X1jOHG8FS-0-00000-00000560-00001456 The real meaningful part of co-production is thatit really enables everyone to feel that they X1jOHG8FS-0-00001-00001456-00002120 have ownership, and they have some stake andsome investment in what decisions need to be X1jOHG8FS-0-00002-00002120-00002632 made. A stake in what piece of work they need tocarry out or what service needs to be designed. X1jOHG8FS-0-00003-00002848-00003728 It removes a lot of wastage because from the onsetyou are informing and involving people, X1jOHG8FS-0-00004-00003728-00004416 and asking them what would work and what wouldn'twork. It increases productivity because X1jOHG8FS-0-00005-00004416-00005072 people come with creative ideas, creative ways ofdoing things. It also allows you from the onset X1jOHG8FS-0-00006-00005128-00006080 to know that each and everyone who is involvedwith co-production has a role and has a different X1jOHG8FS-0-00007-00006080-00006544 perspective. Particularly when you're lookingat things from a quality diversity inclusionperspective X1jOHG8FS-0-00008-00006544-00007200 a lot of times, I'm fantastic in terms of ensuring that services are culturally sensitive& X1jOHG8FS-0-00009-00007200-00008424 are inclusive of people who are not there. Itry to represent underrepresented voices. X2dsz9xpDUQ-00000-00000000-00000120 Snake VS Dog Fight X3UwRAMqHo0-00000-00000000-00000658 Boys and girls, today we are going to work on learning a new strategy to help us with our comprehension when we're reading. X3UwRAMqHo0-00001-00000690-00000961 And we actually talked about this just a little bit yesterday. X3UwRAMqHo0-00002-00000972-00001422 The one we're going to work on today is called, "make and adjust predictions". X3UwRAMqHo0-00003-00001500-00001736 And Jackson actually wrote this one for us. X3UwRAMqHo0-00004-00001757-00002194 And when we are reading a book, one of the things that can help you with your comprehension, X3UwRAMqHo0-00005-00002208-00002816 and help you enjoy the book, is if you are making predictions as you go before you read it. X3UwRAMqHo0-00006-00002836-00003370 Now, after you read it, is it a prediction? No, that's because you already know the answer. X3UwRAMqHo0-00007-00003370-00003690 And, what is a prediction? Who can tell me what a prediction is? X3UwRAMqHo0-00008-00003690-00004052 Hayden, what's a prediction? A prediction is like, is like X3UwRAMqHo0-00009-00004052-00004562 if someone doesn't know something, you can predict like what's gonna happen. X3UwRAMqHo0-00010-00004562-00004872 Yeah, it's kind of a guess, isn't it? Yeah, yeah. X3UwRAMqHo0-00011-00004894-00005416 Well, we are going to read a book. And this book is called, "An Extraordinary Egg". X3UwRAMqHo0-00012-00005442-00005900 And in this book, we're going to make some predictions about what we think is going to happen. X3UwRAMqHo0-00013-00005916-00006486 So, here we go. If you can't see, you need to move where you can see. Okay, "An Extraordinary Egg". X3UwRAMqHo0-00014-00006486-00006988 Now, when we look at the top of the cover, what's on the cover? X3UwRAMqHo0-00015-00007259-00007925 We get an alligator which says and a frog and we already know from the title extraordinary that's X3UwRAMqHo0-00016-00007925-00008271 a really great tune in to insert interesting word isn't it X3UwRAMqHo0-00017-00008271-00008789 that's an interesting word so we're going to find out about extraordinary on X3UwRAMqHo0-00018-00008789-00009425 pebble Island there lived three frogs Marilyn Auguste and one who was always X3UwRAMqHo0-00019-00009425-00010068 somewhere else so already we can kind of make a prediction where do you think X3UwRAMqHo0-00020-00010068-00010845 that third frog is late you think that third frogs in the bush what about you I X3UwRAMqHo0-00021-00010845-00011400 think I think he's hopping around anywhere X3UwRAMqHo0-00022-00011400-00012129 just hopping around anywhere what about you you think he's with the egg and the X3UwRAMqHo0-00023-00012129-00012465 crocodile okay so let's save your thoughts let's see if X3UwRAMqHo0-00024-00012465-00013185 we can check our predictions by reading the rest of the page now were we able to X3UwRAMqHo0-00025-00013185-00013869 figure out what was happening by reading on did it help you enjoy the story more X3UwRAMqHo0-00026-00013869-00014133 by making guesses about what could happen X3UwRAMqHo0-00027-00014133-00014474 those were your predictions X4bptqrx-n4-00000-00000424-00000566 Hi, Seattle Super Reader! X4bptqrx-n4-00001-00000566-00000734 Yes, I am talking to you! X4bptqrx-n4-00002-00000735-00001011 What are you doing this summer? X4bptqrx-n4-00003-00001011-00001128 Going to the park? X4bptqrx-n4-00004-00001128-00001286 Playing ball? X4bptqrx-n4-00005-00001286-00001476 How about reading? X4bptqrx-n4-00006-00001476-00001778 Let books take you on an adventure! X4bptqrx-n4-00007-00001800-00002034 Travel to new places. X4bptqrx-n4-00008-00002034-00002174 Meet new friends. X4bptqrx-n4-00009-00002244-00002598 Build your superpowers by reading everyday! X4bptqrx-n4-00010-00002704-00003016 And become a Seattle Super Reader! X4bptqrx-n4-00011-00003074-00003311 I want YOU on the team! X4bptqrx-n4-00012-00003347-00003474 Want to learn more? X4bptqrx-n4-00013-00003474-00003765 Ask an adult to visit the Seattle Public Schools website. X4bptqrx-n4-00014-00003879-00004068 Let's get reading! X6e_QEsaATo-00000-00009729-00009929 like comment and subscribe X8lwg0kqKoo-00000-00000102-00000550 Now, one thing that we're going to need to do X8lwg0kqKoo-00001-00000550-00000874 when we're setting up our coordinate planes X8lwg0kqKoo-00002-00000874-00001236 is make sure that the plane we set up X8lwg0kqKoo-00003-00001236-00001626 is going to let us plot the points that we're interested in. X8lwg0kqKoo-00004-00001834-00001992 What do I mean by that? X8lwg0kqKoo-00005-00002078-00002556 Let's suppose that we want to draw the following points. X8lwg0kqKoo-00006-00002620-00003365 We want to draw the points, (0, 250), (100,100). X8lwg0kqKoo-00007-00003438-00003684 Now, if I set up the coordinate plane I used X8lwg0kqKoo-00008-00003684-00003884 in the last video, X8lwg0kqKoo-00009-00004056-00004460 where is (100,100) in this plane? X8lwg0kqKoo-00010-00004668-00004926 That's right, it's way the heck off above X8lwg0kqKoo-00011-00004926-00005156 the right-hand corner of the screen. X8lwg0kqKoo-00012-00005258-00005670 Neither one of these points is anywhere near X8lwg0kqKoo-00013-00005670-00005964 the points that are shown on this plane. X8lwg0kqKoo-00014-00006068-00006412 This picture will not help us. X8lwg0kqKoo-00015-00006412-00006938 Instead, we would like to draw a pair of axes X8lwg0kqKoo-00016-00006938-00007279 where the numbers that we're interested in do show up. X8lwg0kqKoo-00017-00007336-00007580 Now, I don't know about you, but I don't want to count X8lwg0kqKoo-00018-00007580-00007826 all the way up to two hundred fifty. X8lwg0kqKoo-00019-00007892-00008112 I think that in order to successfully get up to X8lwg0kqKoo-00020-00008112-00008466 two hundred fifty, I'm going to have to skip count. X8lwg0kqKoo-00021-00008522-00009072 Now, I notice that fifty is a common factor X8lwg0kqKoo-00022-00009072-00009304 of all the numbers that interest me. X8lwg0kqKoo-00023-00009352-00009702 So, if I count by fifties, I think I'm going to see X8lwg0kqKoo-00024-00009702-00009888 something really useful. X8lwg0kqKoo-00025-00009976-00010314 I also notice, that none of the numbers X8lwg0kqKoo-00026-00010314-00010514 that interest me are negative. X8lwg0kqKoo-00027-00010562-00010880 So, I don't really need to extend my axes that far X8lwg0kqKoo-00028-00010881-00011106 into the negative numbers. X8lwg0kqKoo-00029-00011106-00011428 I really just want to look at positive numbers. X8lwg0kqKoo-00030-00011566-00011910 With that in mind, I might set up a pair of axes X8lwg0kqKoo-00031-00011910-00012084 that look like this. X8lwg0kqKoo-00032-00012150-00012792 Notice, I'm counting by fifties on both axes. X8lwg0kqKoo-00033-00012852-00013188 Also, notice that both of my axes extend a little bit X8lwg0kqKoo-00034-00013188-00013596 beyond the numbers that I need in both directions. X8lwg0kqKoo-00035-00013718-00014162 But, now I can plot the point, (0, 250). X8lwg0kqKoo-00036-00014252-00014552 This vertical line, the y axis, X8lwg0kqKoo-00037-00014684-00014938 corresponds to x equals zero. X8lwg0kqKoo-00038-00015230-00015468 This horizontal line corresponds to X8lwg0kqKoo-00039-00015468-00015766 y equals two hundred fifty. X8lwg0kqKoo-00040-00015884-00016404 So, this is the point, (0, 250). X8lwg0kqKoo-00041-00016474-00016932 And I can also plot the point, (100, 100). X8lwg0kqKoo-00042-00017116-00017378 This vertical line corresponds to X8lwg0kqKoo-00043-00017378-00017566 x equals one hundred. X8lwg0kqKoo-00044-00017784-00018030 This horizontal line corresponds to X8lwg0kqKoo-00045-00018030-00018222 y equals one hundred. X8lwg0kqKoo-00046-00018348-00018918 So, this is the point, (100, 100). X8lwg0kqKoo-00047-00019016-00019406 When you're planning how to draw your coordinate axes, X8lwg0kqKoo-00048-00019406-00019758 there are some rules that you always have to follow X8lwg0kqKoo-00049-00019836-00020080 and there are some rules that you can break X8lwg0kqKoo-00050-00020080-00020280 if you have a really good reason. X8lwg0kqKoo-00051-00020320-00020638 The first rule is that each step on the x-axis X8lwg0kqKoo-00052-00020638-00021030 has to be the same size and each step on the y-axis X8lwg0kqKoo-00053-00021030-00021212 has to be the same size. X8lwg0kqKoo-00054-00021248-00021560 So, I couldn't, for example, do something like this. X8lwg0kqKoo-00055-00021618-00021844 Here's my x-axis. X8lwg0kqKoo-00056-00021844-00022114 Here's a y-axis cutting across it. X8lwg0kqKoo-00057-00022142-00022488 I could not mark my x-axis this way, X8lwg0kqKoo-00058-00022750-00023004 where I go from zero to thirty, X8lwg0kqKoo-00059-00023004-00023276 and then thirty to forty-five, X8lwg0kqKoo-00060-00023276-00023482 and then forty-five to sixty. X8lwg0kqKoo-00061-00023482-00023564 Why? X8lwg0kqKoo-00062-00023620-00024052 Because this distance is thirty X8lwg0kqKoo-00063-00024282-00024524 but this is only fifteen. X8lwg0kqKoo-00064-00024564-00024742 So, this is not allowed. X8lwg0kqKoo-00065-00024826-00025292 Similarly, the x-axis and the y-axis have to cross X8lwg0kqKoo-00066-00025292-00025410 at zero. X8lwg0kqKoo-00067-00025474-00025822 We will see reasons for that as we continue to work X8lwg0kqKoo-00068-00025822-00025939 with graphs. X8lwg0kqKoo-00069-00025976-00026441 And the last rule is that we should extend the axes X8lwg0kqKoo-00070-00026441-00026669 far enough to see all of the points X8lwg0kqKoo-00071-00026670-00026850 that we're interested in. X8lwg0kqKoo-00072-00026872-00027130 And, in fact, unless we have a strong reason X8lwg0kqKoo-00073-00027131-00027380 to do otherwise, we should extend them X8lwg0kqKoo-00074-00027380-00027536 a little bit beyond. X8lwg0kqKoo-00075-00027694-00028008 There are some other rules that aren't really rules, X8lwg0kqKoo-00076-00028008-00028177 they're just guidelines. X8lwg0kqKoo-00077-00028236-00028602 We'll follow these unless we have a good reason not to. X8lwg0kqKoo-00078-00028602-00029016 In general, the x-axis and the y-axis should be X8lwg0kqKoo-00079-00029016-00029202 on the same scale. X8lwg0kqKoo-00080-00029354-00029620 When do we have a good reason not to do that? X8lwg0kqKoo-00081-00029664-00029922 We might not want to do that if the numbers X8lwg0kqKoo-00082-00029922-00030138 are on very, very different scales. X8lwg0kqKoo-00083-00030138-00030427 For example, if we're interested in the points, X8lwg0kqKoo-00084-00030439-00030942 (0, 6000) and (2, 4000). X8lwg0kqKoo-00085-00030980-00031344 We might want to count by thousands on the y-axis X8lwg0kqKoo-00086-00031344-00031618 but by ones on the x-axis. X8lwg0kqKoo-00087-00031700-00032110 Another reason not to is, if we have, for example, X8lwg0kqKoo-00088-00032110-00032514 different fractions or different units in the numbers. X8lwg0kqKoo-00089-00032550-00032814 A really good example is if we want to plot, X8lwg0kqKoo-00090-00032814-00033622 say, the points, (1/2, 7/3) and the points (3/2, 5/3), X8lwg0kqKoo-00091-00033684-00034184 we might want to mark our x-axis in halves X8lwg0kqKoo-00092-00034184-00034438 and our y-axis in thirds. X8lwg0kqKoo-00093-00034484-00034782 Another guideline that's not a rule, X8lwg0kqKoo-00094-00034782-00035174 all of our points should fall where the grid lines cross. X8lwg0kqKoo-00095-00035174-00035354 That is, so notice up here. X8lwg0kqKoo-00096-00035402-00035786 We actually had a mark at the number, two hundred fifty X8lwg0kqKoo-00097-00035786-00036114 that corresponded with a grid line in our graph paper. X8lwg0kqKoo-00098-00036186-00036493 We actually had a mark at the number, one hundred X8lwg0kqKoo-00099-00036494-00036788 that corresponded with a grid line in our graph paper. X8lwg0kqKoo-00100-00036828-00037164 That was really useful because it gave us a guideline X8lwg0kqKoo-00101-00037164-00037426 for where to actually draw that point. X8lwg0kqKoo-00102-00037570-00037870 Why would we make an exception to this? X8lwg0kqKoo-00103-00037870-00038096 We might not want to do this if our numbers X8lwg0kqKoo-00104-00038096-00038365 don't have any nice common factors. X8lwg0kqKoo-00105-00038430-00039058 So, for example, if I wanted to plot the points, X8lwg0kqKoo-00106-00039128-00039970 (783, 291) and (501, 776), X8lwg0kqKoo-00107-00040066-00040482 I might just want to count by fifties, say, X8lwg0kqKoo-00108-00040482-00040760 and estimate where my points ought to be. X8lwg0kqKoo-00109-00041108-00041480 The last thing that we always want to keep in mind X8lwg0kqKoo-00110-00041480-00041792 is that we don't want our picture to be too big. X8lwg0kqKoo-00111-00041838-00041976 What's too big? X8lwg0kqKoo-00112-00042038-00042270 Well, if it doesn't fit on the piece of paper, X8lwg0kqKoo-00113-00042270-00042468 it's definitely too big. X8lwg0kqKoo-00114-00042544-00042818 If we have some fixed space that we have to fit X8lwg0kqKoo-00115-00042819-00043096 our graph in, anything that doesn't fit X8lwg0kqKoo-00116-00043096-00043340 in that fixed space is too big. X8lwg0kqKoo-00117-00043446-00043730 In general, if it takes up more space X8lwg0kqKoo-00118-00043730-00043959 on the piece of paper than the information X8lwg0kqKoo-00119-00043960-00044158 that it contains is worth, X8lwg0kqKoo-00120-00044218-00044350 it's too big. X9tFTDU8yOu-00000-00000000-00000122 Every Day is Earth Day X9tFTDU8yOu-00001-00050836-00051012 Please like and subscribe Xq08QrAdNAY-00000-00000096-00000368 good morning everybody can you hear me and Xq08QrAdNAY-00001-00000368-00000856 see my screen i need to go through this as i still just kind of get used to this discord Xq08QrAdNAY-00002-00000968-00001655 uh if you can just type yes in the questions there for advanced webinar uh advanced webinar Xq08QrAdNAY-00003-00002088-00002768 just make sure that uh every we're all good to go okay thank you david tarantino Xq08QrAdNAY-00004-00002768-00003432 uh and let's uh let's get going so uh scott uh are you uh i think you're in here Xq08QrAdNAY-00005-00003592-00004040 ready to go uh i'm sorry let me let me go through the uh disclosures et cetera Xq08QrAdNAY-00006-00004040-00004800 and then we'll uh we'll jump in here with scott um all right so um anyway welcome to the the advanced Xq08QrAdNAY-00007-00004800-00005448 webinar this is the live education you get here with uh uh your global plus subscription uh we've Xq08QrAdNAY-00008-00005448-00006000 been doing it for free in here for like since the you know the holidays basically and just uh Xq08QrAdNAY-00009-00006056-00006823 uh getting up and running here uh and um uh you know growing our discord and Xq08QrAdNAY-00010-00006823-00007464 and seeing what we want to do here in discord anyway today we have scott pulsini futures trader Xq08QrAdNAY-00011-00007464-00007952 we have him every thursday at 10 am east coast time he will be going through some live trading Xq08QrAdNAY-00012-00008048-00008736 it is your insight to a specific trader a professional trader and how they Xq08QrAdNAY-00013-00008792-00009504 uh analyze the markets their setups uh their ways of trading uh as well as a trade management uh and Xq08QrAdNAY-00014-00009504-00010064 uh kind of outlook or trader psychology on the markets you guys know who scott is uh and then Xq08QrAdNAY-00015-00010064-00010600 you have scott's contact information here i'll be putting this into the chat so you guys have it uh Xq08QrAdNAY-00016-00010600-00011304 if you want to uh reach out to him he does offer mentorship services you've got a website his email Xq08QrAdNAY-00017-00011304-00011896 his twitter he's got a trading room that he has on discord as well and he's got an educational course Xq08QrAdNAY-00018-00011960-00012528 uh he also offers a trade copier service uh but you'll reach out to him for more on that uh i got Xq08QrAdNAY-00019-00012528-00012968 to go through the disclosures and then we'll turn it over to scott just make sure you understand Xq08QrAdNAY-00020-00013040-00013824 what you're getting involved in with here this is not a trade copier room it is all about learning Xq08QrAdNAY-00021-00013824-00014576 from another trader and their approach to the markets so that you maybe you find something that Xq08QrAdNAY-00022-00014576-00015128 resonates with you that you want to integrate within your trading that's what it's for uh Xq08QrAdNAY-00023-00015128-00015791 learn from the professional traders here anyway general disclosure all bookmap limited materials Xq08QrAdNAY-00024-00015791-00016288 information and presentations are for educational purposes only and should not be considered Xq08QrAdNAY-00025-00016288-00016856 specific investment advice nor recommendations live trading is in simulation demo paper trading Xq08QrAdNAY-00026-00016856-00017432 mode and strictly for educational purposes live trading executed in simulation cannot Xq08QrAdNAY-00027-00017496-00018024 accurately represent realistic trading performance risk disclosure trading futures equities and Xq08QrAdNAY-00028-00018024-00018528 digital currencies involves substantial risk of loss and is not suitable for all investors an Xq08QrAdNAY-00029-00018528-00018944 investor could potentially lose all or more than the initial investment risk capital is Xq08QrAdNAY-00030-00018944-00019536 money that can be lost without jeopardizing one's financial security nor lifestyle only risk capital Xq08QrAdNAY-00031-00019536-00019952 should be used for trading and only those with sufficient risk capital should consider trading Xq08QrAdNAY-00032-00019952-00020552 past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results all right scott uh take it Xq08QrAdNAY-00033-00020552-00021296 away start to start uh hit the screen button uh and um let's uh get this show started Xq08QrAdNAY-00034-00021656-00022584 yes how are you i'm good okay Xq08QrAdNAY-00035-00025064-00025384 yes Xq08QrAdNAY-00036-00025472-00025576 all righty um Xq08QrAdNAY-00037-00026032-00026208 currently long nasdaq here Xq08QrAdNAY-00038-00026648-00026816 i just trailed my stuff so Xq08QrAdNAY-00039-00027327-00027600 we had some i don't i need to mute this Xq08QrAdNAY-00040-00027824-00028536 you're kind of your kind of voice is kind of soft uh scott okay um yeah i'm trying to i need to mute Xq08QrAdNAY-00041-00028536-00028968 this because you're gonna hear every time someone comes in the room and that's not gonna be okay Xq08QrAdNAY-00042-00029200-00029583 so where do i do i just right click advanced webinar i'm not seeing a mute option Xq08QrAdNAY-00043-00029880-00030016 let's see voice channels Xq08QrAdNAY-00044-00030416-00031072 all right could you still hear me yeah yeah okay all right so i needed everything um Xq08QrAdNAY-00045-00031136-00031632 oh i'm sorry scott if i i need to interrupt you just beforehand um we get a lot of Xq08QrAdNAY-00046-00031632-00032480 traders in here for these webinars um uh discord can only show 50 uh streaming Xq08QrAdNAY-00047-00032560-00033312 can only handle 50 people attending one stream at a time so i am restreaming um if you don't Xq08QrAdNAY-00048-00033312-00033960 get access to it then come back in and join my stream there uh the voice channel will be open Xq08QrAdNAY-00049-00033960-00034456 so you'll hear scott you'll just be accessing my rebroadcasting of his hip of his screen Xq08QrAdNAY-00050-00034712-00035240 that's all scott okay all right so i'm currently along here um Xq08QrAdNAY-00051-00035568-00036192 you can see this black zone we had some cell ice come in um some more on this zone here this black Xq08QrAdNAY-00052-00036192-00036816 zone in this blue zone we had some ice just come in here almost 200 and then another 97 so Xq08QrAdNAY-00053-00036888-00037896 i got long off of this um sell ice black zone and i was i got in aggressively so my my usual where's Xq08QrAdNAY-00054-00038880-00039312 all right so my normal you know the way i usually trade these zones it's the conservative Xq08QrAdNAY-00055-00039312-00039704 route where i wait for a full atr or retest fail and i get in three quarters of an atr Xq08QrAdNAY-00056-00039704-00040448 this one i got in three quarters of an atr aggressive entry um because of the my ludwig Xq08QrAdNAY-00057-00040448-00041048 thesis analysis so you can see here low weight levels i've really started to use these um Xq08QrAdNAY-00058-00041280-00041672 more for like a thesis space thing these are incredible for date they're incredible overall Xq08QrAdNAY-00059-00041672-00042600 but they're really good for day trading um and you know you're it's it's an art but you know you're Xq08QrAdNAY-00060-00042600-00043096 judging based on what should happen what shouldn't happen and you'll see as we go through these um Xq08QrAdNAY-00061-00043096-00043480 you know how i'm coming up with my thesis for what's going on here but Xq08QrAdNAY-00062-00043608-00044256 currently we had these levels here so again the red is um the red is Xq08QrAdNAY-00063-00044360-00045056 resistance the blue is support the yellow is directional so um is the directional line so Xq08QrAdNAY-00064-00045200-00045768 we built new lugs here you can see here and we held prior red and the yellow directional so Xq08QrAdNAY-00065-00045824-00046616 anything above the yellow you're expecting it to get to the red right so that's my target right now Xq08QrAdNAY-00066-00046616-00047184 on this position i have and any any setups i get in bookmap i will enter aggressively Xq08QrAdNAY-00067-00047184-00047800 to the long side if we're above the yellow if we're below the yellow then i will gra i'll enter Xq08QrAdNAY-00068-00047800-00048464 aggressively on the short side i will still take shorts in this area if we get a setup and it it's Xq08QrAdNAY-00069-00048464-00048936 a bearish setup but i need then that's when i will need to see a full atr move away a retest Xq08QrAdNAY-00070-00048936-00049456 a fail then i'll go short so i'll trade both ways but i'm more conservative with my entry Xq08QrAdNAY-00071-00049456-00049944 if we're above you know on shorts if we're above the yellow and i'm more concerned with Xq08QrAdNAY-00072-00049944-00050608 my entries on longs if we're below the yellow the the so the whole idea here is again i put in Xq08QrAdNAY-00073-00050608-00051096 i could put it in again if you guys don't have it i put it in last week i i got to scroll up but Xq08QrAdNAY-00074-00051096-00051567 there's enough guys that don't have it i can put it again if you watch that ludwig level um Xq08QrAdNAY-00075-00051567-00052088 meeting i had with pamela ludwig she talks about um you know what should happen what shouldn't Xq08QrAdNAY-00076-00052088-00052808 happen so when you get above the directional it should get to the red if i see a negative Xq08QrAdNAY-00077-00052808-00053264 volume event that's telling me something's wrong right you shouldn't see a negative Xq08QrAdNAY-00078-00053264-00053744 i shouldn't say negative a a bearish volume event you shouldn't see that and if that happens then Xq08QrAdNAY-00079-00053744-00054200 you got to change it and change it to 700 so i'll come back to here in a second i want to see what's Xq08QrAdNAY-00080-00054200-00054879 going on here there's a lot of ice flowing in this area in es so you can see here um a little Xq08QrAdNAY-00081-00054879-00055408 bit ago we had almost a thousand icebergs that's this black zone and then this just came in again Xq08QrAdNAY-00082-00055567-00055776 that was that and then you had this come in even more Xq08QrAdNAY-00083-00055872-00056336 another 1300 i actually got to adjust the bottom of this i'm gonna incorporate both of those Xq08QrAdNAY-00084-00056864-00057264 yes it's trying to rain on my nasdaq party and as it keeps trying to rally and then the cell Xq08QrAdNAY-00085-00057264-00057840 ice keeps coming in then this uh see here some more sellers another 17 or another 700 so you got Xq08QrAdNAY-00086-00058040-00058520 almost three thousand over three thousand cell ice in this zone right here so how am i going to Xq08QrAdNAY-00087-00058520-00059344 trade this if it depending on what happens here all right so where are we well same type of look Xq08QrAdNAY-00088-00059472-00060104 prior logs we built new lugs we held priori are the yellow in the prior red that's bullish and Xq08QrAdNAY-00089-00060104-00060696 the expectation is to get to these targets here 87 80 and 87 this is a baby lug we call them and Xq08QrAdNAY-00090-00060696-00061336 then the main look so now you see a volume of them coming in right here so this should not turn into Xq08QrAdNAY-00091-00061336-00061784 a negative volume event it should hold and then we should get up here if this turns out and it breaks Xq08QrAdNAY-00092-00061784-00062279 a full atr below here and re-test it then i will go short because you should i'm basically changing Xq08QrAdNAY-00093-00062279-00062848 my tune because this should get up here so when you watch that webinar she talks about what should Xq08QrAdNAY-00094-00062848-00063416 happen right so we should go up and tag this red if that does not happen and i get a negative i Xq08QrAdNAY-00095-00063416-00063912 keep saying negative a bearish volume event that's telling me something's wrong and i'm expecting to Xq08QrAdNAY-00096-00063912-00064584 at least come back directional and maybe all the way back down to the blue so here you're npi size Xq08QrAdNAY-00097-00065279-00065656 it's basically all in the same zone so whatever way we break out of the zone you're going to see Xq08QrAdNAY-00098-00065656-00066176 the major move so we'll be watching that um so you can see here you can go back through these love Xq08QrAdNAY-00099-00066176-00067000 wig levels and and any market and just watch these same scenarios unfold every single time right so Xq08QrAdNAY-00100-00067000-00067560 here's a perfect example of this was yesterday we actually caught this short uh in the morning and Xq08QrAdNAY-00101-00067560-00067952 we got it i actually posted that youtube video in the room you can watch it we caught it short Xq08QrAdNAY-00102-00067952-00068312 in the morning and then i caught the short in the afternoon as well when we moved down here Xq08QrAdNAY-00103-00068368-00068808 but the reason i was looking short in the afternoon is came down here built new lugs Xq08QrAdNAY-00104-00068808-00069384 here's the yellow directional here's the blue we tried to rally up we we couldn't tag the red Xq08QrAdNAY-00105-00069384-00069920 obviously and then we get back below the yellow i had a volume event um i believe it was a Xq08QrAdNAY-00106-00069920-00070632 stop and hold i got short and the the um objective was the blue lug and we went straight down there Xq08QrAdNAY-00107-00070632-00071264 so that's my thinking here so this should hold and come up here if that doesn't that's the negative Xq08QrAdNAY-00108-00071360-00071728 the parish volume event and i will play it the same way like i played it here Xq08QrAdNAY-00109-00071808-00072256 um if i do get short this will be i'll be watching this closely to take off a Xq08QrAdNAY-00110-00072256-00072632 couple this 48 and if we happen to rip through there then this is my next goal Xq08QrAdNAY-00111-00072696-00073408 otherwise if this can hold i'm gonna go this this area this setup and i'm going to go along Xq08QrAdNAY-00112-00073408-00073840 aggressively out of here right because we're still above the yellow here's your volume event Xq08QrAdNAY-00113-00073840-00074608 so if this gets a three-quarters of an atr out of here i will take along so atr is 6.76 Xq08QrAdNAY-00114-00074824-00075784 my little handy-dandy calculator 6.76 times 0.75 is 5.07 so 5 points out of here i will take along Xq08QrAdNAY-00115-00075936-00076264 top of the zone 75 50 so 80 50 i will go along Xq08QrAdNAY-00116-00076480-00076696 if this gets up there let's see what's going on with nq Xq08QrAdNAY-00117-00076944-00077488 all right still alive here so what i did was i originally went long off of this aggressively Xq08QrAdNAY-00118-00077488-00078248 right and i put my stop three quarters of an atr at the time uh atr was right now 28 Xq08QrAdNAY-00119-00078248-00078792 so at the time it was i think it was over 30 and this was my stop and then i had a new event Xq08QrAdNAY-00120-00078792-00079424 right and now i can trail my stop three-quarters of an atr below this new event and this is how Xq08QrAdNAY-00121-00079424-00079880 you can also add so say we come up here and you get another event you can show your stop Xq08QrAdNAY-00122-00079880-00080272 you can add you can trail yourself we had an instance like this yesterday if you watched Xq08QrAdNAY-00123-00080272-00080792 the webinar that i posted um sure i was short of yes and that was long goals snp iceberg by Xq08QrAdNAY-00124-00080880-00081496 7201 contract gold gold i had an opportunity to add ad it's just very hard when i'm on the Xq08QrAdNAY-00125-00081496-00081968 webinars because i was you know i'm watching these other markets and i'm pulling these i have one Xq08QrAdNAY-00126-00081968-00082424 screen so i'm pulling the stuff back and forth so the point is that could have been a month making Xq08QrAdNAY-00127-00082424-00082808 day in gold yesterday but watch the webinar you'll see what i'm talking about how i was there was a Xq08QrAdNAY-00128-00082808-00083264 new setup and i trailed my stop and you set up a trail my stop and it should have been adding based Xq08QrAdNAY-00129-00083264-00083648 on the lugs and everything else but again just watch the webinar and you'll see what i'm talking Xq08QrAdNAY-00130-00083648-00084288 about all right more ice coming in here so this zone is going to be instrumental on the next move Xq08QrAdNAY-00131-00084368-00084656 so if we do that we're going to rip we do that bye bye Xq08QrAdNAY-00132-00084896-00085392 wait for that again i will be conservative entry on a short side aggressive entry on the long side Xq08QrAdNAY-00133-00085552-00086024 nasdaq is flirting with a stop out to start the day because yes keeps raining on my Xq08QrAdNAY-00134-00086024-00086776 parade with sell ice so we'll see if this can hold if not that's telling me something right Xq08QrAdNAY-00135-00086776-00087208 so if this doesn't hold and i get stopped out i'm looking for the full atr remember this is at Xq08QrAdNAY-00136-00087208-00087880 a three-quarter i'm looking at the full atr which is 28.83 so 29 points if i get a re-test fail then Xq08QrAdNAY-00137-00087880-00088456 i'm going to go short because you should not see a bearish event above the yellow lug if everything Xq08QrAdNAY-00138-00088456-00088968 is kosher and it's supposed it does what it should do right or what it's supposed to do Xq08QrAdNAY-00139-00088968-00089568 i should say so again we're above the yellow you are expecting a tag of the red if you see Xq08QrAdNAY-00140-00089568-00090128 a negative oh my god how many times when i say negative if you see a bearish event something's up Xq08QrAdNAY-00141-00090128-00090848 that's not right and that means we're coming down here and possibly there so that's how i play those Xq08QrAdNAY-00142-00091000-00091544 um something just fired off on wheat let's check this out in here this was beans earlier this is Xq08QrAdNAY-00143-00091544-00092112 an important zone too actually i'm gonna go probably along this let's check out the lugs Xq08QrAdNAY-00144-00092504-00092992 right so i will be aggressive on a trade here actually i missed the original entry Xq08QrAdNAY-00145-00093096-00093712 what happened here came up here built new lugs here's your directional held held and now we're Xq08QrAdNAY-00146-00093712-00094464 above the objective is first objective is red lug it's only six points away six cents away Xq08QrAdNAY-00147-00094600-00095144 but i'm going to enter this because this was an overnight trade actually this was a winner Xq08QrAdNAY-00148-00095144-00095472 or scratch i can't remember something happened overnight there was a big stop run Xq08QrAdNAY-00149-00095544-00095984 um so that is basically three-quarter i didn't guarantee that's three quarters Xq08QrAdNAY-00150-00095984-00096368 of an atr i should already been in this so this was the setup right Xq08QrAdNAY-00151-00096712-00097024 all right i'm stopped out of the queue this was the setup here Xq08QrAdNAY-00152-00097184-00097712 there was sell ice 200 by ice 200 dueling icebergs in this zone it doesn't matter what it is it's Xq08QrAdNAY-00153-00097768-00098408 there's committed traders in this area right so we had an atr move away i'm Xq08QrAdNAY-00154-00098408-00099120 guaranteeing that's an atr let's see this was uh 95 25 we got all the way up to Xq08QrAdNAY-00155-00099336-00100232 97 three quarters so it's two and a half cents atr is two cents so that's definitely an atr Xq08QrAdNAY-00156-00100232-00100704 more than an atr so i would have been if i was watching this i would have been in the Xq08QrAdNAY-00157-00100704-00101344 first time i got three quarters of an atr so we re-tested we failed now i'm in so now Xq08QrAdNAY-00158-00101656-00102480 my objective is the red love right so my stop is gonna go Xq08QrAdNAY-00159-00103080-00103848 um so i'm gonna say two so one and a half cents three quarters of the atr the atr's two so three Xq08QrAdNAY-00160-00103848-00104232 quarters is one and half cents so my stop is going to go one and a half cents below this Xq08QrAdNAY-00161-00104232-00105183 zone am i doing the bottom of the zone is 93.50 so my stop's going to go in 91 for this trade Xq08QrAdNAY-00162-00105296-00105624 so this is not the best trade per se because the red lug is Xq08QrAdNAY-00163-00105696-00106176 many times resistance right so i'm basically risking six cents to make six cents and that's Xq08QrAdNAY-00164-00106176-00106616 not how i like to trade i like to be getting multiples on my when i put on a trade i like to Xq08QrAdNAY-00165-00106616-00107304 say okay i'm risking one to make three one to make five right so um but this thing's pretty bullish Xq08QrAdNAY-00166-00107896-00108583 so now what i'm going to do here in nasdaq is i got stopped out right now if this retest is zoned Xq08QrAdNAY-00167-00108583-00109135 and fails i'm going short because this you should not have seen a bearish event this is bearish Xq08QrAdNAY-00168-00109135-00109664 this was this ice right here you can see the white snake bruce loves my calm snakes there's Xq08QrAdNAY-00169-00109664-00110111 a black mamba there's a white snake these are just swipes sweeps that's the sweep indicator Xq08QrAdNAY-00170-00110111-00110704 but that was all part of the iceberg now here's your full atr blow if i get a retest fail i will Xq08QrAdNAY-00171-00110704-00111080 get in at three-quarters of an atr my stop's going to go three-quarters an atr above there and i'm Xq08QrAdNAY-00172-00111080-00111616 gonna play for the yellow lug and then maybe the blue look let's take a look at this real quick Xq08QrAdNAY-00173-00112144-00112400 so actually we'll come back here in a second so i'm going to show you this Xq08QrAdNAY-00174-00112400-00112840 is what i'm talking about that was a good time in there i'm glad i pulled this over um Xq08QrAdNAY-00175-00113072-00113583 so now here's a new event actually this is i'm getting out of two right here automatically Xq08QrAdNAY-00176-00114616-00114983 um hold on one second here Xq08QrAdNAY-00177-00115192-00115704 so i got out of two because we're at the uh we're at the red lug right i'm just i usually get out Xq08QrAdNAY-00178-00115704-00116192 of some if it just if it pauses at all i'm out here you go this was the objective right we got Xq08QrAdNAY-00179-00116192-00116640 it immediately now it's kind of struggling here and now we have a volume event so if the volume Xq08QrAdNAY-00180-00116640-00117040 event turns bearish i'm going to turn around and flip and go short because i'm aggressive i Xq08QrAdNAY-00181-00117040-00117520 know it's above the yellow lug but i'm aggressive at the main the major looks the other way right Xq08QrAdNAY-00182-00117520-00118024 because it's so many times i can show you 5 000 examples of how they're you know the resistance Xq08QrAdNAY-00183-00118024-00118624 and support and they hold all the time so this is this event right here change this Xq08QrAdNAY-00184-00118935-00120583 so you try to use yellow for stops yellow and white Xq08QrAdNAY-00185-00120920-00121472 all right so first of all most importantly stop wise he said a point in half right so Xq08QrAdNAY-00186-00121472-00121983 now this is a new event i can now move my stop a point and a half below here so that would be Xq08QrAdNAY-00187-00122072-00122976 98.75 96.75 97. so that's a point or no i'm sorry 97 quarter that's a 0.9 below this song Xq08QrAdNAY-00188-00122976-00123440 so now i'm basically this is a risk-free trade right and this is what's important we talk about Xq08QrAdNAY-00189-00123440-00124040 this every single time i'm not trailing this stop because i don't want to get back profit Xq08QrAdNAY-00190-00124168-00124848 the market does not care about your profit and what your market cares about events volume events Xq08QrAdNAY-00191-00124848-00125200 that's where you trail your stop not because you don't want to get back money if you're trading Xq08QrAdNAY-00192-00125200-00125520 good like that because you don't want to get back money you're not going to be here you're Xq08QrAdNAY-00193-00125520-00125935 just not going to make it overall i'm telling you right now you got it you got to place your Xq08QrAdNAY-00194-00125935-00126520 stops where the market will respect it not because you don't want to lose money so this is based on Xq08QrAdNAY-00195-00126520-00126983 this setup and actually what i'm going to do if this fails i'm going to turn around Xq08QrAdNAY-00196-00126983-00127632 and go short because we are getting a that would be a bearish volume event at a major log Xq08QrAdNAY-00197-00127711-00127992 ludwig level and i will turn on shorter Xq08QrAdNAY-00198-00128200-00128583 this bus through here builds new lugs then i'll be looking for more long opportunities Xq08QrAdNAY-00199-00128776-00129352 but again if this is going to hold and build new logs you should this should not become a bearish Xq08QrAdNAY-00200-00129352-00129720 event right if it does it's telling you something's up you got to be ready to Xq08QrAdNAY-00201-00129720-00130424 peel out and then i'm going to turn around and go short that working sure that's too many six Xq08QrAdNAY-00202-00130583-00130735 all right let's see what's going on Xq08QrAdNAY-00203-00131056-00131200 did not retest this zone yet Xq08QrAdNAY-00204-00131768-00132032 remember i will unless something new comes in Xq08QrAdNAY-00205-00132216-00132864 i'm going to i'm waiting for a retest of this last event si event Xq08QrAdNAY-00206-00133016-00133448 retest fail i'm in at three quarters and i'm playing down to the yellow and the blue lug Xq08QrAdNAY-00207-00133576-00133992 the only thing is that's why i thought this was a good winner i mean a good trade you can see Xq08QrAdNAY-00208-00133992-00134584 above here talk about this almost every webinar too what is this long-term liquidity long-term Xq08QrAdNAY-00209-00134656-00135160 these will get filled most likely today right paper always gets their way it doesn't mean it's Xq08QrAdNAY-00210-00135160-00135664 gonna go straight there you can bet that that's gonna happen so i'm almost hoping this doesn't Xq08QrAdNAY-00211-00135664-00136104 turn into a here's your retest i'm almost hoping i don't have to get short here i mean i'm not going Xq08QrAdNAY-00212-00136104-00136456 to not put the trade on because the volume is up there or the liquidity is up there because Xq08QrAdNAY-00213-00136456-00136792 it doesn't mean we're going to go there right now we can go there this afternoon right so Xq08QrAdNAY-00214-00136792-00137568 i'll still take um i'll still take shorts knowing that's up there but the ultimate goal you can bet Xq08QrAdNAY-00215-00137568-00138672 we're getting up there today all right so here's the retest of the zone atr is 30.23 so we go 30.23 Xq08QrAdNAY-00216-00138672-00139632 times 0.75 is 22.67 so i'll just say 23 points so 23 points below this zone i will take a short Xq08QrAdNAY-00217-00139872-00140184 song is that again i'm talking about the blue zone Xq08QrAdNAY-00218-00140448-00141584 57 quarter so we got 34 quarter that's where i will go short Xq08QrAdNAY-00219-00141904-00142504 there we go so if i get filled on that then my stop is going to go three quarters of an atr above Xq08QrAdNAY-00220-00142504-00143000 this zone which will be right in the liquidity so that should be fun i'm i'm almost literally hoping Xq08QrAdNAY-00221-00143000-00143472 i don't get thought i'm gonna straight because i i'd rather just be long on another long setup Xq08QrAdNAY-00222-00143592-00144040 follow my rules this is how you trade right you don't you got to get to a point where you're Xq08QrAdNAY-00223-00144040-00144592 not subjective right you i have my setups i have my rules and this is how i trade them right and Xq08QrAdNAY-00224-00144592-00145000 you know even though it feels like even if you watch that webinar from yesterday yes i'm like Xq08QrAdNAY-00225-00145000-00145360 this doesn't feel this feels like it's going to turn around and rip on me it's feel it doesn't Xq08QrAdNAY-00226-00145360-00145896 matter what it feels right i still follow my rules doesn't mean it's always comfortable but that's Xq08QrAdNAY-00227-00145896-00146416 where traders get in trouble because you know they like to say it's intuition but i mean i have Xq08QrAdNAY-00228-00146416-00146984 intuition too but i i've been trained for 23 years or whatever so it's like i have intuition but my Xq08QrAdNAY-00229-00146984-00147376 feelings still aren't right all the time right so that's why you have to have something that's Xq08QrAdNAY-00230-00147376-00147904 more mechanical and automatic right it doesn't mean like you know there's gonna be times where Xq08QrAdNAY-00231-00147904-00148256 you can use your intuition if it's ripping up and it's struggling at some liquidity or something Xq08QrAdNAY-00232-00148256-00148672 then you say okay i'm out of one or two that's fine but as far as the setups are concerned i'm Xq08QrAdNAY-00233-00148672-00149128 not you know i know this liquidity is up there but i i have my setup and this if this turns around Xq08QrAdNAY-00234-00149128-00149552 and sells off i'm going short again it doesn't mean we have to hit the liquidity right now Xq08QrAdNAY-00235-00149808-00150200 all right so this may turn around and i'm again i'm hoping i get a new bullish signal because i Xq08QrAdNAY-00236-00150200-00150512 really want to go along because i know we're coming up to this stuff up here Xq08QrAdNAY-00237-00150640-00151032 of course he had to stop me out first did i get stopped out to the tick no that's good at least Xq08QrAdNAY-00238-00151088-00151728 no complaining there all right so let's go back to the yes this is actually going to be the picture Xq08QrAdNAY-00239-00151944-00152064 uh the crew number is coming out Xq08QrAdNAY-00240-00152416-00152784 soybeans is ripping Xq08QrAdNAY-00241-00152840-00154184 there you go actually now let's see if we pulled new gloves we did i'm gonna head to this trade Xq08QrAdNAY-00242-00154376-00154808 no new logos yet so if you watch that webinar i posted before Xq08QrAdNAY-00243-00154808-00155256 with her this is a signal like if this fails here and gets back below here Xq08QrAdNAY-00244-00155256-00155632 there's something wrong like it didn't it didn't have the power to generate the new logs then Xq08QrAdNAY-00245-00155688-00156048 the short will be the play but i'm hoping this builds and loves and i'm going to add to this Xq08QrAdNAY-00246-00156048-00156536 trade and we're going to rip so you got to do this sometimes on sierra chart because it's Xq08QrAdNAY-00247-00156784-00157368 very manual labor you have to do everything yourself you gotta refresh these i'm just Xq08QrAdNAY-00248-00157368-00158408 making sure new lugs aren't built yet all right let's take a look here Xq08QrAdNAY-00249-00158408-00158896 so the one issue with that with taking along on the es here i'll still do it but you know you Xq08QrAdNAY-00250-00158896-00159288 i'm basically gonna get a long line right here and you got baby lug here and this slug here but Xq08QrAdNAY-00251-00159408-00159728 that's fine i'll still take it but i'm just weary Xq08QrAdNAY-00252-00159728-00160136 of those lugs so close to the trade i'm actually going to be getting in right at the baby luck Xq08QrAdNAY-00253-00160456-00160808 there's enough volume in here i'm fine with taking that chance that we're going to Xq08QrAdNAY-00254-00160808-00161208 rip build new lugs and then just why Xq08QrAdNAY-00255-00161688-00162032 so you know overall we're still very bearish and all we're doing here Xq08QrAdNAY-00256-00162288-00162504 so i still look at bigger picture stuff right but Xq08QrAdNAY-00257-00162504-00162808 you know we're day traders i'm a day trader and a lot of times Xq08QrAdNAY-00258-00162808-00163312 so for instance here's balance right first of all there was major balance that we broke down from Xq08QrAdNAY-00259-00163536-00163856 this is all you always want to have this in the back your head what's going on big Xq08QrAdNAY-00260-00163856-00164152 picture right because then that those are the ways you're going to get the bigger Xq08QrAdNAY-00261-00164264-00164752 larger moves the counter moves are usually more shallow and you know not as big and then the Xq08QrAdNAY-00262-00164752-00165392 big moves are the in the direction of the trend is where you get your big moves right so this balance Xq08QrAdNAY-00263-00165392-00166016 multi-week balance fail breakout right here's your high volume node we retested it it held like it Xq08QrAdNAY-00264-00166016-00166440 showed up if the market's going to remain bullish came up here and then started building balances Xq08QrAdNAY-00265-00166440-00166928 and breaking down you had a fail break out here kind of like on the bigger picture then you have Xq08QrAdNAY-00266-00166928-00167456 this guy here and we broke down yesterday and all we're doing now is retesting and this zone is Xq08QrAdNAY-00267-00167456-00167928 actually right in the middle of this is re-testing high-volume mode so this is still bearish until it Xq08QrAdNAY-00268-00167928-00168496 can clear this guy and then we'll probably come back to some of these but this is still if this Xq08QrAdNAY-00269-00168496-00169040 hole like if this ice turns around and breaks this is going to be a good trade all right so Xq08QrAdNAY-00270-00169040-00169584 this is still in a bearish state so you just want to know that stuff obviously it's very important Xq08QrAdNAY-00271-00169752-00170080 but we talked about this last week right okay that's great that i know Xq08QrAdNAY-00272-00170080-00170392 this is bearish but you know we're day traders so if i want to get short here Xq08QrAdNAY-00273-00170640-00171160 you know i basically would put it on here and then i'd have to like stop out above the sci-fi Xq08QrAdNAY-00274-00171160-00171760 i mean that's like risking maybe 20-25 points right so it's like you know it's not always the Xq08QrAdNAY-00275-00171760-00172144 bigger picture isn't always tradable as day traders right so that's why you have Xq08QrAdNAY-00276-00172144-00172624 the lugs and obviously the volume the si vine which is the most important factor of them all Xq08QrAdNAY-00277-00172888-00173200 all right let's see if any change here with this atr where my entry is going to be Xq08QrAdNAY-00278-00173352-00173784 let's say seven seven times 0.75 is five and a quarter points Xq08QrAdNAY-00279-00174296-00174480 all right so i'll just move this up a quarter Xq08QrAdNAY-00280-00174752-00175080 one hundred eighty pound breath that wasn't that was nice and cute Xq08QrAdNAY-00281-00175080-00175384 go down there and stop me out when i knew this was going to happen it's great Xq08QrAdNAY-00282-00175568-00176584 yes 753 that's not a new event yet um i look for 150 or more Xq08QrAdNAY-00283-00177120-00177272 so let's see if we get filled here in the ass Xq08QrAdNAY-00284-00177712-00178016 a little bit leery of this long nes though like i said i just showed you right at the Xq08QrAdNAY-00285-00178016-00178552 high volume or that prior balance and you can see i'm basically gonna be getting long at a baby love Xq08QrAdNAY-00286-00178552-00179080 which many times is resistance but there's enough volume here that i think we can blow through both Xq08QrAdNAY-00287-00179080-00179600 of these and then that would turn out to be a failed breakdown of this balance and we should rip Xq08QrAdNAY-00288-00180136-00180888 all right filled on that so what i can do now though is trail my stop right here's a new event Xq08QrAdNAY-00289-00181304-00181728 1500 stops so the cell ice was probably part of that how did that Xq08QrAdNAY-00290-00181728-00182200 how did that taste someone's not really happy right now that they shorted down there Xq08QrAdNAY-00291-00182200-00182760 here's your stop run what's great about this again when you get a new event you can trail Xq08QrAdNAY-00292-00182760-00183208 your stop and and or add i'm not going to add right here until we can build new lovely build Xq08QrAdNAY-00293-00183208-00183688 new logs and i will be definitely adding but you know we're approaching this red lug right now Xq08QrAdNAY-00294-00183880-00185032 which i will probably get out of at least one if we struggle once again here it is 879 Xq08QrAdNAY-00295-00185032-00185416 all right so most importantly five and a quarter is the three quarters of an atr so i can now Xq08QrAdNAY-00296-00185416-00185888 this the bottom of the zone is at 78. i could put my stop now at three quarters of an atr below Xq08QrAdNAY-00297-00185952-00186328 this zone right before it would have been below this zone so now i'm only a risk Xq08QrAdNAY-00298-00186328-00187152 i'm not risking much here at all if this is wrong um what i say 78 73 72 75 is the stop Xq08QrAdNAY-00299-00187416-00187992 so that's not too bad at risk considering how volatile these markets have been lately Xq08QrAdNAY-00300-00188120-00188584 all right so you got new events coming into more cell ice i guess they changed your mind puked and Xq08QrAdNAY-00301-00188584-00189000 said hey let's get back in again you don't know what's happening you come up with you know a Xq08QrAdNAY-00302-00189000-00189408 thesis or theories of what's happening it doesn't matter right it doesn't we get this all the time Xq08QrAdNAY-00303-00189408-00189840 like new guys that come on here and they don't understand this like well how do you know what Xq08QrAdNAY-00304-00189840-00190288 they're doing they could be hedging or they could be getting out of positions it does not matter Xq08QrAdNAY-00305-00190288-00190776 there's someone on the other side so the area is what's important it doesn't you're never going Xq08QrAdNAY-00306-00190776-00191304 to know what people are doing unless you're the almighty right so don't waste your time trying to Xq08QrAdNAY-00307-00191304-00191928 figure it out know the area and know how it should probably react and then what it should do and what Xq08QrAdNAY-00308-00191928-00192528 it what it didn't do and then you have yourself a tradable area right it doesn't matter what this is Xq08QrAdNAY-00309-00192528-00192960 it could be guys getting out could be hedging of options it doesn't matter there's someone on the Xq08QrAdNAY-00310-00192960-00193384 other side there are invested traders in this area just like there are invested traders in this area Xq08QrAdNAY-00311-00193536-00194072 right and i guarantee you some of the sellers in this area were part of this Xq08QrAdNAY-00312-00194072-00194840 puke right that's why it was such a large puke 1500 contracts so let's see if this can hold Xq08QrAdNAY-00313-00195936-00196232 safely built new loads and soybeans because i want to add to this trade here Xq08QrAdNAY-00314-00196528-00196832 yes we did so this is exactly what i wanted to see right Xq08QrAdNAY-00315-00196960-00197328 there's new logs here's your yellow directional here's your prior red we're above there we're Xq08QrAdNAY-00316-00197328-00197856 re-testing the yellow this holds we have a volume set up as well i will add and that's my objective Xq08QrAdNAY-00317-00197856-00198408 14 19. here's your volume event that we just trail or stop on Xq08QrAdNAY-00318-00198640-00199032 so i'm hoping this can get back down here you know i don't even need a Xq08QrAdNAY-00319-00199032-00199352 well it's that right at the outlook so i'll wait you gotta usually conservative of the Xq08QrAdNAY-00320-00199352-00199952 yellow lug so here's your atr way more double atr i'm looking for a retest failure i'll get Xq08QrAdNAY-00321-00199952-00200728 in at point a half three quarters of an atr and up my ultimate goal is 1414 and my stop will go Xq08QrAdNAY-00322-00200728-00201248 in the same spot as this so now what i'm gonna do though i'm not gonna i will not short this Xq08QrAdNAY-00323-00201376-00202064 area now why because it's been invalidated as a short area because we got a full atr above here Xq08QrAdNAY-00324-00202064-00202496 so all i'll do is take longs or stop out i won't turn around and short if this would have held this Xq08QrAdNAY-00325-00202496-00202912 zone and broke then i would have gotten short because we didn't violate the area by an atr Xq08QrAdNAY-00326-00202968-00203376 hopefully that makes sense all right a lot of talking bruce any questions right now Xq08QrAdNAY-00327-00203744-00204504 uh no no it's pretty uh pretty quiet in the questions here oh yeah again just a just an Xq08QrAdNAY-00328-00204504-00205319 incredible educator yeah yeah so this is not cool i again knew this was going to happen i knew this Xq08QrAdNAY-00329-00205319-00205760 looked like it would get filled i was hoping to get another opportunity and i got stepped out Xq08QrAdNAY-00330-00205832-00206423 all right so this is now done i'm canceling this short because we got an atr above this so right Xq08QrAdNAY-00331-00206504-00206976 the top of this zone was 84. we got up there that's almost 40 points away so Xq08QrAdNAY-00332-00206976-00207584 that's definitely invalidated hit back to back stop runs here you can see the swipes Xq08QrAdNAY-00333-00207864-00208344 um what i'm going to do here is i'm going to remove this because we've tried to travel at Xq08QrAdNAY-00334-00208344-00209088 an atr above and below i'm gonna make this you can see look at the swipes here so this is significant Xq08QrAdNAY-00335-00209088-00209671 right 400 a thousand four hundred that's basically par all part of these two stop runs so i'm going Xq08QrAdNAY-00336-00209671-00210271 to actually draw this zone i don't usually just draw not yet but i will eventually i don't just Xq08QrAdNAY-00337-00210271-00210976 draw zones on the swipes snakes as i call them um just on the s indicator but this is this is Xq08QrAdNAY-00338-00210976-00211608 heavy enough i mean this is incorporating both the stop runs so i'm fine with drawing this zone Xq08QrAdNAY-00339-00211608-00212984 there's the top of this and you want to incorporate all the prices it's right there Xq08QrAdNAY-00340-00214040-00214384 all right so there's your new zone let's check out the lugs Xq08QrAdNAY-00341-00214808-00215176 all right here's your pullback and soybeans let's just check that out real quick because i want to Xq08QrAdNAY-00342-00215176-00215552 now i can put this order and add to this trade this should be retesting the zone Xq08QrAdNAY-00343-00215671-00216056 pretty close again i if it gets within two ticks i consider that a retest Xq08QrAdNAY-00344-00216056-00216688 top of the zone was two quarter this got to 275. so if this turns around and starts ripping Xq08QrAdNAY-00345-00216888-00217216 let's just check the atr real quick to make sure we're accurate Xq08QrAdNAY-00346-00217216-00218223 atr is 2.47 so 2.5 times 0.75 is 1.875 so i'm just going to i'll go 2 cents Xq08QrAdNAY-00347-00218440-00218848 so the top of the zone against two and a quarter i will add to this trade at four and a quarter Xq08QrAdNAY-00348-00218848-00219264 if i get filled stop's going to go in the same exact spot three-quarters of an atr Xq08QrAdNAY-00349-00219264-00219600 actually let's make this two cents now this is why you use atr's Xq08QrAdNAY-00350-00219600-00220408 dynamic and you can shrink your stops it stops or or target or entries or expand them based on the Xq08QrAdNAY-00351-00220408-00220944 current volatility right that's why we're using the etr so this is 96.75 now because an atr has Xq08QrAdNAY-00352-00220944-00221488 increased so if i get filled i'm going to put my stop in the same spot so i'm either going to Xq08QrAdNAY-00353-00221488-00222056 stop out of my lung if this fails and comes back through here or if i get filled this is not this Xq08QrAdNAY-00354-00222056-00222784 is the same place i'm going to stop out three quarters in atr below the current volume setup Xq08QrAdNAY-00355-00224664-00225023 so i was watching i forgot about the zone and russell i don't think it retested it though Xq08QrAdNAY-00356-00225023-00225408 i was watching this to get long this is right at the open huge set up by ice Xq08QrAdNAY-00357-00225471-00225616 we did not get back here though Xq08QrAdNAY-00358-00225880-00226352 and i was going to be i was not aggressive on the break of the zone it looks like it should Xq08QrAdNAY-00359-00226352-00226823 have been but this happens right sometimes you don't get the full retest but the reason i was Xq08QrAdNAY-00360-00226823-00227240 i did not get in three quarters an atr on this zone is because we were below the yellow up Xq08QrAdNAY-00361-00227336-00228112 which i will show you if we weren't brussel light spurred by alert at our heat 150 contracts that Xq08QrAdNAY-00362-00228112-00228752 was down here right so you can see so if i was watching this i probably wouldn't even though Xq08QrAdNAY-00363-00228752-00229200 we didn't fully retest the zone i would have seen we did get it so what do you see here so Xq08QrAdNAY-00364-00229200-00229640 first of all what happened down here we couldn't tag the blue that's telling you something's up Xq08QrAdNAY-00365-00229728-00230096 as soon as we get above this yellow i mean if i would have got it so this was the event Xq08QrAdNAY-00366-00230096-00230440 that i i was going to go along this event because basically what happened here too Xq08QrAdNAY-00367-00230496-00230792 i was waiting for the retest but if i would have seen this yellow i would have Xq08QrAdNAY-00368-00230856-00231248 i wouldn't have waited for a full retest of the zone i would have just jumped probably jumped in Xq08QrAdNAY-00369-00231248-00231592 and then put a stop below here if i was watching it so you could see it pre-tested as yellow Xq08QrAdNAY-00370-00231776-00232519 guitar key 150 contracts let's check our all right filled on soybeans so now my stop's gonna go there Xq08QrAdNAY-00371-00232519-00232919 and now my objective is that red lug which was i think 14. Xq08QrAdNAY-00372-00233392-00233816 russell spurred by alert at our key 150 contracts Xq08QrAdNAY-00373-00235167-00235384 all right so i gotta be careful Xq08QrAdNAY-00374-00236512-00237400 look at this coming in here look at this 600 icebergs thresholds 150 four times normal and Xq08QrAdNAY-00375-00237400-00237808 it's still coming in buy icebergs i think i should sell ice first and to buy icebergs Xq08QrAdNAY-00376-00237928-00238584 so come down here all that top of that and just incorporate all the prices this could still expand Xq08QrAdNAY-00377-00238584-00239319 we'll see but as of right now major major major area so what should happen here well like i said Xq08QrAdNAY-00378-00239480-00239719 based on the thesis this should tag Xq08QrAdNAY-00379-00239864-00240512 this this should hold the size that just came in and we should get up to here if this turns bearish Xq08QrAdNAY-00380-00240512-00240992 something is wrong you didn't tag this you get a bearish event we're coming down here Xq08QrAdNAY-00381-00240992-00241528 and then probably there and i will play to the short side i will play long aggressively Xq08QrAdNAY-00382-00241648-00242360 out of here three quarters of an atr i will play short but i need to see 151 Xq08QrAdNAY-00383-00242536-00243008 right i'm being conservative on the short side aggressive on the long side because Xq08QrAdNAY-00384-00243008-00244471 of where we are with the lugs atr is 47 ticks 47 times 0.75 is 35 25. so just say 