x8Sf9rSehSu-00000-00000000-00000200 Wholevictory x9-8QhYoQ60-00000-00000008-00000136 Hello! x9-8QhYoQ60-00001-00000136-00000204 A new sign in again! x9-8QhYoQ60-00002-00000204-00000508 A new sign in again! x9-8QhYoQ60-00003-00000540-00000740 We found the place what we searched. x9-8QhYoQ60-00004-00000740-00000849 -Veronika found it. x9-8QhYoQ60-00005-00001603-00001889 I thought it's on the street. x9-8QhYoQ60-00006-00001889-00001989 But no. It's just an inner place. x9-8QhYoQ60-00007-00002040-00002166 It's just an inner place. x9-8QhYoQ60-00025-00010118-00010392 It's very cozy. We ordered two local coffee speciality. The Barraquito. x9-8QhYoQ60-00026-00010400-00010641 We ordered two local coffee speciality. The Barraquito. x9-8QhYoQ60-00027-00010798-00011006 Later we will sign up. Bye x9XDhrQTFso-00000-00000770-00001218 How at risk do you feel about the possibility of getting communicable diseases x9XDhrQTFso-00001-00001218-00001446 like Measles or Whooping Cough? x9XDhrQTFso-00002-00001446-00001754 Do you use statistics and news reports to shape your feelings? x9XDhrQTFso-00003-00001754-00002000 Or do you do something else? x9XDhrQTFso-00004-00002000-00002409 It turns out that when we try to figure out how rare or common a disease is x9XDhrQTFso-00005-00002409-00002800 we try to think of people we know or people we've heard of who have the disease. x9XDhrQTFso-00006-00002800-00003250 If we could easily think the people who got a disease it seems common. x9XDhrQTFso-00007-00003250-00003700 For example, if your child's best friend recently got Measles x9XDhrQTFso-00008-00003700-00003879 then we tend to feel that we are at risk. x9XDhrQTFso-00009-00003879-00004300 On the other hand if we really have to work at it to think anyone who x9XDhrQTFso-00010-00004300-00004790 has had a disease that disease feels rare to us and we feel safer. x9XDhrQTFso-00011-00004800-00005220 This process is what Psychologists call the Availability Heuristic. x9XDhrQTFso-00012-00005230-00005762 The strange thing is the actual number, the statistics, saying how many people get sick x9XDhrQTFso-00013-00005762-00006121 don't tend to change this feeling. Numbers might change what we x9XDhrQTFso-00014-00006121-00006440 think consciously about risk but more often it's that x9XDhrQTFso-00015-00006440-00006800 Availability Heuristic that shapes our feelings about risk. x9XDhrQTFso-00016-00006800-00007061 This is important as it helps to explain x9XDhrQTFso-00017-00007061-00007400 many people's attitudes toward vaccines. x9XDhrQTFso-00018-00007400-00007896 Sixty years ago most people knew someone personally x9XDhrQTFso-00019-00007896-00008127 who had gotten sick with Measles, Polio or Whooping Cough x9XDhrQTFso-00020-00008127-00008523 This personal connection with infectious diseases made people feel x9XDhrQTFso-00021-00008523-00008953 at risk and made them what to get vaccinated, even though, x9XDhrQTFso-00022-00008953-00009460 back then vaccines were very new and by today's standards relatively untested. x9XDhrQTFso-00023-00009460-00009930 Today, most parents don't know anyone who has had any of these diseases. x9XDhrQTFso-00024-00009930-00010199 Vaccines have been incredibly successful at protecting people's health x9XDhrQTFso-00025-00010260-00010840 and saving lives but as a result they feel safe and secure. x9XDhrQTFso-00026-00010840-00010990 The problem is in the modern world x9XDhrQTFso-00027-00010990-00011400 the threat of these diseases comes from people we don't know. x9XDhrQTFso-00028-00011400-00011701 We live in a world were sick people can take x9XDhrQTFso-00029-00011701-00012190 airplanes and cars and buses and bring distant diseases to our neighborhoods at any time. x9XDhrQTFso-00030-00012190-00012610 So even though these diseases are rare they remain a threat. x9XDhrQTFso-00031-00012610-00013000 It's hard to feel worried about something you've never seen. x9XDhrQTFso-00032-00013000-00013300 The Availability Heuristic ensures that. x9XDhrQTFso-00033-00013300-00013800 And, it's something that's built into all of us, but if we want to avoid infectious diseases x9XDhrQTFso-00034-00013800-00014069 we need at least a little bit of worry. x9XDhrQTFso-00035-00014069-00014619 We will be back with future Risk Bites to talk more about how feelings influence the way we think about risk. x9XDhrQTFso-00036-00014619-00015044 But in the meantime stay safe and feel safe too! xqFX35tvkbo-00000-00000084-00000620 During this screencast, we’ll be discussing DART, the developmental and reproductive toxicology xqFX35tvkbo-00001-00000620-00001155 database. You can access DART by going to the ToxNet homepage and clicking on the DART xqFX35tvkbo-00002-00001155-00001257 link. xqFX35tvkbo-00003-00001257-00001873 DART is a collection of over 200,000 references covering teratology-- the study of congenital xqFX35tvkbo-00004-00001873-00002474 abnormalities and abnormal formations-- and other aspects of developmental and reproductive xqFX35tvkbo-00005-00002474-00003214 toxicology. DART is essentially a topic-specific subset of PubMed/Medline-- the search used xqFX35tvkbo-00006-00003214-00003792 to pull content from PubMed/Medline into DART can be found in the Support box on the left xqFX35tvkbo-00007-00003792-00005019 side of the page by clicking on the DART Search Strategy link. xqFX35tvkbo-00008-00005019-00005610 DART includes references from as far back as 1900, and new content is added weekly. xqFX35tvkbo-00009-00005610-00006260 Let’s enter Lead into the DART search box. Even with a specialized database such as DART, xqFX35tvkbo-00010-00006260-00006811 a very general search like this one brings back over 11 thousand results. If we want xqFX35tvkbo-00011-00006811-00007331 to see exactly how DART executed the search, we can click on the “search details” option xqFX35tvkbo-00012-00007331-00007859 on the left side of the page. Here we can see that the database identified the word xqFX35tvkbo-00013-00007859-00008475 lead as a chemical, and automatically included in the search the Chemical Abstract Services, xqFX35tvkbo-00014-00008475-00009111 or CAS, registry number and the word for lead in other languages, as well as the term lead xqFX35tvkbo-00015-00009111-00009567 flake. If you don’t want DART to add in these synonyms xqFX35tvkbo-00016-00009567-00010238 or the CAS Registry Number, you can deselect the “Include Synonyms and CAS Numbers in xqFX35tvkbo-00017-00010238-00010267 Search.” xqFX35tvkbo-00018-00010267-00010753 We’ll leave this box checked, because we do want the CAS registry number, and the synonyms xqFX35tvkbo-00019-00010753-00011278 in our search. But we haven’t solved the problem of our very large result set. xqFX35tvkbo-00020-00011278-00011806 As we learned in the tutorial on Toxline in the Perchlorethylene module, one of the easiest xqFX35tvkbo-00021-00011806-00012184 way to focus a search is to add in an additional term. xqFX35tvkbo-00022-00012184-00012702 Let’s limit our results to articles that discuss embryonic exposure to lead. I’m xqFX35tvkbo-00023-00012702-00013315 going to enter Lead AND embryo* with the asterisk at the end of the word embryo. xqFX35tvkbo-00024-00013315-00013804 In most databases, the asterisk allows you to truncate a search term, and will bring xqFX35tvkbo-00025-00013804-00014366 back all variations on that term, after where the asterisk is placed. xqFX35tvkbo-00026-00014366-00014653 This search will bring back results that use the word xqFX35tvkbo-00027-00014653-00014904 Embryo as well as the word xqFX35tvkbo-00028-00014904-00015072 Embryos and the word xqFX35tvkbo-00029-00015072-00015166 Embryonic xqFX35tvkbo-00030-00015166-00015658 The asterisk doesn’t have to go at the end of a full word, you want to place it where xqFX35tvkbo-00031-00015658-00016116 the word starts to change. Let’s say we are doing a search and want to include the xqFX35tvkbo-00032-00016116-00016820 words nurse, nurses, and nursing. Where would the asterisk go to include all of those terms? xqFX35tvkbo-00033-00016820-00017222 After the “S” Nurs* xqFX35tvkbo-00034-00017222-00017761 Let’s take a look at our search results in DART. We’ve narrowed our results down xqFX35tvkbo-00035-00017761-00018131 from over 11 thousand. The default display for search results is xqFX35tvkbo-00036-00018131-00018553 by relevance-- so you’re seeing the articles that are highly relevant to your search terms, xqFX35tvkbo-00037-00018553-00019087 in as much as the DART database understands those terms. If you want to change how your xqFX35tvkbo-00038-00019087-00019590 results are sorted, you can use the “Sort By” drop down” menu and select year of xqFX35tvkbo-00039-00019590-00019926 publication, title, author, or entry month. xqFX35tvkbo-00040-00019926-00020515 Under the Add to my list” column, you have the option to “select records.” This allows xqFX35tvkbo-00041-00020515-00021107 you to temporarily add a record to “My List.” Let’s select the first three results. xqFX35tvkbo-00042-00021107-00021546 These items have been added to My List. We could now continue reviewing our search results xqFX35tvkbo-00043-00021546-00022215 or revise our search, knowing we’ll be able to easily come back to those selected citations. xqFX35tvkbo-00044-00022215-00022599 Once you’re ready to review the articles in My List, you can access it in the upper xqFX35tvkbo-00045-00022599-00023018 left side of the screen. Clicking on My List brings up another window, xqFX35tvkbo-00046-00023018-00023557 and we can now select a record. Once we do we can view related records, download or print xqFX35tvkbo-00047-00023557-00024052 the record, or get a permalink-- a stable, permanent URL that will bring you or someone xqFX35tvkbo-00048-00024052-00024317 you send the URL to, back to this record. xyx21LqdXeo-00000-00000120-00000336 A winter vacation is ruined when it's overtaken xyx21LqdXeo-00001-00000336-00000609 by rogue stock footage driving men to terribledeeds. xyx21LqdXeo-00002-00000609-00000922 "What the crud are those guys doing to them chickens, Lieutenant? xyx21LqdXeo-00003-00000922-00001148 Whatever it is, it's against the law." xyx21LqdXeo-00004-00001148-00001687 Find outwhat really happens next week in Roger Corman's Ski Troop Attack on the Busan Midnight Movie. xyx21LqdXeo-00005-00001687-00002081 "Once this war is over, I'm going to Miami!" x_7cesaYu1M-00000-00000304-00000856 This concept of parenting yourself is really really important for you to wrap your brain around x_7cesaYu1M-00001-00001144-00001568 and let me dig into it just a little bit i write extensively in part two x_7cesaYu1M-00002-00001568-00002128 of the five second rule book about how we make decisions and the fact that we make decisions x_7cesaYu1M-00003-00002128-00002768 not based on what we know we need to do not based on our goals but based on how we feel right now x_7cesaYu1M-00004-00002768-00003288 it's your feelings that make the decision for you it's one of the reasons why parents are so x_7cesaYu1M-00005-00003288-00003752 important for kids because if we let it up to kids to do whatever they felt like doing they'd x_7cesaYu1M-00006-00003752-00004120 never go to school they'd never do their homework they'd never use their manners they'd never learn x_7cesaYu1M-00007-00004120-00004632 to eat correctly they'd never do anything they'd just sit around watch tv all day that's the job x_7cesaYu1M-00008-00004632-00005192 of a parent what most of us don't realize that when you become 18 when you move out of the house x_7cesaYu1M-00009-00005192-00005824 when you're an adult you have to parent yourself here's the rub you're never ever ever x_7cesaYu1M-00010-00005824-00006600 ever going to feel like doing the things you need to do in order to have what you want you're always x_7cesaYu1M-00011-00006600-00007072 going to need to push yourself you're always going to need to parent yourself x_7cesaYu1M-00012-00007072-00007720 so what is the net advice on this what what is the bottom line the bottom line is no one's coming x_7cesaYu1M-00013-00007792-00008296 no one no one's coming to push you no one's coming to tell you to turn the tv off no one's coming to x_7cesaYu1M-00014-00008296-00008784 tell you to get out the door and exercise nobody's coming to tell you to apply for that x_7cesaYu1M-00015-00008784-00009184 job that you've always dreamt about nobody's coming to write the business plan for you x_7cesaYu1M-00016-00009184-00009648 it's up to you and because you're only ever going to do the things that you feel x_7cesaYu1M-00017-00009648-00010312 like doing right now or that feel good right now unless you understand that you've got to parent x_7cesaYu1M-00018-00010312-00010680 yourself you got to push yourself you're not going to make your dreams come true you're just x_7cesaYu1M-00019-00010680-00011120 not we're not wired that way you weren't born that way you weren't that way when you were growing up x_7cesaYu1M-00020-00011120-00011528 and you're certainly not that way as an adult and there's a tremendous amount of liberation x_7cesaYu1M-00021-00011528-00012504 that comes when you accept the fact that you're always going to need to give yourself a push xAfTSsYhT80-00000-00000010-00000320 OBTAINED THE WEAPON. xAfTSsYhT80-00001-00000320-00000326 OBTAINED THE WEAPON. xAfTSsYhT80-00002-00000326-00000447 OBTAINED THE WEAPON. >>> A BEMIDJI WOMAN'S FATHER IS xAfTSsYhT80-00003-00000447-00000453 OBTAINED THE WEAPON. >>> A BEMIDJI WOMAN'S FATHER IS xAfTSsYhT80-00004-00000453-00000597 OBTAINED THE WEAPON. >>> A BEMIDJI WOMAN'S FATHER IS BEING RECOGNIZED FOR THE WORK HE xAfTSsYhT80-00005-00000597-00000603 >>> A BEMIDJI WOMAN'S FATHER IS BEING RECOGNIZED FOR THE WORK HE xAfTSsYhT80-00006-00000603-00000807 >>> A BEMIDJI WOMAN'S FATHER IS BEING RECOGNIZED FOR THE WORK HE DID TO SAVE LIVES IN NIGERIA xAfTSsYhT80-00007-00000807-00000814 BEING RECOGNIZED FOR THE WORK HE DID TO SAVE LIVES IN NIGERIA xAfTSsYhT80-00008-00000814-00000934 BEING RECOGNIZED FOR THE WORK HE DID TO SAVE LIVES IN NIGERIA BACK IN THE 60s. xAfTSsYhT80-00009-00000934-00000940 DID TO SAVE LIVES IN NIGERIA BACK IN THE 60s. xAfTSsYhT80-00010-00000940-00001047 DID TO SAVE LIVES IN NIGERIA BACK IN THE 60s. LAKELAND NEWS REPORTER SHIRELLE xAfTSsYhT80-00011-00001047-00001054 BACK IN THE 60s. LAKELAND NEWS REPORTER SHIRELLE xAfTSsYhT80-00012-00001054-00001678 BACK IN THE 60s. LAKELAND NEWS REPORTER SHIRELLE MOORE HAS THE STORY OF THE xAfTSsYhT80-00013-00001678-00001685 LAKELAND NEWS REPORTER SHIRELLE MOORE HAS THE STORY OF THE xAfTSsYhT80-00014-00001685-00001788 LAKELAND NEWS REPORTER SHIRELLE MOORE HAS THE STORY OF THE DISTURBANCE -- DISTURBANCES. xAfTSsYhT80-00015-00001788-00001795 MOORE HAS THE STORY OF THE DISTURBANCE -- DISTURBANCES. xAfTSsYhT80-00016-00001795-00001898 MOORE HAS THE STORY OF THE DISTURBANCE -- DISTURBANCES. >> MOST PEOPLE AROUND HERE KNEW xAfTSsYhT80-00017-00001898-00001905 DISTURBANCE -- DISTURBANCES. >> MOST PEOPLE AROUND HERE KNEW xAfTSsYhT80-00018-00001905-00002252 DISTURBANCE -- DISTURBANCES. >> MOST PEOPLE AROUND HERE KNEW MY DAD AND THEY DID NOT KNOW HIS xAfTSsYhT80-00019-00002252-00002258 >> MOST PEOPLE AROUND HERE KNEW MY DAD AND THEY DID NOT KNOW HIS xAfTSsYhT80-00020-00002258-00002282 >> MOST PEOPLE AROUND HERE KNEW MY DAD AND THEY DID NOT KNOW HIS STORY. xAfTSsYhT80-00021-00002282-00002288 MY DAD AND THEY DID NOT KNOW HIS STORY. xAfTSsYhT80-00022-00002288-00002459 MY DAD AND THEY DID NOT KNOW HIS STORY. >> HE LIVED IN BEMIDJI UNTIL HIS xAfTSsYhT80-00023-00002459-00002465 STORY. >> HE LIVED IN BEMIDJI UNTIL HIS xAfTSsYhT80-00024-00002465-00002569 STORY. >> HE LIVED IN BEMIDJI UNTIL HIS DEATH IN 1992. xAfTSsYhT80-00025-00002569-00002575 >> HE LIVED IN BEMIDJI UNTIL HIS DEATH IN 1992. xAfTSsYhT80-00026-00002575-00002836 >> HE LIVED IN BEMIDJI UNTIL HIS DEATH IN 1992. BEFORE THAT, HE AND HIS FAMILY xAfTSsYhT80-00027-00002836-00002842 DEATH IN 1992. BEFORE THAT, HE AND HIS FAMILY xAfTSsYhT80-00028-00002842-00002956 DEATH IN 1992. BEFORE THAT, HE AND HIS FAMILY SPENT TIME IN NIGERIA. xAfTSsYhT80-00029-00002956-00002962 BEFORE THAT, HE AND HIS FAMILY SPENT TIME IN NIGERIA. xAfTSsYhT80-00030-00002962-00003119 BEFORE THAT, HE AND HIS FAMILY SPENT TIME IN NIGERIA. HE WORKED THERE AS A CHRISTIAN xAfTSsYhT80-00031-00003119-00003126 SPENT TIME IN NIGERIA. HE WORKED THERE AS A CHRISTIAN xAfTSsYhT80-00032-00003126-00003239 SPENT TIME IN NIGERIA. HE WORKED THERE AS A CHRISTIAN MISSIONARY IN THE 60s. xAfTSsYhT80-00033-00003239-00003246 HE WORKED THERE AS A CHRISTIAN MISSIONARY IN THE 60s. xAfTSsYhT80-00034-00003246-00003406 HE WORKED THERE AS A CHRISTIAN MISSIONARY IN THE 60s. HE HELPED SAVE LIVES WHEN A WAR xAfTSsYhT80-00035-00003406-00003413 MISSIONARY IN THE 60s. HE HELPED SAVE LIVES WHEN A WAR xAfTSsYhT80-00036-00003413-00003586 MISSIONARY IN THE 60s. HE HELPED SAVE LIVES WHEN A WAR AROSE IN THE COUNTRY. xAfTSsYhT80-00037-00003586-00003593 HE HELPED SAVE LIVES WHEN A WAR AROSE IN THE COUNTRY. xAfTSsYhT80-00038-00003593-00003757 HE HELPED SAVE LIVES WHEN A WAR AROSE IN THE COUNTRY. >> AT OUR BOARDING HOUSE, WE HAD xAfTSsYhT80-00039-00003757-00003763 AROSE IN THE COUNTRY. >> AT OUR BOARDING HOUSE, WE HAD xAfTSsYhT80-00040-00003763-00004300 AROSE IN THE COUNTRY. >> AT OUR BOARDING HOUSE, WE HAD A LOT OF PEOPLE WORKING FOR US xAfTSsYhT80-00041-00004300-00004307 >> AT OUR BOARDING HOUSE, WE HAD A LOT OF PEOPLE WORKING FOR US xAfTSsYhT80-00042-00004307-00004771 >> AT OUR BOARDING HOUSE, WE HAD A LOT OF PEOPLE WORKING FOR US WHO WERE -- AND THAT'S WHY HE xAfTSsYhT80-00043-00004771-00004778 A LOT OF PEOPLE WORKING FOR US WHO WERE -- AND THAT'S WHY HE xAfTSsYhT80-00044-00004778-00005041 A LOT OF PEOPLE WORKING FOR US WHO WERE -- AND THAT'S WHY HE WANTED TO SHELTER THEM, AND IN A xAfTSsYhT80-00045-00005041-00005048 WHO WERE -- AND THAT'S WHY HE WANTED TO SHELTER THEM, AND IN A xAfTSsYhT80-00046-00005048-00005345 WHO WERE -- AND THAT'S WHY HE WANTED TO SHELTER THEM, AND IN A TINY LINEN CLOSET, HE SHELTED 20 xAfTSsYhT80-00047-00005345-00005352 WANTED TO SHELTER THEM, AND IN A TINY LINEN CLOSET, HE SHELTED 20 xAfTSsYhT80-00048-00005352-00005552 WANTED TO SHELTER THEM, AND IN A TINY LINEN CLOSET, HE SHELTED 20 PEOPLE -- HE SHELTERED 20 PEOPLE xAfTSsYhT80-00049-00005552-00005558 TINY LINEN CLOSET, HE SHELTED 20 PEOPLE -- HE SHELTERED 20 PEOPLE xAfTSsYhT80-00050-00005558-00005682 TINY LINEN CLOSET, HE SHELTED 20 PEOPLE -- HE SHELTERED 20 PEOPLE OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT. xAfTSsYhT80-00051-00005682-00005689 PEOPLE -- HE SHELTERED 20 PEOPLE OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT. xAfTSsYhT80-00052-00005689-00006316 PEOPLE -- HE SHELTERED 20 PEOPLE OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT. >> SHE SAID THE WORK HER MOTHER xAfTSsYhT80-00053-00006316-00006322 OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT. >> SHE SAID THE WORK HER MOTHER xAfTSsYhT80-00054-00006322-00006890 OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT. >> SHE SAID THE WORK HER MOTHER AND HIS FATHER TOUCHED LIVES IN xAfTSsYhT80-00055-00006890-00006896 >> SHE SAID THE WORK HER MOTHER AND HIS FATHER TOUCHED LIVES IN xAfTSsYhT80-00056-00006896-00007040 >> SHE SAID THE WORK HER MOTHER AND HIS FATHER TOUCHED LIVES IN NIGERIA. xAfTSsYhT80-00057-00007040-00007047 AND HIS FATHER TOUCHED LIVES IN NIGERIA. xAfTSsYhT80-00058-00007047-00007230 AND HIS FATHER TOUCHED LIVES IN NIGERIA. -- HER FATHER TOUCHED LIVES IN xAfTSsYhT80-00059-00007230-00007237 NIGERIA. -- HER FATHER TOUCHED LIVES IN xAfTSsYhT80-00060-00007237-00007620 NIGERIA. -- HER FATHER TOUCHED LIVES IN NIGERIA. xAfTSsYhT80-00061-00007620-00007627 -- HER FATHER TOUCHED LIVES IN NIGERIA. xAfTSsYhT80-00062-00007627-00007697 -- HER FATHER TOUCHED LIVES IN NIGERIA. >> AFTER THE WAR ONE OF THEM xAfTSsYhT80-00063-00007697-00007704 NIGERIA. >> AFTER THE WAR ONE OF THEM xAfTSsYhT80-00064-00007704-00007974 NIGERIA. >> AFTER THE WAR ONE OF THEM CAME BACK AND WORKED FOR US xAfTSsYhT80-00065-00007974-00007981 >> AFTER THE WAR ONE OF THEM CAME BACK AND WORKED FOR US xAfTSsYhT80-00066-00007981-00008004 >> AFTER THE WAR ONE OF THEM CAME BACK AND WORKED FOR US AGAIN. xAfTSsYhT80-00067-00008004-00008011 CAME BACK AND WORKED FOR US AGAIN. xAfTSsYhT80-00068-00008011-00008271 CAME BACK AND WORKED FOR US AGAIN. HIS NAME IS RUBEN. xAfTSsYhT80-00069-00008271-00008278 AGAIN. HIS NAME IS RUBEN. xAfTSsYhT80-00070-00008278-00008415 AGAIN. HIS NAME IS RUBEN. >> THE STORY IS NOW BEING SHARED xAfTSsYhT80-00071-00008415-00008421 HIS NAME IS RUBEN. >> THE STORY IS NOW BEING SHARED xAfTSsYhT80-00072-00008421-00008641 HIS NAME IS RUBEN. >> THE STORY IS NOW BEING SHARED IN A FILM CALLED DISTURBANCES. xAfTSsYhT80-00073-00008641-00008648 >> THE STORY IS NOW BEING SHARED IN A FILM CALLED DISTURBANCES. xAfTSsYhT80-00074-00008648-00008782 >> THE STORY IS NOW BEING SHARED IN A FILM CALLED DISTURBANCES. THE FILMMAKERS CONDUCTED xAfTSsYhT80-00075-00008782-00008788 IN A FILM CALLED DISTURBANCES. THE FILMMAKERS CONDUCTED xAfTSsYhT80-00076-00008788-00008865 IN A FILM CALLED DISTURBANCES. THE FILMMAKERS CONDUCTED INTERVIEWS WITH PEOPLE FROM ALL xAfTSsYhT80-00077-00008865-00008872 THE FILMMAKERS CONDUCTED INTERVIEWS WITH PEOPLE FROM ALL xAfTSsYhT80-00078-00008872-00008998 THE FILMMAKERS CONDUCTED INTERVIEWS WITH PEOPLE FROM ALL OVER THE COUNTRY TO MAKE SURE xAfTSsYhT80-00079-00008998-00009005 INTERVIEWS WITH PEOPLE FROM ALL OVER THE COUNTRY TO MAKE SURE xAfTSsYhT80-00080-00009005-00009269 INTERVIEWS WITH PEOPLE FROM ALL OVER THE COUNTRY TO MAKE SURE THE STORY OF THE CHRISTIAN xAfTSsYhT80-00081-00009269-00009275 OVER THE COUNTRY TO MAKE SURE THE STORY OF THE CHRISTIAN xAfTSsYhT80-00082-00009275-00009332 OVER THE COUNTRY TO MAKE SURE THE STORY OF THE CHRISTIAN MISSIONARIES WAS TOLD. xAfTSsYhT80-00083-00009332-00009339 THE STORY OF THE CHRISTIAN MISSIONARIES WAS TOLD. xAfTSsYhT80-00084-00009339-00009616 THE STORY OF THE CHRISTIAN MISSIONARIES WAS TOLD. >> ESPECIALLY WHEN WE LIVED IN xAfTSsYhT80-00085-00009616-00009622 MISSIONARIES WAS TOLD. >> ESPECIALLY WHEN WE LIVED IN xAfTSsYhT80-00086-00009622-00009746 MISSIONARIES WAS TOLD. >> ESPECIALLY WHEN WE LIVED IN NIGERIA, WHENEVER HE COULD HELP xAfTSsYhT80-00087-00009746-00009753 >> ESPECIALLY WHEN WE LIVED IN NIGERIA, WHENEVER HE COULD HELP xAfTSsYhT80-00088-00009753-00010176 >> ESPECIALLY WHEN WE LIVED IN NIGERIA, WHENEVER HE COULD HELP SOMEBODY, EITHER MONETARILY OR, xAfTSsYhT80-00089-00010176-00010183 NIGERIA, WHENEVER HE COULD HELP SOMEBODY, EITHER MONETARILY OR, xAfTSsYhT80-00090-00010183-00010370 NIGERIA, WHENEVER HE COULD HELP SOMEBODY, EITHER MONETARILY OR, YOU KNOW, JUST BY HELPING THEM xAfTSsYhT80-00091-00010370-00010377 SOMEBODY, EITHER MONETARILY OR, YOU KNOW, JUST BY HELPING THEM xAfTSsYhT80-00092-00010377-00010537 SOMEBODY, EITHER MONETARILY OR, YOU KNOW, JUST BY HELPING THEM IN SOME WAY, HE WOULD DO IT. xDYN_8QWelk-00000-00000015-00000115 Hi xDYN_8QWelk-00002-00000574-00000624 Hi xGqw2QAZNkg-00000-00000000-00000200 Drvo isčupano iz korijena 😳 #tiktoktrend 😏 #shorts 😃 #tiktok xHbLPTB98By-00000-00000056-00000848 so we increased the amount of views going to our channel by adding 30 links on three videos, xHbLPTB98By-00001-00000848-00001480 two of them came from that amazing shorts, and one from a different video, but that channel has only xHbLPTB98By-00002-00001480-00002176 67 000 subscribers, increasing the answer could be noticed later, because i've got more links there. xHbLPTB98By-00003-00002232-00002896 i also really like it if more people were to reply and get my comments up. xIT9CMR9W_4-00000-00000080-00000222 I have I here team xIT9CMR9W_4-00001-00000222-00000334 I have a drill dell xIT9CMR9W_4-00002-00000334-00000384 Wonderful fun xIT9CMR9W_4-00003-00000384-00000584 But it one xIT9CMR9W_4-00004-00000584-00000728 A plastic new. Yes, it's well xIT9CMR9W_4-00005-00000728-00000830 O tell xIT9CMR9W_4-00006-00000830-00001106 I know, here and there right kind xIT9CMR9W_4-00007-00001212-00001424 O o sing for it, small xIT9CMR9W_4-00008-00001684-00001907 In srainbow demon is a right of every xIT9CMR9W_4-00009-00001907-00002160 Inside mail is shay of every singer xIT9CMR9W_4-00010-00002160-00002458 In salting many creepy is a scratch of every crack xIT9CMR9W_4-00011-00002458-00002690 Is a child kick loving jolly happy quit xIT9CMR9W_4-00012-00002728-00002872 Well been have a noun D xIT9CMR9W_4-00013-00002872-00003020 Knocking turning down xIT9CMR9W_4-00014-00003024-00003320 With giant behind just a little toppy hot xIT9CMR9W_4-00015-00003320-00003478 LeL Tell xIT9CMR9W_4-00016-00003478-00003702 So QGUFBCbgjkhedsirrors xIT9CMR9W_4-00017-00003702-00003826 OJGBNebeheroes xIT9CMR9W_4-00018-00003826-00003936 Right be JHBLIKrors xIT9CMR9W_4-00019-00003936-00004052 Keeping balance here xIT9CMR9W_4-00020-00004052-00004212 I like to creeping into loosers xIT9CMR9W_4-00021-00004212-00004340 Making fun on fan-abusers xIT9CMR9W_4-00022-00004340-00004494 We not war-compuers xIT9CMR9W_4-00023-00004494-00004596 1010011010 xIT9CMR9W_4-00024-00004596-00004738 Go on kill yourself xIT9CMR9W_4-00025-00004738-00004886 Whenever again xIT9CMR9W_4-00026-00004886-00005002 We fell in this smell xIT9CMR9W_4-00027-00005002-00005120 You will make your well xIT9CMR9W_4-00028-00005120-00005340 Well you in here in hate xIT9CMR9W_4-00029-00005340-00005494 Creepy Hotel xIT9CMR9W_4-00030-00005494-00005654 LeeeeL LeeeeeeeL xIT9CMR9W_4-00031-00005654-00005858 Here in more fire xIT9CMR9W_4-00032-00005858-00006012 And be no more donkey kiss xIT9CMR9W_4-00033-00006012-00006210 Just puppy creamses xIT9CMR9W_4-00034-00006210-00006260 etc. xIT9CMR9W_4-00035-00006260-00006368 And puffy dreams xIT9CMR9W_4-00036-00006368-00006536 How candy can be clock? xIT9CMR9W_4-00037-00006536-00006695 We'll gonna be like WHOOPS xIT9CMR9W_4-00038-00006695-00007273 With meme and with your check in xIT9CMR9W_4-00039-00007273-00007376 You wanna kicks xIT9CMR9W_4-00040-00007376-00007472 You wanna hurt beach xIT9CMR9W_4-00041-00007472-00007609 And speaker goes cruise xIT9CMR9W_4-00042-00007609-00007752 An spinny bops are repredemption xIT9CMR9W_4-00043-00007752-00007809 HEY RIGHT xIT9CMR9W_4-00044-00007809-00007859 Peace of crazy xIT9CMR9W_4-00045-00007859-00008004 SCTEU&UGD spin xIT9CMR9W_4-00046-00008004-00008138 Armour goes in crushing babyes xIT9CMR9W_4-00047-00008138-00008274 OIHEIHAHi ladies xIT9CMR9W_4-00048-00008274-00008384 Far let tour xIT9CMR9W_4-00049-00008384-00008508 Hello in supremes xIT9CMR9W_4-00050-00008508-00008624 You cool in eat xIT9CMR9W_4-00051-00008624-00008748 You meal will repeat xIT9CMR9W_4-00052-00008748-00008840 A science in the street xIT9CMR9W_4-00053-00008840-00008890 YAY! xIT9CMR9W_4-00054-00008890-00009054 Free in the will be fapped xIT9CMR9W_4-00055-00009054-00009268 Our being in hoteeeeeel xIT9CMR9W_4-00056-00009268-00009508 TeeeL LEEEEEEL xMYzfHl-Hxc-00000-00000119-00000650 Okay welcome everybody! My name is Jeff Goumas from CrowdED Learning and xMYzfHl-Hxc-00001-00000650-00001149 today I'm excited to introduce....and just making sure this is recording because I xMYzfHl-Hxc-00002-00001149-00001788 often forget....perfect! Today we're going to be introducing the EdTech Maker Space xMYzfHl-Hxc-00003-00001788-00002355 which is a new initiative from CrowdED Learning focused on helping educators xMYzfHl-Hxc-00004-00002355-00003038 learn how to use popular educational technology tools such as Quizlet, Kahoot, xMYzfHl-Hxc-00005-00003038-00003707 Wakelet and others and in doing so get practice using that tool while creating xMYzfHl-Hxc-00006-00003707-00004271 free and open education resources that can be used by other educators. This is xMYzfHl-Hxc-00007-00004271-00004653 something I have been sort of threatening to do for some time now and xMYzfHl-Hxc-00008-00004653-00005187 I'm really excited that we are about to get started on our first cohort. I'm xMYzfHl-Hxc-00009-00005187-00005714 gonna back up one slide real quickly actually... there we go. If you want a xMYzfHl-Hxc-00010-00005714-00006210 copy of today's slides, the URL is there I'm also going to paste it into the chat xMYzfHl-Hxc-00011-00006210-00006809 window. This will be sent out following this webinar a little bit later today... xMYzfHl-Hxc-00012-00006809-00007293 actually probably Monday because I have a few things I want to make sure are xMYzfHl-Hxc-00013-00007293-00007800 fully done so that I'm not sending too many follow-up emails. But the webinar xMYzfHl-Hxc-00014-00007800-00008261 slides will be sent out, a video recording of today's webinar as we're xMYzfHl-Hxc-00015-00008261-00008765 doing it right now will be sent out, as well as a Google Form inviting you to xMYzfHl-Hxc-00016-00008765-00009290 participate in the Summer 2020 cohort of the EdTech Maker Space if you are so xMYzfHl-Hxc-00017-00009290-00009885 inclined after today's webinar. Yesterday we had about 40 some-odd folks and xMYzfHl-Hxc-00018-00009885-00010232 almost all of them were interested in participating in some way, so I'm really xMYzfHl-Hxc-00019-00010232-00010929 excited about that and hopefully you are today as well. So this webinar should run xMYzfHl-Hxc-00020-00010929-00011460 about 45 minutes and the goal today is to really just introduce you to what it xMYzfHl-Hxc-00021-00011460-00011804 is that the EdTech Maker Space is and we're actually going to work backwards, xMYzfHl-Hxc-00022-00011804-00012318 so we're going to start with what are we trying to create as part of xMYzfHl-Hxc-00023-00012318-00012759 this upcoming cohort. So we'll look at the content that we're going to be xMYzfHl-Hxc-00024-00012759-00013230 working with as part of the EdTech Maker Space and the tools that we're xMYzfHl-Hxc-00025-00013230-00013604 going to use to take that content and build additional, xMYzfHl-Hxc-00026-00013604-00014168 engaging resources that supplement that content so that our end product will be xMYzfHl-Hxc-00027-00014168-00014709 a full set of resources that take something that was great to begin with xMYzfHl-Hxc-00028-00014709-00015351 and makes it even better...and all powered by adult educators such as yourself. Then xMYzfHl-Hxc-00029-00015351-00015804 we'll just talk about why we're doing this why it's important for us to xMYzfHl-Hxc-00030-00015804-00016353 be thinking about working collectively together in creating resources, to just xMYzfHl-Hxc-00031-00016353-00016803 adult education move forward with embracing and integrating high-quality xMYzfHl-Hxc-00032-00016803-00017363 resources and educational technology as we face an uncertain future whether or xMYzfHl-Hxc-00033-00017363-00017888 not we'll be in-person or remote or an increased sort of combination of both xMYzfHl-Hxc-00034-00017888-00018293 because of some of the uncertainties that we have at the moment. And then xMYzfHl-Hxc-00035-00018293-00018857 finally we will do a walkthrough of what to expect with the EdTech Maker Space if xMYzfHl-Hxc-00036-00018857-00019373 you choose to participate. So walking through the process from sign up to how xMYzfHl-Hxc-00037-00019373-00019985 trainings will occur to how you work and create content and how we can all work xMYzfHl-Hxc-00038-00019985-00020429 together to make this a supportive and hopefully fun process. And then we'll xMYzfHl-Hxc-00039-00020429-00021012 have time for some questions at the end. So I'm gonna actually close my or stop xMYzfHl-Hxc-00040-00021012-00021603 my videos so that my thumbnail is not in the way of the recording. And thank you xMYzfHl-Hxc-00041-00021603-00022085 everyone for introducing yourself...we have a great range of teachers from I xMYzfHl-Hxc-00042-00022085-00022587 think about ten states now if I'm not mistaken or over ten states, so that's xMYzfHl-Hxc-00043-00022587-00023268 exciting. So what is it that this EdTech Maker Space is planning to create? So the xMYzfHl-Hxc-00044-00023268-00023772 goal of the EdTech makerspace is to take freely available content and enhance it xMYzfHl-Hxc-00045-00023772-00024681 by creating supporting tools using using resources such as Kahoot, Quizlet, Google xMYzfHl-Hxc-00046-00024681-00025166 Forms, and and others that we know are popular with adult educators to make it xMYzfHl-Hxc-00047-00025166-00025479 more digital to make it more mobile-friendly and to provide more xMYzfHl-Hxc-00048-00025479-00025950 options for engaging learners with the content in ways that we know they can xMYzfHl-Hxc-00049-00025950-00026418 access. So the content that we're going to use for this first cohort—and I would xMYzfHl-Hxc-00050-00026418-00026973 say it's ambitious—is Reading Skills for Today's Adults. Now many of you are xMYzfHl-Hxc-00051-00026973-00027452 probably familiar with Reading Skills for Today's Adults. It is an excellent xMYzfHl-Hxc-00052-00027452-00028239 resource that has 348 readings at early levels and it is an openly licensed xMYzfHl-Hxc-00053-00028239-00028704 library of resources. So you'll see there's sixteen levels, each of these xMYzfHl-Hxc-00054-00028704-00029183 levels has about twenty to twenty-five readings within it that are all Lexiled xMYzfHl-Hxc-00055-00029183-00029706 at those levels, and it starts at early Lexile levels. So I come from a xMYzfHl-Hxc-00056-00029706-00030108 publishing background and I worked for eight years in educational publishing xMYzfHl-Hxc-00057-00030108-00030591 for adult education. One of the things that we always heard from educators was xMYzfHl-Hxc-00058-00030591-00031139 we need more low-level readings that are at the Lexile level that's xMYzfHl-Hxc-00059-00031139-00031581 appropriate for early readers but that are contextualized for adults and that xMYzfHl-Hxc-00060-00031581-00032187 aren't childish. And that's a challenge to create. This library—Reading Skills xMYzfHl-Hxc-00061-00032187-00032586 for Today's Adults was created by Southwest Minnesota Adult Basic xMYzfHl-Hxc-00062-00032586-00033072 Education who saw the same need and decided ultimately to create their own xMYzfHl-Hxc-00063-00033072-00033615 library. The library is about ten years old now and they've done some recent xMYzfHl-Hxc-00064-00033615-00034086 updates to it to provide even more supporting resources that go with it, and xMYzfHl-Hxc-00065-00034086-00034497 that's the content that we're going to be working with. The nice thing about xMYzfHl-Hxc-00066-00034497-00034970 Reading Skills for Today's Adults is that there are audio recordings of xMYzfHl-Hxc-00067-00034970-00035508 every single one of the stories...there's actually three per story...and all of xMYzfHl-Hxc-00068-00035508-00035946 those are designed to model fluency for learners whether or not they're working xMYzfHl-Hxc-00069-00035946-00036336 with the teacher or working independently just on the website. And as xMYzfHl-Hxc-00070-00036336-00036795 part of the update that Southwest Minnesota Adult Basic Education did xMYzfHl-Hxc-00071-00036795-00037296 recently to Reading Skills for Today's Adults they add an activity supplement xMYzfHl-Hxc-00072-00037296-00037728 that not only supports the reading with things like comprehension questions that xMYzfHl-Hxc-00073-00037728-00038151 go along with it, but that also have vocabulary activities, xMYzfHl-Hxc-00074-00038151-00038694 grammar activities, speaking activities, and writing practice that all deal with xMYzfHl-Hxc-00075-00038694-00039210 the story and all work in contexts related to the stories. So it's a really, xMYzfHl-Hxc-00076-00039210-00039777 really great resource. Again the reason that I'm excited about using this xMYzfHl-Hxc-00077-00039777-00040112 resource in particular is it addresses a need that xMYzfHl-Hxc-00078-00040112-00040586 we know exists in terms of having readings that align to the appropriate xMYzfHl-Hxc-00079-00040586-00041144 levels for adult learners. And I actually I've forgot to update...these should actually be xMYzfHl-Hxc-00080-00041144-00041771 shrunk..the readings are all at CCRS actually starting at level A, B, C, and xMYzfHl-Hxc-00081-00041771-00042356 some D. So these are at the earliest levels of Lexile as defined by the xMYzfHl-Hxc-00082-00042356-00042851 College and Career Readiness Standards for Adult Education. And so you know xMYzfHl-Hxc-00083-00042851-00043475 there's again 348 readings but they're all focused on early levels as opposed xMYzfHl-Hxc-00084-00043475-00043913 to what we typically see which are readings that tend to work for xMYzfHl-Hxc-00085-00043913-00044436 intermediate and higher level ABE students. Just one note because many of xMYzfHl-Hxc-00086-00044436-00045017 you may be familiar with Reading Skills for Today's Adults. As I said, this site xMYzfHl-Hxc-00087-00045017-00045549 has been around for a think over a decade. Many of you may be familiar with xMYzfHl-Hxc-00088-00045549-00045938 and might even call it Marshall Adult Education because that's actually the xMYzfHl-Hxc-00089-00045938-00046466 individual organization that created the original library and on the left you can xMYzfHl-Hxc-00090-00046466-00047069 see that that is what that website looks like. If you Google "Reading Skills for xMYzfHl-Hxc-00091-00047069-00047483 Today's Adults, that is the website that you're going to get. So I encourage you xMYzfHl-Hxc-00092-00047483-00048020 to make sure that you pay attention here. This is the correct URL it's "reading xMYzfHl-Hxc-00093-00048020-00048780 skills for (the number-four) today dot com" and that is the website that has the updated xMYzfHl-Hxc-00094-00048780-00049184 readings with all of the various resources. So I'm actually going to hop xMYzfHl-Hxc-00095-00049184-00049940 into the Reading Skills for Today's Adults website so that you can see what xMYzfHl-Hxc-00096-00049940-00050414 it looks like. And again this is what educators we know are using very widely. xMYzfHl-Hxc-00097-00050414-00050975 So as part of my work at CrowdED Learning, we're often polling teachers on xMYzfHl-Hxc-00098-00050975-00051401 what are the free resources that you're using. Khan Academy is always number one, xMYzfHl-Hxc-00099-00051401-00051861 but I would say that one of the more popular tools that we hear folks are xMYzfHl-Hxc-00100-00051861-00052268 using is Reading Skills for Today's Adults. So I'm going to look at this xMYzfHl-Hxc-00101-00052268-00052757 story Calling in Sick. But before I do as I mentioned and as the title suggests, xMYzfHl-Hxc-00102-00052757-00053207 these are stories designed for adult learners....so when you look at these xMYzfHl-Hxc-00103-00053207-00053861 titles, they're dealing with things such as work and safety and nutrition and xMYzfHl-Hxc-00104-00053861-00054590 parenting and health So the topics within these stories are designed to xMYzfHl-Hxc-00105-00054590-00055085 deal with issues that adults deal with. And so sorry I clicked on the wrong one.... xMYzfHl-Hxc-00106-00055085-00055622 or maybe I didn't...perfect. We're gonna go to....I'm xMYzfHl-Hxc-00107-00055622-00056351 going to go to Calling in Sick. And so this is the format of the content on the xMYzfHl-Hxc-00108-00056351-00056816 website. When I click on a story I see the story here in the right-hand pane xMYzfHl-Hxc-00109-00056816-00057320 and I also see these count word counts for each line. That's because the xMYzfHl-Hxc-00110-00057320-00057803 resource itself was designed specifically to help learners develop xMYzfHl-Hxc-00111-00057803-00058259 their fluency skills. And so this is a word count per line and you'll see xMYzfHl-Hxc-00112-00058259-00058739 there's a countdown timer here so that if you click on "Start," the timer is going xMYzfHl-Hxc-00113-00058739-00059216 to start and then a student can read and then wherever they get to in their xMYzfHl-Hxc-00114-00059216-00059725 reading, that's going to help them sort of understand their words per minute. Now xMYzfHl-Hxc-00115-00059725-00060226 fluency is one component of evidence-based reading instruction, and xMYzfHl-Hxc-00116-00060226-00060754 speed—the speed with which someone reads—is obviously part of fluency, but it xMYzfHl-Hxc-00117-00060754-00061291 certainly is not the most important part. Understanding how to read with the xMYzfHl-Hxc-00118-00061291-00061850 proper inflection, understanding how to chunk text appropriately, to put in xMYzfHl-Hxc-00119-00061850-00062450 pauses where they're intended, and use intonation that that suggests that you xMYzfHl-Hxc-00120-00062450-00062960 you comprehend the text because of the intonation that you use are all part of xMYzfHl-Hxc-00121-00062960-00063671 fluency. And so to support that, every story has three recordings. And so what xMYzfHl-Hxc-00122-00063671-00064157 you'll see here is the recordings themselves go from one that's minute xMYzfHl-Hxc-00123-00064157-00064661 twenty nine seconds to one that is 25 seconds shorter to one that's about 13 xMYzfHl-Hxc-00124-00064661-00065315 seconds shorter...and the reason for that is because each of these recordings is xMYzfHl-Hxc-00125-00065315-00065864 focused on supporting different elements of fluency. So for a second I'm going to xMYzfHl-Hxc-00126-00065864-00066157 play this first one (narrator reading story, word by word). xMYzfHl-Hxc-00127-00066634-00067133 So you'll see that this first reading the reason it's longer is this literally xMYzfHl-Hxc-00128-00067133-00067748 focused on word by word decoding in a fluent manner within a larger body of xMYzfHl-Hxc-00129-00067748-00068192 text. There's not a lot of intonation, there's no chunking, it's just helping xMYzfHl-Hxc-00130-00068192-00068696 the learner hear each word and the proper pronunciation of each word so xMYzfHl-Hxc-00131-00068696-00069218 it's almost decoding in some ways as opposed to you know fluently reading an xMYzfHl-Hxc-00132-00069218-00069865 entire text. The second reading you'll notice is going to be a little different. xMYzfHl-Hxc-00133-00070570-00071108 So you'll see this recording gets into more of the chunking of texts and xMYzfHl-Hxc-00134-00071108-00071597 putting in the appropriate pauses and so it's helping that student understand xMYzfHl-Hxc-00135-00071597-00072107 sort of the pacing that one should read particularly related to pausing when xMYzfHl-Hxc-00136-00072107-00072533 it's appropriate based on either punctuation or or based on some of the xMYzfHl-Hxc-00137-00072533-00072959 words that are actually included in the text. And then the third reading actually xMYzfHl-Hxc-00138-00072959-00073487 is designed to to model complete fluency.... so with all of the proper xMYzfHl-Hxc-00139-00073487-00074036 prosody, intonation, fluency, chunking... all of that, and that's obviously why it xMYzfHl-Hxc-00140-00074036-00074462 is the shortest. And what you'll see on the left hand side is a number of other xMYzfHl-Hxc-00141-00074462-00074975 resources that support the story. Now if your students are like most students xMYzfHl-Hxc-00142-00074975-00075401 that I know, they're not necessarily downloading these and printing these out xMYzfHl-Hxc-00143-00075401-00075905 so it often cases that's something that would be a teacher-driven act, right? Like xMYzfHl-Hxc-00144-00075905-00076280 where I'm gonna print out these for students and I want to make mention of xMYzfHl-Hxc-00145-00076280-00076610 the fact that those are there...I did see that someone's from I believe xMYzfHl-Hxc-00146-00076610-00077069 correctional settings...all of these stories have downloads that include pre- xMYzfHl-Hxc-00147-00077069-00077720 questions, post-questions, the story itself, and then a supplement which is xMYzfHl-Hxc-00148-00077720-00078104 actually what we're going to look at because it's this supplement that is the xMYzfHl-Hxc-00149-00078104-00078470 content that we're going to be dealing with this part of the xMYzfHl-Hxc-00150-00078470-00078968 EdTech Maker Space. So if I go to this next slide we're going to see that xMYzfHl-Hxc-00151-00078968-00079715 supplement for the story we were just looking at. So for all 348 stories as part of the xMYzfHl-Hxc-00152-00079715-00080132 revision of Reading Skills for Today's Adults, they developed a supplement and xMYzfHl-Hxc-00153-00080132-00080648 what you'll see here is it starts with the vocabulary words from the story. And xMYzfHl-Hxc-00154-00080648-00081188 then there's two vocabulary activities— one is a vocabulary cloze paragraph that xMYzfHl-Hxc-00155-00081188-00081629 mirrors the content in the story and has the students enter in those words and xMYzfHl-Hxc-00156-00081629-00082223 then the second is a fill-in-the-blank activity that uses these words as well xMYzfHl-Hxc-00157-00082223-00082712 with a word bank. And then we move to the next page of the supplement that xMYzfHl-Hxc-00158-00082712-00083261 includes language practice...now this is using common contractions because the xMYzfHl-Hxc-00159-00083261-00083765 story itself has some contractions within it, and so it gives examples of xMYzfHl-Hxc-00160-00083765-00084209 common contractions that we use in the English language and then asks the xMYzfHl-Hxc-00161-00084209-00084833 students to use the proper contraction based on the the full phrase that's xMYzfHl-Hxc-00162-00084833-00085229 intended for each of these sentences. Then they're asked to write two xMYzfHl-Hxc-00163-00085229-00085748 sentences that use common contractions in response to a prompt, and then there's xMYzfHl-Hxc-00164-00085748-00086195 a speaking activity that is actually focused on comprehension but through xMYzfHl-Hxc-00165-00086195-00086786 speaking...and so it gives sentence stems for students to in terms of how to set xMYzfHl-Hxc-00166-00086786-00087335 up their their oral response to each of these questions. Then there's a xMYzfHl-Hxc-00167-00087335-00087740 comprehension assessment that follows a typical format of xMYzfHl-Hxc-00168-00087740-00088298 multiple-choice, and then there's a writing activity that deals with the xMYzfHl-Hxc-00169-00088298-00088808 content of the story and has students reflect on it as it as it relates to xMYzfHl-Hxc-00170-00088808-00089192 themselves—so connecting text to self, which is an important reading skill—and xMYzfHl-Hxc-00171-00089192-00089822 within that they also provide sentence frames that will help support the xMYzfHl-Hxc-00172-00089822-00090452 learner in in formatting and structuring their writing. So this is an amazing tool xMYzfHl-Hxc-00173-00090452-00090851 in itself. If we're talking about evidence-based reading instruction it's xMYzfHl-Hxc-00174-00090851-00091226 great because it's looking at vocabulary, it's looking at comprehension, and xMYzfHl-Hxc-00175-00091226-00091805 obviously the the online tools themselves help focus on fluency. But xMYzfHl-Hxc-00176-00091805-00092240 again, particularly if we're working remotely right now, students aren't xMYzfHl-Hxc-00177-00092240-00092469 necessarily going to be downloading this supplement and xMYzfHl-Hxc-00178-00092469-00093102 working through it, right? And so the goal of the EdTech Maker Space is to take some xMYzfHl-Hxc-00179-00093102-00093600 of the activities within the supplement and make them more accessible to xMYzfHl-Hxc-00180-00093600-00093987 learners whether or not a teacher is assigning them and make them available xMYzfHl-Hxc-00181-00093987-00094509 to learners to be able to practice, in particular, their vocabulary and their xMYzfHl-Hxc-00182-00094509-00095157 comprehension. And so for practicing the vocabulary...as we noted the vocabulary xMYzfHl-Hxc-00183-00095157-00095595 words are listed at the start of this supplement...what we are going to do as xMYzfHl-Hxc-00184-00095595-00096030 part of the EdTech Maker Space is we're going to learn how to use Quizlet and a xMYzfHl-Hxc-00185-00096030-00096468 lot of the ins and outs and some of the cool features that Quizlet offers, but xMYzfHl-Hxc-00186-00096468-00096984 then we're going to be creating Quizlets for the vocabulary from each of these xMYzfHl-Hxc-00187-00096984-00097474 stories so that learners can engage with the vocabulary in a variety of formats. xMYzfHl-Hxc-00188-00097474-00097947 Now if you're familiar with Quizlet this is what sort of the front page looks xMYzfHl-Hxc-00189-00097947-00098412 like when you get to a Quizlet...and I've intentionally shown an image that shows xMYzfHl-Hxc-00190-00098412-00098916 it from a mobile device because we know that that's predominantly the tool that xMYzfHl-Hxc-00191-00098916-00099495 learners are using to access online activities. But for Quizlets we'll see xMYzfHl-Hxc-00192-00099495-00099888 that there's a learning activity, there are flashcards, there is a writing xMYzfHl-Hxc-00193-00099888-00100368 activity, there is a matching activity that's sort of like concentration, and xMYzfHl-Hxc-00194-00100368-00100761 there's a test. Quizlet automatically adds audio for xMYzfHl-Hxc-00195-00100761-00101151 each of the words and the definitions and it's strikingly good; it's automated xMYzfHl-Hxc-00196-00101151-00101775 audio but it's it's very good audio, and is also available to be able to xMYzfHl-Hxc-00197-00101775-00102222 translate in multiple languages. And so it's a great resource. The other thing xMYzfHl-Hxc-00198-00102222-00102705 that's good about Quizlet is all of these are shareable so if a teacher xMYzfHl-Hxc-00199-00102705-00103143 doesn't necessarily want to use what we create or wants to add to it or adjust xMYzfHl-Hxc-00200-00103143-00103524 it or do something to it they have the ability to make a copy of the Quizlet xMYzfHl-Hxc-00201-00103524-00104022 for the story and then do whatever they want to it in terms of adjusting it. So xMYzfHl-Hxc-00202-00104022-00104483 the second activity from the supplement that we're going to be taking and xMYzfHl-Hxc-00203-00104483-00105003 building from are the comprehension assessment questions at the end. And so xMYzfHl-Hxc-00204-00105003-00105533 what we're going to learn is how to use Google Forms to create quizzes, and xMYzfHl-Hxc-00205-00105533-00105767 there's a number of great features within Google Forms xMYzfHl-Hxc-00206-00105767-00106202 for using quizzes and we know that it's a popular tool for assigning xMYzfHl-Hxc-00207-00106202-00106595 quizzes particularly since we know that a lot of teachers have started moving xMYzfHl-Hxc-00208-00106595-00107096 more towards Google Classroom as the centralized hub given that we're working xMYzfHl-Hxc-00209-00107096-00107567 increasingly remotely at the moment and potentially for a longer period of time. xMYzfHl-Hxc-00210-00107567-00108036 And so this is what a Google Forms quiz looks like. Again it's extremely xMYzfHl-Hxc-00211-00108036-00108500 mobile-friendly and this provides learners with the opportunity to answer xMYzfHl-Hxc-00212-00108500-00108998 these questions on their own to self-guide learning within the the readings xMYzfHl-Hxc-00213-00108998-00109538 that are appropriate for them and to see if they comprehend without a teacher xMYzfHl-Hxc-00214-00109538-00110003 necessarily having to assign anything. So what we're gonna do with Google quizzes ... xMYzfHl-Hxc-00215-00110003-00110342 Google Forms excuse me... is learn how to create questions...we're xMYzfHl-Hxc-00216-00110342-00110678 gonna learn how to weight those questions. We're gonna learn how to make them xMYzfHl-Hxc-00217-00110678-00111221 shareable—a lot of people don't realize that you can set a Google quiz so that xMYzfHl-Hxc-00218-00111221-00111698 if someone clicks on a link that they automatically get a copy of that quiz so xMYzfHl-Hxc-00219-00111698-00112130 that they're getting the information from that quiz as opposed to a lot of xMYzfHl-Hxc-00220-00112130-00112619 quizzes that are posted—yes the learner gets their response, but the teacher xMYzfHl-Hxc-00221-00112619-00113240 doesn't see the back end data and so on this will allow for folks to actually so xMYzfHl-Hxc-00222-00113240-00113714 for you to learn how to create quizzes that can be copied by other educators as xMYzfHl-Hxc-00223-00113714-00114242 well as selecting a correct answer and providing answer feedback. So you're xMYzfHl-Hxc-00224-00114242-00114629 gonna learn all of those skills as you learn how to use Google Forms by xMYzfHl-Hxc-00225-00114629-00115139 creating quizzes for the assessments from these stories. So then the last tool xMYzfHl-Hxc-00226-00115139-00115481 that we're going to learn how to use is it's great that suddenly through the xMYzfHl-Hxc-00227-00115481-00115909 work that we do there's going to be a vocabulary study set with Quizlet, xMYzfHl-Hxc-00228-00115909-00116330 there's going to be a Google Forms quiz that tests comprehension, and obviously xMYzfHl-Hxc-00229-00116330-00116798 the original story but how are those things going to be pulled together so xMYzfHl-Hxc-00230-00116798-00117281 that a student can access them all in one place as opposed to bouncing around xMYzfHl-Hxc-00231-00117281-00117821 to a bunch of different places? And we're going to use a tool called Wakelet that xMYzfHl-Hxc-00232-00117821-00118483 allows us to do that. Wakelet is a tool that allows you to pull videos, to pull xMYzfHl-Hxc-00233-00118483-00119102 URLs and other things into one what's called a collection so that's xMYzfHl-Hxc-00234-00119102-00119474 students don't have to be going to different websites or entering in xMYzfHl-Hxc-00235-00119474-00120146 different URLs. The Wakelet provides a hub for your activity and you can put xMYzfHl-Hxc-00236-00120146-00120559 any of the links that you want students to be going to in that Wakelet. xMYzfHl-Hxc-00237-00120559-00120953 Wakelet's are extremely shareable and we're going to look at what that looks like in xMYzfHl-Hxc-00238-00120953-00121502 a second so that students can be able to... you can assign it through Google xMYzfHl-Hxc-00239-00121502-00121895 Classroom, you can assign it through Remind, you can assign it through xMYzfHl-Hxc-00240-00121895-00122348 Microsoft Teams which is actually a tool and hub that some teachers have been xMYzfHl-Hxc-00241-00122348-00122951 moving towards and in the midst of COVID, or you can share them out as links in xMYzfHl-Hxc-00242-00122951-00123344 in whatever format you share things out and then students can immediately access xMYzfHl-Hxc-00243-00123344-00123839 it. So I'm gonna stop for a second and take a poll cuz we're looking at five xMYzfHl-Hxc-00244-00123839-00124403 different resources now....excuse me four different resources...no five...no four...I xMYzfHl-Hxc-00245-00124403-00124877 can count!...that we're going to be talking about today, so I'm interested in xMYzfHl-Hxc-00246-00124877-00125328 hearing from you. This is a poll that's now going to pop up on your screen. xMYzfHl-Hxc-00247-00125328-00125891 Please select all that apply: Which of these tools or resources have xMYzfHl-Hxc-00248-00125891-00126439 you used before or used to create resources? xMYzfHl-Hxc-00249-00127963-00128630 And we've got about 2/3 of you have answered I'm gonna give it about one xMYzfHl-Hxc-00250-00128630-00129109 more minute or not one more minute about 20 more seconds...sorry. So please vote xMYzfHl-Hxc-00251-00129109-00129604 if you haven't. This is really interesting to see...it's on par with xMYzfHl-Hxc-00252-00129604-00130721 yesterday more or less. Alright. And I'm gonna close it in three... two.... one.... xMYzfHl-Hxc-00253-00130721-00131150 Alright. We're gonna end the poll and I'll share the results so hopefully you can xMYzfHl-Hxc-00254-00131150-00131597 see the results on screen. What we're seeing is a number of you have used xMYzfHl-Hxc-00255-00131597-00132089 Google Forms which is great because I actually think Google Forms is the most xMYzfHl-Hxc-00256-00132089-00132527 challenging of the tools in terms of making sure that that we're doing xMYzfHl-Hxc-00257-00132527-00133013 everything correctly before we create the resource, so the fact that you xMYzfHl-Hxc-00258-00133013-00133475 have a background with Google Forms or many of you do will be helpful. But we xMYzfHl-Hxc-00259-00133475-00133898 will be looking at a number of different elements of each of these tools even xMYzfHl-Hxc-00260-00133898-00134453 beyond what we're actually going to put into the resources we create, so we will xMYzfHl-Hxc-00261-00134453-00135172 be providing training that gets into some of the cool and interesting xMYzfHl-Hxc-00262-00135172-00135710 elements that you can do with each of these tools. And a few of you use Wakelet. xMYzfHl-Hxc-00263-00135710-00136124 That's good. But Quizlet and Google Forms—both yesterday and today—those xMYzfHl-Hxc-00264-00136124-00136718 were the two sort of more widely used resources by students. Someone asked a xMYzfHl-Hxc-00265-00136718-00137051 question —sorry I missed it: "Can you give the range of grade levels this is xMYzfHl-Hxc-00266-00137051-00137474 appropriate for?" The readings from Reading Skills for Today's Adults are xMYzfHl-Hxc-00267-00137474-00138071 Lexiled at the earliest levels, so it's 348 readings that span from CCRS Level A, xMYzfHl-Hxc-00268-00138071-00138680 which is the earliest level, all the way up to Level D, but a predominant number xMYzfHl-Hxc-00269-00138680-00139181 of the stories are at Levels A, B, and C, which are the earliest levels. So grade xMYzfHl-Hxc-00270-00139181-00139661 level equivalency from literacy levels up to sixth, seventh, eighth grade...but xMYzfHl-Hxc-00271-00139661-00140198 more of them are sort of below sixth grade level. So we're going to move on. xMYzfHl-Hxc-00272-00140198-00140825 And so the result is going to be this Wakelet library and where it will be xMYzfHl-Hxc-00273-00140825-00141103 housed. Learners and instructors will be able to access it xMYzfHl-Hxc-00274-00141103-00141496 via the CrowdED Learning website. We're going to encourage Southwest Minnesota ABE xMYzfHl-Hxc-00275-00141496-00142063 to actually put it on their site as well, and teachers will be able to share xMYzfHl-Hxc-00276-00142063-00142573 these with learners as I said in a variety of formats. So these there's QR xMYzfHl-Hxc-00277-00142573-00143005 code share, Google Classroom, Microsoft Teams, Twitter, Remind, Reddit and Facebook xMYzfHl-Hxc-00278-00143005-00143617 even....so plenty of ways that these can be shared and because Wakelet is designed xMYzfHl-Hxc-00279-00143617-00144067 for teachers to create and share, you'll be able to copy these collections or any xMYzfHl-Hxc-00280-00144067-00144439 teacher will be able to copy our finished products and then they can add xMYzfHl-Hxc-00281-00144439-00144886 in whatever they want. So this, you know, this story is about stress...it's a story xMYzfHl-Hxc-00282-00144886-00145246 about stress, but you could add a video about stress or coping with stress, xMYzfHl-Hxc-00283-00145246-00145684 you could add whatever you want to the Wakelet and really build out an even xMYzfHl-Hxc-00284-00145684-00146172 more rounded lesson but using what's been created by us in the EdTech xMYzfHl-Hxc-00285-00146172-00146743 Maker Space as the basis, which includes obviously the vocabulary, the reading, and xMYzfHl-Hxc-00286-00146743-00147142 the comprehension questions. So here is some stories that I've already worked xMYzfHl-Hxc-00287-00147142-00147517 with teachers to create because we did do a little bit of a test run with some xMYzfHl-Hxc-00288-00147517-00147943 teachers here in Chicago to see how this works. But we'll go to the one for the xMYzfHl-Hxc-00289-00147943-00148432 story that we've already looked at some of the supplements—Calling in Sick—and xMYzfHl-Hxc-00290-00148432-00148951 this is what it looks like. I'm also going to show you what it looks like on xMYzfHl-Hxc-00291-00148951-00149416 a mobile device, partly because I'm just super jazzed that I've learned of some xMYzfHl-Hxc-00292-00149416-00150025 new tools that allow us to share screencast using our mobile device which xMYzfHl-Hxc-00293-00150025-00150496 I know is important to learners. So basically you see we have Calling in xMYzfHl-Hxc-00294-00150496-00150919 Sick...there's an introduction and we're going to follow the same format for all xMYzfHl-Hxc-00295-00150919-00151258 of the Wakelets and even the tools within to make sure it's a xMYzfHl-Hxc-00296-00151258-00151792 consistent structure. One of the challenges that we know that xMYzfHl-Hxc-00297-00151792-00152314 prevent folks from using free and open resources is they sometimes are all over xMYzfHl-Hxc-00298-00152314-00152674 the place...like you're picking a lesson here or a video there or reading here xMYzfHl-Hxc-00299-00152674-00153181 and it's not consistent like a curriculum would be, and so our goal is xMYzfHl-Hxc-00300-00153181-00153616 to really make sure that all of these are built consistently with consistent xMYzfHl-Hxc-00301-00153616-00154132 introductions so that they all sort of follow the same format and so xMYzfHl-Hxc-00302-00154132-00154548 teachers can be assured that it's a consistent resource. And what xMYzfHl-Hxc-00303-00154548-00155020 we see is we've got the vocabulary, we've got the reading selection, and we've got xMYzfHl-Hxc-00304-00155020-00155395 the comprehension question. And at the bottom we indicate because this is xMYzfHl-Hxc-00305-00155395-00155913 openly licensed content we're making sure to let folks know the content that xMYzfHl-Hxc-00306-00155913-00156322 was used for this comes from Reading Skills for Today Adults and it's xMYzfHl-Hxc-00307-00156322-00156670 licensed in a certain way which we're gonna I'm going to show you in a second xMYzfHl-Hxc-00308-00156670-00157175 what that means. Before I hop on into that, I am going to share my screen xMYzfHl-Hxc-00309-00157175-00157686 differently. And just so you know because this is literally something that I xMYzfHl-Hxc-00310-00157686-00158289 learned this week, is if you have an Apple device you have the ability to xMYzfHl-Hxc-00311-00158289-00159259 share your screen and cast your phone into Zoom so that people can see your xMYzfHl-Hxc-00312-00159259-00159697 screen. So I'm doing that as we speak right now I'm actually not sure what you xMYzfHl-Hxc-00313-00159697-00160219 see at the moment but in a second...maybe. This could...Zoom has been a little xMYzfHl-Hxc-00314-00160219-00160648 interesting....this is a new tool in a second you should be able to see my xMYzfHl-Hxc-00315-00160648-00161037 phone. Now I'm going to ask can you see my phone I'm going to ask that in the xMYzfHl-Hxc-00316-00161037-00161869 chat because it it doesn't...I'm sorry thank you for letting me know that you xMYzfHl-Hxc-00317-00161869-00162528 can see the poll..and I'm gonna share my screen differently. It doesn't seem to xMYzfHl-Hxc-00318-00162528-00163227 like if you hop from a Google Slides to the phone so I'm gonna mirror my phone xMYzfHl-Hxc-00319-00163227-00163767 now I think this will work better. Here we go. Can you see my screen now? And xMYzfHl-Hxc-00320-00163767-00164055 thank you for letting me know that the poll was still in the way. Perfect. xMYzfHl-Hxc-00321-00164055-00164659 Awesome. You guys are great. So this is what you can do with Zoom. Now...well I got xMYzfHl-Hxc-00322-00164659-00165024 a notification from Starbucks...I thought I shut off my notifications. So one xMYzfHl-Hxc-00323-00165024-00165469 thing to be careful of if you're screencasting is that! But I'm really xMYzfHl-Hxc-00324-00165469-00165867 excited that I discovered this because one of the things that we're trying to xMYzfHl-Hxc-00325-00165867-00166379 do is let folks know how to use these different apps, and it's really important that... xMYzfHl-Hxc-00326-00166379-00167028 yes we do all need a little Starbucks, thank you..that we're able to model this xMYzfHl-Hxc-00327-00167028-00167509 with students I literally put on Do Not Disturb and now everything's popping up! xMYzfHl-Hxc-00328-00167509-00168015 But I'm gonna go to so you can see what this looks like from xMYzfHl-Hxc-00329-00168015-00168448 a student perspective. So it's interesting that people are saying they xMYzfHl-Hxc-00330-00168448-00169164 can still see the poll. Oh interesting. There. I think I may have just gotten rid xMYzfHl-Hxc-00331-00169164-00169863 of it now....hopefully. This is what Wakelet looks like on a...oh my gosh this xMYzfHl-Hxc-00332-00169863-00170746 poll is annoying...I think you might have to hit close on your own screen, someone is xMYzfHl-Hxc-00333-00170746-00171129 saying...that you have to close it out yourself. That's interesting...I didn't xMYzfHl-Hxc-00334-00171129-00171496 know that. So if you close out the poll yourself...obviously you wouldn't think xMYzfHl-Hxc-00335-00171496-00171966 that you could close something out in Zoom, but apparently it's up to you to xMYzfHl-Hxc-00336-00171966-00172561 close that poll so it's out of your way. And hopefully that worked for you. So I xMYzfHl-Hxc-00337-00172561-00172996 use Wakelet for all sorts of things. I create resource directories for teachers. xMYzfHl-Hxc-00338-00172996-00173642 I use it to create actually full- scale lessons. I use it to guide xMYzfHl-Hxc-00339-00173642-00174102 professional development so if I know there's like I'll put the presentation xMYzfHl-Hxc-00340-00174102-00174489 slides and if there's activities that I want teachers to do I'll put those xMYzfHl-Hxc-00341-00174489-00174895 activities in the Wakelet so that they can launch from that and I'm not xMYzfHl-Hxc-00342-00174895-00175336 having to share a bunch of different resources. But here's that same story xMYzfHl-Hxc-00343-00175336-00175890 Calling in Sick....and I have a little bit different view because I own it, as xMYzfHl-Hxc-00344-00175890-00176173 opposed to what a student would see; they wouldn't have a button here that says xMYzfHl-Hxc-00345-00176173-00176649 "Add an Item"...but this is what it looks like from a student perspective. So again, xMYzfHl-Hxc-00346-00176649-00177066 I've got the intro that's saying what it is I have vocabulary practice with xMYzfHl-Hxc-00347-00177066-00177424 directions. I have a reading selection. And then I have comprehension questions. xMYzfHl-Hxc-00348-00177424-00177835 And so if I click on something like the Quizlet here, it's going to launch that xMYzfHl-Hxc-00349-00177835-00178353 Quizlet and the nice thing is it's launching the Quizlet in Wakelet, and xMYzfHl-Hxc-00350-00178353-00178897 so basically they can work through these activities here and then just click on xMYzfHl-Hxc-00351-00178897-00179473 the X up here and it'll bring them back to the Wakelet, so they're not hopping xMYzfHl-Hxc-00352-00179473-00180012 out into anything...although they do have the ability if they were to click up xMYzfHl-Hxc-00353-00180012-00180757 here to open it up into another window if they wanted to. But it's a really xMYzfHl-Hxc-00354-00180757-00181144 great.... Wakelet is really great because xMYzfHl-Hxc-00355-00181144-00181648 not only does it pull things together but it keeps students in the Wakelet xMYzfHl-Hxc-00356-00181648-00182089 if you will so that they're not bouncing out and getting confused by it. But this xMYzfHl-Hxc-00357-00182089-00182560 is the end product that we are going to be creating by way of the EdTech xMYzfHl-Hxc-00358-00182560-00183106 Maker Space. And I'm going to stop sharing my phone and go back to the presentation, xMYzfHl-Hxc-00359-00183106-00183901 and here we go! So why are we doing this? Well first of all we know that teachers xMYzfHl-Hxc-00360-00183901-00184432 are looking for more ways to share in particularly mobile content because of xMYzfHl-Hxc-00361-00184432-00184882 the fact that we're increasingly working in a virtual or distance learning xMYzfHl-Hxc-00362-00184882-00185269 environment. And so we need more tools and we need more resources that are xMYzfHl-Hxc-00363-00185269-00185731 available, that are easy to assign and easy for students to access And in doing xMYzfHl-Hxc-00364-00185731-00186136 that—it's great if the tools exist, but we also want teachers to know how to use xMYzfHl-Hxc-00365-00186136-00186661 these tools effectively and not just use the available resources but to be able xMYzfHl-Hxc-00366-00186661-00187165 to create their own resources if they want. And in doing so we're just putting xMYzfHl-Hxc-00367-00187165-00187579 more content that's out there, teachers are developing skills, and we're xMYzfHl-Hxc-00368-00187579-00187966 providing more ways for learners to engage with content whether or not xMYzfHl-Hxc-00369-00187966-00188365 there's a teacher assigning it or or they just want to provide students with xMYzfHl-Hxc-00370-00188365-00188893 access so that they can do self-study. One of the teachers yesterday asked well xMYzfHl-Hxc-00371-00188893-00189292 "How does a learner know where to go? What if I don't know the learner xMYzfHl-Hxc-00372-00189292-00189781 levels?" And there are tools like ReadTheory that allow you to diagnose a xMYzfHl-Hxc-00373-00189781-00190336 student's Lexile level and then once you know that information....if you xMYzfHl-Hxc-00374-00190336-00190714 know their TABE level or you you know their Lexile level from a diagnostic xMYzfHl-Hxc-00375-00190714-00191416 such as using ReadTheory, then you can tell the students exactly what set of xMYzfHl-Hxc-00376-00191416-00191932 stories are appropriate based on their reading level at the moment...and then xMYzfHl-Hxc-00377-00191932-00192325 they have the ability to work through as many readings as they want. xMYzfHl-Hxc-00378-00192325-00192820 And again they're there on topics that are relevant to adult learners another xMYzfHl-Hxc-00379-00192820-00193090 thing is—as I've mentioned already—we just want to take something that's xMYzfHl-Hxc-00380-00193090-00193621 really good...the Reading Skills for Today's Adults library...and to make it xMYzfHl-Hxc-00381-00193621-00193963 better. So by doing it and containing everything in a Waklelet, xMYzfHl-Hxc-00382-00193963-00194449 it's easier to share these readings with learners, we're providing more engaging xMYzfHl-Hxc-00383-00194449-00194863 in mobile learning and mobile-friendly learning options for students, and again xMYzfHl-Hxc-00384-00194863-00195310 we're allowing for self-guided learning. And by taking these resources and xMYzfHl-Hxc-00385-00195310-00195784 allowing them to be delivered in a way that students can engage with them xMYzfHl-Hxc-00386-00195784-00196162 without having the teacher have to print something out or or assign it to them, xMYzfHl-Hxc-00387-00196162-00196645 not only are they getting the fluency practice that they'd be able to get as xMYzfHl-Hxc-00388-00196645-00197239 is with the website, but we're adding in again vocabulary practice that is xMYzfHl-Hxc-00389-00197239-00197690 interactive and accessible...mobile accessible...and comprehension practice xMYzfHl-Hxc-00390-00197690-00198289 that's interactive and mobile accessible. And so it just basically augments this xMYzfHl-Hxc-00391-00198289-00198745 library in a way that makes it more accessible to more learners. The other thing— xMYzfHl-Hxc-00392-00198745-00199140 and this is part of CrowdED Learning's mission—is Reading Skills for Today's xMYzfHl-Hxc-00393-00199140-00199810 Adults is an openly licensed library. And what that means is they have set the xMYzfHl-Hxc-00394-00199810-00200269 permission of their content and they've licensed it such that they invite xMYzfHl-Hxc-00395-00200269-00200950 educators to adjust it, to revise it, to add to it, and share it with others so xMYzfHl-Hxc-00396-00200950-00201478 long as educators are following some certain guidelines based on the license xMYzfHl-Hxc-00397-00201478-00202021 that they've used for the libraries. So attribution...this is the license that xMYzfHl-Hxc-00398-00202021-00202402 Reading Skills for Today's Adults is licensed under and one of CrowdED xMYzfHl-Hxc-00399-00202402-00203002 Learning missions is also to make sure educators are aware of what xMYzfHl-Hxc-00400-00203002-00203659 open content is versus just free content. So because they've put the "BY" and that xMYzfHl-Hxc-00401-00203659-00204103 means any time you use the content, you should be attributing them and just xMYzfHl-Hxc-00402-00204103-00204547 letting folks be aware that's not your content that the content being used xMYzfHl-Hxc-00403-00204547-00205075 is from Reading Skills for Today's Adults. Now they did not put in this into xMYzfHl-Hxc-00404-00205075-00205587 their license because if this was in the license then it actually isn't an openly xMYzfHl-Hxc-00405-00205587-00206035 licensed resource because this is saying you can't revise it and you can't change xMYzfHl-Hxc-00406-00206035-00206560 it. But that's not part of their license and so this allows us to do so. They have xMYzfHl-Hxc-00407-00206560-00207127 put a share-alike license, which means that for the Quizlets that we create or xMYzfHl-Hxc-00408-00207127-00207419 the Google Forms that we create the Wakelet that pulls everything xMYzfHl-Hxc-00409-00207419-00208023 together, we need to make sure that we are also licensing those things using xMYzfHl-Hxc-00410-00208023-00208446 this same exact license because that is what xMYzfHl-Hxc-00411-00208446-00208841 Southwest Minnesota Adult Basic Education has set....that if you're going xMYzfHl-Hxc-00412-00208841-00209250 to use this content, revise it, and do something with it that's fine, but you xMYzfHl-Hxc-00413-00209250-00209687 just need to repeat this license...you can't adjust the license. And then the xMYzfHl-Hxc-00414-00209687-00210078 fourth icon that you would see on something that is Creative Commons xMYzfHl-Hxc-00415-00210078-00210534 licensed is non-commercial...that you're allowed to use it in whatever way you xMYzfHl-Hxc-00416-00210534-00210971 want, but you're not allowed to make money. And I just bring up that point xMYzfHl-Hxc-00417-00210971-00211467 because someone could simply license something as CC-BY. I've actually licensed xMYzfHl-Hxc-00418-00211467-00211959 presentations as that. What that literally means is you can take my presentation xMYzfHl-Hxc-00419-00211959-00212498 and start making money as a presenter or professional developer using my content xMYzfHl-Hxc-00420-00212498-00213042 as long as you're attributing that the original content comes from me. And so xMYzfHl-Hxc-00421-00213042-00213600 this is partly an exercise to help educators understand how to properly xMYzfHl-Hxc-00422-00213600-00214215 attribute an original source of content in a way that respects the original xMYzfHl-Hxc-00423-00214215-00214694 license and is the spirit of open education and open licensing. And then the xMYzfHl-Hxc-00424-00214694-00215103 fourth thing is this is the spirit of crowdsourcing that CrowdED Learning is xMYzfHl-Hxc-00425-00215103-00215565 trying to work towards. If we collectively work together and sort of xMYzfHl-Hxc-00426-00215565-00216069 focus on one thing to build together, suddenly everyone benefits from us xMYzfHl-Hxc-00427-00216069-00216548 creating something that is consistent, that is focused on something that we xMYzfHl-Hxc-00428-00216548-00217002 know is needed by educators and students, and that we're making available to xMYzfHl-Hxc-00429-00217002-00217425 everybody freely. And I am over-the-moon excited...if you follow xMYzfHl-Hxc-00430-00217425-00217848 CrowdED Learning and maybe you know about SkillBlox.. SkillBlox is a tool xMYzfHl-Hxc-00431-00217848-00218469 that we created to help educators find math content by looking for xMYzfHl-Hxc-00432-00218469-00219098 specific skills and then being able to see what lessons, activities from free xMYzfHl-Hxc-00433-00219098-00219596 and open education resources and from publishers align to that skill. And in xMYzfHl-Hxc-00434-00219596-00219954 the spirit of crowdsourcing, I was introduced to something that unbeknownst xMYzfHl-Hxc-00435-00219954-00220401 to me was happening in the state of South Carolina...where a teacher has been xMYzfHl-Hxc-00436-00220401-00220854 working through the content of SkillBlox and they've literally xMYzfHl-Hxc-00437-00220854-00221778 created—aligned to each of the TABE levels—lessons and key codes that basically if xMYzfHl-Hxc-00438-00221778-00222269 I click on any of these...one teacher has created all of these there's over 200 xMYzfHl-Hxc-00439-00222269-00222786 SkillBlox that she has created...and now I can go to any of these and it will xMYzfHl-Hxc-00440-00222786-00223575 launch the SkillBlox for this concept. So they've put in the books that xMYzfHl-Hxc-00441-00223575-00223956 students have access to and indicated that indicates the page xMYzfHl-Hxc-00442-00223956-00224421 numbers that align to two-digit addition, and then here are all these free xMYzfHl-Hxc-00443-00224421-00225012 resources from Math Is Fun and one from PhET that align to the concept of xMYzfHl-Hxc-00444-00225012-00225459 two-digit addition. So one teacher...I think it might be more than one teacher... xMYzfHl-Hxc-00445-00225459-00225919 but I know one teacher's been leading it up, and suddenly everyone has access to xMYzfHl-Hxc-00446-00225919-00226542 these SkillBlox that provide the foundation for a bunch of different xMYzfHl-Hxc-00447-00226542-00226946 resources that align to a particular skill. And that's what we're trying to do xMYzfHl-Hxc-00448-00226946-00227471 at CrowdED Learning is provide teachers with ways to do that and and doing it in xMYzfHl-Hxc-00449-00227476-00227886 a way that if we do it in a specific manner, then everyone benefits from xMYzfHl-Hxc-00450-00227886-00228294 that work. So I'm going to use these last five minutes to walk through how the EdTech xMYzfHl-Hxc-00451-00228294-00228777 Maker Space works. And just so you know —there's a slide on this at the end— xMYzfHl-Hxc-00452-00228777-00229314 but our goal is to run this for six weeks from July 12 to I don't know the xMYzfHl-Hxc-00453-00229314-00229656 end date, but it's somewhere in mid-August and people can continue xMYzfHl-Hxc-00454-00229656-00230160 beyond if they need more time. But the goal is to have two-week sort of xMYzfHl-Hxc-00455-00230160-00230676 sprints working in each of the tools and so the steps that we'll be going through xMYzfHl-Hxc-00456-00230676-00230994 is signing up...there's a sign-up form that I'll show you some of the snippets xMYzfHl-Hxc-00457-00230994-00231473 from in a second, and to indicate both your experience with these tools as well xMYzfHl-Hxc-00458-00231473-00231807 as your commitment levels... so how many resources do you want to commit to xMYzfHl-Hxc-00459-00231807-00232148 creating? And part of that is just so we know how many people we can let in xMYzfHl-Hxc-00460-00232148-00232590 because we want to give everyone the opportunity to create what they've xMYzfHl-Hxc-00461-00232590-00233123 committed to we will be issuing certificates and badges based on you xMYzfHl-Hxc-00462-00233123-00233544 know whatever it is you commit to and so we want to make sure that we can honor xMYzfHl-Hxc-00463-00233544-00233985 that and then once you've signed up and said what you're going xMYzfHl-Hxc-00464-00233985-00234456 to do we're going to ask you have to attend the required webinars which will xMYzfHl-Hxc-00465-00234456-00234896 be tech tool trainings now one of the things that we're putting in is the xMYzfHl-Hxc-00466-00234896-00235542 ability for you to skip the training if you want if you have experience using xMYzfHl-Hxc-00467-00235542-00236034 that tool so what we'll ask and I'll show you in a second is if you have xMYzfHl-Hxc-00468-00236034-00236436 experience you feel you're proficient and say Quizlet we just ask that you xMYzfHl-Hxc-00469-00236436-00236907 provide a sample so in the in the signup form will ask you to just share a URL xMYzfHl-Hxc-00470-00236907-00237411 but Quizlet that you've created so that we we have some level of awareness that xMYzfHl-Hxc-00471-00237411-00237807 yeah this person knows what they're doing so you'll be able to skip the sort xMYzfHl-Hxc-00472-00237807-00238284 of how to's on the tool itself although as i said for every single one of these xMYzfHl-Hxc-00473-00238284-00238769 tools we'll be diving into things that might be lesser-known tips and tricks xMYzfHl-Hxc-00474-00238769-00239202 that you can do with that tool but we will ask that you at least attend or xMYzfHl-Hxc-00475-00239202-00239623 watch the video that walks through how you're going to create the specific xMYzfHl-Hxc-00476-00239623-00240171 resource for this cohort so we're in a very specific format that we want people xMYzfHl-Hxc-00477-00240171-00240732 to follow for the Quizlet for the forum and for the waitlet we do require that xMYzfHl-Hxc-00478-00240732-00241389 you at least watch that video or attend the period of the webinar that focuses xMYzfHl-Hxc-00479-00241389-00241836 on that and then you'll be creating your resources now we're going to follow a xMYzfHl-Hxc-00480-00241836-00242319 format of introducing the tool and the the activity in terms of what you're xMYzfHl-Hxc-00481-00242319-00242640 going to be creating we're going to be assigning and running everything through xMYzfHl-Hxc-00482-00242640-00242988 google classrooms so you can indicate when you're done and we can track it xMYzfHl-Hxc-00483-00242988-00243486 that way so added benefit you're going to see from a student perspective how xMYzfHl-Hxc-00484-00243486-00243855 things go in Google classroom when you're getting quote-unquote assignments xMYzfHl-Hxc-00485-00243855-00244469 to one sign up for the webinar and to complete your resources we're also going xMYzfHl-Hxc-00486-00244469-00244911 to have open office hours where you can work in a collaborative environment if xMYzfHl-Hxc-00487-00244911-00245235 you don't want to build these things on your own and then finally submit your xMYzfHl-Hxc-00488-00245235-00245915 resources so the signup form is basically going to be indicating your xMYzfHl-Hxc-00489-00245915-00246398 experience with these tools whether you use the tool all the time or you've xMYzfHl-Hxc-00490-00246398-00246804 never used this tools so just letting us know because this helps us know how to xMYzfHl-Hxc-00491-00246804-00247233 tailor the trainings that we're going to do and then as I said documenting your xMYzfHl-Hxc-00492-00247233-00247581 proficiency so if you know how to use a tool I don't xMYzfHl-Hxc-00493-00247581-00247898 want you to waste your time having to sit through a training on something that xMYzfHl-Hxc-00494-00247898-00248466 you already know and so all we'll ask is you indicate your proficiency level and xMYzfHl-Hxc-00495-00248466-00248964 then if you feel that you don't need the initial training on the tool we'll just xMYzfHl-Hxc-00496-00248964-00249414 ask that you provide a URL for something that you've created and then we can just xMYzfHl-Hxc-00497-00249414-00249804 see and verify that we're not going to be super sticklers on that this is kind xMYzfHl-Hxc-00498-00249804-00250278 of honor system but we just want to be mindful of your time because we know xMYzfHl-Hxc-00499-00250278-00250694 that you know everyone's time is precious and they're going to ask you to xMYzfHl-Hxc-00500-00250694-00251085 make your commitment so there's three tools that we're going to be learning xMYzfHl-Hxc-00501-00251085-00251735 how to use Quizlet Google Forms and wait clip you may just be an expert at xMYzfHl-Hxc-00502-00251735-00252213 Quizlet and you don't even want to do the trainings you just want to volunteer xMYzfHl-Hxc-00503-00252213-00252657 to help make some quizlets because it's something that you know how to do is to xMYzfHl-Hxc-00504-00252657-00253254 breeze so we'll just ask that you commit to creating fifteen quizlets and that's xMYzfHl-Hxc-00505-00253254-00253617 it like that will be your entire commitment and then you can go forth xMYzfHl-Hxc-00506-00253617-00254025 there'll be a sign-up sheet for you to select the stories and the resources xMYzfHl-Hxc-00507-00254025-00254604 that you want it'll be an open Google sheet and so you can just do that or you xMYzfHl-Hxc-00508-00254604-00255129 may decide that you you don't want to learn all three tools but you've been xMYzfHl-Hxc-00509-00255129-00255489 really interested in learning how to use wait click that's great so you do the xMYzfHl-Hxc-00510-00255489-00255819 wake lit training and then your commitment will be to create a certain xMYzfHl-Hxc-00511-00255819-00256233 number of wait lists now Quizlet will be 15 learning resources because of the xMYzfHl-Hxc-00512-00256233-00256842 fact that in the grand scheme of things it's the easiest one to create and then xMYzfHl-Hxc-00513-00256842-00257219 for waitlet and Google Forms it'll be a lesser threshold if you're just doing xMYzfHl-Hxc-00514-00257219-00257763 that tool but you also have the option to create five complete resource sets xMYzfHl-Hxc-00515-00257763-00258108 for five stories so that would be creating the quizzes are creating the xMYzfHl-Hxc-00516-00258108-00258719 form creating the way click and that would involve you selecting ideally the xMYzfHl-Hxc-00517-00258719-00259230 three resources from one story and the added bonus if you do that remember xMYzfHl-Hxc-00518-00259230-00259694 we're talking about attribution what we'll invite you to do then is on the xMYzfHl-Hxc-00519-00259694-00260171 way clip that you'll have the ability to say that this wavelet was created by you xMYzfHl-Hxc-00520-00260171-00260644 and has has been created using content from you know members so it xMYzfHl-Hxc-00521-00260644-00261142 and getting some practice understanding how to properly attribute but we want to xMYzfHl-Hxc-00522-00261142-00261653 give credit to teachers who have taken time to build these resources and so you xMYzfHl-Hxc-00523-00261653-00262091 know will allow for that so that you're getting credit for the the commitment xMYzfHl-Hxc-00524-00262091-00262364 that you're making to developing your skills but also the commitment you're xMYzfHl-Hxc-00525-00262364-00262991 making to creating resources that other educators and learner's can use and so xMYzfHl-Hxc-00526-00262991-00263450 basically you'll attend that you'll get an assignment asking you to attend the xMYzfHl-Hxc-00527-00263450-00263867 trainings for the tools that you've selected that you want to learn and xMYzfHl-Hxc-00528-00263867-00264323 again it's a 90 minute webinar the first portion 60 minutes will be diving into xMYzfHl-Hxc-00529-00264323-00264788 techniques and how to use the tool and then the last half hour or 15 minutes xMYzfHl-Hxc-00530-00264788-00265349 really will be focused on the specific way in which we want you to create a xMYzfHl-Hxc-00531-00265349-00265766 Quizlet a form or a way clip for the assignment that you'll be getting xMYzfHl-Hxc-00532-00265766-00266288 getting excuse me and then you'll be creating your resources so again we'll xMYzfHl-Hxc-00533-00266288-00266734 be assigning that it's time once we know that you've attended to create the xMYzfHl-Hxc-00534-00266734-00267275 resource and all you'll do is once you've done your resources you're going xMYzfHl-Hxc-00535-00267275-00267749 to be pasting your URLs into a shared dock and then you'll just mark as done xMYzfHl-Hxc-00536-00267749-00268172 when you're finished to indicate that you're finished when xMYzfHl-Hxc-00537-00268172-00268507 you're given the assignment to create the resource you'll be given a video xMYzfHl-Hxc-00538-00268507-00268919 that walks through the steps you'll be given a guide that shows exactly how we xMYzfHl-Hxc-00539-00268919-00269441 want the Quizlet in this case created for these reading skills for today's is xMYzfHl-Hxc-00540-00269441-00269888 all stories and you'll also be given links to models of the finished product xMYzfHl-Hxc-00541-00269888-00270331 so that you'll see what it is you're aiming to create for the stories that xMYzfHl-Hxc-00542-00270331-00270907 you've selected and as I said earlier if the format that we're going to follow is xMYzfHl-Hxc-00543-00270907-00271367 very early in Week one of each sprint you will learn how to use the tool xMYzfHl-Hxc-00544-00271367-00271810 through the webinar and then at the tail end of that week we will offer an xMYzfHl-Hxc-00545-00271810-00272501 OpenOffice hour for you to work using Google meat in an environment where you xMYzfHl-Hxc-00546-00272501-00273058 can ask questions of other teachers or me and build alongside others so that xMYzfHl-Hxc-00547-00273058-00273467 you can be in a collaborative space as you're viewing so and then we'll offer xMYzfHl-Hxc-00548-00273467-00273958 that again early in the second week so for each tool we xMYzfHl-Hxc-00549-00273958-00274405 to have to open office hours for you to be able to ask questions in real time of xMYzfHl-Hxc-00550-00274405-00275037 other educators or of myself within that we do want to offer volunteer xMYzfHl-Hxc-00551-00275037-00275470 opportunities for folks now obviously this whole thing is in a sense a xMYzfHl-Hxc-00552-00275470-00275821 volunteer opportunity but you are you know it's designed for you to learn new xMYzfHl-Hxc-00553-00275821-00276292 skills however if you're really proficient in one of these tools we xMYzfHl-Hxc-00554-00276292-00276784 would love for folks to offer up being a virtual tutor which would mean that xMYzfHl-Hxc-00555-00276784-00277240 hopefully you can attend one of the open office hours to support other educators xMYzfHl-Hxc-00556-00277240-00277723 and answering questions as well as monitor the chat of the stream within xMYzfHl-Hxc-00557-00277723-00278164 Google classroom to answer questions that folks might pose if you really are xMYzfHl-Hxc-00558-00278164-00278521 confident in your skills and want to share the super cool ways that you use xMYzfHl-Hxc-00559-00278521-00279064 Way click forms or Quizlet we would love to have you present during the training xMYzfHl-Hxc-00560-00279064-00279505 portion so that not only is it sort of mundane how to use this tool but we're xMYzfHl-Hxc-00561-00279505-00279898 hearing from educators in terms of how they're using the tool and if you don't xMYzfHl-Hxc-00562-00279898-00280273 feel really confident and your proficiency on any of these tools but xMYzfHl-Hxc-00563-00280273-00280666 you want to help out we're definitely going to be looking for reviewers and xMYzfHl-Hxc-00564-00280666-00281155 the reviewers job is going to be to basically once folks have submitted and xMYzfHl-Hxc-00565-00281155-00281683 say I'm done with with the resource they've created the reviewers job will xMYzfHl-Hxc-00566-00281683-00282109 be to basically just look at the resource make sure the link is correct xMYzfHl-Hxc-00567-00282109-00282451 make sure the words that are in there correct make sure that it's been xMYzfHl-Hxc-00568-00282451-00282874 attributed correctly and then sign off and say it's done so that there's a xMYzfHl-Hxc-00569-00282874-00283285 level of quality control that we're all working towards and so then we know that xMYzfHl-Hxc-00570-00283285-00283777 those resources are ready to then ultimately get put into the waitlet as xMYzfHl-Hxc-00571-00283777-00284188 well as into the library of resources that teachers will have available to xMYzfHl-Hxc-00572-00284188-00284787 them and then these are the dates that we're looking at so two-week sprints xMYzfHl-Hxc-00573-00284787-00285478 starting July 13th for each of the tools and then indefinitely ending the 21st xMYzfHl-Hxc-00574-00285478-00285916 one way clip but again there's no real time crunch although hopefully and we xMYzfHl-Hxc-00575-00285916-00286495 can get this done it would be awesome if we have the full library completed by xMYzfHl-Hxc-00576-00286495-00286999 the start of September because that for many is the start of school year and xMYzfHl-Hxc-00577-00286999-00287347 suddenly we've put forth an awesome set of resources for xMYzfHl-Hxc-00578-00287347-00288255 teachers to begin using so I'm going to open up one more poll and I am going to xMYzfHl-Hxc-00579-00288255-00289090 go to your interest levels and I'm going to launch the poll so I'm just asking we xMYzfHl-Hxc-00580-00289090-00289639 are going to be promoting this widely for the next few weeks in advance of xMYzfHl-Hxc-00581-00289639-00290109 sign up but I just want to know what your interest level is and you can xMYzfHl-Hxc-00582-00290109-00290683 select multiple volunteering in learning and creating resources with just one xMYzfHl-Hxc-00583-00290683-00291433 tool or learning and creating resources using all three tools and so I'll leave xMYzfHl-Hxc-00584-00291433-00293206 this up for about 20 more seconds cool thank you we've got about two thirds xMYzfHl-Hxc-00585-00293206-00293839 have indicated and that's awesome to see that many of you are interested in xMYzfHl-Hxc-00586-00293839-00294300 participating awesome awesome awesome xMYzfHl-Hxc-00587-00294417-00294952 I'm going to end the poll because I know we're a little beyond time so here are xMYzfHl-Hxc-00588-00294952-00295390 the results awesome so like literally if we just xMYzfHl-Hxc-00589-00295390-00296083 look at say 16 folks are interested in creating all three right times five if xMYzfHl-Hxc-00590-00296083-00296641 you're making the minimum commitment that is 90 stories fully done and we had xMYzfHl-Hxc-00591-00296641-00297298 yesterday about 40 folks that have committed so that's 200 so literally xMYzfHl-Hxc-00592-00297298-00297997 between these two webinars if folks ultimately decide to commit we've pretty xMYzfHl-Hxc-00593-00297997-00298516 much hit creating all of the resources that are needed to fully take the xMYzfHl-Hxc-00594-00298516-00298924 reading skills for today's adults library and create these resources so xMYzfHl-Hxc-00595-00298924-00299704 that we have a full library of content that uses all of these tools so I want xMYzfHl-Hxc-00596-00299704-00300135 to open it up to questions you guys have all been pretty quiet xMYzfHl-Hxc-00597-00300135-00300583 awesome so someone asks the very same question as yesterday and I need to sort xMYzfHl-Hxc-00598-00300583-00300969 of scroll up so someone asked are we able to use xMYzfHl-Hxc-00599-00300969-00301476 quizzes instead of Quizlet and it's a great question and the answer is no and xMYzfHl-Hxc-00600-00301476-00301944 here's the reason for that one of the things that we know is like folks as xMYzfHl-Hxc-00601-00301944-00302523 you've been learning I'm sure in working virtually is it's we want to commit to a xMYzfHl-Hxc-00602-00302523-00303168 single tool and so what what we'll have here is very consistent format for every xMYzfHl-Hxc-00603-00303168-00303594 single one of these things now that doesn't mat mean that if you as a xMYzfHl-Hxc-00604-00303594-00304281 teacher want to take the wake late' and create a Quizlet and our quizzes excuse xMYzfHl-Hxc-00605-00304281-00304990 me instead of a quiz let for the story that you can't swap that out and then xMYzfHl-Hxc-00606-00304990-00305290 have your own weight clip like that is something that you're perfectly able to xMYzfHl-Hxc-00607-00305290-00305829 do the other thing I forgot to mention is we will be posting and making xMYzfHl-Hxc-00608-00305829-00306186 available to teachers all of the individual links to all of these xMYzfHl-Hxc-00609-00306186-00306891 individual assets and inviting folks to add to it so if if you want to create xMYzfHl-Hxc-00610-00306891-00307397 quizzes and you want to add it to sort of the master resource list of URLs xMYzfHl-Hxc-00611-00307397-00307875 you're welcome to do so but we need to sort of make sure that we're xMYzfHl-Hxc-00612-00307875-00308298 streamlining and making these consistent and over time if there's this xMYzfHl-Hxc-00613-00308298-00308928 overwhelming need to create quizzes then a future EdTech makerspace could be run xMYzfHl-Hxc-00614-00308928-00309372 where we just take the same stories and we do quizzes versions of them as xMYzfHl-Hxc-00615-00309372-00309964 opposed to Quizlet versions so we want to stick to the set of tools for this xMYzfHl-Hxc-00616-00309964-00310581 but as demand happens if we decide to add we will but we'll definitely be xMYzfHl-Hxc-00617-00310581-00311124 doing a future cohort with some content using quizzes because we want to give xMYzfHl-Hxc-00618-00311124-00311484 teachers experience using quizzes and we want to again create consistent content xMYzfHl-Hxc-00619-00311484-00312177 that's made available to you did you do where can we find the page the South xMYzfHl-Hxc-00620-00312177-00312732 Carolina teacher did first of skill blogs I'll paste it in the chat and I xMYzfHl-Hxc-00621-00312732-00313845 will also you will get this presentation as a follow up and in doing so the image xMYzfHl-Hxc-00622-00313845-00314181 on that slide I don't know why this is letting me click in the chat is because xMYzfHl-Hxc-00623-00314181-00314733 my thing is in the way there's the link to the south carolina site that's on xMYzfHl-Hxc-00624-00314733-00315469 screen in the sie presentation that you'll get that that link is is in here xMYzfHl-Hxc-00625-00315469-00315991 as well so this little image is as you can see it's linked to that website so xMYzfHl-Hxc-00626-00315991-00316236 if you're interested in seeing that that's great xMYzfHl-Hxc-00627-00316236-00317071 are there any other questions if you asked it earlier I wouldn't mind you xMYzfHl-Hxc-00628-00317071-00317491 asking it again but it doesn't look like as I scan up so any other questions from xMYzfHl-Hxc-00629-00317491-00318226 folks if not we will end this awesome so I will be sharing all of these out again xMYzfHl-Hxc-00630-00318226-00318898 probably Monday the slides the recording of today's webinar as well as the the xMYzfHl-Hxc-00631-00318898-00319458 Google Form invitation to sign up I encourage you to share this with other xMYzfHl-Hxc-00632-00319458-00320113 educators who might be interested we will do an optional launch for those who xMYzfHl-Hxc-00633-00320113-00320476 maybe didn't attend a webinar I've expressed interest but might not be xMYzfHl-Hxc-00634-00320476-00321031 certain of what this is just to sort of walk through again for participants that xMYzfHl-Hxc-00635-00321031-00321531 have signed up how it's going to work and thank you so much for your interest xMYzfHl-Hxc-00636-00321531-00322031 in taking time on a Thursday morning have a great day xMYzfHl-Hxc-00637-00322836-00323043 you xNmtk2U05rA-00000-00000016-00000199 With talk of solar panels and farmland... xNmtk2U05rA-00001-00000205-00000702 A reminder the land required for solar panels alone to provide all the global energy. xNmtk2U05rA-00002-00000712-00000815 Like everything. xNmtk2U05rA-00003-00000832-00001854 Cars, trucks, heat, everything with just solar panels and nothing else is the global land area or 450,000 sq kms with current technology. xNmtk2U05rA-00004-00001865-00001998 By the way, they're getting better. xNmtk2U05rA-00005-00002005-00002193 They'll need less land in the future, we figure. xNmtk2U05rA-00006-00002200-00003062 But here's the thing, that sounds like a lot, not a lot to save the planet, but it's less than the current land footprint of fossil fuel infrastructure. xNmtk2U05rA-00007-00003073-00003461 Because I heard this from my son, because he heard it from other people, so he repeated it to me. xNmtk2U05rA-00008-00003467-00003952 How much land is solar going to take up? There's a pipeline by my house goes on for hundreds of kilometers. xNmtk2U05rA-00009-00003964-00004075 I mean, hundreds. xNmtk2U05rA-00010-00004085-00004487 No, there's a huge field behind your house and nothing can be done. xNmtk2U05rA-00011-00004498-00004761 The golfers can't even live there because they poison them. xNmtk2U05rA-00012-00004781-00005136 The golfers would much prefer solar panels, I can guarantee you. xNmtk2U05rA-00013-00005149-00005522 They live in a shade, eat the grass, live in a have a fence around them. xNmtk2U05rA-00014-00005525-00005618 They love a solar farm. xNA_AqljAMI-00000-00000082-00000290 Hello Task Coach user! xNA_AqljAMI-00001-00000290-00000671 Task Coach a good tool for managing tasks and we believe it could be even better. xNA_AqljAMI-00002-00000782-00001203 Now we would like to improve Task Coach by funding the development for one specific feature. xNA_AqljAMI-00003-00001203-00001639 And that is the ability to re-arrange columns using drag-and-drop. xNA_AqljAMI-00004-00001848-00002088 Let me show you what i mean: xNA_AqljAMI-00005-00002088-00002607 Now in this example I use Task Coach to organize my travel plans xNA_AqljAMI-00006-00002607-00002980 and i would like to travel to Paris and I have created a list of things that I would like to see xNA_AqljAMI-00007-00002980-00003458 and things i have to do. And i have set a priority on each of them and because xNA_AqljAMI-00008-00003458-00003814 the priority is important to me before i get started i would like to have that xNA_AqljAMI-00009-00003814-00004280 priority column to the right of the subject column but Task Coach wouldn't allow me xNA_AqljAMI-00010-00004280-00004683 to do so. So when i click on the column header it does a resorting but i could xNA_AqljAMI-00011-00004683-00004945 not drag and drop it over here xNA_AqljAMI-00012-00004945-00005347 The goal of this compaign is to get rid of that limitation. xNA_AqljAMI-00013-00005347-00005788 Therefore we created a design document, describing how the feature looks, xNA_AqljAMI-00014-00005788-00006174 what's the acceptance criteria and we found a developer who is capable of doing that. xNA_AqljAMI-00015-00006326-00006695 Now we have teamed up with the Task Coach maintainers asking them if they xNA_AqljAMI-00016-00006695-00007022 think it's a viable idea and they agreed on. And here we go! xNA_AqljAMI-00017-00007022-00007231 So please contribute now. xNA_AqljAMI-00018-00007231-00007645 Just click on the contribute now button and give some dollars and you help making xNA_AqljAMI-00019-00007645-00008002 your friendly Task (Coach) manager a little better. xNA_AqljAMI-00020-00008002-00008079 What are you waiting for? xSpU0-iW9Ek-00000-00000003-00000458 Hi, I am Ebenezer Anifowose, the author of the book "The Winning CV xSpU0-iW9Ek-00001-00000458-00001001 Blueprint. Today's tip for writing job landing CVs and Cover letters is "Handling xSpU0-iW9Ek-00002-00001001-00001521 Gaps". For someone who has a lot of gaps in between your career maybe they've only xSpU0-iW9Ek-00003-00001521-00001938 worked two months, one month, three months... just like that, it's important you learn xSpU0-iW9Ek-00004-00001938-00002243 how to manage this on your CV to increase your chances of gettingan interview xSpU0-iW9Ek-00005-00002243-00002744 invite and how do you do this? So instead of writing December Jan 2016 to February 2007 xSpU0-iW9Ek-00006-00002744-00003020 which is about three months of work and August 2017 to xSpU0-iW9Ek-00007-00003020-00003128 January 2018 which is about five months of work xSpU0-iW9Ek-00008-00003128-00003576 You can better write thist like this; leaving out the xSpU0-iW9Ek-00009-00003576-00004096 months. Looking at it this way you can see 2016 to 2017 and then 2017 to 2018 xSpU0-iW9Ek-00010-00004096-00004650 perfectly manages that person's profile on the CV increasing the chances of xSpU0-iW9Ek-00011-00004650-00005610 When you get to the interview, you can of course explain in more details xU4NQRi71aE-00000-00000422-00000941 Placement testing is a required for all students. And placing in the correct course can save xU4NQRi71aE-00001-00000941-00001368 you time and money. After taking the placement test, the scores you earn help decide which xU4NQRi71aE-00002-00001368-00001907 courses will help you the most.You don't want to take a class that is too easy or too challenging. xU4NQRi71aE-00003-00001907-00002607 To schedule a test, log-on to the BCC website, click enrollment center, placement testing, xU4NQRi71aE-00004-00002852-00003368 and click on scheduling an appointment. You should bring a black or blue pen and a photo xU4NQRi71aE-00005-00003368-00004004 ID. You are not allowed to bring calculators, food, and/or beverages. Go to the campus where xU4NQRi71aE-00006-00004004-00004486 you are scheduled to test. You will