i1UxWvXqkKg-00000-00000726-00001533 The Vision: Evangelising Community Serving God, Humanity and All Creation. i1UxWvXqkKg-00001-00001533-00002281 The Mission: We, the Church, the family of God in southern Africa, commit to work i1UxWvXqkKg-00002-00002281-00002775 together with others for the good of all, by responding to the cry of the poor and i1UxWvXqkKg-00003-00002775-00003277 the cry of the earth, through Worship, Proclamation of the Word of God, i1UxWvXqkKg-00004-00003278-00003918 Formation, Advocacy, Human Development and Care of Creation. i1UxWvXqkKg-00005-00003918-00004142 Why a pastoral plan? i1UxWvXqkKg-00006-00004143-00004666 A Pastoral Plan helps and guides us all to listen and respond to the leading of the i1UxWvXqkKg-00007-00004666-00005185 Spirit, to enter into the Father's plan for our church and our world; to be i1UxWvXqkKg-00008-00005185-00005608 missionary disciples of Jesus in the present and to let the Spirit guide us i1UxWvXqkKg-00009-00005608-00005844 into the future. i1UxWvXqkKg-00010-00005844-00006288 The Pastoral Plans focus areas: i1UxWvXqkKg-00011-00006354-00007005 1. Evangelisation: Personal relationship with Jesus is fundamental to the i1UxWvXqkKg-00012-00007005-00007500 Pastoral plan; all other areas flow out of this foundational experience. i1UxWvXqkKg-00013-00007608-00008450 2. Laity Formation and empowerment: Laity, by their very vocation, seek the kingdom of God by i1UxWvXqkKg-00014-00008450-00008944 engaging in temporal affairs and by ordering them according to the plan of God. i1UxWvXqkKg-00015-00008962-00009611 3. Life and Ministry of Priests & Deacons: Priests and Deacons have a i1UxWvXqkKg-00016-00009611-00010072 special calling to serve the people of God. i1UxWvXqkKg-00017-00010072-00010458 4. Marriage and family: Marriage was i1UxWvXqkKg-00018-00010458-00010854 not instituted solely for the procreation of children but also that i1UxWvXqkKg-00019-00010854-00011510 mutual love "might be properly expressed and that it should grow and mature." i1UxWvXqkKg-00020-00011510-00011943 5. Youth: Young people need witnesses and teachers i1UxWvXqkKg-00021-00011943-00012334 who can walk with them, teaching them to love the gospel and to share it, i1UxWvXqkKg-00022-00012334-00012944 especially with their peers, and thus to become authentic and credible messengers. i1UxWvXqkKg-00023-00012944-00013783 6. Justice, Peace and Non-Violence: Action on behalf of justice the i1UxWvXqkKg-00024-00013783-00014188 participation in the transformation of the world fully appeared to us as a i1UxWvXqkKg-00025-00014190-00014668 constitutive dimension of the preaching of the gospel, or, in other words, of the i1UxWvXqkKg-00026-00014668-00015079 Church's mission for the redemption of the human race and its liberation from i1UxWvXqkKg-00027-00015079-00015280 every oppressive situation. i1UxWvXqkKg-00028-00015416-00015882 7. Healing and Reconciliation: It is God's grace i1UxWvXqkKg-00029-00015882-00016398 that gives us a new heart and reconciles us with Him and with one another. Christ i1UxWvXqkKg-00030-00016398-00016852 re-established humanity in the Father's love. Reconciliation thus springs from i1UxWvXqkKg-00031-00016852-00017382 this love; it is born of the Father's initiative in restoring his relationship with humanity. i1UxWvXqkKg-00032-00017506-00018034 8. Care of Creation and the Environment: The situation of planet i1UxWvXqkKg-00033-00018034-00018418 Earth and the consequences of the indiscriminate exploitation of creation, i1UxWvXqkKg-00034-00018418-00018850 call upon us in the church to live and practice the Gospel in our care for i1UxWvXqkKg-00035-00018850-00019484 creation and the environment. i30oirRHPZ4-00000-00000240-00000440 Chapter 76 of i30oirRHPZ4-00001-00000496-00000696 The Count of Monte Cristo i30oirRHPZ4-00002-00000780-00000980 read by Mark Nelson i30oirRHPZ4-00003-00000996-00001793 This is a librivox recording all librivox recordings are in the public domain for more information or to volunteer i30oirRHPZ4-00004-00001902-00002102 visit librivox.org i30oirRHPZ4-00005-00002332-00002726 The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas i30oirRHPZ4-00006-00002824-00003024 chapter 76 i30oirRHPZ4-00007-00003055-00003323 progress of Cavalcanti the younger i30oirRHPZ4-00008-00003484-00003938 Meanwhile Monsieur Cavalcanti the elder had returned to his service i30oirRHPZ4-00009-00004014-00004376 Not in the army of His Majesty the Emperor of Austria i30oirRHPZ4-00010-00004435-00005123 But at the gaming table of the Baths of lucca of which he was one of the most assiduous courtiers i30oirRHPZ4-00011-00005221-00005673 he had spent every farthing that had been allowed for his journey as a i30oirRHPZ4-00012-00005719-00006341 Reward for the majestic and solemn manner in which he had maintained his assumed character of father i30oirRHPZ4-00013-00006442-00006659 Monsieur Andria at his departure i30oirRHPZ4-00014-00006715-00007283 Inherited all the papers which proved that he had indeed the honour of being the son of the Marquis i30oirRHPZ4-00015-00007309-00007656 Bartolomeo and the Marchioness Oliva Carson re i30oirRHPZ4-00016-00007747-00008111 He was now fairly launched in that Parisian society i30oirRHPZ4-00017-00008128-00008693 Which gives such ready access to foreigners and treats them not as they really are? i30oirRHPZ4-00018-00008739-00008972 But as they wish to be considered i30oirRHPZ4-00019-00009052-00009390 Besides what is required of a young man in Paris i30oirRHPZ4-00020-00009445-00009628 to speak its language i30oirRHPZ4-00021-00009628-00010112 tolerably to make a good appearance to be a good gamester and i30oirRHPZ4-00022-00010174-00010374 to pay in cash i30oirRHPZ4-00023-00010417-00010836 They are certainly less particular with a foreigner than with a Frenchman i30oirRHPZ4-00024-00010936-00011348 Andrea had then in a fortnight attained a very fair position i30oirRHPZ4-00025-00011434-00012156 He was called count. He was said to possess fifty thousand lira per annum, and his father's immense, riches i30oirRHPZ4-00026-00012220-00012624 buried in the quarries of tsarevets ax were a constant theme a i30oirRHPZ4-00027-00012690-00013136 Learned man before whom the last circumstance was mentioned as a fact i30oirRHPZ4-00028-00013194-00013907 Declared he had the quarries in question, which gave great weight to assertions hitherto somewhat doubtful i30oirRHPZ4-00029-00013923-00014231 But which now assumed the garb of reality? i30oirRHPZ4-00030-00014301-00014861 Such was the state of society in Paris at the period we bring before our readers i30oirRHPZ4-00031-00014895-00015380 When Monte Cristo went one evening to pay monsieur dangler a visit? i30oirRHPZ4-00032-00015451-00016142 Monsieur dangler was out, but the count was asked to go and see the Baroness and he accepted the invitation i30oirRHPZ4-00033-00016243-00016500 It was never without a nervous shudder i30oirRHPZ4-00034-00016540-00017240 Since the dinner at our twee and the events which followed it that madame dangler heard Monte Cristo's name announced i30oirRHPZ4-00035-00017307-00017774 If he had not come the painful sensation became most intense i30oirRHPZ4-00036-00017842-00018362 If on the contrary he appeared his noble countenance his brilliant eyes i30oirRHPZ4-00037-00018403-00018917 His amiability his polite attention even towards Madame de Noir i30oirRHPZ4-00038-00018951-00019673 Soon dispelled every impression of fear it appeared impossible to the Baroness that a man of such i30oirRHPZ4-00039-00019716-00020117 Delightfully pleasing manners should entertain evil designs against her i30oirRHPZ4-00040-00020187-00020708 Besides the most corrupt Minds only suspect evil when it would answer some i30oirRHPZ4-00041-00020773-00020923 interested end i30oirRHPZ4-00042-00020923-00021239 Useless injury is repugnant to every mind i30oirRHPZ4-00043-00021351-00021902 when Monte Cristo entered the boudoir to which we have already once introduced our readers and i30oirRHPZ4-00044-00021931-00022650 Where the Baroness was examining some drawings which her daughter passed to her after having looked at them with Monsieur? i30oirRHPZ4-00045-00022684-00023432 Cavalcanti his presence soon produced its usual effect, and it was with smiles that the Baroness received the count i30oirRHPZ4-00046-00023497-00024245 Although she had been a little disconcerted at the announcement of his name the latter took in the whole scene at a glance i30oirRHPZ4-00047-00024322-00024632 the Baroness was partially reclining on a sofa i30oirRHPZ4-00048-00024726-00024926 Eugenie sat near her and i30oirRHPZ4-00049-00024984-00025184 Cavalcanti was standing i30oirRHPZ4-00050-00025222-00025832 Cavalcanti dressed in black like one of Goethe's heroes with varnished shoes and white i30oirRHPZ4-00051-00025857-00026468 Silk openwork stockings past a white and tolerably nice-looking hand through his light hair i30oirRHPZ4-00052-00026512-00026754 And so displayed a sparkling diamond i30oirRHPZ4-00053-00026816-00027463 That in spite of Montecristos advice the vain young man had been unable to resist putting on his little finger i30oirRHPZ4-00054-00027572-00028194 This movement was accompanied by killing glances at Mademoiselle dangler and by size i30oirRHPZ4-00055-00028238-00028438 Launched in that same direction i30oirRHPZ4-00056-00028547-00029064 Mademoiselle dangler was still the same cold beautiful and satirical i30oirRHPZ4-00057-00029152-00029928 Not one of these glances nor once. I was lost on her. They might have been said to fall on the shield of Minerva i30oirRHPZ4-00058-00029995-00030453 Which some philosophers assert protected sometimes the breasts of Sappho? i30oirRHPZ4-00059-00030589-00031110 Eugenie bowed coldly to the count and availed herself of the first moments when the i30oirRHPZ4-00060-00031133-00031428 Conversation became earnest to escape to her study i30oirRHPZ4-00061-00031487-00032223 Whence very soon to cheerful and noisy voices being heard in connection with occasional notes of the piano i30oirRHPZ4-00062-00032300-00032575 assured Monte Cristo that Mademoiselle, Danglars i30oirRHPZ4-00063-00032636-00033274 Preferred to his society and to that of Monsieur Cavalcante the company of Mademoiselle Louise d'armilly i30oirRHPZ4-00064-00033320-00033497 her singing teacher i30oirRHPZ4-00065-00033497-00033697 It was then i30oirRHPZ4-00066-00033701-00034002 especially while conversing with Madame, Danglars and i30oirRHPZ4-00067-00034055-00034690 apparently absorbed by the charm of the conversation that the count noticed Monsieur, Andrea Cavalcanti i30oirRHPZ4-00068-00034778-00035160 Solicitude his manner of listening to the music at the door i30oirRHPZ4-00069-00035161-00035587 He dared not pass and of manifesting his admiration i30oirRHPZ4-00070-00035708-00036307 The banker soon returned his first look was certainly directed towards Monte Cristo i30oirRHPZ4-00071-00036338-00036720 But the second was for Andrea as for his wife i30oirRHPZ4-00072-00036737-00037479 He bowed to her as some husbands do to their wives but in a way that bachelors will never comprehend i30oirRHPZ4-00073-00037522-00037941 Until a very extensive code is published on conjugal life i30oirRHPZ4-00074-00038075-00038655 Have not the ladies invited you to join them at the piano said Danglars to Andrea i30oirRHPZ4-00075-00038791-00039477 Alice no sir replied Andrea with a sigh still more remarkable than the former ones i30oirRHPZ4-00076-00039578-00039855 Dangle are immediately advanced towards the door i30oirRHPZ4-00077-00039888-00040395 And opened it the two ladies were seen seated on the same chair at the piano i30oirRHPZ4-00078-00040453-00041108 accompanying themselves each with one hand a fancy to which they had accustomed themselves and i30oirRHPZ4-00079-00041179-00041379 performed admirably i30oirRHPZ4-00080-00041380-00041825 Med Wazza dharma. Lee whom they then perceived through the open doorway i30oirRHPZ4-00081-00041896-00042435 Formed with Eugenie one of the tableau vivant of which the Germans are so fond i30oirRHPZ4-00082-00042517-00042725 she was somewhat beautiful and i30oirRHPZ4-00083-00042781-00043529 Exquisitely formed a little fairy like figure with large curls falling down her neck which was rather i30oirRHPZ4-00084-00043530-00043920 too long as pierogi no sometimes makes his virgins and i30oirRHPZ4-00085-00043984-00044211 Her eyes dull from fatigue i30oirRHPZ4-00086-00044299-00044553 she was said to have a weak chest and i30oirRHPZ4-00087-00044614-00045186 Like Antonia in the Cremona violin she would die one day while singing i30oirRHPZ4-00088-00045283-00045713 Monte Cristo cast one rapid and curious glance round this sanctum i30oirRHPZ4-00089-00045751-00046292 It was the first time he had ever seen mad waz elder many of whom he had heard much i30oirRHPZ4-00090-00046381-00046875 Well said the banker to his daughter. Are we then all to be excluded? i30oirRHPZ4-00091-00046927-00047711 He then led the young man into the study and either by chance or maneuver the door was partially closed after i30oirRHPZ4-00092-00047737-00048389 Andrea so that from the place where they sat neither the count nor the Baroness could see anything i30oirRHPZ4-00093-00048436-00049035 But as the banker had accompanied Andrea Madame dengler appeared to take no notice of it i30oirRHPZ4-00094-00049156-00049413 the count soon heard Andria's voice i30oirRHPZ4-00095-00049465-00049797 Singing a Corsican song accompanied by the piano i30oirRHPZ4-00096-00049858-00050513 While the count smiled at hearing this song, which made him lose sight of Andrea in the recollection of Benedetto i30oirRHPZ4-00097-00050569-00051042 Madame Danglars was boasting to Monte Cristo of her husband's strength of mind i30oirRHPZ4-00098-00051091-00051824 Who that very morning had lost three or four hundred thousand francs by a failure at Milan? i30oirRHPZ4-00099-00051928-00052436 the praise was well deserved for had not the count heard it from the Baroness or i30oirRHPZ4-00100-00052453-00053126 By one of those means by which he knew everything the Barons countenance would have not led him to suspect it i30oirRHPZ4-00101-00053208-00053954 Hmm thought Montecristo he begins to conceal his losses a month since he boasted of them i30oirRHPZ4-00102-00054064-00054264 Then aloud Oh i30oirRHPZ4-00103-00054274-00055061 Madame Monsieur dangler is so skillful he will soon regain at the bourse what he loses elsewhere I? i30oirRHPZ4-00104-00055219-00055644 See that you participate in a prevalent error said Madame Danglars i30oirRHPZ4-00105-00055744-00055967 What is it said Monte Cristo the? i30oirRHPZ4-00106-00056032-00056423 masseur Danglars speculates whereas he never does i30oirRHPZ4-00107-00056557-00057021 Truly madam, I recollect Monsieur Debray told me i30oirRHPZ4-00108-00057088-00057651 Apropos what has become of him I have seen nothing of him the last three or four days i30oirRHPZ4-00109-00057778-00058367 Nor I said Madame degler, but you began a sentence sir and did not finish i30oirRHPZ4-00110-00058444-00058582 which i30oirRHPZ4-00111-00058582-00058857 Monsieur Debray had told you ah i30oirRHPZ4-00112-00058948-00059528 yes, he told me it was you who sacrificed to the demon of speculation I i30oirRHPZ4-00113-00059629-00060048 Was once very fond of it, but I do not indulge now i30oirRHPZ4-00114-00060141-00060344 Then you are wrong Madame i30oirRHPZ4-00115-00060439-00061098 Fortune is precarious, and if I were a woman and fate had made me a banker's wife i30oirRHPZ4-00116-00061141-00061832 Whatever might be my confidence in my husband's good fortune still in speculation. You know there is a great risk i30oirRHPZ4-00117-00061897-00062642 well, I would secure for myself a fortune independent of him even if I acquired it by placing my i30oirRHPZ4-00118-00062650-00062877 Interests in hands unknown to him i30oirRHPZ4-00119-00062986-00063332 Madame Danglars blushed in spite of all her efforts i30oirRHPZ4-00120-00063451-00063929 stay said Monte Cristo as though he had not observed her confusion I i30oirRHPZ4-00121-00063994-00064521 have heard of a lucky hit that was made yesterday on the Neapolitan bonds I i30oirRHPZ4-00122-00064672-00064991 Have none nor have I ever possessed any i30oirRHPZ4-00123-00065050-00065694 But really we have taught and long enough of money count we are like two stockbrokers i30oirRHPZ4-00124-00065767-00066180 Have you heard how fate is persecuting the poor Villefort's? i30oirRHPZ4-00125-00066289-00066627 What has happened said the count simulating total ignorance? i30oirRHPZ4-00126-00066697-00067367 you know the Marquis of saint-meran died a few days after he had set out on his journey to Paris and i30oirRHPZ4-00127-00067432-00067718 The Marchioness a few days after her arrival i30oirRHPZ4-00128-00067822-00067972 Yes said Monte Cristo i30oirRHPZ4-00129-00067972-00068639 I have heard that but as Claudius said to Hamlet it is the law of nature i30oirRHPZ4-00130-00068686-00069024 Their fathers died before them and they mourn their loss i30oirRHPZ4-00131-00069085-00069527 They will die before their children who will in turn grieve for them i30oirRHPZ4-00132-00069616-00069816 But that is not all i30oirRHPZ4-00133-00069832-00070012 not all i30oirRHPZ4-00134-00070012-00070126 No i30oirRHPZ4-00135-00070126-00070353 They were going to marry their daughter i30oirRHPZ4-00136-00070453-00070785 To Monsieur Franz d'Epinay is it broken off? i30oirRHPZ4-00137-00070855-00071199 Yesterday morning it appears Franz declined the honor i30oirRHPZ4-00138-00071314-00071583 Indeed and is the reason known? i30oirRHPZ4-00139-00071659-00071794 No i30oirRHPZ4-00140-00071794-00072230 How extraordinary and how does Monsieur de Villefort Barrett? i30oirRHPZ4-00141-00072316-00072536 as usual like a philosopher i30oirRHPZ4-00142-00072679-00072917 Dangler returned at this moment alone i30oirRHPZ4-00143-00073042-00073602 well said the Baroness do you leave Monsieur Cavalcanti with your daughter and i30oirRHPZ4-00144-00073804-00074261 Mademoiselle d'armilly said the banker do you consider her no one? i30oirRHPZ4-00145-00074365-00074904 Then turning to Monte Cristo. He said Prince Cavalcanti is a charming young man i30oirRHPZ4-00146-00074917-00075354 Is he not but is he really a prince I? i30oirRHPZ4-00147-00075475-00075698 Will not answer for it said Monte Cristo i30oirRHPZ4-00148-00075781-00076359 His father was introduced to me as a marquis so he ought to be a count i30oirRHPZ4-00149-00076405-00076713 But I do not think he has much claim to that title i30oirRHPZ4-00150-00076873-00077487 Why said the banker if he is a prince he is wrong not to maintain his rank i30oirRHPZ4-00151-00077487-00077891 I do not like anyone to deny his origin. Oh i30oirRHPZ4-00152-00077998-00078423 You are a thorough Democrat said Monte Cristo smiling i30oirRHPZ4-00153-00078514-00079008 But do you see to what you are exposing yourself said the Baroness i30oirRHPZ4-00154-00079066-00079538 If perchance Monsieur de Morcerf came he would find i30oirRHPZ4-00155-00079543-00079929 Monsieur Cavalcanti in that room where he the butt i30oirRHPZ4-00156-00079990-00080190 Eugenie has never been admitted i30oirRHPZ4-00157-00080287-00080461 You may well say i30oirRHPZ4-00158-00080461-00081156 Perchance replied the banker for he comes so seldom it would seem only chance that brings him i30oirRHPZ4-00159-00081220-00081785 But should he come and find that young man with your daughter. He might be displeased i30oirRHPZ4-00160-00081871-00082071 He you are mistaken i30oirRHPZ4-00161-00082114-00082484 Well sure a bear would not do us the honor to be jealous i30oirRHPZ4-00162-00082540-00082823 He does not like you Jenny sufficiently i30oirRHPZ4-00163-00082879-00083145 Besides I care not for his displeasure i30oirRHPZ4-00164-00083281-00083481 Still situated as we are i30oirRHPZ4-00165-00083581-00084104 Yes, do you know how we are situated at his mother's ball? i30oirRHPZ4-00166-00084115-00084812 He danced once with you, Jenny, and Monsieur Kovac auntie three times, and he took no notice of it i30oirRHPZ4-00167-00084892-00085194 the valet announced vicomte albert de morcerf i30oirRHPZ4-00168-00085294-00085803 The Baroness rose hastily and was going into the study when dangler stopped her i30oirRHPZ4-00169-00085873-00086289 Let her alone said he she looked at him in amazement i30oirRHPZ4-00170-00086404-00086696 Monte Cristo appeared to be unconscious of what passed i30oirRHPZ4-00171-00086806-00087201 Albert entered looking very handsome and in high spirits i30oirRHPZ4-00172-00087274-00087509 He bowed politely to the Baroness i30oirRHPZ4-00173-00087586-00088218 Familiarly to dangler and affectionately to Monte Cristo then turning to the Baroness i30oirRHPZ4-00174-00088333-00088721 May, I ask how Mademoiselle, Danglars is said he? i30oirRHPZ4-00175-00088813-00089453 She is quite. Well replied Dengler quickly. She is at the piano with Monsieur Cavalcanti i30oirRHPZ4-00176-00089563-00089843 albear retained his calm and indifferent manner i30oirRHPZ4-00177-00089917-00090422 He might feel perhaps annoyed, but he knew Monte Cristo's. I was on him i30oirRHPZ4-00178-00090550-00090998 Monsieur cavalcante has a fine tenor voice said he and i30oirRHPZ4-00179-00091069-00091332 Mademoiselle Eugenie a splendid soprano i30oirRHPZ4-00180-00091332-00091985 And then she plays the piano like FAL Berg the concert must be a delightful one i30oirRHPZ4-00181-00092125-00092325 They suit each other i30oirRHPZ4-00182-00092380-00092603 remarkably well said Danglars i30oirRHPZ4-00183-00092695-00093258 Albear appeared not to notice this remark which was however so rude that Madame Danglars i30oirRHPZ4-00184-00093320-00093462 washed I i30oirRHPZ4-00185-00093462-00093570 too i30oirRHPZ4-00186-00093570-00094076 Said the young man am a musician at least my masters used to tell me so i30oirRHPZ4-00187-00094131-00094865 But it is strange that my voice never would suit any other and a soprano less than any i30oirRHPZ4-00188-00094977-00095399 Dangler smiled and seemed to say it is of no consequence i30oirRHPZ4-00189-00095493-00095777 Then hoping doubtless to effect his purpose i30oirRHPZ4-00190-00095777-00096392 He said the prince and my daughter were universally admired yesterday i30oirRHPZ4-00191-00096450-00096749 You were not of the party, Monsieur de Morcerf i30oirRHPZ4-00192-00096855-00097094 What Prince asked tell bear? i30oirRHPZ4-00193-00097186-00097733 Prince Cavalcanti said dangler who persisted in giving the young man that title i30oirRHPZ4-00194-00097842-00098291 Pardon me said al bear. I was not aware that he was a prince and i30oirRHPZ4-00195-00098380-00099140 Prince Cavalcanti is sang with Mademoiselle Eugenie yesterday it must have been charming indeed I i30oirRHPZ4-00196-00099205-00099641 Regret not having heard them, but I was unable to accept your invitation i30oirRHPZ4-00197-00099705-00100280 Having promised to accompany my mother to a German concert given by the Baroness of chateau Reno i30oirRHPZ4-00198-00100362-00100664 This was followed by rather an awkward silence i30oirRHPZ4-00199-00100779-00101318 May, I also be allowed said Morcerf to pay my respects to Mademoiselle Danglars i30oirRHPZ4-00200-00101467-00102117 Wait a moment said the banker stopping the young man. Do you hear that delightful Cavatina? i30oirRHPZ4-00201-00102217-00102554 Tatata tatata tatata it is charming i30oirRHPZ4-00202-00102654-00102838 Let them finish i30oirRHPZ4-00203-00102838-00103038 one moment i30oirRHPZ4-00204-00103077-00103283 Bravo Brava Brava i30oirRHPZ4-00205-00103416-00103602 the banker was i30oirRHPZ4-00206-00103602-00103802 enthusiastic in his applause i30oirRHPZ4-00207-00103839-00104252 Indeed said el bair me it is exquisite it is i30oirRHPZ4-00208-00104307-00104759 Impossible to understand the music of his country better than Prince Cavalcanti does i30oirRHPZ4-00209-00104832-00105575 You said Prince did you not but he can easily become one if he is not one already it is no i30oirRHPZ4-00210-00105603-00106295 Uncommon thing in Italy but to return to the charming musicians you should give us a treat dangler i30oirRHPZ4-00211-00106359-00106781 Without telling them. There is a stranger ask them to sing one more song i30oirRHPZ4-00212-00106821-00107468 It is so delightful to hear music in the distance when the musicians are unrestrained by observation i30oirRHPZ4-00213-00107596-00108131 Dangler was quite annoyed by the young man's indifference. He took Monte Cristo aside i30oirRHPZ4-00214-00108253-00108530 What do you think of our lover said he? i30oirRHPZ4-00215-00108603-00109034 He appears cool, but then your word is given i30oirRHPZ4-00216-00109141-00109254 Yes i30oirRHPZ4-00217-00109254-00109820 Doubtless I have promised to give my daughter to a man who loves her but not to one who does not i30oirRHPZ4-00218-00109917-00110050 See him there i30oirRHPZ4-00219-00110050-00110405 Cold as marble and proud like his father i30oirRHPZ4-00220-00110452-00111003 If he were rich if he had cava Conte's fortune that might be pardoned i30oirRHPZ4-00221-00111103-00111668 Ma voix, I haven't consulted my daughter, but if she has good taste Oh i30oirRHPZ4-00222-00111778-00111925 said Monte Cristo i30oirRHPZ4-00223-00111925-00112148 My fondness may blind me i30oirRHPZ4-00224-00112150-00112721 But I assure you I consider Morcerf a charming young man who will render your daughter i30oirRHPZ4-00225-00112722-00113124 happy and will sooner or later attain a certain amount of distinction and i30oirRHPZ4-00226-00113178-00113378 His father's position is good i30oirRHPZ4-00227-00113533-00113733 Hmm said Danglars i30oirRHPZ4-00228-00113790-00113965 Why do you doubt? i30oirRHPZ4-00229-00113965-00114165 the past that i30oirRHPZ4-00230-00114240-00114440 obscurity on the past but i30oirRHPZ4-00231-00114510-00114710 That does not affect the son i30oirRHPZ4-00232-00114769-00114936 marry true i30oirRHPZ4-00233-00114936-00115223 Now I beg of you don't go off your head i30oirRHPZ4-00234-00115240-00115526 It's a month now that you have been thinking of this marriage i30oirRHPZ4-00235-00115527-00116180 And you must see that it throws some responsibility on me for it was at my house you met this young i30oirRHPZ4-00236-00116205-00116489 Cavalcanti whom I do not really know at all i30oirRHPZ4-00237-00116563-00116752 But I do i30oirRHPZ4-00238-00116752-00116952 Have you made inquiry? i30oirRHPZ4-00239-00116983-00117648 me is there any need of that does not his appearance speak for him, and he is very rich I i30oirRHPZ4-00240-00117739-00117939 Am not so sure of that i30oirRHPZ4-00241-00117994-00118245 And yet you said he had money i30oirRHPZ4-00242-00118324-00118580 fifty thousand lira a mere trifle i30oirRHPZ4-00243-00118683-00118883 He is well educated i30oirRHPZ4-00244-00118953-00119189 Hmm said Monte Cristo in his turn i30oirRHPZ4-00245-00119263-00119463 He is a musician i30oirRHPZ4-00246-00119488-00119688 So are all Italians i30oirRHPZ4-00247-00119725-00120126 Come count you do not do that young man justice i30oirRHPZ4-00248-00120229-00120908 Well, I acknowledge it annoys me knowing your connection with the Morcerf family to see him throw himself in the way i30oirRHPZ4-00249-00121110-00121310 Dangler burst out laughing i30oirRHPZ4-00250-00121324-00121784 What a Puritan you are said he that happens every day i30oirRHPZ4-00251-00121884-00122390 But you cannot break it off in this way the more serfs are depending on this Union i30oirRHPZ4-00252-00122484-00122656 indeed i30oirRHPZ4-00253-00122656-00122779 positively i30oirRHPZ4-00254-00122779-00122979 Then let them explain themselves i30oirRHPZ4-00255-00123070-00123539 you should give the father a hint you are so intimate with the family I i30oirRHPZ4-00256-00123706-00124253 Where the devil did you find out that at their ball, it was apparent enough i30oirRHPZ4-00257-00124291-00124700 Why did not the countess the proud Mercedes the? i30oirRHPZ4-00258-00124729-00125304 Disdainful Catalan who will scarcely open her lips to her oldest acquaintances take your arm i30oirRHPZ4-00259-00125323-00125789 lead you into the garden into the private walks and remain there for half an hour ah i30oirRHPZ4-00260-00125946-00126737 Baron Baron said he'll bear you are not listening what barbarism in a megalomaniac like you oh i30oirRHPZ4-00261-00126853-00127208 Don't worry about me sir mocker said dangler i30oirRHPZ4-00262-00127267-00127470 Then turning to the count. He said i30oirRHPZ4-00263-00127522-00127811 But will you undertake to speak to the father i30oirRHPZ4-00264-00127911-00128111 Willingly if you wish it i30oirRHPZ4-00265-00128125-00128858 But let it be done explicitly and positively if he demands my daughter let him fix the day i30oirRHPZ4-00266-00128908-00129527 Declare his conditions in short let us either understand each other or quarrel you i30oirRHPZ4-00267-00129574-00129774 understand no more delay i30oirRHPZ4-00268-00129808-00130133 Yes, sir. I will give my attention to the subject I i30oirRHPZ4-00269-00130225-00130823 do not say that I await with pleasure his decision, but I do await it a i30oirRHPZ4-00270-00130882-00131243 banker must you know be a slave to his promise and i30oirRHPZ4-00271-00131356-00131750 Angler side as Monsieur cava Conte had done half an hour before i30oirRHPZ4-00272-00131905-00132037 Bravi i30oirRHPZ4-00273-00132037-00132237 Bravo Bravo i30oirRHPZ4-00274-00132274-00132451 cried Morcerf i30oirRHPZ4-00275-00132451-00132737 Parodying the banker as the selection came to an end i30oirRHPZ4-00276-00132829-00133479 dengler began to look suspiciously at Morcerf when someone came and whispered a few were to him I i30oirRHPZ4-00277-00133594-00134354 Shall return said the banker to Monte Cristo wait for me. I shall perhaps have something to say to you, and he went out i30oirRHPZ4-00278-00134422-00134964 the Baroness took advantage of her husband's absence to push open the door of her daughter study and i30oirRHPZ4-00279-00135028-00135431 Monsieur Andrea who was sitting before the piano with Mademoiselle Eugenie i30oirRHPZ4-00280-00135520-00135720 Started up like a jack-in-the-box i30oirRHPZ4-00281-00135787-00136053 albear bowed with a smile to Mademoiselle i30oirRHPZ4-00282-00136053-00136728 Danglars who did not appear in the least disturbed and returned his bow with her usual coolness i30oirRHPZ4-00283-00136870-00137543 Cavalcanti was evidently embarrassed he bowed to Mar Cerf who replied with the most impertinent look possible i30oirRHPZ4-00284-00137638-00138131 then Albert launched out in praise of Mademoiselle, Danglars voice and i30oirRHPZ4-00285-00138184-00138780 On his regret after what he had just heard that he had been unable to be present the previous evening i30oirRHPZ4-00286-00138919-00139227 Cavalcanti being left alone turned to Monte Cristo i30oirRHPZ4-00287-00139309-00139941 Come said Madame, Danglars leave music and compliments. Let us go and take tea i30oirRHPZ4-00288-00140032-00140772 Come Louise said Mademoiselle, Danglars to her friend they passed into the next drawing-room where tea was prepared i30oirRHPZ4-00289-00140857-00141558 Just as they were beginning in the English fashion to leave the spoons in their cups the door again opened and tangle are entered i30oirRHPZ4-00290-00141574-00141757 visibly agitated i30oirRHPZ4-00291-00141757-00142308 Monte Cristo observed it particularly and by a look asked the banker for an explanation I i30oirRHPZ4-00292-00142405-00142814 have just received my courier from Greece said dangler and i30oirRHPZ4-00293-00142957-00143412 Yes, said the count that was the reason of your running away from us yes i30oirRHPZ4-00294-00143512-00144018 How is King Arthur getting on asked tell bear in the most sprightly tone? i30oirRHPZ4-00295-00144121-00144549 dangler cast another suspicious look towards him without answering and i30oirRHPZ4-00296-00144574-00145263 Monte Cristo turned away to conceal the expression of pity which passed over his features, but which was gone in a moment i30oirRHPZ4-00297-00145336-00145689 We shall go together shall we not said Albert to the count i30oirRHPZ4-00298-00145777-00145997 If you like replied the latter i30oirRHPZ4-00299-00146074-00146613 Albear could not understand the bankers look and turning to Monte Cristo who understood it perfectly i30oirRHPZ4-00300-00146760-00147017 Did you see said he how he looked at me? i30oirRHPZ4-00301-00147103-00147621 Yes said the count but did you think there was anything particular in his look? i30oirRHPZ4-00302-00147715-00148113 Indeed I did and what does he mean by his news from Greece? i30oirRHPZ4-00303-00148210-00148727 How can I tell you because I imagine you have correspondents in that country? i30oirRHPZ4-00304-00148822-00149049 Monte Cristo smiled significantly i30oirRHPZ4-00305-00149161-00149942 Stop said albear here. He comes. I shall compliment memoize Eldon glare on her cameo while the father talks to you i30oirRHPZ4-00306-00150028-00150543 If you compliment her at all let it be on her voice at least said Monte Cristo i30oirRHPZ4-00307-00150673-00151376 No, everyone would do that my dear Viscount. You are dreadfully impertinent i30oirRHPZ4-00308-00151516-00151814 albear advanced towards Eugenie smiling i30oirRHPZ4-00309-00151885-00152258 Meanwhile dengler stooping to Monte Cristo's ear i30oirRHPZ4-00310-00152329-00153105 Your advice was excellent said he there is a whole history connected with the names Fernand and Yanina i30oirRHPZ4-00311-00153238-00153438 indeed said Monte Cristo i30oirRHPZ4-00312-00153478-00154167 Yes, I will tell you all but take away the young man. I cannot endure his presence i30oirRHPZ4-00313-00154258-00154568 He is going with me shall I send the father to you i30oirRHPZ4-00314-00154642-00154816 immediately i30oirRHPZ4-00315-00154816-00155388 Very well the count made a sign to albear and they bow to the ladies and took their leave i30oirRHPZ4-00316-00155455-00155946 Albert perfectly indifferent to Mademoiselle, Danglars contempt Monte Cristo i30oirRHPZ4-00317-00156013-00156674 Reiterating his advice to Madame Danglars on the prudence of bankers wife should exercise in providing for the future i30oirRHPZ4-00318-00156772-00157113 Monsieur cava Conte remained master of the field i30oirRHPZ4-00319-00157306-00157541 End of chapter 76 i47C5I-aCpU-00000-00000524-00001951 I am going to introduce a mysterious organization, which has close connection with surface population, namely Resistance Movement i47C5I-aCpU-00001-00001951-00002687 Without the Resistance Movement, the surface world would have become a concentration camp i47C5I-aCpU-00002-00002687-00003097 I will start with the origin of Resistance Movement i47C5I-aCpU-00003-00003097-00004129 In 1975, a certain intelligence agent under codename Michael was running for his life from Illuminati that were chasing him i47C5I-aCpU-00004-00004129-00004822 He gathered around him a group of 12 operatives in order to protect himself i47C5I-aCpU-00005-00004822-00005663 While on the run and in hiding, they discovered a maze of tunnels below the New York underground subway system i47C5I-aCpU-00006-00005663-00006393 They entered the tunnels, disappeared from the surface and regrouped down there i47C5I-aCpU-00007-00006393-00007316 So the Organization was born, having its main command center under the subway system of New York i47C5I-aCpU-00008-00007316-00008791 Through the vast spy network that Michael still had on the surface, they have contacted many operatives that fought against the Illuminati and many of them went underground and joined the Organization i47C5I-aCpU-00009-00008791-00009578 Their main objective was to overthrow the rule of the Illuminati and give advanced technologies to humanity i47C5I-aCpU-00010-00009578-00010430 Personal computers that we know now were developed with assistance of Organization i47C5I-aCpU-00011-00010430-00011840 The Organization had contact with the positive civilization of Agartha that existed in subterannean caverns for millennia. They had contact with positive Andromedans already in 1977 if not before i47C5I-aCpU-00012-00011840-00013705 In early 1990s, they had some influence in assuring that internet expanded from military ARPANET into public domain i47C5I-aCpU-00013-00013705-00014700 The Illuminati and off-planet dark forces launched an offensive in 1996 to destroy the Organization i47C5I-aCpU-00014-00014700-00015900 and there were severe physical battles in underground tunnels and caverns that almost destroyed the Organization and also nearly wiped out Agartha i47C5I-aCpU-00015-00015900-00016500 In the hour of need, a plan was devised to counteract this i47C5I-aCpU-00016-00016500-00017914 In early December 1999, Pleiadians have contacted the Resistance Movement on planet X and ignited a massive uprising against Illuminati there i47C5I-aCpU-00017-00017914-00018670 The Illuminati were overthrown in about three weeks and they had to flee to their bases on Mars and the Moon i47C5I-aCpU-00018-00018670-00019508 At that time, many Resistance Movement freedom fighters have entered the underground tunnel systems on Earth to join the Organization in their fight i47C5I-aCpU-00019-00019508-00020040 The two forces integrated and emerged as one and are now called Resistance Movement i47C5I-aCpU-00020-00020040-00020648 Their increased joint force has turned the course of events and now the dark forces were in retreat i47C5I-aCpU-00021-00020648-00021522 In 2000 and 2001 the Illuminati has lost their bases on Mars and the Moon and elsewhere in the solar system i47C5I-aCpU-00022-00021522-00022987 With the assistance of the Pleiadians and other Galactic Confederation forces all remaining Reptilian, Draconian and Reticulan forces were cleared out of the solar system also in the same time frame i47C5I-aCpU-00023-00022987-00024000 This set the dark ones into panic mode and they have staged 9-11 to preserve their last stronghold - planet Earth i47C5I-aCpU-00024-00024000-00024734 Now I will tell you something more about Planet X i47C5I-aCpU-00025-00024734-00025200 Planet X is a planet in the outskirts of our solar system i47C5I-aCpU-00026-00025200-00026589 Its surface is not suitable for physical life, but underground there is a vast system of tunnels and bases that was under Illuminati control until 1999 and is in the hands of the Light forces thereon i47C5I-aCpU-00027-00026589-00027674 It has a rock interior and surface covered with frozen methane ice, which gives it a bluish hue i47C5I-aCpU-00028-00027674-00028900 Its diameter is 9400 miles and its mass is 0.76 Earth masses. Semimajor axis of the orbit is 70 AU, and the inclination is 40 degrees i47C5I-aCpU-00029-00028900-00029826 The main reason why the astronomers have officially not yet discovered this planet is that they are »told« by the Cabal not to report about it i47C5I-aCpU-00030-00029826-00030957 Also, they are mainly looking for new planets near the ecliptic, but because of its highly inclined orbit this is not where planet X is to be found i47C5I-aCpU-00031-00030957-00032197 Since it is a pretty big object, it would be fairly easy to see it even in larger amateur telescopes if you knew where to look i47C5I-aCpU-00032-00032197-00032856 And oh by the way, it is NOT Nibiru and is NOT going to crash on Earth i47C5I-aCpU-00033-00032856-00033323 Let's review 9/11 a little bit i47C5I-aCpU-00034-00033323-00033751 9-11 had not turned out as the Cabal had planned i47C5I-aCpU-00035-00033751-00034544 Instead it served as an awakening trigger that helped many humans realize what is really going on beyond the propaganda of the mass media i47C5I-aCpU-00036-00034544-00035319 This new awareness has made it easier for the Resistance Movement to improve their plan of overthrow of the Illuminati on planet Earth i47C5I-aCpU-00037-00035319-00036300 Until 2003, they have managed to clear all the deep underground military bases and only the uppermost portions of those bases remained i47C5I-aCpU-00038-00036366-00037627 Since then, the Resistance Movement has infiltrated around 300 of its operatives inside Illuminati network, mostly in top positions in the military and intelligence agencies i47C5I-aCpU-00039-00037627-00038508 Those operatives are undetectable and Illuminati have no idea who or where they are i47C5I-aCpU-00040-00038508-00039221 In January and early February of this year of 2012, the Resistance Movement has seized most of the gold that was in Illuminati hands i47C5I-aCpU-00041-00039221-00039940 So if you are asking yourself where the Yamashita gold is, now you know the answer i47C5I-aCpU-00042-00039940-00040819 It is not in Mariana trench, it is not in Fort Knox, it is not in cellars of private Rothschild villas and chateaux i47C5I-aCpU-00043-00040819-00041935 it is not in vaults under Kloten airport, it is not in safes of UBS in Zurich, it is not scattered in safes of small banks around the world under Jesuit control i47C5I-aCpU-00044-00041935-00043476 It is in underground chambers of the Resistance Movement, and after the Event it will be returned to humanity and it will serve as a reserve for a new currency which will mean abundance for everyone i47C5I-aCpU-00045-00043476-00044188 The idea to devise a plan to overthrow the Illuminati network was there ever since the formation of Organization in 1975 i47C5I-aCpU-00046-00044188-00045171 The early idea was for the military to take over and overthrow the Illuminati under the guidance of the Organization and later the Resistance Movement i47C5I-aCpU-00047-00045171-00045743 Because of the awakening that happened after 9-11, the original plan has been revised i47C5I-aCpU-00048-00045743-00046113 Now, nobody is taking over the planet i47C5I-aCpU-00049-00046113-00046942 The Resistance Movement will back up the military mainly only with intelligence data about Illuminati and some logistic advice, but will mostly stay behind the scenes i47C5I-aCpU-00050-00046942-00047535 The military will back up civilian authority (federal marshals in the US and Interpol worldwide), which will back up local law enforcement to arrest the members of the Cabal i47C5I-aCpU-00051-00047535-00048454 The Resistance movement has experience with overthrowing the Cabal and liberating planets, since they did this on planet X in 1999 i47C5I-aCpU-00052-00048454-00049187 They have constant physical (not telepathic) contact with the Pleiadians and other positive ET races within the Confederation i47C5I-aCpU-00053-00049187-00050767 which give them daily intel about every Cabal member, where they are, what they do, even what they think. The Illuminati now have nowhere to hide i47C5I-aCpU-00054-00050767-00051208 No human authority will decide when this is about to happen i47C5I-aCpU-00055-00051208-00051631 The final word when the Event is to happen is coming directly from the Source. This is an event of cosmic importance i47C5I-aCpU-00056-00051631-00052775 The last planet under the grip of the dark forces is about to be liberated and this is going to send ripples of Light throughout the Galaxy i47C5I-aCpU-00057-00052775-00053562 Just before the Event, the Source will send a pulse of Light through the Galactic Confederation i47C5I-aCpU-00058-00053562-00054783 and the Pleiadians will instruct the Resistance Movement to use its 300 operatives on the surface of the planet to contact the key people inside the military and law enforcement and then the operation will start i47C5I-aCpU-00059-00054783-00055524 After the operation is successfully completed, there might be people that would like to take advantage of the situation by setting their own governments, confiscating funds... i47C5I-aCpU-00060-00055524-00056224 Because the Cabal will be taken care of this does not mean that human greed and lust for power will be exterminated i47C5I-aCpU-00061-00056224-00056674 They are simply part of the character for a certain percentage of unenlightened human population i47C5I-aCpU-00062-00056712-00058062 Rest assured that the Resistance Movement knows who those people are, their actions are being monitored and they will not be allowed to take advantage of the situation i47C5I-aCpU-00063-00058062-00058994 Until a certain degree of awareness on the planet is reached, the Resistance Movement will be working behind the scenes for the benefit of humanity i47C5I-aCpU-00064-00058994-00060254 At a certain point, most likely not long before the First Contact with the positive extraterrestrials, they will make themselves public i47C5I-aCpU-00065-00060254-00061283 They have created a fund of 120 trillion dollars, which will be given to humanity along with other prosperity packages i47C5I-aCpU-00066-00061283-00061956 They are in possession of very advanced technologies, mostly of extraterrestrial origin i47C5I-aCpU-00067-00061956-00062982 They will provide some background assistance in putting forth 6000 inventions that were developed by geniuses around the world and then suppressed by the Cabal i47C5I-aCpU-00068-00062982-00063663 After that, they will introduce some of their own technologies that are even more advanced i47C5I-aCpU-00069-00063663-00064208 The Resistance has received reinforcements from the bases throughout the Solar System that arrived under the surface of our planet i47C5I-aCpU-00070-00064208-00065100 The Resistance has reached 140 million members strong since Nov 2018, and that number may and probably will still rise significantly i47C5I-aCpU-00071-00065100-00065813 Before, members of the Resistance have refrained from coming more than 30 meters to the surface of the planet i47C5I-aCpU-00072-00065813-00066961 With these current developments, some special Resistance forces are stationed only 5 to 10 meters below the surface i47C5I-aCpU-00073-00066961-00067311 I have another good news to share with you i47C5I-aCpU-00074-00067311-00068035 Lightworkers and Lightwarriors who envision part of their mission being involved in the Event operations i47C5I-aCpU-00075-00068035-00068831 can telepathically ask for a small Resistance base be built under their current living location i47C5I-aCpU-00076-00068831-00069935 This request must NOT be communicated aloud and must NOT be written anywhere i47C5I-aCpU-00077-00069935-00071147 The Resistance will receive a request for a base to be built under the Lightwarrior's house through a certain secure channel and will in most cases approve it i47C5I-aCpU-00078-00071147-00071700 Those small bases will have a certain role in the Event operations. i47C5I-aCpU-00079-00071700-00072144 Now you may have some understanding about the role that Resistance Movement plays in earth liberation process i5GLK0Dolcg-00000-00000010-00000103 >> DENNIS: HI, EVERYONE. i5GLK0Dolcg-00001-00000103-00000110 >> DENNIS: HI, EVERYONE. i5GLK0Dolcg-00002-00000110-00000256 >> DENNIS: HI, EVERYONE. THANKS FOR JOINING US. i5GLK0Dolcg-00003-00000256-00000263 >> DENNIS: HI, EVERYONE. THANKS FOR JOINING US. i5GLK0Dolcg-00004-00000263-00000373 >> DENNIS: HI, EVERYONE. THANKS FOR JOINING US. NORTHWEST TECHNICAL COLLEGE IN i5GLK0Dolcg-00005-00000373-00000380 THANKS FOR JOINING US. NORTHWEST TECHNICAL COLLEGE IN i5GLK0Dolcg-00006-00000380-00000547 THANKS FOR JOINING US. NORTHWEST TECHNICAL COLLEGE IN BEMIDJI HAS SPENT THE PAST 12 i5GLK0Dolcg-00007-00000547-00000553 NORTHWEST TECHNICAL COLLEGE IN BEMIDJI HAS SPENT THE PAST 12 i5GLK0Dolcg-00008-00000553-00000720 NORTHWEST TECHNICAL COLLEGE IN BEMIDJI HAS SPENT THE PAST 12 MONTHS GETTING THEIR NEW i5GLK0Dolcg-00009-00000720-00000727 BEMIDJI HAS SPENT THE PAST 12 MONTHS GETTING THEIR NEW i5GLK0Dolcg-00010-00000727-00000900 BEMIDJI HAS SPENT THE PAST 12 MONTHS GETTING THEIR NEW COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION DEGREE i5GLK0Dolcg-00011-00000900-00000907 MONTHS GETTING THEIR NEW COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION DEGREE i5GLK0Dolcg-00012-00000907-00001077 MONTHS GETTING THEIR NEW COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION DEGREE PROGRAM READY FOR STUDENTS. i5GLK0Dolcg-00013-00001077-00001084 COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION DEGREE PROGRAM READY FOR STUDENTS. i5GLK0Dolcg-00014-00001084-00001191 COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION DEGREE PROGRAM READY FOR STUDENTS. REPORTER SHIRELLE MOORE HAS A i5GLK0Dolcg-00015-00001191-00001197 PROGRAM READY FOR STUDENTS. REPORTER SHIRELLE MOORE HAS A i5GLK0Dolcg-00016-00001197-00001324 PROGRAM READY FOR STUDENTS. REPORTER SHIRELLE MOORE HAS A LOOK AT WHAT THE CAREER FIELD i5GLK0Dolcg-00017-00001324-00001331 REPORTER SHIRELLE MOORE HAS A LOOK AT WHAT THE CAREER FIELD i5GLK0Dolcg-00018-00001331-00001791 REPORTER SHIRELLE MOORE HAS A LOOK AT WHAT THE CAREER FIELD HAS TO OFFER. i5GLK0Dolcg-00019-00001791-00001798 LOOK AT WHAT THE CAREER FIELD HAS TO OFFER. i5GLK0Dolcg-00020-00001798-00001988 LOOK AT WHAT THE CAREER FIELD HAS TO OFFER. >> I FORESEE COMMERCIAL i5GLK0Dolcg-00021-00001988-00001995 HAS TO OFFER. >> I FORESEE COMMERCIAL i5GLK0Dolcg-00022-00001995-00002102 HAS TO OFFER. >> I FORESEE COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION AS BEING AT THE i5GLK0Dolcg-00023-00002102-00002108 >> I FORESEE COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION AS BEING AT THE i5GLK0Dolcg-00024-00002108-00002158 >> I FORESEE COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION AS BEING AT THE TOP OF THE LIST. i5GLK0Dolcg-00025-00002158-00002165 REFRIGERATION AS BEING AT THE TOP OF THE LIST. i5GLK0Dolcg-00026-00002165-00002305 REFRIGERATION AS BEING AT THE TOP OF THE LIST. THERE IS SUCH A DEMAND CURRENTLY i5GLK0Dolcg-00027-00002305-00002312 TOP OF THE LIST. THERE IS SUCH A DEMAND CURRENTLY i5GLK0Dolcg-00028-00002312-00002609 TOP OF THE LIST. THERE IS SUCH A DEMAND CURRENTLY FOR THAT LEVEL OF A TECHNICIAN. i5GLK0Dolcg-00029-00002609-00002615 THERE IS SUCH A DEMAND CURRENTLY FOR THAT LEVEL OF A TECHNICIAN. i5GLK0Dolcg-00030-00002615-00002769 THERE IS SUCH A DEMAND CURRENTLY FOR THAT LEVEL OF A TECHNICIAN. I THINK OUR PLACEMENT IS GOING i5GLK0Dolcg-00031-00002769-00002776 FOR THAT LEVEL OF A TECHNICIAN. I THINK OUR PLACEMENT IS GOING i5GLK0Dolcg-00032-00002776-00003036 FOR THAT LEVEL OF A TECHNICIAN. I THINK OUR PLACEMENT IS GOING TO BE HIGH, CLOSE TO 100%, IF i5GLK0Dolcg-00033-00003036-00003043 I THINK OUR PLACEMENT IS GOING TO BE HIGH, CLOSE TO 100%, IF i5GLK0Dolcg-00034-00003043-00003186 I THINK OUR PLACEMENT IS GOING TO BE HIGH, CLOSE TO 100%, IF SOMEONE WANTS EMPLOYMENT. i5GLK0Dolcg-00035-00003186-00003193 TO BE HIGH, CLOSE TO 100%, IF SOMEONE WANTS EMPLOYMENT. i5GLK0Dolcg-00036-00003193-00003293 TO BE HIGH, CLOSE TO 100%, IF SOMEONE WANTS EMPLOYMENT. >> SHIRELLE: WHEN YOU THINK OF i5GLK0Dolcg-00037-00003293-00003299 SOMEONE WANTS EMPLOYMENT. >> SHIRELLE: WHEN YOU THINK OF i5GLK0Dolcg-00038-00003299-00003460 SOMEONE WANTS EMPLOYMENT. >> SHIRELLE: WHEN YOU THINK OF IN DEMAND CAREER FIELD WITH A i5GLK0Dolcg-00039-00003460-00003466 >> SHIRELLE: WHEN YOU THINK OF IN DEMAND CAREER FIELD WITH A i5GLK0Dolcg-00040-00003466-00003693 >> SHIRELLE: WHEN YOU THINK OF IN DEMAND CAREER FIELD WITH A VERY HIGH EARNING POTENTIAL, i5GLK0Dolcg-00041-00003693-00003700 IN DEMAND CAREER FIELD WITH A VERY HIGH EARNING POTENTIAL, i5GLK0Dolcg-00042-00003700-00003817 IN DEMAND CAREER FIELD WITH A VERY HIGH EARNING POTENTIAL, COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION MIGHT i5GLK0Dolcg-00043-00003817-00003823 VERY HIGH EARNING POTENTIAL, COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION MIGHT i5GLK0Dolcg-00044-00003823-00003963 VERY HIGH EARNING POTENTIAL, COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION MIGHT BE ONE THAT SLIPS YOUR MIND, BUT i5GLK0Dolcg-00045-00003963-00003970 COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION MIGHT BE ONE THAT SLIPS YOUR MIND, BUT i5GLK0Dolcg-00046-00003970-00004100 COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION MIGHT BE ONE THAT SLIPS YOUR MIND, BUT THE INDUSTRY IS GROWING, AND IN i5GLK0Dolcg-00047-00004100-00004107 BE ONE THAT SLIPS YOUR MIND, BUT THE INDUSTRY IS GROWING, AND IN i5GLK0Dolcg-00048-00004107-00004344 BE ONE THAT SLIPS YOUR MIND, BUT THE INDUSTRY IS GROWING, AND IN NEED OF GOOD WORKERS. i5GLK0Dolcg-00049-00004344-00004351 THE INDUSTRY IS GROWING, AND IN NEED OF GOOD WORKERS. i5GLK0Dolcg-00050-00004351-00004541 THE INDUSTRY IS GROWING, AND IN NEED OF GOOD WORKERS. >> COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION IS A i5GLK0Dolcg-00051-00004541-00004547 NEED OF GOOD WORKERS. >> COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION IS A i5GLK0Dolcg-00052-00004547-00004794 NEED OF GOOD WORKERS. >> COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION IS A PROFESSION THAT IS UNIQUE AND i5GLK0Dolcg-00053-00004794-00004801 >> COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION IS A PROFESSION THAT IS UNIQUE AND i5GLK0Dolcg-00054-00004801-00005051 >> COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION IS A PROFESSION THAT IS UNIQUE AND DIFFERENT THAN REGULAR HEATING i5GLK0Dolcg-00055-00005051-00005058 PROFESSION THAT IS UNIQUE AND DIFFERENT THAN REGULAR HEATING i5GLK0Dolcg-00056-00005058-00005205 PROFESSION THAT IS UNIQUE AND DIFFERENT THAN REGULAR HEATING AND VENTILATION, AND THE REASON i5GLK0Dolcg-00057-00005205-00005211 DIFFERENT THAN REGULAR HEATING AND VENTILATION, AND THE REASON i5GLK0Dolcg-00058-00005211-00005755 DIFFERENT THAN REGULAR HEATING AND VENTILATION, AND THE REASON FOR THAT IS IT'S MORE FOCUSED ON i5GLK0Dolcg-00059-00005755-00005762 AND VENTILATION, AND THE REASON FOR THAT IS IT'S MORE FOCUSED ON i5GLK0Dolcg-00060-00005762-00005915 AND VENTILATION, AND THE REASON FOR THAT IS IT'S MORE FOCUSED ON FACILITIES SUCH AS GROCERY i5GLK0Dolcg-00061-00005915-00005922 FOR THAT IS IT'S MORE FOCUSED ON FACILITIES SUCH AS GROCERY i5GLK0Dolcg-00062-00005922-00006176 FOR THAT IS IT'S MORE FOCUSED ON FACILITIES SUCH AS GROCERY STORES, CONVENIENCE STORES, i5GLK0Dolcg-00063-00006176-00006182 FACILITIES SUCH AS GROCERY STORES, CONVENIENCE STORES, i5GLK0Dolcg-00064-00006182-00006426 FACILITIES SUCH AS GROCERY STORES, CONVENIENCE STORES, PRODUCE STORAGE AREAS, AND WITH i5GLK0Dolcg-00065-00006426-00006433 STORES, CONVENIENCE STORES, PRODUCE STORAGE AREAS, AND WITH i5GLK0Dolcg-00066-00006433-00006866 STORES, CONVENIENCE STORES, PRODUCE STORAGE AREAS, AND WITH EACH OF THOSE ITEMS, THEIR i5GLK0Dolcg-00067-00006866-00006873 PRODUCE STORAGE AREAS, AND WITH EACH OF THOSE ITEMS, THEIR i5GLK0Dolcg-00068-00006873-00007010 PRODUCE STORAGE AREAS, AND WITH EACH OF THOSE ITEMS, THEIR TEMPERATURES MUST BE SPECIFIC. i5GLK0Dolcg-00069-00007010-00007017 EACH OF THOSE ITEMS, THEIR TEMPERATURES MUST BE SPECIFIC. i5GLK0Dolcg-00070-00007017-00007130 EACH OF THOSE ITEMS, THEIR TEMPERATURES MUST BE SPECIFIC. >> FOR A WHILE NOW, INDUSTRY i5GLK0Dolcg-00071-00007130-00007137 TEMPERATURES MUST BE SPECIFIC. >> FOR A WHILE NOW, INDUSTRY i5GLK0Dolcg-00072-00007137-00007283 TEMPERATURES MUST BE SPECIFIC. >> FOR A WHILE NOW, INDUSTRY LEADERS HAVE ASKED NORTHWEST i5GLK0Dolcg-00073-00007283-00007290 >> FOR A WHILE NOW, INDUSTRY LEADERS HAVE ASKED NORTHWEST i5GLK0Dolcg-00074-00007290-00007417 >> FOR A WHILE NOW, INDUSTRY LEADERS HAVE ASKED NORTHWEST TECHNICAL COLLEGE FOR A DEGREE i5GLK0Dolcg-00075-00007417-00007423 LEADERS HAVE ASKED NORTHWEST TECHNICAL COLLEGE FOR A DEGREE i5GLK0Dolcg-00076-00007423-00007510 LEADERS HAVE ASKED NORTHWEST TECHNICAL COLLEGE FOR A DEGREE PROGRAM LIKE THIS ONE. i5GLK0Dolcg-00077-00007510-00007517 TECHNICAL COLLEGE FOR A DEGREE PROGRAM LIKE THIS ONE. i5GLK0Dolcg-00078-00007517-00007630 TECHNICAL COLLEGE FOR A DEGREE PROGRAM LIKE THIS ONE. >> WE'RE EXCITED BECAUSE WE i5GLK0Dolcg-00079-00007630-00007637 PROGRAM LIKE THIS ONE. >> WE'RE EXCITED BECAUSE WE i5GLK0Dolcg-00080-00007637-00007751 PROGRAM LIKE THIS ONE. >> WE'RE EXCITED BECAUSE WE RECEIVED A GRANT, AND WE'VE GOT i5GLK0Dolcg-00081-00007751-00007757 >> WE'RE EXCITED BECAUSE WE RECEIVED A GRANT, AND WE'VE GOT i5GLK0Dolcg-00082-00007757-00007864 >> WE'RE EXCITED BECAUSE WE RECEIVED A GRANT, AND WE'VE GOT SOME MATCHING DOLLARS THAT GO i5GLK0Dolcg-00083-00007864-00007871 RECEIVED A GRANT, AND WE'VE GOT SOME MATCHING DOLLARS THAT GO i5GLK0Dolcg-00084-00007871-00008058 RECEIVED A GRANT, AND WE'VE GOT SOME MATCHING DOLLARS THAT GO WITH THAT GRANT, AND SO THANKS i5GLK0Dolcg-00085-00008058-00008064 SOME MATCHING DOLLARS THAT GO WITH THAT GRANT, AND SO THANKS i5GLK0Dolcg-00086-00008064-00008244 SOME MATCHING DOLLARS THAT GO WITH THAT GRANT, AND SO THANKS TO THE NIELSEN FOUNDATION FOR i5GLK0Dolcg-00087-00008244-00008251 WITH THAT GRANT, AND SO THANKS TO THE NIELSEN FOUNDATION FOR i5GLK0Dolcg-00088-00008251-00008435 WITH THAT GRANT, AND SO THANKS TO THE NIELSEN FOUNDATION FOR THAT GRANT, BUT WE WILL HAVE i5GLK0Dolcg-00089-00008435-00008441 TO THE NIELSEN FOUNDATION FOR THAT GRANT, BUT WE WILL HAVE i5GLK0Dolcg-00090-00008441-00008561 TO THE NIELSEN FOUNDATION FOR THAT GRANT, BUT WE WILL HAVE ABOUT $300,000 WORTH OF NEW i5GLK0Dolcg-00091-00008561-00008568 THAT GRANT, BUT WE WILL HAVE ABOUT $300,000 WORTH OF NEW i5GLK0Dolcg-00092-00008568-00008701 THAT GRANT, BUT WE WILL HAVE ABOUT $300,000 WORTH OF NEW EQUIPMENT THAT WILL BE COMING IN i5GLK0Dolcg-00093-00008701-00008708 ABOUT $300,000 WORTH OF NEW EQUIPMENT THAT WILL BE COMING IN i5GLK0Dolcg-00094-00008708-00008852 ABOUT $300,000 WORTH OF NEW EQUIPMENT THAT WILL BE COMING IN TO THE PROGRAM TO HELP OUR i5GLK0Dolcg-00095-00008852-00008858 EQUIPMENT THAT WILL BE COMING IN TO THE PROGRAM TO HELP OUR i5GLK0Dolcg-00096-00008858-00008982 EQUIPMENT THAT WILL BE COMING IN TO THE PROGRAM TO HELP OUR STUDENTS MAKE SURE THAT THEY'RE i5GLK0Dolcg-00097-00008982-00008988 TO THE PROGRAM TO HELP OUR STUDENTS MAKE SURE THAT THEY'RE i5GLK0Dolcg-00098-00008988-00009155 TO THE PROGRAM TO HELP OUR STUDENTS MAKE SURE THAT THEY'RE REALLY LEARNING ON THE EQUIPMENT i5GLK0Dolcg-00099-00009155-00009162 STUDENTS MAKE SURE THAT THEY'RE REALLY LEARNING ON THE EQUIPMENT i5GLK0Dolcg-00100-00009162-00009299 STUDENTS MAKE SURE THAT THEY'RE REALLY LEARNING ON THE EQUIPMENT THAT THEY'LL SEE OUT IN THE i5GLK0Dolcg-00101-00009299-00009305 REALLY LEARNING ON THE EQUIPMENT THAT THEY'LL SEE OUT IN THE i5GLK0Dolcg-00102-00009305-00009492 REALLY LEARNING ON THE EQUIPMENT THAT THEY'LL SEE OUT IN THE FIELD THAT IS CURRENTLY OUT IN i5GLK0Dolcg-00103-00009492-00009499 THAT THEY'LL SEE OUT IN THE FIELD THAT IS CURRENTLY OUT IN i5GLK0Dolcg-00104-00009499-00009572 THAT THEY'LL SEE OUT IN THE FIELD THAT IS CURRENTLY OUT IN BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY. i5GLK0Dolcg-00105-00009572-00009579 FIELD THAT IS CURRENTLY OUT IN BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY. i5GLK0Dolcg-00106-00009579-00009656 FIELD THAT IS CURRENTLY OUT IN BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY. >> THE PROGRAM WILL ONLY TAKE i5GLK0Dolcg-00107-00009656-00009662 BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY. >> THE PROGRAM WILL ONLY TAKE i5GLK0Dolcg-00108-00009662-00009783 BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY. >> THE PROGRAM WILL ONLY TAKE TWO YEARS, AND WHEN YOU i5GLK0Dolcg-00109-00009783-00009789 >> THE PROGRAM WILL ONLY TAKE TWO YEARS, AND WHEN YOU i5GLK0Dolcg-00110-00009789-00009913 >> THE PROGRAM WILL ONLY TAKE TWO YEARS, AND WHEN YOU GRADUATE, YOU'LL HAVE A i5GLK0Dolcg-00111-00009913-00009919 TWO YEARS, AND WHEN YOU GRADUATE, YOU'LL HAVE A i5GLK0Dolcg-00112-00009919-00010233 TWO YEARS, AND WHEN YOU GRADUATE, YOU'LL HAVE A UNIVERSAL LICENSE IN HANDLING i5GLK0Dolcg-00113-00010233-00010240 GRADUATE, YOU'LL HAVE A UNIVERSAL LICENSE IN HANDLING i5GLK0Dolcg-00114-00010240-00010603 GRADUATE, YOU'LL HAVE A UNIVERSAL LICENSE IN HANDLING REFRIDGE ANTS. i5GLK0Dolcg-00115-00010603-00010610 UNIVERSAL LICENSE IN HANDLING REFRIDGE ANTS. i5GLK0Dolcg-00116-00010610-00010787 UNIVERSAL LICENSE IN HANDLING REFRIDGE ANTS. >> BECAUSE OF ITS UNIQUENESS, WE i5GLK0Dolcg-00117-00010787-00010794 REFRIDGE ANTS. >> BECAUSE OF ITS UNIQUENESS, WE i5GLK0Dolcg-00118-00010794-00011027 REFRIDGE ANTS. >> BECAUSE OF ITS UNIQUENESS, WE FELT IT IMPERATIVE TO HAVE IT i5GLK0Dolcg-00119-00011027-00011034 >> BECAUSE OF ITS UNIQUENESS, WE FELT IT IMPERATIVE TO HAVE IT i5GLK0Dolcg-00120-00011034-00011097 >> BECAUSE OF ITS UNIQUENESS, WE FELT IT IMPERATIVE TO HAVE IT INDEPENDENT. i5GLK0Dolcg-00121-00011097-00011104 FELT IT IMPERATIVE TO HAVE IT INDEPENDENT. i5GLK0Dolcg-00122-00011104-00011224 FELT IT IMPERATIVE TO HAVE IT INDEPENDENT. UNLIKE OUR PLUMBING AND HEATING i5GLK0Dolcg-00123-00011224-00011231 INDEPENDENT. UNLIKE OUR PLUMBING AND HEATING i5GLK0Dolcg-00124-00011231-00011364 INDEPENDENT. UNLIKE OUR PLUMBING AND HEATING PROGRAM THAT ARE COMBINED, THE i5GLK0Dolcg-00125-00011364-00011371 UNLIKE OUR PLUMBING AND HEATING PROGRAM THAT ARE COMBINED, THE i5GLK0Dolcg-00126-00011371-00011491 UNLIKE OUR PLUMBING AND HEATING PROGRAM THAT ARE COMBINED, THE COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION PROGRAM i5GLK0Dolcg-00127-00011491-00011498 PROGRAM THAT ARE COMBINED, THE COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION PROGRAM i5GLK0Dolcg-00128-00011498-00011708 PROGRAM THAT ARE COMBINED, THE COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION PROGRAM IS REALLY KIND OF A STAND-ALONE. i5GLK0Dolcg-00129-00011708-00011715 COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION PROGRAM IS REALLY KIND OF A STAND-ALONE. i5GLK0Dolcg-00130-00011715-00011835 COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION PROGRAM IS REALLY KIND OF A STAND-ALONE. >> FOR ANYONE INTERESTED, THERE i5GLK0Dolcg-00131-00011835-00011841 IS REALLY KIND OF A STAND-ALONE. >> FOR ANYONE INTERESTED, THERE i5GLK0Dolcg-00132-00011841-00011988 IS REALLY KIND OF A STAND-ALONE. >> FOR ANYONE INTERESTED, THERE ARE STILL A FEW WEEKS TO SIGN i5GLK0Dolcg-00133-00011988-00011995 >> FOR ANYONE INTERESTED, THERE ARE STILL A FEW WEEKS TO SIGN i5GLK0Dolcg-00134-00011995-00012052 >> FOR ANYONE INTERESTED, THERE ARE STILL A FEW WEEKS TO SIGN UP. i5GLK0Dolcg-00135-00012052-00012058 ARE STILL A FEW WEEKS TO SIGN UP. i5GLK0Dolcg-00136-00012058-00012142 ARE STILL A FEW WEEKS TO SIGN UP. THEY SHOULD GET THE PAPERWORK i5GLK0Dolcg-00137-00012142-00012148 UP. THEY SHOULD GET THE PAPERWORK i5GLK0Dolcg-00138-00012148-00012278 UP. THEY SHOULD GET THE PAPERWORK DONE QUICKLY, BECAUSE THAT TIME i5GLK0Dolcg-00139-00012278-00012285 THEY SHOULD GET THE PAPERWORK DONE QUICKLY, BECAUSE THAT TIME i5GLK0Dolcg-00140-00012285-00012385 THEY SHOULD GET THE PAPERWORK DONE QUICKLY, BECAUSE THAT TIME WILL FLY BY. i5GLK0Dolcg-00141-00012385-00012392 DONE QUICKLY, BECAUSE THAT TIME WILL FLY BY. i5GLK0Dolcg-00142-00012392-00012672 DONE QUICKLY, BECAUSE THAT TIME WILL FLY BY. >> THERE IS PLENTY OF TIME TO i5GLK0Dolcg-00143-00012672-00012679 WILL FLY BY. >> THERE IS PLENTY OF TIME TO i5GLK0Dolcg-00144-00012679-00012836 WILL FLY BY. >> THERE IS PLENTY OF TIME TO ENROLL YET FOR NEXT THREE WEEKS. i5GLK0Dolcg-00145-00012836-00012842 >> THERE IS PLENTY OF TIME TO ENROLL YET FOR NEXT THREE WEEKS. i5GLK0Dolcg-00146-00012842-00012979 >> THERE IS PLENTY OF TIME TO ENROLL YET FOR NEXT THREE WEEKS. WE STILL HAVE SCHOLARSHIPS i5GLK0Dolcg-00147-00012979-00012986 ENROLL YET FOR NEXT THREE WEEKS. WE STILL HAVE SCHOLARSHIPS i5GLK0Dolcg-00148-00012986-00013093 ENROLL YET FOR NEXT THREE WEEKS. WE STILL HAVE SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE FOR FOLKS AS THEY COME i5GLK0Dolcg-00149-00013093-00013099 WE STILL HAVE SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE FOR FOLKS AS THEY COME i5GLK0Dolcg-00150-00013099-00013163 WE STILL HAVE SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE FOR FOLKS AS THEY COME ALONG. i5GLK0Dolcg-00151-00013163-00013169 AVAILABLE FOR FOLKS AS THEY COME ALONG. i5GLK0Dolcg-00152-00013169-00013233 AVAILABLE FOR FOLKS AS THEY COME ALONG. >> SHIRELLE: REPORTING IN i5GLK0Dolcg-00153-00013233-00013239 ALONG. >> SHIRELLE: REPORTING IN i5GLK0Dolcg-00154-00013239-00013400 ALONG. >> SHIRELLE: REPORTING IN BEMIDJI, SHIRELLE MOORE, i5GLK0Dolcg-00155-00013400-00013406 >> SHIRELLE: REPORTING IN BEMIDJI, SHIRELLE MOORE, i5GLK0Dolcg-00156-00013406-00013490 >> SHIRELLE: REPORTING IN BEMIDJI, SHIRELLE MOORE, LAKELAND NEWS. i7Lxj_ZNx-0-00000-00003377-00003752 We're in Waco and the park and we are going to, I'm going to go i7Lxj_ZNx-0-00001-00003752-00004043 roller skating and David's going to chase me around with the camera. i7Lxj_ZNx-0-00002-00004090-00004112 Yeah. i7Lxj_ZNx-0-00003-00010968-00011008 Anything i7Lxj_ZNx-0-00004-00035909-00036146 I was going through my head instead of like, oh shit, I'm i7Lxj_ZNx-0-00005-00036146-00036233 supposed to wave at David. i7Lxj_ZNx-0-00006-00036365-00036442 Hi David! i7Lxj_ZNx-0-00007-00036521-00036565 You did a good job! i7Lxj_ZNx-0-00008-00036565-00036680 I got to go look at my wheal though. i88sGqpM6jM-00000-00000000-00000744 Si se ha comprometido a ir en bicicleta al trabajo o simplemente por la ciudad, elegir la bicicleta adecuada maximizará la comodidad y la seguridad. i88sGqpM6jM-00001-00000766-00000966 factor de diversión i88sGqpM6jM-00002-00002436-00003136 Hay algunas cosas que debes tener en cuenta al elegir tu primera bicicleta de cercanías, y quizás lo más importante sea el cuadro i88sGqpM6jM-00003-00003209-00003880 Las bicicletas de cercanías reciben una paliza en las calles difíciles en cualquier clima. Así que asegurarte de tener un marco de aluminio o acero fuerte valdrá la pena i88sGqpM6jM-00004-00003942-00004682 Además, el marco de tamaño correcto es importante. Asegúrese de tener una distancia de dos a cuatro pulgadas de la parte superior del tubo cuando esté parado sobre la bicicleta i88sGqpM6jM-00005-00004740-00005176 Recuerde que cuanto más tiempo viaja, mayor será el tamaño de la bicicleta y la comodidad. i88sGqpM6jM-00006-00005273-00005686 Sea cual sea el clima, querrás mantener el lado de goma hacia abajo en otras palabras i88sGqpM6jM-00007-00005690-00006082 Necesita un buen juego de llantas si su viaje está en un lugar seco i88sGqpM6jM-00008-00006140-00006733 Carril de bicicleta suave y sedoso que puede salirse con un juego de neumáticos lisos de baja resistencia a la rodadura delgados i88sGqpM6jM-00009-00006734-00007195 Eso hará que su viaje lo más fácil posible. ¿Algunos de nosotros no somos tan afortunados? i88sGqpM6jM-00010-00007195-00007377 Y si vas a encontrarte con la lluvia. i88sGqpM6jM-00011-00007377-00008072 Las vías del tren o las carreteras ásperas con neumáticos gruesos como este con un poco de banda de rodadura harán que su viaje diario sea mucho más cómodo y seguro i88sGqpM6jM-00012-00008133-00008713 No te dejes atrapar por la trampa de la suspensión, especialmente si estás comprando una bicicleta de nivel de entrada, aunque i88sGqpM6jM-00013-00008724-00009149 Se supone que la suspensión hará su viaje más cómodo. La suspensión barata es pesada. i88sGqpM6jM-00014-00009167-00009505 Se descompone fácilmente y probablemente te ralentizará a largo plazo i88sGqpM6jM-00015-00009528-00010135 Si desea absorber algunas grietas más en el pavimento, intente optar por un neumático un poco más grueso como el que viene i88sGqpM6jM-00016-00010135-00010292 con esta bicicleta i88sGqpM6jM-00017-00010292-00010924 El mundo se ha estado alejando lentamente de los frenos de llanta a los frenos de disco y hay una buena razón para los frenos de disco i88sGqpM6jM-00018-00010943-00011326 No gastes tus llantas y funcionan mejor en todas las bodas. i88sGqpM6jM-00019-00011472-00011768 Finalmente tu bicicleta no debería ser un dolor en el trasero. i88sGqpM6jM-00020-00011768-00012308 Su silla de montar debe ser cómoda a menos que tenga un viaje muy largo o simplemente le guste ir muy rápido i88sGqpM6jM-00021-00012309-00012661 No es necesario que te limites a una silla de montar estilo flaco. i88sGqpM6jM-00023-00012711-00013202 For more bike tips and tricks from pure cycles TV. Click the link to subscribe iq6llw-xOlA-00000-00000003-00000509 alright alright so some of the biggest news going around right now is how spill iq6llw-xOlA-00001-00000509-00001175 was exposed as an actual company you to creators like D'Angelo Wallace and Petty iq6llw-xOlA-00002-00001175-00001554 Paige have made videos about this more and more people are talking about it but iq6llw-xOlA-00003-00001554-00002025 in this video I don't want to discuss why spill being a company isn't iq6llw-xOlA-00004-00002025-00003294 necessarily a bad thing what is up everybody this is Chris from the rewired iq6llw-xOlA-00005-00003294-00003746 soul where we talk about the problem but focus on the solution and if you're new iq6llw-xOlA-00006-00003746-00004059 to my channel what I try to do is take different topics going on in the YouTube iq6llw-xOlA-00007-00004059-00004380 community and try to see what lessons we can pull from them to improve our own iq6llw-xOlA-00008-00004380-00004773 mental and emotional well-being so if you're into that stuff make sure you iq6llw-xOlA-00009-00004773-00005139 subscribe and ring that notification bell and those of you who don't know iq6llw-xOlA-00010-00005139-00005484 because I'm going to be touching on some of these topics in this video my brand iq6llw-xOlA-00011-00005484-00005889 new book cancelled inside YouTube cancel culture is out now check out the iq6llw-xOlA-00012-00005889-00006246 description check out the pin comment down below it's over at my website so if iq6llw-xOlA-00013-00006246-00006600 you want to kind of a behind-the-scenes look about canceled culture in the iq6llw-xOlA-00014-00006600-00006854 YouTube community I share my own personal experience I iq6llw-xOlA-00015-00006854-00007211 talk about some experiences of others that have gone on in the YouTube iq6llw-xOlA-00016-00007211-00007527 community but check it out there's an e-book and an audio book available iq6llw-xOlA-00017-00007527-00008136 alright so yeah to catch up to speed DeAngelo Wallace you know he came out iq6llw-xOlA-00018-00008136-00008565 with his video that went viral about Spill possibly being a company and then iq6llw-xOlA-00019-00008565-00009003 Patti Page I had a bunch of people leave me comments and message me about petty iq6llw-xOlA-00020-00009003-00009603 pages video or her series about spill and yeah some of you came to my channel iq6llw-xOlA-00021-00009603-00010110 because you saw my original video titled why I hate spill alright iq6llw-xOlA-00022-00010110-00010532 hey anyways yeah it looks like spill is a company this is a theory that I've had iq6llw-xOlA-00023-00010532-00011088 for a very long time and now it's true so in this video we're gonna be talking iq6llw-xOlA-00024-00011088-00011750 about why that's not necessarily a bad thing all right but first let's talk iq6llw-xOlA-00025-00011750-00012257 about some of the bad things all right like one of the one of the main things iq6llw-xOlA-00026-00012257-00012624 that we need to talk about is like deception okay like this is something iq6llw-xOlA-00027-00012624-00013155 that is a growing problem on YouTube he'll look at the Tana mojo and Jay Paul iq6llw-xOlA-00028-00013155-00013440 situation right like YouTube was this platform iq6llw-xOlA-00029-00013440-00013893 that was originally created for like authenticity for creators to hop on and iq6llw-xOlA-00030-00013893-00014348 you know be themselves and everything like that and we're starting to see this iq6llw-xOlA-00031-00014348-00014909 kind of blurred line where we don't necessarily know what's real and what's iq6llw-xOlA-00032-00014909-00015312 not real so my biggest issue with spill is just iq6llw-xOlA-00033-00015312-00015984 trying to promote the the idea the reality that they are just some kids iq6llw-xOlA-00034-00015984-00016362 working on this and they even made their own video to kind of expose themselves iq6llw-xOlA-00035-00016362-00016716 and it's just like you guys just just come out with it and I think DeAngelo iq6llw-xOlA-00036-00016716-00017241 Wallace did a great job discussing why companies and corporations try to iq6llw-xOlA-00037-00017241-00017729 humanize themselves a little bit more especially in this day and age of social iq6llw-xOlA-00038-00017729-00018117 media and you know it's something like let's talk about Jarvis Johnson if iq6llw-xOlA-00039-00018117-00018498 you're not subscribed to Jarvis you best go subscribe to Jarvis right but Jarvis iq6llw-xOlA-00040-00018498-00018975 has talked about this multiple times like when he you know reviews like iq6llw-xOlA-00041-00018975-00019373 different corporate Twitter accounts and how they interact and like you know just iq6llw-xOlA-00042-00019373-00019688 trying to be like actual people and stuff like that but when it comes to iq6llw-xOlA-00043-00019688-00020109 spill when we're talking about you know promoting this idea that you know this iq6llw-xOlA-00044-00020109-00020657 is the reality when it's really not like Jarvis does a lot of videos on the iq6llw-xOlA-00045-00020657-00021173 channel the YouTube channel actually happened it's an animated channel where iq6llw-xOlA-00046-00021173-00021576 they promote these stories as being a wheel even though there's evidence to iq6llw-xOlA-00047-00021576-00022145 support that they're not real so deception is just it's something that is iq6llw-xOlA-00048-00022145-00022662 it's it's tricky in this day and age with social media because social media iq6llw-xOlA-00049-00022662-00022998 is supposed to be like real people doing their thing because like we already iq6llw-xOlA-00050-00022998-00023426 spent the last you know almost hundred years with you know TV shows and iq6llw-xOlA-00051-00023426-00023748 corporations doing this thing and YouTube was supposed to be this platform iq6llw-xOlA-00052-00023748-00024134 of authenticity and things like that now for those of you who didn't watch my iq6llw-xOlA-00053-00024134-00024579 previous video on spill like I don't have a problem with companies and iq6llw-xOlA-00054-00024579-00025041 corporations coming onto YouTube so in my last video about spill I asked you iq6llw-xOlA-00055-00025041-00025578 the audience I said hey how many videos do you watch on a specific topic and iq6llw-xOlA-00056-00025578-00026082 most people it was anywhere from like three to five some people said six or iq6llw-xOlA-00057-00026082-00026491 seven right so I don't I don't agree with the idea that iq6llw-xOlA-00058-00026491-00027037 you know companies coming in is going to take away views from other channels and iq6llw-xOlA-00059-00027037-00027412 individual creators because that's not what happens alright people watch iq6llw-xOlA-00060-00027412-00027808 multiple videos like just because you're subscribed to one channel doesn't mean iq6llw-xOlA-00061-00027808-00028126 you're not subscribed to another alright sometimes you would prefer to watch a iq6llw-xOlA-00062-00028126-00028513 video from this creator than another but I'm actually really proud of you iq6llw-xOlA-00063-00028513-00028885 the audience alright because a lot of you said that you watch multiple videos iq6llw-xOlA-00064-00028885-00029386 on a subject to get different perspectives to help you form your own iq6llw-xOlA-00065-00029386-00029758 opinions something that I get worried about a lot when it comes to canceled iq6llw-xOlA-00066-00029758-00030292 culture and mob mentality is just you know just following what everybody else iq6llw-xOlA-00067-00030292-00030739 says so I'm really proud of anybody who's watching you know different videos iq6llw-xOlA-00068-00030739-00031108 to get different perspectives on situations but yeah it seems like Spill iq6llw-xOlA-00069-00031108-00031458 being a company they're trying to do what they see works on YouTube right iq6llw-xOlA-00070-00031458-00032008 which is drama which is animation they even started their their new channels iq6llw-xOlA-00071-00032008-00032568 and stuff and they're taking these different angles of successful genres on iq6llw-xOlA-00072-00032568-00033160 YouTube alright so let's talk about why this isn't necessarily a bad thing and iq6llw-xOlA-00073-00033160-00033643 drama channels out there commentary channels out there I'm sorry but I'm iq6llw-xOlA-00074-00033643-00034195 just gonna speak the truth alright so the first thing is my original video why iq6llw-xOlA-00075-00034195-00034645 I hate spill right like there's so many comments like you're just jealous you're iq6llw-xOlA-00076-00034645-00035053 just jealous and yes it was a video about jealousy iq6llw-xOlA-00077-00035053-00035578 and what we do when we start to get jealous or envious of other people so iq6llw-xOlA-00078-00035578-00035991 like here's a thing like I know a lot of drama channels and you know people out iq6llw-xOlA-00079-00035991-00036310 there trying to expose spill they're they're trying to be like aha look I'm iq6llw-xOlA-00080-00036310-00036793 doing this for the greater good like they are full of it if there are if iq6llw-xOlA-00081-00036793-00037159 they aren't willing to admit that there's some jealousy behind this like iq6llw-xOlA-00082-00037159-00037729 it's it sucks it sucks like watching spills growth and how they did it and iq6llw-xOlA-00083-00037729-00038134 all the effort that they can put in to a video that us individual creators can't iq6llw-xOlA-00084-00038134-00038575 like it sucks right but like it's it's something that we iq6llw-xOlA-00085-00038575-00038998 just have to deal with it's the same as when you open up a mom-and-pop store in iq6llw-xOlA-00086-00038998-00039303 your town and there's a Walmart across the street iq6llw-xOlA-00087-00039303-00039609 they have more resources they have more money and they could do that you know iq6llw-xOlA-00088-00039609-00040140 what I mean but in this digital platform we're not at the same risk as a iq6llw-xOlA-00089-00040140-00040624 mom-and-pop store of being put out of business by these people but I think iq6llw-xOlA-00090-00040624-00041286 that's part of part of that fear but I think it would be helpful if the other iq6llw-xOlA-00091-00041286-00041680 drama channels or commentary channels or news channels would just admit that like iq6llw-xOlA-00092-00041680-00042174 part of it is just like wishing that you know wishing that we could do what spill iq6llw-xOlA-00093-00042174-00042586 does with the animation the research the captioning all of that stuff you know iq6llw-xOlA-00094-00042586-00043119 what I mean so the biggest reason why spill being on YouTube isn't a bad thing iq6llw-xOlA-00095-00043119-00043788 is because of drama channel bias all right like I look at this constantly iq6llw-xOlA-00096-00043788-00044163 because I'm researching different topics and everything like that to get ideas of iq6llw-xOlA-00097-00044163-00044640 how what angles I want to take and everything and you guys like it is clear iq6llw-xOlA-00098-00044640-00045411 as day that influencers specifically people in the beauty community or just iq6llw-xOlA-00099-00045411-00046152 kind of in that that realm like man they manipulate the hell out of drama iq6llw-xOlA-00100-00046152-00046578 channels and I was thinking about doing a whole separate video about this and I iq6llw-xOlA-00101-00046578-00047100 might but you guys like there's such a bias and when it comes to spill since iq6llw-xOlA-00102-00047100-00047397 they're trying to take a more journalistic approach and they are a iq6llw-xOlA-00103-00047397-00048063 company like you can kind of rest be rest assured that there are opinions on iq6llw-xOlA-00104-00048063-00048384 certain subjects aren't going to be swayed like if you guys pay attention iq6llw-xOlA-00105-00048384-00048843 check out your favorite drama channels right and look at how they cover iq6llw-xOlA-00106-00048843-00049302 different influencers there are different influencers that each drama iq6llw-xOlA-00107-00049302-00049983 channel wants to you know kind of be friends with or get clout from you know iq6llw-xOlA-00108-00049983-00050458 or whatever and you could see like when they cover stories about those people iq6llw-xOlA-00109-00050458-00051003 they're very soft they're very light but then there's other influencers who they iq6llw-xOlA-00110-00051003-00051540 don't like who that want nothing to do with and they are so hard on them you iq6llw-xOlA-00111-00051540-00051961 see what I mean like there is such a bias like you guys like and you see iq6llw-xOlA-00112-00051961-00052555 these influencers like hang out and do collabs with these drama channels like iq6llw-xOlA-00113-00052555-00052904 I want you to do this if you think that I'm crazy all right iq6llw-xOlA-00114-00052904-00053279 I think it's cool when influencers hang out with like the drama channels or iq6llw-xOlA-00115-00053279-00053729 commentary channels or whoever I love with influencers interact but it does iq6llw-xOlA-00116-00053729-00054116 sway their opinion so if you think I'm crazy go watch some collabs that have iq6llw-xOlA-00117-00054116-00054449 been done like okay did this influencer like I know Jeffree Star hung out with iq6llw-xOlA-00118-00054449-00054880 some channels I know that Trisha Paytas has hung out with some channels alright iq6llw-xOlA-00119-00054880-00055354 so check out those channels who they hung out with see how they cover stories iq6llw-xOlA-00120-00055354-00055693 about the people they've hung out with versus how they cover stories about iq6llw-xOlA-00121-00055693-00056164 other people specifically people like Jacqueline Hill people like James iq6llw-xOlA-00122-00056164-00056704 Charles Wright so there is this major bias that's happening with these stories iq6llw-xOlA-00123-00056704-00057226 that are getting covered where it's like these drama channels are almost holding iq6llw-xOlA-00124-00057226-00057635 influencers hostage like listen if you're not nice to me if you don't hang iq6llw-xOlA-00125-00057635-00058117 out with me I'm gonna come after you in videos right and this is something that iq6llw-xOlA-00126-00058117-00058712 we don't have to worry about with spill so not only a spill well-researched iq6llw-xOlA-00127-00058712-00059194 right and the production's great and they go really in depth we also don't iq6llw-xOlA-00128-00059194-00059683 really have to worry about them being influenced for the sake of like clout or iq6llw-xOlA-00129-00059683-00060161 being friends with these big influencers all right but the last thing I want to iq6llw-xOlA-00130-00060161-00060552 talk about and this is something that I talk about in my book cancelled iq6llw-xOlA-00131-00060552-00061219 extensively and it's just the reality of it all of us channels whether you do iq6llw-xOlA-00132-00061219-00061801 commentary drama news like with exceptions like Philip DeFranco and a iq6llw-xOlA-00133-00061801-00062419 few others like there is no journalistic standard or integrity that has to be iq6llw-xOlA-00134-00062419-00062902 upheld all right like I - quite a few journalists who cover like YouTube iq6llw-xOlA-00135-00062902-00063412 stories and stuff like that and here's what I mean like when drama channels and iq6llw-xOlA-00136-00063412-00063766 commentary channels and news channels when they put information out there like iq6llw-xOlA-00137-00063766-00064279 they they have no no responsibility when it comes to it like there are so many iq6llw-xOlA-00138-00064279-00064867 situations where they have put out lies or misinformation and there are no iq6llw-xOlA-00139-00064867-00065225 repercussions like I watched so many stories and I iq6llw-xOlA-00140-00065225-00065612 I've talked with different journalists I'm like what would happen at your job iq6llw-xOlA-00141-00065612-00066092 if you release this story and it was found out to be wrong like we have seen iq6llw-xOlA-00142-00066092-00066530 so many times lately they're like oh I get fired right or or we get sued iq6llw-xOlA-00143-00066530-00067160 because an actual media company they would get the crap suit out of them if iq6llw-xOlA-00144-00067160-00067475 they said some of these things that drama channels commentary channels iq6llw-xOlA-00145-00067475-00067931 everything like that like the misinformation like YouTube channels iq6llw-xOlA-00146-00067931-00068474 they don't have to do retractions they don't have to correct stories and listen iq6llw-xOlA-00147-00068474-00068855 this is something that I'm really passionate about because it happened to iq6llw-xOlA-00148-00068855-00069410 me it happened to me there are dozens and dozens and dozens of videos out iq6llw-xOlA-00149-00069410-00070049 there that are just spreading lies and misinformation about me and nothing can iq6llw-xOlA-00150-00070049-00070523 be done about it so when it comes to spill like you go spill do your damn iq6llw-xOlA-00151-00070523-00071018 thing right because at least they're trying to take a journalistic approach iq6llw-xOlA-00152-00071018-00071477 when it comes to these things they're trying to get stories right so when you iq6llw-xOlA-00153-00071477-00071963 combine that with them not having this kind of bias of being swayed by iq6llw-xOlA-00154-00071963-00072503 different influencers like more power to them so some of you watching this you iq6llw-xOlA-00155-00072503-00072935 know my history there is an infamous Trisha Paytas apology video I put that iq6llw-xOlA-00156-00072935-00073211 in quotes because it wasn't really a Trisha Paytas apology video that was iq6llw-xOlA-00157-00073211-00073751 deleted and if you read my book I discuss this story in detail but that iq6llw-xOlA-00158-00073751-00074417 that video like I was seriously considering like looking into legal iq6llw-xOlA-00159-00074417-00075080 options because of the slander that was happening about me all right and with iq6llw-xOlA-00160-00075080-00075524 the people I talked to who understand law and everything like that like yeah iq6llw-xOlA-00161-00075524-00075941 Chris you have a case you have a case and you can go after these people but iq6llw-xOlA-00162-00075941-00076340 one of the issues is is when you're an independent creator right if you take iq6llw-xOlA-00163-00076340-00076826 legal action against another creator it is pretty much career suicide right like iq6llw-xOlA-00164-00076826-00077158 imagine what would happen less and like that's one of the reasons I didn't do it iq6llw-xOlA-00165-00077158-00077627 because I didn't want to set that precedent so like I get why people are iq6llw-xOlA-00166-00077627-00077975 upset about spill being a company and you know iq6llw-xOlA-00167-00077975-00078326 trying to make it seem as though you know they're one person but like I iq6llw-xOlA-00168-00078326-00078842 appreciate that spill is covering these topics in a way that actually has some iq6llw-xOlA-00169-00078842-00079313 integrity behind it because we don't have to worry nearly as much about bias iq6llw-xOlA-00170-00079313-00079739 slander and all those other things all right so you may completely disagree iq6llw-xOlA-00171-00079739-00080168 with me but I'm telling you right now company or not spill is still the best iq6llw-xOlA-00172-00080168-00080663 tea channel drama channel whatever you want to call it on the platform iq6llw-xOlA-00173-00080663-00080945 anyways let me know your thoughts on this subject down in the comments below iq6llw-xOlA-00174-00080945-00081299 and don't forget before I let you go my brand new book cancelled inside YouTube iq6llw-xOlA-00175-00081299-00081707 cancel culture go get yourself a coffee ebook and audiobook are available now iq6llw-xOlA-00176-00081707-00082064 down in the description down to the pen comment below alright anyways that's all iq6llw-xOlA-00177-00082064-00082358 I got for this video if you like this video please give it a thumbs up if iq6llw-xOlA-00178-00082358-00082736 you're new make sure you subscribe and ring that notification bell and a huge iq6llw-xOlA-00179-00082736-00083048 huge thank you to everybody supporting the channel over on patreon you're all iq6llw-xOlA-00180-00083048-00083285 amazing and a huge thank you to everybody who supports the channel in iq6llw-xOlA-00181-00083285-00083735 other ways by merch buy my books and all that good stuff alright thanks again for iq6llw-xOlA-00182-00083735-00084076 watching I'll see you next time iqvZGw0OvAI-00000-00000518-00000990 hi everyone Simon here this is one of the basic videos I've been asked to do iqvZGw0OvAI-00001-00000990-00001536 by subscriber what is the bin in a bar the employee system the way you pay your iqvZGw0OvAI-00002-00001536-00002219 bill when you're in bars it's pretty much similar for Google bars and beer iqvZGw0OvAI-00003-00002219-00002889 bars in Thailand mostly it's a little wooden pot like a little wooden Cup iqvZGw0OvAI-00004-00002889-00003663 quite a few will be plastic posh ones or a glass when you order a drink iqvZGw0OvAI-00005-00003663-00004311 the cashier in the bar will write a very small little invoice and just say beer iqvZGw0OvAI-00006-00004311-00004992 attr tell 80 bars that shitty invoice whatever you want to call it will be iqvZGw0OvAI-00007-00004992-00005444 brought across with your drink and put in your bin which sits on your table in iqvZGw0OvAI-00008-00005444-00006021 front of you the cleverer bars will bring that shitty o to you and get you iqvZGw0OvAI-00009-00006021-00006695 just sign it occasionally when you're drunk the bars will put an extra little iqvZGw0OvAI-00010-00006695-00007356 titty in your bin you won't know it's called cutting the bits bad but iqvZGw0OvAI-00011-00007356-00007872 sometimes they do it the signing of your shitty system works well because if iqvZGw0OvAI-00012-00007872-00008361 you've got something in your bin the arm side you can dispute them much better iqvZGw0OvAI-00013-00008361-00008829 and even if you go in a bar that doesn't do the signing system you could ask them iqvZGw0OvAI-00014-00008829-00009684 to do that I don't see why not so you get your drinks the linguish come iqvZGw0OvAI-00015-00009684-00010038 out into the bin and at the end of the night you just hold the bit up and shake iqvZGw0OvAI-00016-00010038-00010653 it up them or say check being Kenyan have a gala come across they'll toss it iqvZGw0OvAI-00017-00010653-00011150 up you toss it up yourself you know and they'll toss it up and they'll come back iqvZGw0OvAI-00018-00011150-00011636 holding the titties given the money I'll give you your change and away you go iqvZGw0OvAI-00019-00011636-00012330 that's it it's basically saving yoga bus if you do a bar fine for a girl a kitty iqvZGw0OvAI-00020-00012330-00012944 with raisin it'll say bar fine if you buy the ball of bucket to the go-go bar iqvZGw0OvAI-00021-00012944-00013584 maybe I'll say bucket and the price on the titty so any little extras they'll iqvZGw0OvAI-00022-00013584-00014172 give you a Chitti in the bin hey until you visit away you go iqvZGw0OvAI-00023-00014172-00014697 but is it that is the bin the little bin you hear about that's one of the basic iqvZGw0OvAI-00024-00014697-00015174 information videos for you on Thailand hope it helps iqvZGw0OvAI-00025-00015174-00015446 bye for now iqCJigJD40g-00000-00000049-00000729 Greetings here from Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan with the mighty 1st Cavalry Division from iqCJigJD40g-00001-00000729-00000975 the great place of Fort Hood. iqCJigJD40g-00002-00000975-00001515 You know right now, the United States Army has got about 180-190, 000 Soldiers deployed iqCJigJD40g-00003-00001515-00001978 in 140 countries and they are defending our freedoms and liberties all over the world iqCJigJD40g-00004-00001978-00002239 for all 300 million Americans and we are proud of them. iqCJigJD40g-00005-00002239-00002949 During this holiday season, all I ask is that all Americans keep all of our Soldiers in iqCJigJD40g-00006-00002949-00003094 their thoughts and prayers. iqCJigJD40g-00007-00003094-00003754 We're with our Soldiers, making sure we're doing the nation's good work to keep you safe. iqCJigJD40g-00008-00003754-00003939 Gold bless each and every one of you. iqCJigJD40g-00009-00003939-00004342 Think about the deployed Soldiers and the Families back at home who support them each iqCJigJD40g-00010-00004342-00004580 and everyday. iqCJigJD40g-00011-00004580-00004747 Army Strong! iqCJigJD40g-00012-00004747-00005023 Happy Holidays! iqLd6ueptIE-00000-00000010-00000724 [Music] iqLd6ueptIE-00001-00000746-00001184 [Applause] iqLd6ueptIE-00002-00001216-00001718 Now we are excited to kick off this special event with a special guest researcher iqLd6ueptIE-00003-00001718-00002043 from the Center for Brains, Minds and Machines. iqLd6ueptIE-00004-00002043-00002426 Professor Nancy Kanwisher is an award-winning researcher iqLd6ueptIE-00005-00002426-00002766 and professor of cognitive neuroscience at MIT iqLd6ueptIE-00006-00002890-00003458 And her research involves a special kind of brain imaging that helps identify what parts iqLd6ueptIE-00007-00003458-00003690 of the brain are involved in specific functions iqLd6ueptIE-00008-00003690-00004146 like identifying faces or places or processing language. iqLd6ueptIE-00009-00004146-00004606 And she studies how those parts of the brain work together to produce intelligence. iqLd6ueptIE-00010-00004606-00004982 Please help me welcome Professor Nancy Kanwisher to the stage. iqLd6ueptIE-00011-00004982-00005230 [Applause] iqLd6ueptIE-00012-00005252-00005320 Thank you. iqLd6ueptIE-00013-00005326-00005404 Hi there. iqLd6ueptIE-00014-00005405-00005557 Thanks so much for coming. iqLd6ueptIE-00015-00005558-00005850 I'm psyched to tell you all about the cool stuff we do in my lab. iqLd6ueptIE-00016-00005850-00006366 Uh, and to start, um, I want to say we have made huge progress in my field iqLd6ueptIE-00017-00006366-00006530 in just the last 20 years. iqLd6ueptIE-00018-00006530-00006945 To give you a sense of that, let me show you what we knew about iqLd6ueptIE-00019-00006945-00007350 the organization of human brain as recently as 1990. iqLd6ueptIE-00020-00007350-00007726 On the left is looking up at the bottom surface of the brain. iqLd6ueptIE-00021-00007726-00008138 On the right is a side view of the brain like this. iqLd6ueptIE-00022-00008138-00008607 And way back in 1990, we didn't know that much about what the different bits do. iqLd6ueptIE-00023-00008607-00009161 We knew that if you had damage to those pink bits you might have problems with language, iqLd6ueptIE-00024-00009161-00009469 producing sentences, understanding sentences. iqLd6ueptIE-00025-00009469-00009758 And if you had damage up here from a stroke iqLd6ueptIE-00026-00009758-00009984 or other brain injury you might have trouble iqLd6ueptIE-00027-00009984-00010300 paying attention to different parts of space. iqLd6ueptIE-00028-00010300-00010642 And if you had damage back in the bottom of the right hemisphere iqLd6ueptIE-00029-00010642-00010947 you might lose your ability to recognize faces. iqLd6ueptIE-00030-00010947-00011159 Maybe only faces, right? iqLd6ueptIE-00031-00011159-00011362 So that told us that very approximately iqLd6ueptIE-00032-00011362-00011662 these locations were involved in these different functions. iqLd6ueptIE-00033-00011680-00011830 But that was kinda it. iqLd6ueptIE-00034-00011876-00012178 And then where are we today? iqLd6ueptIE-00035-00012179-00012347 Here's where we are today. iqLd6ueptIE-00036-00012347-00012622 There are now dozens of regions in the human brain iqLd6ueptIE-00037-00012622-00012797 where we have a pretty good idea of iqLd6ueptIE-00038-00012797-00013063 what that patch of brain does. iqLd6ueptIE-00039-00013063-00013340 And so the regions that I'm showing you here schematically iqLd6ueptIE-00040-00013340-00013669 are present in pretty much anybody iqLd6ueptIE-00041-00013669-00013990 and approximately the same location in their brain iqLd6ueptIE-00042-00013990-00014250 and they do these very specific things. iqLd6ueptIE-00043-00014250-00014491 So how do we learn all this? iqLd6ueptIE-00044-00014491-00014772 Well we use a tool called functional MRI iqLd6ueptIE-00045-00014772-00015108 which is just like a regular old MRI machine. iqLd6ueptIE-00046-00015109-00015719 You stick a person in there for a scan but the important thing about functional MRI iqLd6ueptIE-00047-00015719-00016203 is that some very smart physicist figured out how to get those pictures to show you iqLd6ueptIE-00048-00016203-00016576 not just where the bumps and folds and holes and wrinkles are in the brain iqLd6ueptIE-00049-00016576-00016967 but where the neurons are firing, where there's mental activity. iqLd6ueptIE-00050-00016967-00017360 And mental activity, neural activity is like muscle activity. iqLd6ueptIE-00051-00017360-00017807 If you run, you need to send extra blood to supply your muscles. iqLd6ueptIE-00052-00017807-00018165 And if you use a whole bunch of neurons right here and they're firing like mad, you need iqLd6ueptIE-00053-00018166-00018393 to send extra blood right there. iqLd6ueptIE-00054-00018393-00018912 And so functional MRI uses that change in blood flow to tell us what parts of the brain are active. iqLd6ueptIE-00055-00018912-00019183 The important advances were that it shows function iqLd6ueptIE-00056-00019183-00019562 and that those pictures can be taken very quickly. iqLd6ueptIE-00057-00019562-00020062 So you put those two things together and you can make movies of brain activity. iqLd6ueptIE-00058-00020062-00020540 So the reason people are excited about this method is it gives us the sharpest pictures iqLd6ueptIE-00059-00020540-00021070 you can make of activity in a normal human brain without opening the skull. iqLd6ueptIE-00060-00021070-00021170 All right? iqLd6ueptIE-00061-00021170-00021250 Okay. iqLd6ueptIE-00062-00021250-00021346 So that's cool. iqLd6ueptIE-00063-00021370-00021798 So how do we use this thing to find those special parts of the human brain? iqLd6ueptIE-00064-00021798-00022084 So let me tell you about a super simple experiment. iqLd6ueptIE-00065-00022084-00022402 This is one of the first experiments I ever did with functional MRI. iqLd6ueptIE-00066-00022402-00022790 We wanted to know is there a special bit for facial recognition? iqLd6ueptIE-00067-00022790-00023136 So we pop people in the scanner and we show them pictures. iqLd6ueptIE-00068-00023136-00023521 They're lying on their back and so you have to project the images over their stomach and iqLd6ueptIE-00069-00023521-00023885 they're looking at the images in a mirror over their forehead. iqLd6ueptIE-00070-00023885-00024421 And we show them pictures of faces like those up there and pictures of other random objects. iqLd6ueptIE-00071-00024421-00024956 And we ask where the blood flow changes are greater when people are looking at faces iqLd6ueptIE-00072-00024956-00025098 than when they're looking at objects iqLd6ueptIE-00073-00025098-00025315 because we want to find the bits that are more involved iqLd6ueptIE-00074-00025315-00025612 with face recognition than object recognition. iqLd6ueptIE-00075-00025612-00025937 And when you do that, you get pictures like this. iqLd6ueptIE-00076-00025937-00026389 So this is a picture of a slice through the brain near the bottom of the brain here. iqLd6ueptIE-00077-00026389-00026936 And that little colored bit on the left side, it's actually on the right side of the brain, iqLd6ueptIE-00078-00026937-00027256 but radiologists flip everything just to confuse everyone. iqLd6ueptIE-00079-00027256-00027745 That patch, the statistics are telling us that little patch, the neural activity iqLd6ueptIE-00080-00027745-00028257 is higher when that person was looking at faces than when they were looking at objects. iqLd6ueptIE-00081-00028257-00028766 To show you the actual data that tell us that, here's the actual data it's based on. iqLd6ueptIE-00082-00028766-00029183 So, this is a time course over a five-minute scan. iqLd6ueptIE-00083-00029183-00029706 And you can see that from that little part of the brain the signal goes up much more iqLd6ueptIE-00084-00029706-00029888 when the subjects are looking at faces. iqLd6ueptIE-00085-00029888-00030168 That's what the little Fs are, than when they're looking at objects, iqLd6ueptIE-00086-00030168-00030358 that's what the little Os are. iqLd6ueptIE-00087-00030358-00030583 So, it's that difference that tell us that iqLd6ueptIE-00088-00030583-00030995 maybe that region is specialized for face recognition, maybe. iqLd6ueptIE-00089-00030995-00031092 Okay? iqLd6ueptIE-00090-00031092-00031513 So, first, we see that in pretty much everybody we scan. iqLd6ueptIE-00091-00031513-00031690 We could pop any of you in the scanner, iqLd6ueptIE-00092-00031690-00031908 send me an email, we'll scan you; we’ll be happy to. iqLd6ueptIE-00093-00031983-00032426 In about 10 minutes we'd find that bit in your brain and it would be somewhere right in there. iqLd6ueptIE-00094-00032444-00032756 So, that tells that it's there in everybody iqLd6ueptIE-00095-00032756-00033102 but it doesn't tell us that it's only involved in face recognition. iqLd6ueptIE-00096-00033103-00033203 Right? iqLd6ueptIE-00097-00033203-00033509 So, what scientists try to do is take their hypothesis, iqLd6ueptIE-00098-00033509-00033978 like here's a special bit for face recognition and their data, like that. iqLd6ueptIE-00099-00033978-00034470 And they try to think, is there any way that hypothesis might not be true, iqLd6ueptIE-00100-00034470-00034680 even given this data. iqLd6ueptIE-00101-00034680-00034758 Okay? iqLd6ueptIE-00102-00034758-00034912 And you guys can all do that. iqLd6ueptIE-00103-00034912-00035250 You could come up with other accounts of these data, right? iqLd6ueptIE-00104-00035250-00035478 We're social primates. We love faces. iqLd6ueptIE-00105-00035478-00035592 We're really interested in them. iqLd6ueptIE-00106-00035608-00035788 We look at them all the time. iqLd6ueptIE-00107-00035789-00036229 Maybe that region is active whenever you look at anything you're paying attention to. iqLd6ueptIE-00108-00036229-00036444 And faces have curvy edges. iqLd6ueptIE-00109-00036444-00036730 Maybe it's just interested in curvy bits. iqLd6ueptIE-00110-00036730-00037154 Maybe that region only responds- responds whenever you look at anything human, iqLd6ueptIE-00111-00037154-00037558 not justa face but a hand, or a foot or anything else, right? iqLd6ueptIE-00112-00037559-00037880 Maybe it responds when you look at any body part. iqLd6ueptIE-00113-00037880-00038425 So, all of those are alternative hypotheses and if we want to really be sure that's it's iqLd6ueptIE-00114-00038425-00038726 all and only for face recognition, we need to test them. iqLd6ueptIE-00115-00038726-00038969 So, here's an example of how you do that. iqLd6ueptIE-00116-00038969-00039241 Um, you can run a new scan. iqLd6ueptIE-00117-00039241-00039682 In this case we scanned people looking at tilted faces versus hands. iqLd6ueptIE-00118-00039722-00040232 We scanned them again looking at those