36 36 ticks Xq08QrAdNAY-00385-00244471-00245184 top of the zone is 58 94 is where we enter this trade Xq08QrAdNAY-00386-00245464-00246319 and if i get filled first objective is 2105. main objective and we'll see how it responds up Xq08QrAdNAY-00387-00246319-00246871 there again that's not a huge it's i'm risking more than i'm potentially getting the bounces Xq08QrAdNAY-00388-00246871-00247216 off the red lug but we doesn't mean we can't bust through those lugs either so we'll see Xq08QrAdNAY-00389-00247352-00247984 this is a major volume event right either way this breaks you're gonna get a big move because of this Xq08QrAdNAY-00390-00248136-00248664 again it doesn't matter why whoever did this did it put in this huge bias all these sellers are Xq08QrAdNAY-00391-00248664-00249167 like oh crap wait a minute this is not working out and then you get to puke or the sellers are Xq08QrAdNAY-00392-00249167-00249919 right and that down there'll be some peeking from the paper or whoever tried to sell in that area Xq08QrAdNAY-00393-00250112-00250704 all right so we want to again monitor this trade here closely because we're real close Xq08QrAdNAY-00394-00250704-00251256 to the red lug 87 so if it struggles at 87 i'll get out of a couple of these Xq08QrAdNAY-00395-00251656-00252136 you can see up here spot gamma level 2 and this is a very important 4600 is important if Xq08QrAdNAY-00396-00252136-00252728 you guys read the spot gamma i'll try to look at that here in a second all right so the new Xq08QrAdNAY-00397-00252728-00253288 event in nasdaq i'm waiting to see again this sucks because i knew we were going to do this Xq08QrAdNAY-00398-00253288-00253944 because we're still going higher we had to have one little blip down to stop me out um Xq08QrAdNAY-00399-00254296-00254400 this lug is at Xq08QrAdNAY-00400-00254623-00254984 60 actually i don't need to do that it's on the side there's a 60. Xq08QrAdNAY-00401-00255200-00255296 so what i'll do here Xq08QrAdNAY-00402-00255608-00256512 32 32.32 is the atr times 0.75 24 points so 24 points above here Xq08QrAdNAY-00403-00256567-00256871 it's actually 24 and a quarter points i will go long Xq08QrAdNAY-00404-00257319-00257760 so 11 34 quarter Xq08QrAdNAY-00405-00258071-00258496 not loving that entry considering the lugs up here but we do have i still think we're going Xq08QrAdNAY-00406-00258496-00259000 straight here so we'll see we'll get there by the end of the day it might not be straight there but Xq08QrAdNAY-00407-00259144-00259696 so now but if this zone fails what i'm gonna what am i gonna do well it shouldn't fail if the Xq08QrAdNAY-00408-00259696-00260152 objective is the red lug it should get to the red lug now if it doesn't then i'm looking i will go Xq08QrAdNAY-00409-00260152-00260680 we go full atr sold 32 points re-test fail i'll get at three-quarters of an atr and i'll go short Xq08QrAdNAY-00410-00260880-00261304 so again it's all about what shouldn't happen what shouldn't happen with the lugs and then the Xq08QrAdNAY-00411-00261304-00261984 same thing with the you shouldn't see a bearish event here if we're getting to the red log right Xq08QrAdNAY-00412-00262184-00263384 um Xq08QrAdNAY-00413-00264728-00265016 automatically all right so that's that trade Xq08QrAdNAY-00414-00265312-00266184 stops at 90 64. Xq08QrAdNAY-00415-00266552-00266968 all right so just wait now i want to see what it does at 87 right around this Xq08QrAdNAY-00416-00267128-00267600 it's a little again the lug is right around this area so Xq08QrAdNAY-00417-00267600-00267912 we struggle i'm gonna get on it too and i'll see what happens if we build new lugs Xq08QrAdNAY-00418-00268344-00268616 so we've got two orders resting here to get long russell and Xq08QrAdNAY-00419-00268960-00269088 thank nq still on the zone Xq08QrAdNAY-00420-00269672-00269736 see what's going on Xq08QrAdNAY-00421-00270248-00270608 oh look at that we're rallying what do you know gas prices are gonna be 10 bucks Xq08QrAdNAY-00422-00270744-00271272 what was this i'm sure i missed a trade yep i'm going to delete these other zones because the Xq08QrAdNAY-00423-00271272-00271752 number came out and we trail and hit atr above and below so this was the you can see the snakes Xq08QrAdNAY-00424-00271752-00272368 it swipes sweeps this is this event right here 176 so let's see what i would have done Xq08QrAdNAY-00425-00272432-00272600 potentially still get in but let's see Xq08QrAdNAY-00426-00272824-00273184 let's see how that started and it's actually pretty tight zone Xq08QrAdNAY-00427-00273432-00273512 starting right there Xq08QrAdNAY-00428-00274320-00274736 okay you can see the tick strike we want to see them start buying the crap out of these uh Xq08QrAdNAY-00429-00274736-00275144 stocks and then we'll get to that red log where he is Xq08QrAdNAY-00430-00275520-00275872 all right so my almost positive i would have been Xq08QrAdNAY-00431-00275872-00276120 aggressive here out of this zone so i missed the boat Xq08QrAdNAY-00432-00276448-00276960 lug wise actually this is probably new lugs here Xq08QrAdNAY-00433-00277240-00277584 not sure why you're not seeing yeah there's yellow right there 86 23. Xq08QrAdNAY-00434-00277760-00278080 so i would not have been aggressive here because we're right at the yellow lug so Xq08QrAdNAY-00435-00278080-00278784 what i will do with this we got here that's that stop run if we retest go i'll go along Xq08QrAdNAY-00436-00278984-00279944 so there you go that's definitely i'm sure that's an atr above there 16.4 so say 17 ticks that's Xq08QrAdNAY-00437-00279944-00280600 definitely 17 ticks out of there it's over over 20 was about 24 ticks out now if i get a retest Xq08QrAdNAY-00438-00280904-00281296 failure three quarters of an atr i'm going long and my objective Xq08QrAdNAY-00439-00281424-00282064 my target will be the next red look all the way up here 87.09 Xq08QrAdNAY-00440-00282376-00282656 i just want to make sure i don't miss this retest fail Xq08QrAdNAY-00441-00282928-00283120 means is ripping our ripping Xq08QrAdNAY-00442-00283552-00284304 so what did i say that objective was 18 i think you guys would be amazed at how how Xq08QrAdNAY-00443-00284376-00284784 magical these ludwig levels are like it's just like the sweater if you can watch the Xq08QrAdNAY-00444-00284784-00285280 webinar from yesterday i posted in the room it's like i felt uneasy about the trade i'm like oh Xq08QrAdNAY-00445-00285280-00285728 yeah you just was selling off i'm like here we go i'm like but my objective should get to the blue Xq08QrAdNAY-00446-00285728-00286128 and it just literally didn't even i mean it just kind of sat there and then just kept Xq08QrAdNAY-00447-00286128-00286592 drifting down right to the blue so again i don't need we got baby luck here too but i might take Xq08QrAdNAY-00448-00286664-00287256 see get these baby lugs we didn't quite touch it but if we get up there and we stall i'll get Xq08QrAdNAY-00449-00287256-00287872 out of probably one um but my main objective is the red log you put on the trade and you Xq08QrAdNAY-00450-00287872-00288368 wait for your your targets unless you see another real-time volume event and then you Xq08QrAdNAY-00451-00288368-00288840 have to change your tune but if nothing comes in i'm holding this trade at least till there Xq08QrAdNAY-00452-00288960-00289280 may be more if it rips right through those new gloves then i'll hold in the next set of lugs Xq08QrAdNAY-00453-00289864-00290480 third here if it struggles at baby lug it's about 9.75 Xq08QrAdNAY-00454-00290968-00291384 i'll get out of one Xq08QrAdNAY-00455-00291656-00292000 baby lugs are not as strong but you still want to respect them all right Xq08QrAdNAY-00456-00292000-00292224 wait for a re-test of this zone and crude to go long Xq08QrAdNAY-00457-00292664-00292968 roasting marters here i'm about to get filled in russell Xq08QrAdNAY-00458-00293040-00293424 and call roosevelt in the room because i mislabeled it one time and the computer Xq08QrAdNAY-00459-00293424-00294184 kept reading off russell so we called russell and i'll get long nasdaq up there and i'm still on yes Xq08QrAdNAY-00460-00294544-00295008 that's the red lug you got spot gamma Xq08QrAdNAY-00461-00295232-00295616 this comes back below this right here i'm gonna get out of two of them right Xq08QrAdNAY-00462-00295832-00296152 because trust me if we if we come up here and build new logs you're Xq08QrAdNAY-00463-00296152-00296480 gonna get another volume event and i can get right back in long i don't need to Xq08QrAdNAY-00464-00296632-00297160 see where we're at these are very strong so what happens if i get a bearish signal Xq08QrAdNAY-00465-00297160-00297560 right now i will get in aggressively because that's how powerful these things are support Xq08QrAdNAY-00466-00297560-00297896 and resistance but if this rips right through here and builds a new lug you're going to get Xq08QrAdNAY-00467-00297896-00298408 another volume event and then you can get back in i can get back in full size and then some Xq08QrAdNAY-00468-00298776-00298888 still no questions bruce Xq08QrAdNAY-00469-00299112-00299128 no Xq08QrAdNAY-00470-00299552-00299688 talk for straight for Xq08QrAdNAY-00471-00300008-00300400 i like the questions because i can stop talking for a little bit yeah yeah well it looks like Xq08QrAdNAY-00472-00300400-00300608 maybe a couple people are typing here um Xq08QrAdNAY-00473-00300920-00301424 yeah uh someone's asking about what maybe exactly are baby lugs Xq08QrAdNAY-00474-00301832-00302368 so they're just again whatever her inputs are i was talking about yesterday i actually saw Xq08QrAdNAY-00475-00302368-00302752 that's on the webinar too i said a higher power is spoken earth because whatever Xq08QrAdNAY-00476-00302808-00303408 her inputs are for these logs again is proprietary they're they are it's it's amazing it's like Xq08QrAdNAY-00477-00303408-00303872 literally like magic right um but baby look like this would be a baby look these are minor Xq08QrAdNAY-00478-00303960-00304272 here so if you look down here if you go to the actual studies Xq08QrAdNAY-00479-00304688-00305512 analysis studies over here so these are all it's like you have your directional that's the yellow Xq08QrAdNAY-00480-00305512-00305920 this is your blue lug red lug and then you have minor lugs so i call them i call them Xq08QrAdNAY-00481-00305920-00306496 baby lugs right and then you can see it's like it's these or these sometimes they're they're Xq08QrAdNAY-00482-00306496-00306904 on top of the major lug that's why you don't see them in every on every chart because they're just Xq08QrAdNAY-00483-00306904-00307456 and the more lugs you have in one area the bigger you know resistance or support right Xq08QrAdNAY-00484-00307456-00308008 but i'm i'm telling you guys they are not only as targets but just understanding Xq08QrAdNAY-00485-00308072-00308560 what should happen right as soon as we build new lugs here this should hold you should get Xq08QrAdNAY-00486-00308560-00308992 to the next log exactly happen doesn't mean it always happens what if a negative event comes Xq08QrAdNAY-00487-00308992-00309280 and that's what i'm saying well that's there's something wrong and you're ready to go short then Xq08QrAdNAY-00488-00309344-00309736 the more the better you can get it reading these and understand what should happen and then you Xq08QrAdNAY-00489-00309736-00310128 get your volume event which in you know the si indicator which is by far the most important Xq08QrAdNAY-00490-00310128-00310536 that was nice of them to stop me out to the exact tick by the way which is by far the most important Xq08QrAdNAY-00491-00310736-00311120 then you have yourself well probably the most incredible edge i've ever seen in trading so Xq08QrAdNAY-00492-00311280-00311904 um you know my my issue was that webinar i posted last week again if you guys want Xq08QrAdNAY-00493-00311904-00312440 the webinar reposted in the room let me know i'll post it again i was not using these in the proper Xq08QrAdNAY-00494-00312440-00313024 context as far as you know um what should happen what shouldn't happen that kind of analysis i Xq08QrAdNAY-00495-00313024-00313584 was just using them i would get long off a volume setup which are powerful by themselves as i proved Xq08QrAdNAY-00496-00313584-00314040 in december i traded for the room the entire month just trading volume setups not looking at anything Xq08QrAdNAY-00497-00314040-00314696 else and that was profitable right if you you know when you get to your volume setups then you know i Xq08QrAdNAY-00498-00314696-00315248 was just you i was just using these as as targets but there's a whole other world of understanding Xq08QrAdNAY-00499-00315248-00315752 what should happen what shouldn't happen when you you know you build new lugs the yellow should Xq08QrAdNAY-00500-00315752-00316232 hold and it should get to the red here's one here here's one here right but if that doesn't happen Xq08QrAdNAY-00501-00316232-00316832 that's telling you okay something's up right so that's that's what i wasn't incorporating in my Xq08QrAdNAY-00502-00316832-00317376 trading and i changed it basically at the start of the year and it's just i just been killing it now Xq08QrAdNAY-00503-00317376-00317944 you know i was doing okay i was doing well with just the setups but now when you incorporate Xq08QrAdNAY-00504-00317944-00318512 these especially for targets and things like that it's it's a whole other world so watch the video Xq08QrAdNAY-00505-00318512-00318824 if you guys want me to post it again let me know if there's enough requests bruce and i'll post Xq08QrAdNAY-00506-00318824-00319368 it again even though i can't find the chat in here for some reason i see the advanced webinar Xq08QrAdNAY-00507-00319368-00320032 but i don't see the advanced webinar chat for some reason which is really strange no it's just uh two Xq08QrAdNAY-00508-00320032-00320664 too up from it you'll see in fact we'll get rid of the basics one um i don't here i'll show Xq08QrAdNAY-00509-00320760-00321280 show you what i see this is what i see yeah no not not not in there Xq08QrAdNAY-00510-00321528-00321864 not in there no you're streaming in that one that's the voice channel Xq08QrAdNAY-00511-00321928-00322480 i understand but i don't have the you can't see the event usually you can see the text Xq08QrAdNAY-00512-00322480-00323224 channel you're insane i don't see it so go go then scroll down maybe it's below it no sir Xq08QrAdNAY-00513-00323480-00324208 that is weird and it happened i think when i when i muted this that's yeah see that's Xq08QrAdNAY-00514-00324208-00324984 really strange you mute it and it's gone okay so there you go i don't see if there's any uh Xq08QrAdNAY-00515-00325216-00325584 again if you guys want it let me know and i'll post it again but it's posted and i posted it Xq08QrAdNAY-00516-00325584-00326248 last week all right um so we're just waiting to see if we build new lugs here Xq08QrAdNAY-00517-00326320-00327784 and waiting for another volume of that we got that i never got filled in nasdaq yet Xq08QrAdNAY-00518-00328344-00328368 um Xq08QrAdNAY-00519-00328632-00329304 so we have russell so i am filled so what am i doing here Xq08QrAdNAY-00520-00329712-00330584 um so now check our atr 43.7 so we'll just say 44 44 times 0.75 Xq08QrAdNAY-00521-00330712-00331144 it's 33 so 33 ticks below the bottom of the zone is my stop out so 25 Xq08QrAdNAY-00522-00331416-00332104 last two digits i'm talking that's why i will stop out of this long no that's incorrect this is the Xq08QrAdNAY-00523-00332104-00332552 bottom of the zone right here i was looking at the top of this on the bottom of the zone is here Xq08QrAdNAY-00524-00332752-00333000 so 33 ticks is 80. Xq08QrAdNAY-00525-00333232-00333936 so that's pretty large risk but again this is a major this is some major ice too so that happened Xq08QrAdNAY-00526-00334008-00334544 four times normal this should hold we should at least tag the red log if i get stopped out Xq08QrAdNAY-00527-00334544-00334952 fine i take my loss but now i'm it's go time on the short side right because you should this Xq08QrAdNAY-00528-00334952-00335464 should not turn into a bearish event this should absolutely tag this this red look Xq08QrAdNAY-00529-00335464-00335880 if it doesn't and then we violate it and i get stopped out well a lot of this is what Xq08QrAdNAY-00530-00335880-00336216 i'm talking about what should have happened and it didn't we should have tagged this log Xq08QrAdNAY-00531-00336280-00336640 then you get a bearish event that shouldn't happen now i'm going i'll Xq08QrAdNAY-00532-00336640-00337584 get stopped out but then i'll be looking for a short and then these are my targets Xq08QrAdNAY-00533-00338440-00339080 all right crude waiting for a retest getting close and we'll go along this Xq08QrAdNAY-00534-00339248-00340424 let's get this so 16.2 times 0.75 12 12 15 12.15 so 12 ticks so if this comes down here Xq08QrAdNAY-00535-00340656-00341272 re-test this zone record some atr's 12 ticks i will get in at 25 and my stop will go Xq08QrAdNAY-00536-00341336-00342032 12 ticks below this zone then i'll play for the new redlog but i need to see a retest Xq08QrAdNAY-00537-00342496-00342632 all right beans are ripping Xq08QrAdNAY-00538-00342960-00343752 yeah scott i found the lugs webinar it's above in the chat from you know you know last week Xq08QrAdNAY-00539-00343752-00344328 but everybody just click on the link there you'll see that'll take you to it scroll up to it Xq08QrAdNAY-00540-00344456-00344760 just remember to scroll back down to the current chat Xq08QrAdNAY-00541-00344960-00345536 i don't know why i didn't get an alert on this but this is a new event soybean spread sells yes 212 Xq08QrAdNAY-00542-00345536-00346360 contracts could add it to this stop stop by zs 905 contracts there you go i wonder if this is at the Xq08QrAdNAY-00543-00346480-00347168 red lug well look at that shocking amount of three here and now we have a new volume event too Xq08QrAdNAY-00544-00347168-00347544 i'll go back to lux here in a second but i want to get this drawn look at this huge stop runner Xq08QrAdNAY-00545-00347632-00348784 so this should not this should hold hopefully you build new lugs and i'll get back in right Xq08QrAdNAY-00546-00349096-00349904 all right um so here's your stop one look at the stop this is that's an amazing stop run there huge Xq08QrAdNAY-00547-00350536-00351192 so guys i mean this happens in every market all day long right so we'll go over this here Xq08QrAdNAY-00548-00351192-00351696 in a second let me get this drawn so i can trail my stop check out the lugs Xq08QrAdNAY-00549-00351760-00352416 but it's like you see like there was no sweat no nights for itself yes 206 contracts i got my Xq08QrAdNAY-00550-00352416-00352936 volume of that i knew what my target was sit in the trade right so i got out of two right here Xq08QrAdNAY-00551-00352936-00353368 or half of them here right right at the red lug so now let's see what happens here worst Xq08QrAdNAY-00552-00353368-00353880 case scenarios i trail my stop up let's just get this out of here it's not confusing people Xq08QrAdNAY-00553-00354176-00354560 actually just drew that but we have a new event so it doesn't matter you always default to the newest Xq08QrAdNAY-00554-00354560-00355888 event so now the bottom of the zone is 12 12. atr is spiking obviously 3.75 so 3.75 times 0.75 2.81 Xq08QrAdNAY-00555-00355888-00356280 so we'll just say three cents so three cents below here i will stop out of the remainder Xq08QrAdNAY-00556-00356336-00356920 or i will add to this trade so we're probably going to build new bugs and this will be the Xq08QrAdNAY-00557-00356992-00357448 lug right around here so i'll wait for a full atr test failure aggressive right Xq08QrAdNAY-00558-00357448-00358016 here because it'll be the new love let's see if we have them getting up to the lug in the Xq08QrAdNAY-00559-00358208-00358928 russell i'm not filled in nasdaq yet um so beans this has got to be new lugs let's refresh this Xq08QrAdNAY-00560-00359144-00359320 nothing yet that's interesting Xq08QrAdNAY-00561-00359632-00360024 any minute now this thing's going to build new lugs and then we'll be able to play this new setup Xq08QrAdNAY-00562-00360512-00360784 um so again what happened Xq08QrAdNAY-00563-00361224-00361616 came up here built new looks what should happen we should hold the yellow and we should move to Xq08QrAdNAY-00564-00361616-00362136 the red do i just jump in long there no i need a volume event did we get a volume of that sure did Xq08QrAdNAY-00565-00362136-00362704 i get one on the volume event and i would i think what did i get out of one or two here and that was Xq08QrAdNAY-00566-00362704-00363248 baby luck and i this was my ultimate objective now we're here like there was no sweat i wasn't Xq08QrAdNAY-00567-00363248-00363688 questioning as i got up there looking at my penis oh my god i got 10 cents in this trade should i Xq08QrAdNAY-00568-00363688-00364104 get out i guarantee some of you did that that got into this long with me i guarantee some people Xq08QrAdNAY-00569-00364104-00364584 got out here just because they got 10 cents and they don't want to lose it right just let it work Xq08QrAdNAY-00570-00364680-00365240 unless you see an opposing volume event and or an important lug i cannot believe this Xq08QrAdNAY-00571-00365240-00365808 is not building looks yet i wanted to so i can go along off this new setup this month Xq08QrAdNAY-00572-00365808-00366296 this stopper and this is the ultimate stop and hold or it could be right look at the stopper Xq08QrAdNAY-00573-00366512-00366936 yeah i'm i'm really um curious on that i would love to see the Xq08QrAdNAY-00574-00366936-00367496 delta between what our stops and what are not in there because like Xq08QrAdNAY-00575-00367608-00367992 it's making sense that you know oil's going up inflation everything's going up like Xq08QrAdNAY-00576-00367992-00368560 soybeans should also be going up and like this will be people getting stopped out but also Xq08QrAdNAY-00577-00368560-00369184 new traders coming in right right and you know the fundamental ideas and the bigger pictures always Xq08QrAdNAY-00578-00369184-00369592 great but that doesn't really help you as a day trader either right it's like yeah they should go Xq08QrAdNAY-00579-00369592-00370096 up doesn't mean they're going to go up right now right so it's like that's where that's why like Xq08QrAdNAY-00580-00370160-00370768 economists and these you know these longer-term guys are terrible traders because they can call Xq08QrAdNAY-00581-00370848-00371392 a larger term move but it's like it they can't trade intraday to to find the best places Xq08QrAdNAY-00582-00371392-00371880 to get along type of thing right so that's where the book may have volume and the loves Xq08QrAdNAY-00583-00371992-00372624 that's all you need this is i cannot believe so this this is if we do not so she talks about this Xq08QrAdNAY-00584-00372624-00373168 on the webinar if this does not draw a new lug and we get back below here something was wrong Xq08QrAdNAY-00585-00373168-00373536 where it didn't have enough of the inputs to draw new looks so that should tell you Xq08QrAdNAY-00586-00373536-00374152 this is going to fail right and i will potentially go short but in the meantime we'll just hold this Xq08QrAdNAY-00587-00374848-00375280 all right filled on nasdaq and as i just give me the finger last two days so usually it's the Xq08QrAdNAY-00588-00375280-00375680 yes give me the finger and i kill nasdaq and then i've already been stopped out once today Xq08QrAdNAY-00589-00375752-00376128 so more importantly let's get our stop in here um Xq08QrAdNAY-00590-00376496-00376696 of course i lost the chart hold on a second Xq08QrAdNAY-00591-00376888-00377568 29.38 so just say 30. so what's this three quarters is 20 right Xq08QrAdNAY-00592-00377696-00378184 22 and a half so 22.5 points below this zone i'll stop out Xq08QrAdNAY-00593-00378416-00379112 that's 67 50 65 50. so we're gonna stop out of this long Xq08QrAdNAY-00594-00379400-00379544 see if we tag the red lug and Xq08QrAdNAY-00595-00379968-00380168 oh my god i missed this trade see this Xq08QrAdNAY-00596-00380496-00380856 thanks a lot guys how about someone helping i yell my room all the time here this is what we Xq08QrAdNAY-00597-00380856-00381536 were waiting for in crude here's your atr here's your retest gone this is a 60 tick trade already Xq08QrAdNAY-00598-00381536-00382064 50 tick trade and i completely missed it because i was adjusting stuff in soybeans that's not cool Xq08QrAdNAY-00599-00382152-00382552 i can't yell at this room as much because a lot of guys don't know what they're looking at but Xq08QrAdNAY-00600-00382552-00383040 my room there's no excuse of anybody ever that's the whole purpose of my room is the guys be Xq08QrAdNAY-00601-00383040-00383584 sharing setups hey new logs in in es hey there's sell ice and then q there's huge stop runs and Xq08QrAdNAY-00602-00383584-00384040 soybeans that's the whole goal of that room and a lot of guys are just secret squirrels sitting Xq08QrAdNAY-00603-00384040-00384592 there not saying anything and again yesterday or i think it's day before i missed two huge trades Xq08QrAdNAY-00604-00384592-00385040 one in soybeans one in crude because i was doing what i'm doing here i was on one screen on my Xq08QrAdNAY-00605-00385040-00385432 webinar and no one pointed it out it's like that's the whole purpose of the room so i'm Xq08QrAdNAY-00606-00385432-00385744 not going to give you guys a verbal lashing because a lot of you guys are just learning Xq08QrAdNAY-00607-00385744-00386176 this stuff now but the room there's no excuse for the guys that have been there for almost a year Xq08QrAdNAY-00608-00386392-00386792 all right so on that what am i even looking for i'm still on yes Xq08QrAdNAY-00609-00387344-00387840 so let's see what your new looks here actually we did right getting confused Xq08QrAdNAY-00610-00387840-00388456 now without and there's new lugs right there right so what should happen now this should Xq08QrAdNAY-00611-00388512-00389264 hold prior red and yellow if this gets below here and you get a better setup something's wrong if Xq08QrAdNAY-00612-00389264-00389632 you get a bullish set up we should go to here if you get embarrassed i don't know why this changed Xq08QrAdNAY-00613-00389632-00390784 colors by the way we get a bearish setup and i'm playing for that luck of what should happen right Xq08QrAdNAY-00614-00390864-00391416 yep yep i mean uh the simplicity on this uh uh scott is is brilliant i mean uh you're just Xq08QrAdNAY-00615-00391416-00391952 looking at your levels your higher time frame levels and then order flow events around them Xq08QrAdNAY-00616-00391952-00392416 as simple as that the simpler you can make your trading the better you're going to do Xq08QrAdNAY-00617-00392416-00392696 how many people on this webinar charts look like this Xq08QrAdNAY-00618-00393136-00393624 4 000 lines on your chart and then you wonder why you can't make money right it's like well Xq08QrAdNAY-00619-00393624-00394040 i want to get long hair but this is this is the 400-day moving average well i want to get along Xq08QrAdNAY-00620-00394040-00394568 here i want to get short here but we're still or i want to get long but we're still below the Xq08QrAdNAY-00621-00394568-00395392 the 40-day moving average and my rsi is showing me this and my macd just get rid of all your Xq08QrAdNAY-00622-00395392-00395856 crap you don't need anything besides real-time volume in these in my opinion you don't even Xq08QrAdNAY-00623-00395856-00396208 i mean if you don't want lugs don't get lugs you're doing yourself into service but you can Xq08QrAdNAY-00624-00396208-00396608 still trade on you know on structure and stuff like that this is all we've done for the last Xq08QrAdNAY-00625-00396672-00397136 you know over a year in the room when i wasn't using lugs in the right context Xq08QrAdNAY-00626-00397136-00397528 was we were basing our trades off of the bigger picture you still want it you still can trade Xq08QrAdNAY-00627-00397528-00397960 off the bigger picture you still should right but the lugs just help you day trade a little better Xq08QrAdNAY-00628-00397960-00398648 but this is about to become a failed breakout and we're probably coming back to this stuff here Xq08QrAdNAY-00629-00398648-00399144 but if this holds then you look like that but you gotta you know that's simple you i don't Xq08QrAdNAY-00630-00399144-00399664 have i'm not looking at 25 things i'm looking at real-time volume the lugs and the bigger picture Xq08QrAdNAY-00631-00399784-00400192 you know and i'll pay attention to v-web and it's it's standard deviation but so many times Xq08QrAdNAY-00632-00400320-00400808 here's v this is this is what they call the daily value area that's one standard deviation Xq08QrAdNAY-00633-00400872-00401416 this is one and a half this is two right so many times these standard deviations line up Xq08QrAdNAY-00634-00401416-00401848 this is how i was trading lugs before this is about a 90 trade when you get to the lug Xq08QrAdNAY-00635-00401904-00402384 at an extreme standard deviation of v web and you get your volume event you can nine times out of Xq08QrAdNAY-00636-00402384-00402968 ten we're doing that so that's how i was trading before which is again an incredible edge if you Xq08QrAdNAY-00637-00402968-00403464 want to sit around just wait for that one scenario you'll make money right but i i wasn't using the Xq08QrAdNAY-00638-00403464-00404016 lugs in the way i'm using them now and again it's just it's incredible i can't stay in enough times Xq08QrAdNAY-00639-00404232-00405040 um all right what's going on one i want to make sure i don't miss this logan Xq08QrAdNAY-00640-00405040-00405792 russell i think a a point um is kind of important to make here because i there was some feedback in Xq08QrAdNAY-00641-00405792-00406696 one of the webinars uh the other day about like well you know you're you're um you're Xq08QrAdNAY-00642-00406760-00407304 the the not not you personally was actually on me uh that that in the advanced webinars Xq08QrAdNAY-00643-00407304-00408264 like i'm i'm going through and um as the event is is starting to unfold uh then i'm calling it uh Xq08QrAdNAY-00644-00408264-00408888 instead of calling it in advance like saying oh this is gonna unfold well i i don't know i mean Xq08QrAdNAY-00645-00408888-00409288 it's like okay i'm looking though for the scenario just like you are in here Xq08QrAdNAY-00646-00409344-00409880 it's like what is the event that unfolded and now now what's the order flow around that vent Xq08QrAdNAY-00647-00409880-00410400 and then i will go short or i will go long based on that uh what i read there uh that's Xq08QrAdNAY-00648-00410400-00411128 the higher higher probability i just i'm trying to help i'm not trying to uh chastise anybody or Xq08QrAdNAY-00649-00411128-00411608 uh uh you know um well you should be if someone's telling you you should know Xq08QrAdNAY-00650-00411608-00411912 exactly what's gonna happen well first of all you wouldn't be on this webinar you'd be on a Xq08QrAdNAY-00651-00412047-00412543 island sipping my ties right you trade for for an hour in the morning because you know exactly Xq08QrAdNAY-00652-00412543-00412968 what's going to happen then you go to the beach right right so no one knows what's going to happen Xq08QrAdNAY-00653-00412968-00413472 you use these volume events and important areas to come up with a thesis and then you trade it Xq08QrAdNAY-00654-00413472-00413896 so whoever's i would give them a complete verbal lashing so if you're on here Xq08QrAdNAY-00655-00413896-00414447 email me and i'll give you a verbal asset if you'd like that would be uh yeah sadistic but Xq08QrAdNAY-00656-00414743-00415239 no i mean it's really important though like it's like a candlestick pattern unfolds let's just Xq08QrAdNAY-00657-00415239-00415696 let's take a simple candlestick pattern it's starting to unfold it tells you to you know Xq08QrAdNAY-00658-00415696-00416343 go short look at the order flow though does the order flow tell you to go short if so now you've Xq08QrAdNAY-00659-00416343-00416912 got something that's higher probability that that event is going to unfold if there's many times Xq08QrAdNAY-00660-00417016-00417504 and there's many times that the order flow around that event of that candlestick pattern Xq08QrAdNAY-00661-00417504-00418032 um it it's it's not very high probability or it's like no that's not telling me that you Xq08QrAdNAY-00662-00418032-00418552 know to go short it's actually saying it's consolidating and i want to go long here um Xq08QrAdNAY-00663-00418552-00419080 and and that's that's the read off of that right and that's the same principle right so you see a Xq08QrAdNAY-00664-00419080-00419439 candlestick pattern that's short i don't believe in candlestick patterns but Xq08QrAdNAY-00665-00419439-00420008 some people do right and you say well this is a short candlestick pattern but it's then you said Xq08QrAdNAY-00666-00420008-00420384 hey it doesn't break and it's consolidating well it's not doing something it should do Xq08QrAdNAY-00667-00420384-00420904 exactly that's a signal right there i should be looking for longs then you get your volume event Xq08QrAdNAY-00668-00420904-00421360 again the most important powerful thing you could possibly have is the si indicator volume you get Xq08QrAdNAY-00669-00421360-00421696 that event that's long you're like it's go time this should have happened it's the same thing Xq08QrAdNAY-00670-00421696-00422168 we're using with the lugs right this should happen if it didn't happen i'm looking to fire the other Xq08QrAdNAY-00671-00422168-00422616 way right sooner than i see my volume of that and that's the best you're ever going to do that's the Xq08QrAdNAY-00672-00422616-00423008 biggest edge you're ever going to have right and you're going and you've outlined the two Xq08QrAdNAY-00673-00423008-00423600 scenarios what or you know what you're looking for at least two scenarios uh maybe three or four but Xq08QrAdNAY-00674-00423600-00424024 like you're looking for that something to happen and then like then you will make your decision Xq08QrAdNAY-00675-00424264-00424816 so anyway uh point point made um sorry uh and for the interruption there this is a perfect example Xq08QrAdNAY-00676-00424816-00425600 here right so we built new logs what did i just say this should hold prior red baby lug i mean we Xq08QrAdNAY-00677-00425600-00426064 just threw the baby log in because it's just this right here but overall it should hold prior red Xq08QrAdNAY-00678-00426128-00426864 and yellow if it does not this is telling me right now something's up like that if this gets below Xq08QrAdNAY-00679-00426864-00427384 this baby lug that this that should not happen doesn't mean i'm just jumping in a short like Xq08QrAdNAY-00680-00427384-00427880 bruce said like this is the candlestick example it should it should have done this it didn't i'm Xq08QrAdNAY-00681-00427880-00428400 not going short right now the second i get a bearish volume event then i'm going short and Xq08QrAdNAY-00682-00428400-00429047 then that's going to be my target so i wait i come up with my my thesis of what shouldn't happen what Xq08QrAdNAY-00683-00429047-00429616 should happen that didn't happen we didn't hold this we're not holding that okay now i have to Xq08QrAdNAY-00684-00429616-00430224 i have to change my mind change my thesis so now i'm saying this didn't happen that should not Xq08QrAdNAY-00685-00430224-00430680 have happened this should have held and retire if this was extremely bullish right here now Xq08QrAdNAY-00686-00430680-00431216 we're back down here if i get my my negative event i am going short and that's my target Xq08QrAdNAY-00687-00431216-00431847 and then when you look at the bigger picture where are we why would we be stalling here well because Xq08QrAdNAY-00688-00431847-00432343 we're basically at the high volume node of prior balance this is where you use your bigger picture Xq08QrAdNAY-00689-00432343-00433016 stuff here too here's your balance here's the smack dab middle of this balance this is why Xq08QrAdNAY-00690-00433016-00433528 we're struggling right here so this could easily this should do this again if you're just looking Xq08QrAdNAY-00691-00433528-00433912 at you're not using loads you're like oh that should have been a failed breakdown we should be Xq08QrAdNAY-00692-00433912-00434439 doing this wait why are we strong here wait why is a negative i keep saying negative why is a bearish Xq08QrAdNAY-00693-00434512-00434992 event coming in when we should wait oh oh and then we're going to do that and then you take Xq08QrAdNAY-00694-00434992-00435384 your short off of that i'm just giving you an example of this what should happen didn't Xq08QrAdNAY-00695-00435439-00436272 you flip your mindset wait for your signal it's that's trading that's how you make money it's not Xq08QrAdNAY-00696-00436272-00436880 this has to go up i i don't care i'm just going to stay long that's why traders lose money you've got Xq08QrAdNAY-00697-00436880-00437335 to be able to flip on a dime if something doesn't happen that you're expecting to happen and this is Xq08QrAdNAY-00698-00437335-00438000 this is it right here the second i get a bearish signal i am in and that's my target first target Xq08QrAdNAY-00699-00438272-00438935 that's uh 45 60 and a half now it's 24 24 points away Xq08QrAdNAY-00700-00439432-00439928 all right uh speaking of that i'm nasdaq is seriously giving me the finger today and Xq08QrAdNAY-00701-00439928-00440784 yesterday but not stopped out yet i did get out of one russell russell up here because that was near Xq08QrAdNAY-00702-00440784-00441360 the red lug again it wasn't a huge profit but it is what it is like this tagged came real close to Xq08QrAdNAY-00703-00441360-00441928 tagging this red lug right so that's why i got out of one but it actually did not and that in itself Xq08QrAdNAY-00704-00441928-00442472 is telling you something watch the webinar she talks about the non-tag and this is really close Xq08QrAdNAY-00705-00442560-00443047 but now if you get a bearish signal you're like hmm we should have tagged this we should actually Xq08QrAdNAY-00706-00443047-00443416 broke through here building logs that didn't happen well i should at least be getting bullish Xq08QrAdNAY-00707-00443416-00444088 setups for another task oh wait here's a bearish setup i'm in target target right so i'll stop out Xq08QrAdNAY-00708-00444088-00444535 of this short which is fine i'll take a little bit of a loss but guess what i'm going to be making Xq08QrAdNAY-00709-00444535-00445104 it way i'll be making it back on the flip side because this and on top of that here's your volume Xq08QrAdNAY-00710-00445104-00445688 event right okay well this is monster ice this area should hold if this gets below here there's Xq08QrAdNAY-00711-00445688-00446343 going to be some puking so just this alone you say this is what should happen oh wait that didn't Xq08QrAdNAY-00712-00446343-00446928 happen we went above and now we went right through here something's up i'm looking for shorts right Xq08QrAdNAY-00713-00447543-00447952 any questions thoughts concerns nah david just says that Xq08QrAdNAY-00714-00447952-00448535 he's also like using his lucky rabbit's foot um yeah that works too indicator Xq08QrAdNAY-00715-00448768-00449143 i'm very superstitious too i mean again i watched the webinar i posted history Xq08QrAdNAY-00716-00449143-00449728 i was short let's go let's look where i was sure right here keep doing that Xq08QrAdNAY-00717-00449935-00450496 i was short this and i kept every time i would bring the book map over i think it was right here Xq08QrAdNAY-00718-00450496-00450920 every time i look at bookmap we do one of these so i was short i think it was right here i was short Xq08QrAdNAY-00719-00450920-00451408 from here and every time i bring bookmap over we do that we keep popping up so then i'm like Xq08QrAdNAY-00720-00451408-00451935 i'm just going to stare at this screen instead and then we sold out so i'm very superstitious Xq08QrAdNAY-00721-00451935-00452384 too i wouldn't look at the book map because this was this was helping it get to the to the blue Xq08QrAdNAY-00722-00452456-00452904 it's ridiculous i know but you know i'm superstitious a lot of triggers are superstitious Xq08QrAdNAY-00723-00453160-00453768 and then at the close yesterday you can see like this is it's just over i can bring up Xq08QrAdNAY-00724-00453768-00454456 every single market that i watch all 12 whatever it is there you go build new lugs what should Xq08QrAdNAY-00725-00454456-00455024 happen we should hold the blue hold the yellow move here that did not happen objective is red Xq08QrAdNAY-00726-00455024-00455528 got there hey built new lugs what should happen we should hold prior red current yellow there you Xq08QrAdNAY-00727-00455528-00456039 go again i'm not saying there's a volume event this was actually this might have been a camera Xq08QrAdNAY-00728-00456039-00456600 when this was anyway there you go there's baby lug and i can guarantee you we got the little Xq08QrAdNAY-00729-00456600-00457080 our red light i mean actually this was today sorry did we dig it i didn't get long up there Xq08QrAdNAY-00730-00457080-00457672 but i got one over here so that's how you read it something's up as far as lawns now Xq08QrAdNAY-00731-00457735-00458160 we should not be struggling here i mean this could still hold i'm not doing anything again until i Xq08QrAdNAY-00732-00458160-00458632 get a volume event so that's the other thing too right there having people that the ludwig Xq08QrAdNAY-00733-00458632-00459080 levels have been around for about 12 years and she has a oil filing obviously but that the lugs Xq08QrAdNAY-00734-00459080-00459408 are not enough and she'll be the first to admit it she's like you don't trade them in a vacuum Xq08QrAdNAY-00735-00459464-00459888 so right here if you're just trading lugs you're like i'm in i'm in short they should have held Xq08QrAdNAY-00736-00459888-00460328 this this should held this well this could still hold baby lug and rip back up right because Xq08QrAdNAY-00737-00460328-00460743 especially around the yellow lug you can get choppiness i'm not sure yet because i Xq08QrAdNAY-00738-00460743-00461239 didn't get the most important thing the volume event right so i don't touch this until i get a Xq08QrAdNAY-00739-00461239-00461784 bearish volume event that's where you put it all together and that's the edge you're not going to Xq08QrAdNAY-00740-00461784-00462352 find a stronger engine trading period ever in my opinion and again i've been doing this for Xq08QrAdNAY-00741-00462352-00462880 a little bit a little bit of time let's take a look at these other ones to see where we're at Xq08QrAdNAY-00742-00463480-00463584 you know that Xq08QrAdNAY-00743-00464272-00464792 so this is this is telling right so once again we already know yes it's starting to look bearish Xq08QrAdNAY-00744-00464792-00465416 what happened here about new logs hell where he should have prior red new directional yellow Xq08QrAdNAY-00745-00465416-00465912 halwa should have name up here we should have tagged this still can you always got to get to Xq08QrAdNAY-00746-00465912-00466304 the benefit of the doubt that we're still going to tag it but my point is if we now get a bearish Xq08QrAdNAY-00747-00466304-00466888 event on longness right if i get stopped out and i get a bearish event i will be i will make back Xq08QrAdNAY-00748-00466888-00467464 my loss times two or three on a short down here and down here because of what didn't happen up Xq08QrAdNAY-00749-00467464-00467984 here you should not see a bearish event now if you do it's going to be go time to the downside Xq08QrAdNAY-00750-00468416-00469008 this is very very very very very upsetting i wanted to go along this and it is now going Xq08QrAdNAY-00751-00469008-00469496 straight to that log i'll still take new new setups but i had the ultimate set up down Xq08QrAdNAY-00752-00469496-00470080 here that we were waiting for right here that would have been long three-quarters of an atr Xq08QrAdNAY-00753-00470080-00470608 so probably right around 25 i think it was the atr was 12. it's already a 50-point tick trade Xq08QrAdNAY-00754-00470832-00470928 really really upsetting Xq08QrAdNAY-00755-00471224-00471720 all right i gotta get off here shortly my i got to bring my daughter to school she missed Xq08QrAdNAY-00756-00471720-00472296 today early because i was on this webinar and my wife couldn't bring her just to check this Xq08QrAdNAY-00757-00472552-00472776 i hope she's attending the webinar and learning from you Xq08QrAdNAY-00758-00472943-00473335 she's only 11 but i can bring her in in here and teach her some of these Xq08QrAdNAY-00759-00473335-00473928 hey i mean it's pretty it's like you said it's not easy but it's simple it's simple exactly Xq08QrAdNAY-00760-00473928-00474384 trading is not easy but it's if the simpler you can make it the better you're going to do Xq08QrAdNAY-00761-00474464-00475024 again all when i made millions of dollars all i was doing was staring at this i didn't even Xq08QrAdNAY-00762-00475024-00475504 have charts up most of the time they didn't know where we were on a chart i was watching order flow Xq08QrAdNAY-00763-00475504-00475896 it doesn't get any simpler than that you can't do that anymore obviously with the algos and the Xq08QrAdNAY-00764-00475896-00476400 fake orders and everything else but my point is the simpler you can make it what are you gonna do Xq08QrAdNAY-00765-00476464-00477584 so let's just check the lugs out here you're waiting for this to draw new lugs if it does Xq08QrAdNAY-00766-00477768-00478256 there it is right so what am i going to do here actually i'm going to be conservative on my Xq08QrAdNAY-00767-00478256-00478752 entry just because we're still bouncing around the l log so say we came up here and i got a Xq08QrAdNAY-00768-00478752-00479064 volume event well i would enter aggressively but right here i'll wait for Xq08QrAdNAY-00769-00479128-00479439 my tr move away re-test fail right so Xq08QrAdNAY-00770-00480016-00480384 here's your event right this is right at the lug Xq08QrAdNAY-00771-00481400-00482208 one second i forgot about of course all right so atr in here is 3.81 Xq08QrAdNAY-00772-00482208-00482768 which is pretty elevated for beans 3.81 has a lot to do with that stopper obviously times 0.75 Xq08QrAdNAY-00773-00483000-00483600 um actually i take that back so i'm waiting for a full atr here out of Xq08QrAdNAY-00774-00483600-00483928 this zone because we're at the yellow lug right i'm not being aggressive right here Xq08QrAdNAY-00775-00484047-00484528 165 contracts every time i try to get off these webinars something happens like that Xq08QrAdNAY-00776-00484528-00484824 um so i'm looking for basically four points out of here Xq08QrAdNAY-00777-00484920-00485520 so 26.50 waiting for a retest three quarters an atr which would be 2.85 so three cents i will go Xq08QrAdNAY-00778-00485520-00486072 long off of this setup i'm being conservative on this entry because we're right at the outlook so Xq08QrAdNAY-00779-00486072-00486512 say we rip up here and then i get a bullish signal or above the lug and then i'll enter aggressively Xq08QrAdNAY-00780-00486696-00487224 so i will add to this trade i still have three on here's my stop it's three quarters an atr Xq08QrAdNAY-00781-00487224-00487768 below here right and i will add to this trade and just keep writing it up to the new logs Xq08QrAdNAY-00782-00488064-00488480 so this is what we call potentially this is either going to become a dumb and dumber Xq08QrAdNAY-00783-00488600-00488920 a money puke no follow through no big money follow through and it fails Xq08QrAdNAY-00784-00488984-00489464 or it's a stop and hold stop run that holds the big money comes in behind it and continues pushing Xq08QrAdNAY-00785-00489464-00489728 it higher and i think that's what's going to happen because you see what's up there Xq08QrAdNAY-00786-00489952-00490520 yeah and that's probably exactly where we're going let's check out these new lugs so you see how you Xq08QrAdNAY-00787-00490520-00490880 start to put things together you're like okay i know that i know that liquidity is up there oh Xq08QrAdNAY-00788-00490880-00491647 look what else is up there oh red look so if this starts rolling this is my next objective exactly Xq08QrAdNAY-00789-00491760-00492584 liquidity at your levels i mean it it's it's just so simple um so easy yeah it's so easy Xq08QrAdNAY-00790-00492680-00493439 um uh so just let me know when you're um uh ready i have it i i have an announcement uh for for the Xq08QrAdNAY-00791-00493439-00493992 room in here uh just wanna remind me before we uh leave uh that is all i'm trying to say Xq08QrAdNAY-00792-00494128-00494472 yeah i'm just gonna mark up this we'll take a quick look at the logs on the map off i Xq08QrAdNAY-00793-00494472-00495280 got to get out of here there this was a 188 stop running gold here's your volume of that Xq08QrAdNAY-00794-00495480-00496104 now we go to lugs and base come up with a thesis on what's going on there and then figure Xq08QrAdNAY-00795-00496104-00496608 out if we're going long short aggressive or not aggressive hey look at that wow that red lug held Xq08QrAdNAY-00796-00496608-00497432 perfectly not surprising really really surprising now we're down here we're right at the lug so i'm Xq08QrAdNAY-00797-00497432-00497952 not going to be aggressive on so i guess we're below here you could yeah i will be aggressive Xq08QrAdNAY-00798-00497952-00498392 if we were like right here at the lug but we are down here and this is where the stop run Xq08QrAdNAY-00799-00498392-00498984 went to so i will short this aggressively and this is going to be my objective this baby lug and then Xq08QrAdNAY-00800-00498984-00499480 uh the blue lug down here so here's your volume of that i know i want to be aggressive because Xq08QrAdNAY-00801-00499480-00500032 we're below the yellow lug right now so where i will i'll go along this too but Xq08QrAdNAY-00802-00500032-00500432 going long because we are still below the yellow lug a little bit i will have to wait for a full Xq08QrAdNAY-00803-00500432-00500943 atr re-test fail and then i'll go along this three-quarters of an atr so again atr is Xq08QrAdNAY-00804-00501168-00501384 19. Xq08QrAdNAY-00805-00501488-00502184 19 times 0.75 is 4 14 and a quarter so i'll just say 15 points so if this so i need to see to go Xq08QrAdNAY-00806-00502184-00502847 long because we're below the yellow log i need to see 19 points i need to see a retest and 15 points Xq08QrAdNAY-00807-00502847-00503296 i will be long my stop will go three quarters in a tear below here if this holds and breaks Xq08QrAdNAY-00808-00503296-00503880 below here i will just short three quarters an atr aggressively so 15 points below here because we're Xq08QrAdNAY-00809-00503880-00504712 below the outlook right i keep saying points ticks so 72 so 77 will be my entry 15 ticks below there Xq08QrAdNAY-00810-00505192-00505608 otherwise i'll wait because what should happen this should Xq08QrAdNAY-00811-00505608-00506024 this is below the yellow this should head down to the blue if we don't we get back above here Xq08QrAdNAY-00812-00506096-00506984 we'll probably come back to the red again Xq08QrAdNAY-00813-00507120-00507800 all right any other questions before i hop off here uh no no no no more questions um Xq08QrAdNAY-00814-00507800-00508488 uh thanks scott i mean uh it's um i just love the simplicity here uh you know Xq08QrAdNAY-00815-00508488-00508976 you got your your your higher time frame levels and your order flow events around those levels Xq08QrAdNAY-00816-00509047-00509808 that's it uh and go through your scenarios of what you're looking for and if it does that then Xq08QrAdNAY-00817-00509808-00510280 you're looking for going this direction and it's simple it's not easy trading's not easy there's Xq08QrAdNAY-00818-00510280-00510696 gonna be times where you're questioning areas blah blah blah but that's where bookman comes Xq08QrAdNAY-00819-00510696-00511400 in these volume events we talk about it all the time this is not subjective this is not an art Xq08QrAdNAY-00820-00511400-00512120 this happened this was a thousand lot 900 lot buy stops there's no questioning what happened here Xq08QrAdNAY-00821-00512120-00512456 it's how you trade it is is the art right but if you know what should Xq08QrAdNAY-00822-00512456-00512888 be going on with the ludwig levels then it just makes it a lot easier where you should Xq08QrAdNAY-00823-00512888-00513256 you should be expecting certain things to happen off of this volume of it and that's how i trade Xq08QrAdNAY-00824-00513496-00513935 all right guys hopefully you learned something today um yeah do this every day in my room as Xq08QrAdNAY-00825-00513935-00514504 well twice a day so so let me uh let me bump jump in for just a minute here uh before before you Xq08QrAdNAY-00826-00514504-00515016 hop off i'll give you the last word but uh i just want to let everyone know we're starting uh tom b Xq08QrAdNAY-00827-00515016-00515776 will start streaming live uh in discord here uh so uh uh look for it it's gonna be in a new Xq08QrAdNAY-00828-00515776-00516456 voice channel and also text uh channel room uh just like we're doing here in advance webinar Xq08QrAdNAY-00829-00516456-00516992 there's a um a voice channel and a text channel uh it's going to be called trader's lab though Xq08QrAdNAY-00830-00517072-00517760 and uh tom tom will be uh the trader in there running that okay so take a look for that um Xq08QrAdNAY-00831-00517760-00518528 we'll do it probably i don't know maybe in just a half an hour or so and uh it will be very very Xq08QrAdNAY-00832-00518528-00519047 different it's not like a webinar like this uh it's going to be kind of on and off all day long Xq08QrAdNAY-00833-00519135-00519784 right so you guys that are familiar with tom b the way he was doing it in the futures room it's going Xq08QrAdNAY-00834-00519784-00520472 to be the same thing he's just going to be doing it in his in this trader's lab room all right so Xq08QrAdNAY-00835-00520472-00521016 yeah that's uh that's all i wanted to mention that here at the end of the webinar Xq08QrAdNAY-00836-00521112-00521616 okay that's cool um yeah and then as far as the logbook levels guys if you go to uh Xq08QrAdNAY-00837-00521616-00522216 if you want to try him out she's got a three-day trial uh go to lowwithlevels.com there's a through Xq08QrAdNAY-00838-00522216-00522672 the three three-day trial put in the um text box that you saw it on this webinar and i think she's Xq08QrAdNAY-00839-00522672-00523128 got some kind of goodies or discounts or whatever so just let her know you saw it on the webinar Xq08QrAdNAY-00840-00523128-00523784 and you should get something um extra than the normal normal customers all right hopefully Xq08QrAdNAY-00841-00523784-00524360 you guys learned and i will again i do this twice a day in my room as well it's on discord Xq08QrAdNAY-00842-00524360-00524792 head over there if you want to learn more and otherwise i'll see you guys next thursday yeah Xq08QrAdNAY-00843-00524792-00525200 i'm sorry scott i forgot to put this into the in the chat room um i will put all of Xq08QrAdNAY-00844-00525200-00525736 scott's information in here right now so you have that if you if you want to reach out Xq08QrAdNAY-00845-00525792-00526632 to scott there you go i just put it into the chat you have it and yeah take it take it from there Xq08QrAdNAY-00846-00526768-00527240 all right great all right guys thanks thanks scott see you soon okay Xq08QrAdNAY-00847-00527240-00528000 bye you XqxB8wtpHDo-00000-00000463-00001000 Hey Marines let me talk to you for just a couple seconds about fitness, there's a lot different kinds of fitness. XqxB8wtpHDo-00001-00001000-00001414 There's mental fitness, spiritual fitness and there's your physical fitness. XqxB8wtpHDo-00002-00001550-00001932 Staff Sergeant Crystalee Munoz, and I'm a Force Fitness Instructor Trainer. XqxB8wtpHDo-00003-00001938-00002834 The purpose of the Force Fitness program is to change the way that Marines view physical fitness, XqxB8wtpHDo-00004-00002834-00003080 as well as how we conduct physical fitness. XqxB8wtpHDo-00005-00003096-00003468 My name is Sergeant Dennis Corrol. I'm a Force Fitness Instructor Trainer XqxB8wtpHDo-00006-00003468-00003764 here at Force Fitness Readiness Center Quantico. XqxB8wtpHDo-00007-00003814-00004394 The purpose of the FFI course is to train new Force Fitness Instructors to send to the fleet. XqxB8wtpHDo-00008-00004394-00004712 Anybody here that goes through the Force Fitness Program could build a program for XqxB8wtpHDo-00009-00004716-00005822 arty, infantry, admin, supply, an air winger; anybody can find the program and build one for themselves. XqxB8wtpHDo-00010-00005822-00006250 Hey Marines, when we begin the new year you're going to see a new order out on fitness. XqxB8wtpHDo-00011-00006250-00006758 So, I'd ask everybody to pay attention to that, and also as we always do continue to work on your fitness. XqxB8wtpHDo-00012-00006772-00007159 Take advantage of the Force Fitness Instructor out there to help you develop a program XqxB8wtpHDo-00013-00007159-00007550 thats going to make you faster, stronger, more flexible and less prone to injury. XrI7IWBmxOU-00000-00000120-00000977 This brings us to our final lab, Manipulating Objects. XrI7IWBmxOU-00001-00000977-00001254 As usual, I'll be doing a walk through in just a moment. XrI7IWBmxOU-00002-00001254-00001482 But for those of you who want to try it without the walkthrough, XrI7IWBmxOU-00003-00001482-00001662 go ahead and hit pause right here. XrI7IWBmxOU-00004-00002256-00002580 In this lab, we're going to copy list XrI7IWBmxOU-00005-00002580-00002886 and delete some objects that we have already uploaded in MinIO. XrI7IWBmxOU-00006-00002886-00003282 For those of you who have had to stop and start for a little bit, keep in mind XrI7IWBmxOU-00007-00003282-00003426 you should be able to get your MinIO XrI7IWBmxOU-00008-00003426-00003774 environment up and running with a simple Docker start. XrI7IWBmxOU-00009-00003774-00003870 MinIO. XrI7IWBmxOU-00010-00003870-00004098 We're going to start playing around with some objects. XrI7IWBmxOU-00011-00004098-00004428 So our first step is going to be copying our starter file XrI7IWBmxOU-00012-00004632-00004842 to a new file called objects.py. XrI7IWBmxOU-00013-00005316-00005658 Inside the objects.py we're going to have some basic imports, XrI7IWBmxOU-00014-00005658-00006000 but what we're going to do first is we're going to do a little stat XrI7IWBmxOU-00015-00006000-00006294 of our opensky-stream.json object. XrI7IWBmxOU-00016-00006636-00006792 Very simply, we're going to do a result XrI7IWBmxOU-00017-00006968-00007295 = client.stat_object. XrI7IWBmxOU-00018-00007470-00007842 And recall that the stat_object method takes two things XrI7IWBmxOU-00019-00007842-00008016 a bucket name and an object name. XrI7IWBmxOU-00020-00008070-00008262 Our bucket name, as usual is Dev XrI7IWBmxOU-00021-00008322-00008616 and our object name is opensky-stream.json. XrI7IWBmxOU-00022-00009336-00009756 That results can be printed using the labf.rprint XrI7IWBmxOU-00023-00009756-00009810 method. XrI7IWBmxOU-00024-00010164-00010554 And with that we're going to go ahead and save and run our code with Python3. XrI7IWBmxOU-00025-00010692-00011226 And there you go, opensky-stream.json last modified is right there for us. XrI7IWBmxOU-00026-00011226-00011634 In the lesson we also talked about using prefixes to separate our data. XrI7IWBmxOU-00027-00011634-00012030 So we're going to copy the object opensky-stream.json XrI7IWBmxOU-00028-00012030-00012354 to a new location with a prefix. XrI7IWBmxOU-00029-00012450-00012882 In order to do this, we're going to use that copy source import that we had XrI7IWBmxOU-00030-00012882-00012954 before. XrI7IWBmxOU-00031-00013463-00013800 Our results is going to be an object rate result. XrI7IWBmxOU-00032-00013800-00014238 We're going to use client copy object XrI7IWBmxOU-00033-00014346-00014640 and to copy our object we need our buckets XrI7IWBmxOU-00034-00014736-00015078 and we need our destination object name. XrI7IWBmxOU-00035-00015078-00015330 In this case we will use source XrI7IWBmxOU-00036-00015390-00015828 as our destination prefix and our target name XrI7IWBmxOU-00037-00015828-00016032 is going to beopensky-stream.json. XrI7IWBmxOU-00038-00016464-00016782 Now that's the same name as what we're going to use XrI7IWBmxOU-00039-00016782-00017112 in our copy source, which is right here XrI7IWBmxOU-00040-00017244-00017418 and copy source is dev. XrI7IWBmxOU-00041-00017418-00017748 And again we need the source object in this case is just XrI7IWBmxOU-00042-00017748-00017838 opensky-stream.json XrI7IWBmxOU-00043-00018186-00018432 because we didn't have any XrI7IWBmxOU-00044-00018552-00018792 prefix when we originally wrote this. XrI7IWBmxOU-00045-00018954-00019086 That's the whole method. XrI7IWBmxOU-00046-00019146-00019386 And of course what we're going to do is we're going to print this XrI7IWBmxOU-00047-00019794-00019890 and we're good to go. XrI7IWBmxOU-00048-00020274-00020394 Now, when we run this, XrI7IWBmxOU-00049-00020574-00021108 we see both our original opensky-stream last modified, and notice XrI7IWBmxOU-00050-00021108-00021474 we also now have a source opensky-stream that was last