1p8NjWGmlT8-00000-00000000-00000860 [music] 1p8NjWGmlT8-00001-00000860-00001203 This video will cover crosstabs and transposing. 1p8NjWGmlT8-00002-00001203-00001759 Crosstabs are also called pivot tables. They are used to compare one measure across two or 1p8NjWGmlT8-00003-00001760-00002273 more dimensions. One dimension will have its values transformed into columns, and the other 1p8NjWGmlT8-00004-00002273-00002933 dimensions will be aggregated. The visual result will be a table with fewer rows but more columns. 1p8NjWGmlT8-00005-00002933-00003659 For example, this table shows sales by region and month - the data is stored in a form similar to how it would be captured, with one row for 1p8NjWGmlT8-00006-00003660-00003913 every combination of region and month. 1p8NjWGmlT8-00007-00003913-00004349 A crosstab function is performed, with Region defined as the grouping field, Month defined as 1p8NjWGmlT8-00008-00004350-00004906 the header field, and Sales defined as the data field. There can be multiple grouping fields, but 1p8NjWGmlT8-00009-00004906-00005193 only one header field and one data field are allowed. 1p8NjWGmlT8-00010-00005193-00005599 Crosstabs are an effective way to summarize and present data, as trends within the data are 1p8NjWGmlT8-00011-00005600-00006206 easier to identify. In data visualization, color is added to build a heatmap. Crosstabs are also 1p8NjWGmlT8-00012-00006206-00006549 used in statistics to build contingency tables. 1p8NjWGmlT8-00013-00006550-00007063 Transposing can be thought of as the opposite of crosstabs - it transforms data from a wide 1p8NjWGmlT8-00014-00007063-00007563 format into a narrow format. Typically, transposing is required after receiving financial 1p8NjWGmlT8-00015-00007563-00008113 data from a spreadsheet, as columns can be used to capture dates, locations, or categories. 1p8NjWGmlT8-00016-00008113-00008546 Once the columns - known as data fields - are transposed into one variable, the data is ready 1p8NjWGmlT8-00017-00008546-00009109 for a more sophisticated analysis. Any fields that are not to be transposed are called key fields. 1p8NjWGmlT8-00018-00009110-00009616 For this example, we can use the result of the crosstab function of the previous section. 1p8NjWGmlT8-00019-00009616-00010253 Region is the only key field, while January, February, and March are the data fields to be transposed. 1p8NjWGmlT8-00020-00010253-00010506 Transposing results in the original dataset. 1p8NjWGmlT8-00021-00010506-00011036 Notice how the column names are transformed into values for the newly created Month column. 1p8NjWGmlT8-00022-00011036-00011366 This concludes our video on crosstabs and transposing. 1p8NjWGmlT8-00023-00011366-00012266 [music] 1QDN7PifuGU-00000-00000000-00000642 VALEN: When you're starting to date someone or you're married and get diagnosed and find out 1QDN7PifuGU-00001-00000642-00000888 that you need a transplant, the sooner you can have 1QDN7PifuGU-00002-00000888-00001242 open conversations, the better. It connects you in a special way 1QDN7PifuGU-00003-00001242-00001782 to be able to do this as a partnership. Being so open and vulnerable can 1QDN7PifuGU-00004-00001782-00002130 seem like something scary to do, but it can lead to something beautiful. 1QDN7PifuGU-00005-00002130-00002610 And even if it doesn't at that very moment, you're giving yourself the opportunity 1QDN7PifuGU-00006-00002610-00003030 to hopefully get to that point of being with somebody that you're supposed to be with. 1QDN7PifuGU-00007-00003412-00003768 NOAH: The way that Valen and I met was through a mutual friend 1QDN7PifuGU-00008-00003768-00004230 that kind of took us along to a place where her and I first laid eyes on each other. 1QDN7PifuGU-00009-00004230-00004337 VALEN: He asked me... 1QDN7PifuGU-00010-00004337-00004475 NOAH: "Can I get you a drink?” 1QDN7PifuGU-00011-00004475-00004655 VALEN: and I said, "No, thanks. 1QDN7PifuGU-00012-00004655-00004839 Ihad a kidney transplant!” 1QDN7PifuGU-00013-00004839-00005036 yelling it over the music. 1QDN7PifuGU-00014-00005036-00005204 He was like, "Okay" 1QDN7PifuGU-00015-00005204-00005416 because how do you respond to that? 1QDN7PifuGU-00016-00005416-00005800 And when he first called me, he's like, "Hey" you know, naturally, like, "what are you up to?” 1QDN7PifuGU-00017-00005800-00006263 And I was like, "Oh, I'm in Washington, D.C. I'm going to speak to the NationalCongressional Kidney Caucus tomorrow." 1QDN7PifuGU-00018-00006263-00006462 NOAH: She told me, "Yeah, I'm not your average girl.” 1QDN7PifuGU-00019-00006477-00006936 So if I hadn't known that already, I found that out really quickly on. 1QDN7PifuGU-00020-00006936-00007014 VALEN: At the time, 1QDN7PifuGU-00021-00007014-00007314 I was several years post kidney transplant and I was thriving. 1QDN7PifuGU-00022-00007314-00007590 I was so healthy. I was working full time. 1QDN7PifuGU-00023-00007590-00007884 I really found my passion of being a patient advocate. 1QDN7PifuGU-00024-00007884-00008422 It wasn't even like you looked at me differently. It wasn't as if I had anything or any healthissues. 1QDN7PifuGU-00025-00008430-00009090 It's just something I shared with you about my life. And there was no hesitation about any of it. 1QDN7PifuGU-00026-00009222-00009720 Six months after being together, he took me out here to California 1QDN7PifuGU-00027-00009720-00010146 and we planned and saved for two years and decided that we wanted to move cross-country. 1QDN7PifuGU-00028-00010146-00010506 NOAH: What she didn't know is that before we left for our cross-country trip, 1QDN7PifuGU-00029-00010506-00010908 I had asked her dad's permission to marry her, and in asking that, 1QDN7PifuGU-00030-00010908-00011412 he looked me squarely in the eye, made sure that I knew that Valen 1QDN7PifuGU-00031-00011412-00011802 was kind of at the healthiest point that he had ever seen her in her life, 1QDN7PifuGU-00032-00011802-00012402 and that there might be other dark days that come and really just making sure 1QDN7PifuGU-00033-00012402-00013062 that this was the commitment that I wanted to make and that I was sure and steadfast in my conviction 1QDN7PifuGU-00034-00013062-00013163 to do it. And I was. 1QDN7PifuGU-00035-00013280-00013674 VALEN: You get diagnosed with something, you instantly think, 1QDN7PifuGU-00036-00013674-00014196 "How do I tell somebody that I'm dating?" or "How do I tell somebody that I'm married to 1QDN7PifuGU-00037-00014196-00014466 that I'm going to need a transplant? And am I going to have kids? 1QDN7PifuGU-00038-00014466-00015012 Am I going to have a family?" These are the real-life thoughts that we have 1QDN7PifuGU-00039-00015012-00015491 when we find out that something is going to impact our lives like transplantation. 1QDN7PifuGU-00040-00015491-00015990 NOAH: And to have those conversations and be honest about what this whole 1QDN7PifuGU-00041-00015990-00016241 journey might look like is really needed. 1QDN7PifuGU-00042-00016241-00016608 It's just open, honest conversation. Because it's going to be difficult. 1QDN7PifuGU-00043-00016608-00016914 It's going to make the journey that much more sweet, 1QDN7PifuGU-00044-00016914-00017040 but that much more difficult. 1QDN7PifuGU-00045-00017190-00017718 I think there is only one doctor in this entire journey that sat us down, 1QDN7PifuGU-00046-00017718-00018102 looked us both square in the eye and said, "Is having a child important to you? 1QDN7PifuGU-00047-00018102-00018480 Because if it's important to you, we'll figure it out and we'll make it happen.” 1QDN7PifuGU-00048-00018480-00018834 VALEN: There are a lot of people that just really want to be mothers. 1QDN7PifuGU-00049-00018834-00019302 They're very passionate about that, and that's a really hard thing to go through 1QDN7PifuGU-00050-00019302-00019752 to think that you might not be one or that you can't or it won't work out. 1QDN7PifuGU-00051-00019752-00020274 And navigating those emotions are so challenging. If this is something that you really want, 1QDN7PifuGU-00052-00020340-00020724 I believe that there is a way. No matter what we're going through, 1QDN7PifuGU-00053-00020724-00021222 I think we should still strive to seek the life that we really want to lead. 1QDN7PifuGU-00054-00021222-00021600 And I believe with our determination, our health care team, 1QDN7PifuGU-00055-00021600-00021918 the support from the community, I think a lot is possible. 1QDN7PifuGU-00056-00022068-00022374 I think the nice thing with being upfront with somebody 1QDN7PifuGU-00057-00022374-00022698 is that you can learn if they're good fit for you, 1QDN7PifuGU-00058-00022698-00022926 if you're honest and you share what you're going through 1QDN7PifuGU-00059-00022926-00023376 or what you're going to go through in the future, and you can see that it's just too much for them, 1QDN7PifuGU-00060-00023376-00023610 then you know that that's not the right fit for you, 1QDN7PifuGU-00061-00023610-00024042 and that's okay. As hard as that may be, you want to find that right person, 1QDN7PifuGU-00062-00024042-00024462 you deserve that person, and that there are the right fit 1QDN7PifuGU-00063-00024462-00024798 and people out there to care for you and share this journey with you. 1QNSNIIh3Nc-00000-00000009-00000502 (male narrator) So now let's decrypt, uh... a message that was encoded 1QNSNIIh3Nc-00001-00000502-00000802 using row-and-column transposition cipher 1QNSNIIh3Nc-00002-00000802-00000907 with this keyword. 1QNSNIIh3Nc-00003-00000907-00001105 Now, this keyword tells me 1QNSNIIh3Nc-00004-00001105-00001508 that there was six characters per row, 1QNSNIIh3Nc-00005-00001508-00002004 and since there are a total of 24 characters in the message, 1QNSNIIh3Nc-00006-00002004-00002207 that tells me that there are going 1QNSNIIh3Nc-00007-00002207-00002504 to be four rows to fill out here. 1QNSNIIh3Nc-00008-00002504-00002809 So I'm gonna have, uh...and I'm just gonna sort of make 1QNSNIIh3Nc-00009-00002809-00003102 a little grid here for my reference. 1QNSNIIh3Nc-00010-00003102-00003504 So we have one, two, three, four, five... 1QNSNIIh3Nc-00011-00003504-00003806 one, two, three, four, five, six columns, 1QNSNIIh3Nc-00012-00003806-00004007 uh...and four rows in each. 1QNSNIIh3Nc-00013-00004007-00004501 Now, remember, the keyword took, uh...tells us the order 1QNSNIIh3Nc-00014-00004501-00004709 in which the columns were read. 1QNSNIIh3Nc-00015-00004709-00005205 Uh...in this case, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, 1QNSNIIh3Nc-00016-00005205-00005703 j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, v, uh..to the end. 1QNSNIIh3Nc-00017-00005703-00006003 Okay, so it tells us that they...the, um...columns 1QNSNIIh3Nc-00018-00006003-00006401 were recorded or read out in this order, 1QNSNIIh3Nc-00019-00006401-00006605 and so that is the same order 1QNSNIIh3Nc-00020-00006605-00006902 in which we're gonna need to write them down. 1QNSNIIh3Nc-00021-00006902-00007206 So the beginning of the message came from the last column, 1QNSNIIh3Nc-00022-00007206-00007509 because that would have been the first one to get read. 1QNSNIIh3Nc-00023-00007509-00008100 So we'll write down R, H, A, V in that column. 1QNSNIIh3Nc-00024-00008100-00008507 So then the next four letters are gonna go in the next column: 1QNSNIIh3Nc-00025-00008507-00009002 T, N, U, S. 1QNSNIIh3Nc-00026-00009002-00009309 And then, we're gonna jump to the middle...this column... 1QNSNIIh3Nc-00027-00009309-00009703 the third column here for the next four letters: 1QNSNIIh3Nc-00028-00009703-00010204 that's R, E, D, E. 1QNSNIIh3Nc-00029-00010204-00010508 And then, we're gonna go to the first column. 1QNSNIIh3Nc-00030-00010508-00010908 Remember, this is the fourth one being read. 1QNSNIIh3Nc-00031-00010908-00011406 And so, now we're gonna jot down A, I, E, R. 1QNSNIIh3Nc-00032-00011406-00011606 Jot down the next four characters... 1QNSNIIh3Nc-00033-00011606-00011902 the next four characters are going to be 1QNSNIIh3Nc-00034-00011902-00012207 from the fifth column that was read, 1QNSNIIh3Nc-00035-00012207-00012600 in which case, it's the second column of the original. 1QNSNIIh3Nc-00036-00012600-00012904 So that'd be I, K, A, T. 1QNSNIIh3Nc-00037-00012904-00013105 Uh...and then, the last four characters 1QNSNIIh3Nc-00038-00013105-00013603 will go in the last row, so that's S, O, Q, R. 1QNSNIIh3Nc-00039-00013603-00013804 And let's see what we've got. 1QNSNIIh3Nc-00040-00013804-00014104 So again, now we just read our message out. 1QNSNIIh3Nc-00041-00014104-00014703 So we got air, strike... so we got air, strike... 1QNSNIIh3Nc-00042-00014805-00015301 on...H-E-A-D...head...quarters, 1QNSNIIh3Nc-00043-00015301-00015508 and then an extra character on the end, 1QNSNIIh3Nc-00044-00015508-00015807 which was probably our padding. 1QNSNIIh3Nc-00045-00015807-00016202 So airstrike on headquarters is our decrypted message. 1UGhGpqAJlo-00000-00003391-00003591 om arunachaleswaraya namamah 1UGhGpqAJlo-00001-00003591-00003845 om namo bhagavate sri ramanaya 1UGhGpqAJlo-00002-00003845-00004045 om sundaresaya namamah 1UGhGpqAJlo-00003-00004045-00004245 Aaroora Tyagayesa 1UGhGpqAJlo-00004-00004412-00004961 In earlier parts, Tiruvarur field features, 1UGhGpqAJlo-00005-00004961-00005241 We have learnt and visited the grace of Tyagayas 1UGhGpqAJlo-00006-00005241-00006147 and the glory of the devotees. 1UGhGpqAJlo-00007-00006147-00006915 We have been worthy of the grace of The Lord. 1UGhGpqAJlo-00008-00006915-00007405 I am should be qualified to tell you this. 1UGhGpqAJlo-00009-00007423-00008184 Since The Paramatma has granted me such qualification, I am able to speak before you today. 1UGhGpqAJlo-00010-00008184-00008477 This is my heart feeling/appeal 1UGhGpqAJlo-00011-00008477-00009416 This effort to explain the histories of unique and invisible devotees in the Periya Purana 1UGhGpqAJlo-00012-00009416-00010766 Shekkilar, who wrote the Periya purana, a history of 63 g nayanars, said that I had greedily become like a dog who tried to drink all the water in the ocean. 1UGhGpqAJlo-00013-00010766-00011887 That is to say, the Mahatma, who is so blessed by the Lord You can imagine what a misadventure I am the most common person. 1UGhGpqAJlo-00014-00011887-00012385 Lord Shiva praised the Devotees of Lord Shiva in the Devasraya Mandapam 1UGhGpqAJlo-00015-00012385-00013234 Many people are going on their way, taking the devotees of the Periya Purana as an example. 1UGhGpqAJlo-00016-00013234-00013676 But, in this kshetra is more than the glory of the nayanars 1UGhGpqAJlo-00017-00013676-00014091 The existing Shivadas (Shivanadiars) they are called Shivanadiars. 1UGhGpqAJlo-00018-00014091-00014738 You have a lot of difference between Shiva devotees and Shivadas 1UGhGpqAJlo-00019-00014738-00015280 Because we usually know shiva bhakta. 1UGhGpqAJlo-00020-00015280-00015770 Bhakta means devotion. There is also fear of The Lord. 1UGhGpqAJlo-00021-00015770-00016725 Moreover, until the end, will continue to ask the Lord whether I want liberation, knowledge, or devotion. 1UGhGpqAJlo-00022-00016725-00016966 But Shiva Dasulu 1UGhGpqAJlo-00023-00016966-00017359 Adi means Shiva Nadiars in Tamil, 1UGhGpqAJlo-00024-00017359-00017664 Adi means Lord Eshwara Feet 1UGhGpqAJlo-00025-00017664-00017864 foot of the Lord eshwara means knowledge 1UGhGpqAJlo-00026-00017864-00018621 All those who try to find that knowledge are also called Shiva Nadiars 1UGhGpqAJlo-00027-00018621-00018945 They don't need any result. 1UGhGpqAJlo-00028-00018945-00019242 What they want is to reach Shiva's feet. 1UGhGpqAJlo-00029-00019242-00019591 That is, reaching shivapanda, i.e., knowledge 1UGhGpqAJlo-00030-00019591-00019989 That's what they want. They are called Shiva Nadiars 1UGhGpqAJlo-00031-00019989-00020859 We can only see it among the devotees in this Periya Purana, but we usually do not get this opportunity. 1UGhGpqAJlo-00032-00020859-00021737 If these Shiva Nadiars do not make it known, I will have to think before Parameshwara. 1UGhGpqAJlo-00033-00021737-00022109 when i first read shiva bhakta vilasam 1UGhGpqAJlo-00034-00022109-00022520 Will there be such devotees?. Is there any such devotion? 1UGhGpqAJlo-00035-00022520-00023311 What is it that Lord should take shape and meet their needs even for such small things for the lord bhakta?. 1UGhGpqAJlo-00036-00023311-00023647 Did it really happen?. There was a suspicion. 1UGhGpqAJlo-00037-00023647-00024268 I used to beg sundara and all such devotees to see 1UGhGpqAJlo-00038-00024268-00024850 I visited a devotee in front of Sundara in Tiruvarur 1UGhGpqAJlo-00039-00024850-00025202 Later was revealed that the devotee's glory. 1UGhGpqAJlo-00040-00025202-00025613 The Paramatama is always ready to grant whatever we ask 1UGhGpqAJlo-00041-00025613-00025946 None of us have the strength to cope with it 1UGhGpqAJlo-00042-00025946-00026765 63 Nayanars reached The Supreme Soul in three ways, Guru, Linga and Jangama. 1UGhGpqAJlo-00043-00026765-00027122 What's more or special is, the jangama path. 1UGhGpqAJlo-00044-00027122-00027869 This means that shiva devotees are considered to be the Lord, meet their needs and worship them. 1UGhGpqAJlo-00045-00027869-00028069 it is a most difficult way 1UGhGpqAJlo-00046-00028069-00028482 When tiruvarur went to the field for the second time 1UGhGpqAJlo-00047-00028482-00028910 Shiva devotees there called us to come to them 1UGhGpqAJlo-00048-00028910-00029110 but we didn't go 1UGhGpqAJlo-00049-00029110-00029536 The second time they called and asked me to come 1UGhGpqAJlo-00050-00029536-00029819 We went to them 1UGhGpqAJlo-00051-00029819-00030448 As soon as we were gone, the Devotees of Shiva called us stood outside the door. 1UGhGpqAJlo-00052-00030448-00030766 As soon as we went, they did Namskaram to us 1UGhGpqAJlo-00053-00030766-00031525 Before we could get over the surprise, we were placed on the palms and washed our feet with panchamruthas. 1UGhGpqAJlo-00054-00031525-00031958 Incense, lamps and flowers were worshipped 1UGhGpqAJlo-00055-00032436-00032636 Don't understand for a minute 1UGhGpqAJlo-00056-00032636-00033137 I am not qualified to bow down after birth 1UGhGpqAJlo-00057-00033137-00034000 So when he placed our feet on the leaf and washed the feet with panchamruthas, we did not know what to do when he offered lamp incense offerings. 1UGhGpqAJlo-00058-00034000-00034200 Tears of joy are overflowing. 1UGhGpqAJlo-00059-00034200-00034898 Meanwhile, 10 types of ingredients were served in the leaf. 1UGhGpqAJlo-00060-00034898-00035343 After sitting before the leaf plate, he again decorated the flowers on our feet and head. 1UGhGpqAJlo-00061-00035343-00035543 Incense lamps were presented 1UGhGpqAJlo-00062-00035543-00036195 They accepted the curry leaves and dried chillies left behind after we ate them under prasad. 1UGhGpqAJlo-00063-00036195-00037000 Many vastra rudrakshas were honored and stretched to the end of the street. 1UGhGpqAJlo-00064-00038195-00039251 Can you nowadays show shiva devotees who have the rules and regulations practiced by the Nayanars in sundara's Periya purana? I asked 1UGhGpqAJlo-00065-00039251-00039662 I realized that i had been begged to be seen. 1UGhGpqAJlo-00066-00039662-00040278 But then I was in a world where I didn't know what to say or what to do. 1UGhGpqAJlo-00067-00040278-00040779 Their devotee and love have no heart that does not melt and shed tears 1UGhGpqAJlo-00068-00040779-00041338 With a heavy heart, I left the field, unable to leave the devotees. 1UGhGpqAJlo-00069-00041338-00042039 It is true that shivadas live here as the embodiment of love and sacrifice. 1UGhGpqAJlo-00070-00042039-00042558 If you look at them, sacrifice will sacrifice his name and go away. 1UGhGpqAJlo-00071-00042558-00042981 I have visited them three hundred times now. 1UGhGpqAJlo-00072-00042981-00044385 There were many days when every time they saw their universal love, they could not leave the field, collapsed on the road and wept as if their heart were melting. 1UGhGpqAJlo-00073-00044385-00045254 It is proved by their vision that the devotee has the power to turn back the human mind 1UGhGpqAJlo-00074-00045254-00046067 They live in the service of Lord Shiva and Shiva devotees. 1UGhGpqAJlo-00075-00046067-00046948 If the devotees see the foot dust, kailash is accessible and they accept the feet dust of the devotees as a sacred prasad 1UGhGpqAJlo-00076-00046948-00047402 Once I went to visit all the fields on this trip 1UGhGpqAJlo-00077-00047402-00047761 There are many kshatras near Tiruvarur. 1UGhGpqAJlo-00078-00047761-00048457 I went to the field and came to Tiruvarur in the evening and stayed with these devotees. 1UGhGpqAJlo-00079-00048457-00048970 Once he went to visit a kshetra called Thirukkadayur 1UGhGpqAJlo-00080-00048970-00049461 It was the kshetra where the Lord kicked Yama for Markandeya. 1UGhGpqAJlo-00081-00049461-00050362 Those who are 60 years of age in that field perform many pujadi programs to increase life expectancy. 1UGhGpqAJlo-00082-00050362-00050844 The temple is therefore crowded with devotees. 1UGhGpqAJlo-00083-00050844-00051417 Pushkarini in the temple, the temple tower i did not take the video 1UGhGpqAJlo-00084-00051417-00051850 Going towards Pushkarini, there is no clean ness. 1UGhGpqAJlo-00085-00051850-00052682 He said that he was unclean but did not care and went to take a video of the koneru, saying when he would come again and why 1UGhGpqAJlo-00086-00052682-00053742 It was with those legs that the pain in the waist increased. The sun is high. I returned to tiruvarur mutt saying that I could not go to any field at this time 1UGhGpqAJlo-00087-00053742-00054094 there was jayram in the matham at that time 1UGhGpqAJlo-00088-00054094-00054797 Whatever we offer to God, it comes back to us as a prasad. 1UGhGpqAJlo-00089-00054797-00055447 They asked me what they wanted, coffee, tea, almond milk. 1UGhGpqAJlo-00090-00055447-00055749 I asked him to give me some coffee. 1UGhGpqAJlo-00091-00055749-00056162 When asked, they caught the coffee in a small glass and a tumbler. 1UGhGpqAJlo-00092-00056162-00056635 I took half and gave the other half to Jayaram 1UGhGpqAJlo-00093-00056635-00057513 Jayaram immediately, as I sat with my legs outstretched and leaning against the wall, picked up the foot dust of my feet and put it in coffee and drank it. 1UGhGpqAJlo-00094-00057513-00057936 It also takes a lot of courage to cope with it. 1UGhGpqAJlo-00095-00057936-00058632 i haven't even washed my feet yet. I returned to all those unclean places 1UGhGpqAJlo-00096-00058632-00058945 When I asked why did you to take it and drink it, 1UGhGpqAJlo-00097-00058945-00059145 amma now 1UGhGpqAJlo-00098-00059145-00059609 When Kailash is accessed only when the devotees see the dust of their feet, 1UGhGpqAJlo-00099-00059609-00060410 No one knows what result he is giving to those who are receiving the feet of the devotees. 1UGhGpqAJlo-00100-00060410-00061000 Since it is known to the Lord and the devotee, we have nothing to go into it at all. 1UGhGpqAJlo-00101-00061000-00061757 And when he picked up the dust and accepted it, I didn't know what to do. 1UGhGpqAJlo-00102-00061757-00062500 How... That day, in the history of the nayanars did this, they did it 1UGhGpqAJlo-00103-00062500-00062851 It's only to read and listen, 1UGhGpqAJlo-00104-00062851-00063845 salutationsalutations to Tyagesa, who directly gave the darshan of Shivadasa. 1UGhGpqAJlo-00105-00064000-00064883 Apart from this, at any time, no matter how many thousands of people come, no matter what kind of people they come, there will be no change in their love. 1UGhGpqAJlo-00106-00064883-00065622 Without them today, I would not have been able to provide such great information. 1UGhGpqAJlo-00107-00065622-00066343 What we achieve hard in life is not external things, but only a devotee 1UGhGpqAJlo-00108-00066343-00066859 It is not an exaggeration to say that the devotee is the one who grows our living 1UGhGpqAJlo-00109-00066859-00067331 The Lord himself praised the devotees in the Devasraya Mandapam 1UGhGpqAJlo-00110-00067331-00067575 there is no difference between the both 1UGhGpqAJlo-00111-00067575-00068602 It is my deep belief that we are all so comfortable because such great men are still on earth. 1UGhGpqAJlo-00112-00068602-00069316 They not only meet the needs of every devotee who comes. Any festival in that kshetra 1UGhGpqAJlo-00113-00069316-00069516 Whoever needs what 1UGhGpqAJlo-00114-00069516-00070073 Without taking a single rupee, their service is the most wonderful 1UGhGpqAJlo-00115-00070073-00070500 Everyone wants the Lord. But they need Shivadas 1UGhGpqAJlo-00116-00070500-00070833 It is no small matter of their service. 1UGhGpqAJlo-00117-00071394-00071910 There is a great Shiva devotee named Kumar in this matham 1UGhGpqAJlo-00118-00071910-00072500 When he sees the devotee, he is like a diamond shield 1UGhGpqAJlo-00119-00072500-00072933 Every second he is always running for the devotees 1UGhGpqAJlo-00120-00072933-00073901 But after visiting them, they took an oath with me not to tell me about them anywhere. 1UGhGpqAJlo-00121-00073901-00074646 But if I do not inform you, I will be the one who thinks or should bow down before the lord 1UGhGpqAJlo-00122-00074646-00074846 letting you know this thing 1UGhGpqAJlo-00123-00074846-00075428 Sin due to Ganga bath, misery due to kalpa tree 1UGhGpqAJlo-00124-00075547-00075981 The moon will lose heat 1UGhGpqAJlo-00125-00075981-00076512 Shastra says that if you visit this Shiva devotee, there is no work with these three. 1UGhGpqAJlo-00126-00076512-00078202 The devotee of Shiva has given us many births and births to Tyagayasa and Sundaramurti Nayanar, who have now been given a worthy visit. 1UGhGpqAJlo-00127-00078263-00079080 All of you will visit this field and pray that all of you will 1UGhGpqAJlo-00128-00079080-00079652 enjoy the supreme compassion of The Lord and reach his feet..... 1UGhGpqAJlo-00129-00079652-00080212 om namo bhagavathu sri ramanaya 1UGhGpqAJlo-00130-00080212-00080599 om arunachaleswaraya namamah 1UGhGpqAJlo-00131-00080599-00080858 om sundaresaya namamah 1UGhGpqAJlo-00132-00080858-00081510 Aaroora Tyagayasa ... 1VzmpQLxtfk-00000-00000014-00000213 Hi, it's me. 1VzmpQLxtfk-00001-00000213-00000400 I mean it's him. 1VzmpQLxtfk-00002-00000400-00000660 I mean I am his alter ego. 1VzmpQLxtfk-00003-00000660-00000851 So basically I am him. 1VzmpQLxtfk-00004-00000851-00000969 He is me. 1VzmpQLxtfk-00005-00000969-00001195 I'm your truth, telling lies 1VzmpQLxtfk-00006-00001195-00001352 I'm your reasoned alibis 1VzmpQLxtfk-00007-00001352-00001600 I'm inside open your eyes 1VzmpQLxtfk-00008-00001600-00001771 I'm you 1VzmpQLxtfk-00009-00001771-00002166 In this video I want to talk about several organizational issues. 1VzmpQLxtfk-00010-00002166-00002532 Let's start with the changes on the channel and my Bandcamp page. 1VzmpQLxtfk-00011-00002532-00003081 After entering the main page you will not see single episodes, but only "complete" versions. 1VzmpQLxtfk-00012-00003081-00003285 They will only be available via playlists. 1VzmpQLxtfk-00013-00003285-00003453 Old GP versions 1VzmpQLxtfk-00014-00003453-00003660 (and videos that I don't like), 1VzmpQLxtfk-00015-00003660-00004134 now have a non-public status, but are available through the "Archive" playlist. 1VzmpQLxtfk-00016-00004134-00004525 I didn't remove them, but don't watch them if you don't have to. 1VzmpQLxtfk-00017-00004525-00004755 The situation with Bandcamp is similar. 1VzmpQLxtfk-00018-00004755-00005314 I have removed old versions of albums like X1 and X2, as well as X3, which will receive 1VzmpQLxtfk-00019-00005314-00005487 a new version this year. 1VzmpQLxtfk-00020-00005487-00005980 Instead, I created an archive that contains all the old versions of albums, including 1VzmpQLxtfk-00021-00005980-00006221 those not available anywhere else. 1VzmpQLxtfk-00022-00006221-00006490 The link to the archive is in the channel description. 1VzmpQLxtfk-00023-00006490-00006867 However, think about whether you really want to go there. 1VzmpQLxtfk-00024-00006867-00007239 Everything cool is on Bandcamp, nowhere else. 1VzmpQLxtfk-00025-00007239-00007722 I am planning to remaster a few albums this year, but I don't know which ones yet. 1VzmpQLxtfk-00026-00007722-00008140 Certainly Mega man 2, 8 and 9 deserve a new quality. 1VzmpQLxtfk-00027-00008140-00008572 As a result, current versions of albums will disappear from Bandcamp and will be moved 1VzmpQLxtfk-00028-00008572-00008995 to the archive, and new ones will appear in their place. 1VzmpQLxtfk-00029-00008995-00009349 As for the new GP - there will be a temporary change. 1VzmpQLxtfk-00030-00009349-00009745 This time the new playthrough will not be divided into parts, despite the fact that 1VzmpQLxtfk-00031-00009745-00009989 it's a large and demanding project. 1VzmpQLxtfk-00032-00009989-00010227 There are two reasons for this. 1VzmpQLxtfk-00033-00010227-00010747 First - this game is not suitable for release in episodes like other Mega Man games. 1VzmpQLxtfk-00034-00010747-00011252 Second - I don't want the "complete" version to end with one thousand views. 1VzmpQLxtfk-00035-00011252-00011661 This GP will bring a great improvement in quality, so I want this video to be one of 1VzmpQLxtfk-00036-00011661-00011834 my most popular. 1VzmpQLxtfk-00037-00011834-00011984 Yes I know. 1VzmpQLxtfk-00038-00011984-00012404 When I publish something that I like, it turns out later that people did not like it. 1VzmpQLxtfk-00039-00012404-00012897 It also works the other way, when I publish some total shit, it later becomes the most 1VzmpQLxtfk-00040-00012897-00013150 popular content on my channel. 1VzmpQLxtfk-00041-00013150-00013258 Really? 1VzmpQLxtfk-00042-00013258-00013766 Anyway, I believe that when you turn this music on full volume, even if your neighbors 1VzmpQLxtfk-00043-00013766-00014270 call the police, it's just to tell the dispatcher that this music is fucking awesome. 1VzmpQLxtfk-00044-00014270-00014718 So the new GP will be released in one piece, but I will not keep you secret for such a 1VzmpQLxtfk-00045-00014718-00014831 long time. 1VzmpQLxtfk-00046-00014831-00015219 Soon, the first 5 minutes of the new project will appear on the channel. 1VzmpQLxtfk-00047-00015219-00015534 As for the promises that I didn't keep: 1VzmpQLxtfk-00048-00015534-00015945 A few months ago I started a new channel where my own music was to appear. 1VzmpQLxtfk-00049-00015945-00016113 But it's empty. 1VzmpQLxtfk-00050-00016113-00016595 Among other things, music from the "Intrate" project were to be found there, but the concept 1VzmpQLxtfk-00051-00016595-00016734 was changed. 1VzmpQLxtfk-00052-00016734-00017255 Originally it was my solo project, but now it is a full band, so before our songs appear 1VzmpQLxtfk-00053-00017255-00017612 on the internet, it will take more time than I planned. 1VzmpQLxtfk-00054-00017612-00018048 We have encountered some obstacles, because our drummer has just left us and we are looking 1VzmpQLxtfk-00055-00018048-00018203 for a new one. 1VzmpQLxtfk-00056-00018203-00018375 Any volunteers? 1VzmpQLxtfk-00057-00018375-00018756 I also announced a video about Mega Man X7. 1VzmpQLxtfk-00058-00018756-00019579 However, this game has ruined my psyche and I don't want to come back to it yet. 1VzmpQLxtfk-00059-00019579-00019679 It's all for today. 1VzmpQLxtfk-00060-00019679-00019813 Bot Ryan loves you. 1VzmpQLxtfk-00061-00019813-00019976 goodbaaai my froonds. 1cu1SeLwTIQ-00000-00000053-00000403 You're watching Connecticut's NBC Station, WVIT Thirty. 1cGXdGpaPTk-00000-00000048-00000337 you are my sunshine, 1cGXdGpaPTk-00001-00000453-00000802 My only Sunshine 1cGXdGpaPTk-00002-00000841-00001226 You make me happy, 1cGXdGpaPTk-00003-00001280-00001557 When skies are gray. 1cGXdGpaPTk-00004-00001701-00002028 You'll never know dear 1cGXdGpaPTk-00005-00002077-00002495 How much I love you. 1cGXdGpaPTk-00006-00002575-00002807 Please don't take 1cGXdGpaPTk-00007-00002865-00003200 My Sunshine away... 1cGXdGpaPTk-00008-00003390-00003719 The other night, Dear 1cGXdGpaPTk-00009-00003779-00004110 As I lay sleeping 1cGXdGpaPTk-00010-00004164-00004547 I dreamt I held you 1cGXdGpaPTk-00011-00004606-00004848 In my arms. 1cGXdGpaPTk-00012-00004938-00005301 When I awoke, dear 1cGXdGpaPTk-00013-00005335-00005728 I was mistaken, 1cGXdGpaPTk-00014-00005821-00006210 So I hung my head, 1cGXdGpaPTk-00015-00006239-00006509 And I Cried. 1cGXdGpaPTk-00016-00006618-00006915 You are my Sunshine 1cGXdGpaPTk-00017-00006980-00007381 My Only Sunshine 1cGXdGpaPTk-00018-00007440-00007809 You make me happy 1cGXdGpaPTk-00019-00007809-00008176 When skies are gray. 1cGXdGpaPTk-00020-00008283-00008654 You'll never know dear 1cGXdGpaPTk-00021-00008686-00009057 How much I love you. 1cGXdGpaPTk-00022-00009152-00009392 Please don't take 1cGXdGpaPTk-00023-00009427-00009730 My Sunshine 1cGXdGpaPTk-00024-00009746-00010056 Away~ 1cGXdGpaPTk-00025-00010113-00010433 Thank you for listening! <3 -Cat 1dvvI9WdCFU-00000-00000641-00001100 Hello everyone how are you today ? This is Marc 1dvvI9WdCFU-00001-00001100-00001471 I'm doing just great thanks for asking 1dvvI9WdCFU-00002-00001471-00001763 Steven looked happy to see me at the party 1dvvI9WdCFU-00003-00001763-00002099 Learning English is extremely important 1dvvI9WdCFU-00004-00002099-00002423 for your future. Liz found the city 1dvvI9WdCFU-00005-00002423-00002959 quite hectic. A cat appeared behind the couch. 1dvvI9WdCFU-00006-00002959-00003301 I feel a bit of a loser by talking to a 1dvvI9WdCFU-00007-00003301-00003635 videocamera. In this lesson we're going 1dvvI9WdCFU-00008-00003635-00004892 to look at: linking verbs so stay tuned. 1dvvI9WdCFU-00009-00004892-00005155 When you want to describe a situation or even 1dvvI9WdCFU-00010-00005155-00005369 somebody for example to list the 1dvvI9WdCFU-00011-00005369-00005705 quantities of something or somebody we 1dvvI9WdCFU-00012-00005705-00006023 use linking verbs. They are sometimes 1dvvI9WdCFU-00013-00006023-00006428 called copulas. These linking verbs are be 1dvvI9WdCFU-00014-00006428-00006839 prove appear smell 1dvvI9WdCFU-00015-00006839-00007580 look go keep become get stay turn 1dvvI9WdCFU-00016-00007580-00007991 sound taste and seem. There are some 1dvvI9WdCFU-00017-00007991-00008189 others, but these are the most important 1dvvI9WdCFU-00018-00008189-00008519 ones. I've listed some rules to follow 1dvvI9WdCFU-00019-00008519-00008875 1. They think the subject & the complement 1dvvI9WdCFU-00020-00008875-00009097 of a statement just like my first 1dvvI9WdCFU-00021-00009097-00009467 introductory example. Steven, here Steven 1dvvI9WdCFU-00022-00009467-00009836 is the subject, looked so look is the 1dvvI9WdCFU-00023-00009836-00010133 linking verb, happy to see me at the 1dvvI9WdCFU-00024-00010133-00010208 party 1dvvI9WdCFU-00025-00010208-00010498 happy to see me at the party here is the 1dvvI9WdCFU-00026-00010498-00010597 complement. 1dvvI9WdCFU-00027-00010597-00010864 Now another example could be: His 1dvvI9WdCFU-00028-00010864-00011156 positive attitude, his positive attitude 1dvvI9WdCFU-00029-00011156-00011509 here is the subject, then we have was 1dvvI9WdCFU-00030-00011509-00011800 which is that the verb to be is the 1dvvI9WdCFU-00031-00011800-00012125 linking verb, surprising the complement. 1dvvI9WdCFU-00032-00012125-00012586 Now another rule: Adjectives can be used as 1dvvI9WdCFU-00033-00012586-00012719 complements. 1dvvI9WdCFU-00034-00012719-00012986 We saw the first example at the 1dvvI9WdCFU-00035-00012986-00013286 beginning of the lesson: Learning English 1dvvI9WdCFU-00036-00013286-00013622 is extremely important to your future, I 1dvvI9WdCFU-00037-00013622-00013654 said, 1dvvI9WdCFU-00038-00013654-00013887 or for your future, so here we have 1dvvI9WdCFU-00039-00013887-00014179 important which is the adjective, and 1dvvI9WdCFU-00040-00014179-00014547 the verb to be, is. Another example could be: 1dvvI9WdCFU-00041-00014547-00015009 She seemed sad yesterday, when she heard the news. 1dvvI9WdCFU-00042-00015009-00015397 Here, seem is the linking verb 1dvvI9WdCFU-00043-00015397-00015798 to seem, seemed sad that is the adjective 1dvvI9WdCFU-00044-00015798-00016168 Let's look at other rules. 1dvvI9WdCFU-00045-00016168-00016584 ok so verbs such as find and make can be 1dvvI9WdCFU-00046-00016584-00016890 used with both an object on a complement. 1dvvI9WdCFU-00047-00016890-00017248 Just like my example: Liz found, find 1dvvI9WdCFU-00048-00017248-00017562 here is the linking verb, the city the 1dvvI9WdCFU-00049-00017562-00017887 object, quite hectic, the complement. 1dvvI9WdCFU-00050-00017887-00018165 hectic means busy and confusing. 1dvvI9WdCFU-00051-00018165-00018657 Another example could be: My math teacher used 1dvvI9WdCFU-00052-00018657-00018937 to make me depressed. So here we have 1dvvI9WdCFU-00053-00018937-00019398 make the verb the linking verb, here then 1dvvI9WdCFU-00054-00019398-00019609 we have me, the object, and then 1dvvI9WdCFU-00055-00019609-00019812 depressed is a complement. 1dvvI9WdCFU-00056-00019812-00020235 Another rule is: We can use a prepositional 1dvvI9WdCFU-00057-00020235-00020481 phrase instead of a complement. If you 1dvvI9WdCFU-00058-00020481-00020682 want to watch a lesson on prepositional 1dvvI9WdCFU-00059-00020682-00021072 phrases you can click here. The cat 1dvvI9WdCFU-00060-00021072-00021334 appeared, appear here is the linking verb here, 1dvvI9WdCFU-00061-00021334-00021663 behind the couch. Behind the couch is a 1dvvI9WdCFU-00062-00021663-00022038 prepositional phrase another example; My 1dvvI9WdCFU-00063-00022038-00022318 mom is in front of the street, and here 1dvvI9WdCFU-00064-00022318-00022444 in front of street 1dvvI9WdCFU-00065-00022444-00022644 obviously it's a prepositional phrase. 1dvvI9WdCFU-00066-00022644-00022941 Now the last rule that I want to talk 1dvvI9WdCFU-00067-00022941-00023422 about is: We could use descriptive nouns or 1dvvI9WdCFU-00068-00023422-00023760 noun groups, after some linking verbs. For 1dvvI9WdCFU-00069-00023760-00024219 example: feel, seem, sound, represent, look 1dvvI9WdCFU-00070-00024219-00024709 etc. My two examples are: He seems, and 1dvvI9WdCFU-00071-00024709-00025056 here to seem is a linking verb, a 1dvvI9WdCFU-00072-00025056-00025329 nice person a nice person is a 1dvvI9WdCFU-00073-00025329-00025758 descriptive noun. So the other example 1dvvI9WdCFU-00074-00025758-00026028 with the noun group in this case, they 1dvvI9WdCFU-00075-00026028-00026377 feel feel is that linking verb, the 1dvvI9WdCFU-00076-00026377-00026646 water of the river, here is the noun 1dvvI9WdCFU-00077-00026646-00026986 group, the water of the river flowing near 1dvvI9WdCFU-00078-00026986-00027690 their cabin. Now let's recap. In this lesson 1dvvI9WdCFU-00079-00027690-00027949 I talked about linking verbs such as go 1dvvI9WdCFU-00080-00027949-00028428 be become get, they usually link the 1dvvI9WdCFU-00081-00028428-00028713 subject to the complement. I've listed 1dvvI9WdCFU-00082-00028713-00028941 five useful tips for you to follow, if 1dvvI9WdCFU-00083-00028941-00029194 you haven't understood please rewatch 1dvvI9WdCFU-00084-00029194-00029488 the video. So that's it for today, if you 1dvvI9WdCFU-00085-00029488-00029796 have any comments requests or if you want 1dvvI9WdCFU-00086-00029796-00030102 to post your own example, you may do so 1dvvI9WdCFU-00087-00030102-00030345 under this video. If you haven't 1dvvI9WdCFU-00088-00030345-00030583 subscribed to my channel, please do so 1dvvI9WdCFU-00089-00030583-00030982 you'll get a new lesson next week. 1dvvI9WdCFU-00090-00030982-00032772 Have great day and I see you next week. Take care. Bye-bye 1eIgbrZbUmU-00000-00000716-00001016 "Priestly" 1eIgbrZbUmU-00001-00001243-00001683 Modern society has tought us that a healthy life is a vice-free life. 1eIgbrZbUmU-00002-00001755-00001955 Out of all the so called vices 1eIgbrZbUmU-00003-00002002-00002252 Video games emerged as the enemy in the eyes of "experts" 1eIgbrZbUmU-00004-00002304-00002534 who base their opinion on TV culture. 1eIgbrZbUmU-00005-00002565-00003155 They say games are too violent, too sexual or that they consume too much time in general . 1eIgbrZbUmU-00006-00007520-00008020 At the same time, relationships end in tragedy because of the pressure that society applies, 1eIgbrZbUmU-00007-00008043-00008385 and they blame video games for a bad moment in their life. 1eIgbrZbUmU-00008-00008385-00008612 Do you remember how we've met, Jo? 1eIgbrZbUmU-00009-00009604-00009764 Give me back my phone! 1eIgbrZbUmU-00010-00010648-00010841 We where out picking peaches. 1eIgbrZbUmU-00011-00012623-00012769 And time stood still. 1eIgbrZbUmU-00012-00014707-00014961 I never knew you could be like this... 1eIgbrZbUmU-00013-00015035-00015182 But it's too late now! 1eIgbrZbUmU-00014-00021239-00021339 What was your first video game? 1eIgbrZbUmU-00015-00021459-00021659 Doom,when I was 4 years old. 1eIgbrZbUmU-00016-00021731-00022028 My dad used to play it allot. 1eIgbrZbUmU-00017-00022242-00022789 It was a basic shooter, where you had to stick it out as long as you could. 1eIgbrZbUmU-00018-00023149-00023469 Captain Claw. It was a sidescroller platformer 1eIgbrZbUmU-00019-00023684-00024058 where you took the role of a pirate cat that needed to find 1eIgbrZbUmU-00020-00024107-00024480 the amulet of 9 lives so he could become immortal. 1eIgbrZbUmU-00021-00024634-00024874 How much time do you spend on average with video games? 1eIgbrZbUmU-00022-00024910-00025170 How much time do you spend watching TV? 1eIgbrZbUmU-00023-00025569-00025672 As much as I can, based on my free time. 1eIgbrZbUmU-00024-00025744-00025944 Do you think the idea of "playing" is an act of immaturity 1eIgbrZbUmU-00025-00026067-00026147 Not at all! 1eIgbrZbUmU-00026-00026255-00026815 If we'd stop playing, what would we do in our free time for entertainment? 1eIgbrZbUmU-00027-00027181-00027534 You go somewhere nice, you get drunk and that's it. 1eIgbrZbUmU-00028-00027772-00028572 You can say it's a more innocent approach,there's less danger. 1eIgbrZbUmU-00029-00028783-00029173 It depends on your mindset. 1eIgbrZbUmU-00030-00029552-00029825 It also depends on what game you choose. 1eIgbrZbUmU-00031-00030002-00030415 But most of the time, it doesn't actually depend on anything 1eIgbrZbUmU-00032-00030482-00030878 because nowadays all games are oriented towards a stable, mature audience. 1eIgbrZbUmU-00033-00030913-00031089 That doesn't mean I won't keep a place in my heart for the "immature" ones. 1eIgbrZbUmU-00034-00031288-00031582 One final question: Do you think that your passion for video games affects your love life? 1eIgbrZbUmU-00035-00031679-00032182 No way! It actually gives us another thing to do together! 1eIgbrZbUmU-00036-00032479-00032902 Do you think that your passion for gaming affects your relationship? 1eIgbrZbUmU-00037-00032903-00033003 On the contrary! 1eIgbrZbUmU-00038-00033051-00033191 The main idea is that 1eIgbrZbUmU-00039-00033209-00033555 as long as we respect our desires everything is ok. 1eIgbrZbUmU-00040-00033815-00034749 If one of us wants to play and the other wants to do something else, there's no problem, because it's mutual! 1eIgbrZbUmU-00041-00035329-00035529 Sure, as long as we play together everything is cool. 1eIgbrZbUmU-00042-00035677-00036417 We might encounter problems if we can't do that, don't feel like it or stuff like that. 1eIgbrZbUmU-00043-00036590-00037140 But even that is not such a big problem for it can be worked out. 1eIgbrZbUmU-00044-00037315-00037415 Thanks a bunch! 1eIgbrZbUmU-00045-00042829-00042929 The End! 1eKlH-qLNS8-00000-00000059-00000484 I have a quick review question for you: which economists believe that the economy is not 1eKlH-qLNS8-00001-00000484-00000871 self-regulating, Classical or Keynesian? 1eKlH-qLNS8-00002-00000871-00001208 Keynesian economists believe the economy will not self-adjust. 1eKlH-qLNS8-00003-00001208-00001592 Remember that this model arose from the evidence of the Great Depression, when the global economy 1eKlH-qLNS8-00004-00001592-00001882 was in decline for an extended period. 1eKlH-qLNS8-00005-00001882-00002347 Because Keynesians do not believe that economic problems are going to take care of themselves, 1eKlH-qLNS8-00006-00002347-00002760 they conclude that the government should play a very active role in the economy. 1eKlH-qLNS8-00007-00002760-00002925 What kind of role? 1eKlH-qLNS8-00008-00002925-00003296 There are actually different tools that can be used to manage the economy, but let's start 1eKlH-qLNS8-00009-00003296-00003479 with fiscal policy. 1eKlH-qLNS8-00010-00003479-00003736 First of all, what is fiscal policy? 1eKlH-qLNS8-00011-00003736-00004223 By definition, fiscal policy is changes in government expenditures and taxation to achieve 1eKlH-qLNS8-00012-00004223-00004760 particular macroeconomic goals; that is, to achieve stable prices, low unemployment, and 1eKlH-qLNS8-00013-00004760-00004971 high & sustained growth. 1eKlH-qLNS8-00014-00004971-00005548 In a country like the United States, who is it the controls government spending and taxation? 1eKlH-qLNS8-00015-00005548-00005927 It's going to be our legislative and executive branches. 1eKlH-qLNS8-00016-00005927-00006403 Fiscal policy can be used to stimulate a sluggish economy, or to slow down an economy that's 1eKlH-qLNS8-00017-00006403-00006678 moving too fast. 1eKlH-qLNS8-00018-00006678-00007098 Expansionary fiscal policy is typically represented by stimulus to the aggregate demand (although 1eKlH-qLNS8-00019-00007098-00007413 it certainly is possible to stimulate aggregate supply). 1eKlH-qLNS8-00020-00007413-00008011 Aggregate demand can be increased by either increasing government spending, or decreasing 1eKlH-qLNS8-00021-00008011-00008111 taxes. 1eKlH-qLNS8-00022-00008111-00008671 Since aggregate demand is composed of consumption, investment, government spending, and net exports, 1eKlH-qLNS8-00023-00008671-00009256 an increase in government spending has a direct, immediate effect on aggregate demand; a tax 1eKlH-qLNS8-00024-00009256-00009682 cut, which will encourage spending on the part of households and businesses, has an 1eKlH-qLNS8-00025-00009682-00010209 indirect effect on aggregate demand as consumption and investment rise. 1eKlH-qLNS8-00026-00010209-00010588 Contractionary fiscal policy is typically represented by some type of drag on the aggregate 1eKlH-qLNS8-00027-00010588-00011034 demand -- either decreasing government spending, or increasing taxes. 1eKlH-qLNS8-00028-00011034-00011488 Again, a change in government spending will have a direct effect on aggregate demand, 1eKlH-qLNS8-00029-00011488-00011909 whereas a change in taxes will indirectly affect aggregate demand, by way of households 1eKlH-qLNS8-00030-00011909-00012009 and businesses. 1eKlH-qLNS8-00031-00012009-00012630 TIME TO THINK: If you were a politician, which type of policy, expansionary or contractionary, 1eKlH-qLNS8-00032-00012630-00012778 would you like better? 1eKlH-qLNS8-00033-00012778-00013284 Well, if I were a politician, and my primary objective was to get re-elected to office, 1eKlH-qLNS8-00034-00013284-00013602 I’d want the policy that's more popular with the voters. 1eKlH-qLNS8-00035-00013602-00014062 After all, what will the voters like better: tax cuts, and more spending on their favorite 1eKlH-qLNS8-00036-00014062-00014646 programs (that is, expansionary policy), or higher taxes and cuts to their favorite programs 1eKlH-qLNS8-00037-00014646-00014754 (contractionary policy)? 1eKlH-qLNS8-00038-00014754-00015383 Well, as a politician, I would prefer expansionary policy, because voters prefer expansionary 1eKlH-qLNS8-00039-00015383-00015483 policy. 1eKlH-qLNS8-00040-00015483-00015896 The problem, though, is the effect that such a policy has on the nation's deficit and, 1eKlH-qLNS8-00041-00015896-00016081 in turn, its debt. 1eKlH-qLNS8-00042-00016081-00016603 The deficit is how much overspending there is in a single year; the debt is the accumulation 1eKlH-qLNS8-00043-00016603-00016912 of all the deficits we've ever run. 1eKlH-qLNS8-00044-00016912-00017378 Expansionary fiscal policy -- lower taxes and/or higher government spending – adds 1eKlH-qLNS8-00045-00017378-00017690 to our deficit and in turn, our debt. 1eKlH-qLNS8-00046-00017690-00018129 When we get to taxes and budget in Episode 28, we’ll look at interest payments on the 1eKlH-qLNS8-00047-00018129-00018229 debt. 1eKlH-qLNS8-00048-00018229-00018549 Yes, for the government to engage in deficit spending, it must borrow -- just like you 1eKlH-qLNS8-00049-00018549-00018912 do when you spend more money than you have -- and then it has to pay back the loan with 1eKlH-qLNS8-00050-00018912-00019012 interest. 1eKlH-qLNS8-00051-00019012-00019390 And we’ll look at the subsequent drag on the economy. 1eKlH-qLNS8-00052-00019390-00019979 So -- expansionary fiscal policy (lower taxes and/or higher spending) will increase aggregate 1eKlH-qLNS8-00053-00019979-00020578 demand; contractionary policy (higher taxes and/or lower government spending) will decrease 1eKlH-qLNS8-00054-00020578-00020715 aggregate demand. 1eKlH-qLNS8-00055-00020715-00021184 If fiscal policy is meant to address the three macroeconomic goals, when is each type of 1eKlH-qLNS8-00056-00021184-00021304 policy appropriate? 1eKlH-qLNS8-00057-00021304-00021890 Well, if it is a recessionary gap, where the equilibrium GDP is lower than our potential 1eKlH-qLNS8-00058-00021890-00022405 (which also means that unemployment is higher than the natural rate), expansionary policy 1eKlH-qLNS8-00059-00022405-00022615 would be the appropriate response. 1eKlH-qLNS8-00060-00022615-00023198 As aggregate demand increases, the economy moves to full employment and potential GDP. 1eKlH-qLNS8-00061-00023198-00023718 If there's an inflationary gap, where equilibrium GDP is higher than the full employment level, 1eKlH-qLNS8-00062-00023718-00024179 and unemployment is so low that it's likely to cause inflation, contractionary policy 1eKlH-qLNS8-00063-00024179-00024399 would be appropriate response. 1eKlH-qLNS8-00064-00024399-00024872 As aggregate demand falls, the economy slows, bringing us back to potential output -- the 1eKlH-qLNS8-00065-00024872-00024999 full employment level. 1eKlH-qLNS8-00066-00024999-00025465 A Classical economist would probably ask, “Why not just wait for aggregate supply 1eKlH-qLNS8-00067-00025465-00025808 to move, and allow it to correct the economy?” 1eKlH-qLNS8-00068-00025808-00026233 If you do not believe that the economy will self-adjust, or even if you think that it 1eKlH-qLNS8-00069-00026233-00026866 may self-adjust, but only over very long time, then you probably prefer a more active, hands-on 1eKlH-qLNS8-00070-00026866-00027133 policy to help things along. 1eKlH-qLNS8-00071-00027133-00027309 NEXT TIME: Should we use fiscal policy? 1eKlH-qLNS8-00072-00027309-00027311 TRANSCRIPT00(MACRO) EPISODE 26: FISCAL POLICY 1gQIQwlwSbu-00000-00000088-00000311 What if the popular PAC-MAN video game came to "life" 1gQIQwlwSbu-00001-00000520-00000810 "We are gonna have nightmares about this the rest of our lives" 1gQIQwlwSbu-00002-00000816-00001008 And "you" were the only one who could stop him? 1gQIQwlwSbu-00003-00001026-00001170 "Ha Ho", No way 1gQIQwlwSbu-00004-00001188-00001298 On the next, July 24 1gQIQwlwSbu-00005-00001326-00001382 "CHOMP" 1gQIQwlwSbu-00006-00001416-00001522 To save the world 1gQIQwlwSbu-00007-00001594-00001688 We have to play.. 1gQIQwlwSbu-00008-00001688-00001944 "PAC-MANs got 10 seconds where "he" can eat "us" 1gQIQwlwSbu-00009-00001944-00002039 ..By "his" rules. 1gQIQwlwSbu-00010-00002039-00002254 The only way to take down PAC-MAN is with ghosts. 1gQIQwlwSbu-00011-00002264-00002534 "THIS IS HOW YOU'RE GONNA TREAT ME AFTER ALL THE QUARTERS I FED YOU?!" 1gQIQwlwSbu-00012-00002552-00002602 "Ha-Ha" 1gQIQwlwSbu-00013-00002744-00002854 "Rated PG-13" 1iCOfdURLx8-00000-00000016-00000632 hi guys it's Amy here and today we're going to be looking at creating sessions scheduling them and 1iCOfdURLx8-00001-00000632-00001120 looking at recurring sessions so for many of you this is going to be familiar anyway because 1iCOfdURLx8-00002-00001120-00001807 you've used it in the original format um in the original courses and what we were using anyway was 1iCOfdURLx8-00003-00001807-00002296 collaborate ultra so the only difference is how we get into it so we're not going to use 1iCOfdURLx8-00004-00002296-00002752 this join session because this will actually make us join sessions that are already running 1iCOfdURLx8-00005-00002752-00003160 so these are ones that have been created already and these are classes that are currently running 1iCOfdURLx8-00006-00003160-00003656 at this moment in time so we're going to have to go into the three dots here and choose 1iCOfdURLx8-00007-00003656-00004208 manage all sessions so now in here we can see sessions that have already been created and we 1iCOfdURLx8-00008-00004208-00004856 can also see our familiar create session button so I can go in here and create a session if I need to 1iCOfdURLx8-00009-00004856-00005728 give it a name my newest class if we need guest access start date end date all the same settings 1iCOfdURLx8-00010-00005728-00006256 that we had previously in collaborate are here as well the only um thing that I might need to remind 1iCOfdURLx8-00011-00006256-00006959 you all if you decide to repeat your session and you repeat it weekly every week at the same time 1iCOfdURLx8-00012-00006959-00007616 you might want to delete any sessions that are in the holiday period so I'll just hit create 1iCOfdURLx8-00013-00007616-00008224 to get my recurring sessions uh ready I'm just going to come out of it here so this is the 1iCOfdURLx8-00014-00008224-00008824 session that I had created which is recurring and I can go through find all the occurrences 1iCOfdURLx8-00015-00008824-00009320 and then maybe find the ones are if they're in the October holidays I can delete those if I need to 1iCOfdURLx8-00016-00009320-00009864 just by hitting delete the currents and that will get rid of um that one if there was another one in 1iCOfdURLx8-00017-00009864-00010400 the holidays again just in the three dots for the session options and delete the occurrence just to 1iCOfdURLx8-00018-00010400-00010864 avoid any students that might think for whatever reason that there are some sessions over the 1iCOfdURLx8-00019-00010864-00011336 holidays and that's how we get into it that's how we create our sessions and that's how we get those 1iCOfdURLx8-00020-00011336-00012032 recurring sessions again if you've used original it will be the same format that you have here 1miTWjHVGsy-00000-00000003-00000336 Hey guys it's Elizabeth in the library 1miTWjHVGsy-00001-00000180-00000693 and I'm here to talk to you today about 1miTWjHVGsy-00002-00000336-00000933 Banned Books Week! So Banned Books Week 1miTWjHVGsy-00003-00000693-00001386 is something that happens the last week of 1miTWjHVGsy-00004-00000933-00001617 every September and it started in 1982 1miTWjHVGsy-00005-00001386-00001752 and the reason that happened is because 1miTWjHVGsy-00006-00001617-00001950 there were a whole bunch of books that 1miTWjHVGsy-00007-00001752-00002036 were getting banned and somebody kind of 1miTWjHVGsy-00008-00001950-00002181 said, "Hey you know what? 1miTWjHVGsy-00009-00002036-00002331 I don't know how cool this is! Let's let 1miTWjHVGsy-00010-00002181-00002514 some people know about banned books week!". 1miTWjHVGsy-00011-00002331-00002730 ...Let's know about let people know about 1miTWjHVGsy-00012-00002514-00003030 banned books and we'll highlight them 1miTWjHVGsy-00013-00002730-00003221 during Banned Books Week. Yeah trying to 1miTWjHVGsy-00014-00003030-00003386 say that like even three times and we'll 1miTWjHVGsy-00015-00003221-00003632 see how you do. Obviously I don't do very 1miTWjHVGsy-00016-00003386-00003927 well. So I'm just excited about Banned 1miTWjHVGsy-00017-00003632-00004101 Books Week because it's kinda 1miTWjHVGsy-00018-00003927-00004284 interesting if you look at it, actually I 1miTWjHVGsy-00019-00004101-00004500 think all of us have read a banned book. 1miTWjHVGsy-00020-00004284-00004773 A lot of the books that are on the 1miTWjHVGsy-00021-00004500-00004989 classic banned book list are books we 1miTWjHVGsy-00022-00004773-00005394 had to read in high school like To Kill 1miTWjHVGsy-00023-00004989-00005661 a Mockingbird, the Lord of the Flies, and A 1miTWjHVGsy-00024-00005394-00005853 Separate Peace, just all kinds of books! I 1miTWjHVGsy-00025-00005661-00006014 recently was in a class and we went down 1miTWjHVGsy-00026-00005853-00006135 a list and I was asking anyone like hey 1miTWjHVGsy-00027-00006014-00006342 have you read this book, have you read this 1miTWjHVGsy-00028-00006135-00006543 book, and it was pretty funny cuz we all 1miTWjHVGsy-00029-00006342-00006743 realized we had read all of these banned 1miTWjHVGsy-00030-00006543-00006963 books! The biggest one people are usually 1miTWjHVGsy-00031-00006743-00007158 surprised about is that the Bible is a 1miTWjHVGsy-00032-00006963-00007290 banned book, and the Harry Potter series 1miTWjHVGsy-00033-00007158-00007520 has all been banned. 1miTWjHVGsy-00034-00007290-00007709 So as banned book week comes up for the 1miTWjHVGsy-00035-00007520-00008028 last week in September I just want to 1miTWjHVGsy-00036-00007709-00008208 encourage you to be grateful that you 1miTWjHVGsy-00037-00008028-00008511 get to read. Celebrate the freedom you 1miTWjHVGsy-00038-00008208-00008742 have to not be censored and here in 1miTWjHVGsy-00039-00008511-00008879 America we do have tons of books and 1miTWjHVGsy-00040-00008742-00009039 even though they might be on some sort 1miTWjHVGsy-00041-00008879-00009329 of list we usually have access to them. 1miTWjHVGsy-00042-00009039-00009500 so feel empowered, grab a book 1miTWjHVGsy-00043-00009329-00009747 even if it's one of the old books like 1miTWjHVGsy-00044-00009500-00009911 to kill a mockingbird and have the 1miTWjHVGsy-00045-00009747-00010131 power to read whichever banned book you 1miTWjHVGsy-00046-00009911-00010454 want and whichever book you like because 1miTWjHVGsy-00047-00010131-00010643 it's pretty cool to be able to read. And 1miTWjHVGsy-00048-00010454-00010842 that's it but you'll notice about banned 1miTWjHVGsy-00049-00010643-00011179 books week I hope you I hope you enjoy 1miTWjHVGsy-00050-00010842-00011179 it see you later bye! 2o5uW196URU-00000-00000500-00000826 Ã jia tina Jesure naa wijaare. 2o5uW196URU-00001-00000826-00001206 Ti naa wijaachʉ Jesu sehe to crusare to basi wʉa naa, 2o5uW196URU-00002-00001206-00001430 dapu cohã wama tiropʉ sʉre. 2o5uW196URU-00003-00001430-00001896 Sã judio masa ya mehne dapu cohã Gólgota wama tire. 2o5uW196URU-00004-00001896-00002202 Tópʉ sʉa tina Jesure cjã puha õre. 2o5uW196URU-00005-00002202-00002262 Tuhsʉ, 2o5uW196URU-00006-00002262-00002582 paina pʉarore cʉ̃iro to poto bʉhʉsehei, 2o5uW196URU-00007-00002582-00002842 pairo to cõ bʉhʉsehei cjã puha dapore tina. 2o5uW196URU-00008-00002842-00003156 Ã jiro Jesu ti dacho macai jire. 2o5uW196URU-00009-00003156-00003294 Ti cjã puha tuhsʉchʉ, 2o5uW196URU-00010-00003294-00003454 Pilato taboa pjĩne joa, 2o5uW196URU-00011-00003454-00003870 Jesure ti cjã puha õri crusai cjã puha õ dutire tí pjĩne. 2o5uW196URU-00012-00003870-00004058 Õ sehe ni joare tiro: 2o5uW196URU-00013-00004058-00004318 “Ahriro Jesu Nazare macariro, 2o5uW196URU-00014-00004318-00004538 judio masa bui pʉhtoro jira”, 2o5uW196URU-00015-00004538-00004684 ni joare Pilato tí pjĩne. 2o5uW196URU-00016-00004684-00004998 Tí pjĩne joaro judio masa ya dʉsero mehne, 2o5uW196URU-00017-00004998-00005198 Roma macaina ya dʉsero mehne, 2o5uW196URU-00018-00005198-00005478 griego masa ya dʉsero mehne joare tiro. 2o5uW196URU-00019-00005478-00005946 Ã yoa Jesure crusapʉ ti cjã puha daporiro maca cahacãi jire. 2o5uW196URU-00020-00005946-00006294 Tó cahacãi jiina payʉ judio masa Pilato joarire ñʉ, 2o5uW196URU-00021-00006294-00006356 buhere. 2o5uW196URU-00022-00006356-00006942 Ã buhe tuhsʉ judio masa sã sacerdotea pʉhtoa õ sehe nire Pilatore: 2o5uW196URU-00023-00006942-00007198 —“Ahriro judio masa pʉhtoro jira”, 2o5uW196URU-00024-00007198-00007322 ni joai tjiga. 2o5uW196URU-00025-00007322-00007562 Sã pʉhtoro jierara ahriro. 2o5uW196URU-00026-00007562-00007866 Ã jicʉ õ sehe ni joa cahnoga mʉhʉ. 2o5uW196URU-00027-00007866-00008130 “Ahriro ‘Judio masa pʉhtoro jija’, 2o5uW196URU-00028-00008130-00008530 ni cʉ̃irota to basita ã ni tʉhoturiro jira”, 2o5uW196URU-00029-00008530-00008944 ni joa cahnoga —nire sacerdotea pʉhtoa. 2o5uW196URU-00030-00008944-00009440 —Yʉ joa mʉhtariro seheta jirohca —nire Pilato tinare. 2o5uW196URU-00031-00009440-00010018 Jesure ti cjã puhari baharo pititiaro surara sehe Jesu suhtire ti basi witire. 2o5uW196URU-00032-00010018-00010650 Ti ã witi duapachʉta cʉ̃ suhtirota yoari suhtiro dohori marieni suhtiro jire. 2o5uW196URU-00033-00010650-00010952 Tí suhtiro suhari suhtiro jire. 2o5uW196URU-00034-00010952-00011254 Tí suhtiro to ã jichʉ õ sehe nire tina ti basi: 2o5uW196URU-00035-00011254-00011594 —Ahri suhtirore tʉhrẽna tjijihna. 2o5uW196URU-00036-00011594-00011890 Ahri suhtirore nahtiro cjihtore masi duana, 2o5uW196URU-00037-00011890-00012210 docapejihna mari —nire tina ti basi. 2o5uW196URU-00038-00012210-00012350 Ã docapea, 2o5uW196URU-00039-00012350-00012834 Cohamacʉ yare ti joari tjui ti ni joariro seheta yoaa nire tina. 2o5uW196URU-00040-00012834-00013082 “Yʉ suhtire tina ti basi witire. 2o5uW196URU-00041-00013082-00013382 Ã jia yʉ suhtire nahtiro cjihtore masi duaa, 2o5uW196URU-00042-00013382-00013490 docapere tina”, 2o5uW196URU-00043-00013490-00013813 ni joaa tiha Cohamacʉ yare ti joari tjui. 2o5uW196URU-00044-00013813-00014076 To ã ni joariro seheta ã yoaa nire tina. 2o5uW196URU-00045-00014076-00014526 Surara ti ã yoachʉ Jesu pocoro, 2o5uW196URU-00046-00014526-00014618 Jesu mʉono, 2o5uW196URU-00047-00014618-00014802 María Cleofa namono, 2o5uW196URU-00048-00014802-00015240 María Magdalena mehne Jesu crusa cahacãi ñʉrucure tina. 2o5uW196URU-00049-00015240-00016213 Ã jiro to pocoro yʉhʉ to cahĩriro cʉ̃hʉ to cahacãi sã ducuchʉ ñʉno to pocorore õ sehe ni yahure Jesu: 2o5uW196URU-00050-00016213-00016736 —Mipʉre ahriro mʉ macʉ cjihto jira —nire Jesu to pocorore. 2o5uW196URU-00051-00016736-00016870 Ã ni tuhsʉ, 2o5uW196URU-00052-00016870-00017354 yʉhʉre õ sehe ni yahure tiro: 2o5uW196URU-00053-00017354-00017870 —Mipʉre ahricoro mʉ poco cjihto jira —nire Jesu yʉhʉre. 2o5uW196URU-00054-00017870-00018300 To ã niri baharo Jesu pocorore yʉ ya wʉhʉpʉ ji dutii. 2o5uW196URU-00055-00018300-00018806 To ã ni yahuri baharo õ sehe ni tʉhotu masiri jire Jesu: 2o5uW196URU-00056-00018806-00019266 “Jipihtia Cohamacʉ yʉhʉre dahra dutiro to cũrire yoa pahñohi”, 2o5uW196URU-00057-00019266-00019490 ni tʉhotu masiri jire Jesu. 2o5uW196URU-00058-00019490-00020038 Ã masino Cohamacʉ yare ti joari tjui to ni yahuriro seheta õ sehe nire Jesu: 2o5uW196URU-00059-00020038-00020678 —Ñahma yapioca yʉhʉre —nire Jesu. 2o5uW196URU-00060-00020678-00021126 Ã yoa tói vino sʉẽa core posa tiri situ dujire. 2o5uW196URU-00061-00021126-00021962 Ã jiro tói jiriro wihmi nari sʉhtere sʉẽa co mehne ti sohari sʉhtere yucʉcʉ hisopo wama tidʉ sohtoai dʉhte õre. 2o5uW196URU-00062-00021962-00022066 Dʉhte õ tuhsʉ, 2o5uW196URU-00063-00022066-00022250 Jesu dʉseroi siõ mʉo, 2o5uW196URU-00064-00022250-00022332 siõ õre. 2o5uW196URU-00065-00022332-00022582 Tí core Jesu wihmi tuhsʉ õ sehe nire: 2o5uW196URU-00066-00022582-00022990 —Tó puro tjica —ninota to dapure muhrirʉca, 2o5uW196URU-00067-00022990-00023122 yoja sʉ, 2o5uW196URU-00068-00023122-00023246 yariaa wahare. 2o5uW196URU-00069-00023246-00023682 Tí dacho pascua bose nʉmʉ pano jire. 2o5uW196URU-00070-00023682-00024114 Tí bose nʉmʉ macaare sã chʉhti cjihtire sã cahnori nʉmʉ jire. 2o5uW196URU-00071-00024114-00024818 Ã jia pa dacho Sabado jichʉ tí bose nʉmʉ jichʉ crusaripʉ ti wajãrinare cũ duaerare judio masa. 2o5uW196URU-00072-00024818-00025206 Tí dacho Cohamacʉre ti ño payori dacho bose nʉmʉ jire. 2o5uW196URU-00073-00025206-00025638 Ã jia tí dachoi ti cjã puharina cjirire crusapʉ ti jichʉ cahmaerare tina. 2o5uW196URU-00074-00025638-00026310 Ã jia ti cjã puharina cjirire ti ñʉchʉa cohãrine cjã nuha dutia taa judio masa siniha Pilatore, 2o5uW196URU-00075-00026310-00026562 ti yaria mʉrocahto cjihto sehe. 2o5uW196URU-00076-00026562-00027024 Ti ã yoari baharo ti pjacʉri cjirire na boro bahrañoa taa nire. 2o5uW196URU-00077-00027024-00027338 Ti ã dutichʉ surara sehe crusari cahapʉ sʉ, 2o5uW196URU-00078-00027338-00027682 cʉ̃iro yacariro cjiro ñʉchʉa cohãrine cjã nuhare. 2o5uW196URU-00079-00027682-00027936 Pairo cʉ̃hʉre ãta yoare tina. 2o5uW196URU-00080-00027936-00028238 Ã jia Jesu ñʉchʉa cohãrine cjã nuha tamaa, 2o5uW196URU-00081-00028238-00028422 to yariariro jichʉ ñʉa, 2o5uW196URU-00082-00028422-00028504 cjã nuhaerare. 2o5uW196URU-00083-00028504-00029054 Ã cjã nuhaeraa cʉ̃iro surara to patipahma batoi ñosadʉ mehne ñosare. 2o5uW196URU-00084-00029054-00029277 To ã ñosachʉ dóihta to di, 2o5uW196URU-00085-00029277-00029468 co mehne wijaare. 2o5uW196URU-00086-00029468-00029654 To ã wahachʉ ñʉi yʉhʉ. 2o5uW196URU-00087-00029654-00029974 Yʉhʉ ahri tjure joariro mʉsare potocã yahuja. 2o5uW196URU-00088-00029974-00030262 Potocã yʉ yahua jichʉ masija yʉhʉ. 2o5uW196URU-00089-00030262-00030632 Mʉsare yahuja mʉsa cʉ̃hʉ Jesure mʉsa wacũ tuahto sehe. 2o5uW196URU-00090-00030632-00031026 Cohamacʉ yare ti joari tju to niriro seheta ã wahare: 2o5uW196URU-00091-00031026-00031450 “To cohãrine ne cʉ̃ cohãre cjã nuhaerare”, 2o5uW196URU-00092-00031450-00031939 to ni joariro seheta Jesu ñʉchʉa cohãrine ne cʉ̃ cohãre cjã nuhaerare. 2o5uW196URU-00093-00031939-00032422 Ã yoa pa tju Cohamacʉ yare ti joari tjui õ sehe nina: 2o5uW196URU-00094-00032422-00032790 “Tirore ti ñosariro cjirore ñʉahca tina”, 2o5uW196URU-00095-00032790-00033056 ni joaa tiha Cohamacʉ yare ti joari tjui. 2oBVgAiU54c-00000-00000821-00001458 hey everyone its Jessica today I wanted to do a little topic to go along with my 2oBVgAiU54c-00001-00001458-00001841 speedpaint and we'll be talking about art block 2oBVgAiU54c-00002-00001841-00002400 what to do when you have art block and how to gain inspiration to get you out 2oBVgAiU54c-00003-00002400-00002759 of it so I'll be giving you guys twelve 2oBVgAiU54c-00004-00002759-00003360 different tips on what to do so for tip number one is utilizing 2oBVgAiU54c-00005-00003360-00004110 social media social media is so great to find different artists that inspire you 2oBVgAiU54c-00006-00004110-00004611 and a bunch of references as well a few different social media sites that I 2oBVgAiU54c-00007-00004611-00005325 would recommend would be Instagram YouTube Pinterest and deviantART one 2oBVgAiU54c-00008-00005325-00005712 thing that these platforms have in common is that you can find incredible 2oBVgAiU54c-00009-00005712-00006194 artists and you can learn so many different styles and techniques from 2oBVgAiU54c-00010-00006194-00006815 each of these artists and gain inspiration from it and with that you 2oBVgAiU54c-00011-00006815-00007308 can also just find with regular pictures that inspire you in some way or another 2oBVgAiU54c-00012-00007308-00007839 and they could help you decide on what you want to draw and you can find a 2oBVgAiU54c-00013-00007839-00008445 bunch of them to put together the image that you have in your mind so my next 2oBVgAiU54c-00014-00008445-00008886 tip is references references are great when you need a place to start and you 2oBVgAiU54c-00015-00008886-00009552 have no idea what to draw because you can find different ideas for poses color 2oBVgAiU54c-00016-00009552-00010092 schemes clothing ideas and scenery and environment and I think that that's 2oBVgAiU54c-00017-00010092-00010686 really helpful when you don't know what to draw for color schemes sometimes you 2oBVgAiU54c-00018-00010686-00011106 have an idea of what you want to draw but you don't know what colors you want 2oBVgAiU54c-00019-00011106-00011706 to use so you could always just Google color palette and just find the one that 2oBVgAiU54c-00020-00011706-00012381 really appeals to you and for clothing maybe you have a person a character that 2oBVgAiU54c-00021-00012381-00012944 does martial arts and you want to find clothing that best suits that type of 2oBVgAiU54c-00022-00012944-00013658 character and that's where references come in handy and my third tip is don't 2oBVgAiU54c-00023-00013658-00014191 worry about completing everything before you start a new drawing you can always 2oBVgAiU54c-00024-00014191-00014609 start with one little sketch even if you don't have a complete idea of what you 2oBVgAiU54c-00025-00014609-00015088 want to do you can always come back to it and you might find exactly what you 2oBVgAiU54c-00026-00015088-00015587 can do with your painting and I think that that's a really great thing to do 2oBVgAiU54c-00027-00015587-00016316 is just to walk away and come back later my fourth tip is try to dabble and some 2oBVgAiU54c-00028-00016316-00016823 challenges there are so many art challenges that you can find on 2oBVgAiU54c-00029-00016823-00017354 Instagram and Pinterest and I definitely recommend you guys try them because 2oBVgAiU54c-00030-00017354-00017906 they're so fun and the great thing about art challenges is that they keep you on 2oBVgAiU54c-00031-00017906-00018416 a schedule with art challenges there's a specific thing that you have 2oBVgAiU54c-00032-00018416-00019025 to draw every single day until the month is over and of course you don't have to 2oBVgAiU54c-00033-00019025-00019541 be back committed to it but you can be and it's a great thing to do when you 2oBVgAiU54c-00034-00019541-00020198 have no idea what to draw. at the moment the two popular challenges on Instagram 2oBVgAiU54c-00035-00020198-00021014 right now are the draw this in your style challenge as well as the style challenge 2oBVgAiU54c-00036-00021014-00021815 and fun fact this drawing is actually the product of a challenge a draw this in 2oBVgAiU54c-00037-00021815-00022430 your style challenge so that leads me to tip number five try to experiment with 2oBVgAiU54c-00038-00022430-00023060 different art prompt generators I know the YouTuber draw with Jazza has his own 2oBVgAiU54c-00039-00023060-00023672 one feature and this app is that it gives you different art prompts for you 2oBVgAiU54c-00040-00023672-00024164 to draw and a bunch of other cool things so definitely check that guy out because 2oBVgAiU54c-00041-00024164-00024686 it seems like a really neat app one thing I do know about his app is that it 2oBVgAiU54c-00042-00024686-00025201 does cost a few dollars I'm not sure exactly how much but you can definitely 2oBVgAiU54c-00043-00025201-00025596 look it up and if you're not in the mood to spend money 2oBVgAiU54c-00044-00025596-00025812 and if your not in the mood to spend money on an art prompt,just google it because you'll find a bunch of different art 2oBVgAiU54c-00045-00026022-00026580 prompts for free so tip number six is kind of like a mini little project you 2oBVgAiU54c-00046-00026580-00027092 can give yourself to do and I think would be really fun and it would be 2oBVgAiU54c-00047-00027092-00027819 searching a short poem or a short quote and trying to use that quote to come up 2oBVgAiU54c-00048-00027819-00028425 with a drawing or whatever your medium of choices and there's so many amazing 2oBVgAiU54c-00049-00028425-00028968 poems and quotes and I think that would look so nice if they were depicted with 2oBVgAiU54c-00050-00028968-00029663 a drawing my next tip tip number seven is to listen to different types of music 2oBVgAiU54c-00051-00029663-00030156 the best thing about trying different types of music is that it makes you kind 2oBVgAiU54c-00052-00030156-00030585 of think about things in a different way you get to be exposed to different 2oBVgAiU54c-00053-00030585-00031152 sounds and melodies and these can definitely inspire you they can give you 2oBVgAiU54c-00054-00031152-00031623 an idea of what mood wanna convey with your paintings or just what you want to 2oBVgAiU54c-00055-00031623-00032193 paint in general and you know definitely try different music tip number eight is 2oBVgAiU54c-00056-00032193-00032697 to try to watch a bunch of different movies and shows that have amazing art 2oBVgAiU54c-00057-00032697-00033279 and they inspire you in some way a few different shows that I know inspire me 2oBVgAiU54c-00058-00033279-00033986 would be Steven universe, adventure time and basically every Disney movie lol 2oBVgAiU54c-00059-00033986-00034494 so yeah definitely dabble in some different movies because they will 2oBVgAiU54c-00060-00034494-00035187 definitely inspire you so tip number nine is to set a routine so many 2oBVgAiU54c-00061-00035187-00035808 possibilities it can be harder to settle on one idea alone and the great thing 2oBVgAiU54c-00062-00035808-00036327 about setting the routine is that it helps you practice and with doing this 2oBVgAiU54c-00063-00036327-00036894 over time you'll improve your speed and your technique and your technique can 2oBVgAiU54c-00064-00036894-00037257 improve and it's just a really great thing to do 2oBVgAiU54c-00065-00037257-00037716 so try to get yourself a nice little routine so you can keep those creative 2oBVgAiU54c-00066-00037716-00038391 juices flowing constantly and this can be maybe you draw something every week 2oBVgAiU54c-00067-00038391-00039042 every day or three times a week decide what works best for you and stick to 2oBVgAiU54c-00068-00039042-00039435 that tip number ten would be allowing yourself to have a break every now and 2oBVgAiU54c-00069-00039435-00040104 then it may be tempting to want to draw a lot but sometimes your brain is just 2oBVgAiU54c-00070-00040104-00040638 overpowered and you need a break so give yourself that have a day where you can 2oBVgAiU54c-00071-00040638-00041334 just take care of yourself and unwind and just relax not think about art don't 2oBVgAiU54c-00072-00041334-00041979 feel guilty about taking a break if you need it take it tip number eleven is 2oBVgAiU54c-00073-00041979-00042614 write it down or draw it out try to make it a habit to carry something on a 2oBVgAiU54c-00074-00042614-00043245 sketchbook or journal or even just a Notes app on your phone and write down 2oBVgAiU54c-00075-00043245-00043764 or sketch out something that you see that inspires you maybe at something 2oBVgAiU54c-00076-00043764-00044208 the day you come up with an idea and you're just like huh I would like to 2oBVgAiU54c-00077-00044208-00044868 draw that and just write it down and come back to it later because you might 2oBVgAiU54c-00078-00044868-00045279 be able to find something that you'd really like to do with those ideas that 2oBVgAiU54c-00079-00045279-00045876 you find. If you see something really cool just do like a quick little messy sketch 2oBVgAiU54c-00080-00045876-00046527 of it enough for you to know what it is and to know the idea of it so tip number 2oBVgAiU54c-00081-00046527-00047034 12 is to try to experiment with different types of mediums and even come 2oBVgAiU54c-00082-00047034-00047532 up with your own projects to do I think the best things that you can try to 2oBVgAiU54c-00083-00047532-00048122 experiment with as far as mediums go would be digital art traditional art 2oBVgAiU54c-00084-00048122-00048818 watercolors animations sculpture sculptures and etc things of that nature 2oBVgAiU54c-00085-00048818-00049223 definitely try something new that you wouldn't typically 2oBVgAiU54c-00086-00049223-00049757 and with experiment I have a whole list of ideas of fun experiments you guys 2oBVgAiU54c-00087-00049757-00050492 could try to really to really inspire you and to really get you working if you 2oBVgAiU54c-00088-00050492-00050930 guys are interested in that let me know but yeah try to find experiments to do 2oBVgAiU54c-00089-00050930-00051404 and come up with your own projects to do projects that you know will take a while 2oBVgAiU54c-00090-00051404-00051838 for you to complete but there's still something that's fun that you can enjoy 2oBVgAiU54c-00091-00051838-00052342 so that's all the tips that I have for you guys thank you so much for watching 2oBVgAiU54c-00092-00052342-00052669 the video I hope these tips were able to help you 2oBVgAiU54c-00093-00052669-00053003 don't forget to Like comment and subscribe 2oBVgAiU54c-00094-00053003-00053746 and if you have any more video ideas feel free to let me know bye 2oBVgAiU54c-00095-00053932-00054138 you 227SQOZL1ZA-00000-00001011-00001846 Welcome to this video. My name is Obhi Chatterjee and I am going to introduce you to the origins of Hinduism. 227SQOZL1ZA-00001-00001847-00002258 Hinduism is probably the oldest religion in the world. 227SQOZL1ZA-00002-00002258-00002705 It was originally the only religion of the Indian subcontinent and took its name from 227SQOZL1ZA-00003-00002705-00002858 the Indus river. 227SQOZL1ZA-00004-00002858-00003421 However, its original tradition of passing on its practices orally meant that Hinduism 227SQOZL1ZA-00005-00003421-00003810 existed for centuries before it was first documented. 227SQOZL1ZA-00006-00003810-00004385 Moreover, its beliefs and traditions have changed over time, sometimes due to invasions 227SQOZL1ZA-00007-00004385-00004620 by other cultures. 227SQOZL1ZA-00008-00004620-00005168 As a result, Hinduism can be seen as embracing many traditions. 227SQOZL1ZA-00009-00005168-00005714 For example, Buddhism and Sikhism were both started by people who rejected certain aspects 227SQOZL1ZA-00010-00005714-00005861 of Hinduism. 227SQOZL1ZA-00011-00005861-00006450 Nonetheless, they share many philosophical similarities. 227SQOZL1ZA-00012-00006450-00006945 Recent archaeological research using carbon dating has revealed that the Indus Valley 227SQOZL1ZA-00013-00006945-00007590 Civilisation predates both Mesopotamian and Egyptian civilisations. 227SQOZL1ZA-00014-00007590-00008203 With evidence of a pre-Indus Valley Civilisation from 7000 BCE to 6000 BCE, the Indus Valley 227SQOZL1ZA-00015-00008203-00008790 Civilisation (or Harappan Civilisation) is now believed to have lasted from 6000 BCE 227SQOZL1ZA-00016-00008790-00009156 to around 1750 BCE. 227SQOZL1ZA-00017-00009156-00009758 It existed in the basin of the river Indus, which flows through what is now Pakistan. 227SQOZL1ZA-00018-00009758-00010274 The Indus Valley Civilisation was an indigenous development growing out of earlier, local 227SQOZL1ZA-00019-00010274-00010424 cultures. 227SQOZL1ZA-00020-00010424-00011044 It did not develop through contact with other civilisations, such as that of Ancient Egypt. 227SQOZL1ZA-00021-00011044-00011583 Their religion appears to have involved temple rituals and ritual bathing. 227SQOZL1ZA-00022-00011583-00012076 There is also some evidence of animal sacrifice. 227SQOZL1ZA-00023-00012076-00012864 Between 2000 BCE and 1000 BCE, Indo-Iranian-speaking, Aryan tribes from the Eurasian steppes made 227SQOZL1ZA-00024-00012864-00013306 their way to the Indian sub-continent in two large waves. 227SQOZL1ZA-00025-00013306-00013776 They brought with them gods like Agni and Indra. 227SQOZL1ZA-00026-00013776-00014281 At around the same time, partly perhaps due to weaker monsoons, the people of the Indus 227SQOZL1ZA-00027-00014281-00014859 Valley shifted their crop patterns from large-grained cereals like wheat and barley to drought-resistant 227SQOZL1ZA-00028-00014859-00015137 species like rice. 227SQOZL1ZA-00029-00015137-00015726 As the yield diminished, the organised, large storage system gave way to household-based 227SQOZL1ZA-00030-00015726-00016212 crop processing and storage systems. 227SQOZL1ZA-00031-00016212-00016720 This acted as a catalyst for the de-urbanisation of the Civilisation. 227SQOZL1ZA-00032-00016720-00017373 By 1500 BCE, the Indus Valley Civilisation had faded away and the Vedic religion centred 227SQOZL1ZA-00033-00017373-00017820 on the sacrifice and sharing the sacrificial meal with each other and with the different 227SQOZL1ZA-00034-00017820-00018121 Vedic gods (or devas). 227SQOZL1ZA-00035-00018121-00018695 These gods lived in three realms: the Earth, the Atmosphere and the Sky. 227SQOZL1ZA-00036-00018695-00019475 Earth contains the plant god Soma, the fire god Agni, and the god of priestly power, Brhaspati. 227SQOZL1ZA-00037-00019475-00020133 The Atmosphere contains the warrior Indra, the wind Vayu, the storm gods or Maruts and 227SQOZL1ZA-00038-00020133-00020411 the terrible Rudra. 227SQOZL1ZA-00039-00020411-00021155 The Sky contains the sky god Dyaus (from the same root as Zeus), the Lord of cosmic law 227SQOZL1ZA-00040-00021155-00021829 Varuna, his friend the god of night Mitra, the nourisher Pushan, and the pervader Vishnu. 227SQOZL1ZA-00041-00021829-00022458 Some religious scholars regard the Vedic belief system as henotheism – where there are many 227SQOZL1ZA-00042-00022458-00022937 gods but one deity is worshipped as supreme. 227SQOZL1ZA-00043-00022937-00023416 During the time of the Rigveda, two class distinctions arose originally from tribal 227SQOZL1ZA-00044-00023416-00023535 divisions. 227SQOZL1ZA-00045-00023535-00024218 Vedic tribes regarded themselves as arya (the noble ones) and dasa – rival tribes who 227SQOZL1ZA-00046-00024218-00024899 were frequent allies of the Aryan tribes and who were often labourers. 227SQOZL1ZA-00047-00024899-00025383 Towards the end of the Atharvaveda period, new class distinctions emerged. 227SQOZL1ZA-00048-00025383-00025876 The aryas were renamed Vaishya while the dasas were renamed Shudras. 227SQOZL1ZA-00049-00025876-00026572 Two new, elite classes of Brahmins (priests) and Kshatriyas (warriors) were created. 227SQOZL1ZA-00050-00026572-00027069 The aboriginal tribes, who became part of Aryan society as it expanded, were included 227SQOZL1ZA-00051-00027069-00027309 among the Shudras. 227SQOZL1ZA-00052-00027309-00027827 Although this became known later as the caste system, the rituals in the Vedas require the 227SQOZL1ZA-00053-00027827-00028180 noble or king to eat with commoners from the same vessel. 227SQOZL1ZA-00054-00028180-00028843 Clearly, the concept of untouchability did not come from the Vedic texts. 227SQOZL1ZA-00055-00028843-00029308 Towards the end of the Vedic period, the Upanishads were written mainly anonymously by a number 227SQOZL1ZA-00056-00029308-00029489 of sages. 227SQOZL1ZA-00057-00029489-00029947 They were ancient Sanskrit texts which are part of the Vedas. 227SQOZL1ZA-00058-00029947-00030694 The Upanishads marked a transition away from Vedic ritualism towards new ideas and institutions. 227SQOZL1ZA-00059-00030694-00031311 The ideas associated with the Upanishads had a profound effect on social life. 227SQOZL1ZA-00060-00031311-00031808 The notion that every element of creation – humans, animals, plants, rocks and so 227SQOZL1ZA-00061-00031808-00032516 on – had a portion of the World Soul (“Atman”) dwelling in them gained acceptance within 227SQOZL1ZA-00062-00032516-00032781 ancient Indian society. 227SQOZL1ZA-00063-00032781-00033352 With it came a respect for all living things. 227SQOZL1ZA-00064-00033352-00033955 The invasion of India by Alexander the Great in 327 BCE started a period of at least three 227SQOZL1ZA-00065-00033955-00034474 centuries of Hellenic influence in the traditions, arts and culture of the North-West of the 227SQOZL1ZA-00066-00034474-00034713 Indian sub-continent. 227SQOZL1ZA-00067-00034713-00035433 This may also have contributed to the idolatry and multiple deities of modern Hinduism. 227SQOZL1ZA-00068-00035433-00035847 From around the time of Buddha, further texts were composed. 227SQOZL1ZA-00069-00035847-00036409 These included the Dharma Sutras and Shastras, as well as the epics Mahabharata and Ramayana. 227SQOZL1ZA-00070-00036409-00036509 During this period, the Vedic fire sacrifice became minimised with the development of devotional 227SQOZL1ZA-00071-00036509-00036609 worship (puja) to images of deities in temples. 227SQOZL1ZA-00072-00036609-00036709 The rise of the Gupta Empire (320-500 CE) saw the development of Vaishnavism (focused 227SQOZL1ZA-00073-00036709-00036809 on Vishnu), Shaivism (focused on Shiva) and Shaktism (focused on Devi). 227SQOZL1ZA-00074-00036809-00036909 From around the time of Buddha, further texts were composed. 227SQOZL1ZA-00075-00036909-00037009 These included the Dharma Sutras and Shastras, as well as the epics Mahabharata and Ramayana. 227SQOZL1ZA-00076-00037009-00037213 During this period, the Vedic fire sacrifice became minimised with the development of devotional 227SQOZL1ZA-00077-00037213-00037836 worship (puja) to images of deities in temples. 227SQOZL1ZA-00078-00037836-00038096 The rise of the Gupta Empire (320-500 CE) saw the development of Vaishnavism (focused 227SQOZL1ZA-00079-00038096-00038196 on Vishnu), Shaivism (focused on Shiva) and Shaktism (focused on Devi). 227SQOZL1ZA-00080-00038196-00038296 From around the time of Buddha, further texts were composed. 227SQOZL1ZA-00081-00038296-00038396 These included the Dharma Sutras and Shastras, as well as the epics Mahabharata and Ramayana. 227SQOZL1ZA-00082-00038396-00038496 During this period, the Vedic fire sacrifice became minimised with the development of devotional 227SQOZL1ZA-00083-00038496-00038596 worship (puja) to images of deities in temples. 227SQOZL1ZA-00084-00038596-00038696 The rise of the Gupta Empire (320-500 CE) saw the development of Vaishnavism (focused 227SQOZL1ZA-00085-00038696-00038796 on Vishnu), Shaivism (focused on Shiva) and Shaktism (focused on Devi). 227SQOZL1ZA-00086-00038796-00038896 From around the time of Buddha, further texts were composed. 227SQOZL1ZA-00087-00038896-00038996 These included the Dharma Sutras and Shastras, as well as the epics Mahabharata and Ramayana. 227SQOZL1ZA-00088-00038996-00039096 During this period, the Vedic fire sacrifice became minimised with the development of devotional 227SQOZL1ZA-00089-00039096-00039196 worship (puja) to images of deities in temples. 227SQOZL1ZA-00090-00039196-00039403 The rise of the Gupta Empire (320-500 CE) saw the development of Vaishnavism (focused 227SQOZL1ZA-00091-00039403-00039694 on Vishnu), Shaivism (focused on Shiva) and Shaktism (focused on Devi). 283TEL7eBVc-00000-00001336-00001592 grapes 283TEL7eBVc-00001-00002448-00002984 thank you so much appreciate that bro 283TEL7eBVc-00002-00003711-00004384 i'm getting like some multipliers that's it 283TEL7eBVc-00003-00004688-00005784 small wins 14 euros 283TEL7eBVc-00004-00008376-00008600 let's [ __ ] go again 283TEL7eBVc-00005-00008840-00009520 get him oh my god oh the first house has been built in the mid the 283TEL7eBVc-00006-00009520-00010008 very most important there you go that's two two two two you'll get that one there 283TEL7eBVc-00007-00010864-00011768 no you want to i know you want to oh you want to 283TEL7eBVc-00008-00012248-00012784 yeah don't look it's 283TEL7eBVc-00009-00012952-00013808 good start oh look at that rush miner is back rush weather is back look at that 283TEL7eBVc-00010-00013936-00014591 that's what i do that's what i do that's what i do and that's what i do that's what i do 283TEL7eBVc-00011-00014656-00014896 all right we're up for something tonight 283TEL7eBVc-00012-00015104-00015808 oh we still got two remaining of this we're up to 16 000 let's do it and he's got a full 283TEL7eBVc-00013-00015808-00016200 weight there but this just knocks it's a towel he's four thousand four hundred 283TEL7eBVc-00014-00016200-00016632 and here we go one final spin and get the dog get the dog all right we've got two 283TEL7eBVc-00015-00016632-00017608 dogs there and look at that look at that 3 34 445 absolutely insane look at that 283TEL7eBVc-00016-00017672-00019784 49 000 now we're up to 49 000 just by changing the casino oh lord oh lord better enjoy 283TEL7eBVc-00017-00019856-00019968 oola from norway 283TEL7eBVc-00018-00020232-00020544 you asking that question you should only gamble for fun 283TEL7eBVc-00019-00020544-00021184 a gamble for money you can't afford to lose take it easy bro down and can be very dangerous 283TEL7eBVc-00020-00021368-00021616 dragon thanks to the t1 for three months my man 283TEL7eBVc-00021-00022080-00023400 what the [ __ ] 283TEL7eBVc-00022-00023400-00023984 oh my god i didn't know that i was going to pay 5.8k oh 283TEL7eBVc-00023-00024496-00025160 imagine just one premium holy [ __ ] 283TEL7eBVc-00024-00025160-00025384 riding 283TEL7eBVc-00025-00025632-00026783 i got 10 spins 283TEL7eBVc-00026-00029504-00029583 we're going to lie 283TEL7eBVc-00027-00029832-00030983 all right add it up almost the eighth case let's [ __ ] go oh four throw one 283TEL7eBVc-00028-00032320-00032432 look at the multi guys 283TEL7eBVc-00029-00033136-00033784 i have four racers 283TEL7eBVc-00030-00034624-00035184 get one more hammer hit now one shake hammer 283TEL7eBVc-00031-00037432-00037864 holy that was a premium over 10 000 283TEL7eBVc-00032-00039280-00039384 hammers 283TEL7eBVc-00033-00040400-00040816 all right day 283TEL7eBVc-00034-00040816-00041776 elevate what the [ __ ] first that is what points points points that is going to be a lot 283TEL7eBVc-00035-00041920-00042360 free to capitalize on that damn if we can just build this up 283TEL7eBVc-00036-00042424-00042768 but remember to gamble responsibly as always guys 283TEL7eBVc-00037-00043312-00043976 scuffed sound maybe bro do you not like this this music 283TEL7eBVc-00038-00044328-00044984 nahi [ __ ] if we can just get three 283TEL7eBVc-00039-00045352-00045896 yeah one more tree i've never had a re on this that would be insane 283TEL7eBVc-00040-00046168-00046384 please 283TEL7eBVc-00041-00046848-00047320 come on now how many more we get we had seven more i guess 283TEL7eBVc-00042-00047576-00048056 guys this is good this is really good let's [ __ ] go kion 283TEL7eBVc-00043-00048344-00049408 look at that okay i will get three more i but i'm happy i'm gonna take that ah 283TEL7eBVc-00044-00049632-00050336 i if we could just get one of those purple ones on the first reel oh the potential is real 283TEL7eBVc-00045-00050512-00051200 i just increasing eight takes now oh we have so many wilds now guys 283TEL7eBVc-00046-00051760-00052352 more orgy in the bottle we need more og in a bottle guys and five of a kind number of ages lol 283TEL7eBVc-00047-00052960-00053032 low spin 283TEL7eBVc-00048-00053240-00053855 10 next ah that's a very good hit though right with alligator 283TEL7eBVc-00049-00054279-00054808 we can't have the sound on this exactly kion 283TEL7eBVc-00050-00054808-00056184 holy [ __ ] guys this is my first big hit on little devil 283TEL7eBVc-00051-00056288-00057096 i clap guys wonderful and ebra just want them all come on there we go here we go here we go 283TEL7eBVc-00052-00057376-00058000 oh i like that a lot i like that here you go now come on 283TEL7eBVc-00053-00058232-00058512 ah i like that 283TEL7eBVc-00054-00058824-00059064 please now just get the remaining wines here 283TEL7eBVc-00055-00060055-00060679 all right all right okay one more spin right oh my god that's even more than that though oh 283TEL7eBVc-00056-00060776-00061128 oh this is what i mean this is what we're gonna get that's why 283TEL7eBVc-00057-00061128-00061944 i believe in this game this is exactly the reason we stayed thank you open up your i deserve dirty 29RiEaiQgW4-00000-00000240-00000992 and you're watching my channel so now this channel is about tech and i know some tech that like 29RiEaiQgW4-00001-00000992-00001655 i will happy to experience with you if you can hear some voice of ac sorry for that but in this 29RiEaiQgW4-00002-00001655-00002360 channel you will know on some gadgets on review of gadgets apps software i know a little bit of 29RiEaiQgW4-00003-00002360-00003136 premiere pro and play more and lots of editing softwares that play a gender youtuber no so 29RiEaiQgW4-00004-00003136-00003768 i am still like learning premiere pro and i am the expert of photoshop specially so 29RiEaiQgW4-00005-00003904-00004616 so in this channel we will like review gadgets all tech i will try to maintain the video this channel 29RiEaiQgW4-00006-00004616-00005392 will have is two videos or one video in a week so that we can improve quality plus editing in a 29RiEaiQgW4-00007-00005392-00006088 nice day and upload generally the last video of the week will be on saturday or 29RiEaiQgW4-00008-00006088-00006712 sunday and like in middle we will upload the video so you can also enjoy our company so 29RiEaiQgW4-00009-00006712-00007344 we have kept i get a 50 member and i know you can subscribe and next time bye 2qN3nwF8zhA-00000-00000436-00000663 <font color="#ffffff">I want to create a more interesting ecosystem</font> 2qN3nwF8zhA-00001-00000663-00000916 <font color="#ffffff">when it comes to cloud based infrastructure</font> 2qN3nwF8zhA-00002-00000916-00001016 <font color="#ffffff">because</font> 2qN3nwF8zhA-00003-00001140-00001467 <font color="#ffffff">I don't want to be locked in to any particular</font> 2qN3nwF8zhA-00004-00001467-00001792 <font color="#ffffff">vendor’s way of working and their proprietary</font> 2qN3nwF8zhA-00005-00001792-00002151 <font color="#ffffff">approaches to the way problems are solved with visual effects.</font> 2qN3nwF8zhA-00006-00002203-00002464 <font color="#ffffff">It's already difficult enough when we have</font> 2qN3nwF8zhA-00007-00002464-00002712 <font color="#ffffff">the granular control that we do within a visual</font> 2qN3nwF8zhA-00008-00002712-00002839 <font color="#ffffff">effects pipeline</font> 2qN3nwF8zhA-00009-00002839-00002887 <font color="#ffffff">onsite.</font> 2qN3nwF8zhA-00010-00002983-00003311 <font color="#ffffff">And so it makes sense that we have to do the same</font> 2qN3nwF8zhA-00011-00003311-00003439 <font color="#ffffff">thing in the cloud.</font> 2qN3nwF8zhA-00012-00003439-00003832 <font color="#ffffff">You need the exact same level of control which is absolute.</font> 2qN3nwF8zhA-00013-00003879-00004164 <font color="#ffffff">So the OCD in me decided that I was going</font> 2qN3nwF8zhA-00014-00004164-00004239 <font color="#ffffff">to build my own</font> 2qN3nwF8zhA-00015-00004239-00004464 <font color="#ffffff">to build my own cloud based infrastructure from scratch.</font> 2qN3nwF8zhA-00016-00004464-00004696 <font color="#ffffff">What I've been able to do is</font> 2qN3nwF8zhA-00017-00004696-00004932 <font color="#ffffff">a really good foundation</font> 2qN3nwF8zhA-00018-00004932-00005379 <font color="#ffffff">for how I would like to interact with effects heavy data</font> 2qN3nwF8zhA-00019-00005379-00005539 <font color="#ffffff">workloads in the cloud.</font> 2qN3nwF8zhA-00020-00005539-00005667 <font color="#ffffff">A couple of days ago</font> 2qN3nwF8zhA-00021-00005667-00005920 <font color="#ffffff">we ran this test where we had</font> 2qN3nwF8zhA-00022-00005920-00006088 <font color="#ffffff">I don’t know, about 16 million</font> 2qN3nwF8zhA-00023-00006088-00006303 <font color="#ffffff">particles running in a simulation.</font> 2qN3nwF8zhA-00024-00006303-00006543 <font color="#ffffff">The simulation took about two hours</font> 2qN3nwF8zhA-00025-00006543-00006892 <font color="#ffffff">and then when the simulation finished we had our</font> 2qN3nwF8zhA-00026-00006892-00007159 <font color="#ffffff">rendered frames coming off the backside of that.</font> 2qN3nwF8zhA-00027-00007248-00007612 <font color="#ffffff">and the heavy data stayed in the cloud.</font> 2qN3nwF8zhA-00028-00007612-00007904 <font color="#ffffff">So the simulation stayed there but if I want to I can</font> 2qN3nwF8zhA-00029-00007904-00008107 <font color="#ffffff">interact with that data on the other side</font> 2qN3nwF8zhA-00030-00008107-00008243 <font color="#ffffff">with a virtual workstation.</font> 2qN3nwF8zhA-00031-00008243-00008431 <font color="#ffffff">so I can operate my</font> 2qN3nwF8zhA-00032-00008431-00008728 <font color="#ffffff">workstation here and get the full grunt</font> 2qN3nwF8zhA-00033-00008800-00009231 <font color="#ffffff">No latency. Then when it comes time to submission</font> 2qN3nwF8zhA-00034-00009307-00009504 <font color="#ffffff">that simulation is going to run and the heavy</font> 2qN3nwF8zhA-00035-00009504-00009859 <font color="#ffffff">simulation data is going to stay on the other side in the cloud.</font> 2qN3nwF8zhA-00036-00009859-00010200 <font color="#ffffff">And then when the renders complete they'll come back home.</font> 2qN3nwF8zhA-00037-00010200-00010504 <font color="#ffffff">Right now I'm mainly just interested in being able</font> 2qN3nwF8zhA-00038-00010504-00010771 <font color="#ffffff">to have that same data sit there and interact</font> 2qN3nwF8zhA-00039-00010771-00010879 <font color="#ffffff">with it as I choose.</font> 2qN3nwF8zhA-00040-00010879-00011128 <font color="#ffffff">Because every single case is going to be quite different.</font> 2qN3nwF8zhA-00041-00011128-00011379 <font color="#ffffff">If I want to interact with the data on the otherside</font> 2qN3nwF8zhA-00042-00011379-00011712 <font color="#ffffff">I can spin up a virtual workstation on the otherside</font> 2qN3nwF8zhA-00043-00011712-00012243 <font color="#ffffff">with Teradici and I can spin up Houdini FX</font> 2qN3nwF8zhA-00044-00012243-00012559 <font color="#ffffff">which will pull a license from my license server</font> 2qN3nwF8zhA-00045-00012559-00012831 <font color="#ffffff">here and I can interact with the heavy data</font> 2qN3nwF8zhA-00046-00012831-00012996 <font color="#ffffff">through a virtual workstation.</font> 2qN3nwF8zhA-00047-00012996-00013247 <font color="#ffffff">It's actually just about being able to optimize</font> 2qN3nwF8zhA-00048-00013247-00013431 <font color="#ffffff">for wherever the heavy data is.</font> 2qN3nwF8zhA-00049-00013431-00013808 <font color="#ffffff">As to where my workstation license is being used.