have a choice of location when you schedule the exam. And xU4NQRi71aE-00007-00004486-00004628 remember please be on time. xZwVeppmnDo-00000-00000008-00000360 Hey guys this is Sanmita. Today we have here xZwVeppmnDo-00001-00000360-00000760 Dr Raju Indukoori. He is a professor in Finance xZwVeppmnDo-00002-00000760-00001208 and a man with a lot of knowledge today we are here to gain some knowledge and xZwVeppmnDo-00003-00001208-00001648 some advices from him so let's have a talk hello sir xZwVeppmnDo-00004-00001648-00001919 hi how are you doing i'm good how are you xZwVeppmnDo-00005-00001919-00002456 sir great yeah i'm uh basically pursuing my uh xZwVeppmnDo-00006-00002456-00002872 engineering medic engineering in andhra university civil xZwVeppmnDo-00007-00002872-00003384 in the branch civil okay so uh if i look at further opportunities xZwVeppmnDo-00008-00003384-00004023 like masters is what strikes to my mind it's the basic way i want to get into xZwVeppmnDo-00009-00004023-00004400 uh so i'm i'm here to like ask few things about xZwVeppmnDo-00010-00004400-00004848 it wow what is masters in fact xZwVeppmnDo-00011-00004968-00005352 we need to put a question why are you doing xZwVeppmnDo-00012-00005352-00005752 your btec why are you doing your undergraduation xZwVeppmnDo-00013-00005752-00006184 okay so when you put your question to yourself xZwVeppmnDo-00014-00006184-00006856 that way you will get an answer okay so from there you can decide on whether xZwVeppmnDo-00015-00006856-00007200 to do your masters further or not the idea xZwVeppmnDo-00016-00007200-00007815 of getting into this education system is to make yourself uh xZwVeppmnDo-00017-00007815-00008247 self-dependent with your own earnings get a job do business and so on xZwVeppmnDo-00018-00008247-00008704 so when you're clear about said you said uh you're doing btx civil engineering xZwVeppmnDo-00019-00008704-00009056 right why did you get into this no you need to xZwVeppmnDo-00020-00009056-00009432 be honest yeah uh i've been curious about like xZwVeppmnDo-00021-00009432-00009815 construction so are you sure yeah or you just xZwVeppmnDo-00022-00009815-00010120 appeared for some interest examination you got the rank xZwVeppmnDo-00023-00010120-00010600 there was no choice it was optional enough are you sure yeah xZwVeppmnDo-00024-00010600-00011311 okay good to hear that because usually people go for msa or rather common xZwVeppmnDo-00025-00011311-00011720 entrance examination tests and based on the best rank computer xZwVeppmnDo-00026-00011720-00012168 science if not some mechanical you know chemical engineering whatever xZwVeppmnDo-00027-00012168-00012432 right that depends on that year whichever is uh xZwVeppmnDo-00028-00012432-00012768 highly demanded i appreciate that you always wanted to xZwVeppmnDo-00029-00012768-00013176 be a civil engineer you wanted to be a civil engineer and join xZwVeppmnDo-00030-00013176-00013552 or you're interested in knowing uh civil engineering xZwVeppmnDo-00031-00013552-00014168 i i was basically interested to know what it was okay it didn't start xZwVeppmnDo-00032-00014168-00014647 with being a civilization first at least yeah again i appreciate that uh xZwVeppmnDo-00033-00014647-00014952 so you're not worried about your career xZwVeppmnDo-00034-00014952-00015344 right so you're not looking yourself uh to be xZwVeppmnDo-00035-00015344-00015704 a civil engineer so civil engineering as a subject was xZwVeppmnDo-00036-00015704-00016000 exciting to you yeah you wanted to know more about it xZwVeppmnDo-00037-00016000-00016584 okay so please understand don't uh spend your precious time xZwVeppmnDo-00038-00016584-00017136 for your excitement interest knowledge and so on if you want all xZwVeppmnDo-00039-00017136-00017584 those things wikipedia is there youtube is there okay free ebooks are xZwVeppmnDo-00040-00017584-00018000 there you can do that but i always to all the youngsters who xZwVeppmnDo-00041-00018000-00018359 are pursuing the 102 or whatever when you get into xZwVeppmnDo-00042-00018359-00018823 undergraduation you should be sure on why you are xZwVeppmnDo-00043-00018823-00019264 choosing become or bse or engineering or b-tech xZwVeppmnDo-00044-00019264-00019615 or whatever that's that is very very important okay don't xZwVeppmnDo-00045-00019615-00019840 go with the gut feeling or parent's advice xZwVeppmnDo-00046-00019840-00020487 neighbor's advice friends advice seniors doesn't work so i think you're asking me xZwVeppmnDo-00047-00020487-00020944 about your master's right so once your undergraduation xZwVeppmnDo-00048-00020944-00021479 intentions are clear then you will think about you you said you're in third xZwVeppmnDo-00049-00021479-00021872 year right yeah okay so you want to get into masters xZwVeppmnDo-00050-00021872-00022223 yeah uh you don't need to get into a job xZwVeppmnDo-00051-00022223-00022631 right now i want to pursue a higher education rather than doing the job xZwVeppmnDo-00052-00022631-00023231 so why so gain more knowledge so again you're getting in the xZwVeppmnDo-00053-00023231-00023640 same line right so you joined up for knowledge xZwVeppmnDo-00054-00023640-00024064 again it is still exciting dig deeper we're going to get into xZwVeppmnDo-00055-00024064-00024808 uh a pg a masters okay see persons who are maybe xZwVeppmnDo-00056-00024808-00025368 you are that kind of a person people who xZwVeppmnDo-00057-00025376-00025856 craze of acquiring knowledge they are suitable for research or teaching xZwVeppmnDo-00058-00025856-00026368 okay maybe you are of that kind okay if that is the case you do masters then xZwVeppmnDo-00059-00026368-00026824 pursue your phd program then get into teaching okay xZwVeppmnDo-00060-00026824-00027216 research does not mean only teaching you can also get into research xZwVeppmnDo-00061-00027216-00027527 careers a lot of industries are entertaining uh xZwVeppmnDo-00062-00027527-00027904 research candidates okay so that way yeah xZwVeppmnDo-00063-00027904-00028527 for your masters i suggest yeah your own tech is there go through gate and other xZwVeppmnDo-00064-00028527-00029016 requirements i think you you know better than me yeah xZwVeppmnDo-00065-00029016-00029495 yeah like uh what if if i don't want to like xZwVeppmnDo-00066-00029495-00030112 extend pursue my masters and my specified branch you know the other xZwVeppmnDo-00067-00030112-00030536 masters like uh business administration mba and all xZwVeppmnDo-00068-00030536-00031063 like however that uh okay even to say uh instead of m type you xZwVeppmnDo-00069-00031063-00031591 want to get into mba yeah again why i ask you that xZwVeppmnDo-00070-00031591-00032047 because uh rather than being into a technical field xZwVeppmnDo-00071-00032047-00032688 knowledge vertically uh rather than being in a technical xZwVeppmnDo-00072-00032688-00032960 field i want to divert my field into business xZwVeppmnDo-00073-00032960-00033560 management kind of thing so no see again that's a that's a wrong way xZwVeppmnDo-00074-00033560-00033888 of doing a master's again killing two more years that don't do xZwVeppmnDo-00075-00033888-00034312 that okay see you yeah i already answered if you want xZwVeppmnDo-00076-00034312-00034808 to get into mtech no you will fit into academic fertility xZwVeppmnDo-00077-00034808-00035152 kind of groups or maybe you want to get into xZwVeppmnDo-00078-00035152-00035440 research also but you want to diversify there's xZwVeppmnDo-00079-00035440-00035728 nothing wrong doing an mba i'm not saying don't do it xZwVeppmnDo-00080-00035728-00036375 or any pg if you're qualified okay but why why you should do it right say for xZwVeppmnDo-00081-00036375-00036752 example you do mba you've got a wealth of knowledge and xZwVeppmnDo-00082-00036752-00037016 management over then what you will do one more xZwVeppmnDo-00083-00037016-00037463 masters then where is the end for this so that xZwVeppmnDo-00084-00037463-00037928 you have to be very clear okay maybe i don't stop xZwVeppmnDo-00085-00037928-00038319 your excitement uh yeah you can get into mba xZwVeppmnDo-00086-00038319-00038752 if you like to after your uh maybe ms xZwVeppmnDo-00087-00038752-00039296 is also an option m take ms mba yeah no one can stop you yes you can xZwVeppmnDo-00088-00039296-00039791 definitely do it okay like uh i see many of my friends xZwVeppmnDo-00089-00039791-00040160 being interested in nba rather than m tech xZwVeppmnDo-00090-00040160-00040528 i don't know why but uh so it's your friends are you xZwVeppmnDo-00091-00040528-00041216 and it's me too okay um so uh why lick why uh xZwVeppmnDo-00092-00041216-00041528 like why specifically uh specifically nba xZwVeppmnDo-00093-00041528-00042144 i mean what distinguishes that from the other masters see if you xZwVeppmnDo-00094-00042144-00042616 want to do m tech you need to be a b tech or xZwVeppmnDo-00095-00042616-00043128 b if you want to do if you want to do some other student wants to do xZwVeppmnDo-00096-00043128-00043719 msc he or she should be bse a person wants to do income the person xZwVeppmnDo-00097-00043719-00044191 should be having become but in case of mba xZwVeppmnDo-00098-00044191-00044903 anyone can do mba why like that okay so management is a different discipline xZwVeppmnDo-00099-00044903-00045591 okay it is not taught in your school it is not taught in your undergraduation xZwVeppmnDo-00100-00045591-00045952 so first time you are learning about management skills xZwVeppmnDo-00101-00045952-00046256 that's the reason institutions at colleges which are xZwVeppmnDo-00102-00046256-00046656 offering a master's in management they are known as business xZwVeppmnDo-00103-00046656-00047056 schools or b schools this is a reason why people for xZwVeppmnDo-00104-00047056-00047424 the first time for everyone a science student art student xZwVeppmnDo-00105-00047424-00047800 architecture student engineering student technology student xZwVeppmnDo-00106-00047800-00048303 whoever even may be a student they can get into management for the xZwVeppmnDo-00107-00048303-00048880 first time they'll be learning about management so why management means xZwVeppmnDo-00108-00048880-00049231 if you start your own business of course management xZwVeppmnDo-00109-00049231-00049631 is of great help you will get different verticals xZwVeppmnDo-00110-00049631-00050031 you will learn you will acquire different skills xZwVeppmnDo-00111-00050031-00050663 importantly how to make decision okay your decision making skills will be xZwVeppmnDo-00112-00050663-00051047 very sharp and within no time you have to make it quick xZwVeppmnDo-00113-00051047-00051447 and it should be uh cost and time effective xZwVeppmnDo-00114-00051447-00051783 that you will learn that will be a one year program or two years or three year xZwVeppmnDo-00115-00051783-00052120 program you will be going through all the xZwVeppmnDo-00116-00052120-00052679 subjects of courses or whatever credits you have xZwVeppmnDo-00117-00052679-00053039 okay you'll be going through them at the end of the program you will be xZwVeppmnDo-00118-00053039-00053512 a different person you will be at a different level that's why people look xZwVeppmnDo-00119-00053512-00054000 at uh uh mba program okay okay now i get it xZwVeppmnDo-00120-00054000-00054608 uh like when one prefers mba like are there certain institutions or xZwVeppmnDo-00121-00054608-00055224 any kind of uh universities which you need to like uh be in xZwVeppmnDo-00122-00055224-00055864 for uh having a quality uh education see xZwVeppmnDo-00123-00055864-00056383 in india or here i don't know how do you take it xZwVeppmnDo-00124-00056383-00057079 everyone aims at iems crack cat get into i am if it is not i am some xZwVeppmnDo-00125-00057079-00057344 other even within im's ranking and other xZwVeppmnDo-00126-00057344-00057712 things you know the matter uh other apart from items xZwVeppmnDo-00127-00057712-00057944 there are private b schools are also there xZwVeppmnDo-00128-00057944-00058320 they also get ranked you try to choose the best xZwVeppmnDo-00129-00058320-00059072 okay and they are not there you try to get into state uh common entrance tests xZwVeppmnDo-00130-00059072-00059424 crack that in andhra you have msit in telangana xZwVeppmnDo-00131-00059424-00060072 or t said okay similarly in west bengal tamil nadu karnataka you have different xZwVeppmnDo-00132-00060072-00060560 interests so you try to get into the campus xZwVeppmnDo-00133-00060560-00061048 university campus you don't get anything then you get into affiliated college or xZwVeppmnDo-00134-00061048-00061455 some autonomous b schools that is how that is the hierarchy so i xZwVeppmnDo-00135-00061455-00062016 think i know tell you that everyone hopes for the best it is not xZwVeppmnDo-00136-00062016-00062536 that i want to do something very specific offered by some b school xZwVeppmnDo-00137-00062536-00063079 in say uh for example uh maybe vizag or some biscuits are offering something xZwVeppmnDo-00138-00063079-00063448 very good in kolkata you know we don't look at that kind of a xZwVeppmnDo-00139-00063448-00063848 match okay we look at the institutions brand xZwVeppmnDo-00140-00063848-00064279 you look at placement background placement history xZwVeppmnDo-00141-00064279-00064664 average pay average package you know that is the xZwVeppmnDo-00142-00064664-00065064 tag average package is this so accordingly you try to xZwVeppmnDo-00143-00065064-00065607 choose it i don't think you need to break your head on that they break your xZwVeppmnDo-00144-00065607-00065944 head for cash if you're successful yeah you get the xZwVeppmnDo-00145-00065944-00066295 best institute yeah but it is very important but if you are xZwVeppmnDo-00146-00066295-00066888 very specific say for example be a computer science guy here she is xZwVeppmnDo-00147-00066888-00067376 looking to excel in fintech or cryptocurrency kind of xZwVeppmnDo-00148-00067376-00067680 thing then that person will definitely look at xZwVeppmnDo-00149-00067680-00068048 which iit college or which iem is offering or xZwVeppmnDo-00150-00068048-00068327 which premium b school is offering that kind xZwVeppmnDo-00151-00068327-00068720 of a program a specialization a few set of courses in xZwVeppmnDo-00152-00068720-00069136 that yeah similarly uh an engineer xZwVeppmnDo-00153-00069136-00069472 who may be looking for supply chain or operations management xZwVeppmnDo-00154-00069472-00070080 you know so a pure highly technical guy quant guy okay rich in xZwVeppmnDo-00155-00070080-00070439 mathematics maybe love to play with numbers they xZwVeppmnDo-00156-00070439-00070839 want to do stock market numbers equity analysis xZwVeppmnDo-00157-00070839-00071304 derivatives kind of thing so that kind of research is always there xZwVeppmnDo-00158-00071304-00071688 each and every institution is diversifying it's not that all the xZwVeppmnDo-00159-00071688-00071976 institutions offer all the specializations and all xZwVeppmnDo-00160-00071976-00072295 the courses not at all you can definitely search for that and xZwVeppmnDo-00161-00072295-00072863 that happens if you have a better rank yeah if you get a better score or rank xZwVeppmnDo-00162-00072863-00073239 then you got the choice if you don't have the choice just accept xZwVeppmnDo-00163-00073239-00073512 whatever you get xZwVeppmnDo-00164-00073560-00073895 so yeah i i think i could figure this out xZwVeppmnDo-00165-00073895-00074495 soon it's great talking to you thank you very much xaj7PCNPTNY-00000-00000003-00000434 My name was Jessica Curran and I will be your instructor for this class. At the xaj7PCNPTNY-00001-00000434-00000752 beginning of every semester I like to ask my online students to complete an xaj7PCNPTNY-00002-00000752-00001080 Introduce Yourself to the Class activity. I think that if I'm asking you to xaj7PCNPTNY-00003-00001080-00001379 complete this activity it's only fair that I take a few minutes to complete it xaj7PCNPTNY-00004-00001379-00001613 myself... and so I'd like to tell you a little bit xaj7PCNPTNY-00005-00001613-00002109 about who I am as a person. My name is Jessica and I am from Burlington, NJ. xaj7PCNPTNY-00006-00002109-00002535 I'm not from Utah. I moved to Utah in 2011 to take a full-time xaj7PCNPTNY-00007-00002535-00002868 teaching position in the Visual Art Design department. I'm responsible for xaj7PCNPTNY-00008-00002868-00003252 teaching graphic communications courses which I like to describe as the xaj7PCNPTNY-00009-00003252-00003588 technical side of graphic design. They're kind of production courses, software xaj7PCNPTNY-00010-00003588-00004404 applications like InDesign, Illustrator... well not Illustrator. I don't teach Illustrator. Photoshop... I teach Math for Visual Arts xaj7PCNPTNY-00011-00004404-00004880 I teach Printing Fundamentals which is how to run printing presses and that kind of thing. xaj7PCNPTNY-00012-00004880-00005303 In my spare time I like to travel and so all the pictures that I'm showing you xaj7PCNPTNY-00013-00005303-00005760 here are mostly from my travel experiences. I have a goal to travel xaj7PCNPTNY-00014-00005760-00006159 everywhere in the entire world. I know that's a big broad goal but that is my xaj7PCNPTNY-00015-00006159-00006497 goal. I want to go to all 50 states. I want to go to every national park. I want to xaj7PCNPTNY-00016-00006497-00006915 go to every country in the world. What I like about teaching is that you xaj7PCNPTNY-00017-00006915-00007281 kind of get to work hard and play hard. And so during the semester I work really, xaj7PCNPTNY-00018-00007281-00007668 really hard but as soon as the semester ends I get to take a few weeks off and I xaj7PCNPTNY-00019-00007668-00008013 always try to go somewhere new. I have a rule that I won't go back to somewhere xaj7PCNPTNY-00020-00008013-00008289 I've already been because there's somewhere new that I could be going. xaj7PCNPTNY-00021-00008289-00008768 In the pictures here you can see that I've been to San Francisco and Ireland. I xaj7PCNPTNY-00022-00008768-00009306 went to Rome and Venice and Florence for one trip. Just last summer I went to xaj7PCNPTNY-00023-00009306-00009768 Germany and I really liked it there. I think I like it because I'm a printer xaj7PCNPTNY-00024-00009768-00010236 and printing was invented in Germany so it might make me a little biased. I love xaj7PCNPTNY-00025-00010236-00010743 animals. You can see I included a little sheep. When I went to Ireland there was a xaj7PCNPTNY-00026-00010743-00011039 guy on the side of the road that if he paid him a euro you could hold a baby xaj7PCNPTNY-00027-00011039-00011427 sheep and so I paid him a euro and I held a baby sheep. I have three cats of xaj7PCNPTNY-00028-00011427-00011829 my own. I am an animal lover. I love animals in general I just don't have the xaj7PCNPTNY-00029-00011829-00012200 time to take care of animals that take a lot of time and so that's why I have xaj7PCNPTNY-00030-00012200-00012743 cats. Two of my three cats are on the screen here. The grey cat is Tutu and xaj7PCNPTNY-00031-00012743-00013272 she's my oldest cat. The white cat... his name is Trace and then I have xaj7PCNPTNY-00032-00013272-00013556 another cat named Fred which I actually adopted from the South xaj7PCNPTNY-00033-00013556-00013916 City campus of Salt Lake Community College. He came up to me one summer. It was xaj7PCNPTNY-00034-00013916-00014291 100 degrees outside and he was emaciated and I literally thought he was xaj7PCNPTNY-00035-00014291-00014657 going to die. I called Animal Control and they came and they rescued xaj7PCNPTNY-00036-00014657-00015026 him and then I checked up on him and nobody adopted him after a few weeks and xaj7PCNPTNY-00037-00015026-00015422 so I just felt so bad for him I went back and I adopted him . That was xaj7PCNPTNY-00038-00015422-00016022 I want to say five years ago I've had Fred for a long time now. It may even be... xaj7PCNPTNY-00039-00016022-00016506 no I'm gonna say five or six years ago. Okay, I think that I've talked enough xaj7PCNPTNY-00040-00016506-00017040 about who I am as a person. If you have any questions at any time throughout the xaj7PCNPTNY-00041-00017040-00017309 semester you can always email me at the email address listed on the course xaj7PCNPTNY-00042-00017309-00017870 syllabus or better yet my office is at the South City campus in room 1-165B (it has been renamed 1-173B). xaj7PCNPTNY-00043-00017870-00018543 It is inside a classroom called 1-165 (now 1-173) and any time I'm in my office xaj7PCNPTNY-00044-00018543-00018873 or in the classroom I will turn the lights on and leave the door propped open. xaj7PCNPTNY-00045-00018873-00019287 So, if you need to come in and ask a question or just want to say hi or work xaj7PCNPTNY-00046-00019287-00019637 on the computers in the classroom you're more than welcome to do that. xaj7PCNPTNY-00047-00019637-00020054 You probably heard the bells in the background... those are my cats. They heard me xaj7PCNPTNY-00048-00020054-00020366 talking about them and they came in and I guess they wanted to be part of this video. xc2mhhLF8wY-00000-00000010-00000023 STRETCH. xc2mhhLF8wY-00001-00000023-00000030 STRETCH. xc2mhhLF8wY-00002-00000030-00000306 STRETCH. THEY WIN 59-44. xc2mhhLF8wY-00003-00000306-00000313 STRETCH. THEY WIN 59-44. xc2mhhLF8wY-00004-00000313-00000470 STRETCH. THEY WIN 59-44. IN THE OTHER SEMIFINAL MATCH UP xc2mhhLF8wY-00005-00000470-00000477 THEY WIN 59-44. IN THE OTHER SEMIFINAL MATCH UP xc2mhhLF8wY-00006-00000477-00000667 THEY WIN 59-44. IN THE OTHER SEMIFINAL MATCH UP DULUTH MARSHALL TAKING ON xc2mhhLF8wY-00007-00000667-00000673 IN THE OTHER SEMIFINAL MATCH UP DULUTH MARSHALL TAKING ON xc2mhhLF8wY-00008-00000673-00000734 IN THE OTHER SEMIFINAL MATCH UP DULUTH MARSHALL TAKING ON AITKIN. xc2mhhLF8wY-00009-00000734-00000740 DULUTH MARSHALL TAKING ON AITKIN. xc2mhhLF8wY-00010-00000740-00001081 DULUTH MARSHALL TAKING ON AITKIN. EARLY ON GOBBLERS ON THE FAR xc2mhhLF8wY-00011-00001081-00001087 AITKIN. EARLY ON GOBBLERS ON THE FAR xc2mhhLF8wY-00012-00001087-00001107 AITKIN. EARLY ON GOBBLERS ON THE FAR END. xc2mhhLF8wY-00013-00001107-00001114 EARLY ON GOBBLERS ON THE FAR END. xc2mhhLF8wY-00014-00001114-00001304 EARLY ON GOBBLERS ON THE FAR END. McDONALD ON THE LOW POST. xc2mhhLF8wY-00015-00001304-00001311 END. McDONALD ON THE LOW POST. xc2mhhLF8wY-00016-00001311-00001501 END. McDONALD ON THE LOW POST. HILL TOPPERS RESPOND IN xc2mhhLF8wY-00017-00001501-00001508 McDONALD ON THE LOW POST. HILL TOPPERS RESPOND IN xc2mhhLF8wY-00018-00001508-00001581 McDONALD ON THE LOW POST. HILL TOPPERS RESPOND IN TRANSITION. xc2mhhLF8wY-00019-00001581-00001588 HILL TOPPERS RESPOND IN TRANSITION. xc2mhhLF8wY-00020-00001588-00001731 HILL TOPPERS RESPOND IN TRANSITION. STARKS FOR 2. xc2mhhLF8wY-00021-00001731-00001738 TRANSITION. STARKS FOR 2. xc2mhhLF8wY-00022-00001738-00002001 TRANSITION. STARKS FOR 2. AITKIN ANSWERS. xc2mhhLF8wY-00023-00002001-00002008 STARKS FOR 2. AITKIN ANSWERS. xc2mhhLF8wY-00024-00002008-00002182 STARKS FOR 2. AITKIN ANSWERS. DAVIE'S TURN AROUND FADE AWAY IS xc2mhhLF8wY-00025-00002182-00002188 AITKIN ANSWERS. DAVIE'S TURN AROUND FADE AWAY IS xc2mhhLF8wY-00026-00002188-00002212 AITKIN ANSWERS. DAVIE'S TURN AROUND FADE AWAY IS GOOD. xc2mhhLF8wY-00027-00002212-00002218 DAVIE'S TURN AROUND FADE AWAY IS GOOD. xc2mhhLF8wY-00028-00002218-00002429 DAVIE'S TURN AROUND FADE AWAY IS GOOD. HERE COME THE HILL TOPPER'S PASS xc2mhhLF8wY-00029-00002429-00002435 GOOD. HERE COME THE HILL TOPPER'S PASS xc2mhhLF8wY-00030-00002435-00002659 GOOD. HERE COME THE HILL TOPPER'S PASS TO STARKS, NO STOPPING THAT. xcyozqQWX_A-00000-00004069-00004400 I bow before you or your rivers, bow before mountains and forests. xcyozqQWX_A-00001-00004967-00005951 I bow before you or your rivers, bow before mountains and forests. xcyozqQWX_A-00002-00005951-00006297 Whom shall I bow before O’ my Bharat, whom shall I bow before? xcyozqQWX_A-00003-00007012-00009200 Whom shall I bow before O’ my Bharat, whom shall I bow before? xcyozqQWX_A-00004-00009562-00010161 O’ human: Living in a world of technical advancements and staying in a state of xcyozqQWX_A-00005-00010161-00010755 material comforts, are you day-dreaming of eternal happiness and peace? But it is xcyozqQWX_A-00006-00010755-00011217 time that you opened your eyes and saw the melting Himalayas, infertile land xcyozqQWX_A-00007-00011217-00011724 and the rivers filled with filth and faeces. In the past, xcyozqQWX_A-00008-00011724-00012297 you used to live with a smile drenched in the fragrant-filled cool breeze of nature. You xcyozqQWX_A-00009-00012297-00012946 need to introspect on how you are now living in a suffocating environment of dust and smoke! xcyozqQWX_A-00010-00012946-00014201 Salutations to Shri Raj-Shyama Ji: Om, Peace is in Sky; Peace is in Space xcyozqQWX_A-00011-00014201-00014678 (between Earth and Sky); Peace is in Earth; Peace is in Water; xcyozqQWX_A-00012-00014678-00015842 Peace is in Plants; Peace is in Trees; Peace is in Gods (presiding over the various elements of Nature); xcyozqQWX_A-00013-00015842-00016089 Peace is in Brahman (Absolute Consciousness); xcyozqQWX_A-00014-00016089-00016619 Peace is pervading everywhere; Peace alone (which is outside) is in Peace (which is inside); xcyozqQWX_A-00015-00016619-00017031 May you be (established in) that Peace (and make your life fulfilled); xcyozqQWX_A-00016-00017031-00017823 In this limitless creation manifested by the desire of that Supreme Lord of unfathomable xcyozqQWX_A-00017-00017823-00018698 wisdom, love, bliss, beauty and peace; infinite life forms are in existence. Known as endless xcyozqQWX_A-00018-00018698-00019446 from the point of view of human intellect, this world is made of the five base elements xcyozqQWX_A-00019-00019446-00020463 of ether, air, fire, water and land. In this context, the element of land is not limited xcyozqQWX_A-00020-00020463-00021168 to our earth but also includes all solid matter in the cosmos. xcyozqQWX_A-00021-00021168-00021970 Similarly, the bodies of all living things are also penta-elemental in nature. It is xcyozqQWX_A-00022-00021970-00022913 because of this only the well-being of ether, air, fire, water, land, medicinal plants and xcyozqQWX_A-00023-00022913-00023684 all flora has been wished for in the unworldly Vedic scriptures. In fact, the envelope over xcyozqQWX_A-00024-00023684-00024690 the earth consisting of ether, air, fire, water and flora that wraps all living things, xcyozqQWX_A-00025-00024690-00025081 constitutes the environment. Think! could there be any such stone hearted xcyozqQWX_A-00026-00025081-00025860 person whose heart does not get spellbound while seeing the swaying trees under the monsoon xcyozqQWX_A-00027-00025860-00026731 rains, swaggering rivers, mountains covered with snow and medicinal herbs, wafting waves xcyozqQWX_A-00028-00026731-00027391 of the oceans and the pink coloured sun rising in the east in the summer months? xcyozqQWX_A-00029-00027391-00028248 No doubt that the sages of Upanishads have upheld the existence of the power of God in xcyozqQWX_A-00030-00028248-00028729 these life-sustaining entities. It is so said in Shwetashvataropanishad that - xcyozqQWX_A-00032-00032572-00033772 namo namaha xcyozqQWX_A-00033-00033772-00034563 I greet with gratitude that power of the bliss form of Supreme Principle inherent in fire, xcyozqQWX_A-00034-00034563-00035099 water, entire universe, in medicinal plants and vegetation. xcyozqQWX_A-00035-00035099-00035959 Have we ever thought what would happen if even for five minutes there was no air or xcyozqQWX_A-00036-00035959-00036758 oxygen on this earth? In that state, can one who writes the history of this creation or xcyozqQWX_A-00037-00036758-00037760 one who builds the skyscraper buildings catering to our ego ever exist? How long will we remain alive xcyozqQWX_A-00038-00037760-00038559 if we do not get water for a few days? Had there been no vegetation, neither would there xcyozqQWX_A-00039-00038559-00039036 have been any herbivore animal nor carnivore animal. xcyozqQWX_A-00040-00039036-00039724 In fact, the present-day human wearing the mask of technological and material advancement xcyozqQWX_A-00041-00039724-00040528 and considering oneself as civilized is not realizing that by polluting the environment xcyozqQWX_A-00042-00040528-00041225 he is merely day dreaming of wellness. He is forgetting that he is cutting the very xcyozqQWX_A-00043-00041225-00041791 branch on which he is sitting. It is the contention of Upanishads that air xcyozqQWX_A-00044-00041791-00042674 has manifested from ether, fire from air, water from fire and land from water. The etherial xcyozqQWX_A-00045-00042674-00043465 principle is highly subtle and pervades the entire creation. The air principle however xcyozqQWX_A-00046-00043465-00044153 does not permeate the entire creation. In this perspective, the purity and cleanliness xcyozqQWX_A-00047-00044153-00044799 of the air principle can be considered as the purity of the etherial principle. xcyozqQWX_A-00048-00044799-00045937 The air is a mixture of many gases of which majorly there is 78% nitrogen and 21% oxygen. The xcyozqQWX_A-00049-00045937-00046907 rest is constituted of argon, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, ozone, neon and helium. xcyozqQWX_A-00050-00046907-00047715 Extending above the earth up to about 10 – 15 km is the troposphere and still extending xcyozqQWX_A-00051-00047715-00048776 above between 15 – 50 km is the stratosphere overhanging which is an ozone layer which xcyozqQWX_A-00052-00048776-00049631 absorbs almost 99% of the ultraviolet rays coming from the sun and prevents them from xcyozqQWX_A-00053-00049631-00050108 reaching the earth. In temperate countries which experience very xcyozqQWX_A-00054-00050108-00050921 cold conditions, plants and vegetables are grown in glass houses which retain the heat xcyozqQWX_A-00055-00050921-00051537 of sun’s rays penetrating through without permitting it to radiate out. xcyozqQWX_A-00056-00051537-00052454 The atmosphere of our earth has a blanket of gases such as Water vapour, carbon dioxide, xcyozqQWX_A-00057-00052454-00053505 methane, ozone, nitrous oxide and chlorofluorocarbons which trap infrared radiation of sun light xcyozqQWX_A-00058-00053505-00054279 and prevent the heat from radiating away. They therefore function like green houses xcyozqQWX_A-00059-00054279-00055130 and hence are known as greenhouse gases. It is because of this the earth maintains an xcyozqQWX_A-00060-00055130-00055544 average temperature that is supportive of life. xcyozqQWX_A-00061-00055544-00056154 In the absence of these greenhouse gases, the earth’s average temperature would drop xcyozqQWX_A-00062-00056154-00057470 down from 14C to 15C to -16C to -18C which would not be conducive for survival of life. xcyozqQWX_A-00063-00057470-00058179 If the proportion of these gases increase due to human activity, it can lead to unbearable xcyozqQWX_A-00064-00058179-00058950 global warming and wreak havoc on life on earth. The observed erosion of the ozone layer xcyozqQWX_A-00065-00058950-00059392 is mainly due to these greenhouse gases of human origin. xcyozqQWX_A-00066-00059392-00060239 The first horrific effect of air pollution was seen in December 1952 in London. A thick xcyozqQWX_A-00067-00060239-00061105 layer of smog had so covered the city that it turned day into darkness. Such a scene xcyozqQWX_A-00068-00061105-00061879 was never witnessed by anyone before that. This smog took a toll of about 4000 lives. xcyozqQWX_A-00069-00061879-00062580 There are about 23 crore registered vehicles in India of which 1 crore is in Delhi itself. xcyozqQWX_A-00070-00062580-00063251 Vehicular pollution contributes to only 60%, but burning of straw, xcyozqQWX_A-00071-00063251-00063830 fireworks, and smoke emanating from chimneys and vehicles cause so much of air pollution xcyozqQWX_A-00072-00063830-00064427 in the months of October and November that Delhi has come to be known as the ‘Gas Chamber’ xcyozqQWX_A-00073-00064427-00064995 of India and Calcutta as the ‘Smog City’. The contributor in terms of maximum emission xcyozqQWX_A-00074-00064995-00065643 of carbon dioxide is United States. The average annual individual contribution to atmospheric xcyozqQWX_A-00075-00065643-00066358 carbon dioxide in America is about 5 tons while in India it is only 0.2 ton. The city xcyozqQWX_A-00076-00066358-00067075 of Calcutta releases about 1300 tons of pollutant gases into the atmosphere every day. As compared xcyozqQWX_A-00077-00067075-00067810 to carbon dioxide, methane has 22 times more heat absorbing potential and so its contribution xcyozqQWX_A-00078-00067810-00068437 to global warming is almost 50%. The spread of emanating toxic gases due to xcyozqQWX_A-00079-00068437-00069081 the vehicular burning of petroleum and the burning of coal in electric power stations xcyozqQWX_A-00080-00069081-00069816 as well as the mixing of fine particles of dust in the atmosphere is already sounding xcyozqQWX_A-00081-00069816-00070455 the death knell of the world. The destruction of Ozone layer by the greenhouse gases is xcyozqQWX_A-00082-00070455-00071199 detrimental to human life. There would be escalation of skin cancer, cataract and various xcyozqQWX_A-00083-00071199-00071977 skin disorders due to the entry of ultraviolet rays on earth. These ultraviolet rays not xcyozqQWX_A-00084-00071977-00072747 only harm plants but also weaken our disease controlling immune system. These gases also xcyozqQWX_A-00085-00072747-00073393 play a great role in global warming. The global warming caused due to these has xcyozqQWX_A-00086-00073393-00074045 already started to melt the Himalayan glaciers as well as the polar ice sheets. If this process xcyozqQWX_A-00087-00074045-00074652 continues unhindered, it would lead to dangerous flooding of Ganges, Sindhu and Brahmaputra xcyozqQWX_A-00088-00074652-00075338 rivers to begin with and then to their ultimate drying up. In addition, the rise in sea level xcyozqQWX_A-00089-00075338-00076039 would lead to the submergence of coastal areas. The humanity will have to face many respiratory xcyozqQWX_A-00090-00076039-00076599 diseases besides facing famine. Because of the increase in poisonous gases, xcyozqQWX_A-00091-00076599-00077424 dust and ash particles, it is likely to bring in an ice age too. This will make it impossible xcyozqQWX_A-00092-00077424-00078162 for humans to survive under such extreme cold condition and lead to mass extinction. xcyozqQWX_A-00093-00078162-00078724 The question in this context is ‘what should we do in this situation?’ Should we in the xcyozqQWX_A-00094-00078724-00079426 name of pollution control do away with motor vehicles and go into the era of bullock carts xcyozqQWX_A-00095-00079426-00080057 and horse carriages? Should we under the fear and threat of environmental pollution stop xcyozqQWX_A-00096-00080057-00080800 electricity generation and stop all our industrial activity? Or, is it that the human intellect xcyozqQWX_A-00097-00080800-00081368 has no answer to this trying problem? It is a perennial principle of this creation xcyozqQWX_A-00098-00081368-00081889 that there is a definite solution for every problem that arises due to our follies. What xcyozqQWX_A-00099-00081889-00082361 is needed is execution of eradication process in a rational way. xcyozqQWX_A-00100-00082361-00083005 We have developed a mentality of consumerism to enjoy the material pleasures made available xcyozqQWX_A-00101-00083005-00083633 through increasing industrialization. This is compelling us to exploit all-natural resources xcyozqQWX_A-00102-00083633-00084195 endlessly. In this process, we either did not think about the consequences of pollution xcyozqQWX_A-00103-00084195-00084736 or have purposely ignored. Even now, we have no qualms of polluting the xcyozqQWX_A-00104-00084736-00085480 air and water without which our existence is at peril. Are we not trying to erect our xcyozqQWX_A-00105-00085480-00085922 economic empire over the corpses of our fellow humans? xcyozqQWX_A-00106-00085922-00086661 It is a fact that once we remove the reason or cause, action related to that also stops xcyozqQWX_A-00107-00086661-00087462 automatically. We will have to either do extensive research or forego the activities which cause xcyozqQWX_A-00108-00087462-00088129 extensive pollution of our atmosphere and air. Then only pollution can be controlled. xcyozqQWX_A-00109-00088129-00088750 When we do not have the power of bringing back to life of a dead creature, by increasing xcyozqQWX_A-00110-00088750-00089338 pollution we are not only endangering the lives of all creatures but are also somehow xcyozqQWX_A-00111-00089338-00089792 responsible for the act of committing terrible sin. xcyozqQWX_A-00112-00089792-00090361 Instead of contributing to air pollution by burning the stubble of paddy crop in the open xcyozqQWX_A-00113-00090361-00091124 it can be put to better use; for example: 1. Brazil generates 35% of its total electricity xcyozqQWX_A-00114-00091124-00091632 from the bagasse of cane sugar. We can also generate electricity by making electricity xcyozqQWX_A-00115-00091632-00092194 generating heating houses. 2. The crop stubbles should be used for paper xcyozqQWX_A-00116-00092194-00093008 making and to feed cattle. The crop stubble is used as cattle feed in Bihar, Bengal, Nepal, xcyozqQWX_A-00117-00093008-00093716 Assam and North Uttar Pradesh while in West Uttar Pradesh, Punjab and Haryana it is burnt. xcyozqQWX_A-00118-00093716-00094344 3. If the stubble of crops is shredded into fine pieces and mixed with soil it can serve xcyozqQWX_A-00119-00094344-00094939 as good biofertilizer. By burning the stubble of crops in the field, the soil loses its xcyozqQWX_A-00120-00094939-00095389 fertility. Instead of using open fire or mud stove for xcyozqQWX_A-00121-00095389-00096074 cooking in which wood or dung cakes are burnt, we should make use of modern clean stoves xcyozqQWX_A-00122-00096074-00096962 which emit much less carbon dioxide and also can result in 75% saving of wood. Usage of xcyozqQWX_A-00123-00096962-00097743 BS4 vehicles and BS6 engines can also help reduce pollution to a great extent. Instead xcyozqQWX_A-00124-00097743-00098442 of petroleum driven vehicles, battery operated electric vehicles or hydrogen energy equipped xcyozqQWX_A-00125-00098442-00099123 vehicles need to be popularized. It would be still better if solar energy is used to xcyozqQWX_A-00126-00099123-00099756 charge the batteries of electric vehicles. If solar energy can help fly airplanes, why xcyozqQWX_A-00127-00099756-00100238 can’t it help drive much lighter vehicles like car etc.? xcyozqQWX_A-00128-00100238-00100918 It is definite that one day or the other, the sources of coal and petrol will get exhausted. At xcyozqQWX_A-00129-00100918-00101758 that time, hydrogen energy, solar heat, hydroelectric power, windmill, biomass and biodiesel alone xcyozqQWX_A-00130-00101758-00102438 will come to our rescue as endless sources of energy. Presently, India meets 60% of its xcyozqQWX_A-00131-00102438-00103019 energy needs from coal only which not only adds to aerial pollution but also contributes xcyozqQWX_A-00132-00103019-00103431 to global warming. What is needed in this scenario is that we xcyozqQWX_A-00133-00103431-00104258 develop such innovative technology for garnering unhindered or unabated sources of energy like xcyozqQWX_A-00134-00104258-00104933 the solar heat and light or hydrogen energy etc. which could end our dependence on petroleum xcyozqQWX_A-00135-00104933-00105627 and coal. If all the countries start consuming oil and petrol like America, the entire natural xcyozqQWX_A-00136-00105627-00106334 resource may not last for more than 10 years. One can have an estimate of how costly is xcyozqQWX_A-00137-00106334-00107210 petroleum import from other countries by the fact that during the year 2018 to 2019, xcyozqQWX_A-00138-00107210-00108065 22 crores 70 lakh metric ton of petroleum was imported at a cost of 8.8 lakh crores of rupees. xcyozqQWX_A-00139-00108065-00108766 At the same time, we should also keep in mind the essential utility and saving of energy. xcyozqQWX_A-00140-00108766-00109510 It is necessary to switch over to solar powered geysers instead of electric ones and also xcyozqQWX_A-00141-00109510-00110280 use LED bulbs instead of the conventional bulbs. This can result in almost 80% savings xcyozqQWX_A-00142-00110280-00110984 of electricity. Usage of solar charged cooler instead of CFC gas generating air conditioners xcyozqQWX_A-00143-00110984-00111513 and refrigerators would go a long way in reducing atmospheric pollution. xcyozqQWX_A-00144-00111513-00112324 It is ironical that we humans who take pride in our modern education, scientific progress xcyozqQWX_A-00145-00112324-00113175 and industrial revolution are forced to wear masks when we venture out for a walk. As things xcyozqQWX_A-00146-00113175-00113751 stand, breathing of cool fresh air seems to be something of an imaginary world. xcyozqQWX_A-00147-00113751-00114366 Our ancient scripture Rig Ved says that elixir resides in clean fresh air and it is also xcyozqQWX_A-00148-00114366-00114984 considered as medicinal in nature to all living beings. This is the contention of the following xcyozqQWX_A-00149-00114984-00115655 verses. ‘yath avaha vaath thh’e grhe amrtasyan niddhihi hithaha’ and ‘thvam hi vishva xcyozqQWX_A-00150-00115655-00116070 bheshajo’ Inhaling of fresh air and performing breathing xcyozqQWX_A-00151-00116070-00116733 exercises (pranayama) in the mornings can keep at bay many incurable diseases. The question xcyozqQWX_A-00152-00116733-00117519 is whether the modern world would pay heed to this contention of Rig Ved and understand the importance xcyozqQWX_A-00153-00117519-00118226 of fresh clean air and work towards stopping or reducing the release of poisonous gases xcyozqQWX_A-00154-00118226-00118829 into the atmosphere? On the night of 3rd December 1984, a very xcyozqQWX_A-00155-00118829-00119499 tragic incident occurred. There was a leakage of methyl isocyanate (MIC) gas from the Union xcyozqQWX_A-00156-00119499-00120478 Carbide Pesticide plant in Bhopal, which affected nearly 5.5 lakh people of which about 15000 people xcyozqQWX_A-00157-00120478-00121158 embraced death and the rest became victims of physical handicap, blindness etc. xcyozqQWX_A-00158-00121158-00121823 However, a very surprising incident was also witnessed in the midst of this tragedy. In xcyozqQWX_A-00159-00121823-00122598 the same area of gas leak, a gentleman called Shri S. L. Kushwaha and his wife used to reside. xcyozqQWX_A-00160-00122598-00123246 Being a follower of Vedic tradition, performance of Vedic Yajn daily in the morning was his ritual. xcyozqQWX_A-00161-00123246-00124183 This Vedic Yajn is nothing but a fire ritual of burning herbal essence and medicinal herbs. On that eventful day the miraculous xcyozqQWX_A-00162-00124183-00124982 effect of Yajn could be seen in reality. While cries of despair were heard and dead bodies were seen xcyozqQWX_A-00163-00124982-00125591 strewn all over, the family of Kushwaha was hale and hearty with no ill effects of xcyozqQWX_A-00164-00125591-00126445 the poisonous gas. Scientific investigations of Yajn have shown that the levels of carbon dioxide and xcyozqQWX_A-00165-00126445-00127524 carbon monoxide in the air which were in the range of 1280 ppm and 696 ppm respectively xcyozqQWX_A-00166-00127524-00128503 before yajn had actually decreased to 471 ppm and 410 ppm respectively. Similarly, the xcyozqQWX_A-00167-00128503-00129325 levels of bacteria and fungi in the air before yajn, which was at 230 and 60, actually decreased xcyozqQWX_A-00168-00129325-00130018 to 110 and 10 respectively after yajn. Keeping in mind this scientific finding, xcyozqQWX_A-00169-00130018-00130721 if fire ritual of burning essence and medicinal herbs becomes a regular practice, we may not xcyozqQWX_A-00170-00130721-00131330 face the problem of living in an unbearable choking environment especially in the months xcyozqQWX_A-00171-00131330-00132100 of October, November and December as is the case in cities like Delhi and Calcutta. Moreover, xcyozqQWX_A-00172-00132100-00132628 it would also keep us safe from deadly diseases like cancer and asthma. xcyozqQWX_A-00173-00132628-00133200 Some 5000 years back from now, Shri Krishn had said in Gita – ‘yajnaath bhavathi xcyozqQWX_A-00174-00133200-00133840 parjanyo’ meaning, rain laden clouds are formed because of yajn. If, along with pure xcyozqQWX_A-00175-00133840-00134458 clarified butter, medicinal herbs are also added in the fire offering, it would cleanse xcyozqQWX_A-00176-00134458-00135265 the atmosphere and bring in rains. If, modern science is adept at forming rain laden clouds xcyozqQWX_A-00177-00135265-00136057 by the use of specialized gases, the ancient wisdom of Yajn or fire offering is also equally xcyozqQWX_A-00178-00136057-00136757 adept in causing rain by forming water laden clouds. Along with that Yajn would also help xcyozqQWX_A-00179-00136757-00137397 in keeping the atmosphere clean and pollution free. Causing rain at will is also mentioned xcyozqQWX_A-00180-00137397-00137802 in Yajur Ved – ‘nikaame nikaame nah parjanyo varshatu’. xcyozqQWX_A-00181-00137802-00138438 Yajn is at the core of Indian culture. To do meditation of Supreme Lord is known as xcyozqQWX_A-00182-00138438-00139151 ‘brahma-yajn’ while, burning essence and medicinal herbs in the fire is called is dev-yajn xcyozqQWX_A-00183-00139151-00139985 or agnihotr-yajn. If self-study of scriptures is gyan-yajn, to make the soil fertile is xcyozqQWX_A-00184-00139985-00140555 gomedh-yajn. If ruling a country systematically and harmoniously is ashwamedh-yajn, keeping xcyozqQWX_A-00185-00140555-00141267 the earth under the command of a central power is rajasuya-yajn. For that matter, doing every xcyozqQWX_A-00186-00141267-00141972 good deed is also a form of yajn only. It is so declared in the scripture of Sushrut xcyozqQWX_A-00187-00141972-00142659 of Ayurved that the smoke that comes out from the burning of lac, turmeric, atees (a medicinal xcyozqQWX_A-00188-00142659-00143289 root), harad (myrobalan), motthan (a kind of grass), harenuka (hemp-tree), cardamom, xcyozqQWX_A-00189-00143289-00144016 cinnamon, tagar (rose bay), fruit and priyangu (beautyberry) and other medicinal herbs should xcyozqQWX_A-00190-00144016-00144575 be used for cleansing of the air. However, the currently popular burning of xcyozqQWX_A-00191-00144575-00145237 essence sticks does not match the contention of Sushrut. Since, these essence sticks have xcyozqQWX_A-00192-00145237-00145903 a coating of some poisonous chemicals, though they may emit a good smell, it nevertheless is xcyozqQWX_A-00193-00145903-00146402 harmful to our health. The Attharva Ved which is known for its undoubtable xcyozqQWX_A-00194-00146402-00147115 knowledge says that – ‘na tam yakshmaa arunddhathe, yam beshajasya gulguloha’ ‘ashranga xcyozqQWX_A-00195-00147115-00147764 yaja rakshaha sarvaan gandhen naashaya’ which means, the fragrance fumes of guggal xcyozqQWX_A-00196-00147764-00148467 (a fragrant resin of a plant) cures Tuberculosis. Besides the fumes of jataamaasi, bala, pramandani xcyozqQWX_A-00197-00148467-00148895 and aja shringi help in neutralizing the harmful air pollutants. xcyozqQWX_A-00198-00148895-00149501 In case, the religious belief of someone does not allow performing yajn, one can always xcyozqQWX_A-00199-00149501-00150143 burn the medicinal herbs mentioned in Ved and Ayurved to neutralize air pollution. xcyozqQWX_A-00200-00150143-00150743 After all, protecting the lives of all beings is the righteous duty of all humans. xcY_ONhrfXA-00000-00000016-00000576 all right guys joshua zamora here with a very quick demo video of done for you suite 3.0 xcY_ONhrfXA-00001-00000576-00001272 so i can show you exactly how it works and why this is the premiere platform that all uh xcY_ONhrfXA-00002-00001272-00001888 marketers use to come and get high quality syndication for pretty much any url that you're xcY_ONhrfXA-00003-00001888-00002392 looking for all right and uh you can see as soon as you log in you're gonna get a brief overview xcY_ONhrfXA-00004-00002392-00003040 of what's going on with your account and you can see here uh w suite has built just under 5 000 xcY_ONhrfXA-00005-00003040-00003711 links for me okay and this is probably going to be one of the easiest and simplest and shortest demo xcY_ONhrfXA-00006-00003711-00004272 videos that you've ever seen because we've truly made them for you suite that easy to use i mean we xcY_ONhrfXA-00007-00004328-00004856 are literally doing everything for you all you have to do is come in here and submit the link xcY_ONhrfXA-00008-00004856-00005248 that you want to get traffic for submit the keywords that you want to get traffic for and xcY_ONhrfXA-00009-00005248-00005688 then we take it from there all right so what you have to do is come over here to the campaigns tab xcY_ONhrfXA-00010-00005744-00006280 come up here to the create campaign and this is where the magic happens okay and one big thing xcY_ONhrfXA-00011-00006280-00006984 that we've done for dumping use 3.0 is simplified our campaign submission process okay we've broken xcY_ONhrfXA-00012-00006984-00007504 it down into a simple three-step process because we are always looking to make our xcY_ONhrfXA-00013-00007504-00008104 platform easier better and faster for you to use so we've completely revamped this process xcY_ONhrfXA-00014-00008104-00008472 into a simple three-step process and you'll see exactly how simple it is to xcY_ONhrfXA-00015-00008472-00009000 complete this uh here over the next few seconds but make sure that you also check out the other xcY_ONhrfXA-00016-00009000-00009632 video that we have on this page where i go in detail on exactly what's new in version 3.0 xcY_ONhrfXA-00017-00009632-00010160 so you can see the differences in that video alright so uh here in the campaign i'm gonna go xcY_ONhrfXA-00018-00010160-00010704 ahead and call this campaign video one uh here's where you submit your video urls i already have xcY_ONhrfXA-00019-00010704-00011344 one uh pasted there and here you can pretty much submit as many urls as you want you can submit xcY_ONhrfXA-00020-00011344-00011768 any url that you want so it can be a youtube video it can be a niche site it can be a client site it xcY_ONhrfXA-00021-00011768-00012368 can be an amazon url it can be a facebook page url whatever it is that you're looking to rank xcY_ONhrfXA-00022-00012368-00012824 that's where you put here so this is pretty much the link that you want to get traffic for here xcY_ONhrfXA-00023-00012824-00013352 under the keywords tab it's exactly that exactly what you want to get traffic for for what keywords xcY_ONhrfXA-00024-00013416-00014184 so i'm going to go ahead and just for example purposes do how to get high quality links oops xcY_ONhrfXA-00025-00014456-00015063 all right and again you can submit as many uh keywords as you want here as well okay usually xcY_ONhrfXA-00026-00015063-00015680 i do about three to five keywords at max just because that's how i like to break up my campaigns xcY_ONhrfXA-00027-00015680-00016312 from there you go to the next step here is where you can set up the content okay now for the most xcY_ONhrfXA-00028-00016312-00016808 part we do all of your content generation for you so if you want us to automatically xcY_ONhrfXA-00029-00016808-00017392 uh generate your cam your content you just leave this checked on and we will do that for you and we xcY_ONhrfXA-00030-00017392-00017960 have a couple of options that we provide you with for you for us to be able to do the content for xcY_ONhrfXA-00031-00017960-00018576 you so the first part is how we do it in version 1.0 and 2.0 which is where we create content xcY_ONhrfXA-00032-00018576-00019152 for you by scraping it based on your campaign keywords that you submitted in step number one xcY_ONhrfXA-00033-00019152-00019856 now in version 3.0 we have also integrated my create platform so that you can get unique xcY_ONhrfXA-00034-00019856-00020496 artificially and gen artificially intelligent uh content created for each of your campaigns as xcY_ONhrfXA-00035-00020496-00021160 well just to give your campaigns an even stronger punch by providing it with truly unique content xcY_ONhrfXA-00036-00021160-00021760 all right and here under the language this is another cool update for version 3.0 where we xcY_ONhrfXA-00037-00021760-00022392 pretty much uh can provide con rankings for multiple different major languages xcY_ONhrfXA-00038-00022392-00022800 so you can see here all of these languages are available you just select the one that xcY_ONhrfXA-00039-00022800-00023416 you want to get traffic for and then we take it from there we also have the very powerful xcY_ONhrfXA-00040-00023416-00024072 video embed option okay so that uh you are getting that as part of your 3.0 uh version as well xcY_ONhrfXA-00041-00024128-00024704 so here i usually always submit the same link so that not only am i getting high quality links xcY_ONhrfXA-00042-00024704-00025240 but i'm also getting high quality video embeds as well okay and then from there i hit next xcY_ONhrfXA-00043-00025344-00026024 and this is where the uh magic happens where you are in full control of how many links you actually xcY_ONhrfXA-00044-00026024-00026920 want to your campaign so we start as a minimum of 25 and in version 3.0 uh this is gonna be extended xcY_ONhrfXA-00045-00026920-00027520 all the way to a thousand okay so that's another big update that we have in version 1.0 we had a xcY_ONhrfXA-00046-00027520-00028272 maximum of 200 in version 3.0 we had a maximum of 600 and now in version 3.0 you're gonna be able xcY_ONhrfXA-00047-00028272-00028895 to extend that all the way up to a thousand uh obviously depending on which package you purchase xcY_ONhrfXA-00048-00028895-00029448 now our drip feed option is also available here between three and 21 days now this varies xcY_ONhrfXA-00049-00029448-00029968 depending on your type of campaign so if you're submitting a brand new niche site then obviously xcY_ONhrfXA-00050-00029968-00030383 you want to drip that over a little bit longer if you're using a video then you might want to xcY_ONhrfXA-00051-00030383-00030839 keep that shorter because you don't really need to drip feed when it comes to video and xcY_ONhrfXA-00052-00030839-00031480 then here you can see we have our index uh links feature this is one of our upgrade options options xcY_ONhrfXA-00053-00031480-00031864 where you can get a little bit of a stronger punch for your campaigns by xcY_ONhrfXA-00054-00031864-00032600 allowing us to do further indexing of your links now i won't go into too much detail in this video xcY_ONhrfXA-00055-00032600-00033128 because i do cover that when you do get to that upgrade and the upgrade is upgrade number two so xcY_ONhrfXA-00056-00033128-00033672 make sure you pay attention to that once you get there uh and then from here you just click next xcY_ONhrfXA-00057-00033672-00034304 you're gonna see a preview of everything you just submitted you click create and that is it xcY_ONhrfXA-00058-00034304-00034936 that's how simple it is to come in here and start getting campaigns uh created and having us do all xcY_ONhrfXA-00059-00034936-00035472 of your social syndication for you and here on the right on the bottom you're going to be xcY_ONhrfXA-00060-00035528-00036168 taken to your campaigns tab where you can see an overview of your other campaigns and from here you xcY_ONhrfXA-00061-00036168-00037048 can download into txt or csv format if you want to provide reports to your clients and here you xcY_ONhrfXA-00062-00037048-00037744 get a progress bar of how far along that campaign is going okay and then here on the left-hand side xcY_ONhrfXA-00063-00037744-00038360 we also have our network info if you ever do want to uh you know take a look at how powerful xcY_ONhrfXA-00064-00038360-00038936 our network is you can come to this tab and take a look at that okay but that's how that's how simple xcY_ONhrfXA-00065-00038936-00039544 and how powerful it is to come in here and use w suite to have us do all of your high quality xcY_ONhrfXA-00066-00039544-00040032 social syndication for you all right so make sure you go below this video and take advantage of this xcY_ONhrfXA-00067-00040032-00040648 very special offer that we have going on for done for you suite 3.0 right now and put this in your xcY_ONhrfXA-00068-00040648-00041288 arsenal and start getting page one rankings by having us do all the heavy lifting for you xgrzvLsRqD4-00000-00000020-00000276 I have just entered my salad bowl. xgrzvLsRqD4-00001-00000446-00000588 You can just go for it. xgrzvLsRqD4-00002-00000905-00001204 At some point, a dog has peed on this. xgrzvLsRqD4-00003-00001800-00001998 So no grocery stores, no restaurants, xgrzvLsRqD4-00004-00001998-00002226 not even eating from gardens. xgrzvLsRqD4-00005-00002226-00002412 Everything that I am eating xgrzvLsRqD4-00006-00002412-00002549 I have to find growing xgrzvLsRqD4-00007-00002549-00002876 whether it is city parks, abandoned lots, xgrzvLsRqD4-00008-00002876-00003090 or being out deeper in nature. xgrzvLsRqD4-00009-00003390-00003572 Just in this little tiny patch xgrzvLsRqD4-00010-00003572-00003852 there are four edible and medicinal foods. xgrzvLsRqD4-00011-00003871-00004086 We have got of course dandelion. xgrzvLsRqD4-00012-00004086-00004254 Everybody knows dandelion. xgrzvLsRqD4-00013-00004254-00004390 We have got plantago xgrzvLsRqD4-00014-00004390-00004662 which is another really great food and medicine. xgrzvLsRqD4-00015-00004662-00004932 And then just a little ways up here xgrzvLsRqD4-00016-00004932-00005191 one of my personal favorites, xgrzvLsRqD4-00017-00005191-00005346 lamb's quarter. xgrzvLsRqD4-00018-00005346-00005544 Similar to spinach, this is growing xgrzvLsRqD4-00019-00005544-00005742 in pretty much every major city xgrzvLsRqD4-00020-00005742-00005919 across what we call the United States xgrzvLsRqD4-00021-00005919-00006084 and a lot of the world as well. xgrzvLsRqD4-00022-00006084-00006391 Oh we have got, of course, raspberries here. xgrzvLsRqD4-00023-00006391-00006623 You can make raspberry leaf tea from this. xgrzvLsRqD4-00024-00006623-00006778 Do I eat complete meals? xgrzvLsRqD4-00025-00006778-00006894 Absolutely! xgrzvLsRqD4-00026-00006894-00007104 Subsisting of largely wild rice, xgrzvLsRqD4-00027-00007104-00007266 venison, or fish, xgrzvLsRqD4-00028-00007266-00007482 and different herbs and spices xgrzvLsRqD4-00029-00007482-00007645 and all sorts of different greens, xgrzvLsRqD4-00030-00007656-00007799 Plus different berries. xgrzvLsRqD4-00031-00007799-00008045 Some people call this a roadkill deer. xgrzvLsRqD4-00032-00008045-00008429 I call it a deer that has been hit by a car. xgrzvLsRqD4-00033-00008429-00008706 This is not a survival project. xgrzvLsRqD4-00034-00008706-00008896 For me this is about enjoying life. xgrzvLsRqD4-00035-00008896-00009036 And it is about thriving. xgrzvLsRqD4-00036-00009036-00009185 It is about feeling great. xgrzvLsRqD4-00037-00009185-00009413 I have eaten over a hundred different foods xgrzvLsRqD4-00038-00009413-00009645 from nature over the last month xgrzvLsRqD4-00039-00009645-00009822 and by opening up my eyes, xgrzvLsRqD4-00040-00009822-00010091 I realized I had barely even xgrzvLsRqD4-00041-00010091-00010272 tapped into what there is. xgrzvLsRqD4-00042-00010272-00010456 I definitely feel more present xgrzvLsRqD4-00043-00010456-00010722 and more deeply connected to the Earth. xgrzvLsRqD4-00044-00011595-00011719 For the last 10 years xgrzvLsRqD4-00045-00011719-00011847 I have been rethinking our xgrzvLsRqD4-00046-00011847-00011992 global industrial food system xgrzvLsRqD4-00047-00011992-00012138 and all the ways in which it xgrzvLsRqD4-00048-00012138-00012291 causes so much destruction. xgrzvLsRqD4-00049-00012291-00012444 I want to eat in a way xgrzvLsRqD4-00050-00012444-00012630 where I can find food growing xgrzvLsRqD4-00051-00012630-00012816 that has no harm to the Earth. xgrzvLsRqD4-00052-00012816-00013109 Foraging can be legal or illegal xgrzvLsRqD4-00053-00013109-00013254 depending on where you are. xgrzvLsRqD4-00054-00013254-00013512 Yeah, some days I am out breaking the law xgrzvLsRqD4-00055-00013512-00013841 but for me, foraging is actually one of the ways xgrzvLsRqD4-00056-00013841-00014107 in which I choose to purposely xgrzvLsRqD4-00057-00014107-00014280 go against the system xgrzvLsRqD4-00058-00014280-00014436 go against societal norms xgrzvLsRqD4-00059-00014436-00014599 and say, "Yeah I do not need these xgrzvLsRqD4-00060-00014599-00014749 corporations to provide for me xgrzvLsRqD4-00061-00014749-00014932 in a waythat is destroying the Earth. xgrzvLsRqD4-00062-00015649-00015858 Most people, they go to the grocery store xgrzvLsRqD4-00063-00015858-00016002 and they buy their food, xgrzvLsRqD4-00064-00016002-00016154 and they just assume it is safe xgrzvLsRqD4-00065-00016154-00016293 because it comes in a package xgrzvLsRqD4-00066-00016293-00016509 or because it has got some great advertising. xgrzvLsRqD4-00067-00016509-00016612 The truth is is that xgrzvLsRqD4-00068-00016612-00016826 a lot ofthat food there is not safe. xgrzvLsRqD4-00069-00017727-00018016 Right here is oxalis or wood sorrel xgrzvLsRqD4-00070-00018016-00018287 and this is often one of the first plants xgrzvLsRqD4-00071-00018287-00018385 that people try xgrzvLsRqD4-00072-00018385-00018576 because it has got a real nice flavor. xgrzvLsRqD4-00073-00018684-00018852 The lemony flavor. xgrzvLsRqD4-00074-00018852-00018989 You can get oxalis xgrzvLsRqD4-00075-00018989-00019178 blendedup into your salad dressing xgrzvLsRqD4-00076-00019178-00019438 and have a nice lemony salad dressing. xgrzvLsRqD4-00077-00019438-00019666 What if everybody started foraging? xgrzvLsRqD4-00078-00019666-00019862 Would not we destroy nature overnight? xgrzvLsRqD4-00079-00019862-00020058 That could not be further from the truth. xgrzvLsRqD4-00080-00020058-00020325 If every human being wanted to start foraging xgrzvLsRqD4-00081-00020325-00020592 and wanted to stop going to the grocery store. xgrzvLsRqD4-00082-00020592-00020734 You know what that would mean? xgrzvLsRqD4-00083-00020734-00020905 It would mean people are thinking xgrzvLsRqD4-00084-00020905-00021072 about the world in a different way. xgrzvLsRqD4-00085-00021072-00021264 It would mean our broken societal xgrzvLsRqD4-00086-00021264-00021394 structures would crumble. xgrzvLsRqD4-00087-00021394-00021630 Wewould replace them with regenerative, xgrzvLsRqD4-00088-00021630-00021871 equitable, just ways of living xgrzvLsRqD4-00089-00021871-00022026 that are connected to the Earth. xgrzvLsRqD4-00090-00022026-00022221 My recommendation for new foragers xgrzvLsRqD4-00091-00022221-00022416 is to learn one plant at a time. xgrzvLsRqD4-00092-00022416-00022743 If you just learn one plant a month for a year, xgrzvLsRqD4-00093-00022743-00022892 you will know 12 plants. xgrzvLsRqD4-00094-00022892-00023103 Now if you really want to go faster xgrzvLsRqD4-00095-00023103-00023274 you could learn one plant per week. xgrzvLsRqD4-00096-00023274-00023509 For a year, that is 52 plants. xgrzvLsRqD4-00097-00023509-00023655 You will go from a beginner xgrzvLsRqD4-00098-00023655-00023802 to a plant wizard. xgrzvLsRqD4-00099-00023802-00024009 My goal is to break free xgrzvLsRqD4-00100-00024009-00024216 from the grocery store. xgrzvLsRqD4-00101-00024216-00024468 And to maintain that largely xgrzvLsRqD4-00102-00024468-00024703 for the next decades ahead. xgrzvLsRqD4-00103-00024703-00024906 The world needs more foragers. xgrzvLsRqD4-00104-00024906-00025110 Maybe that is you. xjvD576LEmy-00000-00000010-00000170 THE HEARING ON WEDNESDAY, HE xjvD576LEmy-00001-00000170-00000176 THE HEARING ON WEDNESDAY, HE xjvD576LEmy-00002-00000176-00000303 THE HEARING ON WEDNESDAY, HE WILL SEEK A MOTION THAT ALL xjvD576LEmy-00003-00000303-00000310 THE HEARING ON WEDNESDAY, HE WILL SEEK A MOTION THAT ALL xjvD576LEmy-00004-00000310-00000577 THE HEARING ON WEDNESDAY, HE WILL SEEK A MOTION THAT ALL CHARGES AGAINST HUNTER BE xjvD576LEmy-00005-00000577-00000583 WILL SEEK A MOTION THAT ALL CHARGES AGAINST HUNTER BE xjvD576LEmy-00006-00000583-00000653 WILL SEEK A MOTION THAT ALL CHARGES AGAINST HUNTER BE DROPPED. xjvD576LEmy-00007-00000653-00000660 CHARGES AGAINST HUNTER BE DROPPED. xjvD576LEmy-00008-00000660-00000764 CHARGES AGAINST HUNTER BE DROPPED. >> DENNIS: ZEBRA MUSCLES HAVE xjvD576LEmy-00009-00000764-00000770 DROPPED. >> DENNIS: ZEBRA MUSCLES HAVE xjvD576LEmy-00010-00000770-00000974 DROPPED. >> DENNIS: ZEBRA MUSCLES HAVE BEEN FOUND IN TWO MORE CROW WING xjvD576LEmy-00011-00000974-00000980 >> DENNIS: ZEBRA MUSCLES HAVE BEEN FOUND IN TWO MORE CROW WING xjvD576LEmy-00012-00000980-00001111 >> DENNIS: ZEBRA MUSCLES HAVE BEEN FOUND IN TWO MORE CROW WING COUNTY BODY HE IS OF WATER. xjvD576LEmy-00013-00001111-00001117 BEEN FOUND IN TWO MORE CROW WING COUNTY BODY HE IS OF WATER. xjvD576LEmy-00014-00001117-00001444 BEEN FOUND IN TWO MORE CROW WING COUNTY BODY HE IS OF WATER. THE DNR HAS CONFIRMED ZEBRA xjvD576LEmy-00015-00001444-00001451 COUNTY BODY HE IS OF WATER. THE DNR HAS CONFIRMED ZEBRA xjvD576LEmy-00016-00001451-00001668 COUNTY BODY HE IS OF WATER. THE DNR HAS CONFIRMED ZEBRA MUSSELS IN LAKE EDWARD, NEAR xjvD576LEmy-00017-00001668-00001674 THE DNR HAS CONFIRMED ZEBRA MUSSELS IN LAKE EDWARD, NEAR xjvD576LEmy-00018-00001674-00002001 THE DNR HAS CONFIRMED ZEBRA MUSSELS IN LAKE EDWARD, NEAR BRAINERD AND THE MAHNOMEN MINE xjvD576LEmy-00019-00002001-00002008 MUSSELS IN LAKE EDWARD, NEAR BRAINERD AND THE MAHNOMEN MINE xjvD576LEmy-00020-00002008-00002315 MUSSELS IN LAKE EDWARD, NEAR BRAINERD AND THE MAHNOMEN MINE PIT NO. 1, NEAR CROSBY CROW WING xjvD576LEmy-00021-00002315-00002322 BRAINERD AND THE MAHNOMEN MINE PIT NO. 1, NEAR CROSBY CROW WING xjvD576LEmy-00022-00002322-00002362 BRAINERD AND THE MAHNOMEN MINE PIT NO. 1, NEAR CROSBY CROW WING COUNTY. xjvD576LEmy-00023-00002362-00002369 PIT NO. 1, NEAR CROSBY CROW WING COUNTY. xjvD576LEmy-00024-00002369-00002565 PIT NO. 1, NEAR CROSBY CROW WING COUNTY. A DNR INVASIVE SPECIES xjvD576LEmy-00025-00002565-00002572 COUNTY. A DNR INVASIVE SPECIES xjvD576LEmy-00026-00002572-00002806 COUNTY. A DNR INVASIVE SPECIES SPECIALIST CONFIRMED AN ADULT xjvD576LEmy-00027-00002806-00002812 A DNR INVASIVE SPECIES SPECIALIST CONFIRMED AN ADULT xjvD576LEmy-00028-00002812-00003103 A DNR INVASIVE SPECIES SPECIALIST CONFIRMED AN ADULT ZEBRA MUSSEL IN THE BEACH AREA xjvD576LEmy-00029-00003103-00003109 SPECIALIST CONFIRMED AN ADULT ZEBRA MUSSEL IN THE BEACH AREA xjvD576LEmy-00030-00003109-00003259 SPECIALIST CONFIRMED AN ADULT ZEBRA MUSSEL IN THE BEACH AREA OF THE LAKE EDWARD RESORT. xjvD576LEmy-00031-00003259-00003266 ZEBRA MUSSEL IN THE BEACH AREA OF THE LAKE EDWARD RESORT. xjvD576LEmy-00032-00003266-00003636 ZEBRA MUSSEL IN THE BEACH AREA OF THE LAKE EDWARD RESORT. THE DNR CONFIRMED A SECOND ZEBRA xjvD576LEmy-00033-00003636-00003643 OF THE LAKE EDWARD RESORT. THE DNR CONFIRMED A SECOND ZEBRA xjvD576LEmy-00034-00003643-00003817 OF THE LAKE EDWARD RESORT. THE DNR CONFIRMED A SECOND ZEBRA MUSSEL ABOUT A HALF MILE FROM xjvD576LEmy-00035-00003817-00003823 THE DNR CONFIRMED A SECOND ZEBRA MUSSEL ABOUT A HALF MILE FROM xjvD576LEmy-00036-00003823-00004040 THE DNR CONFIRMED A SECOND ZEBRA MUSSEL ABOUT A HALF MILE FROM THE INITIAL REPORT SITE. xjvD576LEmy-00037-00004040-00004047 MUSSEL ABOUT A HALF MILE FROM THE INITIAL REPORT SITE. xjvD576LEmy-00038-00004047-00004424 MUSSEL ABOUT A HALF MILE FROM THE INITIAL REPORT SITE. LOCATE THE MAHNOMEN MINE PIT NO. xjvD576LEmy-00039-00004424-00004431 THE INITIAL REPORT SITE. LOCATE THE MAHNOMEN MINE PIT NO. xjvD576LEmy-00040-00004431-00005065 THE INITIAL REPORT SITE. LOCATE THE MAHNOMEN MINE PIT NO. 1 IS CONNECTED TO PENNINGTON, xjvD576LEmy-00041-00005065-00005071 LOCATE THE MAHNOMEN MINE PIT NO. 1 IS CONNECTED TO PENNINGTON, xjvD576LEmy-00042-00005071-00005505 LOCATE THE MAHNOMEN MINE PIT NO. 1 IS CONNECTED TO PENNINGTON, ARCO, ALSTEAD AND MAN 2 AND 3 IN xjvD576LEmy-00043-00005505-00005512 1 IS CONNECTED TO PENNINGTON, ARCO, ALSTEAD AND MAN 2 AND 3 IN xjvD576LEmy-00044-00005512-00005909 1 IS CONNECTED TO PENNINGTON, ARCO, ALSTEAD AND MAN 2 AND 3 IN THE CUYUNA COUNTRY STATE xjvD576LEmy-00045-00005909-00005915 ARCO, ALSTEAD AND MAN 2 AND 3 IN THE CUYUNA COUNTRY STATE xjvD576LEmy-00046-00005915-00005989 ARCO, ALSTEAD AND MAN 2 AND 3 IN THE CUYUNA COUNTRY STATE RECREATION. xjvD576LEmy-00047-00005989-00005995 THE CUYUNA COUNTRY STATE RECREATION. xjvD576LEmy-00048-00005995-00006122 THE CUYUNA COUNTRY STATE RECREATION. SIGNS HAVE BEEN UPDATED TO ALERT xjvD576LEmy-00049-00006122-00006129 RECREATION. SIGNS HAVE BEEN UPDATED TO ALERT xjvD576LEmy-00050-00006129-00006339 RECREATION. SIGNS HAVE BEEN UPDATED TO ALERT BOATERS TO THE PRESENCE OF ZEBRA xjvD576LEmy-00051-00006339-00006346 SIGNS HAVE BEEN UPDATED TO ALERT BOATERS TO THE PRESENCE OF ZEBRA xjvD576LEmy-00052-00006346-00006376 SIGNS HAVE BEEN UPDATED TO ALERT BOATERS TO THE PRESENCE OF ZEBRA MUSSELS. xkS2K3qh2lY-00000-00000736-00000955 Let's return here: "Each story was related xkS2K3qh2lY-00001-00000955-00001448 to 15 5-year-olds and 15 8-year olds." And here we've got this problem, where two xkS2K3qh2lY-00002-00001448-00001934 numbers together. It's not really wrong, in that it's not following the rule. I mean xkS2K3qh2lY-00003-00001934-00002729 not bad, but the problem here is this 15 and 5 together, this 15 and 8 together xkS2K3qh2lY-00004-00002729-00003452 it's a little bit weird. Easy to get misunderstanding, like 155, 158. So what do xkS2K3qh2lY-00005-00003452-00003811 we do? We need to change one of them to be spelled out. And in this case, because xkS2K3qh2lY-00006-00003811-00004237 it's a hyphen, this is kind of a group, five-year-old. And this is a xkS2K3qh2lY-00007-00004237-00004717 group, eight-year-old. We can't change that, but we can go ahead and spell out xkS2K3qh2lY-00008-00004717-00005387 the words before, so fifteen and fifteen, even though this is bigger than 10, so we xkS2K3qh2lY-00009-00005387-00005957 should write it as a number, right? Well, no. This is a special case. "The first block xkS2K3qh2lY-00010-00005957-00007057 of trials was a practice set." So in this case this ordinal first, second, third. "The xkS2K3qh2lY-00011-00007057-00007600 mean number of absences by the 24 students was 3.66666667." xkS2K3qh2lY-00012-00007600-00008347 Now in this case, it's not really a hard and fast rule. It's just a xkS2K3qh2lY-00013-00008347-00008903 kind of rule of thumb, but this number here is bigger than 10, so that's okay. We xkS2K3qh2lY-00014-00008903-00009307 go ahead and we write the number. But what about this number here, this 3.666...? xkS2K3qh2lY-00015-00009307-00009827 Why do we need to change that to be seven? And the answer is you need to xkS2K3qh2lY-00016-00009827-00010654 think of your statistical power. That's a complicated topic that we really don't xkS2K3qh2lY-00017-00010654-00011853 have time to get into. But if the numbers you're using are .12, .34, .18, .19, xkS2K3qh2lY-00018-00011853-00012599 then that means your power is about two decimal points. You have all these xkS2K3qh2lY-00019-00012599-00013016 numbers that are using two decimal points. Now if you divide a number, you xkS2K3qh2lY-00020-00013016-00013385 can come out with many decimal points. But you cannot really report that in xkS2K3qh2lY-00021-00013385-00013618 your report because you're just doing that xkS2K3qh2lY-00022-00013618-00013965 because of the division. It doesn't mean that your numbers really can measure xkS2K3qh2lY-00023-00013965-00014541 that small small fraction. Anyway, it's a little bit complicated. APA is generally xkS2K3qh2lY-00024-00014541-00015175 saying try to keep your decimal points as few as possible. If you can keep it xkS2K3qh2lY-00025-00015175-00015666 down to just one, that would be great, so here you have one. Well this is pretty easy xkS2K3qh2lY-00026-00015666-00016266 because they all round up very easily just to get through 3.7. I guess you xkS2K3qh2lY-00027-00016266-00017007 could write 3.67, or you could write 3.667. How do you decide which one to xkS2K3qh2lY-00028-00017007-00017463 use? And like I say, the APA is basically saying a rule of thumb. This would be xkS2K3qh2lY-00029-00017463-00018213 really the best, and this would be kind of better, but as you get longer, that's xkS2K3qh2lY-00030-00018213-00018793 worse and worse. That's not what we want. Try to keep them as small as possible, as xkS2K3qh2lY-00031-00018793-00019176 short as possible. But the number... If we're talking about numbers, this xkS2K3qh2lY-00032-00019176-00019593 is actually not smaller because this number is getting smaller and smaller if xkS2K3qh2lY-00033-00019593-00020104 you're adding up a small fraction. You think it's like exact. This is a xkS2K3qh2lY-00034-00020104-00020569 great idea. This is the way I want my research to be, very exact. But in reality, xkS2K3qh2lY-00035-00020569-00021037 your research doesn't have that ability to measure that really small number, so xkS2K3qh2lY-00036-00021037-00021522 just round it up. "Professor Warden," I guess some students have asked me before, xkS2K3qh2lY-00037-00021522-00022137 "why can't I just round it up to be three in this case, why not three?" And well in xkS2K3qh2lY-00038-00022137-00022440 this case, you would round it up to be four, wouldn't you? Well, now you're xkS2K3qh2lY-00039-00022440-00022947 beginning to go too far, right? You're beginning to go too much. So APA is saying xkS2K3qh2lY-00040-00022947-00023634 one to two decimal places is really nice and convenient. And it's probably what xkS2K3qh2lY-00041-00023634-00024193 you're able to measure. "The greater the number of people who viewed the program xkS2K3qh2lY-00042-00024193-00025026 together, the poor was their memory for details(r= 0.63)." The question here xkS2K3qh2lY-00043-00025026-00025632 is do we keep this 0 here? And the answer is no, no zero. Why? because this cannot be xkS2K3qh2lY-00044-00025632-00026320 bigger than one. It ranges zero to one. And if zero to one, you do not include the xkS2K3qh2lY-00045-00026320-00027001 zero before the decimal point. "The procedure for Experiment 2 was identical xkS2K3qh2lY-00046-00027001-00027327 to that used in Experiment 1, except that the child did not receive feedback xkS2K3qh2lY-00047-00027327-00028180 after each trial." In this case, this Roman numeral II, this Roman numeral I... We would xkS2K3qh2lY-00048-00028180-00028873 prefer to just use the regular Arabic numerals like this 1 and 2 for the xkS2K3qh2lY-00049-00028873-00029476 names or titles or headings. "The participants were shown real or xkS2K3qh2lY-00050-00029476-00029935 fabricated newspaper stories that had appeared in either the 1950s, 1960s, or 1970s." xkS2K3qh2lY-00051-00029935-00030424 And this is something that confuses me a lot that's for sure. Easy to forget xkS2K3qh2lY-00052-00030424-00030952 because you do see people use this way often. But the APA recommends that you do xkS2K3qh2lY-00053-00030952-00031483 not include the apostrophe. You simply add the s. Now, why the s? because what xkS2K3qh2lY-00054-00031483-00032350 we're saying is is plural. This is 1951 52, 53, something inside of there. Of course xkS2K3qh2lY-00055-00032350-00032812 it's possible, it could be all the way up to nineteen fifty-nine, something inside of xkS2K3qh2lY-00056-00032812-00033409 that range. So all of those years are plural, but you do not need the xkS2K3qh2lY-00057-00033409-00034282 apostrophe. Just add the S. OK. Those are lots of examples. In fact, the examples xkS2K3qh2lY-00058-00034282-00034702 are way more than just looking at the material, isn't it? And the reason for xkS2K3qh2lY-00059-00034702-00035161 that is because there are so many exceptional cases. Again, practice makes xkS2K3qh2lY-00060-00035161-00035614 perfect. I strongly recommend that you go ahead, and if you're going to do serious xkS2K3qh2lY-00061-00035614-00036118 writing, make sure you can have a manual next to you or on your phone or on your xkS2K3qh2lY-00062-00036118-00036616 computer. You can get the APA manual and the MLA manual very conveniently xkS2K3qh2lY-00063-00036616-00037266 online on amazon or on Google ebooks or on other platforms like that. xkS2K3qh2lY-00064-00037266-00038000 Good luck with your writing, and keep those numbers clear. xlfhdvnG9M4-00000-00001433-00001503 Yoink xlaFS2s7x24-00000-00000634-00001082 Everybody knows evaluating information is very important in their research. xlaFS2s7x24-00001-00001168-00001712 But are you turning a blind eye letting unchecked information go straight into your paper? xlaFS2s7x24-00002-00001836-00002208 Do you know that many aspects that you need to pay attention to? xlaFS2s7x24-00003-00002390-00002758 First of all, have you checked whether the information is accurate? xlaFS2s7x24-00004-00002914-00003124 Does it come from a trusted source? xlaFS2s7x24-00005-00003426-00003746 Is it unbiased and reflect the findings honestly? xlaFS2s7x24-00006-00003978-00004112 Is it outdated? xlaFS2s7x24-00007-00004420-00004746 Does it cover a relatively complete view of the issue ? xlaFS2s7x24-00008-00005084-00005720 And finally, are these information coherent and relevant to the scope and arguments of your paper? xm4XhRcFFtE-00000-00000018-00000413 Prince Alfred, Duke of Edinburgh and Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha. xm4XhRcFFtE-00001-00000413-00000738 Prince Alfred Duke of Edinburgh and Save- Coture and Gotha was the fourth child of xm4XhRcFFtE-00002-00000738-00001338 Shutten Victoria of the United Kingdom and Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Born at Winston xm4XhRcFFtE-00003-00001338-00002130 Castle in Windsor. England on August & 1844 Alfred was christened on September 6, 1844, xm4XhRcFFtE-00004-00002130-00002610 in the Private Chapel at Windsor Castle with the names Alfred Ernest Albert. xm4XhRcFFtE-00005-00002670-00003132 After being educated at home, along with his older brother The Prince of xm4XhRcFFtE-00006-00003132-00003822 Wales future King Edward Vill, Alfred entered the British Navy at just 14 years old. Rising xm4XhRcFFtE-00007-00003822-00004356 quickly through the ranks by February 1866 he had been elevated to the rank of Captain, xm4XhRcFFtE-00008-00004356-00005040 and the folowing year was given command of his own ship. HMS Galatea xm4XhRcFFtE-00009-00005124-00005628 During his military career, Alfred found himself potentially taking a throne of his own. xm4XhRcFFtE-00010-00005682-00006246 After having deposed the ruler, King Otto, the peo ple of Greece voted to determine the future xm4XhRcFFtE-00011-00006246-00006984 of the Greek monarchy. Prince Alfred received 95% of the votes. Despite this, under the terms of the xm4XhRcFFtE-00012-00006984-00007590 London Conference of 1832, members of the ruling famides of the Great Powers (Britain, France, xm4XhRcFFtE-00013-00007590-00008159 and Russia) were prohibited from as cending the Greek throne. In addition, Queen Victoria xm4XhRcFFtE-00014-00008159-00008778 was adamantly opposed to the idea, as Alfred was already intended to succeed his un- cle xm4XhRcFFtE-00015-00008778-00009432 Etat as Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha Alfred's father and elder brother had both re- nounced xm4XhRcFFtE-00016-00009432-00009906 their rights of succession, leaving Alfred as heir apparent to his uncle. The Greek throne xm4XhRcFFtE-00017-00009906-00010470 ended up going to Prince Vilhelm of Denmark, who reigned as King George of the Hellenes xm4XhRcFFtE-00018-00010596-00011040 Along with his military career, from 1863-1865, xm4XhRcFFtE-00019-00011040-00011526 Prince Alfred studied at the University of Edinburgh, and the University of Bonn. xm4XhRcFFtE-00020-00011622-00012252 With his future role as Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha in mind, in 1865 Alfred purchased xm4XhRcFFtE-00021-00012252-00012834 a palace in Coburg just across the square from Schloss Ehrenburg, the official ducal residence. xm4XhRcFFtE-00022-00012972-00013566 This palace known as Palais Edinburg would be his residence in Coburg until his accassion 28 years xm4XhRcFFtE-00023-00013566-00014346 later. The following year, in May 1866, he was created Duke of Edinburgh, Earl of Ulster, and xm4XhRcFFtE-00024-00014346-00015246 Earl of Kent. Along with this mentary allowance of £15,000 per year, and a seat in the House of Lords xm4XhRcFFtE-00025-00015336-00015702 From a young age, Prince Alfred developed a strong interest in xm4XhRcFFtE-00026-00015702-00016152 stamp collecting. Through the years, he amassed a rather extensive collection, xm4XhRcFFtE-00027-00016152-00016938 which he later sold to King Edward VII who passed it on to his son, King George V. Today, xm4XhRcFFtE-00028-00016938-00017466 it forms part of the Roval Philatelic Collection housed at St James' Palace in London, England. xm4XhRcFFtE-00029-00017562-00018204 On January 24, 1867, Alfred set sail on HMS Galatea for a trip around the world. xm4XhRcFFtE-00030-00018204-00019080 Following a Visit to Cape Town in South Africa, he arrived in Australia on October 31 - the first xm4XhRcFFtE-00031-00019080-00019746 British royal to set foot in the country. On March 12, 1868, while visiting Sydney, xm4XhRcFFtE-00032-00019746-00020400 Prince Alfred was the vic tim of an assassination attempt. An Irishman Henry James O'Farrell, xm4XhRcFFtE-00033-00020400-00021060 fired at the Prince from behind, striking him just to the side of his spine. Alfred was quickly taken xm4XhRcFFtE-00034-00021060-00021594 to Government House in Sydney, where he spent several weeks recov ering before again assuming xm4XhRcFFtE-00035-00021594-00022290 command of his ship and returning home in June 1868, in an outpouring of support for the Prince, xm4XhRcFFtE-00036-00022380-00022824 the peo ple voted for some sort of memorial to be built in his honor. xm4XhRcFFtE-00037-00022824-00023514 This led to the construction of the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital in Sydney. In addi tion to being xm4XhRcFFtE-00038-00023514-00024006 the first British royal in Australia. Prince Alfred was also the first to visit New Zealand, xm4XhRcFFtE-00039-00024006-00024696 Japan, Hong Kong India, and Ceylon now 5 Lanius in its over the next several years. xm4XhRcFFtE-00040-00024780-00025554 On January 24, 1874, at the Winter Palate in St Petersburg Russia Alfred married Grand xm4XhRcFFtE-00041-00025554-00026088 Duchess Maria Alexandrovna, the only daugh- ter of Alexander 9. Emperor of All Russie xm4XhRcFFtE-00042-00026088-00026652 and Princess Marie of Hesse and by Rhine The cou ple settled at Clarence House in London, xm4XhRcFFtE-00043-00026652-00027300 England, and Eastwell Park in Kent, England which they leased until 1893. xm4XhRcFFtE-00044-00027300-00027564 Alfred and Mane had five children xm4XhRcFFtE-00045-00027636-00028052 Prince Alfred, Hereditary Prince of Saxe: Coburg and Gotha (1874-1899) xm4XhRcFFtE-00046-00028052-00028422 Princess Marie, Queen of Romania (1875-1938) xm4XhRcFFtE-00047-00028422-00028920 Princess Victoria Melita, Grand Duchess Victoria Feodorovna of Russia (1836-1936) xm4XhRcFFtE-00048-00028920-00029370 Princess Alexandra of Hohenlohe-Langenberg (1878-1942) xm4XhRcFFtE-00049-00029370-00029472 Princess Beatrice, Duchess of Galleria (1884-1966) xm4XhRcFFtE-00050-00029472-00030072 Over the next nearly twenty years, Alfred's distinguished naval career saw him serve as xm4XhRcFFtE-00051-00030072-00030570 Admiral Superintendent of Naval Reserves. Commander-in-Chief of both the Channel xm4XhRcFFtE-00052-00030570-00031283 Fleet and the Mediterranean Fleet, as well as Commander-in-Chief. Plymouth. And in June 1893, xm4XhRcFFtE-00053-00031283-00031733 he was made Admiral of the Fleet, the highest rank in the British Navy. xm4XhRcFFtE-00054-00031806-00032592 However, his Royal Navy career would soon come to an end. On August 23, 1893, Alfred's unde xm4XhRcFFtE-00055-00032645-00033210 Ernst died, and he became the reigning Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha. While this had been the xm4XhRcFFtE-00056-00033210-00033726 plan for many years. Alfred resented having to give up his naval career as well as his British xm4XhRcFFtE-00057-00033726-00034266 life. He gave up his annuity and his seat in the House of Lords and became the first per son xm4XhRcFFtE-00058-00034266-00034902 to voluntarily resign from the Privy Council. However, he successfully petitioned Parliament xm4XhRcFFtE-00059-00034902-00035430 to continue the separate funding he received to maintain Clarence House for the rest of his life. xm4XhRcFFtE-00060-00035490-00036072 The transition to his new position was not easy The people were mostly against the idea of a xm4XhRcFFtE-00061-00036072-00036480 British prince being their Diake (despite the fact that his father was bom a Prince xm4XhRcFFtE-00062-00036480-00037014 of Saxe- Coburg and Gotha) But Alfred managed to 1 build up the people's confidence in him, xm4XhRcFFtE-00063-00037014-00037524 and soon became quite popular. Leaving most of the governing to xm4XhRcFFtE-00064-00037524-00038040 the State Ministry. Alfred in- stead spent his time traveling, hunting, xm4XhRcFFtE-00065-00038040-00038610 and fol- lowing all the latest advances of the Royal Navy -the career which he missed greatly xm4XhRcFFtE-00066-00038694-00039510 Sadly, his reign would be rather short. On July 30, 1900, at Schloss Rosenau, in Coburg Duchy of xm4XhRcFFtE-00067-00039510-00040116 Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, now in Bavaria, Germany, Alfred died from throat cancer at thei age of xm4XhRcFFtE-00068-00040116-00040776 55. He was buried in the Ducal Mausoleum in the Glockenburg Cemetery in Coburg He was succeeded xm4XhRcFFtE-00069-00040776-00041430 by his nephew. Prince Charles Edward. Duke of Albany, son of his late brother Leopold. xnaLBPfyIdk-00000-00001889-00002358 Sadhguru: Namaskaram, howdy mate? Hey, Matthew, xnaLBPfyIdk-00001-00002360-00002884 am I sounding Australian? Ha, Im sure I'm not. I know you tried to train me last time, xnaLBPfyIdk-00002-00002884-00003272 but it looks like I've not gotten it. xnaLBPfyIdk-00003-00003272-00004079 So about men's health, about health. The word health comes from the root word whole xnaLBPfyIdk-00004-00004079-00004350 that means feeling healthy means to be complete, xnaLBPfyIdk-00005-00004350-00004764 a sense of wholeness within ourselves. For this to happen, xnaLBPfyIdk-00006-00004764-00005526 our body should be vibrant, our physical energies must be vibrant, our mind must be joyful, xnaLBPfyIdk-00007-00005526-00006042 emotion must be exuberant – only then you feel a sense of wholeness. xnaLBPfyIdk-00008-00006042-00006645 Just being disease free, medically being certified that you're healthy is not good enough, xnaLBPfyIdk-00009-00006645-00007200 because you need to burst with health, you need to bounce around with health. xnaLBPfyIdk-00010-00007200-00007980 That is only possible when you manage all these four dimensions of body, mind, emotion and energy, xnaLBPfyIdk-00011-00007980-00008418 in a exuberant manner. There is a whole system of yoga, xnaLBPfyIdk-00012-00008422-00009172 there is a whole system of yogic sciences. When I say yoga, don't scare the... all your mates, xnaLBPfyIdk-00013-00009172-00009588 they will think that you will have to twist and turn and hang upside down – xnaLBPfyIdk-00014-00009588-00009746 that is not the sort of yoga. xnaLBPfyIdk-00015-00009746-00010258 Yoga means you kind of broke the limitations of your body xnaLBPfyIdk-00016-00010258-00010590 and you became little more perforated, xnaLBPfyIdk-00017-00010590-00011188 that you're able to feel life beyond the physical boundaries of your body. xnaLBPfyIdk-00018-00011188-00011498 That means you're always exuberant and energic... xnaLBPfyIdk-00019-00011498-00011802 because this is how life is happening. xnaLBPfyIdk-00020-00011802-00012166 Because we are inhaling what is in the atmosphere as breath. xnaLBPfyIdk-00021-00012166-00012456 We are alive because we're ingesting the food, xnaLBPfyIdk-00022-00012456-00012784 we're drinking the water – that's the only reason why we are alive. xnaLBPfyIdk-00023-00012784-00013430 So it is not only in terms of respiration and ingestion and digestion that this is happening. xnaLBPfyIdk-00024-00013430-00013752 Every pore in this body, every cell in this body xnaLBPfyIdk-00025-00013752-00014322 even the subatomic particles are in constant communication with the rest of the universe. xnaLBPfyIdk-00026-00014322-00014706 Yoga means that you consciously experience this, xnaLBPfyIdk-00027-00014706-00015328 when you experience that your life is not just wrapped in this little physical self, xnaLBPfyIdk-00028-00015328-00016022 but it is much beyond that – your physiological and psychological spaces are not a limitation, xnaLBPfyIdk-00029-00016022-00016366 but are stepping stones for a larger possibility. xnaLBPfyIdk-00030-00016366-00016832 When this becomes a living reality in your life, you're in yoga. xnaLBPfyIdk-00031-00016832-00017374 Health can be achieved only by living yoga. When I say living yoga, xnaLBPfyIdk-00032-00017374-00018122 it is not that only those who practice yoga or some system of yoga are experiencing yoga. xnaLBPfyIdk-00033-00018122-00018738 You looked at the sunrise, and you connected with this, this is yoga. xnaLBPfyIdk-00034-00018738-00019276 You went for a swim in the ocean and you really became one with it, this is yoga. xnaLBPfyIdk-00035-00019280-00019564 Every breath you're becoming one with the world, xnaLBPfyIdk-00036-00019564-00019946 every step that you take you're one with the planet that you're walking upon. xnaLBPfyIdk-00037-00019946-00020208 if this happens to you, you're are in yoga. xnaLBPfyIdk-00038-00020218-00020588 So this yoga can be systematically worked at, xnaLBPfyIdk-00039-00020590-00021156 in the sense, you can gradually work with your body, mind, emotion xnaLBPfyIdk-00040-00021156-00021702 and energies in such a way that they're constantly open to this experience. xnaLBPfyIdk-00041-00021702-00022062 Every human being has experienced some form of yoga, xnaLBPfyIdk-00042-00022062-00022566 some sense of union with something or the other, but it doesn't last. xnaLBPfyIdk-00043-00022566-00023046 Now there is an entire science to see that xnaLBPfyIdk-00044-00023046-00023490 you craft yourself in such a way that this experience of union xnaLBPfyIdk-00045-00023490-00023824 which is always the most profound experience in your life xnaLBPfyIdk-00046-00023824-00024160 becomes a living experience every moment of your life, xnaLBPfyIdk-00047-00024160-00024354 then you are truly healthy. xnaLBPfyIdk-00048-00024354-00025134 It's my wish and my blessing that all the Australian men should become really healthy y5BhaOfvGv0-00000-00016661-00017009 Dziękuję bardzo, to najlepszy sklep w Sziraz. y5BhaOfvGv0-00001-00017869-00018069 Proszę y5BhaOfvGv0-00002-00021726-00022169 Jak się masz? Miło cię widzieć. y5BhaOfvGv0-00003-00022468-00022737 Witamy. One są takie szczęśliwe. y5BhaOfvGv0-00004-00038000-00038314 To sprytne, macie tu okno do kuchni. y5BhaOfvGv0-00005-00039702-00039934 Mogę zobaczyć co tam robicie? y5BhaOfvGv0-00006-00039956-00040156 Chcę zobaczyć. y5BhaOfvGv0-00007-00040216-00040413 Pełno wszystkiego... y5BhaOfvGv0-00008-00040425-00040803 Dobrze, to znaczy, że coś robicie. y5BhaOfvGv0-00009-00040916-00041116 Co tutaj macie? y5BhaOfvGv0-00010-00041331-00041531 Co to jest? y5BhaOfvGv0-00011-00041942-00042142 zupa y5BhaOfvGv0-00012-00042428-00042628 kurczak y5BhaOfvGv0-00013-00042890-00043090 ryż y5BhaOfvGv0-00014-00043685-00044387 Jak będzie wszystko na stole, to będziesz mogła zrobić film lub zdjęcie. y5BhaOfvGv0-00015-00044439-00044639 To ile osób zaprosiliście? y5BhaOfvGv0-00016-00044793-00044993 dwie osoby y5BhaOfvGv0-00017-00045000-00045312 Nagotowałyście jak dla 10 osób. y5BhaOfvGv0-00018-00045354-00045554 Tyle jedzenia. y5BhaOfvGv0-00019-00051346-00051546 Ryż z mięsem, y5BhaOfvGv0-00020-00051622-00052292 jogurtem i jajkiem. y5BhaOfvGv0-00021-00054904-00055267 To jest irański kotlet z mięsa i ziemniaków. y5BhaOfvGv0-00022-00055279-00055701 My chętnie spróbujemy, bo słyszeliśmy o tych kotletach. y5BhaOfvGv0-00023-00055701-00055901 Ja zrobiłam z samego mięsa. y5BhaOfvGv0-00024-00055911-00056111 Ten jest tylko z miesa? OK y5BhaOfvGv0-00025-00060060-00060260 Ona je wszystko? y5BhaOfvGv0-00026-00060260-00060500 Tak ona je wszystko. Chce jeść ze stołu. y5BhaOfvGv0-00027-00060513-00060679 Kurczaka? y5BhaOfvGv0-00028-00060693-00060966 Póżniej damy jej trochę. Zepchnij ją na dół. y5BhaOfvGv0-00029-00064739-00065191 Myślę, że ustawimy się w tą stronę. y5BhaOfvGv0-00030-00065282-00065482 Będzie ładnie. y5BhaOfvGv0-00031-00065522-00065722 Mamy wszystkich? y5BhaOfvGv0-00032-00065722-00065922 Gdzie jest twój mąż? y5BhaOfvGv0-00033-00069081-00069281 Mogę wejść? y5BhaOfvGv0-00034-00070280-00070745 Impreza dla psów :) y5BhaOfvGv0-00035-00076561-00076761 Pakujesz się? y5BhaOfvGv0-00036-00076899-00077403 To są specjalne rękawiczki, one przynoszą mi szczęście. y5BhaOfvGv0-00037-00079546-00079746 Cześć, co u was? y5BhaOfvGv0-00038-00079810-00080294 Nazywam się Attilah, jestem z Węgier. y5BhaOfvGv0-00039-00080337-00080659 Przejechałem prawie 10 tys.km y5BhaOfvGv0-00040-00080711-00080966 8 krajów i 8 m-cy y5BhaOfvGv0-00041-00081042-00081512 Teraz jesteśmy w Sziraz w Iranie. y5BhaOfvGv0-00042-00081624-00082016 Doświadczamy tego niesamowitego kraju. y5BhaOfvGv0-00043-00082099-00082583 Wspaniałe jedzenie, gościnność i dobro. y5BhaOfvGv0-00044-00082609-00083058 A tu widzimy jak różnie można podróżować po świecie. y5BhaOfvGv0-00045-00083072-00083523 Widzicie ten wielki samochód za mną. y5BhaOfvGv0-00046-00083559-00083915 Niedźwiedź próbuje coś naprawić. y5BhaOfvGv0-00047-00083926-00084247 Nic mu nie jest (wymiana żarówki). y5BhaOfvGv0-00048-00084287-00084700 Bo to Japończyk, Honda? nie Toyota. y5BhaOfvGv0-00049-00087791-00088337 Najpierw chciałbym powiedzieć coś o moim rowerze, bo to szczególny rower. y5BhaOfvGv0-00050-00088361-00088743 To jest cougar. Ta marka nazywa się cougar z Holandii. y5BhaOfvGv0-00051-00088743-00089362 Ja poleciałem do Holandii, żeby zbudowali ten rower dla mnie. y5BhaOfvGv0-00052-00089408-00089803 Można wybrać tam różne podzespoły. y5BhaOfvGv0-00053-00089837-00090154 Ten rower nazywa się światowy podróżnik. y5BhaOfvGv0-00054-00090190-00090500 Nazwa jest tutaj, ale musiałbym to ściągnąć. y5BhaOfvGv0-00055-00090506-00091184 Ten cougar jest robiony na zamówienie i zaprojektowany na długodystansowe podróże. y5BhaOfvGv0-00056-00091246-00091639 On ma specjalne elementy, jak to czarne pudełko y5BhaOfvGv0-00057-00091661-00092163 tutaj jest 14 przerzutek w środku. y5BhaOfvGv0-00058-00092201-00093013 Wszystko schowane, dzięki temu jest ochrona przed kurzem i deszczem. y5BhaOfvGv0-00059-00093043-00093724 A ten łańcuch... na tym łańcuchu można przejechać 15 tys. km. y5BhaOfvGv0-00060-00093810-00094327 Jak połączysz dobry łańcuch i przeżutki, możesz jechać w świat. y5BhaOfvGv0-00061-00094400-00095286 Tutaj mam dynamo, w środku jest bateria, dzieki czemu mogę ładować telefon. y5BhaOfvGv0-00062-00095306-00095962 Gdy poruszam kołami mogę ładować swój telefon i inne urządzenia. y5BhaOfvGv0-00063-00096012-00096343 No i oczywiście światło z dynamo. y5BhaOfvGv0-00064-00096844-00097500 Na drogach szutrowych trzeba mocno trzymać kierownicę. y5BhaOfvGv0-00065-00097508-00098212 Wtedy trzymam tak, ale na asfalcie mogę trzymać w 5 różnych pozycjach. y5BhaOfvGv0-00066-00098225-00098519 To jest prawdopodobnie najlepsza kierownica na świecie. y5BhaOfvGv0-00067-00098519-00098719 Wygląda na wygdny. y5BhaOfvGv0-00068-00098767-00099336 Myślę, że jeżdżę na rowerze odkąd miałem 4 lata. y5BhaOfvGv0-00069-00099364-00100206 Mogę powiedzieć, że wychowałem się na rowerze i ta pasja nigdy mi się nie znudzi. y5BhaOfvGv0-00070-00100230-00101211 Miałem motor, jeździłem różnymi samochodami, nawet teslą y5BhaOfvGv0-00071-00101239-00101700 teslą o mocy 600 KM, zarąbistymi motorami y5BhaOfvGv0-00072-00101748-00102441 ale tyko rower, jazda na rowerze nigdy mi się nie nudzi. y5BhaOfvGv0-00073-00102478-00103017 To jest dobre dla środowiska, dobre dla duszy, dla ciała. y5BhaOfvGv0-00074-00103030-00103384 Ludzie cię doceniają. y5BhaOfvGv0-00075-00103417-00104140 To jak medytacja, kiedy jedziesz, słońce świeci, słuchasz swojej muzyki. y5BhaOfvGv0-00076-00104208-00104703 Uwielbiam ten sposób podróżowania. y5BhaOfvGv0-00077-00104721-00104966 Można przejechać na rowerze cały świat. y5BhaOfvGv0-00078-00128807-00129165 Teraz wytłumaczę, jak trzeba sobie nałożyć. y5BhaOfvGv0-00079-00129193-00129585 Talerz, łyżka i idziemy... y5BhaOfvGv0-00080-00129908-00130694 Nałożymy tutaj ziemniaki, ile chcesz y5BhaOfvGv0-00081-00130986-00131718 potem nałożymy gulasz, ile chcesz y5BhaOfvGv0-00082-00132142-00132592 trochę sosu na ziemniaki y5BhaOfvGv0-00083-00132703-00132969 teraz idziemy tu y5BhaOfvGv0-00084-00133147-00133519 trochę tego y5BhaOfvGv0-00085-00134747-00135153 Bella to nie dla ciebie, ty dostaniesz jak wystygnie. y5BhaOfvGv0-00086-00135323-00135807 A tam na spodzie są marchewki. y5BhaOfvGv0-00087-00136342-00136626 Mamy psa złodzieja. y5BhaOfvGv0-00088-00137074-00137427 Oczywiście możesz nałozyć sobie więcej. y5BhaOfvGv0-00089-00137473-00137673 A teraz (bułka tarta z masełkiem) y5BhaOfvGv0-00090-00138643-00138843 i to cały sekret y5BhaOfvGv0-00091-00139228-00139428 podano do stołu y5BhaOfvGv0-00092-00139464-00139664 Zgadnijcie co to jest? y5BhaOfvGv0-00093-00139788-00140030 Mogę powąchać? y5BhaOfvGv0-00094-00140030-00140230 Oczywiście, że tak. y5BhaOfvGv0-00095-00140305-00140505 Bez oszukiwania. y5BhaOfvGv0-00096-00141348-00141548 Podsmażone masło y5BhaOfvGv0-00097-00141574-00141774 To masło y5BhaOfvGv0-00098-00142344-00142801 To bardzo proste, nawet tu w skelpach mają. y5BhaOfvGv0-00099-00143396-00143596 Bardzo ciekawe y5BhaOfvGv0-00100-00143682-00143882 Muszę tego spróbować. y5BhaOfvGv0-00101-00145676-00145846 bułka tarta y5BhaOfvGv0-00102-00145846-00146449 Tak, myślałem. To smakuje świetnie, tak chrupie jak się to je y5BhaOfvGv0-00103-00146500-00146885 i masło y5BhaOfvGv0-00104-00146934-00147308 Niezwykłe jak te warzywa są chrupkie, mimo, że ugotowane. y5BhaOfvGv0-00105-00149170-00149457 Uwielbiam, gdy ludzie robią mmmm y5BhaOfvGv0-00106-00149500-00149700 Do widzenia. y5BhaOfvGv0-00107-00150040-00150240 Bardzo dobre. y5BhaOfvGv0-00108-00151000-00151200 Dobrze się czujesz? y5BhaOfvGv0-00109-00151200-00151636 Jestem taka głodna i uwielbiam polskie jedzenie. Wszystko jest takie dobre. y5BhaOfvGv0-00110-00151646-00151931 Powinnaś studiować w Polsce. y5BhaOfvGv0-00111-00152226-00152666 Mam duńskiego znajomego, który uczy się polskiego. y5BhaOfvGv0-00112-00152741-00152987 Naprawdę, po co? y5BhaOfvGv0-00113-00153042-00153354 Może żeby nauczyć się gotować. y5BhaOfvGv0-00114-00153500-00153700 Może to był powód. y5BhaOfvGv0-00115-00153724-00154155 Nauczyć się polskiego, aby poznać polską kuchnię. y5BhaOfvGv0-00116-00154287-00154615 Czy wszyscy w Polsce gotują tak dobrze jak ty? y5BhaOfvGv0-00117-00154661-00154987 Nie wiem. Musisz jechać i sprawdzić. y5BhaOfvGv0-00118-00155000-00155200 Ogólnie jedzą dobrze. y5BhaOfvGv0-00119-00155200-00155400 Mario mógłby to ocenić. y5BhaOfvGv0-00120-00155515-00155859 Chodź, dołącz do nas, w samą porę. y5GU_OBuEIy-00000-00000345-00000850 I found myself in a place where I was highly stressed. y5GU_OBuEIy-00001-00000850-00000971 I was anxious. y5GU_OBuEIy-00002-00000971-00001162 I was overwhelmed. y5GU_OBuEIy-00003-00001162-00001537 I was biting the head off my husband. y5GU_OBuEIy-00004-00001537-00001921 I thought he was going to leave me and go find a nice barista. y5GU_OBuEIy-00005-00001921-00002122 I was a mess. y5GU_OBuEIy-00006-00002122-00002322 I'm not going to cry, no crying. y5GU_OBuEIy-00007-00002322-00002740 I was in a mess and it felt horrible. y5GU_OBuEIy-00008-00002740-00003048 And maybe, you know what I'm talking about. y5GU_OBuEIy-00009-00003048-00003569 And I never want to go back there again, and I don't want people to have to live there y5GU_OBuEIy-00010-00003569-00003911 because I know firsthand how horrible it is. y5GU_OBuEIy-00011-00003911-00004011 Sorry. y5GU_OBuEIy-00012-00004011-00004771 I created a step-by-step process for me to go through, to do this rewiring based on the y5GU_OBuEIy-00013-00004771-00004977 science of neuroplasticity. y5GU_OBuEIy-00014-00004977-00005396 Let me tell you about neuro-plasticity just for a minute and I'm going to way over simplify y5GU_OBuEIy-00015-00005396-00005963 this because it is really complicated, but the gist of it is the. y5GU_OBuEIy-00016-00005963-00006768 Every stressful thought that you think wires and strengthens those pathways in your brain y5GU_OBuEIy-00017-00006768-00007356 so that when you go through a stressful time or a stressful childhood, any stressful period y5GU_OBuEIy-00018-00007356-00008221 of life, your brain becomes more and more and more wired for stress. y5GU_OBuEIy-00019-00008221-00008622 Those stress neural pathways become stronger and stronger and stronger. y5GU_OBuEIy-00020-00008622-00008763 So that. y5GU_OBuEIy-00021-00008763-00009263 When something even remotely stressful comes up for you, you sailed down those tracks. y5GU_OBuEIy-00022-00009263-00009404 I call it to stressful. y5GU_OBuEIy-00023-00009404-00009877 You sail down those tracks to stress spill before you even know what's happening. y5GU_OBuEIy-00024-00009877-00009977 You're worrying. y5GU_OBuEIy-00025-00009977-00010375 You're spinning out that it's because these pathways are so. y5GU_OBuEIy-00026-00010375-00010475 Strong. y5GU_OBuEIy-00027-00010475-00010950 And then I don't know if you're at this point, I got to a point where I was, my thoughts y5GU_OBuEIy-00028-00010950-00011115 were more negative. y5GU_OBuEIy-00029-00011115-00011353 So I got to a low spot. y5GU_OBuEIy-00030-00011353-00012010 I was not, I told you I wasn't myself, but I was not feeling well at all. y5GU_OBuEIy-00031-00012010-00012684 I put the process into action for myself and it took me. y5GU_OBuEIy-00032-00012684-00013179 It took me at least seven or eight weeks to start to really feel better. y5GU_OBuEIy-00033-00013179-00013410 By 12 weeks I was feeling a lot better. y5GU_OBuEIy-00034-00013410-00013741 And by 16 weeks I was feeling a whole lot better. y5GU_OBuEIy-00035-00013741-00014174 I was really excited because I put a lot of time into this research and it actually works. y5GU_OBuEIy-00036-00014174-00014802 So I want to tell you today about a couple of things that you can start doing. y5GU_OBuEIy-00037-00014802-00015463 Here's the scoop, if every single stressful thought wires your brain to be more stressed. y5GU_OBuEIy-00038-00015463-00015610 So I thought, how do we. y5GU_OBuEIy-00039-00015610-00016047 Counteract that we have to strengthen our common, happy neural pathways. y5GU_OBuEIy-00040-00016047-00016147 Don't we? y5GU_OBuEIy-00041-00016147-00016247 Yeah. y5GU_OBuEIy-00042-00016247-00016375 So how do we do that? y5GU_OBuEIy-00043-00016375-00017023 For me personally, I needed a systematic approach that I would do it every single day for a y5GU_OBuEIy-00044-00017023-00017325 concentrated amount of time. y5GU_OBuEIy-00045-00017325-00017617 Examples are appreciation. y5GU_OBuEIy-00046-00017617-00017986 And the reason that I don't say gratitude is because I don't know if you've heard about y5GU_OBuEIy-00047-00017986-00018412 gratitude lists, but so many people say, oh, do a gratitude list. y5GU_OBuEIy-00048-00018412-00018573 What you're grateful for. y5GU_OBuEIy-00049-00018573-00018690 Just make five things. y5GU_OBuEIy-00050-00018690-00019261 And yes, that can help, but it becomes a rote exercise after a while. y5GU_OBuEIy-00051-00019261-00019758 It just doesn't activate those neural pathways as much as appreciation does. y5GU_OBuEIy-00052-00019758-00019948 And what I find. y5GU_OBuEIy-00053-00019948-00020460 Finding things around you in the moment to appreciate, and it can be really simple. y5GU_OBuEIy-00054-00020460-00020715 It can be the chair you're sitting in. y5GU_OBuEIy-00055-00020715-00020927 It can be your comfy pants. y5GU_OBuEIy-00056-00020927-00021341 It can be going. y5GU_OBuEIy-00057-00021341-00021723 To the bathroom inside, it can be running water. y5GU_OBuEIy-00058-00021723-00021889 It can be a roof over your head. y5GU_OBuEIy-00059-00021889-00022236 It can be that your car runs really anything. y5GU_OBuEIy-00060-00022236-00022538 And then let yourself appreciate that. y5GU_OBuEIy-00061-00022538-00023148 Let yourself sit on those emotions for a minute, because when you're doing that, you're insulating y5GU_OBuEIy-00062-00023148-00023604 strengthening those pathways in your mind. y5GU_OBuEIy-00063-00023604-00024098 And then over time, those pathways come to. y5GU_OBuEIy-00064-00024098-00024718 Not, they'll never completely dominate the stress pathways. y5GU_OBuEIy-00065-00024718-00025271 And what I'm talking about is a hundred percent because we do need those for survival. y5GU_OBuEIy-00066-00025271-00025396 They're not always bad. y5GU_OBuEIy-00067-00025396-00025933 It's just, when you know, a wooly mammoth becomes a late car payment. y5GU_OBuEIy-00068-00025933-00026112 We're not trying to survive every day anymore. y5GU_OBuEIy-00069-00026112-00026434 And I hope that the appreciation aspect. y5GU_OBuEIy-00070-00026434-00026612 Helped you. y5GU_OBuEIy-00071-00026612-00027025 And I want you to start doing that as many times during the day as possible. y5GU_OBuEIy-00072-00027025-00027519 And even if you have to set a timer and set some time aside for yourself during the day y5GU_OBuEIy-00073-00027519-00028044 to do it, because every time you do, you're going to strengthen those calm and happy neural y5GU_OBuEIy-00074-00028044-00028213 pathways in your mind. y5GU_OBuEIy-00075-00028213-00028928 And then you'll inch toward that mind and person that you want to be and get out of y5GU_OBuEIy-00076-00028928-00029269 that stress mess because. y5GU_OBuEIy-00077-00029269-00029668 Not fun and it's not a tolerable place to be. y5GU_OBuEIy-00078-00029668-00029897 So that's why I'm here to help you. y5GU_OBuEIy-00079-00029897-00030580 Another tip that I do have for you before I sign off today is I made a whole video about y5GU_OBuEIy-00080-00030580-00031202 a breathing technique that actually activates your parasympathetic or calm, nervous system. y5GU_OBuEIy-00081-00031202-00031641 This can also help because you're stepping out of that stress response. y5GU_OBuEIy-00082-00031641-00032153 So if you want to check that out, that's also on this. y5GU_OBuEIy-00083-00032153-00032404 And I appreciate you watching today. y5GU_OBuEIy-00084-00032404-00032699 I really hope this was helpful for you. y5GU_OBuEIy-00085-00032699-00033162 Let me know in the comments and I will see you very soon. y5GU_OBuEIy-00086-00033162-00033231 Bye. y7fjnOCYsRg-00000-00000000-00000200 건강한 한끼로 여름건강지키기 y7fjnOCYsRg-00002-00000400-00000600 Shall we make perilla kalguksu? y7DNuMUP5fY-00000-00000143-00000494 Three Two One, Action! y7DNuMUP5fY-00001-00000622-00000808 Everyone need foods, right? y7DNuMUP5fY-00002-00000808-00001064 Because of that, almost all of us learn how to cook. y7DNuMUP5fY-00003-00001064-00001202 If someone has learned how to cook. y7DNuMUP5fY-00004-00001202-00001358 They will search for information sources. y7DNuMUP5fY-00005-00001358-00001650 Like books,Television, especially enternet. y7DNuMUP5fY-00006-00001650-00001901 In this century everybody knows Internet. y7DNuMUP5fY-00007-00001901-00002201 Especially all of you y7DNuMUP5fY-00008-00002201-00002880 Because of that Masak.TV want to share knowledge about cooking in podcast video y7DNuMUP5fY-00009-00002980-00003197 Come on guys what else? y7DNuMUP5fY-00010-00003201-00003667 You can watch it by streaming or subscribe. y7DNuMUP5fY-00011-00003667-00004201 so all of the webisode can be downloaded y7DNuMUP5fY-00012-00004201-00005375 Masak.TV reserve recipe, Tips & Trick also Vocabulary of cooking. As a whole simple, entertaining, casual and also interactive. y7DNuMUP5fY-00013-00005375-00005775 You hungry? Don't have an idea what to cook? 