachining y6nGGybYReA-00055-00016759-00016995 surface micromachining is the y6nGGybYReA-00056-00016996-00017342 traditional way of manufacturing CMU TS y6nGGybYReA-00057-00017343-00017605 the major limitations of this method y6nGGybYReA-00058-00017606-00017875 include complicated manufacturing y6nGGybYReA-00059-00017876-00018094 process for constructing and sealing y6nGGybYReA-00060-00018095-00018258 etch drainage channels of the y6nGGybYReA-00061-00018259-00018464 sacrificial material the need for y6nGGybYReA-00062-00018465-00018739 sacrificial release channels reduces the y6nGGybYReA-00063-00018740-00019020 available space for transducers thereby y6nGGybYReA-00064-00019021-00019278 reducing the achievable sound generation y6nGGybYReA-00065-00019279-00019530 capability limited control of layers y6nGGybYReA-00066-00019531-00019717 thickness during the manufacturing y6nGGybYReA-00067-00019718-00020005 process limited cavity thickness due to y6nGGybYReA-00068-00020006-00020262 residues of fluid inside the cell cavity y6nGGybYReA-00069-00020263-00020464 which can cause diction between the y6nGGybYReA-00070-00020465-00020697 upper and lower parts of the cell if the y6nGGybYReA-00071-00020698-00021348 cell is not thick enough y6nGGybYReA-00072-00021349-00021917 topic wafer bonding y6nGGybYReA-00073-00021918-00022208 wafer bonding is the most popular method y6nGGybYReA-00074-00022209-00022606 in this method a CMU TS built from two y6nGGybYReA-00075-00022607-00022858 separate wafers which are later bonded y6nGGybYReA-00076-00022859-00023530 to achieve cells with cavities y6nGGybYReA-00077-00023531-00024230 topic fusion bonding fusion bonding of y6nGGybYReA-00078-00024231-00024566 wafers multi-user mumps poly mumps y6nGGybYReA-00079-00024567-00024994 process C mu TS manufactured in the y6nGGybYReA-00080-00024995-00025217 multi-user mumps were reported to have y6nGGybYReA-00081-00025218-00025475 reduced performance such as relatively y6nGGybYReA-00082-00025476-00026139 low resonating frequency y6nGGybYReA-00083-00026139-00026695 topic anodic bonding y6nGGybYReA-00084-00026695-00027012 in anodic bonding wafers are sealed at y6nGGybYReA-00085-00027013-00027226 high temperature and in the presence of y6nGGybYReA-00086-00027227-00027829 electric field y6nGGybYReA-00087-00027830-00028446 topic top down process y6nGGybYReA-00088-00028447-00028698 in this method the manufacturing is y6nGGybYReA-00089-00028699-00028942 performed in reverse order compared to y6nGGybYReA-00090-00028943-00029226 the traditional way the structural y6nGGybYReA-00091-00029227-00029623 membrane is in silicon nitride lpcvd but y6nGGybYReA-00092-00029624-00029911 the entire process is low-temperature so y6nGGybYReA-00093-00029912-00030246 it is Simas compatible there are no etch y6nGGybYReA-00094-00030247-00030462 hole on the radiating surface of the y6nGGybYReA-00095-00030463-00030774 device the connection pads are on the y6nGGybYReA-00096-00030775-00030996 back of the device without using of y6nGGybYReA-00097-00030997-00031201 through vias in the silicon and the y6nGGybYReA-00098-00031202-00031455 silicon substrate is completely removed y6nGGybYReA-00099-00031456-00031801 a custom acoustic backing is used to y6nGGybYReA-00100-00031802-00032014 improve acoustic performances of the y6nGGybYReA-00101-00032014-00032442 device the process uses few masks seven y6nGGybYReA-00102-00032443-00032958 to eight y6nGGybYReA-00103-00032959-00033288 topic integration with electrical y6nGGybYReA-00104-00033289-00033680 circuits y6nGGybYReA-00105-00033681-00033926 as mentioned earlier one of the y6nGGybYReA-00106-00033927-00034235 significant advantages of CMU TS over y6nGGybYReA-00107-00034236-00034511 piezoelectric transducers as the ability y6nGGybYReA-00108-00034512-00034793 to integrate CMU TS with electrical y6nGGybYReA-00109-00034794-00035072 circuits using existing manufacturing y6nGGybYReA-00110-00035073-00035652 methods y6nGGybYReA-00111-00035653-00036034 topic benchmarking y6nGGybYReA-00112-00036035-00036233 you y6nGGybYReA-00113-00036234-00036590 CMU tea performance as benchmarked using y6nGGybYReA-00114-00036591-00036845 pitch catch and pulse echo experiments y6nGGybYReA-00115-00036846-00037118 and operation uniformity as tested in y6nGGybYReA-00116-00037119-00037427 air and in immersion in a pitch catch y6nGGybYReA-00117-00037428-00037709 experiment the transducer is benchmarked y6nGGybYReA-00118-00037710-00037973 using a hydrophone and in a pulse echo y6nGGybYReA-00119-00037974-00038237 experiment the transducer is used both y6nGGybYReA-00120-00038238-00038462 for transmitting and receiving while y6nGGybYReA-00121-00038463-00038663 comparing the measured signal to the y6nGGybYReA-00122-00038664-00039339 hydrophone response y6nGGybYReA-00123-00039340-00039926 topic applications y6nGGybYReA-00124-00039927-00040277 the CMU Tionne CMOS technology and the y6nGGybYReA-00125-00040278-00040487 flip chip process allows tight y6nGGybYReA-00126-00040488-00040769 integration of CMU TS with front-end y6nGGybYReA-00127-00040770-00041051 electronics which is necessary for many y6nGGybYReA-00128-00041052-00041312 at your medical imaging devices such as y6nGGybYReA-00129-00041313-00041627 IV us y6ytbAm3i4M-00000-00000055-00000202 [Music] y6ytbAm3i4M-00001-00000204-00000359 foreign y6ytbAm3i4M-00002-00000360-00000701 [Music] y6ytbAm3i4M-00003-00000702-00000928 so far I've reviewed the evidence on y6ytbAm3i4M-00004-00000930-00001354 coconut oil and coconut milk that y6ytbAm3i4M-00005-00001355-00001499 suggests neither is good for you but y6ytbAm3i4M-00006-00001500-00001757 what about coconut water y6ytbAm3i4M-00007-00001757-00001925 when I first learned about athletes y6ytbAm3i4M-00008-00001926-00002087 using coconut Waters like natural y6ytbAm3i4M-00009-00002088-00002321 Gatorade I did a medical literature y6ytbAm3i4M-00010-00002322-00002573 search for athletes and coconut and only y6ytbAm3i4M-00011-00002574-00002839 came up with this a study of canine y6ytbAm3i4M-00012-00002840-00003238 athletes turns out the feeding like drug y6ytbAm3i4M-00013-00003239-00003454 or bomb sniffing dogs coconut oil can y6ytbAm3i4M-00014-00003455-00003640 sometimes wipe out their ability to y6ytbAm3i4M-00015-00003642-00003959 smell at all but what about coconut y6ytbAm3i4M-00016-00003960-00004301 water and human athletes y6ytbAm3i4M-00017-00004302-00004469 studies on coconut water as an y6ytbAm3i4M-00018-00004470-00004649 electrolyte replacement beverage date y6ytbAm3i4M-00019-00004650-00004877 back decades when coconut water was y6ytbAm3i4M-00020-00004878-00005117 compared to other Beverages and found to y6ytbAm3i4M-00021-00005118-00005452 be more suitable but the other beverages y6ytbAm3i4M-00022-00005453-00005681 they compare the two were like Pepsi y6ytbAm3i4M-00023-00005682-00005938 Coke Sprite and 7UP y6ytbAm3i4M-00024-00005939-00006220 you don't really know until you put it y6ytbAm3i4M-00025-00006221-00006503 to the test it was found to help in y6ytbAm3i4M-00026-00006504-00006659 cases of mild dehydration due to y6ytbAm3i4M-00027-00006659-00006923 Childhood diarrhea despite having an y6ytbAm3i4M-00028-00006923-00007163 unbalanced electrolyte composition by y6ytbAm3i4M-00029-00007164-00007360 which they meant the sodium potassium y6ytbAm3i4M-00030-00007361-00007648 ratio was off coconut water has so much y6ytbAm3i4M-00031-00007650-00007864 potassium that people with kidney y6ytbAm3i4M-00032-00007865-00008083 disease can run into life-threatening y6ytbAm3i4M-00033-00008084-00008339 hyperkalemia too much potassium in the y6ytbAm3i4M-00034-00008340-00008417 blood y6ytbAm3i4M-00035-00008418-00008609 if you drink like two quarts of coconut y6ytbAm3i4M-00036-00008610-00008764 water and don't have normal kidney y6ytbAm3i4M-00037-00008765-00008896 function which would otherwise just y6ytbAm3i4M-00038-00008897-00009185 flush the excess away people may not y6ytbAm3i4M-00039-00009186-00009359 realize coconut water has so much y6ytbAm3i4M-00040-00009360-00009592 potassium so even if your doctor warns y6ytbAm3i4M-00041-00009593-00009701 you about staying away from high y6ytbAm3i4M-00042-00009702-00009892 potassium foods you know you may not y6ytbAm3i4M-00043-00009893-00010163 realize and run into problems even one y6ytbAm3i4M-00044-00010164-00010360 quart a day maybe too much for someone y6ytbAm3i4M-00045-00010361-00010546 whose kidneys have been compromised by y6ytbAm3i4M-00046-00010547-00010774 diabetes for example y6ytbAm3i4M-00047-00010775-00011051 cream of tartar is the same kind of y6ytbAm3i4M-00048-00011052-00011201 thing people don't realize it's like 20 y6ytbAm3i4M-00049-00011202-00011477 pure potassium and so when they listen y6ytbAm3i4M-00050-00011478-00011633 to websites claiming it's a natural y6ytbAm3i4M-00051-00011634-00011813 remedy even young people with healthy y6ytbAm3i4M-00052-00011814-00011999 kidneys can run into problems if they y6ytbAm3i4M-00053-00012000-00012214 take spoonfuls of the stuff with cream y6ytbAm3i4M-00054-00012215-00012563 of tartar overdose deaths dating back to y6ytbAm3i4M-00055-00012564-00012767 the 1800s y6ytbAm3i4M-00056-00012768-00012952 but what about rehydration after y6ytbAm3i4M-00057-00012953-00013225 exercise with fresh young coconut water y6ytbAm3i4M-00058-00013226-00013499 yes it can help replace fluid loss from y6ytbAm3i4M-00059-00013500-00013679 diarrhea but what about fluid loss from y6ytbAm3i4M-00060-00013680-00014093 heavy exercise we didn't know until this y6ytbAm3i4M-00061-00014094-00014405 study 90 minutes about 90 degrees y6ytbAm3i4M-00062-00014406-00014579 Fahrenheit until they lost up to three y6ytbAm3i4M-00063-00014580-00014722 percent of their body weight and then y6ytbAm3i4M-00064-00014723-00015011 they had them drink coconut water versus y6ytbAm3i4M-00065-00015012-00015244 a sports beverage versus just plain y6ytbAm3i4M-00066-00015245-00015335 water y6ytbAm3i4M-00067-00015336-00015593 and no significant difference in y6ytbAm3i4M-00068-00015594-00015886 rehydration for any of them subsequent y6ytbAm3i4M-00069-00015887-00016144 study findings were more mixed some y6ytbAm3i4M-00070-00016145-00016403 showed a sports drink beat out water for y6ytbAm3i4M-00071-00016404-00016655 hydration but coconut water didn't or y6ytbAm3i4M-00072-00016656-00016835 they both beat out water but not each y6ytbAm3i4M-00073-00016836-00017027 other but the reason athletes care about y6ytbAm3i4M-00074-00017028-00017183 rehydration is that they care about y6ytbAm3i4M-00075-00017184-00017333 performance y6ytbAm3i4M-00076-00017334-00017597 but there had never been any studies on y6ytbAm3i4M-00077-00017598-00017849 not just measures of hydration but on y6ytbAm3i4M-00078-00017850-00018293 physical performance until this study y6ytbAm3i4M-00079-00018294-00018575 they tested water versus coconut water y6ytbAm3i4M-00080-00018576-00018755 versus coconut water from concentrate y6ytbAm3i4M-00081-00018756-00019000 versus a standard sports drink then they y6ytbAm3i4M-00082-00019001-00019180 stuck them on a treadmill and timed how y6ytbAm3i4M-00083-00019181-00019372 long they could go before they collapsed y6ytbAm3i4M-00084-00019373-00019577 and they discovered y6ytbAm3i4M-00085-00019578-00019847 no significant difference between any of y6ytbAm3i4M-00086-00019848-00020099 them plain water did just as good as y6ytbAm3i4M-00087-00020100-00020380 coconut water in fact even better since y6ytbAm3i4M-00088-00020381-00020543 those drinking the coconut water felt y6ytbAm3i4M-00089-00020544-00020800 more bloated with upset tummies y6ytbAm3i4M-00090-00020801-00020993 now this was all done at room y6ytbAm3i4M-00091-00020994-00021250 temperature about 70 degrees what about y6ytbAm3i4M-00092-00021251-00021485 Instead at over 90 degrees Fahrenheit y6ytbAm3i4M-00093-00021486-00021749 then the coconut water did seem to beat y6ytbAm3i4M-00094-00021750-00022072 out water but time to exhaustion isn't y6ytbAm3i4M-00095-00022073-00022247 the same as performance that's something y6ytbAm3i4M-00096-00022248-00022391 that's routinely used in laboratory y6ytbAm3i4M-00097-00022392-00022636 studies but doing something like a time y6ytbAm3i4M-00098-00022637-00022925 trial test would actually measure Speed y6ytbAm3i4M-00099-00022926-00023057 and Performance y6ytbAm3i4M-00100-00023058-00023225 but there's never been a head-to-head y6ytbAm3i4M-00101-00023226-00023455 water versus coconut water time trial y6ytbAm3i4M-00102-00023456-00023755 until now y6ytbAm3i4M-00103-00023756-00024053 drinking coconut water bikers make it y6ytbAm3i4M-00104-00024054-00024433 10K in 971 seconds and on Plain water y6ytbAm3i4M-00105-00024434-00024772 about five seconds faster in other words y6ytbAm3i4M-00106-00024773-00025025 no significant difference the first y6ytbAm3i4M-00107-00025026-00025180 study in the use of coconut water during y6ytbAm3i4M-00108-00025181-00025457 exercise and it looks like it's no more y6ytbAm3i4M-00109-00025458-00025744 beneficial than plain water y6ytbAm3i4M-00110-00025745-00026044 how's the coconut water industry gonna y6ytbAm3i4M-00111-00026045-00026290 spin this they're the ones that funded y6ytbAm3i4M-00112-00026291-00026411 the study they found no difference y6ytbAm3i4M-00113-00026412-00026590 between plain water coconut water and y6ytbAm3i4M-00114-00026591-00026807 sports drinks so did the authors y6ytbAm3i4M-00115-00026808-00027046 conclude you know Vita Coco is no better y6ytbAm3i4M-00116-00027047-00027281 than water no y6ytbAm3i4M-00117-00027282-00027520 they said coconut water y6ytbAm3i4M-00118-00027522-00027751 is just as good as Sports beverages y6ytbAm3i4M-00119-00027752-00028018 finding athletes and coaches will likely y6ytbAm3i4M-00120-00028019-00028277 find of most importance failing to note y6ytbAm3i4M-00121-00028277-00028529 that not only did plain water do just as y6ytbAm3i4M-00122-00028530-00028757 well it did better because there were y6ytbAm3i4M-00123-00028758-00028931 twice as much stomach upset in the y6ytbAm3i4M-00124-00028932-00029140 coconut water groups y6ytbAm3i4M-00125-00029141-00029452 but wait if all the beverages did y6ytbAm3i4M-00126-00029454-00029752 equally well then this isn't just a y6ytbAm3i4M-00127-00029754-00029962 refutation of any special properties to y6ytbAm3i4M-00128-00029963-00030208 coconut water but the sports drinks as y6ytbAm3i4M-00129-00030210-00030305 well y6ytbAm3i4M-00130-00030306-00030599 if they didn't know better than water or y6ytbAm3i4M-00131-00030600-00030874 sports drinks just a waste of money y6ytbAm3i4M-00132-00030875-00031073 we'll find out y6ytbAm3i4M-00133-00031074-00031577 next y6ytbAm3i4M-00134-00031579-00032116 [Music] y6Df-XC63Mo-00000-00000053-00000248 sunlight is a portion of the y6Df-XC63Mo-00001-00000249-00000461 electromagnetic radiation given off by y6Df-XC63Mo-00002-00000462-00000719 the Sun in particular infrared visible y6Df-XC63Mo-00003-00000720-00001016 and ultraviolet light on earth sunlight y6Df-XC63Mo-00004-00001017-00001178 is filtered through Earth's atmosphere y6Df-XC63Mo-00005-00001179-00001375 and as obvious as daylight when the Sun y6Df-XC63Mo-00006-00001376-00001622 is above the horizon when the direct y6Df-XC63Mo-00007-00001623-00001841 solar radiation is not blocked by clouds y6Df-XC63Mo-00008-00001842-00002042 it is experienced as sunshine a y6Df-XC63Mo-00009-00002043-00002240 combination of bright light and radiant y6Df-XC63Mo-00010-00002241-00002485 heat when it is blocked by clouds or y6Df-XC63Mo-00011-00002486-00002650 reflects off other objects it is y6Df-XC63Mo-00012-00002651-00002933 experienced as diffused light the World y6Df-XC63Mo-00013-00002934-00003166 Meteorological Organization uses the y6Df-XC63Mo-00014-00003167-00003449 term sunshine duration to mean the y6Df-XC63Mo-00015-00003450-00003635 cumulative time during which an area y6Df-XC63Mo-00016-00003636-00003838 receives direct irradiance from the Sun y6Df-XC63Mo-00017-00003839-00004093 of at least 120 watts per square meter y6Df-XC63Mo-00018-00004094-00004427 other sources indicate in average over y6Df-XC63Mo-00019-00004428-00004859 the entire Earth of 164 watts per square y6Df-XC63Mo-00020-00004860-00005285 meter over a 24 hour day the ultraviolet y6Df-XC63Mo-00021-00005286-00005527 radiation in sunlight has both positive y6Df-XC63Mo-00022-00005528-00005704 and negative health effects as it is y6Df-XC63Mo-00023-00005705-00005867 both a requisite for vitamin d3 y6Df-XC63Mo-00024-00005868-00006206 synthesis and a mutagen sunlight takes y6Df-XC63Mo-00025-00006207-00006379 about eight point three minutes to reach y6Df-XC63Mo-00026-00006380-00006567 Earth from the surface of the Sun a y6Df-XC63Mo-00027-00006568-00006827 photon starting at the center of the Sun y6Df-XC63Mo-00028-00006828-00007021 and changing direction every time it y6Df-XC63Mo-00029-00007022-00007223 encounters a charged particle would take y6Df-XC63Mo-00030-00007223-00007559 between 10,000 and 170,000 years to get y6Df-XC63Mo-00031-00007559-00007784 to the surface sunlight is a key factor y6Df-XC63Mo-00032-00007784-00007999 in photosynthesis the process used by y6Df-XC63Mo-00033-00008000-00008237 plants and other autotrophic organisms y6Df-XC63Mo-00034-00008238-00008438 to convert light energy normally from y6Df-XC63Mo-00035-00008439-00008648 the Sun into chemical energy that can be y6Df-XC63Mo-00036-00008649-00008864 used to synthesize carbohydrates and to y6Df-XC63Mo-00037-00008865-00009527 fuel the organisms activities y6Df-XC63Mo-00038-00009528-00010166 topic measurement researchers can y6Df-XC63Mo-00039-00010167-00010367 measure the intensity of sunlight using y6Df-XC63Mo-00040-00010368-00010577 a sunshine recorder pyranometer or y6Df-XC63Mo-00041-00010578-00010880 pyrheliometer to calculate the amount of y6Df-XC63Mo-00042-00010881-00011030 sunlight reaching the ground y6Df-XC63Mo-00043-00011031-00011174 both the eccentricity of Earth's y6Df-XC63Mo-00044-00011175-00011378 elliptic orbit and the attenuation by y6Df-XC63Mo-00045-00011379-00011567 Earth's atmosphere have to be taken into y6Df-XC63Mo-00046-00011568-00011825 account the extra-terrestrial solar y6Df-XC63Mo-00047-00011826-00012065 illuminance I ext corrected for the y6Df-XC63Mo-00048-00012066-00012254 elliptic orbit by using the day number y6Df-XC63Mo-00049-00012255-00012470 of the year DN is given to a good y6Df-XC63Mo-00050-00012471-00013810 approximation by E E X T equals e s c1 y6Df-XC63Mo-00051-00013811-00015352 plus 0.03 3 4 1 2 coz 2 pi D and minus 3 y6Df-XC63Mo-00052-00015353-00015794 365 display style e underscore firm x2 y6Df-XC63Mo-00053-00015794-00016147 equals e underscore firm SC C do T left y6Df-XC63Mo-00054-00016148-00016775 1 plus 0.03 3 4 1 2 C do t cuz left 2 pi y6Df-XC63Mo-00055-00016776-00017390 frac m DN minus 3 365 right right where y6Df-XC63Mo-00056-00017391-00017774 DN equals 1 on January 1st DN equals 32 y6Df-XC63Mo-00057-00017775-00018107 on February 1st DN equals 59 on March y6Df-XC63Mo-00058-00018108-00018161 1st y6Df-XC63Mo-00059-00018162-00018413 except on leap years where DN equals 60 y6Df-XC63Mo-00060-00018414-00018778 etc in this formula DN 3 is used because y6Df-XC63Mo-00061-00018779-00019006 in modern times Earth's perihelion the y6Df-XC63Mo-00062-00019007-00019169 closest approach to the Sun and y6Df-XC63Mo-00063-00019170-00019406 therefore the maximum a ext occurs y6Df-XC63Mo-00064-00019407-00019678 around January 3rd each year the value y6Df-XC63Mo-00065-00019679-00020012 of zero point zero 3 3 4 1 2 as y6Df-XC63Mo-00066-00020013-00020168 determined knowing that the ratio y6Df-XC63Mo-00067-00020169-00020599 between the perihelion 0.98 3 2 8 9 8 9 y6Df-XC63Mo-00068-00020600-00020822 astronomical units squared and the y6Df-XC63Mo-00069-00020823-00021071 aphelion one point zero one six seven y6Df-XC63Mo-00070-00021072-00021353 one zero three three astronomical units y6Df-XC63Mo-00071-00021354-00021542 squared should be approximately zero y6Df-XC63Mo-00072-00021543-00021787 point nine three five three three eight y6Df-XC63Mo-00073-00021788-00022121 the solar illuminance constant es C is y6Df-XC63Mo-00074-00022122-00022601 equal to 128 times 103 Lux the direct y6Df-XC63Mo-00075-00022602-00022841 normal illuminance edn corrected for the y6Df-XC63Mo-00076-00022842-00022922 attenuating y6Df-XC63Mo-00077-00022923-00023242 Effects of the atmosphere is given by E y6Df-XC63Mo-00078-00023243-00024839 D and equals e e x t e minus C M display y6Df-XC63Mo-00079-00024840-00025097 style e underscore DN equals e y6Df-XC63Mo-00080-00025098-00025502 underscore firm XT caret cm where C is y6Df-XC63Mo-00081-00025503-00025712 the atmospheric extinction and M is the y6Df-XC63Mo-00082-00025713-00025949 relative optical air mass the y6Df-XC63Mo-00083-00025950-00026156 atmospheric extinction brings the number y6Df-XC63Mo-00084-00026157-00026521 of Lux down to around 100,000 the total y6Df-XC63Mo-00085-00026522-00026695 amount of energy received at ground y6Df-XC63Mo-00086-00026697-00026855 level from the Sun that the Zenith y6Df-XC63Mo-00087-00026856-00027037 depends on the distance to the Sun and y6Df-XC63Mo-00088-00027038-00027358 thus on the time of year it is about 3.3 y6Df-XC63Mo-00089-00027360-00027565 percent higher than average in January y6Df-XC63Mo-00090-00027566-00027871 and 3.3 percent lower in July see below y6Df-XC63Mo-00091-00027872-00028177 if the extra-terrestrial solar radiation y6Df-XC63Mo-00092-00028178-00028592 as 1367 watts per square meter the value y6Df-XC63Mo-00093-00028593-00028757 when the Earth's Sun distance is one y6Df-XC63Mo-00094-00028758-00028949 astronomical unit then the direct y6Df-XC63Mo-00095-00028950-00029143 sunlight at Earth's surface when the Sun y6Df-XC63Mo-00096-00029144-00029417 is at the zenith is about 1050 with m2 y6Df-XC63Mo-00097-00029418-00029657 but the total amount direct and indirect y6Df-XC63Mo-00098-00029658-00029819 from the atmosphere hitting the ground y6Df-XC63Mo-00099-00029820-00030161 is around 11:20 with m2 in terms of y6Df-XC63Mo-00100-00030162-00030370 energy sunlight at Earth's surface is y6Df-XC63Mo-00101-00030372-00030695 around 52 to 55 percent infrared above y6Df-XC63Mo-00102-00030695-00031064 700 nanometres 42 to 43 percent visible y6Df-XC63Mo-00103-00031064-00031361 400 to 700 nanometers and three to five y6Df-XC63Mo-00104-00031362-00031612 percent ultraviolet below 400 nanometers y6Df-XC63Mo-00105-00031613-00031921 at the top of the atmosphere sunlight is y6Df-XC63Mo-00106-00031922-00032146 about 30 percent more intense having y6Df-XC63Mo-00107-00032147-00032389 about eight percent ultraviolet UV with y6Df-XC63Mo-00108-00032391-00032585 most of the extra UV consisting of y6Df-XC63Mo-00109-00032586-00032774 biologically damaging shortwave y6Df-XC63Mo-00110-00032775-00032971 ultraviolet direct sunlight has a y6Df-XC63Mo-00111-00032972-00033224 luminous efficacy of about 93 lumens per y6Df-XC63Mo-00112-00033225-00033506 watt of radiant flux this is higher than y6Df-XC63Mo-00113-00033507-00033680 the efficacy of source of most y6Df-XC63Mo-00114-00033681-00033893 artificial lighting including florescent y6Df-XC63Mo-00115-00033894-00034043 which means using sunlight for y6Df-XC63Mo-00116-00034044-00034214 illumination heats up a room less than y6Df-XC63Mo-00117-00034215-00034489 using most forms of artificial lighting y6Df-XC63Mo-00118-00034490-00034820 multiplying the figure of 1050 watts per y6Df-XC63Mo-00119-00034821-00035021 square meter by 93 lumens per watt y6Df-XC63Mo-00120-00035022-00035246 indicates that bright sunlight provides y6Df-XC63Mo-00121-00035247-00035456 an illuminance of approximately 98 y6Df-XC63Mo-00122-00035457-00035687 thousand Lux lumens per square meter on y6Df-XC63Mo-00123-00035688-00035950 a perpendicular surface at sea level the y6Df-XC63Mo-00124-00035951-00036161 illumination of a horizontal surface y6Df-XC63Mo-00125-00036162-00036302 will be considerably y6Df-XC63Mo-00126-00036303-00036476 less than.this if the Sun is not very y6Df-XC63Mo-00127-00036477-00036779 high in the sky average over a day the y6Df-XC63Mo-00128-00036780-00036929 highest amount of sunlight on a y6Df-XC63Mo-00129-00036930-00037172 horizontal surface occurs in January at y6Df-XC63Mo-00130-00037173-00037493 the South Pole see insulation dividing y6Df-XC63Mo-00131-00037494-00037742 the irradiance of 1050 with m2 by the y6Df-XC63Mo-00132-00037743-00037958 size of the sun's disk in stearate ian's y6Df-XC63Mo-00133-00037959-00038213 gives an average radiance of 15 point 4 y6Df-XC63Mo-00134-00038214-00038381 mega watts per square meter per y6Df-XC63Mo-00135-00038382-00038591 steradian however the radiance at the y6Df-XC63Mo-00136-00038592-00038771 centre of the sun's disk is somewhat y6Df-XC63Mo-00137-00038772-00038927 higher than the average over the whole y6Df-XC63Mo-00138-00038928-00039134 disk due to limb darkening multiplying y6Df-XC63Mo-00139-00039135-00039338 this by PI gives an upper limit to the y6Df-XC63Mo-00140-00039339-00039509 irradiance which can be focused on a y6Df-XC63Mo-00141-00039510-00039800 surface using mirrors 48.5 mega watts y6Df-XC63Mo-00142-00039801-00040398 per square meter y6Df-XC63Mo-00143-00040399-00040994 topic composition and power y6Df-XC63Mo-00144-00040995-00041258 the spectrum of the Sun solar radiation y6Df-XC63Mo-00145-00041259-00041450 is close to that of a black body with a y6Df-XC63Mo-00146-00041451-00041762 temperature of about 5,800 K the Sun y6Df-XC63Mo-00147-00041763-00041957 emits M radiation across most of the y6Df-XC63Mo-00148-00041958-00042224 electromagnetic spectrum although the y6Df-XC63Mo-00149-00042225-00042452 Sun produces gamma rays as a result of y6Df-XC63Mo-00150-00042453-00042665 the nuclear fusion process internal y6Df-XC63Mo-00151-00042666-00042863 absorption and thermalization convert y6Df-XC63Mo-00152-00042864-00043085 these super high-energy photons to lower y6Df-XC63Mo-00153-00043086-00043274 energy photons before they reach the y6Df-XC63Mo-00154-00043275-00043451 sun's surface and are emitted out into y6Df-XC63Mo-00155-00043452-00043754 space as a result the Sun does not emit y6Df-XC63Mo-00156-00043755-00043964 gamma rays from this process but it does y6Df-XC63Mo-00157-00043965-00044249 emit gamma rays from solar flares The y6Df-XC63Mo-00158-00044250-00044471 Sun Also emits x-rays ultraviolet y6Df-XC63Mo-00159-00044472-00044711 visible light infrared and even radio y6Df-XC63Mo-00160-00044712-00044774 waves y6Df-XC63Mo-00161-00044775-00044981 the only direct signature of the nuclear y6Df-XC63Mo-00162-00044982-00045223 process as the emission of neutrinos y6Df-XC63Mo-00163-00045224-00045488 although the solar corona is a source of y6Df-XC63Mo-00164-00045489-00045707 extreme ultraviolet and x-ray radiation y6Df-XC63Mo-00165-00045708-00045947 these rays make up only a very small y6Df-XC63Mo-00166-00045948-00046169 amount of the power output of the Sun C y6Df-XC63Mo-00167-00046170-00046433 spectrum at right the spectrum of nearly y6Df-XC63Mo-00168-00046434-00046673 all solar electromagnetic radiation y6Df-XC63Mo-00169-00046674-00046886 striking the Earth's atmosphere spends a y6Df-XC63Mo-00170-00046887-00047117 range of 100 nanometers to about one y6Df-XC63Mo-00171-00047118-00047387 millimeter 1 million nanometers this y6Df-XC63Mo-00172-00047388-00047624 band of significant radiation power can y6Df-XC63Mo-00173-00047625-00047795 be divided into five regions in y6Df-XC63Mo-00174-00047796-00048040 increasing order of wavelengths y6Df-XC63Mo-00175-00048041-00048389 ultraviolet C or UVC range which spans a y6Df-XC63Mo-00176-00048390-00048758 range of 100 to 280 nanometers the term y6Df-XC63Mo-00177-00048759-00048968 ultraviolet refers to the fact that the y6Df-XC63Mo-00178-00048969-00049163 radiation is at higher frequency than y6Df-XC63Mo-00179-00049164-00049400 violet light and hence also invisible to y6Df-XC63Mo-00180-00049401-00049646 the human eye due to absorption by the y6Df-XC63Mo-00181-00049647-00049844 atmosphere very little reaches Earth's y6Df-XC63Mo-00182-00049845-00050117 surface this spectrum of radiation has y6Df-XC63Mo-00183-00050118-00050315 germicidal properties as used in y6Df-XC63Mo-00184-00050316-00050696 germicidal lamps ultraviolet B or UVB y6Df-XC63Mo-00185-00050697-00051179 range spans 282 315 nanometers it is y6Df-XC63Mo-00186-00051180-00051355 also greatly absorbed by the Earth's y6Df-XC63Mo-00187-00051357-00051616 atmosphere and along with UVC causes the y6Df-XC63Mo-00188-00051617-00051805 photochemical reaction leading to the y6Df-XC63Mo-00189-00051807-00052034 production of the ozone layer it y6Df-XC63Mo-00190-00052035-00052289 directly damages DNA and causes sunburn y6Df-XC63Mo-00191-00052290-00052502 but is also required for vitamin D y6Df-XC63Mo-00192-00052503-00052804 synthesis in the skin and fur of mammals y6Df-XC63Mo-00193-00052804-00053225 ultraviolet a or OVA spans 315 to 400 y6Df-XC63Mo-00194-00053226-00053510 nanometers this band was once held to be y6Df-XC63Mo-00195-00053511-00053759 less damaging to DNA and hence is used y6Df-XC63Mo-00196-00053760-00053954 in cosmetic artificial sun tanning y6Df-XC63Mo-00197-00053954-00054185 tanning booths and tanning beds and P y6Df-XC63Mo-00198-00054186-00054274 UVA there y6Df-XC63Mo-00199-00054275-00054591 for psoriasis however Luva is now known y6Df-XC63Mo-00200-00054592-00054835 to cause significant damage to DNA via y6Df-XC63Mo-00201-00054836-00055029 indirect roots formation of free y6Df-XC63Mo-00202-00055030-00055285 radicals and reactive oxygen species and y6Df-XC63Mo-00203-00055286-00055605 can cause cancer visible range or light y6Df-XC63Mo-00204-00055607-00056055 spends 380 to 780 nanometers as the name y6Df-XC63Mo-00205-00056057-00056269 suggests this range is visible to the y6Df-XC63Mo-00206-00056270-00056512 naked eye it is also the strongest y6Df-XC63Mo-00207-00056513-00056707 output range of the sun's total y6Df-XC63Mo-00208-00056708-00057019 irradiance spectrum infrared range that y6Df-XC63Mo-00209-00057020-00057253 spans 700 nanometers to 1 million y6Df-XC63Mo-00210-00057254-00057571 nanometers 1 millimeter it comprises an y6Df-XC63Mo-00211-00057572-00057717 important part of the electromagnetic y6Df-XC63Mo-00212-00057719-00058063 radiation that reaches earth scientists y6Df-XC63Mo-00213-00058064-00058246 divide the infrared range into three y6Df-XC63Mo-00214-00058247-00058461 types on the basis of wavelength y6Df-XC63Mo-00215-00058462-00058885 infrared a 700 nanometers to 1400 y6Df-XC63Mo-00216-00058886-00059320 nanometers infrared be 1400 nanometers y6Df-XC63Mo-00217-00059321-00059725 to 3000 nanometers infrared see 3000 y6Df-XC63Mo-00218-00059726-00060354 nanometers to 1 millimeter y6Df-XC63Mo-00219-00060355-00060886 topic published tables y6Df-XC63Mo-00220-00060887-00061150 tables of direct solar radiation on y6Df-XC63Mo-00221-00061151-00061360 various slopes from zero to sixty y6Df-XC63Mo-00222-00061361-00061594 degrees north latitude in calories per y6Df-XC63Mo-00223-00061595-00061894 square centimeter issued in 1972 and y6Df-XC63Mo-00224-00061895-00062113 published by Pacific Northwest forest y6Df-XC63Mo-00225-00062114-00062323 and Range Experiment Station Forest y6Df-XC63Mo-00226-00062324-00062554 Service US Department of Agriculture y6Df-XC63Mo-00227-00062554-00063323 Portland Oregon USA appear on the web y6Df-XC63Mo-00228-00063324-00063877 topic solar constant y6Df-XC63Mo-00229-00063878-00064123 the solar constant a measure of flux y6Df-XC63Mo-00230-00064124-00064350 density is the amount of incoming solar y6Df-XC63Mo-00231-00064351-00064585 electromagnetic radiation per unit area y6Df-XC63Mo-00232-00064586-00064753 that would be incident on a plane y6Df-XC63Mo-00233-00064754-00064969 perpendicular to the race at a distance y6Df-XC63Mo-00234-00064970-00065205 of one astronomical unit Oh roughly the y6Df-XC63Mo-00235-00065207-00065452 mean distance from the Sun to earth the y6Df-XC63Mo-00236-00065453-00065779 solar constant includes all types of y6Df-XC63Mo-00237-00065780-00065974 solar radiation not just the visible y6Df-XC63Mo-00238-00065975-00066235 light its average value was thought to y6Df-XC63Mo-00239-00066236-00066583 be approximately 1366 W per square meter y6Df-XC63Mo-00240-00066584-00066832 varying slightly with solar activity but y6Df-XC63Mo-00241-00066833-00067030 recent recalibrations of the relevant y6Df-XC63Mo-00242-00067031-00067252 satellite observations indicate a value y6Df-XC63Mo-00243-00067253-00067567 closer to 1361 w per square meter is y6Df-XC63Mo-00244-00067568-00068156 more realistic y6Df-XC63Mo-00245-00068157-00068534 topic total solar irradiance TSI and y6Df-XC63Mo-00246-00068535-00069256 spectral solar irradiance SSI upon earth y6Df-XC63Mo-00247-00069257-00069559 total solar irradiance TSI the amount of y6Df-XC63Mo-00248-00069560-00069775 solar radiation received at the top of y6Df-XC63Mo-00249-00069776-00069943 Earth's atmosphere has been measured y6Df-XC63Mo-00250-00069944-00070186 since 1978 by a series of overlapping y6Df-XC63Mo-00251-00070187-00070503 NASA and ESA satellite experiments to be y6Df-XC63Mo-00252-00070504-00070783 1.36 5 kilo watts per square meter y6Df-XC63Mo-00253-00070784-00070986 kilowatt per square meter y6Df-XC63Mo-00254-00070987-00071257 TSI observations are continuing today y6Df-XC63Mo-00255-00071258-00071683 with the a CRI M SAT a CRI M 3 Soho y6Df-XC63Mo-00256-00071684-00071863 Virgo and source Tim satellite y6Df-XC63Mo-00257-00071864-00072190 experiments variation of TSI has been y6Df-XC63Mo-00258-00072191-00072403 discovered on many timescales including y6Df-XC63Mo-00259-00072404-00072586 the solar magnetic cycle and many y6Df-XC63Mo-00260-00072587-00072943 shorter periodic cycles TSI provides the y6Df-XC63Mo-00261-00072944-00073114 energy that drives Earth's climate y6Df-XC63Mo-00262-00073115-00073363 so continuation of the TSI time series y6Df-XC63Mo-00263-00073364-00073567 database is critical to understanding y6Df-XC63Mo-00264-00073568-00073747 the role of solar variability in climate y6Df-XC63Mo-00265-00073748-00073887 change y6Df-XC63Mo-00266-00073888-00074176 spectral solar irradiance SSI the y6Df-XC63Mo-00267-00074177-00074407 spectral distribution of the TSI has y6Df-XC63Mo-00268-00074408-00074653 been monitored since 2003 by the source y6Df-XC63Mo-00269-00074654-00074941 spectral irradiance monitor sim it has y6Df-XC63Mo-00270-00074942-00075184 been found that SSI at UV ultraviolet y6Df-XC63Mo-00271-00075185-00075418 wavelength corresponds in a less clear y6Df-XC63Mo-00272-00075419-00075622 and probably more complicated fashion y6Df-XC63Mo-00273-00075623-00075811 with Earth's climate responses than y6Df-XC63Mo-00274-00075812-00076039 earlier assumed fueling broad avenues of y6Df-XC63Mo-00275-00076040-00076207 new research into the connection of the y6Df-XC63Mo-00276-00076208-00076390 Sun and stratosphere troposphere y6Df-XC63Mo-00277-00076391-00077117 biosphere ocean and Earth's climate y6Df-XC63Mo-00278-00077118-00077763 topic intensity in the solar system y6Df-XC63Mo-00279-00077764-00078003 different bodies of the solar system y6Df-XC63Mo-00280-00078004-00078206 receive light of an intensity inversely y6Df-XC63Mo-00281-00078207-00078369 proportional to the square of their y6Df-XC63Mo-00282-00078370-00078609 distance from Sun a rough table y6Df-XC63Mo-00283-00078610-00078822 comparing the amount of solar radiation y6Df-XC63Mo-00284-00078823-00078999 received by each planet in the solar y6Df-XC63Mo-00285-00079000-00079323 system follows from data and one the y6Df-XC63Mo-00286-00079324-00079512 actual brightness of sunlight that would y6Df-XC63Mo-00287-00079513-00079694 be observed at the surface depends also y6Df-XC63Mo-00288-00079695-00079887 on the presence and composition of an y6Df-XC63Mo-00289-00079888-00080169 atmosphere for example Venus is thick y6Df-XC63Mo-00290-00080170-00080432 atmosphere reflects more than 60% of the y6Df-XC63Mo-00291-00080433-00080685 solar light it receives the actual y6Df-XC63Mo-00292-00080686-00080873 illumination of the surface is about y6Df-XC63Mo-00293-00080874-00081117 14,000 Lux comparable to that on earth y6Df-XC63Mo-00294-00081118-00081410 in the daytime with overcast clouds y6Df-XC63Mo-00295-00081411-00081644 sunlight on Mars would be more or less y6Df-XC63Mo-00296-00081645-00081843 like daylight on earth during a slightly y6Df-XC63Mo-00297-00081844-00082074 overcast day and as can be seen in the y6Df-XC63Mo-00298-00082075-00082254 pictures taken by the Rovers there is y6Df-XC63Mo-00299-00082255-00082440 enough diffused sky radiation that y6Df-XC63Mo-00300-00082441-00082646 shadows would not seem particularly dark y6Df-XC63Mo-00301-00082647-00082947 thus it would give perceptions in feel y6Df-XC63Mo-00302-00082948-00083217 very much like Earth day light the y6Df-XC63Mo-00303-00083218-00083397 spectrum on the surface is slightly y6Df-XC63Mo-00304-00083398-00083541 redder than that on earth due to y6Df-XC63Mo-00305-00083542-00083706 scattering by reddish dust in the y6Df-XC63Mo-00306-00083707-00083988 Martian atmosphere for comparison y6Df-XC63Mo-00307-00083989-00084194 sunlight on Saturn is slightly brighter y6Df-XC63Mo-00308-00084195-00084356 than Earth's sunlight at the average y6Df-XC63Mo-00309-00084357-00084579 sunset or sunrise see daylight for y6Df-XC63Mo-00310-00084580-00084863 comparison table even on Pluto the y6Df-XC63Mo-00311-00084864-00085025 sunlight would still be bright enough to y6Df-XC63Mo-00312-00085026-00085299 almost match the average living room to y6Df-XC63Mo-00313-00085300-00085493 see sunlight as dim as full moon light y6Df-XC63Mo-00314-00085494-00085716 on Earth a distance of about 500 y6Df-XC63Mo-00315-00085717-00085980 astronomical units approximately 69 y6Df-XC63Mo-00316-00085981-00086172 light hours is needed there are only a y6Df-XC63Mo-00317-00086173-00086375 handful of objects in the solar system y6Df-XC63Mo-00318-00086376-00086547 known to orbit farther than such a y6Df-XC63Mo-00319-00086548-00086940 distance among them 90,000 377 Sedna and y6Df-XC63Mo-00320-00086941-00087791 8 7 2 6 9 mm 67 y6Df-XC63Mo-00321-00087792-00088374 topic surface elimination y6Df-XC63Mo-00322-00088375-00088590 the spectrum of surface elimination y6Df-XC63Mo-00323-00088591-00088821 depends upon solar elevation due to y6Df-XC63Mo-00324-00088822-00088992 atmospheric effects with the blue y6Df-XC63Mo-00325-00088993-00089184 spectral component dominating during y6Df-XC63Mo-00326-00089185-00089373 Twilight before and after sunrise and y6Df-XC63Mo-00327-00089374-00089630 sunset respectively and red dominating y6Df-XC63Mo-00328-00089631-00089924 during sunrise and sunset these effects y6Df-XC63Mo-00329-00089925-00090062 are apparent in natural light y6Df-XC63Mo-00330-00090063-00090255 photography where the principal source y6Df-XC63Mo-00331-00090256-00090467 of illumination as sunlight is mediated y6Df-XC63Mo-00332-00090468-00090749 by the atmosphere while the color of the y6Df-XC63Mo-00333-00090750-00090948 sky is usually determined by Rayleigh y6Df-XC63Mo-00334-00090949-00091175 scattering an exception occurs at sunset y6Df-XC63Mo-00335-00091176-00091428 in Twilight preferential absorption of y6Df-XC63Mo-00336-00091429-00091637 sunlight by ozone over long horizon y6Df-XC63Mo-00337-00091638-00091923 paths gives the zenith sky its blueness y6Df-XC63Mo-00338-00091924-00092225 when the Sun is near the horizon see y6Df-XC63Mo-00339-00092226-00092912 diffuse sky radiation for more details y6Df-XC63Mo-00340-00092913-00093227 topic spectral composition of sunlight y6Df-XC63Mo-00341-00093228-00093653 at Earth's surface y6Df-XC63Mo-00342-00093654-00093908 the sun's electromagnetic radiation y6Df-XC63Mo-00343-00093909-00094058 which is received at the Earth's surface y6Df-XC63Mo-00344-00094059-00094265 as predominantly light that falls within y6Df-XC63Mo-00345-00094266-00094439 the range of wavelengths to which the y6Df-XC63Mo-00346-00094440-00094601 visual systems of the animals that y6Df-XC63Mo-00347-00094602-00094865 inhabit our surface are sensitive the y6Df-XC63Mo-00348-00094866-00095063 Sun may therefore be said to illuminate y6Df-XC63Mo-00349-00095064-00095234 which is a measure of the light within a y6Df-XC63Mo-00350-00095235-00095540 specific sensitivity range many animals y6Df-XC63Mo-00351-00095541-00095735 including humans have a sensitivity y6Df-XC63Mo-00352-00095736-00095993 range of approximately 400 to 700 y6Df-XC63Mo-00353-00095994-00096233 nanometers and given optimal conditions y6Df-XC63Mo-00354-00096234-00096416 the absorption and scattering by Earth's y6Df-XC63Mo-00355-00096417-00096635 atmosphere produces illumination that y6Df-XC63Mo-00356-00096636-00096845 approximates an equal energy illuminant y6Df-XC63Mo-00357-00096846-00097100 for most of this range the useful range y6Df-XC63Mo-00358-00097101-00097283 for color vision in humans for example y6Df-XC63Mo-00359-00097284-00097733 is approximately 450 to 650 nanometers y6Df-XC63Mo-00360-00097734-00098024 aside from effects that arise at sunset y6Df-XC63Mo-00361-00098025-00098195 and sunrise the spectral composition y6Df-XC63Mo-00362-00098196-00098432 changes primarily in respect to how y6Df-XC63Mo-00363-00098433-00098636 directly sunlight is able to illuminate y6Df-XC63Mo-00364-00098637-00098930 when illumination is indirect Rayleigh y6Df-XC63Mo-00365-00098931-00099110 scattering in the upper atmosphere will y6Df-XC63Mo-00366-00099111-00099365 lead blue wavelengths to dominate water y6Df-XC63Mo-00367-00099366-00099587 vapor in the lower atmosphere produces y6Df-XC63Mo-00368-00099588-00099800 further scattering and ozone dust and y6Df-XC63Mo-00369-00099801-00099974 water particles will also absorb y6Df-XC63Mo-00370-00099975-00100595 selective wavelengths y6Df-XC63Mo-00371-00100596-00101248 topic variations in solar irradiance y6Df-XC63Mo-00372-00101249-00101594 you y6Df-XC63Mo-00373-00101595-00102217 topic seasonal and orbital variation y6Df-XC63Mo-00374-00102218-00102481 on earth the solar radiation varies with y6Df-XC63Mo-00375-00102482-00102667 the angle of the Sun above the horizon y6Df-XC63Mo-00376-00102668-00102853 with longer sunlight duration at high y6Df-XC63Mo-00377-00102854-00103066 latitudes during summer varying to no y6Df-XC63Mo-00378-00103067-00103228 sunlight at all in winter near the y6Df-XC63Mo-00379-00103229-00103468 pertinent pole when the direct radiation y6Df-XC63Mo-00380-00103469-00103675 is not blocked by clouds it is y6Df-XC63Mo-00381-00103676-00103945 experienced as sunshine the warming of y6Df-XC63Mo-00382-00103946-00104152 the ground and other objects depends on y6Df-XC63Mo-00383-00104153-00104323 the absorption of the electromagnetic y6Df-XC63Mo-00384-00104324-00104634 radiation in the form of heat the amount y6Df-XC63Mo-00385-00104635-00104863 of radiation intercepted by a planetary y6Df-XC63Mo-00386-00104864-00105070 body varies inversely with the square of y6Df-XC63Mo-00387-00105071-00105244 the distance between the star and the y6Df-XC63Mo-00388-00105245-00105475 planet Earth's orbit and obliquity y6Df-XC63Mo-00389-00105476-00105679 change with time over thousands of years y6Df-XC63Mo-00390-00105680-00105889 sometimes forming a nearly perfect y6Df-XC63Mo-00391-00105890-00106108 circle and at other times stretching out y6Df-XC63Mo-00392-00106108-00106311 to an orbital eccentricity of 5% y6Df-XC63Mo-00393-00106313-00106564 currently one point six seven percent as y6Df-XC63Mo-00394-00106565-00106846 the orbital eccentricity changes the y6Df-XC63Mo-00395-00106847-00107017 average distance from the Sun the y6Df-XC63Mo-00396-00107018-00107191 semi-major axis does not significantly y6Df-XC63Mo-00397-00107192-00107470 vary and so the total insulation over a y6Df-XC63Mo-00398-00107471-00107656 year remains almost constant due to y6Df-XC63Mo-00399-00107657-00108828 Kepler's second law - a R 2 D T equals D y6Df-XC63Mo-00400-00108829-00109327 theta display style t frac - a are y6Df-XC63Mo-00401-00109328-00109875 carrot - dt equals d theta where o y6Df-XC63Mo-00402-00109876-00110333 display style a is the areal velocity y6Df-XC63Mo-00403-00110334-00110596 invariant that is the integration over y6Df-XC63Mo-00404-00110597-00110821 the orbital period also invariant is a y6Df-XC63Mo-00405-00110822-00112722 constant 0 T - a R 2 D T equals 0 2 pi D y6Df-XC63Mo-00406-00112723-00114190 theta equals c o and s T a n T display y6Df-XC63Mo-00407-00114191-00114574 style int underscore 0 caret TT frac - a y6Df-XC63Mo-00408-00114575-00114933 are carrot - DT equals and underscore 0 y6Df-XC63Mo-00409-00114934-00115219 carrot 2 pi D theta equals math are y6Df-XC63Mo-00410-00115220-00115483 constant if we assume the solar y6Df-XC63Mo-00411-00115483-00115720 radiation power P as a constant over y6Df-XC63Mo-00412-00115721-00115930 time and the solar irradiation given by y6Df-XC63Mo-00413-00115931-00116133 the inverse square law we obtain also y6Df-XC63Mo-00414-00116134-00116446 the average insolation as a constant but y6Df-XC63Mo-00415-00116447-00116575 the seasonal and latitudinal y6Df-XC63Mo-00416-00116576-00116791 distribution and intensity of solar y6Df-XC63Mo-00417-00116792-00117004 radiation received at our surfaced is y6Df-XC63Mo-00418-00117005-00117301 very the effect of sun angle on climate y6Df-XC63Mo-00419-00117302-00117514 results in the change in solar energy in y6Df-XC63Mo-00420-00117515-00117763 summer in winter for example at y6Df-XC63Mo-00421-00117764-00118057 latitudes of 65 degrees this can vary by y6Df-XC63Mo-00422-00118058-00118297 more than 25% as a result of Earth's y6Df-XC63Mo-00423-00118298-00118579 orbital variation because changes in y6Df-XC63Mo-00424-00118580-00118771 winter and summer tend to offset the y6Df-XC63Mo-00425-00118772-00118945 change in the annual average insolation y6Df-XC63Mo-00426-00118946-00119221 at any given location as near 0 but the y6Df-XC63Mo-00427-00119222-00119428 redistribution of energy between summer y6Df-XC63Mo-00428-00119429-00119596 and winter to strongly affect the y6Df-XC63Mo-00429-00119597-00119859 intensity of seasonal cycles such y6Df-XC63Mo-00430-00119860-00120022 changes associated with the y6Df-XC63Mo-00431-00120023-00120220 redistribution of solar energy are y6Df-XC63Mo-00432-00120221-00120424 considered a likely cause for the coming y6Df-XC63Mo-00433-00120425-00120609 and going of recent ice ages see y6Df-XC63Mo-00434-00120610-00121218 Milankovitch cycles y6Df-XC63Mo-00435-00121219-00121830 topic solar intensity variation y6Df-XC63Mo-00436-00121831-00122065 space-based observations of solar y6Df-XC63Mo-00437-00122066-00122356 irradiance started in 1978 these y6Df-XC63Mo-00438-00122357-00122500 measurements show that the solar y6Df-XC63Mo-00439-00122501-00122752 constant is not constant it varies on y6Df-XC63Mo-00440-00122753-00122989 many timescales including the 11-year y6Df-XC63Mo-00441-00122990-00123268 sunspot solar cycle when going further y6Df-XC63Mo-00442-00123269-00123463 back in time one has to rely on two y6Df-XC63Mo-00443-00123464-00123708 radiance reconstructions using sunspots y6Df-XC63Mo-00444-00123709-00123922 for the past 400 years or cosmogenic y6Df-XC63Mo-00445-00123923-00124177 radionuclides for going back 10,000 y6Df-XC63Mo-00446-00124178-00124461 years such reconstructions have been y6Df-XC63Mo-00447-00124463-00124699 done these studies show that in addition y6Df-XC63Mo-00448-00124700-00124897 to the solar irradiance variation with y6Df-XC63Mo-00449-00124898-00125116 the solar cycle the swamp cycle the y6Df-XC63Mo-00450-00125117-00125356 solar activity varies with longer cycles y6Df-XC63Mo-00451-00125357-00125605 such as the proposed 88 year Liseberg y6Df-XC63Mo-00452-00125606-00125965 cycle 208 year to recycle and 1,000 year y6Df-XC63Mo-00453-00125966-00126546 Eddy cycle y6Df-XC63Mo-00454-00126547-00127079 topic life on earth y6Df-XC63Mo-00455-00127080-00127307 the existence of nearly all life on y6Df-XC63Mo-00456-00127308-00127490 earth is fueled by light from the Sun y6Df-XC63Mo-00457-00127491-00127823 most autotrophs such as plants use the y6Df-XC63Mo-00458-00127824-00128024 energy of sunlight combined with carbon y6Df-XC63Mo-00459-00128025-00128243 dioxide and water to produce simple y6Df-XC63Mo-00460-00128244-00128531 sugars a process known as photosynthesis y6Df-XC63Mo-00461-00128532-00128774 these sugars are then used as building y6Df-XC63Mo-00462-00128775-00128999 blocks and in other synthetic pathways y6Df-XC63Mo-00463-00129000-00129234 that allow the organism to grow y6Df-XC63Mo-00464-00129235-00129508 heterotrophs such as animals use light y6Df-XC63Mo-00465-00129509-00129709 from the Sun indirectly by consuming the y6Df-XC63Mo-00466-00129710-00129893 products of autotrophs either by y6Df-XC63Mo-00467-00129894-00130100 consuming autotrophs by consuming their y6Df-XC63Mo-00468-00130101-00130256 products or by consuming other y6Df-XC63Mo-00469-00130257-00130502 heterotrophs the sugars and other y6Df-XC63Mo-00470-00130503-00130694 molecular components produced by the y6Df-XC63Mo-00471-00130695-00130844 autotrophs are then broken down y6Df-XC63Mo-00472-00130845-00131105 releasing stored solar energy and giving y6Df-XC63Mo-00473-00131106-00131282 the heterotroph the energy required for y6Df-XC63Mo-00474-00131283-00131552 survival this process is known as y6Df-XC63Mo-00475-00131553-00131825 cellular respiration in prehistory y6Df-XC63Mo-00476-00131826-00132050 humans began to further extend this y6Df-XC63Mo-00477-00132051-00132251 process by putting plant and animal y6Df-XC63Mo-00478-00132252-00132554 materials to other uses they used animal y6Df-XC63Mo-00479-00132555-00132776 skins for warmth for example or wooden y6Df-XC63Mo-00480-00132777-00133019 weapons to hunt these skills allowed y6Df-XC63Mo-00481-00133020-00133214 humans to harvest more of the sunlight y6Df-XC63Mo-00482-00133215-00133364 than was possible through glycolysis y6Df-XC63Mo-00483-00133365-00133660 alone and human population began to grow y6Df-XC63Mo-00484-00133661-00133928 during the Neolithic Revolution the y6Df-XC63Mo-00485-00133929-00134093 domestication of plants and animals y6Df-XC63Mo-00486-00134094-00134336 further increased human access to solar y6Df-XC63Mo-00487-00134337-00134630 energy fields devoted to crops were y6Df-XC63Mo-00488-00134631-00134795 enriched by inedible plant matter y6Df-XC63Mo-00489-00134796-00135005 providing sugars and nutrients for y6Df-XC63Mo-00490-00135006-00135251 future harvests animals that had y6Df-XC63Mo-00491-00135252-00135452 previously provided humans with only y6Df-XC63Mo-00492-00135453-00135623 meat and tools once they were killed y6Df-XC63Mo-00493-00135624-00135773 were now used for labour throughout y6Df-XC63Mo-00494-00135774-00135836 their lives y6Df-XC63Mo-00495-00135837-00136166 fueled by grasses inedible to humans the y6Df-XC63Mo-00496-00136167-00136331 more recent discoveries of coal y6Df-XC63Mo-00497-00136332-00136556 petroleum and natural gas are modern y6Df-XC63Mo-00498-00136557-00136826 extensions of this trend these fossil y6Df-XC63Mo-00499-00136827-00137012 fuels are the remnants of ancient plant y6Df-XC63Mo-00500-00137013-00137216 and animal matter formed using energy y6Df-XC63Mo-00501-00137217-00137387 from sunlight and then trapped within y6Df-XC63Mo-00502-00137388-00137645 earth for millions of years because the y6Df-XC63Mo-00503-00137646-00137858 stored energy in these fossil fuels has y6Df-XC63Mo-00504-00137859-00138068 accumulated over many millions of years y6Df-XC63Mo-00505-00138069-00138239 they have allowed modern humans to y6Df-XC63Mo-00506-00138240-00138410 massively increase the production and y6Df-XC63Mo-00507-00138411-00138692 consumption of primary energy as the y6Df-XC63Mo-00508-00138693-00138896 amount of fossil fuel is large but y6Df-XC63Mo-00509-00138897-00139091 finite this cannot continue indefinitely y6Df-XC63Mo-00510-00139092-00139340 and various theories exist as to what y6Df-XC63Mo-00511-00139341-00139477 will follow this stage of human y6Df-XC63Mo-00512-00139478-00139745 civilization eg alternative fuels y6Df-XC63Mo-00513-00139746-00140027 Malthusian catastrophe New Urbanism peak y6Df-XC63Mo-00514-00140028-00140574 oil y6Df-XC63Mo-00515-00140575-00141151 topic cultural aspects y6Df-XC63Mo-00516-00141152-00141388 The effect of sunlight is relevant to y6Df-XC63Mo-00517-00141389-00141586 painting evidenced for instance in works y6Df-XC63Mo-00518-00141587-00141793 of Edouard Manet and Claude Monet on y6Df-XC63Mo-00519-00141794-00142093 outdoor scenes and landscapes many y6Df-XC63Mo-00520-00142094-00142315 people find direct sunlight to be too y6Df-XC63Mo-00521-00142316-00142495 bright for comfort especially when y6Df-XC63Mo-00522-00142496-00142681 reading from white paper upon which the y6Df-XC63Mo-00523-00142682-00142966 Sun is directly shining indeed looking y6Df-XC63Mo-00524-00142967-00143143 directly at the Sun can cause long-term y6Df-XC63Mo-00525-00143144-00143416 vision damage to compensate for the y6Df-XC63Mo-00526-00143417-00143608 brightness of sunlight many people wear y6Df-XC63Mo-00527-00143609-00143929 sunglasses cars many helmets and caps y6Df-XC63Mo-00528-00143930-00144106 are equipped with visors to block the y6Df-XC63Mo-00529-00144107-00144307 Sun from direct vision when the Sun is y6Df-XC63Mo-00530-00144308-00144591 at a low angle sunshine is often blocked y6Df-XC63Mo-00531-00144592-00144760 from entering buildings through the use y6Df-XC63Mo-00532-00144761-00145029 of walls window blinds awnings shudders y6Df-XC63Mo-00533-00145030-00145366 curtains or nearby shade trees sunshine y6Df-XC63Mo-00534-00145367-00145597 exposure is needed biologically for the y6Df-XC63Mo-00535-00145598-00145801 creation of vitamin D in the skin a y6Df-XC63Mo-00536-00145802-00145990 vital compound needed to make strong y6Df-XC63Mo-00537-00145991-00146302 bone and muscle in the body in colder y6Df-XC63Mo-00538-00146303-00146500 countries many people prefer sunnier y6Df-XC63Mo-00539-00146501-00146776 days and often avoid the shade in hotter y6Df-XC63Mo-00540-00146777-00146995 countries the converse is true during y6Df-XC63Mo-00541-00146996-00147190 the midday hours many people prefer to y6Df-XC63Mo-00542-00147191-00147484 stay inside to remain cool if they do go y6Df-XC63Mo-00543-00147485-00147658 outside they seek shade that may be y6Df-XC63Mo-00544-00147659-00147966 provided by trees parasols and so on in y6Df-XC63Mo-00545-00147967-00148213 many world religions such as Hinduism y6Df-XC63Mo-00546-00148214-00148491 the Sun is considered to be a God as it y6Df-XC63Mo-00547-00148492-00148651 is the source of life and energy on y6Df-XC63Mo-00548-00148652-00148891 earth it also formed the basis for y6Df-XC63Mo-00549-00148892-00149485 religion in ancient Egypt y6Df-XC63Mo-00550-00149486-00149805 topic sunbathing y6Df-XC63Mo-00551-00149806-00149973 you y6Df-XC63Mo-00552-00149974-00150258 sunbathing is a popular leisure activity y6Df-XC63Mo-00553-00150259-00150486 in which a person sits or lies in direct y6Df-XC63Mo-00554-00150487-00150564 sunshine y6Df-XC63Mo-00555-00150565-00150807 people often sunbathe in comfortable y6Df-XC63Mo-00556-00150808-00150975 places where there is ample sunlight y6Df-XC63Mo-00557-00150976-00151212 some common places for sunbathing y6Df-XC63Mo-00558-00151213-00151449 include beaches open-air swimming pools y6Df-XC63Mo-00559-00151450-00151754 parks gardens and sidewalk cafes y6Df-XC63Mo-00560-00151755-00151956 sunbathers typically where limited y6Df-XC63Mo-00561-00151957-00152169 amounts of clothing or some simply go y6Df-XC63Mo-00562-00152170-00152424 nude for some an alternative to y6Df-XC63Mo-00563-00152425-00152631 sunbathing is the use of a Sun bed that y6Df-XC63Mo-00564-00152632-00152820 generates ultraviolet light and can be y6Df-XC63Mo-00565-00152821-00152979 used indoors regardless of weather y6Df-XC63Mo-00566-00152980-00153249 conditions tanning beds have been banned y6Df-XC63Mo-00567-00153250-00153531 in a number of states in the world for y6Df-XC63Mo-00568-00153532-00153750 many people with light skin one purpose y6Df-XC63Mo-00569-00153751-00153945 for sunbathing is to darken one's skin y6Df-XC63Mo-00570-00153946-00154071 color get a suntan y6Df-XC63Mo-00571-00154072-00154266 as this is considered in some cultures y6Df-XC63Mo-00572-00154267-00154491 to be attractive associated with outdoor y6Df-XC63Mo-00573-00154492-00154746 activity vacations holidays and health y6Df-XC63Mo-00574-00154747-00155019 some people prefer naked sunbathing so y6Df-XC63Mo-00575-00155020-00155415 that in all over or even tan can be y6Df-XC63Mo-00576-00155416-00155466 obtained y6Df-XC63Mo-00577-00155467-00155604 sometimes as part of a specific y6Df-XC63Mo-00578-00155605-00155958 lifestyle controlled hylia therapy or y6Df-XC63Mo-00579-00155959-00156162 sunbathing has been used as a treatment y6Df-XC63Mo-00580-00156163-00156495 for psoriasis and other maladies skin y6Df-XC63Mo-00581-00156496-00156672 tanning is achieved by an increase in y6Df-XC63Mo-00582-00156673-00156873 the dark pigment inside skin cells y6Df-XC63Mo-00583-00156874-00157098 called melanocytes and as an automatic y6Df-XC63Mo-00584-00157099-00157290 response mechanism of the body to y6Df-XC63Mo-00585-00157291-00157461 sufficient exposure to ultraviolet y6Df-XC63Mo-00586-00157462-00157626 radiation from the Sun or from y6Df-XC63Mo-00587-00157627-00157902 artificial Sun lamps thus the tan y6Df-XC63Mo-00588-00157903-00158112 gradually disappears with time when one y6Df-XC63Mo-00589-00158113-00158821 is no longer exposed to these sources y6Df-XC63Mo-00590-00158822-00159244 topic effects on human health y6Df-XC63Mo-00591-00159245-00159404 you y6Df-XC63Mo-00592-00159405-00159659 the ultraviolet radiation in sunlight y6Df-XC63Mo-00593-00159660-00159854 has both positive and negative health y6Df-XC63Mo-00594-00159855-00160070 effects as it is both a principal source y6Df-XC63Mo-00595-00160071-00160391 of vitamin d3 and a mutagen a dietary y6Df-XC63Mo-00596-00160392-00160616 supplement can supply vitamin D without y6Df-XC63Mo-00597-00160617-00160829 this mutagenic effect but bypasses y6Df-XC63Mo-00598-00160830-00161003 natural mechanisms that would prevent y6Df-XC63Mo-00599-00161004-00161216 overdoses of vitamin D generated y6Df-XC63Mo-00600-00161217-00161510 internally from sunlight vitamin D has a y6Df-XC63Mo-00601-00161511-00161711 wide range of positive health effects y6Df-XC63Mo-00602-00161712-00161909 which include strengthening bones and y6Df-XC63Mo-00603-00161910-00162092 possibly inhibiting the growth of some y6Df-XC63Mo-00604-00162093-00162386 cancers sun exposure has also been y6Df-XC63Mo-00605-00162387-00162587 associated with the timing of melatonin y6Df-XC63Mo-00606-00162588-00162782 synthesis maintenance of normal y6Df-XC63Mo-00607-00162783-00162995 circadian rhythms and reduced risk of y6Df-XC63Mo-00608-00162996-00163199 seasonal affective disorder long-term y6Df-XC63Mo-00609-00163200-00163364 sunlight exposure is known to be y6Df-XC63Mo-00610-00163365-00163571 associated with the development of skin y6Df-XC63Mo-00611-00163572-00163784 cancer skin ageing immune suppression y6Df-XC63Mo-00612-00163785-00164006 and eye diseases such as cataracts and y6Df-XC63Mo-00613-00164007-00164255 macular degeneration short-term y6Df-XC63Mo-00614-00164256-00164465 overexposure as the cause of sunburn y6Df-XC63Mo-00615-00164466-00164846 snow blindness and solar retinopathy UV y6Df-XC63Mo-00616-00164847-00165053 rays and therefore sunlight and Sun y6Df-XC63Mo-00617-00165054-00165272 lamps are the only listed carcinogens y6Df-XC63Mo-00618-00165273-00165386 that are known to have health benefits y6Df-XC63Mo-00619-00165387-00165569 and a number of public health y6Df-XC63Mo-00620-00165570-00165752 organizations state that there needs to y6Df-XC63Mo-00621-00165753-00165932 be a balance between the risks of having y6Df-XC63Mo-00622-00165933-00166196 too much sunlight or too little there is y6Df-XC63Mo-00623-00166197-00166418 a general consensus that sunburns should y6Df-XC63Mo-00624-00166419-00166727 always be avoided epidemiological data y6Df-XC63Mo-00625-00166728-00166943 shows that people who have more exposure y6Df-XC63Mo-00626-00166944-00167144 to the Sun have less high blood pressure y6Df-XC63Mo-00627-00167145-00167380 and cardiovascular related mortality y6Df-XC63Mo-00628-00167381-00167666 while sunlight and it's UV rays are a y6Df-XC63Mo-00629-00167667-00167897 risk factor for skin cancer Sun y6Df-XC63Mo-00630-00167898-00168128 avoidance may carry more of a cost than y6Df-XC63Mo-00631-00168129-00168473 benefit for overall good health a study y6Df-XC63Mo-00632-00168474-00168674 found that there is no evidence that UV y6Df-XC63Mo-00633-00168675-00168899 reduces lifespan in contrast to other y6Df-XC63Mo-00634-00168900-00169148 risk factors like smoking alcohol and y6Df-XC63Mo-00635-00169149-00169749 high blood pressure y6Df-XC63Mo-00636-00169750-00170366 topic effect on plant genomes y6Df-XC63Mo-00637-00170367-00170676 elevated solar UVB doses increased the y6Df-XC63Mo-00638-00170677-00170901 frequency of DNA recombination in y6Df-XC63Mo-00639-00170902-00171168 arabidopsis thaliana and tobacco the co y6Df-XC63Mo-00640-00171169-00171477 xi'an italicum plants these increases y6Df-XC63Mo-00641-00171478-00171660 are accompanied by strong induction of y6Df-XC63Mo-00642-00171661-00171806 an enzyme with a key role in y6Df-XC63Mo-00643-00171807-00172071 recombinational repair of DNA damage y6Df-XC63Mo-00644-00172072-00172379 thus the level of terrestrial solar UVB y6Df-XC63Mo-00645-00172380-00172569 radiation likely affects genome y6Df-XC63Mo-00646-00172570-00172856 stability in plants y6Df-XC63Mo-00647-00172857-00173216 equals equals see also yqYvY2k3Pwu-00000-00000224-00000375 episode three yqYvY2k3Pwu-00001-00000376-00000511 all right we got a good night up for yqYvY2k3Pwu-00002-00000512-00000678 y'all tonight and we're gonna start yqYvY2k3Pwu-00003-00000679-00000862 showing off fresh with the new yqYvY2k3Pwu-00004-00000863-00001087 show with you all things um beat by yqYvY2k3Pwu-00005-00001088-00001262 jesus production jesus productions in yqYvY2k3Pwu-00006-00001263-00001407 the house tonight yqYvY2k3Pwu-00007-00001408-00001737 and yeah yqYvY2k3Pwu-00008-00001738-00003504 [Music] yqYvY2k3Pwu-00009-00003506-00004031 [Music] yqYvY2k3Pwu-00010-00004032-00004250 oh yqYvY2k3Pwu-00012-00007408-00008193 uh yqYvY2k3Pwu-00013-00008194-00008719 [Music] yqYvY2k3Pwu-00014-00008720-00009489 [Music] yqYvY2k3Pwu-00015-00009490-00010573 [Music] yqYvY2k3Pwu-00016-00010574-00011006 [Applause] yqYvY2k3Pwu-00017-00011007-00011296 for the first time ytFNY-2dalA-00000-00000000-00000227 I want to say thanks to everyone ytFNY-2dalA-00001-00000228-00000480 gathered here at the march of the living ytFNY-2dalA-00002-00000481-00000935 gala for the warm welcome but I do want ytFNY-2dalA-00003-00000936-00001190 to begin by saying a few words about my ytFNY-2dalA-00004-00001191-00001483 dear friend nadir who has so bravely ytFNY-2dalA-00005-00001484-00001693 shared his story with countless ytFNY-2dalA-00006-00001694-00002110 Canadians he along with other Holocaust ytFNY-2dalA-00007-00002111-00002377 survivors many of whom are in the room ytFNY-2dalA-00008-00002378-00002642 tonight have brought one of history's ytFNY-2dalA-00009-00002643-00003023 darkest chapters to life reminding us of ytFNY-2dalA-00010-00003024-00003238 our shared responsibility to never let ytFNY-2dalA-00011-00003239-00003569 such hatred take root in our homes our ytFNY-2dalA-00012-00003570-00004006 schools or our communities to Le ytFNY-2dalA-00013-00004007-00004211 Rubenstein and the organizers of ytFNY-2dalA-00014-00004212-00004529 tonight's event national chair Heshy out ytFNY-2dalA-00015-00004530-00004811 bomb Toronto chair Marcia Bronski and ytFNY-2dalA-00016-00004812-00005104 dinner chairs Ruth Eckstein Tammy glede ytFNY-2dalA-00017-00005105-00005342 and Jennifer Greene I'd like to thank ytFNY-2dalA-00018-00005343-00005626 you for all you do to support this ytFNY-2dalA-00019-00005627-00006234 important tremendous initiative ytFNY-2dalA-00020-00006235-00006452 [Applause] ytFNY-2dalA-00021-00006453-00006716 tami as I did earlier I want to publicly ytFNY-2dalA-00022-00006717-00006968 recognize the loss of your dad bill our ytFNY-2dalA-00023-00006969-00007295 loss of Bill and salute all he did to ytFNY-2dalA-00024-00007295-00007488 support Holocaust education ytFNY-2dalA-00025-00007489-00008039 [Applause] ytFNY-2dalA-00026-00008040-00008374 to my friends our MPs Michael Leavitt ytFNY-2dalA-00027-00008375-00008599 and Marco manda Chino thank you for all ytFNY-2dalA-00028-00008600-00008842 that you do to promote and support this ytFNY-2dalA-00029-00008843-00009074 important initiative ytFNY-2dalA-00030-00009075-00009688 justice justice rosea bela thank you for ytFNY-2dalA-00031-00009689-00009853 being here tonight thank you for being ytFNY-2dalA-00032-00009854-00010177 such a friend and one other friend here ytFNY-2dalA-00033-00010178-00010378 I want to recognize in the audience for ytFNY-2dalA-00034-00010379-00010713 whom may 8th is also a special day ytFNY-2dalA-00035-00010714-00010971 Irwin Cotler where are you were there ytFNY-2dalA-00036-00010972-00011808 when it's Irwin's birthday today ytFNY-2dalA-00037-00011809-00012088 Irwin has been a good friend for a long ytFNY-2dalA-00038-00012089-00012399 time and helped me understand as I ytFNY-2dalA-00039-00012400-00012724 started out as a politician what matters ytFNY-2dalA-00040-00012725-00013099 and what doesn't and he still reminds me ytFNY-2dalA-00041-00013100-00013325 of that every time we see each other ytFNY-2dalA-00042-00013326-00013788 he's a true professor I'm honored to be ytFNY-2dalA-00043-00013790-00013938 given the chance to share a few words ytFNY-2dalA-00044-00013940-00014302 with you on this meaningful evening for ytFNY-2dalA-00045-00014303-00014533 the last thirty years thousands of ytFNY-2dalA-00046-00014534-00014731 marchers have traveled to Poland to ytFNY-2dalA-00047-00014732-00015066 honor the memory of six million Jews who ytFNY-2dalA-00048-00015068-00015416 were brutally murdered by the Nazis a ytFNY-2dalA-00049-00015418-00015756 tribute to both the survivors and the ytFNY-2dalA-00050-00015757-00016036 victims of the Holocaust the march of ytFNY-2dalA-00051-00016037-00016318 the living bears witness to the strength ytFNY-2dalA-00052-00016319-00016600 and resilience of the Jewish community ytFNY-2dalA-00053-00016601-00017083 from generation to generation I want to ytFNY-2dalA-00054-00017084-00017302 again commend the incredible leadership ytFNY-2dalA-00055-00017303-00017544 and dedication of Elli Rubenstein who ytFNY-2dalA-00056-00017545-00017713 has led this March since its inception ytFNY-2dalA-00057-00017714-00018219 in 1988 ytFNY-2dalA-00058-00018220-00018439 [Applause] ytFNY-2dalA-00059-00018440-00018764 through education and advocacy he has ytFNY-2dalA-00060-00018765-00018932 reminded us of our collective ytFNY-2dalA-00061-00018933-00019361 responsibility as Jews and a friends of ytFNY-2dalA-00062-00019362-00019627 the Jewish community to ensure that ytFNY-2dalA-00063-00019628-00020174 never again is never forgotten so Thank ytFNY-2dalA-00064-00020175-00020351 You Elie for all that you have done ytFNY-2dalA-00065-00020352-00020666 especially in educating and inspiring ytFNY-2dalA-00066-00020667-00021227 our youth Arabic vu Javy Lopez yonder ytFNY-2dalA-00067-00021228-00021521 transient maneuver cell drama no repeal ytFNY-2dalA-00068-00021522-00021941 my Papa visit belong derelict LZ visit a ytFNY-2dalA-00069-00021942-00022421 outfits company Jeremy Shire Psilakis a ytFNY-2dalA-00070-00022422-00022652 home country Nate Leipzig our own ytFNY-2dalA-00071-00022653-00022937 experience around allah miyan a cozy ytFNY-2dalA-00072-00022938-00023243 move and the souvenir ever kept our net ytFNY-2dalA-00073-00023244-00023522 oklahoma uneasy dance know salman the ytFNY-2dalA-00074-00023523-00023902 Mandela Lacoste Meg alma n'est pas ytFNY-2dalA-00075-00023903-00024323 facile stress young assemble a national ytFNY-2dalA-00076-00024324-00024797 table together we stared at the barbed ytFNY-2dalA-00077-00024798-00025055 wire fences that once separated the ytFNY-2dalA-00078-00025056-00025451 victims from their captors we marched ytFNY-2dalA-00079-00025452-00025702 along the railways that delivered so ytFNY-2dalA-00080-00025704-00026192 many Jews to their deaths we laid our ytFNY-2dalA-00081-00026193-00026527 hands on the rail cars that took mothers ytFNY-2dalA-00082-00026529-00026885 sisters fathers and sons away from their ytFNY-2dalA-00083-00026886-00027181 homes and away from each other including ytFNY-2dalA-00084-00027182-00027806 Nate's family together we cried by the ytFNY-2dalA-00085-00027807-00028058 crematorium for all the innocent lives ytFNY-2dalA-00086-00028058-00028630 cut short by hatred intolerance racism ytFNY-2dalA-00087-00028631-00029129 and anti-semitism my visit to Auschwitz ytFNY-2dalA-00088-00029130-00029464 will forever stay with me and guide my ytFNY-2dalA-00089-00029466-00030161 time as Prime Minister but also my being ytFNY-2dalA-00090-00030162-00030556 as a father a husband a son a brother ytFNY-2dalA-00091-00030557-00030932 and a citizen the heartbreaking reality ytFNY-2dalA-00092-00030933-00031274 of the Holocaust is one that I have not ytFNY-2dalA-00093-00031275-00031362 lived ytFNY-2dalA-00094-00031363-00031768 but hearing Nate's story and seeing the ytFNY-2dalA-00095-00031769-00031972 relics of this devastating chapter of ytFNY-2dalA-00096-00031973-00032410 history strengthened my resolve to carry ytFNY-2dalA-00097-00032411-00033042 on the legacy of those who perish it was ytFNY-2dalA-00098-00033043-00033709 le vessel who said when you listen to a ytFNY-2dalA-00099-00033710-00034503 witness you become a witness that day I ytFNY-2dalA-00100-00034504-00034971 became a witness to Nate the same way ytFNY-2dalA-00101-00034972-00035293 thousands of marchers became witnesses ytFNY-2dalA-00102-00035294-00035626 to both the survivors and the victims of ytFNY-2dalA-00103-00035627-00035944 the Holocaust every year for the past 30 ytFNY-2dalA-00104-00035945-00036310 years Holocaust ytFNY-2dalA-00105-00036311-00036892 mrs. Filipov are very Lucy knows the ytFNY-2dalA-00106-00036893-00037143 consequence devasted raised olynyk you ytFNY-2dalA-00107-00037144-00037587 owe me on like culpability is no less ytFNY-2dalA-00108-00037588-00037881 Tazawa facile honesty's the ytFNY-2dalA-00109-00037882-00038073 discrimination ytFNY-2dalA-00110-00038074-00038721 yarisis Cantrell and mental health alert ytFNY-2dalA-00111-00038722-00039123 system ities chakra stone not safer ytFNY-2dalA-00112-00039124-00039448 safer sermon our responsibility govern ytFNY-2dalA-00113-00039449-00039715 among the Mahajan main community ytFNY-2dalA-00114-00039716-00040005 religious certain responsibilities ytFNY-2dalA-00115-00040006-00040336 partisan karakia is a foreign language ytFNY-2dalA-00116-00040337-00040771 man the to Lehman atrocity propeller ytFNY-2dalA-00117-00040772-00041520 choir religion autocracy dois Musa vatos ytFNY-2dalA-00118-00041521-00041923 reservoir apply is destroy the siphon ytFNY-2dalA-00119-00041924-00042352 Medusa zone in Assam Donna v80 Valley se ytFNY-2dalA-00120-00042353-00042706 ve ask you details atrocity Nasser ytFNY-2dalA-00121-00042707-00042754 happened ytFNY-2dalA-00122-00042755-00043158 German ecology the police chief flip ytFNY-2dalA-00123-00043159-00043333 Eurasia digit ytFNY-2dalA-00124-00043334-00043650 disapper sunnatullah' him a new Canada ytFNY-2dalA-00125-00043651-00043902 these days ytFNY-2dalA-00126-00043903-00044198 Jerrica the oculus rift so victim became ytFNY-2dalA-00127-00044199-00044654 a new press 2totango religion if you ytFNY-2dalA-00128-00044655-00044858 don't wear clothes otaku soceity ytFNY-2dalA-00129-00044859-00045127 for metro famous attitude jennifer be ytFNY-2dalA-00130-00045128-00045410 anti-semitic Kier is in dunno community ytFNY-2dalA-00131-00045411-00045649 Don Jose Kyle a domino meteor that ytFNY-2dalA-00132-00045650-00045943 Hawaii according to the most recent ytFNY-2dalA-00133-00045944-00046507 figures 17% of all hate crimes in Canada ytFNY-2dalA-00134-00046508-00046865 target Jewish people and it pains me to ytFNY-2dalA-00135-00046866-00047105 say that Jewish Canadians more than any ytFNY-2dalA-00136-00047106-00047302 other religious and Jewish people more ytFNY-2dalA-00137-00047303-00047473 than any other religious groups are ytFNY-2dalA-00138-00047474-00047893 victims of hate crimes we need to do ytFNY-2dalA-00139-00047894-00048349 more as a society to end xenophobic and ytFNY-2dalA-00140-00048350-00048590 anti-semitic attitudes that still take ytFNY-2dalA-00141-00048591-00048874 root in our communities our schools and ytFNY-2dalA-00142-00048875-00049274 in our places of work one of the things ytFNY-2dalA-00143-00049275-00049601 I find so inspiring about the March is ytFNY-2dalA-00144-00049602-00049910 its commitment to education which ytFNY-2dalA-00145-00049911-00050210 permeates everything you do when I ytFNY-2dalA-00146-00050211-00050339 learned that you would be announcing ytFNY-2dalA-00147-00050340-00050564 scholarships that bear the names of ytFNY-2dalA-00148-00050565-00050821 survivors I couldn't help but think that ytFNY-2dalA-00149-00050822-00051202 there is truly no better tribute to ytFNY-2dalA-00150-00051203-00051751 their legacy after all education and ytFNY-2dalA-00151-00051752-00052039 knowledge is our most powerful tool ytFNY-2dalA-00152-00052040-00052441 against the ignorance and hatred that ytFNY-2dalA-00153-00052442-00052790 fueled the Holocaust and I am proud to ytFNY-2dalA-00154-00052791-00052949 say that our government shares your ytFNY-2dalA-00155-00052950-00053155 commitment to the importance of ytFNY-2dalA-00156-00053157-00053482 Holocaust education I would like to ytFNY-2dalA-00157-00053483-00053663 recognize the countless contributions ytFNY-2dalA-00158-00053664-00053909 the survivors and their families have ytFNY-2dalA-00159-00053910-00054319 made to the Jewish community but also ytFNY-2dalA-00160-00054320-00055326 essentially to our national fabric ytFNY-2dalA-00161-00055327-00055773 I stand here on May 8th ytFNY-2dalA-00162-00055774-00056148 in Canada's inaugural marking of Jewish ytFNY-2dalA-00163-00056149-00056398 heritage month which was recently passed ytFNY-2dalA-00164-00056399-00056894 in the House of Commons ytFNY-2dalA-00165-00056895-00057125 [Applause] ytFNY-2dalA-00166-00057126-00057510 but as the country must learn from our ytFNY-2dalA-00167-00057511-00057977 successes in tandem with our failures ytFNY-2dalA-00168-00057978-00058521 between 1933 and 1945 the Canadian ytFNY-2dalA-00169-00058522-00058794 government only accepted around 5,000 ytFNY-2dalA-00170-00058795-00059075 Jewish refugees Jew due to our ytFNY-2dalA-00171-00059076-00059392 discriminatory none is too many ytFNY-2dalA-00172-00059394-00059783 immigration policy of the time the most ytFNY-2dalA-00173-00059784-00060045 egregious example of this misguided ytFNY-2dalA-00174-00060046-00060522 policy happened in 1939 when Canada ytFNY-2dalA-00175-00060523-00060945 turned away the MS st. Louis the ytFNY-2dalA-00176-00060946-00061154 Canadian government infamously turned ytFNY-2dalA-00177-00061155-00061707 its back 907 German Jews who were ytFNY-2dalA-00178-00061708-00062117 fleeing persecution forced to return to ytFNY-2dalA-00179-00062119-00062610 Europe 254 were eventually killed in the ytFNY-2dalA-00180-00062611-00063194 Holocaust we cannot turn away from this ytFNY-2dalA-00181-00063195-00063540 uncomfortable truth about ourselves and ytFNY-2dalA-00182-00063541-00063860 about our country and if canada's parted ytFNY-2dalA-00183-00063861-00064292 we must learn from this story remember ytFNY-2dalA-00184-00064294-00064916 this story and let its lessons guide our ytFNY-2dalA-00185-00064917-00065333 actions going forward and that is why I ytFNY-2dalA-00186-00065334-00065676 am proud to announce tonight that the ytFNY-2dalA-00187-00065677-00065970 Government of Canada will issue a formal ytFNY-2dalA-00188-00065971-00066240 apology in Parliament over the fate of ytFNY-2dalA-00189-00066241-00066759 the MS st. Louis and its passengers ytFNY-2dalA-00190-00066760-00068251 [Applause] ytFNY-2dalA-00191-00068252-00069206 [Applause] ytFNY-2dalA-00192-00069207-00069519 say pourquoi je suis fier de nos EcoLogo ytFNY-2dalA-00193-00069520-00069735 Birla Mandir Kannada present Hadees ytFNY-2dalA-00194-00069736-00070056 excuse efficient post kita review ms st. ytFNY-2dalA-00195-00070057-00070449 Louis gossip asaji Knievel cruel man ytFNY-2dalA-00196-00070450-00070688 refusal and Regina vo Canada ytFNY-2dalA-00197-00070689-00071066 Savalas a zombie no Somali passaging ytFNY-2dalA-00198-00071067-00071480 Musa Dagh desandem en otro camino de ytFNY-2dalA-00199-00071481-00071817 novo pasilla de monte lasagna silicon ytFNY-2dalA-00200-00071818-00072372 paseo kill me rita now an apology in the ytFNY-2dalA-00201-00072373-00072701 House of Commons will not rewrite this ytFNY-2dalA-00202-00072702-00073047 shameful chapter of our history you will ytFNY-2dalA-00203-00073048-00073311 not bring back those who perished or ytFNY-2dalA-00204-00073312-00073715 repair the lives shattered by tragedy ytFNY-2dalA-00205-00073716-00074061 but it is our hope that this long ytFNY-2dalA-00206-00074062-00074418 overdue apology will bring awareness to ytFNY-2dalA-00207-00074419-00074838 our failings as we vow to never let ytFNY-2dalA-00208-00074839-00074985 history repeat itself ytFNY-2dalA-00209-00074986-00075431 I look forward to offering this apology ytFNY-2dalA-00210-00075432-00075867 on the floor of the house ytFNY-2dalA-00211-00075868-00076582 [Applause] ytFNY-2dalA-00212-00076583-00076957 once again thank you all for all you do ytFNY-2dalA-00213-00076958-00077345 in this the march of the living gala but ytFNY-2dalA-00214-00077346-00077714 all you do everyday to contribute to the ytFNY-2dalA-00215-00077715-00078041 strength of your community but mostly to ytFNY-2dalA-00216-00078042-00078443 contribute every day to the strength of ytFNY-2dalA-00217-00078444-00078956 this extraordinary country messy misery ytTnTF4moaA-00000-00000054-00000386 now lines Greek naughtily Archie at her ytTnTF4moaA-00001-00000387-00000609 I lesbo Naphtali Archaea teary ytTnTF4moaA-00002-00000610-00000990 allez-vous was established in 1972 as a ytTnTF4moaA-00003-00000991-00001191 company of popular base with ytTnTF4moaA-00004-00001192-00001431 shareholders the residents of lesbos ytTnTF4moaA-00005-00001432-00001695 Island and primary aim the purchase of a ytTnTF4moaA-00006-00001696-00001929 liner vessel for the Mitylene II kiosk ytTnTF4moaA-00007-00001930-00002301 Piraeus route since then the company has ytTnTF4moaA-00008-00002302-00002625 expanded serving most of the Aegean Sea ytTnTF4moaA-00009-00002626-00003057 destinations more specifically with ytTnTF4moaA-00010-00003058-00003306 high-speed and conventional passenger ytTnTF4moaA-00011-00003307-00003572 ferry boats execute sintra sila deck ytTnTF4moaA-00012-00003573-00003810 itineraries connecting serie and lav ytTnTF4moaA-00013-00003811-00004059 rien with eastern central and western ytTnTF4moaA-00014-00004060-00004347 Cyclades lav rien with saara and master ytTnTF4moaA-00015-00004348-00004620 of chaos Heraklion and rhythm no with ytTnTF4moaA-00016-00004621-00004872 Santorini and Thessaloniki and vollis ytTnTF4moaA-00017-00004873-00005211 with the spur adds complex with ytTnTF4moaA-00018-00005212-00005490 passenger ferry boats snell lines also ytTnTF4moaA-00019-00005491-00005778 execute itineraries between Piraeus ytTnTF4moaA-00020-00005779-00006036 kiosks and Mitylene II and connects the ytTnTF4moaA-00021-00006037-00006219 islands of northern Aegean with ytTnTF4moaA-00022-00006220-00006737 Thessaloniki Kavala and lavrin in 2015 ytTnTF4moaA-00023-00006738-00007041 nel lines declared bankruptcy and ceased ytTnTF4moaA-00024-00007042-00007346 operations citing the financial crises ytTnTF4moaA-00025-00007347-00007652 and losing subsidized routes rival to ytTnTF4moaA-00026-00007653-00008324 rival operators ytTnTF4moaA-00027-00008325-00008881 topic fleet ytTnTF4moaA-00028-00008882-00009236 you ytTnTF4moaA-00029-00009237-00009956 topic roh-roh passenger ships ytTnTF4moaA-00030-00009957-00010484 equals equals equals high-speed ships yyiHMj0kMe4-00000-00000045-00000671 [Music] yyiHMj0kMe4-00001-00000672-00000815 everyone welcome to this special cube yyiHMj0kMe4-00002-00000816-00000950 conversation i'm john furrier your host yyiHMj0kMe4-00003-00000951-00001150 of thecube here in our special napa yyiHMj0kMe4-00004-00001151-00001358 valley remote location connecting with yyiHMj0kMe4-00005-00001359-00001582 palo alto as well as in massachusetts yyiHMj0kMe4-00006-00001583-00001830 and at vmware in palo alto we've got a yyiHMj0kMe4-00007-00001832-00001967 great conversation around edge yyiHMj0kMe4-00008-00001968-00002142 technology with dell technologies vmware yyiHMj0kMe4-00009-00002143-00002271 on the cube of course yyiHMj0kMe4-00010-00002272-00002575 here look at uh pierre luca chiodelli yyiHMj0kMe4-00011-00002576-00002718 vice president product manager at the yyiHMj0kMe4-00012-00002719-00002999 edge at dell and munib yyiHMj0kMe4-00013-00003000-00003263 vp of edge computing at vmware joining yyiHMj0kMe4-00014-00003264-00003447 me for this edge conversation gentlemen yyiHMj0kMe4-00015-00003447-00003711 thank you for joining us on thecube yyiHMj0kMe4-00016-00003711-00003919 thank you thank you pleasure to be here yyiHMj0kMe4-00017-00003920-00004070 yeah so it's like the edge is the yyiHMj0kMe4-00018-00004071-00004279 hottest thing we've been talking about yyiHMj0kMe4-00019-00004280-00004511 until forever now it's important because yyiHMj0kMe4-00020-00004512-00004638 you're starting to see the technologies yyiHMj0kMe4-00021-00004639-00004822 come together with multi-cloud on the yyiHMj0kMe4-00022-00004823-00005022 horizon but hybrid cloud in full yyiHMj0kMe4-00023-00005023-00005238 enterprise mode right now with 5g yyiHMj0kMe4-00024-00005239-00005479 consumer size expanding but on the yyiHMj0kMe4-00025-00005480-00005743 business side connecting the edge is yyiHMj0kMe4-00026-00005744-00005927 becoming a cloud product cloud yyiHMj0kMe4-00027-00005928-00006175 operations product that also includes yyiHMj0kMe4-00028-00006176-00006375 the on-premises components so we're in yyiHMj0kMe4-00029-00006376-00006567 full distributed computing mode right yyiHMj0kMe4-00030-00006568-00006727 now and everyone's yyiHMj0kMe4-00031-00006728-00006870 not denying this at all everyone's yyiHMj0kMe4-00032-00006872-00007031 agreeing on it so it's happening so yyiHMj0kMe4-00033-00007031-00007198 let's get into what's going on at the yyiHMj0kMe4-00034-00007200-00007503 edge how do you guys see edge evolving yyiHMj0kMe4-00035-00007504-00007695 in the marketplace right now yyiHMj0kMe4-00036-00007695-00007870 yeah let me get started there john yyiHMj0kMe4-00037-00007872-00008046 pleasure to be here and partnering with yyiHMj0kMe4-00038-00008047-00008167 your lucca yyiHMj0kMe4-00039-00008168-00008351 um what's you know what's happened yyiHMj0kMe4-00040-00008352-00008495 through the pandemic you know i know you yyiHMj0kMe4-00041-00008496-00008687 kind of said we're all sitting far apart yyiHMj0kMe4-00042-00008688-00008935 and talking right so um a lot of the yyiHMj0kMe4-00043-00008936-00009142 edge has been here forever but uh the yyiHMj0kMe4-00044-00009143-00009359 pandemic has accelerated a lot of the yyiHMj0kMe4-00045-00009360-00009559 edge initiatives right so people started yyiHMj0kMe4-00046-00009560-00009767 working from home remotely workload's yyiHMj0kMe4-00047-00009768-00009967 now starting to move towards towards the yyiHMj0kMe4-00048-00009968-00010063 edge yyiHMj0kMe4-00049-00010064-00010359 so as every industry retailers think yyiHMj0kMe4-00050-00010360-00010583 about socially disintermediated yyiHMj0kMe4-00051-00010584-00010783 omni-channel retail experiences yyiHMj0kMe4-00052-00010784-00010942 manufacturers think about you know yyiHMj0kMe4-00053-00010943-00011151 localized supply chains and you know yyiHMj0kMe4-00054-00011152-00011327 efficiencies of that yyiHMj0kMe4-00055-00011328-00011519 as their global supply chains get all yyiHMj0kMe4-00056-00011520-00011719 stressed they're all yyiHMj0kMe4-00057-00011720-00011951 you know inventing and doing few things yyiHMj0kMe4-00058-00011952-00012119 at the edge so what's this driven even yyiHMj0kMe4-00059-00012120-00012255 though edge has been there yyiHMj0kMe4-00060-00012256-00012559 all along it's true driving innovation yyiHMj0kMe4-00061-00012560-00012799 towards the edge business processes yyiHMj0kMe4-00062-00012800-00013055 outcomes you know new applications we yyiHMj0kMe4-00063-00013056-00013286 call them edge native applications are yyiHMj0kMe4-00064-00013287-00013503 being built now yyiHMj0kMe4-00065-00013504-00013663 purpose for business outcomes at the yyiHMj0kMe4-00066-00013663-00013863 edge that's kind of a big change in yyiHMj0kMe4-00067-00013863-00014094 acceleration the last you know 15 months yyiHMj0kMe4-00068-00014095-00014238 that we've seen yyiHMj0kMe4-00069-00014240-00014391 what's the trends driving this because yyiHMj0kMe4-00070-00014391-00014535 you know obviously that is making a lot yyiHMj0kMe4-00071-00014536-00014758 of sense modernization of the enterprise yyiHMj0kMe4-00072-00014759-00014894 it's happening a lot faster than many yyiHMj0kMe4-00073-00014895-00015103 people have predicted you know day one yyiHMj0kMe4-00074-00015104-00015247 operations day two opportunities are yyiHMj0kMe4-00075-00015247-00015430 buzzwords now i mean day one just yyiHMj0kMe4-00076-00015431-00015647 basically means cloud and innovation yyiHMj0kMe4-00077-00015647-00015822 but now there's an operating aspect to yyiHMj0kMe4-00078-00015823-00016086 this what's the trend driving this edge yyiHMj0kMe4-00079-00016087-00016350 native mindset and product requirement yyiHMj0kMe4-00080-00016351-00016567 can you guys share that that thought on yyiHMj0kMe4-00081-00016568-00016711 reaction to that yyiHMj0kMe4-00082-00016712-00016911 yeah absolutely i think the yyiHMj0kMe4-00083-00016912-00017199 main trend as as many said yyiHMj0kMe4-00084-00017200-00017479 the acceleration uh is bring because the yyiHMj0kMe4-00085-00017480-00017647 use case and the transformation that yyiHMj0kMe4-00086-00017648-00017894 needs to happen at the edge this is was yyiHMj0kMe4-00087-00017895-00018199 not thinking before right uh all of us yyiHMj0kMe4-00088-00018200-00018447 uh when we go to a store now we interact yyiHMj0kMe4-00089-00018448-00018719 in different way uh when we buy online yyiHMj0kMe4-00090-00018720-00018935 when we do all the normal things in life yyiHMj0kMe4-00091-00018936-00019071 that we're doing today we're doing yyiHMj0kMe4-00092-00019072-00019358 different this is required to bring more yyiHMj0kMe4-00093-00019359-00019550 things at the edge if we look at some yyiHMj0kMe4-00094-00019551-00019822 data we know that fifty 50 yyiHMj0kMe4-00095-00019823-00020071 of what is going to be uh happening in yyiHMj0kMe4-00096-00020072-00020375 2023 will be at the edge with 90 percent yyiHMj0kMe4-00097-00020376-00020614 of what is from an application point of yyiHMj0kMe4-00098-00020615-00020830 view exploding at the edge yyiHMj0kMe4-00099-00020831-00021055 to your point wise that is important as yyiHMj0kMe4-00100-00021056-00021294 you see around all the verticals yyiHMj0kMe4-00101-00021295-00021558 manufacturing yyiHMj0kMe4-00102-00021559-00021678 and also yyiHMj0kMe4-00103-00021679-00021911 other verticals for example the yyiHMj0kMe4-00104-00021912-00022063 machinery manufacturing was not yyiHMj0kMe4-00105-00022064-00022255 connected because at that time there was yyiHMj0kMe4-00106-00022256-00022486 no need to be connected now we see more yyiHMj0kMe4-00107-00022487-00022743 and more machinery need to be connected yyiHMj0kMe4-00108-00022744-00022983 not only on the manufacturing floor but yyiHMj0kMe4-00109-00022984-00023183 also sell things outside of yyiHMj0kMe4-00110-00023184-00023422 manufacturing floor connected to other yyiHMj0kMe4-00111-00023423-00023694 computers so the necessity to bring yyiHMj0kMe4-00112-00023695-00023919 more clothes and in dell we have this yyiHMj0kMe4-00113-00023920-00024071 notion of yyiHMj0kMe4-00114-00024072-00024327 what is the edge you heard a lot what is yyiHMj0kMe4-00115-00024328-00024542 the edge the edge is everything where yyiHMj0kMe4-00116-00024543-00024735 you need to act on the information that yyiHMj0kMe4-00117-00024736-00024950 you create it really makes sense to yyiHMj0kMe4-00118-00024951-00025183 bring things more there because you need yyiHMj0kMe4-00119-00025184-00025430 to add on them and so the necessity to yyiHMj0kMe4-00120-00025431-00025687 have more compute latency it's very big yyiHMj0kMe4-00121-00025688-00025943 things that we need to solve security yyiHMj0kMe4-00122-00025944-00026206 and uh also the day zero operation day yyiHMj0kMe4-00123-00026207-00026407 one day two operation and yyiHMj0kMe4-00124-00026408-00026614 be able to drive everything from the yyiHMj0kMe4-00125-00026616-00026718 cloud yyiHMj0kMe4-00126-00026719-00026918 to the edge in the same way and same yyiHMj0kMe4-00127-00026919-00027127 experience yeah look at that i mean you yyiHMj0kMe4-00128-00027127-00027239 basically laid out the enterprise yyiHMj0kMe4-00129-00027239-00027414 requirements for most things which is yyiHMj0kMe4-00130-00027416-00027599 pretty complicated but has to run at yyiHMj0kMe4-00131-00027600-00027855 scale um but also you know me was yyiHMj0kMe4-00132-00027856-00028046 mentioning edge native so i want to get yyiHMj0kMe4-00133-00028047-00028231 your guys reaction to our thoughts yyiHMj0kMe4-00134-00028232-00028455 around this concept i love this edge yyiHMj0kMe4-00135-00028456-00028702 native conversation but as customers yyiHMj0kMe4-00136-00028704-00028967 much migrate to the cloud okay migration yyiHMj0kMe4-00137-00028968-00029295 workloads with containerization stateful yyiHMj0kMe4-00138-00029295-00029511 data these are real issues so migrating yyiHMj0kMe4-00139-00029512-00029735 is one thing but now if i migrate what's yyiHMj0kMe4-00140-00029736-00029935 different in migrating an app or yyiHMj0kMe4-00141-00029936-00030070 workloads yyiHMj0kMe4-00142-00030072-00030279 versus edge native and how does someone yyiHMj0kMe4-00143-00030280-00030535 get from migrating or re-platforming to yyiHMj0kMe4-00144-00030536-00030687 edge native can you guys share your yyiHMj0kMe4-00145-00030688-00030943 thoughts on on this evolution of yyiHMj0kMe4-00146-00030944-00031087 migrating and then becoming truly yyiHMj0kMe4-00147-00031088-00031287 engineered yeah john i think it's an yyiHMj0kMe4-00148-00031288-00031511 interesting thing right so it's not it's yyiHMj0kMe4-00149-00031512-00031735 easy to say i have a continuum from data yyiHMj0kMe4-00150-00031736-00031974 center to the public cloud to the edge yyiHMj0kMe4-00151-00031975-00032151 what we're finding is some of the yyiHMj0kMe4-00152-00032152-00032295 applications you've migrated to the yyiHMj0kMe4-00153-00032295-00032439 cloud yyiHMj0kMe4-00154-00032439-00032646 if you think about it both data center yyiHMj0kMe4-00155-00032647-00032815 and clouds are very centralized compute yyiHMj0kMe4-00156-00032816-00033023 models right so when you actually yyiHMj0kMe4-00157-00033024-00033231 re-platforming refactoring applications yyiHMj0kMe4-00158-00033232-00033487 for the cloud what you're doing is yyiHMj0kMe4-00159-00033488-00033679 you're fundamentally you know building yyiHMj0kMe4-00160-00033680-00033879 for elastic scale elastic growth to yyiHMj0kMe4-00161-00033880-00034079 compute elastic shrinkage compute when yyiHMj0kMe4-00162-00034080-00034295 you're actually moving so it's more yyiHMj0kMe4-00163-00034296-00034502 compute heavy and you know elasticity of yyiHMj0kMe4-00164-00034503-00034646 compute when you're actually moving yyiHMj0kMe4-00165-00034647-00034862 these workloads towards the edge they're yyiHMj0kMe4-00166-00034863-00035015 actually data dense yyiHMj0kMe4-00167-00035016-00035223 they're data heavy because to what pure yyiHMj0kMe4-00168-00035224-00035407 liquid was saying before as well there's yyiHMj0kMe4-00169-00035408-00035702 a huge volume of data coming at you yyiHMj0kMe4-00170-00035703-00035855 that volume of data needs to be yyiHMj0kMe4-00171-00035856-00036023 processed that volume of data needs to yyiHMj0kMe4-00172-00036024-00036199 be you know in real time and and yyiHMj0kMe4-00173-00036200-00036446 streamed and outcomes driven out of that yyiHMj0kMe4-00174-00036447-00036655 now do you want to take a lot of that yyiHMj0kMe4-00175-00036656-00036823 data and then push it all the way in the yyiHMj0kMe4-00176-00036824-00036935 cloud or the data center to get yyiHMj0kMe4-00177-00036936-00037095 processed or do you want to get it yyiHMj0kMe4-00178-00037096-00037311 processed locally and and come to some yyiHMj0kMe4-00179-00037312-00037551 actions now like pure luca's example of yyiHMj0kMe4-00180-00037552-00037815 the manufacturing plant that time delay yyiHMj0kMe4-00181-00037816-00038007 and latency could cost you millions of yyiHMj0kMe4-00182-00038008-00038255 dollars of bad quality product because yyiHMj0kMe4-00183-00038256-00038455 you missed the quality control in not yyiHMj0kMe4-00184-00038456-00038743 replacing parts fast enough so yyiHMj0kMe4-00185-00038744-00038918 what we're seeing in this emergence of yyiHMj0kMe4-00186-00038919-00039151 this new edge native applications is yyiHMj0kMe4-00187-00039152-00039351 people are having to re-platform yyiHMj0kMe4-00188-00039352-00039559 refactor applications yyiHMj0kMe4-00189-00039560-00039823 to work them at the edge because of the yyiHMj0kMe4-00190-00039824-00040046 attributes being different higher data yyiHMj0kMe4-00191-00040047-00040311 density real-time process requirements yyiHMj0kMe4-00192-00040312-00040495 scale we talked about scale we're all yyiHMj0kMe4-00193-00040496-00040695 used to doing thousands of maybe yyiHMj0kMe4-00194-00040696-00040879 hundreds of data centers but not tens of yyiHMj0kMe4-00195-00040880-00041071 thousands of edge locations right so yyiHMj0kMe4-00196-00041072-00041271 it's a different level of scale and yyiHMj0kMe4-00197-00041272-00041511 security that you need and that's where yyiHMj0kMe4-00198-00041512-00041735 you know when we call edge native is yyiHMj0kMe4-00199-00041736-00041967 fundamentally it has to operate very yyiHMj0kMe4-00200-00041968-00042215 closely with operation technology rather yyiHMj0kMe4-00201-00042216-00042502 than the typical id stands we take yyiHMj0kMe4-00202-00042503-00042679 here look i mean tell about the product yyiHMj0kMe4-00203-00042680-00042830 features and the requirement there yyiHMj0kMe4-00204-00042831-00042974 because you know i mentioned you yyiHMj0kMe4-00205-00042975-00043111 mentioned a few things there i'll just yyiHMj0kMe4-00206-00043112-00043343 pick one thing out which is data yyiHMj0kMe4-00207-00043344-00043527 moving data around is very expensive and yyiHMj0kMe4-00208-00043528-00043639 everyone knows that yyiHMj0kMe4-00209-00043640-00043830 but you got to move compute now with yyiHMj0kMe4-00210-00043831-00043951 serverless yyiHMj0kMe4-00211-00043952-00044199 okay and in the cloud you want that same yyiHMj0kMe4-00212-00044200-00044374 kind of agility and capability at the yyiHMj0kMe4-00213-00044375-00044607 edge so you got to have you got to have yyiHMj0kMe4-00214-00044608-00044743 the devices yyiHMj0kMe4-00215-00044744-00044911 at the edge be smart enough and be yyiHMj0kMe4-00216-00044912-00045062 software enabled yyiHMj0kMe4-00217-00045063-00045199 to handle this yyiHMj0kMe4-00218-00045200-00045358 how do you you deal with this in the yyiHMj0kMe4-00219-00045359-00045446 product management side of things yyiHMj0kMe4-00220-00045447-00045558 because you've got to prioritize all yyiHMj0kMe4-00221-00045559-00045735 this yyiHMj0kMe4-00222-00045736-00045974 absolutely john and to take on what we yyiHMj0kMe4-00223-00045975-00046111 need will say yyiHMj0kMe4-00224-00046112-00046279 we think why yyiHMj0kMe4-00225-00046280-00046543 someone should look at dell and vmware yyiHMj0kMe4-00226-00046544-00046886 together is because for be successful yyiHMj0kMe4-00227-00046887-00047127 there are a lot of poc going on and a yyiHMj0kMe4-00228-00047128-00047295 lot of try and buy yyiHMj0kMe4-00229-00047296-00047455 and a lot of yyiHMj0kMe4-00230-00047456-00047735 also verticalization of the use case so yyiHMj0kMe4-00231-00047736-00047958 what are we here to offer is really what yyiHMj0kMe4-00232-00047959-00048246 they say generate inside where they need yyiHMj0kMe4-00233-00048247-00048518 and also consolidate the edge because we yyiHMj0kMe4-00234-00048519-00048790 hear more as many pointed out you know yyiHMj0kMe4-00235-00048791-00048967 you buy yyiHMj0kMe4-00236-00048968-00049295 on the edge for the outcome you guy for yyiHMj0kMe4-00237-00049296-00049574 you buy for uh you know yyiHMj0kMe4-00238-00049575-00049839 security you buy foreign outcome for yyiHMj0kMe4-00239-00049840-00050095 example for predictive maintenance yyiHMj0kMe4-00240-00050096-00050367 now that buy of the outcome also yyiHMj0kMe4-00241-00050368-00050599 prescribe a certain yyiHMj0kMe4-00242-00050600-00050902 orchestration in a certain yyiHMj0kMe4-00243-00050903-00051118 hardware and software that need to run yyiHMj0kMe4-00244-00051119-00051390 right a certain deployment model now in yyiHMj0kMe4-00245-00051391-00051654 the same place you can buy an outcome yyiHMj0kMe4-00246-00051655-00051879 for example for smart building yyiHMj0kMe4-00247-00051879-00052087 all of us that we haven't advanced there yyiHMj0kMe4-00248-00052088-00052358 most of them head on right now but think yyiHMj0kMe4-00249-00052359-00052542 about the buildings where you need to yyiHMj0kMe4-00250-00052544-00052742 control all of that we have solar panel yyiHMj0kMe4-00251-00052744-00052982 and stuff like that so that outcome if yyiHMj0kMe4-00252-00052983-00053238 you buy today he runs on another thing yyiHMj0kMe4-00253-00053239-00053559 so you end up with a very uh silos yyiHMj0kMe4-00254-00053560-00053823 approach where you have a qualification yyiHMj0kMe4-00255-00053824-00054030 actually of infrastructure what we are yyiHMj0kMe4-00256-00054032-00054287 proposing here is really that we need to yyiHMj0kMe4-00257-00054288-00054454 simplify we need to start with the yyiHMj0kMe4-00258-00054455-00054726 building block approach that allow us to yyiHMj0kMe4-00259-00054727-00054926 also bring this security as you can yyiHMj0kMe4-00260-00054927-00055215 thinking as the devices expand as the yyiHMj0kMe4-00261-00055216-00055391 computer you pointed out to expand in yyiHMj0kMe4-00262-00055391-00055647 thousands or hundreds of thousands yyiHMj0kMe4-00263-00055648-00055887 security becomes a big deal and in some yyiHMj0kMe4-00264-00055888-00056094 place you need to also be our gut yyiHMj0kMe4-00265-00056095-00056287 insulated because you don't want even to yyiHMj0kMe4-00266-00056288-00056566 go to the internet at all so that's very yyiHMj0kMe4-00267-00056567-00056799 important is this is how we perceive the yyiHMj0kMe4-00268-00056800-00057038 things that we need to simplify yyiHMj0kMe4-00269-00057039-00057254 the edge for our customer yyiHMj0kMe4-00270-00057255-00057430 that's great let's get specific now how yyiHMj0kMe4-00271-00057432-00057663 can customers whether they're dell yyiHMj0kMe4-00272-00057664-00057942 technologies and vmware customers or new yyiHMj0kMe4-00273-00057944-00058159 customers leverage the combination of yyiHMj0kMe4-00274-00058160-00058415 vmware and dell technologies for the yyiHMj0kMe4-00275-00058416-00058647 edge what is the solution what can they yyiHMj0kMe4-00276-00058648-00058838 can they do what are the things they can yyiHMj0kMe4-00277-00058839-00059150 start with today yyiHMj0kMe4-00278-00059151-00059271 here luca you want to get started with yyiHMj0kMe4-00279-00059272-00059487 the platform over here on the app side yyiHMj0kMe4-00280-00059488-00059735 um today what what really is the plot yyiHMj0kMe4-00281-00059736-00059942 the approach we have is a building block yyiHMj0kMe4-00282-00059944-00060126 approach as i said so yyiHMj0kMe4-00283-00060127-00060382 in dell we can cover a lot of things for yyiHMj0kMe4-00284-00060383-00060599 the edge we can cover from a small as a yyiHMj0kMe4-00285-00060600-00060823 gateway to large to a cluster to yyiHMj0kMe4-00286-00060824-00061030 multiple clusters from an entire data yyiHMj0kMe4-00287-00061032-00061263 center and connect all of that and then yyiHMj0kMe4-00288-00061264-00061503 don't forget about our apex project yyiHMj0kMe4-00289-00061504-00061742 where you can buy all of these as a yyiHMj0kMe4-00290-00061744-00062015 service as well so with that layer that yyiHMj0kMe4-00291-00062016-00062311 we have where we have ruggedized server yyiHMj0kMe4-00292-00062312-00062654 we have um the gateways we have also yyiHMj0kMe4-00293-00062655-00062806 software asset that they are very yyiHMj0kMe4-00294-00062807-00063006 important for the like our streaming yyiHMj0kMe4-00295-00063007-00063263 data platform so you need to collect yyiHMj0kMe4-00296-00063264-00063487 this data we need to stream this data yyiHMj0kMe4-00297-00063488-00063711 and collect and have insight about this yyiHMj0kMe4-00298-00063712-00063919 data so we can bring our streaming data yyiHMj0kMe4-00299-00063920-00064166 platform and all of this by the way it yyiHMj0kMe4-00300-00064167-00064447 runs on top of vmware so that's where yyiHMj0kMe4-00301-00064448-00064711 vmware is coming to play yeah no i think yyiHMj0kMe4-00302-00064712-00064871 you know building on the foundation yyiHMj0kMe4-00303-00064872-00065135 there john is really about you know us yyiHMj0kMe4-00304-00065136-00065366 providing then having the platform yyiHMj0kMe4-00305-00065367-00065535 t-shirt sizing as you know pure luca yyiHMj0kMe4-00306-00065536-00065743 went from small to large is important yyiHMj0kMe4-00307-00065744-00065950 because what we recognize is not one yyiHMj0kMe4-00308-00065951-00066094 size fits all at the edge because yyiHMj0kMe4-00309-00066095-00066191 they're going to be all sizes yyiHMj0kMe4-00310-00066192-00066431 requirements second what we're doing is yyiHMj0kMe4-00311-00066432-00066615 providing the multi-cloud connectivity yyiHMj0kMe4-00312-00066616-00066815 multi-cloud services that vmware knows yyiHMj0kMe4-00313-00066816-00067063 so bringing our software layer on top yyiHMj0kMe4-00314-00067064-00067247 providing developers to build yyiHMj0kMe4-00315-00067248-00067526 applications both vms and containers on yyiHMj0kMe4-00316-00067527-00067750 the edge when they can use services from yyiHMj0kMe4-00317-00067751-00067919 any cloud provider to build those yyiHMj0kMe4-00318-00067920-00068167 applications so vmware provides that you yyiHMj0kMe4-00319-00068168-00068391 know multi-cloud you know platform which yyiHMj0kMe4-00320-00068392-00068559 gives ability for folks to build yyiHMj0kMe4-00321-00068560-00068775 applications and know going to get yyiHMj0kMe4-00322-00068776-00068935 services from any choice of their you yyiHMj0kMe4-00323-00068936-00069167 know cloud providers and run it on top yyiHMj0kMe4-00324-00069168-00069463 of dell you know uh portfolio and and yyiHMj0kMe4-00325-00069464-00069663 connect that all together with very yyiHMj0kMe4-00326-00069664-00069847 importantly i would say yyiHMj0kMe4-00327-00069848-00069975 you know distributed lifecycle yyiHMj0kMe4-00328-00069976-00070182 management and operations everywhere yyiHMj0kMe4-00329-00070183-00070319 because yyiHMj0kMe4-00330-00070320-00070575 you're not going to find it skill sets yyiHMj0kMe4-00331-00070576-00070791 at the edge this is at the retail stores yyiHMj0kMe4-00332-00070792-00071006 at the manufacturing plan so what you yyiHMj0kMe4-00333-00071007-00071199 don't get is very you know skilled i.t yyiHMj0kMe4-00334-00071200-00071406 skill sets so the control plane happens yyiHMj0kMe4-00335-00071407-00071575 to be in the cloud which is centrally yyiHMj0kMe4-00336-00071576-00071791 operated whereas the data plane is all yyiHMj0kMe4-00337-00071792-00071975 running at the edge and we're able to yyiHMj0kMe4-00338-00071976-00072150 between vmware and dell bring our yyiHMj0kMe4-00339-00072151-00072431 portfolios together to effectively you yyiHMj0kMe4-00340-00072432-00072703 know deliver upon this and provide what yyiHMj0kMe4-00341-00072704-00072943 i would call a secure software supply yyiHMj0kMe4-00342-00072944-00073111 chain you can build applications yyiHMj0kMe4-00343-00073112-00073303 securely and you know deliver them from yyiHMj0kMe4-00344-00073304-00073519 the data center to the cloud to the edge yyiHMj0kMe4-00345-00073520-00073735 and manage it provision it troubleshoot yyiHMj0kMe4-00346-00073736-00073959 it end to end that's only possible with yyiHMj0kMe4-00347-00073960-00074167 you know vmware and dell technologies yyiHMj0kMe4-00348-00074168-00074423 right and and john let me call it out yyiHMj0kMe4-00349-00074424-00074503 