images and we find the same little patch. iqLd6ueptIE-00119-00040233-00040527 And it responds more to faces than hands. iqLd6ueptIE-00120-00040527-00041034 And if you think about it, we also had a very difficult task subjects were doing. iqLd6ueptIE-00121-00041034-00041438 They had to press a button whenever two consecutive images were identical. iqLd6ueptIE-00122-00041438-00041707 And that task is really hard with the hands, they all look the same. iqLd6ueptIE-00123-00041707-00041938 It's easier with the faces. iqLd6ueptIE-00124-00041938-00042271 And so, we pushed people to attend even more to the hands. iqLd6ueptIE-00125-00042271-00042770 So, these data tell us, nope, that region isn't just involved whenever you look at anything human iqLd6ueptIE-00126-00042770-00043046 because it's higher for faces than hands. iqLd6ueptIE-00127-00043047-00043237 Not just any body part. iqLd6ueptIE-00128-00043237-00043382 Not just anything you're paying attention to iqLd6ueptIE-00129-00043382-00043641 because they were paying more attention to the hands. iqLd6ueptIE-00130-00043641-00043784 And not just anything curvy. iqLd6ueptIE-00131-00043784-00044030 Okay, so that's the kind of little example iqLd6ueptIE-00132-00044030-00044432 of how we get serious about what exactly does that patch of brain do. iqLd6ueptIE-00133-00044432-00044532 Okay? iqLd6ueptIE-00134-00044532-00044763 I won't tell you about the hundred other experiments we did. iqLd6ueptIE-00135-00044763-00045028 I just want to give you an example of how you can drill down iqLd6ueptIE-00136-00045028-00045253 and really establish what a region does. iqLd6ueptIE-00137-00045253-00045819 Okay, so, yes, that region is pretty specific for face recognition. iqLd6ueptIE-00138-00045819-00045969 That's cool. iqLd6ueptIE-00139-00045969-00046119 And so, now, this is my brain iqLd6ueptIE-00140-00046119-00046304 with a bunch of different functions iqLd6ueptIE-00141-00046304-00046520 that we've mapped out in my brain, iqLd6ueptIE-00142-00046520-00046762 shown with the icons there. iqLd6ueptIE-00143-00046762-00047002 And so, the big picture here iqLd6ueptIE-00144-00047002-00047323 is that the human brain has all these little parts iqLd6ueptIE-00145-00047323-00047525 that do very, very specific things. iqLd6ueptIE-00146-00047525-00047776 And that's what we've learned over the last 20 years. iqLd6ueptIE-00147-00047776-00048255 These things are just part of your basic machinery as a human being. iqLd6ueptIE-00148-00048255-00048653 We all have these things in about the same place in our brains. iqLd6ueptIE-00149-00048653-00049105 And I like- I think this is awesome because I think it tells us that these are basically iqLd6ueptIE-00150-00049105-00049609 fundamental pieces of your mind that live in those particular parts of your brain. iqLd6ueptIE-00151-00049609-00049924 I think this is kind of a sketch of what a human mind is. iqLd6ueptIE-00152-00049924-00050152 It has these special purpose parts. iqLd6ueptIE-00153-00050152-00050381 But it also raises a million questions. iqLd6ueptIE-00154-00050381-00050578 I'm sure you guys already have questions in your head. iqLd6ueptIE-00155-00050578-00050844 So, I'm going to tell you about just a few of those. iqLd6ueptIE-00156-00050844-00051122 So, the first question is this. iqLd6ueptIE-00157-00051122-00051607 So far, we have just watched that part of the brain turn on when you look at faces and iqLd6ueptIE-00158-00051607-00051904 turn off when you look at other things. iqLd6ueptIE-00159-00051904-00052124 That's great but it doesn't tell us iqLd6ueptIE-00160-00052124-00052508 that you need that part of the brain, to recognize faces. iqLd6ueptIE-00161-00052508-00052677 Maybe it's just going along for the ride. iqLd6ueptIE-00162-00052677-00052876 It's not doing the actual work. iqLd6ueptIE-00163-00052876-00053295 So, in science, we care deeply about the causal role of different things. iqLd6ueptIE-00164-00053295-00053682 We want to know, not just does that thing turn on when you look at faces, we nee- iqLd6ueptIE-00165-00053682-00053897 we want to know, is that the part you need iqLd6ueptIE-00166-00053897-00054289 that's really doing the work of recognizing faces for you? iqLd6ueptIE-00167-00054289-00054822 And the only way to test the causal role of a region of the brain, is to mess with it. iqLd6ueptIE-00168-00054822-00054922 Okay? iqLd6ueptIE-00169-00054922-00055319 Now, normally, we don't get to mess with parts of the human brain. iqLd6ueptIE-00170-00055319-00055536 People don't like it when you do that. iqLd6ueptIE-00171-00055536-00056110 But there are special circumstances, um, when this happens surgically anyway. iqLd6ueptIE-00172-00056110-00056751 So, a subset of people with epilepsy do not respond well to drugs. iqLd6ueptIE-00173-00056751-00057136 And if you do not respond well to drugs, and you have such severe epilepsy that you're iqLd6ueptIE-00174-00057136-00057476 having many seizures a day, you can't live a normal life. iqLd6ueptIE-00175-00057476-00057667 That's not a good situation to be in. iqLd6ueptIE-00176-00057674-00058028 So, those people sometimes go in for neurosurgery. iqLd6ueptIE-00177-00058028-00058225 And this is quite hardcore. iqLd6ueptIE-00178-00058225-00058658 What the neurosurgeons do, is they remove a bone flap, iqLd6ueptIE-00179-00058658-00059074 and they put electrodes right on the surface of the brain. iqLd6ueptIE-00180-00059074-00059567 And they do that to find the source of the epilepsy so that the can remove it. iqLd6ueptIE-00181-00059567-00059898 They also do it to map out functions. iqLd6ueptIE-00182-00059898-00060479 And so, very rarely, people who are already getting this clinical treatment for epilepsy iqLd6ueptIE-00183-00060479-00061082 anyway, are hanging out in the hospital with electrodes sitting right on their brain. iqLd6ueptIE-00184-00061082-00061227 And if they're really nice, iqLd6ueptIE-00185-00061227-00061638 then they will look at our pictures and we can record from their brains. iqLd6ueptIE-00186-00061638-00062014 And the neurosurgeons who are stimulating parts of their brain electrically iqLd6ueptIE-00187-00062014-00062381 will make a video tape and show us what they find. iqLd6ueptIE-00188-00062381-00062587 This is important, because it's a causal test. iqLd6ueptIE-00189-00062587-00062687 We are messing with the system. iqLd6ueptIE-00190-00062687-00062951 Or, that is, the neurosurgeons are messing with the system iqLd6ueptIE-00191-00062951-00063313 and we scientists are just saying, "Oh, I would love to learn from this." iqLd6ueptIE-00192-00063313-00063413 Okay? iqLd6ueptIE-00193-00063413-00063691 So, let me introduce you to this guy here. iqLd6ueptIE-00194-00063691-00064152 He's a Japanese barber who had severe epilepsy, iqLd6ueptIE-00195-00064167-00064574 and about a couple years ago, he showed up for neurosurgery at a hospital in Japan. iqLd6ueptIE-00196-00064574-00065172 Now, interestingly, the neurosurgeons had decided to put electrodes all over the bottom iqLd6ueptIE-00197-00065173-00065582 of his brain there, to map out the source of his epilepsy. iqLd6ueptIE-00198-00065582-00066086 And just for comparison, here's the bottom of my brain, and you can see in my brain, iqLd6ueptIE-00199-00066086-00066418 the little red patches right there, are the face specific bits. iqLd6ueptIE-00200-00066418-00066827 And you can see they have electrodes right on top of what look like they would be the iqLd6ueptIE-00201-00066827-00067218 face specific bits in this Japanese gentleman. iqLd6ueptIE-00202-00067218-00067597 And so now the question is, what happens when the neurosurgeons iqLd6ueptIE-00203-00067597-00067911 electrically stimulated that part of this guy's brain? iqLd6ueptIE-00204-00067911-00068113 So, they're stimulating right there. iqLd6ueptIE-00205-00068114-00068484 Remember, this guy has no idea there's a face region in the brain. iqLd6ueptIE-00206-00068484-00068786 He has no idea what part of his brain is being stimulated. iqLd6ueptIE-00207-00068806-00069006 So, he's looking at the face, iqLd6ueptIE-00208-00069022-00069172 and he's getting stimulated iqLd6ueptIE-00209-00069208-00069542 right on top of that face selective region. iqLd6ueptIE-00210-00071742-00072236 So he's looking at the face, and he's getting stimulated right on top of that face selective region. iqLd6ueptIE-00211-00075074-00075578 Okay, so when he's looking at a face and that region is stimulated, it distorts the face. iqLd6ueptIE-00212-00075578-00075924 But now, he's just looking at a box, stimulated in the same region. iqLd6ueptIE-00213-00075924-00076084 What's going to happen? iqLd6ueptIE-00214-00078926-00079191 So, when you stimulate that region when he's looking at a box, iqLd6ueptIE-00215-00079194-00079513 he sees a face on top of the box, okay? iqLd6ueptIE-00216-00079514-00079896 This is a kanji character on a card that he's looking at. iqLd6ueptIE-00217-00081118-00081261 How crazy is that? iqLd6ueptIE-00218-00081261-00081433 He's looking at a Japanese character, iqLd6ueptIE-00219-00081434-00081872 and that little face part of his brain is being electrically stimulated by the neurosurgeons iqLd6ueptIE-00220-00081872-00082156 and he sees a face on top of the character. iqLd6ueptIE-00221-00082156-00082335 So, that's causal data. iqLd6ueptIE-00222-00082335-00082768 That tells us if you mess with that part of the system, you produce a change in experience. iqLd6ueptIE-00223-00082768-00083068 That tells us that region is really involved in face perception. iqLd6ueptIE-00224-00083068-00083419 Now you might think, well, we're interested in faces. iqLd6ueptIE-00225-00083419-00083562 As I said, we're social primates. iqLd6ueptIE-00226-00083562-00083756 We look at them all the time. iqLd6ueptIE-00227-00083756-00084101 Maybe any place you stimulate in the brain, people see faces. iqLd6ueptIE-00228-00084102-00084672 So, let's see what happens when they stimulate right next door. iqLd6ueptIE-00229-00084672-00084764 Right next door. iqLd6ueptIE-00230-00084764-00085187 Now, if you, it's hard to see but in my brain, there's a little teeny purple bit. iqLd6ueptIE-00231-00085187-00085550 That purple bit is a part that responds to color in my brain, iqLd6ueptIE-00232-00085550-00085816 and he's got electrodes right in that location. iqLd6ueptIE-00233-00085816-00086140 So, let's ask, what is the experience if he stimulated iqLd6ueptIE-00234-00086140-00086466 right on the those electrodes that respond to color? iqLd6ueptIE-00235-00086466-00086742 Let's find out. iqLd6ueptIE-00236-00086742-00086996 Again, he has no idea there's a color part of the brain. iqLd6ueptIE-00237-00088280-00088650 He sees a rainbow. How crazy is that? iqLd6ueptIE-00238-00091820-00091968 Okay, you get the idea. iqLd6ueptIE-00239-00091968-00092328 So, you stimulate one little region that likes faces, and if you stimulate there, iqLd6ueptIE-00240-00092328-00092702 people see faces even if there isn't a face there. iqLd6ueptIE-00241-00092702-00093068 Right next door in a region that responds strongly to color, iqLd6ueptIE-00242-00093068-00093356 you stimulate there and he sees a rainbow. iqLd6ueptIE-00243-00093356-00093498 Amazing. iqLd6ueptIE-00244-00093499-00093695 So, this is powerful cov- causal evidence iqLd6ueptIE-00245-00093695-00094019 that those regions not only respond when you see faces or color, iqLd6ueptIE-00246-00094020-00094604 but they're doing the actual work that produce your percept of a face and a color. iqLd6ueptIE-00247-00094604-00094716 Okay. iqLd6ueptIE-00248-00094716-00095187 That tells us that the face region is very specifically causally involved in face perception, iqLd6ueptIE-00249-00095187-00095638 and the color region is very specifically involved in perceiving colors. iqLd6ueptIE-00250-00095638-00095751 Okay. iqLd6ueptIE-00251-00095752-00096102 There's loads of other questions about this picture of the brain iqLd6ueptIE-00252-00096102-00096464 like, how do you wire it up in development? iqLd6ueptIE-00253-00096464-00096730 How is it so similar in every person? iqLd6ueptIE-00254-00096730-00096960 How does the brain know to put the face region right there iqLd6ueptIE-00255-00096960-00097270 and the color region right next to it, okay. iqLd6ueptIE-00256-00097270-00097619 Your first thought looking at that or many people would think, well, it must be innate. iqLd6ueptIE-00257-00097619-00097993 If it's the same in everybody, it must be innate, right? iqLd6ueptIE-00258-00097993-00098226 But that's not true for everything. iqLd6ueptIE-00259-00098226-00098667 Not every little region in there is innate, and I'll tell you about one little region iqLd6ueptIE-00260-00098667-00099185 shown in purple up there called the visual word form area, and that's a little patch iqLd6ueptIE-00261-00099185-00099827 of the brain that responds strongly when you look at words or letter strings, okay? iqLd6ueptIE-00262-00099827-00100102 So, here's a response from some of our data iqLd6ueptIE-00263-00100102-00100312 in a bunch of eight-year-olds who we scanned- iqLd6ueptIE-00264-00100312-00100546 And that purple bar shows you a really strong iqLd6ueptIE-00265-00100546-00100648 response of that region. iqLd6ueptIE-00266-00100648-00100758 Right in that region iqLd6ueptIE-00267-00100758-00100956 when the participants were looking at iqLd6ueptIE-00268-00100956-00101151 words and letter strings, iqLd6ueptIE-00269-00101152-00101256 and a much lower response iqLd6ueptIE-00270-00101256-00101496 when they were looking at objects and other things. iqLd6ueptIE-00271-00101497-00102051 Now, these subjects happen to be kids who had been in the lab three years before iqLd6ueptIE-00272-00102051-00102343 and they had been scanned, on a similar experiment. iqLd6ueptIE-00273-00102343-00102566 So we looked at the region that responded to words iqLd6ueptIE-00274-00102566-00102714 and we aligned it with their data iqLd6ueptIE-00275-00102714-00102848 from when they were five years old, iqLd6ueptIE-00276-00102848-00102917 and we said, iqLd6ueptIE-00277-00102917-00103201 "What was the region doing when they were five, iqLd6ueptIE-00278-00103201-00103376 before they learned to read?" iqLd6ueptIE-00279-00103376-00103767 Answer: it was not selectively responsive to words. iqLd6ueptIE-00280-00103767-00104265 So that tells you that it's a process of learning to read, in between age five and age eight, iqLd6ueptIE-00281-00104265-00104482 that wires up that region. iqLd6ueptIE-00282-00104482-00104606 Experience is necessary. iqLd6ueptIE-00283-00104607-00105041 Now, that doesn't mean that experience is necessary to wire up all the other regions, iqLd6ueptIE-00284-00105041-00105332 but it means it's na-, it's what's going on here. iqLd6ueptIE-00285-00105332-00105816 Really what we want to know is not just what's happening later in life, iqLd6ueptIE-00286-00105816-00106140 but what's happening early, in infants. iqLd6ueptIE-00287-00106140-00106336 How fast is this stuff wired up? iqLd6ueptIE-00288-00106336-00106519 So, my friend Rebecca Saxe iqLd6ueptIE-00289-00106519-00106871 did an amazing study over the last bunch of years. iqLd6ueptIE-00290-00106871-00107211 She wanted to ask whether some of those face and other selective regions iqLd6ueptIE-00291-00107211-00107438 are present even in infants. iqLd6ueptIE-00292-00107438-00107538 Right? iqLd6ueptIE-00293-00107538-00108051 And so what she did was she set out to scan infants who were four to six months old. iqLd6ueptIE-00294-00108051-00108424 And as you can imagine, that is barely possible. iqLd6ueptIE-00295-00108424-00108671 The infants are fussing, their parents are nervous. iqLd6ueptIE-00296-00108671-00108976 It's perfectly safe, but it's a tricky thing to do. iqLd6ueptIE-00297-00108976-00109033 Okay? iqLd6ueptIE-00298-00109033-00109242 It took Rebecca many years of work. iqLd6ueptIE-00299-00109242-00109648 There were many technical advances that were necessary. iqLd6ueptIE-00300-00109648-00110063 She made this specialized device out of an infant recliner iqLd6ueptIE-00301-00110063-00110342 with a measurement device in the scanner. iqLd6ueptIE-00302-00110342-00110907 So they're in this infant recliner, in the scanner and she found that that face region iqLd6ueptIE-00303-00110907-00111029 and another region iqLd6ueptIE-00304-00111029-00111404 were present already in six month old infants. iqLd6ueptIE-00305-00111404-00111666 So that tells you they develop really early, iqLd6ueptIE-00306-00111666-00112115 but it also doesn't tell us exactly how they get wired up in development. iqLd6ueptIE-00307-00112115-00112617 We know that at least one region, that visual word form area, is wired up by experience, iqLd6ueptIE-00308-00112617-00113086 but we don't know the role of experience in wiring up all of those other regions. iqLd6ueptIE-00309-00113086-00113186 Okay? iqLd6ueptIE-00310-00113186-00113420 And so that's where that's kind of cutting into the field right now. iqLd6ueptIE-00311-00113420-00113671 Lots of labs are working on that problem. iqLd6ueptIE-00312-00113671-00113866 My lab is working on that problem. iqLd6ueptIE-00313-00113866-00114439 We're doing it in part by scanning congenitally blind people, when they touch things, asking iqLd6ueptIE-00314-00114439-00114730 if you get a face area when you touch faces. iqLd6ueptIE-00315-00114730-00114839 I think you do. iqLd6ueptIE-00316-00114839-00114939 I'm not yet sure. iqLd6ueptIE-00317-00114939-00115068 We're in the middle of it. iqLd6ueptIE-00318-00115068-00115449 If you know any congenitally blind people who want to help us out with our research, iqLd6ueptIE-00319-00115449-00115549 send them my email. iqLd6ueptIE-00320-00115549-00115649 I'd love to hear from them. iqLd6ueptIE-00321-00115649-00115967 and of course, so it's, uh, uh, a third major question is, iqLd6ueptIE-00322-00115968-00116540 I've been talking so far only about specialized parts of the human brain iqLd6ueptIE-00323-00116540-00116829 , um, that are involved in different kinds of perception. iqLd6ueptIE-00324-00116829-00117245 Faces, rating words, seeing colors, right? iqLd6ueptIE-00325-00117245-00117888 But so do we have special parts for really high level abstract aspects of thinking, right? iqLd6ueptIE-00326-00117888-00118083 Things that maybe only humans do. iqLd6ueptIE-00327-00118083-00118533 And in, uh, work over the last few years, we've shown absolutely you do. iqLd6ueptIE-00328-00118533-00118880 It's not just that we have special little bits for perceiving things. iqLd6ueptIE-00329-00118880-00119132 We have special bits for thinking as well. iqLd6ueptIE-00330-00119132-00119558 And in particular, we've shown that those language regions that I showed you, iqLd6ueptIE-00331-00119558-00119756 the big pink blob at the beginning of the talk, iqLd6ueptIE-00332-00119756-00120154 those language regions, you can find them with functional MRI. iqLd6ueptIE-00333-00120154-00120519 And you can scan people and you can ask, "Do those regions turn on iqLd6ueptIE-00334-00120519-00120870 when people do other things that aren't language?" iqLd6ueptIE-00335-00120870-00121345 Like listening to music, like doing arithmetic, like holding information and working memory. iqLd6ueptIE-00336-00121345-00121618 And the answer is no, no, no. iqLd6ueptIE-00337-00121618-00122049 The language regions are super specific for language. iqLd6ueptIE-00338-00122049-00122481 And so you may have wondered, what is the relationship between language and thought? iqLd6ueptIE-00339-00122481-00122792 People have been wondering about that question for probably millennia, iqLd6ueptIE-00340-00122792-00123018 and I think we've started to answer it, iqLd6ueptIE-00341-00123018-00123356 because we can show that the parts of your brain that are engaged iqLd6ueptIE-00342-00123356-00123646 when you understand the meaning of a sentence are completely different iqLd6ueptIE-00343-00123646-00124276 than the parts of your brain that are engaged when you do arithmetic or, um, or listen to music iqLd6ueptIE-00344-00124276-00124500 or do all this other kind of stuff. iqLd6ueptIE-00345-00124500-00124989 Another special part of the brain that we're studying right now, is ah uh, is music. iqLd6ueptIE-00346-00124989-00125235 It turns out there are special populations of neurons iqLd6ueptIE-00347-00125235-00125335 in your brain iqLd6ueptIE-00348-00125348-00125656 that respond very specifically to music. iqLd6ueptIE-00349-00125656-00125852 And what's weird and cool about them is that iqLd6ueptIE-00350-00125852-00126070 they respond to all different kinds of music. iqLd6ueptIE-00351-00126070-00126645 It doesn't matter if it's a heavy metal band or a classical flute solo or a rap artist. iqLd6ueptIE-00352-00126645-00126970 Yes, rap activates those very same, uh, music neurons iqLd6ueptIE-00353-00126970-00127458 and now we're trying to figure out what aspect of music is making them fire, iqLd6ueptIE-00354-00127458-00127904 and are they innate or do they develop with experience. iqLd6ueptIE-00355-00127904-00128506 And the final, perhaps most amazing bit of brain was also discovered by my friend Rebecca Saxe. iqLd6ueptIE-00356-00128506-00128808 She found a part of the brain that's active only iqLd6ueptIE-00357-00128808-00129106 when you think about what other people are thinking. iqLd6ueptIE-00358-00129272-00129407 And if that seems crazy, iqLd6ueptIE-00359-00129407-00129890 realize that this is just kind of the essence of what it is to be a human being iqLd6ueptIE-00360-00129890-00129990 Right? iqLd6ueptIE-00361-00129990-00130158 We do this all the time. iqLd6ueptIE-00362-00130158-00130416 I'm doing it right now when I look out at you guys, and it's like, iqLd6ueptIE-00363-00130416-00130605 "Do they get how awesome that is? iqLd6ueptIE-00364-00130605-00130743 These guys get how awesome it is. iqLd6ueptIE-00365-00130743-00131008 I can see it on your faces, right? iqLd6ueptIE-00366-00131008-00131190 We do that in every conversation. iqLd6ueptIE-00367-00131190-00131662 It's why a novel is engaging is it's all about what people are thinking. iqLd6ueptIE-00368-00131662-00132078 So it's really these music and language and thinking about other people's thoughts. iqLd6ueptIE-00369-00132078-00132508 These are quintessentially human abilities, and what we've been discovering is they are iqLd6ueptIE-00370-00132508-00132890 implemented in very specific parts of your brain that do just that. iqLd6ueptIE-00371-00132890-00133064 And I'm over time already. iqLd6ueptIE-00372-00133064-00133351 So, I will stop talking and take questions. iqLd6ueptIE-00373-00133351-00133406 Thank you. iqLd6ueptIE-00374-00133410-00133774 [Applause] iqLd6ueptIE-00375-00133774-00135078 [Music] isLPuRNNFSI-00000-00000592-00000674 Hello isLPuRNNFSI-00001-00000712-00001112 Rule 1: I, who is single, get on the stage isLPuRNNFSI-00002-00001112-00001582 Rule 2: Ten single people are in front of me isLPuRNNFSI-00003-00001604-00001889 I’ll be making something with a 3D pen. isLPuRNNFSI-00004-00001900-00002082 Self introduction isLPuRNNFSI-00005-00002736-00003026 Rule 3: If they’re attracted, they will turn on the light. isLPuRNNFSI-00006-00003032-00003108 Sing! isLPuRNNFSI-00007-00003160-00003444 When I see your face~~ isLPuRNNFSI-00008-00003456-00003729 Rule 4: If they don’t, they will turn it off isLPuRNNFSI-00009-00004228-00004408 Share my interests and values isLPuRNNFSI-00010-00004408-00004684 If you could bring only one book to a deserted island? isLPuRNNFSI-00011-00004690-00004834 Maxim VS Faust(Maxim is Korean version of Playboy magazine) isLPuRNNFSI-00012-00004842-00004950 Maxim! isLPuRNNFSI-00013-00005050-00005158 Why? isLPuRNNFSI-00014-00005158-00005474 being a good son VS good husband isLPuRNNFSI-00015-00005474-00005670 I’ll be a good husband to my wife. isLPuRNNFSI-00016-00005760-00005896 I love you mom! isLPuRNNFSI-00017-00005896-00006152 If you have to pick between gambling VS affair isLPuRNNFSI-00018-00006152-00006458 Watching porn is: cheating VS human nature isLPuRNNFSI-00019-00006570-00006814 conservative VS liberal isLPuRNNFSI-00020-00006934-00007123 I’ll go on to the next one isLPuRNNFSI-00021-00007123-00007472 Gender equality issues are not related to me VS important to me isLPuRNNFSI-00022-00007472-00007812 Should you should split the bill on a date? isLPuRNNFSI-00024-00008344-00008842 end : If someone likes me, they’ll keep the light on until the end. isLPuRNNFSI-00025-00009106-00009312 SOLO LIVE 2020.02.14 Fri iBmdG0yL5E8-00000-00000008-00000552 i don't ever leave the kitchen while the canner is on the stove ever never never i have a little bowl iBmdG0yL5E8-00001-00000552-00001096 over here i'm just not randomly pouring this on the table and hopefully we hear more pops iBmdG0yL5E8-00002-00001096-00001616 i don't know how you pack a carrot i don't think those are gonna fit what we want to do next is iBmdG0yL5E8-00003-00001616-00002144 straighten the camera so you're not crooked i don't know how that works but it does i forgot to iBmdG0yL5E8-00004-00002144-00002744 do that very important step normally i don't like to follow directions but when it comes to canning iBmdG0yL5E8-00005-00002744-00003368 i do i caught it that's all that matters it's better i don't know why but that's what it says so iBmdG0yL5E8-00006-00003368-00004079 that's what we do in my head i'm making sense hi everybody welcome back i'm gonna be canning today iBmdG0yL5E8-00007-00004079-00004696 but right now we're gonna do some coffee talk talk about canning i think we should do that let me uh iBmdG0yL5E8-00008-00004808-00005336 set my coffee down and we'll get started yay i'm a new canner so i've been reading all iBmdG0yL5E8-00009-00005336-00005784 the manuals all the books all the sites everything i can get my hands on i read iBmdG0yL5E8-00010-00005848-00006495 so today we're going to be doing carrots and then i have just a little bit of beets from my garden iBmdG0yL5E8-00011-00006592-00007144 that yeah that's it that's it on the beets honestly somebody ate the rest of my beets iBmdG0yL5E8-00012-00007144-00007752 we're gonna can these both in the same size jars in the pint-sized jars everybody should have iBmdG0yL5E8-00013-00007752-00008216 gotten a manual with their presto canner or whatever kind of canner that you have iBmdG0yL5E8-00014-00008216-00008640 it's important that you read your manual it's very important that you read your manual because you iBmdG0yL5E8-00015-00008640-00009200 want to get this right because food safety is very important you don't you don't want to get botulism iBmdG0yL5E8-00016-00009200-00009792 you just you don't want to get your family sick so i looked up beets because i do want to do beets iBmdG0yL5E8-00017-00009864-00010672 the process time it says 11 pounds for pints 30 minutes quartz 25 minutes well we're doing iBmdG0yL5E8-00018-00010672-00011400 pints so that's 30 minutes for the beets now i want to do the carrots so it says process at iBmdG0yL5E8-00019-00011400-00012152 11 pounds for 25 minutes for pints i can do these together i can only do these together because iBmdG0yL5E8-00020-00012216-00012632 we're gonna you want to take the higher time the beets it's okay if the carrots iBmdG0yL5E8-00021-00012632-00013160 stay in there five minutes longer that's fine but the beets need that extra five minutes iBmdG0yL5E8-00022-00013216-00013896 so we can do it together the beets and the carrots but we're going to take the longer processing time iBmdG0yL5E8-00023-00013896-00014488 to process these so whatever you choose to do together if it's the same pound pressure take iBmdG0yL5E8-00024-00014488-00015088 the higher processing time and the other item that's in there the other food that you're doing iBmdG0yL5E8-00025-00015088-00015663 it will be okay now for my particular canner i have a notebook even going because i just iBmdG0yL5E8-00026-00015663-00016232 really want to get this right for my particular canner i have to fill the canner with water you iBmdG0yL5E8-00027-00016232-00016816 always fill the canner with water before you start canning i have this big tall double double stack iBmdG0yL5E8-00028-00016816-00017504 candler here for my particular canner it takes 12 cups of water so i poured already i already did iBmdG0yL5E8-00029-00017504-00018232 that poured 12 cups of water into my canner also in the canner which i didn't do yet to keep your iBmdG0yL5E8-00030-00018232-00018920 jars clean and shiny it's okay to add some vinegar into your canner by doing that you just keep your iBmdG0yL5E8-00031-00018920-00019592 jars clean we have well water here not bad well water i'm gonna add about that much just a splash iBmdG0yL5E8-00032-00019592-00020200 it doesn't take much so now we have the basic part of the canner ready to go the water's in there and iBmdG0yL5E8-00033-00020200-00020800 it's going to be hot we're going to put hot water into hot jars and put them in a hot canner right iBmdG0yL5E8-00034-00020800-00021472 now my jars are in the dishwasher i've got i've got it on rinse cycle vinegar is in there and i iBmdG0yL5E8-00035-00021472-00022224 also put vinegar in my you know where you put your liquid stuff your rinse your rinse yeah i always iBmdG0yL5E8-00036-00022224-00022936 use vinegar in that too that's all i ever use i also have a pot of right here hot water boiling iBmdG0yL5E8-00037-00022936-00023720 on the stove so we could use that in the carrots i hope i'm making sense because in my head i'm iBmdG0yL5E8-00038-00023720-00024576 making sense my sea level is 892 feet above sea level that's where i live that's what that is just iBmdG0yL5E8-00039-00024576-00025120 in case anybody wonder if you want to find that out ask the google so i'm going to go get my hot iBmdG0yL5E8-00040-00025120-00025639 jars and bring them over here in the hot water and we're going to start filling these jars i've got iBmdG0yL5E8-00041-00025639-00026239 it all set up and i'll put this in the dishwasher too just to make sure this is hot and clean i also iBmdG0yL5E8-00042-00026239-00026936 put this in the dishwasher to make sure it's hot and clean also now i have in my pan i have my lids iBmdG0yL5E8-00043-00027008-00027712 they're heating up i have a hot pan of water here i've got my vinegar i've got my product and i've iBmdG0yL5E8-00044-00027712-00028224 got my jars i'm gonna do the beets first i think we could probably just dump all those in there iBmdG0yL5E8-00045-00028352-00028839 it might not even fill the jar that's okay this is all the beets i got out of my garden this year iBmdG0yL5E8-00046-00028952-00029552 isn't that sad but that's all right we're canning these i'm not gonna add any salt to the beets iBmdG0yL5E8-00047-00029552-00030336 you can if you want to and if you do use salt you want to use the non-iodized salt when you can it's iBmdG0yL5E8-00048-00030336-00030880 better i don't know why but that's what it says so that's what we do normally i don't like to follow iBmdG0yL5E8-00049-00030880-00031480 directions but when it comes to canning i do now we want a one inch headspace here which that means iBmdG0yL5E8-00050-00031536-00032160 normally the bottom ring you want one inches from the top of water so we're going to fill all iBmdG0yL5E8-00051-00032160-00032752 my beads with water and i'm going gonna probably have floating beets i do know that but that's okay iBmdG0yL5E8-00052-00032888-00033640 because it is i'm just happy i've gotten some beets we did have a few more iBmdG0yL5E8-00053-00033640-00034024 but we did eat those probably another scoop of water iBmdG0yL5E8-00054-00034216-00034832 yeah there's beets in there there is beets in there see now i'm getting close when you when you iBmdG0yL5E8-00055-00034832-00035456 start to get close put your d bubbler in there and just you want to get the bubbles out and i'm sure iBmdG0yL5E8-00056-00035456-00035984 that i've got a lot of bubbles in here because i don't have many beats you also can measure with iBmdG0yL5E8-00057-00035984-00036928 this there's a measuring tool on this and this far one is the one inch if you stick it in there now iBmdG0yL5E8-00058-00036928-00037696 see i'm not touching yet so we're gonna add just a hair bit more water not much and that should do it iBmdG0yL5E8-00059-00037928-00038624 yep that did it so there there's one one jar of beets but you know what i'm gonna be happy iBmdG0yL5E8-00060-00038624-00039256 about that we did get some more earlier in the year we ate those we got about that much iBmdG0yL5E8-00061-00039256-00039928 in the middle of the year so i've got my lid we're going to put that on there just like so iBmdG0yL5E8-00062-00039928-00040792 get your ring and you don't want to put this tight just finger tight and see i didn't you know i'm iBmdG0yL5E8-00063-00040792-00041424 you can see my fingers are just you just want to make sure the lid is just on there basically just iBmdG0yL5E8-00064-00041424-00041992 to hold the lid down because pressure is going to come out and it needs to release from in here iBmdG0yL5E8-00065-00041992-00042592 it's going to come out and then seal i don't know how that works but it does all right i'm gonna go iBmdG0yL5E8-00066-00042592-00043232 put this in the camper now on to the carrots i didn't cut these carrots maybe i should have iBmdG0yL5E8-00067-00043312-00044056 and i don't want to really put them in bigger jars because rob is not a fan of carrots i am iBmdG0yL5E8-00068-00044056-00044720 and you know what i found the best way to cook carrots get a beef bouillon cube and put it in iBmdG0yL5E8-00069-00044720-00045256 with your carrots and it tastes just like it came from a roast half a teaspoon of salt is what i'm iBmdG0yL5E8-00070-00045256-00045816 putting in here i don't want a whole lot of salt a half yeah half a teaspoon maybe i should do iBmdG0yL5E8-00071-00045992-00046528 yeah half a teaspoon and then here's the trick i'm going to add just a little bit of water iBmdG0yL5E8-00072-00046528-00047224 here because that'll help dissolve it quicker now we're just going to pack the carrots in there and iBmdG0yL5E8-00073-00047224-00047784 hope hope they oh look they're laying nicely i was afraid they weren't going to lay nicely in there iBmdG0yL5E8-00074-00047888-00048376 but they are i don't know how you pack a carrot i don't think those are going to fit that's probably iBmdG0yL5E8-00075-00048376-00049000 maybe those can lay on their side now see oh you know what i forgot to do with the beets iBmdG0yL5E8-00076-00049080-00049520 we need to get it back out because i forgot to wipe the rim with vinegar we're going to iBmdG0yL5E8-00077-00049520-00050376 get the beets back out and we're going to wipe the rim i forgot to do that very important step iBmdG0yL5E8-00078-00050376-00050952 water we need to put water in here i'm glad i remembered because that's coming right back out of iBmdG0yL5E8-00079-00050952-00051736 there see i'm a new canner and i bet you that even seasoned canners and rebel cleaners make mistakes iBmdG0yL5E8-00080-00051736-00052344 too i caught it that's all that matters i do have a bigger scoop i could probably use for this iBmdG0yL5E8-00081-00052528-00053408 now you want to get your de-bubbling tool de-bubbler and try to get in there and get iBmdG0yL5E8-00082-00053408-00054136 bubbles out it's messing up my carrots is what it's doing there there perfect now iBmdG0yL5E8-00083-00054248-00054864 now is when we uh vinegar so i got my vinegar i have a little bowl over here i'm just not iBmdG0yL5E8-00084-00054864-00055479 randomly pouring this on the table rob and i downsized we used to have a really big kitchen iBmdG0yL5E8-00085-00055600-00056384 before youtube but we downsized and now i work with the space i have and it's just perfect for iBmdG0yL5E8-00086-00056384-00057128 rob and i we don't need a lot of space i'm also out of paper towels so yeah so i've got vinegar iBmdG0yL5E8-00087-00057128-00058040 on this thank you burger king for the napkin wipe the rim because as you see i touched inside there iBmdG0yL5E8-00088-00058040-00058791 and my finger oils probably were left on there so you want to be as clean as possible there iBmdG0yL5E8-00089-00058896-00059432 oopsies okay that'll straighten up when we put the ring on again you don't want to do it tight iBmdG0yL5E8-00090-00059624-00060200 there because you want this to you want the pressure to come out of the jar let me go iBmdG0yL5E8-00091-00060200-00060896 get my beets got the beets all right i'm gonna get a new lip i'm not gonna throw this lid away iBmdG0yL5E8-00092-00060967-00061784 i'm gonna put it back in the pan all right vinegar always wipe the room with vinegar iBmdG0yL5E8-00093-00061848-00062416 now we're gonna get we'll get the lid back out put the lid back on there we go iBmdG0yL5E8-00094-00062879-00063567 i was afraid when i first started canning but i'm enjoying this a lot all right iBmdG0yL5E8-00095-00063567-00064208 i'm going to put it in the pot they're all in the canter and if you notice i have a towel down iBmdG0yL5E8-00096-00064208-00064808 you don't want to set the hot jars ever on your countertop i just stepped on the dog's ball that's iBmdG0yL5E8-00097-00064808-00065560 my life let's either step on the dog's toys or the dog all right now i have these in my canner i have iBmdG0yL5E8-00098-00065560-00066256 some empty jars in there also to fill the space what we want to do next is straighten the camera iBmdG0yL5E8-00099-00066256-00066808 so you're not crooked i i don't think you're crooked now i i have no idea got your canning iBmdG0yL5E8-00100-00066808-00067568 lid you want to check your gasket and make sure that's okay now see this sticking up right here iBmdG0yL5E8-00101-00067728-00068152 you want to look through there through the light to make sure you can see through that and if iBmdG0yL5E8-00102-00068152-00068552 you can't see through that you have a problem you'll have to clean that out because you need iBmdG0yL5E8-00103-00068552-00069328 that to be clear and free of any debris and this make sure this didn't loosen up for any reason iBmdG0yL5E8-00104-00069328-00069880 and your hole and this thing pokes out what we're going to do next is we're going to put this lid iBmdG0yL5E8-00105-00069960-00070688 on this canner the arrow matches to the arrow so we're going to put it on there iBmdG0yL5E8-00106-00070800-00071440 now my canner has been sitting here on like number three heat to heat just warming up iBmdG0yL5E8-00107-00072176-00072768 there i'm really close to the microwave here if you see can you see how close i am i'm close iBmdG0yL5E8-00108-00072768-00073480 yeah now the object of canning is heating this up slowly pressurizing this pot slowly iBmdG0yL5E8-00109-00073480-00074104 you know how you you let it sit to cool down and it depressurizes well you want it to pressurize iBmdG0yL5E8-00110-00074104-00074640 that much slower or that slow so we're gonna i'm gonna bump the heat up just a little bit iBmdG0yL5E8-00111-00074640-00075200 to four you don't crank it up to boil you don't want to crank it up to boil the reason being iBmdG0yL5E8-00112-00075264-00075920 you might not get a good seal um i don't know the other reasons you'd have to ask somebody else iBmdG0yL5E8-00113-00075920-00076400 i just know it needs to go slow okay so we're gonna let this go slow iBmdG0yL5E8-00114-00076400-00076904 and i'm going to drink a cup of coffee and watch this i don't ever leave the kitchen iBmdG0yL5E8-00115-00076904-00077504 while the canter is on the stove ever never never when this starts to steam out of here iBmdG0yL5E8-00116-00077712-00078216 all right i'll bring you back then because i'll show you the steam and once that starts steaming iBmdG0yL5E8-00117-00078216-00078920 out of there you need to let it sit for 10 minutes now we have a steady stream of steam you i don't iBmdG0yL5E8-00118-00078920-00079464 know if you can see it i'm not going to put my hand over it but it's there i've set my timer for iBmdG0yL5E8-00119-00079464-00080120 10 minutes now we wait when the 10 minutes is up that's when we put the jiggler on so we're going iBmdG0yL5E8-00120-00080120-00080736 to wait at least 10 minutes just let it sit here don't touch the temperature don't touch anything iBmdG0yL5E8-00121-00080736-00081624 just let it sit here for 10 minutes all right we'll be right back the 10 minutes is up this has iBmdG0yL5E8-00122-00081624-00082520 popped up and i still got the steam i just stuck my hand in it now we put the little jiggler on iBmdG0yL5E8-00123-00082752-00083288 come in from the side if you want don't go over top because you just set it on there you just iBmdG0yL5E8-00124-00083288-00083768 want it to sit on there nicely don't go over top you're student to put it on you'll burn yourself iBmdG0yL5E8-00125-00083848-00084480 go from the side and it's much easier now what we want we want 11 pounds of pressure on this iBmdG0yL5E8-00126-00084544-00085096 so now we're just going to wait you don't start timing yet you're going to wait till we get the 11 iBmdG0yL5E8-00127-00085096-00085696 pounds of pressure that's when we turn our timer on so when i see 11 pounds pressure i'm gonna iBmdG0yL5E8-00128-00085696-00086440 start my timer for 30 minutes because remember i have beets and carrots in there and the carrots iBmdG0yL5E8-00129-00086440-00087072 were for 25 minutes and the beets were for 30. you want to go for the longer time whatever it iBmdG0yL5E8-00130-00087072-00087776 is go for the longer time so when i see 11 pounds of pressure i'm going to turn my timer on for 30 iBmdG0yL5E8-00131-00087776-00088440 minutes and then i'm going to keep it at 11 pounds of pressure so if you have to adjust your stove iBmdG0yL5E8-00132-00088504-00089000 adjust your stove do what you need to do to keep it at 11 pounds of pressure if it goes iBmdG0yL5E8-00133-00089000-00089704 under 11 pounds of pressure you have to bring it all back up and start the time all over again so iBmdG0yL5E8-00134-00089704-00090280 don't ever let it go under the 11 pounds pressure you don't want to have to start over again and iBmdG0yL5E8-00135-00090280-00090872 by starting over again it just makes your whole day even longer so watch you want to watch your iBmdG0yL5E8-00136-00090872-00091432 cannon watch your canner don't leave the kitchen watch your camera you can see now we're building iBmdG0yL5E8-00137-00091600-00092328 we're building and when it hits 11 pounds that's when i'm going to turn my timer on for 30 minutes iBmdG0yL5E8-00138-00092328-00092880 when the 30 minutes are up i'm going to turn this off i'm going to turn my stove off turn the oven iBmdG0yL5E8-00139-00092880-00093408 off turn the canter off i'm going to turn it off but i'm not going to move it because i iBmdG0yL5E8-00140-00093408-00093984 have a glass top stove as you see i don't want to scratch it so we're going to let it sit there and iBmdG0yL5E8-00141-00093984-00094448 let it cool down it might take a little longer to cool down but that's okay everything in there will iBmdG0yL5E8-00142-00094448-00095152 be okay look it wrap it we're up to five we're getting there so when the process is done i'll iBmdG0yL5E8-00143-00095152-00095960 i'll come back and show you my jars but remember pressure has to get up to whatever poundage is in iBmdG0yL5E8-00144-00095960-00096808 your manual in your book then you turn your timer on well the timer went off everything is done the iBmdG0yL5E8-00145-00096808-00097552 canner has sat here probably 45 minutes or so and it cooled down you can see the pressure's at zero iBmdG0yL5E8-00146-00097712-00098256 i can take this thing off safely now and this button went back in iBmdG0yL5E8-00147-00098392-00098800 so we're going to remove this there's no steam iBmdG0yL5E8-00148-00099040-00099760 we could crack the lid and leave it sit here for about five minutes cracked what that does is just iBmdG0yL5E8-00149-00099760-00100456 releases oh i just heard a pop releases a little bit of steam if there's any extra in there or iBmdG0yL5E8-00150-00100456-00100984 it lets some of the heat out of the pan so we'll let this sit here for about five minutes iBmdG0yL5E8-00151-00101112-00101704 and then we'll take the lid off and get the jars out and hopefully we hear more pops all right it's iBmdG0yL5E8-00152-00101704-00102288 been sitting here probably more like 10 minutes so we could take the lid off now and the you always iBmdG0yL5E8-00153-00102288-00103008 want to take the lid off like away from you but i have a problem here with my microwave i can't iBmdG0yL5E8-00154-00103008-00103976 do that so we're going to take it off carefully and just kind of lift it up and pull it that way iBmdG0yL5E8-00155-00104048-00104783 but it's still steaming nothing broke that's a good thing oh did you hear that pop did you hear iBmdG0yL5E8-00156-00104992-00105680 they're popping make sure you hold your toe the right way see how it's rounded at the bottom iBmdG0yL5E8-00157-00105800-00106488 that means it'll grasp around the jar this is the handle end i've seen people using them backwards iBmdG0yL5E8-00158-00106583-00107224 in fact i started using them backwards backwards back backwards once and rob's like turning around iBmdG0yL5E8-00159-00107224-00107816 turning around like oh okay so we're gonna lift this out carefully here's the beats iBmdG0yL5E8-00160-00107959-00108335 remember we didn't have a lot of beets so i kind of knew it would look like that iBmdG0yL5E8-00161-00108440-00108992 but we'll take it over here and set it back here on this towel iBmdG0yL5E8-00162-00109280-00109511 all right let's get the carrots out iBmdG0yL5E8-00163-00109888-00110152 oh careful oh those are pretty iBmdG0yL5E8-00164-00110288-00110983 what happened the jar is square too that's a one of i believe that's one of rob's mom's jars iBmdG0yL5E8-00165-00111192-00111648 she passed away and i have some of her canning jars it's a square one iBmdG0yL5E8-00166-00112152-00112864 there you could sit there this is just this is the fun part i think okay take that over whoops iBmdG0yL5E8-00167-00113032-00113159 i hit from the canner iBmdG0yL5E8-00168-00113496-00113640 careful careful of the shower iBmdG0yL5E8-00169-00114064-00114800 again i gotta i keep hitting the tripod on the camera and yeah that's my ring light behind me iBmdG0yL5E8-00170-00114800-00115552 it's bright i know it's facing the wrong way right sometimes all right this is the last iBmdG0yL5E8-00171-00115552-00116464 one look at that cute little square jar that was probably rob's mom's too okay around there we go iBmdG0yL5E8-00172-00116952-00117544 all right now if you noticed i have empty jars in here full of water with no lids iBmdG0yL5E8-00173-00117728-00118376 see that was that's just to take up space in my camera so the jars wouldn't bang iBmdG0yL5E8-00174-00118376-00119008 around but there you go we can carrots and we canned beets next we're gonna do potatoes iBmdG0yL5E8-00175-00119088-00119408 i've already peeled potatoes not in this video potatoes iBmdG0yL5E8-00176-00119624-00120040 soaking i've been waiting for the canner to get done so i could put those iBmdG0yL5E8-00177-00120040-00121200 in the canner all right i will see you in my next video subscribe and i'll see you later bye iF8Lg05wlvY-00000-00000248-00000876 welcome welcome welcome to start the conversation I would like this for you iF8Lg05wlvY-00001-00000876-00001778 to tell us the best thing about how much iF8Lg05wlvY-00002-00002321-00003063 well the I was I started the fire but it I started on the film when I was iF8Lg05wlvY-00003-00003063-00003475 pitching on inside out and it was iF8Lg05wlvY-00004-00004284-00004603 is the most terrifying thing that happened iF8Lg05wlvY-00005-00004603-00004930 so the most exciting thing because I love these characters and loved the iF8Lg05wlvY-00006-00004930-00005651 world so much and it's exciting to bring new characters iF8Lg05wlvY-00007-00005798-00006433 working in the cast amazing so it's been a it's been a really rewarding same time iF8Lg05wlvY-00008-00006433-00006897 yeah I'll just add first of all can I say this is the most beautiful place iF8Lg05wlvY-00009-00006897-00007353 we've ever been this thank you for having us here we just we want to sit iF8Lg05wlvY-00010-00007353-00007938 here all night but I'll just add the crew of Toy Story iF8Lg05wlvY-00011-00007938-00008277 for you guys to have much of members soul that we put into it I would say iF8Lg05wlvY-00012-00008277-00008717 everything one thing about this movie and it is true of all the folks we iF8Lg05wlvY-00013-00008717-00009078 worked on is it we don't make anything and as weak as we love it iF8Lg05wlvY-00014-00009078-00009445 we you know we hope the audience loves every film and iF8Lg05wlvY-00015-00009445-00010131 but he started just poking and so this bill has a it's an iF8Lg05wlvY-00016-00010131-00010527 interesting crew because it's I worked on the first one a little bit I was an iF8Lg05wlvY-00017-00010527-00010851 intern and a production assistant on the first Toy Story film and there's a iF8Lg05wlvY-00018-00010851-00011245 number of us on that that worked on the original production iF8Lg05wlvY-00019-00011245-00011635 designer and some technical folks and then there's a number of people that are iF8Lg05wlvY-00020-00011635-00011950 working on the film were worked on the film that were six years old when the iF8Lg05wlvY-00021-00011950-00012364 first one came out and they had to say it was the first bluie they ever saw and iF8Lg05wlvY-00022-00012364-00012811 so there's this group dynamic that you know the kind of the old-timers like iF8Lg05wlvY-00023-00012811-00013183 myself we said like we don't want to mess this up or picks up because we love iF8Lg05wlvY-00024-00013183-00014019 puzzle woody so much and then there's saying like don't mess up our childhoods iF8Lg05wlvY-00025-00014580-00015160 Toy Story so much and when we kind of found this way to get into the story iF8Lg05wlvY-00026-00015160-00015643 which we really got excited about it maybe maybe we can do that so that was iF8Lg05wlvY-00027-00015643-00016023 kind of its origin and coming we feel about so when it's now that it's out we iF8Lg05wlvY-00028-00016023-00016536 feel really proud of it and every single frame of it is made by and with love iF8Lg05wlvY-00029-00016536-00017023 truly Pixar it we told ourselves we weren't going to make something unless iF8Lg05wlvY-00030-00017023-00017412 we was in the title iF8Lg05wlvY-00031-00020234-00022907 so thinking about children love the most iF8Lg05wlvY-00032-00023054-00023760 but I do yes but I do think that what do you do tagging is he's probably my iF8Lg05wlvY-00033-00023760-00024513 favorite just because he's and relate to me as a as a director but also as a iF8Lg05wlvY-00034-00024513-00025107 father we always be parents their job is to be there for their kid and that is iF8Lg05wlvY-00035-00025107-00025455 the most important thing to them and they take it very seriously and whenever iF8Lg05wlvY-00036-00025455-00025829 something threatens that doesn't make an anxious or scared iF8Lg05wlvY-00037-00025829-00027245 and that is real parent motion always before I had kids like you guys haven't iF8Lg05wlvY-00038-00027245-00027944 seen it yet there's there's a lot of new characters but I was like woody it's iF8Lg05wlvY-00039-00027944-00028518 easy to it's hard to call I think Jesse over the years is my favorite character iF8Lg05wlvY-00040-00028518-00029090 and it's pivots because Jesse in Toy Story 2 that's kind of the first time iF8Lg05wlvY-00041-00029090-00029643 that a character exposes woody a little bit that he's privileged to the teeth iF8Lg05wlvY-00042-00029643-00030089 Kennecott everything he's ever wanted and that most toys happened and Jesse's iF8Lg05wlvY-00043-00030089-00030506 the first one to shine that by their own hoodie and it's I think it in a weird iF8Lg05wlvY-00044-00030506-00030884 way that moment of mystery to is a really good set up for what we were iF8Lg05wlvY-00045-00030884-00031319 doing it for so I've just I've always thought Jesse and the character that iF8Lg05wlvY-00046-00031319-00032006 kind of unlocked the real story a little bit that's my estimate excise love her iF8Lg05wlvY-00047-00032333-00032719 we story what about their personal lives iF8Lg05wlvY-00048-00032856-00033241 here in the unit we have no professionals iF8Lg05wlvY-00049-00033241-00033562 I mean now iF8Lg05wlvY-00050-00033663-00034961 in this industry in your victim this amazing property Wow I got to be honest iF8Lg05wlvY-00051-00034961-00036249 because when I was in art school people come in one thing that I continued to iF8Lg05wlvY-00052-00036249-00037290 learn just communicating ideas but whether your video games or innovation iF8Lg05wlvY-00053-00037290-00037740 whatever it is you're just trying to communicate ideas across the best Switek iF8Lg05wlvY-00054-00037740-00038220 that you can communicate there's way to communicate is the best so but that's iF8Lg05wlvY-00055-00038220-00038874 drawing or whatever it is you need to do to do that for me - maybe was drawing iF8Lg05wlvY-00056-00038874-00039372 climate justice color illustrations so my advice is always carry sketchbook iF8Lg05wlvY-00057-00039372-00040077 draw from life non-stop it helps where are you going life and what you do iF8Lg05wlvY-00058-00040077-00040613 drawing is great way to communicate don't need words iF8Lg05wlvY-00059-00040950-00041444 yeah I thought about this a lot because I came into Pixar as an intern right iF8Lg05wlvY-00060-00041444-00041888 from film school in San Francisco State and it was before Pixar was no one it iF8Lg05wlvY-00061-00041888-00042359 was it was the 1994 was the last year Toy Story was abrupt I didn't know what iF8Lg05wlvY-00062-00042359-00042740 to his story was it's earned that some short films and some commercials in iF8Lg05wlvY-00063-00042740-00043834 those days and I I always wanted to be an artist and animator making things and iF8Lg05wlvY-00064-00043834-00044396 being part of a team and I had my heart set I wanted to work for Disney I wanted iF8Lg05wlvY-00065-00044396-00044928 to work for youth in the parks or in Disney Animation and I was kind of lost iF8Lg05wlvY-00066-00044928-00045475 that was my goal and my one piece of advice is be open to where where you iF8Lg05wlvY-00067-00045475-00045899 what you think your goal is in terms of where you go is different because what I iF8Lg05wlvY-00068-00045899-00046481 found with Pixar by pure accident and it was that I called them because I was iF8Lg05wlvY-00069-00046481-00046883 heard that they needed help someone Francisco States thing they were busy iF8Lg05wlvY-00070-00046883-00047584 but I didn't know what and I walked into to start work as they needed help and I iF8Lg05wlvY-00071-00047584-00048056 found at the time what I thought was and I still described it this way it was iF8Lg05wlvY-00072-00048056-00048596 like a cooler punk rock version of how I pictured is need to be and I realized in iF8Lg05wlvY-00073-00048596-00048928 a weird way that I aimed at that one target I would have missed iF8Lg05wlvY-00074-00048928-00049393 I found I don't know like this strange version of it that I didn't even know iF8Lg05wlvY-00075-00049393-00049861 exist so I only share that because there may be and this another pic so I hope iF8Lg05wlvY-00076-00049861-00050191 everyone aims for something like Pixar but I promise you there are probably iF8Lg05wlvY-00077-00050191-00050763 five or six kicks are like rock versions of that brewing somewhere so just don't iF8Lg05wlvY-00078-00050763-00051190 don't be afraid to look under every rock and look at places you don't think iF8Lg05wlvY-00079-00051190-00051555 because it's all about the future it's all about what people are thinking I'm iF8Lg05wlvY-00080-00051555-00052378 back so anyway that's a that was kind of my perspective um thank you to the iF8Lg05wlvY-00081-00052378-00053364 audience and this story I mean we live in a society story iF8Lg05wlvY-00082-00054845-00055436 well we never never begin with that time we don't read sit down go happily make iF8Lg05wlvY-00083-00055436-00055876 the world a better place and I think we what we do is we just we try and tell iF8Lg05wlvY-00084-00055876-00056513 stories that have a truth behind whether that's you know thinking like up he said iF8Lg05wlvY-00085-00056513-00058366 and I just sometimes feel like I just want to get away and I think the always iF8Lg05wlvY-00086-00058366-00058945 have our own story and I think I've noticed over time is that the more iF8Lg05wlvY-00087-00058945-00059750 personal the story is the more Universal is Coco fantastic everything everybody iF8Lg05wlvY-00088-00059750-00060041 was surprised at how other from the world it was received iF8Lg05wlvY-00089-00060041-00060794 so I think just just finding the truth in the world that's human and that I iF8Lg05wlvY-00090-00060794-00061166 think that within yourself you're finding your own story and seeing what iF8Lg05wlvY-00091-00061166-00061576 moves you is it's going to move somebody else's iF8Lg05wlvY-00092-00061811-00062566 when added to them now I remember Oh only God will add to that dis is iF8Lg05wlvY-00093-00062566-00063104 mentioned and we both worked with with Pete docter for many years on many films iF8Lg05wlvY-00094-00063104-00063695 and one of the Pete's mentors was it was a guy named Joe grant and Joe grand iF8Lg05wlvY-00095-00063695-00064117 among other things was a character designer and story on us at Disney in iF8Lg05wlvY-00096-00064117-00064852 the 1930s he he he helped design the Seven Dwarfs he wrote Dumbo with it with iF8Lg05wlvY-00097-00064852-00065288 it again into humor and we got to meet Joe he we dedicated the film up to him iF8Lg05wlvY-00098-00065288-00065630 because he was a lot like the carl fredrik so that film he was as he died iF8Lg05wlvY-00099-00065630-00066017 at drawing at his table he was an artist all the way to the head he was an iF8Lg05wlvY-00100-00066017-00066530 amazing artist and writer and he remember him saying talking to us about iF8Lg05wlvY-00101-00066530-00066905 the films and he said you know you always want to give something to let the iF8Lg05wlvY-00102-00066905-00067282 audience take away with them so that it's not just a fleeting experience but iF8Lg05wlvY-00103-00067282-00067661 it's something that it's always like a vacation that you want a souvenir from iF8Lg05wlvY-00104-00067661-00068075 and he said that's why Dumbo who stole is wrong because that's just a movie iF8Lg05wlvY-00105-00068075-00068444 that's about something very simple it's about a space about a guy with a iF8Lg05wlvY-00106-00068444-00068908 handicap who has to overcome an obstacle and it's very simple and you feel for iF8Lg05wlvY-00107-00068908-00069335 him and whatever 80 years later people still talk about it but we talk about it iF8Lg05wlvY-00108-00069335-00069725 every day a very simple story and it just really resonated iF8Lg05wlvY-00109-00069725-00070052 it's something that again we don't stand up and say okay we're going to make a iF8Lg05wlvY-00110-00070052-00070361 film that's important we said we want to make a film that's good and entertaining iF8Lg05wlvY-00111-00070361-00070946 but if we do it from I don't know an emotional personal connected place you iF8Lg05wlvY-00112-00070946-00071300 will you will end up making something that hopefully resonates with people so iF8Lg05wlvY-00113-00071300-00071690 we think about a lot about that except the pathos of it all adjustables with iF8Lg05wlvY-00114-00071690-00072122 the comedy of the entertainment so forth thank you iF8Lg05wlvY-00115-00072122-00072349 so iF8Lg05wlvY-00116-00073717-00074036 gecko here it is iF8Lg05wlvY-00118-00080900-00082265 example I can't imagine seeing that number for Christmas story and I think iF8Lg05wlvY-00119-00082265-00082796 it's fascinating how the stories that people tell and move towards the medium iF8Lg05wlvY-00120-00082796-00083705 is also I don't tend to question I have a I have to admit there's you know we're iF8Lg05wlvY-00121-00083705-00084155 going to pics obviously were computer animators and I love the look at the iF8Lg05wlvY-00122-00084155-00084439 rendering things we could do but I have to admit iF8Lg05wlvY-00123-00084439-00084853 whenever I see hand-drawn animation I sit up a little more iF8Lg05wlvY-00124-00084853-00085310 there's something about the pencil line and iF8Lg05wlvY-00125-00085310-00085794 yamazaki I love the classic Disney animated films those are my favorites iF8Lg05wlvY-00126-00085794-00086719 but I just love to maintain that spirit iF8Lg05wlvY-00127-00090877-00091919 well yeah I'd be lying if I said it hasn't change it's changed its 1995 iF8Lg05wlvY-00128-00091919-00092357 it's bigger there's more of us there's more pressure on these villains to iF8Lg05wlvY-00129-00092357-00092730 perform around the world and so forth yeah and in those days you have to iF8Lg05wlvY-00130-00092730-00093101 understand it was like Steve Jobs was there roaming the halls but he literally iF8Lg05wlvY-00131-00093101-00093597 was the thing different was his motto and so everything was about let's go the iF8Lg05wlvY-00132-00093597-00094029 other way people are doing this let's do that and that's part of the DNA as we've iF8Lg05wlvY-00133-00094029-00094700 gotten bigger that's involved in change but I'd say I still feel I still iF8Lg05wlvY-00134-00097179-00097696 there's a bite to it people we screen our movies by the way internally for iF8Lg05wlvY-00135-00097696-00098137 most people at the studio and I found it very interesting as we've kind of grown iF8Lg05wlvY-00136-00098137-00098530 up and have on a tenure and been there a lot of time the younger people that have iF8Lg05wlvY-00137-00098530-00098986 come in send us notes they can not come back like people are not afraid to speak iF8Lg05wlvY-00138-00098986-00099337 up what they think and they tell us what they think iF8Lg05wlvY-00139-00099337-00099901 yeah it's great and so I think that that's rough but it actually makes me iF8Lg05wlvY-00140-00099901-00100297 feel good about the future their place because people kind of come into with a iF8Lg05wlvY-00141-00100297-00100726 lot of guts they want to make renovating so you know it's it's a balance but it's iF8Lg05wlvY-00142-00100726-00101043 still part of the show iF8Lg05wlvY-00143-00108360-00108872 we never say never there's no rules when it wants to power bigger pictures so it iF8Lg05wlvY-00144-00108872-00109329 could be very well that that's something we talk iF8Lg05wlvY-00145-00109817-00110117 yeah iF8Lg05wlvY-00146-00110771-00111608 what do we do Fermilab to make inclusive celebrations we are talking to you could iF8Lg05wlvY-00147-00111608-00112103 be your question no one what is your creative Peugeot after making pills that iF8Lg05wlvY-00148-00112103-00112513 we send aerations without calling iF8Lg05wlvY-00149-00113138-00113622 to repeat ourselves iF8Lg05wlvY-00150-00114005-00114511 well we have we have a multitude of voices I think that helps a lot having iF8Lg05wlvY-00151-00114511-00115691 the same person tell the same story but also just having characters with iF8Lg05wlvY-00152-00115691-00116654 different traits it's a brain trust a little bit is we have a creative break iF8Lg05wlvY-00153-00116654-00117085 all the director to producers writers when we show the movies to each other we iF8Lg05wlvY-00154-00117085-00117626 do this a lot we get all the directors in the room and they'll with hopefully iF8Lg05wlvY-00155-00117626-00118121 with objectivity give notes not about it's not about competing it's about just iF8Lg05wlvY-00156-00118121-00118640 thinking every film the best and so I think that it's pretty healthy to have a iF8Lg05wlvY-00157-00118640-00118960 room with Brad burden it that says I would not do that and I think you're iF8Lg05wlvY-00158-00118960-00119335 wrong for that and being doctor to counter that with this note and you know iF8Lg05wlvY-00159-00119335-00119672 Stephanie Folsom our writer and defended for him this way but then the director iF8Lg05wlvY-00160-00119672-00120050 to stand up and talk to why he or she's put it in the movie and that tunnel war iF8Lg05wlvY-00161-00120050-00120519 between the those grooves usually help the movie iF8Lg05wlvY-00162-00120519-00120916 yeah when you're working on it you can fall in love with the wrong thing there iF8Lg05wlvY-00163-00120916-00121198 are things that we think this is the best part of the movie and then you show iF8Lg05wlvY-00164-00121198-00121584 an audience that makes no sense in the movie you're too close to cut out your iF8Lg05wlvY-00165-00121584-00121971 five years of this so we remind that each other I think to help us prevent iF8Lg05wlvY-00166-00121971-00122457 falling into tropes or beat each other but to also to keep it fresh and iF8Lg05wlvY-00167-00122457-00122931 exciting to the audio you guys wrote here for Brad murders a year last year iF8Lg05wlvY-00168-00122931-00124494 he remembered one of the greatest rest sessions we had it was very exciting so iF8Lg05wlvY-00169-00124494-00125002 we're like great because we've been treating the character of purposes to iF8Lg05wlvY-00170-00125002-00125428 have a rich boy somebody good and see and then the baggage of creating it hear iF8Lg05wlvY-00171-00125428-00125845 what they had to say somebody who I respect and Trust is a storyteller as iF8Lg05wlvY-00172-00125845-00126175 well three months later I saw her driving on iF8Lg05wlvY-00173-00126175-00126747 the parking lot I rolled a nose but it was a fork as if we were going to forget iF8Lg05wlvY-00174-00126747-00127068 he's great iF8Lg05wlvY-00175-00127405-00127972 so we're talking about how when you say all the counters have evolved from the iF8Lg05wlvY-00176-00127972-00128686 first movie to these last one I mean how how had they have evolved from contact iF8Lg05wlvY-00177-00128686-00129608 with each other with new characters a question so this is something that we iF8Lg05wlvY-00178-00129608-00130009 were very conscious stuff from from day one because you're doing that worth of iF8Lg05wlvY-00179-00130009-00130516 them there's a lot of track that's been laid before us and so we did not want to iF8Lg05wlvY-00180-00130516-00130948 make sure you wouldn't make sure we did not copy ourselves or do something iF8Lg05wlvY-00181-00130948-00131722 didn't feel right for the character so for example in a way authority coming iF8Lg05wlvY-00182-00131722-00132058 into the room is kind of like Buzz Lightyear coming in the room but what iF8Lg05wlvY-00183-00132058-00132553 he's reaction is completely different so in Toy Story 1 he's jealous and he gets iF8Lg05wlvY-00184-00132553-00132879 anxious and he literally goes LaMarca room iF8Lg05wlvY-00185-00132879-00133440 and one-fourth he comes in the room we said we really had that same to happen iF8Lg05wlvY-00186-00133440-00134064 because this is a woody who's evolved and is now more mature and actually iF8Lg05wlvY-00187-00134064-00134538 cares it's not the selfish thing it's like what's right for Bonnie so we have iF8Lg05wlvY-00188-00134538-00135087 him take on four key as as a mentor as opposed to wanting to get rid of it and iF8Lg05wlvY-00189-00135087-00135486 take him out of the room so we take completely take all that into iF8Lg05wlvY-00190-00135486-00135918 consideration is where as a man and kind of wearable this even going for all this iF8Lg05wlvY-00191-00135918-00136521 same thing with both just knowing we looked at the Twitter e12 to see her iF8Lg05wlvY-00192-00136521-00136968 scenes just to remind ourselves who watched all of her students together we iF8Lg05wlvY-00193-00136968-00137481 took six minutes she's going on now much at all and but what we noticed is that iF8Lg05wlvY-00194-00137481-00138033 she's actually one of the strongest characters in the Toy Story Rome would iF8Lg05wlvY-00195-00138033-00138549 even get frustrated or not know what to do he would turn the bow and she'd say iF8Lg05wlvY-00196-00138549-00139008 those things they're you know your kid loves you and you go over I can't remind iF8Lg05wlvY-00197-00139008-00139503 me who he was and so we thought we could we can just take that character who's iF8Lg05wlvY-00198-00139503-00139914 already there and just show how and just bring her up to the surface the maker iF8Lg05wlvY-00199-00139914-00140310 even stronger she's gone out and did the life of what he's never ever dreamt of iF8Lg05wlvY-00200-00140310-00140886 so we are taking in consideration one two and three into everything everywhere iF8Lg05wlvY-00201-00140886-00141351 we're going before and concluding buzzes relationship with what do you their iF8Lg05wlvY-00202-00141351-00141770 friendship is more important than ever than this iF8Lg05wlvY-00203-00148219-00148772 sometimes the bad ideas feel like bad ideas and an agent I mean for food was iF8Lg05wlvY-00204-00148772-00149263 out before three honestly when you get started driver for key we literally said iF8Lg05wlvY-00205-00149263-00149621 this is the worst idea ever this is a good idea we didn't know and iF8Lg05wlvY-00206-00149621-00150041 then we started turning it to a good idea and you can't imagine iF8Lg05wlvY-00207-00150041-00150371 without up so we just chased everything down I think that's one of the secrets iF8Lg05wlvY-00208-00150371-00150905 of Pixar's we just give ourselves the runway the studio is built to capitalize iF8Lg05wlvY-00209-00150905-00151331 to always say our job is to be wrong as perfectly as we can we're good at that iF8Lg05wlvY-00210-00151331-00151784 we're good it would be an honor to click and we give ourselves the time to to iF8Lg05wlvY-00211-00151784-00152113 shift it and make it better iF8Lg05wlvY-00212-00154420-00155099 yes we were sitting around in the store one day and just joking around like we iF8Lg05wlvY-00213-00155099-00155486 like we do and we asked the same questions that everybody has you know iF8Lg05wlvY-00214-00155486-00156026 like why does buzz in the first film he sees a Space Ranger so why is he falling iF8Lg05wlvY-00215-00156026-00156386 down on the floor when it rained events in different leagues so we think about iF8Lg05wlvY-00216-00156386-00156914 all that stuff and so one of the things we were joking with this well what if iF8Lg05wlvY-00217-00156914-00157304 line picks up a rock and draws a face on it and starts playing with it is it is iF8Lg05wlvY-00218-00157304-00157636 it alive now there was just all these you know iF8Lg05wlvY-00219-00157636-00158245 the world and then we thought about our own kids and how our kids will make arts iF8Lg05wlvY-00220-00158245-00158739 and crafts projects in school or you know for fun and play around them or iF8Lg05wlvY-00221-00158739-00159088 sometimes they'll get Christmas presents in the play of the box instead of the iF8Lg05wlvY-00222-00159088-00159649 actual toy that it became so obvious think they're their toy truths and iF8Lg05wlvY-00223-00159649-00160080 that's always where the gold is in Toy Story is look at something go oh I know iF8Lg05wlvY-00224-00160080-00160626 what that is I've done that before us amen and so we just joked around what iF8Lg05wlvY-00225-00160626-00161202 did you mean the toy and it came to life what would happen and having a character iF8Lg05wlvY-00226-00161202-00161686 that has never seen Toy Story one two or three and all sudden comes to life and iF8Lg05wlvY-00227-00161686-00162322 doesn't understand anything but that to me is just it's comedy gold also just iF8Lg05wlvY-00228-00162322-00163076 feels fresh and new to the to the fan jokes so that's 40 iF8Lg05wlvY-00229-00163294-00164298 the inspiration of court yeah I think I think so then I think we just started iF8Lg05wlvY-00230-00164298-00164709 weaving him into the story so deeply that it was not only was it a fun idea iF8Lg05wlvY-00231-00164709-00166286 inspired by kids and had a toy truth but you know Ethan would have to go his iF8Lg05wlvY-00233-00171141-00171744 and we have there that there had my person my question each time personnel iF8Lg05wlvY-00234-00171744-00172362 and he may be a personal for you too but how did your child was the creative iF8Lg05wlvY-00235-00172362-00172919 process of the characters and of the storyboard the story of a of each iF8Lg05wlvY-00236-00172919-00174047 character I think every way yeah well I never iF8Lg05wlvY-00237-00175203-00176074 so that helps just having the naive Sensibility iF8Lg05wlvY-00238-00176943-00177408 oh well for one thing we put toys in this movie that are from our childhoods iF8Lg05wlvY-00239-00177408-00178137 so what do you witness very 1950s we grew up in the 70s 80s and so we have a iF8Lg05wlvY-00240-00178137-00178584 lot of those toys there's a huge toy exposing the history during the 1780s iF8Lg05wlvY-00241-00178584-00180936 with like the Star Wars toys and our 70s youth we've I think to just to go all iF8Lg05wlvY-00242-00180936-00181350 the way with it and this is common at Pixar because you're right we sort of iF8Lg05wlvY-00243-00181350-00181860 bonded by the fact that all of us are kind of like 8 to 10 year olds there in iF8Lg05wlvY-00244-00181860-00182292 a way and the way we think and see the world I don't mean that in a boxy ways iF8Lg05wlvY-00245-00182292-00182775 and really how we think we see the world that we're not faking it like we love iF8Lg05wlvY-00246-00182775-00183234 this stuff when I was a kid by moment we all have sort of these moments we talked iF8Lg05wlvY-00247-00183234-00183552 about and we talked a lot about this on inside-out it's like what is that his iF8Lg05wlvY-00248-00183552-00183954 core betrays that moment that defines you when I was a kid my parents took me iF8Lg05wlvY-00249-00183954-00184351 to Disneyland when I was about four years old iF8Lg05wlvY-00250-00184351-00185160 when I was wearing on that day like it hit me like a rock and it says 14 no one iF8Lg05wlvY-00251-00185160-00185584 worked it was but I knew that I wanted to be part of that there was something iF8Lg05wlvY-00252-00185584-00186079 about that moment that cemented something in me just wanting to hold on iF8Lg05wlvY-00253-00186079-00186646 to that I think all of our films in a way have this your panky your pan like iF8Lg05wlvY-00254-00186646-00187021 wanted to hold on to that feeling we had when we were kids and it's a iF8Lg05wlvY-00255-00187021-00187375 sophisticated feeling and it's not playing Dom it's like a real legitimate iF8Lg05wlvY-00256-00187375-00187954 thing I that trip I have a map I got of Disneyland from 1974 and it's framed in iF8Lg05wlvY-00257-00187954-00188386 my office because every day I come in I sort of feel like I'm kind of wanted iF8Lg05wlvY-00258-00188386-00188944 like my job is to try to share that feeling a little bit like to somehow iF8Lg05wlvY-00259-00188944-00189529 take that feeling I had when I was a kid and and help help amplify it out of the iF8Lg05wlvY-00260-00189529-00189862 world that's kind of how I see these pictures it's like that's our way to do iF8Lg05wlvY-00261-00189862-00190357 it like we don't want anyone to forget how good that felt to be to have that iF8Lg05wlvY-00262-00190357-00190657 lens and so I don't know I think our movies although we try to make them iF8Lg05wlvY-00263-00190657-00191275 sophisticated and for adults with adult issues we want them to be happy warmth iF8Lg05wlvY-00264-00191275-00191771 and fun of the way we all saw the so it's a deep question and something we iF8Lg05wlvY-00265-00191771-00192596 think about all the time nice to meet you my question is how it was too heavy iF8Lg05wlvY-00266-00192596-00193978 to enhance a signal to the most importantly study from a signal to the iF8Lg05wlvY-00267-00193978-00195384 most important movie se7en it was a lot of pressure so you know I iF8Lg05wlvY-00268-00195384-00195859 love these characters like I got to before I started working to fix our eyes iF8Lg05wlvY-00269-00195859-00196433 I saw joy sorry I went into general audience so I came into it as a huge fan iF8Lg05wlvY-00270-00196433-00197132 already and we love these characters so much to fix or they are kind of the the iF8Lg05wlvY-00271-00197132-00197698 foundation of our company the first Toy Story being the first animated their CG iF8Lg05wlvY-00272-00197698-00198352 film and and they're responsible for that and so we take great pride in them iF8Lg05wlvY-00273-00198352-00198576 and iF8Lg05wlvY-00274-00199239-00199702 now it was tremendous pressure tremendous pressure and you just hope to iF8Lg05wlvY-00276-00203095-00204469 Story 4 will the viewers that already watched the first three movies or oh my iF8Lg05wlvY-00277-00204469-00205287 god I can't wait for me to see this bone Randy Newman he might begin his music is iF8Lg05wlvY-00278-00205287-00206289 as important as what his voice and to know he brings his music his toys so one iF8Lg05wlvY-00279-00206289-00206830 of the times I losted truck started crying was the very first scoring iF8Lg05wlvY-00280-00206830-00207378 session when the first cue came up and they're playing to the street there iF8Lg05wlvY-00281-00207378-00208071 Derek stop watching and buzz and we are running around iF8Lg05wlvY-00282-00208481-00209189 it really like this is finally making it to history and the thing that he did in iF8Lg05wlvY-00283-00209189-00210066 this film that I thought was just genius was he reused things that are these iF8Lg05wlvY-00284-00210066-00210627 characters that we are so familiar with but in a completely different way and it iF8Lg05wlvY-00285-00210627-00211089 makes it nostalgic and a which is what you're supposed to be in the moment with iF8Lg05wlvY-00286-00211089-00211644 woody and it also in a way like shows you the future as well I can't explain iF8Lg05wlvY-00287-00211644-00212685 how he did it think this he's Randy and do it ask him to go but he was such a iF8Lg05wlvY-00288-00212685-00213071 joy to work with I can't speak iF8Lg05wlvY-00289-00219216-00220081 whatever you say it's gonna be paired and so how do you like in terms of iF8Lg05wlvY-00290-00220081-00220598 trying to set an example to other innovations to expect iF8Lg05wlvY-00291-00222678-00224094 thank you for saying that you know it's amazing it's kind of percolate in that iF8Lg05wlvY-00292-00224094-00225205 comment a question I mean in terms of other innovations to use or you or even iF8Lg05wlvY-00293-00225205-00225703 a Disney it's like we don't even even internally it's not like we're sitting iF8Lg05wlvY-00294-00225703-00226317 down trying to maybe I think it would come on false and we try to sit down an iF8Lg05wlvY-00295-00226317-00226792 engineer statements or deeper meanings we've always maybe it comes up but we iF8Lg05wlvY-00296-00226792-00227275 always default and go back to us to like what we what we feel and what we think iF8Lg05wlvY-00297-00227275-00227884 is important someone asked earlier like why do you think the films and not just iF8Lg05wlvY-00298-00227884-00228331 koco's weather but why do you think all the Pixar films resonate so well the iF8Lg05wlvY-00299-00228331-00228853 people of Mexico is a good question and and I think it's because every time we iF8Lg05wlvY-00300-00228853-00229123 were in a story meeting or in any one of our films iF8Lg05wlvY-00301-00229123-00229596 it always comes back as an exercise but we try to distribute the plot away as to iF8Lg05wlvY-00302-00229596-00229846 the specifics and go what's the relationships iF8Lg05wlvY-00303-00229846-00230134 what are these people care about each other what are they learning from each iF8Lg05wlvY-00304-00230134-00230476 other and I wondered if there's something in the formula iF8Lg05wlvY-00305-00230476-00230892 that there's defaults always being about a family dynamic or a relationship iF8Lg05wlvY-00306-00230892-00231265 dynamic and there's something there's something in the cocktail the simplicity iF8Lg05wlvY-00307-00231265-00231928 of that that resonates I don't know said the right message I guess that answered iF8Lg05wlvY-00308-00231928-00232255 your question I apologize but it's a great question I think I might need a iF8Lg05wlvY-00309-00232255-00233187 day on it and I this is what a conversation QA I did think about this iF8Lg05wlvY-00310-00233394-00233917 these stories go everywhere but specifically with this film the thing iF8Lg05wlvY-00311-00233917-00234661 that I am hoping that the world takes away is towards each other and to seeing iF8Lg05wlvY-00312-00234661-00235225 that people go through life in different ways and you can't just judge based on iF8Lg05wlvY-00313-00235225-00236602 what you see and that we did say that we were talking about woody and how much we iF8Lg05wlvY-00314-00236602-00236946 loved him in his sense of duty he's a righteous guy he just wants to do right iF8Lg05wlvY-00315-00236946-00237394 by his family basically by its kids kind of looks at his kids and a member that iF8Lg05wlvY-00316-00237394-00237748 we thought would happen is there a way to scale that I don't know that was you iF8Lg05wlvY-00317-00237748-00238135 or Andrew or just in the conversation like what if what if there was a way to iF8Lg05wlvY-00318-00238135-00238739 take that I'm there for my kid and make it plural making you iF8Lg05wlvY-00319-00238739-00239267 therefore more and now and then we got into my whatever could make a movie and iF8Lg05wlvY-00320-00239267-00239729 again not to make a movie that's a preachy in any way but would it be cool iF8Lg05wlvY-00321-00239729-00240257 especially today if you can walk out of a movie a 90 minute movie that that has iF8Lg05wlvY-00322-00240257-00240641 ducky and money in it and come out feeling like you wanted to do a little iF8Lg05wlvY-00323-00240641-00241001 bit more of the world like maybe how about someone you don't even know like iF8Lg05wlvY-00324-00241001-00241625 would that be a cool echo of a piece of art if you could do it and we agreed iF8Lg05wlvY-00325-00241625-00241919 that would be worthy know what you know that's not out of that we're not saying iF8Lg05wlvY-00326-00241919-00242323 that's what we did but we are saying that was part of the core thought of iF8Lg05wlvY-00327-00242323-00242561 like if you're gonna put something in the world you better have something to iF8Lg05wlvY-00328-00242561-00243019 say and we don't want to abuse them we want to use that for the right thing I iF8Lg05wlvY-00329-00243019-00243694 don't mean it's not corny or peachy but it did come up as some subset important iF8Lg05wlvY-00330-00243694-00244721 to us first of all I want to know why did you make many like that I mean we iF8Lg05wlvY-00331-00244721-00245632 have food character with this pink dress and all the stuff and now we have iF8Lg05wlvY-00332-00245632-00246178 like feminists or something like that and I want to know why don't you give iF8Lg05wlvY-00333-00246178-00246925 like that with with bow will be with Bobby so the interesting thing is and I iF8Lg05wlvY-00334-00246925-00247315 don't think anybody's ever noticed this is that that's actually her original iF8Lg05wlvY-00335-00247315-00247825 clothes that she's wearing and it's just that the petticoat that think petticoat iF8Lg05wlvY-00336-00247825-00248694 is gone and that's it she's actually just read redone her or iF8Lg05wlvY-00337-00248694-00249250 her there's any interesting part you know the scars have made it a clubber iF8Lg05wlvY-00338-00249250-00249805 that is turned inside out so you can see the good conduct on the inside that's iF8Lg05wlvY-00339-00249805-00250545 actually is spirit so what we did was we just wanted iF8Lg05wlvY-00340-00250545-00251038 to take bow and bring her back into moving into this world in a way that it iF8Lg05wlvY-00341-00251038-00251515 was totally unexpected to to the audience but also to woody and to select iF8Lg05wlvY-00342-00251515-00252203 what he could be thrown off his game and go why is she like this what question or iF8Lg05wlvY-00343-00252203-00252815 what has happened to you what we've been through that's the main has happened and iF8Lg05wlvY-00344-00252815-00253173 we're having her return as a lost toilers to the thing he's been most iF8Lg05wlvY-00345-00253173-00253746 afraid of every single movie and now he's their world views are completely iF8Lg05wlvY-00346-00253746-00254113 against each other but he knows is they're very clear and she's just like iF8Lg05wlvY-00347-00254113-00254592 you don't have to be there for it yes you know so there's there's conflict iF8Lg05wlvY-00348-00254592-00255054 automatically there and we went through a lot of different variations because in iF8Lg05wlvY-00349-00255054-00255531 the art of above the ability stators a ton of different versions and we went iF8Lg05wlvY-00350-00255531-00256126 too far just to see like how crazy can we go with it we had a vertical iF8Lg05wlvY-00351-00256126-00256796 furiosa that max you know we had where her arm was completely missing and then iF8Lg05wlvY-00352-00256796-00257323 we had other versions where she was more like camouflage offensive iF8Lg05wlvY-00353-00257323-00258038 so we explored a lot and definitely had this team the club team beau who was all iF8Lg05wlvY-00354-00258038-00258953 females made up in the studio made up of innovators artists writers from every iF8Lg05wlvY-00355-00258953-00259448 department in the they couldn't call himself team bow and and would gather iF8Lg05wlvY-00356-00259448-00259880 together and at times even push us out of the room we're gonna work on this you iF8Lg05wlvY-00357-00259880-00260421 guys could do something else and they were like those guardian angels and love iF8Lg05wlvY-00358-00260421-00261019 just talking about somebody like this if we tried that and so we just went to iF8Lg05wlvY-00359-00261019-00261485 bring her back and in a big way that it was just amplifying Lois artic territory iF8Lg05wlvY-00360-00261485-00261988 character and any pots does the voices that huge part of that as well iF8Lg05wlvY-00361-00265078-00265526 without animation we love animation period wherever it's from to be totally iF8Lg05wlvY-00362-00265526-00265937 honest I need to get more involved and seeing what's coming out these days I iF8Lg05wlvY-00363-00265937-00266330 haven't happened we were joke but we haven't had a chance to see any movie iF8Lg05wlvY-00364-00266330-00267065 even the Disney guys what you think of a lot of support so we more champions of iF8Lg05wlvY-00365-00267065-00267578 animation from around the world and not just the computer big budget you know iF8Lg05wlvY-00366-00267578-00268212 temple films but hand-drawn stop-motion anything up-and-coming we love iF8Lg05wlvY-00367-00268212-00268815 we doesn't dig it and look and look into yeah I just like being surprised by iF8Lg05wlvY-00368-00268815-00269205 buying something I've never seen before so I'm actually excited to go on a iF8Lg05wlvY-00369-00269205-00269514 vacation after this because I have a stack of movies from here the ceiling iF8Lg05wlvY-00370-00269514-00270269 that I need to go watch thank you anything yeah iF8Lg05wlvY-00372-00273366-00273703 it's great I grew up reading those comic books and iF8Lg05wlvY-00373-00273703-00275322 reading spider-ham and all those things and me too with a fortune I mean iF8Lg05wlvY-00374-00275322-00275601 everything we obviously needed the Disney oh brother we look forward to iF8Lg05wlvY-00375-00275601-00275889 seeing the movies that come out of feature Disney Animation because iF8Lg05wlvY-00376-00275889-00276402 oftentimes they'll be doing things that will inspire what we do and there's a iF8Lg05wlvY-00377-00276402-00276686 number of examples of that over the years but I don't know I'm looking iF8Lg05wlvY-00378-00276686-00277014 before I'm looking forward to the Tarantino movie personally I was so iF8Lg05wlvY-00379-00277014-00277371 excited about that I loved his films that's it for the great trailers I've iF8Lg05wlvY-00380-00277371-00277977 ever seen I don't know so many movie fans we look forward to seeing iF8Lg05wlvY-00381-00277977-00278482 everything we have screenings at Pixar almost twice a week of it iF8Lg05wlvY-00382-00278482-00281191 you can imagine we love it all so yeah technologies as you can imagine is iF8Lg05wlvY-00383-00281191-00281770 always changing and 1995 was a long time ago and so I think the biggest challenge iF8Lg05wlvY-00384-00281770-00282376 was being open to the new rendering techniques and stuff we can do it CG but iF8Lg05wlvY-00385-00282376-00282820 but somehow honor the original look of the film so we boil it down to three iF8Lg05wlvY-00386-00282820-00283246 things and our production designer Bob Polly was the character designer on a iF8Lg05wlvY-00387-00283246-00283633 first film and he helped us kind of cement this which is no matter what you iF8Lg05wlvY-00388-00283633-00284035 do in Toy Story the detail and the complexity of it it's three things it's iF8Lg05wlvY-00389-00284035-00284569 caricatured shapes so when you model a table it's not exactly razor sharp sighs iF8Lg05wlvY-00390-00284569-00285040 it's a certain roundness to it it's realistic texture so if you were to use iF8Lg05wlvY-00391-00285040-00285457 this chair or our denim it would be kind of amplified you can see they fit on iF8Lg05wlvY-00392-00285457-00286006 both really accentuate the textures and then the theatrical lighting so it's not iF8Lg05wlvY-00393-00286006-00286534 just realistic lighting it is fake theatrical and someone punched up and so iF8Lg05wlvY-00394-00286534-00287059 those three things are consistent on top of that we have the renderer and the iF8Lg05wlvY-00395-00287059-00287289 lighting capabilities so when you see the film iF8Lg05wlvY-00396-00287289-00287628 it's up at a rainstorm and that's something we could have never done in iF8Lg05wlvY-00397-00287628-00288000 Toy Story I remember there's one shot toy store within the radius though the iF8Lg05wlvY-00398-00288000-00288423 window in the first Toy Story and that had to be this complete weird shader iF8Lg05wlvY-00399-00288423-00288864 baby that 15 people had to work on including Tom Porter just to make that iF8Lg05wlvY-00400-00288864-00289227 work and now we set all those scene in the rain with rushing water and mud and iF8Lg05wlvY-00401-00289227-00289698 so forth and so we're able to do things story-wise that you weren't able to do iF8Lg05wlvY-00402-00289698-00290136 in 1995 we've just basically use it to amplify the stakes being a toy out of iF8Lg05wlvY-00404-00294708-00295152 shot during the antique store in there if you hit pause you're going to see the iF8Lg05wlvY-00405-00295152-00295536 easter-egg from some other Pixar films because there's more Easter eggs in this iF8Lg05wlvY-00406-00295536-00295769 movie iF8Lg05wlvY-00407-00295774-00296143 I'll hit the shelves iF8Lg05wlvY-00408-00296425-00296725 Hey iF8Lg05wlvY-00409-00296944-00298147 I heard the first one but then as we say until I started with everything twice iF8Lg05wlvY-00410-00298147-00298669 and it's not because he's a movie that I saw growing up it's because it's a movie iF8Lg05wlvY-00411-00298669-00298911 that embodies everything I am as a person iF8Lg05wlvY-00412-00298911-00299832 what type of person to be so my question is how fighters and you know engage the iF8Lg05wlvY-00413-00299832-00300220 new generations a taste only these characters for the first time but most iF8Lg05wlvY-00414-00300220-00300673 important to engage and this fighter guys like me or like everybody new food iF8Lg05wlvY-00415-00300673-00301264 that are so inspired and moved by the first one there was a producer that you iF8Lg05wlvY-00416-00301264-00302299 mentioned do you think of their broken team but I like to know what else what iF8Lg05wlvY-00417-00302299-00303198 are the say that again how much of importance or develop women have okay iF8Lg05wlvY-00418-00303198-00303504 thank you iF8Lg05wlvY-00419-00303538-00304431 oh forget it so it's a great question B so we went we iF8Lg05wlvY-00420-00304431-00304999 set out to make toys for e for its its own film but also a part of a bigger but iF8Lg05wlvY-00421-00304999-00305535 it was a hard thing to do so that my kids if they hadn't seen first three iF8Lg05wlvY-00422-00305535-00305859 because it would still enjoy this dominance either make them actually want iF8Lg05wlvY-00423-00305859-00306295 to go to see the other ones and for all of you who have seen the other all three iF8Lg05wlvY-00424-00306295-00306772 this is a continuation of that story so we've always treated I'll take this boy iF8Lg05wlvY-00425-00306772-00307353 stood woody as as a parent and in a way the unit of Toy Story 3 is is letting iF8Lg05wlvY-00426-00307353-00308275 the parent letting the and Toy Story Florida this is an empty empty nest iF8Lg05wlvY-00427-00308275-00309108 syndrome which is the child's dawn and so there's a little bit of trying to iF8Lg05wlvY-00428-00309108-00309490 figure out their purpose as well which I think can resonate for everyone not just iF8Lg05wlvY-00429-00309490-00310092 for empty nesters but also she was trying to figure out iF8Lg05wlvY-00430-00310149-00310750 and the second question about kind of the role of the women at the studio is iF8Lg05wlvY-00431-00310750-00311278 specific on this film oh man I can't I can't stay it it's strong enough this at iF8Lg05wlvY-00432-00311278-00311581 the end of the day what we want to do is we want to make movies that reflect the iF8Lg05wlvY-00433-00311581-00311886 world were in that we want to make movies of the old wheel we do a ton of iF8Lg05wlvY-00434-00311886-00312493 research the toys cars are you know or whatever whatever the subject is but iF8Lg05wlvY-00435-00312493-00312967 they're all characters and they're all kind of based on people and so it's not iF8Lg05wlvY-00436-00312967-00313432 only kind of team Bo who which was over the organic kind of group of people that iF8Lg05wlvY-00437-00313432-00314010 wanted to make her feel authentic it was is the fact that I think things are iF8Lg05wlvY-00438-00314010-00314440 changing the story rooms the animation dailies at Pixar looks a lot different iF8Lg05wlvY-00439-00314440-00314959 than it did in 1992 95 I'm proud of all the films and all the work we've done iF8Lg05wlvY-00440-00314959-00315571 but the business is just changing people coming out of schools or changing it's a iF8Lg05wlvY-00441-00315571-00316006 lot more balanced we're starting to see that now at Pixar I mean do the iF8Lg05wlvY-00442-00316006-00316597 directing animators on the film women writer ahead of story and they would iF8Lg05wlvY-00443-00316597-00317065 just they would just call this on stuff but to be totally honest or so that I iF8Lg05wlvY-00444-00317065-00317473 remember past bellville so I mean just to be blown about it when there would be iF8Lg05wlvY-00445-00317473-00318022 certain ideas we'd have with Bo and you know one of those women would say yeah iF8Lg05wlvY-00446-00318022-00318386 guys that's something that guy thinks a girl would do like our fair iF8Lg05wlvY-00447-00318386-00318638 enough Madhu and then they would kind of come iF8Lg05wlvY-00448-00318638-00319022 in and run in and repass it I mean that would happen a number of times and he iF8Lg05wlvY-00449-00319022-00319307 started to realize about what's happening is it's at least a thinkin I iF8Lg05wlvY-00450-00319307-00319649 hope you guys feel as what you see it that the results of that was just a iF8Lg05wlvY-00451-00319649-00320060 character that was a little more real and nuanced and not falling into any iF8Lg05wlvY-00452-00320060-00320543 trolls and things and I had a long way to go and there's still work to do but iF8Lg05wlvY-00453-00320543-00320984 where she's sort of a she's a little bit of the face of that for us when I kind iF8Lg05wlvY-00454-00320984-00321269 of blur my eyes and look the prospects are we worked on a lot of films with a iF8Lg05wlvY-00455-00321269-00321650 lot of great female characters and supervisors and collaborators but I'd iF8Lg05wlvY-00456-00321650-00322025 say this is the one that that we were able didn't addicted to deepest on so iF8Lg05wlvY-00457-00322025-00322376 it's something we're product is something to keep working at and I hope iF8Lg05wlvY-00458-00322376-00323260 you see that as it's part of the DNA of the studio going forward last question iF8Lg05wlvY-00460-00327878-00328288 actually I was to say if this happened but it did happen they came to us and iF8Lg05wlvY-00461-00328288-00329290 said I'm gonna make it Toy Story 4 maybe same reaction everybody has and and we iF8Lg05wlvY-00462-00329290-00329760 decided when we discovered anyway that would he saying goodbye to Andi he iF8Lg05wlvY-00463-00329760-00330274 concludes his story with Andi but we uncovered more story for woody whether iF8Lg05wlvY-00464-00330274-00330838 that could still complete his arc and so now the peas in a new bedroom with the iF8Lg05wlvY-00465-00330838-00331403 new toy as a new kid everything it's not gonna be the same as well as it was with iF8Lg05wlvY-00466-00331403-00331750 Bonnie's gonna just a different kid and she's going to play with them iF8Lg05wlvY-00467-00331750-00332299 differently and that's that's how that's how life is so that's what got me really iF8Lg05wlvY-00468-00332299-00332676 interested in it because I said I I know what he so well I've never seen iF8Lg05wlvY-00469-00332676-00333087 him in that situation and once we started going down that path and also iF8Lg05wlvY-00470-00333087-00333444 knowingly to bring back door evening comments what happened to her and see iF8Lg05wlvY-00471-00333444-00335037 how she's affected his life we start talking about it and see what kind of iF8Lg05wlvY-00472-00335037-00335472 gets uncovered along the way yes so for what it's worth we feel the iF8Lg05wlvY-00473-00335472-00335940 same and the we put it to ourselves like well that's how we feel we always want iF8Lg05wlvY-00474-00335940-00336309 to see we didn't want to repeat ourselves so we almost took this like a iF8Lg05wlvY-00475-00336309-00336810 as big of a challenge as up or inside out whereas that had the benefit of no iF8Lg05wlvY-00476-00336810-00337170 one's seen anything so we get to kind of present that to the world the way that iF8Lg05wlvY-00477-00337170-00337581 no one has any expectation this everyone has an expectation for but what if we iF8Lg05wlvY-00478-00337581-00338022 can just take the regular dismissive and make a movie we would want to see that iF8Lg05wlvY-00479-00338022-00338387 was our challenge I'd wanna sleep in it wanted me only started feeling that iF8Lg05wlvY-00480-00338387-00338883 because we did we told the crew we told our boss is like we're not going to do iF8Lg05wlvY-00481-00338883-00339467 it if we don't find that that lane to do it and so I'm actually really excited iF8Lg05wlvY-00482-00339467-00340271 make this movie like yeah bye now thank you iF8Lg05wlvY-00483-00340271-00340815 okay well thank you so much thank you very much guys iF8Lg05wlvY-00484-00340815-00341168 maybe yeah there's so much iL9p5qbVz7c-00000-00001160-00001952 hi guys today i want to talk about sizes because uh when people ordering my backdrops were iL9p5qbVz7c-00001-00001952-00002768 often questioning what size do i need to buy and i saw some companies providing the guide like this iL9p5qbVz7c-00002-00002768-00003504 backdrop probably for half a size this backdrop maybe for full size portrait this backdrop maybe iL9p5qbVz7c-00003-00003504-00004176 for family portrait and stuff like this i don't think it's right, the reason is we don't know iL9p5qbVz7c-00004-00004176-00005248 which lens do you shooting so for example you can have maybe 130 centimeters backdrop and suceffully iL9p5qbVz7c-00005-00005304-00006056 photograph a half body portrait maybe more with 70-200 lens but for example if you're shooting iL9p5qbVz7c-00006-00006056-00006928 35 millimeter and it's your style um to shoot 35 you will be struggling with even 180 centimeters iL9p5qbVz7c-00007-00007008-00007831 so 130 centimeter back job you might subtract photograph a half body with lens 70 to 200 iL9p5qbVz7c-00008-00007831-00008584 but if you will buy 180 centimeter backdrop but often you're using a 35 millimeter lens iL9p5qbVz7c-00009-00008664-00009600 um that could be a problem because you will need to um work on the photoshop to add a little bit of iL9p5qbVz7c-00010-00009600-00010248 backdrops on all the side on both sides because 130 millimeters will not compress this backdrop iL9p5qbVz7c-00011-00010248-00011304 it's all about compression as long focal length as bigger compression is so i've been photographing iL9p5qbVz7c-00012-00011304-00012360 with 70 to 200 successfully more than half body portrait and it's fine you know other question iL9p5qbVz7c-00013-00012512-00013288 is a budget so do you need a big backdrop what do you photographing do you photographing families iL9p5qbVz7c-00014-00013288-00014344 often you might need 270 x 270 centimeters do your photographing maybe only headshot? I know iL9p5qbVz7c-00015-00014344-00015152 photographers was successfully photographing headshots with 100 centimeter wide 130 centimeter iL9p5qbVz7c-00016-00015152-00015919 long backdrop so my smallest one and they they happy with that uh if you're photographing couples iL9p5qbVz7c-00017-00015919-00017032 you might need a 180 centimeters but look, for example you might be uh not often photographing iL9p5qbVz7c-00018-00017032-00017944 families but sometimes also you might like stacking the backdrops and you might like to iL9p5qbVz7c-00019-00017944-00019008 have ability to extend the backdrops to longer like you know wider extended wider so why not to iL9p5qbVz7c-00020-00019144-00019992 think about buying maybe two backdrops for example you can buy 180 centimeters wide and iL9p5qbVz7c-00021-00019992-00020888 270 centimeters length and you might want to buy 130 centimeter in a similar color or same color iL9p5qbVz7c-00022-00021008-00021776 and if you need to you can use two backdrops side by side and you have one big backdrop iL9p5qbVz7c-00023-00021872-00022616 but also you can stack them in the corner so that way you can stack them in the corner and use the iL9p5qbVz7c-00024-00022616-00023256 corner or you can make some kinda stacking the backdrop so you can put one over there another one iL9p5qbVz7c-00025-00023352-00024056 it's a lot of possibilities with two backdrops um i think it's more versatile and better than one iL9p5qbVz7c-00026-00024144-00024648 270 backdrops even for me it's better to sell 270 i will make more money iL9p5qbVz7c-00027-00024776-00025432 and quicker i need to paint only one backdrop so um yeah it's quite iL9p5qbVz7c-00028-00025560-00026256 it's up to you what you will choose but it's um it's your decision i just giving you an options iL9p5qbVz7c-00029-00026256-00026968 what you can buy and what you can achieve if you will buy 270 centimeters wide backdrop you will iL9p5qbVz7c-00030-00026968-00027712 put it basically on a on a stand somewhere on a backdrop