modified XrI7IWBmxOU-00051-00021474-00021564 just a little bit later. XrI7IWBmxOU-00052-00021564-00022194 The point about this is that these are two distinct and separate objects. XrI7IWBmxOU-00053-00022308-00022410 Let's take a look XrI7IWBmxOU-00054-00022410-00022722 at our video console to see that we've actually created this. XrI7IWBmxOU-00055-00022722-00022998 So if we refresh our list here in our dev bucket, XrI7IWBmxOU-00056-00023154-00023376 notice that we now have a source directory XrI7IWBmxOU-00057-00023454-00023868 or prefix that has our opensky-stream.json file. XrI7IWBmxOU-00058-00024006-00024390 It is an application json because we didn't make any changes along those lines. XrI7IWBmxOU-00059-00024390-00024768 But just real quick, if we take a look at the opensky-stream.json XrI7IWBmxOU-00060-00024768-00024978 file and we take a look at the ETag, XrI7IWBmxOU-00061-00025092-00025170 notice XrI7IWBmxOU-00062-00025350-00025722 9f1d ends with 0B7F XrI7IWBmxOU-00063-00025956-00026094 and if we take a look at this XrI7IWBmxOU-00064-00026094-00026520 one, 9F1DE ends with 0B7F, XrI7IWBmxOU-00065-00026520-00026789 so the ETags are identical, XrI7IWBmxOU-00066-00026874-00027282 even though these two objects are actually distinct. XrI7IWBmxOU-00067-00027282-00027852 The nice thing about this is that that allows us to compare these two XrI7IWBmxOU-00068-00027852-00028170 objects using ETags and we will see that they are XrI7IWBmxOU-00069-00028170-00028242 the exact same. XrI7IWBmxOU-00070-00028548-00028854 What we may want to do now though is delete this original. XrI7IWBmxOU-00071-00028956-00029106 So let's go back to the terminal XrI7IWBmxOU-00072-00029250-00029382 and back in our terminal. XrI7IWBmxOU-00073-00029382-00029772 We're going to edit our objects p one more time XrI7IWBmxOU-00074-00029880-00030060 to include a delete process. XrI7IWBmxOU-00075-00030348-00030606 Now recall when we delete something XrI7IWBmxOU-00076-00030750-00031127 there is no return type, XrI7IWBmxOU-00077-00031127-00031542 so we're just going to do this remove object XrI7IWBmxOU-00078-00031698-00031908 and we're going to give it our bucket name of dev XrI7IWBmxOU-00079-00031908-00032268 and our original object name XrI7IWBmxOU-00080-00032268-00032472 which was opensky-stream.json. XrI7IWBmxOU-00081-00032922-00033066 Let's run this one more time. XrI7IWBmxOU-00082-00033144-00033294 Notice we copied. XrI7IWBmxOU-00083-00033294-00033486 We got to start on our original object. XrI7IWBmxOU-00084-00033486-00033810 We copied our object and the way we're going to check XrI7IWBmxOU-00085-00033810-00034476 and see if this is gone is we're going to go back out to our video console. XrI7IWBmxOU-00086-00034476-00034782 We're going to refresh our dev bucket and notice XrI7IWBmxOU-00087-00034782-00035232 we have our opensky zero through nine and our opensky upload. XrI7IWBmxOU-00088-00035232-00035418 But our opensky XrI7IWBmxOU-00089-00035550-00035658 source XrI7IWBmxOU-00090-00035760-00035856 is now here. XrI7IWBmxOU-00091-00035856-00036066 opensky-stream. XrI7IWBmxOU-00092-00036066-00036204 The original is now gone. XrI7IWBmxOU-00093-00036204-00036474 Of course, this means we're not going to be able to rerun this. XrI7IWBmxOU-00094-00036474-00036654 But I have given you XrI7IWBmxOU-00095-00036798-00037428 back in our terminal this restores-stream.py XrI7IWBmxOU-00096-00037428-00037782 and all that does is it goes out and pulls a new copy down for you XrI7IWBmxOU-00097-00037848-00038082 so you can recreate that opensky stream file. XrI7IWBmxOU-00098-00038082-00038394 If you want to rerun this a few more times. Just keep in mind XrI7IWBmxOU-00099-00038394-00038916 that there's still no concept of a move we had to copy and then delete. XrI7IWBmxOU-00100-00039030-00039426 What we're going to do next is we're going to delete an entire prefix, XrI7IWBmxOU-00101-00039528-00039756 so we're going to just copy our starter file again XrI7IWBmxOU-00102-00040152-00040428 to a new file called del-prefix.py XrI7IWBmxOU-00104-00040896-00040992 Let's clear this out. XrI7IWBmxOU-00105-00040992-00041436 Now recall that deleting a whole prefix is going to take a little extra work XrI7IWBmxOU-00106-00041436-00041886 because prefixes are only automatically deleted once they're empty. XrI7IWBmxOU-00107-00041886-00042150 So let's edit this del prefix XrI7IWBmxOU-00108-00042246-00042390 and we'll start adding some code. XrI7IWBmxOU-00109-00042684-00042960 The first thing we need to do is get a list of the objects XrI7IWBmxOU-00110-00042960-00043080 that we want to delete. XrI7IWBmxOU-00111-00043470-00043704 Our bucket name is dev, XrI7IWBmxOU-00112-00043872-00044142 our prefix is source XrI7IWBmxOU-00113-00044292-00044442 and we want to do a recursive=true. XrI7IWBmxOU-00114-00044868-00045027 Okay. We're going to have XrI7IWBmxOU-00115-00045027-00045330 make sure that we can see all of the objects we're about to delete. XrI7IWBmxOU-00116-00045330-00045696 So we're going to do a for object XrI7IWBmxOU-00117-00045696-00046038 in objects labf.rprint(obj) XrI7IWBmxOU-00120-00046386-00046650 Each of those objects will have a name and a modified date, XrI7IWBmxOU-00121-00046650-00046830 so we'll be able to see everything we want to see. XrI7IWBmxOU-00122-00046830-00047040 Let's just make sure this works. XrI7IWBmxOU-00123-00047040-00047136 We'll save and run it. XrI7IWBmxOU-00124-00047400-00047466 And there we go. XrI7IWBmxOU-00125-00047466-00047748 There's only one file under that source prefix, XrI7IWBmxOU-00126-00047748-00047922 and that's our opensky stream. XrI7IWBmxOU-00127-00048288-00048414 So we know that works. XrI7IWBmxOU-00128-00048468-00048738 So the next thing we're going to do is we're going to delete all of these XrI7IWBmxOU-00129-00049302-00049458 and we do this with a map. XrI7IWBmxOU-00130-00049458-00049668 I'm going to go ahead and do that lambda function. XrI7IWBmxOU-00131-00049824-00049980 There's other ways that you can do this, XrI7IWBmxOU-00132-00050064-00050382 but this is a really quick way to create a bunch of delete XrI7IWBmxOU-00133-00050382-00050442 objects. XrI7IWBmxOU-00134-00051240-00051540 And again, we're doing the list objects to get our list of objects. XrI7IWBmxOU-00135-00051990-00052128 Now we'll run the delete XrI7IWBmxOU-00136-00052967-00053298 and we'll do a labf.eprint XrI7IWBmxOU-00137-00053448-00053634 errors if there are any. XrI7IWBmxOU-00138-00053694-00054029 So we're creating a delete object list using a map. XrI7IWBmxOU-00139-00054120-00054390 Inside of that map, we're doing a lambda function. XrI7IWBmxOU-00140-00054390-00054594 You can also think of this as a here function, XrI7IWBmxOU-00141-00054594-00054924 something along those lines that you may have seen in a shell script. XrI7IWBmxOU-00142-00054924-00055055 But all we're really doing XrI7IWBmxOU-00143-00055055-00055338 is we're taking a list, which is what the lambda function does. XrI7IWBmxOU-00144-00055338-00055944 It takes a list of whatever and then runs a particular constructor. XrI7IWBmxOU-00145-00055944-00056105 In this case, our delete object. XrI7IWBmxOU-00146-00056105-00056322 It can be any other method that we want as well, XrI7IWBmxOU-00147-00056322-00056748 but we're really just getting a series of these delete objects using this XrI7IWBmxOU-00148-00056748-00056910 list object tool XrI7IWBmxOU-00149-00057017-00057276 like so that closes up the map. XrI7IWBmxOU-00150-00057276-00057534 That's what I missed one more time. XrI7IWBmxOU-00151-00057641-00057714 There we go. XrI7IWBmxOU-00152-00057714-00058044 So our source, opensky-stream.json, XrI7IWBmxOU-00153-00058110-00058367 that was our output from our list XrI7IWBmxOU-00154-00058446-00058541 object before XrI7IWBmxOU-00155-00058667-00058770 and then it ran the delete. XrI7IWBmxOU-00156-00058770-00058914 How do we make sure it deleted? XrI7IWBmxOU-00157-00058914-00059070 Let's go out to our console. XrI7IWBmxOU-00158-00059196-00059496 Let's refresh our dev bucket and notice XrI7IWBmxOU-00159-00059496-00059916 now there is no longer a source XrI7IWBmxOU-00160-00059916-00060186 prefix because it was empty. XrI7IWBmxOU-00161-00060252-00060408 There is an optional item in this. XrI7IWBmxOU-00162-00060408-00060767 Create some new code to move the streamed objects XrI7IWBmxOU-00163-00060840-00061098 that we created that is zero through nine XrI7IWBmxOU-00164-00061170-00061505 in a loop to a new prefix named raw. XrI7IWBmxOU-00165-00061505-00061908 And then we can delete the originals after we have copied them. XrI7IWBmxOU-00166-00061908-00062105 I'm going to go ahead and do that for you. XrI7IWBmxOU-00167-00062250-00062382 We're going to copy the XrI7IWBmxOU-00168-00062460-00062562 starter file XrI7IWBmxOU-00169-00062670-00062976 into a new file called XrI7IWBmxOU-00170-00063102-00063384 move-streams.py XrI7IWBmxOU-00171-00063479-00064098 Okay, so what we want to do XrI7IWBmxOU-00172-00064098-00064404 is move each XrI7IWBmxOU-00173-00064505-00064758 object and delete XrI7IWBmxOU-00174-00064890-00064991 and this is very simple. XrI7IWBmxOU-00175-00064991-00065226 We can just do this as a simple XrI7IWBmxOU-00176-00065358-00065520 loop that we want to do XrI7IWBmxOU-00177-00065682-00065862 while i XrI7IWBmxOU-00178-00065862-00066300 less than ten, what we're going to do first, XrI7IWBmxOU-00179-00066300-00066648 of course, is we're going to copy the object XrI7IWBmxOU-00180-00066996-00067194 with a client copy object XrI7IWBmxOU-00181-00067518-00067872 where we give it our new target bucket, XrI7IWBmxOU-00182-00067998-00068388 our new target name, which is going to be raw XrI7IWBmxOU-00183-00068508-00068682 opensky dash XrI7IWBmxOU-00184-00068682-00069096 +str(i) XrI7IWBmxOU-00185-00069240-00069450 +.json XrI7IWBmxOU-00186-00069570-00069954 and our source is going to be copysource XrI7IWBmxOU-00187-00069954-00070284 dev is the bucket again XrI7IWBmxOU-00188-00070398-00070482 and again. XrI7IWBmxOU-00189-00070482-00070758 opensky- XrI7IWBmxOU-00190-00070860-00071178 + str(i) XrI7IWBmxOU-00191-00071178-00071598 +.json XrI7IWBmxOU-00192-00071700-00072030 And so that's our source for each item. XrI7IWBmxOU-00193-00072234-00072618 Next, we're going to do a labf.rprint XrI7IWBmxOU-00194-00072756-00072806 result. XrI7IWBmxOU-00195-00072918-00072968 Okay. XrI7IWBmxOU-00196-00073176-00073458 And while we're here, we may as well just delete it. XrI7IWBmxOU-00197-00073548-00073776 The original that is client XrI7IWBmxOU-00198-00073842-00073974 remove object XrI7IWBmxOU-00199-00074274-00074544 from our original bucket, which is dev. XrI7IWBmxOU-00200-00074640-00074826 And now we want opensky XrI7IWBmxOU-00201-00075024-00075288 -+str XrI7IWBmxOU-00202-00075564-00075906 +.json XrI7IWBmxOU-00203-00076086-00076212 and that's going to delete XrI7IWBmxOU-00204-00076212-00076374 the original for us. XrI7IWBmxOU-00205-00076530-00076740 And that's functionally everything we need to do. XrI7IWBmxOU-00206-00076800-00076914 Very basic code. XrI7IWBmxOU-00207-00076968-00077226 You might want to include some additional code like maybe XrI7IWBmxOU-00208-00077226-00077568 a ensure that you have an object name in your result XrI7IWBmxOU-00209-00077568-00077706 before you delete the original. XrI7IWBmxOU-00210-00077706-00077976 But let's go ahead and run this code. XrI7IWBmxOU-00211-00078198-00078336 Now. Got a little error. XrI7IWBmxOU-00212-00078336-00078576 Those of you playing along at home already figured it out. XrI7IWBmxOU-00213-00078576-00079080 Remember, if you don't increment your i, your loop lasts forever. XrI7IWBmxOU-00214-00079080-00079404 Nobody wants that. i +=1 XrI7IWBmxOU-00215-00079404-00079884 I want to change this because I already moved my first one. So XrI7IWBmxOU-00216-00079974-00080184 now I've got to redo this. XrI7IWBmxOU-00217-00080184-00080262 There we go. XrI7IWBmxOU-00218-00080334-00080502 One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine. XrI7IWBmxOU-00219-00080502-00080574 Done. XrI7IWBmxOU-00220-00080574-00080880 If I go out to my console, I refresh. XrI7IWBmxOU-00221-00080934-00081330 Everything is now in the raw directory and that's everything. XrI7IWBmxOU-00222-00081444-00081494 Okay. XrI7IWBmxOU-00223-00081570-00081894 Aside from that little error that we saw, a little live XrI7IWBmxOU-00224-00081894-00082302 fix of our issue, that is everything you need to know to do a move. XrI7IWBmxOU-00225-00082368-00082620 So in this lab we copy, we remove some objects XrI7IWBmxOU-00226-00082620-00082920 from menu bucket using prefixes to separate out our data now. XrI7IWBmxOU-00227-00082920-00083184 And we also gathered some information about an object XrI7IWBmxOU-00228-00083184-00083406 and listed all of our objects in a prefix. XrI7IWBmxOU-00229-00083406-00083610 And that is our last lab. XrI7IWBmxOU-00230-00083610-00083994 I hope you enjoyed everything in this course and they will come back XrI7IWBmxOU-00231-00083994-00084114 and take the next one. Xs9wsrThYhg-00000-00000000-00000296 Canvas Cookies elearning, one bite at a time Xs9wsrThYhg-00001-00000850-00001202 Todd Conaway here from UW Bothell Learning Tech team Xs9wsrThYhg-00002-00001202-00001434 I am in a classroom and as you can see here Xs9wsrThYhg-00003-00001434-00001592 There is all kinds of stuff on the walls. Xs9wsrThYhg-00004-00001654-00001973 And there is all kinds of stuff in the classroom. Xs9wsrThYhg-00005-00001973-00002146 It is a classroom for teachers. Xs9wsrThYhg-00006-00002154-00002418 Future teachers and current teachers. Xs9wsrThYhg-00007-00002748-00002964 And they need all kinds of stuff. Xs9wsrThYhg-00008-00002964-00003196 But some classes aren't like that. Xs9wsrThYhg-00009-00003196-00003322 Some are very plain. Xs9wsrThYhg-00010-00003322-00003478 Aside from he computers in this room there is nothing on the walls. Xs9wsrThYhg-00011-00003514-00003778 This classroom has nothin on the walls. Xs9wsrThYhg-00012-00003829-00004214 It does have an overhead projector and some whiteboards. Xs9wsrThYhg-00013-00004460-00004772 But as you can see there is nothing on the walls. Xs9wsrThYhg-00014-00004772-00005132 That is ok. There is no right or wrong way to set up a classroom. Xs9wsrThYhg-00015-00005346-00005818 But teachers do like to have some control over how the classrooms look. Xs9wsrThYhg-00016-00005818-00006192 With the new Canvas updates, it gives you just a little more control. Xs9wsrThYhg-00017-00006192-00006304 Let's take a look. Xs9wsrThYhg-00018-00006384-00006840 Like that classroom, the default Canvas classroom is very sterile. Xs9wsrThYhg-00019-00006884-00007195 It is colorful and there is a lot of whitespace. Xs9wsrThYhg-00020-00007195-00007481 That is a good things as any graphic artist will tell you. Xs9wsrThYhg-00021-00007562-00008042 However, teachers sometimes want to customize the look if their class. Xs9wsrThYhg-00022-00008042-00008400 You can do that now by clicking on Settings in the course navigation. Xs9wsrThYhg-00023-00008760-00009088 Then, under Course Details, click Choose Image. Xs9wsrThYhg-00024-00009088-00009606 You'll see a new box where you can either upload your own image or select one from Flickr. Xs9wsrThYhg-00025-00010076-00010444 Type any word into the search field and select an image. Xs9wsrThYhg-00026-00010832-00011288 One you have selected on, make sure you click Update Course Details. Xs9wsrThYhg-00027-00011708-00012204 That allows you to customize the look of your course card in the dashboard. Xs9wsrThYhg-00028-00012616-00012792 That is our Canvas Cookie. Xv0QAToNbug-00000-00004566-00004920 Apollo: Oh my gosh I'm sorry! Let me pick those up for you sir. Xv0QAToNbug-00001-00005210-00005506 Sunburst: Hey, thank you sir, I really appreciate you. Xv0QAToNbug-00002-00005833-00006256 Sunburst: Wait, aren't you?... Aren't you the one that I met, during the first year of college!? Xv0QAToNbug-00003-00006280-00006584 Apollo: Uhm, No, Why?... What make you say that sir? Xv0QAToNbug-00004-00006616-00007080 Sunburst: Because I recognize your face before, and you might be Apollo Alex Dakota... Am I right? Xv0QAToNbug-00005-00007080-00007376 Apollo: Uhm... Yes I am sir, I am Apollo, you caught me! Xv0QAToNbug-00006-00007536-00007875 Sunburst: Apollo! I'd knew you remembered! I'd thought you wouldn't remember me. Xv0QAToNbug-00007-00007876-00008255 Apollo: Yeah! I know Sunburst, and I'm glad we met again. Xv0QAToNbug-00008-00008256-00008615 Sunburst: I know dude, I've also heard about your heroic skills, am i right? Xv0QAToNbug-00009-00008616-00008805 Apollo: You are indeed correct Sunburst. Xv0QAToNbug-00010-00008806-00008944 Jesse: Hey brother what's going on? Xv0QAToNbug-00011-00008944-00009118 Sunburst: Uhm... Who is that guy? Xv0QAToNbug-00012-00009120-00009548 Apollo: That's my brother Jesse, he was a human before, but now he's a Griffin now,-. Xv0QAToNbug-00013-00009550-00009736 Jesse: Let me explain this to this strange man. Xv0QAToNbug-00014-00009912-00010421 Narrator Jesse:So sir, let's just say, the guy named Hunter wanted to force us to do a drug offer,- Xv0QAToNbug-00015-00010424-00010928 me Asher Gabby and Chadwick refused he got all mad where to the point he- Xv0QAToNbug-00016-00010928-00011400 stomped on Gabby's tail i stopped him then he punched me Chadwick helped me- Xv0QAToNbug-00017-00011400-00011848 and then he pushed him which caused him tobite my neck Chadwick took me to the hospital- Xv0QAToNbug-00018-00011848-00012288 and noticed i'm starting to feel different and finally i turned who i am right now. Xv0QAToNbug-00019-00012595-00012798 Sunburst: Yikes... That was painful mister. Xv0QAToNbug-00020-00012800-00012869 Jesse: I know it was sir. Xv0QAToNbug-00021-00012871-00013405 Sunburst: Hey, if you don't know me sir, I'm Sunburst, one of Apollo old friend from college. Xv0QAToNbug-00022-00013406-00013796 Jesse: It's nice to meet you Sunburst, I'm Jesse, I'm Apollo younger brother. Xv0QAToNbug-00023-00013798-00014224 Sunburst: Well, it's nice to meet you Jesse, Say I was hoping to be in a group with you guys. Xv0QAToNbug-00024-00014523-00014824 Jamie: Ah, I see you had a newbie here, am I right? Xv0QAToNbug-00025-00014896-00015312 Well before i tell you let me introduce myself first Xv0QAToNbug-00026-00015312-00015738 my name is Jamie Alex Skylar it's nice to meet you Sunburst. Xv0QAToNbug-00027-00015740-00016152 Sunburst: It's nice to meet you too Skylar, and does it bother if I call you Skye or something? Xv0QAToNbug-00028-00016152-00016691 Jamie: No, not at all Sunburst, But anyways, I decided to let you be in my squad. Xv0QAToNbug-00029-00016693-00016776 Sunburst: For real!? Xv0QAToNbug-00030-00016776-00017418 Jamie: Yes, this is not a joke, or a scam, nor a troll either, This is 100% real. Xv0QAToNbug-00031-00017420-00017663 Sunburst: Awesome! Thank you so much Skye! Xv0QAToNbug-00032-00017663-00017736 Jamie: Anytime Xv0QAToNbug-00033-00017736-00017976 Apollo: And not only that you are in our group now, But I'll train- Xv0QAToNbug-00034-00017976-00018256 you for any upcoming mission or anything possible.- Xv0QAToNbug-00035-00018256-00018600 So Wake up for tomorrow, and meet me by my residence at 11:30 in- Xv0QAToNbug-00036-00018600-00018870 the morning, and I'll have Chelsea train you too. Xv0QAToNbug-00037-00019048-00019120 Narrator: The next day. Xv0QAToNbug-00038-00019456-00019944 Chelsea: So... Apollo, who is Sunburst? I'd never met him or her before? Xv0QAToNbug-00039-00019944-00020168 Apollo: He's one of my friend during my first year of college. Xv0QAToNbug-00040-00020400-00020536 Sunburst: I'm... Sorry that I was late... Xv0QAToNbug-00041-00020648-00020824 Sunburst: I had to get myself ready for this... Xv0QAToNbug-00042-00020824-00021120 Apollo: No need to worry Sunburst, you are here just in time. Xv0QAToNbug-00043-00021120-00021648 Chelsea: Uhm... Hold on, before we start, you might be Sunburst, am I correct? Xv0QAToNbug-00044-00021648-00022040 Sunburst: I am indeed miss, and you might be Jesse's new boyfriend am I right? Xv0QAToNbug-00045-00022041-00022584 Chelsea: Of course I am Sunburst, I am Jesse's new girlfriend, and my name is Chelsea by the way. Xv0QAToNbug-00046-00022584-00022965 Sunburst: Cool, it's nice to meet you Chelsea, and I'm glad you said my name missy. Xv0QAToNbug-00047-00022966-00023144 Chelsea: Hey, thank you Sunburst. Xv0QAToNbug-00048-00023144-00023568 Sunburst: Hey, no problem Chelsea, Okay, but anyways Apollo, let's get started. Xv0QAToNbug-00049-00023760-00023956 Narrator: A few training later. Xv0QAToNbug-00050-00024160-00024783 Apollo: Well Sunburst, according to the statistics on my phone, it said your accuracy is about 95.45 percent,- Xv0QAToNbug-00051-00024786-00024996 so you have been trained so good Xv0QAToNbug-00052-00024998-00025331 Sunburst: Hey! Thanks Apollo, I'm glad you know that I've been trained,- Xv0QAToNbug-00053-00025331-00025698 now I hope some upcoming mission or anything possible will come soon. Xv0QAToNbug-00054-00025700-00026016 Chelsea: Hey, you know what they say? You'll never know. XxaSEO-aXWo-00000-00000000-00001500 [Music] XxaSEO-aXWo-00001-00001500-00001900 This Grip on Trip Travel Skardu tour is arranged by me XxaSEO-aXWo-00002-00001900-00002200 For a UK-based family last year XxaSEO-aXWo-00003-00002200-00002500 Let's see the highlights of this 4-day tour XxaSEO-aXWo-00004-00004200-00004600 Assalam-o-Alaikum, Today Grip on Trip's Travel reached Skardu XxaSEO-aXWo-00005-00004600-00004900 Muhammad Imran family joined us from the UK XxaSEO-aXWo-00006-00004900-00005200 This is a 4-day tour, and they came by air from Islamabad XxaSEO-aXWo-00007-00005200-00005500 We picked them up from Airport XxaSEO-aXWo-00008-00005500-00005800 In the morning at 11o clock, we dropped them off, this is their hotel XxaSEO-aXWo-00009-00005800-00006000 I will show you the room and hotel XxaSEO-aXWo-00010-00006000-00006300 Their stay is of 4 days, let's see which places we visit XxaSEO-aXWo-00011-00006300-00006600 I gave them an hour to refresh XxaSEO-aXWo-00012-00006600-00006900 Now, we are leaving for Manthokha Waterfall XxaSEO-aXWo-00013-00006900-00007200 There is a landslide at Khumash Waterfall, and the road has deteriorated XxaSEO-aXWo-00014-00007200-00007500 Construction work is in progress, So, Khumash is not in our plan XxaSEO-aXWo-00015-00007500-00007800 today we will visit till Manthokha Waterfall XxaSEO-aXWo-00016-00007800-00008150 and these people are travelling all the way from Islamabad XxaSEO-aXWo-00017-00008150-00008400 They must be tired, so I designed the tour in a way XxaSEO-aXWo-00018-00008400-00008700 We will just do a 1 or 1.5-hour trip, in one way XxaSEO-aXWo-00019-00008700-00009000 I will share the 4-day journey with you XxaSEO-aXWo-00020-00009000-00009400 They are 4 people, Mr and Mrs Imran, their son and daughter XxaSEO-aXWo-00021-00009400-00009700 They are Grip on Trip's subscribers and good friends of mine XxaSEO-aXWo-00022-00009700-00010000 So stay with me, these 4 days are going to be fun-filled XxaSEO-aXWo-00023-00010000-00013000 [Music] XxaSEO-aXWo-00024-00013000-00013400 As soon as our journey started and we crossed Humayun bridge XxaSEO-aXWo-00025-00013400-00013700 The tyre got punctured, Brother Shakir has a good record XxaSEO-aXWo-00026-00013700-00014100 The car always gets punctured by him, at Khumash Waterfall and also here XxaSEO-aXWo-00027-00014100-00014300 So, he is repairing it quickly XxaSEO-aXWo-00028-00014300-00014600 Today we have kept only Manthokha Lake in our plan XxaSEO-aXWo-00029-00014600-00014900 So we have ample time XxaSEO-aXWo-00031-00024000-00024200 On day 2, we are going XxaSEO-aXWo-00032-00024200-00024600 Soq Nala, Shangrila Resort and Kachura Lake XxaSEO-aXWo-00033-00024600-00025000 The distance between these places from the city is about forty minutes XxaSEO-aXWo-00034-00026500-00026800 We met a family from the US at Soq Valley XxaSEO-aXWo-00035-00026800-00027200 These people came here after seeing Grip on trip vlogs XxaSEO-aXWo-00036-00028000-00028400 There is a beautiful bridge on the way back from Soq Valley XxaSEO-aXWo-00037-00028400-00028700 You must take a stop here for a photograph XxaSEO-aXWo-00038-00030600-00031000 After a short stay at Soq Nala, we left for Kachura Lake XxaSEO-aXWo-00039-00036900-00037300 The last point of our today's travelling is Shangrila resort XxaSEO-aXWo-00040-00037300-00037600 We just entered here, there are 2 hours in Maghrib prayers XxaSEO-aXWo-00041-00037600-00038000 We will eat here and roam around the valley till the Maghrib prayer XxaSEO-aXWo-00042-00038400-00040800 [Music] XxaSEO-aXWo-00043-00040800-00041300 This is day 3 of our tour, in day 1 we went to Manthokha XxaSEO-aXWo-00044-00041300-00041700 And in day 2, we went to Soq Valley, Kachura Lake and Shangrila Resort XxaSEO-aXWo-00045-00041700-00042100 Yesterday went very well, Mr Imran and his family were very happy XxaSEO-aXWo-00046-00042100-00042450 They really liked the food at Shangrila XxaSEO-aXWo-00047-00042450-00042800 As they are staying in Hussainabad, Masroorrock is very famous there XxaSEO-aXWo-00048-00042800-00043100 From where the whole city of Skardu is visible XxaSEO-aXWo-00049-00043100-00043400 I told them, this is a 2-2.5 hour track XxaSEO-aXWo-00050-00043400-00043600 This is a very good view from there XxaSEO-aXWo-00051-00043600-00043900 Mr Imran was quite interested. So, he asked me XxaSEO-aXWo-00052-00043900-00044100 What time do we have to go to Shigar tomorrow? XxaSEO-aXWo-00053-00044100-00044400 I said, we have to leave by 1 or 1:30 PM XxaSEO-aXWo-00054-00044400-00044700 He said, ok then I will go there at 8 in morning XxaSEO-aXWo-00055-00044700-00045000 Because it was not included in the itinerary I gave him XxaSEO-aXWo-00056-00045000-00045300 I gave him a guide and a car in the morning, so he went to Masroorock XxaSEO-aXWo-00057-00045300-00045600 now it is 1:30, and his phone is not connecting, it means XxaSEO-aXWo-00058-00045600-00045900 He did not return to the hotel yet, I am going to his hotel XxaSEO-aXWo-00059-00045900-00046200 Today we will visit Shigar and if get the time then cover Hashupi bagh XxaSEO-aXWo-00060-00046200-00046500 otherwise, will visit Shigar Serena palace and Blind Lake XxaSEO-aXWo-00061-00046500-00046800 and in evening will visit Sarfaranga Cold Desert XxaSEO-aXWo-00062-00046800-00047100 we will drive the jeep on sand dunes XxaSEO-aXWo-00063-00047100-00047400 And if there is Paragliding and Motorcycling, will do that too XxaSEO-aXWo-00064-00047400-00047600 Stay with us XxaSEO-aXWo-00065-00047600-00047900 We are going to Shigar Fort in one jeep XxaSEO-aXWo-00066-00047900-00048100 That is about 1 hour journey XxaSEO-aXWo-00067-00048100-00048400 If you are fond of photography and XxaSEO-aXWo-00068-00048400-00048700 historical places then must visit Shigar fort XxaSEO-aXWo-00069-00049600-00049900 Now we have reached Blind Lake, today in the morning XxaSEO-aXWo-00070-00049900-00050300 Mr Imran went to Masroorock, and he returned late XxaSEO-aXWo-00071-00050300-00050800 We planned three activities for today, as I told you earlier XxaSEO-aXWo-00072-00050800-00051200 Until now we have covered Shigar Fort XxaSEO-aXWo-00073-00051200-00051500 And now we are at Blind Lake, and its 6:00 o clock now XxaSEO-aXWo-00074-00051500-00051900 we will reach Sarfaranga in half an hour XxaSEO-aXWo-00075-00051900-00052200 And then Maghrib prayers will begin XxaSEO-aXWo-00076-00052200-00052688 Let's see, we will cover this today or keep it for tomorrow XxaSEO-aXWo-00077-00052688-00053088 The Blind Lake is very beautiful and quiet, there is no one here XxaSEO-aXWo-00078-00053088-00053588 This is called Blind Lake, as there is no in or out of this Lake XxaSEO-aXWo-00079-00053588-00053888 Meaning water neither comes here nor leaves here XxaSEO-aXWo-00080-00053888-00054088 But the water remains fresh XxaSEO-aXWo-00081-00054688-00054988 Hello dude, what are you all doing XxaSEO-aXWo-00082-00056688-00056988 We did a fast entry at Blind Lake XxaSEO-aXWo-00083-00056988-00057388 As we have one hour time, in 25 to 30 minutes to reach Sarfranga XxaSEO-aXWo-00084-00057388-00057888 Then we have half an hour to drive and explore the Sarfranga Desert XxaSEO-aXWo-00085-00057888-00058188 So, let go, the journey till there is mostly off-road XxaSEO-aXWo-00086-00058188-00058588 Earlier we reach there in 12-15 minutes but now it will take 20-25 minutes XxaSEO-aXWo-00087-00058888-00059188 Now we are at Sarfranga Desert XxaSEO-aXWo-00088-00059188-00059388 And these people take a lot of care about timing XxaSEO-aXWo-00089-00059388-00059688 I thought these people would not be able to do it XxaSEO-aXWo-00090-00059688-00060088 But right now we have 40 minutes to Maghrib call to prayer XxaSEO-aXWo-00091-00060088-00060488 And we have taken the tokens, Khizer went on Bike to take a round XxaSEO-aXWo-00092-00060488-00060688 Charges are 1000 rupees for 10-12 minutes XxaSEO-aXWo-00093-00060688-00061088 And motor glide charges are 7000 rupees XxaSEO-aXWo-00094-00061088-00061588 A single person can sit and takes 8-9 minutes from take-off to landing XxaSEO-aXWo-00095-00067888-00068388 I was following the Grip on Trip channel for quite a long time XxaSEO-aXWo-00096-00068388-00068688 on Youtube obviously XxaSEO-aXWo-00097-00068688-00069088 I use to watch your vlogs XxaSEO-aXWo-00098-00069088-00069488 They are very informative XxaSEO-aXWo-00099-00069488-00069888 And then I contacted you XxaSEO-aXWo-00100-00069888-00070188 On Instagram XxaSEO-aXWo-00101-00070188-00070588 Then I have taken the complete information from you XxaSEO-aXWo-00102-00070588-00070988 that is very open and honest information XxaSEO-aXWo-00103-00070988-00071388 You have guided me very well in every aspect XxaSEO-aXWo-00104-00071388-00071788 In a friendly way, you told me about the locations to cover XxaSEO-aXWo-00105-00071788-00072188 And I know and trust that you have information about these areas XxaSEO-aXWo-00106-00072188-00072988 To do it all by ourselves is quite difficult XxaSEO-aXWo-00107-00072988-00073688 For this reason, my decision was to take all the guidance from you XxaSEO-aXWo-00108-00073688-00074488 To choose which hotel, must-visit places and where to do trekking XxaSEO-aXWo-00109-00074488-00074888 And which sites to visit, that is family oriented XxaSEO-aXWo-00110-00074888-00075188 In this sense, we were very relieved XxaSEO-aXWo-00111-00075188-00075488 As you said and as we planned XxaSEO-aXWo-00112-00075488-00075888 As we were in touch for many days, doing messages to each other XxaSEO-aXWo-00113-00075888-00076288 Everything went exactly as it should XxaSEO-aXWo-00114-00076288-00077088 Every place we visited was according to our original plan XxaSEO-aXWo-00115-00077088-00077288 This is so great XxaSEO-aXWo-00116-00077288-00077588 So, you are happy and going to recommend XxaSEO-aXWo-00117-00077588-00077988 Definitely, I will recommend XxaSEO-aXWo-00118-00077988-00078388 The main thing is the location XxaSEO-aXWo-00119-00078388-00078688 Especially the families coming from abroad, and don't know about XxaSEO-aXWo-00120-00078688-00079088 these areas, the important thing for them is communication XxaSEO-aXWo-00121-00079088-00079588 Communication and Honesty are the two main things XxaSEO-aXWo-00122-00079588-00080088 You have given me great information in all aspects XxaSEO-aXWo-00123-00080088-00080588 You made me very satisfied even before I came here XxaSEO-aXWo-00124-00080588-00081088 I have confidence that I am going with a right person XxaSEO-aXWo-00125-00081088-00081488 So, I will surely recommend you and Grip on Trip XxaSEO-aXWo-00126-00081488-00081788 How was your experience of this tour XxaSEO-aXWo-00127-00081788-00082088 Our experience is very nice XxaSEO-aXWo-00128-00082088-00082588 The places we visited were extremely beautiful XxaSEO-aXWo-00129-00082588-00083088 You guided us very well XxaSEO-aXWo-00130-00083088-00083388 In terms of the places we went XxaSEO-aXWo-00131-00083388-00083638 The Shigar Fort and Shangrila and Blind Lake XxaSEO-aXWo-00132-00083638-00083988 are very nice places XyDP0RLJKWI-00000-00000877-00002060 hi everyone Gib season 2 episode 2 click forth so XyDP0RLJKWI-00001-00002060-00002684 chip trying to find an American 25 to 35 years old as a driver assistant Louis XyDP0RLJKWI-00002-00002684-00003329 salary don't know what for the trial hasn't explained it properly the elders XyDP0RLJKWI-00003-00003329-00003815 and the Tiber do they're all coming over to Thailand chief still hasn't found his XyDP0RLJKWI-00004-00003815-00004478 American score how hard is it hmm tribe arrived of XyDP0RLJKWI-00005-00004478-00004878 course they will come straight to her condo two bedroom pile in is about each XyDP0RLJKWI-00006-00004878-00005655 of them and it's great to see them all but course Steve's got a thousand XyDP0RLJKWI-00007-00005655-00006174 questions she's awesome XyDP0RLJKWI-00008-00006174-00006543 she wants to know but she can't maybe she can't talk in front of the younger XyDP0RLJKWI-00009-00006543-00007095 tribe about this because he wasn't told about it until she passed them certain XyDP0RLJKWI-00010-00007095-00007898 apprenticeship she waits skills are going after selling the bodies finds XyDP0RLJKWI-00011-00007898-00008457 herself alone with the elders and they got to a nice restaurant chip starts XyDP0RLJKWI-00012-00008457-00009645 quizzing and the elders own will going to introduce you to a tight family who XyDP0RLJKWI-00013-00009645-00010713 are very very very rich we do work for them will they say we're in the supply XyDP0RLJKWI-00014-00010713-00011844 industry to them we're going to introduce you on this trip just okay the XyDP0RLJKWI-00015-00011844-00012876 elders say all will become apparent take your time relax the times like the Star XyDP0RLJKWI-00016-00012876-00013801 Wars and Yoder and the teaching teaching Luke Skywalker slow down XyDP0RLJKWI-00017-00013982-00014454 couple days pass they've done all that party and the all the younger tribe is XyDP0RLJKWI-00018-00014454-00015168 still off so in the body's buying gold the two elders a bit cheesed off the G XyDP0RLJKWI-00019-00015168-00016145 has obtained an American on a driver and has been bought car yet anyway they take XyDP0RLJKWI-00020-00016145-00016484 Jib to XyDP0RLJKWI-00021-00016509-00017416 Patpong and they go in through the market through all the bars down a XyDP0RLJKWI-00022-00017416-00018130 little side street and there's a go-go bar keeps things what are we doing here XyDP0RLJKWI-00023-00018130-00018694 and we go in the front door of the go-go bar past all the foreigners and the XyDP0RLJKWI-00024-00018694-00019195 girls dancing down to the back through the curtain and there's a little room XyDP0RLJKWI-00025-00019195-00019720 there where the girls are getting change force dancing on stage and then to the XyDP0RLJKWI-00026-00019720-00020563 side is a door it's like a secret door up some stairs and it come through to XyDP0RLJKWI-00027-00020563-00021052 the top of the stairs another door and they open this door and there is a huge XyDP0RLJKWI-00028-00021052-00021891 room with pillars in the room but all open plan beautiful seats and SETI's and XyDP0RLJKWI-00029-00021891-00022630 but at the end is a very large desk with a big picture behind it's like the Mafia XyDP0RLJKWI-00030-00022630-00023299 movies and there's a old Thai guys out there well 50 years old behind a big XyDP0RLJKWI-00031-00023299-00024073 desk until the side is a smaller desk with the Thai lady similar age but a XyDP0RLJKWI-00032-00024073-00024661 desk is smaller than the guys it's got that Godfather feel darkest room big XyDP0RLJKWI-00033-00024661-00025332 pictures all the way around the room leather set easin Oh what is all this XyDP0RLJKWI-00034-00025332-00026113 and the elders go in and old guy on a lady the lady's called the neck the old XyDP0RLJKWI-00035-00026113-00026650 lady the guy I have no idea but it all made his leg she seems to be the boss XyDP0RLJKWI-00036-00026650-00027138 wears the trousers even though he's got the biggest ass XyDP0RLJKWI-00037-00027138-00028116 they'll hug and say hi and then the elders introduce jib to the man and leg XyDP0RLJKWI-00038-00028116-00028819 and they've already spoken to like many times about Jeep obviously because Blake XyDP0RLJKWI-00039-00028819-00029377 knows all about jib and the fact that the elders have brought her means that XyDP0RLJKWI-00040-00029377-00030013 let contrast sir everything's fine no need for to be on ceremony where they'll XyDP0RLJKWI-00041-00030013-00030412 move over to the side and sit down on this set Ian it's a coffee table and XyDP0RLJKWI-00042-00030412-00031225 another set 'if facing and they the deck has a little bell or something that XyDP0RLJKWI-00043-00031225-00031885 she's ringing and in comes somebody from those days bring your tricks just like a XyDP0RLJKWI-00044-00031885-00032800 double-oh-seven film secret room above the go-go bar yeah and they have a few XyDP0RLJKWI-00045-00032800-00033325 drinks and they just make small talk basically deck is just she's just eyeing XyDP0RLJKWI-00046-00033325-00033856 up GM looking up and down kids clothing isn't quite right he hasn't gone that XyDP0RLJKWI-00047-00033856-00034504 market she's sort of middle market their clothing and she points out to the XyDP0RLJKWI-00048-00034504-00035422 elders that she bought to have some better attire and better jewelry XyDP0RLJKWI-00049-00035422-00036466 for the role that she will be involved with role okay we have cut the drinks XyDP0RLJKWI-00050-00036466-00037255 and then that says for the elders and jib we'll see you at the weekend at our XyDP0RLJKWI-00051-00037255-00038190 house for a party sounds good chibs like okay what are we doing here is this it XyDP0RLJKWI-00052-00038190-00038836 elders and jib say goodbye off through the door Dame is dead through the go-go XyDP0RLJKWI-00053-00038836-00039565 bar into the middle of Patpong don't know exactly where that bar and secret XyDP0RLJKWI-00054-00039565-00040513 door is but it's in the middle of pop-pop shoulders and jib head off back XyDP0RLJKWI-00055-00040513-00041269 to the condo and this is like Thursday and the elders say to jib tomorrow we'll XyDP0RLJKWI-00056-00041269-00041817 go out we need to change your image directors point today you need to now XyDP0RLJKWI-00057-00041817-00042678 move up a class in Thai stature in the culture you need to be seen as wealthy XyDP0RLJKWI-00058-00042678-00043423 with the right image because you are going to be our spokeswoman our contact XyDP0RLJKWI-00059-00043423-00044226 our liaison officer you're going to be handling art I arm of our business I XyDP0RLJKWI-00060-00044226-00045085 have the elders in UK and they're working a little cafe stroke wholesale XyDP0RLJKWI-00061-00045085-00045484 shop when they could be living it up in Thailand XyDP0RLJKWI-00062-00045484-00046500 to make sense what why would that I don't know puzzles me puzzles me that XyDP0RLJKWI-00063-00046575-00047470 next day the elders Siam Square and other nice shops in Bangkok and kids XyDP0RLJKWI-00064-00047470-00048133 spends a fortune on lots of clothes it takes all day and all evening Thai women XyDP0RLJKWI-00065-00048133-00048796 and buying clothes all day and they're eating of course every hour maybe a XyDP0RLJKWI-00066-00048796-00049645 drink in between but Cuba's got a lot of clothes that day back to the condo all XyDP0RLJKWI-00067-00049645-00050347 the younger girls are all still off selling their body gained gold as they XyDP0RLJKWI-00068-00050347-00051367 do Saturday morning comes I can't youngsters roll off their instructor XyDP0RLJKWI-00069-00051367-00051997 just go and do what they want and they're not really staying it jibs XyDP0RLJKWI-00070-00051997-00052713 condo because they're out with customers and laying around and just partying XyDP0RLJKWI-00071-00052713-00053479 Saturday morning late morning at 11 o'clock kid gets a phone call from XyDP0RLJKWI-00072-00053479-00054260 security downstairs sale as a car there for her and as expected the elders knew XyDP0RLJKWI-00073-00054260-00055223 a car would come and they're all dressed up it's quite a hot day downstairs nice XyDP0RLJKWI-00074-00055223-00056041 Mercedes s-class to olders get in the back kid gets pushed into the front XyDP0RLJKWI-00075-00056052-00056429 and it's a chauffeur-driven it's not a taxi XyDP0RLJKWI-00076-00056429-00057866 it's a chauffeur-driven Mercedes of course black off-again 25 miles outside XyDP0RLJKWI-00077-00057866-00058692 of Bangkok over sort of towards potater but then further across toward cambogia XyDP0RLJKWI-00078-00058692-00059507 don't know the location don't know the time is near no idea it's just over XyDP0RLJKWI-00079-00059507-00060386 there quite a quiet area not many houses the same side of a village on the main XyDP0RLJKWI-00080-00060386-00061330 road the determing driveway Elaine all tarmac some nice car turns in goes down XyDP0RLJKWI-00081-00061330-00062291 this road Lam neither side just green London rice fields and it's nothing is XyDP0RLJKWI-00082-00062291-00062980 not far mine is just land no houses like down this path maybe this road from XyDP0RLJKWI-00083-00062980-00063604 maybe a kilometer and as they get down suddenly lots of XyDP0RLJKWI-00084-00063604-00064563 very tall beautiful thing al and I type trees in water trees two huge pillars XyDP0RLJKWI-00085-00064563-00065301 with electric gates car comes closer there's a guy outside just like in a XyDP0RLJKWI-00086-00065301-00065856 little shed there's a guy security stops the car that cameras it's just like a XyDP0RLJKWI-00087-00065856-00066760 movie stars front of the eyes gate opens down the road trees but the XyDP0RLJKWI-00088-00066760-00067350 high net just it's not green there though it's all like sand how you like XyDP0RLJKWI-00089-00067350-00068007 dusty some as far as the eye can see further ahead just trees going down it XyDP0RLJKWI-00090-00068007-00068623 gets tits like Monaco be the fountain roundabout with the the travellish drive XyDP0RLJKWI-00091-00068623-00069298 circle and the house not that big of the front but my big XyDP0RLJKWI-00092-00069298-00069913 I pull rank and the Frances is like a cock pillars XyDP0RLJKWI-00093-00069913-00070556 it is it has been plucked out of bamboo XyDP0RLJKWI-00094-00070556-00071308 like an American medium Manship jumped in the middle of silent carpools around XyDP0RLJKWI-00095-00071308-00071747 to the front they will gaze through the front doors XyDP0RLJKWI-00096-00071747-00072347 and its grand inside big opening staircase other side going upstairs room XyDP0RLJKWI-00097-00072347-00073044 it wouldn't be at a place in the UK or in a movie in a merit you get a huge XyDP0RLJKWI-00098-00073044-00073650 there's people mulling around that sort of little jackets they're gifts for this XyDP0RLJKWI-00099-00073650-00074372 servant and the walk through that beckoned into a bigger drawing-room XyDP0RLJKWI-00100-00074372-00075232 language of the back it's 3040 people in that very smartly dressed 95% of the XyDP0RLJKWI-00101-00075232-00075998 people in there are Thai there's the odd farang but rich fairy with a Thai wife XyDP0RLJKWI-00102-00075998-00076823 just a few and everyone's got lovely champagne glasses or wine glasses all XyDP0RLJKWI-00103-00076823-00077539 dress well this is all new to Jeb you know come on she started in a beer bar XyDP0RLJKWI-00104-00077539-00078241 in Chiang Mai and now she's in this palatial mansion XyDP0RLJKWI-00105-00078241-00078775 food everywhere servers waiters coming rang offering food and drink for XyDP0RLJKWI-00106-00078775-00079448 everyone they make their way through this crowd and elders spot lek and jib XyDP0RLJKWI-00107-00079448-00080092 squats leg leg leg comes over the Thai lady Hills says hello and everything XyDP0RLJKWI-00108-00080092-00080741 else and to enjoy themselves enjoy the food enjoy the drink how chat later and XyDP0RLJKWI-00109-00080741-00081485 I go out the big conservatory doors and it's one section of grass perfectly XyDP0RLJKWI-00110-00081485-00082274 manicured grass with a swimming pool in the middle and there's my 20 girls Thai XyDP0RLJKWI-00111-00082274-00082930 girls scantily dressed I think just playing around the pool siding in the XyDP0RLJKWI-00112-00082930-00083425 pool just for the pleasure to look at maybe I don't know XyDP0RLJKWI-00113-00083425-00083999 so the one side is this strange structure from this side it's like a XyDP0RLJKWI-00114-00083999-00084712 boat an old wooden boat stuck into the ground but as you walk around it it's a XyDP0RLJKWI-00115-00084712-00085530 Jacuzzi splash pool with a little bit of a drinking bar at the end or lovely XyDP0RLJKWI-00116-00085530-00086360 carved and built into this bog structure oh so much money satya anyway XyDP0RLJKWI-00117-00086360-00087019 Jib the elders because around people talk and Jeb keeps saying to the elder XyDP0RLJKWI-00118-00087019-00087617 what what's happening what is all this I still don't understand you've introduced XyDP0RLJKWI-00119-00087617-00087907 me to this lick you've brought me to what looks like a XyDP0RLJKWI-00120-00087907-00088850 house what is happening and the elders that sit down at table we're going to XyDP0RLJKWI-00121-00088850-00089435 tell you a little bit more we've been working with wreck for four or five XyDP0RLJKWI-00122-00089435-00090349 years that has apartments businesses with their husband all over Asia XyDP0RLJKWI-00123-00090349-00091150 we supply foreigners XyDP0RLJKWI-00124-00091276-00092276 - that's 15 minutes again we leave it there I'll seal my next one you can't XyDP0RLJKWI-00125-00092276-00092537 leave it there XyT1sm8wCJQ-00000-00000048-00000688 i was able to make this part 100 covered with water. you might not believe it XyT1sm8wCJQ-00001-00000688-00001080 but it's actually real. there's no tiny gaps or stuff like that, XyT1sm8wCJQ-00002-00001208-00001807 except for this one right here, but it's not even 0.1 of the area, so it's nice. it's 100 covered. XyT1sm8wCJQ-00003-00001920-00002824 that means no surface is left without water. and it means you're right 100. XAhWV8gIBvg-00000-00000374-00000980 Okay, so I wanted to make a new game after "Fun" Gunn Run, yes? XAhWV8gIBvg-00001-00000980-00001201 And so I had a few ideas, and I didn't like them. XAhWV8gIBvg-00002-00001201-00001830 I might as well show you my failed ideas and see if you guys want to steal them or not. XAhWV8gIBvg-00003-00001830-00002161 I don't really know where to go but let's just play this one. XAhWV8gIBvg-00004-00002161-00003026 So, it's called FLEX10 Protect, and the idea of this game was that it's trying to— I XAhWV8gIBvg-00005-00003026-00003560 was trying to turn some event on Schoology into a game. XAhWV8gIBvg-00006-00003560-00004411 So, I changed everything, so this is Leuf Munkler, and he's the school superintendent XAhWV8gIBvg-00007-00004411-00004944 or something, and he posts posts, and then— So, his posts will fly by, but there's this XAhWV8gIBvg-00008-00004944-00005700 guy, the Great Grand Translator of Arabic, who's spamming posts in Arabic, and your goal XAhWV8gIBvg-00009-00005700-00006216 is to stop his posts from getting to the other side where students will see the post, and XAhWV8gIBvg-00010-00006216-00007189 then they'll report this Schoology thing to the teachers and they'll stop us. And so— XAhWV8gIBvg-00011-00007189-00007331 Let's see. XAhWV8gIBvg-00012-00007331-00008140 This was like a place where we were able to talk freely, but of course, if you can talk XAhWV8gIBvg-00013-00008140-00008476 freely, anyone can talk freely, including this Arabic person. XAhWV8gIBvg-00014-00008476-00008532 Let's reload. XAhWV8gIBvg-00015-00008768-00009360 And so this guy just kept posting stuff in there along with other people—these people XAhWV8gIBvg-00016-00009360-00010179 here—and eventually I guess someone reported it to the staff, and they shut it down. XAhWV8gIBvg-00017-00010179-00010302 Oh well. XAhWV8gIBvg-00018-00010302-00010870 And so your goal here in the game is to prevent that from happening by stopping the Grand XAhWV8gIBvg-00019-00010870-00010984 Translator of Arabic. XAhWV8gIBvg-00020-00010984-00011392 And he has two friends here; I call them Paffy and Poofy. XAhWV8gIBvg-00021-00011392-00012015 And they spam diacritics at you, which will lag everyone else and things. XAhWV8gIBvg-00022-00012015-00012371 I didn't really get that far with this game though. XAhWV8gIBvg-00023-00012371-00012824 I didn't really like it because there's a problem where if you're inside a card, you XAhWV8gIBvg-00024-00012824-00013066 can't shoot because you're shooting at the card. XAhWV8gIBvg-00025-00013066-00013458 And so there's like part of— You only can be at the sides here, which is kind of annoying. XAhWV8gIBvg-00026-00013458-00014203 And I also wanted this thing to work on multiple screen sizes, but of course, if you have— XAhWV8gIBvg-00027-00014203-00014643 It kind of gives the smaller screen sizes an advantage because you don't have to guard XAhWV8gIBvg-00028-00014643-00015304 as much of the space as much as gaming computers, for example, or gaming monitors—I don't know. XAhWV8gIBvg-00029-00015582-00015994 Here, this is the Intuitive Gunn Website. XAhWV8gIBvg-00030-00016086-00016750 So I just recreated the Gunn website partially. XAhWV8gIBvg-00031-00016750-00017061 I spent a long time on this. XAhWV8gIBvg-00032-00017061-00017754 And so, the idea with this game is that this—I didn't implement this yet, but your goal is XAhWV8gIBvg-00033-00017754-00018586 to look around the Gunn website and look for clues, and then your goal is to log in to XAhWV8gIBvg-00034-00018586-00019432 the admin—an admin account by looking at photos—this isn't one of them, but— You would see hints XAhWV8gIBvg-00035-00019433-00020006 of passwords, like some teacher writes their password on a post-it note in some image, XAhWV8gIBvg-00036-00020006-00020278 and you have to use that to log in. XAhWV8gIBvg-00037-00020278-00020957 And with that you can— The game progresses until at the end, when you're in like some XAhWV8gIBvg-00038-00020957-00021673 admin's account, you can shut down SELF, and the game is over, but ehh, this game idea XAhWV8gIBvg-00039-00021673-00022320 wasn't developed that well, so I stopped making this game. XAhWV8gIBvg-00040-00022320-00022776 I don't remember what plat— Oh, plat isn't anything. XAhWV8gIBvg-00041-00022776-00023010 Quantum Honkibilia, okay. XAhWV8gIBvg-00042-00023010-00023832 I kind of need to open Quantum Honkibilia's XAhWV8gIBvg-00043-00024232-00024312 directory. XAhWV8gIBvg-00044-00024322-00025409 Okay, let's see. So, we have—let me keep this tab open— It's supposed to be just a simple platformer XAhWV8gIBvg-00045-00025409-00025789 game, not at all Gunn related. XAhWV8gIBvg-00046-00025789-00026227 So I made a platformer script, and I gave them all funky names. XAhWV8gIBvg-00047-00026227-00026377 Oh, you can play this though. XAhWV8gIBvg-00048-00026377-00026874 This one, I think I developed this a bit more so here's a simple level you can play. XAhWV8gIBvg-00049-00026874-00027189 It's a bit hard, oh well. XAhWV8gIBvg-00050-00027189-00027352 I won't play this that much. XAhWV8gIBvg-00051-00027352-00027592 I guess I can link it in the description. XAhWV8gIBvg-00052-00027592-00027674 Oh, this one— XAhWV8gIBvg-00053-00027826-00028477 It's like where your goal is to get as many achievements as you can. XAhWV8gIBvg-00054-00028883-00028933 Yeah. XAhWV8gIBvg-00055-00028988-00029514 And so there's a bunch of achievements you can constantly get. XAhWV8gIBvg-00056-00029514-00030558 So, it's based on another game—there we go—called Goime 500. XAhWV8gIBvg-00057-00030558-00031064 I want to make a game like that with this platformer script but I never got around to it. XAhWV8gIBvg-00058-00031144-00031845 And then this one— Oh, this one's just a simple rendering engine I think? XAhWV8gIBvg-00059-00031845-00031954 Okay. XAhWV8gIBvg-00060-00032027-00032170 Let's see. XAhWV8gIBvg-00061-00032170-00032280 Oh. XAhWV8gIBvg-00062-00032280-00033186 So I'm right now working on this game called Toastia, and so I'm not going to reveal too XAhWV8gIBvg-00063-00033186-00033734 much but so far I have an editor so I can make a map. XAhWV8gIBvg-00064-00033734-00033916 So I only have like two blocks. XAhWV8gIBvg-00065-00033916-00033966 Let's see. XAhWV8gIBvg-00066-00033966-00034520 currentTile = 'heckstone' Yeah. XAhWV8gIBvg-00067-00034520-00034702 *intense exhale* That's it. XAhWV8gIBvg-00068-00034702-00034972 I think this one's called steven-stone. XAhWV8gIBvg-00069-00034972-00035140 That's the ID. XAhWV8gIBvg-00070-00035140-00035324 Oh no, there's a bug. XAhWV8gIBvg-00071-00035324-00035484 Oh, steven-rock. XAhWV8gIBvg-00072-00035484-00035650 There we go. XAhWV8gIBvg-00073-00035650-00035769 Yeah. XAhWV8gIBvg-00074-00035770-00036236 I won't talk about that game until I fail at making it. XAhWV8gIBvg-00075-00036514-00036644 What? Oh yeah, okay. XAhWV8gIBvg-00076-00036644-00037336 The rest of these failed ideas are actually on the website, so they're at the bottom here. XAhWV8gIBvg-00077-00037337-00038116 Mars is kind of— Let me open— I'm not sure if that'll work with the recording software. XAhWV8gIBvg-00078-00038116-00038784 But it's like an incremental game— Oh no, I just ruined— Oh, I have to hack this. XAhWV8gIBvg-00079-00038784-00039612 This is where you're accumulating initians; it's like— Oh, this game is based on Candy XAhWV8gIBvg-00080-00039612-00039756 Box I think. XAhWV8gIBvg-00081-00039756-00039882 So, where is it? XAhWV8gIBvg-00082-00039882-00040064 Gamestate? XAhWV8gIBvg-00083-00040064-00040146 Score? XAhWV8gIBvg-00084-00040146-00040276 State? XAhWV8gIBvg-00085-00040276-00040426 Ah ha. XAhWV8gIBvg-00086-00040427-00040527 Initians. XAhWV8gIBvg-00087-00040527-00040724 Oh, where did I store initians? XAhWV8gIBvg-00088-00040724-00040865 Score? XAhWV8gIBvg-00089-00040865-00041736 Anyhow, so you're just accumulating initians and then you can— As the game progresses, XAhWV8gIBvg-00090-00041736-00042296 you can see this abstract jellyfish appears, and then you can purchase things. XAhWV8gIBvg-00091-00042296-00042625 And then with the vexilents— Oh! XAhWV8gIBvg-00092-00042625-00042733 That's not the weapon, is it? XAhWV8gIBvg-00093-00042733-00042833 Oh, it's the anglonne. XAhWV8gIBvg-00094-00042833-00043132 Okay, I have to hack this somehow. XAhWV8gIBvg-00095-00043324-00043537 So, yeah, you can like fight things. XAhWV8gIBvg-00096-00043538-00043866 It's basically the Candy Box but with some odd vocabulary. XAhWV8gIBvg-00097-00044008-00044114 What did I call it? XAhWV8gIBvg-00098-00044114-00044364 Game.js— Oh, stats, okay. XAhWV8gIBvg-00099-00044364-00044780 stats.initians = some big number Will that work? XAhWV8gIBvg-00100-00044780-00044874 Yeah. Okay. XAhWV8gIBvg-00101-00044874-00045244 So once you get a weapon, you can go on quests. XAhWV8gIBvg-00102-00045424-00045706 Yeah. It has a cool interface and things. XAhWV8gIBvg-00103-00045706-00045912 Oh, this scrollbar's annoying. XAhWV8gIBvg-00104-00046012-00046190 Yeah. And then you can fight. XAhWV8gIBvg-00105-00046500-00046719 And then, there's Ovinetopia. XAhWV8gIBvg-00106-00046719-00046846 It's another incremental game. XAhWV8gIBvg-00107-00046846-00047402 I want to make incremental games because they're addicting and that means they're well-designed. XAhWV8gIBvg-00108-00047500-00047875 And so far all I have are these sheep, which are these little white dots. XAhWV8gIBvg-00109-00047876-00048211 I made a video showing this already. XAhWV8gIBvg-00110-00048264-00048468 Oh, and I have some simple AI for them. XAhWV8gIBvg-00111-00048468-00048576 But that's it. XAhWV8gIBvg-00112-00048640-00049238 Originally I was going to have them do work for you, kind of like ovine slaves. XAhWV8gIBvg-00113-00049238-00049374 I didn't get that far. XAhWV8gIBvg-00114-00049374-00049544 I didn't like the art style either. XAhWV8gIBvg-00115-00049790-00049962 And then, hm. XAhWV8gIBvg-00116-00050122-00050524 Let's see. I probably put the other failures on here but like earlier on? XAhWV8gIBvg-00117-00050524-00050753 Oh, there aren't fail— Okay. XAhWV8gIBvg-00118-00050753-00051094 I'm not sure if this would be considered a failure. XAhWV8gIBvg-00119-00051094-00051420 It's like Splatoon but less interesting. XAhWV8gIBvg-00120-00051420-00051967 *self-chuckle through intense exhale* Because— So I'm controlling both people at the same time XAhWV8gIBvg-00121-00051970-00052124 They all have separate controls. XAhWV8gIBvg-00122-00052124-00052412 So if you have friends, I guess, play this? XAhWV8gIBvg-00123-00052479-00052534 Whatever. XAhWV8gIBvg-00124-00052814-00052938 Yeah that's it. XAhWV8gIBvg-00125-00052979-00053029 Bye. XAjkASKzVvI-00000-00000000-00000080 Lightboard XAjkASKzVvI-00001-00000238-00000328 PRESENTER: Hello. XAjkASKzVvI-00002-00000328-00000619 This is Speed Dating with Learning Technologies presented XAjkASKzVvI-00003-00000619-00000870 by the Dutton Institute in the College of Earth and Mineral XAjkASKzVvI-00004-00000870-00000920 Sciences. XAjkASKzVvI-00005-00001242-00001509 Welcome to your date with Lightboard. XAjkASKzVvI-00006-00001509-00001764 The best way for me to introduce you to the Lightboard XAjkASKzVvI-00007-00001764-00001963 is to let you see it in action. XAjkASKzVvI-00008-00001963-00002303 So take a look at this short, introductory video. XAjkASKzVvI-00009-00002303-00002361 Hi. XAjkASKzVvI-00010-00002361-00002499 As you can see, I'm standing here XAjkASKzVvI-00011-00002499-00002745 behind a Lightboard which is sometimes XAjkASKzVvI-00012-00002745-00003321 called a clear screen. XAjkASKzVvI-00013-00003321-00004081 As you can see, I'm able to draw and explain as I go along. XAjkASKzVvI-00014-00004081-00004683 So the students are able to see my face, [LAUGHS] XAjkASKzVvI-00015-00004683-00004872 similar to how you would be doing things XAjkASKzVvI-00016-00004872-00005152 on a whiteboard in a classroom. XAjkASKzVvI-00017-00005152-00005352 The best thing about this is that the technology XAjkASKzVvI-00018-00005352-00005529 does all of the work for you. XAjkASKzVvI-00019-00005529-00005631 I stand back here. XAjkASKzVvI-00020-00005631-00005946 I draw, and I write just like I would normally XAjkASKzVvI-00021-00005946-00006201 do on a whiteboard except you're able to see my face. XAjkASKzVvI-00022-00006201-00006519 And the technology flips all of the text and all the images XAjkASKzVvI-00023-00006519-00006933 around so that it all looks normal for the viewer. XAjkASKzVvI-00024-00006933-00007254 So what are some of the reasons for using the Lightboard? XAjkASKzVvI-00025-00007254-00007467 Here are the top three. XAjkASKzVvI-00026-00007467-00007659 Using the Lightboard, you're able to make XAjkASKzVvI-00027-00007659-00007962 a personal connection with your students. XAjkASKzVvI-00028-00007962-00008145 While writing on a traditional whiteboard, XAjkASKzVvI-00029-00008145-00008346 you're not facing the audience. XAjkASKzVvI-00030-00008346-00008571 But with the Lightboard, you can. XAjkASKzVvI-00031-00008571-00008850 Students can see your gestures, take cues XAjkASKzVvI-00032-00008850-00009054 from your facial expressions. XAjkASKzVvI-00033-00009054-00009264 And if you're teaching online, this really XAjkASKzVvI-00034-00009264-00009645 may be one of the few times they actually see you in action, XAjkASKzVvI-00035-00009645-00009933 get to know you in a more personal way. XAjkASKzVvI-00036-00009933-00010306 Reason number 2-- this is a great way XAjkASKzVvI-00037-00010306-00010590 to explain difficult concepts. XAjkASKzVvI-00038-00010590-00010938 While it's obviously a great way to present difficult concepts XAjkASKzVvI-00039-00010938-00011259 and long equations in an online class, XAjkASKzVvI-00040-00011259-00011655 it can also be useful in resident or hybrid classes. XAjkASKzVvI-00041-00011655-00012006 You can have students review instructional videos beforehand XAjkASKzVvI-00042-00012006-00012228 and come prepared to ask questions and work XAjkASKzVvI-00043-00012228-00012588 problems in class, making their time with you more productive, XAjkASKzVvI-00044-00012588-00012819 targeted, and practical. XAjkASKzVvI-00045-00012819-00013086 Some additional benefits include a student's ability XAjkASKzVvI-00046-00013086-00013506 to pause, rewind, and review portions that are confusing XAjkASKzVvI-00047-00013506-00013822 or watch certain segments multiple times. XAjkASKzVvI-00048-00013822-00014147 This is also a great benefit for non-English speakers XAjkASKzVvI-00049-00014147-00014355 that might benefit from some extra time XAjkASKzVvI-00050-00014355-00014682 to process and take notes on your material. XAjkASKzVvI-00051-00014682-00014940 Now for a reason number 3. XAjkASKzVvI-00052-00014940-00015160 You can record in advance. XAjkASKzVvI-00053-00015160-00015471 This is great for times when you're traveling or anticipate XAjkASKzVvI-00054-00015471-00015741 a snow day and can't afford to lose lecture time XAjkASKzVvI-00055-00015741-00015985 or find someone to lecture for you. XAjkASKzVvI-00056-00015985-00016290 You can also use this to present supplemental materials XAjkASKzVvI-00057-00016290-00016577 or essential topics that you don't have time for in class. XAjkASKzVvI-00058-00016855-00017123 Once your videos are created using the Lightboard, XAjkASKzVvI-00059-00017123-00017269 you're able to store and share them XAjkASKzVvI-00060-00017269-00017653 through Kaltura, an enterprise tool available to all Penn XAjkASKzVvI-00061-00017653-00017951 State faculty and students. XAjkASKzVvI-00062-00017951-00018254 From Kaltura, it's easy to stick those videos directly XAjkASKzVvI-00063-00018254-00018605 into Canvas for easy access by your