that yyiHMj0kMe4-00350-00074504-00074703 um one of the most important things yyiHMj0kMe4-00351-00074704-00074847 obviously yyiHMj0kMe4-00352-00074848-00075175 with vmware our vxrail product obviously yyiHMj0kMe4-00353-00075176-00075343 is yyiHMj0kMe4-00354-00075344-00075599 our running horse for most of the edge yyiHMj0kMe4-00355-00075600-00075887 use case including our server ruggedized yyiHMj0kMe4-00356-00075888-00076175 server but i will say that on the vmware yyiHMj0kMe4-00357-00076176-00076375 we are spending with the satellite nodes yyiHMj0kMe4-00358-00076376-00076567 that they are basically nodes that you yyiHMj0kMe4-00359-00076568-00076775 can put in your edge location and yyiHMj0kMe4-00360-00076776-00077079 centralize you can manage and you can do yyiHMj0kMe4-00361-00077080-00077294 all the life cycle management also if yyiHMj0kMe4-00362-00077295-00077462 you don't need the storage path so yyiHMj0kMe4-00363-00077463-00077806 that's a a key things that expand us uh yyiHMj0kMe4-00364-00077807-00078143 with the common um also reference if you yyiHMj0kMe4-00365-00078144-00078287 guys will yyiHMj0kMe4-00366-00078288-00078550 follow our session we have a joint yyiHMj0kMe4-00367-00078551-00078782 customer actually explain our scotch yyiHMj0kMe4-00368-00078783-00078894 industry yyiHMj0kMe4-00369-00078895-00079143 how you will run the entire things with yyiHMj0kMe4-00370-00079144-00079406 the edge and run vmware across with yyiHMj0kMe4-00371-00079407-00079679 vxrail so great great example it's a yyiHMj0kMe4-00372-00079680-00079815 great it's a great call out too one of yyiHMj0kMe4-00373-00079816-00079967 the things that's impressive and i think yyiHMj0kMe4-00374-00079968-00080159 this better together message comes out yyiHMj0kMe4-00375-00080160-00080391 in that in that conversation is that you yyiHMj0kMe4-00376-00080392-00080591 have a building block approach yyiHMj0kMe4-00377-00080592-00080743 to a platform yyiHMj0kMe4-00378-00080744-00080919 these two things work together and i yyiHMj0kMe4-00379-00080920-00081006 think one of the things that's yyiHMj0kMe4-00380-00081007-00081135 interesting to me yyiHMj0kMe4-00381-00081136-00081367 just as you know student of the industry yyiHMj0kMe4-00382-00081368-00081526 over the years that it's kind of an yyiHMj0kMe4-00383-00081527-00081671 operating system in itself it's the yyiHMj0kMe4-00384-00081672-00081894 cloud right it's like it's one big thing yyiHMj0kMe4-00385-00081895-00082079 so you could the customers can build yyiHMj0kMe4-00386-00082080-00082287 applications on top of it yyiHMj0kMe4-00387-00082288-00082471 and get the benefits of it i think this yyiHMj0kMe4-00388-00082472-00082694 is kind of a systems thinking mindset yyiHMj0kMe4-00389-00082695-00082887 not just design thinking but it's a yyiHMj0kMe4-00390-00082888-00083143 systems architecture if you will i mean yyiHMj0kMe4-00391-00083144-00083311 it's not directly a systems like a yyiHMj0kMe4-00392-00083312-00083526 computer system but holistically you can yyiHMj0kMe4-00393-00083527-00083759 look at it as a systems yyiHMj0kMe4-00394-00083760-00083991 design problem so customers are having yyiHMj0kMe4-00395-00083992-00084118 more and more of these conversations yyiHMj0kMe4-00396-00084119-00084335 around systems thinking yyiHMj0kMe4-00397-00084336-00084487 can you guys share your reaction to that yyiHMj0kMe4-00398-00084488-00084606 because we all saw the benefits of yyiHMj0kMe4-00399-00084607-00084791 design thinking oh yeah design thinking yyiHMj0kMe4-00400-00084792-00084999 you know create a movement yyiHMj0kMe4-00401-00085000-00085206 now we're in a new era i think we're yyiHMj0kMe4-00402-00085207-00085335 starting to see people talk about yyiHMj0kMe4-00403-00085336-00085559 systems thinking you actually it's a yyiHMj0kMe4-00404-00085560-00085838 great thing john i think you have to you yyiHMj0kMe4-00405-00085839-00086015 have to have system thinking just yyiHMj0kMe4-00406-00086016-00086159 everything we've been talking about so yyiHMj0kMe4-00407-00086160-00086262 far yyiHMj0kMe4-00408-00086263-00086350 is yyiHMj0kMe4-00409-00086351-00086575 if you don't have system thinking yyiHMj0kMe4-00410-00086576-00086815 you won't scale to tens of thousands of yyiHMj0kMe4-00411-00086816-00087071 locations you know systematically right yyiHMj0kMe4-00412-00087072-00087303 so design thinking is brilliant because yyiHMj0kMe4-00413-00087304-00087535 it gives you very user interface user yyiHMj0kMe4-00414-00087536-00087743 experiences where users and developers yyiHMj0kMe4-00415-00087744-00087950 get in and and have a flexibility and yyiHMj0kMe4-00416-00087951-00088143 usage and all of that what you're yyiHMj0kMe4-00417-00088144-00088335 talking about here is tens of thousands yyiHMj0kMe4-00418-00088336-00088559 of locations and those locations don't yyiHMj0kMe4-00419-00088560-00088775 have any skilled i.t folks so we're not yyiHMj0kMe4-00420-00088776-00088967 used to breaking things down so what you yyiHMj0kMe4-00421-00088968-00089223 want to think about is more a scalable yyiHMj0kMe4-00422-00089224-00089423 system design which is like cookie yyiHMj0kMe4-00423-00089424-00089647 cutter push it out and then you know yyiHMj0kMe4-00424-00089648-00089838 it's got zero touch provisioning you yyiHMj0kMe4-00425-00089839-00090047 know zero trust for uh architecture with yyiHMj0kMe4-00426-00090048-00090262 security built in and you know life's yyiHMj0kMe4-00427-00090263-00090455 distributed life cycle management so you yyiHMj0kMe4-00428-00090456-00090775 are making it making the edge simple to yyiHMj0kMe4-00429-00090776-00091023 operate for that to happen you need yyiHMj0kMe4-00430-00091024-00091255 system thinking where it is you know yyiHMj0kMe4-00431-00091256-00091526 scalable secured you know and scalable yyiHMj0kMe4-00432-00091527-00091806 not large small and highly distributed yyiHMj0kMe4-00433-00091807-00092031 in a lot of locations you have a proper yyiHMj0kMe4-00434-00092032-00092231 systems thinking and design system put yyiHMj0kMe4-00435-00092232-00092423 in then you know it'll operate itself yyiHMj0kMe4-00436-00092424-00092623 this is how we've done industry for a yyiHMj0kMe4-00437-00092624-00092806 long time right yeah and and the yyiHMj0kMe4-00438-00092807-00093015 consequences have to be factored in if yyiHMj0kMe4-00439-00093016-00093159 something breaks there's consequences yyiHMj0kMe4-00440-00093160-00093447 and systems it's a ripple effect it's a yyiHMj0kMe4-00441-00093448-00093606 network of all kinds of things are going yyiHMj0kMe4-00442-00093607-00093831 on great stuff um yyiHMj0kMe4-00443-00093832-00093991 you're looking comment on the system's yyiHMj0kMe4-00444-00093992-00094118 thinking i'd love to get your reaction yyiHMj0kMe4-00445-00094119-00094223 to that yeah yyiHMj0kMe4-00446-00094224-00094431 let me let me say one things about the yyiHMj0kMe4-00447-00094432-00094638 system thing so i think systems is very yyiHMj0kMe4-00448-00094639-00094918 important also on top of the solution yyiHMj0kMe4-00449-00094919-00095126 that we put together as we discussed yyiHMj0kMe4-00450-00095127-00095391 before right normally in the vertical yyiHMj0kMe4-00451-00095392-00095679 like the manufacturing people buy yyiHMj0kMe4-00452-00095680-00095879 outcome so at the end of the day the yyiHMj0kMe4-00453-00095880-00096079 people they interact directly with the yyiHMj0kMe4-00454-00096080-00096238 with the outcome they look at the yyiHMj0kMe4-00455-00096239-00096511 solution and we will offer together the yyiHMj0kMe4-00456-00096512-00096759 solution so we have the vmware layer we yyiHMj0kMe4-00457-00096760-00097015 are partnering with other people to yyiHMj0kMe4-00458-00097016-00097294 to offer an end-to-end solution too many yyiHMj0kMe4-00459-00097295-00097415 points yyiHMj0kMe4-00460-00097416-00097791 the manufacturing floor person will not yyiHMj0kMe4-00461-00097792-00097991 really care if his interact with the yyiHMj0kMe4-00462-00097992-00098247 dxtrail or a vmware but he wants to yyiHMj0kMe4-00463-00098248-00098479 interact with the end application so yyiHMj0kMe4-00464-00098480-00098687 that's why it's very important beside yyiHMj0kMe4-00465-00098688-00098943 that we need to make the uh yyiHMj0kMe4-00466-00098944-00099174 infrastructure transparent and easy so yyiHMj0kMe4-00467-00099175-00099391 that's that's really good point that's yyiHMj0kMe4-00468-00099392-00099647 how the things go that's why you need to yyiHMj0kMe4-00469-00099648-00099911 system architect the things and system yyiHMj0kMe4-00470-00099912-00100006 thinking yyiHMj0kMe4-00471-00100007-00100167 i think this edge conversation brings up yyiHMj0kMe4-00472-00100168-00100494 was is bringing up a new modern era of yyiHMj0kMe4-00473-00100495-00100631 opportunity yyiHMj0kMe4-00474-00100632-00100791 and there are problems to solve and work yyiHMj0kMe4-00475-00100792-00100999 the problem the data is one we talked yyiHMj0kMe4-00476-00101000-00101199 earlier are there considerations that yyiHMj0kMe4-00477-00101200-00101382 you guys see out there for how yyiHMj0kMe4-00478-00101383-00101599 architects in the enterprise who are yyiHMj0kMe4-00479-00101600-00101726 thinking about the future of their yyiHMj0kMe4-00480-00101727-00101871 business how they want to set themselves yyiHMj0kMe4-00481-00101872-00102103 up for the modern era it's coming as yyiHMj0kMe4-00482-00102104-00102191 here yyiHMj0kMe4-00483-00102192-00102599 for edge for low latency built-in yyiHMj0kMe4-00484-00102600-00102806 security these are table stake yyiHMj0kMe4-00485-00102807-00103030 enterprise features now so is there new yyiHMj0kMe4-00486-00103031-00103199 cons and data obviously the cost of data yyiHMj0kMe4-00487-00103200-00103406 and the tsunami of more data local data yyiHMj0kMe4-00488-00103407-00103606 to be processed leveraging the benefits yyiHMj0kMe4-00489-00103607-00103815 of the cloud in a systematic way these yyiHMj0kMe4-00490-00103816-00104127 are all new hard problems that if solved yyiHMj0kMe4-00491-00104128-00104351 create huge opportunities or as jerry yyiHMj0kMe4-00492-00104352-00104606 chen former vmware uh cto of the cloud yyiHMj0kMe4-00493-00104607-00104775 said castle's on the cloud you can have yyiHMj0kMe4-00494-00104776-00104990 the best of the cloud if you do this yyiHMj0kMe4-00495-00104991-00105158 right what are some considerations that yyiHMj0kMe4-00496-00105159-00105278 people should think about from an yyiHMj0kMe4-00497-00105279-00105510 architecture standpoint i i think uh yyiHMj0kMe4-00498-00105511-00105702 from my prospect and then left money yyiHMj0kMe4-00499-00105703-00105871 speaking about this but yyiHMj0kMe4-00500-00105872-00105975 um yyiHMj0kMe4-00501-00105976-00106199 think about how you can standardize from yyiHMj0kMe4-00502-00106200-00106310 the beginning yyiHMj0kMe4-00503-00106311-00106527 so don't end up with the yyiHMj0kMe4-00504-00106528-00106734 thousands of different options yyiHMj0kMe4-00505-00106735-00106966 because danny is difficult to manage and yyiHMj0kMe4-00506-00106967-00107127 then um yyiHMj0kMe4-00507-00107128-00107254 every yyiHMj0kMe4-00508-00107255-00107502 wide approach look at all the different yyiHMj0kMe4-00509-00107503-00107783 edge uh sites as a building block of yyiHMj0kMe4-00510-00107783-00108199 that big edge thing and also um yyiHMj0kMe4-00511-00108200-00108407 look at how you can yyiHMj0kMe4-00512-00108408-00108719 not only scale but bring security in in yyiHMj0kMe4-00513-00108720-00108886 all the things that you think right this yyiHMj0kMe4-00514-00108888-00109183 is fundamental uh in the past we always yyiHMj0kMe4-00515-00109183-00109407 left security as the last things that we yyiHMj0kMe4-00516-00109408-00109551 thought about yyiHMj0kMe4-00517-00109552-00109790 at the edge is fundamental and edge is yyiHMj0kMe4-00518-00109791-00110007 changing the requirement as i explained yyiHMj0kMe4-00519-00110008-00110199 at the beginning of this interview yyiHMj0kMe4-00520-00110200-00110439 edge has a very different requirement yyiHMj0kMe4-00521-00110440-00110639 and if we satisfy those requirements yyiHMj0kMe4-00522-00110640-00110831 then we are successful not only at the yyiHMj0kMe4-00523-00110832-00111095 edge but we are successful at the core yyiHMj0kMe4-00524-00111096-00111319 and in the cloud because we can bring as yyiHMj0kMe4-00525-00111320-00111543 we need to say that application in and yyiHMj0kMe4-00526-00111544-00111790 out in and out where it's needed so with yyiHMj0kMe4-00527-00111791-00111958 that we need you want to say something yyiHMj0kMe4-00528-00111959-00112166 about sure thanks thanks for luca and i yyiHMj0kMe4-00529-00112167-00112334 think uh you know your pure look was yyiHMj0kMe4-00530-00112335-00112495 absolutely right i think you have to yyiHMj0kMe4-00531-00112496-00112695 standardize you have to scale only then yyiHMj0kMe4-00532-00112696-00112886 you can standardize easily without doing yyiHMj0kMe4-00533-00112888-00113134 the spoke the you know as an architect yyiHMj0kMe4-00534-00113135-00113351 one of the key things to consider also yyiHMj0kMe4-00535-00113352-00113519 there is you know i think you know john yyiHMj0kMe4-00536-00113520-00113719 you you brought up 5g at the beginning yyiHMj0kMe4-00537-00113720-00113878 but we didn't follow up with that right yyiHMj0kMe4-00538-00113879-00114134 so we actually do believe that the yyiHMj0kMe4-00539-00114135-00114319 service provider market who are building yyiHMj0kMe4-00540-00114320-00114551 out the next generation 5g yyiHMj0kMe4-00541-00114552-00114727 they have capacity they have yyiHMj0kMe4-00542-00114728-00114919 connectivity closest to the edge as well yyiHMj0kMe4-00543-00114920-00115119 so i actually do think that as yyiHMj0kMe4-00544-00115120-00115327 architects think about it a player as yyiHMj0kMe4-00545-00115328-00115471 you build out your data center your yyiHMj0kMe4-00546-00115472-00115710 cloud and now towards the edge the last yyiHMj0kMe4-00547-00115711-00115927 mile between the the cloud and the edge yyiHMj0kMe4-00548-00115928-00116063 is actually owned by the service yyiHMj0kMe4-00549-00116064-00116263 providers the service providers will yyiHMj0kMe4-00550-00116264-00116502 play a critical role in you know placing yyiHMj0kMe4-00551-00116503-00116758 these workloads closer to the edge but yyiHMj0kMe4-00552-00116759-00116927 not necessarily all far away from the yyiHMj0kMe4-00553-00116928-00117183 cloud so you know architect design think yyiHMj0kMe4-00554-00117183-00117390 about scalability intrinsic security and yyiHMj0kMe4-00555-00117391-00117607 you know having you know different sizes yyiHMj0kMe4-00556-00117608-00117799 but one important factor i actually do yyiHMj0kMe4-00557-00117800-00118039 believe that the service providers have yyiHMj0kMe4-00558-00118040-00118263 the opportunity of a lifetime in front yyiHMj0kMe4-00559-00118264-00118551 of them to become like the hyperscalers yyiHMj0kMe4-00560-00118552-00118790 for the edge because if they can provide yyiHMj0kMe4-00561-00118791-00119007 not just infrastructure network services yyiHMj0kMe4-00562-00119008-00119239 i ask pass and sas they will be able to yyiHMj0kMe4-00563-00119240-00119471 deliver extensively whole amount of edge yyiHMj0kMe4-00564-00119472-00119695 compute services for the enterprises yyiHMj0kMe4-00565-00119696-00119878 which is something that architects have yyiHMj0kMe4-00566-00119879-00120102 to think about to actually not make a yyiHMj0kMe4-00567-00120103-00120302 bottleneck to all go up to the cloud but yyiHMj0kMe4-00568-00120303-00120431 they can actually be distributed as a yyiHMj0kMe4-00569-00120432-00120607 service provider yeah and i totally yyiHMj0kMe4-00570-00120608-00120727 agree on the service part they have the yyiHMj0kMe4-00571-00120728-00120910 real estate they got the facilities they yyiHMj0kMe4-00572-00120911-00121143 got the connectivity at the edge and the yyiHMj0kMe4-00573-00121144-00121327 footprint what used to be a base station yyiHMj0kMe4-00574-00121328-00121527 is becoming smaller and smaller and yyiHMj0kMe4-00575-00121528-00121695 higher density so like you're going to yyiHMj0kMe4-00576-00121696-00121902 start to see by the way and there's more yyiHMj0kMe4-00577-00121903-00122183 more edges it's it's not the one tower yyiHMj0kMe4-00578-00122183-00122327 anymore yyiHMj0kMe4-00579-00122328-00122447 it's everywhere yyiHMj0kMe4-00580-00122448-00122734 these little points of access points are yyiHMj0kMe4-00581-00122735-00122863 thousands of points of millions of yyiHMj0kMe4-00582-00122864-00123023 points of light if you will kind of to yyiHMj0kMe4-00583-00123024-00123254 the network yyiHMj0kMe4-00584-00123255-00123383 huge yyiHMj0kMe4-00585-00123383-00123575 okay gentlemen thank you so much i want yyiHMj0kMe4-00586-00123576-00123710 to just say i really appreciate this yyiHMj0kMe4-00587-00123711-00124014 conversation uh systems thinking edge yyiHMj0kMe4-00588-00124015-00124166 it's the future an edge is an yyiHMj0kMe4-00589-00124167-00124327 architectural shift where there's only yyiHMj0kMe4-00590-00124328-00124583 advantages not a lot of downside if you yyiHMj0kMe4-00591-00124583-00124799 plan it right the opportunity with the yyiHMj0kMe4-00592-00124800-00124966 cloud is amazing so thank you so much yyiHMj0kMe4-00593-00124967-00125175 for coming on sharing your insights here yyiHMj0kMe4-00594-00125176-00125383 on thecube conversation yyiHMj0kMe4-00595-00125383-00125566 thank you thank you very much john thank yyiHMj0kMe4-00596-00125567-00125734 you i'm john furrier with thecube here yyiHMj0kMe4-00597-00125735-00125975 in napa remotely in palo alto and palo yyiHMj0kMe4-00598-00125976-00126158 alto in massachusetts for a remote yyiHMj0kMe4-00599-00126159-00126310 interview great conversation with great yyiHMj0kMe4-00600-00126311-00127128 guests thanks for watching yyiHMj0kMe4-00601-00127129-00127631 [Music] yyiHMj0kMe4-00602-00127632-00127840 you yyGdmfWnA4c-00000-00000028-00000386 CheY Vietnamese pronunciation see is any yyGdmfWnA4c-00001-00000387-00000590 traditional Vietnamese sweet beverage yyGdmfWnA4c-00002-00000591-00000911 dessert soup or pudding varieties of che yyGdmfWnA4c-00003-00000911-00001129 are made with mung beans black-eyed peas yyGdmfWnA4c-00004-00001130-00001439 kidney beans tapioca jelly clearer grass yyGdmfWnA4c-00005-00001440-00001742 fruit longan mango durian like Eeyore yyGdmfWnA4c-00006-00001743-00002039 jackfruit and coconut cream other types yyGdmfWnA4c-00007-00002039-00002227 are made with ingredients such as salt yyGdmfWnA4c-00008-00002228-00002534 aloe vera seaweed lotus seed sesame seed yyGdmfWnA4c-00009-00002535-00002840 sugar palm seeds taro cassava and pandan yyGdmfWnA4c-00010-00002841-00003164 leaf extract some varieties such as che yyGdmfWnA4c-00011-00003165-00003472 Troi book may also include dumplings che yyGdmfWnA4c-00012-00003473-00003656 are often prepared with one of a number yyGdmfWnA4c-00013-00003657-00003893 of varieties of beans tubers and/or yyGdmfWnA4c-00014-00003894-00004085 glutinous rice cooked in water and yyGdmfWnA4c-00015-00004086-00004349 sweetened with sugar in southern Vietnam yyGdmfWnA4c-00016-00004350-00004550 che are often garnished with coconut yyGdmfWnA4c-00017-00004551-00004820 creme the preparations are named with yyGdmfWnA4c-00018-00004821-00005011 the addition of qualifying adjectives yyGdmfWnA4c-00019-00005012-00005236 referring to a wide variety of distinct yyGdmfWnA4c-00020-00005237-00005408 soups or puddings which may be served yyGdmfWnA4c-00021-00005409-00005717 either hot or cold each variety of che yyGdmfWnA4c-00022-00005718-00005942 is designated by a descriptive word or yyGdmfWnA4c-00023-00005943-00006149 phrase that follows the word chain such yyGdmfWnA4c-00024-00006150-00006567 as che dough do literally red bean che yyGdmfWnA4c-00025-00006568-00006765 shei may be made at home but are also yyGdmfWnA4c-00026-00006766-00006975 commonly sold in plastic cups at yyGdmfWnA4c-00027-00006976-00007284 Vietnamese grocery stores in northern yyGdmfWnA4c-00028-00007284-00007509 Vietnam che is also the word for the tea yyGdmfWnA4c-00029-00007509-00007797 plant tea is also known as nook che in yyGdmfWnA4c-00030-00007798-00007980 the north or more commonly trying both yyGdmfWnA4c-00031-00007981-00008316 regions the Chinese category of sweet yyGdmfWnA4c-00032-00008317-00008526 soups called Tong sway are very similar yyGdmfWnA4c-00033-00008527-00009099 to che yyGdmfWnA4c-00034-00009100-00009631 topic varieties yyGdmfWnA4c-00035-00009632-00009846 there is a nearly endless variety of yyGdmfWnA4c-00036-00009847-00010048 named dishes with the prefix che and yyGdmfWnA4c-00037-00010049-00010228 thus it is impossible to produce a yyGdmfWnA4c-00038-00010229-00010510 complete list what follows is a list of yyGdmfWnA4c-00039-00010511-00010702 the most typical traditional varieties yyGdmfWnA4c-00040-00010703-00011239 of che yyGdmfWnA4c-00041-00011240-00011777 topic beams and pulses yyGdmfWnA4c-00042-00011778-00012059 shave balm out literally three colors yyGdmfWnA4c-00043-00012060-00012353 che usually including green mung beans yyGdmfWnA4c-00044-00012354-00012590 white black-eyed peas and red Azuki yyGdmfWnA4c-00045-00012591-00012779 beans although people can cook with any yyGdmfWnA4c-00046-00012780-00012985 ingredients making any three colors they yyGdmfWnA4c-00047-00012986-00013297 like compared with hollow hollow shado yyGdmfWnA4c-00048-00013299-00013513 den made from black beans one of the yyGdmfWnA4c-00049-00013515-00013691 most popular varieties of che yyGdmfWnA4c-00050-00013691-00013921 particularly for northern Vietnamese yyGdmfWnA4c-00051-00013922-00014255 Jade Oh do made from Azuki beans usually yyGdmfWnA4c-00052-00014256-00014453 using whole beans rarely using ground yyGdmfWnA4c-00053-00014454-00014878 beans shado who yet made from red beans yyGdmfWnA4c-00054-00014879-00015169 shado knew made from phaseolus Linnaeus yyGdmfWnA4c-00055-00015170-00015407 or moonbeams specialty in hue an yyGdmfWnA4c-00056-00015408-00015755 Imperial dish che da Fung also called yyGdmfWnA4c-00057-00015756-00015994 che da Fung in southern Vietnam or che yyGdmfWnA4c-00058-00015995-00016175 Lac in northern Vietnam made from yyGdmfWnA4c-00059-00016176-00016269 peanuts yyGdmfWnA4c-00060-00016270-00016576 jeido Trang made from black-eyed peas yyGdmfWnA4c-00061-00016577-00016819 oftentimes this dessert has just yyGdmfWnA4c-00062-00016820-00017021 referred to as che dough as it is one of yyGdmfWnA4c-00063-00017022-00017171 the most common bean dessert for yyGdmfWnA4c-00064-00017172-00017558 southern Vietnamese Jade Oh van Hugh yyGdmfWnA4c-00065-00017559-00017687 made from dough Lee chose lablab yyGdmfWnA4c-00066-00017688-00018065 hyacinth beans a specialty in hue Jade yyGdmfWnA4c-00067-00018066-00018400 Oh son made from whole mung beans Jade yyGdmfWnA4c-00068-00018401-00018677 Oh Sun foot I made from mung beans and yyGdmfWnA4c-00069-00018678-00019010 thought I a kind of kelp Jade Oh son Dan yyGdmfWnA4c-00070-00019011-00019340 made from ground mung beans che dode I yyGdmfWnA4c-00071-00019341-00019589 made from ground skinless mung beans dye yyGdmfWnA4c-00072-00019590-00019916 means to remove the skin Jade Oh son and yyGdmfWnA4c-00073-00019917-00020174 H a damn mung beans and pieces of fresh yyGdmfWnA4c-00074-00020175-00020552 aloe vera jaywalk ow the northern dish yyGdmfWnA4c-00075-00020553-00020738 made from ground skinless mung beans yyGdmfWnA4c-00076-00020739-00020956 with beetle nut flour shape a similar yyGdmfWnA4c-00077-00020957-00021194 dish called che Dow X on prepared in yyGdmfWnA4c-00078-00021195-00021808 southern Vietnam uses less mung beans yyGdmfWnA4c-00079-00021809-00022516 topic rice grains tubers and cereals yyGdmfWnA4c-00080-00022517-00022801 Schaben lot made from bond lot a cake yyGdmfWnA4c-00081-00022802-00023146 from hue lot means to sift yyGdmfWnA4c-00082-00023147-00023416 chabe at the southern dialect or chaego yyGdmfWnA4c-00083-00023417-00023629 the northern dialect made from corn and yyGdmfWnA4c-00084-00023630-00024004 tapioca rice pudding j-bot san or chasin yyGdmfWnA4c-00085-00024005-00024228 bot made from cassava flour yyGdmfWnA4c-00086-00024229-00024619 Jason lot made from sliced cassava jay yyGdmfWnA4c-00087-00024620-00024958 comp made from young rice che lamb made yyGdmfWnA4c-00088-00024959-00025155 from ground glutinous rice yyGdmfWnA4c-00089-00025156-00025521 chiku my made from dioscorea / similes yyGdmfWnA4c-00090-00025522-00025877 chiku sung made from water lily bulbs yyGdmfWnA4c-00091-00025879-00026181 chiku - or chaiko I - made from yyGdmfWnA4c-00092-00026182-00026536 dioscorea esculenta che hot Lou called yyGdmfWnA4c-00093-00026537-00026739 by this name in southern Vietnam and by yyGdmfWnA4c-00094-00026741-00026962 che hat Lou in northern Vietnam in this yyGdmfWnA4c-00095-00026963-00027189 dish rice paste or cut into pomegranate yyGdmfWnA4c-00096-00027191-00027550 seeds shaped pieces che hot AO basil yyGdmfWnA4c-00097-00027551-00027660 seed drink yyGdmfWnA4c-00098-00027661-00028005 Shaco I Lang made from sweet potato yyGdmfWnA4c-00099-00028006-00028272 chaiko I'm on made from taro yyGdmfWnA4c-00100-00028273-00028555 shame on sapped vang made from a variety yyGdmfWnA4c-00101-00028556-00028992 of taro grown in hue JK made from millet yyGdmfWnA4c-00102-00028993-00029427 chaiko Itay made from potato Jamie den yyGdmfWnA4c-00103-00029429-00029797 made from black sesame seeds Jason made yyGdmfWnA4c-00104-00029798-00029970 from thin vermicelli and Jasmine yyGdmfWnA4c-00105-00029972-00030295 flavored syrup che hatsan made from yyGdmfWnA4c-00106-00030295-00030814 lotus seeds Jason Tran Jason dua made yyGdmfWnA4c-00107-00030814-00031080 from lotus seeds and coconut water yyGdmfWnA4c-00108-00031081-00031510 chiku Sen made from lotus tubers jameth yyGdmfWnA4c-00109-00031511-00031711 a or chiku Nong made from water yyGdmfWnA4c-00110-00031712-00032576 chestnuts Komuro mildly alcoholic che yyGdmfWnA4c-00111-00032577-00033060 topic jellies yyGdmfWnA4c-00112-00033061-00033362 che Thatcher che rau cow made from agar yyGdmfWnA4c-00113-00033363-00033702 agar che fetch Liu made from seaweed and yyGdmfWnA4c-00114-00033703-00033924 other pomegranate seed shaped tapioca yyGdmfWnA4c-00115-00033925-00034251 pearls che that sin made from seaweed yyGdmfWnA4c-00116-00034252-00034589 and lotus seeds Swan Sam jelly with yyGdmfWnA4c-00117-00034590-00034895 Tilia Cora tree and rye extract Swan yyGdmfWnA4c-00118-00034896-00035246 South grass jelly che that sin then yyGdmfWnA4c-00119-00035247-00035872 vermicelli like jellies yyGdmfWnA4c-00120-00035873-00036367 topic dumplings yyGdmfWnA4c-00121-00036368-00036631 j-bot lock from small cassava and rice yyGdmfWnA4c-00122-00036632-00036783 flour dumplings yyGdmfWnA4c-00123-00036784-00037180 jquan dong literally be sweet soup so yyGdmfWnA4c-00124-00037181-00037362 named because this dish is viscous and yyGdmfWnA4c-00125-00037363-00037531 yellow like honey made from glutinous yyGdmfWnA4c-00126-00037532-00037821 rice ginger root honey and molasses this yyGdmfWnA4c-00127-00037822-00038005 is a northern dish usually cooked to yyGdmfWnA4c-00128-00038006-00038349 offer to the ancestors a tete che buns F yyGdmfWnA4c-00129-00038350-00038574 green bean wrapped in a tapioca skin yyGdmfWnA4c-00130-00038575-00038764 dumpling eaten in a coconut milk base yyGdmfWnA4c-00131-00038765-00038996 with smaller pieces of tapioca yyGdmfWnA4c-00132-00038997-00039298 translated to English the dishes folded yyGdmfWnA4c-00133-00039299-00039473 cake dessert yyGdmfWnA4c-00134-00039474-00039740 che Troy Nook balls made from mung bean yyGdmfWnA4c-00135-00039741-00039926 paste in a shell made of glutinous rice yyGdmfWnA4c-00136-00039927-00040162 flour served in a thick clear or brown yyGdmfWnA4c-00137-00040163-00040399 liquid made of water sugar and grated yyGdmfWnA4c-00138-00040400-00040941 ginger root yyGdmfWnA4c-00139-00040942-00041512 topic fruits and plants yyGdmfWnA4c-00140-00041513-00041792 Chihuahua northern dialect or CH a trike yyGdmfWnA4c-00141-00041793-00042026 a southern dialect mixture of different yyGdmfWnA4c-00142-00042027-00042209 fruits including pineapple watermelon yyGdmfWnA4c-00143-00042210-00042539 apple pear mango likey dried banana yyGdmfWnA4c-00144-00042540-00042752 cherry and dried coconut with milk yyGdmfWnA4c-00145-00042753-00043082 yogurt and syrup Chanin made from long yyGdmfWnA4c-00146-00043083-00043424 MJ's oh I made from mango je travaille yyGdmfWnA4c-00147-00043425-00043781 bleachy and jelly che boy made from yyGdmfWnA4c-00148-00043782-00044171 pomelo oil and slivered rind eh Roy made yyGdmfWnA4c-00149-00044172-00044420 from bananas and tapioca Vietnamese but yyGdmfWnA4c-00150-00044421-00044885 bang chase al ring made from durian J yyGdmfWnA4c-00151-00044886-00045130 thought not made from sugar palm seeds yyGdmfWnA4c-00152-00045131-00045396 shame it made from jackfruit yyGdmfWnA4c-00153-00045397-00045800 chelo hoi made from aloe vera hot day yyGdmfWnA4c-00154-00045801-00045962 made from stair Coolio lick no for yyGdmfWnA4c-00155-00045963-00046501 extract and basil seeds yyGdmfWnA4c-00156-00046502-00046971 topic mixed yyGdmfWnA4c-00157-00046972-00047363 shidou du bon lot red beans and bomb lot yyGdmfWnA4c-00158-00047364-00047646 chop camp Jalen meaning ten ingredients yyGdmfWnA4c-00159-00047647-00047904 wheat soup or mixed sweet soup as a yyGdmfWnA4c-00160-00047905-00048126 mixture of various kinds of ingredients yyGdmfWnA4c-00161-00048127-00048252 such as Black Eyed Peas yyGdmfWnA4c-00162-00048253-00048516 Azuki beans lotus seeds mung beans yyGdmfWnA4c-00163-00048517-00048807 coconut syrup ice cream milk and tranche yyGdmfWnA4c-00164-00048808-00049101 ow this is one of the most popular forms yyGdmfWnA4c-00165-00049102-00049425 of chase served in Vietnam che ba ba yyGdmfWnA4c-00166-00049426-00049695 made from taro cassava and Co I Lang by yyGdmfWnA4c-00167-00049696-00049944 a kind of sweet potato that is long with yyGdmfWnA4c-00168-00049945-00050286 red skin and yellow flesh che ba khat yyGdmfWnA4c-00169-00050287-00050616 made from expanded glutinous rice che yyGdmfWnA4c-00170-00050617-00050877 bucked 9 how hop literally 100 years of yyGdmfWnA4c-00171-00050878-00051060 a good matched marriage made from red yyGdmfWnA4c-00172-00051061-00051308 beans lotus seed water lily bulb and yyGdmfWnA4c-00173-00051309-00051704 others 1 looong cold sweet soup yyGdmfWnA4c-00174-00051705-00051951 containing jobs tears dried longans red yyGdmfWnA4c-00175-00051952-00052182 jujubes lotus seeds thinly sliced yyGdmfWnA4c-00176-00052183-00052404 seaweed and sometimes other ingredients yyGdmfWnA4c-00177-00052404-00052737 with water sugar and crushed ice che yyGdmfWnA4c-00178-00052738-00052959 thunk name translates to combo dessert yyGdmfWnA4c-00179-00052960-00053247 in Vietnamese one version is made from yyGdmfWnA4c-00180-00053248-00053376 dried red jujube yyGdmfWnA4c-00181-00053377-00053595 peanut and dried Oracle area Oracle yyGdmfWnA4c-00182-00053596-00053780 adjud a fungus while another is made yyGdmfWnA4c-00183-00053782-00054078 from taro cassava green bean seaweed and yyGdmfWnA4c-00184-00054079-00054563 water chestnuts yyGdmfWnA4c-00185-00054564-00055092 topic savoury che yyGdmfWnA4c-00186-00055094-00055402 jail app song or che lap song made from yyGdmfWnA4c-00187-00055403-00055554 Chinese sausage yyGdmfWnA4c-00188-00055554-00055980 JT key made from roast pork che Trung do yyGdmfWnA4c-00189-00055982-00056550 made from eggs and other ingredients yyGdmfWnA4c-00190-00056551-00057046 topic foreign Jay yyGdmfWnA4c-00191-00057047-00057352 boob or cha-cha or Boccia a Vietnamese yyGdmfWnA4c-00192-00057353-00057579 interpretation of the popular sweet soup yyGdmfWnA4c-00193-00057580-00057757 originating from Malaysia and Singapore yyGdmfWnA4c-00194-00057758-00058147 found in Hanoi che Thai a sweet fruit yyGdmfWnA4c-00195-00058148-00058317 soup which is believed to be a version yyGdmfWnA4c-00196-00058319-00058528 of Thailand's tub Tim crop but the yyGdmfWnA4c-00197-00058529-00058738 Vietnamese version uses a variety of yyGdmfWnA4c-00198-00058739-00058846 tropical fruits yyGdmfWnA4c-00199-00058847-00059011 while the Thai version uses strictly yyGdmfWnA4c-00200-00059012-00059858 chestnuts Tahu or Douma do hot che yyGdmfWnA4c-00201-00059859-00060386 topic see also yyGdmfWnA4c-00202-00060387-00060880 Vietnamese cuisine Schendel hallo hallo yyGdmfWnA4c-00203-00060881-00061185 boba tea yzl5A7N--ay-00000-00000303-00002039 [Music] yzl5A7N--ay-00001-00002039-00002271 hi cc gin community we are coming to you yzl5A7N--ay-00002-00002272-00002607 from lesbos you can even see turkey is yzl5A7N--ay-00003-00002608-00002918 just over there yzl5A7N--ay-00004-00002919-00003286 there are still 20 to 40 people arriving yzl5A7N--ay-00005-00003288-00003590 per week here on this house most of them yzl5A7N--ay-00006-00003592-00003983 are from afghanistan congo and yzl5A7N--ay-00007-00003984-00004143 syria yzl5A7N--ay-00008-00004144-00004351 30 percent of the population inside the yzl5A7N--ay-00009-00004352-00005022 camps are children yzl5A7N--ay-00010-00005023-00005270 i'm heading to a meeting with yzl5A7N--ay-00011-00005271-00005463 with lesvos solidarity they're an yzl5A7N--ay-00012-00005464-00005686 organization that was working on yzl5A7N--ay-00013-00005687-00005895 integration space is limited for them to yzl5A7N--ay-00014-00005896-00006006 do their work yzl5A7N--ay-00015-00006007-00006191 as the laws and policies have been yzl5A7N--ay-00016-00006192-00006470 changing and camps are becoming more yzl5A7N--ay-00017-00006472-00006631 formalized under the control of the yzl5A7N--ay-00018-00006631-00006887 government here yzl5A7N--ay-00019-00006888-00007151 hi cchn so i just finished my meeting yzl5A7N--ay-00020-00007152-00007351 with the lesbos solidarity they run yzl5A7N--ay-00021-00007352-00007703 mosaic i got these two really cool bags yzl5A7N--ay-00022-00007704-00007910 uh they're made by refugees from yzl5A7N--ay-00023-00007911-00008167 recycled material they had established yzl5A7N--ay-00024-00008168-00008455 the only locally run camp fifa camp yzl5A7N--ay-00025-00008456-00008703 which has since been been closed yzl5A7N--ay-00026-00008704-00008919 i had the privilege of meeting with the yzl5A7N--ay-00027-00008920-00009103 humanitarian professionals and the camp yzl5A7N--ay-00028-00009104-00009367 management in mavrovoni reception center yzl5A7N--ay-00029-00009368-00009614 today in fact now at this point they are yzl5A7N--ay-00030-00009615-00009887 even issuing passports in mavrooni yzl5A7N--ay-00031-00009888-00010151 reception center which was really yzl5A7N--ay-00032-00010152-00010367 incredible to see especially compared to yzl5A7N--ay-00033-00010368-00010527 some of the other reception centers yzl5A7N--ay-00034-00010528-00010774 we've seen along the migratory route yzl5A7N--ay-00035-00010775-00011103 and we met with um with officials who yzl5A7N--ay-00036-00011104-00011342 are working in this space yzl5A7N--ay-00037-00011343-00011599 many of them humanitarians who have been yzl5A7N--ay-00038-00011600-00011831 seconded to work with government yzl5A7N--ay-00039-00011832-00012063 colleagues as civil servants so it was yzl5A7N--ay-00040-00012064-00012263 fascinating and it was really incredible yzl5A7N--ay-00041-00012264-00012423 to see the work that they've been doing yzl5A7N--ay-00042-00012424-00012883 especially after the fire in yzl5A7N--ay-00043-00012884-00013143 [Music] yzl5A7N--ay-00044-00013144-00013422 they are trying to balance yzl5A7N--ay-00045-00013423-00013686 both integration work both facilitation yzl5A7N--ay-00046-00013687-00014047 of services uh but also yzl5A7N--ay-00047-00014047-00014319 understanding the real challenges that yzl5A7N--ay-00048-00014319-00014622 these really are populations on the move yzl5A7N--ay-00049-00014623-00015566 so how to effectively serve them yzl5A7N--ay-00050-00015568-00015838 the numbers of arrival are slowing down yzl5A7N--ay-00051-00015840-00015927 um yzl5A7N--ay-00052-00015928-00016158 they don't know what what to expect for yzl5A7N--ay-00053-00016159-00016415 spring it's uh there's no there's no yzl5A7N--ay-00054-00016416-00016615 planning or uh yzl5A7N--ay-00055-00016616-00016879 contingency planning who can predict yzl5A7N--ay-00056-00016880-00017055 what's going to happen yzl5A7N--ay-00057-00017056-00017255 the people with whom we talk are yzl5A7N--ay-00058-00017256-00017455 experienced professional yzl5A7N--ay-00059-00017456-00017694 they have good practices yzl5A7N--ay-00060-00017695-00017855 they have yzl5A7N--ay-00061-00017856-00018158 learned experiences lesbos is a very yzl5A7N--ay-00062-00018159-00018383 small island people know each other the yzl5A7N--ay-00063-00018384-00018575 humanitarian practitioners they all know yzl5A7N--ay-00064-00018576-00018743 each other they've been working yzl5A7N--ay-00065-00018744-00018967 together for many years yzl5A7N--ay-00066-00018968-00019183 they're trying to coordinate their yzl5A7N--ay-00067-00019184-00019463 action it's not easy we we felt that yzl5A7N--ay-00068-00019464-00019655 they are ready for this critical yzl5A7N--ay-00069-00019656-00019886 reflection on their own work yzl5A7N--ay-00070-00019887-00020150 so i think the timing of the cchn and yzl5A7N--ay-00071-00020151-00020407 this listening tour was right yzl5A7N--ay-00072-00020408-00020622 we're gonna be back in january to meet yzl5A7N--ay-00073-00020623-00020991 with them again and to see how yzl5A7N--ay-00074-00020992-00021315 how we're gonna support them yzl5A7N--ay-00075-00021316-00021872 [Music] y-EWmiEpXLk-00000-00000035-00000107 foreign y-EWmiEpXLk-00002-00003626-00004854 [Music] y-EWmiEpXLk-00003-00004855-00005170 thank you y-EWmiEpXLk-00005-00011382-00011559 foreign y-EWmiEpXLk-00007-00014922-00015805 [Music] y-EWmiEpXLk-00008-00015806-00018307 [Music] y-EWmiEpXLk-00009-00018308-00018521 thank you y-EWmiEpXLk-00010-00018522-00018860 foreign y-EWmiEpXLk-00011-00018861-00019817 [Music] y-EWmiEpXLk-00012-00019818-00021935 [Music] y-EWmiEpXLk-00013-00021936-00022160 foreign y-EWmiEpXLk-00014-00022161-00025127 [Music] y-EWmiEpXLk-00015-00025128-00025253 foreign y-EWmiEpXLk-00016-00025254-00028064 [Music] y-EWmiEpXLk-00017-00028066-00029783 [Music] y-EWmiEpXLk-00018-00029783-00030408 foreign y-EWmiEpXLk-00019-00030410-00032308 [Music] y-EWmiEpXLk-00020-00032310-00032752 foreign y-EWmiEpXLk-00021-00032754-00034543 [Music] y-Kfz9YXkQk-00000-00000050-00000305 Renaissance Latin as a name given to the y-Kfz9YXkQk-00001-00000306-00000467 distinctive form of Latin style y-Kfz9YXkQk-00002-00000468-00000623 developed during the European y-Kfz9YXkQk-00003-00000624-00000778 Renaissance of the 14th to 15th y-Kfz9YXkQk-00004-00000779-00000983 centuries particularly by the y-Kfz9YXkQk-00005-00000984-00001439 Renaissance humanism movement y-Kfz9YXkQk-00006-00001440-00001968 topic ad phone Tess y-Kfz9YXkQk-00007-00001969-00002310 add phone TAS to the sources was the y-Kfz9YXkQk-00008-00002311-00002517 general cry of the humanists and as such y-Kfz9YXkQk-00009-00002518-00002709 their Latin style sought to purge latin y-Kfz9YXkQk-00010-00002710-00002907 of the medieval latin vocabulary and y-Kfz9YXkQk-00011-00002908-00003069 stylistic accretions that it had y-Kfz9YXkQk-00012-00003070-00003254 acquired in the centuries after the fall y-Kfz9YXkQk-00013-00003255-00003492 of the Roman Empire they looked to y-Kfz9YXkQk-00014-00003493-00003665 Golden Age Latin literature and y-Kfz9YXkQk-00015-00003667-00003909 especially to Cicero in prose and Virgil y-Kfz9YXkQk-00016-00003910-00004145 in poetry as the arbiters of Latin style y-Kfz9YXkQk-00017-00004146-00004404 they abandoned the use of the sequence y-Kfz9YXkQk-00018-00004405-00004602 and other accentual forms of meter and y-Kfz9YXkQk-00019-00004603-00004761 sought instead to revive the Greek y-Kfz9YXkQk-00020-00004762-00004968 formats that were used in Latin poetry y-Kfz9YXkQk-00021-00004969-00005235 during the Roman period the humanists y-Kfz9YXkQk-00022-00005236-00005415 condemned the large body of medieval y-Kfz9YXkQk-00023-00005416-00005742 Latin literature as gothic for them a y-Kfz9YXkQk-00024-00005743-00006009 term of abuse and believed instead that y-Kfz9YXkQk-00025-00006010-00006197 only ancient Latin from the Roman period y-Kfz9YXkQk-00026-00006198-00006627 was real Latin some 16th century y-Kfz9YXkQk-00027-00006628-00006824 Ciceronian humanists also sought to y-Kfz9YXkQk-00028-00006825-00006984 purge written latin of medieval y-Kfz9YXkQk-00029-00006984-00007242 developments in its orthography they y-Kfz9YXkQk-00030-00007243-00007463 insisted for example that a be written y-Kfz9YXkQk-00031-00007464-00007629 out in full wherever it occurred in y-Kfz9YXkQk-00032-00007630-00007856 classical latin medieval scribes often y-Kfz9YXkQk-00033-00007858-00008118 wrote e instead of a they were much more y-Kfz9YXkQk-00034-00008119-00008327 zealous than medieval latin writers that y-Kfz9YXkQk-00035-00008328-00008565 tnc be distinguished because the effects y-Kfz9YXkQk-00036-00008566-00008769 of palatalization made them homophones y-Kfz9YXkQk-00037-00008770-00009015 medieval scribes often wrote for example y-Kfz9YXkQk-00038-00009016-00009291 ECM for edium their reforms even y-Kfz9YXkQk-00039-00009292-00009530 affected handwriting humanists usually y-Kfz9YXkQk-00040-00009531-00009726 wrote Latin in a humanist minuscule y-Kfz9YXkQk-00041-00009727-00009894 script derived from Carolingian y-Kfz9YXkQk-00042-00009895-00010124 minuscule the ultimate ancestor of most y-Kfz9YXkQk-00043-00010125-00010313 contemporary lowercase typefaces y-Kfz9YXkQk-00044-00010314-00010527 avoiding the black letter scripts used y-Kfz9YXkQk-00045-00010528-00010776 in the Middle Ages this sort of writing y-Kfz9YXkQk-00046-00010777-00010988 was particularly vigilant in edited y-Kfz9YXkQk-00047-00010989-00011183 works so that international colleagues y-Kfz9YXkQk-00048-00011184-00011343 could read them more easily while in y-Kfz9YXkQk-00049-00011344-00011499 their own handwritten documents the y-Kfz9YXkQk-00050-00011500-00011658 Latin is usually written as it is y-Kfz9YXkQk-00051-00011659-00011913 pronounced in the vernacular therefore y-Kfz9YXkQk-00052-00011914-00012129 the first generations of humanists did y-Kfz9YXkQk-00053-00012130-00012269 not dedicate much care to the y-Kfz9YXkQk-00054-00012270-00012533 orthography till the late 16th and 17th y-Kfz9YXkQk-00055-00012534-00012824 century Erasmus proposed that the then y-Kfz9YXkQk-00056-00012825-00013044 traditional pronunciations of Latin be y-Kfz9YXkQk-00057-00013044-00013251 abolished in favour of his reconstructed y-Kfz9YXkQk-00058-00013252-00013472 version of classical Latin pronunciation y-Kfz9YXkQk-00059-00013473-00013622 even though one can deduce from his y-Kfz9YXkQk-00060-00013623-00013772 works that he himself used the y-Kfz9YXkQk-00061-00013773-00014055 ecclesiastical pronunciation the y-Kfz9YXkQk-00062-00014056-00014241 humanists plan to remake Latin was y-Kfz9YXkQk-00063-00014241-00014504 largely successful at least in education y-Kfz9YXkQk-00064-00014505-00014754 schools taught the humanistic Spelling's y-Kfz9YXkQk-00065-00014755-00014940 and encouraged the study of the text y-Kfz9YXkQk-00066-00014941-00015129 selected by the humanists to the large y-Kfz9YXkQk-00067-00015130-00015351 exclusion of later Latin literature y-Kfz9YXkQk-00068-00015352-00015600 on the other hand while humanist Latin y-Kfz9YXkQk-00069-00015601-00015788 was an elegant literary language it y-Kfz9YXkQk-00070-00015790-00015957 became much harder to write books about y-Kfz9YXkQk-00071-00015958-00016206 law medicine science or contemporary y-Kfz9YXkQk-00072-00016207-00016425 politics in Latin while observing all of y-Kfz9YXkQk-00073-00016426-00016590 the humanists norms about vocabulary y-Kfz9YXkQk-00074-00016591-00016851 purging and classical usage Renaissance y-Kfz9YXkQk-00075-00016852-00017058 Latin gradually developed into the new y-Kfz9YXkQk-00076-00017059-00017223 Latin of the sixteenth nineteenth y-Kfz9YXkQk-00077-00017224-00017421 centuries used as the language of choice y-Kfz9YXkQk-00078-00017422-00017616 for authors discussing subjects y-Kfz9YXkQk-00079-00017617-00017796 considered sufficiently important to y-Kfz9YXkQk-00080-00017797-00017979 merit an international ie pan-european y-Kfz9YXkQk-00081-00017980-00018451 audience y-Kfz9YXkQk-00082-00018452-00018658 topic Renaissance Latin works and y-Kfz9YXkQk-00083-00018659-00019051 authors y-Kfz9YXkQk-00084-00019052-00019831 topic 14th century 13:59 epistle I y-Kfz9YXkQk-00085-00019832-00020397 familiars by Petrarch 1304 to 1374 1360 y-Kfz9YXkQk-00086-00020398-00020674 henna legija deorum gentle 'i'm by y-Kfz9YXkQk-00087-00020675-00021319 giovanni boccaccio 13 13 to 13 75 y-Kfz9YXkQk-00088-00021320-00021938 topic 15th century y-Kfz9YXkQk-00089-00021939-00022302 1409 flows duel at Orem by fiore day ela y-Kfz9YXkQk-00090-00022303-00022742 berry 1425 hermaphrodite is by Antonio y-Kfz9YXkQk-00091-00022743-00023411 Becca deli 1394 to 1471 1441 to elegant y-Kfz9YXkQk-00092-00023412-00023642 ease Latin a ling way by Lorenzo valla y-Kfz9YXkQk-00093-00023643-00024300 1406 to 1457 1442 historia Florentine e y-Kfz9YXkQk-00094-00024301-00024800 Populi by Leonardo Bruni C 1372 1440 y-Kfz9YXkQk-00095-00024801-00025221 41444 historia de dieu Oba Samantha bees y-Kfz9YXkQk-00096-00025222-00025467 by Aeneas Sylvia's Piccolomini Pope Pius y-Kfz9YXkQk-00097-00025468-00026124 the second 14:05 to 1464 1452 DeRay a y-Kfz9YXkQk-00098-00026125-00026393 difficut Oria by Leonie Battista Alberti y-Kfz9YXkQk-00099-00026394-00027054 1404 to 1472 1471 contra mores by y-Kfz9YXkQk-00100-00027055-00027764 Bartolomeo Platina 1421 to 1481 1479 de y-Kfz9YXkQk-00101-00027766-00027981 inventi own dialectic ABAI road Dollfuss y-Kfz9YXkQk-00102-00027982-00028637 Agricola 1444 to 1485 1481 introductions y-Kfz9YXkQk-00103-00028638-00028968 latin a by antonio danube Riga 14:41 y-Kfz9YXkQk-00104-00028969-00029537 to 1522 1486 de hominis digne tape by y-Kfz9YXkQk-00105-00029538-00029898 Giovanni Pico della Mirandola 1463 to y-Kfz9YXkQk-00106-00029899-00030589 1494 1491 nutritive I policía no 1454 to y-Kfz9YXkQk-00107-00030590-00030939 1494 theologian Platon Akkad to y-Kfz9YXkQk-00108-00030939-00031235 immortality anime by Maher silly oficina y-Kfz9YXkQk-00109-00031236-00031836 1433 to 1499 francesco fie fo 1398 to y-Kfz9YXkQk-00110-00031837-00032292 1481 y-Kfz9YXkQk-00111-00032293-00032813 topic references y-Kfz9YXkQk-00112-00032814-00033327 topic further reading y-Kfz9YXkQk-00113-00033328-00033648 Kranz F Edward Virginia Brown and Paul y-Kfz9YXkQk-00114-00033649-00034206 Osler Chris teller EDS 1962 2003 catalog y-Kfz9YXkQk-00115-00034207-00034407 is translation Ahmet comentary Orem y-Kfz9YXkQk-00116-00034408-00034578 Medieval and Renaissance Latin y-Kfz9YXkQk-00117-00034579-00034824 translations and commentaries annotated y-Kfz9YXkQk-00118-00034825-00035175 lists and guides 8 Vols Washington DC y-Kfz9YXkQk-00119-00035176-00035471 Catholic University of America press y-Kfz9YXkQk-00120-00035472-00035883 D'Amico John F 1984 the progress of y-Kfz9YXkQk-00121-00035884-00036090 Renaissance Latin prose the case of y-Kfz9YXkQk-00122-00036091-00036351 appellee anism Renaissance quarterly 37 y-Kfz9YXkQk-00123-00036352-00036975 to 351 - 92 deets Luke 2005 the tools of y-Kfz9YXkQk-00124-00036976-00037194 the trade a few remarks on editing y-Kfz9YXkQk-00125-00037195-00037563 Renaissance Latin texts humanistic Allah y-Kfz9YXkQk-00126-00037564-00038106 Venancio 54 to 300 45 - 58 Hardy Philip y-Kfz9YXkQk-00127-00038107-00038457 2013 Shepherds songs generic variation y-Kfz9YXkQk-00128-00038458-00038696 in Renaissance Latin epic in generic y-Kfz9YXkQk-00129-00038697-00038856 interfaces in Latin literature y-Kfz9YXkQk-00130-00038857-00039065 encounters interactions and y-Kfz9YXkQk-00131-00039066-00039362 transformations edited by Theodore deep y-Kfz9YXkQk-00132-00039363-00039621 evangelist Steven J Harrison and Stavros y-Kfz9YXkQk-00133-00039622-00040171 franklinís 193 - 204 Berlin de Gruder y-Kfz9YXkQk-00134-00040172-00040617 Houghton LBT 2013 Renaissance Latin love y-Kfz9YXkQk-00135-00040618-00040836 elegy in the Cambridge companion to y-Kfz9YXkQk-00136-00040837-00041096 Latin love elegy edited by Thea s y-Kfz9YXkQk-00137-00041097-00041552 Thorson 292 305 Cambridge UK y-Kfz9YXkQk-00138-00041553-00042033 Cambridge University Press lor CH 1974 y-Kfz9YXkQk-00139-00042034-00042315 Renaissance Latin Aristotle commentaries y-Kfz9YXkQk-00140-00042316-00042543 authors a B studies in the Renaissance y-Kfz9YXkQk-00141-00042544-00043131 21 - 228 - 89 McFarland ID Edie and y-Kfz9YXkQk-00142-00043132-00043496 trans 1980 Renaissance Latin poetry y-Kfz9YXkQk-00143-00043497-00043764 Manchester UK Manchester University y-Kfz9YXkQk-00144-00043765-00043895 Press y-Kfz9YXkQk-00145-00043896-00044298 Parker Holt 2012 Renaissance Latin elegy y-Kfz9YXkQk-00146-00044299-00044540 in a companion to Roman love elegy y-Kfz9YXkQk-00147-00044541-00045069 edited by Barbara K gold 476 290 Malden y-Kfz9YXkQk-00148-00045070-00045140 MA y-Kfz9YXkQk-00149-00045141-00045515 wiley-blackwell / OSA Alessandro and y-Kfz9YXkQk-00150-00045516-00045984 John Sparrow EDS 1979 Renaissance Latin y-Kfz9YXkQk-00151-00045985-00046564 verse an anthology London duckworth y-Kfz9YXkQk-00152-00046565-00047103 topic external links y-Kfz9YXkQk-00153-00047104-00047388 an analytic bibliography of online neo y-Kfz9YXkQk-00154-00047389-00047742 Latin titles also Renaissance Latin Neal y-Kfz9YXkQk-00155-00047743-00047949 Latin humanist texts at digital book y-Kfz9YXkQk-00156-00047950-00048348 index Rene joven Lexi de la prose lateen y-Kfz9YXkQk-00157-00048349-00048555 Villa Renaissance dictionary of y-Kfz9YXkQk-00158-00048556-00048786 Renaissance Latin from pro sources with y-Kfz9YXkQk-00159-00048787-00048969 the collaboration of Laurent gralen y-Kfz9YXkQk-00160-00048970-00049424 Leiden Brill 2006 second edition 6 8 3 P y-Kfz9YXkQk-00161-00049425-00049677 the Centre for neo Latin studies y-Kfz9YXkQk-00162-00049678-00050097 focusing on Irish Renaissance Latin yA_WWqpytf4-00000-00000071-00000422 Northpoint global limited MPG was a yA_WWqpytf4-00001-00000423-00000655 liverpool-based real-estate developer yA_WWqpytf4-00002-00000656-00000895 with a head office in Edward pavilion yA_WWqpytf4-00003-00000896-00001136 salt house key it was established in yA_WWqpytf4-00004-00001137-00001418 2015 primarily to develop one of the yA_WWqpytf4-00005-00001419-00001622 regions around Liverpool's docks off yA_WWqpytf4-00006-00001623-00001979 great George Street however it filed for yA_WWqpytf4-00007-00001980-00002273 bankruptcy in 2018 leaving its Chinese yA_WWqpytf4-00008-00002274-00002948 investors in the lurch yA_WWqpytf4-00009-00002949-00003269 topic new Chinatown development yA_WWqpytf4-00010-00003270-00003708 Liverpool yA_WWqpytf4-00011-00003709-00003938 though the group had not completed any yA_WWqpytf4-00012-00003939-00004218 housing project in the UK it announced yA_WWqpytf4-00013-00004219-00004509 plans in December 2015 to develop a yA_WWqpytf4-00014-00004510-00004850 so-called new Chinatown near Liverpool yA_WWqpytf4-00015-00004851-00005172 docks for 200 million pounds consisting yA_WWqpytf4-00016-00005173-00005343 of glitzy glass buildings and yA_WWqpytf4-00017-00005344-00005663 skyscrapers a hotel a business center in yA_WWqpytf4-00018-00005664-00006086 280 homes the development was plan and yA_WWqpytf4-00019-00006087-00006309 over three sites two owned by the yA_WWqpytf4-00020-00006310-00006560 Liverpool City Council and a third site yA_WWqpytf4-00021-00006561-00006801 owned by urban splash under the Tribeca yA_WWqpytf4-00022-00006802-00007140 scheme it marketed these houses to yA_WWqpytf4-00023-00007141-00007356 middle-class individual buyers and yA_WWqpytf4-00024-00007356-00007598 investors in Hong Kong and tier 1 cities yA_WWqpytf4-00025-00007600-00007929 of China in Expo exhibitions advertising yA_WWqpytf4-00026-00007930-00008268 guaranteed returns the first phase of yA_WWqpytf4-00027-00008269-00008493 the project was promised to be completed yA_WWqpytf4-00028-00008494-00008823 in 2017 and the entire project completed yA_WWqpytf4-00029-00008824-00009299 by 2019 in an interview in July 2016 its yA_WWqpytf4-00030-00009300-00009534 chairman David Charles told reporters yA_WWqpytf4-00031-00009535-00009996 that 46 of its 127 residential units had yA_WWqpytf4-00032-00009997-00010271 already been sold by July 2016 yA_WWqpytf4-00033-00010272-00010510 with most of the shops on lease holds yA_WWqpytf4-00034-00010511-00010791 its commercial spaces were built to yA_WWqpytf4-00035-00010792-00011052 allow small investors from China to take yA_WWqpytf4-00036-00011053-00011280 advantage of the tier 1 entrepreneurs yA_WWqpytf4-00037-00011281-00011652 visa program most investors consisted of yA_WWqpytf4-00038-00011653-00011901 individual families who had paid 40 yA_WWqpytf4-00039-00011902-00012149 thousand liras each as 30 percent down yA_WWqpytf4-00040-00012150-00012431 payment for their apartment some yA_WWqpytf4-00041-00012432-00012669 prospective investors paid up to 50 yA_WWqpytf4-00042-00012670-00012860 percent of their share upfront as a yA_WWqpytf4-00043-00012861-00013161 deposit the site is current being yA_WWqpytf4-00044-00013162-00013383 demolished and awaiting designs for a yA_WWqpytf4-00045-00013384-00013725 new development however other than the yA_WWqpytf4-00046-00013726-00014037 inauguration program in 2016 no yA_WWqpytf4-00047-00014038-00014346 development took place at the site the yA_WWqpytf4-00048-00014347-00014647 npg group sold the development rights in yA_WWqpytf4-00049-00014648-00014931 2017 to another shell company called yA_WWqpytf4-00050-00014932-00015291 your Housing Group at around the same yA_WWqpytf4-00051-00015291-00015543 time built the subcontractor who was yA_WWqpytf4-00052-00015544-00015731 planned to carry out its construction yA_WWqpytf4-00053-00015732-00015966 developed financial problems and was yA_WWqpytf4-00054-00015966-00016290 closed down in February 2018 bloomberg yA_WWqpytf4-00055-00016291-00016518 reported that North Point projects had yA_WWqpytf4-00056-00016519-00016764 been stalled and put up for sale leaving yA_WWqpytf4-00057-00016765-00016953 hundreds of Hong Kong and Chinese yA_WWqpytf4-00058-00016954-00017154 purchases in the lurch yA_WWqpytf4-00059-00017155-00017508 in 2018 the Liverpool Echo reported that yA_WWqpytf4-00060-00017509-00017727 construction had still not started at yA_WWqpytf4-00061-00017728-00017889 the site which was now filled with yA_WWqpytf4-00062-00017890-00018240 garbage and infested with rats it also yA_WWqpytf4-00063-00018241-00018471 reported further disputes between the yA_WWqpytf4-00064-00018472-00018741 City Council and Chinatown development yA_WWqpytf4-00065-00018742-00019604 company CDC MPGs sister company yA_WWqpytf4-00066-00019605-00019937 topic other developments in Liverpool in yA_WWqpytf4-00067-00019938-00020358 Manchester yA_WWqpytf4-00068-00020359-00020730 as of October 2017 five projects of yA_WWqpytf4-00069-00020731-00020958 North Point in Liverpool was suspended yA_WWqpytf4-00070-00020959-00021204 due to a paucity of funds and financial yA_WWqpytf4-00071-00021205-00021429 problems without any repayments to yA_WWqpytf4-00072-00021430-00021719 investors these were new Chinatown yA_WWqpytf4-00073-00021720-00022038 Baltic house north point pal mal the yA_WWqpytf4-00074-00022039-00022211 Paramount and the quadrant yA_WWqpytf4-00075-00022212-00022500 some in the press suspected the group to yA_WWqpytf4-00076-00022501-00022710 be involved in money laundering but this yA_WWqpytf4-00077-00022711-00023103 was never proven in March 2018 and yA_WWqpytf4-00078-00023104-00023336 expose by the Guardian revealed that yA_WWqpytf4-00079-00023337-00023532 North Point was just one of the many yA_WWqpytf4-00080-00023533-00023742 fraudulent real estate development yA_WWqpytf4-00081-00023743-00023972 schemes floated in the UK to lure in yA_WWqpytf4-00082-00023973-00024315 individual Chinese small investors at yA_WWqpytf4-00083-00024316-00024546 least one of them was promoted by the ex yA_WWqpytf4-00084-00024547-00024855 Chancellor George Osborne one was yA_WWqpytf4-00085-00024856-00025077 pinnacle angel gate the company behind yA_WWqpytf4-00086-00025078-00025319 the angel gate project in Manchester yA_WWqpytf4-00087-00025320-00025727 went into administration in 2017 it was yA_WWqpytf4-00088-00025728-00025968 a sister company of North Point global yA_WWqpytf4-00089-00025969-00026379 many of the proposed 344 apartments in yA_WWqpytf4-00090-00026380-00026627 that project were also sold off plan to yA_WWqpytf4-00091-00026628-00026892 Chinese and Hong Kong investors who paid yA_WWqpytf4-00092-00026893-00027177 deposits of more than 31 million pounds yA_WWqpytf4-00093-00027177-00027513 to secure the properties yCGRi5iCjfc-00000-00000192-00000375 first of all we want to thank everyone yCGRi5iCjfc-00001-00000376-00000543 for being here we want to thank the yCGRi5iCjfc-00002-00000544-00000774 governor the governor just has been yCGRi5iCjfc-00003-00000775-00001007 surveying some of the flood damage yCGRi5iCjfc-00004-00001008-00001191 i can tell you this from the moment this yCGRi5iCjfc-00005-00001192-00001454 flood event hit that governor justice yCGRi5iCjfc-00006-00001455-00001695 was in contact with pinault county and yCGRi5iCjfc-00007-00001696-00001902 faith county specialists yCGRi5iCjfc-00008-00001903-00002095 we've never had better response to the yCGRi5iCjfc-00009-00002096-00002318 state of west virginia not ever yCGRi5iCjfc-00010-00002319-00002502 and the governor is very concerned he's yCGRi5iCjfc-00011-00002503-00002734 been examining the damage yCGRi5iCjfc-00012-00002735-00002926 he's worried about the freaks and the yCGRi5iCjfc-00013-00002927-00003150 blockage and the problem and of course yCGRi5iCjfc-00014-00003151-00003359 it's working on trying to get eventually yCGRi5iCjfc-00015-00003360-00003631 a disastrous declaration so on behalf of yCGRi5iCjfc-00016-00003632-00003790 the north county commission governor of yCGRi5iCjfc-00017-00003792-00003999 justice thank you yCGRi5iCjfc-00018-00004000-00004283 thank yCGRi5iCjfc-00019-00004284-00004438 you know yCGRi5iCjfc-00020-00004439-00004543 i mean yCGRi5iCjfc-00021-00004544-00004727 everybody knows yCGRi5iCjfc-00022-00004728-00004959 that kent's heart is yCGRi5iCjfc-00023-00004960-00005215 made of gold and he wants the very best yCGRi5iCjfc-00024-00005216-00005447 for all of us and everything yCGRi5iCjfc-00025-00005448-00005622 uh jordan yCGRi5iCjfc-00026-00005623-00005959 tell them to cut the engine off yCGRi5iCjfc-00027-00005960-00006727 because i'd say these guys yCGRi5iCjfc-00028-00006728-00006855 good job yCGRi5iCjfc-00029-00006856-00007334 that's why he's the governor yCGRi5iCjfc-00030-00007336-00007583 but at the end of the day yCGRi5iCjfc-00031-00007584-00007863 you know there's there's so many levels yCGRi5iCjfc-00032-00007864-00007934 of yCGRi5iCjfc-00033-00007936-00008151 real tragedy here i mean that's just all yCGRi5iCjfc-00034-00008152-00008327 there is to it yCGRi5iCjfc-00035-00008328-00008527 if if you think yCGRi5iCjfc-00036-00008528-00008759 and and i'm gonna i'm gonna miss this a yCGRi5iCjfc-00037-00008760-00008935 little bit maybe but yCGRi5iCjfc-00038-00008936-00009214 in happy town correct yes sir yCGRi5iCjfc-00039-00009215-00009455 40 residents is that correct yes sir you yCGRi5iCjfc-00040-00009456-00009574 know and yCGRi5iCjfc-00041-00009575-00009871 500 000 pounds yCGRi5iCjfc-00042-00009872-00010231 500 000 pounds of yCGRi5iCjfc-00043-00010232-00010359 what we yCGRi5iCjfc-00044-00010360-00010559 are yCGRi5iCjfc-00045-00010560-00010863 not rightly referring to as debris yCGRi5iCjfc-00046-00010864-00011206 have been hauled away yCGRi5iCjfc-00047-00011207-00011455 now think about this just for a minute yCGRi5iCjfc-00048-00011456-00011663 because this could be any of us yCGRi5iCjfc-00049-00011664-00011878 i mean any of us yCGRi5iCjfc-00050-00011879-00012046 you know at the end of the day what is yCGRi5iCjfc-00051-00012047-00012231 that debris yCGRi5iCjfc-00052-00012232-00012455 well for the most part it's it's our yCGRi5iCjfc-00053-00012456-00012614 lives yCGRi5iCjfc-00054-00012615-00012774 it's everything yCGRi5iCjfc-00055-00012775-00012974 it's all of our memories yCGRi5iCjfc-00056-00012975-00013247 it's photos and all the different times yCGRi5iCjfc-00057-00013247-00013486 that families been together yCGRi5iCjfc-00058-00013487-00013615 you know yCGRi5iCjfc-00059-00013616-00013822 and the very minute that we don't yCGRi5iCjfc-00060-00013823-00013983 remember that yCGRi5iCjfc-00061-00013984-00014166 or feel that yCGRi5iCjfc-00062-00014168-00014366 then we're not much yCGRi5iCjfc-00063-00014368-00014591 and that's all there is to that and yCGRi5iCjfc-00064-00014591-00014751 we're really blessed yCGRi5iCjfc-00065-00014752-00015015 that we don't have a bunch of fatalities yCGRi5iCjfc-00066-00015016-00015183 and i can tell you that from my yCGRi5iCjfc-00067-00015184-00015350 standpoint yCGRi5iCjfc-00068-00015351-00015463 you know yCGRi5iCjfc-00069-00015463-00015799 the 2016 flood i've said it many times yCGRi5iCjfc-00070-00015800-00016055 but the 2016 flood yCGRi5iCjfc-00071-00016056-00016207 you know yCGRi5iCjfc-00072-00016208-00016519 it happened right in my back door yCGRi5iCjfc-00073-00016520-00016822 not only mine but lots of others yCGRi5iCjfc-00074-00016823-00017086 and we waited mud i did yCGRi5iCjfc-00075-00017087-00017230 and i saw yCGRi5iCjfc-00076-00017231-00017479 end loader after end loader come by yCGRi5iCjfc-00077-00017480-00017639 and just pick up stuff and throw it in yCGRi5iCjfc-00078-00017640-00017855 the back of a pickup truck or a dump yCGRi5iCjfc-00079-00017856-00018022 truck and off it went yCGRi5iCjfc-00080-00018023-00018335 and it was that family's life yCGRi5iCjfc-00081-00018336-00018655 and it's it's sad beyond belief yCGRi5iCjfc-00082-00018656-00018879 but the blessing the blessing that we yCGRi5iCjfc-00083-00018880-00019007 have here yCGRi5iCjfc-00084-00019008-00019255 is an incredible response yCGRi5iCjfc-00085-00019256-00019455 from these folks behind us yCGRi5iCjfc-00086-00019456-00019758 and bravery and heroism all over all yCGRi5iCjfc-00087-00019759-00019958 over the chart and we didn't lose a yCGRi5iCjfc-00088-00019959-00020111 bunch of lives yCGRi5iCjfc-00089-00020112-00020311 you know at the end of the day yCGRi5iCjfc-00090-00020312-00020550 i mean if you just think about it yCGRi5iCjfc-00091-00020551-00020678 now just yCGRi5iCjfc-00092-00020679-00020919 think about this yCGRi5iCjfc-00093-00020920-00021078 i i did this yCGRi5iCjfc-00094-00021079-00021319 day after day after day and you know me yCGRi5iCjfc-00095-00021320-00021455 well enough to know that i'll make yCGRi5iCjfc-00096-00021456-00021639 mistakes but i'll tell you the truth yCGRi5iCjfc-00097-00021640-00021894 i'll do that always yCGRi5iCjfc-00098-00021895-00022143 day after day after day yCGRi5iCjfc-00099-00022144-00022391 i would drive over there to try to do yCGRi5iCjfc-00100-00022392-00022639 anything i could do to help and i would yCGRi5iCjfc-00101-00022640-00022863 say this prayer over and over and over yCGRi5iCjfc-00102-00022864-00023222 or a prayer that some way somehow yCGRi5iCjfc-00103-00023223-00023350 god above yCGRi5iCjfc-00104-00023351-00023519 could show me yCGRi5iCjfc-00105-00023520-00023711 could show me this little 14 year old yCGRi5iCjfc-00106-00023712-00023935 girl that we couldn't find yCGRi5iCjfc-00107-00023936-00024199 and you know and what i would do is take yCGRi5iCjfc-00108-00024200-00024358 take my coat yCGRi5iCjfc-00109-00024359-00024567 and and i would think uh think about it yCGRi5iCjfc-00110-00024568-00024799 all the time you know that yCGRi5iCjfc-00111-00024800-00025055 you know if god could just some way show yCGRi5iCjfc-00112-00025056-00025167 me yCGRi5iCjfc-00113-00025168-00025486 where she was and her you know yCGRi5iCjfc-00114-00025487-00025799 because his family was dying yCGRi5iCjfc-00115-00025800-00025934 six weeks yCGRi5iCjfc-00116-00025935-00026167 we looked for a 14 year old little girl yCGRi5iCjfc-00117-00026168-00026495 who finally found her miles downstream yCGRi5iCjfc-00118-00026495-00026783 now i'm telling you yCGRi5iCjfc-00119-00026783-00026983 could have been worse yCGRi5iCjfc-00120-00026983-00027246 and we could have had loss of life but yCGRi5iCjfc-00121-00027247-00027414 these folks behind us yCGRi5iCjfc-00122-00027416-00027670 who knows how many lives they say yCGRi5iCjfc-00123-00027672-00027839 and all of us are going to continue to yCGRi5iCjfc-00124-00027839-00028031 pull the rope together yCGRi5iCjfc-00125-00028032-00028255 all the people that i have the ability yCGRi5iCjfc-00126-00028256-00028431 to affect anyway yCGRi5iCjfc-00127-00028432-00028735 from homeland security to to the guard yCGRi5iCjfc-00128-00028736-00028983 anything and everything that i can do yCGRi5iCjfc-00129-00028983-00029239 all these ems all the the people that yCGRi5iCjfc-00130-00029239-00029358 have come yCGRi5iCjfc-00131-00029360-00029670 vote and everybody else in the sun yCGRi5iCjfc-00132-00029672-00029895 you know it's easy for me yCGRi5iCjfc-00133-00029895-00030167 because kent knows just as gold as his yCGRi5iCjfc-00134-00030168-00030351 heart is mine is too yCGRi5iCjfc-00135-00030352-00030623 and i'm all in and i'm gonna stay i'm yCGRi5iCjfc-00136-00030624-00030831 say i'm gonna stay all in you don't have yCGRi5iCjfc-00137-00030832-00030983 to worry about me you don't have to yCGRi5iCjfc-00138-00030983-00031143 worry one second yCGRi5iCjfc-00139-00031144-00031358 about our effort to get an emergency yCGRi5iCjfc-00140-00031360-00031639 declaration or our effort to do anything yCGRi5iCjfc-00141-00031639-00031783 i'm all in yCGRi5iCjfc-00142-00031783-00032079 i've been all in from day one because i yCGRi5iCjfc-00143-00032080-00032239 mean it when i tell you that west yCGRi5iCjfc-00144-00032239-00032414 virginia is the greatest our people are yCGRi5iCjfc-00145-00032416-00032735 the greatest and i love you and so yCGRi5iCjfc-00146-00032736-00033118 so it's it's sad it's really sad yCGRi5iCjfc-00147-00033119-00033374 all of us each and every one of you yCGRi5iCjfc-00148-00033375-00033567 should always remember that yCGRi5iCjfc-00149-00033568-00033935 because it is just really really bad yCGRi5iCjfc-00150-00033936-00034215 and uh these people are suffering yCGRi5iCjfc-00151-00034216-00034367 really suffering yCGRi5iCjfc-00152-00034368-00034535 so we want to do any and everything we yCGRi5iCjfc-00153-00034536-00034695 can do to help and that's what we're yCGRi5iCjfc-00154-00034696-00034967 going to do governor since may i have yCGRi5iCjfc-00155-00034968-00035135 this right you've been in huntington yCGRi5iCjfc-00156-00035136-00035295 where there's been flood damage you've yCGRi5iCjfc-00157-00035296-00035511 been in the coal fields for those flood yCGRi5iCjfc-00158-00035512-00035655 dams and you've been in this today i yCGRi5iCjfc-00159-00035656-00035967 mean what a summer it's been since yeah yCGRi5iCjfc-00160-00035968-00036127 well yCGRi5iCjfc-00161-00036128-00036407 it uh yCGRi5iCjfc-00162-00036408-00036583 you know when it rains really hard all yCGRi5iCjfc-00163-00036584-00036855 that beauty that's beyond belief yCGRi5iCjfc-00164-00036856-00036999 you know the water doesn't everywhere to yCGRi5iCjfc-00165-00037000-00037127 go yCGRi5iCjfc-00166-00037128-00037223 and yCGRi5iCjfc-00167-00037224-00037390 and we live yCGRi5iCjfc-00168-00037391-00037774 on what little flat land that we have yCGRi5iCjfc-00169-00037775-00037990 and we could have a choice you know we yCGRi5iCjfc-00170-00037991-00038071 could yCGRi5iCjfc-00171-00038072-00038279 drive as far back here as we possibly yCGRi5iCjfc-00172-00038280-00038446 could and live on the top of a mountain yCGRi5iCjfc-00173-00038447-00038567 somewhere yCGRi5iCjfc-00174-00038568-00038807 but we choose not to do that because we yCGRi5iCjfc-00175-00038808-00038974 want to be able to get yCGRi5iCjfc-00176-00038975-00039135 to the ball fields that we want to get yCGRi5iCjfc-00177-00039136-00039295 to schools and we want to get to the yCGRi5iCjfc-00178-00039296-00039630 convenience stores and everything else yCGRi5iCjfc-00179-00039631-00039951 and so in all this beauty yCGRi5iCjfc-00180-00039952-00040174 becomes some really tough stuff yCGRi5iCjfc-00181-00040175-00040255 and yCGRi5iCjfc-00182-00040256-00040462 and it's been a tough summer and it just yCGRi5iCjfc-00183-00040463-00040735 won't quit raining really loud you know yCGRi5iCjfc-00184-00040736-00040990 we all we're we're thankful for the rain yCGRi5iCjfc-00185-00040991-00041199 but at the same time it's been a tough yCGRi5iCjfc-00186-00041200-00041302 summer yCGRi5iCjfc-00187-00041303-00041407 governor you've gotten the chance yCGRi5iCjfc-00188-00041408-00041551 tonight to see houston and now yCGRi5iCjfc-00189-00041552-00041687 campbell's creek just based on what yCGRi5iCjfc-00190-00041688-00041830 you've seen what immediate action do you yCGRi5iCjfc-00191-00041831-00041974 want to take yCGRi5iCjfc-00192-00041975-00042262 well you know really and truly yCGRi5iCjfc-00193-00042263-00042415 i'm not the guy yCGRi5iCjfc-00194-00042416-00042743 that that knows every single detail yCGRi5iCjfc-00195-00042744-00042846 about yCGRi5iCjfc-00196-00042847-00043039 the immediate action but here's what i yCGRi5iCjfc-00197-00043040-00043215 would say to you yCGRi5iCjfc-00198-00043216-00043439 i want these people behind me to do yCGRi5iCjfc-00199-00043440-00043639 every single thing in their power to yCGRi5iCjfc-00200-00043640-00043887 help those people every way yCGRi5iCjfc-00201-00043888-00044118 and ultimately at the end of the day yCGRi5iCjfc-00202-00044119-00044311 you know an emergency declaration yCGRi5iCjfc-00203-00044312-00044439 absolutely to yCGRi5iCjfc-00204-00044440-00044679 to some way somehow find if there's any yCGRi5iCjfc-00205-00044680-00044958 way on earth to bring fema in anything yCGRi5iCjfc-00206-00044959-00045190 that we can possibly do yCGRi5iCjfc-00207-00045191-00045390 that puts us back yCGRi5iCjfc-00208-00045391-00045646 as close to whole as we'll be yCGRi5iCjfc-00209-00045647-00045879 you know that's that's that's the yCGRi5iCjfc-00210-00045880-00046143 underlying thing you know whether it be yCGRi5iCjfc-00211-00046144-00046399 help from the standpoint of the state yCGRi5iCjfc-00212-00046400-00046574 you know it'd be help from the federal yCGRi5iCjfc-00213-00046575-00046839 government whatever it may be that we yCGRi5iCjfc-00214-00046840-00046990 can try to do yCGRi5iCjfc-00215-00046991-00047199 we need to try to do it and and these yCGRi5iCjfc-00216-00047200-00047471 people these people are experts that yCGRi5iCjfc-00217-00047472-00047655 work in all the details and everything yCGRi5iCjfc-00218-00047656-00047967 i'm not that expert these people do that yCGRi5iCjfc-00219-00047968-00048223 and everything and they know that you yCGRi5iCjfc-00220-00048224-00048455 know if they got a leader of the band yCGRi5iCjfc-00221-00048456-00048727 but they've got an incredible incredible yCGRi5iCjfc-00222-00048728-00048958 you know president commissioner and and yCGRi5iCjfc-00223-00048959-00049230 many many others and everybody's pushing yCGRi5iCjfc-00224-00049231-00049462 and everybody's all in we'll get there yCGRi5iCjfc-00225-00049463-00049839 that's all i can tell you you know yCGRi5iCjfc-00226-00049840-00050046 from the local perspective i can tell yCGRi5iCjfc-00227-00050047-00050230 you the governor of justice yCGRi5iCjfc-00228-00050231-00050495 immediately ordered the guard out within yCGRi5iCjfc-00229-00050496-00050727 15 seconds after he asked him he yCGRi5iCjfc-00230-00050728-00050951 immediately ordered an emergency uh yCGRi5iCjfc-00231-00050952-00051223 situation declaration for canal county yCGRi5iCjfc-00232-00051224-00051390 and what we're doing now is doing the yCGRi5iCjfc-00233-00051391-00051511 paperwork yCGRi5iCjfc-00234-00051512-00051711 surveys where you have to try to prove a yCGRi5iCjfc-00235-00051712-00051926 threshold of damage and up until that yCGRi5iCjfc-00236-00051927-00052135 happens and when that happens we hope yCGRi5iCjfc-00237-00052136-00052342 it'll happen then we'll have people so yCGRi5iCjfc-00238-00052344-00052479 the governor has done everything we've yCGRi5iCjfc-00239-00052479-00052630 asked him to do and more so the most yCGRi5iCjfc-00240-00052632-00052838 important things for people as much as yCGRi5iCjfc-00241-00052839-00053030 they can to file their service yCGRi5iCjfc-00242-00053032-00053311 oh yeah you've got to do that yes yCGRi5iCjfc-00243-00053312-00053582 keep track of every single everything yCGRi5iCjfc-00244-00053583-00053663 and yCGRi5iCjfc-00245-00053664-00053966 and and make all the violence don't yCGRi5iCjfc-00246-00053967-00054191 forget anything don't forget your time yCGRi5iCjfc-00247-00054191-00054382 don't forget anything yCGRi5iCjfc-00248-00054383-00054542 and everything it'll be really really yCGRi5iCjfc-00249-00054544-00054847 important as it all adds up yCGRi5iCjfc-00250-00054848-00055079 governor steve eden is here i live right yCGRi5iCjfc-00251-00055079-00055366 down the street right um yCGRi5iCjfc-00252-00055367-00055519 if we have another yCGRi5iCjfc-00253-00055520-00055742 hard rain right now yCGRi5iCjfc-00254-00055744-00055999 i mean it could be a normal rain yCGRi5iCjfc-00255-00056000-00056087 and yCGRi5iCjfc-00256-00056088-00056350 i'm not a meteorologist i'm not a yCGRi5iCjfc-00257-00056351-00056454 uh yCGRi5iCjfc-00258-00056455-00056711 expert in any man any matter but i think yCGRi5iCjfc-00259-00056712-00056879 we'd have a major club yCGRi5iCjfc-00260-00056879-00057071 because our creeks yCGRi5iCjfc-00261-00057072-00057303 this last flood yCGRi5iCjfc-00262-00057304-00057679 it just accumulated more sediment more yCGRi5iCjfc-00263-00057679-00057854 material on top of other materials yCGRi5iCjfc-00264-00057855-00058047 already been there it just kept building yCGRi5iCjfc-00265-00058048-00058279 and building it now it's so high we yCGRi5iCjfc-00266-00058279-00058591 couldn't take a big hard train right now yCGRi5iCjfc-00267-00058591-00058838 i bought just about everything yCGRi5iCjfc-00268-00058839-00059671 in my house yCGRi5iCjfc-00269-00059672-00059887 brand new car actually don't be anything yCGRi5iCjfc-00270-00059888-00060087 here it's either here or there but yCGRi5iCjfc-00271-00060088-00060238 right now if we get to the root of the yCGRi5iCjfc-00272-00060239-00060471 problem really the problem is yCGRi5iCjfc-00273-00060472-00060630 we need to dredge yCGRi5iCjfc-00274-00060632-00060879 every frequent possible dredge to stop yCGRi5iCjfc-00275-00060879-00061159 flooding you know and i think if we did yCGRi5iCjfc-00276-00061160-00061359 that all over the state not just from yCGRi5iCjfc-00277-00061360-00061582 campus group we did that we could yCGRi5iCjfc-00278-00061583-00061838 probably solve a lot of bloody problems yCGRi5iCjfc-00279-00061839-00062303 what was your first answer steve dvd yCGRi5iCjfc-00280-00062304-00062471 all right yCGRi5iCjfc-00281-00062472-00062830 let me just say this is steve okay yCGRi5iCjfc-00282-00062832-00063030 and we've gotten yCGRi5iCjfc-00283-00063032-00063326 you know and i'm not i'm not yCGRi5iCjfc-00284-00063327-00063511 i'm not attacking the environmental yCGRi5iCjfc-00285-00063512-00063630 world yCGRi5iCjfc-00286-00063632-00063863 but at the same time we've gotten yCGRi5iCjfc-00287-00063864-00064126 we've gotten overboard ridiculous to yCGRi5iCjfc-00288-00064127-00064263 tell you the truth yCGRi5iCjfc-00289-00064264-00064463 we got to live here too don't we yes you yCGRi5iCjfc-00290-00064464-00064550 know yCGRi5iCjfc-00291-00064551-00064919 and and really and truly uh yCGRi5iCjfc-00292-00064920-00065159 nobody wants more pristine water nobody yCGRi5iCjfc-00293-00065160-00065430 wants absolutely more cleaner air i yCGRi5iCjfc-00294-00065432-00065703 absolutely want just that i really do yCGRi5iCjfc-00295-00065704-00065879 and i know you do too yCGRi5iCjfc-00296-00065880-00066159 and because look what we got here i mean yCGRi5iCjfc-00297-00066160-00066335 why would we want anything differently yCGRi5iCjfc-00298-00066336-00066550 right but at the same time yCGRi5iCjfc-00299-00066551-00066782 we've got to have cooperation to where yCGRi5iCjfc-00300-00066783-00066991 people understand because i know you're yCGRi5iCjfc-00301-00066992-00067079 right yCGRi5iCjfc-00302-00067080-00067350 because all this stuff is washed in then yCGRi5iCjfc-00303-00067351-00067663 there can't possibly be any pooling at yCGRi5iCjfc-00304-00067664-00067831 all i mean really and through you don't yCGRi5iCjfc-00305-00067832-00068023 have anywhere to put any water and if yCGRi5iCjfc-00306-00068024-00068271 you get a rain you're right back in a yCGRi5iCjfc-00307-00068272-00068415 really tough spot yCGRi5iCjfc-00308-00068416-00068655 you know i went to brazil which is down yCGRi5iCjfc-00309-00068656-00069006 below gilbert exactly the same story yCGRi5iCjfc-00310-00069007-00069231 exactly the same story you know a long yCGRi5iCjfc-00311-00069232-00069511 time ago these walls were built on both yCGRi5iCjfc-00312-00069512-00069743 sides of the creek creek's not very wide yCGRi5iCjfc-00313-00069744-00070038 at all and everything and they've had yCGRi5iCjfc-00314-00070039-00070231 flood after flood after flood and more yCGRi5iCjfc-00315-00070232-00070463 accumulation more accumulation and now yCGRi5iCjfc-00316-00070464-00070638 the water's up within yCGRi5iCjfc-00317-00070639-00070831 10 inches of the road yCGRi5iCjfc-00318-00070832-00070982 you know now all of a sudden when it yCGRi5iCjfc-00319-00070983-00071382 rains boom it's right into the house yCGRi5iCjfc-00320-00071383-00071631 so there's a lot of folks here that are yCGRi5iCjfc-00321-00071632-00071775 begging for help yCGRi5iCjfc-00322-00071776-00071975 they want to be seen they want to be yCGRi5iCjfc-00323-00071976-00072119 heard so yCGRi5iCjfc-00324-00072120-00072287 what can you tell them you know is help yCGRi5iCjfc-00325-00072288-00072447 on the way is it going to be a while yCGRi5iCjfc-00326-00072448-00072631 what should they know well yCGRi5iCjfc-00327-00072632-00072862 first of all help's here i mean help is yCGRi5iCjfc-00328-00072863-00073150 already here you know and we we try to yCGRi5iCjfc-00329-00073151-00073311 do anything and everything within our yCGRi5iCjfc-00330-00073312-00073550 powers now you've got to understand this yCGRi5iCjfc-00331-00073551-00073782 that a lot of a lot of times whether it yCGRi5iCjfc-00332-00073783-00074047 be our dep or homeland security the yCGRi5iCjfc-00333-00074048-00074247 guard whomever it may be yCGRi5iCjfc-00334-00074248-00074350 you know yCGRi5iCjfc-00335-00074351-00074550 if you don't watch out yCGRi5iCjfc-00336-00074551-00074703 they're going to get handcuffed and yCGRi5iCjfc-00337-00074704-00074806 everything and they're not going to be yCGRi5iCjfc-00338-00074807-00074991 able to do something because yCGRi5iCjfc-00339-00074992-00075159 you know yCGRi5iCjfc-00340-00075160-00075391 maybe an administration that literally yCGRi5iCjfc-00341-00075392-00075559 at the end of the day yCGRi5iCjfc-00342-00075560-00075847 doesn't care much about steve and and yCGRi5iCjfc-00343-00075848-00076103 that's not me and i'll push it with all yCGRi5iCjfc-00344-00076104-00076294 in me that i can possibly push it i do yCGRi5iCjfc-00345-00076295-00076559 believe but but it's uh yCGRi5iCjfc-00346-00076560-00076726 it's yCGRi5iCjfc-00347-00076727-00076831 you know yCGRi5iCjfc-00348-00076832-00076919 we yCGRi5iCjfc-00349-00076920-00077143 we just have got to understand in this yCGRi5iCjfc-00350-00077144-00077447 world that yCGRi5iCjfc-00351-00077448-00077743 and we all want real goodness we all yCGRi5iCjfc-00352-00077744-00077823 want yCGRi5iCjfc-00353-00077824-00077982 we want we want yCGRi5iCjfc-00354-00077983-00078094 we want yCGRi5iCjfc-00355-00078095-00078326 all the stuff that we have but some way yCGRi5iCjfc-00356-00078327-00078606 somehow we can't just turn our back on yCGRi5iCjfc-00357-00078607-00078775 steve's of the world yCGRi5iCjfc-00358-00078776-00079094 we just can't do that you know because yCGRi5iCjfc-00359-00079095-00079343 of whatever it may be we've got to yCGRi5iCjfc-00360-00079344-00079623 understand he has a right to live here yCGRi5iCjfc-00361-00079624-00079831 and when he probably came here yCGRi5iCjfc-00362-00079832-00079919 you know yCGRi5iCjfc-00363-00079920-00080223 that creek was probably a heck of a lot yCGRi5iCjfc-00364-00080224-00080343 lower yCGRi5iCjfc-00365-00080344-00080591 than in its elevation that is than it is yCGRi5iCjfc-00366-00080592-00080759 today yCGRi5iCjfc-00367-00080760-00080959 let's follow up on that just a second yCGRi5iCjfc-00368-00080960-00081150 steve you're exactly right we've already yCGRi5iCjfc-00369-00081151-00081271 been the yCGRi5iCjfc-00370-00081272-00081447 governor being very nice we've already yCGRi5iCjfc-00371-00081448-00081582 been threatened with that kill of yCGRi5iCjfc-00372-00081583-00081782 salamanders or something i don't know i yCGRi5iCjfc-00373-00081783-00082015 like salamanders to face with but look yCGRi5iCjfc-00374-00082016-00082199 you can't put can't put the price on the yCGRi5iCjfc-00375-00082200-00082518 fish no no human no sir but here's yCGRi5iCjfc-00376-00082519-00082711 here's the problem remember this though yCGRi5iCjfc-00377-00082712-00082862 let's put this in a little bit of what yCGRi5iCjfc-00378-00082863-00083111 happened we got more rain yCGRi5iCjfc-00379-00083112-00083415 we've had since 1950 before maybe two yCGRi5iCjfc-00380-00083416-00083671 and a half times all at once yCGRi5iCjfc-00381-00083672-00083862 never before this is a one-time event we yCGRi5iCjfc-00382-00083863-00084079 haven't seen before number two when it yCGRi5iCjfc-00383-00084080-00084318 comes to dredging out to creeks yCGRi5iCjfc-00384-00084319-00084494 we've got some people say it makes it yCGRi5iCjfc-00385-00084495-00084759 worse you make them too deep too wide he yCGRi5iCjfc-00386-00084760-00084950 runs more water i'm not an expert i yCGRi5iCjfc-00387-00084951-00085150 don't know but here's what we are doing yCGRi5iCjfc-00388-00085151-00085326 under the governor's direction we're yCGRi5iCjfc-00389-00085327-00085487 going to get the stuff out of the creek yCGRi5iCjfc-00390-00085488-00085735 the trees the big falls yCGRi5iCjfc-00391-00085736-00085935 uh stabilize the riverbank and that's yCGRi5iCjfc-00392-00085936-00086159 why the governor is attempting to get a yCGRi5iCjfc-00393-00086160-00086326 disaster declaration and we'll have yCGRi5iCjfc-00394-00086327-00086550 money to do it and meanwhile we've been yCGRi5iCjfc-00395-00086551-00086743 trying to take some trees out yCGRi5iCjfc-00396-00086744-00086975 we don't have them all out we have taken yCGRi5iCjfc-00397-00086976-00087167 out 500 yCGRi5iCjfc-00398-00087168-00087431 pounds of debris out of here otherwise yCGRi5iCjfc-00399-00087432-00087599 that would be in the creek so we've got yCGRi5iCjfc-00400-00087600-00087791 some progress done but you're exactly yCGRi5iCjfc-00401-00087792-00088023 right well i'd like to also say governor yCGRi5iCjfc-00402-00088024-00088287 that you're right about your county yCGRi5iCjfc-00403-00088288-00088550 emergency team dave armstrong and his yCGRi5iCjfc-00404-00088551-00088831 group and all these around here they yCGRi5iCjfc-00405-00088832-00089079 they showed up they were here within yCGRi5iCjfc-00406-00089080-00089191 minutes yCGRi5iCjfc-00407-00089192-00089391 in the spring when this flood here sure yCGRi5iCjfc-00408-00089392-00089567 and i would i would like to say thank yCGRi5iCjfc-00409-00089568-00089823 you to all those guys for that they were yCGRi5iCjfc-00410-00089824-00090079 here they hear you they hear you think yCGRi5iCjfc-00411-00090080-00090247 it's really good thank you yCGRi5iCjfc-00412-00090248-00090526 of course he's one of you yes he is yCGRi5iCjfc-00413-00090527-00090862 that's what we sent him here yCGRi5iCjfc-00414-00090863-00091055 we appreciate it we really do yCGRi5iCjfc-00415-00091056-00091215 appreciate you governor for coming out yCGRi5iCjfc-00416-00091216-00091462 here yCGRi5iCjfc-00417-00091463-00091655 what did you think about what you saw so yCGRi5iCjfc-00418-00091656-00091782 far yCGRi5iCjfc-00419-00091783-00092038 it's just what i've already said tough yCGRi5iCjfc-00420-00092039-00092182 really tough stuff yCGRi5iCjfc-00421-00092183-00092367 now these are great people and they'll yCGRi5iCjfc-00422-00092368-00092662 some way somehow they'll survive but we yCGRi5iCjfc-00423-00092663-00092879 should all know that you know yCGRi5iCjfc-00424-00092880-00093023 they've gotten a real cannonball right yCGRi5iCjfc-00425-00093024-00093255 to the stomach and you know we should yCGRi5iCjfc-00426-00093256-00093431 we should absolutely know let them know yCGRi5iCjfc-00427-00093432-00093550 we're with them yCGRi5iCjfc-00428-00093551-00093703 and uh yCGRi5iCjfc-00429-00093704-00093862 you know i yCGRi5iCjfc-00430-00093863-00094159 i keep going back to this you know the yCGRi5iCjfc-00431-00094160-00094303 we just got to do everything and yCGRi5iCjfc-00432-00094304-00094526 anything we can to help yCGRi5iCjfc-00433-00094527-00094726 i promise you to god above from my yCGRi5iCjfc-00434-00094727-00094999 standpoint i won't back up i'll try to yCGRi5iCjfc-00435-00095000-00095191 help every way i possibly can i know you yCGRi5iCjfc-00436-00095192-00095479 will i believe you i think you will too yCGRi5iCjfc-00437-00095480-00095606 i believe that yCGRi5iCjfc-00438-00095607-00095974 yes ma'am my name is rebecca and we yCGRi5iCjfc-00439-00095975-00096087 made a yCGRi5iCjfc-00440-00096088-00096262 community organization out of the wake yCGRi5iCjfc-00441-00096263-00096682 of whistler campbell yCGRi5iCjfc-00442-00096683-00096974 street i myself have over 20 years yCGRi5iCjfc-00443-00096975-00097255 service in emergency services yCGRi5iCjfc-00444-00097256-00097415 i've watched these guys come up with the yCGRi5iCjfc-00445-00097416-00097582 rescue boats and get people off the yCGRi5iCjfc-00446-00097583-00097855 porches their roofs everything i've made yCGRi5iCjfc-00447-00097856-00098087 a million calls to the county commission yCGRi5iCjfc-00448-00098088-00098303 commissioner salango is probably tired yCGRi5iCjfc-00449-00098304-00098582 of answering my facebook message yCGRi5iCjfc-00450-00098583-00098759 um yCGRi5iCjfc-00451-00098760-00098943 we've been screaming out for over a week yCGRi5iCjfc-00452-00098944-00099135 about a veteran down by our grocery yCGRi5iCjfc-00453-00099136-00099311 store that doesn't have hot water yCGRi5iCjfc-00454-00099312-00099503 because he has feet with water in his yCGRi5iCjfc-00455-00099504-00099735 basement and every horse that tries to yCGRi5iCjfc-00456-00099736-00099935 take it out burns up yCGRi5iCjfc-00457-00099936-00100111 who can we call we keep saying that yCGRi5iCjfc-00458-00100112-00100335 elsewhere will do anything but i've been yCGRi5iCjfc-00459-00100336-00100559 screaming about mr molyneux for over a yCGRi5iCjfc-00460-00100560-00100647 week yCGRi5iCjfc-00461-00100648-00100871 and we can't get any help to it yCGRi5iCjfc-00462-00100872-00101679 we yCGRi5iCjfc-00463-00101680-00101935 that's a local job fault not the job yCGRi5iCjfc-00464-00101936-00102238 that's my fault we'll take care of it yCGRi5iCjfc-00465-00102239-00102927 thank you yCGRi5iCjfc-00466-00102928-00103223 i'll sit here all day with you but uh yCGRi5iCjfc-00467-00103224-00103502 but yCGRi5iCjfc-00468-00103503-00103758 i'm not far away i mean you can throw a yCGRi5iCjfc-00469-00103759-00103958 rock and hit me just about so yCGRi5iCjfc-00470-00103959-00104199 so uh yCGRi5iCjfc-00471-00104200-00104399 we're not gonna go away that's all yCGRi5iCjfc-00472-00104400-00104558 there's to it yCGRi5iCjfc-00473-00104559-00104839 you know it's it's uh yCGRi5iCjfc-00474-00104840-00105071 to be just brutally honest it's gonna yCGRi5iCjfc-00475-00105072-00105423 take longer than any of us want right yCGRi5iCjfc-00476-00105424-00105575 no way around yCGRi5iCjfc-00477-00105576-00105734 because you want it done right this yCGRi5iCjfc-00478-00105735-00105895 second and i want it done right this yCGRi5iCjfc-00479-00105896-00106110 second if it takes two seconds it's yCGRi5iCjfc-00480-00106111-00106263 going to take too long yCGRi5iCjfc-00481-00106264-00106431 now we want to recognize all the great yCGRi5iCjfc-00482-00106432-00106566 work that these folks behind me have yCGRi5iCjfc-00483-00106567-00106647 done yCGRi5iCjfc-00484-00106648-00106854 and they'll continue to do yCGRi5iCjfc-00485-00106855-00106999 but yCGRi5iCjfc-00486-00107000-00107151 it's still going to take us longer than yCGRi5iCjfc-00487-00107152-00107319 what we think yCGRi5iCjfc-00488-00107320-00107478 and we're going to run into stumbling yCGRi5iCjfc-00489-00107479-00107623 blocks just as sure as i know i'm going yCGRi5iCjfc-00490-00107624-00107727 to yCGRi5iCjfc-00491-00107728-00107927 you're going to run into yCGRi5iCjfc-00492-00107928-00108119 whatever it may be yCGRi5iCjfc-00493-00108120-00108223 you know yCGRi5iCjfc-00494-00108224-00108463 it won't seem very fair and it's not yCGRi5iCjfc-00495-00108464-00108590 very fair yCGRi5iCjfc-00496-00108591-00108807 but we'll just try as hard as we can to yCGRi5iCjfc-00497-00108808-00109078 just get through the stumbling blocks yCGRi5iCjfc-00498-00109079-00109310 and my dad used to always say and i said yCGRi5iCjfc-00499-00109311-00109599 i should i can i can hear it just like yCGRi5iCjfc-00500-00109600-00109847 it was yesterday and i really can and yCGRi5iCjfc-00501-00109848-00110023 y'all got to forgive me for using my yCGRi5iCjfc-00502-00110024-00110263 dad's words because this is exactly what yCGRi5iCjfc-00503-00110264-00110534 he did i was in front of his desk yCGRi5iCjfc-00504-00110535-00110727 you know i was probably 18 or 19 years yCGRi5iCjfc-00505-00110728-00110863 old believe it or not i was skinny and yCGRi5iCjfc-00506-00110864-00111015 my hair was brown yCGRi5iCjfc-00507-00111016-00111215 you know and all of a sudden i said dad yCGRi5iCjfc-00508-00111216-00111390 there wasn't anything i could do yCGRi5iCjfc-00509-00111391-00111551 well dad played a little bit of football yCGRi5iCjfc-00510-00111552-00111758 for purdue and he was big chested guy yCGRi5iCjfc-00511-00111759-00111975 not as tall as me yCGRi5iCjfc-00512-00111976-00112158 and not as heavy as me yCGRi5iCjfc-00513-00112159-00112358 but he was really strong yCGRi5iCjfc-00514-00112359-00112631 and he had a tie on his shirt sleeves yCGRi5iCjfc-00515-00112632-00112839 rolled up to about here and everything yCGRi5iCjfc-00516-00112840-00112990 and when i said dad there was anything i yCGRi5iCjfc-00517-00112991-00113095 could do yCGRi5iCjfc-00518-00113096-00113383 all of a sudden the whole desk exploded yCGRi5iCjfc-00519-00113383-00113527 as he leaped forward and grabbed me yCGRi5iCjfc-00520-00113528-00113710 around my shirt and just slammed me down yCGRi5iCjfc-00521-00113711-00113934 on the desk and he said damn you there's yCGRi5iCjfc-00522-00113935-00114095 always something you can do and you yCGRi5iCjfc-00523-00114096-00114383 better damn well always remember that yCGRi5iCjfc-00524-00114383-00114607 well that's how i think yCGRi5iCjfc-00525-00114608-00114831 that's exactly how i think yCGRi5iCjfc-00526-00114832-00114975 and so yCGRi5iCjfc-00527-00114976-00115215 you know maybe we lose yCGRi5iCjfc-00528-00115216-00115366 but we're going to fight like crazy to yCGRi5iCjfc-00529-00115367-00115510 not lose yCGRi5iCjfc-00530-00115511-00115783 we lose a little bit but we'll win yCGRi5iCjfc-00531-00115783-00116063 we sure try the commissioner is was my yCGRi5iCjfc-00532-00116064-00116239 understanding then that yCGRi5iCjfc-00533-00116240-00116486 you will not be doing dredging what yCGRi5iCjfc-00534-00116488-00116631 we've been doing i don't i don't yCGRi5iCjfc-00535-00116632-00116831 remember saying that okay that's what i yCGRi5iCjfc-00536-00116832-00117047 said i was asking every time you see a yCGRi5iCjfc-00537-00117048-00117207 truck goes by you see we're going yCGRi5iCjfc-00538-00117208-00117390 something the problem with dredging yCGRi5iCjfc-00539-00117391-00117599 right is you've got to do it sensibly yCGRi5iCjfc-00540-00117600-00117751 right you have these experts they're yCGRi5iCjfc-00541-00117752-00117999 called hydrology right and you've got yCGRi5iCjfc-00542-00118000-00118151 the core you've got to deal with you've yCGRi5iCjfc-00543-00118152-00118295 got to deal with this one now we've got yCGRi5iCjfc-00544-00118296-00118439 the authority i guess just put yCGRi5iCjfc-00545-00118440-00118663 bulldozers and start dredging yCGRi5iCjfc-00546-00118664-00118943 but there is a belief that if you're not yCGRi5iCjfc-00547-00118944-00119239 careful you can make it rise yeah now yCGRi5iCjfc-00548-00119240-00119471 the creeks didn't cause the six and a yCGRi5iCjfc-00549-00119472-00119590 half to seven right now that's yCGRi5iCjfc-00550-00119591-00119854 waterproof god did that and the water yCGRi5iCjfc-00551-00119855-00120078 hit hard and had nowhere to go and if yCGRi5iCjfc-00552-00120079-00120199 you remember when you're up here early yCGRi5iCjfc-00553-00120200-00120351 because you were some of the water yCGRi5iCjfc-00554-00120352-00120527 wasn't in the crate just coming down the yCGRi5iCjfc-00555-00120528-00120639 mountain so yCGRi5iCjfc-00556-00120640-00120823 if it were that simple we'd be out there yCGRi5iCjfc-00557-00120824-00121063 for a cat right now right but it'll be yCGRi5iCjfc-00558-00121064-00121214 we'll take a look at that we always take yCGRi5iCjfc-00559-00121215-00121334 a look at that but they're always yCGRi5iCjfc-00560-00121335-00121558 telling us to be careful i believe the yCGRi5iCjfc-00561-00121559-00121727 first thing we'll do when we get some yCGRi5iCjfc-00562-00121728-00122014 funds to do it we'll continue to try to yCGRi5iCjfc-00563-00122015-00122190 clean after creeks with the trees and yCGRi5iCjfc-00564-00122191-00122327 things like that yCGRi5iCjfc-00565-00122328-00122519 it used to be you have it full of white yCGRi5iCjfc-00566-00122520-00122639 good remember the old days with the yCGRi5iCjfc-00567-00122640-00122807 refrigerator you don't see that now yCGRi5iCjfc-00568-00122808-00123014 because the county spends about a yCGRi5iCjfc-00569-00123015-00123175 million dollars here doing a cleanup yCGRi5iCjfc-00570-00123176-00123390 that helps a little bit the governor had yCGRi5iCjfc-00571-00123391-00123639 the roads uh dredge the sides that's yCGRi5iCjfc-00572-00123640-00123814 helped a little bit but if it were that yCGRi5iCjfc-00573-00123815-00123990 simple i think the state would do it yCGRi5iCjfc-00574-00123991-00124271 it's not quite that simple yCGRi5iCjfc-00575-00124272-00124495 that's my answer on that so basically yCGRi5iCjfc-00576-00124496-00124614 what we're hearing is that you're going yCGRi5iCjfc-00577-00124615-00124683 to yCGRi5iCjfc-00578-00124683-00124983 hire some experts to find out yCGRi5iCjfc-00579-00124983-00125143 they've got more studies their their yCGRi5iCjfc-00580-00125144-00125310 book cases in the state are lined with yCGRi5iCjfc-00581-00125311-00125502 hydrological studies on how to stop it yCGRi5iCjfc-00582-00125503-00125743 from flooding the problem is it is a yCGRi5iCjfc-00583-00125744-00125902 very complicated thing what we're going yCGRi5iCjfc-00584-00125903-00126166 to do now is continue we've got to try yCGRi5iCjfc-00585-00126167-00126351 to get a disaster declaration that's yCGRi5iCjfc-00586-00126352-00126590 where the you see any red shirts a theme yCGRi5iCjfc-00587-00126591-00126727 on them yet yCGRi5iCjfc-00588-00126728-00126823 no yCGRi5iCjfc-00589-00126824-00127014 we're hoping we'll have some funds to do yCGRi5iCjfc-00590-00127015-00127183 that and what we've been doing is yCGRi5iCjfc-00591-00127183-00127334 working with the state doing what we're yCGRi5iCjfc-00592-00127335-00127527 supposed to do following the guidelines yCGRi5iCjfc-00593-00127528-00127807 that's job one if you get funding then yCGRi5iCjfc-00594-00127808-00127990 the experts come in and do certain yCGRi5iCjfc-00595-00127991-00128199 things but i don't believe we're gonna yCGRi5iCjfc-00596-00128200-00128447 dredge every creek in the county yCGRi5iCjfc-00597-00128448-00128558 because i don't think that'll probably yCGRi5iCjfc-00598-00128559-00128702 work there's other things we probably yCGRi5iCjfc-00599-00128703-00128871 need to do first yCGRi5iCjfc-00600-00128872-00129078 first we need to get people homes back yCGRi5iCjfc-00601-00129079-00129214 in some kind of shape but we can get the yCGRi5iCjfc-00602-00129215-00129551 money to do it that's job one yes yCGRi5iCjfc-00603-00129552-00129639 thank you yCGRi5iCjfc-00604-00129640-00129799 let me let me before you go i want to yCGRi5iCjfc-00605-00129800-00130039 say one other thing and y'all y'all yCGRi5iCjfc-00606-00130040-00130183 continually yCGRi5iCjfc-00607-00130183-00130351 tell all the experts around and yCGRi5iCjfc-00608-00130352-00130439 everything yCGRi5iCjfc-00609-00130440-00130734 there is a thing called mitigation and yCGRi5iCjfc-00610-00130735-00130990 really and truly you know yCGRi5iCjfc-00611-00130991-00131159 like it brazen yCGRi5iCjfc-00612-00131160-00131335 you know the people said you know this yCGRi5iCjfc-00613-00131336-00131590 used to be a really nice trout stream yCGRi5iCjfc-00614-00131591-00131927 and all the all the the silt and and yCGRi5iCjfc-00615-00131928-00132159 whatever has now risen so high and yCGRi5iCjfc-00616-00132160-00132399 everything it's no longer a trout stream yCGRi5iCjfc-00617-00132400-00132607 you know but nevertheless what i'm yCGRi5iCjfc-00618-00132608-00132871 saying to you is if we could do do yCGRi5iCjfc-00619-00132872-00132983 things yCGRi5iCjfc-00620-00132984-00133239 that would involve some level of yCGRi5iCjfc-00621-00133240-00133423 dredging and restoration through yCGRi5iCjfc-00622-00133424-00133566 mitigation yCGRi5iCjfc-00623-00133567-00133807 to make it even better to make it a yCGRi5iCjfc-00624-00133808-00134151 really more pristine waters and forest yCGRi5iCjfc-00625-00134152-00134431 trout stream type things there's ways to yCGRi5iCjfc-00626-00134432-00134678 do that there's ways to do stuff through yCGRi5iCjfc-00627-00134679-00134895 mitigation and everything and achieve yCGRi5iCjfc-00628-00134896-00135199 what we all want to achieve yCGRi5iCjfc-00629-00135200-00135414 do we have the authority i mean does the yCGRi5iCjfc-00630-00135415-00135687 county have authority right now to yCGRi5iCjfc-00631-00135688-00136039 come in and dredge without environmental yCGRi5iCjfc-00632-00136040-00136263 probably to be truthful we have some yCGRi5iCjfc-00633-00136264-00136478 authority and emergencies it's not yCGRi5iCjfc-00634-00136479-00136711 necessarily the environmental aspect yCGRi5iCjfc-00635-00136712-00136911 it's just how much you can do and where yCGRi5iCjfc-00636-00136912-00137135 you go it's your fancy thanksgiving yCGRi5iCjfc-00637-00137136-00137263 you're seeing what's in front of your yCGRi5iCjfc-00638-00137264-00137623 house i've seen a 911 square mile county yCGRi5iCjfc-00639-00137624-00137814 with creeks all over the place you know yCGRi5iCjfc-00640-00137815-00138078 cross lanes charleston they all flood yCGRi5iCjfc-00641-00138079-00138311 they have supposedly up-to-date systems yCGRi5iCjfc-00642-00138312-00138566 they flooded like crazy yCGRi5iCjfc-00643-00138567-00138735 well we know that's not the county's yCGRi5iCjfc-00644-00138736-00138966 fault or not the governor's fault we had yCGRi5iCjfc-00645-00138967-00139127 this much brain we know that we yCGRi5iCjfc-00646-00139128-00139278 understand that yCGRi5iCjfc-00647-00139279-00139423 and we uh yCGRi5iCjfc-00648-00139424-00139623 very sympathetic toward that but the yCGRi5iCjfc-00649-00139624-00139775 fact the matter is yCGRi5iCjfc-00650-00139776-00139927 our problems are yCGRi5iCjfc-00651-00139928-00140039 personal yCGRi5iCjfc-00652-00140040-00140311 you know i'm sure people down down the yCGRi5iCjfc-00653-00140312-00140543 river their problems are personal yCGRi5iCjfc-00654-00140544-00140751 we've got to take care of our problems yCGRi5iCjfc-00655-00140752-00140990 here and that's that's why we're yCGRi5iCjfc-00656-00140991-00141190 questioning and asking all these yCGRi5iCjfc-00657-00141191-00141327 questions about yCGRi5iCjfc-00658-00141328-00141502 what we can and can't do yCGRi5iCjfc-00659-00141503-00141631 and we know what you're gonna do you yCGRi5iCjfc-00660-00141632-00141823 were here when when the floods came you yCGRi5iCjfc-00661-00141824-00142087 were here you were here on time and i yCGRi5iCjfc-00662-00142088-00142214 appreciate that yCGRi5iCjfc-00663-00142215-00142543 i appreciate all the work you guys do yCGRi5iCjfc-00664-00142544-00142823 i have people we've got over 250 years yCGRi5iCjfc-00665-00142824-00142983 experience in our emergency management yCGRi5iCjfc-00666-00142984-00143151 department and i haven't heard any of yCGRi5iCjfc-00667-00143152-00143295 yet so we just started to start just yCGRi5iCjfc-00668-00143296-00143495 going everywhere figuring out the creeks yCGRi5iCjfc-00669-00143496-00143607 quite yet yCGRi5iCjfc-00670-00143608-00143807 we got to take care of some things first yCGRi5iCjfc-00671-00143808-00144014 i mean number one let's face it some yCGRi5iCjfc-00672-00144015-00144190 people built things in the creek and yCGRi5iCjfc-00673-00144191-00144383 plugged them up yeah and some of them yCGRi5iCjfc-00674-00144384-00144559 are your neighbors yCGRi5iCjfc-00675-00144560-00144935 to be honest about it yeah yCGRi5iCjfc-00676-00144936-00145047 yeah yCGRi5iCjfc-00677-00145048-00145207 we know you're the experts here we're yCGRi5iCjfc-00678-00145208-00145399 ready with our group to go boots on the yCGRi5iCjfc-00679-00145400-00145583 ground to get to our elderly and get yCGRi5iCjfc-00680-00145584-00145719 these reports yCGRi5iCjfc-00681-00145720-00145895 um we'll have our staff right here yCGRi5iCjfc-00682-00145896-00146047 they'll talk to you yCGRi5iCjfc-00683-00146048-00146223 you know dave armstrong a little teeny yCGRi5iCjfc-00684-00146224-00146359 guy yCGRi5iCjfc-00685-00146360-00146566 snatch him okay yCGRi5iCjfc-00686-00146567-00146790 by the way mr armstrong yCGRi5iCjfc-00687-00146791-00147071 yes sir you've heard about that veteran yCGRi5iCjfc-00688-00147072-00148319 today yCGRi5iCjfc-00689-00148320-00148575 another question is and probably i yCGRi5iCjfc-00690-00148576-00148719 probably haven't answered this already yCGRi5iCjfc-00691-00148720-00149031 but we can't dredge our own yCGRi5iCjfc-00692-00149032-00149175 we don't have that authority to do that yCGRi5iCjfc-00693-00149176-00149351 right yCGRi5iCjfc-00694-00149352-00149726 well we don't have the creek please here yCGRi5iCjfc-00695-00149727-00149935 but you got to be careful yCGRi5iCjfc-00696-00149936-00150054 cause i tell you who will hold you yCGRi5iCjfc-00697-00150055-00150271 accountable your neighbor they'll blame yCGRi5iCjfc-00698-00150272-00150495 you for the next flood yCGRi5iCjfc-00699-00150496-00150726 just like to be very honest about it yCGRi5iCjfc-00700-00150727-00150919 some of you would blame me if i went in yCGRi5iCjfc-00701-00150920-00151031 there and just yCGRi5iCjfc-00702-00151032-00151207 started running around bulldozers yCGRi5iCjfc-00703-00151208-00151447 locking stuff up yCGRi5iCjfc-00704-00151448-00151654 well i think the points well yCGRi5iCjfc-00705-00151655-00151951 made and hopefully well taken yCGRi5iCjfc-00706-00151952-00152278 but in actuality if you would uh yCGRi5iCjfc-00707-00152279-00152502 just cross the next bridge down and look yCGRi5iCjfc-00708-00152503-00152735 at the creek yCGRi5iCjfc-00709-00152736-00152926 difference being you're going to see it yCGRi5iCjfc-00710-00152927-00153119 as it is today yCGRi5iCjfc-00711-00153120-00153335 we saw it as it was yCGRi5iCjfc-00712-00153336-00153575 three months ago and we know it's not to yCGRi5iCjfc-00713-00153576-00153663 say yCGRi5iCjfc-00714-00153664-00153878 i hear what you're saying but the creek yCGRi5iCjfc-00715-00153879-00154014 filled up yCGRi5iCjfc-00716-00154015-00154254 over this last six inches of rain or yCGRi5iCjfc-00717-00154255-00154471 whatever the case may be it sure did and yCGRi5iCjfc-00718-00154472-00154678 you're exactly right yeah and yCGRi5iCjfc-00719-00154679-00154902 and our concern my uh yCGRi5iCjfc-00720-00154903-00155135 steve my brother-in-law my sister they yCGRi5iCjfc-00721-00155136-00155407 were trapped totally trapped yCGRi5iCjfc-00722-00155408-00155575 they were not able to get to them by yCGRi5iCjfc-00723-00155576-00155790 boat or anything and if the lord hadn't yCGRi5iCjfc-00724-00155791-00155959 stopped the rain yCGRi5iCjfc-00725-00155960-00156126 uh only god knows what would have yCGRi5iCjfc-00726-00156127-00156319 happened