c_fT3UH4Ko0-00000-00000000-00000105 Wheels On The Bus Go Round And Round + c_fT3UH4Ko0-00002-00000155-00000205 More Nursery Rhymes and kids Songs c_y-3Z4vzHY-00000-00000000-00000400 Welcome to the spoken tutorial on embedding mathematics in Xfig c_y-3Z4vzHY-00001-00000500-00001000 In this tutorial, I shall explain how to Create this Figure c_y-3Z4vzHY-00002-00001100-00001500 Observe the mathematical expression in the second block c_y-3Z4vzHY-00003-00001600-00002200 You can embed any mathematical expression after learning this tutorial c_y-3Z4vzHY-00004-00002300-00003500 We shall create the figure in the previous slide, starting from this figure which was created in the spoken tutorial on “Feedback Diagrams through Xfig” c_y-3Z4vzHY-00005-00003600-00004100 You should learn this tutorial before starting the current one c_y-3Z4vzHY-00006-00004200-00004700 Let me now explain what all you need to learn the material taught in this tutorial c_y-3Z4vzHY-00007-00004800-00005100 I am using Xfig, Version 3.2, patch level 5 c_y-3Z4vzHY-00008-00005200-00005500 You also need LaTeX, and a familiarity with it c_y-3Z4vzHY-00009-00005600-00006000 You also need image cropping software c_y-3Z4vzHY-00010-00006100-00006800 pdfcrop works on Linux and Mac OS X .We will cover it in this tutorial c_y-3Z4vzHY-00011-00006900-00007400 Briss is said to work on Windows also, but not covered in this tutorial c_y-3Z4vzHY-00012-00007500-00007800 Let us go to Xfig c_y-3Z4vzHY-00013-00007900-00008500 Let us choose file, then open. c_y-3Z4vzHY-00014-00008600-00010100 If we scroll through the list, we will see the file “feedback.fig”, created in the spoken tutorial on “Feedback Diagrams through Xfig” .Let us click it c_y-3Z4vzHY-00015-00010200-00010400 We will see the figure inside this box c_y-3Z4vzHY-00016-00010500-00011200 Let us open it. c_y-3Z4vzHY-00017-00011300-00012000 Let us bring it inside. c_y-3Z4vzHY-00018-00012100-00012400 Let us also zoom it. c_y-3Z4vzHY-00019-00012500-00013900 Using the “save as” option on “file”, we will save this figure as maths. c_y-3Z4vzHY-00020-00014000-00014300 Let us save it. c_y-3Z4vzHY-00021-00014400-00014600 We now have the file maths.fig c_y-3Z4vzHY-00022-00014700-00015300 Let us select “Edit” and click the text “Plant” c_y-3Z4vzHY-00023-00015400-00016900 Let me take the mouse here. Let me delete this and enter $G(z) = \frac z{z-1}$ c_y-3Z4vzHY-00024-00017000-00017500 Make sure that the mouse stays within the box while typing c_y-3Z4vzHY-00025-00017600-00018000 The default value for “Flag” is “normal” - change it to “special” c_y-3Z4vzHY-00026-00018100-00018600 Click “done” c_y-3Z4vzHY-00027-00018700-00019100 As the text is long, it overlaps with other entries c_y-3Z4vzHY-00028-00019200-00020200 Let us move the text outside the box and work with it. c_y-3Z4vzHY-00029-00020300-00020500 Let me click here. c_y-3Z4vzHY-00030-00020600-00021000 Let me choose grid mode. c_y-3Z4vzHY-00031-00021100-00021800 Once we are satisfied with any changes that we may want here, we can put it back inside the box. c_y-3Z4vzHY-00032-00021900-00022300 Let us save the file. c_y-3Z4vzHY-00033-00022400-00023000 Let us export using combined pdf and latex files. c_y-3Z4vzHY-00034-00023100-00024200 File. Export. Combined pdf and LaTeX. .Let us export. c_y-3Z4vzHY-00035-00024300-00025000 There is an error message I get. But let us not worry about this. c_y-3Z4vzHY-00036-00025100-00025200 Let me go to the terminal. c_y-3Z4vzHY-00037-00025300-00026000 Let me type “ls -lrt” c_y-3Z4vzHY-00038-00026100-00026500 We get a list of files, with the last one being the most recent c_y-3Z4vzHY-00039-00026600-00027200 The last two files are maths.pdf_t and maths.pdf c_y-3Z4vzHY-00040-00027300-00028100 Let us give the command “open maths.pdf” c_y-3Z4vzHY-00041-00028200-00028400 Let us bring it inside. c_y-3Z4vzHY-00042-00028500-00028900 We can see the block diagram without the mathematical expression c_y-3Z4vzHY-00043-00029000-00029100 Let me close this c_y-3Z4vzHY-00044-00029200-00030000 Let us see maths.pdf_t in emacs editor that I have already opened c_y-3Z4vzHY-00045-00030100-00031300 It is here. Let me open it. c_y-3Z4vzHY-00046-00031400-00031600 Please note that you do NOT have to use emacs c_y-3Z4vzHY-00047-00031700-00032100 You can use WHATEVER editor that you are comfortable with c_y-3Z4vzHY-00048-00032200-00032500 You can see that the “picture” environment is used c_y-3Z4vzHY-00049-00032600-00034000 It also makes use of “includegraphics” and “color” packages – we need to tell LaTeX to take care of this requirement c_y-3Z4vzHY-00050-00034100-00035800 Let me now open the file maths-bp.tex,I have already created for this tutorial c_y-3Z4vzHY-00051-00035900-00036100 I have used article class c_y-3Z4vzHY-00052-00036200-00037400 I have used color and graphicx packages as these are used in the file pdf_t, the one we saw earlier. c_y-3Z4vzHY-00053-00037500-00037900 I want empty pagestyle, as I do not want the page number c_y-3Z4vzHY-00054-00038000-00038600 Finally, I want to include the file maths.pdf_t c_y-3Z4vzHY-00055-00038700-00040100 Let us invoke the command “pdflatex maths-bp” in the terminal c_y-3Z4vzHY-00056-00040200-00040700 We get the message that the maths-bp.pdf is created. c_y-3Z4vzHY-00057-00040800-00041700 Let us open it with the command “open maths-bp.pdf” c_y-3Z4vzHY-00058-00041800-00042600 We have the file we want. Let me zoom it. c_y-3Z4vzHY-00059-00042700-00044900 Now that we know that the mathematical expression is working, let us move the text inside the block c_y-3Z4vzHY-00060-00045000-00045700 Let us save and export. It is already in the required language. Export. c_y-3Z4vzHY-00061-00045800-00046000 Let us dismiss this warning. c_y-3Z4vzHY-00062-00046100-00046300 Let me compile it again. c_y-3Z4vzHY-00063-00046400-00046800 Let us click the pdf browser that has the file c_y-3Z4vzHY-00064-00046900-00047500 Now you see the mathematical expression inside the box, the way we want c_y-3Z4vzHY-00065-00047600-00048000 Let us now see what happens if we do not choose the special flag. c_y-3Z4vzHY-00066-00048100-00048300 Let me come here. c_y-3Z4vzHY-00067-00048400-00050400 Let me edit the text, change the “Special Flag” to “normal”. Done. c_y-3Z4vzHY-00068-00050500-00051600 File, save. Let me export c_y-3Z4vzHY-00069-00051700-00052000 Let me compile. Let me come here. c_y-3Z4vzHY-00070-00052100-00052500 The formula is no longer in the form we want c_y-3Z4vzHY-00071-00052600-00054200 Let us change the “special flag” back to “special” c_y-3Z4vzHY-00072-00054300-00055100 Save, export c_y-3Z4vzHY-00073-00055200-00055700 Recompile. See that the file is in the form we want. c_y-3Z4vzHY-00074-00055800-00056100 Let us now improve the appearance of this formula c_y-3Z4vzHY-00075-00056200-00056700 In this case, the use of dfrac will make the fraction look better. c_y-3Z4vzHY-00076-00056800-00057700 In view of this, let us change frac to dfrac. c_y-3Z4vzHY-00077-00057800-00058200 Let me click here. Keep the mouse inside the box. c_y-3Z4vzHY-00078-00058300-00059100 Put d here. Done. Save, export. c_y-3Z4vzHY-00079-00059200-00060200 Let us compile once again using “pdflatex” c_y-3Z4vzHY-00080-00060300-00061000 We get the error message “Undefined control sequence” \dfrac c_y-3Z4vzHY-00081-00061100-00062000 LaTeX complains because the command \dfrac is defined in the package “Amsmath” but we have not included it. c_y-3Z4vzHY-00082-00062100-00062600 We need to include it in the file maths-bp.tex. c_y-3Z4vzHY-00083-00062700-00063400 Let us do it. Let us go to emacs. c_y-3Z4vzHY-00084-00063500-00064000 Enter “\usepackage{amsmath}” c_y-3Z4vzHY-00085-00064100-00064800 Let us save the file. Let us compile once again. Let me first exit. c_y-3Z4vzHY-00086-00064900-00065800 Let me now recompile. Now it compiles.Let us click this. c_y-3Z4vzHY-00087-00065900-00066200 We see that the fraction has now come out nicely. c_y-3Z4vzHY-00088-00066300-00067000 We have now achieved our objective of learning how to embed mathematical expressions in Xfig c_y-3Z4vzHY-00089-00067100-00067500 It is important to note that Xfig does not interpret the LaTeX commands at all. c_y-3Z4vzHY-00090-00067600-00067900 The interpretation is done by the “pdflatex” command c_y-3Z4vzHY-00091-00068000-00068400 The LaTeX commands have to be correct and consistent at the time of compilation. c_y-3Z4vzHY-00092-00068500-00069000 We will now explain how to remove the white space around the figure. c_y-3Z4vzHY-00093-00069100-00069200 Let me go to the terminal. c_y-3Z4vzHY-00094-00069300-00071200 Let me type the command “pdfcrop maths-bp.pdf” - this is the file we created, into “maths-out.pdf”. c_y-3Z4vzHY-00095-00071300-00071600 Pdfcrop says one page written on this file. c_y-3Z4vzHY-00096-00071700-00072800 “pdfcrop” takes an input file, trims the space around the figure and writes out the cropped file in the output file. c_y-3Z4vzHY-00097-00072900-00073100 “pdfcrop” is already installed in my system. c_y-3Z4vzHY-00098-00073200-00073400 If you do not have it, you need to install it first. c_y-3Z4vzHY-00099-00073500-00074800 Let us view this output file by the command, “open maths-out.pdf”. c_y-3Z4vzHY-00100-00074900-00075000 Let me bring it inside. c_y-3Z4vzHY-00101-00075100-00075300 The figure has now become extremely compact. c_y-3Z4vzHY-00102-00075400-00075700 The white space that was here has been completely removed. c_y-3Z4vzHY-00103-00075800-00076100 We can now insert this into documents. c_y-3Z4vzHY-00104-00076200-00077100 Let me close this. Let me close this also. Let me close this also. c_y-3Z4vzHY-00105-00077200-00077600 Let me come back to the slides. c_y-3Z4vzHY-00106-00077700-00078000 The software “briss” can also be used to crop the white space. c_y-3Z4vzHY-00107-00078100-00078700 It is supposed to work on Linux, Mac OS X and also on Windows. c_y-3Z4vzHY-00108-00078800-00079600 I have checked its working on Mac OS X. But we will not demonstrate it here. c_y-3Z4vzHY-00109-00079700-00079900 We have now come to the end of this tutorial c_y-3Z4vzHY-00110-00080000-00080600 We have an assignment for you .Make the diagram created in this tutorial more symmetric and beautiful c_y-3Z4vzHY-00111-00080700-00080900 Try out different mathematical expressions c_y-3Z4vzHY-00112-00081000-00081500 Try out other options, such as flip and rotate, not covered in the spoken tutorial c_y-3Z4vzHY-00113-00081600-00082000 Try to build different diagrams .Explore the library c_y-3Z4vzHY-00114-00082100-00082600 Do an internet search and locate information relevant to Xfig c_y-3Z4vzHY-00115-00082700-00084100 Useful learning material is available at spoken-tutorial.org. It is here. c_y-3Z4vzHY-00116-00084200-00084800 The concept of spoken tutorials is explained in "What is a Spoken Tutorial" c_y-3Z4vzHY-00117-00084900-00085800 You may learn LaTeX using the spoken tutorials available here, which I have downloaded in this tab. c_y-3Z4vzHY-00118-00085900-00086800 The tutorial on Mathematical Typesetting explains how to create maths in LaTeX c_y-3Z4vzHY-00119-00086900-00087700 The tutorial on Tables and Figures explains how to place figures, of the type created in this tutorial, into documents c_y-3Z4vzHY-00120-00087800-00089200 This website has a lot of useful information, including, Xfig tutorials. Come back to the slides. c_y-3Z4vzHY-00121-00089300-00090200 Spoken Tutorial is a part of the Talk to a Teacher project, supported by the National Mission on Education through ICT (NMEICT), MHRD, Government of India. c_y-3Z4vzHY-00122-00090300-00091100 More information on this mission is available at spoken-tutorial.org/NMEICT-Intro c_y-3Z4vzHY-00123-00091200-00091500 We welcome your participation and also feedback. c_y-3Z4vzHY-00124-00091600-00092100 This is Kannan Moudgalya signing off. Thanks for joining. Goodbye cBZ1jfuiC0k-00000-00000064-00000307 Water business in Czech scenery. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00001-00000314-00000608 Company chooses people from sewers, cBZ1jfuiC0k-00002-00000608-00000856 but the municipal owner does not pay a crown. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00003-00001069-00001367 Water business reports cBZ1jfuiC0k-00004-00001367-00001627 We've been broadcasting several in our show. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00005-00001627-00001923 We pointed out a quick sellout Waterworks, Pipelines and Purifiers cBZ1jfuiC0k-00006-00001923-00002219 when municipalities lost direct control over the sale of water cBZ1jfuiC0k-00007-00002219-00002503 and also qualify for European subsidies. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00008-00002503-00002707 We went to the Central Bohemian town of Nové Strašecí. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00009-00002708-00003002 We went to the Central Bohemian town of Nové Strašecí. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00010-00003002-00003346 His story shows one more face this profitable business: cBZ1jfuiC0k-00011-00003350-00003623 the power of multinationals concerns cBZ1jfuiC0k-00012-00003623-00003886 which water and sewage systems operate. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00013-00003886-00004234 New Strašecí's own sewer pipe and cares for it. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00014-00004234-00004497 Veolia runs the pipeline, selects sewerage, cBZ1jfuiC0k-00015-00004497-00004797 But the earnings are not with the city. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00016-00004797-00005092 He does business without a valid permit. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00018-00006256-00006531 We are in Nový Strašecí, where the sewerage system is running. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00019-00006531-00006755 We are in Nový Strašecí, where the sewerage system is running. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00020-00006755-00007079 Sewerage, even though it's owned by a city cBZ1jfuiC0k-00021-00007090-00007378 the city doesn't get a crown for it even though sewerage is collected. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00022-00007378-00007478 the city doesn't get a crown for it even though sewerage is collected. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00024-00008558-00008790 An accident was reported here at the beginning of the year, cBZ1jfuiC0k-00025-00008790-00009108 that sewerage is clogged, it was everywhere in the fields, sewage, cBZ1jfuiC0k-00026-00009148-00009277 that sewerage is clogged, it was everywhere in the fields, sewage, cBZ1jfuiC0k-00027-00009373-00009648 So the city had to repair the sewer pipes at its own expense. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00028-00009648-00009938 So the city had to repair the sewer pipes at its own expense. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00029-00010205-00010446 Here's an invoice, it's 107,000 CZK, (4,270 EU) cBZ1jfuiC0k-00030-00010446-00010738 but because we have no revenue from the operator, cBZ1jfuiC0k-00031-00010738-00011043 we had to find the money somewhere else cBZ1jfuiC0k-00032-00011043-00011336 and the money was taken from public lighting. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00035-00011927-00012216 There are two sewer owners in our town. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00036-00012216-00012506 It is the city and it is the company Vodárny Kladno - Mělník, ie VKM. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00037-00012506-00012846 It is the city and it is the company Vodárny Kladno - Mělník, ie VKM. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00038-00012866-00013128 VKM owns more than 4 km of sewer pipes cBZ1jfuiC0k-00039-00013128-00013387 VKM owns more than 4 km of sewer pipes cBZ1jfuiC0k-00040-00013387-00013691 the city owns more than 10 km of sewer pipes. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00041-00013731-00014041 There's a million-dollar problem in the sewer line. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00042-00014041-00014332 Joint-stock company Vodárny Kladno - Mělník cBZ1jfuiC0k-00043-00014332-00014602 owns a red marked pipe, cBZ1jfuiC0k-00044-00014602-00014890 the city's blue. Neither of the owners does, cBZ1jfuiC0k-00045-00014890-00015159 So what's going on with the sewage that runs off the houses. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00046-00015159-00015465 So what's going on with the sewage that runs off the houses. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00047-00015465-00015682 This is the so-called operator, cBZ1jfuiC0k-00048-00015682-00015967 Central Bohemian Waterworks (Veolia) in Nový Strašecí cBZ1jfuiC0k-00049-00015967-00016236 belonging to the Veolia group. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00050-00016236-00016537 Since 2004 they have brought drinking water to the city cBZ1jfuiC0k-00051-00016537-00016796 and take the sewage from the houses. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00052-00016796-00017097 But for using the pipes they need for their business cBZ1jfuiC0k-00053-00017097-00017327 paid to only one owner, VKM. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00054-00017327-00017600 company Vodárny Kladno - Mělník cBZ1jfuiC0k-00055-00017600-00017885 The second owner, the city, doesn't even get a crown. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00056-00018011-00018287 Waterworks in Central Bohemia have an operating contract cBZ1jfuiC0k-00057-00018287-00018467 Waterworks in Central Bohemia have an operating contract cBZ1jfuiC0k-00058-00018520-00018730 approved at the 2004 General Meeting. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00059-00018730-00019024 approved at the 2004 General Meeting. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00060-00019024-00019331 This is a rental property VKM cBZ1jfuiC0k-00061-00019331-00019603 while operating this property. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00062-00019603-00019909 Under this contract Central Bohemian Waterworks Operate VKM Property cBZ1jfuiC0k-00063-00019934-00020156 Central Bohemian Waterworks Operate VKM Property cBZ1jfuiC0k-00064-00020156-00020381 in the area of ​​sewerage in the territory of Nové Strašecí. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00065-00020456-00020786 Does the contract make payments for rent? cBZ1jfuiC0k-00066-00020802-00020993 Yes, it adjusts, we get rent on this property cBZ1jfuiC0k-00067-00021054-00021355 am depreciation of VKM assets cBZ1jfuiC0k-00068-00021355-00021632 which is in the territory of the town of Nové Strašecí. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00069-00021632-00021936 which is in the territory of the town of Nové Strašecí. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00070-00021936-00022036 property VKM cBZ1jfuiC0k-00071-00022099-00022379 But the town of Central Bohemian Waterworks (Veolia) pays nothing cBZ1jfuiC0k-00072-00022379-00022722 But the town of Central Bohemian Waterworks (Veolia) pays nothing for using sewer pipes. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00073-00022722-00023041 At the same time sewerage, the fee for waste water disposal and disposal, cBZ1jfuiC0k-00074-00023064-00023340 At the same time sewerage, the fee for waste water disposal and disposal, pick waterworks around town. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00075-00023340-00023620 We're in the next place, here's the city pumping station. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00076-00023620-00023877 We're in the next place, here's the city pumping station. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00077-00023877-00024028 There was a crash at this station last year, cBZ1jfuiC0k-00078-00024028-00024325 the city had to finance the repair of the accident, 40,000 crowns. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00079-00024325-00024634 the city had to finance the repair of the accident, 40,000 crowns. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00080-00024634-00024944 We are currently facing a fix, cBZ1jfuiC0k-00081-00024944-00025243 repair will cost about half a million crowns. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00082-00025243-00025560 repair will cost about half a million crowns. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00083-00025567-00025827 The fact that we don't get a rent for a sewer from Veolia, cBZ1jfuiC0k-00084-00025827-00025950 The fact that we don't get a rent for a sewer from Veolia, cBZ1jfuiC0k-00085-00025991-00026147 we estimate that we lose 2 to 3 million crowns a year. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00086-00026200-00026479 we estimate that we lose 2 to 3 million crowns a year. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00087-00026479-00026752 It's not normal for someone to do business on your property cBZ1jfuiC0k-00088-00026752-00027050 It's not normal for someone to do business on your property cBZ1jfuiC0k-00089-00027050-00027298 and if there is any damage on the property, cBZ1jfuiC0k-00090-00027298-00027539 to say you have your property here, fix it yourself. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00091-00027539-00027731 This is unacceptable to me. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00092-00027842-00028148 After the privatization of the Czech water industry in the 1990s cBZ1jfuiC0k-00093-00028148-00028400 it's not unusual. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00094-00028400-00028697 The last time we report on who's making money on the water cBZ1jfuiC0k-00095-00028697-00028897 aired this February. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00096-00028897-00029192 The European Commission was terrified that they had cBZ1jfuiC0k-00097-00029192-00029479 handed over the Czech-Moravian communities cBZ1jfuiC0k-00098-00029479-00029771 running water supply and sewerage to private companies cBZ1jfuiC0k-00099-00029771-00030015 and that for decades they got rid of earnings and control. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00100-00030025-00030200 The European Commission has since 2004 pointed out cBZ1jfuiC0k-00101-00030200-00030435 that the operating contracts are set cBZ1jfuiC0k-00102-00030436-00030724 to the detriment of water network owners cBZ1jfuiC0k-00103-00030724-00031010 to the detriment of water network owners cBZ1jfuiC0k-00104-00031010-00031302 so the municipalities because the funds went in great disproportion cBZ1jfuiC0k-00105-00031302-00031530 so the municipalities because the funds went in great disproportion cBZ1jfuiC0k-00106-00031530-00031677 operators, which were private companies. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00107-00031677-00031888 operators, which were private companies. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00108-00031920-00032191 While the February report pointed out cBZ1jfuiC0k-00109-00032219-00032484 how do those villages lose out cBZ1jfuiC0k-00110-00032484-00032696 they rented their property too cheaply cBZ1jfuiC0k-00111-00032696-00032993 or get rid of it in exchange for undervalued stocks cBZ1jfuiC0k-00112-00032996-00033323 the situation is even worse in Nový Strašecí. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00113-00033371-00033604 The city did not get rid of the property, cBZ1jfuiC0k-00114-00033604-00033872 did not even accept a disadvantageous contract. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00115-00033872-00034053 But it didn't help. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00116-00034091-00034391 Central Bohemian Waterworks started in 2004 cBZ1jfuiC0k-00117-00034391-00034669 use his pipe without contract and for free. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00118-00034771-00035091 The system that pipes belong to the city cBZ1jfuiC0k-00119-00035091-00035394 and someone else chooses the sewer, Veolia, cBZ1jfuiC0k-00120-00035394-00035558 and someone else chooses the sewer, Veolia, cBZ1jfuiC0k-00121-00035558-00035765 the city runs 2 to 3 million CZK a year. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00122-00035765-00036074 All this time, this anomaly, cBZ1jfuiC0k-00123-00036074-00036413 the city has lost more than 20 million crowns. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00124-00036500-00036796 When we found out in 2004 cBZ1jfuiC0k-00125-00036796-00037098 that VKM is divided into ownership and infrastructure, cBZ1jfuiC0k-00126-00037098-00037397 that VKM is divided into ownership and infrastructure, cBZ1jfuiC0k-00127-00037397-00037600 so we are with the new company, ie Central Bohemian Waterworks, cBZ1jfuiC0k-00128-00037670-00037770 they were trying to make an operation contract cBZ1jfuiC0k-00129-00037822-00037922 they were trying to make an operation contract cBZ1jfuiC0k-00130-00037981-00038310 they were trying to make an operation contract or the lease, and we had an idea cBZ1jfuiC0k-00131-00038333-00038565 the rent will be around 700,000 to 750,000 CZK. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00132-00038667-00038983 700,000 to 750,000 CZK. However, every time a contract arrived, cBZ1jfuiC0k-00133-00039090-00039398 which was different, was in the order of several tens of crowns a year. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00134-00039472-00039756 The downside contract was refused to sign the city cBZ1jfuiC0k-00135-00039756-00040066 and the waterworks never agreed on the price of the pipeline. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00136-00040089-00040374 Management of Central Bohemian Waterworks promised cBZ1jfuiC0k-00137-00040374-00040695 to give the explanation in person in front of the camera. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00138-00040714-00040958 It was supposed to happen exactly a week ago. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00139-00041243-00041534 Hello, we wrote, I don't have a soul here. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00140-00041534-00041816 I'll just ask why the conversation can't happen. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00141-00041816-00042124 No, like that, it was decided on Friday, cBZ1jfuiC0k-00142-00042137-00042430 I can't tell you what management's opinion is. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00143-00042430-00042704 I asked for the interview correctly cBZ1jfuiC0k-00144-00042704-00043002 you confirmed it would be ten o'clock on Monday. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00145-00043002-00043287 Yes, and then the management prepared a written opinion cBZ1jfuiC0k-00146-00043287-00043589 Yes, and then the management prepared a written opinion cBZ1jfuiC0k-00147-00043589-00043870 and asked me to write to you, he will only express himself in writing. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00148-00043870-00043970 and asked me to write to you, he will only express himself in writing. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00149-00044032-00044234 So, after canceling the conversation, the management of Central Bohemian Waterworks cBZ1jfuiC0k-00150-00044234-00044526 So, after canceling the conversation, the management of Central Bohemian Waterworks cBZ1jfuiC0k-00151-00044526-00044634 explains that without a proper contract he uses the urban sewage pipes? cBZ1jfuiC0k-00152-00044634-00044914 explains that without a proper contract he uses the urban sewage pipes? cBZ1jfuiC0k-00153-00044957-00045252 The town of Nové Strašecí for no apparent reason cBZ1jfuiC0k-00154-00045252-00045485 did not sign the submitted proposals and did not comment on the matter. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00155-00045485-00045786 We acted, I would say many times, cBZ1jfuiC0k-00156-00045786-00045951 We acted, I would say many times, cBZ1jfuiC0k-00157-00045988-00046293 but it's always the same thing every time. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00158-00046293-00046393 There's always been a contract back, cBZ1jfuiC0k-00159-00046433-00046601 which was absolutely disadvantageous for the city. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00160-00046685-00046952 which was absolutely disadvantageous for the city. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00161-00046952-00047284 In seven years, both parties have failed to conclude the contract. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00162-00047291-00047570 The Central Bohemian Waterworks (Veolia) have chosen the sewerage for the whole time. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00163-00047570-00047819 The Central Bohemian Waterworks (Veolia) have chosen the sewerage for the whole time. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00164-00047819-00048099 If we are talking about whether the operator of water supply, sewerage cBZ1jfuiC0k-00165-00048099-00048344 If we are talking about whether the operator of water supply, sewerage cBZ1jfuiC0k-00166-00048344-00048642 uses the infrastructure of municipalities cBZ1jfuiC0k-00167-00048642-00048937 or private entities, cBZ1jfuiC0k-00168-00048937-00049219 without an agreement with the owner cBZ1jfuiC0k-00169-00049219-00049479 undoubtedly commits unjust enrichment. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00170-00049479-00049746 Anyone who makes unjust enrichment, cBZ1jfuiC0k-00171-00049746-00050039 is obliged to issue this unjust enrichment. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00172-00050039-00050322 Central Bohemian waterworks don't answer the question cBZ1jfuiC0k-00173-00050322-00050598 how they loaded the sewer that made the city pipe. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00174-00050598-00050945 how they loaded the sewer that made the city pipe. It's a key thing for the city. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00175-00050966-00051252 People in Nový Strašecí pay cBZ1jfuiC0k-00176-00051252-00051485 the second highest water and sewage in the whole country. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00177-00051485-00051739 While the Trutnov inhabitants are paying about CZK 55 for 1 cubic meter of water cBZ1jfuiC0k-00178-00051739-00051985 While the Trutnov inhabitants are paying about CZK 55 for 1 cubic meter of water cBZ1jfuiC0k-00179-00052022-00052308 and in Prague or Brno 60 CZK cBZ1jfuiC0k-00180-00052308-00052611 1 cubic meter of water costs more than 77 CZK in Nový Strašecí. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00181-00052611-00052910 More expensive water is only in Tabor. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00182-00052972-00053270 From 77 CZK for every cubic meter of water cBZ1jfuiC0k-00183-00053270-00053546 is 44 CZK for water cBZ1jfuiC0k-00184-00053546-00053739 and 33 CZK for sewerage. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00185-00053795-00054071 The sewerage then peoples in each cubic place is approximately cBZ1jfuiC0k-00186-00054071-00054251 10 crowns to maintain and restore the sewerage system. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00187-00054251-00054438 10 crowns to maintain and restore the sewerage system. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00188-00054627-00054850 Nationwide, up to 34% is dedicated to the award cBZ1jfuiC0k-00189-00054914-00055231 Nationwide, up to 34% is dedicated to the award cBZ1jfuiC0k-00190-00055337-00055512 for the renovation and repair of plumbing equipment cBZ1jfuiC0k-00191-00055558-00055658 for the renovation and repair of plumbing equipment cBZ1jfuiC0k-00192-00055692-00055853 for the renovation and repair of plumbing equipment cBZ1jfuiC0k-00193-00055891-00056179 because they are getting older and have to be renewed cBZ1jfuiC0k-00194-00056181-00056372 because they are getting older and have to be renewed cBZ1jfuiC0k-00195-00056406-00056602 so a recovery pool is created for these devices cBZ1jfuiC0k-00196-00056673-00056773 and it's funded by these funds. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00197-00056800-00057091 and it's funded by these funds. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00198-00057091-00057191 and it's funded by these funds. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00199-00057238-00057545 Every year it is being processed in Nový Strašecí cBZ1jfuiC0k-00200-00057545-00057771 200,000 cubic meters of wastewater. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00201-00057791-00058059 Over CZK 6 million was collected here last year. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00202-00058059-00058199 Over CZK 6 million was collected here last year. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00203-00058235-00058501 And to the sewer maintenance and development fund cBZ1jfuiC0k-00204-00058501-00058702 they should have added about 2 million CZK. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00205-00058741-00058889 Since 2004, the sewerage in Nový Strašecí cBZ1jfuiC0k-00206-00058889-00059124 run by Central Bohemian Waterworks cBZ1jfuiC0k-00207-00059124-00059322 run by Central Bohemian Waterworks cBZ1jfuiC0k-00208-00059322-00059559 it is over 10 million in spite of the variable rate of sewerage. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00209-00059559-00059731 it is over 10 million in spite of the variable rate of sewerage. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00210-00059826-00060166 Central Bohemian waterworks, they operate our sewerage network without authorization cBZ1jfuiC0k-00211-00060172-00060458 Central Bohemian waterworks, they operate our sewerage network without authorization cBZ1jfuiC0k-00212-00060458-00060754 they don't give us any rent. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00213-00060754-00061010 We will demand a refund of the rent. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00214-00061010-00061303 We will demand a refund of the rent. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00215-00061303-00061429 And what did they tell you about how they looked? cBZ1jfuiC0k-00216-00061548-00061863 They haven't answered this question yet. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00217-00061929-00062174 Searching for millions of selected sewerage ends, cBZ1jfuiC0k-00218-00062174-00062483 has revealed yet another problem. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00219-00062494-00062779 Central Bohemian Waterworks operates on that part of Nový Strašecí, cBZ1jfuiC0k-00220-00062779-00062986 Central Bohemian Waterworks operates on that part of Nový Strašecí, cBZ1jfuiC0k-00221-00062986-00063253 where the sewer pipe belongs to the city, contrary to the law. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00222-00063253-00063480 They don't have a compulsory state license for their activities. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00223-00063480-00063700 They don't have a compulsory state license for their activities. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00224-00063760-00064019 The law does not allow you to run something without entering into a contract. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00225-00064049-00064197 The law does not allow you to run something without entering into a contract. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00226-00064236-00064535 Regional authority that issues permission to operate, cBZ1jfuiC0k-00227-00064535-00064649 Regional authority that issues permission to operate, cBZ1jfuiC0k-00229-00064831-00065116 is obliged by law to give such permission only to persons cBZ1jfuiC0k-00230-00065151-00065435 is obliged by law to give such permission only to persons cBZ1jfuiC0k-00231-00065462-00065657 that either own water pipes and sewers, cBZ1jfuiC0k-00232-00065688-00065986 is obliged by law to give such permission only to persons cBZ1jfuiC0k-00233-00065986-00066287 or have a contract with the owner cBZ1jfuiC0k-00234-00066287-00066576 that entitles him to run water and sewerage. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00235-00066576-00066685 that entitles him to run water and sewerage. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00236-00066763-00067056 The Regional Authority has issued a permit to operate the sewer system cBZ1jfuiC0k-00237-00067056-00067364 Central Bohemian Waterworks Company cBZ1jfuiC0k-00238-00067364-00067660 only to that part of the sewer that belongs to VKM. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00239-00067660-00067964 only to that part of the sewer that belongs to VKM. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00240-00067964-00068259 As for the part of the sewerage that belongs to the town of Nove Straseci, cBZ1jfuiC0k-00241-00068260-00068517 So Central Bohemian Waterworks has no permission to do so. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00242-00068522-00068790 So Central Bohemian Waterworks has no permission to do so. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00243-00068790-00069054 Central Bohemian waterworks do not explain their business without a valid license. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00244-00069054-00069254 Central Bohemian waterworks do not explain their business without a valid license. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00245-00069254-00069502 They just say in a written answer cBZ1jfuiC0k-00246-00069502-00069789 they never operated the city's property cBZ1jfuiC0k-00247-00069789-00070057 in the sense of the Water Supply and Sewerage Act. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00248-00070057-00070366 I see deficiencies in doing business on your property cBZ1jfuiC0k-00249-00070366-00070648 doesn't give you a crown of it, it's without an operator's contract cBZ1jfuiC0k-00250-00070648-00070948 doesn't give you a crown of it, it's without an operator's contract cBZ1jfuiC0k-00251-00070948-00071231 and the result is when something happens to the property cBZ1jfuiC0k-00252-00071231-00071546 you have the property here, fix it, cBZ1jfuiC0k-00253-00071546-00071815 we'll keep doing it, but we won't give you a crown. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00254-00071816-00072115 we'll keep doing it, but we won't give you a crown. So for me this is unacceptable and quite incomprehensible. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00255-00072116-00072216 So for me this is unacceptable and quite incomprehensible. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00256-00072324-00072627 Video content answers some questions cBZ1jfuiC0k-00257-00072627-00072900 I'll be very happy if you tell me your opinion down under the video cBZ1jfuiC0k-00258-00072900-00073119 I'll be very happy if you tell me your opinion down under the video cBZ1jfuiC0k-00259-00073119-00073382 and when you write the answer cBZ1jfuiC0k-00260-00073382-00073571 to the basic question. cBZ1jfuiC0k-00261-00073571-00073870 Who should have water, water infrastructure, cBZ1jfuiC0k-00262-00073870-00074172 water management, cash flow and water profits in hand? cBZ1jfuiC0k-00263-00074172-00074371 water management, cash flow and water profits in hand? cBZ1jfuiC0k-00264-00074371-00074556 water management, cash flow and water profits in hand? cBZ1jfuiC0k-00265-00074556-00074824 Foreign corporations or waterworks in the hands of cities cBZ1jfuiC0k-00266-00074824-00075040 I will be glad when you cBZ1jfuiC0k-00267-00075059-00075317 become part of a community of people cBZ1jfuiC0k-00268-00075317-00075617 who are interested in water and things around it cBZ1jfuiC0k-00270-00075846-00075991 That is why I have prepared for you to become cBZ1jfuiC0k-00271-00075991-00076273 subscriber and distributor of water videos cBZ1jfuiC0k-00272-00076273-00076474 subscriber and distributor of water videos cBZ1jfuiC0k-00273-00076474-00076616 And at the same time below the video cBZ1jfuiC0k-00274-00076616-00076856 you can download analysis I wrote for Transparency international below cBZ1jfuiC0k-00275-00076856-00077162 you can download analysis I wrote for Transparency international below cE-KWalSvpI-00000-00001532-00001719 BASTIEN LEGRAS: So now we're going to talk about Cloud cE-KWalSvpI-00001-00001719-00002020 Storage, which is one compartment cE-KWalSvpI-00002-00002020-00002147 of the Cloud Platform. cE-KWalSvpI-00003-00002147-00002285 So why Cloud Storage? cE-KWalSvpI-00004-00002285-00002496 What is Cloud Storage? cE-KWalSvpI-00005-00002496-00002859 So the general challenge we detected in the market on cE-KWalSvpI-00006-00002859-00003232 Cloud Storage and on storage in general is that people have cE-KWalSvpI-00007-00003232-00003536 more and more difficulty to patch the system, to do cE-KWalSvpI-00008-00003536-00004003 replication, to do disaster recovery, to locate storage. cE-KWalSvpI-00009-00004003-00004363 And that's why we thought that because at Google, we have a cE-KWalSvpI-00010-00004363-00004647 huge infrastructure, we have a lot of hard drives and a lot cE-KWalSvpI-00011-00004647-00005084 of capacity of storage, we could help people store data-- cE-KWalSvpI-00012-00005084-00005301 companies, large companies, as well-- cE-KWalSvpI-00013-00005301-00005598 by giving them an easy solution to store any type of cE-KWalSvpI-00014-00005598-00005924 object up to four terabytes. cE-KWalSvpI-00015-00005924-00006434 And this object is ultimately replicated in our cloud. cE-KWalSvpI-00016-00006434-00006952 And because we own our bandwidth, all of the fibers cE-KWalSvpI-00017-00006952-00007228 between our data centers, we can do live replication. cE-KWalSvpI-00018-00007228-00007576 So the idea is that you can upload from anywhere, and have cE-KWalSvpI-00019-00007576-00007889 the files available from any of the data centers. cE-KWalSvpI-00020-00007889-00008158 So you can have a global storage system for your cE-KWalSvpI-00021-00008158-00008530 application, and for your backend, if you are in a cE-KWalSvpI-00022-00008530-00008878 mobile application development scenario. cE-KWalSvpI-00023-00008878-00009111 So the main use case, as we see, content sharing. cE-KWalSvpI-00024-00009111-00009342 Some people now are using Cloud Storage directly to cE-KWalSvpI-00025-00009342-00009619 offload the bandwidth of their website, because you can link cE-KWalSvpI-00026-00009619-00009918 heavy files directly to cloud storage, because there is an cE-KWalSvpI-00027-00009918-00010370 HTTP URL that is associated with each of the files. cE-KWalSvpI-00028-00010370-00010612 And if you make the file public, the idea is that cE-KWalSvpI-00029-00010612-00010833 people can download directly the file. cE-KWalSvpI-00030-00010833-00011182 And because we have what we call an edge cache at Google, cE-KWalSvpI-00031-00011182-00011443 so we have thousands of network infrastructure in the cE-KWalSvpI-00032-00011443-00011722 world, the idea is that the first one is going to pull the cE-KWalSvpI-00033-00011722-00011906 files from the data center. cE-KWalSvpI-00034-00011906-00012120 That would be copied in our edge cache. cE-KWalSvpI-00035-00012120-00012388 And the next one will only go to the edge cache. cE-KWalSvpI-00036-00012388-00012495 So a practical example-- cE-KWalSvpI-00037-00012495-00012944 imagine you store in Central Europe your files. cE-KWalSvpI-00038-00012944-00013263 Someone in Italy goes on your website or uses your mobile cE-KWalSvpI-00039-00013263-00013569 application, requests the file-- so it can be an update cE-KWalSvpI-00040-00013569-00013715 of the application. cE-KWalSvpI-00041-00013715-00013947 The file will be stored clearly in one of the main cE-KWalSvpI-00042-00013947-00014190 cities in Italy, so the next one won't have to go back to cE-KWalSvpI-00043-00014190-00014352 Central Europe or US. cE-KWalSvpI-00044-00014352-00014713 It will be much faster in terms of latency, and in terms cE-KWalSvpI-00045-00014713-00014977 of bandwidth as well. cE-KWalSvpI-00046-00014977-00015244 Archive backup, so that's quite obvious. cE-KWalSvpI-00047-00015244-00015574 Data sharing, because the idea is that you can share an cE-KWalSvpI-00048-00015574-00016210 object to any Google account directly, in, of course, a cE-KWalSvpI-00049-00016210-00016403 very secure way. cE-KWalSvpI-00050-00016403-00016751 So the idea is that we have companies in the cinema who cE-KWalSvpI-00051-00016751-00017086 wants to have the original movie. cE-KWalSvpI-00052-00017086-00017340 They will store it and exchange it from New York or cE-KWalSvpI-00053-00017340-00017743 Hollywood to Europe directly using Cloud Storage, because cE-KWalSvpI-00054-00017743-00018103 this is very secure and very fast. cE-KWalSvpI-00055-00018103-00018290 Storage for applications, of course, cE-KWalSvpI-00056-00018290-00018480 and for Compute Engine. cE-KWalSvpI-00057-00018480-00018805 Compute Engine, because for all the HPC in I/O, like High cE-KWalSvpI-00058-00018805-00019246 Performance Computing, people usually need to crunch a large cE-KWalSvpI-00059-00019246-00019430 amount of binary data. cE-KWalSvpI-00060-00019430-00019725 And they need to have that central storage, and to cE-KWalSvpI-00061-00019725-00019936 request it to do the computation on each of the cE-KWalSvpI-00062-00019936-00020202 machines, and then give back the results. cE-KWalSvpI-00063-00020202-00020492 So that's another use case. cE-KWalSvpI-00064-00020492-00020973 So as I said, the idea is not like one hard drive on one cE-KWalSvpI-00065-00020973-00021185 server in one data center with Cloud Storage. cE-KWalSvpI-00066-00021185-00021362 This is really a global solution. cE-KWalSvpI-00067-00021362-00021579 This is something we are using at Google cE-KWalSvpI-00068-00021579-00021684 for a lot of projects. cE-KWalSvpI-00069-00021684-00021964 And on the left side, we have some ideas of which projects cE-KWalSvpI-00070-00021964-00022084 are using it. cE-KWalSvpI-00071-00022084-00022486 So what we really think is key there is the performance of cE-KWalSvpI-00072-00022486-00022732 the networks, the accessibility to the file, and cE-KWalSvpI-00073-00022732-00023015 the replication, so the high availability of the file. cE-KWalSvpI-00074-00023015-00023418 So that's why we have SLAs 99.95 on cE-KWalSvpI-00075-00023418-00023720 these kinds of solutions. cE-KWalSvpI-00076-00023720-00024014 The network, again-- so between data centers, between cE-KWalSvpI-00077-00024014-00024496 data centers and the end users, this is usually our cE-KWalSvpI-00078-00024496-00024952 network up to the very last mile, which is a telco. cE-KWalSvpI-00079-00024952-00025264 There will be from the user to our point of presence maybe, cE-KWalSvpI-00080-00025264-00025414 let's say, fast web. cE-KWalSvpI-00081-00025414-00025660 And as soon as they go into our fast web peering cE-KWalSvpI-00082-00025660-00025907 agreement, because we have peering agreements with all cE-KWalSvpI-00083-00025907-00026197 the telcos, then you are on Google network. cE-KWalSvpI-00084-00026197-00026495 And then it goes really, really fast. cE-KWalSvpI-00085-00026495-00026762 As I said, so it's up to five terabytes per object. cE-KWalSvpI-00086-00027019-00027076 I will show you it. cE-KWalSvpI-00087-00027076-00027191 So you have-- cE-KWalSvpI-00088-00027191-00027335 we call them buckets. cE-KWalSvpI-00089-00027335-00027627 You see it like a folder, and then within buckets, you can cE-KWalSvpI-00090-00027627-00028094 create these kind of folders, and upload, modify, archive. cE-KWalSvpI-00091-00028094-00028244 You can do so also versioning. cE-KWalSvpI-00092-00028244-00028369 There's a lot of features. cE-KWalSvpI-00093-00028585-00028772 OK, I don't want to repeat myself too much, but it's cE-KWalSvpI-00094-00028772-00029131 really about speed, reliability, and scalability, cE-KWalSvpI-00095-00029131-00029199 in terms of storage. cE-KWalSvpI-00096-00029199-00029520 We have customers right now who are storing more than 10 cE-KWalSvpI-00097-00029520-00029743 petabytes of data. cE-KWalSvpI-00098-00030193-00030426 Next. cE-KWalSvpI-00099-00030426-00030500 How does it work? cE-KWalSvpI-00100-00030500-00030657 How can you use it? cE-KWalSvpI-00101-00030657-00031050 So as always, this is an API, so a RESTful API. cE-KWalSvpI-00102-00031050-00031362 And we, as always, have three ways that you can connect. cE-KWalSvpI-00103-00031362-00031593 So you have the API directly, if you need to do deep cE-KWalSvpI-00104-00031593-00031785 integration with your application. cE-KWalSvpI-00105-00031785-00032013 We have a common tool called gsutil, and I cE-KWalSvpI-00106-00032013-00032189 will show it after. cE-KWalSvpI-00107-00032189-00032430 And we have also the UI, so in the browser. cE-KWalSvpI-00108-00032430-00032572 And I will show it as well. cE-KWalSvpI-00109-00032572-00033001 So you can browse your files when you are testing. cE-KWalSvpI-00110-00033001-00033422 So the API, so as I said, RESTful buckets and objects. cE-KWalSvpI-00111-00033422-00033696 So the idea is that that's really a snippet of what you cE-KWalSvpI-00112-00033696-00033898 can do, just put on HTTP. cE-KWalSvpI-00113-00033898-00034214 So we do, as always, the client API to help you save cE-KWalSvpI-00114-00034214-00034646 some time, if you want to use the Java client, or the .NET cE-KWalSvpI-00115-00034646-00034967 