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yu5aE8-rKpQ-00000-00000492-00001030 Both probability and statistics are fields of study that involve a layer of randomness. yu5aE8-rKpQ-00001-00001030-00001668 For probability we start with a model of a situation and try to determine information about the randomized outcomes. yu5aE8-rKpQ-00002-00001668-00002010 With statistics we start with data that may have a level of randomness in it yu5aE8-rKpQ-00003-00002010-00002258 and try to determine a model that fits it. yu5aE8-rKpQ-00004-00002258-00002556 For example, if we're talking about flipping a coin yu5aE8-rKpQ-00005-00002556-00003276 in probability theory we might start with the idea that it is a fair coin that has a 50% chance of landing on each side yu5aE8-rKpQ-00006-00003276-00003606 But with statistics we would start by flipping the coin a bunch of times yu5aE8-rKpQ-00007-00003606-00003934 and ask whether it's reasonable that the coin is fair. yu5aE8-rKpQ-00008-00003986-00004370 When taking repeated measurements we can create a frequency table. yu5aE8-rKpQ-00009-00004370-00004866 This is a table of all the outcomes that also displays how many times each result has happened yu5aE8-rKpQ-00010-00004866-00005220 And once we've got these values we can turn it into a chart. yu5aE8-rKpQ-00011-00005222-00005588 Charts like this are often called histograms or bar charts. yu5aE8-rKpQ-00012-00005648-00005966 This is a simple visual way to communicate information. yu5aE8-rKpQ-00013-00006008-00006526 Outcomes such as heads or tails and colors are called categorical data. yu5aE8-rKpQ-00014-00006536-00006962 We are putting the outcomes into categories based on some characteristic. yu5aE8-rKpQ-00015-00006962-00007316 In some situations the information we get is numerical. yu5aE8-rKpQ-00016-00007340-00007752 Numerical data give us other ways to try to describe the information. yu5aE8-rKpQ-00017-00007764-00007995 Suppose that we have an urn with balls in it yu5aE8-rKpQ-00018-00008009-00008216 and each ball is labeled with a number. yu5aE8-rKpQ-00019-00008228-00008442 We don't know how many balls are in the urn, yu5aE8-rKpQ-00020-00008442-00008642 nor do we know what numbers they have. yu5aE8-rKpQ-00021-00008658-00008996 But we can reach in and grab a bunch of balls and just see what we get. yu5aE8-rKpQ-00022-00009040-00009192 We won't necessarily get all the balls yu5aE8-rKpQ-00023-00009192-00009600 but we can use the information we have to make a guess as to what else is in the urn. yu5aE8-rKpQ-00024-00009648-00009996 Let's say we drew 10 balls and got the following collection. yu5aE8-rKpQ-00025-00010010-00010424 We can put this information into a frequency table and then into a chart. yu5aE8-rKpQ-00026-00010450-00010734 This gives us a quick sense of the data that we have. yu5aE8-rKpQ-00027-00010776-00010978 But there's more we can do. yu5aE8-rKpQ-00028-00010988-00011508 In fact there are three specific numerical quantities that we can use to understand the numerical information: yu5aE8-rKpQ-00029-00011508-00011816 the mean, the median, and the mode. yu5aE8-rKpQ-00030-00011854-00012210 The mean is what most people think of when they think of an average. yu5aE8-rKpQ-00031-00012282-00012708 To calculate the mean you add up all the values and divide by the number of values. yu5aE8-rKpQ-00032-00012778-00013266 The median is the middle number when all the values have been put in increasing order. yu5aE8-rKpQ-00033-00013266-00013668 If you have an even number of values it's the average of the two middle values. yu5aE8-rKpQ-00034-00013668-00013944 In this case, the median is 2.5. yu5aE8-rKpQ-00035-00013954-00014291 The mode is the number that appears the most often. yu5aE8-rKpQ-00036-00014291-00014738 If there are multiple values that appear the most then they are all considered to be the mode. yu5aE8-rKpQ-00037-00014738-00015232 Each of these values have important uses when trying to understand the data contained in the urn. yu5aE8-rKpQ-00038-00015232-00015674 They all try to give us a sense of what we should expect from the numbers coming out of the urn yu5aE8-rKpQ-00039-00015674-00015930 but they all do it in slightly different ways. yu5aE8-rKpQ-00040-00015980-00016806 In class we will look at some more examples of this to help build our experience and intuition for working with these values ywBMeS7h0g0-00000-00000002-00000308 ShiftExample2Unsigned.c is trying to lay ywBMeS7h0g0-00001-00000308-00000600 a simple truth on you and that truth is, ywBMeS7h0g0-00002-00000609-00001000 you may see shifts in the assembly when no one ywBMeS7h0g0-00003-00001000-00001208 wrote any shifts in the C ywBMeS7h0g0-00004-00001303-00001605 So if a multiply by a power of 2 or ywBMeS7h0g0-00005-00001605-00001807 a divide by a power of 2 exists in the ywBMeS7h0g0-00006-00001807-00001901 C, ywBMeS7h0g0-00007-00001905-00002206 then the compiler may just turn it into a shift ywBMeS7h0g0-00008-00002206-00002700 left or a shift right. This particular assembly was compiled ywBMeS7h0g0-00009-00002700-00002809 with a optimization ywBMeS7h0g0-00010-00002809-00003001 Unlike all of our past, ywBMeS7h0g0-00011-00003001-00003208 assembly this was set to maximize speed so that it would ywBMeS7h0g0-00012-00003208-00003602 generate much smaller assembly code because we don't really care ywBMeS7h0g0-00013-00003602-00003900 about all of this indexing into argv[1] and ywBMeS7h0g0-00014-00003900-00004103 calling atoi() and all of that just to get this ywBMeS7h0g0-00015-00004103-00004400 number so you can go ahead and change the optimization ywBMeS7h0g0-00016-00004400-00004703 back to no optimization if you'd like to step through ywBMeS7h0g0-00017-00004703-00004806 a more complicated version ywBMeS7h0g0-00018-00004901-00005106 But the basic point is just to see a correspondence ywBMeS7h0g0-00019-00005106-00005405 between multiply by 8 ywBMeS7h0g0-00020-00005407-00005701 This is a shift left by 2 to the power ywBMeS7h0g0-00021-00005701-00005706 of 3, ywBMeS7h0g0-00022-00005706-00005804 which is 8, ywBMeS7h0g0-00023-00005804-00005909 and divide by 16 ywBMeS7h0g0-00024-00005909-00006207 This is a shift right by 2 to the power ywBMeS7h0g0-00025-00006207-00006400 of 4, 16, ywBMeS7h0g0-00026-00006409-00006701 and that's the only take away I have for you ywBMeS7h0g0-00027-00006704-00007008 Multiplies and divides by powers of two compilers prefers shifts ywBMeS7h0g0-00028-00007105-00007206 but you should still, ywBMeS7h0g0-00029-00007206-00007306 as always, ywBMeS7h0g0-00030-00007306-00007701 step through the assembly and check your understanding again ywBMeS7h0g0-00031-00007701-00007900 If you'd like to make a little more complicated on ywBMeS7h0g0-00032-00007900-00007905 yourself, ywBMeS7h0g0-00033-00007905-00008200 go ahead and go to the properties of the project ywBMeS7h0g0-00034-00008200-00008507 and set the optimization back to disabled yzzGJDjxeOk-00000-00000215-00000609 PRESENTER: This road is headed north into Canada just east yzzGJDjxeOk-00001-00000609-00000948 of the Great Glacier Waterton Lakes International Peace yzzGJDjxeOk-00002-00000948-00001314 Park that straddles the Canada, Alberta, border. yzzGJDjxeOk-00003-00001314-00001554 The road has been built, and then you'll yzzGJDjxeOk-00004-00001554-00001801 see that the road has been maintained. yzzGJDjxeOk-00005-00001801-00002203 And in many countries, roads are built and maintained yzzGJDjxeOk-00006-00002203-00002723 with small taxes on gasoline petrol, motor fuel. yzzGJDjxeOk-00007-00002723-00003122 When economists, policymakers talk about using taxes yzzGJDjxeOk-00008-00003122-00003495 to reduce fossil fuel use, that would assume yzzGJDjxeOk-00009-00003495-00003846 that the money raised is not used yzzGJDjxeOk-00010-00003846-00004159 for purposes, such as building and maintaining roads, yzzGJDjxeOk-00011-00004159-00004636 that actually serve to promote more use of fossil fuels. yzzGJDjxeOk-00012-00004636-00004831 It is quite possible that the sort yzzGJDjxeOk-00013-00004831-00005161 of tax that is used to fix the roads yzzGJDjxeOk-00014-00005161-00005520 is actually a sort of subsidy for fossil fuel use yzzGJDjxeOk-00015-00005520-00005756 because it encourages more use. yzzGJDjxeOk-00016-00005756-00006072 And if you want to use a tax to reduce fossil fuel use, yzzGJDjxeOk-00017-00006072-00006259 the money has to go to something other yzzGJDjxeOk-00018-00006259-00006580 than promoting more fossil fuels. y_mkc8Hy5_8-00000-00000044-00002331 Hello guys welcome back to ITS y_mkc8Hy5_8-00001-00002331-00002375 NS GAMING y_emZwTypfg-00000-00000102-00000174 foreign y_emZwTypfg-00001-00000911-00002184 we need to use circular then pattern the rod around the the circle and on top y_emZwTypfg-00002-00002382-00002862 there's a protrusion killed by chair and egg by egg y_emZwTypfg-00003-00003096-00003852 so this one we have to use log command to do to to create this this this this this portion y_emZwTypfg-00004-00004026-00004392 okay to start we will draw the the top plate first y_emZwTypfg-00005-00004542-00005196 use the top plane angle top plane sketch Center rectangle y_emZwTypfg-00006-00005484-00005646 with Dimension 16 y_emZwTypfg-00007-00006690-00007259 and I shoot 2mm but thickness here to MF but y_emZwTypfg-00008-00007559-00007686 make it 2 mm y_emZwTypfg-00009-00007926-00007980 okay y_emZwTypfg-00010-00008274-00009156 next we are going to clear this this profile here so we will sketch the viewers we will y_emZwTypfg-00011-00009156-00010056 create on this surface here the sketch print on this page click okay number two y_emZwTypfg-00012-00010260-00010440 but let me paint a bit y_emZwTypfg-00013-00010752-00011178 so first I want to draw a Center Line 25 mm y_emZwTypfg-00014-00011562-00011628 original y_emZwTypfg-00015-00012162-00012354 and your dimension this way y_emZwTypfg-00016-00012630-00012738 25. y_emZwTypfg-00017-00013469-00013638 okay we are going to draw a circle y_emZwTypfg-00018-00014130-00014346 I mentioned this one the mistakes y_emZwTypfg-00019-00015768-00016422 now we are going to draw line hit again and draw one vertical later y_emZwTypfg-00020-00016926-00017238 see draw line again y_emZwTypfg-00021-00017532-00017880 particularly down now let's trim y_emZwTypfg-00022-00018276-00018960 okay next thing is that we have to use the offset command to to offset to mm y_emZwTypfg-00023-00019128-00019566 let's go to offset and repeat 2mm y_emZwTypfg-00024-00019878-00020754 click so now I want to change the direction so I will click reverse okay okay y_emZwTypfg-00025-00020964-00022086 so now we have the profile here to put a picture through both page and make it 2mm y_emZwTypfg-00026-00022758-00023016 okay we don't need to to do this actually y_emZwTypfg-00027-00023214-00023850 so we're gonna mirror this portion here so go to each picture y_emZwTypfg-00028-00024060-00024366 mere entity selector y_emZwTypfg-00029-00024846-00025278 the right plane easier to make to mirror y_emZwTypfg-00030-00025542-00025592 okay y_emZwTypfg-00031-00025962-00026220 so we are not going to draw the rod y_emZwTypfg-00032-00026327-00027089 so I am draw the sketch spring is on the space click sketch number two y_emZwTypfg-00033-00027462-00027624 let me do a center line y_emZwTypfg-00034-00027918-00028104 just presume that uh y_emZwTypfg-00035-00028320-00029220 received the road is in the center or Circle midpoint click y_emZwTypfg-00036-00029430-00029814 did I mentioned this one 1.5 y_emZwTypfg-00037-00030258-00030582 for the picture extra boss base y_emZwTypfg-00038-00030786-00031392 so we're gonna exclude so you can stay up to up to next y_emZwTypfg-00039-00031733-00032633 okay so now we are going to pattern seven seven times seven times the rod around this circle so y_emZwTypfg-00040-00032706-00033594 for the feature the killer pattern Direction you can you can click the surface this surface as a y_emZwTypfg-00041-00033594-00034608 Direction and make it seven and then the bigger I like the figure so I select the y_emZwTypfg-00042-00034962-00035484 select this first fruit you can see the pattern hit okay y_emZwTypfg-00043-00035796-00036360 okay now if you zoom you can see that there's a chop mm Square y_emZwTypfg-00044-00036486-00037164 and a 2mm away from this surface you have a m squared so now I sketch the y_emZwTypfg-00045-00037164-00038136 chop mm pretend rectangle first click sketch number two so we draw a center y_emZwTypfg-00046-00038646-00039036 make it sure mm Square y_emZwTypfg-00047-00040200-00040944 now we are going to draw on the plane 2mm public surface so we create plane y_emZwTypfg-00048-00041232-00041856 so we create a plane click it and then make make it to mm y_emZwTypfg-00049-00042078-00042324 okay let me hide the plate y_emZwTypfg-00050-00042558-00043224 with the pink sketch so in number two again I draw a center rectangle y_emZwTypfg-00051-00043614-00043824 okay I'm making this one y_emZwTypfg-00052-00044052-00044298 seven uh agreement y_emZwTypfg-00053-00044976-00045624 okay because he will give me a two equal so this one became a driven dimension y_emZwTypfg-00054-00046008-00046890 okay now you have to use the log command if I love remember when you use a long command when y_emZwTypfg-00055-00046890-00047700 you click this this corner you might create this corner or even creature then you might click this y_emZwTypfg-00056-00048540-00048590 so y_emZwTypfg-00057-00048846-00049920 clear so I click it and I create it so the love you will love the correctly for now y_emZwTypfg-00058-00050148-00050580 we have completed this model thank you for watching y_eB5rMPWoI-00000-00000052-00000303 Nowadays, the word cynic is y_eB5rMPWoI-00001-00000396-00000920 kind of a bad word, right? It's used to refer to a person who's sort of y_eB5rMPWoI-00002-00000978-00001578 motivated by craven self-interest rather than honorable reasons. Or somebody who y_eB5rMPWoI-00003-00001620-00002258 doubts and despises human's sincerity is called a cynic. And it's often said, that our y_eB5rMPWoI-00004-00002299-00002879 politics today are cynical and so forth. We're all living in a cynical age and so forth. y_eB5rMPWoI-00005-00002926-00003279 This is another important example of how y_eB5rMPWoI-00006-00003364-00003789 terminology that originated in philosophical schools of the Hellenistic period y_eB5rMPWoI-00007-00003928-00004128 pervades our y_eB5rMPWoI-00008-00004164-00004294 contemporary y_eB5rMPWoI-00009-00004294-00004712 conceptual speech. I've already given examples of that with respect to y_eB5rMPWoI-00010-00004773-00005231 Skeptics, Stoics, and Epicureans and the Cynics are another case of this. y_eB5rMPWoI-00011-00005346-00005840 But as in those other cases, where the term seems to have become y_eB5rMPWoI-00012-00005902-00006458 perverted and transformed in its transmission over thousands of years. y_eB5rMPWoI-00013-00006504-00006812 The term cynicism has been y_eB5rMPWoI-00014-00006873-00007104 transformed nearly into its y_eB5rMPWoI-00015-00007192-00007392 opposite. y_eB5rMPWoI-00016-00007398-00007598 The cynics y_eB5rMPWoI-00017-00007623-00008159 practiced a way of life that was influenced by a philosopher named Antisthenes, y_eB5rMPWoI-00018-00008386-00008661 spell it with Roman y_eB5rMPWoI-00019-00008770-00008970 characters. y_eB5rMPWoI-00020-00008979-00009629 Antishenes had been one of the pupils of Socrates and he taught in a gymnasium y_eB5rMPWoI-00021-00009649-00009849 which was called the Cynosarges, y_eB5rMPWoI-00022-00009879-00010196 which literally means something like - the white dog y_eB5rMPWoI-00023-00010267-00010637 and thus his followers actually became known as y_eB5rMPWoI-00024-00010693-00011186 'kynos' cynics or dogs. So the Greek word for dog is 'kynikos'. y_eB5rMPWoI-00025-00011186-00011549 This is where we ultimately get the word canine and so forth. y_eB5rMPWoI-00026-00011682-00011863 now what was y_eB5rMPWoI-00027-00011863-00012225 Antishenes philosopht? We're not going to spend much time on it because he's a Classical Age y_eB5rMPWoI-00028-00012315-00012626 philosopher, but he embraced poverty in y_eB5rMPWoI-00029-00012721-00012921 pursuit of self-control, y_eB5rMPWoI-00030-00012931-00013153 moderation in general, putting virtue y_eB5rMPWoI-00031-00013238-00013438 above all else and y_eB5rMPWoI-00032-00013511-00014280 adopting a kind of slogan about living in accordance with nature - having a natural based lifestyle. y_eB5rMPWoI-00033-00014477-00014677 And in y_eB5rMPWoI-00034-00014699-00014801 Athens, y_eB5rMPWoI-00035-00014801-00015429 Diogenes met and doggedly insisted on becoming a pupil of Antishenes. y_eB5rMPWoI-00036-00015430-00016071 In the reading you may have noticed that Antishenes initially tried to reject him as a student y_eB5rMPWoI-00037-00016138-00016338 and actually started y_eB5rMPWoI-00038-00016469-00017202 sort of beating Diogenes up every time he would follow him around and insist on becoming his pupil. Something I won't do y_eB5rMPWoI-00039-00017285-00017796 but Antishenes did. But he said something like; go ahead and hit me, y_eB5rMPWoI-00040-00017825-00018529 you won't find any wood hard enough to keep me away from you. So long as I think you have something important to teach me. y_eB5rMPWoI-00041-00018731-00018933 Now Diogenes really y_eB5rMPWoI-00042-00018995-00019740 enthusiastically embraced this title of being like a dog and doing as it were 'doggy style' y_eB5rMPWoI-00043-00019808-00019982 philosophy. y_eB5rMPWoI-00044-00019982-00020159 He's y_eB5rMPWoI-00045-00020159-00020650 developed a kind of reputation for being doglike, or rude, or churlish. y_eB5rMPWoI-00046-00020825-00021610 But he argued that; look, dogs live more in accordance with nature than human beings do. And so, after he became a homeless y_eB5rMPWoI-00047-00021610-00021829 beggar in the streets of Athens, he says y_eB5rMPWoI-00048-00021905-00022321 that he would fawn over those who gave him handouts, just like a dog; and y_eB5rMPWoI-00049-00022343-00023098 barked at those who don't give him handouts, just like a dog. He would also attack scoundrels, just like a dog. y_eB5rMPWoI-00050-00023153-00023521 But he also pointed out that where his dogs bite only their enemies, y_eB5rMPWoI-00051-00023591-00024063 Diogenes is quite willing to bite his own friends if it will help them and correct them. y_eB5rMPWoI-00052-00024344-00025120 Now none of his writings actually survived and at the very end of the reading we have a list of y_eB5rMPWoI-00053-00025205-00025527 various titles that were attributed to him. Although, y_eB5rMPWoI-00054-00025622-00026014 when our source gives the list of those readings, y_eB5rMPWoI-00055-00026117-00026530 he points out that some people believed that some of those writings weren't y_eB5rMPWoI-00056-00026606-00027256 authentic and aren't really attributable to Diogenes. So there was already some doubt about his writings y_eB5rMPWoI-00057-00027308-00027819 in antiquity, but the work that he was most famous for was called: y_eB5rMPWoI-00058-00027908-00028227 The Republic. The loss of that work is particularly y_eB5rMPWoI-00059-00028331-00028900 unfortunate because it seems to have made a great splash, and it seems to have had an influence on Plato - y_eB5rMPWoI-00060-00028933-00029511 who wrote a work called The Republic, which still survives. Maybe the most popular work of y_eB5rMPWoI-00061-00029525-00029739 philosophy of all time. And y_eB5rMPWoI-00062-00029827-00030552 the Stoics, who later adopted Diogenes as their kind of mascot, as it were. y_eB5rMPWoI-00063-00030716-00031227 Certain Stoics, including the founder of that school, also wrote political works called y_eB5rMPWoI-00064-00031280-00031705 Republic that seems to have embodied some of the ideas of y_eB5rMPWoI-00065-00031841-00032124 the Cynics and of Diogenes in particular. y_eB5rMPWoI-00066-00032222-00032670 Since all of those works are also lost and exists only in fragments, y_eB5rMPWoI-00067-00032670-00033081 it's very difficult to say anything with certainty, but it seems clear that y_eB5rMPWoI-00068-00033149-00033391 Biology has had a big influence. y_eB5rMPWoI-00069-00033596-00033994 Now since all of his writings are lost, we're dependent on y_eB5rMPWoI-00070-00034130-00034753 a source book that was compiled and something like the 3rd century AD. y_eB5rMPWoI-00071-00034844-00035398 Confusingly enough, by another person named Diogenes, but this time his name is Diogenes Laërtius. y_eB5rMPWoI-00072-00035453-00035803 He's the source and so I don't want you to get confused about y_eB5rMPWoI-00073-00035885-00036460 the source of all of these anecdotes written by Diogenes Laërtius and his biographical y_eB5rMPWoI-00074-00036494-00037132 compendium called; Lives of the Famous Philosophers. First among other philosophers that he writes about y_eB5rMPWoI-00075-00037222-00037452 Diogenes of Sinope. y_eB5rMPWoI-00076-00038087-00038445 He also writes anecdotes about other cynic y_eB5rMPWoI-00077-00038471-00038857 philosophers because they form something like a school or at least had followers. y_eB5rMPWoI-00078-00038857-00039079 They didn't really have a school in terms of having y_eB5rMPWoI-00079-00039119-00039747 institutions and buildings and that sort of thing. After all they embraced a lifestyle of poverty and lived homeless in the streets y_eB5rMPWoI-00080-00039815-00040606 but they there were pupils and people that followed Diogenes around. His successors, and we have y_eB5rMPWoI-00081-00040676-00041121 anecdotes and stories about some of these people including Crates of Thebes and y_eB5rMPWoI-00082-00041171-00041734 Hipparchia of Maroneia who was a practicing female Cynic philosopher. y_eB5rMPWoI-00083-00041960-00042693 Now, for Diogenes we can distinguish three periods of his life. First, his early life in Sino, y_eB5rMPWoI-00084-00042758-00043369 which is a city on the North Shore of the Black Sea in modern-day Turkey y_eB5rMPWoI-00085-00043397-00043728 where there is still a statue to Diogenes. y_eB5rMPWoI-00086-00043796-00043996 If you go there, y_eB5rMPWoI-00087-00044084-00044766 that's where he was born and he became exile from that place. Upon being exiled, he went to Athens y_eB5rMPWoI-00088-00044828-00045384 where, as I already said, he took up philosophy, became a pupil of y_eB5rMPWoI-00089-00045428-00045708 Antisthenes and became famous as the y_eB5rMPWoI-00090-00045776-00046293 Cynical philosopher. But also became a beggar, living in the streets, and going around y_eB5rMPWoI-00091-00046334-00046647 berating people about living in accordance with nature. The y_eB5rMPWoI-00092-00046757-00047052 third phase of his life is after he was y_eB5rMPWoI-00093-00047162-00047662 doing some traveling, and he was captured, and sold into slavery, and ended up in Corinth. y_eB5rMPWoI-00094-00047858-00048244 Now of this first phase of his life we know next to nothing y_eB5rMPWoI-00095-00048401-00048969 except, that he was born the son of a coin maker or a moneyer, in y_eB5rMPWoI-00096-00049049-00049540 Sino, but he had to leave there after his father and y_eB5rMPWoI-00097-00049621-00049896 or he was accused of y_eB5rMPWoI-00098-00050003-00050203 counterfeiting money, or y_eB5rMPWoI-00099-00050246-00050393 adulterating y_eB5rMPWoI-00100-00050393-00050593 currency somehow. y_eB5rMPWoI-00101-00050615-00050875 Later biographers make the episode y_eB5rMPWoI-00102-00050933-00051424 with the counterfeiting and adulterating the currency to prefigure y_eB5rMPWoI-00103-00051461-00052197 Diogenes' later complete and utter rejection of all conventions. So making this into a potent metaphor - the idea of y_eB5rMPWoI-00104-00052222-00052908 defacing the currency - meaning rejecting everything that people currently believe or altering the y_eB5rMPWoI-00105-00052939-00053139 perceived value of things. y_eB5rMPWoI-00106-00053294-00053820 But the actual effect of the episode was to throw Diogenes into y_eB5rMPWoI-00107-00053876-00054076 financial ruin, y_eB5rMPWoI-00108-00054079-00054477 abject poverty, and force him into exile and to leave that city. y_eB5rMPWoI-00109-00054583-00055119 Eventually, he arrived in Athens where again he becomes a beggar y_eB5rMPWoI-00110-00055192-00055370 and seemingly y_eB5rMPWoI-00111-00055370-00055698 enthusiastically embraces poverty and chooses to live in the streets. y_eB5rMPWoI-00112-00055757-00056314 Exclaiming that; "the love of money or greed is the metropolis y_eB5rMPWoI-00113-00056357-00056652 from which all evil things originate". y_eB5rMPWoI-00114-00056804-00057436 So this is the second phase of his life and most of the anecdotes in the readings pertain to this Athenian y_eB5rMPWoI-00115-00057572-00057772 phase. y_eB5rMPWoI-00116-00057805-00058083 Now he was accused of greed y_eB5rMPWoI-00117-00058117-00058199 himself y_eB5rMPWoI-00118-00058199-00058570 because of the counterfeiting. When he goes around denouncing greed all the time, y_eB5rMPWoI-00119-00058583-00058992 people say; aren't you the guy that was busted for counterfeiting money in y_eB5rMPWoI-00120-00059048-00059257 Sino and so forth? y_eB5rMPWoI-00121-00059348-00059557 He would respond to this by saying; well, y_eB5rMPWoI-00122-00059633-00060033 yes, I was. That crime drove me into exile, y_eB5rMPWoI-00123-00060104-00060304 which forced me to do philosophy, y_eB5rMPWoI-00124-00060341-00060541 which made me a better person. y_eB5rMPWoI-00125-00060548-00061099 While you, who were standing there accusing me of being a bad person, have never bothered to y_eB5rMPWoI-00126-00061163-00061428 improve yourself whatsoever. And y_eB5rMPWoI-00127-00061547-00061777 his follower Crates, so y_eB5rMPWoI-00128-00061852-00062088 fanatically embraced this idea of y_eB5rMPWoI-00129-00062155-00062610 living in accordance with nature and that the love of money is y_eB5rMPWoI-00130-00062639-00063159 evil that he sold all of his property, all of his land, and animals and all of his possessions. y_eB5rMPWoI-00131-00063279-00063860 Took the money went down to the seashore and threw it into the ocean. y_eB5rMPWoI-00132-00063889-00064550 Got rid of all of his wealth, he said; I thank God I got rid of all of that stuff, that was burdening me and y_eB5rMPWoI-00133-00064585-00064938 bothering me and causing me not to live in accordance with nature. y_eB5rMPWoI-00134-00065182-00065948 Now Diogenes argued that by observing other animals, such as mice who lived contentedly without homes, y_eB5rMPWoI-00135-00065977-00066731 are unafraid of the dark, don't seek luxuries, and so forth; one can discover that there are ample means for y_eB5rMPWoI-00136-00066763-00066963 living in accordance with nature y_eB5rMPWoI-00137-00067060-00067421 that are available in almost any circumstance. y_eB5rMPWoI-00138-00067561-00068088 So he ends up enacting the ideas Antisthenes, in a way taking them even further y_eB5rMPWoI-00139-00068116-00068493 by adopting a radical lifestyle focused completely on y_eB5rMPWoI-00140-00068572-00069180 nature's demands and valuing nothing above freedom, self-sufficiency, and y_eB5rMPWoI-00141-00069265-00069956 outspokenness. He says they; "the most beautiful thing in the world is freedom of speech". y_eB5rMPWoI-00142-00070111-00070674 We have this picture of him of somebody who you know sort of speaks truth to power. y_eB5rMPWoI-00143-00070674-00071384 He's constantly running into powerful people and he's saying exactly how he feels because there's basically nothing they y_eB5rMPWoI-00144-00071449-00071706 can do to undermine him. They can't take his property, y_eB5rMPWoI-00145-00071785-00072207 they can't harm him in any way, because he's already voluntarily given up all y_eB5rMPWoI-00146-00072256-00072896 status, all of his possessions, and so forth, He has absolute freedom to speak freely to y_eB5rMPWoI-00147-00072973-00073196 whomever he wants, however he wants. y_eB5rMPWoI-00148-00073585-00073732 Now y_eB5rMPWoI-00149-00073732-00074232 again, he insists that the means of living happily are easily available if people y_eB5rMPWoI-00150-00074302-00074798 train themselves to live in accordance with nature. As it y_eB5rMPWoI-00151-00074860-00075270 stands, people develop habits and desires and make themselves y_eB5rMPWoI-00152-00075391-00075666 miserable because of their unwillingness to do so. y_eB5rMPWoI-00153-00075742-00076005 He made various public displays of y_eB5rMPWoI-00154-00076105-00076610 rejecting conventions that he thought drew us away from living in accordance to nature. y_eB5rMPWoI-00155-00076624-00077106 He would eat, sleep, or converse, wherever he happened to be; in y_eB5rMPWoI-00156-00077137-00077679 public, in the marketplace, in a temple, among a crowd of the people, whatever. y_eB5rMPWoI-00157-00077752-00078327 So for example, somebody asked him; why are you eating in public? And he said; well, because I became hungry in public. And y_eB5rMPWoI-00158-00078427-00078627 there was another y_eB5rMPWoI-00159-00078697-00078897 kind of joke where somebody says; y_eB5rMPWoI-00160-00078931-00079373 what are you doing drinking in a tavern? And he said; well, I also get my hair cut at the barber shop. y_eB5rMPWoI-00161-00079507-00079937 He says he even masturbated in public and y_eB5rMPWoI-00162-00080002-00080513 said; yeah, if it were just so easy to gratify my hunger by rubbing my stomach. y_eB5rMPWoI-00163-00080674-00080800 And y_eB5rMPWoI-00164-00080800-00080914 he y_eB5rMPWoI-00165-00080914-00081189 insisted that he outdid the great King of Persia y_eB5rMPWoI-00166-00081249-00081546 in good luck and in his quality of life, because y_eB5rMPWoI-00167-00081604-00081959 while the king of Persia can never get enough of anything, y_eB5rMPWoI-00168-00082036-00082503 Diogenes never wants anything, never desires anything. y_eB5rMPWoI-00169-00082503-00082934 He got rid of all of his desires and here's a really profound point. y_eB5rMPWoI-00170-00083017-00083164 When you're y_eB5rMPWoI-00171-00083164-00083427 confronted by desires (desires are y_eB5rMPWoI-00172-00083497-00083680 intrinsically y_eB5rMPWoI-00173-00083680-00084219 that means you want something that you don't have) and there's exactly two ways of y_eB5rMPWoI-00174-00084265-00084851 Ddaling with desires. One of them is to work really hard to satisfy that desire. y_eB5rMPWoI-00175-00084904-00085595 To you know seduce that person, to earn the money to buy that car, or that house, to y_eB5rMPWoI-00176-00085666-00085913 work really hard in order to get that job. y_eB5rMPWoI-00177-00085993-00086322 Another way to deal with it is just to get rid of the desire, just y_eB5rMPWoI-00178-00086443-00086940 don't care about driving that car anymore. Just don't worry about y_eB5rMPWoI-00179-00087103-00087447 making that other person fall in love with you, just y_eB5rMPWoI-00180-00087517-00087984 eliminate the desire, and then the pain goes away, and it's much easier. y_eB5rMPWoI-00181-00088039-00088367 That's a much easier path than working y_eB5rMPWoI-00182-00088368-00088845 so hard and twisting your whole life around in order to satisfy the desire. Yes, do you have a question? (student speak) y_eB5rMPWoI-00183-00089516-00089962 Well no, it's a method of living. y_eB5rMPWoI-00184-00090251-00090451 Desires are for things like y_eB5rMPWoI-00185-00090514-00091221 luxuries. Well, first of all, we have desires for basic things like food, drink, shelter, clothing, y_eB5rMPWoI-00186-00091369-00091737 that sort of thing. But then we also have desires for other things like; y_eB5rMPWoI-00187-00091807-00091994 luxuries, power, y_eB5rMPWoI-00188-00091994-00092419 status, wealth and so on. Now the former y_eB5rMPWoI-00189-00092470-00092955 objects, we can't really get rid of. When you're hungry, you can't just say; okay, y_eB5rMPWoI-00190-00092956-00093285 I'll not desire food anymore. You need to satisfy y_eB5rMPWoI-00191-00093356-00094138 those desires. But Diogenes' point is those are really easy to satisfy actually. He can just go beg somebody to buy him y_eB5rMPWoI-00192-00094205-00094369 food or y_eB5rMPWoI-00193-00094369-00094578 you can easily find y_eB5rMPWoI-00194-00094694-00095220 water to drink, you can live in the same ragged clothes, y_eB5rMPWoI-00195-00095306-00095994 you don't need to have really cool shoes, and really nice clothes, and you don't need fancy y_eB5rMPWoI-00196-00096068-00096477 kinds of food, you don't need bottled water and so forth. y_eB5rMPWoI-00197-00096477-00097152 You can eliminate the desire for those things and just be satisfied with the more simple things. As for the later, y_eB5rMPWoI-00198-00097226-00097704 the other objects of desires, for things like fame, glory, y_eB5rMPWoI-00199-00097967-00098167 status, power, y_eB5rMPWoI-00200-00098216-00098716 riches, that sort of thing - you could just get rid of those desires entirely. y_eB5rMPWoI-00201-00098764-00099447 There's no pain of getting rid of those. They don't need to be satisfied and it's not worth it to work to satisfy them. y_eB5rMPWoI-00202-00099626-00099826 That's a confusion to think that y_eB5rMPWoI-00203-00100187-00100785 living in accordance with nature is itself a desire. Living in accordance with nature is a way of dealing with y_eB5rMPWoI-00204-00100823-00101062 desires that we actually have, and y_eB5rMPWoI-00205-00101164-00101805 what we do is we say; which of these desires are natural, and which aren't. The natural ones are the ones that y_eB5rMPWoI-00206-00101911-00102573 cause me pain if they're not satisfied and so I need some means of dealing with them, but it turns out they're pretty easy to y_eB5rMPWoI-00207-00102685-00102817 obtain. y_eB5rMPWoI-00208-00102817-00103491 The other ones, the other things that we happen to desire, we can just illuminate by realizing they're not in accordance with y_eB5rMPWoI-00209-00103491-00103872 nature. They're just ideas that people have invented that you know, you should want to be famous; y_eB5rMPWoI-00210-00103873-00104323 you should need to be powerful; you need to be a successful person; you need to be a professional - y_eB5rMPWoI-00211-00104377-00104835 whatever it is. Yeah, (student speak - it seems like a lot of people were inspired by his way of life y_eB5rMPWoI-00212-00104845-00105162 But I was curious if there is anyone prior to the Elgin ease y_eB5rMPWoI-00213-00105186-00105873 You know philosophers or there's any prominent people who chose a similar kind of life. We're like religious or anything like y_eB5rMPWoI-00214-00105934-00106383 this kind of stuff) Well, there's certainly Antisthenes. And y_eB5rMPWoI-00215-00106438-00106692 what happens is these are the earliest. y_eB5rMPWoI-00216-00106717-00107355 This is a period of time in which we're making a transition to writing and people were becoming literate and starting to y_eB5rMPWoI-00217-00107355-00107904 write things down. So these are really the earliest - some of the earliest people in the Greek tradition - y_eB5rMPWoI-00218-00107969-00108309 that are written about pursuing this kind of lifestyle. y_eB5rMPWoI-00219-00108309-00109000 Presumably it's a very ancient or even perennial way of life to realize I don't need to actually y_eB5rMPWoI-00220-00109070-00109518 try to live up to these things now. It does require a certain amount of y_eB5rMPWoI-00221-00109574-00109866 freedom in order to do this. Not everybody, y_eB5rMPWoI-00222-00109898-00110391 slaves for example, can't just walk away and say; I'm not going to deal with any of this stuff anymore. y_eB5rMPWoI-00223-00110566-00111162 Although there's this crazy anecdote about what happened when Diogenes became enslaved and we'll get to that y_eB5rMPWoI-00224-00111263-00111522 later, but presumably there were other people y_eB5rMPWoI-00225-00111586-00112363 that lived this way and there were still people that live this way even though they haven't read any Greek philosophy or read any y_eB5rMPWoI-00226-00112441-00112547 Diogenes. y_eB5rMPWoI-00227-00112677-00113382 I think most homelessness is involuntary and those people would like to have jobs have places to live, y_eB5rMPWoI-00228-00113423-00113713 but not all of them. It's possible to y_eB5rMPWoI-00229-00113882-00114082 embrace this lifestyle to say; y_eB5rMPWoI-00230-00114182-00114302 well, y_eB5rMPWoI-00231-00114302-00114884 in order to have a house, I have to deal with bankers, I have to deal with y_eB5rMPWoI-00232-00115069-00115203 with y_eB5rMPWoI-00233-00115203-00115323 creditors, y_eB5rMPWoI-00234-00115323-00115556 earning money, making payments, y_eB5rMPWoI-00235-00115638-00116423 signing agreements. And all of that was a huge restriction on my freedom and I value freedom more than I y_eB5rMPWoI-00236-00116478-00117242 value living in a house. And some of these people that live on the streets do so voluntarily y_eB5rMPWoI-00237-00117291-00117875 because they actually reject the conventions that say you ought to live in a house. y_eB5rMPWoI-00238-00117954-00118529 This is somebody who sort of did that and then made a philosophical movement based on it. y_eB5rMPWoI-00239-00118602-00118802 question? (student speak) Theres a cynic that lives on campus? y_eB5rMPWoI-00240-00120621-00121301 And they're homeless? Do they challenge other people's views? Are they living in accordance with nature? (student speak) y_eB5rMPWoI-00241-00122205-00122828 Okay, but this kind of thing persists. This is, I think a perennial y_eB5rMPWoI-00242-00122898-00123098 lifestyle. We really didn't need y_eB5rMPWoI-00243-00123165-00123428 Diogenes to invent this, but y_eB5rMPWoI-00244-00123486-00124055 he promoted it as an idea and realized that there's a philosophical basis for the kind view. y_eB5rMPWoI-00245-00124149-00124502 And that in a way if we think it's a ridiculous, y_eB5rMPWoI-00246-00124596-00125237 despicable, thing and these people are living like dogs, and so forth. Then we've really got to come up with a reason why y_eB5rMPWoI-00247-00125403-00125747 it's actually worth it to do all of those things and y_eB5rMPWoI-00248-00125817-00126383 to undergo all the evils that are necessary to make our luxurious y_eB5rMPWoI-00249-00126450-00126755 lifestyles possible or even our relatively y_eB5rMPWoI-00250-00126828-00127028 modest lifestyle as possible. y_eB5rMPWoI-00251-00127248-00127616 So Diogenes only possessions, y_eB5rMPWoI-00252-00127853-00128056 according to the reading was a y_eB5rMPWoI-00253-00128141-00128647 large cloak - that's what's meant by saying it's a double folded cloak; a y_eB5rMPWoI-00254-00128699-00129154 pack sort of like a backpack that he used to carry food around; a y_eB5rMPWoI-00255-00129212-00129374 bowl, a y_eB5rMPWoI-00256-00129374-00129784 cup, and later in life a staff that he claims y_eB5rMPWoI-00257-00129785-00130255 he used only for long walks or for self-defense. Which you need if you're living on the y_eB5rMPWoI-00258-00130265-00131038 streets because people randomly attack homeless people and so you need some means of self-defense. y_eB5rMPWoI-00259-00131489-00131896 There is the story about how he threw his bowl away y_eB5rMPWoI-00260-00131936-00132304 because he saw a child eating lentils with a y_eB5rMPWoI-00261-00132377-00132829 concave morsel of bread or like naan or something, and said; what am I doing carrying this y_eB5rMPWoI-00262-00132870-00133195 bowl around and I could just eat this stuff with my hand. y_eB5rMPWoI-00263-00133232-00133690 And then he abandoned his cup one day, when he saw a lad drinking water y_eB5rMPWoI-00264-00133751-00134470 with cupped hands. He remarked that a child has outdone me in simplicity of living, and he y_eB5rMPWoI-00265-00134507-00135037 addressed his cup; why on earth have I been carrying you around for so long, right? y_eB5rMPWoI-00266-00135113-00135577 Which my justification is you can't drink coffee with cupped hands - y_eB5rMPWoI-00267-00135827-00135983 it burns your hands. y_eB5rMPWoI-00268-00135983-00136097 But again, y_eB5rMPWoI-00269-00136097-00136675 Diogenes wouldn't buy the answer because he'd say; well if you can't drink coffee with cupped hands then get rid of the y_eB5rMPWoI-00270-00136682-00136945 desire for coffee, it's costing you money. y_eB5rMPWoI-00271-00136976-00137162 It's taking up resources y_eB5rMPWoI-00272-00137162-00137746 that are destroying the planet to have all this plastic and paper, and then and we have to go exploit people in y_eB5rMPWoI-00273-00137844-00138163 South America in order to get coffee and so forth. y_eB5rMPWoI-00274-00138163-00138475 Why don't you just stop drinking coffee and drink water y_eB5rMPWoI-00275-00138475-00139093 which you can drink with cupped hands, and is easily available - except that it's not easily available around here, y_eB5rMPWoI-00276-00139094-00139717 it's one of the scarcest things you can find in Southern California and probably in Athens as well. y_eB5rMPWoI-00277-00139967-00140695 It's a point that it's something we don't need and it's almost ridiculous to think of all the trouble that's being gone y_eB5rMPWoI-00278-00140739-00140939 to to make it possible. y_eB5rMPWoI-00279-00140994-00141586 Including all the injustices that seem to be necessary to make it possible like y_eB5rMPWoI-00280-00141621-00141911 dealing with international trade and that sort of thing. y_eB5rMPWoI-00281-00142269-00142759 So he got rid of his coffee, got rid of his bowl. His double folded cloak, y_eB5rMPWoI-00282-00142833-00143483 he had to have a large one because it had to be warm enough in the winter and also so he could sleep on it, y_eB5rMPWoI-00283-00143571-00143792 since again he often had to y_eB5rMPWoI-00284-00143928-00144472 sort of rough it. There is an anecdote about how he tried to procure a small house y_eB5rMPWoI-00285-00144561-00145106 but he ran into difficulties with that and so he took to sleeping in a larger storage container, y_eB5rMPWoI-00286-00145131-00145619 near a temple, dedicated to the mother goddess. He'd walk around y_eB5rMPWoI-00287-00145677-00146383 pointing to these temples, like the portico of Zeus and the hall of processions in these big public buildings in Athens. y_eB5rMPWoI-00288-00146400-00147050 He would say; look at these great places that the Athenians have built me to live in. Right? These giant y_eB5rMPWoI-00289-00147102-00147370 temples and so forth, this is wonderful. y_eB5rMPWoI-00290-00147669-00147869 Now a y_eB5rMPWoI-00291-00147888-00148411 really profound thing he said and subsequently extremely influential is; y_eB5rMPWoI-00292-00148476-00148682 people would ask him, hey, y_eB5rMPWoI-00293-00148770-00149047 where are you from? You know, what is your y_eB5rMPWoI-00294-00149142-00149357 Citizenship exactly? y_eB5rMPWoI-00295-00149466-00150202 What city are you a citizen of? And to give an answer he said that one and y_eB5rMPWoI-00296-00150273-00150473 he points upwards. y_eB5rMPWoI-00297-00150558-00150934 And then he would remark; I'm a citizen of the cosmos. y_eB5rMPWoI-00298-00151071-00151754 Which is where we get the term and then eventually an entire philosophy that develops out of it called Napolitan, y_eB5rMPWoI-00299-00151770-00152080 which means, citizen of the cosmos. A y_eB5rMPWoI-00300-00152169-00152392 cosmopolitan person is someone who completely y_eB5rMPWoI-00301-00152457-00152604 rejects y_eB5rMPWoI-00302-00152604-00153022 Nationalism of any form, who doesn't think there is any value whatsoever. y_eB5rMPWoI-00303-00153030-00153498 And in fact, thinks that patriotism and nationalism y_eB5rMPWoI-00304-00153553-00153863 are bad, horrible, things. And that we shouldn't y_eB5rMPWoI-00305-00153916-00154629 identify with the state that we happen to be born in. Instead, we should realize that those states are just temporary, y_eB5rMPWoI-00306-00154708-00154952 artificial, conventional, political y_eB5rMPWoI-00307-00155059-00155792 configurations and that we're all from the same place. We all come from nature. We all come from the cosmos, and our true y_eB5rMPWoI-00308-00155851-00156051 allegiances should not be to these y_eB5rMPWoI-00309-00156076-00156339 conventional states, but should be to the entire y_eB5rMPWoI-00310-00156391-00156768 cosmos, and nature, and human nature, and so forth. y_eB5rMPWoI-00311-00156934-00157199 So that's where we get the concept of being y_eB5rMPWoI-00312-00157321-00157611 cosmopolitan. Again, the term has also been y_eB5rMPWoI-00313-00157693-00158220 belittled and distorted into meaning something like, being a rich playboy or something. y_eB5rMPWoI-00314-00158220-00158513 So again, we get this inversion of what the term actually means. y_eB5rMPWoI-00315-00158518-00158924 I'm always laughing when I'm standing in line at the grocery store and there's a copy of y_eB5rMPWoI-00316-00158977-00159091 Cosmopolitan magazine there with y_eB5rMPWoI-00317-00159091-00159786 Ivanka Trump or something on the cover of it. It's a complete travesty of the concept in Cosmopolitanism. y_eB5rMPWoI-00318-00159826-00160047 All right. There are some questions back here. (student speak) y_eB5rMPWoI-00319-00160387-00160593 Yes plenty. y_eB5rMPWoI-00320-00160942-00161489 Somebody suggested to him; look, you should be initiated into the y_eB5rMPWoI-00321-00161566-00161689 mystery y_eB5rMPWoI-00322-00161689-00162267 religion because you would do really well, and get a really good place in it because they're obviously this very y_eB5rMPWoI-00323-00162301-00162504 spiritual kind of guy. y_eB5rMPWoI-00324-00162601-00162787 And he said; y_eB5rMPWoI-00325-00162787-00163281 you know, it's really absurd to think that people who get initiated into y_eB5rMPWoI-00326-00163393-00163593 religions y_eB5rMPWoI-00327-00163723-00163923 that they should y_eB5rMPWoI-00328-00163951-00164376 eventually dwell in the Isles of the Blessed, or in heaven, or whatever. Even y_eB5rMPWoI-00329-00164440-00164873 bad people that sign up for these religions supposedly get that. y_eB5rMPWoI-00330-00164878-00165582 Whereas good people, who never get initiated into religions should wallow in the mire or be sent to Hell. y_eB5rMPWoI-00331-00165582-00165862 It's y_eB5rMPWoI-00332-00165945-00166151 absolutely ridiculous to think that y_eB5rMPWoI-00333-00166263-00166419 your destiny, y_eB5rMPWoI-00334-00166419-00166551 after death, y_eB5rMPWoI-00335-00166551-00167140 has to do not with the kind of person you are and the kind of ethics you have, but whether you signed up to a y_eB5rMPWoI-00336-00167140-00167340 particular religion or not. y_eB5rMPWoI-00337-00167346-00168091 So that's one of his views on religion and he basically mocked religion and made fun of it. There's the anecdote about how y_eB5rMPWoI-00338-00168155-00168355 somebody was sprinkling y_eB5rMPWoI-00339-00168377-00168576 water in a sort of y_eB5rMPWoI-00340-00168576-00168759 purification y_eB5rMPWoI-00341-00168759-00168866 ritual y_eB5rMPWoI-00342-00168866-00169219 over people and he said; look, just as you can't correct y_eB5rMPWoI-00343-00169272-00169777 grammatical errors in your term papers by sprinkling water over them, so you can't correct y_eB5rMPWoI-00344-00169836-00170134 moral errors by sprinkling water over the heads. y_eB5rMPWoI-00345-00170714-00171292 There's the anecdote about how he sees these temple administrators y_eB5rMPWoI-00346-00171377-00171871 leading away a man who had stolen money from the donation box. y_eB5rMPWoI-00347-00171987-00172187 He said this to them; y_eB5rMPWoI-00348-00172245-00172658 look at how great thieves lead away petty thieves, and y_eB5rMPWoI-00349-00172749-00173482 characterized the collection of funds for this institutional religion as being a kind of thievery and stealing from people. y_eB5rMPWoI-00350-00173504-00173704 Yeah? (student speak) y_eB5rMPWoI-00351-00174852-00175189 Well, that's an interesting way to think about it. y_eB5rMPWoI-00352-00175263-00175831 we would have to know a bit more about the sociology of Greek religious practices. y_eB5rMPWoI-00353-00175869-00176147 They don't seem to be as exclusive as our y_eB5rMPWoI-00354-00176214-00176366 organized y_eB5rMPWoI-00355-00176366-00176773 religions where you're either Catholic, or Protestant, or Muslim, or y_eB5rMPWoI-00356-00176874-00176994 or y_eB5rMPWoI-00357-00176994-00177126 whatever. y_eB5rMPWoI-00358-00177126-00177622 Although that point just seems to drive home the points y_eB5rMPWoI-00359-00177623-00178274 he's making even more along the lines you're saying. You have allegiance to some conventional ,human invented, y_eB5rMPWoI-00360-00178304-00178579 thing or a system of beliefs that's not y_eB5rMPWoI-00361-00178638-00178775 universal. It's ridiculous y_eB5rMPWoI-00362-00178775-00179126 to think that those people just because they are members of that religion, are y_eB5rMPWoI-00363-00179178-00179407 better than other people that didn't sign up to that y_eB5rMPWoI-00364-00179417-00179851 religion, or that they will be saved, or they will be favored by the gods and so forth. y_eB5rMPWoI-00365-00179852-00180112 (student speak - There's a few surveys done about I guess y_eB5rMPWoI-00366-00180242-00180808 asking overall ethical questions about many different cultures and it seems to be on the overall averages y_eB5rMPWoI-00367-00180809-00181081 They seem to be quite similar over most different cultures y_eB5rMPWoI-00368-00181278-00181478 But at the same time y_eB5rMPWoI-00369-00181517-00181876 People act like they're complete opposites because they identify with the different religion) y_eB5rMPWoI-00370-00181920-00181990 Well, yes and there's the sociological stuff about y_eB5rMPWoI-00371-00181990-00182686 how the closer two religions are to each other, then the more vehemently they hate each other. y_eB5rMPWoI-00372-00182687-00183370 We think it's fine, you know, whatever religion these people in India practice, but these y_eB5rMPWoI-00373-00183435-00183733 protestants right next door to me are really devil worshipping. y_eB5rMPWoI-00374-00184053-00184703 So yes, I mean, he did say quite a bit about religion and like the other conventional y_eB5rMPWoI-00375-00184776-00185299 institutions he exposed the things that were stupid about it. And tried to have this idea of having y_eB5rMPWoI-00376-00185619-00186323 allegiance only to nature, to the cosmos, and so forth. So does that answer the question? y_eB5rMPWoI-00377-00187328-00187458 (student speak) y_eB5rMPWoI-00378-00187458-00187886 It's okay. I think I get your point because everything, all the answers y_eB5rMPWoI-00379-00187886-00188503 I've given, are about the institutions, and the priests, and animals, and things like that. y_eB5rMPWoI-00380-00188717-00189193 What does he have to say about God, about Zeus, and those sorts of things? y_eB5rMPWoI-00381-00189736-00189936 (student speak) y_eB5rMPWoI-00382-00191971-00192264 Well, that remark about him y_eB5rMPWoI-00383-00192352-00193127 doing the Demeter and the Aphrodite thing in public is a reference to eating and having sex in public. y_eB5rMPWoI-00384-00193180-00193557 And so that's the kind of thing he would say that; look I'm y_eB5rMPWoI-00385-00193624-00194277 having sex in public which Crates and Hipparthia actually did. I mean Diogenes actually masturbated in public. y_eB5rMPWoI-00386-00194277-00195074 They actually had sex in public and if somebody was to say to them; what are you doing? The answer is; I'm worshipping y_eB5rMPWoI-00387-00195196-00195728 Aphrodite who's the goddess of sexual intercourse and also because it's y_eB5rMPWoI-00388-00195757-00196089 natural. The point is that it's totally in accordance with nature, y_eB5rMPWoI-00389-00196264-00196411 and y_eB5rMPWoI-00390-00196411-00197129 its mere conventions that tell us that these kind of things shouldn't happen. There are other cultures in which they do y_eB5rMPWoI-00391-00197149-00197480 happen in public and so forth which is an indication that it is y_eB5rMPWoI-00392-00197605-00198041 by convention and not by nature that we reject it. y_eB5rMPWoI-00393-00198160-00198857 Another example, I mean this isn't exactly on religion but along the same lines, is his attitude about marriage y_eB5rMPWoI-00394-00198858-00199054 which was a kind of y_eB5rMPWoI-00395-00199054-00199254 religious institution in a way. y_eB5rMPWoI-00396-00199354-00199554 But he said; look, y_eB5rMPWoI-00397-00199585-00199665 first of all y_eB5rMPWoI-00398-00199665-00200429 there is no problem whatsoever with men and women having sex outside of marriage so long as it's consensual and y_eB5rMPWoI-00399-00200458-00200587 in fact y_eB5rMPWoI-00400-00200587-00201104 his concept of marriage was to reduce marriage to consensual sex. y_eB5rMPWoI-00401-00201132-00201390 You have consensual sex with someone - you're married to them. y_eB5rMPWoI-00402-00201442-00201642 So be careful who you have sex with y_eB5rMPWoI-00403-00201862-00201994 In this concept. y_eB5rMPWoI-00404-00201994-00202782 If you have that idea about marriage and consensual sex, then you may end up having a problem y_eB5rMPWoI-00405-00202834-00203582 raising all of the children that will be produced out of that. The solution advocated in The Republic y_eB5rMPWoI-00406-00203647-00203845 apparently, as it was also y_eB5rMPWoI-00407-00203845-00204597 advocated in Plato's Republic, and probably and Zeno the Stoics' Republic was to say that we should get rid of these y_eB5rMPWoI-00408-00204622-00204980 conventional family structures and raise all of the children in y_eB5rMPWoI-00409-00205033-00205233 common. We should y_eB5rMPWoI-00410-00205258-00205890 have wives and husbands in common, and then the state should be taking care of y_eB5rMPWoI-00411-00205951-00206151 all of the children. y_eB5rMPWoI-00412-00206182-00206305 This is y_eB5rMPWoI-00413-00206305-00206419 advocated by y_eB5rMPWoI-00414-00206419-00207155 Plato as a way of getting rid of a source and motive for corruption of caring about your own family and y_eB5rMPWoI-00415-00207379-00208070 giving, for example, political power to people within your own circle and within your own family who have y_eB5rMPWoI-00416-00208090-00208290 allegiance to them. You know, that would never happen nowadays. y_eB5rMPWoI-00417-00208333-00208890 But back then it was apparently a problem where people would favor their own family members, in their own y_eB5rMPWoI-00418-00208957-00209157 organizations, and so forth, instead of the y_eB5rMPWoI-00419-00209161-00209696 common good. And the response to that was; that's out of accordance with nature, and that's wrong. y_eB5rMPWoI-00420-00209696-00210354 And so, what we should do is get rid of that structure, and have one where we have wives, y_eB5rMPWoI-00421-00210382-00210728 husbands, children and so forth all in common. y_eB5rMPWoI-00422-00210841-00211271 Just just one more thing on this point about religion because it's not y_eB5rMPWoI-00423-00211327-00211997 again directly addressing a point about his attitudes about the gods, but a religious issue - the treatment of y_eB5rMPWoI-00424-00212071-00212601 his body after death. He opined on what should happen to his body after death. y_eB5rMPWoI-00425-00212719-00212969 There are very serious y_eB5rMPWoI-00426-00213042-00213734 religious rituals connected with what you do with the body after death. All of which he considered to be conventions y_eB5rMPWoI-00427-00213838-00214535 inconsistent with nature. He said; hopefully my friends will thrust my corpse into a ditch and y_eB5rMPWoI-00428-00214576-00214922 sprinkle a little dust over it or maybe just throw it out y_eB5rMPWoI-00429-00214996-00215196 off of the city walls y_eB5rMPWoI-00430-00215200-00215365 unburied. Or better yet, y_eB5rMPWoI-00431-00215365-00216012 drop it into a river so that the fish can eat it and that where it might be useful after my death. y_eB5rMPWoI-00432-00216012-00216344 Again, that's flying in the face of y_eB5rMPWoI-00433-00216469-00216879 organized religion. It would be considered a kind of blasphemous thing, but to him it's y_eB5rMPWoI-00434-00216921-00217370 living in accordance with nature. These elaborate rituals around y_eB5rMPWoI-00435-00217426-00217626 funeral rites and so forth y_eB5rMPWoI-00436-00217711-00217906 one thing is they're all y_eB5rMPWoI-00437-00217906-00218123 specific communities and y_eB5rMPWoI-00438-00218317-00218526 there's a great variation of them. y_eB5rMPWoI-00439-00218526-00218739 That's how you can tell they're not in accordance with nature y_eB5rMPWoI-00440-00218739-00218969 and especially if you go to different places, y_eB5rMPWoI-00441-00218969-00219489 you'll find that they have so many different ways of dealing with the dead. Letting them be eaten by animals, or y_eB5rMPWoI-00442-00219610-00220046 burying them at sea, or burning them, or whatever, none of that is y_eB5rMPWoI-00443-00220153-00220353 in accordance with nature. y_eB5rMPWoI-00444-00220396-00220671 Yeah? (student speak - so how do you feel the y_eB5rMPWoI-00445-00220858-00221058 Philosophers y_eB5rMPWoI-00446-00221271-00221567 So far it seems like this way of going about things is to just) y_eB5rMPWoI-00447-00222028-00222282 There are some really great y_eB5rMPWoI-00448-00222373-00222818 anecdotes about how he dealt with Plato, my favorite ones in fact. y_eB5rMPWoI-00449-00223221-00223748 So one anecdote has it that the Academy was introducing definitions, y_eB5rMPWoI-00450-00223748-00223929 they're trying to get at the forms of things y_eB5rMPWoI-00451-00223929-00224177 and as you say, in a way try to figure out the nature of things. y_eB5rMPWoI-00452-00224203-00224907 Although Plato doesn't really like the concept of nature very much. But he wants to get at reality in the forms of things. y_eB5rMPWoI-00453-00224977-00225314 And they had to come up with this definition of a human being as y_eB5rMPWoI-00454-00225379-00225773 being something like a bipedal or two footed y_eB5rMPWoI-00455-00225846-00225985 animal. y_eB5rMPWoI-00456-00225985-00226508 But then the problem with that is that birds are also two footed so you have to add that they're y_eB5rMPWoI-00457-00226567-00226806 featherless, two footed, animals. y_eB5rMPWoI-00458-00226828-00227231 They were discussing this definition and Diogenes responded by y_eB5rMPWoI-00459-00227267-00227957 taking a chicken and plucking it of its wings, bringing into the classroom and saying; I give you Plato's human being. y_eB5rMPWoI-00460-00228138-00228539 At which point the plaintiffs were forced to revise their definitions to say; y_eB5rMPWoI-00461-00228630-00228865 having broad nails, since y_eB5rMPWoI-00462-00228939-00229139 chickens have narrow y_eB5rMPWoI-00463-00229191-00229391 fingernails. y_eB5rMPWoI-00464-00229425-00229625 There is also y_eB5rMPWoI-00465-00229680-00229880 an anecdote about y_eB5rMPWoI-00466-00229902-00230164 Plato coming back at him. y_eB5rMPWoI-00467-00230250-00230450 Diogenes said; oh y_eB5rMPWoI-00468-00230458-00230947 Plato, your theory of forms, your elaborate theory of forms, you know, I see a cup here y_eB5rMPWoI-00469-00230948-00231232 but I don't see the 'form of a cup' here. y_eB5rMPWoI-00470-00231232-00231478 I know I don't see a platonic form of a cup y_eB5rMPWoI-00471-00231479-00232033 and then Plato was supposed to have said in response to that something like; well, that's because y_eB5rMPWoI-00472-00232464-00232817 that by means of which you can see a cup, eyes y_eB5rMPWoI-00473-00232866-00233531 you have, but that by which you would apprehend the form of a cup i.e., a mind you don't have. y_eB5rMPWoI-00474-00233592-00234377 And so sometimes Plato gets the better of him in these exchanges and sometimes he doesn't. But he did seem to reject y_eB5rMPWoI-00475-00234453-00234878 academic, sophisticated, intellectual stuff and thought; no, it's all a lot more y_eB5rMPWoI-00476-00234935-00235618 simple than that to live in accordance with nature. He doesn't, and Cynics in general don't seem to, go in for y_eB5rMPWoI-00477-00235680-00236266 elaborate philosophical theorizing and writing up big books about nature. y_eB5rMPWoI-00478-00236360-00236599 Although what happens is that in a way y_eB5rMPWoI-00479-00236748-00237412 although hard line cynicism continues throughout the Hellenistic age and throughout Late Antiquity, y_eB5rMPWoI-00480-00237479-00237973 and arguably gets taken up into into Christian monastic cultures and things like that. y_eB5rMPWoI-00481-00237973-00238294 And there's even people to think that Jesus Christ y_eB5rMPWoI-00482-00238307-00239020 was essentially a Cynic. A guy who walked around, talked about how love is the only thing you should care about, embrace y_eB5rMPWoI-00483-00239106-00239773 poverty, had no possessions, etc. And so there was an interpretation of what's going on there that essentially that is cynicism y_eB5rMPWoI-00484-00239829-00240512 continued into a later age. And that, as I said earlier, probably continues to the y_eB5rMPWoI-00485-00240633-00241063 current day. But the Stoics took this y_eB5rMPWoI-00486-00241223-00241513 cynical movement and in a way they did y_eB5rMPWoI-00487-00241578-00242074 intellectualize it and came up with - they said; well, we do want to live in accordance with nature, y_eB5rMPWoI-00488-00242075-00242569 so we really need to figure out what nature is and if we're going to figure out what nature is, we're gonna have to do y_eB5rMPWoI-00489-00242569-00242669 some physics because physics is the study of nature. If y_eB5rMPWoI-00490-00242669-00243251 we're going to do some physics, then we need to do some logic, because you can't have y_eB5rMPWoI-00491-00243264-00243869 scientific knowledge about anything without doing logic. And then they get very deeply into y_eB5rMPWoI-00492-00243930-00244372 elaborate philosophical views. There is a kind of hyper intellectual y_eB5rMPWoI-00493-00244419-00244963 side of the cynical ethical philosophy in the form of y_eB5rMPWoI-00494-00245040-00245240 the developments within y_eB5rMPWoI-00495-00245256-00245962 Stoicism. But the hardline Cynics, the people living homeless in the streets and so forth, those people are not y_eB5rMPWoI-00496-00246057-00246550 writing elaborate books about nature and so forth. They're just berating people about living y_eB5rMPWoI-00497-00246660-00246860 unnaturally. y_eB5rMPWoI-00498-00246903-00247426 Now another great anecdote, set of anecdotes, are the ones about Alexander the Great. y_eB5rMPWoI-00499-00247626-00247826 He actually y_eB5rMPWoI-00500-00247869-00248069 confronted Diogenes. In fact, y_eB5rMPWoI-00501-00248139-00248521 one thing is it turned out Alexander the Great was a great admirer of y_eB5rMPWoI-00502-00248586-00249064 Diogenes and thought he was really cool; this guy will speak y_eB5rMPWoI-00503-00249138-00249377 the truth to anyone. y_eB5rMPWoI-00504-00249446-00250066 Apparently Alexander actually said; if I wasn't Alexander, I would choose to be Diogenes. y_eB5rMPWoI-00505-00250233-00250433 One time y_eB5rMPWoI-00506-00250442-00251156 when they met, apparently Alexander came up to him and said; I'm Alexander the Great, and of course Diogenes responded. y_eB5rMPWoI-00507-00251156-00251356 I'm Diogenes the dog. y_eB5rMPWoI-00508-00251556-00251754 Then y_eB5rMPWoI-00509-00251754-00252467 Diogenes is sunbathing and Alexander comes to him and says; just tell me, (he's standing above him), just tell me y_eB5rMPWoI-00510-00252467-00253084 what do you want me to do for you? I'll do whatever you want. And Diogenes said; step out of my sunlight, y_eB5rMPWoI-00511-00253263-00254002 you're blocking my sun, so step aside. Which of course was richly interpreted later about; y_eB5rMPWoI-00512-00254003-00254288 you're getting all this fame, and all this power, and all this y_eB5rMPWoI-00513-00254355-00254475 attention, which you shouldn't be. y_eB5rMPWoI-00514-00254475-00255152 People should be paying attention to me, who's teaching people how to live in accordance with nature. y_eB5rMPWoI-00515-00255438-00256196 The last stage of his life is this murky period when he ends up in y_eB5rMPWoI-00516-00256275-00256880 Corinth and it's related to us through a famous story called the Sale of Diogenes. y_eB5rMPWoI-00517-00256946-00257636 Which was probably a story made up by later authors, and it was continually embellished with more and more y_eB5rMPWoI-00518-00257715-00257956 anecdotes about what had happened. y_eB5rMPWoI-00519-00258023-00258667 But the outline of the story is that he's kidnapped by pirates, and sold into slavery. y_eB5rMPWoI-00520-00258753-00259406 There he does things like; convincing the captors to give the captives more food, on the ground that y_eB5rMPWoI-00521-00259440-00259626 herders of sheep and pigs y_eB5rMPWoI-00522-00259626-00259964 fatten up the lightest stock to get them into shape before y_eB5rMPWoI-00523-00259977-00260627 selling them. And then when he's on the auction block, ready to be sold, he refuses to stand up and he says; y_eB5rMPWoI-00524-00260634-00261059 hey, look fish are sold in whatever position they lay in on the table. y_eB5rMPWoI-00525-00261117-00261595 And jokes like this where he just refuses to y_eB5rMPWoI-00526-00261651-00261905 acknowledge the authority of y_eB5rMPWoI-00527-00262032-00262232 his captors. y_eB5rMPWoI-00528-00262248-00262649 He's about to be auctioned off, and the auctioneer is going through these people and they're saying; y_eB5rMPWoI-00529-00262701-00263336 okay, here's a man who's good at ship building, who wants to buy a ship builder? And here's a man who's good y_eB5rMPWoI-00530-00263520-00263652 at y_eB5rMPWoI-00531-00263652-00263852 shoemaking, who wants to buy a y_eB5rMPWoI-00532-00263874-00264382 shoemaker? And here's a person go to the farming, who was buy a farmer? And then he gets to Diogenes and y_eB5rMPWoI-00533-00264382-00264823 it's like; what can this guy actually do? And he asked Diogenes y_eB5rMPWoI-00534-00264824-00265420 what are you capable of doing? And Diogenes reply is; I know how to rule people. y_eB5rMPWoI-00535-00265488-00265913 I know how to be a master of other men, you know, or y_eB5rMPWoI-00536-00265965-00266165 what's my skill - y_eB5rMPWoI-00537-00266193-00266464 Government. I can run other people. y_eB5rMPWoI-00538-00266793-00266993 Surprisingly, y_eB5rMPWoI-00539-00267150-00267350 he's about to be auctioned off, y_eB5rMPWoI-00540-00267468-00268043 there was this lavishly dressed, pretentiously dressed, buyer name Xeniates. y_eB5rMPWoI-00541-00268143-00268702 He says; look, there is a guy who needs a master over there, that guy y_eB5rMPWoI-00542-00268757-00269182 dressed up in those ridiculous clothes, he clearly needs somebody to govern his life, y_eB5rMPWoI-00543-00269182-00269800 so why don't you get him to buy me? And Zanieds was actually impressed with this and y_eB5rMPWoI-00544-00269861-00270355 bought him. Took him to Corinth, put him in charge of the education of his children, y_eB5rMPWoI-00545-00270375-00270709 and eventually the management of his entire estate. And y_eB5rMPWoI-00546-00270747-00271189 then used to remark that it was as if a good guardian spirit had come into his y_eB5rMPWoI-00547-00271250-00271450 household. y_eB5rMPWoI-00548-00271524-00271771 The moral of that story seems to be that y_eB5rMPWoI-00549-00271890-00272134 one can, by pursuing y_eB5rMPWoI-00550-00272204-00272857 philosophy and following nature as opposed to convention, one can alter the currency and y_eB5rMPWoI-00551-00272943-00273218 completely turn around one situation from y_eB5rMPWoI-00552-00273273-00274012 exile and beggar, to a rival of the great king of Persia. Or from a slave into a y_eB5rMPWoI-00553-00274044-00274405 master. And thus, when Diogenes was asked to summarize y_eB5rMPWoI-00554-00274473-00274909 what he got from doing philosophy and why should anybody study philosophy - y_eB5rMPWoI-00555-00274955-00275455 his answer was; in order to be prepared for anything that might happen. yAJ0N9D6gRE-00000-00000000-00000174 ♫ yAJ0N9D6gRE-00001-00000656-00001024 This video will be a quick guide to a common issue while screen sharing in yAJ0N9D6gRE-00002-00001024-00001232 Blackboard Collaborate known as the Droste effect. yAJ0N9D6gRE-00003-00001232-00001592 First we will describe the effect and how it occurs and then we will go yAJ0N9D6gRE-00004-00001592-00001911 over some ways to resolve the issue. When you start sharing your entire yAJ0N9D6gRE-00005-00001911-00002232 screen or your browser application in Blackboard Collaborate, you and your yAJ0N9D6gRE-00006-00002232-00002472 students will initially encounter the Drost effect. yAJ0N9D6gRE-00007-00002472-00002808 This is when the Collaborate screen sharing software shares the Collaborate yAJ0N9D6gRE-00008-00002808-00003184 session which then creates an infinite tunnel of the same screen share. There yAJ0N9D6gRE-00009-00003184-00003384 are two things to remember when this happens - yAJ0N9D6gRE-00010-00003384-00003704 one this is unavoidable and two it is harmless. yAJ0N9D6gRE-00011-00003704-00004015 To stop this looping effect once it has begun simply move away from the yAJ0N9D6gRE-00012-00004015-00004312 Collaborate session to a different window or tab on your computer. This will yAJ0N9D6gRE-00013-00004312-00004616 then cause Collaborate to share the new content instead of the Collaborate yAJ0N9D6gRE-00014-00004616-00004832 session, breaking the loop. Since you are no yAJ0N9D6gRE-00015-00004832-00005112 longer viewing the Collaborate session you will not see this but rest assured yAJ0N9D6gRE-00016-00005112-00005328 that your students are now viewing your new content, yAJ0N9D6gRE-00017-00005328-00005592 It can be helpful during this time to ask your students if they are viewing yAJ0N9D6gRE-00018-00005592-00005887 the proper material and have them respond either by voice or yAJ0N9D6gRE-00019-00005887-00006160 chat message. If you need to revisit the Collaborate session tab, yAJ0N9D6gRE-00020-00006160-00006511 either to respond to a chat message change a setting or stop recording, note yAJ0N9D6gRE-00021-00006511-00006792 that the looping effect will start again but only as long as you are in the yAJ0N9D6gRE-00022-00006792-00007088 Collaborate session screen. If sharing your entire screen we yAJ0N9D6gRE-00023-00007088-00007376 recommend using a separate browser window when launching your Collaborate yAJ0N9D6gRE-00024-00007376-00007608 session. You can minimize the session and yAJ0N9D6gRE-00025-00007608-00007936 share your screen freely. An important question to ask is do i need to be yAJ0N9D6gRE-00026-00007936-00008240 sharing my entire screen? This looping effect only happens during yAJ0N9D6gRE-00027-00008240-00008560 a full screen share so if you're going to use a single application it may be yAJ0N9D6gRE-00028-00008560-00008800 worth using share application instead of share yAJ0N9D6gRE-00029-00008800-00009143 entire screen. If you are sharing your internet browser, simply open or switch yAJ0N9D6gRE-00030-00009143-00009392 to a new tab in your browser to end the looping video. yAJ0N9D6gRE-00031-00009392-00009711 When you are done sharing content simply switch back to the collaborate session yAJ0N9D6gRE-00032-00009711-00009943 tab and press the stop sharing button. If you yAJ0N9D6gRE-00033-00009943-00010296 happen to have two monitors you can opt to use one monitor to hold your yAJ0N9D6gRE-00034-00010296-00010552 Collaborate session and share the other monitor screen. yAJ0N9D6gRE-00035-00010552-00010824 This will avoid the video loop completely and you will be able to yAJ0N9D6gRE-00036-00010824-00011136 navigate your shared content on one monitor while also viewing the chat and yAJ0N9D6gRE-00037-00011136-00011504 attendees in the Collaborate session on another monitor. This may be an optimal yAJ0N9D6gRE-00038-00011504-00011847 way but we do understand that not everyone has this luxury. This has been a yAJ0N9D6gRE-00039-00011847-00012215 brief video on how to avoid the infinite shared video tunnel known as the Drost yAJ0N9D6gRE-00040-00012215-00012552 effect in Blackboard Collaborate. This video is part of a series of best yAJ0N9D6gRE-00041-00012552-00012872 practices for the Collaborate tools so be sure to check out the other videos on yAJ0N9D6gRE-00042-00012872-00013168 the TTC and Faculty Resource Blackboard site for yAJ0N9D6gRE-00043-00013168-00013547 more tips and ideas. yAJ0N9D6gRE-00044-00013547-00013656 ♫ yEzIpOYA1do-00000-00000042-00000834 I've literally just noticed that FIFA changed its birth up exhibited FIFA World Cup 2022 final. yEzIpOYA1do-00001-00000906-00001860 which means that I make a new video. now, notice any new change that I'll make a video, so. yGSCs6pZD44-00000-00000262-00000538 Korea Agriculture & Fish TV yGSCs6pZD44-00001-00000538-00001023 This program includes indirect direct advertising and was produced with production cost support. yGSCs6pZD44-00002-00001023-00001360 Onion seedling field without plastic on. yGSCs6pZD44-00003-00001360-00001823 Super farmer's onion seedling field covered with plastic. yGSCs6pZD44-00004-00001823-00002223 Onion seedling field without plastic on VS onion seedling field covered with plastic. yGSCs6pZD44-00005-00002223-00002766 Farmer: If you don't take care of it, the seedlings will be deprived of all nutrients, to not grow properly. yGSCs6pZD44-00006-00002766-00003006 PD: Don't do this next year. yGSCs6pZD44-00007-00003160-00003966 Please hit the like and subscribe button. Also, do not forget to activate the notification button to not miss any recent uploads. yGSCs6pZD44-00008-00003966-00004366 2020/10/13 Gumi-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do. yGSCs6pZD44-00009-00004566-00004943 Super farmer who is busy even in the late afternoon. yGSCs6pZD44-00010-00005170-00005623 Drive a wide-area sprayer to the seedling field. yGSCs6pZD44-00011-00006171-00006371 Farmer: Oh it's coming out. yGSCs6pZD44-00012-00006913-00007113 PD: Why are you putting "씨맥프로?" yGSCs6pZD44-00013-00007113-00007965 Farmer: During this period, the temperature drops in the morning, and plants are under stress. yGSCs6pZD44-00014-00007965-00008877 Farmer: Nutrition should be supplied well when the daily temperature difference is significant. yGSCs6pZD44-00015-00008878-00009319 Farmer: It can relieve the stress of crops well and help them grow. yGSCs6pZD44-00016-00009319-00010046 Farmer: In addition, amino acids from seaweed components in it help grow crops. yGSCs6pZD44-00017-00010294-00010494 PD: Why are you putting "ATAPLAN?" yGSCs6pZD44-00018-00010494-00011576 Farmer: All onion seedlings have different heights, so they will cut their long ones to make uniform ones. yGSCs6pZD44-00019-00011576-00012658 Farmer: Before hurting all crops, use a disinfectant to prevent plants from catching Downey mildew. yGSCs6pZD44-00020-00012658-00013872 Farmer: The crop can be maintained in good condition only by preventing the invasion of bacteria. yGSCs6pZD44-00021-00013872-00015654 Farmer: So after cutting the crop, when there is a wound, use ATAPLAN to catch all the bacteria attached to the onion. yGSCs6pZD44-00022-00016294-00016723 Giving medicine to a wide area sprayer. yGSCs6pZD44-00023-00018026-00018226 PD: How many times do you use it? yGSCs6pZD44-00024-00018226-00019271 Farmer: I use it once in the morning and evening. I use it once before workers go to work and once after work. yGSCs6pZD44-00025-00019271-00019471 PD: It sounds like this equipment is essential. yGSCs6pZD44-00026-00019471-00020021 Farmer: I know, right? I invested a lot of money. yGSCs6pZD44-00027-00020022-00020692 Farmer: Without this equipment, I have to walk around in the morning and evening with a pesticide container and use pesticides all over this large area. yGSCs6pZD44-00028-00020693-00021605 Farmer: At first, my drone supplied pesticides, but drones were too small to provide enough pesticides. yGSCs6pZD44-00029-00021605-00023375 Farmer: When using simple sterilization and pesticides, drones are sufficient, but when using pesticides containing calcium or phosphate, wide-area spraying is required because crops must be soaked. yGSCs6pZD44-00030-00023375-00023732 PD: That sounds like one shot one kill. yGSCs6pZD44-00031-00023732-00024063 Farmer: This is the mother of all pesticide suppliers. yGSCs6pZD44-00032-00024371-00024776 Onion seedlings soaked in nutrients. yGSCs6pZD44-00033-00025069-00025390 A super farmer who doesn't accept a single leaf of grass. yGSCs6pZD44-00034-00025390-00026061 Farmer: Using a machine tomorrow, long seedlings will be cut. yGSCs6pZD44-00035-00026061-00026866 Farmer: Only then can you make a uniform size with slow-growing seedlings. yGSCs6pZD44-00036-00026866-00028648 Farmer: If you use "씨맥프로" before the morning temperature drops sharply, it will be nourished and less stressful. yGSCs6pZD44-00037-00028648-00028933 PD: Why are you working so late at night? yGSCs6pZD44-00038-00028933-00029628 Farmer: Now, the supplement remains until morning when the nutritional supplements are sprayed. yGSCs6pZD44-00039-00029628-00030178 Farmer: Therefore, spraying nutritional supplements in the late evening can have the most significant effect. yGSCs6pZD44-00040-00030179-00030379 PD: Do you suggest others spray supplements at night? yGSCs6pZD44-00041-00030379-00031533 Farmer: If you tell them to use it at night, some people cannot do it, so the next best thing for them is to do it early in the morning or before sunset. yGSCs6pZD44-00042-00031533-00032590 Farmer: If you use nutritional supplements at that time, the crop absorbs the nutritional supplements until the morning, which helps the crop a lot, and maximizes the effect. yGSCs6pZD44-00043-00032590-00032893 PD: There's nothing to throw away. yGSCs6pZD44-00044-00032987-00033187 The next day. yGSCs6pZD44-00045-00033336-00033693 Onion seedlings that absorbed nutrients well. yGSCs6pZD44-00046-00034024-00034417 The machine to cut onion seedlings has arrived. yGSCs6pZD44-00047-00034578-00034778 PD: What are you doing? yGSCs6pZD44-00048-00034778-00035811 Farmer: The blade of the machine is being cleaned before cutting onion seedlings. yGSCs6pZD44-00049-00035812-00036800 Farmer: Because there may be onions that have already been diseased, and if germs are stained on the blade of such onion seedlings, the situation will worsen, so we try to prevent it with fire. yGSCs6pZD44-00050-00036998-00037373 A super farmer who is flawless. yGSCs6pZD44-00051-00037373-00037947 Farmer: The area here is low, and the other side is high, so adjustment is required to match the uniform length. yGSCs6pZD44-00052-00037947-00038244 Farmer: You don't have to tighten here, and you can release it. yGSCs6pZD44-00053-00038623-00039000 Cutting onion seedlings. yGSCs6pZD44-00054-00040349-00041141 Farmer: If the top weight of the onion increases, it collapses. yGSCs6pZD44-00055-00041141-00041232 PD: Does it? yGSCs6pZD44-00056-00041232-00042000 Farmer: If it's too covered, you can't stand and fall, so you can't cut off the top. yGSCs6pZD44-00057-00042000-00043480 Farmer: If the seedlings are cut off at this size, large seedlings first and later germinated seedlings can grow to uniform sizes later. yGSCs6pZD44-00058-00043480-00044380 Farmer: This is because the body becomes thicker after cutting. You have to cut the top in advance to expect some kind of thickness later. yGSCs6pZD44-00059-00044380-00045329 Farmer: In addition, only when the thickness is, it does not falter when planted by hand, and the efficiency of the work increases well only when the standing cap is produced well. yGSCs6pZD44-00060-00045329-00047051 Farmer: Rather than being tall, it is necessary to plant short and thick bristles, so that the roots can settle well, and seedlings can stand well looking at the sky. yGSCs6pZD44-00061-00047051-00048253 Farmer: If you grow further in this state, the crop cannot overcome its own weight and falls. So, if you cut it in advance before moving on, you can produce seedlings of a much more uniform size. yGSCs6pZD44-00062-00048432-00048765 Another onion seedling field nearby. yGSCs6pZD44-00063-00048933-00049242 Grass and onion seedlings are half and half. yGSCs6pZD44-00064-00049784-00050190 PD: Somebody planted onion seedlings here, but there's a lot of grass. yGSCs6pZD44-00065-00050190-00051483 Farmer: If the field is disinfected with vinyl, the grass seeds will die because of the heat, but this happens because they are sown without plastic coating. yGSCs6pZD44-00066-00051483-00052395 Farmer: If the grass seeds are not removed and sown, the grass seeds grow on water and fertilizer and have already been removed once, but the grass needs to be removed for the second time. yGSCs6pZD44-00067-00052395-00052776 PD: It's clear why we have to put plastic on here. yGSCs6pZD44-00068-00052776-00054256 Farmer: How to prepare in advance in a hurry can remove the pool at a much lower labor cost than the labor cost of calling in people later to remove the grass. yGSCs6pZD44-00069-00054256-00054727 PD: Grass and onion seedlings are half and half. yGSCs6pZD44-00070-00054727-00055422 PD: I can't tell whether this is a grass field or an onion field at all. Is this because the owner of the field doesn't put plastic on it? yGSCs6pZD44-00071-00055422-00055538 Farmer: Correct. yGSCs6pZD44-00072-00055538-00056110 PD: I should have put on plastic in advance. The owner here can't do anything right now. yGSCs6pZD44-00073-00056225-00056425 Onion seedling field without plastic on. yGSCs6pZD44-00074-00056576-00056910 Super farmer's onion seedling field covered with plastic. yGSCs6pZD44-00075-00056951-00057310 Onion seedling field without plastic on VS onion seedling field covered with plastic. yGSCs6pZD44-00076-00057457-00057933 Super farmer's radish field without grass. yGSCs6pZD44-00077-00058090-00058568 Super farmer's cabbage field without grass. yGSCs6pZD44-00078-00058845-00059293 2020/09/09 Gumi-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do. yGSCs6pZD44-00079-00059554-00060000 Super farmer's onion seedling field covered with plastic. yGSCs6pZD44-00080-00060196-00060782 Farmer: If you look at the part where it's not covered with plastic, the grass is growing. yGSCs6pZD44-00081-00060782-00060861 PD: Correct. yGSCs6pZD44-00082-00060861-00061882 Farmer: When onion seedlings are planted here without grass removal, onion seedlings become half and grass. yGSCs6pZD44-00083-00061882-00062922 Farmer: If you sow it here, the grass cannot grow. This is because the temperature rises to 50-60 degrees Celsius in the middle of the day. yGSCs6pZD44-00084-00062922-00064052 Farmer: Also, the temperature kills all the grass seeds inside. yGSCs6pZD44-00085-00064052-00064990 Farmer: When vinyl is applied, it can be disinfected, grass seeds removed, and sown the day after the rain. yGSCs6pZD44-00086-00064990-00066120 Farmer: Insects and earthworms can not inhabit here due to their high temperature. yGSCs6pZD44-00087-00066120-00067117 Farmer: You have to try to put on plastic, but if you don't, you have to try several times more than that later to make glue. yGSCs6pZD44-00088-00067117-00067790 Farmer: It is hard to grow seedlings because they can be deprived of all the nutrients in the grass. yGSCs6pZD44-00089-00067790-00068666 PD: To have a money-making agriculture, I have to prepare and invest in advance. yGSCs6pZD44-00090-00068802-00069074 PD: Don't do this next year. yGSCs6pZD44-00091-00069074-00070434 Farmer: You must have had a lot of difficulties this year, so I hope you take good care of your seedlings until the end. Seeding is half of the onion farming, so I hope you grow it as well as possible and your farming will be successful this year. yGSCs6pZD44-00092-00070434-00071040 PD: Until the day all farmers in Korea become rich, Korea Agriculture & Fish TV will be with you. yGSCs6pZD44-00093-00071436-00071886 Korea Agriculture & Fish TV yIFxtqRyIJQ-00000-00000000-00000320 dat music tho yIFxtqRyIJQ-00001-00000334-00000434 Ok! yIFxtqRyIJQ-00002-00000924-00001382 *sny soda effect?* yIFxtqRyIJQ-00003-00002226-00002314 *HULK SMASH* yIFxtqRyIJQ-00004-00002488-00002588 *T R I G G E R E D* yIFxtqRyIJQ-00005-00002746-00002796 Hee! yIFxtqRyIJQ-00006-00002844-00002944 *:3 derp* yIFxtqRyIJQ-00007-00002964-00003184 HAAAAAAAAAAAAH yIFxtqRyIJQ-00008-00003326-00003376 *GASPS* yIFxtqRyIJQ-00009-00003674-00003759 ASS UP yIFxtqRyIJQ-00010-00003760-00003860 *and you got noscope* yIFxtqRyIJQ-00011-00003870-00003970 *I turned the light on!* yIFxtqRyIJQ-00012-00004054-00004124 What a brain. yIFxtqRyIJQ-00013-00004478-00004578 *lemme smash computah* yIFxtqRyIJQ-00014-00004580-00004688 *SUBSCRIBE TO POKE* yIFxtqRyIJQ-00015-00004968-00005118 *THATS RIGHT GET NOSCOPED, GET NOSCOOOOOOOOOOOPED!* yIFxtqRyIJQ-00016-00005224-00005399 KFC is delicioussssssss yIFxtqRyIJQ-00017-00005528-00005805 *clicks on settings* Huh? yIFxtqRyIJQ-00018-00005826-00005996 *YEH HE TURNS INTO OBLIVIOUS* yIFxtqRyIJQ-00019-00006080-00006180 *what kind of joke is this?* yIFxtqRyIJQ-00020-00006362-00006462 *CLICK!* yIFxtqRyIJQ-00021-00006688-00006806 ObliviousHD -> Oblivious. yIFxtqRyIJQ-00022-00006848-00006898 AHHHHH yIFxtqRyIJQ-00023-00007256-00007356 AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! yIFxtqRyIJQ-00024-00007443-00007543 *pop goes the diesel* yIFxtqRyIJQ-00025-00007674-00007774 *GLITCH GLITCH IS GLITCH* yIFxtqRyIJQ-00026-00007802-00007911 *go and watch rick and morty* yIFxtqRyIJQ-00027-00008202-00008302 *lemme walk yIFxtqRyIJQ-00028-00008676-00008776 *MAKE BT BETTER AGAIN* yIFxtqRyIJQ-00029-00008894-00008994 *Sucks like dickkkkkkkkk* yIFxtqRyIJQ-00030-00009102-00009152 *roblox is undergoing maintenance* yIFxtqRyIJQ-00031-00009152-00009202 HELP! yIFxtqRyIJQ-00032-00009628-00009696 *ignores* yIFxtqRyIJQ-00033-00009849-00010004 This sucks! yIFxtqRyIJQ-00034-00010740-00010932 He ended up in the Lost City. Cool. yIFxtqRyIJQ-00035-00011392-00011529 *am worrrrrrrrrr* yIFxtqRyIJQ-00036-00011641-00011741 run yIFxtqRyIJQ-00037-00011919-00012019 *SMASH THAT LIKE BUTTON!* yIFxtqRyIJQ-00038-00012143-00012243 AH (I looked in the mirror) yIFxtqRyIJQ-00039-00012245-00012345 wat yIFxtqRyIJQ-00040-00012437-00012599 The big skeleton scratched his skull. "What shall we do today?" said the big skeleton. -Funnybones* yIFxtqRyIJQ-00041-00012694-00012794 *OK. STEADY.* yIFxtqRyIJQ-00042-00012890-00012954 OOF! OOF! yIFxtqRyIJQ-00043-00013550-00013694 NOT GOOD yIFxtqRyIJQ-00044-00014112-00014200 NONONONONONO yIFxtqRyIJQ-00045-00014200-00014250 Omae wa mou shindeiru! -EVIL Z00LD yIFxtqRyIJQ-00046-00014296-00014346 Z00LD is stabbed! yIFxtqRyIJQ-00047-00014476-00014526 HBTRFEDJGTNJRFEDMSW! yIFxtqRyIJQ-00048-00015419-00015491 pokerface yIFxtqRyIJQ-00049-00015626-00015708 Ah ah ah! yIFxtqRyIJQ-00050-00015990-00016300 Ho ho ha ha he he! yIFxtqRyIJQ-00051-00016300-00016480 *FIGHT FIGHT* yIFxtqRyIJQ-00052-00016567-00016667 *Oh look! A new video?* yIFxtqRyIJQ-00053-00016732-00016832 lemme record yIFxtqRyIJQ-00054-00016988-00017088 Where do I go to? Minnesota? yIFxtqRyIJQ-00055-00017148-00017248 Boston, MA. yIFxtqRyIJQ-00056-00017314-00017635 *Ok, this video better upload on Youtube. -Sny Fort* yIFxtqRyIJQ-00057-00017739-00017839 Well! yIFxtqRyIJQ-00058-00018028-00018128 UPLODAED yIFxtqRyIJQ-00059-00018312-00018362 Oh look! A new video upload! yIFxtqRyIJQ-00060-00018426-00018739 *This is the song of boredom oof* yIFxtqRyIJQ-00061-00018739-00019047 aiight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yIFxtqRyIJQ-00062-00019047-00019147 NEW UPLOAD yIFxtqRyIJQ-00063-00019219-00019518 *What do I look at?