students. XAjkASKzVvI-00064-00018605-00018906 In fact, with Kaltura, you can even make your videos XAjkASKzVvI-00065-00018906-00019256 interactive, adding pauses for thoughtful reflection XAjkASKzVvI-00066-00019256-00019520 and multiple choice and true-false questions. XAjkASKzVvI-00067-00019826-00020193 OK, there's no expertise or skill needed, just an idea XAjkASKzVvI-00068-00020193-00020344 of what you want to cover. XAjkASKzVvI-00069-00020344-00020620 We have people to help you with all the rest. XAjkASKzVvI-00070-00020620-00020983 [INAUDIBLE] is Kay DiMarco our videographer at Dutton. XAjkASKzVvI-00071-00020983-00021249 She's available to handle the technical aspects XAjkASKzVvI-00072-00021249-00021540 so that you can really focus on your teaching. XAjkASKzVvI-00073-00021540-00021810 Feel free to reach out to Kay or anyone at Dutton XAjkASKzVvI-00074-00021810-00022239 to schedule a time to record your own Lightboard video. XAjkASKzVvI-00075-00022239-00022462 Here's some information to learn more. XAjkASKzVvI-00076-00022462-00022637 Thank you. XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00000-00000000-00000300 Hey Challenees! XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00001-00000300-00000754 As many of you guys have requested, I'm here with a Q&A video! XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00002-00000754-00000958 I had about 300 questions in the comments XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00003-00000958-00001244 but I narrowed them down to 50 questions to answer XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00004-00001244-00001484 I tried my best to best answer these questions XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00005-00001484-00001746 It was hard to answer all 50 in one day XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00006-00001746-00002012 so it took me multiple days to answer XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00007-00002012-00002172 I apologize for the delay in making this video! XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00008-00002172-00002388 Hopefully it'll clarify some of you guys's questions XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00009-00002388-00002792 Korean Tarzan's 50 Q&A, let's go! XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00010-00002828-00002930 Start! XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00011-00002956-00003244 Why did you name your channel "Korean Tarzan"? XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00012-00003244-00003818 About 10 years ago when CyWorld was booming XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00013-00003841-00004147 My CyWorld MiniHome's background music was XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00014-00004148-00004366 Yoon Do Hyun's "Tarzan" XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00015-00004366-00004579 I was super into that song & liked it so much that XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00016-00004579-00004836 I made it my background music XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00017-00004851-00005150 Ever since then, I've made all of my social media usernames XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00018-00005150-00005390 as Korean Tarzan XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00019-00005390-00005742 I happened to make a Google account XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00020-00005742-00006051 and I just opted for Korean Tarzan XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00021-00006051-00006296 That's all there is to it XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00022-00006368-00006718 I came to realize that this nickname is "Korean Tarzan" XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00023-00006718-00006945 is quite fitting because "Tarzan" gives that invigorating and energetic vibe XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00024-00006945-00007220 that is similar to me as a person, and that suits me XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00025-00007220-00007456 That's why I keep my nickname as "Korean Tarzan" XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00026-00007456-00007800 Some of my friends say that it's because I'm hairy XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00027-00007852-00008062 I mean, I do fall on the hairy side XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00028-00008062-00008172 but that's not why lol XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00029-00008180-00008342 What's your height & weight? XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00030-00008474-00008746 It's been some time since I last measured my height XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00031-00008746-00008846 Let's go measure it then! XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00032-00009712-00009904 Are you from the Gyeongsang Province? XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00033-00009972-00010071 Yes! XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00034-00010071-00010171 My hometown, Changwon! XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00035-00010190-00010594 South Gyeongsang Province, Changwon! A lovely city to live, Changwon! XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00036-00010594-00010854 Do you pour or dip? XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00037-00010884-00010984 Pour (the sauce)? XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00038-00011170-00011270 or dip (the sauce)? XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00039-00011616-00011785 I just...eat? XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00040-00011786-00011914 Don't really care XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00041-00011914-00012154 I just eat if the food's in front of me XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00042-00012154-00012438 What's your mbti? (the Myers-Brigg Type Indicator) XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00043-00012438-00012638 Time to find out, now! XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00044-00012678-00013002 I find it hard to introduce myself to other people - nope! XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00045-00013002-00013241 I usually don't initiate conversations - nope! XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00046-00013241-00013546 I'm not interested in getting attention - nope! XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00047-00013738-00014013 I'm more introverted and quiet - nope! XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00048-00014196-00014546 I'm ENFJ - the Protagonist XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00049-00014601-00014856 Protagonists act the way they speak XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00050-00014856-00015161 and radiate authenticity XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00051-00015161-00015442 They are able to bring ideas together and communicate them as a common goal with an eloquence XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00052-00015442-00015846 They find it extremely satisfying to see fruitful changes though these movements XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00053-00015919-00016178 I guess it's true XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00054-00016502-00016772 I heard dam-muk is a thing, XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00055-00016772-00016944 where you don't just dip, you soak lol XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00056-00017226-00017786 What's your role in group projects? (research, presenter, provide food, etc) XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00057-00017786-00018212 I usually take on: team leader, "I'll just do it," or the sufferer XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00058-00018212-00018403 I pour the sauce and XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00059-00018403-00018503 also dip into it XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00060-00018661-00018969 It's not that big of a deal when I could eat either way XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00061-00018976-00019376 How do you edit & what program do you use? XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00062-00019376-00019748 About 6 years ago when I freshly turned 20, XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00063-00019748-00019958 right before I graduated from high school XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00064-00019958-00020220 I made a video to recap my highschool years XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00065-00020220-00020486 That was the first video I've ever made XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00066-00020486-00020642 I never learned it from someone XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00067-00020642-00020988 but I really liked looking things up and editing videos XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00068-00020988-00021196 and I feel like I had the talent for it XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00069-00021196-00021596 That's how I got into it & I use Adobe Premium Pro XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00070-00021596-00021804 If you get the student discount XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00071-00021804-00022086 you can use all Adobe programs for 23,100/month XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00072-00022086-00022326 Let's all use the real verified Adobe Program! XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00073-00022326-00022544 Kimchi-jjigae vs. Soondaeguk? XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00074-00022544-00022690 this question rip XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00075-00022816-00023048 It's so hard to pick one between the two XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00076-00023048-00023370 but my #1 would be soondaeguk XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00077-00023370-00023702 Tbh before I started this Korean Tarzan channel XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00078-00023720-00024072 I seriously thought about making a channel dedicated to XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00079-00024072-00024440 introducing different guk-bap restaurants in Korea XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00080-00024440-00024624 because I like guk-bap THAT much XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00081-00024624-00024800 It's a good thing that I didn't XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00082-00024800-00025124 That's how much I love guk-bap XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00083-00025124-00025517 There's no other food that's as filling and cheap and delicious as guk-bap XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00084-00025517-00025617 Kimchi-jjigae would be #2 :) XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00085-00025656-00025918 Where do you usually hang out? XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00086-00025952-00026198 Hanyang University, Gundae, Jamsil, and Gangnam area XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00087-00026198-00026314 Subway Line 2 ♡ XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00088-00026314-00026538 Were there any challenges you gave up in the middle? XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00089-00026538-00026948 Ofc, I gave up on about two challenges XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00090-00026948-00027232 1) Learning Chinese on my own XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00091-00027232-00027465 2) Splits XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00092-00027466-00027666 I plan on studying Chinese again XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00093-00027666-00028095 The splits... I just can't do it lol idk why XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00094-00028132-00028477 I tried doing it slowly but it didn't work XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00095-00028477-00028816 Maybe I'll do a video dedicated to all of my failed challenges XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00096-00028826-00029244 What made you start this channel & what are you seeking to make out of this channel? XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00097-00029283-00029588 The reason I started this channel was because XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00098-00029588-00030102 I wanted to challenge myself out of the comfort & lazy zone that I was in XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00099-00030104-00030380 If I did things on my own & keep it to myself, XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00100-00030380-00030633 I knew myself better & knew that I couldn't accomplish XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00101-00030638-00030886 So how about I make a video out of it & post it online? XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00102-00030912-00031304 That's how "I woke up every day at 6am for a month" was birthed XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00103-00031304-00031508 and that video got me to where I am now XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00104-00031508-00031814 What I'm seeking to get out of this channel is to XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00105-00031814-00032110 grow myself as a person XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00106-00032152-00032677 and whether it's big or small, I hope to give some kind of inspirational message to my viewers XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00107-00032689-00032884 Not really sure how I'm doing on that XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00108-00032884-00033184 but those are the two main focuses of this channel XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00109-00033472-00033698 What's your small piece of joy? XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00110-00033698-00034038 Running around a lake at 11pm XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00111-00034074-00034398 turning on the AC before taking a shower, XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00112-00034398-00034715 diving right into my bed = small, but definite happiness XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00113-00034853-00035147 Do you plan, film, and edit all by yourself? XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00114-00035147-00035428 I edit the videos 100% on my own XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00115-00035428-00035731 my friends help out with filming sometimes XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00116-00035732-00036148 and I gather content ideas from you guys or friends XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00117-00036148-00036878 How is it commuting from Hanam? What's your experience on exchanging distance for living expense? XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00118-00036912-00037148 I have zero regrets XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00119-00037148-00037489 Before moving out to Hanam, I lived in Chun-Ho Dong XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00120-00037489-00037775 I lived in a tiny office-tel located on a cross-section XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00121-00037776-00038096 Despite the nice location and access to transportation, XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00122-00038096-00038388 it was really loud and not a nice place to live XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00123-00038390-00038606 Moving out to Hanam, XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00124-00038606-00038910 it takes at least 2 hours to commute XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00125-00038910-00039208 whether I'm going out to see someone, going to school, or going to work XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00126-00039262-00039514 However, it's really quiet XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00127-00039514-00039818 and home actually feels like home where I can relax XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00128-00039856-00040236 So the quality of living really outweighs the 1-2 hour commute and transportation expense XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00129-00040236-00040510 It would be really hard for me to live in Seoul again XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00130-00040510-00040704 I really like Gyeong-gi Province! XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00131-00040704-00041002 How did you study to go to Hanyang University? XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00132-00041002-00041304 If you want to attend Hanyang Univ, make Seoul National University as your goal XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00133-00041304-00041586 then you could at least make it to Hanyang XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00134-00041602-00041899 The name value's important, but it's more important to XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00135-00041899-00042196 know what your interests are and what makes your heart pound XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00136-00042214-00042654 Really think about it and choose your major wisely XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00137-00042654-00042934 Where do you get inspirations/ideas for videos? XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00138-00042934-00043272 I really get a lot of it from you guys's comments XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00139-00043276-00043852 or random ideas sometimes pop up out of nowhere XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00140-00043852-00044202 or sometimes my family or friends would randomly comment on inspirational ideas XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00141-00044202-00044512 these passing-by comments really help me out XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00142-00044516-00044734 and I make a video out of that sometimes XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00143-00045014-00045584 What's your selling point? XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00144-00045687-00045974 My ear? is pretty cute lol XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00145-00046017-00046145 and tiny XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00146-00046308-00046664 It's not a big thing, but when I first meet someone XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00147-00046664-00046870 or if I'm in an awk crowd, XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00148-00046870-00047133 everyone likes talking about my tiny and cute ear XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00149-00047133-00047431 it acts as a great ice breaker to initiate convos XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00150-00047431-00047756 my ear plays that ice-breaking role, pretty cute huh? XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00151-00047756-00048110 How many challenges do you put yourself through at once in a month? XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00152-00048118-00048622 I think that you have to try something for at least a month to know or show changes XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00153-00048622-00048850 and that's why I've been doing monthly challenges XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00154-00048858-00049053 but you have to realize that if I do one challenge in a month, XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00155-00049053-00049322 it takes another month for another video to happen XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00156-00049322-00049596 That limits how many videos I can put up XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00157-00049596-00049828 so I execute about 3 challenges a month XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00158-00049828-00049992 There are pros/cons to this XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00159-00049992-00050332 It's nice doing 3 at the same time, but they also end about the same time XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00160-00050332-00050658 then I get burned out from doing those challenges XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00161-00050658-00051062 I rest up for about a week and venture on other challenges XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00162-00051134-00051400 Can you sing "9988 My Life"? XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00163-00052896-00053194 I saw you first at a church retreat & didn't know you did YouTube! XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00164-00053194-00053497 Idk if you remember me, but I'd love a shoutout XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00165-00053497-00053771 You were only a cameraman back then! XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00166-00053771-00054113 That was about 5 years from now XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00167-00054138-00054567 I did serve as a camera man at a retreat when I was 21 XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00168-00054586-00054920 Thanks Yerin for remembering me! XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00169-00054920-00055298 Is there one challenge you want to try before you die? XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00170-00055298-00055586 Yes, flying an airplane XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00171-00055586-00055878 What's the most memorable challenge? XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00172-00055922-00056370 Most memorable must either mean: it was either extremely difficult or satisfying XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00173-00056370-00056617 The most difficult has to be making abs XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00174-00056617-00056826 I was literally dying for 5 weeks XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00175-00056826-00057082 Idk how I did it looking back at it now XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00176-00057082-00057466 Idk how I worked out in the middle of the midterm week! XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00177-00057466-00057666 That was pretty amazing XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00178-00057666-00057864 Also the pull-up challenge XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00179-00057864-00058196 That satisfactory feeling when I did 10 pull-ups XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00180-00058196-00058562 How do you relieve burn-outs or tiredness? XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00181-00058562-00059196 There are days where I don't feel like doing anything, simply no motivation XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00182-00059196-00059424 Those days, I just don't do anything. XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00183-00059424-00059862 Even if I have to do something, unless there is a set deadline, I don't do it. XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00184-00059862-00060141 I'd just take a good nap XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00185-00060141-00060350 watch a movie, XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00186-00060350-00060779 I tend to distance myself from those things that are stressing me out for awhile XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00187-00060840-00061093 I realize that that helps soothe my stress XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00188-00061093-00061420 So I never try to do something against my will XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00189-00061420-00061762 What's your motivation behind these monthly challenges? XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00190-00061762-00062134 Tbh I didn't have the best executive power or the willpower to do something XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00191-00062134-00062446 Starting YouTube and trying out different challenges XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00192-00062446-00062564 made me realize that XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00193-00062564-00062827 nothing is impossible XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00194-00062841-00063126 I really do believe that we all have the potential XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00195-00063126-00063379 I believe I have that potential too XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00196-00063379-00063717 Even if the probability is low, there is nothing that is impossible XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00197-00063717-00064017 So when I set my mind to do something for a month, XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00198-00064040-00064334 I think to myself, "there's nothing I can't do" XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00199-00064334-00064621 "Doing something for a month? That's nothing" XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00200-00064621-00064922 "Let's do it, I can do it. I'm Korean Tarzan" XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00201-00064922-00065146 These mindsets really motivate me XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00202-00065146-00065431 What habits have you formed from those challenges? XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00203-00065431-00065680 I've been drinking 2L of water every day XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00204-00065736-00066214 keeping up with diary, and not every day-but I do meditate from time to time. XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00205-00066220-00066582 A lot of you guys ask if I wake up at 5 or 6am every day XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00206-00066608-00067004 tbh I don't wake up at 6am every day XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00207-00067004-00067233 but on days where I have lots of things to get done XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00208-00067233-00067512 or need time to really focus XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00209-00067512-00067795 I do tend to wake up in the morning & get things done like that XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00210-00067796-00068192 but you know... being on summer break it's hard to wake up super early in the morning XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00211-00068192-00068386 This really makes me reflect on myself XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00212-00068386-00068644 I should try to bring that morning routine back XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00213-00068644-00068848 What goes on in your head before bed? XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00214-00068902-00069098 Should I eat ramen or just go to sleep? XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00215-00069166-00069382 What's your fav YouTube channel? XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00216-00069382-00069582 I tend to watch a lot of international channels XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00217-00069608-00070028 There's a channel called Matt D'Avella, and his concept's really similar to mine XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00218-00070028-00070302 I actually refer to him a lot XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00219-00070302-00070492 He uploads a lot of lifestyle challenge videos XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00220-00070492-00070690 and self-reflective challenges XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00221-00070690-00070906 His quality of contents is great XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00222-00070906-00071230 I guess you could even say that he's my role model as a YouTuber XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00223-00071230-00071386 Go check out his channel! XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00224-00071436-00071848 I do refer to him a lot, but I did the 5am wake up challenge first! XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00225-00071848-00072003 keep that in mind XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00226-00072003-00072279 As far as making a video goes, XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00227-00072280-00072524 I watch Peter McKinnon XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00228-00072754-00073018 A great videographer, Sam Kolder XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00229-00073018-00073606 As far as Korean channels go, I watch: RunUp, Chip, and Physical Gallery XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00230-00073624-00073882 and lastly, "OTHANKQ" channel XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00231-00073972-00074466 Your hand in a weirdo's undie vs. a weirdo's hand in your undie? XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00232-00074466-00074692 Which would you choose? XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00233-00074886-00075256 What a useless question XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00234-00075256-00075418 Let me go meet the person who asked this question XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00235-00075572-00075740 Why'd you comment that XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00236-00076006-00076116 I'm really sorry XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00237-00076258-00076380 What would YOU choose? XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00238-00076508-00076566 What? XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00239-00076568-00076834 What would you choose? XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00240-00077006-00077196 For me, I would choose your undie... XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00241-00077356-00077522 No need to associate XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00242-00077522-00077710 How was your parents' parenting style? XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00243-00077710-00078136 My parents never said anything about my grades XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00244-00078136-00078473 2nd year of high school, XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00245-00078474-00078874 On one of the midterms for Korean, XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00246-00078876-00079224 I somehow managed to get a 45 on that exam XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00247-00079266-00079536 I was really shocked to find out myself XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00248-00079536-00079818 and thought I'd be dead when I went home XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00249-00079944-00080326 I built up the courage to tell my mom that I got a 45 on an exam XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00250-00080370-00080470 My mom said: XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00251-00080529-00080864 things happen, and you could do better next time XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00252-00080914-00081244 Her saying that actually encouraged me to do better XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00253-00081244-00081576 and try harder to score better on the next exam XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00254-00081576-00082076 They encouraged me to do things outside of school XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00255-00082102-00082514 Also during year 2 of high school when I was busy preparing for college apps XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00256-00082522-00082853 there was an extracurricular activity called "National Brand Committee" XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00257-00082853-00083095 It's mostly comprised of college students or after XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00258-00083096-00083512 there were only 2 high school teams in the nation XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00259-00083512-00083940 You have to go up to Seoul every 2 weeks, so it was a lot of travel expense XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00260-00083948-00084286 and took up a lot of studying time XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00261-00084286-00084608 Despite all that, my parents encouraged me to do it if I want to XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00262-00084608-00084786 They provided transportation fees XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00263-00084786-00085137 and never questioned me for that EC XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00264-00085138-00085498 My parents probably knew that I'm not the type to sit down and study XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00265-00085504-00085902 so I think they wanted me to go around and explore things myself XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00266-00085914-00086138 Do these monthly challenges form a habit? XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00267-00086138-00086636 I initially thought that doing something for a month would form a habit, and that's why I made it a month XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00268-00086640-00087044 but there are things that I do for a month that actually turn into a habit, and some that don't XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00269-00087044-00087334 Tbh, I don't think a month is a long enough time XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00270-00087334-00087608 I only did the drinking 2L of water/day challenge for 3 weeks XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00271-00087608-00088058 but I really saw the changes, and it feels like it's helping me physically XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00272-00088062-00088304 so it's one habit I've formed XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00273-00088304-00088649 Aside from that, challenges like waking up early in the morning or wearing the same outfit every day XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00274-00088650-00089084 or taking the stairs, these are hard habits to form XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00275-00089084-00089422 Then you may ask, "what's the point if you can't make it into a habit?" XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00276-00089422-00089664 but I don't think of it like that XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00277-00089664-00089908 Ofc doing it for a month doesn't make it a habit XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00278-00089908-00090142 But because I've done it for a month, XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00279-00090142-00090352 when the time comes for me to do it XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00280-00090352-00090664 For ex) when I have to get up early in the morning or take the stairs XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00281-00090664-00090806 I don't hate it XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00282-00090806-00091000 My body remembers me doing those exercises XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00283-00091000-00091482 I think the fact that I did something for a month is meaningful on its own as an experience XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00284-00091482-00091791 Not to mention that I'm trying hard to keep up with those challenges XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00285-00091792-00091954 as sincere habits to keep in life XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00286-00091954-00092580 It's not an easy thing to do something consistently. How do you overcome procrastination? XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00287-00092628-00092830 Yeah, it's not easy to do something consistently XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00288-00092830-00093428 But I think that doing something consistently doesn't mean that you must do something every day without fail XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00289-00093450-00093751 but it's more about being able to do it long-term XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00290-00093751-00094004 whether that's one month, one year, or a long term in general XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00291-00094004-00094420 When I feel tired or burnt-out, I just rest as I said before XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00292-00094420-00094612 Giving myself a break for a day or two XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00293-00094612-00094872 gives me renewed energy and motivation XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00294-00094872-00095140 that helps me get going consistently XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00295-00095140-00095550 Letting go of that hard mindset that you MUST do it every day XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00296-00095570-00095868 helps you do something consistently XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00297-00095926-00096212 How did you get into your current job? XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00298-00096212-00096504 and what do you plan on doing after graduating? XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00299-00096504-00096874 I've been working at this fabric company called "Dian" for about a year XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00300-00096874-00097298 doing photography, videography, and marketing XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00301-00097298-00097646 I first started off as part-time after I started a gap semester XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00302-00097656-00097870 the owner really liked me and XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00303-00097870-00098242 gave me the opportunity to work as an intern XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00304-00098274-00098574 There was no other reason; I just simply liked photography XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00305-00098574-00098838 and wanted to do something that dealt with that XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00306-00098838-00099196 and that got me into videography as well XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00307-00099196-00099428 I really learned a lot from that company XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00308-00099428-00099778 I quit my job now, but I learned a lot from it XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00309-00099778-00100106 Upon graduating, I want to work for an advertisement company XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00310-00100106-00100394 I understand that it's an unpaved road to take XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00311-00100394-00100620 but it's a field that I want to explore XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00312-00100620-00100810 so I really want to get into an advertising company XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00313-00100810-00101090 but right now I have no intention of having that as my set career XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00314-00101090-00101380 Being in the advertising industry will expose my potentials XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00315-00101380-00101566 and my credentials XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00316-00101566-00101979 and serve as a great cornerstone for other things to come in the future XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00317-00101980-00102194 How do you want to age? XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00318-00102194-00102720 I hope that future me isn't too different from my current-self XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00319-00102720-00102961 In other words, the thoughts I have currently, XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00320-00102961-00103266 my current passions and dreams-- XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00321-00103266-00103533 I hope to cherish and have kept those things XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00322-00103540-00103814 even when I get older, years from now XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00323-00103861-00104154 Ofc, as time goes by, you tend to focus on more realistic things in life XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00324-00104154-00104385 despite all that, the things that are dear to my heart XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00325-00104385-00104664 my perspectives and values, XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00326-00104664-00104896 I hope to keep these things even when I get older XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00327-00104896-00105096 As far as my physical goes, XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00328-00105096-00105471 there's a Singaporean photographer and model named XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00329-00105472-00105648 Chuando Tan! XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00330-00105648-00106089 He was born in '67, but boy does he look young XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00331-00106090-00106283 Ofc I want to be like him physically XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00332-00106283-00106641 but all of this comes from self-care and it's impossible without discipline XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00333-00106642-00107111 So I want to be disciplined in taking care of myself mentally and physically as I get older XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00334-00107142-00107428 How would you envision yourself in 10 years? XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00335-00107461-00107759 Hmm, I'll be 36 in 10 years XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00336-00107759-00108316 I feel like 36 would be an age where I get to do something I really want to do XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00337-00108352-00108614 Not really sure what that would be, XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00338-00108614-00109009 but it would be the beginning of doing something "I" want to do XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00339-00109058-00109274 I think (?) I'll be married XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00340-00109274-00109718 happily with wife and kids XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00341-00109718-00109838 That's how I imagine myself in 10 years! XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00342-00109838-00110222 What challenge would you recommend to viewers? XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00343-00110222-00110516 The one I would strongly recommend would be keeping a journal XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00344-00110516-00110861 I kept a journal for a month after being away from it for a long time XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00345-00110861-00111027 As you can tell from that video XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00346-00111028-00111394 it really helped me discover who I am as a person XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00347-00111406-00111742 it also helped me organize my thoughts day and night XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00348-00111742-00112018 it's one thing that I'm still currently doing XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00349-00112018-00112241 It's one habit that I want to keep for life XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00350-00112241-00112512 and keep doing it until I die XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00351-00112512-00112817 so I really recommend it to you guys XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00352-00112818-00113058 It can be short, just try it out! XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00353-00113058-00113222 Any plans for a meet-up? XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00354-00113222-00113552 Ofc, I really want to see you guys in person XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00355-00113552-00113796 give you guys my energy XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00356-00113796-00114061 and get energy from you guys as well! XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00357-00114062-00114299 Because this channel is self-ran, XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00358-00114300-00114576 it takes a lot for me to plan things on my own XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00359-00114576-00114794 I promise to grow this channel big enough to XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00360-00114794-00115032 plan a meet & greet with you guys! XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00361-00115032-00115211 3 things to bring to a deserted island? XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00362-00115354-00115518 Camera, tripod, and laptop? XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00363-00115585-00115748 I'll shoot lots of clips for you guys XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00364-00115748-00115964 ofc I'd have to escape for you guys to see XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00365-00115964-00116294 Has anyone recognized you on the streets? XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00366-00116294-00116709 Yes! This one time I was eating at school XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00367-00116709-00117085 and a subscriber recognized me and came up to say hi XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00368-00117085-00117302 That was the only time where someone came up to say hi XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00369-00117302-00117656 some people have reported incidences of seeing me in the comments XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00370-00117706-00117976 The number of people recognizing me has been growing XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00371-00117976-00118268 so I'm trying to live a respectable and unushamed life XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00372-00118268-00118461 How do you deal with worries? XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00373-00118461-00118768 I always have this quote in mind: XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00374-00118768-00119122 40% of our worries will never happen XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00375-00119122-00119430 30% have already happened XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00376-00119442-00119830 22% are useless worries that you don't need to worry about XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00377-00119830-00120178 4% are those you can't do anything about XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00378-00120185-00120566 the remaining 4% you can change yourself XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00379-00120566-00120914 So I try to focus on that remaining 4% XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00380-00120914-00121276 When I tend to worry, I tell myself that "this won't even happen" XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00381-00121276-00121572 and instead focus on that 4% and go ham on it XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00382-00121572-00121735 Just go for it head in first XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00383-00121735-00122090 Once I confront it, I realize that it was nothing XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00384-00122090-00122461 Can you do a project on "online boyfriend?" XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00385-00122498-00122683 "Online ASMR bf" XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00386-00122732-00122940 Is this how you want it? XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00387-00122940-00123061 Max # of hamburgers? XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00388-00124080-00124233 Not enough to feed a fly XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00389-00124694-00124960 Now it feels like I've eaten something XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00390-00125465-00125639 Slowly starting to fill up XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00391-00126264-00126442 I feel pretty full now XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00392-00126442-00126666 but I could def go for another one XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00393-00127522-00127866 Korean Tarzan's max # of hamburgers is 5! XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00394-00127866-00128140 No worries, I didn't stuff myself in too much XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00395-00128146-00128604 I can usually finish a box of regular pizza myself XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00396-00128604-00128776 it just feels like I had a full meal XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00397-00129038-00129214 When do you feel at your happiest? XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00398-00129214-00129556 Running around a lake at 11pm XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00399-00129590-00129916 turning on the AC before taking a shower, XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00400-00129920-00130158 diving right into bed, XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00401-00130158-00130350 reading my favorite magazine, XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00402-00130350-00130528 writing a journal entry, XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00403-00130528-00130851 or reading your comments - all make me feel at my happiest :) XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00404-00130852-00131256 "Hello, Korean Tarzan! Instead of a question, I wanna thank you XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00405-00131256-00131704 a turning point in my life was watching your 6am get-up video" XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00406-00131706-00131870 And to that comment, XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00407-00131878-00132600 "Wouldn't your turning point be the time where you set your mind to something, rather than just simply watching this video?" XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00408-00132600-00132808 Comments like this :) XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00409-00132808-00133049 What was your childhood dream? XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00410-00133049-00133335 I had two big dreams as a kid XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00411-00133336-00133572 One was becoming the Secretary-General of the United Nations XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00412-00133572-00133792 The other being a world star! XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00413-00133792-00133986 Do you desire to become a full-time YouTuber? XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00414-00133986-00134332 As of now, I don't plan on doing YouTube as my job XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00415-00134332-00134692 I realize that YouTube has come far to be acknowledged XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00416-00134692-00134992 as a field that could influence people in big and small areas of life XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00417-00134992-00135316 Creating good content for you guys through YouTube XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00418-00135316-00135714 being able to lift up and encourage others is great XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00419-00135722-00136474 tbh, I want to aim higher than the value that YouTube offers XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00420-00136474-00136886 It's nice using YouTube as a platform to influence others XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00421-00136890-00137386 I want to reach out to you guys in a higher form XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00422-00137402-00137934 If someone were to ask if you're happy with your life, would you confidently say yes? XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00423-00137982-00138250 I thought hard about what "being happy" means XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00424-00138250-00138574 How could one be happy? What even is happiness? XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00425-00138574-00138843 I came across this quote in a book XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00426-00138844-00139214 There's no such thing as happiness; it's something you feel at the moment XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00427-00139214-00139382 What this means is that XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00428-00139382-00139645 People usually say that they feel happy when they accomplish something XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00429-00139646-00140002 or when they obtain something they've been wanting XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00430-00140002-00140228 But those things that we accomplish and obtain XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00431-00140228-00140500 are so temporary and ephemeral XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00432-00140500-00140796 Even if I were to achieve something I've been wanting XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00433-00140796-00141144 and make good bucks, all of those things are temporary XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00434-00141146-00141544 I mean, I was really happy when I got into the college of my dream XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00435-00141558-00142112 but that joy didn't last throughout my entire college career XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00436-00142158-00142548 I believe that the happiness you get from accomplishing something is very temporary XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00437-00142548-00142836 Therefore, myself as a person at this moment, XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00438-00142836-00143030 what I'm doing currently, XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00439-00143030-00143408 my life in the moment-- are the things I count as crucial to feel happy in life XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00440-00143408-00143572 So I'd say I'm pretty happy XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00441-00143988-00144206 What's your goal with YouTube? XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00442-00144206-00144546 My goal is to never forget where I came from XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00443-00144546-00145168 and to constantly pour out motivation, inspiration, comfort, and courage to you guys XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00444-00145172-00145484 As far as the numbers go, 1M subscribers? XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00445-00145484-00145828 My hope is to go beyond just Korean subscribers XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00446-00145828-00146250 into international subbies who will also enjoy watching my videos XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00447-00146250-00146664 What's your purpose in life? your motto? XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00448-00146668-00147076 There's one motto that stuck out to me recently XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00449-00147090-00147358 It's "Study for others" XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00450-00147358-00147812 There's a foundation called "Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation," founded by Bill Gates and his wife XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00451-00147818-00148462 They give back the money that Gates earned to numerous parts of the world where it's needed XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00452-00148462-00148842 to make this world a better world. XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00453-00148842-00149064 And I wanted to be like that XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00454-00149064-00149684 I wanted to give back what I've already received to those who are suffering and are in need XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00455-00149684-00150178 I don't care how big or little money I make in the future XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00456-00150178-00150592 I want to help people as much as possible with the things I have XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00457-00150592-00151044 That's why, "study for others!" is my motto XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00458-00151044-00151518 Alright, I've answered lots of questions you guys had for me XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00459-00151538-00151778 I hope this clarif...wait XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00460-00151778-00152030 We got two more questions right? Are we on 48? XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00461-00152030-00152248 Do you have a girlfriend? XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00462-00152282-00152420 Oh, my girlfriend? XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00463-00152420-00152786 Come out babe!! XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00464-00152914-00153060 Please come out.... XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00465-00153122-00153352 Come out into this world..... XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00466-00153588-00153846 Do you have a boyfriend?? XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00467-00153883-00154190 Ofc, I have a lot of friends who are male XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00468-00154206-00154496 But I don't have a boyfr... XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00469-00154496-00154602 Babe, I'm done showering XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00470-00154602-00154714 wtf r u XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00471-00154740-00154840 who are you XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00472-00154855-00154955 Your bf.. XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00473-00155028-00155128 call the police! XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00474-00155128-00155229 Still hiding in the closet? XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00475-00155562-00155832 Did I answer most of you guys's questions? XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00476-00155832-00156157 You guys asked lots of great questions XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00477-00156158-00156398 and it was a great opportunity for me to reflect back on myself XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00478-00156398-00156643 Aside from these questions, XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00479-00156643-00156951 some of you asked how I managed to do a challenge for a month, XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00480-00156952-00157136 who my role model is, XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00481-00157136-00157352 a room tour XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00482-00157352-00157700 All of these were great questions, but they'd be too long to be in this video XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00483-00157700-00158066 So I'll make separate videos pertaining to these great questions XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00484-00158066-00158374 Thank you for tuning into today's video! XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00485-00158374-00158634 Hope you guys have a great day! XAqxZ3cdz5Q-00486-00158634-00158979 See you in my next one! :") XBiTOOgJvB8-00000-00011244-00012630 No Subtitles Available. XC4liu5mLeM-00000-00000301-00000773 Hello YouTube coming to you with a video of my air fryer toaster oven XC4liu5mLeM-00002-00001051-00001385 For the first time so we're gonna go ahead and hit start XC4liu5mLeM-00003-00001420-00001835 making some french fries today, so XC4liu5mLeM-00004-00001914-00002115 Tells you to set it for 375 XC4liu5mLeM-00005-00002140-00002649 So you just turn that you hit start. You'll hear the man. Come on XC4liu5mLeM-00006-00002866-00003042 And XC4liu5mLeM-00007-00003042-00003836 It will start the countdown for 25 minutes, which is what is what you need for enterprise. So I'm gonna go ahead and XC4liu5mLeM-00008-00003897-00004602 