</font> 2sqft6VCCak-00000-00000730-00001161 all right so first of all I'm not a voice actor if it sounds like I'm 2sqft6VCCak-00001-00001161-00001545 reading this it's probably because I am and I can already hear Justin 2sqft6VCCak-00002-00001545-00001941 criticizing my non conversational tone anyway so here's the draw my life he 2sqft6VCCak-00003-00001941-00002576 never requested nearly three decades ago I was born in Seoul South Korea my dad's 2sqft6VCCak-00004-00002576-00002984 family was originally from North Korea before North and South Korea were two 2sqft6VCCak-00005-00002984-00003453 different countries and my mom's family was originally from Jeju Island a little 2sqft6VCCak-00006-00003453-00003927 before I turned to my parents packed up a couple suitcases and took a plane or 2sqft6VCCak-00007-00003927-00004245 probably three or four at that point to Africa 2sqft6VCCak-00008-00004245-00004803 more specifically Kenya even more specifically the village of Lula in moss 2sqft6VCCak-00009-00004803-00005187 Island my mom was pregnant at the time they moved to Kenya so shortly after 2sqft6VCCak-00010-00005187-00005921 they arrived my little sister was born in December 1991 yay my family lived out 2sqft6VCCak-00011-00005921-00006303 in the middle of nowhere with no running water electricity and pretty much 2sqft6VCCak-00012-00006303-00006668 everything else we take for granted these days my sister and I mostly 2sqft6VCCak-00013-00006668-00007101 colored a lot wore matching clothes played with sticks on giant ant hills 2sqft6VCCak-00014-00007101-00007704 and went to bed with a sunset at 6:00 p.m. every day because that's when the 2sqft6VCCak-00015-00007704-00008315 Sun sets on the equator every day sister number three came along in August 1994 2sqft6VCCak-00016-00008315-00008754 my dad snuck us into the hospital and sister number two and I had to hide in 2sqft6VCCak-00017-00008754-00009186 the bathroom whenever the nurse or doctor came by then my family moved to 2sqft6VCCak-00018-00009186-00009750 Ethiopia and I started kindergarten in September 1996 sister number four was 2sqft6VCCak-00019-00009750-00010134 born with an umbilical cord wrapped around her neck thankfully the doctor 2sqft6VCCak-00020-00010134-00010689 was able to sort it out and our family was complete my dad mom me sister number 2sqft6VCCak-00021-00010689-00010911 two sister number three and sister number 2sqft6VCCak-00022-00010911-00011468 four Ethiopia is the first place I ever remember leaving it was after I finished 2sqft6VCCak-00023-00011468-00011871 second grade and I remember being at some friends house or maybe they were at 2sqft6VCCak-00024-00011871-00012296 our house but it was a couple days before we left and I just remember 2sqft6VCCak-00025-00012296-00012654 hiding under the dining room table and crying until I fell asleep 2sqft6VCCak-00026-00012654-00013233 from there my parents moved to a city in the middle of nowhere Texas called fan I 2sqft6VCCak-00027-00013233-00013674 experienced my first tornado drill played a lot of Oregon Trail and learned 2sqft6VCCak-00028-00013674-00013988 the Pledge of Allegiance but we came back to Kenya the following 2sqft6VCCak-00029-00013988-00014369 year and I was largely based there until I graduated from high school I saw 2sqft6VCCak-00030-00014369-00014790 plenty of animals went to the Indian Ocean once a year and had friends from 2sqft6VCCak-00031-00014790-00015269 all over the world which made it really weird when I went to college in Michigan 2sqft6VCCak-00032-00015269-00015722 we're the only animals that were around were squirrels there Beach was actually 2sqft6VCCak-00033-00015722-00016329 a lake and most of the people around me were white Americans I really hated my 2sqft6VCCak-00034-00016329-00016704 first couple years of college I thought that everyone around me was ignorant and 2sqft6VCCak-00035-00016704-00017100 I was so much more cultured than they were since then I realized I was just 2sqft6VCCak-00036-00017100-00017691 mean back then and being mean isn't cool kids I didn't know what I wanted to 2sqft6VCCak-00037-00017691-00018168 study in college I actually never particularly enjoyed school I wasn't bad 2sqft6VCCak-00038-00018168-00018618 at it but I also just didn't really care that much I went into college as an 2sqft6VCCak-00039-00018618-00018990 undecided major and basically took gen ed courses until the last day I could 2sqft6VCCak-00040-00018990-00019365 declare a major I went for a double major in business communications in 2sqft6VCCak-00041-00019365-00019818 studio art and also a minor in ASL as some kind of weird last-minute decision 2sqft6VCCak-00042-00019818-00020325 to try and do everything at some point during my college career I developed a 2sqft6VCCak-00043-00020325-00020676 system of getting through coursework that consisted of creating a master 2sqft6VCCak-00044-00020676-00021120 checklist of every single assignment I had for all my classes that semester 2sqft6VCCak-00045-00021120-00021534 throughout the year I basically just made my way down the list any moment I 2sqft6VCCak-00046-00021534-00021903 had time and it allowed me to finish all my coursework before I signed due dates 2sqft6VCCak-00047-00021903-00022308 this gave me more time and peace of mind from not having to do work last minute 2sqft6VCCak-00048-00022308-00022755 all the time I guess I figured out my own way to do school well and beating 2sqft6VCCak-00049-00022755-00023160 the system in that way made school a lot more fun for me I worked in the States 2sqft6VCCak-00050-00023160-00023544 as a graphic designer for a year after I graduated I went there a bit of a 2sqft6VCCak-00051-00023544-00023964 quarter life crisis at this point like oh my gosh is what I want to do for the 2sqft6VCCak-00052-00023964-00024375 rest of my life at which point I was bored at a TEDx talk by my advertising 2sqft6VCCak-00053-00024375-00024776 school professor I learned about some startup in Cambodia that was doing 2sqft6VCCak-00054-00024776-00025155 marketing for good causes after that year my US visa expired 2sqft6VCCak-00055-00025155-00025551 I left Grand Rapids the city I've lived in for the longest to this day and 2sqft6VCCak-00056-00025551-00026070 bounced between Korea and Kenya for a few months this is actually a really 2sqft6VCCak-00057-00026070-00026529 depressing time in life not many people talk about post-graduation darkness but 2sqft6VCCak-00058-00026529-00026892 it's just a weird time you're coming out of a time in your life where you're 2sqft6VCCak-00059-00026892-00027324 surrounded by people your age that share similar interests and lifestyles 2sqft6VCCak-00060-00027324-00027708 you're all working towards a goal of graduating and once you graduate you're 2sqft6VCCak-00061-00027708-00028127 on this high of having accomplished a major milestone in life you're all 2sqft6VCCak-00062-00028127-00028473 bright-eyed and ready to join the real world in a field relevant to what you 2sqft6VCCak-00063-00028473-00029001 studied and then you quickly realize that job hunting is super hard and the 2sqft6VCCak-00064-00029001-00029322 people you're competing against aren't just other college grads but pretty much 2sqft6VCCak-00065-00029322-00029772 everyone looking for a job I remember being really discouraged at this point I 2sqft6VCCak-00066-00029772-00030152 thought I had left the u.s. on my accord but thought maybe I should have applied 2sqft6VCCak-00067-00030152-00030516 for a visa and tried to stay I wondered if I made the right decision studying 2sqft6VCCak-00068-00030516-00030891 what I did I don't really like living at home after having been on my own for 2sqft6VCCak-00069-00030891-00031520 five years it was just a really weird time in June 2013 the company and 2sqft6VCCak-00070-00031520-00031845 Cambodia reached out saying hey you still interested in moving to put on 2sqft6VCCak-00071-00031845-00032337 Penn I packed up my bags and moved the next week the company paid me a small 2sqft6VCCak-00072-00032337-00032838 stipend of $500 a month for my first three months at that point I was excited 2sqft6VCCak-00073-00032838-00033138 at the idea of doing anything that I didn't really care that I came out at 2sqft6VCCak-00074-00033138-00033666 zero at the end of every month I loved my job I was learning new stuff all the 2sqft6VCCak-00075-00033666-00034191 time I got to travel for work which was my dream I met tons of cool people had 2sqft6VCCak-00076-00034191-00034656 an awesome flat and rode a bicycle everywhere I had moved to Cambodia for 2sqft6VCCak-00077-00034656-00035052 three months but ended up staying three years during this time I took a trip to 2sqft6VCCak-00078-00035052-00035601 Lebanon and met Justin well I guess I took a trip to Lebanon to meet Justin 2sqft6VCCak-00079-00035601-00036044 and the rest is history actually the rest of the story is we 2sqft6VCCak-00080-00036044-00036488 started dating I left my job in life in Cambodia and about a year later Justin I 2sqft6VCCak-00081-00036488-00036891 got super lucky and signed on a four country video project together and got 2sqft6VCCak-00082-00036891-00037341 to travel to China Myanmar Bangladesh and India that kicked off her a life of 2sqft6VCCak-00083-00037341-00037719 work and travel we were on the move living out of our suitcases 2sqft6VCCak-00084-00037719-00038163 and flying places without knowing where we'd end up next for around two years we 2sqft6VCCak-00085-00038163-00038664 got engaged married and married again sometime between that time and then we 2sqft6VCCak-00086-00038664-00038988 got tired of not having a home so we signed a lease for an apartment here in 2sqft6VCCak-00087-00038988-00039627 Seoul justin is learning Korean and I am learning how to be more Korean and we'll 2uxpRaTTfVk-00000-00000000-00000299 [MUSIC PLAYING] 2uxpRaTTfVk-00001-00001142-00001384 JARLATH O'NEIL-DUNNE: This presentation will give you some 2uxpRaTTfVk-00002-00001384-00001645 pointers on projecting raster data-- 2uxpRaTTfVk-00003-00001645-00001973 that is, when we want to take a raster data set and project it 2uxpRaTTfVk-00004-00001973-00002220 from one coordinate system to another. 2uxpRaTTfVk-00005-00002220-00002409 Prior to projecting your raster data, 2uxpRaTTfVk-00006-00002409-00002671 you should have a really good understanding about raster data 2uxpRaTTfVk-00007-00002671-00002737 types-- 2uxpRaTTfVk-00008-00002737-00003052 specifically, if you're working with thematic, discrete raster 2uxpRaTTfVk-00009-00003052-00003533 data, or a continuous raster data set. 2uxpRaTTfVk-00010-00003533-00003826 Moving over to ArcGIS Pro, I've got two different data sets 2uxpRaTTfVk-00011-00003826-00004003 I'm going to use for the demo. 2uxpRaTTfVk-00012-00004003-00004368 One is a thematic raster data set-- a seven-category land 2uxpRaTTfVk-00013-00004368-00004549 cover classification-- and the other 2uxpRaTTfVk-00014-00004549-00004879 is a high-resolution digital elevation model representing 2uxpRaTTfVk-00015-00004879-00005295 the topographic surface that was derived from lidar data. 2uxpRaTTfVk-00016-00005295-00005508 Projecting raster data is different than projecting 2uxpRaTTfVk-00017-00005508-00005655 vector data, because we're creating 2uxpRaTTfVk-00018-00005655-00005821 a new raster in which the unit cells are 2uxpRaTTfVk-00019-00005821-00006107 in a different location. 2uxpRaTTfVk-00020-00006107-00006403 To project your raster, you have to use the Project Raster tool. 2uxpRaTTfVk-00021-00006403-00006566 This is different than the Project tool 2uxpRaTTfVk-00022-00006566-00006851 that you use for vector data. 2uxpRaTTfVk-00023-00006851-00007067 Starting with the DEM, I'm going to transform 2uxpRaTTfVk-00024-00007067-00007279 the coordinate system for both these raster data 2uxpRaTTfVk-00025-00007279-00007612 sets from state plane to UTM. 2uxpRaTTfVk-00026-00007612-00007762 Because we can't stretch the data 2uxpRaTTfVk-00027-00007762-00008008 like we can with vector data when going from one coordinate 2uxpRaTTfVk-00028-00008008-00008414 system to another, I have to choose a resampling method. 2uxpRaTTfVk-00029-00008414-00008560 For both these data sets, I'm going 2uxpRaTTfVk-00030-00008560-00008818 to show you the effect of a nearest-neighbor sampling 2uxpRaTTfVk-00031-00008818-00009136 and a cubic convolution resampling approach. 2uxpRaTTfVk-00032-00009136-00009391 ArcGIS Pro currently offers four different ways 2uxpRaTTfVk-00033-00009391-00009568 of sampling your data-- 2uxpRaTTfVk-00034-00009568-00009763 nearest-neighbor, bilinear interpolation, 2uxpRaTTfVk-00035-00009763-00010181 cubic convolution, and majority resampling. 2uxpRaTTfVk-00036-00010181-00010431 The rule of thumb is to use the nearest neighbor or majority 2uxpRaTTfVk-00037-00010431-00010663 resampling for thematic or discrete data, 2uxpRaTTfVk-00038-00010663-00010882 and cubic convolution for continuous data. 2uxpRaTTfVk-00039-00010882-00011291 You should almost never need to use bilinear interpolation. 2uxpRaTTfVk-00040-00011291-00011468 In this first run of the DEM, I'm 2uxpRaTTfVk-00041-00011468-00012065 creating a new DEM in the WGS 84 UTM zone 16 coordinate system, 2uxpRaTTfVk-00042-00012065-00012209 using nearest neighbor sampling. 2uxpRaTTfVk-00043-00012209-00012269 And Because. 2uxpRaTTfVk-00044-00012269-00012641 I'm going from a 1.5-foot dataset to a meter dataset, 2uxpRaTTfVk-00045-00012641-00013000 you can see the cell size has changed to reflect the 1.5 2uxpRaTTfVk-00046-00013000-00013309 equivalent in meters. 2uxpRaTTfVk-00047-00013309-00013497 For comparison purposes, I'm also 2uxpRaTTfVk-00048-00013497-00013902 running this using the cubic convolution sampling technique. 2uxpRaTTfVk-00049-00013902-00014238 The only parameter altered is the resampling technique. 2uxpRaTTfVk-00050-00014238-00014452 In nearest-neighbor resampling, the cell 2uxpRaTTfVk-00051-00014452-00014800 in the output raster closest in location to the input raster 2uxpRaTTfVk-00052-00014800-00015063 gets the value, as opposed to cubed convolution, 2uxpRaTTfVk-00053-00015063-00015412 which takes a weighted sampling of the 16 surrounding cells. 2uxpRaTTfVk-00054-00015738-00016011 Now we're going to repeat the same process for our land cover 2uxpRaTTfVk-00055-00016011-00016132 data set. 2uxpRaTTfVk-00056-00016132-00016674 Once again, we're projecting it into the UTM zone 16 WGS 84 2uxpRaTTfVk-00057-00016674-00016992 coordinate system, using both nearest-neighbor and then 2uxpRaTTfVk-00058-00016992-00017275 cubic convolution as the resampling technique. 2uxpRaTTfVk-00059-00017275-00017442 And then we'll have a look at the output 2uxpRaTTfVk-00060-00017442-00017748 to see how the resampling technique influences 2uxpRaTTfVk-00061-00017748-00017961 the quality of the output raster. 2uxpRaTTfVk-00062-00017961-00018234 To examine the impact on the nearest-neighbor resampling, 2uxpRaTTfVk-00063-00018234-00018429 I'm going to zoom into the land cover data, 2uxpRaTTfVk-00064-00018429-00018674 and swipe back and forth between the original and cover 2uxpRaTTfVk-00065-00018674-00019073 dataset and the projected raster dataset using 2uxpRaTTfVk-00066-00019073-00019181 nearest-neighbor sampling. 2uxpRaTTfVk-00067-00019729-00020010 Overall, the two data sets look rather similar. 2uxpRaTTfVk-00068-00020010-00020194 Now, keep in mind they are different colors, 2uxpRaTTfVk-00069-00020194-00020404 but that's just due to symbology. 2uxpRaTTfVk-00070-00020404-00020713 However, you will notice that, because we created a new raster 2uxpRaTTfVk-00071-00020713-00020878 data set as part of the projection 2uxpRaTTfVk-00072-00020878-00021049 process and the coordinate system 2uxpRaTTfVk-00073-00021049-00021388 is different, that the cells are in slightly different locations 2uxpRaTTfVk-00074-00021388-00021625 and, in some instances, features may 2uxpRaTTfVk-00075-00021625-00021829 appear to have been shifted. 2uxpRaTTfVk-00076-00021829-00022054 Generally, you can project vector data back and forth 2uxpRaTTfVk-00077-00022054-00022345 without issues, but raster data is fundamentally altered 2uxpRaTTfVk-00078-00022345-00022580 when you run the Project tool. 2uxpRaTTfVk-00079-00022580-00022735 Now let's take a look at what happens 2uxpRaTTfVk-00080-00022735-00022918 when we compare the original land cover 2uxpRaTTfVk-00081-00022918-00023140 to the cubic convolution output. 2uxpRaTTfVk-00082-00023140-00023356 You notice that we have all these strange, 2uxpRaTTfVk-00083-00023356-00023668 individually-colored pixels next to the roads, trees, 2uxpRaTTfVk-00084-00023668-00023935 and other boundary features. 2uxpRaTTfVk-00085-00023935-00024114 As I mentioned earlier, cubic convolution 2uxpRaTTfVk-00086-00024114-00024459 takes a weighted average of the surrounding cell values. 2uxpRaTTfVk-00087-00024459-00024732 Because this is discrete or thematic data, in which 2uxpRaTTfVk-00088-00024732-00025026 each cell represents an individual land cover code, 2uxpRaTTfVk-00089-00025026-00025308 a weighted average makes no sense, because now I've 2uxpRaTTfVk-00090-00025308-00025632 fundamentally altered not just the position of the land cover 2uxpRaTTfVk-00091-00025632-00025873 feature, but I've changed the type of land cover feature 2uxpRaTTfVk-00092-00025873-00025923 that it. 2uxpRaTTfVk-00093-00025923-00026331 Is Hopefully you now realize that cubic convolution sampling 2uxpRaTTfVk-00094-00026331-00026643 should never be used for discrete with thematic data, 2uxpRaTTfVk-00095-00026643-00026823 because it alters the cell values 2uxpRaTTfVk-00096-00026823-00027077 and will corrupt your data. 2uxpRaTTfVk-00097-00027077-00027325 Moving over to the DEMs, the first thing you'll notice 2uxpRaTTfVk-00098-00027325-00027605 is slightly different ranges between the three datasets. 2uxpRaTTfVk-00099-00027605-00027877 Once again, that's because we've altered the pixel values. 2uxpRaTTfVk-00100-00027877-00028206 Swiping back and forth between the original DEM 2uxpRaTTfVk-00101-00028206-00028583 and the new DEM that's projected using nearest-neighbor sampling 2uxpRaTTfVk-00102-00028583-00029064 shows a few, but it seems to be relatively minor difference. 2uxpRaTTfVk-00103-00029064-00029277 Switching over to the cubic convolution data set 2uxpRaTTfVk-00104-00029277-00029499 and swiping back and forth between the original 2uxpRaTTfVk-00105-00029499-00029667 and the projected raster, we also 2uxpRaTTfVk-00106-00029667-00029925 don't see any differences that appear to be substantial. 2uxpRaTTfVk-00107-00030187-00030439 When examining the effects of the resulting technique 2uxpRaTTfVk-00108-00030439-00030763 on topographic data, use of a hill shade 2uxpRaTTfVk-00109-00030763-00030952 can help reveal imperfections that 2uxpRaTTfVk-00110-00030952-00031297 would otherwise go unnoticed. 2uxpRaTTfVk-00111-00031297-00031498 Here I'm running the hill shade function 2uxpRaTTfVk-00112-00031498-00031879 on both the nearest-neighbor projected raster and the Hill 2uxpRaTTfVk-00113-00031879-00032058 Shade function on the cubic convolution 2uxpRaTTfVk-00114-00032058-00032486 projected raster, creating two new hill shade layers. 2uxpRaTTfVk-00115-00032486-00032693 A tip on working with hill shades-- 2uxpRaTTfVk-00116-00032693-00033038 Just make sure you don't have the 0 value set to transparent. 2uxpRaTTfVk-00117-00033038-00033296 As a result, the 0 values in your hill shade 2uxpRaTTfVk-00118-00033296-00033623 will show through to the underlying layers. 2uxpRaTTfVk-00119-00033623-00033770 And examining the hill shade data, 2uxpRaTTfVk-00120-00033770-00033971 we see that for the nearest-neighbor resampling 2uxpRaTTfVk-00121-00033971-00034157 approach, we have a very undesirable 2uxpRaTTfVk-00122-00034157-00034367 checkerboard pattern. 2uxpRaTTfVk-00123-00034367-00034544 The nearest-neighbor resampling technique 2uxpRaTTfVk-00124-00034544-00034856 does a great job of preserving the original pixel values, 2uxpRaTTfVk-00125-00034856-00035110 but it distorts the spatial representation 2uxpRaTTfVk-00126-00035110-00035294 when we're using it to project data from one 2uxpRaTTfVk-00127-00035294-00035477 coordinate system to another. 2uxpRaTTfVk-00128-00035477-00035759 Cubic convolution, although it alters the values, 2uxpRaTTfVk-00129-00035759-00036008 produces a much more desirable representation. 2uxpRaTTfVk-00130-00036268-00036439 If you are working with a land cover data 2uxpRaTTfVk-00131-00036439-00036737 set that is thematic, or contains discrete coded values 2uxpRaTTfVk-00132-00036737-00037067 like land cover data, use nearest-neighbor or majority 2uxpRaTTfVk-00133-00037067-00037340 resampling when projecting your raster. 2uxpRaTTfVk-00134-00037340-00037607 If you're working with a continuous raster data set-- 2uxpRaTTfVk-00135-00037607-00037769 something like elevation-- 2uxpRaTTfVk-00136-00037769-00038174 then you should use cubic convolution resampling. 2uxpRaTTfVk-00137-00038174-00038391 Bilinear interpolation is rarely used, 2uxpRaTTfVk-00138-00038391-00038640 because it was designed for a time when computers did not 2uxpRaTTfVk-00139-00038640-00038907 have the processing power to use the cubic convolution 2uxpRaTTfVk-00140-00038907-00039152 resampling method. 2uBLy5MJFTo-00000-00000416-00000888 the wind is blowing through her hair we like to head out on the road 2uBLy5MJFTo-00001-00000888-00001480 and you know we don't really care cuz we're just doing what we want 2uBLy5MJFTo-00002-00001480-00002016 she likes it when I treat her good she likes it when I treat her bad 2uBLy5MJFTo-00003-00002016-00002466 she likes to travel all around I take her everywhere and back 2uBLy5MJFTo-00004-00002466-00002905 oh you fucking with the man girl you throw it right back 2uBLy5MJFTo-00005-00002905-00003095 know I like that Ima bite back 2uBLy5MJFTo-00006-00003095-00003512 you know I've become a fan girl the way you throwback 2uBLy5MJFTo-00007-00003512-00003632 like a Kodak girl you own that 2uBLy5MJFTo-00008-00003632-00003928 cruise around with out a plan girl we'll never go back 2uBLy5MJFTo-00009-00003928-00004153 girl you know that you are so bad 2uBLy5MJFTo-00010-00004153-00004671 let's just spend a couple grand girl you know fucking with the man girl 2uBLy5MJFTo-00011-00004671-00005443 oh you could've been a good girl but instead you chose the real world 2uBLy5MJFTo-00012-00005443-00005902 yea you've always been a savage oh you've always been a bad chick 2uBLy5MJFTo-00013-00005902-00006927 I don't care if you got issues daddy left but I'm with you 2uBLy5MJFTo-00014-00006927-00009156 so come with me never look back we're living life like a badass 2uBLy5MJFTo-00015-00009156-00009334 cruising PCH with the top down drop down 2uBLy5MJFTo-00016-00009334-00009605 headed no where fast never stop now not now 2uBLy5MJFTo-00017-00009605-00009997 we ain't slowing down never knowing now we're just heading south what it's all about 2uBLy5MJFTo-00018-00009997-00010128 never had a doubt yea 2uBLy5MJFTo-00019-00010128-00010370 she be sitting shot gun she a hot one 2uBLy5MJFTo-00020-00010370-00010580 in the hot sun crop top on 2uBLy5MJFTo-00021-00010580-00010680 Ima hop on 2uBLy5MJFTo-00022-00010680-00010847 every single day head a different way 2uBLy5MJFTo-00023-00010847-00011045 never stay in place don't care what they say 2uBLy5MJFTo-00024-00011045-00011211 we gon do it anyway 2uBLy5MJFTo-00025-00011211-00011436 always by my side oh we're living life right 2uBLy5MJFTo-00026-00011436-00011597 every night we just drive by 2uBLy5MJFTo-00027-00011597-00011728 cruising high life were alive 2uBLy5MJFTo-00028-00011728-00011969 not just getting by not just letting life 2uBLy5MJFTo-00029-00011969-00012133 pass right underneath our sight 2uBLy5MJFTo-00030-00012133-00012239 grab it real tight 2uBLy5MJFTo-00031-00012239-00012347 okay every day 2uBLy5MJFTo-00032-00012347-00012559 is a new day in a new place 2uBLy5MJFTo-00033-00012559-00012759 rent a new space see a new face 2uBLy5MJFTo-00034-00012759-00012963 in a few days move a new way 2uBLy5MJFTo-00035-00012963-00013141 to a new state that's great 2uBLy5MJFTo-00036-00013141-00013369 rent an estate for our next date haha 2uBLy5MJFTo-00037-00013369-00013977 oh you could've been a good girl but instead you chose the real world 2uBLy5MJFTo-00038-00013977-00014397 yea you've always been a savage oh you've always been a bad chick 2uBLy5MJFTo-00039-00014397-00014860 I don't care if you got issues daddy left but I'm with you 2uBLy5MJFTo-00040-00014860-00014862 so come with me never look back we're living life like a badass 2xmWX2jQf7g-00000-00008416-00008616 Let's start building. 2xmWX2jQf7g-00001-00008661-00008934 Step 1: Build two legs for the house 2xmWX2jQf7g-00002-00008985-00009470 size I put in the right corner of the screen 2xmWX2jQf7g-00003-00009889-00010175 Step 2: Erect the body for the house 2xmWX2jQf7g-00004-00010176-00010500 I also put the size in the corner of the screen ^^ 2xmWX2jQf7g-00005-00010756-00011100 Everyone just needs to focus on being able to build things with ease 2xmWX2jQf7g-00006-00014597-00015000 Step 3: Make the floor for the house 2xmWX2jQf7g-00007-00016482-00016862 The floor I chose 2 main colors 2xmWX2jQf7g-00008-00017712-00018064 Step 4: perfect the sides of the house and the roof 2xmWX2jQf7g-00009-00018610-00018917 The distance between blocks is 2 2xmWX2jQf7g-00010-00020523-00020954 Step 4: Build stairs to the house 2xmWX2jQf7g-00011-00023005-00023460 Step 5: Place blocks of glass around the house 2y3lA4zdGXc-00000-00000008-00000512 oil filter is out this is the filter nut seal i'm dumping my uh my jug sideways this is the 2y3lA4zdGXc-00001-00000512-00001088 new filter going in place this is my uh drain plug there you go everybody welcome back it's uh 2y3lA4zdGXc-00002-00001088-00001839 saturday afternoon saturday morning almost almost afternoon and i'm uh home alone unsupervised 2y3lA4zdGXc-00003-00001839-00002288 no adult supervision life with michelle is off with a grammy on a whirlwind adventure 2y3lA4zdGXc-00004-00002384-00002760 actually they're going to a baby shower for my daughter so in the meantime i'm going to 2y3lA4zdGXc-00005-00002760-00003232 try some things around the house i'm out of work today i got off today buying some salaries off 2y3lA4zdGXc-00006-00003232-00004079 my game plan today is change oil in my truck do that it's uh end of uh august here we're 2y3lA4zdGXc-00007-00004079-00004584 approaching fall real fast i'm gonna get this done before snow flies i don't be out here in 2y3lA4zdGXc-00008-00004584-00005152 october doing this for one it's deer season plus it's cold so i'm gonna start adding here i'm gonna 2y3lA4zdGXc-00009-00005152-00005712 get in here and get my things together and uh keep going i'll show you how to do this right 2y3lA4zdGXc-00010-00005712-00006568 i got got some things together here got my trusty 15 16 my oil my filter my catch pan 2y3lA4zdGXc-00011-00006792-00007304 let's get to it see i got it right there can you see that guy turn the light on so you can see him 2y3lA4zdGXc-00012-00007304-00007920 there you go that's the drain plug 15 millimeter drain plug i'm gonna pull it out and get the oil 2y3lA4zdGXc-00013-00007920-00008584 draining out on this one let me show you where the filter is right there's the uh oil filter 2y3lA4zdGXc-00014-00008760-00009984 that's next to my agenda let's get this drain plug going to get him out 2y3lA4zdGXc-00015-00011184-00011656 it's pretty dark doesn't it it ain't black black but it's definitely darker so it's definitely 2y3lA4zdGXc-00016-00011712-00012224 need to be changed i'll let this drain for a bit and i'll do the filter in a minute why i got this 2y3lA4zdGXc-00017-00012224-00012824 thing out i'm gonna look at the bolt this is my uh drain plug look at the hex make sure the hex 2y3lA4zdGXc-00018-00012824-00013304 isn't all chewed up you see that that isn't too bad you're doing an oil change but if you're doing 2y3lA4zdGXc-00019-00013304-00013752 your own oil change double check that if you if it looks all rounded and whatever else and 2y3lA4zdGXc-00020-00013752-00014128 torque pretty bad go ahead and place it i mean it ain't much i'll probably go and buy one of these 2y3lA4zdGXc-00021-00014128-00014519 next time i go to the hardware or the uh parts store because they're getting a little rounded 2y3lA4zdGXc-00022-00014519-00015032 and i'll have next time this is okay for now the last guy that did this he overtightened this 2y3lA4zdGXc-00023-00015200-00015952 filter so i had to use a pair of pliers channel locks to get it out i'm taking the time to wipe 2y3lA4zdGXc-00024-00015952-00016760 all the extra oil off from all the drippings and droppings i left this will help me later if i 2y3lA4zdGXc-00025-00016760-00017312 have any oil leaks in my driveway or whatever i'm seeing determine where it's coming from 2y3lA4zdGXc-00026-00017384-00017912 this is the filter nut seal it's a disc not sealed or just something else leaking someplace else just 2y3lA4zdGXc-00027-00017912-00018384 to ensure that i did a proper job i'll check this later on to make sure it's not leaking the filter 2y3lA4zdGXc-00028-00018456-00019064 i'm going to put it on real tight i put them on just hand tight and tighter than that they're 2y3lA4zdGXc-00029-00019064-00019616 paying to get off i'll show you how i had to get it off when i get out of here this is the filter 2y3lA4zdGXc-00030-00019752-00020080 that it had to destroy to get out i usually did 2y3lA4zdGXc-00031-00020080-00020720 grab a hold of a pair of pliers like this pair channel locks like that and turn it 2y3lA4zdGXc-00032-00020864-00021400 i've had actually have used screwdrivers in the past to drive through the side of it to go all 2y3lA4zdGXc-00033-00021400-00021992 the way through and use it to pry it this way you want to watch doing that because this thing 2y3lA4zdGXc-00034-00021992-00022584 is recessed all the way up in so on this side here all the way around here halfway around this thing 2y3lA4zdGXc-00035-00022648-00023016 is my oil pan and i'm gonna drive a screwdriver with my oil pan it's kind of defeating the 2y3lA4zdGXc-00036-00023016-00023552 whole purpose so be careful how you do this oil filter is out i'm going to take this new filter 2y3lA4zdGXc-00037-00023688-00024288 fill it full of oil and then put it back in never put a dry filter empty filter in your in 2y3lA4zdGXc-00038-00024288-00024888 your vehicle because that time it takes to fill the filter up you can do damage to your motor 2y3lA4zdGXc-00039-00024888-00025424 so i always put oil in here now this one here goes straight up and down like this okay it 2y3lA4zdGXc-00040-00025424-00025927 hangs straight like this now occasionally you're going to come in from the side so you can't put 2y3lA4zdGXc-00041-00025927-00026312 full oil but you have to put something in it put a little bit of a little oil 2y3lA4zdGXc-00042-00026312-00026904 in it and basically you've got to figure out where it's going to tip to go against your 2y3lA4zdGXc-00043-00026904-00027504 your block add some oil to it put it in wind it on if you lose a little oil on the side 2y3lA4zdGXc-00044-00027504-00027992 no big deal wipe it off when you're done make sure it's good and tight don't over tighten it 2y3lA4zdGXc-00045-00028088-00028695 and ready to go adding some oil in here try to do this out spill it over the back of the tailgate 2y3lA4zdGXc-00046-00029176-00029552 i see i was kind of sitting filtering down through soaking in that filter 2y3lA4zdGXc-00047-00029552-00029895 also when you're done when you get this thing filled up that's why i'm gonna put in there 2y3lA4zdGXc-00048-00029895-00030568 take a little bit of oil and go around the outside rubber seal it helps get a better seal 2y3lA4zdGXc-00049-00030816-00031183 not a lot just enough to get it wet now let's bring it back in 2y3lA4zdGXc-00050-00031272-00031752 i'll put my drain plug back in start filming full oil this is the new filter going in place 2y3lA4zdGXc-00051-00031752-00032127 just starting the screwing on there screw it on nice and easy and slow 2y3lA4zdGXc-00052-00032256-00032840 get snug give it a good turn with your hand done walk away drain plug 2y3lA4zdGXc-00053-00033528-00033808 now this i will use my ratchet for 2y3lA4zdGXc-00054-00034472-00035304 okay we are good to go we are ready for oil this is my uh well my oil filled but i got a funnel in 2y3lA4zdGXc-00055-00035304-00035952 there waiting on that i may get my dipstick out i'm going to leave it out until i get it close 2y3lA4zdGXc-00056-00036112-00036456 um just voice the reports of habit i've learned over the years is adding oil it 2y3lA4zdGXc-00057-00036456-00036912 all depends on where your drain plug is where your oil fills back into your block 2y3lA4zdGXc-00058-00036976-00037392 where your dipstick is whether you're getting false readings or not so i'll just leave it out 2y3lA4zdGXc-00059-00037392-00037968 until i get it close i'm gonna start putting it so putting him in there let's get him uh 2y3lA4zdGXc-00060-00037968-00038440 well i'll say probably three or four quarts i'll check it take it back out check him keep adding 2y3lA4zdGXc-00061-00038440-00039384 until you get to it probably take all that and it should take most of the yellow one okay here we go 2y3lA4zdGXc-00062-00039592-00039744 that's about three quarts already 2y3lA4zdGXc-00063-00040208-00041280 a little bit more okay that's about a little record get my dipstick out 2y3lA4zdGXc-00064-00041280-00041952 it's earth's clean like off of the rag this one here is a spiral which is kind of a pain but 2y3lA4zdGXc-00065-00042104-00042472 it is what it is right my marks are right there 2y3lA4zdGXc-00066-00042872-00043616 okay put him in shake him around a little bit pull it out and chicken not on the stick yet it's okay 2y3lA4zdGXc-00067-00043952-00044632 i'll go ahead and dump the rest of this in if you ever noticed i'm dumping my uh my jug sideways 2y3lA4zdGXc-00068-00044832-00045400 it's easier to go if you go this way you get a lot of air bubbles okay 2y3lA4zdGXc-00069-00045464-00046256 if you go sideways you don't get the air it pulses it cavitates and starts sucking air 2y3lA4zdGXc-00070-00046256-00046680 this way you get more airflow this way you do that with quartz too dipstick in 2y3lA4zdGXc-00071-00047184-00047784 see we're on about the third line i'm gonna add a little bit more and call it done 2y3lA4zdGXc-00072-00047944-00048600 good and wiped off nice and clean sun's mine can't see what i'm doing there we go all the way the top 2y3lA4zdGXc-00073-00048664-00049568 you see that this job is done put my cap back on here put it in give it a couple turns 2y3lA4zdGXc-00074-00049568-00050584 there you go oil has changed we are good anyways take care talk to you later 2y3lA4zdGXc-00075-00051224-00051232 you 2yK7bMlmbD4-00001-00026119-00026189 Guys 2Cnfg5lqsAM-00000-00000000-00000200 i started from here, i wasn't sure what game it will be 2CxyIpz12sE-00000-00000006-00000840 well I think it's really valuable to look at you know what are the criteria for good 2CxyIpz12sE-00001-00000840-00001584 psychotherapeutic outcome and when we're doing in in the in terms of psychotherapy and a lot of 2CxyIpz12sE-00002-00001584-00002442 it has to do with the therapist and patient or client relationship so it's about developing a 2CxyIpz12sE-00003-00002442-00003225 safe container for whoever you're working with and and so there's actually factors that people have 2CxyIpz12sE-00004-00003225-00004101 found which you know so the therapists ability for empathy to be able to get inside the clients or 2CxyIpz12sE-00005-00004101-00004680 patients understanding the way they're thinking or how they're thinking in the way of feeling 2CxyIpz12sE-00006-00004680-00005769 a genuineness to the therapist a sense of honesty within the relationship to some degree and there's 2CxyIpz12sE-00007-00005769-00006417 other factors involved which I could go on and list if you want and part of what that is I mean 2CxyIpz12sE-00008-00006417-00007014 compassionate first of all that's let me define compassion okay compassion is a recognition of the 2CxyIpz12sE-00009-00007014-00007590 suffering that exists within another or within myself itself compassion within yourself okay 2CxyIpz12sE-00010-00007590-00008277 and so it's not only the recognition it's not an intellectual thing it's an emotional thing so if 2CxyIpz12sE-00011-00008277-00008814 you feel the other person suffer empathy is the ability to feel when another person is you know 2CxyIpz12sE-00012-00008814-00009783 and and as well in compassion there's a design desire to alleviate that suffering so the desire 2CxyIpz12sE-00013-00009783-00010353 to alleviate that suffering and and so that's part of what compassion is so there's an intention to 2CxyIpz12sE-00014-00010353-00010851 the board's recognizing and acknowledging or validating what another person is experienced 2CxyIpz12sE-00015-00010851-00011817 and you know if I were to ask a show of hand here who here doesn't like to be validated so 2CxyIpz12sE-00016-00011817-00012836 every human being has a desire to be validated it's a need right and so there's a piece in of 2CxyIpz12sE-00017-00012836-00013496 what's my intention you know when I'm when I'm with someone that's my genuine intention so I 2CxyIpz12sE-00018-00013496-00014060 think that's one piece so that we have to remember when we're dealing with someone and and again I 2CxyIpz12sE-00019-00014060-00014804 was looking up I was looking up the definition of accountability I think for me it has to do more 2CxyIpz12sE-00020-00014804-00015440 not so much with accountability and I think that is probably perhaps more within you know talking 2CxyIpz12sE-00021-00015440-00016232 about the workplace situation but it has to do with responsibility and which means not it's not 2CxyIpz12sE-00022-00016232-00017252 responsibility I mean it's our ability to respond to situations and and our ability to recognize 2CxyIpz12sE-00023-00017252-00017951 that we have an impact and to look at what our impact might be in the world and as a patient or 2CxyIpz12sE-00024-00017951-00018668 as a you know as a client and that's hard for many people I mean many people don't have any 2CxyIpz12sE-00025-00018668-00019526 impact in the world and so part of what that is is in that I think in that piece of compassion or in 2CxyIpz12sE-00026-00019526-00020405 that piece of empathy and letting that person know that they mattered to me that helps them recognize 2CxyIpz12sE-00027-00020405-00020924 that they do have them they might and that helps with the sense of responsibility so that's one 2CxyIpz12sE-00028-00020924-00021656 lens this and there's many many other lenses we could be here for five hours but on that very 2CxyIpz12sE-00029-00022604-00022610 you 2EAjVC2_hwQ-00000-00000012-00000227 Scott Reed talking: Some people in the community as the game has 2EAjVC2_hwQ-00001-00000227-00000966 become more, um, more regarded . . . have raised the concerns about how we as graduate 2EAjVC2_hwQ-00002-00000966-00001654 students have absorbed a lot of cost in producing the game and um . . . trust me, it concerns 2EAjVC2_hwQ-00003-00001654-00002029 us too. We’re not . . . we’re not rolling in any money here. 2EAjVC2_hwQ-00004-00002029-00002466 There’s a lot of real labor; there’s a lot of real capital that goes into the game. 2EAjVC2_hwQ-00005-00002466-00003312 And I think it’s . . . it makes sense that people be concerned about how we are aware 2EAjVC2_hwQ-00006-00003312-00003937 of that. We were lucky early on thanks to Doug Eyman to get some funding through Cengage; 2EAjVC2_hwQ-00007-00003937-00004351 there wasn’t a very formal process to it. We just asked if they were interested, and 2EAjVC2_hwQ-00008-00004351-00004857 they helped us defray some of the costs. I think in any given year, we’re looking at 2EAjVC2_hwQ-00009-00004857-00005405 roughly $1,500 or so in terms of the cost of actually putting on the game. And our sponsor, 2EAjVC2_hwQ-00010-00005405-00005998 and having Cengage sponsor us has been . . . has helped. Um, this year we’re switching up 2EAjVC2_hwQ-00011-00005998-00006497 how we approach funding, and we’re hopefully going to be able to arrange for some sustainable, 2EAjVC2_hwQ-00012-00006497-00007405 more officially recognized sorts of funding. Um . . . but just despite that, I personally 2EAjVC2_hwQ-00013-00007405-00007953 for myself and I . . . I think most of the other organizers would agree with me, that 2EAjVC2_hwQ-00014-00007953-00008528 we never regarded the cost of the game as an onus. We looked at it as our way of trying 2EAjVC2_hwQ-00015-00008528-00009132 to give a gift to the community. Um, Emi Bunner, one of our designers, really early on—early 2EAjVC2_hwQ-00016-00009132-00009797 and often—articulated to us the importance of a gift economy, and we try to make that 2EAjVC2_hwQ-00017-00009797-00010208 something that the game encourages, to encourage generosity between players. And it’s something 2EAjVC2_hwQ-00018-00010208-00011054 that we . . . encourage ourselves. By not complaining about the cost. Because yeah, 2EAjVC2_hwQ-00019-00011054-00011338 it costs a little money. What’s money, you know? 2H0qMSO89oA-00000-00000000-00000420 [AUDIENCE] I want to ask you about the energy consumption in mining. 2H0qMSO89oA-00001-00000420-00000780 [ANDREAS] Yes? [AUDIENCE] What is the solution for it? 2H0qMSO89oA-00002-00000796-00001600 [ANDREAS] Well, energy consumption in mining is -- I think -- misrepresented very often in two ways. 2H0qMSO89oA-00003-00001600-00002422 [Cryptocurrency] mining is one of the few industries that is completely geographically independent, 2H0qMSO89oA-00004-00002422-00003188 meaning that it doesn't matter where you are if you are mining, as long as you have inexpensive electricity. 2H0qMSO89oA-00005-00003188-00003786 What that allows you to do, is choose the location of your mining system based entirely on 2H0qMSO89oA-00006-00003786-00004064 the local cost of electricity, which means that 2H0qMSO89oA-00007-00004064-00004662 mining is doing market arbitrage for the cheapest sources of electricity. 2H0qMSO89oA-00008-00004662-00005304 In many cases, the reason the source of electricity is cheap, is because 2H0qMSO89oA-00009-00005304-00005814 it does not match the demand at that location, 2H0qMSO89oA-00010-00005814-00006440 [especially] in countries where there aren't broadly deployed, efficient distribution networks for electricity. 2H0qMSO89oA-00011-00006440-00007152 One of the challenges with rapidly deploying and developing energy, is that you build a power plant 2H0qMSO89oA-00012-00007152-00007823 not for the demand that it has today, but for the demand that you're going to have over the next 15 years. 2H0qMSO89oA-00013-00007823-00008536 You have to make that investment now and grow into it, because you can't simply move energy across 2H0qMSO89oA-00014-00008536-00009092 a massive country when you don't have a distribution network. I'm speaking of China, if you didn't figure it out. 2H0qMSO89oA-00015-00009092-00009334 That's one of the fundamental problems they have. 2H0qMSO89oA-00016-00009334-00009978 This problem is replicated across not just China but developing nations, as well as many developed nations. 2H0qMSO89oA-00017-00009978-00010392 The places where electricity is needed, and the times when electricity is needed, 2H0qMSO89oA-00018-00010392-00010918 are almost always not the places and times where electricity is available. 2H0qMSO89oA-00019-00010930-00011624 What happens when you build a 50-megawatt plant in a place where they only have 15 megawatts of demand? 2H0qMSO89oA-00020-00011624-00012458 If it's alternative energy like wind, solar, or hydro, you can't turn it off or turn it down. 2H0qMSO89oA-00021-00012458-00013016 You've built it, it will produce, and then what? You're basically wasting energy. 2H0qMSO89oA-00022-00013016-00013766 What if, in that environment, you could find a way to turn that energy into an alternative store of value? 2H0qMSO89oA-00023-00013766-00014432 Then instead of paying off the electricity plant in five years, you pay off in one year, 2H0qMSO89oA-00024-00014434-00014826 by using electricity that would otherwise be wasted. 2H0qMSO89oA-00025-00014826-00015482 Bitcoin is an environmental subsidy to alternative energy all around the world, 2H0qMSO89oA-00026-00015482-00015978 because it's causing these projects to be amortized over a year instead of five. 2H0qMSO89oA-00027-00015994-00016486 Oh, you're telling me we were running a green coin all this time and I didn't even notice? 2H0qMSO89oA-00028-00016508-00017110 One problem is that... You've got to understand it from the perspective of balancing supply and demand 2H0qMSO89oA-00029-00017110-00017378 on a global scale without distribution networks. 2H0qMSO89oA-00030-00017432-00018034 The decentralization of Bitcoin is driving the decentralization of energy production, 2H0qMSO89oA-00031-00018034-00018488 which is one of the most important trends in human history. 2H0qMSO89oA-00032-00018546-00019328 One of the other things you've got to keep in mind is that Bitcoin is easy to criticise for its energy consumption 2H0qMSO89oA-00033-00019328-00020320 because it's obvious. There are a lot more wasteful things that are far less obvious. 2H0qMSO89oA-00034-00020320-00020956 Every time you pull out that little plastic card and you use it to do a transaction, you're not aware of 2H0qMSO89oA-00035-00020956-00021808 the hundred-thousand square foot data center, churning a hundred thousand servers to do fraud detection. 2H0qMSO89oA-00036-00021808-00022662 Or clearing. You're not aware of the tower offices that are lit twenty-four hours a day; 2H0qMSO89oA-00037-00022662-00023372 the trading floors, the bank vaults, the armored cars, the diesel trucks, etc. 2H0qMSO89oA-00038-00023374-00024082 All of those costs are mostly hidden and they're enormous. Are you telling me... 2H0qMSO89oA-00039-00024082-00024592 that perhaps Bitcoin ends up being the most efficient way to do transactions on a global scale? 2H0qMSO89oA-00040-00024592-00024970 You've got to remember: the level of security we have for Bitcoin today, 2H0qMSO89oA-00041-00024970-00025520 is a level of security that can handle global attacks, by colluding nation-states. 2H0qMSO89oA-00042-00025520-00026089 That's the level of security needed for this system to remain censorship-resistant. 2H0qMSO89oA-00043-00026089-00026618 But if the system was ten times bigger with ten times more users, it doesn't need ten times more mining. 2H0qMSO89oA-00044-00026618-00027254 It already has globally-secure mining. What we have is enough. There's a profit motive that drives it. 2H0qMSO89oA-00045-00027302-00028050 It's a mistake to think that if we go global, that cost will also multiply. Quite the opposite, in fact. 2H0qMSO89oA-00046-00028050-00028442 Over time, the reward from mining decreases; 2H0qMSO89oA-00047-00028442-00029074 as a result it's more likely we'll see that gradually taper off and plateau. 2H0qMSO89oA-00048-00029074-00029768 This is a long game. The implications and complexity of how cost is allocated, how energy is consumed, is huge. 2H0qMSO89oA-00049-00029768-00030608 I don't think we can afford two proof-of-work systems on this planet; I think we might only need one. 2H0qMSO89oA-00050-00030608-00031232 Maybe everything else could be proof-of-stake and anchor into the only proof-of-work system we have. 2H0qMSO89oA-00051-00031232-00032138 We need one planetary-scale proof-of-work system to offer us true energy-dependent immutability, 2H0qMSO89oA-00052-00032138-00032744 but maybe we can only afford one. Turns out, that might be Bitcoin's killer app! 2I2IA1p3baA-00000-00000512-00000741 >> John M.: Okay, thank you very much. 2I2IA1p3baA-00001-00000741-00001126 Good afternoon students, Highline College students. 2I2IA1p3baA-00002-00001126-00001651 It is a little bit after 2:00, and we thank you for your patience. 2I2IA1p3baA-00003-00001651-00002537 And understanding as we navigate this kind of new normal of virtual Zoom 2I2IA1p3baA-00004-00002537-00002677 conversations. 2I2IA1p3baA-00005-00002677-00003250 I want to talk a little bit about how it's going to go this afternoon. 2I2IA1p3baA-00006-00003250-00003980 I'm going to say a few more words and then turn it over to my esteemed colleague, president 2I2IA1p3baA-00007-00003980-00004951 Mohamed Jama, and he will give his welcome and provide some updates and information 2I2IA1p3baA-00008-00004951-00005260 from our student leadership, our exceptional student leadership. 2I2IA1p3baA-00009-00005260-00005942 Then I will provide information and then really open it up for questions. 2I2IA1p3baA-00010-00005942-00006146 We have questions that have already been submitted, 2I2IA1p3baA-00011-00006146-00006538 so we want to be able to provide information about that. 2I2IA1p3baA-00012-00006538-00007031 And also answer questions that may come up. 2I2IA1p3baA-00013-00007031-00007922 Before Mohamed speaks I do want to just recognize Marc Lentini from Academic Affairs for his 2I2IA1p3baA-00014-00007922-00008671 help and great assistance in getting this together and also just providing so much assistance 2I2IA1p3baA-00015-00008671-00009122 to our faculty in terms of our emergency remote teaching and 2I2IA1p3baA-00016-00009122-00009234 service delivery. 2I2IA1p3baA-00017-00009234-00009636 So many thanks to Marc and his -- and his area. 2I2IA1p3baA-00018-00009636-00010317 And also Heather McBreen, who is doing double duty within the office of administration, 2I2IA1p3baA-00019-00010317-00011166 and the president's office in terms of her organization and making this possible. 2I2IA1p3baA-00020-00011166-00012027 also on our Zoom conversation today is Dr. Emily Lardner is our interim Vice-president 2I2IA1p3baA-00021-00012027-00012396 of Academic Affairs, she's taken the time to join us. 2I2IA1p3baA-00022-00012396-00012886 And Vice-president of Student Services Aaron Reader, who is 2I2IA1p3baA-00023-00012886-00013534 vice-president as of six weeks today at the college, so we're happy to have him, Aaron 2I2IA1p3baA-00024-00013534-00014301 was part of Highline College some years ago, and now he's back as vice-president. 2I2IA1p3baA-00025-00014301-00014769 So they along with other folks are going to be able to hopefully 2I2IA1p3baA-00026-00014769-00015366 answer questions and be able to provide some assistance. 2I2IA1p3baA-00027-00015366-00015934 Also one thing to note is that we're going to do our best we can to answer questions, 2I2IA1p3baA-00028-00015934-00016554 and there might be some questions that might require additional time, we ask for your understanding, 2I2IA1p3baA-00029-00016554-00016826 patience, and grace, but we're committed to being able to 2I2IA1p3baA-00030-00016826-00017304 provide you that information if not today, immediately after. 2I2IA1p3baA-00031-00017304-00017626 So thank you very much in advance. 2I2IA1p3baA-00032-00017626-00017826 And with that, I will turn it over to Mohamed. 2I2IA1p3baA-00033-00017826-00018329 >> Mohamed Jama: Thank you, Dr. Mosby, and everyone. 2I2IA1p3baA-00034-00018329-00018433 That is here today. 2I2IA1p3baA-00035-00018433-00019056 Thank you all for coming out and joining this amazing town hall. 2I2IA1p3baA-00036-00019056-00019815 Student government has been closely working with Dr. Mosby and other college leaders to 2I2IA1p3baA-00037-00019815-00020442 ensure that everyone is doing well, that the Highline College community is staying strong, 2I2IA1p3baA-00038-00020442-00020817 as many of you all know, student government has been reaching 2I2IA1p3baA-00039-00020817-00021577 out to folks through social media and other communication mediums, and our updates for 2I2IA1p3baA-00040-00021577-00021915 student government includes for you all to take the survey about 2I2IA1p3baA-00041-00021915-00022099 commencement 2020. 2I2IA1p3baA-00042-00022099-00022663 As you all know, it's been really difficult navigating through how commencement should 2I2IA1p3baA-00043-00022663-00022763 happen. 2I2IA1p3baA-00044-00022763-00023335 I sit on the commencement committee, and the best effort and the best measure to 2I2IA1p3baA-00045-00023335-00024063 take is using those survey results, which are strictly for students. 2I2IA1p3baA-00046-00024063-00024574 So if you haven't taken those surveys, I ask that you all take it. 2I2IA1p3baA-00047-00024574-00025082 I took that survey, so that concludes my report. 2I2IA1p3baA-00048-00025082-00025259 It's very brief. 2I2IA1p3baA-00049-00025259-00025573 If you have any questions, please use the Q and A box. 2I2IA1p3baA-00050-00025573-00026169 This is a really great time to ask those questions. 2I2IA1p3baA-00051-00026169-00027500 >> President Mosby: If the Q and A box and then we'll definitely be able to chime in 2I2IA1p3baA-00052-00027500-00028044 and be able to answer, so Mohamed is going to be here for the entire time to be able 2I2IA1p3baA-00053-00028044-00028294 to answer questions and provide information. 2I2IA1p3baA-00054-00028294-00029194 I also want to take a moment and really thank you all, thank all the students. 2I2IA1p3baA-00055-00029194-00029988 We know that this has not been an easy time. 2I2IA1p3baA-00056-00029988-00030195 For every college across the country. 2I2IA1p3baA-00057-00030195-00030949 And for many different businesses and areas know you are familiar with our current challenges 2I2IA1p3baA-00058-00030949-00031358 and surroundings. 2I2IA1p3baA-00059-00031358-00032252 The institution has really tried to be intentional in our decision making in terms of making 2I2IA1p3baA-00060-00032252-00032896 sure that our students continue to be served at the highest level possible, knowing that 2I2IA1p3baA-00061-00032896-00033440 it is very challenging given our current circumstances. 2I2IA1p3baA-00062-00033440-00034336 We will continue to make decisions and strategize, and get input to be able to serve our students 2I2IA1p3baA-00063-00034336-00035106 and serve all of you. 2I2IA1p3baA-00064-00035106-00036353 [indiscernible] have people or encouraging people to email ask@highline.edu, that is 2I2IA1p3baA-00065-00036353-00037115 an email address that is monitored daily and responded to within one to two days from a 2I2IA1p3baA-00066-00037115-00037621 collection of staff and faculty at the institution. 2I2IA1p3baA-00067-00037621-00038219 Where you can get questions asked, let us know about any issues or different things 2I2IA1p3baA-00068-00038219-00038627 that's going on, and we try to respond as quick as possible. 2I2IA1p3baA-00069-00038627-00039315 So we know that it's not easy, and we don't necessarily have the immediate answers, but 2I2IA1p3baA-00070-00039315-00039888 we will definitely work to try to get that information out to you as as soon as possible. 2I2IA1p3baA-00071-00039888-00040613 But we thank you for -- we also more importantly we are continuing 2I2IA1p3baA-00072-00040613-00040881 your educational goals. 2I2IA1p3baA-00073-00040881-00041475 We know that there is a goal in mind and the finish line is in front of you, it might not 2I2IA1p3baA-00074-00041475-00042065 be this quarter, it might not be this year, but we know that you are making a huge 2I2IA1p3baA-00075-00042065-00042837 commitment, despite all the challenges that are you currently facing and we're facing 2I2IA1p3baA-00076-00042837-00043038 within our world. 2I2IA1p3baA-00077-00043038-00043728 So we want to get you to that point, to that finish line, and we will definitely, we're 2I2IA1p3baA-00078-00043728-00043894 committed to doing so. 2I2IA1p3baA-00079-00043894-00044438 We ask that you continue to do what you need to do, continue to focus, continue to study, 2I2IA1p3baA-00080-00044438-00044877 continue to do whatever you can to get there, but also let us know how 2I2IA1p3baA-00081-00044877-00045513 we can help that path become a little bit smoother along the way. 2I2IA1p3baA-00082-00045513-00046288 >> Mohamed Jama: I believe we received a question about financial aid. 2I2IA1p3baA-00083-00046288-00046912 I can answer that question. 2I2IA1p3baA-00084-00046912-00047410 Can everyone see the question? 2I2IA1p3baA-00085-00047410-00048068 >> Marc Lentini: The panelists are the only ones who can see the question. 2I2IA1p3baA-00086-00048068-00048678 If you type an answer it will go back to them, if you answer live, hit answer live and speak. 2I2IA1p3baA-00087-00048678-00049033 >> Mohamed Jama: Okay. 2I2IA1p3baA-00088-00049033-00049221 There we go. 2I2IA1p3baA-00089-00049221-00049547 Would you like to answer? 2I2IA1p3baA-00090-00049547-00049647 Yes. 2I2IA1p3baA-00091-00049647-00050171 So I believe the question was, how do we get in contact with financial aid? 2I2IA1p3baA-00092-00050171-00050691 This week I had the opportunity to actually help one of my friends make contact with financial 2I2IA1p3baA-00093-00050691-00050791 aid. 2I2IA1p3baA-00094-00050791-00051438 So if you are trying to upload a document or if you go to financialaid.highline.edu, 2I2IA1p3baA-00095-00051438-00052366 you can upload a form or document from there, or you can reach them through email, 2I2IA1p3baA-00096-00052366-00052700 financialaid@highline.edu. 2I2IA1p3baA-00097-00052700-00053466 They are working hard to get back to students and reply from my understanding. 2I2IA1p3baA-00098-00053466-00054014 I believe -- >> Aaron Reader: Can I add to that? 2I2IA1p3baA-00099-00054014-00054524 Hello, everyone, all of our wonderful students out there. 2I2IA1p3baA-00100-00054524-00054987 I wanted to also just chime in on that as well, so you can also reach the financial 2I2IA1p3baA-00101-00054987-00055441 aid department by calling the main line for financial aid 2I2IA1p3baA-00102-00055441-00055899 office, which is 206-592-4856. 2I2IA1p3baA-00103-00055899-00057007 Although we are operating from an emergency remote services, we are still answering phones, 2I2IA1p3baA-00104-00057007-00057366 we've developed a way for all of our programs and services throughout the 2I2IA1p3baA-00105-00057366-00057637 campus to be able to answer the main line. 2I2IA1p3baA-00106-00057637-00058091 So if you do contact the main departmental line, you'll reach someone there. 2I2IA1p3baA-00107-00058091-00058863 And we also have on our website a number of virtual Zoom lobbies that will provide 2I2IA1p3baA-00108-00058863-00059388 a Zoom link, so if you want to connect with a financial aid specialist you can do it that 2I2IA1p3baA-00109-00059388-00059782 way as well. 2I2IA1p3baA-00110-00059782-00060857 >> President Mosby: Okay. 2I2IA1p3baA-00111-00060857-00061574 Let's see. 2I2IA1p3baA-00112-00061574-00062215 One question we have is, what are the most important lessons learned so far about teaching 2I2IA1p3baA-00113-00062215-00062315 online? 2I2IA1p3baA-00114-00062315-00063036 And I would ask that Dr. Lardner could provide some information about that. 2I2IA1p3baA-00115-00063036-00063136 >> Emily Lardner: Sure. 2I2IA1p3baA-00116-00063136-00063236 That's a great question. 2I2IA1p3baA-00117-00063236-00063737 And there's a question for you students too about what you're learning about learning 2I2IA1p3baA-00118-00063737-00064191 online, one of the teachers I talked to oaf the weekend 2I2IA1p3baA-00119-00064191-00064787 described the most important lessons they were learning, like this, they said they have 2I2IA1p3baA-00120-00064787-00065314 never worked so hard, and they've also never felt like they could connect with students 2I2IA1p3baA-00121-00065314-00065774 the way they're able to connect with students teaching virtual 2I2IA1p3baA-00122-00065774-00065874 Zoom Wally. 2I2IA1p3baA-00123-00065874-00066348 So it's -- virtually, so it's a funny combination of lots and lots of learning how to use technology, 2I2IA1p3baA-00124-00066348-00066933 but also using the technology to have personal relationships with students. 2I2IA1p3baA-00125-00066933-00067497 At our faculty meeting tomorrow, we're going ask faculty to tell us what are the lessons 2I2IA1p3baA-00126-00067497-00067857 they're learning about teaching online, and what do we need to do as 2I2IA1p3baA-00127-00067857-00068463 a college to support them going forward, because we're going to be teaching remotely for at 2I2IA1p3baA-00128-00068463-00068622 least another quarter. 2I2IA1p3baA-00129-00068622-00069057 So we need to learn from what is happening right now, and see how we can support 2I2IA1p3baA-00130-00069057-00069506 our faculty as we go on. 2I2IA1p3baA-00131-00069506-00070217 >> President Mosby: Thank you. 2I2IA1p3baA-00132-00070217-00071036 Thank you, Emily. 2I2IA1p3baA-00133-00071036-00071230 Izzy had a question. 2I2IA1p3baA-00134-00071230-00071532 Hello, Izzy. 2I2IA1p3baA-00135-00071532-00072011 Regarding the budget health of Highline, are there going to be any effects or budget cuts 2I2IA1p3baA-00136-00072011-00072488 going forward with higher Ed often being one of the first budget cuts being made across 2I2IA1p3baA-00137-00072488-00072605 the state. 2I2IA1p3baA-00138-00072605-00072941 Will this be visible at all for students in thank 2I2IA1p3baA-00139-00072941-00073041 you. 2I2IA1p3baA-00140-00073041-00073814 Izzy is a wonderful student, and also editor for our newspaper, so provides exceptional 2I2IA1p3baA-00141-00073814-00074095 questions and I've had a privilege of working with 2I2IA1p3baA-00142-00074095-00074377 Izzy for almost two years now. 2I2IA1p3baA-00143-00074377-00075089 So even though I will say that budget challenges are what is happening not just throughout 2I2IA1p3baA-00144-00075089-00075502 our system and state, but throughout the country, and if you are probably 2I2IA1p3baA-00145-00075502-00076320 seeing articles from across the country institutions or having to make some budgetary decisions, 2I2IA1p3baA-00146-00076320-00076913 strong budgetary decisions, especially in our four-year institutions, for us, we are 2I2IA1p3baA-00147-00076913-00077363 currently looking at our budgetary projections for the remainder 2I2IA1p3baA-00148-00077363-00077965 of this year, and looking at what we're going to receive next year in terms of funding from 2I2IA1p3baA-00149-00077965-00078091 the state. 2I2IA1p3baA-00150-00078091-00078748 That's going to require us to be a little conservative, and very intentional in terms 2I2IA1p3baA-00151-00078748-00079197 of our financial responsibility and our budgets. 2I2IA1p3baA-00152-00079197-00080757 So far we have currently put a hold on hires with the exception of essential -- I would 2I2IA1p3baA-00153-00080757-00081058 say critical hires that are needed. 2I2IA1p3baA-00154-00081058-00081696 So we have positions that we're putting on hold for some time indefinitely, because we 2I2IA1p3baA-00155-00081696-00082244 want to make sure that we're being fiscally responsible. 2I2IA1p3baA-00156-00082244-00082788 We are also not, you know, not allowing travel, and some other 2I2IA1p3baA-00157-00082788-00083164 budgetary things to save on cost. 2I2IA1p3baA-00158-00083164-00083641 We really don't know, to be quite honest with you, what the forecast is going to look like. 2I2IA1p3baA-00159-00083641-00084008 We had just met earlier today, our executive cabinet, which consists 2I2IA1p3baA-00160-00084008-00084362 of our executive directors and our vice-presidents. 2I2IA1p3baA-00161-00084362-00084607 So the executive leadership of the college. 2I2IA1p3baA-00162-00084607-00085170 And we are in constant communication with one another in discussions about the budgetary 2I2IA1p3baA-00163-00085170-00085551 and fiscal outlook for the institution. 2I2IA1p3baA-00164-00085551-00086135 Once we have more specific information and some actions going forward, we will definitely 2I2IA1p3baA-00165-00086135-00086511 inform the entire institution, and the entire institution, I 2I2IA1p3baA-00166-00086511-00086738 mean students as well. 2I2IA1p3baA-00167-00086738-00087231 So we don't have a lot of information to share at this point, because we're just trying to 2I2IA1p3baA-00168-00087231-00087781 look at the information and try to forecast, but as soon as we get that information 2I2IA1p3baA-00169-00087781-00088406 and are able to firm that information out, we will definitely notify the campus in various 2I2IA1p3baA-00170-00088406-00088689 ways. 2I2IA1p3baA-00171-00088689-00089319 So thank you for that question. 2I2IA1p3baA-00172-00089319-00090002 One other question is, are we coming back to Highline in May or September? 2I2IA1p3baA-00173-00090002-00090789 So this is -- a couple of questions we received in advance, actually were similar type questions. 2I2IA1p3baA-00174-00090789-00091576 Currently because of the governor's order, we are not able to do face-to-face 2I2IA1p3baA-00175-00091576-00091676 instruction. 2I2IA1p3baA-00176-00091676-00092331 But what we at the institution are calling emergency remote teaching and services delivery, 2I2IA1p3baA-00177-00092331-00093242 which means that many of our programs and services and instruction is on an online 2I2IA1p3baA-00178-00093242-00093342 type format. 2I2IA1p3baA-00179-00093342-00094016 That will continue for the remainder of the quarter. 2I2IA1p3baA-00180-00094016-00094787 We definitely want to honor what the governor is saying, and even though his -- 2I2IA1p3baA-00181-00094787-00095347 he's going to provide us some guidance come first week of May of what our next step is 2I2IA1p3baA-00182-00095347-00095980 going to be, in fairness to students, staff, and faculty, we've continued to have online, 2I2IA1p3baA-00183-00095980-00096412 that emergency remote teaching service delivery for the remainder 2I2IA1p3baA-00184-00096412-00096606 of the quarter. 2I2IA1p3baA-00185-00096606-00097266 Because we already had done a major shift earlier because of the governor's directive, 2I2IA1p3baA-00186-00097266-00097944 we don't want to do a major shift back, and then have a few weeks left of the quarter. 2I2IA1p3baA-00187-00097944-00098617 In terms of September, we again are waiting to get some guidance from the governor. 2I2IA1p3baA-00188-00098617-00099081 But there will be information going out later this week in terms 2I2IA1p3baA-00189-00099081-00099658 of what -- how instruction service delivery is going to be for the summer, and for the 2I2IA1p3baA-00190-00099658-00099758 fall. 2I2IA1p3baA-00191-00099758-00100462 So I would encourage you to check your email in the upcoming days where specific information 2I2IA1p3baA-00192-00100462-00101162 will be coming out. 2I2IA1p3baA-00193-00101162-00101832 There's another question, saying, why is the college weekly newspaper not online? 2I2IA1p3baA-00194-00101832-00102330 If I was -- I was under the impression that it was online. 2I2IA1p3baA-00195-00102330-00102865 So I can check with our student newspaper and 2I2IA1p3baA-00196-00102865-00103473 -- college newspaper and see if there's -- just get clarification on that. 2I2IA1p3baA-00197-00103473-00104519 I'm more than happy to do that and be able to follow up. 2I2IA1p3baA-00198-00104519-00105225 I do have some other questions that were provided in advance that I'm happy to go over right 2I2IA1p3baA-00199-00105225-00105325 now. 2I2IA1p3baA-00200-00105325-00105761 And for students, if you have questions that are coming up, feel free to continue to put 2I2IA1p3baA-00201-00105761-00106173 them in the Q and A box, and we will as a group get 2I2IA1p3baA-00202-00106173-00106501 to them and respond as soon as possible. 2I2IA1p3baA-00203-00106501-00107240 So one of the questions we received, and I'm going to just pop it up on my second computer 2I2IA1p3baA-00204-00107240-00107928 right next to me, is, what are the current proposed timelines for on-campus instruction, 2I2IA1p3baA-00205-00107928-00108366 if certain criteria are not met in regards to the spread of COVID-19, 2I2IA1p3baA-00206-00108366-00108810 especially after summer quarter, when experts have indicated we could see a second bell 2I2IA1p3baA-00207-00108810-00109209 curve, an apex in cases in deaths, what is the college planning 2I2IA1p3baA-00208-00109209-00109497 to do? 2I2IA1p3baA-00209-00109497-00110308 For interior design and drafting design students, would be able to screen cast and use the school's 2I2IA1p3baA-00210-00110308-00110665 lab computers, and programs remotely from home? 2I2IA1p3baA-00211-00110665-00110885 If and when we return to campus. 2I2IA1p3baA-00212-00110885-00111076 So the second part of that question I'm going to 2I2IA1p3baA-00213-00111076-00111345 have Dr. Lardner be able to speak to. 2I2IA1p3baA-00214-00111345-00111947 The first part of that question is pretty much what I -- similar to what I had said 2I2IA1p3baA-00215-00111947-00112094 before. 2I2IA1p3baA-00216-00112094-00112708 The college is doing everything and planning for our campus to 2I2IA1p3baA-00217-00112708-00113183 be clean and safe so that when we're able to come back, when I say come back be physically 2I2IA1p3baA-00218-00113183-00113985 be able to be on campus -- we would be able to operate and 2I2IA1p3baA-00219-00113985-00114203 function. 2I2IA1p3baA-00220-00114203-00114692 In terms of the -- a possible second round, there's been -- of COVID. 2I2IA1p3baA-00221-00114692-00115503 There's been a lot of discussion about that, and there's also been discussion about that 2I2IA1p3baA-00222-00115503-00115603 not happening. 2I2IA1p3baA-00223-00115603-00116002 So there's a lot of information right now around COVID that we're 2I2IA1p3baA-00224-00116002-00116442 also, all of us I think in the country and the world are trying to sort out. 2I2IA1p3baA-00225-00116442-00117111 The institution will be ready to address how we can serve our students, and 2I2IA1p3baA-00226-00117111-00117629 how we can be healthy in that -- in terms of our decision making, in terms of serving 2I2IA1p3baA-00227-00117629-00117735 students. 2I2IA1p3baA-00228-00117735-00118144 As we continue to get information and the directives from the governor. 2I2IA1p3baA-00229-00118144-00118392 Governor instance Lee does provide that -- Inslee does provide 2I2IA1p3baA-00230-00118392-00119303 that information to us, and we will adjust and adhere to those directives, and again, 2I2IA1p3baA-00231-00119303-00119751 we have an emergency operations unit that meets weekly to discuss 2I2IA1p3baA-00232-00119751-00120376 everything from social distancing, to quote, unquote, reopening of the campus and so physically 2I2IA1p3baA-00233-00120376-00120626 people can be back on campus. 2I2IA1p3baA-00234-00120626-00120866 So we definitely are keeping that in mind. 2I2IA1p3baA-00235-00120866-00121740 But again, in terms of when we're going to be able to be back, until 2I2IA1p3baA-00236-00121740-00122590 the governor tells us to, until May 4th at least, we are not going to be able to be physically 2I2IA1p3baA-00237-00122590-00122740 on campus. 2I2IA1p3baA-00238-00122740-00123249 The governor could extend that, he could stop -- he could extend it for the remainder 2I2IA1p3baA-00239-00123249-00123459 of the quarter into June. 2I2IA1p3baA-00240-00123459-00123974 He could let us know that we could come back, but it's really depending on him. 2I2IA1p3baA-00241-00123974-00124575 So when we're back on campus, really is always connected with the directive of the governor. 2I2IA1p3baA-00242-00124575-00124971 And Dr. Lardner, if you could speak to that second question, the second part of the question 2I2IA1p3baA-00243-00124971-00125311 about interior design, I'll reread it. 2I2IA1p3baA-00244-00125311-00125678 For interior design and drafting design students, will we be able 2I2IA1p3baA-00245-00125678-00126205 to screencast and use the school's lab computers and programs remotely from home, if and when 2I2IA1p3baA-00246-00126205-00126407 we return to campus? 2I2IA1p3baA-00247-00126407-00126738 >> Emily Lardner: That's a hard question. 2I2IA1p3baA-00248-00126738-00127286 We're having -- we have been having troubles figuring out how to give students access to 2I2IA1p3baA-00249-00127286-00127842 the sophisticated software that we have, specialized software we have in some of our computer labs. 2I2IA1p3baA-00250-00127842-00128100 So I don't know the answer to that question. 2I2IA1p3baA-00251-00128100-00128261 We're working on it. 2I2IA1p3baA-00252-00128261-00128719 We're doing the best we can. 2I2IA1p3baA-00253-00128719-00129165 And whatever we can figure out for this quarter, we'll know better how to do it next quarter. 2I2IA1p3baA-00254-00129165-00129799 But that's -- I'm happy to circle back to the coordinator for that -- those particular 2I2IA1p3baA-00255-00129799-00130138 programs, to see what we can do with screencasting, 2I2IA1p3baA-00256-00130138-00130614 earlier we were still struggling to provide students with access to the software they 2I2IA1p3baA-00257-00130614-00130795 needed in those programs. 2I2IA1p3baA-00258-00130795-00130983 >> President Mosby: Thank you. 2I2IA1p3baA-00259-00130983-00131445 And for the individual, again, these were submitted without names, which is no problem, 2I2IA1p3baA-00260-00131445-00131994 it's anonymous, if a person is on the Zoom call right now listening in that 2I2IA1p3baA-00261-00131994-00132527 wrote that question, you are more than welcome to email me directly, your contact information, 2I2IA1p3baA-00262-00132527-00133038 and we can make sure that we provide that update to you as soon as we find out. 2I2IA1p3baA-00263-00133038-00133436 So you're more than welcome to email me directly. 2I2IA1p3baA-00264-00133436-00133726 Thank you. 2I2IA1p3baA-00265-00133726-00134280 Commencement, there's a couple questions around commencement. 2I2IA1p3baA-00266-00134280-00134936 We have folks that are excited to graduate, and are trying -- wanting to know, you know, 2I2IA1p3baA-00267-00134936-00135167 if we are -- how we're going to handle graduation. 2I2IA1p3baA-00268-00135167-00135567 Is it going to be via Zoom, or in person? 2I2IA1p3baA-00269-00135567-00136148 And at this point as Mohamed had said earlier, in encouraging us -- there will be another 2I2IA1p3baA-00270-00136148-00136674 student reminder going out to students about commencement, it's important for people to 2I2IA1p3baA-00271-00136674-00137212 fill out that survey, and there's options there, and then there's also a question to 2I2IA1p3baA-00272-00137212-00137822 add -- a question to provide information in terms of how to honor our 2I2IA1p3baA-00273-00137822-00138029 students, how to honor our graduates. 2I2IA1p3baA-00274-00138029-00138416 This is again a very challenging time, and different colleges throughout the country 2I2IA1p3baA-00275-00138416-00138634 are doing very different things. 2I2IA1p3baA-00276-00138634-00139214 And before we make a decision for our institution, we want to make sure that our 2I2IA1p3baA-00277-00139214-00139354 student voices are heard. 2I2IA1p3baA-00278-00139354-00139964 So we, again, ask that you -- if you have already completed that survey, thank you. 2I2IA1p3baA-00279-00139964-00140387 If you haven't, please complete it. 2I2IA1p3baA-00280-00140387-00140621 The more information we get, the better. 2I2IA1p3baA-00281-00140621-00141449 And the survey will be up I believe all week, and again, if you haven't completed it yet, 2I2IA1p3baA-00282-00141449-00141599 please do so. 2I2IA1p3baA-00283-00141599-00142104 I know -- I've been able to check, and we've had students so far do it, a good number. 2I2IA1p3baA-00284-00142104-00142558 Of course I want as many people as possible, so students, you will be getting multiple 2I2IA1p3baA-00285-00142558-00142798 email reminders this week. 2I2IA1p3baA-00286-00142798-00143073 So please do that. 2I2IA1p3baA-00287-00143073-00143384 Thank you. 2I2IA1p3baA-00288-00143384-00143921 There's a question that came through, I'll jump to that. 2I2IA1p3baA-00289-00143921-00144500 Will the current -- this is an excellent question. 2I2IA1p3baA-00290-00144500-00145185 Will the current courses in healthcare be updated in real time for the health lessons 2I2IA1p3baA-00291-00145185-00145408 being learned in real time? 2I2IA1p3baA-00292-00145408-00145779 I'm looking at you, Dr. Lardner. 2I2IA1p3baA-00293-00145779-00145994 >> Emily Lardner: Yes. 2I2IA1p3baA-00294-00145994-00146350 And it's a wonderful idea. 2I2IA1p3baA-00295-00146350-00146938 If you're in respiratory care, you already are being updated all the time. 2I2IA1p3baA-00296-00146938-00147253 Faculty are seeing that even if they don't mean to, they're making 2I2IA1p3baA-00297-00147253-00147928 references to COVID-19, it affects our healthcare courses, it affects all of our courses across 2I2IA1p3baA-00298-00147928-00148028 the curriculum. 2I2IA1p3baA-00299-00148028-00148505 It has to do with supply chain, it has to do with sociology, it has to do with 2I2IA1p3baA-00300-00148505-00149064 the psychology of being in quarantine, it has to do with child care, and early learning. 2I2IA1p3baA-00301-00149064-00149809 So this epidemic or pandemic is touching all parts of our lives and one of the ideas that 2I2IA1p3baA-00302-00149809-00150358 Dr. Mosby brainstormed, which the -- we think is exciting 2I2IA1p3baA-00303-00150358-00150924 is when everyone is allowed back on campus to do a festival of learning, so students 2I2IA1p3baA-00304-00150924-00151248 who are working on -- in different disciplines and different 2I2IA1p3baA-00305-00151248-00152001 programs have a chance to talk about what is it, what about psychology and COVID-19, 2I2IA1p3baA-00306-00152001-00152382 what about ethnic studies and COVID-19? 2I2IA1p3baA-00307-00152382-00152687 What about business technology and COVID-19? 2I2IA1p3baA-00308-00152687-00153180 What are we learning from all these different perspectives about this 2I2IA1p3baA-00309-00153180-00153385 pandemic that is affecting everyone? 2I2IA1p3baA-00310-00153385-00153792 And of course healthcare courses need to be updated in the same way. 2I2IA1p3baA-00311-00153792-00154298 It's changing everybody's understanding of health and healthcare and public health. 2I2IA1p3baA-00312-00154298-00154622 It's a great question. 2I2IA1p3baA-00313-00154622-00155255 >> President Mosby: Here's another one for you, Dr. Lardner. 2I2IA1p3baA-00314-00155255-00155449 It's in your area. 2I2IA1p3baA-00315-00155449-00155858 We have a question, how do we return or extend borrowed library books? 2I2IA1p3baA-00316-00155858-00156115 >> Emily Lardner: It's a great question. 2I2IA1p3baA-00317-00156115-00156775 My -- the last time I talked to the director of the library, when you can come on campus 2I2IA1p3baA-00318-00156775-00157052 you can drop them off at the drop box. 2I2IA1p3baA-00319-00157052-00157478 But for now, we're not worried about collecting the library books, 2I2IA1p3baA-00320-00157478-00157750 and you're not going to be charged for keeping your library books. 2I2IA1p3baA-00321-00157750-00158164 Because you really can't bring them back yet. 2I2IA1p3baA-00322-00158164-00158359 So hang on to them until you can. 2I2IA1p3baA-00323-00158359-00158655 When you can, we do want them back. 2I2IA1p3baA-00324-00158655-00159300 And I hope that all the students here answer Jerry's email about, do you need a book on 2I2IA1p3baA-00325-00159300-00159426 reserve from the library. 2I2IA1p3baA-00326-00159426-00159870 That was another way the library was trying to reach our students since you all 2I2IA1p3baA-00327-00159870-00160046 can't come in and borrow books. 2I2IA1p3baA-00328-00160046-00160667 Jerry wanted to know what books can we send to you, so I hope you got some books that 2I2IA1p3baA-00329-00160667-00160767 way. 2I2IA1p3baA-00330-00160767-00161204 For now, just hang on to your books and we'll collect them when we can. 2I2IA1p3baA-00331-00161204-00161777 >> President Mosby: Thank you. 2I2IA1p3baA-00332-00161777-00162560 Mohamed, I want to make sure, given that you have time to speak or if you want to provide 2I2IA1p3baA-00333-00162560-00162736 clarification or you want to add. 2I2IA1p3baA-00334-00162736-00163123 So chime in if you want, if not, it's all good, I just want to make 2I2IA1p3baA-00335-00163123-00163326 sure. 2I2IA1p3baA-00336-00163326-00163666 We gotta bond together, president, president-to-president. 2I2IA1p3baA-00337-00163666-00163884 >> Mohamed Jama: Yeah. 2I2IA1p3baA-00338-00163884-00164602 Well, I see that there's so many students, participants today and I want to encourage 2I2IA1p3baA-00339-00164602-00165014 you all to apply and run for student government offices. 2I2IA1p3baA-00340-00165014-00165472 The applications are uploaded in CLS.highline.edu. 2I2IA1p3baA-00341-00165472-00166035 I will be posting the link in the chat box, you can copy it and paste it, and start that 2I2IA1p3baA-00342-00166035-00166678 application to run for either vice-president, president, or even any other leadership 2I2IA1p3baA-00343-00166678-00167127 opportunities at the center for leadership and service. 2I2IA1p3baA-00344-00167127-00168276 Let me post a link. 2I2IA1p3baA-00345-00168276-00169712 It's right over here. 2I2IA1p3baA-00346-00169712-00171021 >> President Mosby: Are you typing it in, Mohamed? 2I2IA1p3baA-00347-00171021-00171121 Perfect. 2I2IA1p3baA-00348-00171121-00171221 Okay. 2I2IA1p3baA-00349-00171221-00171321 Thank you. 2I2IA1p3baA-00350-00171321-00171837 >> Mohamed Jama: You'll find the elections packet and I'm determined that everyone and 2I2IA1p3baA-00351-00171837-00172300 every student is qualified to run and help replace us. 2I2IA1p3baA-00352-00172300-00172778 >> President Mosby: Thank you. 2I2IA1p3baA-00353-00172778-00173195 Thank you very much. 2I2IA1p3baA-00354-00173195-00173834 I want to make sure, and I hope I didn't skip over any questions, was there a software question? 2I2IA1p3baA-00355-00173834-00174351 I'm going to ask Marc, was there a software question that was asked early at the beginning 2I2IA1p3baA-00356-00174351-00174840 and I accidentally skipped over it or anything, or did we answer it? 2I2IA1p3baA-00357-00174840-00175284 >> Marc Lentini: I think that was the one about the interior design. 2I2IA1p3baA-00358-00175284-00175507 >> President Mosby: Thank you very much. 2I2IA1p3baA-00359-00175507-00175783 I just wanted to check. 2I2IA1p3baA-00360-00175783-00176740 Let's see, this is a question, and I'm hoping that our vice-presidents can speak to it, 2I2IA1p3baA-00361-00176740-00177501 we had a student who had to drop a college course last month because of health reasons. 2I2IA1p3baA-00362-00177501-00178385 And asked would it be possible to retake the course next year, I don't know if it's next 2I2IA1p3baA-00363-00178385-00178746 quarter, but next year at no additional cost. 2I2IA1p3baA-00364-00178746-00179105 Because the -- because it was a health reason why the course was 2I2IA1p3baA-00365-00179105-00179311 dropped before. 2I2IA1p3baA-00366-00179311-00180211 >> Aaron Reader: I would start off by saying within the student services departments, especially 2I2IA1p3baA-00367-00180211-00180714 with enrollment, registration, we do have our appeal process. 2I2IA1p3baA-00368-00180714-00181014 That's in place for students when hardships come up. 2I2IA1p3baA-00369-00181014-00181676 I certainly would say that this is one of those hardships, that you could be able to 2I2IA1p3baA-00370-00181676-00181851 fill out an appeal for. 2I2IA1p3baA-00371-00181851-00182404 We are working on trying to figure out the best ways to support our students 2I2IA1p3baA-00372-00182404-00182973 as we know many of our students are going through a lot during this time, and so I would 2I2IA1p3baA-00373-00182973-00183496 say the initial piece is to start there with completing an appeal, to just be able to formally 2I2IA1p3baA-00374-00183496-00183894 submit a document to our enrollment and registration 2I2IA1p3baA-00375-00183894-00184573 office, that just lets them know you had this particular hardship, and we're trying to work 2I2IA1p3baA-00376-00184573-00184829 through what's going to be beneficial and how we can start 2I2IA1p3baA-00377-00184829-00185129 moving students forward. 2I2IA1p3baA-00378-00185129-00185405 You can always reregister for the course. 2I2IA1p3baA-00379-00185405-00185901 I think we're just going to be trying to figure out how can we support those students that 2I2IA1p3baA-00380-00185901-00186159 we know funding is a concern. 2I2IA1p3baA-00381-00186159-00186617 So I don't have the full answer on that one, but 2I2IA1p3baA-00382-00186617-00187247 I will say at least begin the process of submitting an appeal for the class that you weren't able 2I2IA1p3baA-00383-00187247-00187439 to complete. 2I2IA1p3baA-00384-00187439-00187608 And we can go from there. 2I2IA1p3baA-00385-00187608-00188789 I don't know if -- let me see if I can provide the information on where you can submit that. 2I2IA1p3baA-00386-00188789-00189934 I'm trying to pull this up really quickly here. 2I2IA1p3baA-00387-00189934-00190787 You can connect with our registration office and the contact information, you can go to 2I2IA1p3baA-00388-00190787-00191263 registration@highline.edu. 2I2IA1p3baA-00389-00191263-00191898 You can also dial 206-592-3242. 2I2IA1p3baA-00390-00191898-00192522 And you'll be able to connect with someone there that can help with getting that started. 2I2IA1p3baA-00391-00192522-00192776 >> President Mosby: Great. 2I2IA1p3baA-00392-00192776-00193147 Actually, Aaron, if you don't mind, can you put that in the chat? 2I2IA1p3baA-00393-00193147-00193247 >> Aaron Reader: Sure. 2I2IA1p3baA-00394-00193247-00193660 >> President Mosby: Contact information, that would be great. 2I2IA1p3baA-00395-00193660-00194352 And actually, since we're talking about -- that question brought up funding. 2I2IA1p3baA-00396-00194352-00195114 I know we are still putting in place our procedures for CARES act, but do you mind, Aaron, giving 2I2IA1p3baA-00397-00195114-00195913 a brief overview of the CARES act, since you wrote a very good detailed email last week? 2I2IA1p3baA-00398-00195913-00196091 If you could share a little bit of information with 2I2IA1p3baA-00399-00196091-00196652 our students, obviously more information is coming, but an introduction would be wonderful. 2I2IA1p3baA-00400-00196652-00196752 Thank you. 2I2IA1p3baA-00401-00196752-00197259 >> Aaron Reader: Sure thing, I will attempt my best to do a brief overview without going 2I2IA1p3baA-00402-00197259-00197604 too far down the rabbit hole. 2I2IA1p3baA-00403-00197604-00198375 The college will be receiving some CARES, it's called the CARES act funds, which is 2I2IA1p3baA-00404-00198375-00198959 a Coronavirus relief aid that will be coming to the college. 2I2IA1p3baA-00405-00198959-00199327 And with those funds there is a portion that is 2I2IA1p3baA-00406-00199327-00199972 set aside to provide support in emergency resources to our students, and so we'll -- given 2I2IA1p3baA-00407-00199972-00200674 that information, we have been able to pool together a number of folks from across the 2I2IA1p3baA-00408-00200674-00201221 campus who do extensive work right now with emergency resources, 2I2IA1p3baA-00409-00201221-00201932 and that group is really working on really trying to build the process that we know is 2I2IA1p3baA-00410-00201932-00202203 going to be effective and beneficial for our particular 2I2IA1p3baA-00411-00202203-00202303 student population. 2I2IA1p3baA-00412-00202303-00202438 For you all. 2I2IA1p3baA-00413-00202438-00202857 So we're looking at the application process, we're looking at what the eligibility criteria 2I2IA1p3baA-00414-00202857-00203521 -- I will say that the funds does come with some guidelines, and 2I2IA1p3baA-00415-00203521-00204185 parameters that we have to kind of consider while doing this, but we're definitely in 2I2IA1p3baA-00416-00204185-00204965 the works of working very swiftly with intentionality, so that way we can provide the right amount 2I2IA1p3baA-00417-00204965-00205180 of support for our students. 2I2IA1p3baA-00418-00205180-00206141 So we know this pandemic has been impacting our student body heavily, and so these funds 2I2IA1p3baA-00419-00206141-00206654 are going to be beneficial, we are just really trying to work on the best way to provide 2I2IA1p3baA-00420-00206654-00206771 the resources to the students. 2I2IA1p3baA-00421-00206771-00207013 So more messaging will be coming out. 2I2IA1p3baA-00422-00207013-00207621 I will say that we're pretty close to almost having our -- a plan fully developed, but 2I2IA1p3baA-00423-00207621-00208130 it's in the making, and as soon as we have that plan in place, we will have a full-on 2I2IA1p3baA-00424-00208130-00208662 messaging campaign to go out to our students and be calling out and reaching out and emailing, 2I2IA1p3baA-00425-00208662-00209342 so please be on the lookout for that in the weeks to come. 2I2IA1p3baA-00426-00209342-00210160 >> President Mosby: I know there was a question that came through about the funding and this 2I2IA1p3baA-00427-00210160-00210696 was from one of our international students, and the type of help coming from the fund 2I2IA1p3baA-00428-00210696-00210796 youing. 2I2IA1p3baA-00429-00210796-00210984 Right now, again, as vice-president reader was talking 2I2IA1p3baA-00430-00210984-00212134 about, we are looking at all the rules, and policies, and ways we can distribute funding, 2I2IA1p3baA-00431-00212134-00212477 but we're also trying to put together a process for our college 2I2IA1p3baA-00432-00212477-00212696 in terms of how to assist students. 2I2IA1p3baA-00433-00212696-00213339 So once we have that finalized, we can be able to communicate that to the entire institution, 2I2IA1p3baA-00434-00213339-00213701 and of course our students, because we want to make sure that 2I2IA1p3baA-00435-00213701-00214467 students have the opportunity to not just understand about it, but apply for assistance. 2I2IA1p3baA-00436-00214467-00214810 So thank you very much, Aaron. 2I2IA1p3baA-00437-00214810-00215380 >> Aaron Reader: Thank you. 2I2IA1p3baA-00438-00215380-00215807 >> President Mosby: Okay. 2I2IA1p3baA-00439-00215807-00216523 Dear Dr. Mosby, it seems like online studying is going well so far. 2I2IA1p3baA-00440-00216523-00217063 So this pandemic will be a problem for a normal academics, do you all think about a way of 2I2IA1p3baA-00441-00217063-00217521 visual learning from now on, like any plans -- like any plans 2I2IA1p3baA-00442-00217521-00218288 to stay ahead of the game, because a lot of older people cannot -- are not able to struggle 2I2IA1p3baA-00443-00218288-00218865 to learn this fast technology, and how they will succeed. 2I2IA1p3baA-00444-00218865-00219387 This student indicated that they are worried about the people who don't have access they 2I2IA1p3baA-00445-00219387-00219650 need or don't know how to use it. 2I2IA1p3baA-00446-00219650-00220434 And another question, recommendation that this student provided was, when we get back 2I2IA1p3baA-00447-00220434-00220939 to normal, I will encourage our school to keep and make a plan for practicing social 2I2IA1p3baA-00448-00220939-00221546 distancing guidelines throughout our website and on campus so people 2I2IA1p3baA-00449-00221546-00222085 continue to be aware when we get back that we should not be having close contact with 2I2IA1p3baA-00450-00222085-00222369 one another. 2I2IA1p3baA-00451-00222369-00222991 And a recommendation to have new hand washing stations and more places of hand sanitizer, 2I2IA1p3baA-00452-00222991-00223290 I hope everyone is staying healthy and happy. 2I2IA1p3baA-00453-00223290-00224005 So for that individual, thank you so much for that information. 2I2IA1p3baA-00454-00224005-00224631 You know, I'm going to break it up into three different areas and say that one of the things 2I2IA1p3baA-00455-00224631-00225284 that we really struggle with, our executive cabinet and our staff and faculty, is not 2I2IA1p3baA-00456-00225284-00225560 because everybody -- not everybody has technology. 2I2IA1p3baA-00457-00225560-00225796 Not everybody has the level of technology. 2I2IA1p3baA-00458-00225796-00226523 So we have been asked, every institution across the country to shift from primarily face-to-face 2I2IA1p3baA-00459-00226523-00226965 to this different type of instruction and service delivery 2I2IA1p3baA-00460-00226965-00227160 almost overnight. 2I2IA1p3baA-00461-00227160-00227882 And that has been a huge bear for our students to shift in that thinking, but it's also been 2I2IA1p3baA-00462-00227882-00228425 extremely challenging time for our faculty and for our staff. 2I2IA1p3baA-00463-00228425-00228663 Because we're not an online college. 2I2IA1p3baA-00464-00228663-00229160 If we were -- if we all wanted to be at an online college, we would be at an online college. 2I2IA1p3baA-00465-00229160-00229861 We're not, and Highline prides itself on being able to provide that face-to-face 2I2IA1p3baA-00466-00229861-00230330 comfort and care for our students and to one another. 2I2IA1p3baA-00467-00230330-00231221 So many thanks to Tim in our ITS area, for example, for sending out surveys and those 2I2IA1p3baA-00468-00231221-00231457 students might have received a survey. 2I2IA1p3baA-00469-00231457-00231755 A few thousands of you responded, thank you, thank you, our staff 2I2IA1p3baA-00470-00231755-00232159 and faculty was provided a survey. 2I2IA1p3baA-00471-00232159-00232669 To be able to get a better understanding of what is needed from technology. 2I2IA1p3baA-00472-00232669-00233019 So when I'm -- we're not even talking about funding right now, we're just talking 2I2IA1p3baA-00473-00233019-00233814 about technology, because this divide that is existing within education is very multilayered. 2I2IA1p3baA-00474-00233814-00234159 So just from a technology standpoint, we have been able to 2I2IA1p3baA-00475-00234159-00234592 see what students, staff, and faculty have needed, because we have staff and faculty 2I2IA1p3baA-00476-00234592-00234844 who are struggling too. 2I2IA1p3baA-00477-00234844-00235026 And don't have the resources. 2I2IA1p3baA-00478-00235026-00235667 So again, many thanks to -- a number of people, but I will say special thanks to ITS, tr's 2I2IA1p3baA-00479-00235667-00236211 area for lead -- Tim's area for leading the effort and being the glue 2I2IA1p3baA-00480-00236211-00236690 from all the different resources on campus to be able to provide equipment to our students 2I2IA1p3baA-00481-00236690-00237408 so they can come and pick it up in a -- come up, pick it up and leave capacity and for 2I2IA1p3baA-00482-00237408-00237938 being able to provide equipment to our staff and faculty. 2I2IA1p3baA-00483-00237938-00238352 So that's one way we have been able to address and continue to address it. 2I2IA1p3baA-00484-00238352-00238988 In terms of the funding piece as vice-president Reader talked about, the CARES Act 2I2IA1p3baA-00485-00238988-00239630 will help and assist in addition to emergency funding that we have through foundation, and 2I2IA1p3baA-00486-00239630-00239844 again, identifying other areas. 2I2IA1p3baA-00487-00239844-00240502 But knowing that we have a lot more need than the type of funding that we 2I2IA1p3baA-00488-00240502-00240602 do have. 2I2IA1p3baA-00489-00240602-00241204 So we're constantly trying to make sure and identify resources that can best assist our 2I2IA1p3baA-00490-00241204-00241304 students. 2I2IA1p3baA-00491-00241304-00242230 And then for our students who do require a little bit more time to navigate this remote 2I2IA1p3baA-00492-00242230-00243125 kind of learning, we have our faculty, are ready to assist, our staff are ready to assist, 2I2IA1p3baA-00493-00243125-00243723 our division chairs that work with the various faculty in our academic unit are reaching 2I2IA1p3baA-00494-00243723-00244027 out to get information from our students, to check in 2I2IA1p3baA-00495-00244027-00244225 and see what's going on. 2I2IA1p3baA-00496-00244225-00244727 This is another example of us trying to provide -- get information from our students. 2I2IA1p3baA-00497-00244727-00245338 We Linn -- students will be contacted through our Highline Cares campaign, another 2I2IA1p3baA-00498-00245338-00245717 way to provide information to see how students are doing, because we also understand that 2I2IA1p3baA-00499-00245717-00246086 students aren't necessarily always going to say publicly what 2I2IA1p3baA-00500-00246086-00246186 they want. 2I2IA1p3baA-00501-00246186-00246286 And I totally get that. 2I2IA1p3baA-00502-00246286-00246386 And I understand that. 2I2IA1p3baA-00503-00246386-00246848 So we want to make sure we have intimate settings one-on-one where we can get information and 2I2IA1p3baA-00504-00246848-00247190 have conversations in terms of how to best assist our students. 2I2IA1p3baA-00505-00247190-00247527 So definitely working on that. 2I2IA1p3baA-00506-00247527-00247994 In terms of when we get back to normal, whatever that looks like, we definitely want to practice 2I2IA1p3baA-00507-00247994-00248155 social distancing guidelines. 2I2IA1p3baA-00508-00248155-00248726 I think that our future is going to be different. 2I2IA1p3baA-00509-00248726-00249204 And I think we're going to be mindful and I think things 2I2IA1p3baA-00510-00249204-00249677 are going to be set up a little differently in terms of how we maneuver, how we walk around, 2I2IA1p3baA-00511-00249677-00249925 it's not going to be just on campus, but how we go to the 2I2IA1p3baA-00512-00249925-00250463 store, how we go to the park, how we exercise. 2I2IA1p3baA-00513-00250463-00250983 It's really challenging us to think about things differently, and to make sure that 2I2IA1p3baA-00514-00250983-00251329 we're healthy and making sure we're continuing the health of 2I2IA1p3baA-00515-00251329-00251825 others, we need to continue practicing some type of social distancing when we're back 2I2IA1p3baA-00516-00251825-00251952 on campus. 2I2IA1p3baA-00517-00251952-00252794 And our institution has -- is mindful of that, and we'll be working to provide that information 2I2IA1p3baA-00518-00252794-00253011 for the campus community. 2I2IA1p3baA-00519-00253011-00254023 And lastly, I will work with our facilities folks on looking at and ordering more hand 2I2IA1p3baA-00520-00254023-00254240 washing stations and sanitizers. 2I2IA1p3baA-00521-00254240-00254621 I know that is something that has been -- they put 2I2IA1p3baA-00522-00254621-00255119 that on order, that is something when this first happened that we have been talking with 2I2IA1p3baA-00523-00255119-00255464 our facilities crew about. 2I2IA1p3baA-00524-00255464-00255871 Currently there's some backlog, so we have challenges with that because everybody 2I2IA1p3baA-00525-00255871-00256010 is doing that. 2I2IA1p3baA-00526-00256010-00256773 But long after this ends, we definitely want to increase the safety of our campus. 2I2IA1p3baA-00527-00256773-00257259 So we're going to definitely look at expanding those and getting more of those areas, more 2I2IA1p3baA-00528-00257259-00257505 of those items on our campus. 2I2IA1p3baA-00529-00257505-00258142 And anything else that comes up can always let my office know, you can always send it 2I2IA1p3baA-00530-00258142-00258559 to ask@highline.edu, those are great information. 2I2IA1p3baA-00531-00258559-00259255 For the individual who sent me this, thank you very much. 2I2IA1p3baA-00532-00259255-00259944 Let's see. 2I2IA1p3baA-00533-00259944-00260334 What is happening to international students now at Highline College? 2I2IA1p3baA-00534-00260334-00261023 Well, our international students, many of our international students have made the decision 2I2IA1p3baA-00535-00261023-00261789 to want to be with their families, and they -- some made that option, and decided 2I2IA1p3baA-00536-00261789-00262052 to leave, which makes sense. 2I2IA1p3baA-00537-00262052-00262394 We want to support all the decisions our students make. 2I2IA1p3baA-00538-00262394-00262694 It's very different for the majority of our students that live at 2I2IA1p3baA-00539-00262694-00263375 home and come to campus, but we do have a collection of students that are not from here. 2I2IA1p3baA-00540-00263375-00263496 And are far away. 2I2IA1p3baA-00541-00263496-00264331 We have some students who live on campus in the -- in our campus housing, and some of 2I2IA1p3baA-00542-00264331-00264626 them have decided to leave, and we have some that are staying. 2I2IA1p3baA-00543-00264626-00265143 But we have housing staff that is assisting with the students, providing support as they 2I2IA1p3baA-00544-00265143-00265808 did before COVID-19, and will continue to do so. 2I2IA1p3baA-00545-00265808-00266188 For students who don't have access to lab tops or internet, what is Highline College 2I2IA1p3baA-00546-00266188-00266335 planning to do about it? 2I2IA1p3baA-00547-00266335-00267281 Again, as I said a little earlier, we have the surveys that our staff and faculty 2I2IA1p3baA-00548-00267281-00267845 and students filled out to assess one's needs. 2I2IA1p3baA-00549-00267845-00268367 If you have not completed that survey, please let my office know. 2I2IA1p3baA-00550-00268367-00268796 I don't know if that survey is still -- I think the survey is still out. 2I2IA1p3baA-00551-00268796-00268983 We could still send a reminder, we can do something 2I2IA1p3baA-00552-00268983-00269083 about that. 2I2IA1p3baA-00553-00269083-00269794 >> Tim Wyre: The survey is still out but Marc also posted a link in the chat that they can 2I2IA1p3baA-00554-00269794-00269904 go find it. 2I2IA1p3baA-00555-00269904-00270086 >> President Mosby: Perfect. 2I2IA1p3baA-00556-00270086-00270272 Thank you, Marc, thank you, Tim. 2I2IA1p3baA-00557-00270272-00270799 That is the way, that is one of the ways, our main way of being able to get information 2I2IA1p3baA-00558-00270799-00271043 -- find out where our students' needs are. 2I2IA1p3baA-00559-00271043-00271520 So I would encourage every student to complete that survey. 2I2IA1p3baA-00560-00271520-00271901 Even if you have the access, but to fill it out. 2I2IA1p3baA-00561-00271901-00272560 Because we just need to know from our campus what our students need. 2I2IA1p3baA-00562-00272560-00272960 And then will people visiting the campus have their temperature checked? 2I2IA1p3baA-00563-00272960-00273178 That's a good question. 2I2IA1p3baA-00564-00273178-00274108 And right now we are in discussion to determine what will happen when the campus reopens. 2I2IA1p3baA-00565-00274108-00274501 For -- if anybody sets foot on the campus they have their temperature checked. 2I2IA1p3baA-00566-00274501-00274711 That requires a lot of planning. 2I2IA1p3baA-00567-00274711-00275006 Remember, our campus is an open campus. 2I2IA1p3baA-00568-00275006-00275636 So in more secure areas, walking through, getting your temperature checked 2I2IA1p3baA-00569-00275636-00276224 in certain places can be -- that is easier to be able to handle. 2I2IA1p3baA-00570-00276224-00276751 We have to ask ourselves if that's something that we feel like the institution needs to 2I2IA1p3baA-00571-00276751-00276953 do, but we also want to make sure we get guidance 2I2IA1p3baA-00572-00276953-00277471 from the CDC, guidance from our respiratory care folks as well, that's going to help guide 2I2IA1p3baA-00573-00277471-00277571 us. 2I2IA1p3baA-00574-00277571-00277921 Because we also want to make sure that our processes and 2I2IA1p3baA-00575-00277921-00278380 different things that are in place is to be perceived as helping students, and helping 2I2IA1p3baA-00576-00278380-00278541 staff and faculty. 2I2IA1p3baA-00577-00278541-00278824 We want to make sure the message is appropriate. 2I2IA1p3baA-00578-00278824-00279501 So that is part of our planning for when students -- when the campus reopens, and if 2I2IA1p3baA-00579-00279501-00280124 there are extra precautions that we will definitely enforce, we will let folks know prior to when 2I2IA1p3baA-00580-00280124-00280350 the campus reopens. 2I2IA1p3baA-00581-00280350-00281423 >> Mohamed Jama: I would like to add on to the -- I it was the previous question on students 2I2IA1p3baA-00582-00281423-00281651 getting the resources they need. 2I2IA1p3baA-00583-00281651-00282078 So student government is currently working on creating a scholarship 2I2IA1p3baA-00584-00282078-00282588 emergency aid opportunity for students that do need those resources. 2I2IA1p3baA-00585-00282588-00283421 So we soon hope to release -- at least propose to our student council the relocation of unused 2I2IA1p3baA-00586-00283421-00284066 funds for program use in order to respond to the resources that students need 2I2IA1p3baA-00587-00284066-00284446 in order to finish this quarter successfully and strong. 2I2IA1p3baA-00588-00284446-00285003 So what we're trying to do is create a scholarship solely based on Highline 2I2IA1p3baA-00589-00285003-00285555 College, so that would go -- it would be money going into your account and then you can use 2I2IA1p3baA-00590-00285555-00286260 those resources for -- in order to check out a laptop or anything else at Highline College. 2I2IA1p3baA-00591-00286260-00286661 And I will be sharing -- we will be sharing everybody with 2I2IA1p3baA-00592-00286661-00287154 that information online as well as all the social media accounts. 2I2IA1p3baA-00593-00287154-00287996 But, yeah, keep an eye on, and keep the lookout for those scholarship funds. 