* yIFxtqRyIJQ-00064-00019518-00019827 *neck break* AH yIFxtqRyIJQ-00065-00019848-00019960 DAH yIFxtqRyIJQ-00066-00020020-00020120 GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH yIFxtqRyIJQ-00067-00020308-00020608 *This looks good BLOCKLAND INTENSIFIES* yIFxtqRyIJQ-00068-00020608-00020894 ThIs Is ThE sOnG oF bOrEdOm yIFxtqRyIJQ-00069-00020894-00021064 *When I try to look* yIFxtqRyIJQ-00070-00021208-00021308 TURN OFF CAPTIONS OR ELSE I WILL GIVE YOU BARNEY OS yIFxtqRyIJQ-00071-00021744-00021994 the thing yIFxtqRyIJQ-00072-00022034-00022134 ? yIFxtqRyIJQ-00073-00022239-00022339 OUCH yIFxtqRyIJQ-00074-00022538-00022638 :( yIFxtqRyIJQ-00075-00022958-00023058 The video is... yIFxtqRyIJQ-00076-00023110-00023210 Oblivious gets attacked by some guy. yIFxtqRyIJQ-00077-00023276-00023600 *Gnat attack boss plays* yIFxtqRyIJQ-00078-00023685-00023785 ??????????????? yIFxtqRyIJQ-00079-00023850-00023950 now go on kogamaaaaaaa yIFxtqRyIJQ-00080-00024106-00024206 lemme pick HD yIFxtqRyIJQ-00081-00024266-00024366 CLICKING..... yIFxtqRyIJQ-00082-00024431-00024645 Always......CLICK! yIFxtqRyIJQ-00083-00025160-00025320 NO MORE SUBTITILES FOR U yIFxtqRyIJQ-00084-00025866-00026056 Wait...... yIFxtqRyIJQ-00085-00026339-00026439 What is happening? yIFxtqRyIJQ-00086-00026470-00026570 Oh no.....It cant be! yIFxtqRyIJQ-00087-00027642-00027742 The End yIFxtqRyIJQ-00088-00028560-00028660 Thanks for watching this video! yIFxtqRyIJQ-00089-00028744-00028844 Hope you like and subscribe! :) yIFxtqRyIJQ-00090-00029426-00029526 Bye. yIFxtqRyIJQ-00091-00029892-00030060 CREATED BY ME yKiUyH1xAYA-00000-00001484-00001898 present yKiUyH1xAYA-00001-00002396-00002752 CYBERNATURAL yKiUyH1xAYA-00002-00002900-00003130 Good afternoon, my dear audience. yKiUyH1xAYA-00003-00003130-00003594 I look, you subscribe more and more. yKiUyH1xAYA-00004-00003594-00003934 I am normal. yKiUyH1xAYA-00005-00003934-00004124 and... yKiUyH1xAYA-00006-00004124-00004552 I think at this translation will be much persons. yKiUyH1xAYA-00007-00004612-00005040 I am looking now, and many persons watching me. yKiUyH1xAYA-00008-00005156-00005552 You can write questions. I am interesting to answer on them now. yKiUyH1xAYA-00009-00007180-00007995 And the first question. Sergey Lesovoy ask me. "When will you die? You have broken a lot of lives." yKiUyH1xAYA-00010-00008312-00008454 NOW! yKiUyH1xAYA-00011-00008896-00009098 You aren't believing me now. yKiUyH1xAYA-00012-00009204-00009404 And if so? yKiUyH1xAYA-00013-00011782-00012002 What? You didn't expected them? yKiUyH1xAYA-00014-00012080-00012274 And you, Lesovoy, also? yKiUyH1xAYA-00015-00012312-00012520 So, you did the stroke. yKiUyH1xAYA-00016-00012540-00012752 And now - my stroke. yKiUyH1xAYA-00017-00015810-00016182 So, my friends. Who is next? yKkIAhkYjv4-00000-00000077-00000720 Ayrshire Systems supplies Industrial Weigh Scales, Retail Weigh Scales and Veterinary yKkIAhkYjv4-00001-00000720-00001452 Weigh Scales for all areas of Glasgow including Renfrew, Linwood, Clydebank, Paisley and East yKkIAhkYjv4-00002-00001452-00001552 Kilbride. yKkIAhkYjv4-00003-00001552-00002268 We are happy to supply, install, service and calibrate your industrial, retail and veterinary yKkIAhkYjv4-00004-00002268-00002497 Weigh Scales onsite at your business. yKkIAhkYjv4-00005-00002497-00003091 Our trained weigh scales technicians can advise you on the perfect weigh scales for your type yKkIAhkYjv4-00006-00003091-00003197 of business. yKkIAhkYjv4-00007-00003197-00003864 For a quality fast and efficient weigh scales company why not give us a call today on 01563 yKkIAhkYjv4-00008-00003864-00003964 544566. yKkIAhkYjv4-00009-00003964-00004886 We will be happy to help you with your weigh scales needs in Glasgow. yKkIAhkYjv4-00010-00004886-00005937 Or alternatively you can visit our website at www.ayrshiresystems.co.uk and yKkIAhkYjv4-00011-00005937-00006405 simply use our convenient contact form for your weigh scales enquires. yMMWaVxN2Sk-00000-00000216-00000792 this is Rochelle from the @DIYAffiliateon Youtube and the sethesecret_youtuber on TIKTOK if you are yMMWaVxN2Sk-00001-00000792-00001288 new to my channel i welcome you thank you for checking out this video and thank you yMMWaVxN2Sk-00002-00001288-00001968 for checking out my channel this channel is for beginners i offer step-by-step video tutorials yMMWaVxN2Sk-00003-00001968-00002504 on youtube a wordpress social media content marketing and kindle direct publishing yMMWaVxN2Sk-00004-00002704-00003311 if you are tuning into my channel for the very first time i have started a series of tutorials yMMWaVxN2Sk-00005-00003311-00004015 called you are the creator for new authors to make money from the privacy yMMWaVxN2Sk-00006-00004015-00004720 and security of your own home you are the creator you write the script you put your thoughts yMMWaVxN2Sk-00007-00004720-00005280 feelings emotions and with a little bit of imagination the sky is the limit yMMWaVxN2Sk-00008-00005568-00005912 if you want to become an author and make money from home yMMWaVxN2Sk-00009-00006016-00006848 i am here to tell you that you can do it yes you can and it doesn't matter how old you are yMMWaVxN2Sk-00010-00006848-00007431 it doesn't matter how young you are it doesn't matter whether you know grammar or spelling any yMMWaVxN2Sk-00011-00007431-00008095 of those filling blocks you can turn into stepping stones by using programs such as grammarly and the yMMWaVxN2Sk-00012-00008095-00009056 power thesaurus in the creator series i show you step-by-step video tutorials that will help you yMMWaVxN2Sk-00013-00009056-00009816 to be able to write your manuscript using the the microsoft word dictate how to upload and yMMWaVxN2Sk-00014-00009816-00010336 convert your manuscript into the kindle create software how to use the kindle create software yMMWaVxN2Sk-00015-00010464-00011136 how to set up and publish a kindle ready ebook and paperback through the kindle direct publishing and yMMWaVxN2Sk-00016-00011136-00011864 finally how to join the acx find a narrator and create an audio book for worldwide distribution yMMWaVxN2Sk-00017-00011928-00012512 on amazon audible and itunes to get serious about writing your book yMMWaVxN2Sk-00018-00012656-00013272 if you are then you have arrived at the right time and this is the right channel yMMWaVxN2Sk-00019-00013272-00013800 for you to start your journey with and thank you for checking out my channel yMMWaVxN2Sk-00020-00014072-00014776 every one of us is a creator whether it be a books videos or articles you are the creator yMMWaVxN2Sk-00021-00014832-00015391 you write your own script on youtube this is my journey of creating and publishing my first book yMMWaVxN2Sk-00022-00015391-00016216 in audiobook so why listen to me because i share all of my tips tricks and secrets and shortcuts yMMWaVxN2Sk-00023-00016216-00016784 that i have learnt from my own experience the knowledge i share is free to everyone yMMWaVxN2Sk-00024-00016848-00017440 knowledge is power in the following video i am going to talk about the text properties yMMWaVxN2Sk-00025-00017536-00017904 what the cascade formatting changes for elements is yMMWaVxN2Sk-00026-00018032-00018984 where to find all your elements on the page where to find your standard elements and how to use them yMMWaVxN2Sk-00027-00019144-00019824 without further ado i give you just the facts let's dive right into the video yMMWaVxN2Sk-00028-00019824-00020168 i am sharing with you all my tips tricks and secrets that i have learned yMMWaVxN2Sk-00029-00020248-00020696 and using the text properties and the cascade formatting changes yMMWaVxN2Sk-00030-00020696-00021392 for all of your elements in the beginning when you first start editing your manuscript yMMWaVxN2Sk-00031-00021448-00022288 into a kindle ebook identifying all of your elements that are in your book is your first step yMMWaVxN2Sk-00032-00022496-00023208 under the text properties you will be able to see current element whenever you place your cursor yMMWaVxN2Sk-00033-00023208-00023984 in front of text it will tell you what the current element is that you are working with yMMWaVxN2Sk-00034-00024136-00025104 your elements are all of the elements your page in your book for your chapter title highlight yMMWaVxN2Sk-00035-00025376-00025936 anytime you want to change anything you will highlight and tap on formatting yMMWaVxN2Sk-00036-00026376-00027239 here you can see the bold italics underline change the size change the color set your font face yMMWaVxN2Sk-00037-00027239-00027880 three different types bookerly amazon ember or moonspace your advanced font yMMWaVxN2Sk-00038-00027880-00028416 options your strikethrough you're two times smaller and you're two times larger yMMWaVxN2Sk-00039-00028768-00029000 your case your lowercase and your title case yMMWaVxN2Sk-00040-00029320-00030416 uppercase lowercase and title case which is capitalizing the first letter of each word yMMWaVxN2Sk-00041-00030608-00031456 you can use a highlight color by highlighting tapping downward arrow and choosing from this yMMWaVxN2Sk-00042-00031456-00032383 color color palette here the recent colors you use or the advanced color selector yMMWaVxN2Sk-00043-00033192-00033784 paragraph is your alignment for example yMMWaVxN2Sk-00044-00033960-00034440 for your and you see where you're working you're working in your chapter title yMMWaVxN2Sk-00045-00034440-00034640 you have your chapter title highlighted yMMWaVxN2Sk-00046-00035128-00035584 you can also a letter spacing and this will space your letters out yMMWaVxN2Sk-00047-00036408-00036584 paragraph is for alignment yMMWaVxN2Sk-00048-00036816-00036888 to the yMMWaVxN2Sk-00049-00037160-00037984 to the left to the middle to the right and justified yMMWaVxN2Sk-00050-00038392-00038640 you can apply the drop cap yMMWaVxN2Sk-00051-00038960-00039552 this tells you that it goes down three characters you can use the yMMWaVxN2Sk-00052-00039552-00040528 downward arrow and change it to two or you can also use the upward arrow on the next yMMWaVxN2Sk-00053-00040528-00041208 editing box to change the number of characters to three at the most yMMWaVxN2Sk-00054-00041448-00042384 if you don't want a plot the drop cap just uncheck the box your indents yMMWaVxN2Sk-00055-00042664-00042928 this tells you you are in yMMWaVxN2Sk-00056-00043296-00043336 nine yMMWaVxN2Sk-00057-00043568-00043664 from your margin yMMWaVxN2Sk-00058-00043976-00044104 the downward arrow yMMWaVxN2Sk-00059-00044576-00045024 will move your your text yMMWaVxN2Sk-00060-00045664-00046040 the upward arrow will move your text yMMWaVxN2Sk-00061-00046272-00046592 from the margin to yMMWaVxN2Sk-00062-00046832-00046888 the right yMMWaVxN2Sk-00063-00047464-00047856 this will move all of your text over to the right yMMWaVxN2Sk-00064-00047856-00048584 and this will move all of your text from the right to the left this one will indent yMMWaVxN2Sk-00065-00048912-00049456 the first word of your paragraph everything is considered a paragraph yMMWaVxN2Sk-00066-00049520-00050008 whether it is one sentence two sentences three sentences it is considered a paragraph yMMWaVxN2Sk-00067-00050488-00050984 your subtitle and here you can see when you place your cursor you are working in your subtitle yMMWaVxN2Sk-00068-00051056-00051432 when you highlight your subtitle you can then use the formatting yMMWaVxN2Sk-00069-00051504-00052024 panel here to bold italics underline change the size change the color yMMWaVxN2Sk-00070-00052024-00052928 of the font set font face use the advanced font image options highlight color if yMMWaVxN2Sk-00071-00052928-00053648 you choose a highlight color for your uh subtitle say we choose this as a subtitle yMMWaVxN2Sk-00072-00053800-00054448 you will you will be able to preview this what it will look like on all of the different devices yMMWaVxN2Sk-00073-00054632-00055448 your paragraph alignment to the left to the middle to the right and justified yMMWaVxN2Sk-00074-00055776-00056184 you can apply your drop cap and here are your indents yMMWaVxN2Sk-00075-00056536-00057728 your spacing is what is on top of your text so this will move spacing on top of your text this yMMWaVxN2Sk-00076-00057728-00058464 will move spacing on the bottom of your text and this will move spacing on the top and the bottom yMMWaVxN2Sk-00077-00058840-00059320 anytime you want to undo a mistake that you made you just click on this undo button yMMWaVxN2Sk-00078-00059384-00060384 right there and this will save you a lot of time it is all about saving time yMMWaVxN2Sk-00079-00060976-00061704 elements on the page these are elements that will appear on every single page your chapter title yMMWaVxN2Sk-00080-00061704-00062279 your chapter subtitle and your chapter first paragraph place your cursor yMMWaVxN2Sk-00081-00062400-00063391 and choose your element highlight to format and here you can choose yMMWaVxN2Sk-00082-00063544-00064216 for your first paragraph bold italics underline the size that you would like it the color yMMWaVxN2Sk-00083-00064216-00064896 the font your advanced font options if you wanted to use a highlight color letter spacing yMMWaVxN2Sk-00084-00065088-00065367 the paragraph here you could see it's justified yMMWaVxN2Sk-00085-00065455-00066032 here it is moved to the left here it is in the middle and here it is on the right yMMWaVxN2Sk-00086-00066496-00067032 your drop cap if you wanted to use that for your first paragraph yMMWaVxN2Sk-00087-00067256-00068128 and your indents this will move all of your text over not just the first line all of your text yMMWaVxN2Sk-00088-00068264-00069288 and this will move to the right this will move to the left and this is your indent and yMMWaVxN2Sk-00089-00069360-00070184 five is a good indent and sometimes you could use six as well as an indent yMMWaVxN2Sk-00090-00070264-00070728 but be consistent with your indents if you're using five as an indent then be consistent with yMMWaVxN2Sk-00091-00070728-00071584 five if you're using six be consistent with six here is your first paragraph yMMWaVxN2Sk-00092-00071832-00072512 your space on the top of the paragraph your space on the bottom of the paragraph yMMWaVxN2Sk-00093-00072584-00073320 in your space on the top and the bottom all of the editing and formatting all of the formatting yMMWaVxN2Sk-00094-00073320-00074152 of your elements is all the same you will see the same editing your font your advanced font yMMWaVxN2Sk-00095-00074152-00074872 options your highlight color your paragraph your drop cap your indents and your spacing yMMWaVxN2Sk-00096-00075312-00075784 and also you can choose your font face yMMWaVxN2Sk-00097-00076064-00076360 for your first paragraph yMMWaVxN2Sk-00098-00076568-00076648 at any time yMMWaVxN2Sk-00099-00077000-00077408 you can choose your element as an example yMMWaVxN2Sk-00100-00077632-00078584 i place my cursor here and i choose subheading i place my cursor here and choose block quote yMMWaVxN2Sk-00101-00078920-00079552 when i highlight this this is my blog quote i can format my blog quote to the way that i yMMWaVxN2Sk-00102-00079552-00080344 would like to see it you would use all of the formatting options that are available to you yMMWaVxN2Sk-00103-00080424-00081384 and as long as you have this checked here it will cascade through all of your pages yMMWaVxN2Sk-00104-00081792-00082368 the standard elements these are when you are going through your yMMWaVxN2Sk-00105-00082520-00082920 when you are going through your manuscript and you decide i want to make this yMMWaVxN2Sk-00106-00082920-00083480 into a subheading i want to make this into a block quote yMMWaVxN2Sk-00107-00083704-00084184 this will be a poem yMMWaVxN2Sk-00108-00084312-00085048 you can always use a separator at any point the way to get rid of the separator is to highlight yMMWaVxN2Sk-00109-00085136-00085208 and delete yMMWaVxN2Sk-00110-00085456-00085824 you can go through your manuscript choose opening quotes yMMWaVxN2Sk-00111-00086152-00086360 or opening quote credits yMMWaVxN2Sk-00112-00086480-00086984 as long as you have your cascade formatting changes here you save everything yMMWaVxN2Sk-00113-00087584-00088848 now you will be able to see this is your chapter one chapter two is your chapter title exactly your yMMWaVxN2Sk-00114-00088848-00089824 chapter subtitle and your chapter first paragraph chapter three chapter title chapter subtitle yMMWaVxN2Sk-00115-00090104-00090344 and chapter first paragraph yMMWaVxN2Sk-00116-00090488-00091184 everything will cascade down to exactly the way that you set it up recap yMMWaVxN2Sk-00117-00091472-00092088 your elements on the 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for watching please like share and follow and yMMWaVxN2Sk-00143-00112424-00113511 i look forward to hanging out with you in the next video stay safe have a wonderful evening yR-hdnNRXdc-00000-00000032-00000128 The core cycle. yR-hdnNRXdc-00001-00000184-00000496 A business framework for continually making knowledge productive. yR-hdnNRXdc-00002-00000888-00001216 The core cycle is the engine of the business management system. yR-hdnNRXdc-00003-00001296-00001800 This presentation is about managing organizational knowledge and a solution to it. yR-hdnNRXdc-00004-00001896-00002384 A model to understand how knowledge management underpins all business processes. yR-hdnNRXdc-00005-00002384-00002872 The core cycle: how to convert improvement into knowledge. yR-hdnNRXdc-00006-00002944-00003360 Before we get into the core of the cycle, I'd like to go through a few definitions. yR-hdnNRXdc-00007-00003440-00003872 What is management? Mark Rother provides us with the definition: yR-hdnNRXdc-00008-00003952-00004560 "The systematic pursuit of desired conditions by utilizing human capabilities in a concerted way". yR-hdnNRXdc-00009-00004624-00005168 Let's break this down. Systematic means process driven, repetitive, yR-hdnNRXdc-00010-00005168-00005656 progressive, and adaptable to conditions. A pursuit is relentless. yR-hdnNRXdc-00011-00005744-00006248 Desired conditions refers to specific objectives defined in a time-bound manner. yR-hdnNRXdc-00012-00006376-00006800 Human capabilities means that everyone in the organization has to be trained, yR-hdnNRXdc-00013-00006800-00007216 competent and empowered. Concerted way refers to yR-hdnNRXdc-00014-00007216-00007768 the people in the organization collaborating in cross-functional teams and all the activities are yR-hdnNRXdc-00015-00007768-00008328 aligned with the business's strategic objectives. Peter Drucker provides us with another definition: yR-hdnNRXdc-00016-00008400-00008680 "The essence of management is to make knowledge productive". yR-hdnNRXdc-00017-00008768-00009040 We will spend the rest of the presentation understanding the yR-hdnNRXdc-00018-00009040-00009752 statement as the core cycle is built on it. What is knowledge or rather what isn't knowledge? yR-hdnNRXdc-00019-00009752-00010144 You do not install knowledge. You do not find knowledge in yR-hdnNRXdc-00020-00010144-00010744 a dictionary, only information. Knowledge is a theoretical understanding yR-hdnNRXdc-00021-00010744-00011384 with the practical experience which is seen as the know-why and the know-how. yR-hdnNRXdc-00022-00011472-00011864 "A leader must have knowledge. A leader must be able to teach." yR-hdnNRXdc-00023-00011976-00012384 "We now accept the fact that learning is a lifelong process yR-hdnNRXdc-00024-00012384-00012936 of keeping abreast of change and the most pressing task is to teach people how to learn." yR-hdnNRXdc-00025-00013047-00013608 How to make knowledge productive? You first establish a system, because, yR-hdnNRXdc-00026-00013608-00013976 if you can't describe what you're doing as a process you don't know what you're doing. yR-hdnNRXdc-00027-00014056-00014480 In fact, a bad system will beat a good person every time. yR-hdnNRXdc-00028-00014480-00014808 And that's why management's job is to improve the system. yR-hdnNRXdc-00029-00014896-00015352 To establish a system, we need the repetition of methods and processes. yR-hdnNRXdc-00030-00015416-00015816 It takes discipline to get into these good habits, that is, management routines. yR-hdnNRXdc-00031-00015880-00016432 We can only sustain the system through discipline. What kind of routines are we talking about? yR-hdnNRXdc-00032-00016488-00016904 For example, we're talking about continuous improvement routines such as yR-hdnNRXdc-00033-00016904-00017448 improvement projects, innovation, which is implementing simple improvement ideas, yR-hdnNRXdc-00034-00017448-00017888 and problem solving activities. Routines contribute to the improvement yR-hdnNRXdc-00035-00017888-00018400 of existing standards and improvement draws from the people's creativity. yR-hdnNRXdc-00036-00018400-00018872 We want to both reinforce discipline and develop creativity in the workplace. yR-hdnNRXdc-00037-00018944-00019288 We want the sustained profitability of the organization. yR-hdnNRXdc-00038-00019288-00019960 We can only sustain if we improve continually. Improvement is only possible if a benchmark yR-hdnNRXdc-00039-00019960-00020392 already exists - a base to improve from, known as a standard. yR-hdnNRXdc-00040-00020480-00021024 We want to standardize, improve, and sustain, with a disciplined and creative people. yR-hdnNRXdc-00041-00021152-00021456 Employees work in silos because they don't know better. yR-hdnNRXdc-00042-00021536-00021824 Provide them with an integrated view of the enterprise. yR-hdnNRXdc-00043-00022072-00022744 We build the system on the Core Cycle. You create knowledge, apply knowledge, and then manage yR-hdnNRXdc-00044-00022744-00023984 knowledge. The Core Cycle is an interpretation of the PDCA, the Plan, Do, Check, and Adjust cycle. yR-hdnNRXdc-00045-00024296-00024800 The Core Cycle Employees contribute to their Mini Business Unit yR-hdnNRXdc-00046-00024800-00025384 by either adding value to the customer, reducing risk or supporting other MBUs to do the same. yR-hdnNRXdc-00047-00025528-00025952 Adding value is measured by the operational factors of Quality, yR-hdnNRXdc-00048-00025952-00026216 Speed and Cost as well as Risk. yR-hdnNRXdc-00049-00026472-00026848 Best Operating Practices sustain the operation of processes yR-hdnNRXdc-00050-00026904-00027576 and management systems are deployed, such as Quality, Health and Safety, Environment, Risk, yR-hdnNRXdc-00051-00027576-00027904 Continuous Improvement, Asset Management and more. yR-hdnNRXdc-00052-00028120-00028527 Processes always present wasteful activities and decay over time. yR-hdnNRXdc-00053-00028783-00029248 Best Improvement Practices reduce the risk and eliminate wasteful activities yR-hdnNRXdc-00054-00029304-00029736 through problem solving, innovation, and continuous improvement projects yR-hdnNRXdc-00055-00030072-00030439 All processes are created, operated and improved by people. yR-hdnNRXdc-00056-00030552-00031176 And the role of leadership is to empower the people through structure, direction, coaching, yR-hdnNRXdc-00057-00031176-00031752 mastery and engagement. Creativity and discipline develops and grows over time. yR-hdnNRXdc-00058-00031976-00032472 Let's take a look at how the Core Cycle works: knowledge is applied by employees yR-hdnNRXdc-00059-00032472-00033096 to add value to the customer and reduce risk. But they face wasteful activities and fluctuation. yR-hdnNRXdc-00060-00033184-00033680 Knowledge is managed from the Best Operating Practice to identify abnormalities. yR-hdnNRXdc-00061-00033680-00034136 For example, Key Performance Indicators, non-conformance and audits. yR-hdnNRXdc-00062-00034200-00034664 This triggers improvement activities to reduce the waste and fluctuations. yR-hdnNRXdc-00063-00034664-00034976 Through the best Improvement Practices Knowledge is built. yR-hdnNRXdc-00064-00035064-00035312 The new standards are used to train employees. yR-hdnNRXdc-00065-00035368-00035776 Knowledge is transferred and applied. Waste and fluctuation are yR-hdnNRXdc-00066-00035776-00036128 never totally eliminated. There is no end to improvement. yR-hdnNRXdc-00067-00036384-00036704 impi! solutions contribute to making knowledge productive. yR-hdnNRXdc-00068-00036760-00037200 So, let's take a look at an example. How does continuous improvement yR-hdnNRXdc-00069-00037200-00037592 link with knowledge management. Knowledge is created through the yR-hdnNRXdc-00070-00037592-00038016 routines of continuous improvement. The standards thus created yR-hdnNRXdc-00071-00038016-00038408 are captured on the Wiki of TeamPage, and a document management routine. yR-hdnNRXdc-00072-00038480-00038824 Other solutions such as auditing and risk assessment yR-hdnNRXdc-00073-00038824-00039072 also contribute to management of knowledge. yR-hdnNRXdc-00074-00039320-00039520 So what is the Core Cycle? yR-hdnNRXdc-00075-00039640-00040328 It's a framework to make knowledge productive. But productive to whom? It's productive to yR-hdnNRXdc-00076-00040328-00040800 all members of the organization to the benefit of the customer. yR-hdnNRXdc-00077-00040800-00042128 The essence of management is to make knowledge productive. ySBkpYLM3x0-00000-00000634-00000834 What are you holding? ySBkpYLM3x0-00001-00000834-00001005 The card is very special and attractive, isn’t it? ySBkpYLM3x0-00002-00001005-00001506 This is the Cheering Card especially designed for SHINE 2022 ySBkpYLM3x0-00003-00001506-00002229 to record the blessings and thankful words from students, teachers and parents of special schools. ySBkpYLM3x0-00004-00002229-00002750 If you want to know more, you can visit the website of SHINE 2022. ySBkpYLM3x0-00005-00002793-00002941 I would like to introduce something amazing to you! ySBkpYLM3x0-00006-00002955-00003289 When you browse the designated website of SHINE 2022, ySBkpYLM3x0-00007-00003289-00003600 you will find the ‘Special Education Episodes’ page. ySBkpYLM3x0-00008-00003600-00003906 There you can find the episodes of eight different types of special schools, ySBkpYLM3x0-00009-00003906-00004273 featuring their characteristics in various ways. ySBkpYLM3x0-00010-00004273-00004473 Each episode is unique. ySBkpYLM3x0-00011-00004473-00004600 Can’t you wait to watch them? ySBkpYLM3x0-00012-00004694-00004909 I have already added the website to my phone. ySBkpYLM3x0-00013-00005000-00005072 Come on! Let’s watch together! yUlRGBw9oak-00000-00000110-00000564 hours before the suppose the launch of Shenzhou seven China published yUlRGBw9oak-00001-00000564-00001092 conversations between the astronaut and krill as a fail had already happened and yUlRGBw9oak-00002-00001092-00001554 included detailed descriptions of the events the slip-up revealed from the yUlRGBw9oak-00003-00001554-00002028 very start that this spacewalk was a carefully orchestrated fake this isn't yUlRGBw9oak-00004-00002028-00002449 the first time China has faked a space voyage when China claimed that Charles yUlRGBw9oak-00005-00002449-00002941 a1 reached them in they produced photos that were discovered to have been copied yUlRGBw9oak-00006-00002941-00003625 from Google Moon Photoshop to change the shatters man craters and sharpened the yUlRGBw9oak-00007-00003625-00004150 different camera shots of chunghae 7 Mosher's and discrepancies the close-up yUlRGBw9oak-00008-00004150-00004623 shot which distinguishes this wrestle a Shenzhou seven have two markings that yUlRGBw9oak-00009-00004623-00005035 later disappeared now look at this government report with an image from yUlRGBw9oak-00010-00005035-00005562 farther away look for those two markings the top one has all but disappeared and yUlRGBw9oak-00011-00005562-00006160 the bottom one completely changed here's a side by side comparison in the video yUlRGBw9oak-00012-00006160-00006709 we see the shots change from a model to an actual launch the launch we see is yUlRGBw9oak-00013-00006709-00007294 actually at what Shenzhou 1 the markings are consistent with the decide by side yUlRGBw9oak-00014-00007294-00007783 comparison of the omissions on one launch video available and the Shenzhou yUlRGBw9oak-00015-00007783-00008425 7 launch China's government published supposed satellite photos of Shenzhou 7 yUlRGBw9oak-00016-00008425-00008821 in orbit take a look at this photo with the Earth's art behind the orbital yUlRGBw9oak-00017-00008821-00009307 module it's much straighter than it with sartis and the spacewalk video from the yUlRGBw9oak-00018-00009307-00009880 craft if we overlap the two we see the satellite photos arc is straight the arc yUlRGBw9oak-00019-00009880-00010357 and the spacewalk photo is apparently closer to Earth than the satellite photo yUlRGBw9oak-00020-00010357-00010951 but it's similar to NASA's most recent spacewalk if we were to zoom in on the yUlRGBw9oak-00021-00010951-00011541 satellite photo to the cross perspective booths arc would be even straighter and yUlRGBw9oak-00022-00011541-00012071 fly it we see white flying objects floating outwards yUlRGBw9oak-00023-00012071-00012617 the same flying object showed throughout the 15-minute spacewalk we all occur at yUlRGBw9oak-00024-00012617-00013206 diagonal angles avoiding the earth and at different speeds China says this is yUlRGBw9oak-00025-00013206-00013706 debris escaping from the hatch but why would debris still be flying out 10 yUlRGBw9oak-00026-00013706-00014115 minutes after the hatch was opened it takes less than a second for all the yUlRGBw9oak-00027-00014115-00014661 crusher to escape and why are there different speeds this entire scene was yUlRGBw9oak-00028-00014661-00015197 actually filmed underwater in a tank and these are air pockets escaping don't yUlRGBw9oak-00029-00015197-00015678 think this is far-fetched China public footage of the shuttle crew practicing yUlRGBw9oak-00030-00015678-00016163 in a tank video cameras can take away the blue to make it look like open space yUlRGBw9oak-00031-00016163-00016584 then they just speed up the footage so it looks like there is no resistance yUlRGBw9oak-00032-00016584-00017073 from the water look at the Earth's clouds they're moving quickly here and yUlRGBw9oak-00033-00017073-00017667 they suddenly speed up here watch a gun the entire earth becomes covered in yUlRGBw9oak-00034-00017667-00018615 clouds in only two seconds and a solar bubble that's a way from the helmet it yUlRGBw9oak-00035-00018615-00019128 rolls around the helmet speeds up and expands as buoyant bubbles do and then yUlRGBw9oak-00036-00019128-00019448 look the same bubble can be seen in the top left yUlRGBw9oak-00037-00019448-00020001 flying downwards it even changes directions so why do the bubbles move yUlRGBw9oak-00038-00020001-00020498 different directions a massive wave blowers are used in practice exercises yUlRGBw9oak-00039-00020498-00020973 to push water up to keep the astronauts from sinking water flows on either side yUlRGBw9oak-00040-00020973-00021416 of its crop hasn't turbulence at the top pushing the bubbles in different yUlRGBw9oak-00041-00021416-00021963 directions return bends around the earth projections suck the bubbles generally yUlRGBw9oak-00042-00021963-00022476 sideways the astronauts air is provided in these power quarters that's why they yUlRGBw9oak-00043-00022476-00023131 float the astronaut even has to hold it down so that it doesn't float up yUlRGBw9oak-00044-00023313-00023679 the fly so flops independently of the hand yUlRGBw9oak-00045-00023679-00024033 movements it floats when inertia should thrill it the other yUlRGBw9oak-00046-00024033-00024537 direction here's that slow bubble again where the cloud suddenly slowed to a yUlRGBw9oak-00047-00024537-00025098 practical halt but just seconds ago they moved rapidly and here's another quicker yUlRGBw9oak-00048-00025098-00025668 bubble with quicker clouds the speed of the clouds embodies correlates revealing yUlRGBw9oak-00049-00025668-00026244 that the footage changed speeds from orbit Earth has a blue halo around its yUlRGBw9oak-00050-00026244-00026802 arc NASA scientist clues and explains this is Earth's atmosphere scattering yUlRGBw9oak-00051-00026802-00027188 light less intensely than it is at Earth's surface and that changes the yUlRGBw9oak-00052-00027188-00027720 spectrum to blue but this halo is gone in the flight video the Rochdale violet yUlRGBw9oak-00053-00027720-00028281 color of Earth is because the underwater camera reduces the blue there is no way yUlRGBw9oak-00054-00028281-00028833 that space the color and halo are missing the camera is still in relation yUlRGBw9oak-00055-00028833-00029277 to the earth for the full 15 minutes it doesn't move this means they could have yUlRGBw9oak-00056-00029277-00029781 positioned the craft not to spin at all that's difficult but the camera does yUlRGBw9oak-00057-00029781-00030276 move a tiny bit and moves up and down and mermen Tinley this means the craft yUlRGBw9oak-00058-00030276-00030813 changes the direction of its spin a tiny bit now how does that happen in space to yUlRGBw9oak-00059-00030813-00031266 further understand let's look at a model Routh's art is constantly in the camera yUlRGBw9oak-00060-00031266-00031677 with the clouds moving down so that means the craft is aimed still to the yUlRGBw9oak-00061-00031677-00032258 Sun as the Earth spins counterclockwise but deputy commander Quinn 1bo claims yUlRGBw9oak-00062-00032258-00032724 and Chinese government media reports that the crafts orbit was fast enough to yUlRGBw9oak-00063-00032724-00033261 circle the earth in 90 minutes that's much faster than the 24 hours per orbit yUlRGBw9oak-00064-00033261-00033732 that would keep the craft in the Sun - the speed of the earth is spinning the yUlRGBw9oak-00065-00033732-00034247 other direction that's eighty nine point six minutes per orbit clockwise which yUlRGBw9oak-00066-00034247-00034728 means there should be a roughly 120 degree sun angle change in the 15 yUlRGBw9oak-00067-00034728-00035205 minutes from the crafts perspective we would expect the Sun to enter the yUlRGBw9oak-00068-00035205-00035549 camera's view but both cameras shall no occur yUlRGBw9oak-00069-00035549-00036253 change in the Sun angle you can see the solar panels rotate from flat to angled yUlRGBw9oak-00070-00036253-00036700 away from the camera to catch the Sun indicating that the camera side of the yUlRGBw9oak-00071-00036700-00037213 crowd turns toward the Sun but let's take a closer look at two minutes the yUlRGBw9oak-00072-00037213-00037697 Sun is perpendicular to the craft through shadows at six minutes the Sun yUlRGBw9oak-00073-00037697-00038150 starts shining on the side of the craft as we would expect but then at nine yUlRGBw9oak-00074-00038150-00038688 minutes that sunlight is no longer there Rashaad Iligan that is impossible yUlRGBw9oak-00075-00038688-00039256 especially at ninety eight minutes per orbit news media discovered their fourth yUlRGBw9oak-00076-00039256-00039763 voice spoken throughout the video speaking non-standard Mandarin but the yUlRGBw9oak-00077-00039763-00040306 Croft only had three astronauts two stayed inside and one exited who's the yUlRGBw9oak-00078-00040306-00040753 fourth force listen carefully yUlRGBw9oak-00079-00044603-00045129 why is the video and audio footage so clear look at the recent Yossarian yUlRGBw9oak-00080-00045129-00047499 Russian spacewalks look and listen to China's research director use redone for yUlRGBw9oak-00081-00047499-00048041 China said noise levels in the module were about 70 decibels while in orbit yUlRGBw9oak-00082-00048041-00048549 China said astronauts needed special earplugs for the loud noises but there yUlRGBw9oak-00083-00048549-00049011 is no background noise videos of previous schenzel missions had loud yUlRGBw9oak-00084-00049011-00049446 background noises though as the astronaut exited the hatch you can sure yUlRGBw9oak-00085-00049446-00050424 the mission commanders saying that he entered into water so let's review yUlRGBw9oak-00086-00050424-00050961 number one China published conversations of the crew even before liftoff - China yUlRGBw9oak-00087-00050961-00051474 has a history of faking space launches breathe different writing on the rocket yUlRGBw9oak-00088-00051474-00052016 in different video shots reveal a model was used for China's satellite photos yUlRGBw9oak-00089-00052016-00052521 show a craft closer to Earth in their video from the craft five bubbles are yUlRGBw9oak-00090-00052521-00052883 seen that couldn't possibly be debris because they speed up and change yUlRGBw9oak-00091-00052883-00053544 directions of flight 6 the hose and flag float 7 that clouds move quickly at yUlRGBw9oak-00092-00053544-00054114 spots slowly at other spots according to how fast the bubbles are moving 8 the yUlRGBw9oak-00093-00054114-00054576 color is weird and the blue halo is missing from the earth 9 the camera yUlRGBw9oak-00094-00054576-00054829 moves down a little indicating the craft yUlRGBw9oak-00095-00054829-00055340 changes the direction of its Britain 10 the Sun doesn't shine on the craft side yUlRGBw9oak-00096-00055340-00055891 ventas than doesn't the loving 4 voices are heard when only three astronauts yUlRGBw9oak-00097-00055891-00056380 were there well there's no background noise 13 the commander said the yUlRGBw9oak-00098-00056380-00057572 astronauts entered into water yUN7NZfzRC4-00000-00000094-00000774 imagine this rope okay pretend this rope just goes on forever now imagine that yUN7NZfzRC4-00001-00000774-00001536 this rope is a timeline of your existence you just exist forever you see yUN7NZfzRC4-00002-00001536-00002166 this red part this would represent your time on earth you've got a few short yUN7NZfzRC4-00003-00002166-00002763 years here on earth and then you've got all of eternity somewhere else and what yUN7NZfzRC4-00004-00002763-00003254 blows me away is some of you always think about is this red part it's all yUN7NZfzRC4-00005-00003254-00003726 you think about you're consumed with this oh man I can't wait till here you yUN7NZfzRC4-00006-00003726-00004101 know I'm gonna work hard on the save save save so I can really enjoy this yUN7NZfzRC4-00007-00004101-00004655 part right here you're concerned with that you think oh man I'm gonna get the yUN7NZfzRC4-00008-00004655-00005019 travel am I gonna eat well I'm gonna do this during this part and like are you yUN7NZfzRC4-00009-00005019-00005586 kidding me this what about what about all this stuff this is it's crazy me yUN7NZfzRC4-00010-00005586-00006002 because because the Bible teaches that what I do during this little red part yUN7NZfzRC4-00011-00006002-00006409 determines how I'm gonna exist for millions and million yUN7NZfzRC4-00012-00006409-00007004 millions of years forever and and so why would I spend this little red part yUN7NZfzRC4-00013-00007004-00007315 trying to make myself as comfortable as possible yUN7NZfzRC4-00014-00007315-00007979 enjoying myself as much as I can is up I'm gonna live my life for this mission yUN7NZfzRC4-00015-00007979-00008425 I'm gonna spend my life invest my life for this moment when I cross that finish yUN7NZfzRC4-00016-00008425-00008714 line I'm gonna forget about all this stuff I yUN7NZfzRC4-00017-00008714-00009100 could enjoy it I'm not gonna look around I'm gonna be like a winner just looking yUN7NZfzRC4-00018-00009100-00009550 at that moment when I face God because when I face him then I don't get this yUN7NZfzRC4-00019-00009550-00009983 chance over again we got one chance at this life on earth they can end it any yUN7NZfzRC4-00020-00009983-00010390 second for any of us we've got one chance at this and then comes eternity yUN7NZfzRC4-00021-00010390-00010775 there's you people look at some of my decisions oh oh you're so stupid because yUN7NZfzRC4-00022-00010775-00011236 that's gonna really affect this no you're stupid cuz it's gonna affect all yUN7NZfzRC4-00023-00011236-00011903 it is man I'm serious I look at the way people live and I go wow that is so yUN7NZfzRC4-00024-00011903-00012604 crazy you are so crazy you're gonna do that right now just enjoy right now not yUN7NZfzRC4-00025-00012604-00013082 even knowing if you have tomorrow and you think that's smart yUN7NZfzRC4-00026-00013082-00013625 in the MV yVAYLTEsZ-Y-00000-00000110-00000550 Hello, in this second example, I'm going to show you how yVAYLTEsZ-Y-00001-00000550-00001010 this 'Random color' generator works. So, I have uploaded already yVAYLTEsZ-Y-00002-00001010-00001313 the code into the board, so let's switch to the overhead camera yVAYLTEsZ-Y-00003-00001313-00001717 to see how it works. So, here, you can see yVAYLTEsZ-Y-00004-00001717-00002020 we are displaying different random colors. yVAYLTEsZ-Y-00005-00002222-00002626 Depending on the selected channels we have different yVAYLTEsZ-Y-00006-00002626-00002929 colors. Thank you very much. yZ89LnoupUc-00000-00002756-00002928 So as we get ready to go back to work yZ89LnoupUc-00001-00002928-00003142 with our partner, we always have to remember yZ89LnoupUc-00002-00003142-00003376 our conversation norms. It is so important yZ89LnoupUc-00003-00003376-00003552 than when you are having a conversation yZ89LnoupUc-00004-00003552-00003697 that you show respect. So what are yZ89LnoupUc-00005-00003697-00003852 the three ways we show respect for our yZ89LnoupUc-00006-00003852-00004061 partner? yZ89LnoupUc-00007-00004061-00004236 Breanna? yZ89LnoupUc-00008-00004236-00004414 Keep your eye on the speaker. yZ89LnoupUc-00009-00004414-00004622 Okay, keep eye contact with the speaker. yZ89LnoupUc-00010-00004622-00004775 Make sure you are looking at your partner yZ89LnoupUc-00011-00004775-00004978 as they talk to you. yZ89LnoupUc-00012-00004978-00005219 Number two, Natalia? yZ89LnoupUc-00013-00005219-00005616 Listen to the people that are talking to. yZ89LnoupUc-00014-00005616-00005786 Right, be an active listener, pay yZ89LnoupUc-00015-00005786-00005957 attention to them, okay? yZ89LnoupUc-00016-00005957-00006108 And they will know that you are paying yZ89LnoupUc-00017-00006108-00006346 attention if you are looking at them as well? yZ89LnoupUc-00018-00006346-00006550 Right? You are not looking out the window. yZ89LnoupUc-00019-00006550-00006763 Okay, and the last one, which is most important yZ89LnoupUc-00020-00006763-00006981 I think for my class, what do we always yZ89LnoupUc-00021-00006981-00007167 try to do? yZ89LnoupUc-00022-00007167-00007272 Stay on topic. yZ89LnoupUc-00023-00007272-00007453 Absolutely, stay on topic. yZ89LnoupUc-00024-00007453-00007570 What is our topic today?? yZ89LnoupUc-00025-00007570-00007959 Vocabulary strategies. yZ89LnoupUc-00026-00007959-00008114 Okay good, vocabulary strategies. ygAaAvhKuHE-00000-00000000-00000520 Then comes another fail ygAaAvhKuHE-00001-00000538-00001639 If we're gonna have a drug, that kills a bacteria we have got inside of our bodies, then it has to find that bacteria. ygAaAvhKuHE-00002-00001653-00002190 And inside the bacteria is what we call a target, that compound have to reach. Because you're gonna bind to ygAaAvhKuHE-00003-00002200-00002910 the target and hopefully kill the bacteria or make sure it doesn't grow any more. ygAaAvhKuHE-00004-00002928-00003640 When we start trying to make something new, we can look at what we call novel targets. ygAaAvhKuHE-00005-00003650-00004150 Targets that has not been used before to develop new antibiotics. ygAaAvhKuHE-00006-00004162-00005190 However the problem then is, we don't really know very much about the target and that means that things like ygAaAvhKuHE-00007-00005203-00005670 toxic effects are sort of a question mark. ygAaAvhKuHE-00008-00005682-00006440 Resistance, meaning that the bacteria become resistant toward a drug, we don't know much about that either. ygAaAvhKuHE-00009-00006451-00006990 Bioavailability, meaning how easy it is to reach this target, there's also a question mark. ygAaAvhKuHE-00010-00007000-00007440 So to go for novel target site could be a big challenge. ygAaAvhKuHE-00011-00007453-00008480 And usually the outcome of doing this is that we just get a few compounds surviving into the clinical development ygAaAvhKuHE-00012-00008491-00008990 Let me start down here. You might start with 10,000 compounds and we end up here, ygAaAvhKuHE-00013-00009003-00009520 where we have a handful of compounds and most of these will probably fail. ygAaAvhKuHE-00014-00009532-00010340 If you do the honorable thing and say well we know about quite a few good targets for developing antibiotics ygAaAvhKuHE-00015-00010351-00011100 Sure, we could go for that and then we can say that, that's good because then we can predict a lot of things. ygAaAvhKuHE-00016-00011113-00011370 Properties can be predicted, new interaction, size. ygAaAvhKuHE-00017-00011388-00011970 We can also look at how we can get around the thing with resistance. ygAaAvhKuHE-00018-00011989-00012890 However, if you do that, we can get many compounds, but they usually fail and they're not new. ygAaAvhKuHE-00019-00012900-00013510 They use a mechanism, that is old, which will be a problem, because then we'll have all these problems ygAaAvhKuHE-00020-00013522-00013905 with resistance, that you will hear more about later in this course and you probably heard about already. ygAaAvhKuHE-00021-00014063-00014500 So that there is some pros and cons for both these strategies. ygAaAvhKuHE-00022-00014840-00015530 Then we have to know a thing about the favorite thing to do for a medicinal chemist. ygAaAvhKuHE-00023-00015544-00015960 Let's do what we call a structure activity relationship study. ygAaAvhKuHE-00024-00015974-00016200 And what does that really mean? ygAaAvhKuHE-00025-00016216-00016680 Well, imagine that the target, I talked about, is this glove. ygAaAvhKuHE-00026-00016694-00016870 It's a plastic glove we use in the lab. ygAaAvhKuHE-00027-00016888-00017620 And then the whole idea here is you want to find the hand that fit perfectly into this glove. ygAaAvhKuHE-00028-00017630-00018190 So know you see the easily that all we need to have five fingers, but it's a question about the size of the fingers ygAaAvhKuHE-00029-00018200-00018510 and all that sort of stuff, to fit perfectly in here. ygAaAvhKuHE-00030-00018520-00019180 What this really mean is that we make a compound, we test it, see how it fits in the glove. ygAaAvhKuHE-00031-00019199-00019460 Because maybe we don't know exactly how the glove look. ygAaAvhKuHE-00032-00019472-00019830 How long the fingers should be, how wide the hand should be. ygAaAvhKuHE-00033-00019847-00020490 We test the compound, see what we get out of it. Based on that, we go back design a new compound. ygAaAvhKuHE-00034-00020501-00020900 Test it again and we continue in that circle. ygAaAvhKuHE-00035-00020915-00021390 If we do that properly, we probably test several thousand compounds that way. ygAaAvhKuHE-00036-00021400-00022010 So it's a very laborious thing to do. But that's actually how you develop drugs ygAaAvhKuHE-00037-00022028-00023040 Design it, synthesize it, test it, start all over again. Same cycle until you find a compound, that binds or fills all the ygAaAvhKuHE-00038-00023050-00024070 fingers of the glove. It fits perfectly. Then you have your lead compound. ygAaAvhKuHE-00039-00024089-00024330 So what more do we have to think of then? ygAaAvhKuHE-00040-00024344-00025090 Well, if you're gonna have a useful drug, it has to do something with the problem. ygAaAvhKuHE-00041-00025100-00025810 And if this is a bacteria, we will kill the bacteria or stop the bacteria from growing. ygAaAvhKuHE-00042-00025822-00026120 That must be an absolute requisite. ygAaAvhKuHE-00043-00026135-00026870 Now to test that, outside the body, in a small petri dish or in lab, it's very easy. ygAaAvhKuHE-00044-00026881-00027360 But if you go to test out on human beings, we have to think about all the stuff I showed you about. ygAaAvhKuHE-00045-00027374-00027864 How is the compound absorbed? How is it distributed in the body? ygAaAvhKuHE-00046-00027875-00028110 Does it manage to find its way to the target? ygAaAvhKuHE-00047-00028127-00028960 Is it soluble enough? Do we see in a toxic effect? And so on. So that's quite tricky. ygAaAvhKuHE-00048-00028976-00029639 Does it have appropriate pharmacokinetics properties? That means what the body does to the drug. ygAaAvhKuHE-00049-00029657-00030520 That's metabolism. The problem is if the body breaks down the antibiotic to a toxic metabolite, ygAaAvhKuHE-00050-00030538-00031310 it could be unhealthy for us and we could die. And of course we don't want that. ygAaAvhKuHE-00051-00031322-00031789 The compound also has what we call appropriate pharmacodynamic properties. ygAaAvhKuHE-00052-00031800-00032239 And that's what the drug does to the body, the opposite thing. ygAaAvhKuHE-00053-00032250-00032890 And that basically means, is it toxic by itself? Does it interact with other things in our bodies? ygAaAvhKuHE-00054-00032906-00033610 Bear in mind, the antibiotic should only interfere with bacteria not with our cells. ygAaAvhKuHE-00055-00033629-00034550 If I say like this. All drugs on the market, and I say 100% of them, have side effects due to this. ygAaAvhKuHE-00056-00034562-00034790 It's only a question about dose. ygAaAvhKuHE-00057-00034805-00035550 If you overdose on a drug you got from your doctor, you will get side effects just because of this. ygAaAvhKuHE-00058-00035561-00036560 That's with all drugs. There are no drugs without side effects. It's only a question about dosing. ygAaAvhKuHE-00059-00036578-00037190 So from this, you will probably think like: "Mmm, making a drug sounds pretty difficult." ygAaAvhKuHE-00060-00037200-00037470 Yeah, it's really like finding a needle in a haystack. ygAaAvhKuHE-00061-00037487-00037750 It's a big challenge. yi1-A1TmpKQ-00000-00000051-00000411 Circênicos Company! yi1-A1TmpKQ-00001-00002168-00002439 Circênicos and Other Stories yi1-A1TmpKQ-00002-00002439-00003006 A travelling program, circus, street art and festivals all over the world. yi1-A1TmpKQ-00003-00003008-00003363 An opportunity for you to meet the world through a circus company’s eyes. yi1-A1TmpKQ-00004-00003370-00003591 We are an eccentric company from Brasília. yi1-A1TmpKQ-00005-00003599-00003951 And we travel the whole world presenting our shows, participating of festivals yi1-A1TmpKQ-00006-00003961-00004147 And this is all we are going to show you about. yi1-A1TmpKQ-00007-00005345-00005697 After travelling throughout more than 40 countries, five continents yi1-A1TmpKQ-00008-00005697-00006047 The Circênicos Company had put together a bunch of stories to tell yi1-A1TmpKQ-00009-00006047-00006480 Going through amazing places like the desert, glaciers, islands... yi1-A1TmpKQ-00010-00006482-00006560 In Berlim yi1-A1TmpKQ-00011-00006570-00006700 Just got in Korea yi1-A1TmpKQ-00012-00006706-00006870 - Going to Amsterdam yi1-A1TmpKQ-00013-00006872-00007041 We are in Marrakesh... No, it’s not Marrakesh. yi1-A1TmpKQ-00014-00007044-00007327 We are in Morocco. - Morocco... yi1-A1TmpKQ-00015-00008309-00008567 And what we are willing to show you is the “B” side yi1-A1TmpKQ-00016-00008571-00008866 That part you wont find in any kind of tour yi1-A1TmpKQ-00017-00008872-00009210 A bit of the artists that are travelling the whole world. yi1-A1TmpKQ-00018-00009212-00009528 But travelling in a different way, which is working, which is making art. yi1-A1TmpKQ-00019-00009532-00009782 We show very good things through our path. yi1-A1TmpKQ-00020-00009790-00010016 The hard part of doing this kind of trip is yi1-A1TmpKQ-00021-00010024-00010274 The transportation, food, many diversities, yi1-A1TmpKQ-00022-00010278-00010546 Many friends, other artists, other shows. yi1-A1TmpKQ-00023-00010575-00010948 That’s true! It’s a life style. it’s a kid of trip that not many people get to know. yi1-A1TmpKQ-00024-00012850-00013029 We are showing not only our story, yi1-A1TmpKQ-00025-00013053-00013295 but Circênico’s and others yi1-A1TmpKQ-00026-00013307-00013528 And so many othe things that we have to tell you. yi1-A1TmpKQ-00027-00013534-00013668 So, it’s a contemporary story. yi1-A1TmpKQ-00028-00013676-00013832 What’s going on in the world right now? yi1-A1TmpKQ-00029-00013836-00014002 Who are these guys that are travelling? yi1-A1TmpKQ-00030-00014012-00014135 What are these companies? yi1-A1TmpKQ-00031-00014141-00014250 Where do they come from? yi1-A1TmpKQ-00032-00014254-00014360 What do they do? yi1-A1TmpKQ-00033-00014374-00014471 What do they eat? yi1-A1TmpKQ-00034-00014477-00014579 How do they reproduce themselves? yi1-A1TmpKQ-00035-00014590-00014867 There will always have new eposides because there’s always new trips yi1-A1TmpKQ-00036-00014873-00015016 And this just keeps going. yi1-A1TmpKQ-00037-00017425-00017617 So subscribe! Check our instagram profile, which is where yi1-A1TmpKQ-00038-00017620-00017859 We post a bunch of pictures about circus, yi1-A1TmpKQ-00039-00017865-00018089 Not only about us but also about other artists. yi1-A1TmpKQ-00040-00018092-00018314 And so that’s it guuuuuuyyss.. yi1-A1TmpKQ-00041-00018317-00018510 Follow us and see you next time! yi1-A1TmpKQ-00042-00018515-00018801 Subscribe in our channel that will soon brings more news. yjIJ0hYJ57M-00000-00000032-00000568 When I was running my board meetings, it felt a little bit more just routine, more reporting out, yjIJ0hYJ57M-00001-00000624-00001256 and then not really walking away with that rich conversation. So, you know, at our next board yjIJ0hYJ57M-00002-00001256-00001839 meeting we're gonna employ this tactic as well, and then when board members leave they're given yjIJ0hYJ57M-00003-00001839-00002312 assignments. You know, when you leave could you help us with this, could you do these five things. yjIJ0hYJ57M-00004-00002368-00002968 So the board now leaves with tasks, just like the management team leaves with tasks. And so yjIJ0hYJ57M-00005-00002968-00003600 you get a much more balanced view of the board working for the company, right, putting value yjIJ0hYJ57M-00006-00003600-00004176 into the company, than just the management team reporting to the board for approval or not. And yjIJ0hYJ57M-00007-00004176-00004752 so now the management team is learning from you, as the board. The management team who day to day yjIJ0hYJ57M-00008-00004752-00005384 is so heads down, gets to step up and hear about what's going on that might impact their business. yjIJ0hYJ57M-00009-00005480-00006032 And then after each of the board members kind of, you know, gives their analysis of the world, yjIJ0hYJ57M-00010-00006032-00006744 sort of, um, then they have the board respond to what they heard from the senior management, yjIJ0hYJ57M-00011-00006744-00007120 and what particularly struck them that was interesting. yjIJ0hYJ57M-00012-00007120-00007904 And so it was this really rich conversation among the management team and the board about, you know, yjIJ0hYJ57M-00013-00007904-00008376 potential challenges to the business, potential threats that nobody had been thinking about, yjIJ0hYJ57M-00014-00008432-00009104 and I found myself realizing that the conversation was at such a valuable strategic level. yjOp6918pEo-00000-00000008-00000680 you as a parent should be worried about or at least try to instill in your child or children yjOp6918pEo-00001-00000680-00001320 simply getting your message across in the simplest way possible uh you you'd be surprised okay that's yjOp6918pEo-00002-00001320-00001832 probably the number one thing you know you can be earning 200 000 a year it's really really yjOp6918pEo-00003-00001832-00002320 [ __ ] okay it's it happens when you're young and you realize actually how stupid you really are yjOp6918pEo-00004-00002768-00003304 we live in a fast changing world and parents are scared because they don't know what to expect and yjOp6918pEo-00005-00003304-00004000 which skills a child should learn to survive do you have your opinion on on that on which skills a yjOp6918pEo-00006-00004000-00004952 person should have to succeed in life yeah sure um i think i'll list out a okay i'll give you i guess yjOp6918pEo-00007-00004952-00005608 the top five skills that i think that you as a parent should be worried about or at least try to yjOp6918pEo-00008-00005608-00006536 instill in your child or children in this case um the first would be communication okay you have to yjOp6918pEo-00009-00006536-00007231 be an effective communicator and you know people always laugh and they don't really understand how yjOp6918pEo-00010-00007231-00007928 important communication is you you'd be surprised okay that's probably the number one thing that is yjOp6918pEo-00011-00007928-00008416 probably going to take you farther than you can possibly imagine you have to be able to yjOp6918pEo-00012-00008416-00009000 communicate you know i'm not telling you to be the the salesman or something like that or you know yjOp6918pEo-00013-00009200-00009912 you simply have to know how to have a conversation and get your words across appropriately it doesn't yjOp6918pEo-00014-00009912-00010504 mean that your child needs to go ahead and learn all the sat words and use all the jargons yjOp6918pEo-00015-00010504-00011224 no communication is about simply getting your message across in the simplest way possible and yjOp6918pEo-00016-00011224-00011856 so communication is not easy so that's probably the first uh skill that i would start off with yjOp6918pEo-00017-00011856-00012384 is simply make sure that your child has good communication skills okay and they're not yjOp6918pEo-00018-00012384-00012968 afraid to speak up because in life especially when it comes to you know negotiations of total yjOp6918pEo-00019-00012968-00013591 compensation for salary which is very important you simply have to get your point across in a yjOp6918pEo-00020-00013591-00014344 very nice and articulate articulate manner so that would be my first one and going off that by second yjOp6918pEo-00021-00014400-00015119 important skill would really be to make sure you try to help your child learn uh financial literacy yjOp6918pEo-00022-00015224-00015960 it's really it's really sad it's unfortunate that many people many people uh do not yjOp6918pEo-00023-00015960-00016488 really have financial literacy um and it's it's unfortunate and i won't get into all the yjOp6918pEo-00024-00016488-00016984 details about why that is you know that's a whole different conversation in a video yjOp6918pEo-00025-00017112-00017928 but it's very important because finances money is money is so important right we have to pay rent we yjOp6918pEo-00026-00017928-00018616 have to pay our utilities we have to eat food you know talk about investments so you know financial yjOp6918pEo-00027-00018616-00019504 literacy is just a basic understanding of the fundamental concepts of finances try to if you can yjOp6918pEo-00028-00019624-00020032 get into a program where they teach you a little bit about accounting okay they teach yjOp6918pEo-00029-00020032-00020648 you a little bit about your taxes okay it's very important how to budget properly is very important yjOp6918pEo-00030-00020648-00021280 okay uh and it comes from childhood really i think that i've always been really good with my money yjOp6918pEo-00031-00021280-00021808 because of my parents and how they raised me and you'd be surprised how many people do not know yjOp6918pEo-00032-00021808-00022416 how to properly budget their money and so that's a very important life skill because you know you can yjOp6918pEo-00033-00022416-00023048 be earning 200 000 a year and you may be spending 250 000 a year and i know people like that and i yjOp6918pEo-00034-00023048-00023616 know you do also and it can be vice versa you may be earning 60 000 a year but you're only spending yjOp6918pEo-00035-00023616-00024128 30 or 40 so you're actually saving uh so yeah that's a that's a very important skill to have yjOp6918pEo-00036-00024128-00024808 um one of the other skills out i guess it's not a skill but is try to always surround yourself yjOp6918pEo-00037-00024808-00025384 with people that are smarter than you that doesn't mean you know hey you can't yjOp6918pEo-00038-00025384-00025783 be my friend because i'm smarter than you and i need to be with other smart people yjOp6918pEo-00039-00025895-00026495 definitely not i'm just saying uh be very aware and try to surround yourself with not yjOp6918pEo-00040-00026495-00026983 just people that are smarter with you but also people that are positive around you okay that's yjOp6918pEo-00041-00026983-00027456 very very important especially as a parent i know parents worry about this all the time and you have yjOp6918pEo-00042-00027512-00028183 you have every right to be worried because your child can wrong things can go very fast yjOp6918pEo-00043-00028248-00028848 if your child is hanging out with the wrong group of people and so i try to say you know especially yjOp6918pEo-00044-00028848-00029368 this of course is for older students but try to always be around positive people as much as yjOp6918pEo-00045-00029368-00029848 possible because when other people are positive you will naturally be positive uh people that are yjOp6918pEo-00046-00029848-00030336 optimistic you're going to find yourself ultimate optimistic you know if trust me surround yourself yjOp6918pEo-00047-00030336-00030888 with negative and pessimistic people you're going to find yourself just as pessimistic yjOp6918pEo-00048-00030888-00031504 as and so yeah just try to surround yourself with people that are positive who are ambitious yjOp6918pEo-00049-00031568-00032264 and of course you like to uh have quote-unquote smarter people so you can learn from them as yjOp6918pEo-00050-00032264-00032760 well so it's it's very important and the other skill i'll say is be open-minded yjOp6918pEo-00051-00032848-00033280 being open-minded is very important it's an important skill to have we think we know yjOp6918pEo-00052-00033280-00033968 everything you know and i i had the same problem when i was you know 18 19 20 years old or actually yjOp6918pEo-00053-00033968-00034536 very early on when i started argo prep and we we've seen success you know it's it's really an yjOp6918pEo-00054-00034536-00035064 awesome story about how argo prep got to be where it was today but i'll tell you the early years yjOp6918pEo-00055-00035120-00035784 you know i thought i knew everything which is really it's it's it's really you know it's it's yjOp6918pEo-00056-00035784-00036280 it's it happens when you're young okay and you only realize it when you get older and you realize yjOp6918pEo-00057-00036280-00036744 actually how stupid you really are i'm not stupid but you know just how much more you have to learn yjOp6918pEo-00058-00036808-00037384 uh be open-minded okay uh you have no idea once you're open-minded you can learn a lot more yjOp6918pEo-00059-00037384-00037992 things you learn to respect more things uh and you know you have to understand there's so many yjOp6918pEo-00060-00037992-00038560 people around us with different cultures different thoughts different philosophies being open-minded yjOp6918pEo-00061-00038560-00039200 simply just allows you to observe and say hey wow this is interesting hey wow this is interesting yjOp6918pEo-00062-00039200-00039800 this is cool you can have your thoughts and opinions but simply be open-minded and the fifth yjOp6918pEo-00063-00039800-00040320 skill uh that we'll touch touch upon and it's not a skill at all but it's something that i wanted to yjOp6918pEo-00064-00040320-00040944 discuss so i'll mention it anyway which is the very popular saying which is find your passion yjOp6918pEo-00065-00040944-00041704 follow your passion it's really really [ __ ] okay and unfortunately that is not good advice yjOp6918pEo-00066-00041704-00042328 i've heard it so many times and you know passion does not equate with success believe it or not yjOp6918pEo-00067-00042408-00042808 what you need to do is first of all i think you need to figure out what you're good at yjOp6918pEo-00068-00042912-00043536 okay what you're good at you may not be passionate about but what you're good at may make you a yjOp6918pEo-00069-00043536-00043952 lot of money now just because you earn a lot of money does not mean you're successful in life i'm yjOp6918pEo-00070-00043952-00044672 not saying that but of course money is you know finance is a very important uh issue that you know yjOp6918pEo-00071-00044672-00045184 we deal with and of course parents we want our kids to be comfortable and financially dependent yjOp6918pEo-00072-00045184-00045936 uh financially independent not dependent um but you know it's very important to understand that yjOp6918pEo-00073-00045936-00046448 if you're good at something okay this we can fault we can have this conversation for an hour yjOp6918pEo-00074-00046448-00046872 but one of the points i want to say is if you're good at something you may not be passionate about yjOp6918pEo-00075-00046872-00047408 it but you may make a lot of money from it hone in that skill utilize that skill for whatever that is yjOp6918pEo-00076-00047408-00048040 okay the last piece of advice is uh don't be stuck in your passion okay do not forget yjOp6918pEo-00077-00048040-00048616 you can be passionate about many things it's a lot of it's a common misconception and i always yjOp6918pEo-00078-00048616-00049080 see you know i've seen it many times and people they're just super passionate about this one thing yjOp6918pEo-00079-00049080-00049688 i'm just super passionate about guitars is that it i mean you can be passionate about many things yjOp6918pEo-00080-00049800-00050288 and in reality you'll find that you'll be surprised about just how many things you yjOp6918pEo-00081-00050288-00050864 can be passionate about okay and now i won't relay this to your career path okay you may yjOp6918pEo-00082-00050864-00051232 thought that you're just super passionate about working in human resources yjOp6918pEo-00083-00051344-00052136 but try to venture out try to be open-minded again okay because you may not be passionate when you yjOp6918pEo-00084-00052136-00052791 first start a new role in a different industry however you may quickly find that wow wait yjOp6918pEo-00085-00052791-00053648 hold on this new role i really like it okay so continuing um to parenting what role do you think yjOp6918pEo-00086-00053648-00054184 parents place in the overall success of a child can you share your story he was mentioning uh yjOp6918pEo-00087-00054264-00054776 something from your childhood how your parents was parenting you can you share this experience yeah yjOp6918pEo-00088-00054776-00055512 of course well parents of course play such an important role in uh the development of a child yjOp6918pEo-00089-00055512-00056216 uh and it's it's very very important you play you parents play a very important role in how yjOp6918pEo-00090-00056216-00056879 successful your child will end up being successful by the way meaning happiness as well keep that in yjOp6918pEo-00091-00056879-00057616 mind success does not mean money it is a factor of many things and you need to be well-rounded a yjOp6918pEo-00092-00057616-00058144 well-rounded individual you should be happy you should not be struggling to cover your rent uh yjOp6918pEo-00093-00058144-00058767 you should be financially independent you should understand that and uh have you know have a good yjOp6918pEo-00094-00058767-00059408 uh 10 20 year projected plan and i think that's what success is in in general but uh parents have yjOp6918pEo-00095-00059408-00059960 a very very important role in this i'll give you my story i'll give you my personal story yjOp6918pEo-00096-00059960-00060567 it's not the right story it's it's not the right way uh you know it's definitely not by any means yjOp6918pEo-00097-00060567-00061264 perfect parenting because it's not uh but you know i grew up in a very strict household my you know yjOp6918pEo-00098-00061391-00061736 when you when you're when you become a new parent one of the things i think yjOp6918pEo-00099-00061736-00062448 as a new parent is you decide you know are you going to be super protective overprotective of yjOp6918pEo-00100-00062448-00063055 your child and limit them from you know things like hey you can't go play basketball because you yjOp6918pEo-00101-00063055-00063648 know you're worried that your child will may break one of their bones uh or do you just let them yjOp6918pEo-00102-00063648-00064232 go out into into the wild right so obviously there has to be a happy medium yjOp6918pEo-00103-00064328-00064855 i think the happy medium is good because you do not want to be too overprotective or overbearing yjOp6918pEo-00104-00064855-00065479 of your child um but also you can't just let your child roam around for free roam around free doing yjOp6918pEo-00105-00065479-00066016 anything they desire because it is a very it's dangerous the environment is dangerous but my yjOp6918pEo-00106-00066016-00066560 in my situation you know my parents uh they were very overprotective so i was limited in yjOp6918pEo-00107-00066560-00067272 doing a lot of things which it's it's not good but i'll talk about the good things the good skills yjOp6918pEo-00108-00067272-00068008 uh which is my my parents or my mom specifically was very involved in my academics uh she would yjOp6918pEo-00109-00068008-00068672 you know literally make sure every night uh that uh whether or not i completed my homework and in yjOp6918pEo-00110-00068672-00069184 fact i i think this was from kindergarten through eighth grade it's really funny and embarrassing yjOp6918pEo-00111-00069184-00069816 right your mom checking your homework in eighth grade it's a little weird uh but it's not just yjOp6918pEo-00112-00069816-00070352 checking my homework like okay this is completed uh she would actually go over the math problems yjOp6918pEo-00113-00070352-00070936 herself and make sure that i answered it correct um and if i had made a mistake she would say hey yjOp6918pEo-00114-00070936-00071368 come here you made an error she was good at she was gonna nap up to eighth grade that's yjOp6918pEo-00115-00071368-00072048 all she knew but hey i mean so she she played a very uh close role and i into academics and so yjOp6918pEo-00116-00072168-00072784 naturally i liked academics naturally i thrived in uh in academic settings and so that's good i mean yjOp6918pEo-00117-00072784-00073224 you know that that really helped uh but you know there i i have no idea the end you know the answer yjOp6918pEo-00118-00073224-00073896 is you know it's difficult being a parent uh but just keep in mind to have some kind of balance yjOp6918pEo-00119-00073968-00074648 okay some kind of balance you want to make sure that your child has some exposure to the world yjOp6918pEo-00120-00074648-00075088 because they cannot be too sheltered because once you go out there and if your child is extremely yjOp6918pEo-00121-00075088-00075552 sheltered once you hit that age where you have to go out into the real world they're going to be yjOp6918pEo-00122-00075640-00076608 facing uh it's gonna be brutal okay it's going to be brutal seriously okay uh and the other way yjOp6918pEo-00123-00076608-00077136 works the same right it's just finding a happy balance uh and just being there and yjOp6918pEo-00124-00077136-00077648 supporting your child and speaking about academics actually uh i completely forgot yjOp6918pEo-00125-00077648-00078304 uh you know this is argo prep we are an ed tech company so i have to throw in a quote-unquote yjOp6918pEo-00126-00078360-00078976 uh promo it's not a promo but if your child is struggling in math reading science or social yjOp6918pEo-00127-00078976-00079424 studies remember that artwork prep is an award-winning educational publisher with yjOp6918pEo-00128-00079424-00079984 over 100 titles no matter what the subject is from kindergarten to eighth grade we have you covered yjOp6918pEo-00129-00080048-00080640 students and parents love our products and they're used nationwide so if your parents if you're a yjOp6918pEo-00130-00080640-00081288 parent and your child is struggling or if you're just looking for extra support into their academic yjOp6918pEo-00131-00081288-00081896 needs please feel free to check out argoprep.com i do apologize but yeah i forgot about that ylCtSX2gq_4-00000-00000564-00000738 Poopin’ to the Max ylCtSX2gq_4-00001-00000926-00001090 Poopin’ to the Max ylCtSX2gq_4-00002-00001118-00001186 You know it! ylCtSX2gq_4-00003-00001280-00001344 OH BOAYYY! ylCtSX2gq_4-00004-00001348-00001466 Poopin’ to the Maaax! ylCtSX2gq_4-00005-00001466-00001630 SKRRRRRRR !!!!! ylCtSX2gq_4-00006-00001630-00001789 You know I made it, ylCtSX2gq_4-00007-00001789-00001930 Los Oniones! ylCtSX2gq_4-00008-00001930-00002130 City of dreams... ylCtSX2gq_4-00009-00002130-00002292 Y'all can call me Young Kermit! ylCtSX2gq_4-00010-00002292-00002448 I got poops playing craps ylCtSX2gq_4-00011-00002454-00002588 on the marble floor. ylCtSX2gq_4-00012-00002650-00002872 Money! Fresh out of the printer! ylCtSX2gq_4-00013-00002996-00003126 Allo? AH AH!! ylCtSX2gq_4-00014-00003142-00003304 They set a price on my head, ylCtSX2gq_4-00015-00003308-00003546 I was turning my home town “San Onion” ylCtSX2gq_4-00016-00003556-00003684 into Poop Land! ylCtSX2gq_4-00017-00003692-00003938 Banned from the streets I created a new genre: ylCtSX2gq_4-00018-00003950-00004054 Crap Music! ylCtSX2gq_4-00019-00004054-00004258 I don’t go to the Crap House! ylCtSX2gq_4-00020-00004258-00004418 I poop in the street, ylCtSX2gq_4-00021-00004440-00004744 Poopin’ 2 the max! Poopin’ to the limit. ylCtSX2gq_4-00022-00004772-00004858 Crap! ylCtSX2gq_4-00023-00004868-00005140 Aiming at the stars... Sending crap to Mars! ylCtSX2gq_4-00024-00005148-00005258 And I did it! ylCtSX2gq_4-00025-00005290-00005498 I went to space on a mission. ylCtSX2gq_4-00026-00005506-00005700 Stop mad mutant pigeons, ylCtSX2gq_4-00027-00005710-00005890 in their devilish plans to cover the world ylCtSX2gq_4-00028-00005900-00006100 with... Radioactive guano. ylCtSX2gq_4-00029-00006684-00006966 From Dog Pound to riches... ylCtSX2gq_4-00030-00006980-00007218 Oh Boay, it was just me, my craps and I. ylCtSX2gq_4-00031-00007254-00007420 Watch me do me! ylCtSX2gq_4-00032-00007454-00007572 IT’S TIME FOR... ylCtSX2gq_4-00033-00007572-00007772 Tell’em Tino? ylCtSX2gq_4-00034-00007772-00008014 TINO PIZZAAAAA ahah ylCtSX2gq_4-00035-00010150-00010346 Tino! I've got this new beat... ylCtSX2gq_4-00036-00010346-00010604 Fr Fr Fr Fresh,out of the oven! ylCtSX2gq_4-00037-00010710-00010956 You gotta love this! ylCtSX2gq_4-00038-00011076-00011216 Wow!? ylCtSX2gq_4-00039-00011554-00011740 What the hell is that? ylCtSX2gq_4-00040-00012024-00012104 You Like it? ylCtSX2gq_4-00041-00012118-00012280 Mmmm Aaarrrg... How can I put it? ylCtSX2gq_4-00042-00012298-00012546 I can't rap on that CRAP!Yee know what I like… ylCtSX2gq_4-00043-00012550-00012762 Fat basslines... Heavy kicks! ylCtSX2gq_4-00044-00012772-00012962 T-Roll & the Ügly Witches! ylCtSX2gq_4-00045-00012972-00013080 Ugly Witcheees... ylCtSX2gq_4-00046-00013088-00013236 Ügly, ÜGLY WITCHES! ylCtSX2gq_4-00047-00013250-00013544 I got dem Witches! Ugly Witches! ylCtSX2gq_4-00048-00013602-00013816 That crap is tight, and these witches... ylCtSX2gq_4-00049-00013824-00013994 Soooo ugly right?! ylCtSX2gq_4-00050-00014004-00014068 Mmm... ylCtSX2gq_4-00051-00014090-00014168 What you're lookin' at? ylCtSX2gq_4-00052-00014176-00014300 My poops... ylCtSX2gq_4-00053-00014319-00014484 Trying new stuffs those days... ylCtSX2gq_4-00054-00014491-00014776 Some conceptual crap you wouldn't understand but... ylCtSX2gq_4-00055-00014808-00015040 Look how my color palette has evolved ylCtSX2gq_4-00056-00015041-00015224 I use indian food colouring, ylCtSX2gq_4-00057-00015234-00015326 FLAVOOOORS! ylCtSX2gq_4-00058-00015338-00015541 Call these turds the "Fruity Poops"! ylCtSX2gq_4-00059-00015550-00015672 Remember your first poops... ylCtSX2gq_4-00060-00015686-00015869 Ya were all shy with your little turds. ylCtSX2gq_4-00061-00015876-00016016 Now, look at these! ylCtSX2gq_4-00062-00016036-00016206 We need to make an app with da crap!! ylCtSX2gq_4-00063-00016213-00016412 AH! Yee know what would be a muss? ylCtSX2gq_4-00064-00016420-00016616 Uploading pictures of your poops ylCtSX2gq_4-00065-00016628-00016764 and store them online. ylCtSX2gq_4-00066-00016780-00016980 I think you can already do it with your phone... ylCtSX2gq_4-00067-00017002-00017048 Quiet !! ylCtSX2gq_4-00068-00017052-00017262 Uploading pictures of people you dislike ylCtSX2gq_4-00069-00017296-00017412 and throw poops at them... ylCtSX2gq_4-00070-00017420-00017516 ...in Slow Mo'. ylCtSX2gq_4-00071-00017536-00017754 We could make SHURIKEN-SAUSAGES!!! ylCtSX2gq_4-00072-00019004-00019088 Yo Smelly, ylCtSX2gq_4-00073-00019098-00019370 Why do you always have to bring up the sausages? ylCtSX2gq_4-00074-00019388-00019514 Mmm...I know... I'm working on it. ylCtSX2gq_4-00075-00019524-00019606 I'm talking POOP, ylCtSX2gq_4-00076-00019614-00019778 and SAUSAGE is all you think of! ylCtSX2gq_4-00077-00019786-00019970 Tino... I LOVE the idea... ylCtSX2gq_4-00078-00019978-00020230 It's just that you're supposed to lay low wit' da poop. ylCtSX2gq_4-00079-00020240-00020358 Lay low wit' da poop! ylCtSX2gq_4-00080-00020376-00020534 You better lay low wit' da poop! ylCtSX2gq_4-00081-00020542-00020578 Wit' Da Poop! ylCtSX2gq_4-00082-00020586-00020678 No but seriously, ylCtSX2gq_4-00083-00020682-00020910 you're going Straight back to jail with that crap... ylCtSX2gq_4-00084-00022256-00022476 You are guilty for the charges ylCtSX2gq_4-00085-00022484-00022798 for excessive pooping in the streets of San Onion. ylCtSX2gq_4-00086-00022810-00023140 Noooo... ylCtSX2gq_4-00087-00023156-00023332 Don't try to hold me back... ylCtSX2gq_4-00088-00023346-00023612 I'm a POOP ARTIST, I can Stop pooping!! ylCtSX2gq_4-00089-00023658-00023826 Yo,Yo! The Mirror! ylCtSX2gq_4-00090-00023844-00024024 I got the one you recommended... ylCtSX2gq_4-00091-00024040-00024116 It's BIIIIG! ylCtSX2gq_4-00092-00024128-00024280 This morning I was looking at myself... ylCtSX2gq_4-00093-00024294-00024472 ...and suddenly I got an idea! ylCtSX2gq_4-00094-00024478-00024558 G-NIUS!! ylCtSX2gq_4-00095-00024566-00024736 We have to start our own DRINK brand. ylCtSX2gq_4-00096-00024746-00024942 OH!? YEE TALKIN' BUSINESS? ylCtSX2gq_4-00097-00024948-00025034 Monneey? ylCtSX2gq_4-00098-00025048-00025112 Tinooo! ylCtSX2gq_4-00099-00025126-00025360 Rappers... Athletes... everybody does it. ylCtSX2gq_4-00100-00025368-00025562 We can make BILLIONS wit' that crap. ylCtSX2gq_4-00101-00025574-00025742 All you need is a good name. ylCtSX2gq_4-00102-00025782-00026004 Something NEW, something EXCITING. ylCtSX2gq_4-00103-00026142-00026194 CRAAAP! ylCtSX2gq_4-00104-00026254-00026330 CRAAAP? ylCtSX2gq_4-00105-00026386-00026777 What about something that sounds new and exciting? ylCtSX2gq_4-00106-00026788-00026977 Ok, Got it !! NEW CRAAAP! ylCtSX2gq_4-00107-00026986-00027144 IT'S NEW - NEW DRINK! ylCtSX2gq_4-00108-00027162-00027227 NEW DRINK? ylCtSX2gq_4-00109-00027248-00027382 G-Nius! Got it! ylCtSX2gq_4-00110-00027395-00027588 It's a beverage, it's new. ylCtSX2gq_4-00111-00027594-00027826 For the commercial, we need to think big... ylCtSX2gq_4-00112-00027836-00027964 Superbowl Material. ylCtSX2gq_4-00113-00027972-00028162 Yee know, I keep it SUPERBOWL! ylCtSX2gq_4-00114-00028274-00028406 IT'S BIG! IT'S GOOD! ylCtSX2gq_4-00115-00028412-00028514 IT'S NEW CRAP! ylCtSX2gq_4-00116-00028524-00028680 New Crap, the Big Booty Bottle! ylCtSX2gq_4-00117-00028680-00028880 Boi, I like dem Crap! ylCtSX2gq_4-00118-00028886-00029112 Tired of drinking the same ol' crap? ylCtSX2gq_4-00119-00029148-00029292 TRY NEW CRAAAP ! ylCtSX2gq_4-00120-00029292-00029414 NEW! NEW! NEW CRAP!! ylCtSX2gq_4-00121-00029420-00029526 Boi, I like dem CRAAAP. ylCtSX2gq_4-00122-00029612-00029716 YIHAAAAAAAAAAAAA! ylCtSX2gq_4-00123-00029730-00029938 WHERE Y'ALL THINK WE GOT THOSE BUBBLES FROM? ylCtSX2gq_4-00124-00030186-00030302 IT'S NATURAL. ylCtSX2gq_4-00125-00030302-00030502 IT'S BIG ! IT'S NATURAL! ylCtSX2gq_4-00126-00030502-00030702 IT'S? ylCtSX2gq_4-00127-00030720-00030916 Oh Crap?! There you are! ylCtSX2gq_4-00128-00030924-00031006 Big Booty Bottle ylCtSX2gq_4-00129-00031076-00031266 Oh Crap! There you are. ylCtSX2gq_4-00130-00031339-00031430 The Big Booty Bootle! ylCtSX2gq_4-00131-00031504-00031600 The Big Booty Bootle! ylCtSX2gq_4-00132-00031880-00032002 Ok but remember: ylCtSX2gq_4-00133-00032020-00032250 ALL drinks are made 95% of water, ylCtSX2gq_4-00134-00032262-00032470 Yuuur COUIZINE. ylCtSX2gq_4-00135-00032482-00032594 Let's do this! ylCtSX2gq_4-00136-00032832-00032980 YIHAAAAAAAAAAAAA! ylCtSX2gq_4-00137-00033636-00033784 It's gotta be good... ylCtSX2gq_4-00138-00033806-00033986 It's gotta be good! ylCtSX2gq_4-00139-00033996-00034120 Lets start with ylCtSX2gq_4-00140-00034142-00034312 A little bit of that... ylCtSX2gq_4-00141-00034354-00034522 Pretty nice... ylCtSX2gq_4-00142-00034528-00034702 Me want more colours! ylCtSX2gq_4-00143-00034712-00034888 Green! My favorite. ylCtSX2gq_4-00144-00034940-00035168 Yeah, Vitamins… ylCtSX2gq_4-00145-00035316-00035628 Alright! Now… Let the Magic begin! ylCtSX2gq_4-00146-00036056-00036116 Dat Way! ylCtSX2gq_4-00147-00036148-00036374 Holy Crap, I almost forgot... ylCtSX2gq_4-00148-00036382-00036632 My little Secret ingredient!! ylCtSX2gq_4-00149-00036846-00037184 We could do it with sausages? ylCtSX2gq_4-00150-00037276-00037478 Hmm?! May be Smelly is right... ylCtSX2gq_4-00151-00037484-00037606 I should lay low with the crap. ylCtSX2gq_4-00152-00037614-00037776 Let's try with a sausage. ylCtSX2gq_4-00153-00038022-00038130 Oupsi... ylCtSX2gq_4-00154-00038460-00038766 WOP! You don't wanna loose those bubbles. ylCtSX2gq_4-00155-00038962-00039146 Oh so yummy, ylCtSX2gq_4-00156-00039152-00039334 I'm dying to find out. ylCtSX2gq_4-00157-00039856-00039936 Arghhh! ylCtSX2gq_4-00158-00039942-00040050 CRAP-A-DOODLE! ylCtSX2gq_4-00159-00040062-00040216 I just ruined it! ylCtSX2gq_4-00160-00040224-00040432 Now, it tastes like Sausage Juice! ylCtSX2gq_4-00161-00040682-00040976 Tell Smelly Feet, he screwed it up once again! ylCtSX2gq_4-00162-00041476-00041686 Hey Tino?! What's poopin' man? ylCtSX2gq_4-00163-00041704-00041780 WELL... ylCtSX2gq_4-00164-00041798-00041982 Well, not so good, Smelly! ylCtSX2gq_4-00165-00041988-00042290 I followed your instructions and put a sausage in the mix. ylCtSX2gq_4-00166-00042296-00042474 Now the whole drink tastes like... ylCtSX2gq_4-00167-00042480-00042604 Like an OLD SALAMI! ylCtSX2gq_4-00168-00042612-00042756 OH !!?? But I never said... ylCtSX2gq_4-00169-00042764-00042906 The thing is so disgusting, ylCtSX2gq_4-00170-00042914-00043082 I would need Cat Poops to cover this taste. ylCtSX2gq_4-00171-00043088-00043170 Cat poops? ylCtSX2gq_4-00172-00043178-00043320 I can look online if you want... ylCtSX2gq_4-00173-00043328-00043432 there is this website: ylCtSX2gq_4-00174-00043446-00043604 OrderCatPoops.com ylCtSX2gq_4-00175-00043624-00043730 CAT POOPS!!!?? ylCtSX2gq_4-00176-00043738-00043814 What the Hell??? ylCtSX2gq_4-00177-00043912-00044018 Hang on a sec... ylCtSX2gq_4-00178-00044342-00044456 Have you lost your mind?! ylCtSX2gq_4-00179-00044460-00044584 I...I don't know why I said that! ylCtSX2gq_4-00180-00044588-00044700 If you need cat poops, ylCtSX2gq_4-00181-00044710-00044834 go get them yourself. ylCtSX2gq_4-00182-00044846-00044960 Well… ylCtSX2gq_4-00183-00044976-00045170 well but... I don't know any cat I could ask. ylCtSX2gq_4-00184-00045186-00045374 Who said you should ask? ylCtSX2gq_4-00185-00045388-00045560 Just go to the cat tree, ylCtSX2gq_4-00186-00045572-00045860 beat couple of cats and steal from them, ylCtSX2gq_4-00187-00045878-00045974 “LIKE A DOG” ylCtSX2gq_4-00188-00045994-00046316 Fresh off the branches... And it won't cost a dime. ylCtSX2gq_4-00189-00046326-00046540 Mmm…Steal couple of Poops? ylCtSX2gq_4-00190-00046606-00046712 I guess I can do that! ylCtSX2gq_4-00191-00046722-00046832 Of course you can! ylCtSX2gq_4-00192-00046854-00047152 You just need the right camouflage, that's all. ylCtSX2gq_4-00193-00048184-00048278 Niiice! ylCtSX2gq_4-00194-00048704-00048930 Here I am, The Cat Tree! ylCtSX2gq_4-00195-00049342-00049540 Don't come around here, ylCtSX2gq_4-00196-00049568-00049924 Stay far from our tree, if you don't wanna get sprayed. ylCtSX2gq_4-00197-00049936-00050114 Stay far from our tree! ylCtSX2gq_4-00198-00050142-00050470 I'm in my Zone! Don't let me go in my Zone... ylCtSX2gq_4-00199-00050838-00051034 Look at these bad boyz. ylCtSX2gq_4-00200-00051078-00051196 Don't come here! ylCtSX2gq_4-00201-00051304-00051404 Jackpoop! ylCtSX2gq_4-00202-00051410-00051646 With all that, I can make gallons of Crap Juice! ylCtSX2gq_4-00203-00051770-00051826 Hmm!? ylCtSX2gq_4-00204-00051904-00052005 What is this? ylCtSX2gq_4-00205-00052196-00052317 WHAT THE...?? ylCtSX2gq_4-00206-00052448-00052550 Who' is this guy? ylCtSX2gq_4-00207-00052776-00052910 WAIT A MINUTE ! ylCtSX2gq_4-00208-00052946-00053110 HE IS KIDNAPPING MY POOPS!! ylCtSX2gq_4-00209-00053552-00053724 OH NOOO!! He is coming over here... ylCtSX2gq_4-00210-00053752-00053872 THAT'S OUR POOPS !! ylCtSX2gq_4-00211-00053882-00054000 Oh no, Oh no... ylCtSX2gq_4-00212-00054010-00054150 DON'T YOU TOUCH THEM !! ylCtSX2gq_4-00213-00054160-00054276 Don't do this! Don't do this!! ylCtSX2gq_4-00214-00054426-00054690 WE GONNA BURN YOOOU!!! ylCtSX2gq_4-00215-00054702-00054784 BURN! ylCtSX2gq_4-00216-00056304-00056360 Wow! ylCtSX2gq_4-00217-00056629-00056766 What was that?! ylCtSX2gq_4-00218-00057055-00057222 HAA ! He forgot one ! ylCtSX2gq_4-00219-00057236-00057346 That's my lucky day! ylCtSX2gq_4-00220-00057529-00057684 Come to Daddy! ylCtSX2gq_4-00221-00057838-00057879 Hmm? ylCtSX2gq_4-00222-00058216-00058398 No, no.. No.. Don't... ylCtSX2gq_4-00223-00059020-00059102 AAAH! ylCtSX2gq_4-00224-00059122-00059354 Noooo!! Nooooo!! ylCtSX2gq_4-00225-00059364-00059584 And now it's time for a little Music Video! ylCtSX2gq_4-00226-00059604-00059667 You earned it! ylCtSX2gq_4-00227-00059717-00059986 T-Roll & the Ügly Witches!! ymlkTfUa90M-00000-00000010-00000210 UNSHELTERED HOUSEHOLDS IN ymlkTfUa90M-00001-00000210-00000216 UNSHELTERED HOUSEHOLDS IN ymlkTfUa90M-00002-00000216-00000360 UNSHELTERED HOUSEHOLDS IN CENTRAL MINNESOTA. ymlkTfUa90M-00003-00000360-00000367 UNSHELTERED HOUSEHOLDS IN CENTRAL MINNESOTA. ymlkTfUa90M-00004-00000367-00000437 UNSHELTERED HOUSEHOLDS IN CENTRAL MINNESOTA. >> DENNIS: SENATE REPUBLICANS ymlkTfUa90M-00005-00000437-00000443 CENTRAL MINNESOTA. >> DENNIS: SENATE REPUBLICANS ymlkTfUa90M-00006-00000443-00000523 CENTRAL MINNESOTA. >> DENNIS: SENATE REPUBLICANS MADE A STOP IN BEMIDJI TO ymlkTfUa90M-00007-00000523-00000530 >> DENNIS: SENATE REPUBLICANS MADE A STOP IN BEMIDJI TO ymlkTfUa90M-00008-00000530-00000754 >> DENNIS: SENATE REPUBLICANS MADE A STOP IN BEMIDJI TO DISCUSS STATE TAXES AND REFORM. ymlkTfUa90M-00009-00000754-00000760 MADE A STOP IN BEMIDJI TO DISCUSS STATE TAXES AND REFORM. ymlkTfUa90M-00010-00000760-00000897 MADE A STOP IN BEMIDJI TO DISCUSS STATE TAXES AND REFORM. NOW THAT THE NEW TAX CUT AND ymlkTfUa90M-00011-00000897-00000904 DISCUSS STATE TAXES AND REFORM. NOW THAT THE NEW TAX CUT AND ymlkTfUa90M-00012-00000904-00001037 DISCUSS STATE TAXES AND REFORM. NOW THAT THE NEW TAX CUT AND JOBS ACT WAS RECENTLY SIGNED ymlkTfUa90M-00013-00001037-00001044 NOW THAT THE NEW TAX CUT AND JOBS ACT WAS RECENTLY SIGNED ymlkTfUa90M-00014-00001044-00001157 NOW THAT THE NEW TAX CUT AND JOBS ACT WAS RECENTLY SIGNED INTO LAW. ymlkTfUa90M-00015-00001157-00001164 JOBS ACT WAS RECENTLY SIGNED INTO LAW. ymlkTfUa90M-00016-00001164-00001334 JOBS ACT WAS RECENTLY SIGNED INTO LAW. THE TAX TOWN HALL BROUGHT ymlkTfUa90M-00017-00001334-00001341 INTO LAW. THE TAX TOWN HALL BROUGHT ymlkTfUa90M-00018-00001341-00001471 INTO LAW. THE TAX TOWN HALL BROUGHT COMMUNITY MEMBERS TOGETHER ymlkTfUa90M-00019-00001471-00001478 THE TAX TOWN HALL BROUGHT COMMUNITY MEMBERS TOGETHER ymlkTfUa90M-00020-00001478-00001618 THE TAX TOWN HALL BROUGHT COMMUNITY MEMBERS TOGETHER TONIGHT TO HEAR IDEAS AND SHARE ymlkTfUa90M-00021-00001618-00001624 COMMUNITY MEMBERS TOGETHER TONIGHT TO HEAR IDEAS AND SHARE ymlkTfUa90M-00022-00001624-00001775 COMMUNITY MEMBERS TOGETHER TONIGHT TO HEAR IDEAS AND SHARE THEIR CONCERNS ABOUT THE NEW LAW ymlkTfUa90M-00023-00001775-00001781 TONIGHT TO HEAR IDEAS AND SHARE THEIR CONCERNS ABOUT THE NEW LAW ymlkTfUa90M-00024-00001781-00001978 TONIGHT TO HEAR IDEAS AND SHARE THEIR CONCERNS ABOUT THE NEW LAW AND HOW IT WILL IMPACT THE ymlkTfUa90M-00025-00001978-00001985 THEIR CONCERNS ABOUT THE NEW LAW AND HOW IT WILL IMPACT THE ymlkTfUa90M-00026-00001985-00002048 THEIR CONCERNS ABOUT THE NEW LAW AND HOW IT WILL IMPACT THE STATE. ymlkTfUa90M-00027-00002048-00002055 AND HOW IT WILL IMPACT THE STATE. ymlkTfUa90M-00028-00002055-00002192 AND HOW IT WILL IMPACT THE STATE. THE DISCUSSION CENTERED AROUND ymlkTfUa90M-00029-00002192-00002198 STATE. THE DISCUSSION CENTERED AROUND ymlkTfUa90M-00030-00002198-00002332 STATE. THE DISCUSSION CENTERED AROUND REFORMING MINNESOTA'S TAX LAWS ymlkTfUa90M-00031-00002332-00002338 THE DISCUSSION CENTERED AROUND REFORMING MINNESOTA'S TAX LAWS ymlkTfUa90M-00032-00002338-00002495 THE DISCUSSION CENTERED AROUND REFORMING MINNESOTA'S TAX LAWS TO KEEP THE STATE COMPETITIVE. ymlkTfUa90M-00033-00002495-00002502 REFORMING MINNESOTA'S TAX LAWS TO KEEP THE STATE COMPETITIVE. ymlkTfUa90M-00034-00002502-00002642 REFORMING MINNESOTA'S TAX LAWS TO KEEP THE STATE COMPETITIVE. REPUBLICANS FEEL OPTIMISTIC ymlkTfUa90M-00035-00002642-00002649 TO KEEP THE STATE COMPETITIVE. REPUBLICANS FEEL OPTIMISTIC ymlkTfUa90M-00036-00002649-00002789 TO KEEP THE STATE COMPETITIVE. REPUBLICANS FEEL OPTIMISTIC ABOUT WORKING WITH DEMOCRATS AND ymlkTfUa90M-00037-00002789-00002796 REPUBLICANS FEEL OPTIMISTIC ABOUT WORKING WITH DEMOCRATS AND ymlkTfUa90M-00038-00002796-00003253 REPUBLICANS FEEL OPTIMISTIC ABOUT WORKING WITH DEMOCRATS AND GETTING A BILL TO THE GOVERNOR. ymlkTfUa90M-00039-00003253-00003259 ABOUT WORKING WITH DEMOCRATS AND GETTING A BILL TO THE GOVERNOR. ymlkTfUa90M-00040-00003259-00003530 ABOUT WORKING WITH DEMOCRATS AND GETTING A BILL TO THE GOVERNOR. >> WE HAVE A LOT OF IDEAS, BUT ymlkTfUa90M-00041-00003530-00003536 GETTING A BILL TO THE GOVERNOR. >> WE HAVE A LOT OF IDEAS, BUT ymlkTfUa90M-00042-00003536-00003693 GETTING A BILL TO THE GOVERNOR. >> WE HAVE A LOT OF IDEAS, BUT WE KNOW IT'S NOT GOING TO BE ymlkTfUa90M-00043-00003693-00003700 >> WE HAVE A LOT OF IDEAS, BUT WE KNOW IT'S NOT GOING TO BE ymlkTfUa90M-00044-00003700-00003733 >> WE HAVE A LOT OF IDEAS, BUT WE KNOW IT'S NOT GOING TO BE EASY. ymlkTfUa90M-00045-00003733-00003740 WE KNOW IT'S NOT GOING TO BE EASY. ymlkTfUa90M-00046-00003740-00003850 WE KNOW IT'S NOT GOING TO BE EASY. WE HAVE TO WORK WITH THE OTHER ymlkTfUa90M-00047-00003850-00003857 EASY. WE HAVE TO WORK WITH THE OTHER ymlkTfUa90M-00048-00003857-00003937 EASY. WE HAVE TO WORK WITH THE OTHER SIDE, TOO. ymlkTfUa90M-00049-00003937-00003943 WE HAVE TO WORK WITH THE OTHER SIDE, TOO. ymlkTfUa90M-00050-00003943-00004227 WE HAVE TO WORK WITH THE OTHER SIDE, TOO. I MEAN, WE WANT SOME OF OUR DFL ymlkTfUa90M-00051-00004227-00004234 SIDE, TOO. I MEAN, WE WANT SOME OF OUR DFL ymlkTfUa90M-00052-00004234-00004411 SIDE, TOO. I MEAN, WE WANT SOME OF OUR DFL FRIENDS TO BE ON BOARD, BUT YES, ymlkTfUa90M-00053-00004411-00004417 I MEAN, WE WANT SOME OF OUR DFL FRIENDS TO BE ON BOARD, BUT YES, ymlkTfUa90M-00054-00004417-00004557 I MEAN, WE WANT SOME OF OUR DFL FRIENDS TO BE ON BOARD, BUT YES, THE GOVERNOR IS THE ULTIMATE. ymlkTfUa90M-00055-00004557-00004564 FRIENDS TO BE ON BOARD, BUT YES, THE GOVERNOR IS THE ULTIMATE. ymlkTfUa90M-00056-00004564-00004701 FRIENDS TO BE ON BOARD, BUT YES, THE GOVERNOR IS THE ULTIMATE. HE'S GOT TO SIGN OFF AND AGREE ymlkTfUa90M-00057-00004701-00004708 THE GOVERNOR IS THE ULTIMATE. HE'S GOT TO SIGN OFF AND AGREE ymlkTfUa90M-00058-00004708-00004818 THE GOVERNOR IS THE ULTIMATE. HE'S GOT TO SIGN OFF AND AGREE TO WHAT WE'RE DOING. ymlkTfUa90M-00059-00004818-00004824 HE'S GOT TO SIGN OFF AND AGREE TO WHAT WE'RE DOING. ymlkTfUa90M-00060-00004824-00004971 HE'S GOT TO SIGN OFF AND AGREE TO WHAT WE'RE DOING. >> WELL, I THINK INITIALLY I ymlkTfUa90M-00061-00004971-00004978 TO WHAT WE'RE DOING. >> WELL, I THINK INITIALLY I ymlkTfUa90M-00062-00004978-00005078 TO WHAT WE'RE DOING. >> WELL, I THINK INITIALLY I THINK MINNESOTA WAS REALLY A ymlkTfUa90M-00063-00005078-00005085 >> WELL, I THINK INITIALLY I THINK MINNESOTA WAS REALLY A ymlkTfUa90M-00064-00005085-00005185 >> WELL, I THINK INITIALLY I THINK MINNESOTA WAS REALLY A LEADER IN THE TAX REFORM, ymlkTfUa90M-00065-00005185-00005191 THINK MINNESOTA WAS REALLY A LEADER IN THE TAX REFORM, ymlkTfUa90M-00066-00005191-00005318 THINK MINNESOTA WAS REALLY A LEADER IN THE TAX REFORM, BECAUSE WE DID HAVE A REALLY ymlkTfUa90M-00067-00005318-00005325 LEADER IN THE TAX REFORM, BECAUSE WE DID HAVE A REALLY ymlkTfUa90M-00068-00005325-00005532 LEADER IN THE TAX REFORM, BECAUSE WE DID HAVE A REALLY GOOD TAX REFORM BEFORE THE ymlkTfUa90M-00069-00005532-00005538 BECAUSE WE DID HAVE A REALLY GOOD TAX REFORM BEFORE THE ymlkTfUa90M-00070-00005538-00005709 BECAUSE WE DID HAVE A REALLY GOOD TAX REFORM BEFORE THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT EVEN REALLY ymlkTfUa90M-00071-00005709-00005715 GOOD TAX REFORM BEFORE THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT EVEN REALLY ymlkTfUa90M-00072-00005715-00005895 GOOD TAX REFORM BEFORE THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT EVEN REALLY STARTED WORKING HARD ON IT, SO ymlkTfUa90M-00073-00005895-00005902 FEDERAL GOVERNMENT EVEN REALLY STARTED WORKING HARD ON IT, SO ymlkTfUa90M-00074-00005902-00006009 FEDERAL GOVERNMENT EVEN REALLY STARTED WORKING HARD ON IT, SO THERE'S CERTAINLY MORE WE CAN ymlkTfUa90M-00075-00006009-00006016 STARTED WORKING HARD ON IT, SO THERE'S CERTAINLY MORE WE CAN ymlkTfUa90M-00076-00006016-00006035 STARTED WORKING HARD ON IT, SO THERE'S CERTAINLY MORE WE CAN DO. ymlkTfUa90M-00077-00006035-00006042 THERE'S CERTAINLY MORE WE CAN DO. ymlkTfUa90M-00078-00006042-00006159 THERE'S CERTAINLY MORE WE CAN DO. IF WE'RE GOING TO GET SOMETHING ymlkTfUa90M-00079-00006159-00006166 DO. IF WE'RE GOING TO GET SOMETHING ymlkTfUa90M-00080-00006166-00006446 DO. IF WE'RE GOING TO GET SOMETHING BY THE GOVERNOR, IT'S GOING TO ymlkTfUa90M-00081-00006446-00006453 IF WE'RE GOING TO GET SOMETHING BY THE GOVERNOR, IT'S GOING TO ymlkTfUa90M-00082-00006453-00006626 IF WE'RE GOING TO GET SOMETHING BY THE GOVERNOR, IT'S GOING TO BE ALONG THE LINES OF CONFORMITY ymlkTfUa90M-00083-00006626-00006633 BY THE GOVERNOR, IT'S GOING TO BE ALONG THE LINES OF CONFORMITY ymlkTfUa90M-00084-00006633-00006790 BY THE GOVERNOR, IT'S GOING TO BE ALONG THE LINES OF CONFORMITY AND THERE ARE CERTAINLY THINGS ymlkTfUa90M-00085-00006790-00006796 BE ALONG THE LINES OF CONFORMITY AND THERE ARE CERTAINLY THINGS ymlkTfUa90M-00086-00006796-00006936 BE ALONG THE LINES OF CONFORMITY AND THERE ARE CERTAINLY THINGS WE CAN EASILY DO THERE, BUT I ymlkTfUa90M-00087-00006936-00006943 AND THERE ARE CERTAINLY THINGS WE CAN EASILY DO THERE, BUT I ymlkTfUa90M-00088-00006943-00007056 AND THERE ARE CERTAINLY THINGS WE CAN EASILY DO THERE, BUT I THINK THE GOVERNOR IS GOING TO ymlkTfUa90M-00089-00007056-00007063 WE CAN EASILY DO THERE, BUT I THINK THE GOVERNOR IS GOING TO ymlkTfUa90M-00090-00007063-00007333 WE CAN EASILY DO THERE, BUT I THINK THE GOVERNOR IS GOING TO BE ABLE TO GO ALONG WITH IT. ymlkTfUa90M-00091-00007333-00007340 THINK THE GOVERNOR IS GOING TO BE ABLE TO GO ALONG WITH IT. ymlkTfUa90M-00092-00007340-00007457 THINK THE GOVERNOR IS GOING TO BE ABLE TO GO ALONG WITH IT. >> DENNIS: LEGISLATORS REPORT ymlkTfUa90M-00093-00007457-00007464 BE ABLE TO GO ALONG WITH IT. >> DENNIS: LEGISLATORS REPORT ymlkTfUa90M-00094-00007464-00007514 BE ABLE TO GO ALONG WITH IT. >> DENNIS: LEGISLATORS REPORT BACK TO ST. PAUL ON ymlkTfUa90M-00095-00007514-00007520 >> DENNIS: LEGISLATORS REPORT BACK TO ST. PAUL ON ymlkTfUa90M-00096-00007520-00007600 >> DENNIS: LEGISLATORS REPORT BACK TO ST. PAUL ON FEBRUARY 20th FOR A SHORT yny4BNmt1-0-00000-00000509-00000691 Do you want to be a journalist? yny4BNmt1-0-00001-00000691-00001186 Would you like to spread news of your neighborhood, town or vereda? yny4BNmt1-0-00002-00001186-00001672 Or to create a space where all the country may find out about things that take place yny4BNmt1-0-00003-00001672-00001772 in your community? yny4BNmt1-0-00004-00001772-00001882 It is very easy. yny4BNmt1-0-00005-00001882-00002356 In this video you will find tools and guidelines to investigate, produce, and disseminate your yny4BNmt1-0-00006-00002356-00002456 own news. yny4BNmt1-0-00007-00002456-00003073 In less than you can imagine you will become the creator of the most important digital yny4BNmt1-0-00008-00003073-00003271 newspaper in your community. yny4BNmt1-0-00009-00003271-00003797 Equip yourself with a video or photograph camera and a voice recorder, and make sure yny4BNmt1-0-00010-00003797-00004184 to have access to a computer with internet for further work. yny4BNmt1-0-00011-00004184-00004530 Start by determining what will be your first story. yny4BNmt1-0-00012-00004530-00004878 Have you witnessed an emergency situation in your community? yny4BNmt1-0-00013-00004878-00005037 Is the main road blocked because of a fallen tree? yny4BNmt1-0-00014-00005037-00005322 Perhaps you already have your first story. yny4BNmt1-0-00015-00005322-00005832 Grab your recording tools, go to the scene and take videos or general photos of it. yny4BNmt1-0-00016-00005832-00006600 Use a video camera or voice recorder to interview the witness who saw what happened or were yny4BNmt1-0-00017-00006600-00006700 there. yny4BNmt1-0-00018-00006700-00007281 Go to a library and search the internet to have more information. yny4BNmt1-0-00019-00007281-00007967 Look for other news about it and complementary information such as what is the importance yny4BNmt1-0-00020-00007967-00008084 of that road. yny4BNmt1-0-00021-00008084-00008439 Now you are ready to produce your electronic newspaper! yny4BNmt1-0-00022-00008439-00008969 It's time to give it a name... Use Wordpress or a similar service to create yny4BNmt1-0-00023-00008969-00009589 a blog in which you can upload the edited material and organize your electronic newspaper. yny4BNmt1-0-00024-00009589-00009689 Download recorded material. yny4BNmt1-0-00025-00009689-00010007 Organize it and familiarize with what you got. yny4BNmt1-0-00026-00010007-00010371 Edit the material: if it is audio, use Audacity to enhance the sound, use accompanying music, yny4BNmt1-0-00027-00010371-00010822 and mix your interviews in a single clip. yny4BNmt1-0-00028-00010822-00011839 If it is video, use Movie Maker to edit all your videos into one, add images, music, and yny4BNmt1-0-00029-00011839-00011939 many other things. yny4BNmt1-0-00030-00011939-00012338 Write a short text to accompany the images using the research and interviews you have. yny4BNmt1-0-00031-00012338-00012678 It's time that the world finds out that your newspaper exist. yny4BNmt1-0-00032-00012678-00012984 You should find creative ways to make it known. yny4BNmt1-0-00033-00012984-00013299 Here are some ideas: Design a flyer and hand it out or post it yny4BNmt1-0-00034-00013299-00013559 on significant places such as the library. yny4BNmt1-0-00035-00013559-00013932 Open a Facebook group with the name of the newspaper and tell your friends about it. yny4BNmt1-0-00036-00013932-00014353 Invite your friends or classmates to participate in this initiative. yny4BNmt1-0-00037-00014353-00015063 The more reporters the newspaper has, the more information it will provide and it will yny4BNmt1-0-00038-00015063-00015168 grow incessantly everyday! yny4BNmt1-0-00039-00015168-00015753 And, of course, when you call attention to local problems you increase the possibility yny4BNmt1-0-00040-00015753-00015931 that a solution is found for them. yn-CJ363ZzY-00000-00000003-00000999 good morning everybody Molly here at driven as usual it is I don't know like 8:15 or something yn-CJ363ZzY-00001-00000999-00001521 in the morning and on my way out to the shop I got bit by like eighty-five mosquitoes so I'm yn-CJ363ZzY-00002-00001521-00002151 gonna be hiding inside and hopefully staying in the mail room for most of the day today steve yn-CJ363ZzY-00003-00002151-00002721 has been working very diligently on getting the fourth quarter Nova in its test-fitting yn-CJ363ZzY-00004-00002721-00003324 stage and I'm going to show you some of the work that we've already done on that car and how we've yn-CJ363ZzY-00005-00003324-00003753 got our metal room set up so that we can work efficiently in fabricating panels doing sheet yn-CJ363ZzY-00006-00003753-00004182 metal work all of that sort of thing so bunch of new tools just got stuck in here we've still got yn-CJ363ZzY-00007-00004182-00004653 a couple on the way but we're kind of buying them one at a time because we're running out of room yn-CJ363ZzY-00008-00004653-00005316 so we need to figure out what the best layout is as we go so I'm gonna flip you around here yn-CJ363ZzY-00009-00005316-00006210 and then you guys can take a look at the fourth quarter Nova which is sitting on a body cart we yn-CJ363ZzY-00010-00006210-00006792 have taken it off of the rotisserie because the rotisserie was allowing for two months too much yn-CJ363ZzY-00011-00006792-00007476 flexion in the body openings so we wanted to make sure that it was totally level straight and that yn-CJ363ZzY-00012-00007476-00008694 we had a square and secured surface to work with and so far we have removed I think about 90% of yn-CJ363ZzY-00013-00008694-00009357 the metal from the main body that we are going to be taking off so all of the black panels that you yn-CJ363ZzY-00014-00009357-00010041 see on this car right now our replacement sheet panels some of them are screwed into place such yn-CJ363ZzY-00015-00010041-00010773 as like the firewall some of them are in fact welded because we had to do sorry a minor repair yn-CJ363ZzY-00016-00010773-00011544 up underneath the dash so those are actually done and welded and then we've got some that yn-CJ363ZzY-00017-00011544-00012153 are clamped and we're running out of clamps so we're gonna have to go ahead and screw some of yn-CJ363ZzY-00018-00012153-00012941 those in so that we can continue clamping the quarters on the car so Steve has got the floor yn-CJ363ZzY-00019-00012941-00013505 in place the trunk floor is also in place you can kind of see through the back of the car there yn-CJ363ZzY-00020-00013505-00014162 he's got the inner fender or I'm sorry the inner quarter wheelhouse replaced on that side this one yn-CJ363ZzY-00021-00014162-00014726 was okay so we left it both of the outer wheel housings are also done which you can't really yn-CJ363ZzY-00022-00014726-00015281 see because now the quarters are set on it but it's it's the black thing that you see through yn-CJ363ZzY-00023-00015281-00016213 this quarter opening and this is the last side that he did late last night so this quarter is yn-CJ363ZzY-00024-00016213-00016946 just in place it's not even clamped in all the places it will be but you can see that yn-CJ363ZzY-00025-00016946-00017693 he's lining up the door openings and getting ready to test fit the roof which will be next yn-CJ363ZzY-00026-00017693-00018749 this is all test fitting stage so what is going to be happening after everything gets clamped in yn-CJ363ZzY-00027-00018749-00019673 and screwed in place in some cases is all of it will come back off it'll-it'll first get marked yn-CJ363ZzY-00028-00019673-00020222 measured all of the openings need to be measured for square and final test fitted so essentially yn-CJ363ZzY-00029-00020222-00020807 we're putting the entire car together with sheet metal screws and clamps taking the final yn-CJ363ZzY-00030-00020807-00021722 measurements marking out those spots modifying panels if we need to and then we'll blow it all yn-CJ363ZzY-00031-00021722-00022493 back apart do the final prep on the panels and weld it so the next things after the roof would yn-CJ363ZzY-00032-00022493-00023363 be trunk lid we'll be test fitting and doors we'll be test fitted and then we'll even use the front yn-CJ363ZzY-00033-00023363-00023957 stub so we'll place the car down on its stub the rear axle is gonna be underneath it and then we yn-CJ363ZzY-00034-00023957-00024482 can do make sure that everything is absolutely where it should be now we're gonna mark it because yn-CJ363ZzY-00035-00024482-00025103 sometimes things move as you get going so we need to make sure that all of the measurements stay on yn-CJ363ZzY-00036-00025103-00025939 point once we start welding things on the car this order is fitting very nicely on the door yn-CJ363ZzY-00037-00025939-00026901 opening when you skin a car like we are here so this this is not secured or anything all of the yn-CJ363ZzY-00038-00026901-00027681 structure underneath has been cleaned and sanded and this this lip will obviously get cleaned up yn-CJ363ZzY-00039-00027681-00028323 much more and then all of the edges that are going to be meeting each other will get ground yn-CJ363ZzY-00040-00028323-00028952 down it'll they'll have little holes cut in them for the spot welds and then you use weld through yn-CJ363ZzY-00041-00028952-00029487 primer and all of the surfaces underneath will get a primer covering so that it's not bare metal yn-CJ363ZzY-00042-00029487-00029991 because that'll just flash rust right away so we want to prevent that as much as possible so yn-CJ363ZzY-00043-00029991-00030741 this car had the inner cowl firewall this is the entire floor this this bracket here is just for yn-CJ363ZzY-00044-00030741-00031548 structural integrity so that will obviously come off we did inner and outer wheelhouse on this side yn-CJ363ZzY-00045-00031548-00032466 so you can see a little tough but all of that is lining up well with the frame rails we did some yn-CJ363ZzY-00046-00032466-00033243 straightening on the frame rails that happened a little bit farther back here it's really hard to yn-CJ363ZzY-00047-00033243-00034137 see that up there but there was some weld repair and some straightening happening back here this is yn-CJ363ZzY-00048-00034137-00034521 kind of what the spot weld holes will look like on where all of the surfaces are going to meet yn-CJ363ZzY-00049-00034521-00036189 and so this is a full quarter so we're reusing this like upper trunk area and then this tail yn-CJ363ZzY-00050-00036189-00036645 piece they do not make this tail piece this one needed a little bit of repair and right now it is yn-CJ363ZzY-00051-00036645-00037371 not clamped in place yet this lower cross rail support was also replaced that will need to be yn-CJ363ZzY-00052-00037371-00037896 modified a little bit so today that's the first thing that's gonna happen is that this tail piece yn-CJ363ZzY-00053-00037896-00038751 will be set in place probably screwed in place and then we'll move on to the roof taking a look yn-CJ363ZzY-00054-00038751-00039690 around the metal room we've got our chop saw and my anvil their tool box for all of the metal tools yn-CJ363ZzY-00055-00039690-00040450 there's a bead roller planishing hammer shrinker stretcher well their plasma cutter and then those yn-CJ363ZzY-00056-00040450-00041251 doors open and close so that we can get the cars in and out of here and then my fit my yn-CJ363ZzY-00057-00041251-00041695 personal favorite is the English wheel so we'll be adding like metal brake and things like that yn-CJ363ZzY-00058-00041695-00042343 we do also have ventilation so that the fumes and things from plasma cutting and welding can yn-CJ363ZzY-00059-00042343-00043159 be extinguished as quickly as possible so we're gonna be making like a bigger metal table than yn-CJ363ZzY-00060-00043159-00043963 this this is like my makeshift portable one and oh we've got our giant grinder also which will also yn-CJ363ZzY-00061-00043963-00044827 have a wire wheel on it so that's kind of where we're at right now on the car and on building yn-CJ363ZzY-00062-00044827-00045451 out our metal room hopefully we can add a few more really fun tools I want a metal break for yn-CJ363ZzY-00063-00045451-00046108 sure and then maybe a metal like a roller die or something like that but we need this space first yn-CJ363ZzY-00064-00046108-00046963 so some of the other stuff that is going on in the shop doesn't look that full right now but you can yn-CJ363ZzY-00065-00046963-00047836 see we've got a 48 Ford here that is going to be getting a totally new rear axle and hopefully some yn-CJ363ZzY-00066-00047836-00048535 improved suspension although it's lowered so much and so weirdly that that's gonna be a challenge yn-CJ363ZzY-00067-00048535-00049399 in itself and then the 36 Buick is sitting over there it is this is close to going to upholstery yn-CJ363ZzY-00068-00049399-00049930 so I'll give you a quick little sneak peek about to because I'm actually pretty happy with how this yn-CJ363ZzY-00069-00049930-00050995 car is coming together take a look at that you gotta love that emblem and that whole front end yn-CJ363ZzY-00070-00050995-00051823 is looking beautiful this is the car that has the wood body so we had to do a whole lot of yn-CJ363ZzY-00071-00052008-00052728 tightening loosening various bolts these are the body bolts that go through the frame so those yn-CJ363ZzY-00072-00052728-00053229 all had to be sequentially tightened loosened modified what have you we did end up doing a yn-CJ363ZzY-00073-00053229-00054252 little bit of a shim on this lower hinge and up next we'll finish this window installation yn-CJ363ZzY-00074-00054252-00054854 that one's got both windows in it it's looking really good and the dash is just beautiful with yn-CJ363ZzY-00075-00054854-00055761 that burl wood so just wait because this car is going to be fabulous take you straight back yn-CJ363ZzY-00076-00055761-00056504 to 1936 only better because the factories back then didn't put them together very well so I'm yn-CJ363ZzY-00077-00056504-00057087 gonna sign off and get to work because Rachel's been over here working and just making me feel yn-CJ363ZzY-00078-00057087-00057609 bad so I'll check in with you later if you have any questions about what we've been doing to the yn-CJ363ZzY-00079-00057609-00058236 Nova or what tools we're using just give us a shout and we'll keep you posted thanks everyone z1iBfP8U06M-00000-00001572-00002060 Hi, Iam Dami from e-piano learning channel 'musium' z1iBfP8U06M-00001-00002060-00003042 Last time, I gave you tips for teaching young children between 3 and 6 years old to play at home. z1iBfP8U06M-00002-00003042-00003429 Many parents were interested and commented. z1iBfP8U06M-00003-00003454-00003796 I would like to share a comment z1iBfP8U06M-00004-00003808-00004108 Hi, I am a mother of 6 years old girls z1iBfP8U06M-00005-00004108-00004278 I was going to send my child to the piano school starting this spring. z1iBfP8U06M-00006-00004278-00004472 All laid plans were canceled due to corona 19 z1iBfP8U06M-00007-00004472-00004598 We are locked up at home since then z1iBfP8U06M-00008-00004598-00004738 At first I thought it would be okay z1iBfP8U06M-00009-00004744-00005076 it became longer than expected z1iBfP8U06M-00010-00005076-00005232 I can't waste time like this anymore z1iBfP8U06M-00011-00005232-00005570 I found your channel while I was searching the Internet to teach my girl something. z1iBfP8U06M-00012-00005572-00005780 It's so good like the drought rain z1iBfP8U06M-00013-00005784-00005940 My girl likes your channel and leaning well with yours z1iBfP8U06M-00014-00005940-00006064 Thank you so much for making this channel z1iBfP8U06M-00015-00006068-00006488 my child is learning faster than I expected z1iBfP8U06M-00016-00006490-00006814 Do I have to review everything agin even though she is good? z1iBfP8U06M-00017-00006842-00007158 You told that a parent should focus on how your child responds rather than how well child doing z1iBfP8U06M-00018-00007158-00007245 I totally agree with you z1iBfP8U06M-00019-00007245-00007500 I'm worried that what if my daughter will be bored z1iBfP8U06M-00020-00007509-00007992 Of course kids will be boring if we keep repeating the same lesson . z1iBfP8U06M-00021-00007998-00008570 If you keep repeating what your kids is already good at z1iBfP8U06M-00022-00008570-00008760 They will get easily bored z1iBfP8U06M-00023-00008760-00009014 If kids are doing well z1iBfP8U06M-00024-00009014-00009444 do not repeat over and over but, do it once a day like a playing game z1iBfP8U06M-00025-00009448-00010030 You have to play like a game, then kids will like it too z8bI3bN0i6y-00000-00000000-00000200 Rept formula in Calc zAM-uLOTk-4-00000-00000000-00000332 Hi guys welcome back to "OKAY! NOW WHAT?", this is Bhavika Bassi zAM-uLOTk-4-00001-00000356-00000667 Today I've brought you to DBH zAM-uLOTk-4-00002-00000689-00001180 Dee Boat House, located at VKIA area of Vidhyadhar Nagar, Jaipur zAM-uLOTk-4-00003-00001193-00001721 They have a swimming pool, as you must be seeing it behind me. They also have a projector and a disc zAM-uLOTk-4-00004-00001739-00002059 Means you can have a good family time here zAM-uLOTk-4-00005-00002059-00002626 So please visit this place to enjoy your evening here with your family zAM-uLOTk-4-00006-00003625-00003859 So this is DBH zAM-uLOTk-4-00007-00003908-00004036 Dee Boat House zAM-uLOTk-4-00008-00004135-00004488 Dee Boat House is truly committed to excellence zAM-uLOTk-4-00009-00004527-00005016 And Dee Boat House is located near Malpani Hospital, Vidhyadhar Nagar, Jaipur zAM-uLOTk-4-00010-00005106-00005462 This venue has a refreshing vibe which is welcoming zAM-uLOTk-4-00011-00005487-00005963 I also found the décor here well designed zAM-uLOTk-4-00012-00006037-00006508 You can enjoy pool parties here and can take swimming classes zAM-uLOTk-4-00013-00006534-00006964 Or can book a function here, just a phone call away zAM-uLOTk-4-00014-00006985-00007323 This is their office zAM-uLOTk-4-00015-00007356-00007800 I've also mentioned their number in the description of this video zAM-uLOTk-4-00016-00007831-00008323 Call that number and book this place for your next party zAM-uLOTk-4-00017-00009275-00009930 Now I'm taking you to their swimming pool. An instructor is giving swimming lessons to the small kids zAM-uLOTk-4-00018-00009930-00010790 You can see a swimming pool behind me, the trainer comes here everyday, he gives swimming lessons and under water training zAM-uLOTk-4-00019-00010790-00011205 Look at these small kids, they're enjoying and also getting swimming lessons zAM-uLOTk-4-00020-00011296-00011715 Ready...one...two...three...go zAM-uLOTk-4-00021-00011788-00011988 Wow zAM-uLOTk-4-00022-00012210-00012436 Very good zAM-uLOTk-4-00023-00012981-00013181 Two...three...go zAM-uLOTk-4-00024-00013758-00014223 They're doing under water swimming, very good zAM-uLOTk-4-00025-00014236-00014630 You'll find crystal clear water in their swimming pool zAM-uLOTk-4-00026-00014685-00014948 Great swimming class sessions for kids and adults zAM-uLOTk-4-00027-00015000-00015578 And the best part about this place is that they don't use harmful chemicals to treat the water zAM-uLOTk-4-00028-00015606-00015777 They use alum zAM-uLOTk-4-00029-00015793-00016226 You can relax here if you're accompanying your kid that has come to take swimming lessons zAM-uLOTk-4-00030-00016239-00017039 You just sit here, relax and watch your partner taking swimming sessions zAM-uLOTk-4-00031-00017250-00017778 Now I'll you up there and give you the complete view of Dee Boat House, please come with me zAM-uLOTk-4-00032-00018098-00018353 Great ambiance with amazing greenery zAM-uLOTk-4-00033-00018405-00019007 Stags are strictly not allowed to party here zAM-uLOTk-4-00034-00019054-00019776 