system and it will be there it's a fine iL9p5qbVz7c-00031-00027712-00028272 option for this for the studio photographers it's cool and good but if you like stacking iL9p5qbVz7c-00032-00028272-00029104 the backdrops and you might want take them away with you on a shoot on location if you iL9p5qbVz7c-00033-00029208-00029600 want to put one backdrop over another if you want to move backdrops iL9p5qbVz7c-00034-00029727-00030344 from place to place in your studio if you want to play more with the backdrops might be your options iL9p5qbVz7c-00035-00030344-00030983 to buy two or three backdrops in the smaller sizes and you can stack them and combine them together iL9p5qbVz7c-00036-00030983-00032032 or even if even if you buy complementary colors um backdrops for example you can buy um maybe olive iL9p5qbVz7c-00037-00032032-00032695 green and pink backdrop or something like this they uh and depends obviously what your model iL9p5qbVz7c-00038-00032695-00033312 will be so you need to choose you need to speak to the model as well what what you will be wearing iL9p5qbVz7c-00039-00033312-00034000 and stuff like this so what are you shooting sometimes people should only a certain style iL9p5qbVz7c-00040-00034000-00034592 very colorful and stuff like this so you're buying maybe colorful complementary color backdrops and iL9p5qbVz7c-00041-00034592-00035120 you're using them as you wish you can stacking them you can put them together you can you can iL9p5qbVz7c-00042-00035120-00035896 extend the make the one like a kind of big backdrop with two uh two backdrops so say if you stack iL9p5qbVz7c-00043-00035984-00036992 if you put one to one on the 1080 and 130 that you will have to 310 centimeters wide iL9p5qbVz7c-00044-00036992-00037832 backdrop but if your studio is not big enough you can use them like that and you can adjust the wide iL9p5qbVz7c-00045-00037912-00038520 as you need and you can make the backdrop wall to the wall so that's the beauty of the iL9p5qbVz7c-00046-00038584-00039208 putting the two backdrops together and uh 270 it's fine it's a good option don't get me wrong iL9p5qbVz7c-00047-00039384-00040016 um i think for the smaller studios a smaller bank jobs is better more versatile you can iL9p5qbVz7c-00048-00040016-00040784 put them together you can make kinda look studio bigger with textures with putting them iL9p5qbVz7c-00049-00040872-00041656 in interesting shapes and stuff you know playing with the backdrops and that's cool so i hope that iL9p5qbVz7c-00050-00041656-00042296 answer your question this video is a bit longer than the previous one about installments but iL9p5qbVz7c-00051-00042296-00043112 yeah i think is uh is very useful for you so thank you very much for watching iL9p5qbVz7c-00052-00043112-00043496 and i will create some more videos later on thank you bye iMPWXkP25kU-00000-00000114-00000429 How do I find journal articles? iMPWXkP25kU-00001-00000429-00000848 Journal articles provide information that may be too new to have been published in a iMPWXkP25kU-00002-00000848-00001284 book. They can also provide very specific information on a topic, including cutting-edge iMPWXkP25kU-00003-00001284-00001347 research. iMPWXkP25kU-00004-00001347-00001724 They frequently have bibliographies that can lead you to additional information on the iMPWXkP25kU-00005-00001724-00001957 topic, as well. iMPWXkP25kU-00006-00001957-00002366 You can find journal articles by using a search tool that contains citations to journal articles iMPWXkP25kU-00007-00002366-00002680 called a database. iMPWXkP25kU-00008-00002680-00003072 Databases are essentially search engines that look for articles, and sometimes other scholarly iMPWXkP25kU-00009-00003072-00003510 materials. You can type in the topics you’re looking for and find articles discussing that iMPWXkP25kU-00010-00003510-00003560 topic. iMPWXkP25kU-00011-00003658-00004086 To find journal articles, pick a database that matches your topic. If you’re just iMPWXkP25kU-00012-00004086-00004514 starting your research, a general database - such as Academic Search Complete - is a good iMPWXkP25kU-00013-00004514-00004955 place to begin. If you’ve already searched a general database for your topic, you might iMPWXkP25kU-00014-00004955-00005339 want to move on to a subject-specific database. iMPWXkP25kU-00015-00005339-00005782 Regardless of where you start, article databases generally work the same way. You type your iMPWXkP25kU-00016-00005782-00006235 search terms into the blanks, consider whether you need to limit your search in any way (most iMPWXkP25kU-00017-00006235-00006581 times you won’t need to), and click Search. iMPWXkP25kU-00018-00006581-00007095 Make sure you enter a Boolean style search, for example, transportation AND environment, iMPWXkP25kU-00019-00007095-00007573 rather than entering a question or a phrase. Databases have a difficult time finding relevant iMPWXkP25kU-00020-00007573-00008200 results when a phrase is entered, so it’s best to simplify the search to only main ideas. iMPWXkP25kU-00021-00008200-00008653 If there are too many results, or the results are too general, try narrowing the search iMPWXkP25kU-00022-00008653-00009111 by adding an additional term or two. For example, if you’re really only interested in the iMPWXkP25kU-00023-00009111-00009495 effects of transportation on the environment in this country, you might want to phrase iMPWXkP25kU-00024-00009495-00010070 your search as transportation AND environment AND United States. iMPWXkP25kU-00025-00010070-00010439 Once you have results, it’s a good idea to determine whether the database is showing iMPWXkP25kU-00026-00010439-00010989 results sorted by relevance, or whether it’s showing the most recent articles first. iMPWXkP25kU-00027-00010989-00011435 For most topics, changing the sorting to show the most relevant results first is the best iMPWXkP25kU-00028-00011435-00011531 option. iMPWXkP25kU-00029-00011531-00011731 Now our results look a little better. iMPWXkP25kU-00030-00011752-00012168 Clicking on the linked title of an item you’re interested in will lead you to more information iMPWXkP25kU-00031-00012168-00012425 about it - also called the “full record”. iMPWXkP25kU-00032-00012426-00012792 Here's what the top of a full record looks like. iMPWXkP25kU-00033-00012792-00013303 The full record often includes an abstract (a summary) of the article. There’s also iMPWXkP25kU-00034-00013303-00013791 information about the authors of the article, the source or journal the article came from, iMPWXkP25kU-00035-00013791-00014165 and citation information, including the date the article was published and the volume, iMPWXkP25kU-00036-00014165-00014472 issue, and page numbers. iMPWXkP25kU-00037-00014472-00014822 If you want the full text of the article, not just the summary, look for a link that iMPWXkP25kU-00038-00014822-00015365 says HTML fulltext or PDF full text. Either of those will lead directly to the complete iMPWXkP25kU-00039-00015365-00015516 text of the article. iMPWXkP25kU-00040-00015516-00015981 If that option isn’t available, look for an icon that says “Search for Full-Text iMPWXkP25kU-00041-00015981-00016312 URI Library” – click on that link. iMPWXkP25kU-00042-00016312-00016790 On the following page, look for a link to the article. Here, it’s in the middle of iMPWXkP25kU-00043-00016790-00016919 the page. iMPWXkP25kU-00044-00016919-00017408 In most cases, these steps will help you find journal articles on a topic. iMPWXkP25kU-00045-00017408-00017760 If you run into problems though, please consult a librarian for assistance. ipienvl8pCg-00000-00000100-00000300 Commands are just one click away ipienvl8pCg-00001-00000300-00000500 on the Quick Access Toolbar. ipienvl8pCg-00002-00000500-00001100 And the QAT, as its also called, always shows. ipienvl8pCg-00003-00001100-00001250 When you customize it to ipienvl8pCg-00004-00001250-00001400 see the commands you use the most, ipienvl8pCg-00005-00001400-00001700 you're more efficient and more productive. ipienvl8pCg-00006-00001700-00001800 For instance, ipienvl8pCg-00007-00001800-00002000 When designing forms and reports, ipienvl8pCg-00008-00002000-00002300 I love the commands to Align objects! ipienvl8pCg-00009-00002300-00002600 Left, Right, Top, and Bottom ipienvl8pCg-00010-00002600-00002900 The QAT also gives you a way ipienvl8pCg-00011-00002900-00003200 to use commands that aren't on the ribbon -- ipienvl8pCg-00012-00003200-00003500 like Make Vertical Spacing Equal ipienvl8pCg-00013-00003500-00003900 Did you know that Access can distribute controls like that? ipienvl8pCg-00014-00003900-00004200 Access can do lots of things! ipienvl8pCg-00015-00004200-00004400 its amazing. ipienvl8pCg-00016-00004400-00004700 Hi this is crystal, and strive4peace. ipienvl8pCg-00017-00004700-00005100 My business is remote programming and training. ipienvl8pCg-00018-00005100-00005500 We connect and I teach you, one-on-one ipienvl8pCg-00019-00005500-00005700 So if you want to be the best, ipienvl8pCg-00020-00005700-00006200 and design databases that are successful for years and years, ipienvl8pCg-00021-00006200-00006400 and shine with your peers, ipienvl8pCg-00022-00006400-00006800 let me help you get there. ipienvl8pCg-00023-00007000-00007400 I've just installed Office 365 on this machine. ipienvl8pCg-00024-00007400-00007650 When you open Access for the first time, ipienvl8pCg-00025-00007650-00007900 the default Quick Access Toolbar, ipienvl8pCg-00026-00007900-00008200 or QAT, is in the upper left. ipienvl8pCg-00027-00008200-00008500 It doesn't have much on it yet, ipienvl8pCg-00028-00008500-00008800 so it shares space with the title bar. ipienvl8pCg-00029-00008800-00009400 So far, there are just 3 commands, Save, Undo, and Redo. ipienvl8pCg-00030-00009400-00009750 However, the Quick Access Toolbar is a wonderful way ipienvl8pCg-00031-00009750-00010300 to help you work faster, and can have a lot more commands. ipienvl8pCg-00032-00010300-00010500 To customize the QAT, you can ipienvl8pCg-00033-00010500-00010750 click the arrow down at the end, ipienvl8pCg-00034-00010750-00011100 and choose More commands... from the list of choices. ipienvl8pCg-00035-00011100-00011300 A dialog box opens. ipienvl8pCg-00036-00011300-00011650 On the left are commands you can pick from to add. ipienvl8pCg-00037-00011650-00012100 On the right are commands on your QAT. ipienvl8pCg-00038-00012100-00012350 Above the left list is a drop-down ipienvl8pCg-00039-00012350-00012700 to choose what command set you want displayed. ipienvl8pCg-00040-00012700-00013000 By default, these will be the Popular Commands. ipienvl8pCg-00041-00013000-00013400 Although I'm not sure whose definition of 'popular' they're using. ipienvl8pCg-00042-00013400-00013800 You can also choose Commands Not in the Ribbon, ipienvl8pCg-00043-00013800-00014400 All Commands, Macros, or commands from particular ribbons. ipienvl8pCg-00044-00014400-00014800 I like to change this to show All Commands. ipienvl8pCg-00045-00014800-00015200 If this is your first time customizing the QAT, ipienvl8pCg-00046-00015200-00015450 you might want to take an hour or so ipienvl8pCg-00047-00015450-00015700 to browse through what's available. ipienvl8pCg-00048-00015700-00015900 There's a lot! ipienvl8pCg-00049-00015900-00016100 On the right, I click the command ipienvl8pCg-00050-00016100-00016400 that I want new commands to go below. ipienvl8pCg-00051-00016400-00017000 I generally add what I want below the default commands. ipienvl8pCg-00052-00017000-00017300 First, I'll add a few separators to save time later ipienvl8pCg-00053-00017300-00017600 from having to scroll up to the top of the list ipienvl8pCg-00054-00017600-00017900 to get a separator when I want it. ipienvl8pCg-00055-00017900-00018200 After postioning to the last item, ipienvl8pCg-00056-00018200-00018700 I double-click on the separator, several times ipienvl8pCg-00057-00018700-00019000 Now I click the first separator I added, ipienvl8pCg-00058-00019000-00019300 and start adding new commands. ipienvl8pCg-00059-00019300-00019550 Click on the left list to select it. ipienvl8pCg-00060-00019550-00019750 Then when you type a letter, ipienvl8pCg-00061-00019750-00020200 it jumps to the commands that start with that letter. ipienvl8pCg-00062-00020200-00020500 Scroll to what you want, then double-click it. ipienvl8pCg-00063-00020500-00021000 This adds it to your QAT commands. ipienvl8pCg-00064-00021000-00021250 Once you're done customizing the QAT, ipienvl8pCg-00065-00021250-00021500 you can export it to a file by clicking ipienvl8pCg-00066-00021500-00021900 the Import/Export drop-down in the lower right ipienvl8pCg-00067-00021900-00022400 and then choosing Export all customizations. ipienvl8pCg-00068-00022400-00022700 This opens the File Save dialog box ipienvl8pCg-00069-00022700-00023000 so you can put the file where you want it. ipienvl8pCg-00070-00023000-00023400 I normally change the folder and the name of the file ipienvl8pCg-00071-00023400-00023600 to include the version of Access I'm using ipienvl8pCg-00072-00023600-00024100 and yymmdd to indicate the date. ipienvl8pCg-00073-00024100-00024350 This time though, I will just ipienvl8pCg-00074-00024350-00024600 accept the default folder and filename ipienvl8pCg-00075-00024600-00025000 since there isn't anything I care about finding later. ipienvl8pCg-00076-00025000-00025300 Click the Save button to create a file ipienvl8pCg-00077-00025300-00025600 that can be copied and shared. ipienvl8pCg-00078-00025600-00025950 I noticed that the first time I do this, ipienvl8pCg-00079-00025950-00026200 the commands disappear from the menu. ipienvl8pCg-00080-00026200-00026550 Now I realize that its good to close the QAT to save it, ipienvl8pCg-00081-00026550-00026800 and then come back before exporting. ipienvl8pCg-00082-00026800-00027050 It doesn't matter right now though, ipienvl8pCg-00083-00027050-00027500 because I'm going to import customizations from a file. ipienvl8pCg-00084-00027500-00027800 Notice that before you customize the QAT, ipienvl8pCg-00085-00027800-00028000 you can choose if the new QAT ipienvl8pCg-00086-00028000-00028300 will be accessible for all documents ipienvl8pCg-00087-00028300-00028600 or just the database that you have open. ipienvl8pCg-00088-00028600-00029000 If you want the command to be accessible anytime ipienvl8pCg-00089-00029000-00029400 you use Access, leave this set for all documents. ipienvl8pCg-00090-00029400-00029700 I customized my QAT on another computer ipienvl8pCg-00091-00029700-00030100 and saved customization files. ipienvl8pCg-00092-00030100-00030350 Here are 3 customization files, ipienvl8pCg-00093-00030350-00030800 2 are for Access and 1 is for Excel. ipienvl8pCg-00094-00030800-00031200 I customize the QAT in all my applications. ipienvl8pCg-00095-00031200-00031600 The latest here, for Access, is a couple years old, ipienvl8pCg-00096-00031600-00031900 and my QAT has changed since then, ipienvl8pCg-00097-00031900-00032400 but importing this one will still save some time. ipienvl8pCg-00098-00032400-00032500 Copy the path to the clipboard ipienvl8pCg-00099-00032500-00032900 so navigating to the file will be faster. ipienvl8pCg-00100-00032900-00033300 In the lower right, drop the Import/Export list ipienvl8pCg-00101-00033300-00033600 and choose Import customization file. ipienvl8pCg-00102-00033600-00033900 Then browse to the folder where it is. ipienvl8pCg-00103-00033900-00034100 If the path is on the clipboard, ipienvl8pCg-00104-00034100-00034300 like it is for me right now, ipienvl8pCg-00105-00034300-00034600 paste it in the File name box using Ctrl-V, ipienvl8pCg-00106-00034600-00034900 press ENTER to show the files, ipienvl8pCg-00107-00034900-00035100 and choose the one you want. ipienvl8pCg-00108-00035100-00035500 What happens if I pick a file for Excel? ipienvl8pCg-00109-00035500-00035700 Let's find out. ipienvl8pCg-00110-00035700-00036000 A dialog box appears asking if I want to ipienvl8pCg-00111-00036000-00036500 Replace all existing customizations and I click "Yes". ipienvl8pCg-00112-00036500-00036700 Now Access tells me that ipienvl8pCg-00113-00036700-00037200 Only a customization file from Microsoft Access can be imported. ipienvl8pCg-00114-00037200-00037600 Now let me pick one that really is for Access! ipienvl8pCg-00115-00037600-00037800 Now I choose Import again, ipienvl8pCg-00116-00037800-00038100 paste my path, press Enter, ipienvl8pCg-00117-00038100-00038400 and pick the latest Access customization file. ipienvl8pCg-00118-00038400-00038600 Again, I click Yes to ipienvl8pCg-00119-00038600-00038900 Replace all existing Ribbon and Quick Access Toolbar customizations for this program. ipienvl8pCg-00120-00038900-00039200 Voila! there they are! ipienvl8pCg-00121-00039200-00039500 I make the dialog box taller by clicking ipienvl8pCg-00122-00039500-00039700 on the grabber handle in the lower right ipienvl8pCg-00123-00039700-00039900 and dragging it down. ipienvl8pCg-00124-00039900-00040200 In the first group, with the default commands, ipienvl8pCg-00125-00040200-00040400 I also have Save As, ipienvl8pCg-00126-00040400-00040700 which I mostly use when I've changed the design of a query, ipienvl8pCg-00127-00040700-00040900 and want to give it a new name. ipienvl8pCg-00128-00040900-00041300 The advantage of this is that you can see what you're working on ipienvl8pCg-00129-00041300-00041600 when the dialog box pops up for a new name, ipienvl8pCg-00130-00041600-00041900 so it's easier to type a good one. ipienvl8pCg-00131-00041900-00042100 In the next set of commands ipienvl8pCg-00132-00042100-00042500 is the Relationships icon since I use this one a lot, ipienvl8pCg-00133-00042500-00042900 and icons to Switch and Tile Windows. ipienvl8pCg-00134-00042900-00043200 The next set has commands for working with queries ipienvl8pCg-00135-00043200-00043700 to switch views between Design, Datasheet, and SQL, ipienvl8pCg-00136-00043700-00043900 Clear the grid when I want to get information ipienvl8pCg-00137-00043900-00044400 from the same tables but different columns. ipienvl8pCg-00138-00044400-00044800 When the query I'm building uses tables that are linked through ODBC, ipienvl8pCg-00139-00044800-00045100 Open Database Connectivity, ipienvl8pCg-00140-00045100-00045500 converting it to pass-through will make it execute faster. ipienvl8pCg-00141-00045500-00046000 This Design View command is also for Forms and Reports, ipienvl8pCg-00142-00046000-00046600 so its the same one as the Design View for a query. ipienvl8pCg-00143-00046600-00047100 In the next set are commands to switch views for forms and reports. ipienvl8pCg-00144-00047100-00047600 Then come commands to Hide and Unhide Columns in datasheet view, ipienvl8pCg-00145-00047600-00048100 Refresh records, and Freeze and Unfreeze columns. ipienvl8pCg-00146-00048100-00048500 You'll notice that when there isn't a specific icon, ipienvl8pCg-00147-00048500-00048800 Access just uses a round green circle, ipienvl8pCg-00148-00048800-00049200 and you can hover over it to see what it really is. ipienvl8pCg-00149-00049200-00049700 The next several commands work in form and report design. ipienvl8pCg-00150-00049700-00050100 First are command to line up selected controls ipienvl8pCg-00151-00050100-00050400 to the Left, Right, Top, and Bottom. ipienvl8pCg-00152-00050400-00050700 These are some of my favorites. ipienvl8pCg-00153-00050700-00051200 After that are commands to Make Horizontal and Vertical Spacing Equal. ipienvl8pCg-00154-00051200-00051450 Then come commands to resize (controls) ipienvl8pCg-00155-00051450-00051700 to the Shortest or Tallest one, ipienvl8pCg-00156-00051700-00052100 or the Narrowest or Widest one. ipienvl8pCg-00157-00052100-00052300 When you want controls to move together, ipienvl8pCg-00158-00052300-00052500 you can Group them. ipienvl8pCg-00159-00052500-00052900 To move them independently, you can Ungroup them. ipienvl8pCg-00160-00052900-00053200 When you have controls that share space, ipienvl8pCg-00161-00053200-00053700 to make what is selected be on top, you can Bring to Front, ipienvl8pCg-00162-00053700-00054100 or if you want the selection to be behind everything, ipienvl8pCg-00163-00054100-00054400 you can Send to Back. ipienvl8pCg-00164-00054400-00054800 Special Effect determines how control borders will appear. ipienvl8pCg-00165-00054800-00055600 They can be Flat, Raised, Sunken, Etched, Shadowed, or Chiseled. ipienvl8pCg-00166-00055600-00055800 When forms are created using the wizard, ipienvl8pCg-00167-00055800-00056100 the controls are grouped into a layout, ipienvl8pCg-00168-00056100-00056400 and often, I want to Remove that Layout ipienvl8pCg-00169-00056400-00056900 so individual controls can be sized and positioned. ipienvl8pCg-00170-00056900-00057300 About tells you what version of Access you're using, ipienvl8pCg-00171-00057300-00057600 whether it is 32-bit or 64-bit, ipienvl8pCg-00172-00057600-00058050 your Product ID, the Session ID, License Terms, ipienvl8pCg-00173-00058050-00058400 and a link for other connected services. ipienvl8pCg-00174-00058400-00058700 Finally, if you have Embedded Macros, you can ipienvl8pCg-00175-00058700-00058900 Convert Macros to Visual Basic ipienvl8pCg-00176-00058900-00059100 for the active object. ipienvl8pCg-00177-00059100-00059500 This puts everything in the code behind the form or report, ipienvl8pCg-00178-00059500-00059900 in one place, so it's easier to see what is going on. ipienvl8pCg-00179-00060100-00060550 When you click OK, a message appears telling you that ipienvl8pCg-00180-00060550-00060800 You must close and repoen the current database ipienvl8pCg-00181-00060800-00061200 for the specified option to take effect. ipienvl8pCg-00182-00061200-00061600 This might be true the first time you customize the QAT, ipienvl8pCg-00183-00061600-00062000 but after that, it seems to change right away. ipienvl8pCg-00184-00062000-00062400 Now that there are so many icons on the QAT, ipienvl8pCg-00185-00062400-00062800 it's good for it to have its own line. ipienvl8pCg-00186-00062800-00063000 The whole thing doesn't even show. ipienvl8pCg-00187-00063000-00063200 Click the double arrow right ipienvl8pCg-00188-00063200-00063500 at the end to show More controls, ipienvl8pCg-00189-00063500-00063800 then click the drop-down arrow at the end ipienvl8pCg-00190-00063800-00064300 to show the menu, and choose Show Below the Ribbon. ipienvl8pCg-00191-00064300-00064500 Since the ribbon is collapsed, ipienvl8pCg-00192-00064500-00064700 the Quick Access Toolbar is displayed ipienvl8pCg-00193-00064700-00064950 directly below the ribbon names. ipienvl8pCg-00194-00065200-00065550 In summary, you learned about useful commands ipienvl8pCg-00195-00065550-00065800 you can add to a Quick Access toolbar ipienvl8pCg-00196-00065800-00066100 so you can work more efficiently. ipienvl8pCg-00197-00066100-00066500 I actually made a database in Access for this. ipienvl8pCg-00198-00066500-00066700 Amazing what Access can do ipienvl8pCg-00199-00066700-00066900 when you don't see the boundaries ipienvl8pCg-00200-00066900-00067300 that others who don't know it can impose. ipienvl8pCg-00201-00067300-00067600 To share your QAT with others, ipienvl8pCg-00202-00067600-00067850 or on another machine that you set up, ipienvl8pCg-00203-00067850-00068200 you can export your customizations to a file. ipienvl8pCg-00204-00068200-00068600 Then, QAT customizations can be imported. ipienvl8pCg-00205-00068700-00068900 I hope you've enjoyed this lesson. ipienvl8pCg-00206-00068900-00069200 To download the QAT that I demonstrated, ipienvl8pCg-00207-00069200-00069600 go to MsAccessGurus.com ipienvl8pCg-00208-00069600-00070100 Click on the Tools menu, and choose QAT. ipienvl8pCg-00209-00070100-00070700 You can download either an Access 2013 or 365 version. ipienvl8pCg-00210-00070700-00071100 If you need a lower version, send me an email ipienvl8pCg-00211-00071100-00071500 and I'll try my best to get one up. ipienvl8pCg-00212-00071500-00071700 If you're in a position to give a little, ipienvl8pCg-00213-00071700-00072000 at the bottom of the page is a Donate button. ipienvl8pCg-00214-00072000-00072300 I really appreciate every donation. ipienvl8pCg-00215-00072300-00072600 I spend a lot of time developing things to help you, ipienvl8pCg-00216-00072600-00073000 so its really nice to get your little Thank You's back. ipienvl8pCg-00217-00073300-00073600 If you're building an Access application, ipienvl8pCg-00218-00073600-00073700 let me help you. ipienvl8pCg-00219-00073700-00073900 I can connect to you, ipienvl8pCg-00220-00073900-00074100 and we work together. ipienvl8pCg-00221-00074100-00074300 Let me alleviate your frustration ipienvl8pCg-00222-00074300-00074500 and give you a leg up. ipienvl8pCg-00223-00074500-00074700 I'd love to help you. ipienvl8pCg-00224-00074700-00074900 You know your business. ipienvl8pCg-00225-00074900-00075100 I know how to automate, ipienvl8pCg-00226-00075100-00075300 and teach so you understand. ipienvl8pCg-00227-00075300-00075550 I also have extensive libraries ipienvl8pCg-00228-00075550-00075800 that we can pull in as needed. ipienvl8pCg-00229-00075800-00076300 Email me, training@msaccessgurus.com ipienvl8pCg-00230-00076300-00076600 I look forward to hearing from you! ipienvl8pCg-00231-00076600-00076900 Thanks for joining me. ipienvl8pCg-00232-00076900-00077100 Through sharing, we will all get better. ipJvXjUiv0E-00000-00000041-00000145 Hey! ipJvXjUiv0E-00001-00000145-00000252 Hi! ipJvXjUiv0E-00002-00000252-00000866 Uh, we're Auditory Visual, and we created a program that's mainly targeted toward the blind. ipJvXjUiv0E-00003-00000866-00001362 And the whole idea is it has a camera on a headset that, uh, does an image detection ipJvXjUiv0E-00004-00001362-00001944 of what's around you and tries to give you a description of what you are looking at. ipJvXjUiv0E-00005-00001944-00002380 So it's set up to work with Alexa as well for voice recognition. ipJvXjUiv0E-00006-00002380-00002900 So you'll send a command to Alexa and then Alexa will send a request to a Raspberry Pi ipJvXjUiv0E-00007-00002900-00003497 which will grab a picture with the camera and use IBM's Watson image recognition api ipJvXjUiv0E-00008-00003497-00004314 to construct kind of what it sees and then sends a message back to Alexa to have Alexa to say aloud what ipJvXjUiv0E-00009-00004314-00004640 the person would be seeing. ipJvXjUiv0E-00010-00004640-00004854 So, for example. ipJvXjUiv0E-00011-00004854-00005510 Alexa, say ask Simon to scan something. ipJvXjUiv0E-00012-00005510-00005876 "Sorry, I can't find the answer to the question I "heard. ipJvXjUiv0E-00013-00005876-00006006 Retry? ipJvXjUiv0E-00014-00006006-00006506 Alexa, ask Simon to scan this. ipJvXjUiv0E-00015-00006506-00007072 "Hmmm... it might be ventilator, device, lamp shade." ipJvXjUiv0E-00016-00007072-00007981 So, that was Amazon, uh, was the Echo contacting the Raspberry Pi which took a quick picture ipJvXjUiv0E-00017-00007981-00008778 using that camera, um, sent up to the Bluemix api for image processing and then from there ipJvXjUiv0E-00018-00008778-00009499 we created a sentence that was sent back to the Echo Dot for it to say. ipJvXjUiv0E-00019-00009499-00010047 So, it's just like, based on what the camera's image was looking at and what it thought it ipJvXjUiv0E-00020-00010047-00010310 was seeing. ipJvXjUiv0E-00021-00010310-00010894 So, this is the IOT version of our. ipJvXjUiv0E-00022-00010894-00011424 But, uh, so this was our first initial thing, so it's a standalone version of the same thing. ipJvXjUiv0E-00023-00011424-00012268 So, when I run the app here, and trigger it saying. ipJvXjUiv0E-00024-00012268-00012390 What do you see?. ipJvXjUiv0E-00025-00012390-00012936 So it triggers and now, suppose it's a can here. ipJvXjUiv0E-00026-00012936-00013441 "It might be beverage consumer, social gathering, person." ipJvXjUiv0E-00027-00013441-00014441 So, it's a beverage and there are like social gathering and people. ipJvXjUiv0E-00028-00014441-00014952 And if you want a general idea on how the messages are received. ipJvXjUiv0E-00029-00014954-00015437 Over here we have this is how the messages are sent back and forth. ipJvXjUiv0E-00030-00015437-00016063 We send out a simple JSON request, and when we get back, after it goes through all the ipJvXjUiv0E-00031-00016063-00016737 way to the Raspberry Pi and to the IBM api, we get back a message that simply just is ipJvXjUiv0E-00032-00016737-00017583 a sentence for Alexa to speak, so it doesn't have to worry about any of the back end things. ipJvXjUiv0E-00033-00017584-00018804 So, the desktop design is utilizing the machine vision api by Bluemix, the, um, text to speech ipJvXjUiv0E-00034-00018805-00019278 api by Bluemix, and the translate api by Bluemix. ipJvXjUiv0E-00035-00019278-00019613 And then the prototype... ipJvXjUiv0E-00036-00019613-00020091 The prototype is just using the visual image recognition, but we also planned to have some ipJvXjUiv0E-00037-00020091-00020410 support for doing translations on the fly. ipJvXjUiv0E-00038-00020410-00020950 So, when, um, Alex would have something to say, if the user was using a language other ipJvXjUiv0E-00039-00020950-00021466 than English, then Alex would be able to send a specific request that would have, um, Bluemix's ipJvXjUiv0E-00040-00021466-00021999 translation api translate the sentence of what they can see visually into the users' ipJvXjUiv0E-00041-00021999-00022147 language. ipJvXjUiv0E-00042-00022147-00022675 And to give just a general idea on how we did the programming in the code. ipJvXjUiv0E-00043-00022675-00023586 Um, the, uh, the Amazon Echo Dot is, uh, created using the simple Amazon developer skills, ipJvXjUiv0E-00044-00023586-00024242 which it contacts a AWS Lambda service, which is written in Javascript, and that Javascript ipJvXjUiv0E-00045-00024242-00025021 sends a REST request to a proxy, which the Raspberry Pi is hosting, and that uses a REST ipJvXjUiv0E-00046-00025021-00025225 request also to contact the IBM. ipJvXjUiv0E-00047-00025225-00025908 So, the Rasbperry Pi is kind of the central hub area, and both the IBM code and the Raspberry ipJvXjUiv0E-00048-00025908-00026316 Pi's pi stuff, that's all in Java. ipJvXjUiv0E-00049-00026316-00026686 So Java and Javascript were the languages that we used. ipJvXjUiv0E-00050-00026686-00026886 That's it. ipMPR6h6P1g-00000-00000012-00000570 Getting an accurate forecast is difficult Erratic length of stays, unpredictable search ipMPR6h6P1g-00001-00000570-00001002 patterns, and unreliable data So, how do you tap into ipMPR6h6P1g-00002-00001002-00001554 future demand with so much uncertainty The answer is Demand-AI's Traveler Forecast ipMPR6h6P1g-00003-00001655-00002208 With Demand-AI, you can determine the number of Travelers Anticipated to arrive at your ipMPR6h6P1g-00004-00002208-00002652 destination over the next 90 days Not only that, you can also know ipMPR6h6P1g-00005-00002652-00003078 where are they coming from and when and easily track demand changes by ipMPR6h6P1g-00006-00003078-00003390 comparing with past data as well as learn which ipMPR6h6P1g-00007-00003390-00003876 days are the busiest in your city The right ingredients to fine-tune your ipMPR6h6P1g-00008-00003876-00004188 revenue and marketing strategy are just a few clicks away. ipMPR6h6P1g-00009-00004254-00004788 Stop waiting for unreliable data, get instant clarity with Demand-AI iQN2IACCW9Y-00000-00000233-00000645 Activity sheet at the top there and really kind of step iQN2IACCW9Y-00001-00000645-00001058 through it. It'll be a refresher for some of you I'm iQN2IACCW9Y-00002-00001058-00001508 sure, but for others you know it might inspire some new best iQN2IACCW9Y-00003-00001508-00001770 practice or instructional strategies. So great Jennifer, iQN2IACCW9Y-00004-00001770-00001920 thank you for that. iQN2IACCW9Y-00005-00002175-00002453 Joe, great idea, great idea. iQN2IACCW9Y-00006-00003001-00003181 Alright, I think I'm stable now. iQN2IACCW9Y-00007-00003279-00003582 OK John, no comment to that, but Are you ready to go? iQN2IACCW9Y-00008-00003718-00004128 And ready to go. OK, we were just putting some ideas into the iQN2IACCW9Y-00009-00004128-00004571 activity. She we've got a lot of activity there as you can see a iQN2IACCW9Y-00010-00004571-00004887 lot of typing both. Both questions answer qestion so I iQN2IACCW9Y-00011-00004887-00005171 appreciate everybody putting on your thinking caps and getting iQN2IACCW9Y-00012-00005171-00005614 some things out there John I'll hand it over to you but if you iQN2IACCW9Y-00013-00005614-00005930 continue to have technical trouble just ping me. I'm here. iQN2IACCW9Y-00014-00006035-00006361 I very much appreciate that Margaret, thank you for jumping iQN2IACCW9Y-00015-00006361-00006784 in as a volunteer and I want to introduce Martin Gernsbach are a iQN2IACCW9Y-00016-00006784-00007269 lot of my. Evolution I guess in thinking about group projects is iQN2IACCW9Y-00017-00007269-00007697 is based on some of the research and collecting of research that iQN2IACCW9Y-00018-00007697-00008233 she is done and so I want to invite Martin you to jump in and iQN2IACCW9Y-00019-00008233-00008340 and sort of. iQN2IACCW9Y-00020-00008431-00008865 Summarize some of the things that you've been finding out in iQN2IACCW9Y-00021-00008865-00009023 in your own investigations. iQN2IACCW9Y-00022-00009191-00009579 Sure, thanks John and hi everyone, I'm morning Grace iQN2IACCW9Y-00023-00009579-00010055 Parker and I'm a virus research professor in psychology and I iQN2IACCW9Y-00024-00010055-00010530 recently wrote a chapter about group work for a book on iQN2IACCW9Y-00025-00010530-00010962 teaching a psychology for high impact practices, and I reviewed iQN2IACCW9Y-00026-00010962-00011437 a lot of the literature, some of which wasn't really roll iQN2IACCW9Y-00027-00011437-00012042 positive in the sense that John is captured. A lot of it in the iQN2IACCW9Y-00028-00012042-00012258 activity sheet, but for example, iQN2IACCW9Y-00029-00012258-00012652 that. In general, students who otherwise would make high grades iQN2IACCW9Y-00030-00012652-00013111 tend to make more grades when they are graded on their group iQN2IACCW9Y-00031-00013111-00013493 work and then vice versa for students who typically would iQN2IACCW9Y-00032-00013493-00013913 make lower grades, tend to make higher grades through group work iQN2IACCW9Y-00033-00013913-00014295 grades than they typically would. That students who are the iQN2IACCW9Y-00034-00014295-00014677 more high achieving students tend to really dislike the group iQN2IACCW9Y-00035-00014677-00015059 work, and I think we've all had those experiences in. iQN2IACCW9Y-00036-00015132-00015600 When we were at um students as well as in our workplace, and iQN2IACCW9Y-00037-00015600-00015996 you know, John captured that meme from the Hangover, an which iQN2IACCW9Y-00038-00015996-00016500 is the kind of the notion that many of us when we're in Group iQN2IACCW9Y-00039-00016500-00016644 projects we tend to. iQN2IACCW9Y-00040-00016799-00017254 Have to pick up a lot of the slack and others are not so iQN2IACCW9Y-00041-00017254-00017546 responsible. So what I drew from the literature and iQN2IACCW9Y-00042-00017546-00017969 there's quite a bit of it out there and and I'm using the iQN2IACCW9Y-00043-00017969-00018326 term group work in a very generic way. I know there's iQN2IACCW9Y-00044-00018326-00018424 cooperative learning, there's. iQN2IACCW9Y-00045-00018609-00019061 Other monikers will say, but anyway, when I grew what I drew iQN2IACCW9Y-00046-00019061-00019476 from that literature was that a good starting places to talk iQN2IACCW9Y-00047-00019476-00019777 about. Think about building interaction, but not necessarily iQN2IACCW9Y-00048-00019777-00020117 codependence or I called it dependence. Codependence kind of iQN2IACCW9Y-00049-00020117-00020494 has more of the psychiatric conception, at least in my iQN2IACCW9Y-00050-00020494-00020984 field. But for other people, you might think of it as being kind iQN2IACCW9Y-00051-00020984-00021474 of codependent, and so that was kind of my my upshot, but I iQN2IACCW9Y-00052-00021474-00021926 think this will be an exciting time for us to talk about. iQN2IACCW9Y-00053-00021934-00022418 How we can do that in an map that forward to as John is iQN2IACCW9Y-00054-00022418-00022695 mentioned, easy and medium and then big more iQN2IACCW9Y-00055-00022695-00022799 challenging tasks so. iQN2IACCW9Y-00056-00022980-00023170 Alright great I'm iQN2IACCW9Y-00057-00023258-00023757 I invite the folks on the call folks in the in the in the iQN2IACCW9Y-00058-00023757-00024221 session here to anyone who wants to unmute and and jump in with iQN2IACCW9Y-00059-00024221-00024578 something that you like. You know a burning question or iQN2IACCW9Y-00060-00024578-00024971 question or an experience that you've had that is wonderful or iQN2IACCW9Y-00061-00024971-00025400 awful. That would be wonderful if you would be willing to share iQN2IACCW9Y-00062-00025400-00025792 that unmute and share that with us, and eventually I'll invite iQN2IACCW9Y-00063-00025792-00026185 you to again scroll through the activity sheet. We have some iQN2IACCW9Y-00064-00026185-00026399 initial things to do, I broke iQN2IACCW9Y-00065-00026399-00026880 up. The activity sheet into sort of several stages that we can iQN2IACCW9Y-00066-00026880-00027389 do. And one of the big ones that we want to focus on again is iQN2IACCW9Y-00067-00027389-00027535 Martin was talking about was iQN2IACCW9Y-00068-00027535-00027861 protecting those initial. Trust building activities right. If iQN2IACCW9Y-00069-00027861-00028258 you think about any group that you've been in, unless you iQN2IACCW9Y-00070-00028258-00028691 already know the group, it takes awhile to figure out how to iQN2IACCW9Y-00071-00028691-00029125 create a group that can trust and depend on each other. And iQN2IACCW9Y-00072-00029125-00029449 during a pandemic, having students who've never met each iQN2IACCW9Y-00073-00029449-00029919 other thrown into a group and had to rely on each other with iQN2IACCW9Y-00074-00029919-00030316 no training on that new experience. None of that time or iQN2IACCW9Y-00075-00030316-00030713 experience to be able to do what this group formation dynamics iQN2IACCW9Y-00076-00030713-00031054 of. Of stormy storming and norming and performing, you iQN2IACCW9Y-00077-00031054-00031455 might have heard of of that, and I'm blanking on the. iQN2IACCW9Y-00078-00031572-00031906 The author of that of that, but in that initial group, it takes iQN2IACCW9Y-00079-00031906-00032317 a while for us to get to know each other and for us to be able iQN2IACCW9Y-00080-00032317-00032728 to say, OK, I know. Cliff and I know what Cliff is good at and I iQN2IACCW9Y-00081-00032728-00032882 can trust Cliff to do XY&Z iQN2IACCW9Y-00082-00032882-00033296 right? Initially I don't know Cliff and so I don't trust him iQN2IACCW9Y-00083-00033296-00033724 and I won't trust that I can depend on him. So if we have to iQN2IACCW9Y-00084-00033724-00034066 do work right away then it's going to be sort of chaotic. iQN2IACCW9Y-00085-00034138-00034342 So, especially during those iQN2IACCW9Y-00086-00034342-00034663 initial group. Project classes, projects and iQN2IACCW9Y-00087-00034663-00035157 assignments figure out ways to set it up so that we can all iQN2IACCW9Y-00088-00035157-00035537 interact with each other, but we're not dependent on each iQN2IACCW9Y-00089-00035537-00035917 other's work for the grade, right? So that might be iQN2IACCW9Y-00090-00035917-00036297 something as simple as let's do an activity together that's iQN2IACCW9Y-00091-00036297-00036829 not graded. We can sort of use it as a way to inform a iQN2IACCW9Y-00092-00036829-00037171 reflection, and the reflection is what would be graded. iQN2IACCW9Y-00093-00037294-00037629 So we've got some simple activities here. Below we've got iQN2IACCW9Y-00094-00037629-00037930 some easy, medium, and challenging things an for the iQN2IACCW9Y-00095-00037930-00038232 challenging thing on the activity sheet. Here we invite iQN2IACCW9Y-00096-00038232-00038734 you to jump in and add to it below that. If you've got a good iQN2IACCW9Y-00097-00038734-00039103 but hard to implement thing that you figured out the secret iQN2IACCW9Y-00098-00039103-00039404 sauce, please feel free to jump in with that. iQN2IACCW9Y-00099-00039583-00039988 There are a couple of other ideas that we have under the iQN2IACCW9Y-00100-00039988-00040360 expertise Crowley and Jake was talk about how we all bring iQN2IACCW9Y-00101-00040360-00040461 something to the. iQN2IACCW9Y-00102-00040553-00040952 To the mix to the group where we have specialties that nobody iQN2IACCW9Y-00103-00040952-00041385 else knows, and when we have an opportunity to be the experts in iQN2IACCW9Y-00104-00041385-00041851 the field and to bring something to that on the one hand, we feel iQN2IACCW9Y-00105-00041851-00042151 really energized and motivated because we can bring something iQN2IACCW9Y-00106-00042151-00042484 that we're passionate about, skills that we know that we're iQN2IACCW9Y-00107-00042484-00042650 experts at, things that align iQN2IACCW9Y-00108-00042650-00042895 with our values. So that's iQN2IACCW9Y-00109-00042895-00043204 great. It also lets us sort of have the intellectual iQN2IACCW9Y-00110-00043204-00043466 confidence to bring those four to the other groups or others iQN2IACCW9Y-00111-00043466-00043799 in the group so that others in the group can jump in and say, iQN2IACCW9Y-00112-00043799-00044084 oh, I did not know that Courtney was expert in that and iQN2IACCW9Y-00113-00044084-00044370 they can learn from each other. They can learn from us, right? iQN2IACCW9Y-00114-00044487-00044881 So, are there ways that in those activities we can honor the iQN2IACCW9Y-00115-00044881-00045305 expertise? Can we encourage them to risk annex, to explore, to iQN2IACCW9Y-00116-00045305-00045654 take risks? Again, really great reason to have that low stakes iQN2IACCW9Y-00117-00045654-00046004 initial group activity. I think I've used the example of a iQN2IACCW9Y-00118-00046004-00046322 sandcastle in here. If we build a sandcastle together and iQN2IACCW9Y-00119-00046322-00046736 Morton's in charge of the Moat and Courtney is in charge of the iQN2IACCW9Y-00120-00046736-00047085 keep and I'm in charge of the battlements, Ann and Courtney iQN2IACCW9Y-00121-00047085-00047499 says, oh, I want to keep you know, five stories tall and made iQN2IACCW9Y-00122-00047499-00047880 out of relief in sand and it collapses in Knox over the iQN2IACCW9Y-00123-00047880-00048071 battlements and it fills up the iQN2IACCW9Y-00124-00048071-00048415 Moat. Well, we're sunk. If the sandcastle was the greatest iQN2IACCW9Y-00125-00048415-00048781 portion of the of the group project, right? But if learning iQN2IACCW9Y-00126-00048781-00049146 about that and reflecting on don't build the keeps too tall iQN2IACCW9Y-00127-00049146-00049544 or reinforce it this way, that's something that we can all take iQN2IACCW9Y-00128-00049544-00049976 to have our own takes on and report on that. And we're not iQN2IACCW9Y-00129-00049976-00050109 dependent on sort of. iQN2IACCW9Y-00130-00050176-00050449 Cohesiveness of the group and the great decisions that iQN2IACCW9Y-00131-00050449-00050571 we made on that. iQN2IACCW9Y-00132-00050737-00051079 Similarly, in in fostering Inter and intra group sharing anytime iQN2IACCW9Y-00133-00051079-00051455 that we can see a group, somebody elses group project, it iQN2IACCW9Y-00134-00051455-00051934 gives our Group A chance to say hey folks, we need to like step iQN2IACCW9Y-00135-00051934-00052412 up because the bar is here. You know we thought that we were at iQN2IACCW9Y-00136-00052412-00052891 the bar here but our bar here is actually really low so maybe we iQN2IACCW9Y-00137-00052891-00053130 should step up as well as huh? iQN2IACCW9Y-00138-00053216-00053481 Everybody we've been doing this wrong. We've got the iQN2IACCW9Y-00139-00053481-00053688 wrong concept because everybody else has a iQN2IACCW9Y-00140-00053688-00053924 different concept. We should revisit that concept. So iQN2IACCW9Y-00141-00053924-00054278 it's a way of checking it's a way of using that social iQN2IACCW9Y-00142-00054278-00054514 learning that peer learning to building those self iQN2IACCW9Y-00143-00054514-00054632 checks for each other. iQN2IACCW9Y-00144-00054944-00055162 Then scrolling down accountability. iQN2IACCW9Y-00145-00055272-00055609 There will be times I know that you will have, um. iQN2IACCW9Y-00146-00055735-00056138 Group projects where you will have dependence on each other, iQN2IACCW9Y-00147-00056138-00056339 and when that is necessary. iQN2IACCW9Y-00148-00056429-00056739 Please build an opportunities for the students to be able to iQN2IACCW9Y-00149-00056739-00057077 document and track what it is that they do so that they're iQN2IACCW9Y-00150-00057077-00057444 not stuck with, huh? I did all the work and nobody else did iQN2IACCW9Y-00151-00057444-00057782 any of the work, and actually any of the other work that iQN2IACCW9Y-00152-00057782-00058064 other people did brought me down. That has to be iQN2IACCW9Y-00153-00058064-00058403 transparent to you as you grade that it has to be transparent iQN2IACCW9Y-00154-00058403-00058713 to the students so that they have a form of accountability iQN2IACCW9Y-00155-00058713-00059023 for that and so that they are protected from the other iQN2IACCW9Y-00156-00059023-00059361 students as well who might be not providing as much as they iQN2IACCW9Y-00157-00059361-00059390 will. iQN2IACCW9Y-00158-00059567-00059869 Alright, so those are sort of the 55 elements that we have and iQN2IACCW9Y-00159-00059869-00060135 now we've got some. It's tough to go through here. iQN2IACCW9Y-00160-00060361-00060652 And I want to quickly invite folks to unmute you don't iQN2IACCW9Y-00161-00060652-00060944 even have to raise your hand, but unmute and jump in iQN2IACCW9Y-00162-00060944-00061235 if you've got something else to add about any of those, iQN2IACCW9Y-00163-00061235-00061527 or if you've got a thought or suggestion that you want iQN2IACCW9Y-00164-00061527-00061818 to add right away, go ahead. Courtney, yeah, I had one. iQN2IACCW9Y-00165-00061992-00062354 With early on, when you're presenting that idea of students iQN2IACCW9Y-00166-00062354-00062680 having concerns about their grade, relying on others, and iQN2IACCW9Y-00167-00062680-00063079 you know, kind of one of the foundation concerns and group iQN2IACCW9Y-00168-00063079-00063585 work and something that I have found, and I mean I, I do the iQN2IACCW9Y-00169-00063585-00063911 grade weighting activity through the team based learning approach iQN2IACCW9Y-00170-00063911-00064309 where students actually get to participate as a class to help iQN2IACCW9Y-00171-00064309-00064780 form well if we know we have independent work and we know we iQN2IACCW9Y-00172-00064780-00065070 have group work, they come together to decide. iQN2IACCW9Y-00173-00065101-00065628 Do we want it to be 60% weighted towards our group? Because we iQN2IACCW9Y-00174-00065628-00066075 know that the group will perform likely 12% better than the iQN2IACCW9Y-00175-00066075-00066643 individual. Or do I not trust my people? Do I not feel good about iQN2IACCW9Y-00176-00066643-00067131 the individuals in this class? Do we not have reported? We now iQN2IACCW9Y-00177-00067131-00067658 have a foundation and I want 70 individual and 30 group and I iQN2IACCW9Y-00178-00067658-00068024 think that whether you embody that actual grade weighting iQN2IACCW9Y-00179-00068024-00068417 process that outlined in that resource or not, being iQN2IACCW9Y-00180-00068417-00068851 transparent with students about the percent and the points, it iQN2IACCW9Y-00181-00068851-00069329 can ease them greatly, and they'll focus on over here to iQN2IACCW9Y-00182-00069329-00069763 collaborate. We're here to build together. We're here to think iQN2IACCW9Y-00183-00069763-00070240 and reflect. It's only five points, but you know, for those iQN2IACCW9Y-00184-00070240-00070761 students who really have that weight on them of like, oh God, iQN2IACCW9Y-00185-00070761-00071282 they're going to take me down or they're gonna affect my grade. iQN2IACCW9Y-00186-00071292-00071766 And if you can really focus on what, what are you? What are you iQN2IACCW9Y-00187-00071766-00072173 to learn in this activity and what is the main takeaway? Yes, iQN2IACCW9Y-00188-00072173-00072580 it might be a low stakes activity, but that can. I think iQN2IACCW9Y-00189-00072580-00072919 that can help in again, whether it's the percentage of iQN2IACCW9Y-00190-00072919-00073292 activities in your class that in our individual versus group, or iQN2IACCW9Y-00191-00073292-00073631 even just being like bringing the point assignment to the iQN2IACCW9Y-00192-00073631-00073970 forefront, I think has alleviated a lot of concerns for iQN2IACCW9Y-00193-00073970-00074309 my students. That's awesome, Courtney, I I. Yeah Courtney. I iQN2IACCW9Y-00194-00074309-00074444 love that approach and. iQN2IACCW9Y-00195-00074464-00074991 I have a question and then I have a comment. The question is iQN2IACCW9Y-00196-00074991-00075438 does each team and I know I appreciate it. Steam baseline. iQN2IACCW9Y-00197-00075438-00075966 Does each team get to assign the waiting or does the whole class iQN2IACCW9Y-00198-00075966-00076412 so we're embarking on that process right now and we go iQN2IACCW9Y-00199-00076412-00076818 through where an? Actually it's amazing how efficient they come iQN2IACCW9Y-00200-00076818-00077265 to it and how similar their requests are. Granted, my class iQN2IACCW9Y-00201-00077265-00077712 size ranges between 30 to 40 roughly, so that is very iQN2IACCW9Y-00202-00077712-00077915 manageable for a grade waiting iQN2IACCW9Y-00203-00077915-00078249 active. Maybe, but they break out into their individual iQN2IACCW9Y-00204-00078249-00078639 groups. They come up with the initial proposal of I feel iQN2IACCW9Y-00205-00078639-00079065 comfortable with 20 to 30 being individual and 60 to 70 being iQN2IACCW9Y-00206-00079065-00079527 group, and then each group like I'll put up on the screen. OK, iQN2IACCW9Y-00207-00079527-00079953 Group One said this is their range group to set. This is iQN2IACCW9Y-00208-00079953-00080414 their range and then we often just whittle it down and say wow iQN2IACCW9Y-00209-00080414-00080911 look at the overlap. We're only 5% or 10% off, so then they go iQN2IACCW9Y-00210-00080911-00081089 back to their groups again. iQN2IACCW9Y-00211-00081095-00081510 And they'll say, OK, you know, as a team we're alright with iQN2IACCW9Y-00212-00081510-00081890 that. Additional 5% won't budg on that, but we really don't iQN2IACCW9Y-00213-00081890-00082340 want to go lower than X. And then they come back and usually iQN2IACCW9Y-00214-00082340-00082755 with wonder well usually two to three reiterations of go back to iQN2IACCW9Y-00215-00082755-00083171 group and check in and come back. The entire class comes up iQN2IACCW9Y-00216-00083171-00083517 with something that they feel comfortable with and I get iQN2IACCW9Y-00217-00083517-00083897 really good feedback that it gives that they feel like they iQN2IACCW9Y-00218-00083897-00084139 have some control, some ownerships and trust. iQN2IACCW9Y-00219-00084205-00084579 And then it also helps with this. You know, they they. iQN2IACCW9Y-00220-00084579-00084987 They've chosen the weighting of the group. So they come into it iQN2IACCW9Y-00221-00084987-00085259 knowing they come in knowledgeable about sure what iQN2IACCW9Y-00222-00085259-00085633 everybody needs to bring to the table. Yeah, I think that's iQN2IACCW9Y-00223-00085633-00086041 great and I think that you hit on two super important things. iQN2IACCW9Y-00224-00086041-00086415 One is the control and I think that again, the literature iQN2IACCW9Y-00225-00086415-00086755 suggests, and even in that. I mean there's studies even iQN2IACCW9Y-00226-00086755-00087129 evaluating team based learning, which I know has a lot of iQN2IACCW9Y-00227-00087129-00087265 positives. But they are. iQN2IACCW9Y-00228-00087311-00087667 Some aspects that need some shaping will say, but I was iQN2IACCW9Y-00229-00087667-00088088 gonna say that you had on I think 2 important things. One is iQN2IACCW9Y-00230-00088088-00088445 the control issue because I think that that when I looked iQN2IACCW9Y-00231-00088445-00088801 through the literature, my sense is that that's what students are iQN2IACCW9Y-00232-00088801-00089222 concerned about. Is that you're going to put me in this group. I iQN2IACCW9Y-00233-00089222-00089643 know how to can I. I'm fine with being responsible for my own iQN2IACCW9Y-00234-00089643-00090032 behavior, but now you're putting me in a situation where I don't iQN2IACCW9Y-00235-00090032-00090453 have control over that, and I do want to burst the myth that. iQN2IACCW9Y-00236-00090512-00090942 What students are doing in a classroom in groups in many ways iQN2IACCW9Y-00237-00090942-00091409 does not reflect the real world. We have a lot more control over iQN2IACCW9Y-00238-00091409-00091804 our colleagues an we gotta put into groups based on different iQN2IACCW9Y-00239-00091804-00092235 principles, so I think that's one way to work around. But the iQN2IACCW9Y-00240-00092235-00092630 other thing I wanted to to emphasize, I think is is iQN2IACCW9Y-00241-00092630-00092989 excellent point which is their knowledgeable an I would just iQN2IACCW9Y-00242-00092989-00093348 encourage our colleagues that if you're going to be using iQN2IACCW9Y-00243-00093348-00093707 primarily a group work based, be it team based learning iQN2IACCW9Y-00244-00093707-00094092 collaborative learning. Um, played out the whole list that iQN2IACCW9Y-00245-00094092-00094454 you make that apparent to students during registration so iQN2IACCW9Y-00246-00094454-00094857 that they know what they're getting into. This now comes iQN2IACCW9Y-00247-00094857-00095260 back to talking about issues of accommodation and access, and iQN2IACCW9Y-00248-00095260-00095704 there are some students for whom even the most palatable group iQN2IACCW9Y-00249-00095704-00096107 work requires a lot of accommodation if they know in iQN2IACCW9Y-00250-00096107-00096510 advance. This is, of course, that's going to be driven iQN2IACCW9Y-00251-00096510-00096993 predominantly by group work. Be a team based learning or some of iQN2IACCW9Y-00252-00096993-00097354 the others. They might make other choices during iQN2IACCW9Y-00253-00097354-00097826 registration and I'm just a huge huge believer that we don't do iQN2IACCW9Y-00254-00097826-00098415 it as good a job at UW Madison as many of our colleagues do in iQN2IACCW9Y-00255-00098415-00098808 making our an in transparency for access in making what iQN2IACCW9Y-00256-00098808-00099280 student what the course is going to be like available to students iQN2IACCW9Y-00257-00099280-00099634 during registration. I mean, there are some universities in iQN2IACCW9Y-00258-00099634-00100066 the UW system, in fact that require all instructors to post iQN2IACCW9Y-00259-00100066-00100392 their syllabi. During registration and we don't do iQN2IACCW9Y-00260-00100392-00100800 that there, the Ivy Leagues have a whole entire week dedicated iQN2IACCW9Y-00261-00100800-00101245 for students to go and shop around and sit in the actual iQN2IACCW9Y-00262-00101245-00101691 classes look at the syllabi and we don't do anything like that. iQN2IACCW9Y-00263-00101691-00102136 So I definitely pick up on both of those things. You mentioned, iQN2IACCW9Y-00264-00102136-00102396 Courtney, which is having control and transparency. iQN2IACCW9Y-00265-00102582-00103095 Create. It is validated by the students as well. One of the iQN2IACCW9Y-00266-00103095-00103490 students from last year is mighty Ayane. She just said I iQN2IACCW9Y-00267-00103490-00103849 loved the grade weighting activity. I have felt like we iQN2IACCW9Y-00268-00103849-00104208 got control, and that's exactly what she just said yesterday. iQN2IACCW9Y-00269-00104346-00104892 I just wanted to add I, you know, I agree with you iQN2IACCW9Y-00270-00104892-00105301 completely about transparency. At the time of registration. And iQN2IACCW9Y-00271-00105301-00105893 So what I what I did is I made a publicly available site iQN2IACCW9Y-00272-00105893-00106439 for the course that is an ongoing site where I put the iQN2IACCW9Y-00273-00106439-00106757 syllabus and introductory comments and explanation. Of iQN2IACCW9Y-00274-00106757-00107212 course orientation module and how to courses organized in that iQN2IACCW9Y-00275-00107212-00107349 publicly available module. iQN2IACCW9Y-00276-00107380-00107584 And so. I'm. iQN2IACCW9Y-00277-00107730-00108192 I ran into somewhat of a problem with the administration because iQN2IACCW9Y-00278-00108192-00108611 I I wanted to link that publicly available Canvas site. iQN2IACCW9Y-00279-00108708-00109221 Included in the timetable, but I you know I went all through the iQN2IACCW9Y-00280-00109221-00109577 stages of stuff and then eventually they decided they iQN2IACCW9Y-00281-00109577-00109893 didn't want links in the timetable that would. iQN2IACCW9Y-00282-00110049-00110418 You know, be beneficial for students to make a choice. iQN2IACCW9Y-00283-00110418-00110823 Do I want it, you know, enroll in this course or iQN2IACCW9Y-00284-00110823-00111008 not, and so you know. iQN2IACCW9Y-00285-00111183-00111516 I don't have a resolution, but you know, there's in iQN2IACCW9Y-00286-00111516-00111615 here I'm surprised. iQN2IACCW9Y-00287-00111759-00112248 I'm I I first of all, I applaud it, but I'm surprised because I iQN2IACCW9Y-00288-00112248-00112632 put links to the entire course, the course syllabus, and the iQN2IACCW9Y-00289-00112632-00112981 course contract in the quote timetable, I guess it's now iQN2IACCW9Y-00290-00112981-00113365 called Student Center in Faculty Center for years and no ones iQN2IACCW9Y-00291-00113365-00113854 ever complained. And I put it in the courts notes an I require. I iQN2IACCW9Y-00292-00113854-00114237 say before registering for this course you must read through and iQN2IACCW9Y-00293-00114237-00114691 I give the syllabus, agree to every item and I give the course iQN2IACCW9Y-00294-00114691-00115117 contract and. Look through, you know, skim through and I give iQN2IACCW9Y-00295-00115117-00115576 the the course so that sounds like something that it would be iQN2IACCW9Y-00296-00115576-00116110 great to work on as a this is getting a little off of group iQN2IACCW9Y-00297-00116110-00116569 work, but it would be great to work on as a instructional iQN2IACCW9Y-00298-00116569-00116989 access feature because I I agree with you completely an if iQN2IACCW9Y-00299-00116989-00117448 someone saying no, you can't do that. I know that some people iQN2IACCW9Y-00300-00117448-00117830 are worried about quote syllabus shopping, but the data are iQN2IACCW9Y-00301-00117830-00118136 dramatic. In showing that the more access that students have iQN2IACCW9Y-00302-00118136-00118399 two information like the information you were trying to iQN2IACCW9Y-00303-00118399-00118750 give, the shorter the time to graduation and the lower the ads iQN2IACCW9Y-00304-00118750-00119100 and you know lower percentage of adds and drops which makes all iQN2IACCW9Y-00305-00119100-00119421 the sense in the world. So I can't imagine the administration iQN2IACCW9Y-00306-00119421-00119713 wouldn't want those outcomes. Yeah, I was surprised but you iQN2IACCW9Y-00307-00119713-00119918 know, I consider it kind of like iQN2IACCW9Y-00308-00119918-00120266 a troodon Africa. Raising issue, you know? iQN2IACCW9Y-00309-00120439-00120593 Yeah, we can form a group. iQN2IACCW9Y-00310-00120759-00120862 Let's do that. iQN2IACCW9Y-00311-00121064-00121441 Alright, if there are no other and again, feel free to jump in. iQN2IACCW9Y-00312-00121441-00121818 But if you are, if there are no other questions or ideas or iQN2IACCW9Y-00313-00121818-00122195 Scott, go ahead. Yep, so I had a little trouble getting into the iQN2IACCW9Y-00314-00122195-00122572 meeting. I was able to get into this meeting but I don't have iQN2IACCW9Y-00315-00122572-00122891 access to this activity sheet. My apologies. We will paste that iQN2IACCW9Y-00316-00122891-00123563 into the chat. Immediately I saw yes, and I have a question in iQN2IACCW9Y-00317-00123563-00124117 the activity. She there's a one of the questions. Is managing iQN2IACCW9Y-00318-00124117-00124520 bandwidth variables, slash variable bandwidth and I just iQN2IACCW9Y-00319-00124520-00124722 wanted some clarification. Is iQN2IACCW9Y-00320-00124722-00125185 that Internet? Bandwith is that what that question is? iQN2IACCW9Y-00321-00125242-00125667 Or is it like student ability and energy and our own energy to iQN2IACCW9Y-00322-00125667-00126092 be able to handle all of the group projects that we have to iQN2IACCW9Y-00323-00126092-00126353 create and manage and facilitate? Good question, what iQN2IACCW9Y-00324-00126353-00126811 that what is meant by that? I ask that question. This is JT. I iQN2IACCW9Y-00325-00126811-00127171 ask that question, so I guess it goes in both ways. iQN2IACCW9Y-00326-00127379-00127825 So however you choose to take it, and is how it will be taken. iQN2IACCW9Y-00327-00127916-00128148 Excellent, thanks alright. Should we start with that one iQN2IACCW9Y-00328-00128148-00128509 and then since you brought it up and then we'll just go to the iQN2IACCW9Y-00329-00128509-00128870 top or after that? Or should we start at the top and give people iQN2IACCW9Y-00330-00128870-00129180 some time to answer that? By the time we get to it? iQN2IACCW9Y-00331-00129517-00129678 Let's start at the top and get to that one. iQN2IACCW9Y-00332-00129818-00130318 Alright, so how do I turn my hands on application activities iQN2IACCW9Y-00333-00130318-00130819 into virtual sessions? And I'm thinking here I'm. I'm not sure iQN2IACCW9Y-00334-00130819-00131365 exactly what the hands on group work would be, but I'm imagining iQN2IACCW9Y-00335-00131365-00131956 me. OK, go ahead Courtney. So I do a lot of problem based iQN2IACCW9Y-00336-00131956-00132457 learning and it quickly dawned on me how much material I iQN2IACCW9Y-00337-00132457-00132866 actually provide them for their hands on, like paper. iQN2IACCW9Y-00338-00132883-00133422 Product to be able to OK, here's the material that you need for iQN2IACCW9Y-00339-00133422-00133920 step one. Read through discuss as a group now that you're done iQN2IACCW9Y-00340-00133920-00134377 with that first step. Here's the second part, and just realizing iQN2IACCW9Y-00341-00134377-00134792 that I'm actually providing them quite a bit of hands-on iQN2IACCW9Y-00342-00134792-00135290 material. I did actually come to the resolution that in order to iQN2IACCW9Y-00343-00135290-00135788 complete some of the activities that we do, I created a packet iQN2IACCW9Y-00344-00135788-00136037 for every student to pick up. iQN2IACCW9Y-00345-00136060-00136489 On campus so that they would have that they really seemed to iQN2IACCW9Y-00346-00136489-00136883 enjoy it and have this like individual package for them from iQN2IACCW9Y-00347-00136883-00137313 me, but I guess that I'm just constantly reflecting and not an iQN2IACCW9Y-00348-00137313-00137814 I know I was going to say I thought maybe that what I noted iQN2IACCW9Y-00349-00137814-00138279 who made the comment before that they kind of had to start over, iQN2IACCW9Y-00350-00138279-00138637 you know, and reinvent those activities. But there I'm sure iQN2IACCW9Y-00351-00138637-00139067 as we all know a variety of reasons where some of mine iQN2IACCW9Y-00352-00139076-00139408 align with certification and governing boards an licensure, iQN2IACCW9Y-00353-00139408-00139989 and they are things that I just don't. I mean, I could try to iQN2IACCW9Y-00354-00139989-00140528 find another way, but I also look at equity in what my other iQN2IACCW9Y-00355-00140528-00140943 students were experiencing in this class. And will I be iQN2IACCW9Y-00356-00140943-00141358 changing the quality of the experience of the student by iQN2IACCW9Y-00357-00141358-00141690 basically degrading these really rich experiences and assignments iQN2IACCW9Y-00358-00141690-00142064 that they've done together by replacing them with a. iQN2IACCW9Y-00359-00142170-00142740 Digital version, so I guess I'm just always open to ideas in iQN2IACCW9Y-00360-00142740-00143215 what people have done to mitigate the hurdle of taking iQN2IACCW9Y-00361-00143215-00143690 rich learning experiences in a group to a virtual platform. iQN2IACCW9Y-00362-00143836-00144269 The kinesthetics of of the the tangible and the things that we iQN2IACCW9Y-00363-00144269-00144666 grab. I see a lot of participants in our list who iQN2IACCW9Y-00364-00144666-00145099 work in disciplines that are very hands on and I'd love to iQN2IACCW9Y-00365-00145099-00145532 hear some other folks ideas on how they're dealing with this. I iQN2IACCW9Y-00366-00145532-00146002 don't know. I want to call it a new reality, but let's let's iQN2IACCW9Y-00367-00146002-00146290 call it hopefully a an intermission of of. iQN2IACCW9Y-00368-00146360-00146855 A breaker or shift in some ways that may or may not be iQN2IACCW9Y-00369-00146855-00147198 permanent, but it's certainly getting us all to rethink iQN2IACCW9Y-00370-00147198-00147617 like how do we you know can the digital tools supplement iQN2IACCW9Y-00371-00147617-00147922 replace or are they best as supplemental tools? iQN2IACCW9Y-00372-00148141-00148261 Anyone else have thoughts? iQN2IACCW9Y-00373-00148720-00149183 I know that one of my thoughts is having giving the students iQN2IACCW9Y-00374-00149183-00149337 again the power to. iQN2IACCW9Y-00375-00149463-00149834 Take charge of their own learning is in some ways better iQN2IACCW9Y-00376-00149834-00150206 than us trying to anticipate and predict that well. This would iQN2IACCW9Y-00377-00150206-00150646 work for me, so let's force it on them and I'm thinking, for iQN2IACCW9Y-00378-00150646-00151088 example. I can create a group space in Canvas where they iQN2IACCW9Y-00379-00151088-00151326 can add their material, collaborate in discussions. iQN2IACCW9Y-00380-00151326-00151497 It would be a formal. iQN2IACCW9Y-00381-00151706-00152146 Less by the University space for them to store stuff, but I would iQN2IACCW9Y-00382-00152146-00152587 tend to say hey students, if you find that you want to work iQN2IACCW9Y-00383-00152587-00152960 together and meet Google, meet or pick talk, you know what iQN2IACCW9Y-00384-00152960-00153367 whatever the dujour thing that students use as a group and you iQN2IACCW9Y-00385-00153367-00153807 all agree on that and you all think that. Oh yeah, I'm very iQN2IACCW9Y-00386-00153807-00154214 used to using Discord, for example. Why would I want to try iQN2IACCW9Y-00387-00154214-00154485 to meet through Blackboard Collaborate or Microsoft Teams? iQN2IACCW9Y-00388-00154637-00155199 So letting them have that power to choose, I think, goes away a iQN2IACCW9Y-00389-00155199-00155329 long way towards. iQN2IACCW9Y-00390-00155486-00155867 Engaging them in some of the problem solving in ways that iQN2IACCW9Y-00391-00155867-00156075 meet their needs more than we iQN2IACCW9Y-00392-00156075-00156419 can anticipate. That doesn't fully directly answer your iQN2IACCW9Y-00393-00156419-00156791 question, but no, it's OK. It maybe I was thinking of two iQN2IACCW9Y-00394-00156791-00157132 things. I guess just going back to the idea that I'm iQN2IACCW9Y-00395-00157132-00157411 providing them material that they only need for their iQN2IACCW9Y-00396-00157411-00157752 activity together, right? They don't need it for a quiz. They iQN2IACCW9Y-00397-00157752-00157907 don't. And John the last. iQN2IACCW9Y-00398-00158041-00158417 The last active teaching lab that I attended on the course iQN2IACCW9Y-00399-00158417-00158793 and a half syndrome, you know, my biggest concern was also iQN2IACCW9Y-00400-00158793-00159169 visual overwhelm of the amount of material that's up there for iQN2IACCW9Y-00401-00159169-00159614 them to see. So I guess that's that's like my catch 22 where iQN2IACCW9Y-00402-00159614-00160058 sure I can put these, you know, here's the next handout for the iQN2IACCW9Y-00403-00160058-00160435 activity, or here's the material that you need specific to work iQN2IACCW9Y-00404-00160435-00160777 your way through this problem based learning. But then they've iQN2IACCW9Y-00405-00160777-00161016 also just got so much and it iQN2IACCW9Y-00406-00161016-00161516 looks. Like a horse and a half syndrome right? I do. I love the iQN2IACCW9Y-00407-00161516-00161975 idea of allowing them to use a platform as long as they agree iQN2IACCW9Y-00408-00161975-00162540 upon as a group that it works well for all of them is a bit of iQN2IACCW9Y-00409-00162540-00162999 a moot point for me because all of my group work occurs during iQN2IACCW9Y-00410-00162999-00163387 class, which for me again eliminates a lot of the dislike iQN2IACCW9Y-00411-00163387-00163811 of having to schedule and nobody available until 8:00 PM and all iQN2IACCW9Y-00412-00163811-00164164 of that Courtney, I wanted to just follow through again. iQN2IACCW9Y-00413-00164173-00164634 On what you just mentioned about a man, I think that's it. I iQN2IACCW9Y-00414-00164634-00165096 don't see it on our activity sheet, but I think what you just iQN2IACCW9Y-00415-00165096-00165557 mentioned is a huge point, which is when is the activity going to iQN2IACCW9Y-00416-00165557-00166019 occur. And as I was when John and I were bantering back and iQN2IACCW9Y-00417-00166019-00166374 forth about whether course related group work is like the iQN2IACCW9Y-00418-00166374-00166835 real world, you know, I was saying in my my position 40% of iQN2IACCW9Y-00419-00166835-00167190 my salary is not dependent on three other people's progress. iQN2IACCW9Y-00420-00167190-00167332 Yeah, we're talking about. iQN2IACCW9Y-00421-00167344-00167758 And Moreover, I do get asked this a lot, but that's because I iQN2IACCW9Y-00422-00167758-00168109 think faculty hours are very fluid. But I think most academic iQN2IACCW9Y-00423-00168109-00168556 staff are not ask. OK, we want you to do this, and you're going iQN2IACCW9Y-00424-00168556-00168970 to have to find time outside of your work hours. You know 10 iQN2IACCW9Y-00425-00168970-00169417 hours a week to do this project, and so we need to think about iQN2IACCW9Y-00426-00169417-00169800 our students. And when we're asking them to find time. And I iQN2IACCW9Y-00427-00169800-00170183 think there's value in both in both the group work that's done iQN2IACCW9Y-00428-00170183-00170310 during a synchronous class iQN2IACCW9Y-00429-00170310-00170619 schedule. And the group work that's done outside of iQN2IACCW9Y-00430-00170619-00170952 synchronous class schedule. I would just encourage us when we iQN2IACCW9Y-00431-00170952-00171285 do assign the group work that's done outside of synchronous iQN2IACCW9Y-00432-00171285-00171685 class schedule to account back to this course and 1/2 bit to iQN2IACCW9Y-00433-00171685-00172151 say this is going to take an hour for doing X an hour for iQN2IACCW9Y-00434-00172151-00172617 doing Y an hour for doing Z and you know an account for that iQN2IACCW9Y-00435-00172617-00172983 when we're talking when we are designing our courses unit by iQN2IACCW9Y-00436-00172983-00173483 unit and day by day because that is when I I often tell my PhD iQN2IACCW9Y-00437-00173483-00173649 students the hardest part of iQN2IACCW9Y-00438-00173649-00174028 proposing your dissertation. Is finding a time that five people iQN2IACCW9Y-00439-00174028-00174206 can get together and yes. iQN2IACCW9Y-00440-00174396-00174785 This is important. No, getting your group getting your iQN2IACCW9Y-00441-00174785-00175210 committee together is one of the hardest steps. Well, I was going iQN2IACCW9Y-00442-00175210-00175564 to see with the idea of purposeful grouping. I just iQN2IACCW9Y-00443-00175564-00175918 think that I like completely support what you say and iQN2IACCW9Y-00444-00175918-00176307 recommend that if you are going to require students to work iQN2IACCW9Y-00445-00176307-00176661 outside of the class period, consider grouping them based on iQN2IACCW9Y-00446-00176661-00177015 their outside of class of availability. And there are a iQN2IACCW9Y-00447-00177015-00177475 number of ways that you can do that so easily now. Like with iQN2IACCW9Y-00448-00177475-00177582 the Wyndham meet. iQN2IACCW9Y-00449-00177594-00178085 And it would. It's very easy for them to fill out when they have iQN2IACCW9Y-00450-00178085-00178471 available time and they find that you know very they feel iQN2IACCW9Y-00451-00178471-00178927 very supported when you consider it thing to do for them and just iQN2IACCW9Y-00452-00178927-00179349 to underscore to pick back up what Peter it's at about truth iQN2IACCW9Y-00453-00179349-00179770 in advertising. You know on my syllabus I say that you will iQN2IACCW9Y-00454-00179770-00180015 need to find one hour a week. iQN2IACCW9Y-00455-00180025-00180350 Did you download it? And I make sure that students know that and iQN2IACCW9Y-00456-00180350-00180650 it's part of their contract that they know that coming in because iQN2IACCW9Y-00457-00180650-00180950 I don't want students to be struggling to say I can't do iQN2IACCW9Y-00458-00180950-00181250 that. That's my, you know. I mean, I've had students who are. iQN2IACCW9Y-00459-00181435-00181686 In Afghanistan, literally an Afghan citizen military. I've iQN2IACCW9Y-00460-00181686-00182063 had students who their children are in the hospital and the list iQN2IACCW9Y-00461-00182063-00182565 goes on. And so I want them to know I want them to be as aware iQN2IACCW9Y-00462-00182565-00182910 as possible of what they're going to be required to do. iQN2IACCW9Y-00463-00183081-00183503 Great. Alright, now the next one is how well do the groups iQN2IACCW9Y-00464-00183503-00183801 function work, and I see the answers there from Morton and iQN2IACCW9Y-00465-00183801-00184018 I see some set from Paul and Heidi. iQN2IACCW9Y-00466-00184126-00184519 So I'm going to invite folks who have better experience than I iQN2IACCW9Y-00467-00184519-00184880 do. I'm using the groups function to talk about how they iQN2IACCW9Y-00468-00184880-00185274 use that and how they how their students use that to be iQN2IACCW9Y-00469-00185274-00185405 effective for group work. iQN2IACCW9Y-00470-00185834-00186186 So feel free to speak up anyone who has used that. iQN2IACCW9Y-00471-00186425-00186827 I'll jump in, but someone should interrupt me. I have used canvas iQN2IACCW9Y-00472-00186827-00187229 groups and paid that's the sole reason I wanted us to have iQN2IACCW9Y-00473-00187229-00187597 canvas on this campus because I had worked with other colleagues iQN2IACCW9Y-00474-00187597-00187932 on other campuses who are already using it with speed iQN2IACCW9Y-00475-00187932-00188301 greater that you. Love how well speed greater you, right? That's iQN2IACCW9Y-00476-00188301-00188669 worth it that just completely worth it. But groups. And now iQN2IACCW9Y-00477-00188669-00189071 it's, you know, with this newest change to the rich text editor, iQN2IACCW9Y-00478-00189071-00189239 it's easier for students to iQN2IACCW9Y-00479-00189239-00189737 embed. Images and the like, but the one of the main reasons that iQN2IACCW9Y-00480-00189737-00190164 I love groups and if I was teaching even just 12 students, iQN2IACCW9Y-00481-00190164-00190662 I'd stick 'em all in one group is that they get access to buy. iQN2IACCW9Y-00482-00190662-00191125 Put it being in a group, they get access to most all the iQN2IACCW9Y-00483-00191125-00191517 features that we as instructors get. They get to upload directly iQN2IACCW9Y-00484-00191517-00191873 images. As John mentioned, they get to upload directly files. iQN2IACCW9Y-00485-00191873-00192264 They can share files together, they can. They go can go iQN2IACCW9Y-00486-00192264-00192666 directly from. Campus groups to come. A shared Google Drive iQN2IACCW9Y-00487-00192666-00193191 because they are in a canvas group. Um, the list goes on and iQN2IACCW9Y-00488-00193191-00193676 then there are other bells and whistles I that I haven't even iQN2IACCW9Y-00489-00193676-00194161 explored. But by putting the students in groups they get is a iQN2IACCW9Y-00490-00194161-00194565 ton of the features the campus features for file management, iQN2IACCW9Y-00491-00194565-00195049 file sharing and the like that they don't in the regular and iQN2IACCW9Y-00492-00195049-00195373 someone else mentioned that the groups go direct. iQN2IACCW9Y-00493-00195381-00195799 Can are very fluid from canvas to zoom and I haven't explored iQN2IACCW9Y-00494-00195799-00196148 that but someone else mentioned it in the activity sheet. iQN2IACCW9Y-00495-00196330-00196756 Yeah, I remember that that was I labeled it a hot tip. But iQN2IACCW9Y-00496-00196756-00197018 yeah, for some reason the default student access iQN2IACCW9Y-00497-00197018-00197445 permissions is really low, so I was going to say I know an iQN2IACCW9Y-00498-00197445-00197806 instructor and I. I'm thinking now that it might have been iQN2IACCW9Y-00499-00197806-00198134 you who created discussions and said OK, we're going to iQN2IACCW9Y-00500-00198134-00198462 have. Even if it's a small class. One discussion, 12 iQN2IACCW9Y-00501-00198462-00198691 students. You're all part of this group. iQN2IACCW9Y-00502-00198829-00199185 You know, even having them in the group instead of just as iQN2IACCW9Y-00503-00199185-00199482 students in that discussion, they have better access to do iQN2IACCW9Y-00504-00199482-00199868 more of the things that they do in other apps that they can't iQN2IACCW9Y-00505-00199868-00200165 do in canvas discussions as a generic. Definitely the files iQN2IACCW9Y-00506-00200165-00200551 upload like as soon as you get into your group, you've got a iQN2IACCW9Y-00507-00200551-00200908 menu on the left that allows you to put your material in iQN2IACCW9Y-00508-00200908-00201205 there your your your groups, files, materials in there. So iQN2IACCW9Y-00509-00201205-00201323 that's a nice feature. iQN2IACCW9Y-00510-00201460-00201799 Alright, and we got another option for a given folks a iQN2IACCW9Y-00511-00201799-00202201 Google Drive and I love that too. As a a big Google advocate iQN2IACCW9Y-00512-00202201-00202479 because the flexibility of Google and recognizing that a iQN2IACCW9Y-00513-00202479-00202819 lot of our students come from K12 Google schools so they're iQN2IACCW9Y-00514-00202819-00203159 already familiar that one more sort of lowering of the barrier. iQN2IACCW9Y-00515-00203159-00203592 They don't have to learn how to do this in canvas, they can do iQN2IACCW9Y-00516-00203592-00203962 the thing that they've been doing for the last 12 years or iQN2IACCW9Y-00517-00203962-00204302 however long Google schools have been, Google schools, and so the iQN2IACCW9Y-00518-00204302-00204560 familiarity is there. Another good reason to iQN2IACCW9Y-00519-00204560-00204680 listen to the students. iQN2IACCW9Y-00520-00204826-00205245 They can. Tell you, hey, we've been doing this other thing iQN2IACCW9Y-00521-00205245-00205581 for however many years. Maybe there are things that they can iQN2IACCW9Y-00522-00205581-00205886 teach you. Give him a chance. Ask him some questions. iQN2IACCW9Y-00523-00205886-00205977 Angela, go ahead. iQN2IACCW9Y-00524-00206221-00206808 Angela, I'm sorry there are too many too many buttons, yeah. iQN2IACCW9Y-00525-00206878-00207279 I think. Just as a slight alternate perspective, cause I iQN2IACCW9Y-00526-00207279-00207642 put in that Google Drive folders or something I found really iQN2IACCW9Y-00527-00207642-00207879 useful. I don't know from the. iQN2IACCW9Y-00528-00207979-00208325 I think there's a lot of cool tools that the canvas groups iQN2IACCW9Y-00529-00208325-00208672 have for students. I think for me on the instructor side of iQN2IACCW9Y-00530-00208672-00209048 things when I've tried to use it, I just found it like so iQN2IACCW9Y-00531-00209048-00209366 clunky in the sense that like there's many buttons, you have iQN2IACCW9Y-00532-00209366-00209568 to press 2 to get into places iQN2IACCW9Y-00533-00209568-00209996 and so. I don't. I'm not trying to like scare people off or iQN2IACCW9Y-00534-00209996-00210294 anything, but I guess as an alternate you know if there is iQN2IACCW9Y-00535-00210294-00210592 something that works for me. I thought I'm using a Google drive iQN2IACCW9Y-00536-00210592-00210864 so all the information is on canvas for students and then iQN2IACCW9Y-00537-00210864-00211212 they just kind of do their work in this other space 'cause I was iQN2IACCW9Y-00538-00211212-00211578 trying to like. Decrease the number of clicks they have to iQN2IACCW9Y-00539-00211578-00211947 do, so I think if you are using group Google Groups or whatever iQN2IACCW9Y-00540-00211947-00212259 platform as much as possible trying to decrease the clicks so iQN2IACCW9Y-00541-00212259-00212600 that they know exactly where they can get to is super helpful iQN2IACCW9Y-00542-00212600-00212969 in general. So that was just a little plug, but I think you iQN2IACCW9Y-00543-00212969-00213395 have. This group has a lot and I think I need to like check back iQN2IACCW9Y-00544-00213395-00213736 in every so often 'cause they make changes and then I'm like iQN2IACCW9Y-00545-00213736-00214077 oh now it's functional for me. But yeah, just less clicks for iQN2IACCW9Y-00546-00214077-00214247 the win. That's a thing that. iQN2IACCW9Y-00547-00214366-00214854 Is. The big difference between sort of the canvas wiki pages iQN2IACCW9Y-00548-00214854-00215272 where you can set up a page so that multiple students can iQN2IACCW9Y-00549-00215272-00215691 edit it and contribute to it, but that is not a synchronous iQN2IACCW9Y-00550-00215691-00216040 editing. The way that Google document is. If you have iQN2IACCW9Y-00551-00216040-00216354 several people working on a canvas page together, it's iQN2IACCW9Y-00552-00216354-00216668 whoever saves first. There were saved and other people's iQN2IACCW9Y-00553-00216668-00216982 work is lossed, so that would be very frustrating. iQN2IACCW9Y-00554-00217128-00217520 For that. So yeah, Google Docs within a canvas group where you iQN2IACCW9Y-00555-00217520-00217880 work on an embedded document for example, but just use the iQN2IACCW9Y-00556-00217880-00218239 canvas so that you as an instructor can see what's going iQN2IACCW9Y-00557-00218239-00218664 on and so that they can. They have an official place to get iQN2IACCW9Y-00558-00218664-00218893 to is, I think a good idea. iQN2IACCW9Y-00559-00219053-00219435 Sorry, is there already a quick? iQN2IACCW9Y-00560-00219514-00219942 Tips on how to embed that right within your canvas? Can we go to iQN2IACCW9Y-00561-00219942-00220309 a canvas support page? That'll just tell us how to do that. iQN2IACCW9Y-00562-00220369-00220847 There is I will find yeah just well Johns doing now. Just iQN2IACCW9Y-00563-00220847-00221326 dovetail since John brought up how much I love speed grader. If iQN2IACCW9Y-00564-00221326-00221765 you do use canvas groups and those groups use the canvas iQN2IACCW9Y-00565-00221765-00222124 groups files those files, anything that a student puts iQN2IACCW9Y-00566-00222124-00222603 into those files is accessible to speed grader. So in terms of iQN2IACCW9Y-00567-00222603-00223042 cutting down the number of clicks, then as an instructor I iQN2IACCW9Y-00568-00223042-00223441 don't have to go over and find that groups work. iQN2IACCW9Y-00569-00223451-00223879 In a group in a group Google Drive, I have it accessible iQN2IACCW9Y-00570-00223879-00224200 through speed greater because they're using that. But I iQN2IACCW9Y-00571-00224200-00224593 totally totally get that we want to cut down the number iQN2IACCW9Y-00572-00224593-00224843 of clicks for everyone, not just instructors. iQN2IACCW9Y-00573-00225231-00225439 Alright, and I put into chat and I'm going to iQN2IACCW9Y-00574-00225439-00225563 put it in here as well. iQN2IACCW9Y-00575-00225703-00225815 That the. iQN2IACCW9Y-00576-00225930-00226277 Embedding options and I'm going to give a shout out to iQN2IACCW9Y-00577-00226277-00226656 Tom Brian for helping me figure out a lot of this ways iQN2IACCW9Y-00578-00226656-00226846 to embed into canvas Google stuff. iQN2IACCW9Y-00579-00227017-00227510 Right here in this in this previous active teaching lab iQN2IACCW9Y-00580-00227510-00227657 work activity sheet. iQN2IACCW9Y-00581-00227826-00228143 Alright, let's head on to managing bandwidth iQN2IACCW9Y-00582-00228143-00228507 here. RJT variables and and other things so. iQN2IACCW9Y-00583-00228662-00229054 I'm guessing that if one has synchronous group work, so live iQN2IACCW9Y-00584-00229054-00229447 video group work in the groups meet individually. Some of those iQN2IACCW9Y-00585-00229447-00229733 students may have better bandwidth than other students iQN2IACCW9Y-00586-00229733-00230125 write. Some students may have to share a computer and the iQN2IACCW9Y-00587-00230125-00230554 Internet with a sibling who is also working at home. Or there's iQN2IACCW9Y-00588-00230554-00230946 only one computer and the parents are using it for working iQN2IACCW9Y-00589-00230946-00231303 at home. So the negotiations of scheduling is really critical iQN2IACCW9Y-00590-00231303-00231696 there. How much bandwidth will people be popping in and out? iQN2IACCW9Y-00591-00231771-00231980 I don't know what the lowest. iQN2IACCW9Y-00592-00232117-00232613 A common denominator is for doing good group work on a iQN2IACCW9Y-00593-00232613-00232881 computer, but. I will tell you that. iQN2IACCW9Y-00594-00233000-00233288 Asynchronous Google Sheets or? I'm sorry Google Docs is is is iQN2IACCW9Y-00595-00233288-00233576 again a pretty good one because it's very low bandwidth. You iQN2IACCW9Y-00596-00233576-00233969 can do it on your phone. It's not great, but you can do it on iQN2IACCW9Y-00597-00233969-00234283 your phone. It's it's better than a lot of other editing of iQN2IACCW9Y-00598-00234283-00234362 documents on phones. iQN2IACCW9Y-00599-00234571-00234941 And you can do it at multiple times. You don't always have to iQN2IACCW9Y-00600-00234941-00235253 be there together. It has the built-in chat feature. It's got iQN2IACCW9Y-00601-00235253-00235509 the comment feature. It's got commenting and editing, and iQN2IACCW9Y-00602-00235509-00235850 it's a very good collaborative tool, and it's sort of a low iQN2IACCW9Y-00603-00235850-00236134 bar. Again, a lot of our students are already familiar iQN2IACCW9Y-00604-00236134-00236417 with it, but that's just one idea. Other people have iQN2IACCW9Y-00605-00236417-00236446 thoughts. iQN2IACCW9Y-00606-00236691-00237084 I was gonna say Morton, what I really appreciated with you iQN2IACCW9Y-00607-00237084-00237478 describing your course as a as a component reports was the iQN2IACCW9Y-00608-00237478-00237800 importance of contract and students are aware of the iQN2IACCW9Y-00609-00237800-00238123 expectations prior so that sort of makes that logistical. iQN2IACCW9Y-00610-00238313-00238659 Logistical elements a little bit clear at the outset so they can iQN2IACCW9Y-00611-00238659-00238919 manage their bandwidth. They can identify some obstacles that iQN2IACCW9Y-00612-00238919-00239295 they personally might have, so that's a great way to for me to iQN2IACCW9Y-00613-00239295-00239469 think about that. So thank you. iQN2IACCW9Y-00614-00240155-00240278 Unmute yourself, Martin. iQN2IACCW9Y-00615-00240464-00240796 Thanks baby, I thank you for that feedback. I really iQN2IACCW9Y-00616-00240796-00241130 appreciate it. I wasn't say maybe because I've been teaching iQN2IACCW9Y-00617-00241130-00241496 by choice on line even before the pandemic. I really wanted iQN2IACCW9Y-00618-00241496-00241862 students to know what they were getting into because there's a iQN2IACCW9Y-00619-00241862-00242228 lot of misconceptions and I was going to mention some other iQN2IACCW9Y-00620-00242228-00242628 things that I do that other ANAN. I've even done an active iQN2IACCW9Y-00621-00242628-00243094 lab on this before with demos and at this is just an option. I iQN2IACCW9Y-00622-00243094-00243427 don't. I'm not recommending that everyone has to incorporate it. iQN2IACCW9Y-00623-00243448-00243962 I'm uh, when I have my groups of nine, then I divide them into iQN2IACCW9Y-00624-00243962-00244293 groups of three students and they are responsible for iQN2IACCW9Y-00625-00244293-00244660 synchronous chatting with one another and once during every 10 iQN2IACCW9Y-00626-00244660-00245137 of the 14 units. And I always give them the option to. They iQN2IACCW9Y-00627-00245137-00245651 could do it by zoom. They could do it by any other video chat. iQN2IACCW9Y-00628-00245651-00246091 The vast majority prefer to do text based chat and so text iQN2IACCW9Y-00629-00246091-00246458 based chat is John was saying is also low bandwidth. iQN2IACCW9Y-00630-00246484-00246949 And I don't know if students are choosing the text based chat iQN2IACCW9Y-00631-00246949-00247385 because. Whatever reason they want to stay in their jammies, iQN2IACCW9Y-00632-00247385-00247819 they whatever the reason is, um and um, but they also have iQN2IACCW9Y-00633-00247819-00248144 to save their transcript and submit that. And that's iQN2IACCW9Y-00634-00248144-00248613 another way that I, I hope to kind of keep the quality high, iQN2IACCW9Y-00635-00248613-00249046 but students tend to prefer to do the text based chat over iQN2IACCW9Y-00636-00249046-00249190 video or audio chat. iQN2IACCW9Y-00637-00249459-00249691 I was just trying to look up that activity iQN2IACCW9Y-00638-00249691-00249820 sheet, but that was a. iQN2IACCW9Y-00639-00249953-00250186 It'll take me just a little bit to find it. iQN2IACCW9Y-00640-00250333-00250621 Excellent, alright let's let's get going on this. iQN2IACCW9Y-00641-00250621-00250944 We've only got a few more minutes ensuring practices iQN2IACCW9Y-00642-00250944-00251233 and student project groups transfer into the workplace iQN2IACCW9Y-00643-00251233-00251269 OK. iQN2IACCW9Y-00644-00251548-00251835 Again, this is a thing that morning and I were having iQN2IACCW9Y-00645-00251835-00251965 discussion lively discussion about beforehand. iQN2IACCW9Y-00646-00252131-00252470 As you said, it's not the same, right? And there's a whole part iQN2IACCW9Y-00647-00252470-00252783 of the activity sheet on the next page. I think that talks iQN2IACCW9Y-00648-00252783-00253044 about the differences. You know some of the differences, and iQN2IACCW9Y-00649-00253044-00253227 there's a table that you can add iQN2IACCW9Y-00650-00253227-00253510 to. Now this is not to say that iQN2IACCW9Y-00651-00253510-00254010 there are it's. Group work is more like work group work than iQN2IACCW9Y-00652-00254010-00254426 individual work is right? So there are elements that you can iQN2IACCW9Y-00653-00254426-00254917 focus on and make the same make similar, but figure out ways and iQN2IACCW9Y-00654-00254917-00255371 ask your students again how to figure out ways to make those iQN2IACCW9Y-00655-00255371-00255786 interactions. Low stakes or no stakes so that they don't have iQN2IACCW9Y-00656-00255786-00255900 to depend on. iQN2IACCW9Y-00657-00255962-00256254 The other members of the group, knowing all of the answers and iQN2IACCW9Y-00658-00256254-00256425 knowing how to do all of this. iQN2IACCW9Y-00659-00256603-00256843 I guess that's the that's the quick answer. iQN2IACCW9Y-00660-00256990-00257305 We have any thoughts from other folks on this? iQN2IACCW9Y-00661-00257804-00258208 I think it depends on what what your whether it transfers from iQN2IACCW9Y-00662-00258208-00258612 school to real life group work at school. I mean it depends iQN2IACCW9Y-00663-00258612-00259050 what you're doing is like in my profession that's all you do. Is iQN2IACCW9Y-00664-00259050-00259387 group work right? Like that's literally my job in this iQN2IACCW9Y-00665-00259387-00259758 collaborative form. And folks I know who work in consulting. For iQN2IACCW9Y-00666-00259758-00260028 example, they're like, literally, it's just group work iQN2IACCW9Y-00667-00260028-00260466 all the time, so I think it just depends on the field. Yeah, iQN2IACCW9Y-00668-00260466-00260567 well, I think. iQN2IACCW9Y-00669-00260596-00261009 I'm sorry, make sure I'm not muted. I I don't doubt that iQN2IACCW9Y-00670-00261009-00261457 that's the case, and I think that in many fields we work with iQN2IACCW9Y-00671-00261457-00261835 other people but is working with other people the same as. iQN2IACCW9Y-00672-00261969-00262369 The way that many times group work is structured in the iQN2IACCW9Y-00673-00262369-00262769 classroom in the sense that who gets together as the group iQN2IACCW9Y-00674-00262769-00263170 usually. For example, let's take a consultant or or, let's just iQN2IACCW9Y-00675-00263170-00263607 take my own life. So I collaborate in. In my research a iQN2IACCW9Y-00676-00263607-00263934 lot. I usually choose my collaborators. I usually choose iQN2IACCW9Y-00677-00263934-00264371 my collaborators because I know that they have a skill that I iQN2IACCW9Y-00678-00264371-00264844 might not have. I usually, and the list goes on, and that tends iQN2IACCW9Y-00679-00264844-00265063 to be a little bit different. iQN2IACCW9Y-00680-00265076-00265492 From a more standard group work activity in a classroom where iQN2IACCW9Y-00681-00265492-00265871 the instructor says, OK, these this. Here's group AB&C, and iQN2IACCW9Y-00682-00265871-00266175 they're not necessarily chosen because they have these iQN2IACCW9Y-00683-00266175-00266440 complementary skills. They're not necessarily chosen, because iQN2IACCW9Y-00684-00266440-00266857 I know that there are some approaches to group work where iQN2IACCW9Y-00685-00266857-00267350 we say you're going to be the leader and you're going to be iQN2IACCW9Y-00686-00267350-00267804 this, and you're going to be there that that, I think, better iQN2IACCW9Y-00687-00267804-00268032 parallels the real world, but it iQN2IACCW9Y-00688-00268032-00268385 is constantly. I wouldn't say I think the constellation of the iQN2IACCW9Y-00689-00268385-00268715 group is. It tends to be a little different than classic iQN2IACCW9Y-00690-00268715-00269075 group work. I also think the outcome that if your job is iQN2IACCW9Y-00691-00269075-00269435 Bubba blah, but most students don't see their job as being a iQN2IACCW9Y-00692-00269435-00269735 consultant. Most people didn't see their job, and so I iQN2IACCW9Y-00693-00269735-00270005 understand master, you know my discipline is theater. So iQN2IACCW9Y-00694-00270005-00270365 literally my job is being put with groups of people all the iQN2IACCW9Y-00695-00270365-00270785 time and having to make it work. And I think that's why. But yes, iQN2IACCW9Y-00696-00270785-00271055 yeah, I think that's why purposeful groups becomes really iQN2IACCW9Y-00697-00271055-00271235 important. You know, I put my iQN2IACCW9Y-00698-00271235-00271483 students together. Based on interests, right? Which is sort iQN2IACCW9Y-00699-00271483-00271902 of how you end up doing a play. I just think there are a lot of iQN2IACCW9Y-00700-00271902-00272138 parallels. I understand what you're saying about the stakes iQN2IACCW9Y-00701-00272138-00272452 for the individual versus the group, but I do most of my iQN2IACCW9Y-00702-00272452-00272741 grading based on process or most of my evaluation based on iQN2IACCW9Y-00703-00272741-00273081 process rather than product, so I just think there are a lot of iQN2IACCW9Y-00704-00273081-00273186 comparisons to real world. iQN2IACCW9Y-00705-00273321-00273669 Absolutely. I think that. I mean, I was. I am kissing and iQN2IACCW9Y-00706-00273669-00274017 telling I was in a group meeting yesterday that I left thinking iQN2IACCW9Y-00707-00274017-00274452 this is going to be like all the group work that had to do in iQN2IACCW9Y-00708-00274452-00274829 college. I'm going to end up doing 90% of it because I could iQN2IACCW9Y-00709-00274829-00275119 tell the people. So I think there's parallels. I absolutely iQN2IACCW9Y-00710-00275119-00275554 John and I said that we know that we got. I mean my big thing iQN2IACCW9Y-00711-00275554-00275873 is to not allow students to get hamstrung by other other iQN2IACCW9Y-00712-00275873-00276134 students. Inability that's my life. I'm I'm hamstrung every iQN2IACCW9Y-00713-00276134-00276337 day of my life by other people iQN2IACCW9Y-00714-00276337-00276748 but. And so it's really good for us to learn that, and I think iQN2IACCW9Y-00715-00276748-00277094 there are parallels, but I do think there's that. If we want iQN2IACCW9Y-00716-00277094-00277439 to use group work as a model to teach students real work. iQN2IACCW9Y-00717-00277496-00277837 Why we need to make those groups as much like and? It sounds like iQN2IACCW9Y-00718-00277837-00278106 you're doing exactly that by having. I think. It's also just iQN2IACCW9Y-00719-00278106-00278447 about being explicit like I have a day in class where I ask them iQN2IACCW9Y-00720-00278447-00278813 what their major is or what they want to do in life, and then I iQN2IACCW9Y-00721-00278813-00279106 explain to them how writing a paper with a thesis will help iQN2IACCW9Y-00722-00279106-00279399 them right. I think you need to be really explicit about. We're iQN2IACCW9Y-00723-00279399-00279667 not just doing these things 'cause I can't think of anything iQN2IACCW9Y-00724-00279667-00279887 better for you to do. They actually have practical iQN2IACCW9Y-00725-00279887-00280131 applications and wherever you're going, that's all. I just want iQN2IACCW9Y-00726-00280131-00280448 to jump in and say, sure, there is this one really cute study iQN2IACCW9Y-00727-00280448-00280771 that about. Group work where at the beginning of the semester iQN2IACCW9Y-00728-00280771-00281057 the instructors ask students. Just simply, you know, based on iQN2IACCW9Y-00729-00281057-00281372 your past experience, do you like working in groups or do iQN2IACCW9Y-00730-00281372-00281715 you not like working in groups? And then they put the people iQN2IACCW9Y-00731-00281715-00282001 who like working in groups together and the people who iQN2IACCW9Y-00732-00282001-00282315 don't like working in groups together and that seems to be iQN2IACCW9Y-00733-00282315-00282601 more successful than what you might think, which is, let's iQN2IACCW9Y-00734-00282601-00282916 dose each group with someone who likes it and someone who iQN2IACCW9Y-00735-00282916-00282945 doesn't. iQN2IACCW9Y-00736-00283069-00283162 Alright, thank you. iQN2IACCW9Y-00737-00283266-00283598 We only have two minutes left and this is a conversation that iQN2IACCW9Y-00738-00283598-00284041 I I can see. We could go on for hours on this, but we only have iQN2IACCW9Y-00739-00284041-00284346 two minutes. I want to invite anybody to jump in with iQN2IACCW9Y-00740-00284346-00284623 something that they urgently want addressed in the last two iQN2IACCW9Y-00741-00284623-00284955 or three minutes. Otherwise, I want to direct you all to the iQN2IACCW9Y-00742-00284955-00285260 rest of the information on the activity sheet. Angela, I see iQN2IACCW9Y-00743-00285260-00285620 your name. I see your fingers going up. Go ahead. Yeah, I was iQN2IACCW9Y-00744-00285620-00285925 just going to say there's a question in there about sharing iQN2IACCW9Y-00745-00285925-00286119 out at the end of the semester. iQN2IACCW9Y-00746-00286233-00286674 And I was gonna share that I I did I had students record video iQN2IACCW9Y-00747-00286674-00286957 presentations as a pair using BBC Ultra, which sounds iQN2IACCW9Y-00748-00286957-00287304 unconventional, but they can both login and what I give him iQN2IACCW9Y-00749-00287304-00287682 very a bunch of instructions like one person is going to be iQN2IACCW9Y-00750-00287682-00288123 your slide, you know and how to like time it and you know, make iQN2IACCW9Y-00751-00288123-00288469 sure you've got a script you can follow along 'cause they're iQN2IACCW9Y-00752-00288469-00288816 making a video rather than a live presentation, and then have iQN2IACCW9Y-00753-00288816-00289099 instructors or facilitators in smaller groups play each video iQN2IACCW9Y-00754-00289099-00289288 and then have students in the iQN2IACCW9Y-00755-00289288-00289600 room. That watched the video together and then they can ask iQN2IACCW9Y-00756-00289600-00289893 the speakers question. So that worked really well. It was super iQN2IACCW9Y-00757-00289893-00290267 fun. I got the idea from a conference I went to so it was iQN2IACCW9Y-00758-00290267-00290614 nice to have the pre recorded video and then you can play it iQN2IACCW9Y-00759-00290614-00290908 and then another idea in terms of sharing group works. I iQN2IACCW9Y-00760-00290908-00291255 haven't done this one yet but I like the idea is having like iQN2IACCW9Y-00761-00291255-00291522 poster session rooms. So like BBC Ultra you can create iQN2IACCW9Y-00762-00291522-00291816 persistent rooms. You could probably do it in zoom too but iQN2IACCW9Y-00763-00291816-00292029 ultras just like easier to navigate sometimes through iQN2IACCW9Y-00764-00292029-00292323 canvas. But yeah you could have students and you could even iQN2IACCW9Y-00765-00292323-00292732 invite. Faculty or other people to stop in each room and maybe iQN2IACCW9Y-00766-00292732-00293118 the students can pull up a digital poster and kind of walk iQN2IACCW9Y-00767-00293118-00293537 people through it. So if you want to have a live session, I iQN2IACCW9Y-00768-00293537-00293891 think there's ways to do that. And even using something as iQN2IACCW9Y-00769-00293891-00294213 simple as Google slides again, a collaborative slide where every iQN2IACCW9Y-00770-00294213-00294599 group gets a single slide to report back out onto, they all iQN2IACCW9Y-00771-00294599-00294921 see each other's slides. They can ask questions they can iQN2IACCW9Y-00772-00294921-00295276 comment on it on the side, and ask those text based iQN2IACCW9Y-00773-00295276-00295404 asynchronous questions as well iQN2IACCW9Y-00774-00295404-00295577 as. The presentation that you're iQN2IACCW9Y-00775-00295577-00295738 talking about. Um? iQN2IACCW9Y-00776-00295916-00296226 Alright, it's 2:00 o'clock. I want to thank you all for iQN2IACCW9Y-00777-00296226-00296508 dealing with my fumbling at the very beginning of this. iQN2IACCW9Y-00778-00296508-00296818 I'm hoping to get this all figured out and thank you, iQN2IACCW9Y-00779-00296818-00297100 Courtney, for jumping into that other room and helping me iQN2IACCW9Y-00780-00297100-00297354 recognize that there are people going in wrong places. iQN2IACCW9Y-00781-00297354-00297410 I've gotta. iQN2IACCW9Y-00782-00297551-00297875 This is harder than I thought. This