client or whatever language to save some time and not work at cE-KWalSvpI-00116-00034967-00035251 the HTTP level. cE-KWalSvpI-00117-00035251-00035747 And of course, by REST, we mean HTTP headers, so cE-KWalSvpI-00118-00035747-00035951 really a pure HTTP. cE-KWalSvpI-00119-00035951-00036079 So you can connect-- cE-KWalSvpI-00120-00036079-00036237 what it means is that you can connect from nearly cE-KWalSvpI-00121-00036237-00036544 everywhere, and any kind of technology. cE-KWalSvpI-00122-00036544-00036854 It is very easy to be the connector. cE-KWalSvpI-00123-00036854-00037246 And we have an ecosystem of partners who are providing cE-KWalSvpI-00124-00037246-00037520 appliances to the storage. cE-KWalSvpI-00125-00037520-00037643 Some features, so you can do cE-KWalSvpI-00126-00037643-00037837 streaming, resumable transfer-- cE-KWalSvpI-00127-00037837-00038205 so if you have a large file upload or download, and the cE-KWalSvpI-00128-00038205-00038512 connection point is broken, then you can resume at the cE-KWalSvpI-00129-00038512-00038751 precise byte where you were stopped. cE-KWalSvpI-00130-00038751-00039095 Optimized browser upload and download, and also you can do cE-KWalSvpI-00131-00039095-00039263 a multi-part upload. cE-KWalSvpI-00132-00039263-00039723 I will talk about that later, if you have a very large file. cE-KWalSvpI-00133-00039723-00040173 So resumable upload, so here you can see code snippets as cE-KWalSvpI-00134-00040173-00040284 well showing how you do that. cE-KWalSvpI-00135-00040284-00040603 You know, you will set which range you want to upload or cE-KWalSvpI-00136-00040603-00040857 download directly, within a file. cE-KWalSvpI-00137-00040857-00041066 Because we talk about large files, so of course you don't cE-KWalSvpI-00138-00041066-00041318 want to re-download or re-upload a full file. cE-KWalSvpI-00139-00041318-00041909 You can download just a specific part of the file. cE-KWalSvpI-00140-00041909-00042222 The gateway is here as well. cE-KWalSvpI-00141-00042222-00042454 About security, how does it work? cE-KWalSvpI-00142-00042454-00042757 So there is a default ACL, so Access Control List. cE-KWalSvpI-00143-00042757-00043046 And then you can specify ACLs per object. cE-KWalSvpI-00144-00043046-00043509 So you can imagine specifying permission to a technical cE-KWalSvpI-00145-00043509-00043826 account, so a various set of permissions, and then you can cE-KWalSvpI-00146-00043826-00044180 map these permissions to the relevant object. cE-KWalSvpI-00147-00044180-00044430 And for browser access, we use OAuth 2, as always. cE-KWalSvpI-00148-00044749-00045089 So the gsutil, so that's a preview. cE-KWalSvpI-00149-00045089-00045366 But I'll open my terminal from the Mac, to cE-KWalSvpI-00150-00045366-00045560 show you how it works. cE-KWalSvpI-00151-00045560-00045851 An example from Python, so three lines. cE-KWalSvpI-00152-00045851-00046273 You just type the library, and the you pass the command. cE-KWalSvpI-00153-00046273-00046446 And the URI is gs-- cE-KWalSvpI-00154-00046446-00046566 Google Storage-- cE-KWalSvpI-00155-00046566-00046788 semicolon slash slash. cE-KWalSvpI-00156-00046788-00047016 And the REST way, we already had an example before. cE-KWalSvpI-00157-00047272-00047504 So the ecosystem-- cE-KWalSvpI-00158-00047504-00047915 these are the first ones, but there are new ones since then cE-KWalSvpI-00159-00047915-00048137 who are building solutions. cE-KWalSvpI-00160-00048137-00048425 So I know that Panzura and TwinStrata, for example, what cE-KWalSvpI-00161-00048425-00048842 they do is that they sell appliances to large companies. cE-KWalSvpI-00162-00048842-00049060 And these appliances, the companies put them in their cE-KWalSvpI-00163-00049060-00049178 data center. cE-KWalSvpI-00164-00049178-00049648 And they can then do like a network share directly. cE-KWalSvpI-00165-00049648-00049872 So from your Windows environment, you can connect cE-KWalSvpI-00166-00049872-00050322 to a network drive, and you don't even know it's cloud cE-KWalSvpI-00167-00050322-00050471 storage behind the scene. cE-KWalSvpI-00168-00050471-00050734 So they export a type of protocol, and they do caching, cE-KWalSvpI-00169-00050734-00050987 so you have fast performance. cE-KWalSvpI-00170-00050987-00051209 So some use cases-- cE-KWalSvpI-00171-00051209-00051538 and that's very useful to augment. cE-KWalSvpI-00172-00051538-00051909 You can say I have a limited space, and I want to be able cE-KWalSvpI-00173-00051909-00052224 to have more space, but I don't know how much I need cE-KWalSvpI-00174-00052224-00052511 cloud storage, because it's pay per use, as always. cE-KWalSvpI-00175-00052511-00052728 It's very nice to have a burstable cE-KWalSvpI-00176-00052728-00052994 zone, so you can extend. cE-KWalSvpI-00177-00052994-00053329 That's the enterprise use case. cE-KWalSvpI-00178-00053329-00053762 So that's not a pretty slide, but these are the main cE-KWalSvpI-00179-00053762-00054048 features we see. cE-KWalSvpI-00180-00054048-00054314 So bucket model-- cE-KWalSvpI-00181-00054314-00054545 we insist on the reliability. cE-KWalSvpI-00182-00054545-00054880 So read after write, what we really mean is that you can cE-KWalSvpI-00183-00054880-00055208 really think of, I don't know, uploading a one-terabyte file cE-KWalSvpI-00184-00055208-00055517 from New York, and download it three seconds cE-KWalSvpI-00185-00055517-00055780 after from here, Roma. cE-KWalSvpI-00186-00055780-00055908 And that will be the same file. cE-KWalSvpI-00187-00055908-00056170 You don't have to wait for replication overnight. cE-KWalSvpI-00188-00056170-00056473 This is really global, live, realtime. cE-KWalSvpI-00189-00056473-00056723 That's really the idea. cE-KWalSvpI-00190-00056723-00057079 The API, we are interoperable with Amazon S3. cE-KWalSvpI-00191-00057079-00057678 I guess we imagine this is our main competitor today. cE-KWalSvpI-00192-00057678-00057872 I talked about the access control. cE-KWalSvpI-00193-00057872-00058245 And some new features about notification, versioning, JSON cE-KWalSvpI-00194-00058245-00058421 API, et cetera, et cetera. cE-KWalSvpI-00195-00058421-00058554 Composite object as well-- cE-KWalSvpI-00196-00058554-00058800 composite object is nice, because you imagine you have a cE-KWalSvpI-00197-00058800-00058916 very large file. cE-KWalSvpI-00198-00058916-00059153 We can split it in small files and upload all of them in cE-KWalSvpI-00199-00059153-00059361 parallel, so you can optimize your bandwidth. cE-KWalSvpI-00200-00059616-00060169 These are some examples of the gcutil command line. cE-KWalSvpI-00201-00060169-00060329 So this is pretty simple. cE-KWalSvpI-00202-00060329-00060469 It is gcutil cp. cE-KWalSvpI-00203-00060469-00060938 Gcutil is a simple binary you can download in a zip or tar cE-KWalSvpI-00204-00060938-00061207 format and run it from any kind of terminal. cE-KWalSvpI-00205-00061207-00061404 So this is using shell. cE-KWalSvpI-00206-00061404-00061765 And it has basic functions, but it has also cE-KWalSvpI-00207-00061765-00061890 more advanced functions. cE-KWalSvpI-00208-00062244-00062722 So here's a way you can get gcutil-- gsutil, sorry. cE-KWalSvpI-00209-00062722-00063122 There is some links to the documentation, to the SDK. cE-KWalSvpI-00210-00063122-00063629 And the Python package is also available online. cE-KWalSvpI-00211-00063629-00063844 Here are the main functions. cE-KWalSvpI-00212-00063844-00064149 We won't go one by one, but just to give you an idea of cE-KWalSvpI-00213-00064149-00064621 what kinds of functions you can do from gsutil. cE-KWalSvpI-00214-00064621-00064911 Like the perfdiag, nice also when you want to see if the cE-KWalSvpI-00215-00064911-00065158 performance is good between you and your cE-KWalSvpI-00216-00065158-00065428 network in Cloud Storage. cE-KWalSvpI-00217-00065428-00065714 The object composition that I've been mentioning earlier-- cE-KWalSvpI-00218-00065714-00066169 so as you can see, first you split your big file. cE-KWalSvpI-00219-00066169-00066485 So that's really convenient when you want to upload cE-KWalSvpI-00220-00066485-00066839 hundreds of megabytes or terabytes or more. cE-KWalSvpI-00221-00066839-00066962 You can split your file. cE-KWalSvpI-00222-00066962-00067236 You can do a multi-part upload, so cE-KWalSvpI-00223-00067236-00067368 it will run in parallel. cE-KWalSvpI-00224-00067368-00067595 So you can define a number of threads you cE-KWalSvpI-00225-00067595-00067764 want to run in parallel. cE-KWalSvpI-00226-00067764-00067975 And then it will compose. cE-KWalSvpI-00227-00067975-00068235 And then, at the end, you delete-- cE-KWalSvpI-00228-00068235-00068862 the composer will regroup into a big file, your parts files, cE-KWalSvpI-00229-00068862-00069112 and at the end, you delete your parts files. cE-KWalSvpI-00230-00069112-00069327 So that's one way to upload a very, very cE-KWalSvpI-00231-00069327-00069560 large amount of data. cE-KWalSvpI-00232-00069560-00069710 One example-- cE-KWalSvpI-00233-00069710-00069960 five petabytes in five weeks, so that's where we use case cE-KWalSvpI-00234-00069960-00070087 from the UK. cE-KWalSvpI-00235-00070087-00070479 We can't disclose the name of the customer, but it has cE-KWalSvpI-00236-00070479-00070602 millions of users. cE-KWalSvpI-00237-00070602-00070894 It's doing backups for end users. cE-KWalSvpI-00238-00070894-00071294 And they had to migrate from Amazon S3 into cE-KWalSvpI-00239-00071294-00071425 Google Cloud Storage. cE-KWalSvpI-00240-00071425-00071812 And what we explain here is that they started earlier this cE-KWalSvpI-00241-00071812-00072008 year, like in January, February. cE-KWalSvpI-00242-00072008-00072233 And that is the type of performance we get. cE-KWalSvpI-00243-00072233-00072421 Because we have, as we said, a strong network. cE-KWalSvpI-00244-00072421-00072688 So we have pretty good connections with other big cE-KWalSvpI-00245-00072688-00072851 cloud players. cE-KWalSvpI-00246-00072851-00073090 So 10 gigabytes per second, even more when cE-KWalSvpI-00247-00073090-00073327 we reach the peaks. cE-KWalSvpI-00248-00073327-00073436 And how does it work? cE-KWalSvpI-00249-00073436-00073807 How do we implement such a large upload? cE-KWalSvpI-00250-00073807-00074013 So that's how it works. cE-KWalSvpI-00251-00074013-00074487 So again, when I said earlier in my presentation, we see App cE-KWalSvpI-00252-00074487-00074819 Engine as an orchestrator, so App Engine is very convenient cE-KWalSvpI-00253-00074819-00074914 for that kind of usage. cE-KWalSvpI-00254-00074914-00075440 So it will directly start to create the test use that will cE-KWalSvpI-00255-00075440-00075622 download from Amazon S3 and then cE-KWalSvpI-00256-00075622-00075779 upload from Cloud Storage. cE-KWalSvpI-00257-00075779-00076190 Compute Engine here is the right product to implement the cE-KWalSvpI-00258-00076190-00076487 migration workers data. cE-KWalSvpI-00259-00076487-00076872 And then you can imagine, you can spin 1 to 10 to 100 cE-KWalSvpI-00260-00076872-00077119 machines, as much as you want. cE-KWalSvpI-00261-00077119-00077438 You would be limited, of course, by the network, not by cE-KWalSvpI-00262-00077438-00077561 the number of machines. cE-KWalSvpI-00263-00077561-00077779 And then it will upload directly into cE-KWalSvpI-00264-00077779-00077915 the migration bucket. cE-KWalSvpI-00265-00077915-00078099 And the idea is that you need to check for cE-KWalSvpI-00266-00078099-00078461 that type of big upload. cE-KWalSvpI-00267-00078461-00078742 You need to check the consistency of the files. cE-KWalSvpI-00268-00078742-00079506 So you can do directly that with CRC, from another worker. cE-KWalSvpI-00269-00079506-00079741 That's the type of architecture to upload a very cE-KWalSvpI-00270-00079741-00079866 large amount of files. cE-KWalSvpI-00271-00080136-00080378 So as I said, we are using it internally, always. cE-KWalSvpI-00272-00080378-00080786 All Google projects are always projects we choose to build cE-KWalSvpI-00273-00080786-00080962 because we couldn't find the right cE-KWalSvpI-00274-00080962-00081142 technology on the market. cE-KWalSvpI-00275-00081142-00081236 It's true for Gmail. cE-KWalSvpI-00276-00081236-00081389 It's true for all Google projects. cE-KWalSvpI-00277-00081389-00081679 So all these Google projects are using Google Cloud Storage cE-KWalSvpI-00278-00081679-00081930 today, maybe even more, because this slide is not cE-KWalSvpI-00279-00081930-00082240 really recent. cE-KWalSvpI-00280-00082240-00082551 And of course, Big Query and Prediction, which are two cE-KWalSvpI-00281-00082551-00082906 other Cloud Platform projects. cE-KWalSvpI-00282-00082906-00083149 What you do is you always upload on Cloud Storage. cE-KWalSvpI-00283-00083149-00083317 And from Big Query, you have one command. cE-KWalSvpI-00284-00083317-00083530 So you can load into Big Query before you cE-KWalSvpI-00285-00083530-00083714 run your SQL requests. cE-KWalSvpI-00286-00083714-00084113 Prediction is using the Cloud Storage the same way. cE-KWalSvpI-00287-00084113-00084543 OK, so let me show you the gsutil stuff-- cE-KWalSvpI-00288-00084543-00084883 so I need to sit down, sorry-- cE-KWalSvpI-00289-00084883-00084951 and the UI. cE-KWalSvpI-00290-00084951-00085536 And so first with the UI, so that's it. cE-KWalSvpI-00291-00085536-00085983 So here I am on the cloud.google.com/console. cE-KWalSvpI-00292-00085983-00086393 This is really where you have access to all your services. cE-KWalSvpI-00293-00086393-00086638 I am on the Cloud Service project for this-- cE-KWalSvpI-00294-00086638-00086840 AUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE] cE-KWalSvpI-00295-00086840-00086923 BASTIEN LEGRAS: Sorry? cE-KWalSvpI-00296-00086923-00087130 Oh, you don't see the URL, exactly. cE-KWalSvpI-00297-00087130-00087339 Yeah, I don't know why, because the projector cE-KWalSvpI-00298-00087339-00087450 is going too high. cE-KWalSvpI-00299-00087450-00087589 OK, it's not really important. cE-KWalSvpI-00300-00087589-00087637 The idea-- cE-KWalSvpI-00301-00087637-00088011 I can show it, so cloud.google.com/console. cE-KWalSvpI-00302-00088011-00088319 This is where you see your console. cE-KWalSvpI-00303-00088319-00088433 From where do you see it? cE-KWalSvpI-00304-00088433-00088493 From there. cE-KWalSvpI-00305-00088493-00088555 So it's OK. cE-KWalSvpI-00306-00088555-00088902 So in Cloud Storage-- so this is the web cE-KWalSvpI-00307-00088902-00089014 UI for Cloud Storage. cE-KWalSvpI-00308-00089014-00089216 You see all the buckets on the left. cE-KWalSvpI-00309-00089216-00089551 So here, we are on the internal Google cE-KWalSvpI-00310-00089551-00089701 demo platform project. cE-KWalSvpI-00311-00089701-00089937 So it's not only me. cE-KWalSvpI-00312-00089937-00090394 I have my bucket right there, bastien-test, where I have cE-KWalSvpI-00313-00090394-00090495 some files. cE-KWalSvpI-00314-00090495-00090939 And the idea is you can drag and drop directly a file from cE-KWalSvpI-00315-00090939-00091179 your explorer-- cE-KWalSvpI-00316-00091179-00091558 sorry, it's not a good idea, because Chrome cE-KWalSvpI-00317-00091558-00091704 is overriding that. cE-KWalSvpI-00318-00091704-00092039 Let's go with this type of file. cE-KWalSvpI-00319-00092297-00092583 OK, let's do that that way. cE-KWalSvpI-00320-00092583-00092956 Normally, I have drag and drop. cE-KWalSvpI-00321-00092956-00093138 But basically-- cE-KWalSvpI-00322-00093138-00093282 let that go away. cE-KWalSvpI-00323-00093282-00093611 So it will upload the file directly, and cE-KWalSvpI-00324-00093611-00093823 you will see it here. cE-KWalSvpI-00325-00093823-00093994 And you can do exactly the same type of cE-KWalSvpI-00326-00093994-00094307 operation from gsutil. cE-KWalSvpI-00327-00094307-00094549 I don't know if the resolution is good enough for you. cE-KWalSvpI-00328-00095059-00095156 Can you see? cE-KWalSvpI-00329-00095156-00095754 So that's the list of commands we have on gsutil. cE-KWalSvpI-00330-00095754-00096119 And basically, you just do a cp. cE-KWalSvpI-00331-00096119-00096437 So I'm going to first delete this file so you can see it if cE-KWalSvpI-00332-00096437-00096503 I come back. cE-KWalSvpI-00333-00096503-00096836 So you can delete the object directly from here. cE-KWalSvpI-00334-00096836-00097201 I'm doing it here with a small object, but I've been