2I2IA1p3baA-00594-00287996-00288386 And it will be small leadership scholarships that you will be needing to apply for. 2I2IA1p3baA-00595-00288386-00289040 But we hope to expand that, as well as give it to every student that needs it. 2I2IA1p3baA-00596-00289040-00290011 >> President Mosby: Thank you, Mohamed. 2I2IA1p3baA-00597-00290011-00290512 That is pretty much all the questions that we received in advance. 2I2IA1p3baA-00598-00290512-00290962 A couple of them were the same, were about commencement. 2I2IA1p3baA-00599-00290962-00292224 For the participants that we have on right now, any last questions? 2I2IA1p3baA-00600-00292224-00292442 The questions, by the way, have been great. 2I2IA1p3baA-00601-00292442-00292675 They've been excellent. 2I2IA1p3baA-00602-00292675-00293704 The ones in advance and the one today -- the ones today, there's a gentleman person named 2I2IA1p3baA-00603-00293704-00294147 Dan, and Dan, you have asked some very, very, very good questions. 2I2IA1p3baA-00604-00294147-00294454 I mean, everybody has, but you've asked some very good ones. 2I2IA1p3baA-00605-00294454-00294843 You get the gold star for today, let me tell you. 2I2IA1p3baA-00606-00294843-00295544 But I will say these questions that you're asking really represent a high level of care 2I2IA1p3baA-00607-00295544-00295644 and understanding. 2I2IA1p3baA-00608-00295644-00295887 I know that you all care about this college. 2I2IA1p3baA-00609-00295887-00296118 And that shows. 2I2IA1p3baA-00610-00296118-00296478 Definitely in the des you're asking shows that you're well aware of the 2I2IA1p3baA-00611-00296478-00296866 many challenges that are affecting all of us. 2I2IA1p3baA-00612-00296866-00297390 And we really appreciate that, because we take these questions back and your concerns, 2I2IA1p3baA-00613-00297390-00297577 and we think about what we can do. 2I2IA1p3baA-00614-00297577-00297838 Because some things we might have to change. 2I2IA1p3baA-00615-00297838-00298062 We might have to change immediately. 2I2IA1p3baA-00616-00298062-00298529 And sometimes we think certain things are working, and you all let us know, it's not 2I2IA1p3baA-00617-00298529-00299138 working the way it should, and we will adjust accordingly. 2I2IA1p3baA-00618-00299138-00300045 Know that we're going to be doing another president's town hall check-in next month, 2I2IA1p3baA-00619-00300045-00300204 which is coming up very, very soon. 2I2IA1p3baA-00620-00300204-00301090 And we'll be doing one in June as well, right before exams. 2I2IA1p3baA-00621-00301090-00301722 Also know that you can email, ask@highline.edu with any kind 2I2IA1p3baA-00622-00301722-00301875 of questions or concerns. 2I2IA1p3baA-00623-00301875-00302318 You can always contact me directly and email me. 2I2IA1p3baA-00624-00302318-00302887 You can also, if you want to set up a Zoom call, or you want me to give you 2I2IA1p3baA-00625-00302887-00303467 a call on the phone, or something, you can always contact my office and I'm more than 2I2IA1p3baA-00626-00303467-00303827 accessible and can make time work. 2I2IA1p3baA-00627-00303827-00304326 So bottom line is, we want to hear from you, whatever way possible, whatever 2I2IA1p3baA-00628-00304326-00304543 way you feel comfortable. 2I2IA1p3baA-00629-00304543-00304850 And we are committed to your success. 2I2IA1p3baA-00630-00304850-00305477 And we are committed to your success when this COVID-19 passes us, and I look forward 2I2IA1p3baA-00631-00305477-00306278 to a time where we can all celebrate on campus, to be on campus, one of the things I've told 2I2IA1p3baA-00632-00306278-00306791 many people so -- especially people on this call are probably tired of me, one of my biggest 2I2IA1p3baA-00633-00306791-00307161 joys as president is to be able to walk around our beautiful 2I2IA1p3baA-00634-00307161-00307562 campus and to just see our wonderful students. 2I2IA1p3baA-00635-00307562-00307775 The best students in the state, the best students in the country. 2I2IA1p3baA-00636-00307775-00308259 And to be able to walk around and see them is always a daily joy that I had. 2I2IA1p3baA-00637-00308259-00308720 So it saddens me that we're not able to do that. 2I2IA1p3baA-00638-00308720-00309214 But it gives me hope that we will be able to do that in the near future. 2I2IA1p3baA-00639-00309214-00309420 So thanking you very much. 2I2IA1p3baA-00640-00309420-00310023 We're pretty much at -- almost at 3:00, thank you so much for your patience. 2I2IA1p3baA-00641-00310023-00310670 Again, this is learning a lot of new things. 2I2IA1p3baA-00642-00310670-00311205 It's great, I'd rather have done it in our student union and had boxes and boxes of pizza 2I2IA1p3baA-00643-00311205-00311839 and cupcakes, and juice to be able to provide, so virtually, just kind of imagine that if 2I2IA1p3baA-00644-00311839-00312231 you can, and hopefully we can do that in the near future. 2I2IA1p3baA-00645-00312231-00312604 But I want to take time and thank Mohamed, thank 2I2IA1p3baA-00646-00312604-00313486 Dr. Lardner, vice-president Reader, Tim from ITS, Marc Lentini from Instructional Design, 2I2IA1p3baA-00647-00313486-00314265 Heather McBreen from Admin Services/the President's Office, Amy Snyder from the President's Office 2I2IA1p3baA-00648-00314265-00314683 who has been quiet in the background, but always provides such stellar 2I2IA1p3baA-00649-00314683-00314783 support. 2I2IA1p3baA-00650-00314783-00315276 And above all, your students, thank you so much for taking the time, 35 of you, to be 2I2IA1p3baA-00651-00315276-00315518 on the Zoom call today. 2I2IA1p3baA-00652-00315518-00315908 And with that, have a great rest of the week, and be safe. 2I2IA1p3baA-00653-00315908-00315933 Thank you. 2I8As4HaO94-00000-00002016-00002984 uh 2I8As4HaO94-00001-00008168-00008584 more 2I8As4HaO94-00002-00014232-00014912 i know you told your friend you're not okay and tell me what's wrong and why 2I8As4HaO94-00003-00014912-00015504 you never said you felt that way cause you're trying to stay strong and fake 2I8As4HaO94-00004-00016488-00016984 as you fade away 2I8As4HaO94-00005-00017680-00018168 yeah i'm bout to fade away cause every time i wake up i feel like it's monday something's 2I8As4HaO94-00006-00018168-00018688 going wrong with all the chemicals i bit my brain all of a sudden i don't look at anything the same 2I8As4HaO94-00007-00018688-00019344 way got a build up of my thoughts sitting in an ashtray i'm sorry that i'm so inconvenient okay 2I8As4HaO94-00008-00019344-00019800 just let me be me and i'll stay out of your way i can see the way you look at me 2I8As4HaO94-00009-00019800-00020248 i'm such a disgrace i never really asked to be brought into this place 2I8As4HaO94-00010-00020248-00020752 you wanna love me well then baby have a taste all the highs and the lows know you'll never 2I8As4HaO94-00011-00020752-00021200 be the same i don't really wanna hurt you but i can't control the vein if you're sticking 2I8As4HaO94-00012-00021200-00021824 by my side maybe we could be okay okay okay maybe you could be the change i need 2I8As4HaO94-00013-00021824-00022472 today i promise that i'm there never fell this way i really hope that you will choose to stay 2I8As4HaO94-00014-00024888-00025384 as you fade away 2I8As4HaO94-00015-00025480-00026783 as you fade away 2I8As4HaO94-00016-00029400-00030983 i think that i'm broken but i hope you can't help i know i'm not perfect for some days 2I8As4HaO94-00017-00033288-00033784 as you fade away 2I8As4HaO94-00018-00037032-00037880 i know you told your friend you're not okay and tell me what's wrong and why you never said you 2I8As4HaO94-00019-00038848-00039088 it hurts to watch your blue eyes 2N2hUr05JN4-00000-00000534-00001164 ECG waves, intervals and segments? How to remember duration of various intervals 2N2hUr05JN4-00001-00001164-00001873 and segments and even ECG waves and How to read an ECG? ECG i.e the 2N2hUr05JN4-00002-00001873-00002271 electrocardiography is recording of the spread of electrical impulse in heart 2N2hUr05JN4-00003-00002271-00002807 and how this electrical impulse is recorded ? As various waves, intervals 2N2hUr05JN4-00004-00002807-00003531 segments in ECG. So to understand these let's see a lead II ECG. So here this 2N2hUr05JN4-00005-00003531-00004104 picture is showing a lead II ECG, so this is a thermal paper over which ECG is 2N2hUr05JN4-00006-00004104-00004587 recorded. This portion is showing the calibration that is the voltage recorded 2N2hUr05JN4-00007-00004587-00005175 as some distance on a paper. The standard calibration is that one millivolt is 2N2hUr05JN4-00008-00005175-00005748 recorded as one centimeter on a thermal paper. This portion is the recording of 2N2hUr05JN4-00009-00005748-00006192 the spread of the electrical impulse in the heart. So here it is showing two 2N2hUr05JN4-00010-00006192-00006747 electrical impulse recording. So let's focus on recording of one electrical 2N2hUr05JN4-00011-00006747-00007410 activity here. The first wave which is seen here is P wave. It occurs due to atrial 2N2hUr05JN4-00012-00007410-00007968 depolarization. After atrial depolarization there is some time during 2N2hUr05JN4-00013-00007968-00008349 which atria are depolarized and ventricular is still at resting 2N2hUr05JN4-00014-00008349-00008937 membrane potential because there is a pause at AV node. So no potential is 2N2hUr05JN4-00015-00008937-00009405 recorded during this time. Then we get another wave or we can say a wave 2N2hUr05JN4-00016-00009405-00010053 complex known as QRS complex. The QRS complex represents ventricular 2N2hUr05JN4-00017-00010053-00010536 depolarization. Then there is some time in between when again no voltage is 2N2hUr05JN4-00018-00010536-00010974 recorded that is the time in between the ventricular depolarization and 2N2hUr05JN4-00019-00010974-00011544 ventricular repolarization. After that we get another wave that is the T wave which 2N2hUr05JN4-00020-00011544-00012048 is occurring due to ventricular repolarization. Now you may ask where is 2N2hUr05JN4-00021-00012048-00012576 atrial repolarization recorded ? Atrial repolarization occurs at the same time 2N2hUr05JN4-00022-00012576-00013272 as that of ventricular depolarization so that the voltage change there is merged 2N2hUr05JN4-00023-00013272-00013782 with QRS complex. Now this is the convention which we follow while naming 2N2hUr05JN4-00024-00013782-00014277 the waves that is starting with P wave till T wave -especially you should focus 2N2hUr05JN4-00025-00014277-00014913 on QRS complex. QRS complex represents ventricular depolarization right.. Now how 2N2hUr05JN4-00026-00014913-00015321 is it named ? The first negative wave that is recorded during ventricular 2N2hUr05JN4-00027-00015321-00016005 depolarization is known as a Q wave.. first positive wave is known as R wave 2N2hUr05JN4-00028-00016005-00016704 and the negative wave which occurs after the first positive wave is S wave.. but 2N2hUr05JN4-00029-00016704-00017136 why we need to know all this? because there may be some leads in which you 2N2hUr05JN4-00030-00017136-00017700 don't see first negative Q wave. Directly there may be a positive wave then that 2N2hUr05JN4-00031-00017700-00018282 way we don't call as Q wave- we call it as R wave because by convention first 2N2hUr05JN4-00032-00018282-00018867 positive wave is known as R wave but whole complex we call as QRS complex 2N2hUr05JN4-00033-00018867-00019350 only. Second as we will see later in the video that we have something known as PR 2N2hUr05JN4-00034-00019350-00019950 segment and PR interval not P Q segment and P Q interval but even 2N2hUr05JN4-00035-00019950-00020640 though they are known as PR segment and PR interval- we mark them till the 2N2hUr05JN4-00036-00020640-00021243 beginning of QRS complex. Okay so we have dealt with waves of ECG here. Now let us 2N2hUr05JN4-00037-00021243-00021867 see various intervals and segments. First thing to remember is segments do not 2N2hUr05JN4-00038-00021867-00022569 have any waves between them.. but intervals include waves. So what are 2N2hUr05JN4-00039-00022569-00023073 these segments and intervals? We will talk about three segments and five 2N2hUr05JN4-00040-00023073-00023900 intervals. The segments are PR segment, ST segment, TP segment. So PR segment- 2N2hUr05JN4-00041-00023900-00024495 remember segments do not include wave- So PR segment is from the end of P wave 2N2hUr05JN4-00042-00024495-00025104 that is this point to the beginning of QRS complex that is this point. So this 2N2hUr05JN4-00043-00025104-00025770 much is PR segment -so see here even though we are seeing PR segment we are 2N2hUr05JN4-00044-00025770-00026295 marking till the beginning of QRS complex. So PR segment represents AV 2N2hUr05JN4-00045-00026295-00026713 nodal pause during this time Atrial is depolarized 2N2hUr05JN4-00046-00026713-00027286 but ventricles are at resting membrane potential. ST-segment is from the end of 2N2hUr05JN4-00047-00027286-00027940 QRS complex that is this point to the beginning of T wave so till here. So this 2N2hUr05JN4-00048-00027940-00028533 is ST segment- see again that there is no wave in between. During ST segment 2N2hUr05JN4-00049-00028533-00028960 ventricles are depolarized and no current is flowing through the heart. 2N2hUr05JN4-00050-00028960-00029734 Now TP segment is from end of T wave of one record to P wave of record of 2N2hUr05JN4-00051-00029734-00030469 another impulse. So this portion is TP segment. Now let us see the intervals 2N2hUr05JN4-00052-00030469-00031339 first is PR interval. PR interval is from beginning of P wave to beginning of QRS 2N2hUr05JN4-00053-00031339-00031975 complex. So as already told the intervals includes the waves so PR interval is 2N2hUr05JN4-00054-00031975-00032509 from beginning of P wave it includes the P wave to the beginning of the QRS 2N2hUr05JN4-00055-00032509-00033070 complex. Next is ST interval. ST interval is from 2N2hUr05JN4-00056-00033070-00033814 end of QRS complex to end of T wave so it is including the T wave- this is ST 2N2hUr05JN4-00057-00033814-00034459 interval while QT interval is from beginning of QRS complex to end of T 2N2hUr05JN4-00058-00034459-00035320 wave. So that means from here- beginning of QRS complex to end of T wave. 2N2hUr05JN4-00059-00035320-00035725 Sometimes it becomes very confusing to remember these intervals -from where they 2N2hUr05JN4-00060-00035725-00036244 begin and where they end. So I remember it by one stupid mnemonic- I don't know 2N2hUr05JN4-00061-00036244-00036679 it may help you also. As already told intervals include waves 2N2hUr05JN4-00062-00036679-00037110 while segments do not include waves- so which waves do these intervals include? 2N2hUr05JN4-00063-00037110-00038002 See PR interval is this side of ECG so it includes this side of wave i.e P wave. 2N2hUr05JN4-00064-00038002-00038719 Now St interval is this side of ECG so include this side wave that is T wave while 2N2hUr05JN4-00065-00038719-00039217 QT interval includes both the waves. See it includes from the beginning of 2N2hUr05JN4-00066-00039217-00039799 the QRS complex to end of T wave that means it includes both QRS complex and T 2N2hUr05JN4-00067-00039799-00040276 wave. Now there are two other intervals which are of significance for us- one is 2N2hUr05JN4-00068-00040276-00041122 R-R interval taken from the peak of one R way to the peak of another R wave- so 2N2hUr05JN4-00069-00041122-00041728 this is R-R interval while in certain abnormalities we also need P-P 2N2hUr05JN4-00070-00041728-00042469 interval that is from the peak of P wave to peak of another P wave so when we 2N2hUr05JN4-00071-00042469-00042985 will talk about how to read ECG we will tell that where this PP interval is 2N2hUr05JN4-00072-00042985-00043393 needed. Now let us see what are the normal durations of various waves, 2N2hUr05JN4-00073-00043393-00043969 segments and intervals. For that we'll just see one concept and it will help 2N2hUr05JN4-00074-00043969-00044577 you remember the various durations see as signal starts from SA node it takes 2N2hUr05JN4-00075-00044577-00045240 0.03 seconds to reach AV node and further 0.06 seconds to depolarize the 2N2hUr05JN4-00076-00045240-00045816 atria. So total time for atrial depolarization we are just adding this 2N2hUr05JN4-00077-00045816-00046567 0.06 and 0.03- it is 0.09 seconds. Since P wave is representing atrial 2N2hUr05JN4-00078-00046567-00047320 depolarization so this P wave duration is 0.09 seconds. Now impulse stops at AV 2N2hUr05JN4-00079-00047320-00048064 node for 0.1 second that is the AV node will delay and then only the ventricular 2N2hUr05JN4-00080-00048064-00048811 depolarization starts- so if we add this the traveling time 0.03 seconds and 2N2hUr05JN4-00081-00048811-00049468 the 0.1 second it comes to 0.13 seconds that means from the beginning 2N2hUr05JN4-00082-00049468-00049893 of the atrial depolarization to the beginning of the ventricular 2N2hUr05JN4-00083-00049893-00050500 depolarization it is 0.13 seconds -this is what this is nothing but 2N2hUr05JN4-00084-00050500-00051106 PR interval. Then ventricular depolarization it takes around the 0.03 2N2hUr05JN4-00085-00051106-00051679 seconds to occur from here to here and then further spread by Purkinje fibers 2N2hUr05JN4-00086-00051679-00052648 also takes 0.03 seconds. So again it is 0.06 seconds. So this QRS complex see it 2N2hUr05JN4-00087-00052648-00053038 represents the ventricular depolarization and we are seeing that 2N2hUr05JN4-00088-00053038-00053373 ventricular depolarization is occurring in 2N2hUr05JN4-00089-00053373-00054001 0.06 seconds. Simple to remember right you have to remember only this 0.03 2N2hUr05JN4-00090-00054001-00054658 everywhere and AV nodal delay 0.1 seconds and you can easily tell how much 2N2hUr05JN4-00091-00054658-00055231 is the duration of these waves and intervals. Now to calculate PR segment 2N2hUr05JN4-00092-00055231-00055855 you just - PR interval from P wave and you will get the duration of the PR 2N2hUr05JN4-00093-00055855-00056398 segment that is 0.04 seconds. So basically you need to remember only two or more 2N2hUr05JN4-00094-00056398-00056995 values that is the ST segment and the duration of the T wave. So ST segment 2N2hUr05JN4-00095-00056995-00058300 duration is 0.08 - 0.12 seconds and duration of the T wave is 0.12 - 0.2 2N2hUr05JN4-00096-00058300-00058855 seconds. So when you know the duration of the ST segment and T wave then you can 2N2hUr05JN4-00097-00058855-00059317 easily calculate what will be the duration of the ST interval...right.. that 2N2hUr05JN4-00098-00059317-00059884 is from the end of the QRS complex till the end of the T wave is your ST 2N2hUr05JN4-00099-00059884-00060298 interval..l just add the two durations and you will get the duration of the ST 2N2hUr05JN4-00100-00060298-00060799 interval. Similarly you can get also the duration of the QT interval. Now let's 2N2hUr05JN4-00101-00060799-00061369 combine all this information and see how to read an ECG. Remember that when ECG is 2N2hUr05JN4-00102-00061369-00062032 recorded on a thermal ECG paper at a standard speed of 25 mm/s 2N2hUr05JN4-00103-00062032-00062869 then each small square of ECG horizontally represents time of 0.04 2N2hUr05JN4-00104-00062869-00063154 seconds. Similarly the calibration which we 2N2hUr05JN4-00105-00063154-00063684 discussed in the beginning of the video about the voltage- each small square 2N2hUr05JN4-00106-00063684-00064573 vertically represents 0.1 mv. So this 10 squares represent 1 millivolt so 2N2hUr05JN4-00107-00064573-00065125 one small square will represent 0.1 mv.. why it is important to know 2N2hUr05JN4-00108-00065125-00065680 this? Because once you know the calibration and speed and how much each 2N2hUr05JN4-00109-00065680-00066226 square represents horizontally and vertically - to determine the duration of 2N2hUr05JN4-00110-00066226-00066825 each segment, interval you can simply count the number of the 2N2hUr05JN4-00111-00066825-00067569 squares. So suppose here P wave is having around one and a half square.. So it 2N2hUr05JN4-00112-00067569-00068133 will represent 0.06 seconds and for voltage you just count the number of 2N2hUr05JN4-00113-00068133-00068583 squares vertically so suppose here again it is around one and a half square so 2N2hUr05JN4-00114-00068583-00069306 it will be 0.15 millivolt. So for reading ECG what we need to look at ? There are 2N2hUr05JN4-00115-00069306-00069804 multiple things we need to look at. First thing is whether there is presence of 2N2hUr05JN4-00116-00069804-00070236 sinus rhythm ? i.e whether signal generated at SA node is reaching 2N2hUr05JN4-00117-00070236-00070986 ventricles or not ? So that we see whether every P wave is followed by a QRS 2N2hUr05JN4-00118-00070986-00071715 complex or not. So for this you take any lead ECG and you just see whether P wave 2N2hUr05JN4-00119-00071715-00072411 is followed by QRS complex. Secondly look at the waves.. what is their shape, duration 2N2hUr05JN4-00120-00072411-00072918 and voltages? Now voltages of the waves will vary in different leads.. this we 2N2hUr05JN4-00121-00072918-00073248 have discussed in some other video please check that out the link for it is 2N2hUr05JN4-00122-00073248-00073713 given in the description section.. why voltages of waves differ in 2N2hUr05JN4-00123-00073713-00074103 different leads but the duration will be same in all leads. 2N2hUr05JN4-00124-00074103-00074679 So for taking the voltages you see how it is appearing in different leads. Now 2N2hUr05JN4-00125-00074679-00075243 before going furthe,r we'll just see how to calculate the voltage of QRS complex 2N2hUr05JN4-00126-00075243-00075672 See QRS complex is having a negative wave-then positive then negative- so 2N2hUr05JN4-00127-00075672-00076224 which voltage to take out of these? What we do is we take the voltage of the most 2N2hUr05JN4-00128-00076224-00076725 positive wave- so from the baseline in this case the most positive wave is R 2N2hUr05JN4-00129-00076725-00077238 wave so we will take from baseline and count the number of squares. so how much 2N2hUr05JN4-00130-00077238-00078093 it is? say 5 10 11 12 12 squares.. so it will be 1.2 mv and the most 2N2hUr05JN4-00131-00078093-00078564 negative wave.. so out of this S wave and Q wave actually Q wave is more negative.. 2N2hUr05JN4-00132-00078564-00079323 So we will take it as -0.1 mv .. right and we take a algebraic sum 2N2hUr05JN4-00133-00079323-00079954 of these. So the voltage of the QRS complex will be 1.1mv.. okay 2N2hUr05JN4-00134-00079954-00080413 then we have to look at the segments and intervals.. what is the duration? whether 2N2hUr05JN4-00135-00080413-00080782 it is normal or not.. Now again duration will be the same in 2N2hUr05JN4-00136-00080782-00081229 all leads right so just count the number of the squares.. so suppose I have to 2N2hUr05JN4-00137-00081229-00081811 calculate the duration of the PR segment..what I will do? I will just see the 2N2hUr05JN4-00138-00081811-00082198 number of the square so in this case number of the square is 1 so duration of 2N2hUr05JN4-00139-00082198-00082716 the PR segment will be 0.04 seconds because 1 small square represents 2N2hUr05JN4-00140-00082716-00083413 0.04 seconds. Next we have to look at the ST segment and something known as the J 2N2hUr05JN4-00141-00083413-00084172 point. J point is the point where QRS complex ends. In normal conditions, if we 2N2hUr05JN4-00142-00084172-00084703 extend our TP segment so here comes the significance of the TP segment so if we 2N2hUr05JN4-00143-00084703-00085366 extend our TP segment back it will coincide with the ST segment both will 2N2hUr05JN4-00144-00085366-00085897 be in the same line. But sometimes this end of the QRS complex and this ST 2N2hUr05JN4-00145-00085897-00086347 segment will be either above or below this line- this is known as ST segment 2N2hUr05JN4-00146-00086347-00086881 elevation on depression. So that also we have to check whether there is any ST 2N2hUr05JN4-00147-00086881-00087409 segment elevation or depression or not? Then next we have to look for the RR 2N2hUr05JN4-00148-00087409-00087895 interval. Now this RR interval gives us information about the heart rate and 2N2hUr05JN4-00149-00087895-00088330 what we do is we count the number of the small squares between the peak of to R 2N2hUr05JN4-00150-00088330-00089086 wavess and to calculate heart rate we use one formula 1500 divided by the RR 2N2hUr05JN4-00151-00089086-00089542 interval where RR interval is represented in the form of number of the 2N2hUr05JN4-00152-00089542-00090082 small squares in between the two RR peaks. So this will give you the heart 2N2hUr05JN4-00153-00090082-00090457 rate. Now this RR interval is used when the 2N2hUr05JN4-00154-00090457-00090874 sinus rhythm that is a normal rhythm is present that is P wave is followed by 2N2hUr05JN4-00155-00090874-00091303 the QRS complex but if sinus rhythm is not present that 2N2hUr05JN4-00156-00091303-00091941 means all P waves are not followed by QRS complex so then in that case we use 2N2hUr05JN4-00157-00091941-00092512 PP interval. So PP interval will give you the atrial rate if sinus rhythm is not 2N2hUr05JN4-00158-00092512-00092980 present and R_R interval in that case will give you the ventricular rate. Now 2N2hUr05JN4-00159-00092980-00093526 finally you have to look at the cardiac sis. Now cardiac axis represents the 2N2hUr05JN4-00160-00093526-00094162 average direction of depolarization of the heart in one impulse. Now how much is 2N2hUr05JN4-00161-00094162-00094798 normal cardiac axis and how to calculate it plus what is the shortcut of knowing 2N2hUr05JN4-00162-00094798-00095257 the cardiac axis that we will deall in another video. Well thank you for 2N2hUr05JN4-00163-00095257-00095656 watching the video and do not forget to like the video and subscribe to the 2N2hUr05JN4-00164-00095656-00095994 channel Physiology Open. 2pVyq8HvebM-00000-00000079-00000597 - Following the oral cavity, food enters the pharynx. 2pVyq8HvebM-00001-00000600-00000797 Now, I'm back at this original picture 2pVyq8HvebM-00002-00000799-00001060 because this will help us kind of visualize 2pVyq8HvebM-00003-00001062-00001435 what exactly a pharynx is. 2pVyq8HvebM-00004-00001437-00001697 By definition, a pharynx is a space 2pVyq8HvebM-00005-00001699-00002089 that is utilized by both the digestive system-- 2pVyq8HvebM-00006-00002091-00002343 so food passes through a pharynx, 2pVyq8HvebM-00007-00002345-00002839 and by the respiratory system. So air passes through a pharynx. 2pVyq8HvebM-00008-00002841-00003114 There is a little bit of mush 2pVyq8HvebM-00009-00003116-00003997 in that definition because most of the time food is not up here, 2pVyq8HvebM-00010-00003999-00004426 but this is actually the nasopharynx. 2pVyq8HvebM-00011-00004429-00004939 I'll write it down for you. 2pVyq8HvebM-00012-00004941-00005397 The nasopharynx is superior to the soft pallet. 2pVyq8HvebM-00013-00005399-00005597 You have the nasal cavity, 2pVyq8HvebM-00014-00005599-00005839 which is where air comes into your nose, 2pVyq8HvebM-00015-00005841-00006097 and that's superior to the hard pallet. 2pVyq8HvebM-00016-00006099-00006268 We'll talk about those cavities 2pVyq8HvebM-00017-00006270-00006693 in more detail when we get to the respiratory system. 2pVyq8HvebM-00018-00006695-00007060 You also have the oropharynx, and I'm going to make it-- 2pVyq8HvebM-00019-00007062-00007205 and let's see if I can get a nice, 2pVyq8HvebM-00020-00007208-00007497 bright yellow. Let's see if this works. 2pVyq8HvebM-00021-00007499-00007697 The oropharynx. Let's see. 2pVyq8HvebM-00022-00007699-00007831 Maybe I should be more specific, 2pVyq8HvebM-00023-00007833-00008276 to make sure that we do it exactly-- 2pVyq8HvebM-00024-00008279-00008743 do you remember that my uvula was part of my soft pallet? 2pVyq8HvebM-00025-00008745-00009018 My oropharynx starts at the soft pallet, 2pVyq8HvebM-00026-00009020-00009505 and it travels all of the way down to the hyoid bone. 2pVyq8HvebM-00027-00009508-00009768 Now, look at this. 2pVyq8HvebM-00028-00009770-00010101 Here's my hyoid bone, right there. 2pVyq8HvebM-00029-00010104-00010339 Can you see that, how that looks like a bone? 2pVyq8HvebM-00030-00010341-00010631 You can't see my yellow little arrow there. 2pVyq8HvebM-00031-00010633-00010901 We'll go like that for my arrow. 2pVyq8HvebM-00032-00010904-00011405 This structure right here is actually a bone, and we-- 2pVyq8HvebM-00033-00011408-00011572 if we had a sagittal section 2pVyq8HvebM-00034-00011575-00011881 of a human head, we could totally tap the hyoid bone 2pVyq8HvebM-00035-00011883-00012010 and feel that that's actually 2pVyq8HvebM-00036-00012012-00012343 a boney structure that muscles are attached to. 2pVyq8HvebM-00037-00012345-00012597 So, this would be the oropharynx. 2pVyq8HvebM-00038-00012599-00013056 And then we have one more pharynx 2pVyq8HvebM-00039-00013058-00013247 that, again, is a shared space, 2pVyq8HvebM-00040-00013250-00013564 and it's called the laryngopharnx. 2pVyq8HvebM-00041-00013566-00014451 And the laryngopharynx goes from the hyoid bone, 2pVyq8HvebM-00042-00014454-00014597 which is right here, 2pVyq8HvebM-00043-00014599-00015139 to the cricoid cartilage, which is part 2pVyq8HvebM-00044-00015141-00015339 of your larynx or voice box, 2pVyq8HvebM-00045-00015341-00015597 and again, we'll talk about that in more detail 2pVyq8HvebM-00046-00015599-00015797 with the respiratory system. 2pVyq8HvebM-00047-00015799-00016197 By this is the laryngopharynx. 2pVyq8HvebM-00048-00016199-00016847 Laryngopharyx. 2pVyq8HvebM-00049-00016850-00016993 What do you need to know? 2pVyq8HvebM-00050-00016995-00017476 There are 17 muscles in your pharynx, 2pVyq8HvebM-00051-00017479-00017797 and those 17 muscles are connected to a reflex, 2pVyq8HvebM-00052-00017799-00018101 or the gag reflex. You can't really control it. 2pVyq8HvebM-00053-00018104-00018260 Stick your finger down your throat. 2pVyq8HvebM-00054-00018262-00018405 Some people have more control 2pVyq8HvebM-00055-00018408-00018622 over their gag reflexes than others, 2pVyq8HvebM-00056-00018625-00019122 but if you start twiddling back there in your pharynx, 2pVyq8HvebM-00057-00019125-00019489 you probably are going to activate the gag reflex, 2pVyq8HvebM-00058-00019491-00019614 and the gag reflex, 2pVyq8HvebM-00059-00019616-00019947 this is future, it's coming your way, 2pVyq8HvebM-00060-00019950-00020164 but it's controlled by the vagus nerve, 2pVyq8HvebM-00061-00020166-00020343 which is cranial nerve number X. 2pVyq8HvebM-00062-00020345-00020497 That's something that we will see 2pVyq8HvebM-00063-00020499-00020822 when we get to the nervous system. 2pVyq8HvebM-00064-00020825-00020960 For all intents and purposes, 2pVyq8HvebM-00065-00020962-00021285 the pharynx is responsible for helping us swallow. 2pVyq8HvebM-00066-00021287-00021572 All of those 17 muscles help us swallow, 2pVyq8HvebM-00067-00021575-00021881 but, really, it's just a tube to--like, 2pVyq8HvebM-00068-00021883-00022097 we're just on our way down. 2pVyq8HvebM-00069-00022099-00022495 The next stop on our adventure is the esophagus. 2QnENO9Z5yI-00000-00004136-00004344 The Jaygles are an italian band 2QnENO9Z5yI-00001-00004352-00004612 but their music is so american 2QnENO9Z5yI-00002-00004628-00004948 and they do almost a west-coast country and 2QnENO9Z5yI-00003-00004964-00005224 in a quite original way 2QnENO9Z5yI-00004-00006948-00007272 The songs are all written by Cristian Iannuzzi 2QnENO9Z5yI-00005-00007280-00007748 and by a very nice, clever, sweet lady... 2QnENO9Z5yI-00006-00007831-00008084 that's me, Chiara Dal Lago. 2QnENO9Z5yI-00007-00010720-00011138 Hi everyone, my name is Xuanyi and I'm a fan of The Jaygles 2QnENO9Z5yI-00008-00011140-00011496 Hi, I'm Ben and I like very much the Jaygles 2QnENO9Z5yI-00009-00011496-00011824 Hi everyone, I'm Antonello and 2QnENO9Z5yI-00010-00011824-00012156 I'm a longtime Jaygles' fan 2QnENO9Z5yI-00011-00012972-00013319 We are doing this video to collect funds 2QnENO9Z5yI-00012-00013400-00013616 to produce a CD. 2QnENO9Z5yI-00013-00013616-00013976 Of course as you know it's so very difficult for a new band 2QnENO9Z5yI-00014-00014047-00014588 to do something without being too compromised by the market 2QnENO9Z5yI-00015-00018256-00018668 The reason why this video was made is to raise funds 2QnENO9Z5yI-00016-00018668-00018812 through crowdfunding 2QnENO9Z5yI-00017-00018812-00019012 to produce the new album of The Jaygles 2QnENO9Z5yI-00018-00019014-00019196 the reason this video was made 2QnENO9Z5yI-00019-00019196-00019472 is to collect funds though crowdfunding 2QnENO9Z5yI-00020-00019496-00019772 for the production of the Jaygles newest album 2QnENO9Z5yI-00021-00019810-00020180 The reason for this video is fundraising 2QnENO9Z5yI-00022-00020180-00020320 to produce their new album. 2QnENO9Z5yI-00023-00021384-00021956 ahm... the Jaygles.. you can maybe find that out from their name 2QnENO9Z5yI-00024-00021972-00022576 so, their main inspiration are the Eagles and the Jayhawks 2QnENO9Z5yI-00025-00022666-00023074 and... but of course most of the modern 2QnENO9Z5yI-00026-00023106-00023492 American country is in their veins like... 2QnENO9Z5yI-00027-00023534-00023808 Neil Young and other stuff like that 2QnENO9Z5yI-00028-00026980-00027154 To produce a great disc, you need to invest a lot of money 2QnENO9Z5yI-00029-00027158-00027333 both for the production of the album and the advertising campaign 2QnENO9Z5yI-00030-00027339-00027574 for these reasons, if the Jaygles music intrigued you and dragged you 2QnENO9Z5yI-00031-00027582-00027838 into the wonderful world of west-coast music 2QnENO9Z5yI-00032-00027842-00028120 we invite you to contribute to the realization of the Jaygles' musical dream. 2QnENO9Z5yI-00033-00028132-00028506 for this new album is necessary to invest a decent sum of money 2QnENO9Z5yI-00034-00028516-00028922 in both the production or renting the recording studio 2QnENO9Z5yI-00035-00028933-00029226 approaching instruments and thourgh the advertising 2QnENO9Z5yI-00036-00029258-00029522 Of course as you can imagine , ahm... 2QnENO9Z5yI-00037-00029522-00029998 we need those money not just to produce the CD itself but 2QnENO9Z5yI-00038-00029998-00030402 of course you have to consider the printing and the 2QnENO9Z5yI-00039-00030412-00030718 sound engeneering and so many other things 2QnENO9Z5yI-00040-00030726-00031066 for this reason if the music of the Jaygles has 2QnENO9Z5yI-00041-00031070-00031486 inspired you and drown to the wonderful world of west-coast music 2QnENO9Z5yI-00042-00031492-00032026 we ask you to contribute to this and help the Jaygles achieve their music dream. 2QnENO9Z5yI-00043-00032026-00032394 so please please please we really need you 2QnENO9Z5yI-00044-00032394-00032677 we will be grateful for the rest of our lives. 2QnENO9Z5yI-00045-00032736-00033064 I strongly believe in this crowdfunding project 2QnENO9Z5yI-00046-00033070-00033270 and I will support them with all my heart. 2QnENO9Z5yI-00047-00035188-00035396 - is not that how it starts? - yes! 2QnENO9Z5yI-00048-00036470-00036638 Lovely youngly 2QnENO9Z5yI-00049-00036638-00036832 Yoda I am 2QnENO9Z5yI-00050-00036832-00037090 listen to the Jaygles I do 2QnENO9Z5yI-00051-00037550-00037824 The... ehm... 2QnENO9Z5yI-00052-00038006-00038206 drums... 2QnENO9Z5yI-00053-00038284-00038510 it's seems like a crap but... 2QnENO9Z5yI-00054-00038622-00039022 Hi everyone, my name is Anthony Jupiter and I'm... 2QnENO9Z5yI-00055-00039480-00039954 and in this way they could realize... no. 2QnENO9Z5yI-00056-00041206-00041440 do I start from Jay...? 2QnENO9Z5yI-00057-00041830-00042242 I'm call Tony and I'm fun of the Jaygles, I'm bra... 2QnENO9Z5yI-00058-00044686-00044886 Hurrah for the Jaygles! 2QnENO9Z5yI-00059-00046866-00047066 Hi Cristian! 2SoeTL1HqBA-00000-00000152-00000784 take 11 how you doing guys i hope you're doing fine and whatever you're doing there 2SoeTL1HqBA-00001-00000784-00001200 i hope you're not doing anything like recording the same video 11 times over 2SoeTL1HqBA-00002-00001296-00001896 like my asses is right here i wish i was drinking tea in pakistan or something instead man 2SoeTL1HqBA-00003-00002007-00002560 but i i've got a job to do here i'm trying to promote my new work man i'm i'm a little desperate 2SoeTL1HqBA-00004-00002560-00003136 about this i just released a truck for caribbean and uh i want to play through it in person 2SoeTL1HqBA-00005-00003136-00003879 for you using everything um but before i do that i walk you through each instrument used 2SoeTL1HqBA-00006-00003879-00004344 in this drive because i think that's gonna help you appreciate this well i appreciate i hate the 2SoeTL1HqBA-00007-00004344-00005064 word you know so i think i think it's gonna help so let me do that first so here's the kick drum 2SoeTL1HqBA-00008-00005208-00005784 yep obviously then i'm gonna add the other instrument 2SoeTL1HqBA-00009-00005872-00006664 yeah this is a snare part snare drums it's a rather busy part then we have hand clap in 2SoeTL1HqBA-00010-00006664-00007608 charge of the two and four one two three four one two three then we have the bongo drums bongo drums 2SoeTL1HqBA-00011-00007608-00008208 are these little cousins of the conga drums that are bigger both are widely used in latin america 2SoeTL1HqBA-00012-00008208-00009240 by latin america i mean the central and south america then we have the trumpheros then hi-hat 2SoeTL1HqBA-00013-00009512-00009984 i love this part man then we have the cassisi shaker 2SoeTL1HqBA-00014-00010040-00010696 originating from africa also widely used in latin america then we have this crash 2SoeTL1HqBA-00015-00010696-00011384 symbol next i'll play the crashing bar followed by the china symbol and the splash symbols 2SoeTL1HqBA-00016-00011480-00012400 because you get that that's crash china's trash then we have piano played in its higher register 2SoeTL1HqBA-00017-00012728-00013663 then we have this strings synth strings that is the other scent mother over here man then we have 2SoeTL1HqBA-00018-00013663-00014319 this santor my uh one of my favorite instruments ever this is the darshan instrument from iran and 2SoeTL1HqBA-00019-00014319-00014928 its surrounding region you could also say this is an instrument with a mesopotamian origin 2SoeTL1HqBA-00020-00015232-00015928 which is a bold string instrument from china in chinese r means two and or who has two 2SoeTL1HqBA-00021-00015928-00016424 strings only so you could say this is like a chinese violin with two strings only that you 2SoeTL1HqBA-00022-00016424-00017312 hold vertically like this then we have this the main actor of this truck the truck is 2SoeTL1HqBA-00023-00017312-00017928 about the caribbean and the instrument still damn is from trinidad and tobago 2SoeTL1HqBA-00024-00017928-00018720 a country in the caribbean what i'm amazed by this instrument is that they produce this 2SoeTL1HqBA-00025-00018840-00019624 beauty out of such an orderly material which is the 55 gallon industrial drums you know those 2SoeTL1HqBA-00026-00019624-00020352 metal drums that they use to transport oil that's what they use to make this musical instrument 2SoeTL1HqBA-00027-00020480-00020960 and uh this teaches me that you don't have to be fancy you don't have to be rich you don't have to 2SoeTL1HqBA-00028-00020960-00021744 have amazing technology or factories all you gotta do is to take whatever you got at hand and apply 2SoeTL1HqBA-00029-00021872-00022584 some tweaks to it and with a bit of luck you will come up with something beautiful 2SoeTL1HqBA-00030-00022656-00023360 such as this instrument called steel band i love this instrument man so now moving on 2SoeTL1HqBA-00031-00023480-00024416 trombone then luan guitar from china as you can see in the photo this has a smaller body than the 2SoeTL1HqBA-00032-00024416-00025088 usual western guitar that we are all familiar with and because of the body size the sound i think 2SoeTL1HqBA-00033-00025088-00025888 has less reverberation in it what it does is if you play a melody with it it's easier to 2SoeTL1HqBA-00034-00025888-00026592 hear that melody because there's you know little echo there's less echo in it so i love this sound 2SoeTL1HqBA-00035-00028639-00029039 when you have a synthesizer you typically use a filter to cut out 2SoeTL1HqBA-00036-00029039-00029368 to extrude certain frequencies typically you cut out the highs and lows 2SoeTL1HqBA-00037-00029544-00030288 within that middle you boost a narrower band of frequencies to kind of give the 2SoeTL1HqBA-00038-00030288-00030983 sound a character and you remove that resonance high and low the result is this 2SoeTL1HqBA-00039-00031136-00031648 you know it has this particular tumble which kind of sounds like the voice of an insect or something 2SoeTL1HqBA-00040-00031648-00032304 that's because of the moving resonance and this kind of sound became popular with the 2SoeTL1HqBA-00041-00032304-00032880 rise of the musical gender called acid house now acid house the musical agenda emerged with the 2SoeTL1HqBA-00042-00032880-00033440 emergence of the second summer of love which was a cultural phenomenon in uk in the late 2SoeTL1HqBA-00043-00033440-00034080 1980s now this cultural phenomenon involved a lot of drug use one of the drugs people did 2SoeTL1HqBA-00044-00034208-00035464 was lsd and lsd's nickname is as you know acid anyways man so here is the base so now the truck 2SoeTL1HqBA-00045-00035936-00036584 alright it begins like this kick comes in 2SoeTL1HqBA-00046-00037032-00037280 the base creeps in on you 2SoeTL1HqBA-00047-00037768-00038144 and grab bought some reverb on the hand grab 2SoeTL1HqBA-00048-00039288-00039600 some extra snare yep 2SoeTL1HqBA-00049-00040136-00040784 oh yeah i like those 2SoeTL1HqBA-00050-00041976-00042704 is the drop featuring acid let me emphasize the acid for you 2SoeTL1HqBA-00051-00043424-00043584 yup that's the sound 2SoeTL1HqBA-00052-00043952-00044984 steve just joined right 2SoeTL1HqBA-00053-00045264-00045728 now you see me doing this right this is a crossfader i use this to extrude some sound 2SoeTL1HqBA-00054-00045808-00046384 like aukas excluded france hello 2SoeTL1HqBA-00055-00047704-00047952 about i exclude i exclude those 2SoeTL1HqBA-00056-00048184-00048536 over this now this is piano bass right 2SoeTL1HqBA-00057-00048864-00049368 i excluded it acid and still down now they are coming back 2SoeTL1HqBA-00058-00050456-00050800 can you hear the piano i did some work through this man 2SoeTL1HqBA-00059-00051360-00051984 that was the china symbol 2SoeTL1HqBA-00060-00052808-00053384 yup dotted 2SoeTL1HqBA-00061-00053832-00053928 doing the melody here 2SoeTL1HqBA-00062-00054360-00054440 snare roll 2SoeTL1HqBA-00063-00054664-00054784 with the handcraft 2SoeTL1HqBA-00064-00055552-00056224 here we go 2SoeTL1HqBA-00065-00056224-00057584 you know the original love was from some from san francisco in the 60s 2SoeTL1HqBA-00066-00058144-00058808 earn some money man i have no income right now support me please all you have to do is to smash 2SoeTL1HqBA-00067-00058808-00059432 that like button there or leave a comment down below you can ask me anything ask a question in 2SoeTL1HqBA-00068-00059432-00060055 one of my previous videos a guy asked the question and he said why don't you make a song out of this 2SoeTL1HqBA-00069-00060055-00060608 instead of the comedy routine thanks kevin porn for asking that uh first of all i'm not thinking 2SoeTL1HqBA-00070-00060608-00061304 this is a comedy routine this is just how i talk secondly about the songs to boil it down 2SoeTL1HqBA-00071-00061304-00061944 to a single sentence answer i don't like songs i don't like songs and the reason i don't is uh 2SoeTL1HqBA-00072-00061944-00062552 it has to do with how i how i grew up when i was a kid in elementary school like in my fourth grade 2SoeTL1HqBA-00073-00062552-00063232 fifth grade my music teacher in the school was a real [__] and she let all of us sing these 2SoeTL1HqBA-00074-00063288-00063936 really stupid pony songs approved by the japanese government or something and you 2SoeTL1HqBA-00075-00063936-00064624 won't understand until you hear those stupid songs they really sound bad so immediately 2SoeTL1HqBA-00076-00064624-00065304 became clear to us kids that it's not cool to sing and instead it's extremely cool 2SoeTL1HqBA-00077-00065304-00066040 to refuse singing so that's how i came to not like a song i'm gonna stay true to what i like 2SoeTL1HqBA-00078-00066040-00066632 anyways guys follow kevin's example and ask me questions you can ask me anything i will get 2SoeTL1HqBA-00079-00066632-00067312 offended don't get offended man so um thanks for watching and i hope to see you in my next 2SoeTL1HqBA-00080-00067816-00068368 so help me subscribe to my channel if you haven't already all right strings 2SoeTL1HqBA-00081-00068544-00070184 i played this string spot with a keyboard that i picked up from the garbage that was free 2SoeTL1HqBA-00082-00070632-00070704 bye 2UW934jFxX8-00000-00000048-00000212 I got an email once that said to me, 2UW934jFxX8-00001-00000275-00000582 "if you're against the Free Market, you're against freedom." 2UW934jFxX8-00002-00000754-00001120 And naturally I shuttered at the state of mind control that 2UW934jFxX8-00003-00001134-00001527 the dominant established orthodoxies has successfully imposed. 2UW934jFxX8-00004-00001582-00002036 The majority of the people on this planet not only have no idea 2UW934jFxX8-00005-00002053-00002359 how they are being effected negatively by the market economy at large. 2UW934jFxX8-00006-00002465-00002855 They actually on average hold a steadfast commitment to its principles 2UW934jFxX8-00007-00002880-00003205 based on nothing more then the traditional indoctrination. 2UW934jFxX8-00008-00003260-00003525 Of course, this is how power is maintained, 2UW934jFxX8-00009-00003570-00003982 and has been maintained by the dominant established orthodoxies since the beginning of time. 2UW934jFxX8-00010-00004058-00004499 And the trick again is to condition people so thoroughly into the established value systems 2UW934jFxX8-00011-00004567-00004999 that any thought of an alternative is inherently ruled out without any critical examination. 2UW934jFxX8-00012-00005075-00005350 The greatest destroyer of ecology, 2UW934jFxX8-00013-00005397-00005628 the greatest source of waste and pollution, 2UW934jFxX8-00014-00005665-00006341 the greatest purveyor of violence, war, crime, inhumanity, poverty, and social distortion. 2UW934jFxX8-00015-00006408-00007050 The greatest generator of social and personal neurosis, mental disorders, depression, anxiety. 2UW934jFxX8-00016-00007161-00007396 And the greatest source of social paralysis 2UW934jFxX8-00017-00007430-00007949 stopping us from moving into new methodologies for global sustainability, 2UW934jFxX8-00018-00007971-00008229 and hence progress on this planet. 2UW934jFxX8-00019-00008314-00008670 It's not some government, it's not some legislation. 2UW934jFxX8-00020-00008767-00009157 It's not so rogue corporation or monopoly or cartel. 2UW934jFxX8-00021-00009264-00009510 It's not some flaw of human nature. 2UW934jFxX8-00022-00009617-00010035 It is in fact the economic system itself at its very foundation. 2UW934jFxX8-00023-00010700-00011000 Subtitles by the Amara.org community 2XedHzhD34Y-00000-00000413-00000642 WHEN TO OPERATE ON PTOSIS? 2XedHzhD34Y-00001-00000713-00001019 One of the important questions in congenital ptosis is 2XedHzhD34Y-00002-00001039-00001248 when to operate on children 2XedHzhD34Y-00003-00001264-00001456 or when to correct congenital ptosis. 2XedHzhD34Y-00004-00001523-00001837 I think there is a lot of controversy, 2XedHzhD34Y-00005-00001894-00002251 but it is very important 2XedHzhD34Y-00006-00002287-00002576 that if we suspect that there may be a visual impairment, 2XedHzhD34Y-00007-00002655-00002851 that there is a vision blockage 2XedHzhD34Y-00008-00002963-00003083 and it will produce a lazy eye, 2XedHzhD34Y-00009-00003135-00003341 surgery must be performed as soon as possible. 2XedHzhD34Y-00010-00003400-00003535 When is "as soon as possible"? 2XedHzhD34Y-00011-00003609-00003837 The risk/benefit of surgery must be assessed. 2XedHzhD34Y-00012-00003897-00004376 We must not forget that they are children who will undergo general anaesthesia, 2XedHzhD34Y-00013-00004467-00004965 and the anaesthetic risk is greater in a four-month-old child 2XedHzhD34Y-00014-00004989-00005179 than in an eight-month-old child, for example. 2XedHzhD34Y-00015-00005205-00005322 Nor should we forget 2XedHzhD34Y-00016-00005411-00005673 that until they are eight, nine months old, 2XedHzhD34Y-00017-00005730-00005849 children are lying down, 2XedHzhD34Y-00018-00005864-00006102 and when they do so, they look down 2XedHzhD34Y-00019-00006169-00006270 and the visual field is good. 2XedHzhD34Y-00020-00006342-00006448 It is when they stand up 2XedHzhD34Y-00021-00006492-00006599 or when they start to crawl 2XedHzhD34Y-00022-00006649-00006935 that the eyelid blocks vision. 2XedHzhD34Y-00023-00006971-00007248 When we suspect that they have a visual impairment, 2XedHzhD34Y-00024-00007312-00007582 I think the indication has to be 2XedHzhD34Y-00025-00007617-00007744 around the age of one. 2XedHzhD34Y-00026-00007787-00008253 That is a good age to perform surgery, 2XedHzhD34Y-00027-00008299-00008621 if we suspect that there is vision impairment. 2XedHzhD34Y-00028-00008737-00008822 The second indication 2XedHzhD34Y-00029-00008927-00009232 for me is, as we have discussed, 2XedHzhD34Y-00030-00009321-00009688 to avoid the psychological damage that ptosis can cause, 2XedHzhD34Y-00031-00009708-00009925 which is devastating in children. 2XedHzhD34Y-00032-00009989-00010135 Here we have a wider margin, 2XedHzhD34Y-00033-00010164-00010503 because children tolerate and accept themselves as they are 2XedHzhD34Y-00034-00010538-00010708 until they are 3 or 4 years old. 2XedHzhD34Y-00035-00010732-00010941 From the age of 4 or 5, 2XedHzhD34Y-00036-00010993-00011093 they start to be very cruel. 2XedHzhD34Y-00037-00011135-00011393 At that age, what we want is for the child to be perfect 2XedHzhD34Y-00038-00011413-00011937 or as symmetrical as possible, or as good as possible, 2XedHzhD34Y-00039-00011957-00012065 so that they go unnoticed 2XedHzhD34Y-00040-00012265-00012569 and are not socially harmed, due to bullying, 2XedHzhD34Y-00041-00012645-00012827 or psychologically, because they notice 2XedHzhD34Y-00042-00012850-00013151 and withdraw socially from their peers. 2ZraaZJYfX8-00000-00000035-00000400 This's Tân Mỹ market 2ZraaZJYfX8-00001-00000742-00001000 Market 's closed 2ZraaZJYfX8-00002-00001016-00002500 we buy grapes 2ZraaZJYfX8-00003-00002540-00002760 What grapes is that? 2ZraaZJYfX8-00004-00002800-00002900 Grapes Usa? 2ZraaZJYfX8-00005-00002938-00003048 use export? 2ZraaZJYfX8-00006-00003137-00003400 Which is the best? 2ZraaZJYfX8-00007-00003492-00003732 this is 2ZraaZJYfX8-00008-00003814-00004100 This type is 60.000 vnd/kg 2ZraaZJYfX8-00009-00004106-00004206 Saler: This type is 220.000 vnd/kg 2ZC3ZylXK4u-00000-00000503-00000869 Let's just quickly create our remaining two road sections 2ZC3ZylXK4u-00001-00000869-00001106 by duplicating our original one, so 2ZC3ZylXK4u-00002-00001106-00001306 duplicate the first one 2ZC3ZylXK4u-00003-00001306-00001776 CTRL+H to hide and that was 2ZC3ZylXK4u-00004-00001776-00002216 CTRL+D to duplicate and that's Road03, we are going to 2ZC3ZylXK4u-00005-00002216-00002416 'Assign a New Material' 2ZC3ZylXK4u-00006-00002710-00002810 Lambert, 2ZC3ZylXK4u-00007-00002810-00003703 we will call this 'Road_Middle_Lambert' 2ZC3ZylXK4u-00008-00003703-00004103 and we will add another 'File' node. 2ZC3ZylXK4u-00009-00004103-00004613 Select our Middle texture and there we go. 2ZC3ZylXK4u-00010-00004613-00004836 So let's just save and 2ZC3ZylXK4u-00011-00004886-00005140 CTRL+D to duplicate 2ZC3ZylXK4u-00012-00005140-00005316 and we are going call this one 2ZC3ZylXK4u-00013-00005316-00005516 'Land_Infill' 2ZC3ZylXK4u-00014-00005516-00005916 because this is going to be sitting under our buildings. 2ZC3ZylXK4u-00015-00005916-00006096 Hide 'Road02', 2ZC3ZylXK4u-00016-00006096-00006696 CTRL-H and on 'Land_Infill', 'Assign New Material' 2ZC3ZylXK4u-00017-00006696-00007330 Lambert and call it 'Land_Infill_Lambert', 2ZC3ZylXK4u-00018-00007580-00007933 and this time instead of having a Bitmap, 2ZC3ZylXK4u-00019-00007933-00008180 just switch to 2D Textures, we are going to add 2ZC3ZylXK4u-00020-00008180-00008416 a noise and here 2ZC3ZylXK4u-00021-00008450-00008760 we can just choose our parameters. 2ZC3ZylXK4u-00022-00008760-00009250 So I am just going to go into Color and reduce our 'Default Color' 2ZC3ZylXK4u-00023-00009250-00009360 down. 2ZC3ZylXK4u-00024-00009403-00009536 'Color Offset' 2ZC3ZylXK4u-00025-00009693-00010043 Start to bring it down, so as well as the Color Picker we can just also use 2ZC3ZylXK4u-00026-00010043-00010380 these sliders as well, 2ZC3ZylXK4u-00027-00010380-00010893 and just play about until you get something that you are happy with. 2ZC3ZylXK4u-00028-00010983-00011276 I am just going to reduce this down quite a bit more, that's better 2ZC3ZylXK4u-00029-00011503-00011726 and now in our place2dTexture. 2ZC3ZylXK4u-00030-00011726-00011856 We can now 2ZC3ZylXK4u-00031-00011856-00012006 switch this 2ZC3ZylXK4u-00032-00012006-00012266 to be smaller by in 'Repeat UV' 2ZC3ZylXK4u-00033-00012266-00012653 placing both values to '4'. 2ZC3ZylXK4u-00034-00012653-00013136 Congratulations, everything is now built and we can now start using MASH to create our scene. 2aoX2IHDczM-00000-00000000-00000200 Sokolačka kula-Stari grad iz daljine 2gW4LN97Y2c-00000-00000113-00000353 Good afternoon, ladies and gentleman. 2gW4LN97Y2c-00001-00000363-00000897 Today I'll be presenting ABARE's outlook for the dairy industry. 2gW4LN97Y2c-00002-00000907-00001211 The main message I'll have in my presentation 2gW4LN97Y2c-00003-00001221-00001664 is that the outlook for dairy has improved over the last 12 2gW4LN97Y2c-00004-00001674-00002032 months and is now quite positive. 2gW4LN97Y2c-00005-00002042-00002489 Farm cash incomes are forecast to rise this year. 2gW4LN97Y2c-00006-00002499-00003059 World dairy prices and the Australian farmgate milk prices 2gW4LN97Y2c-00007-00003069-00003500 are expected to remain at favourable levels. 2gW4LN97Y2c-00008-00003510-00004057 And Australian milk production and exports of Australian dairy 2gW4LN97Y2c-00009-00004067-00004421 products are expected to rise. 2gW4LN97Y2c-00010-00004431-00004798 I think it's also fair to say that factors expected 2gW4LN97Y2c-00011-00004808-00005198 to influence to demand over the longer term that were discussed 2gW4LN97Y2c-00012-00005208-00005578 by Karen Schneider, Jammie Pemm, and others in this morning's 2gW4LN97Y2c-00013-00005588-00006092 sessions are already affecting the prospects 2gW4LN97Y2c-00014-00006102-00006346 for Australian dairy. 2gW4LN97Y2c-00015-00006356-00006773 I'll discuss the demand influences on world markets 2gW4LN97Y2c-00016-00006783-00007090 later in my presentation, but first, I'd 2gW4LN97Y2c-00017-00007100-00007343 like to take a look at the financial performance 2gW4LN97Y2c-00018-00007353-00007547 of Australian dairy farms this year. 2gW4LN97Y2c-00019-00008501-00008908 Average farm cash income, after falling last year, 2gW4LN97Y2c-00020-00008918-00009199 is expected to rise this year to be 2gW4LN97Y2c-00021-00009209-00009602 30% above the 10-year average. 2gW4LN97Y2c-00022-00009612-00010056 Last year, farm incomes fell because of a large fall 2gW4LN97Y2c-00023-00010066-00010463 in prices, and there was a significant increase 2gW4LN97Y2c-00024-00010473-00010977 in expenditure on fodder because of dry conditions. 2gW4LN97Y2c-00025-00010987-00011358 This year, the increase in incomes 2gW4LN97Y2c-00026-00011368-00011865 is due largely to a significant increase in prices. 2gW4LN97Y2c-00027-00011875-00012252 Spending on fodder will again increase this year because 2gW4LN97Y2c-00028-00012262-00012532 of dry conditions, but it will not 2gW4LN97Y2c-00029-00012542-00012792 outweigh the influence of the high prices. 2gW4LN97Y2c-00030-00013082-00013540 Farm incomes are forecast to be higher in all states, 2gW4LN97Y2c-00031-00013550-00014023 but there are significant regional variations. 2gW4LN97Y2c-00032-00014033-00014484 Larger increases are expected in Victoria, South Australia, 2gW4LN97Y2c-00033-00014494-00015004 and Tasmania than in Queensland and Western Australia. 2gW4LN97Y2c-00034-00015014-00015221 And when you look at New South Wales, 2gW4LN97Y2c-00035-00015231-00015505 dairy farms in the southern part of the state 2gW4LN97Y2c-00036-00015515-00015759 are expected to perform better than those 2gW4LN97Y2c-00037-00015769-00015902 in the northern part of the state. 2gW4LN97Y2c-00038-00016800-00017220 I have just mentioned the large price increase for milk 2gW4LN97Y2c-00039-00017230-00017554 at the farmgate this year. 2gW4LN97Y2c-00040-00017564-00017887 Another increase is forecast for next year, 2gW4LN97Y2c-00041-00017897-00018094 but it is expected to be more modest. 2gW4LN97Y2c-00042-00018481-00018755 Over the medium term, the price of milk 2gW4LN97Y2c-00043-00018765-00019175 is expected to fall modestly in real terms, 2gW4LN97Y2c-00044-00019185-00019559 in line with movements in world prices. 2gW4LN97Y2c-00045-00019569-00019833 However, at the end of the outlook period, 2gW4LN97Y2c-00046-00019843-00020043 it is still expected to remain around 2gW4LN97Y2c-00047-00020053-00020804 7% above the 10-year average to 2012-13. 2gW4LN97Y2c-00048-00020814-00021047 Australian milk production is projected 2gW4LN97Y2c-00049-00021057-00021541 to grow over the outlook period to around $10 billion litres. 2gW4LN97Y2c-00050-00021941-00022535 The main driver of the forecast high milk production 2gW4LN97Y2c-00051-00022545-00022856 is expected higher milk yields. 2gW4LN97Y2c-00052-00022866-00023113 There has been a long term trend, 2gW4LN97Y2c-00053-00023123-00023366 over a long period of time, where the average milk 2gW4LN97Y2c-00054-00023376-00023727 yields per cow have been increasing. 2gW4LN97Y2c-00055-00023737-00024013 There have been some short-term variations from this trend 2gW4LN97Y2c-00056-00024023-00024280 growth, but the trend is quite evident. 2gW4LN97Y2c-00057-00024644-00025165 This can be put down to improved genetics and technology, better 2gW4LN97Y2c-00058-00025175-00025795 pasture management, an increase of food use of forage crops 2gW4LN97Y2c-00059-00025805-00026085 and food grants. 2gW4LN97Y2c-00060-00026095-00026396 We're expecting these influences to continue 2gW4LN97Y2c-00061-00026406-00026696 increasing average milk yield per cow 2gW4LN97Y2c-00062-00026706-00026816 over the outlook period. 2gW4LN97Y2c-00063-00027177-00027370 Increases in cow numbers are expected 2gW4LN97Y2c-00064-00027380-00027610 to have a small influence on the projected 2gW4LN97Y2c-00065-00027620-00027964 increase in Australian milk production. 2gW4LN97Y2c-00066-00027974-00028271 Cow numbers are forecast to increase slightly 2gW4LN97Y2c-00067-00028281-00028768 in the short term, in response to favourable milk prices, 2gW4LN97Y2c-00068-00028778-00029252 but remain largely stable over the latter part of the outlook 2gW4LN97Y2c-00069-00029262-00029302 period. 2gW4LN97Y2c-00070-00030060-00030447 With higher production and strong world demand, 2gW4LN97Y2c-00071-00030457-00030687 the volume of dairy exports are projected 2gW4LN97Y2c-00072-00030697-00031094 to increase over the outlook period for all major dairy 2gW4LN97Y2c-00073-00031104-00031327 product groups. 2gW4LN97Y2c-00074-00031337-00031624 The value of dairy exports is forecast 2gW4LN97Y2c-00075-00031634-00032175 to rise by 15% next year because of the high volumes, 2gW4LN97Y2c-00076-00032185-00032552 favourable world prices, and an assumed lower dollar. 2gW4LN97Y2c-00077-00032816-00033026 Over the medium term, the increase 2gW4LN97Y2c-00078-00033036-00033246 in the value of exports is projected 2gW4LN97Y2c-00079-00033256-00033696 to be more modest with export prices expected 2gW4LN97Y2c-00080-00033706-00033903 to fall slightly in real terms. 2gW4LN97Y2c-00081-00034174-00034707 Measured by value, around 45% of our milk production 2gW4LN97Y2c-00082-00034717-00035101 is exported in the form of dairy products. 2gW4LN97Y2c-00083-00035111-00035438 With such a high export orientation, 2gW4LN97Y2c-00084-00035448-00035769 world markets are important to the Australian dairy industry. 2gW4LN97Y2c-00085-00036373-00036583 I've already mentioned have strong world demand 2gW4LN97Y2c-00086-00036593-00037227 is expected to contribute to higher Australian exports. 2gW4LN97Y2c-00087-00037237-00037540 This demand is also forecast to drive increases 2gW4LN97Y2c-00088-00037550-00038128 in the world prices of dairy products this year and next. 2gW4LN97Y2c-00089-00038138-00038495 However, higher production in major exporting countries 2gW4LN97Y2c-00090-00038505-00038845 is expected to limit the extent of the forecast price 2gW4LN97Y2c-00091-00038855-00038895 increases. 2gW4LN97Y2c-00092-00039175-00039499 Over the medium term, we're expecting producers 2gW4LN97Y2c-00093-00039509-00039929 around the world to respond to the favourable prices 2gW4LN97Y2c-00094-00039939-00040126 and continue to increase production. 2gW4LN97Y2c-00095-00040457-00040660 With production increasing, prices 2gW4LN97Y2c-00096-00040670-00041084 are expected to fall modestly in real terms over the outlook 2gW4LN97Y2c-00097-00041094-00041574 period but by the end of the period, 2gW4LN97Y2c-00098-00041584-00042168 remain quite a bit above the 10-year average to 2012-13. 2gW4LN97Y2c-00099-00042178-00042312 Now we'll just take a look at some 2gW4LN97Y2c-00100-00042322-00042749 of the key drivers on the demand side. 2gW4LN97Y2c-00101-00042759-00043166 Over the outlook period, strong demand 2gW4LN97Y2c-00102-00043176-00043533 is expected from emerging economies of Asia, the Middle 2gW4LN97Y2c-00103-00043543-00043857 East, and North Africa. 2gW4LN97Y2c-00104-00043867-00044387 In these regions, rising incomes, higher populations, 2gW4LN97Y2c-00105-00044397-00044741 and more consumption of Western-style foods 2gW4LN97Y2c-00106-00044751-00045271 are all expected to contribute to the higher demand. 2gW4LN97Y2c-00107-00045281-00045605 Additionally, there is expected to be a limited capacity 2gW4LN97Y2c-00108-00045615-00045862 for production to increase significantly 2gW4LN97Y2c-00109-00045872-00046136 in these regions, which is expected 2gW4LN97Y2c-00110-00046146-00046366 to increase their demand for imports. 2gW4LN97Y2c-00111-00046699-00047056 Rising world imports of milk powders 2gW4LN97Y2c-00112-00047066-00047484 is a good example to look at to see how this rising demand has 2gW4LN97Y2c-00113-00047494-00047750 been unfolding. 2gW4LN97Y2c-00114-00047760-00048037 Before the global financial crisis, 2gW4LN97Y2c-00115-00048047-00048364 there was steadily rising imports 2gW4LN97Y2c-00116-00048374-00048808 in the ASEAN nations, China, and the Middle East and North 2gW4LN97Y2c-00117-00048818-00049055 Africa. 2gW4LN97Y2c-00118-00049065-00049372 Immediately after the global financial crisis, 2gW4LN97Y2c-00119-00049382-00049826 there was a drop in imports with a sudden drop in incomes, 2gW4LN97Y2c-00120-00049836-00049903 except for China. 2gW4LN97Y2c-00121-00050223-00050390 As world economies have recovered 2gW4LN97Y2c-00122-00050400-00050677 from the global financial crisis, 2gW4LN97Y2c-00123-00050687-00050967 imports of these milk powders have again 2gW4LN97Y2c-00124-00050977-00051074 been increasing steadily. 2gW4LN97Y2c-00125-00051911-00052282 This pattern of world import demand for milk powders 2gW4LN97Y2c-00126-00052292-00052799 can be seen in Australia's exports for dairy products. 2gW4LN97Y2c-00127-00052809-00053096 Asia has been an important destination for our dairy 2gW4LN97Y2c-00128-00053106-00053373 exports for a long period of time, 2gW4LN97Y2c-00129-00053383-00053900 and its share grew from around about half to almost 2/3 2gW4LN97Y2c-00130-00053910-00054227 over the last decade. 2gW4LN97Y2c-00131-00054237-00054534 At the same time, the importance of the Middle East 2gW4LN97Y2c-00132-00054544-00054954 has grown significantly, driven by increased trade in milk 2gW4LN97Y2c-00133-00054964-00055178 powders. 2gW4LN97Y2c-00134-00055188-00055401 Now we'll have a look at the supply side. 2gW4LN97Y2c-00135-00055882-00056122 On the supply side, stocks can have 2gW4LN97Y2c-00136-00056132-00056549 a large influence on world supplies and prices, 2gW4LN97Y2c-00137-00056559-00056930 especially stocks in the European Union and the United 2gW4LN97Y2c-00138-00056940-00057210 States. 2gW4LN97Y2c-00139-00057220-00057390 Dairy stocks in these two regions 2gW4LN97Y2c-00140-00057400-00057804 have fallen steadily over the last five years, 2gW4LN97Y2c-00141-00057814-00058087 especially for skim milk powder, which 2gW4LN97Y2c-00142-00058097-00058411 are now at negligible levels. 2gW4LN97Y2c-00143-00058421-00058755 With stocks at reduced levels, new production 2gW4LN97Y2c-00144-00058765-00059078 will be important in satisfying demand, 2gW4LN97Y2c-00145-00059088-00059269 especially for skim milk powder. 2gW4LN97Y2c-00146-00059959-00060226 Milk production has been increasing 2gW4LN97Y2c-00147-00060236-00060824 over the last few years in the main dairy-exporting countries. 2gW4LN97Y2c-00148-00060834-00061030 Next year, production is expected 2gW4LN97Y2c-00149-00061040-00061314 to increase in these countries in response 2gW4LN97Y2c-00150-00061324-00061784 to favourable milk prices and lower food grant prices 2gW4LN97Y2c-00151-00061794-00062305 and with the assistance of higher milk yields per cow. 2gW4LN97Y2c-00152-00062315-00062679 With milk prices projected to remain favourable, 2gW4LN97Y2c-00153-00062689-00062869 milk production in these countries 2gW4LN97Y2c-00154-00062879-00063196 is expected to continue rising over the medium term. 2gW4LN97Y2c-00155-00063490-00063723 An additional contributing factor 2gW4LN97Y2c-00156-00063733-00064030 to the projected increases in milk production in the European 2gW4LN97Y2c-00157-00064040-00064561 Union is the expiry of the milk production quota. 2gW4LN97Y2c-00158-00064571-00064948 When it expires next year, milk production 2gW4LN97Y2c-00159-00064958-00065145 in the European Union is expected 2gW4LN97Y2c-00160-00065154-00065645 to migrate from the less efficient producing 2gW4LN97Y2c-00161-00065655-00065909 countries to the more efficient countries 2gW4LN97Y2c-00162-00065919-00066319 and increase the average milk yield per cow. 2gW4LN97Y2c-00163-00066329-00066893 Also in New Zealand, there has been large-scale conversions 2gW4LN97Y2c-00164-00066903-00067230 of beef properties and sheep properties 2gW4LN97Y2c-00165-00067240-00067550 to dairy enterprises which going forward 2gW4LN97Y2c-00166-00067560-00067730 is going to increase the production 2gW4LN97Y2c-00167-00067740-00067937 capacity of their dairy industry. 2gW4LN97Y2c-00168-00068601-00069225 In summary, the outlook for dairy is a positive one. 2gW4LN97Y2c-00169-00069235-00069489 Farm cash incomes to the Australian dairy farms 2gW4LN97Y2c-00170-00069499-00069752 is forecast to rise this year. 2gW4LN97Y2c-00171-00069762-00070220 World dairy prices and Australian farmgate milk prices 2gW4LN97Y2c-00172-00070230-00070493 are expected to remain at favourable levels 2gW4LN97Y2c-00173-00070503-00070887 over the outlook period, and Australian milk production 2gW4LN97Y2c-00174-00070897-00071307 and exports of dairy products are expected to rise. 2gW4LN97Y2c-00175-00071317-00071514 Thank you very much. 2i15z790gQg-00000-00000816-00001288 This video walkthrough tour 10715 Green Lake st. San Antonio, TX 78223 2i15z790gQg-00001-00001288-00001916 is brought to you by the industry leader in property management in San Antonio -- RentWerx San Antonio! 2i15z790gQg-00002-00004672-00005328 One of our houses for rent in San Antonio this 3 bedrooms SINGLE STORY home in a quiet neighborhood! 2i15z790gQg-00003-00006854-00007262 This home has a very nice living space adjoining the kitchen. 2i15z790gQg-00004-00007262-00007754 Large living dining combo split bedroom open floor plan, large fenced backyard. 2i15z790gQg-00005-00007754-00008346 Easy access to major highways & minutes to major shopping, restaurants. Available Immediately! Pets Allowed. 2i15z790gQg-00006-00008664-00009200 Don't miss out! Dont forget to watch the video tours! Come see this beauty today! 2i15z790gQg-00007-00009346-00009858 Can you imagine yourself living in our lovely houses for rent in San Antonio? 2i15z790gQg-00008-00009858-00010528 Visit http://rentwerx.com/ and give our professional San Antonio property managers a call today! 2i3RTU9w2CE-00000-00000112-00001088 [Music] 2i3RTU9w2CE-00001-00001088-00001346 we are here with 2i3RTU9w2CE-00002-00001346-00001525 madam who is the environment minister of 2i3RTU9w2CE-00003-00001525-00001761 uae planting some mangroves 2i3RTU9w2CE-00004-00001761-00002449 [Music] 2i3RTU9w2CE-00005-00002449-00003221 these mangroves 2i3RTU9w2CE-00006-00003221-00003344 the mangrove plantation here 2i3RTU9w2CE-00007-00003344-00003671 is uh growing because of the necessary 2i3RTU9w2CE-00008-00003671-00003811 care that's come from the government 2i3RTU9w2CE-00009-00003811-00003946 here 2i3RTU9w2CE-00010-00003946-00004201 this is the life breadth of this 2i3RTU9w2CE-00011-00004201-00004353 wetlands 2i3RTU9w2CE-00012-00004353-00004603 these wetlands need this vegetation if 2i3RTU9w2CE-00013-00004603-00004839 you continue this vegetation 2i3RTU9w2CE-00014-00004839-00004976 a little away 2i3RTU9w2CE-00015-00004976-00005167 if there is space 2i3RTU9w2CE-00016-00005167-00005419 in another 15 to 25 years you can make a 2i3RTU9w2CE-00017-00005419-00005551 rainforest 2i3RTU9w2CE-00018-00005551-00005796 because this will set up the necessary 2i3RTU9w2CE-00019-00005796-00006108 ecosystem for that you can extend as 2i3RTU9w2CE-00020-00006108-00006355 land becomes free from salinity you can 2i3RTU9w2CE-00021-00006355-00006547 make a forest out of it 2i3RTU9w2CE-00022-00006547-00006718 well whether we have the land for that 2i3RTU9w2CE-00023-00006718-00006914 or not is a different thing but we are 2i3RTU9w2CE-00024-00006914-00007159 creating the basic ecosystem for that 2i3RTU9w2CE-00025-00007159-00007386 which is fantastic which needs to happen 2i3RTU9w2CE-00026-00007386-00007489 everywhere 2i3RTU9w2CE-00027-00007489-00007792 and i request ma'am because uh 2i3RTU9w2CE-00028-00007792-00008178 in 2023 yes you're hosting uh the cop 2i3RTU9w2CE-00029-00008178-00008658 event of uh 28 28 that's right so i 2i3RTU9w2CE-00030-00008658-00008811 request you to 2i3RTU9w2CE-00031-00008811-00009047 make this a point that uae 2i3RTU9w2CE-00032-00009047-00009292 becomes takes on a leadership position 2i3RTU9w2CE-00033-00009292-00009550 with ecology in the region 2i3RTU9w2CE-00034-00009550-00009803 with that i think many things can happen 2i3RTU9w2CE-00035-00009803-00010068 and as i said earlier 2i3RTU9w2CE-00036-00010068-00010371 unfortunately rest of the world is busy 2i3RTU9w2CE-00037-00010371-00010675 converting fertile lands into desert 2i3RTU9w2CE-00038-00010675-00010856 at least to put them to shame desert 2i3RTU9w2CE-00039-00010856-00011106 should be converted into fertile lands 2i3RTU9w2CE-00040-00011106-00011243 because it is needed in the 2i3RTU9w2CE-00041-00011243-00011381 world absolutely 2i3RTU9w2CE-00042-00011381-00011684 thank you so much for being here with us 2i3RTU9w2CE-00043-00011684-00012055 on this wonderful journey the uae is 2i3RTU9w2CE-00044-00012055-00012285 partnering with you on safe soil such an 2i3RTU9w2CE-00045-00012285-00012441 important cause 2i3RTU9w2CE-00046-00012441-00012541 and 2i3RTU9w2CE-00047-00012541-00012935 we stand up to your visionary ambitions 2i3RTU9w2CE-00048-00012935-00013119 and we're here to support you and 2i3RTU9w2CE-00049-00013119-00013312 inspire a lot of the people that are 2i3RTU9w2CE-00050-00013312-00013498 here thank you we are with you let's 2i3RTU9w2CE-00051-00013498-00013688 take this ahead thank you so much thank 2i3RTU9w2CE-00052-00013688-00013788 you this is our plan 2i3RTU9w2CE-00053-00013788-00013998 thank you make it happen together thank 2i3RTU9w2CE-00054-00013998-00014122 you together yes 2iIN4K2dfVy-00000-00000000-00000200 इस apps को डाउनलोड करो और pese कमाओ 2iIN4K2dfVy-00001-00000200-00000400 Abhi download kro 2iIN4K2dfVy-00002-00000400-00000600 आप इस app से रोज पैसा काम सकते हो 2iIN4K2dfVy-00003-00000600-00000800 Dipkrsan बॉक्स मे apps ka link दिया हुआ है अभी डाउनलोड करो 2icP6dtyAyu-00000-00000000-00001605 *everything is fine* 2icP6dtyAyu-00001-00001605-00003023 Ȧ̶̢̺͍̘͇̖̻͙̰̏ͅA̵̱̠͎̰̓̽̾͒̉̑̕̕A̵̬͎̞̒͆̓̄́̓̀͐Ä̵̬̣̙́̀̑͆͗̽̃͂Ã̶̧̧̼͔͓͎̙̰̫͒͛̓Ä̷̡̮̏̒À̴͍̪̤̳͚̹͖̊͆͛A̸̡̠̻̩̤̘̦̟͋̊̀̾́̓͂̓͐͝Ạ̶̤̼̳̤͚͎̃Ą̶̖͚̰͇͙͎͇̌̇̌̀̀̏̒͊̔̚A̷͍̍͌Ä̸̛̲́̈͂́͘͠A̴̛͙͆̀̋͌͝Ä̴̡̰̰̬̦͈͎̘̣͂̽́͜A̸̩̜̐̅̃͒͐̋̌Ả̷̙͖̔̚A̶̡͖͔̪̫̋̎͠Ă̸̰̯͚̲̹͉͉͚̞͑̈́̈̐̀͂̀͠À̸̤͇̝̠̼̼̎ͅĀ̸̛̯̻̖͍̻͙͙̯̪̅̏̂̃̍̿̕͜A̸̡̧̪̥̼͓̗͊̒͛̀̉̚͘͝͠A̵̡̡̛̠͖̖̼̳̟̞̾͐͆ͅA̴̮̕Á̴͕̼̝̙͕̰͖̔̚͝A̶̪͖͙̙̭̐A̶̝͌̈́A̶̱̖̟̽Ȃ̶͙͕́̓̒̓̉̽̇̈́̔A̷̢̱̯̤̒͌̇̃͛̉̚̕Á̴̢̡͎͍͙̥́͋̐͆̋̀̀̒͜A̸̞̩̠̹̳͔͇͈̳̍̊͐̒̿͒̕͝͝Ä̸̪͕̮̩͙́̌͊̇͊́̎͘͘͜Ä̶̢̯̪͖͓̘͉́́̆͜A̸̢͎̖̭͋A̸̧̘̱̍͗̾͛̍̃A̵͖͑Á̶̹̰͋̕A̵̝̰̱͑̑͌̿À̸͎͍̹̥͛̋͐́Ḁ̸͈̤̠̞̯̻̐͋̔̈́̍͋̔̌͘͝Ą̷͎̟̜̤̘̺̰͊͂͒̈́̀́̈́͜͝Ȃ̷̢̡̢̢͚̘̳͙͈͈̍̉͠Ą̴̲̬͖̪̝̝̞͈̫͒̍̆̓̋̀ 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of Chart Legend 2jxSbNEDKFc-00005-00005016-00005298 Disable or Enable Chart Legend 2jxSbNEDKFc-00006-00005330-00006214 Change Vertical Aligment of Chart Legend 2jxSbNEDKFc-00007-00006692-00007298 Specify Title of Chart Legend 2jxSbNEDKFc-00008-00007316-00007872 Change Color of Title 2jxSbNEDKFc-00009-00008716-00009258 Change Color of Legend Values 2jxSbNEDKFc-00010-00009286-00010016 Change Font, Font Size and Style of Legend Values 2l3ffq5oQ8Y-00000-00000914-00000969 [music] 2l3ffq5oQ8Y-00001-00001002-00001258 Hello and welcome to PLOS Video Shorts 2l3ffq5oQ8Y-00002-00001258-00001604 This video will show you how to submit a revised manuscript 2l3ffq5oQ8Y-00003-00001604-00002158 Starting from the author main menu you will see your manuscript in the "Submissions Needing Revisions" folder 2l3ffq5oQ8Y-00004-00002522-00003050 From the "Action Links" for the manuscript please choose "Revise Submission" 2l3ffq5oQ8Y-00005-00003194-00003282 and then "OK" 2l3ffq5oQ8Y-00006-00003690-00004242 Now, most of the information will not have changed since your original submission 2l3ffq5oQ8Y-00007-00004626-00005010 So for now we can just click down to "Respond to Reviewers" 2l3ffq5oQ8Y-00008-00005290-00006859 Here you will copy and paste your response to reviewers 2l3ffq5oQ8Y-00009-00006888-00007368 Please note that you will also be uploading it as a separate attachment. 2l3ffq5oQ8Y-00010-00007368-00007606 When you're finished click "Next." 2l3ffq5oQ8Y-00011-00007606-00008288 You're now in the "Attach File" section. Here you'll need to remove any files that have changed since your last submission. 2l3ffq5oQ8Y-00012-00008290-00008826 For example you'll probably be including a new cover letter and a new manuscript 2l3ffq5oQ8Y-00013-00008998-00009698 Please note that you are unable to update any information in the submission form, metadata, such as the funding disclosure, or competing interest statements 2l3ffq5oQ8Y-00014-00009700-00010116 You may include your updated information in the cover letter. 2l3ffq5oQ8Y-00015-00010116-00010496 For now, we can pretend that the figures and the supplementary information stay the same 2l3ffq5oQ8Y-00016-00010602-00010994 Here's the actual attach files portion of your submission 2l3ffq5oQ8Y-00017-00011184-00011592 We are looking for three important things with your revision 2l3ffq5oQ8Y-00018-00011592-00011938 The first is a new manuscript under the item "Manuscript" 2l3ffq5oQ8Y-00019-00012626-00012938 This is the clean version with no track changes 2l3ffq5oQ8Y-00020-00014204-00014652 Second, we're looking for a revised manuscript with track changes 2l3ffq5oQ8Y-00021-00014724-00014932 That will also be included here 2l3ffq5oQ8Y-00022-00016238-00016598 And lastly, we're looking for a response to reviewers 2l3ffq5oQ8Y-00023-00018264-00018720 When you finish uploading all of your files go ahead and click "Next" 2l3ffq5oQ8Y-00024-00018720-00019296 Please note that the response to reviewers will be at the end. As long as everything looks OK, go ahead and click "Next" again. 2l3ffq5oQ8Y-00025-00020166-00020614 And finally, "Build PDF for my Approval." Your PDF is now building. 2l3ffq5oQ8Y-00026-00020822-00021406 In the meantime you can go ahead and click on "Revisions Waiting for Author's Approval" 2l3ffq5oQ8Y-00027-00021676-00022376 When the PDF is built you'll be able to approve your manuscript from the "Action Links" as you did on the original submission 2l3ffq5oQ8Y-00028-00022690-00023322 To do so, click "View Revision" from the "Action Links" and review your submission to make sure 2l3ffq5oQ8Y-00029-00023408-00023584 that everything looks OK. 2l3ffq5oQ8Y-00030-00025824-00026176 Your figures will be included at the end the built PDF 2l3ffq5oQ8Y-00031-00026176-00026680 You can download the figure from the link in the upper left hand corner to check the image quality 2l3ffq5oQ8Y-00032-00026680-00027166 After you've make sure that your figures look OK you can go ahead and close that window 2l3ffq5oQ8Y-00033-00027232-00027592 And finally, click "Approve Revision," and then "OK" 2l3ffq5oQ8Y-00034-00027822-00028166 Now, you've successfully submitted your revision 2l3ffq5oQ8Y-00035-00028258-00028562 Thank you for watching this PLOS Video Short. 2l3ffq5oQ8Y-00036-00028589-00029189 For more information and videos like this one please visit our PLOS Media YouTube Chanel. 2l3ffq5oQ8Y-00037-00029920-00029976 [music] 2l_IxuDlnkk-00000-00000162-00000231 All right 2l_IxuDlnkk-00001-00000231-00000678 so I know discipline is a really really hot topic right now and discipline is preached as 2l_IxuDlnkk-00002-00000724-00001142 The key to getting the life that you want. I actually disagree entirely 2l_IxuDlnkk-00003-00001165-00001482 It's not lack of discipline or being lazy that leads to failure 2l_IxuDlnkk-00004-00001507-00001959 It's lack of vision or underlying motivation of what it is that you truly want 2l_IxuDlnkk-00005-00002038-00002543 so you got to have goals that drive you with strong emotions and be 2l_IxuDlnkk-00006-00002572-00002984 Painfully aware of the cost of an action should you choose not to go for it? 2l_IxuDlnkk-00007-00003009-00003371 Along with the gains present when you achieve your goal 2l_IxuDlnkk-00008-00003371-00003571 So what is it actually making you? 2l_IxuDlnkk-00009-00003604-00004148 usually this is where your goal makes you aware of how to attain a greater sense of purpose or 2l_IxuDlnkk-00010-00004171-00004412 fulfillment rather than just achievement 2l_IxuDlnkk-00011-00004455-00004847 So the notion of requiring discipline to have the life that you desire 2l_IxuDlnkk-00012-00004878-00005480 Only creates another barrier to entry that you convince yourself that if you had some of this you'd be there 2l_IxuDlnkk-00013-00005480-00006086 But perhaps you don't so you need to work on discipline before you can achieve your goal and thusly your purpose 2l_IxuDlnkk-00014-00006096-00006455 So basically it goes to in action. I say bullcrap 2l_IxuDlnkk-00015-00006490-00006708 Don't let the trap of discipline hold you back 2l_IxuDlnkk-00016-00006729-00007424 When you know what it is that you want and why you want it you're gonna find yourself doing and taking action 2l_IxuDlnkk-00017-00007425-00007898 That looks very disciplined in nature to others and yet it won't feel like discipline to you at all 2l_IxuDlnkk-00018-00007959-00008661 Simply because you're so motivated to move away from the current painful situation that you're in and towards the pleasure and fulfillment 2l_IxuDlnkk-00019-00008715-00009323 That you reach by committing these habits now the other problem with beliefs on the on discipline 2l_IxuDlnkk-00020-00009375-00009926 this discipline mentality is simply that either you believe you don't have it and that you never 2l_IxuDlnkk-00021-00009985-00010691 Opt yourself in for making a change or you just try and hustle to make it work and you burn out because it wasn't 2l_IxuDlnkk-00022-00010759-00011460 motivated the same way and that only reaffirms the shame that usually drives perfectionism and causes you to believe that you're just 2l_IxuDlnkk-00023-00011482-00011643 Not good enough 2l_IxuDlnkk-00024-00011643-00012386 Disciplined enough or just don't have what it takes like these other guys. So you miss out on fulfillment in life. What is shame? 2l_IxuDlnkk-00025-00012445-00013091 focus on your why and be very clear on what you want and you'll never have a need for discipline again so focusing 2l_IxuDlnkk-00026-00013147-00013613 Focus on needing discipline when you don't know your why and you'll never take action 2l_IxuDlnkk-00027-00013684-00014247 Or you'll just simply take actions that require hustle and grind mentality and that's most likely going to lead to burnout 2l_IxuDlnkk-00028-00014287-00014655 So number one get clear on what you want number two 2l_IxuDlnkk-00029-00014719-00015302 Determine why this is an absolute must to you and how painful it could be to not take action 2l_IxuDlnkk-00030-00015376-00016107 Number three determine the daily habits or actions that others who have achieved what you want have done and follow it as closely 2l_IxuDlnkk-00031-00016122-00016748 As possible. This is why coaches are so so important to guide you because they've been where you want to go 2l_IxuDlnkk-00032-00016762-00017270 they know the tools and the systems and they will guide you there rather than you fumbling your way through and 2l_IxuDlnkk-00033-00017341-00017579 Changing things that are working because you get emotional 2l_IxuDlnkk-00034-00017650-00017897 number four find accountability and support to ensure 2l_IxuDlnkk-00035-00017931-00018401 That when you forget or lose sight of your underlying motivation due to whatever 2l_IxuDlnkk-00036-00018420-00018995 Stresses or emotions that they remind you and they don't want to and that you don't want to let them down 2l_IxuDlnkk-00037-00019023-00019532 That's an absolute key. So there's your key to overcoming the rules of discipline 2l_IxuDlnkk-00038-00019588-00020090 Again, I've been working out and following so many discipline acts for nearly 20 years 2l_IxuDlnkk-00039-00020113-00020214 And yeah 2l_IxuDlnkk-00040-00020214-00020801 I'm one of the least disciplined people that you're ever going to meet and the reason is is because I am driven by my 2l_IxuDlnkk-00041-00020832-00021209 Underlying motivation and I know the cost of me not working out or not 2l_IxuDlnkk-00042-00021210-00021644 Staying to my fitness regimen I don't like Who I am when I'm not doing that 2l_IxuDlnkk-00043-00021663-00021957 I feel worse about myself I lack confidence 2l_IxuDlnkk-00044-00021991-00022707 And when I do this, I can associate confidence and I can associate my better life and quality of life to these things 2l_IxuDlnkk-00045-00022723-00022809 so for me 2l_IxuDlnkk-00046-00022809-00023535 what happens is is I do all of these things that appear to look like I'm disciplined simply because my motivation is 2l_IxuDlnkk-00047-00023566-00023766 brought on by heavy inspiration 2l_IxuDlnkk-00048-00023826-00023910 so again 2l_IxuDlnkk-00049-00023910-00024662 we're motivated by either being inspired or desperate and I found myself desperate many many years ago to make a change to 2l_IxuDlnkk-00050-00024685-00024735 actually 2l_IxuDlnkk-00051-00024735-00025004 Like who I was and what I saw in the mirror 2l_IxuDlnkk-00052-00025051-00025578 And what happened was is because I started off small I built up these disciplines these 2l_IxuDlnkk-00053-00025600-00026295 actions that look like discipline and yet they're simply being driven by the underlying motivation for me to 2l_IxuDlnkk-00054-00026327-00026814 perform at a higher level so that I feel better about myself, but it ultimately comes down to 2l_IxuDlnkk-00055-00026852-00027325 Avoiding the pain that I felt where I was and never wanting to return to that again 2l_IxuDlnkk-00056-00027347-00027930 So again don't settle for discipline and don't try and convince yourself. That discipline is the key here 2l_IxuDlnkk-00057-00027952-00028635 The real key is knowing your why getting just truly acclimated with that and connected on such a deep level 2l_IxuDlnkk-00058-00028678-00028887 That literally nothing will stand in your way 2l_IxuDlnkk-00059-00028887-00029457 And this is why Olympic athletes are able to do things that we see themselves or see them as such 2l_IxuDlnkk-00060-00029494-00029961 amazing discipline characters that we don't have the capacity for but something 2l_IxuDlnkk-00061-00029993-00030408 something deep within is driving them in in such a way that 2l_IxuDlnkk-00062-00030449-00030825 Allows them to do the things that we only dream that we'd be able to do 2l_IxuDlnkk-00063-00030825-00031461 but let me tell you something if you get dialed in on your underlying motivation and you get dialed in on your why and 2l_IxuDlnkk-00064-00031475-00031953 Know why you can never stay where you're currently at and why this is a must for you 2l_IxuDlnkk-00065-00031961-00032358 Let me tell you you'll find yourself doing the things when it becomes that real 2l_IxuDlnkk-00066-00032375-00032730 The Olympic athletes are doing but maybe for the thing that you want to do 2l_IxuDlnkk-00067-00032750-00033294 So I challenge you to get serious to find what your underlying motivation is 2l_IxuDlnkk-00068-00033294-00033684 What is your why your why for living put purpose and passion? 2l_IxuDlnkk-00069-00033743-00034254 Back into your actions and I promise you you will never need discipline ever again 2nm8zgYo4A4-00000-00000107-00001415 Greetins, vocabulary-builders! Builders of vocabulary! "Earn." The word "earn". This 2nm8zgYo4A4-00001-00001415-00002907 word, even though it's pronounced as though it were spelled "u - r - n", isn't spelled 2nm8zgYo4A4-00002-00002907-00003583 "u - r - n", it's spelled "e - a - r - n", as you all know. So! [Laughin] Hehh heh. You 2nm8zgYo4A4-00003-00003583-00005028 ... "Earning" -- I looked this up -- it has to do with bein paid for doin work for somebody 2nm8zgYo4A4-00005-00008101-00008953 for the pelt, for the food, for the ... to make tools out of the bones. They got their 2nm8zgYo4A4-00006-00008953-00009784 food they needed, they got their clothin, their pelt, teepee -- pelt , tools from the 2nm8zgYo4A4-00007-00009784-00010467 bone and the antlers ... they make tools of, from the antlers. They didn't earn the dear, 2nm8zgYo4A4-00008-00010467-00011320 they just took it ... or if they go and get some berries, they pick the berries and they 2nm8zgYo4A4-00009-00011320-00011932 put them in their little basket, take 'em home, eat 'em. The didn't earn the berries, 2nm8zgYo4A4-00010-00011932-00012930 they just took 'em. Right? Catch a fish, cut down a tree, build a log-cabin -- they didn't 2nm8zgYo4A4-00011-00012930-00014138 earn all that wood, didn't earn the log-cabin. They took the wood, they built the log-cabin. 2nm8zgYo4A4-00012-00014138-00014710 They didn't earn the log-cabin, they didn't earn the tree, because they weren't doin it 2nm8zgYo4A4-00013-00014710-00015394 for somebody else. Somebody didn't pay them. To have earnin, you have to have a mercantile 2nm8zgYo4A4-00014-00015394-00016702 society. The Lakota, called the "Sioux Skraelins", they go out, they want to get a bison -- same 2nm8zgYo4A4-00015-00016702-00017587 thing as the deer. You get the hide, the bones, horns, you get the flesh, you get the meat 2nm8zgYo4A4-00016-00017587-00018423 -- they just took it. oK? They didn't earn it ... so earning ... if somebody ... it has 2nm8zgYo4A4-00017-00018423-00019213 to do with goin out in the field, workin on the crops in the field, gettin paid for that 2nm8zgYo4A4-00018-00019213-00020862 with somethin, a medium of exchange, then they can turn around and buy somethin with 2nm8zgYo4A4-00019-00020862-00020962 the medium of exch ... money, they call it "money". That's earning, but you have to have 2nm8zgYo4A4-00020-00020962-00021618 a mercantile society to have earning. A mercantile society means one with trade and money. The 2nm8zgYo4A4-00021-00021618-00022465 Lakota, they didn't have an ... the money. They used to scorn people who would hang around 2nm8zgYo4A4-00022-00022465-00023301 the fort and would, ah, try to get money or buy things with money. They just took what 2nm8zgYo4A4-00023-00023301-00024225 they needed. But you don't take it. It's ... there's a law against takin somebody else's property. 2nm8zgYo4A4-00024-00024225-00025137 When you take it, you don't take it from somebody else, unless it happens to be a war, war-time 2nm8zgYo4A4-00025-00025137-00026338 situation, um, then you take the property of the foe, if you get authorization to do 2nm8zgYo4A4-00026-00026338-00026695 so. Earn. Thank you! 3orfCiTU8L8-00000-00000216-00000636 hey YouTube channel I'm about to do Banker like this guy Channel 3orfCiTU8L8-00001-00000816-00001932 remember the Bangles out Bangles yeah I can we really supposed to do you got another 38oKFdzhqpu-00000-00000086-00000193 WELCOME TO ALL HANDS. 38oKFdzhqpu-00001-00000193-00000387 THIS IS YOUR WEEKLY UPDATE ON NAVY HISTORY. 38oKFdzhqpu-00002-00000413-00000650 NOVEMBER 11TH, 1918, FIGHTING CEASED WHEN AN 38oKFdzhqpu-00003-00000650-00000850 ARMISTICE IS SIGNED BETWEEN GERMANY AND THE 38oKFdzhqpu-00004-00000850-00001074 ALLIED NATIONS, REGARDING THIS DAY AS THE END OF 38oKFdzhqpu-00005-00001074-00001174 WORLD WAR I. 38oKFdzhqpu-00006-00001174-00001381 IN NOVEMBER 1919, PRESIDENT WILSON 38oKFdzhqpu-00007-00001381-00001614 PROCLAIMED NOVEMBER 11TH AS THE FIRST COMMEMORATION 38oKFdzhqpu-00008-00001614-00001714 OF ARMISTICE DAY. 38oKFdzhqpu-00009-00001764-00001965 AFTER AMERICA'S EFFORT IN WORLD WAR TWO AND THE 38oKFdzhqpu-00010-00001965-00002165 KOREAN WAR, PRESIDENT EISENHOWER SIGNED 38oKFdzhqpu-00011-00002165-00002372 LEGISLATION TO REPLACE ARMISTICE DAY WITH 38oKFdzhqpu-00012-00002372-00002622 VETERANS DAY, HONORING AMERICAN VETERANS FROM ALL 38oKFdzhqpu-00013-00002622-00002729 WARS. 38oKFdzhqpu-00014-00002729-00003029 ON NOVEMBER 12TH, 1942, THE NAVAL BATTLE OF 38oKFdzhqpu-00015-00003029-00003229 GUADALCANAL BEGAN WITH JAPANESE AIR ATTACKS ON 38oKFdzhqpu-00016-00003229-00003326 U.S. 38oKFdzhqpu-00017-00003326-00003526 SHIPS BRINGING REINFORCEMENTS TO THE 38oKFdzhqpu-00018-00003526-00003626 EMBATTLED ISLAND. 38oKFdzhqpu-00019-00003626-00003827 OVER THE NEXT FOUR DAYS, THE U.S. 38oKFdzhqpu-00020-00003827-00004027 DESTROYED MANY OF JAPAN'S SHIPPING VESSELS AND 38oKFdzhqpu-00021-00004027-00004227 WARSHIPS, WEAKENING THEIR ABILITY TO STRENGTHEN 38oKFdzhqpu-00022-00004227-00004327 THEIR GARRISON ON GUADALCANAL. 38oKFdzhqpu-00023-00004327-00004437 DURING THE BATTLE, TWO U.S. 38oKFdzhqpu-00024-00004437-00004657 LIGHT CRUISERS, ATLANTA AND JUNEAU, WERE SUNK. 38oKFdzhqpu-00025-00004701-00004918 ALL FIVE SULLIVAN BROTHERS WERE LOST WHEN THE JUNEAU 38oKFdzhqpu-00026-00004918-00005038 WENT DOWN. 38oKFdzhqpu-00027-00005038-00005228 IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THESE FACTS AND 38oKFdzhqpu-00028-00005228-00005428 THE NAVY'S HISTORY, VISIT THE NAVY'S HISTORY AND 38oKFdzhqpu-00029-00005428-00005628 HERITAGE COMMAND WEBSITE. 39wJGBDRYEg-00000-00000000-00000200 EDD (Eastern District Detective) - Arsegan 39bx0nFpYGk-00000-00001480-00002994 Check Description for game's graphical settings 3uBC5QqKd2U-00000-00000006-00000585 Fail hard fail often. It's really simple, it's the key to social media, business 3uBC5QqKd2U-00001-00000585-00001109 life and success as always, with everything that I'm talking about. The concepts of 3uBC5QqKd2U-00002-00001109-00001680 fractal they apply to everything in life. It's just leveraging the same principles 3uBC5QqKd2U-00003-00001680-00002184 and philosophy that works for everything. This is one of my favourites, I actually 3uBC5QqKd2U-00004-00002184-00002598 see known as a keynote, that I've done for thousands and thousands of people. 3uBC5QqKd2U-00005-00002598-00003192 Fail hard, fail often. It's really simple, you don't get better until you do. You 3uBC5QqKd2U-00006-00003192-00003689 don't learn until you try you don't perfect, or in fact there's 3uBC5QqKd2U-00007-00003689-00004107 never perfection, but you never come closer to it until you've actually taken 3uBC5QqKd2U-00008-00004107-00004632 action. The only way to truly fail is to be willing to do it in public. 3uBC5QqKd2U-00009-00004632-00005253 fouling behind closed doors doesn't do much of anything. It doesn't teach you, it 3uBC5QqKd2U-00010-00005253-00005730 doesn't help you to see how you interact with the world, and it certainly won't 3uBC5QqKd2U-00011-00005730-00006422 propel you forward on this beautiful journey that's life. Fail hard, Fail often 3uBC5QqKd2U-00012-00006422-00007043 and iterate in public. Do it as often as you can. You know the really crazy 3uBC5QqKd2U-00013-00007043-00007665 thing, the only way to fail at life is to not fail hard and fail often. The 3uBC5QqKd2U-00014-00007665-00008295 antidotes to living a purposeful successful life, is just to fail all 3uBC5QqKd2U-00015-00008295-00009006 the time and be happy with it, embrace it. Most of all, learn from your 3uBC5QqKd2U-00016-00009006-00009453 failures, don't limit yourself just because you failed in public and then 3uBC5QqKd2U-00017-00009453-00009911 say I tried it and it didn't work. That's not learning from your failures, 3uBC5QqKd2U-00018-00009911-00010347 that's running away from them. Fail hard, fail often. 3uBC5QqKd2U-00019-00010347-00010836 Embrace it, enjoy it, learn from it and do better next time. 3uBC5QqKd2U-00020-00010836-00011496 As always, the only time to do more failure more often, to learn more lessons, 3uBC5QqKd2U-00021-00011496-00011979 is now. And of course I'd love to know what you think. I'd love to know your 3uBC5QqKd2U-00022-00011979-00012539 perspective. Are you stuck? Are you trying this? What's your point of view? Let me 3uBC5QqKd2U-00023-00012539-00013048 know and we'll learn, share and grow together. Cheers. 3vVyt8NN7y4-00000-00000000-00000200 Shorts Video Compilation 3w5WGyiGTpg-00000-00000034-00000422 In the last video we talked about the change 3w5WGyiGTpg-00001-00000423-00000570 in a quantity. 3w5WGyiGTpg-00002-00000686-00001190 In that situation, only one quantity was changing. 3w5WGyiGTpg-00003-00001362-00001648 When two quantities are expected to change 3w5WGyiGTpg-00004-00001648-00002024 at the same time, we can talk about 3w5WGyiGTpg-00005-00002024-00002280 the rate of change. 3w5WGyiGTpg-00006-00002390-00002830 The rate of change can be understood as a ratio. 3w5WGyiGTpg-00007-00002974-00003275 The rate of change in a quantity B, 3w5WGyiGTpg-00008-00003275-00003539 relative to the change in A, 3w5WGyiGTpg-00009-00003539-00004121 is just the ratio change in B over change in A. 3w5WGyiGTpg-00010-00004121-00004378 Let me give a specific example. 3w5WGyiGTpg-00011-00004378-00004597 Suppose the price of shipping an order 3w5WGyiGTpg-00012-00004597-00004906 from an online store changes with the number 3w5WGyiGTpg-00013-00004906-00005050 of items ordered. 3w5WGyiGTpg-00014-00005142-00005542 It costs seven dollars if you want to ship three items 3w5WGyiGTpg-00015-00005542-00005926 and eleven dollars if you want to ship five items. 3w5WGyiGTpg-00016-00005926-00006122 What is the rate of change? 3w5WGyiGTpg-00017-00006202-00006520 Now, I need to be a little bit more specific 3w5WGyiGTpg-00018-00006598-00006844 because order matters here, right? 3w5WGyiGTpg-00019-00007020-00007352 Let's find out the rate of change in price 3w5WGyiGTpg-00020-00007352-00007631 relative to the number of items. 3w5WGyiGTpg-00021-00007694-00007928 So, the change in price - 3w5WGyiGTpg-00022-00008023-00008154 I'm going to say - 3w5WGyiGTpg-00023-00008206-00008957 I'm going to start with seven dollars for three items 3w5WGyiGTpg-00024-00008958-00009754 and end with eleven dollars for five items. 3w5WGyiGTpg-00025-00009788-00010160 So, the change in price will be 3w5WGyiGTpg-00026-00010160-00010479 eleven dollars minus seven dollars, 3w5WGyiGTpg-00027-00010528-00010668 four dollars. 3w5WGyiGTpg-00028-00010710-00011088 The change in number of items is 3w5WGyiGTpg-00029-00011088-00011558 five items minus three items, 3w5WGyiGTpg-00030-00011598-00011816 is two items. 3w5WGyiGTpg-00031-00011850-00012036 Now, we write the ratio. 3w5WGyiGTpg-00032-00012114-00012286 Is four dollars, 3w5WGyiGTpg-00033-00012286-00012882 the change in price over two items, 3w5WGyiGTpg-00034-00012990-00013238 the change in the number of items. 3w5WGyiGTpg-00035-00013296-00013668 So, that's two dollars per item. 3w5WGyiGTpg-00036-00013669-00014084 Now, if I now ask the question, 3w5WGyiGTpg-00037-00014084-00014391 how much would the shipping charge increase 3w5WGyiGTpg-00038-00014391-00014701 if I buy seven additional items? 3w5WGyiGTpg-00039-00014756-00015026 Well, now I'm using the ratio equation. 3w5WGyiGTpg-00040-00015052-00015406 So, I'm saying, change in price 3w5WGyiGTpg-00041-00015406-00015872 equals the rate of change times 3w5WGyiGTpg-00042-00015872-00016088 the change in the number of items. 3w5WGyiGTpg-00043-00016146-00016512 So, in this question, the change in price 3w5WGyiGTpg-00044-00016630-00017250 equals two dollars per item times seven items, 3w5WGyiGTpg-00045-00017450-00017850 which will give me fourteen dollars. 3w5WGyiGTpg-00046-00017906-00018182 If I buy seven additional items, 3w5WGyiGTpg-00047-00018214-00018648 the shipping charge will increase by fourteen dollars. 3w5WGyiGTpg-00048-00018876-00019260 Now, there's one key thing that we need to remember 3w5WGyiGTpg-00049-00019260-00019605 about the rate of change and it's about 3w5WGyiGTpg-00050-00019605-00020122 what the signs are likely to be in a rate of change. 3w5WGyiGTpg-00051-00020368-00020706 If both quantities increase - 3w5WGyiGTpg-00052-00020770-00021052 so then my rate of change is a positive number 3w5WGyiGTpg-00053-00021052-00021266 over a positive number, 3w5WGyiGTpg-00054-00021316-00021596 or both quantities decrease - 3w5WGyiGTpg-00055-00021598-00021900 so my rate of change is a negative number 3w5WGyiGTpg-00056-00021900-00022061 over a negative number, 3w5WGyiGTpg-00057-00022112-00022364 then the rate of change will be positive. 3w5WGyiGTpg-00058-00022410-00022814 On the other hand, if one quantity increases 3w5WGyiGTpg-00059-00022814-00023018 while the other decreases - 3w5WGyiGTpg-00060-00023060-00023320 so then our rate of change will either be 3w5WGyiGTpg-00061-00023320-00023558 a positive over a negative 3w5WGyiGTpg-00062-00023614-00023868 or a negative over positive, 3w5WGyiGTpg-00063-00023966-00024166 then the rate of change is negative. 3w5WGyiGTpg-00064-00024240-00024542 You may have been wondering in this example, 3w5WGyiGTpg-00065-00024862-00025369 how I knew to start at seven dollars for three 3w5WGyiGTpg-00066-00025369-00025693 and end at eleven dollars for five 3w5WGyiGTpg-00067-00025693-00025892 rather than the other way around? 3w5WGyiGTpg-00068-00026032-00026210 I actually get to pick. 3w5WGyiGTpg-00069-00026236-00026622 If there's no clear definition of where to start 3w5WGyiGTpg-00070-00026622-00027112 and where to end, then just pick one to figure out 3w5WGyiGTpg-00071-00027112-00027264 the rate of change. 3w5WGyiGTpg-00072-00027306-00027618 As long as you choose the same start and end 3w5WGyiGTpg-00073-00027618-00028166 for both quantities, you'll get the same answer. 3zu8U3Dp0Vu-00000-00000091-00000375 Hello everyone this is Heather Moorefield-Lang and welcome to my YouTube 3zu8U3Dp0Vu-00001-00000375-00000527 channel Tech 15 3zu8U3Dp0Vu-00002-00000527-00000861 and today I'm going to be talking to you about Thinglink, Thinglink is an awesome 3zu8U3Dp0Vu-00003-00000861-00001200 interactive photo tool that allows you to embed videos, 3zu8U3Dp0Vu-00004-00001209-00001525 images, links, whatever you want 3zu8U3Dp0Vu-00005-00001525-00001967 into photos. So let's get started going show you how to use it today. 