to them and yCGRi5iCjfc-00727-00156320-00156639 now that same creek was here as up to yCGRi5iCjfc-00728-00156640-00156726 here yCGRi5iCjfc-00729-00156727-00156926 and it's not going to take six inches of yCGRi5iCjfc-00730-00156927-00157207 rain the next time i hear it okay that's yCGRi5iCjfc-00731-00157208-00157454 point point well that's why we're here yCGRi5iCjfc-00732-00157455-00157623 okay great that's why the governor yCGRi5iCjfc-00733-00157624-00157831 insisted that we come here right we're yCGRi5iCjfc-00734-00157832-00157951 grateful yCGRi5iCjfc-00735-00157952-00158239 excellent yCGRi5iCjfc-00736-00158240-00158863 let's uh yCGRi5iCjfc-00737-00158864-00159039 thank you all yCGRi5iCjfc-00738-00159040-00159190 all right thank you all thank you thank yCGRi5iCjfc-00739-00159191-00159564 you bless y'all yJpHz6c8Zp0-00007-00043812-00044477 foreign yJpHz6c8Zp0-00008-00044478-00045013 [Laughter] yJwTwHplsWQ-00000-00000032-00000318 you've got your hands full really full yJwTwHplsWQ-00001-00000319-00000495 and you need a flexible work schedule yJwTwHplsWQ-00002-00000496-00000719 that suits your lifestyle indeed flex yJwTwHplsWQ-00003-00000720-00000999 offers 24 7 access to work where you yJwTwHplsWQ-00004-00001000-00001231 want and when you want all at the tips yJwTwHplsWQ-00005-00001232-00001383 of your fingers once you 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yLzmWls8ukU-00009-00013579-00014608 [Music] yLzmWls8ukU-00010-00014609-00017429 foreign yLzmWls8ukU-00011-00017430-00017692 all right yLzmWls8ukU-00012-00017693-00018046 [Music] yMK3e_EyoWk-00000-00000000-00000250 what is on my father bond so today I'm yMK3e_EyoWk-00001-00000252-00001478 gonna be doing a dark makeup tutorial so yMK3e_EyoWk-00002-00001479-00001721 first we're gonna add the Pacifica yMK3e_EyoWk-00003-00001722-00002193 dreamy youth moisturizer yMK3e_EyoWk-00004-00002194-00003056 [Music] yMK3e_EyoWk-00005-00003057-00003351 next we're gonna add the el blemish yMK3e_EyoWk-00006-00003352-00004189 control face primer yMK3e_EyoWk-00007-00004190-00004427 now we're gonna start with the eye yMK3e_EyoWk-00008-00004428-00004682 shadow which I'm gonna be using the yMK3e_EyoWk-00009-00004683-00006683 orbit or blackish color now I'm going to yMK3e_EyoWk-00010-00006684-00006878 use this second color the darkish yMK3e_EyoWk-00011-00006879-00008524 purplish color yMK3e_EyoWk-00012-00008525-00008863 [Music] yMK3e_EyoWk-00013-00008864-00009094 next I'm going to using this smash fog yMK3e_EyoWk-00014-00009095-00009304 highlighter which I'm gonna be using yMK3e_EyoWk-00015-00009305-00009490 which I'm gonna be using this lighter yMK3e_EyoWk-00016-00009491-00011056 color now I'm gonna be using this color yMK3e_EyoWk-00017-00011057-00011370 of blush yMK3e_EyoWk-00018-00011371-00011953 [Music] yMK3e_EyoWk-00019-00011954-00012227 now I'm going to set my makeup with this yMK3e_EyoWk-00020-00012228-00012494 Maybell fit me finishing powder with a yMK3e_EyoWk-00021-00012495-00013253 light color and finally I'm gonna be yMK3e_EyoWk-00022-00013254-00013661 using the NYX lingerie this very dark yMK3e_EyoWk-00023-00013662-00015801 color yMK3e_EyoWk-00024-00015802-00016093 so this is my final makeup look yMK3e_EyoWk-00025-00016094-00016371 and I hope you guys like it and please yMK3e_EyoWk-00026-00016372-00016744 like and subscribe hit location Bell yMK3e_EyoWk-00027-00016745-00016948 down below and I'll see you guys in the yMK3e_EyoWk-00028-00016949-00017043 next video yMK3e_EyoWk-00029-00017044-00017273 [Applause] yMK3e_EyoWk-00030-00017274-00018309 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00002-00010860-00010892 [Applause] yManIDzg6-Q-00003-00010893-00012183 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00004-00012184-00013384 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00005-00013385-00013447 [Applause] yManIDzg6-Q-00006-00013447-00016183 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00007-00016184-00017335 so yManIDzg6-Q-00009-00021257-00021803 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00010-00021804-00022160 [Applause] yManIDzg6-Q-00012-00026649-00026682 [Applause] yManIDzg6-Q-00013-00026683-00027972 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00014-00027973-00029174 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00015-00029175-00029237 [Applause] yManIDzg6-Q-00016-00029238-00031607 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00017-00031608-00031777 so yManIDzg6-Q-00019-00035575-00036161 so yManIDzg6-Q-00020-00036162-00037046 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00021-00037047-00037594 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00022-00037595-00037891 [Applause] yManIDzg6-Q-00023-00037892-00039815 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00024-00039816-00040354 so yManIDzg6-Q-00025-00040355-00042439 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00026-00042440-00042472 [Applause] yManIDzg6-Q-00027-00042473-00043763 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00028-00043764-00044964 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00029-00044965-00045028 [Applause] yManIDzg6-Q-00030-00045029-00047567 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00032-00052837-00053383 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00033-00053384-00053740 [Applause] yManIDzg6-Q-00035-00058229-00058262 [Applause] yManIDzg6-Q-00036-00058263-00059552 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00037-00059553-00060754 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00038-00060754-00060817 [Applause] yManIDzg6-Q-00039-00060819-00063703 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00040-00063704-00064704 so yManIDzg6-Q-00041-00064705-00065206 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00042-00065207-00065516 so yManIDzg6-Q-00044-00068627-00070711 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00045-00070712-00070932 do yManIDzg6-Q-00047-00074019-00074057 [Applause] yManIDzg6-Q-00048-00074058-00076544 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00049-00076545-00076608 [Applause] yManIDzg6-Q-00050-00076609-00079146 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00053-00089810-00089842 [Applause] yManIDzg6-Q-00054-00089843-00091128 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00055-00091129-00092334 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00056-00092335-00092398 [Applause] yManIDzg6-Q-00057-00092399-00094937 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00059-00103255-00103514 do yManIDzg6-Q-00060-00103515-00105599 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00061-00105600-00105632 [Applause] yManIDzg6-Q-00062-00105633-00105990 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00063-00105991-00106281 so yManIDzg6-Q-00064-00106282-00106918 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00065-00106919-00108125 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00066-00108126-00108188 [Applause] yManIDzg6-Q-00067-00108189-00108966 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00068-00108967-00109152 do yManIDzg6-Q-00069-00109153-00110727 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00072-00119879-00120158 so yManIDzg6-Q-00073-00120159-00121389 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00074-00121390-00121422 [Applause] yManIDzg6-Q-00075-00121423-00122713 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00076-00122714-00123915 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00077-00123916-00123978 [Applause] yManIDzg6-Q-00078-00123979-00126517 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00080-00129600-00129769 so yManIDzg6-Q-00081-00129770-00131784 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00083-00137180-00137212 [Applause] yManIDzg6-Q-00084-00137213-00138502 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00085-00138503-00139704 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00086-00139705-00139768 [Applause] yManIDzg6-Q-00087-00139769-00142307 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00089-00146367-00146691 so yManIDzg6-Q-00090-00146692-00147576 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00091-00147577-00148123 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00092-00148124-00148480 [Applause] yManIDzg6-Q-00094-00152970-00153002 [Applause] yManIDzg6-Q-00095-00153003-00154288 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00096-00154289-00155494 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00097-00155495-00155558 [Applause] yManIDzg6-Q-00098-00155559-00158097 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00100-00163366-00163913 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00101-00163914-00164270 [Applause] yManIDzg6-Q-00103-00168760-00168792 [Applause] yManIDzg6-Q-00104-00168793-00170082 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00105-00170083-00171284 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00106-00171285-00171348 [Applause] yManIDzg6-Q-00107-00171349-00173886 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00109-00179157-00180078 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00110-00180079-00180438 so yManIDzg6-Q-00112-00184550-00184582 [Applause] yManIDzg6-Q-00113-00184583-00187074 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00114-00187075-00187138 [Applause] yManIDzg6-Q-00115-00187139-00189676 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00117-00192760-00192929 so yManIDzg6-Q-00118-00192930-00193838 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00119-00193839-00194062 so yManIDzg6-Q-00120-00194063-00194946 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00122-00200339-00200372 [Applause] yManIDzg6-Q-00123-00200373-00201658 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00124-00201659-00202864 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00125-00202865-00202928 [Applause] yManIDzg6-Q-00126-00202929-00205182 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00127-00205183-00205466 do yManIDzg6-Q-00130-00216130-00216162 [Applause] yManIDzg6-Q-00131-00216163-00217453 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00132-00217454-00218654 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00133-00218655-00218717 [Applause] yManIDzg6-Q-00135-00221983-00222605 so yManIDzg6-Q-00138-00231919-00232262 so yManIDzg6-Q-00139-00232263-00233238 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00140-00233239-00234446 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00141-00234446-00234508 [Applause] yManIDzg6-Q-00142-00234509-00237351 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00143-00237352-00238394 so yManIDzg6-Q-00144-00238396-00238823 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00145-00238823-00239038 so yManIDzg6-Q-00146-00239039-00241503 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00147-00241504-00242314 so yManIDzg6-Q-00149-00247710-00247742 [Applause] yManIDzg6-Q-00150-00247742-00249032 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00151-00249033-00250030 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00152-00250031-00250234 so yManIDzg6-Q-00153-00250235-00250298 [Applause] yManIDzg6-Q-00154-00250298-00252837 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00156-00256944-00257221 so yManIDzg6-Q-00157-00257221-00258104 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00159-00263500-00263532 [Applause] yManIDzg6-Q-00160-00263533-00266026 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00161-00266027-00266088 [Applause] yManIDzg6-Q-00162-00266089-00268627 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00163-00268628-00271030 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00164-00271031-00271564 so yManIDzg6-Q-00165-00271565-00273896 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00167-00279289-00279322 [Applause] yManIDzg6-Q-00168-00279323-00281814 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00169-00281815-00281878 [Applause] yManIDzg6-Q-00170-00281879-00283871 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00171-00283872-00284417 so yManIDzg6-Q-00174-00295080-00295112 [Applause] yManIDzg6-Q-00175-00295113-00296343 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00176-00296344-00296906 so yManIDzg6-Q-00177-00296907-00297606 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00178-00297607-00297667 [Applause] yManIDzg6-Q-00179-00297668-00300207 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00181-00303248-00303459 so yManIDzg6-Q-00182-00303460-00304487 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00183-00304488-00304591 so yManIDzg6-Q-00184-00304592-00305476 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00186-00308831-00309639 so yManIDzg6-Q-00187-00309640-00310869 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00188-00310870-00310902 [Applause] yManIDzg6-Q-00189-00310903-00312193 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00190-00312194-00313395 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00191-00313396-00313458 [Applause] yManIDzg6-Q-00192-00313459-00315997 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00194-00321267-00321813 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00195-00321814-00322170 [Applause] yManIDzg6-Q-00197-00326659-00326692 [Applause] yManIDzg6-Q-00198-00326693-00327983 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00199-00327984-00329184 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00200-00329185-00329248 [Applause] yManIDzg6-Q-00201-00329249-00329767 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00202-00329768-00329942 do yManIDzg6-Q-00203-00329943-00331247 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00204-00331248-00331787 so yManIDzg6-Q-00206-00339592-00339728 so yManIDzg6-Q-00207-00339729-00342449 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00208-00342450-00342482 [Applause] yManIDzg6-Q-00209-00342483-00343768 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00210-00343769-00344975 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00211-00344976-00345037 [Applause] yManIDzg6-Q-00212-00345038-00347577 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00213-00347578-00349391 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00214-00349392-00349566 so yManIDzg6-Q-00215-00349567-00352310 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00216-00352311-00352443 so yManIDzg6-Q-00217-00352444-00354847 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00218-00354848-00354947 do yManIDzg6-Q-00220-00358240-00358272 [Applause] yManIDzg6-Q-00221-00358273-00359562 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00222-00359563-00360765 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00223-00360766-00360828 [Applause] yManIDzg6-Q-00224-00360829-00363151 [Music] yManIDzg6-Q-00225-00363152-00363359 you yOgGTGhEXNI-00000-00000039-00001266 [Music] yOgGTGhEXNI-00001-00001267-00001696 thank you yOgGTGhEXNI-00002-00001697-00003954 [Music] yOgGTGhEXNI-00003-00003955-00004255 DJ twitch remix yOgGTGhEXNI-00005-00008814-00009486 afraid we want to go and follow me yOgGTGhEXNI-00006-00009487-00010891 [Music] yOgGTGhEXNI-00007-00010892-00011225 we want to see the flames yOgGTGhEXNI-00009-00015745-00015935 thank you yOgGTGhEXNI-00010-00015936-00016999 foreign yOgGTGhEXNI-00011-00017000-00019894 [Music] yOgGTGhEXNI-00012-00019895-00022321 laughs yOgGTGhEXNI-00013-00022322-00024733 with your hands in the yOgGTGhEXNI-00014-00024734-00025144 thank you yOgGTGhEXNI-00015-00025145-00025789 foreign yOgGTGhEXNI-00017-00029580-00032218 laughs yOgGTGhEXNI-00019-00037982-00039036 thank you yOgGTGhEXNI-00020-00039037-00039371 [Music] yOgGTGhEXNI-00021-00039372-00039890 foreign yOgGTGhEXNI-00022-00039891-00042293 [Music] yOgGTGhEXNI-00023-00042413-00043399 all right yOgGTGhEXNI-00024-00043400-00044143 now as soon as you go yOgGTGhEXNI-00025-00044144-00045635 nice seeing you yOgGTGhEXNI-00026-00045636-00046025 guys yOgGTGhEXNI-00027-00046026-00046445 [Music] yOgGTGhEXNI-00028-00046446-00047154 nice season yOgGTGhEXNI-00029-00047155-00047537 [Music] yOgGTGhEXNI-00030-00047538-00049780 s yOgGTGhEXNI-00031-00049781-00051007 foreign yOgGTGhEXNI-00032-00051008-00052536 [Music] yOgGTGhEXNI-00033-00052537-00052871 [Music] yOgGTGhEXNI-00034-00052872-00053185 thank you yOgGTGhEXNI-00035-00053186-00054185 [Music] yOgGTGhEXNI-00036-00054186-00055630 foreign yOgGTGhEXNI-00037-00055632-00056875 [Music] yOgGTGhEXNI-00038-00056876-00057037 it's nice yOgGTGhEXNI-00040-00060305-00060444 go yOgGTGhEXNI-00041-00060445-00060844 [Music] yOgGTGhEXNI-00042-00060845-00061259 go yOgGTGhEXNI-00043-00061260-00061426 wrong yOgGTGhEXNI-00044-00061427-00063119 foreign yOgGTGhEXNI-00045-00063120-00064983 [Music] yOgGTGhEXNI-00046-00064984-00066131 [Music] yOgGTGhEXNI-00047-00066132-00067925 [Music] yOgGTGhEXNI-00048-00067926-00070549 foreign yOgGTGhEXNI-00049-00070550-00070725 thank you yOgGTGhEXNI-00050-00070726-00070820 [Music] yOgGTGhEXNI-00051-00070821-00071369 [Laughter] yOgGTGhEXNI-00052-00071370-00072649 [Music] yOgGTGhEXNI-00053-00072650-00073411 [Music] yOgGTGhEXNI-00054-00073412-00073729 I don't give a yOgGTGhEXNI-00055-00073730-00075305 [Music] yOgGTGhEXNI-00056-00076932-00078124 foreign yOgGTGhEXNI-00058-00081377-00082678 foreign yOgGTGhEXNI-00059-00082679-00084608 [Music] yT8pKH0aJfo-00000-00000008-00000182 racist yT8pKH0aJfo-00001-00000183-00000407 answer yT8pKH0aJfo-00002-00000408-00000543 yes yT8pKH0aJfo-00003-00000544-00000703 i'm the guy from that viral video that yT8pKH0aJfo-00004-00000704-00000878 went out a few weeks ago we're all yT8pKH0aJfo-00005-00000880-00001047 entitled to opinions yT8pKH0aJfo-00006-00001048-00001278 but some opinions it's better to be left yT8pKH0aJfo-00007-00001279-00001423 at home yT8pKH0aJfo-00008-00001424-00001604 locked up in a closet yT8pKH0aJfo-00009-00001605-00002039 [Music] yT8pKH0aJfo-00010-00002039-00002207 my name is dave parkes yT8pKH0aJfo-00011-00002208-00002399 i'm the owner of lake the cream located yT8pKH0aJfo-00012-00002400-00002695 at block 218 in bergnov street one yT8pKH0aJfo-00013-00002696-00002902 unit zero one zero nine yT8pKH0aJfo-00014-00002903-00003254 so we sell artisanal gelatos waffles yT8pKH0aJfo-00015-00003255-00003559 and a filipino bread so we serve yT8pKH0aJfo-00016-00003560-00003822 gelatos that we make in-house and the yT8pKH0aJfo-00017-00003823-00004079 inspiration behind that was yT8pKH0aJfo-00018-00004079-00004303 being able to create something that yT8pKH0aJfo-00019-00004304-00004599 reminded me of my heritage yT8pKH0aJfo-00020-00004600-00004902 so my dad's indian and my mom's filipino yT8pKH0aJfo-00021-00004903-00005151 so that being said we took a couple of yT8pKH0aJfo-00022-00005152-00005399 months off just to create a special yT8pKH0aJfo-00023-00005400-00005638 gelato that filipinos love because of yT8pKH0aJfo-00024-00005639-00005927 kovet so a lot of these filipinos have yT8pKH0aJfo-00025-00005928-00006079 not gone back yT8pKH0aJfo-00026-00006080-00006343 and i wanted to pay tribute to them so i yT8pKH0aJfo-00027-00006344-00006575 want to be able to serve something yT8pKH0aJfo-00028-00006576-00006775 that reminds them of home yT8pKH0aJfo-00029-00006776-00007014 i can safely say that i'm probably the yT8pKH0aJfo-00030-00007015-00007167 only person yT8pKH0aJfo-00031-00007168-00007478 serving panda sal with gelato panda sal yT8pKH0aJfo-00032-00007479-00007670 is the spanish bread roll that's the yT8pKH0aJfo-00033-00007672-00007806 size of apartment yT8pKH0aJfo-00034-00007808-00008127 so we come up with the most special one yT8pKH0aJfo-00035-00008128-00008342 in the shop would definitely be ob yT8pKH0aJfo-00036-00008343-00008510 for those of you don't know those in yT8pKH0aJfo-00037-00008511-00008703 living in the philippines yT8pKH0aJfo-00038-00008704-00009055 they love obey it's a yT8pKH0aJfo-00039-00009056-00009206 thing they've been eating since the day yT8pKH0aJfo-00040-00009207-00009406 they were born till the very last day it yT8pKH0aJfo-00041-00009407-00009535 is something yT8pKH0aJfo-00042-00009536-00009655 so simple yT8pKH0aJfo-00043-00009656-00009871 something unique about it is the color yT8pKH0aJfo-00044-00009872-00010159 it's a it has a natural purple tint to yT8pKH0aJfo-00045-00010160-00010238 the yT8pKH0aJfo-00046-00010239-00010574 actual fruit or vegetable so we take the yT8pKH0aJfo-00047-00010575-00010703 actual yT8pKH0aJfo-00048-00010704-00010959 taro purple yam we yT8pKH0aJfo-00049-00010960-00011199 chop it up blend it up put a bit of yT8pKH0aJfo-00050-00011200-00011527 sugar a bit of starch give it the yT8pKH0aJfo-00051-00011528-00011799 thickness and the sugar helps to break yT8pKH0aJfo-00052-00011800-00011887 down yT8pKH0aJfo-00053-00011888-00012214 and instead enhances the natural flavor yT8pKH0aJfo-00054-00012215-00012463 of the uv so we take that we mix with yT8pKH0aJfo-00055-00012464-00012535 the yT8pKH0aJfo-00056-00012536-00012822 logic behind making gelato we combine it yT8pKH0aJfo-00057-00012823-00013122 and bang you get ube gelato yT8pKH0aJfo-00058-00013124-00013407 [Music] yT8pKH0aJfo-00059-00013408-00013615 well we like to do a bit of charlie in yT8pKH0aJfo-00060-00013616-00013815 there yT8pKH0aJfo-00061-00013816-00014079 the other one that we really love is yT8pKH0aJfo-00062-00014080-00014263 mango gelato so we get the mangoes yT8pKH0aJfo-00063-00014263-00014479 shipped from philippines but it's very yT8pKH0aJfo-00064-00014480-00014679 very sweet so we take that and then we yT8pKH0aJfo-00065-00014680-00014886 make into gelato so we don't do sorbet i yT8pKH0aJfo-00066-00014887-00015079 want to pay tribute number one and yT8pKH0aJfo-00067-00015080-00015230 number two bring yT8pKH0aJfo-00068-00015231-00015343 flavors yT8pKH0aJfo-00069-00015344-00015583 from abroad that local singaporeans have yT8pKH0aJfo-00070-00015584-00015807 not tried so i felt like you know let me yT8pKH0aJfo-00071-00015808-00016063 create this ube and hopefully people in yT8pKH0aJfo-00072-00016063-00016238 singapore will like it one thing to take yT8pKH0aJfo-00073-00016240-00016343 note is yT8pKH0aJfo-00074-00016344-00016591 ube it sounds very earthy flavor yT8pKH0aJfo-00075-00016592-00016750 you know so when you take something too yT8pKH0aJfo-00076-00016751-00016967 earthy and try to make it a bit sweet yT8pKH0aJfo-00077-00016968-00017127 some people might not like it yT8pKH0aJfo-00078-00017128-00017350 so in the first i would say first three yT8pKH0aJfo-00079-00017351-00017558 weeks we had to take a bit of feedback yT8pKH0aJfo-00080-00017559-00017783 anyway to do a bit more r d to come up yT8pKH0aJfo-00081-00017784-00017894 with the best yT8pKH0aJfo-00082-00017895-00018094 product that i'm proud to serve to yT8pKH0aJfo-00083-00018095-00018227 customers yT8pKH0aJfo-00084-00018228-00018711 [Music] yT8pKH0aJfo-00085-00018712-00018919 so i'm serving at the back as in yT8pKH0aJfo-00086-00018920-00019103 something on the counter so a customer yT8pKH0aJfo-00087-00019104-00019335 come in and ask me oh what is obey yT8pKH0aJfo-00088-00019336-00019479 the given background of you know what is yT8pKH0aJfo-00089-00019480-00019758 ube and i grew up eating this yT8pKH0aJfo-00090-00019759-00019958 so that's me oh you grow up sure not yT8pKH0aJfo-00091-00019959-00020103 like people in the mall don't grow up yT8pKH0aJfo-00092-00020104-00020286 with this so i'd be like oh no sir what yT8pKH0aJfo-00093-00020287-00020414 i meant was yT8pKH0aJfo-00094-00020415-00020583 like whenever it's vacation time or yT8pKH0aJfo-00095-00020584-00020855 holidays i'd go back with my mom and her yT8pKH0aJfo-00096-00020856-00021135 family in the philippines so yT8pKH0aJfo-00097-00021136-00021278 maybe because i spoke like a second yT8pKH0aJfo-00098-00021279-00021591 point so maybe so that's why like small yT8pKH0aJfo-00099-00021592-00021719 things like that i just yT8pKH0aJfo-00100-00021720-00021830 let it yT8pKH0aJfo-00101-00021831-00021929 go by yT8pKH0aJfo-00102-00021930-00022286 [Music] yT8pKH0aJfo-00103-00022287-00022519 something really heartwarming would be yT8pKH0aJfo-00104-00022520-00022839 evidence of the incident that went viral yT8pKH0aJfo-00105-00022840-00023119 many people from all walks of life have yT8pKH0aJfo-00106-00023120-00023399 sympathized and felt that they have been yT8pKH0aJfo-00107-00023400-00023607 through maybe not a similar experience yT8pKH0aJfo-00108-00023608-00023839 but they've been through an incident yT8pKH0aJfo-00109-00023840-00023911 where yT8pKH0aJfo-00110-00023912-00024119 they were either racially abused or they yT8pKH0aJfo-00111-00024120-00024222 felt yT8pKH0aJfo-00112-00024223-00024414 some things weren't right so many of yT8pKH0aJfo-00113-00024415-00024575 them tried to reach out by calling the yT8pKH0aJfo-00114-00024576-00024767 company's number you know yT8pKH0aJfo-00115-00024768-00024927 and in fact yT8pKH0aJfo-00116-00024928-00025047 some of the really nice things where yT8pKH0aJfo-00117-00025048-00025207 people are sending flowers yT8pKH0aJfo-00118-00025208-00025414 we had customer so he came all the way yT8pKH0aJfo-00119-00025415-00025550 from woodlands yT8pKH0aJfo-00120-00025551-00025862 gave us a bouquet of flowers and yT8pKH0aJfo-00121-00025863-00026022 shared his experience yT8pKH0aJfo-00122-00026023-00026279 he felt like that video hit him hard yT8pKH0aJfo-00123-00026280-00026374 you know yT8pKH0aJfo-00124-00026375-00026695 no doubt is a singaporean but his wife yT8pKH0aJfo-00125-00026695-00026895 his wife came from thailand yT8pKH0aJfo-00126-00026895-00027143 so i mean he knew the difficulties yT8pKH0aJfo-00127-00027144-00027423 of interracial marriage yT8pKH0aJfo-00128-00027424-00027599 i think after this whole saga this whole yT8pKH0aJfo-00129-00027600-00027823 ordeal yT8pKH0aJfo-00130-00027824-00028070 i can proudly say that singaporeans as a yT8pKH0aJfo-00131-00028072-00028311 whole or people living in singapore yT8pKH0aJfo-00132-00028312-00028662 we are for togetherness and yT8pKH0aJfo-00133-00028663-00028895 most of us are against racism yT8pKH0aJfo-00134-00028895-00029062 you know for the people who still have yT8pKH0aJfo-00135-00029063-00029167 that yT8pKH0aJfo-00136-00029168-00029358 stigma that oh you know like yT8pKH0aJfo-00137-00029360-00029855 we shouldn't intermarry yT8pKH0aJfo-00138-00029856-00030158 for those guys i just feel like you know yT8pKH0aJfo-00139-00030160-00030351 fine your opinion is opinion you know yT8pKH0aJfo-00140-00030352-00030487 it's a bit hard for a person like me to yT8pKH0aJfo-00141-00030488-00030662 change your opinion yT8pKH0aJfo-00142-00030663-00030799 because we all we're all entitled to yT8pKH0aJfo-00143-00030800-00030927 opinions yT8pKH0aJfo-00144-00030927-00031158 but some opinions it's better to be left yT8pKH0aJfo-00145-00031160-00031302 at home yT8pKH0aJfo-00146-00031303-00031639 locked up in a closet yT8pKH0aJfo-00147-00031639-00031783 into the people have been supporting me yT8pKH0aJfo-00148-00031783-00031911 i just have to yT8pKH0aJfo-00149-00031912-00032039 from the bottom of my heart i really yT8pKH0aJfo-00150-00032039-00032287 want to humbly thank all of y'all yT8pKH0aJfo-00151-00032288-00032479 because i know it's not easy you know yT8pKH0aJfo-00152-00032480-00032655 it's not easy starting a business yT8pKH0aJfo-00153-00032656-00032845 especially during covet period yT8pKH0aJfo-00154-00032846-00032967 [Music] yT8pKH0aJfo-00155-00032968-00033159 so the amount of love and support yT8pKH0aJfo-00156-00033160-00033311 not only myself my girlfriend and my yT8pKH0aJfo-00157-00033312-00033527 family and her family have been getting yT8pKH0aJfo-00158-00033528-00033823 something that we never dreamed of or we yT8pKH0aJfo-00159-00033824-00034118 never thought of it ever happening yT8pKH0aJfo-00160-00034119-00034302 so the people have been supporting us yT8pKH0aJfo-00161-00034303-00034487 really really humbly thank you and the yT8pKH0aJfo-00162-00034488-00034655 people who've been supporting me and my yT8pKH0aJfo-00163-00034656-00034862 business i also want to thank you guys yT8pKH0aJfo-00164-00034863-00035157 so much yT8pKH0aJfo-00165-00035158-00036367 [Music] yT8pKH0aJfo-00166-00036368-00036575 you yToKN8lll9o-00000-00000000-00000227 hi my name is a nice Eric and I'm a yToKN8lll9o-00001-00000228-00000424 psychology major and double minor in yToKN8lll9o-00002-00000425-00000668 English and middle eastern studies next yToKN8lll9o-00003-00000669-00000829 year I'll be attending George Mason yToKN8lll9o-00004-00000830-00001106 University's master's of counseling yToKN8lll9o-00005-00001107-00001352 psychology and development during my yToKN8lll9o-00006-00001353-00001598 time at UVM I participated in the McNair yToKN8lll9o-00007-00001599-00001814 Scholars Program which is a competitive yToKN8lll9o-00008-00001814-00002005 program that allows students seeking yToKN8lll9o-00009-00002007-00002302 PhDs after graduation to participate in yToKN8lll9o-00010-00002303-00002738 serious research under a PhD advisor so yToKN8lll9o-00011-00002739-00002873 we get to choose our own research yToKN8lll9o-00012-00002874-00003158 questions and examine it on our own and yToKN8lll9o-00013-00003159-00003293 at the end of it we have an entire yToKN8lll9o-00014-00003294-00003440 research article to show for it yToKN8lll9o-00015-00003440-00003644 something that you will see on psycinfo yToKN8lll9o-00016-00003645-00003902 and it was just experience that really yToKN8lll9o-00017-00003903-00004160 led to me gaining admissions into George yToKN8lll9o-00018-00004161-00004547 Mason and a lab position there in the yToKN8lll9o-00019-00004548-00004751 psychology department as well which is yToKN8lll9o-00020-00004752-00005120 actually very rigorous I'm excited to yToKN8lll9o-00021-00005121-00005402 begin this new journey and the fall 2012 yToKN8lll9o-00022-00005403-00005647 and I hope that it leads to a successful yToKN8lll9o-00023-00005648-00006023 feature getting a PhD yTrojzwxISU-00000-00000051-00000359 valchek Bulgarian valchek Romanian bow yTrojzwxISU-00001-00000360-00000574 sick is a Black Sea coastal town and yTrojzwxISU-00002-00000575-00000757 seaside resort in the southern dobrica yTrojzwxISU-00003-00000758-00001039 area of northeastern Bulgaria it is yTrojzwxISU-00004-00001040-00001289 located in de bridge province and has 42 yTrojzwxISU-00005-00001290-00001561 kilometers northeast of Varna the town yTrojzwxISU-00006-00001562-00001783 sprawl scenically along hilly terraces yTrojzwxISU-00007-00001784-00001939 descending from the doe bridge a plateau yTrojzwxISU-00008-00001941-00002315 to the sea yTrojzwxISU-00009-00002316-00002847 topic etymology yTrojzwxISU-00010-00002848-00003063 the town is named after the medieval yTrojzwxISU-00011-00003064-00003270 ruler bollock brother of dough bird itza yTrojzwxISU-00012-00003271-00003431 after who has named the city of dough yTrojzwxISU-00013-00003432-00003771 bridge yTrojzwxISU-00014-00003772-00004410 topic history founded as a Thracian yTrojzwxISU-00015-00004411-00004635 settlement it was later colonized by the yTrojzwxISU-00016-00004636-00004824 Ionian ancient Greeks with the name yTrojzwxISU-00017-00004825-00004998 crown oy renamed his died and I saw yTrojzwxISU-00018-00004999-00005235 Ellis after the discovery of a statue of yTrojzwxISU-00019-00005236-00005547 Dionysus in the sea later became a Greek yTrojzwxISU-00020-00005548-00005781 Byzantine and Bulgarian fortress under yTrojzwxISU-00021-00005782-00006006 the Ottoman Empire the town came to be yTrojzwxISU-00022-00006007-00006150 known with its present name which yTrojzwxISU-00023-00006151-00006330 perhaps derived from a gaga's word yTrojzwxISU-00024-00006331-00006678 meaning small town another opinion is yTrojzwxISU-00025-00006679-00006858 that its actual name derived from that yTrojzwxISU-00026-00006859-00007152 of a local noble bollock after the yTrojzwxISU-00027-00007153-00007460 liberation of Bulgaria in 1878 valchek yTrojzwxISU-00028-00007461-00007605 developed a center of a rich yTrojzwxISU-00029-00007606-00007835 agricultural region weed exporting port yTrojzwxISU-00030-00007836-00008070 and district Oh Kolya town and later as yTrojzwxISU-00031-00008070-00008265 a major tourist destination with the yTrojzwxISU-00032-00008266-00008460 beachfront resort of Albina to its south yTrojzwxISU-00033-00008461-00008763 the ethnic composition gradually changed yTrojzwxISU-00034-00008764-00009006 from mostly gaga's into tar turkish to yTrojzwxISU-00035-00009007-00009273 predominantly bulgarian according to an yTrojzwxISU-00036-00009274-00009483 estimate by bulgarian historian rana yTrojzwxISU-00037-00009484-00009651 gavrilova the Bulgarian population yTrojzwxISU-00038-00009652-00010043 before 1878 was only around 10% yTrojzwxISU-00039-00010044-00010359 according to the latest 2011 census data yTrojzwxISU-00040-00010360-00010542 valchek Sethna composition as the yTrojzwxISU-00041-00010543-00010817 following Bulgarians yTrojzwxISU-00042-00010818-00011801 7900 1670 2.9% Turks 1715 15.8% gypsies yTrojzwxISU-00043-00011802-00012089 950 48.8% yTrojzwxISU-00044-00012090-00012977 others 191 1.8% indefinable 79 0.7% yTrojzwxISU-00045-00012978-00013419 undeclared 750 56.5% after the second yTrojzwxISU-00046-00013419-00013700 Balkan war in 1913 the town was renamed yTrojzwxISU-00047-00013701-00013895 bow SiC and became part of the kingdom yTrojzwxISU-00048-00013896-00013977 of Romania yTrojzwxISU-00049-00013978-00014234 it was regained by Bulgaria during world yTrojzwxISU-00050-00014235-00014663 war 1 1916 to 1919 but Romania restored yTrojzwxISU-00051-00014665-00014855 its authority when hostilities in the yTrojzwxISU-00052-00014856-00015191 region ceased in 1940 just before the yTrojzwxISU-00053-00015193-00015405 outbreak of world war ii in the region yTrojzwxISU-00054-00015406-00015644 valchek was seated by romania - bulgaria yTrojzwxISU-00055-00015645-00015859 by the terms of the cray ova treaty yTrojzwxISU-00056-00015860-00016122 during Romania's administration the yTrojzwxISU-00057-00016122-00016302 balchik palace was the favorite summer yTrojzwxISU-00058-00016303-00016524 residence of Queen Marie of Romania and yTrojzwxISU-00059-00016525-00016761 her immediate family the town is the yTrojzwxISU-00060-00016762-00016980 site of Marie's oriental villa the place yTrojzwxISU-00061-00016981-00017169 where her heart was kept in accordance yTrojzwxISU-00062-00017170-00017442 with her last wishes until 1940 when the yTrojzwxISU-00063-00017443-00017622 Treaty of crayola awarded the region yTrojzwxISU-00064-00017623-00017727 back to Bulgaria yTrojzwxISU-00065-00017728-00017969 it was then moved to bran castle in yTrojzwxISU-00066-00017970-00018269 central Romania today the balchik Palace yTrojzwxISU-00067-00018270-00018461 and the adjacent balchik botanical yTrojzwxISU-00068-00018462-00018633 garden are the town's most popular yTrojzwxISU-00069-00018634-00018933 landmarks during the interwar period yTrojzwxISU-00070-00018934-00019106 valchek was also a favorite destination yTrojzwxISU-00071-00019107-00019340 for Romanian avant-garde painters yTrojzwxISU-00072-00019341-00019539 lending his name to an informal school yTrojzwxISU-00073-00019540-00019725 of post-impressionists painters the yTrojzwxISU-00074-00019726-00019893 basic school of painting which is yTrojzwxISU-00075-00019894-00020084 central in the development of Romanian yTrojzwxISU-00076-00020085-00020372 20th century painting many works of the yTrojzwxISU-00077-00020373-00020571 artists composing the group depict the yTrojzwxISU-00078-00020572-00020718 town's houses and the Turkish yTrojzwxISU-00079-00020719-00021185 inhabitants as well as the sea yTrojzwxISU-00080-00021186-00021686 topic culture yTrojzwxISU-00081-00021687-00022140 topic art yTrojzwxISU-00082-00022141-00022491 held each year since 1991 the process yTrojzwxISU-00083-00022492-00022746 space art festival is an annual yTrojzwxISU-00084-00022747-00022920 International Festival of Contemporary yTrojzwxISU-00085-00022921-00023205 Art which takes place over two weeks in yTrojzwxISU-00086-00023206-00023499 June valchek palace also hosts in the yTrojzwxISU-00087-00023500-00024008 palace international short film festival yTrojzwxISU-00088-00024009-00024480 topic music yTrojzwxISU-00089-00024481-00024794 held annually each summer since 2006 in yTrojzwxISU-00090-00024795-00024996 the nearby town of qivana the kvarner yTrojzwxISU-00091-00024997-00025221 Rock Fest hosts top name bands for a yTrojzwxISU-00092-00025222-00025494 three-day festival previous acts have yTrojzwxISU-00093-00025495-00025755 included Motorhead Twisted Sister Motley yTrojzwxISU-00094-00025756-00026031 Crue scorpions Alice Cooper deep purple yTrojzwxISU-00095-00026032-00026502 and the Michael Schenker Group yTrojzwxISU-00096-00026504-00026924 topic sports yTrojzwxISU-00097-00026925-00027112 valchek is becoming well-known yTrojzwxISU-00098-00027113-00027347 internationally as a golfing destination yTrojzwxISU-00099-00027348-00027587 there are three 18-hole Championship yTrojzwxISU-00100-00027588-00027761 golf courses within the local vicinity yTrojzwxISU-00101-00027762-00028007 two designed by Gary player Thracian yTrojzwxISU-00102-00028008-00028292 cliffs GC and black sarama GC and one yTrojzwxISU-00103-00028293-00028570 designed by Ian woosnum lighthouse GC a yTrojzwxISU-00104-00028570-00028868 fourth 18-hole golf course is currently yTrojzwxISU-00105-00028869-00029358 in the planning stages yTrojzwxISU-00106-00029360-00029780 topic trivia yTrojzwxISU-00107-00029781-00030081 Francis Ford Coppola spent 11 days at yTrojzwxISU-00108-00030082-00030264 the balchik palace shooting scenes of yTrojzwxISU-00109-00030264-00030370 Youth without youth yTrojzwxISU-00110-00030372-00030677 valchek Ridge in Antarctica is named yTrojzwxISU-00111-00030679-00030957 after the town the currently unused yTrojzwxISU-00112-00030958-00031152 balchik airfield as envisaged to be yTrojzwxISU-00113-00031152-00031314 prepared for low-cost airlines yTrojzwxISU-00114-00031314-00031644 especially from Russia famous Turkish yTrojzwxISU-00115-00031645-00031929 poet Nazim hikmet his well-known poem ma yTrojzwxISU-00116-00031930-00032502 vie Lehmann the blue port in balchik yTrojzwxISU-00117-00032504-00033141 topic twin towns and sister cities yTrojzwxISU-00118-00033142-00033459 valchek is twinned with our mute Aylan yTrojzwxISU-00119-00033460-00033965 turkey Soula glue turkey bran romania yTrojzwxISU-00120-00033966-00034350 manga Leah Romania Starla Bhavna yTrojzwxISU-00121-00034351-00034871 Slovakia hag furs Sweden says in Poland yTrojzwxISU-00122-00034872-00035505 tambóv Russia Gallic Russia yTrojzwxISU-00123-00035506-00036043 topic gallery yTrojzwxISU-00124-00036044-00036567 topic see also yTrojzwxISU-00125-00036568-00037157 decree of Dionysus balchik Palace Albina yTrojzwxISU-00126-00037158-00037482 Bulgarian Black Sea coast doe bridge yTrojzwxISU-00127-00037483-00037834 province yTrojzwxISU-00128-00037835-00038367 topic notes yTrojzwxISU-00129-00038368-00038885 topic references yTrojzwxISU-00130-00038886-00039432 topic external links yTrojzwxISU-00131-00039433-00039749 valchek dot-com hotels restaurants news yTrojzwxISU-00132-00039750-00040121 events and properties online catalog of yTrojzwxISU-00133-00040122-00040262 balchik yTrojzwxISU-00134-00040263-00040557 valchek photos ancient coinage from yTrojzwxISU-00135-00040558-00040905 Dionysus searchable Greek inscriptions yTrojzwxISU-00136-00040906-00041117 at the packard humanities institute five yTrojzwxISU-00137-00041118-00041321 segments from decree of die and i saw yTrojzwxISU-00138-00041322-00041526 police reviewed in inscriptions greasy yTrojzwxISU-00139-00041527-00041801 in bulgaria repartee by georgie mihaela yTrojzwxISU-00140-00041802-00042192 quiet nest palace international art yTrojzwxISU-00141-00042193-00042415 forum without borders yTrojzwxISU-00142-00042416-00042592 in the palace International Short Film yTrojzwxISU-00143-00042593-00043021 Festival valchek Bulgaria leisure calm yTrojzwxISU-00144-00043022-00043289 tourism information portal in Bulgarian yTrojzwxISU-00145-00043290-00043543 and English yUkHxuhlhjI-00000-00000008-00000254 then ramaphosa has confessed to his yUkHxuhlhjI-00001-00000256-00000559 caucus his own fiction yUkHxuhlhjI-00002-00000560-00000839 that he's got no defense on the money yUkHxuhlhjI-00003-00000840-00001103 that the money was illegal yUkHxuhlhjI-00004-00001104-00001199 and that yUkHxuhlhjI-00005-00001200-00001415 he's got no answers yUkHxuhlhjI-00006-00001416-00001695 and therefore he must step down yUkHxuhlhjI-00007-00001696-00001959 it is alleged that amongst others it was yUkHxuhlhjI-00008-00001960-00002159 zaman's soul yUkHxuhlhjI-00009-00002160-00002263 oscar yUkHxuhlhjI-00010-00002264-00002431 oscar mabuyani yUkHxuhlhjI-00011-00002432-00002671 the elan davini and them yUkHxuhlhjI-00012-00002672-00002871 who said to him he must not resign they yUkHxuhlhjI-00013-00002872-00003118 will defend him but the president has yUkHxuhlhjI-00014-00003119-00003390 made a concession to his affection and yUkHxuhlhjI-00015-00003392-00003519 to his call yUkHxuhlhjI-00016-00003520-00003622 that yUkHxuhlhjI-00017-00003623-00003943 he has got no moral yUkHxuhlhjI-00018-00003944-00004206 defense to those things yUkHxuhlhjI-00019-00004207-00004406 that's why you see the president can yUkHxuhlhjI-00020-00004407-00004502 answer yUkHxuhlhjI-00021-00004503-00004767 both to parliamentary questions or to yUkHxuhlhjI-00022-00004768-00004919 any question yUkHxuhlhjI-00023-00004920-00005118 the president has got no reason not to yUkHxuhlhjI-00024-00005119-00005375 answer because he has not been charged yUkHxuhlhjI-00025-00005376-00005615 so he can't say the matter is when the yUkHxuhlhjI-00026-00005616-00005838 medicine court they say sub-judiciary yUkHxuhlhjI-00027-00005839-00006070 you can't say the matter is up to decay yUkHxuhlhjI-00028-00006071-00006414 so the president has got no answer and yUkHxuhlhjI-00029-00006415-00006800 he has made that concession yUb-8UcoKVE-00000-00000000-00000293 honor respect yUb-8UcoKVE-00001-00000294-00000551 look at you what do you believe in huh yUb-8UcoKVE-00002-00000552-00000821 what do you believe in I believe yUb-8UcoKVE-00003-00000822-00001108 whatever doesn't kill you simply makes yUb-8UcoKVE-00004-00001109-00001366 humor yUb-8UcoKVE-00005-00001367-00001651 stranger yVrR0vb3ROu-00000-00000041-00000350 Pontic Albia ancient Greek all be upon yVrR0vb3ROu-00001-00000351-00000626 Tyco Ukrainian Olvia are simply Albia as yVrR0vb3ROu-00002-00000627-00000808 an archaeological site of an ancient yVrR0vb3ROu-00003-00000809-00001033 Greek city on the shore of the southern yVrR0vb3ROu-00004-00001034-00001298 bug estuary hi panis or hi panis in yVrR0vb3ROu-00005-00001299-00001622 Ukraine near village of paratime the yVrR0vb3ROu-00006-00001623-00001871 archaeological site is protected as the yVrR0vb3ROu-00007-00001872-00002096 National historic and archaeological yVrR0vb3ROu-00008-00002097-00002399 preserve the preserve as a research and yVrR0vb3ROu-00009-00002400-00002584 Science Institute of the national yVrR0vb3ROu-00010-00002585-00003025 academy of sciences of ukraine in 1938 - yVrR0vb3ROu-00011-00003026-00003335 1993 it was part of the Nasu Institute yVrR0vb3ROu-00012-00003336-00003631 of archeology as a department yVrR0vb3ROu-00013-00003632-00003842 the Hellenic city was founded in the yVrR0vb3ROu-00014-00003843-00004111 seventh century BC by colonists from yVrR0vb3ROu-00015-00004112-00004406 Miletus it's Harbor was one of the main yVrR0vb3ROu-00016-00004407-00004649 Emporia on the Black Sea for the export yVrR0vb3ROu-00017-00004650-00004922 of cereals fish and slaves to Greece and yVrR0vb3ROu-00018-00004923-00005312 for the import of added goods to Scythia yVrR0vb3ROu-00019-00005313-00005676 you yVrR0vb3ROu-00020-00005677-00006191 topic layout yVrR0vb3ROu-00021-00006192-00006448 the site of the Greek colony covers the yVrR0vb3ROu-00022-00006450-00006638 area of 50 hectares and its yVrR0vb3ROu-00023-00006639-00006827 fortifications form an isosceles yVrR0vb3ROu-00024-00006828-00007106 triangle about a mile long and half a yVrR0vb3ROu-00025-00007106-00007420 mile wide the region was also the site yVrR0vb3ROu-00026-00007422-00007634 of several villages modern victory yVrR0vb3ROu-00027-00007634-00007846 Attica and the profs Co which may have yVrR0vb3ROu-00028-00007847-00008063 been settled by Greeks as for the town yVrR0vb3ROu-00029-00008064-00008279 itself the Lower Town now largely yVrR0vb3ROu-00030-00008280-00008539 submerged by the bug River was occupied yVrR0vb3ROu-00031-00008540-00008774 chiefly by the dockyards and the houses yVrR0vb3ROu-00032-00008775-00009071 of artisans the upper town was a main yVrR0vb3ROu-00033-00009072-00009308 residential quarter composed of square yVrR0vb3ROu-00034-00009309-00009496 blocks and centered on the Agora yVrR0vb3ROu-00035-00009497-00009796 the town was ringed by a defensive stone yVrR0vb3ROu-00036-00009797-00010102 wall with towers the upper town was also yVrR0vb3ROu-00037-00010103-00010292 the site of the first settlement on the yVrR0vb3ROu-00038-00010293-00010571 site in the archaic period there is yVrR0vb3ROu-00039-00010572-00010777 evidence that the town itself was laid yVrR0vb3ROu-00040-00010778-00010979 out over a grid plan from the 6th yVrR0vb3ROu-00041-00010980-00011210 century one of the first after the town yVrR0vb3ROu-00042-00011211-00011413 of smyrna by the later period of yVrR0vb3ROu-00043-00011414-00011633 settlement the city also included a yVrR0vb3ROu-00044-00011634-00011912 necropolis and from the 6th century BCE yVrR0vb3ROu-00045-00011913-00012260 a religious sanctuary in the early 5th yVrR0vb3ROu-00046-00012261-00012554 century a temple to Apollo delfino's was yVrR0vb3ROu-00047-00012555-00012846 also built on the site yVrR0vb3ROu-00048-00012847-00013208 you yVrR0vb3ROu-00049-00013209-00014074 topic history yVrR0vb3ROu-00050-00014075-00014741 topic archaic and classical periods yVrR0vb3ROu-00051-00014743-00015005 the Greek colony was highly important yVrR0vb3ROu-00052-00015006-00015161 commercially and endured for a yVrR0vb3ROu-00053-00015162-00015444 millennium the first evidence of Greek yVrR0vb3ROu-00054-00015444-00015627 settlement at the site comes from yVrR0vb3ROu-00055-00015628-00015858 Berezin Island where pottery has been yVrR0vb3ROu-00056-00015859-00016044 found dating from the late 7th century yVrR0vb3ROu-00057-00016044-00016671 the name in Greek means happy or rich it yVrR0vb3ROu-00058-00016672-00016878 is possible that it had been the site of yVrR0vb3ROu-00059-00016879-00017061 an earlier native settlement and may yVrR0vb3ROu-00060-00017062-00017267 even have been a peninsula rather than yVrR0vb3ROu-00061-00017268-00017571 an island in antiquity it is now thought yVrR0vb3ROu-00062-00017572-00017817 that the town of Berezin survived until yVrR0vb3ROu-00063-00017818-00018122 the 5th century BCE when it was possibly yVrR0vb3ROu-00064-00018123-00018305 absorbed into the growing all Biehn yVrR0vb3ROu-00065-00018306-00018509 settlement on the mainland during the yVrR0vb3ROu-00066-00018510-00018819 5th century BCE the colony was visited yVrR0vb3ROu-00067-00018820-00019041 by Herodotus who provides our best yVrR0vb3ROu-00068-00019042-00019203 description of the city and its yVrR0vb3ROu-00069-00019204-00019433 inhabitants from antiquity it produced yVrR0vb3ROu-00070-00019434-00019655 distinctive cast bronze money during the yVrR0vb3ROu-00071-00019656-00019925 5th century BCE in both the form of yVrR0vb3ROu-00072-00019926-00020153 circular tokens with Gorgon heads and yVrR0vb3ROu-00073-00020154-00020349 unique coins in the shape of leaping yVrR0vb3ROu-00074-00020350-00020672 dolphins these are unusual considering yVrR0vb3ROu-00075-00020673-00020886 the struck round coins common in the yVrR0vb3ROu-00076-00020887-00021189 Greek world this form of money is said yVrR0vb3ROu-00077-00021190-00021378 to have originated from sacrificial yVrR0vb3ROu-00078-00021379-00021584 tokens used in the temple of apollo yVrR0vb3ROu-00079-00021585-00021921 delfino's M L West speculated that early yVrR0vb3ROu-00080-00021922-00022143 Greek religion especially the Orphic yVrR0vb3ROu-00081-00022144-00022343 mysteries was heavily influenced by yVrR0vb3ROu-00082-00022344-00022646 Central Asian shamanistic practices a yVrR0vb3ROu-00083-00022647-00022878 significant amount of Orphic graffiti yVrR0vb3ROu-00084-00022879-00023127 unearthed in albia seems to testify that yVrR0vb3ROu-00085-00023128-00023343 the colony was one major point of yVrR0vb3ROu-00086-00023344-00023565 contact yVrR0vb3ROu-00087-00023566-00023901 you yVrR0vb3ROu-00088-00023902-00024564 topic Hellenistic and Roman periods yVrR0vb3ROu-00089-00024565-00024771 after the town adopt yVrR0vb3ROu-00090-00024772-00025026 kradic constitution its relations with yVrR0vb3ROu-00091-00025027-00025293 Miletus were regulated by a treaty which yVrR0vb3ROu-00092-00025294-00025497 allowed both states to coordinate their yVrR0vb3ROu-00093-00025498-00025733 operations against alexander the great's yVrR0vb3ROu-00094-00025735-00025917 generals appear e'en in the fourth yVrR0vb3ROu-00095-00025918-00026238 century BCE by the end of the third yVrR0vb3ROu-00096-00026239-00026493 century the town declined economically yVrR0vb3ROu-00097-00026494-00026718 and accepted the overlordship of Kings yVrR0vb3ROu-00098-00026719-00027008 Caloris of Scythia it flourished under yVrR0vb3ROu-00099-00027010-00027243 Mithridates you Pater but was sacked by yVrR0vb3ROu-00100-00027244-00027426 the get a under borough Bista a yVrR0vb3ROu-00101-00027427-00027633 catastrophe which brought all be is yVrR0vb3ROu-00102-00027633-00027911 economic prominence to an abrupt end yVrR0vb3ROu-00103-00027912-00028179 having lost two-thirds of its settled yVrR0vb3ROu-00104-00028180-00028431 area Olbia was restored by the Romans yVrR0vb3ROu-00105-00028432-00028689 albeit on a small scale and probably yVrR0vb3ROu-00106-00028689-00029019 with a largely barbarian population do yVrR0vb3ROu-00107-00029020-00029270 of Prusa visited the town and described yVrR0vb3ROu-00108-00029272-00029495 it in his bore aesthetic discourse the yVrR0vb3ROu-00109-00029497-00029712 town was often called Boris thines yVrR0vb3ROu-00110-00029713-00029979 after the river the settlement yVrR0vb3ROu-00111-00029980-00030215 incorporated into the Roman province of yVrR0vb3ROu-00112-00030216-00030468 lower moja was eventually abandoned in yVrR0vb3ROu-00113-00030469-00030729 the 4th century CE II when it was burned yVrR0vb3ROu-00114-00030730-00030908 at least twice in the course of the yVrR0vb3ROu-00115-00030910-00031143 Gothic wars yVrR0vb3ROu-00116-00031144-00031508 you yVrR0vb3ROu-00117-00031508-00032058 topic excavation yVrR0vb3ROu-00118-00032058-00032304 the site of Olbia designated an yVrR0vb3ROu-00119-00032305-00032568 archeological reservation is situated yVrR0vb3ROu-00120-00032569-00032765 near the village of paraty no in the yVrR0vb3ROu-00121-00032766-00033114 district of odjick Eve before 1902 yVrR0vb3ROu-00122-00033115-00033336 the site was owned by the count's mucin yVrR0vb3ROu-00123-00033337-00033519 Pushkin's who did not allow any yVrR0vb3ROu-00124-00033520-00033834 excavations on their estate professional yVrR0vb3ROu-00125-00033835-00034050 excavations were conducted under Boris yVrR0vb3ROu-00126-00034051-00034457 farm Akatsuki from 1901 to 1915 and from yVrR0vb3ROu-00127-00034458-00034937 1924 to 1926 as the site was never react yVrR0vb3ROu-00128-00034938-00035147 you pide archaeological finds yVrR0vb3ROu-00129-00035148-00035400 particularly inscriptions and sculpture yVrR0vb3ROu-00130-00035401-00035739 proved rich today archaeologists are yVrR0vb3ROu-00131-00035740-00035967 under pressure to explore the site which yVrR0vb3ROu-00132-00035968-00036342 is being eroded by the Black Sea at 2016 yVrR0vb3ROu-00133-00036343-00036570 started in all BIA excavations of the yVrR0vb3ROu-00134-00036571-00036855 Polish archaeological mission Olbia of yVrR0vb3ROu-00135-00036856-00037155 the National Museum in Warsaw headed by yVrR0vb3ROu-00136-00037156-00037386 alfred toir Deki many of the more yVrR0vb3ROu-00137-00037387-00037587 notable finds from the period are yVrR0vb3ROu-00138-00037588-00037833 visible in the Hermitage Museum in Saint yVrR0vb3ROu-00139-00037834-00038012 Petersburg Russia yVrR0vb3ROu-00140-00038013-00038298 notable finds from the town include an yVrR0vb3ROu-00141-00038299-00038526 archaic Greek house in a good state of yVrR0vb3ROu-00142-00038527-00038736 preservation from the area of the later yVrR0vb3ROu-00143-00038737-00038955 acropolis and a private letter written yVrR0vb3ROu-00144-00038956-00039210 on a lead tablet dating to around 500 yVrR0vb3ROu-00145-00039211-00039498 BCE complaining about an attempt to yVrR0vb3ROu-00146-00039499-00039728 claim a slave yVrR0vb3ROu-00147-00039729-00040085 equals equals notes yWhF9iKaEQE-00000-00001673-00001948 good morning the first item of business yWhF9iKaEQE-00001-00001950-00002147 today is general questions and we start yWhF9iKaEQE-00002-00002148-00002583 with question number one from Marie Todd yWhF9iKaEQE-00003-00002584-00002800 to ask the Scottish Government what yWhF9iKaEQE-00004-00002801-00002950 progress has been made towards the yWhF9iKaEQE-00005-00002951-00003146 provision of local forensic medical yWhF9iKaEQE-00006-00003147-00003344 examinations for victims of sexual yWhF9iKaEQE-00007-00003345-00003644 crimes in orkney and shetland Minister yWhF9iKaEQE-00008-00003645-00003995 are valuing NHS Orkney and any in each yWhF9iKaEQE-00009-00003996-00004148 case Shetland have both publicly yWhF9iKaEQE-00010-00004149-00004361 committed to developing local services yWhF9iKaEQE-00011-00004362-00004541 for the care and support of adults who yWhF9iKaEQE-00012-00004542-00004750 have experienced rape or sexual assault yWhF9iKaEQE-00013-00004751-00005003 we are providing financial and practical yWhF9iKaEQE-00014-00005004-00005231 support to assist the delivery of these yWhF9iKaEQE-00015-00005232-00005492 new services that will ensure victims of yWhF9iKaEQE-00016-00005493-00005690 sexual crime received the best available yWhF9iKaEQE-00017-00005691-00006008 help and support locally we have also yWhF9iKaEQE-00018-00006009-00006260 committed an additional 30,000 pounds to yWhF9iKaEQE-00019-00006261-00006545 reach crisis Shetland and rape crisis or yWhF9iKaEQE-00020-00006545-00006835 to further enhance specialist advocacy yWhF9iKaEQE-00021-00006836-00007061 support services for victims on the yWhF9iKaEQE-00022-00007062-00007334 islands the retort yWhF9iKaEQE-00023-00007334-00007589 I sent the Minister for that answer yWhF9iKaEQE-00024-00007590-00007754 having met with Orkney rape crisis yWhF9iKaEQE-00025-00007755-00007952 earlier this year I know how crucial the yWhF9iKaEQE-00026-00007953-00008134 services and I welcome the fact that the yWhF9iKaEQE-00027-00008136-00008354 funding has helped them to employ two yWhF9iKaEQE-00028-00008355-00008564 new part-time staff who started work yWhF9iKaEQE-00029-00008565-00008828 this month 14 orkney and shetland first yWhF9iKaEQE-00030-00008829-00008987 highlighted that victims of sexual yWhF9iKaEQE-00031-00008988-00009236 crimes have to travel to the Scottish yWhF9iKaEQE-00032-00009237-00009428 mainland by police escort without a yWhF9iKaEQE-00033-00009429-00009671 water for examination can the minister yWhF9iKaEQE-00034-00009672-00009821 provide more information of the yWhF9iKaEQE-00035-00009822-00009983 practical support to be made available yWhF9iKaEQE-00036-00009984-00010529 please Minister key element of improving yWhF9iKaEQE-00037-00010530-00010700 provision in Orkney and Shetland and yWhF9iKaEQE-00038-00010701-00010862 indeed across Scotland is making sure yWhF9iKaEQE-00039-00010863-00011099 that we have sufficient doctors to carry yWhF9iKaEQE-00040-00011100-00011348 out forensic medical examinations and we yWhF9iKaEQE-00041-00011349-00011648 are providing an additional 76 thousand yWhF9iKaEQE-00042-00011649-00011885 pounds to NHS education Scotland to yWhF9iKaEQE-00043-00011886-00012083 redesign that the current training model yWhF9iKaEQE-00044-00012084-00012314 to make this more accessible to doctors yWhF9iKaEQE-00045-00012315-00012557 aiming in fact for an extra 50 doctors yWhF9iKaEQE-00046-00012558-00012877 to be trained by March 2018 and we are yWhF9iKaEQE-00047-00012878-00013102 delighted that both orkney and shetland yWhF9iKaEQE-00048-00013103-00013280 health boards will be part of this yWhF9iKaEQE-00049-00013281-00013525 revised training approach releasing key yWhF9iKaEQE-00050-00013526-00013753 staff to pilot the new remote training yWhF9iKaEQE-00051-00013754-00013916 course we expect that license yWhF9iKaEQE-00052-00013916-00014083 learn from the pilot will inform the yWhF9iKaEQE-00053-00014084-00014233 future training model across the whole yWhF9iKaEQE-00054-00014234-00014419 of Scotland ensuring a greater yWhF9iKaEQE-00055-00014420-00014663 consistency in approach in delivering yWhF9iKaEQE-00056-00014663-00015011 these important services Lea McArthur yWhF9iKaEQE-00057-00015012-00015191 thank you very much and I thank the yWhF9iKaEQE-00058-00015191-00015344 Minister for a response but also put on yWhF9iKaEQE-00059-00015344-00015557 record my thanks to the cabinet yWhF9iKaEQE-00060-00015558-00015683 secretary for the work that he's done yWhF9iKaEQE-00061-00015684-00015916 with Travis Scott myself alongside local yWhF9iKaEQE-00062-00015918-00016055 stakeholders and their local health yWhF9iKaEQE-00063-00016056-00016253 boards to do other services to better yWhF9iKaEQE-00064-00016254-00016514 meet the needs of Island survivors of yWhF9iKaEQE-00065-00016515-00016709 rape and sexual assault and what yWhF9iKaEQE-00066-00016710-00016886 assurance has the government received yWhF9iKaEQE-00067-00016887-00017080 the Orkney rape crisis and women's aid yWhF9iKaEQE-00068-00017081-00017282 it will be included in planning of the yWhF9iKaEQE-00069-00017283-00017429 Forensic service around the federal yWhF9iKaEQE-00070-00017430-00017678 pathways and survivor feedback and what yWhF9iKaEQE-00071-00017679-00017900 steps have been taken to look at and the yWhF9iKaEQE-00072-00017901-00018058 delivery of services for child victims yWhF9iKaEQE-00073-00018059-00018317 whose needs are very specific and the yWhF9iKaEQE-00074-00018318-00018778 response needed has to be tailored yes yWhF9iKaEQE-00075-00018779-00018925 on the the first point that the the yWhF9iKaEQE-00076-00018926-00019100 member raises I know that he has pursued yWhF9iKaEQE-00077-00019101-00019334 this issue long and hard and with some yWhF9iKaEQE-00078-00019335-00019538 obviously degree of success thus far and yWhF9iKaEQE-00079-00019539-00019757 we're continuing to make progress and on yWhF9iKaEQE-00080-00019758-00019925 the issue of involvement I mean we'd be yWhF9iKaEQE-00081-00019926-00020096 happy to your views and I'm sure yWhF9iKaEQE-00082-00020097-00020287 officials would be happy to meet with yWhF9iKaEQE-00083-00020288-00020549 representatives of the organizations yWhF9iKaEQE-00084-00020550-00020941 that he referred to on the issue of yWhF9iKaEQE-00085-00020942-00021308 children and the examinations that may yWhF9iKaEQE-00086-00021309-00021503 sadly be required to be carried out I yWhF9iKaEQE-00087-00021504-00021668 think it would be important to say to yWhF9iKaEQE-00088-00021669-00021922 the member that examinations required to yWhF9iKaEQE-00089-00021923-00022084 be carried out as far as children are yWhF9iKaEQE-00090-00022085-00022283 concerned with the pediatrician and the yWhF9iKaEQE-00091-00022284-00022496 forensic examiner present and whilst yWhF9iKaEQE-00092-00022497-00022669 there are different practices across the yWhF9iKaEQE-00093-00022670-00022886 country at the present time recent yWhF9iKaEQE-00094-00022887-00023072 managed clinical Network standards of yWhF9iKaEQE-00095-00023073-00023237 service provision and quality indicators yWhF9iKaEQE-00096-00023238-00023500 for the pediatric medical component of yWhF9iKaEQE-00097-00023501-00023705 child protection services in Scotland yWhF9iKaEQE-00098-00023706-00023918 state that this is in fact the standard yWhF9iKaEQE-00099-00023919-00024203 to adhere to so there may be also yWhF9iKaEQE-00100-00024204-00024509 additional factors in a case involving a yWhF9iKaEQE-00101-00024510-00024824 child witness such as requirements to yWhF9iKaEQE-00102-00024825-00024971 remove perhaps the child from immediate yWhF9iKaEQE-00103-00024972-00025199 danger and other complementary medical yWhF9iKaEQE-00104-00025200-00025409 professionals may be needed in that case yWhF9iKaEQE-00105-00025410-00025583 as well but I can assure the member that yWhF9iKaEQE-00106-00025584-00025762 we are currently considering this from a yWhF9iKaEQE-00107-00025763-00025981 national point of view as to how we can yWhF9iKaEQE-00108-00025982-00026140 improve the experience of children yWhF9iKaEQE-00109-00026141-00026375 through the justice system and we are yWhF9iKaEQE-00110-00026376-00026539 looking i think the cabinet secretary yWhF9iKaEQE-00111-00026541-00026702 alluded to this and the other day in the yWhF9iKaEQE-00112-00026702-00026849 chamber at the nordic model of barn yWhF9iKaEQE-00113-00026850-00027086 burner who's and this will inform any yWhF9iKaEQE-00114-00027087-00027262 national position we take yWhF9iKaEQE-00115-00027263-00027364 and of course how that might be yWhF9iKaEQE-00116-00027365-00027592 supported in particular in remote and yWhF9iKaEQE-00117-00027593-00027730 island communities and I'm absolutely yWhF9iKaEQE-00118-00027731-00027940 sure that the member will have further yWhF9iKaEQE-00119-00027941-00028085 input that he wishes to make and that yWhF9iKaEQE-00120-00028086-00028255 will be very happily and gratefully yWhF9iKaEQE-00121-00028256-00028345 received yWhF9iKaEQE-00122-00028345-00028549 thank you question number two mark yWhF9iKaEQE-00123-00028550-00028814 Griffin Thank You presiding officer to yWhF9iKaEQE-00124-00028814-00028999 ask this the Scottish Government want yWhF9iKaEQE-00125-00029000-00029212 action its partnership action for yWhF9iKaEQE-00126-00029213-00029389 continuing employment has thickened and yWhF9iKaEQE-00127-00029390-00029692 lamech still in the last year mr. Paul yWhF9iKaEQE-00128-00029693-00029998 we loaded for September 2016 until yWhF9iKaEQE-00129-00029999-00030298 August 2017 our partnership action for yWhF9iKaEQE-00130-00030299-00030410 continuing employment or peace yWhF9iKaEQE-00131-00030411-00030565 initiative has provided skills yWhF9iKaEQE-00132-00030566-00030758 deployment a development unemployability yWhF9iKaEQE-00133-00030758-00030983 support to 1080 individuals and yWhF9iKaEQE-00134-00030983-00031151 thirty-one employers based in lonex sure yWhF9iKaEQE-00135-00031152-00031379 support has included pace presentations yWhF9iKaEQE-00136-00031380-00031546 on-site information on benefits yWhF9iKaEQE-00137-00031547-00031799 workshops and CV preparation interview yWhF9iKaEQE-00138-00031800-00031949 skills job searching and one-to-one yWhF9iKaEQE-00139-00031950-00032174 sessions and career management mark yWhF9iKaEQE-00140-00032175-00032401 Griffin I thank the Minister for that yWhF9iKaEQE-00141-00032402-00032642 answer beyond the work carried out by yWhF9iKaEQE-00142-00032643-00032804 piece can ask the minister defense yWhF9iKaEQE-00143-00032805-00033040 though government policy to relocate yWhF9iKaEQE-00144-00033041-00033337 civil service jobs and agencies outside yWhF9iKaEQE-00145-00033338-00033583 of Edinburgh and if the government have yWhF9iKaEQE-00146-00033584-00033836 considered doing so for any of the new yWhF9iKaEQE-00147-00033837-00034117 agencies Social Security Agency revenue yWhF9iKaEQE-00148-00034118-00034420 Scotland to compensate for the potential yWhF9iKaEQE-00149-00034421-00034639 impact of 80 MRC closures and yWhF9iKaEQE-00150-00034640-00035117 communities in larger Minister sorry yWhF9iKaEQE-00151-00035118-00035362 presiding officer and member of raises yWhF9iKaEQE-00152-00035363-00035480 an interesting point clearly this guys yWhF9iKaEQE-00153-00035481-00035645 coming has demonstrated a record in the yWhF9iKaEQE-00154-00035646-00035855 past of moving their jobs outside of yWhF9iKaEQE-00155-00035856-00036112 Edinburgh to occasion such as a border yWhF9iKaEQE-00156-00036113-00036268 so I know the public pension agency is yWhF9iKaEQE-00157-00036269-00036617 based and we colleague Jim Freeman has yWhF9iKaEQE-00158-00036618-00036773 obviously involved with Angela Constance yWhF9iKaEQE-00159-00036774-00036901 looking at the possibilities of yWhF9iKaEQE-00160-00036902-00037086 establishing and use social security yWhF9iKaEQE-00161-00037087-00037411 workforce in Scotland so I would leave yWhF9iKaEQE-00162-00037412-00037561 it to the men remember to engage with yWhF9iKaEQE-00163-00037562-00037832 the the met my fellow ministers on that yWhF9iKaEQE-00164-00037833-00038077 issue but in terms of the wider point we yWhF9iKaEQE-00165-00038078-00038207 clearly are looking at how government yWhF9iKaEQE-00166-00038208-00038380 can support economic growth inclusive yWhF9iKaEQE-00167-00038381-00038521 growth across the country I'm very aware yWhF9iKaEQE-00168-00038522-00038776 of the significant potential impact that yWhF9iKaEQE-00169-00038777-00039101 HMRC job losses in come Renault and LAN yWhF9iKaEQE-00170-00039102-00039283 action more generally as cabrini yWhF9iKaEQE-00171-00039284-00039449 particularly and we have on the yWhF9iKaEQE-00172-00039450-00039688 Lannister economy and I welcome the fact yWhF9iKaEQE-00173-00039689-00039932 that after some discussion particular yWhF9iKaEQE-00174-00039933-00040124 from my colleague Jamie Hepburn and sue yWhF9iKaEQE-00175-00040125-00040363 McDonald MP that jammu cancelled a move yWhF9iKaEQE-00176-00040364-00040568 of mechanical steam for economic impact yWhF9iKaEQE-00177-00040569-00040598 study yWhF9iKaEQE-00178-00040599-00040762 for the any will be very keen to see yWhF9iKaEQE-00179-00040763-00041039 very keen to see the results of that and yWhF9iKaEQE-00180-00041040-00041174 indeed that the members been involved I yWhF9iKaEQE-00181-00041175-00041302 apologize the member if he's been yWhF9iKaEQE-00182-00041303-00041507 involved as well and but I'm keen to see yWhF9iKaEQE-00183-00041508-00041621 the evidence of that and government will yWhF9iKaEQE-00184-00041622-00041786 obviously study the results of that very yWhF9iKaEQE-00185-00041787-00041883 closely yWhF9iKaEQE-00186-00041884-00042239 question number three bill kid Thank You yWhF9iKaEQE-00187-00042240-00042332 presiding officer yWhF9iKaEQE-00188-00042333-00042470 to ask the Scottish Government what yWhF9iKaEQE-00189-00042471-00042649 progress is being made in delivering yWhF9iKaEQE-00190-00042650-00042865 tone sent of status for underdeveloped yWhF9iKaEQE-00191-00042866-00043243 areas such as drum Chapel in Glasgow yWhF9iKaEQE-00192-00043244-00043468 Minister Kevin Stuart Thank You yWhF9iKaEQE-00193-00043469-00043549 presiding officer yWhF9iKaEQE-00194-00043550-00043777 a local teen center has been designated yWhF9iKaEQE-00195-00043778-00044030 and rum chapel within Glasgow City yWhF9iKaEQE-00196-00044031-00044233 Development Plan which was adopted yWhF9iKaEQE-00197-00044234-00044524 earlier this year with regards to other yWhF9iKaEQE-00198-00044525-00044762 areas we have said in Scottish planning yWhF9iKaEQE-00199-00044763-00044983 policy that planning authorities should yWhF9iKaEQE-00200-00044984-00045218 identify in their development plans the yWhF9iKaEQE-00201-00045219-00045487 status of a particular area local yWhF9iKaEQE-00202-00045488-00045683 authorities are based pleased to set the yWhF9iKaEQE-00203-00045684-00046010 conditions to help anelia thrive bill yWhF9iKaEQE-00204-00046011-00046264 KITT I thank the Minister for his came yWhF9iKaEQE-00205-00046265-00046471 to play the minister will be aware of yWhF9iKaEQE-00206-00046472-00046670 course that John Chapel formally had a yWhF9iKaEQE-00207-00046671-00046892 much needed inhaler successful shopping yWhF9iKaEQE-00208-00046893-00047105 an entertainment center which was yWhF9iKaEQE-00209-00047106-00047327 devastated by Strathclyde Regional yWhF9iKaEQE-00210-00047328-00047546 Council's decision that it would not be yWhF9iKaEQE-00211-00047547-00047827 a strategic shopping center and it was yWhF9iKaEQE-00212-00047828-00048017 subsequently run down to the extent that yWhF9iKaEQE-00213-00048018-00048158 there's no a small shell of its former yWhF9iKaEQE-00214-00048159-00048389 existence which fails to serve the needs yWhF9iKaEQE-00215-00048390-00048568 of my constituents who need to travel yWhF9iKaEQE-00216-00048569-00048824 for any significant shopping I know yWhF9iKaEQE-00217-00048825-00048986 other success in other parts of Scotland yWhF9iKaEQE-00218-00048987-00049189 and but this is a prime example yWhF9iKaEQE-00219-00049190-00049483 mr. Costa Thank You presiding officer yWhF9iKaEQE-00220-00049484-00049676 the Scottish government is aware that yWhF9iKaEQE-00221-00049677-00049931 many times hinders across Scotland are yWhF9iKaEQE-00222-00049932-00050164 struggling and a lot of that as dented yWhF9iKaEQE-00223-00050165-00050423 decisions made in the past like the one yWhF9iKaEQE-00224-00050424-00050699 that mr. Kidd has eight-lane the yWhF9iKaEQE-00225-00050700-00050837 Scottish government will continue to yWhF9iKaEQE-00226-00050838-00051137 work closely with the retail sector to yWhF9iKaEQE-00227-00051138-00051406 maximize its potential in relation to yWhF9iKaEQE-00228-00051407-00051560 the Tencent our agenda yWhF9iKaEQE-00229-00051561-00051776 Scotland's taken our first principle yWhF9iKaEQE-00230-00051777-00051994 which we've agreed with kossler together yWhF9iKaEQE-00231-00051995-00052219 with a range of measures in the taint yWhF9iKaEQE-00232-00052220-00052463 center action plan set the conditions yWhF9iKaEQE-00233-00052464-00052736 and underpin activity designed to tackle yWhF9iKaEQE-00234-00052737-00053119 key issues such as empty shops also yWhF9iKaEQE-00235-00053120-00053338 allows for the diversification of town yWhF9iKaEQE-00236-00053339-00053603 centres and thereby attracting new yWhF9iKaEQE-00237-00053604-00053750 businesses and services yWhF9iKaEQE-00238-00053751-00054062 in these places we recognize the value yWhF9iKaEQE-00239-00054063-00054466 of a vibrant retail sector and we will yWhF9iKaEQE-00240-00054467-00054712 continue to work with others to ensure yWhF9iKaEQE-00241-00054713-00055028 that we carry on with these partnerships yWhF9iKaEQE-00242-00055029-00055392 to improve areas such as rum chapel yWhF9iKaEQE-00243-00055394-00055796 question of a4 parlament meal to ask the yWhF9iKaEQE-00244-00055797-00055973 Scottish Government what it is doing to yWhF9iKaEQE-00245-00055974-00056182 follow up on the automation of benefits yWhF9iKaEQE-00246-00056183-00056419 to help cure families Minister Jean yWhF9iKaEQE-00247-00056420-00056666 Freeman Thank You presiding officer yWhF9iKaEQE-00248-00056666-00056924 I know that this is an issue that Paula yWhF9iKaEQE-00249-00056925-00057142 McNeil has taken a keen interest in and yWhF9iKaEQE-00250-00057144-00057341 the Scottish Government is keen to also yWhF9iKaEQE-00251-00057341-00057578 progress it we recognise that where yWhF9iKaEQE-00252-00057579-00057805 feasible the automation of assistance yWhF9iKaEQE-00253-00057807-00057998 can play an important role in helping yWhF9iKaEQE-00254-00057999-00058211 people access their full entitlement to yWhF9iKaEQE-00255-00058212-00058523 benefits and passport ease benefits that yWhF9iKaEQE-00256-00058524-00058700 is why a Scottish government supported yWhF9iKaEQE-00257-00058701-00058934 the members amendment on this issue in yWhF9iKaEQE-00258-00058935-00059111 the child poverty Scotland bill and yWhF9iKaEQE-00259-00059112-00059341 we'll discuss automation with the local yWhF9iKaEQE-00260-00059342-00059557 reference group established to develop yWhF9iKaEQE-00261-00059558-00059723 guidance for local authorities and yWhF9iKaEQE-00262-00059724-00059936 health boards on the duties that bill yWhF9iKaEQE-00263-00059937-00060163 places on them at the next meeting which yWhF9iKaEQE-00264-00060164-00060586 is scheduled for October Polly McNeil yWhF9iKaEQE-00265-00060587-00060829 thank you according to the daily record yWhF9iKaEQE-00266-00060830-00061030 the purest in Scotland are missing a on yWhF9iKaEQE-00267-00061031-00061357 2 billion worth of benefits automation yWhF9iKaEQE-00268-00061358-00061496 of certain benefits could make a yWhF9iKaEQE-00269-00061497-00061762 difference to that I would like to cite yWhF9iKaEQE-00270-00061763-00061979 the minister and indeed the Social yWhF9iKaEQE-00271-00061979-00062153 Security Committee for supporting my yWhF9iKaEQE-00272-00062154-00062392 manual at stage 2 and the commitment is yWhF9iKaEQE-00273-00062394-00062538 just given the Parliament this afternoon yWhF9iKaEQE-00274-00062539-00062782 I'd like to further ask the minister of yWhF9iKaEQE-00275-00062783-00062992 any assessment has been done on what yWhF9iKaEQE-00276-00062994-00063205 benefits make suitable for automation or yWhF9iKaEQE-00277-00063206-00063400 perhaps that's a subject for the meeting yWhF9iKaEQE-00278-00063401-00063662 that you talked about and if there would yWhF9iKaEQE-00279-00063663-00063848 be a requirement alive for any yWhF9iKaEQE-00280-00063849-00064040 adjustment in future budgets should yWhF9iKaEQE-00281-00064041-00064492 automation be possible Thank You yWhF9iKaEQE-00282-00064494-00064588 presiding officer yWhF9iKaEQE-00283-00064589-00064957 I appreciate what the member is asking yWhF9iKaEQE-00284-00064958-00065240 and in fact automation in the to the yWhF9iKaEQE-00285-00065241-00065459 scale and extent that she is talking yWhF9iKaEQE-00286-00065460-00065705 about beyond a single local authority yWhF9iKaEQE-00287-00065706-00065924 and to the scale and extent that we wish yWhF9iKaEQE-00288-00065925-00066209 to pursue if we can as a Scottish yWhF9iKaEQE-00289-00066210-00066455 government is a bit more complex as I'm yWhF9iKaEQE-00290-00066456-00066662 sure she will understand because more yWhF9iKaEQE-00291-00066663-00066913 than one system is involved and it would yWhF9iKaEQE-00292-00066914-00067078 involve local authorities sister yWhF9iKaEQE-00293-00067079-00067231 Scottish government and of course the yWhF9iKaEQE-00294-00067232-00067486 DWP for the benefits that they continue yWhF9iKaEQE-00295-00067487-00067816 to be responsible for realizing that yWhF9iKaEQE-00296-00067817-00068092 requires significant discussion we we yWhF9iKaEQE-00297-00068093-00068497 will start around the child poverty bill yWhF9iKaEQE-00298-00068498-00068773 as I've just outlined we are continuing yWhF9iKaEQE-00299-00068774-00069007 to look at it as part of our development yWhF9iKaEQE-00300-00069008-00069220 of our own social security system and yWhF9iKaEQE-00301-00069221-00069418 discuss that with local authorities and yWhF9iKaEQE-00302-00069419-00069724 others and indeed with her colleague mr. yWhF9iKaEQE-00303-00069725-00070054 rollies support very welcome support we yWhF9iKaEQE-00304-00070055-00070207 recently convened a roundtable yWhF9iKaEQE-00305-00070208-00070483 discussion with local authorities to yWhF9iKaEQE-00306-00070484-00070732 increase benefit uptake across the piece yWhF9iKaEQE-00307-00070733-00070912 we will follow that through with a yWhF9iKaEQE-00308-00070913-00071143 follow up around table which he and I yWhF9iKaEQE-00309-00071144-00071368 have agreed on and from there we will yWhF9iKaEQE-00310-00071369-00071617 continue to discuss with between local yWhF9iKaEQE-00311-00071618-00071833 authorities and ourselves how we might yWhF9iKaEQE-00312-00071834-00072133 pursue that in practical terms that yWhF9iKaEQE-00313-00072134-00072382 significant Scottish weight automation yWhF9iKaEQE-00314-00072383-00072601 where it is possible that all needs to yWhF9iKaEQE-00315-00072602-00072889 be in be thought about and taken account yWhF9iKaEQE-00316-00072890-00073186 of before we feed anything into a future yWhF9iKaEQE-00317-00073187-00073492 budget discussion and Adam Tompkins yWhF9iKaEQE-00318-00073493-00073663 thank you for setting officer the yWhF9iKaEQE-00319-00073664-00073864 financial memorandum accompanying the yWhF9iKaEQE-00320-00073865-00074215 social security bill talks of a 190 yWhF9iKaEQE-00321-00074216-00074473 million pound cost associated with IT yWhF9iKaEQE-00322-00074474-00074710 and the new Social Security Agency and yWhF9iKaEQE-00323-00074711-00074950 to what extent has the modelling that's yWhF9iKaEQE-00324-00074951-00075127 led to that 190 million pound figure yWhF9iKaEQE-00325-00075128-00075277 taken into account the possibility of yWhF9iKaEQE-00326-00075278-00075582 automation of benefits yWhF9iKaEQE-00327-00075583-00075919 well that figure that mr. Tompkins yWhF9iKaEQE-00328-00075920-00076164 refers to is of course in terms of the yWhF9iKaEQE-00329-00076165-00076483 set up of our own social security system yWhF9iKaEQE-00330-00076484-00076744 in Scotland to take responsibility for yWhF9iKaEQE-00331-00076745-00076981 the 11 benefits that will be devolved yWhF9iKaEQE-00332-00076982-00077218 tours alongside the work that is going yWhF9iKaEQE-00333-00077219-00077593 on in that IT built learning the lessons yWhF9iKaEQE-00334-00077594-00077908 of course from previous programs both yWhF9iKaEQE-00335-00077909-00078136 lessons where those programs worked and yWhF9iKaEQE-00336-00078137-00078316 others where improvements can be made yWhF9iKaEQE-00337-00078317-00078586 alongside all of that our chief digital yWhF9iKaEQE-00338-00078587-00078847 officer and other government colleagues yWhF9iKaEQE-00339-00078848-00079114 are working across our stakeholders yWhF9iKaEQE-00340-00079115-00079450 taking account as well in terms of what yWhF9iKaEQE-00341-00079451-00079633 I've just said to miss McNeil in terms yWhF9iKaEQE-00342-00079634-00079858 of automation but were the primary focus yWhF9iKaEQE-00343-00079859-00080143 on building an IT system that can safely yWhF9iKaEQE-00344-00080144-00080419 and securely make the payments so we yWhF9iKaEQE-00345-00080420-00080626 ensure that when we take over those yWhF9iKaEQE-00346-00080627-00080827 responsibilities for the benefits the yWhF9iKaEQE-00347-00080828-00081103 1.4 million people affected receive the yWhF9iKaEQE-00348-00081104-00081325 money that they're entitled to on the yWhF9iKaEQE-00349-00081326-00081529 day that they expect that to receive yWhF9iKaEQE-00350-00081530-00081967 that question five Emma Harper Thank You yWhF9iKaEQE-00351-00081968-00082057 presiding officer yWhF9iKaEQE-00352-00082058-00082231 I first declare an interest as a yWhF9iKaEQE-00353-00082232-00082435 registered nurse to ask the Scottish yWhF9iKaEQE-00354-00082436-00082642 Government what action it is taking to yWhF9iKaEQE-00355-00082643-00082861 assess the models of health care that yWhF9iKaEQE-00356-00082862-00082999 are used in primary and community yWhF9iKaEQE-00357-00083000-00083242 services I'm a secretary Shaun a yWhF9iKaEQE-00358-00083243-00083548 Robertson how any chessboards and yWhF9iKaEQE-00359-00083549-00083731 education authorities design and deliver yWhF9iKaEQE-00360-00083732-00083890 their local primary and Community yWhF9iKaEQE-00361-00083891-00084094 Services is a matter for them in yWhF9iKaEQE-00362-00084095-00084265 consultation with all stakeholders yWhF9iKaEQE-00363-00084266-00084424 including members of the local yWhF9iKaEQE-00364-00084425-00084655 communities to support service redesign yWhF9iKaEQE-00365-00084656-00084799 the Scottish Government has made yWhF9iKaEQE-00366-00084800-00085006 available forty three point five million yWhF9iKaEQE-00367-00085007-00085348 pounds during 2016 to 2018 to support yWhF9iKaEQE-00368-00085349-00085606 around 70 tests of change and other yWhF9iKaEQE-00369-00085607-00085765 activities through the primary care yWhF9iKaEQE-00370-00085766-00086001 transformation program yWhF9iKaEQE-00371-00086002-00086341 - thank you cabinet secretary in light yWhF9iKaEQE-00372-00086342-00086527 of local issues raised by those living yWhF9iKaEQE-00373-00086528-00086737 west of dunfries and Galloway how does yWhF9iKaEQE-00374-00086738-00086914 the Scottish Government directly support yWhF9iKaEQE-00375-00086915-00087154 any chest of recent Galloway to provide yWhF9iKaEQE-00376-00087155-00087361 Galloway community or spell and local GP yWhF9iKaEQE-00377-00087362-00087664 services with the support required while yWhF9iKaEQE-00378-00087665-00087871 GP and other doctor vacancies are being yWhF9iKaEQE-00379-00087872-00088267 filled cabinet energy well firstly okay yWhF9iKaEQE-00380-00088268-00088461 can I say to Emma Harper that we're yWhF9iKaEQE-00381-00088462-00088708 investing to ensure that NHS timepiece yWhF9iKaEQE-00382-00088709-00088912 and gallery has the resource that it yWhF9iKaEQE-00383-00088913-00089104 needs as resource budget has increased yWhF9iKaEQE-00384-00089105-00089311 by six point eight percent in real terms yWhF9iKaEQE-00385-00089312-00089755 between 2010-11 and 2017 18 the board's yWhF9iKaEQE-00386-00089756-00089956 resource is two hundred eighty three yWhF9iKaEQE-00387-00089957-00090274 point six million for 2017-18 which yWhF9iKaEQE-00388-00090275-00090565 includes an uplift of four point at two yWhF9iKaEQE-00389-00090566-00090847 million pounds we also keep in touch yWhF9iKaEQE-00390-00090848-00091045 with the Health and Social Care yWhF9iKaEQE-00391-00091046-00091291 Partnership regarding the important yWhF9iKaEQE-00392-00091292-00091561 community hospital and other issues that yWhF9iKaEQE-00393-00091562-00091750 the partnership is committed to yWhF9iKaEQE-00394-00091751-00092074 maintaining services at the hospital and yWhF9iKaEQE-00395-00092075-00092281 I think considering how services can be yWhF9iKaEQE-00396-00092282-00092365 improved yWhF9iKaEQE-00397-00092366-00092551 going forward with our programme of yWhF9iKaEQE-00398-00092552-00092728 community engagement underway and the yWhF9iKaEQE-00399-00092729-00093046 hospital is in group being formed and in yWhF9iKaEQE-00400-00093047-00093262 terms of GPS we expect the Health Board yWhF9iKaEQE-00401-00093263-00093499 as other health wards we would expect to yWhF9iKaEQE-00402-00093500-00093736 work with local GP practices to yWhF9iKaEQE-00403-00093737-00093937 helped them overcome any recruitment and yWhF9iKaEQE-00404-00093938-00094135 retention challenges and of course we yWhF9iKaEQE-00405-00094136-00094342 are investing an additional 250 million yWhF9iKaEQE-00406-00094343-00094597 pounds per year in direct support of yWhF9iKaEQE-00407-00094598-00094756 general practice by the end of this yWhF9iKaEQE-00408-00094757-00095020 Parliament as part of our wider 500 yWhF9iKaEQE-00409-00095021-00095146 million pounds investment in primary yWhF9iKaEQE-00410-00095147-00095467 care Myles Briggs painting officer yWhF9iKaEQE-00411-00095468-00095626 ordered Scotland have repeatedly yWhF9iKaEQE-00412-00095627-00095779 highlighted the Scottish Government's yWhF9iKaEQE-00413-00095780-00095950 lack of progress in shifting the yWhF9iKaEQE-00414-00095951-00096148 shifting the balance of care away from yWhF9iKaEQE-00415-00096149-00096247 an acute setting yWhF9iKaEQE-00416-00096248-00096409 how will the cabinet secretary ensure yWhF9iKaEQE-00417-00096410-00096622 the current efforts make a real change yWhF9iKaEQE-00418-00096623-00096832 and specifically what assessment is she yWhF9iKaEQE-00419-00096833-00096976 done of the transitional funding which yWhF9iKaEQE-00420-00096977-00097291 she's just read today cabinet secretary yWhF9iKaEQE-00421-00097292-00097522 well can I thank my our expert for that yWhF9iKaEQE-00422-00097523-00097744 question he will be aware of course that yWhF9iKaEQE-00423-00097745-00097966 the programme for government laid a very yWhF9iKaEQE-00424-00097967-00098197 clear ambition that by the end of this yWhF9iKaEQE-00425-00098198-00098545 Parliament over half of the spend will yWhF9iKaEQE-00426-00098546-00098794 be within community health services now yWhF9iKaEQE-00427-00098795-00099100 that is a big transition is a big change yWhF9iKaEQE-00428-00099101-00099391 and will have an impact as we move yWhF9iKaEQE-00429-00099392-00099655 resources from acute services into yWhF9iKaEQE-00430-00099656-00099823 community health services so we need to yWhF9iKaEQE-00431-00099824-00100048 make sure we do that in a proper planned yWhF9iKaEQE-00432-00100049-00100390 and sustainable way which is why of yWhF9iKaEQE-00433-00100391-00100579 course I've asked professor Derek Bale yWhF9iKaEQE-00434-00100580-00100915 to work as part of a collaborative to yWhF9iKaEQE-00435-00100916-00101245 look at the transformation of elective yWhF9iKaEQE-00436-00101246-00101449 capacity within our acute services so we yWhF9iKaEQE-00437-00101450-00101668 can drive those resources into the yWhF9iKaEQE-00438-00101669-00101859 community to keep people out of hospital yWhF9iKaEQE-00439-00101860-00102196 Newfoundland across the audience GP yWhF9iKaEQE-00440-00102197-00102408 practices under the current model are yWhF9iKaEQE-00441-00102409-00102625 closing that Lester patients many are a yWhF9iKaEQE-00442-00102626-00102931 GP designation away from collapse and yWhF9iKaEQE-00443-00102932-00103294 relying on locums to stay open so what yWhF9iKaEQE-00444-00103295-00103465 practical advice does a cabinet yWhF9iKaEQE-00445-00103466-00103705 secretary have for GP practices that yWhF9iKaEQE-00446-00103706-00103935 find themselves in association here yWhF9iKaEQE-00447-00103936-00104182 unknown and walk she apologized to yWhF9iKaEQE-00448-00104183-00104299 patients for the government's yWhF9iKaEQE-00449-00104300-00104506 mishandling and underfunding of general yWhF9iKaEQE-00450-00104507-00104815 practice camera secretary well as I say yWhF9iKaEQE-00451-00104816-00105009 to my original answer we will be yWhF9iKaEQE-00452-00105010-00105394 investing 250 million pounds in direct yWhF9iKaEQE-00453-00105395-00105595 support of general practice every year yWhF9iKaEQE-00454-00105596-00105781 by the end of this Parliament as part of yWhF9iKaEQE-00455-00105782-00106059 our wager 500 million pounds investment yWhF9iKaEQE-00456-00106060-00106258 and plainly Keira as an unprecedented yWhF9iKaEQE-00457-00106258-00106528 investment in plainly Care Services but yWhF9iKaEQE-00458-00106529-00106710 I do recognize that there are yWhF9iKaEQE-00459-00106711-00106878 recruitment and retention yWhF9iKaEQE-00460-00106879-00107076 issues in a number of GP practices in yWhF9iKaEQE-00461-00107077-00107250 the here-and-now which is why health yWhF9iKaEQE-00462-00107251-00107478 boards have been tasked to work with yWhF9iKaEQE-00463-00107479-00107643 those practices to help them overcome yWhF9iKaEQE-00464-00107644-00107853 some of those difficulties and they are yWhF9iKaEQE-00465-00107854-00108102 providing real and practical support to yWhF9iKaEQE-00466-00108103-00108359 GP practices but it is also important yWhF9iKaEQE-00467-00108360-00108591 that we meet general practice our more yWhF9iKaEQE-00468-00108592-00108945 rewarding career opportunity for young yWhF9iKaEQE-00469-00108946-00109143 doctors who are choosing their specialty yWhF9iKaEQE-00470-00109144-00109425 which is why we're also negotiating a yWhF9iKaEQE-00471-00109426-00109746 completely new GP contract that said we yWhF9iKaEQE-00472-00109747-00110049 are very confident we'll have that yWhF9iKaEQE-00473-00110050-00110232 result and we're working with the DME to yWhF9iKaEQE-00474-00110233-00110532 deliver that question number six money yWhF9iKaEQE-00475-00110533-00110754 goes on to ask the Scottish Government yWhF9iKaEQE-00476-00110755-00110940 what role the police and the Klaine yWhF9iKaEQE-00477-00110941-00111110 Office have in dealing with wildlife yWhF9iKaEQE-00478-00111111-00111297 trained cabinet secretaries an Okanagan yWhF9iKaEQE-00479-00111298-00111635 wildlife crime is crime and perpetrators yWhF9iKaEQE-00480-00111636-00111801 will be investigated and if there's yWhF9iKaEQE-00481-00111802-00112044 sufficient evidence prosecuted as with yWhF9iKaEQE-00482-00112045-00112257 any other crime however we are aware yWhF9iKaEQE-00483-00112258-00112443 there are characteristics of wildlife yWhF9iKaEQE-00484-00112444-00112656 crime that do require a specialized yWhF9iKaEQE-00485-00112657-00112883 approach for example often takes place yWhF9iKaEQE-00486-00112884-00113055 in remote areas where there are no yWhF9iKaEQE-00487-00113056-00113271 witnesses and of course that are usually yWhF9iKaEQE-00488-00113272-00113463 no victims able to report what has yWhF9iKaEQE-00489-00113464-00113646 happened to them for these reasons we yWhF9iKaEQE-00490-00113647-00113841 are working with police Scotland to yWhF9iKaEQE-00491-00113842-00114039 expand the resources available to them yWhF9iKaEQE-00492-00114040-00114267 to tackle wildlife crime with a pilot yWhF9iKaEQE-00493-00114268-00114480 project to provide additional special yWhF9iKaEQE-00494-00114481-00114659 constables in the Cairngorms National yWhF9iKaEQE-00495-00114660-00114908 Park and the crown office also has a yWhF9iKaEQE-00496-00114909-00115089 specialist wildlife and environmental yWhF9iKaEQE-00497-00115090-00115290 crime unit to tackle these types of yWhF9iKaEQE-00498-00115291-00115341 crime yWhF9iKaEQE-00499-00115342-00115656 Mary gue John the cabinet secretary will yWhF9iKaEQE-00500-00115657-00115830 be aware of the shooting of a hand yWhF9iKaEQE-00501-00115831-00116004 harder on the Carboniferous state yWhF9iKaEQE-00502-00116005-00116163 recently and another recent yWhF9iKaEQE-00503-00116164-00116397 disappearance of Kalina a satellite tag yWhF9iKaEQE-00504-00116398-00116622 Dane Hardy are nearby later and later yWhF9iKaEQE-00505-00116623-00116783 these incidents what action has been yWhF9iKaEQE-00506-00116784-00116982 taken by the Scottish Government to yWhF9iKaEQE-00507-00116983-00117153 implement the recommendations of the yWhF9iKaEQE-00508-00117154-00117426 satellite targeting review cameras I am yWhF9iKaEQE-00509-00117427-00117651 of course aware of these appalling yWhF9iKaEQE-00510-00117652-00117933 incidents in the light of the satellite yWhF9iKaEQE-00511-00117933-00118167 tagging review announced on 31st of May yWhF9iKaEQE-00512-00118168-00118503 that we would be bringing forward a yWhF9iKaEQE-00513-00118504-00118713 number of measures including setting up yWhF9iKaEQE-00514-00118714-00119064 an independently led group to look at yWhF9iKaEQE-00515-00119065-00119256 grouse new management practices and yWhF9iKaEQE-00516-00119257-00119469 increasing police Scotland resources as yWhF9iKaEQE-00517-00119470-00119703 I've already mentioned I am yWhF9iKaEQE-00518-00119704-00119913 in accordance with that there's also yWhF9iKaEQE-00519-00119914-00120240 been good progress being made on those yWhF9iKaEQE-00520-00120241-00120541 areas I will announce further details yWhF9iKaEQE-00521-00120542-00120669 shortly yWhF9iKaEQE-00522-00120670-00120951 in the meantime other worker is on with yWhF9iKaEQE-00523-00120952-00121154 police responding to and investigating yWhF9iKaEQE-00524-00121155-00121385 reports received and actions such as yWhF9iKaEQE-00525-00121386-00121578 further use of restrictions on general yWhF9iKaEQE-00526-00121579-00121863 licenses by SNH where it is suspected yWhF9iKaEQE-00527-00121864-00122058 that wildlife crime has taken place we yWhF9iKaEQE-00528-00122058-00122238 are determined to put an end to this yWhF9iKaEQE-00529-00122239-00122558 form of crime thank you that concludes yWhF9iKaEQE-00530-00122559-00122964 general questions which yarj7Qe5XpE-00000-00000054-00000276 this is a list of properties and yarj7Qe5XpE-00001-00000277-00000495 districts in Ohio that are listed on the yarj7Qe5XpE-00002-00000496-00000738 National Register of Historic Places yarj7Qe5XpE-00003-00000739-00001195 there are over 3,900 in total of these yarj7Qe5XpE-00004-00001196-00001557 73 and National Historic Landmarks there yarj7Qe5XpE-00005-00001558-00001782 are listings in each of Ohio's 88 yarj7Qe5XpE-00006-00001782-00002136 counties the locations of National yarj7Qe5XpE-00007-00002137-00002343 Register properties and districts at yarj7Qe5XpE-00008-00002344-00002538 least for all showing latitude and yarj7Qe5XpE-00009-00002539-00002790 longitude coordinates below may be seen yarj7Qe5XpE-00010-00002791-00003057 in an online map by clicking on map of yarj7Qe5XpE-00011-00003058-00003295 all coordinates yarj7Qe5XpE-00012-00003296-00003550 this National Park Service list is yarj7Qe5XpE-00013-00003551-00003786 complete through NPS recent listings yarj7Qe5XpE-00014-00003788-00004574 posted June 14 29 teen yarj7Qe5XpE-00015-00004575-00005221 topic current listings by county yarj7Qe5XpE-00016-00005222-00005458 the following are approximate tallies of yarj7Qe5XpE-00017-00005459-00005743 current listings by county these counts yarj7Qe5XpE-00018-00005744-00005920 are based on entries in the National yarj7Qe5XpE-00019-00005921-00006178 Register information databases of April yarj7Qe5XpE-00020-00006179-00006565 24 2008 and new weekly listings posted yarj7Qe5XpE-00021-00006566-00006748 since then on the National Register of yarj7Qe5XpE-00022-00006748-00007051 Historic Places website there are yarj7Qe5XpE-00023-00007052-00007240 frequent additions to the listings and yarj7Qe5XpE-00024-00007241-00007434 occasional de listings and the counts yarj7Qe5XpE-00025-00007436-00007650 here are approximate and not official yarj7Qe5XpE-00026-00007651-00007881 new entries are added to the official yarj7Qe5XpE-00027-00007883-00008269 register on a weekly basis also the yarj7Qe5XpE-00028-00008270-00008494 counts in this table exclude boundary yarj7Qe5XpE-00029-00008495-00008685 increase in decreased listings which yarj7Qe5XpE-00030-00008686-00008896 modify the area covered by an existing yarj7Qe5XpE-00031-00008897-00009127 property or district and which carry a yarj7Qe5XpE-00032-00009128-00009321 separate National Register reference yarj7Qe5XpE-00033-00009322-00009887 number yarj7Qe5XpE-00034-00009888-00010435 topic see also yarj7Qe5XpE-00035-00010436-00010696 list of national historic landmarks in yarj7Qe5XpE-00036-00010697-00011027 Ohio list of bridges on the National yarj7Qe5XpE-00037-00011028-00011450 Register of Historic Places in Ohio ycBn2yGoOO8-00000-00000336-00000503 thanks andrew commonwealth procurement ycBn2yGoOO8-00001-00000504-00000774 is a big red bus and i'm the fat ycBn2yGoOO8-00002-00000775-00000943 controller ycBn2yGoOO8-00003-00000944-00001183 one one of these is a picture of me ycBn2yGoOO8-00004-00001184-00001399 you'll have to work out which one ycBn2yGoOO8-00005-00001400-00001574 um they're qr codes if you didn't ycBn2yGoOO8-00006-00001575-00001782 understand that why is commonwealth ycBn2yGoOO8-00007-00001784-00002055 procurement a big red bus well first of ycBn2yGoOO8-00008-00002056-00002350 all it provides a vehicle for everybody ycBn2yGoOO8-00009-00002351-00002495 to use ycBn2yGoOO8-00010-00002496-00002726 and it's a relatively well understood ycBn2yGoOO8-00011-00002727-00002823 vehicle ycBn2yGoOO8-00012-00002824-00003007 it's relatively open you can look in the ycBn2yGoOO8-00013-00003008-00003247 windows and see what's going on inside ycBn2yGoOO8-00014-00003247-00003511 and no one tries to hide anything ycBn2yGoOO8-00015-00003511-00003847 it treats just about everybody the same ycBn2yGoOO8-00016-00003847-00004111 people come in sit in the bus take up ycBn2yGoOO8-00017-00004112-00004303 their seats and they get to where ycBn2yGoOO8-00018-00004304-00004519 they're going they know where the bus is ycBn2yGoOO8-00019-00004520-00004759 going because the route is published ycBn2yGoOO8-00020-00004760-00005095 well in advance it's very clear what the ycBn2yGoOO8-00021-00005096-00005254 route is and there's a lot of ycBn2yGoOO8-00022-00005255-00005495 documentation about it ycBn2yGoOO8-00023-00005496-00005831 but the bus stops at every stop along ycBn2yGoOO8-00024-00005832-00005967 the way ycBn2yGoOO8-00025-00005968-00006206 and what that means is the speed of the ycBn2yGoOO8-00026-00006207-00006583 bus isn't necessarily very fast you ycBn2yGoOO8-00027-00006584-00006903 don't often get an express ride ycBn2yGoOO8-00028-00006904-00007151 and even if you're in the normal ride of ycBn2yGoOO8-00029-00007152-00007246 the bus ycBn2yGoOO8-00030-00007247-00007487 there's a challenge if there's external ycBn2yGoOO8-00031-00007488-00007703 traffic that can slow it down ycBn2yGoOO8-00032-00007704-00007927 it doesn't necessarily run like a train ycBn2yGoOO8-00033-00007928-00008159 on its own rails and the ability to ycBn2yGoOO8-00034-00008159-00008423 clear everybody out in front it's held ycBn2yGoOO8-00035-00008424-00008710 up by the sorts of things that hold up ycBn2yGoOO8-00036-00008711-00008967 all other sorts of traffic ycBn2yGoOO8-00037-00008968-00009151 the way that you get on the bus is ycBn2yGoOO8-00038-00009152-00009287 relatively ycBn2yGoOO8-00039-00009288-00009383 clear ycBn2yGoOO8-00040-00009384-00009567 it's explained you know to go to the ycBn2yGoOO8-00041-00009568-00009878 stop put your hand out you need to pay ycBn2yGoOO8-00042-00009879-00010142 as you go in the fees are relatively ycBn2yGoOO8-00043-00010143-00010406 well set they vary according to the ycBn2yGoOO8-00044-00010407-00010710 length of the trip but not really ycBn2yGoOO8-00045-00010711-00011006 according to the comfort or the speed ycBn2yGoOO8-00046-00011007-00011214 and the challenge of that is that we've ycBn2yGoOO8-00047-00011215-00011487 developed a very good process ycBn2yGoOO8-00048-00011488-00011774 i think in commonwealth procurement for ycBn2yGoOO8-00049-00011775-00012127 doing relatively standard things ycBn2yGoOO8-00050-00012128-00012423 but try and get the bus driver to move ycBn2yGoOO8-00051-00012424-00012606 slightly off the roof ycBn2yGoOO8-00052-00012607-00012807 try and get him to drop you a bit closer ycBn2yGoOO8-00053-00012808-00013071 to home or to pick you up halfway ycBn2yGoOO8-00054-00013072-00013230 between stops ycBn2yGoOO8-00055-00013231-00013494 all of a sudden it's really difficult to ycBn2yGoOO8-00056-00013495-00013815 do because it requires change and the ycBn2yGoOO8-00057-00013816-00014079 sorts of change that it requires ycBn2yGoOO8-00058-00014080-00014286 actually have to be worked through with ycBn2yGoOO8-00059-00014287-00014535 a whole bunch of people because if the ycBn2yGoOO8-00060-00014536-00014886 bus diverts to pick you up at your house ycBn2yGoOO8-00061-00014887-00015038 what happens to the people who are ycBn2yGoOO8-00062-00015040-00015286 expecting the next stop when it doesn't ycBn2yGoOO8-00063-00015287-00015566 get there or if it's delayed or indeed ycBn2yGoOO8-00064-00015568-00015783 your house was on a shorter route and it ycBn2yGoOO8-00065-00015784-00016022 gets there too fast and it's not there ycBn2yGoOO8-00066-00016023-00016255 when people were expecting it ycBn2yGoOO8-00067-00016256-00016430 what about the people who looked up the ycBn2yGoOO8-00068-00016431-00016758 bus route four years ago wrote it down ycBn2yGoOO8-00069-00016759-00016950 and have and think it hasn't changed ycBn2yGoOO8-00070-00016951-00017191 since then how are they keeping up to ycBn2yGoOO8-00071-00017192-00017439 date with changes or do they just show ycBn2yGoOO8-00072-00017440-00017694 up and all of a sudden no one's there to ycBn2yGoOO8-00073-00017695-00017863 pick them up ycBn2yGoOO8-00074-00017864-00018230 the challenge of the bus analogy i think ycBn2yGoOO8-00075-00018231-00018535 is that what shows is we've got a system ycBn2yGoOO8-00076-00018536-00018958 that deals very well with the routine ycBn2yGoOO8-00077-00018959-00019167 and it delivers people it delivers the ycBn2yGoOO8-00078-00019168-00019463 passengers at the end and delivers all ycBn2yGoOO8-00079-00019464-00019671 the things that we need ycBn2yGoOO8-00080-00019672-00019903 and to get stuff procured in the ycBn2yGoOO8-00081-00019904-00020150 commonwealth the vast majority of ycBn2yGoOO8-00082-00020151-00020414 procurements go through reasonably ycBn2yGoOO8-00083-00020415-00020703 easily i think our current figures show ycBn2yGoOO8-00084-00020704-00020871 that 98 ycBn2yGoOO8-00085-00020872-00021111 in 11 12 98 ycBn2yGoOO8-00086-00021112-00021350 of the procurements of services we did ycBn2yGoOO8-00087-00021351-00021591 came from australian sources that'll ycBn2yGoOO8-00088-00021592-00021743 work pretty well ycBn2yGoOO8-00089-00021744-00021958 overall if you look at the cost of goods ycBn2yGoOO8-00090-00021959-00022286 and services procured 78 ycBn2yGoOO8-00091-00022287-00022535 came from australian sources why is the ycBn2yGoOO8-00092-00022536-00022694 difference well we don't build a lot of ycBn2yGoOO8-00093-00022695-00022855 aircraft carriers i think that's the ycBn2yGoOO8-00094-00022856-00023127 sort of real challenge there big ticket ycBn2yGoOO8-00095-00023128-00023303 items come from overseas and that ycBn2yGoOO8-00096-00023304-00023550 changes the goods balance to a certain ycBn2yGoOO8-00097-00023551-00023863 extent and what we see again to sort of ycBn2yGoOO8-00098-00023864-00024158 continue to torture the analogy is that ycBn2yGoOO8-00099-00024159-00024399 the analogy copes very well or the bus ycBn2yGoOO8-00100-00024400-00024727 cops very well with normal size of ycBn2yGoOO8-00101-00024728-00025007 procurements normal passengers but if ycBn2yGoOO8-00102-00025008-00025303 passengers have quite legitimate special ycBn2yGoOO8-00103-00025304-00025591 demands we start to have a bit of an ycBn2yGoOO8-00104-00025592-00025678 issue ycBn2yGoOO8-00105-00025679-00025974 we have to tack things onto the bus now ycBn2yGoOO8-00106-00025975-00026327 you all would have seen the um the buses ycBn2yGoOO8-00107-00026327-00026599 that get around canberra with those ycBn2yGoOO8-00108-00026600-00026718 he says ycBn2yGoOO8-00109-00026719-00026999 sort of riskily relatively empty bike ycBn2yGoOO8-00110-00027000-00027270 racks on the front of them a policy ycBn2yGoOO8-00111-00027272-00027535 tapped on to the bus to allow a few ycBn2yGoOO8-00112-00027536-00027814 people to do a particular thing it's a ycBn2yGoOO8-00113-00027816-00028007 good thing no don't deny it it's a ycBn2yGoOO8-00114-00028008-00028214 useful thing to be doing but it's an ycBn2yGoOO8-00115-00028216-00028487 example of a bus connected policy or a ycBn2yGoOO8-00116-00028488-00028735 procurement connected policy that sort ycBn2yGoOO8-00117-00028736-00029014 of that tends to add things on to the ycBn2yGoOO8-00118-00029016-00029255 service we're providing in a way that ycBn2yGoOO8-00119-00029256-00029551 starts to affect everybody whether or ycBn2yGoOO8-00120-00029552-00029862 not it was meant to affect everybody ycBn2yGoOO8-00121-00029863-00030087 some of those policies and there are 22 ycBn2yGoOO8-00122-00030088-00030270 connected procure procurement connected ycBn2yGoOO8-00123-00030272-00030479 policies some of those procurement ycBn2yGoOO8-00124-00030480-00030758 connected policies complicate ycBn2yGoOO8-00125-00030760-00030895 although they're all put in there for ycBn2yGoOO8-00126-00030895-00031062 very good reasons and departments have ycBn2yGoOO8-00127-00031063-00031246 good reasons for wanting them they're ycBn2yGoOO8-00128-00031247-00031502 put in there and they can make it very ycBn2yGoOO8-00129-00031503-00031758 complicated to do things ycBn2yGoOO8-00130-00031760-00031967 and as a consequence ycBn2yGoOO8-00131-00031968-00032287 of this complication we then have to do ycBn2yGoOO8-00132-00032288-00032431 something about it ycBn2yGoOO8-00133-00032432-00032607 so what we've started what we've been ycBn2yGoOO8-00134-00032608-00032862 doing over a considerable period of time ycBn2yGoOO8-00135-00032863-00033062 is we've been starting to get external ycBn2yGoOO8-00136-00033063-00033383 advice to make sure that we're compliant ycBn2yGoOO8-00137-00033384-00033583 with everything that we do in ycBn2yGoOO8-00138-00033584-00033759 procurement policy ycBn2yGoOO8-00139-00033760-00034023 and this isn't a bad thing it's okay to ycBn2yGoOO8-00140-00034024-00034343 get advice about specialist things ycBn2yGoOO8-00141-00034344-00034607 particularly in the legal sense legal ycBn2yGoOO8-00142-00034608-00034807 advice it's a good idea to get legal ycBn2yGoOO8-00143-00034808-00035118 advice for specialist legal things ycBn2yGoOO8-00144-00035119-00035311 but we have to make sure ycBn2yGoOO8-00145-00035312-00035599 because because of the way lawyers work ycBn2yGoOO8-00146-00035600-00035799 all quite reasonable we have to make ycBn2yGoOO8-00147-00035800-00035951 sure that we ask them the right ycBn2yGoOO8-00148-00035952-00036062 questions ycBn2yGoOO8-00149-00036063-00036295 if we ask them what are all the reasons ycBn2yGoOO8-00150-00036296-00036551 i can't do this they'll give us a very ycBn2yGoOO8-00151-00036552-00036823 long list of reasons why we can't do ycBn2yGoOO8-00152-00036824-00037174 something because that's their job ycBn2yGoOO8-00153-00037175-00037502 or alternatively