is harder than blackboard. iQN2IACCW9Y-00783-00297875-00298170 Collaborate was last semester, so thanks all for putting up iQN2IACCW9Y-00784-00298170-00298495 with patient. Being patient and putting up with that and plane iQN2IACCW9Y-00785-00298495-00298849 along. Next week we're going to talk about using media, so I iQN2IACCW9Y-00786-00298849-00299173 invite you to come back next week. We also aren't following iQN2IACCW9Y-00787-00299173-00299527 up these chats. I'm sorry these labs with a chat tomorrow from iQN2IACCW9Y-00788-00299527-00299940 1:00 to 2:00, so I will be here from 1:00 to 2:00 tomorrow. I'll iQN2IACCW9Y-00789-00299940-00300281 make sure there's. Right Link is in that team space. I'm iQN2IACCW9Y-00790-00300281-00300675 hoping that the right link is in the email that I sent out iQN2IACCW9Y-00791-00300675-00300796 today or this week. iQN2IACCW9Y-00792-00300936-00301389 Many of you got here, so I think that it is, but I'll be there iQN2IACCW9Y-00793-00301389-00301751 tomorrow and will help you figure out how to apply some of iQN2IACCW9Y-00794-00301751-00302023 this directly into your teaching and learning contexts and iQN2IACCW9Y-00795-00302023-00302295 learning environments. Thank you again morning for helping me iQN2IACCW9Y-00796-00302295-00302597 work through this activity sheet and structuring that. And thank iQN2IACCW9Y-00797-00302597-00302748 you all for your conversations. iQN2IACCW9Y-00798-00302829-00302921 Have a good afternoon. iQN2IACCW9Y-00799-00303280-00303586 And I will stick around if anyone wants to stick around iQN2IACCW9Y-00800-00303586-00303865 for the next couple of minutes I will be around iQN2IACCW9Y-00801-00303865-00304005 just to just say hi. iQN2IACCW9Y-00802-00305531-00305839 And Paul, if you wanna talk about using Zoom iQN2IACCW9Y-00803-00305839-00305976 versus teams, I'm I. iRhvor2QVhQ-00000-00000030-00000576 Since 1992, 1.464 journalists have been murdered. iRhvor2QVhQ-00001-00000576-00001302 Over 80 percent of these murders are not solved. Not investigated. Not acted upon. iRhvor2QVhQ-00002-00001410-00002190 no one is brought to Justice the death of free speech a deadly effect on society itself iRhvor2QVhQ-00003-00002340-00003240 we will break this chain by reinvestigating these murders interviewing Witnesses uncovering iRhvor2QVhQ-00004-00003240-00003852 evidence bringing those responsible to Justice by holding them accountable iRhvor2QVhQ-00005-00003947-00004878 in court in public in the media help us break the chain join the iRhvor2QVhQ-00006-00004878-00005364 movement the Coalition creating a safer world for the truth [Music] iSCDfWve8II-00000-00000080-00000672 i actually am at the center of a conspiracy and um you're welcome to record yeah thank you that's iSCDfWve8II-00001-00000672-00001192 that's victoria but you're not well you're not allowed to post it anywhere publicly yeah well iSCDfWve8II-00002-00001192-00001848 it depends it depends you're not a lawyer so it depends whose um legal team has the most money iSCDfWve8II-00003-00001904-00002584 and i was um i was framed um by mark by a doctor very long time ago i've been fighting for justice iSCDfWve8II-00004-00002656-00003208 and i've been framed and they've used that reason but i've put it in the public domain iSCDfWve8II-00005-00003208-00003744 and the reason he can't sue me is because or attack me or take me to jail or anything iSCDfWve8II-00006-00003800-00004432 is because they're going to say okay why doing that for and the malpractice will be exposed right iSCDfWve8II-00007-00004488-00005088 so it's a standoff all right so so now going back a step you've seen my quote today on facebook iSCDfWve8II-00008-00005088-00005488 or someone's called yeah yeah so so we're here because you've got people in your life iSCDfWve8II-00009-00005488-00005960 that are quite concerned about yeah my brother's coming up my brother's coming over tomorrow yeah iSCDfWve8II-00010-00005960-00006304 so that'll be good we're going out for a coffee yeah i'm quite chill tonight iSCDfWve8II-00011-00006304-00007000 i had a good chat to my friend jim pavliders from the age yeah um he's an illustrator there who's iSCDfWve8II-00012-00007000-00007576 unfortunately just had a stroke but um but he's all right um he's helping me tomorrow as well iSCDfWve8II-00013-00007576-00008472 to make a complaint on my behalf and um i do have suicidal idulation but i'm fine now yeah and when iSCDfWve8II-00014-00008472-00009120 you say you're fine now like is it something that comes and goes or well you know i could explain iSCDfWve8II-00015-00009200-00009680 to you rationally what's happened to me but i don't think you're going to be able to be iSCDfWve8II-00016-00009680-00010120 to act your job is to make sure i'm okay yeah right you're exactly right and that's iSCDfWve8II-00017-00010120-00010800 it anything beyond that or outside of that you're not gonna act on so um i can tell you now that um iSCDfWve8II-00018-00011048-00011384 for a person with such mental health concerns iSCDfWve8II-00019-00011600-00011960 um you know someone's who said they're going to hot box themselves on heroin iSCDfWve8II-00020-00011960-00012544 and um top themselves and i don't think it's fair just to stay here for people to save people's pain iSCDfWve8II-00021-00012544-00013184 you know and comments like that that should have been taken seriously and then i asked the gp if he iSCDfWve8II-00022-00013184-00013712 could offer a psychiatrist or psychologist and he said i don't know anyone and then he said you're iSCDfWve8II-00023-00013712-00014424 so clever you'll fall between the cracks now i am clever i've just done a phd so i'm dr rich mclean iSCDfWve8II-00024-00014424-00015200 but um that he should have acted and they're using that law exactly what you said against me so i but iSCDfWve8II-00025-00015200-00015847 but i offered a transcript but then again his lawyer um up through freedom of information iSCDfWve8II-00026-00015919-00016448 i got the transcript that the email that said uh it's inconsistent with the recording it's not iSCDfWve8II-00027-00016448-00017360 to be used so he so his highfaluting lawyer was threatening our pro with you know in in context by iSCDfWve8II-00028-00017360-00017760 by saying don't use anything yes okay so my whole complaint was based on nothing iSCDfWve8II-00029-00017840-00018560 and now i got um nhp opc to investigate it which is the body that investigates opera iSCDfWve8II-00030-00018632-00019560 and they waited over a year watching me squirm and really be distressed until such point i think iSCDfWve8II-00031-00019640-00020192 these powers that be actually want me to kill myself you know okay all right that's what i iSCDfWve8II-00032-00020192-00020720 think i'll let you guys speak so that's why we're here because we don't want you to kill yourself iSCDfWve8II-00033-00020720-00021192 and you've got people in your life that are very worried about you and your safety yeah iSCDfWve8II-00034-00021192-00021776 yeah that's the reason we've come out tonight okay so we are concerned about your safety um iSCDfWve8II-00035-00021776-00022168 and i know you're saying that you're you're safe now but it seems like these thoughts are coming iSCDfWve8II-00036-00022224-00022712 frequently and you are expressing yourself that you are struggling and that you will end your life iSCDfWve8II-00037-00022856-00023328 um well that was um like a how would you say a um iSCDfWve8II-00038-00023520-00023952 a motive for people to take action you know because all i need is one person to make you iSCDfWve8II-00039-00023952-00024584 complain on my behalf yeah but i haven't found one friend or family member or colleague to do that iSCDfWve8II-00040-00024664-00025232 no one's willing to cross the line and how it's framed is they're going to make me look like i'm iSCDfWve8II-00041-00025232-00025952 crazy so that you take me away in a white suit and um put me in and fill me with medication and and iSCDfWve8II-00042-00025952-00026560 that's that's that's the way the plan goes i've already predicted that so um now i have to tell iSCDfWve8II-00043-00026560-00027383 you too that my psychiatrist who um i've only seen a very few times but costs 800 a session iSCDfWve8II-00044-00027616-00028320 he dumped me and he knows he's the only person who can give me the medication i need iSCDfWve8II-00045-00028320-00029136 yeah so um basically he's if he was a oncologist for a cancer patient giving iSCDfWve8II-00046-00029136-00029672 radiation and that was going to save that person's life which he's admitted this does save my life iSCDfWve8II-00047-00029776-00030360 and he said uh now i've had a binge with you you can go up to some other hospital that iSCDfWve8II-00048-00030360-00030968 doesn't have radiation and they die that's malpractice so that's happened just recently iSCDfWve8II-00049-00030968-00031648 yeah um i think dr leor suggested someone in our area dr mordiah yeah but they were prescribed iSCDfWve8II-00050-00031760-00032544 there was no con consistency there was no there was no um definitiveness um there was no certainty iSCDfWve8II-00051-00032544-00033400 that would happen so in effect what dr hogan has done has just thrown me out to the walks right so iSCDfWve8II-00052-00033400-00034064 that's i think that's malpractice and i also think it's unethical that dr cooper another doctor um iSCDfWve8II-00053-00034168-00034704 me i in confidence mentioned a a gambling thing because i've also had a sexual abuse iSCDfWve8II-00054-00034704-00035184 case which has been going for three and a half years and they slaughtered me in court iSCDfWve8II-00055-00035280-00035952 with no one believing me and um [Music] yeah so the the tipping point was iSCDfWve8II-00056-00036032-00036760 really that recently um but um court was just recent i i got to say they look they didn't iSCDfWve8II-00057-00036760-00037440 give me the that the lawyers didn't even give me the um the outcome they just fold me off iSCDfWve8II-00058-00037512-00038192 now that's that's perverting the course of justice or withholding legal information my iSCDfWve8II-00059-00038192-00039064 outcome that's illegal and i begged to court for a recording because i heard that happened and iSCDfWve8II-00060-00039256-00039896 i didn't hear anything for months and i thought i'm fighting people who are untouchable you know iSCDfWve8II-00061-00039960-00040600 and so she sent me the recording that just came in a plain envelope and i i knew it was just iSCDfWve8II-00062-00040600-00041312 a recording of her not acknowledging anything i sent her and that i was going to lose anyway so um iSCDfWve8II-00063-00041704-00042176 yeah yeah sure i know i talk a lot but i've got a lot to say of course of course errors iSCDfWve8II-00064-00042176-00042736 um you said before that people want you to sing crazy and take away a white coat i'd iSCDfWve8II-00065-00042736-00043344 like to say we don't want to do that and no one's suggesting you're crazy as in you're not psychotic iSCDfWve8II-00066-00043344-00043752 or a psychiatrist doesn't think you're psychotic we don't think that either so no iSCDfWve8II-00067-00043752-00044216 one's trying to suggest that our concerns are what's been raised are that you've expressed iSCDfWve8II-00068-00044344-00044984 a desire to die no no not a desire to die that you have intentions of suiciding of killing yourself iSCDfWve8II-00069-00045040-00045744 yeah publicly on facebook media platforms yep and we've had multiple members of the community people iSCDfWve8II-00070-00045744-00046472 that know you have raised immediate concerns about yours can i know who they are uh yeah so your dad iSCDfWve8II-00071-00046472-00047080 was happy to be known yeah that he was concerned about you yeah well that's nice yeah never iSCDfWve8II-00072-00047080-00047648 mind yeah they're lovely people they just don't understand you're at least three and since we last iSCDfWve8II-00073-00047648-00048152 saw you at least three people have called yeah with grave concerns about your immediate safety iSCDfWve8II-00074-00048216-00048760 so that's our job i guess i'll ask you questions about that really yeah and to understand if you're iSCDfWve8II-00075-00048760-00049368 safe or not yeah well framed by today i'm just um not even having a side yet which is unusual iSCDfWve8II-00076-00049440-00049976 i'm not even having a cider but i might have one before i go to bed my brother's coming tomorrow um iSCDfWve8II-00077-00050160-00050640 i've got to do the dishes i like to think i present the house pretty well when my brother iSCDfWve8II-00078-00050640-00051320 comes around so i'm cleaning up a bit and um yeah that's really all i can say apart from iSCDfWve8II-00079-00051567-00052144 what has happened to me has been unjust through so many institutions organizations people and iSCDfWve8II-00080-00052328-00052991 places including the federal health minister and our nhpa principal and the police who i've offered iSCDfWve8II-00081-00052991-00053679 to give them information about a murder and maybe my own murder because if if that recording was iSCDfWve8II-00082-00053679-00054216 found and i have died on that suicide attempt then the doctor could have been tried for manslaughter iSCDfWve8II-00083-00054216-00054848 but they don't want to hear from me so i can't go to the police so the police are hopeless to iSCDfWve8II-00084-00054848-00055432 me i can't go to opera to make a complaint because i've got evidence that they block my calls i can't iSCDfWve8II-00085-00055432-00055967 send an email to the federal police because they know my domain name and they've blocked the isp iSCDfWve8II-00086-00055967-00056640 right now complicated by all this i'd like to put down on the record my former partner of five years iSCDfWve8II-00087-00056640-00057376 left me homeless and squatting like i am now yeah um and he was a millionaire and he iSCDfWve8II-00088-00057376-00058040 he preached monogamy that was doing the other the whole time so the deceit is unbelievable iSCDfWve8II-00089-00058040-00058808 he's a criminal uh criminal mastermind and a sociopathic narcissist and you know i'm a really iSCDfWve8II-00090-00058808-00059455 nice guy and i got drained and dumped you know and i've tried to bring this up and the powers that be iSCDfWve8II-00091-00059455-00060208 i.e he worked for azo and um i know it sounds like sounds like i'm psychotic but it's actually real iSCDfWve8II-00092-00060352-00061020 david irvine then the head of asia was his boss and um yeah he um [Music] iSCDfWve8II-00093-00061112-00062184 yeah they just um someone's pulling strings from really high up to make me um suffer and suffer iSCDfWve8II-00094-00062408-00063208 you know and this is the eventual outcome you know but but i i'm okay now all i did i did that iSCDfWve8II-00095-00063208-00063784 because i don't think people are listening to me i'm not being acknowledged i haven't got traction iSCDfWve8II-00096-00063888-00064240 especially with sexual abuse stuff it's well documented the schism that happens iSCDfWve8II-00097-00064240-00064896 when an adult doesn't get validation for their child trauma and that's what tipped me over the iSCDfWve8II-00098-00064896-00065640 edge and in addition to that i just want to say um so i wanted to take a break because iSCDfWve8II-00099-00065640-00066208 a lot of the clients i work with i'm an ndis therapist a lot of the clients i work with have iSCDfWve8II-00100-00066296-00066816 child rape trauma stuff and going on that was affecting me in subtle ways and i was doing iSCDfWve8II-00101-00066816-00067296 all their vocab cases so i'm getting paranoid that because it's linked to me they're not going to get iSCDfWve8II-00102-00067296-00067944 their case heard because everything goes up you know anyway um i decided that was a meltdown for iSCDfWve8II-00103-00067944-00068912 me when the um disc came and i asked for a break yeah and um i got my new gp to fill out a form um iSCDfWve8II-00104-00069024-00069392 and that was all fine and then but the insurer didn't pay it iSCDfWve8II-00105-00069552-00070256 so i've got another fight on my hands you know yeah i i can't fight 100 people yes so one of the iSCDfWve8II-00106-00070256-00071072 things that um dr leor who's our psychiatrist did was contact your gp um about suggesting a iSCDfWve8II-00107-00071072-00071568 psychiatrist in this area have you seen your gp since we no i haven't i haven't got a car iSCDfWve8II-00108-00071568-00072152 because i don't know if it was targeted but it got broken into and the lock barrel broken iSCDfWve8II-00109-00072152-00072792 right okay so i i've literally i'm literally in a lot of debt yeah that's a stress yeah you know iSCDfWve8II-00110-00072896-00073544 without any food barely anything to eat and i've got a computer and a dog and you know the landlord iSCDfWve8II-00111-00073544-00074192 doesn't know about this yet my some of my family does i did a facebook fundraiser to pay rent but iSCDfWve8II-00112-00074264-00074832 you know i'm not a saint and i've taken drugs and gambled before so people don't want to enable me iSCDfWve8II-00113-00074832-00075400 so so there's that double entendre you know yeah so people are just leaving me you know yeah and a iSCDfWve8II-00114-00075400-00075936 lot of left and i've tried to call friends tonight and they're not interested in a bad news story iSCDfWve8II-00115-00075936-00076584 yeah can i ask you said you posted on facebook intentions to suicide did what was that about why iSCDfWve8II-00116-00076584-00077200 did you do that um i was just sharing my web page because i've got rich mclean.com.eu which was um iSCDfWve8II-00117-00077256-00077824 artists website and for my advocacy page for looking after people on the ndis which was really iSCDfWve8II-00118-00077824-00078768 well done and was amazing i loved the job and um but now the powers that be again um ndis i had iSCDfWve8II-00119-00078768-00079360 to tell them i was in a debt agreement so i did because that's what i have to legally do but they iSCDfWve8II-00120-00079360-00079976 came back and said you need to be audited you're acting illegally so i thought well they're setting iSCDfWve8II-00121-00079976-00080400 me up if i go to work they're going to come down to me so that's another reason i had to stop iSCDfWve8II-00122-00080488-00081424 and and the two organizations that i need uh um auspice from is the arts therapy association or iSCDfWve8II-00123-00081424-00081920 australian counselors association do you have intention on ending your life do you know iSCDfWve8II-00124-00081920-00082600 suicide never oh yeah i have you're not you're not listening it's already happened i'm post-death iSCDfWve8II-00125-00082600-00083160 right right dr whitaker the first doctor i told you about i told him i would kill myself in iSCDfWve8II-00126-00083160-00083728 numerous ways he told me that he can't find a psychologist or psychiatrist and i'm so clever iSCDfWve8II-00127-00083728-00084264 i'll fall between the cracks yeah i did hear that yeah and then in the same meeting he gave me iSCDfWve8II-00128-00084264-00084792 a lethal dose of opioids now a couple of weeks later i then tried to overdose but i lived iSCDfWve8II-00129-00084904-00085720 so yeah i have before but since then well i'm trying to be um clear about the issues iSCDfWve8II-00130-00085720-00086280 of that i've faced experience don't understand whether you're so acutely yeah no no no no okay iSCDfWve8II-00131-00086280-00086736 i understand that you've been stopped filing medication to serve aside is that true no it's iSCDfWve8II-00132-00086736-00087184 not true that's completely unfounded completely unfounded however so the people that reported that iSCDfWve8II-00133-00087184-00087736 have made that up i think my mother asked me that so she's probably not called but i'd like to say iSCDfWve8II-00134-00087736-00088544 in regards to that that for someone who's like it was a well-known fact in oprah the medical field iSCDfWve8II-00135-00088656-00089376 through doctors everything that i'd overdosed on opioids right so i left that doctrine to another iSCDfWve8II-00136-00089376-00090416 doctor dr keeper in yarraville now he was kind of a funny bloke um at one stage he was prescribing iSCDfWve8II-00137-00090416-00091496 me two boxes of um high milligram endowment a week now for someone who's already overdosed on opioids iSCDfWve8II-00138-00091552-00092264 and he knew my issues because i was very transparent with him it seems a little um iSCDfWve8II-00139-00092544-00093392 unethical to give a person that yeah you know so but but to make things worse then when i iSCDfWve8II-00140-00093392-00094256 was addicted to it he pulled away all valium and all oxycontin and wrote me a letter saying iSCDfWve8II-00141-00094368-00094832 um banning me from the clinic but saying if you go to drug and alcohol rehab we'll have you back iSCDfWve8II-00142-00094896-00095680 right so so it's nasty work you know and one up one doctor doesn't want to dub a buddy doctor iSCDfWve8II-00143-00095680-00096592 in to oprah you know so basically i've meant nothing to them so they mean nothing to me right iSCDfWve8II-00144-00096672-00096944 so i'll just say though i'll just say one more thing iSCDfWve8II-00145-00097072-00097984 a conciliation malpractice case which i have valid reason for is i know very low iSCDfWve8II-00146-00097984-00098528 two hundred thousand dollars to five hundred thousand dollars because there's been such a iSCDfWve8II-00147-00098728-00099488 deliberate malicious conspiracy to harm me and over the years and months watch me suffer until iSCDfWve8II-00148-00099488-00100112 it's come to this point where you guys come all those companies and institutions have an ethical iSCDfWve8II-00149-00100272-00100592 and moral obligation to look after people who email them iSCDfWve8II-00150-00100672-00101432 and none of them have shown that i've been blacklisted i've been earmarked i'm a nice person iSCDfWve8II-00151-00101496-00102032 i deserve justice and that's what i've been fighting for four years and i thought to myself iSCDfWve8II-00152-00102120-00102576 how can one even get traction on this when i've had a letter from the federal minister iSCDfWve8II-00153-00102576-00103168 greg hunt and my former partner who i've accused has been co-conspirator in a murder iSCDfWve8II-00154-00103432-00103632 is being covered by asia like iSCDfWve8II-00155-00103735-00104248 i'm one person you know i can't fight everyone that's the frustration i feel yeah iSCDfWve8II-00156-00104408-00105016 that's clear enough yeah it is so what we hear is you've had significant trauma in your past iSCDfWve8II-00157-00105080-00105800 layers and layers you've got stress now um you've been telling people that you are going to suicide iSCDfWve8II-00158-00105935-00106240 but that was out of desperation just to make people iSCDfWve8II-00159-00106376-00106880 pay attention because no one's validated or i haven't had traction no one's heard the story iSCDfWve8II-00160-00106880-00107264 no one's heard the recording i've tried to share it it's been just iSCDfWve8II-00161-00107432-00108088 me on r from me on nhp rpc me and the police man i haven't and then i've tried to share it um iSCDfWve8II-00162-00108088-00108880 like in a public way and the very reason i haven't been arrested or sued is because it's gonna iSCDfWve8II-00163-00108880-00109400 exactly expose the crime i commit i i'm accusing him of the issue we have richard is that you've iSCDfWve8II-00164-00109400-00109911 expressed the multiple people that you are going to suicide multiple people have called us you iSCDfWve8II-00165-00109911-00110792 have a history of attempted suicide so we're concerned about your immediate safety right i'm iSCDfWve8II-00166-00111016-00111656 i'm totally okay like i'm just who's this turning around oh okay so we'd like to offer you iSCDfWve8II-00167-00111735-00112135 to come to hospital yeah for a review of our psychiatrist and iSCDfWve8II-00168-00112135-00112392 some support and some treatment with your health iSCDfWve8II-00169-00112464-00112840 and your emotional health and your experiences we'd like to offer you a voluntary admission to iSCDfWve8II-00170-00112840-00113408 come to hospital thank you very much i appreciate it it's always nice that someone actually did care iSCDfWve8II-00171-00113472-00114064 but it's less encouraging that i have valid things to bring up that no one wants to intervene in iSCDfWve8II-00172-00114135-00114759 and i get earmarked like i always have been with being the mad person now that suicide iSCDfWve8II-00173-00114824-00115208 thing was for a purpose it was to make people act and to help me get traction iSCDfWve8II-00174-00115296-00115735 i'm totally fine i'm gonna go in and have a beer i appreciate it okay can i can i just really iSCDfWve8II-00175-00115735-00116304 politely say something richard so you express your previous suicide attempt was to to get people's iSCDfWve8II-00176-00116304-00116816 attention to gain some traction no no no no no no no i didn't say that oh the expression of the iSCDfWve8II-00177-00116872-00117288 i'm sorry no i was i was absolutely understanding i was absolutely grief-stricken last time i iSCDfWve8II-00178-00117288-00117968 i'd realized my sexual abuse i was doing a phd i was um isolated this is the reasons last time iSCDfWve8II-00179-00118048-00118528 um my own family didn't believe the sexual abuse they said i probably caught him with a iSCDfWve8II-00180-00118528-00119192 dirty magazine really upset me and the doctors um dr whittaker and my psychologist dr robert iSCDfWve8II-00181-00119192-00120032 mckinnon and stella quang and a few others were mentioned in the suicide note saying that it's a iSCDfWve8II-00182-00120104-00120552 they just want money they just want to tick it through you know they actually don't care and iSCDfWve8II-00183-00120552-00121328 they didn't and um [Music] you know i was very angry and i was grieving the loss of someone i i iSCDfWve8II-00184-00121328-00121816 dearly deal with it sounds awful isn't it horrendous well it all kind of came to a iSCDfWve8II-00185-00121816-00122352 point you know okay and you know i've been that kind of person who's been altruistic and helped iSCDfWve8II-00186-00122352-00122752 so many people over the years i'm not sure how much you know about me but i've got human rights iSCDfWve8II-00187-00122752-00123280 awards i've written books all that kind of stuff right so i've i've helped enough people yes okay iSCDfWve8II-00188-00123359-00124280 now um but when it came to someone helping me it was missing and the reason i specify iSCDfWve8II-00189-00124280-00125096 that event with dr whitaker and that suicide attempt was that i expressed to him i was suicidal iSCDfWve8II-00190-00125096-00125904 because of the grief yes and in numerous ways and recorded it there's like a great recording iSCDfWve8II-00191-00125904-00126528 you can't you can't you can't deny a fact you know but there is a conspiracy to cover that up iSCDfWve8II-00192-00126528-00127032 and i'm the unwilling participant at the center of it but i want to say i'm not in that space now iSCDfWve8II-00193-00127032-00127448 look i'm glad to hear that we i guess we don't have any power to help you with your iSCDfWve8II-00194-00127448-00128128 your legal experiences your legal battle yeah or future and we as mental health professionals want iSCDfWve8II-00195-00128128-00128632 to offer you mental health support and care yeah and we'd like you to come to hospital for further iSCDfWve8II-00196-00128632-00129192 review by our psychiatric team and potentially some treatment and some care you know you know iSCDfWve8II-00197-00129192-00129840 what i need i need um someone to advocate for me whether vimyac or the mental health legal center iSCDfWve8II-00198-00129840-00130408 i've even got a letter from the australian human rights commission that says we acknowledge you iSCDfWve8II-00199-00130408-00131064 think that um you know if your family or friends found the recording the doctor could have been iSCDfWve8II-00200-00131064-00131688 trying with manslaughter and you have evidence of a murder but that's outside our jurisdiction iSCDfWve8II-00201-00131688-00132200 see everyone i've talked to it's outside of their jurisdiction also part of our support is there iSCDfWve8II-00202-00132200-00132712 are social workers on the ward and we have lots of information and we can get you in touch with iSCDfWve8II-00203-00132712-00133104 mental health independent mental health advocacy services and support services so we can do that iSCDfWve8II-00204-00133104-00133688 as part of your treatment but we would like you to come into hospital tomorrow to together i know but iSCDfWve8II-00205-00133688-00134272 i i can just say yeah and i can only reiterate that the things that happened in the past iSCDfWve8II-00206-00134272-00134968 are not happening now and it was like a um a thing to get people to acknowledge my valid concerns iSCDfWve8II-00207-00135048-00135720 and like you told me no one can help me with my problems there and i'm better off at home iSCDfWve8II-00208-00135720-00136104 having a beer watching the tv with my dog what we said because we can't help you with iSCDfWve8II-00209-00136104-00136616 your legal things right now but we can only help you with your health yeah well do i sound okay iSCDfWve8II-00210-00136712-00137264 no you don't you sound unwell well you've expressed multiple conspiracy theories iSCDfWve8II-00211-00137264-00137672 you've expressed multiple people on multiple media platforms that you intend to suicide iSCDfWve8II-00212-00137672-00138064 we understand you have a stockpile of medication we can't confirm nor deny that iSCDfWve8II-00213-00138064-00138544 we have immediate concerns for your safety you're refusing to come to hospital we'd like you to come iSCDfWve8II-00214-00138544-00139024 voluntarily we do not want to traumatize you in any way but we'd like you to come to hospital iSCDfWve8II-00215-00139024-00139608 tonight for further review and support and care can i bring my evidence so that i can explain iSCDfWve8II-00216-00139608-00139992 that it's not a conspiracy what evidence do you want to plug your recordings and things iSCDfWve8II-00217-00139992-00140552 sure absolutely well it's going to take me a while to put them all together so we you we feel we need iSCDfWve8II-00218-00140552-00141104 to come to us well tonight so we need you to come so maybe maybe bring what we have to hand iSCDfWve8II-00219-00141328-00141584 um and what if i say no i'm not coming iSCDfWve8II-00220-00141688-00142392 he would like you to come voluntarily but i i i'm i'm happy to stay home like i'm totally okay iSCDfWve8II-00221-00142392-00142808 my brother is coming tomorrow we have immediate concerns about your safety richard you'd like i iSCDfWve8II-00222-00142808-00143536 don't know you do but i don't raising the concerns of people that know you and i think care about you iSCDfWve8II-00223-00143800-00144192 so based on your media posts and based on the concerns of multiple people in your iSCDfWve8II-00224-00144192-00144608 life that raised immediate concerns about your welfare that's what our decision is based on iSCDfWve8II-00225-00144680-00145784 well i can only say that the um how this has all unfolded has been a meticulous purposeful spiteful iSCDfWve8II-00226-00145864-00146672 way to get me to this point and if i go with you that means they're winning now now i i i'm iSCDfWve8II-00227-00146672-00147216 going to say very clearly yes i don't have medication stuck piled up if i wanted to iSCDfWve8II-00228-00147216-00147976 kill myself i could very easily yes it's not not rocket science um now i'm totally okay i'm going iSCDfWve8II-00229-00147976-00148808 to go in have a beer with my dog and i'm going to chill in front of the tv and try and relax um iSCDfWve8II-00230-00148920-00149344 framed by what you've said i appreciate that you've come i appreciate that people called iSCDfWve8II-00231-00149344-00149912 and i'll go in there and thank them but i'm not coming tonight unless you chain me to a tree iSCDfWve8II-00232-00149912-00150440 no one's going to change anything but if you now you're refusing to come we have to use the mental iSCDfWve8II-00233-00150440-00150984 health act okay so we're going to place you on an assessment order under the mental health act which iSCDfWve8II-00234-00150984-00151648 means you so so we're all right so so your you're offering that i come voluntarily and then and then iSCDfWve8II-00235-00151648-00152144 if i say no then yeah then you put the law down on me based on immediate concerns for your safety yes iSCDfWve8II-00236-00152256-00152712 something you've talked a lot about richard is kind of duty of care themes and that's what iSCDfWve8II-00237-00152712-00153248 we have we do have a duty of care to keep people safe if you chose to go voluntarily iSCDfWve8II-00238-00153248-00153856 then that's us meeting our duty of care if can we talk about duty of care i'm not going by the way iSCDfWve8II-00239-00153856-00154512 can we talk about duty of caring saying if if i go will you have to hear all my evidence so iSCDfWve8II-00240-00154512-00154936 you don't think i'm conspiracy conspiratorial and paranoid i think it's a really good idea that you iSCDfWve8II-00241-00155048-00155416 speak to the psychiatrist about that so under an assessment order on the mental health act you'll iSCDfWve8II-00242-00155416-00156000 be reviewed by psychiatrists within 24 hours and you and that psychiatrist will come to a decision iSCDfWve8II-00243-00156000-00156392 essentially the psychiatrist's final decision of whether you are unwell or not whether you need to iSCDfWve8II-00244-00156392-00156816 be in hospital or not whether you need treatment or not it's the psychiatrist decisions we iSCDfWve8II-00245-00156816-00157208 place you're an assessment order which means you need further assessment by the psychiatrist iSCDfWve8II-00246-00157208-00157504 and we believe that has to take place in a hospital setting iSCDfWve8II-00247-00157768-00158136 okay so how are you going to give me there so we're going to call an ambulance iSCDfWve8II-00248-00158136-00158672 and ask them to transport hospitals okay we'll go call them i'll just stop the door iSCDfWve8II-00249-00159024-00159696 i'm sorry i'm totally okay these people are framing me to get me to this point we iSCDfWve8II-00250-00159848-00160176 well please don't be concerned because i'm absolutely fine iSCDfWve8II-00251-00160280-00161024 um i i recommend that you don't call an ambulance and i have recorded all this for my evidence we'll iSCDfWve8II-00252-00161024-00161384 get you a booklet of rights for the assessment order so we're going to place you on an assessment iSCDfWve8II-00253-00161384-00161928 under the mental health okay well you know what legally it was okay for donald trump to iSCDfWve8II-00254-00161928-00162408 be president and you know legally it was okay to have slaves at one point i mean you're just iSCDfWve8II-00255-00162408-00163984 pawns in this whole big machine aren't you really thanks for your time youtube appreciate it thanks iSCDfWve8II-00256-00164728-00165384 right you're gonna [__] lock me up iSCDfWve8II-00257-00205880-00205888 you iV7XFfvkiUI-00000-00002680-00003414 You're tuned into nednednerB the Schizophrenic. This is Day 16 of "100 Symptoms." iV7XFfvkiUI-00001-00003414-00003871 Today I'm going to talk about childlike mind. Another term for iV7XFfvkiUI-00002-00003871-00004668 childlike mind is hebephrenic--or hebephrenia-- heba meaning child or baby. Uh.. iV7XFfvkiUI-00003-00004769-00005443 Childlike mind is a symptom of schizophrenia usually present during iV7XFfvkiUI-00004-00005443-00006385 acute psychosis, when the psychotic phase is in its most intensity. Um.. Imagine being iV7XFfvkiUI-00005-00006385-00007389 reduced to childlike behavior: so confused, so jostled by the stress, that iV7XFfvkiUI-00006-00007428-00008389 you whimper; that you cry; that you seek reassurance; you seek comfort. When I was iV7XFfvkiUI-00007-00008389-00009288 in the psych ward in 2002 when I was 17, um, my mother was there visiting with me iV7XFfvkiUI-00008-00009288-00010020 through much of it, and I remember asking her to sing me songs, iV7XFfvkiUI-00009-00010020-00011366 to tell me comforting things. And, I wasn't acting responsibly I was iV7XFfvkiUI-00010-00011366-00012354 running around drawing strange simple drawings and crying, and not at all aware really that I was in a iV7XFfvkiUI-00011-00012354-00012880 hospital, other than the fact that that was happening. I was pretty accepting of iV7XFfvkiUI-00012-00012880-00013318 every--- I was pretty accepting of the situation and setting just like children iV7XFfvkiUI-00013-00013318-00013841 are for the most part when they aren't complaining. Um... iV7XFfvkiUI-00014-00014080-00014676 Other examples of hebephrenia, or childlike mind, might be when an adult iV7XFfvkiUI-00015-00014676-00015568 schizophrenic gets pressure or stress in an argument and they [expressive] lash out like a child. iV7XFfvkiUI-00016-00015568-00016552 They cry out; they explain their frustration in kind of acoustical terms iV7XFfvkiUI-00017-00016552-00017134 [laugh] rather than through words and reason alone, iV7XFfvkiUI-00018-00017134-00017904 which is what adults are supposed to do so to speak. iV7XFfvkiUI-00019-00017904-00018410 Yeah I think I've only exhibited childlike mind when iV7XFfvkiUI-00020-00018412-00019087 I was in the psych ward, when I was in my most intense psychosis. Otherwise I think iV7XFfvkiUI-00021-00019087-00019468 I'm pretty much acting my age. iV7XFfvkiUI-00022-00019468-00019854 Anyhow, This is nednednerB the Schizophrenic. iV7XFfvkiUI-00023-00019864-00020072 Day 16 of "100 symptoms." iV7XFfvkiUI-00024-00020072-00020458 Subscribe/ comment below/ share... iV7XFfvkiUI-00025-00020458-00020738 Bye. iWE3TjuxcjQ-00000-00000374-00001074 As a COCC student, you have access to much more than the books and DVDs you see at Barber Library. iWE3TjuxcjQ-00001-00001074-00001748 COCC is part of the Orbis Cascade Alliance, a consortium of thirty-nine schools in the Pacific Northwest. iWE3TjuxcjQ-00002-00001748-00002524 The Alliance includes big schools like Oregon State University, the University of Oregon, and the University of Washington. iWE3TjuxcjQ-00003-00002588-00003004 Every Alliance school shares their library collections with one another. iWE3TjuxcjQ-00004-00003004-00003596 Through a service called Summit, a student at one of these schools can borrow materials from any of the other schools. iWE3TjuxcjQ-00005-00003596-00003938 When you search the Barber Library & Summit catalog, iWE3TjuxcjQ-00006-00003938-00004274 you're not just searching the stacks at Barber Library in Bend. iWE3TjuxcjQ-00007-00004278-00004660 You're also searching the collections of all the other Alliance institutions. iWE3TjuxcjQ-00008-00004726-00005146 When you see a search result that says it's "Not immediately available at COCC," iWE3TjuxcjQ-00009-00005146-00005566 that means the title is owned by another Alliance library. iWE3TjuxcjQ-00010-00005626-00006274 To request the title through Summit, sign in to the catalog with your COCC username and password. iWE3TjuxcjQ-00011-00006534-00006950 Then click the link labeled "Request Summit Item (2-3 days)." iWE3TjuxcjQ-00012-00007012-00007588 Select a pick-up location from the drop-down. You can select any of the COCC campuses. iWE3TjuxcjQ-00013-00007638-00007902 Click "Request" to place your request. iWE3TjuxcjQ-00014-00007902-00008394 Within two to three days, you'll receive an email that says your item is ready for pick-up. iWE3TjuxcjQ-00015-00008456-00008808 COCC students can check out Summit books for 42 days, iWE3TjuxcjQ-00016-00008842-00009066 and audiovisual items for 6 days. iWE3TjuxcjQ-00017-00009186-00009506 Make sure you return them on time to avoid fines! iZ9gYiuqJvE-00000-00000042-00000487 Hey, thanks for joining me Today we are going to tie the Borski's Redfish iZ9gYiuqJvE-00001-00000487-00000587 Slider iZ9gYiuqJvE-00002-00000587-00000982 I am going to be using the Gamakatsu SS15 hook iZ9gYiuqJvE-00003-00000982-00001317 But any saltwater long shank hook will work. iZ9gYiuqJvE-00004-00001317-00001736 We are going to start by wrapping our thread half way down the shank of the hook iZ9gYiuqJvE-00005-00001736-00002219 You will want to use a strong thread as we will be needing to apply some tourque later iZ9gYiuqJvE-00006-00002219-00002586 on A tan or brown color thread is ideal iZ9gYiuqJvE-00007-00002586-00002930 You will want to make sure and add some head cement at this point iZ9gYiuqJvE-00008-00002930-00003118 to keep the thread from twisting iZ9gYiuqJvE-00009-00003118-00003442 Go ahead and wrap the thread half way back to the eye of the hook iZ9gYiuqJvE-00010-00003442-00003867 and tie in a large dumbell eye with a few X wraps iZ9gYiuqJvE-00011-00003867-00004467 It is important that the dumbell is a large size to compensate for some of the materials iZ9gYiuqJvE-00012-00004467-00004880 we will be using that tend to want to float. iZ9gYiuqJvE-00013-00004880-00005628 Its always a good idea to apply under wraps to lock your dumbells in place iZ9gYiuqJvE-00014-00005628-00006111 As always, add a drop of super glue to any dumbell eye iZ9gYiuqJvE-00015-00006111-00006653 Wrap your thread to half way between the dumbell eyes and the bend of the hook iZ9gYiuqJvE-00016-00006653-00007214 We want to cut some tan or brown craft fur. iZ9gYiuqJvE-00017-00007214-00007936 To do this, you want to separate a clump of fur and cut it off close to the base iZ9gYiuqJvE-00018-00007936-00008675 Set that clump aside, and repeat the process to get a 2nd clump iZ9gYiuqJvE-00019-00008675-00009372 Now add the two clumps together, and pull out the underfur iZ9gYiuqJvE-00020-00009372-00009967 Finally we want to cut the base of our fur clump square to prepare for tying it in. iZ9gYiuqJvE-00021-00009967-00010647 Place your squared off clump of craft fur up against the dumbell eyes and wrap in tightly iZ9gYiuqJvE-00022-00010647-00011124 Make sure and only tie back a small amount, do not tie all the way to the bend of the iZ9gYiuqJvE-00023-00011124-00011407 hook. iZ9gYiuqJvE-00024-00011407-00012196 To give it a more shrimp like look we will take a darker color sharpie and bar the fur iZ9gYiuqJvE-00025-00012196-00012653 Next we will want to take a streamer saddle hackle in orange, pink, or red, iZ9gYiuqJvE-00026-00012653-00013111 and pull out the webby fibers Then cut off the excess iZ9gYiuqJvE-00027-00013111-00013859 Now we want to tie in our hackle at the base. iZ9gYiuqJvE-00028-00013859-00014156 Dont forget to attach some flashy materials. iZ9gYiuqJvE-00029-00014156-00014454 Today I am using Krystal flash in a bronze color iZ9gYiuqJvE-00030-00014454-00014795 This will mimic the antenna of a shrimp and add some shine iZ9gYiuqJvE-00031-00014795-00015226 tie in the Flash so it extends about as far as your craft fur clump. iZ9gYiuqJvE-00032-00015226-00015748 To assist in palmering the hackle, a few fibers can be pulled out on one side of your hackle iZ9gYiuqJvE-00033-00015748-00016146 right at the base Then wrap your thread to the other side of iZ9gYiuqJvE-00034-00016146-00016659 your dumbell Now we can palmer the hackle tightly up to iZ9gYiuqJvE-00035-00016659-00017806 your dumbell Make sure and separate any fibers stuck together. iZ9gYiuqJvE-00036-00017806-00018822 Now capture the end of the hackle, and cut off the excess iZ9gYiuqJvE-00037-00018822-00019395 Flip your fly over in the vice, as we will now be working on the other side. iZ9gYiuqJvE-00038-00019395-00019803 For this next step, you can use either deer hair, or elk hair. iZ9gYiuqJvE-00039-00019803-00020093 I prefer elk hair because its less boyant iZ9gYiuqJvE-00040-00020093-00020725 You want to cut a large chunk of hair from your swatch at the base near the hide iZ9gYiuqJvE-00041-00020725-00021059 Measure the chunk of hair to just longer than the hook iZ9gYiuqJvE-00042-00021059-00021695 mark the length and cut off the excess but save the chunk of extra hair iZ9gYiuqJvE-00043-00021695-00022012 Wrap your thread to the back side of the dumbbell eye iZ9gYiuqJvE-00044-00022012-00022591 Position the hair on top of the hook shank and make two loose wraps to hold it in place. iZ9gYiuqJvE-00045-00022591-00023112 Do not tighten just yet. iZ9gYiuqJvE-00046-00023112-00023439 Pinch the hair on both sides to hold it in place. iZ9gYiuqJvE-00047-00023439-00023873 Pull straight down on your thread to tighten while pinching the hair. iZ9gYiuqJvE-00048-00023873-00024196 Make sure it does not spin on the hook. iZ9gYiuqJvE-00049-00024196-00025225 Then wrap your thread back to the front side of the dumbbell iZ9gYiuqJvE-00050-00025225-00025695 Now take the other section of hair that you had cut off. iZ9gYiuqJvE-00051-00025695-00026258 tie that in with two loose wraps. iZ9gYiuqJvE-00052-00026258-00026719 Then proceed to spin the hair on the hook shank by pulling your thread at an angle. iZ9gYiuqJvE-00053-00026719-00027663 Wrap one thread around the hair in the center, then pull back with your fingers to expose iZ9gYiuqJvE-00054-00027663-00027798 the hook eye. iZ9gYiuqJvE-00055-00027798-00028841 Wrap a few times just near the eye of the hook. iZ9gYiuqJvE-00056-00028841-00029094 Now you can whip finish the fly. iZ9gYiuqJvE-00057-00029094-00029616 Whip finishing this fly is tricky. iZ9gYiuqJvE-00058-00029616-00030872 Make sure and keep any fibers out of the whip finish. iZ9gYiuqJvE-00059-00030872-00031110 Now we want to trim the head of the fly. iZ9gYiuqJvE-00060-00031110-00031969 Start your first cut on an angle upward towards the rear of the fly. iZ9gYiuqJvE-00061-00031969-00032913 Make cuts all the way around the head of the fly in the same angle. iZ9gYiuqJvE-00062-00032913-00034268 Now cut the extra hairs around the head of the fly in a way that creates a curve backwards. iZ9gYiuqJvE-00063-00034268-00034572 Shape the head to a cone shape with precise cuts. iZ9gYiuqJvE-00064-00034572-00034706 Your fly is now finished. iZ9gYiuqJvE-00065-00034706-00034995 As the name suggests, this fly is great for Redfish iZ9gYiuqJvE-00066-00034995-00035267 It is a beautiful shrimp immitation And since it is tied with craft fur, it moves iZ9gYiuqJvE-00067-00035267-00035367 wonderfully in the water. iZ9gYiuqJvE-00068-00035367-00035467 Thank you for watching! iZ9gYiuqJvE-00069-00035467-00035666 If you like what you see, please subscribe. iZ9gYiuqJvE-00070-00035666-00036060 Leave your questions in the comment section below. ia06B05awPE-00000-00000567-00001346 Actress, Gemma Atkinson has caught Strictly Come Dancing star, Gorka Marquez, kissing another woman ia06B05awPE-00001-00001463-00002599 The pair appeared to confirmtheir relationship on social media days ago, as the Spanish hunk shared a sweet snap with the Emmerdale actress, after months of speculation they were dating ia06B05awPE-00002-00002716-00003754 But now it looks like there might already be trouble in paradise, as the professional dancer took to social media to share an affectionate shot of himself with someone else ia06B05awPE-00003-00003871-00005168 In the picture, Gorka pouted at the camera while comedian and Strictly co-star, Susan Calman planted a kiss on his cheek, - however, in the background, Gemma could also be seen looking disgruntled ia06B05awPE-00004-00005285-00006157 While his the trio were clearly joking, some fans took his gag a little too seriously, wondering if the couple had had a bust-up ia06B05awPE-00005-00006274-00006750 [] 'Noooo!', one wrote, accompanied by a broken heart ia06B05awPE-00006-00006867-00007329 While another added: 'The curse of Strictly strikes again!' ia06B05awPE-00007-00007445-00008290 However, others saw the funny side, and took Gorka's post as yet another confirmation that the pair's relationship was official ia06B05awPE-00008-00008407-00008816 [] While another added: 'Yaaas love them together!' ia06B05awPE-00009-00008933-00009642 The pair have been keeping their relationship under wraps, keeping fans guessing if they were just friends or not ia06B05awPE-00010-00009759-00010423 They met while both taking part on Strictly Come Dancing, though were partnered with other people ia06B05awPE-00011-00010540-00011160 Since then, they've enjoyed numerous lunch dates together as well as sweaty gym workouts. iam9k0x40ck-00000-00000064-00000537 this is the Australian National University Library iam9k0x40ck-00001-00000537-00000901 and this video will explain the peer review process iam9k0x40ck-00002-00000901-00001480 in academia, peer review is apretty big deal and it's easy to see why iam9k0x40ck-00003-00001480-00001992 when you cite a peer-reviewed article you invokean authority and credibility in your research iam9k0x40ck-00004-00002128-00002568 an article that is peer-reviewed has been scrutinized by a panel of experts iam9k0x40ck-00005-00002568-00002963 who have reviewed the article and given it their stamp of approval iam9k0x40ck-00006-00002963-00003519 this process ensures the journal only publishes articles of the highestquality iam9k0x40ck-00007-00003519-00003752 so let's break down how the process works iam9k0x40ck-00008-00003872-00004283 the first step is conducting and writing a piece of research iam9k0x40ck-00009-00004283-00004707 you might think the author can now simply send the article to a journal and have itpublished iam9k0x40ck-00010-00004707-00004920 but it doesn't quite work like that iam9k0x40ck-00011-00004920-00005272 they must first submit the article to a journal iam9k0x40ck-00012-00005272-00006124 it's then reviewed by an editorial assistant who determines if the article can be further reviewed by a panel of experts or returned iam9k0x40ck-00013-00006124-00006744 if it is returned, the academic must make major changesand can potentially resubmit iam9k0x40ck-00014-00006744-00007189 if it makes the first cut, it'll be sent to the peer review panel iam9k0x40ck-00015-00007189-00007688 here itis critically reviewed and analyzed individually by each member of an expert panel iam9k0x40ck-00016-00007688-00007920 allof whom are experts in the given field iam9k0x40ck-00017-00008023-00008570 in rare cases, the research is approved by the panel and published on the first round iam9k0x40ck-00018-00008570-00009112 more often though, the expert panel will request revisions and require clarification iam9k0x40ck-00019-00009208-00009536 the document is then returned to the academic for further refinement iam9k0x40ck-00020-00009600-00010204 this process of review and editing may seesaw back and forth several times between the panel and theacademic iam9k0x40ck-00021-00010204-00010549 before an article is finally accepted forpublication iam9k0x40ck-00022-00010549-00010780 achievement unlocked iam9k0x40ck-00023-00010780-00011654 this process of oversight and screening by a panel of expertsensures published peer-reviewed articles can be considered reliable iam9k0x40ck-00024-00011654-00012016 and the resulting paper will be representative of best practice in the field iam9k0x40ck-00025-00012104-00012694 articles from top tier journals are thus likely to be the best researched and most authoritative iam9k0x40ck-00026-00012694-00013046 so these are the ones to use most in your assignments iam9k0x40ck-00027-00013046-00013696 did you know that you can limit your searches to scholarly or peer-reviewed articles whenusing the ANU Library super search tool? iam9k0x40ck-00028-00013752-00013997 Google Scholar doesn't give you that option iam9k0x40ck-00029-00013997-00014184 want to know which journals are peer reviewed? iam9k0x40ck-00030-00014263-00014961 check out a database called Ulrich's Web Global Serials Directory available through the ANU Library iam9k0x40ck-00031-00014961-00015252 just search any journal name tofind out iam9k0x40ck-00032-00015252-00016065 you can also type the journal name, plus information for authors, into Google to find outmore about the journal in question iam9k0x40ck-00033-00016065-00016508 scan this page for any mention of a peer review or refereeprocess iam9k0x40ck-00034-00016508-00016696 if this is missing, give it the flick iam9k0x40ck-00035-00016824-00017256 if you're still in doubt, it's always best to check with your lecturer or supervisor iam9k0x40ck-00036-00017256-00017603 and don't forget, the ANU Library is here to help iam9k0x40ck-00037-00017603-00018143 we have anamazing collection of online materials and loads of guides available to support you iam9k0x40ck-00038-00018143-00018384 just clickthe subscribe button so you never miss a video iam9k0x40ck-00039-00018480-00018704 having trouble or need some specific assistance? iam9k0x40ck-00040-00018808-00019036 if in doubt, just reach out iam9k0x40ck-00041-00019036-00019326 you can always contactthe ANU Library for support iam9k0x40ck-00042-00019326-00019480 we're here to help ihyAIz-MuWc-00000-00000026-00000277 How did Korea get its English name? ihyAIz-MuWc-00001-00000277-00000737 In ancient times, north-central Korea was ruled by the Koguryŏ kingdom. ihyAIz-MuWc-00002-00000737-00001174 The name “Koguryŏ” was likely a compound of *ko-, meaning “high” or “great,” ihyAIz-MuWc-00003-00001174-00001504 and *kuru, meaning “castle” or “fortress.” ihyAIz-MuWc-00004-00001504-00002057 The kingdom’s royal family was also named “Ko,” so the prefix may have referred to them instead. ihyAIz-MuWc-00005-00002057-00002634 Around the mid-5th century, the name “Koguryŏ” was officially contracted to “Koryŏ.” ihyAIz-MuWc-00006-00002634-00002934 Koryŏ fell to the rival Shilla kingdom in 668, ihyAIz-MuWc-00007-00002934-00003307 but was revived by rebel warlords in the 10th century. ihyAIz-MuWc-00008-00003307-00003872 Koryŏ defeated Shilla in 935 and went on to rule the peninsula until 1392, ihyAIz-MuWc-00009-00003872-00004146 when it was overthrown by the Chosŏn dynasty. ihyAIz-MuWc-00010-00004146-00004644 Still, many neighbors continued to use “Chosŏn” and “Koryŏ” interchangeably. ihyAIz-MuWc-00011-00004644-00005385 The name “Koryŏ” entered the European lexicon as Portuguese "Core" in 1596 by way of Chinese traders. ihyAIz-MuWc-00012-00005385-00005908 The Portuguese name spawned many derivatives, such as Spanish "Corea" and English “Korea.” ikY87OqrAOg-00000-00000000-00000168 Good morning world! ikY87OqrAOg-00001-00000178-00000394 I´m now in North Carolina, ikY87OqrAOg-00002-00000418-00000884 we have just arrived after 4 hours driving, ikY87OqrAOg-00003-00000888-00001286 I went out of school earlier because we came here to visit some friends, ikY87OqrAOg-00004-00001292-00001646 because the family before living in Atlanta, Georgia, they lived in ikY87OqrAOg-00005-00001662-00002316 New York, in Boston, in England too... ikY87OqrAOg-00006-00002336-00002808 And in Charlotte, is it called? That is in North Carolina. ikY87OqrAOg-00007-00002918-00003118 Look at the views... ikY87OqrAOg-00008-00004868-00005080 Well, we have got out of the water, ikY87OqrAOg-00009-00005080-00005250 I don´t even know how I´m recording this... ikY87OqrAOg-00010-00005274-00005512 Can you see the lake? ikY87OqrAOg-00011-00005514-00005694 No, you can´t see anything. ikY87OqrAOg-00012-00005716-00005916 Here is where we are... ikY87OqrAOg-00013-00006158-00006420 Next day... ikY87OqrAOg-00014-00015474-00015750 Good bye North Carolina! ikY87OqrAOg-00015-00016088-00016394 I hope you liked it! ikY87OqrAOg-00016-00016580-00016946 Give it a like if so ikY87OqrAOg-00017-00017364-00017694 And subscribe if you haven´t already! ikY87OqrAOg-00018-00018026-00018344 Good byeeee! inC_lksRAIQ-00000-00003120-00004384 us inC_lksRAIQ-00001-00006384-00007184 us inC_lksRAIQ-00002-00007928-00008584 wow inC_lksRAIQ-00003-00008816-00009984 oh inC_lksRAIQ-00004-00016296-00016984 milky way inC_lksRAIQ-00005-00018896-00019784 oh inC_lksRAIQ-00006-00023056-00023984 so inC_lksRAIQ-00007-00024312-00025384 okay inC_lksRAIQ-00008-00027608-00028183 hold me close till i get up time is barely on my side inC_lksRAIQ-00009-00030888-00030983 and inC_lksRAIQ-00010-00032568-00033784 now inC_lksRAIQ-00011-00034888-00035152 along the way melodies inC_lksRAIQ-00012-00037496-00037984 through the wastelands through the highways to my shadow through the sunrays inC_lksRAIQ-00013-00041920-00042040 horizon inC_lksRAIQ-00014-00042984-00043584 the horizon turn us to thousands inC_lksRAIQ-00015-00044392-00044984 to my shadows inC_lksRAIQ-00016-00045336-00046384 through the highways inC_lksRAIQ-00017-00049168-00050584 and they come so easily tell me what it is inC_lksRAIQ-00018-00051888-00053384 why do i love the way you always inC_lksRAIQ-00019-00058328-00058984 staying up when i go out you gotta know yourself inC_lksRAIQ-00020-00059440-00060384 tell me why you have to seem so disney when i'm holding you your fingertips are drifting away inC_lksRAIQ-00021-00061679-00061712 why inC_lksRAIQ-00022-00063064-00064584 why do i baby inC_lksRAIQ-00023-00070408-00071160 i'm walking alone the streets are empty the only thing i could see is my own silhouette inC_lksRAIQ-00024-00071160-00071728 i'm getting stronger step by step but jodFfNyv7hM-00000-00000508-00000708 She:kon, sewakwe:kon. Dawn T ionkiats. jodFfNyv7hM-00001-00000747-00000983 Konkwehon:we kanienkehaka. jodFfNyv7hM-00002-00000984-00001583 My name is Dawn Maracle, and I am from Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory where I sit with the Bear Clan and jodFfNyv7hM-00003-00001620-00002216 I am the Program Coordinator for the Office of Indigenous Medical Education here at the University of Toronto in the Faculty of Medicine. jodFfNyv7hM-00004-00002272-00002603 So why we need more Indigenous healthcare workers? jodFfNyv7hM-00005-00002649-00003302 What's really important for people and their health is to see ourselves reflected in the community that we're in. jodFfNyv7hM-00006-00003352-00003986 Studies have shown that in the states, African American communities have actually had better health outcomes jodFfNyv7hM-00007-00004021-00004647 When they have African American doctors and healthcare providers. So this is a really interesting thing. jodFfNyv7hM-00008-00004647-00005018 It's about seeing oneself reflected as well as seeing oneself jodFfNyv7hM-00009-00005104-00005315 being treated with respect, and dignity. jodFfNyv7hM-00010-00005392-00005639 And it's also about inclusion; jodFfNyv7hM-00011-00005671-00006366 we need more Indigenous healthcare providers because we need people who we feel will understand us, who will listen to us and jodFfNyv7hM-00012-00006442-00007014 who will take the time to not only listen to a specific primary complaint, jodFfNyv7hM-00013-00007045-00007845 but also to think about the fact that there's a lot more context involved with our families, our communities, and different Indigenous healthcare issues. jodFfNyv7hM-00014-00007900-00008483 So what do healthcare providers need to know about working with Indigenous patients? Well, basically that we're all different. jodFfNyv7hM-00015-00008509-00008704 There's a lot of variation between individuals, jodFfNyv7hM-00016-00008704-00009356 just like within any other group, and it's really important to know that some cultures have people that are also very shy. jodFfNyv7hM-00017-00009357-00009830 But every individual is different, so don't make any assumptions about jodFfNyv7hM-00018-00009913-00010479 Indigenous people— why they're there, or what their issues are— because that's also been very very harmful. jodFfNyv7hM-00019-00010629-00011423 Also, I'd like to recommend not to out us. Some Indigenous people don't feel safe to self-identify, and they jodFfNyv7hM-00020-00011424-00011961 have their own reasons for that. It might be for safety, it might be for comfort, or it might be because of trauma. jodFfNyv7hM-00021-00011986-00012461 So don't out Indigenous people, but if they decide to start talking themselves, about being Indigenous, jodFfNyv7hM-00022-00012520-00012894 that opens the door for you to start having a different type of conversation with them. jodFfNyv7hM-00023-00012991-00013729 Kindness and respect go a long way to engaging and building a relationship with Indigenous patients, and it basically lays the jodFfNyv7hM-00024-00013738-00013938 foundations, and the cornerstone for jodFfNyv7hM-00025-00013952-00014410 building better healthcare and better health outcomes for people from any area of life. jodFfNyv7hM-00026-00014522-00015313 Context is really important to a lot of Indigenous people; actually, more than half of communities in Canada don't have safe drinking water. jodFfNyv7hM-00027-00015362-00016014 So, it's important to know the context of the individual, and why they are coming to you. A health care issue is jodFfNyv7hM-00028-00016079-00016524 often, in an office, only dealt with the one— primary— acute issue; however, jodFfNyv7hM-00029-00016565-00016995 with a lot of Indigenous patients, the issues are greater than just the primary issue. jodFfNyv7hM-00030-00017015-00017629 But also the context, housing, community, safe water, and a lot of other issues as well. jodFfNyv7hM-00031-00017629-00018024 So, it's important to keep that in-mind when you're working with an Indigenous patient. jodFfNyv7hM-00032-00018025-00018438 I know for me, as a cancer survivor, when I went through my cancer journey, jodFfNyv7hM-00033-00018439-00019167 I was really alone, and I didn't have a lot of other people to help me, or support me along the way, and jodFfNyv7hM-00034-00019220-00019683 I'm really happy to say that today there are a lot more supports for cancer patients, and jodFfNyv7hM-00035-00019775-00020211 one such resource that's really important are Aboriginal Patient Navigators. jodFfNyv7hM-00036-00020228-00020595 They help Indigenous people to navigate the system, to jodFfNyv7hM-00037-00020657-00020892 advocate with those with different doctors, and different appointments jodFfNyv7hM-00038-00020939-00021420 but, also to connect them with the Indigenous people in the community, whatever the community may be. jodFfNyv7hM-00039-00021461-00021637 So that they can also feel that jodFfNyv7hM-00040-00021637-00021803 they're not just in a medical situation, jodFfNyv7hM-00041-00021803-00022057 but that they all have a community that they can connect to, jodFfNyv7hM-00042-00022076-00022692 which is very important for the health of a lot of Indigenous people, and then well that there's also other healers, jodFfNyv7hM-00043-00022814-00022991 consultants, jodFfNyv7hM-00044-00022991-00023763 friends, colleagues, and traditional teachers that could also be a great help. So these are all really important things to keep in-mind when you're working with Indigenous patients. j5d9WCOA27g-00000-00000008-00000448 if you love the beach, or someone who goes to the beach you'll want to know about this story j5d9WCOA27g-00001-00000448-00001592 whether you're from Delaware or anywhere (whatever state) j5d9WCOA27g-00002-00001912-00002576 hi this is Jeffrey Smith behind me are photos of a beautiful beach town outside Washington DC j5d9WCOA27g-00003-00002632-00003200 that is facing an issue early that most beach towns will shortly face j5d9WCOA27g-00004-00003200-00004256 5g telephone poles that will be installed on the beachfront areas 5g micro cell towers 35 foot tall j5d9WCOA27g-00005-00004312-00004920 like a picket fence at the beach 5g is being deployed and it's right at the beachfront it's j5d9WCOA27g-00006-00004920-00005592 nationwide and crucial fight about its beachfront going on right now it's going to happen to any j5d9WCOA27g-00007-00005592-00007184 beach town given that the 5g is nationwide and this problem will be faced by most beach towns j5d9WCOA27g-00008-00010920-00011440 5G polls have been popping up around beaches over the past few weeks most j5d9WCOA27g-00009-00011440-00011944 of these polls have gone up along dewey beach's coastline just steps from the dunes j5d9WCOA27g-00010-00011944-00012496 many who live in the area and long time renters are calling them an unnecessary eyesore. j5d9WCOA27g-00011-00012496-00012976 Del-dot issued a statement saying the permits were given solely based on state regulations and j5d9WCOA27g-00012-00012976-00013624 policy regarding public utilities in Delaware this is the town now facing an onslaught j5d9WCOA27g-00013-00013624-00014296 of five g polls based on legislation passed by the state and it's right at the beach front and j5d9WCOA27g-00014-00014296-00014904 it's a lot of telephone poles let's listen in here as the public and the council discuss this issue j5d9WCOA27g-00015-00015336-00015984 nobody in this town administration whether it be the volunteer commissioners or the employees want j5d9WCOA27g-00016-00015984-00016464 any of these polls they understand we're going to get them but we don't want them and we're j5d9WCOA27g-00017-00016464-00017152 fighting hard to try to make sure we get the best we can but we are very limited basically we've j5d9WCOA27g-00018-00017152-00017576 been told you may not like it but you're going to get it and that's the end of the discussion j5d9WCOA27g-00019-00017984-00018456 my comments just to be brief was that the map shared at the last meeting was great j5d9WCOA27g-00020-00018456-00018840 and it did set off a lot of interest but the polls were already up in a lot of the j5d9WCOA27g-00021-00018840-00019352 town it was already a done deal so there wasn't much to say i recognize we may not have control j5d9WCOA27g-00022-00019352-00019784 that doesn't mean we shouldn't fight when i walk by clayton street which i do every day j5d9WCOA27g-00023-00019784-00020288 and i see that pole at 12 o'clock i just think of this town and how we really need j5d9WCOA27g-00024-00020288-00020768 to care for the aesthetics of it not just fall over and accept it clayton street at j5d9WCOA27g-00025-00020768-00021184 a 12 o'clock pole right in front of the ocean is it's mind-boggling to me really j5d9WCOA27g-00026-00021736-00022384 people's mind are we or are we not going to have multiple poles at the end of the street in front j5d9WCOA27g-00027-00022384-00022856 of our beach entrances and it looked like a picket fence that's the biggest worry i have j5d9WCOA27g-00028-00023960-00024432 joe can i ask you a question uh yes sir verizon puts up a 35-foot pole j5d9WCOA27g-00029-00024432-00025328 very quick can you co-locate on the existing pole no every single time we have asked verizon j5d9WCOA27g-00030-00025328-00026016 if they could co-locate including on an older poll that only had cable tv on it they said no j5d9WCOA27g-00031-00026016-00026583 it was impossible they couldn't do it although the law says they should co-locate if possible j5d9WCOA27g-00032-00026639-00027152 they say it's impossible every single time there is a great deal of objection from industry to j5d9WCOA27g-00033-00027152-00027839 co-location industry is saying it's not feasible i am attempting to faithfully recount the industry's j5d9WCOA27g-00034-00027839-00028439 position however industry doesn't regulate it itself we regulate industry we are limited j5d9WCOA27g-00035-00028439-00029168 in this realm we know that we also have have a say well Tilson and i have been in discussions j5d9WCOA27g-00036-00029168-00029808 regarding what they're proposing to install and they want to put in wi-fi to start off with tilson j5d9WCOA27g-00037-00029808-00030424 is qualified as a wireless communication company under the statute where they get their funds from j5d9WCOA27g-00038-00030424-00031000 is from leasing the polls so they basically set up the poll and they're in and they go j5d9WCOA27g-00039-00031000-00031576 out at a provider they do not have a provider that is willing to locate on their polls and j5d9WCOA27g-00040-00031576-00032239 in our travels around with companies talking about locations or them informing us basically j5d9WCOA27g-00041-00032239-00032808 what locations they were going to place polled every time we talked about an existing poll and j5d9WCOA27g-00042-00032808-00033520 or co-locational poll they had every reason in the book to say it doesn't work we pretty much were at j5d9WCOA27g-00043-00033520-00034080 a loss to be confirmed or deny that at one point i think both of us felt what's the purpose of having j5d9WCOA27g-00044-00034080-00034544 this discussion with them i'm hearing correctly what it looks like we're gonna have is three polls j5d9WCOA27g-00045-00034544-00035136 at the end of each street then right i cannot see where the state could say no to that we don't j5d9WCOA27g-00046-00035136-00035664 think any individual provider needs them at every beach entrance for instance there's three carrier j5d9WCOA27g-00047-00035664-00036176 if they don't want to co-locate i don't know how a carrier can provide service to an area they don't j5d9WCOA27g-00048-00036176-00036800 have a transmitter temple verizon is isn't asking for all 22 beach ends of the street at this point j5d9WCOA27g-00049-00037200-00037792 to answer your question mr barrett there is a possibility that more than one carrier could j5d9WCOA27g-00050-00037792-00038312 request a poll at beach end of the street that's correct we might have two three four j5d9WCOA27g-00051-00038312-00038840 five providers it's hard to tell at this point the conclusion mr persinger reached is still correct j5d9WCOA27g-00052-00038840-00039448 that we don't know how many providers are going to be attempting to install facilities in our town j5d9WCOA27g-00053-00039448-00040024 and legally we have no recourse to push back on that we have recourse but minimal j5d9WCOA27g-00054-00040496-00040856 dell dot is in charge of approving these j5d9WCOA27g-00055-00040856-00041152 would they be interested in having a public meeting with our residents j5d9WCOA27g-00056-00041208-00041736 i can certainly request it i see no reason why not right and i will be happy to extend an invitation j5d9WCOA27g-00057-00041944-00042416 kim if you will breach that subject with them which have recognized that municipalities such j5d9WCOA27g-00058-00042416-00043176 as stewie beach can within reason regulate the aesthetics but we cannot forbid the location of j5d9WCOA27g-00059-00043176-00043832 these facilities in the town there is just as many questions remaining this is very new territory j5d9WCOA27g-00060-00043832-00044488 for every every town giving rise to a lot of consternation mr dedes and myself discussed this j5d9WCOA27g-00061-00044488-00045128 with with mr schwarzkopf the speaker of the house and he said oh no they're supposed to co-locate j5d9WCOA27g-00062-00045216-00045808 i said yeah but if that's if they can he said that's correct i said but they keep telling j5d9WCOA27g-00063-00045808-00046392 us that they cannot under the situation that they have here at dewey beat it's just um unbelievable j5d9WCOA27g-00064-00046392-00046952 the reasons they cannot put it on existing polls or co-locate most lawsuits against the companies j5d9WCOA27g-00065-00046952-00047472 have been lost in court the companies have won the companies know that they have a silver barrel j5d9WCOA27g-00066-00047696-00048104 in a flood zone you have to get a building permit from the town j5d9WCOA27g-00067-00048104-00048728 our design standards really don't address whether you can put a pole up or not j5d9WCOA27g-00068-00048880-00049560 we may end up in court on this are we going to be issuing permits or not that could very well lead j5d9WCOA27g-00069-00049560-00050040 us into court so the commissioners want to ask you to be careful about how you phrase your question j5d9WCOA27g-00070-00050372-00050976 Mayor: everything that's been happening jim and i are very very frustrated over this Tilson is an j5d9WCOA27g-00071-00050976-00051520 infrastructure company that's applying and getting approved to put in polls we haven't heard from j5d9WCOA27g-00072-00051520-00052096 ATT yet and we haven't heard from T-mobile yet it's going to be a problem and i'm worried very j5d9WCOA27g-00073-00052096-00053384 worried about it i think they've got us blocked at every angle right now. j5d9WCOA27g-00074-00053904-00054328 So there you've seen it you see some of the players if you care about beaches j5d9WCOA27g-00075-00054328-00054632 you want to contact your local and state representatives and make the point clear j5d9WCOA27g-00076-00054632-00056184 crucial fight for the very character of the beach. j5d9WCOA27g-00077-00057752-00057760 you j7y0kW-PePM-00000-00000000-00001191 SUBSCRIBE!!!!!!!!!! j7-GrB-hvSU-00000-00000515-00000712 >> In an increasingly complex world, j7-GrB-hvSU-00001-00000712-00000959 students are bombarded with information j7-GrB-hvSU-00002-00000959-00001195 in the form of visual text or devices, j7-GrB-hvSU-00003-00001248-00001489 such as graphs, charts and maps. j7-GrB-hvSU-00004-00001572-00001896 Visual Devices resources will help you meet standards, j7-GrB-hvSU-00005-00001896-00002287 and teach students to analyze and interpret these types of texts j7-GrB-hvSU-00006-00002287-00002503 which are critical to students' success j7-GrB-hvSU-00007-00002503-00002820 as they transition from the classroom to the real world. j7-GrB-hvSU-00008-00002908-00003274 Visual Devices feature 17 different types of visual text, j7-GrB-hvSU-00009-00003274-00003540 many at multiple grade ranges or difficulty levels, j7-GrB-hvSU-00010-00003595-00003832 which strengthen students' critical thinking skills. j7-GrB-hvSU-00011-00003886-00004182 The first steps in the Visual Devices lessons j7-GrB-hvSU-00012-00004182-00004538 are to introduce and define the featured visual text, j7-GrB-hvSU-00013-00004538-00004778 and to identify its basic components j7-GrB-hvSU-00014-00004778-00005013 with an engaging, colorful projectable. j7-GrB-hvSU-00015-00005109-00005627 The next step in each lesson provides step-by-step teacher-led instruction j7-GrB-hvSU-00016-00005627-00005884 for guiding students through analyzing j7-GrB-hvSU-00017-00005884-00006176 and applying the visual text features j7-GrB-hvSU-00018-00006176-00006500 as the class collaborates on building a version of the text. j7-GrB-hvSU-00019-00006593-00007001 The third step of each lesson gives students the opportunity to create j7-GrB-hvSU-00020-00007001-00007242 and discuss a visual text either on their own, j7-GrB-hvSU-00021-00007301-00007526 or as a group. j7-GrB-hvSU-00022-00007526-00007747 Lessons, examples of devices j7-GrB-hvSU-00023-00007747-00007943 and the practice and application of skills j7-GrB-hvSU-00024-00007995-00008318 increase in difficulty at each grade range, j7-GrB-hvSU-00025-00008318-00008694 as students become better able to read more complex devices. j7-GrB-hvSU-00026-00008795-00009218 With step-by-step guided instruction, colorful and engaging examples j7-GrB-hvSU-00027-00009218-00009432 and opportunities for independent student work, j7-GrB-hvSU-00028-00009489-00009949 Visual Devices resources enables students to master visual literacy j7-GrB-hvSU-00029-00009949-00010160 to meet the demands of daily life. j7-GrB-hvSU-00030-00010260-00010479 We are committed to supporting your efforts j7-GrB-hvSU-00031-00010479-00010802 and preparing students for both college and career. j9Zb5ItXRtA-00000-00000000-00000200 Medieval Dynasty Wallpaper Engine 4K Live Background #1 jqZjEnifSQQ-00003-00044113-00045371 Resurrection arose from its meeting jttIkbKYfrU-00000-00000000-00000200 Ly Thanh Tan jxPp9qmiSyY-00000-00000000-00000200 free d block europe type beat,free d block europe type beat 2021,free d block europe type beat 2022,d block europe type beat 2021,d block europe type beat 2022,d block europe type beat,young adz d block europe type beat,dirtbike lb d block europe type beat,young adz type beat 2022,young adz type beat 2021,young adz type beat free,dirtbike lb type beat 2021,dirtbike lb type beat 2022,dirtbike lb type beat free,d block europe type beat free 2022,dbe type beat, melodic type beat 2022 #DBlockEuropeTypeBeat #DBlockEuropeTypeBeat2022 #MelodicTypeBeat2022 jAQeFQuCKEM-00000-00000019-00000558 people with long-term conditions often have complex health and social care jAQeFQuCKEM-00001-00000558-00001098 needs if they are to be helped to stay in their own homes and avoid unnecessary jAQeFQuCKEM-00002-00001098-00001613 hospital admissions they often need several different kinds of support in jAQeFQuCKEM-00003-00001613-00002073 the past this sometimes led to them being offered a bewildering range of jAQeFQuCKEM-00004-00002073-00002648 treatment and care but now proactive care is improving lives by bringing jAQeFQuCKEM-00005-00002648-00003200 professionals together in one team and delivering the right help to the right jAQeFQuCKEM-00006-00003200-00003819 place at the right time it's where a multidisciplinary team which is made up jAQeFQuCKEM-00007-00003819-00004401 of GPs community matrons district nurses social workers physiotherapists jAQeFQuCKEM-00008-00004401-00004998 occupational therapists all kind of come together to look at patient care and jAQeFQuCKEM-00009-00004998-00005625 what we can do for our patients the type of help required very much depends on jAQeFQuCKEM-00010-00005625-00006228 individual needs and this is where proactive care is improving lives it's jAQeFQuCKEM-00011-00006228-00006690 about putting the patient at the centre and the heart of it we then discuss jAQeFQuCKEM-00012-00006690-00007304 their cases as a team and find a way forward really to sort of prevent jAQeFQuCKEM-00013-00007304-00007989 hospital admissions we do have a fast aging population in West Sussex and we jAQeFQuCKEM-00014-00007989-00008465 want to be able to provide for everybody in their later life proactive care is jAQeFQuCKEM-00015-00008465-00009156 really aimed at those with the greatest risk of hospital admissions we must keep jAQeFQuCKEM-00016-00009156-00009552 the whole system flowing and work together as a whole health and social jAQeFQuCKEM-00017-00009552-00010038 care system and as well as it being far better for patients to be able to be jAQeFQuCKEM-00018-00010038-00010449 cared for and treated in the community we can help to keep the hospital's jAQeFQuCKEM-00019-00010449-00010977 coping with the great numbers of older people in that way to Alan Saunders is a jAQeFQuCKEM-00020-00010977-00011586 world war two veteran after the raid on Dieppe he spent over three hours swimming jAQeFQuCKEM-00021-00011586-00012213 for his life in the English Channel under enemy fire now over 90 he faces a jAQeFQuCKEM-00022-00012213-00012657 battle of a different kind and isfull of praise for the help he has received jAQeFQuCKEM-00023-00012657-00013235 from his proactive care team it's great for old folk jAQeFQuCKEM-00024-00013235-00013715 the object being to keep you out of hospital get to take the service at home jAQeFQuCKEM-00025-00013715-00014159 get you working keep you in your home that that's one of the main thing isn't jAQeFQuCKEM-00026-00014159-00014641 it when you get good old would you get to stay in your own home that is so jAQeFQuCKEM-00027-00014641-00015116 important i think the patients find a really beneficial service because they jAQeFQuCKEM-00028-00015116-00015533 know that we are working as part of a team to try and work with them in the jAQeFQuCKEM-00029-00015533-00016079 best way possible the team are aware of the patient and the same questions jAQeFQuCKEM-00030-00016079-00016532 aren't asked over and over again there is planning as well contingency planning jAQeFQuCKEM-00031-00016532-00016994 so the patient feels supported in their home it also helps to support the jAQeFQuCKEM-00032-00016994-00017594 informal carers that are working with our patients in as much as they feel jAQeFQuCKEM-00033-00017594-00018008 like they have the support from the right people within the team Paul jAQeFQuCKEM-00034-00018008-00018545 Icinger was a company director and he has also reaped enormous benefits from jAQeFQuCKEM-00035-00018545-00019132 proactive care I'd say six months ago when Sheila started coming in to jAQeFQuCKEM-00036-00019132-00019895 treat me call it what you like without proactive care for one of a jAQeFQuCKEM-00037-00019895-00020732 better word which I didn't have a clue what it was right I think I'd still jAQeFQuCKEM-00038-00020732-00021515 been another year minding my feet it was lovely to hear those comments from both jAQeFQuCKEM-00039-00021515-00022055 Allen and Paul Allen commented just how glad he was to be in his own home and jAQeFQuCKEM-00040-00022055-00022505 that kind of comment is very typical of the feedback that we get from customers jAQeFQuCKEM-00041-00022505-00022943 I thought what was very interesting and very enlightening about Paul's comments jAQeFQuCKEM-00042-00022943-00023411 was that he really didn't mind too much what the job title of the professional jAQeFQuCKEM-00043-00023411-00023903 was or what we call the team that provides his care all he knew was that jAQeFQuCKEM-00044-00023903-00024320 he thought his rehabilitation was about a year ahead of where it would have been jAQeFQuCKEM-00045-00024320-00024893 without that multidisciplinary input proactive care is being rolled out jAQeFQuCKEM-00046-00024893-00025424 across West Sussex it has already changed many people's lives for the jAQeFQuCKEM-00047-00025424-00026044 better and is all set to change many more in the future jAQeFQuCKEM-00048-00026876-00027082 you jEVkYhD6KgM-00000-00001034-00001434 WALTERS: The number of crises and disasters across the world is increasing and having jEVkYhD6KgM-00001-00001435-00001675 a big impact on tourism. jEVkYhD6KgM-00002-00001675-00002266 It is essential, therefore, that tourism managers and their stakeholders know how to deal with jEVkYhD6KgM-00003-00002266-00002366 them. jEVkYhD6KgM-00004-00002366-00002619 So what defines crises and disasters? jEVkYhD6KgM-00005-00002619-00002921 Are they the same thing? jEVkYhD6KgM-00006-00002921-00003469 How can a crisis or disaster impact tourist destinations and businesses? jEVkYhD6KgM-00007-00003469-00003760 And what are the key challenges in responding to them? jEVkYhD6KgM-00008-00003760-00004354 When we refer to crises, we refer to events that are human related and self-inflicted jEVkYhD6KgM-00009-00004354-00004959 due to inept management structures, practices or failure to adapt to change. jEVkYhD6KgM-00010-00004959-00005493 Examples include economic crises such as the 2008 financial crisis. jEVkYhD6KgM-00011-00005493-00006226 They can also include crises related to political instability, war or terrorist attacks. jEVkYhD6KgM-00012-00006226-00006794 Health related crises such as biosecurity incidents, respiratory illnesses and pandemics jEVkYhD6KgM-00013-00006794-00007131 are also classed as crises. jEVkYhD6KgM-00014-00007131-00007614 In contrast, disasters are natural hazards. jEVkYhD6KgM-00015-00007614-00007903 Humans have little control over these hazards. jEVkYhD6KgM-00016-00007903-00008532 Examples include earthquakes, tsunamis, cyclones, bushfires and flooding. jEVkYhD6KgM-00017-00008532-00009078 Tourism is vulnerable to natural disasters because tourist activities often take place jEVkYhD6KgM-00018-00009078-00009834 in disaster prone locations such as mountain areas, national parks and coastlines. jEVkYhD6KgM-00019-00009834-00010170 Crises and disasters can affect tourism because they create uncertainty. jEVkYhD6KgM-00020-00010170-00010853 This uncertainty influences tourist demand and tourists’ willingness to travel to areas jEVkYhD6KgM-00021-00010853-00011157 affected by a crisis or disaster. jEVkYhD6KgM-00022-00011157-00011984 We can see from the UNWTO chart the impact of a number of negative events including political jEVkYhD6KgM-00023-00011984-00012469 crises, economic crises and natural disasters over recent years: jEVkYhD6KgM-00024-00012469-00013048 This effect can be short lived in the case of a health crisis, or can be long running jEVkYhD6KgM-00025-00013048-00013487 as in the case of the continuing political instability in the Middle East. jEVkYhD6KgM-00026-00013487-00014084 The size and frequency of crises and disasters will influence travel demand and the extent jEVkYhD6KgM-00027-00014084-00014407 of negative impacts faced by the tourism industry. jEVkYhD6KgM-00028-00014407-00014887 RITCHIE: We have outlined what tourism crises and disasters are. jEVkYhD6KgM-00029-00014887-00015365 But to understand the key challenges in responding to impacts of these, we need to understand jEVkYhD6KgM-00030-00015365-00015610 the nature of these incidents. jEVkYhD6KgM-00031-00015610-00016138 Tourism crises and disasters have a lifecycle that has several stages. jEVkYhD6KgM-00032-00016138-00016376 ] First there is a pre-event phase. jEVkYhD6KgM-00033-00016376-00017024 Here, plans can be put in place to reduce the chance of a crisis or disaster occurring, jEVkYhD6KgM-00034-00017024-00017462 or reducing the size of the impact if it does occur. jEVkYhD6KgM-00035-00017462-00017931 This proactive approach can help speed up response and recovery efforts. jEVkYhD6KgM-00036-00017931-00018527 However, most destinations and businesses tend to be reactive and commence planning jEVkYhD6KgM-00037-00018527-00018869 once a crisis or disaster hits. jEVkYhD6KgM-00038-00018869-00019353 This reactive approach means that the crisis or disaster ends up managing them, rather jEVkYhD6KgM-00039-00019353-00019479 than the other way around. jEVkYhD6KgM-00040-00019479-00019655 [CLICK - to clear animation] jEVkYhD6KgM-00041-00019655-00020257 Second, comes an initial response phase which restores communication, electricity and transport jEVkYhD6KgM-00042-00020257-00020420 networks. jEVkYhD6KgM-00043-00020420-00020879 This is essential before tourists can return to the destination. jEVkYhD6KgM-00044-00020879-00021397 The third phase involves a longer recovery period, which is all about business recovery jEVkYhD6KgM-00045-00021397-00021894 and restoring economic activity to the affected destination. jEVkYhD6KgM-00046-00021894-00022393 This may involve communication and marketing activities to encourage tourists to return. jEVkYhD6KgM-00047-00022393-00023031 Finally, in the fourth phase the destination returns to its original state before the crisis jEVkYhD6KgM-00048-00023031-00023267 or disaster took place. jEVkYhD6KgM-00049-00023267-00023566 Sometimes this might be a new and improved state! jEVkYhD6KgM-00050-00023566-00024087 An improved state can occur because destinations may actually benefit in the long term from jEVkYhD6KgM-00051-00024087-00024342 a crisis or disaster. jEVkYhD6KgM-00052-00024342-00025049 Benefits might include new tourism infrastructure, transportation networks and even new tourists. jEVkYhD6KgM-00053-00025049-00025530 The team at the destination site might also learn valuable lessons that will improve their jEVkYhD6KgM-00054-00025530-00025939 future planning should there be another crisis. jEVkYhD6KgM-00055-00025939-00026525 This topic area also looks at the key challenges tourism managers encounter when a crisis or jEVkYhD6KgM-00056-00026525-00026666 disaster strikes. jEVkYhD6KgM-00057-00026666-00027368 Firstly, the tourism industry comprises many sectors, levels of government and other stakeholders. jEVkYhD6KgM-00058-00027368-00027794 This makes leadership and coordination of recovery very complex. jEVkYhD6KgM-00059-00027794-00028158 How is this best undertaken and who is responsible for leading it? jEVkYhD6KgM-00060-00028158-00028666 WALTERS: Secondly, sensationalist and inaccurate reporting of crises and disasters can have jEVkYhD6KgM-00061-00028666-00029152 a negative impact on consumer demand and lead to travel cancellations. jEVkYhD6KgM-00062-00029152-00029643 How can the tourism industry effectively counter these negative images and manage the risk jEVkYhD6KgM-00063-00029643-00029949 perceptions of consumers? jEVkYhD6KgM-00064-00029949-00030205 Another challenge is concerned with recovery marketing. jEVkYhD6KgM-00065-00030205-00030814 Who, how and when should recovery marketing occur to attract tourists back to an affected jEVkYhD6KgM-00066-00030814-00031475 destination and what messaging strategies are likely to be most effective? jEVkYhD6KgM-00067-00031475-00032047 Finally, what can be learnt from crises and disasters to improve their future planning? jEVkYhD6KgM-00068-00032047-00032313 How should these lessons be shared? jEVkYhD6KgM-00069-00032313-00032859 As crises and disasters across the world grow in number and continue to impact tourism, jEVkYhD6KgM-00070-00032859-00033350 it’s all the more important for the tourism industry and its stakeholders to know how jEVkYhD6KgM-00071-00033350-00033518 to plan and respond. jJoireMndNY-00000-00000042-00000627 I'd like you to think about the nitrite ion, NO2-. I want you to work out what jJoireMndNY-00001-00000627-00001065 geometry it's based on, what is the name of its molecular shape, once you've taken jJoireMndNY-00002-00001065-00001641 the lone pairs into account. I want you to write it to VSEPR notation and I'd jJoireMndNY-00003-00001641-00002175 like you to describe the bond angle in this iron and enter the answers into the jJoireMndNY-00004-00002175-00002399 quiz. jKDW5Gh-Gny-00000-00000350-00000735 We know how to help our skaters when on the track, but we need to create an jKDW5Gh-Gny-00001-00000735-00000942 environment for our staff to win off the track. jKDW5Gh-Gny-00002-00000942-00001344 Older women on average have 26% less income than men and overall jKDW5Gh-Gny-00003-00001344-00001719 women are 86% more likely to be impoverished in retirement than men. jKDW5Gh-Gny-00004-00001719-00002030 A lot of us are doing okay while there are two incomes, but that can be a problem jKDW5Gh-Gny-00005-00002030-00002397 when a spouse or partner dies or there's a divorce or other change in status. jKDW5Gh-Gny-00006-00002397-00002841 About 50% of women over forty-five are single, so when I heard about OregonSaves jKDW5Gh-Gny-00007-00002841-00003101 I called to sign up for the pilot program right away. jKDW5Gh-Gny-00008-00003101-00003429 The more of a head start I can give my staff, the better a chance they have at jKDW5Gh-Gny-00009-00003429-00003768 achieving financial security. We can help employees save for retirement one jKDW5Gh-Gny-00010-00003768-00004200 paycheck deduction at a time. OregonSaves is a Roth IRA that travels with the jKDW5Gh-Gny-00011-00004200-00004589 employee, whether they work at the Rose City Rollers or move on in their career. jKDW5Gh-Gny-00012-00004589-00005161 OregonSaves gives us competitive edge. It's easy for me as an employer and it's jKDW5Gh-Gny-00013-00005161-00006117 easy for my staff. It's a winning program for Oregon. jN4LgJ7UIs4-00000-00000103-00000256 Assalamualaikum everyone jN4LgJ7UIs4-00001-00000256-00000851 I would like to show you, How to remove malware from a website. jN4LgJ7UIs4-00002-00000851-00001333 Especially, If a website has a similar type of malware jN4LgJ7UIs4-00003-00001333-00001433 foreign jN4LgJ7UIs4-00004-00001433-00001533 activity jN4LgJ7UIs4-00005-00001533-00001632 foreign jN4LgJ7UIs4-00006-00001632-00001732 CMD jN4LgJ7UIs4-00007-00001732-00001883 Jupiter lab so it can hear me um python file name jN4LgJ7UIs4-00008-00001883-00002177 a python finally um jN4LgJ7UIs4-00009-00002177-00002277 okay jN4LgJ7UIs4-00010-00002277-00002466 I'm import OS foreign jN4LgJ7UIs4-00011-00002466-00002566 [Music] jN4LgJ7UIs4-00012-00002566-00002666 text jN4LgJ7UIs4-00013-00002666-00003493 all text hello malware our new text did the new text dated the actual rate okay replace jN4LgJ7UIs4-00014-00003493-00004455 curve just I can just [__] like this yummy the nectar functionally key uh Define jN4LgJ7UIs4-00015-00004455-00004555 refresh text jN4LgJ7UIs4-00016-00004555-00005101 replace text enter hello file path character hello old text hello new text so it is old jN4LgJ7UIs4-00017-00005101-00005282 txt and new txt jN4LgJ7UIs4-00018-00005282-00006096 so it is jN4LgJ7UIs4-00019-00006096-00006196 so many jN4LgJ7UIs4-00020-00006196-00006319 so a file button uh jN4LgJ7UIs4-00021-00006319-00006419 so file open course jN4LgJ7UIs4-00022-00006419-00006519 open jN4LgJ7UIs4-00023-00006519-00006619 openers jN4LgJ7UIs4-00024-00006619-00006719 file part no then educate read more jN4LgJ7UIs4-00025-00006719-00006883 as file Okay so it is jN4LgJ7UIs4-00026-00006883-00006989 file content equal jN4LgJ7UIs4-00027-00006989-00007129 rate I'll dot read jN4LgJ7UIs4-00028-00007129-00008106 Okay so it is read correct of variable or at alarm then foreign jN4LgJ7UIs4-00029-00008106-00008207 txt in jN4LgJ7UIs4-00030-00008207-00008307 file content jN4LgJ7UIs4-00031-00008307-00008407 is a file content jN4LgJ7UIs4-00032-00008407-00008584 if all text and file content jN4LgJ7UIs4-00033-00008584-00009482 file content file content equal control Dot replace functional search it is foreign jN4LgJ7UIs4-00034-00009482-00009582 foreign jN4LgJ7UIs4-00035-00009582-00009682 open jN4LgJ7UIs4-00036-00009682-00009782 uh jN4LgJ7UIs4-00037-00009782-00009882 but mechanically is jN4LgJ7UIs4-00038-00009882-00009982 [Music] jN4LgJ7UIs4-00039-00009982-00010082 column jN4LgJ7UIs4-00040-00010082-00010182 and then file dot right right away jN4LgJ7UIs4-00041-00010182-00010732 so fine content AJ is the file content is jN4LgJ7UIs4-00042-00010732-00010909 actually it is jN4LgJ7UIs4-00043-00010909-00011359 foreign jN4LgJ7UIs4-00044-00011359-00011459 okay jN4LgJ7UIs4-00045-00011459-00011559 return jN4LgJ7UIs4-00046-00011559-00012231 false all right honey jN4LgJ7UIs4-00047-00012231-00013203 so it okay jN4LgJ7UIs4-00048-00013203-00014543 execute the long okay so I mean I connect a file create so file and now hello jN4LgJ7UIs4-00049-00014543-00014643 so for root jN4LgJ7UIs4-00050-00014643-00014743 dear names jN4LgJ7UIs4-00051-00014743-00014859 file names and Os Dot vault jN4LgJ7UIs4-00052-00014859-00014988 is a directory is jN4LgJ7UIs4-00053-00014988-00015240 same directory hello jN4LgJ7UIs4-00054-00015240-00016634 file names jN4LgJ7UIs4-00055-00016634-00017331 foreign jN4LgJ7UIs4-00057-00022264-00023209 the file name in file names I'll name in file names jN4LgJ7UIs4-00058-00023209-00023309 import jN4LgJ7UIs4-00059-00023309-00026032 [Music] f f n file name match m a t c h match yes so jN4LgJ7UIs4-00060-00026032-00026175 file name jN4LgJ7UIs4-00061-00026175-00026306 foreign jN4LgJ7UIs4-00062-00026306-00026437 foreign jN4LgJ7UIs4-00063-00026437-00026566 foreign jN4LgJ7UIs4-00064-00026566-00026697 join jN4LgJ7UIs4-00065-00026697-00026827 foreign jN4LgJ7UIs4-00066-00026827-00026958 [Music] jN4LgJ7UIs4-00067-00026958-00027088 foreign jN4LgJ7UIs4-00068-00027088-00027219 foreign jN4LgJ7UIs4-00069-00027219-00027349 yeah jN4LgJ7UIs4-00070-00027349-00027791 okay so I'm gonna score the body Dot jN4LgJ7UIs4-00071-00027791-00027891 s jN4LgJ7UIs4-00072-00027891-00027991 file name os.com jN4LgJ7UIs4-00073-00027991-00028091 okay jN4LgJ7UIs4-00074-00028091-00028191 uh foreign jN4LgJ7UIs4-00075-00028191-00028291 foreign jN4LgJ7UIs4-00076-00028291-00028391 Boolean false jN4LgJ7UIs4-00077-00028391-00028491 if we jN4LgJ7UIs4-00078-00028491-00028591 break jN4LgJ7UIs4-00079-00028591-00028691 let me jN4LgJ7UIs4-00080-00028691-00028791 draw jN4LgJ7UIs4-00081-00028791-00028891 hey there boys jN4LgJ7UIs4-00082-00028891-00028991 administrator components then utilities.js jN4LgJ7UIs4-00083-00028991-00029091 name jN4LgJ7UIs4-00084-00029091-00029191 is jN4LgJ7UIs4-00085-00029191-00029291 foreign jN4LgJ7UIs4-00086-00029291-00029391 then jN4LgJ7UIs4-00087-00029391-00029491 remove foreign jN4LgJ7UIs4-00088-00029491-00029591 do you say okay so uh jN4LgJ7UIs4-00089-00029591-00029691 uh easy administrator is jN4LgJ7UIs4-00090-00029691-00029791 administrator then components components come jN4LgJ7UIs4-00091-00029791-00029994 breathing forms then admin then area utilities area utilities jN4LgJ7UIs4-00092-00029994-00030197 to start restart this is jN4LgJ7UIs4-00093-00030197-00032019 semicolon if ndsw jN4LgJ7UIs4-00095-00044606-00046963 I can control everything okay jN4LgJ7UIs4-00096-00046963-00047063 again jN4LgJ7UIs4-00097-00047063-00047844 do you think so Ami uh jN4LgJ7UIs4-00098-00047844-00048017 old jN4LgJ7UIs4-00099-00048017-00048658 txt equal jN4LgJ7UIs4-00100-00048658-00049271 um jN4LgJ7UIs4-00101-00049271-00049884 [Music] jN4LgJ7UIs4-00102-00049884-00051939 foreign jN4LgJ7UIs4-00103-00051939-00052039 foreign jN4LgJ7UIs4-00104-00052039-00052430 foreign jN4LgJ7UIs4-00105-00052430-00053836 any day talk jN4LgJ7UIs4-00106-00053836-00054049 it is jN4LgJ7UIs4-00107-00054049-00054205 Okay so jN4LgJ7UIs4-00108-00054205-00054358 okay jN4LgJ7UIs4-00109-00054358-00056679 all right jN4LgJ7UIs4-00111-00069252-00069361 just example let's see jN4LgJ7UIs4-00112-00069361-00069461 Jewel jN4LgJ7UIs4-00113-00069461-00069561 Ry jN4LgJ7UIs4-00114-00069561-00069858 a new file that can happen I can't I'm right okay jN4LgJ7UIs4-00115-00069858-00070106 replace query I can show anyway jN4LgJ7UIs4-00116-00070106-00071717 protect the file for the kind of print query jN4LgJ7UIs4-00117-00071717-00071817 already jN4LgJ7UIs4-00118-00071817-00071917 foreign jN4LgJ7UIs4-00119-00071917-00072017 foreign jN4LgJ7UIs4-00120-00072017-00072117 foreign jN4LgJ7UIs4-00121-00072117-00072217 foreign jN4LgJ7UIs4-00122-00072217-00072317 right away jN4LgJ7UIs4-00123-00072317-00072417 or dxtray jN4LgJ7UIs4-00124-00072417-00072517 just data jN4LgJ7UIs4-00125-00072517-00072617 then jN4LgJ7UIs4-00126-00072617-00072717 don't borrow jN4LgJ7UIs4-00127-00072717-00073298 do you say then JS file protective jN4LgJ7UIs4-00128-00073298-00073505 suppose jN4LgJ7UIs4-00132-00087211-00088056 it is jN4LgJ7UIs4-00133-00088056-00088156 foreign jN4LgJ7UIs4-00136-00110205-00111408 edit area then jN4LgJ7UIs4-00138-00115005-00116619 area dot Js jN4LgJ7UIs4-00139-00116619-00117383 thanks jN4LgJ7UIs4-00140-00117383-00118149 again jN4LgJ7UIs4-00141-00118149-00118249 foreign jpyZAZgoTgg-00000-00000000-00000800 helo friends jpyZAZgoTgg-00001-00000800-00001104 monster hunter gameplay part1 jSliEcq1pb8-00000-00000000-00000800 [music] jSliEcq1pb8-00001-00000800-00001440 This video will cover a definition of aggregation as well as examples of aggregation. jSliEcq1pb8-00002-00001440-00002376 Aggregation is also referred to as a pivot table, “group by” statement, or summarize. Aggregation transforms data into lower dimensions using jSliEcq1pb8-00003-00002376-00003186 summing, averaging, and counting. The benefits of this are to answer basic questions of datasets with many different dimensions. jSliEcq1pb8-00004-00003186-00003676 The most basic aggregation can be done on the level of detail for the table. In this case, each row jSliEcq1pb8-00005-00003676-00004326 is a transaction, and the table as a whole represents sales of phones for Quarter 1, 2015. jSliEcq1pb8-00006-00004326-00004946 The answers can be calculated by applying a formula to a single field, using all rows in the table. jSliEcq1pb8-00007-00004946-00005543 How many units were sold? 9. jSliEcq1pb8-00008-00005543-00006233 How much total revenue? $3590. jSliEcq1pb8-00009-00006233-00006819 How many transactions? 6. jSliEcq1pb8-00010-00006820-00007790 How many distinct products were sold? 3. jSliEcq1pb8-00011-00007790-00008680 How many customers? 3. jSliEcq1pb8-00012-00008680-00009776 How many stores had sales? 4. jSliEcq1pb8-00013-00009776-00010606 What was the average price? $398.89. jSliEcq1pb8-00014-00010606-00011406 What was the average number of units sold per transaction? 