Only couples, families or a group of girls are allowed to party or take swimming sessions here zAM-uLOTk-4-00035-00019820-00020287 I was actually getting a Goa kind of feel here zAM-uLOTk-4-00036-00020297-00020497 When I was on a trip to Goa... zAM-uLOTk-4-00037-00020531-00021164 this place resembled the resort that I was putting up in Goa zAM-uLOTk-4-00038-00021300-00022135 They also have a disc here. You can party here or can enjoy any other get-together at this place zAM-uLOTk-4-00039-00022239-00022416 Their disc was cool zAM-uLOTk-4-00040-00022457-00022903 I was able to shoot easily as there wasn't a party on that day zAM-uLOTk-4-00041-00022919-00023231 Otherwise it would've been a bit difficult for me zAM-uLOTk-4-00042-00023264-00023693 They also have sitting arrangement in this disc... zAM-uLOTk-4-00043-00023700-00024195 if you want to take a break from dancing zAM-uLOTk-4-00044-00024261-00024592 I also liked the décor at this disc zAM-uLOTk-4-00045-00024600-00025143 Now I'll take you to their open bar zAM-uLOTk-4-00046-00025174-00025517 Yes this is DBH's open bar zAM-uLOTk-4-00047-00025581-00026114 This bar is just outside of their disc, which is quite impressive zAM-uLOTk-4-00048-00026164-00026882 On one side you have a pool, on the other you have a disc, one can really enjoy the drink here zAM-uLOTk-4-00049-00026915-00027666 You can also get decorators for your party to enhance the beauty of this venue zAM-uLOTk-4-00050-00027995-00028380 From here till there I'm able to see tables, chairs... zAM-uLOTk-4-00051-00028440-00028713 They has ample sitting arrangement zAM-uLOTk-4-00052-00028713-00029255 You can come here, get swimming lessons, enjoy the disc... zAM-uLOTk-4-00053-00029272-00029662 If you want you can also enjoy your food here zAM-uLOTk-4-00054-00029691-00030317 They have a very good setup, here as well as there, I just showed it to you zAM-uLOTk-4-00055-00030337-00031077 Currently their kitchen is non operative, so you have to get the catering done from outside zAM-uLOTk-4-00056-00031126-00031780 Dee Boat House will ensure that your event is full of fun and a memorable one zAM-uLOTk-4-00057-00031800-00032188 Their projector is not ready at the moment, the work is under process zAM-uLOTk-4-00058-00032196-00032661 The projector display will be here, and the sitting arrangement will be there... zAM-uLOTk-4-00059-00032700-00033130 just have a look, it is work in progress zAM-uLOTk-4-00060-00033160-00033749 This venue is super relaxing and will definitely add value to your event zAM-uLOTk-4-00061-00033773-00034259 So guys this was my today's vlog. I brought you to Dee Boat House zAM-uLOTk-4-00062-00034268-00034592 I hope you must have enjoyed today's video zAM-uLOTk-4-00063-00034634-00035228 Now I'll see you next Tuesday, will come up with something new and interesting, will share with you zAM-uLOTk-4-00064-00035228-00035506 Will explore Jaipur a bit more with you zAM-uLOTk-4-00065-00035550-00035872 Till then stay safe and keep asking your life zAM-uLOTk-4-00066-00035904-00036048 "OKAY! NOW WHAT?" zBA0r6oGNLo-00000-00001125-00001331 Entity Number: 3 zBA0r6oGNLo-00001-00001331-00001634 Habitat - Majority of Levels zBA0r6oGNLo-00002-00001634-00002025 Description Smilers are generally hostile, and there have zBA0r6oGNLo-00003-00002025-00002290 been many confirmed sightings of them. zBA0r6oGNLo-00004-00002290-00002627 They can be identified by their signature reflective eyes and teeth gleaming in the zBA0r6oGNLo-00005-00002627-00002785 dark. zBA0r6oGNLo-00006-00002785-00003257 The best way to escape a Smiler is to keep eye contact. zBA0r6oGNLo-00007-00003257-00003686 Smilers tend to reside in dark areas on Level 2 and Level 3. zBA0r6oGNLo-00008-00003686-00004022 Their Base is known to be "The Smiling Room". zBA0r6oGNLo-00009-00004022-00004359 Behaviors The Smiler is attracted to light, and will zBA0r6oGNLo-00010-00004359-00004794 chase anything they see with a light, so distracting it by throwing a light source at it would zBA0r6oGNLo-00011-00004794-00005030 be great for an escape. zBA0r6oGNLo-00012-00005030-00005643 The Entity will only start to attack if you panic and retreat, or if a loud noise is made. zBA0r6oGNLo-00013-00005643-00006082 Keep eye contact, and move away slowly to ensure your survival. zBA0r6oGNLo-00014-00006082-00006561 Using a Smiler Exterminator will cause the Entity to retreat or lose its senses for a zBA0r6oGNLo-00015-00006561-00006818 long period of time. zBA0r6oGNLo-00016-00006818-00007125 Biology Smilers have a long smile with multiple sharp zBA0r6oGNLo-00017-00007125-00007754 teeth, and have white glowing eyes; It is unknown what else it has for its biology, zBA0r6oGNLo-00018-00007754-00008311 though it is rumored to have a physical body, which cannot be seen with the human eye. zBA0r6oGNLo-00019-00008311-00008777 It's rumored they have non-human, alien-like bodies, with arms and legs bent in unnatural zBA0r6oGNLo-00020-00008777-00009100 ways, but this is unconfirmed. zBA0r6oGNLo-00021-00009100-00009600 The M.E.G. is currently trying to find out more about its biology at the moment. zBA0r6oGNLo-00022-00009600-00009977 Discovery It is unknown how the Smiler was originally zBA0r6oGNLo-00023-00009977-00010379 discovered, as it is extremely common in most Levels. zBA0r6oGNLo-00024-00010379-00010847 The earliest modern report of the Smilers was when an anonymous Reddit user posted about zBA0r6oGNLo-00025-00010847-00011174 them running from a "Glowy Smiling Thing". zBA0r6oGNLo-00026-00011174-00011699 Before that, the group known as The Lost had descriptions of what they called "The Ones zBA0r6oGNLo-00027-00011699-00011882 That Smile". zBA0r6oGNLo-00028-00011882-00012113 Do's and Dont's: Do: zBA0r6oGNLo-00029-00012113-00012372 Keep eye contact, and walk slowly. zBA0r6oGNLo-00030-00012372-00012692 Keep quiet, and do not make any loud sounds. zBA0r6oGNLo-00031-00012692-00012929 Use a Smiler Exterminator bottle. zBA0r6oGNLo-00032-00012929-00013310 Turn off all sources of light that you have equipped. zBA0r6oGNLo-00033-00013310-00013556 Don't: Run away panicking unless the Smiler starts zBA0r6oGNLo-00034-00013556-00013719 to chase you. zBA0r6oGNLo-00035-00013719-00013894 Make loud noises. zBA0r6oGNLo-00036-00013894-00015507 Keep your light sources on. zCfCom_A4Gk-00000-00000000-00000200 welcome to my channel zFMM-5AbpSo-00000-00000000-00000204 hey guys this is Dwight Im here zFMM-5AbpSo-00001-00000204-00000468 today looking at one of the Lennar Homes models zFMM-5AbpSo-00002-00000468-00000650 it's actually not a model its actual zFMM-5AbpSo-00003-00000650-00000863 homeless going to bed is being sold but zFMM-5AbpSo-00004-00000863-00001074 it's their Genesis model it's the next zFMM-5AbpSo-00005-00001074-00001301 generation of homes if you will it's zFMM-5AbpSo-00006-00001301-00001533 this is where we have an in-law suite or zFMM-5AbpSo-00007-00001533-00001886 grandparent sweet connected home it's zFMM-5AbpSo-00008-00001886-00002064 completely separate from the rest of the zFMM-5AbpSo-00009-00002064-00002334 home and it's totally self functional zFMM-5AbpSo-00010-00002334-00002565 what a great concept they have here this zFMM-5AbpSo-00011-00002565-00002742 is an exciting home it's so cool i just zFMM-5AbpSo-00012-00002742-00002988 walked through it anyway this one's a zFMM-5AbpSo-00013-00002988-00003152 couple weeks away from being completed zFMM-5AbpSo-00014-00003152-00003336 and so we're going to take a walk zFMM-5AbpSo-00015-00003336-00003473 through it they're doing some finishing zFMM-5AbpSo-00016-00003473-00003698 touches on it and i'm super excited to zFMM-5AbpSo-00017-00003698-00003945 show to you guys alright we're going to zFMM-5AbpSo-00018-00003945-00004152 save the best for last though we are two zFMM-5AbpSo-00019-00004152-00004416 car garage nice healthy garage there and zFMM-5AbpSo-00020-00004416-00004584 then over on the right side we enter the zFMM-5AbpSo-00021-00004584-00004752 courtyard and all this is paper on this zFMM-5AbpSo-00022-00004752-00004950 particular home and most of what they do zFMM-5AbpSo-00023-00004950-00005202 in plenty is paper driveways is a huge zFMM-5AbpSo-00024-00005202-00005310 courtyard zFMM-5AbpSo-00025-00005310-00005732 what a great way to see this guy's here zFMM-5AbpSo-00026-00005732-00005841 we like they're going to save the best zFMM-5AbpSo-00027-00005841-00005955 for last zFMM-5AbpSo-00028-00005955-00006362 just know that that's the bonus area so zFMM-5AbpSo-00029-00006362-00006548 you come over here and get this great zFMM-5AbpSo-00030-00006548-00006750 courtyard and you can go a couple zFMM-5AbpSo-00031-00006750-00006890 different ways you can go in the front zFMM-5AbpSo-00032-00006890-00007167 door of your home or you can go in to zFMM-5AbpSo-00033-00007167-00007404 the if you will the Genesis or "generational suite" zFMM-5AbpSo-00034-00007404-00007700 ok so what a great concept couple of the zFMM-5AbpSo-00035-00007700-00007850 builders are doing it too but lennar homes has zFMM-5AbpSo-00036-00007850-00008054 done a great job with this at a price zFMM-5AbpSo-00037-00008054-00008250 that's extremely affordable zFMM-5AbpSo-00038-00008250-00008499 ok let's take a little walk around this zFMM-5AbpSo-00039-00008499-00008709 is this Genesis model actually has a zFMM-5AbpSo-00040-00008709-00009015 bonus room and it is about 3,500 square zFMM-5AbpSo-00041-00009015-00009252 feet it's a 3-bedroom 3-bath on the zFMM-5AbpSo-00042-00009252-00009504 bottom floor plus the full bonus up top zFMM-5AbpSo-00043-00009504-00009704 with a full bathroom closet so let me zFMM-5AbpSo-00044-00009704-00010038 sneak past these guys I appreciate you zFMM-5AbpSo-00045-00010038-00010338 guys hard work today we come on and soon zFMM-5AbpSo-00046-00010338-00010532 as we come in the front door instantly zFMM-5AbpSo-00047-00010532-00010752 we have a nice office again area again zFMM-5AbpSo-00048-00010752-00010940 could be use another bathroom it does zFMM-5AbpSo-00049-00010940-00011039 have a closet zFMM-5AbpSo-00050-00011039-00011235 most people would use this as a den or zFMM-5AbpSo-00051-00011235-00011445 an office of some sort with the French zFMM-5AbpSo-00052-00011445-00011793 doors very nice coming out into the zFMM-5AbpSo-00053-00011793-00012000 great area before we even do that we zFMM-5AbpSo-00054-00012000-00012120 look to the right we'll see the stairs zFMM-5AbpSo-00055-00012120-00012249 go into the bonus room zFMM-5AbpSo-00056-00012249-00012495 we'll see that in just a moment there zFMM-5AbpSo-00057-00012495-00012777 come into the big family area here very zFMM-5AbpSo-00058-00012777-00013100 nice very large area nice kitchen area zFMM-5AbpSo-00059-00013100-00013298 with a breakfast area over to the right zFMM-5AbpSo-00060-00013298-00013818 of it all this zFMM-5AbpSo-00061-00013818-00013976 this home has some upgrades put in it zFMM-5AbpSo-00062-00013976-00014343 this particular home with the upgrades zFMM-5AbpSo-00063-00014343-00014700 and the lot premium right at 498 that's zFMM-5AbpSo-00064-00014700-00014961 a great price for what is involved in zFMM-5AbpSo-00065-00014961-00015225 this home it is a beautiful in this lot zFMM-5AbpSo-00066-00015225-00015522 is about to 250-260 feet deep zFMM-5AbpSo-00067-00015522-00015791 I was just talking to get the side agent zFMM-5AbpSo-00068-00015791-00016022 and he they just sold one on a lot like zFMM-5AbpSo-00069-00016022-00016238 this and folks put a big pool in did all zFMM-5AbpSo-00070-00016238-00016376 the stuff like maybe the neighbors over zFMM-5AbpSo-00071-00016376-00016572 here at that particular house but that's zFMM-5AbpSo-00072-00016572-00016901 a very deep lot so it's got a 75 70 foot zFMM-5AbpSo-00073-00016901-00017198 wide lot by about 250 260 feet getting zFMM-5AbpSo-00074-00017198-00017876 says like 254 beautiful beautiful home zFMM-5AbpSo-00075-00017876-00018195 this is Genesis by Lennar Homes an amazing home alright so zFMM-5AbpSo-00076-00018195-00018401 that's the family room/kitchen now what zFMM-5AbpSo-00077-00018401-00018591 we're going to do is we're going to go zFMM-5AbpSo-00078-00018591-00018825 over to the honda if you're looking at zFMM-5AbpSo-00079-00018825-00018942 the front of the home this would be left zFMM-5AbpSo-00080-00018942-00019076 behind the garage or go down a little zFMM-5AbpSo-00081-00019076-00019310 hallway here and we're going to see what zFMM-5AbpSo-00082-00019310-00019617 we got your car left is a nice full zFMM-5AbpSo-00083-00019617-00019737 bathroom again zFMM-5AbpSo-00084-00019737-00019932 power is not really fully functional yet zFMM-5AbpSo-00085-00019932-00020178 so we're going to be a little dark it's zFMM-5AbpSo-00086-00020178-00020742 a full bathroom okay that can be used as zFMM-5AbpSo-00087-00020742-00020904 the community bathroom if you will if zFMM-5AbpSo-00088-00020904-00021026 you have guests over things like that zFMM-5AbpSo-00089-00021026-00021294 and or of course for these two bedrooms zFMM-5AbpSo-00090-00021294-00021447 that are back here and they're decent zFMM-5AbpSo-00091-00021447-00021978 sized bedrooms course with a nice little zFMM-5AbpSo-00092-00021978-00022401 small walk-in closet right very nice zFMM-5AbpSo-00093-00022401-00022917 going back down the hallway like you're zFMM-5AbpSo-00094-00022917-00023070 going to the garage you got a nice linen zFMM-5AbpSo-00095-00023070-00023463 closet another bedroom they're paying a zFMM-5AbpSo-00096-00023463-00023568 bunch i'm not gonna mess with another zFMM-5AbpSo-00097-00023568-00023873 bedroom in the closet same thing is kind zFMM-5AbpSo-00098-00023873-00024078 of a match to the other one then they zFMM-5AbpSo-00099-00024078-00024390 have a washer/dryer area little room zFMM-5AbpSo-00100-00024390-00024726 here of course with a sink in this zFMM-5AbpSo-00101-00024726-00024870 particular the Genesis they actually zFMM-5AbpSo-00102-00024870-00025062 this is usually bigger they've actually zFMM-5AbpSo-00103-00025062-00025269 made it smaller so they can accommodate zFMM-5AbpSo-00104-00025269-00025443 like a little work area or drop zone zFMM-5AbpSo-00105-00025443-00025662 that's something right off the garage zFMM-5AbpSo-00106-00025662-00025760 door zFMM-5AbpSo-00107-00025760-00026091 the thought that they put into this home zFMM-5AbpSo-00108-00026091-00026327 is amazing and the price points at which zFMM-5AbpSo-00109-00026327-00026508 they set their selling or even more zFMM-5AbpSo-00110-00026508-00026805 amazing when our bills are really good zFMM-5AbpSo-00111-00026805-00027054 home and they got a great warranty zFMM-5AbpSo-00112-00027054-00027369 service the folks care about what zFMM-5AbpSo-00113-00027369-00027669 they're doing it's amazing so let's take zFMM-5AbpSo-00114-00027669-00027981 a look at the master over here on this zFMM-5AbpSo-00115-00027981-00028263 side and this chick home we got tile zFMM-5AbpSo-00116-00028263-00028514 laid an angle that's an upgrade zFMM-5AbpSo-00117-00028514-00028911 ok now we're to keep going we'll get zFMM-5AbpSo-00118-00028911-00029088 into the Genesis area but we're going to zFMM-5AbpSo-00119-00029088-00029216 take a left here and going to the master zFMM-5AbpSo-00120-00029216-00029372 suite very secluded you walk down this zFMM-5AbpSo-00121-00029372-00029619 little hallway into the door and then zFMM-5AbpSo-00122-00029619-00029891 another little entryway if you will into zFMM-5AbpSo-00123-00029891-00030150 the master suite not the biggest master zFMM-5AbpSo-00124-00030150-00030383 suite I've ever seen but a great wall zFMM-5AbpSo-00125-00030383-00030591 over there will so totally fit com zFMM-5AbpSo-00126-00030591-00030843 accommodate a king bed with side tables zFMM-5AbpSo-00127-00030843-00031311 things like that ability to put your TV zFMM-5AbpSo-00128-00031311-00031536 stand wall unit know the dresser on that zFMM-5AbpSo-00129-00031536-00031769 also plenty of room and they've taken it zFMM-5AbpSo-00130-00031769-00031991 the length of the best part is it's the zFMM-5AbpSo-00131-00031991-00032114 length is this way she got plenty of zFMM-5AbpSo-00132-00032114-00032232 room for your king bed right behind zFMM-5AbpSo-00133-00032232-00032444 where I'm standing and of course your zFMM-5AbpSo-00134-00032444-00032658 own private entrance out the patio and zFMM-5AbpSo-00135-00032658-00032838 whatever else we put the backyard pool zFMM-5AbpSo-00136-00032838-00033119 and that sort of thing so now we're zFMM-5AbpSo-00137-00033119-00033768 going to master bath and very nice to zFMM-5AbpSo-00138-00033768-00034137 have dual sinks this one's going to cook zFMM-5AbpSo-00139-00034137-00034312 this one's got a jacuzzi tub zFMM-5AbpSo-00140-00034312-00034678 ok nice walk-in shower well-appointed zFMM-5AbpSo-00141-00034678-00034933 shower very nice and of course our zFMM-5AbpSo-00142-00034933-00035131 separate toilet area zFMM-5AbpSo-00143-00035131-00035512 ok separate toilet area in the linen zFMM-5AbpSo-00144-00035512-00035656 closet in there zFMM-5AbpSo-00145-00035656-00035941 ok good use of space now best part of zFMM-5AbpSo-00146-00035941-00036124 the whole master closet i can turn zFMM-5AbpSo-00147-00036124-00036334 lights on but you have big this closet zFMM-5AbpSo-00148-00036334-00036619 this is another bedroom basically hear zFMM-5AbpSo-00149-00036619-00036838 my voice that going because it can can't zFMM-5AbpSo-00150-00036838-00037177 see dealer's out of the closet huge so zFMM-5AbpSo-00151-00037177-00037312 what a great job they've done on this zFMM-5AbpSo-00152-00037312-00037491 they've used the space where it needs to zFMM-5AbpSo-00153-00037491-00037597 be used zFMM-5AbpSo-00154-00037597-00038169 ok going back out here let's so let's go zFMM-5AbpSo-00155-00038169-00039031 check out let's go check out the back zFMM-5AbpSo-00156-00039031-00039193 area here and what we have here is zFMM-5AbpSo-00157-00039193-00039688 another bathroom the full bathroom zFMM-5AbpSo-00158-00039688-00039853 this is in the kind of back in the house zFMM-5AbpSo-00159-00039853-00040036 if you will be a great one for company zFMM-5AbpSo-00160-00040036-00040197 to use or anything like that zFMM-5AbpSo-00161-00040197-00040363 alright so now I'm going to turn back zFMM-5AbpSo-00162-00040363-00040563 around gonna go upstairs zFMM-5AbpSo-00163-00040563-00040753 we still have made the Genesis suite yet zFMM-5AbpSo-00164-00040753-00041623 but we'll do that here in just a minute zFMM-5AbpSo-00165-00041623-00042559 Mariana as we come upstairs kind of zFMM-5AbpSo-00166-00042559-00042799 little entryway right here okay with a zFMM-5AbpSo-00167-00042799-00043012 doorway so it completely makes it zFMM-5AbpSo-00168-00043012-00043183 private course your air handler for zFMM-5AbpSo-00169-00043183-00043528 upstairs is in the closet here okay if zFMM-5AbpSo-00170-00043528-00043846 we go into the bonus area is it as you zFMM-5AbpSo-00171-00043846-00044179 can see is a really good-sized area it's zFMM-5AbpSo-00172-00044179-00044626 got a full closet full bathroom this zFMM-5AbpSo-00173-00044626-00044803 walk-in closets about the size of most zFMM-5AbpSo-00174-00044803-00045460 walkin closets in the standard home and zFMM-5AbpSo-00175-00045460-00046300 then a full bath here in this particular zFMM-5AbpSo-00176-00046300-00046480 home and there's other there's other zFMM-5AbpSo-00177-00046480-00046783 lots available right now in plants you zFMM-5AbpSo-00178-00046783-00047701 similar this big that lot is amazing zFMM-5AbpSo-00179-00047701-00047905 alright so anyway this is the bonus area zFMM-5AbpSo-00180-00047905-00048253 various super-large very private about zFMM-5AbpSo-00181-00048253-00048349 the door and everything so you can zFMM-5AbpSo-00182-00048349-00048481 definitely use it as a bedroom guest zFMM-5AbpSo-00183-00048481-00048658 come over and spend the evening or zFMM-5AbpSo-00184-00048658-00048787 weekend or whatever zFMM-5AbpSo-00185-00048787-00049084 ok so it's taking a little walk zFMM-5AbpSo-00186-00049084-00049339 downstairs I'm gonna show you the zFMM-5AbpSo-00187-00049339-00049993 Genesis suite and this will be ready in zFMM-5AbpSo-00188-00049993-00050326 about three weeks they said and/or set zFMM-5AbpSo-00189-00050326-00050557 to close in three weeks anyways we walk zFMM-5AbpSo-00190-00050557-00050731 through the house back to where the the zFMM-5AbpSo-00191-00050731-00051103 other bathroom was passed the master and zFMM-5AbpSo-00192-00051103-00051379 so we're walking toward the Genesis suite zFMM-5AbpSo-00193-00051379-00051514 now that's it's a completely zFMM-5AbpSo-00194-00051514-00051700 self-contained suite the door zFMM-5AbpSo-00195-00051700-00052369 okay you go in it has four washer/dryer zFMM-5AbpSo-00196-00052369-00052608 hookup zFMM-5AbpSo-00197-00052608-00053019 kitchen area refrigerator more kitchen zFMM-5AbpSo-00198-00053019-00053141 area here zFMM-5AbpSo-00199-00053141-00053630 ok course the you know the family room zFMM-5AbpSo-00200-00053630-00053964 that living room sort of area in that zFMM-5AbpSo-00201-00053964-00054126 front door we saw as we walked up the zFMM-5AbpSo-00202-00054126-00054704 front walkway that's it nice large zFMM-5AbpSo-00203-00054704-00055254 bedroom with a very large walk-in closet zFMM-5AbpSo-00204-00055254-00056083 for the side of the house very large zFMM-5AbpSo-00205-00056083-00056398 this is where are our utilities are zFMM-5AbpSo-00206-00056398-00056604 utility stuff is there handling all ok zFMM-5AbpSo-00207-00056604-00056809 then we have a bathroom here full zFMM-5AbpSo-00208-00056809-00057265 complete bathroom nice big walk-in zFMM-5AbpSo-00209-00057265-00057538 shower zFMM-5AbpSo-00210-00057538-00057802 they've made it very low it's very zFMM-5AbpSo-00211-00057802-00058090 smooth so you can maybe it's easy to get zFMM-5AbpSo-00212-00058090-00058339 in and out of okay and that comes this zFMM-5AbpSo-00213-00058339-00058660 all of this is in addition to the zFMM-5AbpSo-00214-00058660-00058830 single-car garage that they've attached zFMM-5AbpSo-00215-00058830-00059020 to the home as well so it's completely zFMM-5AbpSo-00216-00059020-00059212 self-contained completely zFMM-5AbpSo-00217-00059212-00059911 self-sufficient ok just take a walk zFMM-5AbpSo-00218-00059911-00060052 through or take off back to the whole zFMM-5AbpSo-00219-00060052-00060277 home again the bathroom for the Genesis zFMM-5AbpSo-00220-00060277-00060879 unit the large master suite for with the zFMM-5AbpSo-00221-00060879-00061155 walk-in closet so an entrance of course zFMM-5AbpSo-00222-00061155-00061453 and what's the big deal about this is zFMM-5AbpSo-00223-00061453-00061639 there's privacy for both sides of the zFMM-5AbpSo-00224-00061639-00061992 house and so you don't have to see each zFMM-5AbpSo-00225-00061992-00062179 other all time MVP chose way but when zFMM-5AbpSo-00226-00062179-00062299 you want to of course the families zFMM-5AbpSo-00227-00062299-00062557 together or you know relatives or you zFMM-5AbpSo-00228-00062557-00062734 know whatever you need for so it's a zFMM-5AbpSo-00229-00062734-00063133 great versatile personal area of course zFMM-5AbpSo-00230-00063133-00063337 the washer/dryer hookup right here in zFMM-5AbpSo-00231-00063337-00063553 its own closet right door to the house zFMM-5AbpSo-00232-00063553-00063898 and of course our third bathroom zFMM-5AbpSo-00233-00063898-00064504 downstairs okay zFMM-5AbpSo-00234-00064504-00064827 linen closets either side master bedroom zFMM-5AbpSo-00235-00064827-00064944 of course we're taking a little gander zFMM-5AbpSo-00236-00064944-00065125 here and it's kind of cool is therefore zFMM-5AbpSo-00237-00065125-00065277 plan this thing is everything kind of zFMM-5AbpSo-00238-00065277-00065449 private even the Masters you as you cum zFMM-5AbpSo-00239-00065449-00065644 in you walk a little hallway which is zFMM-5AbpSo-00240-00065644-00065757 completely separate from the rest of the zFMM-5AbpSo-00241-00065757-00066027 house the Genesis suites on the backside zFMM-5AbpSo-00242-00066027-00066250 separate from the rest of the house the zFMM-5AbpSo-00243-00066250-00066408 bonus rooms got his own little entry zFMM-5AbpSo-00244-00066408-00066714 little for you up there okay everything zFMM-5AbpSo-00245-00066714-00066847 is together but separate all the same zFMM-5AbpSo-00246-00066847-00067174 time kinda cool again zFMM-5AbpSo-00247-00067174-00067969 alright zFMM-5AbpSo-00248-00067969-00068152 we're back into the family room with the zFMM-5AbpSo-00249-00068152-00068386 kitchen the breakfast area overlooking zFMM-5AbpSo-00250-00068386-00068836 whatever gorgeous backyard you create a zFMM-5AbpSo-00251-00068836-00069109 lot of can lighting LED those are LED zFMM-5AbpSo-00252-00069109-00069283 lights very very efficient light is very zFMM-5AbpSo-00253-00069283-00069547 bright white coming down towards the zFMM-5AbpSo-00254-00069547-00069754 back of it for the two-car garages of zFMM-5AbpSo-00255-00069754-00070024 course we got another full bathroom zFMM-5AbpSo-00256-00070024-00070420 couple of bedrooms one there one there zFMM-5AbpSo-00257-00070420-00070843 linen closet in the middle nice laundry zFMM-5AbpSo-00258-00070843-00071581 area and of course are just starting our zFMM-5AbpSo-00259-00071581-00071728 drop zone utility year zFMM-5AbpSo-00260-00071728-00071980 ok so let's go out in the garage will zFMM-5AbpSo-00261-00071980-00072697 take a little walk around the home zFMM-5AbpSo-00262-00072697-00072991 helen is done a good job with this they zFMM-5AbpSo-00263-00072991-00073105 really have given a lot of thought to zFMM-5AbpSo-00264-00073105-00073333 this you take a look down the side of zFMM-5AbpSo-00265-00073333-00073462 the house can see how big the house zFMM-5AbpSo-00266-00073462-00073945 there's okay we're gonna walk down the zFMM-5AbpSo-00267-00073945-00074119 side here and you can check some things zFMM-5AbpSo-00268-00074119-00074272 out zFMM-5AbpSo-00269-00074272-00074665 sorry for the bumpiness appreciate you zFMM-5AbpSo-00270-00074665-00074986 guys tuning in today Sharon I love zFMM-5AbpSo-00271-00074986-00075202 giving you guys great information and zFMM-5AbpSo-00272-00075202-00075415 we're excited to be part of any zFMM-5AbpSo-00273-00075415-00075784 decisions you guys make if you guys have zFMM-5AbpSo-00274-00075784-00076111 any questions comments other information zFMM-5AbpSo-00275-00076111-00076318 no matter what is real estate arts zFMM-5AbpSo-00276-00076318-00076543 crafts local local happenings here in zFMM-5AbpSo-00277-00076543-00076750 st. Augustine you just call it for you zFMM-5AbpSo-00278-00076750-00076972 that matters we just like to talk to zFMM-5AbpSo-00279-00076972-00077272 people like that that's a nice look zFMM-5AbpSo-00280-00077272-00077545 right they got the other side kind of zFMM-5AbpSo-00281-00077545-00077689 fend off of there so we won't bother zFMM-5AbpSo-00282-00077689-00077866 with that but we'll we'll go back into zFMM-5AbpSo-00283-00077866-00078247 the master here look at this look at zFMM-5AbpSo-00284-00078247-00078412 this backyard thing's massive zFMM-5AbpSo-00285-00078412-00078649 and that's not always the case depending zFMM-5AbpSo-00286-00078649-00078826 on which lights on but they have quite a zFMM-5AbpSo-00287-00078826-00079048 few of these Lots presently as of zFMM-5AbpSo-00288-00079048-00079264 January 2017 they got more these little zFMM-5AbpSo-00289-00079264-00079741 besides lots available nice patio and if zFMM-5AbpSo-00290-00079741-00079908 you do nothing else but just screen this zFMM-5AbpSo-00291-00079908-00080143 in that would be that would be making a zFMM-5AbpSo-00292-00080143-00080317 very nice area to sit and hang out and zFMM-5AbpSo-00293-00080317-00080674 visit with family and friends you can zFMM-5AbpSo-00294-00080674-00081032 imagine a pool back there may be nice zFMM-5AbpSo-00295-00081032-00081374 alright so that's gonna get one more zFMM-5AbpSo-00296-00081374-00082103 last look at the front of the house and zFMM-5AbpSo-00297-00082103-00082304 this nice courtyard zFMM-5AbpSo-00298-00082304-00082505 I like the fact that they made it all zFMM-5AbpSo-00299-00082505-00082730 papers and that's just not for this zFMM-5AbpSo-00300-00082730-00082874 model that's the way they do the Genesis zFMM-5AbpSo-00301-00082874-00083138 all of them so it's complete patio zFMM-5AbpSo-00302-00083138-00083384 courtyard area zFMM-5AbpSo-00303-00083384-00083810 all right very nice up this is a this is zFMM-5AbpSo-00304-00083810-00084324 an awesome home zFMM-5AbpSo-00305-00084324-00084537 and let me give you one last good look zFMM-5AbpSo-00306-00084537-00084993 at the house again this is the genesis zFMM-5AbpSo-00307-00084993-00085335 model by by lennar homes in Palencia this one's about zFMM-5AbpSo-00308-00085335-00085497 3,500 square feet because it's got a zFMM-5AbpSo-00309-00085497-00085727 bonus if it didn't have that it would be zFMM-5AbpSo-00310-00085727-00086016 about 2,800 square feet 2,900 square zFMM-5AbpSo-00311-00086016-00086097 feet zFMM-5AbpSo-00312-00086097-00086436 alright so they start the single stories zFMM-5AbpSo-00313-00086436-00086787 started about about 450 460 with a lot zFMM-5AbpSo-00314-00086787-00086910 pretty I think with a lot premium here zFMM-5AbpSo-00315-00086910-00087207 and then this one was retailed at about zFMM-5AbpSo-00316-00087207-00087539 498 so another another fifty thousand zFMM-5AbpSo-00317-00087539-00087792 dollars for that bonus room and all that zFMM-5AbpSo-00318-00087792-00087972 ok but anyway those are prices are zFMM-5AbpSo-00319-00087972-00088125 always a little flux so i just want to zFMM-5AbpSo-00320-00088125-00088341 give you guys kind of an idea anyway I zFMM-5AbpSo-00321-00088341-00088536 appreciate you guys again if you need zFMM-5AbpSo-00322-00088536-00088617 anything zFMM-5AbpSo-00323-00088617-00088743 we appreciate your looking in our zFMM-5AbpSo-00324-00088743-00088860 For Buyers Only Realty YouTube channel if you need anything zFMM-5AbpSo-00325-00088860-00088983 else just give us a shout and we'll get zFMM-5AbpSo-00326-00088983-00089052 you an answer zFMM-5AbpSo-00327-00089052-00089630 have a great date zGQw-1aS9xY-00000-00000000-00000200 don't forget to click subscribe zHHLc8crbO8-00000-00000000-00000830 Scott Bintz here w/ another entrepreneurial skill. zHHLc8crbO8-00001-00000830-00001696 Focus: dreams and a vision for something require laser-like focus zHHLc8crbO8-00002-00001696-00002576 especially small things that are important parts of the big picture. zHHLc8crbO8-00003-00002586-00003661 Remember, it is always better to have one thing done than 80 things almost done. zHHLc8crbO8-00004-00003684-00004578 Focus is very important for the upcoming entrepreneur. zHHLc8crbO8-00005-00004578-00004900 Till next time, Smile! zJ2h-ymnO6Q-00000-00000100-00000800 Token is used as a category which can be persons, things, concepts or anything else. For example, zJ2h-ymnO6Q-00001-00000900-00001100 “Math (points a finger in the space) and English (points a finger in another area of the space). I admire zJ2h-ymnO6Q-00002-00001200-00001500 English because I like to write and express myself. As for [math], I don’t like to calculate numbers. I like zJ2h-ymnO6Q-00003-00001600-00002600 [English] better.” The signer can establish categories as many as s/he wants. zJYpvGAfNcy-00000-00005592-00005784 foreign zJYpvGAfNcy-00001-00007800-00008584 um zJYpvGAfNcy-00002-00009224-00009984 yes zJYpvGAfNcy-00003-00012480-00012784 what's up zJYpvGAfNcy-00004-00014080-00014184 is zJYpvGAfNcy-00005-00014896-00015584 foreign zJYpvGAfNcy-00006-00015800-00016984 uh zJYpvGAfNcy-00007-00018704-00019784 yes zJYpvGAfNcy-00008-00020472-00021184 yes zJYpvGAfNcy-00009-00022040-00022584 yes zJYpvGAfNcy-00010-00022976-00023984 so zJYpvGAfNcy-00011-00025024-00025384 yes zJYpvGAfNcy-00012-00025672-00026783 yes zJYpvGAfNcy-00013-00027432-00028183 wow zJYpvGAfNcy-00014-00030168-00030218 you zLx7MgDCLS4-00000-00000818-00001518 The preservation of the Developmental Biology Film Series was made possible by generous contributions from zLx7MgDCLS4-00001-00004052-00004292 Publisher of "The Biggest Picture" zLx7MgDCLS4-00002-00004602-00004930 Producer of the documentary, "Symbiotic Earth" zLx7MgDCLS4-00003-00018942-00019118 [Music] zO-XD0VdRd4-00000-00001450-00001950 "SeokJin is beautiful because he was born in the winter", what a beautiful saying. zO-XD0VdRd4-00001-00001950-00002300 Thank you for smiling at this, ARMYs are angels. zO-XD0VdRd4-00002-00002300-00002740 Tears of happiness are hot, they're not warm but are hot. zO-XD0VdRd4-00003-00002740-00003200 They are all gifts from our fans working together so there isn't a single record that isn't precious. zO-XD0VdRd4-00004-00003200-00003700 We will forget soon. I don't think it will be too bad. Since we're going back to the life we lived before. zO-XD0VdRd4-00005-00003700-00004180 I don't get stressed out too easily. I try to forget about it all. zO-XD0VdRd4-00006-00004180-00004780 I'm scared that everything I achieved will disappear at once but like how we had this HYYH, there will be another HYYH waiting for us. zO-XD0VdRd4-00007-00004780-00005150 I thought that I was fortunate to be born because of you guys. zO-XD0VdRd4-00008-00005150-00005820 If you hold back one then you gain two, and if you hold back two then you gain four. This means if I hold back now, I will eventually earn a big chance. So until I reach that point, I will stay at my place and try my best. zO-XD0VdRd4-00009-00005820-00006509 Before I used to obsess over the results but now I just need to try my best. I used to stress out a lot because I was obsessed over the results but now I realised that waiting comfortably and enjoying the stage is more important. zO-XD0VdRd4-00010-00006509-00007140 Just because someone else has hard work, that doesn't make your work less difficult. So whenever you are tired always let someone know. zO-XD0VdRd4-00011-00007140-00007630 The days have been very cold. Please dress warmly. zO-XD0VdRd4-00012-00007640-00008330 I know. I know you guys. I know how you guys feel more than anyone. You guys gave us these awards. We will try harder. I love you Army. zO-XD0VdRd4-00013-00008330-00008820 Don't ever feel guilty. The people we like are all unnies and oppas. zO-XD0VdRd4-00014-00008820-00009080 You're the Earth, but why are you trying to be the island zO-XD0VdRd4-00015-00009080-00009400 Youth is always an always. zO-XD0VdRd4-00016-00009400-00009800 I wish we stayed as an adult we continues to follow our dreams. zO-XD0VdRd4-00017-00009800-00010380 Army is BTS's celebrity. I am your fan. zO-XD0VdRd4-00018-00010380-00010870 Ever since I started music, I have never and never will plan on joke around with music. Please trust me and follow along. I will let you guys listen to more, better music as we go forward. zO-XD0VdRd4-00019-00010870-00011430 Flowers are meant to fall. We will be a group like the pine tree that lasts a long time rather than a flower that colourfully blossoms and falls easily. zO-XD0VdRd4-00020-00011430-00011780 I would rather quit it then do it sloppy. zO-XD0VdRd4-00021-00011780-00012380 In any case there is an end to it, even if the end comes, lets make sure this feeling, this mindset doesn't wear off. zO-XD0VdRd4-00022-00012380-00012880 I think it is HYYH from the debut stage until performing on stage becomes unconfident. zO-XD0VdRd4-00023-00012880-00013300 I'll prove and prove again. Trust and follow us. I thank you and love you. Let's see each other for a long time. zO-XD0VdRd4-00024-00013300-00013600 Do what you want to do. zO-XD0VdRd4-00025-00013600-00014260 I don't know if we can make it to the top. I really don't know and making it to the top is going to be very difficult. But when we look back to the path we've taken I wish it would seem like and I believe that it will seem like HYYH. zO-XD0VdRd4-00026-00014260-00014830 Whenever I work on my music at dawn I realise how hard of a job it is to make good music. I will let you guys listen to more good music in the future. There is so much that I want you guys to listen to. zO-XD0VdRd4-00027-00014830-00015430 "Live however you want, it’s yours anyway Stop trying, it’s okay to lose" This is my favourite lyric of all our songs. This is something that I want to tell us who have been competing ever since we were students. It's our's anyways, everyone fighting! zO-XD0VdRd4-00028-00015430-00015890 I wish to and do understand you guys. And so I am sorry again and again since I am not a perfect human being. zO-XD0VdRd4-00029-00015890-00016460 Because I am a weak human being that acts strong, I felt that I am a lacking human being once again. I don't have a religion but I prayed to not lose this mindset even if there is an end. zO-XD0VdRd4-00030-00016460-00016760 You might not have a dream. That's okay. zO-XD0VdRd4-00031-00016760-00017360 I am most proud of myself when I see you guys being happy watching our concerts. Thank you for allowing us to feel proud again today. zO-XD0VdRd4-00032-00017360-00017840 Hello. I am your forever hope, J-Hope. zO-XD0VdRd4-00033-00017840-00018420 I think and care about you guys a lot. This is my first time saying this but although I only show myself laughing and talking but behind that Jung HoSeok is someone who has many thoughts. zO-XD0VdRd4-00034-00018420-00018920 I may not be able to say it all with my words or my music but I cheer for you guys with the glitter of my eyes. zO-XD0VdRd4-00035-00018920-00019370 Like a rose when blooming Like cherry blossoms when being scattered in the wind Like morning glory when fading zO-XD0VdRd4-00036-00019370-00019810 This moment is not going to come again J-Hope, I will give you a mission to jump over yourself. zO-XD0VdRd4-00037-00019810-00020270 BTS is the heart. It can't disappear. BTS is what drives me forward. zO-XD0VdRd4-00038-00020270-00020810 They say a flower is beautiful when it's both blooming and fading. I will be a singer that is always beautiful to you guys. zO-XD0VdRd4-00039-00020810-00021480 I practice barefoot these days. I feel bad for my foot but it feels good. As the black dust gets on my foot it feels like I am improving. I believe that this foot is going to make me the best. zO-XD0VdRd4-00040-00021480-00022090 I love you. I want to take out the hatred in the word and I want to say that I love you guys with all my heart. zO-XD0VdRd4-00041-00022090-00022740 Just like how you guys showed us the rainbow, I think the music and the performance is beyond language, country and race. Just like the rainbow, it doesn't matter if you are red, blue, orange, green or purple. zO-XD0VdRd4-00042-00022740-00023140 We are no longer sad or in pain. We are dignified and proud. zO-XD0VdRd4-00043-00023140-00023520 You guys made me want to become a better person. zO-XD0VdRd4-00044-00023520-00024000 I feel that people need to be respected just by the fact that they are living and existing. zO-XD0VdRd4-00045-00024000-00024380 BE YOUR WINGS FOREVER. zO-XD0VdRd4-00046-00024380-00024880 I think each and every one of you have amazing floriography and names. zO-XD0VdRd4-00047-00024880-00025310 For BTS, ARMY is grey. I think grey includes everything. zO-XD0VdRd4-00048-00025310-00025670 Cheer up! If it is going to be that hard, try harder. zO-XD0VdRd4-00049-00025670-00026130 Youth, like a flower in our minds. Once we find our flower, that's when our youth begins. zO-XD0VdRd4-00050-00026130-00026539 I believe in your galaxy, ARMY! zO-XD0VdRd4-00051-00026539-00027089 Dear our fans who allowed BTS to shine brightly, you guys shine brighter. We are going to shine even more. Just like our bare foot. zO-XD0VdRd4-00052-00027089-00027539 Finally we came all the way here. You've suffered so much and let's just try a bit harder from now on. For you, and for everyone. zO-XD0VdRd4-00053-00027550-00027860 Just live, don't die. zO-XD0VdRd4-00054-00027860-00028460 If someone thinks I'm an idol, then I am. If someone thinks I'm hiphop then I could be and if someone thinks I'm an artist, I also could be. The conclusion is that I am just me. zO-XD0VdRd4-00055-00028460-00028900 If you drift away for a little from people who think they are miserable, happiness is quite easy. zO-XD0VdRd4-00056-00028900-00029400 Even if you are tired, just suffer a little more and run for the things that people can't imagine. zO-XD0VdRd4-00057-00029400-00030000 With the photos in my camera I once again send you guys my youth. I hope my feelings and thoughts are able to be delivered in any way. Thank you for being with us through our HYYH. I am so happy. zO-XD0VdRd4-00058-00030000-00030300 Are you going to fall, and be dull. zO-XD0VdRd4-00059-00030300-00030789 It is Rapmonster. I cheer for those who turn back on everyone's stereotypes and attention and walks their path. However I still cheer for those who are tied down by reality! I understand. Whatever that may be. zO-XD0VdRd4-00060-00030789-00031389 To be honest we are good at memorising the things that we should be forgetting. Memory leaves when we need it and comes to us when they are undesirable. If you are suffering from unwanted memories then that is just the way it is so just admit it and wait. zO-XD0VdRd4-00061-00031389-00031780 I have him (power) and I give you him (RM). zO-XD0VdRd4-00062-00031780-00032180 You've done well. Whatever the results may be, you've done well my babies. zO-XD0VdRd4-00063-00032180-00032820 Why aren't you guys sleeping. I'm sorry if I woke you up. If you are studying for your test then cheer up, and get some sleep. If you are hanging out, then have fun, but don't get hurt. If you can't fall asleep, then let's sleep, good night. zO-XD0VdRd4-00064-00032820-00033120 Youth is that I don't regret my choice of my path. zO-XD0VdRd4-00065-00033120-00033580 The stage that I was the best in? Disregarding the song, it would be the stage that I enjoyed. zO-XD0VdRd4-00066-00033580-00034070 Compared to not wanting to do anything, I think giving a shot at something is much cooler. zO-XD0VdRd4-00067-00034070-00034660 When I see Armys that cheer for me behind the stage, watch us perform, and seeing them happy when I sing is what makes me the most happy zO-XD0VdRd4-00068-00034660-00035080 I want to be a group that shines the most in the world. zO-XD0VdRd4-00069-00035080-00035490 Because of my father I am where I am today. zO-XD0VdRd4-00070-00035490-00036080 Hello? Army. I am looking at the moon right now. Do you see it too? It is very beautiful today. zO-XD0VdRd4-00071-00036080-00036480 I want to bring sensation to the world with our music. zO-XD0VdRd4-00072-00036480-00036940 I thank you so much, thank you for filling it with only good days. zO-XD0VdRd4-00073-00036940-00037500 Armys who I love and trust the most, I am Apollo and you guys are the harp that I play. I love you dearly. zO-XD0VdRd4-00074-00037500-00038100 I am not afraid of things that are not pleasing to the eye. Thank you for liking any expression that I make. I don't have the greed to try hard to make myself look cool. Because it pressures me. zO-XD0VdRd4-00075-00038100-00038500 We love Armys the most more than anyone. zO-XD0VdRd4-00076-00038500-00038900 Let's trust each other and love for a long time. zO-XD0VdRd4-00077-00038900-00039350 I'll become a Superman for our Armys and always show you guys my good sides! Thank you. zO-XD0VdRd4-00078-00039350-00039820 Do you guys know the meaning of purple? It's the last color on the rainbow. It means to trust and love each other. zO-XD0VdRd4-00079-00039820-00040240 I want to become your everlasting singer. zO-XD0VdRd4-00080-00040240-00040630 Armys are like americano. I can't live without americano these days. zO-XD0VdRd4-00081-00040630-00040980 I'd rather die than live without passion. zO-XD0VdRd4-00082-00040980-00041460 I want to be a singer that can touch our fans' heart when I sing. zO-XD0VdRd4-00083-00041460-00041720 A word that gives strength? You are doing well. zO-XD0VdRd4-00084-00041720-00042320 There was a moment when I thought about becoming a dancer because I loved dancing so much. I hesitated but our members persuaded me by saying "We are one, let's go till the end together" I don't regret anything now because I have precious members. zO-XD0VdRd4-00085-00042320-00042760 Method of overcoming it? It wasn't me that could overcome it. zO-XD0VdRd4-00086-00042760-00043200 BTS's HYYH has not ended yet. zO-XD0VdRd4-00087-00043200-00044120 Thank you for being mine, and our fan. I am your fan also. I am a fan that silently cheers for your loneliness that you endure and the life you live. Behind the stage, and in the workroom with the notes, and the music I send you my fan letter. I hope you read my longing sound. zO-XD0VdRd4-00088-00044120-00044640 Trust becomes thought, and thought becomes trust. Sayings become action and actions become a habit. Habits become valued and values becomes your destiny. zO-XD0VdRd4-00089-00044640-00045260 Because of the walls we have, we can't fill in one's loneliness and sadness, but that is why we cling onto music even more. I cannot fully understand your loneliness but I wish either my face expression or my way of talking or my voice can comfort you. zO-XD0VdRd4-00090-00045260-00045880 Like the mirage that god made! But if I were to be more honest I think we already have that within ourselves. Whatever it may be, everyone's wander is lovable. Fighting for you and I! zO-XD0VdRd4-00091-00045880-00046220 Let's just be together for a long time without getting tired. Because we won't be getting tired for years. zO-XD0VdRd4-00092-00046220-00046840 Not everyone can like us or myself, but we all ran so hard so that even those people could like us. So we will go up even higher so that we are unreachable. zO-XD0VdRd4-00093-00046840-00047660 Dear Armys who are the most valuable in the world, thank you and love you for always being with us, always protecting us with love and support, filling everything with purple, celebrating our truthness and even saying 'BTS we love you' zO-XD0VdRd4-00094-00047660-00048380 Life perhaps isn't about the process of finding brilliant things from things that are worthless, but in fact wouldn't it be that we find moments that are truly shining from the things that seemed worthless. Since we all obsess over the results as we live, even myself who is saying this. zO-XD0VdRd4-00095-00048380-00048980 Of course there is youth that is unstable, youth that runs busily, and youth that burns furiously. I think the good results we have now was because you guys responded to the truth of our stories, songs and gesture. zO-XD0VdRd4-00096-00048980-00049580 Now go and brag wherever. That you are BTS's fan, proudly! zOT_UNGqee8-00000-00000050-00000359 Google Assistant is built to keep your information private, zOT_UNGqee8-00001-00000359-00000549 safe and secure. zOT_UNGqee8-00002-00000549-00000772 This is a speaker with the Google Assistant. zOT_UNGqee8-00003-00000772-00000927 It’s built to wait in standby mode zOT_UNGqee8-00004-00000927-00001232 until it detects an activation like “Hey Google!” zOT_UNGqee8-00005-00001232-00001363 While in standby mode, zOT_UNGqee8-00006-00001363-00001581 Assistant won’t send what you were saying to Google zOT_UNGqee8-00007-00001581-00001735 or anyone else. zOT_UNGqee8-00008-00001735-00001939 After the Assistant detects an activation, zOT_UNGqee8-00009-00001939-00002170 your device sends your request securely to Google, zOT_UNGqee8-00010-00002170-00002376 so Assistant can respond with the help you need. zOT_UNGqee8-00011-00002376-00002587 The status indicator on the device lets you know zOT_UNGqee8-00012-00002587-00002773 when the Assistant has been activated. zOT_UNGqee8-00013-00002773-00003062 “Hey Google, do I need an umbrella today?” zOT_UNGqee8-00014-00003062-00003565 ♪♪ zOT_UNGqee8-00015-00003565-00003747 After the Assistant is activated, zOT_UNGqee8-00016-00003747-00003975 your device can send what you say securely to Google zOT_UNGqee8-00017-00003975-00004100 to process your request zOT_UNGqee8-00018-00004100-00004372 so your Assistant can respond with the help you need. zOT_UNGqee8-00019-00004372-00004642 “No, it’s not forecasted to rain in Pittsburgh today.” zOT_UNGqee8-00020-00004740-00004988 By default, we don’t save your audio recordings zOT_UNGqee8-00021-00004988-00005165 on Google servers. zOT_UNGqee8-00022-00005165-00005453 That means the audio recording is automatically discarded zOT_UNGqee8-00023-00005453-00005613 after we fulfill your request. zOT_UNGqee8-00024-00005667-00005890 However, if you decide to turn on the voice zOT_UNGqee8-00025-00005890-00006141 and audio recordings setting, your audio recordings zOT_UNGqee8-00026-00006141-00006305 can support our human review process zOT_UNGqee8-00027-00006305-00006466 to make Google’s speech technologies zOT_UNGqee8-00028-00006466-00006666 better for everyone. zOT_UNGqee8-00029-00006666-00006887 ♪♪ zOT_UNGqee8-00030-00006887-00007143 Google Assistant may activate when you didn’t intend it to, zOT_UNGqee8-00031-00007143-00007264 because of an accidental zOT_UNGqee8-00032-00007264-00007628 manual activation or a noise like “Hey Google” is heard. zOT_UNGqee8-00033-00007628-00007817 “Hey Noodle! Get down from there!” zOT_UNGqee8-00034-00007961-00008104 We have a number of protections zOT_UNGqee8-00035-00008104-00008286 designed to prevent this from occurring. zOT_UNGqee8-00036-00008286-00008512 You can always visit the “Your data in Assistant” zOT_UNGqee8-00037-00008512-00008710 tool in your settings to review or delete zOT_UNGqee8-00038-00008710-00008874 your interactions with the Assistant, zOT_UNGqee8-00039-00008874-00009099 including any audio recordings. zOT_UNGqee8-00040-00009099-00009253 The Google Assistant is designed zOT_UNGqee8-00041-00009253-00009387 to make your life easier, zOT_UNGqee8-00042-00009387-00009570 while also giving you and your family zOT_UNGqee8-00043-00009570-00009747 the privacy you deserve. zOT_UNGqee8-00044-00009747-00010062 “Hey Google, good night! zOT_UNGqee8-00045-00010062-00010300 ♪♪ zPxpd_hsDEk-00000-00000000-00001003 Need a book or journal article we don’t own at UNCG? We have a service that will get you what you need for free! It’s called an interlibrary loan. zPxpd_hsDEk-00001-00001003-00002193 On the library homepage, library.uncg.edu, scroll down to click on Borrow, Renew, & Order Materials, and then Interlibrary Loan Requests. zPxpd_hsDEk-00002-00002193-00002856 You’ll be prompted to log in with your UNCG username and password. zPxpd_hsDEk-00003-00002856-00003846 The left menu will show you options. Under New Request you can request a journal article, a loan (that’s a book or DVD or that sort of material), or zPxpd_hsDEk-00004-00003846-00004839 request a chapter in a book. Here’s the journal article request form . Note the fields with red asterisks are required information but the more zPxpd_hsDEk-00005-00004840-00005616 information you provide, the easier it will be for the ILL staff to find your item to get it to you quickly. zPxpd_hsDEk-00006-00005616-00006393 In this other window I have already found an item, an article, and I want to request it because we don’t own it at UNCG. I’m going to cut and zPxpd_hsDEk-00007-00006393-00006906 paste the information into the ILL request form. zPxpd_hsDEk-00008-00006906-00007523 Make sure you get certain things correct like the name of the journal, or the source as it’s sometimes called in a database; zPxpd_hsDEk-00009-00007523-00008433 that goes in at the top under Title (title of journal). Make sure you include the volume, if possible the issues, years, page numbers, and zPxpd_hsDEk-00010-00008433-00009099 make sure you check the “not wanted after” date, in case it takes so long to get it you don’t want it (though we should be able to get it pretty zPxpd_hsDEk-00011-00009100-00009706 quickly). Then when you are finished click submit request. zPxpd_hsDEk-00012-00009706-00010366 When your materials come in, an e-mail will be sent to you to notify you of their arrival. Electronic copies of zPxpd_hsDEk-00013-00010366-00010649 requests will be emailed to you directly. zPxpd_hsDEk-00014-00010650-00011290 You can also log onto ILLiad/Interlibrary Loan software, to check on the status of your requests. zPxpd_hsDEk-00015-00011290-00012113 They should be at the middle of the page, and you can click on the transaction number and see where it is in the process. zPxpd_hsDEk-00016-00012113-00012733 If you are a grad student or faculty you can also have the option of requesting a document delivery. zPxpd_hsDEk-00017-00012733-00013396 Document delivery is for items that are available in print in the UNCG libraries but they don’t circulate like a paper copy of a zPxpd_hsDEk-00018-00013396-00013923 journal or a reference book. Fill out the information and it will be delivered to you. zPxpd_hsDEk-00019-00013923-00014176 And if you still have questions remember you can always Ask Us! zP-EYdUyZTM-00000-00000000-00000200 Comment dislike found and removed. zPByfA54MZk-00000-00000008-00000186 Ah Nusa Dua zPByfA54MZk-00001-00002160-00003008 Now on the right hand side east of the bit below the [Bali] airport is Nusa Dua, zPByfA54MZk-00002-00003008-00003392 I'll show you the beach and surrounding in a moment but it's quite different in that it's zPByfA54MZk-00003-00003392-00004032 almost an entire village to itself it is more sort of all-inclusive resort place there is zPByfA54MZk-00004-00004032-00004904 gardens beaches everything you want is inside a huge complex um maybe good for families and zPByfA54MZk-00005-00004904-00005272 packages not so good for the independent although you can do everything I think the zPByfA54MZk-00006-00005272-00005884 prices here are a bit more expensive, but let me show you around Nusa Dua beach and surroundings. zPWTzX2pYjc-00000-00001076-00001642 Like a lot of things you do in college, citing sources asks you to take something you might zPWTzX2pYjc-00001-00001642-00002187 already know about or do in your everyday life, and take it to a new level, or do it zPWTzX2pYjc-00002-00002187-00002410 in a specific way. zPWTzX2pYjc-00003-00002410-00002975 Citing sources is a great example, because we regularly cite sources informally in everyday zPWTzX2pYjc-00004-00002975-00003645 life. zPWTzX2pYjc-00005-00003645-00004119 When a friend tells you something unbelievable, like, “Well, you know our bodies are more zPWTzX2pYjc-00006-00004119-00004654 bacteria than human”, you might ask them: “Where did you hear that?” zPWTzX2pYjc-00007-00004654-00005599 By asking them where they got their information, you are asking your friend to cite their source. zPWTzX2pYjc-00008-00005599-00006147 Or how many times has this happened to you: you see a great quote or image online, and zPWTzX2pYjc-00009-00006147-00006320 want to find out more. zPWTzX2pYjc-00010-00006320-00006792 You want to know the author or artist’s name, or just want to find out more about zPWTzX2pYjc-00011-00006792-00006941 the source. zPWTzX2pYjc-00012-00006941-00007485 If it’s not cited, you will have to spend time trying to get more information to identify zPWTzX2pYjc-00013-00007485-00007696 the source yourself. zPWTzX2pYjc-00014-00007696-00008162 In this case a citation would have been very helpful to you. zPWTzX2pYjc-00015-00008162-00008920 Here’s a third example: we often see something that just doesn’t seem right, and when that zPWTzX2pYjc-00016-00008920-00009549 happens we want to check the original source for ourselves as part of our process of evaluation. zPWTzX2pYjc-00017-00009549-00010368 Again, a citation would help you verify the information more easily. zPWTzX2pYjc-00018-00010368-00010818 Based on these examples we can easily come up with the three basic reasons why we cite zPWTzX2pYjc-00019-00010818-00011568 sources: #1: Citing allows you as the author to clearly let your audience know where you zPWTzX2pYjc-00020-00011568-00012199 gathered the information you used in creating your writing, speech, website, or any other zPWTzX2pYjc-00021-00012199-00012468 communication. zPWTzX2pYjc-00022-00012468-00012934 The flip side of this is a courtesy to your readers, who may want that information to zPWTzX2pYjc-00023-00012934-00013678 follow up on something interesting or surprising that you included from another work. zPWTzX2pYjc-00024-00013678-00014513 #2: It helps support your own ideas and arguments to show the work of experts is standing behind zPWTzX2pYjc-00025-00014513-00014624 you. zPWTzX2pYjc-00026-00014624-00015191 Using credible sources and citing them correctly makes your ideas even more compelling and zPWTzX2pYjc-00027-00015191-00015806 convincing, and builds credibility for yourself. zPWTzX2pYjc-00028-00015806-00016582 #3: If you don’t document where you got your information, your work will be considered zPWTzX2pYjc-00029-00016582-00016952 plagiarism, a major academic offense. zPWTzX2pYjc-00030-00016952-00017464 Plagiarism is taking credit for words or ideas that aren’t yours. zPWTzX2pYjc-00031-00017464-00017946 Without accurate citations, your audience will assume that all the words, phrases, and zPWTzX2pYjc-00032-00017946-00018442 ideas in your paper are entirely your original thoughts. zPWTzX2pYjc-00033-00018442-00019200 Proper citation practices make sure that you are not guilty of plagiarism. zPWTzX2pYjc-00034-00019200-00021009 For more resources on citing in MLA style, see the Kirkwood Library website. zSpmiQ4pwR4-00000-00000750-00001482 Breaking rays is a formation project for young filmaker and audiovisual professionist zSpmiQ4pwR4-00001-00001506-00001786 I would say that breaking rays is more than a course of formation zSpmiQ4pwR4-00002-00001786-00001878 Is an experience zSpmiQ4pwR4-00003-00001914-00002390 beacause we can acquire some technical competences in our countries zSpmiQ4pwR4-00004-00002446-00002792 but here we do an experience to work in an international group zSpmiQ4pwR4-00005-00002824-00003514 we elaborate contents that express the power of the real life zSpmiQ4pwR4-00006-00003514-00004098 we can give some contents through a face, through a place, through a history zSpmiQ4pwR4-00007-00004128-00004744 . This is a thing that we can do only living together some days and working together zSpmiQ4pwR4-00008-00013696-00014400 The Genfest is a great challenge for the international communication and multimedial zSpmiQ4pwR4-00009-00014400-00014744 Something that never happened before zSpmiQ4pwR4-00010-00014744-00015232 but it can be really founding for the one who works for an united world zSpmiQ4pwR4-00011-00015232-00015447 and wants to transmit this ideal zSvQiXDtrAE-00000-00000196-00000848 Time for Cauliflower zSvQiXDtrAE-00001-00000860-00001520 Cordially Welcome, in this frosty winter morning, this is Ethno Blog, today i want say something zSvQiXDtrAE-00002-00001550-00004400 about complex system theory, with me I have cauliflower. How we see cauliflower have some zSvQiXDtrAE-00003-00004440-00006000 smaller elements each of them is image of bigger element, and the bigger element is zSvQiXDtrAE-00004-00006100-00007290 image of whole cauliflower. Also whole cauliflower is image of smaller element. So it's great mode of complex system. zSvQiXDtrAE-00005-00007620-00008800 Some green feel me down. zSvQiXDtrAE-00006-00009800-00010500 Old Scandinavians , Hindu, Greek and many nations and cultures of the world, like analogy zSvQiXDtrAE-00007-00010530-00012400 (or better homology) to giant, from his body was made whole world , from his bones the mountains was made, from his body earth, zSvQiXDtrAE-00008-00012410-00014390 from his veins the river seas and oceans was made, further, like in Matrioshka zSvQiXDtrAE-00009-00014450-00016540 (symbols had many levels) many nations used this homologies to describe society, his mouth is like priests, mind like wise mens, zSvQiXDtrAE-00010-00016550-00018430 strong arms are like soldiers and legs are like farmers supplying the community in goods zSvQiXDtrAE-00011-00018900-00019500 and cauliflower zZ4zfAaknrc-00000-00000114-00000276 [music playing] zZ4zfAaknrc-00001-00000332-00000526 Hello to the class of 2020. zZ4zfAaknrc-00002-00000526-00000732 This is congresswoman Betty McCollum zZ4zfAaknrc-00003-00000732-00000926 Congratulations on your graduation and all zZ4zfAaknrc-00004-00000930-00001076 that you've accomplished. zZ4zfAaknrc-00005-00001094-00001348 This is not the type of sendoff you imagined zZ4zfAaknrc-00006-00001348-00001558 but we can still celebrate your hard work zZ4zfAaknrc-00007-00001568-00001762 and this special moment in your life zZ4zfAaknrc-00008-00001786-00002002 This is certainly a difficult time zZ4zfAaknrc-00009-00002002-00002282 for you, your family, your school community zZ4zfAaknrc-00010-00002302-00002456 but also for our country. zZ4zfAaknrc-00011-00002456-00002610 These are challenging times zZ4zfAaknrc-00012-00002628-00002796 but you're up to the challenge zZ4zfAaknrc-00013-00002796-00002924 Stay healthy, zZ4zfAaknrc-00014-00002924-00003038 stay safe zZ4zfAaknrc-00015-00003038-00003206 and stay focused on your future zZ4zfAaknrc-00016-00003206-00003378 because your future is bright zZ4zfAaknrc-00017-00003378-00003578 and filled with limitless possibilities. zZ4zfAaknrc-00018-00003578-00003778 So please take this moment to zZ4zfAaknrc-00019-00003778-00003978 reflect and celebrate all you've achieved zZ4zfAaknrc-00020-00003978-00004244 Your families and friends and entire community zZ4zfAaknrc-00021-00004286-00004446 They're proud of you zZ4zfAaknrc-00022-00004456-00004596 And as you look forward zZ4zfAaknrc-00023-00004596-00004796 keep dreaming, remain hopeful zZ4zfAaknrc-00024-00004796-00004996 and stay excited about the future zZ4zfAaknrc-00025-00004996-00005196 Congratulations to the class of 2020 zZ4zfAaknrc-00026-00005196-00005506 and I wish you all the very best. zZ4zfAaknrc-00027-00005544-00006039 Hi, I'm U.S Senator Tina Smith and I want to wish a very big congratulations to zZ4zfAaknrc-00028-00006040-00006400 Saint Paul Public Schools graduating class of 2020. zZ4zfAaknrc-00029-00006400-00006808 Your friends and family and your United States Senator are all so zZ4zfAaknrc-00030-00006808-00007192 proud of what you've accomplished. You've worked hard you've learned a lot zZ4zfAaknrc-00031-00007192-00007695 and now you are a high school graduate and i can't wait to see what you do next. zZ4zfAaknrc-00032-00007695-00008079 We need your voices, your talent, your ideas and your imagination zZ4zfAaknrc-00033-00008080-00008284 now more than ever. zZ4zfAaknrc-00034-00008284-00008456 So it's an understatement to say that your zZ4zfAaknrc-00035-00008456-00008824 graduation experience this year is not what you could have expected. zZ4zfAaknrc-00036-00008824-00009256 But it is an accomplishment well worth celebrating. So congratulations. zZ4zfAaknrc-00037-00009256-00009696 Hello and congratulations to the Saint Paul Public School district graduating zZ4zfAaknrc-00038-00009696-00010064 seniors. Your parents, family, teachers, coaches, zZ4zfAaknrc-00039-00010064-00010520 our entire community is so proud of you. I know I am. zZ4zfAaknrc-00040-00010520-00010911 Now we all know these are challenging times and it can be so isolating. zZ4zfAaknrc-00041-00010911-00011336 It's not quite the graduation ceremony that you thought you were going to have. zZ4zfAaknrc-00042-00011336-00011760 But that doesn't in any way take away from all of the achievements zZ4zfAaknrc-00043-00011760-00012247 of your graduating class. I've seen your generation's passion for making our zZ4zfAaknrc-00044-00012247-00012632 world a better place and have no doubt that you are prepared zZ4zfAaknrc-00045-00012632-00012903 for this. You know you're graduating in the middle zZ4zfAaknrc-00046-00012903-00013247 of a pandemic and it's something you're going to be able to tell people zZ4zfAaknrc-00047-00013247-00013718 forever. But what's most important is what you're going to do with your degree. zZ4zfAaknrc-00048-00013718-00014016 I know that in your hands our future looks zZ4zfAaknrc-00049-00014016-00014522 bright. So congratulations to the class of 2020. zZ4zfAaknrc-00050-00014522-00014934 Keep up the great work. I know you're going to make us even prouder. zZ4zfAaknrc-00051-00014952-00015296 [music playing] za-jgiQ9ZxE-00000-00000000-00000994 Seleções da Copa - The World Cup Groups za-jgiQ9ZxE-00001-00001030-00001766 Get to know the groups of the world cup Russia 2018 za-jgiQ9ZxE-00002-00001954-00002558 Group A Russia Saudi Arabia Egypt Uruguay za-jgiQ9ZxE-00003-00002752-00003386 Group B Portugal Spain Morocco Iran za-jgiQ9ZxE-00004-00003561-00004162 Group C France Austalia Peru Denmark za-jgiQ9ZxE-00005-00004358-00004966 Group D Argentina Iceland Croatia Nigeria za-jgiQ9ZxE-00006-00005160-00005822 Group E Brazil Switzerland Costa Rica Serbia za-jgiQ9ZxE-00007-00005968-00006573 Group F Germany Mexico Sweden South Korea za-jgiQ9ZxE-00008-00006756-00007390 Group G Belgium Panama Tunisia England za-jgiQ9ZxE-00009-00007566-00008194 Group H Poland Senegal Colombia Japan za-jgiQ9ZxE-00010-00008354-00009246 Leave your like, comment, share and subscribe zdxGNsJhJdu-00000-00002913-00003013 Actress Neha Pendse Hot_Avataar & Unseen Pics, SEXY_LOOK [ HD ] Pic | Viral photos zdxGNsJhJdu-00001-00003013-00003063 Actress Neha Pendse Hot_Avataar & Unseen Pics, SEXY_LOOK [ HD ] Pic | Viral photos zdxGNsJhJdu-00002-00003063-00003113 Actress Neha Pendse Hot_Avataar & Unseen Pics, SEXY_LOOK [ HD ] Pic | Viral photos zdxGNsJhJdu-00003-00003113-00003163 Actress Neha Pendse Hot_Avataar & Unseen Pics, SEXY_LOOK [ HD ] Pic | Viral photos zdxGNsJhJdu-00004-00003163-00003213 Actress Neha Pendse Hot_Avataar & Unseen Pics, SEXY_LOOK [ HD ] Pic | Viral photos zdxGNsJhJdu-00005-00005111-00005161 Actress Neha Pendse Hot_Avataar & Unseen Pics, SEXY_LOOK [ HD ] Pic | Viral photos zdxGNsJhJdu-00006-00005161-00005211 Actress Neha Pendse Hot_Avataar & Unseen Pics, SEXY_LOOK [ HD ] Pic | Viral photos zdxGNsJhJdu-00007-00005211-00005261 Actress Neha Pendse Hot_Avataar & Unseen Pics, SEXY_LOOK [ HD ] Pic | Viral photos zdxGNsJhJdu-00008-00005261-00005311 Actress Neha Pendse Hot_Avataar & Unseen Pics, SEXY_LOOK [ HD ] Pic | Viral photos zdxGNsJhJdu-00009-00005454-00005654 Actress Neha Pendse Hot_Avataar & Unseen Pics, SEXY_LOOK [ HD ] Pic | Viral photos zdxGNsJhJdu-00010-00005654-00005704 Actress Neha Pendse Hot_Avataar & Unseen Pics, SEXY_LOOK [ HD ] Pic | Viral photos zdxGNsJhJdu-00011-00006031-00006081 Actress Neha Pendse Hot_Avataar & Unseen Pics, SEXY_LOOK [ HD ] Pic | Viral photos zdxGNsJhJdu-00012-00006081-00006131 Actress Neha Pendse Hot_Avataar & Unseen Pics, SEXY_LOOK [ HD ] Pic | Viral photos zdxGNsJhJdu-00013-00006132-00006182 Actress Neha Pendse Hot_Avataar & Unseen Pics, SEXY_LOOK [ HD ] Pic | Viral photos zdxGNsJhJdu-00014-00006182-00006232 Actress Neha Pendse Hot_Avataar & Unseen Pics, SEXY_LOOK [ HD ] Pic | Viral photos zdxGNsJhJdu-00015-00006731-00006781 Actress Neha Pendse Hot_Avataar & Unseen Pics, SEXY_LOOK [ HD ] Pic | Viral photos zdxGNsJhJdu-00016-00006781-00006831 Actress Neha Pendse Hot_Avataar & Unseen Pics, SEXY_LOOK [ HD ] Pic | Viral photos zdxGNsJhJdu-00017-00007014-00007064 Actress Neha Pendse Hot_Avataar & Unseen Pics, SEXY_LOOK [ HD ] Pic | Viral photos zdxGNsJhJdu-00018-00007064-00007114 Actress Neha Pendse Hot_Avataar & Unseen Pics, SEXY_LOOK [ HD ] Pic | Viral photos zdxGNsJhJdu-00019-00007240-00007290 Actress Neha Pendse Hot_Avataar & Unseen Pics, SEXY_LOOK [ HD ] Pic | Viral photos zdxGNsJhJdu-00020-00007290-00007340 Actress Neha Pendse Hot_Avataar & Unseen Pics, SEXY_LOOK [ HD ] Pic | Viral photos zdxGNsJhJdu-00021-00007449-00007499 Actress Neha Pendse Hot_Avataar & Unseen Pics, SEXY_LOOK [ HD ] Pic | Viral photos zdxGNsJhJdu-00022-00007499-00007549 Actress Neha Pendse Hot_Avataar & Unseen Pics, SEXY_LOOK [ HD ] Pic | Viral photos zdxGNsJhJdu-00023-00007919-00007969 Actress Neha Pendse Hot_Avataar & Unseen Pics, SEXY_LOOK [ HD ] Pic | Viral photos zdxGNsJhJdu-00024-00007969-00008019 Actress Neha Pendse Hot_Avataar & Unseen Pics, SEXY_LOOK [ HD ] Pic | Viral photos zdxGNsJhJdu-00025-00008232-00008432 Actress Neha Pendse Hot_Avataar & Unseen Pics, SEXY_LOOK [ HD ] Pic | Viral photos zdxGNsJhJdu-00026-00008432-00008557 Actress Neha Pendse Hot_Avataar & Unseen Pics, SEXY_LOOK [ HD ] Pic | Viral photos zgdUoFi47u8-00000-00000014-00000362 [♫ "A Link to the Past - Hyrule Overworld"] zgdUoFi47u8-00001-00002046-00002438 Next up - The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, released for the Super NES 4 years later. zgdUoFi47u8-00002-00002514-00002586 (*Rupee SFX*) zgdUoFi47u8-00003-00002586-00002844 [♫ "A Link to the Past - Opening Title"] zgdUoFi47u8-00004-00004158-00004564 This particular outing takes the formula of the first NES entry and expands upon it by the shit-ton. zgdUoFi47u8-00005-00004564-00004804 Way to pull off an epic-ass 180 there, Nintendo! zgdUoFi47u8-00006-00004804-00005026 That said - Mdefalla, you have the floor. zgdUoFi47u8-00007-00005026-00005448 ["Mdefalla"] Set prior to the first 2 installments we’ve just discussed, hence a prequel - zgdUoFi47u8-00008-00005448-00006242 there exists a mythical plane (aka ‘parallel world’) known as the Golden Land (aka the Sacred Realm) within which the Sacred Triforce lies, zgdUoFi47u8-00009-00006242-00006664 created and conceived by the three Golden Goddesses, along with Hyrule no less. zgdUoFi47u8-00010-00006664-00007248 The inhabitants of the latter-addressed kingdom have been tirelessly struggling and sacrificing their asses zgdUoFi47u8-00011-00007248-00007842 for God-knows-how-many-years in an attempt to make their dearest wishes come true with that very same Triforce. zgdUoFi47u8-00012-00007859-00008332 However, more cataclysmic occurrences & brutal, incessant wars have transpired zgdUoFi47u8-00013-00008332-00008978 due to the Golden Land’s evil energy being emitted resulting in its portal being opened; thus, the 7 Wise Men were summoned zgdUoFi47u8-00014-00008978-00009630 to once and for all cease the activities [of] and permanently seal said portal by pooling and fusing their magic together. zgdUoFi47u8-00015-00009630-00009996 [H.C.R.G.] Where have I heard THAT one before? Oh - JEWEL MASTER much? Anyways... zgdUoFi47u8-00016-00009996-00010500 generations later, a more conventional strategy was devised in order to reopen that very same portal to the Golden Land - zgdUoFi47u8-00017-00010500-00011066 enter AGAHNIM - Ganon's pawn - a treacherous piss-ant wizard hell-bent on meeting aforementioned objective zgdUoFi47u8-00018-00011066-00011258 by streamlining his unassailable procedure. zgdUoFi47u8-00019-00011280-00011624 What does it entail, one might ask? Upon gaining the trust of the good-natured King of Hyrule - zgdUoFi47u8-00020-00011624-00011992 or attempting to gain - the HEARTLESS, DILDO-CHOKING, SON-OF-A-BITCH resorts to the unthinkable: zgdUoFi47u8-00021-00011992-00012298 NOT ONLY DOES HE CREMATE THE EVER-LOVING SHIT OUT OF THE RULER, he and his followers zgdUoFi47u8-00022-00012298-00012772 WASTE ABSOLUTELY NO TIME ”SHANGHAIING” the Seven Maidens...who, by the way, are descendants of those very same sages; zgdUoFi47u8-00023-00012772-00013282 one of whom includes Princess Zelda herself, no less; and utilizing their powers to bridge together both Hyrule’s Light World zgdUoFi47u8-00024-00013282-00013868 and the Golden Land’s Dark World, thus sealing their precious asses in hidden crystals, guarded within select locations of the latter dimension. zgdUoFi47u8-00025-00014034-00014582 (*Agahnim works his warp magic, thus whisking the 6th Maiden away*) zgdUoFi47u8-00026-00014582-00015146 Therefore - who could’ve guessed?! Link’s out once again to set things right by taking on and meeting each new goal, zgdUoFi47u8-00027-00015146-00015466 starting with a telepathic message from the Princess herself, as depicted here… zgdUoFi47u8-00028-00015724-00015952 Gameplay-wise: if you will, Mdefalla? zgdUoFi47u8-00029-00015952-00016536 ["Mdefalla"] Superseding the same trademark top-view exploration and action-adventure/RPG elements from the very first outing... zgdUoFi47u8-00030-00016536-00017420 aka one of its canonical successors - Link’s latest odyssey ensues when his uncle departs in an attempt to rescue the ever-so-iconic, titular Princess... zgdUoFi47u8-00031-00017420-00017594 whose obvious result we'll see in a little. zgdUoFi47u8-00032-00017598-00018068 Upon hopping his little ass out of bed, there’s a colossal, mind-blowing deal of continuity hints zgdUoFi47u8-00033-00018068-00018762 that transpire as he NOT ONLY gets in touch with his rebellious side - in terms of infringing his uncle’s commands to stay home, that is... zgdUoFi47u8-00034-00018762-00019126 starting with revealing various aiding objects, finding your first-ever accessory - namely, the Lamp; zgdUoFi47u8-00035-00019126-00019680 hauling ass for Hyrule Castle via a secret underground passage, only to find out that… zgdUoFi47u8-00036-00019680-00020298 SERIOUSLY?! His uncle being plummeted to near-defeat, hence his endowment of the sword & shield to our young protagonist. zgdUoFi47u8-00037-00020298-00020846 As he storms through the castle, complete with countless run-ins with the inexorable-as-fuck guards... zgdUoFi47u8-00038-00021796-00021932 (*Wilhelm scream*) zgdUoFi47u8-00039-00022212-00022468 (*2 Wilhelm screams*) zgdUoFi47u8-00040-00022844-00023106 (*Gut-Wretching Scream*) zgdUoFi47u8-00041-00023258-00023698 In no time, Link rescues Princess Zelda from within its dungeon chamber, zgdUoFi47u8-00042-00023698-00024190 leading to yet another pilgrimage - this time, involving the usual backtracking... zgdUoFi47u8-00043-00025906-00026350 ...and her reunion with the priest at the Sanctuary. It’s at this precise milestone zgdUoFi47u8-00044-00026350-00026824 when Zelda informs Link that he must unearth the Master Sword, “The Blade of Evil’s Bane”... zgdUoFi47u8-00045-00026824-00027330 in order to thwart the efforts of and finish off that ass-licking, smegma-peeling, zgdUoFi47u8-00046-00027330-00027898 Dodongo-fucking bastard dark sorcerer AGAHNIM before the Wise Men’s seals are broken, zgdUoFi47u8-00047-00027898-00028138 and most of Hyrule goes to complete shit... zgdUoFi47u8-00048-00028138-00028689 by finding and recovering the 3 Pendants of Virtue in their corresponding Hylian dungeon labyrinths: zgdUoFi47u8-00049-00028689-00029260 Courage, Power & Wisdom - located within the Eastern Palace, the Desert Palace to the southwest, zgdUoFi47u8-00050-00029260-00029748 and the Tower of Hera atop Death Mountain to the north, individually...and this, ladies and gents, zgdUoFi47u8-00051-00029748-00030116 is where the majority of the odyssey delves deeper and further. zgdUoFi47u8-00052-00030624-00031080 Once again, it’s almost the same spiel as the very first, original NES installment... zgdUoFi47u8-00053-00031080-00031616 but with a SHIT-TON of drastic improvements and cutting-edge features applied and reinforced beyond comprehension. zgdUoFi47u8-00054-00031616-00032186 Link can now traverse anywhere in 8 directions unlike the previous 2, and especially up and down stairs - zgdUoFi47u8-00055-00032186-00032842 not just on any solid ground; attack just like a normal sword in a 150° arc pattern, with the B button - zgdUoFi47u8-00056-00032842-00033128 [H.C.R.G.] in the style of Willow for the NES by Capcom, we might add... zgdUoFi47u8-00057-00033128-00033672 ["Mdefalla"] ...and perform the mighty, all-new 360° Whirling Blade by holding that same button down, zgdUoFi47u8-00058-00033672-00034146 and releasing it for a second or 2 - which, for the record, trumps Link’s normal slashes; zgdUoFi47u8-00059-00034146-00034432 lift up and chuck pots and bushes with the A button, zgdUoFi47u8-00060-00034432-00035162 also used for opening chests and conversing with NPC villagers/inhabitants - amongst other relevant abilities; zgdUoFi47u8-00061-00035162-00035930 Y permits Link the availment of his secondary items / weapons / magic whenever appropriate...and here's the big saving grace - zgdUoFi47u8-00062-00035930-00036614 X grants instant access to the overworld map of Hyrule - both faraway and close-up - in conjunction with the D-Pad... zgdUoFi47u8-00063-00036614-00037048 and GODDAMN...is it more detailed and recognizable than ever before. zgdUoFi47u8-00064-00037048-00037474 And the same applies whenever you’re in a dungeon labyrinth, except with different layouts - zgdUoFi47u8-00065-00037474-00037990 not only do both maps pinpoint your current location, but also indicate where the hell to go next... zgdUoFi47u8-00066-00037990-00038586 assuming that you’ve conversed with the right key characters beforehand; and even display which floors you’re on zgdUoFi47u8-00067-00038586-00038840 and those you have yet to explore - in the latter case. zgdUoFi47u8-00068-00038864-00039218 L and R are used to swap the view of the overworld map, if nothing else; zgdUoFi47u8-00069-00039218-00039988 START grants access to your inventory list/basic button-based abilities; and SELECT either lets you continue your current quest or save, zgdUoFi47u8-00070-00039988-00040412 complete with halting said quest, and a one-way ticket back to the opening titles. zgdUoFi47u8-00071-00040496-00040846 Just like before, Link’s inventory consists of not only the Lamp... zgdUoFi47u8-00072-00040846-00041366 acquired from the chest within his house at the beginning, used for lighting up braziers in dungeons - zgdUoFi47u8-00073-00041366-00041964 thus deducting a small portion of his Magic Meter, which can be refilled at any time with small or large vials; zgdUoFi47u8-00074-00041964-00042344 but also the usual Boomerang - found in the Hyrule Castle basement; zgdUoFi47u8-00075-00042348-00042978 Bow & Arrows - found in the first dungeon, the Eastern Palace (with the latter being available for purchase at shops)... zgdUoFi47u8-00076-00042978-00043532 and Bombs, now in 2 types: the original, this time used to chuck at distant enemies after setting them, zgdUoFi47u8-00077-00043532-00043964 and the all-new Super Bomb, obtained after completing a later dungeon! zgdUoFi47u8-00078-00044006-00044210 [H.C.R.G.] As for the new items to discover and/or purchase, zgdUoFi47u8-00079-00044210-00044684 there’s these empty glass bottles Link purchases from a merchant in the Kakariko Village, and in other locations, no less - zgdUoFi47u8-00080-00044684-00044982 to store not only 3 new medicinal potions for moments of necessity: zgdUoFi47u8-00081-00044982-00045392 one for his Health - in red, another for his Magic - in green, and the third for both stats meshed together... zgdUoFi47u8-00082-00045392-00045884 in blue - hence, the “Cure-All Medicine”; but also the trademark "instant-life-recovery-fairies" after trapping them with the Bug-Catching Net, zgdUoFi47u8-00083-00045884-00046166 obtained from a sick kid in that very same village. (*item fanfare*) zgdUoFi47u8-00084-00046166-00046462 Hell, those very same fairies can resurrect Link from death if it’s still trapped within... zgdUoFi47u8-00085-00046462-00046654 Gee willikers, talk about "handy-dandy"!! zgdUoFi47u8-00086-00046666-00046952 ...The Pegasus Boots, obtained from the Elder Sahasrahla in the Haunted Grove zgdUoFi47u8-00087-00046952-00047406 following your completion of the Eastern Palace pursuit for the Courage Pendant - allowing Link to perform a driving dash attack, zgdUoFi47u8-00088-00047406-00047722 not to mention enhance his overall speed (Sonic, move the hell over!!); zgdUoFi47u8-00089-00047724-00048256 Heart Pieces, for extending Link’s overall lifespan upon finding and combining all 4, just like with the Heart Containers, obviously - zgdUoFi47u8-00090-00048256-00048424 this time up to a possible 20 Hearts; zgdUoFi47u8-00091-00048424-00048786 the Power Glove...NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH THAT INFAMOUS-YET-EXPENSIVE PIECE-OF-SHIT NES ACCESSORY zgdUoFi47u8-00092-00048786-00049404 BY MATTEL OF INTELLIVISION, HOT WHEELS, HE-MAN & BARBIE FAME - for lifting heavier objects, likewise with a later enhanced version, the Titan’s Mitt; zgdUoFi47u8-00093-00049404-00049760 the Moon Pearl...OK, NOT going there...obtained in the Tower of Hera atop Death Mountain - zgdUoFi47u8-00094-00049760-00050320 for keeping Link’s true Hylian form intact while in the Dark World…despite accidentally transforming into a rabbit when exposed to any dark sorcery; zgdUoFi47u8-00095-00050320-00050852 and even the Book of Mudora for translating any and all Hylian statements, found in the Library south of Kakariko Village zgdUoFi47u8-00096-00050852-00051124 after knocking it off the top of one of its shelves with your Pegasus Boots. zgdUoFi47u8-00097-00051146-00051584 Getting back to the Elder Sahasrahla - you can telepathically communicate with him, and especially Princess Zelda - zgdUoFi47u8-00098-00051584-00051870 through the tiles in each Dungeon about any specific hint on how to proceed. zgdUoFi47u8-00099-00051929-00052502 ["Mdefalla"] In addition to unearthing the Master Sword itself (discovered in the Lost Woods after recovering the 3 Pendants, zgdUoFi47u8-00100-00052502-00053041 as mentioned earlier - his next enhanced main weapon, which emits beams when Link's at full health... zgdUoFi47u8-00101-00053041-00053714 likewise with his later sword enhancements - which, by the way, is MANDATORY BEFORE CONFRONTING AGAHNIM... zgdUoFi47u8-00102-00053714-00054352 other accessories/weapons include the Fire & Ice Rods, used for casting their corresponding elements zgdUoFi47u8-00103-00054352-00055004 at the cost of a slightly greater degree of his Magic Meter - the former of which is also used for the illuminating braziers zgdUoFi47u8-00104-00055004-00055576 aside from the lamps - discovered in both the Skull Woods and within a hidden, frigid area of a cave zgdUoFi47u8-00105-00055600-00056300 near the northern shores of Lake Hylia, respectively; same with the Magic Cape, which protects Link from any and all hazard collisions zgdUoFi47u8-00106-00056300-00056766 while invisible, thus deducting a few ounces of Link's Magic Meter per second; zgdUoFi47u8-00107-00056766-00057240 the Canes of Byrna & Somaria - the former of which executes the same task; zgdUoFi47u8-00108-00057240-00057800 whereas the latter summons blocks for assorted purposes - most notably designing larger platforms zgdUoFi47u8-00109-00057800-00058482 and activating switches from a distance, like with the Statues in every dungeon...and are used to "beat the bejesus"-- zgdUoFi47u8-00110-00058482-00058741 [H.C.R.G.] "Beat the bejesus"? More like RAPE THE BEJESUS OUT OF LINK'S FOES!! zgdUoFi47u8-00111-00058741-00059362 ["Mdefalla"] ...the Magic Powder, brewed by Syrup the Witch outside her shop to the east from a Mushroom found in the Lost Woods - zgdUoFi47u8-00112-00059362-00060000 great against even the most obscure and annoying adversaries...We're looking at YOU, Buzzblobs and AntiFairies! zgdUoFi47u8-00113-00060058-00060370 the Magic Mirror, obtained from the Lost Old Man atop Death Mountain zgdUoFi47u8-00114-00060370-00060920 after leading him out of its cave - effective for warping between both the Light & Dark Worlds; zgdUoFi47u8-00115-00060920-00061567 just be mindful of where you warp, 'cause Link will pop up inadvertently near a wall or unsuspecting area. zgdUoFi47u8-00116-00061567-00062052 Hell, secret warp portals can be found under stones for much safer getaways. zgdUoFi47u8-00117-00062148-00062874 Zola's Flippers for better swimming capabilities - available for purchase in his aquatic domain to the Northeast for 500 Rupees; zgdUoFi47u8-00118-00062874-00063316 the Magic Hammer for knocking out enemies & barricades with the toughest defenses, zgdUoFi47u8-00119-00063316-00063991 with which even your sword can't do PISS-ALL - discovered in the 1st Dark World dungeon, the Dark Palace; zgdUoFi47u8-00120-00063991-00064558 a Shovel for digging, donated by the Flute Player in the Dark World's Haunted Grove, and his Flute... zgdUoFi47u8-00121-00064558-00064940 found in that very same location in the Light World after warping... zgdUoFi47u8-00122-00064940-00065458 used for easier travels to any and all previously-embarked areas! zgdUoFi47u8-00123-00065458-00066068 [H.C.R.G.] And how can we possibly forget the KICK-ASS HOOKSHOT, found within the Swamp Palace... zgdUoFi47u8-00124-00066068-00066612 for not only traversing over gaps, but also wiping enemies out, and procuring faraway dropped items which Link can't even reach for SHIT; zgdUoFi47u8-00125-00066612-00066970 the Blue and Red Mails - both of which work in the same way as the Rings in the first game, zgdUoFi47u8-00126-00066970-00067234 you know, reducing Link's damage output by their individual fractions... zgdUoFi47u8-00127-00067234-00067628 the Mirror Shield, found within Turtle Rock Dungeon - for deflecting even the toughest projectiles... zgdUoFi47u8-00128-00067628-00067970 and the DOMINATING, EARTH-SHATTERING MAGIC MEDALLIONS: Ether, Quake & Bombos, zgdUoFi47u8-00129-00067970-00068468 FOR ANNIHILATING - and straight-up castrating, no rhyme intended - TOUGHER AND MORE GARGANTUAN SWARMS OF ADVERSARIES, zgdUoFi47u8-00130-00068468-00068832 AND EVEN MAKING YOUR BOSS CONFRONTATIONS MORE OF A WALK-IN-THE-GODDAMN-PARK?! (*item fanfare*) zgdUoFi47u8-00131-00068898-00069242 And for the record, the latter 3 - discovered atop Death Mountain, with the use of the Book of Mudora; zgdUoFi47u8-00132-00069242-00069770 the southern portion of the Dark World - namely, within the Lake of Ill Omen (thanks to the Catfish) after throwing a Stone Skull in his private pond; zgdUoFi47u8-00133-00069770-00070106 and within the Desert of Mystery - again, using the Book of Mudora, singularly... zgdUoFi47u8-00134-00070106-00070532 USE UP AN ENORMOUS SHITLOAD OF YOUR MAGIC METER - in which case, be sure to stock up on your Potions beforehand, zgdUoFi47u8-00135-00070532-00070880 or grind your ass off for more vials. (*earthquake continues, resulting in the entrance revelation*) zgdUoFi47u8-00136-00070898-00071254 While the majority of Link's overall inventory items function just the way many would expect, zgdUoFi47u8-00137-00071254-00071628 others can be enhanced by throwing them into Wishing Wells after sacrificing 100 Rupees. zgdUoFi47u8-00138-00071628-00072000 Again, be mindful of which item you're willing to surrender - most notably the later sword enhancements, zgdUoFi47u8-00139-00072000-00072372 your introductory Shield or the Bow/Arrows - or in the Master Sword's case, zgdUoFi47u8-00140-00072372-00072860 having it re-crafted and tempered by the Blacksmiths. And as always, CHRIST IN A POOL OF HIS OWN MIXED URINE AND BLOOD... zgdUoFi47u8-00141-00072860-00073296 SWIMMING AROUND IN NOTHING BUT A HALF-TORN SEQUIN JUMPSUIT WHILE HAVING 3 RIOTCLUBS SHOVED HALFWAY UP HIS ASS... zgdUoFi47u8-00142-00073296-00073700 you'll need each of these accessories as soon as you can possibly find the means to discover and/or purchase them! zgdUoFi47u8-00143-00074182-00074594 ["Mdefalla"] So, what types of new threats lurk about the Hylian realm? I don't know... zgdUoFi47u8-00144-00074594-00074780 [in unison with each other] EVERY-MOTHERFUCKING-THING!! zgdUoFi47u8-00145-00074798-00075110 ["Mdefalla"] ...Starting with color-&-weapon-varied Castle Soldiers, zgdUoFi47u8-00146-00075110-00075614 especially the more resilient gray and gold mini-boss Troops sporting a ball-&-chain; zgdUoFi47u8-00147-00075614-00076096 the vast majority of foes - depending on which area of Hyrule you're on-- [H.C.R.G.] or "in", for that matter... zgdUoFi47u8-00148-00076096-00076620 ["Mdefalla"] including their corresponding "dimension-neutral" dungeon chambers - runs the gamut from rats, zgdUoFi47u8-00149-00076620-00077334 the traditional Keese & Ropes, Octoroks & Tektites, Armos Statues, Hoarders (aka the "telltale-bush-crawlers"), zgdUoFi47u8-00150-00077334-00078088 unsuspecting thieves, Zolas, Desert Crows & Vultures, BuzzBlobs, Eyegores & Goriyas - the former of which are vulnerable zgdUoFi47u8-00151-00078088-00078604 ONLY when their peepers are open - just like the Gohmas; Stalfos, "Barras" & Biris-- zgdUoFi47u8-00152-00078604-00078770 [H.C.R.G.] (*clears throat*) that would be Baris and Biris... zgdUoFi47u8-00153-00078770-00079424 ["Mdefalla"] Terrorpins, Hardhat Beetles, Slimes & Sand Crabs, AntiFairies ('Bubbles'), Pengators, Hokboks... zgdUoFi47u8-00154-00079424-00080058 the list goes ON AND ON, INCLUDING THE RETURN OF THOSE GOD-FORSAKEN WALLMASTERS!! (*a Wallmaster descends*) zgdUoFi47u8-00155-00080114-00080748 Likewise with the hazards - including boulders atop Death Mountain; the cannonballs in the Eastern Palace - small and King-Size; zgdUoFi47u8-00156-00080752-00081362 diminutive silver and giant gold Blade Traps; bumpers in the Tower of Hera & the Dark Palace; zgdUoFi47u8-00157-00081364-00081964 random Flying Tiles that can be either avoided or deteriorated - and must be cleared out before proceeding; zgdUoFi47u8-00158-00081964-00082662 Whac-A-Mole Barriers, wiped out with only the Magic Hammer; Beamos Statues - whose beams pack SERIOUS GODDAMN WALLOPS... zgdUoFi47u8-00159-00082662-00083346 as do the Wall-Eye-Lasers in Turtle Rock Dungeon & Ganon's Tower; the Lightning Lock at Hyrule Castle; zgdUoFi47u8-00160-00083346-00084060 Sparks, both singular and in longer, rotating rod formations a la Super Mario Bros., unsuspecting crevices... zgdUoFi47u8-00161-00084060-00084702 all of which will make you damn near cry foul if you're not on your toes every step of the fucking way. zgdUoFi47u8-00162-00084808-00085338 And don't even get us started with the "MASSIVELY COKED-UP AND ROIDED-TO-THE-MAX" dungeon bosses either - zgdUoFi47u8-00163-00085338-00085880 the 6 Armos Knights at the end of the Eastern Palace, the 3 Lanmolas at the end of the Desert Palace, zgdUoFi47u8-00164-00085880-00086418 and the INFAMOUS, YET MASSIVELY EVOLVED MOLDORM atop the Tower of Hera - the latter of which, zgdUoFi47u8-00165-00086418-00087060 if you're strategies aren't on point, despite having a wall down which you leaped beforehand for your advantage - zgdUoFi47u8-00166-00087060-00087670 will knock your ass down one floor, RESULTING IN ARDUOUSLY TRAVERSING THE HELL BACK UP AT WHICH POINT zgdUoFi47u8-00167-00087670-00088050 THE FIGHT STARTS ALL OVER, WITH HIS LIFE AUTOMATICALLY REPLENISHED... zgdUoFi47u8-00168-00088630-00089136 And, of course, AGAHNIM himself - who's more of a goddamn pussy by comparison, zgdUoFi47u8-00169-00089136-00089788 but can still zap you senseless should your agility and wits happen to shit the bed at any given time! zgdUoFi47u8-00170-00090098-00090656 Upon “near-defeat” of the latter, he then warps you into the Dark World, along with Zelda herself, where - zgdUoFi47u8-00171-00090656-00091176 HOLY CRAP, MORE ARDUOUS QUESTS AWAIT US. (*Link shifts to the Dark World*) zgdUoFi47u8-00172-00091406-00091948 'Thought it was all over by this point? Consider yourself in for the biggest wake-up call ever. zgdUoFi47u8-00173-00093422-00094200 Other bosses within said alternate plane prior to facing that jackass yet again: The Helmasaur King in the Dark Palace; zgdUoFi47u8-00174-00094200-00094668 Arrghus in the Swamp Palace; "Mowthula" in Skull Woods-- [H.C.R.G.] (*clears throat*) That would be Mothula! zgdUoFi47u8-00175-00094668-00095282 ["Mdefalla"] ...Blind the Thief in the Gargoyle's Domain; Kholdstare in the Ice Palace; Vitreous in Misery Mire; zgdUoFi47u8-00176-00095282-00095724 and "Trenex" in the Turtle Rock Dungeon…[H.C.R.G.] You mean TRINEXX. ["Mdefalla"] And, by this point - zgdUoFi47u8-00177-00095724-00096016 you pretty much get the gist of these confrontations. zgdUoFi47u8-00178-00096016-00096624 However, even those scatterbrained dildos don't compare to what's in store for Link at the very end… zgdUoFi47u8-00179-00096624-00097004 [H.C.R.G.] (*brief chuckle*) You bet your ass! Anyways, in the true fashion of the first NES outing... zgdUoFi47u8-00180-00097004-00097254 the fate of your quest's continuation depends on which area you're in. zgdUoFi47u8-00181-00097254-00097662 Should your ass get wiped out in the Hylian overworld, you're given the choice to continue either within your house, zgdUoFi47u8-00182-00097662-00098108 at the Sanctuary to the North or [*within] the Old Man's Cave atop Death Mountain - that is, if you've made it that far. (*refer to the provided Correction on-screen) zgdUoFi47u8-00183-00098108-00098458 You'll even be sent back to the beginning of your current dungeon, or even atop the Dark World Pyramid zgdUoFi47u8-00184-00098458-00098692 if you got wiped out anywhere within either of these areas. zgdUoFi47u8-00185-00098740-00098948 As far as the immensely-reinforced control setup... zgdUoFi47u8-00186-00098948-00099400 it might seem like A HELL OF A LOT TO ABSORB, even during a first-ever playthrough - but is far from humdrum zgdUoFi47u8-00187-00099400-00099700 thanks to Link's rather dexterous sense of mobility and combat attrition methods. zgdUoFi47u8-00188-00099700-00100212 And, as always, should any unexpected harm transpire, it's mostly due to USER ERROR (in other words, it's my own goddamn fault)... zgdUoFi47u8-00189-00100212-00100628 and, as one might expect...the same could be said for the progressive and apparent, yet sometimes mind-boggling zgdUoFi47u8-00190-00100628-00100980 signature gameplay procedure. Challenge, Mdefalla? zgdUoFi47u8-00191-00100994-00101290 ["Mdefalla"] While it's not as overwhelming as its 2 predecessors, zgdUoFi47u8-00192-00101290-00101760 I wouldn't go so far as to let its charming, cartoonish nature fool you in the least! zgdUoFi47u8-00193-00101760-00102435 Like every kick-ass classic out there, Link's latest 16-bit pilgrimage starts out standard and gets progressively painless... zgdUoFi47u8-00194-00102435-00103066 but MY DEAR, GENTLE CHRIST, it'll shred your intellect like a row of tabs on a Fender Stratocaster. zgdUoFi47u8-00195-00103111-00103690 Of course, if there's one hint I'm more than inclined to throw out there: in the Light World, there's a Fortune Teller zgdUoFi47u8-00196-00103690-00104154 that will inform you of your next course of action should you happen to be stumped at any given moment zgdUoFi47u8-00197-00104154-00104664 at the cost of some spare Rupees. The most common hardships involve the later dungeons; zgdUoFi47u8-00198-00104664-00105218 mostly in terms of enduring, adjusting to and/or figuring out their extremely intricate and strict structures, zgdUoFi47u8-00199-00105218-00105746 in tandem with the various multitudes of adversaries - the latter of which I advise referring back to. zgdUoFi47u8-00200-00105746-00106116 I'M LOOKING AT YOU TWO AGAIN, ICE PALACE & TURTLE ROCK DUNGEON... zgdUoFi47u8-00201-00106116-00106738 and even the corresponding end boss patterns that'll provide you with 90,000 DEATH WARRANT SIGNINGS AND COUNTING, zgdUoFi47u8-00202-00106738-00107038 COMPLETE WITH 80 SHADES OF THE RED ASS. zgdUoFi47u8-00203-00107058-00107448 [H.C.R.G.] But as long as you're aware enough of which items to use in a specific situation, distinguish which hidden areas zgdUoFi47u8-00204-00107448-00107932 contain necessary add-ons - some of which can become an extremely prolonging ordeal in and of itself to seek out, zgdUoFi47u8-00205-00107932-00108388 and to top it all off - which specific areas to warp between both the Light & Dark Worlds, as mentioned previously; zgdUoFi47u8-00206-00108388-00108678 along with every other hint provided when I discussed the first Zelda game - zgdUoFi47u8-00207-00108678-00109074 he latter half, paraphrasing ‘A Clockwork Orange’, [in Cockney accent] "should not be much of a PAIN IN THE GULLIVER..." zgdUoFi47u8-00208-00109074-00109400 given that you can access your map at any time - except in houses/shops, of course... zgdUoFi47u8-00209-00109400-00109780 and is all-around more of a ‘Spring Breeze’ thanks to the tremendously-advanced combat attrition system, zgdUoFi47u8-00210-00109780-00110050 in concurrence with the absence of the first NES game’s cryptic-ass nature. zgdUoFi47u8-00211-00110148-00110654 And before we forget, there’s even a plethora of new mini-games which Link can participate in to score more Rupees or extra Heart Pieces, zgdUoFi47u8-00212-00110654-00111083 or to kill time preparing for what the hell lies ahead. Just like the previous 2 Zelda installments - zgdUoFi47u8-00213-00111083-00111370 and ESPECIALLY 'Link's Awakening,' no matter how many times you were wiped out, zgdUoFi47u8-00214-00111370-00111752 all your items and stats are still retained - assuming you’ve saved your progress as often as necessary. zgdUoFi47u8-00215-00111964-00112316 As far as graphics go - such is the case with every other Super NES game at the time, zgdUoFi47u8-00216-00112316-00112828 the presentation’s much more radiant and dazzling than ever before due to its use of eye-pleasing hues, and a whole lot more. zgdUoFi47u8-00217-00112828-00113342 Outdoing its 2 NES predecessors (aka canonical follow-ups) by “thrice” the combined weights of Penn Jillette and Rush Limbaugh, zgdUoFi47u8-00218-00113342-00113768 and by 5 times the G-force of a goddamn rocket launch, a shit-ton of meticulous detail has been administered zgdUoFi47u8-00219-00113768-00114235 throughout every unmistakable set piece and landscape, not only throughout Hyrule itself - in both the Light & Dark Worlds... zgdUoFi47u8-00220-00114235-00114588 but most of its surrounding regions and the interiors of its corresponding buildings and chambers. zgdUoFi47u8-00221-00114598-00114968 The animations of the key characters - not only Link himself, despite the obvious hair color change; zgdUoFi47u8-00222-00114968-00115438 but also his supporting peers and opposing cast of rivals - have been provided a well-deserved, yet extravagant improvement zgdUoFi47u8-00223-00115438-00115959 beyond even our wildest imagination. And don’t even get us started with the coherent dialogue provided throughout... zgdUoFi47u8-00224-00115959-00116520 which, for the record, knocks those of its 2 predecessors out of both Yankee Stadium & Fenway Park combined...and zillions of light years zgdUoFi47u8-00225-00116520-00116998 right past Uranus, Vulcan, Tatooine, Hoth, Planet X, & even Moron Mountain and Duck World! zgdUoFi47u8-00226-00116998-00117488 The dungeons and caves in and of themselves have also been drastically cultivated, no ifs, ands, buts or maybes there... zgdUoFi47u8-00227-00117490-00117958 especially their sophisticated yet flexible interior layouts - and, of course, their aggressive-as-fuck end bosses!! zgdUoFi47u8-00228-00117961-00118216 God help us if there isn’t much more to convey about this game’s visuals zgdUoFi47u8-00229-00118216-00118559 that hasn’t already been done so “WHO-KNOWS-HOW-MANY-MOTHERFUCKING-TIMES-OVER”! zgdUoFi47u8-00230-00119182-00119626 Music & Sound, Mdefalla? ["Mdefalla"] With “Good Ol’ Kondo” once again taking the helm, zgdUoFi47u8-00231-00119626-00120218 the soundtrack has also been greatly reworked - starting with the signature Hyrule Overworld/Link’s theme... zgdUoFi47u8-00232-00120218-00120859 alongside with the introduction of new - if sometimes "all-too-familiar" - tracks being provided [with/] in appropriate, applicable moods zgdUoFi47u8-00233-00120859-00121476 depending on which incident you’re involved with. And MY GOD, does their sense of variety flesh itself the hell out - zgdUoFi47u8-00234-00121476-00122002 from the tranquil symphonies of the Kakariko Village theme, the mesmerising Fortune Teller theme... zgdUoFi47u8-00235-00122002-00122490 all the way to the calamitous Light World & Dark World Dungeons, the Dark World itself, Skull Woods, zgdUoFi47u8-00236-00122490-00123018 and End Boss / Ganon Confrontation Anthems - most of which are the tip of the iceberg in my book, zgdUoFi47u8-00237-00123018-00123626 despite being recently being put to shame by another later title in the series... | [H.C.R.G.] whose name won't be thrown out here, OH SHIT NO! zgdUoFi47u8-00238-00123626-00124074 ["Mdefalla"] Must I also mention the enhanced sound effects have a whimsical yet intense fervor zgdUoFi47u8-00239-00124074-00124614 ONLY Kondo can bring to the table like nobody else, including Link’s trademark damage groan? zgdUoFi47u8-00240-00124794-00125140 [H.C.R.G.] Replayability-wise: ranking several notches higher than its precursors - zgdUoFi47u8-00241-00125140-00125594 due to the majority of the key elements, redeeming factors, learning curves and various tidbits we’ve approached thus far, zgdUoFi47u8-00242-00125594-00125950 not to mention all the high praise and regard that it’s been embracing for countless years upon years; zgdUoFi47u8-00243-00125950-00126409 for example, the #2 spot in ScrewAttack’s Top 20 SNES Games Countdown - you’ll be begging for more surprises zgdUoFi47u8-00244-00126409-00126711 as you strive to seek out and reconnect this obligatory “Link to the Past.” zgdUoFi47u8-00245-00126711-00127142 Bottom line, consider your life worth “donkey-dick” without this memorable 16-bit masterpiece!! zgdUoFi47u8-00246-00130924-00131390 Final Exhibit - The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening, released for the Game Boy not long after. zgdUoFi47u8-00247-00131390-00132088 [♫ "Link's Awakening - Opening Title"] zgdUoFi47u8-00248-00133646-00134346 Originally intended to be a port of 'A Link to the Past', this was eventually matured into an original concept zgdUoFi47u8-00249-00134346-00134720 under Tezuka's supervision, alongside that of Miyamoto & the late Hiroshi Yamauchi - zgdUoFi47u8-00250-00134720-00135200 complete with a fully fleshed-out storyline & script by Yoshiaki Koizumi & Kensuke Tanabe. zgdUoFi47u8-00251-00135222-00135424 RileySkye100, if you'll do the honors? zgdUoFi47u8-00252-00135424-00135902 ["RileySkye100"] Taking place after 'A Link to the Past', and especially 'Oracle of Seasons' and 'Ages' - zgdUoFi47u8-00253-00135902-00136274 the latter 2 of which weren't released until 8 years later, zgdUoFi47u8-00254-00136274-00136640 we see Link sailing out at sea to further his combat skills... zgdUoFi47u8-00255-00136804-00136980 (*in-game thunderclaps*) zgdUoFi47u8-00256-00136980-00137342 ...then a thunderstorm sidetracks him, within his own boat. zgdUoFi47u8-00257-00137342-00137474 (*in-game thunderclap*) zgdUoFi47u8-00258-00137702-00138116 Moments later, his near-comatose body is discovered by a local island girl... zgdUoFi47u8-00259-00138116-00138782 who bears quite a striking resemblance to the Princess - when in reality, it's not her - although, that would've been a nice twist, zgdUoFi47u8-00260-00138782-00139148 as she goes by the name of Marin (along with her dad Tarin - unseen here). zgdUoFi47u8-00261-00139148-00139620 [H.C.R.G.] According to the former-addressed deuteragonist, the location within which Link regains his consciousness is NOT ANYWHERE zgdUoFi47u8-00262-00139620-00140142 WITHIN HYRULE THIS TIME, oh shit no! Instead, he now traverses and gets around on the faraway peninsula of Koholint Island - zgdUoFi47u8-00263-00140142-00140340 guarded by a mythical being known as The Wind Fish. zgdUoFi47u8-00264-00140378-00140774 Speaking of - Link's main goal, after meeting another key character yet to be discussed..and by now, zgdUoFi47u8-00265-00140774-00141218 it should be obvious - is to travel through not only the entire island itself, but through its 8 different dungeons, zgdUoFi47u8-00266-00141218-00141578 and recover the “Instruments of the Sirens” in order to not only awaken the aforementioned creature, zgdUoFi47u8-00267-00141578-00141736 but to eventually depart from Koholint. zgdUoFi47u8-00268-00141782-00142146 Shifting gears, as usual, to the main Gameplay aspect...you know the drill, RS! zgdUoFi47u8-00269-00142174-00142594 ["RileySkye100"] In theory, it’s the same routine as in ‘A Link to the Past’, and with the NES game. zgdUoFi47u8-00270-00142594-00142932 To be more basic & specific, it’s the “Diet-Coke Edition” of the former, zgdUoFi47u8-00271-00142932-00143372 in that while Link sports the same migration and offensive capabilities, zgdUoFi47u8-00272-00143372-00143910 almost everything's been dumbed down regarding the overall exploration structure and control mechanics. zgdUoFi47u8-00273-00143932-00144592 Just like the first NES entry, you’re only limited to traveling between each individual screen regardless of your desired direction... zgdUoFi47u8-00274-00144592-00145084 and you can assign your desired weapons & items to either - or both - the B & A buttons zgdUoFi47u8-00275-00145084-00145600 upon accessing the traditional inventory menu (via Start), depending on the situations that call the most for them zgdUoFi47u8-00276-00145600-00145982 as you'll be constantly relying on this mechanic more often than you think. zgdUoFi47u8-00277-00145982-00146394 [H.C.R.G.] Shit, Metal Gear much? And to quote the late Richard Dawson, "You better fuckin' get used to it!" zgdUoFi47u8-00278-00146394-00146668 ["RileySkye100"] Upon commencement - when Link regains his consciousness, zgdUoFi47u8-00279-00146668-00147154 both his trademark sword and shield are back in his possession yet again, thanks to the efforts of Tarin zgdUoFi47u8-00280-00147154-00147686 and after sojourning from their house and further down south near the island’s shore to reach the [former-addressed] item... zgdUoFi47u8-00281-00147686-00148226 a guardian owl flies, laying down all the details in terms of Link’s main slew of objectives. zgdUoFi47u8-00282-00148252-00148598 [H.C.R.G.] In order to reach the first dungeon - namely, the Tail Cave located south of Mabe Village... zgdUoFi47u8-00283-00148598-00149040 not to mention every later one thereafter, there's certain core “Catch-22” objectives that you must accomplish: zgdUoFi47u8-00284-00149040-00149378 in the Mysterious Forest, the key to the Tail Cave (hence, the ‘Tail Key’) zgdUoFi47u8-00285-00149378-00149776 must be reached by finding and bringing the Sleepy Toadstool mushroom from the other side of one of the caves, zgdUoFi47u8-00286-00149776-00150150 delivering it to the witch at her hut further east to have it brewed into a Magic Powder - which, by the way, zgdUoFi47u8-00287-00150150-00150572 is used for lighting dark areas via the braziers - just like the Lamp & the Fire Rod in the previous game... (*item fanfare*) zgdUoFi47u8-00288-00150572-00150928 and finally, distract that random jackass raccoon with it! (*sprinkles Magic Powder*) zgdUoFi47u8-00289-00151124-00151788 (*the raccoon sporadically collides wall-to-wall in a non-stop frenzy, then explodes back to normal, revealing...