3zu8U3Dp0Vu-00006-00001967-00002261 First thing you going to want to do is go over here to the upper right hand corner 3zu8U3Dp0Vu-00007-00002261-00002386 and log in 3zu8U3Dp0Vu-00008-00002386-00002767 if you have not logged in or if you have not created an account 3zu8U3Dp0Vu-00009-00002767-00003117 you want to go right here to where it says on the right side screen start 3zu8U3Dp0Vu-00010-00003117-00003469 now. I'm going to log in because I already have an account 3zu8U3Dp0Vu-00011-00003469-00003930 you can log in with Facebook you can log in with Twitter or you can log in Google+ 3zu8U3Dp0Vu-00012-00003930-00004339 I already have an account just with my email and it will take me to my opening screen 3zu8U3Dp0Vu-00013-00004387-00004694 up top you can see that you can search for images if you'd like to see other 3zu8U3Dp0Vu-00014-00004694-00004814 people's Thinglinks 3zu8U3Dp0Vu-00015-00004814-00005187 you can do a stream you can look at your account you can look at stats for those 3zu8U3Dp0Vu-00016-00005187-00005268 people who have 3zu8U3Dp0Vu-00017-00005268-00005807 actually looked at your photos you can browse your information you can send 3zu8U3Dp0Vu-00018-00005807-00005925 this to students 3zu8U3Dp0Vu-00019-00005925-00006371 because there is a Thinglink Education where your students can create 3zu8U3Dp0Vu-00020-00006371-00006718 images and you can keep them in as a class and that's great 3zu8U3Dp0Vu-00021-00006718-00007133 Or you can also create a ThingLink premium. What I'm going to do 3zu8U3Dp0Vu-00022-00007133-00007503 is I'm going to create. And I am going to show you how to embed information 3zu8U3Dp0Vu-00023-00007503-00007820 into an image so I am going to create a picture 3zu8U3Dp0Vu-00024-00007820-00008250 and I'm going to upload an image I am going choose one where I can choose 3zu8U3Dp0Vu-00025-00008250-00008586 drag-and-drop right here I have one on my desktop and I have one 3zu8U3Dp0Vu-00026-00009043-00009350 that is a me on Route 66 just for fun 3zu8U3Dp0Vu-00027-00009350-00009822 and that's the image I'm going to be using 3zu8U3Dp0Vu-00028-00009822-00010232 and I can call this 3zu8U3Dp0Vu-00029-00010232-00010761 Heather on Route 66 so here I am 3zu8U3Dp0Vu-00030-00010761-00011209 So if I want to click to add a tag all you do is you click in this section 3zu8U3Dp0Vu-00031-00011209-00011670 and if I want to edit add a tag is anything that you are going to embed 3zu8U3Dp0Vu-00032-00011670-00011995 in the picture so you can put in text 3zu8U3Dp0Vu-00033-00011995-00012307 you can put in icons you can also put 3zu8U3Dp0Vu-00034-00012307-00012786 in images, addresses, and links let's say for instance I wanted to give some 3zu8U3Dp0Vu-00035-00012786-00012997 historic information these are some 3zu8U3Dp0Vu-00036-00012997-00013320 web sites that I have already pulled up 3zu8U3Dp0Vu-00037-00013320-00013691 previously about the Mother Road Route 66 3zu8U3Dp0Vu-00038-00013691-00014178 so I can add this link in and I'm going to copy and paste and I will save the tag 3zu8U3Dp0Vu-00039-00014178-00014652 and if I wanted to put an image right over my face actually I will probably move this over a little bit 3zu8U3Dp0Vu-00040-00014719-00015116 here at my elbow 3zu8U3Dp0Vu-00041-00015431-00015863 Here I am about to start my trip because I actually did a trip 3zu8U3Dp0Vu-00042-00015863-00016251 across the United States on Route 66 3zu8U3Dp0Vu-00043-00016251-00016776 and then I have that as well and then maybe here on the road I'm going to embed 3zu8U3Dp0Vu-00044-00016856-00017322 a drivelapse of Route 66 the entire 3zu8U3Dp0Vu-00045-00017322-00017637 over 2,000 miles of Route 66 3zu8U3Dp0Vu-00046-00017637-00017965 and I will embed that as well 3zu8U3Dp0Vu-00047-00017965-00018548 and I will save that tag. I can save as many pieces of 3zu8U3Dp0Vu-00048-00018548-00018931 information in here as I wish and then once I am done 3zu8U3Dp0Vu-00049-00018931-00019487 I can save it and now my image is complete 3zu8U3Dp0Vu-00050-00019487-00019797 and at this point anything that I click on this is 3zu8U3Dp0Vu-00051-00019797-00020301 historic Route 66 here's my text message that I put in the picture 3zu8U3Dp0Vu-00052-00020301-00020670 not only can people look at my picture I now have an 3zu8U3Dp0Vu-00053-00020670-00020979 image that is completely full of information 3zu8U3Dp0Vu-00054-00020979-00021376 I have information embedded this is not just a still picture anymore this is 3zu8U3Dp0Vu-00055-00021376-00021615 picture with information embedded into it 3zu8U3Dp0Vu-00056-00021615-00022006 folks can look at videos they can look at links they can look at info 3zu8U3Dp0Vu-00057-00022006-00022367 I can fill this in with all sorts of information and if you think of your 3zu8U3Dp0Vu-00058-00022367-00022586 students they could have a ThingLink 3zu8U3Dp0Vu-00059-00022586-00022917 digital online wall of themselves 3zu8U3Dp0Vu-00060-00022917-00023278 they could have a photo gallery they can have a digital art gallery 3zu8U3Dp0Vu-00061-00023278-00023743 you could have a digital time-line you could find oral histories 3zu8U3Dp0Vu-00062-00023743-00024126 pretty much your only limited by your imagination with this one and so there's 3zu8U3Dp0Vu-00063-00024126-00024351 a lot of things you can do with ThingLink 3zu8U3Dp0Vu-00064-00024351-00024679 Thinglink is available online it is also available via 3zu8U3Dp0Vu-00065-00024679-00025095 app, the app for ThingLink, I swear, is actually a little bit easier to use 3zu8U3Dp0Vu-00066-00025145-00025701 with your devices such as your iPad your iPhones and Android devices 3zu8U3Dp0Vu-00067-00025701-00026057 because with that one you snap a picture you tap on the screen where you 3zu8U3Dp0Vu-00068-00026057-00026391 want to embed your information and you embed it is so simple. 3zu8U3Dp0Vu-00069-00026391-00026775 So that is Thinglink a great photo tool I thoroughly enjoy it 3zu8U3Dp0Vu-00070-00026775-00027144 hope you like it please let me know if you have any questions and stay tuned 3zu8U3Dp0Vu-00071-00027144-00027518 to Tech15, I will have more tech tools 3zu8U3Dp0Vu-00072-00027518-00027599 coming up for you soon. 3EwdvLU7TfM-00000-00000000-00000256 (Music) 3EwdvLU7TfM-00001-00000256-00000800 My name is Eric Williams and I am currently a teacher/ instructor. 3EwdvLU7TfM-00002-00000811-00001212 I teach languages arts, math, and science. 3EwdvLU7TfM-00003-00001212-00001623 My major project for this course was teaching language 3EwdvLU7TfM-00004-00001623-00002030 arts, with it effectively created multimedia presentations. 3EwdvLU7TfM-00005-00002030-00002582 Based on the knowledge that I've gained my employer is looking at creating a 3EwdvLU7TfM-00006-00002583-00003101 Student Resource Center, where I'll be able to write curriculum and do 3EwdvLU7TfM-00007-00003101-00003773 instructional design, for the place that I work, that will be a benefit to the 3EwdvLU7TfM-00008-00003774-00004389 students and also position me to be a teacher's teacher, where I'll be able to 3EwdvLU7TfM-00009-00004389-00004584 train teachers as well. 3EwdvLU7TfM-00010-00004584-00005006 My name is Eric Williams and I am a Gorlok! 3EwdvLU7TfM-00011-00005010-00005440 (music) 3EXQdTHhBxo-00000-00001203-00001303 green 3EXQdTHhBxo-00001-00001303-00001520 [Music] 3EXQdTHhBxo-00002-00001520-00001797 [Music] 3EXQdTHhBxo-00003-00001797-00003435 no 3EXQdTHhBxo-00004-00003435-00003535 ah 3EXQdTHhBxo-00005-00003535-00003835 [Music] 3EXQdTHhBxo-00006-00003835-00004175 red [Music] 3EXQdTHhBxo-00007-00004175-00004771 yellow [Music] 3EXQdTHhBxo-00008-00004771-00005807 thank 3EXQdTHhBxo-00009-00005807-00008382 you [Applause] [Music] 3EXQdTHhBxo-00010-00008382-00009665 [Music] 3EXQdTHhBxo-00011-00009665-00010949 foreign 3EXQdTHhBxo-00012-00010949-00012232 [Music] 3EXQdTHhBxo-00013-00012232-00013515 [Applause] 3EXQdTHhBxo-00014-00013515-00014798 [Music] 3EXQdTHhBxo-00015-00014798-00014898 yellow 3EXQdTHhBxo-00016-00014898-00014998 [Music] 3EXQdTHhBxo-00017-00014998-00016361 no ah [Music] 3EXQdTHhBxo-00018-00016361-00016461 ping 3EXQdTHhBxo-00019-00016461-00016922 [Music] 3EXQdTHhBxo-00021-00020265-00020744 [Music] 3EXQdTHhBxo-00022-00020744-00021221 laughs 3EXQdTHhBxo-00023-00021221-00022176 [Music] hello 3EXQdTHhBxo-00024-00022176-00022654 [Music] 3EXQdTHhBxo-00025-00022654-00024447 oh no [Music] [Applause] [Music] 3EXQdTHhBxo-00027-00028073-00030747 [Music] thank you 3EXQdTHhBxo-00028-00030747-00033103 yellow 3EXQdTHhBxo-00030-00037366-00037466 wow 3EXQdTHhBxo-00031-00037466-00040097 [Music] Orange 3EXQdTHhBxo-00032-00040097-00040338 wow no 3EXQdTHhBxo-00034-00044638-00044738 red 3EXQdTHhBxo-00035-00044738-00044983 [Music] 3EXQdTHhBxo-00036-00044983-00046256 blue wow [Music] thank you 3EXQdTHhBxo-00037-00046256-00048412 [Music] no [Music] one one ping 3EXQdTHhBxo-00038-00048412-00048947 wow 3EXQdTHhBxo-00040-00052616-00052716 I know 3EXQdTHhBxo-00041-00052716-00053851 red [Music] laughs 3EXQdTHhBxo-00042-00053851-00054440 [Music] 3EXQdTHhBxo-00043-00054440-00055616 thank you 3EXQdTHhBxo-00044-00055616-00057119 Orange [Music] thank you 3EXQdTHhBxo-00045-00057119-00057601 [Music] 3EXQdTHhBxo-00046-00057601-00058564 [Music] [Applause] 3EXQdTHhBxo-00047-00058564-00061091 [Music] blue [Applause] thank you 3EXQdTHhBxo-00048-00061091-00061770 foreign 3EXQdTHhBxo-00049-00061770-00062447 [Music] 3EXQdTHhBxo-00050-00062447-00063079 purple [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] 3EXQdTHhBxo-00052-00069363-00069463 thank you 3EXQdTHhBxo-00053-00069463-00069563 [Music] 3EXQdTHhBxo-00054-00069563-00069962 [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] 3GIhYA0InPU-00000-00001030-00001535 In Trump White House, Twitter Will Be In, �Business As Usual� Is Out. 3GIhYA0InPU-00001-00001535-00001734 by Jack Davis. 3GIhYA0InPU-00002-00001734-00002216 Just as President-elect Donald Trump changed the dynamics of communicating with the American 3GIhYA0InPU-00003-00002216-00002766 people during his candidacy, his presidency will also usher in a new era of communication 3GIhYA0InPU-00004-00002766-00003031 between the White House and the American people. 3GIhYA0InPU-00005-00003031-00003667 �Business as usual is over,� Sean Spicer, Trump�s incoming White House press secretary, 3GIhYA0InPU-00006-00003667-00003971 told radio host Hugh Hewitt on Thursday. 3GIhYA0InPU-00007-00003971-00004519 Spicer said that Trump, who blazed a new communication trail with his use of Twitter, will not be 3GIhYA0InPU-00008-00004519-00004741 wedded to White House precedents. 3GIhYA0InPU-00009-00004741-00005212 �I think the thing that you�ve seen with Donald Trump is that he doesn�t, he doesn�t 3GIhYA0InPU-00010-00005212-00005744 look to the past and say I�ve got to conform to these precedents. He figures out what�s 3GIhYA0InPU-00011-00005744-00006001 the best way,� Spicer said. 3GIhYA0InPU-00012-00006001-00006492 Spicer said the traditional White House press conference will remain, but will become part 3GIhYA0InPU-00013-00006492-00006855 of a new mix of options that are still under discussion. 3GIhYA0InPU-00014-00006855-00007373 Earlier this week, Spicer said Trump will continue his Twitter use as president, saying 3GIhYA0InPU-00015-00007373-00007618 it will be �a really exciting part of the job.� 3GIhYA0InPU-00016-00007618-00008138 �I think that his use of social media in particular � is gonna be something that�s 3GIhYA0InPU-00017-00008138-00008790 never been seen before,� Spicer told Rhode Island news station WPRI. �He has this direct 3GIhYA0InPU-00018-00008790-00009175 pipeline in the American people, where he can talk back and forth.� 3GIhYA0InPU-00019-00009175-00009714 �I think that allows him to add an element of a conversation that�s never occurred,� 3GIhYA0InPU-00020-00009714-00010178 Spicer added. �He can put his thoughts out and hear what they�re thinking in a way 3GIhYA0InPU-00021-00010178-00010702 that no one�s ever been able to do before. I mean, he does communicate in a much bigger 3GIhYA0InPU-00022-00010702-00011135 way than there�s ever been before, and I think that�s gonna be just a really exciting 3GIhYA0InPU-00023-00011135-00011322 part of the job.� 3GIhYA0InPU-00024-00011322-00011650 Spicer told Hewitt Trump has many options. 3GIhYA0InPU-00025-00011650-00012253 � � maybe we do some town hall, you know, Facebook town halls. Maybe we go out and solicit 3GIhYA0InPU-00026-00012253-00012824 input from Twitter. I don�t, I mean, the answer is we�re looking at a lot of things,� 3GIhYA0InPU-00027-00012824-00012939 he said. 3GIhYA0InPU-00028-00012939-00013454 Spicer was clear that direct communication with the American people, which often bypasses 3GIhYA0InPU-00029-00013454-00013891 the mainstream media, will continue to be a major part of Trump�s connection with 3GIhYA0InPU-00030-00013891-00014041 the American people. 3GIhYA0InPU-00031-00014041-00014519 �There�s no question that you see through the platforms that exist right now, whether 3GIhYA0InPU-00032-00014519-00015066 it�s Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, he�s closing in like 45 million people that he 3GIhYA0InPU-00033-00015066-00015383 can have a conversation with,� Spicer said. 3GIhYA0InPU-00034-00015383-00015729 � � while we have to sort of do these press conferences because they�re part of 3GIhYA0InPU-00035-00015729-00016237 the fabric of our country, if you will, there are also some new opportunities that we can 3GIhYA0InPU-00036-00016237-00016751 be utilizing to bring more people into the process and have a conservation with the American 3GIhYA0InPU-00037-00016751-00017293 people and not just limit it through the filter of the mainstream media,� he added. 3GIhYA0InPU-00038-00017293-00017815 When Hewitt asked Spicer about the impact of the changes on the mainstream media, Spicer 3GIhYA0InPU-00039-00017815-00018117 noted, �Business as usual is over.� 3GIhYA0InPU-00040-00018117-00018689 Spicer said Trump�s communications strategy is not based on what the media wants, but 3GIhYA0InPU-00041-00018689-00018845 what the people deserve. 3GIhYA0InPU-00042-00018845-00019231 � � the President-elect looks at this and says what�s best for the country? How 3GIhYA0InPU-00043-00019231-00019712 do we put America and Americans first and stop trying to figure out how we cater to 3GIhYA0InPU-00044-00019712-00020314 you know, pundits and the establishment class, big donors. He is putting Americans first 3GIhYA0InPU-00045-00020314-00020598 and foremost,� Spicer said. 3GIhYA0InPU-00046-00020598-00021041 Spicer noted that the Trump White House will be listening as well as talking. 3GIhYA0InPU-00047-00021041-00021463 � � when he talks about Americans first, he means �I don�t care what a bunch of 3GIhYA0InPU-00048-00021463-00021987 elites tell me or people at a dinner party.� He wants to know what American workers care 3GIhYA0InPU-00049-00021987-00022479 about, what American families care about, what�s going to help American businesses 3GIhYA0InPU-00050-00022479-00022601 grow. 3GIhYA0InPU-00051-00022601-00023137 The goal of changing the communications mix, Spicer said, is to �bring more Americans 3GIhYA0InPU-00052-00023137-00023667 into� communications activities, �respect the American taxpayer more, and yield a better 3GIhYA0InPU-00053-00023667-00023795 result.� 3GIhYA0InPU-00054-00023795-00024273 Spicer said that Trump�s communications plan flows from an overall philosophy for 3GIhYA0InPU-00055-00024273-00024478 the administration as a while. 3GIhYA0InPU-00056-00024478-00024999 �I think that�s where sometimes the liberal media gets this wrong. It�s not saying we�re 3GIhYA0InPU-00057-00024999-00025393 going to treat it like a business, quote unquote,� he said. 3GIhYA0InPU-00058-00025393-00025854 �It�s making sure that there�s a mentality that says can we make sure we get the American 3GIhYA0InPU-00059-00025854-00026314 people a better product for their money so that they�re enjoying their lives better, 3GIhYA0InPU-00060-00026314-00026870 they have more opportunity, we�re growing jobs, wages have a better thing, and you know, 3GIhYA0InPU-00061-00026870-00027302 that regulations are a fundamental part of them, where we�re looking at them and saying 3GIhYA0InPU-00062-00027302-00027716 what can we ensure we do so that we�re not hampering businesses from helping our own 3GIhYA0InPU-00063-00027716-00028043 people get more in their paycheck,� he said. 3GIhYA0InPU-00064-00028043-00029685 What do you think? Scroll down to comment below. 3HvD2kZs6SM-00000-00000760-00000926 La-La-La-La 3HvD2kZs6SM-00001-00000999-00001172 La-La-La-La 3HvD2kZs6SM-00002-00001240-00001408 La-La-La-La 3HvD2kZs6SM-00003-00001481-00001622 La-La-La 3HvD2kZs6SM-00004-00001622-00001836 I Know How You’re Feeling 3HvD2kZs6SM-00005-00001836-00002110 You’re Smiling At Me 3HvD2kZs6SM-00006-00002110-00002315 Just Applauding In Front Of Me 3HvD2kZs6SM-00007-00002315-00002493 But It’s Just Hypocrisy 3HvD2kZs6SM-00008-00002493-00002663 I See You Lying Me 3HvD2kZs6SM-00009-00002663-00002908 Jealousy And Worries I’ma Stop It Now 3HvD2kZs6SM-00010-00002908-00003149 This World Given Route, I Don’t Mind 3HvD2kZs6SM-00011-00003149-00003372 It's Time To Trust Myself 3HvD2kZs6SM-00012-00003372-00003633 In The Rhythm Of Dance 3HvD2kZs6SM-00013-00003633-00003900 Woo Rising 3HvD2kZs6SM-00014-00003900-00004153 Keep My Head Up Gonna Fight It 3HvD2kZs6SM-00015-00004153-00004331 A Flower Blooming In The Wind 3HvD2kZs6SM-00016-00004331-00004594 Shows Just What I’m Feeling 3HvD2kZs6SM-00017-00004594-00004852 Woo Rising 3HvD2kZs6SM-00018-00004852-00005104 Like A Pearl In The Essence I’ma Like It 3HvD2kZs6SM-00019-00005104-00005311 For My Shining Self, I’m Gonna Try 3HvD2kZs6SM-00020-00005311-00005530 The World’s One And Only Baby 3HvD2kZs6SM-00021-00005530-00005643 Just Nothing Like A Dream 3HvD2kZs6SM-00022-00005643-00005773 It’s A Dejavu 3HvD2kZs6SM-00023-00005773-00005894 The Stronger The Hardship 3HvD2kZs6SM-00024-00005894-00006011 I Make It True 3HvD2kZs6SM-00025-00006011-00006162 Just Me That I Dreamt Of 3HvD2kZs6SM-00026-00006162-00006258 It’s A Dejavu 3HvD2kZs6SM-00027-00006258-00006366 Gain After The Pain 3HvD2kZs6SM-00028-00006366-00006510 The Way I Make It Move 3HvD2kZs6SM-00029-00006510-00006715 The Stronger The Rain 3HvD2kZs6SM-00030-00006715-00006962 The Stronger I Become 3HvD2kZs6SM-00031-00006962-00007089 Believe Me 3HvD2kZs6SM-00032-00007089-00007200 Just Let Me 3HvD2kZs6SM-00033-00007200-00007447 I Can Make It Raise It Recover It Now 3HvD2kZs6SM-00034-00009338-00009636 You See Me Walking Confidently 3HvD2kZs6SM-00035-00009636-00009875 Already Caught Up With My Dreams 3HvD2kZs6SM-00036-00009875-00009969 One Day, I’ma Make It 3HvD2kZs6SM-00037-00009969-00010115 Today’s Gonna Be Different 3HvD2kZs6SM-00038-00010115-00010269 Gonna Believe In Just Myself 3HvD2kZs6SM-00039-00010269-00010487 Ain’t Interested About You 3HvD2kZs6SM-00040-00010487-00010736 Ain’t My Business 3HvD2kZs6SM-00041-00010736-00011047 Like A Friend, You’re Acting and Reacting 3HvD2kZs6SM-00042-00011047-00011237 But I See You Lying Me 3HvD2kZs6SM-00043-00011308-00011424 Just Nothing Like A Dream 3HvD2kZs6SM-00044-00011424-00011522 It’s A Dejavu 3HvD2kZs6SM-00045-00011522-00011665 The Stronger The Hardship 3HvD2kZs6SM-00046-00011665-00011756 I Make It True 3HvD2kZs6SM-00047-00011756-00011902 Just Me That I Dreamt Of 3HvD2kZs6SM-00048-00011902-00012025 It’s A Dejavu 3HvD2kZs6SM-00049-00012025-00012125 Gain After The Pain 3HvD2kZs6SM-00050-00012125-00012258 The Way I Make It Move 3HvD2kZs6SM-00051-00012258-00012486 The Stronger The Rain 3HvD2kZs6SM-00052-00012486-00012712 The Stronger I Become 3HvD2kZs6SM-00053-00012712-00012847 Believe Me 3HvD2kZs6SM-00054-00012847-00012955 Just Let Me 3HvD2kZs6SM-00055-00012955-00013175 And I Never Let Dream Go 3HvD2kZs6SM-00056-00013175-00013328 Just Nothing Like A Dream 3HvD2kZs6SM-00057-00013328-00013417 It’s A Dejavu 3HvD2kZs6SM-00058-00013417-00013564 The Stronger The Pain 3HvD2kZs6SM-00059-00013564-00013675 I Make It True 3HvD2kZs6SM-00060-00013675-00013816 Just Me That I Dreamt Of 3HvD2kZs6SM-00061-00013816-00013929 It’s A Dejavu 3HvD2kZs6SM-00062-00013929-00014038 Gain After The Pain 3HvD2kZs6SM-00063-00014038-00014183 The Way I Make It Move 3HvD2kZs6SM-00064-00014183-00014394 The Stronger The Rain 3HvD2kZs6SM-00065-00014394-00014629 The Stronger I Become 3HvD2kZs6SM-00066-00014629-00014758 Believe Me 3HvD2kZs6SM-00067-00014758-00014880 Just Let Me 3HvD2kZs6SM-00068-00014880-00015120 And I Never Let Dream Go 3HvD2kZs6SM-00069-00015206-00015339 Always 3HvD2kZs6SM-00070-00015339-00015445 Closer 3HvD2kZs6SM-00071-00015445-00015569 Hurry 3HvD2kZs6SM-00072-00015569-00015689 Follow Me 3HvD2kZs6SM-00073-00015689-00015870 You Just Follow 3HvD2kZs6SM-00074-00015870-00016060 La-La-La-La 3JdiN1HuicM-00000-00000792-00001288 In this lesson, I review the three types of networks through which data is made available: 3JdiN1HuicM-00001-00001288-00001960 internet intranet and extranet. I also take a quick look at DMZ's and VLANs. 3JdiN1HuicM-00002-00001960-00002392 You can download the script for this lesson above or at the end of the lesson. 3JdiN1HuicM-00003-00002488-00003112 There are three types of networks: intranet internet and extranet. Common network safeguards 3JdiN1HuicM-00004-00003112-00003672 apply across all of these, but organizations must always perform risk assessments to determine 3JdiN1HuicM-00005-00003672-00004448 additional needed controls. Let's take a look at each. An intranet is a traditional 3JdiN1HuicM-00006-00004448-00005120 network that provides internal entity access to internal information resources. It's surrounded 3JdiN1HuicM-00007-00005120-00005784 by a perimeter of firewalls and other controls that are fully controlled by the organization. 3JdiN1HuicM-00008-00005976-00006664 It's important not to confuse the world wide web, or the web, and the internet. The internet is a 3JdiN1HuicM-00009-00006664-00007328 global interconnection of both public and private networks. Organizations that use the internet have 3JdiN1HuicM-00010-00007328-00008136 no control over its design and configuration outside of their own contracted services. 3JdiN1HuicM-00011-00008224-00008776 It's a network upon which the web runs. Services available on the internet 3JdiN1HuicM-00012-00008776-00009304 are commonly known as cloud services. Organizational traffic can use the internet 3JdiN1HuicM-00013-00009304-00010032 for access to both private resources and cloud services. The internet is also used to enable 3JdiN1HuicM-00014-00010032-00010552 two or more organizations to connect and provide services and data to each other. 3JdiN1HuicM-00015-00010920-00011560 An extranet is a private network that's controlled by an organization. It allows access to partners, 3JdiN1HuicM-00016-00011560-00011968 suppliers, vendors, and other business and infrastructure services. 3JdiN1HuicM-00017-00012040-00012720 An extranet commonly sits in a segmented network segment that resembles a DMZ. A DMZ separates the 3JdiN1HuicM-00018-00012720-00013319 internal network from resources made available to customers and other entities. It enables 3JdiN1HuicM-00019-00013319-00013912 access to resources needed to enable business operation without exposing the internal network 3JdiN1HuicM-00020-00013912-00014616 to unwanted access. The web server has access to the internal network, so it can access 3JdiN1HuicM-00021-00014616-00015216 needed services however the remote entities are blocked from entering the internal network. 3JdiN1HuicM-00022-00015568-00016216 This graphic from the CISSP common body of knowledge shows the advantages and disadvantages 3JdiN1HuicM-00023-00016216-00016912 associated with extranet use. In general, extranets enable an organization to share data, 3JdiN1HuicM-00024-00016912-00017496 leverage vendor services, and collaborate with business partners at a relatively low cost. 3JdiN1HuicM-00025-00017496-00017968 However, the cost can be even lower if the extranet services are moved to a 3JdiN1HuicM-00026-00017968-00018672 cloud service provider. Finally, organizations using extranets must pay particular attention 3JdiN1HuicM-00027-00018672-00019320 to the increased risk of system compromise, denial of service attacks, and data theft. 3JdiN1HuicM-00028-00019568-00020064 Remote employees may access resources via the DMZ, but it's more common to provide 3JdiN1HuicM-00029-00020064-00020960 remote access using a VPN appliance. VPN is virtual private network. The VPN appliance can 3JdiN1HuicM-00030-00020960-00021520 be placed in the DMZ, but it can also stand alone. Users authenticate to the appliance, 3JdiN1HuicM-00031-00021520-00022112 hopefully using multi-factor authentication, and are then granted coarse authorization 3JdiN1HuicM-00032-00022112-00022840 to approved resources on the internal network. Resource approval can be based on the user ID, 3JdiN1HuicM-00033-00022840-00023424 time of day, day of the week, device used for access and the device's location, 3JdiN1HuicM-00034-00023424-00023984 and other criteria. This is a look at one design possibility. There are many ways to 3JdiN1HuicM-00035-00023984-00024552 configure remote access. A risk assessment, including a look at an organization's unique 3JdiN1HuicM-00036-00024552-00025016 operational needs, determines the best approach and the right safeguards. 3JdiN1HuicM-00037-00025320-00025927 Finally, we look at VLANs, or virtual local area networks. One of the most important network 3JdiN1HuicM-00038-00025927-00026520 safeguards is the segmentation of resources according to classification and categorization 3JdiN1HuicM-00039-00026576-00027136 as well as separation of duties. To see how to classify and categorize assets, 3JdiN1HuicM-00040-00027136-00027856 watch the video above. In this example, we placed our financial database servers in a separate VLAN. 3JdiN1HuicM-00041-00027856-00028408 No users except the database administrators need direct access to these resources, 3JdiN1HuicM-00042-00028408-00028992 and they are highly classified. The financial application servers are on another segment. 3JdiN1HuicM-00043-00029048-00029656 The application servers have access to the database servers. Financial user roles can 3JdiN1HuicM-00044-00029656-00030327 access the application servers and through them, access data needed to perform daily tasks. 3JdiN1HuicM-00045-00030424-00030960 The layer 3 switch is configured to block all traffic to the database segment 3JdiN1HuicM-00046-00030960-00031544 unless it comes from the application server segment. Further, all traffic 3JdiN1HuicM-00047-00031544-00032383 to the financial application servers is blocked unless it comes from the financial user VLAN. 3JdiN1HuicM-00048-00032776-00033424 The CISSP common body of knowledge asserts that VLANs are important to network security design 3JdiN1HuicM-00049-00033424-00033952 because they control traffic between network segments. This helps ensure, for example, 3JdiN1HuicM-00050-00033952-00034704 that a threat actor compromising a user device cannot access the entire internal network. They 3JdiN1HuicM-00051-00034704-00035224 reduce sniffer vulnerabilities because a sniffer can only see the traffic on the segment to which 3JdiN1HuicM-00052-00035224-00035896 it's attached. They help prevent traffic storms, and they provide an infrastructure security layer 3JdiN1HuicM-00053-00035896-00036584 that helps control least privilege, need to know, and separation of duties. 3JdiN1HuicM-00054-00036696-00037080 Well, that's it for this lesson. If you have questions, please ask. 3JdiN1HuicM-00055-00037080-00037936 ...and until next time be careful once you click 3JrLsSaT3vE-00000-00000302-00002344 Hello everyone and if you still remember me my name is Alina 3MMMXyYh1_k-00000-00000000-00000398 Here 3 things you should know about the crypto markets today 3MMMXyYh1_k-00001-00000398-00000977 Number 1, Turkish citizen switch to Bitcoin. Number 2 Prime Trust enters crypto 3MMMXyYh1_k-00002-00000977-00001504 custody race and number 3 Square's cash app now accepts Bitcoin trading in 3MMMXyYh1_k-00003-00001504-00001604 50 states 3MMMXyYh1_k-00004-00001948-00002492 Turkey is facing a national crisis as the currency is plunging the 3MMMXyYh1_k-00005-00002492-00002980 10-day volatility of the lira relative to the US dollar surpasses that of 3MMMXyYh1_k-00006-00002982-00003459 Bitcoin. However appears savvy Turkish citizens and now moving to Bitcoin is a 3MMMXyYh1_k-00007-00003459-00004068 safe haven asset. In response local cryptocurrency exchanges have upped the 3MMMXyYh1_k-00008-00004068-00004292 price of Bitcoin by 10% . 3MMMXyYh1_k-00009-00004372-00004720 Prime Trust a small US financial institution is now 3MMMXyYh1_k-00010-00004720-00005211 entering the crypto custody space. This is important because crypto custody is 3MMMXyYh1_k-00011-00005211-00005648 in high demand among institutional investors and with the recent market 3MMMXyYh1_k-00012-00005648-00006088 lows may be the institutional capital is needed at this current point in time 3MMMXyYh1_k-00013-00006088-00006595 however crypto custody's been is a space that centered by Northern Trust 3MMMXyYh1_k-00014-00006595-00007059 Goldman Sachs and the Intercontinental exchange or commonly known as ICE. 3MMMXyYh1_k-00015-00007148-00007780 Mobile payment apps Square has just thrown up Bitcoin trading to all 50 states this is 3MMMXyYh1_k-00016-00007780-00008212 important because now citizens in those 50 states have the ability to buy 3MMMXyYh1_k-00017-00008212-00008584 Bitcoin and Square I have just made it that much easier. 3MMMXyYh1_k-00018-00008620-00008975 Now that you're up to speed let's get back to business and remember to 3MMMXyYh1_k-00019-00008975-00009372 check out our other videos and subscribe to our YouTube channel to stay on top of 3MMMXyYh1_k-00020-00009372-00009784 all daily content. Thank you very much 3PWSrBt8fs4-00000-00000512-00001252 The Journal of Materials Research is proud to announce the 2019 Gordon E. Pike JMR Paper of the Year Award. 3PWSrBt8fs4-00001-00001274-00001764 This award recognizes excellence in advancing materials knowledge through written scholarship. 3PWSrBt8fs4-00002-00001798-00002249 This year’s honors go to a team of researchers from China and the US for their report on 3PWSrBt8fs4-00003-00002250-00002594 a new form of flexible and rechargeable supercapacitor wire, 3PWSrBt8fs4-00004-00002594-00003102 which was published in the September 14, 2019 issue of Journal of Materials Research. 3PWSrBt8fs4-00005-00003138-00003684 With the rapid growth of portable and wearable electronics, researchers face many important challenges. 3PWSrBt8fs4-00006-00003732-00004220 They’re tasked with fabricating devices that are smaller, lighter, and more flexible than ever 3PWSrBt8fs4-00007-00004220-00004562 —all while delivering the same or higher levels of performance. 3PWSrBt8fs4-00008-00004602-00005194 Wire-shaped supercapacitors are among the most promising technologies developed to address these challenges. 3PWSrBt8fs4-00009-00005250-00005706 These flexible devices store and deliver energy in the form of tightly wound fibers 3PWSrBt8fs4-00010-00005706-00006078 of electrochemically active materials, such as carbon nanotubes. 3PWSrBt8fs4-00011-00006104-00006552 These flexible devices possess highly attractive properties that include low resistance, 3PWSrBt8fs4-00012-00006552-00006830 high capacitance, and long-term stability. 3PWSrBt8fs4-00013-00006876-00007131 But they also suffer from many drawbacks. 3PWSrBt8fs4-00014-00007131-00007418 One of the most prominent is their low energy density. 3PWSrBt8fs4-00015-00007472-00007942 Because most devices of this type use aqueous electrolytes, their energy density reaches 3PWSrBt8fs4-00016-00007942-00008432 only as high as water allows before it splits into oxygen and hydrogen gas. 3PWSrBt8fs4-00017-00008454-00009008 To address that limitation, this year’s JMR award recipients incorporated a more robust ingredient 3PWSrBt8fs4-00018-00009008-00009532 to support their wire-shaped supercapacitor based on an ionic liquid electrolyte. 3PWSrBt8fs4-00019-00009562-00010114 Ionic liquids, or molten salts, support operating voltages more than twice that of water. 3PWSrBt8fs4-00020-00010168-00010554 Because energy density scales with the square of the operating voltage, 3PWSrBt8fs4-00021-00010554-00010840 that translates to quadruple the energy density. 3PWSrBt8fs4-00022-00010884-00011574 In their design, the team used an ionic liquid gel as a matrix for a composite yarn made of thin carbon fibers. 3PWSrBt8fs4-00023-00011640-00011998 The fibers themselves were decorated with iron-based nanosheets 3PWSrBt8fs4-00024-00011998-00012464 designed to maximize the surface available for holding and shuttling electrical charge. 3PWSrBt8fs4-00025-00012502-00012854 All of these components were wrapped within a protective aluminum sheath 3PWSrBt8fs4-00026-00012854-00013104 embedded with faceted carbon particles. 3PWSrBt8fs4-00027-00013168-00013762 Experiments showed that this coaxial wire-shaped supercapacitor possessed energy and power densities 3PWSrBt8fs4-00028-00013762-00014213 well beyond those measured for similar devices made from composite materials. 3PWSrBt8fs4-00029-00014252-00014688 Even when bent, the flexible devices retained a high specific capacitance 3PWSrBt8fs4-00030-00014688-00015017 over an operating voltage window of up to 3 V. 3PWSrBt8fs4-00031-00015018-00015296 To demonstrate the device’s potential for application, 3PWSrBt8fs4-00032-00015296-00015652 the team integrated it with a mini-wind-power conversion unit. 3PWSrBt8fs4-00033-00015716-00016154 That allowed them to store natural wind energy within the wire-shaped supercapacitor 3PWSrBt8fs4-00034-00016154-00016456 and use it to power a small LED lamp. 3PWSrBt8fs4-00035-00016456-00017116 Light, flexible, and sustainable, the team’s novel wire-shaped supercapacitor marks an important step forward 3PWSrBt8fs4-00036-00017116-00017376 in the design of wearable power electronics. 3PWSrBt8fs4-00037-00017376-00017986 And for that reason, the work behind its design is deserving of this year’s JMR Paper of the Year Award. 3RnFBLOVy98-00000-00000021-00001089 Hi everybody I am doing a little "nugget" from Neville's 'Awakened Imagination' - really good 3RnFBLOVy98-00001-00001089-00002109 book. So he says: 'The movement of every visible object is caused not by things outside the body 3RnFBLOVy98-00002-00002109-00003078 but by things within it which operate from within - outward. The journey is in yourself. You travel 3RnFBLOVy98-00003-00003078-00003672 along the highways of the inner world, without inner movement it is impossible to bring forth 3RnFBLOVy98-00004-00003672-00004467 anything. Interaction is introverted sensation, if you will construct mentally a drama which implies 3RnFBLOVy98-00005-00004467-00005232 that you have realised your objective then close your eyes and drop your thought inward, 3RnFBLOVy98-00006-00005232-00006060 centering your imagination all the while in the predetermined action and partake in that action. 3RnFBLOVy98-00007-00006060-00006972 You will become a self determined being.' So if there is something that you want today, 3RnFBLOVy98-00008-00006972-00007968 something that you don't have - do this little thing. 'The journey is in yourself' as he says 3RnFBLOVy98-00009-00007968-00008409 and 'you travel along the highways of the inner world.' I think that's so beautifully 3RnFBLOVy98-00010-00008409-00009126 worded. So your inner movement has to occur first, you must have inner movement - meaning 3RnFBLOVy98-00011-00009126-00009783 you got to transition from problem thinking, problem feeling because when you have negative 3RnFBLOVy98-00012-00009783-00010197 thinking about something you usually have negative emotion attached to it. Like 'I 3RnFBLOVy98-00013-00010197-00010995 haven't got X more money / my amazing dream job / my wonderful relationship, I didn't get my ex 3RnFBLOVy98-00014-00010995-00011859 back,' whatever it is that you want there is still the noticing and feeling because your noticing it, 3RnFBLOVy98-00015-00011859-00012549 the feeling that goes with it that you do not feel good about that subject. Now you don't feel good 3RnFBLOVy98-00016-00012549-00013044 because you focus on the problem so you have to shift states as Neville talks about and start 3RnFBLOVy98-00017-00013044-00014308 to live from it. So it really is like in the example of me driving a car that I didn't own, 3RnFBLOVy98-00018-00014308-00015169 as in in imagination - I'd be driving the old car and then I would rub my hand on the steering 3RnFBLOVy98-00019-00015169-00015757 wheel and pretend that I was driving the car that I wanted with my eyes closed for two seconds while 3RnFBLOVy98-00020-00015757-00016435 I was at a red light. So I will put that story down below for those of you that haven't heard 3RnFBLOVy98-00021-00016435-00017269 of that manifestation but at this time it was incredibly challenging to be imagining something 3RnFBLOVy98-00022-00017269-00017926 that I didn't have because I couldn't work out how I was going to attract the money to be able 3RnFBLOVy98-00023-00017926-00018625 to drive it. Now knowing about imagination, it's not about the money it's about living in the end 3RnFBLOVy98-00024-00018625-00019423 and you bypass all the bits in between okay so that is a crucial, crucial nut-and-bolt of how 3RnFBLOVy98-00025-00019423-00020017 to create something - you bypass the how you're going to get there. You bypass the 'what can I 3RnFBLOVy98-00026-00020017-00020671 do' you bypass you literally go from 'I'm not driving the car' to 'I am driving the car.' You 3RnFBLOVy98-00027-00020671-00021064 imagine yourself in it, you imagine looking out the windscreen, you imagine tooting the horn, 3RnFBLOVy98-00028-00021064-00021850 you imagine using the electric windows, you imagine all the details that you can. In my case 3RnFBLOVy98-00029-00021850-00022777 I wanted a silver car and I wanted a luxury car, so I'll put that story down below. But getting 3RnFBLOVy98-00030-00022777-00023656 into the state of 'I have this' was what helped me to attract this car without any money. So I really 3RnFBLOVy98-00031-00023656-00024301 love how Neville discusses this 'interaction is an introverted sensation,' so I had the introverted 3RnFBLOVy98-00032-00024301-00024826 sensation that I was already driving a car that I didn't have. How did I get into that state? I 3RnFBLOVy98-00033-00024826-00025294 pretended I was inside it. How did I pretend I was inside it? I knew what it looked like because I'd 3RnFBLOVy98-00034-00025294-00025672 seen some on the side of the road and I would have a look and look up against the window and have a 3RnFBLOVy98-00035-00025672-00026410 little you know look when no one was around. So he says 'if you will construct a mental drama which 3RnFBLOVy98-00036-00026410-00027088 implies that you have realised your objective,' so you create it with your eyes open. 'Then you 3RnFBLOVy98-00037-00027088-00027685 close your eyes and you drop your thoughts inward' which means you plant yourself in the scene okay. 3RnFBLOVy98-00038-00027685-00028227 'Centering your imagination all the while in the predetermined action,' so in my case the 3RnFBLOVy98-00039-00028227-00028702 predetermined action wise I was sitting behind the driver's seat and I was looking out the windscreen 3RnFBLOVy98-00040-00028702-00029620 and I was using the left-handed blinker because it's a European car, it's a German car. So and I 3RnFBLOVy98-00041-00029620-00030223 knew that so it's knowing those little details so you can inject them into the imaginal scene 3RnFBLOVy98-00042-00030223-00031189 okay. So as he says 'centering your imagination all the while in the predetermined action and 3RnFBLOVy98-00043-00031189-00032026 partake in that action,' so I was participating in the predetermined action - being in the car 3RnFBLOVy98-00044-00032026-00032602 and driving on the road and partaking in that action - being in it, accelerating, braking, 3RnFBLOVy98-00045-00032602-00033355 ee-ee-ee-ee doing that which you would do in any car but it was the feeling of this solid 3RnFBLOVy98-00046-00033355-00033856 car because I had a car that wasn't very solid and I knew the car I wanted was very solid and 3RnFBLOVy98-00047-00033856-00034642 very secure because I'd been in one. So you will become a self determined being, so it was 3RnFBLOVy98-00048-00034642-00035452 self determination and it was abandoning myself to the new car and deactivating old crappy car 3RnFBLOVy98-00049-00035452-00036151 that really needs to go because it was in a bad condition by then. So there's a little 'Neville 3RnFBLOVy98-00050-00036151-00036799 Nugget' for you from 'Awakened Imagination,' really enjoying re-reading this book and a 3RnFBLOVy98-00051-00036799-00037393 fabulous read it's very, very short book for those of you that want to buy it you're looking at 58 3RnFBLOVy98-00052-00037393-00038371 pages so very short as you can see little skinny. Alright that's it everybody. Lots of love and I'll 3RnFBLOVy98-00053-00038371-00039208 put the 'Neville Nuggets' playlist down below for those of you that haven't seen the others. 3RtinWb2_1u-00000-00000000-00000200 One second... 3TeJZcHrk8Q-00000-00000130-00000681 Mark, you're just a pro. I call him Mark the one take Brady 3TeJZcHrk8Q-00001-00000681-00001167 Do you want it to be an extra strong one? Let's do an extra just do it. 3TeJZcHrk8Q-00002-00001279-00001471 three shot special whistle whistle 3TeJZcHrk8Q-00003-00001471-00001671 Coming up Jim 3TeJZcHrk8Q-00004-00001714-00001846 in May 2018 a married couple sent themselves to a wonderfully fulfilling 3TeJZcHrk8Q-00006-00002272-00002942 but also quite sticky and chaotic prison for three acts of date night passion. They did commit! 3TeJZcHrk8Q-00007-00003003-00003428 They will never escape from this maximum-security stockade to the Los Angeles underground 3TeJZcHrk8Q-00008-00003486-00004136 Today they survive as soldiers of fortune on a diet of coffee red wine and pom bear if you're exhausted 3TeJZcHrk8Q-00009-00004137-00004703 But it's too early for alcohol and you have two pounds. Maybe you can buy a latte drinking latte 3TeJZcHrk8Q-00010-00004717-00005294 I'm drinking latte. I'm talking too fast cause I'm drinking a latte 3TeJZcHrk8Q-00011-00005371-00005823 Drinking latte I average seven a day. I'm drinking lattes 3TeJZcHrk8Q-00012-00006138-00006403 Sadly it doesn't count as my five a day 3TeJZcHrk8Q-00013-00006489-00006615 heart palpitations while I'm drinking a latte 3TeJZcHrk8Q-00014-00006615-00007265 .If I buy me a late and I buy you a latte 3TeJZcHrk8Q-00015-00007265-00007630 Have I created a two-man latte party? 3TeJZcHrk8Q-00016-00007631-00008030 I am now struggling to find words that rhyme with latte. 3TeJZcHrk8Q-00017-00008030-00008461 Is that your coffee breath or a silent deadly farte? 3TeJZcHrk8Q-00018-00008625-00008902 My wife as just sent me a slightly condescending text 3TeJZcHrk8Q-00019-00008967-00009428 Please try and do some washing and take the kids to the park. I've done neither 3TeJZcHrk8Q-00020-00009495-00009716 choosing to make a very silly song 3TeJZcHrk8Q-00021-00009882-00010358 Drinking latte I'm drinking latte. It's the preferred choice 3TeJZcHrk8Q-00022-00010622-00010739 Preferred 3TeJZcHrk8Q-00023-00010739-00010889 beverage of the 3TeJZcHrk8Q-00024-00010889-00010997 Illuminati 3TeJZcHrk8Q-00025-00010997-00011195 Where are we in the song? 3TeJZcHrk8Q-00026-00011195-00011852 We're way past the start te.If you're exhausted because someone woke you up at 3:00 a.m 3TeJZcHrk8Q-00027-00011877-00012490 To ask you if the wind has teeth? If you're exhausted you slept on the sofa 3TeJZcHrk8Q-00028-00012585-00013147 Underneath some wet towel and a couple of dust sheets. I'm trying to dress my children 3TeJZcHrk8Q-00029-00013147-00013913 so we are not late and get put on the naughty late parent list. They're not helping pausing 3TeJZcHrk8Q-00030-00013913-00014224 just to tell me you have very stinky breath 3TeJZcHrk8Q-00031-00014388-00015013 Drinking latte, I'm drinking latte just repeating the first verse in this song about latte 3TeJZcHrk8Q-00032-00015066-00015178 drinking latte 3TeJZcHrk8Q-00033-00015178-00015430 drinking latte I average seven a day 3TeJZcHrk8Q-00034-00015483-00015683 I'm drinking latte 3TeJZcHrk8Q-00035-00015923-00016207 Sadly it doesn't count as my five a day 3TeJZcHrk8Q-00036-00016275-00016401 heart palpitations 3TeJZcHrk8Q-00037-00016401-00016576 while I'm drinking all night 3TeJZcHrk8Q-00038-00016576-00017125 any if you buy me a latte and I buy you a latte have I just 3TeJZcHrk8Q-00039-00017162-00017815 created the (mumble mumble) latte party? I am now struggling to find words that ryhme with latte 3TeJZcHrk8Q-00040-00017819-00018388 Is that your coffee breath or a silent deadly fart say I have to end this song? 3TeJZcHrk8Q-00041-00018437-00018943 Because my son is about to wake up and I have to do some washing 3TeJZcHrk8Q-00042-00018966-00019474 because I'm quite scared that my wife will just tell me off 3TeJZcHrk8Q-00043-00019904-00020470 this is the special hitty hitty process. You've got to hitty hitty a certain amount of time otherwise it doesn't work. 3W8fYhvbVO0-00000-00000382-00000949 It is 2020, so I wanna share with you guys a detailed learning and study plan for DevNet 3W8fYhvbVO0-00001-00000949-00001179 Associate or DEVASC exam. 3W8fYhvbVO0-00002-00001179-00001367 Be Right Back. 3W8fYhvbVO0-00003-00001367-00001884 If you recall, Cisco rolled out the new DevNet program about 6 months ago with Associate 3W8fYhvbVO0-00004-00001884-00002311 and Professional tracks and apparently a pending Expert track. 3W8fYhvbVO0-00005-00002311-00002814 It is no secret that all DevNet exams are scheduled to go live in about a month from 3W8fYhvbVO0-00006-00002814-00002914 now. 3W8fYhvbVO0-00007-00002914-00003375 DevNet is Cisco's developer training program to help software engineers who want to develop 3W8fYhvbVO0-00008-00003375-00004029 applications using the SDKs or perhaps network engineers who want to write integrations with 3W8fYhvbVO0-00009-00004029-00004498 Cisco products using primarily Python and REST APIs. 3W8fYhvbVO0-00010-00004498-00005112 Now, since those are uncharted territories for the target audience, I thought it would 3W8fYhvbVO0-00011-00005112-00005628 be helpful for everyone if I put together a detailed learning and study plan. 3W8fYhvbVO0-00012-00005628-00005785 So here we go. 3W8fYhvbVO0-00013-00005785-00006266 DevNet Associate or 200-901 exam consists of 6 bodies of knowledge. 3W8fYhvbVO0-00014-00006266-00006961 So, in order, we have software development and design, understanding and using APIs, 3W8fYhvbVO0-00015-00006961-00007490 cisco platform and development, application deployment and security, infrastructure and 3W8fYhvbVO0-00016-00007490-00008140 automation, and as we all know it wouldn’t be Ciscoesque if they didn’t add a section 3W8fYhvbVO0-00017-00008140-00008277 on network fundamentals. 3W8fYhvbVO0-00018-00008277-00008970 So, if you are like me and want to parse them out a bit and simplify, you can sum them up 3W8fYhvbVO0-00019-00008970-00009564 into three bigger buckets, i.e. software development and APIs, infrastructure automation or Infrastructure 3W8fYhvbVO0-00020-00009564-00010297 as Code – I know that sounds a bit commoditized to justify Cisco premiums, and fundamentals 3W8fYhvbVO0-00021-00010297-00010657 of networking, infrastructure, cloud and security. 3W8fYhvbVO0-00022-00010657-00011235 Now, before we move over to a spreadsheet that I put together to drive this discussion, 3W8fYhvbVO0-00023-00011235-00011843 I want to let you know that Full Stack Networker is first out the gate to publish an online 3W8fYhvbVO0-00024-00011843-00012493 course as well as a paperback study guide to help you prepare and pass the DevNet Associate 3W8fYhvbVO0-00025-00012493-00012661 exam. 3W8fYhvbVO0-00026-00012661-00013318 The learning plan is organized around the Cisco’s official exam blueprint. 3W8fYhvbVO0-00027-00013318-00015716 We have 3W8fYhvbVO0-00028-00015716-00017012 six domains of knowledge with their respective weights on 3W8fYhvbVO0-00029-00017012-00017658 the exam. 3W8fYhvbVO0-00030-00017658-00018140 Next up, I have broken down each line item into whether that’s about learning a concept 3W8fYhvbVO0-00031-00018140-00019320 only or learning a concept and a hands-on Lab to back up your theoretical understanding. 3W8fYhvbVO0-00032-00019320-00020040 The DEVASC exam works out to be about 60% concepts or theory and 40% where you need 3W8fYhvbVO0-00033-00020040-00020542 to perform hands-on in my opinion. 3W8fYhvbVO0-00034-00020542-00021199 Next up, I have summarized the six domains into three bigger buckets, the ones I mentioned 3W8fYhvbVO0-00035-00021199-00021844 earlier, so that you can do a self-assessment to understand what it would take for you to 3W8fYhvbVO0-00036-00021844-00022177 prepare for the DEVASC exam. 3W8fYhvbVO0-00037-00022177-00022990 So, if you are a software developer, you may be about 1/3rd of the way there already. 3W8fYhvbVO0-00038-00022990-00023545 If you are a DevOps Engineer, you may be about halfway there so you would need to work on 3W8fYhvbVO0-00039-00023545-00023995 the other half which is as good as it gets. 3W8fYhvbVO0-00040-00023995-00024784 On the other hand, if you are a network engineer, then you need to put in some serious efforts 3W8fYhvbVO0-00041-00024784-00025082 to cover about 80% of the topics. 3W8fYhvbVO0-00042-00025082-00025829 IMO, that’s the moment of truth for folks with very traditional network engineering 3W8fYhvbVO0-00043-00025829-00026438 skillset, so if you are one of them, go ahead and transform your skillset now and avoid 3W8fYhvbVO0-00044-00026438-00026944 seeing your job getting automated in the next few years. 3W8fYhvbVO0-00045-00026944-00027718 Moving on, next up, I have handpicked free resources from the web that should help you 3W8fYhvbVO0-00046-00027718-00027916 cover some of the ground. 3W8fYhvbVO0-00047-00027916-00028747 You will notice that some of the links point to Full Stack Networker DEVASC course material 3W8fYhvbVO0-00048-00028747-00029200 or our blog posts where we have covered those topics. 3W8fYhvbVO0-00049-00029200-00030056 Last but not least, I have taken a stab at the amount of time in hours it would take 3W8fYhvbVO0-00050-00030056-00030627 you to learn each exam topic and it works out to be about 200 minimum hours. 3W8fYhvbVO0-00051-00030627-00031239 Please note the emphasis on minimum as your mileage may vary. 3W8fYhvbVO0-00052-00031239-00032072 Now, in terms of the study plan, you can cover those 200 hours in a few ways depending on 3W8fYhvbVO0-00053-00032072-00032644 the number of hours you are able to commit each day and the days of the week. 3W8fYhvbVO0-00054-00032644-00033081 For those of you who are super committed to learning network automation and becoming the 3W8fYhvbVO0-00055-00033081-00033840 DevNet Associate Certified, I believe you can all of the exam topics with about 12 weeks 3W8fYhvbVO0-00056-00033840-00035621 of study. 3W8fYhvbVO0-00058-00041665-00042487 get motivated to transform your career to a network automation engineer or a NetDevOps. 3W8fYhvbVO0-00059-00042487-00042652 Until we meet next time, ciao! 3Y3TJThQphA-00000-00000040-00000660 On one hand the unabated construction of concrete structures are wreaking havoc in the eco-sensitive 3Y3TJThQphA-00001-00000690-00001230 Pahalgam health resort while on the other hand the incompetence of Municipal Committee of 3Y3TJThQphA-00002-00001258-00001406 Pahalgam is worrisome too. 3Y3TJThQphA-00003-00001432-00002014 The Municipal workers collect garbage from all across the Pahalgam town and dump it in these valleys which 3Y3TJThQphA-00004-00002030-00002250 is affecting the ecology of this area. 3Y3TJThQphA-00005-00002282-00002786 We the local residents of Pahalgam requested the Executive Officer of Municipal committee not to 3Y3TJThQphA-00006-00002808-00003114 dump all this garbage here but they never paid any attention. 3Y3TJThQphA-00007-00003134-00003564 Despite repeated requests to the concerned department they have been throwing the waste here. 3Y3TJThQphA-00008-00003588-00004140 A few meters ahead at Baisaran meadow, the condition is much more worse than this. It is affecting our environment. 3Y3TJThQphA-00009-00004162-00004508 Tourists keep on frequenting through this track and it looks very messy. 3Y3TJThQphA-00010-00004532-00004958 If this place remains clean, that will be in the interest of everybody. 3Y3TJThQphA-00011-00005762-00006210 The authorities bring all the waste and deposit it here. Being a tourist area it becomes very unpleasant to come 3Y3TJThQphA-00012-00006232-00006495 through this place for the visitors. 3Y3TJThQphA-00013-00006522-00006964 As of now it is winters but as the temperature rises this garbage emanates very foul smell. 3Y3TJThQphA-00014-00006998-00007198 Did you meet the concerned officials regarding this issue? 3Y3TJThQphA-00015-00007226-00007770 We even highlighted this issue on Facebook. The greenery of this place gets endangered due to this exercise. 3Y3TJThQphA-00016-00007809-00008232 Previously, we requested the officer in-charge but he did nothing. 3Y3TJThQphA-00017-00008266-00008862 It will be your kindness if you forward this complaint to the higher ups so that this place is saved. 3Y3TJThQphA-00018-00008926-00009126 Where else they dump all this rubbish? 3Y3TJThQphA-00019-00009162-00009530 At Baisaran, this place and several other spots. 3Y3TJThQphA-00020-00009550-00009832 Is this the Municipal department which is indulging in all this? 3Y3TJThQphA-00021-00009854-00010424 Yes, they bring all the garbage in tractors and dump it in these mountains. They do not have a proper waste disposal management. 3Y3TJThQphA-00022-00010444-00010812 There should be a proper waste disposal management system in place to save this place. 3Y3TJThQphA-00023-00010858-00011314 In the event of a rainfall and winds, all this garbage drifts into the adjacent stream. The water of this particular 3Y3TJThQphA-00024-00011332-00011684 stream is provided to thousands of households. 3Y3TJThQphA-00025-00011722-00012336 This could not only lead to several water-borne diseases but it also damages the ecological system of this area. 3Y3TJThQphA-00026-00012504-00012994 The locals did meet the concerned officials but nothing productive could come out. 3Y3TJThQphA-00027-00013044-00013634 The viewers can call on the number of concerned official, provided on the screen, and press him 3Y3TJThQphA-00028-00013674-00014240 to shift the dumping site from this place and get the glory of this beautiful place restored. 3Y3TJThQphA-00029-00014500-00014819 For Kashmir Unheard, I am Shafat Mir from Pahalgam. 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00000-00000001-00000595 Hello everybody, my name is Dood and welcome back to Crash Bandicoot N-Sane Trilogy! 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00001-00000776-00000891 What was I on? 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00002-00000907-00001000 This one I think? 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00003-00001110-00001403 Yeah, I was on Crash Crush. Okay. 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00004-00001456-00001635 I forget what Crash Crush is. 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00005-00001734-00001907 This is gonna be interesting... 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00006-00002099-00002448 "Sliding can help you avoid dangerous obstacles"... Good! 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00007-00002616-00002699 Oh... 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00008-00002924-00003108 It's the polar bear one... 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00009-00003225-00003320 Great... 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00010-00003619-00003965 No it's a boulder one! Okay never mind. I thought it was a polar bear. 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00011-00004051-00004195 Those scare me... 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00012-00004449-00004936 Growing up those scared me...they still kind of scare me. 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00013-00005011-00005499 *Panic* No boulder no boulder no boulder...! Okay we're good. 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00014-00005844-00006332 This is not a thing I asked for today. Just saying. 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00015-00006409-00006956 I wanted to have a pleasant little time playing Crash Bandicoot but no. I'm not allowed. 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00016-00007052-00007384 Is this the way to a secret thing, or is this just more boxes? 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00017-00007611-00007836 I think this is more boxes... 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00018-00008192-00008780 It's a...bonus? OH WAIT no it's sending me back...right? 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00019-00008812-00009166 Yeah it's sending me back, okay. We're fine. 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00020-00009198-00009608 I thought I was screwed. I thought I was very screwed. 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00021-00010443-00010587 *Increasing discomfort* 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00022-00010696-00010908 *Fear* 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00023-00011526-00012153 No... I don't want that! Okay we're fine. 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00024-00012184-00012468 *Fearful crying* 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00025-00012638-00012888 AHHHHH I don't want this! 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00026-00013046-00013396 Why did I do that Why did I do that 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00027-00013579-00013929 If I keep hitting them I'm going to die... 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00028-00014249-00014769 Well I died anyway...great. 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00029-00015572-00016321 So far...so good. Is this another boulder end? This is another boulder end. 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00030-00016446-00016870 Okay...go forth, me! 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00031-00017270-00017480 Or...Crash! 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00032-00017592-00017918 I like "go forth, me!" better. 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00033-00018036-00018208 I need to get that life. 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00034-00018451-00018696 There we go! 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00035-00019044-00019545 That does make me jump higher! 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00036-00019678-00019993 A little bit, anyway... 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00037-00020355-00020552 I think? It looked like it did. 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00038-00020801-00021182 No, get back up there! 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00039-00021300-00021611 You did it before, you can do it again! 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00040-00021728-00021980 See? Was that so bad? 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00041-00022288-00022627 PHONE! What do you want from me?! 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00042-00022672-00023156 That is a random number I do not know, I am not picking up the phone. You cannot make me. 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00043-00023280-00023665 Welcome to "Doodrun's Adventures in Ignoring His Cell Phone"! 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00044-00023764-00024001 When he's getting unsolicited phone calls. 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00045-00024081-00024641 It's great...An adventure for the whole family! 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00046-00024822-00024955 Yay, Crystal get. 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00047-00025320-00025592 Which one of these is gonna be the Polar Bear? 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00048-00026089-00026420 *Panic, followed by mild rage* 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00049-00027152-00027547 Thankfully I don't need the Wumpa fruit so much as I need the boxes! 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00050-00027939-00028460 Is it doing this to give me ample time to get the end boxes? Or is it... yeah it is. 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00051-00028473-00028780 NO NO NO NOOOOOOOOO 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00052-00028983-00029120 It was just the one... 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00053-00029258-00029576 Why do I remember there being so much more? 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00054-00029802-00030219 I remember there being like...4 of them in one stage. 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00055-00030289-00030494 Where is it going to be?! 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00056-00030729-00031518 Is it not this one? It's not this one...maybe it was another one further ahead. 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00057-00031564-00032089 Either way I got for my trouble. That's good. I'll let him do his dance. 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00058-00032556-00032891 I feel like that took longer than 5 minutes... 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00059-00033091-00033481 I feel like this went on for a lot longer than 5 minutes... 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00060-00033641-00033937 "A special gem hides behind something fake." 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00061-00034187-00034416 Oh, we're in the sewers! 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00062-00034515-00034769 Aha! Right! 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00063-00034835-00035481 It has been a while since I have gone through any of these stages- NO F*** YOU! 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00064-00035668-00035960 Hello eel! I wish to eat you! 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00065-00036142-00036664 And don't think I won't either, because I have eaten eel. It is delicious. 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00066-00037169-00037620 I don't think electric eel is edible though. I don't even think electric eels are a thing. 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00067-00037652-00038654 Maybe I'm wrong! I'm probably wrong, they could be very much a thing... I don't know! I'm what is called "not smart". 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00068-00038886-00039235 Goodbye, giant rat! I don't like you. 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00069-00039350-00040043 Okay...is this the way that's fake? Yeah- Oh g******** 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00070-00040284-00040427 *Distressed whale sounds* 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00071-00040534-00041161 I don't...like...this! Okay we're good. This is the fake thing. 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00072-00041264-00041862 Or one of the fakes things, I can't tell which. Either way I'm getting a gem for my troubles. 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00073-00041945-00042163 I hope- Owww why did I do that 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00074-00042715-00043067 Do I need to do the stage again? 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00075-00043212-00043686 I hope not...NO BUT I HAVE TO BACK-TRACK ALL THAT WAY! 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00076-00043937-00044100 *Help me* 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00077-00044113-00044316 I don't want to do this! 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00078-00044435-00044792 Without an Aku Aku mask either! 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00079-00044985-00045097 Wait for it... 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00080-00045224-00045398 Goodbye, Eel! 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00081-00045993-00046390 Don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me! 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00082-00046518-00047057 Don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me! 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00083-00047096-00047672 HOOOO- we're good. I think... I think we're good now. 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00084-00048422-00048761 I need to find a checkpoint quickly, I need to get to that checkpoint. 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00085-00049086-00049907 Okay! I got to the checkpoint! I've got the gem! We're good! I can stop panicking now! 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00086-00049944-00050552 *Audible internal screaming* 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00087-00050817-00051354 So many things...have made me panic in this stage... 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00088-00051494-00051984 And it hasn't even finished yet...PHONE WHAT DO YOU WANT 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00089-00052097-00052348 I got another missed call?! 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00090-00052396-00052920 Two of them from the same number! And one of them's NOT the same number! 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00091-00053158-00053465 Who the hell is trying to call me?! 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00092-00053616-00053833 I hope I didn't get dox'd... 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00093-00054000-00054769 And people are calling my cell phone...thinking "OH HEY I GET TO TALK TO DOOD!" No you don't... 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00094-00054958-00055328 You get to talk to somebody who's probably going to sue your a**. 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00095-00055530-00056115 And get you arrested, so don't dox people. That's not cool. 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00096-00056152-00056747 You might think "OH IT'S JUST VENGEANCE, IT'S A PRANK!" No, you're an a**hole, that's illegal. 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00097-00056876-00057214 That's what is called "a thing that gets you arrested." 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00098-00057627-00057915 Did I just go through the box? 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00099-00058079-00058385 Should I have gone down? I don't know which way I went. 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00100-00058574-00058886 I don't know if I should've gone the other way first or not. 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00101-00059024-00059648 I'm going to operate on the assumption that I didn't need to do it. If I need to replay the level, I need to replay the level and it's fine. 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00102-00059702-00060102 You know what? I'm not worrying about it. 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00103-00060201-00060732 I'm just gonna casually go through. And hope that I did not f*** up. 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00104-00060816-00061009 I probably did. 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00105-00061130-00061900 Just like those three people that called me, hopefully thinking that I'm somebody else and NOT Dood. 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00106-00062027-00062264 Don't call me, by the way. 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00107-00062436-00062913 If you have my number, that is. No one calls me for a reason. I don't pick up my phone. 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00108-00063139-00063438 I THINK this is the end, isn't it? Yeah, this is the end. 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00109-00063548-00063872 All I did was get a green gem. 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00110-00064008-00064324 Alright fine, I'll redo it I guess. 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00111-00064374-00064907 So I should've gone left, and then...I suppose gone back. 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00112-00064988-00065206 So I have to do all of that... 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00113-00065240-00065500 *annoyed distress* 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00114-00065521-00065940 I don't want to repeat this... NO YOU DON'T GET TO DANCE! 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00115-00066096-00066710 You don't deserve to dance! You didn't get the Crystal, or the other gem, you just got the green one! 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00116-00066795-00067628 Now I have to go all the way through, get a couple more boxes, and then we're gucci. 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00117-00068248-00068425 PRO STRATS! 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00118-00068456-00068612 *"dear god help me" noises* 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00119-00068632-00069155 Okay, I am making a lot of accidental pro-strats right now... 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00120-00069368-00069584 I don't need to be doing this... 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00121-00069664-00069745 Oh! 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00122-00069880-00070188 That was pleasant! I just blew up a nitro crate! 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00123-00070286-00070467 YEA BOY~ Woah! 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00124-00070955-00071438 *sigh* I got a golden Aku Aku mask! This'll make things less painful! 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00125-00071456-00072078 Time to go through, find some boxes, and then call this done. 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00126-00072192-00072624 I THINK there's boxes here, right? It wasn't just the nitro crates? 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00127-00072688-00072820 Was it? 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00128-00072918-00073619 I'll go through again anyway, and deal with that because I DON'T want to deal with that...yeah, it was just the nitro crates. 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00129-00074313-00074761 Really?! Just nitro crates? 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00130-00074836-00075030 Well s***, I feel dumb now! 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00131-00075268-00075409 *annoyed groan* 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00132-00075649-00076003 This was not a thing that was necessary in my life... 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00133-00076211-00076390 *"I regret my life choices" groan* 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00134-00077001-00077240 That will ALWAYS make me panic... 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00135-00077377-00077918 That little bit of nitro crates in front of the door. 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00136-00078035-00078515 It is not a thing that I need...it is a heart attack waiting to happen. 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00137-00078540-00079166 And I'm thankful it did not kill me...WHY DID I DO THAT, THAT IS NOT WHAT I NEEDED TO DO! 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00138-00079289-00080427 I'll be fine, I guess...I've cleared the rest of this without an Aku Aku mask, but I'm pretty sure the way back to the Crystal path is going to be a pain in my left testicle! 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00139-00080608-00080937 My right one will be a little indifferent, but it's fine! 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00140-00081228-00082564 Also, I'm trying something with the subtitle app that I've used for live streams! Hopefully I can sync this up properly and I don't have to fiddle with it too much! (I could not, and I did...subtitles on your own are hard T_T) 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00141-00082692-00083841 I want to start adding subtitles to my videos without them showing up on the recording, so let me know if it f***ed up! (this is irrelevant, I had to manually write out all of this...and it might not happen again until I can pay someone to do so...sorry!) 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00142-00083848-00084217 Or rather, I'LL know if it f***ed up because I'm the one looking at it... 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00143-00084276-00084627 YOINK! Oh, here's those other boxes... 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00144-00085251-00086078 Any more fake walls? No? OKAY! This one's just a solid wall with a door that I won't be able to open ever~ 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00145-00086448-00086640 *"I crave death" groan* 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00146-00086976-00088012 At least the subtitle app isn't entering my panic...I'll be doing that myself, I think. (I am~) 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00147-00088147-00089033 The world doesn't need to know that I'm a panicky m*********** when it comes to video games, but I think everyone is... 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00148-00089312-00089992 Okay, not everyone...but maybe a good chunk of people when they first play a game and they nearly die a lot. 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00149-00090016-00090168 *whale noises* 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00150-00090281-00090587 ANOTHER PHONE CALL FROM THE SAME PERSON?! 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00151-00090948-00091444 Oh my f****** god you can stop calling me, I am never going to pick up the phone! 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00152-00091656-00092011 If you're not on my contact list, I'm not going to pick up the phone. 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00153-00092102-00092284 Spoiler, by the way. 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00154-00092665-00092977 So yeah, doxing me is kind of pointless. 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00155-00093150-00093475 Maybe I shouldn't be giving people ideas... 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00156-00093864-00094121 79 out of 79! 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00157-00094272-00094835 Let's do this! And get out, and fight a boss! 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00158-00095035-00095528 3 calls from the same person, and 1 from a new guy...who the hell is trying to call me? 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00159-00095612-00095940 That is not a number I recognize, and they've not left a message... 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00160-00096172-00096512 Why don't people leave messages? 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00161-00096536-00096788 Is that not a thing people should be doing? 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00162-00096844-00097496 If I don't pick up the phone after one call, I'm probably never picking it up. 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00163-00097699-00098300 Actually, two calls. If I don't pick up after two calls, leave a message! 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00164-00098720-00098806 Will it? 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00165-00099051-00099276 Are there supposed to be subtitles in-game? 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00166-00099643-00100089 I swear there's supposed to be in-game subtitles...hang on, let me see this. 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00167-00100273-00100595 No...why would it be a graphic setting? 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00168-00100889-00101112 It's a game option, yes? 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00169-00101137-00101475 There's no subtitles...? 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00170-00101644-00101886 What the f***?! 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00171-00102144-00102640 Vicarious Visions, if you're watching this, add subtitles to your game! 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00172-00102959-00103902 This isn't just me trying to push a thing, even though I'm trying to get more subtitles in my videos, but... 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00173-00104131-00105036 There's people that are deaf that probably want to play your game! Cutscenes without subs is not accessible... 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00174-00105350-00105443 Die. 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00175-00105968-00106380 Can I hit him again? No, I cannot hit him again... 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00176-00106614-00106987 Is now the phase when you start throwing things- OH GOD! 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00177-00107009-00107236 No, it's the next one. 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00178-00107307-00107620 So THIS one is the part where I'm probably going to be screwed over. 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00179-00109025-00109288 I think this one's named Komodo Moe? 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00180-00109481-00109835 And the tall thin one is Komodo Joe... 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00181-00109860-00110363 I forget...it's been a long time since I've had to think about their names. 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00182-00110497-00111222 It's not important, only one of them makes a reappearance in other games, while the other is dead to the world. 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00183-00111380-00111660 Crash Team Racing, by the way. 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00184-00111715-00112099 It's where Joe at least, makes a reappearance. 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00185-00112307-00113030 Alright...I'm saving, and I'm ending the episode...AND I HIT THE RIGHT BUTTON THIS TIME! 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00186-00113448-00113680 So what is the next Warp Room...? 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00187-00113724-00114027 I forget...oh yeah, it's the sewer one! Okay. 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00188-00114153-00114352 OH GOD I GOT CAUGHT! 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00189-00115627-00115817 There ARE still many Crystals to obtain! 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00190-00116236-00116894 I think the world is counting on Cortex to not be an a**hole, which is going to fail. 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00191-00117094-00117243 I still hear the cutscene music... 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00192-00117510-00117766 I still hear Cortex's music! 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00193-00118020-00118196 Should I be hearing this...? 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00194-00118505-00118977 I'm hearing it! And the game broke! Probably... 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00195-00119034-00119193 GAME'S BROKE 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00196-00119496-00119651 I think the game's broke... 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00197-00119686-00120105 Oh well, I'm going to end the episode, so thank you so much for watching! I hope you enjoyed! 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00198-00120105-00121528 Leave a like if you enjoyed, subscribe for more, let me know what you think in the comments! And thanks to Schrodinger'sCat & Levielle for supporting me on Patreon, and Whirly Bird, ZorritoBurrito, & 3DSMasterGaming for supporting me on Twitch! And as always I will see you in the next video... 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00199-00121535-00121729 BYE BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE~ 3Yjsm4_Jgy4-00200-00121732-00123735 *outro* 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00000-00000534-00000692 Today I'd like to share with you this luxury shopping haul video 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00001-00000706-00001156 I've bought skincare products, cosmetics, handbags and shoes 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00002-00001156-00001284 in different brands 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00003-00001284-00001492 and I'm going to share them all in this video 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00004-00001492-00001820 First of all, I will talk about skin care products and cosmetics 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00005-00001836-00002088 Bags and shoes will be introduced at the end 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00006-00002098-00002298 I'm dressed up like this today 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00007-00002320-00002562 Because it's Halloween 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00008-00002578-00002898 but it's a weekday. I just came back from school. 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00009-00002918-00003282 First up is this SK-II mask 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00010-00003332-00003479 I really love to use it 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00011-00003488-00003861 I bought it for a lot of times already. I actually bought four boxes. 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00012-00003861-00004070 This is their most famous mask 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00013-00004088-00004288 called Facial Treatment Mask 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00014-00004302-00004502 There are ten pieces in a box 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00015-00004574-00004774 Let me open it up to show you the inside 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00016-00004788-00004920 It has a silver package 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00017-00004920-00005260 Kind of expensive, so I don't use it often. 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00018-00005260-00005544 Maybe for emergency only, or when there is an important event. 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00019-00005544-00005730 Then I'll use it the night before 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00020-00005738-00005968 It has plenty of essence inside. 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00021-00005976-00006202 Next up is this eye mask from shiseido 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00022-00006202-00006402 I have a habit of using eye masks 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00023-00006420-00006845 This is their winkle resist eye mask. 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00024-00006906-00007144 I guess there is only this type. 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00025-00007234-00007372 I am actually not sure 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00026-00007376-00007576 This is also a repurchase 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00027-00007612-00007812 I've bought three boxes in total. 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00028-00007848-00008018 But I still haven't received the other two boxes 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00029-00008018-00008138 It's still on backorder 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00030-00008152-00008458 There are twelve pairs of masks in a box 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00031-00008458-00008596 There is a plastic container inside 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00032-00008596-00008804 So the eye masks wouldn't get crushed 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00033-00008804-00008956 It also has plenty of essence. 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00034-00008966-00009172 The color is a bit white 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00035-00009192-00009520 The color of the SK-II ones is transparent 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00036-00009520-00010062 Then it's this anti-dark circles eye cream from Shiseido 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00037-00010078-00010294 I also repurchased this cream for many times 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00038-00010310-00010682 Actually most of the products I introduce in this video are repurchases 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00039-00010686-00010886 Because skincare products and cosmetics will expire 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00040-00010886-00011068 so I only buy them when it's needed 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00041-00011078-00011342 And thanksgiving is coming 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00042-00011342-00011692 So I may only restock some products for daily use. 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00043-00011692-00011872 With light pink packaging 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00044-00011906-00012106 This is from their whitening line 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00045-00012166-00012366 There should be a little spoon too 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00046-00012512-00012598 Right here 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00047-00012606-00013080 So it is more hygienic. I don't have to touch it with my own hands. 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00048-00013097-00013430 This eye cream really works. 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00049-00013454-00013810 I can really see the effect. I wouldn't say my dark circles totally disappeared 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00050-00013832-00014124 But I can see they reduced compared to before 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00051-00014124-00014282 when I am using it. 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00052-00014294-00014447 But if I stop using it for a while 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00053-00014447-00014574 My dark circles will return to original 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00054-00014584-00014894 The dark circles would appear again, and I also want to talk about 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00055-00014913-00015113 the application for using the eye cream 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00056-00015126-00015326 Because when I was having the live feed 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00057-00015356-00015760 on Instagram, I found some audience were using a wrong method to apply eye cream. 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00058-00015778-00015978 Actually it's better to use the fourth finger 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00059-00015990-00016230 I think most of you already know it. 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00060-00016240-00016484 The fourth finger is not as strong as the others 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00061-00016484-00016668 Compared to the other fingers 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00062-00016676-00017114 Do a circle towards the nose , in a circular motion 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00063-00017170-00017610 And do not wipe on the eyebrows, because of its whitening effect 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00064-00017620-00017922 So the color of the eyebrows might become lighter if you do 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00065-00017932-00018354 do a circular motion towards the nose 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00066-00018406-00018616 do not pull outward 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00067-00018662-00019006 Because it'd cause wrinkles 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00068-00019028-00019500 wrinkles will appear if the motion is outward 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00069-00019500-00019694 do it inward 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00070-00019716-00020146 so the dark circles will not spread 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00071-00020146-00020308 I hope you guys understand what I'm saying 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00072-00020308-00020694 Circle towards the nose, not so hard 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00073-00020694-00020984 because the eye area is relatively delicate 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00074-00020996-00021424 Do not pull too hard to give wrinkles or eye injuries 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00075-00021476-00021648 Okay after the eye cream 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00076-00021678-00021878 it's another eye cream 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00077-00021930-00022130 This is from la prairie 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00078-00022152-00022540 it's a repurchase too. It s a day eye cream with SPF15 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00079-00022548-00022842 I will open it now because I have already used up the old one 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00080-00022852-00023218 Really don't have to apply too much of it 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00081-00023234-00023434 The shiseido one I just talked about 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00082-00023446-00023856 the amount like a bean is already enough for both eyes 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00083-00023902-00024052 This is the same 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00084-00024140-00024414 la prairie is my favorite skincare brand 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00085-00024442-00024702 It comes with a spoon too, I actually rarely use this 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00086-00024718-00024910 Because it is made of plastic 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00087-00024910-00025238 and I already have another one made of iron for my face cream 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00088-00025320-00025564 This day cream can really last for a long time. 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00089-00025564-00025744 Because I only use it during the day 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00090-00025745-00025942 and use the shiseido one at night 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00091-00025942-00026118 it has SPF 15 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00092-00026144-00026476 It is a white cream 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00093-00026530-00026889 There is an aluminum cover that can be opened 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00094-00027020-00027112 Like this 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00095-00027112-00027456 I usually leave this piece of aluminum on it 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00096-00027456-00027824 And there are some samples. I will not introduce them one by one. 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00097-00027826-00028332 I can usually select five samples when I shop in a department store 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00098-00028518-00028932 that's actually a lot. Here like this. 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00099-00029036-00029556 And I bought masks from SK-II, and they gave me this bag 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00100-00029568-00029989 comes with more products, inside this makeup bag 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00101-00030039-00030627 Oh there are masks inside, but not the kind I usually use 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00102-00030639-00030876 Oh, it's a kind of whitening mask 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00103-00030900-00031098 I actually rarely use whitening mask 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00104-00031098-00031412 There are two, quite nice. 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00105-00031412-00031842 And a bunch of other samples, I am not going to introduce them one by one. 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00106-00031868-00032102 Ok now let me introduce this makeup product 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00107-00032102-00032324 It is small, so I will talk about it first 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00108-00032344-00032614 This is a box of charlotte tilbury eye shadow 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00109-00032614-00032842 I actually haven't opened it, I just received it today 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00110-00032866-00033166 Because I never tried this brand before 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00111-00033166-00033362 Until the sale at nordstrom 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00112-00033362-00033574 I bought its bronzer and blush 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00113-00033574-00033828 I liked it very much and I've been using it every time I do my makeup 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00114-00033828-00034100 I'm using its bronzer and blush today too 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00115-00034100-00034358 it matches Asian skin tones 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00116-00034438-00034568 This package is very pretty 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00117-00034576-00034854 it's like .. the box I had 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00118-00034910-00035076 It is in shiny gold 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00119-00035130-00035548 What is this... maybe the powder ... 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00120-00035598-00035924 Is it cracked...? Oh no 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00121-00035990-00036162 Oh it's not cracked 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00122-00036196-00036260 oh why 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00123-00036260-00036328 It scared me 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00124-00036392-00036592 Open it up, it has this piece of plastic layer 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00125-00036652-00036720 And there is a mirror 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00126-00036746-00036944 The colors are very beautiful 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00127-00036962-00037304 Looks like the earth colors from urban decay 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00128-00037376-00037566 It is like this, I hope you can see them. 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00129-00037566-00037744 they are all very shiny 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00130-00037794-00037878 Wow very beautiful 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00131-00037892-00038088 Five of them are matte colors 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00132-00038088-00038258 and others are sparkly 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00133-00038280-00038398 Wow, they are really beautiful. 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00134-00038432-00038674 and it has labels there 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00135-00038684-00039074 It's interesting. Here it says this is for "Day" 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00136-00039108-00039712 And "Desk" for work. Then there is "Date" for dating. 