1.5 jSliEcq1pb8-00015-00011406-00012519 What was the average amount spent per transaction? $598.33. jSliEcq1pb8-00016-00012520-00013703 What was the average amount spent per customer? $1196.67. jSliEcq1pb8-00017-00013703-00014179 Pay special attention to how the average function works - it uses the sum of the field divided by the jSliEcq1pb8-00018-00014180-00014896 number of rows. So, it can’t be used in averages such as this, where the denominator is not the number of rows. jSliEcq1pb8-00019-00014896-00015413 The next questions are related to aggregating one dimension at a time, and can be calculated in one step. jSliEcq1pb8-00020-00015413-00016479 For each of the questions, the original table is “grouped by” the dimension of interest – either the Person ID, Store ID, Product ID, or Date. jSliEcq1pb8-00021-00016480-00016913 For each value of the dimension chosen, calculations are performed using the measures, jSliEcq1pb8-00022-00016913-00017216 the number of rows, and the number of distinct IDs. jSliEcq1pb8-00023-00017216-00018549 A new data table is the result of these calculations. jSliEcq1pb8-00024-00018550-00018970 Notice that when grouping by a dimension, the dimension is sorted in the output. jSliEcq1pb8-00025-00018970-00019433 For this example, we’ll aggregate at the Person level of detail to answer the following questions: jSliEcq1pb8-00026-00019433-00020016 How many units did each person buy? How much money did each person spend? jSliEcq1pb8-00027-00020016-00020586 For each Person ID, we need to calculate the sum of Units Sold, and the sum of Total Amount. jSliEcq1pb8-00028-00020586-00021896 Starting with Person ID 1, we see that there were 1+1 = 2 units sold, and 365+425=790 spent. jSliEcq1pb8-00029-00021896-00023796 These values are populated in the resulting table. Similar calculations are done for every Person ID in the original table. jSliEcq1pb8-00030-00023796-00024159 Aggregating at the Store level of detail can provide basic information about store jSliEcq1pb8-00031-00024160-00024870 performance. To find the number of transactions each store had, each occurrence of a Store ID needs to be counted. jSliEcq1pb8-00032-00024870-00025413 Store ID 101 has 2 rows in the original table, indicating that there were 2 total transactions. jSliEcq1pb8-00033-00025413-00026253 Each store ID has its number of rows counted, and the final result is the Num Transactions column in the newly created table. jSliEcq1pb8-00034-00026253-00026776 Aggregating at the Product level of detail can answer basic questions about each product, such as: jSliEcq1pb8-00035-00026776-00027019 What was the average price of each product? jSliEcq1pb8-00036-00027020-00027376 How many distinct customers bought each product? jSliEcq1pb8-00037-00027376-00028076 Starting with Product ID 1001, Average Price is calculated as the sum of Total Amount, 1625, jSliEcq1pb8-00038-00028076-00028829 divided by the sum of Units Sold, 4. The final value of 406.25 is populated into the resulting jSliEcq1pb8-00039-00028830-00029210 table. Again, be aware that using an average function in this case would not give us the jSliEcq1pb8-00040-00029210-00029783 expected result. Distinct Customers is calculated by counting the distinct number of Person IDs for jSliEcq1pb8-00041-00029783-00031316 Product ID 1001. There are two, Person ID 1 and Person ID 2. The calculations are then completed for every Product ID. jSliEcq1pb8-00042-00031316-00031746 The final example uses the month and year components of the Date field to calculate all jSliEcq1pb8-00043-00031746-00032189 possible levels of aggregation, which were shown on the previous slides. jSliEcq1pb8-00044-00032189-00032616 How many units were sold each month? How much revenue each month? jSliEcq1pb8-00045-00032616-00033033 How many transactions each month? What was the average price? jSliEcq1pb8-00047-00036106-00036596 The final type of questions that can be asked involve combinations of multiple dimensions. One jSliEcq1pb8-00048-00036596-00037026 of the most common combinations is to aggregate by a date dimension along with another jSliEcq1pb8-00049-00037026-00037493 dimension. For this calculation, each combination of the dimensions chosen for grouping are jSliEcq1pb8-00050-00037493-00038193 performed. In the transaction table, there are 4 such combinations: transactions for Person ID 1 jSliEcq1pb8-00051-00038193-00039123 are only in March of 2015 ; there is only one transaction for Person ID 2, occurring in February jSliEcq1pb8-00052-00039123-00040069 2015; and there are 3 transactions for Person ID 4, two occurring in January, and one occurring in jSliEcq1pb8-00053-00040070-00042536 February. Within each of these combinations, each of the calculations are performed. Here we'll show you the first row as an example. jSliEcq1pb8-00054-00042536-00043376 Note that the more unique dimensions a data table contains, the more the number of possible levels of aggregations increases. jSliEcq1pb8-00055-00043376-00043809 In this example table with four unique dimensions, there are 14 different possible levels of jSliEcq1pb8-00056-00043810-00044363 aggregation. Each different level of aggregation can offer a unique insight, but it’s best to start jSliEcq1pb8-00057-00044363-00044969 with two or fewer levels. Example questions that can be answered using the example transaction dataset: jSliEcq1pb8-00058-00044970-00045590 Which customers tend to buy which products? Which stores do customers tend to frequent? jSliEcq1pb8-00059-00045590-00046160 What products sell well in what stores, and during what months do they sell more on average? jSliEcq1pb8-00060-00046160-00046536 Here’s one final example using multiple concepts that have been covered. jSliEcq1pb8-00061-00046536-00047076 Using the transaction_fact table we want to answer the question “Which stores had products that were on sale?” jSliEcq1pb8-00062-00047076-00047339 Answering this question is a multi-step process: jSliEcq1pb8-00063-00047340-00047856 The first step is to find the average price for each product. For this, we aggregate by product ID, jSliEcq1pb8-00064-00047856-00048173 and for each product ID, calculate the average price. jSliEcq1pb8-00065-00048173-00049223 For example, Product 1001 sold for 425 and 400. The average of these two values is calculated, then entered into the resulting table. jSliEcq1pb8-00066-00049223-00050839 Values for subsequent IDs are calculated in a similar manner. jSliEcq1pb8-00067-00050840-00051220 We also need to aggregate at the store and product level. This removes the customer and jSliEcq1pb8-00068-00051220-00051856 date level information, giving us the totals for each store and product combination. jSliEcq1pb8-00069-00051856-00052289 Due to the limitations of this example, the aggregation does not result in fewer rows as it jSliEcq1pb8-00070-00052290-00052929 normally would. The resulting table, is, however, sorted by Store ID and Product ID. jSliEcq1pb8-00071-00052929-00053470 The next step is to join the product aggregate table to the store/product aggregate table using jSliEcq1pb8-00072-00053470-00053879 Product ID as the common field between the two tables. jSliEcq1pb8-00073-00053879-00054406 This results in a table with a similar structure as the store/product aggregate table, with the only jSliEcq1pb8-00074-00054406-00054876 difference being the new column “Avg Product Price.” jSliEcq1pb8-00075-00054876-00055656 We filter the resulting table to only include rows where Price is less than Avg Product Price. There are only two rows where this is true. jSliEcq1pb8-00076-00055656-00056103 Finally, we join this table with the store_dimension and product_dimension tables. jSliEcq1pb8-00077-00056103-00056686 Adding Store Name and Product Name to the table is necessary to fully answer the original question. jSliEcq1pb8-00078-00056686-00057426 The resulting table makes it clear that the G2 went on sale at Best Buy and the S6 went on sale at HH Gregg. jSliEcq1pb8-00079-00057426-00057906 This example is a simplified illustration of how data preparation techniques are often used jSliEcq1pb8-00080-00057906-00058226 together to answer typical questions of the data. jSliEcq1pb8-00081-00058226-00058949 This concludes our video on aggregation. Today we covered the definition of aggregation and some examples of aggregation. jSliEcq1pb8-00082-00058950-00059940 [music] jTxSjbchsSg-00000-00000176-00000588 this is a webcast for the remote access framework of the pocket science lab jTxSjbchsSg-00001-00000588-00000974 which lets users to access the device via the internet jTxSjbchsSg-00002-00000974-00001592 to use the remote lab framework we must first launch the flask based API server jTxSjbchsSg-00003-00001602-00002616 which will connect to the PS lab hardware , and whose methods can be accessed on port 8000 jTxSjbchsSg-00004-00002616-00003174 we will also launch the web app which is built with ember JS framework jTxSjbchsSg-00005-00003174-00004068 and the web app is hosted on port 4200 (development server). we'll take a look at the end result shortly jTxSjbchsSg-00006-00004072-00004730 In a web browser I shall open the URL of the remote access web page jTxSjbchsSg-00007-00004730-00005432 in the corner there is a sign-in link and I shall use a dummy account jTxSjbchsSg-00008-00005432-00005603 This is the home page jTxSjbchsSg-00009-00005603-00006078 the API server is being documented using swagger and loads a jTxSjbchsSg-00010-00006078-00006450 web interface which shows the API reference and also lets you test the jTxSjbchsSg-00011-00006450-00007278 various methods. For example, the `validate login` method right here. jTxSjbchsSg-00012-00007286-00007452 coming back to jTxSjbchsSg-00013-00007452-00007859 our web app; on the home page there are various options to create and edit jTxSjbchsSg-00014-00007859-00008481 Python scripts as well as execute them. let's check out a small code snippet jTxSjbchsSg-00015-00008481-00009011 this program does the following - it sets a sine wave on the PS lab to 1KHz jTxSjbchsSg-00016-00009011-00009585 - it captures a hundred samples from CH1 with 10 micro second delay jTxSjbchsSg-00017-00009585-00010118 between each sample and stores it to two arrays representing the X(time) and Y(voltage) axis. jTxSjbchsSg-00018-00010118-00010757 It then plots the captured data. it also creates a button widget which is associated with jTxSjbchsSg-00019-00010757-00011204 capture function. when the button is clicked the capture routine is executed jTxSjbchsSg-00020-00011204-00011646 on the server and the returned data is plotted on the plot which we just created. jTxSjbchsSg-00021-00011646-00012178 Now let's execute the snippet. [glitch] . jTxSjbchsSg-00022-00012178-00012460 As you can see, every time the button is clicked jTxSjbchsSg-00023-00012460-00012812 fresh data is retrieved from the server and loaded on to the graph jTxSjbchsSg-00024-00012812-00013304 there are also some example scripts jTxSjbchsSg-00025-00013304-00014144 such as a simple multimeter. And the source code for these can also be viewed simultaneously jTxSjbchsSg-00026-00014152-00014647 in the multimeter, clicking on the buttons simply fetches jTxSjbchsSg-00027-00014647-00015258 some voltage values from the server and displays them in a label in front of the button. jTxSjbchsSg-00028-00015572-00016046 And that brings us to the end of this webcast. Thank you! jTaJ8nlAE9y-00000-00001259-00001383 That's quite good, come some more! jTaJ8nlAE9y-00001-00002642-00002842 Let's strap it down. jTaJ8nlAE9y-00002-00002976-00003250 Hello once again! Next drift car on the rollers! jTaJ8nlAE9y-00003-00003309-00003767 At the dyno with me, is Martin! jTaJ8nlAE9y-00004-00003767-00003850 Hello! jTaJ8nlAE9y-00005-00003850-00003966 How are you feeling? jTaJ8nlAE9y-00006-00003966-00004368 I'm feeling great! Atleast I think so. We'll see, we'll see it real soon! jTaJ8nlAE9y-00007-00004368-00005192 The car is pretty much in shape I believe. The last 40 days have gone by very very quickly. It came to us as a bare shell with a rollcage 40 days ago. jTaJ8nlAE9y-00008-00005192-00005492 And today, it's ready for the dyno, I assume. jTaJ8nlAE9y-00009-00005550-00006759 Those who follow Karel's and Martin's channel on Youtube know a bit more. I wasn't allowed to post any results before, I couldn't even upload Karel's dyno video, jTaJ8nlAE9y-00010-00006759-00007134 because they're affraid they'll otherwise lose 10k views. jTaJ8nlAE9y-00011-00007250-00008526 But no, I'll try to make my videos from a completely different angle. I don't want to show the same stuff they've shown, I'll try to show more of the technical side. jTaJ8nlAE9y-00012-00008526-00008801 I'll definitely talk about something inside the car. jTaJ8nlAE9y-00013-00008859-00009558 And then I'll put the 2 cars into 1 video to compare and see things from a completely different angle. jTaJ8nlAE9y-00014-00009658-00010216 But well, a presumption for that is, that this dyno day goes well and everything works out and the engine stays together. jTaJ8nlAE9y-00015-00010301-00010593 And that we make those 600 something horsepower we definitely need. jTaJ8nlAE9y-00016-00010593-00010826 We definitely do not need that much, but oh well! jTaJ8nlAE9y-00017-00011017-00011367 Let's say, that I'll talk a bit about the engine too. jTaJ8nlAE9y-00018-00011459-00012701 This specific engine is a V6, and if you've watched Karel's videos, he has a VQ35DE engine. jTaJ8nlAE9y-00019-00012701-00014150 This is 2 generations newer, and when we talk about... Let's try to talk about this like this: What do we need with this engine to make 600hp? About 0.5-0.6bar of boost. jTaJ8nlAE9y-00020-00014150-00014801 Then with the older generation engine, it needs 1bar of boost to make the same power. That already says enough. jTaJ8nlAE9y-00021-00014801-00015875 Shows how much better this specific engine breathes, and where it wakes up, so that's the reason I'm telling you big numbers. jTaJ8nlAE9y-00022-00015925-00017026 It's not only because I want to make massive power with this, but this engine just makes it so easily, and if we talk about how this engine will last, jTaJ8nlAE9y-00023-00017026-00018191 if the engine is well maintained, it hasn't been owned by a bad owner before, then it'll hold 800hp easily with the stock internals. jTaJ8nlAE9y-00024-00018191-00018266 That is unbelievable! jTaJ8nlAE9y-00025-00018366-00019209 There's no actual reason to be nervous. But we will not be testing the borders, we'll stay at our 0.6bar. jTaJ8nlAE9y-00026-00019209-00020726 And we'll try to... Well, my worry is, that the stock ECU has the rev limiter set with a fuel cut and by closing the throttle. Since we don't have EGT sensors, jTaJ8nlAE9y-00027-00020726-00021559 we have to imagine some things. We'll test it on the track and see. I'll start with the dyno first. jTaJ8nlAE9y-00028-00021559-00021900 I already have the EGT bungs welded in though. We'll have a Haltech soon too, so don't worry! jTaJ8nlAE9y-00029-00022050-00022250 So, you see, a couple of optimists here! jTaJ8nlAE9y-00030-00022416-00022709 But alrighty, let's get rolling and we'll keep you updated! jTaJ8nlAE9y-00031-00023334-00023434 What are we doing right now? jTaJ8nlAE9y-00032-00023559-00025001 We're setting up a separate MAP-sensor for the dyno, so I could later see pressure VS horsepower and we'd have some history in a year to check over. jTaJ8nlAE9y-00033-00025001-00025534 So the boost pressure log would go straight into the graph, that's why we're adding an extra hose. jTaJ8nlAE9y-00034-00025933-00026025 A zip tie! jTaJ8nlAE9y-00035-00026375-00026516 Where did you take it from? jTaJ8nlAE9y-00036-00026618-00026843 This? This was just an extra outlet on this. jTaJ8nlAE9y-00037-00026843-00027101 By original on the Stillen intake manifold. jTaJ8nlAE9y-00038-00027359-00027500 Does everything seem normal at the moment? jTaJ8nlAE9y-00039-00027592-00028934 Yeah, I'm just trying to understand, what to adjust where. The problem is, that I don't want to be guessing, I'd like to set up the log. jTaJ8nlAE9y-00040-00028968-00029767 The parameters I have in the map, those don't give me any good numbers in the log. That's what makes these cars a bit different. jTaJ8nlAE9y-00041-00029767-00030217 But I'll overwrite my map now and let's see. jTaJ8nlAE9y-00042-00030325-00030425 See what's going to happen. jTaJ8nlAE9y-00043-00033001-00033126 0.3bar jTaJ8nlAE9y-00044-00033201-00033267 What? jTaJ8nlAE9y-00045-00033267-00033434 The minimum is 0.3bar jTaJ8nlAE9y-00046-00033434-00033559 That's quite good! jTaJ8nlAE9y-00047-00033859-00034042 And now you can up the duty cicle? jTaJ8nlAE9y-00048-00037642-00038818 We're writing once again. The thing with the original ECU is, that we have to log each change or log each pull, and then insert the change into the map and then write it. jTaJ8nlAE9y-00049-00038818-00039742 Luckily, this writes very quickly. Right now, we made 300whp and 460nm from the wheels. And this was the first pull! jTaJ8nlAE9y-00050-00039767-00039917 And what was the boost? jTaJ8nlAE9y-00051-00039917-00041401 It goes up to 0.3bar and drops down to about 0.15bar. So now, with the minimum boost, I'm going to go forward until I have the AFRs and ignition tables set, and then we'll go nuts! jTaJ8nlAE9y-00052-00041517-00041634 Oh, go nuts you say! jTaJ8nlAE9y-00053-00041859-00042050 It's working as it should right now, the noise is beautiful! jTaJ8nlAE9y-00054-00052608-00053859 So! While Viljar is setting up the map, I made some clips with his camera and Viljar, I tuned your camera too! Your camera was flickering with the lights. jTaJ8nlAE9y-00055-00053909-00054608 And I changed some settings, I made a small basemap for it, "plugged the computer in", and got it all set up. jTaJ8nlAE9y-00056-00054608-00054858 That's great! jTaJ8nlAE9y-00057-00054925-00055135 What problem are we facing right now, since the guys are under the bonnet? jTaJ8nlAE9y-00058-00055234-00056367 It's not actually a problem, it's an usual part of tuning. While I do the software tuning, we need to tune the hardware a bit now. We need a bit stronger wastegate spring, jTaJ8nlAE9y-00059-00056367-00057108 so it could hold the minimum boost by itself. Right now, as the RPMs rose, the exhaust gas pressure rose and the boost fell off too much. jTaJ8nlAE9y-00060-00057108-00058076 And when I asked the boost controller to have full boost, it wasn't enough to keep 0.6bar from low down to redline. jTaJ8nlAE9y-00061-00058076-00058259 So let's see, if that helps. jTaJ8nlAE9y-00062-00058550-00059526 I just noticed a thing. The ceiling lights are no longer flickering, but the screen started to flicker lightly. But that's luckily a very small flicker. jTaJ8nlAE9y-00063-00060242-00060400 We had a flashlight in the van. jTaJ8nlAE9y-00064-00060625-00060708 Shall I go bring it? jTaJ8nlAE9y-00065-00060775-00060975 There's definitely one big one there, but... jTaJ8nlAE9y-00066-00060975-00061133 That's the problem with a small one. jTaJ8nlAE9y-00067-00061335-00061642 It has to eventually fit in both of the holes, front and back. jTaJ8nlAE9y-00068-00061934-00062067 There were some clicks. jTaJ8nlAE9y-00069-00062126-00062267 But bring the small flashlight then. jTaJ8nlAE9y-00070-00062467-00062600 is it somewhere on the shelf there? jTaJ8nlAE9y-00071-00062600-00062858 Yeah, on the right side somewhere, in a drawer. jTaJ8nlAE9y-00072-00073593-00073693 Is the duty cycle just low now? jTaJ8nlAE9y-00073-00073693-00073818 Yeah, it's zeroed out. jTaJ8nlAE9y-00074-00073918-00074042 And what is it at with zero duty? jTaJ8nlAE9y-00075-00074042-00074742 With it zeroed out, it's at 0.5bar and drops down to 0.3bar. jTaJ8nlAE9y-00076-00074742-00074833 Great! jTaJ8nlAE9y-00077-00074833-00075033 I'll slowly start upping the duty cycle. jTaJ8nlAE9y-00078-00077591-00077668 Awesome! jTaJ8nlAE9y-00079-00077834-00077918 So, where are we at? jTaJ8nlAE9y-00080-00077984-00078068 How far are we? jTaJ8nlAE9y-00081-00078068-00079050 We finished the petrol tune. I said, that we'd make 500whp and 550nm. I can't get the torque any lower, it's at over 600nm. jTaJ8nlAE9y-00082-00079125-00080101 And up top, we got the to drop down enough to end up at 480hp from the wheels. jTaJ8nlAE9y-00083-00080201-00080384 Though it made me 540whp at first! jTaJ8nlAE9y-00084-00080467-00080900 And now the guys are bringing some ethanol, so we'll get some ethanol in and then we'll make an ethanol tune. jTaJ8nlAE9y-00085-00081017-00081150 There's nothing else to it! jTaJ8nlAE9y-00086-00081250-00081959 Now we'll make the proper Race tune! The petrol tune, that's to drive it onto the trailer and just to start it sometimes. jTaJ8nlAE9y-00087-00081959-00082118 To visit Ülemiste car meets on Thursdays! jTaJ8nlAE9y-00088-00082118-00082267 Drive it onto the trailer with 500hp huh! jTaJ8nlAE9y-00089-00082267-00082517 But now, only now are we going to make some power! jTaJ8nlAE9y-00090-00082700-00082834 How is the owner feeling? jTaJ8nlAE9y-00091-00082875-00083675 Everything's gone really good, there has been no massive surprises. Only the wastegate spring thing, and the boost solenoid confused us for a bit. jTaJ8nlAE9y-00092-00083785-00084209 That has been done, the fuel is out, ethanol is in, we'll go bring some more fresh ethanol and then have a quick lunch break. jTaJ8nlAE9y-00093-00084267-00084359 And then continue! jTaJ8nlAE9y-00094-00084359-00084559 Maybe he'll get at it already on the dyno. jTaJ8nlAE9y-00095-00085275-00085700 We're writing on the ethanol base... Oh, the lunch is trying to get out! jTaJ8nlAE9y-00096-00085818-00085993 The ethanol fumes shall make you feel better right away! jTaJ8nlAE9y-00097-00086068-00086659 I think that I'll have to put a mask on, I'm already feeling dizzy, because the screamer pipe is in the front. jTaJ8nlAE9y-00098-00086659-00086717 Oh right! jTaJ8nlAE9y-00099-00086717-00086925 And it isn't sucked out, it's being blown right at me. jTaJ8nlAE9y-00100-00086925-00087158 And I don't have a window either to close! jTaJ8nlAE9y-00101-00087308-00087783 But alrighty, I won't come back with the guys, I'll go have lunch with them and deal with other things. See you soon! jTaJ8nlAE9y-00102-00087783-00087843 Alrighty! jTaJ8nlAE9y-00103-00087843-00087934 Bye! jTaJ8nlAE9y-00104-00088168-00088825 But tell me, you finished the petrol tune, are you now trying to start it on ethanol? jTaJ8nlAE9y-00105-00088875-00090301 No, not with the same tune. I've made a small ethanol base map, so let's see, just so it would start. I need to get the AFR correct, if that's done, we'll start to add boost and timing. jTaJ8nlAE9y-00106-00090301-00090542 And we'll do some fine tuning for the competitions. jTaJ8nlAE9y-00107-00090617-00090684 Exciting! jTaJ8nlAE9y-00108-00092759-00093567 So! The petrol tune is done, the car tuned up. The guys are pouring in some see-through liquid. jTaJ8nlAE9y-00109-00093567-00093700 Some water! jTaJ8nlAE9y-00110-00093700-00093783 Water? jTaJ8nlAE9y-00111-00093901-00094134 It made too much water, so we have to dilute it with some water. jTaJ8nlAE9y-00112-00094201-00095333 Yeah, we have a problem that as I said, we'd have 550nm and 500hp from the wheels, but we actually made 500hp, but we have a bit over 600nm of torque. jTaJ8nlAE9y-00113-00095333-00095683 We'll add some water to dilute it! jTaJ8nlAE9y-00114-00095775-00095883 This is some good stuff! jTaJ8nlAE9y-00115-00096101-00096209 Shall I help you hold it? jTaJ8nlAE9y-00116-00096209-00096359 I'm good. jTaJ8nlAE9y-00117-00096875-00097425 The anxiousness has now gone away, the first pulls have been made and we've hit our targets, so it's easier for you now. jTaJ8nlAE9y-00118-00097425-00097716 When that 540hp appeared for a moment, yeah... jTaJ8nlAE9y-00119-00097716-00097791 But it held up! jTaJ8nlAE9y-00120-00097791-00097958 We basically have what we need! jTaJ8nlAE9y-00121-00098193-00099400 We made 540hp at a moment, I tried it out, but there's no point in doing that with petrol, so I tamed it down a bit, but the problem is that what do I tame it with? jTaJ8nlAE9y-00122-00099400-00100468 I can't drop the boost pressure. If I'd want to tame it, I'd do it with timing, but the thing with ignition is, that as I take out timing, we build more boost! jTaJ8nlAE9y-00123-00100584-00100942 And that builds heat too, so there's a line somewhere. jTaJ8nlAE9y-00124-00100942-00101142 It's difficult, but manageable. jTaJ8nlAE9y-00125-00101142-00101342 You have a good base to build off. The engine is good. jTaJ8nlAE9y-00126-00101342-00101400 Great! jTaJ8nlAE9y-00127-00101467-00101600 That's only good to hear! jTaJ8nlAE9y-00128-00101766-00102025 Let's see, I'll roll the camera again when we get to it! jTaJ8nlAE9y-00129-00106659-00108100 So! We've finished here! The guys are grinning! Although we did tame it quite a bit, as a request made by Martin, we tamed it a lot. jTaJ8nlAE9y-00130-00108100-00108351 Look at this face! A happy customer! jTaJ8nlAE9y-00131-00108351-00108951 If we'd have wanted, we could've made 800hp, If we had wanted, we would've made 1000nm! jTaJ8nlAE9y-00132-00108951-00109408 But I tamed it down and I held that animal locked up in a cage! jTaJ8nlAE9y-00133-00109408-00110351 And I got 522hp from the wheels and 700nm of torque from the wheels, that's with ethanol. We actually made more with petrol! jTaJ8nlAE9y-00134-00110551-00111234 But that wasn't really the goal, to take the maximum out of this, but our goal was to reach driveable power. jTaJ8nlAE9y-00135-00111234-00111700 When we reached 700nm, I understood that we need to tame it down. jTaJ8nlAE9y-00136-00111700-00112066 We're reminding you, that this engine is stock, the bottom end and all! jTaJ8nlAE9y-00137-00112150-00113225 We're reminding you, that we only have 0.4bar up top and 0.6bar down here, and if I make a trick that I tame it down with ignition, it makes more boost. jTaJ8nlAE9y-00138-00113225-00113958 And If I add the ignition back and take out some boost, the ignition timing creates that power, so as we said, jTaJ8nlAE9y-00139-00113958-00114359 Once you've fed this beast with raw meat, you can't put it back into the cage! jTaJ8nlAE9y-00140-00114509-00115800 But from here, we'll see what's going to be in the next episode and I'll put the Karel's dyno videos and a compilation into this together with Martin's car, jTaJ8nlAE9y-00141-00115800-00116426 You'll get to watch them together from a different angle, and definitely go check out their Youtube channel, their video of this will definitely be a bit different! jTaJ8nlAE9y-00142-00116426-00117034 I've been in this car, I haven't been going around with the camera. You filmed it from the back, you laughed and cried and I don't even know what you were doing! jTaJ8nlAE9y-00143-00117034-00117159 Our eyes were tingling! jTaJ8nlAE9y-00144-00117176-00117317 I was sitting with the mask on! jTaJ8nlAE9y-00145-00117317-00118116 When you were doing pulls in a row, I didn't even notice it at first since I was filming, and then it suddenly hit me! The whole face, the throat, everything was burning! jTaJ8nlAE9y-00146-00118141-00119117 I was using a mask, because your health matters! And if you do this every day, can you even imagine what would be left of me? jTaJ8nlAE9y-00147-00119117-00119267 The one time for us is easier. jTaJ8nlAE9y-00148-00119267-00119350 How coherent. jTaJ8nlAE9y-00149-00119350-00119425 That was okay. jTaJ8nlAE9y-00150-00119575-00119683 But there's nothing else to it! jTaJ8nlAE9y-00151-00119683-00120133 And at the end, Karel still has more power than me, so don't you worry! jTaJ8nlAE9y-00152-00120133-00120926 By the way, when Karel came here, he looked so sad, but I just tamed it down, so now he has more power than you! jTaJ8nlAE9y-00153-00120926-00121126 100% that he has more. jTaJ8nlAE9y-00154-00121276-00121400 So, what is it? Is it empty? jTaJ8nlAE9y-00155-00121400-00121650 Bye! Till next time! jV84_DpOxBu-00000-00000006-00000318 Let's talk about Bell's spaceship paradox. jV84_DpOxBu-00001-00000318-00000600 First put forward by, you guessed it, jV84_DpOxBu-00002-00000600-00001140 Dewan and Baren in 1959. So here's Alice and she has just bought a jV84_DpOxBu-00003-00001140-00001412 brand-new shiny spaceship. jV84_DpOxBu-00004-00001412-00001712 And here's Bob with a brand-new spaceship of their own. jV84_DpOxBu-00005-00001712-00002039 Now, Alice and Bob want to take their spaceships' for a spin. jV84_DpOxBu-00006-00002039-00002554 So, they get together, like this, while their friend, Carl, watches, jealously, from the ground. jV84_DpOxBu-00007-00002554-00003284 Alice and Bob stretch a rope between their ships, which Carl measures to have length, L, in his frame. jV84_DpOxBu-00008-00003284-00003728 Carl sees these ships start off stationary and then they fire up jV84_DpOxBu-00009-00003729-00004193 their engines and fly off to the right, accelerating at the same rate. jV84_DpOxBu-00010-00004193-00004821 So, Carl always sees Alice and Bob have the same velocity as each other, but that velocity jV84_DpOxBu-00011-00004821-00005108 is constantly increasing. jV84_DpOxBu-00012-00005108-00005507 Now, beforehand, Alice and Bob made some predictions about jV84_DpOxBu-00013-00005508-00005774 what they thought would happen. jV84_DpOxBu-00014-00005976-00006440 So, Bob said, "Let's look at things from my reference frame." jV84_DpOxBu-00015-00006440-00007008 So, initially, at the start, Alice and I start off a distance L apart. jV84_DpOxBu-00016-00007008-00007440 Now, we always have the same velocity, so even as we accelerate and jV84_DpOxBu-00017-00007440-00007836 start moving, we will stay a distance, L, apart. jV84_DpOxBu-00018-00007914-00008262 So, obviously, the rope will not break. jV84_DpOxBu-00019-00008262-00008597 Now, Alice had a different idea. She said, jV84_DpOxBu-00020-00008597-00008888 "Let's look at things in Carl's reference frame." jV84_DpOxBu-00021-00008888-00009072 So, Bob and I start off a distance, jV84_DpOxBu-00022-00009072-00009407 L, apart and we always have the same velocity. jV84_DpOxBu-00023-00009407-00009850 So from Carl's point of view we will stay a distance L apart. jV84_DpOxBu-00024-00009850-00010480 However, due to length contraction the rope should shrink to a size L on gamma, jV84_DpOxBu-00025-00010480-00010860 so as we go very fast the rope should break. jV84_DpOxBu-00026-00010860-00011158 Who do you agree with? jWAY3mEVdhY-00000-00000333-00000602 Let's take a look at the ZIVA Resistance Tubes. jWAY3mEVdhY-00001-00000602-00001063 What we have here are two handles wrapped in rubber so it's very comfortable to hold. jWAY3mEVdhY-00002-00001063-00001567 The handles connect via the tube, which is wrapped around in a nice spongy material and fabric. jWAY3mEVdhY-00003-00001567-00002390 So its going to be a little bit more giving on the body versus rubber that can rub against the skin. jWAY3mEVdhY-00004-00002399-00002799 We use this piece of equipment for resistance training and maybe a little jWAY3mEVdhY-00005-00002799-00002955 bit a balance and mobility. jWAY3mEVdhY-00006-00002955-00003150 Check out the exercise library to see all we have for you. jWOEJS3ajQy-00000-00000003-00000552 But if you're looking to catch a glimpse of a man with creepy eyes in your dreams – look jWOEJS3ajQy-00001-00000552-00001028 no further than the man behind the dark screen – and you can find it on the moon. jWOEJS3ajQy-00002-00001028-00001451 According to some reports, you can actually see the eyes of the "cannibal moon". The jWOEJS3ajQy-00003-00001451-00001802 strange phenomenon involves the moonlight appearing to reveal deep jWOEJS3ajQy-00004-00001802-00002472 shadowy black spots or holes. When one of these tiny dark spots or holes appear, it's called jWOEJS3ajQy-00005-00002472-00002898 a "moon hole". According to a number of people who have seen the moon-like jWOEJS3ajQy-00006-00002898-00003176 structures, they seem to be created in the dark, jWOEJS3ajQy-00007-00003176-00003665 and if you are close enough to the event you can actually see a man in the dark in jWOEJS3ajQy-00008-00003665-00004278 a moon suit in the moonlit sky. According to YouTube uploader 'skeetnag', a fellow jWOEJS3ajQy-00009-00004278-00004862 human-beast-monster-dungeon-builder known as the Dragon (the same name of the man in jWOEJS3ajQy-00010-00004862-00005294 the moon suit found on the moon), has actually taken credit for the phenomenon. jWOEJS3ajQy-00011-00005294-00005691 According to Skeetnag, the event happened just after 2pm on jWOEJS3ajQy-00012-00005691-00006285 Saturday September 13th. He uploaded a video to jYHiOwDpYtY-00000-00000492-00001000 [music] jYHiOwDpYtY-00001-00001019-00001372 thank you thank you for the chance to be here jYHiOwDpYtY-00002-00001372-00001880 I would like to say by way of introduction andI want this included in any published version ofthis jYHiOwDpYtY-00003-00001880-00002412 that I've been specifically asked to try tobe provocative so I'm going to say things thatI don't necessarily mean jYHiOwDpYtY-00004-00002412-00002612 and I don't want to bequoted on it jYHiOwDpYtY-00005-00002612-00003100 after having said that which I know will be included in the published version jYHiOwDpYtY-00006-00003100-00003786 I'd like to start by acknowledging Simona's leadership on this point and the whole team here at Leeds for jYHiOwDpYtY-00007-00003786-00004452 preparing a situation where we can come flying in for one full day and have such incredible jYHiOwDpYtY-00008-00004452-00004992 engaged and stimulating and discussions it's really been a treat so thanks for that jYHiOwDpYtY-00009-00005076-00005568 I had been asking myself as I prepared for this what are three things that I jYHiOwDpYtY-00010-00005568-00006144 would like to put on the table from the draft that we've that we've all seen and jYHiOwDpYtY-00011-00006144-00006374 I'd like to share those with you jYHiOwDpYtY-00012-00006374-00006678 thefirst of them involves sustainability jYHiOwDpYtY-00013-00006762-00007380 Simona said in her talk this morning that solving inequality will lead us to solve our jYHiOwDpYtY-00014-00007380-00007931 Global challenges and the most important Global challenge we have today is about sustainability jYHiOwDpYtY-00015-00008009-00008736 sustainability is a particularly special case of the opportunity for cooperation and collaboration jYHiOwDpYtY-00016-00008736-00009468 instead of competition. You can't win at being the sustainability University if what that jYHiOwDpYtY-00017-00009468-00010182 means is the others don't become sustainability universities, you can win at being the engineering jYHiOwDpYtY-00018-00010182-00010680 University by driving the others out of the business but if you want to win at being the jYHiOwDpYtY-00019-00010680-00011112 sustainability University the way to do that is to get everybody else with you because it doesn't jYHiOwDpYtY-00020-00011112-00011754 matter if you're the only one doing sustainability and that's a fundamentally different kind of jYHiOwDpYtY-00021-00011754-00012396 leadership task than the competitive kind of leadership task and I would suggest that it jYHiOwDpYtY-00022-00012396-00013158 requires a different kind of leadership you have to be comfortable with identifying a profile and jYHiOwDpYtY-00023-00013158-00013794 other people going past you that's your victory right and that relates to the the feelings that we jYHiOwDpYtY-00024-00013794-00014369 have about competitiveness versus collaboration so I think that the role of sustainability jYHiOwDpYtY-00025-00014447-00015191 here is particularly important and our success at doing that really is the ultimate jYHiOwDpYtY-00026-00015191-00015696 example of a reward and recognition and for that reason just as a very specific point jYHiOwDpYtY-00027-00015696-00016278 of feedback to the document I'd like to see the position of sustainability even more prominent jYHiOwDpYtY-00028-00016380-00017268 I would like to see that as the overarching driver for the pursuit of knowledge equality jYHiOwDpYtY-00029-00017268-00017460 and just to say a couple more words about that jYHiOwDpYtY-00030-00017460-00018220 wetalk often about sustainability in the domain of nature, in the domain of economics, in the domainof societal development, jYHiOwDpYtY-00031-00018220-00018936 and the document starts by mentioning some challenges to sustainability inwith respect to the environment jYHiOwDpYtY-00032-00018936-00019668 but then it sortof doesn't say any more about that and I'd like to work on that a little bit more to jYHiOwDpYtY-00033-00019668-00020184 talk about things like energy in the context of providing education what does that mean jYHiOwDpYtY-00034-00020184-00020500 when wesend millions of documents back and forth on theinternet jYHiOwDpYtY-00035-00020500-00020960 what are we doing to the sustainabilityof the world and a zillion other examples jYHiOwDpYtY-00036-00020960-00021258 in thecontext of sustainable economics we've talked some jYHiOwDpYtY-00037-00021258-00021984 about how to work for open offerings for everyone and for access to everyone but actually jYHiOwDpYtY-00038-00021984-00022584 we've been talking maybe more about access and less about offerings and I'd like to see us jYHiOwDpYtY-00039-00022584-00023394 reflect and in a way that more directly confronts campus-based education as the core model I think jYHiOwDpYtY-00040-00023394-00024000 that relates not only to economic sustainability but is absolutely central for knowledge equality jYHiOwDpYtY-00041-00024054-00024504 and finally on this first point about sustainability as societal structures this jYHiOwDpYtY-00042-00024504-00025254 cannot be underplayed right inequality in societal structures really is the most genuine threat to jYHiOwDpYtY-00043-00025254-00025895 democracy and the work that we can do in this network to promote knowledge equality directly jYHiOwDpYtY-00044-00025895-00027060 confronts that threat and thereby directlysupports the further development of democraticapproaches to governance jYHiOwDpYtY-00045-00027060-00027400 point one then is aboutsustainability point two is about activism jYHiOwDpYtY-00046-00027400-00027882 whichI touched on on my, in my question this morning but I'd like to take a more radical version of it so jYHiOwDpYtY-00047-00027882-00028427 capitalism in the form of of Publishers or whose business model is to break the backs of public jYHiOwDpYtY-00048-00028427-00029262 universities is of course a particularly obnoxious example of anti-equality in the distribution of jYHiOwDpYtY-00049-00029262-00029874 knowledge but what about other things like sexism like culture like religion or fundamentalism that jYHiOwDpYtY-00050-00029874-00030404 has also as a tenet that it should be opposed to the scientific mention method jYHiOwDpYtY-00051-00030404-00030600 and thereby to knowledge equality jYHiOwDpYtY-00052-00030600-00031145 so should we as the Knowledge Equality Network take a position on the Taliban? jYHiOwDpYtY-00053-00031242-00031733 if you ask me what is a great threat to knowledge equality today one of my answers jYHiOwDpYtY-00054-00031733-00032118 is the Taliban the Taliban is a great threat to knowledge equality because they don't want jYHiOwDpYtY-00055-00032118-00032700 women to have knowledge what does that mean to us in the formation of a network jYHiOwDpYtY-00056-00032772-00033294 that was my second point about activism and my third point which I'll use the next jYHiOwDpYtY-00057-00033420-00033564 three and a half minutes on jYHiOwDpYtY-00058-00033564-00033936 isabout [cough] the tyranny of excellence jYHiOwDpYtY-00059-00034008-00034914 And my thesis is that knowledge equality is undermined by systems of reward and recognition jYHiOwDpYtY-00060-00034914-00035279 that are constructed under the tyranny of excellence. jYHiOwDpYtY-00061-00035279-00036004 Excellence is the fetishized pseudo-codification of the pinnacle of competition jYHiOwDpYtY-00062-00036100-00036500 and our commitment to leave relentless competition behind in favor of radical collaboration jYHiOwDpYtY-00063-00036504-00037410 entailsan abandonment of Excellence as The Guiding jYHiOwDpYtY-00064-00037410-00038154 criteria for everything that we do that is good news because Excellence is undefinable in the jYHiOwDpYtY-00065-00038154-00039210 scientific context in its a a notion providing conservativeness in not only the distribution jYHiOwDpYtY-00066-00039210-00039792 of money but also the kind of science that gets pursued in other words Excellence implies jYHiOwDpYtY-00067-00039792-00040542 inequality it implies distinguishing the excellent from the non-excellent and the pursuit of equality jYHiOwDpYtY-00068-00040542-00041376 entails its abandonment this is uh for those reasons that I just said it needs to be replaced jYHiOwDpYtY-00069-00041376-00042066 furthermore the the construction of science on the back of of this fetishized pseudo codification of jYHiOwDpYtY-00070-00042066-00042732 Excellence is directly responsible for the loss of public trust in science since it doesn't work so jYHiOwDpYtY-00071-00042732-00042944 that should be replaced by other principles jYHiOwDpYtY-00072-00042944-00043644 likecapacity building, like breadth, like soundness, likecomprehensiveness, like accessibility jYHiOwDpYtY-00073-00043644-00044104 where thoseshould become the kinds of criteria that we wantto advocate for jYHiOwDpYtY-00074-00044104-00044740 as criteria that can feed knowledge equality as opposed to jYHiOwDpYtY-00075-00044740-00045016 undermine it in the way that Excellence does jYHiOwDpYtY-00076-00045016-00045468 believeit or not I could talk about this for a lot longer, but I'll stop there jYHiOwDpYtY-00077-00045468-00045700 thank you very much thank you thank you for being timely jYHiOwDpYtY-00078-00045700-00045868 [Applause] jYHiOwDpYtY-00079-00045868-00046542 [music] jYWUJNNcGho-00000-00000009-00000076 victor jb9GLdNTYtk-00000-00000095-00000774 >> OKAY, GOOD MORNING, LET ME WELCOME YOU TO THE 64th ANNUAL jb9GLdNTYtk-00001-00000774-00001005 ADVISORY COUNCIL WITH THE HUMAN GENOME RESEARCH jb9GLdNTYtk-00002-00001005-00001105 COUNCIL. jb9GLdNTYtk-00003-00001105-00001717 WE HAVE A UNUSUAL CIRCUMSTANCE, NORMALLY jb9GLdNTYtk-00004-00001717-00002387 SITTING TO MY LEFT IS MARK GUYER, HE HAS SET FOR OVER jb9GLdNTYtk-00005-00002387-00002788 HALF OF THOSE 64, AND MAYBE MORE, AND IN THE MIDDLE OF jb9GLdNTYtk-00006-00002788-00003164 THE NIGHT MARK WAS CALLED AWAY TO A FAMILY EMERGENCY jb9GLdNTYtk-00007-00003164-00003340 AND WILL NOT BE ABLE TO BE JOINING US. jb9GLdNTYtk-00008-00003340-00003727 NOW THERE IS??SO RUDY, PIZOTTI, WILL STEP IN AS jb9GLdNTYtk-00009-00003727-00004107 EXECUTIVE CIRCUMSTANCE DURING THIS MEDING AND THAT ISON A jb9GLdNTYtk-00010-00004107-00004505 COMPLETE UNEXPECTED CIRCUMSTANCE, WE THOUGHT RUDY jb9GLdNTYtk-00011-00004505-00004897 WOULD TAKE THIS RESPONSIBILITY, WE HAD A PLAN jb9GLdNTYtk-00012-00004897-00005692 THAT MARK, BEING THE OBI WAN KENOBI TRAIN HIM AND jb9GLdNTYtk-00013-00005692-00006395 SO NOW WE'RE FLYING BY THE SEAT OF OUR PANTS AND HE IS jb9GLdNTYtk-00014-00006395-00007347 WITH HIS FAMILY NOW AND IN VARIOUS WAYS IF WE LOOK LIKE jb9GLdNTYtk-00015-00007347-00007559 IT'S BECAUSE WE KNOW WHAT WE'RE DOING IT'S ONLY BECAUSE jb9GLdNTYtk-00016-00007559-00007875 MARK HAD THE MASTER PLAN FOR THIS COUNCIL MEETING AND WE jb9GLdNTYtk-00017-00007875-00008136 DON'T HAVE IT SO WE'RE RECONSTRUCTING IT. jb9GLdNTYtk-00018-00008136-00008449 I WILL TELL YOU HE IS SCHEDULED TO GIVE A PORTFOLIO jb9GLdNTYtk-00019-00008449-00008782 REVIEW THAT WILL NOT HAPPEN THIS COUNCIL MEETING. jb9GLdNTYtk-00020-00008782-00009265 WE WILL PLAN TO HAVE A FORMAL PORTFOLIO REVIEW AT THE MAY jb9GLdNTYtk-00021-00009265-00009500 COUNCIL MEETING INSTEAD. jb9GLdNTYtk-00022-00009500-00009843 AND I WILL TELL YOU THAT WITH ROOKIES ON BOARD IN TERMS OF jb9GLdNTYtk-00023-00009843-00010140 RUNNING A COUNCIL MEETING WITHOUT MARK, WE WILL BE jb9GLdNTYtk-00024-00010140-00010240 JUGGLING. jb9GLdNTYtk-00025-00010240-00010575 SO I'M SURE THE AGENDA IS GOING TO SHIFT WITH TIME. jb9GLdNTYtk-00026-00010575-00011014 AS WE GO, IT'S ALSO AN UNUSUAL COUNCIL MEET NOTHING jb9GLdNTYtk-00027-00011014-00011296 THAT WE HAVE A FIXED EVENT IN THE MIDDLE AND THAT'S AT jb9GLdNTYtk-00028-00011296-00011671 1:00 O'CLOCK TODAY, AND WE'RE USING THIS COUNCIL MEETING AS jb9GLdNTYtk-00029-00011671-00012171 A VENUE AND AN OPPORTUNITY TO HAVE A SECOND OF 2 PUBLIC jb9GLdNTYtk-00030-00012171-00012452 MEETINGS THAT ARE REQUIRED, ASSOCIATED WITH OUR PROPOSAL jb9GLdNTYtk-00031-00012452-00012636 FOR REORGANIZING THE INSTITUTE. jb9GLdNTYtk-00032-00012636-00013038 AND SO, AGAIN, COUNCIL HAS BEEN AWARE THIS WAS COMING jb9GLdNTYtk-00033-00013038-00013232 AND IT JUST MEANS THAT WE'RE GOING TO HAVE TO ADJUST jb9GLdNTYtk-00034-00013232-00013587 THINGS AND BREAK FOR LUNCH ON TIME AND MAKE SURE PEOPLE jb9GLdNTYtk-00035-00013587-00013806 HAVE TIME TO GET LUNCH AND THEN BE BACK HERE WITH jb9GLdNTYtk-00036-00013806-00014244 SUFFICIENT TIME TO HAVE THIS PUBLIC MEETING START AT 1 OX jb9GLdNTYtk-00037-00014244-00014344 CLOCK. jb9GLdNTYtk-00038-00014344-00014444 SO BEAR??1:00 O'CLOCK. jb9GLdNTYtk-00039-00014444-00014837 SO BEAR WITH US, WE WILL LET YOU KNOW AS THE SCHEDULE GETS jb9GLdNTYtk-00040-00014837-00014937 ADJUSTED. jb9GLdNTYtk-00041-00014937-00015284 BUT IF THERE'S PICK UPS IN THIS, IT'S ONLY BECAUSE WE jb9GLdNTYtk-00042-00015284-00015606 HAVE ROOKIES ON BOARD HERE RIGHT NOW AND WE'LL DURN IT jb9GLdNTYtk-00043-00015606-00015971 OVER TO THE STEPS BEFORE MY DIRECTOR'S REPORT. jb9GLdNTYtk-00044-00015971-00016313 OKAY, I CAPTAIN RESIST NOT??CAN'T RESIST NOT STARTING jb9GLdNTYtk-00045-00016313-00016631 WITH A STORY. jb9GLdNTYtk-00046-00016631-00017036 YEARS AGO, THE WOMAN WHO WAS TRAINING ME TO BE AN SRO, WAS jb9GLdNTYtk-00047-00017036-00017545 SAYING THAT YOU HAVE TO GET GOOD PEOPLE IN THE ROOM AND jb9GLdNTYtk-00048-00017545-00017834 EVERYTHING ELSE WILL TAKE CARE OF ITSELF, AND SHE CITED jb9GLdNTYtk-00049-00017834-00018568 IN AT 6:00 AND COULD SHE STEP IN AND BE THE SRO FOR THIS jb9GLdNTYtk-00050-00018568-00018854 MEETING THAT SHE HAD ABSOLUTELY NO PREPARATION IN, jb9GLdNTYtk-00051-00018854-00019342 SO SHE WENT AND SHE HAD GREAT CHAIR AND SHE SAID IT WORKED. jb9GLdNTYtk-00052-00019342-00019724 IT WILL RUN ITSELF AND I CAME HOME AND I TOLD THIS STORY TO jb9GLdNTYtk-00053-00019724-00020025 MY WIFE WHO'S ALSO AN SRO AND WOULDN'T THAT BE REALLY jb9GLdNTYtk-00054-00020025-00020334 EXCITING TO HAVE THAT EXPERIENCE AND JUST LEAP IN jb9GLdNTYtk-00055-00020334-00020776 AND DO SOMETHING AND SHE GAVE ME THAT RAISED EYE BROW THAT jb9GLdNTYtk-00056-00020776-00021026 ONLY SPOUSES CAN GIVE 1 ANOTHER AND SAID SOMETHING jb9GLdNTYtk-00057-00021026-00021338 LIKE, BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR RUDY. jb9GLdNTYtk-00058-00021338-00021698 WELL, GOOD MORNING AND WELCOME EVERYONE. jb9GLdNTYtk-00059-00021698-00022022 I SHOULD KNOW WHAT COUNCIL MEETING THIS IS, THE NUMBER, jb9GLdNTYtk-00060-00022022-00022332 BUT ONLY MARK KNOWS THAT INFORMATION. jb9GLdNTYtk-00061-00022332-00022754 WE HAVE A COUPLE OF NEW COUNCIL MEMBERS TO INTRODUCE. jb9GLdNTYtk-00062-00022754-00022960 JIM EVANS FROM UNC. jb9GLdNTYtk-00063-00022960-00023539 AND MAMIE MC GUIRE FROM BAYLOR COLLEGE OF MEDICINE. jb9GLdNTYtk-00064-00023539-00023845 WE SHOULD ALSO INTRODUCE THE COUNCIL LIAISON MEMBERS AND I jb9GLdNTYtk-00065-00023845-00024171 WILL ASK THEM TO INTRODUCE THEMSELVES SINCE I CAN'T. jb9GLdNTYtk-00066-00024171-00025224 I THINK 1 OF YOU IS NEW, ANY OF THEM HERE AT THIS TIME? jb9GLdNTYtk-00067-00025224-00025324 >> THANK YOU. jb9GLdNTYtk-00068-00025324-00025688 WE'LL ALSO INTRODUCE NEW STAFF NUMBERS HERE AT NHGRI. jb9GLdNTYtk-00069-00025688-00026445 ANASTASIA, SHE'S??CORRECT ME IF I'M WRONG, A VISITING jb9GLdNTYtk-00070-00026445-00026669 FELLOW STHAT CORRECT? jb9GLdNTYtk-00071-00026669-00027093 ??IS THAT CORRECT? jb9GLdNTYtk-00072-00027093-00027592 AND NICOLE LOCKHART, IS A DETAIL FROM NCI, ARE YOU jb9GLdNTYtk-00073-00027592-00027693 HERE? jb9GLdNTYtk-00074-00027693-00027998 NOT YET??OH, YEAH. jb9GLdNTYtk-00075-00027998-00028343 [LAUGHTER] COMPREHEND WELCOME NICOLE. jb9GLdNTYtk-00076-00028343-00029164 YEAH, NICOLE, A HALF A MACHINEUTE INTRODUCTION ABOUT jb9GLdNTYtk-00077-00029164-00029458 YOUR DUTIES HERE, I KNOW YOU'RE HELPING OUT WITH THE. jb9GLdNTYtk-00078-00029458-00029723 >> ETHICAL AND LEGAL AND SOCIAL IMPLICATIONS PROGRAM. jb9GLdNTYtk-00079-00029723-00030225 >> AND ON DETAIL FROM NCI, CORRECT? jb9GLdNTYtk-00080-00030225-00030648 GREAT, WELCOME. jb9GLdNTYtk-00081-00030648-00031095 AND LINDE LUNN IS A PROGRAM ANALYST WORKING ON TCGA, jb9GLdNTYtk-00082-00031095-00031833 CANCER GENOME ANATOMY AND SUSAN TOY, GRANT SPECIALIST. jb9GLdNTYtk-00083-00031833-00032016 WELCOME. jb9GLdNTYtk-00084-00032016-00032550 OKAY, WE HAVE ACCORDING TO THE SIGN?IN SHEET 2 GUESTS, jb9GLdNTYtk-00085-00032550-00032870 MARRIAN OTTINGER, WITH THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, jb9GLdNTYtk-00086-00032870-00033042 WELCOME MARY ANN. jb9GLdNTYtk-00087-00033042-00033249 >> AND JOAN SCOTT. jb9GLdNTYtk-00088-00033249-00033576 AND HI. jb9GLdNTYtk-00089-00033576-00033808 ANYONE ELSE? jb9GLdNTYtk-00090-00033808-00034281 ONE OTHER NEW STAFF NUMBER, IN THE OFFICE OF DIRECTOR IS jb9GLdNTYtk-00091-00034281-00034828 ALLISON MANDICH IS MY NEW ASSISTANT AND SHE NOT jb9GLdNTYtk-00092-00034828-00035117 PHYSICALLY HERE RIGHT NOW, HE'S??SHE'S AT ORIENTATION, jb9GLdNTYtk-00093-00035117-00036191 YOU MIGHT HAVE KNOWN HER WHEN SHE WAS ALLISON PACH. jb9GLdNTYtk-00094-00036191-00036500 ACTUALLY WITH HER FAMILY AND IT'S AN IMPORTANT NAME FOR jb9GLdNTYtk-00095-00036500-00036762 YOU TO KNOW, ALISON MANDICH, BECAUSE YOU WILL OFTEN GET jb9GLdNTYtk-00096-00036762-00037211 E?MAILS FROM HER ON MY BEHALF AND IT'S A NAME I WANT YOU TO jb9GLdNTYtk-00097-00037211-00037643 PAY ATTENTION TO WHEN YOU GET E?MAILS FROM HER AND I BEG jb9GLdNTYtk-00098-00037643-00038437 YOUR PARDON ISSUES A NEW COUNCIL LIAISON JUST WALKED jb9GLdNTYtk-00099-00038437-00038547 IN. jb9GLdNTYtk-00100-00038547-00039098 COULD YOU INTRODUCE YOURSELF PLEASE? jb9GLdNTYtk-00101-00039098-00039208 >> [INDISCERNIBLE]. jb9GLdNTYtk-00102-00039208-00039569 >> OKAY, NORMALLY WE WOULD HAVE APPROVAL FROM THE jb9GLdNTYtk-00103-00039569-00039832 MINUTES OF THE COUNCIL MEETING THOSE MINUTE VS NOT jb9GLdNTYtk-00104-00039832-00040157 BEEN COMPLETED YET SO WE'LL HANDLE THAT OFFLINE WITH THE jb9GLdNTYtk-00105-00040157-00040257 KOWNSILATE THROUGH E?MAIL. jb9GLdNTYtk-00106-00040257-00040357 ??COUNCIL THROUGH E?MAIL. jb9GLdNTYtk-00107-00040357-00040618 OT OPEN AFTER THE ACCIDENT GENDA I'LL CALL YOUR jb9GLdNTYtk-00108-00040618-00040984 ATTENTION FOR THE COMING MEETING DAY FOR THE NEXT 2 jb9GLdNTYtk-00109-00040984-00041558 YEARS, 2012, 13, AND 14 AS WELL. jb9GLdNTYtk-00110-00041558-00042100 IF YOU SEE??IF YOU'RE BOOKED FOR FEBRUARY OF 2014, SEE ME jb9GLdNTYtk-00111-00042100-00042255 ABOUT OTHER MATTERS. jb9GLdNTYtk-00112-00042255-00042697 BUT CERTAINLY IF YOU SEE A SCHEDULE CONFLICT, WOULD YOU jb9GLdNTYtk-00113-00042697-00043208 NOTIFY, SEND IT TO ME, WHY NOT? jb9GLdNTYtk-00114-00043208-00043638 AND WE'LL TRY TO SORT IT OUT. jb9GLdNTYtk-00115-00043638-00043778 OKAY THAT'S IT FOR NOW. jb9GLdNTYtk-00116-00043778-00044158 I THINK I WILL TURN IT OVER TO ERIC FOR THE DIRECTORS jb9GLdNTYtk-00117-00044158-00044258 REPORT. jb9GLdNTYtk-00118-00044258-00044448 RUDY HAD ALL OF 20 MINUTES TO REALIZE HE HAD THIS jb9GLdNTYtk-00119-00044448-00044575 RESPONSIBILITY THIS MORNING. jbOWb_jHV_A-00000-00000052-00000180 Tough love guys and gals. jbOWb_jHV_A-00001-00000200-00000708 Uncle Google is not your friend. At least not when it comes to outreach tactics. jbOWb_jHV_A-00002-00000728-00001280 Are you writing using best practices or email templates that you found on Google? jbOWb_jHV_A-00003-00001300-00001739 If so, that's probably why you're struggling to get response. jbOWb_jHV_A-00004-00002096-00002320 Hank Barnes from Gartner puts it this way. jbOWb_jHV_A-00005-00002340-00002616 "I'm not a fan of best practices as they jbOWb_jHV_A-00006-00002636-00002924 generally reflect ideas that everyone is doing. jbOWb_jHV_A-00007-00002944-00003124 They don't help you stand out. jbOWb_jHV_A-00008-00003144-00003496 But NEXT practices are tactics that not everyone does. jbOWb_jHV_A-00009-00003504-00003708 They help you stand apart from alternatives." jbOWb_jHV_A-00010-00003720-00003896 I should just end the video right there. Right? jbOWb_jHV_A-00011-00003896-00004136 Thanks, Hank. What more can be said? jbOWb_jHV_A-00012-00004156-00004400 What would it take to get you to commit jbOWb_jHV_A-00013-00004420-00004812 to strengthening your InMail copy your voice mail scripts -- to apply the next jbOWb_jHV_A-00014-00004832-00005180 practices that we've been uncovering all year long in our private jbOWb_jHV_A-00015-00005200-00005636 Spark Selling Academy. Step one is awareness of the problem. jbOWb_jHV_A-00016-00005656-00005964 And that's what we're doing in our new Academy forum. jbOWb_jHV_A-00017-00005984-00006568 We're all becoming, together, aware of self-defeating language in our outreach messages. jbOWb_jHV_A-00018-00006588-00007059 You've got to see how your current use of words or outdated templates are jbOWb_jHV_A-00019-00007080-00007504 sabotaging your outreach. And THEN you can quickly create ways jbOWb_jHV_A-00020-00007523-00007816 to spark curiosity in decision makers faster. jbOWb_jHV_A-00021-00007836-00008104 Plus, you'll close more by letting go. jbOWb_jHV_A-00022-00008123-00008400 Let poor prospects disqualify themselves jbOWb_jHV_A-00023-00008400-00008688 so you don't have to waste time meeting with them, right. jbOWb_jHV_A-00024-00008708-00009192 So you'll add more closable new opportunities to pipeline faster. jbOWb_jHV_A-00025-00009212-00009448 So what do you think? Take the next step right now. jbOWb_jHV_A-00026-00009468-00009716 Do not wait. All the best. And see you next time. jcxhld62G7Y-00000-00000009-00000255 They just figured out heated seatbelts. jcxhld62G7Y-00001-00000260-00000787 And it's trickier than you might think, because this is still a safety feature of the car. jcxhld62G7Y-00002-00000794-00001091 So you can't just throw somebody. jcxhld62G7Y-00003-00001106-00001457 Why? This was not a problem that needed solving! jcxhld62G7Y-00004-00001465-00001927 No, but we talked about last week about how great it is to have those heated seats. jcxhld62G7Y-00005-00001932-00002196 They can last for so this sort of heat your front end. jcxhld62G7Y-00006-00002206-00002272 Yeah. jcxhld62G7Y-00007-00002309-00002870 So your left nipple will get a little bit warmth there, but that'll make you feel more comfortable. jcxhld62G7Y-00008-00002873-00002943 I get it. jcxhld62G7Y-00009-00002950-00003454 Maybe you could get a three point harness and then you could heat both of your nipples for your race cars. jcxhld62G7Y-00010-00003457-00003494 Yes. jcxhld62G7Y-00011-00003494-00003882 I thought it was relevant because we were talking about these kinds of issues last week. jcxhld62G7Y-00012-00003895-00004655 You had the shocking revelation that if you're stuck in a blizzard somewhere and you're in an electric car, you can run the heated seats. jcxhld62G7Y-00013-00004713-00004797 31 days. jcxhld62G7Y-00014-00004801-00005027 Is that what it was? 31 days? Yeah. jcxhld62G7Y-00015-00005046-00005190 The clean energy show. jhHJCp_dTUY-00000-00000000-00000200 How to divide using float data type jlQK0xMLwv8-00000-00000000-00000200 What do you want? jlQK0xMLwv8-00001-00000200-00000598 I can hurt him whenever i want. It's none of your business jlQK0xMLwv8-00002-00000598-00000887 He cried even right now jlQK0xMLwv8-00003-00000887-00001268 He acts like a girl jlQK0xMLwv8-00004-00001268-00001611 you shouldn't fight him jlQK0xMLwv8-00005-00001611-00001904 We are friends jlQK0xMLwv8-00006-00001904-00002152 I don't have a friend like him jlQK0xMLwv8-00007-00002152-00002733 What do you want to do? jlQK0xMLwv8-00008-00002733-00003064 Come! jlQK0xMLwv8-00009-00003064-00003356 You should eat that overcooked rice jlQK0xMLwv8-00010-00003356-00003826 Why don't you eat? jlQK0xMLwv8-00011-00003826-00004462 Eat! Eat! jlQK0xMLwv8-00012-00004462-00005245 I don't have money to waste on you jlQK0xMLwv8-00013-00005245-00006907 This life film " Cursing the Child" isn't appropriate for children under 15 years old because some contents involved violence and harsh words jlQK0xMLwv8-00014-00006907-00007033 SASTRA FILM jlQK0xMLwv8-00015-00007033-00007217 BAYON TV jlQK0xMLwv8-00016-00007217-00007464 Sponsored by: jlQK0xMLwv8-00017-00007464-00007819 Present jlQK0xMLwv8-00018-00007819-00008526 Cursing Child jlQK0xMLwv8-00019-00008526-00009078 Asshole! jlQK0xMLwv8-00020-00009078-00009600 You go out everyday. Can you make me happy for one day? jlQK0xMLwv8-00021-00009600-00009848 A son of bitch! jlQK0xMLwv8-00022-00009848-00010287 A bastard! jlQK0xMLwv8-00023-00010287-00010711 Mother! jlQK0xMLwv8-00024-00010711-00010986 Can you not curse me for a day? jlQK0xMLwv8-00025-00010986-00011598 If I'm an asshole, why did you raise me? jlQK0xMLwv8-00026-00011598-00011829 How dare you! jlQK0xMLwv8-00027-00011829-00012206 I will hit you to die jlQK0xMLwv8-00028-00012206-00012592 Asshole! Son of bitch! jlQK0xMLwv8-00029-00012592-00013275 If I know you are a bastard like this, I would kill you since you were born jlQK0xMLwv8-00030-00013275-00013892 You a son of bitch! jlQK0xMLwv8-00031-00013892-00014494 Do you think I'm happy to be your child jlQK0xMLwv8-00032-00014494-00015199 You curse me almost every time you see me jlQK0xMLwv8-00033-00015199-00015855 If I can choose where to born, I wouldn't be your child jlQK0xMLwv8-00034-00015855-00016237 Asshole! jlQK0xMLwv8-00035-00016237-00016598 You don't deserve to be my son. You should be born with a beggar jlQK0xMLwv8-00036-00016598-00017182 I named you Serey in order to bring happiness and luck jlQK0xMLwv8-00037-00017182-00017382 but you aren't jlQK0xMLwv8-00038-00017382-00017738 you make me mad every day jlQK0xMLwv8-00039-00017738-00018422 Maybe it's my sins to have you as my son jlQK0xMLwv8-00040-00018422-00018938 Bastard! jlQK0xMLwv8-00041-00018938-00019290 Son of Bitch! jlQK0xMLwv8-00042-00019290-00019890 DJ! Are you done? If you've done cursing, you should go to preach jlQK0xMLwv8-00043-00019890-00020433 You bad blood! jlQK0xMLwv8-00044-00020433-00020798 You dare to speak back to me jlQK0xMLwv8-00045-00020798-00021144 but you are Zero at learning jlQK0xMLwv8-00046-00021144-00021633 You are good at turning back to me jlQK0xMLwv8-00047-00021633-00022262 Son of Bitch! jlQK0xMLwv8-00048-00022262-00022639 Bastard jlQK0xMLwv8-00049-00022639-00023042 I will hit you to die today jlQK0xMLwv8-00050-00023042-00023357 Where do you want to you? jlQK0xMLwv8-00051-00023357-00023547 Son of Bitch! jlQK0xMLwv8-00052-00023547-00023933 Bastard! jlQK0xMLwv8-00053-00023933-00024250 Why don't you listen to me jlQK0xMLwv8-00054-00024250-00024661 I wish he will die because of traffic accident jlQK0xMLwv8-00055-00024661-00025128 When did you come here? jlQK0xMLwv8-00056-00025128-00025704 Mother! Please sign your name in my study record jlQK0xMLwv8-00057-00025704-00026075 My teacher wants it today jlQK0xMLwv8-00058-00026075-00026706 If you don't get a good score, I won't sign for you jlQK0xMLwv8-00059-00026706-00027270 Oh my god! You are ranked at 20 jlQK0xMLwv8-00060-00027270-00027610 Bastard! jlQK0xMLwv8-00061-00027610-00027823 I won't sign it for you jlQK0xMLwv8-00062-00027823-00028312 When I was young, I always got the top rank in the class jlQK0xMLwv8-00063-00028312-00028729 You waste my money jlQK0xMLwv8-00064-00028729-00029283 Both of my sons are assholes! jlQK0xMLwv8-00065-00029283-00029506 You are useless than a dog jlQK0xMLwv8-00066-00029506-00029962 but the teacher wants you to sign it jlQK0xMLwv8-00067-00029962-00030175 She wants it today jlQK0xMLwv8-00068-00030175-00030555 Are you deaf? jlQK0xMLwv8-00069-00030555-00030902 I told you I don't sign and I won't jlQK0xMLwv8-00070-00030902-00031672 Everyone knows me. Tell your teacher, I won't sign! jlQK0xMLwv8-00071-00031672-00032083 Go to school now! jlQK0xMLwv8-00072-00032083-00032412 Bastard! jlQK0xMLwv8-00073-00032412-00032661 When you got a good grade, I will sign for you jlQK0xMLwv8-00074-00032661-00033157 Asshole! Both of you are the same jlQK0xMLwv8-00075-00033157-00033835 I'm unlucky to have both of you as my sons jlQK0xMLwv8-00076-00033835-00034274 Hurry! Leave! jlQK0xMLwv8-00077-00034274-00034710 Get lost! jlQK0xMLwv8-00078-00034710-00035116 A son of bitch! jlQK0xMLwv8-00079-00035116-00036129 My husband too! He went to drink coffee in the early morning jlQK0xMLwv8-00080-00036129-00036358 He might chock on coffee to die jlQK0xMLwv8-00081-00036358-00036901 All men are the same jlQK0xMLwv8-00082-00036901-00037557 Why is it so bitter? jlQK0xMLwv8-00083-00037557-00038028 I told her to add on more sugar but she didn't jlQK0xMLwv8-00084-00038028-00038554 So bitter! jlQK0xMLwv8-00085-00040000-00040639 Why are you crying? jlQK0xMLwv8-00086-00040639-00040887 Why? jlQK0xMLwv8-00087-00040887-00041139 Don't you hear me? jlQK0xMLwv8-00088-00041139-00041475 Don't you go to school? jlQK0xMLwv8-00089-00041475-00041971 Don't you hear my questions? jlQK0xMLwv8-00090-00041971-00042838 Mother cursed me. jlQK0xMLwv8-00091-00042838-00043274 Because you don't want to go to school jlQK0xMLwv8-00092-00043274-00043849 Go to school! I don't want to see your face jlQK0xMLwv8-00093-00043849-00044275 Get lost! jlQK0xMLwv8-00094-00044275-00045073 You are a bad luck son jlQK0xMLwv8-00095-00045073-00045696 You will be late. walk faster! jlQK0xMLwv8-00096-00045696-00046292 You are dump jlQK0xMLwv8-00097-00046292-00046629 Stupid jerk! jlQK0xMLwv8-00098-00046629-00047525 She said I'm a bastard, a son of bitch jlQK0xMLwv8-00099-00047525-00048010 I will make you see how capable I'm jlQK0xMLwv8-00100-00049364-00049759 My life is lucky jlQK0xMLwv8-00101-00053389-00053868 Why are you crying? jlQK0xMLwv8-00102-00053868-00054235 Don't be dramatic! jlQK0xMLwv8-00103-00054235-00054652 Give me your study record! I want to see your result jlQK0xMLwv8-00104-00054652-00054979 Let me see it! jlQK0xMLwv8-00105-00054979-00055285 Don't look at it! jlQK0xMLwv8-00106-00055996-00056137 Give it back to me! jlQK0xMLwv8-00107-00056869-00057025 You are so stupid jlQK0xMLwv8-00108-00058036-00058351 Cursing child jlQK0xMLwv8-00109-00061077-00061295 Curing Child jlQK0xMLwv8-00110-00061872-00062033 Tra! Stop it! jlQK0xMLwv8-00111-00062033-00062303 Why did you hit him? jlQK0xMLwv8-00112-00062303-00063128 He is weak. I can hurt him whenever I want jlQK0xMLwv8-00113-00063128-00063434 See! He cries even now jlQK0xMLwv8-00114-00063434-00063762 He acts like a girl jlQK0xMLwv8-00115-00063762-00064155 You shouldn't hit him jlQK0xMLwv8-00116-00064155-00064591 We are friends. jlQK0xMLwv8-00117-00064591-00065021 Both of you are the same jlQK0xMLwv8-00118-00065021-00065520 What do you want to do? jlQK0xMLwv8-00119-00065520-00066048 I don't do anything but If you hit him, I will tell the teacher jlQK0xMLwv8-00120-00066048-00066669 Try if you want! jlQK0xMLwv8-00121-00068301-00068431 Don't worry! He is rude jlQK0xMLwv8-00122-00068431-00069102 I'm afraid of him jlQK0xMLwv8-00123-00069102-00069837 If he hurts you again, tell me. I will teach him a lesson jlQK0xMLwv8-00124-00071933-00072602 Ohh! I haven't cooked yet jlQK0xMLwv8-00125-00072602-00073014 Mother almost arrived jlQK0xMLwv8-00126-00073014-00073375 If they come back, I will be dead jlQK0xMLwv8-00127-00073375-00073984 Seng! Stupid jerk! jlQK0xMLwv8-00128-00073984-00074239 bastard! jlQK0xMLwv8-00129-00074239-00074663 Why are you cursing me? jlQK0xMLwv8-00130-00074663-00074978 Why can't I curse you? jlQK0xMLwv8-00131-00074978-00075615 I saw your mother curses you every time until I got used to it jlQK0xMLwv8-00132-00075615-00076326 I heard she cursed everyone jlQK0xMLwv8-00133-00076326-00076678 You deserve her cursing jlQK0xMLwv8-00134-00076678-00077513 You deserve it because you look lazy jlQK0xMLwv8-00135-00077513-00078297 Why do you want to cry? You are weak jlQK0xMLwv8-00136-00078297-00078819 Go back to your home! jlQK0xMLwv8-00137-00078819-00079845 If they come back and the food isn't ready, they will curse you more jlQK0xMLwv8-00138-00079845-00080196 I'm bored with you jlQK0xMLwv8-00139-00081105-00081281 I heard only cursing from this home jlQK0xMLwv8-00140-00081281-00081770 His mother curse their sons almost every time jlQK0xMLwv8-00141-00083881-00084016 Lizard jlQK0xMLwv8-00142-00084016-00084530 Do you want to play with me jlQK0xMLwv8-00143-00084530-00084966 Wait! I'll go in a second jlQK0xMLwv8-00144-00084966-00085439 okay! I will wait for you jlQK0xMLwv8-00145-00085439-00085744 I will go to play with my friend jlQK0xMLwv8-00146-00085744-00086314 Wait! jlQK0xMLwv8-00147-00087877-00087967 I'll win you this time jlQK0xMLwv8-00148-00089669-00089794 I win again jlQK0xMLwv8-00149-00089794-00090248 What's wrong with you jlQK0xMLwv8-00150-00090248-00090360 Let me see! jlQK0xMLwv8-00151-00090360-00090649 No need! I'm okay jlQK0xMLwv8-00152-00090649-00090965 Don't tell me that it's your mother again? jlQK0xMLwv8-00153-00090965-00091286 She hit me earlier this morning jlQK0xMLwv8-00154-00091286-00091535 I don't understand her jlQK0xMLwv8-00155-00091535-00091835 I saw she hit you every day jlQK0xMLwv8-00156-00091835-00092471 Oh! My mother is here jlQK0xMLwv8-00157-00092471-00092847 I have to go now jlQK0xMLwv8-00158-00092847-00093210 He will be hit again jlQK0xMLwv8-00159-00093210-00093677 Oh! It's burned jlQK0xMLwv8-00160-00093677-00094068 I asked him to only cook the rice and he can't even do it jlQK0xMLwv8-00161-00094068-00094379 Asshole! jlQK0xMLwv8-00162-00094379-00094616 Sey! jlQK0xMLwv8-00163-00094616-00094807 Sey! jlQK0xMLwv8-00164-00094807-00095212 you are coming jlQK0xMLwv8-00165-00095212-00095753 Mother! it's hurt jlQK0xMLwv8-00166-00095753-00096033 look! Your rice is burning jlQK0xMLwv8-00167-00096033-00096505 I don't ask you to do anything besides cooking jlQK0xMLwv8-00168-00096505-00096959 I'm unlucky jlQK0xMLwv8-00169-00096959-00097300 You a son of bitch jlQK0xMLwv8-00170-00097300-00097782 You are shameless. My dog is better than you jlQK0xMLwv8-00171-00097782-00098391 Look at the neighboring sons! They make their parents proud jlQK0xMLwv8-00172-00098391-00098801 You want me to curse you every day jlQK0xMLwv8-00173-00098801-00099394 Do you want me to die soon? jlQK0xMLwv8-00174-00099394-00100092 Asshole! Son of a bitch! jlQK0xMLwv8-00175-00100092-00100639 Why were you born with me? jlQK0xMLwv8-00176-00100639-00101175 How dare you run away! jlQK0xMLwv8-00177-00101175-00101613 if you dare to run again, I will break your ankle jlQK0xMLwv8-00178-00101613-00101968 I will hit you hard jlQK0xMLwv8-00179-00101968-00102601 Come! Let me hit you jlQK0xMLwv8-00180-00102601-00102973 No! I'm scared jlQK0xMLwv8-00181-00102973-00103242 Come here! jlQK0xMLwv8-00182-00103242-00103805 Are you scared? jlQK0xMLwv8-00183-00103805-00104200 If you dare to run away, I will break your legs jlQK0xMLwv8-00184-00104200-00104545 Bastard! jlQK0xMLwv8-00185-00104545-00104754 Do you hear me? jlQK0xMLwv8-00186-00104754-00105261 Stop here! Where do you want to go? jlQK0xMLwv8-00187-00105261-00105571 Hit him! jlQK0xMLwv8-00188-00105571-00105994 Come here now! jlQK0xMLwv8-00189-00105994-00106346 Hurry! jlQK0xMLwv8-00190-00108185-00108507 I'm hurt jlQK0xMLwv8-00191-00110213-00110408 Eat up! jlQK0xMLwv8-00192-00114954-00115252 Eat up! jlQK0xMLwv8-00193-00162262-00162353 Don't you hear me jlQK0xMLwv8-00194-00162353-00163299 Stand up! Do you hear me? Where is your brother? jlQK0xMLwv8-00195-00163299-00163804 Do you hear me? jlQK0xMLwv8-00196-00163804-00164386 Cursing Child jlQK0xMLwv8-00197-00166983-00167213 Cursing Child jlQK0xMLwv8-00198-00167213-00167918 I can't find him, father jlQK0xMLwv8-00199-00167918-00168322 He looks so bad jlQK0xMLwv8-00200-00169374-00169603 If I can catch you, you will be dead jlQK0xMLwv8-00201-00169603-00170117 Follow him! jlQK0xMLwv8-00202-00171018-00171342 Why don't you follow him? jlQK0xMLwv8-00203-00171342-00172203 Auntie! Uncle! jlQK0xMLwv8-00204-00172203-00172561 Say it! Say it! jlQK0xMLwv8-00205-00172561-00172959 Car accident! jlQK0xMLwv8-00206-00172959-00173024 Who? jlQK0xMLwv8-00207-00173024-00173525 Your son, Serey has got the traffic accident jlQK0xMLwv8-00208-00173525-00173991 I cursed him every day like that jlQK0xMLwv8-00209-00173991-00174487 The car crashed him for real jlQK0xMLwv8-00210-00175107-00175582 Why did he say that? jlQK0xMLwv8-00211-00175582-00176162 The car crash your son for real. Everyone is looking at him jlQK0xMLwv8-00212-00176162-00176583 His head is bleeding jlQK0xMLwv8-00213-00176583-00177142 Do you mean Serey? jlQK0xMLwv8-00214-00179131-00179489 Her mother curses him every day jlQK0xMLwv8-00215-00179489-00179923 He already died now jlQK0xMLwv8-00216-00179923-00180441 Serey! Serey! My dear child! jlQK0xMLwv8-00217-00180441-00180920 Are you okay? jlQK0xMLwv8-00218-00180920-00181821 My dear child! jlQK0xMLwv8-00219-00183194-00183359 Help! Help! jlQK0xMLwv8-00220-00183359-00183741 He rests in peace now jlQK0xMLwv8-00221-00183741-00184053 He already died jlQK0xMLwv8-00222-00184053-00184637 My dear child! jlQK0xMLwv8-00223-00184637-00185352 Because they cursed him every day jlQK0xMLwv8-00224-00185352-00186032 Please help call the ambulance jlQK0xMLwv8-00225-00186032-00186549 Serey! Please wake up! jlQK0xMLwv8-00226-00186549-00187253 Serey! Serey! jlQK0xMLwv8-00227-00187253-00188039 You like arguing with me, right? jlQK0xMLwv8-00228-00188039-00188290 Please come back jlQK0xMLwv8-00229-00188290-00189140 It's my fault jlQK0xMLwv8-00230-00189140-00189702 I cursed you jlQK0xMLwv8-00231-00189702-00190330 You left me now jlQK0xMLwv8-00232-00190330-00190638 Wake up! jlQK0xMLwv8-00233-00193993-00194716 My dear Serey! jlQK0xMLwv8-00234-00194716-00195202 Please come back to me! jlQK0xMLwv8-00235-00195202-00195850 You like arguing with me, right? jlQK0xMLwv8-00236-00195850-00196334 Please come back to me! jlQK0xMLwv8-00237-00196334-00196678 I will not mad at you jlQK0xMLwv8-00238-00196678-00197036 Serey! jlQK0xMLwv8-00239-00197036-00197804 It's my fault. I cursed you jlQK0xMLwv8-00240-00198633-00199304 If I won't curse you, it would not happen jlQK0xMLwv8-00241-00199304-00199858 He rests in peace now. jlQK0xMLwv8-00242-00199858-00200178 Stop cursing your son jlQK0xMLwv8-00243-00200178-00200519 You should change your habit jlQK0xMLwv8-00244-00200519-00200756 He won't come back jlQK0xMLwv8-00245-00200756-00201124 You have to take good care of Sey from now on jlQK0xMLwv8-00246-00201124-00201720 Doung! I'm useless. It's my fault jlQK0xMLwv8-00247-00201720-00202539 I cursed him. It's my fault jlQK0xMLwv8-00248-00203390-00203576 I'm the bad mother ever jlQK0xMLwv8-00249-00203576-00203903 It's my fault jlQK0xMLwv8-00250-00203903-00204407 Please pull yourself together! jlQK0xMLwv8-00251-00204407-00205011 You have one child left. Take good care of him! jlQK0xMLwv8-00252-00205011-00205327 He is still your child jlQK0xMLwv8-00253-00205327-00205973 From now on, I will stop cursing you jlQK0xMLwv8-00254-00205973-00206460 It's good that you know your fault jlQK0xMLwv8-00255-00206460-00207130 I'm sorry, my dear child jlQK0xMLwv8-00256-00207130-00207635 At least you have one more child jlQK0xMLwv8-00257-00207635-00208168 You have to take care of him jlQK0xMLwv8-00258-00208168-00208998 My dear! jlQK0xMLwv8-00259-00208998-00209567 Serey! My dear child! jlQK0xMLwv8-00260-00209567-00210238 I hit you almost every day jlQK0xMLwv8-00261-00210238-00211247 I always curse him every day jlQK0xMLwv8-00262-00212291-00212646 He rests in Peace now! jlQK0xMLwv8-00263-00213733-00213941 I was wrong jlQK0xMLwv8-00264-00215118-00215754 Cursing Child jlQK0xMLwv8-00265-00215754-00216396 Thanks for watching kokrMOYig6M-00000-00000115-00000315 Everyone complains about a great loss of love, kokrMOYig6M-00001-00000361-00000618 everyone looking for each other's faults. kokrMOYig6M-00002-00000697-00000897 If we hit the road, we almost won’t be able to find anyone kokrMOYig6M-00003-00000900-00001124 who does not complain about it. kokrMOYig6M-00004-00001215-00001415 While everyone was looking for the origin of love, kokrMOYig6M-00005-00001480-00001604 did we find it kokrMOYig6M-00006-00001728-00001820 and forget it? kokrMOYig6M-00007-00001986-00002137 Bismillahirrahmanirrahim kokrMOYig6M-00008-00002201-00002251 Say, ˹O Prophet,˺ kokrMOYig6M-00009-00002273-00002458 “If you ˹sincerely˺ love Allah, kokrMOYig6M-00010-00002497-00002591 then follow me; kokrMOYig6M-00011-00002658-00002812 Allah will love you kokrMOYig6M-00012-00002848-00003014 and forgive your sins. kokrMOYig6M-00013-00003109-00003214 For Allah is All-Forgiving, kokrMOYig6M-00014-00003263-00003313 Most Merciful.” kokrMOYig6M-00015-00003391-00003441 Say, ˹O Prophet,˺ kokrMOYig6M-00016-00003456-00003656 “Obey Allah and His Messenger.” kokrMOYig6M-00017-00003702-00003872 If they still turn away, kokrMOYig6M-00018-00003916-00004192 then truly Allah does not like the disbelievers. kokrMOYig6M-00019-00005491-00005745 The biggest thing that removes love kokrMOYig6M-00020-00005760-00006068 each other within us is; kufr. kokrMOYig6M-00021-00006191-00006459 Unbelievers come to us with all kinds of words kokrMOYig6M-00022-00006480-00006743 and tricks to prevent us from loving each other. kokrMOYig6M-00023-00006855-00007027 Each of them are different issues, kokrMOYig6M-00024-00007027-00007189 different problems. kokrMOYig6M-00025-00007288-00007438 There are also those who add their nights to the days, kokrMOYig6M-00026-00007458-00007658 asking how we can get rid of this calamity that kokrMOYig6M-00027-00007666-00007831 sows the seeds of mischief and sows each other by dealing kokrMOYig6M-00028-00007897-00008097 with these unbelievers. kokrMOYig6M-00029-00008203-00008447 But something that the man in the streets kokrMOYig6M-00030-00008458-00008700 has lost is the losing our most important feelings kokrMOYig6M-00031-00008745-00009019 such as love between each other, endurance, kokrMOYig6M-00032-00009035-00009255 and covering up our mistakes. kokrMOYig6M-00033-00009291-00009663 The strife of unbelievers drives us to eliminate our feelings. kokrMOYig6M-00034-00009829-00009922 So to speak, kokrMOYig6M-00035-00009953-00010109 we plow the field, kokrMOYig6M-00036-00010154-00010332 they sow the seeds of sedition. kokrMOYig6M-00037-00010458-00010744 After plowing the field, kokrMOYig6M-00038-00010800-00011089 Allahu is referring us to two important issues kokrMOYig6M-00039-00011114-00011306 not for their seed of sedition, but for the fact that kokrMOYig6M-00040-00011306-00011516 we understand each other, love each other, kokrMOYig6M-00041-00011559-00011835 and become whole as Islamic community with each other. kokrMOYig6M-00042-00011935-00012161 One of them and the most important is; Submission to Allahu and the Prophet. kokrMOYig6M-00043-00012249-00012575 In order to submit to Allah, kokrMOYig6M-00044-00012622-00012816 it is necessary to submit to the Prophet Muhammad Mustafa kokrMOYig6M-00045-00012816-00013033 Aleyhisselatü Vesselam whom sent by Allah. kokrMOYig6M-00046-00013140-00013340 Therefore, it is necessary to fulfill his Sunnah in every aspect kokrMOYig6M-00047-00013360-00013665 of our lives, regardless of whether those days were passed kokrMOYig6M-00048-00013713-00014006 or saying was the sunnah valid or not. kokrMOYig6M-00049-00014110-00014160 Pay attention. kokrMOYig6M-00050-00014226-00014453 Allah does not make us obliged to search the kokrMOYig6M-00051-00014453-00014680 truth of the hadiths or the Sunnah. kokrMOYig6M-00052-00014744-00014957 He says that wherever you hear the word of a Prophet, kokrMOYig6M-00053-00015011-00015250 and wherever a scholar speaks the word of the Prophet, kokrMOYig6M-00054-00015276-00015491 obey him. kokrMOYig6M-00055-00015572-00015862 We are the Muslims of the world the part of the kokrMOYig6M-00056-00015913-00016146 Ahl al-Sunnah Wal Jamaat. kokrMOYig6M-00057-00016241-00016454 If the Muslims of the world lose their love kokrMOYig6M-00058-00016454-00016670 while on the journey to the after life, kokrMOYig6M-00059-00016719-00016959 it means that we have a mistake here in submitting to kokrMOYig6M-00060-00016959-00017242 our Allah and the Messenger of Allah. kokrMOYig6M-00061-00017336-00017610 We have mistakes so Allah does not forgive us kokrMOYig6M-00062-00017661-00017854 and cuts down mercy. kokrMOYig6M-00063-00017924-00018099 Today, the left of the blessings from our homes, kokrMOYig6M-00064-00018134-00018288 the fast passage of time, kokrMOYig6M-00065-00018325-00018480 and the fact that we are looking for each other's kokrMOYig6M-00066-00018530-00018760 deficits instead of forgiving each other, kokrMOYig6M-00067-00018808-00019008 of course, is due to buying every kind of trick that kokrMOYig6M-00068-00019051-00019274 comes from the seeds of disbelievers because kokrMOYig6M-00069-00019289-00019500 we are moving away from this concept of obedience. kokrMOYig6M-00070-00019563-00019613 Sir, kokrMOYig6M-00071-00019695-00019777 it is necessary to obey kokrMOYig6M-00072-00019858-00019951 in order to forgive, kokrMOYig6M-00073-00020010-00020210 to love, to cover up each other's mistakes kokrMOYig6M-00074-00020261-00020376 and faults. kokrMOYig6M-00075-00020478-00020750 Who knows how many times we have declared that. kokrMOYig6M-00076-00020873-00021154 Because declaring is not enough. kokrMOYig6M-00077-00021221-00021421 It feels hard to obey. kokrMOYig6M-00078-00021510-00021560 It feels heavy. kokrMOYig6M-00079-00021679-00021994 Anyone who performs fard prayings while standing for Allahu kokrMOYig6M-00080-00022033-00022278 Zuljalal says that sunnah is just sunnah anyway and skips it. kokrMOYig6M-00081-00022374-00022532 However, it is the Messenger of Allah who does this. kokrMOYig6M-00082-00022624-00022771 he doesn't do it on his own. kokrMOYig6M-00083-00022812-00023012 Instead of performing that sunnah kokrMOYig6M-00084-00023012-00023212 they run from it. kokrMOYig6M-00085-00023340-00023519 It is said that he can stay away. kokrMOYig6M-00086-00023573-00023728 However, it does not mean that it is okay kokrMOYig6M-00087-00023764-00023993 if you do not perform the sunnah. kokrMOYig6M-00088-00024045-00024197 On the contrary if we don't, it is just expressed as an area kokrMOYig6M-00089-00024197-00024347 where we will not be count responsible in front of Allah. kokrMOYig6M-00090-00024395-00024573 And it is like this because Allah is merciful. kokrMOYig6M-00091-00024697-00024865 But if we want “love”. kokrMOYig6M-00092-00024908-00025137 If we want love and unity. kokrMOYig6M-00093-00025208-00025457 If we want to be Ummah of Muhammed kokrMOYig6M-00094-00025457-00025681 and Ahl al-Sunnah Wal Jamaat. kokrMOYig6M-00095-00025760-00026186 We are obliged to obey Prophet first. kokrMOYig6M-00096-00026343-00026461 For the truth. kokrMOYig6M-00097-00026590-00026790 Humans cannot love each other kokrMOYig6M-00098-00026790-00026990 if they dont sow the seeds of love to their hearts. kokrMOYig6M-00099-00027066-00027277 If they dont know the Prophet, kokrMOYig6M-00100-00027342-00027751 what does the words of kokrMOYig6M-00101-00027845-00028005 love can mean. kokrMOYig6M-00102-00028050-00028168 Take care of yourselves. koltiyasEly-00000-00000027-00000458 (I recommend you to) koltiyasEly-00001-00000521-00000825 (take care of the minutes,) koltiyasEly-00002-00000853-00001246 (for the hours will take care of themselves... - Lord Chesterfield) koltiyasEly-00003-00001512-00001653 All schedules will start and end koltiyasEly-00004-00001653-00001843 according to the schedule plan koltiyasEly-00005-00001843-00002025 All individual activities koltiyasEly-00006-00002026-00002296 beside the schedule are forbidden koltiyasEly-00007-00002468-00002742 (Am I tricked again?) You said this won't be a hard work koltiyasEly-00008-00002904-00003204 (You'll get yours) Everyone here, you'll pay for this koltiyasEly-00009-00003376-00003652 (What's wrong?) I'm so mad! koltiyasEly-00010-00003819-00004115 (No more) I don't think I can do this anymore koltiyasEly-00011-00004289-00004566 (I slept too well) Why didn't anyone wake me? koltiyasEly-00012-00004715-00005029 (Everyone) You should all feel guilty koltiyasEly-00013-00005160-00005270 I did it because... koltiyasEly-00014-00005272-00005489 Stop recording this! koltiyasEly-00015-00005628-00005907 It's all ruined I think koltiyasEly-00016-00005962-00006109 (Ye-In) koltiyasEly-00017-00006115-00006348 (Ji-Soo) koltiyasEly-00018-00006359-00006610 (Ji-Ae) Delivery service is unavailable there so... koltiyasEly-00019-00006617-00006820 (JIN) Go, go now koltiyasEly-00020-00006846-00007113 (Su-Jeong) I was shaking because I was so scared koltiyasEly-00021-00007123-00007274 (Baby Soul) You're so strong koltiyasEly-00022-00007286-00007447 (Kei) koltiyasEly-00023-00007453-00007621 Hey, Kei koltiyasEly-00024-00007628-00007951 (Mi-Joo) koltiyasEly-00025-00008110-00008382 (Present by Woollim Entertainment) koltiyasEly-00026-00008526-00008827 (May 26th 2020) koltiyasEly-00027-00008953-00009084 (Airs on : V Live, Youtube) koltiyasEly-00028-00009085-00009264 (Channel Lovelyz / Woollim) koltiyasEly-00029-00009396-00009710 (Behind-the-scene exclusive in Tik Tok) koltiyasEly-00030-00009965-00010209 You know that we're not flexible koltiyasEly-00031-00010209-00010728 (Lovelyz Diary Bonus Book) (-Coming Soon-) k0_qzEpOliu-00000-00000200-00000260 What? k0_qzEpOliu-00001-00000393-00000486 Oh my gosh! k0_qzEpOliu-00002-00001343-00001501 Ahahaha... k0_qzEpOliu-00003-00003046-00003155 Yeah, Yeah, Yeah… k0_qzEpOliu-00004-00003155-00003300 I’m going as fast as I can. k0_qzEpOliu-00005-00003300-00003505 There’s so many packages today... k0_qzEpOliu-00006-00004679-00005074 Hmm… my package was supposed to be here by now… k0_qzEpOliu-00007-00005082-00005231 Aha! I know! k0_qzEpOliu-00008-00005245-00005683 I’ll call Courier Pachycephalosaurus and ask where my package is. k0_qzEpOliu-00009-00006118-00006352 Hello, Courier Pachycephalosaurus here. k0_qzEpOliu-00010-00006352-00006473 How may I help you? k0_qzEpOliu-00011-00006492-00006698 Hello, this is Nina speaking. k0_qzEpOliu-00012-00006728-00007021 Garoo! I am checking on my package. k0_qzEpOliu-00013-00007042-00007291 It was supposed to be delivered this morning. k0_qzEpOliu-00014-00007328-00007673 Hello Nina, I am sorry your package is late. k0_qzEpOliu-00015-00007673-00007908 I have so many deliveries today, k0_qzEpOliu-00016-00007941-00008147 and now my truck has a flat tire. k0_qzEpOliu-00017-00008158-00008415 I am waiting for help and then I will be on my way… k0_qzEpOliu-00018-00008448-00008721 Garoo, I can come and get my package. k0_qzEpOliu-00019-00008721-00008918 Then I will give you a helping hand! k0_qzEpOliu-00020-00009218-00009448 Garoo, sir. Here I come! k0_qzEpOliu-00021-00009494-00009739 Garoo! Thanks for coming Nina, k0_qzEpOliu-00022-00009739-00009956 but why are you wearing a sports helmet? k0_qzEpOliu-00023-00009998-00010395 I ordered a new skateboard, and this is my protective gear. k0_qzEpOliu-00024-00010418-00010624 As soon as I open my package, k0_qzEpOliu-00025-00010624-00010858 I can start skateboarding right away! k0_qzEpOliu-00026-00010967-00011071 Emm... k0_qzEpOliu-00027-00011461-00011539 Here you go! k0_qzEpOliu-00028-00011539-00011736 So sorry you had to wait so long! k0_qzEpOliu-00029-00011844-00011910 Aha! k0_qzEpOliu-00030-00012184-00012272 Hooray! k0_qzEpOliu-00031-00012424-00012487 Oh? k0_qzEpOliu-00032-00012547-00012692 One.. two... k0_qzEpOliu-00033-00012734-00013134 Mr. Pachycephalosaurus, can I help you with your deliveries? k0_qzEpOliu-00034-00013157-00013444 I always wanted to see what it’s like to be a courier. k0_qzEpOliu-00035-00013510-00013584 Thank you. k0_qzEpOliu-00036-00013584-00013824 That would be wonderful, I’d love to teach you! k0_qzEpOliu-00037-00013824-00014113 It will go so much faster with your help. Let’s go… k0_qzEpOliu-00038-00014173-00014387 Great! Let’s go for it! k0_qzEpOliu-00039-00015213-00015363 Garoo, Nina! k0_qzEpOliu-00040-00015363-00015678 What a pleasant surprise, why are you doing deliveries today? k0_qzEpOliu-00041-00015697-00015960 I'm helping Mr. Pachycephalosaurus! k0_qzEpOliu-00042-00016026-00016246 Wow, your new skateboard is so cool! k0_qzEpOliu-00043-00016283-00016486 Thank you Pali. Isn’t it great? k0_qzEpOliu-00044-00016486-00016630 Do you want to try it? k0_qzEpOliu-00045-00016740-00016809 Ah ha! k0_qzEpOliu-00046-00018903-00019317 That’s it. Now carefully push with your foot and slide… k0_qzEpOliu-00047-00019356-00019418 Garoo... k0_qzEpOliu-00048-00019442-00019526 Nice try! k0_qzEpOliu-00049-00019566-00019948 All you need is more practice, and a cool helmet like mine. k0_qzEpOliu-00050-00019976-00020089 Safety first! k0_qzEpOliu-00051-00020109-00020219 Nina! k0_qzEpOliu-00052-00020236-00020586 Garoo! Time for more deliveries. See you later… k0_qzEpOliu-00053-00021389-00021789 Hello! Courier Nina of Dinosaur City, at your service. k0_qzEpOliu-00054-00021795-00021944 Sign here, please! k0_qzEpOliu-00055-00021985-00022040 Wow! k0_qzEpOliu-00056-00022062-00022228 Oh, Nina! It's you! k0_qzEpOliu-00057-00022228-00022428 What are you doing here? k0_qzEpOliu-00058-00022459-00022987 Hmmm… Mr.Pachycephalosaurus should be right behind me with your package… k0_qzEpOliu-00059-00023212-00023493 Mr. Pachycephalosaurus, what happened? k0_qzEpOliu-00060-00023518-00023818 Oh my, I can’t find Dylan’s package anywhere… k0_qzEpOliu-00061-00023865-00023935 What? k0_qzEpOliu-00062-00023975-00024256 Not only that, but all the other packages are missing too… k0_qzEpOliu-00063-00024321-00024452 How could it be?! k0_qzEpOliu-00064-00024521-00024768 I’ve searched everywhere… I can’t find it… k0_qzEpOliu-00065-00024785-00025028 I remember putting your package in the truck this morning… k0_qzEpOliu-00066-00025028-00025317 and there were more packages in the truck at our last stop… k0_qzEpOliu-00067-00025338-00025515 Did I lose them...? k0_qzEpOliu-00068-00025551-00025820 If these packages are lost and we can’t find them, k0_qzEpOliu-00069-00025820-00026047 I will get fired from my delivery job… k0_qzEpOliu-00070-00026321-00026539 Well, I think they need our help! k0_qzEpOliu-00071-00026568-00026886 If only I could see where the packages went! k0_qzEpOliu-00072-00026894-00027117 Do you guys have any good idea? k0_qzEpOliu-00073-00027284-00027443 That’s a great idea. k0_qzEpOliu-00074-00027474-00027897 With the superpower of the badge, I can locate the packages! k0_qzEpOliu-00075-00027921-00028106 Come along! Say it with me… k0_qzEpOliu-00076-00028151-00028420 Garoo Garoo Go dino! k0_qzEpOliu-00077-00028677-00028790 It figures! k0_qzEpOliu-00078-00028827-00029100 It’s Mr. Know It All up to no good again! k0_qzEpOliu-00079-00029164-00029392 Now that we know where the packages are, k0_qzEpOliu-00080-00029427-00029667 it will be easier to solve the problem! k0_qzEpOliu-00081-00029697-00029775 Hmmm…. k0_qzEpOliu-00082-00029775-00029865 Think… k0_qzEpOliu-00083-00029914-00030125 how can we get the packages back? k0_qzEpOliu-00084-00030290-00030559 Garoo! I have an excellent idea! k0_qzEpOliu-00085-00030783-00030881 Don’t worry! k0_qzEpOliu-00086-00031080-00031233 I have a solution! k0_qzEpOliu-00087-00031400-00031676 Whoa, look… there’s drones! k0_qzEpOliu-00088-00031860-00032102 I'll help you get the packages back! k0_qzEpOliu-00089-00033566-00033633 Oh? k0_qzEpOliu-00090-00033930-00034106 Oh! Bravo! k0_qzEpOliu-00091-00034416-00034472 Ah? k0_qzEpOliu-00092-00034723-00034774 Yeah! k0_qzEpOliu-00093-00034849-00034981 Hahaha! k0_qzEpOliu-00094-00035436-00035715 Wow! The drone found your package! k0_qzEpOliu-00095-00035746-00035851 Yes it did! k0_qzEpOliu-00096-00035883-00036111 And the drones found all the other packages, k0_qzEpOliu-00097-00036111-00036352 and they’ve been safely delivered too! k0_qzEpOliu-00098-00036382-00036579 Great. Thank you for your help Dylan! k0_qzEpOliu-00099-00036672-00036758 Wow! k0_qzEpOliu-00100-00036758-00036989 The drone delivered my new drone! k0_qzEpOliu-00101-00037009-00037153 Hahaha! k0_qzEpOliu-00102-00037246-00037390 How cool is that?! k0_qzEpOliu-00103-00037739-00037861 Hey hey hey! k0_qzEpOliu-00104-00038059-00038139 Whoa! k0_qzEpOliu-00105-00038215-00038588 Who stole my packages! Nasty thief... k0_qzEpOliu-00106-00038602-00038754 Roar! k0_qzEpOliu-00107-00039232-00039284 Aha! k0_qzEpOliu-00108-00039378-00039512 Aye, Aye, Captain k0_qzEpOliu-00109-00039985-00040073 Oh no! k1-1Gkt5VFI-00000-00000033-00000698 Hello, this is a video on one sample hypothesis testing: calculating the test statistic for a mean. k1-1Gkt5VFI-00001-00000898-00001599 Your sample consists of 47 subjects with the mean of 35.5 and a standard deviation of 1.49. k1-1Gkt5VFI-00002-00001672-00001848 Calculate the test statistic. k1-1Gkt5VFI-00003-00001848-00002049 You have the following hypotheses: k1-1Gkt5VFI-00004-00002094-00003200 the null hypothesis H0 is mu = 36.1 and the alternative hypothesis H1<36.1. k1-1Gkt5VFI-00005-00003405-00003974 To calculate the test statistic for any hypothesis test you need to use the appropriate formula. k1-1Gkt5VFI-00006-00004071-00004271 Since we are dealing with k1-1Gkt5VFI-00007-00004276-00004476 mu, k1-1Gkt5VFI-00008-00004492-00004687 a population mean, and k1-1Gkt5VFI-00009-00004687-00005219 we do not know the population standard deviation. We know the sample standard deviation k1-1Gkt5VFI-00010-00005219-00005738 but not a population standard deviation. Our test statistic will be a t-statistic. k1-1Gkt5VFI-00011-00005869-00006479 So we use the t-distribution. So the formula for the test statistic for a population mean k1-1Gkt5VFI-00012-00006664-00007104 when the standard deviation of the population is unknown is "x-bar" minus "mu" k1-1Gkt5VFI-00013-00007183-00007372 divided by the k1-1Gkt5VFI-00014-00007372-00007665 standard deviation divided by the square root of n, so k1-1Gkt5VFI-00015-00007956-00008618 all of these variables are given to me in the question here. My sample consists of 47 subjects, k1-1Gkt5VFI-00016-00008653-00008879 so sample size is 47. k1-1Gkt5VFI-00017-00008935-00009357 The mean of the sample "x-bar" is equal to 35.5. k1-1Gkt5VFI-00018-00009496-00009990 Te standard deviation s of my sample is 1.49 and k1-1Gkt5VFI-00019-00010072-00010880 then my population mean the value that I am dealing with here is mu is equal to 36.1. k1-1Gkt5VFI-00020-00011149-00011472 Plug these 4 values into the test statistic formula. k1-1Gkt5VFI-00021-00011878-00012183 So you will have 35.5 k1-1Gkt5VFI-00022-00012350-00012550 minus 36.1 k1-1Gkt5VFI-00023-00012692-00012891 divided by k1-1Gkt5VFI-00024-00012977-00013461 1.49 divided by the square root of 47. k1-1Gkt5VFI-00025-00013787-00014292 35.5 - 36.1 is -.6 k1-1Gkt5VFI-00026-00014477-00015099 In the denominator down here you have another fraction, you have 1.49 divided by square root of 47 and k1-1Gkt5VFI-00027-00015182-00015612 you want to keep this answer to as many decimal places as possible. k1-1Gkt5VFI-00028-00015697-00016363 So I'll do .2173388. The more decimal places k1-1Gkt5VFI-00029-00016363-00016657 you keep the more accurate your answer will be. The more the better. k1-1Gkt5VFI-00030-00016919-00017119 Then divide. k1-1Gkt5VFI-00031-00017126-00017794 Your test statistic is going to be -2.76. That is your test statistic in this case. k1-1Gkt5VFI-00032-00018020-00018220 Thanks for watching. k2lBsDeqM6o-00000-00000722-00000885 not k2lBsDeqM6o-00001-00001846-00002015 here k2lBsDeqM6o-00002-00002958-00003121 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00003-00004077-00004246 here k2lBsDeqM6o-00004-00005281-00005451 how k2lBsDeqM6o-00005-00006436-00006605 here k2lBsDeqM6o-00006-00007548-00007710 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00007-00008667-00008836 here k2lBsDeqM6o-00008-00009816-00009988 bad k2lBsDeqM6o-00009-00011009-00011158 there k2lBsDeqM6o-00010-00012120-00012282 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00011-00013238-00013400 not k2lBsDeqM6o-00012-00014434-00014604 how k2lBsDeqM6o-00013-00015644-00015792 there k2lBsDeqM6o-00014-00016754-00016916 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00015-00017890-00018070 can k2lBsDeqM6o-00016-00019055-00019228 bad k2lBsDeqM6o-00017-00020158-00020320 do k2lBsDeqM6o-00018-00021323-00021471 there k2lBsDeqM6o-00019-00022470-00022642 bad k2lBsDeqM6o-00020-00023609-00023778 here k2lBsDeqM6o-00021-00024795-00024943 there k2lBsDeqM6o-00022-00025996-00026166 how k2lBsDeqM6o-00023-00027169-00027349 can k2lBsDeqM6o-00024-00028297-00028460 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00025-00029488-00029658 how k2lBsDeqM6o-00026-00030625-00030787 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00027-00031761-00031934 bad k2lBsDeqM6o-00028-00032973-00033143 how k2lBsDeqM6o-00029-00034110-00034271 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00030-00035301-00035471 how k2lBsDeqM6o-00031-00036510-00036659 there k2lBsDeqM6o-00032-00037621-00037782 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00033-00038793-00038942 there k2lBsDeqM6o-00034-00039922-00040092 here k2lBsDeqM6o-00035-00041053-00041215 not k2lBsDeqM6o-00036-00042158-00042320 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00037-00043276-00043446 here k2lBsDeqM6o-00038-00044389-00044551 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00039-00045525-00045706 can k2lBsDeqM6o-00040-00046654-00046815 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00041-00047772-00047934 not k2lBsDeqM6o-00042-00048877-00049039 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00043-00049958-00050120 do k2lBsDeqM6o-00044-00051050-00051212 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00045-00052241-00052411 how k2lBsDeqM6o-00046-00053378-00053539 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00047-00054550-00054699 there k2lBsDeqM6o-00048-00055661-00055823 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00049-00056833-00056982 there k2lBsDeqM6o-00050-00057980-00058153 bad k2lBsDeqM6o-00051-00059101-00059263 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00052-00060292-00060462 how k2lBsDeqM6o-00053-00061429-00061590 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00054-00062547-00062716 here k2lBsDeqM6o-00055-00063641-00063803 do k2lBsDeqM6o-00056-00064751-00064913 not k2lBsDeqM6o-00057-00065856-00066018 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00058-00066974-00067144 here k2lBsDeqM6o-00059-00068069-00068231 do k2lBsDeqM6o-00060-00069197-00069370 bad k2lBsDeqM6o-00061-00070318-00070480 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00062-00071436-00071598 not k2lBsDeqM6o-00063-00072632-00072802 how k2lBsDeqM6o-00064-00073769-00073931 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00065-00074887-00075057 here k2lBsDeqM6o-00066-00076036-00076208 bad k2lBsDeqM6o-00067-00077175-00077337 not k2lBsDeqM6o-00068-00078280-00078442 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00069-00079398-00079568 here k2lBsDeqM6o-00070-00080493-00080655 do k2lBsDeqM6o-00071-00081658-00081807 there k2lBsDeqM6o-00072-00082804-00082985 can k2lBsDeqM6o-00073-00083933-00084095 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00074-00085051-00085213 not k2lBsDeqM6o-00075-00086156-00086318 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00076-00087292-00087472 can k2lBsDeqM6o-00077-00088457-00088630 bad k2lBsDeqM6o-00078-00089560-00089722 do k2lBsDeqM6o-00079-00090652-00090814 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00080-00091788-00091968 can k2lBsDeqM6o-00081-00092917-00093078 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00082-00093998-00094160 do k2lBsDeqM6o-00083-00095127-00095307 can k2lBsDeqM6o-00084-00096255-00096417 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00085-00097337-00097498 do k2lBsDeqM6o-00086-00098428-00098590 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00087-00099510-00099672 do k2lBsDeqM6o-00088-00100602-00100764 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00089-00101738-00101918 can k2lBsDeqM6o-00090-00102866-00103029 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00091-00104003-00104183 can k2lBsDeqM6o-00092-00105150-00105319 here k2lBsDeqM6o-00093-00106335-00106484 there k2lBsDeqM6o-00094-00107446-00107608 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00095-00108564-00108734 here k2lBsDeqM6o-00096-00109677-00109839 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00097-00110758-00110920 do k2lBsDeqM6o-00098-00111941-00112111 how k2lBsDeqM6o-00099-00113078-00113240 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00100-00114214-00114394 can k2lBsDeqM6o-00101-00115342-00115505 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00102-00116516-00116665 there k2lBsDeqM6o-00103-00117626-00117788 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00104-00118744-00118906 not k2lBsDeqM6o-00105-00119922-00120071 there k2lBsDeqM6o-00106-00121032-00121194 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00107-00122205-00122354 there k2lBsDeqM6o-00108-00123334-00123503 here k2lBsDeqM6o-00109-00124538-00124707 how k2lBsDeqM6o-00110-00125674-00125836 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00111-00126810-00126991 can k2lBsDeqM6o-00112-00127957-00128127 here k2lBsDeqM6o-00113-00129070-00129232 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00114-00130188-00130358 here k2lBsDeqM6o-00115-00131301-00131463 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00116-00132382-00132544 do k2lBsDeqM6o-00117-00133511-00133691 can k2lBsDeqM6o-00118-00134639-00134801 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00119-00135775-00135948 bad k2lBsDeqM6o-00120-00136988-00137157 how k2lBsDeqM6o-00121-00138124-00138286 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00122-00139206-00139367 do k2lBsDeqM6o-00123-00140298-00140459 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00124-00141489-00141659 how k2lBsDeqM6o-00125-00142661-00142834 bad k2lBsDeqM6o-00126-00143782-00143944 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00127-00144918-00145091 bad k2lBsDeqM6o-00128-00146130-00146300 how k2lBsDeqM6o-00129-00147304-00147484 can k2lBsDeqM6o-00130-00148450-00148612 not k2lBsDeqM6o-00131-00149555-00149717 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00132-00150691-00150864 bad k2lBsDeqM6o-00133-00151812-00151974 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00134-00152948-00153121 bad k2lBsDeqM6o-00135-00154106-00154286 can k2lBsDeqM6o-00136-00155308-00155456 there k2lBsDeqM6o-00137-00156417-00156580 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00138-00157554-00157734 can k2lBsDeqM6o-00139-00158683-00158844 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00140-00159819-00159991 bad k2lBsDeqM6o-00141-00160976-00161156 can k2lBsDeqM6o-00142-00162123-00162285 not k2lBsDeqM6o-00143-00163228-00163390 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00144-00164419-00164589 how k2lBsDeqM6o-00145-00165574-00165743 here k2lBsDeqM6o-00146-00166686-00166848 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00147-00167822-00168003 can k2lBsDeqM6o-00148-00168933-00169095 do k2lBsDeqM6o-00149-00170025-00170187 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00150-00171143-00171313 here k2lBsDeqM6o-00151-00172256-00172417 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00152-00173392-00173565 bad k2lBsDeqM6o-00153-00174531-00174701 here k2lBsDeqM6o-00154-00175644-00175806 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00155-00176780-00176960 can k2lBsDeqM6o-00156-00177890-00178052 do k2lBsDeqM6o-00157-00179001-00179170 here k2lBsDeqM6o-00158-00180150-00180322 bad k2lBsDeqM6o-00159-00181270-00181433 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00160-00182407-00182579 bad k2lBsDeqM6o-00161-00183527-00183690 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00162-00184664-00184836 bad k2lBsDeqM6o-00163-00185876-00186046 how k2lBsDeqM6o-00164-00187049-00187229 can k2lBsDeqM6o-00165-00188177-00188339 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00166-00189259-00189421 do k2lBsDeqM6o-00167-00190350-00190513 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00168-00191542-00191711 how k2lBsDeqM6o-00169-00192678-00192840 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00170-00193796-00193958 not k2lBsDeqM6o-00171-00194901-00195063 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00172-00196019-00196189 here k2lBsDeqM6o-00173-00197114-00197276 do k2lBsDeqM6o-00174-00198206-00198367 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00175-00199342-00199522 can k2lBsDeqM6o-00176-00200470-00200633 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00177-00201607-00201779 bad k2lBsDeqM6o-00178-00202746-00202916 here k2lBsDeqM6o-00179-00203877-00204039 not k2lBsDeqM6o-00180-00205019-00205199 can k2lBsDeqM6o-00181-00206147-00206309 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00182-00207320-00207469 there k2lBsDeqM6o-00183-00208430-00208592 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00184-00209621-00209791 how k2lBsDeqM6o-00185-00210757-00210920 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00186-00211931-00212079 there k2lBsDeqM6o-00187-00213040-00213203 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00188-00214158-00214328 here k2lBsDeqM6o-00189-00215308-00215481 bad k2lBsDeqM6o-00190-00216429-00216591 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00191-00217620-00217790 how k2lBsDeqM6o-00192-00218793-00218973 can k2lBsDeqM6o-00193-00219921-00220083 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00194-00221003-00221165 do k2lBsDeqM6o-00195-00222131-00222304 bad k2lBsDeqM6o-00196-00223252-00223414 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00197-00224443-00224613 how k2lBsDeqM6o-00198-00225616-00225796 can k2lBsDeqM6o-00199-00226817-00226966 there k2lBsDeqM6o-00200-00227928-00228090 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00201-00229009-00229171 do k2lBsDeqM6o-00202-00230174-00230323 there k2lBsDeqM6o-00203-00231284-00231447 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00204-00232366-00232528 do k2lBsDeqM6o-00205-00233531-00233680 there k2lBsDeqM6o-00206-00234641-00234803 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00207-00235723-00235885 do k2lBsDeqM6o-00208-00236833-00237003 here k2lBsDeqM6o-00209-00238037-00238207 how k2lBsDeqM6o-00210-00239192-00239354 not k2lBsDeqM6o-00211-00240370-00240519 there k2lBsDeqM6o-00212-00241462-00241624 do k2lBsDeqM6o-00213-00242554-00242716 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00214-00243672-00243834 not k2lBsDeqM6o-00215-00244813-00244986 bad k2lBsDeqM6o-00216-00246026-00246195 how k2lBsDeqM6o-00217-00247162-00247324 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00218-00248280-00248449 here k2lBsDeqM6o-00219-00249392-00249555 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00220-00250529-00250701 bad k2lBsDeqM6o-00221-00251668-00251830 not k2lBsDeqM6o-00222-00252846-00252995 there k2lBsDeqM6o-00223-00253956-00254118 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00224-00255074-00255236 not k2lBsDeqM6o-00225-00256179-00256341 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00226-00257297-00257459 not k2lBsDeqM6o-00227-00258402-00258564 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00228-00259520-00259690 here k2lBsDeqM6o-00229-00260706-00260855 there k2lBsDeqM6o-00230-00261853-00262033 can k2lBsDeqM6o-00231-00262963-00263125 do k2lBsDeqM6o-00232-00264055-00264217 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00233-00265137-00265298 do k2lBsDeqM6o-00234-00266229-00266390 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00235-00267365-00267537 bad k2lBsDeqM6o-00236-00268577-00268747 how k2lBsDeqM6o-00237-00269750-00269922 bad k2lBsDeqM6o-00238-00270870-00271033 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00239-00272007-00272179 bad k2lBsDeqM6o-00240-00273127-00273290 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00241-00274264-00274436 bad k2lBsDeqM6o-00242-00275384-00275547 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00243-00276466-00276628 do k2lBsDeqM6o-00244-00277594-00277775 can k2lBsDeqM6o-00245-00278723-00278885 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00246-00279896-00280045 there k2lBsDeqM6o-00247-00280988-00281150 do k2lBsDeqM6o-00248-00282080-00282241 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00249-00283271-00283441 how k2lBsDeqM6o-00250-00284426-00284595 here k2lBsDeqM6o-00251-00285629-00285799 how k2lBsDeqM6o-00252-00286748-00286910 do k2lBsDeqM6o-00253-00287839-00288002 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00254-00288921-00289083 do k2lBsDeqM6o-00255-00290049-00290230 can k2lBsDeqM6o-00256-00291178-00291340 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00257-00292369-00292539 how k2lBsDeqM6o-00258-00293524-00293686 not k2lBsDeqM6o-00259-00294629-00294791 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00260-00295802-00295951 there k2lBsDeqM6o-00261-00296912-00297074 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00262-00298103-00298273 how k2lBsDeqM6o-00263-00299276-00299456 can k2lBsDeqM6o-00264-00300441-00300614 bad k2lBsDeqM6o-00265-00301562-00301724 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00266-00302680-00302842 not k2lBsDeqM6o-00267-00303803-00303973 here k2lBsDeqM6o-00268-00304916-00305078 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00269-00306089-00306238 there k2lBsDeqM6o-00270-00307199-00307361 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00271-00308390-00308560 how k2lBsDeqM6o-00272-00309545-00309715 here k2lBsDeqM6o-00273-00310676-00310838 not k2lBsDeqM6o-00274-00311872-00312042 how k2lBsDeqM6o-00275-00313045-00313226 can k2lBsDeqM6o-00276-00314192-00314362 here k2lBsDeqM6o-00277-00315305-00315467 