if we ask them how can ycBn2yGoOO8-00154-00037503-00037727 we make this work legally they'll give ycBn2yGoOO8-00155-00037728-00037974 us an equally long list of exactly what ycBn2yGoOO8-00156-00037975-00038255 to do to make something work ycBn2yGoOO8-00157-00038256-00038535 and it's the art of asking lawyers the ycBn2yGoOO8-00158-00038536-00038815 right questions that differentiates i ycBn2yGoOO8-00159-00038816-00039079 think between the useful use ycBn2yGoOO8-00160-00039080-00039255 of legal advice ycBn2yGoOO8-00161-00039256-00039495 and the not so useful use ycBn2yGoOO8-00162-00039496-00039687 of legal advice ycBn2yGoOO8-00163-00039688-00039943 now i'm sure none of you are doing this ycBn2yGoOO8-00164-00039944-00040207 but one of the things i see um greg i ycBn2yGoOO8-00165-00040208-00040374 have seen regularly in the time i've ycBn2yGoOO8-00166-00040375-00040574 been doing procurement which is sort of ycBn2yGoOO8-00167-00040575-00040823 getting along a bit i've been on that ycBn2yGoOO8-00168-00040824-00041055 bus for some time i often wonder whether ycBn2yGoOO8-00169-00041056-00041311 it'll actually get to the station um ycBn2yGoOO8-00170-00041312-00041623 the the challenge for us is to say ycBn2yGoOO8-00171-00041624-00041990 are we asking the lawyers for advice ycBn2yGoOO8-00172-00041991-00042374 are we asking the specialists for advice ycBn2yGoOO8-00173-00042375-00042607 or are we actually trying to outsource ycBn2yGoOO8-00174-00042608-00042846 the decision process ycBn2yGoOO8-00175-00042847-00043087 what do we do in procurement to make ycBn2yGoOO8-00176-00043088-00043335 sure that the people who are ycBn2yGoOO8-00177-00043336-00043558 allocated the responsibility for making ycBn2yGoOO8-00178-00043559-00043711 decisions ycBn2yGoOO8-00179-00043712-00043911 who have the accountability for making ycBn2yGoOO8-00180-00043912-00044143 decisions who have the appropriate ycBn2yGoOO8-00181-00044144-00044462 delegation how do we make sure that they ycBn2yGoOO8-00182-00044463-00044695 that they can be trusted to make the ycBn2yGoOO8-00183-00044696-00044911 right decisions that so how do we ycBn2yGoOO8-00184-00044912-00045127 demonstrate that we trust them to make ycBn2yGoOO8-00185-00045128-00045351 the right decisions and that they don't ycBn2yGoOO8-00186-00045352-00045646 have to try and outsource the decision ycBn2yGoOO8-00187-00045647-00045902 to a lawyer ycBn2yGoOO8-00188-00045903-00046102 now i think there's some work to do ycBn2yGoOO8-00189-00046103-00046302 around that you know when you get on the ycBn2yGoOO8-00190-00046303-00046511 bus and there are all those signs that ycBn2yGoOO8-00191-00046512-00046718 say these seats are reserved for this ycBn2yGoOO8-00192-00046719-00046967 people these people don't put your feet ycBn2yGoOO8-00193-00046968-00047262 on the seats don't eat in the bus don't ycBn2yGoOO8-00194-00047263-00047543 drink in the bus don't play your music ycBn2yGoOO8-00195-00047544-00047839 loud in a bus all those things are ycBn2yGoOO8-00196-00047840-00047999 reasonable ycBn2yGoOO8-00197-00048000-00048295 in themselves but what they do is they ycBn2yGoOO8-00198-00048296-00048495 tend to remove first of all the ycBn2yGoOO8-00199-00048496-00048774 flexibility of bus users and that's you ycBn2yGoOO8-00200-00048775-00048958 know that's a bit of a problem depending ycBn2yGoOO8-00201-00048959-00049083 what it ycBn2yGoOO8-00202-00049084-00049399 is but secondly they start to impose ycBn2yGoOO8-00203-00049400-00049662 conditions that allow the people to ycBn2yGoOO8-00204-00049663-00049735 think ycBn2yGoOO8-00205-00049736-00050030 if i just obey all the rules ycBn2yGoOO8-00206-00050031-00050262 i'll be all right and on the bus you ycBn2yGoOO8-00207-00050263-00050479 will you'll get to the destination if ycBn2yGoOO8-00208-00050480-00050702 you obey all the rules and do those ycBn2yGoOO8-00209-00050703-00050807 things ycBn2yGoOO8-00210-00050808-00051023 but it's the question of how fast you'll ycBn2yGoOO8-00211-00051024-00051270 get to the destination how effectively ycBn2yGoOO8-00212-00051271-00051470 you'll get to the destination and ycBn2yGoOO8-00213-00051471-00051766 whether or not there was a better way ycBn2yGoOO8-00214-00051767-00051975 i often see or i have often seen in the ycBn2yGoOO8-00215-00051976-00052207 last couple of years the growth of the ycBn2yGoOO8-00216-00052208-00052463 use of probity advices ycBn2yGoOO8-00217-00052464-00052671 now in itself you couldn't you know i'm ycBn2yGoOO8-00218-00052672-00052871 not going to stand here please don't go ycBn2yGoOO8-00219-00052872-00053015 back and report that john sheridan ycBn2yGoOO8-00220-00053016-00053230 thinks probably advice isn't a good idea ycBn2yGoOO8-00221-00053232-00053438 because that's not the case but it's a ycBn2yGoOO8-00222-00053439-00053630 really good idea to get probably advice ycBn2yGoOO8-00223-00053632-00053871 about probity matters it's not a good ycBn2yGoOO8-00224-00053872-00054079 idea to get property advice that ycBn2yGoOO8-00225-00054079-00054311 essentially just provides a second set ycBn2yGoOO8-00226-00054312-00054487 of legal advice ycBn2yGoOO8-00227-00054488-00054711 right we don't need a second legal ycBn2yGoOO8-00228-00054712-00055007 opinion in order to do our work we need ycBn2yGoOO8-00229-00055008-00055271 some specific advice about property ycBn2yGoOO8-00230-00055272-00055599 matters and probity matters alone ycBn2yGoOO8-00231-00055600-00055766 and when we structure what we do in ycBn2yGoOO8-00232-00055767-00056094 procurement i think it's useful to ask ycBn2yGoOO8-00233-00056095-00056311 ourselves some pretty ycBn2yGoOO8-00234-00056312-00056575 important questions about what it is ycBn2yGoOO8-00235-00056576-00056815 we're trying to do and what it is we're ycBn2yGoOO8-00236-00056816-00057071 trying to achieve and to make sure when ycBn2yGoOO8-00237-00057072-00057366 we seek special advice specialist advice ycBn2yGoOO8-00238-00057367-00057575 we get it from the right people and we ycBn2yGoOO8-00239-00057576-00057838 get it to the right extent and that can ycBn2yGoOO8-00240-00057839-00058087 be i think something of a challenge that ycBn2yGoOO8-00241-00058088-00058407 we need to look at carefully ycBn2yGoOO8-00242-00058408-00058687 now that obviously begs the question as ycBn2yGoOO8-00243-00058688-00058982 to what do i think the perfect bus will ycBn2yGoOO8-00244-00058983-00059159 look like ycBn2yGoOO8-00245-00059160-00059382 so first of all do i think there's a ycBn2yGoOO8-00246-00059383-00059638 role for the big red bus ycBn2yGoOO8-00247-00059639-00059854 obviously there is ycBn2yGoOO8-00248-00059855-00060087 and we need to deliver standard ycBn2yGoOO8-00249-00060088-00060215 procurement ycBn2yGoOO8-00250-00060216-00060487 in a way that makes it easy for people ycBn2yGoOO8-00251-00060488-00060799 who unlike you are not necessarily ycBn2yGoOO8-00252-00060800-00061030 procurement specialists ycBn2yGoOO8-00253-00061032-00061279 if we've done our work properly in ycBn2yGoOO8-00254-00061279-00061519 setting up the procurement rules and ycBn2yGoOO8-00255-00061520-00061719 setting up the conditions wrapped around ycBn2yGoOO8-00256-00061720-00061950 them and setting up the whole bus ycBn2yGoOO8-00257-00061951-00062135 network ycBn2yGoOO8-00258-00062136-00062391 then people can come and get on the bus ycBn2yGoOO8-00259-00062391-00062535 do their little little bit of ycBn2yGoOO8-00260-00062536-00062815 procurement and get off at the next stop ycBn2yGoOO8-00261-00062816-00063030 and they'll be properly looked after and ycBn2yGoOO8-00262-00063032-00063342 delivered safely to their destination ycBn2yGoOO8-00263-00063344-00063623 but we also have to look at what we can ycBn2yGoOO8-00264-00063624-00063871 do to make sure that people who don't ycBn2yGoOO8-00265-00063872-00064271 have that relatively stock standard ride ycBn2yGoOO8-00266-00064272-00064542 that we can do things to help them ycBn2yGoOO8-00267-00064544-00064694 now i think we've done some of that ycBn2yGoOO8-00268-00064695-00064911 stuff effectively already ycBn2yGoOO8-00269-00064912-00065150 the standard contract suite below eighty ycBn2yGoOO8-00270-00065151-00065391 thousand dollars i think consider ycBn2yGoOO8-00271-00065391-00065759 considerably improves the way that we do ycBn2yGoOO8-00272-00065760-00065855 um ycBn2yGoOO8-00273-00065856-00066175 those um procurements i think some of ycBn2yGoOO8-00274-00066176-00066382 you will have heard me speak before ycBn2yGoOO8-00275-00066383-00066599 about the things we've put in place in ycBn2yGoOO8-00276-00066600-00066815 for example the data center as a service ycBn2yGoOO8-00277-00066816-00067055 multi-users where we've added things ycBn2yGoOO8-00278-00067056-00067303 like compulsory arbitration ycBn2yGoOO8-00279-00067304-00067567 we've put in risk mitigation measures to ycBn2yGoOO8-00280-00067568-00067887 make those sorts of simple procurements ycBn2yGoOO8-00281-00067888-00068159 simpler if you like and we need to do ycBn2yGoOO8-00282-00068160-00068311 those things ycBn2yGoOO8-00283-00068312-00068582 we need to look at a way of addressing ycBn2yGoOO8-00284-00068583-00068759 how we get to the if we've only got to ycBn2yGoOO8-00285-00068760-00069015 go one stop on this ycBn2yGoOO8-00286-00069016-00069247 journey and we need to go there very ycBn2yGoOO8-00287-00069248-00069343 quickly ycBn2yGoOO8-00288-00069344-00069550 what do we do in order to support the ycBn2yGoOO8-00289-00069551-00069711 people who can do ycBn2yGoOO8-00290-00069712-00069863 those things ycBn2yGoOO8-00291-00069864-00070038 now sometimes that's through a panel ycBn2yGoOO8-00292-00070039-00070319 approach with piggybacking so a lot of ycBn2yGoOO8-00293-00070320-00070559 the work is taken out ycBn2yGoOO8-00294-00070560-00070663 for them ycBn2yGoOO8-00295-00070664-00070950 and they can just use something else ycBn2yGoOO8-00296-00070951-00071143 now there is a lot of piggybacking going ycBn2yGoOO8-00297-00071144-00071431 on across the commonwealth in both ict ycBn2yGoOO8-00298-00071432-00071775 and non-ict panel arrangements and i ycBn2yGoOO8-00299-00071776-00071991 very strongly support that and i think ycBn2yGoOO8-00300-00071992-00072143 we need to ycBn2yGoOO8-00301-00072144-00072271 encourage it ycBn2yGoOO8-00302-00072272-00072471 but how do we fix the situation in ycBn2yGoOO8-00303-00072472-00072591 accordance with the commonwealth ycBn2yGoOO8-00304-00072592-00072855 procurement rules that says an agency ycBn2yGoOO8-00305-00072856-00073038 decides that they haven't um brought ycBn2yGoOO8-00306-00073039-00073231 bought something before today i need to ycBn2yGoOO8-00307-00073232-00073479 buy um you know wider seats on the bus ycBn2yGoOO8-00308-00073480-00073679 i've never bought those before but this ycBn2yGoOO8-00309-00073680-00073919 other department buys them all the time ycBn2yGoOO8-00310-00073920-00074135 but because i didn't foresee the need to ycBn2yGoOO8-00311-00074136-00074382 do that at the outset when they were ycBn2yGoOO8-00312-00074383-00074567 setting up their seat buying panel a ycBn2yGoOO8-00313-00074568-00074782 long time ago ycBn2yGoOO8-00314-00074783-00075023 i wasn't included and now it's too late ycBn2yGoOO8-00315-00075024-00075167 to be included ycBn2yGoOO8-00316-00075168-00075438 how do we fix that what is it that we do ycBn2yGoOO8-00317-00075439-00075682 that could make to create some ycBn2yGoOO8-00318-00075683-00075975 all-inclusive claws without creating you ycBn2yGoOO8-00319-00075976-00076150 know mandatory arrangements or huge ycBn2yGoOO8-00320-00076151-00076367 collaborations or something what simple ycBn2yGoOO8-00321-00076368-00076582 thing could we do to mean that we could ycBn2yGoOO8-00322-00076583-00076894 buy from those standard offerings those ycBn2yGoOO8-00323-00076895-00077111 those panel arrangements without having ycBn2yGoOO8-00324-00077112-00077287 to have thought that we might need to do ycBn2yGoOO8-00325-00077288-00077415 so ycBn2yGoOO8-00326-00077416-00077582 two years earlier ycBn2yGoOO8-00327-00077583-00077791 what can we do to fix that to make it ycBn2yGoOO8-00328-00077792-00077911 better ycBn2yGoOO8-00329-00077912-00078126 there are other interesting questions i ycBn2yGoOO8-00330-00078127-00078415 think as well about what we do when the ycBn2yGoOO8-00331-00078416-00078775 journey is somewhat more complicated ycBn2yGoOO8-00332-00078776-00079038 to what extent can we outsource the bus ycBn2yGoOO8-00333-00079039-00079279 driving if you like is there an ycBn2yGoOO8-00334-00079280-00079526 arrangement that we could have in place ycBn2yGoOO8-00335-00079527-00079791 that says we could procure this through ycBn2yGoOO8-00336-00079792-00080094 some other way or use something to do a ycBn2yGoOO8-00337-00080095-00080255 better job we've got an interesting ycBn2yGoOO8-00338-00080256-00080438 challenge i think at the moment because ycBn2yGoOO8-00339-00080439-00080582 we've been concentrating a lot on the ycBn2yGoOO8-00340-00080583-00080759 commonwealth procurement rules we ycBn2yGoOO8-00341-00080760-00080975 haven't necessarily ycBn2yGoOO8-00342-00080976-00081150 caught up with some of the other changes ycBn2yGoOO8-00343-00081151-00081287 that we could do ycBn2yGoOO8-00344-00081288-00081543 this isn't a criticism it's a question ycBn2yGoOO8-00345-00081544-00081750 of the road being blocked not through ycBn2yGoOO8-00346-00081751-00081919 the fault of the bus driver but through ycBn2yGoOO8-00347-00081920-00082126 the fault of all the other people on the ycBn2yGoOO8-00348-00082127-00082223 road ycBn2yGoOO8-00349-00082224-00082438 what is it that we could do for example ycBn2yGoOO8-00350-00082439-00082735 to ease the burden of disposals ycBn2yGoOO8-00351-00082736-00082982 could we use ebay to do that ycBn2yGoOO8-00352-00082983-00083191 if we're getting rid of things that ycBn2yGoOO8-00353-00083192-00083487 don't have any particular value ycBn2yGoOO8-00354-00083488-00083775 is there a means of of getting rid of ycBn2yGoOO8-00355-00083776-00084079 them somehow through ebay taking the ycBn2yGoOO8-00356-00084080-00084247 notion that if you come and pick those ycBn2yGoOO8-00357-00084248-00084423 up they're not very valuable they won't ycBn2yGoOO8-00358-00084424-00084638 be interesting to ycBn2yGoOO8-00359-00084639-00084847 auction houses because auction houses ycBn2yGoOO8-00360-00084848-00085071 won't get much much margin as a ycBn2yGoOO8-00361-00085072-00085343 consequence of using them is there a ycBn2yGoOO8-00362-00085344-00085567 simple way of doing that ycBn2yGoOO8-00363-00085568-00085799 could we set up a foxtel reality show ycBn2yGoOO8-00364-00085800-00086006 and have sort of people buying ycBn2yGoOO8-00365-00086007-00086271 garages full of unknown x commonwealth ycBn2yGoOO8-00366-00086272-00086503 goods i think that might be going just a ycBn2yGoOO8-00367-00086504-00086671 bit too far although it might make for ycBn2yGoOO8-00368-00086672-00086831 good television ycBn2yGoOO8-00369-00086832-00086967 i just get worried what you might ycBn2yGoOO8-00370-00086968-00087238 discover in some of those sheds um but ycBn2yGoOO8-00371-00087239-00087438 but is there something that we could do ycBn2yGoOO8-00372-00087439-00087655 that would make that bit of procurement ycBn2yGoOO8-00373-00087656-00087831 easier for people ycBn2yGoOO8-00374-00087832-00088047 what is it that we can do i think or ycBn2yGoOO8-00375-00088048-00088294 what do we need to do in order to make ycBn2yGoOO8-00376-00088295-00088543 procurement not simply in the sense that ycBn2yGoOO8-00377-00088544-00088718 we treat everything as if it was not ycBn2yGoOO8-00378-00088719-00088991 important but rather that we tailor what ycBn2yGoOO8-00379-00088992-00089159 it is that we're doing ycBn2yGoOO8-00380-00089160-00089535 do we in fact need what i see as a fleet ycBn2yGoOO8-00381-00089536-00089767 of transport vehicles ycBn2yGoOO8-00382-00089768-00090031 we still need the big red bus to get the ycBn2yGoOO8-00383-00090032-00090382 bulk of people between places ycBn2yGoOO8-00384-00090383-00090599 but we need some smart cars and we need ycBn2yGoOO8-00385-00090600-00090799 some semi-trailers we need some ycBn2yGoOO8-00386-00090800-00091015 alternative means of fueling things ycBn2yGoOO8-00387-00091016-00091335 maybe we need to let some people walk ycBn2yGoOO8-00388-00091336-00091511 maybe we need to move some people ycBn2yGoOO8-00389-00091512-00091767 compulsory in different ways what is it ycBn2yGoOO8-00390-00091768-00091991 that we can do to make sure that we get ycBn2yGoOO8-00391-00091992-00092287 this mix of procurement arrangements in ycBn2yGoOO8-00392-00092288-00092647 place so that we can help people now i ycBn2yGoOO8-00393-00092648-00092815 don't necessarily have all the answers ycBn2yGoOO8-00394-00092816-00092950 to these things that probably doesn't ycBn2yGoOO8-00395-00092951-00093150 come as any surprise to you ycBn2yGoOO8-00396-00093151-00093343 i don't have the answers to all of these ycBn2yGoOO8-00397-00093344-00093535 things but i think we have to look at ycBn2yGoOO8-00398-00093536-00093823 the way that we consult in order to get ycBn2yGoOO8-00399-00093824-00094126 more answers and more consideration of ycBn2yGoOO8-00400-00094127-00094271 these things ycBn2yGoOO8-00401-00094272-00094518 one of the things that i intend to do is ycBn2yGoOO8-00402-00094519-00094743 to bring some of the consultation ycBn2yGoOO8-00403-00094744-00094991 methodologies that we've used in ict ycBn2yGoOO8-00404-00094992-00095294 procurement to the broader procurement ycBn2yGoOO8-00405-00095295-00095543 arena i think there's some value in ycBn2yGoOO8-00406-00095544-00095831 having a procurement blog on which we ycBn2yGoOO8-00407-00095832-00096071 post or indeed some of you might post ycBn2yGoOO8-00408-00096072-00096343 various ideas or news things and on ycBn2yGoOO8-00409-00096344-00096631 which people not just public servants ycBn2yGoOO8-00410-00096632-00096926 can comment but suppliers complain ycBn2yGoOO8-00411-00096927-00097199 because we've focused i think so much on ycBn2yGoOO8-00412-00097200-00097447 the people in the bus and so much on the ycBn2yGoOO8-00413-00097448-00097606 drivers in the bus ycBn2yGoOO8-00414-00097607-00097815 we haven't thought about the other ycBn2yGoOO8-00415-00097816-00098087 things that are going around outside us ycBn2yGoOO8-00416-00098088-00098247 quite as well ycBn2yGoOO8-00417-00098248-00098471 what could we do to make australian ycBn2yGoOO8-00418-00098472-00098647 government procurement ycBn2yGoOO8-00419-00098648-00098935 more enhanced than it is already for the ycBn2yGoOO8-00420-00098936-00099287 people who are selling things to us ycBn2yGoOO8-00421-00099288-00099438 we could ask them ycBn2yGoOO8-00422-00099439-00099615 what they thought and i think that would ycBn2yGoOO8-00423-00099616-00099903 be a useful and useful way of doing that ycBn2yGoOO8-00424-00099904-00100118 now you will have seen depending what ycBn2yGoOO8-00425-00100119-00100318 you know social media websites you look ycBn2yGoOO8-00426-00100319-00100550 at things like that you will have seen ycBn2yGoOO8-00427-00100551-00100759 that occasionally on those sites you get ycBn2yGoOO8-00428-00100760-00101038 comments that aren't very helpful um ycBn2yGoOO8-00429-00101039-00101199 indeed sometimes you get comments that ycBn2yGoOO8-00430-00101200-00101447 aren't actually very printable and and ycBn2yGoOO8-00431-00101448-00101687 clearly we need to do something to make ycBn2yGoOO8-00432-00101688-00101974 sure that we don't end up hosting a ycBn2yGoOO8-00433-00101975-00102247 procurement hate fest ycBn2yGoOO8-00434-00102248-00102518 or something like that but i do think we ycBn2yGoOO8-00435-00102519-00102775 can get some consultation going with ycBn2yGoOO8-00436-00102776-00103039 industry um and not just the big end of ycBn2yGoOO8-00437-00103040-00103286 town but the other suppliers that we buy ycBn2yGoOO8-00438-00103288-00103423 things from ycBn2yGoOO8-00439-00103424-00103751 now we'll test my memory of contracts ycBn2yGoOO8-00440-00103752-00103894 57 ycBn2yGoOO8-00441-00103895-00104127 of the contracts by number that we ycBn2yGoOO8-00442-00104128-00104358 signed in 1112 were small to medium ycBn2yGoOO8-00443-00104359-00104478 enterprises ycBn2yGoOO8-00444-00104479-00104806 and 39 of the contracts by valuable with ycBn2yGoOO8-00445-00104807-00105039 small to median enterprises ycBn2yGoOO8-00446-00105040-00105302 all those guys and girls have a lot of ycBn2yGoOO8-00447-00105303-00105558 interesting things to say about how we ycBn2yGoOO8-00448-00105559-00105775 buy things from government and i think ycBn2yGoOO8-00449-00105776-00106007 we need to give them a voice a voice ycBn2yGoOO8-00450-00106008-00106247 that often isn't picked up in their ycBn2yGoOO8-00451-00106248-00106551 industry associations or the way that ycBn2yGoOO8-00452-00106552-00106815 they normally go around talking to us ycBn2yGoOO8-00453-00106816-00106999 now that means i think that as a group ycBn2yGoOO8-00454-00107000-00107302 we need to be out there more consulted ycBn2yGoOO8-00455-00107303-00107575 do more consultation and provide them ycBn2yGoOO8-00456-00107576-00107815 with more feedback about what it is that ycBn2yGoOO8-00457-00107816-00107934 we do ycBn2yGoOO8-00458-00107935-00108119 not in any sort and i don't want to ycBn2yGoOO8-00459-00108120-00108302 think that this is sort of some ycBn2yGoOO8-00460-00108303-00108510 revolution or anything else like that or ycBn2yGoOO8-00461-00108511-00108758 i have arrived as the uh you know with a ycBn2yGoOO8-00462-00108759-00108983 new broom but intend to sweep um all ycBn2yGoOO8-00463-00108983-00109190 before me for the start i don't like ycBn2yGoOO8-00464-00109191-00109399 gasoline very much ycBn2yGoOO8-00465-00109400-00109575 but realistically ycBn2yGoOO8-00466-00109576-00109823 we're doing some stuff really well that ycBn2yGoOO8-00467-00109824-00110151 bus keeps delivering day after day after ycBn2yGoOO8-00468-00110152-00110358 day providing the things that the ycBn2yGoOO8-00469-00110359-00110607 commonwealth needs to run ycBn2yGoOO8-00470-00110608-00110790 what i'm interested in doing and with ycBn2yGoOO8-00471-00110791-00110983 your help what i hope we'll be able to ycBn2yGoOO8-00472-00110983-00111231 do is just look at how we can make it ycBn2yGoOO8-00473-00111232-00111471 run a bit faster run a bit more to ycBn2yGoOO8-00474-00111472-00111671 schedule and when someone doesn't have ycBn2yGoOO8-00475-00111672-00111910 to get in the bus see if we can provide ycBn2yGoOO8-00476-00111911-00112199 a way of getting them what they need in ycBn2yGoOO8-00477-00112200-00112375 a way that suits their particular ycBn2yGoOO8-00478-00112376-00112623 circumstances without letting a thousand ycBn2yGoOO8-00479-00112624-00112878 procurement flowers bloom necessarily ycBn2yGoOO8-00480-00112879-00113215 but keeping the garden relatively tidy ycBn2yGoOO8-00481-00113216-00113463 keeping the buses running on time but ycBn2yGoOO8-00482-00113464-00113702 providing a better option for people who ycBn2yGoOO8-00483-00113703-00113807 need to ycBn2yGoOO8-00484-00113808-00113958 travel ycBn2yGoOO8-00485-00113959-00114190 that's enough um sort of metaphor ycBn2yGoOO8-00486-00114191-00114358 torturing for now ycBn2yGoOO8-00487-00114359-00114551 thank you all for paying attention i ycBn2yGoOO8-00488-00114552-00114758 look forward to interacting with you ycBn2yGoOO8-00489-00114759-00114863 more ycBn2yGoOO8-00490-00114864-00115143 over my time as the fat controller ycBn2yGoOO8-00491-00115144-00115358 i haven't outsourced the top hat yet but ycBn2yGoOO8-00492-00115359-00115558 perhaps as a panel for that thanks very ycBn2yGoOO8-00493-00115559-00115859 much yeslEuNM9M0-00000-00000293-00001091 [Music] yeslEuNM9M0-00001-00001092-00001392 foreign yg8XK8xg3QA-00000-00000000-00000185 that you see it so yg8XK8xg3QA-00001-00000186-00000413 as we breaking it down pieces here so yg8XK8xg3QA-00002-00000413-00000599 you know here's if you look at this your yg8XK8xg3QA-00003-00000600-00000797 your pelvis way is fine that's good yg8XK8xg3QA-00004-00000798-00001145 chest is good yg8XK8xg3QA-00005-00001146-00001354 you get to the top of your Sway and yg8XK8xg3QA-00006-00001355-00001589 chest are fine okay yg8XK8xg3QA-00007-00001590-00001805 um yg8XK8xg3QA-00008-00001805-00002189 turns 92 so negative five degree Bend yg8XK8xg3QA-00009-00002190-00002705 okay and then 37 pelvis turn Okay so yg8XK8xg3QA-00010-00002706-00002879 pretty good there yg8XK8xg3QA-00011-00002880-00002963 um yg8XK8xg3QA-00012-00002964-00003203 if we go down here now let's first move yg8XK8xg3QA-00013-00003204-00003515 so here already yg8XK8xg3QA-00014-00003515-00003761 let's see where it goes how far it goes yg8XK8xg3QA-00015-00003761-00003911 forward and we'll just use kind of the yg8XK8xg3QA-00016-00003911-00004181 chest for the yg8XK8xg3QA-00017-00004182-00004595 three inches this huge yg8XK8xg3QA-00018-00004596-00005045 very huge so we want this chest back so yg8XK8xg3QA-00019-00005046-00005249 we can come go up yg8XK8xg3QA-00020-00005250-00005518 right yg8XK8xg3QA-00021-00005519-00005891 so you know like you everybody does what yg8XK8xg3QA-00022-00005892-00006106 you just did how you fell back a little yg8XK8xg3QA-00023-00006107-00006377 bit there now and now it's only 2.1 yg8XK8xg3QA-00024-00006378-00006659 like we intuitively fall back like that yg8XK8xg3QA-00025-00006659-00006898 which is really cool that we do that now yg8XK8xg3QA-00026-00006900-00007306 your pelvis way is perfect okay yg8XK8xg3QA-00027-00007308-00007613 um so your chest is being ahead we nip yg8XK8xg3QA-00028-00007614-00007889 further behind so you can get up yg8XK8xg3QA-00029-00007890-00008063 um yg8XK8xg3QA-00030-00008064-00008273 yeah I think a great drill to try to yg8XK8xg3QA-00031-00008274-00008539 feel this is and I think we did this and yg8XK8xg3QA-00032-00008540-00008824 very you probably remember because they yg8XK8xg3QA-00033-00008825-00008999 did a long time ago yg8XK8xg3QA-00034-00009000-00009142 I know you've seen a whole bunch of yg8XK8xg3QA-00035-00009143-00009341 something but um it's just where you yg8XK8xg3QA-00036-00009342-00009539 take your driver yg8XK8xg3QA-00037-00009540-00009713 you kind of get so good in the posture yg8XK8xg3QA-00038-00009714-00009839 when you put it right in front of you yg8XK8xg3QA-00039-00009840-00010049 with your left hand on top of it you yg8XK8xg3QA-00040-00010050-00010210 bring your right hand and put it like on yg8XK8xg3QA-00041-00010211-00010355 the side of the shaft yg8XK8xg3QA-00042-00010356-00010564 and swing up normally with just your yg8XK8xg3QA-00043-00010565-00010727 right hand to the top and feel like yg8XK8xg3QA-00044-00010728-00010871 you're in a good position up there with yg8XK8xg3QA-00045-00010872-00011038 your hand kind of pointed up to the sky yg8XK8xg3QA-00046-00011039-00011249 like your waiter and then you're gonna yg8XK8xg3QA-00047-00011250-00011399 come down yg8XK8xg3QA-00048-00011400-00011699 back to your or your hand is on the yg8XK8xg3QA-00049-00011700-00011981 shaft really slow yg8XK8xg3QA-00050-00011982-00012131 and when you're doing that you're gonna yg8XK8xg3QA-00051-00012132-00012406 let your hips get ahead but you're gonna yg8XK8xg3QA-00052-00012407-00012563 make sure your head is staying back yg8XK8xg3QA-00053-00012564-00012773 that's going to help you feel it while yg8XK8xg3QA-00054-00012774-00013024 you're doing there in transition okay yg8XK8xg3QA-00055-00013025-00013229 so it's really just cleaning up cleaning yg8XK8xg3QA-00056-00013230-00013553 up letting that head go forward and the yg8XK8xg3QA-00057-00013554-00013961 troll is is that it is causing you okay yg8XK8xg3QA-00058-00013962-00014183 I thought helping just seeing numbers yg8XK8xg3QA-00059-00014184-00014393 would help you yg8XK8xg3QA-00060-00014394-00014585 and I mean a lot of these are really yg8XK8xg3QA-00061-00014586-00014843 good I mean a big big Improvement I mean yg8XK8xg3QA-00062-00014844-00015094 just look at look at the impact how yg8XK8xg3QA-00063-00015095-00015221 you're at least getting your hands up yg8XK8xg3QA-00064-00015222-00015472 here now I mean it's just yg8XK8xg3QA-00065-00015473-00015688 a lot of things are just way different yg8XK8xg3QA-00066-00015690-00015965 and just so much better so it's you've yg8XK8xg3QA-00067-00015966-00016184 come ykU3TbX6Mv0-00000-00000036-00000574 [Music] ykU3TbX6Mv0-00001-00000575-00000671 in this video ykU3TbX6Mv0-00002-00000672-00000894 we will learn what crowd mics are and ykU3TbX6Mv0-00003-00000896-00000991 how to connect ykU3TbX6Mv0-00004-00000992-00001383 and configure them crowd mics are ykU3TbX6Mv0-00005-00001384-00001639 one or more condenser microphones ykU3TbX6Mv0-00006-00001639-00001847 positioned in your worship space ykU3TbX6Mv0-00007-00001848-00002118 to enhance fully digital and hybrid ykU3TbX6Mv0-00008-00002119-00002263 worship ykU3TbX6Mv0-00009-00002264-00002487 they enable digital participants in your ykU3TbX6Mv0-00010-00002488-00002591 worship service ykU3TbX6Mv0-00011-00002592-00002791 the ability to hear congregational ykU3TbX6Mv0-00012-00002792-00002918 responses ykU3TbX6Mv0-00013-00002919-00003095 such as the call and response of the ykU3TbX6Mv0-00014-00003096-00003231 call to worship ykU3TbX6Mv0-00015-00003232-00003583 or the som crowd mics are connected to ykU3TbX6Mv0-00016-00003584-00003767 your broadcast mixer ykU3TbX6Mv0-00017-00003768-00003927 they are not connected to your house ykU3TbX6Mv0-00018-00003928-00004119 sound system ykU3TbX6Mv0-00019-00004120-00004319 in addition to picking up congregational ykU3TbX6Mv0-00020-00004320-00004470 responses ykU3TbX6Mv0-00021-00004471-00004743 crowd mics are ideal for hybrid worship ykU3TbX6Mv0-00022-00004744-00004911 because they are used to mic your pipe ykU3TbX6Mv0-00023-00004912-00005095 organ as well ykU3TbX6Mv0-00024-00005096-00005302 for this reason i recommend using two ykU3TbX6Mv0-00025-00005303-00005654 microphones to produce a stereo image ykU3TbX6Mv0-00026-00005655-00005879 road sells an affordable microphone kit ykU3TbX6Mv0-00027-00005880-00005991 the m5 ykU3TbX6Mv0-00028-00005992-00006151 that includes two matched pair ykU3TbX6Mv0-00029-00006152-00006446 microphones and microphone clips ykU3TbX6Mv0-00030-00006447-00006678 these mics paired with a rode stereo ykU3TbX6Mv0-00031-00006679-00006767 bridge ykU3TbX6Mv0-00032-00006768-00006975 allow for a pair of these mics to be ykU3TbX6Mv0-00033-00006976-00007223 mounted on a single microphone stand ykU3TbX6Mv0-00034-00007223-00007534 in an ortf pattern ykU3TbX6Mv0-00035-00007536-00007759 to get the best possible sound it is ykU3TbX6Mv0-00036-00007759-00007942 important to get your crowd mics ykU3TbX6Mv0-00037-00007943-00008031 positioned ykU3TbX6Mv0-00038-00008031-00008271 well above the congregation the ykU3TbX6Mv0-00039-00008272-00008503 connecting meyer 2811 ykU3TbX6Mv0-00040-00008504-00008767 is one such overhead mic stand that has ykU3TbX6Mv0-00041-00008768-00008974 wide stable tripod legs ykU3TbX6Mv0-00042-00008975-00009206 and a 14 foot height that places the ykU3TbX6Mv0-00043-00009207-00009414 mics in an ideal position ykU3TbX6Mv0-00044-00009415-00009719 over the congregation for ykU3TbX6Mv0-00045-00009720-00010039 miking organs placement will depend on ykU3TbX6Mv0-00046-00010040-00010223 where the organs swell ykU3TbX6Mv0-00047-00010224-00010487 choir and solo divisions are located ykU3TbX6Mv0-00048-00010488-00010671 relative to the congregation ykU3TbX6Mv0-00049-00010672-00010903 but in general the mic should be placed ykU3TbX6Mv0-00050-00010904-00011159 as close to the center aisle as possible ykU3TbX6Mv0-00051-00011160-00011383 toward the rear of the sanctuary with ykU3TbX6Mv0-00052-00011384-00011774 the microphones facing the chancel ykU3TbX6Mv0-00053-00011775-00012095 if you are using the rode stereo bridge ykU3TbX6Mv0-00054-00012096-00012391 be sure to keep the 3 8 thread adapters ykU3TbX6Mv0-00055-00012392-00012527 in place ykU3TbX6Mv0-00056-00012528-00012822 otherwise you can remove them connect ykU3TbX6Mv0-00057-00012823-00013094 the female end of an xlr mic cable to ykU3TbX6Mv0-00058-00013095-00013303 the rear of each mic ykU3TbX6Mv0-00059-00013304-00013535 the other end of the mic cable the male ykU3TbX6Mv0-00060-00013536-00013703 end will connect with the corresponding ykU3TbX6Mv0-00061-00013704-00014015 microphone input on your broadcast mixer ykU3TbX6Mv0-00062-00014016-00014247 in this example we'll be selecting ykU3TbX6Mv0-00063-00014247-00014327 channels 3 ykU3TbX6Mv0-00064-00014328-00014566 and 4 on our mixer since these are ykU3TbX6Mv0-00065-00014568-00014735 available ykU3TbX6Mv0-00066-00014736-00014943 start by pressing the mute buttons on ykU3TbX6Mv0-00067-00014944-00015094 both channels ykU3TbX6Mv0-00068-00015095-00015719 and turn down the channel gain ykU3TbX6Mv0-00069-00015719-00015983 since these are condenser microphones be ykU3TbX6Mv0-00070-00015984-00016175 sure to enable phantom power ykU3TbX6Mv0-00071-00016176-00016607 on the mixer plug in both microphones ykU3TbX6Mv0-00072-00016608-00016783 assuring that the microphone ykU3TbX6Mv0-00073-00016784-00016999 on the left is connected to channel 3 ykU3TbX6Mv0-00074-00017000-00017215 and the right microphone is connected to ykU3TbX6Mv0-00075-00017216-00017399 channel 4. ykU3TbX6Mv0-00076-00017400-00017599 raise the faders on the two channels to ykU3TbX6Mv0-00077-00017600-00017719 0db or ykU3TbX6Mv0-00078-00017720-00018071 unity gain to carry a stereo image turn ykU3TbX6Mv0-00079-00018072-00018350 the pan control on channel 3 to the left ykU3TbX6Mv0-00080-00018351-00018543 and the pan control and channel 4 to the ykU3TbX6Mv0-00081-00018544-00018663 right ykU3TbX6Mv0-00082-00018664-00018879 unmute both channels and then raise the ykU3TbX6Mv0-00083-00018880-00019086 gain control on each channel ykU3TbX6Mv0-00084-00019087-00019375 to the desired level you may need to ykU3TbX6Mv0-00085-00019376-00019591 adjust the overall level of each channel ykU3TbX6Mv0-00086-00019592-00019727 using the faders ykU3TbX6Mv0-00087-00019728-00020047 during your worship service with the ykU3TbX6Mv0-00088-00020048-00020263 crowd microphone set up and properly ykU3TbX6Mv0-00089-00020264-00020383 configured ykU3TbX6Mv0-00090-00020384-00020575 your digital participants and worship ykU3TbX6Mv0-00091-00020576-00020743 will feel more connected ykU3TbX6Mv0-00092-00020744-00021078 to the overall worship experience ykU3TbX6Mv0-00093-00021079-00021239 thank you for viewing this short video ykU3TbX6Mv0-00094-00021240-00021455 if you have any questions ykU3TbX6Mv0-00095-00021456-00021727 about the microphones and their ykU3TbX6Mv0-00096-00021728-00021943 configuration that i haven't answered ykU3TbX6Mv0-00097-00021944-00022183 i invite you to email me at the dress ykU3TbX6Mv0-00098-00022184-00023335 shown below ykU3TbX6Mv0-00099-00023336-00023543 you zo1E5odtrA0-00001-00004528-00006656 uh zo1E5odtrA0-00002-00006658-00008303 [Music] zo1E5odtrA0-00004-00013782-00014519 [Applause] zo1E5odtrA0-00005-00014519-00015634 so zo1E5odtrA0-00006-00015635-00015879 [Music] zo1E5odtrA0-00007-00015880-00016593 so zo1E5odtrA0-00008-00016594-00017439 [Music] zo1E5odtrA0-00009-00017440-00017694 take a look outside zo1E5odtrA0-00010-00017695-00017927 did you know that they call callisto the zo1E5odtrA0-00011-00017928-00018107 dead moon zo1E5odtrA0-00012-00018108-00018283 [Music] zo1E5odtrA0-00013-00018284-00018558 dead just like you would have been if i zo1E5odtrA0-00014-00018559-00018991 hadn't fished you out of that wreck zo1E5odtrA0-00015-00018992-00019207 so whatever you're holding on to right zo1E5odtrA0-00016-00019208-00019447 there zo1E5odtrA0-00017-00019448-00019622 that's your old life zo1E5odtrA0-00018-00019623-00019950 you gotta let that go because zo1E5odtrA0-00019-00019951-00020079 your zo1E5odtrA0-00020-00020080-00020199 life zo1E5odtrA0-00021-00020200-00020407 is entirely zo1E5odtrA0-00022-00020408-00020783 in my hands zo1E5odtrA0-00023-00020784-00021083 i'm just trying to give you a zo1E5odtrA0-00024-00021084-00021951 chance at rebirth zo1E5odtrA0-00025-00021952-00023008 [Music] zo1E5odtrA0-00026-00023009-00024222 [Music] zo1E5odtrA0-00027-00024223-00024983 i just love that last part zo1E5odtrA0-00028-00024984-00025694 gives me chills every time zo1E5odtrA0-00029-00025695-00028302 so zo1E5odtrA0-00030-00028304-00028423 welcome zo1E5odtrA0-00031-00028424-00028877 to your new home zo1E5odtrA0-00032-00028879-00031495 [Music] zo1E5odtrA0-00033-00031497-00032132 [Music] zo1E5odtrA0-00034-00032133-00032287 [Music] zo1E5odtrA0-00035-00032288-00032502 [__] zo1E5odtrA0-00036-00032502-00033335 [Applause] zo1E5odtrA0-00037-00033336-00034599 hey man get up zo1E5odtrA0-00038-00034600-00034713 [Applause] zo1E5odtrA0-00039-00034714-00035143 [Music] zo1E5odtrA0-00040-00035144-00035407 are you seeing this zo1E5odtrA0-00041-00035408-00035842 something right zo1E5odtrA0-00042-00035843-00036291 [Applause] zo1E5odtrA0-00043-00036292-00037223 [Music] zo1E5odtrA0-00044-00037224-00038679 please zo1E5odtrA0-00045-00038680-00039069 uh zo1E5odtrA0-00046-00039070-00039902 [Music] zo1E5odtrA0-00047-00039903-00040102 this is black iris to transport ship zo1E5odtrA0-00048-00040103-00040246 care on zo1E5odtrA0-00049-00040247-00041784 you are cleared for landing zo1E5odtrA0-00050-00041785-00042887 [Music] zo1E5odtrA0-00051-00042888-00043719 so zo1E5odtrA0-00052-00043720-00045615 [Music] zo1E5odtrA0-00053-00045616-00045824 you zoMvSDskz6o-00000-00000131-00000550 foreign zoMvSDskz6o-00001-00000551-00000730 [Applause] zoMvSDskz6o-00002-00000731-00002265 [Music] zoMvSDskz6o-00003-00002266-00005002 [Applause] zoMvSDskz6o-00004-00005003-00005236 [Music] zoMvSDskz6o-00005-00005237-00005885 [Applause] zoMvSDskz6o-00006-00005886-00006071 [Applause] zoMvSDskz6o-00007-00006072-00006441 [Music] zoMvSDskz6o-00008-00006442-00006577 [Applause] zoMvSDskz6o-00009-00006578-00006722 [Music] zoMvSDskz6o-00010-00006723-00006906 [Applause] zoMvSDskz6o-00011-00006908-00007095 [Music] zoMvSDskz6o-00012-00007097-00007334 [Applause] zoMvSDskz6o-00013-00007334-00007926 [Music] zoMvSDskz6o-00014-00007927-00008214 [Applause] zoMvSDskz6o-00015-00008215-00008579 thank you zoMvSDskz6o-00016-00008580-00008603 [Applause] zoMvSDskz6o-00017-00008604-00009411 [Music] zoMvSDskz6o-00018-00009412-00009544 [Applause] zoMvSDskz6o-00019-00009545-00009690 [Music] zoMvSDskz6o-00020-00009691-00009869 [Applause] zoMvSDskz6o-00021-00009870-00010064 [Music] zoMvSDskz6o-00022-00010065-00010304 [Applause] zoMvSDskz6o-00023-00010305-00010617 [Music] zoMvSDskz6o-00024-00010618-00011612 [Applause] zoMvSDskz6o-00025-00011613-00011735 [Music] zoMvSDskz6o-00026-00011736-00012169 [Applause] zoMvSDskz6o-00027-00012170-00012844 [Music] zoMvSDskz6o-00028-00012846-00012912 [Applause] zoMvSDskz6o-00029-00012913-00013032 [Music] zoMvSDskz6o-00030-00013033-00013097 [Applause] zoMvSDskz6o-00031-00013099-00013397 [Music] zoMvSDskz6o-00032-00013397-00014986 foreign zoMvSDskz6o-00033-00014987-00015072 foreign zoMvSDskz6o-00034-00015072-00015138 [Applause] zoMvSDskz6o-00035-00015140-00015258 [Music] zoMvSDskz6o-00036-00015259-00015315 [Applause] zoMvSDskz6o-00037-00015316-00015443 [Music] zoMvSDskz6o-00038-00015444-00015697 [Applause] zoMvSDskz6o-00039-00015697-00016000 [Music] zoMvSDskz6o-00040-00016001-00016439 [Applause] zoMvSDskz6o-00041-00016440-00016929 [Music] zoMvSDskz6o-00042-00016930-00016996 [Applause] zoMvSDskz6o-00043-00016997-00018228 [Music] zoMvSDskz6o-00044-00018229-00019405 [Applause] zoMvSDskz6o-00045-00019406-00019807 [Music] zoMvSDskz6o-00046-00019808-00020008 [Applause] zoMvSDskz6o-00047-00020009-00020263 foreign zoMvSDskz6o-00048-00020264-00020456 [Music] zoMvSDskz6o-00049-00020457-00020703 [Applause] zoMvSDskz6o-00050-00020704-00022121 [Music] zoMvSDskz6o-00051-00022122-00022186 foreign zoMvSDskz6o-00052-00022187-00024262 [Music] zoMvSDskz6o-00053-00024263-00024390 [Applause] zoMvSDskz6o-00054-00024391-00024539 [Music] zoMvSDskz6o-00055-00024540-00024718 [Applause] zoMvSDskz6o-00056-00024719-00025096 [Music] zoMvSDskz6o-00057-00025097-00026461 [Applause] zoMvSDskz6o-00058-00026462-00026948 [Music] zoMvSDskz6o-00059-00026949-00028389 [Applause] zoMvSDskz6o-00060-00028389-00028907 [Music] zoMvSDskz6o-00061-00028908-00029317 foreign zoMvSDskz6o-00062-00029318-00029736 [Music] zoMvSDskz6o-00063-00029737-00029874 [Applause] zoMvSDskz6o-00064-00029875-00031222 [Music] zoMvSDskz6o-00065-00031223-00031473 [Applause] zoMvSDskz6o-00066-00031474-00031683 [Music] zoMvSDskz6o-00067-00031685-00032070 [Applause] zoMvSDskz6o-00068-00032070-00032520 [Music] zoMvSDskz6o-00069-00032520-00032587 [Applause] zoMvSDskz6o-00070-00032588-00032705 [Music] zoMvSDskz6o-00071-00032706-00033122 [Applause] zoMvSDskz6o-00072-00033123-00033730 [Music] zoMvSDskz6o-00073-00033731-00034327 [Applause] zoMvSDskz6o-00074-00034328-00034649 [Music] zoMvSDskz6o-00075-00034650-00034906 foreign zoMvSDskz6o-00076-00034907-00036230 [Music] zoMvSDskz6o-00077-00036231-00036340 [Applause] zoMvSDskz6o-00078-00036341-00037174 [Music] zoMvSDskz6o-00079-00037175-00037597 foreign zoMvSDskz6o-00080-00037598-00037718 [Music] zoMvSDskz6o-00081-00037719-00038225 [Applause] zoMvSDskz6o-00082-00038226-00038274 [Music] zoMvSDskz6o-00083-00038275-00038892 [Applause] zoMvSDskz6o-00084-00038893-00039368 [Music] zoMvSDskz6o-00085-00039369-00039631 [Applause] zoMvSDskz6o-00086-00039632-00040262 [Music] zoMvSDskz6o-00087-00040263-00040688 [Music] zoMvSDskz6o-00088-00040689-00041860 [Applause] zoMvSDskz6o-00089-00041861-00043399 [Music] zoMvSDskz6o-00090-00043400-00043523 [Music] zoMvSDskz6o-00091-00043524-00043683 foreign zoMvSDskz6o-00092-00043684-00044727 [Music] zoMvSDskz6o-00093-00044728-00045143 [Music] zoMvSDskz6o-00094-00045144-00045167 [Applause] zoMvSDskz6o-00095-00045168-00045331 [Music] zoMvSDskz6o-00096-00045332-00045507 [Applause] zoMvSDskz6o-00097-00045508-00045702 [Music] zoMvSDskz6o-00098-00045703-00045942 [Applause] zoMvSDskz6o-00099-00045943-00046627 [Music] zoMvSDskz6o-00100-00046628-00046654 [Applause] zoMvSDskz6o-00101-00046655-00046812 [Music] zoMvSDskz6o-00102-00046813-00046992 [Applause] zoMvSDskz6o-00103-00046993-00047187 [Music] zoMvSDskz6o-00104-00047188-00047460 [Applause] zoMvSDskz6o-00105-00047461-00048111 [Music] zoMvSDskz6o-00106-00048112-00048138 [Applause] zoMvSDskz6o-00107-00048139-00048298 [Music] zoMvSDskz6o-00108-00048299-00048539 [Applause] zoMvSDskz6o-00109-00048540-00048673 foreign zoMvSDskz6o-00110-00048674-00048845 [Applause] zoMvSDskz6o-00111-00048846-00048911 foreign zoMvSDskz6o-00112-00048912-00049135 [Music] z0E79h8EZLy-00000-00000064-00000359 this is the day that the lord z0E79h8EZLy-00001-00000360-00000831 has made we shall rejoice and be glad in z0E79h8EZLy-00002-00000832-00000923 it z0E79h8EZLy-00003-00000924-00001207 hallelujah just z0E79h8EZLy-00004-00001208-00001517 god see the glory of all the blessings z0E79h8EZLy-00005-00001518-00001747 [Music] z0E79h8EZLy-00006-00001748-00002207 hallelujah praise the lord love you z0E79h8EZLy-00007-00002208-00002391 so back to the weight lifted weights and z0E79h8EZLy-00008-00002392-00002510 stuff he said labor z0E79h8EZLy-00009-00002511-00002991 not for the meat which parish give me z0E79h8EZLy-00010-00002992-00003191 which endures z0E79h8EZLy-00011-00003192-00003390 their life again eternal life again z0E79h8EZLy-00012-00003392-00003543 elder which is z0E79h8EZLy-00013-00003544-00003975 glorious under eternal everlasting life z0E79h8EZLy-00014-00003976-00004311 which the son of man shall give back to z0E79h8EZLy-00015-00004312-00004438 jesus again z0E79h8EZLy-00016-00004439-00004759 shall give you for for z0E79h8EZLy-00017-00004760-00005127 him has god the father z0E79h8EZLy-00018-00005128-00005518 sealed you you know the beauty of this z0E79h8EZLy-00019-00005519-00005831 you get back to the eternal eye comes at z0E79h8EZLy-00020-00005832-00006031 some point with chuck norris z0E79h8EZLy-00021-00006032-00006422 uh arnold schwarzenegger uh z0E79h8EZLy-00022-00006423-00006727 van damme yeah and uh z0E79h8EZLy-00023-00006728-00007006 uh she's invested stallone come on now z0E79h8EZLy-00024-00007008-00007103 and these guys z0E79h8EZLy-00025-00007104-00007255 the muscle master these dudes and the z0E79h8EZLy-00026-00007256-00007414 procedures guys z0E79h8EZLy-00027-00007415-00007583 really was impressive you know what i'm z0E79h8EZLy-00028-00007584-00007751 saying like man i wish i could be like z0E79h8EZLy-00029-00007752-00007839 that z0E79h8EZLy-00030-00007840-00008046 but would i find out now even they ain't z0E79h8EZLy-00031-00008047-00008231 like that they're not enough z0E79h8EZLy-00032-00008232-00008407 and there's absolutely nothing they can z0E79h8EZLy-00033-00008408-00008655 do to bring that back into the flesh z0E79h8EZLy-00034-00008656-00008719 there's nothing z0E79h8EZLy-00035-00008720-00009055 in the face and and and to be honest z0E79h8EZLy-00036-00009056-00009287 they weren't like that then that is z0E79h8EZLy-00037-00009288-00009367 makeup z0E79h8EZLy-00038-00009368-00009623 oh really yeah they had a lot to do yeah z0E79h8EZLy-00039-00009624-00009727 yeah makeup z0E79h8EZLy-00040-00009728-00010174 made them look as cut as they were okay z0E79h8EZLy-00041-00010175-00010399 while that was perishing stuff though z0E79h8EZLy-00042-00010400-00010495 that nourishing z0E79h8EZLy-00043-00010496-00010831 stuff the the parents it was perishing z0E79h8EZLy-00044-00010832-00011046 yeah that was that's something and even z0E79h8EZLy-00045-00011047-00011159 now at this point z0E79h8EZLy-00046-00011160-00011303 you know i don't think we could convince z0E79h8EZLy-00047-00011304-00011535 them prior to that but at some point in z0E79h8EZLy-00048-00011536-00011599 their lives z0E79h8EZLy-00049-00011600-00011783 their hearts have been dealt with to the z0E79h8EZLy-00050-00011784-00011951 point that this might have been z0E79h8EZLy-00051-00011952-00012303 where that soil has become z0E79h8EZLy-00052-00012304-00012431 conditioned to the point where they can z0E79h8EZLy-00053-00012432-00012663 receive the gospel because they know z0E79h8EZLy-00054-00012664-00012951 that all they sought for at this point z0E79h8EZLy-00055-00012952-00013094 is diminished z0E79h8EZLy-00056-00013095-00013247 and no matter how hard they're working z0E79h8EZLy-00057-00013247-00013391 they're doing the botox they're doing z0E79h8EZLy-00058-00013391-00013463 the z0E79h8EZLy-00059-00013463-00013719 plastic surgery it's still working out z0E79h8EZLy-00060-00013719-00013927 but everything that they're doing z0E79h8EZLy-00061-00013928-00014175 is not working for them to sustain that z0E79h8EZLy-00062-00014176-00014391 place that they were in before z0E79h8EZLy-00063-00014391-00014694 so god allows us to paint some of those z0E79h8EZLy-00064-00014695-00014766 things z0E79h8EZLy-00065-00014768-00015038 that we thought were so important and z0E79h8EZLy-00066-00015040-00015119 then we see z0E79h8EZLy-00067-00015119-00015319 this this ain't it this just really z0E79h8EZLy-00068-00015319-00015391 ain't it z0E79h8EZLy-00069-00015393-00015519 [Music] z0E79h8EZLy-00070-00015519-00015999 and then the gospel can be taken z0E79h8EZLy-00071-00016000-00016191 yeah that's the way i look at you people z0E79h8EZLy-00072-00016191-00016311 like bill cosby z0E79h8EZLy-00073-00016312-00016558 look at me they're trying to signal me z0E79h8EZLy-00074-00016559-00016711 about coming because i feel like z0E79h8EZLy-00075-00016712-00017030 i think it was a positive voice z0E79h8EZLy-00076-00017031-00017286 on the unsecular world uh especially z0E79h8EZLy-00077-00017287-00017422 among blacks because he gave us a z0E79h8EZLy-00078-00017423-00017622 different image of ourselves z0E79h8EZLy-00079-00017623-00017950 and some of us lived up to it but yeah z0E79h8EZLy-00080-00017951-00018607 him as a person you know he eat now he z0E79h8EZLy-00081-00018608-00018871 yeah this guy had heights he reached z0E79h8EZLy-00082-00018872-00019055 some lofty places z0E79h8EZLy-00083-00019056-00019335 and the world system brought him low can z0E79h8EZLy-00084-00019336-00019439 he be preached to z0E79h8EZLy-00085-00019440-00019694 be ministered to now you know what i z0E79h8EZLy-00086-00019695-00019830 would say that z0E79h8EZLy-00087-00019831-00020039 based on his defiance that the world has z0E79h8EZLy-00088-00020040-00020199 not brought him low z0E79h8EZLy-00089-00020200-00020439 they may have put him his heart is not z0E79h8EZLy-00090-00020440-00020558 saying he's low z0E79h8EZLy-00091-00020559-00020822 i'm just saying right he's defined until z0E79h8EZLy-00092-00020823-00020927 this point he said z0E79h8EZLy-00093-00020928-00021167 i didn't do it i am not going to confess z0E79h8EZLy-00094-00021168-00021247 i did it z0E79h8EZLy-00095-00021248-00021399 and if you want to keep me here for 10 z0E79h8EZLy-00096-00021400-00021511 years that's what you're going to do z0E79h8EZLy-00097-00021512-00021743 that's fine i am not confessing z0E79h8EZLy-00098-00021744-00022071 yeah yes but they really they really do z0E79h8EZLy-00099-00022072-00022247 they purposefully disclaimed him someone z0E79h8EZLy-00100-00022248-00022414 did it'd be a good time for him to z0E79h8EZLy-00101-00022415-00022527 really see the truth z0E79h8EZLy-00102-00022528-00022678 did you notice that when he was starting z0E79h8EZLy-00103-00022679-00022855 to talk about there was z0E79h8EZLy-00104-00022856-00022943 you know i don't know you remember z0E79h8EZLy-00105-00022944-00023214 brother eliza he was talking about us z0E79h8EZLy-00106-00023215-00023407 as yeah we remember that yeah well we z0E79h8EZLy-00107-00023408-00023519 need to fix z0E79h8EZLy-00108-00023520-00023719 and then some of these some of the other z0E79h8EZLy-00109-00023720-00023903 uh so-called leaders that z0E79h8EZLy-00110-00023904-00024103 i guess i mean what you may call them z0E79h8EZLy-00111-00024104-00024278 leaders say you're airing our dirty z0E79h8EZLy-00112-00024279-00024342 laundry z0E79h8EZLy-00113-00024343-00024607 he said excuse me did y'all not know z0E79h8EZLy-00114-00024608-00024758 that your laundry z0E79h8EZLy-00115-00024759-00024975 did anybody have any question where your z0E79h8EZLy-00116-00024976-00025042 laundry was z0E79h8EZLy-00117-00025043-00025271 [Laughter] z0E79h8EZLy-00118-00025272-00025471 but that's what i'm saying he was he was z0E79h8EZLy-00119-00025472-00025662 going after uh trying to get a z0E79h8EZLy-00120-00025663-00025950 tv uh one in the network yeah he's z0E79h8EZLy-00121-00025951-00026062 getting that z0E79h8EZLy-00122-00026063-00026295 purchase network he was moving into that z0E79h8EZLy-00123-00026295-00026495 wealth that power z0E79h8EZLy-00124-00026495-00026799 and uh z0E79h8EZLy-00125-00026800-00027039 and that influence i think he saw our z0E79h8EZLy-00126-00027039-00027239 culture as being and i have z0E79h8EZLy-00127-00027239-00027607 instances yeah uh we needed relapses in z0E79h8EZLy-00128-00027608-00027743 that myself z0E79h8EZLy-00129-00027744-00028062 the subculture itself was taken it was z0E79h8EZLy-00130-00028063-00028167 falling back z0E79h8EZLy-00131-00028168-00028351 to me it was it was regressing instead z0E79h8EZLy-00132-00028352-00028551 of progressing as a whole z0E79h8EZLy-00133-00028552-00028887 and uh you always you know last week or z0E79h8EZLy-00134-00028888-00029014 two weeks ago z0E79h8EZLy-00135-00029016-00029174 about the diversity of the culture z0E79h8EZLy-00136-00029175-00029383 itself right that you could not paint z0E79h8EZLy-00137-00029383-00029495 all of us with the same z0E79h8EZLy-00138-00029495-00029951 brush yes sir i had uh z0E79h8EZLy-00139-00029952-00030151 and i and i had potential to do that z0E79h8EZLy-00140-00030152-00030383 because i i realized at one point the z0E79h8EZLy-00141-00030383-00030551 society itself painting was always the z0E79h8EZLy-00142-00030552-00030743 same brush z0E79h8EZLy-00143-00030744-00030958 as far as my awareness was concerned and z0E79h8EZLy-00144-00030960-00031199 we were all treated similarly so z0E79h8EZLy-00145-00031200-00031479 right and i i you know you gain an z0E79h8EZLy-00146-00031480-00031631 affinity for the people that you're part z0E79h8EZLy-00147-00031632-00031831 of and you want to see them progress z0E79h8EZLy-00148-00031832-00032039 and what i saw was the progression that z0E79h8EZLy-00149-00032039-00032231 was truthful and lasting z0E79h8EZLy-00150-00032232-00032439 eternal with that progression that we z0E79h8EZLy-00151-00032439-00032646 made toward the lord z0E79h8EZLy-00152-00032647-00032911 you know what i said yeah you and my z0E79h8EZLy-00153-00032912-00033031 face we need to close z0E79h8EZLy-00154-00033032-00033223 bishops before our brother has to go i z0E79h8EZLy-00155-00033224-00033415 guess you got to go you want to say what z0E79h8EZLy-00156-00033416-00033495 one uh z0E79h8EZLy-00157-00033496-00033918 y'all got any uh i'll i said last week i z0E79h8EZLy-00158-00033919-00034015 said do you want to go to z0E79h8EZLy-00159-00034016-00034255 another parable uh did you get z0E79h8EZLy-00160-00034256-00034543 everything you need from this problem z0E79h8EZLy-00161-00034544-00034711 we'll never get everything we need from z0E79h8EZLy-00162-00034712-00034855 it but did uh z0E79h8EZLy-00163-00034856-00035231 we wanted to focus on another parable z0E79h8EZLy-00164-00035232-00035551 for next week z0E79h8EZLy-00165-00035552-00035895 huh brother jackson z0E79h8EZLy-00166-00035896-00036046 i really kind of hate that he wasn't z0E79h8EZLy-00167-00036047-00036159 here because he missed out on the z0E79h8EZLy-00168-00036160-00036302 longest song z0E79h8EZLy-00169-00036303-00036535 yeah he was here earlier though can you z0E79h8EZLy-00170-00036536-00036607 send him z0E79h8EZLy-00171-00036608-00036735 can you give him a give him the wrong z0E79h8EZLy-00172-00036736-00036927 version of this yeah z0E79h8EZLy-00173-00036928-00037262 yeah okay yeah z0E79h8EZLy-00174-00037263-00037415 because i i sent you on that text and z0E79h8EZLy-00175-00037416-00037599 said the only thing about these z0E79h8EZLy-00176-00037600-00037846 just being sensitive for the you know z0E79h8EZLy-00177-00037847-00037902 like z0E79h8EZLy-00178-00037903-00038151 homosexuality and stuff like that and z0E79h8EZLy-00179-00038152-00038302 i'm gonna cut this out z0E79h8EZLy-00180-00038303-00038711 uh here's the part about this people got z0E79h8EZLy-00181-00038712-00038999 people like that in their life and we z0E79h8EZLy-00182-00039000-00039062 need to be z0E79h8EZLy-00183-00039063-00039327 sensitive to that and i still think the z0E79h8EZLy-00184-00039328-00039423 answer is that z0E79h8EZLy-00185-00039424-00039567 we preaching the answer i think brother z0E79h8EZLy-00186-00039568-00039855 as we said earlier please to answer z0E79h8EZLy-00187-00039856-00040135 yeah that's that's the key it's it's z0E79h8EZLy-00188-00040136-00040262 it's not z0E79h8EZLy-00189-00040263-00040583 to me ostracizing is preaching the z0E79h8EZLy-00190-00040584-00040679 answer z0E79h8EZLy-00191-00040680-00040943 well listener uh the evangelist will z0E79h8EZLy-00192-00040944-00041262 tell you z0E79h8EZLy-00193-00041263-00041767 the advantages what's here for you yeah z0E79h8EZLy-00194-00041768-00042223 the people who understand anybody z0E79h8EZLy-00195-00042224-00042543 they understand the need to get people z0E79h8EZLy-00196-00042544-00042767 to understand z0E79h8EZLy-00197-00042768-00043148 the problem first let me see if i mean z0E79h8EZLy-00198-00043149-00043302 [Music] z0E79h8EZLy-00199-00043303-00044246 not my friend investors tell me when z0E79h8EZLy-00200-00044247-00044695 what jesus is doing all of his efforts z0E79h8EZLy-00201-00044696-00044839 and everything that he's doing with the z0E79h8EZLy-00202-00044840-00046318 woman z0E79h8EZLy-00203-00046319-00046551 recognize your loss right because only z0E79h8EZLy-00204-00046552-00046815 lost people can't appreciate the answer z0E79h8EZLy-00205-00046816-00047174 exactly yes sir right he said z0E79h8EZLy-00206-00047175-00047430 he said he's been in over 50 different z0E79h8EZLy-00207-00047431-00047535 nations z0E79h8EZLy-00208-00047536-00047718 if you ever hear that negro preach you z0E79h8EZLy-00209-00047719-00047902 like now that's that's somebody that's z0E79h8EZLy-00210-00047903-00047983 called z0E79h8EZLy-00211-00047984-00048207 uh-huh he's got one fundamental z0E79h8EZLy-00212-00048208-00048302 principle z0E79h8EZLy-00213-00048303-00048583 he understands that the gospel is for z0E79h8EZLy-00214-00048584-00048767 lost people z0E79h8EZLy-00215-00048768-00049046 it's for perishing people you gotta get z0E79h8EZLy-00216-00049047-00049190 people to understand that their person z0E79h8EZLy-00217-00049191-00049318 the scripture said for god so above the z0E79h8EZLy-00218-00049319-00049367 world z0E79h8EZLy-00219-00049368-00049535 he gave him a lonely god who said z0E79h8EZLy-00220-00049536-00049743 believe him should not perish right that z0E79h8EZLy-00221-00049744-00049935 would mean nothing to you if you don't z0E79h8EZLy-00222-00049936-00050055 think you're perishing z0E79h8EZLy-00223-00050056-00050383 yes sir yeah yeah he said i was sent to z0E79h8EZLy-00224-00050384-00050551 the lawsuit for the house of israel that z0E79h8EZLy-00225-00050552-00050599 don't mean z0E79h8EZLy-00226-00050600-00050718 nothing to you unless you know you're z0E79h8EZLy-00227-00050719-00050967 lost yes sir come on now z0E79h8EZLy-00228-00050968-00051167 so he got a simple principle get them z0E79h8EZLy-00229-00051168-00051479 lost first z0E79h8EZLy-00230-00051479-00051670 i realized they lost after they gave her z0E79h8EZLy-00231-00051671-00051807 they have to get that one they feel like z0E79h8EZLy-00232-00051808-00051887 they're low z0E79h8EZLy-00233-00051888-00052063 they're being found look real attractive z0E79h8EZLy-00234-00052064-00052342 to them z0E79h8EZLy-00235-00052344-00052599 they had that look you got that album oh z0E79h8EZLy-00236-00052600-00052663 yeah i z0E79h8EZLy-00237-00052664-00052919 i definitely had that uh and uh that was z0E79h8EZLy-00238-00052920-00053030 part of the question that i asked z0E79h8EZLy-00239-00053032-00053175 initially and i think z0E79h8EZLy-00240-00053176-00053415 we had some response to was to what z0E79h8EZLy-00241-00053416-00053535 point do we publish z0E79h8EZLy-00242-00053536-00053871 the the uh the z0E79h8EZLy-00243-00053872-00054254 the death the uh the the abnormalities z0E79h8EZLy-00244-00054255-00054294 the z0E79h8EZLy-00245-00054295-00054575 things that are not of god and uh we z0E79h8EZLy-00246-00054576-00054687 talked about z0E79h8EZLy-00247-00054688-00054879 which was eternal you know we talked z0E79h8EZLy-00248-00054879-00055023 about that initially then we talked z0E79h8EZLy-00249-00055024-00055087 about z0E79h8EZLy-00250-00055088-00055303 those things that enhance your human z0E79h8EZLy-00251-00055304-00055494 existence and so forth so and if i'm z0E79h8EZLy-00252-00055495-00055694 participating in any of those things z0E79h8EZLy-00253-00055695-00055926 then that's the indication that i'm lost z0E79h8EZLy-00254-00055927-00056142 yeah my behavior is going to be an z0E79h8EZLy-00255-00056144-00056350 indication of that lostness but z0E79h8EZLy-00256-00056351-00056626 what extent are we preaching that in the z0E79h8EZLy-00257-00056627-00056966 evangelical z0E79h8EZLy-00258-00056967-00057319 evangelism environment and z0E79h8EZLy-00259-00057320-00057630 and and again i have to personally know z0E79h8EZLy-00260-00057632-00057807 to be critical z0E79h8EZLy-00261-00057808-00058150 um what i'm finding out z0E79h8EZLy-00262-00058151-00058471 for me at this point is the solution z0E79h8EZLy-00263-00058472-00058671 is very important because i think that z0E79h8EZLy-00264-00058672-00058815 life in itself z0E79h8EZLy-00265-00058816-00059159 is helping them to see that they're lost z0E79h8EZLy-00266-00059160-00059454 and that's it at some point somebody had z0E79h8EZLy-00267-00059455-00059607 to identify that z0E79h8EZLy-00268-00059608-00059775 you see what i'm saying it's like and z0E79h8EZLy-00269-00059776-00059999 that's i want go ahead z0E79h8EZLy-00270-00060000-00060230 but i think that the life's experiences z0E79h8EZLy-00271-00060232-00060399 is designed for that z0E79h8EZLy-00272-00060400-00060606 if a person never heard anything about z0E79h8EZLy-00273-00060607-00060735 sin z0E79h8EZLy-00274-00060736-00060887 in this life you would live from z0E79h8EZLy-00275-00060888-00061063 beginning to the end of the life z0E79h8EZLy-00276-00061064-00061238 they would realize something didn't go z0E79h8EZLy-00277-00061239-00061479 right there would be a there was z0E79h8EZLy-00278-00061479-00061671 just like a life of satisfaction there's z0E79h8EZLy-00279-00061672-00061838 a lack of joy z0E79h8EZLy-00280-00061839-00062094 there's a liking to like even with z0E79h8EZLy-00281-00062095-00062254 bishop when bishop z0E79h8EZLy-00282-00062255-00062463 said he got everything that he wanted z0E79h8EZLy-00283-00062464-00062599 and for his money and z0E79h8EZLy-00284-00062600-00062726 positioning and that kind of thing is z0E79h8EZLy-00285-00062727-00062847 concerned but he feel like there was z0E79h8EZLy-00286-00062848-00063006 still something missing z0E79h8EZLy-00287-00063007-00063175 i believe for a lot of people that is z0E79h8EZLy-00288-00063176-00063326 going to occur z0E79h8EZLy-00289-00063327-00063566 i believe that that homosexuality is a z0E79h8EZLy-00290-00063567-00063735 hype for a lot of children z0E79h8EZLy-00291-00063736-00063950 because it's a fad and so they're moving z0E79h8EZLy-00292-00063951-00064087 through this fetish z0E79h8EZLy-00293-00064088-00064279 kind of relationship but they're going z0E79h8EZLy-00294-00064279-00064391 to find it to be an z0E79h8EZLy-00295-00064391-00064663 unrewarding relationship i think already z0E79h8EZLy-00296-00064664-00064766 i think people know z0E79h8EZLy-00297-00064767-00065047 but the thing is that when i think what z0E79h8EZLy-00298-00065048-00065111 what z0E79h8EZLy-00299-00065112-00065335 i always been cautious of for you guys z0E79h8EZLy-00300-00065336-00065575 is that the z0E79h8EZLy-00301-00065576-00065831 when we when we try to pin them down z0E79h8EZLy-00302-00065832-00065887 right z0E79h8EZLy-00303-00065888-00066175 and don't pin everybody down clean up z0E79h8EZLy-00304-00066176-00066335 don't piss sit down z0E79h8EZLy-00305-00066336-00066543 like i said we use the example the woman z0E79h8EZLy-00306-00066544-00066687 of the well right z0E79h8EZLy-00307-00066688-00067087 he was showing it help her to find out z0E79h8EZLy-00308-00067088-00067399 that she's lost z0E79h8EZLy-00309-00067400-00067719 right did she need a savior she needed z0E79h8EZLy-00310-00067720-00068038 she needed another way right z0E79h8EZLy-00311-00068039-00068367 so so a fornicator we're talking to you z0E79h8EZLy-00312-00068368-00068479 too z0E79h8EZLy-00313-00068480-00068682 we're talking to you to get z0E79h8EZLy-00314-00068683-00068943 unforgiveness we're talking to you that z0E79h8EZLy-00315-00068944-00069238 that uh there is a homosexual we're z0E79h8EZLy-00316-00069239-00069455 talking to you that it's an adulterer z0E79h8EZLy-00317-00069456-00069919 because all of that stuff they see z0E79h8EZLy-00318-00069920-00070087 and they're trying to say what is the z0E79h8EZLy-00319-00070088-00070359 answer you you too busy focus on what i z0E79h8EZLy-00320-00070360-00070471 am z0E79h8EZLy-00321-00070472-00070703 not even understand i can't i think i'm z0E79h8EZLy-00322-00070704-00071006 i'm fixed and locked in to be who i am z0E79h8EZLy-00323-00071007-00071326 you're saying is you me z0E79h8EZLy-00324-00071327-00071719 bishop we ain't we we're not who we are z0E79h8EZLy-00325-00071720-00072103 until we are whole in christ jesus z0E79h8EZLy-00326-00072104-00072335 that's legit and i think that that's z0E79h8EZLy-00327-00072336-00072406 that's like z0E79h8EZLy-00328-00072407-00072655 that that's that's the cornerstone of it z0E79h8EZLy-00329-00072656-00072759 that's the cornerstone of the z0E79h8EZLy-00330-00072760-00072838 conversation z0E79h8EZLy-00331-00072839-00073079 is that regardless of how you think you z0E79h8EZLy-00332-00073080-00073143 are z0E79h8EZLy-00333-00073144-00073294 if you don't have a class you're not z0E79h8EZLy-00334-00073295-00073462 whole you're not there's something in z0E79h8EZLy-00335-00073463-00073687 your life is going to manifest though z0E79h8EZLy-00336-00073688-00073815 exactly there's going to be some z0E79h8EZLy-00337-00073816-00073967 indication you're like whether you know z0E79h8EZLy-00338-00073968-00074199 the executive or the ceo z0E79h8EZLy-00339-00074200-00074526 with a wife and 15 kids and faithful to z0E79h8EZLy-00340-00074527-00074726 their wife if you don't have christ z0E79h8EZLy-00341-00074727-00075031 you still are not whole and z0E79h8EZLy-00342-00075032-00075359 something in that scenario z0E79h8EZLy-00343-00075360-00075543 is going to begin to disclose that to z0E79h8EZLy-00344-00075544-00075838 you i mean i known god to have wonderful z0E79h8EZLy-00345-00075839-00075894 wives z0E79h8EZLy-00346-00075895-00076326 come on now z0E79h8EZLy-00347-00076327-00076487 like man having a good wife don't be z0E79h8EZLy-00348-00076488-00076775 nothing to you it wouldn't cause z0E79h8EZLy-00349-00076776-00076975 because you weren't holding christ come z0E79h8EZLy-00350-00076976-00078375 on now why wouldn't z0E79h8EZLy-00351-00078376-00078623 all manifestations seeing come as a z0E79h8EZLy-00352-00078624-00078806 result of that rent that occurred z0E79h8EZLy-00353-00078807-00079150 in a garden exactly exactly and until z0E79h8EZLy-00354-00079151-00079350 that rent is repaired you are accepting z0E79h8EZLy-00355-00079351-00079526 the lord jesus christ the lord in your z0E79h8EZLy-00356-00079527-00079567 life z0E79h8EZLy-00357-00079568-00079759 and then restore the breach and z0E79h8EZLy-00358-00079760-00079982 reconcile in that z0E79h8EZLy-00359-00079983-00080287 with god you're going to be broke z0E79h8EZLy-00360-00080288-00080462 and you're going to benefit broke stuff z0E79h8EZLy-00361-00080463-00080606 around exactly z0E79h8EZLy-00362-00080607-00080791 i i was thinking that came to my mind z0E79h8EZLy-00363-00080792-00080991 when you're saying that was uh z0E79h8EZLy-00364-00080992-00081462 chris charles marry diana z0E79h8EZLy-00365-00081463-00081743 he cheated with and everything and now i z0E79h8EZLy-00366-00081744-00081815 mean i z0E79h8EZLy-00367-00081816-00082006 don't know how to if this ever gets cut z0E79h8EZLy-00368-00082007-00082231 lady but you better edit that z0E79h8EZLy-00369-00082232-00082718 you're not bold z0E79h8EZLy-00370-00082719-00083015 you're not diana you you how did i know z0E79h8EZLy-00371-00083016-00083103 charles z0E79h8EZLy-00372-00083104-00083438 uh lord you picked this i don't know i z0E79h8EZLy-00373-00083439-00083671 could could i wouldn't pick it but you z0E79h8EZLy-00374-00083672-00083791 know he did z0E79h8EZLy-00375-00083792-00084206 camilla parker he was married to i think z0E79h8EZLy-00376-00084207-00084382 he was mad too z0E79h8EZLy-00377-00084383-00084767 this he had a beautiful wife z0E79h8EZLy-00378-00084768-00085087 forgiven of children who z0E79h8EZLy-00379-00085088-00085423 which i chose prince charles and diana z0E79h8EZLy-00380-00085424-00085623 and what's a little bit of a camilla z0E79h8EZLy-00381-00085624-00085791 parker bowles z0E79h8EZLy-00382-00085792-00085926 well i think his name was a little z0E79h8EZLy-00383-00085927-00086087 parker bowles i know it was parker bones z0E79h8EZLy-00384-00086088-00086223 but i can't remember z0E79h8EZLy-00385-00086224-00086511 where the furnace was i mean i mean come z0E79h8EZLy-00386-00086512-00086567 on z0E79h8EZLy-00387-00086568-00086871 man i mean he had to see you z0E79h8EZLy-00388-00086872-00087321 he didn't z0E79h8EZLy-00389-00087322-00088343 [Music] z0E79h8EZLy-00390-00088344-00088671 and a beautiful woman two z0E79h8EZLy-00391-00088672-00089111 sons and he went somewhere else z0E79h8EZLy-00392-00089112-00089247 yeah i think they probably had a z0E79h8EZLy-00393-00089248-00089438 relationship between married dying z0E79h8EZLy-00394-00089439-00089735 i think well i think they did but yeah i z0E79h8EZLy-00395-00089736-00089871 guess he couldn't give him what he z0E79h8EZLy-00396-00089872-00090038 needed to do for the z0E79h8EZLy-00397-00090039-00090415 dude for the ears yeah yes right right z0E79h8EZLy-00398-00090416-00090703 and uh but it's just it's just weird and z0E79h8EZLy-00399-00090704-00090831 then here's a good example z0E79h8EZLy-00400-00090832-00091031 remember those weddings both been like z0E79h8EZLy-00401-00091032-00091247 what those are ultimate weddings of a z0E79h8EZLy-00402-00091248-00091423 woman want to have right z0E79h8EZLy-00403-00091424-00091775 yeah she wasn't he found out she wasn't z0E79h8EZLy-00404-00091776-00091911 complete z0E79h8EZLy-00405-00091912-00092206 yeah anna wasn't complete even though z0E79h8EZLy-00406-00092207-00092382 they had that z0E79h8EZLy-00407-00092383-00092559 what's the girl the girl that does this z0E79h8EZLy-00408-00092560-00092694 married now z0E79h8EZLy-00409-00092695-00093006 oh yeah that looked like a great great z0E79h8EZLy-00410-00093007-00093255 great wedding look how it looked man huh z0E79h8EZLy-00411-00093256-00093415 whoa i had the greatest one of the z0E79h8EZLy-00412-00093416-00093567 biggest weddings in z0E79h8EZLy-00413-00093568-00093911 in history oh z0E79h8EZLy-00414-00093912-00094103 walk away from them broken this you're z0E79h8EZLy-00415-00094104-00094391 not hope that wasn't complete z0E79h8EZLy-00416-00094392-00094759 see i'm saying a lot of cases we focus z0E79h8EZLy-00417-00094760-00094918 on too much of the z0E79h8EZLy-00418-00094919-00095282 trying to pinpoint any particular uh z0E79h8EZLy-00419-00095283-00095574 lifestyle and not the answer to the life z0E79h8EZLy-00420-00095575-00095782 they already know z0E79h8EZLy-00421-00095783-00096079 they already know it hey before i go z0E79h8EZLy-00422-00096080-00096247 bishop i want to say i want to throw out z0E79h8EZLy-00423-00096248-00096415 the two guys is that you ever noticed z0E79h8EZLy-00424-00096416-00096468 that z0E79h8EZLy-00425-00096469-00096591 [Music] z0E79h8EZLy-00426-00096592-00096950 in the very early stage that i like z0E79h8EZLy-00427-00096951-00097103 depending on the type of prayers you z0E79h8EZLy-00428-00097104-00097343 have every i bet every last one y'all z0E79h8EZLy-00429-00097344-00097487 can remember when you start going to z0E79h8EZLy-00430-00097488-00097671 kindergarten z0E79h8EZLy-00431-00097672-00097982 or or you know the uh z0E79h8EZLy-00432-00097983-00098326 school elementary school how z0E79h8EZLy-00433-00098327-00098638 when you were raised by your parents z0E79h8EZLy-00434-00098639-00098823 they were encouraging you now i ain't z0E79h8EZLy-00435-00098824-00098943 talking about all good parents z0E79h8EZLy-00436-00098944-00099135 i ain't them all bad parents i tell my z0E79h8EZLy-00437-00099136-00099318 good parents they encourage you right z0E79h8EZLy-00438-00099319-00099359 you know z0E79h8EZLy-00439-00099360-00099599 like if you drew a picture they they'll z0E79h8EZLy-00440-00099600-00099718 say oh and z0E79h8EZLy-00441-00099719-00100079 then oh that's a nice looking picture z0E79h8EZLy-00442-00100080-00100447 all right then you go into the world z0E79h8EZLy-00443-00100448-00100679 in early stages of life you go to z0E79h8EZLy-00444-00100680-00100806 kindergarten or you z0E79h8EZLy-00445-00100807-00101111 go to first grade and and you you should z0E79h8EZLy-00446-00101112-00101294 you'll show your picture z0E79h8EZLy-00447-00101295-00101559 look at that look at my picture right z0E79h8EZLy-00448-00101560-00101726 what that kid what that little kid gonna z0E79h8EZLy-00449-00101727-00101926 say z0E79h8EZLy-00450-00101927-00102238 that's ugly where are you gonna tell you z0E79h8EZLy-00451-00102239-00102558 what is that in other words bishop they z0E79h8EZLy-00452-00102559-00102623 get z0E79h8EZLy-00453-00102624-00102951 early stages of life z0E79h8EZLy-00454-00102952-00103286 there's this demeaning of a person's z0E79h8EZLy-00455-00103288-00103391 identity z0E79h8EZLy-00456-00103392-00103582 [Music] z0E79h8EZLy-00457-00103583-00103934 and a lot of kids go through that z0E79h8EZLy-00458-00103935-00104199 it's this part of life on how to put z0E79h8EZLy-00459-00104200-00104375 people down z0E79h8EZLy-00460-00104376-00104639 and post to when you're at least loving z0E79h8EZLy-00461-00104640-00104710 parents z0E79h8EZLy-00462-00104711-00104958 remember they're always the encourager z0E79h8EZLy-00463-00104959-00105158 there's always a one you can go to z0E79h8EZLy-00464-00105159-00105471 and everybody else put you down they z0E79h8EZLy-00465-00105472-00105743 were there z0E79h8EZLy-00466-00105744-00106190 and i think again uh i think that that's z0E79h8EZLy-00467-00106191-00106439 even necessary i think you gotta have z0E79h8EZLy-00468-00106440-00106686 your palms you gotta have your marmoses z0E79h8EZLy-00469-00106688-00106839 you gotta have the folks to come against z0E79h8EZLy-00470-00106840-00106975 you they're pouring out your flaws and z0E79h8EZLy-00471-00106976-00107095 then you gotta add them one to the z0E79h8EZLy-00472-00107096-00107183 curtain past z0E79h8EZLy-00473-00107183-00107351 them and those are the things that kind z0E79h8EZLy-00474-00107352-00107527 of move us forward in the in the faith z0E79h8EZLy-00475-00107528-00107583 because z0E79h8EZLy-00476-00107583-00107831 the same sam smith the preaching from z0E79h8EZLy-00477-00107832-00108023 that pope that his wife and another z0E79h8EZLy-00478-00108024-00108166 mother from the church came to the house z0E79h8EZLy-00479-00108167-00108223 to get me z0E79h8EZLy-00480-00108224-00108519 off the couch and drunk so we had both z0E79h8EZLy-00481-00108520-00108599 of these elements z0E79h8EZLy-00482-00108600-00108758 working in the same church the only z0E79h8EZLy-00483-00108759-00108863 thing i got to think about is the z0E79h8EZLy-00484-00108864-00108983 fruition of the z0E79h8EZLy-00485-00108983-00109215 scenario with that i got delivered on z0E79h8EZLy-00486-00109216-00109334 yeah yeah z0E79h8EZLy-00487-00109335-00109478 the effectiveness of it is that i'm z0E79h8EZLy-00488-00109479-00109839 sitting here today alcohol food z0E79h8EZLy-00489-00109840-00110039 you see what i'm saying alcoholic food z0E79h8EZLy-00490-00110040-00110199 right the cigarette smoking z0E79h8EZLy-00491-00110200-00110590 that's 37 years ago so i've seen z0E79h8EZLy-00492-00110591-00110871 that method working i've seen god employ z0E79h8EZLy-00493-00110872-00111078 that kind of prostitution through other z0E79h8EZLy-00494-00111079-00111231 who might not be through the same z0E79h8EZLy-00495-00111232-00111463 individual might not be the one that z0E79h8EZLy-00496-00111464-00111639 nurtures you and and z0E79h8EZLy-00497-00111640-00111831 also you know corrects you might not be z0E79h8EZLy-00498-00111832-00112110 the same person but he gets that z0E79h8EZLy-00499-00112111-00112254 and information and i think it's him i z0E79h8EZLy-00500-00112255-00112463 really think it's him that does it z0E79h8EZLy-00501-00112464-00112823 well yeah but i guess i want to tell you z0E79h8EZLy-00502-00112824-00113031 you are a pastor and you have a pastor's z0E79h8EZLy-00503-00113032-00113231 heart so you're going to be a lot more z0E79h8EZLy-00504-00113232-00113399 lenient with people being jacked up z0E79h8EZLy-00505-00113400-00113863 because if you weren't going faster z0E79h8EZLy-00506-00113864-00114302 every day yeah evangelist uh z0E79h8EZLy-00507-00114303-00114486 i guess i could say even the problems z0E79h8EZLy-00508-00114488-00114719 but paul was not an illegal fellow z0E79h8EZLy-00509-00114720-00115054 right paul was definitely not lenient z0E79h8EZLy-00510-00115055-00115199 don't make me come down there and do z0E79h8EZLy-00511-00115200-00115431 something y'all i'm saying z0E79h8EZLy-00512-00115432-00115663 you don't wanna fight me out like that z0E79h8EZLy-00513-00115664-00115799 but uh z0E79h8EZLy-00514-00115800-00116190 he had a hard line right you could tell z0E79h8EZLy-00515-00116191-00116495 from his previous life how much of a z0E79h8EZLy-00516-00116496-00116719 hardliner he was he was killing these z0E79h8EZLy-00517-00116720-00116983 people z0E79h8EZLy-00518-00116983-00117166 so he didn't go after whatever it was z0E79h8EZLy-00519-00117167-00117375 with a soft hand he wouldn't z0E79h8EZLy-00520-00117376-00117510 don't send him over in the morning god z0E79h8EZLy-00521-00117511-00117647 love us the first time he can't go with z0E79h8EZLy-00522-00117648-00117719 me z0E79h8EZLy-00523-00117720-00117966 yeah so he was that kind of guy but then z0E79h8EZLy-00524-00117967-00118151 there was barbara's on the other hand z0E79h8EZLy-00525-00118152-00118399 yeah you know okay man you know i got i z0E79h8EZLy-00526-00118400-00118519 got it i he killed z0E79h8EZLy-00527-00118520-00118983 people so i think we inherently z0E79h8EZLy-00528-00118983-00119199 because our upbringing the way we were z0E79h8EZLy-00529-00119200-00119399 raised you know sometimes z0E79h8EZLy-00530-00119400-00119799 have a different intent on life period z0E79h8EZLy-00531-00119800-00120023 yeah our bipro might be a little softer z0E79h8EZLy-00532-00120024-00120151 depending on z0E79h8EZLy-00533-00120152-00120439 who my upbringing was through right z0E79h8EZLy-00534-00120440-00120495 right z0E79h8EZLy-00535-00120496-00120719 but i think god uses us in our z0E79h8EZLy-00536-00120720-00120927 individual places z0E79h8EZLy-00537-00120928-00121102 from our different perspectives to to z0E79h8EZLy-00538-00121103-00121302 work though the whole picture of the z0E79h8EZLy-00539-00121303-00121502 gospel right z0E79h8EZLy-00540-00121503-00121790 five folk mystery exactly even each one z0E79h8EZLy-00541-00121791-00121902 of you given z0E79h8EZLy-00542-00121903-00122063 i think a different heart or a different z0E79h8EZLy-00543-00122064-00122327 spirit to deal with that individual and z0E79h8EZLy-00544-00122328-00122414 independent z0E79h8EZLy-00545-00122415-00122558 hey look i like matter of fact what z0E79h8EZLy-00546-00122559-00122758 thought came to my mind was z0E79h8EZLy-00547-00122759-00123271 bishop the uh the shepherd left the 99 z0E79h8EZLy-00548-00123272-00123639 and went after the one it was lost z0E79h8EZLy-00549-00123640-00123766 i mean i'm just showing that that was z0E79h8EZLy-00550-00123767-00123951 the same concept and he z0E79h8EZLy-00551-00123952-00124119 he said that you would show z0E79h8EZLy-00552-00124120-00124252 somebody they lost z0E79h8EZLy-00553-00124253-00124383 [Music] z0E79h8EZLy-00554-00124383-00125190 can you go get them they went at them z0E79h8EZLy-00555-00125191-00125583 y'all got anything y'all want next week z0E79h8EZLy-00556-00125583-00125751 that's what you want cuz i think about a z0E79h8EZLy-00557-00125752-00125966 good samaritan and that's another one z0E79h8EZLy-00558-00125967-00126263 is once again it's kind of that that z0E79h8EZLy-00559-00126264-00126334 person z0E79h8EZLy-00560-00126335-00126646 that was on that road was broken z0E79h8EZLy-00561-00126647-00126758 [Music] z0E79h8EZLy-00562-00126759-00127127 life broke that person but what we saw z0E79h8EZLy-00563-00127128-00127199 was z0E79h8EZLy-00564-00127200-00127390 and i guess you call him lost hurt z0E79h8EZLy-00565-00127391-00127583 injured not whole z0E79h8EZLy-00566-00127583-00127886 ill you know the person was left on the z0E79h8EZLy-00567-00127888-00128086 side of the road z0E79h8EZLy-00568-00128088-00128471 and then we saw these three different z0E79h8EZLy-00569-00128472-00128886 people approach the difference z0E79h8EZLy-00570-00128888-00129102 that's about along the same lines i was z0E79h8EZLy-00571-00129103-00129278 i was thinking but i was z0E79h8EZLy-00572-00129279-00129463 wanting to expand it to the uh the z0E79h8EZLy-00573-00129464-00129647 ministry itself the five-fold ministry z0E79h8EZLy-00574-00129648-00129743 that he talked about z0E79h8EZLy-00575-00129744-00130054 yeah because he said he giveth i mean z0E79h8EZLy-00576-00130055-00130134 apostles z0E79h8EZLy-00577-00130135-00130327 you know preachers teaching someone so z0E79h8EZLy-00578-00130328-00130471 evangelists z0E79h8EZLy-00579-00130472-00130671 he does that what i would like to be z0E79h8EZLy-00580-00130672-00130927 able to examine if we could and i know z0E79h8EZLy-00581-00130928-00131143 it might be a little messy study z0E79h8EZLy-00582-00131144-00131471 is what kind of hearts or approaches z0E79h8EZLy-00583-00131472-00131799 are observed in these different areas z0E79h8EZLy-00584-00131800-00132031 of ministry yeah you know what does a z0E79h8EZLy-00585-00132032-00132271 pastor's heart or manifestation look in z0E79h8EZLy-00586-00132272-00132487 comparison to an evangelist z0E79h8EZLy-00587-00132488-00132839 or a teacher or a preacher z0E79h8EZLy-00588-00132840-00132951 you know what i'm saying and one thing z0E79h8EZLy-00589-00132952-00133183 that really gives me z0E79h8EZLy-00590-00133184-00133478 discipleship but they all work together z0E79h8EZLy-00591-00133479-00133687 to bring them to the fullness of christ z0E79h8EZLy-00592-00133688-00133887 that's the word right yeah that we're z0E79h8EZLy-00593-00133888-00134007 all working for no different z0E79h8EZLy-00594-00134008-00134166 perspective to bring the disciples to z0E79h8EZLy-00595-00134167-00134351 the pool yeah because yeah i think we z0E79h8EZLy-00596-00134352-00134543 need to do that because we want to z0E79h8EZLy-00597-00134544-00134663 because that's how we're trying to do z0E79h8EZLy-00598-00134664-00134847 that if people need understanding right z0E79h8EZLy-00599-00134848-00134990 they need to understand z0E79h8EZLy-00600-00134991-00135287 how to become whole yeah what is the z0E79h8EZLy-00601-00135288-00135535 purpose of the perfecting of the saints z0E79h8EZLy-00602-00135536-00135799 the equipment of the saints yeah you're z0E79h8EZLy-00603-00135800-00135878 right z0E79h8EZLy-00604-00135879-00136047 and and that which system early that i z0E79h8EZLy-00605-00136048-00136263 think will be helpful to the body z0E79h8EZLy-00606-00136264-00136487 is that we understand who we are in the z0E79h8EZLy-00607-00136488-00136687 perspective that we're coming from z0E79h8EZLy-00608-00136688-00136895 and how it is that we god is leading us z0E79h8EZLy-00609-00136896-00137007 to approach it z0E79h8EZLy-00610-00137008-00137207 but that might change from time to time z0E79h8EZLy-00611-00137208-00137366 you know creature might be a teacher one z0E79h8EZLy-00612-00137367-00137423 day the z0E79h8EZLy-00613-00137424-00137687 pastor might be a preacher and maybe z0E79h8EZLy-00614-00137688-00137847 there's more than one role but what z0E79h8EZLy-00615-00137848-00138031 what spirit is working to and through z0E79h8EZLy-00616-00138032-00138247 these people on the norm z0E79h8EZLy-00617-00138248-00138471 when they manifest those those those uh z0E79h8EZLy-00618-00138472-00138559 calling z0E79h8EZLy-00619-00138560-00138735 yeah hey business so question is what z0E79h8EZLy-00620-00138736-00138878 are we sending out z0E79h8EZLy-00621-00138879-00139031 we're equipping them what are we z0E79h8EZLy-00622-00139032-00139199 equipping people what's the work of the z0E79h8EZLy-00623-00139200-00139295 ministry z0E79h8EZLy-00624-00139296-00139614 what are they doing because i think they z0E79h8EZLy-00625-00139615-00139678 think z0E79h8EZLy-00626-00139679-00139831 are they the ones that will be doing the z0E79h8EZLy-00627-00139832-00140054 discipleship z0E79h8EZLy-00628-00140055-00140298 and and what are we sending out z0E79h8EZLy-00629-00140299-00140487 [Music] z0E79h8EZLy-00630-00140488-00140823 from the congregation what what z0E79h8EZLy-00631-00140824-00141054 we what are we sending out you're z0E79h8EZLy-00632-00141055-00141231 sending not the only thing we cast and z0E79h8EZLy-00633-00141232-00141439 uh z0E79h8EZLy-00634-00141440-00142887 that book we z0E79h8EZLy-00635-00142888-00143199 as i mean z0E79h8EZLy-00636-00143200-00143441 a pecan seed can't produce peanuts z0E79h8EZLy-00637-00143442-00143711 [Music] z0E79h8EZLy-00638-00143712-00143999 i'm sorry i mean there's just the nature z0E79h8EZLy-00639-00144000-00144095 of it z0E79h8EZLy-00640-00144096-00144319 you can only produce after your kind and z0E79h8EZLy-00641-00144320-00144454 that's what jesus told astrology z0E79h8EZLy-00642-00144455-00144543 pharisees z0E79h8EZLy-00643-00144544-00144814 you're making you're making truthful z0E79h8EZLy-00644-00144815-00144959 childs of hell z0E79h8EZLy-00645-00144960-00145135 you're making people's cries as heaviest z0E79h8EZLy-00646-00145136-00145414 than you are z0E79h8EZLy-00647-00145415-00145726 and and that can apply to some us you z0E79h8EZLy-00648-00145727-00145799 just digging z0E79h8EZLy-00649-00145800-00146343 as well exactly z0E79h8EZLy-00650-00146344-00146687 so it won't be a uh the cgi is not all z0E79h8EZLy-00651-00146688-00146841 for just parables correct z0E79h8EZLy-00652-00146842-00147047 [Music] z0E79h8EZLy-00653-00147048-00147359 cities yeahts they're not so oh they're z0E79h8EZLy-00654-00147360-00147535 not just parables up z0E79h8EZLy-00655-00147536-00147678 well i just thought it's out there z0E79h8EZLy-00656-00147679-00147919 because once you once you go down the z0E79h8EZLy-00657-00147920-00148143 road of wholeness z0E79h8EZLy-00658-00148144-00148551 you're on the road to discipleship z0E79h8EZLy-00659-00148552-00148687 and so it'll be interesting if you z0E79h8EZLy-00660-00148688-00148847 understand holding this thing you under z0E79h8EZLy-00661-00148848-00149014 you need to understand z0E79h8EZLy-00662-00149015-00149375 what is jesus talking about in luke 9 23 z0E79h8EZLy-00663-00149376-00150014 9 23 uh matthew 8 34. z0E79h8EZLy-00664-00150015-00150218 mark 8 35 z0E79h8EZLy-00665-00150219-00150390 [Music] z0E79h8EZLy-00666-00150391-00150751 uh no matthew 24 16 z0E79h8EZLy-00667-00150752-00150878 all three of the verses say the same z0E79h8EZLy-00668-00150879-00150986 thing z0E79h8EZLy-00669-00150987-00151159 [Music] z0E79h8EZLy-00670-00151160-00151526 did we look is z0E79h8EZLy-00671-00151527-00151772 is the recipe z0E79h8EZLy-00672-00151773-00152014 [Music] z0E79h8EZLy-00673-00152015-00152431 for wholeness okay z0E79h8EZLy-00674-00152432-00152687 why we look at that bit that's that's z0E79h8EZLy-00675-00152688-00152823 that's no that's just something right z0E79h8EZLy-00676-00152824-00152919 there that you z0E79h8EZLy-00677-00152920-00153126 so you can kind of see you you kind of z0E79h8EZLy-00678-00153127-00153247 look at this thing now about z0E79h8EZLy-00679-00153248-00153566 about wholeness and discipleship did you z0E79h8EZLy-00680-00153567-00153719 really understand discipleship z0E79h8EZLy-00681-00153720-00154199 how does g what does jesus give us z0E79h8EZLy-00682-00154200-00154535 so that we can have some idea z0E79h8EZLy-00683-00154536-00154887 of what the path to wholeness look like z0E79h8EZLy-00684-00154888-00155071 but we gotta put people on it yes sir z0E79h8EZLy-00685-00155072-00155239 right z0E79h8EZLy-00686-00155240-00155399 when you receive christ you're made z0E79h8EZLy-00687-00155400-00155599 whole mm-hmm z0E79h8EZLy-00688-00155600-00155790 knowledge of your wholeness exactly z0E79h8EZLy-00689-00155791-00155911 right that's a problem z0E79h8EZLy-00690-00155912-00156214 see you've got it you got a half million z0E79h8EZLy-00691-00156215-00156335 dollars to make z0E79h8EZLy-00692-00156336-00156439 and you don't understand inside you're z0E79h8EZLy-00693-00156440-00156823 going to take 75 with a cup tomorrow z0E79h8EZLy-00694-00156824-00157079 i work for but z0E79h8EZLy-00695-00157080-00157207 [Music] z0E79h8EZLy-00696-00157208-00157447 also my gonna tell you excuse me do you z0E79h8EZLy-00697-00157448-00157590 realize that z0E79h8EZLy-00698-00157591-00157847 that you your parents left you a half z0E79h8EZLy-00699-00157848-00158054 million dollars down there around there z0E79h8EZLy-00700-00158055-00158190 probably you know all you gotta do go z0E79h8EZLy-00701-00158191-00158383 down there get your money z0E79h8EZLy-00702-00158384-00158790 yeah yeah how to access it z0E79h8EZLy-00703-00158791-00158951 you need to know how to make withdrawals z0E79h8EZLy-00704-00158952-00159271 from come on now z0E79h8EZLy-00705-00159272-00159590 that's it greatest failure that is z0E79h8EZLy-00706-00159591-00159790 they don't teach discipleship and then z0E79h8EZLy-00707-00159791-00160183 they don't teach people how to access it z0E79h8EZLy-00708-00160184-00160343 exactly those are the type of things we z0E79h8EZLy-00709-00160344-00160566 want to get people to z0E79h8EZLy-00710-00160567-00160831 know they're not teaching in the maybe z0E79h8EZLy-00711-00160832-00161047 they look bishop maybe because they z0E79h8EZLy-00712-00161048-00161311 the time of the service they don't have z0E79h8EZLy-00713-00161312-00161375 a z0E79h8EZLy-00714-00161376-00161566 they can't they don't they can't focus z0E79h8EZLy-00715-00161567-00161687 on that z0E79h8EZLy-00716-00161688-00162039 you know well i think because our z0E79h8EZLy-00717-00162040-00162271 our services and all that we do do what z0E79h8EZLy-00718-00162272-00162439 it serves to our lord has so z0E79h8EZLy-00719-00162440-00162766 been distorted that we don't uh we miss z0E79h8EZLy-00720-00162767-00162902 the objective z0E79h8EZLy-00721-00162903-00163063 you know i'm saying i mean the objective z0E79h8EZLy-00722-00163064-00163207 of all that we do is to cause other z0E79h8EZLy-00723-00163208-00163366 people to become disciples to the lord z0E79h8EZLy-00724-00163367-00163463 jesus christ z0E79h8EZLy-00725-00163464-00163726 that's the objective the the the church z0E79h8EZLy-00726-00163727-00163926 anniversary don't help z0E79h8EZLy-00727-00163927-00164119 the fastest anniversary birthday party z0E79h8EZLy-00728-00164120-00164375 don't don't really get to that point z0E79h8EZLy-00729-00164376-00164638 uh there's a lot of things that we do uh z0E79h8EZLy-00730-00164639-00164766 within the z0E79h8EZLy-00731-00164767-00164999 confines of that environment that has z0E79h8EZLy-00732-00165000-00165119 nothing to do with z0E79h8EZLy-00733-00165120-00165311 causing an individual to become more z0E79h8EZLy-00734-00165312-00165495 dedicated to the lord jesus christ and z0E79h8EZLy-00735-00165496-00165599 message z0E79h8EZLy-00736-00165600-00165807 jesus has become a part of the mix and z0E79h8EZLy-00737-00165808-00165966 not the focus z0E79h8EZLy-00738-00165967-00166102 there shouldn't even be church but i z0E79h8EZLy-00739-00166103-00166311 just if you see what i'm saying z0E79h8EZLy-00740-00166312-00166471 without him being the focal point z0E79h8EZLy-00741-00166472-00166631 there's no reason for us z0E79h8EZLy-00742-00166632-00166911 yeah we can have clubs outside the cup z0E79h8EZLy-00743-00166912-00167095 lines of what we call the church z0E79h8EZLy-00744-00167096-00167223 there are kind of clubs out there you z0E79h8EZLy-00745-00167224-00167438 can you can go under the z0E79h8EZLy-00746-00167439-00167678 golf club club or whatever it is but z0E79h8EZLy-00747-00167679-00167814 don't come to church z0E79h8EZLy-00748-00167815-00168031 but don't teach people to come to church z0E79h8EZLy-00749-00168032-00168207 to congregate just z0E79h8EZLy-00750-00168208-00168438 congregate but teach them to come to z0E79h8EZLy-00751-00168439-00168543 know jesus z0E79h8EZLy-00752-00168544-00168838 to experience christ and and but we've z0E79h8EZLy-00753-00168839-00168943 gotten away from it z0E79h8EZLy-00754-00168944-00169135 and i understand why because we as a z0E79h8EZLy-00755-00169136-00169302 subculture didn't really have a social z0E79h8EZLy-00756-00169303-00169519 environment aside from the church z0E79h8EZLy-00757-00169520-00169807 so we chose the body i mean that that z0E79h8EZLy-00758-00169808-00169966 environment and that institution didn't z0E79h8EZLy-00759-00169967-00170135 come out all in all it was our night z0E79h8EZLy-00760-00170136-00170214 club z0E79h8EZLy-00761-00170215-00170583 it was uh it was uh it was a school bus z0E79h8EZLy-00762-00170584-00170854 then we transported that did everything z0E79h8EZLy-00763-00170855-00170990 we didn't have we didn't have these z0E79h8EZLy-00764-00170991-00171159 things available to us z0E79h8EZLy-00765-00171160-00171471 as a subconscious initiative yes and we z0E79h8EZLy-00766-00171472-00171831 transfer everything we wanted in life z0E79h8EZLy-00767-00171832-00172135 we put in the church whoa z0E79h8EZLy-00768-00172136-00172302 we brought the hierarchy of the world z0E79h8EZLy-00769-00172303-00172647 system into the church z0E79h8EZLy-00770-00172648-00172854 where did most of our rp sickness come z0E79h8EZLy-00771-00172855-00172983 out of z0E79h8EZLy-00772-00172984-00173271 the church it went because r b got in z0E79h8EZLy-00773-00173272-00173399 there i mean they brought z0E79h8EZLy-00774-00173400-00173666 me into the church they brought me out z0E79h8EZLy-00775-00173667-00173911 [Music] z0E79h8EZLy-00776-00173912-00174078 they were singing in the choirs before z0E79h8EZLy-00777-00174079-00174223 they were singing the nightclub z0E79h8EZLy-00778-00174224-00174599 yeah so it has been for z0E79h8EZLy-00779-00174600-00174831 us as a people the focal point of our z0E79h8EZLy-00780-00174832-00174926 lives z0E79h8EZLy-00781-00174927-00175285 except we lost sight of christ z0E79h8EZLy-00782-00175286-00175463 [Music] z0E79h8EZLy-00783-00175464-00175623 and we're having to go back we have to z0E79h8EZLy-00784-00175624-00175823 go back and put him in the throne again z0E79h8EZLy-00785-00175824-00177225 yeah what business inside z0E79h8EZLy-00786-00177226-00179319 [Music] z0E79h8EZLy-00787-00179320-00179527 you z1M2qu0TXfE-00000-00000000-00001447 [Music] z1M2qu0TXfE-00001-00001448-00001495 hi z1M2qu0TXfE-00002-00001496-00001679 it's lou brown and i've got something z1M2qu0TXfE-00003-00001680-00001823 very interesting for you z1M2qu0TXfE-00004-00001823-00002118 if you're a real estate agent or you z1M2qu0TXfE-00005-00002119-00002159 know z1M2qu0TXfE-00006-00002160-00002367 a real estate agent or you're a real z1M2qu0TXfE-00007-00002368-00002534 estate investor this will be of interest z1M2qu0TXfE-00008-00002535-00002726 to you as well because z1M2qu0TXfE-00009-00002727-00002991 what i'm doing with real estate agents z1M2qu0TXfE-00010-00002992-00003063 these days z1M2qu0TXfE-00011-00003064-00003343 is phenomenal it is great for them and z1M2qu0TXfE-00012-00003344-00003511 it's great for us as well z1M2qu0TXfE-00013-00003511-00003743 now we all know that real estate agents z1M2qu0TXfE-00014-00003744-00003831 often see z1M2qu0TXfE-00015-00003832-00004079 properties that never get listed only z1M2qu0TXfE-00016-00004079-00004279 because the people make a decision z1M2qu0TXfE-00017-00004280-00004470 hey i just don't want to go through the z1M2qu0TXfE-00018-00004471-00004670 pain and suffering of a traditional z1M2qu0TXfE-00019-00004671-00004767 listing z1M2qu0TXfE-00020-00004768-00005047 and the other thing that motivates real z1M2qu0TXfE-00021-00005048-00005143 estate agents z1M2qu0TXfE-00022-00005144-00005447 is that what if you could get both sides z1M2qu0TXfE-00023-00005448-00005591 of the commission z1M2qu0TXfE-00024-00005592-00005822 not just the listing side of the z1M2qu0TXfE-00025-00005823-00005934 commission but you could z1M2qu0TXfE-00026-00005935-00006102 also get the selling side of the z1M2qu0TXfE-00027-00006103-00006295 commission well that's one of the things z1M2qu0TXfE-00028-00006296-00006470 i've been doing with real estate agents z1M2qu0TXfE-00029-00006472-00006527 lately z1M2qu0TXfE-00030-00006528-00006798 is just to let them know who we are and z1M2qu0TXfE-00031-00006800-00006895 what we do z1M2qu0TXfE-00032-00006895-00007119 and the fact that we can come in and z1M2qu0TXfE-00033-00007120-00007278 purchase properties from them z1M2qu0TXfE-00034-00007279-00007614 often only 24 hours notice so what i'm z1M2qu0TXfE-00035-00007615-00007751 telling agents is look z1M2qu0TXfE-00036-00007752-00008031 how would you love to get both sides of z1M2qu0TXfE-00037-00008031-00008223 the commission the listing side and the z1M2qu0TXfE-00038-00008224-00008303 selling side z1M2qu0TXfE-00039-00008304-00008503 here's all i'm asking you to do hey z1M2qu0TXfE-00040-00008504-00008687 you're going to be listing the property z1M2qu0TXfE-00041-00008688-00008863 you know it takes a little while to show z1M2qu0TXfE-00042-00008864-00008999 up in the mls z1M2qu0TXfE-00043-00009000-00009231 anyway give me a shot at it let me come z1M2qu0TXfE-00044-00009232-00009310 over z1M2qu0TXfE-00045-00009311-00009559 view the property meet with your seller z1M2qu0TXfE-00046-00009560-00009719 see if we can go ahead z1M2qu0TXfE-00047-00009720-00009999 and eliminate the whole process of the z1M2qu0TXfE-00048-00010000-00010135 listing and selling z1M2qu0TXfE-00049-00010136-00010391 and just go ahead and purchase the z1M2qu0TXfE-00050-00010392-00010487 property z1M2qu0TXfE-00051-00010488-00010767 and eliminate all the other expenses z1M2qu0TXfE-00052-00010768-00010806 well z1M2qu0TXfE-00053-00010807-00011063 sure enough that has been working out z1M2qu0TXfE-00054-00011064-00011159 very well for me z1M2qu0TXfE-00055-00011160-00011374 and what i just did that you'll see in z1M2qu0TXfE-00056-00011375-00011599 just a moment is a great example z1M2qu0TXfE-00057-00011600-00011831 so the real estate agent knew me and z1M2qu0TXfE-00058-00011832-00011983 that's one of the other things i teach z1M2qu0TXfE-00059-00011984-00012087 you is getting z1M2qu0TXfE-00060-00012088-00012367 connected to the community making a z1M2qu0TXfE-00061-00012368-00012470 connection with z1M2qu0TXfE-00062-00012471-00012791 all the people in the community that z1M2qu0TXfE-00063-00012792-00013022 are shakers and movers but there's z1M2qu0TXfE-00064-00013023-00013238 always somebody that's going to sell z1M2qu0TXfE-00065-00013240-00013430 there's always somebody that needs to z1M2qu0TXfE-00066-00013431-00013615 buy there's always something z1M2qu0TXfE-00067-00013616-00013894 where you can be present at the time z1M2qu0TXfE-00068-00013895-00014047 that they just need to get rid of a z1M2qu0TXfE-00069-00014047-00014175 piece of property z1M2qu0TXfE-00070-00014176-00014503 and so this person real estate agent z1M2qu0TXfE-00071-00014504-00014822 knows me and he said hey i've just got z1M2qu0TXfE-00072-00014823-00014951 this listing z1M2qu0TXfE-00073-00014952-00015143 i'm going to take it to lou sure enough z1M2qu0TXfE-00074-00015144-00015294 i looked at the property z1M2qu0TXfE-00075-00015295-00015575 i said yes we can do that deal gave them z1M2qu0TXfE-00076-00015576-00015599 an z1M2qu0TXfE-00077-00015600-00015822 offer we went back and forth we z1M2qu0TXfE-00078-00015823-00016007 negotiated back and forth z1M2qu0TXfE-00079-00016008-00016247 never put in anything in writing until z1M2qu0TXfE-00080-00016247-00016439 we finally got down to the final z1M2qu0TXfE-00081-00016440-00016519 agreement z1M2qu0TXfE-00082-00016520-00016750 sure enough put that in writing and we z1M2qu0TXfE-00083-00016751-00016911 were able to close on that property z1M2qu0TXfE-00084-00016912-00017047 within seven days z1M2qu0TXfE-00085-00017048-00017263 so the real estate agent was thrilled z1M2qu0TXfE-00086-00017264-00017350 number one z1M2qu0TXfE-00087-00017351-00017543 because they got the listing commission z1M2qu0TXfE-00088-00017544-00017750 number two because they got the selling z1M2qu0TXfE-00089-00017751-00017855 commission too z1M2qu0TXfE-00090-00017856-00018047 so that was a full six percent that the z1M2qu0TXfE-00091-00018048-00018230 real estate agent got over seven z1M2qu0TXfE-00092-00018231-00018439 thousand dollars in commission and z1M2qu0TXfE-00093-00018440-00018550 number three z1M2qu0TXfE-00094-00018551-00018807 got it within seven days of our z1M2qu0TXfE-00095-00018808-00018927 agreement so z1M2qu0TXfE-00096-00018928-00019175 that's something to definitely offer to z1M2qu0TXfE-00097-00019176-00019367 real estate agents in your area z1M2qu0TXfE-00098-00019368-00019614 but also it's something that as a real z1M2qu0TXfE-00099-00019615-00019750 estate investor z1M2qu0TXfE-00100-00019751-00019943 you definitely want to get connected z1M2qu0TXfE-00101-00019944-00020183 with real estate agents because they are z1M2qu0TXfE-00102-00020184-00020430 conduits for great deals take a look at z1M2qu0TXfE-00103-00020431-00021455 this house z1M2qu0TXfE-00104-00021456-00023342 [Music] z1M2qu0TXfE-00105-00023343-00023511 all right well i hope you enjoyed that z1M2qu0TXfE-00106-00023512-00023775 tour of columbia woods and that one z1M2qu0TXfE-00107-00023776-00024086 is just a great example of one thing z1M2qu0TXfE-00108-00024087-00024150 that z1M2qu0TXfE-00109-00024151-00024335 led to another that led to another z1M2qu0TXfE-00110-00024336-00024550 obviously the house needs repairs z1M2qu0TXfE-00111-00024551-00024750 that's another reason that someone might z1M2qu0TXfE-00112-00024751-00024863 want to work with you z1M2qu0TXfE-00113-00024864-00025142 instead of doing it the traditional way z1M2qu0TXfE-00114-00025143-00025327 because traditional buyers are looking z1M2qu0TXfE-00115-00025328-00025527 for houses that are already done z1M2qu0TXfE-00116-00025528-00025870 in many cases of course in our street z1M2qu0TXfE-00117-00025872-00026014 smart way of doing business z1M2qu0TXfE-00118-00026016-00026311 we find buyers that don't need z1M2qu0TXfE-00119-00026312-00026446 everything all fixed z1M2qu0TXfE-00120-00026447-00026711 and they'll come take the property as is z1M2qu0TXfE-00121-00026712-00026918 or will do some things they'll do the z1M2qu0TXfE-00122-00026919-00027007 other things z1M2qu0TXfE-00123-00027008-00027190 and the things that they agree to do z1M2qu0TXfE-00124-00027191-00027335 they get credit for z1M2qu0TXfE-00125-00027336-00027551 towards their down payment so that's z1M2qu0TXfE-00126-00027552-00027758 another unique thing we do in our path z1M2qu0TXfE-00127-00027760-00027862 to home ownership z1M2qu0TXfE-00128-00027863-00028111 program so there's some unique ways that z1M2qu0TXfE-00129-00028112-00028199 we do business z1M2qu0TXfE-00130-00028200-00028399 and i'd love to work with you if you're z1M2qu0TXfE-00131-00028400-00028583 a real estate agent you'd like to have z1M2qu0TXfE-00132-00028583-00028790 another stream of income z1M2qu0TXfE-00133-00028791-00029039 boy we have got a phenomenal one where z1M2qu0TXfE-00134-00029039-00029095 we z1M2qu0TXfE-00135-00029095-00029358 hold on to the properties and we offer z1M2qu0TXfE-00136-00029360-00029614 people the opportunity at home ownership z1M2qu0TXfE-00137-00029616-00029846 at a later date typically the people z1M2qu0TXfE-00138-00029847-00029958 we're working with have z1M2qu0TXfE-00139-00029960-00030190 less than perfect credit so we're able z1M2qu0TXfE-00140-00030191-00030383 to work with them over time to get that z1M2qu0TXfE-00141-00030383-00030455 improved z1M2qu0TXfE-00142-00030456-00030614 to the point that they can get a brand z1M2qu0TXfE-00143-00030616-00030799 new loan from the bank or z1M2qu0TXfE-00144-00030800-00031046 we act as the bank i'd love to teach you z1M2qu0TXfE-00145-00031047-00031127 the whole z1M2qu0TXfE-00146-00031127-00031390 process it works out phenomenal one of z1M2qu0TXfE-00147-00031391-00031543 the greatest things for real estate z1M2qu0TXfE-00148-00031544-00031662 agents is z1M2qu0TXfE-00149-00031663-00031918 it provides residual income and that's z1M2qu0TXfE-00150-00031919-00032087 one thing that real estate agents don't z1M2qu0TXfE-00151-00032088-00032127 have z1M2qu0TXfE-00152-00032127-00032446 typically is a retirement plan well this z1M2qu0TXfE-00153-00032447-00032631 is a definite retirement plan because it z1M2qu0TXfE-00154-00032632-00032718 can pay you z1M2qu0TXfE-00155-00032719-00032935 for the next 40 years and wouldn't that z1M2qu0TXfE-00156-00032936-00033095 be a beautiful thing so z1M2qu0TXfE-00157-00033096-00033318 come see me my name is lou brown i'm z1M2qu0TXfE-00158-00033319-00033639 calling the streetsmartinvestor.com z1M2qu0TXfE-00159-00033640-00033890 you can check out certified z1M2qu0TXfE-00160-00033891-00034023 affordablehousingprovider.com z1M2qu0TXfE-00161-00034024-00034246 learn more about who we are what we do z1M2qu0TXfE-00162-00034247-00034343 love to see you z1M2qu0TXfE-00163-00034344-00035277 at an upcoming event yeah baby z1M2qu0TXfE-00164-00035278-00036511 [Music] z1M2qu0TXfE-00165-00036512-00036719 you z4VZNn-4Jwu-00000-00000048-00000432 foreign z4VZNn-4Jwu-00001-00000433-00002957 [Music] z4VZNn-4Jwu-00002-00002958-00003100 foreign z4VZNn-4Jwu-00003-00003101-00005956 [Music] z4VZNn-4Jwu-00004-00005957-00006259 foreign z4VZNn-4Jwu-00005-00006260-00007228 [Music] z4VZNn-4Jwu-00006-00007229-00007384 foreign z4VZNn-4Jwu-00007-00007386-00010001 [Music] z4VZNn-4Jwu-00008-00010002-00010174 foreign