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00137-00039716-00040030 and "Disco" for parties 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00138-00040058-00040292 Really considerate 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00139-00040302-00040524 And the quality of the mirror is quite good, quite thick 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00140-00040562-00040812 I actually haven't used charlotte tilbury's eye shadow before 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00141-00040836-00040974 But I have confidence in them 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00142-00040974-00041400 Because I really like their bronzer and blush 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00143-00041404-00041682 Then there are two big boxes of skincare products 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00144-00041698-00041984 It's a very big box, the second last box 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00145-00042006-00042136 it's from la prairie 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00146-00042158-00042434 The other box can also be taken out too 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00147-00042434-00042610 It's similar 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00148-00042656-00043096 La prairie has launched three holiday sets this time 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00149-00043096-00043524 I usually buy their products at this time of the year 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00150-00043524-00043874 Because they usually launch Christmas sets 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00151-00043874-00044074 So it would be cheaper 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00152-00044082-00044396 And I really like this brand 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00153-00044408-00044592 I am a longtime fan 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00154-00044592-00044862 The box is quite heavy 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00155-00045202-00045326 Like this 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00156-00045354-00045610 The packaging is very luxurious 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00157-00045666-00045904 Then it comes with this layer 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00158-00045920-00046120 In fact, these can be kept 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00159-00046202-00046584 Because it could used to contain accessories 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00160-00046584-00046706 Do not waste it 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00161-00046706-00046960 And these boxes can be kept as well 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00162-00046976-00047272 My doggie ​​is barking 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00163-00047294-00047554 Yes, these are quite hard 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00164-00047660-00047742 Alright 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00165-00047822-00048022 The products are here 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00166-00048054-00048736 This set is their platinum rare night care creams 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00167-00048736-00048870 And there is eye cream too 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00168-00048870-00049276 This is the eye serum 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00169-00049276-00049576 I will do a short review for you now 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00170-00049576-00049776 Because I also bought the same set last year 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00171-00049780-00049896 This is really a bit heavy 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00172-00050016-00050182 Maybe I should introduce them one by one 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00173-00050182-00050364 This is the eye serum 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00174-00050364-00050578 Platinum rare is their most expensive line 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00175-00050578-00050704 It's also my favorite 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00176-00050704-00050860 But the price is too high 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00177-00050864-00051267 So I'd use this set and the skin caviar luxe cream by turn 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00178-00051267-00051424 I actually used up a whole bottle before 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00179-00051424-00051550 Very satisfied 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00180-00051550-00051698 And I could see the effect 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00181-00051724-00052041 Because it's hard to see the effects brought by eye serum 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00182-00052048-00052244 But now I've get used to using eye serum 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00183-00052244-00052502 I can open it now because I'm going to use it already 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00184-00052502-00052855 A little bit shining effect 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00185-00052867-00053367 So after applying it, the lower eye lids would look glowy 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00186-00053402-00053602 And I read the instructions 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00187-00053626-00053914 It says I should directly apply the product with this stick 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00188-00053914-00054120 But I am not using it, it smells very good 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00189-00054158-00054314 I miss its fragrance 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00190-00054326-00054526 Actually the entire set has the same fragrance 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00191-00054579-00054720 Except for the eye cream 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00192-00054720-00054855 I'd point on my finger 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00193-00054860-00055152 Because of hygiene 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00194-00055188-00055438 This product is highly recommended 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00195-00055454-00055700 Then their eye cream 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00196-00055714-00056041 I actually don't like this eye cream very much 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00197-00056052-00056422 Because I don't have a lot of eye wrinkles 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00198-00056422-00056686 Not yet having that sort of problem 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00199-00056750-00057188 And maybe my eye area is relatively young 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00200-00057188-00057598 So this is a bit greasy for me 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00201-00057598-00058020 It's too heavy for my eyes 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00202-00058048-00058374 So I only apply very little on my eyes 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00203-00058374-00058522 If I apply too much 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00204-00058522-00058714 It might lead to fat granules 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00205-00058714-00059055 I actually haven't finished the one I bought last year 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00206-00059090-00059526 Then it's this facial serum 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00207-00059658-00059960 It has the same package as the eye one 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00208-00059960-00060054 But a bit bigger 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00209-00060054-00060291 I will open it now because I'm going to use it too 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00210-00060362-00060598 It is also like this 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00211-00060612-00060748 A little bit shiny 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00212-00060872-00061072 But it is a little bit thicker 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00213-00061072-00061282 Because it is a serum for the face 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00214-00061282-00061416 Compared to the eye serum 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00215-00061446-00061582 You can see that this one is a bit more transparent 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00216-00061582-00061782 I'm also very, very satisfied with this product 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00217-00061796-00062114 to be used with the facial cream 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00218-00062160-00062260 it's very good 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00219-00062279-00062479 and this is its facial cream 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00220-00062479-00062678 I super duper love to use this 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00221-00062694-00062932 but it is very expensive. I can really see the effect it brings 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00222-00062940-00063214 After a few days my whole face would be lighten up 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00223-00063228-00063548 and glowing, it is very obvious 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00224-00063562-00063960 and the skin caviar luxe cream also has a similar effect 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00225-00063966-00064454 But that one is for lifting 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00226-00064578-00064778 This is for the glowing effect 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00227-00064791-00064998 So the two of them are different 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00228-00065012-00065222 If I use this for a long time 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00229-00065234-00065484 I'd feel a bit loose on my face 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00230-00065500-00065908 Because I'm not using the luxe cream for lifting 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00231-00065908-00066050 So I will use them by turn 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00232-00066050-00066292 and switch every other two weeks 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00233-00066318-00066472 I will not open this now 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00234-00066472-00066910 Because I still have leftover in the other bottle, it's finishing 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00235-00066914-00067114 I actually do not have to apply too much 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00236-00067126-00067532 Because many people say la prairie is for mature skin 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00237-00067532-00068012 But I've been using it since I was young, so it could actually be used according to your age 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00238-00068018-00068392 May use a small amount for teens 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00239-00068392-00068792 and use more and more when you grow older 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00240-00068812-00069162 and depends on if you have oily skin too 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00241-00069162-00069402 If it is oily then you should use less 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00242-00069414-00069702 But I also recommend you to go to their store 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00243-00069712-00069972 to get some samples to try out first 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00244-00069972-00070356 Because I know la prairie's luxe cream 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00245-00070356-00070544 lots of you are interested 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00246-00070544-00070864 Otherwise it'd be a waste of money if it doesn't suit you because it is really expensive 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00247-00070884-00071154 The last thing in this set 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00248-00071198-00071380 It comes with a stick 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00249-00071438-00071672 This is a very special and nice stick 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00250-00071716-00071870 There is a amphibole here 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00251-00071894-00072042 with la prairie written on it 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00252-00072052-00072290 It can be used to get the products for hygiene reason 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00253-00072290-00072584 I usually wash it first and use it 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00254-00072628-00073028 Then it's the last box of skincare 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00255-00073076-00073192 I just remembered 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00256-00073192-00073430 Actually, I am already using two products that were inside 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00257-00073466-00073666 Because I ran out of them 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00258-00073668-00074098 So I couldn't wait until recording this video 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00259-00074112-00074766 It's called essence in lotion. It's a bit like toner but a little thicker 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00260-00074806-00075006 This should be the 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00261-00075006-00075150 newest launched products among so all the products here 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00262-00075150-00075308 I'm also very satisfied with it. 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00263-00075308-00075544 And this is the second bottle I use 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00264-00075548-00075740 I have used up one bottle already, I really liked it. 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00265-00075740-00076000 so I bought this set with it 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00266-00076016-00076168 Its texture is 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00267-00076278-00076448 I'll pour a bit only, it's really expensive 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00268-00076534-00077008 It's like this. A bit thicker than the toner. 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00269-00077130-00077330 It is suitable for, possibly 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00270-00077490-00077684 maybe not for winter but 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00271-00077690-00077890 actually this one 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00272-00077954-00078214 I use it 365 days a year 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00273-00078266-00078500 It is watery after spreading it 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00274-00078502-00078746 The texture is 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00275-00078762-00078936 Thicker than water 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00276-00078946-00079242 And my face feels very comfortable after using it 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00277-00079318-00079482 and it smells very nice 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00278-00079566-00079786 it's like their luxe cream 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00279-00079794-00080058 but less heavy 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00280-00080058-00080248 a little bit lighter 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00281-00080248-00080548 after all this is watery 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00282-00080548-00080648 I really like it 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00283-00080648-00080828 Will continue to repurchase 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00284-00080846-00081104 I also have continued to use my SK-II facial treatment essence 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00285-00081120-00081364 as toner, and I use this one after 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00286-00081466-00081970 Then I'll also use this mask 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00287-00081990-00082100 There's English at this side 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00288-00082190-00082456 I really really like it and will continue to buy it 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00289-00082472-00082744 It has a brush here, can be used to apply mask 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00290-00082744-00082912 But I usually only use my fingers 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00291-00082912-00083044 Rarely use the brush 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00292-00083082-00083232 Because then I'll need to wash one more things 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00293-00083238-00083606 I also left this aluminum cover here 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00294-00083638-00083924 It is pink like this 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00295-00083998-00084174 It also smells very good 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00296-00084174-00084412 It's not as heavy as the luxe cream 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00297-00084430-00084630 And it seems a bit different 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00298-00084674-00085008 This is actually a sleeping mask 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00299-00085008-00085410 There are some days that I feel lazy, maybe after a party 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00300-00085410-00085534 and I want to remove my makeup faster 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00301-00085538-00085738 but do not want to follow a lot of steps 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00302-00085748-00086144 Because my evening skincare routine is quite complicated 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00303-00086190-00086786 So when I am tired, I may just use the toner 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00304-00086786-00087040 the SK-II essence and then use this directly 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00305-00087040-00087196 It's really thick 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00306-00087196-00087440 Like using a night cream 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00307-00087450-00087892 It's very good. I don't feel my face is dry when I wake up the next day. 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00308-00087892-00088050 And after applying this 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00309-00088050-00088376 It seems like I've put a lot of skincare products on my face 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00310-00088376-00088850 So I recommend this for lazy days 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00311-00088850-00089028 but I don't recommend using it like this every night 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00312-00089030-00089484 I'd feel guilty if I don't remove my makeup 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00313-00089484-00089674 So this is a good helper 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00314-00089716-00090070 Okay, the last thing in the set 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00315-00090070-00090220 It's this one 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00316-00090220-00090678 It's actually the first time I use this product in full size 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00317-00090694-00090816 This bottle hasn't been used 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00318-00090816-00091128 but I used its DELUX size 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00319-00091142-00091528 It was quite big. It's a gift from buying other things. 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00320-00091528-00091884 It's their caviar serum 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00321-00091954-00092172 You can really see the caviar roe 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00322-00092226-00092480 It's the same for the delux version 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00323-00092484-00092632 So I know how it is like 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00324-00092632-00093040 The roe would come out when you press it 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00325-00093040-00093188 I will not open it now 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00326-00093190-00093382 I'm interested in this box 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00327-00093382-00093712 Because I'm already using it, and I could really see the caviar 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00328-00093714-00093914 It is the one that has to be used with a spoon 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00329-00093914-00094060 I will put a picture here 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00330-00094060-00094242 here or there 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00331-00094242-00094414 You can see the roes 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00332-00094430-00094630 I quite like the effect the product gives 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00333-00094630-00094820 and I believe this one will be more convenient 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00334-00094820-00095018 It won't be like the one I am currently using 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00335-00095018-00095208 that I have to get them from the bottle and put it on gauze 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00336-00095210-00095410 Then wipe it on the face 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00337-00095424-00095624 That one is a bit messier 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00338-00095624-00095774 This is more convenient 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00339-00095774-00095842 Just press it 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00340-00095842-00096132 I tried the sample for a several times 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00341-00096136-00096336 But I thought it was nothing special 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00342-00096354-00096622 But maybe I am getting... old 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00343-00096622-00096922 So these are starting to work for me 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00344-00096924-00097274 So I'd like to ... Their eye cream suits me too 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00345-00097290-00097704 Because the platinum rare eye cream from la prairie 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00346-00097734-00098208 and the skin caviar eye cream are both not suitable for me 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00347-00098208-00098354 They're a little too greasy 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00348-00098354-00098554 Alright, after introducing the skincare products and cosmetics 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00349-00098564-00098764 Now let's check out the shoes and bags 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00350-00098764-00098912 Let me introduce the shoes first 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00351-00099112-00099232 The first pair of shoes 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00352-00099232-00099390 is from Dior 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00353-00099390-00099760 I actually didn't buy all of these at once 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00354-00099766-00099966 They're bought separately 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00355-00099966-00100262 Then I gathered them up to record a luxury haul video 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00356-00100262-00100462 I actually always wanted to buy these shoes 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00357-00100462-00100614 oh I forgot to show you guys 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00358-00100614-00100852 It has two bags 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00359-00100852-00101028 It's a shoe bag from Dior 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00360-00101034-00101234 These shoes are really hard to get 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00361-00101240-00101486 I usually don't have special interest in 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00362-00101500-00101686 things from Dior 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00363-00101686-00101890 But I'm really interested in these shoes 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00364-00101930-00102130 Because they're very classic 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00365-00102130-00102258 and signature 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00366-00102298-00102485 I think you already know which ones I'm talking about 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00367-00102485-00102682 It's these ones 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00368-00102742-00102876 let me take out these first 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00369-00103033-00103122 It's like this 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00370-00103122-00103320 It has a bow here 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00371-00103566-00103700 Then this is, it's a kind of 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00372-00103700-00103880 fabric 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00373-00103950-00104322 like shoelace, or some kind of fabric 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00374-00104354-00104554 It's leather and it's front pointed 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00375-00104600-00104814 This pair of high heels is not that high 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00376-00104814-00105092 and you can see it has a special design 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00377-00105092-00105418 These shoes are very popular 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00378-00105548-00105748 I bought size 35.5 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00379-00105770-00105970 And I just realized there's a star here 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00380-00106030-00106088 so cute 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00381-00106118-00106450 I remember I tried size 36 or 35.5 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00382-00106454-00106968 But these fit a bit mroe 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00383-00106968-00107068 They're not as big 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00384-00107074-00107378 The leather is not patent leather 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00385-00107380-00107580 It's in normal leather 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00386-00107646-00107798 They didn't have patent leather at that time 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00387-00107798-00108064 But I think these are also okay, quite pretty 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00388-00108064-00108156 Because I also have some 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00389-00108192-00108392 other patent leather shoes from Christian Louboutin 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00390-00108411-00108711 The next pair is this pair from D&G 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00391-00108722-00109000 This pair of shoes had discount, but the Dior ones didn't have 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00392-00109002-00109202 Because it is a classic iconic style 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00393-00109208-00109359 They're slippers, like this 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00394-00109442-00109811 in gold and red 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00395-00109858-00110058 It smells a bit like plastic 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00396-00110078-00110502 This kind of slippers are actually very popular this year 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00397-00110532-00110709 Because they are very convenient and very comfortable 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00398-00110709-00110909 And these shoes are very light 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00399-00110928-00111294 you can see the beads with close-up 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00400-00111294-00111594 and also have some tassels, very special 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00401-00111685-00112076 And I realized I quite like the designs from D&G 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00402-00112076-00112550 Not only the shoes, their clothes are also quite pretty 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00403-00112550-00112674 But the clothes are too expensive 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00404-00112692-00112906 Their floral dresses are very pretty too 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00405-00112922-00113188 But they are really too expensive. There are two other pairs of shoes. 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00406-00113188-00113470 These two pairs are in fact the same model 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00407-00113490-00113630 But in different colors 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00408-00113656-00113885 They're sneakers from McQueen 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00409-00113924-00114309 I actually already have a pair of McQueen sneakers 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00410-00114326-00114614 But because they are so comfortable 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00411-00114648-00115042 I love it so much so I bought two more pairs 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00412-00115042-00115178 in different colors 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00413-00115178-00115333 It's this pair 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00414-00115333-00115472 The most famous ones 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00415-00115520-00115783 sneaker with a thick sole 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00416-00115830-00115998 And it's pink at the back 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00417-00115998-00116122 I have black too 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00418-00116161-00116314 These are really super comfortable to wear 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00419-00116404-00116604 Really very comfortable 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00420-00116616-00116816 I can walk for hours with these 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00421-00116816-00116978 absolutely no problem for shopping 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00422-00117020-00117256 And they give me some height 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00423-00117272-00117472 Because I am not tall 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00424-00117474-00117674 Only around five feet two 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00425-00117694-00118022 So the inch and a half here 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00426-00118054-00118161 is necessary 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00427-00118176-00118444 and the size I bought is 36 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00428-00118444-00118604 and there is a sticker 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00429-00118650-00118932 You can see McQueen here 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00430-00118935-00119164 And it's suede in pink 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00431-00119283-00119483 It has also launched different colors 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00432-00119483-00119809 actually I've worn this pair in another color already 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00433-00119822-00120138 It's this pair in silver 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00434-00120164-00120385 Oh, this doesn't have McQueen written at the back 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00435-00120414-00120874 But this is not in suede 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00436-00120900-00121256 It is a metallic design 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00437-00121364-00121504 It's different from my other black ones 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00438-00121504-00121680 Because the black pair I've got is in suede 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00439-00121680-00121940 It's pure black 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00440-00122133-00122216 with the same model 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00441-00122216-00122538 I like them very much and I highly recommend everyone to buy them 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00442-00122559-00122783 All of these are in size 36 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00443-00122783-00122944 They fit me perfectly 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00444-00122961-00123190 Alright, I've finished the shoes, now let's talk about the handbags 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00445-00123192-00123426 I will first start with a very special bag 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00446-00123638-00123902 It actually matches with my outfit 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00447-00123909-00124278 My servant costume 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00448-00124292-00124468 matches with this cake 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00449-00124472-00124664 like a cake I baked 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00450-00124664-00124946 It's very cute this bag 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00451-00124946-00125308 from Kate Spade, I haven't used it 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00452-00125308-00125630 Actually it's from my birthday, my birthday is on September 14 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00453-00125650-00125904 I ordered it before my birthday 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00454-00125904-00126068 But it did not arrive on time 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00455-00126068-00126344 I was planning to take pictures with it on my birthday 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00456-00126354-00126666 This bag is very cute 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00457-00126666-00126940 Can be used to decorate 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00458-00126980-00127182 It looks very pretty hanging anywhere 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00459-00127218-00127346 And there are some 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00460-00127352-00127618 cherries on the top 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00461-00127620-00127942 And cream too, very cute, and the base 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00462-00128078-00128228 and the size inside 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00463-00128228-00128624 It's really only for decoration 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00464-00128624-00128859 Open it up, it has a dust bag 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00465-00128900-00129100 Let me take out the papers first 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00466-00129100-00129526 It's like this, it has a button here to close it up 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00467-00129559-00129846 and open. It can actually contain something 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00468-00129846-00130038 But have to be careful when using it 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00469-00130048-00130346 so cute, it's really super cute 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00470-00130370-00130874 And this one, I actually have already opened it 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00471-00130874-00131206 I showed it on instagram live 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00472-00131206-00131388 for my Instagram viewers 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00473-00131512-00131600 then 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00474-00131600-00131822 Yeah, it's no mystery anymore 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00475-00131822-00132022 It's not opened a long time ago 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00476-00132030-00132280 So I remember what's inside 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00477-00132400-00132600 it's this pink bag 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00478-00132604-00133032 This is from their twist series 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00479-00133034-00133270 It's called twist because 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00480-00133300-00133558 Its opening is really a twist 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00481-00133600-00133800 You can really see the LV there 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00482-00133870-00134104 When you turn the button like this 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00483-00134110-00134330 A twist then it will become V 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00484-00134340-00134638 and this is the selling point of this bag 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00485-00134668-00134986 open it up is light gray in suede 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00486-00135264-00135514 it can contain a lot of things 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00487-00135514-00135660 it's in a squared shape like this 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00488-00135710-00135994 My doggies are so happy 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00489-00136048-00136346 Then it comes with this mirror 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00490-00136352-00136568 In fact, it's the first time I see a LV bag comes with a mirror 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00491-00136570-00136768 Free mirror for buying the bag 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00492-00136768-00136964 I don't know if it is really a mirror 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00493-00136964-00137286 If you have bought this bag too, and you know what it is 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00494-00137286-00137438 please tell me 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00495-00137438-00137638 And it has a hidden space here 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00496-00137642-00137794 There is a compartment here 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00497-00137848-00138150 can put things inside 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00498-00138182-00138344 Behind this bag 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00499-00138346-00138546 There is no other compartment 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00500-00138564-00138852 You can wear it at the side or cross body 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00501-00138870-00139070 make the shoulder strap longer 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00502-00139474-00139598 And I forgot 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00503-00139598-00140032 It's like this at the side, very interesting 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00504-00140166-00140552 And close up you can see it's with yellow stitches 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00505-00140638-00140794 This is smaller in size 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00506-00140818-00141034 I actually bought this in New York 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00507-00141034-00141226 impulsively 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00508-00141326-00141492 It is in pink too 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00509-00141598-00141980 Alma BB, I really like this style 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00510-00142012-00142264 I bought their monogram bag too 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00511-00142314-00142434 with grid pattern 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00512-00142434-00142606 and another one with red patent leather 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00513-00142650-00142850 This is their pink one 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00514-00142850-00143078 Leather with stripes 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00515-00143184-00143462 It is a little bit like the color of the Twist one 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00516-00143486-00143608 with the same pink color 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00517-00143734-00143934 and some rivets at the bottom 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00518-00144084-00144134 It's very cute 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00519-00144134-00144332 you can use the handle here 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00520-00144364-00144494 or as cross body 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00521-00144494-00144606 There's a strap inside 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00522-00144648-00144764 And a lock on it 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00523-00144766-00144930 the strap is here 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00524-00145076-00145408 You can skip the strap too 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00525-00145534-00145662 Super cute this bag 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00526-00145690-00145908 Okay, now it comes to the last two gucci bags 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00527-00146044-00146158 The first is this one 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00528-00146188-00146332 the box is so beautiful 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00529-00146338-00146534 I actually didn't receive the box at first 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00530-00146534-00146966 After all the hassle, I finally received it 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00531-00147038-00147138 and... 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00532-00147234-00147528 This is a dust bag 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00533-00147572-00147734 Guess which color 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00534-00147770-00147880 The same color as you can predict 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00535-00147908-00148044 Pink 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00536-00148088-00148288 This one is more special 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00537-00148318-00148536 it's in suede 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00538-00148574-00148710 This is a small size 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00539-00148752-00149002 And there is a GG logo here 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00540-00149056-00149350 Then there is a heart shape at the back 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00541-00149358-00149558 Because I actually have this bag in 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00542-00149558-00149722 one size bigger 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00543-00149726-00149948 And another one in light pink 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00544-00149960-00150226 But not with the same texture 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00545-00150280-00150480 This is with a gold chain 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00546-00150546-00150706 This bag is also very pretty 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00547-00150706-00150904 Press here to open it 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00548-00151206-00151406 Once opened it, it is pink 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00549-00151454-00151670 Then inside 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00550-00151738-00151922 It's in a very beautiful blue color 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00551-00151938-00152134 It has a hidden compartment here 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00552-00152134-00152542 can contain some cards. This bag might be 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00553-00152542-00152696 a little bit smaller in size 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00554-00152702-00152952 I mainly use it as a cross body 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00555-00152986-00153284 It can also be used at the side too 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00556-00153422-00153620 It's nice to have this 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00557-00153620-00153918 so the chain would not hurt 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00558-00153918-00154134 Shoulders might hurt when I carry the bag for a longer time 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00559-00154144-00154254 The last bag 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00560-00154254-00154692 is inside this green GUCCI box 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00561-00154742-00154926 its box is actually very special 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00562-00154926-00155102 it's with flowers on it 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00563-00155102-00155276 I also had this box before 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00564-00155276-00155512 But this is the first time I see this green one 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00565-00155568-00155668 it's also the same 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00566-00155710-00155984 It has a white GUCCI dust bag 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00567-00156034-00156192 This model is 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00568-00156192-00156376 it's a bit more classic 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00569-00156388-00156588 I also have another one in a bigger size 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00570-00156738-00156870 But in different colors 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00571-00156870-00157068 It is in NUDE color 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00572-00157068-00157266 I actually wanted this bag for a long time 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00573-00157332-00157572 Because this bag didn't have stock before 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00574-00157572-00157900 And this color and size 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00575-00157912-00158308 Seems to be very famous among bloggers 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00576-00158308-00158572 So it was sold out before 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00577-00158578-00158822 But now there is stock again 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00578-00158822-00159022 So I bought this 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00579-00159024-00159224 in a squared shape 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00580-00159256-00159456 There's a dragon's head here 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00581-00159456-00159590 It looks like this in the front 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00582-00159668-00159868 The side also has this kind of texture 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00583-00159928-00160080 in suede 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00584-00160184-00160346 No compartment at the back 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00585-00160460-00160900 And the leather is more durable 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00586-00160918-00161084 Because I have it in pink color 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00587-00161084-00161242 But in a bigger size 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00588-00161254-00161526 it is also opened at the sides here 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00589-00161722-00162062 Open it up, it's also in suede 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00590-00162090-00162322 There is only one compartment 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00591-00162322-00162624 While the other bag that is one size bigger have two compartments 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00592-00162818-00162902 like this 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00593-00162902-00163180 There is no hidden compartment inside 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00594-00163292-00163752 This bag has a chain like this 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00595-00163752-00164164 I probably often wear it like this 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00596-00164214-00164492 at the side, because it'd be too long for me to wear it as cross body 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00597-00164510-00164816 I really didn't know the chain's so long 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00598-00164840-00164942 Then I went to the store to try it out 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00599-00164958-00165266 I don't know why people from the internet or instagram 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00600-00165278-00165478 I saw bloggers can wear it as cross body 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00601-00165522-00165770 Maybe because they're taller then it's okay 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00602-00165770-00165890 But I am shorter 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00603-00165904-00166142 Alright, this video is finished, I hope you like it 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00604-00166174-00166492 and among all of these I introduced, which is your favorite bag? 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00605-00166492-00166650 and your favorite shoes? 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00606-00166650-00166818 Please tell me in the comments 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00607-00166818-00167056 If you like this video, please LIKE it 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00608-00167064-00167444 Subscribe to my channel, follow my instagram, snapchat and facebook 3YbxKwnrPkQ-00609-00167458-00167718 oh and weibo, byebye! 3amAHOuABbI-00000-00001160-00001336 Five ghosts trapped on video 3amAHOuABbI-00001-00001576-00001904 Hello folks all over the world and welcome back to the EREDE channel. 3amAHOuABbI-00002-00001960-00002416 Thanks for the great support you are giving, the mystery section is one of the most appreciated, 3amAHOuABbI-00003-00002416-00002800 this week we have some really interesting investigations, I remind you to subscribe 3amAHOuABbI-00004-00002800-00003208 to the channel and press the bell for notifications on new content. Good watching 3amAHOuABbI-00005-00003624-00003768 The abandoned village ASPRONI 3amAHOuABbI-00006-00004168-00004568 In the next video we will return again to Sardinia, the italian island, 3amAHOuABbI-00007-00004568-00005024 to visit an old abandoned village in Iglesias, the mining village ASPRONI. At the end of the 3amAHOuABbI-00008-00005024-00005448 19th century the engineer Giorgio Asproni bought the mine and founded what was the residential 3amAHOuABbI-00009-00005448-00005976 nucleus of the mining plant composed by 200 families. The village consists of some houses, 3amAHOuABbI-00010-00005976-00006472 a shop the church of San Giorgio, the management offices, the engineers villa, the school and 3amAHOuABbI-00011-00006472-00006992 other small buildings.It was abandoned in the early 1900s when the mine fell into disrepair 3amAHOuABbI-00012-00007048-00007480 in fact it was also known as the 'mine of the mutilated' because there were serious failures 3amAHOuABbI-00013-00007480-00008016 in security.According to some popular tales here appears the specter of cavalier Toro,an 3amAHOuABbI-00014-00008016-00008528 important character of the zone in the early 20th century it is said to be seen both in the village 3amAHOuABbI-00015-00008528-00008904 manifesting itself in a whirlwind wind and in the surroundings of the laundry 3amAHOuABbI-00016-00008904-00009616 where it appears on horseback and as in the best horror stories headless.Here on august 1 3amAHOuABbI-00017-00009616-00010024 2021 the Group International Paranormal Special Investigations published the 3amAHOuABbI-00018-00010024-00010464 entire investigation on the ASPRONI village on their youtube channel GIPSI files international 3amAHOuABbI-00019-00010464-00010968 ghost hunters.The GIPSI group which we met in previous episodes during the investigation of 3amAHOuABbI-00020-00010968-00011416 an abandoned hotel begins to receive clear and frightening EVPs from the very first minutes 3amAHOuABbI-00021-00012584-00013072 The group formed by investigators Andre D.,Deva Asleesha,a special guest Giancarlo 3amAHOuABbI-00022-00013072-00013584 Cossu from the GC Paranormal, Noemi A. and Ivan B.,approaches a house where the magnetic field 3amAHOuABbI-00023-00013584-00014184 detectors signal a strong presence but the EVPs show hostility from the first moment, listen 3amAHOuABbI-00024-00015856-00016984 oh 3amAHOuABbI-00025-00018584-00019784 microphone 3amAHOuABbI-00026-00020752-00021208 Giancarlo continues to ask questions but no answers are received so the group decides 3amAHOuABbI-00027-00021208-00021600 to enter the house,the entity is there,he is silent but observes them 3amAHOuABbI-00028-00021600-00022584 in fact as soon as they set foot inside,a voice is clearly heard 3amAHOuABbI-00029-00023648-00023936 the instruments capture intense electromagnetic activity in the 3amAHOuABbI-00030-00023936-00024240 room with the fireplace in a place totally free of electricity.Here 3amAHOuABbI-00031-00024336-00024752 two different voices sends EVPs and once again an entity tries to send them away 3amAHOuABbI-00032-00024808-00025384 listening 3amAHOuABbI-00033-00026248-00026783 (italian) 3amAHOuABbI-00034-00027016-00027408 it starts raining and the group decides to leave the house due to the negative energy 3amAHOuABbI-00035-00027408-00027760 the tension created by the EVPs and the crumbling condition of the roof 3amAHOuABbI-00036-00027816-00028152 they move near the school building with the hope of being able to hear the children through 3amAHOuABbI-00037-00028152-00028624 the spirit box but things are not going well, entities are definitely more adult and hostile 3amAHOuABbI-00038-00028839-00029583 ciao 3amAHOuABbI-00039-00030264-00030704 the confirmation of the negativity comes now when Giancarlo starts a metaphony session, the 3amAHOuABbI-00040-00030704-00032383 entity repeats that he is 30 years old but around them they have no children at all, listen okay 3amAHOuABbI-00041-00032912-00033320 a threatening and terrifying message arrives on the radio transmitted in reverse 3amAHOuABbI-00042-00033320-00033784 as is usually done by demonic entities and it repeat the exact age of EVP 3amAHOuABbI-00043-00034936-00035296 the group moves inside the small church of the community, the instruments show 3amAHOuABbI-00044-00035296-00035712 very high values inside but even here the answers obtained show a certain 3amAHOuABbI-00045-00035712-00036584 hostility 3amAHOuABbI-00046-00038200-00038656 exceptional testimony of otherworldly dialogue in a place that has seen many deaths, 3amAHOuABbI-00047-00038656-00039064 suffering and still bears the evidence today, you can find the video of the full 3amAHOuABbI-00048-00039064-00039480 investigation on the official youtube channel of the GIPSI group and what do you think 3amAHOuABbI-00049-00039480-00039960 about all these hostilities? Really creepy right? Let me know, in the comments below 3amAHOuABbI-00050-00040352-00041104 The abandoned factory part 4. We recently followed the adventures of an excellent 3amAHOuABbI-00051-00041104-00041608 check investigator who on his youtube channel ILMN Bahno Paranormal gave us three frightening 3amAHOuABbI-00052-00041608-00042008 patrols carried out in an abandoned car factory in Ostrava,Czech Republic.The 3amAHOuABbI-00053-00042080-00042488 factory suffered an explosion causing numerous dead employees and there is a very intense 3amAHOuABbI-00054-00042488-00043024 paranormal activity like extraordinary and clear EVPs, lockers that open itself, objects thrown 3amAHOuABbI-00055-00043024-00043520 from someone and dark shadows.For those who have not seen our previous episodes I recommend 3amAHOuABbI-00056-00043520-00043944 watching because it is really interesting material.Bahno promised his followers greater 3amAHOuABbI-00057-00043944-00044576 self-control on January 11 2021 he posted this video, let's see how his new investigation went. 3amAHOuABbI-00058-00044728-00045520 Hola amigos, welcome to my new video I'm here again for the third time 3amAHOuABbI-00059-00045776-00046384 all alone again no one wants to go with me 3amAHOuABbI-00060-00046624-00047072 Although the factory is completely abandoned and without electricity Bahno immediately hears 3amAHOuABbI-00061-00047072-00047824 very loud noises similar to falling iron bars. I don't know why but what the hell 3amAHOuABbI-00062-00048072-00049344 I don't know what I don't know why but what the hell.Bahno returns to the rooms visited 3amAHOuABbI-00063-00049344-00049712 in the previous episodes where there was the famous closet with the cups but while he 3amAHOuABbI-00064-00049712-00050584 explores the room behind him a painting moves by itself on the wall, here the same I think 3amAHOuABbI-00065-00051064-00051168 what the hell was that 3amAHOuABbI-00066-00051448-00051840 he decides not to be afraid and begins an interview session with the entities 3amAHOuABbI-00067-00051840-00052112 which this time, however, have not exactly friendly 3amAHOuABbI-00068-00052112-00053384 intentions 3amAHOuABbI-00069-00054432-00054784 yak 3amAHOuABbI-00070-00055520-00055879 decides to change position to see if the entities behave differently 3amAHOuABbI-00071-00055879-00056216 but the intention is always the same to scare him to death 3amAHOuABbI-00072-00056216-00057584 look 3amAHOuABbI-00073-00058679-00059000 so it seems that the approach to dialogue this time was not very 3amAHOuABbI-00074-00059000-00059408 positive however we will follow Bahno also in his next adventures stay tuned 3amAHOuABbI-00075-00059840-00059928 The ghost of the pool 3amAHOuABbI-00076-00060344-00060816 the video we are going to see shortly is set in a place that is really rare to be haunted,a public 3amAHOuABbI-00077-00060816-00061400 swimming pool,in this case the pool of the Centro Paralímpico Nacional of Irapuato,in Mexico.After 3amAHOuABbI-00078-00061400-00061888 opening to the public in 2012 many swimmers said they saw a dark presence wandering around by the 3amAHOuABbI-00079-00061888-00062376 pool and in the water the center was abandoned one year later following further testimony 3amAHOuABbI-00080-00062376-00062832 from many people scared after seeing doors that open on their own and whispered voices 3amAHOuABbI-00081-00062832-00063232 the locals began to think that the place was haunted by a demonic entity and the government 3amAHOuABbI-00082-00063232-00063752 declared the facility out of use.The mexican group of paranormal investigators of the 'Poltergeist 3amAHOuABbI-00083-00063752-00064208 Oficial' youtube channel which boasts numerous investigations in just two years released this 3amAHOuABbI-00084-00064208-00064800 video on July 14 2020 where investigators Dani Sanchez,Paco Medrano behind the camera and their 3amAHOuABbI-00085-00064800-00065984 guest to the instrumentation, patrol at night this complex completely devoid of electricity 3amAHOuABbI-00086-00066536-00067384 is 3amAHOuABbI-00087-00068080-00068520 the boys patrol the whole building the bathrooms the central hall and the offices 3amAHOuABbI-00088-00068520-00068984 hearing various noises which although disturbing they try to attribute to animals in the area 3amAHOuABbI-00089-00068984-00069360 they hear grunts voices and perceive intense cold in some areas but when 3amAHOuABbI-00090-00069360-00070184 they decide to close the central security door something truly inexplicable happens 3amAHOuABbI-00091-00076464-00077608 oh The noises increase and the terrified group don't know where to look when something really 3amAHOuABbI-00092-00077608-00078584 inexplicable shows up on the other side of the room something absolutely scary 3amAHOuABbI-00093-00079648-00079984 (spanish) 3amAHOuABbI-00094-00080848-00081168 a dark shadow appears for a few moments in front of the second door 3amAHOuABbI-00095-00081168-00081384 then disappears a few seconds later 3amAHOuABbI-00096-00081776-00082152 in the last sequence of images it seemed to me that the shadow disappeared very 3amAHOuABbI-00097-00082152-00082512 quickly on the right.What do you think about it?We will follow the 3amAHOuABbI-00098-00082512-00082896 guys from Poltergeist Oficial in the next episodes so stay tuned 3amAHOuABbI-00099-00083288-00083432 The shadow man of the living room 3amAHOuABbI-00100-00083832-00084352 on January 12 2015 the youtuber Suspect Sky usually dedicated to researching 3amAHOuABbI-00101-00084352-00084800 and publishing videos on unidentified flying objects and the mysteries of space published 3amAHOuABbI-00102-00084800-00085256 an interesting documentary on shadow people, the video in question contains a collection 3amAHOuABbI-00103-00085256-00085648 of various testimonies from all over the world, the one we are going to see shows 3amAHOuABbI-00104-00085648-00086168 the shots taken by a californian couple following inexplicable noises in the house falling objects 3amAHOuABbI-00105-00086168-00086616 closets that open by themselves.In the video you can see how the two spouses 3amAHOuABbI-00106-00086616-00087088 visibly frightened don't realize they are shooting something really clear and absolutely terrifying 3amAHOuABbI-00107-00087440-00087536 what the hell was that 3amAHOuABbI-00108-00087744-00088408 um no but your [ __ ] fridge is shutting all by itself no like it was closing as I came out here 3amAHOuABbI-00109-00088504-00088800 I locked the door right yeah you locked the door when we got back from publix 3amAHOuABbI-00110-00089408-00089808 no the cabinets it sounded like a cabinet door slammed and then your I come out and 3amAHOuABbI-00111-00089808-00090304 your fridge door is shutting as i'm coming out you didn't see that and your dogs are freaking out 3amAHOuABbI-00112-00090648-00091080 i'm really freaked out right now that was clearly your kitchen and then your 3amAHOuABbI-00113-00091080-00091504 [ __ ] door's shutting look i'll [ __ ] put it up on the computer and you can look at it 3amAHOuABbI-00114-00091808-00091864 seriously 3amAHOuABbI-00115-00092136-00092584 oh my god here I am 3amAHOuABbI-00116-00093416-00093984 if somebody's in there they come out 3amAHOuABbI-00117-00097728-00098128 it would seem that the woman accidentally filmed one of the myths, a mystery discussed 3amAHOuABbI-00118-00098128-00098680 for millennia, the shadow people. Are we facing a real proof or is it just a fake? Let me know 3amAHOuABbI-00119-00099088-00099960 Group of thirty.The next story is that of an american couple Christine and Nick 3amAHOuABbI-00120-00099960-00100424 who decided to buy a house a few years ago in Upstate New York.From the moment Christine and 3amAHOuABbI-00121-00100424-00100856 her husband have inhabited the house she declares that she could hear footsteps on the second 3amAHOuABbI-00122-00100856-00101392 floor,apparition out of the corner of his eye,and even human voices.Christine also declares that 3amAHOuABbI-00123-00101392-00101984 the house is 140 years old, several families have lived.Tired of all these anomalies she decides to 3amAHOuABbI-00124-00101984-00102488 investigate further with suitable equipment and the results are absolutely shocking, let's see 3amAHOuABbI-00125-00102800-00103783 how many ghosts are here 3amAHOuABbI-00126-00105056-00105240 there's 30 ghosts here 3amAHOuABbI-00127-00106016-00107056 mom are you here with me? you just said christine mom are you here with me? 3amAHOuABbI-00128-00107592-00108240 you just said christine.During the session with the spirit box Christine is visibly amazed,she 3amAHOuABbI-00129-00108240-00108759 gets clear and immediate answers,30 entities roam the house including her mother who died in 2009 3amAHOuABbI-00130-00108816-00109383 but it is the kinect session which will leave her and her husband Nick completely shocked. 3amAHOuABbI-00131-00109464-00109592 oh my god look at that 3amAHOuABbI-00132-00109824-00110256 we got one on the trash can and one over in front of the counter 3amAHOuABbI-00133-00110344-00110783 right over there, can you wave your hand? 3amAHOuABbI-00134-00111344-00111408 that one did 3amAHOuABbI-00135-00111656-00113583 he's gone. Can you kick your leg out for me? 3amAHOuABbI-00136-00113911-00114016 Can you disappear 3amAHOuABbI-00137-00114296-00115624 oh it did that's that oh my god ah there he is there you are oh my god he's like floating oh 3amAHOuABbI-00138-00115840-00116383 he's running into the kitchen 3amAHOuABbI-00139-00116648-00116744 oh there you are 3amAHOuABbI-00140-00117216-00117704 another interesting testimony of a conversation with the deceased entities we will be following 3amAHOuABbI-00141-00117704-00118264 Christine in the next episodes,you can see the full video on Christine's official youtube channel 3amAHOuABbI-00142-00118264-00118848 Destination Beyond Paranormal. Dear EREDE mystery fans for tonight it's all,thanks for watching for 3amAHOuABbI-00143-00118848-00119256 your comments and for the support,if you like this kind of content don't forget to subscribe 3amAHOuABbI-00144-00119256-00120583 and click on the bell to be notified.See you next week with a new video, and new stories. Good night 3amAHOuABbI-00145-00121152-00121168 (music) 3aUZBbaBDE8-00000-00004282-00004948 which one is it? On your desk Nick? 3aUZBbaBDE8-00001-00004948-00005096 what do you think about that Judy I 3aUZBbaBDE8-00002-00005096-00005546 think you should be on your desk. oh thank you 3aUZBbaBDE8-00003-00005546-00006578 thank you Judy thank you Nick messed my 3aUZBbaBDE8-00004-00006578-00006748 hair up a little bit not sure how does 3aUZBbaBDE8-00005-00006748-00007267 it look? hello everyone I am at Disneyland 3aUZBbaBDE8-00006-00007267-00007504 of course I'm at Disneyland if II wasn't at 3aUZBbaBDE8-00007-00007504-00007675 Disneyland where would I be would I be 3aUZBbaBDE8-00008-00007675-00007840 there but I be here I don't know where I 3aUZBbaBDE8-00009-00007840-00008050 would be i'm at disneyland where are you? 3aUZBbaBDE8-00010-00008050-00009347 Hello YouTube family we're at 3aUZBbaBDE8-00011-00009347-00009715 Disneyland of course we're at Disneyland if we weren't at disneyland where 3aUZBbaBDE8-00012-00009715-00009914 would we be there what we do 3aUZBbaBDE8-00013-00009914-00010061 here I don't know where we would be 3aUZBbaBDE8-00014-00010061-00010364 we're at disneyland today i have a great 3aUZBbaBDE8-00015-00010364-00010606 vlog for you it was a suggestion from 3aUZBbaBDE8-00016-00010606-00010808 one of my great fans here on the YouTube 3aUZBbaBDE8-00017-00010808-00011053 channel the youtube family they 3aUZBbaBDE8-00018-00011053-00011264 suggested that why don't I go to three 3aUZBbaBDE8-00019-00011264-00011473 stores - they didn't say three stores I'm 3aUZBbaBDE8-00020-00011473-00011650 saying three stores - go to three stores 3aUZBbaBDE8-00021-00011650-00011947 here at Disneyland dca go through go 3aUZBbaBDE8-00022-00011947-00012148 through the merchandise take a look at 3aUZBbaBDE8-00023-00012148-00012380 it pick one item in that particular 3aUZBbaBDE8-00024-00012380-00012700 store that I would want to buy that 3aUZBbaBDE8-00025-00012700-00012931 would be I think it is a great idea I 3aUZBbaBDE8-00026-00012931-00013187 think it's a really fantastic idea so 3aUZBbaBDE8-00027-00013187-00013340 what we're going to do is we're going to 3aUZBbaBDE8-00028-00013340-00013912 go to a couple stores here at Disneyland DCA pick out my favorite item in that 3aUZBbaBDE8-00029-00013912-00014116 particular store the item that I would 3aUZBbaBDE8-00030-00014116-00014300 want to buy the item I think is very 3aUZBbaBDE8-00031-00014300-00014572 special so let's go to it but before we 3aUZBbaBDE8-00032-00014572-00014722 go into this vlog I have to get 3aUZBbaBDE8-00033-00014722-00014912 permission from a few different people 3aUZBbaBDE8-00034-00014912-00015544 some people that you know ... 3aUZBbaBDE8-00035-00015544-00015747 Chip! Oh, it's Dale. 3aUZBbaBDE8-00036-00016701-00016893 i'ma tell you something my audience 3aUZBbaBDE8-00037-00016893-00017070 wants me to go around to Disneyland at 3aUZBbaBDE8-00038-00017070-00017253 different stores and they want me to pick 3aUZBbaBDE8-00039-00017253-00017487 something from stores that's my 3aUZBbaBDE8-00040-00017487-00017820 favorite I think I really think It 3aUZBbaBDE8-00041-00017820-00018012 maybe be a Minnie item - 3aUZBbaBDE8-00042-00018012-00018279 related item. what 3aUZBbaBDE8-00043-00018279-00018465 do you think about that what if it's not 3aUZBbaBDE8-00044-00018465-00018645 Will you be 3aUZBbaBDE8-00045-00018645-00019154 upset with me? 3aUZBbaBDE8-00046-00019154-00019329 Say good-bye to everybody 3aUZBbaBDE8-00047-00019329-00019631 Can I get a hug alright very good 3aUZBbaBDE8-00048-00019631-00019868 thank you so much and they wanted me to 3aUZBbaBDE8-00049-00019868-00020118 pick out my favorite items in the shop I 3aUZBbaBDE8-00050-00020118-00020573 think it's gonna be chip relating I 3aUZBbaBDE8-00051-00020573-00020697 think it would be a chip related what do 3aUZBbaBDE8-00052-00020697-00021231 you think yes yes what if it's not it's 3aUZBbaBDE8-00053-00021231-00021434 not too hot right now and it's not too 3aUZBbaBDE8-00054-00021434-00021594 crowded but that's because it's only a 3aUZBbaBDE8-00055-00021594-00021851 quarter nine as soon as eleven o'clock 3aUZBbaBDE8-00056-00021851-00022068 comes this place is going to be packed 3aUZBbaBDE8-00057-00022068-00022320 the crowd index today supposed to be 3aUZBbaBDE8-00058-00022320-00022535 nine at a ten it's like summer 3aUZBbaBDE8-00059-00022535-00022901 incredible it's going to be hot it's 3aUZBbaBDE8-00060-00022901-00023159 going to be what 93 degrees so my first 3aUZBbaBDE8-00061-00023159-00023319 stop is going to be it's a small world 3aUZBbaBDE8-00062-00023319-00023673 toy shop it's a decent-sized store I'm 3aUZBbaBDE8-00063-00023673-00023798 going to take a look look there's a lot 3aUZBbaBDE8-00064-00023798-00023987 of princess stuff a lot of princess 3aUZBbaBDE8-00065-00023987-00024209 stuff that's a good sign we need more 3aUZBbaBDE8-00066-00024209-00024423 princesses in our lives let's take a 3aUZBbaBDE8-00067-00024423-00024713 look look at this Pooh Bear here look at 3aUZBbaBDE8-00068-00024713-00025053 the size of this thing I liked it I 3aUZBbaBDE8-00069-00025053-00025362 liked it this is a contender to one of 3aUZBbaBDE8-00070-00025362-00025572 my favorite right here we got a big 3aUZBbaBDE8-00071-00025572-00026018 stuff honey 3aUZBbaBDE8-00072-00026018-00026468 both of you we should be 3aUZBbaBDE8-00073-00026468-00026650 together of course we have our classic 3aUZBbaBDE8-00074-00026650-00026938 Mickey Mouse and it's classic attire nothing 3aUZBbaBDE8-00075-00026938-00027202 too special about this one that's always 3aUZBbaBDE8-00076-00027202-00027313 good to have a Mickey in your collection 3aUZBbaBDE8-00077-00027313-00027830 little Donald is fluffy look 3aUZBbaBDE8-00078-00027830-00028195 how small we have these little toddler 3aUZBbaBDE8-00079-00028195-00028610 t-shirt black glass plates I would mind having 3aUZBbaBDE8-00080-00028610-00028835 One of these are pretty nice Mickey and 3aUZBbaBDE8-00081-00028835-00029002 Minnie which with a small world behind 3aUZBbaBDE8-00082-00029002-00029300 them pretty this is a postcard but they 3aUZBbaBDE8-00083-00029300-00029695 also have they all have the same in a 3aUZBbaBDE8-00084-00029695-00030062 lithograph right here oh okay now we're 3aUZBbaBDE8-00085-00030062-00030302 getting serious here now we're getting 3aUZBbaBDE8-00086-00030302-00030709 serious look at this Belle and her pony 3aUZBbaBDE8-00087-00030709-00031022 a little pig 3aUZBbaBDE8-00088-00031022-00031189 I don't remember a pig in Beauty 3aUZBbaBDE8-00089-00031189-00031619 And the Beast - sheep you got Mrs. Potts and 3aUZBbaBDE8-00090-00031619-00032069 chip I like this this is very cute not 3aUZBbaBDE8-00091-00032069-00032266 necessarily for me I don't think but I 3aUZBbaBDE8-00092-00032266-00032614 like it anytime you see Belle in the 3aUZBbaBDE8-00093-00032614-00032872 small town costume it's a good day i 3aUZBbaBDE8-00094-00032872-00033172 love Merida i really love Merida but she 3aUZBbaBDE8-00095-00033172-00033299 Doesn't do meet-and-greets at 3aUZBbaBDE8-00096-00033299-00033557 Disneyland i can't find her very rare 3aUZBbaBDE8-00097-00033557-00033928 does she come out but i do love that 3aUZBbaBDE8-00098-00033928-00034208 character I love that princess and of 3aUZBbaBDE8-00099-00034208-00034352 course we have the animators collection 3aUZBbaBDE8-00100-00034352-00034568 which is one of my favorite disney 3aUZBbaBDE8-00101-00034568-00034915 collection i love them i only have Belle 3aUZBbaBDE8-00102-00034915-00035222 but I love this look at Anna look at her 3aUZBbaBDE8-00103-00035222-00035563 so adorable she comes with an Olaf 3aUZBbaBDE8-00104-00035563-00036032 little tiny Olaf I don't know it's hard 3aUZBbaBDE8-00105-00036032-00036218 to resist that one one of my favorite 3aUZBbaBDE8-00106-00036218-00036602 keep in mind ages 3 and up then you have 3aUZBbaBDE8-00107-00036602-00036966 these fluffy stuffed animals 3aUZBbaBDE8-00108-00036966-00037413 little plushies who's this? 3aUZBbaBDE8-00109-00037413-00037668 Who this supposed to be with the blond hair am I 3aUZBbaBDE8-00110-00037668-00037875 losing my mind it doesn't say what 3aUZBbaBDE8-00111-00037875-00038118 princess this is and I really think I'm 3aUZBbaBDE8-00112-00038118-00038406 losing my mind here I have zero idea 3aUZBbaBDE8-00113-00038406-00039054 what princess is zero no clue I wanna 3aUZBbaBDE8-00114-00039054-00039420 have to ask I got to have somebody it's 3aUZBbaBDE8-00115-00039420-00039891 not Belle. I found out this is Sophia's 3aUZBbaBDE8-00116-00039891-00040460 sister I don't watch 3aUZBbaBDE8-00117-00041362-00041596 who doesn't want Elsa's dress hitting you in the face 3aUZBbaBDE8-00118-00041596-00041944 If i had to pick Rapunzel. 3aUZBbaBDE8-00119-00041944-00042424 who doesn't want Rapunzel's dress 3aUZBbaBDE8-00120-00042424-00042659 Hitting you in the face 3aUZBbaBDE8-00121-00042659-00043154 you see it lighting up there? 3aUZBbaBDE8-00122-00043154-00043439 on a hot day like today you want that 3aUZBbaBDE8-00123-00043439-00043736 fan those dresses hitting in the face or 3aUZBbaBDE8-00124-00043736-00044412 you want this hit you in a thing 3aUZBbaBDE8-00125-00044412-00044716 look how adorable this is 3aUZBbaBDE8-00126-00044716-00045259 okay how long the tail is I mean this 3aUZBbaBDE8-00127-00045259-00045474 can go on my bed 3aUZBbaBDE8-00128-00045474-00045884 our blue eyes match look at thumper it's 3aUZBbaBDE8-00129-00045884-00046122 like a push Thumper like in the back he 3aUZBbaBDE8-00130-00046122-00046530 looks like he's squashed looks very very 3aUZBbaBDE8-00131-00046530-00046797 sad you should be out here in the sun 3aUZBbaBDE8-00132-00046797-00047156 happy this is my favorite thing in this 3aUZBbaBDE8-00133-00047156-00048387 store 3aUZBbaBDE8-00134-00048387-00048794 I can't think of a better theme store than a 3aUZBbaBDE8-00135-00048794-00049106 little mermaid Ariel store which is 3aUZBbaBDE8-00136-00049106-00049397 right here adjacent to a little mermaid 3aUZBbaBDE8-00137-00049397-00049665 ride at dca this is my favorite store 3aUZBbaBDE8-00138-00049665-00049841 it's very small like a little bowtique 3aUZBbaBDE8-00139-00049841-00050075 but it's beautiful I love it you can 3aUZBbaBDE8-00140-00050075-00050444 never have too many mugs tell me you 3aUZBbaBDE8-00141-00050444-00050728 wouldn't wear these 3aUZBbaBDE8-00142-00050728-00051028 come on when I see these I see a Sunday 3aUZBbaBDE8-00143-00051028-00051289 morning walking around the house with 3aUZBbaBDE8-00144-00051289-00051884 Ariel socks 3aUZBbaBDE8-00145-00055849-00056131 this emma has been ravished look at her 3aUZBbaBDE8-00146-00056131-00056548 hair she's been like I need that see the 3aUZBbaBDE8-00147-00056548-00056893 comb how can you go wrong with this that 3aUZBbaBDE8-00148-00056893-00057304 is classic right there classic Bellel want 3aUZBbaBDE8-00149-00057304-00057586 a Minnie Mouse tea pot there you go a 3aUZBbaBDE8-00150-00057586-00058078 Belle tea pot that is beautiful look at 3aUZBbaBDE8-00151-00058078-00058528 that we got a colorful Pooh Bear I want this 3aUZBbaBDE8-00152-00058528-00058816 to be my apartment this entire wall we 3aUZBbaBDE8-00153-00058816-00059143 got soundtrack I have Moana I have all 3aUZBbaBDE8-00154-00059143-00059380 I don't have this one but I pretty much 3aUZBbaBDE8-00155-00059380-00059656 have all the music in it I'm sure dream 3aUZBbaBDE8-00156-00059656-00060034 big princess look how incredible this is 3aUZBbaBDE8-00157-00060034-00060343 I just watched Sleeping Beauty again the 3aUZBbaBDE8-00158-00060343-00060514 other day actually it was last night 3aUZBbaBDE8-00159-00060514-00060913 this is incredible without a doubt that 3aUZBbaBDE8-00160-00060913-00061357 is my favorite thing in the entire park 3aUZBbaBDE8-00161-00061357-00061690 I love this painting one day I will get 3aUZBbaBDE8-00162-00061690-00062065 Elsa and Anna favorite item I've seen 3aUZBbaBDE8-00163-00062065-00062379 today what you think of that 3e5nYm7CB6E-00000-00000419-00001097 My kids are always making stuff. It might be a new kind of paper airplane or a homemade 3e5nYm7CB6E-00001-00001097-00001586 pinball machine made out of cardboard and duct tape. Or it might be a painting of a monster 3e5nYm7CB6E-00002-00001586-00002210 on roller skates or a fantastical story or a Minecraft building or a Lego village or 3e5nYm7CB6E-00003-00002210-00002825 a sport played with random items. You could say my kids are naturally creative. However, 3e5nYm7CB6E-00004-00002825-00003584 I'd argue that all children are naturally creative they need to make and build and tinker. They need 3e5nYm7CB6E-00005-00003584-00004358 to play and experiment. They need to ask questions and follow their own curiosity. Ask your child, 3e5nYm7CB6E-00006-00004358-00005003 “what did you make in school today?” Too often, you'll get silence or shrug of the shoulders. 3e5nYm7CB6E-00007-00005183-00005846 So,this is why AJ Juliani and I are launching the Global Day of Design. It's a one-day opportunity 3e5nYm7CB6E-00008-00005846-00006422 to use the design thinking process in any classroom at any school. We realize that 3e5nYm7CB6E-00009-00006422-00007064 it's just a single day. But sometimes a day can spark a movement and the movement can transform 3e5nYm7CB6E-00010-00007064-00007831 classrooms into bastions of creativity and wonder. So, join us for the Global Day of Design. 3j2blNBTZw0-00000-00000048-00000146 Hi there. This is Larry Gould 3j2blNBTZw0-00001-00000149-00000306 with music to your inbox. 3j2blNBTZw0-00002-00000309-00000730 And today I'm asking you to save the date of Wednesday, July 20th from 5:30 p.m. to 3j2blNBTZw0-00003-00000733-00001042 8:30 p.m., we're holding a three hour Zoom class. 3j2blNBTZw0-00004-00001045-00001240 It will enable a realtor to be able 3j2blNBTZw0-00005-00001243-00001762 to confidently explain and recommend this loan product to their buyers. 3j2blNBTZw0-00006-00001764-00001978 If you'd like to register, see here. 3j2blNBTZw0-00007-00001980-00002178 Use the QR code. Questions, 3j2blNBTZw0-00008-00002181-00002378 you can call, text or message me. 3j2blNBTZw0-00009-00002380-00002570 My name is Larry Gould, surrounding you 3j2blNBTZw0-00010-00002573-00002708 and your buyers with gold. 3jry00vaLRg-00000-00000000-00000150 Good morning, I'm Jane Clauss 3jry00vaLRg-00001-00000150-00000350 and we are here at the Volo Museum 3jry00vaLRg-00002-00000350-00000526 and I am with Jim Wojdyla 3jry00vaLRg-00003-00000526-00000686 Jim, thank you for having us out! 3jry00vaLRg-00004-00000686-00000886 Thank you for coming out and taking a spin with me! 3jry00vaLRg-00005-00000886-00000993 It is so exciting 3jry00vaLRg-00006-00000993-00001336 Now we've seen your amazing collection of classic cars 3jry00vaLRg-00007-00001350-00001800 and we've seen the massive animatronic dinosaurs 3jry00vaLRg-00008-00001800-00001970 in the Jurassic Gardens 3jry00vaLRg-00009-00001970-00002320 But this. Is. Truly amazing. Where are we at? 3jry00vaLRg-00010-00002320-00002696 This is a 1928 Carousel, that was fully restored. 3jry00vaLRg-00011-00002729-00002840 It was a family business 3jry00vaLRg-00012-00002840-00003015 They would set it up for a couple months in a city 3jry00vaLRg-00013-00003015-00003178 Then tear it down and move it around the country 3jry00vaLRg-00014-00003178-00003378 and this was almost 100 years ago 3jry00vaLRg-00015-00003378-00003555 so it wasn't in great condition 3jry00vaLRg-00016-00003555-00003692 so it took about 2 1/2 years to put it together 3jry00vaLRg-00017-00003692-00003855 but everything is hand painted 3jry00vaLRg-00018-00003855-00004039 it's all hand-carved, it's fully functional 3jry00vaLRg-00019-00004039-00004110 all the lightbulbs 3jry00vaLRg-00020-00004110-00004310 there's thousands of lightbulbs that all work again 3jry00vaLRg-00021-00004310-00004656 and when we got it, it was just a very breathtaking piece 3jry00vaLRg-00022-00004656-00004780 so we built this building around it 3jry00vaLRg-00023-00004780-00004936 and wanted it to be an experience. 3jry00vaLRg-00024-00004936-00005136 so not only do you get to ride this carousel 3jry00vaLRg-00025-00005136-00005296 which not many people get to do anymore 3jry00vaLRg-00026-00005296-00005400 but now you're surrounded with all of these 3jry00vaLRg-00027-00005400-00005610 fully functional, hand-carved, hand-painted 3jry00vaLRg-00028-00005610-00005840 other pieces from the Coney Island era. 3jry00vaLRg-00029-00005840-00006040 So it's all street orchestras and penny arcades 3jry00vaLRg-00030-00006040-00006173 and self-playing pianos. 3jry00vaLRg-00031-00006173-00006330 there's this really cool dynamic of 3jry00vaLRg-00032-00006330-00006563 teaching a new generation what this stuff is 3jry00vaLRg-00033-00006563-00006697 and appreciation for it 3jry00vaLRg-00034-00006697-00006841 and then the nostalgia that it brings 3jry00vaLRg-00035-00006841-00006941 to the older generation 3jry00vaLRg-00036-00006941-00007081 So whats coming up in the spring? 3jry00vaLRg-00037-00007081-00007260 Ok, just the spring alone we have 3jry00vaLRg-00038-00007260-00007460 a mini golf course, you can play mini golf 3jry00vaLRg-00039-00007460-00007660 it's all dinosaur themed as well 3jry00vaLRg-00040-00007660-00007860 We have a train tour, so you can take around 3jry00vaLRg-00041-00007860-00008060 this is 35 acres, but we have another 35 acres 3jry00vaLRg-00042-00008060-00008333 with Batmobiles and trains and more stuff out 3jry00vaLRg-00043-00008333-00008460 that you can take around 3jry00vaLRg-00044-00008460-00008660 and that's where we're putting an animatronic Ice Age 3jry00vaLRg-00045-00008660-00008860 it's like a big, probably 2 acres, 3jry00vaLRg-00046-00008860-00009060 of just cool ice age stuff set in the forest 3jry00vaLRg-00047-00009060-00009260 where the hills were actually carved by iceburgs 3jry00vaLRg-00048-00009260-00009460 so it's kind of a theme that we have out there. 3jry00vaLRg-00049-00009460-00009660 and we have a party room 3jry00vaLRg-00050-00009660-00009806 so if you want to bring a corporate event 3jry00vaLRg-00051-00009806-00010013 or kid's birthday party or anything out here 3jry00vaLRg-00052-00010013-00010260 You can actually spend the day here for a birthday party 3jry00vaLRg-00053-00010260-00010363 and then go explore. 3jry00vaLRg-00054-00010363-00010457 I mean so much to do 3jry00vaLRg-00055-00010457-00010714 It really, truly, is an experience that you must have 3jry00vaLRg-00056-00010714-00010764 Absolutely 3jry00vaLRg-00057-00010764-00010857 Thank you for having us out! 3jry00vaLRg-00058-00010857-00011003 Thank you for coming out, I appreciate it! 3jry00vaLRg-00059-00011003-00011203 Head over to volofun.com to buy your tickets 3jyUpU35r4g-00000-00000044-00000251 Both of them are standing normally. (With no eye contact) 3jyUpU35r4g-00001-00000297-00000715 Ughhhhhhhhhh.... The mask's so disturbing! 3jyUpU35r4g-00002-00000759-00000809 Help.... 3jyUpU35r4g-00003-00001090-00001533 WASTED - 3jyUpU35r4g-00004-00001583-00002255 Wow, you don't know the power of the MASK! 3jyUpU35r4g-00005-00002255-00002577 Masky boi going up by itself somehow. 3jyUpU35r4g-00006-00002577-00004552 ---+Cool music+--- Mask floating in space. 3jyUpU35r4g-00007-00004659-00004891 Mask attached to sun. 3jyUpU35r4g-00008-00004891-00004986 Global warming vanished . 3jyUpU35r4g-00009-00005089-00005676 Global warming stopped by mask floating on space and by being attached to a heat ball. And the mask is alive still. 3jyUpU35r4g-00010-00005729-00006239 News papers stacked. OMG SOME RANDOM MASK STOPPED GLOBAL WARMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (also did you notice that the first paper is, a rick roll?) 3jyUpU35r4g-00011-00006239-00007000 Cool music but with vocals. Credits to creators of the music and sfx and fx and stuff. Bye, have a nice day to the human(or not) reading this! 3mB7MqGY0ZU-00000-00001237-00001427 hi everyone 3mB7MqGY0ZU-00001-00001427-00001607 I`m Fannzz 3mB7MqGY0ZU-00002-00001607-00001842 Coco was leaving the other day 3mB7MqGY0ZU-00003-00001855-00001997 nooo~~~~ 3mB7MqGY0ZU-00004-00002020-00002210 Please write back when you are free 3mB7MqGY0ZU-00005-00002232-00002377 ♡o(╥﹏╥)o ♥♡ 3mB7MqGY0ZU-00006-00002802-00002955 ok~Let's start rebuilding the houses of new residents 3mB7MqGY0ZU-00007-00003427-00003567 MA-9474-6972-8940 3mB7MqGY0ZU-00008-00003637-00004317 Circular slate Road*3 3mB7MqGY0ZU-00009-00004752-00005253 Wooden floor(4*4) 3mB7MqGY0ZU-00010-00005500-00006062 MA-2111-4693-8010 (2*5) 3mB7MqGY0ZU-00011-00007067-00007582 No picture of planting tree and price railing is recorded... 3mB7MqGY0ZU-00012-00007847-00007984 Arrange the decorations in the study 3mB7MqGY0ZU-00013-00008037-00008285 Color series: yellow/red/brown 3mB7MqGY0ZU-00014-00010322-00010505 DONE 3mB7MqGY0ZU-00015-00014872-00015165 I hope you will like my design 3mB7MqGY0ZU-00016-00015310-00015544 See you next time♡♥♡ 3nZ5Y_MwUbA-00000-00000000-00000200 សិទ្ធិជនជាតិដើមខ្មែរក្រោម UN DRIP 4odCRxloP5Q-00000-00000006-00000279 At one point in time every circus and every 4odCRxloP5Q-00001-00000279-00000642 sideshow had a strongman, someone with unprecedented 4odCRxloP5Q-00002-00000642-00000969 strength able to capture the audiences imagination 4odCRxloP5Q-00003-00000969-00001425 and no one did it with as much passion as this next man. 4odCRxloP5Q-00004-00001425-00002076 In todays episode of Unusual As Usual we’re researching The forgotten story of The father 4odCRxloP5Q-00005-00002076-00002391 of bodybuilding AKA Eugen Sandow. 4odCRxloP5Q-00006-00002391-00004134 Friedrich Wilhelm Müller was born on 2nd April 1867 in what is known today as Kaliningrad, 4odCRxloP5Q-00007-00004134-00004176 Russia. 4odCRxloP5Q-00008-00004176-00004875 As a young boy he was, in his words, "weedy, fragile and pale-skinned”. 4odCRxloP5Q-00009-00004875-00005481 However, at the age of 10 his father took him on a trip to Rome, and it was here that 4odCRxloP5Q-00010-00005481-00005679 his life would change forever. 4odCRxloP5Q-00011-00005679-00006372 You see, the great sculptures he saw there, in their grand poses - bulging biceps and 4odCRxloP5Q-00012-00006372-00006659 washboard abs, sparked something in his imagination, 4odCRxloP5Q-00013-00006659-00007131 and he began to dream of one day looking just 4odCRxloP5Q-00014-00007131-00007191 like them. 4odCRxloP5Q-00015-00007191-00007923 Returning home, he began to dedicate himself to achieving this ideal state of physical 4odCRxloP5Q-00016-00007923-00008001 perfection. 4odCRxloP5Q-00017-00008001-00008676 He took tips from professional circus strongmen and when he was 18, he left his family and 4odCRxloP5Q-00018-00008676-00009009 home behind and travelled across Europe performing 4odCRxloP5Q-00019-00009009-00009525 as a professional wrestler. Adopting the stage name Eugen Sandow. 4odCRxloP5Q-00020-00009525-00010173 At just 19 years old, Sandow had moved on from wrestling preferring to perform strongman 4odCRxloP5Q-00021-00010173-00010341 stunts in various sideshows. 4odCRxloP5Q-00022-00010341-00010950 He was initially known for strongman feats such as ripping a full deck of cards in half, 4odCRxloP5Q-00023-00010950-00011460 smashing glass bottles and his impressive barbell routines. 4odCRxloP5Q-00024-00011460-00012177 However audiences quickly became far more fascinated by Sandow’s bulging muscles than 4odCRxloP5Q-00025-00012177-00012381 by the amount of weight he was able to lift. 4odCRxloP5Q-00026-00012485-00013061 In Brussels he visited the gym of a fellow strongman, Ludwig Durlacher, better known 4odCRxloP5Q-00027-00013061-00013331 under his stage name "Professor Attila”. 4odCRxloP5Q-00028-00013331-00013952 On Durlacher's recommendation, Sandow began entering strongman competitions, performing 4odCRxloP5Q-00029-00013952-00014563 in matches against leading figures in the sport such as Charles Sampson and Henry McCann. 4odCRxloP5Q-00030-00014563-00015146 Sandow was clearly very strong but while other professional strongmen existed long before 4odCRxloP5Q-00031-00015146-00015841 him, none had possessed such a chiselled physique - and It was that, that Sandow was really 4odCRxloP5Q-00032-00015841-00015899 interested in. 4odCRxloP5Q-00033-00015899-00016601 He travelled back to Rome and armed with a tape measure he meticulously measured the 4odCRxloP5Q-00034-00016601-00016877 marble sculptures he had seen as a young boy. 4odCRxloP5Q-00035-00016877-00017474 Using theses measurements he developed the formula to get what he called ‘The Grecian 4odCRxloP5Q-00036-00017474-00018014 Ideal’, the exact measurements he classed as the perfect physique. 4odCRxloP5Q-00037-00018014-00018731 Sandow physique must have already appeared godly to most people, but using his new blue 4odCRxloP5Q-00038-00018731-00019316 prints he began chiselling away at his own physique, carefully targeting groups of muscles 4odCRxloP5Q-00039-00019316-00019628 to work out and ignoring other muscle groups. 4odCRxloP5Q-00040-00019628-00020291 Eventually building his physique to the exact proportions of the Greek and Roman gods, in 4odCRxloP5Q-00041-00020291-00020594 the process, became one of the first athletes 4odCRxloP5Q-00042-00020594-00020954 to intentionally develop his muscles to pre-determined 4odCRxloP5Q-00043-00020954-00021050 dimensions. 4odCRxloP5Q-00044-00021050-00021701 To accompany his perfect physique Sandow developed poses - he dubbed these ‘muscle display 4odCRxloP5Q-00045-00021701-00022346 performances’ and the routine was a precursor to the bodybuilding competition posses we 4odCRxloP5Q-00046-00022346-00022370 see today. 4odCRxloP5Q-00047-00022370-00023090 His routines and physique quickly made Sandow a sensation and a highly sought after carnival 4odCRxloP5Q-00048-00023090-00023117 attraction. 4odCRxloP5Q-00049-00023220-00024048 In 1889 Durlacher encouraged Sandow to travel to London, England and take part in a Strongman 4odCRxloP5Q-00050-00024048-00024153 competition. 4odCRxloP5Q-00051-00024153-00024807 He beat the reigning champion hands down which gained him instant fame and recognition for 4odCRxloP5Q-00052-00024807-00024846 his strength. 4odCRxloP5Q-00053-00024846-00025608 This kick started his career as an athletic superstar and soon he was receiving requests 4odCRxloP5Q-00054-00025608-00026253 from all over Britain for performances, he even befriended the likes of King George V 4odCRxloP5Q-00055-00026253-00026598 of the United Kingdom, Thomas Edison and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. 4odCRxloP5Q-00056-00026598-00027258 In 1894, Sandow featured in a short film shot by the Thomas Edison. 4odCRxloP5Q-00057-00027258-00027920 The film included him flexing his muscles in various poses, something his fans had grown 4odCRxloP5Q-00058-00027920-00028191 to prefer over seeing him performing any actual 4odCRxloP5Q-00059-00028191-00028713 feats of physical strength, followed by executing a perfect backflip. 4odCRxloP5Q-00060-00028713-00029598 On stage he had even taken to covering his body in white powder to appear even more like 4odCRxloP5Q-00061-00029598-00029718 a living marble statue. 4odCRxloP5Q-00062-00029718-00030288 All this attention caught the eye of Louis Cyr, a fellow strongman. 4odCRxloP5Q-00063-00030288-00030933 Cyr was undoubtedly extremely strong and took great delight in destroying his opponents 4odCRxloP5Q-00064-00030933-00031194 with his extreme displays of brute strength. 4odCRxloP5Q-00065-00031194-00031869 He even attempted to publicly challenge Sandow to a test of strength on multiple occasions in fact, 4odCRxloP5Q-00066-00031869-00032436 going as far as purchasing tickets to Sandow's performances with the intention of 4odCRxloP5Q-00067-00032436-00032754 interrupting the show by challenging him from the audience. 4odCRxloP5Q-00068-00032847-00033279 Sandow, however, was a different breed of strings - he was more interested in 4odCRxloP5Q-00069-00033279-00033753 the ascetics of muscle structure in stark contract to Louis Cyr's 4odCRxloP5Q-00070-00033753-00034440 style and always declined Cyr's attempts to a show down and instead poured his efforts 4odCRxloP5Q-00071-00034440-00034878 into business ventures; he authored five books and 4odCRxloP5Q-00072-00034878-00035264 founded a successful mail-order physical instruction catalogue 4odCRxloP5Q-00073-00035264-00035855 He also leant his image to a brand of cigars in 1894 to promote his first 4odCRxloP5Q-00074-00035855-00036380 American tour - quite possibly becoming the world's first celebrity endorsement 4odCRxloP5Q-00075-00036380-00036911 of a product. He followed this up with bringing out 'Sandow’s Health & Strength 4odCRxloP5Q-00076-00036911-00037238 Cocoa' and even his own monthly fitness magazine 4odCRxloP5Q-00077-00037238-00037640 with the catchy title; ‘Sandow’s Magazine of Physical Culture’. 4odCRxloP5Q-00078-00037640-00038072 But those accomplishments pale in comparison to his next venture. 4odCRxloP5Q-00079-00038072-00038795 On the 14th September 1901 Sandow held the first ever bodybuilding contest which 4odCRxloP5Q-00080-00038795-00039053 he dubbed simply ‘The Great Competition’. 4odCRxloP5Q-00081-00039053-00039737 However it was not created overnight, in fact it took three years to organise. 4odCRxloP5Q-00082-00039737-00040367 In July of 1898 keen to advertise his competition Sandow wrote that he would 4odCRxloP5Q-00083-00040367-00040817 "afford encouragement to those who are anxious to perfect their physiques". 4odCRxloP5Q-00084-00040817-00041547 encouragement was indeed a Nobel reward, but it was also supplemented with a cash prize - first 4odCRxloP5Q-00085-00041547-00042338 place would receive a gold statuette of Sandow and 1,000 guinea (around $5,000 at the time). 4odCRxloP5Q-00086-00042338-00043064 Second place would relieve a silver statuette and 500 guinea (around $2,500 at the time). 4odCRxloP5Q-00087-00043064-00043412 And third place would receive a bronze statuette. 4odCRxloP5Q-00088-00043412-00043889 the competition was held at London's Royal Albert Hall, and 4odCRxloP5Q-00089-00043889-00044636 was judged by a panel of three; Sandow himself, Sir Charles Lawes a famous sculptor and amateur 4odCRxloP5Q-00090-00044636-00045122 athlete and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, creator of the Sherlock Holmes series. 4odCRxloP5Q-00091-00045122-00045524 The contest was a huge success and it completely 4odCRxloP5Q-00092-00045524-00045863 sold out with hundreds of fans having to be turned away at the door. 4odCRxloP5Q-00093-00045863-00046523 It was an extravagant pageant of beauty and brawn which laid the ground for the Mr Universe 4odCRxloP5Q-00094-00046523-00046823 and Mr Olympia competitions we still find today. 4odCRxloP5Q-00095-00046823-00047231 It was the first bodybuilding competition ever to be held 4odCRxloP5Q-00096-00047231-00048212 in Britain, and it was legendary. In Third pace came A C Smythe of middlesex. Second place went 4odCRxloP5Q-00097-00048212-00048872 to D Cooper and the much coveted first place trophy went to William Murray of Nottingham. 4odCRxloP5Q-00098-00048872-00049562 Unfortunately though all good things must come to an end and for Sandow the end started 4odCRxloP5Q-00099-00049562-00049862 with the false accusation that he was German spy. 4odCRxloP5Q-00100-00049862-00050567 This hurt his reputation and eventually his fame, fortune and sex appeal dwindled. 4odCRxloP5Q-00101-00050567-00051308 In 1925, he was involved in a serious car accident, he survived and even managed to 4odCRxloP5Q-00102-00051308-00051554 singlehandidly lift his car out of the ditch 4odCRxloP5Q-00103-00051554-00051974 but he would never again reach his peak of physical fitness. 4odCRxloP5Q-00104-00051974-00052930 Eugene Sandow died in his home in Kensington, London, on the 14th October 1925 aged 58, 4odCRxloP5Q-00105-00052930-00053390 likely from stroke brought on after pushing his car out of the ditch. 4odCRxloP5Q-00106-00053390-00054170 On his grave stands a one-and-a-half-ton natural pink sandstone marker, And with that Sandow’s 4odCRxloP5Q-00107-00054170-00054437 story faded into the history books. 4odCRxloP5Q-00108-00054437-00055196 That was, until 1977 when Sandow’s forgotten history was rescued from obscurity and his 4odCRxloP5Q-00109-00055196-00055567 contribution to the sport of bodybuilding was finally acknowledged. 4odCRxloP5Q-00110-00055567-00056141 Since then a bronze statue of Sandow has been presented to the winner of the Mr. Olympia 4odCRxloP5Q-00111-00056141-00056603 contest - to many cementing his role as ‘The Father of Bodybuilding’. 4odCRxloP5Q-00112-00056603-00057050 The award has gone on to be known simply as "The Sandow”. 4odCRxloP5Q-00113-00057050-00057742 And there we have it, The forgotten story of The father of bodybuilding - Eugen Sandow. 4odCRxloP5Q-00114-00057742-00058271 Do you class Sandow’s pioneering technique of bodybuilding a form of body modification? 4odCRxloP5Q-00115-00058271-00058859 Let me know in the comment section below and as always don’t forget to Like and Subscribe. 4odCRxloP5Q-00116-00058859-00059504 Thats all I’ve got time for today, but I’ll see you next week - and remember, stay unusual 4odCRxloP5Q-00117-00059504-00059615 as usual. 