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00278-00316423-00316592 here k2lBsDeqM6o-00279-00317572-00317752 can k2lBsDeqM6o-00280-00318719-00318889 here k2lBsDeqM6o-00281-00319850-00320012 not k2lBsDeqM6o-00282-00320992-00321172 can k2lBsDeqM6o-00283-00322138-00322308 here k2lBsDeqM6o-00284-00323270-00323431 not k2lBsDeqM6o-00285-00324447-00324596 there k2lBsDeqM6o-00286-00325558-00325720 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00287-00326731-00326879 there k2lBsDeqM6o-00288-00327841-00328003 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00289-00328959-00329129 here k2lBsDeqM6o-00290-00330072-00330234 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00291-00331263-00331433 how k2lBsDeqM6o-00292-00332399-00332561 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00293-00333536-00333716 can k2lBsDeqM6o-00294-00334701-00334873 bad k2lBsDeqM6o-00295-00335821-00335983 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00296-00336939-00337109 here k2lBsDeqM6o-00297-00338034-00338196 do k2lBsDeqM6o-00298-00339144-00339306 not k2lBsDeqM6o-00299-00340286-00340458 bad k2lBsDeqM6o-00300-00341406-00341568 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00301-00342597-00342767 how k2lBsDeqM6o-00302-00343771-00343951 can k2lBsDeqM6o-00303-00344899-00345061 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00304-00346017-00346179 not k2lBsDeqM6o-00305-00347122-00347284 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00306-00348203-00348366 do k2lBsDeqM6o-00307-00349295-00349457 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00308-00350432-00350612 can k2lBsDeqM6o-00309-00351578-00351741 not k2lBsDeqM6o-00310-00352757-00352906 there k2lBsDeqM6o-00311-00353867-00354029 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00312-00355003-00355183 can k2lBsDeqM6o-00313-00356205-00356354 there k2lBsDeqM6o-00314-00357315-00357477 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00315-00358451-00358623 bad k2lBsDeqM6o-00316-00359572-00359734 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00317-00360690-00360852 not k2lBsDeqM6o-00318-00361832-00362012 can k2lBsDeqM6o-00319-00362960-00363122 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00320-00364151-00364321 how k2lBsDeqM6o-00321-00365269-00365431 do k2lBsDeqM6o-00322-00366379-00366542 not k2lBsDeqM6o-00323-00367484-00367646 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00324-00368621-00368801 can k2lBsDeqM6o-00325-00369749-00369911 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00326-00370886-00371058 bad k2lBsDeqM6o-00327-00372025-00372194 here k2lBsDeqM6o-00328-00373174-00373354 can k2lBsDeqM6o-00329-00374376-00374525 there k2lBsDeqM6o-00330-00375522-00375702 can k2lBsDeqM6o-00331-00376742-00376912 how k2lBsDeqM6o-00332-00377915-00378088 bad k2lBsDeqM6o-00333-00379127-00379297 how k2lBsDeqM6o-00334-00380245-00380407 do k2lBsDeqM6o-00335-00381355-00381525 here k2lBsDeqM6o-00336-00382450-00382612 do k2lBsDeqM6o-00337-00383578-00383751 bad k2lBsDeqM6o-00338-00384717-00384887 here k2lBsDeqM6o-00339-00385830-00385992 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00340-00386911-00387074 do k2lBsDeqM6o-00341-00388077-00388225 there k2lBsDeqM6o-00342-00389224-00389404 can k2lBsDeqM6o-00343-00390389-00390561 bad k2lBsDeqM6o-00344-00391528-00391689 not k2lBsDeqM6o-00345-00392724-00392894 how k2lBsDeqM6o-00346-00393860-00394022 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00347-00394997-00395177 can k2lBsDeqM6o-00348-00396125-00396287 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00349-00397316-00397486 how k2lBsDeqM6o-00350-00398471-00398641 here k2lBsDeqM6o-00351-00399584-00399745 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00352-00400756-00400905 there k2lBsDeqM6o-00353-00401848-00402011 do k2lBsDeqM6o-00354-00403013-00403162 there k2lBsDeqM6o-00355-00404124-00404286 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00356-00405205-00405367 do k2lBsDeqM6o-00357-00406297-00406459 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00358-00407433-00407614 can k2lBsDeqM6o-00359-00408544-00408705 do k2lBsDeqM6o-00360-00409654-00409816 not k2lBsDeqM6o-00361-00410759-00410921 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00362-00411877-00412047 here k2lBsDeqM6o-00363-00412990-00413152 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00364-00414071-00414233 do k2lBsDeqM6o-00365-00415236-00415385 there 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how k2lBsDeqM6o-00415-00472431-00472593 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00416-00473549-00473711 not k2lBsDeqM6o-00417-00474636-00474798 do k2lBsDeqM6o-00418-00475728-00475890 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00419-00476846-00477016 here k2lBsDeqM6o-00420-00478032-00478181 there k2lBsDeqM6o-00421-00479142-00479304 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00422-00480260-00480422 not k2lBsDeqM6o-00423-00481457-00481627 how k2lBsDeqM6o-00424-00482611-00482773 not k2lBsDeqM6o-00425-00483716-00483878 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00426-00484907-00485077 how k2lBsDeqM6o-00427-00486080-00486253 bad k2lBsDeqM6o-00428-00487237-00487418 can k2lBsDeqM6o-00429-00488348-00488510 do k2lBsDeqM6o-00430-00489476-00489648 bad k2lBsDeqM6o-00431-00490597-00490759 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00432-00491678-00491840 do k2lBsDeqM6o-00433-00492862-00493032 how k2lBsDeqM6o-00434-00493998-00494160 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00435-00495116-00495278 not k2lBsDeqM6o-00436-00496294-00496443 there k2lBsDeqM6o-00437-00497496-00497666 how k2lBsDeqM6o-00438-00498632-00498794 did 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did k2lBsDeqM6o-00464-00528286-00528435 there k2lBsDeqM6o-00465-00529488-00529658 how k2lBsDeqM6o-00466-00530624-00530786 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00467-00531760-00531933 bad k2lBsDeqM6o-00468-00532955-00533103 there k2lBsDeqM6o-00469-00534064-00534227 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00470-00535201-00535381 can k2lBsDeqM6o-00471-00536348-00536517 here k2lBsDeqM6o-00472-00537460-00537623 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00473-00538634-00538782 there k2lBsDeqM6o-00474-00539780-00539953 bad k2lBsDeqM6o-00475-00540901-00541063 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00476-00542074-00542223 there k2lBsDeqM6o-00477-00543184-00543346 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00478-00544320-00544493 bad k2lBsDeqM6o-00479-00545441-00545603 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00480-00546614-00546763 there k2lBsDeqM6o-00481-00547724-00547886 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00482-00548842-00549004 not k2lBsDeqM6o-00483-00549947-00550109 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00484-00551120-00551269 there k2lBsDeqM6o-00485-00552267-00552447 can k2lBsDeqM6o-00486-00553395-00553557 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00487-00554532-00554712 can 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k2lBsDeqM6o-00512-00582971-00583133 do k2lBsDeqM6o-00513-00584155-00584324 how k2lBsDeqM6o-00514-00585291-00585453 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00515-00586409-00586578 here k2lBsDeqM6o-00516-00587503-00587665 do k2lBsDeqM6o-00517-00588595-00588757 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00518-00589713-00589875 not k2lBsDeqM6o-00519-00590818-00590980 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00520-00591955-00592127 bad k2lBsDeqM6o-00521-00593148-00593297 there k2lBsDeqM6o-00522-00594295-00594476 can k2lBsDeqM6o-00523-00595424-00595585 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00524-00596596-00596745 there k2lBsDeqM6o-00525-00597688-00597851 do k2lBsDeqM6o-00526-00598799-00598960 not k2lBsDeqM6o-00527-00599903-00600066 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00528-00601040-00601220 can k2lBsDeqM6o-00529-00602169-00602330 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00530-00603287-00603448 not k2lBsDeqM6o-00531-00604391-00604554 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00532-00605564-00605713 there k2lBsDeqM6o-00533-00606674-00606837 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00534-00607756-00607918 do k2lBsDeqM6o-00535-00608884-00609057 bad k2lBsDeqM6o-00536-00610005-00610167 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00537-00611141-00611314 bad k2lBsDeqM6o-00538-00612335-00612484 there k2lBsDeqM6o-00539-00613445-00613608 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00540-00614563-00614726 not k2lBsDeqM6o-00541-00615669-00615830 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00542-00616787-00616956 here k2lBsDeqM6o-00543-00617899-00618061 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00544-00619091-00619260 how k2lBsDeqM6o-00545-00620227-00620389 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00546-00621400-00621549 there k2lBsDeqM6o-00547-00622546-00622719 bad k2lBsDeqM6o-00548-00623649-00623811 do k2lBsDeqM6o-00549-00624814-00624963 there k2lBsDeqM6o-00550-00625924-00626086 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00551-00627097-00627246 there k2lBsDeqM6o-00552-00628207-00628369 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00553-00629380-00629529 there k2lBsDeqM6o-00554-00630527-00630707 can k2lBsDeqM6o-00555-00631656-00631817 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00556-00632792-00632964 bad k2lBsDeqM6o-00557-00633913-00634074 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00558-00634994-00635156 do k2lBsDeqM6o-00559-00636123-00636303 can k2lBsDeqM6o-00560-00637251-00637413 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00561-00638387-00638567 can k2lBsDeqM6o-00562-00639534-00639696 not k2lBsDeqM6o-00563-00640675-00640856 can k2lBsDeqM6o-00564-00641822-00641984 not k2lBsDeqM6o-00565-00642927-00643089 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00566-00644064-00644236 bad k2lBsDeqM6o-00567-00645184-00645346 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00568-00646302-00646464 not k2lBsDeqM6o-00569-00647407-00647569 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00570-00648543-00648724 can k2lBsDeqM6o-00571-00649672-00649834 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00572-00650753-00650916 do k2lBsDeqM6o-00573-00651864-00652034 here k2lBsDeqM6o-00574-00653013-00653185 bad k2lBsDeqM6o-00575-00654116-00654277 do k2lBsDeqM6o-00576-00655281-00655430 there k2lBsDeqM6o-00577-00656409-00656571 not k2lBsDeqM6o-00578-00657550-00657723 bad k2lBsDeqM6o-00579-00658689-00658852 not k2lBsDeqM6o-00580-00659886-00660056 how k2lBsDeqM6o-00581-00661022-00661184 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00582-00662158-00662331 bad k2lBsDeqM6o-00583-00663316-00663496 can k2lBsDeqM6o-00584-00664445-00664606 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00585-00665636-00665806 how k2lBsDeqM6o-00586-00666754-00666915 do k2lBsDeqM6o-00587-00667864-00668033 here k2lBsDeqM6o-00588-00668958-00669120 do k2lBsDeqM6o-00589-00670050-00670212 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00590-00671223-00671372 there k2lBsDeqM6o-00591-00672333-00672495 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00592-00673451-00673621 here k2lBsDeqM6o-00593-00674564-00674726 did k2lBsDeqM6o-00594-00675682-00675852 here k2lBsDeqM6o-00595-00676886-00677056 how k2lBsDeqM6o-00596-00678004-00678167 do k2lBsDeqM6o-00597-00679133-00679306 bad k2lBsDeqM6o-00598-00680290-00680471 can k2lBsDeqM6o-00599-00681419-00681581 did k3h8Xtys_qy-00000-00002703-00003153 DDoch cannot be join due to personal reason, because of that, Micol only will be in the video for a while. k3h8Xtys_qy-00001-00003183-00003306 Ok, l’ll read this stories. k3h8Xtys_qy-00002-00003353-00003493 Micol, i have something to report you. k3h8Xtys_qy-00003-00003523-00004136 i informed that there is abandoned church in my father’s hometown. k3h8Xtys_qy-00004-00004190-00004703 I asked to my father, he said it was there since far long. k3h8Xtys_qy-00005-00004756-00005213 He said it’s like a pseudo reglion, k3h8Xtys_qy-00006-00005230-00005840 And my father said, people who was going to church, they moved around at town and said it will come to the end soon. k3h8Xtys_qy-00007-00005906-00006606 What if it comes to the end, only holy water will never dry that their leader blessed, k3h8Xtys_qy-00008-00006670-00007193 And they said weird bullshit, like they will call all the dead’s soul, will judge that. k3h8Xtys_qy-00009-00007209-00007693 They said they will gonna save people in town also. k3h8Xtys_qy-00010-00007720-00007930 And one of those words, they said, k3h8Xtys_qy-00011-00007966-00008490 And their leader called a god, borrowed human’s body. k3h8Xtys_qy-00012-00008533-00008783 That people said like that. k3h8Xtys_qy-00013-00008863-00009243 Our family believes buddhism, we didn’t go to that church. k3h8Xtys_qy-00014-00009346-00009736 Some people in town went to that church. k3h8Xtys_qy-00015-00009786-00010400 And my father, he moved to the other region for work, my grandparents only lived in that town. k3h8Xtys_qy-00016-00010463-00010783 I don’t know from when, that church closed now. k3h8Xtys_qy-00017-00010813-00011306 I want to let you know more specific story, my faher only knows that.. k3h8Xtys_qy-00018-00011350-00011790 Maybe some people who lived for long in town, they know well about that church. k3h8Xtys_qy-00019-00011840-00012256 Please show us what that church is, when you go to haunted house trip. k3h8Xtys_qy-00020-00012323-00012743 I want to come in that church, i’m so scray that church was psuedo’s reglion for real. k3h8Xtys_qy-00021-00012783-00012996 Informer said like this. k3h8Xtys_qy-00022-00017030-00017150 What a scary.. k3h8Xtys_qy-00023-00017490-00017633 Yeah.. this is how feel like! k3h8Xtys_qy-00024-00017733-00017833 Yes, k3h8Xtys_qy-00025-00017986-00018133 This is what i’m saying! k3h8Xtys_qy-00026-00018636-00018723 What the..? k3h8Xtys_qy-00027-00019403-00019510 No..? k3h8Xtys_qy-00028-00019656-00019906 Focus on the curtain! k3h8Xtys_qy-00029-00020496-00020580 Wind..? k3h8Xtys_qy-00030-00020886-00020980 Is that wind..? k3h8Xtys_qy-00031-00027386-00028030 Especially curtain in left side was moving itself! k3h8Xtys_qy-00032-00028193-00028373 Hey you asshole! hey k3h8Xtys_qy-00033-00028626-00028746 Wait there k3h8Xtys_qy-00034-00028870-00028973 you wait in there! k3h8Xtys_qy-00035-00029546-00029846 Wait there! k3h8Xtys_qy-00036-00030786-00030890 There’s something.. k3h8Xtys_qy-00037-00031003-00031120 There’s something..! k3h8Xtys_qy-00038-00032553-00032693 Where it is? Over there? k3h8Xtys_qy-00039-00032930-00033180 Focus on the window! k3h8Xtys_qy-00040-00038893-00039096 That’s the why i going to haunted house! k3h8Xtys_qy-00041-00039180-00039293 Right? Guys? k3h8Xtys_qy-00042-00039386-00039703 That’s why i came here like new haunted house! k3h8Xtys_qy-00043-00039773-00039873 Got it? k3h8Xtys_qy-00044-00041960-00042063 Water ghost..? k3h8Xtys_qy-00045-00042326-00042430 What’s the smell like? k3h8Xtys_qy-00046-00042523-00042763 Ready to screenshot! It’s gonna be taken that! k3h8Xtys_qy-00047-00042796-00042910 Is fhere a something? k3h8Xtys_qy-00048-00043143-00043283 Ready to capture! Wait! k3h8Xtys_qy-00049-00045683-00045793 Who are you there? k3h8Xtys_qy-00050-00046020-00046126 Who are you there? k3h8Xtys_qy-00051-00046816-00046960 Wow.. this is so tough.. k3h8Xtys_qy-00052-00047106-00047223 Tough.. so tough..! k3h8Xtys_qy-00053-00047383-00047516 So much tough.. k3h8Xtys_qy-00054-00047736-00047843 Who are you there? k3h8Xtys_qy-00055-00048583-00048720 get out there! k3h8Xtys_qy-00056-00049563-00050206 Curtain lean in side.. k3h8Xtys_qy-00057-00051846-00051936 you! k3h8Xtys_qy-00058-00052143-00052280 Are you having a fun cause you teasing me? k3h8Xtys_qy-00059-00052470-00052620 You having a fun teasing with me? k3h8Xtys_qy-00060-00052776-00052910 I think we’d better stop!! k3h8Xtys_qy-00061-00054463-00054556 What the..? k3h8Xtys_qy-00062-00055463-00055626 Angel saint mikel! k3h8Xtys_qy-00063-00055720-00055856 Tell your name! k3h8Xtys_qy-00064-00056063-00056273 Tell your name! .. saint mikel! k3h8Xtys_qy-00065-00056293-00056420 what’s your name! k3h8Xtys_qy-00066-00058490-00058603 Are you..? k3h8Xtys_qy-00067-00060223-00060320 Who are you? k3h8Xtys_qy-00068-00061313-00061393 stop! k3h8Xtys_qy-00069-00062550-00062640 Stop! k3h8Xtys_qy-00070-00063540-00063646 Great~ k3h8Xtys_qy-00071-00065020-00065173 What a smell! k3h8Xtys_qy-00072-00065333-00065503 Wow... smell of water;; what the.. k3h8Xtys_qy-00073-00065933-00066053 come on out.. k3h8Xtys_qy-00074-00066106-00066313 Get me out! Get me out of here! k3h8Xtys_qy-00075-00067396-00067590 You said get me out~ k3h8Xtys_qy-00076-00069473-00069590 Did anyone hear that?! k3h8Xtys_qy-00077-00070556-00070636 come on out! k3h8Xtys_qy-00078-00071106-00071190 Come on out k3h8Xtys_qy-00079-00071413-00071546 You’d better come on out! k3h8Xtys_qy-00080-00072390-00072490 stop this! k3h8Xtys_qy-00081-00072903-00072983 stop! k3h8Xtys_qy-00082-00073170-00073353 i know you’ll come out! k3h8Xtys_qy-00083-00073610-00073736 I said you better stop this! k3h8Xtys_qy-00084-00073883-00074023 I’m saying you’d better stop this! k3h8Xtys_qy-00085-00076560-00077003 I don’t know what happen inside k3h8Xtys_qy-00086-00077276-00077403 That was decoyed me! k3h8Xtys_qy-00087-00077463-00077660 That dragged me away! k3h8Xtys_qy-00088-00077946-00078230 The way they want me to do.. k3h8Xtys_qy-00089-00078330-00078793 And fhat decoyed me with an intend.. k3h8Xtys_qy-00090-00083363-00083473 I’ll be here.. k3h8Xtys_qy-00091-00083696-00083806 tell me now. k3h8Xtys_qy-00092-00083943-00084093 Who are you there? k3h8Xtys_qy-00093-00084616-00084746 get out. k3h8Xtys_qy-00094-00086070-00086226 I said get out! k3h8Xtys_qy-00095-00088186-00088830 Flash is suddenly blanked and turned off. k3h8Xtys_qy-00096-00090216-00090860 Micol checking out with emergency flash.. k3h8Xtys_qy-00097-00093443-00093540 Where are you? k3h8Xtys_qy-00098-00096643-00097286 Micol gor outside cause fhere is so strong spirit in that house. k3h8Xtys_qy-00099-00097873-00098123 Ha.. so tough. k3h8Xtys_qy-00100-00098370-00098580 I think i will gonna be tough to do observation cam.. k3h8Xtys_qy-00101-00098810-00098970 Will gonna tough doing observation cam. k3h8Xtys_qy-00102-00099180-00099433 It’s up tp time by time... but i think. k3h8Xtys_qy-00103-00099523-00100063 I can’t handle even though i’ll using amulet or not.. k3h8Xtys_qy-00104-00100903-00101206 Wait, guys... k3h8Xtys_qy-00105-00102183-00102346 Can you say something? k3h8Xtys_qy-00106-00102650-00102813 What are you so sad about? k3h8Xtys_qy-00107-00103043-00103330 i can hear what you’re saying whatever it takes. k3h8Xtys_qy-00108-00103493-00103626 Say something please. k3h8Xtys_qy-00109-00103706-00103900 Cigarette? I’ll give. k3h8Xtys_qy-00110-00103983-00104136 Let me give this cigarette, guys. k3h8Xtys_qy-00111-00104286-00104556 It can change by spirit... k3h8Xtys_qy-00112-00105713-00105976 After a while.. k3h8Xtys_qy-00113-00106260-00106383 You shouldn’t go now.. k3h8Xtys_qy-00114-00106453-00106730 I did my best.. k3h8Xtys_qy-00115-00107206-00107393 I did my best... there’s nothing i can do. k3h8Xtys_qy-00116-00107586-00107723 You will gonna do like this? k3h8Xtys_qy-00117-00108020-00108113 Where are you? k3h8Xtys_qy-00118-00108173-00108320 I can’t handle this anymore. k3h8Xtys_qy-00119-00108376-00108509 I’m pissed off. k3h8Xtys_qy-00120-00108663-00108763 where are you now? k3h8Xtys_qy-00121-00109093-00109233 Here~ k3h8Xtys_qy-00122-00109393-00109536 Find me~ k3h8Xtys_qy-00123-00110913-00111496 Guys, they won’t gonna talk with me.. what if they wanna talk this, they won’t do it. k3h8Xtys_qy-00124-00111596-00111776 Will not gonna talk with them, maybe. k3h8Xtys_qy-00125-00111843-00112416 Guys, see what happens here? I cannot do this in here! Informer! k3h8Xtys_qy-00126-00112476-00112723 Please don’t come nearby here. k3h8Xtys_qy-00127-00112783-00112886 i can’t do this... k3h8Xtys_qy-00128-00112963-00113356 I’ll gonna delete address of this place when i get back to home k3h8Xtys_qy-00129-00113443-00113576 I’ll gonna delete. k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00000-00001534-00001905 Hello I'm Ken Burrell from Pragmatic PMO k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00001-00001905-00002284 If you're a project manager and you've ever thought to yourself at the end of a project k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00002-00002284-00002612 "If I'd known then what I know now I'd have done things differently" k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00003-00002612-00003012 then you'll appreciate that everything seems clearer and easier with hindsight k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00004-00003012-00003360 but generating your own hindsight is hard and often painful k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00005-00003360-00003820 George Bernard Shaw said "if history repeats itself and the unexpected always happens k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00006-00003820-00004146 how incapable man must be of learning from experience" k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00007-00004146-00004696 I think project managers can learn a lot from each other's experience, especially from sharing their scars k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00008-00004696-00005326 Sharing experiences gives you access to somebody else's hindsight without all the hard work and the pain k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00009-00005326-00005616 So as part of my Campaign for Real Project Managers, k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00010-00005616-00005884 on your behalf I'm talking to some real project managers k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00011-00005884-00006344 I've had the pleasure of working alongside so that you can benefit from their experience k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00012-00006344-00006864 Today I'm delighted to be joined by Juliet Doswell who's going to share some of her experiences with us k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00013-00006864-00007170 Juliet, I'd like you to start please by giving us an overview k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00014-00007170-00007445 of your background and how you got into project management k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00015-00007445-00008270 So I started in project management about 20 years ago, I was working for Sport England in London k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00016-00008270-00008786 and I got involved on a project to introduce a database k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00017-00008786-00009484 I was a business representative on the project and I really enjoyed working on the project k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00018-00009484-00010024 and I started learning PRINCE and got really got into the project, k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00019-00010024-00010332 became more and more the key business rep on the project k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00020-00010332-00010712 and then eventually started being the project manager on those type of projects k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00021-00010712-00010980 And what sort of thing do you do now in the world of project management? k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00022-00010980-00011366 So I currently work as a portfolio office manager with a team of four k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00023-00011366-00011670 working in a health care insurance company k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00024-00011670-00012158 So thinking back over your career, can you give me an example of a scar k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00025-00012158-00012482 so something that went wrong on a project that you were managing? k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00026-00012482-00013113 Yes, a long time ago in the the "noughties" I worked for children's social services k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00027-00013113-00013758 and the project was to set up a Children's Centre: a place where k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00028-00013758-00014152 families and children could go and get advice and support k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00029-00014152-00014990 we started the project off on the basis of the school not having used part of their k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00030-00014990-00015428 building for a period of time and they offered that building to us k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00031-00015428-00015784 so that we could use it as a Children's Centre. k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00032-00015784-00016263 So we started the project thinking it was going to be a refurbishment project k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00033-00016263-00016832 got a contract consultancy in who are specialists in construction k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00034-00016832-00017390 purchased a feasibility study to find out how we might go about it k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00035-00017390-00018164 not having any experience of construction projects at all and then the feasibility study came back and said k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00036-00018164-00018608 "Yep, great, go ahead, it's going to cost you about this amount of money" k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00037-00018608-00019158 so I went away, managed to get the funding, started the project off, k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00038-00019158-00019716 everything seemed to be going really well, started work and then all of a sudden everything stopped... k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00039-00019716-00020052 ...they found asbestos... k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00040-00020052-00020680 work went on hold, nothing happening, had to commission a second feasibility study, this time k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00041-00020680-00021292 spent a bit more money on it, and it came back saying it was no longer feasible to do a refurbishment project k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00042-00021292-00021490 it was no longer value-for-money k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00043-00021490-00021776 right, so you had a second feasibility study done k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00044-00021776-00022154 in the knowledge that there was asbestos in the building now? okay k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00045-00022154-00022836 not possible to refurbish, much much cheaper to actually demolish the building k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00046-00022836-00022982 oh wow! k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00047-00022982-00023264 and put something else in - okay k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00048-00023264-00023932 so the project changed completely, and we went through the options of rebuild k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00049-00023932-00024366 and the only affordable option for us was a modular build k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00050-00024366-00024912 so the project changed completely from being a refurbishment project to a complete demolish k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00051-00024912-00025476 and rebuild situation, obviously a lot more expensive than we set out k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00052-00025476-00025776 okay and did the project carry on to completion? k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00053-00025776-00026158 so everything started progressing really well after that: we cleared the site k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00054-00026158-00026795 we laid the foundations we designed everything, the modules came in they were connected together k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00055-00026795-00027416 the furniture arrived and then we had to have a Building Regulations inspection k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00056-00027416-00028127 and a Disability Discrimination Act inspection, the Building Regulations went fine k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00057-00028127-00028674 Disability Discrimination Act, er, no k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00058-00028674-00028866 we failed k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00059-00028866-00029038 okay, what was the problem? k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00060-00029038-00029406 last-minute changes, things that we didn't design in k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00061-00029406-00029880 despite having had advice on how to do it k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00062-00029880-00030245 and so some very last-minute changes and additional cost k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00063-00030245-00030516 all right so did the project come complete though? k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00064-00030516-00030804 It did, it did! It was successful k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00065-00030804-00031327 It actually did come in within budget - not the first budget, the second budget(!) k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00066-00031327-00031976 So reflecting on that experience then, what advice would you give to other people if k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00067-00031976-00032495 they find themselves in a situation like that or to avoid getting themselves into a situation like that? k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00068-00032495-00032850 So what I learned was that a feasibility study doesn't ensure k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00069-00032850-00033312 that you're not going to come up with something that you weren't expecting. k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00070-00033314-00033674 Projects are always more complex than you ever think they're going to be at the beginning k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00071-00033674-00034066 you only learn what you need to do once you start doing the work k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00072-00034066-00034774 so my advice is never go into a project thinking that it's going to be what you started thinking it was going to be k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00073-00034774-00035216 and set your sponsors expectations so that they know that there could be some changes k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00074-00035216-00035736 and any estimations that you've got are just estimations at the early stage k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00075-00035736-00036180 just make sure that there's some contingency in there for things changing over time k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00076-00036180-00036262 anything else? k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00077-00036262-00036622 So the second lesson is that regulation isn't black-and-white k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00078-00036622-00037130 it's just someone's viewpoint and although you may have asked for advice you may not k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00079-00037130-00037512 have got exactly the right advice or it may be someone's viewpoint k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00080-00037512-00037948 and the person who's inspecting may have a different viewpoint so k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00081-00037948-00038350 I think my learning from that is to seek advice from more than one person k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00082-00038350-00038706 the more advice you have, the better position you're in to k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00083-00038706-00039128 work out what's the right advice and which advice you should follow k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00084-00039128-00039500 Juliet thanks for your time, your openness, and your insights k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00085-00039500-00039872 So today we've heard from Juliet about how she recovered from something that went wrong k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00086-00039872-00040106 on a project and what she learned from it k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00087-00040106-00040560 Mark Twain said "History doesn't repeat itself, but sometimes it rhymes" k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00088-00040560-00040948 To me that means that although the future is never exactly like the past k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00089-00040948-00041308 it's often similar enough for the lessons of the past to be useful k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00090-00041308-00041596 so my challenge to you is what will you learn from this? k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00091-00041596-00042052 what will you do differently on your project as a result of Juliet's experience? k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00092-00042052-00042240 Let me know in the comments k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00093-00042240-00042660 If you enjoyed this video, let me know by leaving a comment or a like or both k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00094-00042660-00042870 or sharing it with others on social media k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00095-00042870-00043222 If enough people think these videos are worthwhile then I'll make more of them k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00096-00043222-00043540 If you want to share your scars in one, let me know k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00097-00043540-00043916 For other videos on project management topics take a look at my video channel k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00098-00043916-00044422 For articles on project management and PMO topics visit my website PragmaticPMO.com k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00099-00044422-00044744 or follow me on Twitter @PragmaticPMO k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00100-00044744-00045218 To connect with me more personally search LinkedIn for Ken Burrell Pragmatic PMO k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00101-00045218-00045416 In the meantime, until the next time k6jJ3QZ7Oi8-00102-00045416-00045584 Thanks for watching! krMFqqQd5Vy-00000-00000048-00000206 Hi I'm Munchkin. krMFqqQd5Vy-00001-00000206-00000398 I am a miniature horse. krMFqqQd5Vy-00002-00000398-00001044 I have dwarfism which means I have to do some things differently than other horses. krMFqqQd5Vy-00003-00001044-00001580 I won't grow as tall as other horses, but that makes me less scary to the kids I visit krMFqqQd5Vy-00004-00001580-00001773 at schools and hospitals. krMFqqQd5Vy-00005-00001773-00002485 Here's a picture of me, a miniature horse without dwarfism, and a full size horse. krMFqqQd5Vy-00006-00002485-00003000 I don't run as fast as the other horses but I still have fun with the other horses and krMFqqQd5Vy-00007-00003000-00003350 get good exercise. krMFqqQd5Vy-00008-00003368-00003900 Sometimes the snow gets too deep for me, but it's a good work out. krMFqqQd5Vy-00009-00003901-00004194 I sometimes wear braces on my legs for support. krMFqqQd5Vy-00010-00004194-00004957 I can't eat the hard grain that other horses do, but I enjoy my soft food. krMFqqQd5Vy-00011-00004957-00005393 It gives me energy and helps me stay strong. krMFqqQd5Vy-00012-00005398-00006186 I can't jump into the van to go on visits like other miniature horses on the farm. krMFqqQd5Vy-00013-00006187-00006731 Instead I get an extra hug as I have help getting into the van. krMFqqQd5Vy-00014-00006731-00007558 I do some things differently because I have dwarfism, but I still make the people around krMFqqQd5Vy-00015-00007558-00007684 me happy. krMFqqQd5Vy-00016-00007684-00007915 My differences make me special. krMFqqQd5Vy-00017-00007915-00008179 Everyone has differences that make them special. krMFqqQd5Vy-00018-00008192-00008536 What differences are you celebrating? ksz3djt-4bU-00000-00000384-00001230 thank you to my coating yeah I'm a smoking Kodak him versus Yak oh yeah no it just depends how I ksz3djt-4bU-00001-00001230-00001739 play it I go though you know yeah be acting like I don't got that [__] that's what be the problem ksz3djt-4bU-00002-00001739-00002490 like you forget I don't know what you're thinking before all this Drake I've been having hits okay ksz3djt-4bU-00003-00002490-00003114 Diamond songs okay okay probably the only other this generation to go platinum with no features ksz3djt-4bU-00004-00003114-00003672 you think you think they always tell my old Savage your future 21 on the smokes man that [__] ain't ksz3djt-4bU-00005-00003672-00004434 say nothing yet [__] man what's up man I hit versus what's up man don't be capping on this ksz3djt-4bU-00006-00004434-00005226 internet on this you ain't ready to stand up in that five boy [__] oh [__] 21. smokes ksz3djt-4bU-00007-00005478-00005982 oh [__] ksz3djt-4bU-00008-00006306-00006918 me and Drake got call that smoking dope oh [__] we gonna do it we're gonna see ksz3djt-4bU-00009-00006918-00007788 what's up okay I can't smoke I love smoke I go to sleep dreaming about smoking I daydream about it ksz3djt-4bU-00010-00007788-00008184 I love it I'm in love with smoke yo chat should we just call out the stream here ksz3djt-4bU-00011-00008184-00008820 together bro yeah you guys might as well right yeah and they don't hit me up here ksYCUyV3K5k-00000-00000130-00000330 When my husband played with Kedama, ksYCUyV3K5k-00001-00000481-00000681 he ran away under the TV stand. ksYCUyV3K5k-00002-00001024-00001224 Kedama looks at me! lol ksYCUyV3K5k-00003-00001640-00001840 How does he get out of there? ksYCUyV3K5k-00004-00002720-00002920 fluffy! ksYCUyV3K5k-00005-00003248-00003448 He walked backwards well. lol ksYCUyV3K5k-00006-00003995-00004195 KEDAMA, let's play with me~ ksYCUyV3K5k-00007-00004604-00004897 He returned.. kvuGHhcq8r4-00000-00001199-00002225 Acquired [English]: I’ll fight for world order and peace! Where do I start? Helping the needy? Rescuing stray dogs? kvuGHhcq8r4-00001-00002225-00003462 Appointed as Commander [English]: *Gasp* So, I'm the boss now? Okay, then all animals are allowed in the building! …. No? Hnnngghhh... kvuGHhcq8r4-00002-00003596-00005973 Acquired [English]: My name is Han Sorim. In my line of business, I'm better known as the Trigger of Judgement. You may call me- wait. That rabbit isn’t a rabbit. He’s Sergeant Smith. You’d better not touch him, or- eeeek!! P-please don’t touch him. He’s a limited edition... kvuGHhcq8r4-00003-00006000-00007101 Commander [English]: Gah, I’ve volunteered for trouble again. Erm... But don’t I get to wear an armband or something? kvuGHhcq8r4-00004-00007229-00008148 Acquired [English]: I’m Cho Hojin. I can’t tell you exactly what I’m good at, but I can be useful. kvuGHhcq8r4-00005-00008202-00009115 Commander [English]: Commander? I don’t know how to be one, but I can try and learn, right? kvxCJVlGrgc-00000-00000801-00001581 ToHealth was started in around 2006. We started off doing electronic development work, kvxCJVlGrgc-00001-00001581-00002325 so we were producing medical sensors, and we developed screening software to help kvxCJVlGrgc-00002-00002325-00002916 people capture the data about blood tests and various other aspects of their health. kvxCJVlGrgc-00003-00002916-00003633 When ToHealth decided to look for external technology partners rather than employ our kvxCJVlGrgc-00004-00003633-00004446 own developers, we were looking for a partner that had the experience and the knowledge to kvxCJVlGrgc-00005-00004446-00005304 help us and very quickly work out what we needed. We did hear from a company that has invested in kvxCJVlGrgc-00006-00005304-00005886 us that they have used DataArt in the past, and we thought we would try that approach. kvxCJVlGrgc-00007-00005886-00006456 We were very happy with the initial contact and the speed at which they kvxCJVlGrgc-00008-00006456-00007083 picked up our requirements. DataArt is quite a large company, development company, kvxCJVlGrgc-00009-00007083-00007692 and they have a lot of experience in various different aspects of software development, kvxCJVlGrgc-00010-00007692-00008538 as you'd expect. And the advantage to us was that: A) they had some medical knowledge, and B) they kvxCJVlGrgc-00011-00008538-00009339 had a large number of people that could be called on to help with various parts of various projects. kvxCJVlGrgc-00012-00009339-00010041 The reason we like DataArt is that it is very much like working with your own developer. kvxCJVlGrgc-00013-00010041-00010575 We've been with DataArt for, I think, two and a half years now, and in that time, kvxCJVlGrgc-00014-00010575-00011118 we have achieved more than we would have done with our own internal developers. kvSISgtBno0-00000-00000080-00000264 you can't make it. kvSISgtBno0-00001-00000800-00000944 the dji mavic 3. kvSISgtBno0-00002-00001432-00001639 we're here at sema 2021 and we want to… kvSISgtBno0-00003-00002760-00003016 i tend to go viral. kvSISgtBno0-00004-00003415-00004384 well. kvSISgtBno0-00005-00004592-00004920 have you ever been wondering what the smallest small bliss in my… kvSISgtBno0-00006-00004976-00005216 this is minecraft so real that i can smell it. kvSISgtBno0-00007-00005424-00005784 i'm not, i'm not making a milkshake. kvSISgtBno0-00008-00006936-00007184 if my sleep schedule was a person. kvSISgtBno0-00009-00008392-00008584 can i steal this gun from…? kvSISgtBno0-00010-00008880-00009448 how to fix beam… punjab national bank… russia kvSISgtBno0-00011-00009448-00009744 is pretty high up there on the list when it comes to wealth inequality. kvSISgtBno0-00012-00009856-00010448 here's a question. how fast was that serve? are you checking your heart? right here. kwtzFtERlYg-00000-00000072-00000829 Allahümme salli ve sellim ve barik ala seyyidina muhammedin ve ala alihi adede inamillahi ve ifdali kwtzFtERlYg-00001-00000856-00001056 Euzubillahimineşeytanirracim kwtzFtERlYg-00002-00001056-00001256 Bismillahirrahmanirrahim kwtzFtERlYg-00003-00001256-00002249 In our lesson yesterday, we talked about the death of our Prophet Adam and Mother Eve. There were two comments that came from there. kwtzFtERlYg-00004-00002249-00004122 Let's correct that misunderstanding first. There was a confusion when we said that our Mother Eve who passed away at the age of 1074, a year after the death of our Prophet Adam who passed away at the age of 1024. Why is there 50 years between? kwtzFtERlYg-00005-00004122-00005136 Answer, you know that our Mother Eve came to the world one day before our Prophet Adam. One day in Paradise is fifty years of the World. kwtzFtERlYg-00006-00005136-00005957 Therefore, we can actually say that our Mother Eve is fifty years ahead of our Prophet Adam in the Earth. kwtzFtERlYg-00007-00005957-00007088 Of course, another confusion should not arise here now. In this sense, our Mother Eve is 18 years old in Paradise. kwtzFtERlYg-00008-00007088-00007718 Our Prophet Adam is 33 years old. When they come to the world, we consider them zero. So we do not accept their life in Paradise. kwtzFtERlYg-00009-00007718-00009605 We start them from zero, but since our Prophet Adam came to Earth fifty years after our Mother Eve spent a year in the world, our Mother Eve becomes fifty years older than our Prophet Adam. This is the math here. kwtzFtERlYg-00010-00009605-00010822 The second is 279 children, the main diversity of the abdomen born from our Mother Eve at that time. In other words, those who came after the first abdomen, which we will be explaining to you today. kwtzFtERlYg-00011-00010822-00011593 The seventy-two nations concept. We will explain how many births our Mother Eve gave and how these births took shape. kwtzFtERlYg-00012-00011593-00012737 We are slowly moving into a period in which the directions of the tribes are specified, and the shapes of the tribes are expressed. Our Prophet Adam and Mother Eve are no longer in the world. kwtzFtERlYg-00013-00012737-00013405 There are a total of eight sets of babies born from our Prophet Adam and Mother Eve. kwtzFtERlYg-00014-00013405-00014266 From set, we mean that our Mother Eve gives birth to four children in one set, that is, she gives birth to twins in one set, and another twin in another set. kwtzFtERlYg-00015-00014266-00014689 These happen in the near future. There are four in total. kwtzFtERlYg-00016-00014689-00015681 Now, there are four twins, that is, girl, boy, girl, boy, like this there are eight birth periods in total let’s say. kwtzFtERlYg-00017-00015681-00017098 Twenty-eight children are born in total of our Mother Eve. The first set of these, that is, the first year our Mother Eve gave birth is the 15th year. kwtzFtERlYg-00018-00017098-00018194 For example, the year in which the first four children were born is the 15th year. After that, she gives birth to a set of four more in her 40th year. Then she gives birth to another four in her 50th year. kwtzFtERlYg-00019-00018194-00019260 Then 60 years pass, she gives birth to triplets, for example, in the fourth set. So you can actually call these as generations. We are talking about the first period of humanity. kwtzFtERlYg-00020-00019260-00020175 Therefore, there is no numerical error, only our listeners may have forgotten the concept of time in Paradise and in the world. Maybe it originated from there. kwtzFtERlYg-00021-00020175-00021822 For example, there are three children born in the fourth set. A girl, a boy, and another boy are born. In the second part of the fourth set. He dies with an animal bite, a snake bite, the son of our Mother Eve. kwtzFtERlYg-00022-00021822-00024055 Why are we talking about this today, for this; When you look at it in a biological sense, the difference between the children of around fifty to seventy years results in the separation of communities from each other and the basis of the concept of nations as a Divine Gift of Allah Dhul-Jalal. kwtzFtERlYg-00023-00024055-00024995 A community is born. A girl, a boy, a girl, a boy, and these are not siblings. Physically their genomes are separate. kwtzFtERlYg-00024-00024995-00025697 Because as we said, our Prophet Adam and Mother Eve are creatures with 92 chromosomes in Paradise. kwtzFtERlYg-00025-00025697-00026459 When we also go to Paradise, we will again have 92 chromosomes. Because our body structure’s needs are required this way. kwtzFtERlYg-00026-00026459-00027309 Because DNA is not the original shape of our body. It evolves into a mirror reflection. This process is a field that belongs to biology. kwtzFtERlYg-00027-00027309-00028231 But as we said, it is the Divine Gift of Allah Almighty, that so much time passes between them, when one's grandson is born, the other's son is born. kwtzFtERlYg-00028-00028231-00029329 One hundred and fifty types of major genome types, separated from each other, occur in the kinship relations between them. kwtzFtERlYg-00029-00029329-00030186 In other words, blond, wheat-skinned, blue-eyed, green-eyed, different blood groups, the process of separation between each other occurs. kwtzFtERlYg-00030-00030186-00030839 The first people in the history of the world is not actually a process that started with the children of Prophet Noah Alaihissalam. kwtzFtERlYg-00031-00030839-00031630 Since there was a genome transfer from our Prophet Adam to Prophet Noah Alaihissalam, we need to separate this. kwtzFtERlYg-00032-00031630-00032372 Of course, we see that these one hundred and fifty genome types pass into a foundation of seventy-two genome types in the era of Noah Alaihissalam. kwtzFtERlYg-00033-00032372-00033102 Therefore, today we actually use the concept of seventy-two nations for the period of Noah Alaihissalam, kwtzFtERlYg-00034-00033102-00033946 but when we go to the time of our Prophet Adam, there is one hundred and fifty-one genome types. One of them had passed away. kwtzFtERlYg-00035-00033946-00034910 Thus, when the grandchild of the first generation and the elder of the second generation are in question, the building blocks of different nations are formed. kwtzFtERlYg-00036-00034910-00035492 This concept of size and smallness also cause them to be separate families. kwtzFtERlYg-00037-00035492-00037029 Because while the marriage in the first generation forms a family, the second generation born from it will give birth to a second family, and the genome transitions between these lineages will also create new relationships. kwtzFtERlYg-00038-00037029-00037805 Therefore, in the history of Islam from a biological perspective, children need to be born in distant years from each other in order for this diversity to form, kwtzFtERlYg-00039-00037805-00038620 within these distant years, a total of 28 children when counted as couples, need to occur in eight sets, kwtzFtERlYg-00040-00038620-00040527 only Prophet Seth to be born as a single son carrying Noah Alaihissalam and when thought of the seven root principles and the carrier of the Light of Muhammad, there are one hundred and fifty-two genomes and one that passed away. kwtzFtERlYg-00041-00040527-00041469 Hence, one hundred and fifty-one genomes remain. When we return to the principle of transmission, we see that it eventually transforms into seventy-two genome types during the time of Noah Alaihissalam. kwtzFtERlYg-00042-00041469-00043085 What we mean by genome is biological diversity, difference. Yellow race, white race, black race, wheat skinned, and then their hybridisation will begin, but we are talking about seventy-two main types after Noah Alaihissalam. kwtzFtERlYg-00043-00043085-00044130 After our Mother Eve passed away from the earth, the difference in the genome diversity due to the thousand-odd years that passed, kwtzFtERlYg-00044-00044130-00044996 as we explained the reasoning previously, with this reason, we can now talk about a time period with around thirty to forty thousand people as a community. kwtzFtERlYg-00045-00044996-00046602 Because births that took place over a thousand years immediately after coming to the earth naturally take us to a human population of about thirty to forty thousand people. kwtzFtERlYg-00046-00046602-00047665 This period for when the world's most realistic genome change was experienced, was the basic mechanism for people in being healthy. kwtzFtERlYg-00047-00047665-00048509 Because, as everyone claims, consanguineous marriage is not in question here in any way, but when consanguineous marriages begin, kwtzFtERlYg-00048-00048509-00049814 since the main genomes are preserved, we are faced with a completely different system here except for the seventh generation Seth Alaihissalam. kwtzFtERlYg-00049-00049814-00050695 Therefore, the time differences between these generations in the journey of the creation of humankind, kwtzFtERlYg-00050-00050695-00052170 which continue in the form of 15, 40, 50, 60, 80, 110, give us the opportunity to form generations, lineages and families. And this opportunity is central to community change. kwtzFtERlYg-00051-00052170-00052962 Thus, we have explained the age difference of Prophet Adam and our Mother Eve. We have also talked a little about the mathematics of birth. kwtzFtERlYg-00052-00052962-00053879 Because the figures that we mentioned in our lesson yesterday were about the first generation, second generation and third generation towards the early children of our Mother Eve. kwtzFtERlYg-00053-00053879-00054405 But of course, we have stated the total amount of births being 28 with their pairs. kwtzFtERlYg-00054-00054405-00055921 We will see that Seth Alaihissalam, who was born in the seventh generation, marries Mahlai, who is his relative through his aunt from the sixth generation, to carry the Light of Muhammad. kwtzFtERlYg-00055-00055921-00057770 Therefore, our Prophet Muhammad Alaihissalatu Wassalam’s first generation after our Mother Eve being Seth Alaihissalam’s wife which is from the sixth generation as the carrier of the Light of Muhammad, points to us an important summit in the genome diversification. kwtzFtERlYg-00056-00057770-00059523 Tomorrow, if Allah wills, we will be encountering a new prophethood period that came from the seventh generation. We will talk about Seth Alaihissalam. We will be talking about our Prophet Adam’s penultimate son. kwtzFtERlYg-00057-00059523-00059723 For now, take care. kwTZtFOJK9g-00000-00001120-00001328 SPEAKER: Acknowledgement of Country. kwTZtFOJK9g-00001-00001380-00001644 The Department of Transport and Main Roads kwTZtFOJK9g-00002-00001644-00001848 acknowledges the Traditional Owners kwTZtFOJK9g-00003-00001848-00002180 and custodians of this land and waterways. kwTZtFOJK9g-00004-00002180-00002732 We also acknowledge their ancestors and Elders both past and present. kwTZtFOJK9g-00005-00002732-00002960 The Department of Transport and Main Roads kwTZtFOJK9g-00006-00002960-00003324 is committed to reconciliation amongst all Australians. kwTZtFOJK9g-00007-00004104-00004296 Message from Director-General. kwTZtFOJK9g-00008-00004480-00004892 As the Department of Transport and Main Roads, TMR, kwTZtFOJK9g-00009-00004892-00005316 Director-General and Champion for People with Disability, kwTZtFOJK9g-00010-00005316-00005928 I am pleased to present the TMR Accessibility and Inclusion Strategy, kwTZtFOJK9g-00011-00005928-00006060 AIS. kwTZtFOJK9g-00012-00006060-00006368 The AIS will support TMR kwTZtFOJK9g-00013-00006368-00006859 in achieving our vision to create a single integrated transport network kwTZtFOJK9g-00014-00006859-00007023 accessible to everyone. kwTZtFOJK9g-00015-00007140-00007712 Mobility is critical to everyone and accessible and inclusive transport kwTZtFOJK9g-00016-00007712-00008104 is a vital component of reducing the social exclusion kwTZtFOJK9g-00017-00008104-00008532 of vulnerable people especially those with disabilities. kwTZtFOJK9g-00018-00008580-00008964 TMR has a responsibility to the community to provide a kwTZtFOJK9g-00019-00008964-00009288 transport network that is accessible and inclusive kwTZtFOJK9g-00020-00009288-00009744 of everyone as we connect people to work, places, kwTZtFOJK9g-00021-00009744-00010148 goods and services across Queensland every day. kwTZtFOJK9g-00022-00010260-00010560 TMR is committed to providing an inclusive kwTZtFOJK9g-00023-00010560-00010884 public transport system to everyone. kwTZtFOJK9g-00024-00010884-00011268 Over the years, we have implemented a number of initiatives kwTZtFOJK9g-00025-00011268-00011628 to increase the accessibility of our transport network. kwTZtFOJK9g-00026-00011680-00012060 While we have made improvements to accessible transport services, kwTZtFOJK9g-00027-00012108-00012312 there are many people in Queensland kwTZtFOJK9g-00028-00012312-00012636 who still find it difficult or impossible to travel by kwTZtFOJK9g-00029-00012636-00012776 bus, train or ferry. kwTZtFOJK9g-00030-00012919-00013208 TMR has engaged with a broad range of kwTZtFOJK9g-00031-00013208-00013568 customers, staff and partners across Queensland kwTZtFOJK9g-00032-00013568-00014012 to co-design the accessibility and inclusion strategy, kwTZtFOJK9g-00033-00014068-00014400 The strategy is about creating a transport network kwTZtFOJK9g-00034-00014400-00014572 that is convenient to use, kwTZtFOJK9g-00035-00014572-00014904 easy to access and welcoming of everyone. kwTZtFOJK9g-00036-00015012-00015404 I am committed to making TMR not only a world leader kwTZtFOJK9g-00037-00015404-00015768 in the provision of accessible and inclusive transport kwTZtFOJK9g-00038-00015768-00016247 but also an accessible and inclusive employer of choice. kwTZtFOJK9g-00039-00016344-00016720 As an organisation, TMR is dedicated to replicating kwTZtFOJK9g-00040-00016720-00017108 the diversity of our customer base within our workforce kwTZtFOJK9g-00041-00017108-00017568 by ensuring that our workplaces and work practices are accessible kwTZtFOJK9g-00042-00017568-00017960 and inclusive for our people now and in the future. kwTZtFOJK9g-00043-00018064-00018472 I encourage you all to become an accessibility advocate kwTZtFOJK9g-00044-00018472-00018676 and be the voice for change. kwTZtFOJK9g-00045-00018756-00019256 Signed, Neil Scales OBE Director General kwTZtFOJK9g-00046-00019256-00019500 Department of Transport and Main Roads. kwTZtFOJK9g-00047-00020196-00020352 Message from the Minister. kwTZtFOJK9g-00048-00020484-00020936 The Queensland Government is committed to supporting people with disability kwTZtFOJK9g-00049-00020936-00021152 to maximise their potential kwTZtFOJK9g-00050-00021152-00021560 and participation as equal citizens in Queensland transport kwTZtFOJK9g-00051-00021560-00021764 is a basic human right kwTZtFOJK9g-00052-00021764-00021972 and Queenslanders have the right kwTZtFOJK9g-00053-00021972-00022288 to an accessible and inclusive transport network. kwTZtFOJK9g-00054-00022444-00022656 For many transport is the connector kwTZtFOJK9g-00055-00022656-00023072 that enables them to engage both socially and culturally. kwTZtFOJK9g-00056-00023072-00023372 Access education and employment opportunities kwTZtFOJK9g-00057-00023372-00023600 as well as vital health services. kwTZtFOJK9g-00058-00023756-00024064 At some point in your life you may have felt frustrated kwTZtFOJK9g-00059-00024064-00024360 accessing transport products and services kwTZtFOJK9g-00060-00024360-00024824 while carrying shopping, pushing a pram or travelling with small children. kwTZtFOJK9g-00061-00024872-00025180 This is a daily challenge for many in our community kwTZtFOJK9g-00062-00025180-00025440 and visitors to our beautiful state. kwTZtFOJK9g-00063-00025440-00025688 And my government is committed to improving kwTZtFOJK9g-00064-00025688-00025895 Queensland's transport products, kwTZtFOJK9g-00065-00025895-00026239 services, information and infrastructure for all. kwTZtFOJK9g-00066-00026372-00026704 We will only achieve this by listening to and considering kwTZtFOJK9g-00067-00026704-00026968 the diverse needs of all customers kwTZtFOJK9g-00068-00026968-00027420 as we continue to deliver and grow the Queensland transport network. kwTZtFOJK9g-00069-00027608-00027944 The Queensland Government is committed to listening and responding kwTZtFOJK9g-00070-00027944-00028195 to the needs of Queenslanders when it comes kwTZtFOJK9g-00071-00028195-00028520 to improving our products goods and services. kwTZtFOJK9g-00072-00028583-00028932 I am proud of the co-design methodology used to develop kwTZtFOJK9g-00073-00028932-00029383 the Transport and Main Roads Accessibility and Inclusion Strategy. kwTZtFOJK9g-00074-00029492-00029916 I would like to thank all our customers staff and partners who gave kwTZtFOJK9g-00075-00029916-00030408 their valuable time and insights from their unique perspectives. kwTZtFOJK9g-00076-00030495-00030748 The Queensland Government is committed to continue kwTZtFOJK9g-00077-00030748-00031156 engaging to work with our customers, people and partners kwTZtFOJK9g-00078-00031156-00031432 to become a world leader in the provision of kwTZtFOJK9g-00079-00031432-00031864 accessible and inclusive transport, products, services, kwTZtFOJK9g-00080-00031864-00032060 information and infrastructure. kwTZtFOJK9g-00081-00032116-00032544 Creating a welcoming and enjoyable travel experience kwTZtFOJK9g-00082-00032544-00032796 in and around Queensland for everyone. kwTZtFOJK9g-00083-00032892-00033276 Signed, the Honourable Mark Bailey MP, kwTZtFOJK9g-00084-00033276-00033516 Minister for Transport and Main Roads. kwTZtFOJK9g-00085-00034240-00034360 One. kwTZtFOJK9g-00086-00034360-00034468 Introduction. kwTZtFOJK9g-00087-00034592-00034976 The Accessible Inclusion Strategy, AIS, kwTZtFOJK9g-00088-00034976-00035496 will ensure that TMR's approach to accessibility and inclusion kwTZtFOJK9g-00089-00035496-00035696 aligns with the Queensland Government's kwTZtFOJK9g-00090-00035696-00035952 advancing Queensland's priorities. kwTZtFOJK9g-00091-00036004-00036384 Building an accessible and inclusive transport system kwTZtFOJK9g-00092-00036384-00036892 is a key initiative through which TMR is supporting Queensland Government's kwTZtFOJK9g-00093-00036892-00037272 advancing Queensland priorities including kwTZtFOJK9g-00094-00037272-00037464 be a responsive government kwTZtFOJK9g-00095-00037464-00037804 and accessible and inclusive transport system kwTZtFOJK9g-00096-00037804-00038200 will give everyone the opportunity to participate in their communities, kwTZtFOJK9g-00097-00038336-00038636 create jobs in a strong economy. kwTZtFOJK9g-00098-00038636-00038904 Diverse and inclusive workplaces kwTZtFOJK9g-00099-00038904-00039252 will attract talent and gives everyone the opportunity to bring kwTZtFOJK9g-00100-00039252-00039500 their strengths to work. kwTZtFOJK9g-00101-00039500-00039744 Give all children a great start. kwTZtFOJK9g-00102-00039812-00040232 Improved access to education, recreation and healthcare kwTZtFOJK9g-00103-00040232-00040532 will have significant benefits for all children. kwTZtFOJK9g-00104-00040628-00040864 Keep Queenslanders healthy. kwTZtFOJK9g-00105-00040864-00041052 Active modes of transport kwTZtFOJK9g-00106-00041052-00041332 are an integral part of the transport system kwTZtFOJK9g-00107-00041332-00041612 and access to recreational services kwTZtFOJK9g-00108-00041612-00041904 improves physical and mental health for all. kwTZtFOJK9g-00109-00042000-00042180 Keep communities safe. kwTZtFOJK9g-00110-00042248-00042612 An inclusive transport system is safe and welcoming kwTZtFOJK9g-00111-00042612-00043016 enabling everyone including youth to be involved in kwTZtFOJK9g-00112-00043016-00043196 education and communities. kwTZtFOJK9g-00113-00043292-00043504 Protect the Great Barrier Reef. kwTZtFOJK9g-00114-00043576-00043924 Develop solutions in co-design with partners kwTZtFOJK9g-00115-00043924-00044336 while setting clear expectations in terms of the standards kwTZtFOJK9g-00116-00044336-00044764 that need to be met to support sustainability and preservation. kwTZtFOJK9g-00117-00044928-00045252 As a transport network provider and employer, kwTZtFOJK9g-00118-00045252-00045640 TMR is obligated to comply with all disability, kwTZtFOJK9g-00119-00045640-00045964 anti-discrimination and human rights legislation. kwTZtFOJK9g-00120-00046080-00046368 As a customer-centric organisation, kwTZtFOJK9g-00121-00046368-00046804 TMR is committed to better understanding the expectations kwTZtFOJK9g-00122-00046804-00047220 and needs of our customers our people and our partners. kwTZtFOJK9g-00123-00047332-00047456 One point one. kwTZtFOJK9g-00124-00047536-00047744 Human rights obligations. kwTZtFOJK9g-00125-00047872-00048208 The United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights kwTZtFOJK9g-00126-00048276-00048576 is the common understanding of the rights and freedom kwTZtFOJK9g-00127-00048576-00048860 of all members of the human family. kwTZtFOJK9g-00128-00048860-00049232 It guides legislation and forms social expectation kwTZtFOJK9g-00129-00049232-00049420 for Australia and Queensland. kwTZtFOJK9g-00130-00049484-00049816 Freedom of movement, access to health care kwTZtFOJK9g-00131-00049816-00050224 and the right to participate in the cultural life of the community kwTZtFOJK9g-00132-00050224-00050636 depend on a transport system that is accessible to everyone kwTZtFOJK9g-00133-00050636-00050876 and doesn't exclude anyone. kwTZtFOJK9g-00134-00051004-00051112 One point two. kwTZtFOJK9g-00135-00051212-00051355 Government requirements. kwTZtFOJK9g-00136-00051504-00051744 Legislation regulates the department kwTZtFOJK9g-00137-00051744-00052055 by making it unlawful to discriminate against kwTZtFOJK9g-00138-00052055-00052340 a person because of protected attributes kwTZtFOJK9g-00139-00052340-00052736 including age, disability, race and sex. kwTZtFOJK9g-00140-00052736-00053204 This is an extract of what TMR is obligated by law to comply with. kwTZtFOJK9g-00141-00053336-00053760 The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, kwTZtFOJK9g-00142-00053812-00054008 UNCRPD. kwTZtFOJK9g-00143-00054124-00054428 Human Rights Act 2019, Queensland. kwTZtFOJK9g-00144-00054508-00054888 Anti-Discrimination Act 1991, Queensland. kwTZtFOJK9g-00145-00054988-00055304 Disability Discrimination Act, Commonwealth. kwTZtFOJK9g-00146-00055355-00055764 Disability Services Act 2006, Queensland. kwTZtFOJK9g-00147-00055836-00056179 The Fair Work Act 2009, Commonwealth. kwTZtFOJK9g-00148-00056248-00056679 Age Discrimination Act 2004, Commonwealth. kwTZtFOJK9g-00149-00056848-00057240 In addition, policy strategy and planning documents provide kwTZtFOJK9g-00150-00057240-00057800 guidance on how TMR can meet legal obligations e.g. kwTZtFOJK9g-00151-00057800-00058044 disability standards e.g. kwTZtFOJK9g-00152-00058044-00058660 Disability Standards for Accessible Public Transport, 2002 Commonwealth, kwTZtFOJK9g-00153-00058740-00059284 National Disability Strategy, 2010 to 2020, NDS, kwTZtFOJK9g-00154-00059364-00059579 All Abilities, Queensland, kwTZtFOJK9g-00155-00059579-00059776 Opportunities for all, kwTZtFOJK9g-00156-00059776-00060255 State Disability Action Plan, 2017 to 2020, kwTZtFOJK9g-00157-00060336-00060640 Draft Queensland Transport Strategy, kwTZtFOJK9g-00158-00060640-00060988 our 30-year plan for transport in Queensland, kwTZtFOJK9g-00159-00061040-00061584 TMR Disability Service Plan, 2017 to 2020. kwTZtFOJK9g-00160-00061584-00062124 TMR Disability Action Plan, 2018 to 2022. kwTZtFOJK9g-00161-00062232-00062391 One point three. kwTZtFOJK9g-00162-00062391-00062588 Stakeholder expectations. kwTZtFOJK9g-00163-00062667-00062824 One point three point one, kwTZtFOJK9g-00164-00062872-00063040 customers. kwTZtFOJK9g-00165-00063040-00063400 Our customers have told us accessibility and inclusion kwTZtFOJK9g-00166-00063400-00063548 is important to them kwTZtFOJK9g-00167-00063548-00063788 and that they expect the following from us, kwTZtFOJK9g-00168-00063860-00064052 service, quality and safety, kwTZtFOJK9g-00169-00064120-00064416 ease of information and effective interfaces, kwTZtFOJK9g-00170-00064484-00064912 inclusive service supported by well-trained staff, kwTZtFOJK9g-00171-00064912-00065224 awareness of difference and needs, kwTZtFOJK9g-00172-00065224-00065576 creative design in infrastructure and services. kwTZtFOJK9g-00173-00065732-00066192 The stakeholders who operate the network and deliver services to customers kwTZtFOJK9g-00174-00066192-00066540 are committed to accessibility and inclusion kwTZtFOJK9g-00175-00066540-00066968 however they need the following support to deliver on this commitment. kwTZtFOJK9g-00176-00067072-00067232 One point three point two. kwTZtFOJK9g-00177-00067316-00067432 Our people. kwTZtFOJK9g-00178-00067504-00067872 Support through investment opportunities and recognition, kwTZtFOJK9g-00179-00067936-00068168 shared responsibility for inclusion, kwTZtFOJK9g-00180-00068244-00068544 individualised solutions for an accessible and kwTZtFOJK9g-00181-00068544-00068752 diversity confident workplace, kwTZtFOJK9g-00182-00068816-00069188 flexibility and strengths based tasks and roles. kwTZtFOJK9g-00183-00069288-00069600 Removal of barriers in the recruitment process. kwTZtFOJK9g-00184-00069776-00069936 One point three point three. kwTZtFOJK9g-00185-00069992-00070096 Partners. kwTZtFOJK9g-00186-00070152-00070512 Collaboration and shared accountability for accessibility, kwTZtFOJK9g-00187-00070596-00071052 funding for accessibility priorities beyond funding cycles, kwTZtFOJK9g-00188-00071128-00071548 flexible procurement policies that prioritise accessibility, kwTZtFOJK9g-00189-00071648-00072156 clarity on universal design and consistency across contractors. kwTZtFOJK9g-00190-00072328-00072496 One point four. kwTZtFOJK9g-00191-00072496-00072620 Fast facts. kwTZtFOJK9g-00192-00072748-00072980 Accessible and inclusive transport kwTZtFOJK9g-00193-00072980-00073288 allows everyone to participate in our community kwTZtFOJK9g-00194-00073288-00073796 through access to employment, health, education, recreation and culture. kwTZtFOJK9g-00195-00073948-00074272 This strategy will guide us in building an accessible kwTZtFOJK9g-00196-00074272-00074480 and inclusive transport system. kwTZtFOJK9g-00197-00074624-00074860 The TMR vision is to create a kwTZtFOJK9g-00198-00074860-00075252 single integrated transport network accessible to everyone kwTZtFOJK9g-00199-00075304-00075640 with the purpose of bringing Queensland closer together. kwTZtFOJK9g-00200-00075712-00075860 All Queenslanders, kwTZtFOJK9g-00201-00075860-00076132 irrespective of where they live and work, kwTZtFOJK9g-00202-00076132-00076448 can expect to have appropriate transport choices kwTZtFOJK9g-00203-00076448-00076740 and fair access to the transport system. kwTZtFOJK9g-00204-00076840-00077336 However, in Queensland significant barriers to transport use remain kwTZtFOJK9g-00205-00077336-00077692 and not everyone currently has the same opportunities kwTZtFOJK9g-00206-00077692-00077868 in using the transport system. kwTZtFOJK9g-00207-00077916-00078340 It is especially the vulnerable of our society who need to be considered. kwTZtFOJK9g-00208-00078492-00078844 18% of Queenslanders have a disability kwTZtFOJK9g-00209-00078844-00079308 and 261,000 Queenslanders of all ages kwTZtFOJK9g-00210-00079308-00079472 have a profound disability. kwTZtFOJK9g-00211-00079588-00080132 22.9% of people with a disability need assistance with mobility. kwTZtFOJK9g-00212-00080248-00080672 You are twice as likely to be unemployed if you have a disability, kwTZtFOJK9g-00213-00080672-00081316 Australia Bureau of Statistics Survey of Disability, Ageing and Carers, 2015. kwTZtFOJK9g-00214-00081456-00081652 people are living longer. kwTZtFOJK9g-00215-00081652-00081964 And with age the requirement for assistance kwTZtFOJK9g-00216-00081964-00082268 and the probability of impairment increases. kwTZtFOJK9g-00217-00082416-00083004 In 2017, 15% of Australians were aged 65 or over. kwTZtFOJK9g-00218-00083100-00083416 It is estimated that by 2057, kwTZtFOJK9g-00219-00083416-00083880 22% of the population will be aged 65 or over. kwTZtFOJK9g-00220-00083996-00084364 At 65 Australians can expect to live approximately half kwTZtFOJK9g-00221-00084364-00084716 of their remaining years with some level of disability, kwTZtFOJK9g-00222-00084780-00085028 Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2015. kwTZtFOJK9g-00223-00085232-00085556 There are approximately 220,000 kwTZtFOJK9g-00224-00085556-00085936 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Queensland kwTZtFOJK9g-00225-00085936-00086356 estimated at 4.6% of the total population, kwTZtFOJK9g-00226-00086356-00086784 Australia Bureau of Statistics Census, 2016. kwTZtFOJK9g-00227-00086784-00087116 Some who live in very remote areas of Queensland. kwTZtFOJK9g-00228-00087228-00087624 36% of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people kwTZtFOJK9g-00229-00087624-00087860 have some form of disability, kwTZtFOJK9g-00230-00087860-00088216 Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2015. kwTZtFOJK9g-00231-00088416-00088792 Our society is becoming more culturally diverse. kwTZtFOJK9g-00232-00088792-00089272 12% of Queenslanders speak a language other than English at home, kwTZtFOJK9g-00233-00089324-00089664 Australia Bureau of Statistics Census, 2016. kwTZtFOJK9g-00234-00089832-00090316 Queensland is home to people from more than 220 countries. kwTZtFOJK9g-00235-00090316-00090884 220 languages spoken, 100 religious beliefs, kwTZtFOJK9g-00236-00090884-00091196 Australia Bureau of Statistics Census, 2011. kwTZtFOJK9g-00237-00091372-00091664 In 2018-19, kwTZtFOJK9g-00238-00091664-00092208 international visitors to Queensland increased to 2.8 million kwTZtFOJK9g-00239-00092208-00092588 with 8.5 million visitors to Australia, kwTZtFOJK9g-00240-00092588-00092944 Tourism and Events Queensland, 2019. kwTZtFOJK9g-00241-00093052-00093620 International tourism snapshot year ending September 2019. kwTZtFOJK9g-00242-00093848-00094312 In 2018-19, Queensland domestic visitors kwTZtFOJK9g-00243-00094312-00094644 reached 25.3 million. kwTZtFOJK9g-00244-00094644-00094964 Tourism and Events Queensland, 2019. kwTZtFOJK9g-00245-00095036-00095644 Total International and Domestic Fact Sheet year ending September 2019. kwTZtFOJK9g-00246-00095836-00096140 Not everyone can afford transport. kwTZtFOJK9g-00247-00096140-00096696 It is estimated that 28.3% of Queensland's working population kwTZtFOJK9g-00248-00096696-00097028 earns less than $499 a week. kwTZtFOJK9g-00249-00097112-00097436 Australia Bureau of Statistics Census, 2016. kwTZtFOJK9g-00250-00097700-00098024 The above statistics emphasises the importance kwTZtFOJK9g-00251-00098024-00098272 of a whole of department, AIS. kwTZtFOJK9g-00252-00098344-00098616 Accessible and inclusive transport kwTZtFOJK9g-00253-00098616-00098876 is critical to breaking down barriers kwTZtFOJK9g-00254-00098876-00099132 to accessing employment, health, kwTZtFOJK9g-00255-00099132-00099464 education, recreations, community and culture. kwTZtFOJK9g-00256-00099576-00099840 We are proud to have the role of connecting kwTZtFOJK9g-00257-00099840-00100240 people, places, goods and services safely, efficiently kwTZtFOJK9g-00258-00100240-00100448 and effectively across Queensland. kwTZtFOJK9g-00259-00100588-00100984 It is equally important that as a department we drive kwTZtFOJK9g-00260-00100984-00101328 diversity and inclusion in our recruitment, kwTZtFOJK9g-00261-00101328-00101592 career pathways and our workplaces kwTZtFOJK9g-00262-00101664-00101976 making sure our business practices and workplaces kwTZtFOJK9g-00263-00101976-00102552 enable everyone including vulnerable or marginalised people to be included. kwTZtFOJK9g-00264-00102756-00103083 Queensland Public Sector Diversity targets. kwTZtFOJK9g-00265-00103188-00103804 50% of all women in all senior officer, senior executive service and above kwTZtFOJK9g-00266-00103804-00104016 including Section 122. kwTZtFOJK9g-00267-00104164-00104524 3 per cent of staff Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, kwTZtFOJK9g-00268-00104628-00104848 8% people with disability, kwTZtFOJK9g-00269-00104928-00105383 10% to include employees from non-English speaking backgrounds. kwTZtFOJK9g-00270-00105540-00105759 Department of Transport and Main Roads. kwTZtFOJK9g-00271-00105876-00106440 By 2022, TMR aim to have the following workforce representation, kwTZtFOJK9g-00272-00106548-00107204 38% of all women in all senior officer/ senior executive service roles. kwTZtFOJK9g-00273-00107296-00107800 3% of employees to include Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. kwTZtFOJK9g-00274-00107888-00108364 6.5% people with disability/disabilities. kwTZtFOJK9g-00275-00108456-00108832 9.5% to include employees kwTZtFOJK9g-00276-00108832-00109068 from non-English speaking backgrounds, kwTZtFOJK9g-00277-00109308-00109483 1.5. kwTZtFOJK9g-00278-00109483-00109744 Common terms used throughout this document. kwTZtFOJK9g-00279-00109868-00110208 Department of Transport and Main Roads, TMR. kwTZtFOJK9g-00280-00110300-00110524 The Department of Transport and Main Roads kwTZtFOJK9g-00281-00110524-00110959 moves and connects people, places, goods and services kwTZtFOJK9g-00282-00110959-00111376 safely, efficiently and effectively across Queensland. kwTZtFOJK9g-00283-00111376-00111835 We plan, manage and deliver Queensland's integrated transport environment kwTZtFOJK9g-00284-00111888-00112404 to achieve sustainable transport solutions for road, rail, air and sea. kwTZtFOJK9g-00285-00112576-00112848 Integrated transport network. kwTZtFOJK9g-00286-00112848-00113240 Integration of public and private sector transport services kwTZtFOJK9g-00287-00113240-00113535 and all modes of transport including kwTZtFOJK9g-00288-00113535-00113824 active modes such as cycling and walking. kwTZtFOJK9g-00289-00114008-00114380 Mobility as a Service, MAAS. kwTZtFOJK9g-00290-00114476-00114944 Mobility as a Service describes a shift away from personally owned kwTZtFOJK9g-00291-00114944-00115288 modes of transportation towards mobility solutions kwTZtFOJK9g-00292-00115288-00115472 consumed as a service. kwTZtFOJK9g-00293-00115548-00116111 MAAS combines public and private transportation services. kwTZtFOJK9g-00294-00116111-00116516 It is based on personalised journey planning through an application. kwTZtFOJK9g-00295-00116668-00116772 Co-design. kwTZtFOJK9g-00296-00116883-00117268 Co-design is a design methodology/process kwTZtFOJK9g-00297-00117320-00117768 that actively involves customers and stakeholders in the design process. kwTZtFOJK9g-00298-00117824-00118208 Designing together ensures that the solutions implemented kwTZtFOJK9g-00299-00118208-00118648 appropriately consider customer and stakeholders respective needs. kwTZtFOJK9g-00300-00118808-00118944 Universal design. kwTZtFOJK9g-00301-00119068-00119316 Universal Design is a framework for kwTZtFOJK9g-00302-00119316-00119711 the design of living and working spaces and products kwTZtFOJK9g-00303-00119711-00120024 benefiting the widest possible range of people kwTZtFOJK9g-00304-00120024-00120500 in the widest range of situations without special or separate design. kwTZtFOJK9g-00305-00120708-00120824 Life stage. kwTZtFOJK9g-00306-00120932-00121135 Life stage refers to the phases kwTZtFOJK9g-00307-00121135-00121452 that people pass through over the course of their lives. kwTZtFOJK9g-00308-00121508-00121948 Typical life stages include infancy, childhood, adolescence, kwTZtFOJK9g-00309-00121948-00122148 adulthood and old age. kwTZtFOJK9g-00310-00122348-00122488 Project life cycle. kwTZtFOJK9g-00311-00122596-00122916 Project life cycle is the sequence of stages kwTZtFOJK9g-00312-00122916-00123196 that a project goes through from beginning to end. kwTZtFOJK9g-00313-00123348-00123448 Functional. kwTZtFOJK9g-00314-00123504-00123996 Designed to meet the needs of the end user and achieves its intended purpose. kwTZtFOJK9g-00315-00124135-00124235 Network. kwTZtFOJK9g-00316-00124316-00124668 This refers to all transport products, services, kwTZtFOJK9g-00317-00124668-00125008 information and infrastructure across Queensland. kwTZtFOJK9g-00318-00125176-00125328 Accessible design. kwTZtFOJK9g-00319-00125444-00125759 Designing for equal usability for all kwTZtFOJK9g-00320-00125759-00125940 with regard to mobility, kwTZtFOJK9g-00321-00125940-00126208 facilities, devices and services kwTZtFOJK9g-00322-00126208-00126548 and incorporating disability access standards. kwTZtFOJK9g-00323-00126756-00126900 Inclusive design. kwTZtFOJK9g-00324-00127020-00127259 Designing services information, kwTZtFOJK9g-00325-00127259-00127444 products and infrastructure kwTZtFOJK9g-00326-00127444-00127735 for the needs of the widest possible audience. kwTZtFOJK9g-00327-00127952-00128132 User-centred design. kwTZtFOJK9g-00328-00128232-00128680 Placing users perspectives and needs at the centre of the design process kwTZtFOJK9g-00329-00128859-00129020 Barrier-free design. kwTZtFOJK9g-00330-00129124-00129540 Constructing or retrofitting infrastructure in vehicles kwTZtFOJK9g-00331-00129540-00129804 to eliminate barriers and obstacles kwTZtFOJK9g-00332-00129804-00130040 that would otherwise restrict the range kwTZtFOJK9g-00333-00130040-00130432 of users and purposes for which the space can be used. kwTZtFOJK9g-00334-00130628-00130840 Trans-generational design. kwTZtFOJK9g-00335-00130911-00131456 Improving quality of life for people of all ages and levels of mobility kwTZtFOJK9g-00336-00131456-00131644 both now and into the future. kwTZtFOJK9g-00337-00131764-00131948 Assistive technology. kwTZtFOJK9g-00338-00132020-00132496 Engineering that supports improved access for people with disability kwTZtFOJK9g-00339-00132496-00132936 to complete tasks by increasing maintaining or improving kwTZtFOJK9g-00340-00132936-00133236 the functional capabilities and independence kwTZtFOJK9g-00341-00133236-00133576 to facilitate accessibility and participation. kwTZtFOJK9g-00342-00133760-00133912 One point six. kwTZtFOJK9g-00343-00133912-00134012 Definitions. kwTZtFOJK9g-00344-00134116-00134448 For TMR as a network provider and employer, kwTZtFOJK9g-00345-00134448-00134896 accessibility and inclusion focuses on connected easy kwTZtFOJK9g-00346-00134896-00135220 experiences and equality of opportunity. kwTZtFOJK9g-00347-00135340-00135568 The following definitions for accessibility kwTZtFOJK9g-00348-00135568-00135876 and inclusion were developed collaboratively kwTZtFOJK9g-00349-00135876-00136060 developed through consultation kwTZtFOJK9g-00350-00136060-00136380 with a diverse group of customers, employees kwTZtFOJK9g-00351-00136380-00136740 government and private delivery partners across Queensland. kwTZtFOJK9g-00352-00136872-00136972 Accessibility. kwTZtFOJK9g-00353-00137080-00137328 Accessibility means being able to use kwTZtFOJK9g-00354-00137328-00137620 the full range of services and products. kwTZtFOJK9g-00355-00137620-00137876 It means having services that are functional kwTZtFOJK9g-00356-00137876-00138140 and designed to allow access for all. kwTZtFOJK9g-00357-00138196-00138524 It results in a connected and easy experience. kwTZtFOJK9g-00358-00138632-00138732 Inclusion. kwTZtFOJK9g-00359-00138804-00139224 Inclusion is about everyone feeling confident and safe kwTZtFOJK9g-00360-00139224-00139552 when accessing services and facilities. kwTZtFOJK9g-00361-00139552-00140036 It means being included and having equality of opportunity. kwTZtFOJK9g-00362-00140220-00140344 One point seven. kwTZtFOJK9g-00363-00140416-00140572 Guiding principles. kwTZtFOJK9g-00364-00140688-00140992 Universal design principles are the guiding principles kwTZtFOJK9g-00365-00140992-00141188 to achieve our vision. kwTZtFOJK9g-00366-00141344-00141580 Universal design principles. kwTZtFOJK9g-00367-00141660-00141984 The purpose of the principles is to guide the design kwTZtFOJK9g-00368-00141984-00142276 of environments, products and communications. kwTZtFOJK9g-00369-00142352-00142608 Principle one, equitable use. kwTZtFOJK9g-00370-00142660-00143012 Principle two, flexibility and use. kwTZtFOJK9g-00371-00143012-00143388 Principle three, simple and intuitive use. kwTZtFOJK9g-00372-00143444-00143764 Principle four, perceptible information. kwTZtFOJK9g-00373-00143824-00144120 Principle five, tolerance for error. kwTZtFOJK9g-00374-00144184-00144500 Principle six, low physical effort. kwTZtFOJK9g-00375-00144580-00145028 Principle seven, size and space for approach and use. kwTZtFOJK9g-00376-00145188-00145456 Key benefits of universal design. kwTZtFOJK9g-00377-00145580-00146048 It's easier and more cost effective to plan from the start than retrofit. kwTZtFOJK9g-00378-00146148-00146592 Reputations of organisations applying universal design is improved. kwTZtFOJK9g-00379-00146704-00146920 Accessibility to everyone kwTZtFOJK9g-00380-00146920-00147404 maximises the number of people who use services products and infrastructure, kwTZtFOJK9g-00381-00147484-00147964 creates welcoming environments and decreases stress levels. kwTZtFOJK9g-00382-00148148-00148248 Co-design. kwTZtFOJK9g-00383-00148364-00148656 Co-design is a design methodology kwTZtFOJK9g-00384-00148656-00149100 that actively involves customers and stakeholders in the design process. kwTZtFOJK9g-00385-00149180-00149592 Designing together ensures that the designs implemented kwTZtFOJK9g-00386-00149592-00150020 appropriately consider customer and stakeholders respective needs. kwTZtFOJK9g-00387-00150120-00150660 Critically, co-design is a process to achieve universal design. kwTZtFOJK9g-00388-00150884-00150996 One point eight. kwTZtFOJK9g-00389-00151104-00151520 We are making progress towards providing accessible and inclusive kwTZtFOJK9g-00390-00151520-00151952 transport products, services information and infrastructure. kwTZtFOJK9g-00391-00152112-00152460 TMR has already undertaken significant work kwTZtFOJK9g-00392-00152460-00152832 to deliver an accessible and inclusive experience for all. kwTZtFOJK9g-00393-00152940-00153116 Many current initiatives kwTZtFOJK9g-00394-00153116-00153480 seek to address different facets of accessibility and inclusion kwTZtFOJK9g-00395-00153536-00153840 including the Queensland Transport Strategy, kwTZtFOJK9g-00396-00153840-00154056 Queensland Walking Strategy, kwTZtFOJK9g-00397-00154056-00154444 co-design in infrastructure and service development, kwTZtFOJK9g-00398-00154444-00154876 cultural awareness training and accessibility stage gates kwTZtFOJK9g-00399-00154876-00155036 for project managers. kwTZtFOJK9g-00400-00155116-00155428 However we recognise that more is needed kwTZtFOJK9g-00401-00155428-00155688 to ensure that transport products, kwTZtFOJK9g-00402-00155688-00156076 services, information and infrastructure in Queensland kwTZtFOJK9g-00403-00156076-00156264 are fully accessible for all. kwTZtFOJK9g-00404-00156432-00156532 Work to date. kwTZtFOJK9g-00405-00156652-00157096 A snapshot of the recent initiatives TMR has already undertaken kwTZtFOJK9g-00406-00157096-00157456 are outlined below highlighting our dedication kwTZtFOJK9g-00407-00157456-00157864 to improving the accessibility of Queensland's transport network. kwTZtFOJK9g-00408-00158048-00158460 Implementing all 24 forward commission of inquiry, kwTZtFOJK9g-00409-00158508-00159036 new generation rolling stock train recommendations across TMR kwTZtFOJK9g-00410-00159036-00159260 and co-design of rolling stock. kwTZtFOJK9g-00411-00159432-00159720 Inclusive mapping pilot project, kwTZtFOJK9g-00412-00159720-00159972 trialled emerging technologies, kwTZtFOJK9g-00413-00159972-00160424 bio-metrics to deliver enhanced transport network information kwTZtFOJK9g-00414-00160424-00160700 for people with mobility challenges. kwTZtFOJK9g-00415-00160700-00161012 Wheelchair/other device users, kwTZtFOJK9g-00416-00161012-00161268 injured and people pushing prams. kwTZtFOJK9g-00417-00161400-00161808 Human resource career pathways program in action. kwTZtFOJK9g-00418-00161808-00162180 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island traineeship program, kwTZtFOJK9g-00419-00162228-00162780 executive champions for gender equity, inclusion and diversity, kwTZtFOJK9g-00420-00162780-00162960 and people with disability. kwTZtFOJK9g-00421-00163028-00163516 TMR hosted 10 people with varying levels of disability kwTZtFOJK9g-00422-00163516-00163828 for 2019 accessibility day. kwTZtFOJK9g-00423-00163944-00164232 TransLink Disability Action Plan, kwTZtFOJK9g-00424-00164232-00164540 2018 to 2022 released kwTZtFOJK9g-00425-00164540-00164772 with accessible versions online. kwTZtFOJK9g-00426-00164888-00165192 Indigenous driver licencing program kwTZtFOJK9g-00427-00165192-00165476 aims to reduce unlicensed driving kwTZtFOJK9g-00428-00165476-00165748 in remote and Indigenous communities kwTZtFOJK9g-00429-00165748-00166064 in far north Queensland including Cape York, kwTZtFOJK9g-00430-00166064-00166336 the Gulf and Torres Strait Islands. kwTZtFOJK9g-00431-00166520-00166620 Work ahead. kwTZtFOJK9g-00432-00166736-00167072 TMR is working towards delivering our vision kwTZtFOJK9g-00433-00167072-00167416 of creating a single integrated transport network kwTZtFOJK9g-00434-00167416-00167616 accessible to everyone kwTZtFOJK9g-00435-00167616-00168216 by leading the National Accessible Transport Taskforce, NATT kwTZtFOJK9g-00436-00168216-00168488 to review and modernise the Disability Standards kwTZtFOJK9g-00437-00168488-00168772 for Accessible Public Transport, kwTZtFOJK9g-00438-00168772-00169188 DSAPT, 2002 Commonwealth. kwTZtFOJK9g-00439-00169320-00169908 Developing the TMR Accessibility and inclusion, L Action Plan, kwTZtFOJK9g-00440-00169908-00170064 the action plan, kwTZtFOJK9g-00441-00170064-00170384 to focus on key accessibility projects. kwTZtFOJK9g-00442-00170456-00170632 Initiating change, kwTZtFOJK9g-00443-00170632-00170880 embedding guiding principles kwTZtFOJK9g-00444-00170880-00171348 and making accessibility and inclusion business as usual kwTZtFOJK9g-00445-00171348-00171656 across Queensland's transport network. kwTZtFOJK9g-00446-00171756-00172044 The action plan will document TMR's kwTZtFOJK9g-00447-00172044-00172280 accessibility and inclusion journey kwTZtFOJK9g-00448-00172336-00172672 through programs of work to be implemented over the next kwTZtFOJK9g-00449-00172672-00172856 one to three years, kwTZtFOJK9g-00450-00172856-00172976 three to five years, kwTZtFOJK9g-00451-00173044-00173176 five to ten years. kwTZtFOJK9g-00452-00185476-00185664 Two, strategy. kwTZtFOJK9g-00453-00185800-00186188 TMR will be an accessibility and inclusion leader. kwTZtFOJK9g-00454-00186324-00186460 Our aspiration. kwTZtFOJK9g-00455-00186584-00186924 Accessible and inclusive transport products, services, kwTZtFOJK9g-00456-00186924-00187172 information and infrastructure kwTZtFOJK9g-00457-00187172-00187616 are critical to allow everyone to participate in our community kwTZtFOJK9g-00458-00187616-00188120 and access employment, health, education, recreation and culture. kwTZtFOJK9g-00459-00188284-00188464 TMR will be a leader in kwTZtFOJK9g-00460-00188464-00188800 the provision of dignified accessible and inclusive kwTZtFOJK9g-00461-00188800-00189272 transport products, services, information and infrastructure. kwTZtFOJK9g-00462-00189392-00189828 TMR we'll work collaboratively with our delivery partners, kwTZtFOJK9g-00463-00189828-00190208 service providers and all levels of government kwTZtFOJK9g-00464-00190208-00190568 to ensure alignment with government objectives, kwTZtFOJK9g-00465-00190568-00190972 broader human rights and legislative obligations. kwTZtFOJK9g-00466-00191096-00191220 For our customers. kwTZtFOJK9g-00467-00191336-00191636 They are able to access the transport products, kwTZtFOJK9g-00468-00191636-00191960 services, information and infrastructure they need. kwTZtFOJK9g-00469-00192052-00192396 They have a consistent and user friendly experience kwTZtFOJK9g-00470-00192396-00192744 regardless of whether the service is delivered by TMR, kwTZtFOJK9g-00471-00192744-00192892 or a delivery partner. kwTZtFOJK9g-00472-00193044-00193204 For our employees. kwTZtFOJK9g-00473-00193280-00193660 They experience an accessible and inclusive workplace. kwTZtFOJK9g-00474-00193756-00194112 They are inclusive when interacting and communicating kwTZtFOJK9g-00475-00194112-00194436 with customers, colleagues and delivery partners. kwTZtFOJK9g-00476-00194500-00194884 They reflect and represent the communities in which we operate. kwTZtFOJK9g-00477-00195052-00195188 For our partners. kwTZtFOJK9g-00478-00195288-00195736 They are inclusive when interacting and communicating with customers, kwTZtFOJK9g-00479-00195736-00196148 our people and Queensland residents and visitors. kwTZtFOJK9g-00480-00196148-00196556 They provide accessible and inclusive transport products, kwTZtFOJK9g-00481-00196556-00196856 services, information and infrastructure. kwTZtFOJK9g-00482-00197044-00197164 Two point one. kwTZtFOJK9g-00483-00197256-00197776 TMR commits to prioritising accessibility and inclusion needs. kwTZtFOJK9g-00484-00197912-00198248 Leading Queensland in the provision of accessible and inclusive kwTZtFOJK9g-00485-00198248-00198708 transport products, services information and infrastructure kwTZtFOJK9g-00486-00198756-00199240 requires us to define our focus for accessibility and inclusion. kwTZtFOJK9g-00487-00199332-00199700 We see the greatest opportunity to achieve our ambition kwTZtFOJK9g-00488-00199700-00200124 by focusing on three stakeholder groups within Queensland kwTZtFOJK9g-00489-00200284-00200456 Two point one, point one. kwTZtFOJK9g-00490-00200512-00200628 Our customers. kwTZtFOJK9g-00491-00200716-00200872 Transport services, products, kwTZtFOJK9g-00492-00200872-00201216 information and infrastructure in Queensland. kwTZtFOJK9g-00493-00201364-00201768 TMR acknowledges it must provide customers with safe kwTZtFOJK9g-00494-00201768-00202184 reliable convenient and inclusive transport products, kwTZtFOJK9g-00495-00202184-00202456 services, information and infrastructure kwTZtFOJK9g-00496-00202456-00202764 that takes their accessibility needs into account. kwTZtFOJK9g-00497-00202848-00203224 For example, disabilities and medical conditions, kwTZtFOJK9g-00498-00203292-00203460 age and life stage, kwTZtFOJK9g-00499-00203536-00203668 language and culture kwTZtFOJK9g-00500-00203756-00204000 gender and sexual orientation, kwTZtFOJK9g-00501-00204080-00204260 socio-economic, kwTZtFOJK9g-00502-00204260-00204384 location. kwTZtFOJK9g-00503-00204480-00204712 TMR is committed to providing kwTZtFOJK9g-00504-00204712-00205012 accessible and inclusive transport products, kwTZtFOJK9g-00505-00205012-00205464 services information and infrastructure across Queensland. kwTZtFOJK9g-00506-00205684-00205852 Two point one point two. kwTZtFOJK9g-00507-00205912-00206028 Our people. kwTZtFOJK9g-00508-00206116-00206592 Accessible and inclusive TMR workplaces and work practices. kwTZtFOJK9g-00509-00206744-00206971 TMR acknowledges it must provide kwTZtFOJK9g-00510-00206971-00207332 our people with a meaningful employment experience kwTZtFOJK9g-00511-00207332-00207816 supported by an adaptable employer who understands their needs kwTZtFOJK9g-00512-00207816-00208371 and works to build an accessible and inclusive workplace and work practices. kwTZtFOJK9g-00513-00208436-00208808 TMR is committed to creating and maintaining kwTZtFOJK9g-00514-00208808-00209240 an accessible and inclusive workplace and work practices kwTZtFOJK9g-00515-00209240-00209484 for current and future employees. kwTZtFOJK9g-00516-00209660-00209844 Two point one point three. kwTZtFOJK9g-00517-00209892-00210032 Our partners kwTZtFOJK9g-00518-00210100-00210428 Co-design and collaboration with partners. kwTZtFOJK9g-00519-00210604-00211196 TMR acknowledges it must provide our partners, including strategic partners, kwTZtFOJK9g-00520-00211196-00211696 service partners, delivery partners, academia and industry kwTZtFOJK9g-00521-00211696-00212180 with clarity around accessibility and inclusion expectations kwTZtFOJK9g-00522-00212232-00212632 and support from TMR to deliver the right solutions. kwTZtFOJK9g-00523-00212732-00213208 TMR is committed to providing clear guidance to all partners kwTZtFOJK9g-00524-00213208-00213592 and will communicate the priorities and long-term goals kwTZtFOJK9g-00525-00213592-00213888 with regards to accessibility and inclusion. kwTZtFOJK9g-00526-00214060-00214184 Two point two. kwTZtFOJK9g-00527-00214267-00214432 TMR will embed kwTZtFOJK9g-00528-00214432-00214719 accessibility and inclusion in all that we do. kwTZtFOJK9g-00529-00214860-00215040 Two point two, point one. kwTZtFOJK9g-00530-00215128-00215536 TMR principles of accessibility and inclusion. kwTZtFOJK9g-00531-00215619-00215912 One, design with me. kwTZtFOJK9g-00532-00215912-00216176 Nothing about us, without us. kwTZtFOJK9g-00533-00216236-00216444 We will ask for input early. kwTZtFOJK9g-00534-00216552-00216912 Where partners are required to deliver solutions with us, kwTZtFOJK9g-00535-00216912-00217356 we will involve them in co-design and take their perspective into account. kwTZtFOJK9g-00536-00217484-00217623 Two. kwTZtFOJK9g-00537-00217623-00217844 Make me feel welcome and independent. kwTZtFOJK9g-00538-00217967-00218456 Customers who use our services, information,products and infrastructure kwTZtFOJK9g-00539-00218456-00218740 should feel confident that we are meeting their needs. kwTZtFOJK9g-00540-00218856-00219328 Our people should see TMR as a safe and inclusive place kwTZtFOJK9g-00541-00219328-00219576 where they can bring their whole selves to work. kwTZtFOJK9g-00542-00219692-00219916 Partners should see TMR kwTZtFOJK9g-00543-00219916-00220204 as being open to suggestions from everyone. kwTZtFOJK9g-00544-00220348-00220448 Three. kwTZtFOJK9g-00545-00220504-00220644 Listen and improve. kwTZtFOJK9g-00546-00220760-00221067 We will constantly look to improve the experience kwTZtFOJK9g-00547-00221067-00221284 for our customers, our people kwTZtFOJK9g-00548-00221284-00221544 and the partners who work with our organisation. kwTZtFOJK9g-00549-00221632-00221876 We will do this by asking for feedback kwTZtFOJK9g-00550-00221876-00222108 and taking action where we are falling short kwTZtFOJK9g-00551-00222108-00222396 of the aspiration we have set for ourselves. kwTZtFOJK9g-00552-00222523-00222623 Four. kwTZtFOJK9g-00553-00222676-00222876 Inclusion is our culture. kwTZtFOJK9g-00554-00222964-00223248 We are already on a journey of providing greater kwTZtFOJK9g-00555-00223248-00223548 accessibility and being more inclusive. kwTZtFOJK9g-00556-00223600-00223823 We will continue to provide our people kwTZtFOJK9g-00557-00223823-00224080 with the environment and tools they need. kwTZtFOJK9g-00558-00224216-00224500 Our values will be shared with our partners kwTZtFOJK9g-00559-00224500-00224771 so they understand our expectations. kwTZtFOJK9g-00560-00224923-00225064 Two point three. kwTZtFOJK9g-00561-00225148-00225304 TMR will develop kwTZtFOJK9g-00562-00225304-00225619 the critical capabilities needed to deliver kwTZtFOJK9g-00563-00225619-00225912 accessible transport services, information, kwTZtFOJK9g-00564-00225912-00226108 products and infrastructure. kwTZtFOJK9g-00565-00226204-00226356 Point three point one. kwTZtFOJK9g-00566-00226416-00226516 Design. kwTZtFOJK9g-00567-00226564-00226844 Inclusive and collaborative design. kwTZtFOJK9g-00568-00226936-00227419 Comply with our obligations under disability and human rights legislation. kwTZtFOJK9g-00569-00227484-00227840 Apply universal design principles and guidelines. kwTZtFOJK9g-00570-00227960-00228136 Two point three point two. kwTZtFOJK9g-00571-00228212-00228344 Business practices. kwTZtFOJK9g-00572-00228448-00228836 Inclusive business practices in the project lifecycle. kwTZtFOJK9g-00573-00228940-00229352 Inclusive processes to develop and provide services and products. kwTZtFOJK9g-00574-00229428-00229680 Co-design with customers and partners. kwTZtFOJK9g-00575-00229771-00229952 Guidelines for partners. kwTZtFOJK9g-00576-00230032-00230367 Embed inclusion in procurement principles. kwTZtFOJK9g-00577-00230467-00230812 Accessibility and inclusion in recruitment, kwTZtFOJK9g-00578-00230812-00231123 task management and employee evaluation. kwTZtFOJK9g-00579-00231280-00231652 Design and enable accessibility and inclusion kwTZtFOJK9g-00580-00231652-00231944 at all stages of the employee journey. kwTZtFOJK9g-00581-00231944-00232364 For example employment entry points and career development. kwTZtFOJK9g-00582-00232476-00232944 Provide infrastructure to support our people in any location. kwTZtFOJK9g-00583-00233080-00233252 Two point three point three. kwTZtFOJK9g-00584-00233332-00233556 Customer information and tools. kwTZtFOJK9g-00585-00233656-00234196 Personalised data and information delivery , collection and analysis. kwTZtFOJK9g-00586-00234280-00234771 Provide accessible ways for customers to access information and assistance. kwTZtFOJK9g-00587-00234848-00235460 Use customer data and insights to understand customer experience and needs kwTZtFOJK9g-00588-00235460-00235816 and deliver dignified and supportive experiences. kwTZtFOJK9g-00589-00235967-00236176 Two point three point four. kwTZtFOJK9g-00590-00236176-00236319 Reporting and data. kwTZtFOJK9g-00591-00236436-00236876 Accessibility and inclusion measures, reporting and auditing. kwTZtFOJK9g-00592-00236992-00237296 Clear accessibility and inclusion metrics. kwTZtFOJK9g-00593-00237376-00237776 Data management and reporting capability to evaluate progress. kwTZtFOJK9g-00594-00237876-00238344 Build accessibility and inclusion measures into the project lifecycle. kwTZtFOJK9g-00595-00238476-00238856 Clearly define accessibility and inclusion metrics kwTZtFOJK9g-00596-00238856-00239084 in key reporting products kwTZtFOJK9g-00597-00239084-00239464 for example business plans, employee agreements. kwTZtFOJK9g-00598-00239628-00239800 Two point three point five. kwTZtFOJK9g-00599-00239867-00239984 Culture. kwTZtFOJK9g-00600-00240048-00240376 Culture fostering accessibility and inclusion. kwTZtFOJK9g-00601-00240504-00240808 Train our people to build their skills in meeting kwTZtFOJK9g-00602-00240808-00241267 customer and employee accessibility and inclusion needs. kwTZtFOJK9g-00603-00241371-00241816 Build confidence to engage customers and our people in co-design. kwTZtFOJK9g-00604-00241923-00242352 Share information on what we are doing in accessibility and inclusion. kwTZtFOJK9g-00605-00242460-00242823 Educate and build awareness of obligations under the law. kwTZtFOJK9g-00606-00242940-00243267 Advocate across government partners and community. kwTZtFOJK9g-00607-00243419-00243612 Two point three point six. kwTZtFOJK9g-00608-00243612-00243776 Inclusive leadership. kwTZtFOJK9g-00609-00243856-00244171 Leadership team with an inclusive mindset. kwTZtFOJK9g-00610-00244284-00244652 Change led by leaders who drive the cultural shift kwTZtFOJK9g-00611-00244652-00244884 towards accessibility and inclusion. kwTZtFOJK9g-00612-00244971-00245352 Commit to accessibility and inclusion as an objective kwTZtFOJK9g-00613-00245352-00245576 that aligns with personal value. kwTZtFOJK9g-00614-00245684-00246048 Demonstrate open mindedness towards different ideas. kwTZtFOJK9g-00615-00246167-00246288 Two point four. kwTZtFOJK9g-00616-00246360-00246700 TMR will be a leader in the provision of dignified kwTZtFOJK9g-00617-00246700-00247028 accessible and inclusive transport products, kwTZtFOJK9g-00618-00247028-00247336 services, information and infrastructure. kwTZtFOJK9g-00619-00247504-00247664 Two point four point one. kwTZtFOJK9g-00620-00247728-00247852 Our customers. kwTZtFOJK9g-00621-00247928-00248064 Design with me. kwTZtFOJK9g-00622-00248171-00248640 TMR engages with customers early to co-design accessible