z4VZNn-4Jwu-00010-00013291-00013566 thank you z4VZNn-4Jwu-00011-00013568-00014777 [Music] z4VZNn-4Jwu-00012-00014778-00014999 foreign z4VZNn-4Jwu-00014-00018451-00018620 thank you z4VZNn-4Jwu-00015-00018621-00021119 [Music] z4VZNn-4Jwu-00016-00021120-00021289 foreign z4VZNn-4Jwu-00017-00021290-00022133 [Music] z4VZNn-4Jwu-00018-00022134-00022300 foreign z4VZNn-4Jwu-00020-00026172-00026341 foreign z4VZNn-4Jwu-00022-00029838-00030158 foreign z4VZNn-4Jwu-00024-00033246-00033546 foreign z626mdIBqBy-00000-00000050-00000340 minorca or menorca catalan menorca z626mdIBqBy-00001-00000341-00000617 Emrick spanish menorca me nOCA from z626mdIBqBy-00002-00000618-00000853 latin insula minor later minor iike z626mdIBqBy-00003-00000855-00001157 smaller island is one of the balearic z626mdIBqBy-00004-00001158-00001354 islands located in the mediterranean sea z626mdIBqBy-00005-00001355-00001657 belonging to spain its name derives from z626mdIBqBy-00006-00001659-00001852 its size contrasting it with nearby z626mdIBqBy-00007-00001853-00002195 Majorca Minorca has a population of z626mdIBqBy-00008-00002196-00002570 approximately 90 1170 at the first of z626mdIBqBy-00009-00002571-00002968 January 2017 it is located 39 degrees z626mdIBqBy-00010-00002969-00003245 forty seven to forty degrees oon three z626mdIBqBy-00011-00003246-00003622 degrees 52 to four degrees 24 II its z626mdIBqBy-00012-00003623-00003854 highest point called el Torro or Mundi z626mdIBqBy-00013-00003854-00004376 Toro is 358 meters 1175 feet above sea z626mdIBqBy-00014-00004377-00004710 level z626mdIBqBy-00015-00004711-00005213 topic history z626mdIBqBy-00016-00005214-00005404 the island is known for its collection z626mdIBqBy-00017-00005405-00005638 of megalithic stone monuments the Viets z626mdIBqBy-00018-00005639-00005885 Tali Zinta Leia's which indicate very z626mdIBqBy-00019-00005886-00006188 early prehistoric human activity some of z626mdIBqBy-00020-00006189-00006368 the earliest culture on menorca was z626mdIBqBy-00021-00006369-00006539 influenced by other Mediterranean z626mdIBqBy-00022-00006540-00006743 cultures including the Greek Minoans of z626mdIBqBy-00023-00006744-00006827 ancient Crete z626mdIBqBy-00024-00006828-00007079 see also chimneys and islands for z626mdIBqBy-00025-00007080-00007298 example the use of inverted plastered z626mdIBqBy-00026-00007298-00007469 timber columns at Knossos is thought to z626mdIBqBy-00027-00007470-00007681 have influenced early peoples of menorca z626mdIBqBy-00028-00007683-00007870 and imitating this practice the end of z626mdIBqBy-00029-00007872-00008069 the Punic Wars saw an increase in piracy z626mdIBqBy-00030-00008070-00008354 in the western Mediterranean the Roman z626mdIBqBy-00031-00008355-00008546 occupation of Hispania had meant a z626mdIBqBy-00032-00008547-00008726 growth of maritime trade between the z626mdIBqBy-00033-00008727-00009038 Iberian and Italian peninsulas pirates z626mdIBqBy-00034-00009039-00009218 took advantage of the strategic location z626mdIBqBy-00035-00009219-00009458 of the Balearic Islands to raid Roman z626mdIBqBy-00036-00009459-00009695 commerce using both menorca and Majorca z626mdIBqBy-00037-00009696-00010010 as basis in reaction to this the Romans z626mdIBqBy-00038-00010011-00010373 invaded menorca by 123 BC both islands z626mdIBqBy-00039-00010374-00010571 were fully under Roman control later z626mdIBqBy-00040-00010572-00010769 being incorporated into the province of z626mdIBqBy-00041-00010770-00011177 hispania citerior in 13 BC Roman Emperor z626mdIBqBy-00042-00011178-00011374 Augustus reorganized the provincial z626mdIBqBy-00043-00011375-00011579 system and the Balearic Islands became z626mdIBqBy-00044-00011580-00011762 part of the tarraconensis Imperial z626mdIBqBy-00045-00011763-00012028 province the ancient town of Mago was z626mdIBqBy-00046-00012029-00012263 transformed from a Carthaginian town to z626mdIBqBy-00047-00012264-00012610 a Roman town z626mdIBqBy-00048-00012611-00013130 topic jews of menorca z626mdIBqBy-00049-00013131-00013413 the island had a Jewish population the z626mdIBqBy-00050-00013413-00013605 letter on the conversion of the Jews by z626mdIBqBy-00051-00013606-00013805 a fifth century bishop named Severus z626mdIBqBy-00052-00013806-00013970 tells of the forced conversion of the z626mdIBqBy-00053-00013971-00014275 islands 540 Jewish men and women in AD z626mdIBqBy-00054-00014276-00014663 418 several Jews including Theodor a z626mdIBqBy-00055-00014665-00014858 rich representative Jew who stood high z626mdIBqBy-00056-00014859-00015053 in the estimation of his choral Aegina z626mdIBqBy-00057-00015054-00015219 stand of Christians alike underwent z626mdIBqBy-00058-00015219-00015486 baptism the act of conversion brought z626mdIBqBy-00059-00015487-00015672 about within a previously peaceful z626mdIBqBy-00060-00015672-00015875 coexisting community the expulsion of z626mdIBqBy-00061-00015876-00016073 the ruling Jewish elite into the Bleak z626mdIBqBy-00062-00016074-00016256 hinterlands the burning of synagogues z626mdIBqBy-00063-00016257-00016478 and a gradual reinstatement of certain z626mdIBqBy-00064-00016479-00016647 Jewish families after the forced z626mdIBqBy-00065-00016648-00016853 acceptance of Christianity allowing the z626mdIBqBy-00066-00016854-00017045 survival of those Jewish families who z626mdIBqBy-00067-00017046-00017306 had not already perished many Jews z626mdIBqBy-00068-00017307-00017480 remained within the Jewish faith while z626mdIBqBy-00069-00017481-00017656 outwardly professing Christian faith z626mdIBqBy-00070-00017657-00017912 some of these Jews form part of the z626mdIBqBy-00071-00017913-00018212 Shwetha community when menorca became a z626mdIBqBy-00072-00018213-00018497 British possession in 1713 they actively z626mdIBqBy-00073-00018498-00018702 encouraged the emigration of foreign non z626mdIBqBy-00074-00018703-00018911 Catholics which included Jews who were z626mdIBqBy-00075-00018912-00019074 not accepted by the predominantly z626mdIBqBy-00076-00019075-00019325 Christian inhabitants when the Jewish z626mdIBqBy-00077-00019326-00019550 community in maan requested the use of a z626mdIBqBy-00078-00019551-00019736 room as a synagogue their request was z626mdIBqBy-00079-00019737-00019896 refused and they were denounced by the z626mdIBqBy-00080-00019897-00020315 clergy in 1781 when Lewis day valves to z626mdIBqBy-00081-00020316-00020528 Burton de Crillon duc de maeín invaded z626mdIBqBy-00082-00020529-00020736 menorca he ordered all Jews to leave in z626mdIBqBy-00083-00020737-00020996 four days at that time the Jewish z626mdIBqBy-00084-00020997-00021228 community consisted of about 500 people z626mdIBqBy-00085-00021229-00021422 and they were transported from menorca z626mdIBqBy-00086-00021423-00021614 in four Spanish ships to the port of z626mdIBqBy-00087-00021615-00021942 Marseilles z626mdIBqBy-00088-00021943-00022453 topic Middle Ages z626mdIBqBy-00089-00022454-00022666 the Vandals easily conquered the island z626mdIBqBy-00090-00022667-00022891 in the fifth century the Byzantine z626mdIBqBy-00091-00022892-00023247 Empire recovered it in 534 following the z626mdIBqBy-00092-00023248-00023442 Moorish conquest of peninsular Spain z626mdIBqBy-00093-00023443-00023644 menorca was annexed to the Caliphate of z626mdIBqBy-00094-00023645-00023889 córdoba in 903 with many Moors z626mdIBqBy-00095-00023890-00024219 emigrating to the island menorca Arabic z626mdIBqBy-00096-00024220-00024430 merked was the Arab a sized name given z626mdIBqBy-00097-00024431-00024610 to the island by the Muslims from its z626mdIBqBy-00098-00024611-00024819 annexation to the Caliphate of Cordoba z626mdIBqBy-00099-00024820-00025128 by Esau mal Kalani in 903 until the rule z626mdIBqBy-00100-00025129-00025383 of the last Muslim rice abu umar bin z626mdIBqBy-00101-00025384-00025768 saeed in 1287 the only urban center of z626mdIBqBy-00102-00025769-00025983 the island was madinat al jazeera or z626mdIBqBy-00103-00025985-00026287 almond yurka modern Citadella most of z626mdIBqBy-00104-00026288-00026479 the population lived in small farm z626mdIBqBy-00105-00026480-00026680 communities organized under a tribal z626mdIBqBy-00106-00026681-00027064 structure in 1231 after Christian forces z626mdIBqBy-00107-00027064-00027301 took may Orca menorca chose to become an z626mdIBqBy-00108-00027302-00027517 independent Islamic state albeit one z626mdIBqBy-00109-00027518-00027730 tributary to King James the first of z626mdIBqBy-00110-00027731-00028012 Aragon the island was ruled first by a z626mdIBqBy-00111-00028013-00028426 booth men side Hakam al karashi 1234 212 z626mdIBqBy-00112-00028427-00028668 82 and following his death by his son z626mdIBqBy-00113-00028669-00029124 abu umar eben site 1282 to 1287 a z626mdIBqBy-00114-00029125-00029398 Catalan Aragon AZ invasion led by z626mdIBqBy-00115-00029399-00029640 Alfonso the third came on the 17th of z626mdIBqBy-00116-00029641-00029937 January 12 87 its anniversary has now z626mdIBqBy-00117-00029938-00030240 celebrated as menorca's nacional de once z626mdIBqBy-00118-00030241-00030433 the island was captured most of its z626mdIBqBy-00119-00030433-00030633 muslim inhabitants were enslaved and z626mdIBqBy-00120-00030634-00030826 sold in the slave markets of ibiza z626mdIBqBy-00121-00030827-00031054 Valencia and Barcelona while others z626mdIBqBy-00122-00031055-00031383 became Christians only 100 Muslims were z626mdIBqBy-00123-00031384-00031568 allowed to remain on the island until z626mdIBqBy-00124-00031569-00031810 1344 the island was part of the kingdom z626mdIBqBy-00125-00031811-00032026 of Majorca a vassal state of the crown z626mdIBqBy-00126-00032027-00032332 of Aragon Aragon subsequently annexed z626mdIBqBy-00127-00032333-00032530 the kingdom and was then absorbed itself z626mdIBqBy-00128-00032531-00032790 into the unified Spanish crown during z626mdIBqBy-00129-00032791-00033049 the 16th century Turkish naval attacks z626mdIBqBy-00130-00033050-00033220 destroyed maeín and the then capital z626mdIBqBy-00131-00033221-00033465 Citadella before turkish settlement took z626mdIBqBy-00132-00033466-00033712 place on some of the island in maeín z626mdIBqBy-00133-00033713-00033939 Barbary pirates from North Africa took z626mdIBqBy-00134-00033940-00034195 considerable booty and as many as 6,000 z626mdIBqBy-00135-00034196-00034504 slaves various Spanish kings including z626mdIBqBy-00136-00034505-00034732 Philip the 3rd and Philip the 4th styled z626mdIBqBy-00137-00034733-00034983 themselves king of menorca as a z626mdIBqBy-00138-00034984-00035453 subsidiary title z626mdIBqBy-00139-00035454-00035925 topic eighteenth-century z626mdIBqBy-00140-00035926-00036246 invaded by Britain's Royal Navy in 1708 z626mdIBqBy-00141-00036247-00036422 during the war of the Spanish Succession z626mdIBqBy-00142-00036423-00036672 menorca temporarily became a British z626mdIBqBy-00143-00036673-00036942 possession Great Britain took possession z626mdIBqBy-00144-00036943-00037242 in 1713 under the terms of article 11 of z626mdIBqBy-00145-00037243-00037464 the Treaty of Utrecht under the z626mdIBqBy-00146-00037465-00037647 governorship of general richard cain z626mdIBqBy-00147-00037648-00037866 this period saw the islands capital z626mdIBqBy-00148-00037867-00038037 moved to Portman and a naval base z626mdIBqBy-00149-00038038-00038457 established in that towns Harbor in 1756 z626mdIBqBy-00150-00038458-00038652 during the Seven Years War France z626mdIBqBy-00151-00038653-00038832 captured the island after the siege of z626mdIBqBy-00152-00038833-00039018 fort Saint Philip and a failed British z626mdIBqBy-00153-00039019-00039264 relief attempt thanks to the Treaty of z626mdIBqBy-00154-00039265-00039573 Paris of 1763 the British returned to z626mdIBqBy-00155-00039574-00039726 the island again following Britain's z626mdIBqBy-00156-00039727-00040065 victory in the Seven Years War in 1781 z626mdIBqBy-00157-00040066-00040233 during the American War of Independence z626mdIBqBy-00158-00040234-00040479 the British were defeated for a second z626mdIBqBy-00159-00040480-00040653 time in this instance by a combination z626mdIBqBy-00160-00040654-00040893 of French and Spanish forces and on the z626mdIBqBy-00161-00040894-00041202 5th of January 1782 the Spanish regained z626mdIBqBy-00162-00041203-00041406 control of the island after a long siege z626mdIBqBy-00163-00041407-00041619 of Saint Philip's Castle in Port Mann on z626mdIBqBy-00164-00041620-00041859 the Feast of the Epiphany as an z626mdIBqBy-00165-00041860-00042084 expression of joy King Charles the third z626mdIBqBy-00166-00042085-00042312 of Spain ordered the viceroys captains z626mdIBqBy-00167-00042313-00042492 general governors and military z626mdIBqBy-00168-00042493-00042642 commanders to bring together the z626mdIBqBy-00169-00042643-00042819 Garrison's and to extend his greetings z626mdIBqBy-00170-00042820-00042984 to army commanders on the so called z626mdIBqBy-00171-00042985-00043257 Paschal militar the British ceded the z626mdIBqBy-00172-00043258-00043449 island back to Spain the next year in z626mdIBqBy-00173-00043450-00043701 the Treaty of Versailles menorca was z626mdIBqBy-00174-00043702-00043887 invaded by the british once again in z626mdIBqBy-00175-00043888-00044145 1798 during the French Revolutionary z626mdIBqBy-00176-00044146-00044328 Wars but it was finally and permanently z626mdIBqBy-00177-00044329-00044550 repossessed by Spain by the terms of the z626mdIBqBy-00178-00044551-00044865 Treaty of Amiens in 1802 the British z626mdIBqBy-00179-00044866-00045057 influence can still be seen in local z626mdIBqBy-00180-00045058-00045258 architecture with elements such as sash z626mdIBqBy-00181-00045259-00045543 windows as with the rest of the Balearic z626mdIBqBy-00182-00045544-00045801 Islands menorca was not occupied by the z626mdIBqBy-00183-00045802-00046011 French during the Peninsular war as it z626mdIBqBy-00184-00046012-00046191 was successfully protected by the Royal z626mdIBqBy-00185-00046192-00046653 Navy this time allied to Spain z626mdIBqBy-00186-00046654-00047227 topic post one 900 z626mdIBqBy-00187-00047228-00047479 during the Spanish Civil War menorca z626mdIBqBy-00188-00047480-00047677 stayed loyal to the republican spanish z626mdIBqBy-00189-00047678-00047812 government while the rest of the z626mdIBqBy-00190-00047813-00047968 Balearic Islands supported the z626mdIBqBy-00191-00047969-00048217 Nationalists it did not see ground z626mdIBqBy-00192-00048218-00048439 combat however the island was a target z626mdIBqBy-00193-00048440-00048580 of aerial bombing by the pro z626mdIBqBy-00194-00048581-00048820 nationalists Italians of corpo trevelin z626mdIBqBy-00195-00048821-00049099 tere Air Force many menorquin z-- were z626mdIBqBy-00196-00049100-00049306 also killed when taking part in a failed z626mdIBqBy-00197-00049307-00049597 invasion of Majorca also some new york z626mdIBqBy-00198-00049598-00049768 ins and a priest were executed in z626mdIBqBy-00199-00049769-00049987 menorca during the Pedro Marquez barber z626mdIBqBy-00200-00049988-00050323 era July to December 1936 after z626mdIBqBy-00201-00050324-00050536 nationalists victory in the Battle of z626mdIBqBy-00202-00050537-00050824 menorca in february 1939 the British z626mdIBqBy-00203-00050825-00051034 Navy assisted in a peaceful transfer of z626mdIBqBy-00204-00051035-00051258 power in menorca and the evacuation of z626mdIBqBy-00205-00051259-00051516 some political refugees aboard HMS Devon z626mdIBqBy-00206-00051517-00051898 sure in October 1993 menorca was z626mdIBqBy-00207-00051899-00052104 designated by UNESCO as a biosphere z626mdIBqBy-00208-00052105-00052465 reserve in July 2005 the islands z626mdIBqBy-00209-00052466-00052692 application to become the 25th member of z626mdIBqBy-00210-00052694-00052828 the International island games z626mdIBqBy-00211-00052829-00053341 Association was approved z626mdIBqBy-00212-00053342-00053770 soppec climate z626mdIBqBy-00213-00053771-00054025 as the major part of balearic islands z626mdIBqBy-00214-00054026-00054214 menorca has a Mediterranean climate z626mdIBqBy-00215-00054215-00054496 köppen csa with mild winters and hot z626mdIBqBy-00216-00054497-00054848 summers z626mdIBqBy-00217-00054849-00055351 topic culture z626mdIBqBy-00218-00055352-00055600 the location of menorca in the middle of z626mdIBqBy-00219-00055601-00055792 the western Mediterranean was a staging z626mdIBqBy-00220-00055793-00055975 point for the different cultures since z626mdIBqBy-00221-00055976-00056291 prehistoric times this balearic islands z626mdIBqBy-00222-00056291-00056465 as a mix of colonial and local z626mdIBqBy-00223-00056466-00056749 architecture the fests take place z626mdIBqBy-00224-00056750-00056911 throughout the summer in different towns z626mdIBqBy-00225-00056912-00057104 around the island and have their origins z626mdIBqBy-00226-00057104-00057355 in the early 14th century the z626mdIBqBy-00227-00057356-00057521 international Opera week an z626mdIBqBy-00228-00057522-00057769 international organ in man and the z626mdIBqBy-00229-00057770-00057988 summer music festival and cappella David z626mdIBqBy-00230-00057989-00058180 Iike concerts in Citadella are the main z626mdIBqBy-00231-00058181-00058474 events of the island menorca's cuisine z626mdIBqBy-00232-00058475-00058679 is dominated by the Mediterranean diet z626mdIBqBy-00233-00058679-00058942 which is known to be very healthy while z626mdIBqBy-00234-00058943-00059129 many of the locals have adopted modern z626mdIBqBy-00235-00059129-00059354 attitudes they still uphold certain old z626mdIBqBy-00236-00059354-00059692 traditions z626mdIBqBy-00237-00059694-00060266 topic traditional celebrations z626mdIBqBy-00238-00060266-00060524 menorca is especially well-known for its z626mdIBqBy-00239-00060525-00060704 traditional summer fiestas which z626mdIBqBy-00240-00060705-00060998 intrigued many visitors the fest desange z626mdIBqBy-00241-00060999-00061203 own are held annually in ceded la de z626mdIBqBy-00242-00061204-00061596 menorca during 23 - 25 June the fests z626mdIBqBy-00243-00061597-00061850 last for three days on the first day a z626mdIBqBy-00244-00061851-00062051 man bears a well-groomed sheep upon his z626mdIBqBy-00245-00062052-00062223 shoulders and parades around the local z626mdIBqBy-00246-00062224-00062513 streets in the late evening main streets z626mdIBqBy-00247-00062514-00062732 are closed and bonfires held upon them z626mdIBqBy-00248-00062733-00063029 on the second day locally bred black z626mdIBqBy-00249-00063030-00063198 horses are dressed with ribbons and z626mdIBqBy-00250-00063199-00063603 rosettes the riders or cake sirs ride z626mdIBqBy-00251-00063604-00063788 the horses through the streets and along z626mdIBqBy-00252-00063789-00063954 with a tumultuous crowd of people z626mdIBqBy-00253-00063954-00064122 encourage them to rear up on their hind z626mdIBqBy-00254-00064123-00064365 legs the brave can be found running z626mdIBqBy-00255-00064366-00064532 underneath them in an attempt to touch z626mdIBqBy-00256-00064533-00064716 the horse's hearts for good luck the z626mdIBqBy-00257-00064716-00064901 third day sees intense competition z626mdIBqBy-00258-00064902-00065103 between the riders in a harmless form of z626mdIBqBy-00259-00065104-00065267 jousting that involves spearing a z626mdIBqBy-00260-00065268-00065421 suspended ring with a lance at z626mdIBqBy-00261-00065422-00065685 considerable speed the fests are brought z626mdIBqBy-00262-00065686-00066144 to a close with a firework display z626mdIBqBy-00263-00066145-00066630 topic sports z626mdIBqBy-00264-00066631-00066894 as a small island it is very seldom that z626mdIBqBy-00265-00066895-00067101 there is a chance to see top-level sport z626mdIBqBy-00266-00067102-00067431 competitions in menorca in football CS z626mdIBqBy-00267-00067432-00067623 sporting Mahone A's managed to play in z626mdIBqBy-00268-00067624-00067854 segunda división B the third level of z626mdIBqBy-00269-00067855-00068007 the Spanish football league system z626mdIBqBy-00270-00068008-00068463 between 1987 to 1993 and between 2009 to z626mdIBqBy-00271-00068464-00068835 2012 in basketball menorca basket played z626mdIBqBy-00272-00068836-00069075 in the liga ACB the first tier level z626mdIBqBy-00273-00069076-00069264 men's professional basketball league in z626mdIBqBy-00274-00069265-00069591 spain between 2005 to 2009 and in z626mdIBqBy-00275-00069592-00069936 2010-2011 incidentally both clubs z626mdIBqBy-00276-00069937-00070151 dissolved in 2012 due to financial z626mdIBqBy-00277-00070152-00070494 problems in the last years some sport z626mdIBqBy-00278-00070495-00070635 events that gather hundreds of z626mdIBqBy-00279-00070636-00070832 participants are successfully held on a z626mdIBqBy-00280-00070833-00071079 yearly basis such as the triathlon race z626mdIBqBy-00281-00071080-00071310 extreme man menorca or the single stage z626mdIBqBy-00282-00071311-00071553 ultra marathon race trail menorca cami z626mdIBqBy-00283-00071554-00071895 de cavalls in 2014 it was announced that z626mdIBqBy-00284-00071896-00072093 the island would host the 18th editions z626mdIBqBy-00285-00072094-00072303 of the island Games in 2019 z626mdIBqBy-00286-00072304-00072462 however menorca later pulled out of z626mdIBqBy-00287-00072463-00072660 hosting the event citing a change of z626mdIBqBy-00288-00072661-00073082 government as the main reason z626mdIBqBy-00289-00073083-00073590 topic language z626mdIBqBy-00290-00073591-00073845 the two official languages are Catalan z626mdIBqBy-00291-00073846-00074103 and Spanish natives to the island speak z626mdIBqBy-00292-00074104-00074304 the variety of Catalan called menurkey z626mdIBqBy-00293-00074305-00074490 and they typically speak Spanish z626mdIBqBy-00294-00074491-00074661 fluently as a second language z626mdIBqBy-00295-00074662-00074826 many residents originating from the z626mdIBqBy-00296-00074827-00075113 mainland are monolingual in Spanish a z626mdIBqBy-00297-00075114-00075339 2014 survey carried out by the z626mdIBqBy-00298-00075340-00075540 government of the Balearic Islands found z626mdIBqBy-00299-00075541-00075744 that fifty three point five percent of z626mdIBqBy-00300-00075745-00075951 participants identified themselves as z626mdIBqBy-00301-00075952-00076293 Catalan speakers 36.7% as Spanish z626mdIBqBy-00302-00076294-00076482 speakers and seven point seven percent z626mdIBqBy-00303-00076483-00076827 is bilingual speakers the Catalan spoken z626mdIBqBy-00304-00076828-00077007 in menorca as a variety known as z626mdIBqBy-00305-00077008-00077268 menurkey between menurkey and standard z626mdIBqBy-00306-00077269-00077517 Catalan as with most Balearic dialects z626mdIBqBy-00307-00077518-00077694 the most distinctive difference as the z626mdIBqBy-00308-00077695-00077907 different word used for the article v z626mdIBqBy-00309-00077908-00078363 where menorca uses s for masculine n saw z626mdIBqBy-00310-00078364-00078642 for feminine menorca thus shares the z626mdIBqBy-00311-00078643-00078786 source of its article with many z626mdIBqBy-00312-00078787-00078975 Sardinian varieties masks z626mdIBqBy-00313-00078976-00079326 sang-soo FEM sang saw rather than the z626mdIBqBy-00314-00079327-00079656 standard catalan l and blah z626mdIBqBy-00315-00079657-00079905 similar to other Romance languages eg z626mdIBqBy-00316-00079906-00080166 Spanish L lat Italian LLL let z626mdIBqBy-00317-00080167-00080346 corresponding to a form which was z626mdIBqBy-00318-00080347-00080553 historically used along the costa brava z626mdIBqBy-00319-00080554-00080757 of catalonia from where it is supposed z626mdIBqBy-00320-00080758-00080952 that the islands were repopulated after z626mdIBqBy-00321-00080953-00081225 being conquered from the moors menurkey z626mdIBqBy-00322-00081226-00081480 also has a few English loanwords dating z626mdIBqBy-00323-00081481-00081740 back to the British rule such as Grevy z626mdIBqBy-00324-00081741-00082344 zoom Acker binder and XOC taken from z626mdIBqBy-00325-00082345-00082740 gravy shoemaker bow-window z626mdIBqBy-00326-00082741-00083350 and chalk respectively z626mdIBqBy-00327-00083351-00083736 topic food and drink z626mdIBqBy-00328-00083737-00083880 you z626mdIBqBy-00329-00083881-00084096 wine production has been known on the z626mdIBqBy-00330-00084097-00084288 island since ancient times but it went z626mdIBqBy-00331-00084289-00084438 into a heavy declined over the last z626mdIBqBy-00332-00084439-00084531 century z626mdIBqBy-00333-00084532-00084807 now several new small wineries have z626mdIBqBy-00334-00084808-00085005 started up producing wines locally z626mdIBqBy-00335-00085006-00085215 lingering British influences seen in the z626mdIBqBy-00336-00085216-00085407 menorquin 'z taste for gin which during z626mdIBqBy-00337-00085408-00085590 local fests honoring town's patron z626mdIBqBy-00338-00085591-00085794 saint's is mixed with lemonade or bitter z626mdIBqBy-00339-00085795-00085977 lemon to make a golden liquid known as z626mdIBqBy-00340-00085978-00086274 palma de Jin from menorca is not derived z626mdIBqBy-00341-00086275-00086484 from grain alcohol but from wine alcohol z626mdIBqBy-00342-00086485-00086742 oh divide of in making it more akin to z626mdIBqBy-00343-00086743-00087006 brandy it has the distinction to have z626mdIBqBy-00344-00087007-00087188 geographical identity protection z626mdIBqBy-00345-00087189-00087453 probably the best-known genna's gins or z626mdIBqBy-00346-00087454-00087627 Iger which is named after the typical z626mdIBqBy-00347-00087628-00087816 menorcan windmill which was used to make z626mdIBqBy-00348-00087817-00088062 the first-gen one of the reasons it is z626mdIBqBy-00349-00088063-00088278 also known as Gin de menorca or gin z626mdIBqBy-00350-00088279-00088611 demand also famous has Mayon cheese a z626mdIBqBy-00351-00088612-00088921 cheese typical of the island one origin z626mdIBqBy-00352-00088922-00089106 story of mayonnaise is that it was z626mdIBqBy-00353-00089107-00089259 brought back to France from maeín z626mdIBqBy-00354-00089260-00089538 menorca after lewis Francois Armand du z626mdIBqBy-00355-00089539-00089742 Plessis DeRusha Lu's victory over the z626mdIBqBy-00356-00089743-00089997 British at the city's port in 1756 z626mdIBqBy-00357-00089998-00090201 sweets known as flames are one of the z626mdIBqBy-00358-00090202-00090719 typical gastronomic products of menorca z626mdIBqBy-00359-00090720-00091244 topic wildlife z626mdIBqBy-00360-00091245-00091726 topic flowers z626mdIBqBy-00361-00091727-00092005 menorca's rich in wild flowers with over z626mdIBqBy-00362-00092006-00092281 900 species of flowering plants recorded z626mdIBqBy-00363-00092282-00092485 many are those typical of the z626mdIBqBy-00364-00092486-00092680 Mediterranean but some are endemic z626mdIBqBy-00365-00092681-00092988 there are 24 or 25 species of orchid z626mdIBqBy-00366-00092989-00093181 found and of these most flower early in z626mdIBqBy-00367-00093182-00093712 the year in late March April and May z626mdIBqBy-00368-00093713-00094122 topic insects z626mdIBqBy-00369-00094123-00094393 thirty species of butterflies have been z626mdIBqBy-00370-00094394-00094594 recorded on menorca and most are on the z626mdIBqBy-00371-00094595-00094797 wing from March to late September the z626mdIBqBy-00372-00094798-00095074 species that occur include the Cleopatra z626mdIBqBy-00373-00095075-00095245 Lange's short-tailed blue and the z626mdIBqBy-00374-00095246-00095563 two-tailed Pasha despite not having many z626mdIBqBy-00375-00095564-00095767 large wetlands dragonflies abound on z626mdIBqBy-00376-00095768-00096010 menorca seventeen species have been z626mdIBqBy-00377-00096011-00096297 recorded including the emperor dragonfly z626mdIBqBy-00378-00096298-00096682 list of butterflies of menorca list of z626mdIBqBy-00379-00096683-00097080 dragonflies of menorca z626mdIBqBy-00380-00097081-00097698 topic reptiles and amphibians z626mdIBqBy-00381-00097699-00097923 there are three species of amphibian z626mdIBqBy-00382-00097924-00098208 green toad Bufo Voridis marsh frog and z626mdIBqBy-00383-00098209-00098462 stripeless tree frog Tyla meridian alice z626mdIBqBy-00384-00098463-00098724 the common lizard seen all over the z626mdIBqBy-00385-00098725-00098949 island as the Italian wall lizard Potter z626mdIBqBy-00386-00098950-00099135 cheese Siculus although the Moroccan z626mdIBqBy-00387-00099136-00099381 rock lizard Solaris press piccata also z626mdIBqBy-00388-00099382-00099678 occurs the Balearic endemic lil Fred's z626mdIBqBy-00389-00099679-00099891 wall lizard Potter cheese lil forty can z626mdIBqBy-00390-00099892-00100080 be found on many of the offshore islands z626mdIBqBy-00391-00100081-00100359 two species of gecko can be found on z626mdIBqBy-00392-00100360-00100581 menorca the moorish tarantella Marit z626mdIBqBy-00393-00100582-00100800 Anika and the Turkish Hema dactyl ester z626mdIBqBy-00394-00100801-00100950 circus also called the Mediterranean z626mdIBqBy-00395-00100951-00101328 house gecko four species of snake occur z626mdIBqBy-00396-00101329-00101562 the Viperine snake metrics mora grass z626mdIBqBy-00397-00101563-00101811 snake false smooth snake macro protein z626mdIBqBy-00398-00101812-00101976 coup colitis and the latter snake z626mdIBqBy-00399-00101977-00102288 righteous culeros Herrmann's tortoise z626mdIBqBy-00400-00102289-00102533 testudo hermanni is quite common and can z626mdIBqBy-00401-00102534-00102807 be found all over the island - Terrapins z626mdIBqBy-00402-00102808-00103002 species are also found the native z626mdIBqBy-00403-00103003-00103169 European pond Terrapin emma's z626mdIBqBy-00404-00103170-00103398 orbicularis and the introduced American z626mdIBqBy-00405-00103399-00103877 red eared slider track amis scripta z626mdIBqBy-00406-00103878-00104357 topic birds z626mdIBqBy-00407-00104358-00104576 the bird life of menorca is very z626mdIBqBy-00408-00104577-00104796 well-known menorca is a well watched z626mdIBqBy-00409-00104797-00104978 Island which is on the migration route z626mdIBqBy-00410-00104979-00105150 of many species and good number of z626mdIBqBy-00411-00105151-00105391 passage migrants can be seen in spring z626mdIBqBy-00412-00105392-00105648 residents include on doings gull blue z626mdIBqBy-00413-00105649-00105894 rock thrush and declan lark booted eagle z626mdIBqBy-00414-00105895-00106098 and red kite are easy to see as as z626mdIBqBy-00415-00106099-00106283 Egyptian vulture in the right habitats z626mdIBqBy-00416-00106284-00106533 in summer there are be eaters and z626mdIBqBy-00417-00106533-00106743 menorca has major colonies of quarries z626mdIBqBy-00418-00106744-00107214 sheer water and Balearic sure water z626mdIBqBy-00419-00107215-00107688 topic mammals z626mdIBqBy-00420-00107689-00107938 menorca has no large native mammals z626mdIBqBy-00421-00107939-00108151 there are some small mammals including z626mdIBqBy-00422-00108152-00108463 rabbits bats rats mice pine martens and z626mdIBqBy-00423-00108464-00109059 a subspecies of north african hedgehog z626mdIBqBy-00424-00109060-00109527 pick municipalities z626mdIBqBy-00425-00109528-00109755 the major towns are Portman and z626mdIBqBy-00426-00109756-00109989 Citadella de menorca the island is z626mdIBqBy-00427-00109990-00110169 administratively divided into eight z626mdIBqBy-00428-00110170-00110490 municipalities from west to east seat z626mdIBqBy-00429-00110491-00110684 Adela de menorca or just seat Adela z626mdIBqBy-00430-00110685-00110904 locally the ancient capital of menorca z626mdIBqBy-00431-00110905-00111436 until 1722 fairies s Merck cattle z626mdIBqBy-00432-00111438-00111558 Fornells z626mdIBqBy-00433-00111558-00111750 which belongs to the municipality of z626mdIBqBy-00434-00111751-00112029 Esper cattle famous for its lobster z626mdIBqBy-00435-00112030-00112404 still s MIG yarn gran or s midi or gran z626mdIBqBy-00436-00112405-00112872 hometown of joan Ryu davits alai or kala z626mdIBqBy-00437-00112873-00113100 and Porter a tourist and residential z626mdIBqBy-00438-00113101-00113463 area port man officially Mao in Catalan z626mdIBqBy-00439-00113464-00113682 maeín in Spanish became the capital in z626mdIBqBy-00440-00113683-00113949 1722 during British rule due to its z626mdIBqBy-00441-00113950-00114255 strategic natural harbour you see mass z626mdIBqBy-00442-00114256-00114492 aims a small hamlet which belongs to the z626mdIBqBy-00443-00114493-00114650 municipality of mal z626mdIBqBy-00444-00114651-00114903 son Clement which belongs to the z626mdIBqBy-00445-00114904-00115272 municipality of Mau s Castel founded by z626mdIBqBy-00446-00115273-00115436 the British and originally named as z626mdIBqBy-00447-00115438-00115755 Georgetown San Luis founded by the z626mdIBqBy-00448-00115756-00115973 French and originally named st. Louis z626mdIBqBy-00449-00115974-00116238 the areas and populations of the z626mdIBqBy-00450-00116239-00116400 municipalities according to the z626mdIBqBy-00451-00116401-00116676 instituto nacional de estadística spain z626mdIBqBy-00452-00116677-00116997 are z626mdIBqBy-00453-00116998-00117553 topic gallery z626mdIBqBy-00454-00117554-00118083 topic see also z626mdIBqBy-00455-00118084-00118543 gymnasia nylund's illa de l'air list of z626mdIBqBy-00456-00118544-00118809 butterflies of menorca list of z626mdIBqBy-00457-00118810-00119181 dragonflies of menorca menorca airport z626mdIBqBy-00458-00119182-00119550 menorca son roman catholic diocese of z626mdIBqBy-00459-00119551-00119952 menorca z626mdIBqBy-00460-00119953-00120465 topic references z626mdIBqBy-00461-00120466-00120988 topic further reading z626mdIBqBy-00462-00120989-00121396 burns Robert the first 1990 Muslims in z626mdIBqBy-00463-00121397-00121624 the 13th century realms of Aragon z626mdIBqBy-00464-00121625-00122034 interaction and reaction p67 z626mdIBqBy-00465-00122035-00122332 in powell JM e d muslims under latin z626mdIBqBy-00466-00122333-00122848 rule 1100 to 1300 P 57 to 102 princeton z626mdIBqBy-00467-00122849-00123250 university press ISBN oh six nine one oh z626mdIBqBy-00468-00123251-00123622 five five eight six six fernandez z626mdIBqBy-00469-00123623-00123913 ernesto f before columbus exploration z626mdIBqBy-00470-00123914-00124117 and colonization from the Mediterranean z626mdIBqBy-00471-00124118-00124511 to the Atlantic 1229 to 1492 Macmillan z626mdIBqBy-00472-00124513-00125179 1987 P 36 asterisk Earl G 1996 a bird z626mdIBqBy-00473-00125180-00125383 watchers guide to menorca Ibiza and z626mdIBqBy-00474-00125383-00128076 Formentera Harlequin press P P 56 ISBN z626mdIBqBy-00475-00128077-00130114 1-933405-32-5 Ahlers PP 87 edición z626mdIBqBy-00476-00130115-00130409 document of ballet our Palma de Majorca z626mdIBqBy-00477-00130410-00130855 Taylor David Wilson 1975 menorca z626mdIBqBy-00478-00130856-00131356 ISBN o 7 1 5 3 6 7 8 7 o Great Britain z626mdIBqBy-00479-00131357-00131632 is B & O eight one one seven one oh z626mdIBqBy-00480-00131633-00131932 three two seven United States first full z626mdIBqBy-00481-00131933-00132127 account of menorca in english since John z626mdIBqBy-00482-00132128-00132844 Armstrong's memoirs of 1741 z626mdIBqBy-00483-00132845-00133310 pick external links z626mdIBqBy-00484-00133311-00133612 UNESCO x' menorca biosphere reserve z626mdIBqBy-00485-00133613-00133919 Majorca society at the eco museum capita z626mdIBqBy-00486-00133920-00134242 Cavalleria of menorca zq-_7RA1fzU-00000-00000000-00000335 so the 2022 World Cup is finally over zq-_7RA1fzU-00001-00000336-00000593 and zq-_7RA1fzU-00002-00000594-00000983 wow it was just crazy you know like zq-_7RA1fzU-00003-00000984-00001162 every single match zq-_7RA1fzU-00004-00001163-00001523 I've seen it and since no one has ranked zq-_7RA1fzU-00005-00001524-00001739 the matches before I thought why not zq-_7RA1fzU-00006-00001739-00001997 take advantage of that and actually rank zq-_7RA1fzU-00007-00001998-00002147 them zq-_7RA1fzU-00008-00002148-00002345 and some of these matches have actually zq-_7RA1fzU-00009-00002346-00002597 been in the arena for and I'll tell you zq-_7RA1fzU-00010-00002598-00002908 which ones when I rank them so let's do zq-_7RA1fzU-00011-00002909-00003184 it but first up we have Qatar versus zq-_7RA1fzU-00012-00003185-00003329 Ecuador zq-_7RA1fzU-00013-00003329-00003611 I mean I knew Ecuador was gonna win but zq-_7RA1fzU-00014-00003611-00003790 I did not I think I did not know they zq-_7RA1fzU-00015-00003792-00004109 would win like this you know zq-_7RA1fzU-00016-00004110-00004288 I thought it was going to be like a zero zq-_7RA1fzU-00017-00004289-00004504 one like zq-_7RA1fzU-00018-00004505-00004720 like near the end of the match because zq-_7RA1fzU-00019-00004721-00005015 Qatar would play well nope Qatar played zq-_7RA1fzU-00020-00005016-00005236 terribly and Ecuador scored two goals zq-_7RA1fzU-00021-00005237-00005525 one of them a penalty and zq-_7RA1fzU-00022-00005526-00005806 and yeah it was just crazy man zq-_7RA1fzU-00023-00005807-00005951 although the match isn't really zq-_7RA1fzU-00024-00005952-00006131 memorable zq-_7RA1fzU-00025-00006132-00006275 so I'm gonna have to put in the seat zq-_7RA1fzU-00026-00006276-00006467 here but zq-_7RA1fzU-00027-00006468-00006719 and I actually let me put in the B tier zq-_7RA1fzU-00028-00006720-00006983 for it being the opener to have to to zq-_7RA1fzU-00029-00006984-00007219 start the World Cup like that zq-_7RA1fzU-00030-00007220-00007546 it's pretty crazy zq-_7RA1fzU-00031-00007547-00007896 all right next up is England versus Iran zq-_7RA1fzU-00032-00007897-00008237 6-2 and I gotta say I don't really like zq-_7RA1fzU-00033-00008238-00008555 watching uh demolished matches but this zq-_7RA1fzU-00034-00008556-00008896 one was actually not too bad to see zq-_7RA1fzU-00035-00008897-00009077 and that's the reason why I'm putting it zq-_7RA1fzU-00036-00009078-00009274 in the zq-_7RA1fzU-00037-00009275-00009469 beats here zq-_7RA1fzU-00038-00009470-00009892 uh so Senegal versus Netherlands not zq-_7RA1fzU-00039-00009893-00010073 really good with flags zq-_7RA1fzU-00040-00010074-00010264 um uh no not that bad of a match zq-_7RA1fzU-00041-00010265-00010481 although it's not really memorable zq-_7RA1fzU-00042-00010482-00010751 I don't remember who scored and when zq-_7RA1fzU-00043-00010752-00011069 they scored but I do remember it being a zq-_7RA1fzU-00044-00011070-00011231 solid enough match so I'll put it in the zq-_7RA1fzU-00045-00011232-00011477 seat here I guess zq-_7RA1fzU-00046-00011478-00011849 um USA versus Wales zq-_7RA1fzU-00047-00011850-00012010 um like most USA matches during the zq-_7RA1fzU-00048-00012011-00012259 World Cup but nothing eventful happened zq-_7RA1fzU-00049-00012260-00012688 besides the goals themselves and zq-_7RA1fzU-00050-00012689-00012869 I do remember it zq-_7RA1fzU-00051-00012869-00013253 being okay so for that reason I'll also zq-_7RA1fzU-00052-00013254-00013457 put it in the seat here zq-_7RA1fzU-00053-00013458-00013822 so yeah uh Argentina versus Saudi Arabia zq-_7RA1fzU-00054-00013823-00014044 this was actually like a good shock or zq-_7RA1fzU-00055-00014045-00014303 like to open up like their group stage zq-_7RA1fzU-00056-00014304-00014608 with so this is actually a very fun zq-_7RA1fzU-00057-00014609-00014785 match to see zq-_7RA1fzU-00058-00014786-00015161 and you know I I did not see all of it zq-_7RA1fzU-00059-00015162-00015341 so for that reason I had to catch some zq-_7RA1fzU-00060-00015341-00015586 of it on Highlights but I do remember zq-_7RA1fzU-00061-00015587-00015875 being a good match for what it was and zq-_7RA1fzU-00062-00015876-00016211 I'll put it in the a tier because of it zq-_7RA1fzU-00063-00016212-00016457 um Tunisia versus Denmark zq-_7RA1fzU-00064-00016458-00016619 uh zq-_7RA1fzU-00065-00016620-00016907 now I'm not trying to be biased because zq-_7RA1fzU-00066-00016908-00017183 I was in the arena for this match but zq-_7RA1fzU-00067-00017184-00017386 this was an okay match zq-_7RA1fzU-00068-00017387-00017603 this was an okay match I'm gonna put it zq-_7RA1fzU-00069-00017604-00017807 in the zq-_7RA1fzU-00070-00017808-00018208 seat and the beat here because uh zq-_7RA1fzU-00071-00018209-00018533 Tunisia had so many goal opportunities zq-_7RA1fzU-00072-00018534-00018749 that they could have taken advantage of zq-_7RA1fzU-00073-00018750-00019013 to make it like a zero one or zero two zq-_7RA1fzU-00074-00019014-00019199 but zq-_7RA1fzU-00075-00019200-00019529 you know they didn't zq-_7RA1fzU-00076-00019530-00019744 but it's fine zq-_7RA1fzU-00077-00019745-00020003 um Mexico versus Poland this was a very zq-_7RA1fzU-00078-00020004-00020285 very good match zq-_7RA1fzU-00079-00020286-00020471 um zq-_7RA1fzU-00080-00020472-00020669 and you know a missed penalty attempt zq-_7RA1fzU-00081-00020670-00020969 from uh Lewandowski which was absolutely zq-_7RA1fzU-00082-00020970-00021214 crazy to see and you know also for the zq-_7RA1fzU-00083-00021215-00021371 Marco fans zq-_7RA1fzU-00084-00021372-00021617 and you know I swear like I guess Mexico zq-_7RA1fzU-00085-00021618-00021983 Mexico's goalkeeper was on a very tight zq-_7RA1fzU-00086-00021984-00022135 that night zq-_7RA1fzU-00087-00022136-00022444 and France was on a very tight for you zq-_7RA1fzU-00088-00022445-00022763 know their magic is Australia 4-1 zq-_7RA1fzU-00089-00022764-00022913 and zq-_7RA1fzU-00090-00022914-00023086 I don't know if I remember much about zq-_7RA1fzU-00091-00023087-00023471 this one but zq-_7RA1fzU-00092-00023472-00023771 I do remember being a very good match zq-_7RA1fzU-00093-00023772-00024094 and I'll put it in the B tier maybe and zq-_7RA1fzU-00094-00024095-00024407 put it above Qatar and Ecuador now I zq-_7RA1fzU-00095-00024408-00024544 apologize if some of these don't have zq-_7RA1fzU-00096-00024545-00024755 the scoreboards you know I think it's zq-_7RA1fzU-00097-00024756-00024958 only like guitar versus Ecuador and like zq-_7RA1fzU-00098-00024959-00025211 another one down here maybe like France zq-_7RA1fzU-00099-00025212-00025342 versus Poland that doesn't have the zq-_7RA1fzU-00100-00025343-00025667 scoreboards so we're all good with that zq-_7RA1fzU-00101-00025668-00025943 next up is Marco versus Croatia in the zq-_7RA1fzU-00102-00025944-00026189 group stage so not the third place match zq-_7RA1fzU-00103-00026189-00026399 but to remember this match being okay zq-_7RA1fzU-00104-00026400-00026674 the the third place match was good but zq-_7RA1fzU-00105-00026675-00026824 this one was also good zq-_7RA1fzU-00106-00026825-00027418 and I'm gonna put it in the B tier zq-_7RA1fzU-00107-00027419-00027664 so you know the match quality will start zq-_7RA1fzU-00108-00027666-00027874 to ramp up a little bit zq-_7RA1fzU-00109-00027875-00028024 and starting with the Germany versus zq-_7RA1fzU-00110-00028025-00028396 Japan which was really really good zq-_7RA1fzU-00111-00028397-00028570 um I'm gonna have to put in the top of zq-_7RA1fzU-00112-00028572-00028733 the beat here zq-_7RA1fzU-00113-00028733-00028931 because because I do remember having a zq-_7RA1fzU-00114-00028932-00029123 lot of fun watching this match zq-_7RA1fzU-00115-00029124-00029440 and going back to you know like I don't zq-_7RA1fzU-00116-00029441-00029711 like uh dimash matches but exceptions zq-_7RA1fzU-00117-00029712-00030007 are you know English versus Iran and zq-_7RA1fzU-00118-00030008-00030424 Spain versus Costa Rica 7-0 zq-_7RA1fzU-00119-00030425-00030868 which was really shocking to see zq-_7RA1fzU-00120-00030869-00031187 um but besides the demolish Factor zq-_7RA1fzU-00121-00031188-00031379 nothing too memorable about this match zq-_7RA1fzU-00122-00031380-00031901 like not not at the saves or anything zq-_7RA1fzU-00123-00031902-00032255 um Belgium versus Canada Belgium one one zq-_7RA1fzU-00124-00032256-00032411 zero zq-_7RA1fzU-00125-00032412-00032501 um zq-_7RA1fzU-00126-00032502-00032723 again not too not a memorable match but zq-_7RA1fzU-00127-00032724-00033071 I do remember it being okay zq-_7RA1fzU-00128-00033072-00033196 um zq-_7RA1fzU-00129-00033197-00033443 Switzerland versus Cameroon you know zq-_7RA1fzU-00130-00033444-00033755 what's funny uh the guy who uh like you zq-_7RA1fzU-00131-00033756-00033827 know zq-_7RA1fzU-00132-00033828-00034061 somebody from Cameroon who plays in the zq-_7RA1fzU-00133-00034062-00034283 Switzerland team scored for Switzerland zq-_7RA1fzU-00134-00034284-00034559 and you know he did not celebrate but I zq-_7RA1fzU-00135-00034560-00034793 do remember this being an Okay match zq-_7RA1fzU-00136-00034794-00035068 so I'll put in the top of the seat here zq-_7RA1fzU-00137-00035069-00035296 come on all right zq-_7RA1fzU-00138-00035297-00035567 uh Uruguay versus South Korea I don't zq-_7RA1fzU-00139-00035568-00035723 know both teams just need to get it zq-_7RA1fzU-00140-00035724-00035879 together man zq-_7RA1fzU-00141-00035880-00036149 I mean there was nothing memorable about zq-_7RA1fzU-00142-00036150-00036287 this match zq-_7RA1fzU-00143-00036288-00036581 not too many goal opportunities zq-_7RA1fzU-00144-00036582-00036779 like both teams are interested to get zq-_7RA1fzU-00145-00036780-00036893 their zq-_7RA1fzU-00146-00036894-00037181 together around this time zq-_7RA1fzU-00147-00037182-00037415 but you know I'm glad South Korea at zq-_7RA1fzU-00148-00037416-00037643 least got some Advantage later on uh zq-_7RA1fzU-00149-00037644-00037889 Portugal versus Ghana zq-_7RA1fzU-00150-00037890-00038195 um this was a good match I I liked it I zq-_7RA1fzU-00151-00038196-00038380 liked it a lot zq-_7RA1fzU-00152-00038381-00038573 um and it shows that you know zq-_7RA1fzU-00153-00038574-00038867 but besides that uh Ronaldo score uh zq-_7RA1fzU-00154-00038868-00039118 penalty score early on zq-_7RA1fzU-00155-00039119-00039330 um zq-_7RA1fzU-00156-00039331-00039677 play they can't play and I remember zq-_7RA1fzU-00157-00039678-00039959 I got a player uh a player from Ghana zq-_7RA1fzU-00158-00039960-00040259 hitting the suit you know after the zq-_7RA1fzU-00159-00040260-00040462 second goal and I remember laughing at zq-_7RA1fzU-00160-00040463-00040630 that very hard zq-_7RA1fzU-00161-00040631-00040739 um zq-_7RA1fzU-00162-00040740-00041057 Brazil versus Serbia zq-_7RA1fzU-00163-00041058-00041268 um but yeah this is the this is our zq-_7RA1fzU-00164-00041269-00041674 virtual ER how do you pronounce his name zq-_7RA1fzU-00165-00041675-00041902 uh you know it's Rich Allison I think zq-_7RA1fzU-00166-00041903-00042017 that's how you pronounce it this is zq-_7RA1fzU-00167-00042018-00042262 where you scored those uh zq-_7RA1fzU-00168-00042263-00042557 two goals that were like out of this zq-_7RA1fzU-00169-00042558-00042661 world zq-_7RA1fzU-00170-00042662-00042983 and it's because of that I'm gonna put zq-_7RA1fzU-00171-00042984-00043529 this match in that very high a tier zq-_7RA1fzU-00172-00043530-00043702 I mean simple as that like this match zq-_7RA1fzU-00173-00043703-00044002 was on unbelievable zq-_7RA1fzU-00174-00044003-00044165 um and Serbia deserves all the credit zq-_7RA1fzU-00175-00044166-00044387 for you know keeping the magic going but zq-_7RA1fzU-00176-00044388-00044483 you know zq-_7RA1fzU-00177-00044484-00044777 Rich Olson and most other Brazil players zq-_7RA1fzU-00178-00044778-00045101 like Neymar keptic clutch during that zq-_7RA1fzU-00179-00045102-00045233 match zq-_7RA1fzU-00180-00045234-00045317 um zq-_7RA1fzU-00181-00045318-00045568 Wales versus Iran zq-_7RA1fzU-00182-00045569-00045796 O2 zq-_7RA1fzU-00183-00045797-00046102 um I'd remember this uh zq-_7RA1fzU-00184-00046103-00046396 being you know okay I think zq-_7RA1fzU-00185-00046397-00046558 um zq-_7RA1fzU-00186-00046559-00046865 I think I was going like insane when you zq-_7RA1fzU-00187-00046866-00047123 know Iran scored like in like the very zq-_7RA1fzU-00188-00047124-00047333 last moment of like the additional time zq-_7RA1fzU-00189-00047334-00047495 in the second half zq-_7RA1fzU-00190-00047496-00047890 so let me put this in the zq-_7RA1fzU-00191-00047891-00048329 B tier you know uh Qatar versus Senegal zq-_7RA1fzU-00192-00048330-00048502 not really zq-_7RA1fzU-00193-00048503-00048677 nothing too memorable about this match zq-_7RA1fzU-00194-00048678-00048911 besides the fact that zq-_7RA1fzU-00195-00048912-00048983 um zq-_7RA1fzU-00196-00048984-00049139 you know Qatar is the first nation zq-_7RA1fzU-00197-00049140-00049349 Nation to be undisputedly losing in zq-_7RA1fzU-00198-00049350-00049468 every game zq-_7RA1fzU-00199-00049469-00049607 so you know I'm gonna put that in the zq-_7RA1fzU-00200-00049608-00049805 detail just nothing too memorable zq-_7RA1fzU-00201-00049806-00050015 uh Netherlands versus Ecuador this was zq-_7RA1fzU-00202-00050016-00050201 actually not a bad match zq-_7RA1fzU-00203-00050202-00050507 I was seriously rooting for Ecuador to zq-_7RA1fzU-00204-00050508-00050633 uh zq-_7RA1fzU-00205-00050634-00050815 I was seriously ready for Ecuador to zq-_7RA1fzU-00206-00050816-00051173 make it onto the knockout stage but zq-_7RA1fzU-00207-00051174-00051311 because you know considering how well zq-_7RA1fzU-00208-00051312-00051442 they played throughout the throughout zq-_7RA1fzU-00209-00051444-00051652 this match and you know the guitar match zq-_7RA1fzU-00210-00051653-00051844 where they embarrassed them zq-_7RA1fzU-00211-00051845-00052025 um I'm gonna put this right over their zq-_7RA1fzU-00212-00052026-00052187 match with zq-_7RA1fzU-00213-00052188-00052438 um Qatar zq-_7RA1fzU-00214-00052439-00052738 um whales no no not Wales uh England zq-_7RA1fzU-00215-00052739-00053015 versus USA detier this match was so zq-_7RA1fzU-00216-00053016-00053363 boring bro this match was so boring if I zq-_7RA1fzU-00217-00053364-00053513 was being super critical I would put it zq-_7RA1fzU-00218-00053514-00053759 in the after year but I'm gonna put the zq-_7RA1fzU-00219-00053760-00054059 lowest D tier for now zq-_7RA1fzU-00220-00054060-00054203 I mean zq-_7RA1fzU-00221-00054204-00054394 what the hell happened I don't remember zq-_7RA1fzU-00222-00054395-00054659 anything happening in that match zq-_7RA1fzU-00223-00054660-00054754 um zq-_7RA1fzU-00224-00054755-00055073 oh God Tunisia versus Australia I was in zq-_7RA1fzU-00225-00055074-00055254 the arena for this zq-_7RA1fzU-00226-00055255-00055499 bertronesia had a lot of scoring zq-_7RA1fzU-00227-00055500-00055769 opportunities if if they were just like zq-_7RA1fzU-00228-00055770-00056123 like if they were like uh zq-_7RA1fzU-00229-00056124-00056363 if they're like looking both ways well zq-_7RA1fzU-00230-00056364-00056525 like uh zq-_7RA1fzU-00231-00056526-00056776 like uh moving the ball around there zq-_7RA1fzU-00232-00056777-00056992 could have been an opportunity to to at zq-_7RA1fzU-00233-00056994-00057130 least keep a clutch you know this is zq-_7RA1fzU-00234-00057132-00057304 still the group stage where you don't zq-_7RA1fzU-00235-00057305-00057437 need to zq-_7RA1fzU-00236-00057438-00057700 uh were even after additional time we zq-_7RA1fzU-00237-00057701-00057875 don't need to go to extra time or zq-_7RA1fzU-00238-00057876-00058061 penalties this is still the group stage zq-_7RA1fzU-00239-00058062-00058354 my guy zq-_7RA1fzU-00240-00058355-00058637 I wish this was a 1-1 match zq-_7RA1fzU-00241-00058638-00058787 but zq-_7RA1fzU-00242-00058788-00059044 you know I mean I knew like I knew that zq-_7RA1fzU-00243-00059045-00059237 against Australia that most we can do is zq-_7RA1fzU-00244-00059238-00059537 like probably tie them zq-_7RA1fzU-00245-00059538-00059735 um but zq-_7RA1fzU-00246-00059736-00060016 I hate this match man I'm gonna put her zq-_7RA1fzU-00247-00060017-00060299 at seat here zq-_7RA1fzU-00248-00060300-00060575 uh Poland versus Saudi Arabia I'm pretty zq-_7RA1fzU-00249-00060576-00060754 sure the Saudis were very angry without zq-_7RA1fzU-00250-00060755-00061054 this match went I mean I wasn't this zq-_7RA1fzU-00251-00061055-00061354 match was okay I loved it zq-_7RA1fzU-00252-00061355-00061732 um I'm gonna put it in the uh zq-_7RA1fzU-00253-00061733-00061925 somewhere around here zq-_7RA1fzU-00254-00061926-00062087 I mean this is the part of the video now zq-_7RA1fzU-00255-00062088-00062242 where you know I have to you really zq-_7RA1fzU-00256-00062244-00062416 remember what I'm saying and what I'm zq-_7RA1fzU-00257-00062417-00062579 thinking about every match because I zq-_7RA1fzU-00258-00062579-00062891 want to be very specific with how I rank zq-_7RA1fzU-00259-00062891-00063076 these matches zq-_7RA1fzU-00260-00063077-00063161 um zq-_7RA1fzU-00261-00063162-00063641 okay uh France versus Denmark zq-_7RA1fzU-00262-00063641-00063916 um this match was okay uh it's always zq-_7RA1fzU-00263-00063917-00064223 mbappe scoring uh the uh the good France zq-_7RA1fzU-00264-00064224-00064492 goals so you know zq-_7RA1fzU-00265-00064494-00064780 um besides those mbappe goals uh nothing zq-_7RA1fzU-00266-00064782-00065015 too memorable Happening Here zq-_7RA1fzU-00267-00065016-00065206 so I'm gonna put it in the middle of zq-_7RA1fzU-00268-00065207-00065500 this seat here yeah right there zq-_7RA1fzU-00269-00065501-00065705 now Argentina versus Mexico this was not zq-_7RA1fzU-00270-00065706-00066121 a bad match I did like this match zq-_7RA1fzU-00271-00066122-00066455 magic coming in clutch and even for and zq-_7RA1fzU-00272-00066456-00066809 and kudos to Fernandez for that amazing zq-_7RA1fzU-00273-00066810-00066955 second goal zq-_7RA1fzU-00274-00066956-00067271 uh so you know this is this is not this zq-_7RA1fzU-00275-00067272-00067475 was not a good uh zq-_7RA1fzU-00276-00067476-00067775 this is like this is good why am I zq-_7RA1fzU-00277-00067776-00068135 started so much this was a good match to zq-_7RA1fzU-00278-00068136-00068332 watch there we go zq-_7RA1fzU-00279-00068333-00068519 a tier that's where it belongs zq-_7RA1fzU-00280-00068520-00068626 you know zq-_7RA1fzU-00281-00068627-00068794 shout out to the Mexicans for keeping a zq-_7RA1fzU-00282-00068795-00069035 clutch during that match Japan versus zq-_7RA1fzU-00283-00069036-00069382 Costa Rica uh it was a bit shocking to zq-_7RA1fzU-00284-00069383-00069575 see the to see Costa Rica scoring but zq-_7RA1fzU-00285-00069576-00069659 you know zq-_7RA1fzU-00286-00069660-00070049 not enough to get out of the group stage zq-_7RA1fzU-00287-00070050-00070211 and not enough for me to really remember zq-_7RA1fzU-00288-00070212-00070409 much of it so I think I'm putting in the zq-_7RA1fzU-00289-00070410-00070547 seat here zq-_7RA1fzU-00290-00070548-00070775 and Belgium versus Morocco this was not zq-_7RA1fzU-00291-00070776-00071113 a bad match uh similar level to their zq-_7RA1fzU-00292-00071114-00071494 Croatia match uh in the group stage zq-_7RA1fzU-00293-00071495-00071821 I'm gonna put this in zq-_7RA1fzU-00294-00071822-00072181 the B tier zq-_7RA1fzU-00295-00072182-00072532 there uh zq-_7RA1fzU-00296-00072533-00072953 Croatia versus Canada this was a bit of zq-_7RA1fzU-00297-00072954-00073193 a one-sided match but you know what are zq-_7RA1fzU-00298-00073194-00073391 you gonna you know when you have Croatia zq-_7RA1fzU-00299-00073392-00073732 versus Canada in a match you know you zq-_7RA1fzU-00300-00073733-00074147 can't do much about it so I'm gonna zq-_7RA1fzU-00301-00074148-00074729 but this match in the zq-_7RA1fzU-00302-00074730-00075137 High B I think it deserves a high B zq-_7RA1fzU-00303-00075138-00075353 um Spain versus Germany it's a bit zq-_7RA1fzU-00304-00075354-00075526 shocking that you know Spain will be zq-_7RA1fzU-00305-00075527-00075929 Costa Rica 7-0 tied uh Germany let's you zq-_7RA1fzU-00306-00075930-00076144 know it's very shocking to see Germany zq-_7RA1fzU-00307-00076145-00076349 um zq-_7RA1fzU-00308-00076350-00076512 not get out of the group stage zq-_7RA1fzU-00309-00076513-00076697 considering considering since they zq-_7RA1fzU-00310-00076698-00076865 already have a World Cup win under their zq-_7RA1fzU-00311-00076866-00077003 belt zq-_7RA1fzU-00312-00077004-00077267 I'm gonna put this in you know the seat zq-_7RA1fzU-00313-00077268-00077471 here yeah zq-_7RA1fzU-00314-00077472-00077687 uh Cameron versus Serbia this was a zq-_7RA1fzU-00315-00077688-00077800 really good match zq-_7RA1fzU-00316-00077801-00078047 really good match very competitive zq-_7RA1fzU-00317-00078048-00078443 and I I loved it same with the I'm gonna zq-_7RA1fzU-00318-00078444-00078593 put both of these in the eight here by zq-_7RA1fzU-00319-00078594-00079043 the way so yeah Cameron versus Serbia zq-_7RA1fzU-00320-00079044-00079349 uh whatever we got to move like uh got zq-_7RA1fzU-00321-00079350-00079529 to be very I forgot to make like an zq-_7RA1fzU-00322-00079530-00079715 actual like score for these so yeah zq-_7RA1fzU-00323-00079716-00079979 these two would go here and yeah these zq-_7RA1fzU-00324-00079980-00080279 two go around here zq-_7RA1fzU-00325-00080280-00080591 um Brazil versus Switzerland it was zq-_7RA1fzU-00326-00080592-00080759 obvious they were gonna they were gonna zq-_7RA1fzU-00327-00080760-00080950 beat them but you know this is still the zq-_7RA1fzU-00328-00080951-00081139 group stage zq-_7RA1fzU-00329-00081140-00081167 [Music] zq-_7RA1fzU-00330-00081168-00081335 um zq-_7RA1fzU-00331-00081336-00081526 I don't remember too much about this zq-_7RA1fzU-00332-00081527-00081694 match zq-_7RA1fzU-00333-00081695-00082037 other than that one kazim Moon and gold zq-_7RA1fzU-00334-00082038-00082132 um zq-_7RA1fzU-00335-00082133-00082373 but uh yeah I think I'd put this in the zq-_7RA1fzU-00336-00082374-00082571 low B if I'm being honest zq-_7RA1fzU-00337-00082572-00082841 Portugal versus Uruguay this was not a zq-_7RA1fzU-00338-00082842-00083009 bad match to watch I did like this zq-_7RA1fzU-00339-00083010-00083285 although if I were to comment on it when zq-_7RA1fzU-00340-00083286-00083512 I was watching the match live I knew zq-_7RA1fzU-00341-00083513-00083717 that Bruno Fernandez scored that first zq-_7RA1fzU-00342-00083718-00083891 goal like how did people think that it zq-_7RA1fzU-00343-00083892-00084053 was Ronaldo's that scored that first zq-_7RA1fzU-00344-00084054-00084311 goal and Fernandez is scoring the zq-_7RA1fzU-00345-00084312-00084617 penalty like you can tell like Ronaldo's zq-_7RA1fzU-00346-00084618-00084959 head did not hit the ball bro I mean zq-_7RA1fzU-00347-00084960-00085132 sure good on him for keeping the zq-_7RA1fzU-00348-00085133-00085373 goalkeeper distracted but you know like zq-_7RA1fzU-00349-00085374-00085691 so it was pretty obvious that Fernandez zq-_7RA1fzU-00350-00085692-00085871 scored that goal like from a mile away zq-_7RA1fzU-00351-00085872-00086111 but you know still at least it counts zq-_7RA1fzU-00352-00086112-00086356 you know what I'm saying zq-_7RA1fzU-00353-00086357-00086737 um Netherlands versus uh Qatar 2-0 again zq-_7RA1fzU-00354-00086738-00086950 uh I don't really remember too much zq-_7RA1fzU-00355-00086951-00087209 about this match either zq-_7RA1fzU-00356-00087210-00087317 um zq-_7RA1fzU-00357-00087318-00087641 I think it uh belongs zq-_7RA1fzU-00358-00087642-00087875 here as well like I just don't remember zq-_7RA1fzU-00359-00087876-00088085 a fam I just don't remember it zq-_7RA1fzU-00360-00088086-00088493 uh Senegal versus Ecuador zq-_7RA1fzU-00361-00088494-00088781 Ecuador's uh final opportunity to make zq-_7RA1fzU-00362-00088782-00088979 it out of the uh zq-_7RA1fzU-00363-00088980-00089188 group stage and zq-_7RA1fzU-00364-00089189-00089429 this match they failed but you know it zq-_7RA1fzU-00365-00089430-00089687 was really good to see them like put zq-_7RA1fzU-00366-00089688-00089891 their heart out into this match zq-_7RA1fzU-00367-00089892-00090221 I'm gonna put this in the B tier as well zq-_7RA1fzU-00368-00090222-00090418 somewhere around here zq-_7RA1fzU-00369-00090419-00090659 uh Wales versus England zq-_7RA1fzU-00370-00090660-00090917 uh you know it was a bit weird seeing zq-_7RA1fzU-00371-00090918-00091126 like you know two country two like zq-_7RA1fzU-00372-00091127-00091312 countries that are in the same like you zq-_7RA1fzU-00373-00091313-00091594 know United United Kingdom going at it zq-_7RA1fzU-00374-00091595-00091906 but uh zq-_7RA1fzU-00375-00091907-00092123 I I don't remember this being a bad zq-_7RA1fzU-00376-00092124-00092291 match at all zq-_7RA1fzU-00377-00092292-00092518 but mostly forgettable though zq-_7RA1fzU-00378-00092519-00092867 I put it in the high c zq-_7RA1fzU-00379-00092868-00093071 and zq-_7RA1fzU-00380-00093072-00093532 Iran versus America 1-0 zq-_7RA1fzU-00381-00093533-00093832 hello I I this was another boring match zq-_7RA1fzU-00382-00093833-00094091 besides the goal like in the around near zq-_7RA1fzU-00383-00094092-00094343 around the first half zq-_7RA1fzU-00384-00094344-00094517 yeah man I just don't remember much zq-_7RA1fzU-00385-00094518-00094655 about it zq-_7RA1fzU-00386-00094656-00094906 like as most American Mattress I just zq-_7RA1fzU-00387-00094907-00095038 don't remember it zq-_7RA1fzU-00388-00095039-00095344 now Australia versus Denmark another zq-_7RA1fzU-00389-00095345-00095567 match where I only saw the highlights of zq-_7RA1fzU-00390-00095568-00095794 it but zq-_7RA1fzU-00391-00095795-00096203 it was okay you know it was not that bad zq-_7RA1fzU-00392-00096204-00096329 um you know of course they ruined our zq-_7RA1fzU-00393-00096330-00096641 opportunity to advance but you know zq-_7RA1fzU-00394-00096642-00096941 I mean it's fine I guess I guess I put zq-_7RA1fzU-00395-00096942-00097097 it in the zq-_7RA1fzU-00396-00097098-00097499 high c yeah versus France I love this zq-_7RA1fzU-00397-00097500-00097715 match I don't care what anyone says I zq-_7RA1fzU-00398-00097716-00097853 don't care what anybody says this match zq-_7RA1fzU-00399-00097854-00098111 is extremely underrated and the fact zq-_7RA1fzU-00400-00098112-00098375 that we got a very lucky goal zq-_7RA1fzU-00401-00098376-00098609 like in the in the middle of the second zq-_7RA1fzU-00402-00098610-00099071 half is just glorious I mean zq-_7RA1fzU-00403-00099072-00099311 I mean mbappe was on the field for quite zq-_7RA1fzU-00404-00099312-00099538 a while zq-_7RA1fzU-00405-00099539-00099737 but and you know the the all the other zq-_7RA1fzU-00406-00099738-00100121 friends players played well like zq-_7RA1fzU-00407-00100122-00100343 this is like this was a good match like zq-_7RA1fzU-00408-00100344-00100505 Griezmann was on the field from the very zq-_7RA1fzU-00409-00100506-00100709 beginning I think zq-_7RA1fzU-00410-00100710-00100888 so zq-_7RA1fzU-00411-00100889-00101117 was Giroud in the field from the very zq-_7RA1fzU-00412-00101118-00101309 beginning I can't remember but you know zq-_7RA1fzU-00413-00101310-00101524 it was a mix of top of their top players zq-_7RA1fzU-00414-00101525-00101753 and their mediocre players but you know zq-_7RA1fzU-00415-00101754-00102011 You Gotta Give a chance for everybody to zq-_7RA1fzU-00416-00102012-00102088 play zq-_7RA1fzU-00417-00102089-00102274 but you know zq-_7RA1fzU-00418-00102275-00102532 we still got the W and you know they zq-_7RA1fzU-00419-00102533-00102730 actually gave Tunisia a good fight you zq-_7RA1fzU-00420-00102731-00102928 know France is a good team besides you zq-_7RA1fzU-00421-00102929-00103139 know their Majorca players some people zq-_7RA1fzU-00422-00103140-00103378 will say oh you got they let them win I zq-_7RA1fzU-00423-00103379-00103499 don't care man zq-_7RA1fzU-00424-00103500-00103756 still got the W and I love this match a zq-_7RA1fzU-00425-00103757-00103834 lot zq-_7RA1fzU-00426-00103835-00104008 again I might be biased because I was zq-_7RA1fzU-00427-00104009-00104194 there but I don't care this match was zq-_7RA1fzU-00428-00104195-00104308 awesome zq-_7RA1fzU-00429-00104309-00104530 and same with the opponent versus zq-_7RA1fzU-00430-00104531-00104825 Argentina zq-_7RA1fzU-00431-00104826-00105095 I think was it Alvarez and Messi that zq-_7RA1fzU-00432-00105096-00105304 scored these two goals zq-_7RA1fzU-00433-00105305-00105533 I can't really remember but I do know zq-_7RA1fzU-00434-00105533-00105845 that this match was very good also zq-_7RA1fzU-00435-00105846-00106252 uh just barely beating out the uh zq-_7RA1fzU-00436-00106253-00106493 Trinity match zq-_7RA1fzU-00437-00106494-00106895 Saudi Arabia versus Mexico zq-_7RA1fzU-00438-00106896-00107231 um both teams weren't able to qualify zq-_7RA1fzU-00439-00107232-00107290 um zq-_7RA1fzU-00440-00107291-00107621 but I do think this match was okay zq-_7RA1fzU-00441-00107622-00108023 um I put it in like a middle C zq-_7RA1fzU-00442-00108024-00108202 like I said I do remember watching these zq-_7RA1fzU-00443-00108203-00108431 matches live but some of them are kind zq-_7RA1fzU-00444-00108432-00108760 of forgettable zq-_7RA1fzU-00445-00108761-00109163 Belgium versus Croatia zq-_7RA1fzU-00446-00109164-00109397 um zq-_7RA1fzU-00447-00109398-00109690 I'd remember this being a fine match zq-_7RA1fzU-00448-00109691-00110015 you know Croatia you know they were at zq-_7RA1fzU-00449-00110016-00110278 the top of the group still here so you zq-_7RA1fzU-00450-00110279-00110447 know there was not really a need for zq-_7RA1fzU-00451-00110448-00110699 them to uh zq-_7RA1fzU-00452-00110700-00110890 for them to like zq-_7RA1fzU-00453-00110891-00111113 like win or anything zq-_7RA1fzU-00454-00111114-00111358 but uh yeah they they played fine you zq-_7RA1fzU-00455-00111359-00111545 know I put this in like a high and like zq-_7RA1fzU-00456-00111546-00111665 low B zq-_7RA1fzU-00457-00111666-00111934 uh Canada versus Morocco this was not a zq-_7RA1fzU-00458-00111935-00112133 bad match and the fact that Morocco zq-_7RA1fzU-00459-00112133-00112307 because of this matchday topped the zq-_7RA1fzU-00460-00112308-00112565 group is insane zq-_7RA1fzU-00461-00112566-00112852 um I put this matter to like a high B I zq-_7RA1fzU-00462-00112853-00112978 think this was good zq-_7RA1fzU-00463-00112979-00113189 because it was very very good zq-_7RA1fzU-00464-00113190-00113483 that the match of soap was very good zq-_7RA1fzU-00465-00113483-00113621 um zq-_7RA1fzU-00466-00113622-00113819 Japan versus Spain zq-_7RA1fzU-00467-00113820-00114407 uh this was also a good match zq-_7RA1fzU-00468-00114408-00114983 I can't tell if this match uh zq-_7RA1fzU-00469-00114983-00115216 yeah this was the match that you know zq-_7RA1fzU-00470-00115217-00115427 made them like still on the top of their zq-_7RA1fzU-00471-00115428-00115823 group zq-_7RA1fzU-00472-00115824-00116002 but still you know this was this was a zq-_7RA1fzU-00473-00116003-00116177 fine match zq-_7RA1fzU-00474-00116178-00116333 I think I needed like a counter for how zq-_7RA1fzU-00475-00116333-00116501 many times I've said find match at this zq-_7RA1fzU-00476-00116502-00116669 point zq-_7RA1fzU-00477-00116670-00116969 um Germany versus Costa Rica zq-_7RA1fzU-00478-00116970-00117160 and I was surprised at how many goals zq-_7RA1fzU-00479-00117161-00117304 there were in this match and I found zq-_7RA1fzU-00480-00117305-00117586 this very very enjoyable zq-_7RA1fzU-00481-00117588-00117977 but I think I'd put it like a zq-_7RA1fzU-00482-00117978-00118186 yeah probably around here like uh middle zq-_7RA1fzU-00483-00118188-00118336 B zq-_7RA1fzU-00484-00118338-00119590 and South Korea versus Portugal zq-_7RA1fzU-00485-00119591-00119728 they don't remember much about this zq-_7RA1fzU-00486-00119729-00121019 match zq-_7RA1fzU-00487-00121020-00121273 yeah I don't remember much about it zq-_7RA1fzU-00488-00121274-00121547 and I put a put in like a little C and zq-_7RA1fzU-00489-00121548-00121690 same with this one I don't remember I zq-_7RA1fzU-00490-00121691-00121895 mean I'm glad you're a guy won zq-_7RA1fzU-00491-00121896-00122140 but I don't remember much about it to be zq-_7RA1fzU-00492-00122141-00122297 honest with you zq-_7RA1fzU-00493-00122298-00122627 Cameron versus Brazil zq-_7RA1fzU-00494-00122628-00122807 um zq-_7RA1fzU-00495-00122808-00123127 yeah yeah again zq-_7RA1fzU-00496-00123128-00123419 continue wing with these matches I don't zq-_7RA1fzU-00497-00123420-00123640 remember much about zq-_7RA1fzU-00498-00123641-00123904 you know but you know I'm glad Cameron zq-_7RA1fzU-00499-00123905-00124073 you know zq-_7RA1fzU-00500-00124074-00124457 got the win they needed to zq-_7RA1fzU-00501-00124458-00124745 no I don't think this win gave them the zq-_7RA1fzU-00502-00124746-00124951 gave them the opportunity to advance zq-_7RA1fzU-00503-00124952-00125297 like at all zq-_7RA1fzU-00504-00125298-00125531 um but you know it was fine it was good zq-_7RA1fzU-00505-00125532-00125765 I like it zq-_7RA1fzU-00506-00125766-00125993 um zq-_7RA1fzU-00507-00125994-00126166 so anyways zq-_7RA1fzU-00508-00126167-00126310 um zq-_7RA1fzU-00509-00126311-00126557 to end off the group stage zq-_7RA1fzU-00510-00126558-00126778 um zq-_7RA1fzU-00511-00126779-00127127 Serbia versus Switzerland zq-_7RA1fzU-00512-00127128-00127384 I think I remember this being a fine zq-_7RA1fzU-00513-00127385-00127504 match zq-_7RA1fzU-00514-00127505-00127619 um zq-_7RA1fzU-00515-00127620-00127889 I put this in zq-_7RA1fzU-00516-00127890-00128219 kind of like below C I think zq-_7RA1fzU-00517-00128220-00128375 all right so now we're getting on to The zq-_7RA1fzU-00518-00128376-00128578 Knockout stage you know quarter five zq-_7RA1fzU-00519-00128579-00128951 round of 16 45 semi-finals and finals zq-_7RA1fzU-00520-00128952-00129016 um zq-_7RA1fzU-00521-00129017-00129281 Netherlands versus USA I like this match zq-_7RA1fzU-00522-00129282-00129575 you know USA at least got a goal in but zq-_7RA1fzU-00523-00129576-00129695 you know Netherlands definitely zq-_7RA1fzU-00524-00129696-00129839 overshadowed them zq-_7RA1fzU-00525-00129840-00130121 I put this in like a low B somewhere zq-_7RA1fzU-00526-00130122-00130331 around here zq-_7RA1fzU-00527-00130332-00130523 um zq-_7RA1fzU-00528-00130524-00130757 Argentina versus Australia zq-_7RA1fzU-00529-00130758-00130984 yet another strong match zq-_7RA1fzU-00530-00130985-00131359 I love that messy and Alvarez kind of zq-_7RA1fzU-00531-00131360-00131681 established themselves like a good Duo zq-_7RA1fzU-00532-00131682-00131933 heading into the you know zq-_7RA1fzU-00533-00131934-00132101 like get like then the rest of the zq-_7RA1fzU-00534-00132102-00132239 knockout stage zq-_7RA1fzU-00535-00132240-00132454 this was a this is a strong match I put zq-_7RA1fzU-00536-00132455-00132593 it in like a zq-_7RA1fzU-00537-00132594-00133073 Pro yeah I I put it around here zq-_7RA1fzU-00538-00133074-00133240 actually yeah I'll leave it here I was zq-_7RA1fzU-00539-00133241-00133393 considering moving Germany versus Japan zq-_7RA1fzU-00540-00133394-00133685 over it but you know it stays there zq-_7RA1fzU-00541-00133686-00134014 France versus Poland zq-_7RA1fzU-00542-00134015-00134333 I don't remember much about this match zq-_7RA1fzU-00543-00134334-00134531 but I do think zq-_7RA1fzU-00544-00134532-00134897 that this was an okay match zq-_7RA1fzU-00545-00134898-00135221 I put it somewhere around here zq-_7RA1fzU-00546-00135222-00135293 um zq-_7RA1fzU-00547-00135294-00135628 England versus Senegal zq-_7RA1fzU-00548-00135629-00135887 um I do like this match a lot zq-_7RA1fzU-00549-00135888-00136097 England you know had a lot of room to zq-_7RA1fzU-00550-00136098-00136301 mess up but you know they didn't they zq-_7RA1fzU-00551-00136302-00136552 they had they had it under control zq-_7RA1fzU-00552-00136553-00136895 I put it around here and uh zq-_7RA1fzU-00553-00136896-00137219 in the middle of the Ohio B zq-_7RA1fzU-00554-00137220-00137381 now zq-_7RA1fzU-00555-00137382-00137452 um zq-_7RA1fzU-00556-00137453-00137945 have we reached the quarterfinals zq-_7RA1fzU-00557-00137946-00138190 um I think we have zq-_7RA1fzU-00558-00138191-00138437 uh no no we're still underwater 16. zq-_7RA1fzU-00559-00138438-00138664 about to reach the uh zq-_7RA1fzU-00560-00138665-00138977 four finals Japan versus Croatia this zq-_7RA1fzU-00561-00138978-00139121 was a crazy match zq-_7RA1fzU-00562-00139122-00139469 this was a crazy crazy match zq-_7RA1fzU-00563-00139470-00139811 um and put it around zq-_7RA1fzU-00564-00139812-00139973 somewhere around zq-_7RA1fzU-00565-00139974-00140254 here yeah yeah this was a absolutely zq-_7RA1fzU-00566-00140255-00140489 crazy match zq-_7RA1fzU-00567-00140490-00140866 um Brazil uh versus South Korea that was zq-_7RA1fzU-00568-00140867-00141149 like some straight bullying like it was zq-_7RA1fzU-00569-00141150-00141364 bullying at that point like at that zq-_7RA1fzU-00570-00141365-00141527 point that you were just bullying them zq-_7RA1fzU-00571-00141528-00141701 bro zq-_7RA1fzU-00572-00141702-00141923 especially with like the like two goals zq-_7RA1fzU-00573-00141924-00142114 in like the first 25 minutes zq-_7RA1fzU-00574-00142115-00142487 like that was some crazy stuff zq-_7RA1fzU-00575-00142488-00142804 but uh I do like this match a lot zq-_7RA1fzU-00576-00142805-00143087 put it around like here in the high B zq-_7RA1fzU-00577-00143088-00143411 America versus Spain yet another future zq-_7RA1fzU-00578-00143412-00143819 classic and I'm so happy that Morocco zq-_7RA1fzU-00579-00143820-00144131 Advanced to the uh zq-_7RA1fzU-00580-00144132-00144502 like uh to the uh zq-_7RA1fzU-00581-00144503-00144899 semi is quarterfinals zq-_7RA1fzU-00582-00144900-00145151 I did not see this match but I did see zq-_7RA1fzU-00583-00145152-00145402 the highlights of it and it was crazy zq-_7RA1fzU-00584-00145403-00145721 I put this in like a low a low a zq-_7RA1fzU-00585-00145722-00145835 pressure zq-_7RA1fzU-00586-00145836-00146051 Portugal versus Switzerland the final zq-_7RA1fzU-00587-00146052-00146333 time uh I I was in the stadium so I went zq-_7RA1fzU-00588-00146334-00146495 to all three Tunisia matches and then zq-_7RA1fzU-00589-00146496-00146669 this one zq-_7RA1fzU-00590-00146670-00146969 um so yeah it was good to see uh zq-_7RA1fzU-00591-00146970-00147239 I I another one of those demolished zq-_7RA1fzU-00592-00147240-00147425 matches that I like zq-_7RA1fzU-00593-00147426-00147623 similar boat like the England versus zq-_7RA1fzU-00594-00147624-00147814 Iran zq-_7RA1fzU-00595-00147815-00147947 and now we're gonna get to the point zq-_7RA1fzU-00596-00147948-00148078 where all matches are just straight zq-_7RA1fzU-00597-00148079-00148325 either a or s t or man zq-_7RA1fzU-00598-00148326-00148663 Croatia versus Brazil zq-_7RA1fzU-00599-00148664-00149057 I don't know it's either s or or a high zq-_7RA1fzU-00600-00149058-00149159 a zq-_7RA1fzU-00601-00149160-00149477 I I'd give it a high a high a this was zq-_7RA1fzU-00602-00149478-00149657 an amazing match zq-_7RA1fzU-00603-00149658-00149878 Argentina versus Netherlands zq-_7RA1fzU-00604-00149879-00150257 our first s tier of the video zq-_7RA1fzU-00605-00150258-00150509 yep that's it our first test here of the zq-_7RA1fzU-00606-00150510-00150652 video zq-_7RA1fzU-00607-00150653-00151013 I mean this match is absolutely insane zq-_7RA1fzU-00608-00151014-00151235 um zq-_7RA1fzU-00609-00151236-00151416 like it's all like whenever like zq-_7RA1fzU-00610-00151417-00151678 Argentina Argentina go to penalties I'm zq-_7RA1fzU-00611-00151679-00151966 always scared because you know there's zq-_7RA1fzU-00612-00151967-00152189 always a chance that they could mess up zq-_7RA1fzU-00613-00152190-00152345 because they don't really know much of zq-_7RA1fzU-00614-00152346-00152614 their players like in the penalty field zq-_7RA1fzU-00615-00152615-00152866 but you know they always do pretty well zq-_7RA1fzU-00616-00152867-00153149 in the penalties nowadays Morocco versus zq-_7RA1fzU-00617-00153150-00153364 Portugal zq-_7RA1fzU-00618-00153365-00153575 this is this is a high a for sure I zq-_7RA1fzU-00619-00153576-00153893 don't know where to put it though zq-_7RA1fzU-00620-00153894-00154169 um probably right above Argentina and zq-_7RA1fzU-00621-00154170-00154445 Saudi Arabia zq-_7RA1fzU-00622-00154446-00154649 and I was in a fan Zone watching this zq-_7RA1fzU-00623-00154650-00155075 match and you know when the timer ended zq-_7RA1fzU-00624-00155076-00155321 all the all the Morocco fans around me zq-_7RA1fzU-00625-00155322-00155566 were like going absolutely crazy zq-_7RA1fzU-00626-00155567-00155801 and you know we had a good time zq-_7RA1fzU-00627-00155802-00156113 and it was a great moment and you know zq-_7RA1fzU-00628-00156114-00156395 I do feel bad for Ronaldo because he was zq-_7RA1fzU-00629-00156396-00156640 not on the pitch zq-_7RA1fzU-00630-00156641-00156809 and he was there for like what five zq-_7RA1fzU-00631-00156810-00157019 minutes like even lower than Portugal zq-_7RA1fzU-00632-00157020-00157151 versus Switzerland zq-_7RA1fzU-00633-00157152-00157373 and zq-_7RA1fzU-00634-00157374-00157726 yeah man zq-_7RA1fzU-00635-00157727-00157937 wait a lot of zq-_7RA1fzU-00636-00157938-00158207 players retired that night zq-_7RA1fzU-00637-00158208-00158626 I think Pepe retired Ronaldo retired zq-_7RA1fzU-00638-00158627-00158825 like their World Cup appearances at zq-_7RA1fzU-00639-00158826-00159178 least and the Fernandez retire too by zq-_7RA1fzU-00640-00159179-00159389 Bruno Fernandez zq-_7RA1fzU-00641-00159390-00159664 I'm not sure if you're retired too but zq-_7RA1fzU-00642-00159665-00159983 this is the Shocker we needed and the zq-_7RA1fzU-00643-00159984-00160354 and the history that we needed too zq-_7RA1fzU-00644-00160355-00160589 uh England versus France another zq-_7RA1fzU-00645-00160590-00160840 fantastic match zq-_7RA1fzU-00646-00160841-00161021 um zq-_7RA1fzU-00647-00161022-00161261 but it's like in the lower like a zq-_7RA1fzU-00648-00161262-00161549 probably for me zq-_7RA1fzU-00649-00161550-00161837 I was shocked at how like England I was zq-_7RA1fzU-00650-00161838-00162102 I was shocked at how Harry Kane zq-_7RA1fzU-00651-00162103-00162437 missed another penalty attempt like he zq-_7RA1fzU-00652-00162438-00162676 scored the first one and then he missed zq-_7RA1fzU-00653-00162677-00162802 the second one zq-_7RA1fzU-00654-00162803-00163102 like his reaction was just amazing to zq-_7RA1fzU-00655-00163103-00163343 see but I knew France would win this but zq-_7RA1fzU-00656-00163344-00163559 you know unfortunately did not come home zq-_7RA1fzU-00657-00163560-00164021 sorry Brits uh Argentina and Croatia zq-_7RA1fzU-00658-00164022-00164219 I think this is the moment where uh zq-_7RA1fzU-00659-00164220-00164554 Alvarez uh was really an Alvarez this is zq-_7RA1fzU-00660-00164555-00164747 the moment he arrived like into the zq-_7RA1fzU-00661-00164748-00164861 world zq-_7RA1fzU-00662-00164862-00165137 this is the moment he arrived zq-_7RA1fzU-00663-00165138-00165425 this dude two goals zq-_7RA1fzU-00664-00165426-00165743 and one of them is like an amazing goal zq-_7RA1fzU-00665-00165744-00165964 from with an assist from Messi zq-_7RA1fzU-00666-00165965-00166259 like like that was crazy and I think zq-_7RA1fzU-00667-00166260-00166661 Messi scored a penalty early on as well zq-_7RA1fzU-00668-00166662-00166973 but uh yeah even though this did not go zq-_7RA1fzU-00669-00166974-00167326 to penalties it was amazing to see zq-_7RA1fzU-00670-00167327-00168071 um I put this in zq-_7RA1fzU-00671-00168072-00168473 is this also an S tier match zq-_7RA1fzU-00672-00168474-00168664 are these both asked him I mean this is zq-_7RA1fzU-00673-00168665-00168833 a nest here for sure but I think this is zq-_7RA1fzU-00674-00168834-00169102 also a nest here zq-_7RA1fzU-00675-00169103-00169264 yeah you know what I'm putting in this zq-_7RA1fzU-00676-00169265-00169445 you're like bottom Master the bottom zq-_7RA1fzU-00677-00169446-00169540 last year zq-_7RA1fzU-00678-00169541-00169852 friends versus Morocco s tier s tier put zq-_7RA1fzU-00679-00169853-00170135 it in the S2 man this is the moment when zq-_7RA1fzU-00680-00170136-00170297 Morocco proved that they can go against zq-_7RA1fzU-00681-00170298-00170549 the very best of the world zq-_7RA1fzU-00682-00170550-00170795 um you know zq-_7RA1fzU-00683-00170796-00170897 um zq-_7RA1fzU-00684-00170898-00171190 I think I don't remember who's uh which zq-_7RA1fzU-00685-00171191-00171389 of the French scored zq-_7RA1fzU-00686-00171390-00171589 was it did zq-_7RA1fzU-00687-00171590-00171857 Griezmann did not score and Bobby did zq-_7RA1fzU-00688-00171858-00172271 not score but he helped out a lot zq-_7RA1fzU-00689-00172272-00172601 and I think Zs was did like a scissor zq-_7RA1fzU-00690-00172602-00172943 kick to nearly score but he hit the post zq-_7RA1fzU-00691-00172944-00173135 and I think Olivia's rule did not score zq-_7RA1fzU-00692-00173136-00173339 as well zq-_7RA1fzU-00693-00173340-00173645 but still Morocco like arrived to the zq-_7RA1fzU-00694-00173646-00173849 world that night and I was actually in a zq-_7RA1fzU-00695-00173850-00174083 cinema watching that because during the zq-_7RA1fzU-00696-00174084-00174245 World Cup they put like matches on at zq-_7RA1fzU-00697-00174246-00174563 the cinemas zq-_7RA1fzU-00698-00174564-00174749 um so you know this is the first and the zq-_7RA1fzU-00699-00174750-00174959 only time I went there because you know zq-_7RA1fzU-00700-00174960-00175211 to watch this to watch this match and it zq-_7RA1fzU-00701-00175212-00175601 was amazing man it was super awesome zq-_7RA1fzU-00702-00175602-00175849 uh the third place match zq-_7RA1fzU-00703-00175850-00176188 of Morocco versus Croatia the fact that zq-_7RA1fzU-00704-00176189-00176357 Morocco score the goal in this was zq-_7RA1fzU-00705-00176358-00176537 absolutely amazing me and my family were zq-_7RA1fzU-00706-00176538-00176807 freaking out when when they explored a zq-_7RA1fzU-00707-00176808-00177076 new sport ago like like just just mere zq-_7RA1fzU-00708-00177077-00177340 minutes after Croatia scored a goal but zq-_7RA1fzU-00709-00177341-00177437 you know zq-_7RA1fzU-00710-00177438-00177616 um zq-_7RA1fzU-00711-00177617-00177802 you know Croatia won third place after zq-_7RA1fzU-00712-00177803-00178204 being second four years prior but you zq-_7RA1fzU-00713-00178205-00178463 know this was still a very good match zq-_7RA1fzU-00714-00178464-00178769 this gets like a high a from me zq-_7RA1fzU-00715-00178770-00179021 and finally zq-_7RA1fzU-00716-00179022-00179459 the final of Argentina versus France zq-_7RA1fzU-00717-00179460-00179807 it it's it's here man I'd not beat you zq-_7RA1fzU-00718-00179808-00179957 that's disgraceful zq-_7RA1fzU-00719-00179958-00180233 s tier right there there's nothing I can zq-_7RA1fzU-00720-00180234-00180359 say about this match that hasn't been zq-_7RA1fzU-00721-00180360-00180563 set already people called it the best zq-_7RA1fzU-00722-00180564-00180713 football match of all time the best zq-_7RA1fzU-00723-00180714-00180940 World Cup match of all time zq-_7RA1fzU-00724-00180941-00181204 you know like I agree like that was zq-_7RA1fzU-00725-00181205-00181528 intense absolutely intense when I when zq-_7RA1fzU-00726-00181529-00181726 they went three one in the penalties I zq-_7RA1fzU-00727-00181727-00181864 thought Argentina won zq-_7RA1fzU-00728-00181865-00182219 but uh but apparently like they if zq-_7RA1fzU-00729-00182220-00182338 France missed the next one then zq-_7RA1fzU-00730-00182339-00182669 Argentina won but no did they mine three zq-_7RA1fzU-00731-00182670-00182825 two and then four two and then Argentina zq-_7RA1fzU-00732-00182826-00182957 won zq-_7RA1fzU-00733-00182958-00183437 you know it was absolutely amazing zq-_7RA1fzU-00734-00183438-00183731 like what else can I say like I mean zq-_7RA1fzU-00735-00183732-00184249 going back to like foreign zq-_7RA1fzU-00736-00184250-00184666 to me is the significance of a future of zq-_7RA1fzU-00737-00184667-00185273 goat to me uh zq-_7RA1fzU-00738-00185274-00185549 the dude scored a hat trick zq-_7RA1fzU-00739-00185550-00185885 one minute after scoring a penalty zq-_7RA1fzU-00740-00185886-00186173 like how cracked up and how talented you zq-_7RA1fzU-00741-00186174-00186647 have to be to do that and Messi scored zq-_7RA1fzU-00742-00186648-00186743 um zq-_7RA1fzU-00743-00186744-00186923 Messi scored like he went over the line zq-_7RA1fzU-00744-00186924-00187121 like just barely and then a French zq-_7RA1fzU-00745-00187122-00187307 player that kicked the ball away and zq-_7RA1fzU-00746-00187308-00187421 then he like zq-_7RA1fzU-00747-00187422-00187583 okay well then he walked off the goal zq-_7RA1fzU-00748-00187584-00187804 like very sad zq-_7RA1fzU-00749-00187805-00188249 and yeah Messi's uh the first uh goal zq-_7RA1fzU-00750-00188250-00188393 like was very zq-_7RA1fzU-00751-00188394-00188597 like very good but also very blind out zq-_7RA1fzU-00752-00188598-00188807 because like I already knew based on the zq-_7RA1fzU-00753-00188808-00188993 angle where they were putting the camera zq-_7RA1fzU-00754-00188994-00189275 I mean Messi was already gonna score the zq-_7RA1fzU-00755-00189276-00189557 score at that point and Di Maria's goal zq-_7RA1fzU-00756-00189558-00189766 the dude came running in like it was zq-_7RA1fzU-00757-00189767-00190025 Sonic the Hedgehog and like just zq-_7RA1fzU-00758-00190026-00190288 and and it's almost like if Sonic were zq-_7RA1fzU-00759-00190289-00190571 to score a goal with a spin dash Di zq-_7RA1fzU-00760-00190572-00190740 Maria like zq-_7RA1fzU-00761-00190741-00191159 lived with his first name Angel Di Maria zq-_7RA1fzU-00762-00191160-00191452 because that goal was crazy zq-_7RA1fzU-00763-00191453-00191719 yeah this whole Mac was crazy zq-_7RA1fzU-00764-00191720-00191981 absolutely phenomenal zq-_7RA1fzU-00765-00191982-00192143 so guys zq-_7RA1fzU-00766-00192144-00192599 This Is My World Cup match tier list zq-_7RA1fzU-00767-00192600-00192790 if you're one of those people who was zq-_7RA1fzU-00768-00192791-00193066 like me and watched the entire uh zq-_7RA1fzU-00769-00193067-00193366 tournament or just leave your top 10 in zq-_7RA1fzU-00770-00193367-00193607 the comments below I'd love to hear what zq-_7RA1fzU-00771-00193608-00193793 you guys have to say zq-_7RA1fzU-00772-00193794-00194128 and yeah man that's all I have to say zq-_7RA1fzU-00773-00194129-00194369 thank you guys so much for watching zq-_7RA1fzU-00774-00194370-00194609 and thank you guys for zq-_7RA1fzU-00775-00194610-00195004 for 2022 it was great zq-_7RA1fzU-00776-00195005-00195340 and yeah I'll see you guys in 2023 zq-_7RA1fzU-00777-00195341-00195614 peace zw0fNrN3xhQ-00000-00095910-00097362 number six mr. Boehner will load win zw0fNrN3xhQ-00001-00097363-00097854 you zw0fNrN3xhQ-00002-00097855-00098056 sitting around like council meeting on zw0fNrN3xhQ-00003-00098057-00098377 Tuesday 27th of November 2018 zw0fNrN3xhQ-00004-00098378-00098683 the laureate is in the chair this zw0fNrN3xhQ-00005-00098684-00098824 council meeting will be streamed live zw0fNrN3xhQ-00006-00098825-00098995 and recorded for publishing to the zw0fNrN3xhQ-00007-00098996-00099162 Internet zw0fNrN3xhQ-00008-00099163-00099409 audio-visual recording is being taken at zw0fNrN3xhQ-00009-00099410-00099610 this meeting this means that your zw0fNrN3xhQ-00010-00099611-00099805 presence that and any contribution you zw0fNrN3xhQ-00011-00099806-00100000 make to the meeting may be collected zw0fNrN3xhQ-00012-00100001-00100372 used disclosed or published publicly by zw0fNrN3xhQ-00013-00100373-00100525 the council including transferring zw0fNrN3xhQ-00014-00100526-00100759 outside of Australia red lights will zw0fNrN3xhQ-00015-00100760-00100882 write in the case that the meeting is zw0fNrN3xhQ-00016-00100883-00101188 being filmed and streamed it's also no zw0fNrN3xhQ-00017-00101189-00101353 photographs would be taken at the zw0fNrN3xhQ-00018-00101354-00102181 meeting as well Council acknowledges zw0fNrN3xhQ-00019-00102182-00102328 that we're meeting on the traditional zw0fNrN3xhQ-00020-00102329-00102481 country of the gun on people of the zw0fNrN3xhQ-00021-00102482-00102676 Adelaide Plains and house respects to zw0fNrN3xhQ-00022-00102677-00102979 elder's past and present we recognize zw0fNrN3xhQ-00023-00102980-00103144 and respect their cultural heritage zw0fNrN3xhQ-00024-00103145-00103372 beliefs and relationship with the land zw0fNrN3xhQ-00025-00103373-00103588 we acknowledge there of continuing zw0fNrN3xhQ-00026-00103589-00103777 importance to the common people living zw0fNrN3xhQ-00027-00103778-00104125 today we also extend that respect to the zw0fNrN3xhQ-00028-00104126-00104278 aboriginal language groups and other zw0fNrN3xhQ-00029-00104279-00104646 First Nations who are present today zw0fNrN3xhQ-00030-00104647-00104875 Council acknowledges the vision of zw0fNrN3xhQ-00031-00104876-00105076 Colonel William light in determining the zw0fNrN3xhQ-00032-00105077-00105258 site fair load and the design of the zw0fNrN3xhQ-00033-00105259-00105408 city with its six squares and zw0fNrN3xhQ-00034-00105409-00105580 surrounding building continuous park zw0fNrN3xhQ-00035-00105581-00105772 lands which is recognized on the zw0fNrN3xhQ-00036-00105773-00106000 National Heritage List as one of the zw0fNrN3xhQ-00037-00106001-00106153 greatest examples of Australia's zw0fNrN3xhQ-00038-00106154-00106710 planning heritage let us pray well zw0fNrN3xhQ-00039-00106711-00106908 mighty God we ask your blessing upon the zw0fNrN3xhQ-00040-00106909-00107206 words at the C&L a direct and prosperous zw0fNrN3xhQ-00041-00107207-00107392 deliberations to the advancement of your zw0fNrN3xhQ-00042-00107393-00107608 quarry and the true welfare of the zw0fNrN3xhQ-00043-00107608-00108253 people of this city amen we ask all zw0fNrN3xhQ-00044-00108254-00108475 present to stand in silence in memory of zw0fNrN3xhQ-00045-00108476-00108667 those who gave their lives in defense of zw0fNrN3xhQ-00046-00108668-00109003 their country at sea on land and in the zw0fNrN3xhQ-00047-00109004-00110092 air zw0fNrN3xhQ-00048-00110093-00110916 you zw0fNrN3xhQ-00049-00110917-00112644 Thank You members please sit down zw0fNrN3xhQ-00050-00112645-00113049 welcome members item 5 on the agenda zw0fNrN3xhQ-00051-00113050-00113356 tonight there are no apologies or leave zw0fNrN3xhQ-00052-00113357-00113859 of absence this evening item 6 is the zw0fNrN3xhQ-00053-00113860-00114169 confirmation of minutes for the 23rd of zw0fNrN3xhQ-00054-00114170-00114486 October 2018 council it's good I have a zw0fNrN3xhQ-00055-00114487-00114670 mover and a seconder for a motion to zw0fNrN3xhQ-00056-00114671-00114810 confirm the minutes of the meeting held zw0fNrN3xhQ-00057-00114811-00115085 on the 23rd Thank You councillor Moran zw0fNrN3xhQ-00058-00115086-00115381 as randomly to vendors an accurate zw0fNrN3xhQ-00059-00115382-00115629 record of proceedings how could I have a zw0fNrN3xhQ-00060-00115630-00115958 second though councillor beard zw0fNrN3xhQ-00061-00115959-00116189 are there any corrections to the minutes zw0fNrN3xhQ-00062-00116190-00116436 [Music] zw0fNrN3xhQ-00063-00116438-00116623 tipping no Corrections I ask you now to zw0fNrN3xhQ-00064-00116624-00116803 vote in favor of the motion to confirm zw0fNrN3xhQ-00065-00116804-00116983 the minutes those in favor please zw0fNrN3xhQ-00066-00116983-00117536 indicate by show of hands those against zw0fNrN3xhQ-00067-00117538-00118033 that is carried zw0fNrN3xhQ-00068-00118034-00118285 item seven on tonight's agenda is public zw0fNrN3xhQ-00069-00118286-00118544 forums and invitations we have one a zw0fNrN3xhQ-00070-00118545-00118832 person dr. David Faber is registered to zw0fNrN3xhQ-00071-00118833-00119021 be heard in relation to the Gallipoli zw0fNrN3xhQ-00072-00119022-00119315 Memorial wattle Grove dr. favor could zw0fNrN3xhQ-00073-00119316-00119474 you please come forward address the zw0fNrN3xhQ-00074-00119475-00120384 council I have up to five hundos zw0fNrN3xhQ-00075-00120385-00120789 [Music] zw0fNrN3xhQ-00076-00120790-00121120 Thank You mayor please the counts the zw0fNrN3xhQ-00077-00121121-00121303 line my historian resident in the zw0fNrN3xhQ-00078-00121304-00121626 southwest of the city and an adjunct zw0fNrN3xhQ-00079-00121627-00121932 research fellow at Andrews University zw0fNrN3xhQ-00080-00121933-00122215 the darkness Cenotaph has been removed zw0fNrN3xhQ-00081-00122216-00122563 from Park 21 West it stood there in two zw0fNrN3xhQ-00082-00122564-00122896 different locations for 103 years the zw0fNrN3xhQ-00083-00122897-00123169 question now is what is to be done to zw0fNrN3xhQ-00084-00123170-00123403 provide an historical focus for that zw0fNrN3xhQ-00085-00123404-00123664 part and the community of the southwest zw0fNrN3xhQ-00086-00123665-00123976 of the city to replace that lost as a zw0fNrN3xhQ-00087-00123977-00124231 place of resort reflection and heritage zw0fNrN3xhQ-00088-00124232-00124579 tourism the Cenotaph originally stood to zw0fNrN3xhQ-00089-00124580-00124858 the west Ursa Lewis can't drive amidst a zw0fNrN3xhQ-00090-00124859-00125069 symbolic garden designed like the zw0fNrN3xhQ-00091-00125070-00125353 Cenotaph itself but master blue the wall zw0fNrN3xhQ-00092-00125354-00125698 to the road 25 species of water were zw0fNrN3xhQ-00093-00125699-00125914 planned to do four quadrants to recall zw0fNrN3xhQ-00094-00125915-00126175 the anzac landing on the 25th of April zw0fNrN3xhQ-00095-00126176-00126598 1950 species were selected so that they zw0fNrN3xhQ-00096-00126599-00126931 would be waddling around to signify zw0fNrN3xhQ-00097-00126932-00127252 perpetual memory of those who fell the zw0fNrN3xhQ-00098-00127253-00127444 prayers of this beautiful design are zw0fNrN3xhQ-00099-00127445-00127690 held in the city archives the Gallipoli zw0fNrN3xhQ-00100-00127691-00128020 Memorial model growth has continued to zw0fNrN3xhQ-00101-00128021-00128200 be marked on street directories of the zw0fNrN3xhQ-00102-00128201-00128536 city to this day to Road acted for the zw0fNrN3xhQ-00103-00128537-00128752 waddled a-league our ladies auxilary of zw0fNrN3xhQ-00104-00128753-00129115 the australian ladies Association on the zw0fNrN3xhQ-00105-00129116-00129481 23rd of August 1915 the town clerk wrote zw0fNrN3xhQ-00106-00129482-00129700 to the city gardener detailed in the zw0fNrN3xhQ-00107-00129701-00129910 division of labor and courses between zw0fNrN3xhQ-00108-00129911-00130261 the league and the City Council in that zw0fNrN3xhQ-00109-00130262-00130513 letter the town clerk noted the zw0fNrN3xhQ-00110-00130514-00130759 corporation is to supply the model trees zw0fNrN3xhQ-00111-00130760-00130990 and to attend to the maintenance of the zw0fNrN3xhQ-00112-00130991-00131299 crows work completed this undertaking zw0fNrN3xhQ-00113-00131300-00131491 was not effectively on and down the zw0fNrN3xhQ-00114-00131492-00131780 years and only we understand of what zw0fNrN3xhQ-00115-00131781-00132068 other features mark the spot this sacred zw0fNrN3xhQ-00116-00132069-00132287 growth should be restored at an zw0fNrN3xhQ-00117-00132288-00132524 appropriate development of park 21 west zw0fNrN3xhQ-00118-00132525-00132776 and his compensation to the Southwest zw0fNrN3xhQ-00119-00132777-00132944 City community for the loss of the zw0fNrN3xhQ-00120-00132945-00133241 Cenotaph but such a restored growth zw0fNrN3xhQ-00121-00133242-00133430 would need what it formerly had a zw0fNrN3xhQ-00122-00133431-00133778 monumental focal point of human scale at zw0fNrN3xhQ-00123-00133779-00133961 present there is no monument to the zw0fNrN3xhQ-00124-00133962-00134312 armistice of 11 November 1980 in the zw0fNrN3xhQ-00125-00134313-00134615 city while in a way to commemorate the zw0fNrN3xhQ-00126-00134616-00134864 peace for which the Anzacs forward then zw0fNrN3xhQ-00127-00134865-00135122 to design an event of modern monument is zw0fNrN3xhQ-00128-00135123-00135383 the centerpiece was restored growth of zw0fNrN3xhQ-00129-00135384-00135728 flowering model it will be put if the zw0fNrN3xhQ-00130-00135729-00135971 plan will realize after all stakeholders zw0fNrN3xhQ-00131-00135972-00136211 including historians and the communities zw0fNrN3xhQ-00132-00136212-00136460 of the southwest Indian Army hitherto I zw0fNrN3xhQ-00133-00136461-00136733 looked for years were included in the zw0fNrN3xhQ-00134-00136734-00137039 necessary consultations the incoming zw0fNrN3xhQ-00135-00137040-00137219 council and the mayor of the shoreless zw0fNrN3xhQ-00136-00137220-00137420 leadership is in an excellent position zw0fNrN3xhQ-00137-00137421-00137645 to turn over a new leaf on this matter zw0fNrN3xhQ-00138-00137646-00137900 which has caused unnecessary thanks for zw0fNrN3xhQ-00139-00137901-00138122 the community what is needed is a zw0fNrN3xhQ-00140-00138123-00138413 positive resolution in keeping with some zw0fNrN3xhQ-00141-00138414-00138722 sound principles heritage management and zw0fNrN3xhQ-00142-00138723-00139291 civic democracy thank you dr. favor zw0fNrN3xhQ-00143-00139292-00139952 thank you for your zw0fNrN3xhQ-00144-00139953-00140299 chelsey item age on the agenda these zw0fNrN3xhQ-00145-00140300-00140548 petitions there are no dishes to receive zw0fNrN3xhQ-00146-00140549-00140968 this evening item 9 advanced from the zw0fNrN3xhQ-00147-00140969-00141153 Advaita parklands Authority and reports zw0fNrN3xhQ-00148-00141154-00141424 from other commissioning Council item in zw0fNrN3xhQ-00149-00141425-00141738 9.1 presents the advice and zw0fNrN3xhQ-00150-00141739-00141939 recommendation of a special meeting of zw0fNrN3xhQ-00151-00141940-00142116 the Audit Committee held on the 26th of zw0fNrN3xhQ-00152-00142117-00142450 October 2018 the Audit Committee is zw0fNrN3xhQ-00153-00142451-00142602 required to present a report to Council zw0fNrN3xhQ-00154-00142603-00142825 after each meeting the report is zw0fNrN3xhQ-00155-00142826-00143068 presented to note the report of the zw0fNrN3xhQ-00156-00143069-00143265 Audit Committee and recommends approval zw0fNrN3xhQ-00157-00143266-00143470 for the city validates two years zw0fNrN3xhQ-00158-00143471-00143809 internal audit plan I have a counselor zw0fNrN3xhQ-00159-00143810-00144034 counselor Martin to remove if we're zw0fNrN3xhQ-00160-00144035-00144208 going to have a seconder counselor all zw0fNrN3xhQ-00161-00144209-00144579 right now nothing is present thank you zw0fNrN3xhQ-00162-00144580-00145075 did you wish to speak does anyone else zw0fNrN3xhQ-00163-00145076-00145462 wish to speak to motion zw0fNrN3xhQ-00164-00145463-00145924 counselor do it summer there being no zw0fNrN3xhQ-00165-00145925-00146140 further questions not about how I asked zw0fNrN3xhQ-00166-00146141-00146299 you to vote on the motion those in favor zw0fNrN3xhQ-00167-00146300-00146652 please indicate by show of hands thank zw0fNrN3xhQ-00168-00146653-00147763 those again I tone ten is the Lord zw0fNrN3xhQ-00169-00147764-00147908 Mayor's report I don't have a verbal zw0fNrN3xhQ-00170-00147909-00148274 report for this meeting which takes us zw0fNrN3xhQ-00171-00148275-00148588 to item 11 there are no reading reports zw0fNrN3xhQ-00172-00148589-00148777 but I do believe there's a report from zw0fNrN3xhQ-00173-00148778-00148985 the floor counselor luncheon it's just a zw0fNrN3xhQ-00174-00148986-00149474 brief I attended a sermon server a zw0fNrN3xhQ-00175-00149475-00149660 meeting in the ad Lane it was zw0fNrN3xhQ-00176-00149661-00150013 consolidated on 16th November where zw0fNrN3xhQ-00177-00150014-00150274 there were the usual reports and as I zw0fNrN3xhQ-00178-00150275-00150959 often mention aircraft breaches of the zw0fNrN3xhQ-00179-00150960-00151247 code new residents of North Adelaide was zw0fNrN3xhQ-00180-00151248-00151670 depicted to 1077 aircraft movements zw0fNrN3xhQ-00181-00151671-00151954 during who went around and between 11:00 zw0fNrN3xhQ-00182-00151955-00152200 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. the next morning but zw0fNrN3xhQ-00183-00152201-00152444 the method which I wish to draw to the zw0fNrN3xhQ-00184-00152445-00152689 attention of the body is a study which zw0fNrN3xhQ-00185-00152690-00153046 was presented to consolidate committee zw0fNrN3xhQ-00186-00153047-00153385 from a review by the West Horan's zw0fNrN3xhQ-00187-00153386-00153746 Council develop in the context of there zw0fNrN3xhQ-00188-00153747-00154136 being a transition from plans to state zw0fNrN3xhQ-00189-00154137-00154465 plans under the changes introduced by zw0fNrN3xhQ-00190-00154466-00154721 the previous government and adopted by zw0fNrN3xhQ-00191-00154722-00155014 the current government it was determined zw0fNrN3xhQ-00192-00155015-00155195 by the council that there were zw0fNrN3xhQ-00193-00155196-00155506 particular issues which ought to be zw0fNrN3xhQ-00194-00155507-00155759 incorporated into any state planning zw0fNrN3xhQ-00195-00155760-00156032 changes one of them related to aircraft zw0fNrN3xhQ-00196-00156033-00156427 noise in much the same way as residents zw0fNrN3xhQ-00197-00156428-00156658 of North Adelaide are subjected to zw0fNrN3xhQ-00198-00156659-00156863 aircraft noise zw0fNrN3xhQ-00199-00156864-00157202 the city with torrents endure sometimes zw0fNrN3xhQ-00200-00157203-00157496 even braver levels of a product noise it zw0fNrN3xhQ-00201-00157497-00157753 was the decision of council that you zw0fNrN3xhQ-00202-00157754-00158054 whole residence and so it Center zw0fNrN3xhQ-00203-00158055-00158369 certainly to more than 12,000 residents zw0fNrN3xhQ-00204-00158370-00158591 and property owners canvass their views zw0fNrN3xhQ-00205-00158592-00158827 about aircraft noise and the aircraft zw0fNrN3xhQ-00206-00158828-00159194 attenuation measures this resulted in a zw0fNrN3xhQ-00207-00159195-00159404 substantial document which West Lawrence zw0fNrN3xhQ-00208-00159405-00159721 Council will submit to the state zw0fNrN3xhQ-00209-00159722-00159929 government and to the State Planning zw0fNrN3xhQ-00210-00159930-00160247 Commission for consideration while noise zw0fNrN3xhQ-00211-00160248-00160478 attenuation measures being included in zw0fNrN3xhQ-00212-00160479-00160751 the relevant state legislation and I zw0fNrN3xhQ-00213-00160752-00161111 brought to the attention merely to zw0fNrN3xhQ-00214-00161112-00161306 suggest that this may well be something zw0fNrN3xhQ-00215-00161307-00161491 that the city of Adelaide should zw0fNrN3xhQ-00216-00161492-00161885 consider the residents of the city thank zw0fNrN3xhQ-00217-00161886-00162170 you very much twenty other councillors zw0fNrN3xhQ-00218-00162171-00162673 have liked us thank you zw0fNrN3xhQ-00219-00162674-00163472 now sorry I need a motion movement sake zw0fNrN3xhQ-00220-00163473-00163802 of that celebrate counselor be a saint zw0fNrN3xhQ-00221-00163803-00164369 councillor scenes thank you so all in zw0fNrN3xhQ-00222-00164370-00164606 favor of that being accepted those zw0fNrN3xhQ-00223-00164607-00165434 against thank you that is carried zw0fNrN3xhQ-00224-00165435-00166664 12 reports for council councils we've zw0fNrN3xhQ-00225-00166665-00166847 got six reports this evening the first zw0fNrN3xhQ-00226-00166848-00167219 is item 12.1 sustainable event zw0fNrN3xhQ-00227-00167220-00167513 guidelines this report is presented to zw0fNrN3xhQ-00228-00167514-00167738 approve the guidelines zw0fNrN3xhQ-00229-00167739-00167944 could I have a councillor move zw0fNrN3xhQ-00230-00167945-00168173 councillor Moran and a seconder for the zw0fNrN3xhQ-00231-00168174-00168494 motion councillor Simmonds council ran zw0fNrN3xhQ-00232-00168495-00168729 did you wish to speak to mush and zw0fNrN3xhQ-00233-00168730-00169204 councillor sings does anyone wish to zw0fNrN3xhQ-00234-00169205-00169460 speak to the motion counselor Cara I zw0fNrN3xhQ-00235-00169461-00170426 seek to amend the motion do I require a zw0fNrN3xhQ-00236-00170427-00170941 second just tell us what you made sorry zw0fNrN3xhQ-00237-00170942-00171059 are you need to tell us what the zw0fNrN3xhQ-00238-00171060-00171493 amendment okay so speaking minute um I I zw0fNrN3xhQ-00239-00171494-00171797 move the motion be amended to read that zw0fNrN3xhQ-00240-00171798-00172013 council refer the draft sustainable zw0fNrN3xhQ-00241-00172014-00172226 event guidelines as shown in attachment zw0fNrN3xhQ-00242-00172227-00172496 a to item 12 on the agenda for the zw0fNrN3xhQ-00243-00172497-00172639 meeting of the council held on 27 zw0fNrN3xhQ-00244-00172640-00172939 November 18 at workshop for further zw0fNrN3xhQ-00245-00172940-00173869 investigation and discussion zw0fNrN3xhQ-00246-00173870-00174245 we could weaken Fieri I'm having a zw0fNrN3xhQ-00247-00174246-00175114 period zw0fNrN3xhQ-00248-00175115-00175876 I'd like to draw my second zw0fNrN3xhQ-00249-00175877-00176435 so if the so we need to start again zw0fNrN3xhQ-00250-00176436-00176866 so we actually have an amended motion zw0fNrN3xhQ-00251-00176867-00177220 which is on the screen zw0fNrN3xhQ-00252-00177221-00177882 correct it's we have amended motion so I zw0fNrN3xhQ-00253-00177883-00178346 have to a seconder for the amended zw0fNrN3xhQ-00254-00178347-00178956 motion so counselor n so zw0fNrN3xhQ-00255-00178957-00179147 counselor Carol would you like to speak zw0fNrN3xhQ-00256-00179148-00179570 to the motion yes thanks for meant the zw0fNrN3xhQ-00257-00179571-00179870 objectives of these guidelines I believe zw0fNrN3xhQ-00258-00179871-00180197 are laudable and it's a testament to the zw0fNrN3xhQ-00259-00180198-00180338 amount of