cE-KWalSvpI-00335-00097201-00097379 uploading, as you can see. cE-KWalSvpI-00336-00097379-00097504 Sorry. cE-KWalSvpI-00337-00097801-00098119 It's coming back. cE-KWalSvpI-00338-00098119-00098244 AUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE] cE-KWalSvpI-00339-00098451-00098608 BASTIEN LEGRAS: Yeah. cE-KWalSvpI-00340-00098608-00098760 I've been told that you don't see very well. cE-KWalSvpI-00341-00099014-00099425 So that's the list of the buckets on the left. cE-KWalSvpI-00342-00099425-00099761 So you will see them as root folders. cE-KWalSvpI-00343-00099761-00100001 And I am currently showing one bucket which is mine, cE-KWalSvpI-00344-00100001-00100343 bastien-test, where I have some cE-KWalSvpI-00345-00100343-00100498 files that I have uploaded. cE-KWalSvpI-00346-00100498-00100750 And I wanted to highlight that-- cE-KWalSvpI-00347-00100750-00100917 that's not even a very large file. cE-KWalSvpI-00348-00100917-00101139 As I said, we can go up to five terabytes. cE-KWalSvpI-00349-00101139-00101374 So you can drag and drop normally from the browser. cE-KWalSvpI-00350-00101374-00101615 And you can also upload-- cE-KWalSvpI-00351-00101615-00101813 so that's what I wanted to show-- cE-KWalSvpI-00352-00101813-00102081 from gsutil directly. cE-KWalSvpI-00353-00102081-00102589 This is how you're going to use it afterwards. cE-KWalSvpI-00354-00102589-00102863 So I am right now in my local folder. cE-KWalSvpI-00355-00102863-00103731 And I'll just do a cp test with the PDF I was uploading cE-KWalSvpI-00356-00103731-00103861 directly to the bucket. cE-KWalSvpI-00357-00103861-00104091 You don't see it? cE-KWalSvpI-00358-00104091-00104216 Right there. cE-KWalSvpI-00359-00104450-00104769 Thanks to the Apple OS. cE-KWalSvpI-00360-00104769-00105043 So it's uploading the PDF. cE-KWalSvpI-00361-00105043-00105459 And now I would force a refresh. cE-KWalSvpI-00362-00105459-00105861 And you see my PDF is back there, uploading right now. cE-KWalSvpI-00363-00105861-00106085 It's in local time. cE-KWalSvpI-00364-00106085-00106239 OK, so very easy. cE-KWalSvpI-00365-00106239-00106530 So of course, there are many, many other commands. cE-KWalSvpI-00366-00106530-00107188 You can use the multi-thread version, et cetera. cE-KWalSvpI-00367-00107188-00107354 Let's try the perf stuff. cE-KWalSvpI-00368-00107842-00107984 No, not the right one. cE-KWalSvpI-00369-00107984-00108109 How is it? cE-KWalSvpI-00370-00108324-00108449 Gsutil-- cE-KWalSvpI-00371-00108729-00108968 oh, there is a [INAUDIBLE] command line for that. cE-KWalSvpI-00372-00108968-00109186 So I won't go into all the commands, but the idea is that cE-KWalSvpI-00373-00109186-00109268 it's really simple. cE-KWalSvpI-00374-00109268-00109396 You have your commands right there. cE-KWalSvpI-00375-00109396-00109711 You can upload your files, download your files, and do cE-KWalSvpI-00376-00109711-00109908 multi-part uploads as well. cE-KWalSvpI-00377-00109908-00110311 And this is the UI, so you can do basic operations, like cE-KWalSvpI-00378-00110311-00110592 working on the object permissions, which group has cE-KWalSvpI-00379-00110592-00110727 access to what. cE-KWalSvpI-00380-00110727-00110998 And that's, of course, live. cE-KWalSvpI-00381-00110998-00111123 That's, of course-- cE-KWalSvpI-00382-00111547-00112091 this is updated live on the [INAUDIBLE] of the object. cE-KWalSvpI-00383-00112091-00112473 OK, I've been quite fast on Cloud Storage. cE-KWalSvpI-00384-00112473-00112929 So now what we're going to do is go with the infrastructure cE-KWalSvpI-00385-00112929-00113184 in general in Compute Engine. cE-KWalSvpI-00386-00113184-00113495 But what I would like, so unless someone tells me you cE-KWalSvpI-00387-00113495-00113946 have already seen the video, but it's five minutes long. cE-KWalSvpI-00388-00113946-00114292 It's Urs Holzle, our director. cE-KWalSvpI-00389-00114292-00114540 Has anyone already seen that video, Cloud cE-KWalSvpI-00390-00114540-00114657 Platform Track Kickoff? cE-KWalSvpI-00391-00114657-00114752 It's really, really key. cE-KWalSvpI-00392-00114752-00115085 But because this guy is the first engineer at Google. cE-KWalSvpI-00393-00115085-00115465 He's now head of the world infrastructure, so within cE-KWalSvpI-00394-00115465-00115643 which we have Cloud Platform. cE-KWalSvpI-00395-00115643-00115760 He's really inspiring. cE-KWalSvpI-00396-00115760-00115993 So I prefer to let him talk for five cE-KWalSvpI-00397-00115993-00116185 minutes, rather than me. cE-KWalSvpI-00398-00116185-00116597 So it will explain to you what we have been doing for 14 cE-KWalSvpI-00399-00116597-00116843 years with our data centers, our network. cE-KWalSvpI-00400-00116843-00117049 I think it's really important for you to understand that cE-KWalSvpI-00401-00117049-00117373 before I go on Compute Engine, which is the virtualization cE-KWalSvpI-00402-00117373-00117633 machine technology. cE-KWalSvpI-00403-00117633-00117877 I will do some demo as well. cE-KWalSvpI-00404-00117877-00118136 So I hope the network is with us. cE-KWalSvpI-00405-00118136-00118635 And I would like to have to have a mic, the red one. cE-KWalSvpI-00406-00118635-00118779 [VIDEO PLAYBACK] cE-KWalSvpI-00407-00172570-00172625 [END VIDEO PLAYBACK] cE-KWalSvpI-00408-00172625-00172716 BASTIEN LEGRAS: Let's stop there. cE-KWalSvpI-00409-00172716-00172971 If you want to see the whole video, you just search-- cE-KWalSvpI-00410-00172971-00173246 I will show you after, because I want to work on cE-KWalSvpI-00411-00173246-00173360 this slide as well. cE-KWalSvpI-00412-00173360-00173708 So it's really interesting to see all these projects. cE-KWalSvpI-00413-00173708-00173971 Maybe you haven't heard about [INAUDIBLE] from Java, because cE-KWalSvpI-00414-00173971-00174365 these are usually our internal code names for projects. cE-KWalSvpI-00415-00174365-00174844 What you need to understand is that we built App Engine cE-KWalSvpI-00416-00174844-00175227 Datastore, it was Big Table right away. cE-KWalSvpI-00417-00175227-00175613 So the initial Datastore of App Engine when App Engine was cE-KWalSvpI-00418-00175613-00175937 released in 2008, it's Cloud Data Storage. cE-KWalSvpI-00419-00175937-00176146 The Cloud Data Storage of today originated cE-KWalSvpI-00420-00176146-00176331 from here, Big Table. cE-KWalSvpI-00421-00176331-00176675 What you see here, Colossus, from last year, it's Google cE-KWalSvpI-00422-00176675-00176798 Cloud Storage. cE-KWalSvpI-00423-00176798-00177077 So it was a great introduction to Google Cloud Storage. cE-KWalSvpI-00424-00177077-00177415 I should have put it before my Cloud Storage presentation. cE-KWalSvpI-00425-00177415-00177684 So this is the internal name of Google Cloud Storage. cE-KWalSvpI-00426-00177684-00178117 And Dremel is the internal name of Google Big Query. cE-KWalSvpI-00427-00178117-00178452 So we have all these internal technologies we had to build cE-KWalSvpI-00428-00178452-00178739 because we couldn't find any technology in the market to cE-KWalSvpI-00429-00178739-00178857 serve our needs. cE-KWalSvpI-00430-00178857-00179114 And when we see that other people are interested by this cE-KWalSvpI-00431-00179114-00179524 kind of technology, we just choose a name, an external cE-KWalSvpI-00432-00179524-00179935 name for it, and pricing, and we build a website, and we put cE-KWalSvpI-00433-00179935-00180040 the product online. cE-KWalSvpI-00434-00180040-00180322 That's really the idea of what we're doing on Cloud Platform, cE-KWalSvpI-00435-00180322-00180772 is giving you the consequence of our research, of a product cE-KWalSvpI-00436-00180772-00181120 that we use every day, so you can use it for your own needs. cE-KWalSvpI-00437-00181120-00181389 So having your application powered by our cloud, that's cE-KWalSvpI-00438-00181389-00181689 really the general idea. cE-KWalSvpI-00439-00181689-00182015 And if you search for these kind of videos, just to show cE-KWalSvpI-00440-00182015-00182365 you where you can find it, so this is on-- you search for cE-KWalSvpI-00441-00182365-00182545 Google I/O sessions. cE-KWalSvpI-00442-00182545-00182784 And you will go there. cE-KWalSvpI-00443-00182784-00183223 And on Google Cloud Platform, you will see all the sessions. cE-KWalSvpI-00444-00183223-00183487 And you have very interesting things. cE-KWalSvpI-00445-00183487-00183928 For Cloud Storage, you have a 13-minute video, usually, cE-KWalSvpI-00446-00183928-00184152 importing a large data set. cE-KWalSvpI-00447-00184152-00184439 My presentation was inspired from that, of course. cE-KWalSvpI-00448-00184439-00184749 And then the backend we discussed this morning. cE-KWalSvpI-00449-00184749-00185004 From Nothing to Nirvana in Minutes, Cloud Backend for cE-KWalSvpI-00450-00185004-00185267 your Android App was also there. cE-KWalSvpI-00451-00185267-00185608 So I really encourage you to have a look, because these are cE-KWalSvpI-00452-00185608-00186023 our project manager architects who are explaining how we cE-KWalSvpI-00453-00186023-00186294 think you could use our technology. cE-KWalSvpI-00454-00186294-00186560 So now let's switch to Compute Engine. cE-KWalSvpI-00455-00186560-00186851 Now you had a great introduction from Urs, and you cE-KWalSvpI-00456-00186851-00187129 better understand what kind of work we've been doing. cE-KWalSvpI-00457-00187129-00187603 So we'll start with a few slides, and then with a demo. cE-KWalSvpI-00458-00187603-00188001 And then we'll go for the coffee break. cE-KWalSvpI-00459-00188001-00188171 AUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE] cE-KWalSvpI-00460-00188171-00188278 BASTIEN LEGRAS: Sure, sorry. cE-KWalSvpI-00461-00188278-00188466 And by the way, if you have questions on Cloud Storage cE-KWalSvpI-00462-00188466-00188642 before I jump on Compute Engine. cE-KWalSvpI-00463-00188642-00188767 AUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE] cE-KWalSvpI-00464-00189053-00189242 AUDIENCE: I have just a couple of questions. cE-KWalSvpI-00465-00189242-00189505 The first one is, is your strong read after write cE-KWalSvpI-00466-00189505-00189781 consistency model covered by your SLA? cE-KWalSvpI-00467-00189781-00189881 BASTIEN LEGRAS: Yeah. cE-KWalSvpI-00468-00189881-00190007 It's part of the SLA. cE-KWalSvpI-00469-00190007-00190056 AUDIENCE: OK. cE-KWalSvpI-00470-00190056-00190390 The second one will be, does it still cE-KWalSvpI-00471-00190390-00190718 cover the listing feature? cE-KWalSvpI-00472-00190718-00190991 BASTIEN LEGRAS: The listing on Compute Engine? cE-KWalSvpI-00473-00190991-00191169 AUDIENCE: I mean the consistency model, does it cE-KWalSvpI-00474-00191169-00191510 cover the listing of the objects that are stored in the cE-KWalSvpI-00475-00191510-00191564 Cloud Storage? cE-KWalSvpI-00476-00191564-00191758 BASTIEN LEGRAS: Yeah, because it's metadata. cE-KWalSvpI-00477-00191758-00192261 So the idea is that a bucket is an object with children, cE-KWalSvpI-00478-00192261-00192553 because this is a tree model. cE-KWalSvpI-00479-00192553-00192713 AUDIENCE: So every time I require a list of the objects cE-KWalSvpI-00480-00192713-00193156 that I stored, I get a full read after write consistent cE-KWalSvpI-00481-00193156-00193258 list of the objects? cE-KWalSvpI-00482-00193258-00193381 BASTIEN LEGRAS: Yeah, exactly. cE-KWalSvpI-00483-00193381-00193673 That's one of the features. cE-KWalSvpI-00484-00193673-00193766 If you have other questions-- cE-KWalSvpI-00485-00193766-00193891 yeah, one over there. cE-KWalSvpI-00486-00194679-00195020 AUDIENCE: I would like to know which are the differences cE-KWalSvpI-00487-00195020-00195510 between the Google Drive APIs and the Google Cloud Storage? cE-KWalSvpI-00488-00195510-00195714 And when do you recommend to use one with cE-KWalSvpI-00489-00195714-00195854 respect to the other? cE-KWalSvpI-00490-00195854-00195985 BASTIEN LEGRAS: That's a good question I cE-KWalSvpI-00491-00195985-00196121 have from many customers. cE-KWalSvpI-00492-00196121-00196453 So it's like the Chrome versus Android battle. cE-KWalSvpI-00493-00196453-00196884 No, frankly, Drive is user storage. cE-KWalSvpI-00494-00196884-00197290 So you have your little client you can use to synchronize cE-KWalSvpI-00495-00197290-00197491 your folder on your Mac or PC. cE-KWalSvpI-00496-00197491-00197778 You have viewers, you have 25 viewers. cE-KWalSvpI-00497-00197778-00198006 You can view PDFs, AutoCAD files, any cE-KWalSvpI-00498-00198006-00198183 Office files, et cetera. cE-KWalSvpI-00499-00198183-00198542 And on Drive, we put now the focus on fidelity with cE-KWalSvpI-00500-00198542-00198649 Microsoft Office. cE-KWalSvpI-00501-00198649-00198764 That's our focus. cE-KWalSvpI-00502-00198764-00198915 So it's really user storage. cE-KWalSvpI-00503-00198915-00199367 Whereas here, Cloud Storage, even if you see the UI where cE-KWalSvpI-00504-00199367-00199689 you can list, et cetera, this UI will be only for cE-KWalSvpI-00505-00199689-00199810 administrators. cE-KWalSvpI-00506-00199810-00200113 You won't to give that to users, because this is really cE-KWalSvpI-00507-00200113-00200621 optimized for heavy usage, very, very large files. cE-KWalSvpI-00508-00200621-00200848 So of course you could upload three doc cE-KWalSvpI-00509-00200848-00201025 flies in cloud storage. cE-KWalSvpI-00510-00201025-00201316 When you click, it will re-download the files. cE-KWalSvpI-00511-00201316-00201588 So use Drive instead. cE-KWalSvpI-00512-00201588-00201837 Then it's a matter of load-- cE-KWalSvpI-00513-00201837-00202070 not load, but oversize. cE-KWalSvpI-00514-00202070-00202227 So Cloud Storage-- cE-KWalSvpI-00515-00202227-00202497 Drive is up to 30 gigabytes now. cE-KWalSvpI-00516-00202497-00202678 We have a common-- cE-KWalSvpI-00517-00202678-00202912 and there was an announcement with Gmail. cE-KWalSvpI-00518-00202912-00203092 We now put the storage. cE-KWalSvpI-00519-00203092-00203339 And here, with Cloud Storage, you can go to petabytes, cE-KWalSvpI-00520-00203339-00203608 virtually no limits. cE-KWalSvpI-00521-00203608-00203839 AUDIENCE: Are there any differences with respect to cE-KWalSvpI-00522-00203839-00204438 permissions we can assign to files in Google Drive and in cE-KWalSvpI-00523-00204438-00204672 Cloud Platform Storage? cE-KWalSvpI-00524-00204672-00204929 BASTIEN LEGRAS: So in Drive, you set the permissions in cE-KWalSvpI-00525-00204929-00205280 owner, viewer, editor, to other users in your domain or cE-KWalSvpI-00526-00205280-00205408 any Google account. cE-KWalSvpI-00527-00205408-00205867 Or you get even put it fully visible on the web, or anyone cE-KWalSvpI-00528-00205867-00205948 with the link. cE-KWalSvpI-00529-00205948-00206112 There are various models. cE-KWalSvpI-00530-00206112-00206285 And again, Cloud Storage and Drive are cE-KWalSvpI-00531-00206285-00206400 totally different products. cE-KWalSvpI-00532-00206400-00206557 This is not the same thing. cE-KWalSvpI-00533-00206557-00206775 Cloud Storage is really for application storage. cE-KWalSvpI-00534-00206775-00207025 So you can define [INAUDIBLE] cE-KWalSvpI-00535-00207025-00207338 and permissions to a Google account, but it will be always cE-KWalSvpI-00536-00207338-00207458 a technical account. cE-KWalSvpI-00537-00207458-00207950 It wouldn't be a user account for an end user, usually. cE-KWalSvpI-00538-00207950-00208365 It can be a group, a technical group, et cetera. cE-KWalSvpI-00539-00208365-00208625 Because in Cloud Storage, you will never cE-KWalSvpI-00540-00208625-00208736 expose it to the user. cE-KWalSvpI-00541-00208736-00209088 You will always use it as a backend of your application, cE-KWalSvpI-00542-00209088-00209327 and your application will talk to Cloud Storage and talk to cE-KWalSvpI-00543-00209327-00209550 the user, but not the user to Cloud Storage. cE-KWalSvpI-00544-00209550-00209892 That's not a real use case that we see. cE-KWalSvpI-00545-00209892-00210217 The closest the user can be to Cloud Storage is when you have cE-KWalSvpI-00546-00210217-00210548 the Panzura stuff with an appliance, where it's browsing cE-KWalSvpI-00547-00210548-00210746 Cloud Storage, but is connecting to cE-KWalSvpI-00548-00210746-00210867 the appliance, actually. cE-KWalSvpI-00549-00210867-00211134 And just before, on Drive, I said 30 gigabytes. cE-KWalSvpI-00550-00211134-00211439 You can buy more storage. cE-KWalSvpI-00551-00211439-00211526 It's not limited. cE-KWalSvpI-00552-00211526-00211754 