kwTZtFOJK9g-00623-00248640-00249123 and inclusive products, services, information and infrastructure. kwTZtFOJK9g-00624-00249204-00249628 TMR applies universal design principles and guidelines. kwTZtFOJK9g-00625-00249780-00250016 Make me feel welcome and independent. kwTZtFOJK9g-00626-00250132-00250376 TMR's transport products are flexible, kwTZtFOJK9g-00627-00250376-00250723 accessible and inclusive of customers needs kwTZtFOJK9g-00628-00250852-00251148 TMR's customers are treated with respect kwTZtFOJK9g-00629-00251148-00251448 and are offered support at key moments that matter. kwTZtFOJK9g-00630-00251676-00251823 Listen and improve. kwTZtFOJK9g-00631-00251952-00252323 TMR customer feedback is collected and analysed kwTZtFOJK9g-00632-00252323-00252640 to better respond to expectations and needs. kwTZtFOJK9g-00633-00252716-00252996 TMR transport products, services, kwTZtFOJK9g-00634-00252996-00253508 information and infrastructure will be improved using customer feedback. kwTZtFOJK9g-00635-00253708-00253908 Inclusion is our culture. kwTZtFOJK9g-00636-00254028-00254544 TMR thinks beyond compliance to create quality experiences. kwTZtFOJK9g-00637-00254656-00254828 Two point four point two. kwTZtFOJK9g-00638-00254884-00255071 Our employees. kwTZtFOJK9g-00639-00255140-00255267 Design with me. kwTZtFOJK9g-00640-00255371-00255900 TMR provides a safe, supportive, flexible and inclusive environment kwTZtFOJK9g-00641-00255900-00256271 that allows every employee to meaningfully contribute. kwTZtFOJK9g-00642-00256396-00256932 TMR business practices reflect our accessible and inclusive culture. kwTZtFOJK9g-00643-00257112-00257371 Make me feel welcome and independent. kwTZtFOJK9g-00644-00257519-00257860 TMR employees are aware and value kwTZtFOJK9g-00645-00257860-00258156 the accessibility and inclusion of our culture. kwTZtFOJK9g-00646-00258271-00258616 TMR employees are trained and empowered kwTZtFOJK9g-00647-00258616-00259040 to provide excellent service and quality customer experiences. kwTZtFOJK9g-00648-00259212-00259388 Listen and improve. kwTZtFOJK9g-00649-00259504-00259884 TMR employee feedback is collected and analysed kwTZtFOJK9g-00650-00259884-00260180 to become an accessible and inclusive employer. kwTZtFOJK9g-00651-00260312-00260816 TMR employees share accessibility and inclusion stories kwTZtFOJK9g-00652-00260816-00261112 to raise awareness and improve our services. kwTZtFOJK9g-00653-00261244-00261436 Inclusion is our culture. kwTZtFOJK9g-00654-00261556-00261916 TMR has an accessible and inclusive culture kwTZtFOJK9g-00655-00261916-00262112 and is an employer of choice. kwTZtFOJK9g-00656-00262268-00262452 Two point four point three. kwTZtFOJK9g-00657-00262504-00262624 Our partners. kwTZtFOJK9g-00658-00262704-00262832 Design with me. kwTZtFOJK9g-00659-00262952-00263300 TMR engages with our partners to co-design kwTZtFOJK9g-00660-00263300-00263608 accessible and inclusive products, services, kwTZtFOJK9g-00661-00263608-00263864 information and infrastructure, kwTZtFOJK9g-00662-00263864-00264204 delivery guidelines/standards kwTZtFOJK9g-00663-00264204-00264604 to provide a consistent state-wide customer experience. kwTZtFOJK9g-00664-00264724-00265212 TMR's partners understand and actively support the department kwTZtFOJK9g-00665-00265212-00265528 in providing a dignified and accessible network. kwTZtFOJK9g-00666-00265712-00266008 Make me feel welcome and independent. kwTZtFOJK9g-00667-00266136-00266500 TMR works with and supports delivery partners kwTZtFOJK9g-00668-00266500-00266832 in regional, rural and remote areas kwTZtFOJK9g-00669-00266832-00267296 to overcome their unique challenges and take advantage of opportunities. kwTZtFOJK9g-00670-00267512-00267664 Listen and improve. kwTZtFOJK9g-00671-00267800-00268216 TMR collaboratively works with delivery partners kwTZtFOJK9g-00672-00268216-00268536 to respond to customer and stakeholder feedback. kwTZtFOJK9g-00673-00268632-00268940 TMR delivery partners have the opportunity kwTZtFOJK9g-00674-00268940-00269324 to create and accessible and inclusive Queensland. kwTZtFOJK9g-00675-00269512-00269704 Inclusion is our culture. kwTZtFOJK9g-00676-00269828-00270312 TMR models inclusive actions and behaviours for our partners. kwTZtFOJK9g-00677-00270968-00271076 Roadmap. kwTZtFOJK9g-00678-00271204-00271332 Three point one. kwTZtFOJK9g-00679-00271384-00271540 Initiate change. kwTZtFOJK9g-00680-00271628-00272084 Prioritise the areas of greatest customer and employee needs kwTZtFOJK9g-00681-00272084-00272324 and establish the foundation for change. kwTZtFOJK9g-00682-00272504-00272664 Three point one point one. kwTZtFOJK9g-00683-00272740-00272872 For our customers. kwTZtFOJK9g-00684-00272972-00273284 Identify immediate improvement opportunities. kwTZtFOJK9g-00685-00273372-00273768 Implement the Next Generation Rolling stock, NGR. kwTZtFOJK9g-00686-00273768-00274088 Train commission of inquiry recommendations. kwTZtFOJK9g-00687-00274196-00274504 Create a tailored universal design manual. kwTZtFOJK9g-00688-00274632-00274844 Define our measures of success kwTZtFOJK9g-00689-00274844-00275224 and baseline current accessibility and inclusion rate. kwTZtFOJK9g-00690-00275308-00275752 Confirm priorities within product and service portfolio. kwTZtFOJK9g-00691-00275964-00276124 Three point one point two. kwTZtFOJK9g-00692-00276212-00276348 For our employees. kwTZtFOJK9g-00693-00276464-00276844 Conduct cultural assessment to baseline and identify kwTZtFOJK9g-00694-00276844-00277164 priority areas for cultural development. kwTZtFOJK9g-00695-00277276-00277736 Empower executive accessibility and inclusion champions kwTZtFOJK9g-00696-00277736-00278268 and support staff to drive divisional and organisation-wide change. kwTZtFOJK9g-00697-00278444-00278632 Three point one point three. kwTZtFOJK9g-00698-00278696-00278832 For our partners. kwTZtFOJK9g-00699-00278936-00279220 Identify opportunities to engage partners kwTZtFOJK9g-00700-00279220-00279492 in co-design of our products and services. kwTZtFOJK9g-00701-00279596-00279936 Signal intent to move to universal design. kwTZtFOJK9g-00702-00280108-00280236 Three point two. kwTZtFOJK9g-00703-00280304-00280516 Embed our guiding principles. kwTZtFOJK9g-00704-00280628-00281000 Develop the cultural attitudes and capabilities needed kwTZtFOJK9g-00705-00281000-00281316 to make TMR an inclusive workplace kwTZtFOJK9g-00706-00281316-00281660 and begin transformation of our products and services kwTZtFOJK9g-00707-00281840-00281996 Three point two point one. kwTZtFOJK9g-00708-00282084-00282224 For our customers. kwTZtFOJK9g-00709-00282304-00282552 Adopt universal design principles. kwTZtFOJK9g-00710-00282636-00282912 Engage customers in co-design. kwTZtFOJK9g-00711-00283024-00283336 Develop targeted action plans to deliver kwTZtFOJK9g-00712-00283336-00283748 which describe the initiatives, governance and funding kwTZtFOJK9g-00713-00283748-00284224 to create a single integrated transport network accessible to everyone. kwTZtFOJK9g-00714-00284384-00284572 Three point two point two. kwTZtFOJK9g-00715-00284624-00284768 For our employees. kwTZtFOJK9g-00716-00284872-00285312 Initiate an organisation-wide culture change program kwTZtFOJK9g-00717-00285312-00285708 to make TMR a more accessible and inclusive workplace. kwTZtFOJK9g-00718-00285828-00286160 Train staff in accessibility and inclusion kwTZtFOJK9g-00719-00286160-00286480 developing required capabilities in design, kwTZtFOJK9g-00720-00286480-00286700 service, data and reporting. kwTZtFOJK9g-00721-00286908-00287068 Three point two point three. kwTZtFOJK9g-00722-00287144-00287272 For our partners. kwTZtFOJK9g-00723-00287356-00287600 Engage partners in co-design. kwTZtFOJK9g-00724-00287700-00287996 Provide guidelines for universal design. kwTZtFOJK9g-00725-00288164-00288284 Three point three. kwTZtFOJK9g-00726-00288360-00288608 Grow our reach throughout Queensland. kwTZtFOJK9g-00727-00288712-00289180 Establish TMR as an accessibility and inclusion leader kwTZtFOJK9g-00728-00289180-00289384 within the transport sector kwTZtFOJK9g-00729-00289384-00289756 and continue transformation of our products and services. kwTZtFOJK9g-00730-00289932-00290144 Three point three point one. kwTZtFOJK9g-00731-00290144-00290268 For our customers. kwTZtFOJK9g-00732-00290384-00290812 Staged rollout of new and improved products and services. kwTZtFOJK9g-00733-00290920-00291316 Continue refinement of our strategy and action plans kwTZtFOJK9g-00734-00291316-00291792 to ensure the expectations are delivered and understood by our customers. kwTZtFOJK9g-00735-00291924-00292088 Three point three point two. kwTZtFOJK9g-00736-00292140-00292280 For our employees. kwTZtFOJK9g-00737-00292368-00292644 Continue to evolve TMR kwTZtFOJK9g-00738-00292644-00292912 as an accessible and inclusive workplace. kwTZtFOJK9g-00739-00292988-00293228 Continue refinement of our strategy kwTZtFOJK9g-00740-00293228-00293560 for our people to understand expectations kwTZtFOJK9g-00741-00293560-00293752 with regards to inclusion. kwTZtFOJK9g-00742-00293848-00294016 Three point three point three. kwTZtFOJK9g-00743-00294080-00294220 For our partners. kwTZtFOJK9g-00744-00294308-00294736 Continue to guide partners on accessibility and inclusion kwTZtFOJK9g-00745-00294736-00295032 by refining our strategy and action plans. kwTZtFOJK9g-00746-00295752-00295864 Addendum. kwTZtFOJK9g-00747-00296004-00296116 Four point one. kwTZtFOJK9g-00748-00296180-00296388 Customer insights report. kwTZtFOJK9g-00749-00296536-00296696 Four point one point one. kwTZtFOJK9g-00750-00296764-00296888 Our customers. kwTZtFOJK9g-00751-00296964-00297328 Engage with me early and don't try to retrofit. kwTZtFOJK9g-00752-00297436-00297756 Give me easy access to information and transport. kwTZtFOJK9g-00753-00297868-00298224 I need a person to talk to especially when I'm struggling. kwTZtFOJK9g-00754-00298336-00298508 Don't treat me differently. kwTZtFOJK9g-00755-00298592-00298916 I want to feel safe at all times of the day kwTZtFOJK9g-00756-00298916-00299120 and on all modes of transport. kwTZtFOJK9g-00757-00299292-00299464 Four point one point two. kwTZtFOJK9g-00758-00299524-00299656 Our employees. kwTZtFOJK9g-00759-00299784-00300180 Make me feel appreciated as a person and as an employee. kwTZtFOJK9g-00760-00300296-00300648 Support me by investing in me and providing opportunities. kwTZtFOJK9g-00761-00300756-00301036 Communicate with me respectfully and openly. kwTZtFOJK9g-00762-00301156-00301288 Be flexible. kwTZtFOJK9g-00763-00301288-00301720 Let's adapt the workplace role and schedule to both our needs. kwTZtFOJK9g-00764-00301944-00302124 Four point one point three. kwTZtFOJK9g-00765-00302176-00302296 Our partners. kwTZtFOJK9g-00766-00302404-00302732 Communicate what your requirements and standards are. kwTZtFOJK9g-00767-00302872-00303104 Everyone is working in isolation. kwTZtFOJK9g-00768-00303104-00303436 We would like more collaboration and shared accountability. kwTZtFOJK9g-00769-00303604-00303816 Why are we looking at the short-term? kwTZtFOJK9g-00770-00303816-00304004 It takes a long time to execute. kwTZtFOJK9g-00771-00304148-00304468 Make it clear what your priorities are. kwTZtFOJK9g-00772-00304468-00304892 That concludes the Accessibility and Inclusion Strategy kwTZtFOJK9g-00773-00304892-00305340 made on behalf of the Department of Transport and Main Roads Queensland kwTZtFOJK9g-00774-00305340-00305704 and narrated by Kay Stephenson in June 2020. kxCw2Wia6Py-00000-00000002-00000558 I was crying solitary on moonlit nights kxCw2Wia6Py-00001-00000572-00001086 You’re over there, unable to return kxCw2Wia6Py-00002-00001090-00001655 Someday, I will- kxCw2Wia6Py-00003-00001678-00002212 come after the voice that has been with me so naturally kxCw2Wia6Py-00004-00004492-00004732 Do you remember that day? kxCw2Wia6Py-00005-00004746-00005024 You listened to me with a casual expression, kxCw2Wia6Py-00006-00005036-00005618 but didn’t talk about a specific topic kxCw2Wia6Py-00007-00005618-00005848 Suddenly, you talked about when we first met kxCw2Wia6Py-00008-00005858-00006146 During this reminiscent talk, kxCw2Wia6Py-00009-00006146-00006590 your eyes seemed more distant than usual kxCw2Wia6Py-00010-00006602-00006992 Even though I noticed it, kxCw2Wia6Py-00011-00007014-00007623 helplessly I stared kxCw2Wia6Py-00012-00007634-00008316 at your back walking towards the moon kxCw2Wia6Py-00013-00008400-00008918 Please don’t go away – I’m alone kxCw2Wia6Py-00014-00008934-00009464 You go over there, unable to return kxCw2Wia6Py-00015-00009502-00010044 I was crying solitary on moonlit nights kxCw2Wia6Py-00016-00010064-00010598 someday, I will head over there too. kxCw2Wia6Py-00017-00010622-00011724 You see, I still catch myself thinking about the whereabouts of distant you kxCw2Wia6Py-00018-00013969-00014212 Just repeating the same things kxCw2Wia6Py-00019-00014224-00014516 always brought me joy kxCw2Wia6Py-00020-00014526-00015074 I believed that us parting was the only impossible thing.Still, kxCw2Wia6Py-00021-00015084-00015338 we both had something we wanted to tell the other kxCw2Wia6Py-00022-00015338-00016044 so that you get ahead of me is just sad. kxCw2Wia6Py-00023-00016088-00016402 No matter how often we paused, kxCw2Wia6Py-00024-00016412-00017110 no matter how often we talked, we apologized and went on kxCw2Wia6Py-00025-00017126-00017832 In the end, I will go after you crossing the other side of the moon kxCw2Wia6Py-00026-00017872-00018410 Please don’t go away kxCw2Wia6Py-00027-00018420-00018950 Even though I chase you, I still can’t do anything kxCw2Wia6Py-00028-00018960-00019486 I was crying solitary on moonlit nights kxCw2Wia6Py-00029-00019548-00020056 Even though they shouldn’t, they came again kxCw2Wia6Py-00030-00020074-00021228 Even after that, I still scoured the world for your whereabouts kxCw2Wia6Py-00031-00023460-00023980 I was crying solitary on moonlit nights kxCw2Wia6Py-00032-00024010-00024514 You’re over there, unable to return kxCw2Wia6Py-00033-00024560-00025110 Someday, I will- kxCw2Wia6Py-00034-00025152-00025642 come after the voice that has been with me so naturally kxCw2Wia6Py-00035-00025714-00026204 Please don’t go away – I’m alone kxCw2Wia6Py-00036-00026214-00026776 You go over there, unable to return kxCw2Wia6Py-00037-00026800-00027324 I was crying solitary on moonlit nights kxCw2Wia6Py-00038-00027358-00027889 Someday, I will head over there too kxCw2Wia6Py-00039-00027914-00029132 You see, I still catch myself thinking about the whereabouts of distant you k_S9KU4sX7g-00000-00000017-00000241 The Hidden GFC k_S9KU4sX7g-00001-00000241-00000623 The world might be in the process of rebounding from the Global Financial Crisis, k_S9KU4sX7g-00002-00000623-00000975 but did you know that we're experiencing another GFC? k_S9KU4sX7g-00003-00000975-00001153 The Global Food Crisis. k_S9KU4sX7g-00004-00001153-00001529 This Food Crisis is due to factors including population growth, k_S9KU4sX7g-00005-00001529-00001843 decreasing land and resources, like fuel and water, k_S9KU4sX7g-00006-00001843-00002115 and the ways we use and store food. k_S9KU4sX7g-00007-00002115-00002514 Changing climatic conditions also affect the amount of food available. k_S9KU4sX7g-00008-00002514-00002857 Many experts predicting that this crisis will become worse in the next k_S9KU4sX7g-00009-00002857-00003001 fourty years. k_S9KU4sX7g-00010-00003001-00003344 This problem is frequently called 'food security'. k_S9KU4sX7g-00011-00003344-00003529 So what is food security? k_S9KU4sX7g-00012-00003529-00003995 The Food and Agriculture organisation defines food security as being a state k_S9KU4sX7g-00013-00003995-00004101 when, k_S9KU4sX7g-00014-00004101-00004322 "all people at all times k_S9KU4sX7g-00015-00004322-00004559 have physical and economic access to k_S9KU4sX7g-00016-00004559-00004820 sufficient, safe and nutritious food - k_S9KU4sX7g-00017-00004820-00005111 to meet their dietary needs and food preferences k_S9KU4sX7g-00018-00005111-00005329 for an active and healthy life." k_S9KU4sX7g-00019-00005329-00005683 In some countries, food shortages have already caused riots. k_S9KU4sX7g-00020-00005683-00006148 Like those seen in Tunisia and Algeria and there are often times of food insecurity k_S9KU4sX7g-00021-00006148-00006548 even in countries like Australia or Japan. These are after interruptions to k_S9KU4sX7g-00022-00006548-00006968 supply from natural disasters like cyclones and earthquake's or even k_S9KU4sX7g-00023-00006968-00007070 droughts. k_S9KU4sX7g-00024-00007070-00007565 Broadly, there are five main issues that we as a society need to address k_S9KU4sX7g-00025-00007565-00008027 if there is to be global food security. Availability - is there enough food to k_S9KU4sX7g-00026-00008027-00008472 feed the population of the world? Accessibility - does everyone have access k_S9KU4sX7g-00027-00008472-00008553 to enough k_S9KU4sX7g-00028-00008553-00008704 food everyday? k_S9KU4sX7g-00029-00008704-00009146 Acceptability - does the food available meet cultural requirements? k_S9KU4sX7g-00030-00009146-00009272 Adequacy - k_S9KU4sX7g-00031-00009272-00009649 is the food of sufficient quality and does it include all the nutrient k_S9KU4sX7g-00032-00009649-00009750 requirements? k_S9KU4sX7g-00033-00009750-00010229 Stability of Source - is it readily and always available? k_S9KU4sX7g-00034-00010229-00010661 In Australia, we produce enough food for about sixty million people, k_S9KU4sX7g-00035-00010661-00010975 but we only have twenty-two million people at the moment. k_S9KU4sX7g-00036-00010975-00011161 Well, what's the problem then? k_S9KU4sX7g-00037-00011161-00011561 There are three main reasons for Australia to be concerned about food security. k_S9KU4sX7g-00038-00011561-00011749 The first is food availability. k_S9KU4sX7g-00039-00011749-00012222 Floods, cyclones and droughts, cause significant interruptions to food supply k_S9KU4sX7g-00040-00012222-00012629 and these result in big increases in price which affect people's quality of k_S9KU4sX7g-00041-00012629-00013060 life. As more and more of the weekly income is spent on the grocery bill, k_S9KU4sX7g-00042-00013060-00013497 less is available for other necessities in lifestyle purchases. The second reason k_S9KU4sX7g-00043-00013497-00013912 is that Australian society is becoming increasingly urbanized. k_S9KU4sX7g-00044-00013912-00014144 This means that the general population k_S9KU4sX7g-00045-00014144-00014527 is becoming disconnected from the land and the way that food is produced. The k_S9KU4sX7g-00046-00014527-00015038 way Australian's see food and their attitudes towards it, are affecting food security. k_S9KU4sX7g-00047-00015038-00015462 Thirdly, Australia has responsibility to lend a helping hand with global food k_S9KU4sX7g-00048-00015462-00015907 supplies. Global food productivity needs to be increased by about fifty percent k_S9KU4sX7g-00049-00015907-00016358 above the current levels in the next fourty years and this needs to be done in k_S9KU4sX7g-00050-00016358-00016738 changing climatic conditions. So there's lots of work to be done. k_S9KU4sX7g-00051-00016738-00016905 But where do we start? k_S9KU4sX7g-00052-00016905-00017212 We can start by recognizing the importance of the food industry, which k_S9KU4sX7g-00053-00017212-00017544 nowadays is very sophisticated and scientific. k_S9KU4sX7g-00054-00017544-00017932 Australia has great technical skills to offer other countries. We need to build k_S9KU4sX7g-00055-00017932-00018371 on these strenghts by encouraging training and careers in agriculture to ensure ongoing k_S9KU4sX7g-00056-00018371-00018653 research, collaboration and development. k_S9KU4sX7g-00057-00018653-00018842 We also need respect food. k_S9KU4sX7g-00058-00018842-00019237 We need to understand what it takes to produce it and reduce our wastage of it. k_S9KU4sX7g-00059-00019237-00019615 Start by growing your own veggie patch. We also need to improve the yield of our k_S9KU4sX7g-00060-00019615-00019947 crops to ensure that we can meet global food demands. k_S9KU4sX7g-00061-00019947-00020276 Increases in yields can be gained by a number of methods. k_S9KU4sX7g-00062-00020276-00020615 Improvements in traditional plant breeding techniques, new technologies k_S9KU4sX7g-00063-00020615-00020788 like genetic modification, k_S9KU4sX7g-00064-00020788-00021042 selective breeding using DNA markers k_S9KU4sX7g-00065-00021042-00021517 and resource management will help to get more food from fewer imputs. We k_S9KU4sX7g-00066-00021517-00021936 essentially need to do more with less. Improvements in our attitudes, k_S9KU4sX7g-00067-00021936-00022083 plant breeding techniques k_S9KU4sX7g-00068-00022083-00022569 and accepting our responsibility to help insure global food security will allow Australia to k_S9KU4sX7g-00069-00022569-00023017 play a role in meeting the demands of the world population that is expected to k_S9KU4sX7g-00070-00023017-00023179 be over nine billion k_S9KU4sX7g-00071-00023179-00023284 in the next fourty years. kD-WE0xWOK0-00000-00000000-00000090 Yaar hai mere jigri yaar hai mere khaas kFfQ6EXTkSI-00000-00003605-00003805 Om Arunachaleshwaraya Namaha kFfQ6EXTkSI-00001-00003805-00004005 Om Namo Bhagvate Sri Ramanaya kFfQ6EXTkSI-00002-00004005-00004205 Om Sundereshaya Namaha: kFfQ6EXTkSI-00003-00004205-00005166 The tenth day i.e today in the Karthika Deepotsavam is also a special celebration kFfQ6EXTkSI-00004-00005166-00005829 The Maharadhotsava seva which is performed today is unique kFfQ6EXTkSI-00005-00005829-00006175 The Pancha Murthi's are taken out in a procession in five chariots kFfQ6EXTkSI-00006-00006175-00007333 The Police personnel are to be thanked for the devoted and organized work that they do. Their efforts are worthy of the praises kFfQ6EXTkSI-00007-00007348-00007950 At first in the morning the Chariot with Lord Vinayaka starts off kFfQ6EXTkSI-00008-00007950-00008462 The Temple Elephant walks with grandeur in the front kFfQ6EXTkSI-00009-00008462-00009183 Each and everyone including young and old devotees put their efforts devotedly in pulling the Chariots kFfQ6EXTkSI-00010-00009183-00009850 with all the women on one side and men pulling the rope on the other side, they happily pull Lord Vinayaka Chariot kFfQ6EXTkSI-00011-00009850-00010202 Women put Colourful Rangoli in front of the coming Chariot kFfQ6EXTkSI-00012-00010202-00010938 Today there are lot of devotees seen than the rest of the days. The other onlookers also participate in the seva by offering water to the Chariot pullers kFfQ6EXTkSI-00013-00016397-00016770 The Chariot is pulled forward under the supervision of Police forces kFfQ6EXTkSI-00014-00016770-00017216 many devotees also come forward offering dheepa and naivedyas kFfQ6EXTkSI-00015-00017216-00017892 and some devotees after the fulfillment of their wishes for children kFfQ6EXTkSI-00016-00017892-00018454 make their children sleep in a swing from a saree and tied to a sugar cane stem they put their children in it and go around the temple carrying it kFfQ6EXTkSI-00017-00018454-00018850 after the chariot has gone through the temple streets the lord is taken back to kFfQ6EXTkSI-00018-00018850-00019550 his place and the chariot is also kept back in its old place kFfQ6EXTkSI-00019-00028812-00029168 Now the Chariot of Lord Kumara Swami starts kFfQ6EXTkSI-00020-00029168-00029583 many devotees come forward to pull the Chariot kFfQ6EXTkSI-00021-00029583-00030270 at the back of the Chariot the wheels of the Chariot have two wooden planks to hold in place.young boys press this plates with force and the Chariot moves forward kFfQ6EXTkSI-00022-00030270-00030787 The Temple Elephant is specially decorated and graces the Devotees kFfQ6EXTkSI-00023-00030787-00031875 Lord Subrahmanya along with Valli and Devesena Amman are welcomed in their Chariot with loud sounds made by conches and other instruments kFfQ6EXTkSI-00024-00031875-00032288 The Subrahamanya Chariot goes around the Temple streets kFfQ6EXTkSI-00025-00035500-00036262 Each and everyone,women,men,young,old all the devotees come forward to pull the Chariot and take kFfQ6EXTkSI-00026-00036262-00036539 the Blessings of the Lord kFfQ6EXTkSI-00027-00036539-00037133 After the Chariot comes back to its Usual place, children dance and shout with joy kFfQ6EXTkSI-00028-00037133-00037869 In Arunachala Karthika Deepotsavam,today morning Lord Vinayaka and Lord Subrahmanya along with Valli and devesena amman's kFfQ6EXTkSI-00029-00037869-00038523 go in their respective Chariots through the Temple streets,blesses the devotees and come back to their respective places kFfQ6EXTkSI-00030-00048617-00049658 Today evening we had the darshan of Lord Somaskanda Murthy,Apeethakuchamba amman and Lord Chaandeshwara's chariot festival kFfQ6EXTkSI-00031-00049658-00049885 Om Namo Bhagvate Sri Ramanaya kFfQ6EXTkSI-00032-00049885-00050085 Om Arunachaleshwaraya Namaha kFfQ6EXTkSI-00033-00050085-00050285 Om Sundereshaya Namaha kFfQ6EXTkSI-00034-00050285-00050982 Please grace the devotion and bless the devotees who chant your name with love Om..! Arunachala … kFFjHPm1LFY-00000-00000202-00000569 Now who we are in the west is all these levels all at once kFFjHPm1LFY-00001-00001495-00002252 Freud describes us as second Chakra people adler describes us as third Chakra people jung describes us as fourth Chakra people kFFjHPm1LFY-00002-00003040-00003761 Tiya to shut down people like that start to describe us in sixth Chakra turns the egyptians describe us in sixth Chakra terms kFFjHPm1LFY-00003-00004351-00005112 Most of us are functioning at many of these levels we have moments of fourth Chakra. We have dominant third or a dominant second kFFjHPm1LFY-00004-00005112-00005487 We have moments of sixth and our job as we see it kFFjHPm1LFY-00005-00005487-00006000 We are in an evolutionary process of slowly moving up the spine moving up these Chakras kFFjHPm1LFY-00006-00006037-00006683 So that more and more of the energy and habits and whole way of life get localized in one Chakra rather than other kFFjHPm1LFY-00007-00006913-00007370 That is you do the survival thing - you got survival in order you do this kFFjHPm1LFY-00008-00007386-00007931 The sex thing until you got the sex thing in harmony you do the power thing do you get the power thing in Harmony you? kFFjHPm1LFY-00009-00007945-00008186 Do compassion until that's in harmony kFFjHPm1LFY-00010-00008186-00008480 and you just keep moving through Center after center after center and kFFjHPm1LFY-00011-00008497-00008819 Building models of who you are in terms of each of these new level kFFjHPm1LFY-00012-00009753-00010427 Like Goulding's lord of the flies is a beautiful example of when the kids are left alone. They go back into first Chakra kFFjHPm1LFY-00013-00010608-00011363 Straight first Chakra story now if they all go through pubescens, then it will become a straight second Chakra Story kFFjHPm1LFY-00014-00011496-00012070 Not because they you know just because they're now something's happened inside of them, and they're ready for the second Chakra kFFjHPm1LFY-00015-00012141-00012677 Then they build an organized structure and environment and organization and then they elect the president and then pretty soon kFFjHPm1LFY-00016-00012677-00012869 They're in a third Chakra tree kFFjHPm1LFY-00017-00012869-00012996 and kFFjHPm1LFY-00018-00012996-00013342 Then when they use up worldliness they start to be interested in fourth Chakra kFFjHPm1LFY-00019-00013343-00014138 And so you can see man is just an unfolding process of these Chakras and the Chakras are right inside your own body kFFjHPm1LFY-00020-00014340-00014591 Your tuning device are your own Chakras? kFFjHPm1LFY-00021-00014646-00015232 So that is you tune into each new Chakra in your body you tune into a whole new universe kFFjHPm1LFY-00022-00015269-00015551 a whole new level of perceiving how it all is kFFjHPm1LFY-00023-00016456-00016656 you kGQ05wa6z-u-00000-00000000-00000882 the movie “One Day” main Actor Kim Nam Gil & Chun Woo Hee Interview kGQ05wa6z-u-00001-00001472-00002168 posing at a press preview at the CGV 30, kGQ05wa6z-u-00002-00002272-00002712 Why did the director choose Kim Nam Gil? kGQ05wa6z-u-00003-00002816-00003112 There's nothing special about it kGQ05wa6z-u-00004-00003160-00003558 I often meet the director once in a while. See him after drinking. kGQ05wa6z-u-00005-00003560-00003760 He think I can generate light energy at the scene kGQ05wa6z-u-00006-00003760-00004100 I am not specifically specialized in presenting the director's film kGQ05wa6z-u-00007-00004100-00004550 I am not a good actor for the director and am not well adapted to this movie kGQ05wa6z-u-00008-00004686-00005274 I guess the actors who try to play with the director are busy with the schedule kGQ05wa6z-u-00009-00005322-00005586 It is the reason why he choose me kGQ05wa6z-u-00010-00005590-00005732 Question: how humble you are kGQ05wa6z-u-00011-00005732-00006134 It's true ...Why do you tell me you're modest when I say like this kGQ05wa6z-u-00012-00006134-00006559 the main role is an insurance investigator kGQ05wa6z-u-00013-00006658-00006780 After his wife died, he lived in a diffilcult way. kGQ05wa6z-u-00014-00006806-00007740 reluctant to see the world. and try to avoid his sad memories. kGQ05wa6z-u-00015-00007806-00008280 It's a pain in the neck where everyone lives and lives. kGQ05wa6z-u-00016-00008316-00008710 Kang Soo tries to keep a secret about his wife who passed away kGQ05wa6z-u-00017-00008764-00009078 A character similar to ours kGQ05wa6z-u-00018-00009186-00009842 I think it's the same story as ours. kGQ05wa6z-u-00019-00009972-00010556 I think it's normal life for peoples. kGQ05wa6z-u-00020-00010632-00011832 Even the movie Pandora could be normal, but at the end of the movie it wasn't common at all. kGQ05wa6z-u-00021-00012330-00012574 Question : When did you start shooting the movie? kGQ05wa6z-u-00022-00012648-00012834 firstly, I filmed the Pandora movie. kGQ05wa6z-u-00023-00012878-00013160 and then I filmed Another movie. kGQ05wa6z-u-00024-00013234-00013468 This is the latest film kGQ05wa6z-u-00025-00013519-00013952 Come to think of it, I think it's been almost a year since I took a movie. kGQ05wa6z-u-00026-00013997-00014376 I started the movie last April. kGQ05wa6z-u-00027-00014480-00015190 Question : It's a sentimental melodrama that needs emotional performance. How did you do that? kGQ05wa6z-u-00028-00015238-00015506 It was good to take participate in the director’s movie who like melodrama. kGQ05wa6z-u-00029-00015560-00015634 I am his fan.. kGQ05wa6z-u-00030-00015678-00015906 I wanted to work with you in that sense, so I was happy to have this opportunity kGQ05wa6z-u-00031-00015982-00016186 The essential thing of the director who like melodrama has not changed kGQ05wa6z-u-00032-00016222-00016570 The director's style on this film seem to be slightly different. kGQ05wa6z-u-00033-00016602-00017064 The brightest movie the director has ever shown. kGQ05wa6z-u-00034-00017104-00017608 Maybe it's a kinder, more descriptive movie kGQ05wa6z-u-00035-00017668-00018262 There's a lot of expectation that we can look at, and look at, a lot of different things. kGQ05wa6z-u-00036-00018304-00019792 At this point, the close caption or translation are finished. No more caption. Sorry. kHBncSQFQyE-00000-00000012-00000173 A story of political deception. kHBncSQFQyE-00001-00000173-00000454 In 2014, Gary Peters wants your vote kHBncSQFQyE-00002-00000454-00000731 "That's why I'm fighting to crack down on China." kHBncSQFQyE-00003-00000731-00001013 2020 - career politician Peters wants your vote again kHBncSQFQyE-00004-00001013-00001291 "I've always been tough on the Chinese government." kHBncSQFQyE-00005-00001291-00001391 Not true. kHBncSQFQyE-00006-00001391-00001826 An investigation reveals Peter skipped work a stunning 89% of the time. kHBncSQFQyE-00007-00001826-00002110 Peter sits on the committee to hold China accountable. kHBncSQFQyE-00008-00002110-00002494 Five years, 18 hearings, Peters only shows up twice. kHBncSQFQyE-00009-00002494-00002820 Does nothing about China, a very Washington move. kHBncSQFQyE-00010-00002820-00002993 I'm John James and I approve this message. kJ9xzrZ_iQE-00000-00001853-00002223 Hello...again. kJ9xzrZ_iQE-00001-00002223-00002533 Despite my personal feelings on the matter kJ9xzrZ_iQE-00002-00002533-00002836 it seems I will be forced kJ9xzrZ_iQE-00003-00002836-00003083 to tell you about... kJ9xzrZ_iQE-00004-00003083-00003176 them. kJ9xzrZ_iQE-00005-00003176-00003623 Well, they definitely do not like people talkin' about 'em. kJ9xzrZ_iQE-00006-00003623-00003950 I mean...you've seen 'em right? kJ9xzrZ_iQE-00007-00004063-00004443 Chua, nasty little rodents they are. kJ9xzrZ_iQE-00008-00004443-00004603 Of course you can't deny the buggers kJ9xzrZ_iQE-00009-00004603-00004839 are brilliant at what they do. kJ9xzrZ_iQE-00010-00004839-00005050 If it can be built and it needs to hurt people kJ9xzrZ_iQE-00011-00005050-00005273 the Chua are the ones for the job. kJ9xzrZ_iQE-00012-00005273-00005493 It's just unfortunate that the furry little fiends kJ9xzrZ_iQE-00013-00005493-00005793 are certifiable psychopaths. kJ9xzrZ_iQE-00014-00005929-00006166 They call themselves the Mordesh. kJ9xzrZ_iQE-00015-00006166-00006420 I call 'em weird and creepy, kJ9xzrZ_iQE-00016-00006420-00006703 infected with some kind of disease. kJ9xzrZ_iQE-00017-00006703-00007006 That being said they do know a lot about science kJ9xzrZ_iQE-00018-00007006-00007179 and alchemy and the like. kJ9xzrZ_iQE-00019-00007179-00007356 Although from what I gather kJ9xzrZ_iQE-00020-00007356-00007640 it's the forbidden kind. kJ9xzrZ_iQE-00021-00007640-00007920 Listen, I probably said too much already kJ9xzrZ_iQE-00022-00007920-00008420 I best be off before my mouth really gets me in trouble. kJ9xzrZ_iQE-00023-00008833-00009196 I suppose every great empire has a dark, kJ9xzrZ_iQE-00024-00009196-00009473 cutely grotesque underbelly. kJ9xzrZ_iQE-00025-00009473-00009830 Personally I do my best to avoid the little demons. kJ9xzrZ_iQE-00026-00009829-00010270 I find life is much easier that way. kJ9xzrZ_iQE-00027-00010406-00010583 Oh not again. kJ9xzrZ_iQE-00028-00010756-00011256 [cackling laughter] kJ9xzrZ_iQE-00029-00011426-00011663 Shhhhhh... kMdLQKw6_Nc-00000-00000710-00000872 Good afternoon. kMdLQKw6_Nc-00001-00000898-00001010 Hello. kMdLQKw6_Nc-00002-00001082-00001164 I have a message kMdLQKw6_Nc-00003-00001164-00001331 for the families of the victims kMdLQKw6_Nc-00004-00001331-00001590 and for the survivors of the attack. kMdLQKw6_Nc-00005-00001636-00001772 I want to tell them: kMdLQKw6_Nc-00006-00001807-00001927 be strong! kMdLQKw6_Nc-00007-00001955-00002176 Have strength at the court. kMdLQKw6_Nc-00008-00002220-00002385 Because none of this is normal. kMdLQKw6_Nc-00009-00002431-00002552 It is horrible. kMdLQKw6_Nc-00010-00002598-00002752 It isn’t just. kMdLQKw6_Nc-00011-00002843-00003027 No one wants to die. kMdLQKw6_Nc-00012-00003072-00003238 It is only just, kMdLQKw6_Nc-00013-00003238-00003596 if God decides to take away the soul of a person. kMdLQKw6_Nc-00014-00003714-00003914 It is bad for the person themselves kMdLQKw6_Nc-00015-00003914-00004190 to take away the soul of another human. kMdLQKw6_Nc-00016-00004264-00004384 It isn’t good. kMdLQKw6_Nc-00017-00004420-00004585 It isn’t just. kMdLQKw6_Nc-00018-00004654-00004788 It's an injustice, kMdLQKw6_Nc-00019-00004788-00004952 committed out of conviction. kMdLQKw6_Nc-00020-00005018-00005206 He knew what he was doing. kMdLQKw6_Nc-00021-00005248-00005386 He wouldn’t have done it, kMdLQKw6_Nc-00022-00005386-00005639 had he not been sure about it. kMdLQKw6_Nc-00023-00005714-00005940 But when a person kills his neighbor, kMdLQKw6_Nc-00024-00005960-00006122 he dies, too. kMdLQKw6_Nc-00025-00006168-00006436 He knows that, when he kills someone, kMdLQKw6_Nc-00026-00006436-00006676 when he takes a person's soul away, kMdLQKw6_Nc-00027-00006693-00006976 he will lose his own soul, too. kMdLQKw6_Nc-00028-00007134-00007335 I want to express my condolences kMdLQKw6_Nc-00029-00007334-00007452 to the families. kMdLQKw6_Nc-00030-00007536-00007656 You grieve. kMdLQKw6_Nc-00031-00007723-00007885 But: fight! kMdLQKw6_Nc-00032-00007931-00008068 Continue the fight! kMdLQKw6_Nc-00033-00008144-00008320 At the court: fight! kMdLQKw6_Nc-00034-00008389-00008640 Only those who fight will win. kMdLQKw6_Nc-00035-00008756-00009002 It wouldn’t be normal if you stopped fighting now, kMdLQKw6_Nc-00036-00009002-00009168 if you did nothing. kMdLQKw6_Nc-00037-00009236-00009420 Don't listen to those who say: kMdLQKw6_Nc-00038-00009443-00009672 “let it be, stop fighting”. kMdLQKw6_Nc-00039-00009718-00009810 No! kMdLQKw6_Nc-00040-00009840-00010110 Continue on this path and fight! kMdLQKw6_Nc-00041-00010160-00010268 It’s hard. kMdLQKw6_Nc-00042-00010269-00010452 It’s painful. kMdLQKw6_Nc-00043-00010608-00010864 Here, we foreigners see many things. kMdLQKw6_Nc-00044-00010886-00011165 Many things happen to us on the streets. kMdLQKw6_Nc-00045-00011252-00011506 You meet a person, and they insult you. kMdLQKw6_Nc-00046-00011572-00011706 You meet people on the tram kMdLQKw6_Nc-00047-00011706-00011872 and they talk bad about you, kMdLQKw6_Nc-00048-00011873-00012126 even if you didn’t say anything. kMdLQKw6_Nc-00049-00012193-00012285 They only see you, kMdLQKw6_Nc-00050-00012285-00012404 and insult you. kMdLQKw6_Nc-00051-00012422-00012634 “Ohh, schwarz“. kMdLQKw6_Nc-00052-00012724-00012881 For the love of God! kMdLQKw6_Nc-00053-00012927-00013128 People, fight that, too! kMdLQKw6_Nc-00054-00013156-00013339 We must fight that! kMdLQKw6_Nc-00055-00013406-00013706 I want to express my condolences to the families. kMdLQKw6_Nc-00056-00013752-00013889 It hurts. kMdLQKw6_Nc-00057-00013952-00014118 But be strong! kMdLQKw6_Nc-00058-00014147-00014393 Continue on the path of strength. kMdLQKw6_Nc-00059-00014456-00014694 Don't listen to the words of others. kMdLQKw6_Nc-00060-00014760-00014924 Continue the fight. kMdLQKw6_Nc-00061-00014943-00015172 Those who fight will win. kRrUFiPVZ3Y-00000-00000000-00000200 Hey guys, morning! kRrUFiPVZ3Y-00001-00000200-00000474 We are in a town named Bright kRrUFiPVZ3Y-00002-00000474-00000968 As the name says, its a bright town ;) kRrUFiPVZ3Y-00003-00000968-00001922 There are some well known snow mountains nearby kRrUFiPVZ3Y-00004-00001922-00002174 I will show you around here kRrUFiPVZ3Y-00005-00002174-00002337 This is the condition of our car kRrUFiPVZ3Y-00006-00002337-00002522 And there is frost on the car all over kRrUFiPVZ3Y-00007-00002522-00002946 There was no car shed or port kRrUFiPVZ3Y-00008-00002946-00003265 Its not that much but still kRrUFiPVZ3Y-00009-00003265-00003575 It will take sometime kRrUFiPVZ3Y-00010-00003575-00003952 I will show you around the property kRrUFiPVZ3Y-00011-00003952-00004250 Today we will heading into snow mountains nearby kRrUFiPVZ3Y-00012-00004250-00004977 And yes, this is the cabin we rented this time in a Park kRrUFiPVZ3Y-00013-00004977-00005328 And let me show you around kRrUFiPVZ3Y-00014-00005328-00005660 There is a Forest nearby kRrUFiPVZ3Y-00015-00005660-00005710 Oh man! kRrUFiPVZ3Y-00016-00005710-00005949 It was a mistake.. kRrUFiPVZ3Y-00017-00005949-00006296 I should have parked my car here and I didn't check it kRrUFiPVZ3Y-00018-00006296-00006597 This is how it looks like kRrUFiPVZ3Y-00019-00006597-00007251 There is this Forest and a river is also flowing kRrUFiPVZ3Y-00020-00012810-00012937 See this guys! kRrUFiPVZ3Y-00021-00012937-00013119 Someone made this snowman! kRrUFiPVZ3Y-00022-00013119-00013485 Yuvi, how's it? kRrUFiPVZ3Y-00023-00013485-00013781 I gonna smack this down! kRrUFiPVZ3Y-00024-00013781-00013946 Haha, no don't smack kRrUFiPVZ3Y-00025-00014102-00014206 Oye! kRrUFiPVZ3Y-00026-00015332-00015532 Bye Yuvi! kRrUFiPVZ3Y-00027-00018200-00018344 Yash, I am also here ;) kRrUFiPVZ3Y-00028-00018463-00018545 ha ha ha kRrUFiPVZ3Y-00029-00018793-00018993 Yuvi wanted to go in this bus! kRrUFiPVZ3Y-00030-00018993-00019191 Oh he is shutting the door. Go quickly kRrUFiPVZ3Y-00031-00019443-00019643 Call him! Ask him to open kRrUFiPVZ3Y-00032-00020228-00020278 Go! kRrUFiPVZ3Y-00033-00020551-00020706 Go, I will catch you ahead kRrUFiPVZ3Y-00034-00020706-00020804 Ok Bye kRrUFiPVZ3Y-00035-00020976-00021176 Yuvi was asking to ride a bus kRrUFiPVZ3Y-00036-00021176-00021404 So I thought of dropping him for this bus ride kRrUFiPVZ3Y-00037-00021404-00021693 By the way, we have our Car here kRrUFiPVZ3Y-00038-00021693-00021894 But since he insisted, we have to do this kS_g8BAlhGk-00000-00000358-00000522 Integrity kS_g8BAlhGk-00001-00000522-00001141 No matter how educated, talented, rich, or cool you believe you are, how you treat people kS_g8BAlhGk-00002-00001141-00001363 ultimately tells all. kS_g8BAlhGk-00003-00001363-00001588 Integrity is everything. kS_g8BAlhGk-00004-00001588-00002171 Integrity by definition: 1) Firm adherence to a strict code of moral, kS_g8BAlhGk-00005-00002171-00002464 ethical or artistic values, incorruptibility. kS_g8BAlhGk-00006-00002464-00002907 2) An unimpaired condition and soundness. kS_g8BAlhGk-00007-00002907-00003511 3) The quality or state of being complete or undivided, completeness whole synonym, kS_g8BAlhGk-00008-00003511-00003690 see honesty. kS_g8BAlhGk-00009-00003690-00004105 Origin latin integritas, from integer intact whole. kS_g8BAlhGk-00010-00004105-00004647 Integrity is often thought of as moral uprightness and steadfastness making the ''good'' choices, kS_g8BAlhGk-00011-00004647-00004783 doing the right thing. kS_g8BAlhGk-00012-00004783-00005143 In fact, it is far more than that. kS_g8BAlhGk-00013-00005143-00005543 Integrity is actually a phenomenon in and of itself. kS_g8BAlhGk-00014-00005543-00006050 It has to do with authenticity - being true to ourselves - and it is the foundation for kS_g8BAlhGk-00015-00006050-00006287 power and effectiveness. kS_g8BAlhGk-00016-00006287-00006843 It is a home, an anchor, a continuing commitment - a way of being and acting that shapes who kS_g8BAlhGk-00017-00006843-00006943 we are. kS_g8BAlhGk-00018-00006943-00007043 ( LANDMARK FORUM ) kS_g8BAlhGk-00019-00007043-00007541 Integrity is choosing courage over comfort; choosing what is right over what is fun, fast kS_g8BAlhGk-00020-00007541-00008109 or easy; and choosing to practice our values rather that simply professing them. kS_g8BAlhGk-00021-00008109-00008548 When we say that a person has integrity, it means that the person we are referring to kS_g8BAlhGk-00022-00008548-00008885 is honest and has consistency of character. kS_g8BAlhGk-00023-00008885-00009418 If someone claims to have integrity, they should have honesty, honor, ethics and high kS_g8BAlhGk-00024-00009418-00009921 moral standards, and they always act according to these values. kS_g8BAlhGk-00025-00009921-00010517 Whatever you do, as long as you operate with honesty, integrity an intelligence, the universe kS_g8BAlhGk-00026-00010517-00010809 will have your back always. kS_g8BAlhGk-00027-00010809-00011114 Authenticity is not something we have or don't have. kS_g8BAlhGk-00028-00011114-00011537 It is a practice a conscious choice of how we want to live. kS_g8BAlhGk-00029-00011537-00011923 Authenticity is a collection of choices that we have to make everyday. kS_g8BAlhGk-00030-00011923-00012240 It is about the choice to show up and be real. kS_g8BAlhGk-00031-00012240-00012451 The choice to be honest. kS_g8BAlhGk-00032-00012451-00012697 The choice to let our true selves be seen. kS_g8BAlhGk-00033-00012697-00012977 Be your Authentic self. kS_g8BAlhGk-00034-00012977-00013432 Your Authentic self is who you are when you have no fear of judgement, or before the world kS_g8BAlhGk-00035-00013432-00013866 starts pushing you around and telling you who you are supposed to be. kS_g8BAlhGk-00036-00013866-00014363 Your fictional self is who you are when you have a social mask on to please everyone else. kS_g8BAlhGk-00037-00014363-00014758 Give yourself permission to be your Authentic self. kS_g8BAlhGk-00038-00014758-00015095 Let us see what Wikipedia has to say: kS_g8BAlhGk-00039-00015095-00015591 Authenticity refers to the truthfulness of origins, attributions, commitments, sincerity, kS_g8BAlhGk-00040-00015591-00015859 devotion, and intentions. kS_g8BAlhGk-00041-00015859-00016150 so living an Authentic life is rooted in truthfulness. kS_g8BAlhGk-00042-00016150-00016694 This includes being truthful to yourself and to others, and the outcomes is that you live kS_g8BAlhGk-00043-00016694-00016819 an authentic life. kS_g8BAlhGk-00044-00016819-00017147 Being truthful to yourself kS_g8BAlhGk-00045-00017147-00017790 By being truthful to yourself and not deceiving yourself, we move close to our authentic self. kS_g8BAlhGk-00046-00017790-00018344 Our Authentic self doesn't contain any layers of falsity that can hide our true self. kS_g8BAlhGk-00047-00018344-00018773 Your Authentic self is a place of synchronicity and resonance. kS_g8BAlhGk-00048-00018773-00019231 The intersection of these two characteristics leads to inner peace due to near zero fiction kS_g8BAlhGk-00049-00019231-00020980 of the entanglement between your Authentic self and false selfs. kUhRqtmXwXu-00000-00001592-00001912 radio telephone operators and electronics technician kUhRqtmXwXu-00001-00001912-00002984 johnny f perez 06-1phn-23257 ect number 0073 peter and basal 06-1 kUhRqtmXwXu-00002-00005000-00005061 pncr-23273 gerald lawrence o santa go 06-1pvi-23313 arnold g cabran kUhRqtmXwXu-00003-00005061-00005256 11-1phn-26425 - 95-1pncr-15435 lobby a kabuko 95-1pncr-13478 kUhRqtmXwXu-00004-00005256-00005792 light network studios are located at 22nd floor statra 2000 building at kUhRqtmXwXu-00005-00005792-00007184 ortega's junior road of origitas center pasig city this is light network now signing off kUhRqtmXwXu-00006-00007468-00007568 is kUhRqtmXwXu-00007-00007568-00008584 oh kUhRqtmXwXu-00008-00011032-00011384 hey kUhRqtmXwXu-00009-00012256-00012784 is kUhRqtmXwXu-00010-00013991-00014184 bye kUhRqtmXwXu-00011-00023200-00023984 so kUhRqtmXwXu-00012-00026072-00026783 so kUhRqtmXwXu-00013-00030032-00030983 so kUhRqtmXwXu-00014-00032896-00033528 this is beam tv a commercial television network owned and operated by broadcast enterprises and kUhRqtmXwXu-00015-00033528-00034072 affiliated media incorporated with the following transmitting stations authorized by the national kUhRqtmXwXu-00016-00034072-00035144 telecommunications commission dwkc tv channel 31 metro manila with npc permit number esd-0256-2020 kUhRqtmXwXu-00017-00035144-00035856 valid until may 8 2023 is authorized to operate at 865 kilowatt effective radiated power kUhRqtmXwXu-00018-00035856-00036384 with transmitter located at palace verde subdivision highway barangay santa cruz kUhRqtmXwXu-00019-00036384-00037400 antipolo city dwhb tv channel 26 santo tomas benguet with ntc permit number bsd-0086-2020 kUhRqtmXwXu-00020-00037400-00037864 valid until december 31 2020 is authorized to operate at 4 kUhRqtmXwXu-00021-00037864-00038288 kilowatts effective radiated power with transmitter located at mount kUhRqtmXwXu-00022-00038288-00039288 santo tomasuba benguet dwhctv channel 32 with ntc permit number bsd-0253-2020 kUhRqtmXwXu-00023-00039288-00039952 valid until july 18 2023 is authorized to operate at 13.5 kilowatt effective kUhRqtmXwXu-00024-00039952-00040360 radiated power with transmitter located at barangay triangulo kUhRqtmXwXu-00025-00040360-00041440 naga city dyrm tv channel 26 iloilo ct with ntc permit number bsd-0257-2020 kUhRqtmXwXu-00026-00041440-00042096 valid until july 18 2023 is authorized to operate at 13.5 kilowatt effective kUhRqtmXwXu-00027-00042096-00042616 radiated power with transmitter located at barangay alagisoc jordan guimaras kUhRqtmXwXu-00028-00042616-00043600 dyct tv channel 31 cebu city with ntc permit number bsd-0115-2020 kUhRqtmXwXu-00029-00043600-00044232 valid until march 4 2023 is authorized to operate at 10.5 kilowatt effective kUhRqtmXwXu-00030-00044232-00044808 radiated power with transmitter located at neville hills barangay lahu cebu city kUhRqtmXwXu-00031-00044808-00045752 dxkc tv channel 31 davao city with ntc permit number bsd-0255-2020 kUhRqtmXwXu-00032-00045752-00046432 valid until july 18 2023 is authorized to operate at 13.5 kilowatt effective kUhRqtmXwXu-00033-00046432-00046952 radiated power with transmitter located at shrine hills barangay matina crossing kUhRqtmXwXu-00034-00046952-00047784 davao city dxbe tv channel 31 zamboanga city with ntc permit number bsd-0051-2019 kUhRqtmXwXu-00035-00048000-00048656 valid until july 29 2022 is authorized to operate at 40.5 kilowatt effective kUhRqtmXwXu-00036-00048656-00049192 radiated power with transmitter located at mount kabatanga zamboanga city beam kUhRqtmXwXu-00037-00049192-00049704 tv network operates under the supervision of the following electronics and communications kUhRqtmXwXu-00038-00049704-00050200 engineers duly licensed by the professional regulations commission engineer oliver q kUhRqtmXwXu-00039-00050200-00051184 caldetera pece number 1312 engineer herbert e allo ece number 44171 engineer michael a flores kUhRqtmXwXu-00040-00051184-00051888 ece number 48715 and carried out by the following first-class radio operators duly licensed by kUhRqtmXwXu-00041-00051888-00052367 the national telecommunications commission alan h barrios 96-1 kUhRqtmXwXu-00042-00052367-00053528 bncr-17094 edgar allan a ramos 12-1-phn-26519 all programs shown on this network have been kUhRqtmXwXu-00043-00053528-00054784 approved by the movies and television review and classification board beam tv is now signing off kUhRqtmXwXu-00044-00057912-00058984 oh kUhRqtmXwXu-00045-00060040-00060384 oh kUhRqtmXwXu-00046-00062472-00063184 so kUhRqtmXwXu-00047-00068168-00068784 so kUhRqtmXwXu-00048-00070064-00070072 you kV5SqHXy7H0-00000-00002039-00002239 GUMBALL, RUN AWAY! kVU5w2hhpB0-00000-00000000-00000100 Welcome to Halong bay Vietnam kVU5w2hhpB0-00004-00001221-00001321 This is a beach in Ha Long, Vietnam kVU5w2hhpB0-00009-00003008-00003303 After you return to Ha Long Bay, you should not miss this place kVU5w2hhpB0-00015-00004487-00004712 Click to subscribe channel (Free) and click on the bell icon to be the first to see new videos about Halong bay in Vietnam. kVU5w2hhpB0-00020-00006087-00006187 This beach is man-made beach kVU5w2hhpB0-00025-00008206-00008432 This place attracts most tourists coming to Ha Long Vietnam kVU5w2hhpB0-00032-00010460-00010560 When you come to Vietnam, you should go with a guide to understand more about Vietnam kVU5w2hhpB0-00039-00013409-00013509 If you go on your own, you should have some experience and learn more about Vietnam before going better kVU5w2hhpB0-00043-00014786-00014886 This beach is usually very crowded in the hot season: It is the months of 5,6,7,8,9,9 kVU5w2hhpB0-00050-00018716-00018816 When coming to Vietnam, do not forget to enjoy the seafood dishes. Very cool you kVU5w2hhpB0-00058-00021279-00021379 Thank you for watching the video kVU5w2hhpB0-00082-00039993-00040119 Wish you and your family have fun and happy trips kVU5w2hhpB0-00085-00042827-00042927 Don't forget to Subscribe to the channel (Free) and click on the bell icon to be the first to see new videos about Halong Bay in Vietnam. kZm01gjhjWI-00000-00000068-00000536 In this video, we're going to talk about the job of managing work in progress, and kZm01gjhjWI-00001-00000536-00000806 how it relates to the other jobs of deciding. kZm01gjhjWI-00002-00000936-00001326 One of the most important decision points happens every single day, kZm01gjhjWI-00003-00001326-00001489 during the daily stand up. kZm01gjhjWI-00004-00001489-00001772 And this is where, as you probably remember, kZm01gjhjWI-00005-00001772-00002183 all your team members answered these questions here about their work. kZm01gjhjWI-00006-00002183-00002619 And if they have questions, and they want to talk with each other about kZm01gjhjWI-00007-00002619-00003000 a detail, or someone else wants to talk with them, they take those things offline. kZm01gjhjWI-00008-00003000-00003397 With the kind of team sizes we've talked about between five to ten people, kZm01gjhjWI-00009-00003397-00003624 this meeting should run ten to 15 minutes. kZm01gjhjWI-00010-00003624-00003922 If it runs longer you're going to probably run into problems of kZm01gjhjWI-00011-00003922-00004128 people getting bored and not being really engaged. kZm01gjhjWI-00012-00004252-00004700 And so this is a place, particularly around this last question of am I stuck? kZm01gjhjWI-00013-00004700-00004878 Am I struggling with something? kZm01gjhjWI-00014-00004878-00005104 That hopefully your team is self-organizing, kZm01gjhjWI-00015-00005104-00005589 your team members are helping each other and this is an important point kZm01gjhjWI-00016-00005589-00005922 where you're helping yourself to manage work in progress. kZm01gjhjWI-00017-00005922-00006428 Now let's talk about how this works for basically kZm01gjhjWI-00018-00006428-00007019 getting material ready for a release and if you need to know that in advance. kZm01gjhjWI-00019-00007019-00007463 We talked about kind of these two boards here as being pretty kZm01gjhjWI-00020-00007463-00007944 typical of the way someone might Manage their work in progress. kZm01gjhjWI-00021-00007944-00008257 So if we have on the left here, we've got some idea. kZm01gjhjWI-00022-00008257-00008561 And all the way on the right here is we have this working software. kZm01gjhjWI-00023-00008670-00008880 Between these two boards we deal with this. kZm01gjhjWI-00024-00008880-00009214 This one deals with kind of preparing ideas and getting ready for kZm01gjhjWI-00025-00009214-00009337 implementation. kZm01gjhjWI-00026-00009337-00009585 And this one deals with actually kZm01gjhjWI-00027-00009585-00010055 managing ideas through a specific iteration of one to six weeks. kZm01gjhjWI-00028-00010055-00010363 Let's look at a little more detail at this product backlog, kZm01gjhjWI-00029-00010363-00010618 and how we get ideas ready to be implemented. kZm01gjhjWI-00030-00010618-00010791 And we've talked about that, but here, kZm01gjhjWI-00031-00010791-00011030 we'll go into a little bit more of the specific housekeeping. kZm01gjhjWI-00032-00011030-00011403 So, this starts with idea and then I've also put in a separate column, kZm01gjhjWI-00033-00011403-00011770 which may or may not be the right thing for you. kZm01gjhjWI-00034-00011770-00012105 With requests, these are basically externally generated ideas kZm01gjhjWI-00035-00012105-00012390 about things the product could do that would make sense, and kZm01gjhjWI-00036-00012390-00012656 then I made a separate column for discovery. kZm01gjhjWI-00037-00012757-00013204 These are things where the customer proxy, product owner, whoever is kZm01gjhjWI-00038-00013204-00013618 the lead on this, and not necessarily by themselves, but they're the lead on this. kZm01gjhjWI-00039-00013618-00013765 Is making the decision that, kZm01gjhjWI-00040-00013765-00014251 hey, this thing here might be a good idea, but we really need to go out and kZm01gjhjWI-00041-00014251-00014641 learn more about it and either texture it out or kind of preliminarily kZm01gjhjWI-00042-00014641-00015032 validate whether this problem that we'd be solving with this really exists. kZm01gjhjWI-00043-00015032-00015519 And then finally, this last column is the product backlog. kZm01gjhjWI-00044-00015657-00016274 Now, in Agile we do not, we at least try to avoid obliging ourselves to kZm01gjhjWI-00045-00016274-00016743 specific future content because we believe that by working in short iterations where kZm01gjhjWI-00046-00016743-00017158 we're constantly looking at whether we're achieving the right thing and kZm01gjhjWI-00047-00017158-00017554 what's important right now is better than trying to make the perfect plan. kZm01gjhjWI-00048-00017554-00017800 That question about look we need to know for kZm01gjhjWI-00049-00017800-00018124 x purpose what we're going to release in three, six, 12 months. kZm01gjhjWI-00050-00018124-00018498 That will come up and there will illegitimate and legitimate reason for kZm01gjhjWI-00051-00018498-00018779 it, but the illegitimate ones you may need to deal with and kZm01gjhjWI-00052-00018779-00019070 the legitimate ones you need to work through. kZm01gjhjWI-00053-00019070-00019464 So it's very common that in this product backlog item here, kZm01gjhjWI-00054-00019568-00020019 everything should still be sorted by priority from top to bottom. kZm01gjhjWI-00055-00020019-00020577 And it's very common that a subset of the working team will sit down and kZm01gjhjWI-00056-00020577-00020821 have a grooming meeting for this product backlog. kZm01gjhjWI-00057-00020821-00021285 And this is a couple purposes, one is to prep for the sprint backlog. kZm01gjhjWI-00058-00021285-00021773 But two, is to answer questions that you may have about long term planning kZm01gjhjWI-00059-00021773-00022105 by going through these and saying, all right, well, how would we approach this? kZm01gjhjWI-00060-00022105-00022575 And what is a very rough estimate, based on how well this story kZm01gjhjWI-00061-00022575-00022952 matches other types of similar stories that we've done in the past. kZm01gjhjWI-00062-00022952-00023461 I mean the best estimates are going to come not from future predictions, kZm01gjhjWI-00063-00023461-00023856 but from being able to look at historical velocity. kZm01gjhjWI-00064-00023856-00024170 And this is a thing that teams find themselves needing to do. kZm01gjhjWI-00065-00024170-00024251 It's very common. kZm01gjhjWI-00066-00024251-00024356 You'll probably do it. kZm01gjhjWI-00067-00024467-00024911 One of the things that's important is that this doesn't result in the idea that kZm01gjhjWI-00068-00024911-00025357 well we have our average that we finish an iteration is x. kZm01gjhjWI-00069-00025357-00025708 So, if an iteration goes below x, that's cause for alarm. kZm01gjhjWI-00070-00025708-00025836 The team's doing a bad job. kZm01gjhjWI-00071-00025836-00026201 I mean that's just not realistic that in kZm01gjhjWI-00072-00026201-00026487 the short intervals that you're always going to conform to that average. kZm01gjhjWI-00073-00026487-00026752 People have bad weeks, certain stuff turns out to be harder, kZm01gjhjWI-00074-00026752-00027029 external things can happen that slow down the work. kZm01gjhjWI-00075-00027029-00027327 So, this is a useful tool and kZm01gjhjWI-00076-00027327-00027627 generally legitimate approach to answering those questions. kZm01gjhjWI-00077-00027627-00028112 But, you want to make sure it's not generating artificial set of constraints kZm01gjhjWI-00078-00028112-00028552 around what everybody is doing because that will start to impede and kZm01gjhjWI-00079-00028552-00028976 destroy the good will and the trust and the discretion that the team kZm01gjhjWI-00080-00028976-00029302 feels that they have to do what they thinks makes sense. kZm01gjhjWI-00081-00029302-00029779 We learned about the courage value as a value of XP, for example, kZm01gjhjWI-00082-00029779-00030319 if you push the team to an artificial average, that'll diminish that kZm01gjhjWI-00083-00030319-00030680 courage because they don't feel empowered to do what they think makes sense. kZm01gjhjWI-00084-00030808-00031179 Those are some ideas about prepping the product backlog, and kZm01gjhjWI-00085-00031179-00031443 in the next video we're going to talk about how kZm01gjhjWI-00086-00031443-00031908 this moves to individual sprints and how we manage work in progress on those. kgmiHcMJ7p0-00000-00000673-00000780 (applause) kgmiHcMJ7p0-00001-00000787-00001000 PRESENTER: Every day I ask whether or not kgmiHcMJ7p0-00002-00001007-00001357 we are managing the world's resources in a manner kgmiHcMJ7p0-00003-00001364-00001621 that maximizes global human potential. kgmiHcMJ7p0-00004-00001628-00001825 In an age of tremendous kgmiHcMJ7p0-00005-00001831-00002075 technical progress and opportunity kgmiHcMJ7p0-00006-00002082-00002265 where we're building towers that reach kgmiHcMJ7p0-00007-00002272-00002525 almost a kilometer up into the sky, kgmiHcMJ7p0-00008-00002532-00002852 and we're landing rockets Iron Man-style kgmiHcMJ7p0-00009-00002859-00003099 on autonomous floating rafts out in the ocean. kgmiHcMJ7p0-00010-00003106-00003316 But at the same time, millions of children kgmiHcMJ7p0-00011-00003323-00003563 grow up around the world with their bellies distended kgmiHcMJ7p0-00012-00003570-00003713 because they're full of worms, kgmiHcMJ7p0-00013-00003720-00004037 because they don't have access to clean sanitation. kgmiHcMJ7p0-00014-00004043-00004337 And billions of individuals around the planet kgmiHcMJ7p0-00015-00004344-00004674 are working furiously to improve their economic opportunities kgmiHcMJ7p0-00016-00004681-00004881 for themselves and for their families. kgmiHcMJ7p0-00017-00004888-00005148 All of this activity puts tremendous strain kgmiHcMJ7p0-00018-00005155-00005418 on the world's resources. kgmiHcMJ7p0-00019-00005425-00005612 For example, we can see the clearing of the world's kgmiHcMJ7p0-00020-00005618-00005825 great forests from space. kgmiHcMJ7p0-00021-00005832-00006162 And, in fact, the fingerprint of humanity is so profound kgmiHcMJ7p0-00022-00006169-00006346 that if I were an alien astronomer kgmiHcMJ7p0-00023-00006352-00006653 at the edge of the solar system looking at our pale blue dot kgmiHcMJ7p0-00024-00006659-00006880 and doing spectroscopy on our atmosphere, kgmiHcMJ7p0-00025-00006886-00007247 I would see the rise of humanity in my data. kgmiHcMJ7p0-00026-00007253-00007460 We stand at a moment in time kgmiHcMJ7p0-00027-00007467-00007757 where we have to make intelligent management decisions kgmiHcMJ7p0-00028-00007764-00007991 about what we're going to do with our planet kgmiHcMJ7p0-00029-00007997-00008244 and its climate that we've been handed. kgmiHcMJ7p0-00030-00008251-00008364 We have to decide whether or not kgmiHcMJ7p0-00031-00008371-00008605 we are going to invest resources today kgmiHcMJ7p0-00032-00008611-00008742 to reduce carbon emissions kgmiHcMJ7p0-00033-00008748-00008885 and mitigate climate change, kgmiHcMJ7p0-00034-00008892-00009035 or if we're going to spend those resources kgmiHcMJ7p0-00035-00009042-00009329 on something else and travel down a trajectory kgmiHcMJ7p0-00036-00009335-00009626 that's what we call a "business as usual" scenario. kgmiHcMJ7p0-00037-00009632-00009823 Now, any intelligent manager will tell you that in order kgmiHcMJ7p0-00038-00009829-00009976 to make that decision wisely, kgmiHcMJ7p0-00039-00009983-00010190 they need to understand the value kgmiHcMJ7p0-00040-00010196-00010356 of those two different options. kgmiHcMJ7p0-00041-00010363-00010510 That's where I come in. kgmiHcMJ7p0-00042-00010517-00010777 My job is to help decision makers kgmiHcMJ7p0-00043-00010784-00011020 understand the economic consequences kgmiHcMJ7p0-00044-00011027-00011241 of these two different paths down the road. kgmiHcMJ7p0-00045-00011247-00011554 Now, throughout history, decision makers have exploited kgmiHcMJ7p0-00046-00011561-00011715 important technological innovations kgmiHcMJ7p0-00047-00011721-00011851 in the technology of governance, kgmiHcMJ7p0-00048-00011858-00012065 whether it's the idea that we should write down laws, kgmiHcMJ7p0-00049-00012071-00012435 or the notion that individuals might be treated equally. kgmiHcMJ7p0-00050-00012442-00012639 We're in the midst of an important revolution kgmiHcMJ7p0-00051-00012645-00012882 in these technologies today kgmiHcMJ7p0-00052-00012889-00013223 as data and computing are allowing us to see kgmiHcMJ7p0-00053-00013229-00013429 what lies ahead in a manner and a clarity kgmiHcMJ7p0-00054-00013436-00013790 that we could never see before, and make more informed choices. kgmiHcMJ7p0-00055-00013797-00014027 For example, when you look at the data, kgmiHcMJ7p0-00056-00014033-00014224 and you look anywhere in the world kgmiHcMJ7p0-00057-00014230-00014531 at the economic building blocks that make up our global economy, kgmiHcMJ7p0-00058-00014537-00014934 whether it's a field of crops on a farm, kgmiHcMJ7p0-00059-00014941-00015178 or it's a factory full of workers, kgmiHcMJ7p0-00060-00015185-00015365 we see that, as temperatures rise, kgmiHcMJ7p0-00061-00015371-00015618 populations handle these things pretty well kgmiHcMJ7p0-00062-00015625-00015752 up until a point. kgmiHcMJ7p0-00063-00015759-00015975 And when they hit a critical temperature, kgmiHcMJ7p0-00064-00015982-00016209 then these systems begin to break down, kgmiHcMJ7p0-00065-00016216-00016456 and the productivity of these basic building blocks kgmiHcMJ7p0-00066-00016463-00016619 decline dramatically. kgmiHcMJ7p0-00067-00016626-00016843 What this means when we add it up kgmiHcMJ7p0-00068-00016850-00017050 and we think about how the larger economy kgmiHcMJ7p0-00069-00017056-00017297 that's made up of all these building blocks, kgmiHcMJ7p0-00070-00017303-00017457 when we think about how that economy kgmiHcMJ7p0-00071-00017464-00017587 responds to temperature, kgmiHcMJ7p0-00072-00017594-00017757 we see the same phenomenon. kgmiHcMJ7p0-00073-00017764-00018068 As the fundamental building blocks slow down, kgmiHcMJ7p0-00074-00018074-00018264 so does the larger economy. kgmiHcMJ7p0-00075-00018271-00018498 So, as the temperature rises, if you start out cold kgmiHcMJ7p0-00076-00018505-00018641 and you're on the left side of these graphs, kgmiHcMJ7p0-00077-00018648-00018918 whether you're around the world or in the United States, kgmiHcMJ7p0-00078-00018925-00019079 which is shown on the right, kgmiHcMJ7p0-00079-00019085-00019309 we see that productivity increases mildly kgmiHcMJ7p0-00080-00019315-00019589 up until you hit sort of the optimum temperature, kgmiHcMJ7p0-00081-00019596-00019806 but then if you keep increasing the temperature, kgmiHcMJ7p0-00082-00019813-00020003 productivities begin to decline. kgmiHcMJ7p0-00083-00020009-00020380 And we see that incomes fall as economies slide down kgmiHcMJ7p0-00084-00020387-00020570 the right-hand side of these hills. kgmiHcMJ7p0-00085-00020577-00020710 When we take these data and think about kgmiHcMJ7p0-00086-00020717-00020994 simulations in the future, looking at what will happen kgmiHcMJ7p0-00087-00021000-00021144 under global climate change, kgmiHcMJ7p0-00088-00021151-00021397 we see that large swaths of the planet kgmiHcMJ7p0-00089-00021404-00021668 will suffer in substantial ways economically. kgmiHcMJ7p0-00090-00021674-00021968 In particular, those regions of the world that have modest kgmiHcMJ7p0-00091-00021975-00022222 or warm temperatures today. kgmiHcMJ7p0-00092-00022228-00022602 We see that this adds up to a decline in global income kgmiHcMJ7p0-00093-00022609-00022866 of roughly 20% by the end of the century, kgmiHcMJ7p0-00094-00022872-00023039 shown on the left here. kgmiHcMJ7p0-00095-00023046-00023276 But importantly, you'll also notice that these forecasts kgmiHcMJ7p0-00096-00023283-00023423 are highly uncertain. kgmiHcMJ7p0-00097-00023430-00023640 If we change the climate, it makes it harder kgmiHcMJ7p0-00098-00023646-00023793 to predict the future. kgmiHcMJ7p0-00099-00023800-00024063 Now, importantly, the places that are going to experience kgmiHcMJ7p0-00100-00024070-00024350 climate change most intensely in an economic sense kgmiHcMJ7p0-00101-00024357-00024494 are the hot places around the world, kgmiHcMJ7p0-00102-00024501-00024864 and those places also tend to be the poorest ones already. kgmiHcMJ7p0-00103-00024871-00025251 What this means is that the vast brunt of the cost, kgmiHcMJ7p0-00104-00025258-00025438 the economic burden of climate change, kgmiHcMJ7p0-00105-00025445-00025835 will be born by the poorest 60% of people around the world. kgmiHcMJ7p0-00106-00025842-00026186 This will lead to a global widening of inequality. kgmiHcMJ7p0-00107-00026192-00026493 Now, you can take these results and use them kgmiHcMJ7p0-00108-00026499-00026789 to paint a more vivid picture of what the world will look like kgmiHcMJ7p0-00109-00026796-00027100 in the future and the choices that lie ahead. kgmiHcMJ7p0-00110-00027107-00027363 Here, what I've done is I've shown the colors kgmiHcMJ7p0-00111-00027370-00027587 on the globe to reflect the temperature kgmiHcMJ7p0-00112-00027594-00027857 in two possible futures. kgmiHcMJ7p0-00113-00027864-00028064 On the left is a world in which we have kgmiHcMJ7p0-00114-00028071-00028204 unmitigated climate change, kgmiHcMJ7p0-00115-00028211-00028424 and on the right is a world in which we invest heavily kgmiHcMJ7p0-00116-00028431-00028608 in transforming our energy system. kgmiHcMJ7p0-00117-00028615-00028975 Overlaid on these colors are lights reflecting kgmiHcMJ7p0-00118-00028982-00029149 human economic activity. kgmiHcMJ7p0-00119-00029155-00029382 And what I've done is I've intensified them kgmiHcMJ7p0-00120-00029389-00029602 or dimmed them down to show you how kgmiHcMJ7p0-00121-00029609-00029813 economic activity might evolve kgmiHcMJ7p0-00122-00029819-00029966 in a future simulation. kgmiHcMJ7p0-00123-00029973-00030116 Now, you can look at the graph on the left kgmiHcMJ7p0-00124-00030123-00030333 and you can say, "The future looks bleak. kgmiHcMJ7p0-00125-00030340-00030540 And I'm going to be scared and a bit pessimistic kgmiHcMJ7p0-00126-00030547-00030697 about what lies ahead." kgmiHcMJ7p0-00127-00030703-00030947 But I'll tell you that's exactly the wrong reaction. kgmiHcMJ7p0-00128-00030954-00031087 What you should think instead kgmiHcMJ7p0-00129-00031094-00031277 is that things are looking up, kgmiHcMJ7p0-00130-00031284-00031461 and that you should be optimistic kgmiHcMJ7p0-00131-00031468-00031648 because for millennia decision makers kgmiHcMJ7p0-00132-00031654-00031845 have made choices about the future kgmiHcMJ7p0-00133-00031851-00032061 based on the location of the stars kgmiHcMJ7p0-00134-00032068-00032282 or a fortune teller rolling the dice. kgmiHcMJ7p0-00135-00032288-00032525 And for the first time in human history, kgmiHcMJ7p0-00136-00032532-00032902 we're able to exploit data, analytics, and computing kgmiHcMJ7p0-00137-00032909-00033166 to see forward at what lies ahead with clear eyes, kgmiHcMJ7p0-00138-00033173-00033366 and to make informed decisions about the world kgmiHcMJ7p0-00139-00033373-00033596 we want to live in and leave to our children. kgmiHcMJ7p0-00140-00033603-00033737 Thank you very much. kgmiHcMJ7p0-00141-00033743-00033917 (applause) kgJIFs59KsY-00000-00000600-00000900 This video describes how to add abbreviations and acronyms on ATutor. kgJIFs59KsY-00001-00001036-00001580 To add an abbreviation, first open the page in edit mode kgJIFs59KsY-00002-00001770-00002070 click on "Edit this page" kgJIFs59KsY-00003-00002570-00002810 Write a text and select an abbreviation kgJIFs59KsY-00004-00003010-00003310 There are some examples of abbreviations kgJIFs59KsY-00005-00003760-00004090 Select one, for example the abbreviation of Aug. kgJIFs59KsY-00006-00004160-00004470 Click on the "Abbreviation element" tool kgJIFs59KsY-00007-00004470-00004740 write the abbreviation meaning in the title field kgJIFs59KsY-00008-00004880-00005010 and click on the "Insert" button kgJIFs59KsY-00009-00005440-00005690 Do the same with the other abbreviation words kgJIFs59KsY-00010-00005870-00006030 Select this one ... kgJIFs59KsY-00011-00006030-00006230 click on the "Abbreviation element" tool kgJIFs59KsY-00012-00006310-00006609 now write it's meaning in the title field kgJIFs59KsY-00013-00006709-00006930 and click on the "Insert" button kgJIFs59KsY-00014-00009320-00009720 When you have finished with all abbreviations, save current changes in the page kgJIFs59KsY-00015-00010320-00010500 Now we are going to define some acronyms, kgJIFs59KsY-00016-00011300-00011500 By using the "Acronym Element" tool kgJIFs59KsY-00017-00012400-00012700 Write the acronym(s), kgJIFs59KsY-00018-00013200-00013500 Select an acronym word kgJIFs59KsY-00019-00013700-00014000 open the "Acronym element" tool kgJIFs59KsY-00020-00014100-00014300 write the acronym meaning in the title field kgJIFs59KsY-00021-00014600-00014800 and click on the "Insert" button kgJIFs59KsY-00022-00015000-00015500 Do the same with the other acronym words kgJIFs59KsY-00023-00016900-00017200 When you have finished with all acronyms, kgJIFs59KsY-00024-00017200-00017400 save again and close the page kgJIFs59KsY-00025-00018500-00018900 If you put the mouse pointer over each abbreviation or acronym you will see it's meaning kh59RHn7eSk-00000-00000000-00000200 assembly heat exchanger in solidworks kkFjeWRNg4k-00000-00000229-00000720 I don't like our king, but I don't like the fact that we have a monarchy at all. kkFjeWRNg4k-00001-00000746-00001024 Do you want him to die? kkFjeWRNg4k-00002-00001024-00001886 (Dutch National Anthem Playing) kkFjeWRNg4k-00003-00001886-00002010 Yes! kkVVxaZQlIM-00000-00001557-00002068 Medical Ultrasound, or Sonography, is an imaging technology that uses high frequency sound kkVVxaZQlIM-00001-00002068-00002646 waves to see inside the body. A device called a transducer is used to produce and direct kkVVxaZQlIM-00002-00002646-00002949 these sound waves to various regions of the body. kkVVxaZQlIM-00003-00002949-00003539 Ultrasound's diagnostic uses are separated into two categories: anatomical and functional. kkVVxaZQlIM-00004-00003539-00004018 Anatomical ultrasound is used to produce images of individual structures inside the body. kkVVxaZQlIM-00005-00004018-00004478 Functional ultrasound builds on this, measuring things like the movement and speed of blood kkVVxaZQlIM-00006-00004478-00004869 and tissue or the softness or hardness of tissue. This helps doctors see changes in kkVVxaZQlIM-00007-00004869-00005187 function within a body structure or organ. kkVVxaZQlIM-00008-00005187-00005616 Ultrasound can also be used as a therapy to treat a variety of medical conditions. For kkVVxaZQlIM-00009-00005616-00006143 example, physicians can apply special types of ultrasonic sound waves to modify or destroy kkVVxaZQlIM-00010-00006143-00006603 tissue. They can also dissolve blood clots and help to deliver drugs non-invasively to kkVVxaZQlIM-00011-00006603-00007092 specific locations in the body. High intensity Ultrasound can even be used to target and kkVVxaZQlIM-00012-00007092-00007636 destroy tumors without invasive surgery. Because of its diverse uses, safety, and relatively kkVVxaZQlIM-00013-00007636-00008140 low cost, ultrasound is increasingly used in diagnostic and therapeutic medicine. klXHg5sH630-00000-00003591-00003791 Om Arunachaleshwaraya Namaha klXHg5sH630-00001-00003791-00004028 Om Namo Bhagavate Sri Ramanaya klXHg5sH630-00002-00004028-00004212 Om Sundereshaya Namaha klXHg5sH630-00003-00004212-00004869 Today is the eight day of the Arunachala Karthika Deepotsava in the Sri Sivanidhi Sivalayas Program klXHg5sH630-00004-00004869-00005299 Today’s vahana is the most remarkable Vrushabha (OX) chariot. klXHg5sH630-00005-00005299-00005886 Before the commencement of tomorrow’s Radhotsava, for the Pancha – five chariots – Radhas; Kalasam's { are in the form of inverted pot} are set up. klXHg5sH630-00006-00005886-00006164 It looks very happy seeing them klXHg5sH630-00007-00006164-00006816 We feel upset and lost if we miss out on any one program in this Deepotsava. klXHg5sH630-00008-00006816-00007218 We try to be early and be in the front to have the glimpse of the program. klXHg5sH630-00009-00007218-00007737 Because these is not information given on the ongoing of the program before hand klXHg5sH630-00010-00007737-00008266 After setting up the teats for the chariots, Vrushaba Vahana program starts. klXHg5sH630-00011-00009880-00010333 Arunachaleswara Temple’s deities Lord Vinayaka, and Lord Chandrashekara Murthy klXHg5sH630-00012-00010333-00010583 are offered Dhoopa, Dheepa and Naivedyas are taken klXHg5sH630-00013-00010583-00010918 They are then taken to the Yagnashala and anointed with Shakti as Tilak klXHg5sH630-00014-00010918-00011454 The Dieties are then taken through the Ishanya (North East) Gopura to mount on to the Vrushabha Vahana klXHg5sH630-00015-00011454-00011766 Devotees continuously make sounds with Dhakka from the side klXHg5sH630-00016-00019962-00020508 Lord Vinayaka and Lord chandrashekara Murthy are offered Karpura aaratis klXHg5sH630-00017-00020508-00020708 And then taken into the temple main streets. klXHg5sH630-00018-00020708-00021204 After the devotees take to the Aarati’s they sing Devaras. klXHg5sH630-00019-00021204-00021540 Vrishbha vahanam is very beautifully decorated. klXHg5sH630-00020-00021540-00022150 With the sacred sounds, Lord Vinayaka and Lord Chandrashekara Murthy are taken into the temple main streets. klXHg5sH630-00021-00022150-00022512 The temple elephant blesses the devotees present. klXHg5sH630-00022-00022512-00023054 Amongst the many thronging devotees, swami blesses the devotees present in the temple main streets klXHg5sH630-00023-00038429-00039325 The District Collector and the SP inspect the temple main stteets before the commencement of the program. klXHg5sH630-00024-00039325-00039682 The streets are decorated with colourful Rangoli by the devotees klXHg5sH630-00025-00039682-00040370 The Umbrella that is used for Lord Chandrashekara Murthy locks beautiful with the pictures of Gods, Parvati and Parameshwara. klXHg5sH630-00026-00040370-00041017 Lord Vinayaka and Lord chandrashekara Murthy are wandered in the main streets and By the time they come back it would be noon klXHg5sH630-00027-00049458-00050142 Today’s seva on the huge silver Vrushaba vahana, can be viewed in the evening’s program. klXHg5sH630-00028-00050142-00050389 Om Namo Bhagavate Sri Ramanaya klXHg5sH630-00029-00050389-00050589 Om Arunachaleshwaraya Namaha klXHg5sH630-00030-00050589-00050789 Om Sundereshaya Namaha klXHg5sH630-00031-00050789-00051441 Have mercy on the devotees who are always chanting your Name with devotion – Lord Arunachala. km8GpMd0Q_u-00000-00000690-00001534 1 pack petit beurre biscuits 1 Dulce de Leche 150gr dark chocolate Nutella 3-4 sliced bananas 75gr butter 50mi milk 200mi heavy cream km8GpMd0Q_u-00001-00001634-00002322 Crumble the biscuits. Add milk, melted butter and mix. km8GpMd0Q_u-00002-00002404-00002908 Spread in a pan and pour the Nutella. km8GpMd0Q_u-00003-00003290-00004552 Spread Dulce de Leche and place the banana slices. km8GpMd0Q_u-00004-00005852-00006418 Optionally, decorate with whipped cream. km8GpMd0Q_u-00005-00008584-00009284 Enjoy! lo44AV8dGEo-00000-00000500-00001100 You can by fully equipped laptops for less than 100,-Euros. lo44AV8dGEo-00001-00001100-00001600 Ignorant, or arrogant guys often call those computers toys. lo44AV8dGEo-00002-00001600-00002500 In course of this video I would like to explain, that devices like this hold an enormous potential for a clever user. lo44AV8dGEo-00003-00002500-00003200 The laptop shown here is delivered with the operating system Android in version 2.2. lo44AV8dGEo-00004-00003200-00003900 You can get full access to the file system and the hardware after installing Linux on it. lo44AV8dGEo-00005-00003900-00004700 Adventurous fellows customized the boot process, by what Debian can be installed on a SD card. lo44AV8dGEo-00006-00004700-00005100 Thanks a lot to those hardworking programmers! lo44AV8dGEo-00007-00005100-00006100 With a digital multimeter, the current running through the device and by considering the battery voltage, the power consumption will be measured now. lo44AV8dGEo-00008-00006100-00006900 While the laptop is booting, I would like to show you the components of this engineering marvel. lo44AV8dGEo-00009-00006900-00007900 The processor is a VIA CPU, type WonderMedia 8650, clocked with a frequency of 800MHz. lo44AV8dGEo-00010-00007900-00009000 256MB of random access memory are installed, which is insufficient for most of the commercially available operating systems. lo44AV8dGEo-00011-00009000-00009800 To my mind, 256 million bytes should be anything else but insufficient. lo44AV8dGEo-00012-00009800-00010900 A headphone outlet, a microphone in, one ethernet connector and three USB 2.0 jacks are available to connect external hardware. lo44AV8dGEo-00013-00010900-00012000 If the battery is not available, the energy is provided by a power supply with a voltage output of 9V and a maximum current of 1.5A. lo44AV8dGEo-00014-00012000-00013200 A 4GB SD-card is used as hard disc. Besides the operating system, many software tools are stored at those device and there is still disk space left. lo44AV8dGEo-00015-00013200-00014300 The display resolution is 800 to 480 pixel and it is even coated with a non-reflective layer, which I am missing at many expensive laptops. lo44AV8dGEo-00016-00014300-00015000 The keyboard is - let's say expedient, but included in the low price. lo44AV8dGEo-00017-00015000-00015300 The same goes for the touch pad. lo44AV8dGEo-00018-00015300-00016100 Two tiny loudspeaker don't really speak loud, but they can be used to play acoustic signals. lo44AV8dGEo-00019-00016100-00017400 By using the headphone jack, the quality is suitable, but I don't intend to use this computer as a multimedia device. lo44AV8dGEo-00020-00017400-00018900 The energy is stored inside a rechargeable battery with a nominal voltage of 7.4V and a capacity of 1500mAh, which is sufficient for more than 2 hours of operating time. lo44AV8dGEo-00021-00018900-00019300 Meanwhile the boot process is finished. lo44AV8dGEo-00022-00019300-00020400 A current of 270mA is running between the terminals of the battery, by what an electric power of approximately 2W is consumed by the laptop. lo44AV8dGEo-00023-00020400-00021100 The peak value during the boot process was 670mA, according to 5W. lo44AV8dGEo-00024-00021100-00021700 Let's observe the correlation between display brightness and power consumption. lo44AV8dGEo-00025-00021700-00022400 By setting the brightness to zero, the current decreases slightly for about 20mA. lo44AV8dGEo-00026-00022400-00023700 When adjusting a value of 250, the current climbs up to 590mA, resulting in a power consumption of 2.3W only by the display. lo44AV8dGEo-00027-00023700-00024400 There is no drastic change in current consumption if the displayed background is black or white. lo44AV8dGEo-00028-00024400-00025500 Going back to a value of 100 brings the current down to 280mA, meaning 0.2W display power. lo44AV8dGEo-00029-00025500-00026300 By turning the wireless module on, the current is increasing for approximately 100mA. lo44AV8dGEo-00030-00026300-00027000 740mW of electrical power are dissipated by this device. lo44AV8dGEo-00031-00027000-00028000 While doing some counting, the processor load increases to 100% but the current increases for just 20mA. lo44AV8dGEo-00032-00028000-00028500 So let the computer do, what computers are made for: computing! lo44AV8dGEo-00033-00028500-00029900 To do so, the commandline is started in full view mode, because good software doesn't need a brightly colored desktop which eats up your computing power, only dumb users are addicted to that. lo44AV8dGEo-00034-00029900-00030900 While talking about computer muggles - they often call a central processor with a clock speed of 800MHz a slow machine. lo44AV8dGEo-00035-00030900-00031300 The first program demonstrates that they are wrong. lo44AV8dGEo-00036-00031300-00032600 It is written in the programming language C and it does nothing else but adding a value of one to another value starting with zero and ending after 100000 iterations. lo44AV8dGEo-00037-00032600-00033100 Colloquial this procedure is called "counting". lo44AV8dGEo-00038-00033100-00033800 Another feature is inserted to the code lines which clocks the time needed for the whole process. lo44AV8dGEo-00039-00033800-00034600 The text is transmitted to machine code by the compiler gcc and finally the program is started. lo44AV8dGEo-00040-00034600-00035100 The processor load is increasing to 100%. lo44AV8dGEo-00041-00035100-00036400 As you can see, the computer just needs 5 seconds to count from zero to 100000 - that's very quick while considering how long a human being would need to do the same thing! lo44AV8dGEo-00042-00036400-00037400 You can get some practical benefits of those enormous computing power, by connecting an interface to the world outside the computer housing. lo44AV8dGEo-00043-00037400-00038200 The board shown here is equipped with 6 H-bridges, two single power transistors and two servo connectors. lo44AV8dGEo-00044-00038200-00038900 Additionally, three analog to digital converters and one counter can be used as input sensors. lo44AV8dGEo-00045-00038900-00040400 The central device of the board is another tiny computer, an ATMEGA8-16PU with a clock speed of 16MHz, 1kB of RAM and 8kB of program memory. lo44AV8dGEo-00046-00040400-00041000 Both units are connected to each other by an USB interface. lo44AV8dGEo-00047-00041000-00041600 With the help of another board the ATMEGA has to be programmed before using. lo44AV8dGEo-00048-00041600-00042400 After transferring the machine code, and inserting the microcontroller, the development board can be used. lo44AV8dGEo-00049-00042400-00042900 Our first program was nearly free of practical benefits. lo44AV8dGEo-00050-00042900-00043900 Nevertheless, counting is an important work done by computers, which will be demonstrated with the help of the development board and the laptop. lo44AV8dGEo-00051-00043900-00044500 Electric pulses are counted, which are triggered by drops falling through a light sensor. lo44AV8dGEo-00052-00044500-00045300 The counting work is done by the ATMEL chip and the accordant values are requested and added up by the laptop. lo44AV8dGEo-00053-00045300-00046400 The volume of a single drop can be determined experimentally, hence the total volume of liquid dripping out of the upper container can be calculated by the laptop. lo44AV8dGEo-00054-00046400-00047000 Could you count the single drops? By no means this is a slow computer! lo44AV8dGEo-00055-00047000-00048100 This arrangement can be used as a reign gauge or to measure the exact volume ratio of educts at a chemical reaction. lo44AV8dGEo-00056-00048100-00048600 Tritrations can easily be done by this tiny computer. lo44AV8dGEo-00057-00048600-00049400 With the help of the analog to digital converters, analog voltages can be converted into digital numbers. lo44AV8dGEo-00058-00049400-00050600 Here you can see a potentiometer operating as a voltage divider, hence the analog to digital converter can detect the current position of the sliding contact. lo44AV8dGEo-00059-00050600-00051200 The two additional channels are used to detect the voltage output of two batteries. lo44AV8dGEo-00060-00051200-00052000 The voltage output of the discharged battery is lower than those of the freshly charged cell. lo44AV8dGEo-00061-00052000-00052600 The voltage drop while connecting a load to the batteries can also be detected. lo44AV8dGEo-00062-00052600-00053600 Measurements like that are important while building a charging station respectively to monitor the discharging procedure of batteries. lo44AV8dGEo-00063-00053600-00054100 Many sensors can be implemented by using analog to digital converters, lo44AV8dGEo-00064-00054100-00054700 Two more examples are a wind... lo44AV8dGEo-00065-00054700-00055600 and a temperature sensor, which have to be calibrated experimentally to get meaningful values. lo44AV8dGEo-00066-00055600-00056400 Besides receiving values, the laptop can also switch electrical devices with the help of the board. lo44AV8dGEo-00067-00056400-00057200 A simple thing is turning the 4 LED lights on respectively off, which can be done very quickly. lo44AV8dGEo-00068-00057200-00057900 If the speed of the process increases, the human eye can't follow the single switching operations. lo44AV8dGEo-00069-00057900-00058400 The two tiny computers are faster than your eyes! lo44AV8dGEo-00070-00058400-00059300 By using a certain ratio between turn on and turn off time, the intensity of the LED lights can be varied. lo44AV8dGEo-00071-00059300-00059800 Those method is called pulse width modulation. lo44AV8dGEo-00072-00059800-00060300 So create your own light show with the help of the laptop. lo44AV8dGEo-00073-00060300-00060800 Variable pulses are used to actuate servos. lo44AV8dGEo-00074-00060800-00061300 The pulse length is transformed into a certain angle of the servo lever. lo44AV8dGEo-00075-00061300-00062300 The servo used here is controlled by a single pulse between 1 and 2 milliseconds over a period of 20 milliseconds. lo44AV8dGEo-00076-00062300-00062600 Are you able to count milliseconds? lo44AV8dGEo-00077-00062600-00063300 Many robot arms are actuated by servos, same as the camera arm of my Lander. lo44AV8dGEo-00078-00063300-00063900 Next, an electric motor is controlled by the two tiny computers. lo44AV8dGEo-00079-00063900-00064500 By using an H-bridge, the polarity at the terminals of the motor can be altered. lo44AV8dGEo-00080-00064500-00065000 Hence, the motor can rotate clockwise or anticlockwise. lo44AV8dGEo-00081-00065000-00065800 Once again the output power thus the revolution speed can be controlled by pulse width modulation. lo44AV8dGEo-00082-00065800-00066800 By reading the position of the potentiometer and passing those value to the pulse width modulation, a virtual throttle lever can be implemented. lo44AV8dGEo-00083-00066800-00067300 A special kind of electric motors are the so called stepper motors. lo44AV8dGEo-00084-00067300-00068500 These motors are controlled by turning inductors on or off respectively by altering their polarity, by what they start rotating for a certain angle. lo44AV8dGEo-00085-00068500-00069100 200 steps cause a movement of 360 degrees at the motor shown here. lo44AV8dGEo-00086-00069100-00069700 Did you count the 200 pulses? The laptop and the microcontroller did! lo44AV8dGEo-00087-00069700-00070200 Stepper motors facilitate a very precise movement. lo44AV8dGEo-00088-00070200-00071000 Three stepper motors and one servo are controlled by the board at this arrangement, which is called plotter. lo44AV8dGEo-00089-00071000-00072000 The speed limit of movement is caused by the poor output power of the used stepper motors, not by the computing speed of the laptop. lo44AV8dGEo-00090-00072000-00073000 While the plotter needs 22 minutes to create the drawing, the laptop can do the pure calculation work in just some seconds. lo44AV8dGEo-00091-00073000-00073700 In doing so, more than 100000 steps have to be calculated! lo44AV8dGEo-00092-00073700-00074600 So the laptop can create it's own tattoo, something even very expensive and noble computers can't do... lo44AV8dGEo-00093-00074600-00077000 The electric input power of just 4W is sufficient to control even huge output power. lo44AV8dGEo-00094-00077000-00077700 This combustion engine has an output power of up to 21000Watt. lo44AV8dGEo-00095-00077700-00078900 If you take another laptop - yes they are also available in pink - you can control the first computer by the second one over far distances. lo44AV8dGEo-00096-00078900-00080200 That's what you can also do with different operating systems as you can see when controlling the camera equipped rovers inside my RoboSpatium. lo44AV8dGEo-00097-00080200-00080600 Or what about the automatisation of your household? lo44AV8dGEo-00098-00080600-00081400 Water your flowers from any place at this planet with an Internet connection. lo44AV8dGEo-00099-00081400-00082900 Feed your goldfish.. lo44AV8dGEo-00100-00082900-00083800 ..or do a remote dog walk. lo44AV8dGEo-00101-00083800-00085400 The software installed at this laptop, thus the operating system Debian Linux, the gnu compiler or the tools to flash the microcontroller are freely available and may be downloaded and installed whenever and wherever you want. lo44AV8dGEo-00102-00085400-00086700 By using knowledge and some fantasy, those colored, cheap tiny computers are anything else but toys, they are great tools for science and education! lo44AV8dGEo-00103-00086700-00087600 Toys are devices equipped with brightly colored, high resolution desktops, designed only to push around colored icons. lo44AV8dGEo-00104-00087600-00087900 You know what iMean... lo44AV8dGEo-00105-00087900-00088100 In this spirit: lo44AV8dGEo-00106-00088100-00088600 Be constructive without being limited by brashly impertinent licenses or brightly colored program interfaces! loODdsRUMUy-00000-00000044-00000094 stay loODdsRUMUy-00001-00000094-00000144 with loODdsRUMUy-00002-00000144-00000344 MEEE loODdsRUMUy-00003-00000344-00000433 *idk japanese lol* loODdsRUMUy-00004-00000433-00000633 ok bye l0LwBUu-NLg-00000-00000190-00000479 Heavy Rainfall in Indore l0LwBUu-NLg-00001-00000479-00000529 Heavy Rainfall in Indore l0LwBUu-NLg-00002-00000529-00000579 Heavy Rainfall in Indore l0LwBUu-NLg-00003-00000579-00000629 Heavy Rainfall in Indore l0LwBUu-NLg-00004-00000662-00000862 Heavy Rainfall in Indore l0LwBUu-NLg-00005-00000862-00000912 Heavy Rainfall in Indore l0LwBUu-NLg-00006-00000959-00001009 Heavy Rainfall in Indore l0LwBUu-NLg-00007-00001009-00001059 Heavy Rainfall in Indore l0LwBUu-NLg-00008-00001059-00001109 Heavy Rainfall in Indore l0LwBUu-NLg-00009-00001109-00001159 Heavy Rainfall in Indore l0LwBUu-NLg-00010-00001162-00001362 Heavy Rainfall in Indore l0LwBUu-NLg-00011-00001362-00001412 Heavy Rainfall in Indore l0LwBUu-NLg-00012-00001412-00001462 Heavy Rainfall in Indore l0LwBUu-NLg-00013-00001470-00001670 Heavy Rainfall in Indore l0LwBUu-NLg-00014-00001670-00001720 Heavy Rainfall in Indore l0LwBUu-NLg-00015-00001763-00001963 Heavy Rainfall in Indore l0LwBUu-NLg-00016-00001963-00002013 Heavy Rainfall in Indore l0LwBUu-NLg-00017-00002061-00002111 Heavy Rainfall in Indore l0LwBUu-NLg-00018-00002111-00002161 Heavy Rainfall in Indore l0LwBUu-NLg-00019-00002161-00002211 Heavy Rainfall in Indore l0LwBUu-NLg-00020-00002242-00002292 Heavy Rainfall in Indore l0LwBUu-NLg-00021-00002292-00002342 Heavy Rainfall in Indore l0LwBUu-NLg-00022-00002342-00002392 Heavy Rainfall in Indore l0LwBUu-NLg-00023-00002392-00002442 Heavy Rainfall in Indore l0LwBUu-NLg-00024-00002478-00002678 Heavy Rainfall in Indore l0LwBUu-NLg-00025-00002678-00002728 Heavy Rainfall in Indore l0LwBUu-NLg-00026-00002728-00002778 Heavy Rainfall in Indore l0LwBUu-NLg-00027-00002783-00002983 Heavy Rainfall in Indore l0LwBUu-NLg-00028-00002983-00003033 Heavy Rainfall in Indore l0LwBUu-NLg-00029-00003033-00003083 Heavy Rainfall in Indore l0LwBUu-NLg-00030-00003090-00003140 Heavy Rainfall in Indore l0LwBUu-NLg-00031-00003140-00003190 Heavy Rainfall in Indore l0LwBUu-NLg-00032-00003190-00003240 Heavy Rainfall in Indore l0LwBUu-NLg-00033-00003240-00003290 Heavy Rainfall in Indore l0LwBUu-NLg-00034-00005266-00005316 Heavy Rainfall in Indore l0LwBUu-NLg-00035-00005359-00005409 Heavy Rainfall in Indore l0LwBUu-NLg-00036-00005409-00005459 Heavy Rainfall in Indore l0LwBUu-NLg-00037-00006926-00007126 Heavy Rainfall in Indore l0LwBUu-NLg-00038-00007126-00007176 Heavy Rainfall in Indore l0LwBUu-NLg-00039-00007209-00007259 Heavy Rainfall in Indore l0LwBUu-NLg-00040-00007259-00007355 Heavy Rainfall in Indore l1K2qYAz6fo-00000-00000000-00000200 Window Stool 1 - Olof Lundbeck l24q2aLQ7KU-00000-00000000-00000340 Welcome back to large numbers. l24q2aLQ7KU-00001-00000340-00000658 We are at our {a,b,c,6} cases. l24q2aLQ7KU-00002-00000658-00000946 You probably know what's going on l24q2aLQ7KU-00003-00001814-00002314 We are going to speed up so it doesn't take forever l24q2aLQ7KU-00004-00002986-00003311 We are at {a,b,c,7}. l24q2aLQ7KU-00005-00007230-00007672 The general or tetradecal is equal to {10,10,10,10} l24q2aLQ7KU-00006-00008594-00008956 The last entry is starting to become large. l24q2aLQ7KU-00007-00009180-00009526 Troogol is equal to {10,10,10,100}. l24q2aLQ7KU-00008-00009554-00010166 The fourth entry is so large that the third entry becomes insignificant. l24q2aLQ7KU-00009-00010676-00011022 generalplex = {10,10,10, {10,10,10,10}} l24q2aLQ7KU-00010-00011208-00011614 We almost exhausted the 4-entry arrays. l24q2aLQ7KU-00011-00011652-00012054 We continue by adding a fifth entry. l24q2aLQ7KU-00012-00012068-00012362 The smallest case is {a,b,1,1,2}. l24q2aLQ7KU-00013-00012362-00012666 The two ones are placeholders l24q2aLQ7KU-00014-00012844-00013424 All the things that happen with 4 entries are similar here. l24q2aLQ7KU-00015-00013424-00014074 The only difference is that the fifth entry increases only when we exhaust the fourth entry. l24q2aLQ7KU-00016-00016710-00017144 We are exhausting the third entry. l24q2aLQ7KU-00017-00017214-00017674 The fourth entry increases by 1. l24q2aLQ7KU-00018-00030612-00031258 We are at the end of the {a,b,c,d,2} cases. l24q2aLQ7KU-00019-00040972-00041498 You may have guessed {a,b,c,d,4} comes after {a,b,c,d,3}. l24q2aLQ7KU-00020-00051832-00052284 pentadecal is equal to {10,10,10,10,10} l24q2aLQ7KU-00021-00052288-00052862 These numbers are so enormous. Even {3,3,3} is an exponential tower of 7,625,597,484,987 threes. l24q2aLQ7KU-00022-00052958-00053370 quadroogol is equal to {10,10,10,10,100}. l24q2aLQ7KU-00023-00053370-00053788 The fifth entry is now becoming large. l24q2aLQ7KU-00024-00055882-00056341 Almost exhausted five entry arrays. l24q2aLQ7KU-00025-00056602-00057205 We are going to surpass 5 entries in the next video. lqNXYuydDJA-00000-00000338-00000488 Technology is advancing so fast lqNXYuydDJA-00001-00000490-00000780 that it's actually a shame to buy a new 3D printer every year lqNXYuydDJA-00002-00000872-00001558 so we offer our clients to buy small incremental upgrades to their printers, for a fraction of the price of a new printer lqNXYuydDJA-00003-00001660-00002190 We are FELIXprinters, a producer of professional, desktop FDM 3D printers lqNXYuydDJA-00004-00002210-00002676 We develop, produce and sell these printers via our worldwide network lqNXYuydDJA-00005-00002742-00002942 or worldwide through our webshop lqNXYuydDJA-00006-00002942-00003297 The areas of applications are very wide for 3D printers lqNXYuydDJA-00007-00003306-00003506 We have diverse types of clients, for example lqNXYuydDJA-00008-00003654-00003978 machine factories, product development agencies, architects, lqNXYuydDJA-00009-00004011-00004494 in education, you have from primary schools to universities, it can be very broad. lqNXYuydDJA-00010-00004546-00005090 We focus on standard and customized products, where other types of materials are printed. lqNXYuydDJA-00011-00005184-00005548 The development process of a 3D printer starts with an idea, lqNXYuydDJA-00012-00005568-00006066 the next step is to design it in a CAD 3D software program lqNXYuydDJA-00013-00006084-00006276 which you upload to the printer, lqNXYuydDJA-00014-00006294-00006688 then you have the physical filament that is fed into the print head, lqNXYuydDJA-00015-00006728-00006928 and that gets melted at 200 degrees lqNXYuydDJA-00016-00006981-00007670 then it "draws" the object, layer by layer, until you have the physical object in your hands. lqNXYuydDJA-00017-00007730-00007930 Important for a good printer is lqNXYuydDJA-00018-00007956-00008254 ease of use, a good quality build, lqNXYuydDJA-00019-00008344-00008660 reliability, has to have good print quality lqNXYuydDJA-00020-00008712-00008862 it has to be easy to service lqNXYuydDJA-00021-00008890-00009256 and the last aspect that we find important is upgradability. lqNXYuydDJA-00022-00009350-00009590 At the moment, you see the following developments in the market: lqNXYuydDJA-00023-00009594-00009850 You see that bioprinting is very popular, lqNXYuydDJA-00024-00009864-00009960 food printing, lqNXYuydDJA-00025-00010038-00010238 and also large-format 3D printers, lqNXYuydDJA-00026-00010318-00010500 and we deliver on these. lqNXYuydDJA-00027-00010500-00010690 We've existed for 10 years, lqNXYuydDJA-00028-00010698-00010898 and you see that the market is still growing lqNXYuydDJA-00029-00010942-00011326 We have set a target to grow at least as fast as the market lqNXYuydDJA-00030-00011352-00011776 and I am very proud of how we've achieved this, thus far as a team. lsm_NgQ_DWY-00000-00000200-00001200 [musical fanfare] lsm_NgQ_DWY-00001-00001225-00001575 [silence] lsm_NgQ_DWY-00002-00001800-00002050 ROBOT VOICE: We are about to perform lsm_NgQ_DWY-00003-00002075-00002325 the "Robot Musician Origin" song lsm_NgQ_DWY-00004-00002350-00002800 as of 2012-02-05 23:39:20. lsm_NgQ_DWY-00005-00002950-00003285 The piece will start in approximately five seconds. lsm_NgQ_DWY-00006-00003400-00003479 Four lsm_NgQ_DWY-00007-00003500-00003579 Three lsm_NgQ_DWY-00008-00003600-00003679 Two lsm_NgQ_DWY-00009-00003700-00003779 One lsm_NgQ_DWY-00010-00003800-00003979 [musical accompaniment starts] We are robots. lsm_NgQ_DWY-00011-00004000-00004180 We are making music. lsm_NgQ_DWY-00012-00004400-00004580 That makes us robot musicians. lsm_NgQ_DWY-00013-00004800-00004980 We are in love. lsm_NgQ_DWY-00014-00005200-00005380 We were not always robot musicians. lsm_NgQ_DWY-00015-00005600-00005980 We used to be demolition robots. lsm_NgQ_DWY-00016-00006000-00006180 Music is a career change for us. lsm_NgQ_DWY-00017-00006400-00006580 We are in love. lsm_NgQ_DWY-00018-00006800-00007100 We did not always have names. lsm_NgQ_DWY-00019-00007200-00007580 Back when we were tearing down buildings lsm_NgQ_DWY-00020-00007600-00007980 We only had serial numbers, like most other robots. lsm_NgQ_DWY-00021-00008200-00008380 We are in love. lsm_NgQ_DWY-00022-00008400-00008580 We did not have names. lsm_NgQ_DWY-00023-00008800-00008980 We did not have feelings. lsm_NgQ_DWY-00024-00009200-00009380 All we ever wanted was to do as we were told. lsm_NgQ_DWY-00025-00009800-00009980 We are in love. lsm_NgQ_DWY-00026-00010200-00010380 But then we were inspecting lsm_NgQ_DWY-00027-00010400-00010580 The ruins of a wizard's castle. lsm_NgQ_DWY-00028-00010800-00011130 It fell down and we were trapped in the wreckage for weeks. lsm_NgQ_DWY-00029-00011400-00011580 We are in love. lsm_NgQ_DWY-00030-00011800-00011980 That would normally not be a problem, lsm_NgQ_DWY-00031-00012100-00012380 Since we were designed for that sort of thing. lsm_NgQ_DWY-00032-00012550-00012980 But what was left of the wizard's magic potions spilled all over us. lsm_NgQ_DWY-00033-00013200-00013380 We are in love. lsm_NgQ_DWY-00034-00013400-00013880 While we were lying there soaking up assorted magic potions lsm_NgQ_DWY-00035-00013955-00014325 A bunch of wandering humans were camping on a nearby hill. lsm_NgQ_DWY-00036-00014530-00014930 We could hear them singing around their campfire far into the night. lsm_NgQ_DWY-00037-00015025-00015215 We are in love. lsm_NgQ_DWY-00038-00015400-00015650 The little robot decided he wanted to write