French fries into the bass. Yeah, that's what they tell you and let's see how these come out for the first time XC4liu5mLeM-00009-00004741-00004941 You remember to you? XC4liu5mLeM-00010-00005218-00005570 You having this when they come out because it will be very hot XC4liu5mLeM-00011-00005907-00006149 And will come back to you once these are done in about XC4liu5mLeM-00012-00006205-00006328 24 minutes XC4liu5mLeM-00013-00006328-00006773 Hello YouTube taking off the French fries. I put in earlier in my a fire XC4liu5mLeM-00014-00006834-00007034 After using it for the first time XC4liu5mLeM-00015-00007068-00007286 They look pretty good. I XC4liu5mLeM-00016-00007656-00007875 Like mine a little bit more on the crispy side XC4liu5mLeM-00017-00007875-00008201 So I'm going to just test and see if I need to put back in for another show XC4liu5mLeM-00018-00008654-00008883 Ha ha and delicious to me XC4liu5mLeM-00019-00009260-00009622 Great first try on the airfryer get approved as well XC4liu5mLeM-00020-00009622-00010216 So that's the only the plus please like subscribe and share our video. Have a great game XCAHXkp5I3E-00000-00000318-00000677 FREE-THINKERS, HYPERBOREANS, BUILDERS OF THE FUTURE, XCAHXkp5I3E-00001-00000677-00000836 We are Anonymous. XCAHXkp5I3E-00002-00000836-00001374 First and foremost, we would like to congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts: XCAHXkp5I3E-00003-00001374-00001818 What we, Anonymous, the people, have accomplished in just give or take 10 months, XCAHXkp5I3E-00004-00001818-00002327 has exceeded even our wildest aspirations and our most endearing dreams. XCAHXkp5I3E-00005-00002327-00002416 Yes indeed: XCAHXkp5I3E-00006-00002416-00003024 we had gambled on more than we could hope for - and yet we have been able to harvest even more. XCAHXkp5I3E-00007-00003024-00003464 This in itself is already a tiny miracle, and can only make one feel humbled XCAHXkp5I3E-00008-00003464-00004131 towards the virtually limitless potential and capabilities of our collective self: the hive. XCAHXkp5I3E-00009-00004131-00004580 However, it is of the utmost importance to keep in mind that this is only XCAHXkp5I3E-00010-00004580-00004923 the beginning of the struggle we have chosen to pick up. XCAHXkp5I3E-00011-00004923-00005179 While we now have occupied the planet, XCAHXkp5I3E-00012-00005179-00005562 so far, we have only taken our starting grounds - XCAHXkp5I3E-00013-00005562-00005892 a great and difficult task still lies ahead of us: XCAHXkp5I3E-00014-00005892-00006448 we now have to create the principles and procedures that we want our new world to be organized upon - XCAHXkp5I3E-00015-00006448-00007028 and we have to do it swiftly, so as to take the old world by surprise. XCAHXkp5I3E-00016-00007028-00007453 We will have to externalize the hivemind and re-conceptualize it into XCAHXkp5I3E-00017-00007453-00007917 the real-life reality of a truly direct, participatory democracy - XCAHXkp5I3E-00018-00007917-00008712 and we have to do it before the old world sees the chance to 'recuperate' our 'movement' and lull the masses back to sleep. XCAHXkp5I3E-00019-00008712-00009463 This means we will have to set up new institutions today - according to the principles of the world we want tomorrow. XCAHXkp5I3E-00020-00009463-00010102 We will have to create and BE a new world while the old world has not yet fully withered away. XCAHXkp5I3E-00021-00010102-00010516 For true greatness is only achieved by those who don't ask for permission - XCAHXkp5I3E-00022-00010516-00010984 and true freedom is not something that can be given or bestowed upon us - XCAHXkp5I3E-00023-00010984-00011495 it can only be occupied, conquered, taken up and be (re)claimed. XCAHXkp5I3E-00024-00011495-00012234 This means we will have to make ourselves as independent and autonomous from the old world as in any way imaginable. XCAHXkp5I3E-00025-00012234-00012790 However, we can only do this if all of us cooperate and work and share together: XCAHXkp5I3E-00026-00012790-00013336 Set up local general assemblies and start organizing your community. XCAHXkp5I3E-00027-00013336-00013823 Withdraw your money from the banks and - if possible - start investing in local XCAHXkp5I3E-00028-00013823-00014418 cooperative initiatives that will be able to provide for the needs of your local community. XCAHXkp5I3E-00029-00014418-00015168 Start producing life-necessities, energy and consumer-goods in local cooperatives as much as realistically possible, XCAHXkp5I3E-00030-00015168-00015836 and stop buying these products from the large multinationals that have monopolized our so-called 'free markets'. XCAHXkp5I3E-00031-00015836-00016397 Start cooperative initiatives to supply your local community with public services and XCAHXkp5I3E-00032-00016397-00016927 work out alternative ways of grass roots job creation and the local creation of 'wealth'. XCAHXkp5I3E-00033-00016927-00017047 Be creative! XCAHXkp5I3E-00034-00017047-00017240 Share! XCAHXkp5I3E-00035-00017240-00017617 Experiment! Improvise! And profit! XCAHXkp5I3E-00036-00017617-00017870 But most of all: don't give up! XCAHXkp5I3E-00037-00017870-00018689 It is true that a lot of good work has already been done, but so much more is cautiously showing it's silhouette at the horizon. XCAHXkp5I3E-00038-00018689-00019160 We, Anonymous, the people, pledge to make it real... XCAHXkp5I3E-00039-00019160-00019597 Now show the world some loving - and be Anonymous! XCAHXkp5I3E-00040-00019597-00019708 You are expected... XCWj_fbFuWA-00000-00001432-00003132 Some wanna have everything and some only pray to survive. Some wanna have more and XCWj_fbFuWA-00001-00003132-00004460 more and some others value all they have. You have everything you need. XCWj_fbFuWA-00002-00004555-00006409 What has made you so blind? Believe me, look all around, open you eyes, maybe that way you'll realize. XCWj_fbFuWA-00003-00006509-00006809 Isn't it all that you need? XCWj_fbFuWA-00004-00006866-00007709 Isn't it all what you have, what others would dream about? XCWj_fbFuWA-00005-00007800-00008109 Isn't it all that you need? XCWj_fbFuWA-00006-00008109-00009010 Isn't it all what you have, what others would dream about? XCWj_fbFuWA-00007-00009332-00010211 Some need to dry all their tears, 'cause some others should've washed their XCWj_fbFuWA-00008-00010211-00011525 minds. Some need to cure all their pain 'cause some others should have cured their XCWj_fbFuWA-00009-00011525-00011754 envy. XCWj_fbFuWA-00010-00011785-00013422 You have everything you need. What has made you so blind? Believe me, look all around, XCWj_fbFuWA-00011-00013422-00014223 open your eyes, maybe that way you'll realize. XCWj_fbFuWA-00012-00014400-00015550 Isn't it all that you need? Isn't it all what you have, what others would dream about? XCWj_fbFuWA-00013-00015560-00016920 Isn't it all that you need? Isn't it all what you have, what others would dream about? XCWj_fbFuWA-00014-00017046-00018260 You have everything you need. What has made you so blind? You're XCWj_fbFuWA-00015-00018260-00018692 GREEDY XDtowepTbuy-00000-00000068-00000628 OK, so there were important events last weeks, and there will be others next week. XDtowepTbuy-00001-00000736-00001330 As always, I'll start with international politics, because geopolitics determines politics. XDtowepTbuy-00002-00001380-00001430 OK? XDtowepTbuy-00003-00001450-00001638 It's very important to understand this, XDtowepTbuy-00004-00001638-00001912 and consequently, you need to pay attention to it and be curious about it, XDtowepTbuy-00005-00001912-00002418 you need to read and keep up with what's going on in such and such place in the world because it has impacts elsewhere. XDtowepTbuy-00006-00002450-00003218 Next week, Trump decided to recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. XDtowepTbuy-00007-00003282-00003650 This decision is absolutely irresponsible and hazardous, XDtowepTbuy-00008-00003684-00004290 because it goes against all the decisions of international organizations up to now XDtowepTbuy-00009-00004290-00004564 and against everything that had been recognized by the international community. XDtowepTbuy-00010-00004564-00005036 Besides, everyone knows that people should be careful about what they do or say in this part of the world, XDtowepTbuy-00011-00005116-00005536 Basically, Trump just added fuel to the fire. Besides it's absolutely illegal, XDtowepTbuy-00012-00005592-00006042 because Jerusalem is not the capital of Israel, many people disagree with this, XDtowepTbuy-00013-00006060-00006536 and the UNO resolution that states what belongs to whom in this situation XDtowepTbuy-00014-00006536-00006886 does not say Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, it even says something very different. XDtowepTbuy-00015-00006886-00007395 It says that there are two states and that each state has a right to have a part of Jerusalem as its capital, XDtowepTbuy-00016-00007395-00007566 and that's it, that's the solution that has been decided upon. XDtowepTbuy-00017-00007572-00007920 I'm not saying it's a great solution, but it's the solution everyone is OK with, XDtowepTbuy-00018-00007922-00008289 except some Israeli governments, XDtowepTbuy-00019-00008290-00008760 because not all of the Israeli governments wanted Jerusalem to be the capital of Israel. XDtowepTbuy-00020-00008766-00009048 Anyway, for all of us, well... XDtowepTbuy-00021-00009150-00009596 So people call Jerusalem the thrice-holy city, they say it's important for every religion... XDtowepTbuy-00022-00009596-00009676 So... fair enough! XDtowepTbuy-00023-00009686-00010068 But for the citizens of other countries, it's hard... XDtowepTbuy-00024-00010200-00010458 to be so passionate about this issue. XDtowepTbuy-00025-00010522-00010714 Above all, it's important to be reasonable, XDtowepTbuy-00026-00010734-00011028 everyone should be able to calm down and we should prevent war. XDtowepTbuy-00027-00011060-00011444 Because this region is extremely dangerous. Everyone there is always carrying weapons. XDtowepTbuy-00028-00011470-00011786 There are even nuclear weapons, we should not forget about it! XDtowepTbuy-00029-00011814-00012040 Our interest is therefore to calm things down. XDtowepTbuy-00030-00012070-00012372 But the President of the USA is doing the opposite... XDtowepTbuy-00031-00012532-00012738 He should therefore be criticized for that. XDtowepTbuy-00032-00012738-00013076 There should be protests... XDtowepTbuy-00033-00013100-00013672 And of course, protesting is also a way to help Palestinians to regain their footing XDtowepTbuy-00034-00013672-00014060 because they're always the victims of this situation! XDtowepTbuy-00035-00014160-00014256 So... XDtowepTbuy-00036-00014291-00014662 This event is really, really annoying XDtowepTbuy-00037-00014808-00015089 Some tiny political groups... XDtowepTbuy-00038-00015218-00015766 and other people asked that France declare Jerusalem as Israel's capital. XDtowepTbuy-00039-00015810-00016110 It's huh... This is out of the question, of course! XDtowepTbuy-00040-00016154-00016444 This is not the French policy and... XDtowepTbuy-00041-00016527-00016727 it's was repeated and it's a good thing! XGwIL1NcO_8-00000-00000343-00000646 Massage Center बने सेक्स के अड्डे | Police Raid at Massage Center XGwIL1NcO_8-00001-00000680-00000880 Massage Center बने सेक्स के अड्डे | Police Raid at Massage Center XGwIL1NcO_8-00002-00000880-00000930 Massage Center बने सेक्स के अड्डे | Police Raid at Massage Center XGwIL1NcO_8-00003-00000930-00000980 Massage Center बने सेक्स के अड्डे | Police Raid at Massage Center XGwIL1NcO_8-00004-00000980-00001180 Massage Center बने सेक्स के अड्डे | Police Raid at Massage Center XGwIL1NcO_8-00005-00001180-00001230 Massage Center बने सेक्स के अड्डे | Police Raid at Massage Center XGwIL1NcO_8-00006-00001230-00001280 Massage Center बने सेक्स के अड्डे | Police Raid at Massage Center XGwIL1NcO_8-00007-00001310-00001360 Massage Center बने सेक्स के अड्डे | Police Raid at Massage Center XGwIL1NcO_8-00008-00001360-00001410 Massage Center बने सेक्स के अड्डे | Police Raid at Massage Center XGwIL1NcO_8-00009-00001410-00001460 Massage Center बने सेक्स के अड्डे | Police Raid at Massage Center XGwIL1NcO_8-00010-00001460-00001510 Massage Center बने सेक्स के अड्डे | Police Raid at Massage Center XGwIL1NcO_8-00011-00001533-00001733 Massage Center बने सेक्स के अड्डे | Police Raid at Massage Center XGwIL1NcO_8-00012-00001733-00001783 Massage Center बने सेक्स के अड्डे | Police Raid at Massage Center XGwIL1NcO_8-00013-00001801-00002001 Massage Center बने सेक्स के अड्डे | Police Raid at Massage Center XGwIL1NcO_8-00014-00002001-00002051 Massage Center बने सेक्स के अड्डे | Police Raid at Massage Center XGwIL1NcO_8-00015-00002089-00002139 Massage Center बने सेक्स के अड्डे | Police Raid at Massage Center XGwIL1NcO_8-00016-00002139-00002189 Massage Center बने सेक्स के अड्डे | Police Raid at Massage Center XGwIL1NcO_8-00017-00002189-00002239 Massage Center बने सेक्स के अड्डे | Police Raid at Massage Center XGwIL1NcO_8-00018-00002281-00002481 Massage Center बने सेक्स के अड्डे | Police Raid at Massage Center XGwIL1NcO_8-00019-00002481-00002531 Massage Center बने सेक्स के अड्डे | Police Raid at Massage Center XGwIL1NcO_8-00020-00002562-00002612 Massage Center बने सेक्स के अड्डे | Police Raid at Massage Center XGwIL1NcO_8-00021-00002612-00002662 Massage Center बने सेक्स के अड्डे | Police Raid at Massage Center XGwIL1NcO_8-00022-00002662-00002712 Massage Center बने सेक्स के अड्डे | Police Raid at Massage Center XGwIL1NcO_8-00023-00002712-00002762 Massage Center बने सेक्स के अड्डे | Police Raid at Massage Center XGwIL1NcO_8-00024-00002804-00002854 Massage Center बने सेक्स के अड्डे | Police Raid at Massage Center XGwIL1NcO_8-00025-00002854-00002904 Massage Center बने सेक्स के अड्डे | Police Raid at Massage Center XGwIL1NcO_8-00026-00002904-00002954 Massage Center बने सेक्स के अड्डे | Police Raid at Massage Center XGwIL1NcO_8-00027-00002954-00003004 Massage Center बने सेक्स के अड्डे | Police Raid at Massage Center XGwIL1NcO_8-00028-00003044-00003244 Massage Center बने सेक्स के अड्डे | Police Raid at Massage Center XGwIL1NcO_8-00029-00003244-00003294 Massage Center बने सेक्स के अड्डे | Police Raid at Massage Center XGwIL1NcO_8-00030-00003334-00003384 Massage Center बने सेक्स के अड्डे | Police Raid at Massage Center XGwIL1NcO_8-00031-00003384-00003434 Massage Center बने सेक्स के अड्डे | Police Raid at Massage Center XGwIL1NcO_8-00032-00003434-00003484 Massage Center बने सेक्स के अड्डे | Police Raid at Massage Center XGwIL1NcO_8-00033-00003484-00003534 Massage Center बने सेक्स के अड्डे | Police Raid at Massage Center XGwIL1NcO_8-00034-00003563-00003763 Massage Center बने सेक्स के अड्डे | Police Raid at Massage Center XGwIL1NcO_8-00035-00003763-00003813 Massage Center बने सेक्स के अड्डे | Police Raid at Massage Center XGwIL1NcO_8-00036-00003859-00004059 Massage Center बने सेक्स के अड्डे | Police Raid at Massage Center XGwIL1NcO_8-00037-00004059-00004109 Massage Center बने सेक्स के अड्डे | Police Raid at Massage Center XGwIL1NcO_8-00038-00004109-00004159 Massage Center बने सेक्स के अड्डे | Police Raid at Massage Center XGwIL1NcO_8-00039-00004171-00004371 Massage Center बने सेक्स के अड्डे | Police Raid at Massage Center XGwIL1NcO_8-00040-00004371-00004421 Massage Center बने सेक्स के अड्डे | Police Raid at Massage Center XGwIL1NcO_8-00041-00004421-00004471 Massage Center बने सेक्स के अड्डे | Police Raid at Massage Center XGwIL1NcO_8-00042-00004471-00004671 Massage Center बने सेक्स के अड्डे | Police Raid at Massage Center XGwIL1NcO_8-00043-00004671-00004721 Massage Center बने सेक्स के अड्डे | Police Raid at Massage Center XGwIL1NcO_8-00044-00004721-00004771 Massage Center बने सेक्स के अड्डे | Police Raid at Massage Center XGwIL1NcO_8-00045-00004773-00004973 Massage Center बने सेक्स के अड्डे | Police Raid at Massage Center XGwIL1NcO_8-00046-00004973-00005023 Massage Center बने सेक्स के अड्डे | Police Raid at Massage Center XGwIL1NcO_8-00047-00005023-00005073 Massage Center बने सेक्स के अड्डे | Police Raid at Massage Center XGwIL1NcO_8-00048-00005077-00005127 Massage Center बने सेक्स के अड्डे | Police Raid at Massage Center XGwIL1NcO_8-00049-00005127-00005177 Massage Center बने सेक्स के अड्डे | Police Raid at Massage Center XGwIL1NcO_8-00050-00005182-00005232 Massage Center बने सेक्स के अड्डे | Police Raid at Massage Center XGwIL1NcO_8-00051-00005232-00005282 Massage Center बने सेक्स के अड्डे | Police Raid at Massage Center XGwIL1NcO_8-00052-00005282-00005332 Massage Center बने सेक्स के अड्डे | Police Raid at Massage Center XGwIL1NcO_8-00053-00005332-00005382 Massage Center बने सेक्स के अड्डे | Police Raid at Massage Center XGwIL1NcO_8-00054-00005419-00005619 Massage Center बने सेक्स के अड्डे | Police Raid at Massage Center XGwIL1NcO_8-00055-00005619-00005669 Massage Center बने सेक्स के अड्डे | Police Raid at Massage Center XGwIL1NcO_8-00056-00005669-00005719 Massage Center बने सेक्स के अड्डे | Police Raid at Massage Center XGwIL1NcO_8-00057-00005734-00005934 Massage Center बने सेक्स के अड्डे | Police Raid at Massage Center XGwIL1NcO_8-00058-00005934-00005984 Massage Center बने सेक्स के अड्डे | Police Raid at Massage Center XGwIL1NcO_8-00059-00005984-00006034 Massage Center बने सेक्स के अड्डे | Police Raid at Massage Center XGwIL1NcO_8-00060-00006055-00006255 Massage Center बने सेक्स के अड्डे | Police Raid at Massage Center XGwIL1NcO_8-00061-00006255-00006305 Massage Center बने सेक्स के अड्डे | Police Raid at Massage Center XGwIL1NcO_8-00062-00006305-00006355 Massage Center बने सेक्स के अड्डे | Police Raid at Massage Center XGwIL1NcO_8-00063-00006381-00006581 Massage Center बने सेक्स के अड्डे | Police Raid at Massage Center XGwIL1NcO_8-00064-00006581-00006631 Massage Center बने सेक्स के अड्डे | Police Raid at Massage Center XGwIL1NcO_8-00065-00006631-00006681 Massage Center बने सेक्स के अड्डे | Police Raid at Massage Center XGwIL1NcO_8-00066-00006681-00006881 Massage Center बने सेक्स के अड्डे | Police Raid at Massage Center XGwIL1NcO_8-00067-00006881-00006931 Massage Center बने सेक्स के अड्डे | Police Raid at Massage Center XGwIL1NcO_8-00068-00006931-00006981 Massage Center बने सेक्स के अड्डे | Police Raid at Massage Center XGwIL1NcO_8-00069-00006997-00007197 Massage Center बने सेक्स के अड्डे | Police Raid at Massage Center XGwIL1NcO_8-00070-00007197-00007247 Massage Center बने सेक्स के अड्डे | Police Raid at Massage Center XGwIL1NcO_8-00071-00007263-00007463 Massage Center बने सेक्स के अड्डे | Police Raid at Massage Center XGwIL1NcO_8-00072-00007463-00007513 Massage Center बने सेक्स के अड्डे | Police Raid at Massage Center XGwIL1NcO_8-00073-00007513-00007563 Massage Center बने सेक्स के अड्डे | Police Raid at Massage Center XGwIL1NcO_8-00074-00007564-00007764 Massage Center बने सेक्स के अड्डे | Police Raid at Massage Center XGwIL1NcO_8-00075-00007764-00007814 Massage Center बने सेक्स के अड्डे | Police Raid at Massage Center XGwIL1NcO_8-00076-00007860-00008060 Massage Center बने सेक्स के अड्डे | Police Raid at Massage Center XGwIL1NcO_8-00077-00008060-00008110 Massage Center बने सेक्स के अड्डे | Police Raid at Massage Center XHrrYvXqSnU-00000-00000003-00000959 Hey everybody it's April Bolivar, your Friendly Dog Trainer! Hi everybody I'm am XHrrYvXqSnU-00001-00000959-00001413 April Bolivar and I am your Friendly Dog Trainer and your Online Dog Training XHrrYvXqSnU-00002-00001413-00002013 mentor and if you are return viewer I want to say thank you so much for coming XHrrYvXqSnU-00003-00002013-00002576 back and if it's your first time viewing thanks so much for coming in and I want XHrrYvXqSnU-00004-00002576-00003118 to thank you as well and introduce myself my name is April Bolivar, I'm a XHrrYvXqSnU-00005-00003118-00003759 Certified Dog Trainer, I'm an honors graduate of Animal Behavior College and XHrrYvXqSnU-00006-00003759-00004553 it is my passion to help you enrich your bond with your dog so before we get into XHrrYvXqSnU-00007-00004553-00005109 this amazing subject about analyzing stubbornness I would like to please ask XHrrYvXqSnU-00008-00005109-00005603 you if you would be gracious enough to subscribe because when you subscribe XHrrYvXqSnU-00009-00005603-00006132 always get notified and that way you won't miss another one of these awesome XHrrYvXqSnU-00010-00006132-00007059 videos! Sometimes we kind of put human attributes on our dogs and we as humans XHrrYvXqSnU-00011-00007059-00007842 have more complex emotions than dogs do so if you feel like your dog is being XHrrYvXqSnU-00012-00007842-00008379 stubborn and not listening to your commands there may be a simple XHrrYvXqSnU-00013-00008379-00009027 explanation to your dog refusing to listen to your commands. I want you to XHrrYvXqSnU-00014-00009027-00009660 ask yourself three questions if you feel that your dog is being stubborn in your XHrrYvXqSnU-00015-00009660-00010092 training. Number one is: Does your dog understand XHrrYvXqSnU-00016-00010092-00010718 your command? Number two is: Does your dog know what to XHrrYvXqSnU-00017-00010718-00011552 do when it hears your command? Number three is: Is the command creating confusion XHrrYvXqSnU-00018-00011552-00012146 for your dog? Seeing these questions I hope you have a XHrrYvXqSnU-00019-00012146-00012696 light bulb moment and maybe realize that instead of your dog actually being XHrrYvXqSnU-00020-00012696-00013626 stubborn, it's really just confused or not able to execute your command. So most XHrrYvXqSnU-00021-00013626-00014076 likely what you're going to have to do is go back a few steps or what I like to XHrrYvXqSnU-00022-00014076-00014661 call "returning to Kindergarten" and make your dog feel more comfortable by moving XHrrYvXqSnU-00023-00014661-00015476 at his or her own pace. You may find that the stubbornness is really just XHrrYvXqSnU-00024-00015476-00016209 confusion and you just been moving too quickly in your dog training. If you feel XHrrYvXqSnU-00025-00016209-00016823 like your dog is being stubborn and ignoring your commands ask yourself the XHrrYvXqSnU-00026-00016823-00017187 three questions. 1. Does your dog understand your XHrrYvXqSnU-00027-00017187-00017709 command? 2. Does your dog know what to do when it XHrrYvXqSnU-00028-00017709-00018555 hears your commands? 3. Is the command creating confusion for your dog? Most XHrrYvXqSnU-00029-00018555-00019125 likely this is the case and you just need to go back a few steps and try and XHrrYvXqSnU-00030-00019125-00019767 slow down in your dog training and move at your dogs pace. Did you like this video and if you did XHrrYvXqSnU-00031-00019767-00020481 could you please give it a thumbs up? And also don't forget to share it out your XHrrYvXqSnU-00032-00020481-00021012 friends, your family and your followers so that way they can get this great XHrrYvXqSnU-00033-00021012-00021515 information as well and learn that maybe their dog isn't really being stubborn but XHrrYvXqSnU-00034-00021515-00022143 it's just not understanding the commands. Subscribe because when you subscribe XHrrYvXqSnU-00035-00022143-00022761 you'll never miss another one of these amazing videos. So, just stay to the end XHrrYvXqSnU-00036-00022761-00023373 of the video and click on the little emoji of me as a dog and you will be XHrrYvXqSnU-00037-00023373-00024043 able to subscribe it's that easy! I hope you guys have an amazing weekend XHrrYvXqSnU-00038-00024043-00024454 and take care your dogs and love them and they'll love you for it. XHrrYvXqSnU-00039-00024454-00024973 I love feedback, so please make sure to leave any comments or questions below XHrrYvXqSnU-00040-00024973-00025618 and always take the quiz at the end of the videos as well.I love to hear what XHrrYvXqSnU-00041-00025618-00026169 your thoughts are so definitely give me some feedback and interaction. Have a XHrrYvXqSnU-00042-00026169-00026697 great week everyone I'll see you again next week, bye! XHrrYvXqSnU-00043-00028418-00028624 you XJ3QPfNXQPI-00000-00000264-00000624 A teacher's inappropriate obsession with a beautiful young girl leads to XJ3QPfNXQPI-00001-00000624-00000919 him marrying her mother so that he can be close to the girl. XJ3QPfNXQPI-00002-00001016-00001632 Today, we will talk about a 1997, romantic drama film called, Lolita. XJ3QPfNXQPI-00003-00001632-00001936 Movie Spoilers ahead. Relax and enjoy. XJ3QPfNXQPI-00004-00002032-00002608 In 1947, Humbert, a middle-aged European professor of English literature, XJ3QPfNXQPI-00005-00002608-00002984 travels to the United States to take a teaching position in New Hampshire. XJ3QPfNXQPI-00006-00003040-00003576 He rents a room in the home of widow Charlotte Haze, largely because he is sexually attracted XJ3QPfNXQPI-00007-00003576-00004144 to her 14-year-old daughter, named, Dolores, who he sees while touring the house, XJ3QPfNXQPI-00008-00004144-00004728 as she reminds him of his childhood girlfriend. Humbert was madly in love when he was 14 years XJ3QPfNXQPI-00009-00004728-00005384 old, his girlfriend died due to typhus. He kept on looking for her even long after he had grown up. XJ3QPfNXQPI-00010-00005384-00005832 Humbert is immediately smitten with Dolores and couldn't stop watching her. XJ3QPfNXQPI-00011-00005832-00006224 Lolita is an undisciplined brat who does whatever she wants. XJ3QPfNXQPI-00012-00006224-00006744 She behaves provocatively with Humbert and never misses a chance to behave naughtily with him. XJ3QPfNXQPI-00013-00006744-00007192 On the day Charlotte sends Dolores to an all-girls catholic boarding school, XJ3QPfNXQPI-00014-00007192-00007472 Dolores ran to Humbert and kissed him on his lips. XJ3QPfNXQPI-00015-00007528-00008023 Charlotte left a note for Humbert that she loves him and if he feels the same way as she does, XJ3QPfNXQPI-00016-00008023-00008512 he would stay but if not, he can go before she came back by dinner time. XJ3QPfNXQPI-00017-00008512-00008824 Humbert stayed and they got married two weeks later. XJ3QPfNXQPI-00018-00008824-00009344 Charlotte found a drawer lock and asked him what is inside to which he replied it's love letters. XJ3QPfNXQPI-00019-00009344-00009792 He avoided having sex with Charlotte for six weeks and when he cannot avoid it, XJ3QPfNXQPI-00020-00009792-00010376 he went to a doctor for sleeping pills. When he returns home, he found out that Charlotte XJ3QPfNXQPI-00021-00010376-00010856 finds Humbert's secret diary and discovers his preference for her daughter as she forcefully XJ3QPfNXQPI-00022-00010856-00011528 opened the drawer. Furious, Charlotte runs out of the house, when she is struck by a car and killed. XJ3QPfNXQPI-00023-00011528-00011880 Her death frees him to pursue a romantic and sexual relationship XJ3QPfNXQPI-00024-00011880-00012376 with Lo, whom he nicknames "Lolita". Humbert went to the boarding school and took Lo. XJ3QPfNXQPI-00025-00012432-00012991 They then travel the country, staying in various motels before eventually settling in the college XJ3QPfNXQPI-00026-00012991-00013600 town of Beardsley, where Humbert takes a teaching job and Lo begins attending Beardsley Prep School. XJ3QPfNXQPI-00027-00013600-00013976 Humbert and Lo must conceal the nature of their relationship from everyone- XJ3QPfNXQPI-00028-00013976-00014440 strangers they encounter when traveling as well as the administration at Beardsley. XJ3QPfNXQPI-00029-00014440-00015016 They present themselves to the world as a father and daughter. Over time, Lo's increasing boredom XJ3QPfNXQPI-00030-00015016-00015255 with Humbert, combined with her growing desire for independence, fuels a constant XJ3QPfNXQPI-00031-00015255-00015504 tension that leads to a fight between them. Humbert's affection for Lo is also rivaled by XJ3QPfNXQPI-00032-00015504-00016047 another man, Clare Quilty, who has been pursuing Lo since the beginning of the pair's travels. XJ3QPfNXQPI-00033-00016112-00016488 One day, Lo was admitted to a hospital as she had fever. XJ3QPfNXQPI-00034-00016488-00016824 She eventually escapes with Quilty from the hospital. XJ3QPfNXQPI-00035-00016824-00017216 Humbert was heartbroken and search for her everywhere but is unsuccessful, XJ3QPfNXQPI-00036-00017216-00017704 as he doesn't know Quilty's name. Three years later, Humbert receives XJ3QPfNXQPI-00037-00017704-00018384 a letter from Lo asking for money. Humbert visits Lo, who is now married and pregnant. Her husband, XJ3QPfNXQPI-00038-00018384-00019056 Richard, knows nothing about her past. Humbert asks her to run away with him, but she refuses. XJ3QPfNXQPI-00039-00019056-00019632 He relents and gives her a substantial amount of money. Lo also reveals to Humbert how Quilty XJ3QPfNXQPI-00040-00019632-00020184 actually tracked young girls and took them to Pavor Manor, his home in Parkington, to exploit XJ3QPfNXQPI-00041-00020184-00020816 them for child pornography. Quilty abandoned her after she refused to be in one of his films. XJ3QPfNXQPI-00042-00020816-00021280 After his visit with Lo, Humbert tracks down Quilty and murders him. XJ3QPfNXQPI-00043-00021280-00021816 He was chased by the police and is arrested and sent to prison. He dies in prison in November XJ3QPfNXQPI-00044-00021816-00022408 of 1950 due to coronary thrombosis, and the movie ends with Lo who dies the next month on XJ3QPfNXQPI-00045-00022408-00022872 Christmas Day from childbirth complications. Thank you for watching and listening. XJ3QPfNXQPI-00046-00022944-00023520 See you again soon. Until then, take care. XJru_-JBS9o-00000-00001887-00002141 Hello today I want to talk about XJru_-JBS9o-00001-00002141-00002443 the eye contour of the Bottega Verde retinol. XJru_-JBS9o-00003-00002700-00003031 It is called BV Plus and claims to be XJru_-JBS9o-00004-00003035-00003331 an enhanced eye contour with Pro Retinol, XJru_-JBS9o-00005-00003331-00003642 Plant Collagen, Hyaluronic Acid XJru_-JBS9o-00006-00003642-00003945 and Pluridefence. XJru_-JBS9o-00008-00004285-00004571 The package is 15 ml and the list price XJru_-JBS9o-00009-00004571-00004819 is 25.99 euros but can be found on offer XJru_-JBS9o-00010-00004819-00005125 with monthly promotions in the store XJru_-JBS9o-00011-00005125-00005400 or with online offers, XJru_-JBS9o-00012-00005400-00005693 I for example I bought it with the monthly XJru_-JBS9o-00013-00005693-00005938 promotional card at the price of Euro 4.99 XJru_-JBS9o-00014-00005938-00006235 so I decided to give it a try. XJru_-JBS9o-00016-00006539-00006730 Speaking of the product, XJru_-JBS9o-00017-00009930-00010238 just apply a little on the eye contour and XJru_-JBS9o-00018-00010238-00010529 gently tap to make it absorb. XJru_-JBS9o-00020-00010818-00010935 It absorbs very quickly and I use it daily XJru_-JBS9o-00021-00011073-00011347 morning and evening constantly. XJru_-JBS9o-00022-00011347-00011664 I must say that I noticed a slight XJru_-JBS9o-00023-00011667-00011976 improvement especially regarding dark circle XJru_-JBS9o-00025-00012303-00012603 Surely it does not do everything that XJru_-JBS9o-00026-00012603-00012893 promises from the package, but still XJru_-JBS9o-00027-00012893-00013193 contains retinol that is perfect for the eye XJru_-JBS9o-00028-00013193-00013461 contour and goes to hydrate the area, XJru_-JBS9o-00029-00013461-00013702 so as to keep the skin elastic and delay XJru_-JBS9o-00030-00013702-00014003 the appearance of fine lines, XJru_-JBS9o-00031-00014003-00014210 signs of aging and crow's feet. XJru_-JBS9o-00033-00014539-00014840 Due to the fact that I noticed a slight XJru_-JBS9o-00034-00014840-00015174 improvement on my disastrous dark circles, XJru_-JBS9o-00035-00015202-00015493 I think that partly thanks to the product but XJru_-JBS9o-00036-00015493-00015766 also in large part thanks to the massage XJru_-JBS9o-00037-00015805-00016088 to penetrate the cream. XJru_-JBS9o-00039-00016365-00016676 Given the rapid absorption is also good to use XJru_-JBS9o-00040-00016676-00016980 in the morning before make-up, XJru_-JBS9o-00041-00016980-00017250 being obviously careful to wear makeup only XJru_-JBS9o-00042-00017250-00017519 after the cream is completely dry XJru_-JBS9o-00043-00017519-00017828 to avoid stains of color. XJru_-JBS9o-00045-00018182-00018411 I would say that it is a product that XJru_-JBS9o-00046-00018411-00018702 I can recommend and that I could buy back, XJru_-JBS9o-00047-00018702-00018893 but only on offer, certainly not at full price. XJru_-JBS9o-00049-00019225-00019452 As always I hope to have been useful XJru_-JBS9o-00050-00019452-00019759 and if you liked the video put me a like XJru_-JBS9o-00051-00019759-00020056 and subscribe to the channel so you XJru_-JBS9o-00052-00020056-00020342 do not miss the next beauty reviews. XJru_-JBS9o-00054-00020596-00020877 I also recommend that you click on the bell XJru_-JBS9o-00055-00020877-00021149 so you will receive a convenient XJru_-JBS9o-00056-00021149-00021441 free notification every time I publish XJru_-JBS9o-00057-00021441-00021743 a new video. XKfugPQS2PY-00000-00000000-00000846 8[Music] it's winter the season my best Season Winter XKfugPQS2PY-00001-00000846-00001950 I think winter is the best season in the winter it is usually cold sometimes it is XKfugPQS2PY-00002-00001950-00002976 freezing however I like winter because it snows when it when it snows I go skiing with my family XKfugPQS2PY-00003-00003102-00003792 I always enjoy eating sweet potatoes in the winter did you like this season XKfugPQS2PY-00004-00003852-00004284 don't forget subscribe the channel if you like me goodbye XKfugPQS2PY-00005-00005376-00006240 I think winter is the best season in the winter it is usually cold sometimes it is XKfugPQS2PY-00006-00006240-00007272 freezing however I like winter because it snows when when it snows I go skiing with my family XKfugPQS2PY-00007-00007392-00008088 I always enjoy eating sweet potatoes in the winter did you like this season XKfugPQS2PY-00008-00008148-00008586 don't forget subscribe the channel if you like me goodbye XKfugPQS2PY-00009-00009450-00009684 let's Season Winter XKfugPQS2PY-00010-00009930-00010806 I think winter is the best season in the winter it is usually cold sometimes it is XKfugPQS2PY-00011-00010806-00011832 freezing however I like winter because it snows when when it snows I go skiing with my family XKfugPQS2PY-00012-00011946-00012642 I always enjoy eating sweet potatoes in the winter did you like this season XKfugPQS2PY-00013-00012702-00013122 don't forget subscribe the channel if you like me goodbye XKfugPQS2PY-00014-00013986-00014274 best season winter XKfugPQS2PY-00015-00014508-00015372 I think winter is the best season in the winter it is usually cold sometimes it is XKfugPQS2PY-00016-00015372-00016404 freezing however I like winter because it snows when it when it snows I go skiing with my family XKfugPQS2PY-00017-00016524-00017220 I always enjoy eating sweet potatoes in the winter did you like this season XKfugPQS2PY-00018-00017286-00017718 don't forget subscribe the channel if you like me goodbye XKfugPQS2PY-00019-00018036-00018828 let's Season Winter XKfugPQS2PY-00020-00019062-00019932 I think winter is the best season in the winter it is usually cold sometimes it is XKfugPQS2PY-00021-00019932-00020964 freezing however I like winter because it snows when it when it snows I go skiing with my family XKfugPQS2PY-00022-00021078-00021774 I always enjoy eating sweet potatoes in the winter did you like this season XKfugPQS2PY-00023-00021834-00022254 don't forget subscribe the channel if you like me goodbye XKfugPQS2PY-00024-00023190-00023376 best season winter XKfugPQS2PY-00025-00023622-00024492 I think winter is the best season in the winter it is usually cold sometimes it is XKfugPQS2PY-00026-00024492-00025518 freezing however I like winter because it snows when when it snows I go skiing with my family XKfugPQS2PY-00027-00025638-00026333 I always enjoy eating sweet potatoes in the winter did you like this season XKfugPQS2PY-00028-00026394-00026826 don't forget subscribe the channel if you like me goodbye XKfugPQS2PY-00029-00027786-00027936 Season Winter XKfugPQS2PY-00030-00028176-00029045 I think winter is the best season in the winter it is usually cold sometimes it is XKfugPQS2PY-00031-00029045-00030072 freezing however I like winter because it snows when when it snows I go skiing with my family XKfugPQS2PY-00032-00030186-00030882 I always enjoy eating sweet potatoes in the winter did you like this season XKfugPQS2PY-00033-00030948-00031380 don't forget subscribe the channel if you like me goodbye XKfugPQS2PY-00034-00032250-00032508 best season winter XKfugPQS2PY-00035-00032742-00033612 I think winter is the best season in the winter it is usually cold sometimes it is XKfugPQS2PY-00036-00033612-00034638 freezing however I like winter because it snows when when it snows I go skiing with my family XKfugPQS2PY-00037-00034758-00035454 I always enjoy eating sweet potatoes in the winter did you like this season XKfugPQS2PY-00038-00035520-00035946 don't forget subscribe the channel if you like me goodbye XKfugPQS2PY-00039-00036870-00037062 this season winter XKfugPQS2PY-00040-00037296-00038166 I think winter is the best season in the winter it is usually cold sometimes it is XKfugPQS2PY-00041-00038166-00039198 freezing however I like winter because it snows when when it snows I go skiing with my family XKfugPQS2PY-00042-00039312-00040008 I always enjoy eating sweet potatoes in the winter did you like this season XKfugPQS2PY-00043-00040068-00040500 don't forget subscribe the channel if you like me goodbye XKfugPQS2PY-00044-00041460-00041610 Season Winter XKfugPQS2PY-00045-00041844-00042708 I think winter is the best season in the winter it is usually cold sometimes it is XKfugPQS2PY-00046-00042708-00043740 freezing however I like winter because it snows when when it snows I go skiing with my family XKfugPQS2PY-00047-00043860-00044556 I always enjoy eating sweet potatoes in the winter did you like this season XKfugPQS2PY-00048-00044622-00045048 don't forget subscribe the channel if you like me goodbye XKfugPQS2PY-00049-00045966-00046158 and Season Winter XKfugPQS2PY-00050-00046404-00047274 I think winter is the best season in the winter it is usually cold sometimes it is XKfugPQS2PY-00051-00047274-00048300 freezing however I like winter because it snows when when it snows I go skiing with my family XKfugPQS2PY-00052-00048420-00049116 I always enjoy eating sweet potatoes in the winter did you like this season XKfugPQS2PY-00053-00049182-00049614 don't forget subscribe the channel if you like me goodbye XKfugPQS2PY-00054-00050094-00050730 let's Season Winter XKfugPQS2PY-00055-00050958-00051828 I think winter is the best season in the winter it is usually cold sometimes it is XKfugPQS2PY-00056-00051828-00052860 freezing however I like winter because it snows when when it snows I go skiing with my family XKfugPQS2PY-00057-00052974-00053670 I always enjoy eating sweet potatoes in the winter did you like this season XKfugPQS2PY-00058-00053736-00054162 don't forget subscribe the channel if you like me goodbye XKfugPQS2PY-00059-00055091-00055290 best season winter XKfugPQS2PY-00060-00055529-00056400 I think winter is the best season in the winter it is usually cold sometimes it is XKfugPQS2PY-00061-00056400-00057426 freezing however I like winter because it snows when when it snows I go skiing with my family XKfugPQS2PY-00062-00057546-00058241 I always enjoy eating sweet potatoes in the winter did you like this season XKfugPQS2PY-00063-00058302-00058734 don't forget subscribe the channel if you like me goodbye XKfugPQS2PY-00064-00059694-00059832 Season Winter XKfugPQS2PY-00065-00060005-00060948 I think winter is the best season in the winter it is usually cold sometimes it is XKfugPQS2PY-00066-00060948-00061974 freezing however I like winter because it snows when when it snows I go skiing with my family XKfugPQS2PY-00067-00062094-00062790 I always enjoy eating sweet potatoes in the winter did you like this season XKfugPQS2PY-00068-00062855-00063294 don't forget subscribe the channel if you like me goodbye XKfugPQS2PY-00069-00064205-00064398 and Season Winter XKfugPQS2PY-00070-00064644-00065508 I think winter is the best season in the winter it is usually cold sometimes it is XKfugPQS2PY-00071-00065508-00066540 freezing however I like winter because it snows when when it snows I go skiing with my family XKfugPQS2PY-00072-00066654-00067350 I always enjoy eating sweet potatoes in the winter did you like this season XKfugPQS2PY-00073-00067410-00067830 don't forget subscribe the channel if you like me goodbye XKfugPQS2PY-00074-00068772-00068964 this season winter XKfugPQS2PY-00075-00069192-00070062 I think winter is the best season in the winter it is usually cold sometimes it is XKfugPQS2PY-00076-00070062-00071094 freezing however I like winter because it snows when when it snows I go skiing with my family XKfugPQS2PY-00077-00071208-00071904 I always enjoy eating sweet potatoes in the winter did you like this season XKfugPQS2PY-00078-00071964-00072396 don't forget subscribe the channel if you like me goodbye XKfugPQS2PY-00079-00073332-00073518 best season winter XKfugPQS2PY-00080-00073770-00074634 I think winter is the best season in the winter it is usually cold sometimes it is XKfugPQS2PY-00081-00074634-00075666 freezing however I like winter because it snows when when it snows I go skiing with my family XKfugPQS2PY-00082-00075780-00076476 I always enjoy eating sweet potatoes in the winter did you like this season XKfugPQS2PY-00083-00076536-00076956 don't forget subscribe the channel if you like me goodbye XKfugPQS2PY-00084-00077898-00078102 best season winter XKfugPQS2PY-00085-00078336-00079206 I think winter is the best season in the winter it is usually cold sometimes it is XKfugPQS2PY-00086-00079206-00080232 freezing however I like winter because it snows when when it snows I go skiing with my family XKfugPQS2PY-00087-00080352-00081048 I always enjoy eating sweet potatoes in the winter did you like this season XKfugPQS2PY-00088-00081108-00081540 don't forget subscribe the channel if you like me goodbye XKfugPQS2PY-00089-00082500-00082644 Season Winter XKfugPQS2PY-00090-00082884-00083754 I think winter is the best season in the winter it is usually cold sometimes it is XKfugPQS2PY-00091-00083754-00084780 freezing however I like winter because it snows when when it snows I go skiing with my family XKfugPQS2PY-00092-00084900-00085596 I always enjoy eating sweet potatoes in the winter did you like this season XKfugPQS2PY-00093-00085656-00086094 don't forget subscribe the channel if you like me goodbye XKfugPQS2PY-00094-00086948-00087048 [Music] XKfugPQS2PY-00095-00087048-00087870 it's winter the season my best season winter XKfugPQS2PY-00096-00088104-00088986 I think winter is the best season in the winter it is usually cold sometimes it is XKfugPQS2PY-00097-00088986-00090006 freezing however I like winter because it snows when when it snows I go skiing with my family XKfugPQS2PY-00098-00090126-00090816 I always enjoy eating sweet potatoes in the winter did you like this season XKfugPQS2PY-00099-00090882-00091320 don't forget subscribe the channel if you like me goodbye XKfugPQS2PY-00100-00092052-00092226 foreign XKfugPQS2PY-00101-00092226-00093096 [Music] it's winter the season my best season winter XKfugPQS2PY-00102-00093330-00094200 I think winter is the best season in the winter it is usually cold sometimes it is XKfugPQS2PY-00103-00094200-00095226 freezing however I like winter because it snows when when it snows I go skiing with my family XKfugPQS2PY-00104-00095340-00096036 I always enjoy eating sweet potatoes in the winter did you like this season XKfugPQS2PY-00105-00096108-00096534 don't forget subscribe the channel if you like me goodbye XKfugPQS2PY-00106-00097394-00097494 [Music] XKfugPQS2PY-00107-00097494-00098322 it's winter the season my best season winter XKfugPQS2PY-00108-00098550-00099426 I think winter is the best season in the winter it is usually cold sometimes it is XKfugPQS2PY-00109-00099426-00100452 freezing however I like winter because it snows when it when it snows I go skiing with my family XKfugPQS2PY-00110-00100566-00101262 I always enjoy eating sweet potatoes in the winter did you like this season XKfugPQS2PY-00111-00101322-00101748 don't forget subscribe the channel if you like me goodbye XKfugPQS2PY-00112-00102372-00102390 foreign XKfugPQS2PY-00113-00102614-00103542 [Music] it's winter the season my best season winter XKfugPQS2PY-00114-00103770-00104640 I think winter is the best season in the winter it is usually cold sometimes it is XKfugPQS2PY-00115-00104640-00105672 freezing however I like winter because it snows when when it snows I go skiing with my family XKfugPQS2PY-00116-00105785-00106482 I always enjoy eating sweet potatoes in the winter did you like this season XKfugPQS2PY-00117-00106548-00106974 don't forget subscribe the channel if you like me goodbye XKfugPQS2PY-00118-00107833-00107933 [Music] XKfugPQS2PY-00119-00107933-00108761 it's winter the season my best season winter XKfugPQS2PY-00120-00108990-00109866 I think winter is the best season in the winter it is usually cold sometimes it is XKfugPQS2PY-00121-00109866-00110892 freezing however I like winter because it snows when when it snows I go skiing with my family XKfugPQS2PY-00122-00111011-00111702 I always enjoy eating sweet potatoes in the winter did you like this season XKfugPQS2PY-00123-00111768-00112206 don't forget subscribe the channel if you like me goodbye XKfugPQS2PY-00124-00112511-00112632 foreign XKfugPQS2PY-00125-00113059-00113159 [Music] XKfugPQS2PY-00126-00113159-00113988 the season my best season winter XKfugPQS2PY-00127-00114222-00115085 I think winter is the best season in the winter it is usually cold sometimes it is XKfugPQS2PY-00128-00115085-00116118 freezing however I like winter because it snows when when it snows I go skiing with my family XKfugPQS2PY-00129-00116232-00116928 I always enjoy eating sweet potatoes in the winter did you like this season XKfugPQS2PY-00130-00116994-00117426 don't forget subscribe the channel if you like me goodbye XKfugPQS2PY-00131-00118280-00118380 [Music] XKfugPQS2PY-00132-00118380-00119208 it's winter the season my best season winter XKfugPQS2PY-00133-00119435-00120311 I think winter is the best season in the winter it is usually cold sometimes it is XKfugPQS2PY-00134-00120311-00121338 freezing however I like winter because it snows when when it snows I go skiing with my family XKfugPQS2PY-00135-00121458-00122148 I always enjoy eating sweet potatoes in the winter did you like this season XKfugPQS2PY-00136-00122214-00122640 don't forget subscribe the channel if you like me goodbye XKfugPQS2PY-00137-00123500-00123600 [Music] XKfugPQS2PY-00138-00123600-00124433 it's winter the season my best season winter XKfugPQS2PY-00139-00124661-00125526 I think winter is the best season in the winter it is usually cold sometimes it is XKfugPQS2PY-00140-00125526-00126558 freezing however I like winter because it snows when when it snows I go skiing with my family XKfugPQS2PY-00141-00126678-00127374 I always enjoy eating sweet potatoes in the winter did you like this season XKfugPQS2PY-00142-00127433-00127866 don't forget subscribe the channel if you like me goodbye XKfugPQS2PY-00143-00128726-00128826 [Music] XKfugPQS2PY-00144-00128826-00129642 it's winter the season my best season winter XKfugPQS2PY-00145-00129882-00130758 I think winter is the best season in the winter it is usually cold sometimes it is XKfugPQS2PY-00146-00130758-00131784 freezing however I like winter because it snows when it when it snows I go skiing with my family XKfugPQS2PY-00147-00131898-00132588 I always enjoy eating sweet potatoes in the winter did you like this season XKfugPQS2PY-00148-00132660-00133080 don't forget subscribe the channel if you like me goodbye XKfugPQS2PY-00149-00133620-00133704 foreign XKfugPQS2PY-00150-00133946-00134868 [Music] it's winter the season my best season winter XKfugPQS2PY-00151-00135102-00135972 I think winter is the best season in the winter it is usually cold sometimes it is XKfugPQS2PY-00152-00135972-00136998 freezing however I like winter because it snows when when it snows I go skiing with my family XKfugPQS2PY-00153-00137118-00137814 I always enjoy eating sweet potatoes in the winter did you like this season XKfugPQS2PY-00154-00137880-00138312 don't forget subscribe the channel if you like me goodbye XKfugPQS2PY-00155-00139172-00139272 [Music] XKfugPQS2PY-00156-00139272-00140094 it's winter the season my best season winter XKfugPQS2PY-00157-00140322-00141198 I think winter is the best season in the winter it is usually cold sometimes it is XKfugPQS2PY-00158-00141198-00142224 freezing however I like winter because it snows when when it snows I go skiing with my family XKfugPQS2PY-00159-00142344-00143034 I always enjoy eating sweet potatoes in the winter did you like this season XKfugPQS2PY-00160-00143100-00143538 don't forget subscribe the channel if you like me goodbye XKfugPQS2PY-00161-00144308-00144408 [Music] XKfugPQS2PY-00162-00144408-00145320 it's winter the season my best season winter XKfugPQS2PY-00163-00145548-00146412 I think winter is the best season in the winter it is usually cold sometimes it is XKfugPQS2PY-00164-00146412-00147444 freezing however I like winter because it snows when when it snows I go skiing with my family XKfugPQS2PY-00165-00147564-00148260 I always enjoy eating sweet potatoes in the winter did you like this season XKfugPQS2PY-00166-00148326-00148752 don't forget subscribe the channel if you like me goodbye XKfugPQS2PY-00167-00149546-00149646 [Music] XKfugPQS2PY-00168-00149646-00150534 it's winter the season my best season winter XKfugPQS2PY-00169-00150768-00151644 I think winter is the best season in the winter it is usually cold sometimes it is XKfugPQS2PY-00170-00151644-00152664 freezing however I like winter because it snows when when it snows I go skiing with my family XKfugPQS2PY-00171-00152790-00153480 I always enjoy eating sweet potatoes in the winter did you like this season XKfugPQS2PY-00172-00153546-00153984 don't forget subscribe the channel if you like me goodbye XKfugPQS2PY-00173-00154832-00154932 [Music] XKfugPQS2PY-00174-00154932-00155760 it's winter the season my best season winter XKfugPQS2PY-00175-00155994-00156864 I think winter is the best season in the winter it is usually cold sometimes it is XKfugPQS2PY-00176-00156864-00157890 freezing however I like winter because it snows when when it snows I go skiing with my family XKfugPQS2PY-00177-00158004-00158700 I always enjoy eating sweet potatoes in the winter did you like this season XKfugPQS2PY-00178-00158766-00159198 don't forget subscribe the channel if you like me goodbye XKfugPQS2PY-00179-00160052-00160152 [Music] XKfugPQS2PY-00180-00160152-00160980 it's winter the season my best season winter XKfugPQS2PY-00181-00161208-00162084 I think winter is the best season in the winter it is usually cold sometimes it is XKfugPQS2PY-00182-00162084-00163110 freezing however I like winter because it snows when when it snows I go skiing with my family XKfugPQS2PY-00183-00163230-00163920 I always enjoy eating sweet potatoes in the winter did you like this season XKfugPQS2PY-00184-00163986-00164430 don't forget subscribe the channel if you like me goodbye XKfugPQS2PY-00185-00164838-00164856 foreign XKfugPQS2PY-00186-00165278-00165378 [Music] XKfugPQS2PY-00187-00165378-00166206 it's winter the season my best season winter XKfugPQS2PY-00188-00166434-00167304 I think winter is the best season in the winter it is usually cold sometimes it is XKfugPQS2PY-00189-00167304-00168330 freezing however I like winter because it snows when when it snows I go skiing with my family XKfugPQS2PY-00190-00168450-00169146 I always enjoy eating sweet potatoes in the winter did you like this season XKfugPQS2PY-00191-00169212-00169644 don't forget subscribe the channel if you like me goodbye XKfugPQS2PY-00192-00170504-00170604 [Music] XKfugPQS2PY-00193-00170604-00171426 it's winter the season my best season winter XKfugPQS2PY-00194-00171654-00172530 I think winter is the best season in the winter it is usually cold sometimes it is XKfugPQS2PY-00195-00172530-00173556 freezing however I like winter because it snows when when it snows I go skiing with my family XKfugPQS2PY-00196-00173676-00174366 I always enjoy eating sweet potatoes in the winter did you like this season XKfugPQS2PY-00197-00174432-00174852 don't forget subscribe the channel if you like me goodbye XKfugPQS2PY-00198-00175470-00175482 yeah XKfugPQS2PY-00199-00175686-00176652 foreign [Music] it's winter the season my best season winter XKfugPQS2PY-00200-00176886-00177750 I think winter is the best season in the winter it is usually cold sometimes it is XKfugPQS2PY-00201-00177750-00178782 freezing however I like winter because it snows when when it snows I go skiing with my family XKfugPQS2PY-00202-00178896-00179592 I always enjoy eating sweet potatoes in the winter did you like this season XKfugPQS2PY-00203-00179652-00180084 don't forget subscribe the channel if you like me goodbye XKfugPQS2PY-00204-00180422-00181872 [Music] it's winter the season my best season winter XKfugPQS2PY-00205-00182100-00182976 I think winter is the best season in the winter it is usually cold sometimes it is XKfugPQS2PY-00206-00182976-00184002 freezing however I like winter because it snows when when it snows I go skiing with my family XKfugPQS2PY-00207-00184122-00184812 I always enjoy eating sweet potatoes in the winter did you like this season XKfugPQS2PY-00208-00184872-00185298 don't forget subscribe the channel if you like me goodbye XKfugPQS2PY-00209-00185580-00185598 foreign XKfugPQS2PY-00210-00186164-00186264 [Music] XKfugPQS2PY-00211-00186264-00187092 the season my best season winter XKfugPQS2PY-00212-00187326-00188196 I think winter is the best season in the winter it is usually cold sometimes it is XKfugPQS2PY-00213-00188196-00189222 freezing however I like winter because it snows when when it snows I go skiing with my family XKfugPQS2PY-00214-00189342-00190038 I always enjoy eating sweet potatoes in the winter did you like this season XKfugPQS2PY-00215-00190098-00190524 don't forget subscribe the channel if you like me goodbye XKfugPQS2PY-00216-00191384-00191484 [Music] XKfugPQS2PY-00217-00191484-00192312 it's winter the season my best season winter XKfugPQS2PY-00218-00192540-00193416 I think winter is the best season in the winter it is usually cold sometimes it is XKfugPQS2PY-00219-00193416-00194442 freezing however I like winter because it snows when when it snows I go skiing with my family XKfugPQS2PY-00220-00194562-00195252 I always enjoy eating sweet potatoes in the winter did you like this season XKfugPQS2PY-00221-00195318-00195744 don't forget subscribe the channel if you like me goodbye XKfugPQS2PY-00222-00196610-00196710 [Music] XKfugPQS2PY-00223-00196710-00197544 it's winter the season my best season winter XKfugPQS2PY-00224-00197766-00198636 I think winter is the best season in the winter it is usually cold sometimes it is XKfugPQS2PY-00225-00198636-00199668 freezing however I like winter because it snows when when it snows I go skiing with my family XKfugPQS2PY-00226-00199782-00200478 I always enjoy eating sweet potatoes in the winter did you like this season XKfugPQS2PY-00227-00200538-00200976 don't forget subscribe the channel if you like me goodbye XKfugPQS2PY-00228-00201836-00201936 [Music] XKfugPQS2PY-00229-00201936-00202758 it's winter the season my best season winter XKfugPQS2PY-00230-00202968-00203862 I think winter is the best season in the winter it is usually cold sometimes it is XKfugPQS2PY-00231-00203862-00204888 freezing however I like winter because it snows when when it snows I go skiing with my family XKfugPQS2PY-00232-00205002-00205698 I always enjoy eating sweet potatoes in the winter did you like this season XKfugPQS2PY-00233-00205764-00206184 don't forget subscribe the channel if you like me goodbye XKfugPQS2PY-00234-00206417-00206436 foreign XKfugPQS2PY-00235-00207056-00207156 [Music] XKfugPQS2PY-00236-00207156-00207978 it's winter the season my best season winter XKfugPQS2PY-00237-00208212-00209082 I think winter is the best season in the winter it is usually cold sometimes it is XKfugPQS2PY-00238-00209082-00210108 freezing however I like winter because it snows when when it snows I go skiing with my family XKfugPQS2PY-00239-00210228-00210923 I always enjoy eating sweet potatoes in the winter did you like this season XKfugPQS2PY-00240-00210990-00211416 don't forget subscribe the channel if you like me goodbye XKfugPQS2PY-00241-00212269-00212369 [Music] XKfugPQS2PY-00242-00212369-00213864 it's winter the season my best season winter foreign I think winter is the best season in XKfugPQS2PY-00243-00213864-00214902 the winter it is usually cold sometimes it is freezing however I like winter because it snows XKfugPQS2PY-00244-00214902-00215958 when when it snows I go skiing with my family I always enjoy eating sweet potatoes in the winter XKfugPQS2PY-00245-00215958-00217032 did you like this season don't forget subscribe the channel if you like me goodbye foreign XKfugPQS2PY-00246-00217496-00217596 [Music] XKfugPQS2PY-00247-00217596-00218423 the season my best season winter XKfugPQS2PY-00248-00218652-00219521 I think winter is the best season in the winter it is usually cold sometimes it is XKfugPQS2PY-00249-00219521-00220548 freezing however I like winter because it snows when when it snows I go skiing with my family XKfugPQS2PY-00250-00220667-00221364 I always enjoy eating sweet potatoes in the winter did you like this season XKfugPQS2PY-00251-00221430-00221856 don't forget subscribe the channel if you like me goodbye XKfugPQS2PY-00252-00222721-00222821 [Music] XKfugPQS2PY-00253-00222821-00223644 it's winter the season my best season winter XKfugPQS2PY-00254-00223823-00224748 I think winter is the best season in the winter it is usually cold sometimes it is XKfugPQS2PY-00255-00224748-00225773 freezing however I like winter because it snows when when it snows I go skiing with my family XKfugPQS2PY-00256-00225894-00226578 I always enjoy eating sweet potatoes in the winter did you like this season XKfugPQS2PY-00257-00226650-00227076 don't forget subscribe the channel if you like me goodbye XKfugPQS2PY-00258-00227669-00227694 foreign XKfugPQS2PY-00259-00228042-00228982 winter [Music] XKfugPQS2PY-00260-00229098-00229967 I think winter is the best season in the winter it is usually cold sometimes it is XKfugPQS2PY-00261-00229967-00230994 freezing however I like winter because it snows when when it snows I go skiing with my family XKfugPQS2PY-00262-00231114-00231810 I always enjoy eating sweet potatoes in the winter did you like this season XKfugPQS2PY-00263-00231876-00232308 don't forget subscribe the channel if you like me goodbye XKfugPQS2PY-00264-00233167-00233267 [Music] XKfugPQS2PY-00265-00233267-00234090 it's winter the season my best season winter XKfugPQS2PY-00266-00234312-00235194 I think winter is the best season in the winter it is usually cold sometimes it is XKfugPQS2PY-00267-00235194-00236214 freezing however I like winter because it snows when when it snows I go skiing with my family XKfugPQS2PY-00268-00236340-00237030 I always enjoy eating sweet potatoes in the winter did you like this season XKfugPQS2PY-00269-00237090-00237534 don't forget subscribe the channel if you like me goodbye XKfugPQS2PY-00270-00237876-00237894 foreign XKfugPQS2PY-00271-00238382-00238482 [Music] XKfugPQS2PY-00272-00238482-00239310 the season my best season winter XKfugPQS2PY-00273-00239544-00240414 I think winter is the best season in the winter it is usually cold sometimes it is XKfugPQS2PY-00274-00240414-00241440 freezing however I like winter because it snows when when it snows I go skiing with my family XKfugPQS2PY-00275-00241560-00242256 I always enjoy eating sweet potatoes in the winter did you like this season XKfugPQS2PY-00276-00242316-00242748 don't forget subscribe the channel if you like me goodbye XKfugPQS2PY-00277-00243608-00243708 [Music] XKfugPQS2PY-00278-00243708-00244530 it's winter the season my best season winter XKfugPQS2PY-00279-00244764-00245640 I think winter is the best season in the winter it is usually cold sometimes it is XKfugPQS2PY-00280-00245640-00246666 freezing however I like winter because it snows when when it snows I go skiing with my family XKfugPQS2PY-00281-00246786-00247476 I always enjoy eating sweet potatoes in the winter did you like this season XKfugPQS2PY-00282-00247536-00247962 don't forget subscribe the channel if you like me goodbye XKfugPQS2PY-00283-00248471-00248490 foreign XKfugPQS2PY-00284-00248786-00249756 [Music] it's winter the season my best season winter XKfugPQS2PY-00285-00249990-00250854 I think winter is the best season in the winter it is usually cold sometimes it is XKfugPQS2PY-00286-00250854-00251880 freezing however I like winter because it snows when when it snows I go skiing with my family XKfugPQS2PY-00287-00252000-00252696 I always enjoy eating sweet potatoes in the winter did you like this season XKfugPQS2PY-00288-00252762-00253188 don't forget subscribe the channel if you like me goodbye XKfugPQS2PY-00289-00254048-00254148 [Music] XKfugPQS2PY-00290-00254148-00254976 it's winter the season my best season winter XKfugPQS2PY-00291-00255204-00256080 I think winter is the best season in the winter it is usually cold sometimes it is XKfugPQS2PY-00292-00256080-00257106 freezing however I like winter because it snows when when it snows I go skiing with my family XKfugPQS2PY-00293-00257226-00257916 I always enjoy eating sweet potatoes in the winter did you like this season XKfugPQS2PY-00294-00257982-00258600 