408i6jyaXpu-00000-00000003-00000774 hello world PDR coming at you today with 408i6jyaXpu-00001-00000225-00000909 the 2018 Toyota Tacoma real nice truck 408i6jyaXpu-00002-00000774-00001515 for a real nice guy 408i6jyaXpu-00003-00000909-00001673 this is a brand-new truck guy so in the 408i6jyaXpu-00004-00001515-00001947 event of moving something that was 408i6jyaXpu-00005-00001673-00002292 strapped across the top of the truck we 408i6jyaXpu-00006-00001947-00002448 got these two large made by a two by 408i6jyaXpu-00007-00002292-00002618 four I'm gonna have to say because 408i6jyaXpu-00008-00002448-00002796 that's how they were made two by fours 408i6jyaXpu-00009-00002618-00003101 were strapped across the top one there 408i6jyaXpu-00010-00002796-00003363 and one there covered with a cover so no 408i6jyaXpu-00011-00003101-00003600 scratches no paint damage and if we look 408i6jyaXpu-00012-00003363-00003872 at this really closely let me analyze a 408i6jyaXpu-00013-00003600-00004077 little farther back I've got the 408i6jyaXpu-00014-00003872-00004335 umbrella up so keep this out of the Sun 408i6jyaXpu-00015-00004077-00004496 it starts about up here a little bit of 408i6jyaXpu-00016-00004335-00004794 stuff that I didn't buff see if you 408i6jyaXpu-00017-00004496-00004980 catch it at this angle there and then 408i6jyaXpu-00018-00004794-00005273 we've got this large area right here 408i6jyaXpu-00019-00004980-00005457 this larger area right here and then 408i6jyaXpu-00020-00005273-00005628 this one right here so we got basically 408i6jyaXpu-00021-00005457-00005952 for dents a couple of brows that come 408i6jyaXpu-00022-00005628-00006137 out the side we're gonna spend the time 408i6jyaXpu-00023-00005952-00006387 doing the glue to glue pulling on this 408i6jyaXpu-00024-00006137-00006618 because basically what we want to do is 408i6jyaXpu-00025-00006387-00006884 seal you know get this back to the the 408i6jyaXpu-00026-00006618-00006975 original form customers well aware that 408i6jyaXpu-00027-00006884-00007326 it's not gonna be a hundred percent 408i6jyaXpu-00028-00006975-00007490 because this is a huge job as far as 408i6jyaXpu-00029-00007326-00007715 paintless dent repair is concerned guys 408i6jyaXpu-00030-00007490-00008133 so let's start off by grabbing either 408i6jyaXpu-00031-00007715-00008745 that big football tab maybe even one of 408i6jyaXpu-00032-00008133-00008871 these switch my hat around maybe one of 408i6jyaXpu-00033-00008745-00008997 these wide Caicos 408i6jyaXpu-00034-00008871-00009197 oh this isn't even a cake oh this is 408i6jyaXpu-00035-00008997-00009789 kind of a cheapie tab let's grab this 408i6jyaXpu-00036-00009197-00010377 cheapy tab make sure that our gun is 408i6jyaXpu-00037-00009789-00010547 warm which it's not so we're gonna have 408i6jyaXpu-00038-00010377-00010775 to come back to you in just a bit 408i6jyaXpu-00039-00010547-00011007 just a tester pull I'm just gonna stuff 408i6jyaXpu-00040-00010775-00011214 this on there the glue wasn't really 408i6jyaXpu-00041-00011007-00011529 warm enough but I was just gonna stick 408i6jyaXpu-00042-00011214-00011747 it on there let it dry for a couple of 408i6jyaXpu-00043-00011529-00012061 seconds and give it a nice yank let's 408i6jyaXpu-00044-00011747-00012061 see what we get out of this one 408i6jyaXpu-00045-00012067-00012767 see nothing because that glue but just 408i6jyaXpu-00046-00012611-00013495 as it started to come out I wanted to 408i6jyaXpu-00047-00012767-00013828 give it a little bit of a because that 408i6jyaXpu-00048-00013495-00013828 will allow me to clean my tab 408i6jyaXpu-00049-00015519-00015976 so we are out in nature guys I decide to 408i6jyaXpu-00050-00015841-00017092 appreciate everybody that clicked on 408i6jyaXpu-00051-00015976-00017543 this video I really do there we go 408i6jyaXpu-00052-00017092-00017834 that's what I wanted level table hot gun 408i6jyaXpu-00053-00017543-00018079 I think I'm gonna even set this right 408i6jyaXpu-00054-00017834-00018445 here and this is a plastic bed liner if 408i6jyaXpu-00055-00018079-00018575 it drips hot glue onto that it's not 408i6jyaXpu-00056-00018445-00019018 gonna do anything it'll just peel right 408i6jyaXpu-00057-00018575-00019223 off a little bit I so clean this tab 408i6jyaXpu-00058-00019018-00019531 honestly I don't know if this is the tab 408i6jyaXpu-00059-00019223-00019831 I want to use did it even move and look 408i6jyaXpu-00060-00019531-00020039 like it might have moved a little bit so 408i6jyaXpu-00061-00019831-00020212 yeah it looked like it might have moved 408i6jyaXpu-00062-00020039-00020894 a little bit let me use a little smaller 408i6jyaXpu-00063-00020212-00021201 tab I'm actually go with this really 408i6jyaXpu-00064-00020894-00021201 strong crease tab 408i6jyaXpu-00065-00021464-00022223 from atlas and let me just give it a 408i6jyaXpu-00066-00021869-00022484 nice little pad of glue and I think I'm 408i6jyaXpu-00067-00022223-00022904 gonna hit right down the center like 408i6jyaXpu-00068-00022484-00023351 that and since this is gonna be done 408i6jyaXpu-00069-00022904-00023876 with the slight hammer I can do as many 408i6jyaXpu-00070-00023351-00024185 tabs as I want worried about where the 408i6jyaXpu-00071-00023876-00024494 feet are gonna go on my little things 408i6jyaXpu-00072-00024185-00024806 I'm gonna go for the center and if you 408i6jyaXpu-00073-00024494-00025115 notice this is right a little bit above 408i6jyaXpu-00074-00024806-00025442 a little bit farther forward than the 408i6jyaXpu-00075-00025115-00025604 round that last little round that I want 408i6jyaXpu-00076-00025442-00025845 it to crest kind of back here or even 408i6jyaXpu-00077-00025604-00026501 more but now let's take this little tab 408i6jyaXpu-00078-00025845-00026843 really quickly one click of glue and 408i6jyaXpu-00079-00026501-00027220 we'll put it right down here give that 408i6jyaXpu-00080-00026843-00027830 one a little yank see if we actually 408i6jyaXpu-00081-00027220-00028214 move some metal here come around move 408i6jyaXpu-00082-00027830-00028427 some I felt like it maybe not 408i6jyaXpu-00083-00028214-00028772 I actually didn't clean well I I buffed 408i6jyaXpu-00084-00028427-00029843 the surface but I didn't clean the 408i6jyaXpu-00085-00028772-00030070 surface with alcohol so let's see we'll 408i6jyaXpu-00086-00029843-00030406 get a much better pull cuz I just 408i6jyaXpu-00087-00030070-00030406 cleaned it off with 408i6jyaXpu-00088-00030457-00031306 my wax the 3m perfected Wow guys okay so 408i6jyaXpu-00089-00031087-00031570 if we take a look at that we've moved 408i6jyaXpu-00090-00031306-00031825 some metal down here and then we move 408i6jyaXpu-00091-00031570-00031993 some up here and we've got a little well 408i6jyaXpu-00092-00031825-00032208 a lot actually moved out of this one 408i6jyaXpu-00093-00031993-00032341 so we're just gonna keep on it I don't 408i6jyaXpu-00094-00032208-00032635 know if we're gonna do the speedy thing 408i6jyaXpu-00095-00032341-00032968 or basically as I planned a couple hours 408i6jyaXpu-00096-00032635-00033238 for this dance so we'll probably do the 408i6jyaXpu-00097-00032968-00033478 speedy thing or the frame by frame or 408i6jyaXpu-00098-00033238-00033679 whatever we're gonna do to uh for the 408i6jyaXpu-00099-00033478-00033874 next half hour or so and we won't bring 408i6jyaXpu-00100-00033679-00034012 you guys back in when I'm kind of 408i6jyaXpu-00101-00033874-00034159 tapping down the brows and doing a 408i6jyaXpu-00102-00034012-00034411 little bit more work but basically I'm 408i6jyaXpu-00103-00034159-00034561 gonna just keep on doing this over and 408i6jyaXpu-00104-00034411-00034999 over and over again we've moved some 408i6jyaXpu-00105-00034561-00035259 metal but bow-bow bow-bow tap that that 408i6jyaXpu-00106-00034999-00035259 that cut that down 408i6jyaXpu-00107-00035963-00036169 you 408i6jyaXpu-00108-00039013-00039468 okay guys I thought I'd bring you in for 408i6jyaXpu-00109-00039181-00039832 a little bit of that the slow grind 408i6jyaXpu-00110-00039468-00040045 we've got a lot of it out let's see it's 408i6jyaXpu-00111-00039832-00040288 just you know put a tab on pop put a tab 408i6jyaXpu-00112-00040045-00040594 on if you look at it kind of over my 408i6jyaXpu-00113-00040288-00040900 head this way you'll see a little wave 408i6jyaXpu-00114-00040594-00041550 right here a lot of this roof line has 408i6jyaXpu-00115-00040900-00041860 gotten out and I know that this thing is 408i6jyaXpu-00116-00041550-00042004 pretty flush now it looks like it all 408i6jyaXpu-00117-00041860-00042348 the way around I don't know why this one 408i6jyaXpu-00118-00042004-00042544 still has a little tiny gap there but I 408i6jyaXpu-00119-00042348-00043104 think that's just the way that this 408i6jyaXpu-00120-00042544-00043104 thing is centered maybe I don't know 408i6jyaXpu-00121-00043266-00044053 yeah we might have the reseal it or 408i6jyaXpu-00122-00043702-00044256 whatever so yeah we got a couple of 408i6jyaXpu-00123-00044053-00044608 poles made and what we're gonna do is 408i6jyaXpu-00124-00044256-00044758 grab this big tab I think one of my 408i6jyaXpu-00125-00044608-00044950 biggest areas they don't want to move 408i6jyaXpu-00126-00044758-00045214 well obviously this little guy right 408i6jyaXpu-00127-00044950-00045358 here a lot of this one came out and I 408i6jyaXpu-00128-00045214-00045844 think I want to just go right here 408i6jyaXpu-00129-00045358-00046198 but with only about half the tab of 408i6jyaXpu-00130-00045844-00046434 glitter on like that much slap it right 408i6jyaXpu-00131-00046198-00046711 in the center lo spot kind of find my 408i6jyaXpu-00132-00046434-00046888 you know find the tension point where I 408i6jyaXpu-00133-00046711-00047095 know I want to pull it I didn't go right 408i6jyaXpu-00134-00046888-00047368 into the hard low right here because I'm 408i6jyaXpu-00135-00047095-00047827 gonna use a small probably this Keiko 408i6jyaXpu-00136-00047368-00047956 clear for that BAM and I don't want to 408i6jyaXpu-00137-00047827-00048373 place it yet I'm gonna pull that thing 408i6jyaXpu-00138-00047956-00049000 first come around really carefully 408i6jyaXpu-00139-00048373-00049386 I should probably stand up there we go 408i6jyaXpu-00140-00049000-00049645 that was a good snap let's grab the ISO 408i6jyaXpu-00141-00049386-00049822 and this is we probably been on this 408i6jyaXpu-00142-00049645-00050116 thing for about a half-hour 45 minutes 408i6jyaXpu-00143-00049822-00050352 guys it's definitely not a easy dent in 408i6jyaXpu-00144-00050116-00050713 paintless dent repair by any means but 408i6jyaXpu-00145-00050352-00050860 for what we said we were going to do and 408i6jyaXpu-00146-00050713-00051079 what we've done so far I think it's 408i6jyaXpu-00147-00050860-00051589 we're on track for making it look really 408i6jyaXpu-00148-00051079-00051861 nice nice forgiving thing is the color 408i6jyaXpu-00149-00051589-00052186 of the paint obviously working on white 408i6jyaXpu-00150-00051861-00052715 super bright Toyota white 408i6jyaXpu-00151-00052186-00052994 makes it really a little bit last bit 408i6jyaXpu-00154-00058954-00059299 watching paint dry 408i6jyaXpu-00155-00061416-00061877 that's what we'll probably do we'll come 408i6jyaXpu-00156-00061637-00062097 back in just a bit 408i6jyaXpu-00157-00061877-00062469 okay guys here's what we ended up with 408i6jyaXpu-00158-00062097-00062694 now looking down the side here I guess I 408i6jyaXpu-00159-00062469-00062901 could say we got it to that 80 to 85 408i6jyaXpu-00160-00062694-00063126 percent mark if you want to look down 408i6jyaXpu-00161-00062901-00063500 through there there's a slight wave 408i6jyaXpu-00162-00063126-00063789 there and maybe well not even really 408i6jyaXpu-00163-00063500-00064016 really tough to see let's look at it 408i6jyaXpu-00164-00063789-00064215 this way across check angle all four of 408i6jyaXpu-00165-00064016-00064434 those dance came out I'd say pretty darn 408i6jyaXpu-00166-00064215-00064580 nice there might be a little tug in the 408i6jyaXpu-00167-00064434-00064890 wave right at where it was the most 408i6jyaXpu-00168-00064580-00065105 severe but we showed it to the customer 408i6jyaXpu-00169-00064890-00065286 they're super happy with it I think it 408i6jyaXpu-00170-00065105-00065508 came out looking pretty darn nice for 408i6jyaXpu-00171-00065286-00065721 what we were attempting I mean this was 408i6jyaXpu-00172-00065508-00065943 a large probably 14 inches worth of 408i6jyaXpu-00173-00065721-00066084 dented area we got it up this thing's 408i6jyaXpu-00174-00065943-00066432 all secure this thing's all secure 408i6jyaXpu-00175-00066084-00066567 didn't have to take anything apart and 408i6jyaXpu-00176-00066432-00066705 once again I will say I sure do 408i6jyaXpu-00177-00066567-00066930 appreciate everybody clicking on this 408i6jyaXpu-00178-00066705-00067167 video if you would hit that subscribe 408i6jyaXpu-00179-00066930-00067356 and hit those notification bells you'll 408i6jyaXpu-00180-00067167-00067647 be notified every time we make a new 408i6jyaXpu-00181-00067356-00067815 video other than that you know hey I'll 408i6jyaXpu-00182-00067647-00068096 just say the thing this has been PDR in 408i6jyaXpu-00183-00067815-00068096 a mouth piece 40bk4ZyHmck-00000-00000282-00000623 Hello everyone in a new video from emy yummy channel 40bk4ZyHmck-00001-00000623-00000913 I prepare you a chocolate muffin with banana and honey 40bk4ZyHmck-00002-00000913-00001190 to offer our children something sweety, but healthy and useful 40bk4ZyHmck-00003-00002881-00003188 Ingredients: 1 cup of whole wheat flour 40bk4ZyHmck-00004-00003500-00003760 1/3 cup of white flour 40bk4ZyHmck-00005-00004028-00004270 4 tablespoons of raw cocoa 40bk4ZyHmck-00006-00004486-00004767 An egg 40bk4ZyHmck-00007-00005000-00005280 1/4 cup of milk 40bk4ZyHmck-00008-00005474-00005724 1/4 cup of oil 40bk4ZyHmck-00009-00005742-00005986 1/3 cup of honey 40bk4ZyHmck-00010-00006170-00006424 3/4 cup of yogurt 40bk4ZyHmck-00011-00006670-00007136 3 small bananas or 2 large bananas 40bk4ZyHmck-00012-00007660-00007860 1/4 tsp. salt 40bk4ZyHmck-00013-00007967-00008296 1 tsp. baking soda 1 tsp. baking powder Vanilla 40bk4ZyHmck-00014-00008496-00008760 Dark chocolate for topping 40bk4ZyHmck-00015-00010103-00010833 Start by mashing bananas, preferably more ripe bananas 40bk4ZyHmck-00016-00013577-00014050 Add the egg and honey to it 40bk4ZyHmck-00017-00021166-00021714 Add yogurt, oil and milk, all these ingredients add a higher nutritional value 40bk4ZyHmck-00018-00027309-00027690 Add salt, baking powder, baking soda and vanilla 40bk4ZyHmck-00019-00029553-00029866 Add whole wheat flour 40bk4ZyHmck-00020-00033886-00034184 And white flour 40bk4ZyHmck-00021-00037039-00037318 Last ingredient is cocoa 40bk4ZyHmck-00022-00040350-00040818 It’s an easy recipe and you do not need a mixer, but only the whisker 40bk4ZyHmck-00023-00045444-00045825 Cut the chocolate into small pieces for topping 40bk4ZyHmck-00024-00046237-00046656 For all muffins we need 4 Pieces of this kind of chocolate 40bk4ZyHmck-00025-00051407-00051789 Pour the batter into cupcake molds, but leave space for baking 40bk4ZyHmck-00026-00056710-00057152 Garnish with chocolate pieces or with chocolate chips 40bk4ZyHmck-00027-00058389-00058807 This recipe makes 16 pieces of muffins 40bk4ZyHmck-00028-00063442-00063896 put into a preheated oven at 190°C for 20-25 minutes 40bk4ZyHmck-00029-00064393-00064751 make a toothpick test 40bk4ZyHmck-00030-00065878-00066333 What a soft, fluffy and delicious muffin 40bk4ZyHmck-00031-00066417-00066957 If you like the video, press the like button, share and subscribe to the channel 441rtQrtEeg-00000-00000126-00000822 Hi Maxime here. Today I'd like to welcome Athanasios Baltzis from the comparative 441rtQrtEeg-00001-00000822-00001380 bioinformatics group at the center for genomics regulation in Barcelona. 441rtQrtEeg-00002-00001464-00002052 He's going to talk about proteinfold, which is pipeline I'm really looking forward to 441rtQrtEeg-00003-00002052-00002634 know more. It is before the first release, which is from what I hear, coming soon. 441rtQrtEeg-00004-00002760-00003240 Before we actually start I'd like to thank thank the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative for helping us out, 441rtQrtEeg-00005-00003240-00003852 and the listeners. You will be able to admit yourself at the end of the talk for questions. 441rtQrtEeg-00006-00004320-00005142 Thank you Maxime for the nice introduction. I'm very happy today that I will present the nf-core 441rtQrtEeg-00007-00005142-00005730 proteinfold pipeline, best practice bioinformatics pipeline for protein structure prediction. 441rtQrtEeg-00008-00005904-00007044 Let me introduce first myself.I'm a PhD fellow in Cedric Notredame's Lab at the Center for 441rtQrtEeg-00009-00007044-00007830 genomic regulation in Barcelona and my thesis is about applications of protein 441rtQrtEeg-00010-00007830-00008232 structure modeling on multiple sequence alignment and phylogenetic reconstruction. 441rtQrtEeg-00011-00008424-00009192 This is where it connects to protein structure prediction methods because I am very interested 441rtQrtEeg-00012-00009192-00010026 in all these tools. I use them in my daily routine. Let's first start with the brief 441rtQrtEeg-00013-00010026-00010860 introduction to protein structure prediction. As you may know there is cast data on experimental 441rtQrtEeg-00014-00010860-00011550 protein structures, mainly due to technical difficulties with the already existing techniques. 441rtQrtEeg-00015-00011688-00012528 It is a long-standing question for the community how can we start from 1D amino 441rtQrtEeg-00016-00012528-00013434 acid sequence to go to a 3D structure and gain more insight into the function of the proteins, 441rtQrtEeg-00017-00013697-00014538 this is the the so-called protein folding problem. For this reason many techniques have 441rtQrtEeg-00018-00014538-00015606 been developed during the the last mid-century and can be categorized into two main categories: 441rtQrtEeg-00019-00015606-00016458 the template based methods ,for example homology modeling or fault recognition which rely on 441rtQrtEeg-00020-00016458-00017634 already existing experimental structures that are used as templates to fold the query sequence. 441rtQrtEeg-00021-00017694-00018552 And on the other hand we have also template free ab initio methods. We have a lot of categories, 441rtQrtEeg-00022-00018552-00019644 for example molecular Dynamic simulations, where we try to use physics law to find the confirmation 441rtQrtEeg-00023-00019644-00020358 with the lowest dips free energy. There are fragment-based approaches such as Rosetta 441rtQrtEeg-00024-00020412-00021084 and lately pairwise special restraint based approaches where you use techniques 441rtQrtEeg-00025-00021084-00021990 to predict the inter-residue contacts or the distances between the query protein and then 441rtQrtEeg-00026-00021990-00022818 use them as restraints in simulations, in order to get the final predictive model. 441rtQrtEeg-00027-00023364-00024252 In the last year, AlphaFold2 achieved a major breakthrough in this field and 441rtQrtEeg-00028-00024252-00025248 it's now able to predict protein structures from sequence with an unprecedented accuracy, 441rtQrtEeg-00029-00025302-00026208 near experimental accuracy, I would say. This is mainly based on the incorporation of deep 441rtQrtEeg-00030-00026208-00027186 learning frameworks in the field. For example here in the figure below, you can see a brief 441rtQrtEeg-00031-00027186-00027882 representation of the AlphaFold workflow where we start with an input sequence. You search 441rtQrtEeg-00032-00027882-00028962 genetic databases in order to form an MSA from a homologous sequence and convert it into a tensor. 441rtQrtEeg-00033-00029232-00029945 On the other hand if you search for structural templates in order to populate this pairing 441rtQrtEeg-00034-00029945-00030894 Matrix, which actually represent the interest interactions of the input sequence. AlphaFold 441rtQrtEeg-00035-00030948-00031806 consists of two main neural network blocks: the Evo former, where it gets ensembled the MSA 441rtQrtEeg-00036-00031806-00032796 representation and the pair representation. The MSA representation tries to populate and optimize 441rtQrtEeg-00037-00032796-00033840 the pair representation Matrix. Afterwards we have the structure module, where we convert these two 441rtQrtEeg-00038-00033840-00034962 type of tensors into a tensor that contains the translations and rotation of the model and during 441rtQrtEeg-00039-00034962-00036000 the learning process this is optimized. Finally it gives us a final 3D structure. Of course for 441rtQrtEeg-00040-00036000-00036756 better performance and accuracy this happens three times, there are three recycling steps. 441rtQrtEeg-00041-00036900-00037782 After the release of AlphaFold there were several other tools with similar, 441rtQrtEeg-00042-00037782-00038796 or even better, accuracy and performance than AlphaFold. But the problem with this software is, 441rtQrtEeg-00043-00038796-00039762 that they have a lot of dependencies, and mainly we refer to the genetic databases you 441rtQrtEeg-00044-00039762-00040290 need at this step here, in order to build the input multiple sequence alignment. 441rtQrtEeg-00045-00040794-00042078 As many labs and researchers in the community try to use Alpha fold in a large scale - as we did in 441rtQrtEeg-00046-00042078-00043128 our msaaf2 nextflow pipeline - we were interested into develop a pipeline that can take care of all 441rtQrtEeg-00047-00043128-00043848 these dependencies: the databases, the AlphaFold parameters,... in order to be able to get 441rtQrtEeg-00048-00043920-00045084 fast and as reproducible as possible predictive models. After the release of our pipeline here 441rtQrtEeg-00049-00045366-00045900 many researchers got in contact with us, from the academic or the private sector, that were 441rtQrtEeg-00050-00045900-00046608 interested for a scalable AlphaFold pipeline, that deals with this problem with the dependencies. 441rtQrtEeg-00051-00046872-00047526 For this reason we got in contact with nf-core and Seqera labs and we collaborated 441rtQrtEeg-00052-00047526-00048294 in order to develop such a scalable protein structure prediction pipeline. 441rtQrtEeg-00053-00048552-00049026 Here we have an overview of what we already have at the moment. 441rtQrtEeg-00054-00049224-00049878 As you can see we have four modes, mainly based on two sub workflows: The AlphaFold2 441rtQrtEeg-00055-00049944-00051168 and the CollabFold. Let's go through this overview step-by-step. We start with the input sample set 441rtQrtEeg-00056-00051168-00052055 which is quite similar with the the input that is already used in the majority of nf-core pipelines. 441rtQrtEeg-00057-00052110-00052950 It's a bit different in the sense that here we have a comma separated file with two columns. 441rtQrtEeg-00058-00052950-00053538 The first column is the sequence header and the second column is the path to the .fasta file. 441rtQrtEeg-00059-00053760-00054450 For monomer predictions it is recommended to use multiple entries. For its monomer 441rtQrtEeg-00060-00054450-00054966 sequence you want to predict and here you have an example of a fasta file. 441rtQrtEeg-00061-00055098-00056238 For multiple predictions it is recommended to use one entry with a corresponding to a multi-fasta 441rtQrtEeg-00062-00056238-00057108 file. For example here you have this multimer and you have a look here at the multifasta file 441rtQrtEeg-00063-00057108-00057996 containing as many entries as the sub units that you want to predict for this multi-mer. 441rtQrtEeg-00064-00058308-00059064 Once the pipeline checks for the validity of the input, you have two options, two sub-workflows. 441rtQrtEeg-00065-00059129-00060066 The first one is the AlphaFold2. The sub workflow where it first passes through the 441rtQrtEeg-00066-00060066-00060978 prepare AlphaFold2 sub-workflow, which checks if you have provided the af2db parameter, 441rtQrtEeg-00067-00061062-00062208 which specifies the path where the pipeline can find all the databases and the parameters 441rtQrtEeg-00068-00062208-00062867 that AlphaFold will use, if you have downloaded them. Otherwise it downloads those themselves to 441rtQrtEeg-00069-00062867-00063467 the required databases and model parameters. I would like to point out at this point that this 441rtQrtEeg-00070-00063467-00064122 is quite computationally expensive since it has to download around 2.2 terabytes. 441rtQrtEeg-00071-00064296-00065022 You can use AlphaFold in two modes. The first one is the default one where you just feed 441rtQrtEeg-00072-00065022-00066114 the input CSV to the AlphaFold and it computes the input multiple sequence alignment and does 441rtQrtEeg-00073-00066114-00066744 the model inference in the same process. But for the sake of computational cost, 441rtQrtEeg-00074-00066858-00068010 we also implemented another mode of AlphaFold, we call it AlphaFold split, where it gets the input 441rtQrtEeg-00075-00068010-00069114 CSV and the .fasta and produces the input MSA in a separate process than the model inference. 441rtQrtEeg-00076-00069324-00070152 If you think about it, this is quite convenient for example in Cloud infrastructures because 441rtQrtEeg-00077-00070284-00071106 this step, the af2 prediction step, requires GPU. If you run 441rtQrtEeg-00078-00071340-00072234 these two steps in the default mode on GPUs, it's much more computationally expensive, it costs much 441rtQrtEeg-00079-00072234-00073038 more than af2 split. You can specify these two modes using the standard, the af2 parameter here, 441rtQrtEeg-00080-00073110-00073614 TRUE for the default AlphaFold and FALSE for the AlphaFold split. 441rtQrtEeg-00081-00073872-00074832 The second sub-workflow is about COLABFOLD. We have more or less a similar strategy. 441rtQrtEeg-00082-00074832-00075498 We have the prepare COLABFOLD sub-workflow, where you can specify if you have already downloaded 441rtQrtEeg-00083-00075498-00076128 the databases and the required parameters of the model. You can specify the path using the 441rtQrtEeg-00084-00076128-00076890 COLABFOLD DB parameter, otherwise it downloads automatically the required databases and model 441rtQrtEeg-00085-00076890-00077688 parameters and here again it requires a lot of storage - around 1.8 terabytes. 441rtQrtEeg-00086-00077802-00078504 We have two modes in the COLABFOLD as well. The default mode is the COLABFOLD web server, 441rtQrtEeg-00087-00078504-00079674 where you depend on a web server that can run the database search and MSA creation. 441rtQrtEeg-00088-00079674-00080754 By default this web server is the one provided by a mm6, team but using the 441rtQrtEeg-00089-00080754-00081522 parameter host URL you can specify the URL to your custom web server, f you have set it up. 441rtQrtEeg-00090-00081708-00082350 In order to to specify this mode - the COLABFOLD web server - you just have 441rtQrtEeg-00091-00082350-00083280 to use the mode parameter. The second one is the COLAB-for-local mode and it's quite similar to 441rtQrtEeg-00092-00083280-00084072 the AlphaFold split mode we have seen in the last slide, in the sense that if you first 441rtQrtEeg-00093-00084072-00084780 have a process to compute, the input multiple sequence alignment (we're using the mm6)and 441rtQrtEeg-00094-00084780-00085464 then you have a separate process for the model inference and the protein structure prediction. 441rtQrtEeg-00095-00085668-00086112 You can specify it using the mode parameter of the pipeline. 441rtQrtEeg-00096-00086370-00086700 Let's have a look at the some more advanced parameters. 441rtQrtEeg-00097-00086772-00087558 For example the --use_gpus parameter when available, because as I explained before 441rtQrtEeg-00098-00087558-00089124 it's a much more computationally expensive to use only CPUs, especially in the prediction steps. But 441rtQrtEeg-00099-00089124-00089994 you should also pay attention to the configuration profile we are using in combination with the GPU. 441rtQrtEeg-00100-00090144-00091044 To define the corresponding prediction process to the GPU or machines you have in 441rtQrtEeg-00101-00091044-00092202 your infrastructure. For example we have in the GitHub repository of the pipeline a CRG 441rtQrtEeg-00102-00092202-00093024 institutional profile that we are using at the moment, so we can have a look. With the --outdir 441rtQrtEeg-00103-00093024-00093816 parameter you can specify the output directory. This applies for all of the nf-core Pipelines. 441rtQrtEeg-00104-00094020-00095016 Some specific AlphaFold2 options. The --full_dbs parameter where you can select if you want to use 441rtQrtEeg-00105-00095016-00095850 the full databases for the first part of the sequence search and the creation of the MSA, 441rtQrtEeg-00106-00095850-00096624 or you can use a reduced version of the databases, which means that the pipeline will run faster, 441rtQrtEeg-00107-00096720-00097902 but with a bit of a trade-off in accuracy of the produced model. The --model_preset parameter, 441rtQrtEeg-00108-00097902-00098766 where you have to specify what type of prediction you want to do and which model to use. For example 441rtQrtEeg-00109-00098766-00099690 we have a three monomer model, the default is this one. The other two are actually provided 441rtQrtEeg-00110-00099690-00100380 by the AlphaFold2 team for reproducibility purposes. This one was used in the Casp 441rtQrtEeg-00111-00100380-00101124 competition casp14 competition for example, or the multimer model for multiple predictions. 441rtQrtEeg-00112-00101208-00101892 Regarding the COLABFOLD specific options. You can specify the model type, 441rtQrtEeg-00113-00101892-00102798 the AlphaFold PDM, which is the default for monomers and to a multimer models 441rtQrtEeg-00114-00102858-00103878 the the most improved version is the default the version 2. You can also specify if you want to use 441rtQrtEeg-00115-00103878-00104832 pdb structure templates or not in the first step, where you populate the pair representation Matrix. 441rtQrtEeg-00116-00105000-00105678 You can find also some more specific and detailed description on the parameters 441rtQrtEeg-00117-00105678-00106332 available at the moment in the corresponding web page of the nf-core proteinfold pipeline. 441rtQrtEeg-00118-00106668-00107508 Regarding the output. Here you can see the tree structure of the produced output. If you 441rtQrtEeg-00119-00107508-00108522 use AlphaFold you have an AlphaFold directory and one more subdirectory with the sequence name you 441rtQrtEeg-00120-00108522-00109146 have provided in your CSV file that contains the computed MSA. It further contains the unrelaxed 441rtQrtEeg-00121-00109146-00109883 and relaxed structures the rank structures the raw model output, some metadata and of course timings. 441rtQrtEeg-00122-00110208-00111108 The first ranked model that probably is what you want to use in your research and that 441rtQrtEeg-00123-00111108-00112200 contains as well the pldt scores, which is the confidence metric used by AlphaFold per residue. 441rtQrtEeg-00124-00112332-00113100 Another directory contains symbolic links to the downloaded databases and parameter files. 441rtQrtEeg-00125-00113100-00113922 The same applies for COLABFOLD, where you have an output directory depending on the mode you 441rtQrtEeg-00126-00113922-00114635 have selected: COLABFOLD web server or COLABFOLD local, that contains all this information we have 441rtQrtEeg-00127-00114635-00115704 explained for AlphaFold, and the symbolic links to the downloaded databases. Of course as in all the 441rtQrtEeg-00128-00115704-00116670 nf-core pipelines there is a directory with the pipeline in for execution Trace files and so on. 441rtQrtEeg-00129-00116982-00118098 What are the next steps? We are now at this point that we have to set up and run the AWS full tests, 441rtQrtEeg-00130-00118098-00118866 in order to create the first release of the pipeline. In future releases we are planning 441rtQrtEeg-00131-00118866-00119640 to add more open source proteins to actual prediction tools, such as open fold, or even a 441rtQrtEeg-00132-00119640-00120533 newer generation of prediction tools, such as esm fault or Omega fault, which use protein language 441rtQrtEeg-00133-00120533-00121620 models and are for this reason about an order of magnitude faster than AlphaFold or COLABFOLD, 441rtQrtEeg-00134-00121764-00122874 without losing accuracy. In fact they have the the same levels, or even better levels, of accuracy. 441rtQrtEeg-00135-00123114-00123461 We're also interested in incorporating more advanced software for protein-protein 441rtQrtEeg-00136-00123461-00124458 interaction such as FoldDock, because there are plenty of researcher interested in predicting a 441rtQrtEeg-00137-00124542-00126126 advanced multimers, and moreover, to add to solve bug fixes and add more optimization upon request, 441rtQrtEeg-00138-00126359-00126894 we are very open to contributions and ideas, 441rtQrtEeg-00139-00126966-00127818 in order to improve even more the pipeline and adapt it to the needs of the community. So please 441rtQrtEeg-00140-00127818-00128646 do not hesitate to contact us and propose or contribute to the already existing Repository. 441rtQrtEeg-00141-00128952-00129654 At this point, before finishing, I would like to thank my colleagues. First from 441rtQrtEeg-00142-00129654-00130500 the Notredame's lab, Jose Espinosa and Luisa Santus, that are contributing to this pipeline, 441rtQrtEeg-00143-00130500-00131448 as well Seqera labs and especially Harshil Patel, for all the guidance and the help during the 441rtQrtEeg-00144-00131448-00132102 implementation process. Also I would like to thank the collaborators from the Interline Therapeutics, 441rtQrtEeg-00145-00132102-00132714 especially Norma Gudager and Walid Usman, for testing the pipeline in the cloud. 441rtQrtEeg-00146-00133050-00133812 Thank you for your attention and I would be very happy to answer if you have any question and 441rtQrtEeg-00147-00133956-00134070 that's it, thank you. 441rtQrtEeg-00148-00134172-00134808 (Maxime) Thank you very much for the amazing talk. I will allow everyone to 441rtQrtEeg-00149-00134808-00135426 unmute themselves if anyone has any question. Please, let's go. 441rtQrtEeg-00150-00135426-00136122 (Question) Otherwise I have one question. So at the moment you only have AlphaFold2. And 441rtQrtEeg-00151-00136122-00136758 you are planning to add more tools, but not in this first release but in the comming one, 441rtQrtEeg-00152-00136758-00137706 right? I assume that the main issue with having more tools is that, it's a lot of databases that 441rtQrtEeg-00153-00137706-00138672 you need as an input. (Answer) Exactly that's true because each tool uses its own databases, 441rtQrtEeg-00154-00138834-00139590 so you need a lot of storage to be able to test everything or even to compare between tools. 441rtQrtEeg-00155-00139590-00140304 (Question) May I ask along this line. So you basically retrain the model every time you run 441rtQrtEeg-00156-00140304-00140928 the pipeline, or at least like every time an institution retrains their model from scratch, 441rtQrtEeg-00157-00140928-00141534 or do you use pre-trained models. (Answer) We use pre-trained models. We just download 441rtQrtEeg-00158-00141534-00142272 the already provided models by AlphaFold (Question) And it still takes these huge 441rtQrtEeg-00159-00142272-00142764 databases? (Answer) yes, because this is separate from the training process. 441rtQrtEeg-00160-00142854-00143388 These databases are needed in order to create the input multiple sequence alignments, 441rtQrtEeg-00161-00143490-00144336 to actually have this or all these bunch of homologous sequences, in order for the model to be 441rtQrtEeg-00162-00144336-00144936 able to find all the correlations, the interesting new correlations and form the final model. 441rtQrtEeg-00163-00145422-00147006 (Maxime) I think we are good with the number of questions. Thanks again, that was an amazing talk 441rtQrtEeg-00164-00147006-00147672 now I'm super happy to have learned more about it. I'm really hoping like to see this release coming. 492a3bfGvH8-00000-00000021-00000291 I.T. is fun because you get to build stuff. 492a3bfGvH8-00001-00000291-00000513 I remember when I was a little kid, 492a3bfGvH8-00002-00000513-00000739 I used my Commodore 64 computer 492a3bfGvH8-00003-00000739-00000939 to build a pong game from scratch. 492a3bfGvH8-00004-00000939-00001239 I went on to write lots of other applications, 492a3bfGvH8-00005-00001239-00001798 and my Master's Project at university was to complete an application testing program. 492a3bfGvH8-00006-00001798-00002146 That feeling of achievement, of creating something from nothing, 492a3bfGvH8-00007-00002146-00002414 continues to drive my passion for technology today. 49kaRcr7kyQ-00000-00000000-00000392 Title: Simontive 7 Episode 6: Some Response to a Cake 49kaRcr7kyQ-00001-00000850-00001348 Mr. Dinosaur: I reckon that you can start the broadcast, Dabbling. You are ready for broadcast. 49kaRcr7kyQ-00002-00001378-00001430 *morse code* 49kaRcr7kyQ-00003-00001440-00001490 *alarm* 49kaRcr7kyQ-00004-00001564-00001654 Dabbling: Hello everybody. 49kaRcr7kyQ-00005-00001673-00002812 Dabbling: We must be on high alert since there were fake signs which could lead to many different accidents due to the wrong conversions, and all citizens should be alert for any future actions. 49kaRcr7kyQ-00006-00002906-00002968 *morse code* 49kaRcr7kyQ-00007-00002984-00003040 *alarm* 49kaRcr7kyQ-00008-00003082-00003668 Mr. Dinosaur: That sounds good. Hopefully my appearance will make them less anxious that this was a hijack. 49kaRcr7kyQ-00009-00003724-00004092 Title: Sofa Territory 49kaRcr7kyQ-00010-00004140-00004726 Simon: What information do you have on the Dogland Rebel Organization and Dogland Terrorist Organization? 49kaRcr7kyQ-00011-00004778-00005308 Yi: That makes no sense since they are the same organization with the same goals. 49kaRcr7kyQ-00012-00005340-00006060 Yi: Some information that we have is that there are mysterious forces controlling DRO since we left. 49kaRcr7kyQ-00013-00006108-00006681 Yi: I have to make sure that Sofa Territory can be treated as neutral ground. 49kaRcr7kyQ-00014-00006776-00007409 Simon: That might be a good idea. Well, we could combat the cake. I can tell Kimon to do a background check. 49kaRcr7kyQ-00015-00007445-00007838 Title: Jail, Simon's Island, Budland 49kaRcr7kyQ-00016-00007908-00008632 Kimon: Simon wants me to do a background check on the chef. Well, I can get some information from the FBI. Hopefully they won’t open up. 49kaRcr7kyQ-00017-00008688-00008932 Mr. Dinosaur: Well. What information did you get? 49kaRcr7kyQ-00018-00009026-00009810 Kimon: The chef’s name is immune from much of the background check data. At least there is some data that he is a DRO member. Perfect lead. 49kaRcr7kyQ-00019-00009866-00010102 Mr. Dinosaur: I should tell Simon right now. 49kaRcr7kyQ-00020-00010166-00010534 Title: Simon's Island Airport 49kaRcr7kyQ-00021-00010576-00010972 Simon: This will be protected in a diplomatic pouch leaving very soon. 49kaRcr7kyQ-00022-00010980-00011188 Limberwisk Department of mail 4q5gAq2tIDu-00000-00000376-00001032 hey guys um this video is going to be about idols okay um this is the very first commandment 4q5gAq2tIDu-00001-00001184-00001592 for a reason because this is the one that always gets everybody down there okay 4q5gAq2tIDu-00002-00002240-00002592 thou shalt have no other gods besides me that shall not take 4q5gAq2tIDu-00003-00002664-00003208 thou shall not make unto thee any graven image or any likeness of anything that is in or 4q5gAq2tIDu-00004-00003208-00003864 in heaven above or is in the earth beneath or is in the water under the earth thou shalt not 4q5gAq2tIDu-00005-00003864-00004496 bow down thyself to them or nor serve them for i the lord that god am a jealous god visiting the 4q5gAq2tIDu-00006-00004496-00004984 iniquity of the fathers upon the children of the third and fourth generations of them that hate me 4q5gAq2tIDu-00007-00005360-00005888 okay this is the part one thing you have to really pay attention to okay this is very important 4q5gAq2tIDu-00008-00006608-00007120 well it talks about not making thou shall not make onto the any graven image that means you guys 4q5gAq2tIDu-00009-00007120-00007784 this is very serious okay um or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above or 4q5gAq2tIDu-00010-00007784-00008095 in the earth beneath or in the water under earth that means anything 4q5gAq2tIDu-00011-00008192-00008560 i know you guys don't understand this is why god says don't trust in your own understanding he 4q5gAq2tIDu-00012-00008560-00009152 knows you don't understand this stuff i know why okay i learned the hard way um these i 4q5gAq2tIDu-00013-00009152-00009616 what are what are your idols you think i know like i was in catechism and i thought idols were like 4q5gAq2tIDu-00014-00009616-00010472 okay like other gods like i'm not worshiping statues of other gods um it's it just of course 4q5gAq2tIDu-00015-00010472-00010944 but it just doesn't mean that it means anything because you don't understand how um 4q5gAq2tIDu-00016-00010944-00011616 that how sneaky the devil is okay he's very sneaky anything's an idol even if it seems innocent okay 4q5gAq2tIDu-00017-00011712-00012288 there's an old lady right now making birdhouses all day and she's gonna and that's her idol 4q5gAq2tIDu-00018-00012376-00012816 okay that's her idol because she's putting that before god and that's all it takes that the devil 4q5gAq2tIDu-00019-00012816-00013736 doesn't have to do any other tricks other than that he she's mine okay um and in hell 4q5gAq2tIDu-00020-00013872-00014352 no joke your idols come to life and they torture you forever like no joke it's not like you guys 4q5gAq2tIDu-00021-00014352-00014912 don't realize that these things that you were are putting before god they turn real down there okay 4q5gAq2tIDu-00022-00014976-00015456 if you like movies those movies or what what you're really doing is worshiping 4q5gAq2tIDu-00023-00015456-00016096 things are down there okay they're they're from the um demonic realm um 4q5gAq2tIDu-00024-00016280-00016888 and what are idols like so if you're watching netflix if you're into like even scenes are 4q5gAq2tIDu-00025-00016888-00017400 it's devils doesn't play fair guys he doesn't play fair okay it can be something innocent 4q5gAq2tIDu-00026-00017400-00018000 like are you praying to marry too much are you playing praying to mary it says not to do that 4q5gAq2tIDu-00027-00018000-00018488 okay you guys don't pray to saints don't pray to these things the bible tells you not to do 4q5gAq2tIDu-00028-00018488-00019048 that for a reason because you don't understand okay you don't understand that these things um 4q5gAq2tIDu-00029-00019176-00019640 even though you think that it's okay to pray to these things or you think it's okay it's 4q5gAq2tIDu-00030-00019640-00020096 not it's going to something else other than god even though you don't i know it's hard 4q5gAq2tIDu-00031-00020096-00020848 for you to understand but it's going down there okay um all that energy goes down there okay um 4q5gAq2tIDu-00032-00021056-00021712 and it seems so innocent if you like it you idle anything you put before god in jesus anything it 4q5gAq2tIDu-00033-00021712-00022464 could be um if you're into too much exercise if you're into anything the devil's sneaky it doesn't 4q5gAq2tIDu-00034-00022464-00022936 he doesn't care what you're doing as long as your focus is off jesus he doesn't care if you're doing 4q5gAq2tIDu-00035-00022936-00023504 10 other things not just one thing other than him it's all an idol okay it doesn't matter the 4q5gAq2tIDu-00036-00023504-00024080 devil's sneaky don't care he doesn't he doesn't even have to try very hard he has all these 4q5gAq2tIDu-00037-00024080-00024584 netflix shows for you he has why do you think there's so many books and this book right here 4q5gAq2tIDu-00038-00024584-00025088 is the last one you ever think about think about why that when we our reality why that is okay 4q5gAq2tIDu-00039-00025280-00025983 um um all your idols they'll haunt you down there i'm not kidding they come to life down 4q5gAq2tIDu-00040-00025983-00026680 there for real but it shows the in the spirit realm it shows you these things are what these 4q5gAq2tIDu-00041-00026680-00027312 things really are they're not they're not innocent okay they're monsters they come alive down there 4q5gAq2tIDu-00042-00027368-00027720 i remember parts of it and i'll get into them every other video but please 4q5gAq2tIDu-00043-00027792-00028183 pick up that bible pray to jesus that's what you should be doing not 4q5gAq2tIDu-00044-00028480-00028976 not spending your time you know what your priorities are what you spend your time into don't 4q5gAq2tIDu-00045-00028976-00029656 say that oh yeah i love jesus more than my netflix show or my book when you're literally reading you 4q5gAq2tIDu-00046-00029656-00030280 never even picked up the bible or read or anything or pray to jesus and like yours like i did okay 4q5gAq2tIDu-00047-00030280-00030824 all those things are idols so even if you just really think about this stuff guys okay i want 4q5gAq2tIDu-00048-00030824-00031632 you to think about it and try to pick up that bible try to pray um focus on it all right thanks 4q5gAq2tIDu-00049-00031824-00032383 say you had your whole life to read the bible and you didn't okay you just didn't okay 4q5gAq2tIDu-00050-00032448-00032608 in your whole life to read it and 4q5gAq2tIDu-00051-00032824-00033448 but you have um you're about to die you're dying that day okay if you have god gives you 4q5gAq2tIDu-00052-00033448-00034136 jesus gives you into your last breath like say i jesus i'm sorry for everything i mean it and 4q5gAq2tIDu-00053-00034136-00034696 he'll forgive you that for until your last breath so if you guys are ever like in trouble and um 4q5gAq2tIDu-00054-00034984-00035360 um you really um and you're scared and like you just don't know what to do and you're 4q5gAq2tIDu-00055-00035360-00036128 like scared of dying like just please say like jesus forgive me of my sins please and he will 4q5gAq2tIDu-00056-00036128-00036784 okay up into your very last breath breath he'll do it okay so try it try it doesn't matter 4q5gAq2tIDu-00057-00036848-00037448 okay say jesus come into my life come into my heart okay i'm sorry all right okay 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00000-00000352-00001064 shalom and welcome to via after israel a hebrew phrase which means you shall love israel we hope 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00001-00001064-00001560 you'll stay with us for the next 30 minutes as our teacher dr baruch shares his expository teaching 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00002-00001560-00002152 from the bible dr baruch is the senior lecturer at the zara avraham institute based in israel 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00003-00002152-00002616 although all courses are taught in hebrew at the institute dr baruch is pleased to share this 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00004-00002616-00003168 weekly address in english to find out more about our work in israel please visit us on the web 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00005-00003168-00003992 at loveisreal.org that's one word loveisreal.org now here's baruch with today's lesson 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00006-00004224-00005008 why do people find god's displeasure that is to say why will they experience god's eternal 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00007-00005008-00005864 condemnation it is because they do not want to submit to the truth of god usually it's not 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00008-00005864-00006600 because they are unaware of the things of god in fact their conscience usually has convicted them 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00009-00006600-00007600 that yeshua is indeed the messiah of israel but they simply do not want to obey and do god's will 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00010-00007672-00008352 because they are committed to their own desires take out your bible and look with me to the book 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00011-00008352-00009104 of matthew and chapter 21 the book of matthew and chapter 21 we're going to begin in the verse 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00012-00009104-00010128 23 and we see that yeshua previously he was in the temple and he's still in the temple teaching 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00013-00010224-00011080 and it's with that in mind that religious leaders now these individuals they are wise they have 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00014-00011080-00011848 encountered already the miracles that yeshua has done he has proven over and over that he's just 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00015-00011848-00012720 not a mere man but the one sent from heaven to be the redeemer and notice what happens look with me 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00016-00012720-00013680 as i said to this 23rd verse in matthew chapter 21 we read and entering into the temple now this is 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00017-00013680-00014472 yeshua having come into the temple we find that he was teaching and it's in the midst of his teaching 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00018-00014472-00014991 that there's an encounter with who notice what it says in the second part of verse 23 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00019-00015063-00015824 the high priest and the elders of the people now these individuals the high priests and the elders 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00020-00015904-00016896 they had authority both religious authority but also they represented under the roman empire 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00021-00016896-00017616 they represented israel's government for the jewish people and they witnessed what we 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00022-00017616-00018288 talked about last week and what was that how you sure how he came into the temple 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00023-00018288-00019032 and found people not truly worshiping god not obeying the word of god the commandments of god 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00024-00019104-00019720 but what were they doing they were profiting and they were doing so in a way that wasn't 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00025-00019720-00020568 even honest he says you have made my house the house of god a place of prayer for all people 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00026-00020624-00021360 he says you have made it into a den of thieves they were stealing from people 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00027-00021360-00022120 they weren't serving god they were serving their own purposes and you remember that he responded 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00028-00022120-00022960 he responded by overturning the tables of those who were changing money and also who 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00029-00022960-00023728 were selling doves and those who were buying and selling he threw out physically he threw them out 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00030-00023824-00024480 and these leaders they confronted him they didn't get the response that they wanted so when he began 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00031-00024480-00025200 teaching they once more confronted him i want you to pay close attention to their question 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00032-00025264-00025895 because it all has to do with authority and they asked him in the middle of this verse 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00033-00026016-00026768 they were saying by what authority these things what things what we talked about 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00034-00026768-00027448 him throwing these people out overturning the tables and the seats and putting a stop 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00035-00027520-00028200 to that which is displeasing to god that's what messiah will do for you if you invite 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00036-00028200-00028912 him into your life if you submit to him he will lead you to stop doing those things which are 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00037-00028912-00029800 displeasing to god so ask yourself what is more important to you doing what you want or 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00038-00029888-00030448 doing what god wants let's say it another way pleasing yourself or pleasing god 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00039-00030552-00031312 you have a limited amount of time in this world and the counsel of god's will is this 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00040-00031383-00032136 that you would be wise enough humble enough live sacrificially in order that you would be well 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00041-00032136-00033080 pleasing to god and not in an objective of simply trying to serve self serving self will not bring 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00042-00033080-00034008 joy into your life but serving god obeying him it will become the delight of not only this life 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00043-00034008-00034888 but for all eternity so these leaders they come to him and say by what authority these things 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00044-00034944-00035976 you do and they followed up with a similar question who to you gave this authority 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00045-00036032-00036720 so by what authority and more specifically who it is they gave you this authority to behave 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00046-00036720-00037392 in this way and perhaps to say the things that he was teaching look now to verse 24. 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00047-00037528-00038336 but that is in contrast to what they wanted their objectives it says yeshua he answered he said to 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00048-00038336-00039288 them i will ask you also one word that's literally what it says one word it's one thing one in this 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00049-00039288-00040264 context he has a question for them and he goes on to say which if you will say to me meaning if you 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00050-00040264-00041256 respond to this then he says also i to you will say by what authority these things i do 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00051-00041328-00042008 so he's not holding anything back he's not being mysterious he's saying i'll tell you exactly 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00052-00042128-00042808 the answer to your question by what authority and who it is they gave me this authority to do the 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00053-00042808-00043584 things i'm doing but first i have a question for you now notice what he's doing he's taking charge 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00054-00043648-00044424 of this situation because he is the authority he is over these high priests 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00055-00044424-00045352 he's over these elders of the people he's the son of god and he wants to demonstrate that god 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00056-00045416-00046192 has sent him into this world so he asked them a question look now to verse verse 25 something 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00057-00046192-00046720 that was familiar with all the people remember what the scripture says in matthew chapter 3 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00058-00046808-00047552 that john the baptist he came on the scene and the scripture says all all of those 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00059-00047616-00048640 in jerusalem all those in judea all those around they went out to him and his immersion 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00060-00048640-00049288 and what type of immersion was it well notice what he says here's yeshua's question to the leaders 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00061-00049344-00050328 he says the baptism of john now john's baptism and the scripture makes it very clear is a baptism of 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00062-00050328-00051200 repentance now if you're wise we would just stop for a second and you would write down repentance 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00063-00051264-00052120 is foundational you will never begin to connect with god experience god god move into your life 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00064-00052120-00052704 you'll never experience salvation you will not know the living god in your life until 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00065-00052832-00053744 you repent and it's so unfortunate today that many people they think they're sharing the 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00066-00053744-00054376 gospel they say you know you want god's help if you want to experience god's love if you 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00067-00054376-00055191 want all of these things just accept messiah the problem is they do not share an accurate 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00068-00055191-00055984 a biblical way to accept messiah you cannot and hear this very carefully you cannot receive 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00069-00055984-00056816 salvation you cannot experience god you won't know his help his assistance his power in your life his 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00070-00056816-00057672 illumination having his perspective unless you repent and that involves understanding what is 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00071-00057672-00058391 sin embracing acknowledging god's standards not yours not someone else's not the world's 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00072-00058448-00059232 but god's standards and acknowledging that how you have lived in the past how you're living right now 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00073-00059232-00060160 is in conflict and having a desire we're not saved by performance but you must did you hear that you 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00074-00060160-00061112 must it is absolutely a requirement from god you must repent meaning this having a desire 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00075-00061112-00061888 a sincere desire you can't lie to god having a sincere desire to move away from sin 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00076-00061960-00062872 your way your desires your objectives and embrace the standards of god here again you're not saved 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00077-00062872-00063496 by your performance but if you don't have a desire to obey god we're not saved by obedience but if 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00078-00063496-00064272 you do not have a desire to walk with god doing his will you will not be a recipient of his grace 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00079-00064367-00065344 so he says here the baptism of john a baptism of repentance where everyone in this area all around 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00080-00065344-00066240 judea they responded they responded because they were moved with the fact that john i'm speaking 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00081-00066240-00067104 about john the baptist that he was sent by god so he says the baptism of john from where was 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00082-00067104-00067816 it from heaven or from man i realize there's only two possibilities when we speak about anything 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00083-00067880-00068824 that has a spiritual implication something that is truly of a a godly religion what do we know 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00084-00068824-00069488 we know it's from heaven that means from god the alternative is this and this is where all 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00085-00069488-00070192 other religions are all other so-called writing spiritual writings what they would call religious 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00086-00070192-00070984 writings they are all from don't miss this they are all from man they originated with him 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00087-00070984-00071800 they're the thoughts of man they're the desires of man only this book only this book is from god 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00088-00071896-00072552 and therefore yeshua is saying he's saying to these religious leaders here's my question 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00089-00072632-00073440 the baptism of john was it from heaven meaning did god really call him send him into this world to do 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00090-00073440-00074264 that or was it for man he just operating acting behaving speaking on his own now the question 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00091-00074328-00074976 is not a hard one to understand nor is the question difficult they know the answer 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00092-00075032-00075784 but they don't want to say the answer why notice what happens verse verse 25 second part 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00093-00075896-00076496 but these notice but that's literally the conjunction it shows that that they are are 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00094-00076496-00077512 disagreeing they're in contrast to the direction of yeshua but these reasoning that means them 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00095-00077512-00078288 giving much thought to this these reasoning from themselves from their perspective their thoughts 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00096-00078352-00079272 they were saying if we say from heaven he will say to us therefore why did you not believe him 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00097-00079360-00080064 but verse 26 if we should say from man what's the problem with that well 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00098-00080064-00081208 they were fearing the people why for all hear that carefully for all were holding that john 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00099-00081208-00082208 was indeed a prophet so here's the problem they knew that john john was a humble man he was a 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00100-00082208-00082968 man that was totally committed to the things of god his attire his food his lifestyle his words 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00101-00082968-00083608 everything everything about john the baptist said that he was committed fully committed 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00102-00083608-00083920 to the things of god that's why yeshua said and we studied it 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00103-00084000-00084728 of those born of women meaning in a natural way no one has risen greater than john the baptist 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00104-00084856-00085712 so the people affirmed that they knew him he was revered as one sent by god but here's the problem 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00105-00085784-00086624 if they acknowledge the truth that he was sent by by god therefore messiah would say well he spoke 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00106-00086624-00087328 of me why don't you believe him they didn't want to why it wasn't a lack of knowledge 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00107-00087384-00088008 it wasn't because they didn't understand it was because i said this before but it's so 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00108-00088072-00088976 vital it was because they did not want to submit to god's authority again you need to ask yourself 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00109-00089064-00089920 do i want to submit to the authority of god he is god he is sovereign he is the king of 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00110-00089920-00090808 kings the lord of lords why ever should we think that we should say no to him saying no to him 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00111-00090880-00091552 is going to bring first of all it is going to rob you of joy it's going to rob you of his 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00112-00091552-00092176 provision in your life for this world and the age to come the kingdom of god 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00113-00092256-00092816 so they weren't interested in the kingdom of god they weren't interested in repentance and 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00114-00092816-00093424 they were not interested in the leadership how messiah was calling people leading them 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00115-00093424-00094224 to to live their life what to do the information that he was providing from god so they said if we 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00116-00094224-00095024 answer truthfully that john was sent by god therefore we need to accept messiah yeshua 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00117-00095024-00095856 jesus of nazareth but if we say of man the problem is this we would be disagreeing with all 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00118-00095856-00096568 the perception of the people because everyone what did the text say everyone held him to be a prophet 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00119-00096632-00097512 therefore verse 27 and answering yeshua they said we don't know it's not that they didn't know they 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00120-00097512-00098376 were lying here they didn't want to answer the question they said we don't know and move on 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00121-00098376-00099584 verse 27 second part he says to them also this nor will i say to you by what authority these things 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00122-00099704-00100656 i do now he's not complying with their objective why their objective is to put him to death 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00123-00100712-00101576 to bring an opinion that he is a shameful false teacher to bring the view upon him that he should 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00124-00101576-00102136 be stayed away from and not listen to he's not going to participate with that that deception 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00125-00102200-00103072 these individuals they may be religious leaders but they are not submitting to the will of god the 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00126-00103072-00103832 truth of god they are not honest people they are doing what instead of just answering the question 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00127-00103832-00104472 they are always looking for an angle trying to strategize in order to accomplish and here's 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00128-00104472-00105248 the problem their objectives and when you are about your will say goodbye to god god won't be 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00129-00105248-00105832 part of your life he's not going to provide he's not going to move he's not going to help assist 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00130-00105832-00106504 he's not going to give you insight that you are so desperately in need on unless you say not my will 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00131-00106504-00107208 god not my objectives not my plans for my life not my so-called destiny that that i've dreamed up 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00132-00107280-00108240 but your will oh god what you want this is what i'm committed to this is what my life needs to be 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00133-00108240-00109216 about now move on to verse verse 28. we have now an example of something but 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00134-00109368-00110088 what do you think now probably here he's turning to the crowd his disciples are most likely there 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00135-00110168-00110624 and he's turning to the crowd of people and obviously the leaders they're going to hear this 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00136-00110688-00111600 and he says what do you think and it says here the word is to have a perspective based upon that 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00137-00111600-00112776 which is obvious that what it seems to be so he says what do you think a man having two and your 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00138-00112776-00113640 bible will say sons but it's the word for child and in greek we have the masculine we have the 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00139-00113640-00114448 feminine and we also have the neuter and the word child in in greek is in the neuter what does that 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00140-00114448-00115216 mean it's not speaking about a son or a daughter but children now obviously the context is going 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00141-00115216-00116080 to be sons but here's the point that needs to be pointed out and that is he chose this word because 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00142-00116168-00116959 a son has one connotation a daughter have another but children that word usually speaks about 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00143-00116959-00117616 a family relationship and it's a term in the greek language of great endearment 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00144-00117680-00118472 so it speaks about the love that a parent in this case a father has for either a son or a daughter 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00145-00118472-00119728 he uses this word so we read here but a man having two children this case two sons and and coming to 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00146-00119728-00120583 the first he says child most bibles will say son but the term as i said of great love he says son 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00147-00120640-00121672 go away today and work in my vineyard now the word vineyard is important because there's a connection 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00148-00121672-00122416 prophetically we see this in other parables and also prophetically in the hebrew bible the 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00149-00122416-00123328 old testament that israel is called a vineyard why to produce fruit and not just any type of 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00150-00123328-00124120 fruit but grapes for the purpose of wine and in the scripture why most frequently relates to joy 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00151-00124192-00124896 so israel was supposed to be a vineyard that produced joy a heavenly joy in this world 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00152-00124952-00125944 and one that would follow us into eternity so he says go and work in my vineyard verse 29 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00153-00126048-00127176 but he answered he said i don't want but after a while it says that he and this is a word 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00154-00127176-00128064 for to have remorse it's not the normal word for repentance but it's a word that speaks about 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00155-00128064-00128759 a change of heart now this is also in the passive meaning this change came about 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00156-00128759-00129640 from something and what was that well probably his conscience he began to think about his father who 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00157-00129640-00130383 loved him who called him to do what he should be doing anyway and that is participating in 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00158-00130448-00131336 the purposes of our heavenly father and so after time he had remorse he was made to be remorseful 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00159-00131336-00132080 and he went away implying he went away to serve in that vineyard verse 30. and 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00160-00132080-00132824 coming to the second he said likewise he said the same thing verse 30 middle of the verse but 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00161-00132880-00133728 this one answered he said i meaning i will lord now that's a a great way to respond 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00162-00133816-00134848 he says yes i will do it and he speaks to his father with such a term of respect he says lord 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00163-00134912-00135848 now in this case it could mean sir but again it's a term of great great respect and it recognizes 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00164-00135848-00136512 authority so from an outward from a verbal standpoint he's doing just that but here's the 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00165-00136512-00137624 problem look at the end of verse 30 and he did not go he said that he would but he didn't verse 31 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00166-00137832-00138784 now which from the two did the father's will not a hard question even though the first one said 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00167-00138856-00139480 i don't want to go he had remorse he was made to change 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00168-00139576-00140344 and he ended up going and doing his father's will whereas the second one although he says i'll do it 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00169-00140344-00141272 sir i'll do it he did not so messiah says which of these two did their father's will 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00170-00141384-00142096 and they said to him of course the crowd all the people not a hard hard question they said to him 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00171-00142152-00143144 the first and yeshua says to them truly i say to you that the tax collectors and in its word for 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00172-00143216-00144160 prostitutes now two people that would certainly be looked down upon in society those who had turned 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00173-00144160-00144968 away from their own people and joined serving the roman empire for the purpose of collecting taxes 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00174-00145032-00146208 betrayers they did the wrong thing but when they heard the invitation when they heard about messiah 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00175-00146208-00146936 and what he was offering and the miracles that he did to confirm that he had authority god's 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00176-00146936-00147664 authority to bring about the will of god these tax collectors and these prostitutes what did they do 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00177-00147752-00148552 they changed they wanted a kingdom future so ask yourself that very important question 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00178-00148552-00149560 do you want a kingdom future he says middle verse 31 truly i say to you that the tax collectors 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00179-00149560-00150312 and the the prostitutes are going before you into the kingdom of god 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00180-00150384-00151192 now notice always always the emphasis of messiah's teaching is what the kingdom 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00181-00151192-00151936 of god and he says these individuals they weren't known for good deeds they weren't doing the right 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00182-00151936-00152784 things tax collectors and and prostitutes but what did they do they wanted a change in their life 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00183-00152840-00153560 they wanted a kingdom future and therefore they and here's the context they heard that 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00184-00153560-00154528 message from who yochanan and that's john but yochanan speaks about god's grace and they heard 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00185-00154528-00155304 john the baptist speaking about grace through repentance turning away from sin and god embracing 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00186-00155304-00156248 that one who repents and bestowing freely eternal life forgiveness of sins and being 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00187-00156248-00157104 coming a recipient of not just the people of god but the promises god has for his people so he says 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00188-00157192-00157952 they will go before you literally it says are going before you into the kingdom of god verse 32 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00189-00158152-00159280 for john came to you in the way of righteousness john came displaying showing being a righteous 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00190-00159280-00159936 one and what happened he says for john came to you in the way of righteousness 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00191-00160064-00161056 but you did not believe him did not respond but the tax collectors and the prostitutes 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00192-00161056-00161608 they believed him what was that message repentance they believed him 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00193-00161736-00162664 but you seen and pay close attention to that word seen it is a word of not just visually recognizing 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00194-00162664-00163616 something seeing it but it's a word for perceiving something see they were not operating out of of a 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00195-00163616-00164424 lack of information unknowing they had perception they had understanding but he says but you 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00196-00164424-00165384 seen you were not remorseful you could not be made to repent to turn to feel remorse afterwards 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00197-00165488-00166192 and believe who believe john and what does that mean believe the message that john shared 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00198-00166248-00166928 of messiah the lamb of god that takes away the sins of the world accept him turn 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00199-00166992-00167920 and receive god's gift of eternal life shalom from israel well we hope you will benefit from today's 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00200-00167920-00168400 message and share it with others please plan to join us each week at this time and on this 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00201-00168400-00169120 channel for our broadcast of love israel.org again to find out more about us please visit our website 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00202-00169120-00169776 love israel.org there you will find articles in numerous other lectures by baruch these teachings 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00203-00169776-00170368 are in video form may download them or watch them in streaming video until next week may the 4rZ9SlBmGuM-00204-00170368-00170984 lord bless you in our messiah yeshua that is jesus as you walk with him shalom from israel 4su31R5xwWQ-00000-00000016-00000984 hmm what should i wear today pink purple blue red why are you in my room what 4su31R5xwWQ-00001-00001560-00001888 you guys really need to stop coming into my room without my permission 4su31R5xwWQ-00002-00002152-00002568 did you know that the world is doomed okay so i found this person and then they're doing the 4su31R5xwWQ-00003-00002568-00002888 whole thing they they were outside like oh yeah you you should you should definitely 4su31R5xwWQ-00004-00002888-00003247 help us save the world stuff and you know it was it was insane it was insane i tell you and then 4su31R5xwWQ-00005-00003247-00003576 they were like they brought up the internet and then you do algorithm and i'm like oh my god what 4su31R5xwWQ-00006-00003576-00004079 about him i don't know i don't even know what these words mean and then it's crazy and then 4su31R5xwWQ-00007-00004079-00004512 basically if you don't subscribe to mahamadi right now this world is going to end it 4su31R5xwWQ-00008-00004800-00005160 red yeah leave my room right now 4su31R5xwWQ-00009-00005488-00005952 okay well i okay well i found some really good freshly baked cheesecake 4su31R5xwWQ-00010-00005952-00006240 in the castle kitchen on my way here so if you're not gonna do the first 4su31R5xwWQ-00011-00006240-00006576 thing you wanna go do the second thing and go get that instead okay 4su31R5xwWQ-00012-00006800-00007384 cheesecake sounds like cheesecake actually this is my home maddie she kind of sounds kind of cool uh 4su31R5xwWQ-00013-00007384-00007968 we should probably subscribe what's the end of the world complex transformation considering you're 4su31R5xwWQ-00014-00007968-00008480 taking your body from one form into a quadruple form any other one have any questions before i 4su31R5xwWQ-00015-00008480-00009400 terminate class no i think does it matter does it matter if you are a hairless sheep or just like 4su31R5xwWQ-00016-00009464-00010048 what why would you want to be careless atlas you need you need to be a full like you need to have 4su31R5xwWQ-00017-00010048-00010536 a full body of wool you can be a sheep of any sort of means so i would assume you should be turning 4su31R5xwWQ-00018-00010536-00010904 into a regular standard sheep but if you happen to turn into a hairless sheep you're not going to be 4su31R5xwWQ-00019-00010904-00011968 deducted any points for your grade what all right okay well with that said oh okay well right then 4su31R5xwWQ-00020-00011968-00012456 well it seems that uh one of our students is uh yes you already done with your assignment except 4su31R5xwWQ-00021-00012456-00012960 you have to actually transform into an adult sheep so please keep that in mind and uh we'll see how 4su31R5xwWQ-00022-00012960-00013319 it goes anyways class is dismissed all of you may attend to your transformations again if you 4su31R5xwWQ-00023-00013319-00013832 have any questions don't hesitate to ask before four o'clock this evening because then i have an 4su31R5xwWQ-00024-00013832-00014784 assignment to do so have fun sheep ugh that's so lame i can't believe someone's already can do it 4su31R5xwWQ-00025-00014904-00015488 yeah wait wait wait wait red didn't you say something about being a dragon right 4su31R5xwWQ-00026-00015552-00016008 oh yeah look we can probably move out of the way of the doorway just saying let's go over here 4su31R5xwWQ-00027-00016184-00016984 but wait you are actually a dragon yeah it's in my name no no that's just 4su31R5xwWQ-00028-00017312-00017936 like i'll just be laying in bed and then i'll hear just sounds of pain and you know 4su31R5xwWQ-00029-00017936-00018384 a little bit right yeah sometimes it's a very painful transformation what yeah 4su31R5xwWQ-00030-00018472-00019016 that's so cool you can turn into a dragon why are we turning into dragons for this assignment 4su31R5xwWQ-00031-00019192-00019616 yeah exactly you as a dragon would be so dangerous and i don't want to get caught by the teachers 4su31R5xwWQ-00032-00019688-00020032 i really don't get taught quite caught by the teachers so 4su31R5xwWQ-00033-00020032-00020312 cheap for you yeah you say you're so boring 4su31R5xwWQ-00034-00020784-00022072 maddie i love you so much but don't call me boring i'm sorry please there's another thing about being 4su31R5xwWQ-00035-00022072-00022584 a dragon it's it's far too advanced magic for you maddie what do you mean it's far too advanced 4su31R5xwWQ-00036-00022648-00023416 it's a dragon not a sheep but i'm a great wizard well i want to go well 4su31R5xwWQ-00037-00023528-00023952 okay just because i'm a normal human but you're a normal you can't even use a bow 4su31R5xwWQ-00038-00023952-00024456 no i'm not human but you can use a bow you can't even use a bow correctly okay 4su31R5xwWQ-00039-00024664-00024968 yeah and you also touch two separate cauldrons 4su31R5xwWQ-00040-00025312-00025816 rancher will tell me how to turn into a dragon please these two bullies library 4su31R5xwWQ-00041-00026056-00026424 well i mean it's not exactly something i 4su31R5xwWQ-00042-00026512-00027048 know how to do exactly just i just i just kind of do it it just happens like did you not hear about 4su31R5xwWQ-00043-00027048-00027608 me screaming in the middle of the night literally in agony wait so like 4su31R5xwWQ-00044-00027864-00028344 just to give you like a little bit of like a example of what was like for red over he 4su31R5xwWQ-00045-00028344-00028912 turned to a dragon his his skin has to turn to scales you know how painful that be oh yeah you 4su31R5xwWQ-00046-00028912-00029392 want her into a dragon you really should want to turn into a dragon maddie when your skin has to 4su31R5xwWQ-00047-00029392-00029936 change its structure you know what we should do we should find a book in the library wait 4su31R5xwWQ-00048-00029936-00030576 you said you want to go to library right why we want to go in the library because i like to read 4su31R5xwWQ-00049-00030656-00031183 are you sure you just don't want to find out how to turn into a dragon and use it on yourself 4su31R5xwWQ-00050-00031183-00031680 selfish no that's just you that's just you that's literally just you well i'm going to the library 4su31R5xwWQ-00051-00031680-00032688 anyways so so red tell me can you can you swim as a dragon uh i don't particularly have anything 4su31R5xwWQ-00052-00032688-00033248 that would allow me to wade through the water so i would like to think no but maybe i can float 4su31R5xwWQ-00053-00033248-00033672 also a question um where do your clothes go after you transform into a dragon 4su31R5xwWQ-00054-00033672-00034368 that's a good question valid question thank you that's true yeah all right finding a book 4su31R5xwWQ-00055-00034544-00035184 wait dude wait so when you transfer back into a human are you just you're just naked all right 4su31R5xwWQ-00056-00035656-00036224 your clothes just reappear again they tend to yes although there was that one time 4su31R5xwWQ-00057-00036304-00036840 in the back i'll talk about that one time okay i kind of want to know about this one time you don't 4su31R5xwWQ-00058-00036840-00037424 want to know about the one time because you do not want to know about the one time why not it's 4su31R5xwWQ-00059-00037584-00038024 so books right yeah i think i found it oh you found it 4su31R5xwWQ-00060-00038080-00038528 i think i found it let me see but i'm not going to give it to you no no no give it to me red because 4su31R5xwWQ-00061-00038760-00039384 red is the one that needs to know i'm not going to give it to you no but i'm confident wait 4su31R5xwWQ-00062-00039456-00039728 you just want to know because you want to know how to turn into a dragon yourself come 4su31R5xwWQ-00063-00039728-00040232 on this is actually going to help red no red okay okay you ready i'm going to prank 4su31R5xwWQ-00064-00040320-00040784 you i think it's paige is there someone looking at you in the window 4su31R5xwWQ-00065-00041616-00042272 we steal cookies together in the kitchen i will give you i will give you 50 cookies i'm gonna 4su31R5xwWQ-00066-00042272-00042848 i'm gonna tell them i'm gonna tell you okay i'm gonna tell them the story what you'd like to me 4su31R5xwWQ-00067-00042904-00043744 i'm gonna tell them the bathroom incident hmm okay okay belle is uh oh okay uh it is 4su31R5xwWQ-00068-00044040-00044984 um how do you pronounce this well it's just a full [ __ ] ancient language 4su31R5xwWQ-00069-00045512-00045864 why isn't red a dragon if fred's the dragon why isn't red the dragon 4su31R5xwWQ-00070-00045936-00046384 i i mean i technically already am a dragon 4su31R5xwWQ-00071-00046656-00046888 i'm a dragon this is great news 4su31R5xwWQ-00072-00047296-00047784 um 4su31R5xwWQ-00073-00048552-00049184 oh 4su31R5xwWQ-00074-00050296-00050880 you guys are huge oh you're huge oh i'm huge oh my god why did you 4su31R5xwWQ-00075-00050952-00051512 why what is your obsession with cauldrons what is your obsession with cauldrons i swear dragonfly 4su31R5xwWQ-00076-00051624-00052120 hey hey it was it was red this time it was red this time it was ready literally told him to 4su31R5xwWQ-00077-00052120-00052920 touch it only only because someone decided to read a spell that is true why did you read that is true 4su31R5xwWQ-00078-00053048-00053840 i feel like you guys are getting up on me yes because you did this also quick questions how 4su31R5xwWQ-00079-00053840-00054784 cool is this this is so cool yeah and i'm in a lot of pain but why are the smallest one 4su31R5xwWQ-00080-00055832-00056576 is it nice and toasty in there yeah what are you doing wait wait do dragons take baths and fire 4su31R5xwWQ-00081-00056696-00057296 you've got so many questions do you take baths at all okay okay like so so when you're flying 4su31R5xwWQ-00082-00057296-00057936 through clouds yes all right we obviously need to do something here because every time we touch it 4su31R5xwWQ-00083-00057936-00058479 sorry every time maddie convinces someone or just touches the cauldron we have to 4su31R5xwWQ-00084-00058479-00059760 do something that's true what do we do so uh there's a round table of gems over here ooh shiny 4su31R5xwWQ-00085-00059952-00060520 maybe we should not touch things full of dragon or energy thing yeah that might be a good idea well 4su31R5xwWQ-00086-00060520-00061216 ness tell us what is that what is it about what are the what are these you're mr dragon okay well 4su31R5xwWQ-00087-00061216-00061832 you see i myself i'm a very not so experienced dragon so let's see what i got here 4su31R5xwWQ-00088-00061904-00062664 uh we here have uh yep those are dragon crystals right there okay okay well okay 4su31R5xwWQ-00089-00062664-00063240 you lick them yeah wait what do they taste like do it taste good uh well this one alice 4su31R5xwWQ-00090-00063367-00063928 yeah okay never mind don't don't try don't try i don't like the purple one hey are they flavors 4su31R5xwWQ-00091-00064000-00064648 they're they're that one you know like you know grape gatorade no no no wow 4su31R5xwWQ-00092-00064816-00065152 but it doesn't look like water right you know what grape gatorade is 4su31R5xwWQ-00093-00065152-00065720 it's like watered down grape flavor it's just watering there in great sleep like medicine 4su31R5xwWQ-00094-00065920-00066512 no it's working i actually like guys what oh yes there's houses down here 4su31R5xwWQ-00095-00066712-00067384 wait we're really high up can we fly wait how do we fly how do we do that oh 4su31R5xwWQ-00096-00068752-00068872 i'm just going to give it this moment here 4su31R5xwWQ-00097-00069232-00069712 red what do we need to do you're the only one who has any type of experience being a dragon 4su31R5xwWQ-00098-00069712-00070480 so okay well if we follow the rules of zikaldran well um i don't know but i feel like 4su31R5xwWQ-00099-00070480-00070712 we could find out the answer if we make it to the end of this place so 4su31R5xwWQ-00100-00070976-00071656 why you're flying oh you fell i fell it's been a while 4su31R5xwWQ-00101-00071864-00072376 yeah you look a little dinner you just kind of kind of like jump and trust okay 4su31R5xwWQ-00102-00072376-00072816 well it's sort of it's sort of a process of like you jump and then you let the wind fly 4su31R5xwWQ-00103-00075696-00076208 wow i'm faster than you yeah this is like the first well actually it's not the first 4su31R5xwWQ-00104-00076208-00076688 time i've ever oh there's an orb down there oh i missed it where is it oh yeah i missed it as well 4su31R5xwWQ-00105-00077056-00077768 power guys i found the finish line i got one ouch oh you probably yeah i didn't get yeah i 4su31R5xwWQ-00106-00077768-00078584 found the finish line oh good good good cave good orb collection i i'm going through whoa 4su31R5xwWQ-00107-00079800-00080200 i mean okay here's my thought process okay let me let me let me let me tell you what i 4su31R5xwWQ-00108-00080200-00081384 think's going on so in the first and the first time we went through the cauldrons 4su31R5xwWQ-00109-00081680-00081984 well i want the orbs so i'm going to go for the orbs let's go 4su31R5xwWQ-00110-00082096-00082784 they didn't listen to you at all my logic just simply doesn't matter to 12 year olds 4su31R5xwWQ-00111-00083216-00083728 how are you 14. i'm 14 liter well that explains your your obsession 4su31R5xwWQ-00112-00083728-00084208 with touching cauldrons when you shouldn't touch them ow well how old are you alice 4su31R5xwWQ-00113-00084320-00085288 that i'm not disclosing my age why not woohoo uh that's how suspicious what do you mean what do you 4su31R5xwWQ-00114-00085288-00086032 mean i felt i mean we don't know much about you atlas that's because i'm a very secretive person 4su31R5xwWQ-00115-00086264-00086568 people don't need to know about me why 4su31R5xwWQ-00116-00086712-00087048 because i don't know well i guess everyone has to see secrets 4su31R5xwWQ-00117-00087128-00087672 oh yeah everyone everyone here definitely oh you have a secret issa no no no no no no no no no no 4su31R5xwWQ-00118-00088024-00088584 what's your secret i like chocolate chip cookies more that's not a secret 4su31R5xwWQ-00119-00088704-00089024 that's not a secret you've told me that so many times 4su31R5xwWQ-00120-00089216-00089784 it is to me how is that a secret to you if it's not to anyone else because i didn't know that 4su31R5xwWQ-00121-00089904-00090424 you didn't know that you know well i'm just still mad that maddie touched that maddie read the spell 4su31R5xwWQ-00122-00090528-00091520 yeah but this is like isn't it no i remember i've flown before and i don't like flying with wings i 4su31R5xwWQ-00123-00091520-00092584 keep getting running into walls it's just not my forte red has anyone seen a finish line yet um 4su31R5xwWQ-00124-00093944-00094408 to be a dragon you have to like use your whole body to fly and ah okay was that 4su31R5xwWQ-00125-00094408-00095064 not what i said and what the professor said that yeah you're very right you're very right 4su31R5xwWQ-00126-00095120-00095656 yeah i know i'm right i'm not disagreeing with you at least i'm just saying it's oh wait no 4su31R5xwWQ-00127-00095656-00096088 no sorry that that was that was that was that was maddie who wanted to become a dragon sorry 4su31R5xwWQ-00128-00100776-00101328 just a minute i'm almost there okay i'm dipping going around 4su31R5xwWQ-00129-00101592-00102384 you really want to wait i'm right there i see it i see it i'm coming in you got this 4su31R5xwWQ-00130-00103664-00103832 and the fire you have a little soul 4su31R5xwWQ-00131-00104088-00104608 you know the the the the fire explosiveness of isa you know that's probably the most prophetic 4su31R5xwWQ-00132-00104608-00105280 thing i've ever heard read red say i probably like genuinely serious thing i've ever heard 4su31R5xwWQ-00133-00105280-00105711 red say what's wrong with you are you okay i feel like we should go for brownies after 4su31R5xwWQ-00134-00105711-00106583 this guys i'm just saying never mind brownie ouch he's the exact same yeah i like brownies 4su31R5xwWQ-00135-00107104-00107776 i'm not gonna go get those wait i made it i made it oh atlas how are you so good at everything 4su31R5xwWQ-00136-00107776-00108640 i don't understand because i'm just i i'm i'm just really talented uh i'm big headed apparently hey 4su31R5xwWQ-00137-00108711-00109383 is it competitive if i'm actually saying the fact that i made it when i made it i made it 4su31R5xwWQ-00138-00110096-00110783 get your small little small little dragon body over here i'm trying my best oh 4su31R5xwWQ-00139-00111359-00111496 wow we all made it 4su31R5xwWQ-00140-00111848-00112248 are we out yet did we did we escape doesn't look like it 4su31R5xwWQ-00141-00112480-00112768 was doing so well this place is cool 4su31R5xwWQ-00142-00112952-00113640 no time like a present that looks really scary actually this was a little scary why are you 4su31R5xwWQ-00143-00113640-00113944 guys so scared you know what i'm just going to go for it i'm just going to run and leap and go 4su31R5xwWQ-00144-00114216-00114888 there's a lot of a lot of dark dragon energy in this place oh oh you cannot see the walls just 4su31R5xwWQ-00145-00114888-00115624 want to make that very clear i was going to say it kind of oh my god this is a really good experience 4su31R5xwWQ-00146-00115624-00116496 this is the final dragon test you must learn to fly without your sight oh often how do you know 4su31R5xwWQ-00147-00116496-00117048 these things uh i don't it's just kind of a dragon thing i'm just following the origins i 4su31R5xwWQ-00148-00117048-00117576 like it i don't like it i don't like it yeah we just gotta follow the light follow the light i 4su31R5xwWQ-00149-00117576-00118240 see the face line i'm gonna make it oh no how are you yes i can't believe alice is so good at this 4su31R5xwWQ-00150-00118359-00119064 wait why is it why isn't red better at this then i i mean red is second well yes i am 4su31R5xwWQ-00151-00119064-00119808 not exactly an experienced dragon like i said i mean neither am i then you lie uh hey there's red 4su31R5xwWQ-00152-00119880-00120504 hi hello i bet i i'm a dragon it's just i don't use the form often because i usually 4su31R5xwWQ-00153-00121904-00122016 don't strain those wings 4su31R5xwWQ-00154-00122224-00122664 don't don't over tend to yourself you know again it's like it's just this red said it's not all 4su31R5xwWQ-00155-00122664-00123192 about the body it's about the mind we're leaving without you okay being addressed this is never 4su31R5xwWQ-00156-00123192-00123992 a race why are you being so beaten look if anyone knows what like what it means to be a dragon here 4su31R5xwWQ-00157-00123992-00124848 it's gonna be red so yep but he this is not normal for for red we are gonna beat you this time what 4su31R5xwWQ-00158-00124848-00125432 all right maddie we gotta we were distracted i'm always distracted ah i just felt like 4su31R5xwWQ-00159-00125432-00125808 there's there's one thing of you know being a dragon is about a race which is not but 4su31R5xwWQ-00160-00125808-00126311 out okay ow i would like to say that letting maddie beat me is not something i want on my 4su31R5xwWQ-00161-00126311-00127128 record why not dragon or not what a dragon or no ow ouch darn it because maddie i'm 4su31R5xwWQ-00162-00127128-00127911 not gonna be beaten by you why not wow because you're you and i don't want to be beaten by you 4su31R5xwWQ-00163-00128016-00128983 what does it mean you're me oh did i just meet you i think i did right here i beat you i beat you 4su31R5xwWQ-00164-00129696-00130144 there you go you know you you look like this is where you belong like in this cave like looking 4su31R5xwWQ-00165-00130144-00130840 at your dragon form oh yeah you do it's icy it's like my ice fly this is this is my family home 4su31R5xwWQ-00166-00130944-00131880 this cave is your family home are you a dragon no but it's ice like my family your family's 4su31R5xwWQ-00167-00131880-00132600 ice no no no no no no they are a singular icicle no no no no no that's that's my okay 4su31R5xwWQ-00168-00132600-00133136 never mind i don't want to talk about my family anyway oh why not i don't want to talk about it 4su31R5xwWQ-00169-00133376-00133616 oh my goodness oh my god what 4su31R5xwWQ-00170-00133888-00134584 it's a beautiful crystal it don't touch it i swear if you touch it 4su31R5xwWQ-00171-00134728-00135384 we're back we're back oh we're not dragging uh we're not we're human oh my gosh i'm so 4su31R5xwWQ-00172-00135384-00136016 glad everything yeah yeah okay let the lesson be learned stop reading books 4su31R5xwWQ-00173-00137000-00137384 you're a dragon you're still a dragon oh 4su31R5xwWQ-00174-00137832-00138880 oh what what you just turned back what was that purposeful uh i don't know let me check no 4su31R5xwWQ-00175-00139128-00139728 you can't do you can control it wait so can we ride on your look kind of small so when 4su31R5xwWQ-00176-00139728-00140104 do you get bigger so we can ride you around like we're really cool you're trying to stay up on me 4su31R5xwWQ-00177-00140104-00140696 you need to like go into the timeout or something i'm too tired for this can we 4su31R5xwWQ-00178-00140696-00141200 i'm kind of hungry you guys want to steal cookies from the kitchen come on let's go 4su31R5xwWQ-00179-00141408-00141584 yes let's go 4su31R5xwWQ-00180-00142696-00143904 i can be so cynical but something about you makes me feel 4xogaLSx5nM-00000-00000029-00000204 Cozy Glow was an evil genius. 4xogaLSx5nM-00001-00000208-00000812 She almost managed to destroy all of the magic in Equestria and she even managed to beat Twilight Sparkle in a duel. 4xogaLSx5nM-00002-00000812-00001525 But for some reason, this never sat right with me. Especially since every other magical creature had to learn to use their magic. 4xogaLSx5nM-00003-00001525-00001907 but cozy didn't. So, today, I'm gonna bring you a new theory. 4xogaLSx5nM-00004-00001916-00002316 A theory about how Cozy Glow studied how to use magic. 4xogaLSx5nM-00005-00002316-00002770 You're doing a theory? Well, I guess I'll have to be the one that proves it wrong. 4xogaLSx5nM-00006-00002770-00002920 And you are? 4xogaLSx5nM-00007-00002920-00003316 Don't worry about that for now. Lets just get on with this theory. 4xogaLSx5nM-00008-00003345-00004350 Don't you know you are my very best friends! 4xogaLSx5nM-00009-00004354-00004898 Throughout the entirety of Friendship is Magic, we see that all Unicorns have to learn to use their magic. 4xogaLSx5nM-00010-00004898-00005293 We see this again with Twilight, when she first became an Alicorn. 4xogaLSx5nM-00011-00005293-00005743 She even stated that she was just learning how to control her own Alicorn magic. 4xogaLSx5nM-00012-00005743-00006379 So, something just doesn't add up. So, why is it that Cozy Glow didn't have to train at all to use her magic? 4xogaLSx5nM-00013-00006379-00006775 She even managed to best an Alicorn as experienced as Twilight. 4xogaLSx5nM-00014-00006775-00007035 That's why I believe she studied magic. 4xogaLSx5nM-00015-00007035-00007968 While that is a good point, it doesn't mean that Cozy Glow studied magic. For all we know, she could be a natural at using magic. Even as a Pegasus. 4xogaLSx5nM-00016-00007968-00008702 Yeah, but I don't think that's the case. Twilight wasn't just the element of magic, it was also her special talent. 4xogaLSx5nM-00017-00008702-00008967 Yet, she still had to train to use it. 4xogaLSx5nM-00018-00008967-00009321 So, Cozy Glow being a natural at magic, wouldn't make any sense. 4xogaLSx5nM-00019-00009321-00009507 And how's that? 4xogaLSx5nM-00020-00009507-00009950 Well, for that, I think we need to look at how magic in Equestria works. 4xogaLSx5nM-00021-00009950-00010380 So, right now, we know that there are some rules on how to use magic in Equestria. 4xogaLSx5nM-00022-00010380-00010814 First, we know the user has to have some degree of magic to begin with. 4xogaLSx5nM-00023-00010814-00011693 Since the Pegusi lost their ability to fly when Tirek absorbed their magic, that means Cozy Glow does have some degree of magic. Even though she's a Pegasus. 4xogaLSx5nM-00024-00011693-00012190 Next, the user has to be able to export the magic from their bodies in some way. 4xogaLSx5nM-00025-00012190-00013074 Kind of like how the Unicorns and Alicorns have to use their horns as a way to Export their own magic. We even see this with other creatures that use magic as well. 4xogaLSx5nM-00026-00013120-00013833 And finally, the user has to have the knowledge on how to export their magic the right way to get the desired results. 4xogaLSx5nM-00027-00013833-00014262 Which explains why Unicorns and Alicorns have to study to use stronger spells. 4xogaLSx5nM-00028-00014262-00014589 Okay, but how would you explain Pumpkin Cake. 4xogaLSx5nM-00029-00014589-00014793 Um. Pumpkin Cake? 4xogaLSx5nM-00030-00014793-00015550 Yes, she was able to use basic levitation without knowing how to cast a single spell. And that means, your theory is broken. 4xogaLSx5nM-00031-00015550-00015742 Well, not exactly. 4xogaLSx5nM-00032-00015742-00016478 You see, throughout the entire journey of the mane six, we see that every pony has their own magical ability in someway. 4xogaLSx5nM-00033-00016478-00017120 Such as Fluttershy's ability to communicate with animals. Or Rarity's ability to use a spell to find gems. 4xogaLSx5nM-00034-00017120-00017475 Those are all something that's unique to only them. 4xogaLSx5nM-00035-00017475-00017618 And Twilight is no different. 4xogaLSx5nM-00036-00017618-00018041 Remember when McFlurry. (Clears throat) Sorry, Flurry heart. 4xogaLSx5nM-00037-00018041-00018212 Destroyed the Crystal Heart? 4xogaLSx5nM-00038-00018212-00018805 Twilight was able to remember the spell to fix the Crystal Heart from just looking at it once. 4xogaLSx5nM-00039-00018805-00019143 She's even been able to do this with Rarity's own gem finding spell. 4xogaLSx5nM-00040-00019143-00019625 So, it's entirely possible that Pumpkin Cake was simply born with the ability to levitate. 4xogaLSx5nM-00041-00019625-00019985 Fine, but how does that even apply to Cozy Glow. 4xogaLSx5nM-00042-00019985-00020430 Well, from this, we can say their are two different types of magic in Equestria. 4xogaLSx5nM-00043-00020430-00020712 Creature magic and artifact magic. 4xogaLSx5nM-00044-00020712-00021440 So, for a pony like Cozy Glow, to want to drain all of the magic from Equestria, She would have to know how both types of magic work. 4xogaLSx5nM-00045-00021440-00021707 That way she could counter it the right way. 4xogaLSx5nM-00046-00021707-00022361 Fine. Let's go ahead and say that's true. When would she even find time to study that kind of magic? 