*) zgdUoFi47u8-00290-00151900-00152216 And wouldn't you know - it was none other than Tarin all along...dumb bastard! zgdUoFi47u8-00291-00152216-00152556 Oh, and just for the record - be prepared to run into this "Mario wanna-be" A LOT. zgdUoFi47u8-00292-00152556-00152948 Anyways, hijinx aside...upon finally nabbing the Tail Key, it’s back to the ol' Tail Cave, zgdUoFi47u8-00293-00152948-00153648 and it’s at this very juncture that you’re able to access it. (*inserts key, thus making the dungeon come alive and revealing its entrance...*) zgdUoFi47u8-00294-00153648-00154186 I know, about goddamn time, right?! From there, the standard labyrinth cavalcades apply here - zgdUoFi47u8-00295-00154186-00154510 not just acclimating to their individual structures and rounding up each vital key for locked doors zgdUoFi47u8-00296-00154510-00154788 in tandem with their maps & compasses - the latter of which, in this game’s case, zgdUoFi47u8-00297-00154788-00155324 pinpoints the corresponding locations for each end boss (“Nightmare”), as well as indicates whether or not a key is found within a certain chamber... zgdUoFi47u8-00298-00155324-00155588 hence the 4-note tone it plays out, heard in this sequence like so: zgdUoFi47u8-00299-00155726-00156220 but also finding all-new items, in conjunction with familiar items making their comeback from its precursors to further beef up Link’s inventory; zgdUoFi47u8-00300-00156220-00156668 and finally confronting & wiping out both their mini- and main bosses (the latter, aka the earlier-addressed ‘Nightmares' - again...) zgdUoFi47u8-00301-00156668-00157196 to summon a “halfway-warp” - should you feel the need to return later, and acquire each individual Siren Instrument at the end, respectively... zgdUoFi47u8-00302-00157196-00157474 in addition to the customary Heart Containers for Link’s lifespan extension. zgdUoFi47u8-00303-00158400-00158864 Engage in yet another side quest and/or prerequisite to reach every next labyrinth on Koholint, zgdUoFi47u8-00304-00158864-00159250 and “wash-rinse-repeat”...but that's not all that’ll keep your goddamn senses fluctuating non-stop, zgdUoFi47u8-00305-00159250-00159470 oh FUCK NO! What say you, RileySkye? zgdUoFi47u8-00306-00159470-00159792 ["RileySkye100"] Link’s Awakening also features an all-new “Trading Sidequest,” zgdUoFi47u8-00307-00159792-00160162 in that it allows the young, determined Hylian warrior to recover his Boomerang... zgdUoFi47u8-00308-00160162-00160552 starting with a purchase from the “Trendy Game” shop in Mabe Village. zgdUoFi47u8-00309-00160552-00161194 What this gives rise to is starting with the Yoshi Doll, which can be traded for a ribbon by a needy local mom... zgdUoFi47u8-00310-00161338-00161866 next a can of dog food by Madam Meow-Meow’s mini “Chomp-Chomp” upon donation of the ribbon... zgdUoFi47u8-00311-00162010-00162700 then a supply of bananas by Sale, a gator-pirate merchant near Koholint’s South Shore - upon turning over the can... zgdUoFi47u8-00312-00163042-00163686 a wooden stick by Kiki the Monkey after he and his “motley crew of simians” build a bridge connecting to 'Kalanet Castle...' zgdUoFi47u8-00313-00163686-00164036 [H.C.R.G.] (*clears throat*) that would be Kanalet Castle. ["RileySkye100"] ...at the cost of those same bananas. zgdUoFi47u8-00314-00164036-00164722 It's pretty much completing one tedious task after another, similar to the gift system in 'Onimusha 2: Samurai's Destiny'. zgdUoFi47u8-00315-00164798-00165282 New to Link's stockpile, apart from the traditional gear, are the Roc’s Feather for jumping over gaps - zgdUoFi47u8-00316-00165282-00165696 or larger ones, in tandem with the aforementioned Pegasus Boots - found within the Tail Cave; zgdUoFi47u8-00317-00165696-00166242 the 5 Golden Leaves, separated and spread out through 'Kalanet Castle'-- [H.C.R.G., enraged] DAMN IT, I SAID IT'S KANALET CASTLE!!! zgdUoFi47u8-00318-00166242-00166842 ["RileySkye100"] ...some within, others outside - all of which, upon recovery, allows Richard to reveal the buried Slime Key’s path zgdUoFi47u8-00319-00166842-00167398 for the Key Cavern outside his villa within the Ukuku Prairie; and even the debut of the Ocarina itself, zgdUoFi47u8-00320-00167398-00167808 similar-looking to the “Flute” from the previous game - which is found within the Dream Shrine, zgdUoFi47u8-00321-00167808-00168182 great for learning 3 new tunes in order to experiment with various effects; zgdUoFi47u8-00322-00168182-00168810 2 temporary attack & defense boosts - the Piece of Power & the Guardian Acorn, acquired from random enemy drops - zgdUoFi47u8-00323-00168810-00169388 both of which are only effective until Link reaches ‘near-death' - as well as the Stone Slab fragment in each dungeon, zgdUoFi47u8-00324-00169388-00169902 which provides specific clues on how to "preserve" throughout, in terms of enemy & boss confrontations - zgdUoFi47u8-00325-00169902-00170196 to name several. [H.C.R.G.] Dude, the word you're looking for is "persevere!" zgdUoFi47u8-00326-00170196-00170572 And since we’re on that particular subject...the same old adversary and hazard assortments are back, zgdUoFi47u8-00327-00170572-00171346 with newer ones meshed into the fray, as many might expect: Octoroks - both normal & flying; Beetles - normal & spiny; the usual Tell-Tale Bush & Rock Crawlers; zgdUoFi47u8-00328-00171346-00171824 Tektites; Moblins & Pig Warriors; Buzzblobs, which, as usual, turn into Cukemen when exposed to the Magic Powder; zgdUoFi47u8-00329-00171824-00172544 Sea Urchins, Sand Crabs, Pirahnas & Angler Flies; Darknuts; Blade Traps; Bubbles ('Anti-fairies'); Sparks; Like-Likes; Leevers; Pincers; Crows; zgdUoFi47u8-00330-00172544-00173062 Ghinis - both normal and Giant, likewise with the Goponga Swamp Flowers; Zombies; Pols Voice; Stalfos; zgdUoFi47u8-00331-00173062-00173626 Arm-Mimics, Wizzrobes and Mask-Mimics to name several, with the latter being reminiscent of ShyGuys from Mario 2 ('Doki Doki Panic'). zgdUoFi47u8-00332-00173626-00174120 And speaking of which, remember the Yoshi Doll we addressed a while ago?Expect a lot of Mario cameos - 'cause NINTENDO... zgdUoFi47u8-00333-00174120-00174468 and for the sake of time, let's not even get ourselves started with the Wart & Kirby look-alikes either! zgdUoFi47u8-00334-00174528-00174926 Concerning Link’s Dungeon itinerary and their corresponding boss confrontations: there's Rolling Bones, zgdUoFi47u8-00335-00174926-00175228 followed by THE RETURN OF THE MENACING MOLDORM in the aforementioned Tail Cave; zgdUoFi47u8-00336-00175228-00175524 a Giant Hinox, followed by the Genie in Goponga Swamp's Bottle Grotto; zgdUoFi47u8-00337-00175524-00176008 2 Dodongo Snakes, followed by the Slime Eye in the Key Cavern; Cue Ball - reminiscent of Arrghus from A Link to the Past, zgdUoFi47u8-00338-00176008-00176322 followed by the Angler Fish in the Angler’s Tunnel near Tal Tal Heights’ waterfalls; zgdUoFi47u8-00339-00176322-00176600 Master Stalfos, whom you’ll be running into A LOT, by the way - zgdUoFi47u8-00340-00176600-00177062 followed by the Slime Eel in the Catfish’s Maw near Martha's Bay, to name several. And by now, as always - zgdUoFi47u8-00341-00177062-00177420 the routine should be nothing more than “second fuckin’ nature”! GOD HELP US IF IT’S NOT… zgdUoFi47u8-00342-00177420-00177824 Anyways, notwithstanding the customary fluid, unvarnished control schematics and gameplay formula... zgdUoFi47u8-00343-00177824-00178328 in the case of the aforestated constant “weapon-swapping-based-on-corresponding-button-assignments”, while some happen to perceive it as a virtue... zgdUoFi47u8-00344-00178328-00178768 ['voice distortion shift'] others - Christ, if many... ['back to normal'] tend to view it as a nerve-wracking hindrance stemming from one tedious ordeal after another. zgdUoFi47u8-00345-00178770-00179290 Also, must I mention that Link's sword is now in randomized 90° arc patterns - whether facing horizontally or vertically; zgdUoFi47u8-00346-00179290-00179650 and that saving is done by not only dying, but resorting to the traditional “Game Boy reset trick” - zgdUoFi47u8-00347-00179654-00180124 Start+Select+A+B simultaneously (hence these 2 provided menus shown here following said outcome)? zgdUoFi47u8-00348-00180212-00180642 Challenge, RileySkye? | ["RileySkye100"] Despite turning out to be a tad more menacing this time around, zgdUoFi47u8-00349-00180642-00181316 more or less the same level as before...you won’t have to be concerned about too much in the way of striving to meet each and every new objective, zgdUoFi47u8-00350-00181316-00181866 let alone getting the hang of the alternative side-quests. And since we're on that frame of reference, zgdUoFi47u8-00351-00181866-00182552 there's also these “Secret Seashells”, discovered within the most obscure - if unambiguous at times - areas of Koholint... zgdUoFi47u8-00352-00182552-00182866 the most notable of which being the grassy field in Mabe Village. zgdUoFi47u8-00353-00182874-00183350 Should you happen to rack up a heavy amount, not only will you score extra ones in advance... zgdUoFi47u8-00354-00183350-00184016 your main sword receives a well-deserved boost upon nabbing the 20th and visiting the hut (Seashell Mansion), so make every effort count. zgdUoFi47u8-00355-00184100-00184450 [H.C.R.G.] Oh, a few other tidbits we forgot to specify: upon leaping into any “Warp Pad,” zgdUoFi47u8-00356-00184450-00184854 Link can shift to any previously-embarked region of Koholint, depending on the magnitude of his quest... zgdUoFi47u8-00357-00184854-00185042 hence why it’s always important to remember your place. zgdUoFi47u8-00358-00185042-00185382 Also, feel free to refer back to the constant, tedious button-based "item-swap-a-thons" zgdUoFi47u8-00359-00185382-00185804 and the “saving-via-resetting-and/or-dying” trick since there won’t be a rehash of these tactics, OH NO! zgdUoFi47u8-00360-00185808-00186154 And while we're at it - amongst many tips to bear in mind, apart from what’s been already established... zgdUoFi47u8-00361-00186154-00186594 be sure to equip your required accessory in advance if you wish to avoid that repetitious-as-fuck reaction message. zgdUoFi47u8-00362-00186596-00186880 Like - seriously, Link...we get it! SHUT THE FUCK UP!! zgdUoFi47u8-00363-00186922-00187100 Anyways...Graphics, RileySkye? zgdUoFi47u8-00364-00187112-00187578 [RileySkye100] For a mid-lifespan Game Boy gem, in spite of being downgraded from ‘A Link to the Past’, zgdUoFi47u8-00365-00187578-00188080 the ambitious detail never disappoints a smidgen. And, hell - most may argue that the DX Color version zgdUoFi47u8-00366-00188080-00188510 surpasses what we’re looking at - thus sweetening the expectations even more. zgdUoFi47u8-00367-00188510-00188990 Not only are most of the key characters still as predictable as ever - [H.C.R.G.] You mean 'perceptible' as ever! zgdUoFi47u8-00368-00188990-00189596 [RileySkye100] likewise with the surrounding Koholint regions, the supporting characters & even the opposing, "vindicate charade of rivals" - zgdUoFi47u8-00369-00189596-00189934 [H.C.R.G.] "Vindicate charade"? More like the opposing, vindictive cadre of rivals!! zgdUoFi47u8-00370-00189934-00190496 [RileySkye100] ...even the cutscenes are a sight for sore eyes, most notably Link’s struggle for dear life at the beginning zgdUoFi47u8-00371-00190496-00191046 prior to being exposed to the fateful, unexpected storm, and especially his romantic moments with Marin zgdUoFi47u8-00372-00191046-00191436 halfway through the game. (*seagulls caw & waves roll against the shore, in-game*) zgdUoFi47u8-00373-00192592-00192930 [H.C.R.G.] John Cusack, Anthony Michael Hall, the late Corey Haim or Gabe Jarret much?! zgdUoFi47u8-00374-00192930-00193412 [RileySkye100] And we CAN'T possibly forget about the iconic stone tablet in the Southern Face Shrine, zgdUoFi47u8-00375-00193412-00193768 depicting the fate of Koholint if Link fulfills his ultimate aim. zgdUoFi47u8-00376-00193780-00194220 All in all, notwithstanding how baffling the limited dialogue can become at times zgdUoFi47u8-00377-00194220-00194654 and how randomized the secrets can appear to many…the visuals are captivating. zgdUoFi47u8-00378-00194798-00195270 Music-&-sound-wise, as always: composed THIS TIME AROUND by Minako Hamano (濱野 美奈子 - later of Super Metroid fame), zgdUoFi47u8-00379-00195270-00195686 alongside Kozue Ishikawa (石川 こずえ - Wario Land 1, 2 & 3 AND especially the cancelled StarFox 2), zgdUoFi47u8-00380-00195686-00195986 as much as I immensely get a kick out of the new Link / Hyrule arrangement, zgdUoFi47u8-00381-00195986-00196280 first heard upon retrieving the sword near the Toronbo Shores, and in later intervals - zgdUoFi47u8-00382-00196280-00196684 it pretty much overstays the shit out of even its own goddamn welcome, regretful as it is to throw out there; zgdUoFi47u8-00383-00196684-00197032 same spiel with the calm, tranquil Owl Messenger Theme and the Temporary Power-Up Jingle. zgdUoFi47u8-00384-00197078-00197436 Everything else isn’t half bad, however - especially the various Dungeon Themes, the Dream Shrine Theme, zgdUoFi47u8-00385-00197436-00197746 the Dungeon Mini-Boss & Nightmare Anthems and the differentiating arrangements zgdUoFi47u8-00386-00197746-00198280 of the in-game exclusive, “The Ballad of the Wind Fish”, enacted by not only Marin herself, but also by the various Instruments of the Sirens zgdUoFi47u8-00387-00198280-00198778 that Link recovers following the annihilation of each piss-ant Nightmare Boss. Despite the sometimes ear-grating nature of the sound effects, zgdUoFi47u8-00388-00198778-00198986 they’re anything the hell but - not gonna lie here! zgdUoFi47u8-00389-00199318-00199792 Replay Value, RileySkye? [RileySkye100] While it doesn't have as much value as 'A Link to the Past' - zgdUoFi47u8-00390-00199792-00200312 but because of how it performed commercially and critically, 'Link's Awakening' is a must-have... zgdUoFi47u8-00391-00200312-00200748 and has much to offer in its replayability - both the [original] Game Boy AND Color. zgdUoFi47u8-00392-00200748-00201130 However, if you're looking for that meter to be stretched out a bit further... zgdUoFi47u8-00393-00201130-00201492 the Color version IS the one to obtain. [H.C.R.G.] You have done well, my liege. zgdUoFi47u8-00394-00201492-00201810 You'd be off your fuckin' rocker to even contemplate skipping over this handheld outing, zgdUoFi47u8-00395-00201810-00202288 not to mention its more radiant DX Color version - which, for the record, will be included in the 'Honorable Mentions' altar. (*Link winds his sword up*) zgdUoFi47u8-00396-00203558-00203744 And now it's time to wrap things up... zgdUoFi47u8-00397-00203930-00204254 [♫ "A Link to the Past - Triforce Chamber"] zgdUoFi47u8-00398-00204696-00205038 Henceforth, what's our final verdict on this prestigious, prolific lineup here? zgdUoFi47u8-00399-00205054-00205478 There are ABSOLUTELY NO WORDS, NO WORDS to further express our immortal, everlasting appreciation zgdUoFi47u8-00400-00205478-00205756 for such a thriving, timeless and exalted franchise as this, zgdUoFi47u8-00401-00205756-00206123 and how it’s been resonating with countless, adventurous fans the world over for many a generation. zgdUoFi47u8-00402-00206180-00206773 On the usual, overall "crude-but-simplistic" scale of 1 to 10, here's how I rate all 4...and by now, you pretty much get the gist of it all. zgdUoFi47u8-00403-00206917-00207317 But anyways, if you happen to be on the search for a refreshing, norm-breaking (if at times poignant and erratic) zgdUoFi47u8-00404-00207317-00207762 series of action-adventure-RPG hybrids, LOOK NO FUCKING FURTHER than in Nintendo’s Legend of Zelda! zgdUoFi47u8-00405-00207773-00208178 Concerning the first 2 NES titles: in addition to the ‘Classic NES Series’ ports on the Game Boy Advance, zgdUoFi47u8-00406-00208178-00208696 the previously-recounted Four Swords port of LTTP, and the immensely-faithful DX GBC port of Link’s Awakening... zgdUoFi47u8-00407-00208696-00209226 they’re also available in the GameCube Collector's Edition - alongside the 2 N64 installments, Ocarina of Time & Majora’s Mask, zgdUoFi47u8-00408-00209226-00209834 and on the Wii, WiiU & especially the DS / DSi / 3DS’ Virtual Consoles for any and all current-to-next-gen enthusiasts out there. zgdUoFi47u8-00409-00209852-00210256 Regardless of your preferred medium, all are a rapturous, lament-free indulgence to cherish through and through... zgdUoFi47u8-00410-00210256-00210521 and are well worth everyone's time, efforts, and a whole lot more. zgdUoFi47u8-00411-00210548-00210836 So what are you waiting for, the release of “Breath of the Wild” on the up-and-coming NX [and WiiU]? zgdUoFi47u8-00412-00210836-00211238 Hunt ‘em down, download them, do whatever's necessary to indulge in and treasure these timeless titles! zgdUoFi47u8-00413-00211238-00211714 I assure you, you’ll be left with the most satisfying air of exhilaration and merriment LIKE NOTHING ELSE. zgdUoFi47u8-00414-00211952-00212406 Before I go (as always), I'd like to take yet another one of these 'special opportunities' and thank LilSarahR, zgdUoFi47u8-00415-00212406-00212612 ["LilSarahR"] Okie-dokie! [H.C.R.G.] Mdefalla... ["Mdefalla"] Watch out... zgdUoFi47u8-00416-00212612-00213060 [H.C.R.G.] ...and especially RileySkye100 for my first-ever, unforgettable, multi-star-studded collaboration! zgdUoFi47u8-00417-00213060-00213390 ["RileySkye100"] I'm RIleySkye. Until next time, see you all later. zgdUoFi47u8-00418-00213390-00213767 [H.C.R.G.] Until then, this is the Hardcore Retro God triumphantly signing off. zgdUoFi47u8-00419-00216569-00217023 [♫ "Link's Awakening - Ending"] zgdUoFi47u8-00420-00226067-00226212 [Navi] "Hey, listen!" zgYaTLvX3kM-00000-00000530-00000730 Make Sure To Like and Subscribe :) zlkOpLe_FV4-00000-00000922-00001504 Global Justice and Sustainable Development is a subject that seeks to pose us with challenges zlkOpLe_FV4-00001-00001504-00001748 that need addressing today. zlkOpLe_FV4-00002-00001748-00002614 It is based on basic issues like the UN sustainable development goals, but it goes further. zlkOpLe_FV4-00003-00002614-00003536 It is a subject that takes economics, political science, sociology, philosophy, gender studies..., zlkOpLe_FV4-00004-00003536-00004318 to help us broaden our knowledge, form our own opinions, discuss things, analyse things... zlkOpLe_FV4-00005-00004318-00004782 To deal with essential challenges today. zlBoEeumATQ-00000-00000008-00000666 My definition of faith, what's the quote that said, faith, the opposite of faith isn't belief, zlBoEeumATQ-00001-00000666-00000986 the opposite of faith is sight, right? zlBoEeumATQ-00002-00000986-00001498 And so it's being able to go all in on that which you cannot see. zlBoEeumATQ-00003-00001820-00002231 We say like unless you're winning in all four areas, like that's like that's where fulfillment zlBoEeumATQ-00004-00002231-00002393 comes from. zlBoEeumATQ-00005-00002393-00002972 But there's this thing that happens before that, to be able to be winning in your relationships zlBoEeumATQ-00006-00002972-00003504 with your spouse, significant other friends, family, to be able to be winning with your zlBoEeumATQ-00007-00003504-00003910 body, to be able to be winning with your mind, to be able to be winning in your business, zlBoEeumATQ-00008-00003910-00004352 truly winning is there has to be that relationship with God. zlBoEeumATQ-00009-00004352-00004785 It's like every time I have a conversation with somebody else about God, my relationship zlBoEeumATQ-00010-00004785-00004896 with God gets better. zlBoEeumATQ-00011-00004896-00005104 Which obviously makes sense. zlBoEeumATQ-00012-00005104-00005250 But people don't look at it like that. zlBoEeumATQ-00013-00005250-00005498 People don't look at a relationship with God just as they would have relationship with zlBoEeumATQ-00014-00005498-00005684 your wife or a relationship with your friend. zlBoEeumATQ-00015-00005684-00006071 Like if you're not talking to your friend, if you're never hanging around your friend, zlBoEeumATQ-00016-00006071-00006520 if you're never like, that relationships gonna fall, it's gonna fail. zlBoEeumATQ-00017-00006520-00006638 Like, it's just a relationship. zlBoEeumATQ-00018-00006638-00007077 And like, that's why I'm so big on, you know, people want to talk about religion and it's zlBoEeumATQ-00019-00007077-00007177 not a religion. zlBoEeumATQ-00020-00007177-00007393 it's just a relationship. zlBoEeumATQ-00021-00007393-00008031 And the way my relationship grows is by number one talking to God, but then talking to other zlBoEeumATQ-00022-00008031-00008131 people about him. zlBoEeumATQ-00023-00008131-00008554 And every single time I do that, man, it's just like, it grows exponentially to where zlBoEeumATQ-00024-00008554-00008811 now it's like all I want to talk about. zlBoEeumATQ-00025-00008811-00009178 And I think that that, in and of itself has been strengthening my faith. zlBoEeumATQ-00026-00009178-00009620 It's just been, as I've been talking about it more and it's being, you know, more at zlBoEeumATQ-00027-00009620-00010024 the forefront of my mind and forefront of a lot of my conversations. zlBoEeumATQ-00028-00010024-00010778 It's been strengthened, and being able to really have some awesome, deep conversations zlBoEeumATQ-00029-00010778-00011395 with people about faith and maybe lack of faith and how to strengthen your faith has zlBoEeumATQ-00030-00011395-00011495 strengthened mine. zlBoEeumATQ-00031-00011495-00012164 And I just I truly believe that as a Christian, we are to be God's way of showing off. zlBoEeumATQ-00032-00012164-00013045 Where so much of the world wants you to believe that Christians should be this, like, not zlBoEeumATQ-00033-00013045-00013528 to say materialistic is not the right word, but that that income and that all these things zlBoEeumATQ-00034-00013528-00013887 like those shouldn't matter that we should somehow be just like living on the streets zlBoEeumATQ-00035-00013887-00014536 like serving everyone 24/7, but I just feel like we should be God's way of, of showing zlBoEeumATQ-00036-00014536-00014636 what's possible. zlBoEeumATQ-00037-00014636-00015244 And I don't think that's a popular, you know, way to look at it, but it's just the way I zlBoEeumATQ-00038-00015244-00015344 believe. zlBoEeumATQ-00039-00015344-00015618 And I think, you know, with my business partners and our business that we have here in the zlBoEeumATQ-00040-00015618-00016468 insurance industry, we set these gigantic, audacious goals just like you have so that zlBoEeumATQ-00041-00016468-00017139 when we accomplish them, people will know that it was so far beyond our capability that zlBoEeumATQ-00042-00017139-00017392 God's hand had to be in it. zlBoEeumATQ-00043-00017392-00017843 That the only way we possibly could have done these things we've already done and will do zlBoEeumATQ-00044-00017843-00018218 is if God was instrumental throughout that process and it may be like you said it came zlBoEeumATQ-00045-00018218-00018637 in at the very last second and these things just happened. zlBoEeumATQ-00046-00018637-00019239 Or it may be all along the way these things start to align, but that it was beyond you. zlBoEeumATQ-00047-00019239-00019495 It was bigger than you, it was bigger than your team. zlBoEeumATQ-00048-00019495-00020162 And it was it was proof and was evidence of the power of God. zlBoEeumATQ-00049-00020162-00020704 Living life in a way that the only way this could have happened is that if God's hand zlBoEeumATQ-00050-00020704-00020804 was in it. zlBoEeumATQ-00051-00020804-00021157 That's the only way that you can take somebody from being completely broke and depressed zlBoEeumATQ-00052-00021157-00021534 four years ago, to where I am now is is because God's hand was in it. zlac8KgWgbQ-00001-00000193-00000451 We are situated in the heart of Beaune, a few steps from Hospices de Beaune (Hôtel Dieu). zlac8KgWgbQ-00002-00000451-00000797 We organize wine tasting classes for 26 years. zlac8KgWgbQ-00003-00000827-00001123 I’ll serve you a wine blind. zlac8KgWgbQ-00004-00001123-00001279 You won’t be influenced by the label. zlac8KgWgbQ-00005-00001580-00001772 Our classes are adapted to everyone: zlac8KgWgbQ-00006-00001800-00002100 beginners or advanced tasters. zlac8KgWgbQ-00007-00002200-00002343 Fruits, fresh fruits zlac8KgWgbQ-00008-00002378-00002550 and slightly woody, smoky, spicy zlac8KgWgbQ-00009-00002600-00002981 We usually taste between 8 and 10 wines. zlac8KgWgbQ-00010-00002981-00003188 50-50 between red wines and white wines zlac8KgWgbQ-00011-00003279-00003542 Number 3: Citronella? Rose? zlac8KgWgbQ-00012-00003650-00003849 It’s rose. It’s really interesting. zlac8KgWgbQ-00013-00003900-00004240 I think I’ve developed other skills. zlac8KgWgbQ-00014-00004280-00004455 I feel I will appreciate wine even more right Z6-uTG6jc5E-00000-00000120-00000900 welcome cap Krone I'm Juanita and uh we are going to look at what is going on for you over the next Z6-uTG6jc5E-00001-00000900-00001872 couple of weeks and just see what it is that you need to do to help you get through this time okay Z6-uTG6jc5E-00002-00001968-00002670 um yeah oh that's what I need to tell you sacred light Oracle is the deck we're starting Z6-uTG6jc5E-00003-00002670-00003804 with and we're going to use oshos in Tarot for clarification so let's get into it okay Capricorn Z6-uTG6jc5E-00004-00003876-00004932 give these a quick Shuffle okay Okay so oh I love this card to start with Capricorn Z6-uTG6jc5E-00005-00005034-00005928 love light and laughter let me just put these over here okay love light and laughter receiving sorry Z6-uTG6jc5E-00006-00005928-00006840 that's not even the cat's name I'm honestly Capricorn what's going on laughs yeah Center Z6-uTG6jc5E-00007-00007020-00007530 um there's this feeling of needing to come into yourself to be present okay Z6-uTG6jc5E-00008-00007614-00007980 um Golden Light Ray this is the name of the actual card Z6-uTG6jc5E-00009-00008214-00009048 um Capricorn yeah receiving and giving gifts passionate projects so I feel as though I I Z6-uTG6jc5E-00010-00009048-00009618 do love this energy okay but I feel like I want to focus more on the passionate Z6-uTG6jc5E-00011-00009684-00009924 projects because I feel like Z6-uTG6jc5E-00012-00010212-00010752 there's something that you're passionate about um that if you tap into Z6-uTG6jc5E-00013-00010938-00011286 you are going to be an absolute heaven Z6-uTG6jc5E-00014-00011616-00012618 it's kind of like um I don't know I'm just seeing someone um like a Music musician Z6-uTG6jc5E-00015-00012618-00013350 playing music right say like if that's your your passion okay or it could be dancing it could be Z6-uTG6jc5E-00016-00013524-00013800 arts and crafts it could be anything it could be comedy Z6-uTG6jc5E-00017-00013962-00014526 um interesting yeah there's something inside of you that's been suppressed okay and it could Z6-uTG6jc5E-00018-00014526-00015222 very well be this passion um but I do want to say that if there is any suppression going on Z6-uTG6jc5E-00019-00015222-00016013 and you feel like you're heavy and bogged down way down potentially from the thoughts that you think Z6-uTG6jc5E-00020-00016116-00016710 um the way to break out of there and break out of that cycle is with this Golden Light Z6-uTG6jc5E-00021-00016710-00017280 Ray okay so really tapping into those things that you're passionate about the things that Z6-uTG6jc5E-00022-00017280-00017982 you love doing okay things that bring you Joy getting people around you who to surround you Z6-uTG6jc5E-00023-00017982-00018894 with laughter having fun okay um giving gifts that can be really enjoyable receiving gifts um also Z6-uTG6jc5E-00024-00019170-00019572 um and I want to say about that with the receiving and giving gifts it doesn't have Z6-uTG6jc5E-00025-00019572-00020412 to necessarily be material things it could be um someone offers to show you a certain skill Z6-uTG6jc5E-00026-00020496-00021258 um so receiving that as a gift to add to your bag of gifts that you you know your talents in Z6-uTG6jc5E-00027-00021258-00022038 a sense okay they might give you free um guitar lessons or drumming lessons whatever okay so yeah Z6-uTG6jc5E-00028-00022134-00022560 um and or if you have a talent that could be something that you offer to Z6-uTG6jc5E-00029-00022560-00023034 people because you love doing it so much that could be a way of doing what you love Z6-uTG6jc5E-00030-00023034-00023718 and giving at the same time which will bring you immense Joy okay laziness now Z6-uTG6jc5E-00031-00023802-00024414 um Capricorn some of you may be in denial a little bit about what's going on for you this could be Z6-uTG6jc5E-00032-00024570-00025308 maybe escaping from this suppression this could be an escapism more than anything so I just want Z6-uTG6jc5E-00033-00025308-00025889 you to be aware of what it is that you're using in your life to escape from your reality because Z6-uTG6jc5E-00034-00025889-00026616 needing to be present isn't needed is being honest completely honest with ourselves okay so looking Z6-uTG6jc5E-00035-00026616-00027480 at yeah what it is that you're doing whether it's partying whether it's um you know just Z6-uTG6jc5E-00036-00027480-00028062 yeah pretending you're on a beach um when you're really in the kitchen you know escaping mentally Z6-uTG6jc5E-00037-00028062-00029052 it feels like maybe some of you are just um yeah needing to escape mentally because you are not Z6-uTG6jc5E-00038-00029052-00029682 happy with your reality right now so it is looking at and being completely honest with yourself about Z6-uTG6jc5E-00039-00029682-00030336 what your reality is what you're not happy about and what it is that you can do to change that okay Z6-uTG6jc5E-00040-00030450-00031236 um Divine creation acceptance personal commitments Euphoria um accepting Z6-uTG6jc5E-00041-00031686-00032232 I want to say about this Capricorn is there's this personal commitment that you made to your soul Z6-uTG6jc5E-00042-00032304-00032808 okay when you came here to this Earth You made a commitment to Z6-uTG6jc5E-00043-00032988-00033732 um achieve a particular mission and I feel like this is something that needs to Z6-uTG6jc5E-00044-00033876-00034620 be fulfilled and this could be well for some of you I feel like you're not feeling Z6-uTG6jc5E-00045-00034620-00035400 fulfilled you know and so this could be really tapping into this Divine Creation in order to Z6-uTG6jc5E-00046-00035784-00036156 bring that out so that you can actually Z6-uTG6jc5E-00047-00036408-00037386 tap into what it is that you're really here to do okay um yeah I see this is the sense of not being Z6-uTG6jc5E-00048-00037386-00038220 present okay into this dream world it's it's like you oh excuse me I went to talk then and then uh Z6-uTG6jc5E-00049-00038346-00039234 sorry Capricorn it's like you have this idea of of this you have an ideal world that you dream about Z6-uTG6jc5E-00050-00039342-00039990 um and it's been able to see how you can bring it into your reality because I feel like in your Z6-uTG6jc5E-00051-00039990-00040746 heart you can feel it you can sense it um and it's just a matter of drawing on this Divine creation Z6-uTG6jc5E-00052-00040818-00041442 because I feel like here she's like okay what's right is this position right is that Z6-uTG6jc5E-00053-00041442-00041928 position right you know what what works and what doesn't so it's trying it out Z6-uTG6jc5E-00054-00042066-00042396 so that you can actually bring into your life Z6-uTG6jc5E-00055-00042570-00043470 this this colorful picture here okay we also have politics here too very interesting Z6-uTG6jc5E-00056-00044118-00044628 I don't know if it's you or it's someone around you but someone is definitely wearing a mask Z6-uTG6jc5E-00057-00044718-00045312 okay and um whether you're aware of this or not you see this this Z6-uTG6jc5E-00058-00045312-00045762 denial again and even this card now I'm seeing denial Z6-uTG6jc5E-00059-00046116-00046176 okay Z6-uTG6jc5E-00060-00046728-00047538 this could be about um looking at what has happened in the past and um Z6-uTG6jc5E-00061-00047838-00048084 potentially not letting go of some things Z6-uTG6jc5E-00062-00048222-00048576 oh I'm not sure Capricorn it's getting cryptic as we go along Z6-uTG6jc5E-00063-00048630-00049470 Galactic vibration personal conviction raising your resilience direct Channel we've got Divine Z6-uTG6jc5E-00064-00049470-00050328 creation and Galactic vibration here two energies that I feel Capricorn you can tap into to help you Z6-uTG6jc5E-00065-00050538-00050838 bring forth this Golden Light Ray Z6-uTG6jc5E-00066-00051666-00052284 interesting unlike there's just more to the story you know it's like Z6-uTG6jc5E-00067-00052578-00052764 let's have a look here let's have a look Z6-uTG6jc5E-00068-00053016-00053405 let's have a look Galactic vibration tell me more about Z6-uTG6jc5E-00069-00053405-00054005 this book Capricorn Collective vibration stress juggling too many things at once Z6-uTG6jc5E-00070-00054294-00054755 feeling like you've got the world on your shoulders yes see there's the suppression Z6-uTG6jc5E-00071-00054755-00055296 so okay because of this right you're feeling like things aren't adding up Z6-uTG6jc5E-00072-00055296-00055829 you're feeling like you're not seeing or you feel like maybe there's some people who are Z6-uTG6jc5E-00073-00055944-00056717 not completely honest around you and um really tapping into this Divine Creation in this Z6-uTG6jc5E-00074-00056717-00057438 Galactic vibration is definitely going to help you because I feel like you are feeling quite burdened Z6-uTG6jc5E-00075-00057438-00058236 okay and they're created tapping into this Creator within um so that you can come to this Z6-uTG6jc5E-00076-00058529-00058541 um Z6-uTG6jc5E-00077-00058782-00059526 Mutual state of being because I feel like things are quite Z6-uTG6jc5E-00078-00059610-00060402 um unclear for you right now and I feel as though that that will help you to tap into this Z6-uTG6jc5E-00079-00060402-00061055 Divine Creation in this Collective vibration so silence in your mind is going to help you also um Z6-uTG6jc5E-00080-00061055-00062028 Capricorn go outside at night okay and really um be with that Universe in um looking at the stars Z6-uTG6jc5E-00081-00062028-00062970 stargazing okay just connecting and and letting that pure light come down into your heart okay Z6-uTG6jc5E-00082-00063132-00064008 these things here like letting go of these things while you actually do this okay so that you can Z6-uTG6jc5E-00083-00064008-00064686 start to get become this Clear Channel for this energy to come through and I really really feel Z6-uTG6jc5E-00084-00064686-00065298 like that will help you quite a lot past life look at this yeah see here's this musician thing Z6-uTG6jc5E-00085-00065298-00066066 again so someone could be a musician cultural experience it's behind you yep so the past Z6-uTG6jc5E-00086-00066138-00066654 regression um with this it's behind you with the past Z6-uTG6jc5E-00087-00066774-00067590 this could be still coming up for you Capricorn because there's some unresolved emotions okay and Z6-uTG6jc5E-00088-00067590-00068304 and it's really interesting because I've had this same thing myself where I have Z6-uTG6jc5E-00089-00068580-00069420 um been having things right up from other people and I know it's not them specifically I've cut Z6-uTG6jc5E-00090-00069420-00070230 that was weird just about choking on my lips um I've realized that the emotions that I'm Z6-uTG6jc5E-00091-00070230-00070830 feeling are actually from long ago where I felt a particular way for a really long Z6-uTG6jc5E-00092-00070830-00071652 time and these are just parts of myself that are still yet to be healed and um pretty much really Z6-uTG6jc5E-00093-00071652-00072522 acknowledged and looked at okay um and and as soon as I do that to bring that into the light Z6-uTG6jc5E-00094-00072522-00073656 to be seen that feeling that I have about you know in that present moment it starts to listen Z6-uTG6jc5E-00095-00073896-00074550 yeah so maybe that's why there was that need that I had at the beginning to be in the present moment Z6-uTG6jc5E-00096-00074550-00075438 we had moment two moment taking it step by step right baby steps this guy here he's Z6-uTG6jc5E-00097-00075438-00076452 walking along he's got his eyes closed and he's just hoping his next step he lands on a stone Z6-uTG6jc5E-00098-00076452-00077676 okay he's he's kind of it's kind of like walking blindly and um and anxiously not trusting Z6-uTG6jc5E-00099-00077982-00078714 that's life and here I feel as though there's this need for you to trust the direction that you're Z6-uTG6jc5E-00100-00078714-00079356 going and I feel like this Divine Creation in this Galactic vibration will help to guide you in that Z6-uTG6jc5E-00101-00079356-00080220 because I feel as though there's this um real strong sense of uncertainty in you right now and Z6-uTG6jc5E-00102-00080334-00080898 really coming and looking at what is going on in your mind that's adding Z6-uTG6jc5E-00103-00080898-00081498 to that to fueling that okay because he could take a different approach and Trust Z6-uTG6jc5E-00104-00081552-00082122 and wholly believe that he's going to make it to the next step he's going to do that okay Z6-uTG6jc5E-00105-00082188-00082734 um but it's the mind that is getting in the way the other thing I want to say about that Z6-uTG6jc5E-00106-00082734-00083532 is being aware of if because I noticed this in this past life here we have an egg here right Z6-uTG6jc5E-00107-00083742-00084510 I think that's just hatching or it's about to hatch so and it's got nice flowers if it has Z6-uTG6jc5E-00108-00084510-00085332 hatched these nice flowers and they're all look what looks like nice something anyway so really Z6-uTG6jc5E-00109-00085332-00086046 thinking about what it is that you want to grow Capricorn and how um because it's like you're Z6-uTG6jc5E-00110-00086046-00086796 doing certain things to to make something happen but it's not just about the actions it's actually Z6-uTG6jc5E-00111-00086796-00087474 about the thought process as well and not only that it's actually about also your vibration Z6-uTG6jc5E-00112-00087738-00088746 yeah might be trying to create something and you want to really make sure that the um Z6-uTG6jc5E-00113-00089268-00089838 kind of like the psychic debris you know what is being put out from your mind is clear so Z6-uTG6jc5E-00114-00089838-00090438 that the foundation that you build is really solid and it's not uneven you don't have to go Z6-uTG6jc5E-00115-00090438-00090936 and make repairs and they won't be cracks that appear and things like that okay so Z6-uTG6jc5E-00116-00091308-00091596 I feel like you're stressing yourself so much Z6-uTG6jc5E-00117-00091764-00092238 and suppressing your feelings you're just trying to make something happen but Z6-uTG6jc5E-00118-00092406-00093012 there's work behind the scenes or internal work that needs to happen in order for this thing to Z6-uTG6jc5E-00119-00093012-00093972 be birthed or to be successful sphere of light Healing Hands empathetic qualities animal wisdom Z6-uTG6jc5E-00120-00094038-00094914 this fear this sphere of light is in your heart okay now this this yeah see this is Z6-uTG6jc5E-00121-00094914-00095850 about this wisdom right in in drawing in wisdom from your past lives so that you can honor this Z6-uTG6jc5E-00122-00095850-00096714 Earth mission that you are here to execute okay because this lady here is so wise and she's Z6-uTG6jc5E-00123-00096786-00097632 it's like she's there tapping into her intuition which is this kind of sphere of light I feel Z6-uTG6jc5E-00124-00097788-00098496 so that she knows the next step to take she knows the the best course of action Z6-uTG6jc5E-00125-00098496-00099438 okay she's tapping into her previous knowledge yeah this is really trusting yourself that you Z6-uTG6jc5E-00126-00099438-00100176 have the knowledge within you to know which direction to go in okay um and Z6-uTG6jc5E-00127-00100452-00101064 sorry we've had two cards flip over there oh we almost have the whole dip flop over there too Z6-uTG6jc5E-00128-00101208-00102270 yeah I I you you are really because I also see here this this fear um is is sealing out Z6-uTG6jc5E-00129-00102270-00103392 this vibration all around and I feel like the sphere is dependent upon your divine Z6-uTG6jc5E-00130-00103818-00104483 vibration you know what what what it is that is within you okay and when this Z6-uTG6jc5E-00131-00104483-00105174 kind of stuff is going on it's not really bringing out a very positive vibration Z6-uTG6jc5E-00132-00105258-00106026 okay yeah see this is like the suppression card holding things to yourself protection this is you Z6-uTG6jc5E-00133-00106026-00106692 protecting yourself from something building walls which isn't helping your growth okay Z6-uTG6jc5E-00134-00106692-00107352 and this card here I feel like is what I was talking about before of looking at the parts Z6-uTG6jc5E-00135-00107430-00108192 and holding on to something that no longer not only no longer serves you but it's like this this Z6-uTG6jc5E-00136-00108192-00108780 thing in the back of your mind that oh what if that had worked out I wonder if that was the right Z6-uTG6jc5E-00137-00108780-00109583 way to go or was that was that the best thing for me um but it's done and dusted and it's time to Z6-uTG6jc5E-00138-00109583-00110178 turn around this could even be something from your childhood again that needs healing but it's like Z6-uTG6jc5E-00139-00110178-00111006 you need to turn around and take a different direction or a different approach okay um Z6-uTG6jc5E-00140-00111240-00111870 Temple of Mary emotional expression playful innocent and exploitation see Z6-uTG6jc5E-00141-00112002-00112872 okay so sorry I'm just getting a few things here first of all I want to say again this is Z6-uTG6jc5E-00142-00112872-00113472 this turning around that I feel like she's looking with this empty look in her eyes Z6-uTG6jc5E-00143-00113550-00114288 um ahead of her and not actually turning around to see the beauty of where you know the existence Z6-uTG6jc5E-00144-00114288-00114882 of where she is there's this whole existence which is beautiful but there's something that Z6-uTG6jc5E-00145-00114882-00115674 she's focused on which is is it's like this narrow Focus I suppose and I want to say to you Capricorn Z6-uTG6jc5E-00146-00115674-00116483 to expand your focus okay expand your focus turn around and see what's around you turn around and Z6-uTG6jc5E-00147-00116483-00117126 see the beauty in things turn around and see the Avenues that you can go down that are not closed Z6-uTG6jc5E-00148-00117126-00117935 off okay opening up your heart and connecting with your higher self connecting with this Galactic Z6-uTG6jc5E-00149-00117935-00118866 vibration okay with this Divine creation so that you can um have this Temple inside of Z6-uTG6jc5E-00150-00118866-00119748 you and tap into this creator of who you truly are become merry cap at Capricorn become Mary Z6-uTG6jc5E-00151-00119922-00120642 okay Mary I'm gonna call you Mary now no I like um unless I feel the need to Z6-uTG6jc5E-00152-00120822-00121590 um yep and and again with this playful innocence of coming back to this Golden Light Ray Z6-uTG6jc5E-00153-00121692-00122748 picking up that vibration for yourself um to bring in yeah to dissolve this right to dissolve this Z6-uTG6jc5E-00154-00122748-00123594 um icicle that you have placed around yourself as a former protection okay Z6-uTG6jc5E-00155-00123594-00124308 allowing this healing to take place allowing these emotions to flow um to melt the ice Z6-uTG6jc5E-00156-00124308-00124872 because I feel like the suppression of the emotions is what now is keeping you know this Z6-uTG6jc5E-00157-00124872-00125459 all here this gate closed it's keeping the ice there it's keeping these walls up okay Z6-uTG6jc5E-00158-00125574-00126420 um yeah and I I do you know Capricorn you have there's some work that you have done okay and Z6-uTG6jc5E-00159-00126630-00127206 you do need to acknowledge that and celebrate that and but I feel like by doing this also Z6-uTG6jc5E-00160-00127206-00128088 this will bring you the success that you are looking for okay um and allow you to be married Z6-uTG6jc5E-00161-00128232-00128442 um not just Mary but Mary Z6-uTG6jc5E-00162-00128664-00129024 um yeah well-being self-preservation Z6-uTG6jc5E-00163-00129138-00129935 service to Spirit which is about your mission and why you're here okay yeah youthful experience Z6-uTG6jc5E-00164-00130278-00130902 there could very well be an experience that you have had when you were younger that you will have Z6-uTG6jc5E-00165-00130902-00131736 learned from that you'll be able to draw on and apply in your life now okay maybe some tools that Z6-uTG6jc5E-00166-00131796-00132504 um that you may have forgotten about it may even be a whole tool bag that you once upon a time Z6-uTG6jc5E-00167-00132504-00133272 placed aside and when that's no good for me and now you are actually you would actually be able to Z6-uTG6jc5E-00168-00133272-00134244 utilize those tools okay ah so some of you it was daydreaming oh okay so it could have been that for Z6-uTG6jc5E-00169-00134244-00135180 some of you at some point you were sorry I keep seeing people past here um you were potentially Z6-uTG6jc5E-00170-00135180-00135948 when you were at school and you may have done a long daydreaming which you will pulled up for and Z6-uTG6jc5E-00171-00135948-00136794 potentially punished for and scolded for but when we're talking about tapping into this Creator it's Z6-uTG6jc5E-00172-00136794-00137514 kind of like that it's going into this Daydream going into the abyss of the knowthingness Z6-uTG6jc5E-00173-00138108-00138750 um right like do you understand what I mean if that might not be the same Z6-uTG6jc5E-00174-00138750-00139164 scenario for everyone but it's that kind of thing that there was something but Z6-uTG6jc5E-00175-00139164-00139746 you know there's something that you have this well the thing is Capricorn you are Z6-uTG6jc5E-00176-00139818-00140226 okay how do I put this without it sounding like it I put down Z6-uTG6jc5E-00177-00140550-00140820 the Creator is the nothingness Z6-uTG6jc5E-00178-00140910-00141672 okay so if you are the Creator you are also part of the nothingness which is actually everything Z6-uTG6jc5E-00179-00142116-00142776 when you when you look around you and I'm gonna try hopefully this comes out right when you Z6-uTG6jc5E-00180-00142776-00143562 look around you right and you look you look at an object in front of you okay I'm looking at you I'm Z6-uTG6jc5E-00181-00143562-00144522 looking at the camera here there's a space between us here and what it is tapping into that space Z6-uTG6jc5E-00182-00144648-00145530 it is the nothingness nothingness being aware of that space around you not identifying with the Z6-uTG6jc5E-00183-00145530-00146118 object you're looking at not identifying with this physical body that you you um Z6-uTG6jc5E-00184-00146322-00146958 reside in that you encompass is the space in between Z6-uTG6jc5E-00185-00147186-00148362 yeah Cathedral of light stubborn attitudes extending the Olive Branch artistry Z6-uTG6jc5E-00186-00148746-00148986 um letting down your defenses Z6-uTG6jc5E-00187-00149274-00150330 that could be a bit of stubbornness and that could be out of protection okay because yeah I feel like Z6-uTG6jc5E-00188-00150330-00150882 the stubbornness is definitely something Capricorn that you could work on um but it is there for Z6-uTG6jc5E-00189-00150882-00151326 a reason and I understand that and it's there because you feel it protects you but in actual Z6-uTG6jc5E-00190-00151326-00152148 fact it's inhibiting you okay and by a stepping like dropping those walls I mean it's a work in Z6-uTG6jc5E-00191-00152148-00152514 progress I'm not saying drop them all at once and become incredibly vulnerable to the point Z6-uTG6jc5E-00192-00152514-00153042 that it scares you so much that you'll never drop a wall again well let's not do that let's start Z6-uTG6jc5E-00193-00153186-00154020 with one one bit at a time one stone at a time okay not the whole wall but just one stone Z6-uTG6jc5E-00194-00154020-00154644 at a time because you hit these you have this light inside of you you are this gem Capricorn Z6-uTG6jc5E-00195-00154644-00155418 that the world needs and you're holding it you're keeping it to yourself you won't let anyone see it Z6-uTG6jc5E-00196-00155574-00156366 and maybe you've been made fun of before you know you could have been mopped because of your gifts Z6-uTG6jc5E-00197-00156522-00156966 um but I actually truly this card like it's so beautiful Z6-uTG6jc5E-00198-00156966-00157440 and colorful I feel like this is you this is you standing up here Z6-uTG6jc5E-00199-00157554-00158352 um in a way that is like not in a cocky way which is interesting because sometimes I get this from Z6-uTG6jc5E-00200-00158352-00159048 this card someone's standing above everyone else and being like look at me I am the bomb right Z6-uTG6jc5E-00201-00159210-00159948 but no this is this is about you shining your light and that light actually creating color Z6-uTG6jc5E-00202-00159948-00160806 in the world yeah I really really love that what's dropped out there wouldn't yes see Z6-uTG6jc5E-00203-00160866-00161568 growing something growing this beautiful existence this beautiful um Z6-uTG6jc5E-00204-00161784-00162438 oh I just had it the I could see I can see it it's like this this creating this world which Z6-uTG6jc5E-00205-00162438-00163026 is full of beauty and color okay and in what happens like at the moment it's almost like Z6-uTG6jc5E-00206-00163026-00163596 that would be quite uncomfortable for you because you're not used to that but what would happen is Z6-uTG6jc5E-00207-00163596-00164310 as you you break down each of these Stones one by one by one and create something new for yourself Z6-uTG6jc5E-00208-00164310-00165030 and and one by one you live these tears fall and gradually let the ice melt away okay you become Z6-uTG6jc5E-00209-00165030-00166146 used to this Colorful World all right and you you actually learn to color the world for yourself Z6-uTG6jc5E-00210-00166146-00166770 okay because at the moment this is what your comfort zone is and and this is what you're used Z6-uTG6jc5E-00211-00166770-00167328 to and even though you want this you're actually more familiar with this rather than this so this Z6-uTG6jc5E-00212-00167328-00168228 right now feels quite uncomfortable for you okay so this is why you only imagine it happening and Z6-uTG6jc5E-00213-00168228-00168978 um whereas by doing this bit by bit Capricorn this then becomes this Colorful World becomes your Z6-uTG6jc5E-00214-00169032-00169644 Ordinary World rather than something that seems Out Of Reach and Beyond what you Z6-uTG6jc5E-00215-00169644-00170394 could ever dream of okay in Oracle you are the channel Deja Vu self-fulfilling prophecy yeah Z6-uTG6jc5E-00216-00170484-00171198 um you you are absolutely where are we where's this card oh I've lost Z6-uTG6jc5E-00217-00171198-00171942 it how could I lose it the Divine creation where's it gone it just created itself away Z6-uTG6jc5E-00218-00172410-00173112 um oh no here it is sorry um you are this Divine creation okay you you you're this magician who can Z6-uTG6jc5E-00219-00173112-00173676 absolutely you know you have this in an oracle inside of you that can create anything you like Z6-uTG6jc5E-00220-00173808-00174210 I feel like for some of you you're just at a loss as to how to actually apply it Z6-uTG6jc5E-00221-00174210-00174762 so this is what this is about this is your first steps to actually applying this so Z6-uTG6jc5E-00222-00174762-00175572 that you can you can live this life that you dream of right now okay Capricorn um Z6-uTG6jc5E-00223-00175884-00176502 yeah I I really feel like because every it's the right time okay everything's ready Z6-uTG6jc5E-00224-00176598-00177084 um everything's you have everything you need um and Z6-uTG6jc5E-00225-00177258-00177900 yeah it was turning in so I we've already talked about that but I feel like turning and then going Z6-uTG6jc5E-00226-00177900-00178656 into the silence is going to quiet and then quiet and quiet this mind I can't even get my words out Z6-uTG6jc5E-00227-00178656-00179292 now okay um but we do have the sauce look at this the sauce within you you are the source Z6-uTG6jc5E-00228-00179292-00180036 okay this is what resides within your heart okay this is this a sphere of light here okay so it Z6-uTG6jc5E-00229-00180036-00180948 is bringing your awareness to this Source okay and this is where this knowthingness is okay Z6-uTG6jc5E-00230-00181422-00182004 being that I'm bringing that out okay so they're um Z6-uTG6jc5E-00231-00182364-00182964 yeah because I feel like you know this this guy's sitting here it's I think you're in two minds Z6-uTG6jc5E-00232-00183186-00183678 like you're in two minds about something and this is going to help clear this channel right Z6-uTG6jc5E-00233-00183678-00184398 connect with this Galactic vibration here and become this Divine creation right to help you Z6-uTG6jc5E-00234-00184548-00185208 bring forth what it is that you want to actually bring in yeah because there's Z6-uTG6jc5E-00235-00185208-00185550 definitely something you're creating so this is going to help you do it okay Z6-uTG6jc5E-00236-00185784-00186132 so capable and you should see the discards him in they're all over the Z6-uTG6jc5E-00237-00186132-00186660 show Autumn is but that's okay because we got there hopefully I hope that resonates Z6-uTG6jc5E-00238-00186660-00187128 for you please subscribe and like and share and comment and do all that jazz Z6-uTG6jc5E-00239-00187218-00187596 um because that's going to help other people like the whole idea of this channel was to help people Z6-uTG6jc5E-00240-00187596-00188304 okay it's not just about giving you a general reading it's like what what can we do to help you Z6-uTG6jc5E-00241-00188304-00188982 because that's really what I want to achieve okay Capricorn take care of yourselves see you bye bye Z830IkOTMbc-00000-00000075-00000454 So as you already know, this channel is dedicated on 3 things. Z830IkOTMbc-00001-00000497-00000837 Desgn, BS, and destroying Ubuntu! Z830IkOTMbc-00002-00000875-00001000 is that with order? Z830IkOTMbc-00003-00001096-00001230 Yes on reverse! Z830IkOTMbc-00004-00001245-00001375 What you think Chino? Z830IkOTMbc-00005-00001397-00001763 Destroy all humans, but Ubuntu-ers with agonizing death! Z830IkOTMbc-00006-00002268-00002698 So I'm gonna start with the BS element, and I will open an extension that I've demoed Z830IkOTMbc-00007-00002698-00002856 a couple of times before. Z830IkOTMbc-00008-00002905-00003339 Besides, I don't believe there are many already compatible with GNOME 40. Z830IkOTMbc-00009-00003393-00003801 And one thing that totally made me impression is that on the bottom of the window, we have Z830IkOTMbc-00010-00003801-00003961 a quote from Vincent Van Gogh. Z830IkOTMbc-00011-00004022-00004241 "What is done in love, is well done." Z830IkOTMbc-00012-00004284-00004383 Yeah sure! Z830IkOTMbc-00013-00004383-00004779 But regardless, what Van Gogh does on an extension options? Z830IkOTMbc-00014-00004779-00005185 Not sure, but Van Gogh will rise from the dead if he sees GNOME artwork! Z830IkOTMbc-00015-00005267-00005716 This extension was like that a few days ago, so lets switch to master and see how you can Z830IkOTMbc-00016-00005716-00005969 transform a BS to actual design! Z830IkOTMbc-00017-00006109-00006248 And let's try again! Z830IkOTMbc-00018-00006700-00006828 Seriously! Z830IkOTMbc-00019-00006828-00006971 Check this out! Z830IkOTMbc-00020-00006971-00007137 Half app, half art! Z830IkOTMbc-00021-00007192-00007368 And it is not bad either! Z830IkOTMbc-00022-00007426-00007864 And I bet eventually all these will be removed, but you know what will never will go away? Z830IkOTMbc-00023-00007928-00008021 Van Gogh! Z830IkOTMbc-00024-00008290-00008717 Meanwhile an actual nice design concept is the donation Qr code. Z830IkOTMbc-00025-00008852-00009253 But when it comes to design, nothing beats GNOME developers. Z830IkOTMbc-00026-00009253-00009508 Wanna see a nice GTK 4 feature? Z830IkOTMbc-00027-00009829-00009992 As for Ubuntu?? Z830IkOTMbc-00028-00009992-00010287 This company hits rock bottom every week! Z830IkOTMbc-00029-00010287-00010728 From no offering GNOME 40, to the Flutter installer! Z8KVNeAMgvo-00000-00000000-00000263 Good morning, John! Every time people get Z8KVNeAMgvo-00001-00000263-00000531 frustrated with YouTube, I get a lot of messages saying, "Hank! Z8KVNeAMgvo-00002-00000531-00000839 You make stuff. Why don't you start whole new Z8KVNeAMgvo-00003-00000839-00001107 competitor thing to YouTube?" And ultimately I feel Z8KVNeAMgvo-00004-00001107-00001398 like this comes down to a pretty central question when you're Z8KVNeAMgvo-00005-00001398-00001684 upset with a situation in your life. Whether this is about your government Z8KVNeAMgvo-00006-00001684-00001973 or a relationship or your online platform Z8KVNeAMgvo-00007-00001973-00002134 Do you revolt? Z8KVNeAMgvo-00008-00002134-00002240 Or do you reform? Z8KVNeAMgvo-00009-00002240-00002362 If you want to reform your government, Z8KVNeAMgvo-00010-00002362-00002552 you vote, you call your congressperson, you go to protests. Z8KVNeAMgvo-00011-00002556-00002890 You propose new ideas, you propose the removal of old, bad Z8KVNeAMgvo-00012-00002890-00003093 policies. I you want to revolt against Z8KVNeAMgvo-00013-00003093-00003356 your government, you probably have to take down Z8KVNeAMgvo-00014-00003356-00003655 your government, because you can't just leave and usually Z8KVNeAMgvo-00015-00003655-00003911 that goes badly because the government doesn't want to give up power Z8KVNeAMgvo-00016-00003911-00004201 and so people start to kill each other and once you start to kill each other really Z8KVNeAMgvo-00017-00004202-00004506 often times, the worst people are the ones who win. But Z8KVNeAMgvo-00018-00004506-00004805 on the internet, if you want to revolt, you can just go somewhere Z8KVNeAMgvo-00019-00004806-00005068 else, right? Maybe not. Here are 6 reasons why I Z8KVNeAMgvo-00020-00005070-00005376 have no interest in leaving YouTube. Z8KVNeAMgvo-00021-00005376-00005704 ONE: It's actually quite good. Like the video player works Z8KVNeAMgvo-00022-00005704-00005916 pretty much every time, it transfers really Z8KVNeAMgvo-00023-00005916-00006228 seamlessly between my phone and my computer and my TV and as a creator I get to Z8KVNeAMgvo-00024-00006228-00006678 benefit from a gigantic audience and also the ad sales team of the second largest corporation in the world. Z8KVNeAMgvo-00025-00006678-00006907 TWO, and I've though a lot about this one, ultimately my Z8KVNeAMgvo-00026-00006907-00007214 problems with YouTube are MY problems, not my audience's Z8KVNeAMgvo-00027-00007214-00007489 problems. You people. And while I appreciate Z8KVNeAMgvo-00028-00007489-00007759 people who say that they will go to the end of the world for Z8KVNeAMgvo-00029-00007759-00008052 their faves, and I believe you, you are also my Z8KVNeAMgvo-00030-00008052-00008334 fave, and I want to make a good experience for you Z8KVNeAMgvo-00031-00008334-00008624 and to me, that is the experience that you're comfortable with Z8KVNeAMgvo-00032-00008624-00008814 and that you've had for the last 11 years. Z8KVNeAMgvo-00033-00008814-00009112 THREE: YouTube is really good at getting people to watch Z8KVNeAMgvo-00034-00009112-00009410 videos. That's what that somewhat insidious algorithm is Z8KVNeAMgvo-00035-00009410-00009693 designed to do. And while I have some philosophical problems Z8KVNeAMgvo-00036-00009694-00009934 with a company training neural networks to hack the human Z8KVNeAMgvo-00037-00009934-00010112 brain into watching more content, I recognize Z8KVNeAMgvo-00038-00010112-00010416 that every social media platform is doing that and the ones that don't Z8KVNeAMgvo-00039-00010416-00010567 are gonna end up losing out to the Z8KVNeAMgvo-00040-00010567-00010854 other ones, which is the situation we're in right now, so, buckle Z8KVNeAMgvo-00041-00010854-00011164 up for that over the next 10 years. And on that same train, number FOUR, I Z8KVNeAMgvo-00042-00011164-00011670 want new people to find my content so I have to put my content in a place where new people are going to find it. Z8KVNeAMgvo-00043-00011670-00012032 And YouTube shows my videos to new people, "Hi new person, Z8KVNeAMgvo-00044-00012032-00012144 if you're one of them." Z8KVNeAMgvo-00045-00012144-00012598 Here's a big one, number FIVE: YouTube's problems aren't really YouTube's problems, Z8KVNeAMgvo-00046-00012598-00012897 they are the problems that any sufficiently big social video Z8KVNeAMgvo-00047-00012897-00013144 platform would have. You have to get advertisers brought in, Z8KVNeAMgvo-00048-00013144-00013362 you have to monetize for creators, and you have to be open Z8KVNeAMgvo-00049-00013362-00013677 enough that there is so much content being uploaded to your platform that there's Z8KVNeAMgvo-00050-00013677-00013982 no way you could review it all. The moment a new platform got big enough to matter, Z8KVNeAMgvo-00051-00013982-00014294 it would have all of the exact same problems that YouTube currently has, Z8KVNeAMgvo-00052-00014294-00014582 and I don't actually know how to solve those problems. Z8KVNeAMgvo-00053-00014636-00014885 And finally number SIX: I am sentimentally attached. Z8KVNeAMgvo-00054-00014885-00015169 Just like I'm not going to leave my country when things start to Z8KVNeAMgvo-00055-00015169-00015443 bad, I just won't abandon this platform to leave Z8KVNeAMgvo-00056-00015443-00015735 it to become a worse place without me. Z8KVNeAMgvo-00057-00015735-00016043 When we criticize stuff, we don't actually have to imagine a solution Z8KVNeAMgvo-00058-00016043-00016343 that works, we just have to imagine a solution that works for Z8KVNeAMgvo-00059-00016343-00016661 us. But communities, in real life or online, Z8KVNeAMgvo-00060-00016661-00016934 are more complicated than that--they have tons Z8KVNeAMgvo-00061-00016934-00017174 of different stakeholders with different needs and different wants. Z8KVNeAMgvo-00062-00017174-00017521 When you get further into the details you find that it's complicated, Z8KVNeAMgvo-00063-00017521-00017801 and I am not saying "give in, give up, we're stuck," Z8KVNeAMgvo-00064-00017801-00018106 obviously not. When you love a place, you should want Z8KVNeAMgvo-00065-00018106-00018380 to work to make it better. Imagining that you can just run away from Z8KVNeAMgvo-00066-00018380-00018682 all the problems into some new place where no problems exist Z8KVNeAMgvo-00067-00018814-00018982 is a self-indulgent fantasy. Z8KVNeAMgvo-00068-00018982-00019342 I care about this a lot. I'm willing to fight for a better YouTube. I know Z8KVNeAMgvo-00069-00019342-00019630 a lot of other people who are too. I think that's how you make a better YouTube, Z8KVNeAMgvo-00070-00019630-00019940 not by starting it from scratch, but by caring enough about Z8KVNeAMgvo-00071-00019940-00020170 a place to work for it Z8KVNeAMgvo-00073-00020392-00020783 If you have ideas for how to make YouTube better, please leave comments! Ideas are born out of people, Z8KVNeAMgvo-00074-00020784-00021006 and if you want to talk about this stuff in the real world, Z8KVNeAMgvo-00075-00021006-00021378 VidCon Europe this year is focused entirely on creator Z8KVNeAMgvo-00076-00021378-00021638 and industry stuff, so these kinds of conversations. Z8KVNeAMgvo-00077-00021638-00021942 We aren't having like a fan-focused community portion of the event this year because Z8KVNeAMgvo-00078-00021942-00022084 that lost a bunch of money last year. Z8KVNeAMgvo-00079-00022084-00022212 But it's March 22nd to 24th Z8KVNeAMgvo-00080-00022212-00022408 You can find tickets at VidConEurope.com Z8KVNeAMgvo-00081-00022408-00022678 And also, if you don't live in Amsterdam, you get to go to Amsterdam! Z8KVNeAMgvo-00082-00022678-00023212 It's an opportunity to get together with other creators of all sizes, talk about craft and how you make it work, Z8KVNeAMgvo-00083-00023212-00023732 and what you like to do, and also talk to brands and platforms and the kinds of people who will enable people Z8KVNeAMgvo-00084-00023732-00023816 who wanna make stuff Z8KVNeAMgvo-00085-00023816-00024008 John, I'll see you on Tuesday. Zwjth-JlecY-00000-00000000-00000200 ghamasan.com ZBcEFJjEOQ4-00000-00000010-00000416 All Might: Do you remember how I gave my power to you what I said that day? ZBcEFJjEOQ4-00001-00000459-00000540 Izuku Midoriya: Eat this! ZBcEFJjEOQ4-00002-00000540-00000750 All Might: N-no! Not that part. ZIvj1L9ly0o-00000-00007840-00008488 Norton Lifelock Password not working ☎(408) 777 6397☎ ZKmpOfIKgny-00000-00000053-00000474 מיצאו את שיפוע הקו בגרף הנתון . ZKmpOfIKgny-00001-00000474-00000802 תזכורת קצרה : שיפוע הוא ZKmpOfIKgny-00002-00000802-00001049 מידת האלכסון של הקו . ZKmpOfIKgny-00003-00001049-00001985 והדרך למדוד זאת : שיפוע הוא ..השינוי ב-Y .... ZKmpOfIKgny-00004-00001985-00002151 ...חלקי השינוי ב-X .... ZKmpOfIKgny-00005-00002551-00003108 ועבור קו ישר , הנתון הזה יהיה תמיד קבוע . ZKmpOfIKgny-00006-00003108-00003394 לפעמים אפשר לראות את זה כתוב כך : ZKmpOfIKgny-00007-00003394-00003659 המשולש הקטן הזה הוא האות הגדולה דלתא , שמשמעו שינוי , ZKmpOfIKgny-00008-00003659-00004072 שינוי ב-Y לעומת (חלקי) שינוי ב-X . ZKmpOfIKgny-00009-00004072-00004256 שיפוע הוא , במילים אחרות, שינוי ב-Y חלקי שינוי ב-X . ZKmpOfIKgny-00010-00004374-00004776 אז בואו נבדוק מהו השינוי ב-Y לעומת שינויים ב-X ZKmpOfIKgny-00011-00004776-00005101 נתחיל בנקודה שקל לקרוא אותה ZKmpOfIKgny-00012-00005101-00005481 בגרף , ZKmpOfIKgny-00013-00005481-00005756 למשל פה , נתחיל כאן .. אחליף לצבע יותר ברור.. ZKmpOfIKgny-00014-00005756-00005916 נאמר שנתחיל פה ZKmpOfIKgny-00015-00005916-00006052 בנקודה זו . ZKmpOfIKgny-00016-00006052-00006235 ונרצה להגיע לנקודה שגם היא ברורה ZKmpOfIKgny-00017-00006235-00006437 וקל לקרוא אותה , ZKmpOfIKgny-00018-00006437-00006545 אפשר לנקודה זו כאן . ZKmpOfIKgny-00019-00006545-00006834 היינו יכולים לבחור כל שתי נקודות על הקו , ZKmpOfIKgny-00020-00006834-00007148 בחרתי באלה כי אלו קואורדינטות שלמות וברורות ZKmpOfIKgny-00021-00007148-00007261 שקל לקרוא . ZKmpOfIKgny-00022-00007261-00007551 אז מהו השינוי ב-Y ומהו השינוי ב-X ? ZKmpOfIKgny-00023-00007551-00007754 נסתכל קודם בשינוי ב-X . ZKmpOfIKgny-00024-00007754-00008175 כשעוברים מכאן לכאן , ZKmpOfIKgny-00025-00008175-00008351 מה השינוי ב-X ? ZKmpOfIKgny-00026-00008351-00008666 השינוי ב-X שווה כמה ? ZKmpOfIKgny-00027-00008666-00008834 טוב , אפשר פשוט לספור .. ZKmpOfIKgny-00028-00008834-00009148 צעד אחד , שניים , שלושה . ZKmpOfIKgny-00029-00009148-00009362 השינוי ב-X הוא 3 . ZKmpOfIKgny-00030-00009362-00009540 אפשר לראות זאת גם דרך הערכים של X . ZKmpOfIKgny-00031-00009540-00010006 ממינוס 3 עברנו ל-0 , כלומר 3 בכיוון חיובי . ZKmpOfIKgny-00032-00010006-00010210 אם כך , השינוי ב-X הוא 3 . ZKmpOfIKgny-00033-00010210-00010820 ארשום זאת : השינוי ב-X , דלתא X , הוא 3 . ZKmpOfIKgny-00034-00010820-00011086 ומהו השינוי ב-Y ? ZKmpOfIKgny-00035-00011086-00011320 השינוי ב-Y , עוברים ממינוס 3 למעלה לכיוון ZKmpOfIKgny-00036-00011320-00011758 מינוס אחת , ואפשר גם לספור : אחת , שתיים . ZKmpOfIKgny-00037-00011758-00012526 השינוי ב-Y ..שווה 2 חיובי . ZKmpOfIKgny-00038-00012526-00012636 ...רק אכתוב זאת ... ZKmpOfIKgny-00039-00012636-00012971 השינוי ב-Y שווה 2 . ZKmpOfIKgny-00040-00012971-00013344 אם כן , מהו השינוי ב-Y לעומת השינוי ב-X ? ZKmpOfIKgny-00041-00013344-00013956 כאשר השינוי ב-X היה 3 , השינוי ב-Y היה 2 . ZKmpOfIKgny-00042-00013956-00014187 וזהו השיפוע שלנו . ZKmpOfIKgny-00043-00014187-00014349 אני רוצה רק להראות לכם שיכולתי ZKmpOfIKgny-00044-00014349-00014591 לבחור כל שתי נקודות פה . ZKmpOfIKgny-00045-00014591-00015166 נניח שלא בחרתי ... תנו לי למחוק את זה .. ZKmpOfIKgny-00046-00015166-00015397 ..נאמר שלא בחרתי את שתי הנקודות ההן , אבחר אחרות.. ZKmpOfIKgny-00047-00015397-00015569 ואפילו אבחר כיוון אחר .. ZKmpOfIKgny-00048-00015569-00015851 אני רוצה להראות לכם שנקבל תשובה זהה . ZKmpOfIKgny-00049-00015851-00016244 נאמר שזו נקודת ההתחלה שלי , ואני הולך ZKmpOfIKgny-00050-00016244-00016630 כל הדרך עד לכאן . ZKmpOfIKgny-00051-00016630-00016864 ראשית נבדוק את השינוי ב-Y . ZKmpOfIKgny-00052-00016864-00017596 השינוי ב-Y ... בכמה יחידות אני יורד ? ZKmpOfIKgny-00053-00017596-00018149 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ... כך שהשינוי ב-Y ZKmpOfIKgny-00054-00018149-00018300 במקרה זה הוא מינוס 4 . ZKmpOfIKgny-00055-00018300-00018671 עברתי מ-1 למינוס 3 , זה מינוס 4 . ZKmpOfIKgny-00056-00018671-00018840 זה השינוי שלי ב-Y . ZKmpOfIKgny-00057-00018840-00019095 השינוי ב-Y שווה מינוס 4 . ZKmpOfIKgny-00058-00019095-00019282 ומהו השינוי ב-X ? ZKmpOfIKgny-00059-00019282-00019632 אני עובר מנקודה זו , מהערך הזה של X , ZKmpOfIKgny-00060-00019632-00020002 כל הדרך .. רק אחליף צבע ... כל הדרך ZKmpOfIKgny-00061-00020002-00020308 אחורה , ככה . ZKmpOfIKgny-00062-00020308-00020488 אני הולך שמאלה , כלומר זה יהיה שינוי שלילי ZKmpOfIKgny-00063-00020488-00021106 ב-X , ..ועברתי 1..2..3..4..5.. שש יחידות אחורה , ZKmpOfIKgny-00064-00021106-00021484 לכן השינוי שלי ב-X הוא מינוס 6 . ZKmpOfIKgny-00065-00021838-00022147 ואפשר גם לראות שהתחלנו ב-X שווה 3 ZKmpOfIKgny-00066-00022147-00022391 והגענו עד X שווה מינוס 3 , ZKmpOfIKgny-00067-00022391-00022643 זה שינוי של מינוס 6 . ZKmpOfIKgny-00068-00022643-00022905 זזתי 6 שמאלה , שינוי של מינוס 6 . ZKmpOfIKgny-00069-00022905-00023227 אז מהו השינוי ב-Y לעומת השינוי ב-X ? ZKmpOfIKgny-00070-00023227-00023767 השינוי ב-Y חלקי השינוי ב-X הוא מינוס 4 ZKmpOfIKgny-00071-00023767-00023879 חלקי מינוס 6 . ZKmpOfIKgny-00072-00023879-00024137 המינוסים מתבטלים , וכמה זה 4 חלקי 6 ? ZKmpOfIKgny-00073-00024137-00024338 ובכן , זה 2/3 . ZKmpOfIKgny-00074-00024338-00024561 קיבלנו את אותו הערך . מה שצריך לזכור זה להיות עיקביים . ZKmpOfIKgny-00075-00024561-00024820 אם זו נקודת ההתחלה , ירדתי 4 ZKmpOfIKgny-00076-00024820-00024993 ואז זזתי אחורה 6 . ZKmpOfIKgny-00077-00024993-00025133 מינוס 4 חלקי מינוס 6 . ZKmpOfIKgny-00078-00025133-00025380 אם ז ו היתה נקודת ההתחלה , יכולתי לומר ZKmpOfIKgny-00079-00025380-00026104 שעליתי 4 , וכך השינוי ב-Y היה 4 , ZKmpOfIKgny-00080-00026104-00026648 והשינוי ב-X היה 6 . ZKmpOfIKgny-00081-00026648-00026964 ובשתי הדרכים , שוב , שינוי ב-Y חלקי שינוי ב-X ZKmpOfIKgny-00082-00026964-00027237 הוא 4 חלקי 6 , שהם 2/3 . ZKmpOfIKgny-00083-00027237-00027444 כך שלא חשוב איזה נקודות תבחרו , ZKmpOfIKgny-00084-00027444-00027657 כל עוד אתם עיקביים בדרך , תקבלו ZKmpOfIKgny-00085-00027657-00027887 ערך זהה עבור השיפוע . ZL3s2TjX0Yo-00000-00001866-00003024 Good morning, mr, master, maestro or simply or simply David Lynch? ZL3s2TjX0Yo-00001-00003024-00003550 It's March 17th, 2023 and... ZL3s2TjX0Yo-00002-00003550-00004243 and if he can believe it, it's not a Friday once again without him. ZL3s2TjX0Yo-00003-00004243-00005434 However I think today should/could be the last time I said this because since the next ZL3s2TjX0Yo-00004-00005434-00005592 week ZL3s2TjX0Yo-00005-00005592-00006551 being also master Angelo Badalamenti's birthday, was I would say, obviously he's dead, ZL3s2TjX0Yo-00006-00006551-00007455 I think I change the mood, I think I'll return to say once again It's a Friday once again. ZL3s2TjX0Yo-00007-00007455-00008554 And this also because at this point we're going also to the Twin Peaks (Season 1) period ZL3s2TjX0Yo-00008-00008554-00008668 in USA, ZL3s2TjX0Yo-00009-00008668-00009475 as you know April 8th, and for this reasons I think I'll change the mood finally in a ZL3s2TjX0Yo-00010-00009475-00009575 positive way, ZL3s2TjX0Yo-00011-00009575-00010265 even if I'm really not sure in this moment but I think of yes after all this time in ZL3s2TjX0Yo-00012-00010265-00010398 which I ZL3s2TjX0Yo-00013-00010398-00010797 said "It's not a Friday once again". ZL3s2TjX0Yo-00014-00010797-00011925 And today I still have the fever, I have not measured yet but I have it less than before. ZL3s2TjX0Yo-00015-00011925-00012219 I think in this moment 38 and a half. ZL3s2TjX0Yo-00016-00012219-00013122 However as I said in the comment of yesterday I think that yes between tomorrow and maximum ZL3s2TjX0Yo-00017-00013122-00013919 Monday I should stay once again very well or in the normal form. ZL3s2TjX0Yo-00018-00013919-00014084 So we'll see better tomorrow, ZL3s2TjX0Yo-00019-00014084-00014191 the day after tomorrow. ZL3s2TjX0Yo-00020-00014191-00014622 However at this moment i still feel not really good but ZL3s2TjX0Yo-00021-00014622-00015088 surely better than yesterday and above all the day before yesterday. ZL3s2TjX0Yo-00022-00015088-00015669 So it's always strange not say It's a Friday Once Again but it's this. ZL3s2TjX0Yo-00023-00015669-00016534 Here in Naples a clear, clear afternoon, late afternoon because it's almost 16:00, ZL3s2TjX0Yo-00024-00016534-00017285 very still right now, 62.6 fahrneheit 17 celsius and this means that isn't that day really, ZL3s2TjX0Yo-00025-00017285-00017749 really, really, really cold like in these days and in this period, yes it seems more ZL3s2TjX0Yo-00026-00017749-00017849 a Spring ZL3s2TjX0Yo-00027-00017849-00018550 climate, yes at this point we're really closest to Spring and so very well, very well, even ZL3s2TjX0Yo-00028-00018550-00018650 if ZL3s2TjX0Yo-00029-00018650-00019592 personally for the fact of the fever, even if I repeat less, a bit of cold I feel it. ZL3s2TjX0Yo-00030-00019592-00020420 Being already afternoon I think that the temperature at this point is this, I repeat as I said ZL3s2TjX0Yo-00031-00020420-00020643 just before 62.6 fahrenheit 17 celsius, ZL3s2TjX0Yo-00032-00020643-00021351 but the really important thing with this atmosphere is that today we had, today we had (I say ZL3s2TjX0Yo-00033-00021351-00022237 had because obviously the day goes to the end), ZL3s2TjX0Yo-00034-00022237-00022917 thooooooooooooooooooooooooose ZL3s2TjX0Yo-00035-00022917-00023597 beautiful ZL3s2TjX0Yo-00036-00023597-00024118 blue skies and golden sunshine in fact we had them all along the way, we had all the ZL3s2TjX0Yo-00037-00024118-00024301 day sorry, ZL3s2TjX0Yo-00038-00024301-00024724 and I think in this moment for another 2-3 hours in comparison above all with the American ZL3s2TjX0Yo-00039-00024724-00024824 friends ZL3s2TjX0Yo-00040-00024824-00025001 because as you know we've a completely different schedule. ZL3s2TjX0Yo-00041-00025001-00025186 So, said this: ZL3s2TjX0Yo-00042-00025186-00025681 so from the mythical window with the new gray courtain as you know since November 1st, 2022 ZL3s2TjX0Yo-00043-00025681-00025874 and also with those beautifully painted wavy branches ZL3s2TjX0Yo-00044-00025874-00026323 and as regards the window its green roller shooter not visible in this period and in ZL3s2TjX0Yo-00045-00026323-00026833 fact here in the shot ZL3s2TjX0Yo-00046-00026833-00027137 and finally from my mythical Keyboard Yamaha DGX640 YPG-625 ZL3s2TjX0Yo-00047-00027137-00028862 have a great day him, all the people who follow the channel and the Reports, yes really a ZL3s2TjX0Yo-00048-00028862-00029426 greeting to everyone, also to my brother, to the last ZL3s2TjX0Yo-00049-00029426-00030100 subscribers and finally I hope you all have a great breakfast. ZL3s2TjX0Yo-00050-00030100-00030488 Unfortunately, unfortunately I already did it today, even if I was not very hungry still ZL3s2TjX0Yo-00051-00030488-00030963 for the fact of the fever but however as we always say: ZL3s2TjX0Yo-00052-00030963-00032652 Breakfast is always one of the most beautiful things in life and in the world, absolutely. ZL3s2TjX0Yo-00053-00032652-00032913 I'll see you in the Today's UFO Plate is...? ZL3s2TjX0Yo-00054-00032913-00033398 video (if I don't die) because as you know it's a Friday. ZL3s2TjX0Yo-00055-00033398-00033738 "Today's UFO Plate is...?" ZM-qN5GXUl8-00000-00000591-00000791 चेनल सब्सक्राइब करे ZNb3bYgB7nE-00000-00000000-00000546 Do you have that craving for building robust, well-tested, and modular JavaScript code? ZNb3bYgB7nE-00001-00000546-00000712 I know I do. ZNb3bYgB7nE-00002-00000712-00001044 Nico is working on a new book series called Modular JavaScript. ZNb3bYgB7nE-00003-00001044-00001224 It's going to be free. ZNb3bYgB7nE-00004-00001224-00001726 He wrote hundreds of open-source modules and his posts on Pony Foo are so detailed and well-written. ZNb3bYgB7nE-00005-00001726-00002410 He does an amazing job breaking these complex technical concepts into something friendly and simple. ZNb3bYgB7nE-00006-00002410-00002760 I'm extremely thankful for having him in our community ZNb3bYgB7nE-00007-00002768-00003056 To be honest, I cannot wait to read them all. ZNb3bYgB7nE-00008-00003056-00003572 Please, support this project, help him finance his beautiful work, and spread the word! ZpoPqjuMDV0-00000-00000076-00000827 Okay so in chapter 1 section 1. We're going to learn what exactly Ruby on Rails is and what it's used for ZpoPqjuMDV0-00001-00001036-00001437 So Ruby on Rails which I'll be referring to as Rails ZpoPqjuMDV0-00002-00001528-00001926 It's an open source framework for building powerful web applications ZpoPqjuMDV0-00003-00001963-00002603 And it is not a programming language rails is not a programming language. It's it's a it's a structure ZpoPqjuMDV0-00004-00002603-00002993 It's a framework to build web apps using the Ruby programming ZpoPqjuMDV0-00005-00003051-00003422 Language Ruby is the actual language not Ruby on Rails? ZpoPqjuMDV0-00006-00003540-00003884 rails was created in 2004 by David ZpoPqjuMDV0-00007-00003979-00004496 Hyneman Hansen or he's also known as DHH among Gees ZpoPqjuMDV0-00008-00004603-00005286 And she created Ruby on Rails in 2004 and the Ruby language was created in ZpoPqjuMDV0-00009-00005362-00005630 1993 so rails came about 10 years later ZpoPqjuMDV0-00010-00005769-00005981 As I said, it's based on the Ruby language ZpoPqjuMDV0-00011-00006073-00006512 Ruby rails can work with multiple types of servers and databases ZpoPqjuMDV0-00012-00006634-00006965 It can run on it has its own server called web brick ZpoPqjuMDV0-00013-00007018-00007352 But it can also run on Apache and other servers as well ZpoPqjuMDV0-00014-00007411-00007724 And as far as databases it comes with ZpoPqjuMDV0-00015-00007897-00008390 SQLite 3 as a default which is not a it's a it's a server list database ZpoPqjuMDV0-00016-00008482-00008858 But it can also be used with MySQL and Postgres ZpoPqjuMDV0-00017-00008977-00009177 Databases as well ZpoPqjuMDV0-00018-00009196-00009407 Rails is based on the MVC design ZpoPqjuMDV0-00019-00009463-00010050 Pattern with it which is Model View controller, and you're going to hear that a lot throughout this series ZpoPqjuMDV0-00020-00010150-00010469 It's one of the most popular and best in my opinion ZpoPqjuMDV0-00021-00010609-00010809 pattern design patterns available ZpoPqjuMDV0-00022-00010843-00011516 And what it does is basically separates the what the user sees you know the HTML the presentation ZpoPqjuMDV0-00023-00011560-00011760 separates that from the controllers ZpoPqjuMDV0-00024-00011814-00012578 The routing system and also the business logic which is in the model which is usually consists of database queries? ZpoPqjuMDV0-00025-00012811-00013401 So rails is it's different from other web app frameworks in a couple different ways ZpoPqjuMDV0-00026-00013447-00013831 One way is it claims that it's the right way to develop web apps ZpoPqjuMDV0-00027-00013888-00014066 many of the ZpoPqjuMDV0-00028-00014066-00014521 Hard core rails developers wouldn't consider another way of developing ZpoPqjuMDV0-00029-00014563-00015025 As far as the actual structure and framework of the application ZpoPqjuMDV0-00030-00015125-00015607 And there's a popular phrase in the rails community, which is convention over configuration ZpoPqjuMDV0-00031-00015740-00015963 And what this essentially means is that? ZpoPqjuMDV0-00032-00016025-00016699 Rails tries to reduce the amount of work for our developers, and it does this by having a strict set of naming conventions ZpoPqjuMDV0-00033-00016826-00017343 As far as structure, but as far as folder names and class names. There's a really strict ZpoPqjuMDV0-00034-00017429-00017629 convention on naming and ZpoPqjuMDV0-00035-00017666-00018166 It just it lets rails be simple without losing its flexibility and having ZpoPqjuMDV0-00036-00018257-00018457 customized applications ZpoPqjuMDV0-00037-00018512-00019213 There's a lot of other frameworks out there that utilize several configuration files when a ton of settings and controls ZpoPqjuMDV0-00038-00019334-00019642 So that would be a configuration based ZpoPqjuMDV0-00039-00019739-00019939 system framework ZpoPqjuMDV0-00040-00019964-00020497 they provide settings that are specific to each separate product product project the ZpoPqjuMDV0-00041-00020591-00021039 And this could be anything from mapping URLs to database and class structure ZpoPqjuMDV0-00042-00021206-00021406 Rails really focuses on ZpoPqjuMDV0-00043-00021437-00022012 The naming convention over the configuration, so there's less work to do there's less ZpoPqjuMDV0-00044-00022123-00022608 There's less customized work to do, but you can still have customization if that makes any sense ZpoPqjuMDV0-00045-00022805-00023352 Another popular phrase is don't repeat yourself or DDR why and that? ZpoPqjuMDV0-00046-00023453-00023694 essentially means what it says, it's it's ZpoPqjuMDV0-00047-00023770-00024447 It suggests that writing the same code over and over multiple times is not productive and rails was created before ZpoPqjuMDV0-00048-00024539-00024739 productivity if anything else ZpoPqjuMDV0-00049-00024748-00025155 So that's a big, that's a big thing in rails is not to repeat yourself ZpoPqjuMDV0-00050-00025280-00026004 Rails runs independent of the web server like I said you could have you can run rails on multiple types of Apache ZpoPqjuMDV0-00051-00026086-00026552 It actually includes its own web server which is called web brick ZpoPqjuMDV0-00052-00026656-00027456 So you can run a local rails server on any any computer, and you don't need to have lamp or or anything like that? ZpoPqjuMDV0-00053-00027520-00027795 it just runs right on your machine, it's ZpoPqjuMDV0-00054-00027858-00028058 very cool and ZpoPqjuMDV0-00055-00028093-00028680 The last thing rails looks at everything is an object. It's very very object orientated ZpoPqjuMDV0-00056-00028801-00029168 Anything from strings to to actual numbers are actually? ZpoPqjuMDV0-00057-00029206-00029517 Objects you can call methods on a number ZpoPqjuMDV0-00058-00029542-00030164 For instances a times method so you can have seven dot times and that's actually that will run ZpoPqjuMDV0-00059-00030238-00030939 Whatever phrase or string you put in and seven times so it's it's very very object orientated, but you can also ZpoPqjuMDV0-00060-00031012-00031135 create ZpoPqjuMDV0-00061-00031135-00031352 procedural types of apps as well so ZpoPqjuMDV0-00062-00031438-00031638 It's very flexible ZpoPqjuMDV0-00063-00031825-00032400 So as you probably know ruby is the programming language that rule beyond run ZpoPqjuMDV0-00064-00032536-00032792 Ruby on Rails runs a tongue-twister ZpoPqjuMDV0-00065-00032950-00033061 So ZpoPqjuMDV0-00066-00033061-00033858 And if you don't know Ruby if you don't know anything of Ruby at all you don't really have to worry because it's very ZpoPqjuMDV0-00067-00033928-00034586 Ruby is a very easy language to learn, but what you should have a basic idea of is just programming in general ZpoPqjuMDV0-00068-00034657-00034857 a ZpoPqjuMDV0-00069-00034864-00035202 Lot of people will learn rails, and they don't know any Ruby at all ZpoPqjuMDV0-00070-00035254-00036054 And that's fine you can you can get by you just need to really understand stuff like variables functions or methods ZpoPqjuMDV0-00071-00036397-00037032 Conditionals if statements stuff like that just basic programming stuff. You don't need to know a lot and ZpoPqjuMDV0-00072-00037162-00037851 we'll actually actually chapter two is all about Ruby, so we'll actually be learning some of the language and some of the ZpoPqjuMDV0-00073-00038002-00038559 Just the just basic programming principles, so I don't worry about that if you don't know any Ruby ZpoPqjuMDV0-00074-00038812-00039012 Windows and Linux a ZpoPqjuMDV0-00075-00039046-00039690 Lot of rails developers will not work on Windows just because real Ruby and Ruby on Rails ZpoPqjuMDV0-00076-00039891-00040148 Initially ran on Linux, and it was ZpoPqjuMDV0-00077-00040209-00040769 It used to be a lot easier to run rails on Linux than Windows, but there has been a lot of ZpoPqjuMDV0-00078-00040869-00041354 Developers that are now using rails on Windows due to these new ZpoPqjuMDV0-00079-00041484-00041999 kits that are available and one of the kits is this Windows rails installer and ZpoPqjuMDV0-00080-00042087-00042449 You need a lot to run Ruby on Rails. You need SQL light you need ZpoPqjuMDV0-00081-00042571-00043208 Ruby gems there's just there's a lot of stuff you need and this rails install our software actually lets us ZpoPqjuMDV0-00082-00043249-00043449 Install it on any Windows machine ZpoPqjuMDV0-00083-00043540-00043740 Extremely easy, it's very very easy ZpoPqjuMDV0-00084-00043756-00044204 It's just basically just like installing any any software on your Windows machine ZpoPqjuMDV0-00085-00044212-00044414 You go through the installer ZpoPqjuMDV0-00086-00044415-00044921 And then you can it gives you an actual command line to use you can do it ZpoPqjuMDV0-00087-00044921-00045248 You can do pretty much anything you could do in Linux, so ZpoPqjuMDV0-00088-00045381-00045866 Windows is definitely. It's definitely more developers are starting use Windows ZpoPqjuMDV0-00089-00046000-00046703 In this particular series we will be focusing on Windows, but we will also dabble in Linux as well ZpoPqjuMDV0-00090-00046812-00047471 I'm going to show you how to install it on Linux Ubuntu, and I'm actually going to show I have an optional video of ZpoPqjuMDV0-00091-00047527-00047727 installing ubuntu installing ZpoPqjuMDV0-00092-00047743-00047943 Linux Ubuntu onto a ZpoPqjuMDV0-00093-00048049-00048290 virtual machine using VMware ZpoPqjuMDV0-00094-00048384-00048767 You don't have to do that. I just thought that I'd throw it in because I was doing me ZpoPqjuMDV0-00095-00048768-00049325 I had I had to have some how to show you the installation on Linux, so I just recorded the ZpoPqjuMDV0-00096-00049408-00049931 VM installing Linux itself so you can do that as well if you want to mess around in Linux ZpoPqjuMDV0-00097-00050052-00050272 And the other piece of software ZpoPqjuMDV0-00098-00050273-00050391 I will be using is ZpoPqjuMDV0-00099-00050391-00051062 Interactive Ruby which is a program for Windows that will allow us to to type Ruby right in the command line? ZpoPqjuMDV0-00100-00051108-00051491 Just as if it was a Linux machine with Ruby installed ZpoPqjuMDV0-00101-00051759-00052138 Rubygems is a package manager for Ruby on Rails ZpoPqjuMDV0-00102-00052260-00052783 It's basically just little pieces of code that you can plug into your Ruby on Rails site ZpoPqjuMDV0-00103-00052995-00053228 Rails itself is actually a gem ZpoPqjuMDV0-00104-00053328-00053635 Once you have ruby gems you can use the syntax ZpoPqjuMDV0-00105-00053636-00054142 Which gem install whatever the name of the gem they can be looked at kind of as modules ZpoPqjuMDV0-00106-00054201-00054399 or plugins ZpoPqjuMDV0-00107-00054399-00054573 something like that and ZpoPqjuMDV0-00108-00054573-00055342 They I use to distribute Ruby based programs in libraries, so just chunks of code that you can utilize in your in your app ZpoPqjuMDV0-00109-00055410-00056197 Um it's used as a tool to manage installation of gems, so just like the syntax you can gem uninstall install ZpoPqjuMDV0-00110-00056259-00056436 whatever and ZpoPqjuMDV0-00111-00056436-00056978 Ruby gems is part of the standard library from ruby 1.9 on in ZpoPqjuMDV0-00112-00057045-00057325 What we will be using ruby 1.9.3 ZpoPqjuMDV0-00113-00057420-00057564 and ZpoPqjuMDV0-00114-00057564-00058099 Rails is a gem itself. You can actually install rails through ruby gems ZpoPqjuMDV0-00115-00058290-00058904 So, that's it that's the basic just the basics of rails and Ruby and Ruby on Rails ZpoPqjuMDV0-00116-00058962-00059230 So now we can get into some programming ZpoPqjuMDV0-00117-00059304-00059527 so next up we have the ZpoPqjuMDV0-00118-00059642-00059799 installation of ZpoPqjuMDV0-00119-00059799-00060359 Ruby and Ruby on Rails on both Linux and Windows so let's move on ZpGX4SprPTA-00000-00000240-00000672 hello friends today i'm going to speak a little bit about the new ZpGX4SprPTA-00001-00000672-00001051 1.3 petrol motor welcome to this new video ZpGX4SprPTA-00002-00002440-00002880 so in this video i won't talk about all those technical details that you can find in many ZpGX4SprPTA-00003-00002880-00003856 other videos online but i will talk about how this motor feel compared to my previous 1.6 motor on my ZpGX4SprPTA-00004-00003856-00004536 previous Qashqai so my personal experience from the previous engine compared to this new engine ZpGX4SprPTA-00005-00004600-00005624 so as you know i drove the 1.6 petrol engine with 163 horsepower and i was quite afraid to ZpGX4SprPTA-00006-00005712-00006720 switch back to this 1.3 petrol machine with only 140 horsepower i was afraid it would ZpGX4SprPTA-00007-00006720-00007480 lack the power that i was used to especially as i live in Belgium near the french border with ZpGX4SprPTA-00008-00007480-00008264 quite some hills um and i really like the the aggressiveness of my previous Qashqai i could ZpGX4SprPTA-00009-00008328-00008856 overpass every vehicle that i wanted and whenever i wanted even when the car was loaded ZpGX4SprPTA-00010-00009032-00009736 so i was really doubting to leave that real Nissan motor and go to this ZpGX4SprPTA-00011-00009736-00010160 new motor block that is made by Renault but together with Mercedes ZpGX4SprPTA-00012-00010664-00011440 so the seller reassured me that the quality of this new block was really promising and is even ZpGX4SprPTA-00013-00011440-00011904 some parts like the interior cylinders that is made with the same technology ZpGX4SprPTA-00014-00011904-00012872 as on the GTR cars so of course i did a test drive to compare the new motor and the seller didn't lie ZpGX4SprPTA-00015-00012872-00013544 to me the first thing i noticed was that the car i picked up much quicker than my previous motor ZpGX4SprPTA-00016-00013608-00014536 on my 1.6 i really had to push it to the 3000 revs in order to feel the torque you really had to push ZpGX4SprPTA-00017-00014616-00015288 in order to get the power that the car could give on this new motor it the power comes immediately ZpGX4SprPTA-00018-00015288-00016288 i would say already at the 800 revs you will feel the torque so especially in city traffic ZpGX4SprPTA-00019-00016376-00017016 the car feels more aggressively more powerful only when driving already at ZpGX4SprPTA-00020-00017096-00017784 cruising speed let's say about 120 130 kilometers an hour there you will feel that ZpGX4SprPTA-00021-00017896-00018720 the car is beginning to touch its limits in order to overtake and really giving some extra power but ZpGX4SprPTA-00022-00018720-00019672 still it is way enough in the all-day traffic in the city on the highway so i have to say ZpGX4SprPTA-00023-00019736-00020680 i'm really convinced that this new motor block is a good deal i don't regret having switched back ZpGX4SprPTA-00024-00020680-00021744 to less horsepower and you don't even feel it i just fill the car up with fuel so it's a 55 liter ZpGX4SprPTA-00025-00021896-00023304 reservoir tank and i fill it up with as you can see here 46.70 liters at only 1 euro 25 a liter ZpGX4SprPTA-00026-00023304-00024680 so good for €58.51 so not even 60 euros for a fuel tank and as you can see i can go for another ZpGX4SprPTA-00027-00024680-00025664 774 kilometers with that so i think that's quite a good presentation so as you can see best score ZpGX4SprPTA-00028-00025664-00026392 is 6.1 and now i did a short drive from the gas station to home i know it's only two kilometers ZpGX4SprPTA-00029-00026392-00027560 i think and i still had 7.6 liters 400 kilometers confirmation which is really reasonable i think ZpGX4SprPTA-00030-00027680-00028239 so in these videos you can see the car in use on some different types of roads ZpGX4SprPTA-00031-00028239-00029583 i especially show you some hill climbs to show you that the power is really there ZpGX4SprPTA-00032-00045904-00046296 so guys i hope you like this video don't forget to subscribe and like and share ZpGX4SprPTA-00033-00046296-00046538 and see you in the next video bye ZRFQL9v3fZu-00000-00004304-00005216 that's not news though hey how's it going hey hey there draw me like one of your friends ZRFQL9v3fZu-00001-00005456-00006232 oh no please oh god i didn't that did not work too much jump over us subscribe ZRFQL9v3fZu-00002-00006384-00006736 oh he did it oh my god you're binding ZRFQL9v3fZu-00003-00007048-00007095 oh no ZRFQL9v3fZu-00004-00008112-00008480 how crazy we have this all to ourselves have some of mine i don't know i don't want your ZRFQL9v3fZu-00005-00008480-00009192 covered i don't have that the only disease i have is swag and gone there's a reason ZRFQL9v3fZu-00006-00009192-00009984 i pay you four dollars a year come with me holding the wall i mean which way does it go ZRFQL9v3fZu-00007-00010520-00011384 wait a second i just found out what most people find me annoying at first ain't that right though ZRFQL9v3fZu-00008-00011560-00011816 please subscribe if you enjoyed it's completely free ZRFQL9v3fZu-00009-00011928-00012784 oh my god oh my god he almost hit his head are you okay ZRFQL9v3fZu-00010-00013647-00014184 yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna just film ZRFQL9v3fZu-00011-00015224-00015408 i don't think it's going too well for anyone ZRFQL9v3fZu-00012-00018072-00018384 i wouldn't know ZRFQL9v3fZu-00013-00019928-00020096 that sucked yeah it did a little bit ZUm5ctNvY1g-00000-00000011-00000389 >>Do you know any easy way I can track who's citing my work? ZUm5ctNvY1g-00001-00000389-00000489 >>Yes. ZUm5ctNvY1g-00002-00000489-00000664 Google Scholar. ZUm5ctNvY1g-00003-00000664-00001113 If you already have a Google account, you can log in to Google Scholar and set up my ZUm5ctNvY1g-00004-00001113-00001303 citations. ZUm5ctNvY1g-00005-00001303-00001732 This will let you see who is citing you and track your citations over time. ZUm5ctNvY1g-00006-00001732-00002071 >>That sounds like just what I need. ZUm5ctNvY1g-00007-00002071-00002419 >>Just keep in mind that it's not perfect. ZUm5ctNvY1g-00008-00002419-00002930 Google may assign citations to you that are not yours, and it can only track what it has ZUm5ctNvY1g-00009-00002930-00003103 access to. ZUm5ctNvY1g-00010-00003103-00003540 There are still many databases that do not allow Google to index them. ZUm5ctNvY1g-00011-00003540-00003894 You'll want to double-check with your librarian for accuracy. ZUm5ctNvY1g-00012-00003894-00004327 >>Can you show me how to set it up? ZUm5ctNvY1g-00013-00004327-00004528 >>Yes. ZUm5ctNvY1g-00014-00004528-00005185 To create your citations page, go to Google scholar and click on my citations in the upper ZUm5ctNvY1g-00015-00005185-00005385 right-hand corner. ZUm5ctNvY1g-00016-00005385-00005945 If you don't have a Google account, you'll have to create one to use this feature. ZUm5ctNvY1g-00017-00005945-00006442 Once you sign in, you'll be taken through the steps to create your profile. ZUm5ctNvY1g-00018-00006442-00007211 In this case we're setting up an account for Chris Kretz. ZUm5ctNvY1g-00019-00007211-00007625 Once you're signed in, you'll need to put in your name as you would want it to appear ZUm5ctNvY1g-00020-00007625-00007878 in Google Scholar results. ZUm5ctNvY1g-00021-00007878-00008304 You can also fill in your affiliation and an e-mail address if you didn't give it one ZUm5ctNvY1g-00022-00008304-00008504 when you created your account. ZUm5ctNvY1g-00023-00008504-00008917 In this case, the affiliation is Dowling College. ZUm5ctNvY1g-00024-00008917-00009503 You also have a choice to add areas of interest in terms of your research and then click on ZUm5ctNvY1g-00025-00009503-00010363 next step. ZUm5ctNvY1g-00026-00010363-00010889 Google Scholar will automatically fill in an author search for you and will also list ZUm5ctNvY1g-00027-00010889-00011370 citations that it thinks might be yours. ZUm5ctNvY1g-00028-00011370-00013070 Go through the list of article groups, and for those that are yours, click add. ZUm5ctNvY1g-00029-00013070-00013438 In this case, you can see that there's one article that does not belong to our Chris ZUm5ctNvY1g-00030-00013438-00013737 Kretz. ZUm5ctNvY1g-00031-00013737-00014287 Once you've added the articles the next step will be determining how Google will update ZUm5ctNvY1g-00032-00014287-00014444 your profile. ZUm5ctNvY1g-00033-00014444-00014976 It's generally best to just let it automatically update the list of articles. ZUm5ctNvY1g-00034-00014976-00015672 Now that the profile is configured, you'll see your citations page. ZUm5ctNvY1g-00035-00015672-00016178 You can choose to make your profile private so that only you have access to it, or you ZUm5ctNvY1g-00036-00016178-00016648 can make it public so that it could show up in Google scholar results. ZUm5ctNvY1g-00037-00016648-00016953 On this page you'll see your list of articles. ZUm5ctNvY1g-00038-00016953-00017917 You can delete articles or you can merge duplicate articles. ZUm5ctNvY1g-00039-00017917-00019100 When you merge them, you'll be given the choice to select which is the better citation. ZUm5ctNvY1g-00040-00019100-00019601 You can see how often your articles have been cited within the past five years. ZUm5ctNvY1g-00041-00019601-00020066 And in the citation list, you'll also see how often each particular article has been ZUm5ctNvY1g-00042-00020066-00020196 cited. ZUm5ctNvY1g-00043-00020196-00020784 If an article of yours is not listed there, you can manually add additional articles. ZUm5ctNvY1g-00044-00020784-00021337 To see which articles have cited yours, you would click on the number in the cited by ZUm5ctNvY1g-00045-00021337-00021859 column. ZUm5ctNvY1g-00046-00021859-00022241 And then you'll get the list of citations. ZUm5ctNvY1g-00047-00022241-00022970 You can use this list to download those that you'd like to read yourself or simply to verify ZUm5ctNvY1g-00048-00022970-00023262 that they have indeed cited your particular article. ZUGQD-q2zjU-00000-00001416-00001592 ? Helloeveryone,how are you ZUGQD-q2zjU-00001-00001592-00001792 I wish you be fine ZUGQD-q2zjU-00003-00021480-00021536 Second step ZUSRMbdZ7Qy-00000-00002413-00002613 we are on the Iming Fjell ZUSRMbdZ7Qy-00001-00002904-00004168 hello people welcome on our channel we are on our first trip in this year 2022. we are ZUSRMbdZ7Qy-00002-00004168-00005264 opening season now and we will see what Piotr prepared for us yesterday we drove to kongsberg ZUSRMbdZ7Qy-00003-00005264-00006631 and now it's a little bit warmer but wind kills this worm so so it's almost so cold like yesterday ZUSRMbdZ7Qy-00004-00015182-00015333 you have to give it more power ZUSRMbdZ7Qy-00005-00015416-00015584 more power ZUSRMbdZ7Qy-00006-00019848-00020208 hi guys we are on the Imingfjell ZUSRMbdZ7Qy-00007-00020488-00020750 it's really windy ZUSRMbdZ7Qy-00008-00020912-00021184 but landscape here is very nice ZUSRMbdZ7Qy-00009-00021280-00021800 i just hope that it will you can hear it what i'm saying now but anyway ZUSRMbdZ7Qy-00010-00022144-00022288 wow really nice ZUSRMbdZ7Qy-00011-00022512-00023120 there is nothing here just road mountains grass and lakes ZUSRMbdZ7Qy-00012-00023392-00023835 but the views are outstanding ZUSRMbdZ7Qy-00013-00031312-00031808 this road is awesome check this out this snow over everywhere snow ZUSRMbdZ7Qy-00014-00031944-00032969 snow there is wind there is everything and we have snow snow tunnels ZUSRMbdZ7Qy-00015-00033960-00034268 today's day is full of adventures ZUSRMbdZ7Qy-00016-00034432-00034568 yay ZUSRMbdZ7Qy-00017-00040744-00041520 we have to turn back we cannot drive like this this snow ZUSRMbdZ7Qy-00018-00041824-00042184 we don't have good tires to this ZUSRMbdZ7Qy-00019-00042400-00042450 so ZUSRMbdZ7Qy-00020-00042728-00043403 unfortunately we have to say goodbye to this road right now ZUSRMbdZ7Qy-00021-00049936-00050584 i have to go check if we can go this road also this one is not so bad ZUSRMbdZ7Qy-00022-00050752-00051216 i think we're gonna try to go here ZUSRMbdZ7Qy-00023-00052760-00053217 oh my gosh here we go again ZUSRMbdZ7Qy-00024-00067856-00068430 we are packed up and we can go to the next road ZUSRMbdZ7Qy-00025-00073904-00074227 wow so much snow ZUSRMbdZ7Qy-00026-00083856-00084368 hello today is sunday it's raining all the time ZUSRMbdZ7Qy-00027-00084648-00085368 yesterday was one of