work that's gone into them zw0fNrN3xhQ-00260-00180339-00180629 however there are elements present that zw0fNrN3xhQ-00261-00180630-00180875 that I believe one of the new council zw0fNrN3xhQ-00262-00180876-00181163 given the potential impacts on small zw0fNrN3xhQ-00263-00181164-00181529 businesses for example guideline point zw0fNrN3xhQ-00264-00181530-00181829 one if adopted mandates that makes zw0fNrN3xhQ-00265-00181830-00181973 compulsory that every piece of equipment zw0fNrN3xhQ-00266-00181974-00182327 used by stallholder is Energy Star or zw0fNrN3xhQ-00267-00182328-00182619 energy rating labeled so for example zw0fNrN3xhQ-00268-00182620-00182984 with a must be energy label or it's zw0fNrN3xhQ-00269-00182985-00183166 potentially banned zw0fNrN3xhQ-00270-00183167-00183316 [Music] zw0fNrN3xhQ-00271-00183317-00183641 which is not labeled must either sellers zw0fNrN3xhQ-00272-00183642-00183957 dispose of it or purchase a new one it's zw0fNrN3xhQ-00273-00183958-00184238 like in the road the fringe etc involved zw0fNrN3xhQ-00274-00184239-00184472 dozens and dozens of stall holders who zw0fNrN3xhQ-00275-00184473-00185019 use calm tops six store world agreements zw0fNrN3xhQ-00276-00185020-00185273 which potentially effectively bans zw0fNrN3xhQ-00277-00185274-00185612 balloons and this may provide the media zw0fNrN3xhQ-00278-00185613-00185792 today as they describe this as the zw0fNrN3xhQ-00279-00185793-00186500 Grinch's who ban in balloons which emits zw0fNrN3xhQ-00280-00186501-00186670 base operators and contractors to zw0fNrN3xhQ-00281-00186671-00187031 real-time energy monitoring what does zw0fNrN3xhQ-00282-00187032-00187292 this mean what does it cost and is it zw0fNrN3xhQ-00283-00187293-00187550 seems it these are just a few examples zw0fNrN3xhQ-00284-00187551-00188270 of to explore and I submit to Council zw0fNrN3xhQ-00285-00188271-00189106 that would be the appropriate direction zw0fNrN3xhQ-00286-00189107-00189685 counselors counselors team singing zw0fNrN3xhQ-00287-00189686-00190046 thanks look man it's nice to be back and zw0fNrN3xhQ-00288-00190047-00190193 to have an opportunity to talk about a zw0fNrN3xhQ-00289-00190194-00190352 green issue first council meeting zw0fNrN3xhQ-00290-00190353-00190688 look I don't support this amendment zw0fNrN3xhQ-00291-00190689-00191050 I counsel to support the original zw0fNrN3xhQ-00292-00191051-00191210 recommendation and that is that we zw0fNrN3xhQ-00293-00191211-00191564 approve the draft event guidelines these zw0fNrN3xhQ-00294-00191565-00191828 are simply guidelines they're not zw0fNrN3xhQ-00295-00191829-00192116 mandatory directions there is a debate zw0fNrN3xhQ-00296-00192117-00192326 to be had about how we do ensure there zw0fNrN3xhQ-00297-00192327-00192473 is enforcement of these kind of zw0fNrN3xhQ-00298-00192474-00192659 guidelines my personal view is that zw0fNrN3xhQ-00299-00192660-00192917 council do in that space in terms of zw0fNrN3xhQ-00300-00192918-00193100 encouraging enforcement and that's zw0fNrN3xhQ-00301-00193101-00193256 something I'd like to look at in the new zw0fNrN3xhQ-00302-00193257-00193307 year zw0fNrN3xhQ-00303-00193308-00193505 but these are simply guidelines and zw0fNrN3xhQ-00304-00193506-00193736 they're an opportunity for this council zw0fNrN3xhQ-00305-00193737-00194072 to see best practice when it comes to zw0fNrN3xhQ-00306-00194073-00194306 sustainability as it says in the report zw0fNrN3xhQ-00307-00194307-00194702 we do have I think a terrific reputation zw0fNrN3xhQ-00308-00194703-00194939 that comes to festivals here in our zw0fNrN3xhQ-00309-00194940-00195194 capital city and we're developing a zw0fNrN3xhQ-00310-00195195-00195491 terrific reputation when it comes to zw0fNrN3xhQ-00311-00195492-00195857 greening and sustainability and I hate zw0fNrN3xhQ-00312-00195858-00196088 to see the first decision this council zw0fNrN3xhQ-00313-00196089-00196301 makes being to keep this along down the zw0fNrN3xhQ-00314-00196302-00196538 road and have another workshop and some zw0fNrN3xhQ-00315-00196539-00196757 analysis paralysis the work is being zw0fNrN3xhQ-00316-00196758-00197081 done let's actually lock it in and then zw0fNrN3xhQ-00317-00197082-00197252 have a discussion in the new year about zw0fNrN3xhQ-00318-00197253-00197540 how we can improve implementation but zw0fNrN3xhQ-00319-00197541-00197822 with respect to counsel Akira I think to zw0fNrN3xhQ-00320-00197823-00198020 go down this path would be an zw0fNrN3xhQ-00321-00198021-00198260 opportunity wasted and would set the zw0fNrN3xhQ-00322-00198261-00198527 wrong tone for the first meeting of this zw0fNrN3xhQ-00323-00198528-00198947 council Thank You councillor seems zw0fNrN3xhQ-00324-00198948-00200144 councillor Donovan thanks how much you zw0fNrN3xhQ-00325-00200145-00200437 support this and we may or may not zw0fNrN3xhQ-00326-00200438-00200780 support all of it I certainly don't I zw0fNrN3xhQ-00327-00200781-00201008 certainly agree with counsel care about zw0fNrN3xhQ-00328-00201009-00201434 the balloons I think just counts when zw0fNrN3xhQ-00329-00201435-00201617 when counters Tim says and now the zw0fNrN3xhQ-00330-00201618-00201803 briefing another worship discusses had zw0fNrN3xhQ-00331-00201804-00202339 any braces or any workshops and fuse had zw0fNrN3xhQ-00332-00202340-00202673 them but the rest of you haven't and the zw0fNrN3xhQ-00333-00202674-00202883 Devils in the detail and don't be fooled zw0fNrN3xhQ-00334-00202884-00203153 by that all this is just guidelines this zw0fNrN3xhQ-00335-00203154-00203411 is just aspirational smart moves for zw0fNrN3xhQ-00336-00203412-00203609 guidelines desperation and I'm suddenly zw0fNrN3xhQ-00337-00203610-00203828 having nice mark Weaver thrown at me in zw0fNrN3xhQ-00338-00203829-00204143 planning assessment panels as a rigid zw0fNrN3xhQ-00339-00204144-00204380 set of rules but even the planning panel zw0fNrN3xhQ-00340-00204381-00204671 must abide by so I think this is a zw0fNrN3xhQ-00341-00204672-00205133 worthy laudable plan but you have to zw0fNrN3xhQ-00342-00205134-00205430 have ownership if you're rushing to a zw0fNrN3xhQ-00343-00205431-00205771 now in six months time the counselors zw0fNrN3xhQ-00344-00205773-00205982 that are new to the council and I had to zw0fNrN3xhQ-00345-00205983-00206183 really read that carefully I didn't zw0fNrN3xhQ-00346-00206184-00206453 realize that had that repercussion or it zw0fNrN3xhQ-00347-00206454-00206713 would lead to that sort of outcome zw0fNrN3xhQ-00348-00206714-00207019 because I really wasn't part of doing zw0fNrN3xhQ-00349-00207021-00207316 the plan so you can't have an excuse zw0fNrN3xhQ-00350-00207317-00207571 like that if we sit down and we workshop zw0fNrN3xhQ-00351-00207573-00207787 it and go through it properly the if zw0fNrN3xhQ-00352-00207788-00207926 these things indeed are just zw0fNrN3xhQ-00353-00207927-00208184 aspirational guidelines they can wait a zw0fNrN3xhQ-00354-00208185-00208248 few zw0fNrN3xhQ-00355-00208248-00208517 so a few weeks for us to sit down go zw0fNrN3xhQ-00356-00208519-00208971 through after all truly green passionate zw0fNrN3xhQ-00357-00208971-00209229 people like I think Helen and Robert you zw0fNrN3xhQ-00358-00209230-00209540 may want to add more so it may not go as zw0fNrN3xhQ-00359-00209541-00209889 far as you want in some areas it may go zw0fNrN3xhQ-00360-00209890-00210162 too far in other areas but it has to zw0fNrN3xhQ-00361-00210163-00210383 have ownership of the documents that you zw0fNrN3xhQ-00362-00210384-00210552 put out they're not going out in the zw0fNrN3xhQ-00363-00210553-00210696 name of the latus Council they're going zw0fNrN3xhQ-00364-00210696-00210908 out knew your name so I think at least zw0fNrN3xhQ-00365-00210909-00211098 you should sit down with your colleagues zw0fNrN3xhQ-00366-00211098-00211404 and your peers and put your mark on it zw0fNrN3xhQ-00367-00211405-00211788 and put your stamp of approval Thank You zw0fNrN3xhQ-00368-00211789-00212216 councillor Maria cancel it Donovan zw0fNrN3xhQ-00369-00212217-00212505 thanks for the opportunity I think I zw0fNrN3xhQ-00370-00212506-00212748 agree wholeheartedly new councillor zw0fNrN3xhQ-00371-00212748-00213032 Simmonds and I think the potentially the zw0fNrN3xhQ-00372-00213033-00213317 misunderstanding maybe around the fact zw0fNrN3xhQ-00373-00213319-00213485 that it is guidelines and within those zw0fNrN3xhQ-00374-00213486-00213777 guidelines it does refer to some things zw0fNrN3xhQ-00375-00213778-00214002 being mandatory however it's still zw0fNrN3xhQ-00376-00214003-00214242 simply a guideline for the events to zw0fNrN3xhQ-00377-00214242-00214494 adopt and if they choose then that would zw0fNrN3xhQ-00378-00214494-00214707 then make it mandatory to for example zw0fNrN3xhQ-00379-00214708-00214944 adopt some of those recommendations that zw0fNrN3xhQ-00380-00214944-00215055 have been suggested within the zw0fNrN3xhQ-00381-00215056-00215289 guidelines so I think I've read through zw0fNrN3xhQ-00382-00215290-00215444 it I've had a chance to chat to zw0fNrN3xhQ-00383-00215446-00215582 administration about it I think it's an zw0fNrN3xhQ-00384-00215583-00215781 absolutely fantastic document that has zw0fNrN3xhQ-00385-00215782-00216015 been very well researched there's been zw0fNrN3xhQ-00386-00216016-00216248 extensive consultation so I zw0fNrN3xhQ-00387-00216248-00216594 wholeheartedly support us moving forward zw0fNrN3xhQ-00388-00216594-00216831 with this with the understanding that in zw0fNrN3xhQ-00389-00216832-00217142 fact this is simply an a framework for zw0fNrN3xhQ-00390-00217144-00217442 those events that work so choose to zw0fNrN3xhQ-00391-00217444-00217641 adopt to give a nice easy little zw0fNrN3xhQ-00392-00217642-00218001 strategy that also comes with a series zw0fNrN3xhQ-00393-00218002-00218207 of very practical support such as zw0fNrN3xhQ-00394-00218208-00218448 planning recommendations if they should zw0fNrN3xhQ-00395-00218448-00218742 choose to adopt those supply chain zw0fNrN3xhQ-00396-00218742-00218937 options around for example compostable zw0fNrN3xhQ-00397-00218938-00219156 packaging so and then the defense has to zw0fNrN3xhQ-00398-00219157-00219342 give me to do I think it to be very well zw0fNrN3xhQ-00399-00219342-00219527 researched and put together including zw0fNrN3xhQ-00400-00219528-00219900 extensive industry consultation which is zw0fNrN3xhQ-00401-00219901-00220056 what makes it practical and ready to zw0fNrN3xhQ-00402-00220057-00220287 roll out and if anything you know in my zw0fNrN3xhQ-00403-00220288-00220550 opinion in the future it can be zw0fNrN3xhQ-00404-00220551-00220826 to you to be strengthened to move to zw0fNrN3xhQ-00405-00220827-00220967 what those goals that I think we all zw0fNrN3xhQ-00406-00220968-00221147 have in terms of sustainability so I zw0fNrN3xhQ-00407-00221148-00221537 wholeheartedly support the original zw0fNrN3xhQ-00408-00221538-00221933 motion Thank You counsel Donovan and zw0fNrN3xhQ-00409-00221934-00222143 I'll just remind you you didn't zw0fNrN3xhQ-00410-00222144-00222368 accidentally actually talk just before zw0fNrN3xhQ-00411-00222369-00222581 and that's my fault zw0fNrN3xhQ-00412-00222582-00222743 coming back to you twice normally we zw0fNrN3xhQ-00413-00222744-00223168 only get to speak once cancel our hide zw0fNrN3xhQ-00414-00223169-00223622 thank you look man when it comes to this zw0fNrN3xhQ-00415-00223623-00223895 I mean it's not though what so much as zw0fNrN3xhQ-00416-00223896-00224192 it is the how councillor Simms referred zw0fNrN3xhQ-00417-00224193-00224408 to the work already having to be done zw0fNrN3xhQ-00418-00224409-00224613 councillor Donovan just said extensive zw0fNrN3xhQ-00419-00224614-00224813 industry consultation looking at the zw0fNrN3xhQ-00420-00224814-00225116 consultation that's happened today I do zw0fNrN3xhQ-00421-00225117-00225368 take issue with the extender of that zw0fNrN3xhQ-00422-00225369-00225578 consultation so we're looking at visits zw0fNrN3xhQ-00423-00225579-00225776 to the USA website 47 whether they zw0fNrN3xhQ-00424-00225777-00225962 unique visitations or not we do not know zw0fNrN3xhQ-00425-00225963-00226157 download information from the website zw0fNrN3xhQ-00426-00226158-00226388 only seven again unique not sure zw0fNrN3xhQ-00427-00226389-00226826 completed submissions six and phone zw0fNrN3xhQ-00428-00226827-00227024 consultations successfully conducted zw0fNrN3xhQ-00429-00227025-00227225 forwards for those of chat on the phone zw0fNrN3xhQ-00430-00227226-00227471 and an additional consultation was zw0fNrN3xhQ-00431-00227472-00227642 conducted Byron incidental conversation zw0fNrN3xhQ-00432-00227643-00227873 with festival satellites or someone zw0fNrN3xhQ-00433-00227874-00228110 bumped into someone at the shops or zw0fNrN3xhQ-00434-00228111-00228323 something so I'm just not sure that work zw0fNrN3xhQ-00435-00228324-00228470 has been done when it comes to the zw0fNrN3xhQ-00436-00228471-00228638 consultation on this and when we're zw0fNrN3xhQ-00437-00228639-00228839 talking about 800 plus events that are zw0fNrN3xhQ-00438-00228840-00229214 run in the city every year with what zw0fNrN3xhQ-00439-00229215-00229433 looks to be whoever 290 million dollars zw0fNrN3xhQ-00440-00229434-00229712 in in value that gets added to the city zw0fNrN3xhQ-00441-00229713-00229883 and studies economy and gross domestic zw0fNrN3xhQ-00442-00229884-00230177 product I just don't think I just don't zw0fNrN3xhQ-00443-00230178-00230318 think the work has been done which is zw0fNrN3xhQ-00444-00230319-00230606 why I'm talking why am i posting this zw0fNrN3xhQ-00445-00230607-00230837 motion and moreover what are we able to zw0fNrN3xhQ-00446-00230838-00231275 ask a question of so my question would zw0fNrN3xhQ-00447-00231276-00231533 be when we're looking at the costs we zw0fNrN3xhQ-00448-00231534-00231659 seen which will be 18 zw0fNrN3xhQ-00449-00231660-00231779 in financial year there was about one zw0fNrN3xhQ-00450-00231780-00231911 hundred and fifty three thousand dollars zw0fNrN3xhQ-00451-00231912-00232229 in costs because of this I'm just zw0fNrN3xhQ-00452-00232230-00232544 curious what did that cost come from and zw0fNrN3xhQ-00453-00232544-00232832 was the work done inside counsel or was zw0fNrN3xhQ-00454-00232833-00233078 worded outside consultants used and to zw0fNrN3xhQ-00455-00233079-00234002 what extent CEO Michelle please I'm zw0fNrN3xhQ-00456-00234003-00234521 through the Gordon here sorry that is zw0fNrN3xhQ-00457-00234521-00234767 here included so it was part of the zw0fNrN3xhQ-00458-00234767-00235181 integrated plan for this year I included zw0fNrN3xhQ-00459-00235182-00235517 an FTE I'm specifically working on this zw0fNrN3xhQ-00460-00235517-00235869 project within Council and we also had zw0fNrN3xhQ-00461-00235871-00236296 sustainability consultants involved in zw0fNrN3xhQ-00462-00236298-00236504 the running of the two workshops that we zw0fNrN3xhQ-00463-00236505-00236690 had throughout the year and in December zw0fNrN3xhQ-00464-00236691-00237014 last year and then in the middle of this zw0fNrN3xhQ-00465-00237015-00237932 year as well does that answer your zw0fNrN3xhQ-00466-00237933-00238342 question or any other speakers to this zw0fNrN3xhQ-00467-00238344-00238751 motion Kasparian I said a couple zw0fNrN3xhQ-00468-00238752-00238991 questions first and my speak to this if zw0fNrN3xhQ-00469-00238992-00239141 that's our coordinates of the first zw0fNrN3xhQ-00470-00239142-00239315 question relates to guidelines versus zw0fNrN3xhQ-00471-00239316-00239612 policy just this has been speech spoken zw0fNrN3xhQ-00472-00239613-00239939 before salable articles do translate to zw0fNrN3xhQ-00473-00239940-00240148 policy sometimes within administration zw0fNrN3xhQ-00474-00240150-00240344 and that's fine some to some degree zw0fNrN3xhQ-00475-00240344-00240557 that's okay I guess what I'm trying to zw0fNrN3xhQ-00476-00240558-00240662 ascertain you from an implementation zw0fNrN3xhQ-00477-00240663-00240871 perspective of those guidelines what are zw0fNrN3xhQ-00478-00240873-00241171 we expecting to have people that are zw0fNrN3xhQ-00479-00241173-00241490 applying for those guidelines start to zw0fNrN3xhQ-00480-00241491-00241703 comply with those guidelines where's the zw0fNrN3xhQ-00481-00241704-00241865 expectation of that zw0fNrN3xhQ-00482-00241866-00242539 if this was approved zw0fNrN3xhQ-00483-00242540-00242788 I'm through the Lord Mayer so the zw0fNrN3xhQ-00484-00242789-00242983 guidelines have been developed in zw0fNrN3xhQ-00485-00242984-00243241 consultation with industry through those zw0fNrN3xhQ-00486-00243242-00243519 two workshops so we have leading zw0fNrN3xhQ-00487-00243519-00243835 industry organizations like ym Adelaide zw0fNrN3xhQ-00488-00243836-00244204 who are already doing useful work what zw0fNrN3xhQ-00489-00244205-00244351 we've heard from industry is they zw0fNrN3xhQ-00490-00244352-00244542 actually want to move together and they zw0fNrN3xhQ-00491-00244544-00244801 want these actions so that they can do zw0fNrN3xhQ-00492-00244802-00245319 that and have a common point of view the zw0fNrN3xhQ-00493-00245319-00245635 the guidelines would if the council zw0fNrN3xhQ-00494-00245636-00245767 endorsed them tonight or whenever they zw0fNrN3xhQ-00495-00245767-00245935 might endorse them would become zw0fNrN3xhQ-00496-00245936-00246142 voluntary guidelines which we would then zw0fNrN3xhQ-00497-00246142-00246471 provide to event organizers or managers zw0fNrN3xhQ-00498-00246473-00246706 put on our website but the really zw0fNrN3xhQ-00499-00246707-00246936 important part is actually zw0fNrN3xhQ-00500-00246937-00247156 implementation of the guidelines so zw0fNrN3xhQ-00501-00247157-00247450 actually working with industry to see zw0fNrN3xhQ-00502-00247451-00247762 how we can support them through a staged zw0fNrN3xhQ-00503-00247763-00248067 approach over time which works for the zw0fNrN3xhQ-00504-00248069-00248350 industry we are also applying them zw0fNrN3xhQ-00505-00248351-00248617 already to our own events so our words zw0fNrN3xhQ-00506-00248617-00248908 tomorrow you use e so that we can feed zw0fNrN3xhQ-00507-00248909-00249184 that what we've learned to industry as zw0fNrN3xhQ-00508-00249185-00249319 well so it's it's a collaborative zw0fNrN3xhQ-00509-00249319-00249634 generation still not quite sure if they zw0fNrN3xhQ-00510-00249635-00249817 I'm aware that some organizations are zw0fNrN3xhQ-00511-00249817-00249961 already doing that because they're kind zw0fNrN3xhQ-00512-00249962-00250264 of doing it for the ones that can't that zw0fNrN3xhQ-00513-00250265-00250521 are acquired through for event permits zw0fNrN3xhQ-00514-00250523-00250864 in our Park lands when when is the zw0fNrN3xhQ-00515-00250865-00251082 cutoff date which they have to start zw0fNrN3xhQ-00516-00251083-00251721 taking throwing the Lord Mayor out they zw0fNrN3xhQ-00517-00251723-00252016 are voluntary guidelines I'm the only zw0fNrN3xhQ-00518-00252017-00252121 mandatory zw0fNrN3xhQ-00519-00252121-00252271 I'm element we have around zw0fNrN3xhQ-00520-00252271-00252565 sustainability is in relation to a zw0fNrN3xhQ-00521-00252566-00252802 motion that was passed earlier and also zw0fNrN3xhQ-00522-00252803-00253303 decided to ban plastic straw I guess the zw0fNrN3xhQ-00523-00253304-00253462 reason I'm asking is the deterministic zw0fNrN3xhQ-00524-00253463-00253630 time if there's a window of opportunity zw0fNrN3xhQ-00525-00253631-00253830 for some of the papers that are unsure zw0fNrN3xhQ-00526-00253831-00254080 supporting this there is time for them zw0fNrN3xhQ-00527-00254081-00254217 to do that zw0fNrN3xhQ-00528-00254219-00254341 if they're going to be implemented next zw0fNrN3xhQ-00529-00254342-00254515 February that's when they're going to be zw0fNrN3xhQ-00530-00254516-00254677 advertised on website then there's an zw0fNrN3xhQ-00531-00254678-00254854 opportunity for members to target to a zw0fNrN3xhQ-00532-00254855-00255073 workshop and then do that if there isn't zw0fNrN3xhQ-00533-00255073-00255267 then that's a separate process and I zw0fNrN3xhQ-00534-00255269-00255423 might have an amendment to these that zw0fNrN3xhQ-00535-00255425-00255646 might achieve that occur but the zw0fNrN3xhQ-00536-00255646-00255721 question is zw0fNrN3xhQ-00537-00255721-00256029 hopefully first time when do you think zw0fNrN3xhQ-00538-00256030-00256269 they'll be implemented or at least given zw0fNrN3xhQ-00539-00256271-00256462 to people as God wants to use it zw0fNrN3xhQ-00540-00256463-00256755 immediately after this cattle it's zw0fNrN3xhQ-00541-00256756-00256965 through a little milk however if I zw0fNrN3xhQ-00542-00256966-00257314 discuss those and pretty much as it was zw0fNrN3xhQ-00543-00257315-00257566 described the drive guidelines would be zw0fNrN3xhQ-00544-00257567-00257757 my guidelines and would be applicable zw0fNrN3xhQ-00545-00257758-00257992 from the Union for those entities that zw0fNrN3xhQ-00546-00257992-00258285 could use them I was just considering zw0fNrN3xhQ-00547-00258286-00258466 whether it might be that implementation zw0fNrN3xhQ-00548-00258467-00258603 could be something of a further zw0fNrN3xhQ-00549-00258604-00259728 conversation and if I do get a seconder zw0fNrN3xhQ-00550-00259729-00259948 and the amendment would read that zw0fNrN3xhQ-00551-00259948-00260194 council the first line remains the same zw0fNrN3xhQ-00552-00260194-00260371 so approved the draft sustainable zw0fNrN3xhQ-00553-00260371-00260631 advanced guideline as shown so the zw0fNrN3xhQ-00554-00260632-00261003 initial motion or instrumentation zw0fNrN3xhQ-00555-00261004-00261309 apologies and then the second part of zw0fNrN3xhQ-00556-00261310-00261571 the motion would read that council zw0fNrN3xhQ-00557-00261571-00261906 requests a workshop to be held at the zw0fNrN3xhQ-00558-00261907-00262310 next possible committee to breathe and zw0fNrN3xhQ-00559-00262311-00262663 obtain direct feedback from elected zw0fNrN3xhQ-00560-00262664-00263001 members with regards to the zw0fNrN3xhQ-00561-00263002-00263457 implementation of the draft standards zw0fNrN3xhQ-00562-00263458-00263824 garland Thank You council you might have zw0fNrN3xhQ-00563-00263825-00264159 to read that one more time so the first zw0fNrN3xhQ-00564-00264160-00264370 part remains the same as the initial zw0fNrN3xhQ-00565-00264371-00264748 recommendation second part request a zw0fNrN3xhQ-00566-00264749-00264970 workshop to be held at the next possible zw0fNrN3xhQ-00567-00264971-00265201 committee to brief and obtain direct zw0fNrN3xhQ-00568-00265202-00265479 feedback from elected members with zw0fNrN3xhQ-00569-00265480-00265728 regards to the implementation of the zw0fNrN3xhQ-00570-00265729-00266089 draft sustainable events cards seek a zw0fNrN3xhQ-00571-00266090-00267310 seconder zw0fNrN3xhQ-00572-00267311-00267508 two men should read these sustainability zw0fNrN3xhQ-00573-00267509-00267679 there's a State Board minutes guidelines zw0fNrN3xhQ-00574-00267680-00267931 they don't want the draft that correct zw0fNrN3xhQ-00575-00267932-00268712 just referring it as it's written as you zw0fNrN3xhQ-00576-00268713-00269676 can imagine Thank You councillor Martin zw0fNrN3xhQ-00577-00269677-00269956 look just as quickly in speaking in zw0fNrN3xhQ-00578-00269957-00270085 support of this I think we did this zw0fNrN3xhQ-00579-00270086-00270304 achieves the outcome of what councillors zw0fNrN3xhQ-00580-00270305-00270499 are trying to do through the word that zw0fNrN3xhQ-00581-00270500-00270767 really resonated for me with me from the zw0fNrN3xhQ-00582-00270768-00271099 administration was a real focus on this zw0fNrN3xhQ-00583-00271100-00271357 is a guideline and I saw this is a zw0fNrN3xhQ-00584-00271358-00271633 voting process where there's an opt-in zw0fNrN3xhQ-00585-00271634-00271993 style process versus the forced approach zw0fNrN3xhQ-00586-00271994-00272195 guidelines as we've seen in the past zw0fNrN3xhQ-00587-00272196-00272438 provide the ability for administration zw0fNrN3xhQ-00588-00272439-00272645 and council to test some concepts in the zw0fNrN3xhQ-00589-00272646-00272806 market and then there's guidelines zw0fNrN3xhQ-00590-00272807-00273119 become policy and I think what this zw0fNrN3xhQ-00591-00273120-00273307 council needs to make a decision on is zw0fNrN3xhQ-00592-00273308-00273590 what policy would like adopt famed zw0fNrN3xhQ-00593-00273591-00273743 fermentation in the future and I think zw0fNrN3xhQ-00594-00273744-00273925 that's what counsel that Kara is really zw0fNrN3xhQ-00595-00273926-00274156 focused on with regards to how we this zw0fNrN3xhQ-00596-00274157-00274319 would be implemented how did it impact zw0fNrN3xhQ-00597-00274320-00274525 the business on the other end and I zw0fNrN3xhQ-00598-00274526-00274763 agree some businesses will find this zw0fNrN3xhQ-00599-00274764-00274903 very easy to take on bull because zw0fNrN3xhQ-00600-00274904-00275018 they're already doing it they've got to zw0fNrN3xhQ-00601-00275019-00275152 know how they're potentially might have zw0fNrN3xhQ-00602-00275153-00275342 the funding that some other businesses zw0fNrN3xhQ-00603-00275343-00275548 may find it difficult to achieve and I zw0fNrN3xhQ-00604-00275549-00275752 think councils gonna play role in zw0fNrN3xhQ-00605-00275753-00275939 holding the hand and walking with them zw0fNrN3xhQ-00606-00275940-00276113 versus possible through the approach zw0fNrN3xhQ-00607-00276114-00276371 because as we could appreciate it could zw0fNrN3xhQ-00608-00276372-00276505 be difficult for some businesses to zw0fNrN3xhQ-00609-00276506-00276709 implement this so if the councillors zw0fNrN3xhQ-00610-00276710-00276872 have the opportunity through a webshop zw0fNrN3xhQ-00611-00276873-00277054 to make amendments to the plan zw0fNrN3xhQ-00612-00277055-00277285 submission give required if they have zw0fNrN3xhQ-00613-00277286-00277501 the opportunity to make a change towards zw0fNrN3xhQ-00614-00277502-00277735 how it would be implemented I think that zw0fNrN3xhQ-00615-00277736-00277919 workshop will provide an opportunity for zw0fNrN3xhQ-00616-00277920-00278144 everyone to have a say and the arbiter zw0fNrN3xhQ-00617-00278145-00278363 then if necessary on implementation and zw0fNrN3xhQ-00618-00278364-00278551 policy bring anything back to Council zw0fNrN3xhQ-00619-00278552-00278703 we've got other changes and zw0fNrN3xhQ-00620-00278704-00278859 potential more consultation can be done zw0fNrN3xhQ-00621-00278860-00279066 after the workshop because I'm sure zw0fNrN3xhQ-00622-00279067-00279204 addicted members will be able to go out zw0fNrN3xhQ-00623-00279205-00279462 stick their venom causes egipto feedback zw0fNrN3xhQ-00624-00279463-00279621 also sleep back through the process on zw0fNrN3xhQ-00625-00279622-00279894 workshop to so I think I'm hoping is to zw0fNrN3xhQ-00626-00279895-00280059 change the icon that everyone is set out zw0fNrN3xhQ-00627-00280060-00280890 to do we're just very briefly Lawrence zw0fNrN3xhQ-00628-00280891-00281034 just such a pleasure to be able to zw0fNrN3xhQ-00629-00281035-00282464 second the motion zw0fNrN3xhQ-00630-00282465-00282747 thank you by the way and may I say it's zw0fNrN3xhQ-00631-00282748-00282798 delightful zw0fNrN3xhQ-00632-00282799-00283083 councilman Simms here to and be able to zw0fNrN3xhQ-00633-00283084-00283401 have a lexicon back again about Alice's zw0fNrN3xhQ-00634-00283402-00283761 paralysis many others say it's zw0fNrN3xhQ-00635-00283762-00284139 delightful I don't understand what all zw0fNrN3xhQ-00636-00284140-00284262 the fuss is about they are guidelines zw0fNrN3xhQ-00637-00284263-00284571 they are simply guidelines counsel has zw0fNrN3xhQ-00638-00284572-00284814 no authority to enforce most of the zw0fNrN3xhQ-00639-00284815-00285003 material in there it relies on a zw0fNrN3xhQ-00640-00285004-00285171 collaborative approach with industry zw0fNrN3xhQ-00641-00285172-00285396 however if it is the feeling of the zw0fNrN3xhQ-00642-00285397-00285561 council that this should be a workshop zw0fNrN3xhQ-00643-00285562-00285864 this council has not had a workshop I zw0fNrN3xhQ-00644-00285865-00286062 think this council deserves a workshop zw0fNrN3xhQ-00645-00286063-00288410 and in fact two or three but is that we zw0fNrN3xhQ-00646-00288411-00289113 can adjust but then you sit at the zw0fNrN3xhQ-00647-00289114-00289440 workshop we can change our but that's zw0fNrN3xhQ-00648-00289441-00289692 not your motion sense is it if it is I'm zw0fNrN3xhQ-00649-00289693-00289815 perfectly happy because I want to change zw0fNrN3xhQ-00650-00289816-00290241 got three little bit clarified zw0fNrN3xhQ-00651-00290242-00290338 it zw0fNrN3xhQ-00652-00290339-00290575 as I understand it intent is to adopt zw0fNrN3xhQ-00653-00290576-00290833 the draft code of lines here and now to zw0fNrN3xhQ-00654-00290834-00291088 workshop the implementation and through zw0fNrN3xhQ-00655-00291089-00291241 that point that discussion if there are zw0fNrN3xhQ-00656-00291242-00291505 any changes that are considered zw0fNrN3xhQ-00657-00291506-00291748 necessary to report back to Council to zw0fNrN3xhQ-00658-00291749-00292024 make those changes guidelines can be zw0fNrN3xhQ-00659-00292025-00292657 changed at any time which is just asking zw0fNrN3xhQ-00660-00292658-00292939 from workshop to look to look at the zw0fNrN3xhQ-00661-00292940-00293173 guidelines with the implicit thing that zw0fNrN3xhQ-00662-00293174-00293347 he might that cancels one of the change zw0fNrN3xhQ-00663-00293348-00293536 and we can always look at the thing I zw0fNrN3xhQ-00664-00293537-00293713 think that the second amendment of the zw0fNrN3xhQ-00665-00293714-00294106 sounds is is exactly the same in actual zw0fNrN3xhQ-00666-00294107-00294897 fact to the one that can zw0fNrN3xhQ-00667-00294898-00295123 could they move and explain the zw0fNrN3xhQ-00668-00295124-00296677 difference between the initial one we're zw0fNrN3xhQ-00669-00296678-00296893 talking about the proving a draft the zw0fNrN3xhQ-00670-00296894-00297229 actual sustainable today as there are zw0fNrN3xhQ-00671-00297230-00297301 before us zw0fNrN3xhQ-00672-00297302-00297526 that's what we're talking then we're zw0fNrN3xhQ-00673-00297527-00297664 going to take this to a shop we're going zw0fNrN3xhQ-00674-00297665-00297802 to look at those and you're gonna work zw0fNrN3xhQ-00675-00297803-00298039 out how to implement those if there's zw0fNrN3xhQ-00676-00298040-00298294 issues the implementation then you're zw0fNrN3xhQ-00677-00298295-00298540 not unity for counseling through the zw0fNrN3xhQ-00678-00298541-00298684 administration to make the necessary zw0fNrN3xhQ-00679-00298685-00298981 changes to thee to the events cart while zw0fNrN3xhQ-00680-00298982-00299083 as needed zw0fNrN3xhQ-00681-00299084-00299320 so we have a very important role as a zw0fNrN3xhQ-00682-00299321-00299509 council on how the implementer and the zw0fNrN3xhQ-00683-00299510-00299773 intent of this function is to see to zw0fNrN3xhQ-00684-00299774-00299875 play a role in the implementation zw0fNrN3xhQ-00685-00299876-00300205 process not I think the mistakes being zw0fNrN3xhQ-00686-00300206-00300454 made is the word implementation when you zw0fNrN3xhQ-00687-00300455-00300697 implement something you roll out an zw0fNrN3xhQ-00688-00300698-00301018 action a list of Thor's and planners zw0fNrN3xhQ-00689-00301019-00301273 that doesn't say that you change the zw0fNrN3xhQ-00690-00301274-00301441 thoughts and plans you're just looking zw0fNrN3xhQ-00691-00301442-00301687 at the implementation so I think this zw0fNrN3xhQ-00692-00301688-00301903 motion is being presented as Jessie zw0fNrN3xhQ-00693-00301904-00302164 Kiara's motion that we are we can change zw0fNrN3xhQ-00694-00302165-00302353 it but you can't without a rescission zw0fNrN3xhQ-00695-00302354-00302548 most new if you adopt these tonight zw0fNrN3xhQ-00696-00302549-00302794 following this this motion you have zw0fNrN3xhQ-00697-00302795-00303073 adopted them you cannot change them in a zw0fNrN3xhQ-00698-00303074-00303244 workshop you would need a rescission zw0fNrN3xhQ-00699-00303245-00303532 motion to do so all of this motion does zw0fNrN3xhQ-00700-00303533-00303781 is say you can say when it's rolled out zw0fNrN3xhQ-00701-00303782-00303943 but it's got to be rolled out tomorrow zw0fNrN3xhQ-00702-00303944-00304179 as they've said the information zw0fNrN3xhQ-00703-00304180-00304414 implementation will happen immediately zw0fNrN3xhQ-00704-00304415-00304807 that this falls so this is with all due zw0fNrN3xhQ-00705-00304808-00305068 respect not a regional motion it's zw0fNrN3xhQ-00706-00305069-00305302 trying to compromise you want the whole zw0fNrN3xhQ-00707-00305303-00305524 thing done and dusted we want to have zw0fNrN3xhQ-00708-00305525-00305665 another look at it because I don't want zw0fNrN3xhQ-00709-00305666-00305778 to zw0fNrN3xhQ-00710-00305779-00306138 so I'm urging you to may take leave me zw0fNrN3xhQ-00711-00306139-00306471 be brave are the faux fur and sedative zw0fNrN3xhQ-00712-00306472-00306717 Stein or saying that we really have a zw0fNrN3xhQ-00713-00306718-00306915 new new council with only a very few zw0fNrN3xhQ-00714-00306916-00307086 people defection worked on this illness zw0fNrN3xhQ-00715-00307087-00307317 ruling and we would like to just go to zw0fNrN3xhQ-00716-00307318-00307455 it and check it before it's rolled out zw0fNrN3xhQ-00717-00307456-00307659 because as I've seen these guidelines zw0fNrN3xhQ-00718-00307660-00307995 become mandated in actual fact the zw0fNrN3xhQ-00719-00307996-00308205 businesses and events that try to get zw0fNrN3xhQ-00720-00308206-00308403 them license on our part lands that do zw0fNrN3xhQ-00721-00308404-00308721 not follow these guidelines in all zw0fNrN3xhQ-00722-00308722-00309066 likelihood do not get a license they zw0fNrN3xhQ-00723-00309067-00309275 will be moving a new god zw0fNrN3xhQ-00724-00309276-00309471 energy-efficient home place if you think zw0fNrN3xhQ-00725-00309472-00309606 you're using balloons of you love zw0fNrN3xhQ-00726-00309607-00309945 impossible caps nyhavn sorry no license zw0fNrN3xhQ-00727-00309946-00310227 so I think to delay it for a few weeks zw0fNrN3xhQ-00728-00310228-00310458 so you have a look and you comfortable zw0fNrN3xhQ-00729-00310459-00310772 with it it's serious but this motion zw0fNrN3xhQ-00730-00310773-00311034 amendment does not give you the chance zw0fNrN3xhQ-00731-00311035-00311235 to change it just gives you the chance zw0fNrN3xhQ-00732-00311236-00311457 to implementing your not implement it's zw0fNrN3xhQ-00733-00311458-00311637 going to be implemented tomorrow as as zw0fNrN3xhQ-00734-00311638-00311934 the young woman the Francine as soon as zw0fNrN3xhQ-00735-00311935-00312177 we vote on it it's being implemented so zw0fNrN3xhQ-00736-00312178-00312480 I think we go back to the original zw0fNrN3xhQ-00737-00312481-00312753 motion or the and just vote against and zw0fNrN3xhQ-00738-00312754-00313086 if you don't if you want to do it Thank zw0fNrN3xhQ-00739-00313087-00313304 You councillor Murray councillor seems zw0fNrN3xhQ-00740-00313305-00313560 [Applause] zw0fNrN3xhQ-00741-00313561-00313884 like councillor Martin mayor I am also zw0fNrN3xhQ-00742-00313885-00314052 welcome the opportunity to be able to zw0fNrN3xhQ-00743-00314053-00314343 support cancer ambience motion I do zw0fNrN3xhQ-00744-00314344-00314529 think this is it would compromise I zw0fNrN3xhQ-00745-00314530-00314732 understand zw0fNrN3xhQ-00746-00314733-00315054 councillor Kira has wanted to talk about zw0fNrN3xhQ-00747-00315055-00315210 how this is going to work in practice zw0fNrN3xhQ-00748-00315211-00315639 I would also welcome the opportunity to zw0fNrN3xhQ-00749-00315640-00315834 talk about how we can work with the zw0fNrN3xhQ-00750-00315835-00316002 business sector to support thing and zw0fNrN3xhQ-00751-00316003-00316230 meeting these guidelines and so I think zw0fNrN3xhQ-00752-00316231-00316440 what a councillor a beard has put zw0fNrN3xhQ-00753-00316441-00316692 forward is a good compromise and I'd zw0fNrN3xhQ-00754-00316693-00316863 encourage this council to support it zw0fNrN3xhQ-00755-00316864-00317040 what we're doing tonight zw0fNrN3xhQ-00756-00317041-00317214 if I understand the motion correctly is zw0fNrN3xhQ-00757-00317215-00317433 approving the guidelines as they are but zw0fNrN3xhQ-00758-00317434-00317577 then we're having discussions of group zw0fNrN3xhQ-00759-00317578-00317814 about how we can implement those going zw0fNrN3xhQ-00760-00317815-00317997 forward and I think that's a good zw0fNrN3xhQ-00761-00317998-00318222 discussion for us to have but let's not zw0fNrN3xhQ-00762-00318223-00318471 keep this down the road again delaying zw0fNrN3xhQ-00763-00318472-00318639 the guidelines when they've already been zw0fNrN3xhQ-00764-00318640-00318861 subject to extensive community zw0fNrN3xhQ-00765-00318862-00319128 consultation and I do want to take the zw0fNrN3xhQ-00766-00319129-00319278 opportunity to commend the work of the zw0fNrN3xhQ-00767-00319279-00319503 administration on its because it was zw0fNrN3xhQ-00768-00319504-00319695 clear to me looking through this there's zw0fNrN3xhQ-00769-00319696-00319893 a lot of work that's got us to this zw0fNrN3xhQ-00770-00319894-00320199 point and I don't want us to lose this zw0fNrN3xhQ-00771-00320200-00320541 momentum tonight I don't want to be you zw0fNrN3xhQ-00772-00320542-00320735 know reading in daily or the advertiser zw0fNrN3xhQ-00773-00320736-00321030 tomorrow and seeing council squibs on an zw0fNrN3xhQ-00774-00321031-00321291 opportunity to lock in a hear zw0fNrN3xhQ-00775-00321292-00321492 sustainable event guidelines let's zw0fNrN3xhQ-00776-00321493-00321690 embrace the opportunity it's our first zw0fNrN3xhQ-00777-00321691-00321933 meeting let's build on the momentum and zw0fNrN3xhQ-00778-00321934-00322110 then that's our discussion in the new zw0fNrN3xhQ-00779-00322111-00322332 year about what we can do to implement zw0fNrN3xhQ-00780-00322333-00322572 it and build on this important work but zw0fNrN3xhQ-00781-00322573-00323308 no more delays now is the time direction zw0fNrN3xhQ-00782-00323309-00324235 so sorry behind you little man just a zw0fNrN3xhQ-00783-00324236-00324622 quick point I think if we adopt them now zw0fNrN3xhQ-00784-00324623-00325021 if we approve them now then we have a zw0fNrN3xhQ-00785-00325022-00325210 discussion and workshop around what zw0fNrN3xhQ-00786-00325211-00325369 we're actually going to do with them now zw0fNrN3xhQ-00787-00325370-00325549 that we've got sort of like a dog zw0fNrN3xhQ-00788-00325550-00325741 chasing a car that doesn't know what to zw0fNrN3xhQ-00789-00325742-00325975 do with it when it catches it and I zw0fNrN3xhQ-00790-00325976-00326167 think because of that I think parts one zw0fNrN3xhQ-00791-00326168-00326335 and two of this motion as is presented zw0fNrN3xhQ-00792-00326336-00326509 to us and as amended are actually zw0fNrN3xhQ-00793-00326510-00326716 repugnant to the ideas of governance so zw0fNrN3xhQ-00794-00326717-00326856 I just like to remind the chamber that zw0fNrN3xhQ-00795-00326857-00327583 thank you you can ask a question zw0fNrN3xhQ-00796-00327584-00328000 counselor I can't imagine it's look it's zw0fNrN3xhQ-00797-00328001-00328156 a question of the administration I zw0fNrN3xhQ-00798-00328157-00328348 understand the nature of the motion that zw0fNrN3xhQ-00799-00328349-00328707 is we will approve guidelines if however zw0fNrN3xhQ-00800-00328708-00328963 that there is a decision to not zw0fNrN3xhQ-00801-00328964-00329951 implement a guideline zw0fNrN3xhQ-00802-00329952-00330246 it's pretty over there once council zw0fNrN3xhQ-00803-00330247-00330414 approves these guidelines they need to zw0fNrN3xhQ-00804-00330415-00330618 be rolled out and this as Michelle is zw0fNrN3xhQ-00805-00330619-00330915 explained of the voluntary basis and we zw0fNrN3xhQ-00806-00330916-00331134 will work with those entities where zw0fNrN3xhQ-00807-00331135-00331428 possible to utilize them should council zw0fNrN3xhQ-00808-00331429-00331785 at its workshop decide problematic zw0fNrN3xhQ-00809-00331786-00331977 we would then immediately report back to zw0fNrN3xhQ-00810-00331978-00332160 the next Met Council meeting and they zw0fNrN3xhQ-00811-00332161-00332961 would be able to be adjusted thank you zw0fNrN3xhQ-00812-00332962-00333207 Lord we just wanted to clarify again the zw0fNrN3xhQ-00813-00333208-00333360 CEO might need to repeat yourself but zw0fNrN3xhQ-00814-00333361-00333549 just wanted to make sure that the zw0fNrN3xhQ-00815-00333550-00333819 guidelines can be changed later on down zw0fNrN3xhQ-00816-00333820-00334445 the track with you know how to do that zw0fNrN3xhQ-00817-00334446-00335115 Council Kessler Karen I'm just wondering zw0fNrN3xhQ-00818-00335116-00335241 when I'm jumping the gun because do I zw0fNrN3xhQ-00819-00335242-00335436 get to sum up at some point on my zw0fNrN3xhQ-00820-00335437-00335802 amendment my counselor Cara because they zw0fNrN3xhQ-00821-00335803-00337167 and does anybody else would anybody else zw0fNrN3xhQ-00822-00337168-00337572 like to speak to this might be to the zw0fNrN3xhQ-00823-00337573-00338133 amendment so now we're writing on the zw0fNrN3xhQ-00824-00338134-00338463 amendment now we're going to ask zw0fNrN3xhQ-00825-00338464-00338832 counselor VM to someone thank you little zw0fNrN3xhQ-00826-00338833-00339165 man and Thank You counselors look the zw0fNrN3xhQ-00827-00339166-00339339 concern that every member has in this zw0fNrN3xhQ-00828-00339340-00339543 chamber is how will this be implemented zw0fNrN3xhQ-00829-00339544-00339843 that's the concern god lastly sit on a zw0fNrN3xhQ-00830-00339844-00340017 shelf can sit online can sit on the web zw0fNrN3xhQ-00831-00340018-00340167 if they're not implemented they don't zw0fNrN3xhQ-00832-00340168-00340314 know a thing you think whatsoever and zw0fNrN3xhQ-00833-00340315-00340557 the feedback we need to provide as a zw0fNrN3xhQ-00834-00340558-00340812 community conduit to the community is zw0fNrN3xhQ-00835-00340813-00341088 how will these guidelines be implemented zw0fNrN3xhQ-00836-00341089-00341250 that's where we need to have a site we zw0fNrN3xhQ-00837-00341251-00341397 will have an opportunity to do that zw0fNrN3xhQ-00838-00341398-00341619 through a workshop like with veteran to zw0fNrN3xhQ-00839-00341620-00341808 see if we feel like any of those zw0fNrN3xhQ-00840-00341809-00341979 guidelines which are going to be tested zw0fNrN3xhQ-00841-00341980-00342252 over the next 12 months I'm not going to zw0fNrN3xhQ-00842-00342253-00342402 be fitting within the communities yeah zw0fNrN3xhQ-00843-00342403-00342501 you can zw0fNrN3xhQ-00844-00342502-00342780 our sustainability outcomes then we do zw0fNrN3xhQ-00845-00342781-00342948 have an opportunity right word from the zw0fNrN3xhQ-00846-00342949-00343162 CEO twice tonight a little bit of time zw0fNrN3xhQ-00847-00343163-00343377 to change those guidelines as zw0fNrN3xhQ-00848-00343378-00343572 requirement to suit the communities zw0fNrN3xhQ-00849-00343573-00343857 outcomes and myths so with this in mind zw0fNrN3xhQ-00850-00343858-00344055 it will give us the opportunity to test zw0fNrN3xhQ-00851-00344056-00344325 the implementation let's adopt something zw0fNrN3xhQ-00852-00344326-00344550 in the way of a guideline and see how we zw0fNrN3xhQ-00853-00344551-00344733 test it through the workshop and we'll zw0fNrN3xhQ-00854-00344734-00344865 take it out to the community and we'll zw0fNrN3xhQ-00855-00344866-00345030 get feedback getting feedback while zw0fNrN3xhQ-00856-00345031-00345189 doing is the best possible approach zw0fNrN3xhQ-00857-00345190-00345364 because I tell you now in my experience zw0fNrN3xhQ-00858-00345365-00345708 the chamber never gets that perfect nor zw0fNrN3xhQ-00859-00345709-00345909 does the administration so having that zw0fNrN3xhQ-00860-00345910-00346050 feedback loop through a testing zw0fNrN3xhQ-00861-00346051-00346206 mechanism will give us the opportunity zw0fNrN3xhQ-00862-00346207-00346614 to keep and evolving the guidelines zw0fNrN3xhQ-00863-00346615-00346914 until we get the right for that time for zw0fNrN3xhQ-00864-00346915-00347089 that community because as the community zw0fNrN3xhQ-00865-00347090-00347322 changes as the time changes the needle zw0fNrN3xhQ-00866-00347323-00347638 change and so does so I'd ask members to zw0fNrN3xhQ-00867-00347639-00347799 support this and look forward to having zw0fNrN3xhQ-00868-00347800-00348765 a chat about it thank you thank you so zw0fNrN3xhQ-00869-00348766-00348870 now we're going to vote on the amendment zw0fNrN3xhQ-00870-00348871-00349248 that's on your screen sorry if I zw0fNrN3xhQ-00871-00349249-00350141 couldn't ask to please raise their hand zw0fNrN3xhQ-00872-00350142-00350448 those who are against the amendment zw0fNrN3xhQ-00873-00350449-00350883 please raise their hands that amendment zw0fNrN3xhQ-00874-00350884-00351114 is carried this thing becomes the zw0fNrN3xhQ-00875-00351115-00352407 substantive motion all members have zw0fNrN3xhQ-00876-00352408-00352811 revived it in favor please rise zw0fNrN3xhQ-00877-00352812-00353002 [Music] zw0fNrN3xhQ-00878-00353003-00353313 counselor you today counselor ed zw0fNrN3xhQ-00879-00353314-00353817 counselor counselor Donovan counselor zw0fNrN3xhQ-00880-00353818-00354074 curls counsel margin accounts like Kunal zw0fNrN3xhQ-00881-00354075-00354677 and counselor Sims declare that is zw0fNrN3xhQ-00882-00354678-00354969 carried that now becomes a substantive zw0fNrN3xhQ-00883-00354970-00355767 motion and I'll ask counsel to sum up on zw0fNrN3xhQ-00884-00355768-00356415 the original amendment number of points zw0fNrN3xhQ-00885-00356416-00356606 been raised an opposition to that zw0fNrN3xhQ-00886-00356607-00356766 amendment my remotely counsel the zw0fNrN3xhQ-00887-00356767-00357029 amendment is purely to refer the zw0fNrN3xhQ-00888-00357030-00357271 guidelines to workshops the council can zw0fNrN3xhQ-00889-00357272-00357605 discuss them before approval it is not zw0fNrN3xhQ-00890-00357606-00357895 to say that the guidelines themselves zw0fNrN3xhQ-00891-00357896-00358235 are bad that is you know as I said zw0fNrN3xhQ-00892-00358236-00358569 earlier the guidelines themselves the zw0fNrN3xhQ-00893-00358570-00358931 purpose of in a plainly audible if we zw0fNrN3xhQ-00894-00358932-00359174 are going to discuss as a new council zw0fNrN3xhQ-00895-00359175-00359366 the implementation of the guidelines zw0fNrN3xhQ-00896-00359367-00359678 would it fit us so much to be able at zw0fNrN3xhQ-00897-00359679-00359897 the same time to discuss the eyelines of zw0fNrN3xhQ-00898-00359898-00360087 themselves particularly giving the zw0fNrN3xhQ-00899-00360088-00360326 guidelines as they stand do presented zw0fNrN3xhQ-00900-00360327-00360605 potential substantial impacts to small zw0fNrN3xhQ-00901-00360606-00360920 business to the argument that these zw0fNrN3xhQ-00902-00360921-00361073 guidelines are not mandatory zw0fNrN3xhQ-00903-00361074-00361266 well the document says the draft card zw0fNrN3xhQ-00904-00361267-00361494 lines are not mandatory however some zw0fNrN3xhQ-00905-00361495-00361697 actions could be incorporated as part of zw0fNrN3xhQ-00906-00361698-00361944 the new event license agreements and zw0fNrN3xhQ-00907-00361945-00362187 counsel sponsorship funding over time so zw0fNrN3xhQ-00908-00362188-00362429 plainly the guidelines intended to have zw0fNrN3xhQ-00909-00362430-00362795 some effect or they wouldn't be there to zw0fNrN3xhQ-00910-00362796-00363114 begin with the argument that catalyst zw0fNrN3xhQ-00911-00363115-00363350 seems raises that we are kicking the can zw0fNrN3xhQ-00912-00363351-00363618 down the road with great respect to zw0fNrN3xhQ-00913-00363619-00363782 counselor since this is a brand-new zw0fNrN3xhQ-00914-00363783-00364049 council we haven't looked at this can we zw0fNrN3xhQ-00915-00364050-00364310 don't know what the can is it's not zw0fNrN3xhQ-00916-00364311-00364470 something we can keep down the road and zw0fNrN3xhQ-00917-00364471-00364522 we have zw0fNrN3xhQ-00918-00364523-00364726 being able to discuss these guidelines zw0fNrN3xhQ-00919-00364727-00365131 in any substantive quality to any extent zw0fNrN3xhQ-00920-00365132-00365544 so I would just say something up that zw0fNrN3xhQ-00921-00365545-00365902 you know it is not to take away from zw0fNrN3xhQ-00922-00365903-00366139 what councilor Aviator suggesting that zw0fNrN3xhQ-00923-00366140-00366373 we discussed the implementation in the zw0fNrN3xhQ-00924-00366374-00366568 workshop but when you have got zw0fNrN3xhQ-00925-00366569-00366790 guidelines that in which ban the lumens zw0fNrN3xhQ-00926-00366791-00366937 and that is a plain reading of the zw0fNrN3xhQ-00927-00366938-00367153 guideline mentioned earlier are the zw0fNrN3xhQ-00928-00367154-00367399 balloons and advertisement publicity zw0fNrN3xhQ-00929-00367400-00367558 materials are effectively banned by zw0fNrN3xhQ-00930-00367559-00367831 contract with stall holders it's zw0fNrN3xhQ-00931-00367832-00368032 something I think worthy of you council zw0fNrN3xhQ-00932-00368033-00368308 to at least have some where they think zw0fNrN3xhQ-00933-00368309-00368581 it's appropriate and what was the zw0fNrN3xhQ-00934-00368582-00368794 interest on councilor highest point zw0fNrN3xhQ-00935-00368795-00369249 about the level of input upon asking zw0fNrN3xhQ-00936-00369250-00369508 administration about the extent of input zw0fNrN3xhQ-00937-00369509-00369730 I was told the number of major groups zw0fNrN3xhQ-00938-00369731-00369874 have put input but I was told that no zw0fNrN3xhQ-00939-00369875-00370165 event for the stallholders have had any zw0fNrN3xhQ-00940-00370166-00370207 input zw0fNrN3xhQ-00941-00370208-00370462 no individual stallholder has had input zw0fNrN3xhQ-00942-00370463-00370762 into these guidelines and even they they zw0fNrN3xhQ-00943-00370763-00371029 largely bear the brunt of the number of zw0fNrN3xhQ-00944-00371030-00371272 them I think that just reminds us that zw0fNrN3xhQ-00945-00371273-00371446 it's probably worth the guidelines zw0fNrN3xhQ-00946-00371447-00371662 themselves are being discussed by zw0fNrN3xhQ-00947-00371663-00372106 council Thank You councillor Karen I'll zw0fNrN3xhQ-00948-00372107-00372418 now ask councillors divided on zw0fNrN3xhQ-00949-00372419-00373031 substantive motion those in favor zw0fNrN3xhQ-00950-00373032-00373275 which is what is on the screen so that's zw0fNrN3xhQ-00951-00373276-00373500 the substantive motion now those in zw0fNrN3xhQ-00952-00373501-00376125 favor those against that is carry 2018 zw0fNrN3xhQ-00953-00376126-00376278 general election this report is zw0fNrN3xhQ-00954-00376279-00376473 presented to ensure our communities are zw0fNrN3xhQ-00955-00376474-00376803 informed of the election outcome could I zw0fNrN3xhQ-00956-00376804-00376989 please have a counselor move and zw0fNrN3xhQ-00957-00376990-00377212 seconded motion tonight results of this zw0fNrN3xhQ-00958-00377213-00377508 city of Adelaide 2018 council election zw0fNrN3xhQ-00959-00377509-00377808 councillor Moran councillor Simmonds zw0fNrN3xhQ-00960-00377809-00378098 council Ryan did you want to speak to zw0fNrN3xhQ-00961-00378099-00378456 counselor sings I would any other zw0fNrN3xhQ-00962-00378457-00378695 councillors wish to speak to this motion zw0fNrN3xhQ-00963-00378696-00379007 [Music] zw0fNrN3xhQ-00964-00379008-00380730 would you like those against that's this zw0fNrN3xhQ-00965-00380731-00381023 item 12.3 acknowledgement of service zw0fNrN3xhQ-00966-00381024-00381372 this report is presented to recognize zw0fNrN3xhQ-00967-00381373-00381555 and acknowledge the service provided by zw0fNrN3xhQ-00968-00381556-00381921 outgoing council members could I have a zw0fNrN3xhQ-00969-00381922-00382490 mover and seconder councillor Moran zw0fNrN3xhQ-00970-00382491-00382664 points zw0fNrN3xhQ-00971-00382665-00382989 Thank You councilmember this place okay zw0fNrN3xhQ-00972-00382990-00383373 after further future provisions of the zw0fNrN3xhQ-00973-00383374-00383649 city's past - a review of council zw0fNrN3xhQ-00974-00383650-00383823 standing orders to vendor to take a meme zw0fNrN3xhQ-00975-00383824-00384192 in 2019 six request the Civic zw0fNrN3xhQ-00976-00384193-00384387 recognition the CEO working group zw0fNrN3xhQ-00977-00384388-00384656 provide advice to Council on better ways zw0fNrN3xhQ-00978-00384657-00384978 to also recognize former Lord mayors and zw0fNrN3xhQ-00979-00384979-00385368 long serving council members look for zw0fNrN3xhQ-00980-00385369-00385491 seconder sorry zw0fNrN3xhQ-00981-00385492-00386088 can smell a beyond first cancel around zw0fNrN3xhQ-00982-00386089-00386982 [Music] zw0fNrN3xhQ-00983-00386983-00387528 [Music] zw0fNrN3xhQ-00984-00387529-00387989 [Music] zw0fNrN3xhQ-00985-00387990-00388839 so as the second oh did you so so zw0fNrN3xhQ-00986-00388840-00389028 estimating you can't move for formation zw0fNrN3xhQ-00987-00389029-00391347 of motion to be put so counselor Martin zw0fNrN3xhQ-00988-00391348-00391773 did you wish to move in its be put it zw0fNrN3xhQ-00989-00391774-00392228 requires a second zw0fNrN3xhQ-00990-00392229-00392945 how's that how does it end okay so when zw0fNrN3xhQ-00991-00392946-00393143 the motion is councillors that means we zw0fNrN3xhQ-00992-00393144-00393390 go straight to the vote so those in zw0fNrN3xhQ-00993-00393391-00393635 favor and the motion as per the screen zw0fNrN3xhQ-00994-00393636-00393997 those in favor those against the motion zw0fNrN3xhQ-00995-00393998-00394610 councilor hard did you vote thank you zw0fNrN3xhQ-00996-00394611-00394764 you can I'll call again those in favor zw0fNrN3xhQ-00997-00394765-00394895 please raise your hands zw0fNrN3xhQ-00998-00394896-00395156 those against that motion is carried zw0fNrN3xhQ-00999-00395157-00396458 Thank You counselors okay so that now zw0fNrN3xhQ-01000-00396459-00396725 becomes a substantive motion now we vote zw0fNrN3xhQ-01001-00396726-00397145 on the motion as heard the board if I zw0fNrN3xhQ-01002-00397146-00397553 could ask those in favor thank you zw0fNrN3xhQ-01003-00397554-00397856 cancers those against that motion is zw0fNrN3xhQ-01004-00397857-00398443 carried zw0fNrN3xhQ-01005-00398444-00398945 Thank You counselors item 12.4 the zw0fNrN3xhQ-01006-00398946-00399143 position of Deputy Lord Mayor is report zw0fNrN3xhQ-01007-00399144-00399281 is presented to approve the appointment zw0fNrN3xhQ-01008-00399282-00399689 of a deputy Lord Mayor in this town zw0fNrN3xhQ-01009-00399690-00400384 could I have a counselor move the motion zw0fNrN3xhQ-01010-00400385-00400631 sorry the report before you contains a zw0fNrN3xhQ-01011-00400632-00400877 three part recommendation to a point to zw0fNrN3xhQ-01012-00400878-00401096 the position of deputy Lord Mayor in zw0fNrN3xhQ-01013-00401097-00401316 this term determine a one-year zw0fNrN3xhQ-01014-00401317-00401495 generation for the appointment and then zw0fNrN3xhQ-01015-00401496-00401720 we'll seek nominations so he was zw0fNrN3xhQ-01016-00401721-00401921 procedural motion first of all could I zw0fNrN3xhQ-01017-00401922-00402251 have a counselor move and second the zw0fNrN3xhQ-01018-00402252-00402470 motion so council meringue curls look a zw0fNrN3xhQ-01019-00402471-00402731 beard the council around a Jewish to zw0fNrN3xhQ-01020-00402732-00403202 speak as well beard there any other zw0fNrN3xhQ-01021-00403203-00403670 councils which disobey me zw0fNrN3xhQ-01022-00403671-00403939 keep turning it off cancel apprehended zw0fNrN3xhQ-01023-00403940-00404304 you wish to someone let me know further zw0fNrN3xhQ-01024-00404305-00404520 debate I asked you to vote on the motion zw0fNrN3xhQ-01025-00404521-00404745 those in favor indicate by show of hands zw0fNrN3xhQ-01026-00404746-00405519 please correct the entire motion yes zw0fNrN3xhQ-01027-00405520-00406007 those in favor those against thank you zw0fNrN3xhQ-01028-00406008-00406356 that is carried councillors are now call zw0fNrN3xhQ-01029-00406357-00406545 for a nomination to the position of zw0fNrN3xhQ-01030-00406546-00406773 Deputy Lord Mayor for the period of the zw0fNrN3xhQ-01031-00406774-00407124 27th of November 2018 until the 30th zw0fNrN3xhQ-01032-00407125-00407632 November 2019 zw0fNrN3xhQ-01033-00407633-00408004 I call for nominations place counselor zw0fNrN3xhQ-01034-00408005-00408343 hi thank you Lord Mayor man nominated zw0fNrN3xhQ-01035-00408344-00408513 counselor yard zw0fNrN3xhQ-01036-00408514-00408760 Thank You counselor high councilor a br zw0fNrN3xhQ-01037-00408761-00409081 do you accept that nomination yes Lord zw0fNrN3xhQ-01038-00409082-00409318 Mayor thank you thank you are there any zw0fNrN3xhQ-01039-00409319-00409897 further nominations absence of any zw0fNrN3xhQ-01040-00409897-00410101 further nominations our second motion to zw0fNrN3xhQ-01041-00410102-00410802 confirm the selection thank you may I zw0fNrN3xhQ-01042-00410803-00411118 declare a material conflict as a result zw0fNrN3xhQ-01043-00411118-00411247 now thanks zw0fNrN3xhQ-01044-00411247-00411801 okay thank you zw0fNrN3xhQ-01045-00411802-00412028 slow counselors could I now have a zw0fNrN3xhQ-01046-00412029-00412259 motion to appoint counsel an RBI to the zw0fNrN3xhQ-01047-00412260-00412463 position of Deputy Lord Mayer from now zw0fNrN3xhQ-01048-00412464-00412828 until the 30th of November and 2019 zw0fNrN3xhQ-01049-00412829-00413110 counselor hein but I have second our zw0fNrN3xhQ-01050-00413112-00413620 counselor at Browns in Ibrahim villa zw0fNrN3xhQ-01051-00413621-00413989 would you like to speak to the motion zw0fNrN3xhQ-01052-00413989-00414374 I'll just make some brief reflections on zw0fNrN3xhQ-01053-00414375-00414497 counselor via that they're all positive zw0fNrN3xhQ-01054-00414497-00414799 and just that he's very experienced and zw0fNrN3xhQ-01055-00414800-00414989 as we've seen with the amendment that he zw0fNrN3xhQ-01056-00414989-00415289 moved earlier today he's very good at zw0fNrN3xhQ-01057-00415289-00415534 bringing people together collaborating zw0fNrN3xhQ-01058-00415535-00415903 and landing in a middle ground that well zw0fNrN3xhQ-01059-00415904-00416257 as as I've said a lot recently often zw0fNrN3xhQ-01060-00416258-00416470 politics is about the least worst option zw0fNrN3xhQ-01061-00416471-00416710 we don't often do with best case zw0fNrN3xhQ-01062-00416712-00416867 scenario is it's always about the least zw0fNrN3xhQ-01063-00416868-00417097 worst option and despite the fact I zw0fNrN3xhQ-01064-00417098-00417245 disagreed with councilor we are just zw0fNrN3xhQ-01065-00417246-00417676 earlier I do think I do think that he zw0fNrN3xhQ-01066-00417677-00417818 had the best intentions of the city of zw0fNrN3xhQ-01067-00417818-00418112 mind when he young when he moved as he zw0fNrN3xhQ-01068-00418113-00418553 always does thank you thank you zw0fNrN3xhQ-01069-00418554-00418766 Thank You councillor high councilor zw0fNrN3xhQ-01070-00418767-00419120 Ibrahim Siddhant would you like to speak zw0fNrN3xhQ-01071-00419121-00419395 [Music] zw0fNrN3xhQ-01072-00419396-00419576 thank you zw0fNrN3xhQ-01073-00419577-00419729 there any other councillors like to zw0fNrN3xhQ-01074-00419730-00420542 speak to the nomination we might do that zw0fNrN3xhQ-01075-00420543-00420812 over dinner council zw0fNrN3xhQ-01076-00420813-00420977 would anybody else like to speak to zw0fNrN3xhQ-01077-00420978-00421143 motion zw0fNrN3xhQ-01078-00421144-00421597 no counselor hide do you wish to sum up zw0fNrN3xhQ-01079-00421597-00421741 thank you zw0fNrN3xhQ-01080-00421742-00421954 there being no further debate I'll now zw0fNrN3xhQ-01081-00421955-00422122 ask you to vote on the motion zw0fNrN3xhQ-01082-00422123-00422522 those in favor by show of hands those zw0fNrN3xhQ-01083-00422522-00424256 against that motion is carried zw0fNrN3xhQ-01084-00424257-00424747 [Music] zw0fNrN3xhQ-01085-00424747-00425041 councillor beard will be the deputy Lord zw0fNrN3xhQ-01086-00425042-00425218 man from now until the 30th of November zw0fNrN3xhQ-01087-00425218-00427222 29th 12.5 standing orders council zw0fNrN3xhQ-01088-00427223-00427447 decisions as a result of the 2018 zw0fNrN3xhQ-01089-00427448-00427610 general election this report is zw0fNrN3xhQ-01090-00427610-00427868 presented to comply with the meeting zw0fNrN3xhQ-01091-00427868-00428047 regulations which directs that any zw0fNrN3xhQ-01092-00428048-00428243 question that lies on the table as a zw0fNrN3xhQ-01093-00428243-00428483 result of a successful formal motion an zw0fNrN3xhQ-01094-00428484-00428666 owl answers as a result of the general zw0fNrN3xhQ-01095-00428667-00428852 election will be reported to Council for zw0fNrN3xhQ-01096-00428853-00429191 information can I have a counselor move zw0fNrN3xhQ-01097-00429192-00429452 the emotion that Council received zw0fNrN3xhQ-01098-00429453-00429851 receives a report councillor Simmonds zw0fNrN3xhQ-01099-00429852-00430164 could I have a seconder councillor Moran zw0fNrN3xhQ-01100-00430165-00430358 councillor seems did you wish to speak zw0fNrN3xhQ-01101-00430359-00430891 to the motion no counselor Maureen does zw0fNrN3xhQ-01102-00430892-00431383 anyone wish to speak to the motion as a zw0fNrN3xhQ-01103-00431384-00431531 mover councillor Simmonds would you like zw0fNrN3xhQ-01104-00431532-00431797 to summer summed up there being no zw0fNrN3xhQ-01105-00431798-00432008 further daytime debate than arts your zw0fNrN3xhQ-01106-00432009-00432204 vote on the motion those zw0fNrN3xhQ-01107-00432205-00432866 favor us against that is parried item zw0fNrN3xhQ-01108-00432867-00433306 12.6 a CEO performance review panel zw0fNrN3xhQ-01109-00433307-00433533 appointment of panel members this report zw0fNrN3xhQ-01110-00433534-00433854 is presented to a point a CEO zw0fNrN3xhQ-01111-00433855-00434175 performance review panel for the 2018 to zw0fNrN3xhQ-01112-00434176-00434616 2022 counsel to them the report for you zw0fNrN3xhQ-01113-00434617-00434885 contains a three-part recommendation to zw0fNrN3xhQ-01114-00434886-00435147 establish the CEO performance panel a zw0fNrN3xhQ-01115-00435147-00435447 point the lord mayor and deputy Lord zw0fNrN3xhQ-01116-00435447-00435591 meant to the panel and then sink zw0fNrN3xhQ-01117-00435592-00435801 nominations for two counselors to be zw0fNrN3xhQ-01118-00435802-00435966 appointed to the panel so the first part zw0fNrN3xhQ-01119-00435967-00436143 is procedural and then we'll ask the zw0fNrN3xhQ-01120-00436143-00436418 nominations could I have a counselor zw0fNrN3xhQ-01121-00436419-00436599 please move the motion zw0fNrN3xhQ-01122-00436600-00436808 counselor are beyond seconded by zw0fNrN3xhQ-01123-00436809-00437108 Councillor Hyde counsel I'll be out did zw0fNrN3xhQ-01124-00437109-00438481 you wish to speak to it as procedure zw0fNrN3xhQ-01125-00438482-00438777 there's no there's no conflict material zw0fNrN3xhQ-01126-00438778-00438947 conflict of interest because there's no zw0fNrN3xhQ-01127-00438948-00439578 renumeration aside did anybody else want zw0fNrN3xhQ-01128-00439579-00439706 to speak to motion other than the zw0fNrN3xhQ-01129-00439707-00440062 question from chasm Adam know if not zw0fNrN3xhQ-01130-00440063-00440541 castle opiate or someone no further zw0fNrN3xhQ-01131-00440542-00440766 debate when you now vote on the motion zw0fNrN3xhQ-01132-00440767-00441110 those in favor those against that is zw0fNrN3xhQ-01133-00441111-00441354 carried counselors on our call for zw0fNrN3xhQ-01134-00441355-00441585 nominations for the selection of two zw0fNrN3xhQ-01135-00441585-00441806 counselors but pointless to the CEO zw0fNrN3xhQ-01136-00441807-00442222 performance panel councillor Simmonds zw0fNrN3xhQ-01137-00442223-00442443 thank you lord mirror I wish to nominate zw0fNrN3xhQ-01138-00442443-00442860 counselor Merson counselor Martin do you zw0fNrN3xhQ-01139-00442860-00443395 accept the nomination counselor a beard zw0fNrN3xhQ-01140-00443396-00443676 I had two interests of counselor Moran zw0fNrN3xhQ-01141-00443677-00444029 and counselor Cara if they were blocked zw0fNrN3xhQ-01142-00444030-00444162 also zw0fNrN3xhQ-01143-00444163-00444395 considerable if one of them in what we zw0fNrN3xhQ-01144-00444396-00444718 drew but both women express interest I zw0fNrN3xhQ-01145-00444719-00444966 was gonna say the same thing as zw0fNrN3xhQ-01146-00444967-00445929 councilman Kessler Kara do you accept zw0fNrN3xhQ-01147-00445930-00446070 the nomination likes of an operation zw0fNrN3xhQ-01148-00446071-00446258 woman thank you are there any other zw0fNrN3xhQ-01149-00446259-00446550 nominations from the floor in the zw0fNrN3xhQ-01150-00446551-00446745 absence of any further nominations I'll zw0fNrN3xhQ-01151-00446746-00446916 stick to a motion to confirm the zw0fNrN3xhQ-01152-00446917-00447170 selection and I have a motion place to a zw0fNrN3xhQ-01153-00447171-00447456 point counselor Martin and councillor zw0fNrN3xhQ-01154-00447457-00447726 Kira to the CEO performance panel for a zw0fNrN3xhQ-01155-00447727-00447856 period of two years zw0fNrN3xhQ-01156-00447857-00448341 councillor hide and counselor seconder zw0fNrN3xhQ-01157-00448342-00449039 sorry counselor home did anybody want to zw0fNrN3xhQ-01158-00449040-00449127 speak to the motion zw0fNrN3xhQ-01159-00449128-00449289 I'm sorry accounts behind would you not zw0fNrN3xhQ-01160-00449289-00449691 expected motion no counselor who would zw0fNrN3xhQ-01161-00449692-00451418 does anybody else want to speak Russian zw0fNrN3xhQ-01162-00451420-00451735 [Applause] zw0fNrN3xhQ-01163-00451735-00452050 Kaspar hi would you like to summer thank zw0fNrN3xhQ-01164-00452051-00452116 you zw0fNrN3xhQ-01165-00452117-00452408 sorry lost track of all the names on my zw0fNrN3xhQ-01166-00452409-00452762 piece they make no further debate could zw0fNrN3xhQ-01167-00452763-00453331 I please ask you to vote on a motion zw0fNrN3xhQ-01168-00453332-00453958 though is in favor those against that is zw0fNrN3xhQ-01169-00453959-00454222 Thank You councillor Cara and councillor zw0fNrN3xhQ-01170-00454223-00456266 matter so item number so there are no zw0fNrN3xhQ-01171-00456267-00456695 emerging risks so it takes us to item zw0fNrN3xhQ-01172-00456696-00457000 number 13 which are questions on notice zw0fNrN3xhQ-01173-00457001-00457354 there are no questions on notice item 14 zw0fNrN3xhQ-01174-00457355-00457583 questions without notice zw0fNrN3xhQ-01175-00457584-00457852 believe there is a question without most zw0fNrN3xhQ-01176-00457853-00458110 from councillor mountain castle mountain zw0fNrN3xhQ-01177-00458110-00458266 yes thank you zw0fNrN3xhQ-01178-00458267-00458881 where would you like me to speaking to zw0fNrN3xhQ-01179-00458882-00459085 the media yesterday the premier asserted zw0fNrN3xhQ-01180-00459086-00459304 the stadium management authority the zw0fNrN3xhQ-01181-00459305-00459527 issue main proposed new hotel at zw0fNrN3xhQ-01182-00459528-00459806 Adelaide Oval would not be constructed zw0fNrN3xhQ-01183-00459807-00460175 on park lands and by inference we remain zw0fNrN3xhQ-01184-00460176-00460522 part of the at layer 4 area could the zw0fNrN3xhQ-01185-00460523-00460775 administration confirm that if the zw0fNrN3xhQ-01186-00460776-00461029 proposed development is entirely within zw0fNrN3xhQ-01187-00461030-00461302 the adelaide oval call it would be zw0fNrN3xhQ-01188-00461303-00461464 captured by those provisions of the zw0fNrN3xhQ-01189-00461465-00461549 anna-lena home zw0fNrN3xhQ-01190-00461550-00461816 development of Management 2011 Act which zw0fNrN3xhQ-01191-00461817-00462089 would one include any obligation for the zw0fNrN3xhQ-01192-00462089-00462289 SMA or the state government to consult zw0fNrN3xhQ-01193-00462291-00462464 with the Adelaide City Council all the zw0fNrN3xhQ-01194-00462464-00462797 community to allow approval of any zw0fNrN3xhQ-01195-00462797-00462977 development including this photo by zw0fNrN3xhQ-01196-00462978-00463226 ministerial and state commission zw0fNrN3xhQ-01197-00463227-00464141 assessment counselor Martin would you zw0fNrN3xhQ-01198-00464142-00464306 like me to read the response to the zw0fNrN3xhQ-01199-00464307-00465214 question of Madras councillor mark would zw0fNrN3xhQ-01200-00465216-00465359 you like the CEO to respond to the zw0fNrN3xhQ-01201-00465360-00465995 question three aware it's necessary to zw0fNrN3xhQ-01202-00465996-00466172 read the only redevelopment and zw0fNrN3xhQ-01203-00466172-00466451 Management Act 2011 in conjunction with zw0fNrN3xhQ-01204-00466452-00466618 the memorandum of beliefs which the zw0fNrN3xhQ-01205-00466620-00466799 council was required to grant to the zw0fNrN3xhQ-01206-00466800-00467126 minister the lease terms provided the zw0fNrN3xhQ-01207-00467127-00467324 minister must consult with counsel prior zw0fNrN3xhQ-01208-00467325-00467539 to undertaking any development or zw0fNrN3xhQ-01209-00467541-00467777 constructing any works in the court area zw0fNrN3xhQ-01210-00467778-00467975 which in the opinion of the minister zw0fNrN3xhQ-01211-00467976-00468131 would constitute a major redevelopment zw0fNrN3xhQ-01212-00468132-00468425 of the court area will substantially zw0fNrN3xhQ-01213-00468426-00468718 bury that forming on the court area or zw0fNrN3xhQ-01214-00468720-00469076 its use for the purposes of that zw0fNrN3xhQ-01215-00469077-00469253 consultation and function the minister zw0fNrN3xhQ-01216-00469254-00469424 is required to provide the council with zw0fNrN3xhQ-01217-00469425-00469604 a reasonable period in which to consider zw0fNrN3xhQ-01218-00469605-00469958 and comment on such proposal based upon zw0fNrN3xhQ-01219-00469959-00470093 this provision it is considered zw0fNrN3xhQ-01220-00470093-00470330 necessary for there to be some level of zw0fNrN3xhQ-01221-00470331-00470497 consultation between Council and the zw0fNrN3xhQ-01222-00470499-00470702 minister as it would be difficult to zw0fNrN3xhQ-01223-00470703-00470914 argue that such a proposal would not zw0fNrN3xhQ-01224-00470916-00471168 either constitute a major redevelopment zw0fNrN3xhQ-01225-00471168-00471420 or not substantially varied at your zw0fNrN3xhQ-01226-00471421-00471855 phone however the act was Elise did not zw0fNrN3xhQ-01227-00471856-00472146 require an approval of Council with zw0fNrN3xhQ-01228-00472147-00472521 regard question C based on the zw0fNrN3xhQ-01229-00472522-00472716 assumption that the proposed development zw0fNrN3xhQ-01230-00472717-00472896 is contained within the Adelaide urban zw0fNrN3xhQ-01231-00472897-00473142 core area then subject to the zw0fNrN3xhQ-01232-00473143-00473349 requirements set out in the act and at zw0fNrN3xhQ-01233-00473350-00473601 least the minister may use and may zw0fNrN3xhQ-01234-00473602-00473817 authorize the use of the court area in zw0fNrN3xhQ-01235-00473818-00474030 such manner in accordance with such zw0fNrN3xhQ-01236-00474031-00474195 arrangements as the minister considers zw0fNrN3xhQ-01237-00474196-00474405 appropriate from time to time for a zw0fNrN3xhQ-01238-00474406-00474588 proposed development State Commission zw0fNrN3xhQ-01239-00474589-00474801 assessment panel is expected to be the zw0fNrN3xhQ-01240-00474802-00475043 relevant planning authority so in zw0fNrN3xhQ-01241-00475045-00475416 essence I need to confirm that council zw0fNrN3xhQ-01242-00475417-00475749 has no power to authorize nor disallow zw0fNrN3xhQ-01243-00475750-00475971 the development has no role to play zw0fNrN3xhQ-01244-00475972-00476358 so that's the answer we provide Thank zw0fNrN3xhQ-01245-00476359-00476639 You C its mind about all questions I was zw0fNrN3xhQ-01246-00476641-00476778 just going to ask over there if I can zw0fNrN3xhQ-01247-00476779-00477787 have a copy zw0fNrN3xhQ-01248-00477788-00478006 you zw0fNrN3xhQ-01249-00478007-00478433 Thank You 1915 there are no motions of zw0fNrN3xhQ-01250-00478434-00478877 all notice takes us to item 16 which is zw0fNrN3xhQ-01251-00478878-00479045 motions without notice to any zw0fNrN3xhQ-01252-00479046-00479448 councillors have motion without notice zw0fNrN3xhQ-01253-00479449-00479912 no that case we'll move on to item 17 zw0fNrN3xhQ-01254-00479913-00480114 which is the exclusion of the public zw0fNrN3xhQ-01255-00480115-00480322 counselors there are four items zw0fNrN3xhQ-01256-00480322-00480527 presented with a request for zw0fNrN3xhQ-01257-00480528-00480743 consideration in confidence each item zw0fNrN3xhQ-01258-00480743-00481045 will require a motion and a decision to zw0fNrN3xhQ-01259-00481046-00481260 order the exclusion of public to enable zw0fNrN3xhQ-01260-00481261-00481531 consideration in confidence zw0fNrN3xhQ-01261-00481532-00481841 good I'm pleased have a mover and a zw0fNrN3xhQ-01262-00481842-00482041 seconder from motion to order the zw0fNrN3xhQ-01263-00482042-00482398 exclusion of the public for item 18 zw0fNrN3xhQ-01264-00482399-00482720 point 1.1 which presents the report of zw0fNrN3xhQ-01265-00482721-00482870 the Audit Committee from a special zw0fNrN3xhQ-01266-00482871-00483220 meeting on the 26th of October 2018 zw0fNrN3xhQ-01267-00483221-00483541 Council I'm around and a thing to zw0fNrN3xhQ-01268-00483542-00483979 councillor a beard does anyone wish to zw0fNrN3xhQ-01269-00483980-00484770 speak to the motion no Castle Moran zw0fNrN3xhQ-01270-00484771-00485075 there being no further debate as to your zw0fNrN3xhQ-01271-00485076-00485272 vote on the motion please indicate your zw0fNrN3xhQ-01272-00485273-00485752 favorite by show of hands those against zw0fNrN3xhQ-01273-00485753-00486245 is carried I now ask for a mover and zw0fNrN3xhQ-01274-00486246-00486385 seconder for a motion to all the zw0fNrN3xhQ-01275-00486386-00486670 exclusion of public for item 18 point zw0fNrN3xhQ-01276-00486671-00486979 2.1 a report relation to the adelaide zw0fNrN3xhQ-01277-00486980-00487295 southwest community center least if I zw0fNrN3xhQ-01278-00487296-00487589 could have a mover council the canal and zw0fNrN3xhQ-01279-00487589-00487716 seconder zw0fNrN3xhQ-01280-00487717-00488081 councillor Moran council would you like zw0fNrN3xhQ-01281-00488082-00488372 to speak to the motion don't cast them zw0fNrN3xhQ-01282-00488372-00488752 around no are there any other speakers zw0fNrN3xhQ-01283-00488753-00489008 councillor Knoll would you like to zw0fNrN3xhQ-01284-00489009-00489343 someone Thank You there being no further zw0fNrN3xhQ-01285-00489345-00489685 vote on that motion those in favor show zw0fNrN3xhQ-01286-00489687-00489884 up and ends please folks aphasia favor zw0fNrN3xhQ-01287-00489885-00490310 those against thank you that is carried zw0fNrN3xhQ-01288-00490310-00490712 I now call for a mover and a second for zw0fNrN3xhQ-01289-00490713-00491033 motion to audit explosion of the public zw0fNrN3xhQ-01290-00491034-00491606 forum item 18 point to point to a report zw0fNrN3xhQ-01291-00491607-00492055 in relation to a strategic least Mehta zw0fNrN3xhQ-01292-00492056-00492362 Council on Iran could I have a seconder zw0fNrN3xhQ-01293-00492363-00492595 for that motion please councilor hide zw0fNrN3xhQ-01294-00492596-00492814 council around did you wish to speak to zw0fNrN3xhQ-01295-00492816-00493135 that counts behind no any other speakers zw0fNrN3xhQ-01296-00493137-00493514 to that motion councillor Brennan summed zw0fNrN3xhQ-01297-00493514-00493897 up please vital motion of those in favor zw0fNrN3xhQ-01298-00493897-00494555 those against that is carried I now zw0fNrN3xhQ-01299-00494556-00494735 require a mover and seconder for motion zw0fNrN3xhQ-01300-00494735-00495029 240 exclusion of public for item 18 zw0fNrN3xhQ-01301-00495030-00495338 point two point three are represented in zw0fNrN3xhQ-01302-00495339-00495554 the capital city committee annual report zw0fNrN3xhQ-01303-00495555-00495964 2017 to 2018 councillor Moran could I zw0fNrN3xhQ-01304-00495966-00496285 have a second place councillor Donovan zw0fNrN3xhQ-01305-00496287-00496516 Council Moran did you wish to speak zw0fNrN3xhQ-01306-00496517-00496843 councillor Donovan counts any other zw0fNrN3xhQ-01307-00496845-00497141 speakers on this motion they councilmen zw0fNrN3xhQ-01308-00497142-00497354 writing some done can you please find zw0fNrN3xhQ-01309-00497355-00497524 those who favor zw0fNrN3xhQ-01310-00497525-00498807 thank you those ends that is carried zw0fNrN3xhQ-01312-00600504-00600689 that concludes the business of the zw0fNrN3xhQ-01313-00600690-00601013 meeting of councilors hi can I have the zw0fNrN3xhQ-01314-00601014-00601274 doors unlocked and the meeting reopened zw0fNrN3xhQ-01315-00601275-00602047 to the public one moment one moment zw0fNrN3xhQ-01316-00602048-00602647 [Music] zw0fNrN3xhQ-01317-00602648-00602897 Thank You counselors there be no other zw0fNrN3xhQ-01318-00602898-00604597 items of business I declare the meeting zw0fNrN3xhQ-01319-00604598-00604805 you zz9ZKM16xEk-00000-00000006-00000142 that's we're going to bring up drug zz9ZKM16xEk-00001-00000143-00000374 Hamilton I was honored to a serve on a zz9ZKM16xEk-00002-00000375-00000665 panel with Doug and as my chair on that zz9ZKM16xEk-00003-00000666-00000904 panel first met Doug a few years ago zz9ZKM16xEk-00004-00000905-00001079 when we got involved with menorah Expo zz9ZKM16xEk-00005-00001080-00001328 and pulled into this panel with him but zz9ZKM16xEk-00006-00001329-00001612 then one day Doug said you know you zz9ZKM16xEk-00007-00001613-00001946 always seem familiar and here he still zz9ZKM16xEk-00008-00001947-00002174 has somewhere in the dusty shells of his zz9ZKM16xEk-00009-00002175-00002432 vials the index card that I filled out zz9ZKM16xEk-00010-00002433-00002648 when he was a TA at Penn State and I was zz9ZKM16xEk-00011-00002649-00002831 one of the people that he was teaching zz9ZKM16xEk-00012-00002832-00003074 he said this is before computer zz9ZKM16xEk-00013-00003075-00003490 registration obviously so I know doggin zz9ZKM16xEk-00014-00003492-00003640 we mill each other much longer than we zz9ZKM16xEk-00015-00003642-00004724 thought so take over my head what's at zz9ZKM16xEk-00016-00004725-00005013 Oklahoma State University to design zz9ZKM16xEk-00017-00005014-00005477 expert panel for market tension get a zz9ZKM16xEk-00018-00005478-00005668 burger zz9ZKM16xEk-00019-00005669-00006041 well they started a new process on his zz9ZKM16xEk-00020-00006042-00006417 expert anal about four years ago where zz9ZKM16xEk-00021-00006418-00006834 they would instead of having the working zz9ZKM16xEk-00022-00006834-00007083 groups of point Moreland and move up for zz9ZKM16xEk-00023-00007084-00007380 a call to propose well I talked off the zz9ZKM16xEk-00024-00007381-00007709 proposal arsenic record emergency that zz9ZKM16xEk-00025-00007711-00008048 there's a call for does it be baked on zz9ZKM16xEk-00026-00008050-00008552 new treatment technologies and G some of zz9ZKM16xEk-00027-00008553-00008885 his dentist is a mid-south slogging away zz9ZKM16xEk-00028-00008886-00009126 of the nerd energy projects and a zz9ZKM16xEk-00029-00009127-00009369 petroleum producing state I thought I zz9ZKM16xEk-00030-00009370-00009588 said I got somebody to do this down with zz9ZKM16xEk-00031-00009589-00009843 your treatment I want to be me so first zz9ZKM16xEk-00032-00009844-00010121 thing I did is I called dr. vigil that zz9ZKM16xEk-00033-00010122-00010476 let's find eat seven so that people to zz9ZKM16xEk-00034-00010477-00010755 country work on the problem and if input zz9ZKM16xEk-00035-00010756-00010949 close together so we got Jeff Porter zz9ZKM16xEk-00036-00010950-00011294 that nearby no chef use of NRCS here in zz9ZKM16xEk-00037-00011295-00011373 Greece group zz9ZKM16xEk-00038-00011374-00011663 Andrea Leslie is actually a wonderful zz9ZKM16xEk-00039-00011664-00011978 person an ecosystem first so we gather zz9ZKM16xEk-00040-00011979-00012255 everyone some witnesses do Bettina the zz9ZKM16xEk-00041-00012256-00012533 watercolor rawhide by all sizes and zz9ZKM16xEk-00042-00012534-00012894 after clock on here Jerry Cantrell seen zz9ZKM16xEk-00043-00012894-00013302 our specific Charlotte but youth work at zz9ZKM16xEk-00044-00013303-00013658 horse and the USDA our jrf zz9ZKM16xEk-00045-00013659-00013938 as one of the premier experts in the zz9ZKM16xEk-00046-00013938-00014065 road zz9ZKM16xEk-00047-00014066-00014552 the drug testing of the eternal God he's zz9ZKM16xEk-00048-00014553-00014969 older dad Walter a mess up and then ever zz9ZKM16xEk-00049-00014969-00015141 different zz9ZKM16xEk-00050-00015143-00015391 this is anger every no this is our zz9ZKM16xEk-00051-00015393-00015602 second eating where we are putting in zz9ZKM16xEk-00052-00015603-00015866 our before and so you realize a lot of zz9ZKM16xEk-00053-00015866-00016247 people that's Andrea with their Greek zz9ZKM16xEk-00054-00016247-00016577 Israel we also had some support you see zz9ZKM16xEk-00055-00016578-00017060 appearing and marking on there and then zz9ZKM16xEk-00056-00017061-00017441 I'm Stephen Arlen special toy from zz9ZKM16xEk-00057-00017442-00018053 Philadelphia region history 33 I'm going zz9ZKM16xEk-00058-00018054-00018251 to get much data I'm going to talk most zz9ZKM16xEk-00059-00018252-00018569 about process our panel report slightly zz9ZKM16xEk-00060-00018570-00019205 out together if you want to see it will zz9ZKM16xEk-00061-00019206-00019574 delay on this publication survey of QC zz9ZKM16xEk-00062-00019575-00020094 of the surgery technologies as they live zz9ZKM16xEk-00063-00020095-00020463 therein zz9ZKM16xEk-00064-00020464-00020980 our charge was to look at we were zz9ZKM16xEk-00065-00020981-00021184 gentlemen subsets of technologies to zz9ZKM16xEk-00066-00021185-00021445 look into then we provide them here our zz9ZKM16xEk-00067-00021446-00021652 targets develop that missus reach those zz9ZKM16xEk-00068-00021653-00021904 technologies the third abilities zz9ZKM16xEk-00069-00021905-00022153 effectiveness of an empirical technology zz9ZKM16xEk-00070-00022154-00022363 and we are specifically looking at zz9ZKM16xEk-00071-00022364-00022944 nitrogen phosphorus reduction that if I zz9ZKM16xEk-00072-00022945-00023368 initiate translation at once I get a zz9ZKM16xEk-00073-00023369-00023611 little lake most of the others working zz9ZKM16xEk-00074-00023612-00023806 under treatment realize that you're not zz9ZKM16xEk-00075-00023807-00024028 really reducing nutria C must be zz9ZKM16xEk-00076-00024029-00024496 treatment but say the nitrogen posture zz9ZKM16xEk-00077-00024497-00024703 that go through the digester just to be zz9ZKM16xEk-00078-00024704-00024919 the same hat and it may be using zz9ZKM16xEk-00079-00024920-00025132 different form to make of this organic zz9ZKM16xEk-00080-00025133-00025456 our genes of motivation so in the body zz9ZKM16xEk-00081-00025457-00025797 of the report we talked a lot about the zz9ZKM16xEk-00082-00025798-00026050 transformations of pathways but what the zz9ZKM16xEk-00083-00026051-00026287 powers were really interested in with zz9ZKM16xEk-00084-00026288-00026502 the mobile effectiveness so the zz9ZKM16xEk-00085-00026504-00026752 pre-orders for possession light and go zz9ZKM16xEk-00086-00026752-00027010 to the table reproduction effectiveness zz9ZKM16xEk-00087-00027011-00027319 and then to get the information they can zz9ZKM16xEk-00088-00027320-00028008 go treat them he saw this earlier zz9ZKM16xEk-00089-00028008-00028264 Carrie rug zz9ZKM16xEk-00090-00028264-00028473 I really like the white I use a slightly zz9ZKM16xEk-00091-00028474-00028668 different form but this was just simply zz9ZKM16xEk-00092-00028669-00028923 introduced to today treatment zz9ZKM16xEk-00093-00028924-00029283 technologies are out to all of these to zz9ZKM16xEk-00094-00029284-00029592 the very handling system and with a zz9ZKM16xEk-00095-00029593-00029914 panelist forms there is logical prime zz9ZKM16xEk-00096-00029914-00030171 selling technology you know add-on this zz9ZKM16xEk-00097-00030172-00030367 technology it will solve all your zz9ZKM16xEk-00098-00030368-00030454 problems zz9ZKM16xEk-00099-00030455-00030846 one day we wanted to make clear is that zz9ZKM16xEk-00100-00030847-00031137 treatment according to affect the zz9ZKM16xEk-00101-00031138-00031336 movement or the massive difference zz9ZKM16xEk-00102-00031337-00031683 through the system that may not remove zz9ZKM16xEk-00103-00031684-00032098 all of them but it has basically an zz9ZKM16xEk-00104-00032099-00032457 influence on the way we're introduces zz9ZKM16xEk-00105-00032458-00032739 now we found out for two ends of the zz9ZKM16xEk-00106-00032739-00033048 founder started right report that black zz9ZKM16xEk-00107-00033049-00033270 boxes are journey we're going on like on zz9ZKM16xEk-00108-00033271-00033589 Mars a night lock so what did we do we zz9ZKM16xEk-00109-00033590-00033798 started out looking at you sister to the zz9ZKM16xEk-00110-00033799-00034071 black box and we took this advanced zz9ZKM16xEk-00111-00034072-00034290 iterative vision hearing that technology zz9ZKM16xEk-00112-00034291-00034723 and again they go you can't say that we zz9ZKM16xEk-00113-00034724-00035085 were moving delusion we're basically zz9ZKM16xEk-00114-00035086-00035424 transforming transferring the nutrients zz9ZKM16xEk-00115-00035425-00035877 into three possible pathways we devolve zz9ZKM16xEk-00116-00035878-00036239 lies basically nitrogen is zz9ZKM16xEk-00117-00036240-00036892 you know is the answer cool we can zz9ZKM16xEk-00118-00036893-00037171 separate nutrients from close the main zz9ZKM16xEk-00119-00037172-00037457 so that it will look at it's more likely zz9ZKM16xEk-00120-00037458-00037783 to juice off our form in addition you zz9ZKM16xEk-00121-00037784-00038099 were increasing the solid copy of the zz9ZKM16xEk-00122-00038100-00038165 sludge zz9ZKM16xEk-00123-00038166-00038461 if you truck further business or zz9ZKM16xEk-00124-00038462-00038873 reducing the linear equation find loads zz9ZKM16xEk-00125-00038874-00039359 of the system and use on harm and we zz9ZKM16xEk-00126-00039360-00039749 developed the concepts of transfer zz9ZKM16xEk-00127-00039750-00040067 efficiency rather than nerve nutrient zz9ZKM16xEk-00128-00040068-00040280 removal we talk about your business and zz9ZKM16xEk-00129-00040281-00040571 transferring to the TV three and a half zz9ZKM16xEk-00130-00040572-00040877 so it's an issue say it's zz9ZKM16xEk-00131-00040878-00041156 technologically sound ended but probably zz9ZKM16xEk-00132-00041157-00041486 confuses level we want to get away from zz9ZKM16xEk-00133-00041487-00041699 time-saver losses when we start no zz9ZKM16xEk-00134-00041700-00041939 hundred people and guys a lot of zz9ZKM16xEk-00135-00041940-00042427 problems as well so face for efficiency zz9ZKM16xEk-00136-00042428-00042640 wouldn't even answer the nutrient either zz9ZKM16xEk-00137-00042641-00043007 any of those three hamstrings low fat / zz9ZKM16xEk-00138-00043008-00043490 demands and Richard Henry on zz9ZKM16xEk-00139-00043491-00043800 then we find three particular piece for zz9ZKM16xEk-00140-00043801-00044187 efficiency the mass of nitrogen that zz9ZKM16xEk-00141-00044188-00044475 strange form two multiplies into the zz9ZKM16xEk-00142-00044476-00045045 atmosphere the pass of nitrogen and was zz9ZKM16xEk-00143-00045046-00045195 separated to a float after school zz9ZKM16xEk-00144-00045196-00045699 activities saw our and it melts the fat zz9ZKM16xEk-00145-00045700-00046218 offer assistance in the separator a lot zz9ZKM16xEk-00146-00046219-00046527 of the technologies the best separation zz9ZKM16xEk-00147-00046528-00046929 of understanding as you put the nerve to zz9ZKM16xEk-00148-00046930-00047256 a gas our concern over this item are 1% zz9ZKM16xEk-00149-00047257-00047571 it's with Internet one so lot of you zz9ZKM16xEk-00150-00047572-00047676 play they like that zz9ZKM16xEk-00151-00047677-00048147 by mr. Carson to this the best work it zz9ZKM16xEk-00152-00048148-00048435 all those happening and again the only zz9ZKM16xEk-00153-00048436-00048711 removal we started acting on our Google zz9ZKM16xEk-00154-00048712-00048930 when others for looking at what we were zz9ZKM16xEk-00155-00048931-00049320 doing and how to put into the model zz9ZKM16xEk-00156-00049321-00049602 the only real dinner removal by dikes zz9ZKM16xEk-00157-00049603-00049944 and optimization we're not really doing zz9ZKM16xEk-00158-00049945-00049986 it right zz9ZKM16xEk-00159-00049987-00050286 some will say were coffee protection one zz9ZKM16xEk-00160-00050287-00050607 problem in creating another girl welcome zz9ZKM16xEk-00161-00050608-00051063 to 92 grams hydrogen applause for zz9ZKM16xEk-00162-00051064-00051339 separation the silicon facilitate the zz9ZKM16xEk-00163-00051340-00051404 transport zz9ZKM16xEk-00164-00051405-00051885 dmt how long works i will go into the zz9ZKM16xEk-00165-00051886-00052449 the great detail basically our task was zz9ZKM16xEk-00166-00052450-00052862 to look at let me have a sorghum or left zz9ZKM16xEk-00167-00052863-00053144 the nitrogen volatilization of zz9ZKM16xEk-00168-00053145-00053462 see both their cows must conceive zz9ZKM16xEk-00169-00053463-00053771 authorization part of it is that anybody zz9ZKM16xEk-00170-00053772-00054379 airship it just became on the story zz9ZKM16xEk-00171-00054380-00054827 using separation technology the zz9ZKM16xEk-00172-00054828-00055139 separation efficiency effects have us zz9ZKM16xEk-00173-00055140-00055535 can t potentially move into the Facebook zz9ZKM16xEk-00174-00055536-00055994 or it family is not only complicated zz9ZKM16xEk-00175-00055995-00056483 they need up in market correctly but the zz9ZKM16xEk-00176-00056484-00056779 snack viagra basically reality that zz9ZKM16xEk-00177-00056780-00057071 waters it is far too soft the handle of zz9ZKM16xEk-00178-00057072-00057320 the family Alice's it is going to be zz9ZKM16xEk-00179-00057321-00057473 transported slow down with him zz9ZKM16xEk-00180-00057474-00057884 this will give the potential okay so zz9ZKM16xEk-00181-00057885-00058025 then they can go back through the zz9ZKM16xEk-00182-00058026-00058376 testimony all right eating back to what zz9ZKM16xEk-00183-00058377-00058697 we were our call we were given up some zz9ZKM16xEk-00184-00058698-00058961 some broad categories what we need to zz9ZKM16xEk-00185-00058962-00059237 look at and we double our six we had zz9ZKM16xEk-00186-00059238-00059408 quite a people operations and reversed zz9ZKM16xEk-00187-00059409-00059657 eating to get to this day thermo zz9ZKM16xEk-00188-00059658-00059864 chemical processing gas station zz9ZKM16xEk-00189-00059865-00060272 combustion our offices opposite animal zz9ZKM16xEk-00190-00060273-00060560 cognition steadily we separate that from zz9ZKM16xEk-00191-00060561-00060758 the campus Health which is separation zz9ZKM16xEk-00192-00060759-00061226 inlet general treatments within each one zz9ZKM16xEk-00193-00061227-00061529 of those broad categories we also Pro zz9ZKM16xEk-00194-00061529-00061913 began to design we go define at home zz9ZKM16xEk-00195-00061914-00062276 some of you could say this is dead I zz9ZKM16xEk-00196-00062277-00062366 promise zz9ZKM16xEk-00197-00062366-00062665 this is the end s old rotating zz9ZKM16xEk-00198-00062666-00063174 we didn't all the technology one day we zz9ZKM16xEk-00199-00063175-00063487 were another thing we were we had to be zz9ZKM16xEk-00200-00063488-00063973 good nap mission proprietary technology zz9ZKM16xEk-00201-00063974-00064242 a lot of proprietary technology will zz9ZKM16xEk-00202-00064244-00064482 combine several different technology so zz9ZKM16xEk-00203-00064483-00064735 you have to go through three the damages zz9ZKM16xEk-00204-00064736-00065248 you get to do it is to multi component zz9ZKM16xEk-00205-00065249-00065560 technology and diluted Atlas can I have zz9ZKM16xEk-00206-00065561-00065953 my box okay we also gave three zz9ZKM16xEk-00207-00065954-00066162 recommendations to mothers to people out zz9ZKM16xEk-00208-00066163-00066432 level that is to be used for the adult zz9ZKM16xEk-00209-00066433-00066805 education of interest is their home or zz9ZKM16xEk-00210-00066806-00067168 office or operational okay the state zz9ZKM16xEk-00211-00067169-00067486 level is simply R type of home is only zz9ZKM16xEk-00212-00067487-00067794 operating conditions their mom who gives zz9ZKM16xEk-00213-00067795-00068055 you is it a composting system if they zz9ZKM16xEk-00214-00068056-00068305 didn't see this ratio of the zz9ZKM16xEk-00215-00068306-00068572 multi-nation you can assume manager zz9ZKM16xEk-00216-00068573-00068917 little recommendations the third of that zz9ZKM16xEk-00217-00068918-00069243 bulk is a native region particularly the zz9ZKM16xEk-00218-00069244-00069424 determinant facility that's teaching zz9ZKM16xEk-00219-00069425-00069780 data nutrient discharge then they could zz9ZKM16xEk-00220-00069781-00069985 use the actually enter the zz9ZKM16xEk-00221-00069986-00070747 or how they would use that then it is zz9ZKM16xEk-00222-00070748-00071008 the example to default transfer zz9ZKM16xEk-00223-00071009-00071476 efficiency composting systems so we have zz9ZKM16xEk-00224-00071477-00071650 your hydrogen authorization your zz9ZKM16xEk-00225-00071651-00071986 consideration your office separation and zz9ZKM16xEk-00226-00071987-00072181 you'll see that all officers are under zz9ZKM16xEk-00227-00072182-00072460 said other words we're changing all in zz9ZKM16xEk-00228-00072461-00072709 under de Campos so we have under the zz9ZKM16xEk-00229-00072710-00072886 separation tenses up to the size of zz9ZKM16xEk-00230-00072887-00073357 these all are a novelization of this zz9ZKM16xEk-00231-00073358-00073735 situation reflects more or less albumin zz9ZKM16xEk-00232-00073736-00074151 this isn't as dense in this endless zz9ZKM16xEk-00233-00074152-00074389 oscillation I'll back up a little bit zz9ZKM16xEk-00234-00074390-00074938 here kind of our task was to to show our zz9ZKM16xEk-00235-00074939-00075295 producers are moving through the bar so zz9ZKM16xEk-00236-00075296-00075583 we're in conservative in the sense that zz9ZKM16xEk-00237-00075584-00075942 we're really getting a lowest possible zz9ZKM16xEk-00238-00075943-00076314 optimization Louis has a novel zz9ZKM16xEk-00239-00076315-00076624 expected colonization so somebody they zz9ZKM16xEk-00240-00076625-00076846 won't we know that it zz9ZKM16xEk-00241-00076847-00077200 I was made off my visitors enemy love zz9ZKM16xEk-00242-00077201-00077470 preferences will be conservative in that zz9ZKM16xEk-00243-00077471-00077893 or spirit inform important so hockey zz9ZKM16xEk-00244-00077894-00078079 announcing oh we hope there's more zz9ZKM16xEk-00245-00078080-00078504 wealth and flexibility of the atmosphere zz9ZKM16xEk-00246-00078505-00079030 then we get to the define reported onion zz9ZKM16xEk-00247-00079031-00079279 our technology begin and then within a zz9ZKM16xEk-00248-00079280-00079516 certain technology if this situation we zz9ZKM16xEk-00249-00079517-00080188 know the polka nation CN ratio we just zz9ZKM16xEk-00250-00080189-00080582 so this is the hand is a report it is zz9ZKM16xEk-00251-00080583-00082078 empty let's just clean identifications zz9ZKM16xEk-00252-00082079-00082286 time for a couple questions they do zz9ZKM16xEk-00253-00082287-00082442 father were a few minutes behind we got zz9ZKM16xEk-00254-00082443-00082613 started a little late because everybody zz9ZKM16xEk-00255-00082614-00082865 wanted to chat and we had a technology zz9ZKM16xEk-00256-00082866-00083090 program so one of you questions for Doug zz9ZKM16xEk-00257-00083091-00084110 please came together for example if you zz9ZKM16xEk-00258-00084111-00084395 had two technologies that both with all zz9ZKM16xEk-00259-00084396-00084902 possible yet yeah there is an example in zz9ZKM16xEk-00260-00084903-00085223 me this is a request wrote it down into zz9ZKM16xEk-00261-00085224-00085550 a personal interview chapter about the zz9ZKM16xEk-00262-00085551-00085772 model presenter dr. Catherine out how zz9ZKM16xEk-00263-00085773-00086456 the energies are evaluated out the we zz9ZKM16xEk-00264-00086457-00086741 find the technology in the in adverts zz9ZKM16xEk-00265-00086742-00087041 also a text with a view and add to the zz9ZKM16xEk-00266-00087042-00087415 technology Yemen focus airlock GSA zz9ZKM16xEk-00267-00087416-00087710 that's a good example there's a power zz9ZKM16xEk-00268-00087711-00088016 separator you're separating solid we can zz9ZKM16xEk-00269-00088017-00088199 think that separated from the solids zz9ZKM16xEk-00270-00088200-00088293 that zz9ZKM16xEk-00271-00088294-00088581 other day out of gas kitchen subject so zz9ZKM16xEk-00272-00088582-00088788 their attitude you have they don't even zz9ZKM16xEk-00273-00088789-00089043 solid lines and separate the monkey that zz9ZKM16xEk-00274-00089044-00089534 believe otherwise yes any oxygen zz9ZKM16xEk-00275-00089535-00089847 parallel we did the end of that because zz9ZKM16xEk-00276-00089848-00090168 that we thought about and that was so zz9ZKM16xEk-00277-00090169-00090249 complicated zz9ZKM16xEk-00278-00090250-00090551 Charlie here scene one unique animal zz9ZKM16xEk-00279-00090552-00090837 called a Polly two discrete categories zz9ZKM16xEk-00280-00090838-00091173 versus of a lot of technologies but they zz9ZKM16xEk-00281-00091174-00091491 monitor it and a half through TSA this zz9ZKM16xEk-00282-00091492-00091923 is Tom assignment here there is set up zz9ZKM16xEk-00283-00091924-00092976 at work zz9ZKM16xEk-00284-00092977-00093277 [Music] zz9ZKM16xEk-00286-00098409-00098669 a bit we also said other technologies we zz9ZKM16xEk-00287-00098670-00098938 did not invent eights that one of them zz9ZKM16xEk-00288-00098939-00099458 and this handy reference overhaul which zz9ZKM16xEk-00289-00099459-00099746 result but we have we gave a zz9ZKM16xEk-00290-00099747-00100022 recommendations for future panels one zz9ZKM16xEk-00291-00100023-00100274 big irritant we didn't go into education zz9ZKM16xEk-00292-00100275-00100652 education aerobic systems in this zz9ZKM16xEk-00293-00100653-00100877 and more data one of the problems we zz9ZKM16xEk-00294-00100878-00101174 were we were saddled with his will is zz9ZKM16xEk-00295-00101175-00101339 for some of the emerging technologies zz9ZKM16xEk-00296-00101340-00101627 the criteria we looked at and coming up zz9ZKM16xEk-00297-00101628-00102107 with data was heavily biased as you will zz9ZKM16xEk-00298-00102108-00102476 Hortis publish every foundation in the zz9ZKM16xEk-00299-00102477-00102668 US there's nothing that altameyer soars zz9ZKM16xEk-00300-00102669-00103183 on more closely and a lot of the newer zz9ZKM16xEk-00301-00103184-00103636 technologies with another PL convenes in zz9ZKM16xEk-00302-00103638-00104017 10 or so years zz9ZKM16xEk-00303-00104018-00104480 thank you Doug Doug a hand z-KwkHEC7Qc-00000-00000031-00000455 live from Las Vegas it's the queues but z-KwkHEC7Qc-00001-00000456-00000862 covering AWS reinvent 2017 presented by z-KwkHEC7Qc-00002-00000863-00001675 AWS Intel and our ecosystem of partners z-KwkHEC7Qc-00003-00001676-00001939 well welcome back we are live here in z-KwkHEC7Qc-00004-00001941-00002167 Las Vegas located at the sands day three z-KwkHEC7Qc-00005-00002168-00002422 of our coverage here at reinvent AWS z-KwkHEC7Qc-00006-00002423-00002659 starting to wrap things up but still I z-KwkHEC7Qc-00007-00002660-00002840 think making a very major statement z-KwkHEC7Qc-00008-00002841-00003010 about the progress they're making in z-KwkHEC7Qc-00009-00003011-00003320 their market the 45,000 plus attendees z-KwkHEC7Qc-00010-00003321-00003595 here thousands of exhibitors and z-KwkHEC7Qc-00011-00003596-00003908 exhibitions are exhibit space being used z-KwkHEC7Qc-00012-00003909-00004094 here and hundreds of thousands of square z-KwkHEC7Qc-00013-00004095-00004286 footage certain reflection of the z-KwkHEC7Qc-00014-00004287-00004469 vibrancy of that market I'm with it z-KwkHEC7Qc-00015-00004470-00004625 James Kabila's who is the lead analyst z-KwkHEC7Qc-00016-00004626-00004804 at wiki bond and we're joined once again z-KwkHEC7Qc-00017-00004805-00005029 second appearance on the cube in one day z-KwkHEC7Qc-00018-00005030-00005285 how about that for an a Akeem AR who is z-KwkHEC7Qc-00019-00005286-00005483 the president of digital services z-KwkHEC7Qc-00020-00005484-00005774 management at BMC Nathan z-KwkHEC7Qc-00021-00005775-00005915 glad to have you back we appreciate the z-KwkHEC7Qc-00022-00005916-00006227 time thank you John thank you Jim good z-KwkHEC7Qc-00023-00006228-00006397 to be here and I'm becoming a pro at z-KwkHEC7Qc-00024-00006398-00006827 this card and you win a prize by being z-KwkHEC7Qc-00025-00006828-00006989 on the cube now than once a day you know z-KwkHEC7Qc-00026-00006990-00007153 the voice in a for hours every night z-KwkHEC7Qc-00027-00007154-00007283 that's a pretty good track ring up your z-KwkHEC7Qc-00028-00007284-00007484 toy you know tell me about at first off z-KwkHEC7Qc-00029-00007484-00007601 this your thought about the show in z-KwkHEC7Qc-00030-00007602-00007867 general I mean you you've been in this z-KwkHEC7Qc-00031-00007868-00008156 environment for some time now but I'm z-KwkHEC7Qc-00032-00008156-00008294 kind of curious what you think about z-KwkHEC7Qc-00033-00008295-00008510 what you're seeing here and a sense of z-KwkHEC7Qc-00034-00008511-00008741 how this thing's really taking off yeah z-KwkHEC7Qc-00035-00008742-00008987 so first of all first of all is this the z-KwkHEC7Qc-00036-00008988-00009431 energy then why the fun that you're z-KwkHEC7Qc-00037-00009432-00009731 having here is it's just amazing but I z-KwkHEC7Qc-00038-00009732-00010117 don't want to drop the key note that I z-KwkHEC7Qc-00039-00010118-00010337 needed yesterday it's just phenomenal z-KwkHEC7Qc-00040-00010338-00010753 the pace at which AWS is innovating z-KwkHEC7Qc-00041-00010754-00011128 right just to be releasing over 1300 z-KwkHEC7Qc-00042-00011129-00011392 features in like in a year I think he z-KwkHEC7Qc-00043-00011393-00011555 said it is phenomenal I think he said z-KwkHEC7Qc-00044-00011556-00011770 innovations in a year which I'd like to z-KwkHEC7Qc-00045-00011771-00011924 hear it's a year did you say features z-KwkHEC7Qc-00046-00011925-00012251 okay yeah I think so but independent of z-KwkHEC7Qc-00047-00012252-00012413 that I'm just saying the pace at which z-KwkHEC7Qc-00048-00012414-00012731 and the amount of new stuff that they're z-KwkHEC7Qc-00049-00012732-00012844 bringing to the market is just z-KwkHEC7Qc-00050-00012845-00013076 phenomenal customers like us z-KwkHEC7Qc-00051-00013077-00013328 vendors is this phenomenal you know we z-KwkHEC7Qc-00052-00013329-00013499 hear a lot about somebody's it's the z-KwkHEC7Qc-00053-00013500-00013691 buzzword you know digital transformation z-KwkHEC7Qc-00054-00013691-00013835 on so what does it really mean to z-KwkHEC7Qc-00055-00013836-00014072 service you know what what z-KwkHEC7Qc-00056-00014072-00014234 transformation is happening and that z-KwkHEC7Qc-00057-00014235-00014441 what is that pushing you on that side of z-KwkHEC7Qc-00058-00014441-00014609 the fence have to be thinking about now z-KwkHEC7Qc-00059-00014610-00014897 you know you said the word digital and z-KwkHEC7Qc-00060-00014897-00015166 sometimes it's very hyper used and what z-KwkHEC7Qc-00061-00015168-00015533 we have done at BMC since our core is z-KwkHEC7Qc-00062-00015534-00015791 service management we have defined what z-KwkHEC7Qc-00063-00015791-00015980 service management feud looks like for z-KwkHEC7Qc-00064-00015981-00016226 our customers in this digital age and we z-KwkHEC7Qc-00065-00016227-00016439 have defined it because we were z-KwkHEC7Qc-00066-00016440-00016637 primarily an IT Service Management for z-KwkHEC7Qc-00067-00016638-00016877 the last 10 15 years the future of z-KwkHEC7Qc-00068-00016878-00017054 service management in this digital world z-KwkHEC7Qc-00069-00017055-00017363 is what we call cognitive service z-KwkHEC7Qc-00070-00017364-00017519 management where service management is z-KwkHEC7Qc-00071-00017520-00017828 no longer just reactive it is proactive z-KwkHEC7Qc-00072-00017829-00018164 right and it is also conversational z-KwkHEC7Qc-00073-00018165-00018545 through various agents like chat BOTS or z-KwkHEC7Qc-00074-00018546-00018854 alexa or virtual agents so it's a z-KwkHEC7Qc-00075-00018855-00019142 complete transformation that that we are z-KwkHEC7Qc-00076-00019143-00019361 experiencing and we are driving most of z-KwkHEC7Qc-00077-00019362-00019514 that change for our customers right now z-KwkHEC7Qc-00078-00019515-00019697 and of course the word cognitive signals z-KwkHEC7Qc-00079-00019698-00019805 the fact that there's some artificial z-KwkHEC7Qc-00080-00019806-00019994 intelligence going on and behind the z-KwkHEC7Qc-00081-00019995-00020156 scenes possibly to drive that z-KwkHEC7Qc-00082-00020157-00020396 conversational UI with that in mind I z-KwkHEC7Qc-00083-00020397-00020699 believe that you BMC you are one of AWS z-KwkHEC7Qc-00084-00020700-00020957 s partners for Alexa for business is z-KwkHEC7Qc-00085-00020958-00021137 that true and you're bringing it into an z-KwkHEC7Qc-00086-00021138-00021260 IT Service Management z-KwkHEC7Qc-00087-00021261-00021449 correct that sounds like an innovation z-KwkHEC7Qc-00088-00021450-00021545 and you tell us more about that z-KwkHEC7Qc-00089-00021546-00021773 absolutely so we announced partnership z-KwkHEC7Qc-00090-00021774-00022172 with AWS and multiple fronts one of