4xogaLSx5nM-00047-00022361-00022925 I'm pretty sure Twilight didn't go around teaching her about anything other than the magic of friendship. 4xogaLSx5nM-00048-00022925-00023265 Well, yeah. She learned it while she was at the School of Friendship. 4xogaLSx5nM-00049-00023265-00023398 What about Tirek? 4xogaLSx5nM-00050-00023398-00023993 Well, Tirek only pointed her in the right direction. He never really hinted at telling her much. 4xogaLSx5nM-00051-00023993-00024233 Which means, she learned the rest on her own. 4xogaLSx5nM-00052-00024233-00025112 The artifacts, how magic works, and how Unicorns and Alicorns use it. These all played a part in teaching her how to drain magic from Equestria. 4xogaLSx5nM-00053-00025112-00025577 Then why would she need to learn how to use magic? It wouldn't benefit her in anyway. 4xogaLSx5nM-00054-00025577-00025793 Well, that's not entirely true. 4xogaLSx5nM-00055-00025793-00026246 It definitely would, but we'd have to understand her motives to understand why. 4xogaLSx5nM-00056-00026246-00026859 We definitely know that she wanted to take over the School of Friendship after she drained all of Equestria's magic. 4xogaLSx5nM-00057-00026859-00027016 Okay? So? 4xogaLSx5nM-00058-00027016-00027421 So, that means she wanted to beat Twilight in the Friendship Games. 4xogaLSx5nM-00059-00027421-00027738 What? No takers? Fine. 4xogaLSx5nM-00060-00027738-00028298 But how could she even face the Princess of Friendship on even ground? Especially since she was an Alicorn. 4xogaLSx5nM-00061-00028298-00028947 That's why she would've studied magic, to take away Twilight's power. That way, they could be on equal grounds. 4xogaLSx5nM-00062-00028947-00029439 Because in the end, what Cozy Glow truly wanted was power. 4xogaLSx5nM-00063-00029439-00030024 Hmm. So, you're saying that the best way to beat your enemies, is to know your enemies. 4xogaLSx5nM-00064-00030024-00030703 Exactly. But Cozy Glows plan was doomed from the start. You just can't beat the magic of friendship. 4xogaLSx5nM-00065-00030703-00031555 I still don't think that would work. But it does make you wonder, what would've happened if Cozy Glow had learned to use the magic of friendship? 4xogaLSx5nM-00066-00031555-00031980 That's a good question. But, it's probably a story for another day. 4xogaLSx5nM-00067-00031980-00032182 Anyway, what do you all think? 4xogaLSx5nM-00068-00032182-00032675 Do you think he's right about the theory not working? Or do you think the theory holds? 4xogaLSx5nM-00069-00032675-00032880 Leave your thoughts in the comments section below. 4xogaLSx5nM-00070-00032880-00033146 And tell me what you think about, um. 4xogaLSx5nM-00071-00033146-00033330 Trailblazer. 4xogaLSx5nM-00072-00033330-00033481 You're using my original name? 4xogaLSx5nM-00073-00033481-00033585 Yep. 4xogaLSx5nM-00074-00033585-00033744 Uh. Okay. 4xogaLSx5nM-00075-00033744-00034213 And I want to thank my first patron. Your support means so much to me. 4xogaLSx5nM-00076-00034213-00034773 But I do have to say, if you want to support me, do NOT support me on Patreon. 4xogaLSx5nM-00077-00034773-00035539 I want to make sure I grow the channel first and make my videos a higher quality before I even earn the right to do anything on Patreon. 4xogaLSx5nM-00078-00035539-00035798 PLEASE. Save your bits. 4xogaLSx5nM-00079-00035798-00036186 And if you really do want to support me, then follow me on Twitter. 4xogaLSx5nM-00080-00036186-00036471 There you'll get constant updates about the next video. 4xogaLSx5nM-00081-00036471-00036682 And if you like this video, show it. 4xogaLSx5nM-00082-00036682-00037111 And also subscribe for more and share this with all of your Equestrian friends. 4xogaLSx5nM-00083-00037111-00037940 And check out the original theory by Canned Cream. Link is in the description. Anyway, this is Wind Striker signing off. Later! 4xogaLSx5nM-00084-00037940-00038192 Who are you talking to? 4xogaLSx5nM-00085-00038192-00038708 Thank you all for watching. Don't forget to Subscribe and share the video. It really helps the channel out. 4xogaLSx5nM-00086-00038708-00039239 Anyway, I'll see you later. 4zf4lkBHeQU-00000-00000000-00000448 Please Subscribe Our Channel For More Views - Review - Tips & Tricks 4-nq3uraK10-00000-00000072-00000794 Hello and welcome to this lesson from NavigationTrading! 4-nq3uraK10-00001-00000794-00001463 In this video I wanna show you how to trade a short straddle on the tastyworks platform. 4-nq3uraK10-00002-00001463-00002151 So, looking at the chart, we're looking EWW, which is the Mexican ETF, and as you can see, 4-nq3uraK10-00003-00002151-00002828 the IV rank is displayed up here in the upper left hand corner 42.6 and it doesn't display 4-nq3uraK10-00004-00002828-00003207 the IV percentile, but IV percentile is over 80. 4-nq3uraK10-00005-00003207-00003352 The options are expensive. 4-nq3uraK10-00006-00003352-00003882 They're priced higher than they have been over the last 52 weeks and so this is a good 4-nq3uraK10-00007-00003882-00004273 option to put on a short straddle. 4-nq3uraK10-00008-00004273-00004813 What we wanna do is simply go to the trade tab, open up the option chains that we wanna 4-nq3uraK10-00009-00004813-00004913 trade. 4-nq3uraK10-00010-00004913-00005357 In this case, we like to enter between 30 and 60 days to expiration, and we like to 4-nq3uraK10-00011-00005357-00005998 stay in the monthly cycles, which on tastyworks are noted by the bolded white. 4-nq3uraK10-00012-00005998-00006212 The weekly's and quarterly's are kind of grayed out. 4-nq3uraK10-00013-00006212-00006713 We wanna stick to the ... stick to the monthly's and enter between 30 and 60 days to expiration. 4-nq3uraK10-00014-00006713-00007104 You have 36 days, so that is perfect. 4-nq3uraK10-00015-00007104-00007633 If we open up those option chains, you're gonna see the different strikes pop up and 4-nq3uraK10-00016-00007633-00008214 when you sell a straddle, remember a straddle is just selling a put and a call, both right 4-nq3uraK10-00017-00008214-00008331 at the money. 4-nq3uraK10-00018-00008331-00008932 So, at the time of this recording EWW is trading right around $51. 4-nq3uraK10-00019-00008932-00009631 And so, we would simply go to the 51 strike and sell the calls and sell the puts. 4-nq3uraK10-00020-00009631-00010344 You can do that by simply clicking on the bid and clicking on the bid on the put side. 4-nq3uraK10-00021-00010344-00010764 You can see you're selling because it's outlined by the red. 4-nq3uraK10-00022-00010764-00011079 So, that's what you know what you're selling. 4-nq3uraK10-00023-00011079-00011665 Then you can see the statistics down below, probably a profit 53%, probability of making 4-nq3uraK10-00024-00011665-00011952 50% on this trade is about 45%. 4-nq3uraK10-00025-00011952-00012408 You can see the delta, the theta, and the max profit. 4-nq3uraK10-00026-00012408-00012875 Obviously we short straddles, we're using undefined risk, so you won't see a defined 4-nq3uraK10-00027-00012875-00013376 number on the max loss column and if you're ready to go and ... and like this you can 4-nq3uraK10-00028-00013376-00013556 simply hit review and send. 4-nq3uraK10-00029-00013556-00014107 Now, there's one other way to set up the straddle on the platform, so if you hit clear. 4-nq3uraK10-00030-00014107-00014406 The other way is you can use your strategy dropdown up here. 4-nq3uraK10-00031-00014406-00015056 So, remember we are selling ... so we're shorting the ... the strategy, and then if we click 4-nq3uraK10-00032-00015056-00015584 on the dropdown we can just choose straddle and it populates exactly the same way. 4-nq3uraK10-00033-00015584-00015988 So, whatever your preference is, no right or wrong way, you can just click on the different 4-nq3uraK10-00034-00015988-00016558 bids to ... to sell those options or you can utilize the strategy dropdown. 4-nq3uraK10-00035-00016558-00016914 As you can see, all the statistics are exactly the same. 4-nq3uraK10-00036-00016914-00017517 Now, what I like to do to confirm the trade is I like to go over to the analysis tab because 4-nq3uraK10-00037-00017517-00017674 I'm a visual trader. 4-nq3uraK10-00038-00017674-00018270 If you click on the curved tab then make sure you also click on analysis, this is going 4-nq3uraK10-00039-00018270-00018729 to bring up the visual representation of the trade. 4-nq3uraK10-00040-00018729-00019054 Then you can ... you can maximize this to make it ... make it look a little bit bigger 4-nq3uraK10-00041-00019054-00019154 for you. 4-nq3uraK10-00042-00019154-00019497 And so, this gives you an idea of kind of where your break even's are. 4-nq3uraK10-00043-00019497-00019775 The green is where you'll be making money at expiration. 4-nq3uraK10-00044-00019775-00019998 The red is where you'll be losing money. 4-nq3uraK10-00045-00019998-00020465 All the statistics are still down here below and if you hover your mouse over, you can 4-nq3uraK10-00046-00020465-00020952 see this little flag up here that gives you an idea of the profit and loss at expiration 4-nq3uraK10-00047-00020952-00021154 depending on where price is. 4-nq3uraK10-00048-00021154-00021612 And then the profit and loss theoretical, which is this curved line here, which will 4-nq3uraK10-00049-00021612-00022224 move as you ... as ... as the theta decays and as you get closer to expiration and its 4-nq3uraK10-00050-00022224-00022424 price moves around. 4-nq3uraK10-00051-00022424-00022968 If you wanna play with these theoretical prices, you can simply pop out this window here and 4-nq3uraK10-00052-00022968-00023363 at the time of this recording, today is three 15 of 2018. 4-nq3uraK10-00053-00023363-00023875 If you wanted to move through time, you can see that profit line continues to grow as 4-nq3uraK10-00054-00023875-00024201 your getting closer and closer to expiration. 4-nq3uraK10-00055-00024201-00024741 If you wanted to play with the implied volatility, let's ... you gotta choose the options that 4-nq3uraK10-00056-00024741-00025310 have 36 days to expiration that we're looking at and you can move the implied volatility 4-nq3uraK10-00057-00025310-00025410 up. 4-nq3uraK10-00058-00025410-00025956 Obviously that makes our profit line going ... go down 'cause when we sell a straddle, 4-nq3uraK10-00059-00025956-00026431 we're anticipating a contraction or a down move in implied volatility, so you can kind 4-nq3uraK10-00060-00026431-00026842 of see what different implied volatility levels will do to the trade. 4-nq3uraK10-00061-00026842-00027288 And you can ... you can play around to get an idea of how a trade works. 4-nq3uraK10-00062-00027288-00027917 Once you're ready to go, simply hit review and send, and send that into the broker. 4-nq3uraK10-00063-00027917-00028199 And once you get filled, you'll be in the trade and ready to go. 4-nq3uraK10-00064-00028199-00028757 So, I hope this was helpful in showing you how to set up a short straddle on tastyworks. 4F_UFVYFeZk-00000-00000151-00000868 In my next couple of discourses and talks including the current video, I will be talking 4F_UFVYFeZk-00001-00000868-00001700 about the impact of COVID19 or Coronavirus on the Indian economic scene. 4F_UFVYFeZk-00002-00001700-00002319 In this video, I will give a brief overview and in the subsequent talks, I will attempt 4F_UFVYFeZk-00003-00002319-00002819 to touch upon some specific areas of industry and businesses. 4F_UFVYFeZk-00004-00002819-00003710 It is stated by some experts that in India 50%-60 of businesses will be affected due 4F_UFVYFeZk-00005-00003710-00004053 to COVID-19. 4F_UFVYFeZk-00006-00004053-00004917 Numerous businesses such as hotels and airlines are cutting salaries and laying off employees. 4F_UFVYFeZk-00007-00004917-00005701 Hundreds and thousands of transaction documents are on the verge of collapse on the premise 4F_UFVYFeZk-00008-00005701-00006105 of Force Majeure clause. 4F_UFVYFeZk-00009-00006105-00007164 For instance Oyo has invoked the force majeure clause in its agreements with hotel owners. 4F_UFVYFeZk-00010-00007164-00007854 This allows Oyo to effectively suspend minimum guarantee payments to the hotels. 4F_UFVYFeZk-00011-00007854-00008534 Under the minimum guarantee model, hotel owners have to be paid a minimum amount regardless 4F_UFVYFeZk-00012-00008534-00008948 of the volume of business generated. 4F_UFVYFeZk-00013-00008948-00009835 But many angry hotel owners said the clause was never included in the original agreements. 4F_UFVYFeZk-00014-00009835-00010545 In the letter invoking force marjeure, Oyo has also reportedly proposed fresh revenue-sharing 4F_UFVYFeZk-00015-00010545-00011278 models, which would replace existing agreements. 4F_UFVYFeZk-00016-00011278-00011836 Federation of Hotel & Restaurant Associations of India has received complaints from hotel 4F_UFVYFeZk-00017-00011836-00012356 owners with regard to the letter. 4F_UFVYFeZk-00018-00012356-00013177 The live events industry has seen an estimated loss of more than ₹3,000 crore (i.e. more 4F_UFVYFeZk-00019-00013177-00013587 than US$ 400 million). 4F_UFVYFeZk-00020-00013587-00014084 Supply chains have also been put under stress with the lockdown restrictions in place and 4F_UFVYFeZk-00021-00014084-00014726 lack of clarity in streamlining what is an "essential" and what isn't. 4F_UFVYFeZk-00022-00014726-00015634 Those in informal sectors or daily wage groups are the most at risk. 4F_UFVYFeZk-00023-00015634-00016551 A large number of farmers around the country who grow perishables are also facing uncertainty. 4F_UFVYFeZk-00024-00016551-00017531 Amazon and Walmart-owned Flipkart announced that it would stop sale of non-essential items 4F_UFVYFeZk-00025-00017531-00017990 in India so that it could focus on essential deliveries. 4F_UFVYFeZk-00026-00017990-00018573 Other fast-moving consumer goods companies in the country have significantly reduced 4F_UFVYFeZk-00027-00018573-00019218 operations and are focusing on essentials. 4F_UFVYFeZk-00028-00019218-00020120 Major companies in India such as Larsen and Toubro, Bharat Forge, UltraTech Cement, Grasim 4F_UFVYFeZk-00029-00020120-00020815 Industries, Aditya Birla Group, Tata Motors and Thermax have temporarily suspended or 4F_UFVYFeZk-00030-00020815-00021238 significantly reduced operations. 4F_UFVYFeZk-00031-00021238-00021991 iPhone producing companies in India have also suspended a majority of operations. 4F_UFVYFeZk-00032-00021991-00022551 Young startups have been impacted as funding has fallen. 4F_UFVYFeZk-00033-00022551-00023207 Stock markets in India posted their worst loses in history on 23 March 2020. 4F_UFVYFeZk-00034-00023207-00023980 However, on 25 March, one day after a complete 21 day lockdown was announced by the Prime 4F_UFVYFeZk-00035-00023980-00024929 Minister, SENSEX and NIFTY posted their biggest gains in 11 years, adding a value of ₹4.7 4F_UFVYFeZk-00036-00024929-00026010 lakh crore (US$66 billion) crore to investor wealth. 4F_UFVYFeZk-00037-00026010-00026687 The Government of India has announced a variety of measures to tackle the situation, from 4F_UFVYFeZk-00038-00026687-00027512 food security and extra funds for healthcare, to sector related incentives and tax deadline 4F_UFVYFeZk-00039-00027512-00027798 extensions. 4F_UFVYFeZk-00040-00027798-00028452 On 27 March the Reserve Bank of India also announced a number of measures which would 4F_UFVYFeZk-00041-00028452-00029502 make available ₹374,000 crore (US$ 52 billion) to the country's financial system. 4F_UFVYFeZk-00042-00029502-00030087 On 29 March the government allowed the movement of all essential as well as non-essential 4F_UFVYFeZk-00043-00030087-00030408 goods during the lockdown. 4F_UFVYFeZk-00044-00030408-00031281 On 1 April, the World Bank has approved a fast-track 1 billion US $ India COVID-19 Emergency 4F_UFVYFeZk-00045-00031281-00032127 Response and Health Systems Preparedness Project to help India prevent, detect, and respond 4F_UFVYFeZk-00046-00032127-00032996 to the COVID-19 pandemic and strengthen its public health preparedness. 4F_UFVYFeZk-00047-00032996-00033725 This being the largest ever health sector support from the Bank to India. 4F_UFVYFeZk-00048-00033725-00034881 Times are trying and testing but Modi Government’s strong resolve promises trust, hope and confidence. 4GNfTwL0NO0-00000-00002436-00002790 We founded the Berkeley conservative society to heighten the level of 4GNfTwL0NO0-00001-00002790-00003261 intellectual discourse on campus and increase the amount of political decency 4GNfTwL0NO0-00002-00003261-00003465 and discussion at Berkeley 4GNfTwL0NO0-00003-00003618-00004038 Preventive care really comes down to cost so can we 4GNfTwL0NO0-00004-00004038-00004412 reduce costs by making sure that people go to the doctor when they're just a 4GNfTwL0NO0-00005-00004412-00004856 little bit sick rather than extremely sick because treatment for minor issues 4GNfTwL0NO0-00006-00004856-00005514 is much less expensive than major interventional surgeries that are usually emergency 4GNfTwL0NO0-00007-00005514-00005808 if we create this single-payer system then we ensure that 4GNfTwL0NO0-00008-00005808-00006201 everybody gets equal coverage and everybody gets coverage to begin with 4GNfTwL0NO0-00009-00006201-00006636 not only that but we'll also be able to cut down on drug prices because the 4GNfTwL0NO0-00010-00006636-00007026 government will essentially have all the bargaining power. They'll be able to say 4GNfTwL0NO0-00011-00007026-00007509 we'll purchase this product from you at this price and you better sell it to us 4GNfTwL0NO0-00012-00007509-00007859 at this price because we've got 330 million people behind us 4GNfTwL0NO0-00013-00008120-00008546 It's only in capitalistic countries and capitalistic economies where you find rags to riches 4GNfTwL0NO0-00014-00008546-00008948 stories and that's never more prevalent than in America. You don't hear about 4GNfTwL0NO0-00015-00008949-00009597 rags to riches stories in Cuba or Venezuela or communist Russia so the 4GNfTwL0NO0-00016-00009597-00010286 idea of being poor, coming into the country poor, and rising up to success 4GNfTwL0NO0-00017-00010286-00010752 through minimal government involvement and minimal regulation is really only 4GNfTwL0NO0-00018-00010752-00011138 found through the free market capitalistic system 4GNfTwL0NO0-00019-00011138-00011696 What we see is that the government needs to step in simply because we can't always trust an 4GNfTwL0NO0-00020-00011696-00012084 individual to be doing the thing that'll be best for society. They'll do the 4GNfTwL0NO0-00021-00012084-00012464 things that are best for themselves, and they have every right to do so, but the 4GNfTwL0NO0-00022-00012464-00012962 government needs to step in when we look at crises like climate change or or 4GNfTwL0NO0-00023-00012962-00013344 policy such as health care. These are just too big for individuals 4GNfTwL0NO0-00024-00013344-00013710 to take on by themselves and corporations have not proved themselves 4GNfTwL0NO0-00025-00013710-00014283 reliable here what makes the government so unique is that it's created by us, it 4GNfTwL0NO0-00026-00014283-00014774 gains its power from us and so the government will naturally have this 4GNfTwL0NO0-00027-00014774-00015204 incentive and duty to make sure that we're living properly that we're living well 4GNfTwL0NO0-00028-00015586-00015932 So time is of the essence in regards to climate change ideology 4GNfTwL0NO0-00029-00015932-00016452 because we've already gone too far. We've already passed the point of no return 4GNfTwL0NO0-00030-00016452-00016881 for climate change, so the best thing we can do is try to remedy the world and 4GNfTwL0NO0-00031-00016881-00017442 the crisis as it is right now. So our idea is to implement carbon taxes and to 4GNfTwL0NO0-00032-00017442-00017916 force these corporations to switch over to green energy by investing more into 4GNfTwL0NO0-00033-00017916-00018110 green energy programs as a whole. 4GNfTwL0NO0-00034-00018110-00018390 No one ever comments that government 4GNfTwL0NO0-00035-00018390-00018786 bureaucracy is the most efficient mechanism to produce innovation 4GNfTwL0NO0-00036-00018786-00019242 If anything the more government involvement in a society. the more innovation is 4GNfTwL0NO0-00037-00019242-00019932 stifled. Henry Ford didn't create the Ford enterprise through the help of the 4GNfTwL0NO0-00038-00019932-00020487 government. Elon Musk didn't create Tesla through a department of the government. 4GNfTwL0NO0-00039-00020487-00021150 So these people, these individuals who create and innovate do so through the 4GNfTwL0NO0-00040-00021150-00021520 free market and through minimal government government regulation 4GNfTwL0NO0-00041-00021534-00021954 This is Berkeley at it's best. That's why we come to the University. 4GNfTwL0NO0-00042-00021954-00022538 These people are going to be helping to shape policy and perhaps lead the country in years to come 4JKFe-bHpQA-00000-00000008-00000470 Mily look don't you think she's walking strangely ? 4JKFe-bHpQA-00001-00000470-00001379 Olivia, how's it going cuz ? hello girls... hello but you're actually... I think I just rather 4JKFe-bHpQA-00002-00001379-00001904 go. Are you coming with me ? And you speaking of disabilities have you ever 4JKFe-bHpQA-00003-00001904-00002355 made a blunder ? 4pdx9L-O4J4-00000-00000902-00001033 With your color and label choices 4pdx9L-O4J4-00001-00001033-00001504 for the lower 48 set let's save those color and label choices to a style file: 4pdx9L-O4J4-00002-00001504-00001853 so that you can reuse the style in other QGIS projects 4pdx9L-O4J4-00003-00001853-00002164 and so you can reapply the style to your current map if you need to 4pdx9L-O4J4-00004-00002164-00002702 currently the style for the USA states layer is stored inside this QGIS project 4pdx9L-O4J4-00005-00002702-00003030 if you start a new QGIS project and add the same 4pdx9L-O4J4-00006-00003030-00003500 shapefile to that project the color choices I've made here in task one and two 4pdx9L-O4J4-00007-00003500-00003921 will not transfer over that is the styles are not stored 4pdx9L-O4J4-00008-00003921-00004298 inside the GIS data which is a shape file in this case 4pdx9L-O4J4-00009-00004298-00004598 therefore in order for the style to be used in other 4pdx9L-O4J4-00010-00004598-00004965 QGIS projects or to apply the style to other layers or 4pdx9L-O4J4-00011-00004965-00005383 give it to a colleague the style should first be saved out to a separate 4pdx9L-O4J4-00012-00005383-00005857 style file when saved out to a style file you can transfer that 4pdx9L-O4J4-00013-00005857-00006157 along with the GIS data set that it will be applied to 4pdx9L-O4J4-00014-00006157-00006511 or apply its saves style to a different GIS data set 4pdx9L-O4J4-00015-00006511-00006968 to save a style file I"ll simply open up the layer properties for my layer 4pdx9L-O4J4-00016-00006968-00007370 go to the style tab and at the bottom of the 4pdx9L-O4J4-00017-00007370-00007806 layer properties there's a style drop-down and I'll choose Save style 4pdx9L-O4J4-00018-00007806-00008240 as a QGIS layer style file I"m going to navigate to my 4pdx9L-O4J4-00019-00008240-00008864 lab data folder this will save a QML file 4pdx9L-O4J4-00020-00008864-00009235 and I'll call it USA States Colors 4pdx9L-O4J4-00021-00009235-00009722 then I"ll click Save and the styles now been saved to disk 4pdx9L-O4J4-00022-00009722-00010036 so let me tempt fate and change the style of my layer 4pdx9L-O4J4-00023-00010036-00010357 and then reload this saved style to restore it 4pdx9L-O4J4-00024-00010357-00010704 so I'll just go in here and I'll change the color ramp 4pdx9L-O4J4-00025-00010704-00011021 click Apply so my 4pdx9L-O4J4-00026-00011021-00011414 map now is using a different color ramp to restore what I had 4pdx9L-O4J4-00027-00011414-00011714 I'll simply go down to the style menu and choose 4pdx9L-O4J4-00028-00011714-00012035 load style select my 4pdx9L-O4J4-00029-00012035-00012432 USA states colors style file click open 4pdx9L-O4J4-00030-00012432-00012793 and OK and I've restored my 4pdx9L-O4J4-00031-00012793-00013169 previous style to my layer in the next task 4pdx9L-O4J4-00032-00013169-00013353 you'll work on designing a map for Alaska 4RwKbvOT1cY-00000-00001500-00001820 Orbital specific energy is energy per unit mass 4RwKbvOT1cY-00001-00001820-00002412 If I increase the velocity, I will increase the kinetic energy assuming that the position stays constant. This will 4RwKbvOT1cY-00002-00002412-00002866 increase the orbital specific energy. Because there is a negative sign, this term actually decreases. But 4RwKbvOT1cY-00003-00002890-00003490 Since the semi-major axis is in the denominator. It will increase as I increase velocity. 4RwKbvOT1cY-00004-00003528-00004056 In the frame of reference of the sun, the Earth and spacecraft in LEO is 1 system. 4RwKbvOT1cY-00005-00004056-00004584 The orbit can be described using the position vector, a velocity vector that is tangent to the orbit 4RwKbvOT1cY-00006-00004648-00005348 And taking the cross product of position and velocity vectors, we get specific angular momentum(ie angular momentum per unit mass) 4RwKbvOT1cY-00007-00005348-00006040 The Cartesian elements can be added, subtracted, cross product, or dot product to obtain Kelperian elements. 4RwKbvOT1cY-00008-00006226-00006926 If I increase velocity in an instantaneous burn, the True anomaly will decrease and all other properties will increase. 4RwKbvOT1cY-00009-00007848-00008360 Hohmann transfer allows spacecraft to go from Earth's orbit to Mars' orbit. 4RwKbvOT1cY-00010-00008360-00008560 But it must be done in the right place 4RwKbvOT1cY-00011-00008560-00009208 To do that we need to use Kepler's law of areas, which states that area swept over a given time is constant. 4RwKbvOT1cY-00012-00009328-00010028 The time it takes for Mars to go to intersection point = time it takes for spacecraft to move along transfer orbit. 4RwKbvOT1cY-00013-00010038-00010496 That can be determined using Kepler's law of periods. 4RwKbvOT1cY-00014-00011838-00012166 From cross multiplying, we can determine area 1. 4RwKbvOT1cY-00015-00012166-00012486 And then we can use that to determine the angle between Earth and Mars when Earth is at Apoapsis. 4RwKbvOT1cY-00016-00012966-00013434 In Mars' sphere of influence, we must change the orbit from a hyperbolic one to an *elliptical one. 4TLflY_Fr-0-00000-00000006-00000408 And I'd like to thank all those 4TLflY_Fr-0-00001-00000409-00000821 Who has supported me at Southwest Tech. You've really gave me the 4TLflY_Fr-0-00002-00000823-00001239 growing opportunities that I needed to really 4TLflY_Fr-0-00003-00001241-00001647 become the leader that I thought I could be or that I should have been. 4TLflY_Fr-0-00004-00001648-00002056 Walking into Southwest Tech, reading those pamphlets on the wall that say core values: 4TLflY_Fr-0-00005-00002058-00002460 passion, professionalism, integrity, 4TLflY_Fr-0-00006-00002462-00002873 honor. Just all the things that I believe in, and I knew immediately when I walked 4TLflY_Fr-0-00007-00002875-00003296 in there I didn't expect to find the college atmosphere that I 4TLflY_Fr-0-00008-00003297-00003704 did. But when I saw that, I knew that this is a college that I could stand behind. 4VWMDpMFxSU-00000-00001376-00001807 I am of course a strong believer, an advocate, in nuclear disarmament. 4VWMDpMFxSU-00001-00001807-00002193 I think we are on the path of self-destruction... 4VWMDpMFxSU-00002-00002193-00002661 if we do not change course 4VWMDpMFxSU-00003-00002661-00002853 and move into a world that does not depend on nuclear weapons. 4VWMDpMFxSU-00004-00003315-00003618 I think everybody's coming in that direction. 4VWMDpMFxSU-00005-00003750-00004040 If you see now people like Henry Kissinger or George Schulz 4VWMDpMFxSU-00006-00004040-00004388 who had been Cold War warriors, 4VWMDpMFxSU-00007-00004420-00004754 now being apostles of nuclear disarmament, 4VWMDpMFxSU-00008-00004806-00005194 they have come to realize, as they said, that nuclear weapons are becoming 4VWMDpMFxSU-00009-00005194-00005523 decreasingly effective and increasingly hazardous. 4VWMDpMFxSU-00010-00006195-00006445 We still have nine countries who have nuclear weapons, 4VWMDpMFxSU-00011-00007752-00008095 and continue to insist on modernizing their arsenals. 4VWMDpMFxSU-00012-00008120-00008282 That's also not sustainable. 4VWMDpMFxSU-00013-00008312-00008644 Because with the dissemination of technology, 4VWMDpMFxSU-00014-00008664-00008954 you cannot have nuclear-haves and nuclear have-nots. 4VWMDpMFxSU-00015-00008990-00009429 You cannot have, "I need nuclear weapons for my own security, it's absolutely crucial, 4VWMDpMFxSU-00016-00009452-00009644 but I do not want anybody to touch even the technology." 4VWMDpMFxSU-00017-00010810-00011082 The Iranian situation is a good example. 4VWMDpMFxSU-00018-00011098-00011334 Iran is being told you cannot even touch the technology, 4VWMDpMFxSU-00019-00011348-00011508 you should not even have the know-how. 4VWMDpMFxSU-00020-00011508-00012104 But we can sit on, God knows, like 9000 nuclear warheads in the US. 4VWMDpMFxSU-00021-00012244-00012412 That is not sustainable any longer. 4VWMDpMFxSU-00022-00013450-00014150 I would certainly like to go again on record here with my objection... 4VWMDpMFxSU-00023-00014150-00014552 to the Indian nuclear weapons program which I've opposed from the beginning. 4VWMDpMFxSU-00024-00014569-00014946 And I feel very unhappy that India went ahead with it, 4VWMDpMFxSU-00025-00014946-00015463 and which then resulted in Pakistan also having its nuclear weapon program. 4VWMDpMFxSU-00026-00015488-00015880 So, the nuclear weapons' race between India and Pakistan 4VWMDpMFxSU-00027-00015900-00016169 has not added either to global security, 4VWMDpMFxSU-00028-00016234-00016394 putting it very mildly, 4VWMDpMFxSU-00029-00016416-00016708 nor has it increased security on the subcontinent. 4VWMDpMFxSU-00030-00016796-00017321 I should say in fairness to India, 4VWMDpMFxSU-00031-00017353-00017821 India for many years stuck to its guns not to go the nuclear weapons route. 4VWMDpMFxSU-00032-00017870-00018312 I remember the Indian national security adviser told me, 4VWMDpMFxSU-00033-00018334-00018870 "Encourage India to go for nuclear weapons to counterbalance China," in the sixties. 4VWMDpMFxSU-00034-00018870-00019168 India decided not to go that route and 4VWMDpMFxSU-00035-00019176-00019368 for twenty years or more, 4VWMDpMFxSU-00036-00019422-00019652 continued to preach nuclear disarmament. 4VWMDpMFxSU-00037-00020780-00021218 They have realized, and here again I come to the haves and have-nots, 4VWMDpMFxSU-00038-00021248-00021590 that nobody is really making good on their commitment to go for nuclear disarmament. 4VWMDpMFxSU-00039-00021610-00021936 The countries who have subscribed to the non-proliferation treaty did not, 4VWMDpMFxSU-00040-00021936-00022336 China continued to get all the technology they want, 4VWMDpMFxSU-00041-00022354-00022604 India was under tremendous sanctions 4VWMDpMFxSU-00042-00022654-00022998 because they haven't joined the non-proliferation treaty. 4VWMDpMFxSU-00043-00023071-00023571 So, they decided to go with the crowd. 4VWMDpMFxSU-00044-00023654-00024144 I disagree with their decision, but I also understand... 4VWMDpMFxSU-00045-00024230-00024752 in that kind of environment, why they took that decision. 4VWMDpMFxSU-00046-00024768-00024914 And many others will take that decision 4VWMDpMFxSU-00047-00024924-00025088 if we do not change course. 4VWMDpMFxSU-00048-00025730-00026188 I think that people are absolutely crucial in saying, 4VWMDpMFxSU-00049-00026295-00026798 our security is not really based on nuclear weapons, 4VWMDpMFxSU-00050-00026858-00027145 our security is based on human rights, 4VWMDpMFxSU-00051-00027145-00027388 on education, on new technology, 4VWMDpMFxSU-00052-00027468-00027774 and we should not waste our resources 4VWMDpMFxSU-00053-00027848-00028094 spending that much money. 4VWMDpMFxSU-00054-00028094-00028504 If you do not continue to chart a path to move toward nuclear disarmament, 4VWMDpMFxSU-00055-00028524-00028795 with concrete action and not just rhetoric, 4VWMDpMFxSU-00056-00028828-00029318 you will end up with more countries having nuclear weapons, 4VWMDpMFxSU-00057-00029318-00029732 and then the odds of these weapons being used accidentally, intentionally, 4VWMDpMFxSU-00058-00029748-00029933 the odds will increase exponentially. 4VWMDpMFxSU-00059-00029952-00030300 And we will end up wiping out our civilization. 4ZLVI1NdvE8-00000-00000056-00000536 A happy child stands straight, is able to look into your eyes and smiles. 4ZLVI1NdvE8-00001-00000560-00001040 A happy child is a child who has a loving family around and a home. 4ZLVI1NdvE8-00002-00001088-00001744 A happy child is the one that is accepted as it is. It’s in a loving environment. 4ZLVI1NdvE8-00003-00001872-00002416 A happy child is the one that has a family or a close person in its life. 4ZLVI1NdvE8-00004-00002416-00002720 A person it can rely on and who is always nearby. 4ZLVI1NdvE8-00005-00002880-00003328 If I should describe it with one word, it would be „joy“. A happy smiling child. 4ZLVI1NdvE8-00006-00003536-00004288 A happy child has grown-ups around it can trust and a bunch of friends it shares its joys and sorrows with. 4ZLVI1NdvE8-00007-00004368-00004736 A happy child is an integral part of its environment and the society. 4ZLVI1NdvE8-00008-00004864-00005248 A happy child is a child who can be a child. 4ZLVI1NdvE8-00009-00005248-00005648 Therefore it’s extremely important for children to have a chance to grow up in complete families. 4ZLVI1NdvE8-00010-00006176-00006431 However, not everyone gets this opportunity. 4ZLVI1NdvE8-00011-00006944-00007472 Fund for Non-governmental organizations presents 4ZLVI1NdvE8-00012-00007520-00007728 Happy Children 4ZLVI1NdvE8-00013-00007744-00008304 The divorce rate in the Czech Republic reaches 45%. That’s 25,000 couples a year. 4ZLVI1NdvE8-00014-00008320-00008640 And it is the children who suffer most. 4ZLVI1NdvE8-00015-00008640-00009088 Incomplete families are often dysfunctional but that’s only a tip of the iceberg. 4ZLVI1NdvE8-00016-00009088-00009536 All of us know many ways in which families don’t work. 4ZLVI1NdvE8-00017-00009536-00009968 But there is someone else who is willing to help. 4ZLVI1NdvE8-00018-00009968-00010560 LATA organisation focuses on children, young people and families who got into a difficult life situation. 4ZLVI1NdvE8-00019-00010560-00011264 Thanks to two programmes, we work either directly with young people or with a family as a whole. 4ZLVI1NdvE8-00020-00011264-00011824 The programme is called „Two is better than one“, so there’s always one client and one volunteer. 4ZLVI1NdvE8-00021-00011824-00012464 In fact, our clients encounter all kinds of problems, whether among peers or inside their families, 4ZLVI1NdvE8-00022-00012464-00013008 problems which are seemingly their own or problems with bullying. 4ZLVI1NdvE8-00023-00013008-00013376 We’re trying to help them deal with these issues. 4ZLVI1NdvE8-00024-00013376-00013728 We go running together. We go to the museum, theatre... 4ZLVI1NdvE8-00025-00013728-00013936 In this way we strengthen the relationship, 4ZLVI1NdvE8-00026-00013936-00014544 start discussing the problems he faces in a new school, 4ZLVI1NdvE8-00027-00014544-00014784 his family, personal issues etc. 4ZLVI1NdvE8-00028-00014847-00015280 Everyday one can meet children who suffer 4ZLVI1NdvE8-00029-00015280-00015680 ...whether because they’re ill or live in incomplete families. 4ZLVI1NdvE8-00030-00015680-00016208 They don’t live a happy carefree life and we don’t realise. 4ZLVI1NdvE8-00031-00016208-00017088 The data shows that there are 5 to 10% of children in our society whose basic needs are not met. 4ZLVI1NdvE8-00032-00017088-00017440 They need special care. 4ZLVI1NdvE8-00033-00018864-00019216 There are many more kids with problems similar to those that Jarda has. 4ZLVI1NdvE8-00034-00019216-00019616 Thanks to you LATA can help others. 4ZLVI1NdvE8-00035-00019840-00020272 Dysfunctional families are bad for kids but things may go even worse. 4ZLVI1NdvE8-00036-00020272-00020624 8,000 children grow up in institutional care. 4ZLVI1NdvE8-00037-00020624-00021088 Their hope is foster care in which 5,000 children are placed nowadays. 4ZLVI1NdvE8-00038-00021136-00021744 League of Open Men educates foster fathers and also helps creating male models in the family. 4ZLVI1NdvE8-00039-00021856-00022400 Usually it’s a woman – a mother whose comes up with the idea of a foster child care. 4ZLVI1NdvE8-00040-00022400-00022800 The father needs to get used to the new situation. 4ZLVI1NdvE8-00041-00022800-00023680 We organise programmes for foster fathers to strengthen the bonds between them and their kids 4ZLVI1NdvE8-00042-00023680-00024384 and to support foster fathers to actively participate in the care. 4ZLVI1NdvE8-00043-00024416-00025312 One of the roles of a man is to be an example and support for the kids. 4ZLVI1NdvE8-00044-00025424-00026448 An example of a man who is determined, who isn’t afraid to tell the truth about himself, 4ZLVI1NdvE8-00045-00026448-00027039 isn’t afraid to be himself and stand up for the things which are important to him. 4ZLVI1NdvE8-00046-00027120-00027568 It’s men who tend to take kids out more often. 4ZLVI1NdvE8-00047-00027583-00028400 Both metaphorically speaking and in reality, they expand the area, the safe environment which the kids live in, 4ZLVI1NdvE8-00048-00028448-00029056 and take them out, play with them, experience things together and toughen the the kids. 4ZLVI1NdvE8-00049-00029056-00029552 A man is a safeguard of child’s ability to be independent. 4ZLVI1NdvE8-00050-00029552-00030352 A stable environment is important for child’s inner peace, for anxiety to abate, 4ZLVI1NdvE8-00051-00030416-00031600 for the child to be sure that it has a home it belongs to, a home with unchanging rules. 4ZLVI1NdvE8-00052-00031968-00032256 Imagine, though, that you lose such home… 4ZLVI1NdvE8-00053-00032304-00032656 that you lose both parents and all your relatives. 4ZLVI1NdvE8-00054-00032656-00033280 Organisation for Aid to Refugees (OPU) helps under-age foreigners find a new home. 4ZLVI1NdvE8-00055-00033728-00034368 Hello, I’m Nagendra Panches from Nepal. I’ve been living here for almost 7 years. 4ZLVI1NdvE8-00056-00034416-00035248 I’m Nesema Remi from Congo and I’ve been living here almost 8 years. 4ZLVI1NdvE8-00057-00035296-00035984 When I came here, I was alone. And it was difficult, to be alone. 4ZLVI1NdvE8-00058-00035984-00036544 I wasn’t of age and I couldn’t make my own decisions, so it was very hard. 4ZLVI1NdvE8-00059-00036608-00037216 I’ve been working for OPU for 10 years as a legal counsellor to unaccompanied minors, 4ZLVI1NdvE8-00060-00037216-00037904 so to children, foreigners, refugees coming to the Czech Republic without relatives. 4ZLVI1NdvE8-00061-00037904-00038352 It wasn’t my choice. It was my family’s decision. 4ZLVI1NdvE8-00062-00038352-00039776 I was young and they thought that for me, to be safe and grow up well, 4ZLVI1NdvE8-00063-00039776-00040240 I have to go far away, somewhere safe. But they chose the Czech Republic for me. 4ZLVI1NdvE8-00064-00040496-00040976 The detention environment is completely unsuitable for children. 4ZLVI1NdvE8-00065-00040976-00041392 It’s a prison-type facility and personal freedom is limited here. 4ZLVI1NdvE8-00066-00041392-00041984 The child can stay for up to 3 months here, a very long time for a little child running away from the dangers of war. 4ZLVI1NdvE8-00067-00041984-00042832 It basically ends up behind a barbed wire with police officers and doesn’t understand why, just because it has no documents. 4ZLVI1NdvE8-00068-00042960-00043872 When we came, there was OPU and no one else. So it’s good they helped us. 4ZLVI1NdvE8-00069-00043904-00044720 It wasn’t easy but now I’m fine because I know how it works here. 4ZLVI1NdvE8-00070-00044720-00045136 I’m safe and I can do my own thing, so it’s OK. 4ZLVI1NdvE8-00071-00045136-00045280 I’m happy. 4ZLVI1NdvE8-00072-00045280-00045712 Apart from legal counselling, which is my job 4ZLVI1NdvE8-00073-00045712-00046048 and it means trying to sort out their stay in the Czech Republic 4ZLVI1NdvE8-00074-00046048-00046736 or to unite them with their relatives within Europe, OPU also provides social counselling. 4ZLVI1NdvE8-00075-00046736-00046960 So that the stay is legal and we could go to school, 4ZLVI1NdvE8-00076-00046960-00047488 learn Czech, how it works here. They showed us everything. 4ZLVI1NdvE8-00077-00047568-00048032 The fact that OPU is successful in legalising the stay in the Czech Republic 4ZLVI1NdvE8-00078-00048032-00049088 and in helping to find the child a suitable school, work, accommodation and the integration in the society, 4ZLVI1NdvE8-00079-00049088-00049648 these I think are the biggest successes which the activities of OPU are heading towards. 4ZLVI1NdvE8-00080-00049728-00050800 In my country there’s mafia, no human rights and anything can happen to you at any time. 4ZLVI1NdvE8-00081-00050800-00051567 Here I feel safe and I can relax. It’s nice here. I like it. 4ZLVI1NdvE8-00082-00053760-00054384 On behalf of Civil Society Development Foundation I would like to express my gratitude to EEA donors, 4ZLVI1NdvE8-00083-00054432-00055136 to Czech companies and individual benefactors. Thank you for helping non-profit organisations 4ZLVI1NdvE8-00084-00055136-00055679 who provide an expert and professional care to children and youth in danger. 4ZLVI1NdvE8-00085-00055872-00057040 These people and many others implemented their projects thanks to EEA funding, which is also the case of “Happy children” documentary. 4ZLVI1NdvE8-00086-00057232-00057679 Happy Children 4ZLVI1NdvE8-00087-00057744-00058336 Through the EEA and Norway Grants, Norway, Island and Lichtenstein 4ZLVI1NdvE8-00088-00058336-00059104 help foster the role of civil society in a number of European countries and to reduce economic and social disparities. 4ZLVI1NdvE8-00089-00059104-00059552 The Czech Republic has been allocated CZK 6 billion. 4ZLVI1NdvE8-00090-00059552-00060191 Part of the funding has been allocated to Czech NGOs through the NGO fund, 4ZLVI1NdvE8-00091-00060272-00060864 jointly administered by the Czech Environmental Partnership Foundation and Civil Society Development Foundation. 4ZLVI1NdvE8-00092-00060864-00061712 Supported projects dealing with social issues, environment, human rights or children in need 4ZLVI1NdvE8-00093-00061712-00061967 have addressed tens of thousands of people. 4ZLVI1NdvE8-00094-00061967-00063040 To promote children in need, Civil Society Development Foundation distributed CZK 44 million among 43 projects. 4ZX7G6IBFKA-00000-00001100-00001800 Amitabh Bachchan commences shooting for Kaun Banega Crorepati Season 10 4ZX7G6IBFKA-00001-00001900-00003700 Amitabh Bachchan commences shooting for Kaun Banega Crorepati Season 10. After exciting us with pictures from his Brahmastra shoot, Bollywood megastar Amitabh Bachchan has given us one more reason to rejoice. 4ZX7G6IBFKA-00002-00003800-00005200 The actor has commenced shooting for the 10th season of popular television quiz show Kaun Banega Crorepati (KBC) which he says, has been a long association for him. 4ZX7G6IBFKA-00003-00005300-00007200 Kaun Banega Crorepati is the Indian adaptation of the internationally popular format of ‘Who Wants To Be A Millionaire’. Amitabh on Saturday night tweeted: "'KBC' begins again! Its been 18 years and the 10th season now. 4ZX7G6IBFKA-00004-00007300-00008000 Been a long association, Never possible without your love and support," he tweeted. 4ZX7G6IBFKA-00005-00008100-00009600 T 2904 - KBC begins again . !! Its been 18 years and the 10th season now . been a long association , never possible without your love and support .. 4ZX7G6IBFKA-00006-00009700-00011500 The cine icon said that the apprehensions and nervous energy "eating up the intestines". He took to his blog and wrote-. "It's been 18 years of 'KBC' in India and the 10th season, a majority of which have been associated with me. 4ZX7G6IBFKA-00007-00011600-00013500 Seems strange but there it is those first days of its initiation in the year 2000, its struggles and trials, and now to be still at it in the year 2018 is by itself some revelation," Amitabh wrote on his blog. 4ZX7G6IBFKA-00008-00013600-00015400 Amitabh said that meeting people and to hear their stories of struggle and condition on the show is heartbreaking at times. "Yet when you witness their achievements and the liberation of all their woes , it is the most satisfying moment. 4ZX7G6IBFKA-00009-00015500-00016700 A life changes and in some small way when 'KBC' is able to achieve that then the association with the game show is all the more worthy," he added. 4ZX7G6IBFKA-00010-00016800-00018000 The 75-year-old star has hosted six seasons of the show, except for the third edition, which was hosted by superstar Shah Rukh Khan. 4bROdsYgi-c-00000-00000288-00000888 hello and welcome to the first of our fall 2021 kessler conversations my name is beau 4bROdsYgi-c-00001-00000888-00001280 adams and i serve as director of pitts theology library here at emory university 4bROdsYgi-c-00002-00001280-00001736 the home of the richard c kessler reformation collection the kessler conversations provide 4bROdsYgi-c-00003-00001736-00002296 an opportunity to learn from experts about the debates and reforms in europe in the 16th century 4bROdsYgi-c-00004-00002296-00002640 and to consider how contemporary communities may learn from these debates 4bROdsYgi-c-00005-00002720-00003224 this fall i'm excited to begin our series on luther and the other asking the question 4bROdsYgi-c-00006-00003224-00003720 of how martin luther wrote about and interacted with those who differed from him ethnically and 4bROdsYgi-c-00007-00003720-00004336 religiously and what we can learn as we live in a globalizing society where interactions with those 4bROdsYgi-c-00008-00004336-00004920 who are often deemed as the other are more and more frequent i'm excited today to welcome as our 4bROdsYgi-c-00009-00004920-00005552 first guest professor Anthony Bateza dr Bateza is associate professor of religion at st olaf college 4bROdsYgi-c-00010-00005552-00006048 in northfield minnesota where he's also a program advisor in the race and ethnic studies program 4bROdsYgi-c-00011-00006160-00006568 dr bethesda trained at princeton theological seminary where he wrote his dissertation 4bROdsYgi-c-00012-00006568-00007240 entitled becoming a living law freedom and justice and the ethical writings of martin luther he's a 4bROdsYgi-c-00013-00007240-00007768 specialist in luther in moral theology and in christian ethics and his scholarly interests are 4bROdsYgi-c-00014-00007768-00008312 in luther's political theology the relationship of the reformer to the virtue tradition and the 4bROdsYgi-c-00015-00008312-00008936 impact of luther's thought on questions of race identity and social justice at st olaf 4bROdsYgi-c-00016-00008936-00009384 he teaches courses in the religion department that connect theological and biblical questions 4bROdsYgi-c-00017-00009384-00009880 with contemporary challenges and so i think you can see that he is the perfect guest for us 4bROdsYgi-c-00018-00009880-00010576 today joining us to discuss at least germans are honest martin luther's appeal to ethnic identity 4bROdsYgi-c-00019-00010576-00011144 and implications for social justice so dr pateza welcome and thank you so much for joining us today 4bROdsYgi-c-00020-00011288-00011784 oh thank you it's a real honor to be here with everyone today and to all all the folks watching 4bROdsYgi-c-00021-00011784-00012328 online or perhaps watching later if we record the stream uh i'm i'm honored to be a part of 4bROdsYgi-c-00022-00012328-00012824 this conversation this series and i'm excited to know that uh you all are hosting these kinds 4bROdsYgi-c-00023-00012824-00013360 of conversations keeping these kinds of topics alive and vibrant for folks well it's great i 4bROdsYgi-c-00024-00013360-00013768 really appreciate your being here i want to offer a quick note to those who are joining 4bROdsYgi-c-00025-00013768-00014184 us live as you can see on the right side of the screen there is a space for question and answer 4bROdsYgi-c-00026-00014247-00014728 and while we certainly want to hear from dr batasa we also want to hear from you and so throughout 4bROdsYgi-c-00027-00014728-00015240 our conversation if there are questions you have i invite you to put them into the q a and then 4bROdsYgi-c-00028-00015240-00015728 as we get to the end as we have time i will relay some of those to dr batesa and then of 4bROdsYgi-c-00029-00015728-00016224 course those that we do not have time to answer we will send to him after the fact uh through email 4bROdsYgi-c-00030-00016319-00016864 so i want to start our conversation today um by offering you anthony a an opportunity to provide a 4bROdsYgi-c-00031-00016864-00017392 broader introduction to who you are and what it is that you do in your scholarly work and maybe i'll 4bROdsYgi-c-00032-00017392-00017888 do so uh by highlighting what it is personally that i find so interesting about your work so 4bROdsYgi-c-00033-00017952-00018464 you were trained as a moral theologian but your work focuses at least in part on the reformation 4bROdsYgi-c-00034-00018464-00019088 period and on teachings of christian ethics from 500 years ago so much of your scholarship 4bROdsYgi-c-00035-00019088-00019648 relates to contemporary matters but you always look at it through the realm of history so i'm 4bROdsYgi-c-00036-00019648-00020208 curious how do you combine insights from the past into questions of the present that is 4bROdsYgi-c-00037-00020208-00020720 by what reasoning or method do you bring to bear texts and figures from the 16th century 4bROdsYgi-c-00038-00020720-00021392 to address questions that face us now in the 21st century well let me answer that by doing 4bROdsYgi-c-00039-00021392-00021824 a little bit of biography and see if that gets me to some of those methodological kinds of questions 4bROdsYgi-c-00040-00021824-00022384 that you're asking and so um a few years ago now when i was looking to do doctoral work 4bROdsYgi-c-00041-00022440-00023080 i was really struck by the question of how is it that lutherans in general or protestants 4bROdsYgi-c-00042-00023080-00023632 uh have received the the virtue tradition what's their thinking on the on formation 4bROdsYgi-c-00043-00023632-00024280 on character on habit and all these sorts of things and i became interested maybe in looking 4bROdsYgi-c-00044-00024280-00024832 at current figures people who were alive or died recently i really enjoyed the work of dietrich 4bROdsYgi-c-00045-00024832-00025320 bonhoeffer and thought maybe there's some good things to do here but the more research i did 4bROdsYgi-c-00046-00025320-00025783 the more reading i did as the years progressed i kind of went further and further back into time 4bROdsYgi-c-00047-00025783-00026272 and i came to sense uh in my formation that i really hadn't wrestled with luther enough 4bROdsYgi-c-00048-00026336-00026976 that i really needed to go back to luther's impact and luther's legacy on big questions of morality 4bROdsYgi-c-00049-00026976-00027736 of justice of formation and politics and so my sense has been that it's sometimes easier to look 4bROdsYgi-c-00050-00027736-00028432 for modern analogs without necessarily digging into the historical materials the older texts 4bROdsYgi-c-00051-00028432-00029048 and really i think wrestling with the legacies we are left with um i myself am also a lutheran 4bROdsYgi-c-00052-00029048-00029488 and a luther scholar and so i think that those who have that kind of connection bear a certain 4bROdsYgi-c-00053-00029488-00030048 responsibility for luther as a figure and for the tradition that comes out of him 4bROdsYgi-c-00054-00030160-00030808 and so i think that's been an amazingly valuable experience for me and i honestly can't imagine how 4bROdsYgi-c-00055-00030808-00031239 it would address contemporary issues without at least taking a look backwards in some way 4bROdsYgi-c-00056-00031239-00031760 or is there some form and quite honestly as we look around us in the world i'm more and more 4bROdsYgi-c-00057-00031760-00032183 convinced about the repetition of certain kinds of issues certain kinds of patterns that have 4bROdsYgi-c-00058-00032183-00032808 really become um quite clear for me because of the work i've done looking back 500 or more years 4bROdsYgi-c-00059-00032944-00033408 yeah that that's really interesting i mean i think we're all uh wrestling in our heads with this idea 4bROdsYgi-c-00060-00033408-00033816 of history repeats itself and it's not exactly that history repeats itself but it's always that 4bROdsYgi-c-00061-00033816-00034328 history probably has experienced something similar to what we're talking about and with appropriate 4bROdsYgi-c-00062-00034328-00034760 interpretation i think we can learn a lot from the past so i very much appreciate that approach 4bROdsYgi-c-00063-00034928-00035368 now your title for the talk today i find particularly interesting so you're talking 4bROdsYgi-c-00064-00035368-00035792 to us about at least germans are honest and i know the question mark there martin luther's appeals to 4bROdsYgi-c-00065-00035792-00036208 ethnic identity and the implications for social justice so i want to pull that apart a little bit 4bROdsYgi-c-00066-00036272-00036736 now i surmise from the title that you find luther talking a lot or writing a lot 4bROdsYgi-c-00067-00036736-00037168 about people who differ from him and probably ethnically is one way to think about that 4bROdsYgi-c-00068-00037232-00037704 so can you give us a brief overview of luther's writings about the other right people who are 4bROdsYgi-c-00069-00037704-00038144 different from he and who were these others and how does he go about addressing them 4bROdsYgi-c-00070-00038344-00038840 that's great um yeah i sort of uh have that hanging question mark in my title to try and 4bROdsYgi-c-00071-00038840-00039368 lure folks in a little bit to put the question out there um so i think it's fairly well known 4bROdsYgi-c-00072-00039368-00040008 that luther um has some longer engagements with others in his time at least those are other to 4bROdsYgi-c-00073-00040008-00040656 him uh particularly folks who are jewish and uh the turk or muslims more broadly 4bROdsYgi-c-00074-00040720-00041128 and so i'm excited to know you have a couple of talks coming down the road and we'll get a taste 4bROdsYgi-c-00075-00041128-00041728 of those later uh looking more in depth at those those subjects what i'm focusing on or interested 4bROdsYgi-c-00076-00041728-00042480 in um are a series of passing comments that luther sort of makes in a variety of places across 4bROdsYgi-c-00077-00042480-00043104 his writing and across his life where he's commenting on uh in one case let's say peasants 4bROdsYgi-c-00078-00043104-00043656 uh as sort of a part of the same german people that he's a part of but also clearly different 4bROdsYgi-c-00079-00043656-00044296 in terms of class and trade and geography sometimes and also what he has to say about 4bROdsYgi-c-00080-00044296-00044984 italians or the swiss or the french these are sort of three of his most common targets of others 4bROdsYgi-c-00081-00045120-00045480 part of the reason i'm drawn to this is i my sense is that uh most 4bROdsYgi-c-00082-00045480-00045856 interpreters of luther are most writing out luther just sort of blows right past 4bROdsYgi-c-00083-00045856-00046360 these comments sort of taking it for granted that yes he has some things to say about the italians 4bROdsYgi-c-00084-00046360-00046912 and the romans and and the swiss and what have you not really seen a lot of weight in these comments 4bROdsYgi-c-00085-00046976-00047536 um i think that's important because we have sort of um are soaking in the sort of sometimes 4bROdsYgi-c-00086-00047536-00048128 i'm using uh inter cultural differences that folks reflect on amongst european peoples today 4bROdsYgi-c-00087-00048264-00048688 but what i think is interesting is that you know luther is making these comments 4bROdsYgi-c-00088-00048688-00049216 and he's living in a time i would say before we have the rise of modern racialized thinking 4bROdsYgi-c-00089-00049216-00049864 um the colonial expansion's beginning the new world is being discovered and exploited in certain 4bROdsYgi-c-00090-00049864-00050416 kinds of ways but luther is just sort of right on the cusp of this and the later kinds of racialized 4bROdsYgi-c-00091-00050416-00051000 taxonomies that we see in the 17th century let's say 18th century aren't a part of luther's world 4bROdsYgi-c-00092-00051000-00051544 so he's not thinking like that what he is doing though is he's talking about different groups 4bROdsYgi-c-00093-00051616-00052152 often by describing their identity linked to something about their behavior uh 4bROdsYgi-c-00094-00052152-00052655 their cultural practices and what i'm really interested in often they're virtues and vices 4bROdsYgi-c-00095-00052736-00053208 um so he isn't thinking in essentialist terms if you're italian you're going to be this because of 4bROdsYgi-c-00096-00053208-00053791 genetics because of whatever um or german what have you but he does think there are certain 4bROdsYgi-c-00097-00053791-00054528 sort of characters of personality of habit of political behavior that he sees clumping 4bROdsYgi-c-00098-00054528-00055104 around these different kinds of designations of italian or roman or swiss so for example he 4bROdsYgi-c-00099-00055104-00055632 often makes sort of a passing joke about the swiss being mercenaries which is of course a well-known 4bROdsYgi-c-00100-00055632-00056064 observation about their military involvement but uses that to make claims about sort of our 4bROdsYgi-c-00101-00056064-00056616 mercenary eyes when it comes to relationship with god and justification sort of using it almost as 4bROdsYgi-c-00102-00056616-00057328 a slur or pejorative reference there and then when it comes to let's say the italians the subject he 4bROdsYgi-c-00103-00057328-00057832 likes to talk on a lot um he talks about the italians and sort of links them to epicurean 4bROdsYgi-c-00104-00057832-00058320 philosophy and other kinds of observations that he makes in which they really enjoy 4bROdsYgi-c-00105-00058320-00059055 pleasure and fine wine and soft clothing he makes these sorts of comments versus the germans who are 4bROdsYgi-c-00106-00059055-00059664 drinking beer and wearing wool right there's a there's a toughness there's a stoutness 4bROdsYgi-c-00107-00059664-00060232 to the german people that he wants to appeal to now in some ways this of course could be 4bROdsYgi-c-00108-00060232-00060672 troubling making these kinds of stereotypes these kind of generalizations about people 4bROdsYgi-c-00109-00060752-00061184 but i think it's interesting the way that luther tries to leverage these um both as 4bROdsYgi-c-00110-00061184-00061736 sort of a pejorative description of other people but it's sort of a call to arms for his own people 4bROdsYgi-c-00111-00061736-00062232 and so for example in his commentary on psalm 101 which is sort of a mirror for prince's document 4bROdsYgi-c-00112-00062232-00062904 that he writes kind of in the middle of his life middle of his career he makes these comments about 4bROdsYgi-c-00113-00062904-00063455 listen in italy they have these kinds of issues they're devolving into but at least in germany 4bROdsYgi-c-00114-00063455-00064000 uh people are honest and if we hold on to honesty and if we hold on to the sense of saying things 4bROdsYgi-c-00115-00064000-00064688 truthfully and straightforwardly and simply that's going to be the key to us persevering both in the 4bROdsYgi-c-00116-00064688-00065279 reformation efforts and politically as a nation he says once people stop being honest once they 4bROdsYgi-c-00117-00065279-00066016 fall back on to let's say using money to secure relationships and not the honesty of their word uh 4bROdsYgi-c-00118-00066016-00066584 he says then everything sort of falls apart um and he says people start breaking treaties husbands 4bROdsYgi-c-00119-00066584-00067136 start lying to their wives and wives are lying to husbands and he sort of sees this quickly sliding 4bROdsYgi-c-00120-00067136-00067784 into sort of chaos and so i put the question mark in my in my title there because i think 4bROdsYgi-c-00121-00067784-00068448 um there's something dangerous in this appeal to the germans being honest and the italians not um 4bROdsYgi-c-00122-00068448-00069024 but there's something also interesting to me about wanting to call people to um their better nature 4bROdsYgi-c-00123-00069128-00069536 that nature is sort of a second nature and acquired nature a habit to disposition 4bROdsYgi-c-00124-00069600-00070080 so he's claiming that germans are more honest and demanding that they sort of live out this honesty 4bROdsYgi-c-00125-00070080-00070392 in their political and social and religious relationships 4bROdsYgi-c-00126-00070552-00070968 so as an aside i'm just kind of curious so for these particular works where he's 4bROdsYgi-c-00127-00070968-00071400 talking about the other the italian the swiss etc do you get the sense that he's addressing 4bROdsYgi-c-00128-00071400-00071880 a german audience so it really is kind of an insular audience or argument to the germans and 4bROdsYgi-c-00129-00071944-00072384 othering these other nationalities is just a way of kind of strengthening his argument to his own 4bROdsYgi-c-00130-00072384-00072992 people that is a part of it yes he is writing to his own people uh in most places i'm looking he's 4bROdsYgi-c-00131-00072992-00073432 generally writing in german for german audiences he's writing to john frederick or to others hoping 4bROdsYgi-c-00132-00073432-00073864 they'll read this whether they read it or not we're not we're not really sure um and so he 4bROdsYgi-c-00133-00073864-00074472 is sort of playing to the in crowd um but i think it's it's sort of different than we see sometimes 4bROdsYgi-c-00134-00074472-00075080 it's kind of a cheap uh insider language or sort of the the proto-nationalism you might see of like 4bROdsYgi-c-00135-00075080-00075600 at least germans are good and all italians are bad um i think there's something slightly different 4bROdsYgi-c-00136-00075600-00076104 going on i don't think he's trying to sort of drum up a nationalist interest but i think he is 4bROdsYgi-c-00137-00076104-00076664 trying to find ways to call out what he sees as dangerous trends and vices among his own people 4bROdsYgi-c-00138-00076752-00077304 um and he sort of takes back what he gives with one hand later on so there are places for example 4bROdsYgi-c-00139-00077304-00077768 we'll talk about how great the king is how great the ruler is or what have you and then at the 4bROdsYgi-c-00140-00077768-00078208 end he'll say but of course things are actually quite horrible uh here locally and most of our 4bROdsYgi-c-00141-00078208-00078784 our princes are are not great at being princes they they grew up uh spoiled uh they only care 4bROdsYgi-c-00142-00078784-00079368 about themselves yadda yadda and so he's not kind of slipping into this sort of just pure othering 4bROdsYgi-c-00143-00079368-00079888 of outside peoples and this sort of romanticized image or elevation of people internally which i 4bROdsYgi-c-00144-00079888-00080344 think is quite common sometimes with these kinds of other rings um but he's sort of moving back 4bROdsYgi-c-00145-00080344-00080896 and forth and yes using the other the outsider as a foil but using it to sort of criticize and 4bROdsYgi-c-00146-00080896-00081384 hopefully encourage a certain kind of behavior amongst his own community amongst his own people 4bROdsYgi-c-00147-00081560-00082104 so as we kind of think about that i mean one of the things you referenced was there's a danger in 4bROdsYgi-c-00148-00082104-00082512 reading a text where someone is talking bad about another group right that the way that text can be 4bROdsYgi-c-00149-00082512-00083096 read so i think if we pull it forward to our kind of contemporary situation you know i think we all 4bROdsYgi-c-00150-00083096-00083616 recognize that inequities in our society those based on race or class or socioeconomic status 4bROdsYgi-c-00151-00083616-00084080 during the pandemic have been exacerbated and i think appropriately so are now at the forefront 4bROdsYgi-c-00152-00084080-00084608 of our minds and our conversations so i think as we increasingly recognize that our world 4bROdsYgi-c-00153-00084608-00084968 is experienced very differently from people based on the way they look or the backgrounds 4bROdsYgi-c-00154-00084968-00085504 from which they come how you know what can we learn from a figure like luther who as you say 4bROdsYgi-c-00155-00085568-00085984 has a bit of a complex relationship with those who are different than he so how can we take a 4bROdsYgi-c-00156-00085984-00086600 figure like luther and and use his writings to address the inequality that we face to create a 4bROdsYgi-c-00157-00086600-00086984 more just society to encourage you know our fellow citizens to just love the neighbor 4bROdsYgi-c-00158-00087088-00087592 yeah yeah well i think one of the the benefits of luther is probably fairly well known by the folks 4bROdsYgi-c-00159-00087592-00088136 listening right now is that luther really wants to drive a wedge between this idea of good works 4bROdsYgi-c-00160-00088136-00088648 and salvation or justification right so now our good works the good things we do for our neighbors 4bROdsYgi-c-00161-00088648-00089264 aren't earning us a space out of purgatory or into heaven but they are truly there just to serve the 4bROdsYgi-c-00162-00089264-00089800 neighbors needs what the other needs there's sort of a long tradition of protestant moral 4bROdsYgi-c-00163-00089800-00090232 reflection and political institutions particularly in scandinavia and germany but here in the united 4bROdsYgi-c-00164-00090232-00090632 states as well with lutheran services in america and other kinds of organizations 4bROdsYgi-c-00165-00090632-00091256 that still pull from that tradition to try to say that listen uh luther commands this sense of 4bROdsYgi-c-00166-00091256-00091968 neighbor love of service to other um this god desires and does not uh again for mercenary 4bROdsYgi-c-00167-00091968-00092536 purposes not to earn your way into heaven one of the challenges then is to try to figure out 4bROdsYgi-c-00168-00092536-00093184 um i'm supposed to serve my neighbor but what exactly does my neighbor need like what does that 4bROdsYgi-c-00169-00093184-00093752 mean and i've heard many folks speak to and sort of say if we help people yes we do what should 4bROdsYgi-c-00170-00093752-00094392 we do i'm not really sure um and then luther i think runs into this problem as well sometimes 4bROdsYgi-c-00171-00094392-00094896 um sometimes he he will write and speak as if we automatically know what our neighbor needs 4bROdsYgi-c-00172-00094896-00095328 we just need to get out there and do it and help our neighbor and i think he sort of takes for 4bROdsYgi-c-00173-00095328-00095792 granted that we know what our neighbors needs are sometimes uh he's living in a different kind of 4bROdsYgi-c-00174-00095792-00096160 community different kind of culture than we are i think he has a sense that you can just kind of 4bROdsYgi-c-00175-00096160-00096656 see on people's faces you can kind of see it in your small town of wichinburg or wherever you are 4bROdsYgi-c-00176-00096656-00097072 you know what what what build on the street needs you know what susie needs you know what they're 4bROdsYgi-c-00177-00097072-00097568 going through and so one thing i think we need to do to sort of pull luther from the past into today 4bROdsYgi-c-00178-00097568-00098088 is take a take a pause and ask ourselves whether or not we actually know what our neighbor needs 4bROdsYgi-c-00179-00098160-00098776 um and the pandemic as he pointed to has really exposed some of the challenges with this right we 4bROdsYgi-c-00180-00098776-00099240 might have assumed all kinds of things about the food insecurity or security of people 4bROdsYgi-c-00181-00099240-00099736 children in our community of the elderly of access to health care and medical care 4bROdsYgi-c-00182-00099832-00100416 all sorts of things and so really calling it a question sometimes are hubris and that we 4bROdsYgi-c-00183-00100416-00100912 actually know what needs our neighbor has and our ability to let the neighbors speak for themselves 4bROdsYgi-c-00184-00100912-00101320 and to actually listen to and receive what they're offering when they say that they need something 4bROdsYgi-c-00185-00101472-00101808 that's it's really interesting so the things that luther could take for granted perhaps in 4bROdsYgi-c-00186-00101808-00102160 our society we don't take for granted and so in order to apply luther we kind of have to 4bROdsYgi-c-00187-00102160-00102616 do a little bit of the legwork uh beforehand to hear the neighbor i think that's really 4bROdsYgi-c-00188-00102616-00103224 uh interesting i'm curious i mean this is just my own curiosity maybe others share it when you 4bROdsYgi-c-00189-00103224-00103728 teach this to your students so your students who i presume have at the forefront of their mind 4bROdsYgi-c-00190-00103728-00104216 social justice inequalities in our society and want to solve that and you're asking them to 4bROdsYgi-c-00191-00104216-00104728 take a pause and go back and consider someone from 500 years ago is that a tough move for 4bROdsYgi-c-00192-00104728-00105216 them are they receptive to thinking historically about issues that are so pressing in their lives 4bROdsYgi-c-00193-00105359-00105808 you know it is a tough move um it's a tough move for me as well i won't just put it on my on my 4bROdsYgi-c-00194-00105808-00106328 students um i think sometimes when you're teaching undergraduates there can be something of a sort of 4bROdsYgi-c-00195-00106328-00106792 a knee-jerk reaction if something matches what i already believe they get really excited about it 4bROdsYgi-c-00196-00106792-00107296 something seems wrong or bad it's oh listen get rid of this person get rid of this idea we got to 4bROdsYgi-c-00197-00107296-00107735 dump it real fast and so when we get to the to luther's writings against the jews for example 4bROdsYgi-c-00198-00107864-00108335 they no more luther don't want any more of this so try to make things a little more complicated 4bROdsYgi-c-00199-00108335-00109016 for them on those lines um and i think one of the hardest things for myself and for my students to 4bROdsYgi-c-00200-00109016-00109728 grasp in making this jump back and forth is that um i think it's okay to talk about particularity 4bROdsYgi-c-00201-00109824-00110344 and and sort of the claims that individuals make the kind of identities individuals claim 4bROdsYgi-c-00202-00110344-00110976 um and how that changes their their practices their beliefs their community um that that is not 4bROdsYgi-c-00203-00110976-00111480 necessarily a bad or a good thing sort of approach that with a little bit more open-mindedness 4bROdsYgi-c-00204-00111480-00111968 a little bit more flexibility right so they will read things in the bible about your behave certain 4bROdsYgi-c-00205-00111968-00112704 ways don't do certain things like ah that's it's it's uh oppressive that's sort of um being 4bROdsYgi-c-00206-00112704-00113192 forced to do certain kinds of things they see luther using the same kind of language sometimes 4bROdsYgi-c-00207-00113192-00113559 it's like oh we don't like any of that here in america we can do whatever we want they have 4bROdsYgi-c-00208-00113559-00114032 freedom and they didn't have freedom back then and so one of the tasks then is to complicate that to 4bROdsYgi-c-00209-00114032-00114600 sort of say what is it today that you take to be freedom and how is it that all of your um these 4bROdsYgi-c-00210-00114600-00115280 freedoms are so often constrained so often they're chosen unreflectively um and those sorts of things 4bROdsYgi-c-00211-00115280-00115680 and then luther's time to kind of see how is he actually more open and capacious he 4bROdsYgi-c-00212-00115680-00116064 might give him credit for and how is he more closed-minded he might have even realized some 4bROdsYgi-c-00213-00116064-00116648 of the things that seem open and capacious yeah i think that's i mean you highlight so well one 4bROdsYgi-c-00214-00116648-00117128 of the challenges that i think historians or people who work with historical figures face 4bROdsYgi-c-00215-00117128-00117616 and that is answering that question of why should we listen to someone who on the surface says 4bROdsYgi-c-00216-00117616-00118088 things that we find deeply offensive or deeply problematic and i think it's it's not an easy 4bROdsYgi-c-00217-00118088-00118488 answer but i think the way you're working through it is really an important way for for students to 4bROdsYgi-c-00218-00118488-00118864 appreciate uh the value of historical figures and kind of answering some of these questions 4bROdsYgi-c-00219-00118992-00119383 yeah i think a lot of so a lot of historians and folks are sensitive to these things 4bROdsYgi-c-00220-00119383-00119992 we've tried to be more attentive to neither sort of lionizing or castigating uh figures in the 4bROdsYgi-c-00221-00119992-00120504 past just sort of demonstrating that for students let them see what that looks like in practice um 4bROdsYgi-c-00222-00120559-00120935 and letting them decide for themselves and when a course is over when a reading is done if you want 4bROdsYgi-c-00223-00120935-00121288 to keep with this figure if you want to hold on to it that is your choice i'm sort of giving you 4bROdsYgi-c-00224-00121288-00121920 the tools and empowering you to do that um but of course by having readings by signing figures 4bROdsYgi-c-00225-00121920-00122576 like luther i am endorsing in some way the value of engaging such a person and so um that makes 4bROdsYgi-c-00226-00122576-00123272 for complicated but i think really important conversations and i think um once the students 4bROdsYgi-c-00227-00123272-00123783 have built up some sort of trust in the classroom once people have some trust that you're going to 4bROdsYgi-c-00228-00123783-00124328 uh be open to different kinds of questions to be open to criticism and sort of engage in this 4bROdsYgi-c-00229-00124328-00124800 longer conversation that becomes a lot easier when things just popping up intermittently on social 4bROdsYgi-c-00230-00124800-00125296 media or flying past us at 100 miles an hour it's a lot harder to develop that kind of trust needed 4bROdsYgi-c-00231-00125296-00125728 to spend the time to sit with these historical figures and their complicated legacies 4bROdsYgi-c-00232-00125856-00126344 well and it also occurs to me i mean you spoke in the beginning about your dual context in the 4bROdsYgi-c-00233-00126344-00126840 sense that you also are engaged with the church right and i imagine the situation the church is 4bROdsYgi-c-00234-00126840-00127464 quite different that is luther has a certain inherent authority because he is luther and in 4bROdsYgi-c-00235-00127464-00127880 many ways you have to fight against the proclivity perhaps to take luther wholesale right so you kind 4bROdsYgi-c-00236-00127880-00128328 of have to complicate him whereas for students it is you have to uncomplicate him in some ways 4bROdsYgi-c-00237-00128424-00128888 yes that's exactly right so sort of trying to get a sense of where your audience is um not just not 4bROdsYgi-c-00238-00128888-00129328 to complicate things just to for the sake of complication um but to really try to bring 4bROdsYgi-c-00239-00129328-00129872 that that kind of nuance and complexity and the sense that you know that is an important exercise 4bROdsYgi-c-00240-00129872-00130280 in unsettling your opinions and your beliefs um even if you come back to them at the end 4bROdsYgi-c-00241-00130335-00130792 but that movement through that unsettling that questioning will perhaps strengthen 4bROdsYgi-c-00242-00130792-00131424 your resolve uh one way or the other um but in a more thoughtful uh a more again reflective sort of 4bROdsYgi-c-00243-00131424-00131944 way yeah no that that's great i think that's why it's so important that people like you and here 4bROdsYgi-c-00244-00131944-00132320 at candler we kind of sit on the boundary of the academy and the church and it's it makes things 4bROdsYgi-c-00245-00132320-00132728 so exciting right because you have these these multiple audiences to address these questions with 4bROdsYgi-c-00246-00132840-00133280 so i i wanted to talk you mentioned earlier about part of your work you've worked on the peasants 4bROdsYgi-c-00247-00133280-00133968 war right which is uprising in the 1520s in german territories that was in many ways prompted by 4bROdsYgi-c-00248-00133968-00134416 luther's reforms the kind of empowerment of the lower classes over against the nobility 4bROdsYgi-c-00249-00134528-00135040 and it seems to me that this particular episode is really relevant to what you're talking about 4bROdsYgi-c-00250-00135040-00135520 because one of the arguments of the peasants in that situation was what we might call today a 4bROdsYgi-c-00251-00135520-00136008 kind of systemic injustice right there is systemic inequality and the uprising was 4bROdsYgi-c-00252-00136008-00136616 a way to kind of fight back against that and what's maybe interesting about luther is while 4bROdsYgi-c-00253-00136616-00137080 i think we're many of us are familiar that he decries the violence and he thinks that you know 4bROdsYgi-c-00254-00137080-00137648 that shouldn't happen and while he he does give a little bit of credence to the peasants arguments 4bROdsYgi-c-00255-00137704-00138192 ultimately he does little in terms of in court encouraging their reform of the system 4bROdsYgi-c-00256-00138192-00138728 and i just wrote down here a quote from your own work quote luther does not question the political 4bROdsYgi-c-00257-00138728-00139336 arrangements that preceded and arguably caused the current conflagration in short he has difficulty 4bROdsYgi-c-00258-00139336-00140144 conceiving of a response to issues where the just systems or structures produce injustice so we 4bROdsYgi-c-00259-00140144-00140600 talk a lot these days about systemic inequality and the problems with some of the kind of big 4bROdsYgi-c-00260-00140600-00141232 systems that are operable how do we reckon with with luther who doesn't really help the peasants 4bROdsYgi-c-00261-00141232-00141720 in that kind of fight does it does maybe this provides cover for people who sit at the top of 4bROdsYgi-c-00262-00141720-00142384 unjust systems today that's excellent um yeah i sort of find myself often drawn to topics 4bROdsYgi-c-00263-00142384-00142936 in luther that are somewhat problematic or at least viewed as problematic and so luther is 4bROdsYgi-c-00264-00142936-00143376 seen as an enemy of virtue and i'm going to say he's not and lutheran is going totally wrong on 4bROdsYgi-c-00265-00143376-00143896 the peasants war and i want to say well maybe it's a little more complicated than that um 4bROdsYgi-c-00266-00143896-00144704 and uh so with the peasants war specifically um yes luther is in some ways ambivalent 4bROdsYgi-c-00267-00144704-00145280 or at least playing both sides when he initially responds to the uprisings in 2425 4bROdsYgi-c-00268-00145344-00145928 and he wants to say listen the the princes and the rulers are despicable right they're horrible 4bROdsYgi-c-00269-00145928-00146376 um they're oppressing the people and just for some background contacts for those who don't know 4bROdsYgi-c-00270-00146448-00146928 what the the princes and rulers and other temporal rulers have been doing uh was sort of increasing 4bROdsYgi-c-00271-00146928-00147344 levies and taxes and that kind of thing they've been closing off hunting ground and fishing 4bROdsYgi-c-00272-00147344-00147920 ground uh to sort of peasant folks who needed the wild game and the protein uh from that kind 4bROdsYgi-c-00273-00147920-00148440 of activity just to sustain their diet um and a lot of folks have found themselves essentially 4bROdsYgi-c-00274-00148440-00149000 in forms of slavery uh various kinds of servitude that were going away in other parts of europe but 4bROdsYgi-c-00275-00149000-00149744 we're still going strong in some parts of luther and the german-speaking lands and so um and also 4bROdsYgi-c-00276-00149744-00150248 the legal system have been changing so have been a shift away from sort of common law traditions 4bROdsYgi-c-00277-00150368-00150936 of the german peoples more towards sort of a unified use of roman law which invariably helped 4bROdsYgi-c-00278-00150936-00151480 the rulers and those on top and didn't help those on the bottom and so luther as i understand him is 4bROdsYgi-c-00279-00151480-00151952 aware of these trends aware of these realities and says that all of this is a bad development all of 4bROdsYgi-c-00280-00151952-00152568 this is being implemented by bad princes and this uprising is to be blamed on these princes and on 4bROdsYgi-c-00281-00152568-00153328 their behavior nevertheless um he thinks that the peasants right certainly can't appeal to violence 4bROdsYgi-c-00282-00153400-00153896 certainly can't take up arms and can't depose whatever rulers are out there running around 4bROdsYgi-c-00283-00154064-00154488 and so what i think is interesting then is that luther has this sort of both sides 4bROdsYgi-c-00284-00154488-00154984 uh piece to his analysis of the situation right uh the peasants are being oppressed they're right 4bROdsYgi-c-00285-00154984-00155688 about that but the they can't resist the princes uh by arms at least what i find positive though is 4bROdsYgi-c-00286-00155688-00156152 that luther does think they can resist the princes by other means right and so one of the things gets 4bROdsYgi-c-00287-00156152-00156664 overlooked is he says listen you should be engaged in these debates and these conversations and legal 4bROdsYgi-c-00288-00156664-00157088 cases and he says to the princes you need to meet with the peasants you need to come to some sort 4bROdsYgi-c-00289-00157088-00157656 of agreement you need to resolve these things in some sort of um some sort of non-violent a 4bROdsYgi-c-00290-00157656-00158176 non-coercive way we might say and i find that to be a rather positive assessment of things 4bROdsYgi-c-00291-00158288-00158784 and to those who worry that he doesn't have sort of encourage the peasants in the revolt 4bROdsYgi-c-00292-00158784-00159544 against the system um i think i would i was more worried about luther in the past as time has gone 4bROdsYgi-c-00293-00159544-00160184 by i started to see some of the wisdom in his weariness or concern about mob violence let's say 4bROdsYgi-c-00294-00160256-00160744 particularly this last year i suppose since january 6th in the attack on the u.s capitol right 4bROdsYgi-c-00295-00160840-00161344 luther's sense here is that first of all mob violence is not working through the 4bROdsYgi-c-00296-00161344-00161760 the means of good order the means of law it means that god of a status established 4bROdsYgi-c-00297-00161760-00162248 so there's problems there immediately uh he also thinks that those who engage in this kind 4bROdsYgi-c-00298-00162248-00162752 of violence to depose leaders usually end up with worse leaders after the fact he says you 4bROdsYgi-c-00299-00162752-00163128 tear one person down to get somebody even worse and has all these sort of anecdotes and stories 4bROdsYgi-c-00300-00163128-00163808 that tells about this happening he also has a sense that the the mob is in fact being exploited 4bROdsYgi-c-00301-00163864-00164304 by particular individuals so he thinks that there's people sort of riling up the mob for their 4bROdsYgi-c-00302-00164304-00164936 own benefit so that their concerns for the poor the concerns for injustice are disingenuous uh and 4bROdsYgi-c-00303-00164936-00165520 in fact they have their own economic and political uh sort of eyes open and they're trying to make 4bROdsYgi-c-00304-00165520-00166040 a grab at something for themselves and while we might disagree with luther's assessment if 4bROdsYgi-c-00305-00166040-00166496 this is happening or not in the particulars of the peasants war and the particulars of those various 4bROdsYgi-c-00306-00166496-00167152 uprisings um i think the instinct to say uh that just countering injustice with with mob violence 4bROdsYgi-c-00307-00167152-00167768 or deposing or completely changing the system um is dangerous um i also don't know how practical 4bROdsYgi-c-00308-00167768-00168176 it is i might think about the current situation in the united states or in other countries around 4bROdsYgi-c-00309-00168176-00168784 the world my sense is that there's some naive optimism in our ability to quickly 4bROdsYgi-c-00310-00168784-00169336 and radically re-change a political system or a social structure i think luther's sentiment 4bROdsYgi-c-00311-00169336-00169944 that these things take time that sort of a long hard slow slog across the years 4bROdsYgi-c-00312-00170048-00170552 more accurately represents the reality that many groups for example black folks in this country 4bROdsYgi-c-00313-00170552-00171064 have felt there's no one moment you can point to a revolution happened it's been a series of 4bROdsYgi-c-00314-00171064-00171656 fight and a lot of work by a lot of people ongoing into the present and god willing into the future 4bROdsYgi-c-00315-00171800-00172232 um where i would sort of fault luther though is i think that when he sees 4bROdsYgi-c-00316-00172232-00172656 sort of an emergency situation what he thinks is an emergency of some kind when there's you know 4bROdsYgi-c-00317-00172656-00173368 violence happening he too quickly slides into um you know as he says in a against the murder 4bROdsYgi-c-00318-00173368-00173912 robbering hordes you know slay them smite them strike them down he took too quickly 4bROdsYgi-c-00319-00173912-00174568 and two um sort of most emphatically passionately sometimes joyously embraces this image 4bROdsYgi-c-00320-00174568-00175104 of the princes and the soldiers putting down the rebellion and teaching those who have risen up 4bROdsYgi-c-00321-00175104-00175768 uh an important lesson making an example of them almost um and so uh his slide into that in his own 4bROdsYgi-c-00322-00175768-00176128 sense of his self-justification in doing so even when friends come up to him and say you should 4bROdsYgi-c-00323-00176128-00176736 apologize he says i apologize my apologies no apology whatsoever he makes those kind of moves 4bROdsYgi-c-00324-00176736-00177304 um so i think that that shows that luther's um has good instincts about the complexities 4bROdsYgi-c-00325-00177304-00177792 of these realities but when pressed or when he feels like he's pressed or facing an emergency 4bROdsYgi-c-00326-00177792-00178464 um he can quickly or to easily slide into this kind of a more authoritarian hardline um 4bROdsYgi-c-00327-00178656-00179352 response i deeply appreciate the nuance you know we tend to have a tendency to say either luther 4bROdsYgi-c-00328-00179352-00179816 all good or luther all bad and it's it's very evident that the the nuance and the care with 4bROdsYgi-c-00329-00179816-00180232 which you are reading these sources to say there's a lot here and some of it's good and some of us 4bROdsYgi-c-00330-00180232-00180840 bad and we need to engage that uh to learn um it's also a little bit terrifying but interesting 4bROdsYgi-c-00331-00180840-00181376 how relevant some of these kind of questions of violence and of as you point out are so 4bROdsYgi-c-00332-00181376-00181896 uh relevant in our particular american context so uh thank you for sharing that um 4bROdsYgi-c-00333-00182072-00182496 this is a selfish library question so i apologize for that in advance now 4bROdsYgi-c-00334-00182552-00183160 as i began the beginning i i said i'm i'm very much a fan of your work because in many ways 4bROdsYgi-c-00335-00183160-00183568 you embody what we're trying to do with the kessler collection that is we collect a lot 4bROdsYgi-c-00336-00183568-00184032 of old things but we don't see our mission as ending and collecting it is to maximize 4bROdsYgi-c-00337-00184032-00184624 the impact of these old things and to draw out these conversations about contemporary issues so 4bROdsYgi-c-00338-00184624-00185080 we spend a lot of time and we spend a lot of energy collecting old books and a lot of people 4bROdsYgi-c-00339-00185080-00185472 will say to me you know it's the digital age things are online we don't need to spend all 4bROdsYgi-c-00340-00185472-00186000 these energies collecting old books so in the same vein of asking what's the relevance of reading old 4bROdsYgi-c-00341-00186000-00186640 texts let me ask you what do you perceive as the value of doing the scholarly work of collecting 4bROdsYgi-c-00342-00186640-00187208 preserving and providing access to the physical objects from 500 years ago is there is there value 4bROdsYgi-c-00343-00187208-00187776 in this kind of research and i'm hoping so because that's what we do yes there there most certainly 4bROdsYgi-c-00344-00187776-00188232 is value and a great deal of it um that isn't to say that sort of the digitization of things 4bROdsYgi-c-00345-00188232-00188592 isn't isn't important it isn't really helpful for getting broader access to 4bROdsYgi-c-00346-00188592-00189064 people all over the place but having people who are collecting and curating these sources 4bROdsYgi-c-00347-00189120-00189816 is immensely important they can sort of put together um in a physical sort of tactile way 4bROdsYgi-c-00348-00189816-00190336 um what these sources look like what they felt like what they what kind of shape and smell they 4bROdsYgi-c-00349-00190336-00190904 had um i would say we have some of these materials here at st olive uh we have a fairly large special 4bROdsYgi-c-00350-00190904-00191384 collections for norwegian norwegian american and norwegian history bits and a smaller collection 4bROdsYgi-c-00351-00191384-00191776 for lutheran reformation stuff but i've used some of our own collections in the classroom 4bROdsYgi-c-00352-00191776-00192432 with students and they have genuinely been amazed and just sort of transfixed on this experience of 4bROdsYgi-c-00353-00192432-00193056 actually getting to touch um with gloves usually um and just sort of look through and to see just 4bROdsYgi-c-00354-00193056-00193672 the size the shape the printing to notice things that you just can't notice uh in a digital format 4bROdsYgi-c-00355-00193736-00194224 um and to see you know oftentimes these pieces that we're collecting have come through various 4bROdsYgi-c-00356-00194224-00194848 owners right across the ages uh there'll be things in the manuscript little notes little comments and 4bROdsYgi-c-00357-00194848-00195344 you can sort of see the reception the history the transmission of these ideas of these texts that 4bROdsYgi-c-00358-00195344-00196024 you're just not going to get from some sort of plain html text that's online or in some database 4bROdsYgi-c-00359-00196160-00196856 and i think that it makes people appreciate just how valuable these sources were to people that 4bROdsYgi-c-00360-00196856-00197608 having these printed materials uh was in that time how much care went into their construction 4bROdsYgi-c-00361-00197688-00198280 the artwork the wood cuts all that sort of stuff i think that's immensely helpful and 4bROdsYgi-c-00362-00198280-00198720 to sort of circle back to what we said earlier about sort of unsettling people 4bROdsYgi-c-00363-00198824-00199464 i think there's one experience we have in reading things online in a digitized sort of way um that 4bROdsYgi-c-00364-00199464-00200056 is important but it's different than the sort of collection and use and putting your eyes on and 4bROdsYgi-c-00365-00200056-00200816 hands on physical materials books and pamphlets and this sort of thing it really unsettles your 4bROdsYgi-c-00366-00200816-00201288 experience really forces you to slow down and i think it really um forms things in your mind 4bROdsYgi-c-00367-00201288-00201792 differently i think that the research backs this up but there's something to the physical resources 4bROdsYgi-c-00368-00201792-00202368 and having the physical resources finally my only thought here is that there's something about 4bROdsYgi-c-00369-00202368-00202816 the collecting of resources speaks to the what we value what we take to be important 4bROdsYgi-c-00370-00202928-00203416 i think there's no doubt that we value our online world and the digital world we have 4bROdsYgi-c-00371-00203472-00203896 the apps and the programs and all these kinds of things there's a lot of money billions of 4bROdsYgi-c-00372-00203896-00204408 dollars being invested in there and i think by comparison investing in the collection of these 4bROdsYgi-c-00373-00204408-00204856 texts says something about what we are invested in so where we're putting our treasure and our 4bROdsYgi-c-00374-00204856-00205464 time says something about how we are invested in the past our forebears our ancestors their words 4bROdsYgi-c-00375-00205464-00206016 their lives uh that we're taking the care and the time um to not just focus on what's happening now 4bROdsYgi-c-00376-00206016-00206471 and this digital age but looking back and giving them the care and attention they deserve 4bROdsYgi-c-00377-00206623-00207040 yeah that that's so well said i mean i think any of us who've had the privilege of introducing 4bROdsYgi-c-00378-00207040-00207608 students to physical objects in a library and you kind of get that sense of awe and grandeur 4bROdsYgi-c-00379-00207608-00208112 um actually i was conversing with someone who's on this call rod hunter who was comparing it to 4bROdsYgi-c-00380-00208112-00208519 touring a biblical site that you will never read the biblical text the same without having 4bROdsYgi-c-00381-00208519-00209000 experienced the physical location i think similarly for these texts i mean i think 4bROdsYgi-c-00382-00209000-00209519 about it oftentimes we show students we talk about luther's use of technology in the pamphlet 4bROdsYgi-c-00383-00209519-00209944 but it's quite another thing to give them a 16th century pamphlet to hold in their hands to feel 4bROdsYgi-c-00384-00209944-00210392 how light it is how easy it would have been to produce gives you a sense of why these things 4bROdsYgi-c-00385-00210392-00211176 were so popular and sold so uh widely and why uh he had such an impact um so i want to turn now we 4bROdsYgi-c-00386-00211176-00211567 have a number of questions that have come in uh in the q a and i think they're quite insightful 4bROdsYgi-c-00387-00211567-00212040 so i mean it with if you're willing i'm going to put you on the spot here and ask a couple of these 4bROdsYgi-c-00388-00212040-00212504 um the first is at the top of my list which comes from rod hunter who i just mentioned it says 4bROdsYgi-c-00389-00212504-00212936 what direct personal experiences did luther have of people significantly 4bROdsYgi-c-00390-00212936-00213400 different from himself ethnically culturally or religiously did he ever have an experience 4bROdsYgi-c-00391-00213400-00213848 of an other that significantly impacted or changed his thinking or moral commitments 4bROdsYgi-c-00392-00214016-00214767 that's a great question i would say generally no right by and large luther lived his entire life 4bROdsYgi-c-00393-00214767-00215256 uh in saxony with a brief trip to rome and the occasional trip to vermont 4bROdsYgi-c-00394-00215256-00215767 um and so he didn't uh and while in sacks in the hawaii victorianburg and other areas 4bROdsYgi-c-00395-00215767-00216167 he was really limited in the kinds of people he engaged with we're not even sure he actually 4bROdsYgi-c-00396-00216167-00216719 had a chance to meet a living a jewish person so he's sort of writing about other people's reports 4bROdsYgi-c-00397-00216719-00217336 on them uh not he's not meeting turks he's not meeting he met some italians into various sort of 4bROdsYgi-c-00398-00217336-00217896 people envoys and that sort of thing and his trip to rome uh but not very often right so more often 4bROdsYgi-c-00399-00217896-00218552 than not he's relying on either writings that are predating him so he makes a lot of use of 4bROdsYgi-c-00400-00218552-00219112 uh you know ancient roman uh rhetoricians writing about the greeks and how bad the greeks are so he 4bROdsYgi-c-00401-00219112-00219560 just says you know the greeks are like this obviously and the latins are like this um 4bROdsYgi-c-00402-00219616-00220088 and he's relying upon sort of experiences of others that are being reported to him so people 4bROdsYgi-c-00403-00220088-00220616 who are traveling people who are seeing the world a bit more and he also has sort of a um seems like 4bROdsYgi-c-00404-00220616-00221119 sort of a naive uh wonder when he hears reports about things like the peasants were for example 4bROdsYgi-c-00405-00221119-00221536 he sort of gets reports on what's happening the violence it just sort of runs with it 4bROdsYgi-c-00406-00221536-00222216 um and again it seems naive in some ways but for myself i live on a certain sort of diet of 4bROdsYgi-c-00407-00222216-00222719 social media and newspapers and periodicals and so quite honestly a lot of what i gather about people 4bROdsYgi-c-00408-00222719-00223128 around the world comes to me through secondhand reports through images and that kind of thing 4bROdsYgi-c-00409-00223184-00223936 but no he is not uh mixing interpersonally on a regular basis with the other yeah i think that's 4bROdsYgi-c-00410-00223936-00224336 helpful and not to give too much of a preview for our next conversation but i had this same 4bROdsYgi-c-00411-00224336-00224832 talk with david grafton who will be with us next time um speaking about luther's writings of as you 4bROdsYgi-c-00412-00224832-00225423 say the turk or his his identification of muslims but tragically never interacted with one and so 4bROdsYgi-c-00413-00225423-00225967 in many ways his description of the other is as you describe just what he's heard largely from 4bROdsYgi-c-00414-00225967-00226496 medieval texts and it's not too far afield from our understanding of people who are other in our 4bROdsYgi-c-00415-00226496-00227016 world that we've never had the the privilege of interacting with and we all recognize that 4bROdsYgi-c-00416-00227016-00227423 it's quite a different thing to meet someone who holds different convictions or looks different 4bROdsYgi-c-00417-00227423-00228023 from you um one thing i want to be careful about though is that um i think because you know i'm 4bROdsYgi-c-00418-00228023-00228560 sort of middle class i'm a college professor right i assume a certain sort of mobility of person uh 4bROdsYgi-c-00419-00228560-00229136 and i tend to travel in fairly uh somewhat the north philadelphia diverse but i travel in some 4bROdsYgi-c-00420-00229136-00229704 diverse spaces and get to engage people who were other than for myself on a fairly regular basis 4bROdsYgi-c-00421-00229704-00230208 um but luther didn't have those opportunities murdered a lot of people a lot of the time and 4bROdsYgi-c-00422-00230208-00230560 so it's interesting i think is that luther's experience of not being exposed to the other 4bROdsYgi-c-00423-00230560-00231264 in its relationships is probably more common uh today than we than we realize um probably is more 4bROdsYgi-c-00424-00231264-00231640 than norm than it is the exception so it might seem exceptional to some of us but for whom we're 4bROdsYgi-c-00425-00231640-00232096 like oh i you know i eat this kind of food almost because of places i've been all over the world 4bROdsYgi-c-00426-00232096-00232584 but for a lot of folks like where i grew up in iowa um that may not be the case 4bROdsYgi-c-00427-00232640-00233040 yeah no that that's a really important uh distinction to make i appreciate that 4bROdsYgi-c-00428-00233040-00233536 yeah so let me move to a question from susan meyer who asked what would the world or what do you 4bROdsYgi-c-00429-00233536-00233976 think the world would look like today if we did in fact learn from the past so i guess the assumption 4bROdsYgi-c-00430-00233976-00234464 here is that we're not doing as well a good job as we should from learning from some of these lessons 4bROdsYgi-c-00431-00234464-00234832 the past what would significantly be different maybe particularly in the context of luther 4bROdsYgi-c-00432-00235071-00235848 that's a great question um i would suspect that we would be a bit more humble uh would be my sort of 4bROdsYgi-c-00433-00235848-00236471 easy uh straightforward answer to that question um my sense in studying the past and studying history 4bROdsYgi-c-00434-00236471-00237056 and reading these texts and about these events has given me a greater sense of the complexity 4bROdsYgi-c-00435-00237056-00237704 of the past and the complexity of the present and so it's it's hard then to sort of rally around uh 4bROdsYgi-c-00436-00237704-00238232 images that say you know things were great and now they're bad where things were bad and now they're 4bROdsYgi-c-00437-00238232-00238712 great this sort of representation or sort of positivism sometimes see with different views on 4bROdsYgi-c-00438-00238712-00239240 history where things are going um but i think if we pay more attention if we study more carefully 4bROdsYgi-c-00439-00239240-00239744 we see that listen things have been bad and good for different people different groups different 4bROdsYgi-c-00440-00239744-00240232 places and times uh over and over again this doesn't say that everything's the same and sort of 4bROdsYgi-c-00441-00240232-00240808 all cows are black in the night uh sort of thing but it is to say that we would sort of be less 4bROdsYgi-c-00442-00240912-00241464 either demoralized about problems in the present or less committed to a sense 4bROdsYgi-c-00443-00241464-00241960 that things are great or need to be made great in some sort of way um and i think 4bROdsYgi-c-00444-00242064-00242576 as we see debates today right about a critical race theory or the teaching of race and slavery 4bROdsYgi-c-00445-00242576-00243064 in america we see people wrestling with how to handle the history how to handle this information 4bROdsYgi-c-00446-00243128-00243584 and not doing a terribly good job of it quite frankly uh either wanted to praise how far 4bROdsYgi-c-00447-00243584-00243967 we've come or that we've come much further than we have and all kinds of ways that 4bROdsYgi-c-00448-00243967-00244456 show to me uh sort of a lack of humility about the sources and about our history 4bROdsYgi-c-00449-00244600-00245000 i think we could all uh appreciate a call for a little more humility that's 4bROdsYgi-c-00450-00245000-00245600 very very much welcomed um so let me ask maybe one more question um and that is from bowling 4bROdsYgi-c-00451-00245600-00246104 thompson here it says is your view that luther's understanding of the other is that the differences 4bROdsYgi-c-00452-00246104-00246664 are not ontological continuing yes the other differs more than superficially but not enough 4bROdsYgi-c-00453-00246664-00247256 to break an essential unity of humanity i'm thinking that his view of the other such as 4bROdsYgi-c-00454-00247256-00247752 jews and turks is pretty radical so is the difference ontological i guess the question 4bROdsYgi-c-00455-00247919-00248544 um i would say no right so that's what you mean by ontology i suppose it would be another another 4bROdsYgi-c-00456-00248544-00249048 lecture another conversation um but in the sense that i think luther thinks a lot of 4bROdsYgi-c-00457-00249048-00249600 these differences are formed in us through sort of culture through upbringing through 4bROdsYgi-c-00458-00249600-00250167 political arrangements wherever we happen to find ourselves but he does think that they are sort of 4bROdsYgi-c-00459-00250167-00250919 long-lasting and enduring right so he thinks the kinds of vices let's say of a usury or of gluttony 4bROdsYgi-c-00460-00250919-00251440 and drunkenness he thinks once these are sort of taken root uh they're really hard to unroot and he 4bROdsYgi-c-00461-00251440-00251912 makes appeals to sort of jesus's weed and tears kind of argument or you know you gotta take out 4bROdsYgi-c-00462-00251912-00252344 take out the roots early on otherwise it starts to grow then you've got to let it let it go 4bROdsYgi-c-00463-00252480-00253000 and so he does think that there are differences between groups and he does speak about those 4bROdsYgi-c-00464-00253000-00253623 strongly but these aren't sort of reducible to genetic and heritable traits these aren't sort of 4bROdsYgi-c-00465-00253623-00254176 unchangeable they're just difficult to change hard to change and so he i think he has a lot more hope 4bROdsYgi-c-00466-00254176-00254823 for the youth right so to get him when they're young focus on building and formation on education 4bROdsYgi-c-00467-00254960-00255560 but then as you get to be let's say a teenager or you know in your 40s god forbid he thinks 4bROdsYgi-c-00468-00255560-00256271 we're pretty pretty set in our ways which again to me seems fairly accurate well we're 4bROdsYgi-c-00469-00256271-00256712 running short on time so let me ask one quick question if our audience wants to learn more 4bROdsYgi-c-00470-00256712-00257232 that is about lutheran in general or about this particular topic of the other and kind of 4bROdsYgi-c-00471-00257232-00257680 his description of people who he doesn't know are there a couple of resources or resources 4bROdsYgi-c-00472-00257680-00258152 too that you might recommend that our i'll describe myself as lay audience might uh 4bROdsYgi-c-00473-00258152-00258656 learn from or benefit from yeah i think your audience will be served well by just starting 4bROdsYgi-c-00474-00258656-00259208 with a couple of decent biographies on luther after 2017 the 500th anniversary of reformation 4bROdsYgi-c-00475-00259208-00259912 there was sort of a uh flourishing of these uh and so the works by let's say uh scott hendricks 4bROdsYgi-c-00476-00259912-00260416 lindahl roper boca lapin these are folks who have written sort of nice some thick some 4bROdsYgi-c-00477-00260416-00260912 thin accessible biographies bringing a couple of different ones i think gives you a better sense 4bROdsYgi-c-00478-00260912-00261280 than just picking sort of one on the bestseller list or something like that picking a couple of 4bROdsYgi-c-00479-00261280-00261680 different authors different backgrounds gives you a better sense of luther's time and place 4bROdsYgi-c-00480-00261736-00262536 um i've always really appreciated um the work of um uh mark edwards on luther and the false 4bROdsYgi-c-00481-00262536-00262936 brethren is one of his big books uh thinking about luther's relationship to other people 4bROdsYgi-c-00482-00262936-00263456 who are close to him who were friends who ends up fighting with i think you get a real sense of how 4bROdsYgi-c-00483-00263512-00264072 luther can sometimes lump his own friends together kind of other people who are close to him when 4bROdsYgi-c-00484-00264072-00264488 suddenly the tide is turned when they're on the different side of a debate or an issue and i think 4bROdsYgi-c-00485-00264488-00265056 there's an important lesson if you learn about friendship and about too quickly what generalizing 4bROdsYgi-c-00486-00265056-00265544 or lumping people together into enemies and friends and luther does that far too often 4bROdsYgi-c-00487-00265712-00266240 otherwise i think just getting into luther's text with a nice primary texts with a good guide or a 4bROdsYgi-c-00488-00266240-00266800 good volume will help you um fortress press did a series called the annotated luther a couple of 4bROdsYgi-c-00489-00266800-00267280 years ago and they're still out there in various forms and volumes and they're nice easy readable 4bROdsYgi-c-00490-00267280-00267696 texts uh some are thinner some are thicker there's like a student edition and a longer one but 4bROdsYgi-c-00491-00267696-00268112 they have these really extensive footnotes they have images and woodcuts all that kind of stuff 4bROdsYgi-c-00492-00268176-00268624 i think students and non-specialists find to be sort of a great entryway 4bROdsYgi-c-00493-00268624-00268984 they give you the history they give you little introductory essays that are sort of brief and 4bROdsYgi-c-00494-00268984-00269376 to the point and then get you right into luther's text itself right into the primary material 4bROdsYgi-c-00495-00269504-00269992 anthony those are great recommendations i can uh i agree with all of them you need a great 4bROdsYgi-c-00496-00269992-00270400 theological library and unfortunately we have one and so if you in the atlanta area come by 4bROdsYgi-c-00497-00270400-00270792 we have all these resources and we'll also compile a full bibliography of all the texts 4bROdsYgi-c-00498-00270792-00271152 primary and secondary that anthony's mentioned and we will send that out to all of you if you 4bROdsYgi-c-00499-00271152-00271584 didn't get the chance to write them all down so now that we're running up against 45 which is the 4bROdsYgi-c-00500-00271584-00271960 time i promise to get you out of here i want to thank dr bertiza for his work and of course for 4bROdsYgi-c-00501-00271960-00272480 the conversation today i want to thank all of you for being with us um the next two parts of 4bROdsYgi-c-00502-00272480-00273000 our fall kessler conversations are upcoming i'll show you a picture here maybe of the slides yeah 4bROdsYgi-c-00503-00273064-00273440 so coming up in two weeks we will have david grafton of hartford seminary talking about 4bROdsYgi-c-00504-00273440-00273920 luther and islam that we mentioned here and then in november we will have dean bell of the spurtus 4bROdsYgi-c-00505-00273920-00274432 institute talking about luther jews and judaism certainly a controversial interesting and i think 4bROdsYgi-c-00506-00274432-00275024 super important topic for us all otherwise dr patel thank you again for your work uh i hope 4bROdsYgi-c-00507-00275024-00275432 you all stay safe i hope you all enjoyed our time today and we'll look forward to seeing you 4bROdsYgi-c-00508-00275432-00275984 soon at another uh kessler event at pitts theology library thank you very much thank you 4bROdsYgi-c-00509-00277656-00277664 you 4dhZOO6gxKy-00000-00000088-00000414 [music] 4dhZOO6gxKy-00001-00000536-00000919 [Jenn Cabael] Kaiser Permanente has been working with Leeward Community College for a while; 4dhZOO6gxKy-00002-00000919-00001592 really talking and figuring out how can we be able to showcase the Fine Arts program itself 4dhZOO6gxKy-00003-00001592-00002080 and when we're opening up this next-gen facility we thought it would be a great opportunity 4dhZOO6gxKy-00004-00002080-00002593 to be able to showcase this in our facility righthere for all of the community to see. 4dhZOO6gxKy-00005-00002659-00003130 [Mike Harada] This got started with the images that are ganged togetherhere. 