the most exciting and one of the most challenging day in our motorcycle ZUSRMbdZ7Qy-00028-00085368-00086240 career it was really hardcore for us and for our new colleague yeah Sebastian ZUSRMbdZ7Qy-00029-00086512-00087392 yeah everything is thanks to me because i i made a a trip ZUSRMbdZ7Qy-00030-00087448-00088240 and i thought that going in the high mountains and trying to beat them it's it's okay in june because ZUSRMbdZ7Qy-00031-00088318-00088594 it's end of may, actually yeah, it's end of may ZUSRMbdZ7Qy-00032-00088848-00089544 we are not familiar with norwegian climate our we wasn't prepared for this what ZUSRMbdZ7Qy-00033-00089544-00090336 was waiting for us yeah it was total surprise yeah because there was still snow on the road ZUSRMbdZ7Qy-00034-00090336-00091248 and we have to beat it we did it that's the amount of energy and stress that we had to use ZUSRMbdZ7Qy-00035-00091312-00092296 and we felt was yeah astonishing today or all that we can feel is pain in our muscles ZUSRMbdZ7Qy-00036-00092464-00092960 so i i hope that you are gonna enjoy this episode as much as we did ZUSRMbdZ7Qy-00037-00093096-00093780 yeah we did very much and we'll see you next time bye ZYVx2DwjQLU-00000-00000102-00000540 Circular Arcs: Swinging Motion. ZYVx2DwjQLU-00001-00000540-00001342 So the timing and spacing in the swinging has some of similarities to falling motion, ZYVx2DwjQLU-00002-00001342-00001602 but some differences as well. ZYVx2DwjQLU-00003-00001602-00002590 I think it's useful to think of swinging motion, like you'd see for a swinging pendulum, to ZYVx2DwjQLU-00004-00002590-00003361 picture that in terms of say a ball rolling in a, in a circular a half pipe. ZYVx2DwjQLU-00005-00003361-00004414 So near the apexes, the motion is like going down a steep slope, and so in that case it's ZYVx2DwjQLU-00006-00004414-00004723 a rather similar to falling. ZYVx2DwjQLU-00007-00004723-00005661 But near the bottom, where it goes from swinging down, to swing up, at that point the slope ZYVx2DwjQLU-00008-00005661-00006561 is rather flat, and something rolling on a flat surface has a fairly constant speed. ZYVx2DwjQLU-00009-00006561-00007359 So you notice there is a lot of texture in the timing near the apex, is where you're ZYVx2DwjQLU-00010-00007359-00008288 falling and slowing out, or rising and slowing in, but in the center the timing and spacing ZYVx2DwjQLU-00011-00008288-00008753 is pretty constant, and uniform. ZYVx2DwjQLU-00012-00008753-00009288 We will see this in the motion curve, and in the motion graph. ZYVx2DwjQLU-00013-00009288-00010156 If we graph, for example, the angle at different frames, we see that the motion curve has a ZYVx2DwjQLU-00014-00010156-00011029 lot of curvature, it bends quite a bit near the apexes, and it looks somewhat similar ZYVx2DwjQLU-00015-00011029-00011699 to a parabolic arc, it's not quite the same, but it looks somewhat similar. ZYVx2DwjQLU-00016-00011699-00012933 But then in the center part, where the pendulum is swinging through the center, the curve ZYVx2DwjQLU-00017-00012933-00013222 is almost a straight line there. ZYVx2DwjQLU-00018-00013222-00014380 So it's going the fastest around the bottom, but it's also going fairly uniform constant ZYVx2DwjQLU-00019-00014380-00014654 motion near the bottom. ZYVx2DwjQLU-00020-00014654-00015336 So this is the essence of capturing the timing and spacing of swinging motion. ZYVx2DwjQLU-00021-00015336-00016302 Here is the little pencil test that shows that nicely, also combines it with motion ZYVx2DwjQLU-00022-00016302-00016992 in a parabolic arc, it’s the sack that’s flying through the air. ZYVx2DwjQLU-00023-00016992-00017869 Now visually, this timing and spacing has even more texture when we see it in perspective. ZYVx2DwjQLU-00024-00017869-00018692 So when we have the swinging motion coming towards the camera, then the fact that there ZYVx2DwjQLU-00025-00018692-00019347 is a lot of texture near the apex is particularly noticeable. ZYVx2DwjQLU-00026-00019347-00020016 So here's an example, there’s a bowling ball pendulum that is swinging straight at ZYVx2DwjQLU-00027-00020016-00020756 the camera. ZYVx2DwjQLU-00028-00020756-00021129 [Silence] ZYVx2DwjQLU-00029-00021129-00022476 So in that example, it's very noticeable when the ball is coming straight at you, when I ZYVx2DwjQLU-00030-00022476-00022983 do that as a demonstration in class, it’s almost terrifying because the ball looks like ZYVx2DwjQLU-00031-00022983-00023656 it's certain to hit me right at the last moment. ZYVx2DwjQLU-00032-00023656-00024511 Now, let's talk a little bit about the amount of time, the actual timing that occurs during ZYVx2DwjQLU-00033-00024511-00024688 swinging motion. ZYVx2DwjQLU-00034-00024688-00025643 So whenever we have some kind of repeated motion, like swinging back and forth, or vibrating ZYVx2DwjQLU-00035-00025643-00026355 up and down, or oscillating back and forth, so all these types of repeated motions, are ZYVx2DwjQLU-00036-00026355-00027187 called periodic motion, and the time it takes to complete a full cycle the period of the ZYVx2DwjQLU-00037-00027187-00027287 cycle. ZYVx2DwjQLU-00038-00027287-00027857 So that would be the number of frames that it takes to make one round-trip in say, swinging ZYVx2DwjQLU-00039-00027857-00028021 motion. ZYVx2DwjQLU-00040-00028021-00029053 Now the period of a pendulum only depends on the length of the pendulum, so it doesn't ZYVx2DwjQLU-00041-00029053-00029615 depend on the mass, for example, it just depends on how long the pendulum is. ZYVx2DwjQLU-00042-00029615-00030655 So the greater the length of the pendulum the slower it's going to swing back and forth, ZYVx2DwjQLU-00043-00030655-00031680 but the, the way this works is that a pendulum that's four times longer takes twice as much ZYVx2DwjQLU-00044-00031680-00032066 time to swing back and forth. ZYVx2DwjQLU-00045-00032066-00032880 In another word, the period of the long pendulum that’s four times longer, the period is ZYVx2DwjQLU-00046-00032880-00033555 twice that of the small pendulum that we see here. ZYVx2DwjQLU-00047-00033555-00033997 Let's look at an example of pends, 2 pendulums, different length. ZYVx2DwjQLU-00048-00033997-00034672 These are, one is about twice the length of the other. ZYVx2DwjQLU-00049-00034672-00035261 [Silence] And when you see them swinging back and forth, ZYVx2DwjQLU-00050-00035261-00035940 hopefully it’s obvious that the short one is swinging faster and in that it has a shorter ZYVx2DwjQLU-00051-00035940-00036083 period. ZYVx2DwjQLU-00052-00036083-00037069 So the one that has a short length also has a shorter period. ZYVx2DwjQLU-00053-00037069-00037947 So it takes less time to complete a cycle than the longer pendulum. ZYVx2DwjQLU-00054-00037947-00038205 We see this in character motion. ZYVx2DwjQLU-00055-00038205-00039600 So long…characters with long legs tend to walk with a gait that is longer time. ZYVx2DwjQLU-00056-00039600-00040452 So since the leg tends to swing in its natural period of oscillation, the characters that ZYVx2DwjQLU-00057-00040452-00041240 are short-legged have a quicker gait, it takes less time for them to swing their leg, compared ZYVx2DwjQLU-00058-00041240-00041713 to a long legged characters. ZYVx2DwjQLU-00059-00041713-00042593 This is so also part of the reason that in running the swinging leg since you want to ZYVx2DwjQLU-00060-00042593-00043513 swing it as quickly as possible, you tend to pick up the leg in order to essentially ZYVx2DwjQLU-00061-00043513-00044315 shortening the length of the pendulum, so picking up the leg brings the center of gravity ZYVx2DwjQLU-00062-00044315-00045593 closer to the pivot point, the hip, and thus it has a quicker natural swinging period. ZYVx2DwjQLU-00063-00045593-00046224 Another characteristic of the swinging motion is the amplitude. ZYVx2DwjQLU-00064-00046224-00046937 So the amplitude is basically the distance from the apex to the center. ZYVx2DwjQLU-00065-00046937-00047986 So if we have a small amplitude, then the distance that the swing goes back and forth ZYVx2DwjQLU-00066-00047986-00048153 is a small distance. ZYVx2DwjQLU-00067-00048153-00048809 If we have a big amplitude then it swings over a large distance. ZYVx2DwjQLU-00068-00048809-00049418 And one thing, which is interesting is that the period of the swinging motion does not ZYVx2DwjQLU-00069-00049418-00049577 change with amplitude. ZYVx2DwjQLU-00070-00049577-00050459 So if I have a pendulum and I have it swinging on a small amplitude versus a large amplitude, ZYVx2DwjQLU-00071-00050459-00051143 in both cases the amount of time that it takes to make one round-trip is the same. ZYVx2DwjQLU-00072-00051143-00051675 Now the large amplitude will have a faster speed. ZYVx2DwjQLU-00073-00051675-00052485 So it will, if you measure in terms of distance traveled per frame, it is has a higher speed, ZYVx2DwjQLU-00074-00052485-00052990 but then of the large amplitude also means it has to cover more distance, and those two ZYVx2DwjQLU-00075-00052990-00053578 balance out so the amount of time that it takes to do round-trip is the same. ZYVx2DwjQLU-00076-00053578-00053891 Let’s look at some video examples of this. ZYVx2DwjQLU-00077-00053891-00054553 So I have this pendulum, I'm going to start with a small amplitude swing, and I am going ZYVx2DwjQLU-00078-00054553-00054982 to make a sound to mark the period. ZYVx2DwjQLU-00079-00054982-00056544 [sound effect] Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep. ZYVx2DwjQLU-00080-00056544-00057454 [Prof. Garcia] Now let's see the same pendulum with a large amplitude swing. ZYVx2DwjQLU-00081-00057454-00058966 [sound effect] Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep. ZYVx2DwjQLU-00082-00058966-00059978 [Prof. Garcia] Hopefully you can tell from my annoying beeping that in the two cases ZYVx2DwjQLU-00083-00059978-00060503 whether it was a small amplitude or large amplitude of the swinging motion, the amount ZYVx2DwjQLU-00084-00060503-00061334 of time that it took to make a round-trip period was about the same for small amplitude ZYVx2DwjQLU-00085-00061334-00061650 as it was for large amplitude. ZYVx2DwjQLU-00086-00061650-00062471 So in summary, the timing and spacing for swinging motion has a slowing in and out of ZYVx2DwjQLU-00087-00062471-00062851 the apex, somewhat similar to falling motion. ZYVx2DwjQLU-00088-00062851-00063703 It is not quite the same as The Odd Rule as we saw before but it has somewhat similar ZYVx2DwjQLU-00089-00063703-00063989 of slowing in and out. ZYVx2DwjQLU-00090-00063989-00064629 The swinging motion near the bottom of the swing through the center of the swing is nearly ZYVx2DwjQLU-00091-00064629-00064729 uniform. ZYVx2DwjQLU-00092-00064729-00065698 So that part of the motion is more or less constant spacing, so it's the fastest part, ZYVx2DwjQLU-00093-00065698-00066513 in terms of the spacings are the largest, but the spacings stay more or less constant ZYVx2DwjQLU-00094-00066513-00066825 around the center. ZYVx2DwjQLU-00095-00066825-00067519 The texture of this timing and spacing is enhanced, the swinging motion is in perspective ZYVx2DwjQLU-00096-00067519-00067980 so that can often make it quite interesting. ZYVx2DwjQLU-00097-00067980-00068634 The period of the swinging pendulum varies with the length, the longer the pendulum, ZYVx2DwjQLU-00098-00068634-00069087 the more time it takes to complete each swing. ZYVx2DwjQLU-00099-00069087-00069855 So we said the characters with long legs takes them longer to swing their leg than characters ZYVx2DwjQLU-00100-00069855-00070173 with short leg. ZYVx2DwjQLU-00101-00070173-00070519 And then finally the swinging amplitude. ZYVx2DwjQLU-00102-00070519-00071276 So the distance that were swinging back and forth, you can think of the angle that you ZYVx2DwjQLU-00103-00071276-00071525 swing back and forth. ZYVx2DwjQLU-00104-00071525-00072261 When the swinging amplitude is large, then the speed is fast. ZYVx2DwjQLU-00105-00072261-00072961 However the period, the time it takes to swing back and forth stays the same. ZYVx2DwjQLU-00106-00072961-00073485 Again this is, for large amplitude, the speed is large but the distance that has to be covered ZYVx2DwjQLU-00107-00073485-00073703 is also large. ZYVx2DwjQLU-00108-00073703-00074694 And so those two balance out, and the time for swinging, the period remains unchanged. ZYVx2DwjQLU-00109-00074694-00075150 So hopefully that clarifies swinging motion. ZYVx2DwjQLU-00110-00075150-00076038 We will get into more types of motion coming up in the next few tutorials. ZYVx2DwjQLU-00111-00076038-00076066 See you then. ZZj185h597Q-00000-00000416-00000656 Welcome to the Doctora Vicks Show ZZj185h597Q-00001-00000656-00000908 Tonight, viewers from all around the world ZZj185h597Q-00002-00000908-00001162 are gonna be calling asking for medical advice ZZj185h597Q-00003-00001162-00001301 and I'm gonna cure them ZZj185h597Q-00004-00001301-00001644 our first caller calls all the way from Argentina ZZj185h597Q-00005-00001644-00001818 Ciao Doctora Vicks ZZj185h597Q-00006-00001818-00002064 My husband snores like a bear without limbs ZZj185h597Q-00007-00002064-00002190 And I need your help ZZj185h597Q-00008-00002190-00002398 If I don't find a solution to this problem ZZj185h597Q-00009-00002422-00002668 My marriage of thirty years will be over ZZj185h597Q-00010-00002696-00002856 Yeah, I know this case ZZj185h597Q-00011-00002856-00003038 one of the problems here ZZj185h597Q-00012-00003046-00003292 Is that he is not seeing your frustration with this ZZj185h597Q-00013-00003320-00003544 all you have to do is grab some Vick's Vaporub ZZj185h597Q-00014-00003544-00003790 rub it under eyes and there ZZj185h597Q-00015-00003790-00004074 we all know that eyes are the window to the soul ZZj185h597Q-00016-00004078-00004200 I just fix your marriage ZZj185h597Q-00017-00004214-00004418 next caller ZZj185h597Q-00018-00004418-00004514 Hi, Doctora Vicks? ZZj185h597Q-00019-00004530-00004670 I'm calling from Boston ZZj185h597Q-00020-00004670-00004926 My issue is that my son is not eating anything ZZj185h597Q-00021-00004926-00005136 All he wants to do is eat fast food ZZj185h597Q-00022-00005136-00005302 What can I do? ZZj185h597Q-00023-00005302-00005418 I'm glad you called ZZj185h597Q-00024-00005428-00005638 because this is a serious issue right there ZZj185h597Q-00025-00005650-00005772 fast food isn't food ZZj185h597Q-00026-00005792-00006128 food is not food unless it has rice and beans ZZj185h597Q-00027-00006128-00006260 so here's what you're gonna do ZZj185h597Q-00028-00006260-00006406 you're gonna spoon feed your child ZZj185h597Q-00029-00006406-00006714 some Vick's Vaporub three times a day for a week ZZj185h597Q-00030-00006714-00007093 one in the morning one at noon and one at night ZZj185h597Q-00031-00007093-00007376 there you go I just cured your child ZZj185h597Q-00032-00007376-00007545 Next caller ZZj185h597Q-00033-00007545-00007658 Hola Doctora ZZj185h597Q-00034-00007658-00007884 Calling in from the 305, baby! ZZj185h597Q-00035-00007884-00008144 I am not sure if you can help with this problem, ZZj185h597Q-00036-00008144-00008254 but my papi died recently, ZZj185h597Q-00037-00008254-00008406 my father not my husband, ZZj185h597Q-00038-00008406-00008638 and I have been very depressed. ZZj185h597Q-00039-00008644-00008794 I'm so sorry to hear that ZZj185h597Q-00040-00008794-00009044 you know, actually I went through the same thing ZZj185h597Q-00041-00009044-00009276 a couple of months ago with my husband ZZj185h597Q-00042-00009276-00009406 all you have to do ZZj185h597Q-00043-00009406-00009740 is get the biggest tub of Vick's Vaporub that you can find ZZj185h597Q-00044-00009740-00009928 you're gonna dig up his grave ZZj185h597Q-00045-00009928-00010146 and you're gonna open up the casket ZZj185h597Q-00046-00010146-00010342 and you're gonna lather some Vick's Vaporub ZZj185h597Q-00047-00010342-00010530 all over the corpse ZZj185h597Q-00048-00010530-00010834 and the next part and this part is really important ZZj185h597Q-00049-00010852-00010998 to make a little dance ZZj185h597Q-00050-00010998-00011212 you have to make sure that you feel it ZZj185h597Q-00051-00011212-00011372 you know, Miami-style ZZj185h597Q-00052-00011372-00011464 and there you go ZZj185h597Q-00053-00011464-00011620 you have your Pappy back ZZj185h597Q-00054-00011620-00011902 and I just cured you from that awful depression ZZj185h597Q-00055-00011902-00012072 That's all the time we have ZZj185h597Q-00056-00012072-00012378 Make sure, Love thy neighbor, love thine family, ZZj185h597Q-00057-00012378-00012760 but most important, love thineself by buying my merch ZZj185h597Q-00058-00012760-00013050 See you next time! ZZT5XIhL4ko-00000-00000072-00000534 there was a new update to Chrome, so here's what happens. ZZT5XIhL4ko-00001-00002148-00002430 eat out. how is your mummy's like now. ZeE9PWBjqfI-00000-00000409-00001119 hi I'm Thomas and I'm a sex researcher I've been getting a lot of messages from ZeE9PWBjqfI-00001-00001119-00001484 people telling me how much they appreciate these videos and I sincerely ZeE9PWBjqfI-00002-00001484-00001907 love the feedback it means a lot to me if you're someone who enjoys these ZeE9PWBjqfI-00003-00001907-00002322 videos spread the word post the links on your social media your Instagram ZeE9PWBjqfI-00004-00002322-00002805 Facebook Twitter whatever tagged me and I will happily repost all of my ZeE9PWBjqfI-00005-00002805-00003132 information is at the bottom of the screen and then of course at the end of ZeE9PWBjqfI-00006-00003132-00003605 the video of like always okay now that I've gotten that out of the way in the ZeE9PWBjqfI-00007-00003605-00003927 past I've talked to you about pornography research about porn and how ZeE9PWBjqfI-00008-00003927-00004311 taking your own naked photos or videos could be considered porn and if you're ZeE9PWBjqfI-00009-00004311-00004707 underage it could be considered child pornography could land you in a lot of ZeE9PWBjqfI-00010-00004707-00005130 trouble today I want to talk to you about revenge porn no I'm not talking ZeE9PWBjqfI-00011-00005130-00005471 about porn where someone cheats or cuckolding I'm talking about sexually ZeE9PWBjqfI-00012-00005471-00005930 explicit materials that perhaps someone has a view and is now distributing that ZeE9PWBjqfI-00013-00005930-00006344 material without your consent or threatening to pass them out without ZeE9PWBjqfI-00014-00006344-00006684 your consent these photos or videos can be put online can be sent to your ZeE9PWBjqfI-00015-00006684-00007065 friends your family your co-workers pretty much anywhere you wouldn't want ZeE9PWBjqfI-00016-00007065-00007368 them to go a recent survey conducted by the cyber ZeE9PWBjqfI-00017-00007368-00007779 civil rights initiative reported that of the over 3,000 individuals that ZeE9PWBjqfI-00018-00007779-00008268 completed their survey 13% reported that someone has threatened to share sexually ZeE9PWBjqfI-00019-00008268-00008690 explicit materials of them and 8% have shared it without their consent ZeE9PWBjqfI-00020-00008690-00009171 additionally compared to men women were 1.7 times more likely to have been ZeE9PWBjqfI-00021-00009171-00009564 victims well what do you do if you're a victim in the United States there are ZeE9PWBjqfI-00022-00009564-00009954 currently no federal laws against revenge porn however there's a ZeE9PWBjqfI-00023-00009954-00010413 bipartisan bill introduced into the Senate and sponsor by Kamala Harris the ZeE9PWBjqfI-00024-00010413-00010836 Democratic senator from California the bill is called the ending non-consensual ZeE9PWBjqfI-00025-00010836-00011574 online user graphic harassment act of 2017 or the enough Act if passed this ZeE9PWBjqfI-00026-00011574-00012150 bill would make it unlawful to knowingly distribute a private visual depiction of ZeE9PWBjqfI-00027-00012150-00012614 an individual's intimate parts or of an individual engaging in sexually explicit ZeE9PWBjqfI-00028-00012614-00013172 conduct with a reckless disregard for the individuals lack of consent to the ZeE9PWBjqfI-00029-00013172-00013558 distribution for other purposes however the bill was ZeE9PWBjqfI-00030-00013558-00014094 introduced in November of 2017 and there have been no major action taken cents so ZeE9PWBjqfI-00031-00014094-00014656 no current federal laws but there are laws in 40 states and DC most of them ZeE9PWBjqfI-00032-00014656-00015012 are misdemeanors but there are a few states where it's considered a felony ZeE9PWBjqfI-00033-00015012-00015484 and can carry jail time of up to 10 years or more so if you're thinking of ZeE9PWBjqfI-00034-00015484-00015931 trying some sextortion it's probably not a good idea and if someone is trying to ZeE9PWBjqfI-00035-00015931-00016381 do this to you find out what the laws are in your state you can go to cyber ZeE9PWBjqfI-00036-00016381-00016843 Civil Rights org and then just click on your state and then make sure to ZeE9PWBjqfI-00037-00016843-00017314 screenshot any conversation where the person is threatening you or spreading ZeE9PWBjqfI-00038-00017314-00017689 your photos or videos you might even want to share the website with them so ZeE9PWBjqfI-00039-00017689-00018031 they know that not only are they doing something that's wrong they're also ZeE9PWBjqfI-00040-00018031-00018537 doing something that's illegal at this point taking naked photos is very common ZeE9PWBjqfI-00041-00018537-00019078 in fact about 60% of smartphone users between 18 and 30 years old report ZeE9PWBjqfI-00042-00019078-00019573 having done it but what happens to the photos after I'm not trying to victim ZeE9PWBjqfI-00043-00019573-00019981 blame but unfortunately it's something you have to think about you might find ZeE9PWBjqfI-00044-00019981-00020365 yourself having to ask your ex to delete them or ask them to not share them with ZeE9PWBjqfI-00045-00020365-00020797 people and maybe they'd be nice and they wouldn't but is anything ever really ZeE9PWBjqfI-00046-00020797-00021328 deleted anymore I'm not entirely sure how the cloud works but in the news it's ZeE9PWBjqfI-00047-00021328-00021670 pretty frequently reported that breaches happen and you don't have to be a ZeE9PWBjqfI-00048-00021670-00022063 celebrity for this to happen someone has to just be mad enough to do ZeE9PWBjqfI-00049-00022063-00022543 it a few years ago I had my email and Facebook hacked into and whoever did it ZeE9PWBjqfI-00050-00022543-00022975 posted explicit emails and photos from conversations with me and my ex all over ZeE9PWBjqfI-00051-00022975-00023301 my facebook wall I wasn't able to log into my account and they just sat there ZeE9PWBjqfI-00052-00023301-00023815 for days literally my entire family saw them and I was mortified I have no idea ZeE9PWBjqfI-00053-00023815-00024253 who did it and it sucked and eventually I got over it but you don't want to have ZeE9PWBjqfI-00054-00024253-00024565 to go through that and I'm not saying that you should feel shame for taking ZeE9PWBjqfI-00055-00024565-00024963 naked photos but I do think that you should consider where they might end up ZeE9PWBjqfI-00056-00024963-00025675 and how you'd feel if that happened because well it does not feel good I'll ZeE9PWBjqfI-00057-00025675-00025934 see you next time ZeE9PWBjqfI-00058-00026028-00026425 thanks for watching I've got a lot of content in production and I don't want ZeE9PWBjqfI-00059-00026425-00026777 you to miss out so go ahead and click that subscribe button and in the ZeE9PWBjqfI-00060-00026777-00027155 meantime check out one of these other videos and don't forget to send me your ZeE9PWBjqfI-00061-00027155-00027891 questions about sex to ThomasTalksAbout@gmail.com Zfq2aTCm9Sc-00000-00000010-00000063 AND THE SOFTWARE IS SCHEDULED TO Zfq2aTCm9Sc-00001-00000063-00000070 AND THE SOFTWARE IS SCHEDULED TO Zfq2aTCm9Sc-00002-00000070-00000423 AND THE SOFTWARE IS SCHEDULED TO GO LIVE ON FEBRUARY 14. Zfq2aTCm9Sc-00003-00000423-00000430 AND THE SOFTWARE IS SCHEDULED TO GO LIVE ON FEBRUARY 14. Zfq2aTCm9Sc-00004-00000430-00000520 AND THE SOFTWARE IS SCHEDULED TO GO LIVE ON FEBRUARY 14. THE BRAINERD CITY COUNCIL Zfq2aTCm9Sc-00005-00000520-00000527 GO LIVE ON FEBRUARY 14. THE BRAINERD CITY COUNCIL Zfq2aTCm9Sc-00006-00000527-00000593 GO LIVE ON FEBRUARY 14. 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Zfq2aTCm9Sc-00015-00001321-00001327 AFTER A BUS WAS TOTALED IN A CRASH IN JANUARY. Zfq2aTCm9Sc-00016-00001327-00001394 AFTER A BUS WAS TOTALED IN A CRASH IN JANUARY. IT WOULD AMEND THE CITY'S Zfq2aTCm9Sc-00017-00001394-00001401 CRASH IN JANUARY. IT WOULD AMEND THE CITY'S Zfq2aTCm9Sc-00018-00001401-00001464 CRASH IN JANUARY. IT WOULD AMEND THE CITY'S CONTRACT WITH THE MINNESOTA Zfq2aTCm9Sc-00019-00001464-00001471 IT WOULD AMEND THE CITY'S CONTRACT WITH THE MINNESOTA Zfq2aTCm9Sc-00020-00001471-00001538 IT WOULD AMEND THE CITY'S CONTRACT WITH THE MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TO Zfq2aTCm9Sc-00021-00001538-00001544 CONTRACT WITH THE MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TO Zfq2aTCm9Sc-00022-00001544-00001608 CONTRACT WITH THE MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TO ALLOW THE CITY TO BUY THE BUS. Zfq2aTCm9Sc-00023-00001608-00001614 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TO ALLOW THE CITY TO BUY THE BUS. Zfq2aTCm9Sc-00024-00001614-00001748 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TO ALLOW THE CITY TO BUY THE BUS. THE CRASH HAPPENED AT THE Zfq2aTCm9Sc-00025-00001748-00001755 ALLOW THE CITY TO BUY THE BUS. THE CRASH HAPPENED AT THE Zfq2aTCm9Sc-00026-00001755-00001821 ALLOW THE CITY TO BUY THE BUS. THE CRASH HAPPENED AT THE INTERSECTION OF HIGHWAY 371 AND Zfq2aTCm9Sc-00027-00001821-00001828 THE CRASH HAPPENED AT THE INTERSECTION OF HIGHWAY 371 AND Zfq2aTCm9Sc-00028-00001828-00001888 THE CRASH HAPPENED AT THE INTERSECTION OF HIGHWAY 371 AND COLLEGE ROAD IN BAXTER ON Zfq2aTCm9Sc-00029-00001888-00001895 INTERSECTION OF HIGHWAY 371 AND COLLEGE ROAD IN BAXTER ON Zfq2aTCm9Sc-00030-00001895-00002372 INTERSECTION OF HIGHWAY 371 AND COLLEGE ROAD IN BAXTER ON JANUARY 12TH. Zfq2aTCm9Sc-00031-00002372-00002379 COLLEGE ROAD IN BAXTER ON JANUARY 12TH. Zfq2aTCm9Sc-00032-00002379-00002445 COLLEGE ROAD IN BAXTER ON JANUARY 12TH. BRAINERD TRANSIT TYPICALLY HAS Zfq2aTCm9Sc-00033-00002445-00002452 JANUARY 12TH. BRAINERD TRANSIT TYPICALLY HAS Zfq2aTCm9Sc-00034-00002452-00002555 JANUARY 12TH. BRAINERD TRANSIT TYPICALLY HAS TEN BUSSES, RUNNING NINE ON Zfq2aTCm9Sc-00035-00002555-00002562 BRAINERD TRANSIT TYPICALLY HAS TEN BUSSES, RUNNING NINE ON Zfq2aTCm9Sc-00036-00002562-00002629 BRAINERD TRANSIT TYPICALLY HAS TEN BUSSES, RUNNING NINE ON A DAILY BASIS, BUT SINCE THE Zfq2aTCm9Sc-00037-00002629-00002635 TEN BUSSES, RUNNING NINE ON A DAILY BASIS, BUT SINCE THE Zfq2aTCm9Sc-00038-00002635-00002822 TEN BUSSES, RUNNING NINE ON A DAILY BASIS, BUT SINCE THE ACCIDENT HAS BEEN ONE SHORT. Zfq2aTCm9Sc-00039-00002822-00002829 A DAILY BASIS, BUT SINCE THE ACCIDENT HAS BEEN ONE SHORT. Zfq2aTCm9Sc-00040-00002829-00002899 A DAILY BASIS, BUT SINCE THE ACCIDENT HAS BEEN ONE SHORT. AND BECAUSE OF THE ACCIDENT, THE Zfq2aTCm9Sc-00041-00002899-00002906 ACCIDENT HAS BEEN ONE SHORT. AND BECAUSE OF THE ACCIDENT, THE Zfq2aTCm9Sc-00042-00002906-00003143 ACCIDENT HAS BEEN ONE SHORT. AND BECAUSE OF THE ACCIDENT, THE CITY WILL HAVE TO PURCHASE Zfq2aTCm9Sc-00043-00003143-00003149 AND BECAUSE OF THE ACCIDENT, THE CITY WILL HAVE TO PURCHASE Zfq2aTCm9Sc-00044-00003149-00003216 AND BECAUSE OF THE ACCIDENT, THE CITY WILL HAVE TO PURCHASE TWO BUSSES THIS YEAR DUE TO THE Zfq2aTCm9Sc-00045-00003216-00003223 CITY WILL HAVE TO PURCHASE TWO BUSSES THIS YEAR DUE TO THE Zfq2aTCm9Sc-00046-00003223-00003313 CITY WILL HAVE TO PURCHASE TWO BUSSES THIS YEAR DUE TO THE ANNUAL REPLACEMENT CYCLE. Zfq2aTCm9Sc-00047-00003313-00003319 TWO BUSSES THIS YEAR DUE TO THE ANNUAL REPLACEMENT CYCLE. Zfq2aTCm9Sc-00048-00003319-00003626 TWO BUSSES THIS YEAR DUE TO THE ANNUAL REPLACEMENT CYCLE. ANNUAL REPLACEMENT CYCLE. Zfq2aTCm9Sc-00049-00003626-00003633 ANNUAL REPLACEMENT CYCLE. ANNUAL REPLACEMENT CYCLE. Zfq2aTCm9Sc-00050-00003633-00003793 ANNUAL REPLACEMENT CYCLE. ANNUAL REPLACEMENT CYCLE. . Zfq2aTCm9Sc-00051-00003793-00003800 ANNUAL REPLACEMENT CYCLE. . Zfq2aTCm9Sc-00052-00003800-00004150 ANNUAL REPLACEMENT CYCLE. . >> TYPICALLY IT'S 10 BUSES AND Zfq2aTCm9Sc-00053-00004150-00004157 . >> TYPICALLY IT'S 10 BUSES AND Zfq2aTCm9Sc-00054-00004157-00004320 . >> TYPICALLY IT'S 10 BUSES AND IT'S A CAPITAL REPLACEMENT Zfq2aTCm9Sc-00055-00004320-00004327 >> TYPICALLY IT'S 10 BUSES AND IT'S A CAPITAL REPLACEMENT Zfq2aTCm9Sc-00056-00004327-00004337 >> TYPICALLY IT'S 10 BUSES AND IT'S A CAPITAL REPLACEMENT CYCLE. Zfq2aTCm9Sc-00057-00004337-00004344 IT'S A CAPITAL REPLACEMENT CYCLE. Zfq2aTCm9Sc-00058-00004344-00004517 IT'S A CAPITAL REPLACEMENT CYCLE. I GET A NEW BUS EVERY YEAR, AND Zfq2aTCm9Sc-00059-00004517-00004524 CYCLE. I GET A NEW BUS EVERY YEAR, AND Zfq2aTCm9Sc-00060-00004524-00004874 CYCLE. I GET A NEW BUS EVERY YEAR, AND I RETIRE A BUS. Zfq2aTCm9Sc-00061-00004874-00004881 I GET A NEW BUS EVERY YEAR, AND I RETIRE A BUS. Zfq2aTCm9Sc-00062-00004881-00004958 I GET A NEW BUS EVERY YEAR, AND I RETIRE A BUS. STONE SAYS THAT LAST YEAR'S BUS Zfq2aTCm9Sc-00063-00004958-00004964 I RETIRE A BUS. STONE SAYS THAT LAST YEAR'S BUS Zfq2aTCm9Sc-00064-00004964-00005001 I RETIRE A BUS. STONE SAYS THAT LAST YEAR'S BUS COST $80,000. Zfq2aTCm9Sc-00065-00005001-00005008 STONE SAYS THAT LAST YEAR'S BUS COST $80,000. Zfq2aTCm9Sc-00066-00005008-00005085 STONE SAYS THAT LAST YEAR'S BUS COST $80,000. HOWEVER, HE EXPECTS THE TWO NEW Zfq2aTCm9Sc-00067-00005085-00005091 COST $80,000. HOWEVER, HE EXPECTS THE TWO NEW Zfq2aTCm9Sc-00068-00005091-00005235 COST $80,000. HOWEVER, HE EXPECTS THE TWO NEW BUSSES THIS YEAR TO BE THREE ZjvShf8A-3c-00000-00000048-00000704 so my name is dan walsh i work for red hat um i actually my my type my official title is lee ZjvShf8A-3c-00001-00000704-00001336 my job role as a consulting engineer red hat my title is lead architect of the runtimes ZjvShf8A-3c-00002-00001336-00001920 team at red hat so we handle everything underneath kubernetes and underneath open shift needed to run ZjvShf8A-3c-00003-00001984-00002408 containers so we have a whole bunch of people working on our teams ZjvShf8A-3c-00004-00002504-00003168 and we've been developing a whole bunch of uh really we should call them container engines uh ZjvShf8A-3c-00005-00003168-00003752 the the runtime term is overused um really what these are is container engines and i see the low ZjvShf8A-3c-00006-00003752-00004280 things like run c and car containers as being is really being the runtimes so really these things ZjvShf8A-3c-00007-00004280-00005136 are container engines um so this talk is called replacing docker with pod man really what we ZjvShf8A-3c-00008-00005136-00005744 our view of the world is actually replacing tearing apart what docker did into a series of sub ZjvShf8A-3c-00009-00005744-00006344 components so podman really is is replacing the docker cli so sort of the traditional way you ran ZjvShf8A-3c-00010-00006344-00007144 docker commands is what we're looking for for with the podman command so um first you uh dnf install ZjvShf8A-3c-00011-00007144-00007895 i could have put app get up up here your dnf install pod man then you do this any questions ZjvShf8A-3c-00012-00008328-00008728 and to show you that's true this guy alamorin ZjvShf8A-3c-00013-00008728-00009192 i who i don't know a couple months ago said i completely forgot that two months ago ZjvShf8A-3c-00014-00009192-00009832 i set up an alias of docker equals podman and it has been a dream no big fat demons project atomic ZjvShf8A-3c-00015-00009928-00010416 down below one of the comments to him was how did you figure out you were using podman instead of ZjvShf8A-3c-00016-00010416-00011016 docker and he said i did um um i did podman help i had docker help and it came up and gave him ZjvShf8A-3c-00017-00011016-00011720 podman's help message so that's how we figured it out so obviously i can't stop at that so at this ZjvShf8A-3c-00018-00011720-00012304 point everybody has to stand up if you've seen me do talks before i make you guys participate ZjvShf8A-3c-00019-00012648-00013056 okay so please read out loud anything that is red ZjvShf8A-3c-00020-00013263-00014184 excellent nice work ZjvShf8A-3c-00021-00014552-00015584 thank you ZjvShf8A-3c-00022-00016191-00016272 all right so ZjvShf8A-3c-00023-00016520-00017192 containers is a linux thing or it's you know it's basically a concept and do you guys go make ZjvShf8A-3c-00024-00017192-00017744 copiers and say i'm going to make a xerox or do you take a tissue paper out and say it's a kleenex ZjvShf8A-3c-00025-00017800-00018104 or do you take an aspirin out and say it's an aspirin oh that's a bad point ZjvShf8A-3c-00026-00018232-00018784 but basically uh and at this conference i cringe in the back of the room every time i hear someone ZjvShf8A-3c-00027-00018784-00019400 you know basically use the d word and i actually have another talk where i have a switch out that ZjvShf8A-3c-00028-00019400-00020016 i put up and every time i say the d word i have to put money into the swear job but i'm not going ZjvShf8A-3c-00029-00020016-00020608 to do that today because i don't have much money but anyways what do you need to run a container ZjvShf8A-3c-00030-00020704-00021064 okay what do i what is it what does it mean when i run a container and the first thing you need when ZjvShf8A-3c-00031-00021064-00021568 you want to run a container you need to identify what the hell is a container and a container in ZjvShf8A-3c-00032-00021568-00022088 in this case has been standardized or at least the image format of what people mean when they say i'm ZjvShf8A-3c-00033-00022088-00022536 going to run a container and they're talking about something that sits at a container registry like ZjvShf8A-3c-00034-00022536-00023160 docker io or quay.io or you know it is probably a hundred different people out of factory um are ZjvShf8A-3c-00035-00023160-00023784 all doing container registries and there's these these images or tower balls that sit up there ZjvShf8A-3c-00036-00023784-00024376 uh container images and a couple of years ago thanks to core os if you saw the talk earlier on ZjvShf8A-3c-00037-00024592-00024984 vincent's talk talked about you know sort of the history of container run times ZjvShf8A-3c-00038-00025128-00025656 coreos introduced the app c spec caused a fracture all of a sudden they're gonna be two different ZjvShf8A-3c-00039-00025656-00026160 types of container images i mean it actually forced all of the companies the big companies that ZjvShf8A-3c-00040-00026160-00026704 are involved in containers like uh big companies and startups to get together and say we're going ZjvShf8A-3c-00041-00026704-00027168 to standardize on what this what it means to be a container image and that's where oci came out ZjvShf8A-3c-00042-00027168-00027904 the big companies i'm talking about red hat ibm google microsoft docker um core os at the time ZjvShf8A-3c-00043-00027904-00028408 who we've now acquired as you most do you know got together and they standardized on what it means to ZjvShf8A-3c-00044-00028408-00029095 be a container image last year uh last december actually they came out with the oci image bundle ZjvShf8A-3c-00045-00029095-00029624 specification and now we sort of have a good idea of what it means to be a container so when i say ZjvShf8A-3c-00046-00029624-00030024 i want to run the fedora container i know what i'm going to get when i pull it down ZjvShf8A-3c-00047-00030024-00030383 or i have an idea of what i'm going to get so the next thing i need to do ZjvShf8A-3c-00048-00030383-00030864 is get a mechanism for pulling images pulling the images off of a container registry to the host ZjvShf8A-3c-00049-00031008-00031408 and again some of this was covered earlier this morning but basically we built a tool ZjvShf8A-3c-00050-00031408-00032127 several years ago actually antonio in the back of the room did to uh we actually did a pull request ZjvShf8A-3c-00051-00032127-00032616 upstream because we found is that people were pulling images off of uh container registries ZjvShf8A-3c-00052-00032616-00033080 and they were huge i mean we're talking some images of 1.5 gigabytes or two gigabytes right ZjvShf8A-3c-00053-00033080-00033496 these are huge images and there's a json file that basically describes what's in the image ZjvShf8A-3c-00054-00033552-00034160 so we said is why not why don't we build a command like uh docker inspect dash dash remote to pull ZjvShf8A-3c-00055-00034160-00034576 down the json file associated with the image that i could then look at and then figure out if ZjvShf8A-3c-00056-00034576-00034952 i actually want to pull down the image right the only way to get an image and look at what's inside ZjvShf8A-3c-00057-00034952-00035344 of it right now is to pull it to the host you have to pull that two gigabytes to your machine ZjvShf8A-3c-00058-00035344-00035632 before you say oh that's not really what i wanted let me get rid of it ZjvShf8A-3c-00059-00035744-00036352 so we went to upstream with that pull request and they said sorry we're not interested it confuses ZjvShf8A-3c-00060-00036352-00037024 the api or the cli too much but he said they said but it's just a web interface right these are ZjvShf8A-3c-00061-00037024-00037496 just container registries container registries are nothing but web services with tower balls ZjvShf8A-3c-00062-00037496-00037944 on it so it's all web protocol so they said go off and build your own tool to go out and pull ZjvShf8A-3c-00063-00037944-00038488 down the json look at it with your own tool so we built scopio scopio means remote viewing in ZjvShf8A-3c-00064-00038656-00039232 remote viewing in greek and that's why we have a greek hat and a telescope and ZjvShf8A-3c-00065-00039368-00039872 so after we built scopio um antonio actually went off and he started implementing more of ZjvShf8A-3c-00066-00039872-00040296 the protocols for pulling registries so instead of just pulling down the json he also pulled ZjvShf8A-3c-00067-00040296-00040800 down the image and he also figured out he could use scopia to push images and scopio basically ZjvShf8A-3c-00068-00040800-00041304 slowly evolved into this really cool tool that you can start to move images around the environment ZjvShf8A-3c-00069-00041304-00041728 and you don't have to be rude to do this so you can actually copy off a one registry copy to ZjvShf8A-3c-00070-00041728-00042184 another registry without ever having to pull the machine pull the image bundle to your to your host ZjvShf8A-3c-00071-00042312-00042752 um so it really evolved in a cool tool and we were actually working with core os before ZjvShf8A-3c-00072-00042752-00043112 we acquired them and we were trying to get to convince them to use scopio ZjvShf8A-3c-00073-00043112-00043616 to move images in and out of rocket and they said well we don't really want to be executing a tool ZjvShf8A-3c-00074-00043672-00044128 why don't you make it into a library so we created a container's image so containers image ZjvShf8A-3c-00075-00044128-00044648 is a library that now is working independently other people are contributing lots and lots of ZjvShf8A-3c-00076-00044808-00045344 pull requests into to be able to move images around okay so it's really a base level image ZjvShf8A-3c-00077-00045344-00045760 the number one contributor outside of red hat is actually pivotal okay who's one of redhat's ZjvShf8A-3c-00078-00045760-00046296 biggest competitors in the openshift space but pivotal is using you know basically containers ZjvShf8A-3c-00079-00046296-00046784 image for moving images and out of um i think they call it garden is their their source for that ZjvShf8A-3c-00080-00046848-00047184 so the next thing after you pull the image to the host you need to be able to explode the ZjvShf8A-3c-00081-00047184-00047680 image onto disk okay and usually in a linux world or in a container world we call it we ZjvShf8A-3c-00082-00047680-00048080 use copy on right file systems because basically an image tends to be a layered ZjvShf8A-3c-00083-00048080-00048640 thing so you basically want to install a layer of an image then you're going to create another ZjvShf8A-3c-00084-00048640-00049000 type of file system or another mount point on top of it you put the second layer and you put ZjvShf8A-3c-00085-00049000-00049440 another layer on top of it and to do that you use copy and file copy and write file systems ZjvShf8A-3c-00086-00049560-00050224 so when way back when when uh we were first starting to work with docker red hat um actually ZjvShf8A-3c-00087-00050224-00050704 alex the visa here somewhere did most of the work the guy that's in charge of flat pack now ZjvShf8A-3c-00088-00050704-00051336 um basically introduced a whole bunch of uh different types of copy and write file systems ZjvShf8A-3c-00089-00051336-00052079 into what was darker at the time that was overlay fs butterfs device mapper um and so what we did ZjvShf8A-3c-00090-00052079-00052512 is we took the all that that code and we moved it into an independent library so it was independent ZjvShf8A-3c-00091-00052512-00053184 from basically the upstream darker project and and then we went and started to evolve uh that library ZjvShf8A-3c-00092-00053184-00053752 so all these things are independent the next thing you need to do so you could basically you find an ZjvShf8A-3c-00093-00053752-00054304 image we pull the image to the host we store it on top of some kind of storage and then we need a ZjvShf8A-3c-00094-00054304-00054896 standard mechanism means what does it mean to run a container well luckily oci standardized on that ZjvShf8A-3c-00095-00054896-00055479 so the oci specification was a runtime the second specification was called the runtime specification ZjvShf8A-3c-00096-00055479-00055912 which basically says i'm going to write a json file everybody has to understand what that json ZjvShf8A-3c-00097-00055912-00056391 file looks like and then i need to basically launch a program that reads that json file ZjvShf8A-3c-00098-00056391-00056904 and creates the container on the system up into all the container processes sets of the c groups ZjvShf8A-3c-00099-00056904-00057367 security settings name spaces right so that's the last part of running a container ZjvShf8A-3c-00100-00057448-00057976 on the system one other thing we needed is we needed sort of a monitor when i'm running a ZjvShf8A-3c-00101-00057976-00058488 container a container can just exit okay so when a container just exited right it doesn't know ZjvShf8A-3c-00102-00058488-00058920 it's running in a container it's just a process on the system so you need something to actually watch ZjvShf8A-3c-00103-00058920-00059496 that process if the process exits you want to grab its exit code and store it somewhere okay put it ZjvShf8A-3c-00104-00059496-00059991 on the system you actually want to keep open the ttys that are connected to it because people are ZjvShf8A-3c-00105-00059991-00060432 going to come to you and say hey what's going on inside of that container so you need a process ZjvShf8A-3c-00106-00060432-00060984 that sits out there and sort of monitors it and that's called con mon all right so if you went to ZjvShf8A-3c-00107-00061048-00061544 the earlier talk by antonio he talked a little bit about con mon and how it's used inside the ZjvShf8A-3c-00108-00061544-00062040 cryo but kron mon is a simple c program that basically is the parent of the container ZjvShf8A-3c-00109-00062040-00062400 so comparing to the pid 1 inside the container it just sits out there running ZjvShf8A-3c-00110-00062400-00062967 till the container exits catches catches the sig child and then index it well it basically stores ZjvShf8A-3c-00111-00062967-00063544 away some last minute stuff and exits that means that any one of these container engines that when ZjvShf8A-3c-00112-00063544-00064072 we talk about like cryo and like podman can go away right they don't have to stay running on ZjvShf8A-3c-00113-00064072-00064584 top of the container to watch what's going on so there's a little con mon process out there running ZjvShf8A-3c-00114-00064800-00065328 did i skip ahead oh yeah i just explained con mon and the cni was up there sorry about that someone ZjvShf8A-3c-00115-00065328-00065984 should have said that so cni is basically a way for it's an interface again introduced by core os ZjvShf8A-3c-00116-00066072-00066712 that basically defines a network protocol for the container engines to set up networking ZjvShf8A-3c-00117-00066712-00067184 so other people can come in and basically get a plug-in interface to plug in different kinds and ZjvShf8A-3c-00118-00067184-00067576 it's really heavily used inside of kubernetes we use it inside of cryo we're going to be ZjvShf8A-3c-00119-00067576-00068384 using inside a pod mod so basically all different types of people tooling can basically build a cni ZjvShf8A-3c-00120-00068384-00068912 plug-in and then we can use it with these tools so basically we have the four building of the five ZjvShf8A-3c-00121-00068912-00069440 five six building blocks here that allow us to experiment with different types of container ZjvShf8A-3c-00122-00069440-00069880 engines we're not talking about a container engine that is something that you talk to and ZjvShf8A-3c-00123-00069880-00070384 say pull me an image so i know what an image is pulls it down to the disk puts it on the storage ZjvShf8A-3c-00124-00070384-00071064 configures the run c specification or the the oci specification and then launches the run time ZjvShf8A-3c-00125-00071176-00071632 saves data like what happens when the you know container exits and reports it back to the human ZjvShf8A-3c-00126-00071632-00072160 so it's basically it's the human interface or the tooling interface for running containers ZjvShf8A-3c-00127-00072384-00073136 so one of my problems with docker is it has become a big fat container demon okay it's become ZjvShf8A-3c-00128-00073136-00073784 basically a roadblock for innovation okay having to have a daemon to basically launch process ZjvShf8A-3c-00129-00073784-00074416 on a linux system just seems to me wrong right everybody that runs the docker cli thinks that the ZjvShf8A-3c-00130-00074416-00075040 container is a child process of the client what's actually happening is the docker program client ZjvShf8A-3c-00131-00075040-00075672 is talking out to the server talking out to a demon and actually the process that gets launched ZjvShf8A-3c-00132-00075672-00076240 is pin 1 ends up being a child or a grandchild of of the darker demon not of your processes launches ZjvShf8A-3c-00133-00076240-00076816 and i'm going to show you some interesting things about that but what's also happened is if you have ZjvShf8A-3c-00134-00076816-00077424 only one way of doing containers it stops all innovation right if i want to do some special ZjvShf8A-3c-00135-00077424-00077872 things if i want to move those container images around i have to go to the one entity and say ZjvShf8A-3c-00136-00077952-00078360 may i please do this and they say that's not really of interest in this upstream project ZjvShf8A-3c-00137-00078416-00078968 so you get denied so what by breaking it apart we basically get the best of both worlds all ZjvShf8A-3c-00138-00078968-00079624 different tools can use all basically contribute to these different uh components and also you can ZjvShf8A-3c-00139-00079624-00080376 start to build some interesting tools on top of it so this talk is talking about pod men so podman ZjvShf8A-3c-00140-00080376-00081112 means does everybody here know what a part is all right in kubernetes world kubernetes launches pods ZjvShf8A-3c-00141-00081168-00081856 they don't launch containers what a part is is a is a process on the system that has one or ZjvShf8A-3c-00142-00081856-00082376 more containers inside of it so what they what kubernetes wanted is they want to launch these ZjvShf8A-3c-00143-00082448-00082936 multiple one or more processes all locked together in the same name spaces and then ZjvShf8A-3c-00144-00082936-00083368 be able to move them around the system if people came the other night there was a ZjvShf8A-3c-00145-00083440-00083896 there's been some talks that talked about these sidecar containers so you might have ZjvShf8A-3c-00146-00083896-00084416 your primary application and you might lock into it another container and that second container is ZjvShf8A-3c-00147-00084416-00084888 basically monitoring the first container basically figuring out whether or not that container is or ZjvShf8A-3c-00148-00084888-00085352 it's doing something on behalf of that container i think someone was talking the other night about ZjvShf8A-3c-00149-00085480-00085904 basically it does all the authorization for it so the application the primary application can ZjvShf8A-3c-00150-00085904-00086360 do stuff and not have to worry about authorization it's just the sidecar container that does it so ZjvShf8A-3c-00151-00086360-00086792 kubernetes wanted this concept where i could run more than one container at the same time around ZjvShf8A-3c-00152-00086792-00087328 the environment and it just manages parts so when we built podman podman is part of our lib pod ZjvShf8A-3c-00153-00087328-00087848 effort which is basically a library to build pods and so we wanted to build podman as a tool for ZjvShf8A-3c-00154-00087848-00088384 managing pods and containers in the environment but what we didn't want to do when we built podman ZjvShf8A-3c-00155-00088440-00089056 was basically give you a brand new ui or a cli so we wanted to basically we started out by copying ZjvShf8A-3c-00156-00089056-00089856 the docker cli so to run commands inside of pod man it basically uses pretty much the exact same ZjvShf8A-3c-00157-00090024-00090600 cli that you use when you run docker so if you find any darker command in the world theoretically ZjvShf8A-3c-00158-00090600-00091360 you should be able to just substitute podman for it so lastly before i get to the demo we show ZjvShf8A-3c-00159-00091360-00091752 this is the architecture again this is the same architecture that was shown earlier for the same ZjvShf8A-3c-00160-00091752-00092368 picture that was shown earlier for cryo um so we have when i'm running a pod i have a series of con ZjvShf8A-3c-00161-00092368-00092960 mons so when i'm running pod podman it's going to go out and create this environment so i have a con ZjvShf8A-3c-00162-00092960-00093512 mon that runs so if i'm running a pod directly i will have an infra container that basically ZjvShf8A-3c-00163-00093512-00094040 just holds open all these name spaces and c groups and then i have one or more containers ZjvShf8A-3c-00164-00094040-00094576 and running inside of it so podman can run pods but it also can run regular containers this is ZjvShf8A-3c-00165-00094672-00095104 sort of the traditional way you run containers so at this point we're going to demo it ZjvShf8A-3c-00166-00095104-00096808 by the way the icon here a group of seals is called a pod so that's where we got the ZjvShf8A-3c-00167-00096808-00096952 okay so so first ZjvShf8A-3c-00168-00097264-00097480 first we're just going to do a podman version we're going ZjvShf8A-3c-00169-00097480-00097752 to be running sudo to run it as root and of course ZjvShf8A-3c-00170-00097976-00098416 like any good security engineer i don't have pseudo without password ZjvShf8A-3c-00171-00098712-00099448 so here we go we just launched this is uh version 0.9 of podman it's all written and go ZjvShf8A-3c-00172-00099448-00100200 because that's what the cool kids want to write in um and uh what the reason it's 0.90 is this was ZjvShf8A-3c-00173-00100200-00100832 what we've been releasing pardon on on a weekly basis so the it's not 1.0 yet ZjvShf8A-3c-00174-00100944-00101504 and the nine stands for the month and the one stands for the week so this is the first week of ZjvShf8A-3c-00175-00101504-00102336 september uh version of podman and so i'm going to show you info um to give you so it's using ZjvShf8A-3c-00176-00102336-00103088 container storage uh containers are stored under via live containers um we basically have some ZjvShf8A-3c-00177-00103144-00103648 additional features up above uh you probably i scrolled off the screen but i'm not gonna ZjvShf8A-3c-00178-00103648-00104304 go up because i'll probably screw it up but uh it's running on top overlay file system and uh ZjvShf8A-3c-00179-00104304-00104776 some neat things that we've added is actually this is something different than daca from a security ZjvShf8A-3c-00180-00104776-00105280 point of view we actually mount all the devices with no dev by default so even the images and ZjvShf8A-3c-00181-00105280-00105728 that's showing you that you can pass in special overlays but this is all stuff that's built into ZjvShf8A-3c-00182-00105728-00106168 the container storage has given us all sorts of new features that we can take advantage of ZjvShf8A-3c-00183-00106296-00106783 so i'm going to cat out a docker file so we're about to this is a docker file that ZjvShf8A-3c-00184-00106783-00107408 i used what i'm about to demonstrate right now is actually pod man running a container ZjvShf8A-3c-00185-00107464-00107944 that has builder which is builder is another one of our projects which is a container it's ZjvShf8A-3c-00186-00107944-00108464 going to run a builder and build a docker file build based on the top of a darker file inside ZjvShf8A-3c-00187-00108464-00109383 of a container without giving any privileges to it so here we go with the demo guards hopefully this ZjvShf8A-3c-00188-00109656-00110008 so it's going to pull down alpine image because that's the smallest image available ZjvShf8A-3c-00189-00110064-00110335 uh if you look at it we're actually volume mounting in ZjvShf8A-3c-00190-00110432-00110935 here i have a myval directory i'm volume mounting it in i'm actually using sc linux so we're ZjvShf8A-3c-00191-00110935-00111528 changing the label on it and then i have by live my containers i'm bounding that into via lab ZjvShf8A-3c-00192-00111528-00111992 containers so builder inside of the container in this case is going to be writing to a host ZjvShf8A-3c-00193-00112056-00112759 directory on the system um and then i'm using a vfs uh so i've changed the type of the storage ZjvShf8A-3c-00194-00112824-00113440 and there it is so it's now finished it actually built a container image with no big fat demons so ZjvShf8A-3c-00195-00113440-00113959 there's no demons running on the system there's no nothing up my sleeves or whatever basically i ran ZjvShf8A-3c-00196-00113959-00114440 inside of a container another container inside of a lockdown container that basically built ZjvShf8A-3c-00197-00114440-00114983 an image now that image could actually be pushed to a container registry all without ZjvShf8A-3c-00198-00115064-00115608 any special privileges so you can imagine that we talked about cryo earlier you can actually use ZjvShf8A-3c-00199-00115608-00116248 tools like podman and builder inside of containers that'll lock down so you can actually run really ZjvShf8A-3c-00200-00116328-00116759 interesting workloads inside of a kubernetes distribution this kind of ZjvShf8A-3c-00201-00116759-00117008 kind of shows it uh so here i'm going to actually ZjvShf8A-3c-00202-00117135-00117808 i'm going to show the image that was just built um so oops that's interesting it doesn't enjoy ZjvShf8A-3c-00203-00117808-00118176 that but here we have i pulled down an alpine image it actually had a couple of ZjvShf8A-3c-00204-00118176-00119183 layers that got installed and then basically it ended up creating my image inside of it ZjvShf8A-3c-00205-00119408-00120008 so clear that screen so interesting thing here is one of the things i get asked often when ZjvShf8A-3c-00206-00120008-00120616 i'm supposedly a security guy um when i go to customers customers are all worried about their ZjvShf8A-3c-00207-00120616-00121000 their engineers are coming to them all the time and saying uh i got to build this docker thing ZjvShf8A-3c-00208-00121000-00121456 i got to build this darker thing and i have to get access to the darker socket so the docker ZjvShf8A-3c-00209-00121456-00121983 socket is running as root and you can actually do things like docker run dash dash privilege ZjvShf8A-3c-00210-00122152-00123104 dash v slash uh colon slash host fedora root slash host and boom i have full root on the system it's ZjvShf8A-3c-00211-00123104-00123488 actually worse giving someone access to the darker socket is that worse than giving them ZjvShf8A-3c-00212-00123488-00124000 sudo without a password because there's no logging as soon as i screw around on your machine i can go ZjvShf8A-3c-00213-00124000-00124359 and blow away that container and as soon as i blow away that container all the logging gets ZjvShf8A-3c-00214-00124359-00124968 eliminated from the system so what they want to do is they want to be able to use the darker cli on ZjvShf8A-3c-00215-00124968-00125559 the system without requiring root so here we are i'm about to show you running podman without root ZjvShf8A-3c-00216-00126000-00126359 so i'm going to pull an image and again hopefully the network stays up ZjvShf8A-3c-00217-00126488-00126783 everybody that's doing a yum update on the system please stop right now ZjvShf8A-3c-00218-00126944-00127583 so it's going to pull down an image to the system usually this is very fast but this network is ZjvShf8A-3c-00219-00128856-00128952 talk amongst yourselves ZjvShf8A-3c-00220-00129496-00130016 right so this is podman running without root there is no demons out there and what happens ZjvShf8A-3c-00221-00130016-00130592 when i run podman as a non-root user it actually creates the storage so instead of the storage ZjvShf8A-3c-00222-00130592-00131176 being out on via live containers it actually ends up in home directory dot local slash ZjvShf8A-3c-00223-00131416-00131848 share slash containers storage i believe ZjvShf8A-3c-00224-00132056-00132424 okay so actually i'm going to show you that i just pulled down an image to my system ZjvShf8A-3c-00225-00132632-00133224 and just for that shows you the images on the host so there's a lot more images on the host ZjvShf8A-3c-00226-00133224-00133880 there's only one image in my home directory if i want to run a container on top of so there i just ZjvShf8A-3c-00227-00133880-00134648 ran alpine container ran the ls command inside of a container in my home directory no root needed ZjvShf8A-3c-00228-00134888-00135624 so what are we doing to cause this so how are we um actually doing this we're taking advantage of ZjvShf8A-3c-00229-00135624-00136096 the username space which most of you have never seen before or at least had very little exposure ZjvShf8A-3c-00230-00136096-00136664 to so i we actually have a tool under builder called builder on share i just want to show you ZjvShf8A-3c-00231-00136664-00137144 um this basically puts you into a username space without being inside of a container ZjvShf8A-3c-00232-00137328-00137752 so i am right now i'm logged in as d walsh on the system ZjvShf8A-3c-00233-00137752-00138408 that process right now that now that's showing you the route on the home directory that's the welsh ZjvShf8A-3c-00234-00138504-00139136 okay so it basically did a swap and turn so what happens in the system is there's actually ZjvShf8A-3c-00235-00139136-00139752 a program going on here so if i did id right now you will see from as far as it's concerned i am ZjvShf8A-3c-00236-00139824-00140312 running his root on the system if i did a cat of proc ZjvShf8A-3c-00237-00140928-00141408 uid map you would see the mapping that's going on inside of the username space so if ZjvShf8A-3c-00238-00141408-00142024 you're logged onto a fedora system and probably ubuntu has the same thing shadow utils now puts ZjvShf8A-3c-00239-00142024-00142648 every user that logs into the system it puts an entry into etsy subuid and that's the sub gid ZjvShf8A-3c-00240-00142648-00143328 that defines the mapping that is available to the this user on the system so in my system you see ZjvShf8A-3c-00241-00143328-00144064 as i said my uid is 3267 it maps uid 0 to that and it said there was one mapping in the range ZjvShf8A-3c-00242-00144064-00144744 then it says i'm going to map uid one to a hundred thousand and i'm gonna do it for five hundred ZjvShf8A-3c-00243-00144744-00145600 thousand uids so that means in my home directory now i can map five hundred and one thousand uids ZjvShf8A-3c-00244-00145600-00146176 i can create uids from my own uid as well as one hundred thousand one hundred thousand one ZjvShf8A-3c-00245-00146176-00146592 one hundred thousand two all the way up and those would be mapped to one to five hundred ZjvShf8A-3c-00246-00146592-00147224 thousand inside the container pretty cool huh it leads to some interesting problems though i can ZjvShf8A-3c-00247-00147224-00147792 create direct content in my home directory that i can't delete after i do it unless i'm in the user ZjvShf8A-3c-00248-00147792-00148344 name space if i exit the username space back to my regular uid i have files in my home directory ZjvShf8A-3c-00249-00148344-00148888 that i can no longer delete so i actually just wrote a blog on this this past week ZjvShf8A-3c-00250-00149640-00150224 okay so podman has some interesting username space so usernamespace has always been this ZjvShf8A-3c-00251-00150224-00150712 nirvana for a container isolation i just showed you how you can use it in a home directory ZjvShf8A-3c-00252-00150712-00151192 but what would be really nice is if i could use it on the system for separating containers ZjvShf8A-3c-00253-00151192-00151824 so if i run it right now when i run docker or podman i'm using different selinux labels for ZjvShf8A-3c-00254-00151824-00152320 each one of them that gives me isolation with username space i want to be able to isolate ZjvShf8A-3c-00255-00152320-00152712 basically have this container have this range of uids have this container have this ZjvShf8A-3c-00256-00152712-00153344 range of uids and therefore if i broke out of the container uid5 5000 would not be able to ZjvShf8A-3c-00257-00153344-00153992 interact with uid 6000 on the system right just like normal uid separation the problem is reason ZjvShf8A-3c-00258-00153992-00154656 we've never used this using namespace predates docker but up to this point there's never been a ZjvShf8A-3c-00259-00154776-00155200 file system support for this so using any space has been really really cool ZjvShf8A-3c-00260-00155200-00155784 but no one's ever used it so what we did with podman is actually we built since the file system ZjvShf8A-3c-00261-00155784-00156328 doesn't support it what we've done is we're using we're actually toning files underneath the covers ZjvShf8A-3c-00262-00156328-00156984 um to be able to make username space work so here i'm going to create i use the namespace for uh uid ZjvShf8A-3c-00263-00157072-00157544 uh zero to well starting at a hundred thousand to five hundred thousand ZjvShf8A-3c-00264-00157672-00158136 that just created one container now i'm gonna actually look at it so one of the ZjvShf8A-3c-00265-00158136-00158544 other things we've done with uh actually guys from susie to this with this work ZjvShf8A-3c-00266-00158720-00159272 when i run a container the docker had this command called docker docker top to show you the process ZjvShf8A-3c-00267-00159272-00159832 is running inside of the container so we've actually used there's a new library called ps go ZjvShf8A-3c-00268-00159832-00160368 that actually can do something really cool we can actually show you the uid inside of the container ZjvShf8A-3c-00269-00160368-00160928 as well as the uid outside of the container and this is a brand new tool a brand new enhancement ZjvShf8A-3c-00270-00160928-00161456 to podman that basically allows you to see that inside the container it says i'm using the root ZjvShf8A-3c-00271-00161456-00161856 but outside of the container if i actually looked at that process the pit on that process is running ZjvShf8A-3c-00272-00161856-00162512 as a hundred thousand matter of fact i'll show you that right now so here we see you know the sleep ZjvShf8A-3c-00273-00162512-00162880 program that i launched inside of the container is actually running as a hundred thousand so if i ZjvShf8A-3c-00274-00162880-00163384 looked outside the container so now i'm gonna run another container and this time instead of using a ZjvShf8A-3c-00275-00163384-00163800 hundred thousand for the first process i'm gonna use two hundred thousand for the first process ZjvShf8A-3c-00276-00163800-00164296 so now i have um the container and if i look at that container i'd see that i'm running his ZjvShf8A-3c-00277-00164296-00164760 root inside of the container i'm running his route outside the container and if i look in the system ZjvShf8A-3c-00278-00164760-00165184 i will see that one sleep is running is a hundred thousand the other one surrounding is two hundred ZjvShf8A-3c-00279-00165184-00165608 thousand but from inside of the container they both think they're root what's happening on the ZjvShf8A-3c-00280-00165608-00166016 file system underneath we've taken the alpine file system we're actually toning it on the fly ZjvShf8A-3c-00281-00166104-00166376 and we have some really interesting tools that we're adding to make ZjvShf8A-3c-00282-00166440-00167144 that toning faster and better although all different okay so i talked earlier about ZjvShf8A-3c-00283-00167144-00167648 docker being this client server model where you exec a program um on your file system ZjvShf8A-3c-00284-00167648-00168216 and it talks to a client it talks to a server and that causes lots of issues it causes things that ZjvShf8A-3c-00285-00168216-00168784 we can't do like things like sd notify right everybody knows what systemd does with sd notify ZjvShf8A-3c-00286-00168784-00169240 basically you're going to run a process inside of a container and it's going to call back to systemd ZjvShf8A-3c-00287-00169240-00169840 and say i'm ready to receive requests well that never worked inside of docker because you can't ZjvShf8A-3c-00288-00169840-00170512 get the sd notifier is not a child you put the docker command inside of a system to unifile ZjvShf8A-3c-00289-00170592-00171088 it's talking to the docker demon away on the you know on a different socket and the process ZjvShf8A-3c-00290-00171088-00171488 is saying i'm ready to docker it's not saying it back to the darker client it's saying back ZjvShf8A-3c-00291-00171488-00171992 to the darkest server so what i'm going to show you is podman is actually does exactly what you ZjvShf8A-3c-00292-00171992-00172560 think it does so the way i do that is there's a pro does anybody know what this uh login uid is ZjvShf8A-3c-00293-00172624-00173440 when you log on to a linux system uh what happens is there's a uid part of your prox process system ZjvShf8A-3c-00294-00173440-00173976 records that you were dan walsh right that you were logged into 3267. so this will show this ZjvShf8A-3c-00295-00174056-00174664 um on the system it basically says i logged into 3267. i can't change that i can become root i can ZjvShf8A-3c-00296-00174664-00175240 do anything on the system sudo anything else this login uid tracks me there's no way for me to get ZjvShf8A-3c-00297-00175240-00175680 change that login uid once it's set that means that the auditing subsystem can ZjvShf8A-3c-00298-00175680-00176024 record the fact that i did something whether i was root a different user ZjvShf8A-3c-00299-00176024-00176584 or anybody else but it was dan walsh that did it so here we're going to run a container um ZjvShf8A-3c-00300-00176712-00177152 so we're running a container and the container is basically showing you the inside of the container ZjvShf8A-3c-00301-00177152-00177824 process right now it's running his login uid dan walsh right it's running as 3267. if i ZjvShf8A-3c-00302-00177824-00178784 run docker it shows that it's running as uid that happens to be uid minus one okay because that's an ZjvShf8A-3c-00303-00178784-00179384 init system darker demon never logged onto the system so if i do something evil on the system ZjvShf8A-3c-00304-00179520-00180160 it comes back via darker it comes back and says docker did something evil if i do it through pod ZjvShf8A-3c-00305-00180160-00180720 man it's going to come back and say dan walsh did something evil so what i'm going to do here is i'm ZjvShf8A-3c-00306-00180720-00181328 putting a watch on etsy shadow which hopefully worked you didn't even know show that oh it says ZjvShf8A-3c-00307-00181328-00181784 the rule already existed which is good because i ran this earlier and now inside a pod man i am ZjvShf8A-3c-00308-00181784-00182496 touching i am trying to rewrite that's a shadow right and if i do this down here i get trapped ZjvShf8A-3c-00309-00182584-00183096 shows that auid d walsh did something to etsy shadow now if i do it through darker ZjvShf8A-3c-00310-00183488-00183848 and it shows auid on set did something to etsy shadow ZjvShf8A-3c-00311-00183920-00184408 so what that's demonstrating from a security point of view podman executing a command ZjvShf8A-3c-00312-00184408-00184856 basically tracks what the user did on the system as opposed to docker and this is why i say when ZjvShf8A-3c-00313-00184856-00185400 you give people access to the docker socket it's more powerful than sudo because if i go ZjvShf8A-3c-00314-00185400-00185856 through pseudo and i do something in your system the audit system knows that dan walsh did it ZjvShf8A-3c-00315-00186352-00186720 so we've showed a little bit of podman top features i'm going to run a container ZjvShf8A-3c-00316-00186720-00187344 i can see the sc linux label via podman top i can see uh this is something that no one sees ZjvShf8A-3c-00317-00187344-00187928 when they run docker no one has any idea these are the linux capabilities that are on by default when ZjvShf8A-3c-00318-00187928-00188400 ironic podman so we bought it right shown people are always asking what capability everybody talks ZjvShf8A-3c-00319-00188400-00188752 about capabilities what should i drop what should i add well these are the default lists that you ZjvShf8A-3c-00320-00188752-00189200 get in almost every container you run in the environment if you run cryo we run with a lot ZjvShf8A-3c-00321-00189200-00189840 less right a lot of these capabilities are there just to be able to build containers okay make node ZjvShf8A-3c-00322-00189840-00190440 that's so i can create device nodes if i'm running containers underneath cryo in production i'm not ZjvShf8A-3c-00323-00190440-00190936 expecting people to build device nodes so we take it away by default you don't get make node there's ZjvShf8A-3c-00324-00190936-00191328 a couple other ones that we get rid of when we're running it but basically there's different ZjvShf8A-3c-00325-00191328-00191672 you know if you look at running applications there's different ways of running applications ZjvShf8A-3c-00326-00191672-00191984 in this case we need more privileges because we don't know what you're going to do with podman ZjvShf8A-3c-00327-00192288-00192744 so we call it podman for a reason one of the things we want to do is be able to manage pods ZjvShf8A-3c-00328-00192744-00193176 what i've shown you so far is basically all the cli that matches up with docker but here ZjvShf8A-3c-00329-00193176-00193704 we have pods so if i want to create a pod i'm going to use podman pod i'm going to name the ZjvShf8A-3c-00330-00193704-00194456 part and it's going to create a part in the system that actually the the echo line there is wrong i ZjvShf8A-3c-00331-00194456-00195080 didn't fix that but don't worry about it i'll make this all available and hopefully clean it up uh so ZjvShf8A-3c-00332-00195080-00195528 pardon me now i'm going to actually create another pod i'm going to create a sleep pod but this time ZjvShf8A-3c-00333-00195528-00195928 i'm going to tell it i mean i've got to create a container but i'm going to put the container ZjvShf8A-3c-00334-00195928-00196520 inside of the pod okay so this is basically creating a pod so i created a pod now i'm ZjvShf8A-3c-00335-00196520-00196928 assigning a container to the pod now i'm going to create another container and assign it to the pod ZjvShf8A-3c-00336-00197064-00197632 and guess what i'm going to show on the system okay these are all the containers i i ran earlier ZjvShf8A-3c-00337-00197632-00198056 but basically right now it would have worked a lot better i should have killed all the containers ZjvShf8A-3c-00338-00198160-00198776 but basically i'm about to start the pod the two containers i just created do not create containers ZjvShf8A-3c-00339-00198960-00199304 so at that point now you should see two more containers so you've seen ZjvShf8A-3c-00340-00199304-00199592 the containers that just got second got created they were ZjvShf8A-3c-00341-00199736-00200192 created on the system but basically they just start status that goes up one second ago so ZjvShf8A-3c-00342-00200192-00200744 you can see when i started the pod now i started both of those containers if i want to stop the pod ZjvShf8A-3c-00343-00201000-00201440 now this is actually a bug when i'm stopping a container it waits 10 seconds for the container ZjvShf8A-3c-00344-00201440-00201960 to actually exit if the tool catches that and sleeps sleeps actually catching it ZjvShf8A-3c-00345-00201960-00202464 there's a bug in podman right now that it actually waits on the first one before it sends the signals ZjvShf8A-3c-00346-00202464-00202792 to the second one so we actually have to fix that so it sends the signals to all of them ZjvShf8A-3c-00347-00202792-00203240 so it's going to wait about 20 seconds so there we did it and we should be back to three ZjvShf8A-3c-00348-00203240-00203672 containers running on the system and again it'd be better if i killed all the containers before ZjvShf8A-3c-00349-00203672-00204192 i ran it but basically it's running so that shows you pods running on the system if i want to remove ZjvShf8A-3c-00350-00204192-00204624 all the pods i can actually force it to remove all the containers that i created for the pod ZjvShf8A-3c-00351-00204704-00205192 and now if i list out the pods i'm back to zero pods running on the system so that is a ZjvShf8A-3c-00352-00205296-00205984 real quick demonstration of some of the features that you can do with podband ZjvShf8A-3c-00353-00206071-00206464 so let's talk about uh other things i mentioned some of this stuff earlier since ZjvShf8A-3c-00354-00206464-00206671 a lot of people here are interested in systemd ZjvShf8A-3c-00355-00206848-00207432 over the years i came to systemd conf a couple years ago and i gave a talk about the cto of ZjvShf8A-3c-00356-00207432-00208200 darker versus leonard and both of them were being very hard on uh working together um neither so ZjvShf8A-3c-00357-00208200-00208664 one of the things i did when we built podman is we wanted to have proper system d integration into it ZjvShf8A-3c-00358-00208728-00209271 so proper you can just run a container that has systemd and it will just work under podman ZjvShf8A-3c-00359-00209456-00209967 without any modifications we support as i talked about with login uid and ZjvShf8A-3c-00360-00209967-00210423 demonstrated we actually can do proper sd notify so we run a container the container ZjvShf8A-3c-00361-00210423-00210880 does sd notify that triggers all the way up into podman podman that reports a systemd ZjvShf8A-3c-00362-00210880-00211376 that the container is up and running and ready to receive actions we also do ZjvShf8A-3c-00363-00211576-00212184 socket activation um so you can actually put podman into a container pod man into ZjvShf8A-3c-00364-00212184-00212767 the system and have systemd automatically fire it up and it will pass down the socket down to the ZjvShf8A-3c-00365-00212871-00213423 process that's running on the system so other things we wanted to do with podman is we wanted ZjvShf8A-3c-00366-00213423-00214167 to have some kind right now it's written in go uh we wanted to have uh a interface to it um that ZjvShf8A-3c-00367-00214167-00214719 was people could use other than go so we added a remote api for it so we wanted to basically ZjvShf8A-3c-00368-00214719-00215319 say well i can run podman i can set up a systemd socket activated podman instance and then have a ZjvShf8A-3c-00369-00215319-00216064 api that talks to it so we actually decided to use var link so viralink is a apis communication tool ZjvShf8A-3c-00370-00216152-00216600 or library that we can use to actually do socket activation and communicate to a pod man running ZjvShf8A-3c-00371-00216600-00217112 on the system i mean it allows you to socket activation podman i mean here's a unit file that ZjvShf8A-3c-00372-00217112-00217760 we provide so if you install podman you will get a pod man it's actually io podman um service file ZjvShf8A-3c-00373-00217760-00218240 create a socket file and a service file um if you enable those then you can start to run ZjvShf8A-3c-00374-00218240-00218928 remote commands uh with podman so here we have a python we also provided a python library ZjvShf8A-3c-00375-00218928-00219256 that you can build python programs to communicate with containers ZjvShf8A-3c-00376-00219328-00219704 so you can do an input this is showing importing your podman and it's listing ZjvShf8A-3c-00377-00219856-00220344 i think it's dumping uh information so this is lumping the information about podman on ZjvShf8A-3c-00378-00220344-00221048 the host but basically it's a full api that you can communicate with python via python um to it ZjvShf8A-3c-00379-00221048-00221760 we also have uh so we built a program called pi podman that does all of the podman commands but ZjvShf8A-3c-00380-00221760-00222319 it's all written on python and the python command talks to the var link through via link to the ZjvShf8A-3c-00381-00222319-00222871 server and so you can do all of python why did we write python command to do this because we wanted ZjvShf8A-3c-00382-00222871-00223656 to do python on different operating systems so here is a demonstration of using pypodman ZjvShf8A-3c-00383-00223816-00224184 hopefully this ah you're not gonna be able to see it but ZjvShf8A-3c-00384-00224376-00224848 basically it's going to run all the commands on the system so it's basically doing pi ZjvShf8A-3c-00385-00224848-00225440 pod man there to list the containers it's showing you some of the config information ZjvShf8A-3c-00386-00225512-00226119 um showing info that's the podman info command that i wrote so this is doing it all and ZjvShf8A-3c-00387-00226304-00226767 rather than since most people can't see it the last step of this is actually shows this ZjvShf8A-3c-00388-00226767-00227288 is all running on top of a mac okay so this is running a python script ZjvShf8A-3c-00389-00227288-00227904 on top of a mac that's talking to a virtual machine that's running um bilink into a ZjvShf8A-3c-00390-00228032-00228592 podman client sitting in a systemd unit file so we built this protocol to be able to talk ZjvShf8A-3c-00391-00228592-00229176 from the mac to the server we called it ssh okay so we take an advantage basically we ZjvShf8A-3c-00392-00229176-00229719 built we're basically taking advantage of ssh on a mac or on a windows box or a remote linux ZjvShf8A-3c-00393-00229719-00230200 box to actually talk to via link over the system so if you have all you have to do to ZjvShf8A-3c-00394-00230200-00231184 make this work is actually use ssh setup ssh to communicate between the two boxes and it'll work ZjvShf8A-3c-00395-00232600-00233216 we're adding cockpit support since we have clients so this is uh this this is for stuff um so we're ZjvShf8A-3c-00396-00233216-00233800 adding uh podman support into cockpit sadly i have it running on here and it didn't show ZjvShf8A-3c-00397-00233800-00234304 any images so i we're not going to show you that but basically i have uh someone mountain ZjvShf8A-3c-00398-00234304-00234840 pits been working to help us get this working but basically we're getting full integration ZjvShf8A-3c-00399-00234840-00235408 between cockpit and podman and in this case we're using node.js to actually talk to the biolink ZjvShf8A-3c-00400-00235408-00236223 um protocol to a pod man running in a system d unifile now i say no big fat demons i'm kind ZjvShf8A-3c-00401-00236223-00236704 of cheating a little bit but the thing here is that podman is just running for the connection ZjvShf8A-3c-00402-00236704-00237184 that happens okay so we're firing up multiple pod mans every for every single connection uh ZjvShf8A-3c-00403-00237184-00237671 so we're not doing any kind of monitoring of you know multiple containers or anything like that ZjvShf8A-3c-00404-00237871-00238184 so what don't we do what we don't do ZjvShf8A-3c-00405-00238256-00238800 okay right now so i've talked about us replacing darker but the stuff that the darker demon did ZjvShf8A-3c-00406-00238800-00239304 that we're not doing inside a pod man so one of the things we don't do is we don't do auto restart ZjvShf8A-3c-00407-00239423-00239919 okay because there's a thing called systemd that does a real good job of auto restart ZjvShf8A-3c-00408-00239919-00240440 so if you want a container that's going to be restarted if it fails it blows up you put podman ZjvShf8A-3c-00409-00240440-00241271 command inside of your unifile and it just works we do don't do darker swamp we work on kubernetes ZjvShf8A-3c-00410-00241271-00241744 you want to do if you want to orchestrate lots and lots of containers use cryo on top of kubernetes ZjvShf8A-3c-00411-00241944-00242448 we don't do notary right now okay but we'd be very willing if someone wants to open up ZjvShf8A-3c-00412-00242448-00242896 patches to make podman work with notary would be very willing to do it red hat's probably ZjvShf8A-3c-00413-00242896-00243448 not going to put the engineering into doing that we don't do health checks yet okay health ZjvShf8A-3c-00414-00243448-00243896 checks could probably be done as a sidecar container or that could probably be done ZjvShf8A-3c-00415-00243896-00244480 in as a system d unifile um or like a unifier we create basically a health check is supposed ZjvShf8A-3c-00416-00244480-00244896 to come up periodically and make sure that the container is running properly um on the ZjvShf8A-3c-00417-00244896-00245488 system but we haven't quite figured out how we're going to do about that we don't do the docker api ZjvShf8A-3c-00418-00245488-00246023 so if you have tools that talk the docker api to the docker daemon we don't have a tool for that ZjvShf8A-3c-00419-00246223-00246776 lastly we don't do docker volumes yet so daca volumes we do most of what you think of regular ZjvShf8A-3c-00420-00246776-00247256 volumes file system volumes but there is people that have built darker d darker ZjvShf8A-3c-00421-00247256-00247592 but demons for the darker demon that do volumes ZjvShf8A-3c-00422-00247592-00248023 we're looking at doing that very soon so that's planned on the roadmap to be able to support that ZjvShf8A-3c-00423-00248271-00248600 this point this is the real point where we ask questions anybody have questions ZjvShf8A-3c-00424-00248728-00249384 yes oh a lot of people have questions you're going to be running around ZjvShf8A-3c-00425-00250223-00250904 so first first thing uh in terms of the implementation of docker api uh there is ZjvShf8A-3c-00426-00250904-00251567 one reason for doing that maybe not in podman instead what we can just provide some wrapper on ZjvShf8A-3c-00427-00251567-00252592 top of the var link uh api because without that i don't have integration in all of the ides intellij ZjvShf8A-3c-00428-00252656-00253271 whatever and without that i can i am unable to get rid of the docker from the developers ZjvShf8A-3c-00429-00253528-00253848 what workstation you what do you need so you're talking about like twist lock and ZjvShf8A-3c-00430-00253848-00254576 stuff like that no no no no i i mean the idea of from the intellij uh or pycharm or whatever ZjvShf8A-3c-00431-00254736-00255423 or visuals to the account every uh ide for the developer uh talking from cli ZjvShf8A-3c-00432-00255423-00256064 from to a root process launching rob rupra yeah i mean we'd be willing to accept if ZjvShf8A-3c-00433-00256064-00256384 people wanted to build something like that on it i probably would not be hugely ZjvShf8A-3c-00434-00256496-00257192 but i understand it's not the scope of the podman but it's just an idea of of rapper right so that's ZjvShf8A-3c-00435-00257192-00258023 one thing and the second thing we get rid of the docker on almost all uh places except one ZjvShf8A-3c-00436-00258023-00258888 docker file and right so document the dockerfile is we we still we support the dockerfile format ZjvShf8A-3c-00437-00258888-00259640 i might do we're doing a um i'll sign up for a lightning talk later and i'll talk about builder ZjvShf8A-3c-00438-00259640-00260032 so i can do a five-minute calendar so basically right now podman only ZjvShf8A-3c-00439-00260032-00260584 supports docker file format builder supports anything you want yeah for the builder i i ZjvShf8A-3c-00440-00260640-00261280 i perfectly know that i can just write simple shell script right and create whatever i want but ZjvShf8A-3c-00441-00261280-00262016 not everyone should write shell scripts right the goal of builder is not is to basically allow you ZjvShf8A-3c-00442-00262016-00262624 to build another tool like like ansible container or source to image uh and other people to build ZjvShf8A-3c-00443-00262624-00263080 tools that don't have to generate a docker file in order to build an image but it would be nice ZjvShf8A-3c-00444-00263080-00264808 yeah why don't we one stop let's let other people question you i'll talk to you forever outside okay ZjvShf8A-3c-00445-00264808-00264856 jcl ZjvShf8A-3c-00446-00265232-00265912 uh does portman support union file systems like overlay fs uh yes it runs right now it supports ZjvShf8A-3c-00447-00265912-00266496 overlay fs we've actually we have a bug on device mapper backup so it supports overlay fs by default ZjvShf8A-3c-00448-00266496-00266960 uh we have a bug in device mapper right now device mapper was built under the concept that only one ZjvShf8A-3c-00449-00266960-00267360 process would do it but we have ideas of how we're going to fix it runs on top of butterfest ZjvShf8A-3c-00450-00267448-00268048 and i don't know if anybody's tested it also vfs uh so vfs layer um and uh ZjvShf8A-3c-00451-00268048-00268608 someone's built an overlay file system for so when you're running into non-root environments ZjvShf8A-3c-00452-00268608-00268944 um it's actually using vfs because you can't use overlay fs on that but ZjvShf8A-3c-00453-00268944-00269344 one of my engineers wrote a thing called fuse overlay fs that actually works real ZjvShf8A-3c-00454-00269344-00269784 well for non-route so we're actually introducing that too anybody else yep ZjvShf8A-3c-00455-00270088-00271080 you gotta wait oh sorry one two okay yeah uh one of the reasons i've still been using uh uh d and ZjvShf8A-3c-00456-00271080-00271760 mostly for decompose yeah so docker compose i didn't put that one up seems like we've been asked ZjvShf8A-3c-00457-00271760-00272352 about that and again i'd be willing to accept it we're thinking of that that's on the roadmap ZjvShf8A-3c-00458-00272352-00272864 to do some kind of compose and whether or not we support the docket-composed language or we support ZjvShf8A-3c-00459-00272864-00273512 a kubernetes composed language or we support an openshift composed language um again podman's a ZjvShf8A-3c-00460-00273512-00273936 fully open source project so anybody that wants to contribute is welcome to contributing we will ZjvShf8A-3c-00461-00273936-00274696 take patches you know for that but right now we don't have compose yet anybody else ZjvShf8A-3c-00462-00275184-00275272 oh up here ZjvShf8A-3c-00463-00275568-00276424 i mean it's actually plus one for the api because ansible runs via api uh then the word service api ZjvShf8A-3c-00464-00276504-00277184 so without that uh so ansible yeah well i mean we're working you mean ansible compo uh container ZjvShf8A-3c-00465-00277184-00277984 uh container they're looking into moving directly to par uh to builder for for support for the for ZjvShf8A-3c-00466-00277984-00278464 that okay so to get out of basically get out of the darker dean i mean right right now everybody's ZjvShf8A-3c-00467-00278552-00279104 in my opinion everybody's basically put the darker socket all over the place the darker ZjvShf8A-3c-00468-00279104-00279488 socket is one of the most dangerous things you can do as soon as you give the darkest socket you ZjvShf8A-3c-00469-00279488-00279976 give full route to your system without having any tracking and most of the time you're doing that ZjvShf8A-3c-00470-00280040-00280616 to do darker builds right and so usually you're basically giving your container your people ZjvShf8A-3c-00471-00280616-00281072 the ability to create a docker file and then build it into an image well i just showed you ZjvShf8A-3c-00472-00281072-00281664 that you can run my you can run pod men non-root with builder inside of a container and actually ZjvShf8A-3c-00473-00281664-00282264 build the docker image and push it to docker io and i just said docker image so i owe money okay ZjvShf8A-3c-00474-00282344-00283008 a container image i blew it that's i think the first time i really screwed up okay anybody else ZjvShf8A-3c-00475-00283216-00284384 all right i probably i'm out of time anyways i've i've been i good ZjvShf8A-3c-00476-00284528-00284536 you ZmSflzkqIUA-00000-00000056-00000568 thanks for joining my name is toma nakahara i'm the head of the developer experience at weaveworks ZmSflzkqIUA-00001-00000568-00001104 uh and hopefully you joined us uh through like our meetup pages um our weave online user group ZmSflzkqIUA-00002-00001104-00001664 our get ups community groups today we're really excited to present to you um the easiest way ZmSflzkqIUA-00003-00001664-00002272 to get ups which is a new offering through what we call weave get ups it's free and open source ZmSflzkqIUA-00004-00002272-00002608 and we'll be walking you through what's called weave get ops core ZmSflzkqIUA-00005-00002664-00003232 so we're really excited to have cornelia davis our cto and paul freemantle our vp ZmSflzkqIUA-00006-00003232-00003856 of engineering joining us for this so thank you so much for joining and we are here to get your ZmSflzkqIUA-00007-00003856-00004464 feedback on something we just launched a week ago at get ops days because we want to quickly improve ZmSflzkqIUA-00008-00004464-00004864 and get this to be what we think is the easiest way to get up so thanks for joining ZmSflzkqIUA-00009-00005104-00005656 uh so a little background if you're brand new and you said i've never heard of this company weworks ZmSflzkqIUA-00010-00005736-00006256 hopefully you can check us out at we dot works a core part of us is uh we are definitely founded on ZmSflzkqIUA-00011-00006256-00007031 open source you may know our cncf projects such as flux and flagger which is under one it's a flux cd ZmSflzkqIUA-00012-00007031-00007680 org and then we have cortex which is also in cncf as well as many many other open source projects ZmSflzkqIUA-00013-00007680-00008336 to which um we've either created or we contribute to we contribute to upstream kubernetes we've been ZmSflzkqIUA-00014-00008336-00008792 deeply founded in this history and now we're really excited to talk about weave get ups ZmSflzkqIUA-00015-00008792-00009344 which is also um free and open source we have this weave get ups core that we will be going through ZmSflzkqIUA-00016-00009344-00010088 today um and it also is leading to a product and currently we also have the product wkp as well ZmSflzkqIUA-00017-00010088-00010632 as you might know we've cloud which is our sas offering that has a lot of these things like flux ZmSflzkqIUA-00018-00010632-00011168 and cortex as a service so that's our background if you haven't heard of us then thanks for joining ZmSflzkqIUA-00019-00011168-00011832 us for the first time and joining our weave online user group and our website is weave.works ZmSflzkqIUA-00020-00012096-00012800 so a little bit of housekeeping so as i mentioned we're really excited to have cornelia davis our ZmSflzkqIUA-00021-00012800-00013440 cto as well as palm fremantle or vp of engineering most of these sessions last about 45 minutes today ZmSflzkqIUA-00022-00013440-00013936 i think we'll be taking up the full hour if you've come to our past weave online user group ZmSflzkqIUA-00023-00013936-00014768 sessions we usually target about 45 minutes and if we go over time it's a hard hard stop at 60. today ZmSflzkqIUA-00024-00014768-00015391 we have a jam-packed schedule so i believe we will be taking up a full 60 minutes and hopefully ZmSflzkqIUA-00025-00015391-00016016 by now everybody is used to zoom but this is a slide we've kept on just in case people need ZmSflzkqIUA-00026-00016016-00016704 some basics um the best way to ask questions is to ask in the chat and yeah make sure that you choose ZmSflzkqIUA-00027-00016704-00017400 to talk to everyone or all penis or attendees so that a lot of times people help each other ZmSflzkqIUA-00028-00017400-00017920 with their questions so you can talk to each other as well so please make sure you do that otherwise ZmSflzkqIUA-00029-00017920-00018544 the questions only come to us the panelists unless you have something burningly private you only want ZmSflzkqIUA-00030-00018544-00019248 to share with us but uh please make sure the chat function works for you zoom so last week's ZmSflzkqIUA-00031-00019248-00019744 week last week on tuesday and wednesday we had get offs days it was such a fantastic event where we ZmSflzkqIUA-00032-00019744-00020408 had so many speakers for different companies and technologies were presented and we launched weave ZmSflzkqIUA-00033-00020408-00020880 get ops if you weren't able to see it no problem you could still go register at the website where ZmSflzkqIUA-00034-00020880-00021552 you'll get an email with all the early links and access to assets and resources so even if ZmSflzkqIUA-00035-00021552-00021968 you missed it no problem make sure that you go to that site fill in your email if you don't see the ZmSflzkqIUA-00036-00021968-00022424 email make sure you check your spam folder i know that happened to some people but you should be ZmSflzkqIUA-00037-00022424-00022976 able to get an email that has all the links so you can get caught up with github's days 2021. ZmSflzkqIUA-00038-00023200-00023736 so with that again thanks for coming so today what we're going to do is we have cornelia who's ZmSflzkqIUA-00039-00023736-00024480 going to give a weave gitops overview if you saw cornelia on tuesday she kind of gave a longer ZmSflzkqIUA-00040-00024480-00025048 overview talk um today she'll kind of give a more concentrated version to really like hammer home ZmSflzkqIUA-00041-00025048-00025672 like the why the why that why did we build weave get offs why we are making the easiest way to get ZmSflzkqIUA-00042-00025672-00026256 ups and how we're really excited by the design of it um and then from there make sure you got your ZmSflzkqIUA-00043-00026256-00026695 laptops ready because we're actually going to go through the getting started steps paul fremantle ZmSflzkqIUA-00044-00026695-00027232 will guide us through and it'll be a real hands-on we want people to get stuck we want people to have ZmSflzkqIUA-00045-00027232-00027736 problems so that we can capture all that and we really want to improve our docs and guides so ZmSflzkqIUA-00046-00027736-00028232 we appreciate your participating so please be prepared to join us for that ZmSflzkqIUA-00047-00028488-00029176 so we'll share these steps with you following during the hands out so just ZmSflzkqIUA-00048-00029176-00029727 letting you know we'll put these links in the chat to get you started and with that i will ZmSflzkqIUA-00049-00029727-00030600 hand it over to cornelia awesome thank you tamao so i do want to just set this stage a little bit i ZmSflzkqIUA-00050-00030600-00031088 won't take a ton of time because i think it's more important that you get your hands on and paul's ZmSflzkqIUA-00051-00031088-00031600 going to lead us through that but i do want to share a couple of slides i didn't create separate ZmSflzkqIUA-00052-00031600-00032080 slides for today i'm using the same ones that i used last week when we announced weave gitops ZmSflzkqIUA-00053-00032376-00033008 but i think that the this story of course is still quite relevant so let me share and i will ZmSflzkqIUA-00054-00033008-00033560 assume that you will let me know if you do not see my slides but you should be seeing them now ZmSflzkqIUA-00055-00033560-00034480 yes we can see them awesome okay so um tamao already suggested already already kind of gave ZmSflzkqIUA-00056-00034480-00035344 the the tldr which is this is all about the easiest way to gitops now why do you want ZmSflzkqIUA-00057-00035344-00035936 to gitops? sure you want to gitops because it's the coolest thing everybody's doing it right ZmSflzkqIUA-00058-00035936-00036512 but really you want to gitops because there's some kind of value that comes from it. there's some ZmSflzkqIUA-00059-00036512-00037336 kind of business value, customer value, and so the one of the the first things that i'll point out ZmSflzkqIUA-00060-00037336-00038104 is that gitops is not something that just applies to one category of things that we need to operate ZmSflzkqIUA-00061-00038104-00038792 in our IT landscape. it doesn't just apply to infrastructure or doesn't just apply to ZmSflzkqIUA-00062-00038792-00039408 managing platforms or doesn't just apply to managing workloads that are customer facing. ZmSflzkqIUA-00063-00039464-00040200 it ultimately applies to all of those things however what we are aiming for with this initial ZmSflzkqIUA-00064-00040200-00040872 release of weave gitops is we are aiming to enable you, the developer of customer facing ZmSflzkqIUA-00065-00040872-00041432 applications. we are not in you'll see when we get started with some of these use cases ZmSflzkqIUA-00066-00041432-00042168 and we get started with the you know the hands-on in just a few minutes that we are not worrying ZmSflzkqIUA-00067-00042168-00042840 about gitops-ing our kubernetes clusters we're not worrying about gitpsing our IAM ZmSflzkqIUA-00068-00042928-00043408 rules or policies we are focusing on workloads that we're going to deploy on ZmSflzkqIUA-00069-00043584-00044128 and so what's the business value there? well the business value is to use gitops ZmSflzkqIUA-00070-00044128-00044904 to optimize your SDLC, your software lifecycle. because we found of course as an industry that ZmSflzkqIUA-00071-00044904-00045536 if you get better at doing software (and i mean that very literally like that very casually) ZmSflzkqIUA-00072-00045536-00045984 doing software the better you are at doing software the better the business outcomes ZmSflzkqIUA-00073-00045984-00046496 so if you can release more frequently if you can shorten the time from an idea to getting ZmSflzkqIUA-00074-00046496-00047016 it out into the hands of customers if you can keep your system running more resiliently ZmSflzkqIUA-00075-00047016-00047536 if you can recover from failures more quickly, all of those things are going to be better for your ZmSflzkqIUA-00076-00047536-00048176 customers better for your bottom line. and weave gitops is focused on helping you build up the ZmSflzkqIUA-00077-00048176-00048656 right automation for that software life cycle. and i'll emphasize that more again in just a moment. ZmSflzkqIUA-00078-00048776-00049456 now the other point that i want to emphasize here is that um those of you who know me know that i ZmSflzkqIUA-00079-00049456-00049904 spent you know a good portion of the last decade working on developer platforms. i worked on cloud ZmSflzkqIUA-00080-00049904-00050312 foundry and then eventually transitioned over to more kubernetes-based platforms ZmSflzkqIUA-00081-00050480-00050920 back in the kubernetes days which would - i'm sorry - in the cloud foundry days where which was ZmSflzkqIUA-00082-00050920-00051567 a system that was optimized to that was built to optimize your software lifecycle what we ZmSflzkqIUA-00083-00051567-00052184 did to a large extent was we delivered to you the platform that we thought would be useful for you. ZmSflzkqIUA-00084-00052272-00052640 and it was difficult to create behaviors other than those. ZmSflzkqIUA-00085-00052760-00053264 we're doing things a bit differently here in that with weave gitops we are delivering to you ZmSflzkqIUA-00086-00053320-00053872 an opinionated set an opinion instead of automation that we believe will help your ZmSflzkqIUA-00087-00053872-00054704 software life cycle. however, those conventions are not your only option we favor convention ZmSflzkqIUA-00088-00054704-00055352 over configuration but it's not that we we have convention in lieu of configuration. ZmSflzkqIUA-00089-00055416-00056064 so there's a second element here and and we've get ops really represents kind of a turning point ZmSflzkqIUA-00090-00056064-00056584 in gitops as a whole which is that we are delivering to you the foundation of a gitops ZmSflzkqIUA-00091-00056584-00057128 platform so we'll deliver to you what your gitops automation what the baseline gitops automation ZmSflzkqIUA-00092-00057128-00057824 is but we also deliver to you a platform that allows you to customize your getups automation. ZmSflzkqIUA-00093-00057888-00058464 i think we really are we believe we're hitting about the 80 20 rule so 80 ZmSflzkqIUA-00094-00058464-00059096 of the time the steps are going to go through today are going to be sufficient and even in ZmSflzkqIUA-00095-00059096-00059688 i would say in a hundred percent of the cases it'll help you, but then in 20 of the cases some ZmSflzkqIUA-00096-00059784-00060528 customizations can help you even more. kind of turn it up to 11 if you will. and what we mean by that ZmSflzkqIUA-00097-00060528-00061048 that platform that gitops platform is that we're allowing you to program your gitops automations ZmSflzkqIUA-00098-00061120-00061679 in the same way that you've been programming your ci automations in the past. we're not replacing ZmSflzkqIUA-00099-00061679-00062320 ci we are picking up where ci leaves off and we're helping you program the rest of the sdlc ZmSflzkqIUA-00100-00062376-00063296 post-CI. and of course it's open source. so it's it is a get ops platform i already emphasized ZmSflzkqIUA-00101-00063296-00063864 that this is about today weave gitops core is really focused on enabling you the developer ZmSflzkqIUA-00102-00063920-00064479 but when it comes to some of these platform elements uh that's where the platform uh engineer ZmSflzkqIUA-00103-00064536-00064976 comes in now everything what we're going to step you through today is stuff that you can do as a ZmSflzkqIUA-00104-00064976-00065448 developer you don't need to go to your platform team. you can download the open source you can ZmSflzkqIUA-00105-00065448-00066112 start using it and you are good to go. ultimately once you're successful with these patterns then ZmSflzkqIUA-00106-00066112-00066728 your platform engineer later on when you start to embrace this and adopt this more broadly across ZmSflzkqIUA-00107-00066728-00067192 your organization that's where the platform teams will help you do this in kind of a repeatable way. ZmSflzkqIUA-00108-00067368-00068000 so what is that