don't forget subscribe the channel if you like me goodbye foreign XKfugPQS2PY-00295-00259273-00259373 [Music] XKfugPQS2PY-00296-00259373-00260202 it's winter the season my best season winter XKfugPQS2PY-00297-00260436-00261300 I think winter is the best season in the winter it is usually cold sometimes it is XKfugPQS2PY-00298-00261300-00262332 freezing however I like winter because it snows when it when it snows I go skiing with my family XKfugPQS2PY-00299-00262446-00263142 I always enjoy eating sweet potatoes in the winter did you like this season XKfugPQS2PY-00300-00263202-00263640 don't forget subscribe the channel if you like me goodbye XKfugPQS2PY-00301-00268518-00268602 [Music] XKfugPQS2PY-00302-00269814-00270648 it's winter the season my best season winter XKfugPQS2PY-00303-00270870-00271740 I think winter is the best season in the winter it is usually cold sometimes it is XKfugPQS2PY-00304-00271740-00272766 freezing however I like winter because it snows when when it snows I go skiing with my family XKfugPQS2PY-00305-00272886-00273582 I always enjoy eating sweet potatoes in the winter did you like this season XKfugPQS2PY-00306-00273648-00274086 don't forget subscribe the channel if you like me goodbye XKfugPQS2PY-00307-00274928-00275028 [Music] XKfugPQS2PY-00308-00275028-00275862 it's winter the season my best season winter XKfugPQS2PY-00309-00276096-00276972 I think winter is the best season in the winter it is usually cold sometimes it is XKfugPQS2PY-00310-00276972-00277998 freezing however I like winter because it snows when when it snows I go skiing with my family XKfugPQS2PY-00311-00278112-00278802 I always enjoy eating sweet potatoes in the winter did you like this season XKfugPQS2PY-00312-00278874-00279312 don't forget subscribe the channel if you like me goodbye XKfugPQS2PY-00313-00280154-00280254 [Music] XKfugPQS2PY-00314-00280254-00281088 it's winter the season my best season winter XKfugPQS2PY-00315-00281322-00282186 I think winter is the best season in the winter it is usually cold sometimes it is XKfugPQS2PY-00316-00282186-00283218 freezing however I like winter because it snows when when it snows I go skiing with my family XKfugPQS2PY-00317-00283332-00284028 I always enjoy eating sweet potatoes in the winter did you like this season XKfugPQS2PY-00318-00284094-00284508 don't forget subscribe the channel if you like me goodbye XKfugPQS2PY-00319-00284508-00284644 [Music] it's winter the season my best season winter XKfugPQS2PY-00320-00284644-00284862 I think winter is the best season in the winter it is usually cold sometimes it is XKfugPQS2PY-00321-00284862-00285083 freezing however I like winter because it snows when when it snows I go skiing with XKfugPQS2PY-00322-00285083-00285277 my family I always enjoy eating sweet potatoes in the winter did you like XKfugPQS2PY-00323-00285277-00285459 this season don't forget subscribe the channel if you like me goodbye XKfugPQS2PY-00324-00285459-00286302 [Music] it's winter the season my best season winter XKfugPQS2PY-00325-00286536-00287418 I think winter is the best season in the winter it is usually cold sometimes it is XKfugPQS2PY-00326-00287418-00288438 freezing however I like winter because it snows when when it snows I go skiing with my family XKfugPQS2PY-00327-00288558-00289248 I always enjoy eating sweet potatoes in the winter did you like this season XKfugPQS2PY-00328-00289314-00289740 don't forget subscribe the channel if you like me goodbye XKfugPQS2PY-00329-00290286-00290358 foreign XKfugPQS2PY-00330-00290546-00291528 [Music] the season my best season winter XKfugPQS2PY-00331-00291762-00292632 I think winter is the best season in the winter it is usually cold sometimes it is XKfugPQS2PY-00332-00292632-00293658 freezing however I like winter because it snows when it when it snows I go skiing with my family XKfugPQS2PY-00333-00293778-00294474 I always enjoy eating sweet potatoes in the winter did you like this season XKfugPQS2PY-00334-00294534-00294954 don't forget subscribe the channel if you like me goodbye XKfugPQS2PY-00335-00299856-00299934 [Music] XKfugPQS2PY-00336-00301146-00301980 it's winter the season my best season winter XKfugPQS2PY-00337-00302208-00303072 I think winter is the best season in the winter it is usually cold sometimes it is XKfugPQS2PY-00338-00303072-00304104 freezing however I like winter because it snows when when it snows I go skiing with my family XKfugPQS2PY-00339-00304218-00304914 I always enjoy eating sweet potatoes in the winter did you like this season XKfugPQS2PY-00340-00304980-00305412 don't forget subscribe the channel if you like me goodbye XKfugPQS2PY-00341-00305412-00305546 [Music] it's winter the season my best season winter XKfugPQS2PY-00342-00305546-00305762 I think winter is the best season in the winter it is usually cold sometimes it is XKfugPQS2PY-00343-00305762-00305980 freezing however I like winter because it snows when when it snows I go skiing with XKfugPQS2PY-00344-00305980-00306172 my family I always enjoy eating sweet potatoes in the winter did you like XKfugPQS2PY-00345-00306172-00306351 this season don't forget subscribe the channel if you like me goodbye XKfugPQS2PY-00346-00306351-00307194 [Music] it's winter the season my best season winter XKfugPQS2PY-00347-00307422-00308298 I think winter is the best season in the winter it is usually cold sometimes it is XKfugPQS2PY-00348-00308298-00309324 freezing however I like winter because it snows when when it snows I go skiing with my family XKfugPQS2PY-00349-00309444-00310134 I always enjoy eating sweet potatoes in the winter did you like this season XKfugPQS2PY-00350-00310206-00310626 don't forget subscribe the channel if you like me goodbye XKfugPQS2PY-00351-00311148-00311172 foreign XKfugPQS2PY-00352-00315510-00315594 [Music] XKfugPQS2PY-00353-00316818-00317640 it's winter the season my best season winter XKfugPQS2PY-00354-00317868-00318744 I think winter is the best season in the winter it is usually cold sometimes it is XKfugPQS2PY-00355-00318744-00319770 freezing however I like winter because it snows when when it snows I go skiing with my family XKfugPQS2PY-00356-00319890-00320580 I always enjoy eating sweet potatoes in the winter did you like this season XKfugPQS2PY-00357-00320646-00321066 don't forget subscribe the channel if you like me goodbye XKfugPQS2PY-00358-00321932-00322032 [Music] XKfugPQS2PY-00359-00322032-00322860 it's winter the season my best season winter XKfugPQS2PY-00360-00323094-00323964 I think winter is the best season in the winter it is usually cold sometimes it is XKfugPQS2PY-00361-00323964-00324990 freezing however I like winter because it snows when when it snows I go skiing with my family XKfugPQS2PY-00362-00325110-00325806 I always enjoy eating sweet potatoes in the winter did you like this season XKfugPQS2PY-00363-00325866-00326304 don't forget subscribe the channel if you like me goodbye XKfugPQS2PY-00364-00326304-00326429 [Music] it's winter the season my best season winter XKfugPQS2PY-00365-00326429-00326630 I think winter is the best season in the winter it is usually cold sometimes it is XKfugPQS2PY-00366-00326630-00326833 freezing however I like winter because it snows when when it snows I go skiing with XKfugPQS2PY-00367-00326833-00327012 my family I always enjoy eating sweet potatoes in the winter did you like XKfugPQS2PY-00368-00327012-00327178 this season don't forget subscribe the channel if you like me goodbye XKfugPQS2PY-00369-00327178-00328080 [Music] it's winter the season my best season winter XKfugPQS2PY-00370-00328314-00329190 I think winter is the best season in the winter it is usually cold sometimes it is XKfugPQS2PY-00371-00329190-00330216 freezing however I like winter because it snows when when it snows I go skiing with my family XKfugPQS2PY-00372-00330330-00331020 I always enjoy eating sweet potatoes in the winter did you like this season XKfugPQS2PY-00373-00331092-00331512 don't forget subscribe the channel if you like me goodbye XKfugPQS2PY-00374-00331830-00331848 foreign XKfugPQS2PY-00375-00336396-00336480 [Music] XKfugPQS2PY-00376-00338130-00338526 the season my best season winter XKfugPQS2PY-00377-00338742-00339636 I think winter is the best season in the winter it is usually cold sometimes it is XKfugPQS2PY-00378-00339636-00340656 freezing however I like winter because it snows when when it snows I go skiing with my family XKfugPQS2PY-00379-00340776-00341466 I always enjoy eating sweet potatoes in the winter did you like this season XKfugPQS2PY-00380-00341538-00341958 don't forget subscribe the channel if you like me goodbye XKfugPQS2PY-00381-00342818-00342918 [Music] XKfugPQS2PY-00382-00342918-00343752 it's winter the season my best season winter XKfugPQS2PY-00383-00343986-00344850 I think winter is the best season in the winter it is usually cold sometimes it is XKfugPQS2PY-00384-00344850-00345882 freezing however I like winter because it snows when when it snows I go skiing with my family XKfugPQS2PY-00385-00345996-00346692 I always enjoy eating sweet potatoes in the winter did you like this season XKfugPQS2PY-00386-00346758-00347184 don't forget subscribe the channel if you like me goodbye XKfugPQS2PY-00387-00347184-00347319 [Music] it's winter the season my best season winter XKfugPQS2PY-00388-00347319-00347536 I think winter is the best season in the winter it is usually cold sometimes it is XKfugPQS2PY-00389-00347536-00347755 freezing however I like winter because it snows when when it snows I go skiing with XKfugPQS2PY-00390-00347755-00347948 my family I always enjoy eating sweet potatoes in the winter did you like XKfugPQS2PY-00391-00347948-00348129 this season don't forget subscribe the channel if you like me goodbye XKfugPQS2PY-00392-00348129-00348966 [Music] it's winter the season my best season winter XKfugPQS2PY-00393-00349194-00350076 I think winter is the best season in the winter it is usually cold sometimes it is XKfugPQS2PY-00394-00350076-00351096 freezing however I like winter because it snows when when it snows I go skiing with my family XKfugPQS2PY-00395-00351222-00351912 I always enjoy eating sweet potatoes in the winter did you like this season XKfugPQS2PY-00396-00351972-00352398 don't forget subscribe the channel if you like me goodbye XKfugPQS2PY-00397-00353016-00353040 foreign XKfugPQS2PY-00398-00353270-00354192 [Music] it's winter the season my best season winter XKfugPQS2PY-00399-00354426-00355290 I think winter is the best season in the winter it is usually cold sometimes it is XKfugPQS2PY-00400-00355290-00356322 freezing however I like winter because it snows when when it snows I go skiing with my family XKfugPQS2PY-00401-00356436-00357132 I always enjoy eating sweet potatoes in the winter did you like this season XKfugPQS2PY-00402-00357198-00357630 don't forget subscribe the channel if you like me goodbye XKfugPQS2PY-00403-00358490-00358590 [Music] XKfugPQS2PY-00404-00358590-00359412 it's winter the season my best season winter XKfugPQS2PY-00405-00359640-00360516 I think winter is the best season in the winter it is usually cold sometimes it is XKfugPQS2PY-00406-00360516-00361542 freezing however I like winter because it snows when when it snows I go skiing with my family XKfugPQS2PY-00407-00361662-00362352 I always enjoy eating sweet potatoes in the winter did you like this season XKfugPQS2PY-00408-00362418-00362844 don't forget subscribe the channel if you like me goodbye XKfugPQS2PY-00409-00363138-00363156 foreign XMce_XgEn0Q-00000-00000020-00000287 One of them games baby. XMce_XgEn0Q-00001-00000287-00000367 Go time. XMce_XgEn0Q-00002-00000367-00000437 BANG BANG XMce_XgEn0Q-00003-00000437-00000558 All day XMce_XgEn0Q-00004-00000642-00000863 Hey you get one opportunity a week. XMce_XgEn0Q-00005-00000863-00001126 One opportunity a week to show how good we are. XMce_XgEn0Q-00006-00001146-00001313 Come on, let's ******* ball. XMce_XgEn0Q-00007-00001313-00001393 Falcons on three XMce_XgEn0Q-00008-00001393-00001476 One...two...three XMce_XgEn0Q-00009-00001476-00001534 Falcons XMce_XgEn0Q-00010-00001622-00001851 Time to go up XMce_XgEn0Q-00011-00001851-00001947 Let's go XMce_XgEn0Q-00012-00002006-00002118 Oh, yeah. XMce_XgEn0Q-00013-00002164-00002285 Oh, yeah. XMce_XgEn0Q-00014-00002289-00002360 Oh, yeah. XMce_XgEn0Q-00015-00002360-00002573 Get ready for some blade with the exit on the back. XMce_XgEn0Q-00016-00002819-00002982 Oh Marcus! XMce_XgEn0Q-00017-00003645-00003966 We need another drive just like that one. XMce_XgEn0Q-00018-00003978-00004208 *screaming* XMce_XgEn0Q-00019-00004208-00004337 Let's go XMce_XgEn0Q-00020-00004416-00004592 Oh, yeah, touchdown! XMce_XgEn0Q-00021-00004592-00004921 Cordarrelle around the left edge at the five, stiff arm. XMce_XgEn0Q-00022-00005034-00005121 Touchdown! XMce_XgEn0Q-00023-00005726-00006151 50 000. XMce_XgEn0Q-00024-00006373-00006452 Feds did the sweep. XMce_XgEn0Q-00025-00006477-00006685 Feds did the sweep. XMce_XgEn0Q-00026-00006765-00007002 We right here beside each other too, You know they're listening. XMce_XgEn0Q-00027-00007002-00007048 Aw man. XMce_XgEn0Q-00028-00007048-00007257 I shouldn't have came over here. XMce_XgEn0Q-00029-00007311-00007440 That was a good play boy. XMce_XgEn0Q-00030-00007866-00008358 Hey. Hey. A.J. XMce_XgEn0Q-00031-00008458-00008637 Oh, they're going to flip it all the way back. XMce_XgEn0Q-00032-00008637-00008696 Wide open Zaccheaus. XMce_XgEn0Q-00033-00008750-00008883 35, 40 XMce_XgEn0Q-00034-00009288-00009417 Let's go XMce_XgEn0Q-00035-00009576-00009684 Oh XMce_XgEn0Q-00036-00009772-00009868 Good **** Rich XMce_XgEn0Q-00037-00009884-00009922 Richie XMce_XgEn0Q-00038-00009980-00010176 We're getting ready to run the ******* piss out of the ball XMce_XgEn0Q-00039-00010285-00010372 I gotchu. I gotchu. XMce_XgEn0Q-00040-00010372-00010452 We'll go win the ******* game. XMce_XgEn0Q-00041-00010614-00010702 We have to bruh. XMce_XgEn0Q-00042-00010702-00010856 You or me, it don't matter. XMce_XgEn0Q-00043-00010856-00011015 We've got to get this dub bro. XMce_XgEn0Q-00044-00011015-00011177 We've got to get this dub. XMce_XgEn0Q-00045-00012003-00012316 Yeah XMce_XgEn0Q-00046-00012449-00012558 Go get it O XMce_XgEn0Q-00047-00012558-00012716 Good **** bro. XMce_XgEn0Q-00048-00013417-00013596 He got that old man syndrome. XMce_XgEn0Q-00049-00013596-00013688 Here's Hundley. XMce_XgEn0Q-00050-00013688-00013884 Left side touchdown. XMce_XgEn0Q-00051-00013884-00013972 Atlanta. XMce_XgEn0Q-00052-00015281-00015557 Way to go Huntley! XMce_XgEn0Q-00053-00016420-00016545 Let's go XMce_XgEn0Q-00054-00016591-00016845 Let's go XMce_XgEn0Q-00055-00016871-00017142 Throwing, and it is intercepted. XMce_XgEn0Q-00056-00017142-00017233 Dee Alford XMce_XgEn0Q-00057-00019582-00019911 All that matters is how it ends not how it starts. XMce_XgEn0Q-00058-00019911-00019953 Right? XMce_XgEn0Q-00059-00019953-00020232 Great job, I'm proud of you XMce_XgEn0Q-00060-00020699-00020995 Yeah, boy. That's how we do that. XMce_XgEn0Q-00061-00021066-00021759 Aye, aye, aye, aye, aye XR-Ubkj-6by-00000-00000088-00000720 in a manner which seems quite unforgivable today europeans in the 18th and 19th centuries preferred XR-Ubkj-6by-00001-00000720-00001272 to forget what their forebears had known very well that kingdoms flourished in west XR-Ubkj-6by-00002-00001272-00001807 africa which were assumptuous and as well governed as any in medieval europe itself XR-Ubkj-6by-00003-00002112-00002576 what is more the reports of traders and diplomats who visited these kingdoms XR-Ubkj-6by-00004-00002576-00003224 assumed no attitudes of racial superiority racism in fact is a rather modern sickness XR-Ubkj-6by-00005-00003847-00004192 nothing more clearly illustrates the change that was to come XR-Ubkj-6by-00006-00004256-00004576 than the european art of the renaissance and earlier still XR-Ubkj-6by-00007-00005320-00005784 white and black take their place in these paintings with equal dignity XS07BrciSou-00000-00000688-00001264 so when I started with Osteon there was only a few women here today not by any XS07BrciSou-00001-00001264-00001592 means of trying anything new or different but we are 48% XS07BrciSou-00002-00001664-00002152 female staff here in manufacturing and a lot of that is hands-on manufacturing work XS07BrciSou-00003-00002152-00002648 and i've noticed over the past 10 years there are more and more women getting into manufacturing XS07BrciSou-00004-00002648-00003415 and i think that that's really really important to keep that momentum going Osteon Medical XS07BrciSou-00005-00003415-00003944 is a medical device manufacturer based in Mulgrave in Victoria we predominantly build XS07BrciSou-00006-00003944-00004536 for a patient a facial prosthetic mostly in the dental space manufacturing locally XS07BrciSou-00007-00004536-00005168 is of the most strategic importance i think for our nation and for our state the more we can XS07BrciSou-00008-00005168-00005648 manufacture here the stronger the success of this region will be for years to come XS07BrciSou-00009-00005760-00006184 and most international companies look to australian they love australian products so we XS07BrciSou-00010-00006184-00006720 just need to develop some really cool technology have faith in ourselves have the support networks XS07BrciSou-00011-00006720-00007376 to help work out what to do to navigate ip and licensing and regulatory compliance and all work XS07BrciSou-00012-00007376-00007895 together to try and really just bring back that sovereign manufacturing here locally and grow the XS07BrciSou-00013-00007895-00008584 industry that's that's probably my biggest passion just bringing manufacturing back into the region XS07BrciSou-00014-00009896-00009946 you XVwetO5tVsQ-00000-00000000-00000448 Did you know that every little tiny part of a letter has a name in typography? XVwetO5tVsQ-00001-00000448-00000856 First things first, we have the x height, defined by these two lines. XVwetO5tVsQ-00002-00000856-00001352 Anything that goes above or below is called an ascender or a descender. XVwetO5tVsQ-00003-00001352-00001760 The main vertical stroke, the body of a letter, is called the stem. XVwetO5tVsQ-00004-00001760-00002272 But when the font has a lot of contrast, the thin strokes are called hairlines. XVwetO5tVsQ-00005-00002272-00002688 Some fonts have tiny strokes coming off of its ends, called serifs. XVwetO5tVsQ-00006-00002688-00003152 And some letters like A’s and T’s have a vertical line called a crossbar. XVwetO5tVsQ-00007-00003152-00003464 Now this is when the anatomy part really kicks in: XVwetO5tVsQ-00008-00003520-00004072 Some letters have arms and legs, while others have ears and tails. XVwetO5tVsQ-00009-00004072-00004400 And some even have spines and shoulders. XVwetO5tVsQ-00010-00004400-00004968 Some chubby letters have bowels, and the empty spaces they enclose are called counters. XVwetO5tVsQ-00011-00004968-00005488 And finally, with a very fitting name, the endings of some letters are called terminals. XVU4eu61Hv8-00000-00000716-00000876 Yo what’s up everybody? XVU4eu61Hv8-00001-00000876-00001218 We are going to be learning some cooking slang today XVU4eu61Hv8-00002-00001218-00001464 This is ‘How to Speak American’ XVU4eu61Hv8-00003-00001723-00002096 I got a lot of requests to have more food in my videos, of course XVU4eu61Hv8-00004-00002096-00002623 So today I’m going to be preparing my favorite dish for you, chicken fried rice XVU4eu61Hv8-00005-00002623-00002952 And while I’m preparing this dish, I’m going to be introducing XVU4eu61Hv8-00006-00002952-00003339 some cool American English cooking slang terms XVU4eu61Hv8-00007-00003339-00003611 So don’t worry if you don’t understand everything XVU4eu61Hv8-00008-00003611-00003911 You can always rewatch the video again to help you remember XVU4eu61Hv8-00009-00003960-00004356 Alright, so today, we start with our ‘Mise en Place’ XVU4eu61Hv8-00010-00004357-00004562 Actually this is originally a French word XVU4eu61Hv8-00011-00004562-00005000 It basically means you get all of your ingredients together to get ready to cook XVU4eu61Hv8-00012-00005000-00005161 So let’s get started XVU4eu61Hv8-00013-00005161-00005607 Step 1 is to mince the garlic and the ginger XVU4eu61Hv8-00014-00005607-00006536 And mince basically means to chop into very very very tiny pieces XVU4eu61Hv8-00015-00006536-00006659 Little itty-bitty things XVU4eu61Hv8-00016-00006731-00006916 This is a super sharp knife XVU4eu61Hv8-00017-00006916-00007058 Uh yeah be careful XVU4eu61Hv8-00018-00007058-00007480 Everybody at home, DON'T do what Nick’s doing, use a SPOON! XVU4eu61Hv8-00019-00007550-00007888 The most dangerous knife in a kitchen is a dull one XVU4eu61Hv8-00020-00007888-00008063 I bet you didn’t know that XVU4eu61Hv8-00021-00008063-00008229 I’ll tell you why XVU4eu61Hv8-00022-00008229-00008479 Because a dull knife makes the knife slip XVU4eu61Hv8-00023-00008479-00008836 And then you will actually cut yourself XVU4eu61Hv8-00024-00008836-00009172 Holy shit this thing is like sharp AF XVU4eu61Hv8-00025-00009172-00009346 Damn! XVU4eu61Hv8-00026-00009346-00009446 Alright ready? XVU4eu61Hv8-00027-00009496-00009654 Wait I’m not ready yet XVU4eu61Hv8-00028-00009654-00010038 Alright so there, we’ve finished our mincing XVU4eu61Hv8-00029-00010172-00010560 And now we’re going to move on to the garlic XVU4eu61Hv8-00030-00010560-00010926 Oh no sorry, And now we’re going to move onto the onions and the chicken XVU4eu61Hv8-00031-00010927-00011436 Ok so the next step is to dice the chicken and the onions XVU4eu61Hv8-00032-00011436-00011996 Dicing basically means you cut into small cubes XVU4eu61Hv8-00033-00011996-00012381 A little bit larger than mincing, but smaller than slicing XVU4eu61Hv8-00034-00012381-00012558 And the onion… XVU4eu61Hv8-00035-00012982-00013329 So there you have diced chicken and onions XVU4eu61Hv8-00036-00013329-00014118 The third step, you take about three stalks of green onion XVU4eu61Hv8-00037-00014256-00014587 And we’re gonna do a nice easy chop XVU4eu61Hv8-00038-00014588-00015366 So chopping is just a general term for cutting, just simple cuts, just like this XVU4eu61Hv8-00039-00015369-00015722 So here are some chopped onions as you can see XVU4eu61Hv8-00040-00015722-00015916 Pretty simple to do XVU4eu61Hv8-00041-00015916-00016168 Ok where are the eggs? XVU4eu61Hv8-00042-00016168-00016313 In the fridge XVU4eu61Hv8-00043-00016554-00016836 Move these off to the side XVU4eu61Hv8-00044-00016836-00017504 Alright so you crack three eggs, add a splash of soy sauce, sesame oil XVU4eu61Hv8-00045-00017504-00017762 Throw in a handful of green onions XVU4eu61Hv8-00046-00017762-00018012 And finally, beat well XVU4eu61Hv8-00047-00018298-00018542 Alright, now for the fun part, the cooking XVU4eu61Hv8-00048-00018542-00019084 Step 1, you heat up the rice by frying it in a pan for a bit XVU4eu61Hv8-00049-00019086-00019318 and then set off to the side for later XVU4eu61Hv8-00050-00019344-00019904 Step 2, fry the eggs in oil, do a little quick high temperature fry XVU4eu61Hv8-00051-00019904-00020115 And then put it off to the side for later XVU4eu61Hv8-00052-00020115-00020828 Step 3, sauté the onions, ginger, garlic, and chicken together until cooked XVU4eu61Hv8-00053-00020828-00021001 Then put it off to the side XVU4eu61Hv8-00054-00021001-00021468 Step 4, throw everything together and stir fry it XVU4eu61Hv8-00055-00021468-00022190 And then finally, drizzle on some soy sauce, sesame oil, and throw on a handful of green onions XVU4eu61Hv8-00056-00022190-00022498 And voila, chicken fried rice XVU4eu61Hv8-00057-00022654-00022998 So there you have it, this is a relatively simple dish you can get after XVU4eu61Hv8-00058-00022998-00023128 trying a few times XVU4eu61Hv8-00059-00023128-00023409 And remember, practice makes perfect XVU4eu61Hv8-00060-00023409-00023768 I recommend watching this video a few times to make sure you learn XVU4eu61Hv8-00061-00023768-00024160 And also so you can remember the cooking slang I used today XVU4eu61Hv8-00062-00024160-00024722 And as always I have a neat little quiz to help you remember the cooking terms we used XVU4eu61Hv8-00063-00025936-00026420 I realized that a lot of the terms we used today are originally French XVU4eu61Hv8-00064-00026420-00026732 But that’s because the French are masters of cuisine XVU4eu61Hv8-00065-00027106-00027258 So thanks for watching today guys XVU4eu61Hv8-00066-00027258-00027387 You guys know the drill XVU4eu61Hv8-00067-00027387-00027581 Please like and subscribe XVU4eu61Hv8-00068-00027581-00028030 Leave a comment if you liked today’s cooking video, if you didn’t like today’s cooking video XVU4eu61Hv8-00069-00028030-00028406 Please let me know so I can make better videos in the future XVU4eu61Hv8-00070-00028406-00028576 Anyway thanks for watching XVU4eu61Hv8-00071-00028576-00028670 Peace XX_zDNtkduU-00000-00000135-00000297 In this presentation, XX_zDNtkduU-00001-00000297-00000534 we will examine Claude Shannon’s XX_zDNtkduU-00002-00000534-00000739 Mathematical Theory of Communication. XX_zDNtkduU-00003-00000739-00000894 Specifically, XX_zDNtkduU-00004-00000894-00000994 we will look XX_zDNtkduU-00005-00000994-00001192 at the noisy channel model. XX_zDNtkduU-00006-00001192-00001292 The noisy channel model XX_zDNtkduU-00007-00001292-00001517 has important uses in many areas XX_zDNtkduU-00008-00001517-00001703 of human language processing, XX_zDNtkduU-00009-00001703-00001884 including spelling correction, XX_zDNtkduU-00010-00001884-00002007 speech recognition, XX_zDNtkduU-00011-00002007-00002471 and machine translation. XX_zDNtkduU-00012-00002471-00002640 In the 1830s, XX_zDNtkduU-00013-00002640-00002740 Samuel Morse, XX_zDNtkduU-00014-00002740-00002966 along with his research collaborators, XX_zDNtkduU-00015-00002966-00003218 developed a system for sending sequences XX_zDNtkduU-00016-00003218-00003439 of encoded letters and numbers XX_zDNtkduU-00017-00003439-00003665 over wired transmission lines XX_zDNtkduU-00018-00003665-00004485 via electrical telegraph. XX_zDNtkduU-00019-00004485-00004788 One important characteristic of Morse code XX_zDNtkduU-00020-00004788-00005114 is its encoding efficiency. XX_zDNtkduU-00021-00005114-00005272 On the right-hand side, XX_zDNtkduU-00022-00005272-00005535 you can see a sorted frequency graph, XX_zDNtkduU-00023-00005535-00005719 showing how frequently each letter XX_zDNtkduU-00024-00005719-00005887 of the English alphabet XX_zDNtkduU-00025-00005887-00006269 occurs in typical English text. XX_zDNtkduU-00026-00006269-00006425 The most frequent letter, XX_zDNtkduU-00027-00006425-00006547 by a considerable margin, XX_zDNtkduU-00028-00006547-00006746 is the letter E, XX_zDNtkduU-00029-00006746-00007045 followed by the letter T. XX_zDNtkduU-00030-00007045-00007184 In Morse code, XX_zDNtkduU-00031-00007184-00007370 these highly frequent letters XX_zDNtkduU-00032-00007370-00007678 are encoded using short sequences - XX_zDNtkduU-00033-00007678-00007843 the letter E is represented XX_zDNtkduU-00034-00007843-00008022 by a single dot, XX_zDNtkduU-00035-00008022-00008145 while the letter T XX_zDNtkduU-00036-00008145-00008521 is represented by a single dash. XX_zDNtkduU-00037-00008521-00008682 The least frequent letters, XX_zDNtkduU-00038-00008682-00008878 Q and Z, XX_zDNtkduU-00039-00008878-00009113 are encoded using much longer sequences XX_zDNtkduU-00040-00009113-00009450 (dash dash dot dash, XX_zDNtkduU-00041-00009450-00010078 and dash dash dot dot, XX_zDNtkduU-00042-00010078-00010496 respectively) XX_zDNtkduU-00043-00010496-00010692 In 1924, XX_zDNtkduU-00044-00010692-00010792 Harry Nyquist, XX_zDNtkduU-00045-00010792-00011028 a researcher at AT&T, XX_zDNtkduU-00046-00011028-00011200 formulated an equation describing XX_zDNtkduU-00047-00011200-00011350 the speed at which symbols XX_zDNtkduU-00048-00011350-00011611 (for example, letters in Morse code) XX_zDNtkduU-00049-00011611-00012470 can be transmitted over a telegraph line. XX_zDNtkduU-00050-00012470-00012727 In 1928, Ralph Hartley XX_zDNtkduU-00051-00012727-00013063 generalized Nyquist’s earlier work. XX_zDNtkduU-00052-00013063-00013238 In Hartley’s formulation, XX_zDNtkduU-00053-00013238-00013422 H is the amount of information XX_zDNtkduU-00054-00013422-00013709 associated with n selections, XX_zDNtkduU-00055-00013709-00013955 where s is the number of symbols XX_zDNtkduU-00056-00013955-00014646 in the available alphabet. XX_zDNtkduU-00057-00014646-00014758 In 1937, XX_zDNtkduU-00058-00014758-00014858 Claude Shannon, XX_zDNtkduU-00059-00014858-00015069 a master’s student at MIT, XX_zDNtkduU-00060-00015069-00015191 wrote a paper that would XX_zDNtkduU-00061-00015191-00015331 later be described as XX_zDNtkduU-00062-00015331-00015530 “possibly the most important master’s thesis” XX_zDNtkduU-00063-00015530-00015926 of the 20th century. XX_zDNtkduU-00064-00015926-00016321 Shannon’s paper examined the symbolic logic XX_zDNtkduU-00065-00016321-00016748 of 19th century English mathematician George Boole, XX_zDNtkduU-00066-00016748-00016907 and illustrated how the application XX_zDNtkduU-00067-00016907-00017109 of Boolean logic could be used XX_zDNtkduU-00068-00017109-00017901 to profoundly impact electronic circuit design. XX_zDNtkduU-00069-00017901-00018137 During World War II, Shannon’s work XX_zDNtkduU-00070-00018137-00018476 examined the mathematical foundation of communication XX_zDNtkduU-00071-00018476-00018773 in the context of cryptography. XX_zDNtkduU-00072-00018773-00018915 He continued this line of research XX_zDNtkduU-00073-00018915-00019301 after the war, and in 1948 XX_zDNtkduU-00074-00019301-00019494 published his seminal work, titled XX_zDNtkduU-00075-00019494-00019823 “A Mathematical Theory of Communication.” XX_zDNtkduU-00076-00019823-00020039 Shannon’s paper built XX_zDNtkduU-00077-00020039-00020368 on the earlier work of Nyquist and Hartley. XX_zDNtkduU-00078-00020368-00020628 Shannon linked the concept of entropy, XX_zDNtkduU-00079-00020628-00020728 which at the time XX_zDNtkduU-00080-00020728-00020857 was a well-established concept XX_zDNtkduU-00081-00020857-00021018 in physics and thermodynamics, XX_zDNtkduU-00082-00021018-00021310 to the realm of communication XX_zDNtkduU-00083-00021310-00021557 and information theory. XX_zDNtkduU-00084-00021557-00021737 The equation you see here XX_zDNtkduU-00085-00021737-00021998 defines the entropy (H) XX_zDNtkduU-00086-00021998-00022172 of an information source XX_zDNtkduU-00087-00022172-00022385 in terms of the probability distribution XX_zDNtkduU-00088-00022385-00022610 of symbols being produced XX_zDNtkduU-00089-00022610-00022962 by that information source. XX_zDNtkduU-00090-00022962-00023302 Shannon’s paper established XX_zDNtkduU-00091-00023302-00023615 the generalized formulation of communication XX_zDNtkduU-00092-00023615-00023953 in terms of a noisy channel model. XX_zDNtkduU-00093-00023953-00024172 In this formulation, XX_zDNtkduU-00094-00024172-00024402 communication begins when a message XX_zDNtkduU-00095-00024402-00024843 is created at an information source. XX_zDNtkduU-00096-00024843-00024943 For our purposes, XX_zDNtkduU-00097-00024943-00025143 let’s consider a text message, XX_zDNtkduU-00098-00025143-00025897 written in a human language such as English. XX_zDNtkduU-00099-00025897-00026186 The message may be encoded by a transmitter; XX_zDNtkduU-00100-00026186-00026382 a good example of this would be XX_zDNtkduU-00101-00026382-00026542 a telegraph operator XX_zDNtkduU-00102-00026542-00026814 taking a message written in English XX_zDNtkduU-00103-00026814-00027466 and encoding it in Morse code. XX_zDNtkduU-00104-00027466-00027570 The encoded message is XX_zDNtkduU-00105-00027570-00027819 transmitted over telegraph lines. XX_zDNtkduU-00106-00027819-00028013 As the message transits XX_zDNtkduU-00107-00028013-00028218 the communication channel, XX_zDNtkduU-00108-00028218-00028451 imperfections or external factors XX_zDNtkduU-00109-00028451-00028794 may cause noise in the electrical transmission, XX_zDNtkduU-00110-00028794-00029282 causing the transmitted signal to be altered. XX_zDNtkduU-00111-00029282-00029420 At the receiving end, XX_zDNtkduU-00112-00029420-00029558 another telegraph operator XX_zDNtkduU-00113-00029558-00029766 receives the encoded signal, XX_zDNtkduU-00114-00029766-00029911 and decodes the message XX_zDNtkduU-00115-00029911-00030424 back from Morse code. XX_zDNtkduU-00116-00030424-00030594 The decoded message is finally XX_zDNtkduU-00117-00030594-00030958 stored as human-readable text. XX_zDNtkduU-00118-00030958-00031089 Depending on the noise conditions XX_zDNtkduU-00119-00031089-00031657 of the transmission channel, XX_zDNtkduU-00120-00031657-00032075 the final message may contain errors. XX_zDNtkduU-00121-00032075-00032457 Let’s take a closer look at the components XX_zDNtkduU-00122-00032457-00032858 in the noisy channel model. XX_zDNtkduU-00123-00032858-00033153 The model begins with an information source, XX_zDNtkduU-00124-00033153-00033380 where a text message is composed, XX_zDNtkduU-00125-00033380-00033729 written in a human language. XX_zDNtkduU-00126-00033729-00033874 Continuing our previous example, XX_zDNtkduU-00127-00033874-00034113 let’s assume the message is written in English. XX_zDNtkduU-00128-00034113-00034723 We’ll call that message “e”. XX_zDNtkduU-00129-00034723-00034918 The message is encoded by the transmitter XX_zDNtkduU-00130-00034918-00035406 (from English into Morse code), XX_zDNtkduU-00131-00035406-00035506 sent over the channel XX_zDNtkduU-00132-00035506-00035900 (a telegraph wire), XX_zDNtkduU-00133-00035900-00036278 and decoded (from Morse code back to English) XX_zDNtkduU-00134-00036278-00036500 by the receiver. XX_zDNtkduU-00135-00036500-00037503 We’ll call the final decoded message “f”. XX_zDNtkduU-00136-00037503-00037687 Because of noise in the channel, XX_zDNtkduU-00137-00037687-00038327 our final decoded message may contain errors. XX_zDNtkduU-00138-00038327-00038567 Given our final message “f”, XX_zDNtkduU-00139-00038567-00038762 we would like to reconstruct XX_zDNtkduU-00140-00038762-00039154 the original message “e”. XX_zDNtkduU-00141-00039154-00039321 In particular, XX_zDNtkduU-00142-00039321-00039424 we would like to find XX_zDNtkduU-00143-00039424-00039862 the message “e” that maximizes XX_zDNtkduU-00144-00039862-00040375 the probability of “f” given “e”. XX_zDNtkduU-00145-00040375-00040926 Whatever message “e hat” satisfies those conditions, XX_zDNtkduU-00146-00040926-00041180 will be our best hypothesis XX_zDNtkduU-00147-00041180-00041543 for the original message. XX_zDNtkduU-00148-00041543-00042001 So, how can we use the noisy channel model XX_zDNtkduU-00149-00042001-00042258 to find this best hypothesis? XX_zDNtkduU-00150-00042258-00042910 Let’s start with a couple of simplifying assumptions. XX_zDNtkduU-00151-00042910-00043010 To begin with, XX_zDNtkduU-00152-00043010-00043110 we’re going to assume XX_zDNtkduU-00153-00043110-00043326 an error-free transmitter. XX_zDNtkduU-00154-00043326-00043562 We’re also going to assume XX_zDNtkduU-00155-00043562-00043762 an error-free receiver. XX_zDNtkduU-00156-00043762-00043891 What does this mean? XX_zDNtkduU-00157-00043891-00043991 At the transmitter, XX_zDNtkduU-00158-00043991-00044091 this means we have XX_zDNtkduU-00159-00044091-00044266 a highly skilled telegraph operator, XX_zDNtkduU-00160-00044266-00044405 who encodes our English message XX_zDNtkduU-00161-00044405-00044738 into Morse code without making any mistakes. XX_zDNtkduU-00162-00044738-00044849 Likewise at the receiver, XX_zDNtkduU-00163-00044849-00045047 this means a highly skilled telegraph operator, XX_zDNtkduU-00164-00045047-00045230 who decodes Morse code back XX_zDNtkduU-00165-00045230-00045987 into English without making any mistakes. XX_zDNtkduU-00166-00045987-00046109 Given those assumptions, XX_zDNtkduU-00167-00046109-00046473 what phenomena may be useful to model? XX_zDNtkduU-00168-00046473-00046597 One important component XX_zDNtkduU-00169-00046597-00047065 is the English message. XX_zDNtkduU-00170-00047065-00047396 By examining a large corpus of English messages, XX_zDNtkduU-00171-00047396-00047719 we could construct a probabilistic language model, XX_zDNtkduU-00172-00047719-00048031 p of e. XX_zDNtkduU-00173-00048031-00048425 Similarly, by examining a large corpus XX_zDNtkduU-00174-00048425-00048797 of decoded telegraph messages that may contain errors, XX_zDNtkduU-00175-00048797-00049017 we could construct a probabilistic model, XX_zDNtkduU-00176-00049017-00049446 p of f, of those messages. XX_zDNtkduU-00177-00049446-00049802 Finally, if we have some insight XX_zDNtkduU-00178-00049802-00050068 into what causes errors in transmission, XX_zDNtkduU-00179-00050068-00050168 we can construct XX_zDNtkduU-00180-00050168-00050334 a probabilistic model of the channel, XX_zDNtkduU-00181-00050334-00050906 p of f given e. XX_zDNtkduU-00182-00050906-00051006 This is great, XX_zDNtkduU-00183-00051006-00051106 but unfortunately, XX_zDNtkduU-00184-00051106-00051205 none of those three terms XX_zDNtkduU-00185-00051205-00051430 appears in the equation above. XX_zDNtkduU-00186-00051430-00051543 What we need is a way XX_zDNtkduU-00187-00051543-00051758 to redefine our equation XX_zDNtkduU-00188-00051758-00051912 in terms of our language models XX_zDNtkduU-00189-00051912-00052231 (p of e and p of f) XX_zDNtkduU-00190-00052231-00052952 and our channel model (p of f given e). XX_zDNtkduU-00191-00052952-00053120 To do this, we’re going to make use XX_zDNtkduU-00192-00053120-00053382 of an important mathematical law, XX_zDNtkduU-00193-00053382-00053788 attributed to the 18th century English mathematician Thomas Bayes. XX_zDNtkduU-00194-00053788-00054211 Bayes’s Law defines the posterior probability XX_zDNtkduU-00195-00054211-00054552 (p of e given f) XX_zDNtkduU-00196-00054552-00054732 in terms of the likelihood function XX_zDNtkduU-00197-00054732-00055141 (p of f given e), XX_zDNtkduU-00198-00055141-00055275 and the prior distributions XX_zDNtkduU-00199-00055275-00055805 (p of e, and p of f). XX_zDNtkduU-00200-00055805-00056460 Bayes’s Law lets us define p of e given f XX_zDNtkduU-00201-00056460-00056724 in terms of the three component distributions XX_zDNtkduU-00202-00056724-00057224 which we have available. XX_zDNtkduU-00203-00057224-00057383 Given this definition, XX_zDNtkduU-00204-00057383-00057670 we can redefine our previous equation XX_zDNtkduU-00205-00057670-00058416 in terms of the channel model and the language models. XX_zDNtkduU-00206-00058416-00058669 We begin by taking the posterior distribution XX_zDNtkduU-00207-00058669-00058947 (p of e given f), XX_zDNtkduU-00208-00058947-00059104 and replacing it XX_zDNtkduU-00209-00059104-00059500 with the right-hand side from Bayes’s Law. XX_zDNtkduU-00210-00059500-00059667 Now we have an equation that’s defined XX_zDNtkduU-00211-00059667-00059966 using the channel model and the language models. XX_zDNtkduU-00212-00059966-00060204 That’s great, but it turns out XX_zDNtkduU-00213-00060204-00060695 we can simplify this definition a bit. XX_zDNtkduU-00214-00060695-00060806 Recall that we are performing XX_zDNtkduU-00215-00060806-00062158 an arg max operation over English messages "e". XX_zDNtkduU-00216-00062158-00062295 This means that we’re looking for XX_zDNtkduU-00217-00062295-00062585 the English message "e" which XX_zDNtkduU-00218-00062585-00063305 maximizes the total value of the equation. XX_zDNtkduU-00219-00063305-00063654 Notice that the denominator of the equation XX_zDNtkduU-00220-00063654-00063901 is defined only in terms of "f" - XX_zDNtkduU-00221-00063901-00064454 "e" doesn’t show up in the denominator. XX_zDNtkduU-00222-00064454-00064887 So no matter what value "e" has, XX_zDNtkduU-00223-00064887-00065038 the value in the denominator XX_zDNtkduU-00224-00065038-00065348 won’t be affected. XX_zDNtkduU-00225-00065348-00065608 Because the denominator doesn’t affect XX_zDNtkduU-00226-00065608-00065849 the arg max operation, XX_zDNtkduU-00227-00065849-00066122 we can remove it. XX_zDNtkduU-00228-00066122-00066477 This simplifies things a bit, XX_zDNtkduU-00229-00066477-00066760 leaving us with an equation that’s defined XX_zDNtkduU-00230-00066760-00066999 only in terms of the channel model XX_zDNtkduU-00231-00066999-00067918 and the English language model. XX_zDNtkduU-00232-00067918-00068201 We can take our original equation, XX_zDNtkduU-00233-00068201-00068455 and in its place, XX_zDNtkduU-00234-00068455-00068642 substitute our new equation XX_zDNtkduU-00235-00068642-00068807 that uses the channel model XX_zDNtkduU-00236-00068807-00069141 (p of f given e) and XX_zDNtkduU-00237-00069141-00070237 the English language model (p of e). XX_zDNtkduU-00238-00070237-00070376 This presentation was created XX_zDNtkduU-00239-00070376-00070586 and narrated by Lane Schwartz. XX_zDNtkduU-00240-00070586-00070686 You are free to reproduce XX_zDNtkduU-00241-00070686-00070786 and adapt this work XX_zDNtkduU-00242-00070786-00070886 under the terms of the XX_zDNtkduU-00243-00070886-00071498 Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. XX_zDNtkduU-00244-00071498-00071600 For reference, XX_zDNtkduU-00245-00071600-00071812 see the following primary sources: XX_zDNtkduU-00246-00071812-00072195 An Essay towards solving a Problem in the Doctrine of Chances. XX_zDNtkduU-00247-00072195-00072348 by Thomas Bayes. XX_zDNtkduU-00248-00072348-00072857 Published in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. XX_zDNtkduU-00249-00072857-00072983 1763. XX_zDNtkduU-00250-00072983-00073236 Certain Factors Affecting Telegraph Speed. XX_zDNtkduU-00251-00073236-00073408 by Harry Nyquist. XX_zDNtkduU-00252-00073408-00073726 Published in Bell Labs Technical Journal. XX_zDNtkduU-00253-00073726-00073913 1924. XX_zDNtkduU-00254-00073913-00074042 Transmission of Information. XX_zDNtkduU-00255-00074042-00074201 by Ralph Hartley. XX_zDNtkduU-00256-00074201-00074473 Published in Bell Labs Technical Journal. XX_zDNtkduU-00257-00074473-00074620 1928. XX_zDNtkduU-00258-00074620-00074931 A Mathematical Theory of Communication. XX_zDNtkduU-00259-00074931-00075080 by Claude Shannon. XX_zDNtkduU-00260-00075080-00075379 Published in The Bell Systems Technical Journal. XX_zDNtkduU-00261-00075379-00075692 October 1948. XX_zDNtkduU-00262-00075692-00075948 See also the following secondary sources: XX_zDNtkduU-00263-00075948-00076138 The Mathematics of Communication. XX_zDNtkduU-00264-00076138-00076288 by Warren Weaver. XX_zDNtkduU-00265-00076288-00076444 Published in Scientific American. XX_zDNtkduU-00266-00076444-00076814 July 1949. XX_zDNtkduU-00267-00076814-00076987 Mathematical Theory of Claude Shannon. XX_zDNtkduU-00268-00076987-00077130 by Eugene Chiu, XX_zDNtkduU-00269-00077130-00077333 Jocelyn Lin, XX_zDNtkduU-00270-00077333-00077608 Brok Mcferron, XX_zDNtkduU-00271-00077608-00077883 Noshirwan Petigara, XX_zDNtkduU-00272-00077883-00078419 Satwiksai Seshasai. XX_zDNtkduU-00273-00078419-00078883 2001. XX_zDNtkduU-00274-00078883-00079200 Chart of the Morse code letters and numerals. XX_zDNtkduU-00275-00079200-00079510 By Rhey Snodgrass & Victor Camp. XX_zDNtkduU-00276-00079510-00079685 1922. XX_zDNtkduU-00277-00079685-00079994 Daguerrotype of Morse in Paris. XX_zDNtkduU-00278-00079994-00080176 1840. XX_zDNtkduU-00279-00080176-00080461 J-38 "straight key" telegraph. XX_zDNtkduU-00280-00080461-00080643 Lou Sander. XX_zDNtkduU-00281-00080643-00080743 2007. XX_zDNtkduU-00282-00080743-00081048 English letter frequencies. XX_zDNtkduU-00283-00081048-00081305 Nandhp. XX_zDNtkduU-00284-00081305-00081562 2010. XX_zDNtkduU-00285-00081562-00081662 Harry Nyquist. XX_zDNtkduU-00286-00081662-00081855 American Institute of Physics. XX_zDNtkduU-00287-00081855-00081955 Ralph Hartley. XX_zDNtkduU-00288-00081955-00082095 Hartley family. XX_zDNtkduU-00289-00082095-00082224 Claude Shannon. XX_zDNtkduU-00290-00082224-00082324 George Boole. XX_zDNtkduU-00291-00082324-00082532 Circa 1860. XX_zDNtkduU-00292-00082532-00082622 Thomas Bayes. XXVbzV-AEJE-00000-00000564-00000834 Writing is an important part of language learning. XXVbzV-AEJE-00001-00000834-00001411 As professor Cotos explained, writing can allow learners to actively use the grammar XXVbzV-AEJE-00002-00001411-00001750 and vocabulary taught in previous lessons. XXVbzV-AEJE-00003-00001750-00002143 This can be especially important for young learners as they are learning the grammatical XXVbzV-AEJE-00004-00002143-00002501 patterns of the new language. XXVbzV-AEJE-00005-00002501-00002969 Teachers can choose from the many technology tools that make the writing process enjoyable XXVbzV-AEJE-00006-00002969-00003196 for young learners. XXVbzV-AEJE-00007-00003196-00003782 In this video, we will show how to make writing fun by starting with a story that prompts XXVbzV-AEJE-00008-00003782-00004144 the learners to write their own stories. XXVbzV-AEJE-00009-00004144-00004744 For example, we can start by watching an Aesop’s fable such as “The Ant and Grasshopper” XXVbzV-AEJE-00010-00004744-00005080 to activate learners’ schema. XXVbzV-AEJE-00011-00005080-00005579 You can also choose a story from a book or a song depending on vocabulary covered in XXVbzV-AEJE-00012-00005579-00005843 previous lessons. XXVbzV-AEJE-00013-00005843-00006443 The story activity can be followed by a discussion about the purpose of the story, the audience, XXVbzV-AEJE-00014-00006443-00006662 and the main characters. XXVbzV-AEJE-00015-00006662-00007147 The teacher can then discuss the main components of the narrative. XXVbzV-AEJE-00016-00007147-00007723 Next, the teacher can engage the learners in a pre-writing planning process with brainstorming XXVbzV-AEJE-00017-00007723-00007959 activities. XXVbzV-AEJE-00018-00007959-00008521 Great technology tools for pre-writing are the Story map that can help learners present XXVbzV-AEJE-00019-00008521-00009086 their ideas regarding story characters, the conflict, and setting. XXVbzV-AEJE-00020-00009086-00009666 The learners can either write a different ending for the fable, or write a new story. XXVbzV-AEJE-00021-00009666-00010172 If you are teaching higher-level learners, we suggest exploring the Essay map which can XXVbzV-AEJE-00022-00010172-00010650 also serve as pre-writing guidance for outlining essays. XXVbzV-AEJE-00023-00010650-00011395 The website readwritethink.org offers a large number of lesson plans, resources, and ideas XXVbzV-AEJE-00024-00011395-00012132 on using technology to teach writing, including using infographics, comics, maps, and games. XXVbzV-AEJE-00025-00012132-00012557 The next step includes the drafting stage of the writing process. XXVbzV-AEJE-00026-00012557-00013272 As Dr. Cotos mentioned in her lecture, writing is a process consisting of several steps including XXVbzV-AEJE-00027-00013272-00013883 planning, drafting, revising, editing and proofreading. XXVbzV-AEJE-00028-00013883-00014397 If your learners are at a higher level, you may use the most dangerous writing app to XXVbzV-AEJE-00029-00014397-00014895 encourage flow of thoughts and free writing to overcome writer’s block. XXVbzV-AEJE-00030-00014895-00015583 With this tool, if the students stop writing within 5 seconds, their writing process disappears XXVbzV-AEJE-00031-00015583-00015913 and they can download their draft. XXVbzV-AEJE-00032-00015913-00016489 This tool may only be appropriate for learners whose writing skills are more advanced. XXVbzV-AEJE-00033-00016489-00017051 The use of this tool can encourage free writing and focus learners’ attention on generating XXVbzV-AEJE-00034-00017051-00017520 ideas instead of accuracy during freewriting. XXVbzV-AEJE-00035-00017520-00018098 For the young learners, we suggest using a word processing tool, such as Microsoft Word. XXVbzV-AEJE-00036-00018098-00018558 The learners may type their story in this tool using simple short sentences. XXVbzV-AEJE-00037-00018558-00019222 This tool will provide automatic feedback on learners’ spelling mistakes, but they XXVbzV-AEJE-00038-00019222-00019719 can also be encouraged to use the synonym feature to increase their vocabulary. XXVbzV-AEJE-00039-00019719-00020387 Finally, the Comic creator is a fun tool that can be used to create a short comic and boost XXVbzV-AEJE-00040-00020387-00020573 the learners’ creativity. XXVbzV-AEJE-00041-00020573-00021226 The Comic creator allows the learners to add characters (such as people or animals), various XXVbzV-AEJE-00042-00021226-00021834 props including simple words, and speech bubbles, where the learners can add the characters’ XXVbzV-AEJE-00043-00021834-00021953 words. XXVbzV-AEJE-00044-00021953-00022398 The learners can be organized into small groups to present their stories. XXVbzV-AEJE-00045-00022398-00022980 If the learners are on the intermediate level, they can share their stories via emails and XXVbzV-AEJE-00046-00022980-00023304 give each other feedback for improvement. XXVbzV-AEJE-00047-00023304-00023766 For the younger learners, the drafts can be emailed to the teacher for feedback leading XXVbzV-AEJE-00048-00023766-00024148 to the editing and proofreading stage. XXVbzV-AEJE-00049-00024148-00024638 This lesson can be concluded by asking the students to reflect on their experience. XXVbzV-AEJE-00050-00024638-00025214 They can write a short reflection following simple prompts by the teacher, such as, What XXVbzV-AEJE-00051-00025214-00025907 have you learned in this process, What is the favorite part/character in your story? XXVbzV-AEJE-00052-00025907-00026401 Developing writing skills is very important in second language learning and by integrating XXVbzV-AEJE-00053-00026401-00026922 technology in this process, we can enhance learners’ ability to put their knowledge XXVbzV-AEJE-00054-00026922-00027262 into practice in a fun and low-stress environment. XYtx3y8Jhs4-00000-00000178-00000316 What is... XYtx3y8Jhs4-00001-00000366-00000532 The Holy Nation? XYtx3y8Jhs4-00002-00002078-00002210 The Holy Nation XYtx3y8Jhs4-00003-00002240-00002540 It's a fundamentally religious society XYtx3y8Jhs4-00004-00002636-00002814 Has a unique and great creator. XYtx3y8Jhs4-00005-00002832-00002952 His people say XYtx3y8Jhs4-00006-00002952-00003152 was his savior from all these lands XYtx3y8Jhs4-00007-00003261-00003358 Okran XYtx3y8Jhs4-00008-00003418-00003550 In the Holy Nation XYtx3y8Jhs4-00009-00003550-00003747 Everything that isn't a human man XYtx3y8Jhs4-00010-00003768-00003990 Is considered an agent of Narko XYtx3y8Jhs4-00011-00003992-00004192 An embodiment of evil XYtx3y8Jhs4-00012-00004192-00004334 For those unfortunate XYtx3y8Jhs4-00013-00004334-00004590 Slavery and hard work for his whole life XYtx3y8Jhs4-00014-00004590-00004740 Will be his redemption XYtx3y8Jhs4-00015-00004798-00005028 These people call themselves okranites XYtx3y8Jhs4-00016-00005076-00005356 Are led by the charismatic holy lord XYtx3y8Jhs4-00017-00005384-00005480 Phoenix XYtx3y8Jhs4-00018-00005532-00005836 The phoenix are considered okran's incarnation XYtx3y8Jhs4-00019-00005880-00006226 And they will be in charge of leading their people until they die XYtx3y8Jhs4-00020-00006256-00006409 Immediately after his death XYtx3y8Jhs4-00021-00006430-00006630 The first okranita son to be born XYtx3y8Jhs4-00022-00006650-00007012 Will be the new phoenix who will continue with the work XYtx3y8Jhs4-00023-00007018-00007204 The holy lord Phoenix XYtx3y8Jhs4-00024-00007220-00007426 Is at the top of the hierarchy XYtx3y8Jhs4-00025-00007456-00007802 He remains on Blister Hill which is the center of the entire holy nation XYtx3y8Jhs4-00026-00007856-00008072 Followed by two high-ranking officers XYtx3y8Jhs4-00027-00008112-00008324 one is the High Inquisitor Seta XYtx3y8Jhs4-00028-00008328-00008528 He remains on Stack XYtx3y8Jhs4-00029-00008542-00008776 That protects the border of the Shek Kingdom XYtx3y8Jhs4-00030-00008870-00009200 While the other is the High Inquisitor Valtena XYtx3y8Jhs4-00031-00009246-00009458 He remains on Okran's Shield XYtx3y8Jhs4-00032-00009476-00009810 That hold the border of the United Cities XYtx3y8Jhs4-00033-00009862-00010404 These two are in charge of commanding the troops in the two different borders XYtx3y8Jhs4-00034-00010594-00010998 Incessant hatred of skeletons can be traced back to the Old Empire XYtx3y8Jhs4-00035-00011030-00011316 This Empire may have fallen by the skeletons XYtx3y8Jhs4-00036-00011332-00011674 In its time, skeletons of overwhelming sizes XYtx3y8Jhs4-00037-00011780-00012100 From the ashes of this empire, the Second Empire is born XYtx3y8Jhs4-00038-00012170-00012420 The sacred nation is believed to originate from this XYtx3y8Jhs4-00039-00012502-00012710 Being ruled by skeletons XYtx3y8Jhs4-00040-00012738-00013002 So it was a cult that eventually XYtx3y8Jhs4-00041-00013022-00013218 Would take steps to destroy it XYtx3y8Jhs4-00042-00013240-00013488 Raising more hatred towards them XYtx3y8Jhs4-00043-00013566-00013696 As it was expected XYtx3y8Jhs4-00044-00013696-00013900 Their hatred and fear of skeletons XYtx3y8Jhs4-00045-00013908-00014150 Is reflected in the weapons they use XYtx3y8Jhs4-00046-00014196-00014380 It is the paladin's cross XYtx3y8Jhs4-00047-00014460-00014994 Which is designed to destroy the bodies of the skeletons very easily XYtx3y8Jhs4-00048-00015013-00015556 Being this, the sacred weapon that will purge all these evil creatures from these lands XYtx3y8Jhs4-00049-00015576-00015880 Completely abhor science and technology XYtx3y8Jhs4-00050-00015908-00016194 This can be seen in its unsophisticated defenses XYtx3y8Jhs4-00051-00016200-00016604 And its lighting system that remains like simple torches XYtx3y8Jhs4-00052-00016882-00017464 Maybe they hate technology as a distraction to the true path set by their religion XYtx3y8Jhs4-00053-00017648-00017782 "The Holy Nation... XYtx3y8Jhs4-00054-00017818-00018154 ...one of the oldest civilisations still in existence... XYtx3y8Jhs4-00055-00018188-00018458 ...in the beginning, they kept to themselves... XYtx3y8Jhs4-00056-00018530-00018784 ...the first of the Phoenixes intentions were noble" XYtx3y8Jhs4-00057-00018908-00018998 Religion XYtx3y8Jhs4-00058-00019014-00019108 Xenophobia XYtx3y8Jhs4-00059-00019166-00019398 opposition to science and technology XYtx3y8Jhs4-00060-00019398-00019596 Irreparable hatred of skeletons XYtx3y8Jhs4-00061-00019648-00019868 Your religion is your only way of life XYtx3y8Jhs4-00062-00019896-00020204 Blinded by their own beliefs XYtx3y8Jhs4-00063-00020250-00020412 His past is uncertain XYtx3y8Jhs4-00064-00020416-00020616 And we can only speculate about it XYtx3y8Jhs4-00065-00020780-00020940 This is... XYtx3y8Jhs4-00066-00020972-00021180 ...the Holy Nation XZpskBMJorI-00000-00000678-00000772 You startled me! XZpskBMJorI-00001-00000787-00001129 There was no one in the cap but I heard you breathing down my neck. XZpskBMJorI-00002-00001174-00001281 By the sandbags. XZpskBMJorI-00003-00001424-00001544 Shit. He’s hiding. XZpskBMJorI-00004-00002131-00002227 They’re waiting for us? XZpskBMJorI-00005-00002239-00002449 Watch the left entrance. XZpskBMJorI-00006-00002466-00002540 Roger. XZpskBMJorI-00007-00002719-00002845 Man, he just ran in. XZpskBMJorI-00008-00005685-00005845 Get the fuck outta here! Stupid MG! XZpskBMJorI-00009-00005855-00005992 Where is he? Did you get him? XZpskBMJorI-00010-00006011-00006171 Get your ass outta here! XZpskBMJorI-00011-00006239-00006339 You hear me? XZpskBMJorI-00012-00006412-00006512 Cocksucker! XZpskBMJorI-00013-00006569-00006647 Fuck… lol XZpskBMJorI-00014-00006666-00006967 That was my spot, you dipshit. XZpskBMJorI-00015-00007067-00007402 Швидше, хлопці, швидше, блядь! (“Fucking move it, guys!” in Ukrainian) XZpskBMJorI-00016-00007436-00007538 Schneller! XZpskBMJorI-00017-00007668-00007755 Move your butts. XZpskBMJorI-00018-00007766-00007929 They’re gonna be up on this hill. XZpskBMJorI-00019-00007938-00008115 I’m throwing a precautionary grenade. XZpskBMJorI-00020-00008122-00008222 Precautionary? XZpskBMJorI-00021-00008254-00008431 Wait, precautionary grenade! XZpskBMJorI-00022-00008887-00008987 Fuck, Mrozny! XZpskBMJorI-00023-00009096-00009193 BartBear?! XZpskBMJorI-00024-00009245-00009345 Instant karma. XZpskBMJorI-00025-00009429-00009547 Well fucking done, guys! XZpskBMJorI-00026-00009558-00009716 What is this, Benny Hill? XZpskBMJorI-00027-00009800-00010040 Even Pirato decided to join the fun. XZpskBMJorI-00028-00010072-00010314 I thought it was you, guys. XZpskBMJorI-00029-00010478-00010542 Kurwa! XZpskBMJorI-00030-00010697-00010776 Kurwa. XZpskBMJorI-00031-00010984-00011111 Quit insulting him! XZpskBMJorI-00032-00011158-00011276 What do you mean “Quit insulting him”? XZpskBMJorI-00033-00011287-00011441 I was jogging, minding my own business XZpskBMJorI-00034-00011451-00011581 and then all of a sudden I’m fucking dead! XZpskBMJorI-00035-00011591-00011734 And guess whose fault it is? Oh oh. XZpskBMJorI-00036-00011746-00011992 For fuck’s sake, Frontovik! XZpskBMJorI-00037-00012010-00012272 You fucking SMG-wielding camping piece of shit! XZpskBMJorI-00038-00012331-00012567 Fucking SMG-wielding? XZpskBMJorI-00039-00012579-00012726 Camping piece of shit? XZpskBMJorI-00040-00012837-00013028 Are you saying he isn’t one? XZpskBMJorI-00041-00013059-00013159 Ow. XZpskBMJorI-00042-00013206-00013446 I didn’t have a single round loaded. XZpskBMJorI-00043-00013475-00013643 How did you survive that grenade? XZpskBMJorI-00044-00013656-00013716 I don’t know. XZpskBMJorI-00045-00013731-00013964 Let me see how much hp I have left. XZpskBMJorI-00046-00013991-00014295 Uh, Mateusz, do you know he has admin rights? XZpskBMJorI-00047-00014307-00014472 Only two! 2 hp! XZpskBMJorI-00048-00014678-00014792 Fuck! XZpskBMJorI-00049-00014856-00015063 Fuck! There were three of them! XZpskBMJorI-00050-00015871-00016168 Ah! So that’s where you fucking are! XZpskBMJorI-00051-00016248-00016528 I have a feeling Kolya may have found me. XZpskBMJorI-00052-00016546-00016764 I just assumed that was you firing from there. XZpskBMJorI-00053-00016786-00016967 You don’t have to assume out loud, Kolya! XZpskBMJorI-00054-00017039-00017214 Everyone found out what you were assuming. XZpskBMJorI-00055-00017233-00017333 So what? XZpskBMJorI-00056-00017354-00017454 That’s fine. XZpskBMJorI-00057-00017468-00017658 When you assumed it, I ducked for cover too. XZpskBMJorI-00058-00017994-00018075 Well then. XZpskBMJorI-00059-00018083-00018183 Gotcha. XZpskBMJorI-00060-00018378-00018552 That German fucked ’em up. XZpskBMJorI-00061-00018642-00018767 Oh, I see how it is! XZpskBMJorI-00062-00018820-00019070 Savv’s just sitting there taking shots at everybody. XZpskBMJorI-00063-00019083-00019241 Well, what did you expect? XZpskBMJorI-00064-00019603-00019777 Are you fucking kidding me, Klumba?! XZpskBMJorI-00065-00019788-00019936 Shooting at us at the spawn? XZpskBMJorI-00066-00019948-00020245 What the fuck are you even doing? I just shot four in a row! XZpskBMJorI-00067-00020263-00020459 They run into the open like they fucking own the place! XZpskBMJorI-00068-00020479-00020672 The fucking nerve, man! XZpskBMJorI-00069-00020803-00020962 Come out, you bastards! XZpskBMJorI-00070-00021356-00021529 Are you fucking kidding me, Klumba?! XZpskBMJorI-00071-00021540-00021689 Shooting at us at the spawn? XZpskBMJorI-00072-00021701-00021975 What the fuck are you even doing? I just shot four in a row! XZpskBMJorI-00073-00021993-00022341 They run into the open like they fucking own the place! XZpskBMJorI-00074-00022379-00022518 The fucking nerve, man! XZpskBMJorI-00075-00023448-00023621 Get fucked. You arsewipe! XZpskBMJorI-00076-00024072-00024201 Seriously, what the fuck?! XZpskBMJorI-00077-00024207-00024292 Listen, Klumba… XZpskBMJorI-00078-00024303-00024503 Come on! No sense of common decency? XZpskBMJorI-00079-00024514-00024742 I give me all the more reason to come to Moscow! XZpskBMJorI-00080-00024750-00024850 Nice try! XZpskBMJorI-00081-00024875-00025055 Go on, then! Come and fucking get some! XZpskBMJorI-00082-00025071-00025318 Ever thought of flanking or something? XZpskBMJorI-00083-00025438-00025538 Get some! XZpskBMJorI-00084-00025624-00025850 That’s what you get for wittering! XZpskBMJorI-00085-00026172-00026365 How is the server population? XZpskBMJorI-00086-00026428-00026515 Mediocre. XZpskBMJorI-00087-00026524-00026741 Not a lot of people today, but you can still play. XZpskBMJorI-00088-00027333-00027444 What’s the proportion? XZpskBMJorI-00089-00027459-00027545 Wait! XZpskBMJorI-00090-00027564-00027946 It’s the last minute, so things are a little intense! XZpskBMJorI-00091-00027981-00028112 Aaaa! Come here, Savv! XZpskBMJorI-00092-00028364-00028464 lol XZpskBMJorI-00093-00028872-00029066 Wait, where are they capping from? XZpskBMJorI-00094-00030222-00030563 Oh, brace for trash talk… XZpskBMJorI-00095-00030834-00030934 Oh, I missed. XZpskBMJorI-00096-00031575-00031685 Ow, ow! XZpskBMJorI-00097-00031699-00031813 Nope, nope, nope! XZpskBMJorI-00098-00031828-00031982 Nope, nope, nope, nope! XZpskBMJorI-00099-00032143-00032334 Gah, didn’t manage to get out in time! XZpskBMJorI-00100-00033288-00033420 Oh, got a hipshot. XZpskBMJorI-00101-00033563-00033611 Where? XZpskBMJorI-00102-00033627-00033753 Grenade! Get back! XZpskBMJorI-00103-00034097-00034222 Oh, up on the roof! XZpskBMJorI-00104-00034416-00034604 The cheeky fucker… XZpskBMJorI-00105-00034659-00034781 Climbed way up there! XZpskBMJorI-00106-00035303-00035490 He just stopped by the door! XZpskBMJorI-00107-00035866-00035956 Yeah, great! XZpskBMJorI-00108-00035964-00036089 Two guys went into the building on the right. XZpskBMJorI-00109-00036103-00036463 I just heard “Entschuldigung” and threw a nade there! XZpskBMJorI-00110-00036743-00036917 Ehm, PPSh guy… I mean PPD… XZpskBMJorI-00111-00036927-00037034 Yeah, I saw him. XZpskBMJorI-00112-00037090-00037304 He just ran past the half-track. XZpskBMJorI-00113-00037390-00037624 He must be going over there, right? XZpskBMJorI-00114-00037758-00037908 How did he manage to see me? XZpskBMJorI-00115-00038427-00038654 Some guy directly under the horse. XZpskBMJorI-00116-00038681-00038787 Under the horse? XZpskBMJorI-00117-00038804-00038955 Yes. Two of them, actually. XZpskBMJorI-00118-00038976-00039142 On their side. XZpskBMJorI-00119-00039862-00040037 Go fuck yourself! I saw you lot. XZpskBMJorI-00120-00040657-00040989 I think not all classes have nades, because if they did this map would feel… XZpskBMJorI-00121-00040999-00041099 Fuck me! XZpskBMJorI-00122-00041188-00041370 …a bit like the Armageddon weapon from Worms. XZpskBMJorI-00123-00041379-00041798 I thought it was a friendly, but I turn around and it’s you! XZpskBMJorI-00124-00041884-00042212 I shat a ton of bricks there, thought you’d shoot me first! XZpskBMJorI-00125-00042226-00042452 I even turned my back to you at first! XZpskBMJorI-00126-00043525-00043625 No, Yoko. XZpskBMJorI-00127-00044107-00044226 Skai, don’t go in there! XZpskBMJorI-00128-00044240-00044456 Never mind, it’s exploded already. XZpskBMJorI-00129-00044515-00044615 There! XZpskBMJorI-00130-00044803-00045003 They already ran up behind us. XZpskBMJorI-00131-00045089-00045262 No, somewhere around here. XZpskBMJorI-00132-00045279-00045426 There he is, upstairs! XZpskBMJorI-00133-00045651-00045751 Missed. XZpskBMJorI-00134-00045901-00046001 Missed! XZpskBMJorI-00135-00046206-00046366 Shit, no way to stab him! XZpskBMJorI-00136-00046376-00046489 Actually, just distract him! XZpskBMJorI-00137-00046506-00046625 I’m gonna go for a stab! XZpskBMJorI-00138-00046637-00046877 Sorry, I kinda jumped the gun there. Oh, it’s fine. XZpskBMJorI-00139-00046941-00047062 Another one getting up here! XZpskBMJorI-00140-00047072-00047172 Shit… XZpskBMJorI-00141-00047184-00047378 Ground floor. I picked up an assault rifle. XZpskBMJorI-00142-00048128-00048272 Whoa, whoa, whoa… XZpskBMJorI-00143-00049792-00049927 Got shot in the leg. XZpskBMJorI-00144-00050782-00051015 OK, Mrozny, I’m watching your back. Not the roof, though… XZpskBMJorI-00145-00051042-00051169 They could come from above. XZpskBMJorI-00146-00051181-00051313 Watch out. XZpskBMJorI-00147-00051529-00051641 They came from above? XZpskBMJorI-00148-00051656-00051772 Yeah, from above. XZpskBMJorI-00149-00051782-00051938 Did they get you? Oh. XZpskBMJorI-00150-00051977-00052301 They came just as you said they would. XZpskBMJorI-00151-00052432-00052599 I saw the shadows, so… XZpskBMJorI-00152-00052947-00053047 Lots! XZpskBMJorI-00153-00053064-00053164 Behind. XZpskBMJorI-00154-00053190-00053371 I got two of them. Guy in the Hotel. XZpskBMJorI-00155-00053522-00053635 Holy shit! XZpskBMJorI-00156-00053687-00053894 Managed to reload just in time. XZpskBMJorI-00157-00055279-00055359 Fuck! XZpskBMJorI-00158-00055368-00055513 My legs are bust! XZpskBMJorI-00159-00055665-00055836 Son of a bitch! He threw a grenade! XZpskBMJorI-00160-00055852-00056051 So that’s why he skittered off to the side! XZpskBMJorI-00161-00057157-00057311 Get rekt! XZpskBMJorI-00162-00059326-00059426 Get fucked. XZpskBMJorI-00163-00059449-00059549 I see. XZpskBMJorI-00164-00059878-00060214 He’s crossing the square to the left. Just ran into the smoke. XZpskBMJorI-00165-00061779-00061938 Get rekt! XZpskBMJorI-00166-00063007-00063107 Fuck me… XZpskBMJorI-00167-00063190-00063390 How do you say “Why?” in Polish? XZpskBMJorI-00168-00063544-00063674 “Czemu.” XZpskBMJorI-00169-00063690-00063788 Czemu. XZpskBMJorI-00170-00063846-00063946 Like that? XZpskBMJorI-00171-00064074-00064143 Yes. XZpskBMJorI-00172-00064151-00064315 It’s like “зачем” in Russian. XZpskBMJorI-00173-00064337-00064529 Failed 2 hipshots in a row. XZpskBMJorI-00174-00064948-00065097 Come on, Andy! It’s Mrozny! XZpskBMJorI-00175-00065107-00065218 Stab him! XZpskBMJorI-00176-00065264-00065476 Are you gonna just run around the lamp post? XZpskBMJorI-00177-00065503-00065611 Son of a bitch! XZpskBMJorI-00178-00065718-00065818 Fuck! XZpskBMJorI-00179-00065893-00065993 Just die! XZpskBMJorI-00180-00066006-00066228 You fucking grenade-throwing cunt! XZpskBMJorI-00181-00066268-00066394 Fine, you can live. XZpskBMJorI-00182-00066693-00066847 Behind, behind, behind! XZpskBMJorI-00183-00067016-00067223 But at least you didn’t get me. XZpskBMJorI-00184-00067578-00067671 Worth it! XZpskBMJorI-00185-00067685-00067938 Dropped a nade and went “ermahgerd!”