4dhZOO6gxKy-00006-00003137-00003692 I.. I was doing illustration for Kumu Kahua Theater 4dhZOO6gxKy-00007-00003692-00004200 This was for Lee Cataluna'spremiere of the play Folks You Meet In Longs. 4dhZOO6gxKy-00008-00004312-00004984 Almost all our classes are online and getting student work would be difficult challenging at 4dhZOO6gxKy-00009-00004984-00005560 this point. We decided the most efficient and probably the most appropriate thing at the 4dhZOO6gxKy-00010-00005560-00006240 moment would be to start with the faculty that's teaching at Leeward Community College. 4dhZOO6gxKy-00011-00006240-00006771 And so we're going to be going through all of our faculty, each person will be showing theirwork 4dhZOO6gxKy-00012-00006771-00007408 and it's representative of the range of working artists who are teaching at Leeward. 4dhZOO6gxKy-00013-00007443-00007959 And you get a sampling of their work anda sense of who they are through the imagesyou see. 4dhZOO6gxKy-00014-00008024-00008616 We're looking forward to getting student work on the wall it's an incredible opportunity. 4dhZOO6gxKy-00015-00008616-00009352 We appreciate Kaiser's commitment to the community and by being really kind of 4dhZOO6gxKy-00016-00009416-00010358 embracing you know and inviting us to participate, we're we're really thankful to get thisopportunity. 4dhZOO6gxKy-00017-00010408-00010899 [Jenn Cabael] We just really want to thank ourlocal artists Leeward Community College as a whole. 4dhZOO6gxKy-00018-00010927-00011416 I think this shows the partnership that we're really developing here to be a place not 4dhZOO6gxKy-00019-00011416-00011972 only just for health but wellness itselfand make our mark here in the community itself. 4dbmwZ6MDuE-00000-00000256-00000704 There are so many different works of art in the world 4dbmwZ6MDuE-00001-00000704-00001034 How devastated would life without art? 4dbmwZ6MDuE-00002-00001034-00001310 Why did Gogh paint sunflowers? 4dbmwZ6MDuE-00003-00001310-00001712 Why is Jeff Koos the most expensive artist? 4dbmwZ6MDuE-00004-00001832-00002064 Why was Cezanne obessed the apples? 4dbmwZ6MDuE-00005-00002064-00002469 Why did Hockey move to California? 4dbmwZ6MDuE-00006-00002469-00003166 I hope you find the answer in the "Masterpiece with reason" 4dbmwZ6MDuE-00007-00003166-00003645 Art channel for you. 'StudioNamSang' 4dbmwZ6MDuE-00008-00003645-00003792 Coming soon 4jxmhFkRyKA-00000-00000805-00001650 Welcome to the video that I've been waiting for, for years. This is the black 4jxmhFkRyKA-00001-00001650-00002124 card Centurion. Now as you have seen it kind 4jxmhFkRyKA-00002-00002124-00002655 of fell apart because I actually unpacked it a couple of days ago. But 4jxmhFkRyKA-00003-00002655-00002984 that being said I'm still gonna try my best to give you the feeling of how I 4jxmhFkRyKA-00004-00002984-00003564 felt when I received the card. I will go as in the last video, as to why I think 4jxmhFkRyKA-00005-00003564-00004152 it's worth it or not worth it at the end. I'll give you the pros and the cons and 4jxmhFkRyKA-00006-00004152-00004589 the reason which is actually quite objectively why I decided on this card 4jxmhFkRyKA-00007-00004589-00005246 and why maybe it could be a waste of money or maybe not. So we'll see in this 4jxmhFkRyKA-00008-00005246-00005748 video but without further ado I'm gonna guide you through the entire experience. 4jxmhFkRyKA-00009-00005748-00006221 I have my iPad with me so we'll go as well through what the websites say. 4jxmhFkRyKA-00010-00006221-00006828 Because this card is covered in secrecy and even when asking my relationship 4jxmhFkRyKA-00011-00006828-00007386 manager about it. He didn't want to tell me a lot of things. So I'll just tell you 4jxmhFkRyKA-00012-00007386-00007803 what I asked him. I took him out for a drink and just asked a lot of questions: 4jxmhFkRyKA-00013-00007803-00008379 as to what they do? how their day looks like and how they ended up in that job? 4jxmhFkRyKA-00014-00008379-00008886 So I was generally interested! Very surprised I got that card at such a 4jxmhFkRyKA-00015-00008886-00009693 young age, but let's go through it. So this box, that's how they bring it, so 4jxmhFkRyKA-00016-00009693-00010082 there are two ways. There are actually two ways that they might bring it. So 4jxmhFkRyKA-00017-00010082-00010643 obviously this is for posting so they have a courier that that just brings it. 4jxmhFkRyKA-00018-00010643-00010979 But I'm based in the Netherlands so you have a choice between a courier or 4jxmhFkRyKA-00019-00010979-00011334 somebody bringing it to you like your relationship manager. Now my relationship 4jxmhFkRyKA-00020-00011334-00011975 manager wasn't at the office that day, so one of the sales representatives brought 4jxmhFkRyKA-00021-00011975-00012621 it and we had a drink, but so that's kind of the white postal package they bring 4jxmhFkRyKA-00022-00012621-00013463 it in and then inside you have this beauty. Just like normal cardboard. 4jxmhFkRyKA-00023-00013463-00014493 I guess what I like is the matte black finish. So on the box it says Centurion 4jxmhFkRyKA-00024-00014493-00014940 now I have to be again transparent I've already opened the box I made sure to 4jxmhFkRyKA-00025-00014940-00015531 tape over my credit card number just in case the blur goes wrong, but so in case 4jxmhFkRyKA-00026-00015531-00015858 you see some tape. Be aware I've already opened it and put some tape on 4jxmhFkRyKA-00027-00015858-00016539 it so I can record this video for you. But let's go over the box. So the box is 4jxmhFkRyKA-00028-00016539-00017195 kind of sturdy but I wouldn't say it's some fancy crazy finish. I would say it's 4jxmhFkRyKA-00029-00017195-00017601 like a MacBook when you buy a MacBook you kind of get the same box except this 4jxmhFkRyKA-00030-00017601-00018447 one is completely black and it says Centurion. So I'm gonna go into the 4jxmhFkRyKA-00031-00018447-00018957 unboxing of it and then the features. Now the beautiful thing what I really like 4jxmhFkRyKA-00032-00018957-00019518 is on the back of this box, it has a small logo of American Express which I 4jxmhFkRyKA-00033-00019518-00019995 thought was really cool and then when you open the box you're greeted with 4jxmhFkRyKA-00034-00019995-00021179 this, and this is a book and again it says Centurion. And in the book you get a 4jxmhFkRyKA-00035-00021179-00021981 ton of pictures, so these are, I don't actually know what these pictures mean. 4jxmhFkRyKA-00036-00021981-00022443 They just, to be honest it seems like they got some royalty free pictures 4jxmhFkRyKA-00037-00022443-00022731 from a website and just poured it in a book. 4jxmhFkRyKA-00038-00022731-00023493 But you know it looks good so that's good and then on page 13 it starts. Now 4jxmhFkRyKA-00039-00023493-00024066 I'm Dutch so it's all in Dutch so it'll be hard to translate but in short the 4jxmhFkRyKA-00040-00024066-00024597 first page says: 'Welcome to an extraordinary world, we are here for you 4jxmhFkRyKA-00041-00024597-00025362 and you are part of a select group of people welcome. Welcome to Centurion', it 4jxmhFkRyKA-00042-00025362-00026091 says, so obviously when I read that again I was quite pleased the reason why is 4jxmhFkRyKA-00043-00026091-00026610 because this card actually was on my vision board and 4jxmhFkRyKA-00044-00026610-00027012 the reason why is because when I craft my vision boards they always feel like 4jxmhFkRyKA-00045-00027012-00027486 it should be something unattainable so when they actually called me up without 4jxmhFkRyKA-00046-00027486-00027987 me applying for it, it seemed too good to be true. At first I thought it was a scam 4jxmhFkRyKA-00047-00027987-00028554 because they sent it from an email that wasn't American Express but it was the 4jxmhFkRyKA-00048-00028554-00028950 short name of American Express in the emails. I don't remember exactly what it was 4jxmhFkRyKA-00049-00028950-00029564 but it was something like a AE something and so I double checked the guy who sent 4jxmhFkRyKA-00050-00029564-00030036 it on LinkedIn and he was the the Benelux manager of American Express, so 4jxmhFkRyKA-00051-00030036-00030720 it seemed legit. Now the second page is, it says the ultimate Limited Edition and 4jxmhFkRyKA-00052-00030720-00031194 then it goes into the the fact that the card is made out of titanium. One of the 4jxmhFkRyKA-00053-00031194-00031764 most special metals in the world and after that they go into the table of 4jxmhFkRyKA-00054-00031764-00032247 contents. Now the table of contents is really interesting, because it explains a 4jxmhFkRyKA-00055-00032247-00032691 little bit more about the relationship manager, the experiences,... These are the 4jxmhFkRyKA-00056-00032691-00033255 topics that I'm reading: the travel privileges and the services. Now this is 4jxmhFkRyKA-00057-00033255-00033870 partially why I'm happy there is a book because, like you can't find anything 4jxmhFkRyKA-00058-00033870-00034524 about this card. So much so that when they called me to invite me for 4jxmhFkRyKA-00059-00034524-00035109 this card I asked them do you guys have a website or something for me to decide 4jxmhFkRyKA-00060-00035109-00035643 whether it's worth it and what they did is they, I think, they copy pasted 4jxmhFkRyKA-00061-00035643-00036048 something and just put it straight in the email. These are the privileges you 4jxmhFkRyKA-00062-00036048-00036471 get and so there wasn't really a PDF. There was nothing, it was just like the 4jxmhFkRyKA-00063-00036471-00037119 connection I had via email and just kind of the trust that I had of what 4jxmhFkRyKA-00064-00037119-00037644 they told me on the phone. So a lot of, kind of, I'm assuming they trust you know 4jxmhFkRyKA-00065-00037644-00038168 that I'm a loyal client. I've always paid my bills so then it might be interesting 4jxmhFkRyKA-00066-00038168-00038718 for me to collaborate further and also I talked about it with with the guy I had 4jxmhFkRyKA-00067-00038718-00039243 a drink with. They looked at what I spent my money on and 4jxmhFkRyKA-00068-00039243-00039849 assumed that I would be a good client. So I guess, well I bought it so I guess 4jxmhFkRyKA-00069-00039849-00040227 they know their customers. So the relationship manager and then you have 4jxmhFkRyKA-00070-00040227-00040866 like a custom kind of to fit your suit picture and a traveling thing. It's and 4jxmhFkRyKA-00071-00040866-00041652 then here's: unknown service notes, oh, sorry, not unknown, like the really cool 4jxmhFkRyKA-00072-00041652-00042138 service pretty much. I'm super bad at translating this, I'm sorry. Now the one 4jxmhFkRyKA-00073-00042138-00042600 thing that bothers me about Centurion here in the Netherlands is. Yes, the 4jxmhFkRyKA-00074-00042600-00043005 service is 24/7 but your actual relationship manager because he's an 4jxmhFkRyKA-00075-00043005-00043524 actual person works from 9:00 to 5:00. So after that you get switched over to the 4jxmhFkRyKA-00076-00043524-00043851 UK and then in case you need something they will take over. I've already tried 4jxmhFkRyKA-00077-00043851-00044208 it a couple of times and you always end up with the UK service but that's kind 4jxmhFkRyKA-00078-00044208-00044817 of what they tell you here. You can contact them from 9:00 to 5:00. Yeah 4jxmhFkRyKA-00079-00044817-00045363 that's it. The beauty of the Centurion card is that it's not only for me, it's 4jxmhFkRyKA-00080-00045363-00045984 also for an extra card holder and I had the gold card before so whatever 4jxmhFkRyKA-00081-00045984-00046410 you read about platinum cards and that's the only requirement that's not true, 4jxmhFkRyKA-00082-00046410-00046800 I actually got the offer to upgrade to platinum I didn't want to because I 4jxmhFkRyKA-00083-00046800-00047424 barely rent cars so I didn't see much benefit in that and the lounge acces with the 4jxmhFkRyKA-00084-00047424-00047807 gold card, you also get the lounge access and then it's like 20 euros or something 4jxmhFkRyKA-00085-00047807-00048408 afterwards but you still get access. I know when I travel I only use check-in. 4jxmhFkRyKA-00086-00048408-00049029 So there really was no benefit in me getting the Platinum card, the expenses 4jxmhFkRyKA-00087-00049029-00049419 that I do I mean honestly yeah the membership rewards are great 4jxmhFkRyKA-00088-00049419-00049965 and I've been using them a lot but I mean the Platinum Card was just not 4jxmhFkRyKA-00089-00049965-00050370 worth it. And I'll go deeper into why I got the Centurion card and not the 4jxmhFkRyKA-00090-00050370-00050913 Platinum Card a bit later. But let's go into experiences so that's, we're on 4jxmhFkRyKA-00091-00050913-00051479 page 22 now and going to experiences. They tell you about legendary 4jxmhFkRyKA-00092-00051479-00052125 experiences and VIP concerts and the best table and restaurants. You know this 4jxmhFkRyKA-00093-00052125-00052398 is what I actually really liked about this card, they have something called 4jxmhFkRyKA-00094-00052398-00052891 Centurion moments. So sometimes you have a band pre- 4jxmhFkRyKA-00095-00052891-00053404 releasing something and then they invite you to a private concert which by the 4jxmhFkRyKA-00096-00053404-00053958 way is free. So they invite all these Centurion card holder members to join. 4jxmhFkRyKA-00097-00053958-00054702 I actually asked if the actual Centurion card holders are invited or if 4jxmhFkRyKA-00098-00054702-00055147 it's like their family or friends or whatever. And the reason why that matters 4jxmhFkRyKA-00099-00055147-00055585 to me is from a business perspective because if these are actual Centurion 4jxmhFkRyKA-00100-00055585-00055948 card holders, then there's potential business opportunities there. We could 4jxmhFkRyKA-00101-00055948-00056419 help each other. Whereas if it's just somebody they know that pops up there 4jxmhFkRyKA-00102-00056419-00056858 then there's a smaller chance that you know it's actually a networking thing. 4jxmhFkRyKA-00103-00056858-00057340 And the reason I say that is because I'm actually part of a couple of 4jxmhFkRyKA-00104-00057340-00057666 organizations here in the Netherlands, where literally I have to pay a yearly 4jxmhFkRyKA-00105-00057666-00058195 fee. Which by the way I don't like, but there are great organizations, great 4jxmhFkRyKA-00106-00058195-00058720 people in there and the only kind of point of it is to network. You know vibe 4jxmhFkRyKA-00107-00058720-00059107 with mutual people that are going through the same thing and just that 4jxmhFkRyKA-00108-00059107-00059404 community feeling especially when you're doing entrepreneurship which is quite 4jxmhFkRyKA-00109-00059404-00060010 lonely is sometimes worth some kind of money and that's already one of those 4jxmhFkRyKA-00110-00060010-00060298 things that I really liked about Centurion. Even though I haven't 4jxmhFkRyKA-00111-00060298-00060637 experienced that yet. So I have to be honest not sure what's gonna happen 4jxmhFkRyKA-00112-00060637-00061411 there. So after you go into this, again pictures, no idea why they use these 4jxmhFkRyKA-00113-00061411-00061987 pictures and then you go into travel privileges. So in the travel privileges 4jxmhFkRyKA-00114-00061987-00062308 they welcome yo.u they tell you pretty much what they tell you in the Platinum 4jxmhFkRyKA-00115-00062308-00063529 Card. Which is you have 1200 lounges and same thing. Then you get, oh, this is 4jxmhFkRyKA-00116-00063529-00064020 the good thing. So you get privileges when you stay in a hotel. So early 4jxmhFkRyKA-00117-00064020-00064723 check-in guaranteed, late check-out, free upgrade to your room, free breakfast for 4jxmhFkRyKA-00118-00064723-00065227 two people and special extras that add up to, I see here hundred dollars in 4jxmhFkRyKA-00119-00065227-00065913 dinners and spas and whatever and then you also get. You can also get a 4jxmhFkRyKA-00120-00065913-00066606 voucher for spa up to $75.00 I see here. Free room upgrade all that great stuff. So yeah, 4jxmhFkRyKA-00121-00066606-00067392 it's pretty cool. I like that the vacation collection these are different 4jxmhFkRyKA-00122-00067392-00067893 hotel kind of conglomerates and then this is what they offer cruise 4jxmhFkRyKA-00123-00067893-00068382 privileges like girlfriends grandparents new cruises I don't do that that much 4jxmhFkRyKA-00124-00068382-00069132 but in case you do cruises it says that you can you have a budget to spend on 4jxmhFkRyKA-00125-00069132-00069772 board and you can even get a bottle of champagne I mean not sure how important 4jxmhFkRyKA-00126-00069772-00070275 that is but I can imagine you know if you send the grandparents over that you 4jxmhFkRyKA-00127-00070275-00070873 know would be a nice addition especially a good gift this is what I really really 4jxmhFkRyKA-00128-00070873-00071325 liked because it's short cuts and I love short cuts I'm super lazy when it comes 4jxmhFkRyKA-00129-00071325-00071880 to that I don't want to go through all the royalties and amp up I just kind of 4jxmhFkRyKA-00130-00071880-00072393 want a short cut and so this in turn gives you that shortcut into loyalty 4jxmhFkRyKA-00131-00072393-00072744 programs so with Radisson you get the gold status 4jxmhFkRyKA-00132-00072744-00073473 with Hilton you get the diamond elite status ing Club platinum elite status 4jxmhFkRyKA-00133-00073473-00074013 Malea rewards platinum shangri-la Golden Circle diamond membership Starwood 4jxmhFkRyKA-00134-00074013-00074661 Preferred Guest gold and LEED status and then what I really like them that's 4jxmhFkRyKA-00135-00074661-00075273 partially also like went for it is the crafted journeys so it's literally a 4jxmhFkRyKA-00136-00075273-00075741 nightmare when you have a ton of employees and you do team buildings a 4jxmhFkRyKA-00137-00075741-00076041 lot because culture is super important to me I mean these people are my family 4jxmhFkRyKA-00138-00076041-00076557 and so I spend most of my time with them so I really I want to do cool team 4jxmhFkRyKA-00139-00076557-00076875 buildings but planning those team buildings especially when your team 4jxmhFkRyKA-00140-00076875-00077493 starts getting up to like we're now like above 20 people I mean just planning 4jxmhFkRyKA-00141-00077493-00078022 that is horrible and so partially what I really like is that you have a 4jxmhFkRyKA-00142-00078022-00078477 relationship manager who pretty much will arrange everything for you 4jxmhFkRyKA-00143-00078477-00079007 including and that's what they promise me finding all the best discounts 4jxmhFkRyKA-00144-00079007-00079592 in a great place so that we feel happy accommodate it and and that we just have 4jxmhFkRyKA-00145-00079592-00080300 an amazing experience I mean they promised me that Centurion gives you the 4jxmhFkRyKA-00146-00080300-00080829 back door to everything it gives you not so I actually asked them on the phone 4jxmhFkRyKA-00147-00080829-00081317 does it mean if I get the Centurion card that I'm gonna be paying extra because 4jxmhFkRyKA-00148-00081317-00081701 they see that I have a Centurion card and they promise me that it's actually 4jxmhFkRyKA-00149-00081701-00082373 not the case it's what you get is access to a back door where you get extreme 4jxmhFkRyKA-00150-00082373-00083144 better privileges which means to me discounts so that you have to pay less 4jxmhFkRyKA-00151-00083144-00083738 for certain things that normally cost more and so that actually sounds very 4jxmhFkRyKA-00152-00083738-00084320 attractive because at the end of the year I can actually calculate I can 4jxmhFkRyKA-00153-00084320-00084650 literally just calculate in an excel sheet how many benefits I got out of it 4jxmhFkRyKA-00154-00084650-00085161 and whether the price was worth it and if not I mean that's part of taking 4jxmhFkRyKA-00155-00085161-00085576 risks right sometimes it doesn't pay off and then you know you lost some money 4jxmhFkRyKA-00156-00085576-00086063 where in the beginning it's obviously super scary when you know I was I didn't 4jxmhFkRyKA-00157-00086063-00086616 have anything but now it's part you need to have that risk budget if you don't 4jxmhFkRyKA-00158-00086616-00086993 have that risk budget then what's the point of you being an entrepreneur in 4jxmhFkRyKA-00159-00086993-00087554 the first place anyway so we go on the next page which is page 43 the 4jxmhFkRyKA-00160-00087554-00088175 privileges when you fly Privia m-- which is great because in Amsterdam they have 4jxmhFkRyKA-00161-00088175-00088641 the premium lounge which looks great I've never visited it actually but I 4jxmhFkRyKA-00162-00088641-00089199 always I always end up being there five minutes before the plane closes so I 4jxmhFkRyKA-00163-00089199-00089864 usually run through the airport so yeah the global lounge collection I 4jxmhFkRyKA-00164-00089864-00090455 think that's the same actually as the Platinum Card they did tell me that 4jxmhFkRyKA-00165-00090455-00091016 because I now have a Centurion cart that my old lounge card needs to be replaced 4jxmhFkRyKA-00166-00091016-00091347 so pretty much I had to throw it away and now have to wait until the new 4jxmhFkRyKA-00167-00091347-00091836 lounge card arrives so that's something to know when you're switching if you're 4jxmhFkRyKA-00168-00091836-00092334 switching then you have a meeting greets if you fly in business or first class 4jxmhFkRyKA-00169-00092334-00093028 you'll be personally greeted at the gates with the to check to do the 4jxmhFkRyKA-00170-00093028-00093574 passport and baggage control and make sure that there's a car with a driver I 4jxmhFkRyKA-00171-00093574-00094117 mean okay if you have a skateboard with me like a small penny board escape 4jxmhFkRyKA-00172-00094117-00094552 through the gates actually never have a problem with it except for when I'm in 4jxmhFkRyKA-00173-00094552-00094954 the States and there's always like in some Airport there's always somebody 4jxmhFkRyKA-00174-00094954-00095452 from security who's stopping me with that skateboard but outside of that in 4jxmhFkRyKA-00175-00095452-00095989 Asia or in Europe I never have a problem with the skateboard but uh VIP service 4jxmhFkRyKA-00176-00095989-00096634 exclusive VIP service in Amsterdam that stuff is not actually super important to 4jxmhFkRyKA-00177-00096634-00097480 me but so what they say is right before departure or right after you arrive you 4jxmhFkRyKA-00178-00097480-00097945 would be transported with luxury vehicles to your airport or the VIP 4jxmhFkRyKA-00179-00097945-00098410 center you just need to make sure that you booked it through your Centurion 4jxmhFkRyKA-00180-00098410-00099409 relationship manager okay who like I like this watch here watch guy like 4jxmhFkRyKA-00181-00099409-00099790 that's that's actually something really interesting I was talking to the guy who 4jxmhFkRyKA-00182-00099790-00100219 delivered my Centurion card and he told me that part of what the relationship 4jxmhFkRyKA-00183-00100219-00100888 manager can do is scout out good deals on watches so literally if my job was a 4jxmhFkRyKA-00184-00100888-00101296 professional watch collector and you know selling flipping watches and all 4jxmhFkRyKA-00185-00101296-00101698 that stuff which is a legitimate business just not my business I could 4jxmhFkRyKA-00186-00101698-00102211 literally just have my relationship manager scout out these watches and make 4jxmhFkRyKA-00187-00102211-00102817 sure to like to negotiate a great deal for me so pretty much my entire business 4jxmhFkRyKA-00188-00102817-00103536 would be outsourced to Centurion so that's a business idea maybe if things 4jxmhFkRyKA-00189-00103536-00103869 don't go well but probably not gonna do that 4jxmhFkRyKA-00190-00103869-00104515 so then we go to privileges when you rent cars now I don't run cars because I 4jxmhFkRyKA-00191-00104515-00105025 live in in a city where you can bike everywhere that's on purpose actually 4jxmhFkRyKA-00192-00105025-00105370 moved here because I didn't want a car I wanted a city like new you 4jxmhFkRyKA-00193-00105370-00105958 we're having a car would literally not be the best-case scenario so I do 4jxmhFkRyKA-00194-00105958-00106542 everything by bike I love it I chose the city for that reason it is where I live 4jxmhFkRyKA-00195-00106542-00107064 actually one of the best connected stations in Europe and has multiple 4jxmhFkRyKA-00196-00107064-00107620 airports around it including the Amsterdam Airport and and so I really 4jxmhFkRyKA-00197-00107620-00108088 liked living here without a car now I never ever considered renting a car 4jxmhFkRyKA-00198-00108088-00108489 because I have this thing with the business so our business has this thing 4jxmhFkRyKA-00199-00108489-00109167 with with car sharing so I can just literally just car share and cause 4jxmhFkRyKA-00200-00109167-00109836 barely anything but with the Centurion card what you get is these privileges 4jxmhFkRyKA-00201-00109836-00110458 which again means discounts to such an extent that it's actually it might be 4jxmhFkRyKA-00202-00110458-00111001 cheaper to rent a car for me if I go to the IKEA or something then then to do 4jxmhFkRyKA-00203-00111001-00111666 the car sharing thing they upgrade you right away to the Hertz gold president 4jxmhFkRyKA-00204-00111666-00112488 Circle and Avis President's Club which which I really love is 35% discount as 4jxmhFkRyKA-00205-00112488-00113197 well as an upgrade to two car categories higher if available with Avis and then a 4jxmhFkRyKA-00206-00113197-00113792 ton of other stuff with Hertz like pick up and delivery service free skiing 4jxmhFkRyKA-00207-00113792-00114342 apparel and stuff like that which I mean I tried to at least once a year and go 4jxmhFkRyKA-00208-00114342-00114780 somewhere to the mountains to you know snowboard or something I haven't done it 4jxmhFkRyKA-00209-00114780-00115302 this year but you know it would be cool and then you know the usual stuff which 4jxmhFkRyKA-00210-00115302-00115795 is the insurances and the global assist I actually got into American Express 4jxmhFkRyKA-00211-00115795-00116279 because I started traveling a lot and global insurances are quite expensive 4jxmhFkRyKA-00212-00116279-00116985 and so the American Express had actually a cheaper insurance if you buy the card 4jxmhFkRyKA-00213-00116985-00117411 so I would have a credit card which gives you membership rewards as well as 4jxmhFkRyKA-00214-00117411-00117933 the insurance maybe I didn't do my research properly but at the time when I 4jxmhFkRyKA-00215-00117933-00118766 actually got it it was the best insurance now then we get to services 4jxmhFkRyKA-00216-00118766-00119322 what kind of services do they have well the Membership Rewards B app by the 4jxmhFkRyKA-00217-00119322-00119676 membership rewards are exactly the same as a Platinum Card 1.5 Membership 4jxmhFkRyKA-00218-00119676-00120354 Rewards points for every euro you spend I have insurance which is the same thing 4jxmhFkRyKA-00219-00120354-00120867 that's kind of it I like this one this this is actually the picture that I 4jxmhFkRyKA-00220-00120867-00121545 received when they invited me I did it really shapes what Centurion is which is 4jxmhFkRyKA-00221-00121545-00122151 they can just arrange this amazing kind of view with you know four dates which 4jxmhFkRyKA-00222-00122151-00122733 is obviously great just planning dates you know it takes time as well so these 4jxmhFkRyKA-00223-00122733-00123363 are like small things it would be saving me time so that is the Centurion booklet 4jxmhFkRyKA-00224-00123363-00123683 you get with it I wish all of this was available on a 4jxmhFkRyKA-00225-00123683-00124211 website before I ordered it but you know it seems pretty cool then there is a 4jxmhFkRyKA-00226-00124211-00124677 letter and I don't read the actual letter completely so you'll be reading 4jxmhFkRyKA-00227-00124677-00125391 it with me and here it says welcome to Centurion it's a but I'm literally 4jxmhFkRyKA-00228-00125391-00125904 translating so if I take a break please bear with me so welcome to Centurion 4jxmhFkRyKA-00229-00125904-00126329 it's a great pleasure to welcome you to our extraordinary world of Centurion 4jxmhFkRyKA-00230-00126329-00126927 wherever in the world whatever you will ask us we will be ready for you for your 4jxmhFkRyKA-00231-00126927-00127476 Centurion membership there is a unique Centurion card the only card in its kind 4jxmhFkRyKA-00232-00127476-00127908 and made by the most special metals in the world 4jxmhFkRyKA-00233-00127908-00128608 titanium with every letter of your name handcrafted holy moly I didn't know that 4jxmhFkRyKA-00234-00128608-00129283 as a Centurion member you will have special privileges that are only 4jxmhFkRyKA-00235-00129283-00129828 allocated for a few your membership will give you personal will give you a 4jxmhFkRyKA-00236-00129828-00130314 personal Centurion or relationship manager that will know your preferred 4jxmhFkRyKA-00237-00130314-00130914 things and where you can ask just about anything whether it's travelling 4jxmhFkRyKA-00238-00130914-00131484 tailor-made vacations art culture entertainment your relationship manager 4jxmhFkRyKA-00239-00131484-00131950 will be there for you under visiting on the on the car 4jxmhFkRyKA-00240-00131950-00132840 Oh in the visiting card in this package you will find his or her contacting data 4jxmhFkRyKA-00241-00132840-00133365 okay I didn't get that card yet I guess they will they told me they will call me 4jxmhFkRyKA-00242-00133365-00133830 next week about that so I'll get the card then I guess yeah I 4jxmhFkRyKA-00243-00133830-00134227 kind of that's also something I have to mention I kind of made them speed it up 4jxmhFkRyKA-00244-00134227-00134827 because I'm actually leaving next week on a 10-day trip and I need a credit 4jxmhFkRyKA-00245-00134827-00135283 card and they actually cancelled my old credit card so that they could start 4jxmhFkRyKA-00246-00135283-00135751 this credit card so that's why I kind of sped it up and that's why it was a sales 4jxmhFkRyKA-00247-00135751-00136483 executive bringing the center and card and not someone else anyways if you wish 4jxmhFkRyKA-00248-00136483-00136870 something and it's possible your Centurion relationship manager will be 4jxmhFkRyKA-00249-00136870-00137379 happy to provide it for you I wish you a very good happy beginning of your 4jxmhFkRyKA-00250-00137379-00137991 special journey through the world of Centurion and I hope that you will enjoy 4jxmhFkRyKA-00251-00137991-00138328 it through the new and unique experiences that Centurion offers you 4jxmhFkRyKA-00252-00138328-00139333 and it's written by the guy the country manager of Benin Dukes now I think this 4jxmhFkRyKA-00253-00139333-00139933 is printed this is not a hand yet misprinted so this is not a hand crafted 4jxmhFkRyKA-00254-00139933-00140500 message I think one of my mentors has a Centurion card here I think he got the 4jxmhFkRyKA-00255-00140500-00141061 exact same one just in English so I actually double check I know some people 4jxmhFkRyKA-00256-00141061-00141457 that have the Centurion card in other countries and double check look and the 4jxmhFkRyKA-00257-00141457-00142380 food was worth it now normally there is this so here there's a card now I have 4jxmhFkRyKA-00258-00142380-00142933 two cards and I got two cards the second card is with one of my employees she's 4jxmhFkRyKA-00259-00142933-00143452 my right hand and so she got a card as well but without further ado let's go 4jxmhFkRyKA-00260-00143452-00144310 into my part which I put in the wrong way which is wide such drama actually 4jxmhFkRyKA-00261-00144310-00144973 normally it's like that like that and then the cards are kind of like that's 4jxmhFkRyKA-00262-00144973-00145515 how the cards are there anyways or it up so I'm very sorry so but 4jxmhFkRyKA-00263-00145515-00145967 anyways they give you this kind of stuff as you see I put some tape over it for 4jxmhFkRyKA-00264-00145967-00146613 obvious reasons I'm happy to share this thing with you because it's an amazing 4jxmhFkRyKA-00265-00146613-00147237 experience and I always wish for for a long time since I started my business I 4jxmhFkRyKA-00266-00147237-00147767 know it's a stupid kind of like dream but for me was something to aim for 4jxmhFkRyKA-00267-00147767-00148212 and that's why I was very happy when out of the blue they called me I promise 4jxmhFkRyKA-00268-00148212-00148565 that I literally said no to the Platinum Card so I never expected they would call 4jxmhFkRyKA-00269-00148565-00149220 me for the Centurion card but maybe it's because I said no you never know so 4jxmhFkRyKA-00270-00149220-00149603 before I go actually into the card there's this thing here which I really 4jxmhFkRyKA-00271-00149603-00150144 like and then you can open this and what you will find in here is luggage tax 4jxmhFkRyKA-00272-00150144-00150551 with the Centurion thing which is really cool 4jxmhFkRyKA-00273-00150551-00151074 it's like luggage tax and then you have these bracelets for it as well and then 4jxmhFkRyKA-00274-00151074-00152615 you just go like that so that is it luggage tax you get two of those I guess 4jxmhFkRyKA-00275-00152615-00153150 for the amount of money you pay it's better than nothing and then you fold it 4jxmhFkRyKA-00277-00156213-00157205 Centurion card the first thing that I noticed and so my other employee who has 4jxmhFkRyKA-00278-00157205-00157899 a card didn't have this smell so this is interesting but when I smelled it like 4jxmhFkRyKA-00279-00157899-00158382 it still smells like chocolate I don't know if they know that I like chocolate 4jxmhFkRyKA-00280-00158382-00158811 that much because the other car didn't smell 4jxmhFkRyKA-00281-00158811-00159155 like chocolate or I don't know what happened but it smells like chocolate 4jxmhFkRyKA-00282-00159155-00159732 and it's literally amazing to smell and it's not my fingers because it's the 4jxmhFkRyKA-00283-00159732-00160071 third day and I wash and you know I don't know this is so funny 4jxmhFkRyKA-00284-00160071-00160577 but I love chocolate and it smells like chocolate which I have no idea why now 4jxmhFkRyKA-00285-00160577-00161421 the first thing is the sound like this is literally this is just really sturdy 4jxmhFkRyKA-00286-00161421-00161826 it doesn't Bend so normally carts can bend this one just 4jxmhFkRyKA-00287-00161826-00163067 doesn't Bend and this sound is just crazy it is it is it is really well I 4jxmhFkRyKA-00288-00163067-00163538 have to be honest at the end of the day it's just a card but for me it's you 4jxmhFkRyKA-00289-00163538-00164109 know accomplishing a goal and and having an accomplishment of goal and it being 4jxmhFkRyKA-00290-00164109-00164792 so remarkable like a titanium car that smells like chocolate and it's 4jxmhFkRyKA-00291-00164792-00165444 completely black it's just for me really nice because it pops up what I always 4jxmhFkRyKA-00292-00165444-00166188 wanted to say is I so what I always say is I don't like that just I don't do 4jxmhFkRyKA-00293-00166188-00166494 that many tattoos we have to add to clients and you know they do amazing 4jxmhFkRyKA-00294-00166494-00166875 thing at the end of the day I'm a filmmaker I love the art especially how 4jxmhFkRyKA-00295-00166875-00167394 they do it but I'm just I'm not a tattoo guy I don't like putting stuff on my 4jxmhFkRyKA-00296-00167394-00168045 body metals are not for me but what I have is these tiny things that just are 4jxmhFkRyKA-00297-00168045-00168624 like a tattoo or things that I wear every day and or use every day and one 4jxmhFkRyKA-00298-00168624-00169055 of those things are watches so for me watches have an emotional connection 4jxmhFkRyKA-00299-00169055-00169611 they represent something and it's one thing that I look at every day because I 4jxmhFkRyKA-00300-00169611-00170100 need to know the time and I wanted to remind me of something and it's the 4jxmhFkRyKA-00301-00170100-00170826 reason why I'm not gonna wear an Apple watch anytime soon just because there's 4jxmhFkRyKA-00302-00170826-00171380 more to that than than just the watch aspect there is the reminder to work 4jxmhFkRyKA-00303-00171380-00171830 harder and you just just this watch alone it just 4jxmhFkRyKA-00304-00171830-00172544 represents the people I look up to and so to remind me that I can I can work 4jxmhFkRyKA-00305-00172544-00173054 more obviously would work/life balance in mind which is again the connection I 4jxmhFkRyKA-00306-00173054-00173570 have with this watch and so the credit card will kind of go into the same kind 4jxmhFkRyKA-00307-00173570-00174152 of ordeal for me payment services it's something I use every day and if I'm 4jxmhFkRyKA-00308-00174152-00174655 able to take out a card and I mean in the Netherlands this card doesn't mean 4jxmhFkRyKA-00309-00174655-00175094 much if I'm really honest because there are a lot of banks that give you an 4jxmhFkRyKA-00310-00175094-00175480 entry-level bank account and they give you a black card as well I mean the card 4jxmhFkRyKA-00311-00175480-00175892 looks black so it's probably in distinguished or indistinguishable and 4jxmhFkRyKA-00312-00175892-00176264 have to be honest from all the employees we had in the company I think maybe one 4jxmhFkRyKA-00313-00176264-00176692 person knew what a black card was or heard the stories about it the only 4jxmhFkRyKA-00314-00176692-00177029 reason they know now is because obviously I've talked about it but so 4jxmhFkRyKA-00315-00177029-00177545 this card actually is more of an emotional thing and what it represents 4jxmhFkRyKA-00316-00177545-00178154 then then what it actually is so in short if you're ever offered a Centurion 4jxmhFkRyKA-00317-00178154-00178724 card and you literally just want to boast because it's a black card then I 4jxmhFkRyKA-00318-00178724-00179120 mean you can just get any card out there there's so many cards now where you can 4jxmhFkRyKA-00319-00179120-00179542 even personalize the picture so you could literally just get a picture from 4jxmhFkRyKA-00320-00179542-00179957 Google with the American Express thing just put it on there or just make a 4jxmhFkRyKA-00321-00179957-00180569 completely black card so just it being black isn't gonna get you any points 4jxmhFkRyKA-00322-00180569-00181169 let's put it that way so if you're gonna get it to make sure that you know it's 4jxmhFkRyKA-00323-00181169-00181712 something you know more than that unless you're actually using it the way I hope 4jxmhFkRyKA-00324-00181712-00182303 I'll be using it which brings me actually to the pros and the cons of 4jxmhFkRyKA-00325-00182303-00182816 this card from obviously what I've experienced I only have a couple of days 4jxmhFkRyKA-00326-00182816-00183314 to have an experience much so first the pros in the column so I'm gonna actually 4jxmhFkRyKA-00327-00183314-00184073 take an iPad and I'm gonna look up on Google what they have because everything 4jxmhFkRyKA-00328-00184073-00184567 I researched on Google was almost incorrect it's really hard to get to 4jxmhFkRyKA-00329-00184567-00184808 know and thing everything I read for you in that 4jxmhFkRyKA-00330-00184808-00185359 book I mean I haven't found anywhere on Google but I found this one website a 4jxmhFkRyKA-00331-00185359-00185969 Dutch website which again I need to translate but it was kind of closest to 4jxmhFkRyKA-00332-00185969-00186238 being accurate none of the English ones seemed pretty 4jxmhFkRyKA-00333-00186238-00186869 accurate to me seemed weird Wikipedia was actually pretty good but this one 4jxmhFkRyKA-00334-00186869-00187387 was interesting because so the card well the history of the cards obviously in 4jxmhFkRyKA-00335-00187387-00187666 the beginning was kind of a myth and then they introduced it because there 4jxmhFkRyKA-00336-00187666-00188152 were a lot of rumors and it got introduced in 91 in the US and then in 4jxmhFkRyKA-00337-00188152-00188578 in the Netherlands in 2005 I actually talked with the guy and they said they 4jxmhFkRyKA-00338-00188578-00189190 have like a small kind of group of people that take care of Centurion to 4jxmhFkRyKA-00339-00189190-00189877 make it really like personalized and cool so some things they say here you 4jxmhFkRyKA-00340-00189877-00190520 should have at least a platinum card so that's kind of already debunked now I 4jxmhFkRyKA-00341-00190520-00191002 have to say I think I'm a special case because of the fact that the spend 4jxmhFkRyKA-00342-00191002-00191519 adjourn the card was actually quite a lot because we we spent whatever we 4jxmhFkRyKA-00343-00191519-00192211 could spend through the card we did obviously and so so probably that's why 4jxmhFkRyKA-00344-00192211-00192679 eventually and the plasma card was offered to me I just had some issues 4jxmhFkRyKA-00345-00192679-00193063 with it which is the reason why I didn't upgrade at the time it didn't seem 4jxmhFkRyKA-00346-00193063-00193576 beneficial to me at the time if I would have traveled more or had more car 4jxmhFkRyKA-00347-00193576-00194158 rentals probably I would have used it another thing is so all this stuff about 4jxmhFkRyKA-00348-00194158-00194635 like your income and at least how much you spend I'm not gonna go too deep on 4jxmhFkRyKA-00349-00194635-00195034 that I was raised not talking too much about money but I mean it's still cool 4jxmhFkRyKA-00350-00195034-00195538 to share this kind of stuff I can only tell you that I'm not sure how accurate 4jxmhFkRyKA-00351-00195538-00196145 all of this it's actually asked again why was I selected and the guy answered 4jxmhFkRyKA-00352-00196145-00196723 it's not how much you spend it's on what you spend and because one of the things 4jxmhFkRyKA-00353-00196723-00197287 that we do as a team is all those team buildings and the growth of the company 4jxmhFkRyKA-00354-00197287-00197824 also led I mean we grew literally doubled over the summer so all of these 4jxmhFkRyKA-00355-00197824-00198221 spend atures that we were doing with the team buildings and the 4jxmhFkRyKA-00356-00198221-00198734 traveling and when I speak somewhere I think that's what got picked up on the 4jxmhFkRyKA-00357-00198734-00199229 radar and that's why they invited me because I didn't apply for the card 4jxmhFkRyKA-00358-00199229-00199748 actually didn't know they had up here in another ones and so I don't think income 4jxmhFkRyKA-00359-00199748-00200447 is as much a deal as what you're spending it on and I guess I'm not gonna 4jxmhFkRyKA-00360-00200447-00201137 go too deep on that it's basically all I know and all I ask them so you cannot 4jxmhFkRyKA-00361-00201137-00201674 ask this card you have to be invited which is true the way they did it well 4jxmhFkRyKA-00362-00201674-00201985 the way they did it is weird because I have mentors who would literally got 4jxmhFkRyKA-00363-00201985-00202601 like a card sent to them I just got an email with me was a little bit different 4jxmhFkRyKA-00364-00202601-00203345 it's got an email and then you know I said cool I want more information and 4jxmhFkRyKA-00365-00203345-00203978 then they hopped on a call with me explained everything I did tell them 4jxmhFkRyKA-00366-00203978-00204410 that you know I want to see more information compare a little bit but the 4jxmhFkRyKA-00367-00204410-00204896 whole thing was done in less well it was the whole thing was done in less than a 4jxmhFkRyKA-00368-00204896-00205619 week but then the actual card delivery took really long so they have to craft 4jxmhFkRyKA-00369-00205619-00206108 them again again that parent leads handmade so it took really long before 4jxmhFkRyKA-00370-00206108-00206731 everything got changed to Centurion I think was like two months almost 4jxmhFkRyKA-00371-00206731-00207560 sometimes they do it in a month so in my case it wasn't so then it says here you 4jxmhFkRyKA-00372-00207560-00208061 get you know a black box to your doorstep which I already explained they 4jxmhFkRyKA-00373-00208061-00208478 actually deliver it here which I appreciate a little bit more because you 4jxmhFkRyKA-00374-00208478-00208877 know it's nice to have a face to to who I'm talking to especially we're 4jxmhFkRyKA-00375-00208877-00209515 relationship manager and then okay so here's the thing so the black heart 4jxmhFkRyKA-00376-00209515-00210067 everybody is like unlimited spending the black card the Centurion card is just 4jxmhFkRyKA-00377-00210067-00210592 the exact same card as it is with you know platinum or gold or even the green 4jxmhFkRyKA-00378-00210592-00211239 one it's not unlimited spending it's based on how you spend it so if 4jxmhFkRyKA-00379-00211239-00211692 I'm not gonna be spending thirty million dollars every month obviously because I 4jxmhFkRyKA-00380-00211692-00212186 don't have that money so my unlimited spending isn't gonna be 30 Millions 4jxmhFkRyKA-00381-00212186-00212573 I have probably a specific limits I don't know exactly what my limit is 4jxmhFkRyKA-00382-00212573-00213023 whenever I do a big expense I call them upfront because they know 4jxmhFkRyKA-00383-00213023-00213471 that I pay every month they know that I'm probably good for it if I you know 4jxmhFkRyKA-00384-00213471-00213935 tell them on the phone and I'm good for it sometimes if they don't trust me they 4jxmhFkRyKA-00385-00213935-00214406 might ask additional financial information but it's not unlimited 4jxmhFkRyKA-00386-00214406-00214748 spending it's the same unlimited spending you would have with a green 4jxmhFkRyKA-00387-00214748-00215336 card or gold card or a platinum card so that's already kind of like a myth that 4jxmhFkRyKA-00388-00215336-00215708 is the bunk if you're making 30 million some 30 million a month that you want to 4jxmhFkRyKA-00389-00215708-00216150 spend on a private jet you're probably gonna be able to spend it on a Centurion 4jxmhFkRyKA-00390-00216150-00216761 card but again in the Netherlands if they accept an American Express because 4jxmhFkRyKA-00391-00216761-00217334 not everywhere do they accept American Express even though I have to be honest 4jxmhFkRyKA-00392-00217334-00217725 it's getting better and better and I'm actually getting you know my money back 4jxmhFkRyKA-00393-00217725-00218105 from from the old cards you know whenever I spend I get it back in 4jxmhFkRyKA-00394-00218105-00218550 membership rewards and I've been literally that previous card has made me 4jxmhFkRyKA-00395-00218550-00219056 money because of that especially when I have to book a flight I mean I can just 4jxmhFkRyKA-00396-00219056-00219911 book it through my mouth get my money back so 24/7 as assistants look it's not 4jxmhFkRyKA-00397-00219911-00220350 really 9:00 to 5:00 and then if you want you get the UK ones the benefits are 4jxmhFkRyKA-00398-00220350-00220698 cool even though on the websites everywhere I looked it didn't actually 4jxmhFkRyKA-00399-00220698-00221057 list those benefits with the diamonds and the presidents club and stuff like 4jxmhFkRyKA-00400-00221057-00221541 that if I knew that this card gives you so many discounts I mean I would have 4jxmhFkRyKA-00401-00221541-00222117 actually been way more open to it on the first call because it was a little bit 4jxmhFkRyKA-00402-00222117-00222516 skeptical in that first call that's kind of most of the things that are mentioned 4jxmhFkRyKA-00403-00222516-00223085 here the Centurion lounge networks I mean honestly the plasma card gets you 4jxmhFkRyKA-00404-00223085-00223628 in most of those as well so it's just like the small things where it beats the 4jxmhFkRyKA-00405-00223628-00224330 card out and that's kind of where I go into the pros for me so why did I get 4jxmhFkRyKA-00406-00224330-00224748 the black card so there were two things which I kind of already 4jxmhFkRyKA-00407-00224748-00225369 mentioned the pros of the American Express Centurion black card so one was 4jxmhFkRyKA-00408-00225369-00226107 potentially meeting other Centurion card holders that are on the same path as me 4jxmhFkRyKA-00409-00226107-00226842 just getting into those circles is I mean you have to pay no matter whether 4jxmhFkRyKA-00410-00226842-00227302 you get the black card or you go to an event internationally and most of those 4jxmhFkRyKA-00411-00227302-00227827 events are held in the u.s. so that alone costs a couple of thousands so 4jxmhFkRyKA-00412-00227827-00228319 that was one of the things that seems really exciting the second thing and 4jxmhFkRyKA-00413-00228319-00228981 that was more probably the thing that you know was more interesting to me is 4jxmhFkRyKA-00414-00228981-00229615 what you actually get and personalized service so I'm actually gonna ask for an 4jxmhFkRyKA-00415-00229615-00230140 entire list of everything everything that was ever asked in Centurion I just 4jxmhFkRyKA-00416-00230140-00230644 want to see how my relationship manager reacts to that because what they 4jxmhFkRyKA-00417-00230644-00231256 promised me is a personal assistant and if I really look at the price per month 4jxmhFkRyKA-00418-00231256-00231748 for this card and what I get what what kind of assistant I would be getting for 4jxmhFkRyKA-00419-00231748-00232369 that then it would literally save me money and it would save the company a 4jxmhFkRyKA-00420-00232369-00233137 lot of time especially HR I mean my employees are amazing there are amazing 4jxmhFkRyKA-00421-00233137-00233746 people but if their time you spend with looking stuff up on you know Airbnb or 4jxmhFkRyKA-00422-00233746-00234226 whatever that's literally time that we could have been spending on scaling or 4jxmhFkRyKA-00423-00234226-00234862 finding new ways to inspire or you know impact or whatever the things that make 4jxmhFkRyKA-00424-00234862-00235494 them special and so that's partially why objectively it seems like it could be a 4jxmhFkRyKA-00425-00235494-00235869 good deal but again I don't know I'll only know at the end of the year after 4jxmhFkRyKA-00426-00235869-00236341 I've run everything through Excel and seen how much time and money this card 4jxmhFkRyKA-00427-00236341-00236863 actually saved guess if you know it's just dream in my head then you know it's 4jxmhFkRyKA-00428-00236863-00237262 a risk it's a risk that we took as an entrepreneur that's your job you have to 4jxmhFkRyKA-00429-00237262-00237944 take risks but so far I kind of have to say with my previous experience 4jxmhFkRyKA-00430-00237944-00238451 the last card it was a risk I took it and it really paid off 4jxmhFkRyKA-00431-00238451-00238976 like really really paid off so I'm kind of hoping this card will do the same 4jxmhFkRyKA-00432-00238976-00239430 especially when a brand has proven itself to me that it really pays off I 4jxmhFkRyKA-00433-00239430-00240031 always give it the benefit of the doubt to take that risk again and so I also 4jxmhFkRyKA-00434-00240031-00240505 heard stories one of the other that there are other cardholder members are 4jxmhFkRyKA-00435-00240505-00240941 speakers that travel all over the world have to book their own accommodation so 4jxmhFkRyKA-00436-00240941-00241298 that's literally everything that a relationship manager can do and then you 4jxmhFkRyKA-00437-00241298-00241928 can only imagine how much you know of a safe and just you know especially when 4jxmhFkRyKA-00438-00241928-00242471 you travel I'm really bad I've quite some allergic reactions to some food 4jxmhFkRyKA-00439-00242471-00243133 just being able for somebody that has unlimited availability to you to scout 4jxmhFkRyKA-00440-00243133-00243665 out restaurants where I can actually eat and not get sick I mean those are little 4jxmhFkRyKA-00441-00243665-00244186 things that eventually pile up and save time save money and give me better 4jxmhFkRyKA-00442-00244186-00244640 health or less stress but above all and I think especially when you get to that 4jxmhFkRyKA-00443-00244640-00245141 kind of card it's not only about me it's also about the team and the people 4jxmhFkRyKA-00444-00245141-00245659 behind me and if I can make their lives a little bit nicer by having you know a 4jxmhFkRyKA-00445-00245659-00246052 simple card like this I think I think it makes it worth it 4jxmhFkRyKA-00446-00246052-00246539 so those were kind of the two things are going through my mind as to why it could 4jxmhFkRyKA-00447-00246539-00247052 be worth it or not again if I rent a car it's a nice 4jxmhFkRyKA-00448-00247052-00247486 privilege again but it wasn't you know the deal-breaker for me and the lounge 4jxmhFkRyKA-00449-00247486-00247894 axes and everything super nice I have to be honest I don't use that many lounges 4jxmhFkRyKA-00450-00247894-00248242 and the reason why is because when I travel and I go to some of these airport 4jxmhFkRyKA-00451-00248242-00248846 lounges the things they give in there are just like alcohol and really shitty 4jxmhFkRyKA-00452-00248846-00249365 sweets and I don't drink that much alcohol so it's not like I'm gonna get 4jxmhFkRyKA-00453-00249365-00249866 wasted right before a flight so these lounge access yet I mean it's 4jxmhFkRyKA-00454-00249866-00250289 not like they have boots there with you know plugs and stuff it's kind of the 4jxmhFkRyKA-00455-00250289-00250857 same as outside where sometimes outside you have better plugs for your computer 4jxmhFkRyKA-00456-00250857-00251302 and better space to sit plus you're actually next to the gate 4jxmhFkRyKA-00457-00251302-00251803 and you can see when people board so those are the two pros that kind of made 4jxmhFkRyKA-00458-00251803-00252628 it a good deal for me the cons it's really expensive like ridiculous I don't 4jxmhFkRyKA-00459-00252628-00253300 see if it will pay off I'm kind of hoping on that you know we'll figure out 4jxmhFkRyKA-00460-00253300-00254233 a way to make it pay off but in general yeah I mean the other con is the well it 4jxmhFkRyKA-00461-00254233-00254614 could be a pro or it could be a con right I mean still cool to be associated 4jxmhFkRyKA-00462-00254614-00255058 to something cool at synturion but that's actually also a con and and the 4jxmhFkRyKA-00463-00255058-00255594 way I phrase it usually is I used to have this red motorcycle when I was a 4jxmhFkRyKA-00464-00255594-00256044 student and I didn't have a girlfriend back then and so I thought oh if I have 4jxmhFkRyKA-00465-00256044-00256542 this red motorcycle you know girls would pay attention to me so that's not how 4jxmhFkRyKA-00466-00256542-00257089 works when you go with your red motorcycle on on the street it's usually 4jxmhFkRyKA-00467-00257089-00257479 the super weird guides that will scream at you 4jxmhFkRyKA-00468-00257479-00257973 hey rev that engine it's a super weird experience so I kind of sold that 4jxmhFkRyKA-00469-00257973-00258502 motorcycle but so with the Centurion card I'm kind of well I'm hoping it 4jxmhFkRyKA-00470-00258502-00258969 won't happen like that but I'm just crossing my fingers and hoping that that 4jxmhFkRyKA-00471-00258969-00259692 con will not pop up that will just be positivity and good people as long as I 4jxmhFkRyKA-00472-00259692-00260236 put positivity out in the world but but I'm kind of scared a little bit that 4jxmhFkRyKA-00473-00260236-00260752 when people see this card they will think that we do some crazy things 4jxmhFkRyKA-00474-00260752-00261276 whereas what they don't know is that all the money almost that we get is being 4jxmhFkRyKA-00475-00261276-00261886 puts back into the culture the team the business possibilities to impact because 4jxmhFkRyKA-00476-00261886-00262591 at the end of the day I mean I'm pretty young I really don't need to have 4jxmhFkRyKA-00477-00262591-00263344 personal money if I have money it usually I mean for me my family is the 4jxmhFkRyKA-00478-00263344-00263797 people I work with every day and so the happiness of them is where the money 4jxmhFkRyKA-00479-00263797-00264318 should go and I realize that and that's also how I was taught leadership so 4jxmhFkRyKA-00480-00264318-00264671 anyways back to that's possibly a con we are 4jxmhFkRyKA-00481-00264671-00265172 people looking at you associating some things thinking you are not a cool a 4jxmhFkRyKA-00482-00265172-00265715 rich person which if anybody knew me they would associate me a little bit 4jxmhFkRyKA-00483-00265715-00266303 more with a child than a rich person I do tend to game a lot till deep in the 4jxmhFkRyKA-00484-00266303-00266831 night which is something I need to work on but so yeah so that's kind of another 4jxmhFkRyKA-00485-00266831-00267155 comment I'm a little bit scared of and I think the reason I'm scared of it is 4jxmhFkRyKA-00486-00267155-00267754 because I'm a massive introvert I try only to speak on camera when I need to 4jxmhFkRyKA-00487-00267754-00268271 and so in general and quite quiet especially had networking nights that's 4jxmhFkRyKA-00488-00268271-00268622 why I have a cool team right that are all extrovert almost all of them are 4jxmhFkRyKA-00489-00268622-00268921 extroverts to compensate for my weaknesses 4jxmhFkRyKA-00490-00268921-00269849 so another con which is not a con really it is really heavy and the con of that 4jxmhFkRyKA-00491-00269849-00270577 is that if you lose a card it will cost quite a lot of money to get a new one 4jxmhFkRyKA-00492-00270577-00271382 so yeah I'm not sure if they will get you a new card for free but I did read 4jxmhFkRyKA-00493-00271382-00271786 somewhere that if you have an extra if you need an extra card you'll be paying 4jxmhFkRyKA-00494-00271786-00272260 quite a lot of money so that's a massive column so I'm just going to be really 4jxmhFkRyKA-00495-00272260-00273194 careful with this card and and in general I mean in general there as well 4jxmhFkRyKA-00496-00273194-00273698 the small cons are like hey Centurion why couldn't you do more membership 4jxmhFkRyKA-00497-00273698-00274261 reward points like it seems like Centurion and platinum are quite similar 4jxmhFkRyKA-00498-00274261-00274810 and that's actually quite shitty because you're paying way more for Centurion 4jxmhFkRyKA-00499-00274810-00275372 card so you kind of expect more benefits even though I do realize your PIN for 4jxmhFkRyKA-00500-00275372-00275966 your relationship manager more but like it would be cool if you know you would 4jxmhFkRyKA-00501-00275966-00276371 get three membership reward points which is a double of platinum because the 4jxmhFkRyKA-00502-00276371-00276859 price is you know way more than double for Platinum Plus you have the joining 4jxmhFkRyKA-00503-00276859-00277682 fee as well so yeah outside of that I guess we're here in the conclusion part 4jxmhFkRyKA-00504-00277682-00278331 of it which is is this card worth it as I said unless you're going 4jxmhFkRyKA-00505-00278331-00278916 in with the mindset that I had which is this is a risk that we're taking to see 4jxmhFkRyKA-00506-00278916-00279474 if it pays off just like with the old card we did it it paid off and so now 4jxmhFkRyKA-00507-00279474-00279840 we're kind of taking a risk which is obviously a high risk I do realize that 4jxmhFkRyKA-00508-00279840-00280380 in the old car but we've also grown at this point so we're taking another risk 4jxmhFkRyKA-00509-00280380-00280797 seeing if it will pay off over a course of a year and seeing if it will actually 4jxmhFkRyKA-00510-00280797-00281886 save a stress money HR drama whatever and just in general make me feel that 4jxmhFkRyKA-00511-00281886-00282594 I'm able to relax and and being able to eat the right food when abroad because I 4jxmhFkRyKA-00512-00282594-00283203 cannot eat certain types of foods and that's partially why I stopped traveling 4jxmhFkRyKA-00513-00283203-00283770 because I really just don't like that whole experience and so maybe I'll start 4jxmhFkRyKA-00514-00283770-00284114 liking traveling again so that's something I'm really looking forward to 4jxmhFkRyKA-00515-00284114-00284511 especially because I visited now I think there'd be something countries so will 4jxmhFkRyKA-00516-00284511-00285489 be nice so yeah so is it worth it to me I think it is I think it is we will see 4jxmhFkRyKA-00517-00285489-00286038 at the end of the year but like again is it worth it to you there's a high chance 4jxmhFkRyKA-00518-00286038-00286455 it's probably not worth it unless you're one of those people that I mentioned 4jxmhFkRyKA-00519-00286455-00286791 like a speaker who travels all over the world and needs to book his own 4jxmhFkRyKA-00520-00286791-00287268 accommodation somebody who is an entrepreneur and travels on their laptop 4jxmhFkRyKA-00521-00287268-00287778 I can imagine for you this would be amazing but then obviously you need a 4jxmhFkRyKA-00522-00287778-00288240 fixed address I'm not sure how you would get this card but to these small things 4jxmhFkRyKA-00523-00288240-00288705 if you are by any chance one of those people I think it's actually really 4jxmhFkRyKA-00524-00288705-00289293 worth it for other reasons than it's worth it to me because I have a fixed 4jxmhFkRyKA-00525-00289293-00290088 company not travelling too much obviously if you're flush with cash and 4jxmhFkRyKA-00526-00290088-00290631 you have you know know where to spend your money on I think one of the good 4jxmhFkRyKA-00527-00290631-00291193 things is to have a card like this just cause the relationship manager will 4jxmhFkRyKA-00528-00291193-00291652 able to take care of most of the things you need throughout your day because if 4jxmhFkRyKA-00529-00291652-00292054 you're flushing cash you're probably wanting some exclusive things like 4jxmhFkRyKA-00530-00292054-00292657 watches and and restaurants and whatever and even though I don't do most of those 4jxmhFkRyKA-00531-00292657-00293101 restaurants and concerts and all that beautiful stuff I can imagine for those 4jxmhFkRyKA-00532-00293101-00293770 people that really enjoy that kind of stuff they do so yeah is it worth it 4jxmhFkRyKA-00533-00293770-00294355 I don't know super expensive and I hope it will be worth it but we'll only know 4jxmhFkRyKA-00534-00294355-00295276 at the end of the year so yeah with that being said if you like this video I know 4jxmhFkRyKA-00535-00295276-00295936 give me a comment I would love to actually know about more stories about 4jxmhFkRyKA-00536-00295936-00296641 this car I just want to give a disclaimer as well be careful with 4jxmhFkRyKA-00537-00296641-00297070 credit cards like the credit cards pay the bills 4jxmhFkRyKA-00538-00297070-00297382 like I've only gotten to this card because I paid the bill at the end of 4jxmhFkRyKA-00539-00297382-00298012 the month and I never spent more than what I could afford I got a card because 4jxmhFkRyKA-00540-00298012-00298420 I got those remember shaprut war points so instead of you know using my debit 4jxmhFkRyKA-00541-00298420-00298909 card and losing money I actually had a card that now made me money because for 4jxmhFkRyKA-00542-00298909-00299368 every expenditure that I did I would get membership reward points and save myself 4jxmhFkRyKA-00543-00299368-00299809 some money with that so be careful with credit cards don't go crazy 4jxmhFkRyKA-00544-00299809-00300196 don't start spending a lot of money expecting this card like I said it's a 4jxmhFkRyKA-00545-00300196-00300757 very strategic move on my part as to why it could be worth it but so small 4jxmhFkRyKA-00546-00300757-00301255 disclaimer there now if you liked it comment below what what kind of stories 4jxmhFkRyKA-00547-00301255-00301639 you know about this card things that people did or asked their relationship 4jxmhFkRyKA-00548-00301639-00302254 manager that could be really interesting I'd love to test it out and yeah I guess 4jxmhFkRyKA-00549-00302254-00302692 that's kind of it thank you so much for watching thank you so much for being 4jxmhFkRyKA-00550-00302692-00303085 here with me through this entire journey this has been on my vision board for 4jxmhFkRyKA-00551-00303085-00303745 nearly a decade and I'm super humbled and blessed that I'm finally able to to 4jxmhFkRyKA-00552-00303745-00304231 hit this level and and just mentally have to kind of get a new goal to work 4jxmhFkRyKA-00553-00304231-00304714 towards so it's super interesting good times are happening and I'm super 4jxmhFkRyKA-00554-00304714-00305218 happy that you know the resources that I use are used to you know scale and help 4jxmhFkRyKA-00555-00305218-00305727 other people as well so could it be possible without the support of people 4jxmhFkRyKA-00556-00305727-00306153 watching people like you even though I'm not really a youtuber but just like 4jxmhFkRyKA-00557-00306153-00306613 other people that supported me as well my mentors and stuff like that so thank 4jxmhFkRyKA-00558-00306613-00307080 you so much if you have any other questions about the card let me know and 4jxmhFkRyKA-00559-00307080-00307594 maybe I'll make another video thanks so much! If you liked this episode you can 4jxmhFkRyKA-00560-00307594-00307950 check out the most recent episode here and if you haven't already make sure you 4jxmhFkRyKA-00561-00307950-00308338 click here to subscribe and see the next one, but if you're interested in more 4jxmhFkRyKA-00562-00308338-00308724 tips and tricks on improving your health wealth or relationships then click this 4jxmhFkRyKA-00563-00308724-00309111 little box and we'll get you started on a free 30 day challenge where you get 4jxmhFkRyKA-00564-00309111-00309645 the behind the scenes of some of my speeches and day-to-day clients. 4jAxHsmhlzI-00000-00000462-00000825 Hi again! I'm Christopher Burley a technology training specialist with foothill 4jAxHsmhlzI-00001-00000825-00001273 college and i'm here today to tell you a little bit more about Course Map 4jAxHsmhlzI-00002-00001273-00001503 So what is Course Map? 4jAxHsmhlzI-00003-00001503-00001791 well you can think of it as more or less 4jAxHsmhlzI-00004-00001791-00002296 an educational GPS. So it's essentially enables you the instructor to guide your 4jAxHsmhlzI-00005-00002296-00002642 students through the learning process so they end up 4jAxHsmhlzI-00006-00002642-00003057 crossing the finish line and not necessarily 4jAxHsmhlzI-00007-00003057-00003231 getting stuck in the mud like this guy 4jAxHsmhlzI-00008-00003231-00003386 so you're probably thinking 4jAxHsmhlzI-00009-00003386-00003710 What some of the instructor benefits of 4jAxHsmhlzI-00010-00003710-00003964 this course map feature in Etudes? 4jAxHsmhlzI-00011-00003964-00004187 Well, essentially it help students navigate 4jAxHsmhlzI-00012-00004187-00004699 to the course activities and within the course site from one location 4jAxHsmhlzI-00013-00004699-00005118 It also organizes key course items into a learning path, so their grouped 4jAxHsmhlzI-00014-00005118-00005470 into weeks or units ... whatever you choose 4jAxHsmhlzI-00015-00005470-00005933 One of the major benefits for instructors is that you can control the open and due dates 4jAxHsmhlzI-00016-00005933-00006385 of all from one page and edit the course items directly from the Course Map instead of 4jAxHsmhlzI-00017-00006385-00006813 having to go into Assignments, Tests and Survey's into the modules section or 4jAxHsmhlzI-00018-00006813-00006952 into the discussion section 4jAxHsmhlzI-00019-00006952-00007181 so it enables really quick editing 4jAxHsmhlzI-00020-00007181-00007653 It enables you to kind of create access control within the course and this 4jAxHsmhlzI-00021-00007653-00008048 allows you to set up items that actually need to be finished in order to move on to 4jAxHsmhlzI-00022-00008048-00008467 other items in the course for example you could use a quiz that unless someone 4jAxHsmhlzI-00023-00008467-00008964 completed that quiz they could not go on to unit two. And last but not least 4jAxHsmhlzI-00024-00008964-00009312 it allows you to create a mastery level for your course. 4jAxHsmhlzI-00025-00009312-00009726 Ideal for practice skills tests, this allows you as an instructors to create 4jAxHsmhlzI-00026-00009726-00010032 assessments that have unlimited tries 4jAxHsmhlzI-00027-00010032-00010436 which will allow students to keep taking a test until they reach a certain mastery 4jAxHsmhlzI-00028-00010436-00010734 level before proceeding on the next section 4jAxHsmhlzI-00029-00010734-00011026 So what are some of the student benefits of Course Map? 4jAxHsmhlzI-00030-00011026-00011314 Well first of course is going to help them stay on target to meet their 4jAxHsmhlzI-00031-00011314-00011660 deadlines and to turn in things on time because all of their due dates 4jAxHsmhlzI-00032-00011660-00011932 are going to be visible on one page 4jAxHsmhlzI-00033-00011932-00012328 second they're going to be able to monitor their progress. Many items that are 4jAxHsmhlzI-00034-00012328-00012600 completed have a green check next to them and things that are still in 4jAxHsmhlzI-00035-00012600-00012822 progress have another icon to indicate 4jAxHsmhlzI-00036-00012822-00013006 that they're still being worked on. 4jAxHsmhlzI-00037-00013006-00013359 Also they're going to be able to go to the task directly from the course map so 4jAxHsmhlzI-00038-00013359-00013719 all from one page they can get to all of their different tasks 4jAxHsmhlzI-00039-00013719-00014006 lastly they're going to be able to access scores and instructor grading 4jAxHsmhlzI-00040-00014006-00014418 feedback directly from the Course Map. 4jAxHsmhlzI-00041-00014418-00014779 So let's get started É In order to access the Course Map we first need to click on 4jAxHsmhlzI-00042-00014779-00014909 our course 4jAxHsmhlzI-00043-00014909-00015215 and then we need to go over to the left-hand navigation directly under the 4jAxHsmhlzI-00044-00015215-00015418 home link and click Course Map 4jAxHsmhlzI-00045-00015418-00015776 now most of you should have the course that enabled for requested just in case 4jAxHsmhlzI-00046-00015776-00015870 you don't 4jAxHsmhlzI-00047-00015870-00016303 beginning need to go down to the site info lincoln medication and click on 4jAxHsmhlzI-00048-00016303-00016417 edit tools 4jAxHsmhlzI-00049-00016417-00016547 in order to add 4jAxHsmhlzI-00050-00016547-00016757 the course map here 4jAxHsmhlzI-00051-00016757-00017198 so proceeding to the course map click on the course matt lincoln left navigation 4jAxHsmhlzI-00052-00017198-00017507 the course that lists the following information from your course uh... it 4jAxHsmhlzI-00053-00017507-00017973 was cheered syllabus the modules except for the archive ones 4jAxHsmhlzI-00054-00017973-00018331 discussions expecially great of all categories credible forms agreeable 4jAxHsmhlzI-00055-00018331-00018428 topics 4jAxHsmhlzI-00056-00018428-00018854 analyst the assignments tests and surveys such as this unit one quiz that 4jAxHsmhlzI-00057-00018854-00019052 i had 4jAxHsmhlzI-00058-00019052-00019563 when you notice agreeing check in means it's published that piece of your course 4jAxHsmhlzI-00059-00019563-00019912 is available to students if you know it's a great out check means it's 4jAxHsmhlzI-00060-00019912-00020436 invisible since if you noticed this triangular icon it means it's invalid 4jAxHsmhlzI-00061-00020436-00020770 there some sort of air with the material that you need to fix 4jAxHsmhlzI-00062-00020770-00021352 he read icon indicates materials unpublished and accessible to students 4jAxHsmhlzI-00063-00021352-00021683 in the several main columns we have two-block column 4jAxHsmhlzI-00064-00021683-00021810 title column 4jAxHsmhlzI-00065-00021810-00021975 open do 4jAxHsmhlzI-00066-00021975-00022364 except in ca phil and then this column on the right which isn't labeled but is 4jAxHsmhlzI-00067-00022364-00022577 the priority column 4jAxHsmhlzI-00068-00022577-00022889 block on these used in order to set 4jAxHsmhlzI-00069-00022889-00023062 an item within your course 4jAxHsmhlzI-00070-00023062-00023507 to actually prevent users from moving any further forward in the course before 4jAxHsmhlzI-00071-00023507-00024055 accepting that i a m or passing and in case of a quiz for example 4jAxHsmhlzI-00072-00024055-00024558 is the title of your learning material and the open do except until are all 4jAxHsmhlzI-00073-00024558-00024979 dates that you set in order to organize the linear progression ii course 4jAxHsmhlzI-00074-00024979-00025380 now over here on the right is an area in which you can manage uh... which objects 4jAxHsmhlzI-00075-00025380-00025509 come first 4jAxHsmhlzI-00076-00025509-00025906 according to your students view 4jAxHsmhlzI-00077-00025906-00026266 one thing they know about course methods that all changes you make within course 4jAxHsmhlzI-00078-00026266-00026624 map persist outside of course map so there's no need to change the dates 4jAxHsmhlzI-00079-00026624-00026920 within course map and within the modules 4jAxHsmhlzI-00080-00026920-00027358 we first come in the course not many of your going to see this except positions 4jAxHsmhlzI-00081-00027358-00027456 button 4jAxHsmhlzI-00082-00027456-00027797 now if items have changed outside of course not more if it's just looking for 4jAxHsmhlzI-00083-00027797-00028130 the first time it's going to ask you to accept the order meaning the priority 4jAxHsmhlzI-00084-00028130-00028544 order that all these items are in school had just click except positions and 4jAxHsmhlzI-00085-00028544-00028997 let's move on now there's a few items in my course that i'd like to address 4jAxHsmhlzI-00086-00028997-00029295 mainly just unit one looks like there's an air 4jAxHsmhlzI-00087-00029295-00029693 and when i go over here i look at the open dating september twenty six the due 4jAxHsmhlzI-00088-00029693-00030137 date being october second and accept intel is actually october first which is 4jAxHsmhlzI-00089-00030137-00030408 before october seventh 4jAxHsmhlzI-00090-00030408-00030833 on exchange this 4jAxHsmhlzI-00091-00030833-00031022 to uh... traversed second 4jAxHsmhlzI-00092-00031022-00031237 twelve and click save 4jAxHsmhlzI-00093-00031237-00031837 and you'll notice that the actual warning icon goes away now 4jAxHsmhlzI-00094-00031837-00032245 that's only a tasty this invisible i can now if it was 4jAxHsmhlzI-00095-00032245-00032675 actually september twenty six this which show as a green icon because this is in 4jAxHsmhlzI-00096-00032675-00033102 september twenty six yet that's only september first right now 4jAxHsmhlzI-00097-00033102-00033369 it's not showing as visible to students 4jAxHsmhlzI-00098-00033369-00033572 not socially at a fixed this 4jAxHsmhlzI-00099-00033572-00034081 unpublished issue if u click on the actual quiz itself and then click on the 4jAxHsmhlzI-00100-00034081-00034431 assessments area you can go ahead and slept 4jAxHsmhlzI-00101-00034431-00034546 in this case 4jAxHsmhlzI-00102-00034546-00034680 unit two 4jAxHsmhlzI-00103-00034680-00035007 and click the publisher icon 4jAxHsmhlzI-00104-00035007-00035281 narita moving into publish from 4jAxHsmhlzI-00105-00035281-00035508 when we go back to course map 4jAxHsmhlzI-00106-00035508-00036089 you noticed that my quizzes now publish in the longer has a red icon next to it 4jAxHsmhlzI-00107-00036089-00036473 internet had additional organizational structure to your question that simply 4jAxHsmhlzI-00108-00036473-00036649 click a-plus symbol 4jAxHsmhlzI-00109-00036649-00037205 underneath the area in which you like to add a header 4jAxHsmhlzI-00110-00037205-00037393 once a page reload 4jAxHsmhlzI-00111-00037393-00037714 for me i'm going to try to end unit 4jAxHsmhlzI-00112-00037714-00038028 you know if you've gotten click saved finish 4jAxHsmhlzI-00113-00038028-00038400 course up allows you to set the priority of items for example this week one item 4jAxHsmhlzI-00114-00038400-00038736 seems to be at prairie number one that said like to put at the end so i would 4jAxHsmhlzI-00115-00038736-00039128 go down in select number twelve from the patron automatically saving refresher 4jAxHsmhlzI-00116-00039128-00039415 citizen the right priority 4jAxHsmhlzI-00117-00039415-00039874 course map also allows you to set up prerequisites or blockers 4jAxHsmhlzI-00118-00039874-00040324 unisons cannot access anything below the walker until the item is completed for 4jAxHsmhlzI-00119-00040324-00040684 example for syllabus they're not allowed to move forward in the course unless 4jAxHsmhlzI-00120-00040684-00041037 they've accepted the terms of soulless were for quiz they're not allowed to 4jAxHsmhlzI-00121-00041037-00041127 move forward 4jAxHsmhlzI-00122-00041127-00041447 and of course unless they've pastor taking the quiz 4jAxHsmhlzI-00123-00041447-00041787 play if you do is quick the block checkbox next then you'd like to become 4jAxHsmhlzI-00124-00041787-00042087 a preface it and then click the save button energy 4jAxHsmhlzI-00125-00042087-00042509 cedar settings although now required if you decide to implement a mastery level 4jAxHsmhlzI-00126-00042509-00042902 within your course simply click within this box and type in a percentage and 4jAxHsmhlzI-00127-00042902-00043075 then click the save button 4jAxHsmhlzI-00128-00043075-00043418 this is ideal for assessments the have unlimited tries 4jAxHsmhlzI-00129-00043418-00043894 i hope this brief overview who's giving you an orientation take its course map 4jAxHsmhlzI-00130-00043894-00044338 if used properly quest that helping your students on a path to success 4jAxHsmhlzI-00131-00044338-00044720 i've also included a glossary of icons i hope you understand which each i con 4jAxHsmhlzI-00132-00044720-00044943 means within course ma'am 4jAxHsmhlzI-00133-00044943-00044969 take care 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00000-00000003-00000202 Oh 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00001-00000565-00000788 Freedom will not give me a free phone 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00002-00000852-00001101 while pretty messy on YouTube 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00003-00001155-00001637 For YouTube subscribers, see if either move come up with reform somewhere 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00004-00001693-00002153 somehow somebody who I put phone to off maybe I 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00005-00002215-00002451 got a view on one half to even 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00006-00002506-00003002 Manufacture glad we do review for you on it to see what you think of it 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00007-00003100-00003579 anyway, so I don't know how you're gonna ever think about it, but 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00008-00003643-00004175 That's what I'm this video to vote here. But also go kind for it 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00009-00004252-00004452 Time-travel pothole. Is it beautiful? 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00010-00004534-00004734 the answer is 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00011-00004857-00005147 Yes, I know answer it no 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00012-00005278-00005537 Because what happened to go backwards in time 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00013-00005637-00005846 let's suppose our 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00014-00005935-00006189 backwards in time to battle throne accrete 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00015-00006262-00006716 1812 my life of and I told the US Cavalry 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00016-00006781-00007247 That can be slaughtered in their battle when the fat will be slaughtered 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00017-00007247-00007601 And what do you think that happened? Hmm? 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00018-00007815-00008573 While you a calorie got to around an actor for virtuosity and they were in the war would at will would I be today 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00019-00008574-00008907 I would say upstate New York, huh thing about it how 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00020-00009007-00009207 We got that, right? 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00021-00009222-00009992 That is true today everybody Saint history that a British lost the battle and their fights were seen now 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00022-00010081-00010267 Let's suppose 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00023-00010267-00010467 I went to 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00024-00010477-00011070 1920s enough, hold on XA one phone out and I said here look at this 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00025-00011143-00011516 This make phone calls this video what happened there? 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00026-00011517-00012279 So I just say history because either having a normal court history all are standing. Hope cell phone exploded on a marketplace 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00027-00012352-00012812 Gravy for the time and it will and become a day everything be so different 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00028-00012812-00013166 I would not know how it's even survived 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00029-00013231-00013409 could actually 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00030-00013409-00013491 a 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00031-00013491-00013697 Total nuclear annihilation or anything? 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00032-00013744-00014534 okay all because some ago boxing history if we were to look at this a viewer chains history and 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00033-00014595-00014795 Any way shape or form? 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00034-00014988-00015188 Trying travel and not 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00035-00015270-00015384 fusible 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00036-00015384-00015719 But hi, look at very another thing you want to fool around with? 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00037-00015811-00016325 mystical try and travel into a future and I went there and I 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00038-00016344-00016995 Traveled there in the future Earth future example, and I seen modern device that took one back here 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00039-00017023-00017220 They have been invented yet 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00040-00017220-00017927 What we don't know what and will probably work but lexical this really bad I turn around the room 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00041-00017928-00018128 I just st. History there see 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00042-00018309-00018878 Or his routine but time slips out then they're very very very real 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00043-00018879-00019497 I was in a free market down on arrive Lima antique store on auto Wall Street 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00044-00019497-00019742 And I walk into one the vendor booth 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00045-00019819-00020213 Looking after you antiques. I looked I felt weird. I looked around 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00046-00020269-00020888 She always lady dressed. No I go yo clothing or early 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00047-00020950-00021150 mid-1800s about 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00048-00021163-00021383 1830s type of outfits that 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00049-00021706-00021892 Were an office 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00050-00021892-00022566 An old desk officer would all written lit with coal oil lamps. No electricity. I'm there 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00051-00022569-00022982 I realize this soon and I realized it I was 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00052-00023041-00023151 No 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00053-00023151-00023528 Friend with me realized the same thing at the same time 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00054-00023590-00023945 So I crypt they realize it and I didn't do anything 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00055-00023945-00024584 I do quickly tried to went back where I came because I realized it remained in that time 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00056-00024584-00024729 I could have seen history 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00057-00024729-00025214 but I don't want to do it I could raise my own self resistance a 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00058-00025251-00025865 Good with herself resisted for Javel. So I would not a funny thing to think about for that a dangerous 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00059-00025932-00026450 kind tips can also team but also allow you to see glimpses of 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00060-00026737-00027389 It only lasts a few minutes button exterior that few minute you could I could have seen history I choose not to why 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00061-00027457-00027845 Because I would not know the outcome be different Amy 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00062-00027910-00028110 so 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00063-00028162-00028497 You know, that was what I realized 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00064-00028510-00028994 You know at that point because I had to do some research into building 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00065-00028994-00029468 I was in all the Wall Street to find out my Disney research the building was built in 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00066-00029547-00029691 1934 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00067-00029691-00030239 fw @ fw over stores remain so up to about up to 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00068-00030333-00030436 1980 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00069-00030436-00031103 1980 a closed nightly lake up 19 up too early to fox early 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00070-00031135-00031335 2000 that closed the door for good 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00071-00031395-00031881 became an antique store after that before row was it was a 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00072-00032200-00032400 With a buggy sale 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00073-00032409-00033053 Salesman for that it was old buggy house where they were sold horses and buggies a buggy whips everything else 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00074-00033153-00033782 Of a buggy deal of a sea horse and buggy dealer going back great that time frame 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00075-00033844-00034046 1830s in o 1835 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00076-00034147-00034730 Elimidate' mid 1800s suffered jota buggy dealer and that closed the door for goodbye 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00077-00034759-00035459 Not in the early 20s the war works and then the building of banning from the 1920s 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00078-00035553-00035933 then in about 1930 s it will reboot over built as a 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00079-00036001-00036201 reward store over Wars in 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00080-00036427-00036627 1930 soul 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00081-00036857-00037461 That's what I mean by then not date an antique store but what I saw in the claim trip was the 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00082-00037520-00038073 Visit offers of the key respect also relied to a dramatic moment time there 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00083-00038120-00038542 Where there was a person who had a major was what? 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00084-00038606-00038714 What? 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00085-00038714-00039228 discomfort dissatisfied with the bill and they walked up to accountant and and 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00086-00039269-00039555 This one and killed accountant with a gun 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00087-00039653-00040311 when he gonna count babies better and killed account we gun it was that what happened they so I am 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00088-00040409-00041002 You know what I wanted to do. I peed out what something I did fire him. Just so happened. I 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00089-00041057-00041377 Read the glow before doors. I've seen to train people 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00090-00041429-00041805 They seen a man holding a distraint or vise in hand 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00091-00041966-00042766 You know lady standing there with a mad lady to lady remove one really nice hairdo 100 black both 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00092-00042863-00043195 Both describe one described me to a tee 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00093-00043244-00043627 The other one described it the day of a few minutes and disappeared 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00094-00043673-00044235 It was and he said well I can't do no. I do don't do anything or doing one turned and disappeared 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00095-00044357-00044955 You know and I realize it I was there not time my god, I couldn't believe it 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00096-00045035-00045601 Not long enough to do anything. I realized if I did something I could have stained history 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00097-00045601-00046155 But I don't I I know I could have raised my home Selfridge. I would more concerned about that anything out 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00098-00046214-00046584 Real life. I could not afford to be then a major point back 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00099-00046628-00047053 So what's there what the Timeship were even proven by two? 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00100-00047117-00047670 Office workers in 1830 they both see me and micro-fine 1830 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00101-00047756-00048210 Dressed through am today like this and they couldn't believe it 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00102-00048281-00048481 anyway, so 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00103-00048485-00048889 I'm going to say this time step. Yes. Be aware 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00104-00048889-00049509 It could happen to you someplace when you least expected happened to me. Have me a couple times 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00105-00049538-00050127 But I never ever will Saints history or do anything because their ideas something 4kkdB7fG_Hc-00106-00050254-00050771 They'd be consequence. I have to bathe into today. Anyway vlog over