developer life cycle? so i'm gonna take a very concrete example here it's ZmSflzkqIUA-00109-00068000-00068520 very simple um but i think it's very real. i think most of you will resonate with this. ZmSflzkqIUA-00110-00068608-00069288 so in order to deliver our software faster shorten the time to market keep things more resilient this ZmSflzkqIUA-00111-00069288-00069872 is the basic software life cycle. i'm writing code i'm going through a cycle in unit testing. at some ZmSflzkqIUA-00112-00069872-00070624 point my unit tests turn green. that's when ci will kick in and build a container image that container ZmSflzkqIUA-00113-00070624-00071096 image will get deployed into a development environment where we'll do some integration ZmSflzkqIUA-00114-00071184-00071752 testing so dev or staging something like that and then we'll move that same artifact for a ZmSflzkqIUA-00115-00071752-00072368 deployment out into the production environment. so we have separate environments. now the way that ZmSflzkqIUA-00116-00072368-00073032 gitops plays into this is this is the same picture it just adds the gitops element ZmSflzkqIUA-00117-00073032-00073592 you can see that this first part here is again writing code and checking it into a ZmSflzkqIUA-00118-00073592-00074120 git repository that's the source code and then there's ci that's building the image. ZmSflzkqIUA-00119-00074200-00074784 then where where gitops picks up is it says all right well let me handle the rest of the software ZmSflzkqIUA-00120-00074784-00075424 life cycle that was just step one the rest of the software life cycle it says all right well i'm ZmSflzkqIUA-00121-00075424-00076168 gonna store my configuration for these various environments in git. and in this depiction ZmSflzkqIUA-00122-00076168-00076664 there's two different git repositories those could be two different branches if you saw the demo last ZmSflzkqIUA-00123-00076664-00077320 week i just used two different branches and then there's these steps that do things like deploy ZmSflzkqIUA-00124-00077320-00077896 into that development environment or maybe even auto-deploy into that development environment. ZmSflzkqIUA-00125-00078000-00078464 and then there's the okay i'm going to issue a pull request and then i'm going to approve that ZmSflzkqIUA-00126-00078464-00079040 and then again i'm going to have some deployment automation here. that deployment automation is ZmSflzkqIUA-00127-00079040-00079488 of course going to tie in with the rest of the automation that takes it all the way out ZmSflzkqIUA-00128-00079488-00080064 to a runtime environment and i'll say show you one last screenshot on that in in a moment. the ZmSflzkqIUA-00129-00080064-00080688 important thing that i want to emphasize here and i'm going to emphasize it even strongly and maybe ZmSflzkqIUA-00130-00080688-00081192 in a better way than i did last week which is what we're going to what we're doing with weave gitops ZmSflzkqIUA-00131-00081248-00082032 is we are enabling you to build up this flow. we are allowing you through a couple of wego ZmSflzkqIUA-00132-00082032-00082496 commands to build up this flow. those wego commands that we're going to help you with ZmSflzkqIUA-00133-00082496-00083184 in just a moment you only have to run those once to set up this flow. and then after that ZmSflzkqIUA-00134-00083184-00083760 the developer and the devops engineer that's running things in production continues to ZmSflzkqIUA-00135-00083760-00084536 just operate here number one: there's doing git pushes into their source code repository number ZmSflzkqIUA-00136-00084536-00085264 two: they're creating prs number three: they're reviewing and approving prs and all the rest ZmSflzkqIUA-00137-00085264-00086184 of it happens for you. so we wego is about setting up that sdlc automation to optimize your delivery. ZmSflzkqIUA-00138-00086328-00086952 and that's almost all i want to say the only last thing that i want to do is i want to show you ZmSflzkqIUA-00139-00086952-00087760 this screenshot here which is i showed this last week it is showing you kind of under development ZmSflzkqIUA-00140-00087864-00088288 our user interface for weave gitops what i want to point out here ZmSflzkqIUA-00141-00088288-00088784 is that you can see that what we have here is we have two boxes on the left ZmSflzkqIUA-00142-00088784-00089216 the pot info application repository that's actually configuration repository ZmSflzkqIUA-00143-00089272-00089968 and something a step called a customization these are portions of the gitops automation ZmSflzkqIUA-00144-00089968-00090688 that are focused on delivery. this delivers things to kubernetes. and then the kubernetes ZmSflzkqIUA-00145-00090840-00091528 automation will take care of orchestrating those containers. i wanted to point that out because gitop ZmSflzkqIUA-00146-00091528-00092064 again just to remind you is not just about continuous delivery it's about linking together ZmSflzkqIUA-00147-00092120-00092712 continuous delivery together with continuous operations and that gives us the holistic picture. ZmSflzkqIUA-00148-00092792-00093456 and so when something changes i can watch the automation propagate all the way from ZmSflzkqIUA-00149-00093456-00094152 the change in a git repository all the way out to instances being running in production. so if ZmSflzkqIUA-00150-00094152-00094720 i quickly just show you the play on this you can see that what we're doing is something's ZmSflzkqIUA-00151-00094720-00095256 changed in git and it resulted in things changing out in the runtime environment so ZmSflzkqIUA-00152-00095256-00096072 that entire flow is what we're looking to enable with you. okay so happy to answer if there's ZmSflzkqIUA-00153-00096072-00096584 any questions i'll go ahead and stop my share but i think that you all came here to see paul ZmSflzkqIUA-00154-00096648-00097152 and see paul help you actually get your hands on this and get started but if there's any questions ZmSflzkqIUA-00155-00097152-00098064 i'm happy to answer one or two well i don't know if i noticed anything particular in the slack ZmSflzkqIUA-00156-00098128-00098616 i will call out i know that um um people have joined our weave get off slack and just want to ZmSflzkqIUA-00157-00098616-00099224 say uh totally understand if some people are fast like okay so you guys have flux now we've git ups ZmSflzkqIUA-00158-00099224-00099736 they're both both open source um you know this is fairly new but like i've been answering questions ZmSflzkqIUA-00159-00099736-00100272 like i think with every iteration of we've git ops i think you'll be able to see like as we're ZmSflzkqIUA-00160-00100272-00100936 you know we're trying to offer both to um a wider range of users um and we'll definitely continue ZmSflzkqIUA-00161-00100936-00101416 the second question was like wait you know i love flux like what's going on with flex absolutely we ZmSflzkqIUA-00162-00101416-00101888 we're so excited that you know we we believe in flux and um we know it's like the most powerful ZmSflzkqIUA-00163-00101888-00102440 tool so we really wanted to build something on it so really both we've um github's core and flux ZmSflzkqIUA-00164-00102440-00102935 depend on each other's success and as a company and as a community we are absolutely dedicated to ZmSflzkqIUA-00165-00102935-00103504 the success of both so very very excited there so if you have any others definitely follow us ZmSflzkqIUA-00166-00103504-00104016 up on on the slack channel i put it in the chat i'll put it in again for anybody who joined new ZmSflzkqIUA-00167-00104104-00104920 but with that i'll hand it over to paul and post again here that please take out your laptops ZmSflzkqIUA-00168-00104920-00105583 and join with us to follow along with these getting started steps like i said we just ZmSflzkqIUA-00169-00105583-00106352 launched this so we absolutely want people to uh try it fall over raise their hands like we really ZmSflzkqIUA-00170-00106352-00106935 want to make sure that you are able to go through these steps so with that i'll leave it to paul and ZmSflzkqIUA-00171-00107016-00107544 i'll monitor here to make sure people aren't feeling shy because if you just watch along and ZmSflzkqIUA-00172-00107640-00108216 don't do it then you won't be able to see the benefit oh and the final thing i should mention ZmSflzkqIUA-00173-00108216-00108848 is um if you are running flux in a cluster you don't want to install we've get ops there you ZmSflzkqIUA-00174-00108848-00109208 definitely want to make sure these are two separate things i've heard it's not ZmSflzkqIUA-00175-00109335-00109672 uh you know they're not two things that should be in the same cluster ZmSflzkqIUA-00176-00109672-00110759 so thanks tallow thanks scott earlier um so tamo's chosen me because i am sort of like like ZmSflzkqIUA-00177-00110759-00111535 the beta tester i am not like the world's best techie i am just a basic user and so i'm a great ZmSflzkqIUA-00178-00111535-00112024 person to show you how this works and if i make mistakes you'll probably spot them quicker than me ZmSflzkqIUA-00179-00112088-00112856 um so i'm literally just gonna go through the the getting started guide uh from from top to bottom ZmSflzkqIUA-00180-00112856-00113640 it doesn't do everything that cornelius demo did but hopefully it will get you running um so ZmSflzkqIUA-00181-00113752-00114256 the first thing we're going to do is go to the introduction it says see installation ZmSflzkqIUA-00182-00114256-00114816 getting started has a little bit about with githubs and this these docs are super early ZmSflzkqIUA-00183-00114872-00115608 they are being fixed and improved as we speak but hopefully this will work for you now um so i'm ZmSflzkqIUA-00184-00115608-00116376 literally just gonna copy this set of commands from here and then paste it into my oh i hate ZmSflzkqIUA-00185-00116376-00116992 zoom it's always getting in the way and paste it into my thing now i am slightly aware that ZmSflzkqIUA-00186-00116992-00117504 if you are like on a linux arm machine this may not quite work and if you have any problems ZmSflzkqIUA-00187-00117592-00118392 let me know and we can help you with the download it's not not very difficult so you can see this is ZmSflzkqIUA-00188-00118392-00119304 just nearly there 100 and it's doing a pseudo so it needs my password and there it has installed ZmSflzkqIUA-00189-00119304-00120520 and it's version 0.005 of with github's core and it's uh using flux version 0 32 and it has some ZmSflzkqIUA-00190-00120520-00121080 other information hey tell me how we take a pause i just want to make sure yeah um ZmSflzkqIUA-00191-00121472-00121983 first of all make sure everybody's at this page and ZmSflzkqIUA-00192-00122240-00122383 checking to see the messages ZmSflzkqIUA-00193-00122752-00123383 also um you know we jumped right into it any major prerequisites that ZmSflzkqIUA-00194-00123488-00123952 so we're about to have a look at the prereqs um i just thought we'd get that installed ZmSflzkqIUA-00195-00124024-00124672 the there are a bunch of prereqs so you do need github at the moment we don't yet support gitlab ZmSflzkqIUA-00196-00124672-00125232 we're adding that right as we speak you need a github token which i can show you how to create ZmSflzkqIUA-00197-00125296-00125928 uh you need cube cuddle and i'm using kind so you i suggest you if you kind would be the best ZmSflzkqIUA-00198-00126144-00126640 i think to try it out on first the best kubernetes cluster but it does work on other kubernetes ZmSflzkqIUA-00199-00126640-00127311 clusters as tamo says as long as you know we're not trying to uh co-install this with flux ZmSflzkqIUA-00200-00127400-00127632 and if you're using kind then you need docker ZmSflzkqIUA-00201-00127880-00128408 cool um and just letting people know uh i know there are a couple of questions uh ZmSflzkqIUA-00202-00128408-00128896 broader questions uh from earlier and we've got a couple people working on your answers ZmSflzkqIUA-00203-00128896-00129320 so just letting you know about that um and then for some of the people who've joined new ZmSflzkqIUA-00204-00129400-00130248 um yes give us a sign are you uh following along is this working out have you ZmSflzkqIUA-00205-00130344-00130880 who for example has not been able to get the first installation uh completed ZmSflzkqIUA-00206-00131432-00132520 okay and i will get this back link people asking so okay i think we're good to proceed okay so you ZmSflzkqIUA-00207-00132520-00133376 do need a github token with repo access and i will just show you um i think a lot of people who are ZmSflzkqIUA-00208-00133376-00133952 into this kind of thing will probably have a help token with repo access but if you go to github ZmSflzkqIUA-00209-00134056-00135048 and you need to go to settings and then you go down to developer settings ZmSflzkqIUA-00210-00135392-00135632 and then you go to personal access tokens ZmSflzkqIUA-00211-00135832-00136480 and you can see i've already created one called we go with repo access but uh assuming you haven't ZmSflzkqIUA-00212-00136480-00137384 got one you would go generate new token you give it a a name like we go and you just click on repo ZmSflzkqIUA-00213-00137456-00138176 and generate token and then i'm not going to do this because obviously i don't want to display ZmSflzkqIUA-00214-00138176-00138864 my token to the to the everyone on the webinar it's not that i don't trust you but this is being ZmSflzkqIUA-00215-00138864-00139664 recorded so it wouldn't be a great idea um but so you would generate that token and then if you have ZmSflzkqIUA-00216-00139664-00140360 a look at the thing it says you need that token in your environment as github token and i've put it ZmSflzkqIUA-00217-00140360-00140880 in my bash profile so it's already there again i'm not going to show you but i promise you it's there ZmSflzkqIUA-00218-00141352-00142264 so we've installed the cli and i'm assuming you've installed a kind so the next step is to go kind ZmSflzkqIUA-00219-00142264-00143072 create cluster and that will just take a minute to go and launch a cluster that will give ZmSflzkqIUA-00220-00143072-00143376 people time to catch up and ask any questions if they haven't ZmSflzkqIUA-00221-00143880-00144512 since i can't see the questions i'm relying on tamoto yes i am monitoring so far i think ZmSflzkqIUA-00222-00144512-00145176 it's pretty good uh fred s where does kind create a cluster good question so ZmSflzkqIUA-00223-00145176-00146048 kind creates the cluster in docker so if i uh just start a new uh window and i go docker ps ZmSflzkqIUA-00224-00146160-00146968 you can see what it's actually doing is here is creating the clusters a as a docker image it's ZmSflzkqIUA-00225-00146968-00147528 pretty clever so kind stands for kubernetes in docker and it just creates it in your ZmSflzkqIUA-00226-00147528-00148152 local docker as a as a single container it's pretty mad it's sort of like docker in docker ZmSflzkqIUA-00227-00148248-00149040 it's a single container that then runs the whole of kubernetes inside it it's it's very clever um ZmSflzkqIUA-00228-00149184-00150472 so now you can see i can go cube cattle uh cluster info and you can see it's just my local ZmSflzkqIUA-00229-00150472-00151496 uh kind instance and if i do coop cuddle get all it's just just the kubernetes service running ZmSflzkqIUA-00230-00152080-00152784 so uh we did that we go version so we go should be in the command line ZmSflzkqIUA-00231-00152872-00153312 see we go version so now there's just one really simple ZmSflzkqIUA-00232-00153384-00154208 command that installs we go onto the cluster and you type wego install and it just starts um ZmSflzkqIUA-00233-00154416-00154832 installing it and basically what the verifying installation is doing ZmSflzkqIUA-00234-00154944-00155632 is waiting for all the controllers to start up so it's going to start a set of controllers um ZmSflzkqIUA-00235-00155632-00156432 and this is just waiting so i'm going to start up a new window and just do a cube cuddle uh get ZmSflzkqIUA-00236-00156432-00157264 pods and minus namespace we go system which will show you and you can see they're just creating ZmSflzkqIUA-00237-00157400-00158216 so it's it's um and it basically as as we said it's running the uh core set of ZmSflzkqIUA-00238-00158216-00159000 controllers from flux so this is installing flux into your system and configuring it all ZmSflzkqIUA-00239-00159296-00159696 right and a follow-up question so sort of following up to what you had mentioned earlier ZmSflzkqIUA-00240-00159752-00160200 to fred's question so you want to know so we do need a docker machine up and working that's a ZmSflzkqIUA-00241-00160200-00160896 requirement we do need docker as a prerequisite for kind if you have a kubernetes cluster ZmSflzkqIUA-00242-00160896-00161520 somewhere else like in gke or digital ocean and you have curb cuttle locally you can do this ZmSflzkqIUA-00243-00161768-00162224 great um so that's the install finished so let me just before you ask the next ZmSflzkqIUA-00244-00162224-00162656 question you can see all the controllers are running and the installer has spotted that ZmSflzkqIUA-00245-00162656-00163552 and just checked them all and said it's still finished sorry go ahead um yeah vo is asking ZmSflzkqIUA-00246-00163664-00164488 are kind and k3s almost the same in terms of a single node cluster so they are similar ZmSflzkqIUA-00247-00164488-00165104 yeah so k3s is a really really cool project which is like a really cut-down version of ZmSflzkqIUA-00248-00165192-00165936 kubernetes and i haven't actually tested this on k3s but i'm pretty confident it'll work ZmSflzkqIUA-00249-00166064-00166680 if you want to try that another area for us to test out so another area for us to ZmSflzkqIUA-00250-00166680-00167152 test out so here we are it says exactly what i've just done you can get pods ZmSflzkqIUA-00251-00167232-00167568 in there we go system namespace and you'll see they're all running ZmSflzkqIUA-00252-00167912-00168544 so what we're going to do is uh those of you who've tried flux or those of you haven't may ZmSflzkqIUA-00253-00168544-00169424 have come across this pod info kubernetes app which stefan prodon has written and ZmSflzkqIUA-00254-00169560-00170520 we have a simple repository which if we go look at it is literally just the deployment manifests ZmSflzkqIUA-00255-00170600-00171696 for pod info so the pod info repository is kind of uh how can i put it it's got helm charts it's got ZmSflzkqIUA-00256-00171696-00172600 different deployment ins so it's a little complex this is literally just the name space yaml the ZmSflzkqIUA-00257-00172600-00173528 back end deployment hot auto scaler and service yaml and their front end deployment and service ZmSflzkqIUA-00258-00173528-00174568 yammer so uh there is a way of setting up wave getups core to just deploy from this uh upstream ZmSflzkqIUA-00259-00174704-00175456 repo but it's kind of more fun to fork it so i'm gonna fork it and so now i have a fork of that ZmSflzkqIUA-00260-00175720-00176632 and so and then it says you know clone the fork using ssh so what i'm going to do is go code ZmSflzkqIUA-00261-00176632-00177128 ssh and i'm going to copy that and i'm going to go to uh ZmSflzkqIUA-00262-00177496-00178176 and i'm going to choose a directory and i'm going to get clone and paste that ssh ZmSflzkqIUA-00263-00178176-00178480 target and we're going to have a clone of it ZmSflzkqIUA-00264-00178784-00179752 so that was quite easy and so obviously now i want to switch into that directory so cd into there and ZmSflzkqIUA-00265-00179816-00180360 you can see it's exactly what i just showed you uh just some simple yammers for deployment into ZmSflzkqIUA-00266-00180360-00181432 kubernetes so we have a question yeah um are these controllers available now yes they are ZmSflzkqIUA-00267-00181720-00182344 actually thomas that was a question that was in the thread in the eye apologize sorry no problem ZmSflzkqIUA-00268-00182592-00183328 so so uh you know cornelia said something really interesting she said this is like a super easy ZmSflzkqIUA-00269-00183328-00183960 way of getting all this running and so far we've done some get stuff we've done some github stuff ZmSflzkqIUA-00270-00184032-00184712 but fundamentally we've only typed one we've get ops command so far and that was with github ZmSflzkqIUA-00271-00184712-00185344 install this time i'm now i've switched into that directory and i'm going to add that application ZmSflzkqIUA-00272-00185448-00186232 to my with github's cluster and config and this is going to go and and it prints out a lot of ZmSflzkqIUA-00273-00186232-00186736 stuff i think we're probably going to tidy this up so it's a little neater and basically that ZmSflzkqIUA-00274-00186736-00187632 says pushing at manifesto repository and there you see it all and so fundamentally that is it ZmSflzkqIUA-00275-00187760-00188832 i now have a if i go copy this and i go see what's happening in my namespace test nothing's ZmSflzkqIUA-00276-00188832-00189624 happening yet but i'm going to wait this has basically set up get ops so this is kind of like ZmSflzkqIUA-00277-00189728-00190448 i could cuddle applied those manifests into my cluster except on steroids because not only have ZmSflzkqIUA-00278-00190448-00191064 i curve cattle applied them once but they are now going to be continuously reconciled and this ZmSflzkqIUA-00279-00191064-00191632 is a simple example but if i had helm charts i've had customize i've had secrets it's going ZmSflzkqIUA-00280-00191632-00192712 to handle all of that for you so and there we go 20 seconds in it's now actually running those uh ZmSflzkqIUA-00281-00192768-00193472 clusters and so there is a command we can see to see what is going on there and ZmSflzkqIUA-00282-00193680-00194408 what that did was to give this app a name based on that based on that repository fork that i did ZmSflzkqIUA-00283-00194544-00195176 and so what you can see here let me just enlarge this for a second so you can really see it ZmSflzkqIUA-00284-00195272-00196216 it says last successful deployment time was at 1734 gmt which is 1834 here where i am in the uk ZmSflzkqIUA-00285-00196328-00197112 and you can see that it has taken the pod info deploy and fetch a particular revision of it ZmSflzkqIUA-00286-00197176-00198096 and it's ready and there are two basic uh items here the first one is saying that it's got the ZmSflzkqIUA-00287-00198096-00198712 source correctly that's something called the source controller and then the second ZmSflzkqIUA-00288-00198712-00199512 one is the customization which is saying is actually applied that yaml into the cluster ZmSflzkqIUA-00289-00199720-00200848 so so this is really nice and uh i have it running so before i go on let me just show you ZmSflzkqIUA-00290-00200976-00201496 uh because cornelius said something really interesting about the get ops automation ZmSflzkqIUA-00291-00201616-00202192 and what that has done is it's actually it's done a couple of things so the first thing is it's ZmSflzkqIUA-00292-00202280-00203352 use that github token to um to create a deploy key so it's created an ssh key ZmSflzkqIUA-00293-00203488-00204256 read-only ssh key which is now going to be applied as a secret into the cluster ZmSflzkqIUA-00294-00204376-00205160 so this is a technique of minimizing the blast radius so in other words this ZmSflzkqIUA-00295-00205160-00205752 this gitops automation needs to be able to read your git repository ZmSflzkqIUA-00296-00205832-00206352 fork in order to do that and the way it does that is with a deploy key from github ZmSflzkqIUA-00297-00206432-00207096 and we've created the minimal key that's needed and saved it as a secret in the cluster ZmSflzkqIUA-00298-00207096-00207808 so that they get github's runtime can pull updates the second thing it's done ZmSflzkqIUA-00299-00207944-00209096 is if i do a lsal it's actually created this uh directory called.wego and if i tree in here you ZmSflzkqIUA-00300-00209096-00209784 can see there are two different yamls in here there's a app yaml and a target yaml ZmSflzkqIUA-00301-00209952-00210832 and these two yamas basically uh what cornelia was talking about when she she says we're defining a ZmSflzkqIUA-00302-00210832-00211512 git ops automation configuration that is going to configure the getups automation that happens ZmSflzkqIUA-00303-00211512-00212567 for this project into this cluster and uh i will take a quick look at them uh but before i do that ZmSflzkqIUA-00304-00212696-00213096 one of the things that also cornelia talked about it's really nice is this ZmSflzkqIUA-00305-00213264-00213952 idea that it is highly flexible but it's opinionated so the default behavior ZmSflzkqIUA-00306-00214088-00214384 of with githubs is to put this into your application ZmSflzkqIUA-00307-00214480-00215312 deployment repository so this is the repository i have that has my deployment ammos in it and ZmSflzkqIUA-00308-00215312-00216023 this is a great place to put this configuration however you may well have lots of applications and ZmSflzkqIUA-00309-00216023-00216671 you want and lots of clusters and you want to have a specific repository to do that you can do that ZmSflzkqIUA-00310-00216767-00217552 uh if i do we go app add minus minus help you can see this thing called the app config url ZmSflzkqIUA-00311-00217608-00218296 this basically tells uh we go where to put those manifests ZmSflzkqIUA-00312-00218352-00218856 so you can configure this any way you like and you can also see you can have particular ZmSflzkqIUA-00313-00218856-00219448 branches that you replicate there you can have charts you replicate you can do customize at home ZmSflzkqIUA-00314-00219656-00220264 and you can choose particular owners and paths within it you can specify ZmSflzkqIUA-00315-00220264-00220592 the private key if you don't want it to automatically create a supply key ZmSflzkqIUA-00316-00220656-00221248 so there's loads of cool stuff going on in here if you want to but at the same time the outer ZmSflzkqIUA-00317-00221248-00222016 box experience that we've just had is two commands we go install we go app add dot and away we go so ZmSflzkqIUA-00318-00222088-00223167 let me just quickly show you the app yaml and load up visual studio code ZmSflzkqIUA-00319-00223312-00223960 and you can see this is supe oh yeah always get a release notes for visual studio code and it ZmSflzkqIUA-00320-00223960-00224944 basically just gives a name and it says what the url and path of the application we're deploying is ZmSflzkqIUA-00321-00225184-00225719 so that's really simple and and this is a really interesting point so we're giving an application ZmSflzkqIUA-00322-00225719-00226408 a name here but we don't really care what kind of application this is all we're saying is there's a ZmSflzkqIUA-00323-00226408-00227216 path a url maybe a branch that we're going to pull from from git and it's up to you to put whatever ZmSflzkqIUA-00324-00227216-00227871 you want there so although although we have a concept of an application here it's very very uh ZmSflzkqIUA-00325-00227960-00228736 it's very flexible to whatever you want to deploy and here's the runtime yaml sorry the target yaml ZmSflzkqIUA-00326-00228952-00229616 and this is really just saying i'm going to it's going to reconcile every minute and ZmSflzkqIUA-00327-00229616-00230384 it's going to pull from that application called pod inflow deploy from a git repository ZmSflzkqIUA-00328-00230471-00231208 and deploy it into this path into this cluster so very simple ZmSflzkqIUA-00329-00231208-00231600 automation but this is where you can go and configure and do more interesting things as well ZmSflzkqIUA-00330-00231816-00232648 so let me just close that so i'm hoping while i've been wittering on people have all been ZmSflzkqIUA-00331-00232648-00233471 chatting now that pod info has been running a while let me go back to where it was and ZmSflzkqIUA-00332-00233688-00234312 go back to the tuttle and you can see those pods seven minutes quickly i do talk a lot don't i and ZmSflzkqIUA-00333-00234376-00234696 in order to get at that i don't have an ingress to find because ZmSflzkqIUA-00334-00234696-00235128 that's very dependent on whether i'm in kind or gke or eks or whatever ZmSflzkqIUA-00335-00235192-00235728 so rather than that i'm simply going to do a port forward and you can cut and paste this ZmSflzkqIUA-00336-00235864-00236784 line here and once you do that i should be able to go to localhost 9898 and see pot info running ZmSflzkqIUA-00337-00236984-00237728 and so there we go but so far i might as well have just cube cattle applied ZmSflzkqIUA-00338-00237816-00238471 we need to do something more interesting don't we we need to do an update to the uh to the ZmSflzkqIUA-00339-00238592-00239336 sorry we need to do an update to the git repo and see it change so i'm going to start a new ZmSflzkqIUA-00340-00239336-00239904 uh also just want to pause a minute if yeah if anybody is still following along um i know we've ZmSflzkqIUA-00341-00239904-00240464 got a group of people here definitely don't want to go too fast i know a few people said oh you ZmSflzkqIUA-00342-00240464-00241032 know i'll watch the recording and do it later but i do want to make sure if anybody is joining along ZmSflzkqIUA-00343-00241119-00241992 um you know noticed any challenges um you don't want to be just skating along and missing people ZmSflzkqIUA-00344-00242104-00242416 anybody has notes in the chat if you are following along ZmSflzkqIUA-00345-00242488-00242992 or have lost interest all of the above are important for us yep ZmSflzkqIUA-00346-00243312-00244040 and i think this is also good okay got a couple of comments we'll get to a place where uh ZmSflzkqIUA-00347-00244040-00244400 they'll also be able to see it in action right see the magic ZmSflzkqIUA-00348-00244864-00245408 oh well i'm glad you gave your comments just making sure if anybody is absolutely stuck ZmSflzkqIUA-00349-00245408-00245936 those are the things we want to learn as well um whatever environment you have or um ZmSflzkqIUA-00350-00246167-00246584 what prerequisites may be more challenging ZmSflzkqIUA-00351-00246808-00247840 okay um and yes oh uh okay some people have docker machine conflicts with the network ZmSflzkqIUA-00352-00247944-00248719 so can't run kind trying it with eks cuddle now interesting oh yes thank you for that ZmSflzkqIUA-00353-00248976-00249344 and uh cool yeah appreciate that we really appreciate ZmSflzkqIUA-00354-00249344-00249823 any feedback you can offer so i'm also interested to see how that works ZmSflzkqIUA-00355-00250192-00250736 cornelia did you have a problem yeah so since we have just a moment while you're still waiting ZmSflzkqIUA-00356-00250736-00251352 for other folks to chime in when um uh paul was just showing you the dot wego directory ZmSflzkqIUA-00357-00251423-00251992 and then within that there was the targets and he showed you the he brought up some yaml that said ZmSflzkqIUA-00358-00251992-00252519 look we're applying a customization from this git git source over here ZmSflzkqIUA-00359-00252656-00253223 that directory so i talked earlier about we favor convention over configuration but i ZmSflzkqIUA-00360-00253223-00253944 said you get to program your own automation well you can program your own automation especially ZmSflzkqIUA-00361-00253944-00254400 if you know and love flux tomo fielded some of those questions at the beginning right ZmSflzkqIUA-00362-00254464-00255056 is that you know and love flux so you know image update automation for example well you can just ZmSflzkqIUA-00363-00255056-00256000 drop that image update automation into that we go targets directory and what we do as a part of wego ZmSflzkqIUA-00364-00256088-00256664 of weave get ops is that we are syncing everything that's in that we go slash ZmSflzkqIUA-00365-00256664-00257104 targets directory that's all getting synced into the repository in into the cluster ZmSflzkqIUA-00366-00257176-00257823 so if you want to change the automation you we're get ops in the automation itself so you can drop ZmSflzkqIUA-00367-00257823-00258344 a few more things into that directory and get ops will get it'll update your getups automation ZmSflzkqIUA-00368-00258423-00258896 which is super super super cool so that right there is one of the surface areas ZmSflzkqIUA-00369-00258896-00259344 of the con configuration when you need to go beyond the conventions ZmSflzkqIUA-00370-00259552-00259880 thanks definitely it's definitely good to remind ZmSflzkqIUA-00371-00259976-00260912 um so okay yep so i'm gonna do an update to my uh in fact i think i'm gonna ZmSflzkqIUA-00372-00261040-00261664 rather than do it through my command line which is what the instructions do i'm gonna be cheeky ZmSflzkqIUA-00373-00261719-00262848 and go to github and do it because i think that might be really sweet apply it's my fork and i'm ZmSflzkqIUA-00374-00262848-00263416 going to go you can see here's the check in where i added those.wego files and i'm going to go to ZmSflzkqIUA-00375-00263416-00264368 the front end and go to the deployment yaml and i'm going to do an edit right here and you can see ZmSflzkqIUA-00376-00264584-00265296 that in here there is a particular ui color for the front end and i'm ZmSflzkqIUA-00377-00265296-00266008 just going to replace that with eight eight eight eight eight and i'm gonna do an update ZmSflzkqIUA-00378-00266168-00266944 color and you know in a true githubs fashion i should really create a new ZmSflzkqIUA-00379-00266944-00267216 branch and start a pull request and then approve my pull request ZmSflzkqIUA-00380-00267424-00267696 but i think for today we don't have that much time ZmSflzkqIUA-00381-00267696-00267928 left so i'm just going to commit the changes directly ZmSflzkqIUA-00382-00268136-00268984 and i'm going to go back to my window here and do a cube cuddle pods in that test name space ZmSflzkqIUA-00383-00269136-00269448 and we can see what's happening so ZmSflzkqIUA-00384-00269624-00270120 fingers crossed within about a minute this is going to start to reconcile so do you ZmSflzkqIUA-00385-00270120-00270632 remember that one minute setting that's the default setting for how often it checks the um ZmSflzkqIUA-00386-00270864-00271928 the updates so and yeah let's hope i've done this correctly there we go so you can see ZmSflzkqIUA-00387-00271928-00272904 it's starting a new front-end pod uh that it's just started and that's gonna soon be running ZmSflzkqIUA-00388-00273032-00273384 and then as soon as that's running it's now going to terminate the old pod ZmSflzkqIUA-00389-00273488-00273992 so it's doing a rollover and the really nice thing here it's not touching my backing because my back ZmSflzkqIUA-00390-00273992-00274704 end the ammo didn't change so flux is not going to mess with that and so it's terminating the old one ZmSflzkqIUA-00391-00274784-00275448 and so now that's running so now i can go back to my port forward command restart that ZmSflzkqIUA-00392-00275552-00276272 and go look at that and look my color has changed to grey so i just did a ZmSflzkqIUA-00393-00276336-00276888 change in the github it automatically reconciled and is up to date ZmSflzkqIUA-00394-00277144-00277384 and that is the core of get ops ZmSflzkqIUA-00395-00277464-00278032 so hopefully if you were still following on you got to that point and ZmSflzkqIUA-00396-00278312-00278696 you have hopefully got to this point congratulations you've successfully ZmSflzkqIUA-00397-00278696-00279384 generated get up so thank you and um not to put cornelia on the spot but uh ZmSflzkqIUA-00398-00279384-00279792 i was wondering maybe this would be a great place to reiterate sort of the ZmSflzkqIUA-00399-00279880-00280440 the magic um and the context that you shared in the beginning to remind us um ZmSflzkqIUA-00400-00280568-00281208 yeah yeah absolutely i mean you'll notice that that the last step that paul did is super super ZmSflzkqIUA-00401-00281208-00281808 important it is the fact that once you've run those two wego commands you don't have to run wego ZmSflzkqIUA-00402-00281808-00282480 commands anymore it's not that you're using the wego api to do your deployments or anything like ZmSflzkqIUA-00403-00282480-00283216 that what you did was paul used the wego commands to establish the automation so that in the end ZmSflzkqIUA-00404-00283312-00283624 all he did was change something in the git repository ZmSflzkqIUA-00405-00283704-00284312 so you've established that automation and now you can just work in the way that it feels comfortable ZmSflzkqIUA-00406-00284312-00284848 and natural to you and optimizes all of those other things that you used to you know it used ZmSflzkqIUA-00407-00284848-00285288 to be that when i changed some code somewhere i would have to go and i'd have to go change ZmSflzkqIUA-00408-00285288-00285784 the configuration and i have to do cuddle and all of that stuff all that's handled for you ZmSflzkqIUA-00409-00285872-00286408 um so that that that last step is super important because that's your ongoing ZmSflzkqIUA-00410-00286408-00286792 that'll be your next step and your next step in your next step you won't be running wego ZmSflzkqIUA-00411-00286792-00287648 anymore awesome and we've had a couple people say they were able to get to the end ZmSflzkqIUA-00412-00287648-00287848 with no issues very cool that's good ZmSflzkqIUA-00413-00288080-00288712 um and if anybody did have issues we are looking for that too absolutely absolutely ZmSflzkqIUA-00414-00288712-00289360 we were internally helping out uh in the past leading up to this and yeah it's good to see ZmSflzkqIUA-00415-00289360-00290064 people come with different machines and such and hit roblox um so if anybody did ZmSflzkqIUA-00416-00290064-00290680 hit roblox other than the people who already shared uh happy to help we have a few minutes ZmSflzkqIUA-00417-00291008-00291600 otherwise um we will be providing these again in the future obviously our goal is to have ZmSflzkqIUA-00418-00291600-00292112 more and more people needing to go through these steps and you know want to make sure that we're ZmSflzkqIUA-00419-00292112-00292688 emphasizing the why to get sort of the carrot and why you want to go through these steps and ZmSflzkqIUA-00420-00292688-00293064 maybe it's your first time even trying get ops or it's your first time you know ZmSflzkqIUA-00421-00293128-00293728 using uh weave githubs you want to make sure that uh we're learning from you and improving ZmSflzkqIUA-00422-00293728-00294256 the docs and improving the experience so we hope to bring these to you as again again so ZmSflzkqIUA-00423-00294256-00294880 please tell your friends um otherwise if there aren't any questions then i will ZmSflzkqIUA-00424-00294976-00295496 share the closing slide to remind you of these links so you can go do these on your ZmSflzkqIUA-00425-00295496-00295952 own paul did you have anything else you wanted to share before i no i just want to say thank ZmSflzkqIUA-00426-00295952-00296520 you firstly to you tamo and and cornelia and secondly to everyone who followed along ZmSflzkqIUA-00427-00296736-00297592 and if fred has challenged with eks cuttle then i will hang out in the um we get up uh chat for ZmSflzkqIUA-00428-00297592-00298192 a while and see if you need any help going on this i'd love to see how that goes with uh um ZmSflzkqIUA-00429-00298280-00299272 eks cuddle so with that i will take over and i will share my closing slide can everybody see that ZmSflzkqIUA-00430-00299544-00300216 yes great so the and anybody anybody who registered here you'll get a follow-up email ZmSflzkqIUA-00431-00300216-00300760 with these links so most importantly we have the main page for we've get ups core which is what ZmSflzkqIUA-00432-00300760-00301384 we walked through today um and then the guides are linked from there so on that page you'll ZmSflzkqIUA-00433-00301384-00302048 have the link to these main resources so you'll get started it'll link you to where to download ZmSflzkqIUA-00434-00302120-00302696 and then most importantly if you get stuck or need help then we have this bitly that will get you to ZmSflzkqIUA-00435-00302696-00303232 the we've get up slack and then i'd added a link in chat if you haven't been on our slack yet then ZmSflzkqIUA-00436-00303312-00303944 you invite yourself to slack.weave.works so we'll be sending that as well so yes look forward to ZmSflzkqIUA-00437-00303944-00304464 seeing everybody in that slack channel follow along and tell us how it goes and as i mentioned ZmSflzkqIUA-00438-00304464-00305056 we just soft launched this so with every iteration hopefully it'll be more and more clear this thing ZmSflzkqIUA-00439-00305056-00305664 that we're building um and um toward the various use cases that we really want to help you out with ZmSflzkqIUA-00440-00305664-00306552 getting uh get ups set up again if you um i will go back if you didn't see get off stays you can ZmSflzkqIUA-00441-00306552-00307208 go register there it was really amazing to see um this was our second get off stage that we did we ZmSflzkqIUA-00442-00307208-00307984 did an emea one in the fall but really is the kind of the sex this is the second main one that we put ZmSflzkqIUA-00443-00307984-00308680 out there and just in 13 months since may of last year it was really amazing to see us going from uh ZmSflzkqIUA-00444-00308680-00309400 some kind of thought leadership companies really sharing what they've done with git ops to now you ZmSflzkqIUA-00445-00309400-00309920 know what many more enterprise companies sharing their stories saying how it's so essential um you ZmSflzkqIUA-00446-00309920-00310512 know getting people excited about getting started with githubs and so we hope that you'll find those ZmSflzkqIUA-00447-00310512-00311064 resources useful if you register at the event page here you'll you'll get all of the talks in advance ZmSflzkqIUA-00448-00311136-00311688 of others and so you'll be able to hear those great stories from companies like state forum ZmSflzkqIUA-00449-00311688-00312384 and deutsche telekom um and then paul you had a github's maturity model talk that referenced um ZmSflzkqIUA-00450-00312480-00312792 several other companies and i'm like you know fidelity was one of them but ZmSflzkqIUA-00451-00312792-00313120 there are a few others that you brought up that i hadn't heard before so it's just ZmSflzkqIUA-00452-00313120-00313648 so exciting that you know we at weworks are able to meet with these companies and hear their ZmSflzkqIUA-00453-00313648-00314136 stories and share them with you and see where they are on their get-ups journey so uh please ZmSflzkqIUA-00454-00314208-00314584 get the email that stace will be sending out and um thank you for joining us ZmSflzkqIUA-00455-00314584-00315072 and we look forward to seeing you again as you move forward with we've get-offs ZmSflzkqIUA-00456-00315072-00316080 so thank you to cornelia and paul and thanks to everybody we'll see you next time -ocE_zC_llM-00000-00000545-00001150 hi everybody part four of Michael and Kung story -ocE_zC_llM-00001-00001150-00001719 again see you guys coming into the video if you're not into the store is this -ocE_zC_llM-00002-00001719-00002135 isn't for you if you are you want to catch up this is part four -ocE_zC_llM-00003-00002135-00002708 jump back to part one and catch up so we left this story -ocE_zC_llM-00004-00002708-00003603 Michael income were having breakfast and come go turn around Michael said I'm not -ocE_zC_llM-00005-00003603-00004196 sure what we should do at this point I'm getting feelings for you I don't want to -ocE_zC_llM-00006-00004196-00005069 hurt you I don't want to get hurt should we break her or should we continue I -ocE_zC_llM-00007-00005080-00005727 want to look at a business tomorrow I wanted to go Samui I've never been there -ocE_zC_llM-00008-00005727-00006185 before I want to where I believe that's where I want going to want my business I -ocE_zC_llM-00009-00006185-00006659 need to go and look and spend some time down there what do you think what are -ocE_zC_llM-00010-00006659-00007065 your feelings Michael and she's got the ball in his court this is the first time -ocE_zC_llM-00011-00007065-00007634 she's put the ball in his course he's besotted he's in love he's got all these -ocE_zC_llM-00012-00007634-00008222 feelings but he's actually listened to his head at this point and his turn -ocE_zC_llM-00013-00008222-00009153 around and said I came to potato retire I didn't have any thoughts of getting -ocE_zC_llM-00014-00009153-00009660 involved in the business I didn't think I'd meet anyone I didn't even think I'd -ocE_zC_llM-00015-00009660-00010129 fall in love again he said and I have he said how about -ocE_zC_llM-00016-00010129-00010542 we'll go to some movie tomorrow we'll take a two or three week holiday -ocE_zC_llM-00017-00010542-00011082 together see how we get on and you can have a look around around something for -ocE_zC_llM-00018-00011082-00011457 business opportunities come well we'll just take it slowly -ocE_zC_llM-00019-00011457-00011934 and a hotter bed and see what what we think -ocE_zC_llM-00020-00011934-00012603 Coon said ok that's a good idea very sensible remember she's our English -ocE_zC_llM-00021-00012603-00013302 is great really really good I can't get the wrinkly body out of my head anyway -ocE_zC_llM-00022-00013302-00014058 so he said let's do that let's go for it and she said ok I've got some stuff on -ocE_zC_llM-00023-00014058-00014874 today I'll get a taxi in the morning to your condo and pick you up do you think -ocE_zC_llM-00024-00014874-00015623 you could arrange some flights from Bangkok Airport to salutely and when we -ocE_zC_llM-00025-00015623-00016212 get there we'll try and find a hotel she said Fran find somewhere near a -ocE_zC_llM-00026-00016212-00016851 beach maybe not too busy an area and he said yeah I said that he said I'll take -ocE_zC_llM-00027-00016851-00017784 care of that house or something ok so he hit yet so after he's held off him he -ocE_zC_llM-00028-00017784-00018186 conned us in his friends she's gone home he's going to see his friend and told -ocE_zC_llM-00029-00018186-00018684 them what's happened and they're sort of what all this sense oh my god is a bit -ocE_zC_llM-00030-00018684-00019236 fast Michael and you're now going off on a holiday and spending money and do you -ocE_zC_llM-00031-00019236-00019800 know this girl properly you don't want to business and exactly all the dating -ocE_zC_llM-00032-00019800-00020120 Thomas stuff in that but it's good advice and he said yeah I know you're -ocE_zC_llM-00033-00020120-00020661 you're right I've got to slow things down and work out what I want he said -ocE_zC_llM-00034-00020661-00021057 but I've I've fallen in love with good absolutely falling in love -ocE_zC_llM-00035-00021057-00021729 she's amazing a different they said ok wrong well watch over your condo enjoy -ocE_zC_llM-00036-00021729-00022481 your holiday and we'll see you soon if he goes home jumps on the phone internet -ocE_zC_llM-00037-00022481-00023151 gets the Bangkok Airways I believe is daringly airline flies dangerous a movie -ocE_zC_llM-00038-00023151-00023847 so he's booked a couple of flights dang just one way and he's had a quick look -ocE_zC_llM-00039-00023847-00024401 around online for hotels and he's really not sure about that so he said well -ocE_zC_llM-00040-00024401-00025017 leaves I will we'll get there flights in the morning -ocE_zC_llM-00041-00025017-00025600 by lunchtime so without plenty of time they'd like to find the hotel so he -ocE_zC_llM-00042-00025600-00026814 stood books like and Peyton next day comes morning Combe arrives in a taxi -ocE_zC_llM-00043-00026817-00027511 right eight o'clock and why I think they blame us for arranged this but anyway -ocE_zC_llM-00044-00027511-00028132 eight o'clock she turns up he comes out with a case checks in the car she kiss -ocE_zC_llM-00045-00028132-00028636 him on the cheek again a taxi and he's told we just book flights couldn't find -ocE_zC_llM-00046-00028636-00029077 hotel didn't know what he wanted etc she said that's fine I told you all -ocE_zC_llM-00047-00029077-00029614 yet but I forgot a Bangkok jump on the plane danger Samui neither of them had -ocE_zC_llM-00048-00029614-00030580 been to some movie before and I haven't either so they got into similarly has -ocE_zC_llM-00049-00030580-00031377 got out the airport and they've jumped in a cab now come new roughly the tangs -ocE_zC_llM-00050-00031377-00032107 and I think it was they've actually gone to the busy part they've gone to she -ocE_zC_llM-00051-00032107-00032656 wouldn't be junkies his children he did tell me chair Wang more beach some which -ocE_zC_llM-00052-00032656-00033007 is meant to be the busiest part they've gone to there but just a long from there -ocE_zC_llM-00053-00033007-00033672 a bit island while along and come had spotted to cut the hotels online -ocE_zC_llM-00054-00033672-00034174 previously said I found what I think's quite nice and it's reasonable price and -ocE_zC_llM-00055-00034174-00034654 they turned up at this hotel not book is turned up on the door unloading the cake -ocE_zC_llM-00056-00034654-00035221 cases from his taxi paint taxi walking out walkins siap regular paying war -ocE_zC_llM-00057-00035221-00036043 doing that and this is a four-star hotel and Kong said to Michael I'm thinking -ocE_zC_llM-00058-00036043-00036595 should we say two weeks here but let's book a week at this hotel case we want -ocE_zC_llM-00059-00036595-00037405 to move around the island and yeah good idea 2,800 bars and nice the hotel -ocE_zC_llM-00060-00037405-00038011 but they've got an offer if you book seven nights they're giving ten nights -ocE_zC_llM-00061-00038011-00038614 so okay it's a bit longer than they were going to stay but at that hotel but it's -ocE_zC_llM-00062-00038614-00039256 come out at a reasonable deal includes breakfast no other meals and they've -ocE_zC_llM-00063-00039256-00039613 agreed yet this is fine and it's a quite a large double room -ocE_zC_llM-00064-00039613-00040270 with the sea view it's on the beach so must be lovely hotel must have been a -ocE_zC_llM-00065-00040270-00041074 lovely hotel and so reception might be just pull this card eh I'll pay for it -ocE_zC_llM-00066-00041074-00041593 the way come didn't even make the offer this time Micra just straight out with -ocE_zC_llM-00067-00041593-00042238 the card pay for the hotel to pause it or whatever and they checked in lovely -ocE_zC_llM-00068-00042238-00043078 room really nice and at this point you would think they've just got there -ocE_zC_llM-00069-00043078-00043687 they're going to go and get some food and things but no come has taken Michael -ocE_zC_llM-00070-00043687-00044329 to a shower again I am so on and so on before they put casual clothes on and -ocE_zC_llM-00071-00044329-00044809 come has said put some shorts on Michael and the shirt and I'm going to put some -ocE_zC_llM-00072-00044809-00045244 shorts but she's put for the first time he's ever seen her not in a dress she -ocE_zC_llM-00073-00045244-00045856 put some smart shorts on and ablaze and the hats and glasses looks a million -ocE_zC_llM-00074-00045856-00046582 dollars absolutely key fear the wrinkly body again I had my head looks a million -ocE_zC_llM-00075-00046582-00046996 dollars and Michael's way and he's put some nice smart casual shorts and things -ocE_zC_llM-00076-00046996-00047482 off enough they wandered had a look around and gone down the beach romantic -ocE_zC_llM-00077-00047482-00048235 walk along the beach it's paradise absolutely paradise each hooks he's got -ocE_zC_llM-00078-00048235-00048837 no chance absolutely no chance on this planet of getting out of this one night -ocE_zC_llM-00079-00048837-00049603 totally hooked such an amazing woman he's fine absolute dream and to think he -ocE_zC_llM-00080-00049603-00050374 met her on beach rhodium Patel yeah really amazing so over the course -ocE_zC_llM-00081-00050374-00051642 of the next 10 days they've had many romantic meals many horizontal aerobic -ocE_zC_llM-00082-00051642-00052683 sessions and being it's like being a honeymoon cool hasn't really looked for -ocE_zC_llM-00083-00052683-00053204 businesses at this point move ten days of that hotel it's like a honeymoon and -ocE_zC_llM-00084-00053204-00054189 she's treated him like an absolute king he she's done everything that you dream -ocE_zC_llM-00085-00054189-00054879 of was finding a new partner as he treats them marvelous English is great -ocE_zC_llM-00086-00054879-00055380 she's good-looking girl she's hooked him even more she's put -ocE_zC_llM-00087-00055380-00055929 that fishing rod out and she's starting to reel him in more and more day by day -ocE_zC_llM-00088-00055929-00056686 he can't falter he can't fall he's just going even more every day deeper and -ocE_zC_llM-00089-00056686-00057495 deeper in love with her so the 10 days in that hotel is coming to an end and -ocE_zC_llM-00090-00057495-00058045 she's turned around to him I think the night before that simply I said again to -ocE_zC_llM-00091-00058045-00058833 it I've had the most amazing time with you Michael here in Samui the islands -ocE_zC_llM-00092-00058833-00059761 beautiful I've really fallen for you and I don't want it to stop and then Michael -ocE_zC_llM-00093-00059761-00060516 said exactly the same absolutely smitten -ocE_zC_llM-00094-00060516-00061404 and so he says well I think you know I'd love to continue in our relationship -ocE_zC_llM-00095-00061404-00062341 let's just keep going and now you want to start looking at businesses let's add -ocE_zC_llM-00096-00062341-00063163 status so tight as I like it it's it's lovely and we can hire a car -ocE_zC_llM-00097-00063163-00063676 or whatever and wander around the other and start looking at what businesses are -ocE_zC_llM-00098-00063676-00064441 available I was like hope number 10 or whatever comes yep -ocE_zC_llM-00099-00064441-00064924 brilliant let's do that so they've have read the mail they've gone to reception -ocE_zC_llM-00100-00064924-00065620 we're going to stay longer and the council have said we've got plenty of -ocE_zC_llM-00101-00065620-00065877 rooms we'll do a special rate you can do it -ocE_zC_llM-00102-00065877-00066316 day by day we just charge you Tuesday's about a night from now on including -ocE_zC_llM-00103-00066316-00066904 breakfast which is brilliant and I could get that's great brilliant so next -ocE_zC_llM-00104-00066904-00067527 morning I don't believe the islands too big but is probably cheaper to rent a -ocE_zC_llM-00105-00067527-00068589 car or a motorcycle to wander around the keep using taxes come has said the roads -ocE_zC_llM-00106-00068589-00068901 are quite narrow by the looks of it I probably feel more comfortable on a -ocE_zC_llM-00107-00068901-00069406 scooter I can ride a motorcycle scooter how about you Michael and Michael he's -ocE_zC_llM-00108-00069406-00070026 had bikes and things he's and profitable on a scooter so that rents a couple of -ocE_zC_llM-00109-00070026-00070699 scooters so we got one each and we can I wonder rank yeah problem however the -ocE_zC_llM-00110-00070699-00071017 hotel is a place just along the road that rents them so they've gone long and -ocE_zC_llM-00111-00071017-00072043 rented two scooters and come has paid for these two scooters arranged and it -ocE_zC_llM-00112-00072043-00072567 wasn't even things a two three four hundred bad days usual something -ocE_zC_llM-00113-00072567-00073043 and come the time with her ID card for a photocopy so they've got copy Larry -ocE_zC_llM-00114-00073043-00073671 Hotel details constant care of them and she's paid deposit without Michael -ocE_zC_llM-00115-00073671-00074510 offering his line okay and they've got the bikes so they then spend the next -ocE_zC_llM-00116-00074510-00075455 two or three days venturing out further and further around the island and on -ocE_zC_llM-00117-00075455-00076074 that third day just after lunchtime they coming back into the Chuang to wing -ocE_zC_llM-00118-00076074-00076407 beach whatever it's called but a different way they've come in from the -ocE_zC_llM-00119-00076407-00077636 other end and lo and behold cun spots for sale sign on a building which is -ocE_zC_llM-00120-00077636-00078381 closed it looks it's three stories it's a shop at the bottom the front with a -ocE_zC_llM-00121-00078381-00079095 nice big concrete section at the front all tiled and then it's an end of a row -ocE_zC_llM-00122-00079095-00079749 of shops with with two other floors above and she's intrigued and says that -ocE_zC_llM-00123-00079749-00080499 possibly could be a guesthouse or made into a guest days I'd like to see have a -ocE_zC_llM-00124-00080499-00081039 look at that get inside and there's a phone number there so come gets on the -ocE_zC_llM-00125-00081039-00081552 phone and arranges for the next morning to view this property and it's literally -ocE_zC_llM-00126-00081552-00082374 it's on a rail of socks about 200 meters down the road is the beach and there's a -ocE_zC_llM-00127-00082374-00083100 few bars and restaurants in this row so it's quite close to the main beach but -ocE_zC_llM-00128-00083100-00084087 if maybe a quarter of a mile from the main main nightlife area so next morning -ocE_zC_llM-00129-00084087-00084495 they've arranged the viewing of this place they go along clip on the bikes -ocE_zC_llM-00130-00084495-00085398 hotel zip along meet this guy tygo they've looked in and originally it was -ocE_zC_llM-00131-00085398-00085820 a guest house those are what the shop was is they put -ocE_zC_llM-00132-00085820-00086420 a front on it but there was definitely an old came to there and stairs going up -ocE_zC_llM-00133-00086420-00087269 and there were five big double rooms upstairs on these floors and one like a -ocE_zC_llM-00134-00087269-00087746 small little apartment at the back and extension which had a sort of it's like -ocE_zC_llM-00135-00087746-00088235 a junior suite of the hotel so five good rooms a little junior suite maybe for -ocE_zC_llM-00136-00088235-00088745 the owners to live nice reception area that could be made into a bar as well -ocE_zC_llM-00137-00088745-00089279 and then a good large section of the front with a ramp going up to it for to -ocE_zC_llM-00138-00089279-00089996 seye with access or pushing boats bikes up onto that section and this building -ocE_zC_llM-00139-00089996-00091205 was for sale so head of rent and come thought this is really nice this is just -ocE_zC_llM-00140-00091205-00091820 the sort of thing I'm looking for thank you for that Nasir and off they're -ocE_zC_llM-00141-00091820-00092090 headed back to the hotel that's just first thing than once they've gone back -ocE_zC_llM-00142-00092090-00092771 before lunch loads up and come sister Michael that is the sort of place I'm -ocE_zC_llM-00143-00092771-00093305 looking for that would be a great business in a five rooms bit of a bar -ocE_zC_llM-00144-00093305-00094217 downstairs maybe do some other little businesses of the front it's it's -ocE_zC_llM-00145-00094217-00095135 perfect really but I need to look at the money and figure something out yeah so -ocE_zC_llM-00146-00095135-00095459 they're in the hotel lunch time let's have lunch in the hotel -ocE_zC_llM-00147-00095459-00096239 so they have lunch in the hotel the price on that building in the current -ocE_zC_llM-00148-00096239-00097357 state the owners wanted six million bar for it freehold so outright purchase -ocE_zC_llM-00149-00097357-00097971 it's obviously quite expensive on Samui and this was quite a few years ago -ocE_zC_llM-00150-00097971-00098850 so that's where we're going to leave it today part for them there's still more -ocE_zC_llM-00151-00098850-00099618 to come yeah as your for next time see you for -ocE_zC_llM-00152-00099618-00099905 named bye-bye -0BVrzfoOmA-00000-00000096-00000680 hi everyone i experienced something pretty amazing recently and i just wanted to -0BVrzfoOmA-00001-00000752-00001096 take a minute to share with you guys what's been going on in my life -0BVrzfoOmA-00002-00001296-00002016 if you know me very well at all you probably know that i have been struggling with chronic back and -0BVrzfoOmA-00003-00002016-00003032 neck pain for many years it started with an injury i had when i was 17. i actually just got up out -0BVrzfoOmA-00004-00003032-00003592 of bed one morning and i just fainted um it had never happened before it's never happened since -0BVrzfoOmA-00005-00003647-00004608 um but i just dead faint um hit my head on the floor and when i woke up i had a pretty insane um -0BVrzfoOmA-00006-00004688-00005208 headache and we went to the doctor and they just said oh you have really low blood pressure i was -0BVrzfoOmA-00007-00005208-00005672 really fit at the time i was a runner um they just said you have low blood pressure and that's why -0BVrzfoOmA-00008-00005672-00006344 you fainted and that was that um but what happened over the months and years was that i increasingly -0BVrzfoOmA-00009-00006344-00006968 started to have neck pain um so probably what had happened was that i had like thrown my atlas or -0BVrzfoOmA-00010-00006968-00007623 thrown you know some of the bones in my neck and torn some ligaments but it didn't get addressed -0BVrzfoOmA-00011-00007623-00008168 right away because i wasn't having symptoms right away um most likely what happened was that then my -0BVrzfoOmA-00012-00008168-00008760 spine kind of started to compromise and it kind of set me up to injure my back in 2003 or four -0BVrzfoOmA-00013-00008896-00009600 and i i lifted something one day and i just felt something pull in my low back on the left side -0BVrzfoOmA-00014-00009768-00010128 probably it was like an si joint sprain or something like that but um -0BVrzfoOmA-00015-00010224-00010552 i tried to go running that night and it didn't go so well -0BVrzfoOmA-00016-00010720-00011432 and basically from that day until this i have not been able to run and i've had constant -0BVrzfoOmA-00017-00011432-00011976 chronic back pain that's made it pretty hard to do anything and pretty hard to live -0BVrzfoOmA-00018-00012128-00012776 and um the pain just kind of like gradually increased i was in school when that second -0BVrzfoOmA-00019-00012776-00013256 injury happened and so i was sitting a lot in class and the sitting just really aggravated my -0BVrzfoOmA-00020-00013328-00013888 injury and i did do physical therapy i saw a doctor but nothing really seemed to help -0BVrzfoOmA-00021-00013984-00014480 i graduated from college and entered the workforce and i was working as a video editor which is a lot -0BVrzfoOmA-00022-00014480-00015184 more sitting and so it was just like it just became a really uh terrible existence of like -0BVrzfoOmA-00023-00015184-00015816 trying to work but being in a lot of pain and then going to chiropractors going to massage therapists -0BVrzfoOmA-00024-00015816-00016312 and physical therapists trying to get better but all the sitting and working was just like -0BVrzfoOmA-00025-00016400-00016976 working against what i was trying to do and it was a constant drain on my finances like i've -0BVrzfoOmA-00026-00016976-00017584 probably spent tens of thousands of dollars in the last 15 years trying to get better -0BVrzfoOmA-00027-00017776-00018640 in 2010 i reached a turning point where i just couldn't keep working and so i actually -0BVrzfoOmA-00028-00018736-00019384 left la for a year and i moved in with family and friends and just tried to rest for a while and i -0BVrzfoOmA-00029-00019384-00019912 wasn't working for about a year i went back to work but i was still kind of more or less -0BVrzfoOmA-00030-00019992-00020592 dealing with the same problems i ended up taking a job in 2012 at loma linda -0BVrzfoOmA-00031-00020680-00021600 working as a video producer and editor there i ended up leaving that position in 2015 partly -0BVrzfoOmA-00032-00021600-00022168 again because i just couldn't seem to hold down a consistent job because of the pain that i was -0BVrzfoOmA-00033-00022168-00022968 in so i went back to freelancing so i could work at home among other reasons so yeah so anyway it's -0BVrzfoOmA-00034-00022968-00023888 it just has been a pretty crazy journey i haven't really been able to work out to exercise i had a -0BVrzfoOmA-00035-00023888-00024688 leg injury as well roughly around 2014 or 2015 and then it became hard to like take walks um -0BVrzfoOmA-00036-00024688-00025128 it just it just became so overwhelming and i was able to like sort of present this image to the -0BVrzfoOmA-00037-00025128-00025712 world that i was doing kind of okay and i was still achieving and working but i was actually -0BVrzfoOmA-00038-00025712-00026376 dealing with a lot of anxiety and depression over the pain and just the cycle of never been -0BVrzfoOmA-00039-00026376-00027008 being able to get out of it never being able to get ahead with my medical care and just spending -0BVrzfoOmA-00040-00027008-00027792 so much money and so um anyway i reached a point um it was around i want to say 2014 or 15. around -0BVrzfoOmA-00041-00027792-00028360 the time that i ended up quitting my job at loma linda that i remember standing -0BVrzfoOmA-00042-00028776-00029632 i just remember standing in my office and saying god i know that you're a healer -0BVrzfoOmA-00043-00029632-00030080 the bible says you're a healer and if i have to pray every day until i'm 80 -0BVrzfoOmA-00044-00030080-00030592 years old i'm going to pray for my body to be healed because nothing else has helped -0BVrzfoOmA-00045-00030752-00031256 and i just i just realized at that point that i needed a miracle there was nothing else that -0BVrzfoOmA-00046-00031256-00031968 i could do um so what was interesting was that from that point god started leading -0BVrzfoOmA-00047-00031968-00032456 me to churches that actually believe in healing that believe in biblical healing -0BVrzfoOmA-00048-00032648-00033288 and i started to study and i started to learn that um that god wants us healed -0BVrzfoOmA-00049-00033288-00033816 like he wants us healthy and i've been a christian my whole life i just haven't seen -0BVrzfoOmA-00050-00033888-00034416 like miraculous healing modeled as part of church culture in most church communities -0BVrzfoOmA-00051-00034416-00034776 but i found some churches that were modeling that that were actually praying for the sick -0BVrzfoOmA-00052-00034832-00035456 and that were seeing people get healed and then i knew it was my only hope so i just started -0BVrzfoOmA-00053-00035456-00036024 getting involved in these communities as much as i could and and for me it came back to like -0BVrzfoOmA-00054-00036024-00036648 i needed to be able to believe scripturally that um it was the will of god to heal me -0BVrzfoOmA-00055-00036648-00037144 i didn't really trust like this preacher or that preacher i just had to believe it from the word -0BVrzfoOmA-00056-00037144-00037768 of god and um so i studied i've i listened to sermon after sermon i've probably listened to -0BVrzfoOmA-00057-00037768-00038328 hundreds of sermons in the last few years on healing it just has really become an obsession -0BVrzfoOmA-00058-00038328-00039072 and what what finally convinced me that it was the will of god to heal my body was a sermon i heard -0BVrzfoOmA-00059-00039072-00039832 by pastor dan muller and he preached on matthew 17. and matthew 17 has the story of the boy who -0BVrzfoOmA-00060-00039832-00040248 was brought to the disciples because he was having seizures and he was being thrown into the fire -0BVrzfoOmA-00061-00040440-00041080 and the disciples could not heal him he was manifesting this extreme demonic thing and and -0BVrzfoOmA-00062-00041080-00041736 uh the disciples could not help him and uh so they brought the boy to jesus and jesus healed the boy -0BVrzfoOmA-00063-00041800-00042640 and he's basically said to the disciples um where's your faith you know um and and that story -0BVrzfoOmA-00064-00042640-00043184 um the way that dan muller presented it he he asked the audience the question like -0BVrzfoOmA-00065-00043184-00043984 could the disciples heal the boy and everyone said no and then dan said but was it god's will -0BVrzfoOmA-00066-00043984-00044568 to heal the boy and the answer obviously is yes because jesus showed right up and healed the boy -0BVrzfoOmA-00067-00044568-00045400 and so um you know our our uh if we're not seeing healing if we're not seeing miracles is not -0BVrzfoOmA-00068-00045400-00046032 because it's not the will of god it is because we have lost the faith for that and some people get -0BVrzfoOmA-00069-00046032-00046504 offended by that and they say what do you mean i don't have enough faith for me i wasn't offended -0BVrzfoOmA-00070-00046504-00047080 i didn't take it as a criticism i took it as an invitation i knew i didn't have that kind of faith -0BVrzfoOmA-00071-00047080-00047640 but i also knew that i could get it and i could build that muscle when jesus said to the disciples -0BVrzfoOmA-00072-00047640-00048240 it's because of your unbelief he was saying your minds are still twisted by the fall and when you -0BVrzfoOmA-00073-00048240-00049040 see what i'm seeing you will do what i'm doing and so that convinced me finally and i became aware -0BVrzfoOmA-00074-00049040-00049544 that there was never an example in the gospels where jesus turned someone someone away or said -0BVrzfoOmA-00075-00049544-00050008 hey you need to go build your character a little more or hey i just need you to like suffer through -0BVrzfoOmA-00076-00050008-00050496 this so i can teach you a lesson there was never a time jesus said that he healed everyone who came -0BVrzfoOmA-00077-00050496-00051200 to him without fail even the man who said help my unbelief god helped him as well and so that -0BVrzfoOmA-00078-00051200-00051896 convinced me and from that point on i um i went after it i started to do a lot of fasting and -0BVrzfoOmA-00079-00051896-00052464 i started to spend over an hour each morning in worship basically just praising god for healing -0BVrzfoOmA-00080-00052464-00053279 me and also i began to use the power of my words because jesus gave us authority and our words are -0BVrzfoOmA-00081-00053279-00053872 powerful he said speak to the mountain and it will move so i started to do that even though it felt -0BVrzfoOmA-00082-00053872-00054536 really weird at first i just started to say to my back and say to my neck say to my leg be healed -0BVrzfoOmA-00083-00054536-00055152 in the name of jesus lord thank you for healing me i believe i started to do that on a regular basis -0BVrzfoOmA-00084-00055455-00055840 what started happening was not what i expected -0BVrzfoOmA-00085-00056055-00056712 after some weeks of this um and i'm it's a long story so i'm gonna give you the -0BVrzfoOmA-00086-00056712-00057152 shorter version but essentially what started happening was um my -0BVrzfoOmA-00087-00057279-00058055 muscles started shaking um my hands started to cramp up and go like this -0BVrzfoOmA-00088-00058055-00059232 my leg started shaking and starting to twist and contort and um it looked really demonic -0BVrzfoOmA-00089-00059376-00059912 like my hands would basically become paralyzed from the upper arm down like this -0BVrzfoOmA-00090-00060096-00060791 with all the veins popping out with excruciating pain and i was like okay what the heck is going on -0BVrzfoOmA-00091-00060791-00061552 with this but um i had to keep studying and what i what i eventually learned and and deduced was that -0BVrzfoOmA-00092-00061655-00062176 i was basically being tormented by what they call what the the bible calls a -0BVrzfoOmA-00093-00062176-00062840 spirit of infirmity a demonic spirit that is tormenting you with pain and sickness um -0BVrzfoOmA-00094-00062912-00063560 and i started having to learn how to um cast out demons because there was something -0BVrzfoOmA-00095-00063624-00064312 demonic that was tormenting and torturing my body and a lot of people think a christian can't have a -0BVrzfoOmA-00096-00064312-00064832 demon and it's very true that a christian cannot be possessed by a demon because your spirit is -0BVrzfoOmA-00097-00064832-00065640 possessed by the holy spirit but we can still be harassed and tormented by the the demonic realm -0BVrzfoOmA-00098-00065640-00066344 and but jesus has given us authority over that and and you know some of the verses that that helped -0BVrzfoOmA-00099-00066344-00066952 me to understand what was going on and helped equip me to know how to deal with it versus that -0BVrzfoOmA-00100-00066952-00067832 started to really build my faith one example is mark 16. 17-18 jesus said to them these signs will -0BVrzfoOmA-00101-00067832-00068392 accompany those who believe in my name they will drive out demons they will speak in new tongues -0BVrzfoOmA-00102-00068472-00068800 they will pick up snakes with their hands and when they drink deadly poison it will -0BVrzfoOmA-00103-00068800-00069320 not hurt them at all they will place their hands on sick people and they will get well -0BVrzfoOmA-00104-00069496-00070056 those are the words of jesus and so i i kind of came face to face with the um -0BVrzfoOmA-00105-00070152-00070768 the question do i really believe what i say i believe do i really believe this gospel do i -0BVrzfoOmA-00106-00070768-00071376 really believe jesus do i really believe the words of jesus and and you know again most of the church -0BVrzfoOmA-00107-00071376-00072144 world doesn't really believe in miraculous healing they don't believe we can walk in that and and yet -0BVrzfoOmA-00108-00072144-00072760 it's what jesus said um some other verses um some other things he said which we're all familiar with -0BVrzfoOmA-00109-00072760-00073376 but we don't really believe john 14 very truly i tell you whoever believes in me will do the works -0BVrzfoOmA-00110-00073376-00073856 i have been doing and they will do even greater things than these because i am going to the father -0BVrzfoOmA-00111-00073992-00074464 i just started to read this stuff and um it says straight up jesus gave us authority to heal the -0BVrzfoOmA-00112-00074464-00075096 sick and cast out demons so um i started to have this demonic thing manifesting in my very own body -0BVrzfoOmA-00113-00075096-00075504 um i couldn't deny it a lot of people even christians even christians who believed in -0BVrzfoOmA-00114-00075504-00076048 healing would tell me go what you need to go see a doctor like what is going on with that and i was -0BVrzfoOmA-00115-00076048-00076888 like what in the world would i tell a doctor like when i pray and when i worship my um my leg starts -0BVrzfoOmA-00116-00076992-00077768 twisting like a snake and my arms start cramping up like something crazy you know i knew what -0BVrzfoOmA-00117-00077768-00078504 it was and i just kept building my faith and kept commanding it to leave and declaring and -0BVrzfoOmA-00118-00078504-00079240 i actually ended up moving from la up to northern california just over a year ago to actually live -0BVrzfoOmA-00119-00079240-00079856 in a community a christian community that believes in healing and is already walking in the healing -0BVrzfoOmA-00120-00079856-00080520 gift i i just knew that i had to completely renew my mind from um from one reality to a totally -0BVrzfoOmA-00121-00080520-00081136 different reality where um where miracles are possible you know where what jesus said is true -0BVrzfoOmA-00122-00081136-00081752 you know and it was like such a massive shift of everything i've ever known that um for me to -0BVrzfoOmA-00123-00081752-00082296 to build my faith to that level and to actually believe that the pain i had been suffering for -0BVrzfoOmA-00124-00082296-00082752 you know at this point it was 15 years um could actually be healed and that i could run again -0BVrzfoOmA-00125-00082808-00083368 and so i moved to be part of a christian community that was already like walking in that because i -0BVrzfoOmA-00126-00083368-00084024 knew i had to immerse myself in it and get it in my blood um and i kept studying um this thing -0BVrzfoOmA-00127-00084024-00084488 this demonic thing kept manifesting it it started to happen every single day any time i would -0BVrzfoOmA-00128-00084488-00084896 pray any time i would worship it would start shaking it would start twisting it would start -0BVrzfoOmA-00129-00084960-00085576 showing up but it wasn't leaving and so i had to keep studying how do you cast out a demon how do -0BVrzfoOmA-00130-00085576-00086112 you get it to leave you know my pain actually in the midst of all this actually started getting -0BVrzfoOmA-00131-00086112-00087064 worse i um stepped off a stair and i actually like re-tweaked my um my lower back like sacrum area -0BVrzfoOmA-00132-00087176-00087760 and after that there was like another level of instability in my sacrum and low back -0BVrzfoOmA-00133-00087864-00088712 it the last year has pretty much been the worst of my life physically i actually couldn't really even -0BVrzfoOmA-00134-00088712-00089208 bend over like if i dropped something on the floor i had to try to pick it up with my toes i haven't -0BVrzfoOmA-00135-00089208-00089848 really been able to do much walking um i can walk but i'm just like taking a walk would aggravate -0BVrzfoOmA-00136-00089928-00090296 everything so i've had to be really inactive the last year and a half -0BVrzfoOmA-00137-00090296-00091008 my muscles have all atrophied quite a bit um but i kept pressing in to believe that i could be healed -0BVrzfoOmA-00138-00091008-00091696 and um and i kept praising and i kept declaring eventually about i want to say six to eight months -0BVrzfoOmA-00139-00091696-00092192 ago i started saying god i know this is demonic i know i'm like it's not like nothing's happening -0BVrzfoOmA-00140-00092192-00092720 when i'm praying there's a lot happening like there's like a war going on in my body right -0BVrzfoOmA-00141-00092720-00093376 but why isn't it leaving like why am i not getting healed and i started fasting again and the lord -0BVrzfoOmA-00142-00093376-00093800 started speaking to me immediately and he was so faithful to reveal i just started saying god -0BVrzfoOmA-00143-00093800-00094216 what's hindering like there's something blocking there's something that's blocking this healing -0BVrzfoOmA-00144-00094296-00094784 and um and he was so faithful to reveal to me several things that i just needed to to -0BVrzfoOmA-00145-00094784-00095328 deal with one of them was unforgiveness because there were a lot of people over the years who -0BVrzfoOmA-00146-00095328-00095912 had told me that my pain was pretty much just in my head and that i just was being a victim -0BVrzfoOmA-00147-00095912-00096624 that i didn't want to work and enough people said that kind of stuff to me that it kind of -0BVrzfoOmA-00148-00096624-00097216 it just did a lot of damage it started to kind of mess with my own confidence in my own perceptions -0BVrzfoOmA-00149-00097216-00098024 of reality um and my own confidence in you know just myself and and what i was experiencing and -0BVrzfoOmA-00150-00098136-00098752 so it just did a lot of damage and i was holding a lot of anger and bitterness toward those people -0BVrzfoOmA-00151-00098752-00099304 and the lord told me that unforgiveness and bitterness is actually an open door to the demonic -0BVrzfoOmA-00152-00099304-00099872 and so i just started going through a process the last several months of like systematically dealing -0BVrzfoOmA-00153-00099872-00100384 with the unforgiveness starting to pray for those people starting to bless those people closing -0BVrzfoOmA-00154-00100384-00101088 every single door to the enemy that i could in my life um and and and again i won't take too long -0BVrzfoOmA-00155-00101088-00101632 on that because there's just so much i'm happy to share with you guys um one on one if anyone's -0BVrzfoOmA-00156-00101632-00102384 curious um my life is an open book um but suffice it to say that um at the end of this process -0BVrzfoOmA-00157-00102632-00103320 i i did everything god had showed me and this may i -0BVrzfoOmA-00158-00103752-00104040 i set up a time to pray with one of my mentors um -0BVrzfoOmA-00159-00104320-00105144 his name is sh we call him uncle sh and um i had done everything that god had told me to do and i -0BVrzfoOmA-00160-00105735-00106056 set up a time to pray with him and he prayed over me -0BVrzfoOmA-00161-00106232-00106904 and um what happened again was not what i had expected um but as he prayed -0BVrzfoOmA-00162-00107056-00107720 my neck started moving um it was um not anything that i was doing -0BVrzfoOmA-00163-00107720-00108152 it was almost like something was pushing my head and it kind of pushed my head this way -0BVrzfoOmA-00164-00108272-00108680 and i felt the lord say to me let it go just let it let it do let it run its course -0BVrzfoOmA-00165-00108759-00109432 and my head moved like this and then it moved over this way and over the next hour and a half -0BVrzfoOmA-00166-00109432-00110168 it was as if this presence pushed my neck in every direction that it had not been able to move in -0BVrzfoOmA-00167-00110168-00110704 over a decade um because my range of motion had been so limited i could because of the neck and -0BVrzfoOmA-00168-00110704-00111296 drain the muscles here were so tight um i even had one massage therapist tell me like feeling -0BVrzfoOmA-00169-00111296-00111848 this area here she said i've been a therapist for 10 years and i've never seen anything like this -0BVrzfoOmA-00170-00111848-00112424 because these muscles were like as hard as a rock um as hard as a bone like usually if i told -0BVrzfoOmA-00171-00112424-00113088 people hey check this out they'd be like that's a bone i'm like nope that's a muscle um and anyway -0BVrzfoOmA-00172-00113088-00113672 so i hadn't my range of motion was about like this like i can move my head about like that um -0BVrzfoOmA-00173-00113800-00114280 and i was very careful because my everything would go out of alignment so easily i -0BVrzfoOmA-00174-00114280-00114983 wouldn't move it you know i would hardly move it at all and and um anyway during this session -0BVrzfoOmA-00175-00115040-00115752 it was like this presence came and like actually physically forcibly pushed it um it pushed it so -0BVrzfoOmA-00176-00115752-00116311 far that like my ear was touching my shoulder it pushed it so far that my chin was all the -0BVrzfoOmA-00177-00116311-00116992 way down to my chest it was excruciating but i knew that something good was happening um and -0BVrzfoOmA-00178-00116992-00117983 this lasted like an hour probably an hour and a half and at the end my my neck was aligned um and -0BVrzfoOmA-00179-00118240-00119008 i knew that something really big in my life had changed that day a couple days later i -0BVrzfoOmA-00180-00119008-00119424 i started to feel some pain come back in my neck so i just sat down and i said a quick prayer and -0BVrzfoOmA-00181-00119504-00120096 um it was to my surprise it started happening again my neck just started moving slowly -0BVrzfoOmA-00182-00120096-00120911 it was just as if like somebody was there pushing it but it moved and took you know 20 minutes and -0BVrzfoOmA-00183-00120911-00121559 stretched out and then it came back into alignment and this was may 15 that sh prayed for me and you -0BVrzfoOmA-00184-00121559-00122368 know today's july 18. it's been a couple months now and every single day basically since may 15 -0BVrzfoOmA-00185-00122368-00122776 if if i had any pain i would sit down i would just say a quick prayer and it would start and -0BVrzfoOmA-00186-00122856-00123272 and um some of these i don't know what to call them other than like holy spirit -0BVrzfoOmA-00187-00123272-00123720 stretching sessions some of them would last two hours i think i had one that lasted four hours -0BVrzfoOmA-00188-00123800-00124488 and i have no control like it's just running its course it is painful which confused me -0BVrzfoOmA-00189-00124488-00124959 for a while but um and i was like lord is this you i don't you know i don't know why -0BVrzfoOmA-00190-00124959-00125383 it's so painful but at the end my neck would always be aligned and the pain would be gone so -0BVrzfoOmA-00191-00125464-00126200 this has been happening every day and it's just a miracle i mean it's just a flat out miracle um -0BVrzfoOmA-00192-00126200-00126928 and i know that my basically whatever um happened on may 15 if i think that that demonic force was -0BVrzfoOmA-00193-00127016-00127592 was removed and now my body's just able to heal um there was a night that my friend -0BVrzfoOmA-00194-00127592-00128056 andrea came over and sat with me um she was just on her computer and i was in the middle of one -0BVrzfoOmA-00195-00128056-00128776 of these stretching sessions um and it lasted a couple hours but when i got up i just happened to -0BVrzfoOmA-00196-00128776-00129720 go like this and i noticed that um this bone that had been protruding uh really extremely for years -0BVrzfoOmA-00197-00129720-00130383 it was flat you know my neck posture had been very forward and all these muscles were like locked -0BVrzfoOmA-00198-00130535-00130776 and over the course of a couple weeks um -0BVrzfoOmA-00199-00130872-00131872 it just straightened out it's it's it's aligned where there used to be a bump of um due to the the -0BVrzfoOmA-00200-00131872-00132840 lack of posture and the tension it's it's aligned and it feels and it feels tender like tenderized -0BVrzfoOmA-00201-00132840-00133616 meat meat that's a good description yeah it's squishy here it used to be hard as a rock um -0BVrzfoOmA-00202-00133840-00134240 i think it was i still had the back injury um -0BVrzfoOmA-00203-00134376-00134936 but what happened was um there was one night i think it was it was june 28 -0BVrzfoOmA-00204-00135104-00135824 june 28 i was awake at night i was awake early in the morning because my back was aching and -0BVrzfoOmA-00205-00135824-00136416 so i said a prayer over it i just laid hands on it and i said in the name of jesus um sacrum line up -0BVrzfoOmA-00206-00136416-00136960 back be healed pelvis come into alignment spine be aligned and restored in the name of jesus and um -0BVrzfoOmA-00207-00137192-00137608 the same thing started happening to my low back it was like all the muscles started rising -0BVrzfoOmA-00208-00137664-00138256 um and it was like a pressure there was like a force pushing on my spine and like over the -0BVrzfoOmA-00209-00138256-00139048 next hour it just the muscles did their thing and it realigned and um and it and that has continued -0BVrzfoOmA-00210-00139048-00139480 as well like every day if i start to have pain i just stop and say prayer and immediately will go -0BVrzfoOmA-00211-00139480-00140328 into this um this experience i don't know what to call it but i know that i'm being healed -0BVrzfoOmA-00212-00140328-00141080 and i know that i'm gonna run again um and i'm gonna be able to hike again and -0BVrzfoOmA-00213-00141296-00141832 um i mean what can you take away from this but that um -0BVrzfoOmA-00214-00141960-00142480 jesus is alive you know and he he's real and -0BVrzfoOmA-00215-00142688-00143496 um he gave us authority in his name to heal the sick to cast out demons and to release the kingdom -0BVrzfoOmA-00216-00143496-00144160 of heaven on this earth ephesians 1 says the same power that resurrected jesus from -0BVrzfoOmA-00217-00144160-00144656 the dead is at work and those of us who believe and if we're not seeing that today -0BVrzfoOmA-00218-00144736-00145424 in christian culture it's not because god changed um it's because we have lost the faith -0BVrzfoOmA-00219-00145688-00146056 so i just this is just kind of my passion plea um -0BVrzfoOmA-00220-00146296-00146768 the time that we're spending on media and on social media how about we spend -0BVrzfoOmA-00221-00146768-00147256 it getting to know god you know not about him but getting to know him -0BVrzfoOmA-00222-00147552-00147912 he said our body is a temple for the holy spirit we actually can host -0BVrzfoOmA-00223-00147912-00148624 the presence of god we can lay our hands on the sick and see them healed we can see depression -0BVrzfoOmA-00224-00148624-00148896 destroyed he gave us that authority -0BVrzfoOmA-00225-00149576-00150280 and my life is living proof of that i'm really happy to to talk more there's so much more to -0BVrzfoOmA-00226-00150280-00150816 this story than i've been able to share in this short video but um but yeah when you experience -0BVrzfoOmA-00227-00150816-00151224 something like that it's kind of hard to not talk about it so i just had to share with you guys -0BVrzfoOmA-00228-00151280-00151792 i love you guys i want to say thank you to the hundreds of people who have prayed -0BVrzfoOmA-00229-00151792-00152400 with me over the last 15 years hundreds and hundreds of people and hundreds of prayers -0BVrzfoOmA-00230-00152480-00153136 yes just shout out to darlene and katura my prayer sisters we we've basically been praying almost -0BVrzfoOmA-00231-00153136-00153880 every week for the last seven years for healing um and i just and i don't believe that it took -0BVrzfoOmA-00232-00153880-00154440 seven years because god we finally convinced god no i think it took seven years to raise my -0BVrzfoOmA-00233-00154440-00154960 faith to the point of believing in the word of god and what jesus said out of his own tulips -0BVrzfoOmA-00234-00155112-00156528 so healing's available um yeah let's do this thing for real -2V5jdMxRMo-00000-00000111-00000890 In this video we'll cover the concept of stability of numerical solutions to differential equations. -2V5jdMxRMo-00001-00000890-00001337 After studying this video you should be able to identify whether a numerical solution is -2V5jdMxRMo-00002-00001337-00001855 stable or unstable and describe some of the factors that can effect the stability of a -2V5jdMxRMo-00003-00001855-00002488 numerical solution. Recall that the error in a numerical solution to an initial value -2V5jdMxRMo-00004-00002488-00003157 problem will grow with time as the local truncation error accumulates with each time step. So -2V5jdMxRMo-00005-00003157-00003765 this is a review of the Euler's Method video but recall as we go forward in time from some -2V5jdMxRMo-00006-00003765-00004627 Y not we'll use the slope at Y not to product Y1 and use the slope at Y1 to predict Y2, -2V5jdMxRMo-00007-00004627-00005980 and the slope at Y2 to predict Y3, and so on as we move forward in time. The total error -2V5jdMxRMo-00008-00005980-00007053 is growing with each step. And this is inevitable as we have errors due to the approximation -2V5jdMxRMo-00009-00007053-00007853 in the method, the truncation error, that's gonna add as we calculate Y at each step forward -2V5jdMxRMo-00010-00007853-00008578 in time. But what can happen sometimes is that this error grows really quickly and that -2V5jdMxRMo-00011-00008578-00009345 leads us to the idea of stability. A numerical solution is said to be unstable if the errors -2V5jdMxRMo-00012-00009345-00009925 grow in an unbounded fashion as the solution progresses forward in time. What can happen -2V5jdMxRMo-00013-00009925-00010524 here is that the error in an unstable solution can grow to overwhelm the solution itself. -2V5jdMxRMo-00014-00010524-00011422 In other words that total error as we move forward can be greater than Y, even much greater -2V5jdMxRMo-00015-00011422-00012565 than Y such that our numerical solution is worthless. So an unstable solution is no good -2V5jdMxRMo-00016-00012565-00013280 and we'd like to avoid that. Some factors that affect stability include the differential -2V5jdMxRMo-00017-00013280-00013672 equation that's being solved. Some differential equations are ill-conditioned and they'll -2V5jdMxRMo-00018-00013672-00014178 result in errors that always grow regardless of the method. And there's nothing we can -2V5jdMxRMo-00019-00014178-00014822 do about that except to hopefully find a method that works for at least the timespan that -2V5jdMxRMo-00020-00014822-00015430 we want before that error grows to be too large. Stability can also depend on the numerical -2V5jdMxRMo-00021-00015430-00016222 method that we were using and the step size H. To get a little bit more insight into this -2V5jdMxRMo-00022-00016222-00016829 concept of stability let's look at applying Euler's Method to the first order differential -2V5jdMxRMo-00023-00016829-00017376 equation DY DT is equal to negative A times Y. And in this differential equation A is -2V5jdMxRMo-00024-00017376-00018323 just some constant. So let's start by figuring out the analytical solution. So the analytical -2V5jdMxRMo-00025-00018323-00019398 solution, or exact solution, we can get again by separation of variables. So we have DY -2V5jdMxRMo-00026-00019398-00020469 over Y is equal to negative A DT. Integrating both sides from Y not to Y and from zero to -2V5jdMxRMo-00027-00020469-00021283 T. We get for the left side natural log of Y over Y not and for the right side negative -2V5jdMxRMo-00028-00021283-00021976 A times T which we can then solve for Y taking the exponential of both sides. We get Y is -2V5jdMxRMo-00029-00021976-00022750 equal to Y not E to the negative AT. So there's our exact solution and we can look at that -2V5jdMxRMo-00030-00022750-00023632 exact solution and we can see that this is a decaying exponential function. So as T goes -2V5jdMxRMo-00031-00023632-00024447 to infinity we know that Y should go to zero. So as far as the differential equation itself -2V5jdMxRMo-00032-00024447-00025936 a solution is inherently stable since we would expect the errors to not grow in an unbounded -2V5jdMxRMo-00033-00025936-00026562 fashion if the solution itself is heading toward zero. So let's look at what happens -2V5jdMxRMo-00034-00026562-00027605 if we solve this with Euler's Method. So to solve this with Euler's Method we write the -2V5jdMxRMo-00035-00027605-00028744 iteration scheme Y I plus 1 is equal to Y I plus DY DT times H, and that DY DT is just -2V5jdMxRMo-00036-00028744-00029258 gonna be our function here, there's our function of T and Y, although not a function of T in -2V5jdMxRMo-00037-00029258-00030715 this case. So we get Y I plus 1 is equal to Y I plus negative A times Y I times H, or -2V5jdMxRMo-00038-00030715-00032647 Y I times 1 minus AH. So we can call the factor 1 minus AH that term an amplification factor -2V5jdMxRMo-00039-00032647-00033446 because it describes how the previous value in the solution Y I is amplified or scaled -2V5jdMxRMo-00040-00033446-00034674 to get the next solution Y I plus 1. For a stable solution -2V5jdMxRMo-00041-00034674-00035274 similar to the analytical solution, we know that we want the absolute value of Y I plus -2V5jdMxRMo-00042-00035274-00035977 1 over Y I, that should be decreasing as time goes forward. So the absolute value of Y at -2V5jdMxRMo-00043-00035977-00036821 the next time step divided by Y at the previous time step should be less than 1. So that tells -2V5jdMxRMo-00044-00036821-00037786 us that the absolute value of the amplification factor 1 minus AH should be less than 1. So -2V5jdMxRMo-00045-00037786-00038459 solving for H in that case, that tells us that H should be less than or equal to 2 over -2V5jdMxRMo-00046-00038459-00039640 A for a stable solution. So in other words, this gives us a criterion on the step size -2V5jdMxRMo-00047-00039640-00040183 to make sure we have a solution that doesn't have errors growing in an unbounded fashion -2V5jdMxRMo-00048-00040183-00040884 with time. If H was greater than 2 over A then Y I plus 1 would be greater than I and -2V5jdMxRMo-00049-00040884-00041574 our numerical solution would be growing in time and that would be because of the errors -2V5jdMxRMo-00050-00041574-00042608 as opposed to a solution that is decreasing with time as we know from our analytical solution. -2V5jdMxRMo-00051-00042608-00043288 That should be decreasing with time. So we would say with this differential equation -2V5jdMxRMo-00052-00043288-00044730 Euler's Method is stable, conditionally stable, and it depends. That stability depends on -2V5jdMxRMo-00053-00044730-00045650 H. So let's look at this in a little bit more detail. So just because it's stable doesn't -2V5jdMxRMo-00054-00045650-00046255 mean it's accurate. So here we'll look at the same differential equation but now with -2V5jdMxRMo-00055-00046255-00047039 A equal to 5 and I have a graph here showing the analytical solution Y is equal to E to -2V5jdMxRMo-00056-00047039-00047806 the negative 5x. Y not is equal to 1. And let's look at solve this by hand with Euler's -2V5jdMxRMo-00057-00047806-00049071 Method in a variety of step sizes. So let's start by taking H is equal to 0.1. So at H -2V5jdMxRMo-00058-00049071-00050309 equals 0.1 we get Y I plus 1 is equal to Y I times 1 minus 0.5, or 5 times 0.1, or Y -2V5jdMxRMo-00059-00050309-00050905 I plus 1 is equal to Y I over 2. So we can look at what that solution looks like. We -2V5jdMxRMo-00060-00050905-00051522 do see that Y will be decreasing with each step. And the first step we'll just go at -2V5jdMxRMo-00061-00051522-00052700 that initial slope down to Y over 2, or .5. The next step will go to .25, the next step -2V5jdMxRMo-00062-00052700-00053700 will go to .125, and so on. And we do see a numerical solution that's stable and approaching -2V5jdMxRMo-00063-00053700-00055171 zero, decaying exactly like the analytical solution. That said, we do have errors. So -2V5jdMxRMo-00064-00055171-00056177 it's not necessarily accurate and we know from previous discussion that we could increase -2V5jdMxRMo-00065-00056177-00056937 the accuracy by reducing the step size H or by going to a more accurate method that we -2V5jdMxRMo-00066-00056937-00057417 will talk about a variety of more accurate methods in future videos. But here we just -2V5jdMxRMo-00067-00057417-00057955 want to look at how does the stability depend on the step size? So for H equals .1 we get -2V5jdMxRMo-00068-00057955-00058715 a numerical solution that reflects the decaying behavior of the analytical solution and it -2V5jdMxRMo-00069-00058715-00059645 is stable. Now let's try a solution for H equals 0.2. So for H equals 0.2 we have Y -2V5jdMxRMo-00070-00059645-00060660 I plus 1 is equal to Y I times 1 minus, not 5 times 0.2 is just gonna be 1, or Y I plus -2V5jdMxRMo-00071-00060660-00061302 1 is equal to zero. So for H equals 0.2 we get a numerical solution that goes from Y -2V5jdMxRMo-00072-00061302-00062405 not equals 1 directly to Y1 equals zero and then it will stay at zero going forward in -2V5jdMxRMo-00073-00062405-00063600 time. So here again, with the green solution, we have a stable solution but not so accurate. -2V5jdMxRMo-00074-00063600-00064748 But it does, that solution does still represent a solution that reflects the characteristics -2V5jdMxRMo-00075-00064748-00065430 of the analytical solution. Notably, it decays as we go forward in time and it approaches -2V5jdMxRMo-00076-00065430-00066236 zero as time approaches infinity. So let's go one more step. H equals 0.3. If H equals -2V5jdMxRMo-00077-00066236-00067949 0.3 we get Y I plus 1 is equal to Y I times 1 minus 1.5. So we actually get negative 1 -2V5jdMxRMo-00078-00067949-00069357 minus 1.5 or negative 0.5 Y I. So in this case we're gonna get a solution that goes -2V5jdMxRMo-00079-00069357-00069797 at .3 we're gonna still follow that same initial slope but we're gonna follow it all the way -2V5jdMxRMo-00080-00069797-00070814 down since H equals .3 down to negative .5. And then for our next solution we will go -2V5jdMxRMo-00081-00070814-00071572 again, negative .5 times negative .5 gives us a positive .25. So we would go right here -2V5jdMxRMo-00082-00071572-00072618 and we would keep going down like so. So we see with the red solution, our H equals 0.3 -2V5jdMxRMo-00083-00072618-00073689 solution, we see some oscillations in the solution which are often an indication of -2V5jdMxRMo-00084-00073689-00074624 instability. But it does, it is still stable and again it's stable now because the error -2V5jdMxRMo-00085-00074624-00075976 is not growing in an unbounded fashion. Clearly it's not accurate and it's not reflective -2V5jdMxRMo-00086-00075976-00076616 of the true solution. We know that true solution does not exhibit any oscillations about zero -2V5jdMxRMo-00087-00076616-00077241 but here at H equals .3 we do get oscillations so we know that that's not reflective of the -2V5jdMxRMo-00088-00077241-00078179 true solution. Step forward again, H equals 0.4. One larger step size. Plugging that in -2V5jdMxRMo-00089-00078179-00079195 we'll get Y I plus 1 is equal to negative 1 times Y I. So our H equals .4 solution has -2V5jdMxRMo-00090-00079195-00080263 even greater oscillations basically going back and forth -2V5jdMxRMo-00091-00080263-00080898 between 1 and negative 1. So again, the error is not growing in time. So for H equals .4 -2V5jdMxRMo-00092-00080898-00081736 we would again say it's stable but definitely not accurate and the shape of the numerical -2V5jdMxRMo-00093-00081736-00082805 solution is not reflective of the exact solution. So finally let's go to H equals 0.5 and at -2V5jdMxRMo-00094-00082805-00083936 H equals 0.5 we get Y I plus 1 is equal to negative 1.5 times Y I. Now note here, H equals -2V5jdMxRMo-00095-00083936-00084706 0.4. Remember our stability criterion was that we wanted H to be less than or equal -2V5jdMxRMo-00096-00084706-00085705 to 2 over A, or H less than or equal to 2 over 5, or H less than or equal to 0.4 which -2V5jdMxRMo-00097-00085705-00086597 is 2 over 5. So this solution that H equals 0.4 is right at our stability criterion. Any -2V5jdMxRMo-00098-00086597-00087232 H's smaller than that we get a stable solution, which is what we've seen. So an H larger than -2V5jdMxRMo-00099-00087232-00088017 that, we would expect an unstable solution. And we see that's what we get. You can look -2V5jdMxRMo-00100-00088017-00088728 here and you can see with each successive time step Y I plus 1 is getting larger. And -2V5jdMxRMo-00101-00088728-00089626 so this is gonna look like we're gonna take that all the way down to negative 1.5 and -2V5jdMxRMo-00102-00089626-00090807 as we go back up we are getting an unstable solution. The error is growing forward, growing -2V5jdMxRMo-00103-00090807-00091547 large as we move forward in time. Just getting to Y2 so Y1 would be equal to negative 1.5 -2V5jdMxRMo-00104-00091547-00092835 times 1. Y2 would be negative 1.5 times negative 1.5 or 2.25. By our second time step already -2V5jdMxRMo-00105-00092835-00093704 our numerical value Y2, this is greater than twice our initial condition. So it's growing. -2V5jdMxRMo-00106-00093704-00094702 This would be unbounded growth of the error in a way that the error now in the solution -2V5jdMxRMo-00107-00094702-00095724 is overwhelming the solution itself. So again, that H equals 0.5 case, that's gonna be our -2V5jdMxRMo-00108-00095724-00096498 unstable case and any larger values of H are just gonna make this even worse. So we'll -2V5jdMxRMo-00109-00096498-00097111 come back to this concept of stability several times as we move forward in our study of differential -2V5jdMxRMo-00110-00097111-00097626 equation solvers. It's not always this easy to kinda analyze how a method is gonna behave -2V5jdMxRMo-00111-00097626-00098517 because as we look at more complex methods we won't be able to solve them by hand. However, -2V5jdMxRMo-00112-00098517-00099438 the same general concept applies where a lot of methods are stable conditional on the step -2V5jdMxRMo-00113-00099438-00099698 size. And that's what this example illustrate.