them z-KwkHEC7Qc-00091-00022173-00022430 is with Alexa right Alexa for business z-KwkHEC7Qc-00092-00022431-00022841 where we do integrate with Alexa for z-KwkHEC7Qc-00093-00022842-00023054 providing that end user experience Alexa z-KwkHEC7Qc-00094-00023055-00023393 was known for consumer world right my z-KwkHEC7Qc-00095-00023394-00023435 son z-KwkHEC7Qc-00096-00023436-00023810 travel doctor but now we are looking at z-KwkHEC7Qc-00097-00023811-00023981 how we could bring it into the z-KwkHEC7Qc-00098-00023982-00024182 enterprise world especially to provide z-KwkHEC7Qc-00099-00024183-00024407 service to all employees so that you z-KwkHEC7Qc-00100-00024408-00024581 don't have to actually send an email or z-KwkHEC7Qc-00101-00024582-00024743 pick up the phone to call a service z-KwkHEC7Qc-00102-00024744-00024938 agent now you can actually interact with z-KwkHEC7Qc-00103-00024939-00025274 Alexa or a chat bot to get any service z-KwkHEC7Qc-00104-00025275-00025385 you need so that's what we call z-KwkHEC7Qc-00105-00025386-00025637 omni-channel experience for being z-KwkHEC7Qc-00106-00025638-00025795 providing an experience for end-users z-KwkHEC7Qc-00107-00025797-00026086 employees customers partners anyone z-KwkHEC7Qc-00108-00026087-00026442 so so do you have right now any z-KwkHEC7Qc-00109-00026443-00026745 reference customers is so new or can you z-KwkHEC7Qc-00110-00026747-00026905 give us a sense for how this capability z-KwkHEC7Qc-00111-00026906-00027168 has working in the field in terms of z-KwkHEC7Qc-00112-00027169-00027427 your testing do business people z-KwkHEC7Qc-00113-00027427-00027685 understand or are they comfortable with z-KwkHEC7Qc-00114-00027686-00027918 using essentially a consumer appliance z-KwkHEC7Qc-00115-00027919-00028218 as an interface to some serious business z-KwkHEC7Qc-00116-00028219-00028477 infrastructure like you know being able z-KwkHEC7Qc-00117-00028477-00028770 to report a Fault in a server or whatnot z-KwkHEC7Qc-00118-00028770-00029058 there's a risk there of bringing in a z-KwkHEC7Qc-00119-00029060-00029251 technology like a consumer technology z-KwkHEC7Qc-00120-00029252-00029508 before it's really been accepted as a z-KwkHEC7Qc-00121-00029508-00029749 potential business tool tell us how z-KwkHEC7Qc-00122-00029750-00029929 that's working that's that's very z-KwkHEC7Qc-00123-00029930-00030118 interesting we are actually seeing a z-KwkHEC7Qc-00124-00030119-00030333 very fast pace at which customers are z-KwkHEC7Qc-00125-00030335-00030607 adopting it as we speak I have three z-KwkHEC7Qc-00126-00030608-00030919 customers I'm working with right now who z-KwkHEC7Qc-00127-00030920-00031273 not only wants to use a chat board or a z-KwkHEC7Qc-00128-00031274-00031579 virtual agent for providing service not z-KwkHEC7Qc-00129-00031580-00031693 just to their employees but to the end z-KwkHEC7Qc-00130-00031694-00032005 customers also want to use Alexa inside z-KwkHEC7Qc-00131-00032006-00032161 their company for providing service to z-KwkHEC7Qc-00132-00032162-00032443 their employees so it is I would say z-KwkHEC7Qc-00133-00032444-00032677 it's starting the journey as starting we z-KwkHEC7Qc-00134-00032677-00032821 already have the integration that is z-KwkHEC7Qc-00135-00032822-00033112 working with Alexa customers have gotten z-KwkHEC7Qc-00136-00033113-00033268 very excited about it they are doing P z-KwkHEC7Qc-00137-00033269-00033451 or C's they're starting that journey I z-KwkHEC7Qc-00138-00033452-00033664 think in the next couple of years we'll z-KwkHEC7Qc-00139-00033665-00034015 see a huge uptake the customers wanting z-KwkHEC7Qc-00140-00034016-00034198 to do that across I mean give me an z-KwkHEC7Qc-00141-00034199-00034596 example of if I'm working and I need to z-KwkHEC7Qc-00142-00034597-00034858 go to Alexa business I mean what how z-KwkHEC7Qc-00143-00034859-00035194 deep can I go what kind of problems can z-KwkHEC7Qc-00144-00035195-00035356 be solved and then at what point where z-KwkHEC7Qc-00145-00035357-00035596 does that shut off okay and then we trip z-KwkHEC7Qc-00146-00035597-00035802 over to the human element yeah don't z-KwkHEC7Qc-00147-00035803-00035965 forget where the AI fits into the z-KwkHEC7Qc-00148-00035966-00036090 picture if you could have a little bit z-KwkHEC7Qc-00149-00036091-00036274 of the plumbing not too much so let me z-KwkHEC7Qc-00150-00036275-00036469 give you like two segments one is the z-KwkHEC7Qc-00151-00036470-00036724 experience through Alexa the second one z-KwkHEC7Qc-00152-00036725-00037054 is where does deep learning get embedded z-KwkHEC7Qc-00153-00037055-00037377 into the process yes so usually every z-KwkHEC7Qc-00154-00037378-00037570 company has level one level two Service z-KwkHEC7Qc-00155-00037571-00037810 Desk agents who are taking the calls or z-KwkHEC7Qc-00156-00037811-00038020 responding to emails for resetting z-KwkHEC7Qc-00157-00038021-00038293 passwords or fixing porn issues laptop z-KwkHEC7Qc-00158-00038294-00038608 issues so that level 1 level 2 Service z-KwkHEC7Qc-00159-00038609-00038917 Desk process is what is being replaced z-KwkHEC7Qc-00160-00038918-00039130 through a chat border and Lex z-KwkHEC7Qc-00161-00039131-00039466 right so now you can take the routine z-KwkHEC7Qc-00162-00039467-00039703 kind of a task away from having a human z-KwkHEC7Qc-00163-00039704-00040027 respond to it you can have Alexa or as a z-KwkHEC7Qc-00164-00040028-00040222 chat bot respond do that one z-KwkHEC7Qc-00165-00040223-00040489 the second piece for high complex z-KwkHEC7Qc-00166-00040490-00040747 scenarios is where it switches so being z-KwkHEC7Qc-00167-00040748-00040906 able to very automatically switch z-KwkHEC7Qc-00168-00040907-00041187 between an Alexa to a live agent is z-KwkHEC7Qc-00169-00041188-00041395 where the beauty comes in and how we z-KwkHEC7Qc-00170-00041396-00041653 handle the transition it has all the z-KwkHEC7Qc-00171-00041654-00041890 historical interaction through the whole z-KwkHEC7Qc-00172-00041891-00042160 journey for the Alexa Ford's z-KwkHEC7Qc-00173-00042161-00042355 any information is gained from the z-KwkHEC7Qc-00174-00042356-00042523 traction history we call a human being z-KwkHEC7Qc-00175-00042524-00042697 who takes the next step when I said z-KwkHEC7Qc-00176-00042698-00042892 human kick it back to Alexa something no z-KwkHEC7Qc-00177-00042893-00043135 no we haven't seen that okay it's z-KwkHEC7Qc-00178-00043136-00043411 usually level 1 level 2 is where Alexa z-KwkHEC7Qc-00179-00043412-00043582 takes care and then level 3 is where the z-KwkHEC7Qc-00180-00043583-00043873 human takes care and goes forward now z-KwkHEC7Qc-00181-00043874-00044188 the second piece the AI and our piece in z-KwkHEC7Qc-00182-00044189-00044350 a service management there are a lot of z-KwkHEC7Qc-00183-00044351-00044571 processes that are very I would say z-KwkHEC7Qc-00184-00044572-00044827 routine and very manual like every z-KwkHEC7Qc-00185-00044828-00045033 ticket that comes in customers have z-KwkHEC7Qc-00186-00045034-00045253 millions of tickets that come in on a z-KwkHEC7Qc-00187-00045254-00045493 periodic basis every ticket that comes z-KwkHEC7Qc-00188-00045494-00045664 in how you assign the ticket to the z-KwkHEC7Qc-00189-00045665-00045943 right individual route the ticket and z-KwkHEC7Qc-00190-00045944-00046287 categorize the ticket right is a very z-KwkHEC7Qc-00191-00046288-00046524 labor-intensive and an expensive process z-KwkHEC7Qc-00192-00046525-00046780 so we are embedding deep learning z-KwkHEC7Qc-00193-00046781-00047056 capabilities into that so we can z-KwkHEC7Qc-00194-00047057-00047236 automate customers can automate all of z-KwkHEC7Qc-00195-00047237-00047467 those natural language processing is NLP z-KwkHEC7Qc-00196-00047468-00047737 right write it into it now customers can z-KwkHEC7Qc-00197-00047738-00048046 choose to use the NLP of the z-KwkHEC7Qc-00198-00048047-00048373 intervention of their choice like Watson z-KwkHEC7Qc-00199-00048374-00048777 or Amazon or the toner and then that z-KwkHEC7Qc-00200-00048778-00048927 gets fed back into the service z-KwkHEC7Qc-00201-00048928-00049105 management process in fact that's z-KwkHEC7Qc-00202-00049106-00049296 consistent with what AWS is saying about z-KwkHEC7Qc-00203-00049297-00049471 the whole deep learning space they are z-KwkHEC7Qc-00204-00049472-00049714 agnostic as to the underlying deep z-KwkHEC7Qc-00205-00049715-00049933 learning framework you use to build this z-KwkHEC7Qc-00206-00049934-00050134 logic whether it be tensor flow or MX z-KwkHEC7Qc-00207-00050135-00050335 net or whatever so what you're saying is z-KwkHEC7Qc-00208-00050336-00050473 very consistent with that sort of open z-KwkHEC7Qc-00209-00050474-00050701 framework for plugging deep learning or z-KwkHEC7Qc-00210-00050702-00050952 AI into the in this case a business z-KwkHEC7Qc-00211-00050953-00051193 application very good so developers z-KwkHEC7Qc-00212-00051194-00051394 within your customer base z-KwkHEC7Qc-00213-00051395-00051802 what are you doing BMC to get developers z-KwkHEC7Qc-00214-00051803-00051976 up to speed and what they'll need to do z-KwkHEC7Qc-00215-00051977-00052237 to build the skills to be able to drive z-KwkHEC7Qc-00216-00052238-00052269 the z-KwkHEC7Qc-00217-00052270-00052566 so no servicemen worst of all all this z-KwkHEC7Qc-00218-00052566-00052791 work that we are doing whether these z-KwkHEC7Qc-00219-00052791-00052904 work because it's cognitive services z-KwkHEC7Qc-00220-00052905-00053154 yeah they're all micro services that we z-KwkHEC7Qc-00221-00053154-00053382 have built into our platform that not z-KwkHEC7Qc-00222-00053383-00053523 only we are using in our own z-KwkHEC7Qc-00223-00053524-00053826 applications like in remedy like in what z-KwkHEC7Qc-00224-00053827-00054063 we call digital workplace but also we z-KwkHEC7Qc-00225-00054064-00054207 have made it available for all the z-KwkHEC7Qc-00226-00054208-00054507 developers partners ecosystem to consume z-KwkHEC7Qc-00227-00054508-00054672 it in their own application so these are z-KwkHEC7Qc-00228-00054673-00054819 all micros just like what Amazon is z-KwkHEC7Qc-00229-00054820-00055071 doing with their micro services strategy z-KwkHEC7Qc-00230-00055072-00055292 we have Micro Services for every one of z-KwkHEC7Qc-00231-00055294-00055541 these processes that developers can now z-KwkHEC7Qc-00232-00055542-00055821 consume and build their own special use z-KwkHEC7Qc-00233-00055822-00056010 cases so use cases that are very unique z-KwkHEC7Qc-00234-00056011-00056198 to their business or to their costumes z-KwkHEC7Qc-00235-00056199-00056454 so who I mean I mean we were talking z-KwkHEC7Qc-00236-00056454-00056577 about this before we started interview z-KwkHEC7Qc-00237-00056578-00056808 about invent versus innovation so on the z-KwkHEC7Qc-00238-00056809-00057129 innovation side what's what's driving z-KwkHEC7Qc-00239-00057129-00057327 that I mean are these interactions that z-KwkHEC7Qc-00240-00057328-00057459 you're having with customers and so z-KwkHEC7Qc-00241-00057460-00057732 you're you're trying to absorb whatever z-KwkHEC7Qc-00242-00057733-00057941 that input is that feedback or are you z-KwkHEC7Qc-00243-00057942-00058166 innovate in you know almost that a z-KwkHEC7Qc-00244-00058167-00058379 vacuum or in space a little bit and in z-KwkHEC7Qc-00245-00058380-00058689 providing tools that you think could get z-KwkHEC7Qc-00246-00058690-00058955 traction yeah no I in fact no no we're z-KwkHEC7Qc-00247-00058957-00059124 not just dreaming in our labs and saying z-KwkHEC7Qc-00248-00059125-00059295 okay this is what we should go to our z-KwkHEC7Qc-00249-00059296-00059478 lab that's not what the driver is what's z-KwkHEC7Qc-00250-00059479-00059685 really happening independent of the z-KwkHEC7Qc-00251-00059686-00059841 industry you pick any industry like z-KwkHEC7Qc-00252-00059841-00060063 telcos or financial industry any z-KwkHEC7Qc-00253-00060064-00060309 industry is going through a major I z-KwkHEC7Qc-00254-00060310-00060597 would say transformation where they are z-KwkHEC7Qc-00255-00060598-00060854 in a competitive pressure to provide a z-KwkHEC7Qc-00256-00060855-00061136 service at the highest efficiency z-KwkHEC7Qc-00257-00061137-00061485 highest speed at the lowest cost so if z-KwkHEC7Qc-00258-00061486-00061803 I'm a bank or if I'm a a telco when a z-KwkHEC7Qc-00259-00061804-00061995 customer calls me and they have an issue z-KwkHEC7Qc-00260-00061996-00062277 the pace at which I provide the service z-KwkHEC7Qc-00261-00062278-00062492 the speed and the cost at which I z-KwkHEC7Qc-00262-00062494-00062664 provide that service and the accuracy at z-KwkHEC7Qc-00263-00062665-00062847 which I provided service is my z-KwkHEC7Qc-00264-00062848-00063126 competitive advantage so that is what is z-KwkHEC7Qc-00265-00063127-00063378 actually driving the innovations that we z-KwkHEC7Qc-00266-00063379-00063645 are bringing to market and all the three z-KwkHEC7Qc-00267-00063646-00063822 things that I talked about and user z-KwkHEC7Qc-00268-00063823-00064008 experience through boards or through z-KwkHEC7Qc-00269-00064009-00064278 virtual agents how we are automating the z-KwkHEC7Qc-00270-00064279-00064449 processes inside the service management z-KwkHEC7Qc-00271-00064450-00064611 and how we are also providing that for z-KwkHEC7Qc-00272-00064612-00064815 the developers all these three create a z-KwkHEC7Qc-00273-00064816-00065004 package for our customers in every one z-KwkHEC7Qc-00274-00065004-00065284 of these industries to address this z-KwkHEC7Qc-00275-00065285-00065550 eat the efficiency and the cost for z-KwkHEC7Qc-00276-00065551-00065901 their service management Gretchen at z-KwkHEC7Qc-00277-00065902-00066057 this show AWS among their many z-KwkHEC7Qc-00278-00066058-00066268 announcements that are building on their z-KwkHEC7Qc-00279-00066269-00066507 AI they have a new product called and z-KwkHEC7Qc-00280-00066508-00066687 it's related to this the accuracy z-KwkHEC7Qc-00281-00066688-00066955 related it's called Amazon comprehend z-KwkHEC7Qc-00282-00066956-00067222 which is able to build on polylearn NLP z-KwkHEC7Qc-00283-00067223-00067393 the natural language processing to be z-KwkHEC7Qc-00284-00067394-00067587 able to identify in natural language z-KwkHEC7Qc-00285-00067588-00067915 entities like hey my PC doesn't work and z-KwkHEC7Qc-00286-00067916-00068037 I think it's the hard drive those are z-KwkHEC7Qc-00287-00068038-00068248 entities but also identify sent him at z-KwkHEC7Qc-00288-00068249-00068418 whether the customer is very angry z-KwkHEC7Qc-00289-00068419-00068662 mildly miffed and so forth and then you z-KwkHEC7Qc-00290-00068663-00068862 know conceivably you could use or your z-KwkHEC7Qc-00291-00068863-00069034 customers could use that information in z-KwkHEC7Qc-00292-00069035-00069265 building out skills and that are more z-KwkHEC7Qc-00293-00069266-00069480 fine-grain in terms of identifying off z-KwkHEC7Qc-00294-00069481-00069780 to level 2 or level 3 support oK we've z-KwkHEC7Qc-00295-00069781-00069882 identified with a high degree of z-KwkHEC7Qc-00296-00069883-00070125 accuracy or confidence that the problem z-KwkHEC7Qc-00297-00070126-00070390 problem might reside in this particular z-KwkHEC7Qc-00298-00070391-00070723 component of the system the customer is z-KwkHEC7Qc-00299-00070724-00070924 really out of joint you need to put z-KwkHEC7Qc-00300-00070925-00071130 somebody on this right away and so forth z-KwkHEC7Qc-00301-00071131-00071323 and so on any thoughts about possibly z-KwkHEC7Qc-00302-00071324-00071605 using this new functionality within the z-KwkHEC7Qc-00303-00071606-00071866 context of Alexa for business as you're z-KwkHEC7Qc-00304-00071867-00072156 deploying it in a BMC in the future yeah z-KwkHEC7Qc-00305-00072157-00072373 lutely in fact that is what I was very z-KwkHEC7Qc-00306-00072374-00072501 excited about that when they announced z-KwkHEC7Qc-00307-00072502-00072754 that you know in an NLP NLP has been z-KwkHEC7Qc-00308-00072755-00072949 around for many years now right and z-KwkHEC7Qc-00309-00072950-00073078 there has been a lot of experiment z-KwkHEC7Qc-00310-00073079-00073317 around NLP the first patent for NLP was z-KwkHEC7Qc-00311-00073318-00073581 like in the late 50s right so but the z-KwkHEC7Qc-00312-00073582-00073816 maturity of NLP now and the pace at z-KwkHEC7Qc-00313-00073817-00074137 which like Amazon the innovating is just z-KwkHEC7Qc-00314-00074138-00074392 phenomenal and the real I would say z-KwkHEC7Qc-00315-00074393-00074710 beauty of it would be when an NLP engine z-KwkHEC7Qc-00316-00074711-00075037 can really become intelligent whether if z-KwkHEC7Qc-00317-00075038-00075180 you can understand the sentiment of the z-KwkHEC7Qc-00318-00075181-00075397 customer when the customer is saying z-KwkHEC7Qc-00319-00075398-00075592 something it should detect whether the z-KwkHEC7Qc-00320-00075593-00076024 customer is angry happy or on the edge z-KwkHEC7Qc-00321-00076025-00076405 right so we are not there yet I'm really z-KwkHEC7Qc-00322-00076406-00076654 excited to see the announcements from z-KwkHEC7Qc-00323-00076655-00076887 AWS on the comprehend side if they z-KwkHEC7Qc-00324-00076888-00077128 really can deliver on that understand is z-KwkHEC7Qc-00325-00077129-00077394 sentiment are they I don't want to get z-KwkHEC7Qc-00326-00077395-00077512 this off the tracks but it's a z-KwkHEC7Qc-00327-00077513-00077712 fascinating point because as you know z-KwkHEC7Qc-00328-00077713-00078042 words in a static environment could be z-KwkHEC7Qc-00329-00078043-00078403 misinterpreted one of 50,000 ways so how z-KwkHEC7Qc-00330-00078404-00078477 do you get z-KwkHEC7Qc-00331-00078478-00078902 this AI to apply to emotional pitch tone z-KwkHEC7Qc-00332-00078903-00079176 agitation how do you recognize that that z-KwkHEC7Qc-00333-00079177-00079410 is where that is where NLP the maturity z-KwkHEC7Qc-00334-00079411-00079728 of an opiate which it's moving is what's z-KwkHEC7Qc-00335-00079729-00079911 going to be game-changing in the long z-KwkHEC7Qc-00336-00079912-00080178 term yeah is for it to be able to know z-KwkHEC7Qc-00337-00080179-00080514 what the underlining Center excitement z-KwkHEC7Qc-00338-00080515-00080862 joy despair I mean all those things like z-KwkHEC7Qc-00339-00080863-00081063 I've had enough can be said many z-KwkHEC7Qc-00340-00081064-00081777 different ways motion threshold reviewed z-KwkHEC7Qc-00341-00081778-00082038 a human being I'd be the best medium z-KwkHEC7Qc-00342-00082039-00082377 just curious minds fast yeah yeah well z-KwkHEC7Qc-00343-00082378-00082509 thank you for the time we certainly z-KwkHEC7Qc-00344-00082510-00082704 appreciate that and and we promise this z-KwkHEC7Qc-00345-00082705-00082896 will be it for the day all right no more z-KwkHEC7Qc-00346-00082897-00083217 cube duty but but we certainly wish you z-KwkHEC7Qc-00347-00083218-00083457 all the best down the road and I like z-KwkHEC7Qc-00348-00083458-00083721 you I think we we've certainly seen and z-KwkHEC7Qc-00349-00083722-00083859 have a deeper appreciation what's z-KwkHEC7Qc-00350-00083860-00084006 happening in this marketplace with what z-KwkHEC7Qc-00351-00084007-00084300 we've seen here this week thank you John z-KwkHEC7Qc-00352-00084301-00084588 was a pleasure and really excited to z-KwkHEC7Qc-00353-00084589-00084885 have to cube interviews in it about but z-KwkHEC7Qc-00354-00084886-00085068 I think it's a great photo for us to get z-KwkHEC7Qc-00355-00085069-00085257 our message out and get the world to z-KwkHEC7Qc-00356-00085258-00085464 know what we are doing as BMC and we z-KwkHEC7Qc-00357-00085465-00085608 should talk to real innovators in the z-KwkHEC7Qc-00358-00085609-00085782 business world so I'll power to you z-KwkHEC7Qc-00359-00085783-00085872 thanks for the time z-KwkHEC7Qc-00360-00085873-00086058 thank you thanks to mention back with z-KwkHEC7Qc-00361-00086059-00086304 more we are live here at reinvent AWS in z-KwkHEC7Qc-00362-00086305-00086457 Las Vegas back with more live here on z-KwkHEC7Qc-00363-00086458-00087287 the cube right after this break z-KwkHEC7Qc-00364-00087288-00087594 [Music] z-Z-aBAmOuy-00000-00000527-00000647 hello everyone z-Z-aBAmOuy-00001-00000648-00000950 i'm ansen and the title of our paper is z-Z-aBAmOuy-00002-00000951-00001062 recon z-Z-aBAmOuy-00003-00001063-00001247 relation extraction using knowledge of z-Z-aBAmOuy-00004-00001248-00001574 context in a graph neural network z-Z-aBAmOuy-00005-00001575-00001942 term knowledge of in the context of z-Z-aBAmOuy-00006-00001943-00002110 google search z-Z-aBAmOuy-00007-00002111-00002415 it stems from the work on semantic word z-Z-aBAmOuy-00008-00002416-00002623 semantic web stores information in z-Z-aBAmOuy-00009-00002624-00002831 mainly two varieties z-Z-aBAmOuy-00010-00002832-00003175 in the first we have the representation z-Z-aBAmOuy-00011-00003176-00003263 stored z-Z-aBAmOuy-00012-00003264-00003470 in the form of rdf triples and order z-Z-aBAmOuy-00013-00003471-00003695 there's reasoning z-Z-aBAmOuy-00014-00003696-00003990 and the second variety we store the z-Z-aBAmOuy-00015-00003992-00004047 graph z-Z-aBAmOuy-00016-00004047-00004247 along with the node properties and z-Z-aBAmOuy-00017-00004248-00004406 relation information z-Z-aBAmOuy-00018-00004407-00004854 in a graph data store such as neo4j z-Z-aBAmOuy-00019-00004855-00005127 a kg is made up of two concepts namely z-Z-aBAmOuy-00020-00005128-00005335 t-box and a-box z-Z-aBAmOuy-00021-00005336-00005686 a t-box as we can see z-Z-aBAmOuy-00022-00005687-00006054 stores abstract schema such as president z-Z-aBAmOuy-00023-00006055-00006583 politician human person etc z-Z-aBAmOuy-00024-00006584-00006903 as opposed to an a-box which stores more z-Z-aBAmOuy-00025-00006904-00007070 concrete instances z-Z-aBAmOuy-00026-00007072-00007495 of these properties such as barack obama z-Z-aBAmOuy-00027-00007495-00007814 and the properties between barack obama z-Z-aBAmOuy-00028-00007815-00008087 and the president such as barack obama z-Z-aBAmOuy-00029-00008088-00008246 occupation is a president z-Z-aBAmOuy-00030-00008247-00008471 which is a subclass of politician which z-Z-aBAmOuy-00031-00008472-00008695 is a subclass of a human z-Z-aBAmOuy-00032-00008696-00008887 and barack obama is an instance of a z-Z-aBAmOuy-00033-00008888-00009046 human z-Z-aBAmOuy-00034-00009047-00009199 so we would like to make use of these z-Z-aBAmOuy-00035-00009200-00009374 properties in the t box z-Z-aBAmOuy-00036-00009375-00009583 in order to predict the relation between z-Z-aBAmOuy-00037-00009584-00009883 two entities z-Z-aBAmOuy-00038-00009884-00010095 specifically we have made use of these z-Z-aBAmOuy-00039-00010096-00010167 four context z-Z-aBAmOuy-00040-00010168-00010519 informations namely the areas z-Z-aBAmOuy-00041-00010520-00010846 description instance of z-Z-aBAmOuy-00042-00010847-00011191 and the label or the surface form z-Z-aBAmOuy-00043-00011192-00011342 in addition we also make use of the z-Z-aBAmOuy-00044-00011343-00011535 triple information z-Z-aBAmOuy-00045-00011536-00011703 in the neighborhood of the entity being z-Z-aBAmOuy-00046-00011704-00012110 considered z-Z-aBAmOuy-00047-00012111-00012519 kgs are relation between entities z-Z-aBAmOuy-00048-00012520-00012646 and we would like to see if such z-Z-aBAmOuy-00049-00012647-00012822 background knowledge could help in the z-Z-aBAmOuy-00050-00012823-00013294 task of relation extraction z-Z-aBAmOuy-00051-00013295-00013463 the definition of a relation extraction z-Z-aBAmOuy-00052-00013463-00013766 task is given a sentence z-Z-aBAmOuy-00053-00013768-00014166 and the two entities in the sentence z-Z-aBAmOuy-00054-00014168-00014375 or a bag of sentences we would like to z-Z-aBAmOuy-00055-00014376-00014686 predict what is the relation existing z-Z-aBAmOuy-00056-00014687-00015063 between them in the cage for example z-Z-aBAmOuy-00057-00015063-00015319 bossily took part in christmas in the z-Z-aBAmOuy-00058-00015319-00015486 presence of barack obama z-Z-aBAmOuy-00059-00015487-00015830 and the first lady here the entities z-Z-aBAmOuy-00060-00015831-00016238 are barack obama and first lady z-Z-aBAmOuy-00061-00016240-00016479 and the task is to predict the relation z-Z-aBAmOuy-00062-00016480-00016839 between them which is third of a spouse z-Z-aBAmOuy-00063-00016840-00017039 the re task was introduced in the year z-Z-aBAmOuy-00064-00017040-00017303 2009. z-Z-aBAmOuy-00065-00017304-00017583 existing approaches focus more on z-Z-aBAmOuy-00066-00017584-00017694 getting z-Z-aBAmOuy-00067-00017695-00017903 information from the context in the z-Z-aBAmOuy-00068-00017904-00017999 sentence z-Z-aBAmOuy-00069-00018000-00018263 and do not consider incorporating z-Z-aBAmOuy-00070-00018264-00018519 additional kg sources z-Z-aBAmOuy-00071-00018520-00018686 to add another point there are two z-Z-aBAmOuy-00072-00018687-00018822 variants z-Z-aBAmOuy-00073-00018823-00019175 in the re task one is the multi-instance z-Z-aBAmOuy-00074-00019176-00019303 setting z-Z-aBAmOuy-00075-00019304-00019622 where we consider multiple bag of z-Z-aBAmOuy-00076-00019623-00019686 sentences z-Z-aBAmOuy-00077-00019687-00019919 in addition to the given sentence and z-Z-aBAmOuy-00078-00019920-00020079 the sentential context z-Z-aBAmOuy-00079-00020080-00020391 sentential re task where we consider z-Z-aBAmOuy-00080-00020392-00020711 only the given sentence and ignore z-Z-aBAmOuy-00081-00020712-00021083 any other sentences present in the z-Z-aBAmOuy-00082-00021084-00021527 document z-Z-aBAmOuy-00083-00021528-00021703 the definition of a sentential re task z-Z-aBAmOuy-00084-00021704-00021878 is very similar to that of the standard z-Z-aBAmOuy-00085-00021879-00022022 retask z-Z-aBAmOuy-00086-00022023-00022294 except that we would not use any other z-Z-aBAmOuy-00087-00022295-00022399 bag of sentences z-Z-aBAmOuy-00088-00022400-00022663 in the document and only the sentence z-Z-aBAmOuy-00089-00022664-00022750 under consideration z-Z-aBAmOuy-00090-00022751-00023007 along with the annotated entities are z-Z-aBAmOuy-00091-00023008-00023222 used to predict the relation z-Z-aBAmOuy-00092-00023223-00023383 the research question we ask is what is z-Z-aBAmOuy-00093-00023384-00023607 the impact of knowledge graph context z-Z-aBAmOuy-00094-00023608-00023883 on the re tasks on the sentence already z-Z-aBAmOuy-00095-00023884-00024175 disk z-Z-aBAmOuy-00096-00024176-00024311 the familiar has the audience for the z-Z-aBAmOuy-00097-00024312-00024486 terms used z-Z-aBAmOuy-00098-00024487-00024694 entity attribute context refers to the z-Z-aBAmOuy-00099-00024695-00024975 t-box attributes z-Z-aBAmOuy-00100-00024976-00025286 of the entities in the kg z-Z-aBAmOuy-00101-00025287-00025646 kg triple context refers to the z-Z-aBAmOuy-00102-00025647-00025774 triples in the neighborhood of the z-Z-aBAmOuy-00103-00025775-00026014 entities being considered z-Z-aBAmOuy-00104-00026016-00026223 separate vector spaces refers to the z-Z-aBAmOuy-00105-00026224-00026383 separation of vector spaces z-Z-aBAmOuy-00106-00026383-00026558 or embedding spaces between the entity z-Z-aBAmOuy-00107-00026560-00026783 and relation z-Z-aBAmOuy-00108-00026783-00026967 and the aggregator is a module which z-Z-aBAmOuy-00109-00026968-00027390 combines all the context information z-Z-aBAmOuy-00110-00027391-00027767 previous works include reside z-Z-aBAmOuy-00111-00027768-00028143 which also uses such context information z-Z-aBAmOuy-00112-00028144-00028318 such as alias z-Z-aBAmOuy-00113-00028319-00028623 for relation extraction however z-Z-aBAmOuy-00114-00028624-00028855 they ignore certain other context z-Z-aBAmOuy-00115-00028856-00029007 information such as description z-Z-aBAmOuy-00116-00029008-00029318 etc kbcat z-Z-aBAmOuy-00117-00029319-00029495 is a variant of the graph attention z-Z-aBAmOuy-00118-00029495-00029623 network z-Z-aBAmOuy-00119-00029624-00029943 on kbs we use it z-Z-aBAmOuy-00120-00029944-00030287 to learn the entity embeddings z-Z-aBAmOuy-00121-00030288-00030574 contextual re was the first to introduce z-Z-aBAmOuy-00122-00030575-00030814 sentential artists z-Z-aBAmOuy-00123-00030816-00031223 they use context in the form of the z-Z-aBAmOuy-00124-00031224-00031446 entity embeddings or the entities z-Z-aBAmOuy-00125-00031447-00031679 present in the sentence z-Z-aBAmOuy-00126-00031680-00032095 however they do not use any other z-Z-aBAmOuy-00127-00032095-00032446 source of information from the cage z-Z-aBAmOuy-00128-00032447-00032518 gpgnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn z-Z-aBAmOuy-00129-00032519-00032767 i improves upon the sentencing re task z-Z-aBAmOuy-00130-00032768-00032927 by learning the parameters of the z-Z-aBAmOuy-00131-00032928-00033255 transition matrix of the gnn z-Z-aBAmOuy-00132-00033256-00033439 and they claimed this allows for z-Z-aBAmOuy-00133-00033440-00033935 efficient message person z-Z-aBAmOuy-00134-00033936-00034239 the approach of our our approach is as z-Z-aBAmOuy-00135-00034240-00034543 given in the diagram z-Z-aBAmOuy-00136-00034544-00034839 the sentence on which the relation has z-Z-aBAmOuy-00137-00034840-00035031 to be predicted z-Z-aBAmOuy-00138-00035032-00035367 is given the sentence embedding module z-Z-aBAmOuy-00139-00035368-00035711 which learns the token embeddings this z-Z-aBAmOuy-00140-00035712-00036102 could be a simple pre-trained z-Z-aBAmOuy-00141-00036103-00036535 glove model or we could even use context z-Z-aBAmOuy-00142-00036536-00036862 embeddings from a language model z-Z-aBAmOuy-00143-00036863-00037207 the entities are then given to the eac z-Z-aBAmOuy-00144-00037208-00037335 module z-Z-aBAmOuy-00145-00037336-00037615 in this case the barack obama and z-Z-aBAmOuy-00146-00037616-00037767 michelle obama are the entities z-Z-aBAmOuy-00147-00037768-00037927 their attributes are extracted from the z-Z-aBAmOuy-00148-00037928-00038230 kg so we have the description z-Z-aBAmOuy-00149-00038231-00038543 the instance and the lis information z-Z-aBAmOuy-00150-00038544-00038759 and each of these are given to the ac z-Z-aBAmOuy-00151-00038760-00039030 module for encoding z-Z-aBAmOuy-00152-00039031-00039327 the eac module takes the word embeddings z-Z-aBAmOuy-00153-00039328-00039487 and the character embeddings concatenate z-Z-aBAmOuy-00154-00039488-00039590 stem z-Z-aBAmOuy-00155-00039591-00039855 gives it to a biology in there which z-Z-aBAmOuy-00156-00039856-00040007 learns the embeddings and the output is z-Z-aBAmOuy-00157-00040008-00040151 then concatenated z-Z-aBAmOuy-00158-00040152-00040495 and given to a 1d cnn the one day cnn z-Z-aBAmOuy-00159-00040496-00040815 finally pulls the information along the z-Z-aBAmOuy-00160-00040816-00040990 zero dimension z-Z-aBAmOuy-00161-00040991-00041215 and this gives us a fixed dimension z-Z-aBAmOuy-00162-00041216-00041662 vector for multi-cell z-Z-aBAmOuy-00163-00041663-00041846 the output of the esc module is then fed z-Z-aBAmOuy-00164-00041847-00042071 to the aggregator z-Z-aBAmOuy-00165-00042072-00042343 for the kg triple context we feed the z-Z-aBAmOuy-00166-00042344-00042423 triples z-Z-aBAmOuy-00167-00042424-00042583 in the neighborhood of the entities z-Z-aBAmOuy-00168-00042584-00042927 being considered z-Z-aBAmOuy-00169-00042928-00043199 we use the kg guard and learn the z-Z-aBAmOuy-00170-00043200-00043551 embeddings in separate spaces z-Z-aBAmOuy-00171-00043552-00043702 the triple context learner module is z-Z-aBAmOuy-00172-00043703-00043871 pre-trained and the z-Z-aBAmOuy-00173-00043872-00044007 embeddings are then given to the z-Z-aBAmOuy-00174-00044008-00044207 aggregator z-Z-aBAmOuy-00175-00044208-00044471 the aggregator uses a sentence encoder z-Z-aBAmOuy-00176-00044472-00044518 which z-Z-aBAmOuy-00177-00044519-00044830 in this case is a biological network z-Z-aBAmOuy-00178-00044831-00045151 to learn embeddings from the sentence z-Z-aBAmOuy-00179-00045152-00045351 which is then used to learn the z-Z-aBAmOuy-00180-00045352-00045471 parameters of the z-Z-aBAmOuy-00181-00045472-00045687 transition matrix in the propagation z-Z-aBAmOuy-00182-00045688-00045846 layers z-Z-aBAmOuy-00183-00045847-00046039 the propagation layer is initialized z-Z-aBAmOuy-00184-00046040-00046167 from the embeddings z-Z-aBAmOuy-00185-00046168-00046543 or the output of the eac module z-Z-aBAmOuy-00186-00046544-00046702 the output of each of these propagation z-Z-aBAmOuy-00187-00046703-00046958 layers is concatenated along with the kg z-Z-aBAmOuy-00188-00046959-00047095 triple embedding z-Z-aBAmOuy-00189-00047096-00047255 and given for further classification to z-Z-aBAmOuy-00190-00047256-00047743 predict the relation z-Z-aBAmOuy-00191-00047744-00047935 as you can see from the results we z-Z-aBAmOuy-00192-00047936-00048230 obtain a statistically significant z-Z-aBAmOuy-00193-00048231-00048471 output a result as compared to the z-Z-aBAmOuy-00194-00048472-00048679 baselines which do not use z-Z-aBAmOuy-00195-00048680-00049039 context information on the left we see z-Z-aBAmOuy-00196-00049040-00049151 the micro results z-Z-aBAmOuy-00197-00049152-00049279 and on the right we see the macro z-Z-aBAmOuy-00198-00049280-00049630 precision recall on wiki data z-Z-aBAmOuy-00199-00049631-00050039 similarly on the invited data set z-Z-aBAmOuy-00200-00050040-00050374 we obtain comparable results to the z-Z-aBAmOuy-00201-00050375-00050735 multi-instance baselines and as can be z-Z-aBAmOuy-00202-00050736-00050830 seen z-Z-aBAmOuy-00203-00050831-00051102 from the pr curves we are able to z-Z-aBAmOuy-00204-00051103-00051214 maintain a high precision z-Z-aBAmOuy-00205-00051215-00051638 at a higher recoils z-Z-aBAmOuy-00206-00051639-00051846 we have done an ablation study in which z-Z-aBAmOuy-00207-00051847-00052014 we induce each of the context z-Z-aBAmOuy-00208-00052015-00052246 information individually to the model z-Z-aBAmOuy-00209-00052247-00052423 and we see that different context z-Z-aBAmOuy-00210-00052424-00052607 information helps differently z-Z-aBAmOuy-00211-00052608-00052950 in different settings for example z-Z-aBAmOuy-00212-00052951-00053294 on the wiki data data set description z-Z-aBAmOuy-00213-00053295-00053447 information gives z-Z-aBAmOuy-00214-00053448-00053671 the higher performance whereas on the z-Z-aBAmOuy-00215-00053672-00053830 freebase dataset z-Z-aBAmOuy-00216-00053832-00054175 it is the lds information this motivates z-Z-aBAmOuy-00217-00054176-00054294 the question z-Z-aBAmOuy-00218-00054295-00054694 that can we intelligently select context z-Z-aBAmOuy-00219-00054695-00054847 information before feeding it to the z-Z-aBAmOuy-00220-00054848-00055254 model z-Z-aBAmOuy-00221-00055255-00055454 we also have done an application on z-Z-aBAmOuy-00222-00055455-00055663 separating the vector spaces z-Z-aBAmOuy-00223-00055664-00055999 and we find that separating z-Z-aBAmOuy-00224-00056000-00056287 the embedding spaces in this way helps z-Z-aBAmOuy-00225-00056288-00056535 or gives a boost to the performance z-Z-aBAmOuy-00226-00056536-00056903 on both the datasets z-Z-aBAmOuy-00227-00056904-00057207 so to conclude we find that kgs are a z-Z-aBAmOuy-00228-00057208-00057366 rich source of knowledge z-Z-aBAmOuy-00229-00057367-00057766 and utilizing the context information z-Z-aBAmOuy-00230-00057767-00058015 effectively helps learn an amicable z-Z-aBAmOuy-00231-00058016-00058182 representation z-Z-aBAmOuy-00232-00058183-00058311 more expressive embeddings can be z-Z-aBAmOuy-00233-00058312-00058479 achieved when the entity and relation z-Z-aBAmOuy-00234-00058479-00058615 embeddings are learned in separate z-Z-aBAmOuy-00235-00058616-00058815 spaces z-Z-aBAmOuy-00236-00058816-00059166 baseline for the sentential retask z-Z-aBAmOuy-00237-00059167-00059454 and on the results obtained or from the z-Z-aBAmOuy-00238-00059455-00059607 results obtained on the multi-instance z-Z-aBAmOuy-00239-00059608-00059775 data set we submit z-Z-aBAmOuy-00240-00059776-00060047 that kg context is a trade-off for the z-Z-aBAmOuy-00241-00060048-00060319 multi-instance re setting z-Z-aBAmOuy-00242-00060320-00060599 open questions are what other forms of z-Z-aBAmOuy-00243-00060600-00060815 kgt box concepts could be used z-Z-aBAmOuy-00244-00060816-00061015 in addition to the four attribute z-Z-aBAmOuy-00245-00061016-00061319 information we have used z-Z-aBAmOuy-00246-00061320-00061623 which triples to the z-Z-aBAmOuy-00247-00061624-00061879 performance and can we intelligently z-Z-aBAmOuy-00248-00061879-00061959 select z-Z-aBAmOuy-00249-00061960-00062191 context information before feeding it to z-Z-aBAmOuy-00250-00062191-00062391 the network z-Z-aBAmOuy-00251-00062391-00062599 and also how do we induce ontology z-Z-aBAmOuy-00252-00062600-00062719 reasoning approaches z-Z-aBAmOuy-00253-00062720-00063063 as a form of kg context z-Z-aBAmOuy-00254-00063064-00063383 that's all thank you z_3_SCmc9ko-00000-00001095-00001224 [Music] z_3_SCmc9ko-00001-00001225-00003719 thank you z_3_SCmc9ko-00003-00007184-00010133 thank you z_3_SCmc9ko-00004-00010134-00013102 foreign z_3_SCmc9ko-00008-00026799-00027190 [Music] z_3_SCmc9ko-00009-00027191-00027617 foreign z_3_SCmc9ko-00011-00031122-00031423 [Music] z_3_SCmc9ko-00012-00031424-00033345 thank you z_3_SCmc9ko-00013-00033346-00035909 [Music] z_3_SCmc9ko-00015-00039618-00042190 foreign z_3_SCmc9ko-00018-00048222-00049234 [Music] z_3_SCmc9ko-00019-00049235-00049487 [Music] z_3_SCmc9ko-00020-00049488-00049707 foreign z_3_SCmc9ko-00021-00049708-00052503 [Music] z_3_SCmc9ko-00022-00052504-00053266 [Music] z_3_SCmc9ko-00023-00053267-00053520 foreign z_3_SCmc9ko-00024-00053521-00054920 [Music] z_3_SCmc9ko-00025-00054921-00055470 [Music] z_3_SCmc9ko-00026-00055471-00056141 [Music] z_3_SCmc9ko-00027-00056141-00056525 foreign z_3_SCmc9ko-00028-00056526-00058035 foreign z_3_SCmc9ko-00029-00058036-00058753 [Music] z_3_SCmc9ko-00030-00058754-00059411 [Music] z_3_SCmc9ko-00031-00059412-00060175 [Music] z_3_SCmc9ko-00032-00060176-00060371 thank you z_3_SCmc9ko-00033-00060372-00060550 foreign z_3_SCmc9ko-00034-00060551-00062509 [Music] z_3_SCmc9ko-00035-00062510-00062996 [Music] z_3_SCmc9ko-00036-00062997-00063750 [Laughter] z_3_SCmc9ko-00037-00063751-00065307 [Music] z_3_SCmc9ko-00038-00065308-00065491 [Music] z_3_SCmc9ko-00039-00065491-00065924 thank you z_3_SCmc9ko-00040-00065925-00066394 [Music] z_3_SCmc9ko-00041-00066395-00066767 foreign z_3_SCmc9ko-00042-00066768-00066859 foreign z_3_SCmc9ko-00043-00066860-00067948 [Music] z_3_SCmc9ko-00044-00067949-00070006 [Music] z_3_SCmc9ko-00045-00070007-00072899 foreign z_3_SCmc9ko-00047-00076236-00076635 foreign z_3_SCmc9ko-00048-00076636-00078496 [Music] z_3_SCmc9ko-00049-00078497-00079571 [Music] z_3_SCmc9ko-00051-00083094-00085020 foreign z_3_SCmc9ko-00052-00085021-00085746 [Music] z_3_SCmc9ko-00053-00085747-00086165 [Music] z_3_SCmc9ko-00054-00086166-00086701 foreign z_3_SCmc9ko-00055-00086702-00088562 [Music] z_3_SCmc9ko-00056-00088563-00089531 [Music] z_3_SCmc9ko-00057-00089532-00089757 foreign z_3_SCmc9ko-00058-00089758-00090370 [Music] z_3_SCmc9ko-00059-00090371-00091583 [Music] z_3_SCmc9ko-00060-00091584-00092335 [Music] z_3_SCmc9ko-00061-00092336-00093199 [Music] z_3_SCmc9ko-00062-00093200-00093644 thank you foreign z_3_SCmc9ko-00063-00093645-00094224 [Music] z_3_SCmc9ko-00064-00094225-00095177 [Music] z_3_SCmc9ko-00065-00095178-00096071 [Music] z_3_SCmc9ko-00066-00096072-00096987 foreign z_3_SCmc9ko-00067-00096988-00097223 [Music] z_3_SCmc9ko-00068-00097224-00097984 foreign z_3_SCmc9ko-00070-00184508-00184788 thank you z_3_SCmc9ko-00071-00184789-00185659 [Music] z_3_SCmc9ko-00072-00185660-00186278 [Music] z_3_SCmc9ko-00073-00186279-00187378 [Music] z_3_SCmc9ko-00077-00196817-00199733 foreign z_3_SCmc9ko-00080-00209213-00210809 foreign z_3_SCmc9ko-00081-00210810-00211421 [Music] z_3_SCmc9ko-00082-00211421-00212656 foreign z_3_SCmc9ko-00083-00212657-00215375 [Music] z_3_SCmc9ko-00084-00215376-00218201 foreign z_3_SCmc9ko-00087-00226825-00227179 [Music] z_3_SCmc9ko-00088-00227180-00227448 thank you z_3_SCmc9ko-00089-00227450-00229321 [Music] z_3_SCmc9ko-00090-00229321-00230248 [Music] z_3_SCmc9ko-00091-00230248-00230875 [Music] z_3_SCmc9ko-00092-00230876-00231537 thank you z_3_SCmc9ko-00093-00231538-00233109 [Music] z_3_SCmc9ko-00094-00233110-00233573 [Music] z_3_SCmc9ko-00095-00233573-00236240 foreign z_3_SCmc9ko-00096-00236241-00237029 [Music] z_3_SCmc9ko-00097-00237030-00237669 foreign z_3_SCmc9ko-00098-00237669-00238950 [Music] z_3_SCmc9ko-00099-00238951-00240496 [Music] z_3_SCmc9ko-00100-00240498-00241021 foreign z_3_SCmc9ko-00101-00241021-00241900 [Music] z_3_SCmc9ko-00102-00241901-00242544 [Music] z_3_SCmc9ko-00103-00242546-00243275 [Music] z_3_SCmc9ko-00104-00243276-00243544 foreign z_3_SCmc9ko-00105-00243546-00244919 [Music] z_3_SCmc9ko-00106-00244921-00245736 [Music] z_3_SCmc9ko-00107-00245737-00246378 [Music] z_3_SCmc9ko-00108-00246379-00246839 [Music] z_3_SCmc9ko-00109-00246840-00247319 foreign z_3_SCmc9ko-00110-00247321-00248808 [Music] z_3_SCmc9ko-00111-00248809-00250210 [Music] z_3_SCmc9ko-00114-00257256-00259740 foreign z_3_SCmc9ko-00115-00259741-00259919 [Music] z_3_SCmc9ko-00116-00259919-00260438 foreign z_3_SCmc9ko-00117-00260439-00261202 [Music] z_3_SCmc9ko-00118-00261203-00263300 [Music] z_3_SCmc9ko-00119-00263301-00263953 [Music] z_3_SCmc9ko-00120-00263954-00264143 [Music] z_3_SCmc9ko-00121-00264144-00264445 foreign z_3_SCmc9ko-00123-00269502-00272410 foreign z_3_SCmc9ko-00124-00272411-00272843 foreign z_3_SCmc9ko-00126-00275983-00276203 thank you z_3_SCmc9ko-00127-00276204-00276443 foreign z_3_SCmc9ko-00129-00279942-00280155 foreign z_3_SCmc9ko-00131-00283278-00283729 foreign z_3_SCmc9ko-00132-00283730-00285203 [Music] z_3_SCmc9ko-00133-00285204-00286193 [Music] z_3_SCmc9ko-00134-00286194-00286313 foreign z_3_SCmc9ko-00135-00286314-00287080 [Music] z_3_SCmc9ko-00136-00287081-00288718 [Music] z_3_SCmc9ko-00137-00288719-00289475 [Music] z_3_SCmc9ko-00138-00289476-00289539 foreign z_3_SCmc9ko-00139-00289540-00290576 [Music] z_3_SCmc9ko-00140-00290577-00292625 [Music] z_3_SCmc9ko-00145-00306864-00309399 foreign z_3_SCmc9ko-00146-00309400-00309923 [Music] z_3_SCmc9ko-00147-00309924-00310233 foreign z_3_SCmc9ko-00148-00310234-00311358 [Music] z_3_SCmc9ko-00149-00311359-00312097 [Music] z_3_SCmc9ko-00150-00312098-00312265 [Applause] z_3_SCmc9ko-00151-00312266-00312767 [Music] z_3_SCmc9ko-00152-00312768-00313073 foreign z_3_SCmc9ko-00153-00313074-00313466 foreign z_3_SCmc9ko-00154-00313467-00315333 [Music] z_3_SCmc9ko-00155-00315334-00316589 [Music] z_3_SCmc9ko-00156-00316590-00317108 foreign z_3_SCmc9ko-00157-00317109-00318848 [Music] z_3_SCmc9ko-00158-00318849-00319741 [Music] z_3_SCmc9ko-00159-00319742-00319906 [Music] z_3_SCmc9ko-00160-00319907-00320144 foreign z_3_SCmc9ko-00161-00320145-00322938 [Music] z_3_SCmc9ko-00162-00322939-00323482 [Music] z_3_SCmc9ko-00163-00323483-00323803 foreign z_3_SCmc9ko-00164-00323804-00325692 [Music] z_3_SCmc9ko-00165-00325693-00326471 [Music] z_3_SCmc9ko-00168-00334698-00337313 foreign z_3_SCmc9ko-00169-00337314-00338698 foreign z_3_SCmc9ko-00170-00338699-00340673 [Music] z_3_SCmc9ko-00171-00340674-00340982 foreign z_3_SCmc9ko-00172-00340983-00343001 [Laughter] z_3_SCmc9ko-00173-00343002-00343871 [Music] z_3_SCmc9ko-00175-00347594-00347806 thank you z_3_SCmc9ko-00179-00357507-00358710 [Laughter] z_3_SCmc9ko-00180-00358711-00359851 thank you z_3_SCmc9ko-00181-00359852-00361021 [Music] z_3_SCmc9ko-00182-00361022-00361525 [Music] z_3_SCmc9ko-00183-00361526-00361927 thank you z_3_SCmc9ko-00184-00361928-00364030 [Music] z_3_SCmc9ko-00185-00364031-00364518 foreign z_3_SCmc9ko-00187-00367910-00368113 [Music] z_3_SCmc9ko-00188-00368114-00368291 thank you z_3_SCmc9ko-00189-00368292-00368517 foreign z_3_SCmc9ko-00190-00368518-00369771 [Music] z_3_SCmc9ko-00191-00369772-00370925 [Music] z_3_SCmc9ko-00192-00370926-00371578 foreign z_3_SCmc9ko-00194-00376992-00377103 foreign z_3_SCmc9ko-00196-00380166-00380466 foreign zCxcpUDpfZY-00000-00000042-00000949 [Music] zCxcpUDpfZY-00001-00000950-00002068 I found you the perfect summer job what zCxcpUDpfZY-00002-00002069-00002533 would that be human air conditioner wing zCxcpUDpfZY-00005-00015028-00016286 six ooh zCxcpUDpfZY-00006-00016287-00016866 way better but now you have to port for zCxcpUDpfZY-00007-00016867-00017369 this one but on your orchid but I work zCxcpUDpfZY-00010-00029844-00031815 serious bro zCxcpUDpfZY-00011-00031816-00033929 eyetality sub-zero winds teach my army zCxcpUDpfZY-00012-00033930-00034273 sub-zero I do not recall accepting an zCxcpUDpfZY-00013-00034274-00034635 offer you will meet my demand when we zCxcpUDpfZY-00017-00052069-00053063 but zCxcpUDpfZY-00019-00059903-00061291 six ooh honor your Outworld lineage then zCxcpUDpfZY-00021-00065586-00066651 [Applause] zCxcpUDpfZY-00023-00073916-00074049 fatality zCxcpUDpfZY-00024-00074050-00075455 sub-zero wings st. Cyril black dragon zCxcpUDpfZY-00025-00075456-00078311 fight zCxcpUDpfZY-00026-00078312-00078711 perhaps are you doing well if you are zCxcpUDpfZY-00027-00078712-00079633 not worthy scarlet you zCxcpUDpfZY-00029-00083007-00083662 [Applause] zCxcpUDpfZY-00030-00083663-00084653 [Music] zCxcpUDpfZY-00033-00091271-00092737 [Music] zCxcpUDpfZY-00034-00092738-00094028 [Applause] zCxcpUDpfZY-00036-00097397-00099093 named 2/4 zCxcpUDpfZY-00037-00099094-00099346 [Applause] zCxcpUDpfZY-00038-00099347-00100816 [Music] zCxcpUDpfZY-00039-00100817-00101399 [Music] zCxcpUDpfZY-00040-00101400-00102805 [Applause] zCxcpUDpfZY-00041-00102806-00104636 [Music] zCxcpUDpfZY-00042-00104638-00105309 [Music] zCxcpUDpfZY-00043-00105310-00105451 [Music] zCxcpUDpfZY-00044-00105452-00106008 Stan zCxcpUDpfZY-00046-00112149-00112842 two swords zCxcpUDpfZY-00047-00112843-00113218 [Music] zCxcpUDpfZY-00048-00113219-00114377 [Applause] zCxcpUDpfZY-00049-00114378-00114420 [Music] zCxcpUDpfZY-00050-00114421-00117408 [Applause] zCxcpUDpfZY-00051-00117409-00119849 like what's your last wish to make your zCxcpUDpfZY-00052-00119850-00120290 first baby now I need sex issues and zCxcpUDpfZY-00053-00120291-00120733 pick the best zCxcpUDpfZY-00054-00120734-00120993 to make your first big zCxcpUDpfZY-00055-00120994-00121390 nine eight seven six zCxcpUDpfZY-00056-00121391-00121640 five four three two zCxcpUDpfZY-00057-00121641-00121893 [Music] zDMWEfUs8IA-00000-00000000-00001212 should make a video pods or opt guy yet zDMWEfUs8IA-00001-00001213-00001591 I'll shoot the washer coming up the ones zDMWEfUs8IA-00002-00001592-00001864 on the right side eye balls over here zDMWEfUs8IA-00003-00001866-00002620 both of you earlier those are annoying zDMWEfUs8IA-00004-00002621-00004167 please pinky zDMWEfUs8IA-00005-00004168-00004646 ok this is [__] I pretty God boss I zDMWEfUs8IA-00006-00004647-00004928 think we'd make it zDMWEfUs8IA-00007-00004929-00005384 I duties a game show brings cannon great zDMWEfUs8IA-00008-00005385-00005831 something sega market and allows to stop zDMWEfUs8IA-00009-00005832-00006393 working zDMWEfUs8IA-00010-00006394-00007275 Wow zDMWEfUs8IA-00011-00007276-00007656 odds are [__] LP those guys are zDMWEfUs8IA-00012-00007658-00007906 dancing don't get our [__] talk to zDMWEfUs8IA-00013-00007906-00008716 potential so uh or it's your fault zDMWEfUs8IA-00014-00008717-00008935 because you added laser instead of zDMWEfUs8IA-00015-00008936-00009340 entire or its again fall zGWwfWABEeI-00000-00000000-00000196 in this quick video I'm going to show zGWwfWABEeI-00001-00000197-00000586 you how to dock course blocks on your zGWwfWABEeI-00002-00000587-00000829 Moodle site and also how to minimize and zGWwfWABEeI-00003-00000830-00001022 maximize the blocks now if you wonder zGWwfWABEeI-00004-00001023-00001244 what the heck of block is there on the zGWwfWABEeI-00005-00001245-00001394 left and the right hand side of your zGWwfWABEeI-00006-00001395-00001603 screen these are called blocks messages zGWwfWABEeI-00007-00001604-00001813 is a block activities is a block zGWwfWABEeI-00008-00001814-00002180 upcoming events these are all undocked zGWwfWABEeI-00009-00002181-00002417 right now it kind of doesn't make sense zGWwfWABEeI-00010-00002418-00002593 because they look like they're docked zGWwfWABEeI-00011-00002594-00002883 but in Moodle terms this is called zGWwfWABEeI-00012-00002884-00003229 undocked so let's say for instance I zGWwfWABEeI-00013-00003230-00003379 just want to minimize the upcoming zGWwfWABEeI-00014-00003380-00003779 events kind of make this less long I can zGWwfWABEeI-00015-00003779-00004088 do that or I can click + to open it zGWwfWABEeI-00016-00004089-00004433 again now you may have done this and not zGWwfWABEeI-00017-00004434-00004643 notice this before but let's say in this zGWwfWABEeI-00018-00004644-00004856 activities block you've clicked this zGWwfWABEeI-00019-00004857-00005093 little blue it's kind of a little narrow zGWwfWABEeI-00020-00005094-00005311 thing it says move this to the dock zGWwfWABEeI-00021-00005312-00005534 alright so I'm going to click that and zGWwfWABEeI-00022-00005535-00005717 now you can see that there is this a zGWwfWABEeI-00023-00005718-00005863 little bit of space here and this zGWwfWABEeI-00024-00005864-00006154 activities tab is over here all you have zGWwfWABEeI-00025-00006155-00006361 to do is hold your mouse over it and zGWwfWABEeI-00026-00006362-00006659 then that whole doc will appear some zGWwfWABEeI-00027-00006659-00006884 people like just to have the tabs up and zGWwfWABEeI-00028-00006884-00007070 down the sides you may want to dock all zGWwfWABEeI-00029-00007070-00007556 of these blocks on this left-hand side zGWwfWABEeI-00030-00007556-00007712 for instance and then it would move the zGWwfWABEeI-00031-00007713-00008103 the main window give this more room zGWwfWABEeI-00032-00008104-00008339 however if you didn't know about this zGWwfWABEeI-00033-00008340-00008483 and let's say for instance you went zGWwfWABEeI-00034-00008484-00008681 you're going to look for your grades and zGWwfWABEeI-00035-00008682-00009053 you happen to dock your grades well zGWwfWABEeI-00036-00009054-00009269 you're looking and looking at you think zGWwfWABEeI-00037-00009270-00009517 well where are my grades well you docked zGWwfWABEeI-00038-00009518-00009742 them and it's over here under settings zGWwfWABEeI-00039-00009743-00009998 and if you hold your mouse over settings zGWwfWABEeI-00040-00009999-00010189 you'll be able to see your grades now zGWwfWABEeI-00041-00010190-00010685 I'm logged in as a student so I for some zGWwfWABEeI-00042-00010686-00010946 reason how have a great here but ignore zGWwfWABEeI-00043-00010947-00011162 that but so I don't show any grades but zGWwfWABEeI-00044-00011163-00011335 this is where you would find your grades zGWwfWABEeI-00045-00011336-00011671 it's very important for you right now to zGWwfWABEeI-00046-00011672-00011839 look at the grades that you've received zGWwfWABEeI-00047-00011840-00012083 and make sure that everything that zGWwfWABEeI-00048-00012084-00012452 you've submitted does have a grade if it zGWwfWABEeI-00049-00012453-00012808 does not then i encourage you to wait zGWwfWABEeI-00050-00012809-00012997 till next week because i'm not going to zGWwfWABEeI-00051-00012998-00013222 be submitting grades until the week zGWwfWABEeI-00052-00013223-00013343 after next zGWwfWABEeI-00053-00013344-00013621 but make sure that you submit this zGWwfWABEeI-00054-00013622-00013897 ungraded assignments form if there are zGWwfWABEeI-00055-00013899-00014132 any grades that you'll you are missing zGWwfWABEeI-00056-00014133-00014357 in the grade book of assignments that zGWwfWABEeI-00057-00014358-00014531 you have submitted of course make sure zGWwfWABEeI-00058-00014532-00014735 you've submitted the assignments to the zGWwfWABEeI-00059-00014736-00014960 correct assignment area most of our zGWwfWABEeI-00060-00014961-00015179 assignments are shared as you know with zGWwfWABEeI-00061-00015180-00015482 your classmates so they would be in the zGWwfWABEeI-00062-00015483-00015797 discussion forums so again let's say you zGWwfWABEeI-00063-00015797-00016119 want to this is called docked and then zGWwfWABEeI-00064-00016121-00016394 it's undocked when you hold you'll see zGWwfWABEeI-00065-00016395-00016646 you'll hold your mouse over this larger zGWwfWABEeI-00066-00016647-00016877 blue vertical bar you can click undock zGWwfWABEeI-00067-00016878-00017033 and again I can do that again for zGWwfWABEeI-00068-00017034-00017474 activities I can undock this and I can zGWwfWABEeI-00069-00017475-00017681 have it pop back in there so again I zGWwfWABEeI-00070-00017682-00017941 wanted to make sure you knew about this zGWwfWABEeI-00071-00017942-00018338 docking feature of blocks in Moodle I zGWwfWABEeI-00072-00018339-00018548 hope this helps and please contact me zGWwfWABEeI-00073-00018549-00018863 with any questions or concerns zLA_erT3fng-00000-00000012-00000275 we are rising Rising zLA_erT3fng-00001-00000276-00000569 and Keep on Dancing zLA_erT3fng-00002-00000570-00000839 we are rising Rising zLA_erT3fng-00003-00000840-00001162 and Keep on Dancing zLA_erT3fng-00004-00001163-00001397 no type of drama zLA_erT3fng-00005-00001398-00001970 instead single nameless babies zLA_erT3fng-00006-00001971-00004122 [Music] zLA_erT3fng-00007-00004123-00004228 thank you zLA_erT3fng-00008-00004229-00005390 [Music] zLA_erT3fng-00009-00005391-00006959 [Music] zLA_erT3fng-00010-00006959-00007320 foreign zLA_erT3fng-00011-00007322-00009194 [Music] zMYMLjujzN4-00000-00000006-00000380 hey there it's lzb I am Elektra and I zMYMLjujzN4-00001-00000381-00000607 teach lightly and Singlish speakers and zMYMLjujzN4-00002-00000608-00000965 today I am going to continue convincing zMYMLjujzN4-00003-00000966-00001295 you but a Latvian is not that difficult zMYMLjujzN4-00004-00001296-00001556 well every language every foreign zMYMLjujzN4-00005-00001557-00001841 language that you aspire to learn will zMYMLjujzN4-00006-00001842-00002096 require some work from you but I don't zMYMLjujzN4-00007-00002097-00002401 think that Latvian is one of the hardest zMYMLjujzN4-00008-00002402-00002687 languages to learn it's just our zMYMLjujzN4-00009-00002688-00003050 perception and I attempt to change it zMYMLjujzN4-00010-00003051-00003146 today zMYMLjujzN4-00011-00003147-00003458 I will help you with some words in fact zMYMLjujzN4-00012-00003459-00003829 I'm hoping to teach you 10 Latvian words zMYMLjujzN4-00013-00003830-00004147 today and those will be 10 names of zMYMLjujzN4-00014-00004148-00004495 professions and this lesson will be like zMYMLjujzN4-00015-00004496-00004802 a listening exercise listening for zMYMLjujzN4-00016-00004803-00005063 comprehension because there are many zMYMLjujzN4-00017-00005064-00005441 words in wetland that actually have been zMYMLjujzN4-00018-00005442-00005650 borrowed from other languages zMYMLjujzN4-00019-00005651-00005933 specifically you will have a similar zMYMLjujzN4-00020-00005934-00006272 word in English to the words that I'm zMYMLjujzN4-00021-00006273-00006436 going to teach you today zMYMLjujzN4-00022-00006437-00006800 so what I would like to do today is that zMYMLjujzN4-00023-00006801-00007114 if you could take a piece of paper and a zMYMLjujzN4-00024-00007115-00007412 pen or a pencil because I'm going to zMYMLjujzN4-00025-00007413-00007706 read you ten names of professions in zMYMLjujzN4-00026-00007706-00008020 what then and your task will be to guess zMYMLjujzN4-00027-00008022-00008501 what that profession is in English so zMYMLjujzN4-00028-00008502-00008792 pause the video now and resume playing zMYMLjujzN4-00029-00008793-00009026 after you've gotten that piece of paper zMYMLjujzN4-00030-00009027-00009584 and pen or pencil all right all set zMYMLjujzN4-00031-00009585-00009792 I'll start with reading the first zMYMLjujzN4-00032-00009793-00010412 profession architects now write on your zMYMLjujzN4-00033-00010413-00010583 piece of paper what do you think it zMYMLjujzN4-00034-00010584-00010987 means in English I'll read it again zMYMLjujzN4-00035-00010988-00011713 architects next is duck their race I'll zMYMLjujzN4-00036-00011714-00011933 read it again duck zMYMLjujzN4-00037-00011934-00012316 their race and write it down in English zMYMLjujzN4-00038-00012317-00013206 number three is Polly cysts Polly safe zMYMLjujzN4-00039-00013207-00014122 and number four is so ferris saw fairies zMYMLjujzN4-00040-00014122-00014959 and number five is sniper wrists snipe zMYMLjujzN4-00041-00014960-00015897 Paris and now number six is red Paris zMYMLjujzN4-00042-00015897-00016563 great Paris and number seven would be zMYMLjujzN4-00043-00016564-00017461 diplomat diplomat and number eight would zMYMLjujzN4-00044-00017462-00018441 be beloved be lots and number nine is zMYMLjujzN4-00045-00018442-00019186 octi a race up the race and finally zMYMLjujzN4-00046-00019187-00019492 number ten the most difficult one or at zMYMLjujzN4-00047-00019493-00019735 least the longest one zMYMLjujzN4-00048-00019736-00020322 elack draw Monte a race once more Alec zMYMLjujzN4-00049-00020323-00020860 draw Monte a race was that fun I hope it zMYMLjujzN4-00050-00020861-00021100 was and now I'll have those words on zMYMLjujzN4-00051-00021101-00021394 your screens so that you can see how zMYMLjujzN4-00052-00021395-00021700 they are spelt and I'll tell you what zMYMLjujzN4-00053-00021701-00021940 they mean but I will also read them zMYMLjujzN4-00054-00021941-00022267 aloud and I encourage you to read zMYMLjujzN4-00055-00022268-00022543 together with me I'll read them twice zMYMLjujzN4-00056-00022544-00022800 you can listen the first time and then zMYMLjujzN4-00057-00022801-00023053 when I read it the second time please zMYMLjujzN4-00058-00023054-00023556 read it together with me let's do it zMYMLjujzN4-00059-00023557-00024036 Architects are hypocrites zMYMLjujzN4-00060-00024037-00024389 and of course it means an architect zMYMLjujzN4-00061-00024390-00025019 next is duck their race duck their race zMYMLjujzN4-00062-00025020-00025515 and of course it means a doctor and zMYMLjujzN4-00063-00025516-00026264 number three is pole exists pole exists zMYMLjujzN4-00064-00026264-00026665 and that means a police officer zMYMLjujzN4-00065-00026666-00027208 number four is so fairies zMYMLjujzN4-00066-00027210-00027812 so fairies and it means a chauffeur zMYMLjujzN4-00067-00027813-00028577 number five is snipe Paris snipe Paris zMYMLjujzN4-00068-00028577-00029100 and it means a sniper and number six is zMYMLjujzN4-00069-00029101-00029802 a rape a race bred Paris and it means a zMYMLjujzN4-00070-00029802-00029939 rapper zMYMLjujzN4-00071-00029939-00030764 number seven is diplomats diplomats and zMYMLjujzN4-00072-00030764-00031127 it means a diplomat zMYMLjujzN4-00073-00031127-00031869 number eight is pillows bill watts and zMYMLjujzN4-00074-00031870-00032090 it means a pilot zMYMLjujzN4-00075-00032091-00032757 number nine is up theories up theorists zMYMLjujzN4-00076-00032758-00033446 and it means an actor and finally number zMYMLjujzN4-00077-00033447-00034087 ten is Alec draw Monte Aires electro zMYMLjujzN4-00078-00034088-00034551 Monte a race and it means an electric zMYMLjujzN4-00079-00034552-00034952 installer so I hope you did really well zMYMLjujzN4-00080-00034953-00035232 but I'll show you the list of words zMYMLjujzN4-00081-00035233-00035619 again and look at the endings you will zMYMLjujzN4-00082-00035620-00035846 notice that the names of professions are zMYMLjujzN4-00083-00035847-00036225 either of the first declension or the zMYMLjujzN4-00084-00036226-00036525 second declension remember I explained zMYMLjujzN4-00085-00036526-00036888 you declensions during the last video so zMYMLjujzN4-00086-00036889-00037175 if I were to say that I'm calling an zMYMLjujzN4-00087-00037176-00037307 architect zMYMLjujzN4-00088-00037308-00037942 then I would say s vano architect um zMYMLjujzN4-00089-00037943-00038306 remember how the endings changed when a zMYMLjujzN4-00090-00038307-00038612 noun was an indirect object in this case zMYMLjujzN4-00091-00038613-00039104 the now would be an indirect object so zMYMLjujzN4-00092-00039105-00039335 let's think how you would say I am zMYMLjujzN4-00093-00039336-00039758 calling a doctor because a doctor is zMYMLjujzN4-00094-00039759-00040190 duck Terrace and if this noun is an zMYMLjujzN4-00095-00040191-00040393 indirect object in a sentence zMYMLjujzN4-00096-00040394-00040715 how would that ending change well I'll zMYMLjujzN4-00097-00040716-00041105 help you with that you would say s vano zMYMLjujzN4-00098-00041106-00041534 duck bearing let's try with the next zMYMLjujzN4-00099-00041535-00042068 word the next was poly cysts politics is zMYMLjujzN4-00100-00042069-00042455 which the question of course it is the zMYMLjujzN4-00101-00042456-00042815 first declension so if I wanted to say I zMYMLjujzN4-00102-00042816-00043142 am calling the police officer you would zMYMLjujzN4-00103-00043143-00043880 say s Savano poly system right and the zMYMLjujzN4-00104-00043881-00044417 next one was softer this soft Ferris it zMYMLjujzN4-00105-00044418-00044662 has an ending is so which the clinician zMYMLjujzN4-00106-00044663-00045035 is it it is the second declension zMYMLjujzN4-00107-00045036-00045371 therefore if I were to say I am calling zMYMLjujzN4-00108-00045372-00045860 the chauffeur I would say s von Schaack zMYMLjujzN4-00109-00045861-00046327 Fairlane number five was sniper is a zMYMLjujzN4-00110-00046328-00046685 sniper and I'm hoping that you would not zMYMLjujzN4-00111-00046686-00047030 call up a sniper to place an order to zMYMLjujzN4-00112-00047031-00047330 shoot somebody so I'll stop here because zMYMLjujzN4-00113-00047331-00047621 I hope you got the point so this is a zMYMLjujzN4-00114-00047622-00047882 short lesson but I hope that a very zMYMLjujzN4-00115-00047883-00048167 useful one and you know what I have a zMYMLjujzN4-00116-00048168-00048287 surprise for you zMYMLjujzN4-00117-00048288-00048644 I have another free meaning a lesson if zMYMLjujzN4-00118-00048645-00049079 you wish to acquire it and in that video zMYMLjujzN4-00119-00049080-00049379 lesson I will teach what each of these zMYMLjujzN4-00120-00049380-00049739 people do at work namely I will teach zMYMLjujzN4-00121-00049740-00050030 you Latvian verbs I will tell you how to zMYMLjujzN4-00122-00050031-00050333 say what the policeman does at work zMYMLjujzN4-00123-00050334-00050579 what an architect desert war zMYMLjujzN4-00124-00050580-00050975 and etc so in order to acquire this free zMYMLjujzN4-00125-00050976-00051311 video lesson you only need to click on zMYMLjujzN4-00126-00051312-00051548 the link in the description of this zMYMLjujzN4-00127-00051549-00051887 video and that will take you to a little zMYMLjujzN4-00128-00051888-00052166 opt-in box where you will be able to zMYMLjujzN4-00129-00052166-00052421 express your wish to receive that video zMYMLjujzN4-00130-00052422-00052739 lesson from me and then I will send it zMYMLjujzN4-00131-00052740-00053108 to you in an email this free video zMYMLjujzN4-00132-00053109-00053402 lesson is sponsored by my course like zMYMLjujzN4-00133-00053403-00053675 vinne for English speakers that I am zMYMLjujzN4-00134-00053676-00053936 going to reopen at the end of this month zMYMLjujzN4-00135-00053937-00054248 and you don't need to do anything in zMYMLjujzN4-00136-00054249-00054470 order to learn more about this course zMYMLjujzN4-00137-00054471-00054730 only to opt-in for this free video zMYMLjujzN4-00138-00054732-00055028 lesson because that way I will acquire zMYMLjujzN4-00139-00055029-00055241 your email address and know that you are zMYMLjujzN4-00140-00055241-00055628 interested in learning Latvian more or zMYMLjujzN4-00141-00055629-00055928 only so I will send you an email about zMYMLjujzN4-00142-00055929-00056222 my course when it's available for zMYMLjujzN4-00143-00056223-00056404 purchase and then you can make your zMYMLjujzN4-00144-00056405-00056704 decision if you want to buy it but now zMYMLjujzN4-00145-00056705-00056861 I'll say bye-bye zMYMLjujzN4-00146-00056862-00057197 haha till the next time and the next zMYMLjujzN4-00147-00057198-00057488 video I think will also be very useful zMYMLjujzN4-00148-00057489-00057803 because I will be responding to somebody zMYMLjujzN4-00149-00057804-00058129 is letter to me so stay tuned in zMYMLjujzN4-00150-00058130-00058409 subscribe to my youtube channel if you zMYMLjujzN4-00151-00058410-00058692 haven't done it yet and have a wonderful zMYMLjujzN4-00152-00058694-00058808 weekend zMYMLjujzN4-00153-00058809-00059114 bye bye ha zN-kR4sFKL4-00000-00001304-00001491 i'm the co-director of zN-kR4sFKL4-00001-00001492-00001814 zamasu as half as america zN-kR4sFKL4-00002-00001816-00002039 we're organizing a series of panel zN-kR4sFKL4-00003-00002039-00002191 discussions zN-kR4sFKL4-00004-00002192-00002479 to have a comparative approach to the zN-kR4sFKL4-00005-00002480-00002791 rising authoritarianism zN-kR4sFKL4-00006-00002792-00003102 and the struggle against it zN-kR4sFKL4-00007-00003103-00003335 the panels are organized by a joint zN-kR4sFKL4-00008-00003336-00003575 project of officer narcisse zN-kR4sFKL4-00009-00003576-00003815 with the association for monitoring zN-kR4sFKL4-00010-00003815-00003935 equal rights zN-kR4sFKL4-00011-00003936-00004399 turkey and dutch helsinki zN-kR4sFKL4-00012-00004400-00004719 as you might be well aware of civil zN-kR4sFKL4-00013-00004720-00004822 society is zN-kR4sFKL4-00014-00004823-00005054 currently under a threat in many parts zN-kR4sFKL4-00015-00005055-00005231 of the world zN-kR4sFKL4-00016-00005232-00005615 the 21st century introduced many nations zN-kR4sFKL4-00017-00005616-00005806 abandoning human rights zN-kR4sFKL4-00018-00005807-00006111 institutions and standards which zN-kR4sFKL4-00019-00006112-00006486 they previously supported zN-kR4sFKL4-00020-00006487-00006775 this era has been identified as the zN-kR4sFKL4-00021-00006776-00006846 shrinking zN-kR4sFKL4-00022-00006847-00007214 civil democratic space zN-kR4sFKL4-00023-00007215-00007551 making a situation worse the emergence zN-kR4sFKL4-00024-00007552-00007583 of zN-kR4sFKL4-00025-00007584-00007942 covet 19 as a global pandemic zN-kR4sFKL4-00026-00007943-00008219 created new risks and challenges for zN-kR4sFKL4-00027-00008220-00008335 rights-based zN-kR4sFKL4-00028-00008336-00008751 work as a whole we are holding a zN-kR4sFKL4-00029-00008752-00009031 series of online panels where we get the zN-kR4sFKL4-00030-00009032-00009303 chance to discuss human rights work zN-kR4sFKL4-00031-00009304-00009706 comparatively under covet 19 conditions zN-kR4sFKL4-00032-00009707-00010014 particularly within the framework of zN-kR4sFKL4-00033-00010015-00010999 shrinking civil space zN-kR4sFKL4-00034-00011000-00011283 we wanted to start from a conceptual zN-kR4sFKL4-00035-00011284-00011638 base to take a picture of activism under zN-kR4sFKL4-00036-00011639-00011831 shrinking civil space zN-kR4sFKL4-00037-00011832-00012142 in the first panel this session zN-kR4sFKL4-00038-00012143-00012406 will present an overview of the issues zN-kR4sFKL4-00039-00012407-00012551 and concepts zN-kR4sFKL4-00040-00012552-00012751 surrounding the notion of shrinking zN-kR4sFKL4-00041-00012752-00012910 civil space zN-kR4sFKL4-00042-00012911-00013263 it's evolving new shapes particularly in zN-kR4sFKL4-00043-00013263-00013479 the context of the pandemic zN-kR4sFKL4-00044-00013480-00013663 as well as a discussion on the new zN-kR4sFKL4-00045-00013663-00013911 tactics currently being employed as a zN-kR4sFKL4-00046-00013912-00014079 response zN-kR4sFKL4-00047-00014080-00014303 our second panel will be on the 5th of zN-kR4sFKL4-00048-00014304-00014399 november zN-kR4sFKL4-00049-00014400-00014703 it will be about digital rights and zN-kR4sFKL4-00050-00014704-00014775 nikat zN-kR4sFKL4-00051-00014776-00015079 that from pakistan and keramalta parma zN-kR4sFKL4-00052-00015080-00015191 from turkey zN-kR4sFKL4-00053-00015191-00015663 will participate on that second panel zN-kR4sFKL4-00054-00015663-00015975 maybe this attempt of discussing zN-kR4sFKL4-00055-00015976-00016047 shrinking zN-kR4sFKL4-00056-00016047-00016479 space or rising authoritarianism zN-kR4sFKL4-00057-00016480-00016783 in a series of comparative discussions zN-kR4sFKL4-00058-00016784-00017111 online can also be named zN-kR4sFKL4-00059-00017112-00017447 as citizen diplomacy zN-kR4sFKL4-00060-00017448-00017735 the name father for it is the venezuelan zN-kR4sFKL4-00061-00017736-00017983 ngo previa zN-kR4sFKL4-00062-00017984-00018230 this example comes from the wonderful zN-kR4sFKL4-00063-00018231-00018527 book about shrinking civil space zN-kR4sFKL4-00064-00018528-00018847 rising to the populist challenge by zN-kR4sFKL4-00065-00018848-00019158 cesar rodriguez garagito and krishna zN-kR4sFKL4-00066-00019159-00019335 gomez zN-kR4sFKL4-00067-00019336-00019591 i'm very happy to introduce mr cesar zN-kR4sFKL4-00068-00019592-00019703 rodriguez zN-kR4sFKL4-00069-00019704-00020030 garavito who is the co-director zN-kR4sFKL4-00070-00020031-00020247 center for human rights and global zN-kR4sFKL4-00071-00020248-00020399 justice zN-kR4sFKL4-00072-00020400-00020671 new york university school of law and zN-kR4sFKL4-00073-00020672-00020822 editor-in-chief of opel zN-kR4sFKL4-00074-00020823-00021191 global rights he is also the founder of zN-kR4sFKL4-00075-00021192-00021343 justlabs zN-kR4sFKL4-00076-00021344-00021567 he has been a visiting professor at new zN-kR4sFKL4-00077-00021568-00021727 york university zN-kR4sFKL4-00078-00021728-00022094 stanford university brown university the zN-kR4sFKL4-00079-00022095-00022183 university of zN-kR4sFKL4-00080-00022184-00022511 melbourne pretoria in south africa zN-kR4sFKL4-00081-00022512-00022703 and the european union university zN-kR4sFKL4-00082-00022704-00022975 institute and the american university in zN-kR4sFKL4-00083-00022976-00023271 cairo zN-kR4sFKL4-00084-00023272-00023463 it's not our first collaboration with zN-kR4sFKL4-00085-00023464-00023678 caesar and i'm very happy that we keep zN-kR4sFKL4-00086-00023679-00023958 coming together zN-kR4sFKL4-00087-00023959-00024207 the name of the first panel is reopening zN-kR4sFKL4-00088-00024208-00024414 civic spaces for civil society zN-kR4sFKL4-00089-00024415-00024878 society in times of covet 19. zN-kR4sFKL4-00090-00024879-00025222 shrinking civil spaces may be the zN-kR4sFKL4-00091-00025223-00025567 most popular uh concept of zN-kR4sFKL4-00092-00025568-00025878 uh civil rights organizations all around zN-kR4sFKL4-00093-00025879-00025918 the zN-kR4sFKL4-00094-00025919-00026246 world recently zN-kR4sFKL4-00095-00026247-00026527 and see that i would like to address my zN-kR4sFKL4-00096-00026527-00026711 first question zN-kR4sFKL4-00097-00026712-00026983 to you saying that your book in your zN-kR4sFKL4-00098-00026983-00027062 book zN-kR4sFKL4-00099-00027063-00027295 you state that the proliferation of zN-kR4sFKL4-00100-00027295-00027558 populist governments and movements zN-kR4sFKL4-00101-00027560-00027918 creates serious risks and challenges zN-kR4sFKL4-00102-00027919-00028231 for human rights around the world from zN-kR4sFKL4-00103-00028232-00028511 india to venezuela from the united zN-kR4sFKL4-00104-00028512-00028662 states to turkey zN-kR4sFKL4-00105-00028663-00028879 from hungary to russia and from the zN-kR4sFKL4-00106-00028880-00029095 philippines to poland zN-kR4sFKL4-00107-00029095-00029351 what is this concept of shrinking civil zN-kR4sFKL4-00108-00029352-00029455 space zN-kR4sFKL4-00109-00029456-00029790 and what are the common characteristics zN-kR4sFKL4-00110-00029791-00030270 of it zN-kR4sFKL4-00111-00030272-00030631 thank you let me begin by saying that zN-kR4sFKL4-00112-00030632-00030943 it is indeed a an honor for me to be zN-kR4sFKL4-00113-00030944-00031207 in this event and share this space with zN-kR4sFKL4-00114-00031208-00031302 murad zN-kR4sFKL4-00115-00031303-00031607 and happy summer casey and dutch zN-kR4sFKL4-00116-00031608-00031751 helsinki committee zN-kR4sFKL4-00117-00031752-00032102 who are all at the front lines zN-kR4sFKL4-00118-00032103-00032407 of both the analysis zN-kR4sFKL4-00119-00032408-00032614 and the struggle against illegal zN-kR4sFKL4-00120-00032616-00032783 democracies and against zN-kR4sFKL4-00121-00032784-00033095 shrinking civil society spaces it is zN-kR4sFKL4-00122-00033096-00033295 because of these zN-kR4sFKL4-00123-00033296-00033502 organizations and many others in zN-kR4sFKL4-00124-00033503-00033718 countries like the ones that were at zN-kR4sFKL4-00125-00033719-00034087 nicely mentioned is that human rights zN-kR4sFKL4-00126-00034088-00034502 continue to be thriving zN-kR4sFKL4-00127-00034503-00034751 at least as a promise for human dignity zN-kR4sFKL4-00128-00034752-00034855 around the world zN-kR4sFKL4-00129-00034856-00035279 and i'm honored to be here with you all zN-kR4sFKL4-00130-00035280-00035679 in terms of the concept zN-kR4sFKL4-00131-00035680-00035999 i would i would start by saying that zN-kR4sFKL4-00132-00036000-00036239 the most challenging aspect of the zN-kR4sFKL4-00133-00036240-00036383 current wave zN-kR4sFKL4-00134-00036384-00036702 of restrictions against the zN-kR4sFKL4-00135-00036703-00037007 civil society including um zN-kR4sFKL4-00136-00037008-00037287 ngos who work that work for human rights zN-kR4sFKL4-00137-00037288-00037471 independent media outlets and so on zN-kR4sFKL4-00138-00037472-00037718 academic institutions and so on zN-kR4sFKL4-00139-00037719-00038030 is that it's coming most of the time zN-kR4sFKL4-00140-00038031-00038390 from governments who were initially zN-kR4sFKL4-00141-00038391-00038759 elected through democratic processes zN-kR4sFKL4-00142-00038760-00038902 so this is not these are not the zN-kR4sFKL4-00143-00038903-00039071 authoritarians of zN-kR4sFKL4-00144-00039072-00039335 the late 20th century right the human zN-kR4sFKL4-00145-00039336-00039479 rights movement zN-kR4sFKL4-00146-00039480-00039727 originated in my own corner of the world zN-kR4sFKL4-00147-00039728-00039879 in latin america zN-kR4sFKL4-00148-00039880-00040102 in opposition to dictatorships of zN-kR4sFKL4-00149-00040103-00040183 military zN-kR4sFKL4-00150-00040184-00040599 dictatorships that arose in the 1970s zN-kR4sFKL4-00151-00040600-00040902 and that met with the resistance of zN-kR4sFKL4-00152-00040903-00041151 say the relatives of the quote-unquote zN-kR4sFKL4-00153-00041152-00041311 disappeared zN-kR4sFKL4-00154-00041312-00041774 by the southern cones military zN-kR4sFKL4-00155-00041775-00042111 juntas in argentina chile uruguay zN-kR4sFKL4-00156-00042112-00042423 and so on as zN-kR4sFKL4-00157-00042424-00042567 horrible as those human rights zN-kR4sFKL4-00158-00042568-00042807 violations were and as authoritarian as zN-kR4sFKL4-00159-00042808-00043030 those governments were zN-kR4sFKL4-00160-00043031-00043358 the game plan was relatively clear zN-kR4sFKL4-00161-00043359-00043567 for human rights organizations these zN-kR4sFKL4-00162-00043568-00043839 were unelected governments zN-kR4sFKL4-00163-00043840-00044143 that could be delegitimized zN-kR4sFKL4-00164-00044144-00044335 internationally precisely because they zN-kR4sFKL4-00165-00044336-00044535 had not zN-kR4sFKL4-00166-00044536-00044735 come to power through democratic zN-kR4sFKL4-00167-00044736-00044911 elections zN-kR4sFKL4-00168-00044912-00045223 now that playbook and this is the zN-kR4sFKL4-00169-00045224-00045423 term that we use in the book that zN-kR4sFKL4-00170-00045424-00045655 playbook of human rights activists zN-kR4sFKL4-00171-00045656-00045951 got more and more sophisticated more zN-kR4sFKL4-00172-00045952-00046327 impactful over the last 50 years zN-kR4sFKL4-00173-00046328-00046662 finds real obstacles and gets into zN-kR4sFKL4-00174-00046663-00046743 trouble zN-kR4sFKL4-00175-00046744-00047086 when it comes to facing off against zN-kR4sFKL4-00176-00047087-00047407 leaders in countries zN-kR4sFKL4-00177-00047408-00047783 around the world who came to office zN-kR4sFKL4-00178-00047784-00047918 through democratic means zN-kR4sFKL4-00179-00047919-00048271 only to then go go on to dismantle zN-kR4sFKL4-00180-00048272-00048599 democratic guarantees and zN-kR4sFKL4-00181-00048600-00048902 and this is where the new playbook zN-kR4sFKL4-00182-00048903-00049246 of authoritarian elected zN-kR4sFKL4-00183-00049247-00049527 government governments come in because zN-kR4sFKL4-00184-00049528-00049558 they zN-kR4sFKL4-00185-00049559-00050062 tend to be quite adept at using the law zN-kR4sFKL4-00186-00050063-00050430 to do away with democratic law and one zN-kR4sFKL4-00187-00050431-00050751 a perfect example is hungary victor zN-kR4sFKL4-00188-00050752-00050839 orban zN-kR4sFKL4-00189-00050840-00051270 for over a decade has very patiently zN-kR4sFKL4-00190-00051271-00051542 chipped away at the institutions of zN-kR4sFKL4-00191-00051544-00051679 democratic governments zN-kR4sFKL4-00192-00051679-00052046 back in the 1990s the hungarian zN-kR4sFKL4-00193-00052047-00052199 constitutional court zN-kR4sFKL4-00194-00052200-00052535 was a model actually was quoted as zN-kR4sFKL4-00195-00052536-00052854 a as a particularly um zN-kR4sFKL4-00196-00052855-00053166 independent sophisticated innovative zN-kR4sFKL4-00197-00053167-00053494 in in constitutional court however he zN-kR4sFKL4-00198-00053495-00053582 packed the court zN-kR4sFKL4-00199-00053583-00053782 then went on to use the electoral laws zN-kR4sFKL4-00200-00053783-00053887 to make sure zN-kR4sFKL4-00201-00053888-00054263 that the rules were changed to persecute zN-kR4sFKL4-00202-00054264-00054599 their opponents to the point that even zN-kR4sFKL4-00203-00054600-00054854 that today hungary even by you know zN-kR4sFKL4-00204-00054855-00055007 mainstream standards like zN-kR4sFKL4-00205-00055008-00055159 same times who linked to the zN-kR4sFKL4-00206-00055160-00055366 conservative side of politics zN-kR4sFKL4-00207-00055367-00055663 today have declared that hungary is no zN-kR4sFKL4-00208-00055664-00055823 longer a democracy zN-kR4sFKL4-00209-00055824-00056038 and likewise one can go one country zN-kR4sFKL4-00210-00056039-00056150 after another zN-kR4sFKL4-00211-00056151-00056399 of course there are perfect examples in zN-kR4sFKL4-00212-00056400-00056511 in turkey zN-kR4sFKL4-00213-00056512-00056766 in the in more recently in india zN-kR4sFKL4-00214-00056767-00056959 venezuela and this is another zN-kR4sFKL4-00215-00056960-00057287 trait this cuts across zN-kR4sFKL4-00216-00057288-00057535 the national political divisions so it's zN-kR4sFKL4-00217-00057536-00057630 not an issue zN-kR4sFKL4-00218-00057632-00057966 it's not a threat or a challenge coming zN-kR4sFKL4-00219-00057967-00058063 only from zN-kR4sFKL4-00220-00058064-00058319 right-wing governments or from left-wing zN-kR4sFKL4-00221-00058320-00058391 governments zN-kR4sFKL4-00222-00058391-00058566 but look at what happens for example in zN-kR4sFKL4-00223-00058567-00058815 venezuela it's a country that has zN-kR4sFKL4-00224-00058816-00059211 completely painful period where pro the zN-kR4sFKL4-00225-00059212-00059438 organization a tremendously zN-kR4sFKL4-00226-00059439-00059815 uh courageous um job at defending zN-kR4sFKL4-00227-00059816-00060007 what's left of democratic institutions zN-kR4sFKL4-00228-00060008-00060166 there if anything zN-kR4sFKL4-00229-00060167-00060566 and it so the challenge zN-kR4sFKL4-00230-00060567-00060871 to sum up is particularly difficult zN-kR4sFKL4-00231-00060872-00061191 and and has led to innovations on the zN-kR4sFKL4-00232-00061191-00061335 part of human rights organizations and zN-kR4sFKL4-00233-00061336-00061559 civil society organizations media outlet zN-kR4sFKL4-00234-00061560-00061823 religious organizations independent and zN-kR4sFKL4-00235-00061824-00062135 collectives of youth and so on because zN-kR4sFKL4-00236-00062136-00062399 the tools of yesterday for example zN-kR4sFKL4-00237-00062400-00062463 trying to zN-kR4sFKL4-00238-00062464-00062719 shame you know the activists and zN-kR4sFKL4-00239-00062720-00062887 scholars used to call zN-kR4sFKL4-00240-00062888-00063063 the main tree the main strategy of the zN-kR4sFKL4-00241-00063064-00063326 human rights movement naming and shaming zN-kR4sFKL4-00242-00063327-00063630 meaning denouncing authoritarian leaders zN-kR4sFKL4-00243-00063632-00063750 before zN-kR4sFKL4-00244-00063751-00064054 the u.n institutions or european or zN-kR4sFKL4-00245-00064055-00064319 north american governments and hoping zN-kR4sFKL4-00246-00064320-00064463 that those governments and those zN-kR4sFKL4-00247-00064464-00064566 institutions zN-kR4sFKL4-00248-00064567-00064782 put would put pressure on those zN-kR4sFKL4-00249-00064783-00064942 authoritarian leaders to do the right zN-kR4sFKL4-00250-00064944-00065087 thing to protect human rights zN-kR4sFKL4-00251-00065088-00065279 well as we know they're not getting zN-kR4sFKL4-00252-00065279-00065479 receptive zN-kR4sFKL4-00253-00065479-00065799 years in washington or even the eu zN-kR4sFKL4-00254-00065800-00066094 and this calls for a different set of zN-kR4sFKL4-00255-00066095-00066271 approaches which in the book that zN-kR4sFKL4-00256-00066272-00066647 murad mentioned we proposed zN-kR4sFKL4-00257-00066648-00066959 by way over of a new playbook zN-kR4sFKL4-00258-00066960-00067311 for human rights activists around the zN-kR4sFKL4-00259-00067312-00068063 world zN-kR4sFKL4-00260-00068064-00068375 okay zN-kR4sFKL4-00261-00068376-00068647 before i would directly ask about the zN-kR4sFKL4-00262-00068648-00068726 new way zN-kR4sFKL4-00263-00068727-00069087 of activism against this shrinking civil zN-kR4sFKL4-00264-00069088-00069303 space but before that zN-kR4sFKL4-00265-00069304-00069526 let me just check out that there are zN-kR4sFKL4-00266-00069527-00069663 claims that it's not zN-kR4sFKL4-00267-00069664-00070006 shrinking space but it's being reshaped zN-kR4sFKL4-00268-00070007-00070150 on the one hand one zN-kR4sFKL4-00269-00070151-00070647 one claim is that and the other is zN-kR4sFKL4-00270-00070648-00071071 as to give an example catherine ii zN-kR4sFKL4-00271-00071072-00071494 puts out in fact zN-kR4sFKL4-00272-00071495-00071743 the human rights situation in the world zN-kR4sFKL4-00273-00071744-00072047 is not deteriorating but in in a global zN-kR4sFKL4-00274-00072048-00072382 sense uh it's improving zN-kR4sFKL4-00275-00072383-00072615 when you look at the data of zN-kR4sFKL4-00276-00072616-00072750 environmental zN-kR4sFKL4-00277-00072751-00073206 movements and women's movements zN-kR4sFKL4-00278-00073207-00073494 you also mentioned the tension between zN-kR4sFKL4-00279-00073495-00073631 democracy and zN-kR4sFKL4-00280-00073632-00074047 human rights because of the elected zN-kR4sFKL4-00281-00074048-00074303 leaders can you elaborate a little bit zN-kR4sFKL4-00282-00074304-00074447 more on that too zN-kR4sFKL4-00283-00074448-00074658 thank you caesar zN-kR4sFKL4-00284-00074659-00074799 [Music] zN-kR4sFKL4-00285-00074800-00075047 sure so on the first part of the zN-kR4sFKL4-00286-00075048-00075182 question zN-kR4sFKL4-00287-00075183-00075462 i agree with katherine seeking that this zN-kR4sFKL4-00288-00075463-00075526 is not zN-kR4sFKL4-00289-00075527-00075767 the end times of human rights there are zN-kR4sFKL4-00290-00075768-00075919 some skeptical zN-kR4sFKL4-00291-00075920-00076255 scholars mostly in the us and some parts zN-kR4sFKL4-00292-00076256-00076326 of europe zN-kR4sFKL4-00293-00076327-00076559 that have concluded that because of the zN-kR4sFKL4-00294-00076560-00076647 challenge of zN-kR4sFKL4-00295-00076648-00076926 authoritarians leaders like the ones zN-kR4sFKL4-00296-00076927-00077087 that we've been talking about today zN-kR4sFKL4-00297-00077088-00077294 and because of also between challenges zN-kR4sFKL4-00298-00077295-00077511 of other zN-kR4sFKL4-00299-00077512-00077806 other sources of human rights abuses zN-kR4sFKL4-00300-00077807-00077950 that i understand you will be zN-kR4sFKL4-00301-00077951-00078150 talking about in this series soon for zN-kR4sFKL4-00302-00078151-00078367 example the dominance of digital zN-kR4sFKL4-00303-00078368-00078455 platforms zN-kR4sFKL4-00304-00078456-00078719 and around the world and the fact that zN-kR4sFKL4-00305-00078720-00078903 they're they're being used to zN-kR4sFKL4-00306-00078904-00079223 polarize for the poor polarized zN-kR4sFKL4-00307-00079224-00079535 national polities and and turn people zN-kR4sFKL4-00308-00079536-00079615 into zN-kR4sFKL4-00309-00079616-00079894 tribe members that are further further zN-kR4sFKL4-00310-00079895-00079999 apart zN-kR4sFKL4-00311-00080000-00080343 because of all of that some scholars zN-kR4sFKL4-00312-00080344-00080494 have concluded that these are the end zN-kR4sFKL4-00313-00080495-00080671 times of human rights that zN-kR4sFKL4-00314-00080672-00080871 that human rights had a good run but zN-kR4sFKL4-00315-00080872-00081071 that was a project for the 20th century zN-kR4sFKL4-00316-00081072-00081135 and now zN-kR4sFKL4-00317-00081136-00081455 in the 21st century they've gone into a zN-kR4sFKL4-00318-00081456-00081638 period of terminal crisis and zN-kR4sFKL4-00319-00081639-00081791 when we need to come up with a different zN-kR4sFKL4-00320-00081792-00081967 project i zN-kR4sFKL4-00321-00081968-00082287 do not agree with those criticisms zN-kR4sFKL4-00322-00082288-00082575 while accepting and i've written i've zN-kR4sFKL4-00323-00082576-00082735 tried to zN-kR4sFKL4-00324-00082736-00082911 strike kind of an intermediate tone in zN-kR4sFKL4-00325-00082912-00083135 this discussion i think that zN-kR4sFKL4-00326-00083136-00083326 while they are not right that this is a zN-kR4sFKL4-00327-00083327-00083479 terminal crisis of human rights zN-kR4sFKL4-00328-00083480-00083823 i also think that human rights will not zN-kR4sFKL4-00329-00083824-00084023 continue to be zN-kR4sFKL4-00330-00084024-00084326 impactful useful if zN-kR4sFKL4-00331-00084327-00084662 new tactics are not attempted if the zN-kR4sFKL4-00332-00084663-00084703 whole zN-kR4sFKL4-00333-00084704-00084975 toolbox of human rights activism is not zN-kR4sFKL4-00334-00084976-00085006 a zN-kR4sFKL4-00335-00085007-00085318 because again populist zN-kR4sFKL4-00336-00085319-00085526 authoritarian leaders are very happy to zN-kR4sFKL4-00337-00085527-00085703 be named zN-kR4sFKL4-00338-00085704-00085918 but are shameless right so naming and zN-kR4sFKL4-00339-00085919-00086006 shaming zN-kR4sFKL4-00340-00086007-00086318 doesn't work as it used to because they zN-kR4sFKL4-00341-00086319-00086447 they're very happy all these zN-kR4sFKL4-00342-00086448-00086638 authoritarian types of usually zN-kR4sFKL4-00343-00086639-00086943 a man with huge egos and zN-kR4sFKL4-00344-00086944-00087255 immensely narcissistic tendencies they zN-kR4sFKL4-00345-00087256-00087455 cannot have enough zN-kR4sFKL4-00346-00087456-00087806 of themselves and so they're happy to be zN-kR4sFKL4-00347-00087807-00087871 named zN-kR4sFKL4-00348-00087872-00088087 but they are shameless so damien and zN-kR4sFKL4-00349-00088088-00088287 shane just won't do it zN-kR4sFKL4-00350-00088288-00088606 now that doesn't mean that zN-kR4sFKL4-00351-00088607-00088943 human rights have not made incredible zN-kR4sFKL4-00352-00088944-00089159 contributions to the protection and zN-kR4sFKL4-00353-00089160-00089318 improvement of protection of zN-kR4sFKL4-00354-00089319-00089479 human dignity around the world and zN-kR4sFKL4-00355-00089480-00089671 catherine is taking in that book and zN-kR4sFKL4-00356-00089672-00089982 in a wonderful book entitled zN-kR4sFKL4-00357-00089983-00090279 evidence for hope shows empirical data zN-kR4sFKL4-00358-00090280-00090503 about how for instance women's rights or zN-kR4sFKL4-00359-00090504-00090775 or civil political rights around the zN-kR4sFKL4-00360-00090776-00090831 world zN-kR4sFKL4-00361-00090832-00091150 have improved relative to say the 1970s zN-kR4sFKL4-00362-00091151-00091550 now what we need to zN-kR4sFKL4-00363-00091551-00091855 focus on and this is my own take on zN-kR4sFKL4-00364-00091856-00092135 on these issues is that we need to zN-kR4sFKL4-00365-00092136-00092247 acknowledge zN-kR4sFKL4-00366-00092248-00092447 the progress that has been made but we zN-kR4sFKL4-00367-00092448-00092550 cannot zN-kR4sFKL4-00368-00092551-00092847 basically sit idle and think that those zN-kR4sFKL4-00369-00092848-00093031 tools that got us there zN-kR4sFKL4-00370-00093032-00093423 would be enough to sustain that progress zN-kR4sFKL4-00371-00093424-00093735 let alone to make additional progress zN-kR4sFKL4-00372-00093736-00094055 and this is where the uh zN-kR4sFKL4-00373-00094056-00094391 the knowing the the the target zN-kR4sFKL4-00374-00094392-00094647 government knowing how they operate and zN-kR4sFKL4-00375-00094648-00094759 knowing their nature zN-kR4sFKL4-00376-00094760-00095062 is important so i'll close my answer by zN-kR4sFKL4-00377-00095063-00095247 tackling the second part of of the zN-kR4sFKL4-00378-00095248-00095431 question that murad praised zN-kR4sFKL4-00379-00095432-00095623 which is what something that's zN-kR4sFKL4-00380-00095624-00095894 particularly challenging zN-kR4sFKL4-00381-00095895-00096167 with regards to these illiberal zN-kR4sFKL4-00382-00096168-00096335 democratic governments that's a zN-kR4sFKL4-00383-00096336-00096503 there are many ways to call these zN-kR4sFKL4-00384-00096504-00096687 governments and different authors have zN-kR4sFKL4-00385-00096688-00096855 different ways of calling them zN-kR4sFKL4-00386-00096856-00097294 for instance victor orban himself zN-kR4sFKL4-00387-00097295-00097559 once said that he wanted to build an zN-kR4sFKL4-00388-00097560-00097647 illiberal zN-kR4sFKL4-00389-00097648-00097982 democratic government in in hungary some zN-kR4sFKL4-00390-00097983-00098111 other people call them zN-kR4sFKL4-00391-00098112-00098359 populist authoritarianism so we won't zN-kR4sFKL4-00392-00098360-00098423 get zN-kR4sFKL4-00393-00098424-00098631 bogged down into the terminological zN-kR4sFKL4-00394-00098632-00098726 discussion zN-kR4sFKL4-00395-00098727-00099062 but there are two characteristics that i zN-kR4sFKL4-00396-00099063-00099135 think zN-kR4sFKL4-00397-00099136-00099423 all of these governments left and right zN-kR4sFKL4-00398-00099424-00099518 share zN-kR4sFKL4-00399-00099519-00099974 one is strong anti-elitism zN-kR4sFKL4-00400-00099975-00100223 and this is why some of them are called zN-kR4sFKL4-00401-00100224-00100326 populists zN-kR4sFKL4-00402-00100327-00100543 but that's a misleading characterization zN-kR4sFKL4-00403-00100544-00100687 if not qualified zN-kR4sFKL4-00404-00100688-00101087 with other trends um so but the crucial zN-kR4sFKL4-00405-00101088-00101406 aspect is that the trick that zN-kR4sFKL4-00406-00101407-00101759 many of these governments pull is that zN-kR4sFKL4-00407-00101760-00102094 they are often times led by zN-kR4sFKL4-00408-00102095-00102391 the elites the elites themselves so look zN-kR4sFKL4-00409-00102392-00102558 at what happens for instance in zN-kR4sFKL4-00410-00102559-00102806 in india these days which is the most zN-kR4sFKL4-00411-00102807-00102902 recent zN-kR4sFKL4-00412-00102903-00103278 and painful example of the succession of zN-kR4sFKL4-00413-00103279-00103494 measures that have been tried elsewhere zN-kR4sFKL4-00414-00103495-00103902 uh policies uh judicial persecutions zN-kR4sFKL4-00415-00103903-00104302 sending a prominent activist to jail and zN-kR4sFKL4-00416-00104303-00104575 i cannot i don't have to explain how zN-kR4sFKL4-00417-00104576-00104702 painful this is to this zN-kR4sFKL4-00418-00104703-00104927 audience and this is happening as we zN-kR4sFKL4-00419-00104928-00105039 speak in india zN-kR4sFKL4-00420-00105040-00105231 and no one is looking at what's going on zN-kR4sFKL4-00421-00105232-00105358 there because we're all distracted of zN-kR4sFKL4-00422-00105359-00105447 course with zN-kR4sFKL4-00423-00105448-00105678 the pandemic and with what's going on in zN-kR4sFKL4-00424-00105679-00105839 the us and so on but zN-kR4sFKL4-00425-00105840-00106134 india the largest democracy in the world zN-kR4sFKL4-00426-00106135-00106175 is zN-kR4sFKL4-00427-00106176-00106447 adopting the last pieces that was zN-kR4sFKL4-00428-00106448-00106543 missing zN-kR4sFKL4-00429-00106544-00106878 from that playbook a couple of weeks ago zN-kR4sFKL4-00430-00106879-00107183 the modi government adopted a bit zN-kR4sFKL4-00431-00107183-00107502 more restrictive legislation zN-kR4sFKL4-00432-00107503-00107807 about foreign funding for independent zN-kR4sFKL4-00433-00107808-00108023 civil society organizations it's already zN-kR4sFKL4-00434-00108024-00108175 copied all the media zN-kR4sFKL4-00435-00108176-00108607 it will it has as you may know zN-kR4sFKL4-00436-00108608-00108863 viciously gone against a minority of the zN-kR4sFKL4-00437-00108864-00108934 population zN-kR4sFKL4-00438-00108935-00109175 a huge minority in terms of numbers zN-kR4sFKL4-00439-00109176-00109351 which is the muslim population all of zN-kR4sFKL4-00440-00109352-00109502 that zN-kR4sFKL4-00441-00109503-00109831 with the discourse of working for zN-kR4sFKL4-00442-00109832-00110134 the working class and and and zN-kR4sFKL4-00443-00110135-00110383 going against the elites well it's the zN-kR4sFKL4-00444-00110383-00110583 elites actually who are trumped in the zN-kR4sFKL4-00445-00110583-00110647 rights of zN-kR4sFKL4-00446-00110648-00110958 on the rights of the minorities here and zN-kR4sFKL4-00447-00110959-00111039 likewise zN-kR4sFKL4-00448-00111040-00111302 i'm sure that just the description the zN-kR4sFKL4-00449-00111303-00111366 brief zN-kR4sFKL4-00450-00111367-00111558 recursive description that i just made zN-kR4sFKL4-00451-00111559-00111678 will resonate with zN-kR4sFKL4-00452-00111679-00111886 many in this audience because you will zN-kR4sFKL4-00453-00111888-00112054 have recognized that your own countries zN-kR4sFKL4-00454-00112055-00112158 have gone zN-kR4sFKL4-00455-00112159-00112390 through exactly the same path of zN-kR4sFKL4-00456-00112391-00112495 restrictions and zN-kR4sFKL4-00457-00112496-00112775 and unconstitutional measures and and zN-kR4sFKL4-00458-00112776-00112919 and measures against zN-kR4sFKL4-00459-00112920-00113278 civic freedoms now the second and final zN-kR4sFKL4-00460-00113279-00113395 traits so we have zN-kR4sFKL4-00461-00113396-00113671 anti-elitism so if you see for example zN-kR4sFKL4-00462-00113672-00113863 even zN-kR4sFKL4-00463-00113864-00114151 president trump although he's come he zN-kR4sFKL4-00464-00114152-00114278 comes clearly from an elite zN-kR4sFKL4-00465-00114279-00114590 background he always zN-kR4sFKL4-00466-00114591-00114863 puts his own fights in terms of fighting zN-kR4sFKL4-00467-00114864-00114975 against even today zN-kR4sFKL4-00468-00114976-00115183 washington as if he were not at the core zN-kR4sFKL4-00469-00115183-00115375 of washington not run in washington but zN-kR4sFKL4-00470-00115376-00115454 likewise zN-kR4sFKL4-00471-00115455-00115758 second second uh trait zN-kR4sFKL4-00472-00115759-00116063 is anti-paralysis which is to be kind of zN-kR4sFKL4-00473-00116064-00116334 the defining the crucial zN-kR4sFKL4-00474-00116335-00116551 characteristic because you can be zN-kR4sFKL4-00475-00116552-00116671 anti-elitist zN-kR4sFKL4-00476-00116672-00116943 and be democratic and pluralist and this zN-kR4sFKL4-00477-00116944-00116999 is what's zN-kR4sFKL4-00478-00117000-00117158 characterized for instance progressive zN-kR4sFKL4-00479-00117159-00117366 politics in many in many countries zN-kR4sFKL4-00480-00117367-00117454 throughout the years zN-kR4sFKL4-00481-00117455-00117831 right so the labor movement the zN-kR4sFKL4-00482-00117832-00118158 um the women's rights movement so zN-kR4sFKL4-00483-00118159-00118375 they may be the racial justice movement zN-kR4sFKL4-00484-00118376-00118486 it's all against zN-kR4sFKL4-00485-00118488-00118799 people or denouncing those sectors of zN-kR4sFKL4-00486-00118800-00118975 society that have dominated zN-kR4sFKL4-00487-00118976-00119383 in a country or a state forever zN-kR4sFKL4-00488-00119383-00119678 now but they are not necessarily zN-kR4sFKL4-00489-00119679-00119790 underprivileged zN-kR4sFKL4-00490-00119791-00120054 they can coexist with other sectors of zN-kR4sFKL4-00491-00120055-00120390 society with other movements zN-kR4sFKL4-00492-00120391-00120607 authoritarian leaders of the 21st zN-kR4sFKL4-00493-00120608-00120702 century are zN-kR4sFKL4-00494-00120703-00120966 highly anti-produced meaning that they zN-kR4sFKL4-00495-00120967-00121127 see themselves and they call themselves zN-kR4sFKL4-00496-00121128-00121263 a very personalistic zN-kR4sFKL4-00497-00121264-00121510 type of leadership that they call zN-kR4sFKL4-00498-00121511-00121678 themselves the representatives of the zN-kR4sFKL4-00499-00121679-00121807 real people zN-kR4sFKL4-00500-00121808-00122134 while everyone else is er zN-kR4sFKL4-00501-00122135-00122447 is working on behalf of foreigners zN-kR4sFKL4-00502-00122448-00122854 is a part of the zN-kR4sFKL4-00503-00122855-00123158 the unintolerant religious group zN-kR4sFKL4-00504-00123159-00123510 and so on or an ethnically stigmatized zN-kR4sFKL4-00505-00123511-00123623 group like in zN-kR4sFKL4-00506-00123624-00123910 the roma in hungary and so on so it's zN-kR4sFKL4-00507-00123911-00123990 this zN-kR4sFKL4-00508-00123991-00124334 radical intolerance against anyone zN-kR4sFKL4-00509-00124335-00124551 by themselves but themselves and the zN-kR4sFKL4-00510-00124552-00124671 groups that they favor zN-kR4sFKL4-00511-00124672-00124983 be them religious groups political zN-kR4sFKL4-00512-00124983-00125143 groups economic groups zN-kR4sFKL4-00513-00125144-00125527 that's defined the restrictions zN-kR4sFKL4-00514-00125528-00125863 and the politics of zN-kR4sFKL4-00515-00125864-00126214 21st century autocrats as they prove the zN-kR4sFKL4-00516-00126215-00126431 venezuela organizations has also called zN-kR4sFKL4-00517-00126432-00126575 them zN-kR4sFKL4-00518-00126576-00126958 okay i managed to turn on my voice zN-kR4sFKL4-00519-00126959-00127302 um of course i can have a lot of zN-kR4sFKL4-00520-00127303-00127478 questions about zN-kR4sFKL4-00521-00127479-00127647 those common features of the zN-kR4sFKL4-00522-00127648-00127823 authoritarian or zN-kR4sFKL4-00523-00127824-00128175 regimes or illiberal zN-kR4sFKL4-00524-00128176-00128454 democracies or regimes but i would zN-kR4sFKL4-00525-00128455-00128558 before we zN-kR4sFKL4-00526-00128559-00128999 go to the impact of covet zN-kR4sFKL4-00527-00129000-00129263 on this in liberal world i would also zN-kR4sFKL4-00528-00129264-00129390 like to zN-kR4sFKL4-00529-00129391-00130014 ask you about what sort of new tactics zN-kR4sFKL4-00530-00130015-00130534 can we can the civil movement have zN-kR4sFKL4-00531-00130535-00131127 against us anthialitis anti-pluralist zN-kR4sFKL4-00532-00131128-00131463 illiberal authoritarian zN-kR4sFKL4-00533-00131464-00131916 regimes in general zN-kR4sFKL4-00534-00131917-00132095 [Music] zN-kR4sFKL4-00535-00132096-00132407 that's a key question and one that and zN-kR4sFKL4-00536-00132408-00132719 i try to work on with a number of zN-kR4sFKL4-00537-00132720-00132878 colleagues in different parts of the zN-kR4sFKL4-00538-00132879-00133135 world there is by the way zN-kR4sFKL4-00539-00133136-00133439 a recent series in the zN-kR4sFKL4-00540-00133440-00133711 portal that i have the privilege of zN-kR4sFKL4-00541-00133712-00133831 directing zN-kR4sFKL4-00542-00133832-00134095 the portal the web portal is called open zN-kR4sFKL4-00543-00134096-00134431 global rights openworldreds.org zN-kR4sFKL4-00544-00134432-00134743 in which scholars and practitioners from zN-kR4sFKL4-00545-00134744-00134959 different parts of the world zN-kR4sFKL4-00546-00134960-00135223 have continued to write about their own zN-kR4sFKL4-00547-00135224-00135319 initiatives zN-kR4sFKL4-00548-00135320-00135678 to push back against these types of zN-kR4sFKL4-00549-00135679-00135902 governments i'll mention some quickly zN-kR4sFKL4-00550-00135903-00135999 and you'll find zN-kR4sFKL4-00551-00136000-00136263 case studies and opinion pieces there zN-kR4sFKL4-00552-00136264-00136383 one is zN-kR4sFKL4-00553-00136384-00136766 the realization that there needs to be a zN-kR4sFKL4-00554-00136767-00136871 combination zN-kR4sFKL4-00555-00136872-00137223 of institutional zN-kR4sFKL4-00556-00137224-00137631 action and direct action zN-kR4sFKL4-00557-00137632-00137878 human rights organizations around the zN-kR4sFKL4-00558-00137879-00138014 world but and certainly zN-kR4sFKL4-00559-00138015-00138327 in spaces that are shrinking like in zN-kR4sFKL4-00560-00138328-00138614 india again or turkey or the other zN-kR4sFKL4-00561-00138615-00138902 countries that we discussed today zN-kR4sFKL4-00562-00138903-00139102 for good reasons have been very zN-kR4sFKL4-00563-00139103-00139239 sophisticated zN-kR4sFKL4-00564-00139240-00139439 add and invested a lot of resources and zN-kR4sFKL4-00565-00139440-00139623 knowledge into zN-kR4sFKL4-00566-00139624-00139935 doing litigation into zN-kR4sFKL4-00567-00139936-00140231 proposing new laws into intervening the zN-kR4sFKL4-00568-00140232-00140359 public debate zN-kR4sFKL4-00569-00140360-00140727 to protect rule of law institutions and zN-kR4sFKL4-00570-00140728-00140943 mechanisms so that's more institution zN-kR4sFKL4-00571-00140944-00141335 oriented institution-based aid work zN-kR4sFKL4-00572-00141336-00141671 we have been less zN-kR4sFKL4-00573-00141672-00142047 energetic and less used to zN-kR4sFKL4-00574-00142048-00142383 connecting with grassroot mobilization zN-kR4sFKL4-00575-00142384-00142695 and and even disorderly zN-kR4sFKL4-00576-00142696-00143078 direct action types of strategies zN-kR4sFKL4-00577-00143079-00143566 like street protests rallies zN-kR4sFKL4-00578-00143567-00143919 boycotts international zN-kR4sFKL4-00579-00143920-00144283 actions that are crowdsourced very zN-kR4sFKL4-00580-00144284-00144566 quickly zN-kR4sFKL4-00581-00144567-00144702 actions put together by zN-kR4sFKL4-00582-00144703-00144935 non-professionals all the way from zN-kR4sFKL4-00583-00144936-00145302 our artists collectives to zN-kR4sFKL4-00584-00145303-00145543 young people like like the organizations zN-kR4sFKL4-00585-00145544-00145695 and the collectives zN-kR4sFKL4-00586-00145696-00145999 mobilizing against the climate zN-kR4sFKL4-00587-00146000-00146399 in action around the world that zN-kR4sFKL4-00588-00146400-00146599 has started to change and i'm very zN-kR4sFKL4-00589-00146600-00146759 encouraged with that developed by that zN-kR4sFKL4-00590-00146760-00146966 development again zN-kR4sFKL4-00591-00146967-00147183 in venezuela despite all the zN-kR4sFKL4-00592-00147184-00147302 difficulties zN-kR4sFKL4-00593-00147303-00147502 organizations that some junctures with zN-kR4sFKL4-00594-00147503-00147687 the long struggle against zN-kR4sFKL4-00595-00147688-00148007 the authoritarian government there have zN-kR4sFKL4-00596-00148008-00148278 come together with young people zN-kR4sFKL4-00597-00148279-00148483 protesting on the streets to try to zN-kR4sFKL4-00598-00148484-00148726 combine what some people call some zN-kR4sFKL4-00599-00148727-00148926 authors called zN-kR4sFKL4-00600-00148927-00149143 collective action which is the zN-kR4sFKL4-00601-00149144-00149231 institution zN-kR4sFKL4-00602-00149232-00149575 based institutionally oriented type of zN-kR4sFKL4-00603-00149576-00149654 action zN-kR4sFKL4-00604-00149655-00149943 on the one hand and connected with a zN-kR4sFKL4-00605-00149944-00149999 double zN-kR4sFKL4-00606-00150000-00150199 end action connective action which is zN-kR4sFKL4-00607-00150200-00150323 the the more zN-kR4sFKL4-00608-00150324-00150543 decentralized online type of zN-kR4sFKL4-00609-00150544-00150631 mobilization zN-kR4sFKL4-00610-00150632-00150854 that youth collectives and flash mobs zN-kR4sFKL4-00611-00150855-00150975 and other forms of zN-kR4sFKL4-00612-00150976-00151343 21st century mobilization are are zN-kR4sFKL4-00613-00151344-00151726 able to pull off then second and there's zN-kR4sFKL4-00614-00151727-00152039 a lot more but there are zN-kR4sFKL4-00615-00152040-00152351 some tactics that zN-kR4sFKL4-00616-00152352-00152671 authoritarian leaders are zN-kR4sFKL4-00617-00152672-00153007 quite vulnerable to one zN-kR4sFKL4-00618-00153008-00153359 is disruptive narratives so one zN-kR4sFKL4-00619-00153360-00153639 one front in which they have been quite zN-kR4sFKL4-00620-00153640-00153751 effective is zN-kR4sFKL4-00621-00153752-00153966 reframing the national conversation zN-kR4sFKL4-00622-00153967-00154095 right so from zN-kR4sFKL4-00623-00154096-00154351 say a conversation about economic zN-kR4sFKL4-00624-00154352-00154471 injustice zN-kR4sFKL4-00625-00154472-00154799 in our countries and everywhere zN-kR4sFKL4-00626-00154800-00155078 these days almost everywhere er is zN-kR4sFKL4-00627-00155079-00155159 witnessing zN-kR4sFKL4-00628-00155160-00155454 this rising levels of inequality even zN-kR4sFKL4-00629-00155455-00155639 before coming but certainly zN-kR4sFKL4-00630-00155640-00155990 during the pandemic but they've been zN-kR4sFKL4-00631-00155991-00156199 those leaders have been