… XZpskBMJorI-00186-00067968-00068339 He wanted to kill me so badly he naded himself instead! XZpskBMJorI-00187-00068357-00068446 Yeah… XZpskBMJorI-00188-00068458-00068677 Man, that was nuts! XZpskBMJorI-00189-00068754-00068925 Nice try! He almost had you! XZpskBMJorI-00190-00068964-00069034 Worth it. XZpskBMJorI-00191-00069052-00069244 “Worth it. Totally worth it.” XZpskBMJorI-00192-00069282-00069382 Ah shit… XZSjpzNPMVI-00000-00000162-00000511 PRAYER FOR THE PRESIDENT OF THE USA: XZSjpzNPMVI-00001-00000511-00001522 O Lord, our Lord, how excellent is Your name in all the earth, who have set Your glory above the heavens!. Psalm 8:1 XZSjpzNPMVI-00002-00001522-00002124 For You LORD Most High is awesome, the great King over all the earth. Psalm 47:2. XZSjpzNPMVI-00003-00002124-00002798 "How awesome are Your works! Through the greatness of Your power Your enemies shall submit themselves to You . Psalm 66:3. XZSjpzNPMVI-00004-00002798-00003721 For what you have done I will always praise you in the presence of your faithful people. And I will hope in your name, for your name good Psalm 52:9. XZSjpzNPMVI-00005-00003721-00004907 The Lord reigns, He is clothed with majesty; The Lord is clothed, He has girded Himself with strength. Surely the world is established, so that it cannot be moved Psalm 93:1 XZSjpzNPMVI-00006-00004907-00005266 For the Lord is the great God, and the great King above all gods. Psalm 95:3 XZSjpzNPMVI-00007-00005266-00005818 I declare His glory among the nations, His wonders among all peoples. Psalm 96:3 XZSjpzNPMVI-00008-00005818-00006405 You are the God who does wonders; You have declared Your strength among the peoples Psalm 77:14 XZSjpzNPMVI-00009-00006405-00007459 Oh, sing to the Lord a new song! for He has done marvelous things; His right hand and His holy arm have gained Him the victory Psalm 98:1 XZSjpzNPMVI-00010-00007459-00008582 In Your word You command us to pray for those in authority and so I bring president Donald Trump before you. Let my prayer come before You; Incline Your ear to my cry. Psalm 88:2 XZSjpzNPMVI-00011-00008582-00010036 Those who hate him without a cause are more than the hairs of my head; They are mighty who would destroy him, Being his enemies wrongfully; Though he has stolen nothing, he still must restore it Psalm 69:4 XZSjpzNPMVI-00012-00010036-00010884 Why do the nations conspire and the people plot in vain? Psalm 2:1 For you oh God put down one, and exalt another Psalm 75:7. XZSjpzNPMVI-00013-00010884-00011474 Whatever the Lord pleases He does, in heaven and in earth, In the seas and in all deep places. Psalm 135:6 XZSjpzNPMVI-00014-00011474-00012065 Trumps horn You have exalted like a wild ox; he has been anointed with fresh oil Psalm 92:10 XZSjpzNPMVI-00015-00012065-00012796 When the wicked came against him to eat up his flesh, his enemies and foes, they stumbled and fell. Psalm 27:2 XZSjpzNPMVI-00016-00012796-00013573 At Your rebuke, O God of Jacob, both the chariot and horse were cast into a dead sleep Psalm 76:6 XZSjpzNPMVI-00017-00013573-00014113 Let Your hand be upon the man of Your right hand, upon the son of man whom You made strong for Yourself Psalm 80:17 XZSjpzNPMVI-00018-00014113-00015054 I will extol You, O Lord, for You have lifted Trump up, And have not let his foes rejoice over him. Psalm 30:1 XZSjpzNPMVI-00019-00015054-00015512 You who answer prayer, to you all people will come. Psalm 65: 2 XZSjpzNPMVI-00020-00015512-00015812 My Lord, you are gracious and full of compassion slow to anger and great in mercy Psalm 145:8 XZSjpzNPMVI-00021-00015812-00016540 For You know our frame and you remember that we are dust. Psalm 103:14 XZSjpzNPMVI-00022-00016540-00017090 If You, Lord, should mark iniquities, O Lord, who could stand? Psalm 130:3 XZSjpzNPMVI-00023-00017090-00018003 Forgive Trump his trespasses for blessed is the one whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered Psalm 32: 1 XZSjpzNPMVI-00024-00018003-00018562 LORD, do not be far from him. You are his strength; come quickly to help him. Psalm 22:19 XZSjpzNPMVI-00025-00018562-00019522 Help him, O God of our salvation, For the glory of Your name; and deliver him, and provide atonement for his sins, For Your name's sake! Psalm 79:9 XZSjpzNPMVI-00026-00019522-00020415 Do not withhold Your tender mercies from him, O Lord; Let Your loving kindness and Your truth continually preserve him Psalm 40: 11 XZSjpzNPMVI-00027-00020415-00021096 Make known to him the path of life; fill him with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand Psalm 16:11 XZSjpzNPMVI-00028-00021096-00021748 LORD, do not rebuke him in your anger or discipline him in your wrath. Psalm 6:1 XZSjpzNPMVI-00029-00021748-00022628 Have mercy on Trump, O Lord! consider his trouble from those who hate him, You who lift him up from the gates of death, Psalm 9:13 XZSjpzNPMVI-00030-00022628-00023151 That they may know that this is Your hand-- That You, Lord, have done it Psalm 109: 27 XbVH0qMMnjo-00000-00001095-00001524 This episode was pre-recorded as part of a live continuing education webinar. On XbVH0qMMnjo-00001-00001524-00002093 demand CEUs are still available for this presentation through ALLCEUs. Register XbVH0qMMnjo-00002-00002093-00002611 at ALLCEUs.com/CounselorToolbox. XbVH0qMMnjo-00003-00002958-00003382 I'd like to welcome everybody to today's presentation on strengths based XbVH0qMMnjo-00004-00003382-00003943 biopsychosocial approaches to recovery from depression. On Tuesday we talked XbVH0qMMnjo-00005-00003943-00004360 about anxiety. Wednesday we talked about panic and we're just gonna round out the XbVH0qMMnjo-00006-00004360-00004927 mood disorders today with depression. So we're gonna look at depressive symptoms XbVH0qMMnjo-00007-00004927-00005410 and learn how to ask strengths based assessment questions instead of what do XbVH0qMMnjo-00008-00005410-00005893 you want to get rid of what are you hoping to move towards well identify a XbVH0qMMnjo-00009-00005893-00006261 range of potential causes for depression and different biopsychosocial XbVH0qMMnjo-00010-00006261-00006709 interventions that can help people and explore activities and interventions XbVH0qMMnjo-00011-00006709-00007267 that can help people address it so remember the depression represents a XbVH0qMMnjo-00012-00007267-00007773 cluster of symptoms and diagnosis with depression omote requires that you have XbVH0qMMnjo-00013-00007773-00008322 a few of these symptoms a variety of different things can cause depression so XbVH0qMMnjo-00014-00008322-00008806 when we see a client they're coming in and they've got you know low mood apathy XbVH0qMMnjo-00015-00008806-00009315 more days than not over the course of two weeks or more okay XbVH0qMMnjo-00016-00009315-00009765 changes in eating habits changes in sleeping habits fatigue difficulty XbVH0qMMnjo-00017-00009765-00010315 concentrating mm-hmm you know all right so they meet the criteria for major XbVH0qMMnjo-00018-00010315-00010615 depression that's kind of the run-of-the-mill symptoms but the XbVH0qMMnjo-00019-00010615-00011206 question is what is causing that depressed depression that the depressive XbVH0qMMnjo-00020-00011206-00011965 symptoms for that person so emotions can cause depression being angry or anxious XbVH0qMMnjo-00021-00011965-00012328 for too long eventually the body just quits puttin XbVH0qMMnjo-00022-00012328-00012763 cortisol into it and says you know what we're not gonna win this fight and XbVH0qMMnjo-00023-00012763-00013516 people may start feeling helpless hopeless grief has a depressive XbVH0qMMnjo-00024-00013516-00013916 component to it you know denial anger bargaining depression and acceptance XbVH0qMMnjo-00025-00013916-00014622 guilt and shame can also lead people to a sense of depression or a feeling of XbVH0qMMnjo-00026-00014622-00015054 depression so we want to look and see you know what things may be spurring XbVH0qMMnjo-00027-00015054-00015700 this person's lack of apathy lack of enthusiasm lack of motivation poor XbVH0qMMnjo-00028-00015700-00015978 energy are they stressed out about something what XbVH0qMMnjo-00029-00015978-00016569 they feel hopeless and helpless about thoughts can also cause depression or XbVH0qMMnjo-00030-00016569-00017079 depressive symptoms if you will when people have persistent negative thoughts XbVH0qMMnjo-00031-00017079-00017688 they use cognitive distortions a lot it can lead them to create a situation XbVH0qMMnjo-00032-00017688-00018303 where they're constantly feeling angry anxious guilty shameful whatever which XbVH0qMMnjo-00033-00018303-00018845 again leaves them feeling somewhat hopeless helpless and powerless XbVH0qMMnjo-00034-00018845-00019298 relationships with themselves if they've got poor self-esteem they may not feel XbVH0qMMnjo-00035-00019298-00019722 lovable they may not feel acceptable which can lead to feelings of depression XbVH0qMMnjo-00036-00019722-00020085 because they can't they don't feel like they can make anybody love them they XbVH0qMMnjo-00037-00020085-00020661 don't feel like they can be good enough to be lovable unhealthy or unsupportive XbVH0qMMnjo-00038-00020661-00021098 relationships or a need for external validation can also cause depressive XbVH0qMMnjo-00039-00021098-00021651 symptoms neuro chemical imbalances caused by poor nutrition exhaustion XbVH0qMMnjo-00040-00021651-00022151 insufficient sleep medication side effects hormone fluctuations a lot of XbVH0qMMnjo-00041-00022151-00022779 these things can occur lyme disease lupus there are a lot of different XbVH0qMMnjo-00042-00022779-00023328 things that can happen some very benign some that need medical intervention that XbVH0qMMnjo-00043-00023328-00023882 can cause the body to not be able to produce the neuro chemicals for people XbVH0qMMnjo-00044-00023882-00024231 to feel happy and they may start feeling depressed they may not have enough XbVH0qMMnjo-00045-00024231-00024845 serotonin or enough dopamine or enough norepinephrine environmentally a XbVH0qMMnjo-00046-00024845-00025503 high-stress environment that prevents relaxation and rest can also keep people XbVH0qMMnjo-00047-00025503-00025976 from resting and rebalancing and it grates on people after a while they've XbVH0qMMnjo-00048-00025976-00026528 shown that levels of depression tend to be somewhat higher in big cities where XbVH0qMMnjo-00049-00026528-00027093 people have where it's constantly noisy outside you know there's no quiet time XbVH0qMMnjo-00050-00027093-00027810 now I can't tell you that I've looked at the structure of how they ran those XbVH0qMMnjo-00051-00027810-00028328 studies to look for confounding variables and stuff but you know it does XbVH0qMMnjo-00052-00028328-00028770 make sense if you're constantly worn down and you're not being allowed to XbVH0qMMnjo-00053-00028770-00029187 rest that eventually you're going to get tired you're going to get exhausted XbVH0qMMnjo-00054-00029187-00029503 you're going to hit that wall XbVH0qMMnjo-00055-00029614-00030200 so when I work with clients I start out by asking them what does Depression mean XbVH0qMMnjo-00056-00030200-00030569 to you if you a lot of times clients will come in and say doc I'm depressed XbVH0qMMnjo-00057-00030569-00031112 okay well what does that mean to you because what depression looks like there XbVH0qMMnjo-00058-00031112-00031664 I think a hundred and twenty four different permutations if you do the XbVH0qMMnjo-00059-00031664-00032045 math on all the different symptom combinations of what depression can look XbVH0qMMnjo-00060-00032045-00032717 like so if they say they're depressed I know that they have low mood and loss of XbVH0qMMnjo-00061-00032717-00033140 interest or pleasure and things most days for at least two weeks but what XbVH0qMMnjo-00062-00033140-00033731 else is going along with it apathy sadness mood swings concentration XbVH0qMMnjo-00063-00033731-00034256 what does depression mean to you or what does it look like for you and which XbVH0qMMnjo-00064-00034256-00035036 symptoms are most bothersome for you and why why do I ask that question well if XbVH0qMMnjo-00065-00035036-00035735 they've got fatigue difficulty concentrating apathy fatigue maybe XbVH0qMMnjo-00066-00035735-00036068 contributing to their loss of pleasure and stuff because they're just too XbVH0qMMnjo-00067-00036068-00036770 doggone tired to really get excited about anything so if we address fatigue XbVH0qMMnjo-00068-00036770-00037211 if that symptom is important to them they want more energy so they can get XbVH0qMMnjo-00069-00037211-00037672 more stuff done then is probably going to help remediate some of the other XbVH0qMMnjo-00070-00037672-00037972 symptoms same thing with eating if they're eating XbVH0qMMnjo-00071-00037972-00038594 changes we know that eating and the hormones that are involved in appetite XbVH0qMMnjo-00072-00038594-00039260 regulation are linked in small part at least to the circadian rhythms so if XbVH0qMMnjo-00073-00039260-00039554 somebody's not getting good quality sleep and their circadian rhythms are XbVH0qMMnjo-00074-00039554-00039961 out of whack then they may not know when they're hungry and when they're satiated XbVH0qMMnjo-00075-00039961-00040516 so if eating disturbances are a problem for them then we're going to look at XbVH0qMMnjo-00076-00040516-00040997 what's causing those and helping them focus on that getting good nutrition and XbVH0qMMnjo-00077-00040997-00041432 good sleep it's going to help them feel better so we want to look at what's XbVH0qMMnjo-00078-00041432-00042128 causing these things and then we want to look at what for each symptom take XbVH0qMMnjo-00079-00042128-00042761 fatigue for example what makes it worse what makes it better what what do you do XbVH0qMMnjo-00080-00042761-00043093 to help on the days that you feel like you have a little more energy what was XbVH0qMMnjo-00081-00043093-00043571 different on those days what can you do to start helping yourself feel like you XbVH0qMMnjo-00082-00043571-00044102 have more energy and obviously some of it for most patients is going to involve XbVH0qMMnjo-00083-00044102-00044783 some education about the mind-body connection and why it's important to you XbVH0qMMnjo-00084-00044783-00045434 know take care of the body in order to have a good mood but we want to start XbVH0qMMnjo-00085-00045434-00045956 out by saying what do you already do what makes it better and you know on the XbVH0qMMnjo-00086-00045956-00046427 days where you have less energy what happened what was different what major XbVH0qMMnjo-00087-00046427-00046972 energy levels lower I know last night we had a horrible storm come through so I XbVH0qMMnjo-00088-00046972-00047405 woke up a bunch throughout the night with with the storm and the Thunder and XbVH0qMMnjo-00089-00047405-00047713 and that kind of stuff because I knew my dogs one of my dogs has really bad XbVH0qMMnjo-00090-00047713-00048040 thunder anxiety and I was worried about him XbVH0qMMnjo-00091-00048040-00048688 so today I'm dragging a little bit am I depressed no is my 50 mi fatigue is my XbVH0qMMnjo-00092-00048688-00049274 energy low yes so I know that if I don't get good quality sleep my energy levels XbVH0qMMnjo-00093-00049274-00049849 are going to be lower so have clients start making a very practical list of XbVH0qMMnjo-00094-00049849-00050359 things they do to help them deal with each symptom instead of looking at XbVH0qMMnjo-00095-00050359-00050774 depression as the whole let's look at each symptom because as you grow mediate XbVH0qMMnjo-00096-00050774-00051326 each symptom the depression is probably going to improve how is life more XbVH0qMMnjo-00097-00051326-00051808 pleasurable prior to getting depressed you know so this is kind of a different XbVH0qMMnjo-00098-00051808-00052330 way of asking that miracle question you know what was different before you were XbVH0qMMnjo-00099-00052330-00052811 depressed you know what was going on and this is how we can identify start to XbVH0qMMnjo-00100-00052811-00053444 identify problems in relationships problems in stress management things XbVH0qMMnjo-00101-00053444-00053939 that are triggering their anxiety or consternation maybe they're unhappy at XbVH0qMMnjo-00102-00053939-00054307 their job or or whatever you know they're going to start describing that XbVH0qMMnjo-00103-00054307-00054691 and if they can't remember a time when they weren't depressed that's okay XbVH0qMMnjo-00104-00054691-00055124 so let's talk about you know if you woke up tomorrow and you weren't depressed XbVH0qMMnjo-00105-00055124-00055483 what would be different what would make life more pleasurable for you what would XbVH0qMMnjo-00106-00055483-00056014 it look like how do you expect life to be different when your depression is XbVH0qMMnjo-00107-00056014-00056197 gone and we want to address those XbVH0qMMnjo-00108-00056197-00056707 expectations because it's not gonna be all all roses and picnics and sunshiny XbVH0qMMnjo-00109-00056707-00057169 days there are going to be you know days where they feel ok and there's going to XbVH0qMMnjo-00110-00057169-00057733 be days where they feel a little sad that's just normal human behavior but we XbVH0qMMnjo-00111-00057733-00058138 want to set some expectations and figure out what they're hoping to work towards XbVH0qMMnjo-00112-00058138-00059004 I spend a lot of time educating my clients about the importance of XbVH0qMMnjo-00113-00059004-00059454 neurotransmitters and we can't measure those and I will say it and I'll preach XbVH0qMMnjo-00114-00059454-00059904 it from the hilltops you can measure neurotransmitters in general through XbVH0qMMnjo-00115-00059904-00060346 urine and and blood levels but that doesn't tell you the level of XbVH0qMMnjo-00116-00060346-00060721 neurotransmitters in the brain and the level of neurotransmitters in the brain XbVH0qMMnjo-00117-00060721-00061266 is what's weren't what we're concerned about for mood you know how much XbVH0qMMnjo-00118-00061266-00061767 serotonin you have in your gut is kind of irrelevant in large part to whether XbVH0qMMnjo-00119-00061767-00062263 you're depressed or anxious so when people want to measure their XbVH0qMMnjo-00120-00062263-00062752 neurotransmitters right now we just don't have the technology to accurately XbVH0qMMnjo-00121-00062752-00063309 do it in terms of measuring the neurotransmitters in your brain but XbVH0qMMnjo-00122-00063309-00063820 neurotransmitters are the way your body communicates the signals that allow you XbVH0qMMnjo-00123-00063820-00064639 to feel pleasure apathy emotional flatness so if you have too much of XbVH0qMMnjo-00124-00064639-00065149 certain chemicals or not enough of certain chemicals then you may you're XbVH0qMMnjo-00125-00065149-00065509 gonna feel a certain way and our brain chemicals need to be in a certain XbVH0qMMnjo-00126-00065509-00065998 balance and they work with each others some go up others go down and they're XbVH0qMMnjo-00127-00065998-00066535 constantly in this urban flow state and that's important so when the XbVH0qMMnjo-00128-00066535-00067000 neurotransmitters get out of whack is when people start feeling excessively XbVH0qMMnjo-00129-00067000-00067524 depressed you know and I emphasize that feelings are normal XbVH0qMMnjo-00130-00067524-00068029 anger anxiety guilt all those feelings they're normal reactions and we don't XbVH0qMMnjo-00131-00068029-00068502 want to get rid of feelings because then you're numb and how's life like that XbVH0qMMnjo-00132-00068502-00068917 it's what we do with those feelings when you feel those feelings do you fight XbVH0qMMnjo-00133-00068917-00069310 with them do you struggle with them do you nurture them or do you figure out XbVH0qMMnjo-00134-00069310-00069777 how to improve them next moment you know obviously happy XbVH0qMMnjo-00135-00069777-00070326 feelings we want to nurture as much as possible but dysphoric feelings we want XbVH0qMMnjo-00136-00070326-00070770 to say okay you know thank you body for telling me that I'm sad in the case of XbVH0qMMnjo-00137-00070770-00071148 depression that I'm I'm sad that something that was important to me is XbVH0qMMnjo-00138-00071148-00071648 not there anymore what can I do to improve the next moment XbVH0qMMnjo-00139-00071648-00072312 neurotransmitters affect memory concentration sleep motivation energy XbVH0qMMnjo-00140-00072312-00073085 levels pain tolerance irritability and just general stress and symptoms XbVH0qMMnjo-00141-00073085-00073371 so when neurotransmitters are out of whack XbVH0qMMnjo-00142-00073371-00073797 when the body is not able to produce enough of the right neurotransmitters or XbVH0qMMnjo-00143-00073797-00074151 when you know they're not getting enough rest for their brain to rebalance XbVH0qMMnjo-00144-00074151-00074835 everything then they can start having problems in any of these areas but by XbVH0qMMnjo-00145-00074835-00075405 helping the body be healthy then it stands a better chance of rebalancing XbVH0qMMnjo-00146-00075405-00076101 itself and helping the person start to feel better so yes cognitions are almost XbVH0qMMnjo-00147-00076101-00076884 always involved in tying up energy in holding on and nurturing dysphoric XbVH0qMMnjo-00148-00076884-00077382 thoughts and you know scary thoughts and emotions so you know I'm not saying that XbVH0qMMnjo-00149-00077382-00078114 it's all about just fixing the body but we need to fix the body too so to do XbVH0qMMnjo-00150-00078114-00078570 that people need to get quality sleep create a sleep routine and I said this XbVH0qMMnjo-00151-00078570-00079053 let yesterday say it again same three things you do before bed each night and XbVH0qMMnjo-00152-00079053-00079557 it doesn't have to be this long drawn-out process for me I brush my XbVH0qMMnjo-00153-00079557-00080187 teeth let's see I eat dinner and then I come down and I brush my teeth and I get XbVH0qMMnjo-00154-00080187-00080652 in bed and I start I play through all my Scrabble games and my brain knows that XbVH0qMMnjo-00155-00080652-00081003 when I'm finished with my Scrabble games I'm gonna start drifting off to sleep XbVH0qMMnjo-00156-00081003-00081684 that's kind of my routine and and you know it's a good trigger now when I XbVH0qMMnjo-00157-00081684-00082206 start playing Scrabble I get sleepy so I don't do it during the day but helping XbVH0qMMnjo-00158-00082206-00082754 your body know that okay we're getting ready to do this you XbVH0qMMnjo-00159-00082754-00083117 you have it as a long drawn-out thing you're not likely to do it as much so if XbVH0qMMnjo-00160-00083117-00083464 you have you know two or three things you do within like a thirty minute time XbVH0qMMnjo-00161-00083464-00084122 span then you can do those almost every night address pain and apnea pain will XbVH0qMMnjo-00162-00084122-00084791 keep you awake I had a really hard lift yesterday and a couple of times yes last XbVH0qMMnjo-00163-00084791-00085264 night when I woke up I woke up because I had rolled over and I was just so sore XbVH0qMMnjo-00164-00085264-00085850 that rolling over woke me up and so addressing pain issue so you don't wake XbVH0qMMnjo-00165-00085850-00086401 up throughout the night is important if people have fibromyalgia or back pain or XbVH0qMMnjo-00166-00086401-00086843 anything else making sure they have a good ergonomic sleeping environment is XbVH0qMMnjo-00167-00086843-00087461 important and to address sleep apnea a lot of people have it and sleep apnea is XbVH0qMMnjo-00168-00087461-00088081 when you kind of stop breathing sporadically throughout the night snores XbVH0qMMnjo-00169-00088081-00088712 are especially guilty of having sleep apnea so if they think that they have it XbVH0qMMnjo-00170-00088712-00089119 it's important to get it checked out by the doctor and a lot of times people XbVH0qMMnjo-00171-00089119-00089486 with sleep apnea their partners will say yeah it sounds like they're gonna peel XbVH0qMMnjo-00172-00089486-00089930 the paint off the walls when they snore so there are some good clues there but XbVH0qMMnjo-00173-00089930-00090293 even if somebody doesn't have sleep apnea if you're sleeping with somebody XbVH0qMMnjo-00174-00090293-00090755 who snores like a freight train you're probably not getting great sleep so at XbVH0qMMnjo-00175-00090755-00091408 least invest in some earplugs improve the sleep environment smells you know XbVH0qMMnjo-00176-00091408-00091855 get rid of any stinky smells you can try to make it as pleasant as possible XbVH0qMMnjo-00177-00091855-00092372 essential oils can help for calming whether it's lavender or vanilla or XbVH0qMMnjo-00178-00092372-00092938 whatever it is that you like the smell of make sure that the sheets are clean XbVH0qMMnjo-00179-00092938-00093374 you know you don't want to be sleeping on top of dog dander and coughing all XbVH0qMMnjo-00180-00093374-00093757 night long eliminate as much noise as possible and XbVH0qMMnjo-00181-00093757-00094430 get it as dark as possible even night lights can be bright enough especially XbVH0qMMnjo-00182-00094430-00094807 if it's a blue light night light can be bright enough to send a signal to your XbVH0qMMnjo-00183-00094807-00095330 brain to keep it from secreting enough melatonin so if you're going to have a XbVH0qMMnjo-00184-00095330-00095762 nightlight try to have a nightlight that has a red bulb in it just like they do XbVH0qMMnjo-00185-00095762-00096466 in the exit signs and a theater so doesn't send a wrong fuse to your brain XbVH0qMMnjo-00186-00096466-00097075 make sure that if you're using a mobile device or even watching TV right up XbVH0qMMnjo-00187-00097075-00097418 until the time you go to bed if you can have a red filter on and there are apps XbVH0qMMnjo-00188-00097418-00098077 for mobile devices that put a red filter on at a certain time like it's sunset so XbVH0qMMnjo-00189-00098077-00098458 your brain quits getting the input from the blue lights that say it's time to be XbVH0qMMnjo-00190-00098458-00098944 awake on my television I've actually turned up the red and turned down the XbVH0qMMnjo-00191-00098944-00099445 blue so the colors are a little bit off but you know that's kind of the XbVH0qMMnjo-00192-00099445-00100066 trade-off in order to be able to watch TV up until I could have sleep in for me XbVH0qMMnjo-00193-00100066-00100651 other factors to consider that may impair sleep shift work if somebody XbVH0qMMnjo-00194-00100651-00101182 works the overnight shift for example it takes about 30 days for the body to XbVH0qMMnjo-00195-00101182-00101887 really get used to a significant change in sleep schedule now jetlag you know XbVH0qMMnjo-00196-00101887-00102347 moving from a couple of time zones over you can usually adjust to in a week or XbVH0qMMnjo-00197-00102347-00103066 so but a significant shift in in sleep schedule takes about 30 days to get used XbVH0qMMnjo-00198-00103066-00103625 to and it's important if you're going to get used to it to keep that sleep XbVH0qMMnjo-00199-00103625-00104257 schedule even on your days off so law enforcement and EMS are notorious for XbVH0qMMnjo-00200-00104257-00104738 having one sleep schedule during the week and one sleep schedule on their XbVH0qMMnjo-00201-00104738-00105224 days off and so their body never gets used to when it's supposed to be awake XbVH0qMMnjo-00202-00105224-00105853 or asleep daylight savings time it's only an hour but it can throw people for XbVH0qMMnjo-00203-00105853-00106435 a loop for a short period of time and if they are already kind of struggling with XbVH0qMMnjo-00204-00106435-00107075 either seasonal affective disorder or a mood disorder that change in an hour can XbVH0qMMnjo-00205-00107075-00107600 increase their fatigue significantly and they can feel a little bit worse so XbVH0qMMnjo-00206-00107600-00108085 encouraging people if daylight savings time is coming up to start adjusting XbVH0qMMnjo-00207-00108085-00108776 their sleep routine about 15 minutes each week leading up to it so for about XbVH0qMMnjo-00208-00108776-00109325 a month ahead of time so it's not such a shock when the time changes relaxation XbVH0qMMnjo-00209-00109325-00109678 you biofeedback or progressive muscular XbVH0qMMnjo-00210-00109678-00110278 relaxation can help people relax so they can get better sleep and they can also XbVH0qMMnjo-00211-00110278-00110771 reduce pain and stress and a whole bunch of other things not everybody likes to XbVH0qMMnjo-00212-00110771-00111245 meditate and that's cool you know it's people need to feel figure out what they XbVH0qMMnjo-00213-00111245-00111808 want to do or what they can do to relax and as I said yesterday biofeedback can XbVH0qMMnjo-00214-00111808-00112192 be accomplished really easily you can get one of those little finger pulse ox XbVH0qMMnjo-00215-00112192-00112834 sensors you can get a fitness watch if you want to get you know fancier or XbVH0qMMnjo-00216-00112834-00113207 whatever you can get one of the chest straps that monitors your heart rate XbVH0qMMnjo-00217-00113207-00113866 that they use for fitness and you can set it so the zones it beeps when you're XbVH0qMMnjo-00218-00113866-00114427 are either too high or too low too low is not usually an issue unless you're XbVH0qMMnjo-00219-00114427-00114863 working out but it can alert you when your heart rate is getting up there XbVH0qMMnjo-00220-00114863-00115450 which can alert people to stress address medication side effects psychotropics XbVH0qMMnjo-00221-00115450-00115922 when people are taking the most psychotropics have some side effects so XbVH0qMMnjo-00222-00115922-00116402 it's important for them to make sure that number one the medication is doing XbVH0qMMnjo-00223-00116402-00117109 what they need it to do not every SSRI works for every person and some people XbVH0qMMnjo-00224-00117109-00117460 when they're depressed SSRIs don't work at all for some of them XbVH0qMMnjo-00225-00117460-00118060 they need a SNRI which is a selective norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor and XbVH0qMMnjo-00226-00118060-00118607 for some people they do better on an atypical antipsychotic so it depends on XbVH0qMMnjo-00227-00118607-00119053 what Noro chemical is out of whack that's causing the depression and I XbVH0qMMnjo-00228-00119053-00119434 emphasize this to my clients because a lot of times doctors will start out and XbVH0qMMnjo-00229-00119434-00119963 you know best practice guidelines are to start out with an SSRI but if it doesn't XbVH0qMMnjo-00230-00119963-00120470 work to talk to their doctor and we talk about the side-effects and I encourage XbVH0qMMnjo-00231-00120470-00121121 them to chart their side-effects on certain medications because certain XbVH0qMMnjo-00232-00121121-00121574 medications can make people feel really sluggish certain medications can make XbVH0qMMnjo-00233-00121574-00122069 people feel a little bit more anxious so if they're taking a medication and they XbVH0qMMnjo-00234-00122069-00122635 notice that's increasing what a doctor I work with calls an unacceptable side XbVH0qMMnjo-00235-00122635-00122933 effect you know one that makes them want to discontinue the XbVH0qMMnjo-00236-00122933-00123275 medication then they need to go back and talk to the doctor and say hey Doc this XbVH0qMMnjo-00237-00123275-00123767 isn't working for me and they will decide from there whether to medicate XbVH0qMMnjo-00238-00123767-00124157 the side-effect or switch medications most of the time it's switching XbVH0qMMnjo-00239-00124157-00124754 medications and encourage people to have good nutrition neurotransmitters are XbVH0qMMnjo-00240-00124754-00125171 made from the amino acids that are in the good quality proteins so people need XbVH0qMMnjo-00241-00125171-00125509 good quality protein it can be vegetarian protein but it needs to be XbVH0qMMnjo-00242-00125509-00126008 good quality protein and but in order for the body to break those amino acids XbVH0qMMnjo-00243-00126008-00126491 down and make neurotransmitters you know the body also has to have vitamins and XbVH0qMMnjo-00244-00126491-00127103 minerals a whole mess of them so it's important that people eat a balanced XbVH0qMMnjo-00245-00127103-00127849 diet and talk to their doctor if necessary about taking a multivitamin XbVH0qMMnjo-00246-00127996-00128465 address addictive behaviors addictive behaviors caused the body to dump XbVH0qMMnjo-00247-00128465-00128860 dopamine and you know your pleasure chemical and it's like woohoo this is XbVH0qMMnjo-00248-00128860-00129602 great and then crash and eventually you know very oversimplified but eventually XbVH0qMMnjo-00249-00129602-00129899 the body isn't going to get enough dopamine without the addictive behavior XbVH0qMMnjo-00250-00129899-00130445 so when people are not engaging in that behavior they're going to feel flat and XbVH0qMMnjo-00251-00130445-00131126 depressed the great thing is the body can 99% of the time recover from that XbVH0qMMnjo-00252-00131126-00131645 but it takes time for the brain to go okay I'm not gonna get flooded with XbVH0qMMnjo-00253-00131645-00132068 dopamine anymore so I can open up some more receptors and balance things out XbVH0qMMnjo-00254-00132068-00132647 again takes time six months to a year for most people address chronic or XbVH0qMMnjo-00255-00132647-00133145 extreme stress both of these things increase the amount of neurotransmitters XbVH0qMMnjo-00256-00133145-00133610 flooding the synapses to protect the body from overload the brain shuts down XbVH0qMMnjo-00257-00133610-00134108 some of the receptors so the body doesn't overload and people get tolerant XbVH0qMMnjo-00258-00134108-00134537 or kind of desensitized to it when the neurotransmitters return to a normal XbVH0qMMnjo-00259-00134537-00134960 level the receptors are still shut down so not enough neurotransmitter gets sent XbVH0qMMnjo-00260-00134960-00135470 out things that normally caused a reaction no longer are strong enough to XbVH0qMMnjo-00261-00135470-00135947 cause a reaction so when people are under a lot of stress eventually the XbVH0qMMnjo-00262-00135947-00136340 body goes you know I can't I can't flooded with all this cortisol and stuff XbVH0qMMnjo-00263-00136340-00136880 anymore I got a you know rein it in a little bit so it starts shutting down XbVH0qMMnjo-00264-00136880-00137324 some receptors so the body isn't overstimulated all the time because the XbVH0qMMnjo-00265-00137324-00137849 body can't do that it's pretty the brain is protecting you it's you know feels XbVH0qMMnjo-00266-00137849-00138317 kind of weird but the brain is protecting you but by shutting down and XbVH0qMMnjo-00267-00138317-00138800 becoming desensitized and less bothered but by stuff that means you become less XbVH0qMMnjo-00268-00138800-00139244 excited by things but you also become less stressed by things which leaves you XbVH0qMMnjo-00269-00139244-00140231 in this gray area the ER area so people start feeling kind of depressed hormones XbVH0qMMnjo-00270-00140231-00140780 thyroid hormones impact mood libido and energy levels thyroid hormones are XbVH0qMMnjo-00271-00140780-00141187 really easy to measure so we want to make sure that people get a physical XbVH0qMMnjo-00272-00141187-00141758 estrogen boosts neurotransmitters that affect sleep mood memory libido pain XbVH0qMMnjo-00273-00141758-00142346 perception learning an attention span an increased estrogen may increase the XbVH0qMMnjo-00274-00142346-00142958 availability of serotonin low testosterone may be implicated in XbVH0qMMnjo-00275-00142958-00143393 reducing the availability of serotonin testosterone is manufactured in the XbVH0qMMnjo-00276-00143393-00143767 adrenals so and you'll understand why I'm going through this in a minute XbVH0qMMnjo-00277-00143767-00144263 enhanced libido improves stamina and sleep assists in brain function and is XbVH0qMMnjo-00278-00144263-00144785 associated with assertive behavior in a sense of well-being when the HPA axis is XbVH0qMMnjo-00279-00144785-00145121 activated when there's a threat the threat brief spawn system goes off it XbVH0qMMnjo-00280-00145121-00145529 secretes cortisol and you know causes a whole bunch of other reactions but we're XbVH0qMMnjo-00281-00145529-00145940 just going to go through the simple chain secretes cortisol cortisol tells XbVH0qMMnjo-00282-00145940-00146417 the body you know what we don't need estrogen we can reduce estrogen and we XbVH0qMMnjo-00283-00146417-00146741 can reduce serotonin we don't need to calm down and we don't need to procreate XbVH0qMMnjo-00284-00146741-00147244 because there's a stressor out here well you see the problem with that right XbVH0qMMnjo-00285-00147244-00147794 we've reduced serotonin which is our calming chemical and also responsible XbVH0qMMnjo-00286-00147794-00148415 for depression in some people and the body's reduced estrogen which is XbVH0qMMnjo-00287-00148415-00148778 responsible for helping serotonin be available so we've kind of doubly XbVH0qMMnjo-00288-00148778-00149321 reduced serotonin in order to prepare for that fight or flee so it makes sense XbVH0qMMnjo-00289-00149321-00149758 that if people are under chronic stress than their serotonin levels and XbVH0qMMnjo-00290-00149758-00150380 potentially sex hormone levels are going to be extra low which can contribute to XbVH0qMMnjo-00291-00150380-00150980 depression mmm so I want people to see the correlation between stress and low XbVH0qMMnjo-00292-00150980-00151496 libido and low mood as well as understand that you know if they have XbVH0qMMnjo-00293-00151496-00152090 some sort of hormone imbalance it can also cause low mood in response to the XbVH0qMMnjo-00294-00152090-00152588 question how do the receptors get turned on once they've shut down the really XbVH0qMMnjo-00295-00152588-00153082 cool thing is the body recognizes it and I don't know how it recognizes it hmm XbVH0qMMnjo-00296-00153082-00153635 but after a certain period of time it realizes that things are going to be XbVH0qMMnjo-00297-00153635-00154196 okay and so it starts opening up if you will the receptor sites and it usually XbVH0qMMnjo-00298-00154196-00154786 takes a while so it's a gradual process where some of those receptors are XbVH0qMMnjo-00299-00154786-00155449 reactivated if you will to let more dopamine go through the system again and XbVH0qMMnjo-00300-00155449-00156065 I mean it's kind of a cool process to watch in people when you start seeing XbVH0qMMnjo-00301-00156065-00156500 them feeling happier and you're like oh wow you know things that didn't make XbVH0qMMnjo-00302-00156500-00157040 them happy six months ago are now starting to make them you know at least XbVH0qMMnjo-00303-00157040-00157697 mildly happy one of my clients referred to it as seeing colors he he was a XbVH0qMMnjo-00304-00157697-00158207 chronic relapsing and you know we would talk and he's trying me he came through XbVH0qMMnjo-00305-00158207-00158672 the treatment program we talked about what went what went wrong and what may XbVH0qMMnjo-00306-00158672-00158879 have led to his relapse and yada yada yada XbVH0qMMnjo-00307-00158879-00159314 and finally one day I remember him saying you know what one of the hardest XbVH0qMMnjo-00308-00159314-00159860 things for me to stay clean is that I go out there and I do fine for the first XbVH0qMMnjo-00309-00159860-00160382 couple of months but there's just no color in the world it's just gray XbVH0qMMnjo-00310-00160382-00160946 there's no highs there's no lows there's no color and it's hard for me to go on XbVH0qMMnjo-00311-00160946-00161519 living like that there's just no motivation and so I want color and XbVH0qMMnjo-00312-00161519-00161935 that's what causes me to relapse cuz that brings color back I was like oh XbVH0qMMnjo-00313-00161935-00162452 okay well that makes sense because you know his dopamine levels XbVH0qMMnjo-00314-00162452-00162889 were way out of whack so until he could start experiencing XbVH0qMMnjo-00315-00162889-00163441 emotional variation there was no reward you know dopamine's your reward chemical XbVH0qMMnjo-00316-00163441-00163852 he didn't have enough dopamine going through the system so there was wasn't XbVH0qMMnjo-00317-00163852-00164464 enough reward to keep him doing the recup living the recovery lifestyle but XbVH0qMMnjo-00318-00164464-00165031 eventually um he figured that out and you know long story short he's been XbVH0qMMnjo-00319-00165031-00165736 clean for almost a decade now so it is possible it just it takes time but we do XbVH0qMMnjo-00320-00165736-00166360 know that people in early recovery go through a period often go through a XbVH0qMMnjo-00321-00166360-00166795 period where there is significant depression and sometimes anxiety and a XbVH0qMMnjo-00322-00166795-00167650 lot of times that will remit after a year or two may sometimes less for those XbVH0qMMnjo-00323-00167650-00168229 people even without intervention however we also know that if those mood issues XbVH0qMMnjo-00324-00168229-00168799 are left unattended during the early recovery period they are at much greater XbVH0qMMnjo-00325-00168799-00169411 risk of relapse so it's important to attend to the co-occurring issues if XbVH0qMMnjo-00326-00169411-00169854 somebody has depression or whatever we need to make sure that they're not XbVH0qMMnjo-00327-00169854-00170344 maintaining it with addictive behaviors and if they have addictive behaviors we XbVH0qMMnjo-00328-00170344-00170791 need to make sure that we're addressing the depression so they're not you know XbVH0qMMnjo-00329-00170791-00171355 feeling this pull back towards the addictive behaviors to elevate their XbVH0qMMnjo-00330-00171355-00171639 dopamine levels XbVH0qMMnjo-00331-00171836-00172590 and yeah fake it till you make it can be one process for getting through through XbVH0qMMnjo-00332-00172590-00173238 this period until the the receptors become activated again some people in XbVH0qMMnjo-00333-00173238-00173823 order to deal with the depression or the anxiety is bad enough some people will XbVH0qMMnjo-00334-00173823-00174366 do a short course of medication and find it helps a lot it just depends on the XbVH0qMMnjo-00335-00174366-00175002 person cortisol is also made by the adrenal glands and helps the body adapt XbVH0qMMnjo-00336-00175002-00175422 to stress by increasing heart rate respiration and blood pressure cortisol XbVH0qMMnjo-00337-00175422-00175824 levels increase in the morning to prepare to meet the day's demands and XbVH0qMMnjo-00338-00175824-00176325 gradually decrease throughout the day this is your Shikha daeun rhythm so it's XbVH0qMMnjo-00339-00176325-00176809 important that we have enough cortisol and you know you don't want to eliminate XbVH0qMMnjo-00340-00176809-00177191 cortisol you want to make sure that you have enough because that helps you get XbVH0qMMnjo-00341-00177191-00177784 energized that helps you respond to threats that helps you feel things so XbVH0qMMnjo-00342-00177784-00178183 cortisol is a stress hormone but it also is important for giving you enough XbVH0qMMnjo-00343-00178183-00178824 motivation to want to get out of bed DHEA is also another hormone that can XbVH0qMMnjo-00344-00178824-00179277 increase libido and sexual arousal improve motivation engender a sense of XbVH0qMMnjo-00345-00179277-00179913 well-being decrease pain facilitate good sleep and enhance memory and immune XbVH0qMMnjo-00346-00179913-00180501 system function can you take it in supplements yes is it recommended no the XbVH0qMMnjo-00347-00180501-00181147 amount of DHEA that your body actually needs is miniscule compared to what they XbVH0qMMnjo-00348-00181147-00181923 have in supplements so is it important to be aware of yes if the person's DHEA XbVH0qMMnjo-00349-00181923-00182649 levels are low definitely something the doctor needs to help them navigate so XbVH0qMMnjo-00350-00182649-00182985 encourage clients to get a physical to identify and address what might be XbVH0qMMnjo-00351-00182985-00183486 causing any imbalances that are there encourage them if appropriate to eat a XbVH0qMMnjo-00352-00183486-00184084 low glycemic diet so their blood Sugar's not spiking and then crashing I haven't XbVH0qMMnjo-00353-00184084-00184679 had a chance example yet an instance yet where the a low glycemic diet has been XbVH0qMMnjo-00354-00184679-00185148 contraindicated but obviously you know that's between them and their physician XbVH0qMMnjo-00355-00185148-00185682 the less sleep you get the higher your cortisol level will be the more sleep XbVH0qMMnjo-00356-00185682-00186152 you get the lower the cortisol will be so it's important and it's not just XbVH0qMMnjo-00357-00186152-00186755 sleep hours you want to have quality sleep but that will help reduce cortisol XbVH0qMMnjo-00358-00186755-00187263 levels reduce stress levels which will let testosterone and estrogen levels XbVH0qMMnjo-00359-00187263-00187971 increase and serotonin availability increase final thoughts hormone XbVH0qMMnjo-00360-00187971-00188382 imbalances affect millions of people symptoms include feeling anxious tired XbVH0qMMnjo-00361-00188382-00188780 irritable gaining or losing weight not sleeping well and noticing changes in XbVH0qMMnjo-00362-00188780-00189288 sex drive focus and appetite which all sound like depressive symptoms to me so XbVH0qMMnjo-00363-00189288-00189839 we want to make sure we're dealing with apples or oranges you know we don't want XbVH0qMMnjo-00364-00189839-00190366 to be treating depression as a cognitive issue if it's really a hormonal issue XbVH0qMMnjo-00365-00190366-00190901 causes for hormonal imbalances include poor gut health inflammation high XbVH0qMMnjo-00366-00190901-00191535 amounts of stress genetic susceptibility and toxicity natural treatments for XbVH0qMMnjo-00367-00191535-00191970 hormone imbalances include eating an anti-inflammatory diet consuming enough XbVH0qMMnjo-00368-00191970-00192491 omega-3s getting good sleep exercising and controlling stress so most of these XbVH0qMMnjo-00369-00192491-00193052 are pretty easy for people to research and start implementing provided there XbVH0qMMnjo-00370-00193052-00193676 are no contraindications with pain it's important to remember that our body is XbVH0qMMnjo-00371-00193676-00194216 divided into quarters if you will we have the midsagittal or the midline so XbVH0qMMnjo-00372-00194216-00194688 your front and your back or no I'm sorry your left and your right and the coronal XbVH0qMMnjo-00373-00194688-00195089 or the frontal your front in your back so think about your muscles you have XbVH0qMMnjo-00374-00195089-00195798 your biceps and your triceps their front front and back they need to be balanced XbVH0qMMnjo-00375-00195798-00196289 if they're imbalanced you're gonna have pain think about your chest muscles or XbVH0qMMnjo-00376-00196289-00196719 your back muscles you know they attach your chest muscles attached to your XbVH0qMMnjo-00377-00196719-00197196 sternum if one side is stronger than the other it could cause pain this is XbVH0qMMnjo-00378-00197196-00197586 especially true in your back because they kind of attach around your spine XbVH0qMMnjo-00379-00197586-00198188 and imbalances on one side can cause pain on the other side and I've got XbVH0qMMnjo-00380-00198188-00198767 scoliosis so my back looks like you know a speedway not not an actual straight XbVH0qMMnjo-00381-00198767-00199229 up-and-down line but I've always struggled with maintaining muscular XbVH0qMMnjo-00382-00199229-00199647 balance between the right and the left and when there is an imbalance the XbVH0qMMnjo-00383-00199647-00200199 weaker side spasms quite often and it causes pain so encouraging people to be XbVH0qMMnjo-00384-00200199-00200654 aware of they need balance if they're exercising they need balance they don't XbVH0qMMnjo-00385-00200654-00201183 want to just do sit-ups without doing back exercises they don't want to do XbVH0qMMnjo-00386-00201183-00201716 just chest press without doing back exercises etc same thing with stretching XbVH0qMMnjo-00387-00201716-00202032 you don't want to just stretch your hamstrings you need to stretch your XbVH0qMMnjo-00388-00202032-00202695 quads people can exercise to help balance out muscle imbalances they can XbVH0qMMnjo-00389-00202695-00203087 use guided imagery and all of these things can cause pain so exercise can XbVH0qMMnjo-00390-00203087-00203700 reduce pain by helping reduce muscle imbalances and also exercise can help XbVH0qMMnjo-00391-00203700-00204600 loosen muscles there's a method of stretching that is an active stretching XbVH0qMMnjo-00392-00204600-00205101 so when you are tensing one muscle like when I'm tensing my bicep my tricep has XbVH0qMMnjo-00393-00205101-00205698 to relax it has no choice so when people have for example low back pain their XbVH0qMMnjo-00394-00205698-00206186 doctor may prescribe obviously doctor want to do this not us but their doctor XbVH0qMMnjo-00395-00206186-00206673 may prescribe crunches because if they're tensing their stomach then those XbVH0qMMnjo-00396-00206673-00207185 low back muscles have to relax so when you you know when you're doing something XbVH0qMMnjo-00397-00207185-00207458 you know if you strain your back you know how it feels better if you kind of XbVH0qMMnjo-00398-00207458-00207812 curl up into the fetal position well you're tensing your abdominal XbVH0qMMnjo-00399-00207812-00208259 muscles which is forcing those back ones to relax so exercise can actually help XbVH0qMMnjo-00400-00208259-00208783 loosen things up if you do it gently guided imagery can help with pain XbVH0qMMnjo-00401-00208783-00209288 imagine the pain going out imagine the pain like the color red and imagine it XbVH0qMMnjo-00402-00209288-00209909 flowing out of your body muscle relaxation obviously will help with XbVH0qMMnjo-00403-00209909-00210555 muscle imbalances alternate focus if you focus on what hurts it's probably going XbVH0qMMnjo-00404-00210555-00210888 to hurt more because you're paying attention to it if you focus on XbVH0qMMnjo-00405-00210888-00211544 something else then it may not hurt as much and you can focus on something like XbVH0qMMnjo-00406-00211544-00212081 you know sometimes when I'm driving I'll a tickle in the arch of my foot and I XbVH0qMMnjo-00407-00212081-00212450 hate that because I can't like reach down and scratch it so I have to focus XbVH0qMMnjo-00408-00212450-00213224 on something else and I focus on driving or I focus on how the seat feels or I XbVH0qMMnjo-00409-00213224-00213626 focus on whether I'm hot too hot or too cold to quit thinking about that and XbVH0qMMnjo-00410-00213626-00214103 eventually the the feeling goes away same thing is true with pain if we can XbVH0qMMnjo-00411-00214103-00214614 get people to focus somewhere else then their body often will forget that XbVH0qMMnjo-00412-00214614-00215238 there's some sort of pain there and this is especially true with non muscle XbVH0qMMnjo-00413-00215238-00215675 spasming pain you know like after you have surgery if you have a broken bone XbVH0qMMnjo-00414-00215675-00216264 if you can focus somewhere else the aching may stop a little bit more tense XbVH0qMMnjo-00415-00216264-00216725 therapy which is transcutaneous electronic nerve stimulation sounds XbVH0qMMnjo-00416-00216725-00217121 horrible but it really isn't you can actually buy them over-the-counter now XbVH0qMMnjo-00417-00217121-00217673 and they're just little electrode patches you put on and it sends tiny XbVH0qMMnjo-00418-00217673-00218099 little electric impulses and it feels like somebody is just kind of tapping on XbVH0qMMnjo-00419-00218099-00218606 you but it bombards the nerve endings so the nerve endings aren't getting the XbVH0qMMnjo-00420-00218606-00219182 pain signals anymore and you don't feel the pain for a few minutes physical XbVH0qMMnjo-00421-00219182-00219542 therapy obviously can help with any muscle imbalances or whatever's causing XbVH0qMMnjo-00422-00219542-00220133 pain range of motion hydrotherapy that's usually hot you know sitting in a hot XbVH0qMMnjo-00423-00220133-00220607 tub most people can go to the gym or or whatever and sit in a hot tub or in a XbVH0qMMnjo-00424-00220607-00221377 hot bath ice or heat depending on how acute the injury is and what feels best XbVH0qMMnjo-00425-00221377-00222141 and hypnosis hypnosis has been shown to be really helpful for managing chronic XbVH0qMMnjo-00426-00222141-00222666 pain so any of these things can help our clients and obviously I didn't even put XbVH0qMMnjo-00427-00222666-00223116 opiates on here any of these things are non pharmacological interventions to XbVH0qMMnjo-00428-00223116-00223719 help clients manage pain and pain can lead people to feel very helpless XbVH0qMMnjo-00429-00223719-00224147 hopeless and frustrated if they wake up in the morning and they hurt and they XbVH0qMMnjo-00430-00224147-00224528 hurt all day and they can't do the stuff they used to used to do because it hurts XbVH0qMMnjo-00431-00224528-00225074 it can be very frustrating and depressing so helping them manage their XbVH0qMMnjo-00432-00225074-00225479 pain not only helps them improve their sleeeeep but it can help provide them a XbVH0qMMnjo-00433-00225479-00226223 sense of confidence and hope and empowerment emotions anger resentment XbVH0qMMnjo-00434-00226223-00226682 jealousy envy and guilt anger remember is half of the fight-or-flight reaction XbVH0qMMnjo-00435-00226682-00227180 and it pushes people away or asserts dominance and control it either pushes XbVH0qMMnjo-00436-00227180-00227621 them away or kind of pushes them down if you will so you're on top excessive XbVH0qMMnjo-00437-00227621-00228185 anger can exhaust the stress response system contribute to negative cognitions XbVH0qMMnjo-00438-00228185-00228740 so people who tend to be excessively angry tend to see the world in negative XbVH0qMMnjo-00439-00228740-00229127 terms they look for the worst they see the worst they're always waiting for the XbVH0qMMnjo-00440-00229127-00229571 other shoe to drop it can impair relationships so that buffer against XbVH0qMMnjo-00441-00229571-00230069 stress starts to go away and it can actually cause physical harm they've XbVH0qMMnjo-00442-00230069-00230501 done a lot of studies that have shown people who tend to be angrier tend to XbVH0qMMnjo-00443-00230501-00231101 have more health problems so in group or individual when you're working with XbVH0qMMnjo-00444-00231101-00231584 clients ask them when you're angry what do you notice you know do you notice the XbVH0qMMnjo-00445-00231584-00232052 good things do you notice the bad things what are your anger triggers and this XbVH0qMMnjo-00446-00232052-00232352 can be a fun one to do on the board where people just start shouting out the XbVH0qMMnjo-00447-00232352-00232871 things that irritate them and then we go back and talk about why each one of XbVH0qMMnjo-00448-00232871-00233291 those things makes them feel vulnerable and they're like wait a minute we were XbVH0qMMnjo-00449-00233291-00233906 talking about anger and I said yeah we were weren't we was our anger and XbVH0qMMnjo-00450-00233906-00234233 vulnerability related well when you feel vulnerable XbVH0qMMnjo-00451-00234233-00234788 that means there's a perceived threat or there could be a threat and so people XbVH0qMMnjo-00452-00234788-00235238 when they feel vulnerable tend to get either angry or anxious so why do each XbVH0qMMnjo-00453-00235238-00235751 one of those things make you feel vulnerable or angry and then we talk XbVH0qMMnjo-00454-00235751-00236081 about whether it's an external threat you know something that could hurt them XbVH0qMMnjo-00455-00236081-00236608 from outside or is an internal threat something that's coming from their XbVH0qMMnjo-00456-00236608-00237017 critical inner self that's telling them you're not good enough or I always knew XbVH0qMMnjo-00457-00237017-00237542 you would screw up then we move on to talking about how they can address each XbVH0qMMnjo-00458-00237542-00238085 trigger to feel safer and more empowered now an individual I usually do this in a XbVH0qMMnjo-00459-00238085-00238592 series of homework assignments you know we talked about in in session when XbVH0qMMnjo-00460-00238592-00238838 you're Aang what do you notice homework for the XbVH0qMMnjo-00461-00238838-00239267 first session is what are your anger triggers make a list of them over the XbVH0qMMnjo-00462-00239267-00239813 next week and then when they come back in we talk about why the anger triggers XbVH0qMMnjo-00463-00239813-00240298 make them feel vulnerable and then their homework for the second week is to XbVH0qMMnjo-00464-00240298-00240779 figure out three ways they can address each trigger to help them feel safer and XbVH0qMMnjo-00465-00240779-00241234 more empowered so for example if XbVH0qMMnjo-00466-00241294-00241787 something causes their internal critic to start telling them that they're not XbVH0qMMnjo-00467-00241787-00242348 good enough and nobody will ever love them how can they address that internal XbVH0qMMnjo-00468-00242348-00242878 critic in order to basically shut it up XbVH0qMMnjo-00469-00242919-00243455 jealousy now we think of anger and anxiety those are easy resentment you XbVH0qMMnjo-00470-00243455-00243833 can see is anger but what about jealousy and envy XbVH0qMMnjo-00471-00243833-00244423 