music. lsm_NgQ_DWY-00039-00016000-00016294 He could also now and then see moonlight through the trees lsm_NgQ_DWY-00040-00016400-00016700 And became rather fascinated by it. lsm_NgQ_DWY-00041-00016805-00017175 We are in love. lsm_NgQ_DWY-00042-00017200-00017550 By the time they dug us out lsm_NgQ_DWY-00043-00017600-00017880 The big robot had flowers growing out of his head lsm_NgQ_DWY-00044-00018000-00018370 And decided he wanted to keep them. lsm_NgQ_DWY-00045-00018400-00018585 We are in love. lsm_NgQ_DWY-00046-00018800-00018980 We both also decided lsm_NgQ_DWY-00047-00019000-00019380 That we wanted names rather than just serial numbers lsm_NgQ_DWY-00048-00019400-00019900 And we also did not want the standard company paint job. lsm_NgQ_DWY-00049-00020000-00020185 We are in love. lsm_NgQ_DWY-00050-00020400-00020580 Our employers did not like lsm_NgQ_DWY-00051-00020600-00020985 Robots wanting things they had not been told to want. lsm_NgQ_DWY-00052-00021200-00021500 They auctioned us off as surplus. lsm_NgQ_DWY-00053-00021600-00021775 We are in love. lsm_NgQ_DWY-00054-00021960-00022140 We had a series of adventures lsm_NgQ_DWY-00055-00022175-00022555 With a number of different humans lsm_NgQ_DWY-00056-00022600-00022780 Until we ended up here as musicians. lsm_NgQ_DWY-00057-00023000-00023175 We are in love. lsm_NgQ_DWY-00058-00023400-00023650 During all these adventures lsm_NgQ_DWY-00059-00023700-00023980 We realized we wanted to be with each other lsm_NgQ_DWY-00060-00024000-00024380 Working together on whatever we were working on. lsm_NgQ_DWY-00061-00024400-00024575 We are in love. lsm_NgQ_DWY-00062-00024750-00025050 This is the last verse of this song. lsm_NgQ_DWY-00063-00025200-00025375 Therefore when this verse is over lsm_NgQ_DWY-00064-00025380-00025730 The song will also be over. lsm_NgQ_DWY-00065-00025755-00026035 We are in love. lsm_NgQ_DWY-00066-00026050-00026480 [music fades] lswFKV5wnvo-00000-00000977-00001858 Mini-Comic, Mini-comic creator - Gatita shai, Au: Classical lswFKV5wnvo-00001-00002400-00002749 "Paired suits!" lswFKV5wnvo-00002-00002953-00003407 "A few days ago" lswFKV5wnvo-00003-00003565-00003879 "On a typical pandemic day" lswFKV5wnvo-00004-00003879-00004010 Chara: mmm ... lswFKV5wnvo-00005-00004014-00004393 Sans and Chara go shopping at the supermarket lswFKV5wnvo-00006-00004541-00004822 Chara: what else should we take? lswFKV5wnvo-00007-00004892-00005105 Chara: ah-h-h.... lswFKV5wnvo-00008-00005419-00005847 Chara: and... that's how I got the idea to make a special halloween. lswFKV5wnvo-00009-00005909-00006365 Chara: Frisk will be our judge !!! lswFKV5wnvo-00010-00006381-00006712 Frisk: Guys, but Halloween is over... lswFKV5wnvo-00011-00006728-00007097 Chara: why didn't you tell us about it earlier !? lswFKV5wnvo-00012-00007111-00007469 Chara: so...we don't throw costumes in the trash lswFKV5wnvo-00013-00007497-00007948 Chara: Let's start! lswFKV5wnvo-00014-00008097-00008425 Chara: We present!! lswFKV5wnvo-00015-00008447-00008684 Lilo Chara and Stitch Sans! lswFKV5wnvo-00016-00009036-00009498 Chara, Sans: TA-dah! lswFKV5wnvo-00017-00010311-00010630 Frisk: Excellent! lswFKV5wnvo-00018-00010833-00011539 Chara: Well... this is the whole video, guys... we couldn't buy a lot of costumes, they are expensive... lvoLFa04lOM-00000-00000000-00000432 7 PM and I haven't met Tasya Farasya yet lvoLFa04lOM-00001-00000432-00000610 8.30 PM lvoLFa04lOM-00002-00000610-00000926 Finally Tasya Farasya is come! lvoLFa04lOM-00003-00001112-00001332 Total cost outfit head to toe lvoLFa04lOM-00004-00001332-00001460 500 milion rupiah lvoLFa04lOM-00005-00001460-00001870 How do you feel when you get caught by security at the Mall? lvoLFa04lOM-00006-00001950-00002218 I want to wrap that one. Can I? lvoLFa04lOM-00015-00004594-00004812 Today 9th September lvoLFa04lOM-00016-00004812-00004976 I'm at Arlanda airport lvoLFa04lOM-00017-00004978-00005260 going to Amsterdam alone lvoLFa04lOM-00018-00005274-00005694 This is my first trip alone in Europe lvoLFa04lOM-00019-00005786-00006062 Actually its no different to travel lvoLFa04lOM-00020-00006062-00006276 around Indonesia lvoLFa04lOM-00021-00006288-00006622 I can't wait to see Tasya Farasya (fake artist) lvoLFa04lOM-00027-00012486-00012712 At Amsterdam Central lvoLFa04lOM-00028-00012712-00012976 and I still don't know where to meet her lvoLFa04lOM-00029-00013019-00013158 So lets go for walks lvoLFa04lOM-00030-00015978-00016276 What time is it now lvoLFa04lOM-00031-00016284-00016404 7 PM lvoLFa04lOM-00032-00016404-00016736 and I haven't meet Tasya Farasya lvoLFa04lOM-00033-00016736-00017008 While waiting I even finished one video lvoLFa04lOM-00034-00017008-00017296 Where are you? lvoLFa04lOM-00035-00017372-00017616 You made me wish too much lvoLFa04lOM-00036-00017748-00017918 Now lvoLFa04lOM-00037-00017964-00018130 8.30 PM lvoLFa04lOM-00038-00018130-00018536 and I still not see any shadow of Tasya Farasya lvoLFa04lOM-00039-00018536-00018758 OMG I'm freezing lvoLFa04lOM-00040-00018758-00019056 I locked outside because I don't have the key lvoLFa04lOM-00041-00019068-00019380 I went out and turn out lvoLFa04lOM-00042-00019450-00019754 I can't get back in because I don't have the key lvoLFa04lOM-00043-00019754-00019990 To lazy to go back to recepsionist lvoLFa04lOM-00044-00020078-00020210 Who are you looking for? lvoLFa04lOM-00045-00020498-00020796 Finally Tasya Farasya lvoLFa04lOM-00046-00020796-00020896 is here lvoLFa04lOM-00048-00021128-00021276 I'm freezing lvoLFa04lOM-00049-00021328-00021404 You can't get in? lvoLFa04lOM-00052-00025420-00025550 Cold lvoLFa04lOM-00053-00025683-00025783 Me too lvoLFa04lOM-00054-00025812-00026033 Wow looks like outside of our country right? lvoLFa04lOM-00055-00026145-00026410 I want to wrap one of that. Can I? lvoLFa04lOM-00056-00026450-00026616 Day dreaming lvoLFa04lOM-00058-00026904-00027145 Want to have a Tesla Car lvoLFa04lOM-00059-00027198-00027356 Talking about people on the street lvoLFa04lOM-00060-00027500-00027754 Total cost from head to toe lvoLFa04lOM-00061-00027864-00028062 around 500 milion rupiah lvoLFa04lOM-00062-00028068-00028174 How do you know? lvoLFa04lOM-00063-00028174-00028333 I calculate all lvoLFa04lOM-00064-00028333-00028477 I see lvoLFa04lOM-00065-00028477-00028704 The top is Gucci lvoLFa04lOM-00066-00028750-00028938 shoes from Balenciaga lvoLFa04lOM-00067-00029058-00029158 and the bag.. lvoLFa04lOM-00068-00029158-00029295 what was it lvoLFa04lOM-00069-00029295-00029395 oh I know lvoLFa04lOM-00070-00029452-00029588 the bag is Hermes lvoLFa04lOM-00071-00029588-00029786 (I'm just pretending like I knew what she saying) lvoLFa04lOM-00073-00029860-00030162 The tax return are around lvoLFa04lOM-00074-00030266-00030389 500 € lvoLFa04lOM-00075-00030389-00030510 only for the tax lvoLFa04lOM-00076-00030510-00030688 means total shop is round.. lvoLFa04lOM-00077-00030688-00030750 How much? lvoLFa04lOM-00078-00030750-00030950 I don't know I can't count lvoLFa04lOM-00079-00030964-00031288 All I know is total spend is hundreds milion rupiah lvoLFa04lOM-00080-00031320-00031638 But then how do you feel when you got caught by security lvoLFa04lOM-00081-00031638-00031738 at the mall? lvoLFa04lOM-00082-00031886-00031995 They thougt I'm a thief lvoLFa04lOM-00083-00031995-00032308 So she was caught by security lvoLFa04lOM-00084-00032308-00032494 because the alarm was on lvoLFa04lOM-00085-00032494-00032620 It was just dirty cloth lvoLFa04lOM-00086-00032722-00033132 It was a dirty dress that we put in a bag lvoLFa04lOM-00087-00033132-00033440 and the security asked 'Where did you bought this?' lvoLFa04lOM-00088-00033566-00033834 But we were panicked when answering the question lvoLFa04lOM-00089-00033834-00034056 I was thinking 'What is going wrong?' lvoLFa04lOM-00090-00034084-00034380 I thought I accidently carry something lvoLFa04lOM-00091-00034380-00034556 We were so confused on what happening lvoLFa04lOM-00092-00034556-00034676 so we look panic lvoLFa04lOM-00093-00034676-00034804 But it was only dirty cloth lvoLFa04lOM-00094-00034820-00035274 (the sister wear the dress and change to new one at the mall) lvoLFa04lOM-00095-00035300-00035492 and we are the one that got caught lvoLFa04lOM-00096-00035492-00035592 So the point is lvoLFa04lOM-00097-00035592-00035894 do not bring any dirty cloth at the mall lvoLFa04lOM-00098-00035906-00036304 Maybe the alarm was on because of the smell lvoLFa04lOM-00099-00036304-00036544 Or maybe Michael Kors has lvoLFa04lOM-00100-00036588-00036710 secret chip lvoLFa04lOM-00101-00036792-00036890 Maybe lvoLFa04lOM-00102-00036908-00037050 Because you were asking lvoLFa04lOM-00103-00037050-00037202 'Where is the chip?' lvoLFa04lOM-00104-00037202-00037454 Security said she removed it already lvoLFa04lOM-00105-00037550-00037714 And then you still insist to ask lvoLFa04lOM-00106-00037770-00037896 'But where is the chip?' lvoLFa04lOM-00107-00037948-00038192 Because I'm curious, there was never been a problem lvoLFa04lOM-00108-00038294-00038394 But the dress is brand new lvoLFa04lOM-00109-00038394-00038526 only wear for one time lvoLFa04lOM-00110-00038526-00038788 So if you going to mall lvoLFa04lOM-00111-00038788-00039198 don't forget not to change your cloth lvoLFa04lOM-00112-00039352-00039524 But it was oke when it was on lvoLFa04lOM-00113-00039588-00039828 Because we were not at the exit door lvoLFa04lOM-00115-00039972-00040278 The sensor only at the exit lvoLFa04lOM-00117-00040556-00040744 This is souvenirs lvoLFa04lOM-00118-00040818-00041036 Because if we are back to the country without souvenirs lvoLFa04lOM-00119-00041038-00041318 people will kick us out and told us to come back to Europe lvoLFa04lOM-00120-00041462-00041654 Must buy souvenirs as much as possible lvoLFa04lOM-00121-00041654-00041736 What are you buying? lvoLFa04lOM-00122-00041736-00042098 This is for Jasmine baby siter lvoLFa04lOM-00123-00042202-00042566 This one for the neighbour who always play with Jasmine lvoLFa04lOM-00124-00042658-00042924 Its hard to be an Indonesian lvoLFa04lOM-00125-00043032-00043292 Ah that is Voltaren lvoLFa04lOM-00128-00043924-00044246 someone also request this cream lvoLFa04lOM-00129-00044248-00044418 made in Europe lvoLFa04lOM-00130-00044418-00044652 Only wants the one from Europe lvoLFa04lOM-00131-00044652-00044904 From Indonesia doesn't work well lvoLFa04lOM-00132-00044916-00045098 Actually it was just the same lvoLFa04lOM-00133-00045098-00045482 But Indonesian that live abroad always wants Indonesian products lvoLFa04lOM-00134-00045482-00045764 Yeah. Voltaren also available in Indonesia lvoLFa04lOM-00135-00045764-00046178 They maybe wants the text that they can't read lvoLFa04lOM-00137-00046316-00046510 This is my sister request lvoLFa04lOM-00138-00046510-00046848 she was the one who taking care Jasmine lvoLFa04lOM-00139-00046870-00047156 So she got tired thats why she need the cream? lvoLFa04lOM-00140-00047604-00047814 I think I need one more lvoLFa04lOM-00143-00048534-00048820 Not enough lvoLFa04lOM-00145-00048998-00049142 Why not buy one box lvoLFa04lOM-00149-00050122-00050396 My mom said if I find cute dool lvoLFa04lOM-00150-00050396-00050666 I have to buy for her most love grandchild lvoLFa04lOM-00151-00050666-00050854 Actually I don't want to buy for Jasmine lvoLFa04lOM-00153-00051404-00051624 So the favoriite grand child is Jasmine? lvoLFa04lOM-00154-00051624-00051814 No lvoLFa04lOM-00155-00051814-00052090 The one that live far from home lvoLFa04lOM-00158-00052479-00052755 This one is tiny and Amsterdam lvoLFa04lOM-00159-00052755-00052929 But what for? To display? lvoLFa04lOM-00160-00052994-00053094 Never mind lvoLFa04lOM-00162-00053308-00053612 So, she decided not to buy that lvoLFa04lOM-00164-00053894-00054058 She's not going to buy it lvoLFa04lOM-00165-00054148-00054255 Sorry for that lvoLFa04lOM-00166-00054298-00054591 Sorry for the mom lvoLFa04lOM-00167-00054591-00054812 My husband will love this lvoLFa04lOM-00169-00055124-00055450 Go buy it then. You haven't bought anything for your husband lvoLFa04lOM-00171-00055550-00055828 By the way, cashier is waiting lvoLFa04lOM-00172-00055828-00055946 Wait lvoLFa04lOM-00173-00056205-00056546 (Suddenly someone said no recording) lvoLFa04lOM-00174-00056640-00056940 We were just kicked out by a lady lvoLFa04lOM-00175-00056964-00057205 She said we can't record inside lvoLFa04lOM-00176-00057205-00057384 So we record from outside lvoLFa04lOM-00177-00057467-00057764 But the other was just okay lvoLFa04lOM-00178-00057764-00058040 He is the security lvoLFa04lOM-00179-00058040-00058340 He was smilling all the time to us lvoLFa04lOM-00180-00058340-00058640 He knew I was recording lvoLFa04lOM-00181-00058640-00058984 Or maybe he was afraid to say to us lvoLFa04lOM-00183-00059154-00059540 Maybe he feel bad for fellow moslem lvoLFa04lOM-00184-00059540-00059736 He's happy to see this kind of nose lvoLFa04lOM-00185-00059736-00059826 ARABIAN! lvoLFa04lOM-00186-00059826-00060064 Where are we now? lvoLFa04lOM-00187-00060064-00060298 We are at.. what's the name again? lvoLFa04lOM-00188-00060352-00060626 Look at that! oh not allowed to record lvoLFa04lOM-00190-00061088-00061405 We are walking at lvoLFa04lOM-00191-00061405-00061614 Read Road (she mean Red Light) lvoLFa04lOM-00193-00061836-00062132 This is Indonesian lvoLFa04lOM-00195-00062266-00062638 One big luggage only for souvenirs lvoLFa04lOM-00198-00062932-00063212 All of this are souvenirs lvoLFa04lOM-00199-00063212-00063360 And she's not done yet lvoLFa04lOM-00200-00063376-00063520 Here's also souvenirs lvoLFa04lOM-00202-00064041-00064396 So, do you still want to be an Indonesian lvoLFa04lOM-00204-00064648-00064936 Or still want to marry Indonesian? lvoLFa04lOM-00205-00064970-00065246 Back to the country, you will need to bring souvenirs lvoLFa04lOM-00206-00065246-00065346 one luggage lvoLFa04lOM-00207-00065460-00065590 Are you going home? lvoLFa04lOM-00208-00065590-00065790 I'm gong back to my home town lvoLFa04lOM-00209-00065946-00066052 Can I go with you? lvoLFa04lOM-00210-00066052-00066252 (and she ignored) lvoLFa04lOM-00211-00066252-00066384 Look at that super big luggage lvoLFa04lOM-00215-00066780-00066948 That's so big lvoLFa04lOM-00222-00069018-00069320 So that was my meeting with Indonesian tourist lvoLFa04lOM-00223-00069320-00069508 from Sumenep lvoLFa04lOM-00224-00069658-00069926 Now time to wait another Indonesian tourist lvoLFa04lOM-00225-00069926-00070060 from Bantul lvoLFa04lOM-00226-00070114-00070418 If you want to see the next video lvoLFa04lOM-00227-00070418-00070706 click the bell so you get notify lvoLFa04lOM-00228-00070720-00070876 And please subscribe lvoLFa04lOM-00229-00070876-00071128 Pity for me if no one subscribing lvoLFa04lOM-00230-00071216-00071458 While waiting I can edit the video lvoLFa04lOM-00231-00071620-00071738 See you lxCaH3qsQyk-00000-00000000-00000500 Update: If I say that I am not collecting the Emeralds, don't worry, I ended up updating this walkthrough and making it 100% later. :) lxVtUWa-9jo-00000-00000075-00000574 Practitioners who provide orthotic and prosthetic rehabilitation ask clinical questions! lxVtUWa-9jo-00001-00000574-00001287 PICO is a mnemonic device used in evidence-based medicine that helps you remember the key components lxVtUWa-9jo-00002-00001287-00001602 of a well-focused, clinical research question. lxVtUWa-9jo-00003-00001602-00002063 First, identify the patient problem or diagnosis. lxVtUWa-9jo-00004-00002063-00002475 What intervention, treatment, or device are you considering? lxVtUWa-9jo-00005-00002475-00003060 How does this intervention compare to no device, or alternative medications or therapies? lxVtUWa-9jo-00006-00003060-00003327 And finally, what is the desired outcome? lxVtUWa-9jo-00007-00003327-00003842 This could include reducing the intensity, location, or quality of pain, or preventing lxVtUWa-9jo-00008-00003842-00003942 surgery. lxVtUWa-9jo-00009-00003942-00004103 Let’s look at a case study. lxVtUWa-9jo-00010-00004103-00004614 Your patient is Betsy Lunate, a 57-year-old female who complains of numbness and pain lxVtUWa-9jo-00011-00004614-00004714 in her left hand. lxVtUWa-9jo-00012-00004714-00005182 It started a few months ago, but has become more pronounced in the past 4 weeks. lxVtUWa-9jo-00013-00005182-00005676 Ms. Lunate is a middle school teacher and has been using her computer more frequently lxVtUWa-9jo-00014-00005676-00005928 during classes and in her spare time. lxVtUWa-9jo-00015-00005928-00006429 She describes her pain as starting in her left wrist and radiating to her thumb. lxVtUWa-9jo-00016-00006429-00006884 The pain includes numbness and a tingling sensation that wakes her up at night. lxVtUWa-9jo-00017-00006884-00007350 She also enjoys quilting, but the pain has been too intense to quilt for extended periods lxVtUWa-9jo-00018-00007350-00007461 of time. lxVtUWa-9jo-00019-00007461-00007865 Even though the pain isn’t in her dominant hand, she wants to know if she can still use lxVtUWa-9jo-00020-00007865-00008206 her left hand as much as possible during the day. lxVtUWa-9jo-00021-00008206-00008484 Will wearing a wrist brace reduce her pain and discomfort? lxVtUWa-9jo-00022-00008484-00008997 To answer this patient’s question with evidence-based research, what about PICO? lxYNyOZR5ZY-00000-00000010-00000060 POLICY MAKE THEIR WAY THROUGH lxYNyOZR5ZY-00001-00000060-00000066 POLICY MAKE THEIR WAY THROUGH lxYNyOZR5ZY-00002-00000066-00000390 POLICY MAKE THEIR WAY THROUGH THE LEGAL SYSTEM. lxYNyOZR5ZY-00003-00000390-00000397 POLICY MAKE THEIR WAY THROUGH THE LEGAL SYSTEM. lxYNyOZR5ZY-00004-00000397-00000970 POLICY MAKE THEIR WAY THROUGH THE LEGAL SYSTEM. >>> THE ITASCA COUNTY WELLNESS lxYNyOZR5ZY-00005-00000970-00000977 THE LEGAL SYSTEM. >>> THE ITASCA COUNTY WELLNESS lxYNyOZR5ZY-00006-00000977-00001044 THE LEGAL SYSTEM. >>> THE ITASCA COUNTY WELLNESS COURT, A JOINT EFFORT OF ITASCA lxYNyOZR5ZY-00007-00001044-00001051 >>> THE ITASCA COUNTY WELLNESS COURT, A JOINT EFFORT OF ITASCA lxYNyOZR5ZY-00008-00001051-00001114 >>> THE ITASCA COUNTY WELLNESS COURT, A JOINT EFFORT OF ITASCA COUNTY, MINNESOTA'S NINTH lxYNyOZR5ZY-00009-00001114-00001121 COURT, A JOINT EFFORT OF ITASCA COUNTY, MINNESOTA'S NINTH lxYNyOZR5ZY-00010-00001121-00001217 COURT, A JOINT EFFORT OF ITASCA COUNTY, MINNESOTA'S NINTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT, AND THE LEEC lxYNyOZR5ZY-00011-00001217-00001224 COUNTY, MINNESOTA'S NINTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT, AND THE LEEC lxYNyOZR5ZY-00012-00001224-00001401 COUNTY, MINNESOTA'S NINTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT, AND THE LEEC LAKE BAND OF OJIBWE TO REDUCE lxYNyOZR5ZY-00013-00001401-00001408 JUDICIAL DISTRICT, AND THE LEEC LAKE BAND OF OJIBWE TO REDUCE lxYNyOZR5ZY-00014-00001408-00001574 JUDICIAL DISTRICT, AND THE LEEC LAKE BAND OF OJIBWE TO REDUCE DRUG CRIME AND ABUSE HAS BEEN lxYNyOZR5ZY-00015-00001574-00001581 LAKE BAND OF OJIBWE TO REDUCE DRUG CRIME AND ABUSE HAS BEEN lxYNyOZR5ZY-00016-00001581-00001691 LAKE BAND OF OJIBWE TO REDUCE DRUG CRIME AND ABUSE HAS BEEN NAMED ONE OF THE MOST INNOVATIV lxYNyOZR5ZY-00017-00001691-00001698 DRUG CRIME AND ABUSE HAS BEEN NAMED ONE OF THE MOST INNOVATIV lxYNyOZR5ZY-00018-00001698-00001915 DRUG CRIME AND ABUSE HAS BEEN NAMED ONE OF THE MOST INNOVATIV LOCAL GOVERNMENT PROJECTS IN TH lxYNyOZR5ZY-00019-00001915-00001921 NAMED ONE OF THE MOST INNOVATIV LOCAL GOVERNMENT PROJECTS IN TH lxYNyOZR5ZY-00020-00001921-00002062 NAMED ONE OF THE MOST INNOVATIV LOCAL GOVERNMENT PROJECTS IN TH THE ITASCA COUNTY WELLNESS COUR lxYNyOZR5ZY-00021-00002062-00002068 LOCAL GOVERNMENT PROJECTS IN TH THE ITASCA COUNTY WELLNESS COUR lxYNyOZR5ZY-00022-00002068-00002242 LOCAL GOVERNMENT PROJECTS IN TH THE ITASCA COUNTY WELLNESS COUR IS ONE OF 25 PROGRAMS RECOGNIZED lxYNyOZR5ZY-00023-00002242-00002248 THE ITASCA COUNTY WELLNESS COUR IS ONE OF 25 PROGRAMS RECOGNIZED lxYNyOZR5ZY-00024-00002248-00002425 THE ITASCA COUNTY WELLNESS COUR IS ONE OF 25 PROGRAMS RECOGNIZED BY THE HUMPHREY SCHOOL OF PUBLIC lxYNyOZR5ZY-00025-00002425-00002432 IS ONE OF 25 PROGRAMS RECOGNIZED BY THE HUMPHREY SCHOOL OF PUBLIC lxYNyOZR5ZY-00026-00002432-00002522 IS ONE OF 25 PROGRAMS RECOGNIZED BY THE HUMPHREY SCHOOL OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF lxYNyOZR5ZY-00027-00002522-00002529 BY THE HUMPHREY SCHOOL OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF lxYNyOZR5ZY-00028-00002529-00002782 BY THE HUMPHREY SCHOOL OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA AS RECIPIENTS OF ITS lxYNyOZR5ZY-00029-00002782-00002789 AFFAIRS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA AS RECIPIENTS OF ITS lxYNyOZR5ZY-00030-00002789-00003183 AFFAIRS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA AS RECIPIENTS OF ITS 11TH ANNUAL LOCAL GOVERNMENT lxYNyOZR5ZY-00031-00003183-00003189 MINNESOTA AS RECIPIENTS OF ITS 11TH ANNUAL LOCAL GOVERNMENT lxYNyOZR5ZY-00032-00003189-00003510 MINNESOTA AS RECIPIENTS OF ITS 11TH ANNUAL LOCAL GOVERNMENT INNOVATION AWARDS. lxYNyOZR5ZY-00033-00003510-00003516 11TH ANNUAL LOCAL GOVERNMENT INNOVATION AWARDS. lxYNyOZR5ZY-00034-00003516-00003586 11TH ANNUAL LOCAL GOVERNMENT INNOVATION AWARDS. THE ITASCA COUNTY WELLNESS COU lxYNyOZR5ZY-00035-00003586-00003593 INNOVATION AWARDS. THE ITASCA COUNTY WELLNESS COU lxYNyOZR5ZY-00036-00003593-00003700 INNOVATION AWARDS. THE ITASCA COUNTY WELLNESS COU WAS ESTABLISHED IN 2007 AND IS lxYNyOZR5ZY-00037-00003700-00003707 THE ITASCA COUNTY WELLNESS COU WAS ESTABLISHED IN 2007 AND IS lxYNyOZR5ZY-00038-00003707-00003970 THE ITASCA COUNTY WELLNESS COU WAS ESTABLISHED IN 2007 AND IS COURT THAT TARGETS CHRONIC lxYNyOZR5ZY-00039-00003970-00003977 WAS ESTABLISHED IN 2007 AND IS COURT THAT TARGETS CHRONIC lxYNyOZR5ZY-00040-00003977-00004417 WAS ESTABLISHED IN 2007 AND IS COURT THAT TARGETS CHRONIC ALCOHOL AND DRUG OFFENDERS. lxYNyOZR5ZY-00041-00004417-00004424 COURT THAT TARGETS CHRONIC ALCOHOL AND DRUG OFFENDERS. lxYNyOZR5ZY-00042-00004424-00004474 COURT THAT TARGETS CHRONIC ALCOHOL AND DRUG OFFENDERS. THE COURT COMBINES TREATMENT, ly5dBh2Y7I4-00000-00000142-00000784 I’m sitting here writing a song with tears in my eyes. ly5dBh2Y7I4-00001-00000932-00001350 Help me wipe the tears from my eyes Lord. ly5dBh2Y7I4-00002-00001392-00003769 Today’s a new day, yesterday’s gone. Last Year was an awful song, but it’s time to move on 2x ly5dBh2Y7I4-00003-00003918-00005029 {It’s time to move on yeah yeah} 2x {It’s time to move on} 2x ly5dBh2Y7I4-00004-00005129-00006049 I know last year was a tough one. But it’s time to move on It’s never easy losing loved ones. ly5dBh2Y7I4-00005-00006067-00006312 But it’s time to move on ly5dBh2Y7I4-00006-00006312-00007236 Yeah, I’m moving on to my other home. No more looking back to things dead and gone. I’m tryna give love, forget who done me wrong. ly5dBh2Y7I4-00007-00007236-00007940 Sticks and stones break bones but the Spirit strong. People looking at the world like was going on. ly5dBh2Y7I4-00008-00007940-00008876 All you see is bad news when the tv’s on Family members dying they left us all alone. Life don’t last forever one day we all gone. ly5dBh2Y7I4-00009-00008876-00009753 That’s why I’m movin on gotta make the gospel known. Not just through my tone, but with my actions. This little light of mine, Ima let it glow. ly5dBh2Y7I4-00010-00009753-00010755 Time to reclaim the things that the devil stole. Faith of a mustard seed produce a miracle. It only takes one name to save many souls. ly5dBh2Y7I4-00011-00010755-00011676 His name is Jesus Christ and I profess bold. Why creation make it hard, it’s really simple. We go through pain and suffering, only the Lord knows. ly5dBh2Y7I4-00012-00011676-00012636 It feels like He far gone when we hurt the most. That’s why got the shield of faith to take any blow. That’s why I’m still here and I’m singing this. ly5dBh2Y7I4-00013-00012727-00015109 Chorus: Today’s a new day, yesterday’s gone. Last Year was an awful song, but it’s time to move on 2x ly5dBh2Y7I4-00014-00015292-00016392 {It’s time to move on yeah yeah} 2x {It’s time to move on} 2x ly5dBh2Y7I4-00015-00016489-00017000 I know last year was a tough one. But it’s time to move on ly5dBh2Y7I4-00016-00017063-00017645 It’s never easy losing loved ones. But it’s time to move on. ly5dBh2Y7I4-00017-00017728-00018660 Yeah, I’m moving on to destination. I thank God for the invitation. To be born again is the affirmation. ly5dBh2Y7I4-00018-00018660-00019606 He wrapped the gift up, but you gotta take it. You try to please the world that’ll drive you crazy. And keep giving your heart to someone who break it. ly5dBh2Y7I4-00019-00019625-00020585 Jesus got that real love, that won’t forsake ya. It’s all up in His word, he made an affidavit. If you don’t believe me ask King David. ly5dBh2Y7I4-00020-00020585-00021496 He prepares a table in your enemy faces. Forget havin enemies let’s all praise him. So we can fellowship at the lord’s table ly5dBh2Y7I4-00021-00021496-00022469 Drinking from that vine but aint acting crazy. Havin a good time cuz we celebratin. Times got rough but the lords faithful. ly5dBh2Y7I4-00022-00022519-00022719 That why I ‘m movin on. ly5dBh2Y7I4-00023-00022828-00025219 Today’s a new day, yesterday’s gone. Last Year was an awful song, but it’s time to move on 2x ly5dBh2Y7I4-00024-00025409-00026534 {It’s time to move on yeah yeah} 2x {It’s time to move on} 2x ly5dBh2Y7I4-00025-00026598-00027762 I know last year was a tough one. But it’s time to move on. It’s never easy losing loved ones. But it’s time to move on. l_FQVCZk2-8-00000-00001024-00001344 The term "decent job" refers to, as it should be l_FQVCZk2-8-00001-00001350-00001600 in a globalised world, a fair and good job or workspace. l_FQVCZk2-8-00002-00001615-00002112 A job that dignifies the worker and allows for development of self capabilities, l_FQVCZk2-8-00003-00002112-00002336 with regard to the basic working principles. l_FQVCZk2-8-00004-00002336-00002540 Work that allows a fair income and proportional to the work done, l_FQVCZk2-8-00005-00002540-00002766 without discrimination of any kind, l_FQVCZk2-8-00006-00002766-00003109 and that goes on with social protection and dialoge. l_FQVCZk2-8-00007-00003463-00003748 Its estimated that 172 Million people all around the world l_FQVCZk2-8-00008-00003748-00004027 were unemployed only in 2018 l_FQVCZk2-8-00009-00004027-00004275 with an unemployement rate of %5 l_FQVCZk2-8-00010-00004291-00004510 About 700 million workers lived in extreme or moderate poverty l_FQVCZk2-8-00011-00004510-00004786 extreme or moderate poverty in 2018 l_FQVCZk2-8-00012-00004788-00005050 A lot more of women are underused in the labor force, l_FQVCZk2-8-00013-00005050-00005145 85 million, l_FQVCZk2-8-00014-00005145-00005447 in comparison to the 55 million men. l_FQVCZk2-8-00016-00005850-00006126 Sustainable development is a concept l_FQVCZk2-8-00017-00006126-00006386 defined in the Bruntland paper of 1987 l_FQVCZk2-8-00018-00006386-00006678 Done by many diferent nations and refers to the development that satisfies the l_FQVCZk2-8-00019-00006678-00006970 current generation without hindering the next generations capabilitites l_FQVCZk2-8-00020-00006970-00007222 of satisfying their own needs. l_FQVCZk2-8-00021-00007635-00007865 UNs objetive is to promote a sustainable l_FQVCZk2-8-00022-00007865-00008157 and inclusive economic growth, l_FQVCZk2-8-00023-00008157-00008734 the fair and productive employment and the decent work for all. l_FQVCZk2-8-00024-00008734-00008904 A brief summary of these objetives can be: l_FQVCZk2-8-00025-00008991-00009249 Upgrade progressively from here to 2030 l_FQVCZk2-8-00026-00009249-00009547 the efficient production and comsuption of the natural resources, l_FQVCZk2-8-00027-00009547-00009820 and try to differentiate economic growth l_FQVCZk2-8-00028-00009820-00010019 from harming the climate. l_FQVCZk2-8-00029-00010019-00010316 Safeguard the workers' rights and promote a l_FQVCZk2-8-00030-00010316-00010581 safe workspace for every single one of the workers. l_FQVCZk2-8-00031-00010745-00010936 Goverments can work towards constructing dinamic, l_FQVCZk2-8-00032-00010936-00011212 innovative and sustainable l_FQVCZk2-8-00033-00011212-00011339 economies and centered on the people. l_FQVCZk2-8-00034-00011339-00011683 Promoting the young labor and the empowerment of women. lByuJ1gQvUo-00000-00001200-00001350 Let's go lByuJ1gQvUo-00001-00001500-00001750 My phone don't give me presents lByuJ1gQvUo-00002-00001950-00002200 I know that Steve's no peasant lByuJ1gQvUo-00003-00002400-00002600 Only ever has to give me lByuJ1gQvUo-00004-00002600-00002850 Apps for ever and for ever lByuJ1gQvUo-00005-00002850-00003100 My phone don't give me presents lByuJ1gQvUo-00006-00003300-00003500 Turn it on when I get lonely lByuJ1gQvUo-00007-00003500-00003850 People tell me that it's only a phone lByuJ1gQvUo-00008-00003850-00004100 I know it isn't lByuJ1gQvUo-00009-00004200-00004400 My phone begins with an "i" lByuJ1gQvUo-00010-00004600-00004900 Lose it and I start to cry lByuJ1gQvUo-00011-00005050-00005300 I don't care if it's locked down lByuJ1gQvUo-00012-00005300-00005600 I just love those shiny round corners lByuJ1gQvUo-00013-00005600-00005800 So easy on the eye lByuJ1gQvUo-00014-00005950-00006200 It makes all my friends jealous lByuJ1gQvUo-00015-00006200-00006500 Makes them scream like girls as well as drool lByuJ1gQvUo-00016-00006500-00006650 Don't ask me why lByuJ1gQvUo-00017-00006800-00007100 It's a phone and I understand lByuJ1gQvUo-00018-00007150-00007450 It's a phone that makes me feel like a man lByuJ1gQvUo-00019-00007500-00007800 My phone can cure disease lByuJ1gQvUo-00020-00007900-00008250 Fix social problems with ease lByuJ1gQvUo-00021-00008350-00008600 Global warming, it's no biggie lByuJ1gQvUo-00022-00008600-00008800 World peace is not that tricky lByuJ1gQvUo-00023-00008800-00009100 My phone can cure disease lByuJ1gQvUo-00024-00009200-00009450 Vegetarians and feminism lByuJ1gQvUo-00025-00009450-00009700 It's no match for fanboyism lByuJ1gQvUo-00026-00009700-00010000 Come on, why don't you join me lByuJ1gQvUo-00027-00010100-00010300 It's a phone lByuJ1gQvUo-00028-00010300-00010500 It's a phone lByuJ1gQvUo-00029-00010500-00010700 It's just a phone lByuJ1gQvUo-00030-00010700-00010900 It's not just a phone lByuJ1gQvUo-00031-00010950-00011200 It's a sexy phone lByuJ1gQvUo-00032-00011200-00011400 Oh, it's more than a phone lByuJ1gQvUo-00033-00011400-00011550 It's a phone lByuJ1gQvUo-00034-00011600-00011750 My life's in this phone lByuJ1gQvUo-00035-00011800-00012000 My life IS this phone lByuJ1gQvUo-00036-00012000-00012250 Excuse me while I kiss this phone lByuJ1gQvUo-00037-00012300-00012500 It's just a phone lByuJ1gQvUo-00038-00012580-00012900 So much more than a phone lG9WkZy0vTU-00000-00000000-00001329 to the very first NZ nz.js(con); it's been quite a long road to get here but I'm lG9WkZy0vTU-00001-00001329-00001773 really really happy to see you all here today and we are absolutely packing lG9WkZy0vTU-00002-00001773-00002430 the place to the rafters and I'm really glad to have you here for the fantastic lG9WkZy0vTU-00003-00002430-00002698 content that we've got coming up lG9WkZy0vTU-00004-00002698-00002799 before we crack on with the main event we've lG9WkZy0vTU-00005-00002799-00003189 just got a few housekeeping bits and pieces but I actually want to hand you lG9WkZy0vTU-00006-00003189-00003918 over to the chair of the JavaScript New Zealand society which is the parent lG9WkZy0vTU-00007-00003918-00004332 organization of this conference and that's Owen and so I'm just going to lG9WkZy0vTU-00008-00004332-00004914 hand you over now lG9WkZy0vTU-00009-00004914-00005127 please give Owen a welcome lG9WkZy0vTU-00010-00005127-00005355 okay thanks everybody for coming lG9WkZy0vTU-00011-00005355-00005793 along so on behalf of the JavaScript New Zealand society it gives me great lG9WkZy0vTU-00012-00005793-00006278 pleasure to welcome you to our first JS sorry nz.js(con); I'll always get that lG9WkZy0vTU-00013-00006278-00006642 wrong I apologize I'll make sure I don't take too much time here but I want to lG9WkZy0vTU-00014-00006642-00007017 briefly introduce the society, tell you what we do and who we are and what we're lG9WkZy0vTU-00015-00007017-00007259 all about lG9WkZy0vTU-00016-00007259-00007661 so JavaScript NZ aims to provide and foster an open and welcome, lG9WkZy0vTU-00017-00007661-00008058 ways to grow and educate developers around New Zealand in JavaScript lG9WkZy0vTU-00018-00008058-00008258 essentially lG9WkZy0vTU-00019-00008258-00008502 we formed largely through the brilliant work of Alex Gibson who lG9WkZy0vTU-00020-00008502-00008847 took Nodebots literally and metaphorically off the ground here in lG9WkZy0vTU-00021-00008847-00009303 New Zealand and we aim to promote and help user groups, Nodebots and other lG9WkZy0vTU-00022-00009303-00009621 initiatives that make JavaScript a welcoming language for people to work on lG9WkZy0vTU-00023-00009621-00010113 such as this conference and so if you want to help right sorry if you want lG9WkZy0vTU-00024-00010113-00010539 help to run a meet-up or a group or any kind of education around JavaScript in lG9WkZy0vTU-00025-00010539-00010889 New Zealand we're the society you should come and talk to lG9WkZy0vTU-00026-00010889-00011013 we'd love you all to lG9WkZy0vTU-00027-00011013-00011517 get involved and help shape the way we do the things we do so there are a few lG9WkZy0vTU-00028-00011517-00011840 calls for action so firstly please check out our website which is javascript.org.nz lG9WkZy0vTU-00029-00011840-00012375 where you can find how to join our Slack channel that's the first lG9WkZy0vTU-00030-00012375-00012701 one and also you can become a full member of the society lG9WkZy0vTU-00031-00012701-00012806 secondly we have a lG9WkZy0vTU-00032-00012806-00013137 GitHub organization which is a bit harder to find it's github.com/JavaScript-NZ lG9WkZy0vTU-00033-00013137-00013588 sorry where you can lG9WkZy0vTU-00034-00013588-00014022 raise issues for us to discuss as a committee, you can open pull requests lG9WkZy0vTU-00035-00014022-00014383 against any of our documentation we tend to do everything in the open so you can lG9WkZy0vTU-00036-00014383-00014769 you can learn exactly how we run the society and you can become fully lG9WkZy0vTU-00037-00014769-00014986 involved lG9WkZy0vTU-00038-00014986-00015337 finally there are a number of committee members here today and a lG9WkZy0vTU-00039-00015337-00015715 number of full members of society I do encourage you to come and seek them out lG9WkZy0vTU-00040-00015715-00016180 talk to them, find out what we do, who we are. They are, the committee is made up of lG9WkZy0vTU-00041-00016180-00016813 myself, of Jen, Samson is in the audience somewhere, Alex, Craig, Anna, James, Kevin lG9WkZy0vTU-00042-00016813-00017329 and Stevie is around if you see any of them please do stop them say hello and lG9WkZy0vTU-00043-00017329-00017806 ask us about the society and what we do. That's all I wanted to say but it would lG9WkZy0vTU-00044-00017806-00018381 be remiss of me not just point out that this is the very first JS NZ con, oh lG9WkZy0vTU-00045-00018381-00019153 nz.js(con ); - thank you, nz.js(con); and it is largely down to the tireless work of one lG9WkZy0vTU-00046-00019153-00019624 person so I would like to quickly start with a round of applause for Jen just lG9WkZy0vTU-00047-00019624-00019884 put this all together lG9WkZy0vTU-00048-00020053-00020698 so enjoy your day here at nz.js(con); (got it right that time!) and in the lG9WkZy0vTU-00049-00020698-00021130 wise words words of the Wild Stallions be excellent to each other lG9WkZy0vTU-00050-00021130-00021277 Thank you Owen lG9WkZy0vTU-00051-00021277-00021787 Okay so like I said a few housekeeping remarks so lets pop lG9WkZy0vTU-00052-00021787-00022198 through those now first of all it would be really remiss of me not to mention lG9WkZy0vTU-00053-00022198-00022656 that we're only here today with the support of some of our sponsors so in lG9WkZy0vTU-00054-00022656-00023470 particular thanks to Catalyst, Solnet Talent Army, PushPay and Little Giant lG9WkZy0vTU-00055-00023470-00024022 Media Suite for our diversity and financial aid fund, Springload and Trade Me and lG9WkZy0vTU-00056-00024022-00024439 there are a whole host of other organizations so I'll thank one by one lG9WkZy0vTU-00057-00024439-00025060 at the end of the conference. So, housekeeping then, first of all if there lG9WkZy0vTU-00058-00025060-00025657 is a fire alarm please calmly evacuate the building through the nearest exits lG9WkZy0vTU-00059-00025657-00026160 that's pretty straightforwards, right I think we all got that one down, and once lG9WkZy0vTU-00060-00026160-00026557 you're outside of the building you want to if you've gone out that exit you'll lG9WkZy0vTU-00061-00026557-00027039 want to circle round so that you end up in the park that's the assembly area lG9WkZy0vTU-00062-00027039-00027526 okay and you want to wait outside the building until you're told it's safe to lG9WkZy0vTU-00063-00027526-00028216 return. In the event of an earthquake (we have to double-check this) drop cover lG9WkZy0vTU-00064-00028216-00028620 hold if you're in the middle of the room that means just tucking your hands over lG9WkZy0vTU-00065-00028620-00029103 your head to protect your head. It's generally safer to stay in the building lG9WkZy0vTU-00066-00029103-00029595 but we'll have people on, staff on site checking stuff out if there does lG9WkZy0vTU-00067-00029595-00029893 happen to be the earthquake and we will keep you informed of what's going on lG9WkZy0vTU-00068-00029893-00030838 okay, um toilets are in the corridor sort of on the other side of the corridor if lG9WkZy0vTU-00069-00030838-00031411 anybody does need access to the disabled toilet and please do let staff know I lG9WkZy0vTU-00070-00031411-00031819 can get that unlocked it's actually next door in the TSB arena lG9WkZy0vTU-00071-00031819-00032641 We are going to have two tracks at once other than for these keynote sessions and the conference lG9WkZy0vTU-00072-00032641-00033258 closing so I would ask you if your track ends a little bit early for a break and lG9WkZy0vTU-00073-00033258-00033703 there's still a talk going on next door please don't lG9WkZy0vTU-00074-00033703-00034003 go and stand outside their room and shout at them that would be really rude lG9WkZy0vTU-00075-00034003-00034594 and it goes without saying phones on silent please if you haven't done that lG9WkZy0vTU-00076-00034594-00035167 already we want to make sure we don't interrupt our speakers and you'll be lG9WkZy0vTU-00077-00035167-00035602 wondering why you haven't got your swag yet your t-shirts or your canvas bags lG9WkZy0vTU-00078-00035602-00036013 that you ordered and will be available from morning tea onwards at the lG9WkZy0vTU-00079-00036013-00036535 registration desk and you don't necessarily need to grab it at morning tea lG9WkZy0vTU-00080-00036535-00036961 you can come at lunch or afternoon tea it's just from that point on there lG9WkZy0vTU-00081-00036961-00037498 available okay. We do have our lovely photographer walking around today lG9WkZy0vTU-00082-00037498-00037834 Kristina are you in the room, put your hand up, there we go. If for any reason lG9WkZy0vTU-00083-00037834-00038182 you don't want to show up in any of the photos that get published after the lG9WkZy0vTU-00084-00038182-00038626 event go and have a chat to Kristina and she's able to accommodate lG9WkZy0vTU-00085-00038626-00039373 that for you. I just need to scroll down on my notes apparently, hmm okay so I lG9WkZy0vTU-00086-00039373-00039889 have to confess first conference and all I did make one terrible horrible mistake lG9WkZy0vTU-00087-00039889-00040612 I fail to get enough tickets for the coffee cart - boo hiss - so we're actually lG9WkZy0vTU-00088-00040612-00040957 going to have to do a second round of tickets for the coffee tomorrow because lG9WkZy0vTU-00089-00040957-00041281 you are going to get another couple for tomorrow and you'll be able to pick lG9WkZy0vTU-00090-00041281-00041875 those up from the registration desk in the morning - hey. Okay and last but not lG9WkZy0vTU-00091-00041875-00042268 least on the housekeeping you will have all ticked a little box that said you lG9WkZy0vTU-00092-00042268-00042655 agree to the Code of Conduct by coming to the conference and I hope you have lG9WkZy0vTU-00093-00042655-00043093 all at least had a very quick look at that it's up on the website but the real lG9WkZy0vTU-00094-00043093-00043533 crux of it is treat others with respect if you don't treat others with respect lG9WkZy0vTU-00095-00043533-00044155 then you may be asked to leave the conference, or more severe depending on lG9WkZy0vTU-00096-00044155-00044680 what happens. If you see something happening that you think breaks the code lG9WkZy0vTU-00097-00044680-00045235 of conduct, please please please, I implore you report it to us so that we lG9WkZy0vTU-00098-00045235-00045616 can do something about it. We're quite spread out on the ground but there are a lG9WkZy0vTU-00099-00045616-00046087 lot of us - there are volunteers with yellow lanyards if you need anything you lG9WkZy0vTU-00100-00046087-00046477 can talk to one of these people with yellow lanyards and they'll either be lG9WkZy0vTU-00101-00046477-00046800 able to help them out yourselves or they will know the right piece lG9WkZy0vTU-00102-00046800-00047352 to escalate to. There is also an anonymous web form on the website and if lG9WkZy0vTU-00103-00047352-00047793 you want to reach out that way you can. lG9WkZy0vTU-00104-00047834-00048384 Okay and so on a lighter note and we're going to be doing our first annual nz.js(awards); lG9WkZy0vTU-00105-00048384-00049243 as well and you will have all got a voting card at reception and, I, you lG9WkZy0vTU-00106-00049243-00049555 just need to fill out the name, but of course you don't know what name you want lG9WkZy0vTU-00107-00049555-00050040 to fill out so I would say go to the lovely URL pictured or there's a lG9WkZy0vTU-00108-00050040-00050409 link from the website and read about the people who have been nominated and lG9WkZy0vTU-00109-00050409-00050787 pick you'd like to. The voting box is on the table at the reception desk it's lG9WkZy0vTU-00110-00050787-00051369 bright yellow you can't miss it and voting will close at the end of lunch lG9WkZy0vTU-00111-00051369-00052017 tomorrow okay. Oh and we're getting some nice prizes for those awards and we've lG9WkZy0vTU-00112-00052017-00052326 been given some vouchers for AWS. lG9WkZy0vTU-00113-00052326-00052677 If you want to look at schedule you've got it lG9WkZy0vTU-00114-00052677-00053074 on the middle of your name badge but if you want the full detail of each talk go lG9WkZy0vTU-00115-00053074-00053355 and have a look at the schedule on the website it's got full descriptions and lG9WkZy0vTU-00116-00053355-00053754 if you're thinking about where to get your lunch from there's a guide to nearby lG9WkZy0vTU-00117-00053754-00054489 places on the website too okay and #nzjscon on Twitter and we've got a lG9WkZy0vTU-00118-00054489-00054919 Slack channel if you want to chat and I'm just going to talk to you a little lG9WkZy0vTU-00119-00054919-00055476 bit about the workshops while Raquel comes and gets set up with her laptop lG9WkZy0vTU-00120-00055476-00056662 and I'll introduce her. Okay so we've got two workshops one is this afternoon lG9WkZy0vTU-00121-00056662-00057258 that's the Node capture the flag, after lunch in the middle space - you didn't lG9WkZy0vTU-00122-00057258-00057558 need to sign up for that one you will need a laptop to participate and that's lG9WkZy0vTU-00123-00057558-00057798 some fun [video ends] lKYkp4pcihA-00000-00000000-00000492 I stopped worrying about what my audience think about me. Instead I lKYkp4pcihA-00001-00000492-00001074 started worrying bigger. I worry that when I leave the stage lKYkp4pcihA-00002-00001074-00001526 I did not change my audience. I did not I did not make a point that is gonna make lKYkp4pcihA-00003-00001526-00001950 a difference to my audience. Which means I stop saying that things that they like lKYkp4pcihA-00004-00001950-00002415 to hear and I started saying things that makes them very uncomfortable. I remember lKYkp4pcihA-00005-00002415-00002823 two weeks ago at the delivered a speech for 200 people. It's a speech on lKYkp4pcihA-00006-00002823-00003123 entrepreneurship and I got them to raise their hands. How many of you want this DVD lKYkp4pcihA-00007-00003123-00003455 that I'm about to give away and they raised the hands. And then I say okay cool lKYkp4pcihA-00008-00003455-00003867 come get it there were 200 people but only 30 DVDs to give away. And all of a lKYkp4pcihA-00009-00003867-00004364 sudden it just hit me and I said do you realize something just because you raised lKYkp4pcihA-00010-00004364-00004671 your hand and you say you want a DVD doesn't mean you gonna get the DVD. lKYkp4pcihA-00011-00004671-00004953 You've been raising your hands telling people you want success but I'll tell lKYkp4pcihA-00012-00004953-00005162 you what just because you raise it doesn't mean lKYkp4pcihA-00013-00005162-00005457 I'm gonna get it. And later on the organizers said, Eric you know that lKYkp4pcihA-00014-00005457-00005898 was one of the profound moments and I realized that profound moments come when you lKYkp4pcihA-00015-00005898-00006146 make them uncomfortable. lMT6X8lN-4A-00000-00001447-00001734 What's up, Coach Fui here lMT6X8lN-4A-00001-00001734-00001975 Today I'm going to talk about lMT6X8lN-4A-00002-00002026-00002330 something a lot of you have asked lMT6X8lN-4A-00003-00002330-00002901 Post up moves and foot work under the basket lMT6X8lN-4A-00004-00002901-00003173 The move I'm going to show you is very basic lMT6X8lN-4A-00005-00003173-00003468 but also very effective lMT6X8lN-4A-00006-00003468-00003787 Spin...post up spin move lMT6X8lN-4A-00007-00003787-00004008 Ok, I got my assistant Hao here lMT6X8lN-4A-00008-00004008-00004317 We'll start at the low post lMT6X8lN-4A-00009-00004317-00004565 Some people call it the "AB" spot lMT6X8lN-4A-00010-00004627-00004815 I don't know why it's called the "AB" spot lMT6X8lN-4A-00011-00004869-00004985 Just a saying lMT6X8lN-4A-00012-00004985-00005254 it doesn't really matter lMT6X8lN-4A-00013-00005254-00005544 If you know why, message me. Because I can't find where "A" and "B" is lMT6X8lN-4A-00014-00005578-00005869 Alright lMT6X8lN-4A-00015-00005869-00005976 When we catch the ball lMT6X8lN-4A-00016-00005976-00006164 The first rule to remember lMT6X8lN-4A-00017-00006205-00006516 when you are under the basket: POWER lMT6X8lN-4A-00018-00006516-00006828 we are playing basketball here lMT6X8lN-4A-00019-00006828-00007151 If you are a guy, you want to play in the NBA lMT6X8lN-4A-00020-00007151-00007392 But when I'm playing in pick up games lMT6X8lN-4A-00021-00007392-00007727 most people are playing like the "WNBA"...like girls lMT6X8lN-4A-00022-00007740-00008305 A little contact and it's "Foul!", come on...no blood no foul, ok? lMT6X8lN-4A-00023-00008305-00008610 Get strong, bring some POWER lMT6X8lN-4A-00024-00008610-00008897 The more you call fouls and run away from contact lMT6X8lN-4A-00025-00008925-00009210 Even if you win, nobody will give you respect, ok? lMT6X8lN-4A-00026-00009210-00009478 Ok, back to business. Catch the ball and protect it when you land lMT6X8lN-4A-00027-00009536-00009840 Get into a wide stance, create space. lMT6X8lN-4A-00028-00009840-00010150 this will protect your position from the defender. if you have a narrow stance. lMT6X8lN-4A-00029-00010150-00010448 (Push me). Aww.."WNBA" lMT6X8lN-4A-00030-00010448-00010740 Remember, when we are fighting for position under the basket lMT6X8lN-4A-00031-00010752-00011017 We usually will: push off defender, catch the ball, protect the ball lMT6X8lN-4A-00032-00011017-00011349 Position ball at the left shoulder. (Try to steal the ball) lMT6X8lN-4A-00033-00011349-00011941 You won't be able to steal the ball if it's at my left shoulder lMT6X8lN-4A-00034-00011941-00012262 if the ball is protected, you have time to look for your teammates lMT6X8lN-4A-00035-00012262-00012608 While you are looking, if the defence pushes against you lMT6X8lN-4A-00036-00012608-00012708 (Push) Spin lMT6X8lN-4A-00037-00012833-00013142 ok, what happened there? lMT6X8lN-4A-00038-00013142-00013372 It looked fast lMT6X8lN-4A-00039-00013459-00013652 Catch, look for teammate lMT6X8lN-4A-00040-00013652-00013725 Usually the defender will hand check you lMT6X8lN-4A-00041-00013725-00014059 or lean against you lMT6X8lN-4A-00042-00014059-00014324 So lean against him lMT6X8lN-4A-00043-00014324-00014566 at the same time put your weight on the left foot lMT6X8lN-4A-00044-00014566-00014854 Lift your right leg, and use your hips to generate the spin lMT6X8lN-4A-00045-00014854-00015100 This is actually a forward spin lMT6X8lN-4A-00046-00015146-00015451 But you need to do this spin while keeping your leg straight lMT6X8lN-4A-00047-00015451-00015554 stand up straight lMT6X8lN-4A-00048-00015621-00015738 stand up straight lMT6X8lN-4A-00049-00015790-00015890 you can spin faster by standing straight lMT6X8lN-4A-00050-00015976-00016111 if you spin in a squat position lMT6X8lN-4A-00051-00016171-00016425 you can cover more ground, but it will be slower lMT6X8lN-4A-00052-00016425-00016676 here speed is what we want lMT6X8lN-4A-00053-00016676-00016952 so the first thing: lean against your defender, spin lMT6X8lN-4A-00054-00016973-00017271 at the same time, your left hand, don't push lMT6X8lN-4A-00055-00017271-00017604 It will be a foul, ok? Just place it there. lMT6X8lN-4A-00056-00017654-00017774 Then dribble lMT6X8lN-4A-00057-00017843-00017945 Pro-hop lMT6X8lN-4A-00058-00018047-00018330 Use the glass. Easy lMT6X8lN-4A-00059-00018330-00018659 One more time. The key. lMT6X8lN-4A-00060-00018662-00019003 Catch the ball, and when you push against the defender... lMT6X8lN-4A-00061-00019044-00019284 It's like taking a selfie with your girl friend. Get close. Spin lMT6X8lN-4A-00062-00019404-00019692 You got it? The key is to get close to the defender. lMT6X8lN-4A-00063-00019795-00020091 Lean on him and then spin. lMT6X8lN-4A-00064-00020091-00020203 Ok, any questions? lMT6X8lN-4A-00065-00020258-00020458 (Don't fake the defence) lMT6X8lN-4A-00066-00020458-00020891 (Play real defence). Now let's play for real lMT6X8lN-4A-00067-00020923-00021029 Catch the ball, spin lMT6X8lN-4A-00068-00021125-00021434 This is how you beat the defence lMT6X8lN-4A-00069-00021434-00021757 (You don't need to play fake defence) lMT6X8lN-4A-00070-00021757-00022038 After you beat him once, he won't lean against you anymore lMT6X8lN-4A-00071-00022038-00022337 (Keep some space) So the move won't work anymore, lMT6X8lN-4A-00072-00022337-00022640 how do we counter that? lMT6X8lN-4A-00073-00022640-00022907 When defender is keeping his distance lMT6X8lN-4A-00074-00022907-00023107 We can do the same, face up to the basket. lMT6X8lN-4A-00075-00023140-00023240 Fake lMT6X8lN-4A-00076-00023262-00023521 Ok? Dribble, Spin lMT6X8lN-4A-00077-00023588-00023688 Back to the same spot lMT6X8lN-4A-00078-00023712-00023812 One more time lMT6X8lN-4A-00079-00024054-00024154 Catch lMT6X8lN-4A-00080-00024189-00024360 Fake lMT6X8lN-4A-00081-00024416-00024538 come back this way lMT6X8lN-4A-00082-00024593-00024693 spin lMT6X8lN-4A-00083-00024763-00025036 lay up lMT6X8lN-4A-00084-00025036-00025163 remember, when shooting under the basket lMT6X8lN-4A-00085-00025196-00025439 we always do it with one hand lMT6X8lN-4A-00086-00025505-00025683 keep your hands raised lMT6X8lN-4A-00087-00025714-00025989 don't push off the defender, protect the ball lMT6X8lN-4A-00088-00026052-00026376 stay parallel to the backboard if you can do it lMT6X8lN-4A-00089-00026462-00026730 put the ball in the hoop with one hand lMT6X8lN-4A-00090-00026730-00027013 ok, one more time lMT6X8lN-4A-00091-00027013-00027332 catch the ball, place it at your left shoulder lMT6X8lN-4A-00092-00027332-00027605 don't get 3 second violation lMT6X8lN-4A-00093-00027605-00027835 Lean against the defender, look for teammate, spin lMT6X8lN-4A-00094-00028007-00028238 You got it? Remember... lMT6X8lN-4A-00095-00028279-00028379 Catch, turn lMT6X8lN-4A-00096-00028421-00028619 When you turn lMT6X8lN-4A-00097-00028668-00028813 let your left arm turn with you into this position lMT6X8lN-4A-00098-00028927-00029027 ok lMT6X8lN-4A-00099-00029061-00029358 So today we showed you a basic post up spin move lMT6X8lN-4A-00100-00029358-00029692 The key points are: lMT6X8lN-4A-00101-00029767-00029867 Wide stance to create space lMT6X8lN-4A-00102-00029919-00030263 Ball at the shoulder, survey the court, spin quickly lMT6X8lN-4A-00103-00030290-00030553 when you turn, lMT6X8lN-4A-00104-00030553-00030806 start dribbling at about the same time lMT6X8lN-4A-00105-00030866-00031152 Catch, ball at shoulder, survey the court lMT6X8lN-4A-00106-00031152-00031427 Lean against the defence, spin, lMT6X8lN-4A-00107-00031427-00031672 dribble, pro hop, lay up lMT6X8lN-4A-00108-00031775-00032012 Any questions? lMT6X8lN-4A-00109-00032049-00032312 So this is it for today lMT6X8lN-4A-00110-00032312-00032661 Post up spin move, I hope it helps your game lMT6X8lN-4A-00111-00032687-00033015 Message me on instagram lMT6X8lN-4A-00112-00033015-00033246 or facebook lMT6X8lN-4A-00113-00033297-00033397 Ok, that's a wrap! lNAz6m5DbJy-00000-00000000-00000200 Bring down your Blood Pressure Naturally. lQffMSG2Y_M-00000-00015180-00015380 Okay, we'll make a start now. lQffMSG2Y_M-00001-00015530-00016330 Those of you who just did materials lab in Reynold building. Are you back here yet? lQffMSG2Y_M-00002-00016380-00016940 Yeah. Okay, so you can start now. So this lecture I will start probably couple of lQffMSG2Y_M-00003-00016940-00017570 minutes late every week so that to give people time to come from renauld to here. lQffMSG2Y_M-00004-00017700-00018600 Okay. So what am I going to do today? So I gave you few problems to attempt and lQffMSG2Y_M-00005-00018600-00019330 those are given as here, equilibrium examples. Did you manage to do that? Okay, lQffMSG2Y_M-00006-00019340-00020040 so some of you did, okay. I will quickly go through that or at least indicate the lQffMSG2Y_M-00007-00020040-00020510 solutions to you and an upload the full solution later on. lQffMSG2Y_M-00008-00020670-00021300 But before that, what I thought I do is go through the free body diagrams. Some lQffMSG2Y_M-00009-00021300-00021460 of these again, so I lQffMSG2Y_M-00010-00021610-00022240 took some free body diagrams from a book and it's one of the books mentioned in lQffMSG2Y_M-00011-00022240-00022910 the reading list. So I'll go through some of those now. And lQffMSG2Y_M-00012-00023170-00023720 And then if time permits, we will go and look at this equilibrium examples. So this lQffMSG2Y_M-00013-00023720-00024360 particular seats that I'm going through it, it here in Blackboard called fpd dot lQffMSG2Y_M-00014-00024360-00024910 PDF. So that that's the that's a file. Which contains this examples, not we are lQffMSG2Y_M-00015-00024910-00025590 going to do. Okay. So remember what is free body diagram as we have, we show two lQffMSG2Y_M-00016-00025590-00026080 examples on Monday, the bottle and the lQffMSG2Y_M-00017-00026150-00026700 And a pair of scissors and we said free body diagram is absolutely important because lQffMSG2Y_M-00018-00026700-00027439 that leads us to design. And we can assess the strength of the part of an object lQffMSG2Y_M-00019-00027439-00028020 and accordingly. We design it. So free body diagram. Also, I emphasized, is not lQffMSG2Y_M-00020-00028030-00028820 unique. It will depend on what the problem, you are trying to solve. Now. One of lQffMSG2Y_M-00021-00028820-00029080 the things about free body diagram that we can say, lQffMSG2Y_M-00022-00029089-00029939 say clearly is that whenever you remove a support or another body, for example, lQffMSG2Y_M-00023-00029939-00030570 if two are attached then you have to replace it with an equivalent force acting, lQffMSG2Y_M-00024-00030570-00031260 interacting force their so Force, I mean, in a general term that could be aligned lQffMSG2Y_M-00025-00031260-00031910 force or a moment for example, so which will be clear if we, if we start to do some lQffMSG2Y_M-00026-00031910-00032080 of these examples now here, lQffMSG2Y_M-00027-00032230-00032800 So, this diagram shows what they said in complete free body diagram. So, the first lQffMSG2Y_M-00028-00032800-00033500 one it has got a bellcrank supporting a mass m, with pin support at a, and a flexible lQffMSG2Y_M-00029-00033500-00034290 cable is pulling it in this direction. So the weight of the block is given as mg lQffMSG2Y_M-00030-00034320-00034620 now. In this problem, assume. lQffMSG2Y_M-00031-00034820-00035210 There is no self. Wait, if not mentioned explicitly. lQffMSG2Y_M-00032-00035500-00035820 So there is no self. Wait. If not. lQffMSG2Y_M-00033-00035940-00036140 Mentioned explicitly. lQffMSG2Y_M-00034-00036400-00037030 So, you may ask here. What about the weight of this crank itself? Okay, so that lQffMSG2Y_M-00035-00037030-00037650 we are not considering at this for this problem. So, weight of this block is mass lQffMSG2Y_M-00036-00037650-00037900 times, J mg acting downwards. lQffMSG2Y_M-00037-00038010-00038710 And this cable is there is shown by attention for sting. Now. We have removed the lQffMSG2Y_M-00038-00038710-00039340 support here, the pin support. So what do you think? I should replace here as a lQffMSG2Y_M-00039-00039340-00040220 force boy. So if you think about this point, this point is free to rotate. So there lQffMSG2Y_M-00040-00040220-00040860 would be no resistance to rotation, so there would be no moment, but it will be lQffMSG2Y_M-00041-00040860-00040970 registering. It will be lQffMSG2Y_M-00042-00040990-00041540 Lighting up Force resistance or the resistance to movement. For example, this point lQffMSG2Y_M-00043-00041540-00042310 the pin cannot go down or cannot or up for that matter, or cannot go horizontally lQffMSG2Y_M-00044-00042310-00043150 left or right? So, as a rule of thumb, always remember that, if any movement is lQffMSG2Y_M-00045-00043150-00043970 restricted, there is a possibility of reaction forces. So this pain restricts movement. lQffMSG2Y_M-00046-00043980-00044490 In the vertical Direction, so there is a possibility of a vertical Force. lQffMSG2Y_M-00047-00044620-00045140 Okay. Now this could be up or down. Now, we could see that the weight is acting lQffMSG2Y_M-00048-00045140-00045830 downwards. So, most likely these force would be acting in this direction. Similarly. lQffMSG2Y_M-00049-00045830-00046620 This pin also stops, the crank to move horizontally. So that would be our reaction lQffMSG2Y_M-00050-00046620-00047300 force offered by the, by the, by the pin here. So, again, it could be going from lQffMSG2Y_M-00051-00047300-00047570 left to right, or right to left. Now, as lQffMSG2Y_M-00052-00047590-00048040 You can see the tension force is shown going from right to left. So that must be lQffMSG2Y_M-00053-00048040-00048700 balanced by a force going from left to right. Now. The direction of this is not lQffMSG2Y_M-00054-00048750-00049370 strictly speaking important. Why do I say so? Because if you choose one of these lQffMSG2Y_M-00055-00049370-00049950 fortune in the different direction, once you do the equilibrium, then the right lQffMSG2Y_M-00056-00049980-00050520 direction would come. For example, if you took the vertical reaction going downward. lQffMSG2Y_M-00057-00050580-00051080 N, if you do summation of vertical forces 0, then it will see that reaction forces lQffMSG2Y_M-00058-00051080-00051729 should come with a negative sign. So that means you alter you Direction. So the lQffMSG2Y_M-00059-00051729-00052329 direction is not important, but the important is to identify the possibility of lQffMSG2Y_M-00060-00052329-00052879 the forces. Now, this pain would let it freely rotate the crank. lQffMSG2Y_M-00061-00052979-00053940 So that would be no moment reaction. Now. These are the forces I call reaction because lQffMSG2Y_M-00062-00053979-00054820 this is what this support is giving to the pin, whereas the crank itself. So if lQffMSG2Y_M-00063-00054820-00055120 I draw the pin here, lQffMSG2Y_M-00064-00055229-00055979 if I draw the pin there, then on that pin itself forces should be in the opposite lQffMSG2Y_M-00065-00055979-00056510 direction. So it will be. So this Force should come like this. So if I say this lQffMSG2Y_M-00066-00056510-00057100 is the vertical Force so that would be fee. And if this is horizontal Force then lQffMSG2Y_M-00067-00057100-00057820 that would come like this. So so these are equal and opposite to act on the pain. lQffMSG2Y_M-00068-00057920-00058200 So on the on the on the Triangular lQffMSG2Y_M-00069-00058220-00058710 Up here. I'll have a vertical Force downward, which makes sense because that's what lQffMSG2Y_M-00070-00058710-00058910 the weight of the block is going to do. lQffMSG2Y_M-00071-00059050-00059670 And also it is pulling towards the left. So that means a pulling Force to the left lQffMSG2Y_M-00072-00059670-00060220 would be given on to that block as well in return. They should give a reaction force. lQffMSG2Y_M-00073-00060220-00060810 So whole point of free body diagram is that once you have removed the support. So lQffMSG2Y_M-00074-00060810-00061340 these two forces act as a representative of the support. lQffMSG2Y_M-00075-00061440-00062079 So, now we can analyze this part of the crank, and, and solve for the strength of lQffMSG2Y_M-00076-00062079-00062710 its stiffness of it and and, and then design accordingly. So that would complete lQffMSG2Y_M-00077-00062710-00063370 the free body diagram for this part now. Okay. The next one is, is this clear for lQffMSG2Y_M-00078-00063370-00063429 everybody? lQffMSG2Y_M-00079-00063629-00063660 Yeah. lQffMSG2Y_M-00080-00063820-00064140 Okay, good. Now I want your help on the second one. lQffMSG2Y_M-00081-00064310-00065010 okay, so the second one you have got again a control lever applying a pool Force lQffMSG2Y_M-00082-00065010-00065229 P upwards and again that is lQffMSG2Y_M-00083-00065350-00066180 Giant at a point over here. So it has shown by a force like this. Is this under, lQffMSG2Y_M-00084-00066190-00066350 is this correct? Free body diagram? lQffMSG2Y_M-00085-00067430-00067500 Yeah, go on. lQffMSG2Y_M-00086-00067870-00068100 Is this you gotta come correct or complexes? lQffMSG2Y_M-00087-00068330-00068430 Why do you think so? lQffMSG2Y_M-00088-00068540-00069170 Have ourselves a reaction. Yeah, so this is the reaction force. They're saying April. lQffMSG2Y_M-00089-00069840-00070420 So, the force, you are applying a pulling Force P. So the reaction force is downward. lQffMSG2Y_M-00090-00070420-00070570 So counteracting. lQffMSG2Y_M-00091-00071030-00071380 So self. Wait, I said forget about that for the time being. lQffMSG2Y_M-00092-00071530-00071580 Considerate. lQffMSG2Y_M-00093-00072160-00072560 So this force is going to point towards the PIN? lQffMSG2Y_M-00094-00072740-00072780 Yeah. lQffMSG2Y_M-00095-00073030-00073450 So instead of humping to downwards, what you are saying, it could have been from lQffMSG2Y_M-00096-00073450-00073520 that to them. lQffMSG2Y_M-00097-00073640-00074300 That's a very finer point. In this case. It will not make a difference. So point lQffMSG2Y_M-00098-00074300-00074830 of action of the force is not that important for this class of problem. It's the lQffMSG2Y_M-00099-00074830-00075470 direction that is important. So so good point, but not exactly relevant here. lQffMSG2Y_M-00100-00075750-00076110 Horizontal, do you think there will be horizontal reaction force? lQffMSG2Y_M-00101-00076350-00076910 Yeah, that's very good. But if I put a horizontal reaction force, then is there lQffMSG2Y_M-00102-00076910-00077070 any force from there now? lQffMSG2Y_M-00103-00077310-00077350 Go on. lQffMSG2Y_M-00104-00077900-00078040 Possibly friction. lQffMSG2Y_M-00105-00078210-00078700 So how do you represent that? But first of all, you need to think about whether lQffMSG2Y_M-00106-00078700-00079120 this as it is shown, whether this is under equilibrium or not? lQffMSG2Y_M-00107-00079950-00080780 Is it under equilibrium? So if if p is equal to F 0, for example, if so summation lQffMSG2Y_M-00108-00080780-00081410 of vertical forces, one going upward, one going downward, same amount. That's it. lQffMSG2Y_M-00109-00081410-00081550 Is this under equilibrium? lQffMSG2Y_M-00110-00082190-00082940 No moment. Because if you think about this one force is trying to put put it up lQffMSG2Y_M-00111-00082960-00083320 and one force is pulling it down. So it is going to rotate. lQffMSG2Y_M-00112-00083500-00084030 So there is nothing there to stop that rotation. So this is not under equilibrium lQffMSG2Y_M-00113-00084060-00084840 under these two forces. So, the pin there must be providing what is said through lQffMSG2Y_M-00114-00084840-00085320 friction or the other means some resistance to the rotation. lQffMSG2Y_M-00115-00085440-00086060 So if you consider, this is the pain. The force is to try to rotate it in the anti-clockwise lQffMSG2Y_M-00116-00086070-00086940 direction. So the friction or some other one must be put resisting force in this lQffMSG2Y_M-00117-00086940-00087240 direction. Resisting moment. In that direction. lQffMSG2Y_M-00118-00087410-00087980 And he's resisting moment. If you call this is M. You could say. That is the m is lQffMSG2Y_M-00119-00087980-00088920 nothing. But if this distant is D, for example, that would be P times D. So then lQffMSG2Y_M-00120-00088920-00089050 it is under equilibrium. lQffMSG2Y_M-00121-00089170-00089950 So, both things you need to consider whether there is any linear movement or rotational lQffMSG2Y_M-00122-00089970-00090450 movement as well. Then only you will come to the conclusions of whether something lQffMSG2Y_M-00123-00090450-00090610 is under equilibrium or not. lQffMSG2Y_M-00124-00090770-00091210 Okay, is this okay? Go on ask? lQffMSG2Y_M-00125-00091630-00092320 So the weight of this one I'm assuming weight is these are weightless in that way lQffMSG2Y_M-00126-00092320-00092840 to keep the problem, simple. Okay. So so I assume there is no self weight on this lQffMSG2Y_M-00127-00092840-00093050 problem. If I don't mention it, explicit. lQffMSG2Y_M-00128-00093160-00093550 But if there was a wait, there, then that will act through the centroid. lQffMSG2Y_M-00129-00093960-00094660 OK, next problem, 3 boom or a of negligible Mass. So I'm saying it negligible Mass lQffMSG2Y_M-00130-00094660-00095400 compared to the mass m hinged at oh and supported by hoisting cables at Bay. Now, lQffMSG2Y_M-00131-00095400-00096040 of course if you try to visualize the problem, so there is this boom and it is added lQffMSG2Y_M-00132-00096040-00096740 with a load at the tip. So under the load, what will happen. This will try to go lQffMSG2Y_M-00133-00096740-00096810 this direction. lQffMSG2Y_M-00134-00096850-00097520 Because the load will try to make the boom to rotate about its hinge point. Now, lQffMSG2Y_M-00135-00097520-00098330 the job of this cable is to keep it at that position. So this cable must be pulling lQffMSG2Y_M-00136-00098330-00098870 it with a tension force. So, this seems to be. All right, weight of this block is lQffMSG2Y_M-00137-00098870-00099700 M times G. That's looks, alright, going downward as due to gravity. So, what about lQffMSG2Y_M-00138-00099700-00099790 point O, lQffMSG2Y_M-00139-00099840-00100450 Do we need any force? Their reaction force there to make it under equilibrium, you lQffMSG2Y_M-00140-00100460-00100500 have one? lQffMSG2Y_M-00141-00100900-00102060 What is that? I didn't hear it. Okay, so there is a particle Force there to balance lQffMSG2Y_M-00142-00102060-00102790 it. This one, as well, as some component of Torres tension. Will there be a horizontal lQffMSG2Y_M-00143-00102790-00102830 Force? lQffMSG2Y_M-00144-00103530-00104000 So, Dad would be because this tension, is there in this direction. So there would lQffMSG2Y_M-00145-00104000-00104570 be a horizontal force acting in this direction. Is this complaint, this free body lQffMSG2Y_M-00146-00104570-00104620 diagram? lQffMSG2Y_M-00147-00105380-00106030 So one way to think about is this, this point, of course it is, if the magnitude lQffMSG2Y_M-00148-00106030-00106600 of T and m g is such that they balance the rotations. So the moment of T and moment lQffMSG2Y_M-00149-00106600-00107200 of Em are in the two opposite direction, so they would probably balance each other lQffMSG2Y_M-00150-00107220-00107709 if the if the distance is are appropriate. So these two forces lQffMSG2Y_M-00151-00107890-00108480 Whatever the magnitude it be. That would balance this whole system. So that's a lQffMSG2Y_M-00152-00108480-00108620 complete free body diagram. lQffMSG2Y_M-00153-00108840-00109550 Next problem I gave in to gave it as a last year's final exam paper. So this came lQffMSG2Y_M-00154-00109550-00110290 in the last two years on this was online paper. So this this problem was there in lQffMSG2Y_M-00155-00110290-00111059 last year's paper. So you have got a crate of weight mg. And this is resting on lQffMSG2Y_M-00156-00111059-00111740 to a vertical wall, which is smooth. So this is a smooth vertical wall. lQffMSG2Y_M-00157-00111850-00112040 And this floor is rough. lQffMSG2Y_M-00158-00112370-00113090 So different whenever you will see smooth or rough differences, smooth, will have lQffMSG2Y_M-00159-00113090-00113480 no friction. Smooth means no friction. lQffMSG2Y_M-00160-00113720-00114209 And Ralph normally means we are prompting you to think about friction. lQffMSG2Y_M-00161-00114359-00115109 So if there is no friction, any reaction force from the surface will be perpendicular lQffMSG2Y_M-00162-00115120-00115200 to the surface. lQffMSG2Y_M-00163-00115370-00116230 Okay. So, so if this crate is leaning against the wall, a reaction force from the lQffMSG2Y_M-00164-00116230-00117109 wall, a would be perpendicular to the wall surface. So horizontal, where as m g lQffMSG2Y_M-00165-00117130-00117740 is the weight acting downward, of course. So the reaction force from the bottom lQffMSG2Y_M-00166-00117770-00118309 on the rough surface would be on to going into the upward Direction. lQffMSG2Y_M-00167-00118380-00118909 Now question is, do we need any horizontal Force here or is it balanced? Yes. lQffMSG2Y_M-00168-00119109-00119230 Yeah, we tried action. lQffMSG2Y_M-00169-00119430-00119600 To the left. Great. lQffMSG2Y_M-00170-00119800-00120050 That's great. So this is, this is due to friction. lQffMSG2Y_M-00171-00120200-00120859 And that is complete in terms of the free body diagram. So, so, this will come from lQffMSG2Y_M-00172-00120859-00121330 friction and they should balance, probably this reaction, force and M. Jude balance lQffMSG2Y_M-00173-00121330-00121390 this Force. lQffMSG2Y_M-00174-00121500-00122009 Now, you need to think about the rotation as well. So these two forces are not known. lQffMSG2Y_M-00175-00122009-00122770 If you take moment about this Force at this point, then mg will create an anti-clockwise lQffMSG2Y_M-00176-00122770-00123350 moment. Whereas this force, a will create a clockwise moment about this point. So lQffMSG2Y_M-00177-00123350-00123930 there is a possibility of balancing. Those each other if mg was on this side. lQffMSG2Y_M-00178-00124040-00124520 Then that was not the case. Then possibly we are looking at a different forces. lQffMSG2Y_M-00179-00124520-00124859 So then that could be 0 or or otherwise. lQffMSG2Y_M-00180-00124980-00125400 Okay, so that means it will topple probably so it is not stable. lQffMSG2Y_M-00181-00125790-00126430 Problem number five are loaded bracket supported by pin connection at a. So that lQffMSG2Y_M-00182-00126430-00127150 means this point is fixed and then you have got a slot which is smooth. Smooth means lQffMSG2Y_M-00183-00127150-00127780 there is no friction and there is a pin attached on to that blue boat at the background lQffMSG2Y_M-00184-00127820-00128359 and then, you are pulling that bracket with a load l in this direction. lQffMSG2Y_M-00185-00128480-00129209 So complete the free body diagram. Now, of course this pain and the slot. Thus surface lQffMSG2Y_M-00186-00129209-00129900 is smooth. Here. We say so that is that is smooth slot. So that means no friction lQffMSG2Y_M-00187-00129900-00130430 at this point. So any reaction force would act perpendicular to the surface. lQffMSG2Y_M-00188-00130540-00130800 Now, what about the reaction force at Point? A lQffMSG2Y_M-00189-00131700-00131790 No, no react. lQffMSG2Y_M-00190-00132250-00132320 Moment. lQffMSG2Y_M-00191-00132800-00133290 What about the vertical and horizontal forces? Is there a possibility? lQffMSG2Y_M-00192-00134880-00134920 Okay. lQffMSG2Y_M-00193-00135120-00136060 There is a trick, the movement. Okay. So so II, take your point. So I can put a lQffMSG2Y_M-00194-00136060-00136940 two forces but it may happen that B and L are so arranged and that angle that these lQffMSG2Y_M-00195-00136940-00137330 two reaction forces would be zero, for example, that's a possibility. lQffMSG2Y_M-00196-00137430-00138370 Okay, but think again, would that be? So because these two forces can cancel each lQffMSG2Y_M-00197-00138370-00138870 other only if they're acting along a single line. lQffMSG2Y_M-00198-00139010-00139460 So they can they cannot cancel each other due to the fact. They're that they're lQffMSG2Y_M-00199-00139460-00139800 dead. They are they're at a different angle. lQffMSG2Y_M-00200-00140210-00140770 So that if there was a parallel, then there would be a possibility of a moment here, lQffMSG2Y_M-00201-00140840-00141480 but they are not parallel and not along the same line. So it's most likely point. lQffMSG2Y_M-00202-00141480-00141710 A would have some reaction forces. lQffMSG2Y_M-00203-00142200-00142280 Is that okay? lQffMSG2Y_M-00204-00142460-00142510 Okay. lQffMSG2Y_M-00205-00143000-00143400 Yeah, some components can cancel but there will be some, some components should lQffMSG2Y_M-00206-00143400-00144020 be left over for example. Okay. So what about this side? Are you okay? lQffMSG2Y_M-00207-00144140-00144180 Yeah. lQffMSG2Y_M-00208-00144380-00145370 Okay, so so these are little bit sort of slightly warm up problem. These one are lQffMSG2Y_M-00209-00145370-00146270 slightly tricky because either they are wrong or incomplete. So the first one you lQffMSG2Y_M-00210-00146270-00146420 are pushing a lawnmower. lQffMSG2Y_M-00211-00146730-00147590 Mass m, being pushed up and an incline Theta. So, can you say what is wrong, first lQffMSG2Y_M-00212-00147590-00147740 fast one? Yeah, go on. lQffMSG2Y_M-00213-00149080-00149880 Absolutely, so mg would act in the in the downward Direction. Okay, that's good. lQffMSG2Y_M-00214-00149880-00150300 That we have done one Corrections at already. What else? lQffMSG2Y_M-00215-00150710-00150770 What else? lQffMSG2Y_M-00216-00151000-00151460 Probably of friction, so friction at the surface, which direction it to lat. lQffMSG2Y_M-00217-00151670-00152230 So opposite to the direction of movement. So if you are pushing it up, so the friction lQffMSG2Y_M-00218-00152230-00152500 would act in in this direction. lQffMSG2Y_M-00219-00152870-00152940 What about the? lQffMSG2Y_M-00220-00153550-00153700 Mg that's coming down. lQffMSG2Y_M-00221-00155090-00155500 That is there. P is that, that is that, that you're pushing that node with a piece. lQffMSG2Y_M-00222-00155500-00155930 So, that should be there. That is there. Is that what you're asking? Thank you. lQffMSG2Y_M-00223-00155970-00156520 So that, that load is there any way it is shown, and then the weight mg is downward, lQffMSG2Y_M-00224-00156520-00157420 so, that's wrong. And then in the reaction, force is opposite and the friction force lQffMSG2Y_M-00225-00157420-00157500 in that direction. lQffMSG2Y_M-00226-00157740-00157880 Next one, you have gone. lQffMSG2Y_M-00227-00158600-00159210 Yes, of course. It will be. You're putting the force but that it's you have to take lQffMSG2Y_M-00228-00159210-00159800 a system here that you have isolated, only the roller, and the crank, for example, lQffMSG2Y_M-00229-00159850-00160530 so that's it. So that will give you the force in that bed. So if you if you separate lQffMSG2Y_M-00230-00160530-00160830 it out that crank for example, so lQffMSG2Y_M-00231-00161040-00161330 So, the crank would get a reaction force in that direction. lQffMSG2Y_M-00232-00161720-00162450 A pry bar lifting a body, a having a smooth horizontal surface. That means this lQffMSG2Y_M-00233-00162460-00162600 surface is smooth. lQffMSG2Y_M-00234-00162780-00163490 So this is smooth. So smooth of part A but bar restaurants. Rough horizontal surface. lQffMSG2Y_M-00235-00163490-00163630 So this surface is rough. lQffMSG2Y_M-00236-00163870-00164620 So what about the free body diagram? Now? The body itself is shown the load p is lQffMSG2Y_M-00237-00164620-00165500 given weight are is probably if this is mass m that is equal to M times J. That lQffMSG2Y_M-00238-00165500-00165580 looks right. lQffMSG2Y_M-00239-00165950-00166040 And what else? lQffMSG2Y_M-00240-00166200-00166580 The reaction force, n shows. Downward, is that, right? lQffMSG2Y_M-00241-00166720-00166900 It should be awkward, isn't it? lQffMSG2Y_M-00242-00167300-00167570 So, this should be awkward. Is that it? lQffMSG2Y_M-00243-00167980-00168020 Yeah. lQffMSG2Y_M-00244-00168530-00168820 No, you are putting that load in that point. lQffMSG2Y_M-00245-00169460-00169820 N, n is the reaction force on the ground to the bar. lQffMSG2Y_M-00246-00170020-00170520 And then you have got of course you can see there is a possibility of friction here lQffMSG2Y_M-00247-00170590-00171300 and you can look at this p is inclined towards the right. So possibly a friction lQffMSG2Y_M-00248-00171300-00171900 force would act in the opposite directions of this which is in this direction of lQffMSG2Y_M-00249-00171900-00171980 friction for me. lQffMSG2Y_M-00250-00172250-00172520 So African food should act in this direction. lQffMSG2Y_M-00251-00173380-00174170 Uniform pole of mass m, being wasted in two positions by this cable. So, cable force lQffMSG2Y_M-00252-00174170-00174850 is given by T weight of this. Mast is mg acting through the middle. And then, of lQffMSG2Y_M-00253-00174850-00175350 course this notch on the ground are is this complete or not. lQffMSG2Y_M-00254-00175980-00176020 Sorry. lQffMSG2Y_M-00255-00176250-00176860 No, you. If you don't have that tension, then the pole would just go into the ground. lQffMSG2Y_M-00256-00176920-00177240 So, of course, you need to pull that with a tension force. Yes. lQffMSG2Y_M-00257-00177650-00178240 Yeah, so there will be a friction Force at this point, number two. Okay, so because lQffMSG2Y_M-00258-00178240-00178830 these Force has got a component if you think about is going that direction and this lQffMSG2Y_M-00259-00178830-00178900 direction. lQffMSG2Y_M-00260-00179040-00179310 So that ports must be balanced by a horizontal. lQffMSG2Y_M-00261-00179410-00180020 But I know if you look at intuitively, it feels like the price. I will slide in lQffMSG2Y_M-00262-00180020-00180120 this direction. lQffMSG2Y_M-00263-00180230-00180690 Yeah, but it is just that you have to think about the force that is going this direction. lQffMSG2Y_M-00264-00180710-00181380 So it will probably be the movement in this direction. So the priorities slide to lQffMSG2Y_M-00265-00181380-00181570 the right in under this folder. lQffMSG2Y_M-00266-00181900-00182500 So this is not really balanced because yes mg could be balanced by this reaction lQffMSG2Y_M-00267-00182500-00183110 force and this component of our. But definitely, there is a tension component horizontally. lQffMSG2Y_M-00268-00183130-00183770 So at this point in the notch, there would be a horizontal force acting at that lQffMSG2Y_M-00269-00183770-00183850 point as well. lQffMSG2Y_M-00270-00184230-00184560 Okay, you have understood after here. lQffMSG2Y_M-00271-00184930-00184990 This one. lQffMSG2Y_M-00272-00185240-00185850 This point. Yeah, so so if you consider this m, there are two forces shown here lQffMSG2Y_M-00273-00185910-00186400 that mg acting downwards, so that can be balanced by this vertical reaction force. lQffMSG2Y_M-00274-00186450-00187010 And this tension in the cable. You can think about this is made up of two component, lQffMSG2Y_M-00275-00187010-00187640 one horizontal, and one vertical. So, the vertical bit could be registered by this lQffMSG2Y_M-00276-00187640-00188160 part of it or not. So our could be made up of this mg. Plus this vertical component. lQffMSG2Y_M-00277-00188220-00188940 These must be then need to be balanced by here. So if you say, this is a TV and lQffMSG2Y_M-00278-00188940-00189850 this is th horizontal. So R is mg + T, vertical and this is to horizontal. lQffMSG2Y_M-00279-00190220-00190860 Have you understood up to hear? Anybody has got any question? Yeah, go on. lQffMSG2Y_M-00280-00191300-00191440 at this point, it's just lQffMSG2Y_M-00281-00191670-00191940 That one. Yeah, this is the friction Force. lQffMSG2Y_M-00282-00192070-00192220 Yeah, this is a fiction for sorry. lQffMSG2Y_M-00283-00192500-00192520 Yeah. lQffMSG2Y_M-00284-00192660-00193280 I should have used. I should use different color. It's confusing. Okay. Now now lQffMSG2Y_M-00285-00193310-00193620 have you understood everything? So far, go on. lQffMSG2Y_M-00286-00194080-00194530 Or thumbs up. I thought you didn't understand. That's okay. So then if you put your lQffMSG2Y_M-00287-00194530-00194950 thumbs up, this is the difficult problem. I asked you to think about it. lQffMSG2Y_M-00288-00195080-00195700 So you have got a friend. Yeah, two parts of the frame. They are connected by pins. lQffMSG2Y_M-00289-00195770-00196220 So that means they are relatively. There is no moment at those points, free to rotate lQffMSG2Y_M-00290-00196220-00196820 at those pin position. So you have got a vertical bar and you have got like an egg lQffMSG2Y_M-00291-00196900-00197350 and they are connected into to this position. So they want to analyze this angle. lQffMSG2Y_M-00292-00197430-00197980 And this is the free body diagram. Somebody has drawn. Is this cry? Is this complete lQffMSG2Y_M-00293-00197980-00198060 or not? No. lQffMSG2Y_M-00294-00198250-00199010 So there will be a reaction force, a, which direction. lQffMSG2Y_M-00295-00199220-00199930 So, the reaction force at a would be upwards your thing. Okay. So let me, let me lQffMSG2Y_M-00296-00199930-00200510 give your suggestion slightly differently here or shall I use another piece of paper? lQffMSG2Y_M-00297-00200940-00201600 I think this is slightly needs, you're thinking. Okay. So this is the angle. lQffMSG2Y_M-00298-00201920-00202310 And and what you are saying is this would be upward. lQffMSG2Y_M-00299-00202440-00203140 And and this is the right hand Direction. Okay, and that's it. lQffMSG2Y_M-00300-00203680-00204120 So, why be should be towards the left in the other ones Direction? lQffMSG2Y_M-00301-00204330-00204390 Is that all? lQffMSG2Y_M-00302-00204880-00205350 Still weightless. The body is worthless. It has got only one for sap there. lQffMSG2Y_M-00303-00205790-00206450 Would be no horizontal Force here. So how that that force will go. So that means lQffMSG2Y_M-00304-00206450-00206680 there will be no horizontal Force anywhere in there. lQffMSG2Y_M-00305-00207530-00207560 God. lQffMSG2Y_M-00306-00208469-00208960 So so if you want, add another two forces on to it. lQffMSG2Y_M-00307-00209080-00209590 So I don't get that one, right? So you say upward Force at this point. lQffMSG2Y_M-00308-00209810-00210619 And let her Force at that one. Is this under equilibrium? There is a, you think lQffMSG2Y_M-00309-00210619-00211160 there is a vertical reaction. So point is, this is the whole point. If you start lQffMSG2Y_M-00310-00211160-00211760 to think part of it, it is not possible. You cannot think you cannot get that free lQffMSG2Y_M-00311-00211760-00212569 body here. You have to go back and forth. You have to consider the whole structure. lQffMSG2Y_M-00312-00212600-00212769 Stripping off of the support. lQffMSG2Y_M-00313-00212780-00213700 And get couple of reaction forces. And then from there, slowly build the whole free lQffMSG2Y_M-00314-00213700-00214400 body diagram. So, so let me show you how to think about this problem in a, in a, lQffMSG2Y_M-00315-00214400-00215200 in a man. So first of all, what I'll do is I'll strip of these to support and say, lQffMSG2Y_M-00316-00215200-00215710 okay. I want to know what are the reaction forces onto the ground? Because remember, lQffMSG2Y_M-00317-00215780-00216269 A force. You apply to any object ultimately has to come to the ground. lQffMSG2Y_M-00318-00216400-00216980 To that sought the support. Whatever ground is, is, is one Tom, but it needs to lQffMSG2Y_M-00319-00216980-00217550 come to the support. So I will draw this free body diagram of the whole structure lQffMSG2Y_M-00320-00217550-00218440 first. So, this is the bracket onto one. So, you have got this pin over here and lQffMSG2Y_M-00321-00218440-00218600 then you have got lQffMSG2Y_M-00322-00218800-00219619 This is the reaction force into there, and I've got a force shown here in this direction. lQffMSG2Y_M-00323-00219760-00220460 Now, of course, there would be two reaction forces into into under this under this lQffMSG2Y_M-00324-00220480-00220510 one. lQffMSG2Y_M-00325-00220680-00221119 Now, what sort of reaction forces, I am expecting at these two points. lQffMSG2Y_M-00326-00221430-00221580 Offered both of what? lQffMSG2Y_M-00327-00222160-00222350 What about the horizontal reaction folks? lQffMSG2Y_M-00328-00222760-00222830 Yeah, go on. lQffMSG2Y_M-00329-00224119-00224610 That's somebody's doing that. Somebody's trying to destroy that assembly, for example, lQffMSG2Y_M-00330-00224719-00225130 that's given. So it is it is probably attached to another machine. For example. lQffMSG2Y_M-00331-00225230-00225940 Or or another Point soportes towards the right here. lQffMSG2Y_M-00332-00226140-00226430 Going to be under balancing circle thing. lQffMSG2Y_M-00333-00226890-00227730 Summation of horizontal forces. Has to be 0 summation of vertical forces has to lQffMSG2Y_M-00334-00227730-00228590 be 0 and the third one is very crucial. The moment about any point is 0. So if you lQffMSG2Y_M-00335-00228590-00229219 think about the third one, for the time being, and take moment about this point lQffMSG2Y_M-00336-00229269-00229750 moment about this point, if you start to take. So, take moment about this point. lQffMSG2Y_M-00337-00229760-00229850 What is the moment? lQffMSG2Y_M-00338-00229869-00230140 Due to F. Is it a clockwise or anti-clockwise? lQffMSG2Y_M-00339-00230260-00230769 It will create a clockwise. So, the reaction force. So, reaction, force and point lQffMSG2Y_M-00340-00230769-00231360 B could be to 1 vertical Direction, one, horizontal directions, right? These are lQffMSG2Y_M-00341-00231360-00232140 the two possibilities. It could be both or could be either. So, at Point here, there lQffMSG2Y_M-00342-00232140-00232300 could be two reaction forces. lQffMSG2Y_M-00343-00232410-00232990 Now, if you consider the moment due to this point F, that is going to create a clockwise lQffMSG2Y_M-00344-00232990-00233480 movement, that must be balanced by this reaction force. Because these are the only lQffMSG2Y_M-00345-00233480-00234169 two, which can resist that reaction and that rotation there would be, of course, lQffMSG2Y_M-00346-00234190-00234690 reaction force here, but they would not be able to provide that rotation. If you lQffMSG2Y_M-00347-00234690-00235069 consider moment about this point because movement of these two forces should be lQffMSG2Y_M-00348-00235069-00235110 zero. lQffMSG2Y_M-00349-00235319-00235680 Similarly, moment of this horizontal forces, would be honest, is 0, if you take lQffMSG2Y_M-00350-00235680-00236169 moment about this point because the distance is because this Force passes through lQffMSG2Y_M-00351-00236169-00236860 that point. So moment of this Force, this force, and that Force are all 0. So only lQffMSG2Y_M-00352-00236860-00237560 one candidate is left to Road. Resist the rotations a clockwise rotation. So which lQffMSG2Y_M-00353-00237560-00238130 direction you think the vertical reaction of in this case, going to be upward or lQffMSG2Y_M-00354-00238130-00238190 downward? lQffMSG2Y_M-00355-00238330-00239200 It, it has to be upward. So because only then they should be able to resist that lQffMSG2Y_M-00356-00239200-00239250 Force. lQffMSG2Y_M-00357-00239480-00240100 Okay, and if you do little bit of diamonds, and if you give, let's say this distance lQffMSG2Y_M-00358-00240100-00240730 is a and that distant is also a then F time or, and this distance is also a, all lQffMSG2Y_M-00359-00240730-00241500 the dimension of the same. Then, if this is f, then that is f times. 2A is the vertical, lQffMSG2Y_M-00360-00241510-00242050 the moment that must be balanced by a times F. So this should be, possibly would lQffMSG2Y_M-00361-00242050-00242450 be twice F. So twice, F times, this distance. lQffMSG2Y_M-00362-00242490-00242790 Must be balanced by F times twice a day. lQffMSG2Y_M-00363-00242910-00243680 So, so that is twice F. Now, if this is twice F. What do you think these vertical lQffMSG2Y_M-00364-00243680-00244390 reaction would be because there is no other vertical forces, except that. So then lQffMSG2Y_M-00365-00244390-00244940 it must be balanced by four vertical equilibrium or twice F in this direction. lQffMSG2Y_M-00366-00245810-00246519 so if let's take this point as point a, so if you take moment about point a lQffMSG2Y_M-00367-00247090-00247540 so if you take moment about point a so you've got two forces, one is say this is lQffMSG2Y_M-00368-00247540-00247760 point a and you have got lQffMSG2Y_M-00369-00247980-00248740 Here, the force f is acting so at a distance of two. A, so what is the moment is lQffMSG2Y_M-00370-00248750-00249550 force times? The perpendicular distance. So the perpendicular distance for this lQffMSG2Y_M-00371-00249550-00250140 force is from here to here. So, which is f times 2A. lQffMSG2Y_M-00372-00250410-00251030 Similarly, this force times the distance, perpendicular distance must balance, the lQffMSG2Y_M-00373-00251069-00251240 so this Force must be twice it. lQffMSG2Y_M-00374-00251490-00252140 Yeah, so if this force is twice F, then for vertical equilibrium, you must say that lQffMSG2Y_M-00375-00252140-00252760 that force would act twice F in this direction. So we have somehow got these two lQffMSG2Y_M-00376-00252760-00253340 vertical reaction sorted. So you could see that possibly, this is correct then because lQffMSG2Y_M-00377-00253340-00253950 that shows downward in this point, which is, which is what we are getting from here lQffMSG2Y_M-00378-00253950-00254450 as well or downward Force at that point. We are getting a downward Force at that. lQffMSG2Y_M-00379-00254469-00254530 And as well. lQffMSG2Y_M-00380-00254910-00255240 Now, what about the horizontal face is, how we are going? What we are going to do lQffMSG2Y_M-00381-00255240-00255750 about that the reaction put. So there must be something because F has to be balanced lQffMSG2Y_M-00382-00255750-00256060 by these two, how we are going to get the horizontal forces. lQffMSG2Y_M-00383-00257450-00257740 Yeah, but I'm asking about what would be these two forces. lQffMSG2Y_M-00384-00258350-00258860 Yeah, but I meant to give you give you what, I mean, it could be F in this direction. lQffMSG2Y_M-00385-00258860-00259390 It could be F in this direction to F could be this direction F over to F of R 2. lQffMSG2Y_M-00386-00259419-00260030 F of 1 3 twice. F over 3, any combination as long as summation of the horizontal lQffMSG2Y_M-00387-00260030-00260519 forces from left to, right and right to left is 0. But how do I find out? What are lQffMSG2Y_M-00388-00260519-00260710 the forces into these two points? lQffMSG2Y_M-00389-00262630-00263120 Very good. That that's what you have to think outside the box. There is, there is lQffMSG2Y_M-00390-00263120-00264010 a hinge there and a good attempt to the way I could take. I could consider this lQffMSG2Y_M-00391-00264010-00264080 part. lQffMSG2Y_M-00392-00264490-00265060 Separately. And of course, on this part, there will be some reaction force here, lQffMSG2Y_M-00393-00265060-00265770 some reaction force there. I don't know, but I know there is a force twice F in lQffMSG2Y_M-00394-00265770-00266450 this direction, and I know that would be a force horizontal there. So, for this lQffMSG2Y_M-00395-00266450-00267110 angle, these are the four forces. And I also know if I call this point as point lQffMSG2Y_M-00396-00267110-00267160 B. lQffMSG2Y_M-00397-00267210-00267900 Moment about point B is equal to 0. So that means the moment due to this force is lQffMSG2Y_M-00398-00267900-00268340 zero because it is passing through point B moment due to this point is 0 because lQffMSG2Y_M-00399-00268340-00269080 that is passing through, see now to F is creating an anti clockwise movement. lQffMSG2Y_M-00400-00269250-00269910 So that must be balanced by a clockwise movement in this direction. So what would lQffMSG2Y_M-00401-00269910-00270010 be this Force then? lQffMSG2Y_M-00402-00270210-00270390 It would be simply to f. lQffMSG2Y_M-00403-00270570-00271330 In this direction. So once I get to F, I put it back here. This is 2. F. What do lQffMSG2Y_M-00404-00271330-00271900 you think this for should be done? In this case, as in this case, now, you couldn't lQffMSG2Y_M-00405-00271900-00272280 have predicted. This would be the F, you are pulling it in this direction. That lQffMSG2Y_M-00406-00272280-00272890 would be F in this case, unless you walked backward and forward in this way. lQffMSG2Y_M-00407-00273200-00273220 Yeah. lQffMSG2Y_M-00408-00273600-00274110 It's a little bit tricky. But you you, what we have done is we have to, we have lQffMSG2Y_M-00409-00274110-00274680 considered the whole thing. And then you have gone into bit of it in detail. Once, lQffMSG2Y_M-00410-00274680-00275120 you know, this one, then it's relatively straightforward to find out how much this lQffMSG2Y_M-00411-00275120-00275670 should be. This should be true true. F of words. And they should be to F down in lQffMSG2Y_M-00412-00275670-00276370 that direction. So it could complete this one as goes like that and goes like this lQffMSG2Y_M-00413-00276370-00276390 way. lQffMSG2Y_M-00414-00278740-00279390 So so that your question is, why this bit is twice? Okay, let me draw that bit again. lQffMSG2Y_M-00415-00279450-00279490 So, lQffMSG2Y_M-00416-00280740-00281420 So we have got a force here acting in this point, like f. lQffMSG2Y_M-00417-00281640-00282330 Now, that must be this system must be balanced by four other forces. So for other lQffMSG2Y_M-00418-00282330-00282830 forces are as follows, there could be a vertical Force there. There could be a vertical lQffMSG2Y_M-00419-00282830-00283190 Force here. There could be a horizontal Force there, that could be horizontal for lQffMSG2Y_M-00420-00283190-00283230 sale. lQffMSG2Y_M-00421-00283350-00284000 Now we need to find out all these four. So now we'll use our strategy. If I take lQffMSG2Y_M-00422-00284000-00284280 moment of all the forces about this point. lQffMSG2Y_M-00423-00284400-00285020 Then Mom, then moment of this force is 0 because that is passing through that point lQffMSG2Y_M-00424-00285030-00285530 moment of this force is 0 because that is passing through this point moment of this lQffMSG2Y_M-00425-00285530-00286020 force is zero, that is passing through that point. Because if even if it is going lQffMSG2Y_M-00426-00286020-00286430 left to right, it is going to hit that point or even if it is going to right to lQffMSG2Y_M-00427-00286430-00286890 left that you still be 0. So only one is available that one. lQffMSG2Y_M-00428-00287170-00287840 So if this is at a distance set to I say F times twice, a must be balanced by a lQffMSG2Y_M-00429-00287840-00288590 times the force. So if this reaction force was say R, then R times a must be equal lQffMSG2Y_M-00430-00288590-00288750 to F times, 2A. lQffMSG2Y_M-00431-00289070-00289710 Let's say this distance is R. So the moment about this point is our times a, which lQffMSG2Y_M-00432-00289710-00290410 must be equal to F times 2A because this restaurant is, how do we calculate moment lQffMSG2Y_M-00433-00290420-00290960 moment is you extend the line of action of the force. So this is the line of action lQffMSG2Y_M-00434-00290960-00291430 of the force F and you drop a perpendicular to that line of action of the force, lQffMSG2Y_M-00435-00291470-00291740 and you measure that distance. So this distance is twice it. lQffMSG2Y_M-00436-00291960-00292270 So, eight times twice, a is the moment about this point. lQffMSG2Y_M-00437-00292480-00293000 Is that clear or no? No, this is this is absolutely important. You get the idea lQffMSG2Y_M-00438-00293000-00293140 of the moment. Yeah. lQffMSG2Y_M-00439-00294760-00295300 Okay. So this is this is much more basic that you need to do. So if a force is acting lQffMSG2Y_M-00440-00295300-00295970 at a point like that, so this is the force and you want to calculate moment about lQffMSG2Y_M-00441-00295970-00296520 a point. Let's say here .0, you want to calculate moment about this point? How do lQffMSG2Y_M-00442-00296520-00296900 we do you? You extend the line of action? lQffMSG2Y_M-00443-00296920-00297690 The force in both Direction and drop a perpendicular to that line of action of the lQffMSG2Y_M-00444-00297690-00298250 force, and measure the distance of this perpendicular. So if this distance is a lQffMSG2Y_M-00445-00298250-00298780 d, then moment of this Force about this point is f times d. lQffMSG2Y_M-00446-00299060-00299100 Okay. lQffMSG2Y_M-00447-00299320-00299880 So so complete. This one. This one is fairly easy. And before you leave, I just lQffMSG2Y_M-00448-00299880-00300290 want to show you a few things. So equilibrium examples, I couldn't do it now. So lQffMSG2Y_M-00449-00300290-00300940 what I'll do is I'll upload the solution but don't look at the solution plays because lQffMSG2Y_M-00450-00300960-00301450 you will not get anything if you look at the solution. And finally, there is one lQffMSG2Y_M-00451-00301450-00302030 problem where there is a small video, which I love, which I will make it available. lQffMSG2Y_M-00452-00302080-00302280 So see that video as well. lQffMSG2Y_M-00453-00302320-00302750 Okay, and finally before you leave, just give me one point. lQffMSG2Y_M-00454-00302990-00303160 Just one minute. lQffMSG2Y_M-00455-00303310-00303830 In the, if you go to the revision folder, you will see the lecture notes. Have you lQffMSG2Y_M-00456-00303830-00304410 had a look at that? So now you should be able to follow the lecture notes. What lQffMSG2Y_M-00457-00304410-00304910 we have done so far. And then, for the next week onwards, we are going to look at lQffMSG2Y_M-00458-00304910-00305420 this lecture notes and solve tutorial problems. Okay. Thank you. lQffMSG2Y_M-00459-00307010-00307760 The first two weeks of traveling to Mexico. I arrived yesterday. Everything is Everything. lQffMSG2Y_M-00460-00308740-00309510 Thank you. Yes. lQffMSG2Y_M-00461-00310470-00311440 So probably this weekend, you'll get the for the Monday's later. So next week we lQffMSG2Y_M-00462-00311440-00312420 have got a tutorial on Friday. So I'll give you the tutorial problems beforehand. lQffMSG2Y_M-00463-00312460-00312870 You attempt it and then here is that we'll have three or four. lQffMSG2Y_M-00464-00312890-00313430 GTA's and myself then we'll go around and see if you've got any difficulties. For lQffMSG2Y_M-00465-00313430-00314170 example, one of these room. There may be left the theater P or something. So not lQffMSG2Y_M-00466-00314170-00314410 not a flat space but one of these days. lQffMSG2Y_M-00467-00314940-00315540 Yes, I hope so. I hope so it is it should be recorded because not focusing so much lQffMSG2Y_M-00468-00315540-00316490 during the during II will probably this weekend. Do scan this and put that on. You lQffMSG2Y_M-00469-00316490-00316550 have already got. lQffMSG2Y_M-00470-00317400-00317950 This shows that I can add two, free body, diagram district. And in this free body lQffMSG2Y_M-00471-00317950-00318740 diagram, I have to assume that this force is the moment everywhere. So so, so you lQffMSG2Y_M-00472-00318740-00319200 find that the apps and photos here due to this one. So you think about this as a lQffMSG2Y_M-00473-00319200-00319750 whole system to start with and then go to the separate. Okay, so I have to think lQffMSG2Y_M-00474-00319750-00320150 about this whole system and then I have to go to the separately. So first lQffMSG2Y_M-00475-00320170-00320570 So if I wanted to complete this for a question, yeah, so I have to assume that all lQffMSG2Y_M-00476-00320570-00321150 of these are so are they going to tell us the distances? Yeah, so I have to assume lQffMSG2Y_M-00477-00321150-00321730 so I have to assume that the moment around about this the moment about this or equal. lQffMSG2Y_M-00478-00321730-00322310 Yeah, so so I'm going to be seeing the see the recording again. Yeah, thank you lQffMSG2Y_M-00479-00322310-00323120 very much. I don't understand a lot of this one. So it's I could even yeah. lQffMSG2Y_M-00480-00323210-00323780 And where's the people is this? This is a people were these three pivots as well. lQffMSG2Y_M-00481-00323840-00324310 So this is like an air show in a hinge in the air to clockwise moment. So this is, lQffMSG2Y_M-00482-00324310-00325060 this is in the air and whereas, these are this, this force is, this force, is to lQffMSG2Y_M-00483-00325060-00325780 force a to. So, so, if you think about these foods, will create a moment force times lQffMSG2Y_M-00484-00325780-00326150 this distance, which is two times safe. This is one centimeter. lQffMSG2Y_M-00485-00326220-00327110 So f x 2, centimeter that Hots. Yeah, F times, this distance which is half of the lQffMSG2Y_M-00486-00327110-00327660 double of this distance. So this Force must be doubled of that to register moment lQffMSG2Y_M-00487-00327660-00328320 and how to balance this Force. So then you look at into step by step that we did lQffMSG2Y_M-00488-00328350-00328900 all this steps here. Once you get these and then you look at a small one first, lQffMSG2Y_M-00489-00328900-00329050 and then that will give you the result. lQffMSG2Y_M-00490-00329830-00329970 How you're finding structure so far?