able to reframe zN-kR4sFKL4-00632-00156200-00156343 that conversation zN-kR4sFKL4-00633-00156344-00156719 and put the zN-kR4sFKL4-00634-00156720-00157063 national debate in terms of us versus zN-kR4sFKL4-00635-00157064-00157135 them zN-kR4sFKL4-00636-00157136-00157502 right the the hindu versus the muslim zN-kR4sFKL4-00637-00157503-00157702 the muslim versus the secular zN-kR4sFKL4-00638-00157703-00158135 the the the zN-kR4sFKL4-00639-00158136-00158311 urban populations versus the rural zN-kR4sFKL4-00640-00158312-00158495 populations then zN-kR4sFKL4-00641-00158496-00158799 the citizens versus the foreigners and zN-kR4sFKL4-00642-00158800-00158902 so on zN-kR4sFKL4-00643-00158903-00159343 and they have succeeded zN-kR4sFKL4-00644-00159344-00159639 to a large extent in polarizing zN-kR4sFKL4-00645-00159640-00159702 societies zN-kR4sFKL4-00646-00159703-00160054 what many organizations are doing very zN-kR4sFKL4-00647-00160055-00160183 successfully zN-kR4sFKL4-00648-00160184-00160463 is pushing back again those against zN-kR4sFKL4-00649-00160464-00160583 those narratives zN-kR4sFKL4-00650-00160584-00160951 through narratives that strengthen zN-kR4sFKL4-00651-00160952-00161287 connections that highlight zN-kR4sFKL4-00652-00161288-00161711 community that find common ground zN-kR4sFKL4-00653-00161712-00162031 that even are pre are unpredictable some zN-kR4sFKL4-00654-00162032-00162159 of them for example use zN-kR4sFKL4-00655-00162160-00162439 humor humor because there is nothing zN-kR4sFKL4-00656-00162440-00162487 that zN-kR4sFKL4-00657-00162488-00162831 an authoritarian hates more than humor zN-kR4sFKL4-00658-00162832-00163063 they don't have sense of humor right so zN-kR4sFKL4-00659-00163064-00163199 because because humor zN-kR4sFKL4-00660-00163200-00163535 makes people look vulnerable and zN-kR4sFKL4-00661-00163536-00163926 these leaders are strong men and they zN-kR4sFKL4-00662-00163927-00164183 their whole facade depends on them zN-kR4sFKL4-00663-00164184-00164295 looking zN-kR4sFKL4-00664-00164296-00164519 powerful and invulnerable and what zN-kR4sFKL4-00665-00164520-00164663 keyword does is zN-kR4sFKL4-00666-00164664-00164951 crack that facet and for example there's zN-kR4sFKL4-00667-00164952-00165087 an excellent zN-kR4sFKL4-00668-00165088-00165366 organization in europe called operation zN-kR4sFKL4-00669-00165367-00165471 liberal zN-kR4sFKL4-00670-00165472-00165807 that has successfully led campaigns zN-kR4sFKL4-00671-00165808-00165878 against zN-kR4sFKL4-00672-00165879-00166207 xenophobic new legislation against zN-kR4sFKL4-00673-00166208-00166295 foreigners zN-kR4sFKL4-00674-00166296-00166551 and they've done that based on new zN-kR4sFKL4-00675-00166552-00166719 narratives that zN-kR4sFKL4-00676-00166720-00167023 redefine what means to be swiss or zN-kR4sFKL4-00677-00167024-00167399 german or french in terms of zN-kR4sFKL4-00678-00167400-00167814 inclusiveness and in terms and using zN-kR4sFKL4-00679-00167815-00168223 colorful messages in even uh zN-kR4sFKL4-00680-00168224-00168431 funny narratives that have been quite zN-kR4sFKL4-00681-00168432-00168663 effective at pushing back against those zN-kR4sFKL4-00682-00168664-00169311 discourses zN-kR4sFKL4-00683-00169312-00169611 since we're talking about uh an zN-kR4sFKL4-00684-00169612-00169851 international zN-kR4sFKL4-00685-00169852-00170119 illiteralism of these leaders do you zN-kR4sFKL4-00686-00170120-00170207 think that zN-kR4sFKL4-00687-00170208-00170438 for civil society actors and other zN-kR4sFKL4-00688-00170439-00170559 actors zN-kR4sFKL4-00689-00170560-00170799 solidarity national and international zN-kR4sFKL4-00690-00170800-00171071 solidarity is important also zN-kR4sFKL4-00691-00171072-00171631 for going against these regimes zN-kR4sFKL4-00692-00171632-00171919 that's crucial i couldn't agree more and zN-kR4sFKL4-00693-00171920-00172078 some of that is already happening of zN-kR4sFKL4-00694-00172079-00172247 course some zN-kR4sFKL4-00695-00172248-00172566 key organizations uh done a fantastic zN-kR4sFKL4-00696-00172567-00172735 job from zN-kR4sFKL4-00697-00172736-00172966 you know frontline defenders to the zN-kR4sFKL4-00698-00172967-00173111 helsinki committees to zN-kR4sFKL4-00699-00173112-00173278 many organizations that have a long zN-kR4sFKL4-00700-00173279-00173526 tradition of international solidarity zN-kR4sFKL4-00701-00173527-00173911 so that that is crucial emergency zN-kR4sFKL4-00702-00173912-00174175 relocation and all that has had an zN-kR4sFKL4-00703-00174176-00174311 important place in zN-kR4sFKL4-00704-00174312-00174543 in over the last few years for sad zN-kR4sFKL4-00705-00174544-00174743 reasons because people have had to leave zN-kR4sFKL4-00706-00174744-00174990 their countries or have needed support zN-kR4sFKL4-00707-00174991-00175135 in staying in their own countries by zN-kR4sFKL4-00708-00175136-00175223 staying zN-kR4sFKL4-00709-00175224-00175495 um you know free from pressure of zN-kR4sFKL4-00710-00175496-00175599 persecution zN-kR4sFKL4-00711-00175600-00175983 now i am particularly encouraged by the zN-kR4sFKL4-00712-00175984-00176031 fact zN-kR4sFKL4-00713-00176032-00176326 that there seems to be more zN-kR4sFKL4-00714-00176327-00176511 cross-learning zN-kR4sFKL4-00715-00176512-00176878 across regions and countries that zN-kR4sFKL4-00716-00176879-00177214 where exchanges didn't used to be zN-kR4sFKL4-00717-00177215-00177438 that frequent or common right for zN-kR4sFKL4-00718-00177439-00177575 example i see zN-kR4sFKL4-00719-00177576-00177759 more interest these days for example in zN-kR4sFKL4-00720-00177760-00177959 turkey about what's going on in india zN-kR4sFKL4-00721-00177960-00178214 or in brazil which is a country that we zN-kR4sFKL4-00722-00178215-00178326 haven't talked about but zN-kR4sFKL4-00723-00178327-00178702 i um care deeply about it worked in zN-kR4sFKL4-00724-00178703-00178766 brazil zN-kR4sFKL4-00725-00178767-00178935 for a number of years now i have very zN-kR4sFKL4-00726-00178936-00179111 dear friends and colleagues zN-kR4sFKL4-00727-00179112-00179319 and brazil is going through hell zN-kR4sFKL4-00728-00179320-00179447 literally through zN-kR4sFKL4-00729-00179448-00179823 a situation of of of zN-kR4sFKL4-00730-00179824-00180335 extreme authoritarianism combined with a zN-kR4sFKL4-00731-00180336-00180871 a wholesale onslaught against the zN-kR4sFKL4-00732-00180872-00181343 essential ecosystems like the amazon so zN-kR4sFKL4-00733-00181344-00181647 when brazilian colleagues and zN-kR4sFKL4-00734-00181648-00181951 brazilian scholars and activists look zN-kR4sFKL4-00735-00181952-00182054 around the world zN-kR4sFKL4-00736-00182055-00182254 i see that these days they're looking zN-kR4sFKL4-00737-00182255-00182359 and connecting zN-kR4sFKL4-00738-00182360-00182638 more often with organizations like in a zN-kR4sFKL4-00739-00182639-00182775 happiest american zN-kR4sFKL4-00740-00182776-00183078 or national foundation for india and zN-kR4sFKL4-00741-00183079-00183302 some organizations that are in context zN-kR4sFKL4-00742-00183303-00183487 that are going through similar zN-kR4sFKL4-00743-00183488-00183807 situations i do think that those seeds zN-kR4sFKL4-00744-00183808-00184183 of exchanges of solidarity will continue zN-kR4sFKL4-00745-00184184-00184319 to zN-kR4sFKL4-00746-00184320-00184631 grow and that because zN-kR4sFKL4-00747-00184632-00184935 authoritarian democracy will not be zN-kR4sFKL4-00748-00184936-00185038 there forever zN-kR4sFKL4-00749-00185039-00185311 that that will be the seats of a counter zN-kR4sFKL4-00750-00185312-00185423 movement zN-kR4sFKL4-00751-00185424-00185678 and then counter manual against these zN-kR4sFKL4-00752-00185679-00186166 regimes zN-kR4sFKL4-00753-00186167-00186471 okay thank you as if zN-kR4sFKL4-00754-00186472-00186799 it was not enough to have the rise of uh zN-kR4sFKL4-00755-00186800-00187159 popularism and authoritarianism in zN-kR4sFKL4-00756-00187160-00187302 general zN-kR4sFKL4-00757-00187303-00187702 we had the global pandemic zN-kR4sFKL4-00758-00187703-00188071 uh do you think that uh it has also zN-kR4sFKL4-00759-00188072-00188326 an impact the fight against the pandemic zN-kR4sFKL4-00760-00188327-00188511 has also an impact on the shrinking zN-kR4sFKL4-00761-00188512-00188902 civil space zN-kR4sFKL4-00762-00188903-00189135 yes i think it does have an impact it's zN-kR4sFKL4-00763-00189136-00189254 not a predictable zN-kR4sFKL4-00764-00189255-00189607 impact because the record is mixed zN-kR4sFKL4-00765-00189608-00189871 so some authoritarian leaders and zN-kR4sFKL4-00766-00189872-00189983 governments have done zN-kR4sFKL4-00767-00189984-00190214 better than others whereas others have zN-kR4sFKL4-00768-00190215-00190423 done a disastrous job so from zN-kR4sFKL4-00769-00190424-00190783 beta runes to brazil zN-kR4sFKL4-00770-00190784-00191047 now what these situations have in common zN-kR4sFKL4-00771-00191048-00191223 and this we know from zN-kR4sFKL4-00772-00191224-00191502 historical sociology is that in zN-kR4sFKL4-00773-00191503-00191678 situations like the one we're going zN-kR4sFKL4-00774-00191679-00191719 through zN-kR4sFKL4-00775-00191720-00192054 basically the largest economic zN-kR4sFKL4-00776-00192055-00192247 depression after the zN-kR4sFKL4-00777-00192248-00192575 great depression of the 1920s and 30s zN-kR4sFKL4-00778-00192576-00193047 that new ideas and and new institutions zN-kR4sFKL4-00779-00193048-00193414 and new discourses have a better chance zN-kR4sFKL4-00780-00193415-00193438 of zN-kR4sFKL4-00781-00193439-00193614 sticking under their circumstances zN-kR4sFKL4-00782-00193615-00193831 because the old consensus is disrupted zN-kR4sFKL4-00783-00193832-00193887 so it's zN-kR4sFKL4-00784-00193888-00194223 if these viewers seemed so zN-kR4sFKL4-00785-00194224-00194487 resilient and almost indestructible zN-kR4sFKL4-00786-00194488-00194559 before zN-kR4sFKL4-00787-00194560-00194990 the pandemic what they now seem less so zN-kR4sFKL4-00788-00194991-00195319 but it's not a given zN-kR4sFKL4-00789-00195320-00195711 that without civil society mobilization zN-kR4sFKL4-00790-00195712-00195999 without international surgery the zN-kR4sFKL4-00791-00196000-00196087 outcome zN-kR4sFKL4-00792-00196088-00196375 will be what one would hope for in terms zN-kR4sFKL4-00793-00196376-00196471 of the renewal zN-kR4sFKL4-00794-00196472-00196759 and revitalization of democracy and zN-kR4sFKL4-00795-00196760-00196854 human rights but zN-kR4sFKL4-00796-00196855-00197254 i certainly think just as it is a huge zN-kR4sFKL4-00797-00197255-00197526 challenge for everyone around the world zN-kR4sFKL4-00798-00197527-00197695 especially for those living under these zN-kR4sFKL4-00799-00197696-00197871 types of regimes zN-kR4sFKL4-00800-00197872-00198119 it is also an opportunity and and the zN-kR4sFKL4-00801-00198120-00198214 opportunities for zN-kR4sFKL4-00802-00198215-00198526 disrupting and zN-kR4sFKL4-00803-00198527-00198983 hopefully shaking the ground zN-kR4sFKL4-00804-00198984-00199238 on which these regimes have stood for a zN-kR4sFKL4-00805-00199239-00199359 number of years now zN-kR4sFKL4-00806-00199360-00199623 that that will be also an opportunity zN-kR4sFKL4-00807-00199624-00199726 that will be seized zN-kR4sFKL4-00808-00199727-00199902 by the human rights movement by zN-kR4sFKL4-00809-00199903-00200283 independent civil society zN-kR4sFKL4-00810-00200284-00200623 organizations zN-kR4sFKL4-00811-00200624-00200902 one of the main common features of these zN-kR4sFKL4-00812-00200903-00201071 regimes is zN-kR4sFKL4-00813-00201072-00201463 let me say arbitrariness you can't be zN-kR4sFKL4-00814-00201464-00201790 sure about the future uh what's going to zN-kR4sFKL4-00815-00201791-00201838 happen zN-kR4sFKL4-00816-00201839-00202119 how will it happen when will it happen zN-kR4sFKL4-00817-00202120-00202199 but zN-kR4sFKL4-00818-00202200-00202550 uh the fight against such a pandemic zN-kR4sFKL4-00819-00202551-00202887 needs more precise policies zN-kR4sFKL4-00820-00202888-00203126 and is there a tension between the zN-kR4sFKL4-00821-00203127-00203526 orthocratic regimes and the fight zN-kR4sFKL4-00822-00203527-00203911 against covet and is there hope that zN-kR4sFKL4-00823-00203912-00204263 this pandemic might uh bring some zN-kR4sFKL4-00824-00204264-00204495 political changes zN-kR4sFKL4-00825-00204496-00204823 in the world zN-kR4sFKL4-00826-00204825-00204942 [Music] zN-kR4sFKL4-00827-00204944-00205286 i think so it is truly zN-kR4sFKL4-00828-00205287-00205486 that these type of governments are zN-kR4sFKL4-00829-00205487-00205614 highly arbitrary zN-kR4sFKL4-00830-00205615-00205871 highly personalistic so they survive zN-kR4sFKL4-00831-00205871-00206038 thanks to zN-kR4sFKL4-00832-00206039-00206423 clientelism because they need to cater zN-kR4sFKL4-00833-00206423-00206606 to a certain clientele to a certain zN-kR4sFKL4-00834-00206607-00206886 sector of society that they define zN-kR4sFKL4-00835-00206887-00206998 arbitrarily zN-kR4sFKL4-00836-00207000-00207358 as the real citizens to the exclusion of zN-kR4sFKL4-00837-00207359-00207398 everyone zN-kR4sFKL4-00838-00207400-00207879 else now clientelistic networks zN-kR4sFKL4-00839-00207880-00208279 are not exactly zN-kR4sFKL4-00840-00208280-00208582 skillful or prepared to deal with zN-kR4sFKL4-00841-00208583-00208655 systemic zN-kR4sFKL4-00842-00208656-00208903 threats like a pandemic because in order zN-kR4sFKL4-00843-00208904-00209142 to deal with the systemic threat zN-kR4sFKL4-00844-00209144-00209423 like uh like the coronavirus you need a zN-kR4sFKL4-00845-00209423-00209494 competent zN-kR4sFKL4-00846-00209496-00209751 bureaucracy and if you populated that zN-kR4sFKL4-00847-00209752-00209871 bureaucracy zN-kR4sFKL4-00848-00209871-00210287 with a friends with sectors of society zN-kR4sFKL4-00849-00210288-00210639 that you want to do political favors too zN-kR4sFKL4-00850-00210640-00210806 well that's that's that's why in zN-kR4sFKL4-00851-00210807-00211031 political sociology there's such a thing zN-kR4sFKL4-00852-00211032-00211391 as a as a as a clientelistic zN-kR4sFKL4-00853-00211392-00211679 state meaning one that's made up of zN-kR4sFKL4-00854-00211680-00211758 patchwork zN-kR4sFKL4-00855-00211759-00212158 or patchwork of zN-kR4sFKL4-00856-00212159-00212598 clicks of circles of insiders zN-kR4sFKL4-00857-00212600-00212958 that are in the exact opposite zN-kR4sFKL4-00858-00212959-00213215 to a competent bureaucracy that can for zN-kR4sFKL4-00859-00213216-00213503 example safely distribute a vaccine zN-kR4sFKL4-00860-00213504-00213831 or that can safely zN-kR4sFKL4-00861-00213832-00214239 roll out a massive testing system zN-kR4sFKL4-00862-00214240-00214567 and this is why many of these zN-kR4sFKL4-00863-00214567-00214910 governments have had to double down zN-kR4sFKL4-00864-00214911-00215110 on repressive measures because they're zN-kR4sFKL4-00865-00215111-00215294 completely incompetent zN-kR4sFKL4-00866-00215296-00215615 in dealing with the daily suffering zN-kR4sFKL4-00867-00215616-00215775 of the populations that they're supposed zN-kR4sFKL4-00868-00215776-00216479 to serve zN-kR4sFKL4-00869-00216480-00216798 as uh i mean the measures we know that zN-kR4sFKL4-00870-00216800-00217198 uh the measures against the pandemic are zN-kR4sFKL4-00871-00217200-00217534 taken and kept consistent zN-kR4sFKL4-00872-00217535-00218127 even to repress zN-kR4sFKL4-00873-00218128-00218487 the focal groups zN-kR4sFKL4-00874-00218488-00218991 in a society do you think that zN-kR4sFKL4-00875-00218992-00219303 the fight against the zN-kR4sFKL4-00876-00219304-00219671 epidemic and the times wherein created zN-kR4sFKL4-00877-00219671-00220055 new forms of solidarity and resistance zN-kR4sFKL4-00878-00220056-00220646 for the civil space to enlarge zN-kR4sFKL4-00879-00220648-00220846 i think so and this is something that's zN-kR4sFKL4-00880-00220848-00221015 very encouraging i zN-kR4sFKL4-00881-00221016-00221271 think that we're living through a moment zN-kR4sFKL4-00882-00221271-00221406 that's a combination zN-kR4sFKL4-00883-00221407-00221863 of the 1930s and the 1960s zN-kR4sFKL4-00884-00221864-00222223 and which were the two key turning zN-kR4sFKL4-00885-00222223-00222279 points zN-kR4sFKL4-00886-00222280-00222487 in terms of international national zN-kR4sFKL4-00887-00222488-00222631 institutions zN-kR4sFKL4-00888-00222632-00222927 in many in many contexts so out of the zN-kR4sFKL4-00889-00222928-00223079 1930s zN-kR4sFKL4-00890-00223080-00223398 got the welfare state in many countries zN-kR4sFKL4-00891-00223400-00223510 or at least a zN-kR4sFKL4-00892-00223511-00223694 developmental estate in other countries zN-kR4sFKL4-00893-00223696-00223958 like turkey and depending on the level zN-kR4sFKL4-00894-00223959-00224087 of development depending on the zN-kR4sFKL4-00895-00224088-00224255 historical trajectory zN-kR4sFKL4-00896-00224256-00224471 the outcome would be different but zN-kR4sFKL4-00897-00224471-00224623 definitely turning points and at the zN-kR4sFKL4-00898-00224623-00224791 level of the international governance zN-kR4sFKL4-00899-00224792-00224855 structure zN-kR4sFKL4-00900-00224856-00225031 that was the time when the imf the world zN-kR4sFKL4-00901-00225032-00225175 bank the u.n and every zN-kR4sFKL4-00902-00225176-00225423 and all the other major institutions zN-kR4sFKL4-00903-00225423-00225494 that we zN-kR4sFKL4-00904-00225496-00225794 know of were established and then the zN-kR4sFKL4-00905-00225796-00225910 1970s zN-kR4sFKL4-00906-00225911-00226127 with the economic crisis of the 19 early zN-kR4sFKL4-00907-00226128-00226231 1970s zN-kR4sFKL4-00908-00226232-00226431 was the turning point pointing the zN-kR4sFKL4-00909-00226432-00226534 opposite direction zN-kR4sFKL4-00910-00226535-00226758 and the pendulum swung in the opposite zN-kR4sFKL4-00911-00226759-00226919 direction and then zN-kR4sFKL4-00912-00226919-00227239 neoliberalism became the dominant zN-kR4sFKL4-00913-00227240-00227534 framework i think that well it's been zN-kR4sFKL4-00914-00227535-00227631 widely zN-kR4sFKL4-00915-00227632-00227823 documented that liberty that your zN-kR4sFKL4-00916-00227823-00228094 liberalism was already zN-kR4sFKL4-00917-00228096-00228455 on shaky ground around the world uh zN-kR4sFKL4-00918-00228456-00228798 inequality had been increasing and zN-kR4sFKL4-00919-00228800-00229151 all-out programs of privatization zN-kR4sFKL4-00920-00229152-00229319 like the ones that were conducted in zN-kR4sFKL4-00921-00229319-00229558 some of the countries that we know well zN-kR4sFKL4-00922-00229559-00229863 well ended up not delivering and zN-kR4sFKL4-00923-00229864-00230094 what happened is what could have been zN-kR4sFKL4-00924-00230096-00230271 anticipated which is zN-kR4sFKL4-00925-00230271-00230663 that that level of investment on on zN-kR4sFKL4-00926-00230664-00231103 on a large luxurious infrastructure zN-kR4sFKL4-00927-00231104-00231206 projects that zN-kR4sFKL4-00928-00231207-00231494 that debt would be recouped at some zN-kR4sFKL4-00929-00231496-00231615 point by lenders and zN-kR4sFKL4-00930-00231616-00231839 and that governments would go and zN-kR4sFKL4-00931-00231840-00231927 countries would go zN-kR4sFKL4-00932-00231928-00232182 into serious economic trouble but that zN-kR4sFKL4-00933-00232183-00232358 was even before the pandemic zN-kR4sFKL4-00934-00232359-00232558 now with the pandemic those stress zN-kR4sFKL4-00935-00232559-00232823 points have become more acute zN-kR4sFKL4-00936-00232823-00233110 and what's encouraging despite all the zN-kR4sFKL4-00937-00233111-00233303 suffering despite and no one wants a zN-kR4sFKL4-00938-00233304-00233671 uh no one would want this situation to zN-kR4sFKL4-00939-00233671-00233975 so be the dominant mode of living the zN-kR4sFKL4-00940-00233976-00234287 anywhere in the world but now that we zN-kR4sFKL4-00941-00234288-00234606 we're going through a global crisis zN-kR4sFKL4-00942-00234607-00234887 there are also opportunities at creating zN-kR4sFKL4-00943-00234888-00234998 links zN-kR4sFKL4-00944-00235000-00235303 among movements and among zN-kR4sFKL4-00945-00235304-00235439 forms of organization that would have zN-kR4sFKL4-00946-00235440-00235655 been that would have been very difficult zN-kR4sFKL4-00947-00235656-00235839 just a year ago let me give you a zN-kR4sFKL4-00948-00235840-00235998 specific example zN-kR4sFKL4-00949-00236000-00236198 just a year ago there was a divide zN-kR4sFKL4-00950-00236200-00236415 between the labor movement zN-kR4sFKL4-00951-00236416-00236703 and the climate action movement in many zN-kR4sFKL4-00952-00236704-00236871 countries because zN-kR4sFKL4-00953-00236871-00237110 say workers in destructive industries in zN-kR4sFKL4-00954-00237111-00237206 oil and zN-kR4sFKL4-00955-00237207-00237679 coal would oppose climate action zN-kR4sFKL4-00956-00237680-00237839 on their on the grounds that they would zN-kR4sFKL4-00957-00237840-00238006 be that would mean the end of zN-kR4sFKL4-00958-00238007-00238327 to their jobs well now those two zN-kR4sFKL4-00959-00238328-00238519 movements are coming together zN-kR4sFKL4-00960-00238519-00238839 because the economic crisis has put zN-kR4sFKL4-00961-00238840-00239198 um has made very visible that oil and zN-kR4sFKL4-00962-00239200-00239446 gas and and those extractive industries zN-kR4sFKL4-00963-00239448-00239598 were not viable in the first zN-kR4sFKL4-00964-00239600-00239846 place and that they would be around for zN-kR4sFKL4-00965-00239848-00240094 a few more years or decades if zN-kR4sFKL4-00966-00240096-00240351 the corporations that benefit from those zN-kR4sFKL4-00967-00240352-00240446 industries zN-kR4sFKL4-00968-00240448-00240782 uh continue to lobby parliaments and zN-kR4sFKL4-00969-00240783-00240910 governments to try to zN-kR4sFKL4-00970-00240911-00241271 buy time but now it's clear that zN-kR4sFKL4-00971-00241271-00241591 a type of green new deal is necessary zN-kR4sFKL4-00972-00241592-00241815 across the board and in countries around zN-kR4sFKL4-00973-00241816-00242030 the world that recovering zN-kR4sFKL4-00974-00242031-00242271 means not only investing in creation of zN-kR4sFKL4-00975-00242271-00242375 jobs and zN-kR4sFKL4-00976-00242376-00242719 and the basic income for the population zN-kR4sFKL4-00977-00242719-00242839 at large zN-kR4sFKL4-00978-00242840-00243206 but also in programs zN-kR4sFKL4-00979-00243207-00243406 that create those incentives while zN-kR4sFKL4-00980-00243407-00243630 making sure that we make the transition zN-kR4sFKL4-00981-00243631-00243703 to zN-kR4sFKL4-00982-00243704-00243991 clean energy because if the airlines go zN-kR4sFKL4-00983-00243992-00244063 back to zN-kR4sFKL4-00984-00244064-00244287 burning that amount of fossil fuels if zN-kR4sFKL4-00985-00244288-00244479 countries after another zN-kR4sFKL4-00986-00244480-00244863 continue to build new luxurious airports zN-kR4sFKL4-00987-00244864-00245175 uh and and runways well there won't be zN-kR4sFKL4-00988-00245176-00245279 planet zN-kR4sFKL4-00989-00245280-00245663 to redistribute or to burn off those zN-kR4sFKL4-00990-00245664-00246006 uh fossil refusal to travel to in 2030 i zN-kR4sFKL4-00991-00246007-00246063 say zN-kR4sFKL4-00992-00246064-00246287 i the ipcc the intergovernmental zN-kR4sFKL4-00993-00246288-00246455 government the panel climate change zN-kR4sFKL4-00994-00246456-00246791 they have periodically said so zN-kR4sFKL4-00995-00246792-00247175 i am hopeful that the crisis zN-kR4sFKL4-00996-00247176-00247471 will create an impetus for those zN-kR4sFKL4-00997-00247471-00247567 movements zN-kR4sFKL4-00998-00247567-00247879 to integrate with each other zN-kR4sFKL4-00999-00247880-00248134 more fully and more effectively because zN-kR4sFKL4-01000-00248135-00248271 this is a challenge zN-kR4sFKL4-01001-00248271-00248479 that's put in evidence everything that zN-kR4sFKL4-01002-00248480-00248615 was zN-kR4sFKL4-01003-00248616-00248958 wrong about the quote unquote normal zN-kR4sFKL4-01004-00248959-00249239 situation that we were leaving before zN-kR4sFKL4-01005-00249240-00249282 the zN-kR4sFKL4-01006-00249283-00249903 pandemic zN-kR4sFKL4-01007-00249904-00250142 this will be my last question and then i zN-kR4sFKL4-01008-00250144-00250279 will open zN-kR4sFKL4-01009-00250280-00250727 the floor to questions zN-kR4sFKL4-01010-00250728-00251042 the inequalities uh created by zN-kR4sFKL4-01011-00251044-00251175 neoliberalism zN-kR4sFKL4-01012-00251176-00251567 uh was there before but we know that zN-kR4sFKL4-01013-00251567-00251910 the pandemic also moves in zN-kR4sFKL4-01014-00251911-00252263 uh class boundaries i i mean people not zN-kR4sFKL4-01015-00252264-00252542 are not affected equally by the pandemic zN-kR4sFKL4-01016-00252544-00252775 the weakest zN-kR4sFKL4-01017-00252776-00253046 is affected the most everywhere in the zN-kR4sFKL4-01018-00253048-00253167 world and zN-kR4sFKL4-01019-00253167-00253446 there is also criticism that up till now zN-kR4sFKL4-01020-00253448-00253663 the liberal democracies zN-kR4sFKL4-01021-00253664-00254006 and the human rights movement zN-kR4sFKL4-01022-00254007-00254358 could not be enough zN-kR4sFKL4-01023-00254359-00254734 to end those inequalities in the world zN-kR4sFKL4-01024-00254735-00255055 which also are increasing uh zN-kR4sFKL4-01025-00255056-00255406 by the pandemic do you think that zN-kR4sFKL4-01026-00255407-00255734 uh the human rights movement zN-kR4sFKL4-01027-00255735-00256079 will get out of this crisis and liberal zN-kR4sFKL4-01028-00256080-00256279 democracies will get out zN-kR4sFKL4-01029-00256280-00256575 this crisis because the system which zN-kR4sFKL4-01030-00256576-00256967 creates the inequalities are still there zN-kR4sFKL4-01031-00256967-00257294 will this epidemic be enough to zN-kR4sFKL4-01032-00257296-00257710 create a new system so that zN-kR4sFKL4-01033-00257711-00257951 the human rights respecting human rights zN-kR4sFKL4-01034-00257952-00258110 and human dignity zN-kR4sFKL4-01035-00258111-00258703 can prevail zN-kR4sFKL4-01036-00258704-00259046 i think and i hope that a different zN-kR4sFKL4-01037-00259048-00259382 form of democracy will emerge from this zN-kR4sFKL4-01038-00259383-00259487 crisis zN-kR4sFKL4-01039-00259488-00259823 that instead of the illegal democracy zN-kR4sFKL4-01040-00259823-00260039 of the regimes that we'll be discussing zN-kR4sFKL4-01041-00260040-00260223 today we will have a zN-kR4sFKL4-01042-00260223-00260534 deeper democracy one that zN-kR4sFKL4-01043-00260535-00260767 gives more space for citizen zN-kR4sFKL4-01044-00260767-00260958 participation but zN-kR4sFKL4-01045-00260959-00261294 free and frequent zN-kR4sFKL4-01046-00261296-00261551 citizen participation not just in zN-kR4sFKL4-01047-00261552-00261751 elections not just in moments zN-kR4sFKL4-01048-00261752-00262134 in which um governments can zN-kR4sFKL4-01049-00262135-00262406 tweak the rules of the game and use the zN-kR4sFKL4-01050-00262407-00262623 electoral rules of the game to re-elect zN-kR4sFKL4-01051-00262624-00262775 themselves which is what many zN-kR4sFKL4-01052-00262776-00262991 democracies have zN-kR4sFKL4-01053-00262992-00263295 come to be but zN-kR4sFKL4-01054-00263296-00263630 uh mechanisms like zN-kR4sFKL4-01055-00263631-00263919 citizen assemblies which i think is a zN-kR4sFKL4-01056-00263920-00264039 very promising zN-kR4sFKL4-01057-00264040-00264255 development citizen assemblies have been zN-kR4sFKL4-01058-00264256-00264343 called in zN-kR4sFKL4-01059-00264344-00264606 places like ireland more recently in zN-kR4sFKL4-01060-00264607-00264695 france zN-kR4sFKL4-01061-00264696-00264999 to discuss key complex policy issues zN-kR4sFKL4-01062-00265000-00265279 like what to do about climate change zN-kR4sFKL4-01063-00265280-00265551 so that that more mobilized version of zN-kR4sFKL4-01064-00265552-00265734 democracy zN-kR4sFKL4-01065-00265735-00265958 coupled with the protection of human zN-kR4sFKL4-01066-00265959-00266087 rights and zN-kR4sFKL4-01067-00266088-00266455 the renewal of the human rights toolbox zN-kR4sFKL4-01068-00266456-00266830 so that we human rights researchers and zN-kR4sFKL4-01069-00266831-00266943 activists zN-kR4sFKL4-01070-00266944-00267247 and zN-kR4sFKL4-01071-00267248-00267591 create more frequent and deeper zN-kR4sFKL4-01072-00267592-00267823 alliances and form of solidarity with zN-kR4sFKL4-01073-00267824-00268110 other forms of progressive and inclusive zN-kR4sFKL4-01074-00268111-00268287 politics all the way from zN-kR4sFKL4-01075-00268288-00268471 the racial justice movement to the zN-kR4sFKL4-01076-00268472-00268630 indigenous movement to the women's zN-kR4sFKL4-01077-00268631-00268719 movement to zN-kR4sFKL4-01078-00268720-00268999 climate action movement and so on that zN-kR4sFKL4-01079-00269000-00269143 that zN-kR4sFKL4-01080-00269144-00269527 convergence through mobilization on the zN-kR4sFKL4-01081-00269528-00269695 streets and also through institutional zN-kR4sFKL4-01082-00269696-00269999 action will hopefully zN-kR4sFKL4-01083-00270000-00270247 move the needle needle in the direction zN-kR4sFKL4-01084-00270248-00270430 of structural reforms zN-kR4sFKL4-01085-00270431-00270663 that are crucial that are needed for zN-kR4sFKL4-01086-00270664-00270806 those inequalities zN-kR4sFKL4-01087-00270807-00271071 not to continue to grow so as you said zN-kR4sFKL4-01088-00271072-00271127 murad zN-kR4sFKL4-01089-00271128-00271375 before the pandemic we were heading in zN-kR4sFKL4-01090-00271376-00271503 the wrong direction zN-kR4sFKL4-01091-00271504-00271671 in countries both in the global south zN-kR4sFKL4-01092-00271672-00271910 and the global north and in zN-kR4sFKL4-01093-00271911-00272191 most countries if not all the countries zN-kR4sFKL4-01094-00272192-00272230 that zN-kR4sFKL4-01095-00272231-00272551 are led by these authoritarian leaders zN-kR4sFKL4-01096-00272552-00272863 inequality had increased zN-kR4sFKL4-01097-00272864-00273182 dramatically many of them came to power zN-kR4sFKL4-01098-00273183-00273406 promising or zN-kR4sFKL4-01099-00273407-00273663 framing or branding themselves as zN-kR4sFKL4-01100-00273664-00273782 economic saviors zN-kR4sFKL4-01101-00273783-00274063 as the ones who would go give stability zN-kR4sFKL4-01102-00274064-00274167 to the economies zN-kR4sFKL4-01103-00274168-00274503 only to fail spectacularly zN-kR4sFKL4-01104-00274504-00274743 at offering an actual and actually zN-kR4sFKL4-01105-00274744-00274910 securing prosperity for the zN-kR4sFKL4-01106-00274911-00275239 population now we know that because zN-kR4sFKL4-01107-00275240-00275391 this is what the pandemic has made so zN-kR4sFKL4-01108-00275392-00275647 evident and so painfully evident that zN-kR4sFKL4-01109-00275648-00275951 basic structures of zN-kR4sFKL4-01110-00275952-00276143 markets even markets not just zN-kR4sFKL4-01111-00276144-00276319 distribution but markets zN-kR4sFKL4-01112-00276320-00276679 and social protection were so weak zN-kR4sFKL4-01113-00276680-00276871 that they there was no way for them to zN-kR4sFKL4-01114-00276872-00277039 respond uh zN-kR4sFKL4-01115-00277040-00277367 to the situation of the pandemic zN-kR4sFKL4-01116-00277368-00277655 so institutions like and and zN-kR4sFKL4-01117-00277656-00277751 institutional zN-kR4sFKL4-01118-00277752-00278127 configurations like basic income zN-kR4sFKL4-01119-00278128-00278695 public health care systems some sort of zN-kR4sFKL4-01120-00278696-00278999 workers training programs some form zN-kR4sFKL4-01121-00279000-00279310 of more aggressive tax zN-kR4sFKL4-01122-00279311-00279647 redistribution all those seemed radical zN-kR4sFKL4-01123-00279648-00279743 just a zN-kR4sFKL4-01124-00279744-00280039 year ago now they seem essential because zN-kR4sFKL4-01125-00280040-00280119 otherwise zN-kR4sFKL4-01126-00280120-00280447 we now see how exposed zN-kR4sFKL4-01127-00280448-00280799 we all are but definitely the how zN-kR4sFKL4-01128-00280800-00280958 the most vulnerable sectors of the zN-kR4sFKL4-01129-00280959-00281119 population are zN-kR4sFKL4-01130-00281120-00281423 to any disruption in zN-kR4sFKL4-01131-00281424-00282327 the markets or the economy in general zN-kR4sFKL4-01132-00282328-00282767 well thank you very much because you zN-kR4sFKL4-01133-00282768-00283110 with your approach you not only keep up zN-kR4sFKL4-01134-00283111-00283191 hope zN-kR4sFKL4-01135-00283192-00283519 which is an essential thing for all the zN-kR4sFKL4-01136-00283520-00283758 people in the world for struggling for zN-kR4sFKL4-01137-00283759-00283967 human rights and democracy zN-kR4sFKL4-01138-00283968-00284295 but you also uh show zN-kR4sFKL4-01139-00284296-00284654 us uh the new ways uh zN-kR4sFKL4-01140-00284655-00285015 to keep that hope uh to have an impact zN-kR4sFKL4-01141-00285016-00285367 uh for the better so now i'm opening the zN-kR4sFKL4-01142-00285368-00285606 floor to questions i'll be receiving zN-kR4sFKL4-01143-00285607-00285671 them zN-kR4sFKL4-01144-00285672-00286230 uh read in written form and zN-kR4sFKL4-01145-00286231-00286671 ask that we already have one zN-kR4sFKL4-01146-00286672-00286930 and it's about the international zN-kR4sFKL4-01147-00286931-00287071 humanitarian zN-kR4sFKL4-01148-00287072-00287503 law can that international mechanism be zN-kR4sFKL4-01149-00287504-00287975 binding for uh the authoritarian zN-kR4sFKL4-01150-00287976-00288454 or autocratic leaders in the world zN-kR4sFKL4-01151-00288455-00288823 is that possible uh is it a not a risk zN-kR4sFKL4-01152-00288824-00289110 uh stepping down from the position with zN-kR4sFKL4-01153-00289111-00289343 the fear that they can be prosecuted by zN-kR4sFKL4-01154-00289344-00290087 international humanitarian law zN-kR4sFKL4-01155-00290088-00290430 yes but the the short answer is yes they zN-kR4sFKL4-01156-00290431-00290454 are zN-kR4sFKL4-01157-00290455-00290647 bound by international humanitarian law zN-kR4sFKL4-01158-00290648-00290903 there are all kinds of zN-kR4sFKL4-01159-00290904-00291182 legal tools rules and traditions that zN-kR4sFKL4-01160-00291183-00291263 would zN-kR4sFKL4-01161-00291264-00291567 show that even if zN-kR4sFKL4-01162-00291568-00291879 the country has not uh ratified zN-kR4sFKL4-01163-00291880-00292182 say the treaties around the the roman zN-kR4sFKL4-01164-00292183-00292271 statute and the zN-kR4sFKL4-01165-00292272-00292567 all the international architecture that zN-kR4sFKL4-01166-00292568-00292703 some of those zN-kR4sFKL4-01167-00292704-00293071 um actions that they have perpetrated go zN-kR4sFKL4-01168-00293072-00293447 against basic rules of customary law zN-kR4sFKL4-01169-00293448-00293782 and constitute um crimes against zN-kR4sFKL4-01170-00293783-00293910 humanity so there zN-kR4sFKL4-01171-00293911-00294167 are a couple of for example relatively zN-kR4sFKL4-01172-00294168-00294247 recent zN-kR4sFKL4-01173-00294248-00294575 efforts to hold both zN-kR4sFKL4-01174-00294576-00294815 nicolas maduro and venezuela and jair zN-kR4sFKL4-01175-00294816-00294927 bolsonaro zN-kR4sFKL4-01176-00294928-00295175 extreme opposite in terms of ideology zN-kR4sFKL4-01177-00295176-00295387 but very close in terms of zN-kR4sFKL4-01178-00295388-00295647 anti-democratic politics and persecution zN-kR4sFKL4-01179-00295648-00295799 of civil society zN-kR4sFKL4-01180-00295800-00296206 um accountable for human rights for zN-kR4sFKL4-01181-00296207-00296254 crimes zN-kR4sFKL4-01182-00296255-00296558 against humanity so yes the short zN-kR4sFKL4-01183-00296559-00296895 legal answer is definitely yes zN-kR4sFKL4-01184-00296896-00297206 but the geopolitical answer zN-kR4sFKL4-01185-00297207-00297543 is that of course with the world being zN-kR4sFKL4-01186-00297544-00297639 in the state that zN-kR4sFKL4-01187-00297640-00297982 it is even before the pandemic with very zN-kR4sFKL4-01188-00297983-00298015 few zN-kR4sFKL4-01189-00298016-00298279 champions of international human rights zN-kR4sFKL4-01190-00298280-00298358 being zN-kR4sFKL4-01191-00298359-00298591 willing to step up at the level of the zN-kR4sFKL4-01192-00298592-00298775 u.n council on the level of the zN-kR4sFKL4-01193-00298776-00299134 of the defense of the icc international zN-kR4sFKL4-01194-00299135-00299439 criminal court zN-kR4sFKL4-01195-00299440-00299743 the international political support that zN-kR4sFKL4-01196-00299744-00299879 human rights institutions and zN-kR4sFKL4-01197-00299880-00300023 humanitarian law zN-kR4sFKL4-01198-00300024-00300367 have always depended on zN-kR4sFKL4-01199-00300368-00300671 has become a lot more precarious zN-kR4sFKL4-01200-00300672-00300991 so there needs to be we certainly are zN-kR4sFKL4-01201-00300992-00301079 not zN-kR4sFKL4-01202-00301080-00301343 in the 1990s anymore in those in those zN-kR4sFKL4-01203-00301344-00301471 terms this is not a moment of the zN-kR4sFKL4-01204-00301472-00301671 expansion of the rules of international zN-kR4sFKL4-01205-00301672-00301839 law which doesn't mean that this amount zN-kR4sFKL4-01206-00301840-00301958 of crisis but zN-kR4sFKL4-01207-00301959-00302303 it also means that we need to invest in zN-kR4sFKL4-01208-00302304-00302575 political action not in partisan action zN-kR4sFKL4-01209-00302576-00302751 but political action in terms of zN-kR4sFKL4-01210-00302752-00303110 contesting the narratives contesting the zN-kR4sFKL4-01211-00303111-00303415 the the strategies that zN-kR4sFKL4-01212-00303416-00303671 those governments have very effectively zN-kR4sFKL4-01213-00303672-00303895 put into place zN-kR4sFKL4-01214-00303896-00304215 like for instance the new legislation in zN-kR4sFKL4-01215-00304216-00304406 india against the muslim population that zN-kR4sFKL4-01216-00304407-00304519 has been zN-kR4sFKL4-01217-00304520-00304839 powerfully and courageously opposed zN-kR4sFKL4-01218-00304840-00305199 by students who are now being persecuted zN-kR4sFKL4-01219-00305200-00305463 for having gone to the streets protest zN-kR4sFKL4-01220-00305464-00305606 against those measures in zN-kR4sFKL4-01221-00305607-00305927 early 2020 early this year zN-kR4sFKL4-01222-00305928-00306143 and only through that political zN-kR4sFKL4-01223-00306144-00306367 mobilization coupled with the tools that zN-kR4sFKL4-01224-00306368-00306447 we know zN-kR4sFKL4-01225-00306448-00306823 how to use which is mobilize the courts zN-kR4sFKL4-01226-00306824-00306934 use the law zN-kR4sFKL4-01227-00306935-00307182 invoke international standards will it zN-kR4sFKL4-01228-00307183-00307239 be able zN-kR4sFKL4-01229-00307240-00307567 will it be possible to hopefully zN-kR4sFKL4-01230-00307568-00307839 go back to a time in which those zN-kR4sFKL4-01231-00307840-00307934 standards zN-kR4sFKL4-01232-00307935-00308223 will be seen as the international zN-kR4sFKL4-01233-00308224-00308327 consensus zN-kR4sFKL4-01234-00308328-00308647 that most thing of all not all zN-kR4sFKL4-01235-00308648-00309206 governments will abide by zN-kR4sFKL4-01236-00309207-00309510 we have mentioned uh prevail from zN-kR4sFKL4-01237-00309511-00309599 venezuela zN-kR4sFKL4-01238-00309600-00309958 as uh taking new measures against this zN-kR4sFKL4-01239-00309959-00310271 closing civil space zN-kR4sFKL4-01240-00310272-00310630 do you have other examples so that zN-kR4sFKL4-01241-00310631-00311006 the listening the audience can look up zN-kR4sFKL4-01242-00311007-00311175 for the activities of those zN-kR4sFKL4-01243-00311176-00311671 organizations in mind zN-kR4sFKL4-01244-00311672-00312015 yes so again for those of you zN-kR4sFKL4-01245-00312016-00312343 interested in looking at very specific zN-kR4sFKL4-01246-00312344-00312415 examples zN-kR4sFKL4-01247-00312416-00312775 of creative responses my recommendation zN-kR4sFKL4-01248-00312776-00313115 is to go to zN-kR4sFKL4-01249-00313116-00313263 openglobalrights.org zN-kR4sFKL4-01250-00313264-00313510 because there's a wealth of of a case zN-kR4sFKL4-01251-00313511-00313582 studies zN-kR4sFKL4-01252-00313583-00313830 practical guides on on hope based zN-kR4sFKL4-01253-00313831-00313991 communications on zN-kR4sFKL4-01254-00313992-00314327 on on creative narratives written by zN-kR4sFKL4-01255-00314328-00314758 some of my colleagues at ogr that also zN-kR4sFKL4-01256-00314759-00314975 by the activists themselves so i'll just zN-kR4sFKL4-01257-00314976-00315182 give you a couple of examples from that zN-kR4sFKL4-01258-00315183-00315215 but zN-kR4sFKL4-01259-00315216-00315534 this is kind of zN-kR4sFKL4-01260-00315535-00315782 a very quick and dirty sample i could zN-kR4sFKL4-01261-00315783-00315919 use many other zN-kR4sFKL4-01262-00315920-00316151 instances so i already mentioned the use zN-kR4sFKL4-01263-00316152-00316334 of humor zN-kR4sFKL4-01264-00316335-00316679 one a other way in which zN-kR4sFKL4-01265-00316680-00316839 some humorous organization trying to zN-kR4sFKL4-01266-00316840-00317087 counter the repressive zN-kR4sFKL4-01267-00317088-00317406 measures is by changing zN-kR4sFKL4-01268-00317407-00317703 their organizational structures right zN-kR4sFKL4-01269-00317704-00317815 the one thing zN-kR4sFKL4-01270-00317816-00318143 that is beautiful about technology zN-kR4sFKL4-01271-00318144-00318351 technology of course has its downside zN-kR4sFKL4-01272-00318352-00318654 but it is these days it's more feasible zN-kR4sFKL4-01273-00318655-00318927 to work in a decentralized way around zN-kR4sFKL4-01274-00318928-00319023 the world zN-kR4sFKL4-01275-00319024-00319415 right so authoritarian governments zN-kR4sFKL4-01276-00319416-00319775 try to crack down on physically zN-kR4sFKL4-01277-00319776-00320127 immobile organizations say by making it zN-kR4sFKL4-01278-00320128-00320343 difficult to zN-kR4sFKL4-01279-00320344-00320679 receive funds from foreign zN-kR4sFKL4-01280-00320680-00320903 democratic governments or from zN-kR4sFKL4-01281-00320904-00321134 foundations or from donors say zN-kR4sFKL4-01282-00321135-00321351 or for individuals want to support their zN-kR4sFKL4-01283-00321352-00321487 work zN-kR4sFKL4-01284-00321488-00321799 now those authoritarian governments do zN-kR4sFKL4-01285-00321800-00321934 not have jurisdiction zN-kR4sFKL4-01286-00321935-00322271 over what happens elsewhere so zN-kR4sFKL4-01287-00322272-00322439 more immorally and i think that this zN-kR4sFKL4-01288-00322440-00322663 trend is going to increase with the zN-kR4sFKL4-01289-00322664-00322823 pandemic zN-kR4sFKL4-01290-00322824-00323143 organizations are becoming what experts zN-kR4sFKL4-01291-00323144-00323247 called zN-kR4sFKL4-01292-00323248-00323510 decentralized or distributed zN-kR4sFKL4-01293-00323511-00323630 organizations zN-kR4sFKL4-01294-00323631-00323958 this was pioneered just like russia and zN-kR4sFKL4-01295-00323959-00324158 the russian government pioneered zN-kR4sFKL4-01296-00324159-00324479 many of the anti-civil society measures zN-kR4sFKL4-01297-00324480-00324719 russian activists pioneered some of zN-kR4sFKL4-01298-00324720-00324839 these zN-kR4sFKL4-01299-00324840-00325263 countermeasures which is to try to avoid zN-kR4sFKL4-01300-00325264-00325671 those sections by operating more fluidly zN-kR4sFKL4-01301-00325672-00326039 in in different parts of the world right zN-kR4sFKL4-01302-00326040-00326343 setting up offices elsewhere or working zN-kR4sFKL4-01303-00326344-00326487 with individuals as opposed to zN-kR4sFKL4-01304-00326488-00326606 organizations zN-kR4sFKL4-01305-00326607-00326943 uh to through offices in in other parts zN-kR4sFKL4-01306-00326944-00327006 of the world zN-kR4sFKL4-01307-00327007-00327134 now with the pandemic and everyone zN-kR4sFKL4-01308-00327135-00327310 working remotely i think that this is zN-kR4sFKL4-01309-00327311-00327430 going to be zN-kR4sFKL4-01310-00327431-00327767 a more and more calm and then zN-kR4sFKL4-01311-00327768-00328095 a second example has to do zN-kR4sFKL4-01312-00328096-00328423 with modes of zN-kR4sFKL4-01313-00328424-00328767 over funding so this the zN-kR4sFKL4-01314-00328768-00328943 my previous example was about modes of zN-kR4sFKL4-01315-00328944-00329071 organization zN-kR4sFKL4-01316-00329072-00329615 this one is about funding zN-kR4sFKL4-01317-00329616-00329839 human rights organizations have been zN-kR4sFKL4-01318-00329840-00329919 relatively zN-kR4sFKL4-01319-00329920-00330134 vulnerable to restrictions to foreign zN-kR4sFKL4-01320-00330135-00330247 funding because zN-kR4sFKL4-01321-00330248-00330558 there used to be only a few funding zN-kR4sFKL4-01322-00330559-00330751 sources of funding in many countries zN-kR4sFKL4-01323-00330752-00330887 right mostly zN-kR4sFKL4-01324-00330888-00331191 foreign funders in zN-kR4sFKL4-01325-00331192-00331478 in the global north many organizations zN-kR4sFKL4-01326-00331479-00331575 are becoming zN-kR4sFKL4-01327-00331576-00331919 more citizen driven more zN-kR4sFKL4-01328-00331920-00332263 volunteer dream so for example amnesty zN-kR4sFKL4-01329-00332264-00332415 international zN-kR4sFKL4-01330-00332416-00332687 largest human rights organization over zN-kR4sFKL4-01331-00332688-00332775 the last few zN-kR4sFKL4-01332-00332776-00333063 months has been quite successful at zN-kR4sFKL4-01333-00333064-00333247 increasing its membership zN-kR4sFKL4-01334-00333248-00333495 around the world and the members around zN-kR4sFKL4-01335-00333496-00333567 the world zN-kR4sFKL4-01336-00333568-00333799 contribute a small amount of money it zN-kR4sFKL4-01337-00333800-00334023 could be one dollar or less zN-kR4sFKL4-01338-00334024-00334343 but if you have hundreds of thousands of zN-kR4sFKL4-01339-00334344-00334447 those zN-kR4sFKL4-01340-00334448-00334695 members you get two things at the same zN-kR4sFKL4-01341-00334696-00334767 time zN-kR4sFKL4-01342-00334768-00334958 one is you actually mobilize the zN-kR4sFKL4-01343-00334959-00335119 population because it's not about the zN-kR4sFKL4-01344-00335120-00335223 money zN-kR4sFKL4-01345-00335224-00335463 it's or just about the money it is zN-kR4sFKL4-01346-00335464-00335567 mostly about zN-kR4sFKL4-01347-00335568-00335847 engaging reaching out to the to a zN-kR4sFKL4-01348-00335848-00336047 broader constituency zN-kR4sFKL4-01349-00336048-00336447 so becoming a movement organization zN-kR4sFKL4-01350-00336448-00336767 as opposed to a kind of a brick and zN-kR4sFKL4-01351-00336768-00336887 mortar zN-kR4sFKL4-01352-00336888-00337215 office um based organization zN-kR4sFKL4-01353-00337216-00337519 has is also a way that human rights some zN-kR4sFKL4-01354-00337520-00337743 human rights entities have zN-kR4sFKL4-01355-00337744-00338054 innovated in response to initially to zN-kR4sFKL4-01356-00338055-00338447 illiberal democracy and more recently to zN-kR4sFKL4-01357-00338448-00339023 cover so just like just like um zN-kR4sFKL4-01358-00339024-00339334 anti-rights networks have become zN-kR4sFKL4-01359-00339335-00339567 quite fluid and mobilized online you zN-kR4sFKL4-01360-00339568-00339799 know rights defending organizations zN-kR4sFKL4-01361-00339800-00340063 need to be more imaginative about their zN-kR4sFKL4-01362-00340064-00340775 structures and their ways of operating zN-kR4sFKL4-01363-00340776-00341247 there is one remark about using humor zN-kR4sFKL4-01364-00341248-00341527 but i will tell you about it but zN-kR4sFKL4-01365-00341528-00341751 something else zN-kR4sFKL4-01366-00341752-00342130 uh since these propellers leaders claim zN-kR4sFKL4-01367-00342131-00342310 anti-aliasing zN-kR4sFKL4-01368-00342311-00342527 uh doesn't using him or feed their zN-kR4sFKL4-01369-00342528-00342639 rhetoric of zN-kR4sFKL4-01370-00342640-00342871 anti-realities and giving them grounds zN-kR4sFKL4-01371-00342872-00342975 to say that zN-kR4sFKL4-01372-00342976-00343215 these intellectuals only know how to zN-kR4sFKL4-01373-00343216-00343406 make fun of real people zN-kR4sFKL4-01374-00343407-00343663 so this is a remark but let me ask the zN-kR4sFKL4-01375-00343664-00344143 question zN-kR4sFKL4-01376-00344144-00344351 as other places in the world civil zN-kR4sFKL4-01377-00344352-00344519 society activities zN-kR4sFKL4-01378-00344520-00344775 as well as cultural and artistic zN-kR4sFKL4-01379-00344776-00344903 activities zN-kR4sFKL4-01380-00344904-00345254 which address sociopolitic issues zN-kR4sFKL4-01381-00345255-00345519 which were already vulnerable were zN-kR4sFKL4-01382-00345520-00345791 impacted by the pandemic zN-kR4sFKL4-01383-00345792-00345982 many of us anticipate that the zN-kR4sFKL4-01384-00345983-00346167 government might take this as an zN-kR4sFKL4-01385-00346168-00346471 advantage and continue its surveillance zN-kR4sFKL4-01386-00346472-00346687 limiting mechanisms over those zN-kR4sFKL4-01387-00346688-00346934 activities zN-kR4sFKL4-01388-00346935-00347282 how can we tackle uh with zN-kR4sFKL4-01389-00347283-00347791 this uh problem zN-kR4sFKL4-01390-00347792-00348063 meaning what measures that's a great way zN-kR4sFKL4-01391-00348064-00348519 for the zN-kR4sFKL4-01392-00348520-00348719 that's a great question and it's one zN-kR4sFKL4-01393-00348720-00348951 that's hard to answer because it is true zN-kR4sFKL4-01394-00348952-00349182 and i'm glad that someone raised this zN-kR4sFKL4-01395-00349183-00349375 question because zN-kR4sFKL4-01396-00349376-00349630 when i speak of civil society zN-kR4sFKL4-01397-00349631-00349847 organizations i'm not zN-kR4sFKL4-01398-00349848-00350071 speaking only of human rights zN-kR4sFKL4-01399-00350072-00350391 organizations by any means because zN-kR4sFKL4-01400-00350392-00350806 as you all painfully know zN-kR4sFKL4-01401-00350807-00351199 autocrats tend to go after any dissident zN-kR4sFKL4-01402-00351200-00351551 voice be them artists zN-kR4sFKL4-01403-00351552-00351951 academics journalists zN-kR4sFKL4-01404-00351952-00352327 and so on so zN-kR4sFKL4-01405-00352328-00352654 the the instead of answer zN-kR4sFKL4-01406-00352655-00352830 i would not have a good answer in terms zN-kR4sFKL4-01407-00352831-00353006 of how to protect people who zN-kR4sFKL4-01408-00353007-00353191 practice the arts or from the zN-kR4sFKL4-01409-00353192-00353382 persecution my only zN-kR4sFKL4-01410-00353383-00353599 unhelpful answer is that they would zN-kR4sFKL4-01411-00353600-00353687 probably zN-kR4sFKL4-01412-00353688-00354095 in the most repressive regimes zN-kR4sFKL4-01413-00354096-00354415 will be targeted anyway if they zN-kR4sFKL4-01414-00354416-00354615 are if they're being active or they're zN-kR4sFKL4-01415-00354616-00354767 being participating even in street zN-kR4sFKL4-01416-00354768-00354951 protests as we know zN-kR4sFKL4-01417-00354952-00355199 one of the most draconian measures the zN-kR4sFKL4-01418-00355200-00355343 type of measures that these governments zN-kR4sFKL4-01419-00355344-00355543 take is go after zN-kR4sFKL4-01420-00355544-00355854 the uh protesters on the street zN-kR4sFKL4-01421-00355855-00356223 either and the causes zN-kR4sFKL4-01422-00356224-00356415 really could be anything could be the zN-kR4sFKL4-01423-00356416-00356671 defense of a park in the middle of a zN-kR4sFKL4-01424-00356672-00356823 city zN-kR4sFKL4-01425-00356824-00357127 or it could be the defense of a piece of zN-kR4sFKL4-01426-00357128-00357254 legislation zN-kR4sFKL4-01427-00357255-00357647 that the government is putting in place zN-kR4sFKL4-01428-00357648-00357975 because um it for example violate the zN-kR4sFKL4-01429-00357976-00358206 rights of minorities as in india zN-kR4sFKL4-01430-00358207-00358510 recently so zN-kR4sFKL4-01431-00358511-00358830 the way in which you have seen this zN-kR4sFKL4-01432-00358831-00359158 being tackled creatively is again zN-kR4sFKL4-01433-00359159-00359551 through fluid organizational forms zN-kR4sFKL4-01434-00359552-00359815 in ways in which it's not just the zN-kR4sFKL4-01435-00359816-00359871 artist zN-kR4sFKL4-01436-00359872-00360054 it's not just the human rights lawyers zN-kR4sFKL4-01437-00360055-00360182 it's not just the zN-kR4sFKL4-01438-00360183-00360519 journalists taking all the heat zN-kR4sFKL4-01439-00360520-00360878 but cross-cutting alliances of citizens zN-kR4sFKL4-01440-00360879-00360999 and i'm sure that zN-kR4sFKL4-01441-00361000-00361254 you all have participated in in many of zN-kR4sFKL4-01442-00361255-00361334 these zN-kR4sFKL4-01443-00361335-00361663 that also cut across class because zN-kR4sFKL4-01444-00361664-00361982 as murad said it's very easy for these zN-kR4sFKL4-01445-00361983-00362278 leaders to zN-kR4sFKL4-01446-00362279-00362639 call names and to accuse zN-kR4sFKL4-01447-00362640-00362903 the opposition of being what in some zN-kR4sFKL4-01448-00362904-00363054 places in latin america called zN-kR4sFKL4-01449-00363055-00363254 caviar intellectuals like the people who zN-kR4sFKL4-01450-00363255-00363478 are talkers and they are do not suffer zN-kR4sFKL4-01451-00363479-00363671 like the real people zN-kR4sFKL4-01452-00363672-00363895 but if those alliances are cross class zN-kR4sFKL4-01453-00363896-00364143 which is i think is starting to happen zN-kR4sFKL4-01454-00364144-00364295 more clearly and recover zN-kR4sFKL4-01455-00364296-00364695 because the zN-kR4sFKL4-01456-00364696-00364999 labor movement and also movements of zN-kR4sFKL4-01457-00365000-00365230 uh oppressed racial and ethnic zN-kR4sFKL4-01458-00365231-00365351 minorities are zN-kR4sFKL4-01459-00365352-00365558 coming out more forcefully to the street zN-kR4sFKL4-01460-00365559-00365775 and create alliances across zN-kR4sFKL4-01461-00365776-00366119 classes that that more zN-kR4sFKL4-01462-00366120-00366495 diverse more inclusive progressive front zN-kR4sFKL4-01463-00366496-00366863 will be harder to stigmatize zN-kR4sFKL4-01464-00366864-00367454 and to counter by authoritarian leaders zN-kR4sFKL4-01465-00367455-00367710 okay let me ask a last question because zN-kR4sFKL4-01466-00367711-00367758 we have zN-kR4sFKL4-01467-00367759-00368063 exceeded an hour and uh zN-kR4sFKL4-01468-00368064-00368351 i i don't want to take your time more zN-kR4sFKL4-01469-00368352-00368519 than zN-kR4sFKL4-01470-00368520-00368670 that zN-kR4sFKL4-01471-00368671-00369030 [Applause] zN-kR4sFKL4-01472-00369031-00369367 since the measure is taken against zN-kR4sFKL4-01473-00369368-00369734 your position and the people in general zN-kR4sFKL4-01474-00369735-00370023 are similar do you similar with all the zN-kR4sFKL4-01475-00370024-00370119 autocratic zN-kR4sFKL4-01476-00370120-00370478 leaders because when uh putin takes a zN-kR4sFKL4-01477-00370479-00370863 a new measure against civil society zN-kR4sFKL4-01478-00370864-00371143 i personally fear a lot that these zN-kR4sFKL4-01479-00371144-00371199 measures zN-kR4sFKL4-01480-00371200-00371487 will be adapted here in turkey too and zN-kR4sFKL4-01481-00371488-00371751 some of them have been zN-kR4sFKL4-01482-00371752-00372015 some of them are similar do you think zN-kR4sFKL4-01483-00372016-00372199 that there is a guidebook for these zN-kR4sFKL4-01484-00372200-00372482 authoritarian leaders about these zN-kR4sFKL4-01485-00372483-00372743 measures zN-kR4sFKL4-01486-00372744-00372887 [Music] zN-kR4sFKL4-01487-00372888-00373143 well there is there may be a real zN-kR4sFKL4-01488-00373144-00373247 guidebook zN-kR4sFKL4-01489-00373248-00373599 but but if there isn't there certainly zN-kR4sFKL4-01490-00373600-00373943 is a a figurative zN-kR4sFKL4-01491-00373944-00374223 guidebook and in the book that you zN-kR4sFKL4-01492-00374224-00374310 mentioned zN-kR4sFKL4-01493-00374311-00374671 we try to come up with a list of items zN-kR4sFKL4-01494-00374672-00374919 that is usually included in those zN-kR4sFKL4-01495-00374920-00375039 textbooks for zN-kR4sFKL4-01496-00375040-00375463 authoritarians and so i'll give you a zN-kR4sFKL4-01497-00375464-00375615 quick example zN-kR4sFKL4-01498-00375616-00375895 so if you wanted i once wrote an op-ed zN-kR4sFKL4-01499-00375896-00376063 called zN-kR4sFKL4-01500-00376064-00376430 a a script for a new authoritarian zN-kR4sFKL4-01501-00376431-00376639 or a guidebook for a new authoritarian zN-kR4sFKL4-01502-00376640-00376743 brand so zN-kR4sFKL4-01503-00376744-00377078 this would be yeah and this would be the zN-kR4sFKL4-01504-00377079-00377223 list zN-kR4sFKL4-01505-00377224-00377367 of recommendations for that zN-kR4sFKL4-01506-00377368-00377582 authoritarian that they tend to give zN-kR4sFKL4-01507-00377583-00377743 each other and in a moment i will zN-kR4sFKL4-01508-00377744-00377951 explain that this is not just fiction zN-kR4sFKL4-01509-00377952-00378015 this zN-kR4sFKL4-01510-00378016-00378182 something along these lines actually zN-kR4sFKL4-01511-00378183-00378358 happens but let me just for zN-kR4sFKL4-01512-00378359-00378639 pedagogical purposes come up with a zN-kR4sFKL4-01513-00378640-00378871 simple list a checklist of measures that zN-kR4sFKL4-01514-00378872-00379054 an authoritarian like this one would be zN-kR4sFKL4-01515-00379055-00379239 advised to take zN-kR4sFKL4-01516-00379240-00379551 first make it very difficult to register zN-kR4sFKL4-01517-00379552-00379910 any new ngos or to run any existing zN-kR4sFKL4-01518-00379911-00380302 ngo through administrative restrictions zN-kR4sFKL4-01519-00380303-00380410 sometimes zN-kR4sFKL4-01520-00380411-00380863 euphemistically called accountability zN-kR4sFKL4-01521-00380864-00381199 measures or transparency measures second zN-kR4sFKL4-01522-00381200-00381382 make it very difficult for independent zN-kR4sFKL4-01523-00381383-00381654 voices to get support from international zN-kR4sFKL4-01524-00381655-00381854 funders and international governments zN-kR4sFKL4-01525-00381855-00381975 for example zN-kR4sFKL4-01526-00381976-00382487 by making that type of support debate zN-kR4sFKL4-01527-00382488-00382839 accusations of zN-kR4sFKL4-01528-00382840-00383151 foreign espionage or complicity with zN-kR4sFKL4-01529-00383152-00383287 foreign agents zN-kR4sFKL4-01530-00383288-00383582 again russia partly invented that part zN-kR4sFKL4-01531-00383583-00383687 of the textbook zN-kR4sFKL4-01532-00383688-00384023 it's been deployed elsewhere zN-kR4sFKL4-01533-00384024-00384334 egypt uh zN-kR4sFKL4-01534-00384335-00384575 bolsonaro tried in the first week of his zN-kR4sFKL4-01535-00384576-00384782 government and so on zN-kR4sFKL4-01536-00384783-00385199 third use zN-kR4sFKL4-01537-00385200-00385534 relentless us versus them zN-kR4sFKL4-01538-00385535-00385854 narratives so invest heavily zN-kR4sFKL4-01539-00385855-00386239 in propaganda that is highly divisive zN-kR4sFKL4-01540-00386240-00386551 and stigmatized anyone zN-kR4sFKL4-01541-00386552-00386878 who opposes you as member of the other zN-kR4sFKL4-01542-00386879-00387254 as the dem and call them non-patriots zN-kR4sFKL4-01543-00387255-00387510 non indian non-turkish not brazilians zN-kR4sFKL4-01544-00387511-00387882 and so on zN-kR4sFKL4-01545-00387883-00388158 fourth zN-kR4sFKL4-01546-00388159-00388487 two try to zN-kR4sFKL4-01547-00388488-00388815 survive your first term in office zN-kR4sFKL4-01548-00388816-00389023 and then get reelected and then after zN-kR4sFKL4-01549-00389024-00389206 re-election zN-kR4sFKL4-01550-00389207-00389447 undermine the electoral rules of the zN-kR4sFKL4-01551-00389448-00389702 game that got you elected zN-kR4sFKL4-01552-00389703-00389871 because you will need to be reelected zN-kR4sFKL4-01553-00389872-00390063 again over and over and over again zN-kR4sFKL4-01554-00390064-00390134 russia zN-kR4sFKL4-01555-00390135-00390382 and uh and many other places look at zN-kR4sFKL4-01556-00390383-00390534 maduro how long he's been around zN-kR4sFKL4-01557-00390535-00390823 it and that and so these are so the only zN-kR4sFKL4-01558-00390824-00391039 way that they can zN-kR4sFKL4-01559-00391040-00391230 live in this world is by perpetuating zN-kR4sFKL4-01560-00391231-00391415 themselves not as a movement or even as zN-kR4sFKL4-01561-00391416-00391630 a woman but as individuals zN-kR4sFKL4-01562-00391631-00391934 so that sooner or later zN-kR4sFKL4-01563-00391935-00392199 they will become undemocratic so they zN-kR4sFKL4-01564-00392200-00392271 may zN-kR4sFKL4-01565-00392272-00392567 begin as a liberal democrat but they zN-kR4sFKL4-01566-00392568-00392775 will as soon as the law of gravity zN-kR4sFKL4-01567-00392776-00393134 will have to become zN-kR4sFKL4-01568-00393135-00393382 full-blown authoritarians because they zN-kR4sFKL4-01569-00393383-00393447 will zN-kR4sFKL4-01570-00393448-00393751 reap the rules of the electoral game zN-kR4sFKL4-01571-00393752-00394095 to get reelected and finally and this zN-kR4sFKL4-01572-00394096-00394367 this is longer but i just give you a zN-kR4sFKL4-01573-00394368-00394415 quick zN-kR4sFKL4-01574-00394416-00394863 taste of it zN-kR4sFKL4-01575-00394864-00395182 at the international level zN-kR4sFKL4-01576-00395183-00395543 come together with similarly minded zN-kR4sFKL4-01577-00395544-00395854 and situated governments so it just zN-kR4sFKL4-01578-00395855-00396167 as it is crucial for human rights zN-kR4sFKL4-01579-00396168-00396319 organizations and and zN-kR4sFKL4-01580-00396320-00396543 journalists independent journalistic zN-kR4sFKL4-01581-00396544-00396630 outlets zN-kR4sFKL4-01582-00396631-00396934 in different regions and countries to zN-kR4sFKL4-01583-00396935-00397134 come together in defense of democracy in zN-kR4sFKL4-01584-00397135-00397319 defense of freedom of expression and so zN-kR4sFKL4-01585-00397320-00397406 on zN-kR4sFKL4-01586-00397407-00397671 they the authoritarians of the world zN-kR4sFKL4-01587-00397672-00397799 have established zN-kR4sFKL4-01588-00397800-00397975 informal clubs so just give you an zN-kR4sFKL4-01589-00397976-00398127 example so that zN-kR4sFKL4-01590-00398128-00398415 this has some sociological bite to it if zN-kR4sFKL4-01591-00398416-00398495 you look at zN-kR4sFKL4-01592-00398496-00398775 the lineup of presidents who attended zN-kR4sFKL4-01593-00398776-00398806 the zN-kR4sFKL4-01594-00398807-00399071 inauguration president bolsonaro in zN-kR4sFKL4-01595-00399072-00399343 brazil a couple of years ago zN-kR4sFKL4-01596-00399344-00399719 you would have found zN-kR4sFKL4-01597-00399720-00400278 victor orban or zN-kR4sFKL4-01598-00400279-00400663 netanyahu but people who no one zN-kR4sFKL4-01599-00400664-00400951 in the general populace uh population of zN-kR4sFKL4-01600-00400952-00401095 brazil would have recognized from the zN-kR4sFKL4-01601-00401096-00401215 faith it wasn't zN-kR4sFKL4-01602-00401216-00401510 you know if trump would have shown up zN-kR4sFKL4-01603-00401511-00401654 they would have recognized him but it zN-kR4sFKL4-01604-00401655-00401758 was these people from zN-kR4sFKL4-01605-00401759-00402087 hungary from israel showing up and zN-kR4sFKL4-01606-00402088-00402247 what were they doing there showing zN-kR4sFKL4-01607-00402248-00402495 solidarity and making sure that a new zN-kR4sFKL4-01608-00402496-00402654 powerful member of the club zN-kR4sFKL4-01609-00402655-00403023 would be welcomed and informally or zN-kR4sFKL4-01610-00403024-00403375 formally there is advice going on there zN-kR4sFKL4-01611-00403376-00403487 are cooperation zN-kR4sFKL4-01612-00403488-00403863 going on and uh of course as we know zN-kR4sFKL4-01613-00403864-00404199 sadly for example the government of zN-kR4sFKL4-01614-00404200-00404543 venezuela manages to stay zN-kR4sFKL4-01615-00404544-00404815 afloat barely through the support of zN-kR4sFKL4-01616-00404816-00404991 authoritarian governments from china to zN-kR4sFKL4-01617-00404992-00405087 russia zN-kR4sFKL4-01618-00405088-00405375 and uh and so this cross learning and zN-kR4sFKL4-01619-00405376-00405502 mutual support zN-kR4sFKL4-01620-00405503-00405806 is crucial to that structure zN-kR4sFKL4-01621-00405807-00406071 and that's what also it has allowed zN-kR4sFKL4-01622-00406072-00406295 allotted to survive for longer than zN-kR4sFKL4-01623-00406296-00406943 any of us would ever hoped zN-kR4sFKL4-01624-00406944-00407239 cesar uh it has been a great pleasure zN-kR4sFKL4-01625-00407240-00407367 meeting with you zN-kR4sFKL4-01626-00407368-00407702 again even it's i online and i i would zN-kR4sFKL4-01627-00407703-00407951 like to thank you for sharing zN-kR4sFKL4-01628-00407952-00408215 your knowledge and experience and on zN-kR4sFKL4-01629-00408216-00408254 these zN-kR4sFKL4-01630-00408255-00409743 issues thank you very much zN-kR4sFKL4-01631-00409743-00410207 in the next panels in the near future zN-kR4sFKL4-01632-00410208-00410583 bye bye zPHLi9YpS-I-00000-00000071-00000295 so i was heading to a north carolina zPHLi9YpS-I-00001-00000296-00000551 board of realtors meeting zPHLi9YpS-I-00002-00000552-00000839 on friday of this past week in zPHLi9YpS-I-00003-00000840-00001158 greensboro so i had some time to think zPHLi9YpS-I-00004-00001159-00001407 and i was thinking about this real zPHLi9YpS-I-00005-00001408-00001591 estate market and where we stand right zPHLi9YpS-I-00006-00001592-00001895 now and zPHLi9YpS-I-00007-00001896-00002047 just had some thoughts i wanted to put zPHLi9YpS-I-00008-00002048-00002318 out there into the ether zPHLi9YpS-I-00009-00002319-00002463 um zPHLi9YpS-I-00010-00002464-00002823 so way back in 2007 the reason that zPHLi9YpS-I-00011-00002824-00003079 market crashed was zPHLi9YpS-I-00012-00003080-00003335 several factors but the main factors zPHLi9YpS-I-00013-00003336-00003583 were we over built the housing market zPHLi9YpS-I-00014-00003584-00003799 across the united states we're building zPHLi9YpS-I-00015-00003800-00004215 too many houses for population demand zPHLi9YpS-I-00016-00004216-00004375 there's about zPHLi9YpS-I-00017-00004376-00004622 330 million people in the united states zPHLi9YpS-I-00018-00004623-00004751 we add about zPHLi9YpS-I-00019-00004752-00005015 three million people per zPHLi9YpS-I-00020-00005016-00005359 year to the population they grow up they zPHLi9YpS-I-00021-00005360-00005599 get married they want to have a house zPHLi9YpS-I-00022-00005600-00005911 so we can add about 1.2 million houses zPHLi9YpS-I-00023-00005912-00006095 to the inventory zPHLi9YpS-I-00024-00006096-00006270 every year new home zPHLi9YpS-I-00025-00006271-00006623 construction just to keep up with zPHLi9YpS-I-00026-00006623-00006903 the population growth zPHLi9YpS-I-00027-00006904-00006991 we zPHLi9YpS-I-00028-00006992-00007070 got zPHLi9YpS-I-00029-00007072-00007342 past that number in 2007 and that was zPHLi9YpS-I-00030-00007343-00007542 one of the reasons for the crash was we zPHLi9YpS-I-00031-00007543-00007806 overbuilt the popul overbuilt the zPHLi9YpS-I-00032-00007808-00008046 inventory the other thing was we started zPHLi9YpS-I-00033-00008047-00008263 doing no income no asset verification zPHLi9YpS-I-00034-00008264-00008439 loans basically loaning money to people zPHLi9YpS-I-00035-00008440-00008614 that probably shouldn't have qualified zPHLi9YpS-I-00036-00008615-00008767 for a mortgage zPHLi9YpS-I-00037-00008768-00009071 and then the housing prices were getting zPHLi9YpS-I-00038-00009072-00009246 inflated zPHLi9YpS-I-00039-00009247-00009406 due to zPHLi9YpS-I-00040-00009407-00009503 some zPHLi9YpS-I-00041-00009504-00009742 appraisal techniques that probably were zPHLi9YpS-I-00042-00009743-00009951 not zPHLi9YpS-I-00043-00009952-00010087 the best for zPHLi9YpS-I-00044-00010088-00010214 housing zPHLi9YpS-I-00045-00010215-00010391 market i don't want to really go into zPHLi9YpS-I-00046-00010392-00010503 that but zPHLi9YpS-I-00047-00010504-00010583 um zPHLi9YpS-I-00048-00010584-00010727 the point was we ever built the zPHLi9YpS-I-00049-00010728-00010903 inventory we were given loans to people zPHLi9YpS-I-00050-00010904-00011078 that shouldn't have zPHLi9YpS-I-00051-00011079-00011246 been able to get loans zPHLi9YpS-I-00052-00011247-00011542 and then the rent rates started getting zPHLi9YpS-I-00053-00011543-00011759 better than the housing rate so you zPHLi9YpS-I-00054-00011760-00012014 could rent a house for less than your zPHLi9YpS-I-00055-00012015-00012206 monthly mortgage payment would be if you zPHLi9YpS-I-00056-00012207-00012438 were to buy that same house zPHLi9YpS-I-00057-00012439-00012631 and i think ultimately that's what zPHLi9YpS-I-00058-00012632-00012855 corrected that market zPHLi9YpS-I-00059-00012856-00013166 was buyers basically just said no more zPHLi9YpS-I-00060-00013168-00013303 and zPHLi9YpS-I-00061-00013304-00013471 now a lot of times what happens when zPHLi9YpS-I-00062-00013472-00013599 interest rate zPHLi9YpS-I-00063-00013600-00013919 hikes happen is it doesn't actually stop zPHLi9YpS-I-00064-00013919-00014199 people from buying a house but people zPHLi9YpS-I-00065-00014200-00014463 that could buy a 400 000 house and that zPHLi9YpS-I-00066-00014463-00014647 monthly payment was zPHLi9YpS-I-00067-00014647-00014830 comfortable for them now they can only zPHLi9YpS-I-00068-00014831-00015166 buy a 350 000 house and then they can zPHLi9YpS-I-00069-00015168-00015422 buy a 325 000 house and then they can zPHLi9YpS-I-00070-00015423-00015711 buy a 300 000 house as the interest zPHLi9YpS-I-00071-00015712-00015838 rates go up zPHLi9YpS-I-00072-00015840-00016047 the monthly mortgage payments in order zPHLi9YpS-I-00073-00016047-00016294 to keep them at a level that they can zPHLi9YpS-I-00074-00016295-00016415 afford zPHLi9YpS-I-00075-00016416-00016686 they actually buy less of a house so it zPHLi9YpS-I-00076-00016687-00016871 actually causes the upper end of the zPHLi9YpS-I-00077-00016872-00017230 market to start to have longer days on zPHLi9YpS-I-00078-00017231-00017358 market zPHLi9YpS-I-00079-00017359-00017727 and it forces more people into the zPHLi9YpS-I-00080-00017728-00017919 lower part of the markets you know and zPHLi9YpS-I-00081-00017920-00018303 right now 200 300 000 zPHLi9YpS-I-00082-00018304-00018519 unfortunately is the low part of the zPHLi9YpS-I-00083-00018520-00018830 market around the charlotte region so zPHLi9YpS-I-00084-00018831-00019047 that will put even more pressure on the zPHLi9YpS-I-00085-00019048-00019399 houses that are in that 200 to 300 000 zPHLi9YpS-I-00086-00019400-00019575 price point is what zPHLi9YpS-I-00087-00019576-00019799 i see happening zPHLi9YpS-I-00088-00019800-00019871 so zPHLi9YpS-I-00089-00019872-00020079 could that cause zPHLi9YpS-I-00090-00020080-00020255 buyers to start stepping out of the zPHLi9YpS-I-00091-00020256-00020439 market and just staying where they are zPHLi9YpS-I-00092-00020440-00020735 for a while will it cause a second home zPHLi9YpS-I-00093-00020736-00020919 purchases to slow down i definitely zPHLi9YpS-I-00094-00020920-00021083 think it's going to cause second home zPHLi9YpS-I-00095-00021084-00021327 purchases to slow down because people zPHLi9YpS-I-00096-00021328-00021527 that are financing those those interest zPHLi9YpS-I-00097-00021528-00021735 rates are going to be even more affected zPHLi9YpS-I-00098-00021736-00021927 because typically you're buying zPHLi9YpS-I-00099-00021928-00022007 you know zPHLi9YpS-I-00100-00022008-00022222 a little bit higher priced home zPHLi9YpS-I-00101-00022223-00022455 and also the interest rate on a second zPHLi9YpS-I-00102-00022456-00022694 home purchase is usually higher than if zPHLi9YpS-I-00103-00022695-00022991 it was your primary residence so zPHLi9YpS-I-00104-00022992-00023263 all those things i think could affect zPHLi9YpS-I-00105-00023264-00023439 slowing the housing market down a little zPHLi9YpS-I-00106-00023440-00023622 bit zPHLi9YpS-I-00107-00023623-00023855 but i have to go back and say well right zPHLi9YpS-I-00108-00023856-00024175 now we're at the lowest inventory we've zPHLi9YpS-I-00109-00024176-00024375 ever seen in history i think the zPHLi9YpS-I-00110-00024376-00024694 inventory got down to about three months zPHLi9YpS-I-00111-00024695-00024855 three and a half months of inventory zPHLi9YpS-I-00112-00024856-00025158 back in 2007. balance market is five to zPHLi9YpS-I-00113-00025159-00025342 seven months of inventory zPHLi9YpS-I-00114-00025343-00025503 over seven months of inventory it's a zPHLi9YpS-I-00115-00025504-00025670 buyer's market under five months of zPHLi9YpS-I-00116-00025672-00025846 inventory is the seller's market we got zPHLi9YpS-I-00117-00025847-00025990 down about three and a half months of zPHLi9YpS-I-00118-00025991-00026287 inventory across the charlotte region zPHLi9YpS-I-00119-00026288-00026423 we are zPHLi9YpS-I-00120-00026424-00026718 less than 30 days of inventory across zPHLi9YpS-I-00121-00026719-00026839 the charlotte zPHLi9YpS-I-00122-00026839-00027223 region now that is a stupid low zPHLi9YpS-I-00123-00027224-00027655 number i mean unhealthy low number so zPHLi9YpS-I-00124-00027656-00027862 if interest rates do go up does that zPHLi9YpS-I-00125-00027863-00028062 push us back up to zPHLi9YpS-I-00126-00028063-00028262 a more healthy number zPHLi9YpS-I-00127-00028263-00028583 you know five months of inventory zPHLi9YpS-I-00128-00028583-00028695 maybe zPHLi9YpS-I-00129-00028695-00028943 and would that be a good thing zPHLi9YpS-I-00130-00028944-00029223 yeah that would actually be a good thing zPHLi9YpS-I-00131-00029224-00029543 you know we really can't sustain zPHLi9YpS-I-00132-00029544-00029695 15 20 zPHLi9YpS-I-00133-00029695-00029943 appreciation year over year that's just zPHLi9YpS-I-00134-00029944-00030239 not sustainable people's income zPHLi9YpS-I-00135-00030239-00030462 is not keeping up with a 15 to 20 zPHLi9YpS-I-00136-00030463-00030655 percent appreciation zPHLi9YpS-I-00137-00030656-00030823 of home prices zPHLi9YpS-I-00138-00030824-00030943 so zPHLi9YpS-I-00139-00030944-00031135 we do need to slow this market down a zPHLi9YpS-I-00140-00031136-00031358 little bit i know zPHLi9YpS-I-00141-00031360-00031511 coming from a real estate agent you zPHLi9YpS-I-00142-00031512-00031727 might think that's shocking to hear that zPHLi9YpS-I-00143-00031727-00031902 we need to slow down zPHLi9YpS-I-00144-00031903-00032095 the price appreciation zPHLi9YpS-I-00145-00032095-00032335 um because i do get paid on commission zPHLi9YpS-I-00146-00032336-00032470 and the higher the price the more zPHLi9YpS-I-00147-00032472-00032735 commission i get paid typically so zPHLi9YpS-I-00148-00032736-00032967 but we do in order for this market to be zPHLi9YpS-I-00149-00032968-00033167 healthy we need to zPHLi9YpS-I-00150-00033168-00033439 slow down the appreciation some zPHLi9YpS-I-00151-00033440-00033671 and we need to do it soon or we're going zPHLi9YpS-I-00152-00033672-00033871 to overheat this market zPHLi9YpS-I-00153-00033872-00034167 and it's going to have a big crash so zPHLi9YpS-I-00154-00034168-00034343 it's possible some interest rate hikes zPHLi9YpS-I-00155-00034344-00034495 would actually zPHLi9YpS-I-00156-00034496-00034679 be good for the real estate market to zPHLi9YpS-I-00157-00034680-00034862 bring the appreciation number down a zPHLi9YpS-I-00158-00034863-00035079 little bit to slow the market just a zPHLi9YpS-I-00159-00035080-00035287 little bit i hope that's helpful if you zPHLi9YpS-I-00160-00035288-00035431 have any real estate needs please give zPHLi9YpS-I-00161-00035432-00035839 me a call 704-902-4700 zPHLi9YpS-I-00162-00035840-00036111 is my personal cell phone number thanks zPHLi9YpS-I-00163-00036112-00036452 talk to you later zPWxc8j6w3M-00000-00000000-00000289 I'm rusty Holden I'm from the Renko I'm zPWxc8j6w3M-00001-00000290-00000590 talking about the little lifter a pilot zPWxc8j6w3M-00002-00000591-00000947 plant that I designed computationally in zPWxc8j6w3M-00003-00000948-00001211 the last couple of months in an overview zPWxc8j6w3M-00004-00001212-00001466 on where we go next because we have to zPWxc8j6w3M-00005-00001467-00001723 do a little materials testing this is 40 zPWxc8j6w3M-00006-00001725-00001964 megawatts here's our defining zPWxc8j6w3M-00007-00001964-00002189 differences the neutrons converting zPWxc8j6w3M-00008-00002190-00002560 thorium directly to uranium 233 also in zPWxc8j6w3M-00009-00002561-00002792 the pure design which I have here we're zPWxc8j6w3M-00010-00002793-00003038 not producing any plutonium to speak of zPWxc8j6w3M-00011-00003039-00003284 or any of the other dreaded transer zPWxc8j6w3M-00012-00003285-00003511 annex the usual suspects the zPWxc8j6w3M-00013-00003511-00003779 contamination issue for thousands of zPWxc8j6w3M-00014-00003779-00004019 years with the liquid the defining zPWxc8j6w3M-00015-00004020-00004253 difference no meltdown no fuel rods no zPWxc8j6w3M-00016-00004254-00004552 cooling plants and again no 10,000 year zPWxc8j6w3M-00017-00004553-00004861 fuel storage problems finally with the zPWxc8j6w3M-00018-00004862-00005074 liquid fuels we have the safety zPWxc8j6w3M-00019-00005075-00005351 situation pretty much in hand you've zPWxc8j6w3M-00020-00005352-00005609 seen the the fuel dump that has been zPWxc8j6w3M-00021-00005610-00005816 discussed this is when the hot fuel zPWxc8j6w3M-00022-00005817-00006095 drops down into the tanks during the zPWxc8j6w3M-00023-00006096-00006478 unforeseeable emergency situation my zPWxc8j6w3M-00024-00006479-00006776 only improvement on that is to salt the zPWxc8j6w3M-00025-00006777-00007106 tank that receives the hot fuel with zPWxc8j6w3M-00026-00007106-00007433 denaturing materials and with dilute ins zPWxc8j6w3M-00027-00007434-00007660 and with Neutron absorbers but we'll get zPWxc8j6w3M-00028-00007661-00007873 to that in a moment here we go how do we zPWxc8j6w3M-00029-00007875-00008128 start this thing I pick a molten salt zPWxc8j6w3M-00030-00008129-00008414 sodium beryllium fluoride I'm using this zPWxc8j6w3M-00031-00008415-00008645 one because it's inexpensive readily zPWxc8j6w3M-00032-00008646-00008909 available and you don't have to do any zPWxc8j6w3M-00033-00008910-00009209 isotopic separation is in the case of zPWxc8j6w3M-00034-00009210-00009476 lithium you have to fish out the lithium zPWxc8j6w3M-00035-00009477-00009742 6 in this you don't there is a penalty zPWxc8j6w3M-00036-00009743-00010058 there's a little bit of a neutron cost zPWxc8j6w3M-00037-00010059-00010298 in the economy here but I think this is zPWxc8j6w3M-00038-00010299-00010523 a good salt to look at it's excellent zPWxc8j6w3M-00039-00010524-00010703 because it's got a very long liquid zPWxc8j6w3M-00040-00010704-00011027 range 350 degrees to 1500 degrees that's zPWxc8j6w3M-00041-00011028-00011285 good it gives an operating range between zPWxc8j6w3M-00042-00011286-00011563 450 and 650 which is good it doesn't zPWxc8j6w3M-00043-00011564-00011788 strain the materials the nice thing also zPWxc8j6w3M-00044-00011789-00012080 is this is a low power design I want to zPWxc8j6w3M-00045-00012081-00012256 test the materials want to do it zPWxc8j6w3M-00046-00012257-00012481 inexpensively so we got natural zPWxc8j6w3M-00047-00012482-00012737 convection that we can do with the pool zPWxc8j6w3M-00048-00012738-00013088 type reactor design what's our fuel this zPWxc8j6w3M-00049-00013088-00013166 is easy zPWxc8j6w3M-00050-00013168-00013377 all we do is we get our coolant our zPWxc8j6w3M-00051-00013378-00013694 sodium beryllium fluoride and we add our zPWxc8j6w3M-00052-00013695-00013978 fissile to it in this case it's pure zPWxc8j6w3M-00053-00013979-00014330 u-235 we add our fertile which is our zPWxc8j6w3M-00054-00014331-00014697 thorium tetrafluoride and I examined zPWxc8j6w3M-00055-00014697-00014984 some cases just varying the amount of zPWxc8j6w3M-00056-00014985-00015308 thorium in the fuel the good news is zPWxc8j6w3M-00057-00015309-00015519 this the more thorium the better the zPWxc8j6w3M-00058-00015519-00015683 fuel here's the liquid fuel zPWxc8j6w3M-00059-00015684-00015938 characteristics melted around 400 zPWxc8j6w3M-00060-00015940-00016166 degrees we can adjust that melting zPWxc8j6w3M-00061-00016168-00016313 temperature by adding additional zPWxc8j6w3M-00062-00016315-00016550 fluoride salts so we can have a lower zPWxc8j6w3M-00063-00016551-00016814 melt we can do that also with the zPWxc8j6w3M-00064-00016815-00017049 coolant we can adjust the melting zPWxc8j6w3M-00065-00017050-00017319 temperature with relative ease the fuel zPWxc8j6w3M-00066-00017320-00017528 is compatible with the coolant because zPWxc8j6w3M-00067-00017529-00017714 it's made out of the coolant and it's zPWxc8j6w3M-00068-00017715-00017922 compatible with the hostel or nickel zPWxc8j6w3M-00069-00017923-00018137 cladding the material is absolutely zPWxc8j6w3M-00070-00018138-00018437 necessary to separate your coolant from zPWxc8j6w3M-00071-00018438-00018627 your fuel you don't want to contaminate zPWxc8j6w3M-00072-00018628-00018905 your coolant because then if you have zPWxc8j6w3M-00073-00018906-00019089 that possibility you're not going to be zPWxc8j6w3M-00074-00019090-00019389 in business ever in this reactor design zPWxc8j6w3M-00075-00019390-00019764 I use the beryllium in the salt as the zPWxc8j6w3M-00076-00019765-00019989 moderator so I side step having zPWxc8j6w3M-00077-00019990-00020255 moderator in the the molten salt zPWxc8j6w3M-00078-00020256-00020543 assembly I don't have graphite sitting zPWxc8j6w3M-00079-00020544-00020796 in the chord makes a smaller design this zPWxc8j6w3M-00080-00020797-00021078 is the conceptual honeycomb geometry zPWxc8j6w3M-00081-00021079-00021383 this is new geometry the honey is the zPWxc8j6w3M-00082-00021384-00021608 yellow that's the coolant coming your zPWxc8j6w3M-00083-00021609-00021911 way the blue is the thorium zPWxc8j6w3M-00084-00021912-00022106 that's your neutron reflector your zPWxc8j6w3M-00085-00022107-00022334 blanket it's kicking those neutrons back zPWxc8j6w3M-00086-00022335-00022675 into the core and the red is the fuel zPWxc8j6w3M-00087-00022676-00023049 circulating in the hastelloy lapis in zPWxc8j6w3M-00088-00023050-00023267 this chart we'll say that we're pumping zPWxc8j6w3M-00089-00023268-00023594 the fuel north and then the honeycomb zPWxc8j6w3M-00090-00023595-00023799 we're looking down on the reactor and zPWxc8j6w3M-00091-00023800-00024044 the honey's coming our way that's our zPWxc8j6w3M-00092-00024045-00024339 cone the reason we have this geometry is zPWxc8j6w3M-00093-00024340-00024512 for the thermal management hastelloy zPWxc8j6w3M-00094-00024513-00024731 does not conduct heat as well as many of zPWxc8j6w3M-00095-00024732-00024933 the other more traditional materials do zPWxc8j6w3M-00096-00024934-00025256 so I increase the surface area of our zPWxc8j6w3M-00097-00025257-00025571 cladding so that we achieve a nice zPWxc8j6w3M-00098-00025572-00025868 result we have the fuel pump throughout zPWxc8j6w3M-00099-00025869-00026096 the lattice also with this lattice zPWxc8j6w3M-00100-00026097-00026326 design we have a cover gas zPWxc8j6w3M-00101-00026327-00026539 in our fuel and we're pumping that cover zPWxc8j6w3M-00102-00026539-00026787 gas around and this is the way we fish zPWxc8j6w3M-00103-00026788-00027157 out our fission gases your fission gases zPWxc8j6w3M-00104-00027158-00027352 sort of the parents of many of the zPWxc8j6w3M-00105-00027352-00027574 fission products and this is a superior zPWxc8j6w3M-00106-00027575-00027843 way to clean and condition your fuel zPWxc8j6w3M-00107-00027844-00028149 during operations is to manage that gas zPWxc8j6w3M-00108-00028150-00028449 and the easiest way to do it is is to zPWxc8j6w3M-00109-00028450-00028702 circulate a cover gas sitting on top zPWxc8j6w3M-00110-00028702-00029029 here's the computational innovation here zPWxc8j6w3M-00111-00029030-00029245 this shows you in detail what the heck zPWxc8j6w3M-00112-00029245-00029514 cell system looks like with the green is zPWxc8j6w3M-00113-00029516-00029745 the fuel we're pumping it north again zPWxc8j6w3M-00114-00029747-00029998 the honey and the yellow is coming your zPWxc8j6w3M-00115-00029999-00030270 way that's the coolant and your fuel and zPWxc8j6w3M-00116-00030272-00030696 the Hastelloy is the magenta it's it's zPWxc8j6w3M-00117-00030697-00030952 your cladding that's separating fuel zPWxc8j6w3M-00118-00030952-00031327 from coolant we see what the core looks zPWxc8j6w3M-00119-00031327-00031582 like we're at a hundred and sixty zPWxc8j6w3M-00120-00031583-00031867 centimeters across the hexagonal shape zPWxc8j6w3M-00121-00031868-00032173 it's a right hexagonal prism so it's a zPWxc8j6w3M-00122-00032174-00032421 hundred and sixty centimeters tall and a zPWxc8j6w3M-00123-00032422-00032670 hundred and sixty centimeters across the zPWxc8j6w3M-00124-00032672-00032952 shoulders the openings in the lattice zPWxc8j6w3M-00125-00032953-00033412 are in four centimeter segments they're zPWxc8j6w3M-00126-00033413-00033661 there because that's the mean free path zPWxc8j6w3M-00127-00033662-00033823 of the neutrons in this particular zPWxc8j6w3M-00128-00033824-00034252 assembly we put my hex system where it zPWxc8j6w3M-00129-00034253-00034510 says reactor core it heats up that zPWxc8j6w3M-00130-00034511-00034774 chimney full of salt the salt goes up to zPWxc8j6w3M-00131-00034775-00035008 the top visits the heat exchanger gives zPWxc8j6w3M-00132-00035009-00035236 cool goes back down that's your primary zPWxc8j6w3M-00133-00035237-00035524 loop your salt is in an endless circle zPWxc8j6w3M-00134-00035525-00035893 here and inside of this flask I call it zPWxc8j6w3M-00135-00035894-00036067 a thermal reservoir we have we have a zPWxc8j6w3M-00136-00036068-00036304 lot of heat that we store and the way we zPWxc8j6w3M-00137-00036305-00036537 fish it out with the heat exchangers in zPWxc8j6w3M-00138-00036538-00036768 the secondary loop probably a critical zPWxc8j6w3M-00139-00036769-00037030 co2 Brayton heat exchange whatever the zPWxc8j6w3M-00140-00037031-00037302 most efficient is I like the gas because zPWxc8j6w3M-00141-00037303-00037539 your your hardware is a lot smaller and zPWxc8j6w3M-00142-00037540-00037824 a lot more efficient I keep my zPWxc8j6w3M-00143-00037825-00038145 traditional control rods and safety rods zPWxc8j6w3M-00144-00038146-00038355 that sort of thing I keep it there for zPWxc8j6w3M-00145-00038356-00038680 regulatory reasons it's it's good to zPWxc8j6w3M-00146-00038681-00038949 have traditional control in addition to zPWxc8j6w3M-00147-00038950-00039183 all the other controls we've designed zPWxc8j6w3M-00148-00039184-00039387 that are new but this provides a nice zPWxc8j6w3M-00149-00039388-00039658 transition from the old to the new zPWxc8j6w3M-00150-00039659-00039862 is using the tried-and-true control zPWxc8j6w3M-00151-00039863-00040114 gives us a good shot at having zPWxc8j6w3M-00152-00040115-00040408 regulatory success this is what the zPWxc8j6w3M-00153-00040409-00040603 neutrons look like in the fuel zPWxc8j6w3M-00154-00040604-00040846 horizontal scales increasing energy goes zPWxc8j6w3M-00155-00040847-00041125 up to 10 million electron volts way down zPWxc8j6w3M-00156-00041126-00041356 on this end a 10th or so electron volt zPWxc8j6w3M-00157-00041357-00041674 tiny electron volts the green shows you zPWxc8j6w3M-00158-00041675-00041989 thorium's appetite or affinity for zPWxc8j6w3M-00159-00041990-00042322 neutrons as a function of energy and the zPWxc8j6w3M-00160-00042323-00042703 red shows you affinity by uranium 233 in zPWxc8j6w3M-00161-00042704-00043018 this case four neutrons you see uranium zPWxc8j6w3M-00162-00043019-00043264 loves those colder those just chilled zPWxc8j6w3M-00163-00043265-00043522 out or thermal neutrons and a little bit zPWxc8j6w3M-00164-00043523-00043834 below one electron volt the idea of this zPWxc8j6w3M-00165-00043835-00044188 thing what what makes it go is you have zPWxc8j6w3M-00166-00044189-00044455 to have enough thermalized neutrons to zPWxc8j6w3M-00167-00044456-00044715 keep that Neutron chain reaction going zPWxc8j6w3M-00168-00044716-00045025 but also you want to be able to make as zPWxc8j6w3M-00169-00045026-00045340 much fuel as you can on the go so that's zPWxc8j6w3M-00170-00045341-00045592 why I like a little higher spectrum here zPWxc8j6w3M-00171-00045593-00045775 or this is pretty hard spectrum and zPWxc8j6w3M-00172-00045776-00046027 what's going on is we're getting lots of zPWxc8j6w3M-00173-00046028-00046261 opportunity for the neutrons to be zPWxc8j6w3M-00174-00046262-00046582 captured by the thorium so that we can zPWxc8j6w3M-00175-00046583-00046813 almost we can get towards a break-even zPWxc8j6w3M-00176-00046814-00047278 situation of producing as much disarmed zPWxc8j6w3M-00177-00047279-00047560 material as we consume during reactor zPWxc8j6w3M-00178-00047561-00047824 operations are many advantages of course zPWxc8j6w3M-00179-00047825-00048076 it's great making the fissile right in zPWxc8j6w3M-00180-00048077-00048292 the core because that's the safest place zPWxc8j6w3M-00181-00048293-00048535 in the world for fissile because it's zPWxc8j6w3M-00182-00048536-00048766 protected by radiation shield what zPWxc8j6w3M-00183-00048767-00048961 happened with these three fuel designs zPWxc8j6w3M-00184-00048962-00049249 the one on there is when your reactor is zPWxc8j6w3M-00185-00049250-00049507 critical when you go below one that zPWxc8j6w3M-00186-00049508-00049735 means your reactors fizzled out the zPWxc8j6w3M-00187-00049736-00049957 fission products have won the battle and zPWxc8j6w3M-00188-00049958-00050179 now you just got a bunch of embers the zPWxc8j6w3M-00189-00050180-00050563 more thorium that's in the fuel the zPWxc8j6w3M-00190-00050564-00050860 longer it's going to last the longer zPWxc8j6w3M-00191-00050861-00051043 it's gonna stay above one these zPWxc8j6w3M-00192-00051044-00051322 computations were done without pulling zPWxc8j6w3M-00193-00051323-00051610 the fission gases out my next set of zPWxc8j6w3M-00194-00051611-00051891 computations will be using condition zPWxc8j6w3M-00195-00051892-00052230 fuel to flatten out this chart so that zPWxc8j6w3M-00196-00052232-00052531 my fuel will be very very long zPWxc8j6w3M-00197-00052532-00052987 many decades probably of fuel the idea zPWxc8j6w3M-00198-00052988-00053287 of this is to keep the fuel in the plant zPWxc8j6w3M-00199-00053288-00053532 not take it away from the plant zPWxc8j6w3M-00200-00053533-00053761 regulators like that that's a good idea zPWxc8j6w3M-00201-00053762-00054067 the way to do that is condition that zPWxc8j6w3M-00202-00054068-00054284 fuel you can I've talked about the zPWxc8j6w3M-00203-00054285-00054550 fission gases you catch capture them zPWxc8j6w3M-00204-00054551-00054811 outside the core the trick is you just zPWxc8j6w3M-00205-00054812-00055022 pull them out run them through a cold zPWxc8j6w3M-00206-00055023-00055288 box and your fission gases will get zPWxc8j6w3M-00207-00055289-00055519 stuck in the cold they'll come out and zPWxc8j6w3M-00208-00055520-00055703 then they'll drop down into the the zPWxc8j6w3M-00209-00055704-00056116 fission product solids that are the zPWxc8j6w3M-00210-00056116-00056510 neutron poisons this was our performance zPWxc8j6w3M-00211-00056511-00056863 the low power test 10 megawatts we zPWxc8j6w3M-00212-00056864-00057290 burned up 141 keys of u-233 in this zPWxc8j6w3M-00213-00057291-00057556 exercise when we produced about a zPWxc8j6w3M-00214-00057557-00057949 hundred and two kilograms of u-233 zPWxc8j6w3M-00215-00057950-00058188 with a big fissile load with this thing zPWxc8j6w3M-00216-00058189-00058535 1.6 metric tons that's high but that's zPWxc8j6w3M-00217-00058536-00058784 the that's the price of having a fuel zPWxc8j6w3M-00218-00058785-00059050 that can be made eternal being able to zPWxc8j6w3M-00219-00059051-00059323 work in the harder spectrum rather than zPWxc8j6w3M-00220-00059324-00059603 a soft or thermalized spectrum we have zPWxc8j6w3M-00221-00059604-00059851 nine tons of thorium in here and we've zPWxc8j6w3M-00222-00059852-00060151 produced 23 grams of u-232 zPWxc8j6w3M-00223-00060152-00060410 that's the stuff that shows to the world zPWxc8j6w3M-00224-00060411-00060691 it sends out a gamma signal you can see zPWxc8j6w3M-00225-00060692-00060959 it from a satellite way out in space or zPWxc8j6w3M-00226-00060960-00061207 instruments on a boat on the ground it zPWxc8j6w3M-00227-00061208-00061582 says there's uranium 233 here it's hot zPWxc8j6w3M-00228-00061583-00061801 if you've tried to run off with it it's zPWxc8j6w3M-00229-00061802-00062032 a dead giveaway and if you try to build zPWxc8j6w3M-00230-00062033-00062309 a bomb out of it it provides a nice way zPWxc8j6w3M-00231-00062310-00062551 to come in with some countermeasure that zPWxc8j6w3M-00232-00062552-00062782 sees those photons and it'll zoom right zPWxc8j6w3M-00233-00062783-00063073 in and is that wherever that unaccounted zPWxc8j6w3M-00234-00063074-00063331 for uranium is here's our trans URI zPWxc8j6w3M-00235-00063332-00063657 annex transuranic SAR usual suspects zPWxc8j6w3M-00236-00063658-00064087 plutonium 239 it hangs out for 24,000 zPWxc8j6w3M-00237-00064088-00064354 110 year half-life takes it quite a long zPWxc8j6w3M-00238-00064355-00064648 time to fizzle out these figures show 10 zPWxc8j6w3M-00239-00064649-00064918 to the minus 7 10 to the minus 4 10 to zPWxc8j6w3M-00240-00064919-00065285 the minus 7 10 to the minus 9 grams this zPWxc8j6w3M-00241-00065286-00065674 is teeny teeny production I got lazy why zPWxc8j6w3M-00242-00065675-00065822 I did the addition here zPWxc8j6w3M-00243-00065823-00066092 I said less than a milligram well it's zPWxc8j6w3M-00244-00066093-00066281 significantly less than a milligram a zPWxc8j6w3M-00245-00066282-00066494 thousandth of a gram of these graded zPWxc8j6w3M-00246-00066495-00066785 materials 10 years of operation under zPWxc8j6w3M-00247-00066786-00067190 k-6 this is good waste profile much zPWxc8j6w3M-00248-00067191-00067427 healthier all we have to worry about is zPWxc8j6w3M-00249-00067428-00067607 the fission products and we've already zPWxc8j6w3M-00250-00067608-00067805 captured a lot of those fission products zPWxc8j6w3M-00251-00067806-00068210 in that cold box and we we have a much zPWxc8j6w3M-00252-00068211-00068603 more workable situation here now here's zPWxc8j6w3M-00253-00068604-00068819 the fuel dump we have vertical pipes zPWxc8j6w3M-00254-00068820-00069146 that connect the hex cell array to the zPWxc8j6w3M-00255-00069147-00069392 safety drums these are the emergency zPWxc8j6w3M-00256-00069393-00069683 drums we can't foresee every kind of zPWxc8j6w3M-00257-00069684-00069908 black swan' when it's going to show up zPWxc8j6w3M-00258-00069909-00070088 when it's going to show up and one is zPWxc8j6w3M-00259-00070089-00070448 going to be so under this system we can zPWxc8j6w3M-00260-00070449-00070751 trip the emergency switch either by the zPWxc8j6w3M-00261-00070752-00071030 operator if he's still there or a zPWxc8j6w3M-00262-00071031-00071234 seismic signal comes through or a zPWxc8j6w3M-00263-00071235-00071474 thermal signal comes through in other zPWxc8j6w3M-00264-00071475-00071765 words the fuels too hot so it can melt zPWxc8j6w3M-00265-00071766-00072056 through a plug or there are there are zPWxc8j6w3M-00266-00072057-00072302 other methods as the temperature of the zPWxc8j6w3M-00267-00072303-00072560 fuel increases Curie points of magnetic zPWxc8j6w3M-00268-00072561-00072881 materials can be exceeded and circuits zPWxc8j6w3M-00269-00072882-00073142 opened and a physical circuit something zPWxc8j6w3M-00270-00073143-00073454 so we can dump that fuel right down into zPWxc8j6w3M-00271-00073455-00073730 the tank and there is the denature in zPWxc8j6w3M-00272-00073731-00074027 uranium 238 sitting right in the tank zPWxc8j6w3M-00273-00074028-00074332 and gravel form it melts into the fuel zPWxc8j6w3M-00274-00074333-00074645 denaturing it we have cadmium fluoride zPWxc8j6w3M-00275-00074646-00074882 in the gravel in the tank it's they're zPWxc8j6w3M-00276-00074883-00075074 grabbing the excess thermal neutrons zPWxc8j6w3M-00277-00075075-00075299 take an amount of circulation we also zPWxc8j6w3M-00278-00075300-00075593 have additional dilute ins in the tank zPWxc8j6w3M-00279-00075594-00075815 we can use the coolant or there are some zPWxc8j6w3M-00280-00075816-00076153 other dilute ins that are low melting zPWxc8j6w3M-00281-00076154-00076571 fluoride compounds that can solve the zPWxc8j6w3M-00282-00076572-00076868 after heat problem immediately because zPWxc8j6w3M-00283-00076869-00077099 we're changing the density of the fuel zPWxc8j6w3M-00284-00077100-00077279 or that the density of the fission zPWxc8j6w3M-00285-00077280-00077519 products or making them more rare in the zPWxc8j6w3M-00286-00077520-00077786 material so we can handle this thing all zPWxc8j6w3M-00287-00077787-00078056 with passive air cooling it's just like zPWxc8j6w3M-00288-00078057-00078308 a bunch of drums sitting in the air zPWxc8j6w3M-00289-00078309-00078503 there's an as long as the air can zPWxc8j6w3M-00290-00078504-00078845 circulate there's enough cooling so that zPWxc8j6w3M-00291-00078846-00078968 we don't have zPWxc8j6w3M-00292-00078969-00079262 a problem controlling that after heat as zPWxc8j6w3M-00293-00079263-00079544 we've seen in Japan and elsewhere here's zPWxc8j6w3M-00294-00079545-00079862 our Spence a little bit our prism it's 5 zPWxc8j6w3M-00295-00079863-00080066 foot 2 that's what a hundred and sixty zPWxc8j6w3M-00296-00080067-00080363 centimeters so 5 foot 2 tall 5 foot 2 zPWxc8j6w3M-00297-00080364-00080852 wide our fuel volume is 615 gallons zPWxc8j6w3M-00298-00080853-00081113 that's we all understand gallons the zPWxc8j6w3M-00299-00081114-00081335 leaders always escape me but that's all zPWxc8j6w3M-00300-00081336-00081460 there is zPWxc8j6w3M-00301-00081461-00081770 615 we've got a lot of cooling in this zPWxc8j6w3M-00302-00081771-00081977 design of mine because what we're trying zPWxc8j6w3M-00303-00081978-00082202 to do is is make that thermal reservoir zPWxc8j6w3M-00304-00082203-00082394 because then you get load following zPWxc8j6w3M-00305-00082395-00082661 effects sort of money in the bank with a zPWxc8j6w3M-00306-00082662-00082829 big hot thermos full of salt zPWxc8j6w3M-00307-00082830-00083039 ninety-three thousand liters that's zPWxc8j6w3M-00308-00083040-00083348 about 25 thousand gallons of hot salt zPWxc8j6w3M-00309-00083349-00083633 and then our reflectors are thorium in zPWxc8j6w3M-00310-00083634-00083936 this case it was solid I got 16 tons of zPWxc8j6w3M-00311-00083937-00084212 reflector there the reflector assaulted zPWxc8j6w3M-00312-00084213-00084533 also with a little bit of uranium 238 so zPWxc8j6w3M-00313-00084534-00084875 that the uranium 233 produced in their zPWxc8j6w3M-00314-00084876-00085124 reflectors denatured the advantage of zPWxc8j6w3M-00315-00085125-00085292 remote fuel handing that this is for the zPWxc8j6w3M-00316-00085293-00085583 people that the plant workers they don't zPWxc8j6w3M-00317-00085584-00085778 have to be exposed to the fuel the way zPWxc8j6w3M-00318-00085779-00086057 plant workers are today to the fuel we zPWxc8j6w3M-00319-00086058-00086378 can pump it around capture those fission zPWxc8j6w3M-00320-00086379-00086732 gases during operations remotely we have zPWxc8j6w3M-00321-00086733-00086981 the emergency situation of let's get zPWxc8j6w3M-00322-00086982-00087308 that fuel cocooned there it is again it zPWxc8j6w3M-00323-00087309-00087515 drops into the drums we got the diluted zPWxc8j6w3M-00324-00087516-00087779 by nature and we've got our neutron zPWxc8j6w3M-00325-00087780-00087977 absorbing materials and gamma shielding zPWxc8j6w3M-00326-00087978-00088205 right in the drums are ready to go or zPWxc8j6w3M-00327-00088206-00088400 prepared for an emergency the zPWxc8j6w3M-00328-00088401-00088634 proliferation hardening on this one that zPWxc8j6w3M-00329-00088635-00088742 u-232 zPWxc8j6w3M-00330-00088743-00089012 sends out that signal so if somebody's zPWxc8j6w3M-00331-00089013-00089186 tried to run off with it zPWxc8j6w3M-00332-00089187-00089423 we can catch them pretty easily we've zPWxc8j6w3M-00333-00089424-00089687 got protactinium in the fuel this is the zPWxc8j6w3M-00334-00089688-00089971 intermediate between thorium and zPWxc8j6w3M-00335-00089972-00090338 uranium-233 it sends out a bright gamma zPWxc8j6w3M-00336-00090339-00090644 cascade it provides a very strong zPWxc8j6w3M-00337-00090645-00090887 radiation shield it's got a one-month zPWxc8j6w3M-00338-00090888-00091049 half-life so if there's about a three zPWxc8j6w3M-00339-00091050-00091301 month period where that fuel is gamma zPWxc8j6w3M-00340-00091302-00091574 hot in addition there will be some other zPWxc8j6w3M-00341-00091575-00091847 fission products in that fuel and they zPWxc8j6w3M-00342-00091848-00092243 will also be adding to the radiation zPWxc8j6w3M-00343-00092244-00092501 so if you can't safeguard your fuel in zPWxc8j6w3M-00344-00092502-00092690 three months they're not running a good zPWxc8j6w3M-00345-00092691-00092900 country put it that way for the zPWxc8j6w3M-00346-00092901-00093095 proliferation community the guys that zPWxc8j6w3M-00347-00093096-00093365 are always worried about people running zPWxc8j6w3M-00348-00093366-00093605 off with the fuel if there's a problem zPWxc8j6w3M-00349-00093606-00093845 we've denatured it the fuel it cannot be zPWxc8j6w3M-00350-00093846-00093959 weaponized zPWxc8j6w3M-00351-00093960-00094283 so here's the trick is is as long as we zPWxc8j6w3M-00352-00094284-00094652 don't have uranium-238 in the fuel zPWxc8j6w3M-00353-00094653-00094949 during operations we're avoiding making zPWxc8j6w3M-00354-00094950-00095273 the plutonium and the transuranics which zPWxc8j6w3M-00355-00095274-00095615 is good it's being a good store but to zPWxc8j6w3M-00356-00095616-00095909 manage the other side the dark side the zPWxc8j6w3M-00357-00095910-00096080 guys who want to make weapons and stuff zPWxc8j6w3M-00358-00096081-00096332 then we've got to contaminate the fuel zPWxc8j6w3M-00359-00096333-00096632 my argument is let's contaminate it only zPWxc8j6w3M-00360-00096633-00096806 in the emergency situation when we have zPWxc8j6w3M-00361-00096807-00097129 to and and that provides a much better zPWxc8j6w3M-00362-00097130-00097379 environmental footprint with this type zPWxc8j6w3M-00363-00097380-00097676 of nuclear fuel also we have the active zPWxc8j6w3M-00364-00097677-00097898 control features in this thing I pointed zPWxc8j6w3M-00365-00097899-00098144 out we have control rods and that sort zPWxc8j6w3M-00366-00098145-00098381 of thing this is makes it easy on the zPWxc8j6w3M-00367-00098382-00098564 regulatory community they see something zPWxc8j6w3M-00368-00098565-00098863 familiar codes exist to manage the zPWxc8j6w3M-00369-00098864-00099074 regulatory side of things of the zPWxc8j6w3M-00370-00099075-00099326 controlling of this thing using standard zPWxc8j6w3M-00371-00099327-00099578 Neutron absorbers in the reactor area zPWxc8j6w3M-00372-00099579-00099800 again the fuel quality is managed zPWxc8j6w3M-00373-00099801-00100037 condition during operations so we can zPWxc8j6w3M-00374-00100038-00100268 add that fissile we can remove the zPWxc8j6w3M-00375-00100269-00100595 fissile we can also add and remove the zPWxc8j6w3M-00376-00100596-00100787 fertile the nice thing is we can get zPWxc8j6w3M-00377-00100788-00101078 those fission gases and capture them and zPWxc8j6w3M-00378-00101079-00101252 keep those fission products out of our zPWxc8j6w3M-00379-00101253-00101453 fuel here's the thank-you notes this zPWxc8j6w3M-00380-00101454-00101810 goes to my friend Rick Whitman up at zPWxc8j6w3M-00381-00101811-00102071 PNNL who's done computational work for zPWxc8j6w3M-00382-00102072-00102443 me for about six years now we've got it zPWxc8j6w3M-00383-00102444-00102622 pretty well figured out how to optimize zPWxc8j6w3M-00384-00102623-00102919 these things dr. Burchfield did the zPWxc8j6w3M-00385-00102920-00103082 review for this speech to make sure I zPWxc8j6w3M-00386-00103083-00103325 didn't miss state anything Department of zPWxc8j6w3M-00387-00103326-00103631 Energy and P&L provided the funding for zPWxc8j6w3M-00388-00103632-00103841 the program I think the Alliance for the zPWxc8j6w3M-00389-00103842-00104066 podium today and there's just one more zPWxc8j6w3M-00390-00104067-00104123 thing zPWxc8j6w3M-00391-00104124-00104500 thorium developers remember we're in a zPWxc8j6w3M-00392-00104501-00104804 regulated area here okay because we make zPWxc8j6w3M-00393-00104805-00105239 uranium 233 any thorium developer in the zPWxc8j6w3M-00394-00105240-00105292 room zPWxc8j6w3M-00395-00105293-00105538 make a note talk to your lawyer about 10 zPWxc8j6w3M-00396-00105539-00105895 CFR 810 we've got export controls and so zPWxc8j6w3M-00397-00105896-00106123 forth that come from the proliferation zPWxc8j6w3M-00398-00106124-00106402 treaties and other international zPWxc8j6w3M-00399-00106403-00106720 instruments all you have to do is get zPWxc8j6w3M-00400-00106721-00107020 permission to do what you're planning to zPWxc8j6w3M-00401-00107021-00107308 do and you have to disclose who you're zPWxc8j6w3M-00402-00107308-00107593 working with but if you don't do that if zPWxc8j6w3M-00403-00107594-00107866 you try to you know do it zPWxc8j6w3M-00404-00107867-00108127 circumvent it you might get on the wrong zPWxc8j6w3M-00405-00108128-00108373 side of the law and who wants that I zPWxc8j6w3M-00406-00108374-00108643 mean the the penalties 10 years to life zPWxc8j6w3M-00407-00108644-00108895 let's pay attention to that thank you zPWxc8j6w3M-00408-00108896-00109126 very much I'm rusty Holden and it's time zPWxc8j6w3M-00409-00109127-00109375 to the next