well jealousy if you think of it as really anger somebody or envy is really XbVH0qMMnjo-00472-00244423-00244894 anger at somebody for having something you want or anger at yourself for not XbVH0qMMnjo-00473-00244894-00245426 having something somebody else has but it's anger if you're jealous about XbVH0qMMnjo-00474-00245426-00245942 something you want to look at what does whatever they have represent to you why XbVH0qMMnjo-00475-00245942-00246716 does it make you feel vulnerable or less than or disempowered so have people make XbVH0qMMnjo-00476-00246716-00247157 a list of the things that they Envy or they're jealous of and identify why XbVH0qMMnjo-00477-00247157-00247886 they're jealous of them what is it about you know such and so celebrity that XbVH0qMMnjo-00478-00247886-00248513 makes you feel jealous of them in what ways are they better or better off than XbVH0qMMnjo-00479-00248513-00249065 you because of those things so let's talk it down to it let's be honest how XbVH0qMMnjo-00480-00249065-00249571 does this envy or jelly jealousy affect you so you know people who live in XbVH0qMMnjo-00481-00249571-00249965 mansions and have millions of dollars and don't have to worry about you know XbVH0qMMnjo-00482-00249965-00250652 finances at all yeah you know in a way they may be better off but you know XbVH0qMMnjo-00483-00250652-00251078 there's lots of other things that I have that they don't so but that's not in XbVH0qMMnjo-00484-00251078-00251453 this exercise so we say okay you know they don't have the stress of worrying XbVH0qMMnjo-00485-00251453-00251996 about finances that's true how does this envy or jealousy affect you XbVH0qMMnjo-00486-00251996-00252455 well generally it's not in a good way so we want to look at is being angry at XbVH0qMMnjo-00487-00252455-00252860 them for not having to worry about their finances is that helping you move XbVH0qMMnjo-00488-00252860-00253273 towards a rich and meaningful life is that helping you in your life in any way XbVH0qMMnjo-00489-00253273-00254102 and if not what is a more productive way to use this energy guilt can be thought XbVH0qMMnjo-00490-00254102-00254579 of as shame embarrassment or self anger for something that you did or you should XbVH0qMMnjo-00491-00254579-00255244 have done so you can see how come these are all kind of coming together when XbVH0qMMnjo-00492-00255244-00255641 somebody passes away many times people will feel guilty because they're like XbVH0qMMnjo-00493-00255641-00256109 well I should have told them how much I love them or I shouldn't have had our XbVH0qMMnjo-00494-00256109-00256567 last discussion be a fight or you know whatever there's lots of shoulds and XbVH0qMMnjo-00495-00256567-00257210 shouldn't that contribute to guilt so it's anger at yourself most of the XbVH0qMMnjo-00496-00257210-00257732 time some people have difficulty letting go of guilt because they think they XbVH0qMMnjo-00497-00257732-00258233 deserve to suffer you know I should have been a better friend to them and I XbVH0qMMnjo-00498-00258233-00258704 should have noticed this so I deserve to suffer for it so I'm gonna hold on to XbVH0qMMnjo-00499-00258704-00259202 this guilt or they fear that if they forgive themselves they might do it XbVH0qMMnjo-00500-00259202-00259487 again so we talk about the difference between XbVH0qMMnjo-00501-00259487-00260306 forgiving and forgiving and forgetting versus forgiving and learning because XbVH0qMMnjo-00502-00260306-00260773 forgiving is a power play forgiving is me saying you know what I am NOT going XbVH0qMMnjo-00503-00260773-00261266 to leave my energy stuck and tied up in this I'm going to accept that it XbVH0qMMnjo-00504-00261266-00262055 happened I'm gonna learn from it and I'm gonna move on how people make a list of XbVH0qMMnjo-00505-00262055-00262451 things they feel guilty about which sometimes is thought of as a fearless XbVH0qMMnjo-00506-00262451-00263057 moral inventory and then have them think about okay how can I make amends learn XbVH0qMMnjo-00507-00263057-00263474 from it and then ultimately forgive myself you know it's always gonna be XbVH0qMMnjo-00508-00263474-00263906 there you know I'm always gonna have that memory I'm not gonna forget it but XbVH0qMMnjo-00509-00263906-00264498 how can I move past it so I'm not part of me is not stuck back there XbVH0qMMnjo-00510-00264498-00264954 the second activity for guilt is to have people really start talking about what XbVH0qMMnjo-00511-00264954-00265356 forgiveness means a lot a lot of people who especially those have been XbVH0qMMnjo-00512-00265356-00265899 traumatized or abused have difficulty with the concept of forgiveness because XbVH0qMMnjo-00513-00265899-00266304 they don't want to tell feel like they're telling somebody it's okay you XbVH0qMMnjo-00514-00266304-00266913 did this forgiveness doesn't have to mean that forgiveness can be letting go XbVH0qMMnjo-00515-00266913-00267586 of the hurt great great concept Carl and it's also a way of saying you know what XbVH0qMMnjo-00516-00267586-00268116 it happened I can't change it but I am not willing to stay miserable for XbVH0qMMnjo-00517-00268116-00268647 something that you did so we talked about before we go into all that we talk XbVH0qMMnjo-00518-00268647-00268998 about how the concept of forgiveness makes people feel and usually I get a XbVH0qMMnjo-00519-00268998-00269370 whole bunch of negative reactions because they're like oh I ain't gonna XbVH0qMMnjo-00520-00269370-00270018 forgive that you know okay you know let's talk about that and what is the XbVH0qMMnjo-00521-00270018-00270816 Ferger what does the phrase forgiveness is not for them it's for you mean and I XbVH0qMMnjo-00522-00270816-00271214 let them sit with that for a while and we talk about what that might mean and XbVH0qMMnjo-00523-00271214-00271599 then we start talking about ways they might be able to move towards XbVH0qMMnjo-00524-00271599-00272346 forgiveness to anything that's they're stuck on anxiety is the other half of XbVH0qMMnjo-00525-00272346-00272865 fight-or-flight and chronic anxiety worry and stress also exhaust the stress XbVH0qMMnjo-00526-00272865-00273354 response system causing those neuro chemical imbalances and hormone XbVH0qMMnjo-00527-00273354-00273941 imbalances so just like too much anger can be bad too much anxiety can be bad XbVH0qMMnjo-00528-00273941-00274554 anxiety makes it harder to sleep which leads to exhaustion or excess cortisol XbVH0qMMnjo-00529-00274554-00275367 hormone imbalances which can eventually lead to depressive symptoms so for have XbVH0qMMnjo-00530-00275367-00276008 people write down three situations in which they experience the common fears XbVH0qMMnjo-00531-00276008-00276318 if you will three things that trigger their fear of XbVH0qMMnjo-00532-00276318-00276911 rejection and isolation three fears that trigger their fear of three things that XbVH0qMMnjo-00533-00276911-00277443 trigger their fear of failure loss of control and the unknown and then we talk XbVH0qMMnjo-00534-00277443-00277877 about why those situations trigger anxiety and brainstorm ways to XbVH0qMMnjo-00535-00277877-00278375 deal with them and you can actually turn this into a for group series so one XbVH0qMMnjo-00536-00278375-00278918 group or sometimes three groups one group you talk about rejection and XbVH0qMMnjo-00537-00278918-00279365 isolation another group you talk about things that trigger failure and how to XbVH0qMMnjo-00538-00279365-00279789 deal with them and the third group you talk about loss of control and the XbVH0qMMnjo-00539-00279789-00280169 unknown and how to deal with that because we don't know what's going to XbVH0qMMnjo-00540-00280169-00280772 happen in 30 minutes let alone what's going to happen a week from now so we in XbVH0qMMnjo-00541-00280772-00281225 life we have to accept that there's certain amount of things that are XbVH0qMMnjo-00542-00281225-00281680 unknown and there are certain things we can't control XbVH0qMMnjo-00543-00281743-00282218 grief is sadness or depression and is experienced as the result of a loss of XbVH0qMMnjo-00544-00282218-00282632 something important and grief is our body's way depression is our body's way XbVH0qMMnjo-00545-00282632-00283070 of saying you lost something that was important to you well things if we XbVH0qMMnjo-00546-00283070-00283508 didn't feel that you know we wouldn't be able to know when there was something XbVH0qMMnjo-00547-00283508-00284143 truly important that was gone so to speak so grief involves often anger at XbVH0qMMnjo-00548-00284143-00284720 yourself for whatever happened at the other person or the situation for XbVH0qMMnjo-00549-00284720-00285470 whatever happened and sometimes at the higher power for what happened so going XbVH0qMMnjo-00550-00285470-00285896 through grief you need to deal with your anger and when you lose something you XbVH0qMMnjo-00551-00285896-00286370 know let's go back to those basic fears when you lose something you know XbVH0qMMnjo-00552-00286370-00286748 somebody dies for example or you break up from a relationship you may be XbVH0qMMnjo-00553-00286748-00287402 experiencing rejection isolation loss of control the unknown and failure all at XbVH0qMMnjo-00554-00287402-00288029 once from one death or a relationship breakup or whatever so yeah it makes XbVH0qMMnjo-00555-00288029-00288368 sense that it's going to trigger your fight-or-flight response XbVH0qMMnjo-00556-00288368-00288990 so either anger or anxiety once you feel that for a while and you start realizing XbVH0qMMnjo-00557-00288990-00289457 what there's nothing I can do to change it then that sense of helplessness to XbVH0qMMnjo-00558-00289457-00290135 change the situation may sit in set in and hopelessness that you're going to be XbVH0qMMnjo-00559-00290135-00290763 able to move on can kick in not always but a lot of times people go through a XbVH0qMMnjo-00560-00290763-00291236 period of helplessness and hopelessness and you know life will net XbVH0qMMnjo-00561-00291236-00291680 be the same without this person in it yada yada and they need to work through XbVH0qMMnjo-00562-00291680-00292157 that but do remember that losses are not just about death it can be loss of XbVH0qMMnjo-00563-00292157-00292679 dreams loss of hopes loss of the way you thought your life should have been when XbVH0qMMnjo-00564-00292679-00293384 you were growing up loss of you know the idea that somebody would ever behave the XbVH0qMMnjo-00565-00293384-00293981 way you wanted them to so we need to look at all of these losses which often XbVH0qMMnjo-00566-00293981-00294908 represent a loss of control hmm and yes most emotional pain most things that XbVH0qMMnjo-00567-00294908-00295542 cause us anger or anxiety represents some sort of loss of control or failure XbVH0qMMnjo-00568-00295542-00296153 or rejection and things that cause depression also involve losses so losses XbVH0qMMnjo-00569-00296153-00296552 are involved in a lot so we want to help clients recognize that there is a grief XbVH0qMMnjo-00570-00296552-00297141 process does it have does every loss take two years to grieve no you know XbVH0qMMnjo-00571-00297141-00297578 some things will take a little while some things you can get through in a day XbVH0qMMnjo-00572-00297578-00298194 depending on how important that loss was to you you know if you get rejected you XbVH0qMMnjo-00573-00298194-00298598 apply for a job and you don't get it yeah it may sting for a minute you may XbVH0qMMnjo-00574-00298598-00298992 get angry for a second then get depressed and then you move on to XbVH0qMMnjo-00575-00298992-00299568 acceptance you're like okay well let's figure out what to do next that's a loss XbVH0qMMnjo-00576-00299568-00299967 that may not be super significant so you can go through it a little bit faster a XbVH0qMMnjo-00577-00299967-00300513 loss of a pet or a loved one or a friend or a relationship can take a lot longer XbVH0qMMnjo-00578-00300513-00301148 so you know helping people see that it's a process and understand the function of XbVH0qMMnjo-00579-00301148-00301577 the process so have people if they're dealing with a lot of grief that is XbVH0qMMnjo-00580-00301577-00302252 maintaining their depression identify their losses and I have a lot of them XbVH0qMMnjo-00581-00302252-00302729 listed here dreams hope faith safety independence innocence you know there's XbVH0qMMnjo-00582-00302729-00303147 a lot of those existential type things that people can lose but they hang on to XbVH0qMMnjo-00583-00303147-00303802 and they're angry that somebody took it away or somebody didn't give it to them XbVH0qMMnjo-00584-00303802-00304422 socially they can have losses because they moved you know just when you move XbVH0qMMnjo-00585-00304422-00304798 when we move to Tennessee you my best friend is still down in Florida XbVH0qMMnjo-00586-00304798-00305350 we're still friends you know we can still talk online but we're not going XbVH0qMMnjo-00587-00305350-00305848 over to each other's houses you know three four times a week you can lose XbVH0qMMnjo-00588-00305848-00306382 people and pets due to deaths or relationships ending physical losses can XbVH0qMMnjo-00589-00306382-00306805 include loss of abilities so you know as you get older and you lose your ability XbVH0qMMnjo-00590-00306805-00307210 to see as well or when people get Parkinson's and they can't do some of XbVH0qMMnjo-00591-00307210-00307636 the things they used to do because they're shaking too much you can lose XbVH0qMMnjo-00592-00307636-00308107 your health you can lose your appearance as people get older their appearances XbVH0qMMnjo-00593-00308107-00308605 change and some people have to grieve that some people don't move into an XbVH0qMMnjo-00594-00308605-00309067 acceptance with that very well so it underscores a lot of their depression XbVH0qMMnjo-00595-00309067-00309418 because they don't feel like and they can fight the hands of time which again XbVH0qMMnjo-00596-00309418-00309955 is a loss of control you can't control time and you can lose property you can XbVH0qMMnjo-00597-00309955-00310525 lose stuff houses your favorite bike your grandmother's brooch you know these XbVH0qMMnjo-00598-00310525-00311026 things may be more or less significant however it's important for the client XbVH0qMMnjo-00599-00311026-00311554 look at the loss and come to some understanding of it figure out whether XbVH0qMMnjo-00600-00311554-00312151 it's important and deal with it mm-hmm they need to identify what about each of XbVH0qMMnjo-00601-00312151-00312691 these losses makes them angry or fearful develop an action plan to deal with that XbVH0qMMnjo-00602-00312691-00313180 anger fear and give them self permission to grieve not to say well it's stupid to XbVH0qMMnjo-00603-00313180-00313786 be upset over that you are upset over that it was important to you so go ahead XbVH0qMMnjo-00604-00313786-00314479 you know people often have different reactions to when their pets die when XbVH0qMMnjo-00605-00314479-00315031 our pets die their parts of our family and it's devastating for us so you know XbVH0qMMnjo-00606-00315031-00315732 I give myself permission to grieve and even when you know we live on a farm and XbVH0qMMnjo-00607-00315732-00316360 when one of our chickens passes away you know it's not devastating I'm not gonna XbVH0qMMnjo-00608-00316360-00316840 be you know upset for days on end about it but it's sad for a few minutes and we XbVH0qMMnjo-00609-00316840-00317410 always give it a little funeral and and and whatever but that's how we deal with XbVH0qMMnjo-00610-00317410-00317901 it because each life is precious to us even if it's not a human XbVH0qMMnjo-00611-00317901-00318493 part two is acceptance true losses can't be reacquired once they're gone they're XbVH0qMMnjo-00612-00318493-00318853 gone the final step in grief resolution the XbVH0qMMnjo-00613-00318853-00319279 grief resolution process is moving towards acceptance but first class have XbVH0qMMnjo-00614-00319279-00319756 to know what acceptance means to them so for each loss that may be something XbVH0qMMnjo-00615-00319756-00320302 different and you know I encourage them to think about writing their own story XbVH0qMMnjo-00616-00320302-00320824 you know they're a character in their own narrative so how would you end this XbVH0qMMnjo-00617-00320824-00321166 this part of the storyline how would you end this part of the XbVH0qMMnjo-00618-00321166-00321544 storyline sometimes it's closing an entire chapter sometimes it's just XbVH0qMMnjo-00619-00321544-00322138 ending you know a tangential storyline somewhere but you know how do they tie XbVH0qMMnjo-00620-00322138-00322731 that up so they can move on and start to have new experiences in their story XbVH0qMMnjo-00621-00322731-00323209 happiness well you can't be happy and depressed at the same time so we've XbVH0qMMnjo-00622-00323209-00323569 talked about eliminating a lot of stuff but we want to increase happiness we XbVH0qMMnjo-00623-00323569-00323935 want to bring more of it happiness chemicals reduce stress and depression XbVH0qMMnjo-00624-00323935-00324613 so increase the happy times by finding some comedians that you like children XbVH0qMMnjo-00625-00324613-00325099 can often make you laugh even youtube videos of babies laughing if you listen XbVH0qMMnjo-00626-00325099-00325648 to it long enough you can't help but laugh or silly animal videos or XbVH0qMMnjo-00627-00325648-00326152 knock-knock jokes whatever it is that makes you laugh preferably with a belly XbVH0qMMnjo-00628-00326152-00326869 laugh will help release endorphins and improve happiness chemicals cognitively XbVH0qMMnjo-00629-00326869-00327343 address- making styles because these contribute to exhaustion if you're XbVH0qMMnjo-00630-00327343-00327874 always looking at the world as a dark scary unpleasant place you're gonna keep XbVH0qMMnjo-00631-00327874-00328495 that threat response system more active and or contribute to your sense of XbVH0qMMnjo-00632-00328495-00328887 hopelessness and helplessness you're looking around at this bleak landscape XbVH0qMMnjo-00633-00328887-00329299 if you have a more positive thinking style and you focus on some of the good XbVH0qMMnjo-00634-00329299-00329869 stuff then it kind of normalizes things it's important to encourage clients to XbVH0qMMnjo-00635-00329869-00330307 highlight what is out of their control and figure out how to come to acceptance XbVH0qMMnjo-00636-00330307-00330838 of that you know I can't control the weather I can't control other people for XbVH0qMMnjo-00637-00330838-00331252 example so identify those things and figure out XbVH0qMMnjo-00638-00331252-00331651 how to deal with the fact that you just ain't ever gonna be able to control it XbVH0qMMnjo-00639-00331651-00332233 so you might as well figure out a way to be okay with that and negative thinking XbVH0qMMnjo-00640-00332233-00332790 styles heighten a sense of helplessness and hopelessness you know cuz it's just XbVH0qMMnjo-00641-00332790-00333391 yucky so encourage people to look at cognitive distortions such as XbVH0qMMnjo-00642-00333391-00333988 all-or-nothing thinking and avoid creating self-fulfilling prophecies you XbVH0qMMnjo-00643-00333988-00334426 know when you're expecting something bad to happen usually you can find the bad XbVH0qMMnjo-00644-00334426-00334933 in whatever does happen so encourage them to try to balance things and XbVH0qMMnjo-00645-00334933-00335533 embrace the dialectics yes the bad stuff happened and it's unfortunate what else XbVH0qMMnjo-00646-00335533-00335974 is there you know and the same thing with cárdenas remember can trick XbVH0qMMnjo-00647-00335974-00336559 commitment control and challenge things may be going really poorly in one aspect XbVH0qMMnjo-00648-00336559-00337021 but in eight other aspects of your life they're going really well XbVH0qMMnjo-00649-00337021-00337423 so you're committed to those eight aspects and yeah this one over here XbVH0qMMnjo-00650-00337423-00337843 we're gonna address but those eight other aspects give you a reason to XbVH0qMMnjo-00651-00337843-00338449 continue getting out of bed in the morning poor self-esteem contributes to XbVH0qMMnjo-00652-00338449-00338929 self-loathing shame and a feeling of unlivable 'ti negative and negatively XbVH0qMMnjo-00653-00338929-00339492 impacts relationships because people with poor self-esteem generally are XbVH0qMMnjo-00654-00339492-00340050 constantly seeking external validation and can have very poor boundaries XbVH0qMMnjo-00655-00340050-00340485 encourage people to complete a self-esteem inventory for all the XbVH0qMMnjo-00656-00340485-00340849 characteristics that are important to them in their self esteem and inventory XbVH0qMMnjo-00657-00340849-00341443 who they really want to be that they don't already have encourage them to XbVH0qMMnjo-00658-00341443-00342025 answer their following questions if your child or best friend had this flaw would XbVH0qMMnjo-00659-00342025-00342568 you still love them and most of the time they're like well yeah okay so yeah XbVH0qMMnjo-00660-00342568-00343255 you're not perfect however are you still lovable unhealthy and unsupportive XbVH0qMMnjo-00661-00343255-00343609 relationships also take a toll on self-esteem and enhance fears of XbVH0qMMnjo-00662-00343609-00344065 abandonment which maintains high levels of stress and feelings of helplessness XbVH0qMMnjo-00663-00344065-00344365 because we know we can't control other people XbVH0qMMnjo-00664-00344365-00344716 and if we're constantly worried that they're going to leave us and we're XbVH0qMMnjo-00665-00344716-00345352 going to be unable to cope then we're constantly on edge we're constantly XbVH0qMMnjo-00666-00345352-00345736 hyper vigilant looking for signs or symptoms that that person might abandon XbVH0qMMnjo-00667-00345736-00346276 us unhealthy relationships also fail to buffer against stress which can lead to XbVH0qMMnjo-00668-00346276-00347005 exhaustion neurotransmitter imbalances and depression environmentally high XbVH0qMMnjo-00669-00347005-00347488 stress environments prevent relaxation and rest increase hopelessness and XbVH0qMMnjo-00670-00347488-00347896 helplessness and increase stress hormones and decreased relaxation XbVH0qMMnjo-00671-00347896-00348442 hormones think about soldiers that are on the battlefield in a foxhole that is XbVH0qMMnjo-00672-00348442-00348805 a high-stress environment and they're not going to be able to get good rest XbVH0qMMnjo-00673-00348805-00349150 you know you watch the old master sand stuff and I'm like how did they ever XbVH0qMMnjo-00674-00349150-00349813 even sleep in those tents I don't think they ever got good sleep so when you're XbVH0qMMnjo-00675-00349813-00350383 in a high-stress environment obviously most of us are not deployed but even if XbVH0qMMnjo-00676-00350383-00350752 you're your home life is highly stressful because of financial concerns XbVH0qMMnjo-00677-00350752-00351382 or relationship issues the person may be having difficulty getting good rest and XbVH0qMMnjo-00678-00351382-00351946 may feel trapped and stuck which leads to feelings of hopelessness and XbVH0qMMnjo-00679-00351946-00352570 helplessness have people design a low stress area in their home bedrooms are XbVH0qMMnjo-00680-00352570-00353074 good I have you know my bedroom is a low stress area but I also have an area in XbVH0qMMnjo-00681-00353074-00353410 the living room that's my little corner I've got a tapestry of the serenity XbVH0qMMnjo-00682-00353410-00354004 prayer and my chair and stuff but a place where they can go where they can XbVH0qMMnjo-00683-00354004-00354685 sit and just be you know it's got happy triggers and it's got happy things to XbVH0qMMnjo-00684-00354685-00355162 see it's got things that make them feel calm if it smells good even all the XbVH0qMMnjo-00685-00355162-00355711 better have them identify ways to reduce the stress in their environment in most XbVH0qMMnjo-00686-00355711-00356299 places that they are in the car at home and at work such as noise if they don't XbVH0qMMnjo-00687-00356299-00356725 like certain noises how can they drown it out with white noise or try to XbVH0qMMnjo-00688-00356725-00357178 eliminate it interruptions if they really bother you how can you control XbVH0qMMnjo-00689-00357178-00357705 for that poor lighting can put a lot of stress on people it can ink XbVH0qMMnjo-00690-00357705-00358278 I strain headaches pain all kinds of stuff and negativity you know if you're XbVH0qMMnjo-00691-00358278-00358761 an environment with in an environment where there's a lot of negativity even XbVH0qMMnjo-00692-00358761-00359334 if you're not the negative one it can be really stressful so figuring out how to XbVH0qMMnjo-00693-00359334-00359904 deal with that negativity to create sort of a forcefield so it doesn't permeate XbVH0qMMnjo-00694-00359904-00360363 and and make you depressed and negative it's really important for clients to do XbVH0qMMnjo-00695-00360363-00360927 and have clients identify ways to turn the negative into a positive because XbVH0qMMnjo-00696-00360927-00361628 crap happens so when stuff happens how can you make it work for you you know if XbVH0qMMnjo-00697-00361628-00362081 your kids playing in the house and he breaks a window well that's a negative XbVH0qMMnjo-00698-00362081-00362655 it's a stressor but you know the good news is now you can get a new double XbVH0qMMnjo-00699-00362655-00363291 pane insulated window or something so try to find ways to embrace both you XbVH0qMMnjo-00700-00363291-00363889 know the negative that happened but what can be the positive outcome so remember XbVH0qMMnjo-00701-00363889-00364389 or remind clients that they experience emotions through neuro chemical signals XbVH0qMMnjo-00702-00364389-00364845 imbalances in the neuro chemical system leads to problems in mood concentration XbVH0qMMnjo-00703-00364845-00365466 energy libido sleep and eating behaviors aka depression which leads to more XbVH0qMMnjo-00704-00365466-00365815 balance more imbalances in the neurochemical system it's sort of this XbVH0qMMnjo-00705-00365815-00366522 negative spiral depressive symptoms are a huge trigger for relapse in to XbVH0qMMnjo-00706-00366522-00366897 addictions and addiction symptoms are huge triggers for relapse into XbVH0qMMnjo-00707-00366897-00367392 depression so we need to make sure we treat both of them when we're talking XbVH0qMMnjo-00708-00367392-00367929 about recovery for people and in depression it's important for them to XbVH0qMMnjo-00709-00367929-00368488 identify what causes the neurochemical imbalances for them not for their person XbVH0qMMnjo-00710-00368488-00369120 sitting next to them and address those causes that's crucial to recovery they XbVH0qMMnjo-00711-00369120-00369558 can start doing this by just looking at what helps when I'm feeling blue when XbVH0qMMnjo-00712-00369558-00369936 I'm feeling depressed what helps and what makes it worse so we know what to XbVH0qMMnjo-00713-00369936-00370635 do and what not to do and then we can start building on that depression is the XbVH0qMMnjo-00714-00370635-00371022 cluster of symptoms created when there's a neurochemical imbalance in the brain XbVH0qMMnjo-00715-00371022-00371408 what causes the imbalance can be emotional cognitive physical XbVH0qMMnjo-00716-00371408-00371861 interpersonal environmental or some combination of the above and it's XbVH0qMMnjo-00717-00371861-00372345 usually a combination part of the strengths based approach means helping XbVH0qMMnjo-00718-00372345-00372756 people see what they already are doing to prevent or deal with those symptoms XbVH0qMMnjo-00719-00372756-00373136 and build on that because they can start doing that right now XbVH0qMMnjo-00720-00373136-00373760 and biopsychosocial means remembering to examine all of the cognate causative XbVH0qMMnjo-00721-00373760-00374186 factors not just relationships and thought patterns but also the biological XbVH0qMMnjo-00722-00374186-00374748 stuff and the environment and recognize that all these factors are reciprocal in XbVH0qMMnjo-00723-00374748-00375236 nature when one starts getting better it'll have a positive impact on the rest XbVH0qMMnjo-00724-00375236-00375789 when one starts going wonky it could have a negative impact on the rest so we XbVH0qMMnjo-00725-00375789-00376649 need to pay attention to the person holistically are there any questions XbVH0qMMnjo-00726-00376649-00377076 dear clients need a little help staying on track between sessions are you XbVH0qMMnjo-00727-00377076-00377556 looking for a great aftercare resource look no further than Doc Snipes calm for XbVH0qMMnjo-00728-00377556-00377913 as little as 15 dollars per week dr. Snipes provides concierge coaching XbVH0qMMnjo-00729-00377913-00378386 services to clients through online weekly groups chat availability seven XbVH0qMMnjo-00730-00378386-00379049 days a week and Members Only resources learn more at Doc's nights calm XekvJixmeDA-00000-00000000-00000200 I finally have five videos that I have reached 10,000 views on. XglSt9zCTyE-00000-00000224-00000632 Welcome to this short introduction to the Lean Transformation Framework XglSt9zCTyE-00001-00000632-00001080 the lean transformation framework or LTF was developed by John Shook XglSt9zCTyE-00002-00001080-00001408 to address how organisations and individuals XglSt9zCTyE-00003-00001408-00001792 can become more successful in using lean thinking and practice to transform. XglSt9zCTyE-00004-00001904-00002448 The LTF attempts to articulate five critical dimensions that need to be addressed when applying XglSt9zCTyE-00005-00002448-00003008 lean thinking and practice to a situation. Applying the LTF helps you avoid XglSt9zCTyE-00006-00003008-00003496 lean transformation failures by ensuring a balanced approach to the five critical dimensions. XglSt9zCTyE-00007-00003576-00004000 For example if you put too much focus on process improvement through top-down lean XglSt9zCTyE-00008-00004000-00004520 tool applications or projects that are done to people by experts, then this approach XglSt9zCTyE-00009-00004520-00004904 will often disengage people from owning or sustaining any improvements made to the work. XglSt9zCTyE-00010-00004976-00005480 On the other hand an over emphasis on the people aspects through lean certification, XglSt9zCTyE-00011-00005480-00005984 belts, training or rolling out lean programs can be misaligned to solving the right business XglSt9zCTyE-00012-00005984-00006600 problems and slowing delivering the results needed. The intent of the LTF is very different, XglSt9zCTyE-00013-00006656-00007152 instead of showing the tools and techniques used or even the principles of lean, it focuses on XglSt9zCTyE-00014-00007152-00007712 communicating the five questions you need to think about when embarking on a lean transformation for XglSt9zCTyE-00015-00007712-00008368 your unique situation. The five questions are fractal like a snowflake and should be used XglSt9zCTyE-00016-00008368-00008904 by everyone, at every level in an organisation to help them apply lean thinking and practice. XglSt9zCTyE-00017-00009056-00009488 The Lean Transformation Framework contends that successful implementation XglSt9zCTyE-00018-00009488-00010048 of lean thinking practice requires change on five dimensions. Lean thinking has a point XglSt9zCTyE-00019-00010048-00010592 of view on each of those five dimensions which can be developed through asking five questions. XglSt9zCTyE-00020-00010672-00011176 Question 1 asks what problem are we trying to solve? In relation to achieving your value XglSt9zCTyE-00021-00011176-00011728 driven purpose. Lean always starts off with the customer asking what value we need to provide. XglSt9zCTyE-00022-00011728-00011976 this depends on the purpose of your organisation. XglSt9zCTyE-00023-00012056-00012688 The question what problem are we trying to solve is fractal like a snowflake. It equally applies to XglSt9zCTyE-00024-00012688-00013296 the whole organisation, a team or an individual. Does your organisation have a clear purpose? XglSt9zCTyE-00025-00013368-00013840 Do individuals have a clear line of site of it and understand their contribution XglSt9zCTyE-00026-00013840-00014280 to that purpose? And what problems should they be tackling to meet that purpose? XglSt9zCTyE-00027-00014512-00015184 Question 2 asks how do we do and improve the actual work? What changes in the work XglSt9zCTyE-00028-00015184-00015744 need to be made to solve the problem? This is also fractal from an individual work level, XglSt9zCTyE-00029-00015744-00016304 to a value stream level or to an enterprise value stream level. Have you understood and captured XglSt9zCTyE-00030-00016304-00016872 what the actual current state of the work is today? Have you analysed the current state of work XglSt9zCTyE-00031-00016872-00017432 for waste and problems? Have you defined what the future state needs to be? And what steps and XglSt9zCTyE-00032-00017432-00017888 experiments are needed to close the gap between the current and the future condition of the work? XglSt9zCTyE-00033-00018016-00018696 Question 3 asks how do we develop the capabilities we need? Having defined the work to be done we now XglSt9zCTyE-00034-00018696-00019344 ask what capabilities we need to do and improve the work to provide value. Capability development XglSt9zCTyE-00035-00019344-00020016 is needed on at least two dimensions; capability to do the work and capability to improve the work. XglSt9zCTyE-00036-00020128-00020664 Do you have the necessary capabilities? Have you defined them? What is your approach to XglSt9zCTyE-00037-00020664-00021216 capability building? How are you developing people at the same time as improving the work? XglSt9zCTyE-00038-00021352-00021896 Question 4 asks what management system and leadership behaviours are required to support XglSt9zCTyE-00039-00021896-00022432 the new ways of working? The design of the management system activities and the behaviours XglSt9zCTyE-00040-00022432-00022952 needed is key to ensuring stability and making changes in the work, by following the principle XglSt9zCTyE-00041-00022952-00023552 of Plan Do Check Act (PDCA) at every level. They are also intrinsic to leaders supporting people XglSt9zCTyE-00042-00023552-00024080 in sustaining progress and making further improvement. Have you designed a performance XglSt9zCTyE-00043-00024080-00024608 system to ensure daily work is checked, maintained and problem solved back to standard? Have you XglSt9zCTyE-00044-00024608-00025080 designed an improvement management system to visualise, organise and prioritise activities XglSt9zCTyE-00045-00025080-00025672 to achieve your long-term goals and objectives? Do your leaders exhibit the needed behaviours XglSt9zCTyE-00046-00025672-00026160 to develop capability, to do the work, to solve the problems, to achieve the value-driven purpose. XglSt9zCTyE-00047-00026336-00027104 Question 5 asks what basic thinking mindset and assumptions drive this change? The final question XglSt9zCTyE-00048-00027104-00027664 challenges our basic thinking or assumptions about how we do things and conduct ourselves every day. XglSt9zCTyE-00049-00027744-00028288 What is the gap on where you are today versus where you want to be? Do you understand the XglSt9zCTyE-00050-00028288-00028848 current basic thinking, mindset and assumptions as well as values and grasp its impact on the XglSt9zCTyE-00051-00028848-00029520 organisation and its culture? What are you going to do to change the basic thinking and culture XglSt9zCTyE-00052-00029520-00030200 in the desired direction? With lean thinking it's easier to act your way into a new way of thinking XglSt9zCTyE-00053-00030200-00030648 than think your way into a new way of acting. The more you progress with applying the lean XglSt9zCTyE-00054-00030648-00031120 thinking and practice using the five questions, the more your culture will change as an outcome. XglSt9zCTyE-00055-00031192-00031695 In summary learn to apply lean thinking and practice correctly to your situation XglSt9zCTyE-00056-00031695-00031920 by asking the five LTF questions. XglSt9zCTyE-00057-00032008-00032464 Number 1 what is the problem to solve and how is that connected to your value-driven purpose? XglSt9zCTyE-00058-00032536-00033088 Number 2 how do we do and improve the actual work, to solve the problem to achieve the purpose? XglSt9zCTyE-00059-00033176-00033664 Number 3 how do we develop the capabilities we need to do that and improve the work, XglSt9zCTyE-00060-00033664-00034232 to solve the problem to achieve the purpose? Number 4 what management system and leadership XglSt9zCTyE-00061-00034232-00034736 behaviours are required to support the new way of working, to develop the capabilities to do and XglSt9zCTyE-00062-00034736-00035352 improve the work, to solve the problem to achieve the purpose? And finally Number 5 what basic XglSt9zCTyE-00063-00035352-00035936 thinking mindset and assumptions drive this change where are we today versus what we need it to be? XglSt9zCTyE-00064-00036024-00036520 Now you've learnt more about the LTF and its importance in applying lean thinking and practice, XglSt9zCTyE-00065-00036520-00036992 what will be your next steps? We recommend you start by defining the problems you need XglSt9zCTyE-00066-00036992-00037376 to solve around your value-driven purpose for your actual level of influence. XglSt9zCTyE-00067-00037472-00037936 Follow the PDCA process to identify the gaps in your current approach to lean thinking and XglSt9zCTyE-00068-00037936-00038424 practice around the problems that you need to solve. Further information and learning XglSt9zCTyE-00069-00038424-00038984 materials are available on our website, youtube channel or by contacting directly for help. XglSt9zCTyE-00070-00039192-00039608 And don't forget to subscribe to our youtube channel for the latest lean content! Xi0o7ZdUerU-00000-00000008-00001129 So a question I've asked and I've seen others ask is can you use a micro SD card in a DSLR, Xi0o7ZdUerU-00001-00001129-00001759 specifically, the Canon Powershot SX 60 HS. Xi0o7ZdUerU-00002-00001759-00002097 So we're going to do that now to show that it can be done. Xi0o7ZdUerU-00003-00002097-00002386 I hope it can be done. Xi0o7ZdUerU-00004-00002386-00003574 This happens to be a SanDisk micro SDXC 80 MB per second - I'm going to do this. Xi0o7ZdUerU-00005-00003574-00004508 I think the important thing is that apparently if it's 80 MB/s I've been told... and obviously Xi0o7ZdUerU-00006-00004508-00005338 if the micro SD card has or can go into an SD adapter. Xi0o7ZdUerU-00007-00005338-00005742 So I'll open it now. Xi0o7ZdUerU-00008-00005742-00006161 I guess this is a micro SD card unboxing. Xi0o7ZdUerU-00009-00006161-00007209 Sorry about the focus, I'll try and get it all in. Xi0o7ZdUerU-00010-00007209-00007812 So let's open this baby up. Xi0o7ZdUerU-00011-00007812-00008670 Obviously the idea is to put the micro SD card into the SD card adapter. Xi0o7ZdUerU-00012-00008670-00009143 I'm trying to do this while reaching around the camera... Xi0o7ZdUerU-00013-00009143-00009724 There we go and I'll put it into the adapter. Xi0o7ZdUerU-00014-00009724-00010335 And then open the camera up. Xi0o7ZdUerU-00015-00010335-00010875 This is the first time I've done this, so you're watching along with me. Xi0o7ZdUerU-00016-00010875-00011117 And then, see if I can get it the right way in. Xi0o7ZdUerU-00017-00011117-00012139 Try that way like the picture shows with the little cut off corner that way round. Xi0o7ZdUerU-00018-00012139-00012301 Try that. Xi0o7ZdUerU-00019-00012301-00012512 There it goes, it clicks. Xi0o7ZdUerU-00020-00012512-00013022 And you double click it to spring it out. Xi0o7ZdUerU-00021-00013022-00013541 Show you that again. Xi0o7ZdUerU-00022-00013541-00014547 So my worry is will it shoot with a micro SD card in the adapter. Xi0o7ZdUerU-00023-00014547-00014956 Turn it on. Xi0o7ZdUerU-00024-00014956-00015504 Woah, look at that. Xi0o7ZdUerU-00025-00015504-00016168 Now do some terrible photographs. Xi0o7ZdUerU-00026-00016168-00016567 Do a zoom in. Xi0o7ZdUerU-00027-00016567-00016706 This camera is fresh out of the box. Xi0o7ZdUerU-00028-00016706-00016869 I'm not quite with it. Xi0o7ZdUerU-00029-00016869-00017520 Lets do one of the strap. Xi0o7ZdUerU-00030-00017520-00017834 And then, there we go. Xi0o7ZdUerU-00031-00017834-00018046 The pictures are there. Xi0o7ZdUerU-00032-00018046-00019002 So in answer to your question and my question, "Can you use a micro SD card in a Canon Powershot Xi0o7ZdUerU-00033-00019002-00019102 SX 60?" Xi0o7ZdUerU-00034-00019102-00019536 The answer is definitely, yes. Xi0o7ZdUerU-00035-00019536-00019830 I hope this video has helped. Xi0o7ZdUerU-00036-00019830-00020300 If it has, why not let me know by leaving a comment below, or a thumbs up. Xi0o7ZdUerU-00037-00020300-00020912 Or subscribe to my channel - and also there's a playlist for all of my Canon SX60 videos, Xi0o7ZdUerU-00038-00020912-00021594 it's in the corner if you click on the "i" or the link is in the description just below Xi0o7ZdUerU-00039-00021594-00021694 this video. Xi0o7ZdUerU-00040-00021694-00021943 Thanks for watching hope this helps. Xi0o7ZdUerU-00041-00021943-00022768 My daddy's got 76 subscribers. Xi0o7ZdUerU-00042-00022768-00023068 Be number 77. Xi0o7ZdUerU-00043-00023068-00023256 Bye! XlyIL9h2U1g-00000-00000000-00000200 Biograd Soline Sandy Beach Croatia XlHKcB9GH8U-00000-00000028-00000386 - Hey guys, Luna here, and welcome to another episode XlHKcB9GH8U-00001-00000386-00000549 of That Crypto Hustle. XlHKcB9GH8U-00002-00000549-00001049 Super excited, today I have Kurt Braget from White Rabbit. XlHKcB9GH8U-00003-00001073-00001156 - Hello. XlHKcB9GH8U-00004-00001156-00001316 - Hey, what's up Kurt? XlHKcB9GH8U-00005-00001316-00001399 - How are you? XlHKcB9GH8U-00006-00001399-00001609 - Good, good, good. XlHKcB9GH8U-00007-00001609-00001692 - Cool. XlHKcB9GH8U-00008-00001692-00002063 - White Rabbit is an ICO news and listing site. XlHKcB9GH8U-00009-00002063-00002251 Encourage you guys to check it out. XlHKcB9GH8U-00010-00002251-00002544 Kurt, I wanted to have you on the show today because XlHKcB9GH8U-00011-00002544-00002986 I wanted to talk about whether or not bitcoin is still XlHKcB9GH8U-00012-00002986-00003470 a good investment, and talk about the future of bitcoin. XlHKcB9GH8U-00013-00003470-00003827 Interestingly enough, I went to TechCrunch XlHKcB9GH8U-00014-00003827-00004327 blockchain sessions conference a few weeks ago. XlHKcB9GH8U-00015-00004572-00004857 Essentially, what's really interesting is that a lot XlHKcB9GH8U-00016-00004857-00005144 of these different payment gateways are still XlHKcB9GH8U-00017-00005144-00005401 considering bitcoin, especially transaction XlHKcB9GH8U-00018-00005401-00005639 with bigger merchandisers. XlHKcB9GH8U-00019-00005742-00006133 However, bitcoin is not the best technology out there. XlHKcB9GH8U-00020-00006133-00006514 I'd love to hear your take, as a developer, why do you XlHKcB9GH8U-00021-00006514-00006993 think it's still a prominent payment solution and what, XlHKcB9GH8U-00022-00006993-00007292 I mean, obviously, what your predictions are XlHKcB9GH8U-00023-00007292-00007500 for the future and what not. XlHKcB9GH8U-00024-00007500-00007859 I guess the question is is it still a good investment XlHKcB9GH8U-00025-00007859-00008217 and what's the future entails, essentially? XlHKcB9GH8U-00026-00008367-00008545 - I'll try to answer simply first. XlHKcB9GH8U-00027-00008545-00008936 I think yes, it is a good investment and this is not XlHKcB9GH8U-00028-00008936-00009177 investment advice, which kinda sounds ridiculous because XlHKcB9GH8U-00029-00009177-00009419 I just said it's a good investment, so I don't even know XlHKcB9GH8U-00030-00009419-00009919 if I should say that, but I think yes, and it is. XlHKcB9GH8U-00031-00010137-00010387 But that being said, my simple answer of yes, XlHKcB9GH8U-00032-00010387-00010792 it's a very complex question and the answers XlHKcB9GH8U-00033-00010792-00010945 are very complex, too. XlHKcB9GH8U-00034-00010945-00011210 Let's start looking at the scope of these answers. XlHKcB9GH8U-00035-00011452-00011840 It's not good tech, it's not the latest and greatest, XlHKcB9GH8U-00036-00011840-00012247 and that's true in a way, but let's figure out what XlHKcB9GH8U-00037-00012247-00012450 that really means because there's all these XlHKcB9GH8U-00038-00012450-00012650 new kids on the block and their technology XlHKcB9GH8U-00039-00012650-00012865 isn't really tried and true. XlHKcB9GH8U-00040-00012865-00013090 One of the things about bitcoin is it's been around XlHKcB9GH8U-00041-00013090-00013247 for almost 10 years. XlHKcB9GH8U-00042-00013247-00013562 It's sort of like the tortoise in The Tortoise and the Hare XlHKcB9GH8U-00043-00013562-00013844 and this whole proof of work scheme, even though people XlHKcB9GH8U-00044-00013844-00014344 hate on it and knock it for electricity and all that shit. XlHKcB9GH8U-00045-00014365-00014655 I don't really care about that, honestly. XlHKcB9GH8U-00046-00014655-00015065 I think that proof of work is pretty awesome actually. XlHKcB9GH8U-00047-00015065-00015534 I think that it's tried and true, it hasn't been hacked. XlHKcB9GH8U-00048-00015534-00015772 Yeah, people hack it off of exchanges and stuff, XlHKcB9GH8U-00049-00015772-00016253 but the bitcoin network and the bitcoin blockchain XlHKcB9GH8U-00050-00016253-00016409 have never been hacked. XlHKcB9GH8U-00051-00016409-00016633 Not once ever. XlHKcB9GH8U-00052-00016781-00017016 A lot of people are gonna say well maybe there's gonna be XlHKcB9GH8U-00053-00017016-00017366 a 51% hack, and so when you're a big business and we start XlHKcB9GH8U-00054-00017366-00017610 talking about people who are gonna integrate this stuff XlHKcB9GH8U-00055-00017610-00018110 into their apps, 10 years, longstanding, secure network. XlHKcB9GH8U-00056-00018381-00018644 That's one part of it, it's a tried and true technology XlHKcB9GH8U-00057-00018644-00018840 and yeah, it might not be the fastest or whatever, XlHKcB9GH8U-00058-00018840-00018976 but that doesn't matter. XlHKcB9GH8U-00059-00019158-00019588 Another little point I would say about bitcoin is that XlHKcB9GH8U-00060-00019877-00020170 we are thinking, we are kind of on the cutting edge XlHKcB9GH8U-00061-00020170-00020391 of crypto, so we know about all this new shit XlHKcB9GH8U-00062-00020391-00020715 that's out there, but it kind of reminds me of why do XlHKcB9GH8U-00063-00020715-00020922 people still like the Rolling Stones? XlHKcB9GH8U-00064-00020922-00021291 There are so many bands out there that are way cooler XlHKcB9GH8U-00065-00021291-00021601 but it's just sort of like the way the mainstream XlHKcB9GH8U-00066-00021601-00022101 and these larger institutions come on to the markets. XlHKcB9GH8U-00067-00022124-00022476 They're not seeing all these latest and greatest cryptos. XlHKcB9GH8U-00068-00022568-00023068 Bitcoin is still, contrary to our belief and our context XlHKcB9GH8U-00069-00023211-00023490 that we have, bitcoin is still coming on XlHKcB9GH8U-00070-00023490-00023782 the radar for some people. XlHKcB9GH8U-00071-00023782-00023949 They're just learning about it XlHKcB9GH8U-00072-00023949-00024160 and they're just thinking about it. XlHKcB9GH8U-00073-00024160-00024430 They're not seeing all these cool, new technologies. XlHKcB9GH8U-00074-00024430-00024845 EOS is risky and they might not have even heard of it. XlHKcB9GH8U-00075-00025122-00025439 - Also something that's interesting is that a lot XlHKcB9GH8U-00076-00025439-00025756 of these bigger companies, like Amazon for instance, XlHKcB9GH8U-00077-00025756-00026177 probably will come out with their own coin in some future. XlHKcB9GH8U-00078-00026273-00026773 How will that impact bitcoin overall, if all these different XlHKcB9GH8U-00079-00026841-00027199 companies start tokenizing, essentially, what do you XlHKcB9GH8U-00080-00027199-00027363 think that's gonna look like? XlHKcB9GH8U-00081-00027508-00028008 - I think that a theme that we can cover here is building XlHKcB9GH8U-00082-00028106-00028469 up all these different arguments of really what come down XlHKcB9GH8U-00083-00028469-00028842 to levers on the price of bitcoin. XlHKcB9GH8U-00084-00028842-00029064 There's all these different factors and so. XlHKcB9GH8U-00085-00029249-00029608 Amazon, I think that this is a tricky question because XlHKcB9GH8U-00086-00029797-00030045 I don't really know whether or not they're gonna XlHKcB9GH8U-00087-00030045-00030249 be releasing their own token. XlHKcB9GH8U-00088-00030370-00030506 I've heard some rumors-- XlHKcB9GH8U-00089-00030506-00030660 - I mean obviously it's speculation XlHKcB9GH8U-00090-00030660-00030777 and rumors, yeah (laughs). XlHKcB9GH8U-00091-00030777-00031049 - Yeah, yeah, yeah, but let's just say they did. XlHKcB9GH8U-00092-00031049-00031211 What does it mean? XlHKcB9GH8U-00093-00031331-00031763 I think that it could actually mean that the bitcoin XlHKcB9GH8U-00094-00031763-00032222 price would go up because, depending on how this token XlHKcB9GH8U-00095-00032222-00032681 is minted and what chain it's on, it likely, unless they XlHKcB9GH8U-00096-00032681-00032930 allow people to buy direct through their site which I feel XlHKcB9GH8U-00097-00032930-00033284 like would be a really risky venture for Amazon, honestly. XlHKcB9GH8U-00098-00033423-00033692 That token would have to go into a secondary market XlHKcB9GH8U-00099-00033692-00034109 and exchange and bitcoin still to this day, this is a huge XlHKcB9GH8U-00100-00034109-00034556 lever, actually, here, is the on ramping currency. XlHKcB9GH8U-00101-00034556-00034951 It's like bitcoin is the gateway drug, so if you want to get XlHKcB9GH8U-00102-00034951-00035336 on to an exchange to buy Amazon coin, a lot of times XlHKcB9GH8U-00103-00035336-00035680 you have to jump into bitcoin, throw your bitcoin XlHKcB9GH8U-00104-00035680-00036087 onto that exchange, so if anything you'd have all these XlHKcB9GH8U-00105-00036087-00036587 buyers buying in to Amazon crypto, but still on secondary XlHKcB9GH8U-00106-00036636-00036886 markets would still need to on ramp through bitcoin. XlHKcB9GH8U-00107-00036886-00037230 I think that that would mean good things for the price XlHKcB9GH8U-00108-00037230-00037541 of bitcoin, and I feel like this is actually one of the XlHKcB9GH8U-00109-00037541-00037852 biggest reasons why the price of bitcoin is XlHKcB9GH8U-00110-00037852-00037982 gonna constantly go up. XlHKcB9GH8U-00111-00037982-00038301 Because as new tokens come on the market, bitcoin is so XlHKcB9GH8U-00112-00038301-00038779 tried and true and so well-established as a trading pair XlHKcB9GH8U-00113-00038779-00039004 so if you hop into any of these exchanges you're gonna see XlHKcB9GH8U-00114-00039004-00039265 everything is trading for bitcoin, right? XlHKcB9GH8U-00115-00039265-00039445 - That's the baseline, yeah. XlHKcB9GH8U-00116-00039445-00039592 - Yeah. XlHKcB9GH8U-00117-00039592-00040071 - Why do you think we've seen such volatile market, XlHKcB9GH8U-00118-00040071-00040571 especially from what we saw in December 2017, January 2018, XlHKcB9GH8U-00119-00040716-00041045 to what's currently happening where the price just keeps on XlHKcB9GH8U-00120-00041045-00041271 going down and it's just been all over the place? XlHKcB9GH8U-00121-00041271-00041503 What do you think's currently happening? XlHKcB9GH8U-00122-00041846-00042013 - Have you ever seen this graph? XlHKcB9GH8U-00123-00042013-00042344 It's called the start-up graph, and it shows XlHKcB9GH8U-00124-00042344-00042635 the drop of despair and everything, I'll show it to XlHKcB9GH8U-00125-00042635-00042883 you guys later, maybe we can link to it or something. XlHKcB9GH8U-00126-00042883-00043277 It's like when things start out, they kind of skyrocket, XlHKcB9GH8U-00127-00043277-00043495 and then it fizzles out, and then it kinda has XlHKcB9GH8U-00128-00043495-00043653 these different stages. XlHKcB9GH8U-00129-00043653-00044088 I think the overall ICO market XlHKcB9GH8U-00130-00044253-00044402 was experiencing some of that. XlHKcB9GH8U-00131-00044402-00044725 Not bitcoin itself, but bitcoin is definitely tied to that. XlHKcB9GH8U-00132-00045093-00045348 I think that what happened was we were actually having XlHKcB9GH8U-00133-00045348-00045817 a lot of irrational speculation and really what that would XlHKcB9GH8U-00134-00045817-00046050 mean is that this is a kind of correction. XlHKcB9GH8U-00135-00046156-00046476 What we really need to do is look at, I like to look at XlHKcB9GH8U-00136-00046476-00046681 bitcoin as the tortoise from The Tortoise and the Hare, XlHKcB9GH8U-00137-00046681-00046929 as I suggested earlier. XlHKcB9GH8U-00138-00046929-00047413 Right now, bitcoin is around $7000 or something, or maybe XlHKcB9GH8U-00139-00047413-00047841 a little bit lower, but that's a lot higher than $5 XlHKcB9GH8U-00140-00047841-00047956 when I first bought it. XlHKcB9GH8U-00141-00048208-00048406 Whatever, these markets can correct themselves, XlHKcB9GH8U-00142-00048406-00048647 but somebody who's in the HODL gang, XlHKcB9GH8U-00143-00048647-00048862 they're OK with what's going on right now. XlHKcB9GH8U-00144-00048862-00049097 It's just a correction, it's just another blip. XlHKcB9GH8U-00145-00049183-00049401 Me personally, I don't get wrapped up in it. XlHKcB9GH8U-00146-00049401-00049567 It's like getting wrapped up in drama. XlHKcB9GH8U-00147-00049567-00049796 I don't care about trading or anything like that, XlHKcB9GH8U-00148-00049796-00050091 I just care about the overall trajectory of these markets XlHKcB9GH8U-00149-00050091-00050480 over five to 10 years and this doesn't mean shit XlHKcB9GH8U-00150-00050480-00050656 that it's going down a lot. XlHKcB9GH8U-00151-00050770-00050966 - What do you think will be the solution to solve XlHKcB9GH8U-00152-00050966-00051308 some of these transaction per second issues? XlHKcB9GH8U-00153-00051308-00051615 What do you foresee could potentially happen? XlHKcB9GH8U-00154-00051615-00051716 As we see more and more XlHKcB9GH8U-00155-00051716-00052009 transaction happening through bitcoin. XlHKcB9GH8U-00156-00052233-00052435 - There's a lot of solutions that they proposed, XlHKcB9GH8U-00157-00052435-00052644 and I think that one of the problems with bitcoin XlHKcB9GH8U-00158-00052644-00053016 is that, and somebody described this to me in a really great XlHKcB9GH8U-00159-00053016-00053180 analogy that I'll share with you. XlHKcB9GH8U-00160-00053267-00053728 These tokens are like ships that are in the ocean XlHKcB9GH8U-00161-00053728-00054016 and the small ship is kind of just tossing around a lot, XlHKcB9GH8U-00162-00054016-00054194 but bitcoin is more like a yacht, XlHKcB9GH8U-00163-00054194-00054354 it's just kind of cruising. XlHKcB9GH8U-00164-00054472-00054634 It means that it can't really move. XlHKcB9GH8U-00165-00054634-00055134 Bitcoin is almost now like a large corporation that is not XlHKcB9GH8U-00166-00055154-00055591 very nimble and there's a lot of internal battles with it. XlHKcB9GH8U-00167-00055691-00055950 The issue of TPS, I believe that they will solve this, XlHKcB9GH8U-00168-00055950-00056408 I mean they might if the guys don't lose their patience. XlHKcB9GH8U-00169-00056408-00056644 As more companies onboard onto it, XlHKcB9GH8U-00170-00056644-00056921 and it's an opensource project, anybody can come along XlHKcB9GH8U-00171-00056921-00057186 and start creating proposals for how to solve XlHKcB9GH8U-00172-00057186-00057329 this TPS issue. XlHKcB9GH8U-00173-00057329-00057442 I think that what they will. XlHKcB9GH8U-00174-00057442-00057709 There's a few, Lightning Networks, SegWit, XlHKcB9GH8U-00175-00057709-00057999 a lot of these different proposed solutions that have XlHKcB9GH8U-00176-00057999-00058176 already been kind of implemented. XlHKcB9GH8U-00177-00058176-00058442 They have fixed it somewhat, but you have to think about XlHKcB9GH8U-00178-00058442-00058688 bitcoin, well this is the way I understand it XlHKcB9GH8U-00179-00058688-00058980 and it helps me, is that bitcoin is more like a yacht. XlHKcB9GH8U-00180-00058980-00059197 If you want to change the course of a yacht, XlHKcB9GH8U-00181-00059197-00059513 now you're moving a massive structure and it might XlHKcB9GH8U-00182-00059513-00059692 take a little bit more time. XlHKcB9GH8U-00183-00059692-00060113 Trust me, if they did make this kind of change, XlHKcB9GH8U-00184-00060113-00060545 and the TPS was higher, this could be pretty worrisome XlHKcB9GH8U-00185-00060545-00060808 for the rest of the market, for the other tokens XlHKcB9GH8U-00186-00060808-00061013 that are claiming to have high TPS. XlHKcB9GH8U-00187-00061013-00061222 Now they don't have the infrastructure or anything XlHKcB9GH8U-00188-00061222-00061405 that bitcoin has, right? XlHKcB9GH8U-00189-00061405-00061585 - Yeah, most definitely. XlHKcB9GH8U-00190-00061585-00061894 What about all these different forks that are in the market? XlHKcB9GH8U-00191-00061894-00062108 Could they potentially, bitcoin forks, XlHKcB9GH8U-00192-00062108-00062514 could they potentially be another form of currency XlHKcB9GH8U-00193-00062514-00062837 that could be used by bigger corporation? XlHKcB9GH8U-00194-00062837-00062920 Like Bitcoin Cash-- XlHKcB9GH8U-00195-00062920-00063333 - I'd say that the most significant one right now XlHKcB9GH8U-00196-00063333-00063566 is probably Bitcoin Cash. XlHKcB9GH8U-00197-00063566-00063980 Somebody did an analysis of legitimate transactions XlHKcB9GH8U-00198-00063980-00064321 on Bitcoin Cash recently, I don't remember the numbers, XlHKcB9GH8U-00199-00064321-00064794 but Bitcoin Cash was supposed to be a true fork XlHKcB9GH8U-00200-00064794-00065012 that was supposed to honor Satoshi's vision XlHKcB9GH8U-00201-00065012-00065330 of it being a digital currency. XlHKcB9GH8U-00202-00065437-00065803 The Bitcoin Core guys really need to answer for this XlHKcB9GH8U-00203-00065803-00066209 and they kinda haven't is that Bitcoin Core isn't XlHKcB9GH8U-00204-00066209-00066704 the digital currency dream that everybody imagined. XlHKcB9GH8U-00205-00066704-00066802 It's just simply not. XlHKcB9GH8U-00206-00066802-00067053 It's digital gold and that's boring as fuck. XlHKcB9GH8U-00207-00067157-00067657 I'm thinking Bitcoin Cash is supposed to be the fork XlHKcB9GH8U-00208-00067668-00067971 that does that and Roger Ver's team and stuff. XlHKcB9GH8U-00209-00067971-00068306 The issue with that right now as it stands, as I can see, XlHKcB9GH8U-00210-00068306-00068524 is that they haven't really done a good job achieving XlHKcB9GH8U-00211-00068524-00068783 that either, but I know that they're trying harder XlHKcB9GH8U-00212-00068783-00069168 to achieve that mission of transactions a lot more XlHKcB9GH8U-00213-00069168-00069476 strongly than I think Bitcoin Core is doing. XlHKcB9GH8U-00214-00069609-00070109 The other forks in bitcoin, I'm not that excited about them. XlHKcB9GH8U-00215-00070152-00070297 They just seem like-- XlHKcB9GH8U-00216-00070297-00070415 - Why not? XlHKcB9GH8U-00217-00070415-00070760 - Ways of copy and pasting your money into other networks, XlHKcB9GH8U-00218-00070760-00070908 that's what it is to me. XlHKcB9GH8U-00219-00070908-00071158 But those guys that are running those projects XlHKcB9GH8U-00220-00071158-00071577 would obviously hate me and want to kill me because, XlHKcB9GH8U-00221-00071577-00071925 I guess maybe bitcoin diving is the next sweet thing. XlHKcB9GH8U-00222-00071925-00072158 I don't really know but I doubt it. XlHKcB9GH8U-00223-00072158-00072242 - OK, cool. XlHKcB9GH8U-00224-00072338-00072703 Conclusion, bitcoin is still a good investment. XlHKcB9GH8U-00225-00072703-00073001 We're not giving investment advice by no means, XlHKcB9GH8U-00226-00073001-00073448 but if you're looking to, whether or not you still wanna XlHKcB9GH8U-00227-00073448-00073798 essentially be part of the revolution, invest in bitcoin. XlHKcB9GH8U-00228-00073798-00074060 You definitely should consider it and mainly because XlHKcB9GH8U-00229-00074060-00074489 it's still sort of the gold standard of cryptocurrency. XlHKcB9GH8U-00230-00074489-00074808 - Yeah, I would say that's a good way of describing it. XlHKcB9GH8U-00231-00074808-00075094 - (laughs) Awesome, thank you Kurt. XlHKcB9GH8U-00232-00075094-00075323 Where can we find you on social media? XlHKcB9GH8U-00233-00075463-00075827 - On twitter, kurtybot, and you can find our site XlHKcB9GH8U-00234-00075827-00076004 whiterabbiticos.com. XlHKcB9GH8U-00235-00076004-00076219 - You also have a YouTube channel. XlHKcB9GH8U-00236-00076219-00076618 - I do, that's White Rabbit on YouTube. XlHKcB9GH8U-00237-00076618-00076709 ICO Discovery. XlHKcB9GH8U-00238-00076709-00076966 - Awesome, and I'll make sure to include all the links XlHKcB9GH8U-00239-00076966-00077049 in the description. XlHKcB9GH8U-00240-00077049-00077256 Alright, thank you guys for watching. XlHKcB9GH8U-00241-00077256-00077339 Thanks, Kurt. XlHKcB9GH8U-00242-00077426-00077530 - Bye bye. XlHKcB9GH8U-00243-00077530-00077959 - Bye, guys, and make sure to subscribe dot cryptohustle. XlHKcB9GH8U-00244-00077959-00078042 See ya. XmN6_wo4d0y-00000-00000000-00000796 www.GutsSales.com Free Book XnhN8IgT-4u-00000-00000000-00001730 Hello everyone. Today I'm going to show you what it means to hide agura. There are two meanings of "agura", and the meaning of the person who you know is as it is. XnhN8IgT-4u-00001-00001730-00002430 The other is to stop trying to be good. XnhN8IgT-4u-00002-00002430-00003950 Let's get started. You succeed by working hard, and it is caused by it. XnhN8IgT-4u-00003-00003950-00004150 As a result of quitting your job and relying on the remaining property and living a luxurious life, I have become poor.