It's what you have by default. cE-KWalSvpI-00553-00211754-00211809 AUDIENCE: Thank you. cE-KWalSvpI-00554-00211809-00212082 BASTIEN LEGRAS: You're welcome. cE-KWalSvpI-00555-00212082-00212146 OK. cE-KWalSvpI-00556-00212146-00212358 I want to move on to Compute Engine. cE-KWalSvpI-00557-00212358-00212434 AUDIENCE: Sorry. cE-KWalSvpI-00558-00212434-00212614 Just a small addition. cE-KWalSvpI-00559-00212614-00212936 I think that you can use Drive also when you have to manage cE-KWalSvpI-00560-00212936-00213150 some personal kind of storage. cE-KWalSvpI-00561-00213150-00213486 So for example, an Android is very good to use Drive to cE-KWalSvpI-00562-00213486-00213765 store the preferences of your applications cE-KWalSvpI-00563-00213765-00213875 or stuff like that. cE-KWalSvpI-00564-00213875-00214131 Instead, I think that Cloud Storage is better when you cE-KWalSvpI-00565-00214131-00214590 have to store something that is globally available, or not cE-KWalSvpI-00566-00214590-00214891 to related to just one user, more or less. cEU2s0V9qTo-00000-00000000-00000322 Clearly introns are not necessary to the function of cEU2s0V9qTo-00001-00000322-00000570 a messenger RNA. Bacterial genes don't have any. cEU2s0V9qTo-00002-00000570-00000915 Whats more, intronic DNA is often much longer than the cEU2s0V9qTo-00003-00000915-00001332 exons of a gene, implying perhaps a lot of wasteful DNA cEU2s0V9qTo-00004-00001332-00001728 that has no apparent function. So why do introns cEU2s0V9qTo-00005-00001728-00002062 exist at all in eukaryotic cells? Or why, if they were cEU2s0V9qTo-00006-00002062-00002331 present in the first cells, were they retained cEU2s0V9qTo-00007-00002332-00002608 by eukaryotes and lost in prokaryotes? cEU2s0V9qTo-00008-00002608-00003180 Well, let's recall protein domains and protein families. cEU2s0V9qTo-00009-00003180-00003511 The existence of introns permits easy recombination cEU2s0V9qTo-00010-00003511-00003888 of exons resulting in a movement, or a shuffling, cEU2s0V9qTo-00011-00003888-00004209 of exons in and out of genes that didn't have these cEU2s0V9qTo-00012-00004209-00004520 sequences before. By this mechanism, proteins cEU2s0V9qTo-00013-00004520-00004774 could rapidly acquire new domains and thereby, cEU2s0V9qTo-00014-00004774-00005070 new functions. Today, we can see a relationship cEU2s0V9qTo-00015-00005070-00005392 between many exons and the structural and functional cEU2s0V9qTo-00016-00005392-00005636 domains that they encode in polypeptides. cEU2s0V9qTo-00017-00005636-00006090 Here is a generic example of exon recombination cEU2s0V9qTo-00018-00006090-00006454 or exon shuffling, initiated by unequal crossing over cEU2s0V9qTo-00019-00006454-00006740 between two different genes. First we cEU2s0V9qTo-00020-00006740-00007004 need to understand that crossing over, both equal cEU2s0V9qTo-00021-00007004-00007300 and unequal, are common events in eggs and sperm, cEU2s0V9qTo-00022-00007302-00007514 or during the development of eggs and sperm. cEU2s0V9qTo-00023-00007514-00007768 Most of the time we do not see the damaging cEU2s0V9qTo-00024-00007768-00008016 consequences, since the organisms don't survive. cEU2s0V9qTo-00025-00008016-00008356 But recombination within introns increases the cEU2s0V9qTo-00026-00008356-00008642 probability of survival of unequal recombinant cEU2s0V9qTo-00027-00008642-00009090 organisms. After unequal crossing over, exon C in this cEU2s0V9qTo-00028-00009090-00009412 example, is now part of a gene that previously only had cEU2s0V9qTo-00029-00009412-00009880 2 exons, A and B. This is now a 3-exon gene. cEU2s0V9qTo-00030-00009880-00010276 A 3-exon mRNA is made by splicing and a protein then, cEU2s0V9qTo-00031-00010276-00010504 with a new domain, will be translated. cEU2s0V9qTo-00032-00010504-00010772 The recombination event could have occurred cEU2s0V9qTo-00033-00010772-00011020 almost anywhere within the non-coding, that is, cEU2s0V9qTo-00034-00011020-00011346 the intron DNA. This imprecision makes the occurrence cEU2s0V9qTo-00035-00011346-00011586 of these recombinations more likely than not, cEU2s0V9qTo-00036-00011586-00012060 allowing rapid gene and protein evolution. cGKWb7oZNbk-00000-00000000-00000362 In the week of April 8th, Berkeley students voted on, and passed the cGKWb7oZNbk-00001-00000362-00000825 transfer remedy Act along with the general ASUC elections. The Transfer Act cGKWb7oZNbk-00002-00000825-00001250 named as, Necessary Standards for Equitable Representation, addresses how cGKWb7oZNbk-00003-00001250-00001769 the ASUC Senate and executive bodies are consistently composed of zero or one cGKWb7oZNbk-00004-00001769-00002199 elected students who are transfers. Transfer students currently make up cGKWb7oZNbk-00005-00002199-00002678 approximately 30% of the incoming class. The purpose of the Act was to create a cGKWb7oZNbk-00006-00002678-00003030 transfer representative in order to ensure that the transfer student cGKWb7oZNbk-00007-00003030-00003489 narrative is present in student government. The referendum is set to be cGKWb7oZNbk-00008-00003489-00003923 critical to improve the transfer GBO experience and increased transfer access cGKWb7oZNbk-00009-00003923-00004382 to campus resources given that transfer students are 15% less likely to cGKWb7oZNbk-00010-00004382-00004898 graduate on time. Eleven senators had voted in favor of placing the referendum on cGKWb7oZNbk-00011-00004898-00005282 the ballot, only one more than the necessary ten votes needed to secure its cGKWb7oZNbk-00012-00005282-00005775 place. Senators who voted against the resolution had mainly cited ambiguities cGKWb7oZNbk-00013-00005775-00006189 in the referendum's language as their primary reasoning. Now, having been passed, cGKWb7oZNbk-00014-00006189-00006629 the act will attempt to combat institutional barriers to the ASUC for cGKWb7oZNbk-00015-00006629-00006917 transfer students. cH_-MM1JYmI-00000-00000066-00000400 We're finally on our way to Hiroshima. cH_-MM1JYmI-00001-00000486-00000776 The most important match for us. cH_-MM1JYmI-00002-00000840-00001483 Like today, Goto and I will show great teamwork. cH_-MM1JYmI-00003-00001526-00002313 We'll win the A Block and go on to the final. cH_-MM1JYmI-00004-00002320-00002716 Then, we'll win the whole damn tournament. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00000-00000211-00000395 >> Okay, welcome. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00001-00000395-00000866 I'm Helen Graves, instructional designer with CVC and @ONE. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00002-00000866-00001664 CVC is the California Virtual Campus and @ONE is, it stands for Online Network of Educators. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00003-00001664-00002186 It's the professional development arm of the CVC for our community college system. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00004-00002186-00002460 And I am delighted that you're here with me today. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00005-00002524-00003000 We're going to take a look at how to make documents accessible. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00006-00003006-00003482 The good news is most of the content authoring applications cIsDHQtW_tQ-00007-00003482-00003987 that you already use have accessibility checkers built right into them. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00008-00003987-00004592 That includes Canvas, but also the Microsoft suite for Word, PowerPoint, cIsDHQtW_tQ-00009-00004599-00005015 Excel, and Adobe Acrobat for PDFs. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00010-00005015-00005482 I'm going to start off with my impression of a broken record because I say this all the time. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00011-00005549-00006123 The first line of defense when it comes to making content accessible, cIsDHQtW_tQ-00012-00006231-00006899 and when it comes to inaccessible documents, is to put the learning content on a Canvas page. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00013-00006938-00007127 And there are two reasons for that. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00014-00007127-00007488 First, HTML is the best environment. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00015-00007488-00007927 Meaning Canvas pages is the best, most user-friendly environment cIsDHQtW_tQ-00016-00007927-00008378 for both screen reader devices and mobile devices. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00017-00008458-00009519 Secondly, it is so much easier to remediate the Canvas page using the rich content editor cIsDHQtW_tQ-00018-00009519-00009850 for proper accessibility formatting than it is to have cIsDHQtW_tQ-00019-00009850-00010221 to remediate a PDF or even a Word document. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00020-00010221-00010823 And if your college has enabled Pope Tech, which is a free accessibility checker integration cIsDHQtW_tQ-00021-00010823-00011184 for Canvas, that is a game changer for people. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00022-00011184-00011662 It's really making it easy for -- to be sure that everything is properly formatted. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00023-00011827-00012490 We know a lot of faculty rely on PDFs at least in part because, I don't know maybe a decade cIsDHQtW_tQ-00024-00012490-00013007 or so ago before Microsoft products and open source compatible versions were cIsDHQtW_tQ-00025-00013007-00013560 so freely available, instructors were often told to save everything as a PDF, cIsDHQtW_tQ-00026-00013628-00013916 so that they were accessible to students. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00027-00013916-00014166 Meaning students who were on a Mac. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00028-00014166-00014612 Many people have interpreted that to mean that making something cIsDHQtW_tQ-00029-00014612-00015185 into a PDF automatically means it's accessible for those using a screen reader. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00030-00015185-00015879 Alas, that word accessible has two different meanings in those different contexts. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00031-00015898-00016528 With PDFs, if the original Word document was not formatted for accessibility, cIsDHQtW_tQ-00032-00016540-00016870 the converted PDF is not going to be either. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00033-00016875-00017551 And in fact, at times, even if the original document was formatted properly, cIsDHQtW_tQ-00034-00017575-00018091 new formatting issues sometimes get introduced during the conversion process. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00035-00018150-00018717 So here is the official recommendation for working with content documents. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00036-00018721-00019007 Canvas pages are best whenever possible. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00037-00019072-00019302 Word is second best. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00038-00019302-00019529 And PDF is a last resort. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00039-00019529-00019845 I always say PDFs are a PIA. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00040-00019869-00020090 "But what about PowerPoints?" cIsDHQtW_tQ-00041-00020090-00020673 you cry. Well, to some degree PowerPoints are kind of in a class of their own if only because, cIsDHQtW_tQ-00042-00020806-00021448 pedagogically, the majority of slide decks I see being used are often publisher created, cIsDHQtW_tQ-00043-00021448-00021624 which means two things in my mind. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00044-00021624-00022062 One, they're probably not fully accessible no matter what the publisher is telling you. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00045-00022062-00022780 And two, they probably contain a fair amount of fluff, because they're provided as a way to bulk cIsDHQtW_tQ-00046-00022780-00023295 up the publishers' offerings, not because the slide decks were thoughtfully crafted cIsDHQtW_tQ-00047-00023295-00023431 educational tools. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00048-00023466-00023954 So PowerPoints converted to a PDF are even worse. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00049-00023963-00024606 Because in the conversion process, each slide just becomes a single image, cIsDHQtW_tQ-00050-00024641-00025019 which then needs a full and complete text description cIsDHQtW_tQ-00051-00025042-00025416 for anyone using a screen reader device to know what's happening on the slide. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00052-00025459-00026312 So let's talk about what it takes to remediate a PowerPoint deck. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00053-00026312-00026864 You can either keep it in slide format and use the built-in accessibility tool cIsDHQtW_tQ-00054-00026864-00027077 to check and remediate each slide. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00055-00027077-00027712 You could turn it into a series of short video lectures which can then be captioned cIsDHQtW_tQ-00056-00027731-00028306 so that each slide deck is being used as a visual supplement to a presentation, cIsDHQtW_tQ-00057-00028306-00028762 a spoken presentation as PowerPoints were originally intended. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00058-00028762-00029475 You could also format the text and images, take them off the slides, and create Canvas pages cIsDHQtW_tQ-00059-00029481-00029991 within a module so that you're utilizing the information but you're doing it cIsDHQtW_tQ-00060-00029991-00030197 in a way that's going to be more user-friendly. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00061-00030328-00030804 When I'm working with an instructor in the Course Design Academy process, cIsDHQtW_tQ-00062-00030804-00031144 I often ask them if they have PowerPoints. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00063-00031144-00031585 And in fact I'm going to mute -- someone -- cIsDHQtW_tQ-00064-00031585-00032032 I'll ask them to think about the pedagogical value that they see in the PowerPoint. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00065-00032039-00032203 What is it adding to the course? cIsDHQtW_tQ-00066-00032203-00032711 And frequently, once they realize how much work it is to make a PowerPoint fully accessible, cIsDHQtW_tQ-00067-00032711-00033061 a lot of instructors say, "You know, it's really not worth it. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00068-00033061-00033329 I'm going to find a better way to get that content across." cIsDHQtW_tQ-00069-00033329-00033655 So even though I am definitely not a fan of PowerPoints, cIsDHQtW_tQ-00070-00033655-00034309 because they weren't really intended to be used as standalone content in an asynchronous course, cIsDHQtW_tQ-00071-00034309-00034512 I don't tell people they can't use them. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00072-00034512-00034878 I just want to make sure you fully understand the pitfalls, cIsDHQtW_tQ-00073-00034878-00035100 both pedagogically and technically. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00074-00035100-00035600 And then you can decide if you want to spend the time making them accessible. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00075-00035699-00036100 So let's take a look in the documents. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00076-00036100-00036608 And we'll start with Microsoft and look at how to make those accessible. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00077-00036627-00036923 So I've got a bunch of different documents open. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00078-00036964-00037103 We'll start with Word. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00079-00037199-00037682 All Microsoft applications have a built-in accessibility checker. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00080-00037682-00038155 Yay. Microsoft's built-in checker isn't going to catch everything. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00081-00038248-00038576 And it doesn't actually fix the problems for you either. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00082-00038589-00039030 You need to go in and see what alerts they're telling you and then fix them. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00083-00039050-00039547 But it is going to help you find and know what to fix in a lot of cases. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00084-00039595-00039769 I'm on a Mac. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00085-00039769-00040272 So I can get to the checker right from the Tools menu up here. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00086-00040272-00040406 And are you still seeing my screen? cIsDHQtW_tQ-00087-00040406-00040536 The little green thing went away. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00088-00040574-00040776 Can somebody nod if you're or thumbs up? cIsDHQtW_tQ-00089-00040813-00040883 Okay, good. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00090-00040883-00041346 I hate when the green outline goes away, I start to panic. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00091-00041346-00041615 Up here at the top on a Mac, I have the Tools menu. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00092-00041615-00041961 And when I click it, I can come down and Check Accessibility. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00093-00042027-00042779 I believe on a PC, and it's been a long time since I've used a PC, you I think are going cIsDHQtW_tQ-00094-00042779-00043147 to go on the ribbon, you're going to go to the Review tab cIsDHQtW_tQ-00095-00043147-00043492 and then you should see a Check Accessibility button. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00096-00043492-00044006 In older versions, I believe you had to go to File and then Check for Issues. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00097-00044012-00044391 Anyhow, you can always Google how to check for the -- cIsDHQtW_tQ-00098-00044391-00044776 how to find the accessibility checker on your version of Microsoft. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00099-00044784-00044828 All right. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00100-00044828-00045215 So I clicked into it. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00101-00045215-00045879 And I get a report that is telling me issues and alerts that are going on with my document. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00102-00045919-00046486 So just know that it isn't foolproof. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00103-00046499-00047106 When it comes to headings, lists, and meaningful link text, you're going to need cIsDHQtW_tQ-00104-00047106-00047362 to know how to check those things manually. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00105-00047379-00047671 But it does tell you other things. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00106-00047742-00048249 So it's showing me right here that I have an image and let me -- cIsDHQtW_tQ-00107-00048249-00048500 I don't know if you can see this, if I can make it bigger. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00108-00048638-00048984 It's not making that text bigger for -- yeah, sorry. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00109-00048984-00049164 I realize this is a little bit small. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00110-00049164-00049297 It's not making it bigger for you. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00111-00049297-00049699 But anyhow, it's telling me I have a missing alternative text. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00112-00049699-00049982 And what's kind of cool is it says Picture 4. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00113-00050000-00050600 So I can just click Picture 4 and it will jump to the offending image, highlight it for me cIsDHQtW_tQ-00114-00050600-00050836 so I know exactly what I'm looking at. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00115-00050836-00051362 And then I can deal with remediating it, in this case, adding alt text. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00116-00051388-00051825 The other thing is down below the inspection results field. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00117-00051825-00052297 You're going to see information about why is this a problem, why do you need to fix it. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00118-00052297-00052520 And then steps for how to fix it. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00119-00052520-00053075 So if you're new to this game, and you don't always remember everything you hear cIsDHQtW_tQ-00120-00053075-00053307 in all these many webinars, just know cIsDHQtW_tQ-00121-00053307-00053797 that the Microsoft tools will walk you through how to fix this stuff. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00122-00053797-00054421 So I'm going to right click and go to the Edit Alt Text option. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00123-00054449-00055123 And you -- well, maybe you can't see, but what it says currently is cartoon-plagiarism.jpg. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00124-00055276-00055920 Clearly not going to be meaningful text to a student listening to a description of the image. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00125-00055926-00056124 And I could have any idea what that is. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00126-00056153-00056656 So something more along the lines of -- and I'm not going to take the time to type it. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00127-00056656-00056915 But cartoon about plagiarism. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00128-00056915-00057334 Two men in jail, one saying, "Grand Theft Auto. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00129-00057351-00057653 You?" And the other responding, "Plagiarism." cIsDHQtW_tQ-00130-00057671-00057966 That would be descriptive alt text. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00131-00058064-00058640 So the other thing it showed -- and then when I fix it, so let me put good alt text. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00132-00058640-00059183 Well, cartoon about -- I'm just going to short term what I said. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00133-00059183-00059304 Pla-gia-ri-sm. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00134-00059304-00059618 Never know how to spell it. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00135-00059618-00059897 You also have an option to mark as decorative. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00136-00059904-00060225 So if it were an image that was really just there for visual interest, cIsDHQtW_tQ-00137-00060225-00060659 it wasn't part of the learning content, you can tag it as decorative. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00138-00060659-00060922 And then you don't have to worry about alt text at all. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00139-00060990-00061457 I can come back to my accessibility checker, and you will now see cIsDHQtW_tQ-00140-00061477-00061771 that warning about alt text is gone. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00141-00061793-00062339 Because what the algorithm -- now keep in mind, these tools are algorithms. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00142-00062339-00062698 They are not little human beings back there checking your document for you. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00143-00062698-00063228 So it's just going on certain parameters that have been built into it. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00144-00063228-00063772 And in that case, with alt text, it said it was an error because of the .jpg at the end of it. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00145-00063772-00064522 If I had left cartoon-plagiarism, and just taken off the jpg, I would still get rid of the alert. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00146-00064558-00064706 But that would not be good alt text. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00147-00064706-00065115 So, you know, there's kind of both an art and a science to using these tools. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00148-00065179-00065698 But once you fix the tool, in theory, it goes away from your report. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00149-00065698-00065938 So you don't have to worry about that one anymore. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00150-00066086-00066725 In PowerPoint, reading order has to do with both tables. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00151-00066725-00066909 Excuse me, we're not in PowerPoint yet. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00152-00066909-00067258 In Word, reading order usually has to do with a table. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00153-00067274-00067851 And that's because someone who isn't looking at the table, they're using their keyboard cIsDHQtW_tQ-00154-00067851-00068127 to tab from cell to cell to cell. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00155-00068179-00068722 So you need to make sure that the tab is going in the proper order. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00156-00068722-00069061 It's not jumping all over, or it's not going vertically cIsDHQtW_tQ-00157-00069061-00069259 when really it should be going horizontally. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00158-00069259-00069615 That's not something the algorithm can check. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00159-00069615-00070189 So it will often just -- well, it always just say check reading order. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00160-00070196-00070367 And that's something you need to do manually. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00161-00070367-00070810 It will jump you to the table so you know exactly what it's talking about. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00162-00070810-00071244 But then you need to do a little bit of detective work to make sure cIsDHQtW_tQ-00163-00071244-00071429 that the tab is working properly. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00164-00071441-00071743 And then it also tells me hard-to-read contrast. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00165-00071743-00072112 So I'll click on it, and it will take me to this one. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00166-00072139-00072614 I'm not sure why it's telling me because that's a dark enough red when I checked it. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00167-00072619-00072986 But in any case, I would fix that red to make it a little darker. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00168-00073026-00073657 When I click the next one, this actually is also one that I thought I had checked, cIsDHQtW_tQ-00169-00073657-00073889 but I wanted to make sure you had errors to see. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00170-00073889-00074184 So both of those, I would fix. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00171-00074224-00074510 This one where it says here's another example, cIsDHQtW_tQ-00172-00074558-00075122 that's actually where I'm demonstrating purposefully bad contrast. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00173-00075130-00075291 So that when I wouldn't fix. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00174-00075291-00075702 I would just know that that's an error that I intentionally included in the document. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00175-00075815-00076475 So it's as simple as clicking the tool, getting your readout and then walking through the errors cIsDHQtW_tQ-00176-00076475-00077059 and alerts in order to fix them, keeping in mind the steps are down below to help you. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00177-00077059-00078018 A screen reader device is going to read the file name when navigating from a doc into a document cIsDHQtW_tQ-00178-00078018-00078463 from some other, you know, say you're linking to a document from Canvas. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00179-00078463-00078656 It's going to read the file name. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00180-00078689-00079261 Because of that, it's kind of helpful to understand how it's going to read it. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00181-00079261-00079408 Special characters. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00182-00079424-00079740 Here's the thing about screen reader devices. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00183-00079762-00080279 They're not universal in the way they approach things, which is kind of a bummer for those cIsDHQtW_tQ-00184-00080279-00080729 of us trying to format because we can format it perfectly cIsDHQtW_tQ-00185-00080729-00081172 for one particular screen reader device and it may not, depending on the settings cIsDHQtW_tQ-00186-00081172-00081605 on somebody else's device, it may not read the same way. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00187-00081636-00082038 So you just have to kind of learn the basic rules and do the best you can do. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00188-00082068-00082634 But in any case, special characters like hyphens, underscores, asterisks, cIsDHQtW_tQ-00189-00082659-00083199 those kinds of things, may or may not be read as part of the title. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00190-00083199-00083700 So it's generally best when you're titling a document that you're going to link to, cIsDHQtW_tQ-00191-00083700-00084081 that you not include those special characters in the title. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00192-00084081-00084328 Just use spaces to separate the words. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00193-00084328-00084782 Don't worry about dashes or hyphens or any of that kind of stuff or dots. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00194-00084795-00085593 Words that are separated by hyphens typically will be read as individual words. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00195-00085610-00086136 But you can also just use a space because it will also often read the hyphen. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00196-00086136-00086394 And that can get irritating for those listening. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00197-00086482-00086778 Words that are separated by capital letters. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00198-00086778-00087228 And I don't know if you can see did I do it in this case, I didn't. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00199-00087311-00087561 Well, it's probably too small for you to see. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00200-00087561-00087979 But the title is Demo Accessibility Checklist. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00201-00087979-00088548 If I had all three of those words together, no spacing, but I had the capital D for demo, cIsDHQtW_tQ-00202-00088565-00088971 the capital A for accessibility and the capital C for checklist, cIsDHQtW_tQ-00203-00088998-00089335 most screen readers are going to read that as separate words. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00204-00089335-00089697 It's called camel case where it's going up and down in a single word. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00205-00089704-00090326 To keep things simple, it's best to just keep the file name as readable words, cIsDHQtW_tQ-00206-00090326-00090612 use spaces, don't use abbreviations. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00207-00090612-00090938 Just, you know, make it something that would be meaningful. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00208-00090998-00091425 Another thing of note when you're in a document is that images -- cIsDHQtW_tQ-00209-00091441-00091677 now let me go and find my image again, cIsDHQtW_tQ-00210-00091695-00092613 that are positioned using the wrap text feature won't usually be properly read cIsDHQtW_tQ-00211-00092613-00092728 by a screen reader. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00212-00092758-00092948 Even though it may not look as pretty, cIsDHQtW_tQ-00213-00092963-00093521 images should always be styled as inline, rather than wrapped. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00214-00093521-00093748 And let me show you what happens. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00215-00093748-00094048 So look over here on the inspection results. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00216-00094070-00094468 When I come in and change -- right now this is inline. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00217-00094508-00095281 If I change it to tight, suddenly, I get an error up here saying the images are not inline. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00218-00095300-00095470 That's an accessibility bummer. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00219-00095492-00095761 And so you don't want to do that. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00220-00095784-00096322 The way I made it work for here was I just simply had it be inline cIsDHQtW_tQ-00221-00096322-00096520 and then I centered it, and that's fine. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00222-00096530-00096901 You just don't want wrapped text. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00223-00096914-00097469 All Microsoft products have the same built-in tool, which is super nice. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00224-00097479-00098055 So if we go next to -- actually, yeah, I'm going to do that and I'll come to questions. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00225-00098055-00098279 And I see things in chat, I can't get to them now. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00226-00098279-00098474 But we will get your questions answered. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00227-00098485-00099190 So, in PowerPoint, same option I come up to the Tools menu, I Check Accessibility, cIsDHQtW_tQ-00228-00099190-00099520 and it shows me what my errors and alerts are. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00229-00099603-00100103 Technically errors are things that you need to fix. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00230-00100103-00100440 They're going to really be a problem for a student using a screen reader. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00231-00100459-00100936 Warnings are things that probably aren't the end of the world. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00232-00100936-00101314 But if you can fix it, it's best to fix it. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00233-00101314-00101724 So again, we have a lot of missing alternative text. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00234-00101724-00101833 I click on it. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00235-00101833-00102197 It jumps to the slide, and then it highlights the image for me. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00236-00102254-00102713 And ironically enough, this was a PowerPoint I made years ago cIsDHQtW_tQ-00237-00102713-00102998 when I first got into all of this work. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00238-00102998-00103245 And the topic is Creating Accessible Content. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00239-00103245-00103577 But I didn't do a good job of making my PowerPoint accessible. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00240-00103668-00104029 In my own defense, it was because I knew I wasn't going to be sharing it with anyone. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00241-00104029-00104429 But even so always a good habit just make it accessible, cIsDHQtW_tQ-00242-00104429-00104579 and then you don't have to worry about it. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00243-00104603-00104895 So anyhow, this does not have alt text. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00244-00104895-00105194 I would follow the same procedure as on a Word document. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00245-00105212-00105509 Right click, go down to Edit Alt Text. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00246-00105569-00105690 See what it says. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00247-00105690-00106012 And in this case, there's nothing, not even a file title. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00248-00106012-00106151 So I would want to put in. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00249-00106151-00106650 However here is something that happens. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00250-00106659-00107361 PowerPoint, when you -- how do I want to say this in a way that's going to make sense? cIsDHQtW_tQ-00251-00107361-00108007 PowerPoint has built-in templates that already have layouts on the slides that are set up. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00252-00108007-00108381 And those layouts are formatted for accessibility. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00253-00108406-00108903 So if you are editing or creating your own PowerPoint deck, cIsDHQtW_tQ-00254-00108931-00109605 or editing some other PowerPoint deck, do not just insert text boxes and images cIsDHQtW_tQ-00255-00109605-00109886 and things willy-nilly because this is what happens. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00256-00109886-00110002 This is an image. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00257-00110053-00110605 And it's not even being registered by the screen reader really. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00258-00110644-00110921 Plus it's an image with a whole lot of text in it. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00259-00110943-00111297 So I was doing a shortcut by just making it be an image. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00260-00111297-00111591 But clearly trying to include all cIsDHQtW_tQ-00261-00111591-00112008 that information plus a table in your alt text description? cIsDHQtW_tQ-00262-00112039-00112171 Not going to be a good idea. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00263-00112171-00112877 What you'd want to do instead is actually set up the information using the text fields cIsDHQtW_tQ-00264-00112877-00113194 on the slide itself rather than just slapping an image up there. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00265-00113264-00113702 But when -- well, I won't even say whenever possible. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00266-00113822-00114218 Always use the built-in template slides. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00267-00114218-00114748 Don't just create a -- take a blank slide and start adding images and text to it cIsDHQtW_tQ-00268-00114748-00115223 because it's not going to be formatted properly. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00269-00115223-00115661 And it's very, very difficult to make those things readable by a screen reader. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00270-00115722-00116012 Let me show you a little tip. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00271-00116012-00116875 If I go into View, and I go into Outline View, you'll see over here on the left, cIsDHQtW_tQ-00272-00116875-00117302 it's now showing me text instead of the little screenshot of each slide. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00273-00117314-00117859 This what's showing here is what a screen reader device would read. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00274-00117885-00118536 Notice right here on this slide, it's picking because I use part of the built-in template. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00275-00118536-00118812 I use the header for the template so it's reading that. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00276-00118812-00119194 I use the sub-header down here, use Canvas's rich content editor. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00277-00119194-00119445 But then I just added this text box. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00278-00119493-00120023 So if this were a PowerPoint deck being given to a student using a screen reader, cIsDHQtW_tQ-00279-00120038-00120297 they would not even be aware that that box of text was there. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00280-00120304-00120853 So that's what I mean about being really careful to use the templates. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00281-00120853-00121398 And then look here on slide 6, I just used a blank slide, cIsDHQtW_tQ-00282-00121398-00121758 slapped my images on there, slapped my textbox on there. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00283-00121758-00122234 And as far as a screen reader user is going to see, there's nothing on that slide. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00284-00122234-00122348 It's totally blank. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00285-00122364-00122948 So you just need to kind of be thinking about the process of using a PowerPoint in order cIsDHQtW_tQ-00286-00122948-00123416 to make it accessible if you're going to be using PowerPoints. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00287-00123506-00123961 Okay, I think I'm going to hop on to the next thing. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00288-00123961-00124119 And then we'll come to questions. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00289-00124134-00124391 We can always come back to this if you have a particular question. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00290-00124418-00124911 So Excel, again, Microsoft product, so it's going to have the checker. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00291-00125009-00125255 Come up here, click Check Accessibility. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00292-00125255-00125782 I get my little results field over here. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00293-00125792-00126359 The thing to be aware of with an Excel is, it's essentially a huge table. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00294-00126367-00127031 So you really just want to follow the same types of rules that you would in formatting a table. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00295-00127082-00127554 You want to make sure you've got column and row headings present, if that's appropriate. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00296-00127554-00128176 You want to make sure you're being careful about empty cells or merged cells, cIsDHQtW_tQ-00297-00128191-00128617 which a lot of people use as a way of formatting for appearance, cIsDHQtW_tQ-00298-00128625-00128920 but actually creates accessibility issues. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00299-00128969-00129754 Because images can't be associated with a specific cell or region in an Excel sheet. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00300-00129754-00130114 You really should avoid using an image in Excel. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00301-00130114-00130318 Just stick to text or numbers. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00302-00130335-00130916 The titles and the headings section -- and I don't use Excel a lot. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00303-00130916-00131097 So let me see if I can find it. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00304-00131404-00131635 Nope, Insert, maybe it's there. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00305-00131793-00132076 Well, whoever knows Excel. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00306-00132076-00132623 Anyhow there is a place where it says headings, you know heading 1, heading 2, whatever. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00307-00132623-00133164 Those actually just make it be that heading level, cIsDHQtW_tQ-00308-00133164-00133622 it doesn't actually tag it as a column or row header. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00309-00133633-00133948 So that's where you really need to be aware of the distinction cIsDHQtW_tQ-00310-00133948-00134413 between a heading level and a header at a table. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00311-00134450-00134671 Don't let them confuse you in an Excel. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00312-00134722-00135126 If you're using the charts tool in Excel, cIsDHQtW_tQ-00313-00135126-00135955 it's best to also provide a text-based table equivalent because the charts with, you know, cIsDHQtW_tQ-00314-00135955-00136421 the pretty graphs and all that kind of stuff and the Venn diagrams and whatever else, cIsDHQtW_tQ-00315-00136421-00136978 those are not easily remediable, whatever the word would be, cIsDHQtW_tQ-00316-00136999-00137436 not easy to make remediated format for accessibility. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00317-00137436-00138363 So creating an equivalent in text format, and then perhaps linking the student to a document cIsDHQtW_tQ-00318-00138363-00138996 that explains what that image is supposed to be representing would work better. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00319-00138996-00139545 Also you'll notice the one error -- warning I'm getting here is the default sheet names. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00320-00139571-00139792 So down here are the sheet names. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00321-00139813-00140545 And if you think about it, hearing sheet 1 is going to do nothing cIsDHQtW_tQ-00322-00140545-00141142 to tell the student what information or data is on sheet 1 or sheet 2 or sheet 3. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00323-00141142-00141704 So to avoid cognitive overload and frustration, you want to make sure you're always, cIsDHQtW_tQ-00324-00141704-00141986 even if you only have one sheet on your Excel, cIsDHQtW_tQ-00325-00141986-00142335 you always want to make sure and give it a meaningful name. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00326-00142407-00142651 And I don't remember what this is. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00327-00142651-00142961 But I would right click, and I would say Rename. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00328-00142961-00143455 And then I would be able to give that sheet some kind of descriptive name cIsDHQtW_tQ-00329-00143455-00143851 so the student would know what to expect when they go into that sheet. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00330-00143872-00144478 I am not an expert in discipline specific uses of Excel. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00331-00144478-00144979 So if you've got a particular use case for what you want to do with Excel cIsDHQtW_tQ-00332-00144979-00145552 and you're not quite sure of how to approach it accessibility wise, I would recommend you talk cIsDHQtW_tQ-00333-00145552-00146263 with your campus DSPs folks, or the California Community College Accessibility Center. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00334-00146318-00146572 I'll put their link in the chat. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00335-00146572-00147012 They are going to be well versed on creating accommodations cIsDHQtW_tQ-00336-00147012-00147469 for very specific situations like that, CCC. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00337-00147469-00147696 Can't type and talk. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00338-00148110-00148583 Okay. So there's their web address. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00339-00148592-00148711 All right. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00340-00148711-00149263 Let's look at the elephant in the room, PDFs, which, as I say are a PIA. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00341-00149272-00149788 It is possible to make PDFs accessible, but it's not simple. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00342-00149806-00150491 The same form formatting is required with headings, alt text, descriptive link text, cIsDHQtW_tQ-00343-00150491-00150749 lists, tables, all of that stuff. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00344-00150755-00151239 But you've also got an added issue of what are called tags, cIsDHQtW_tQ-00345-00151300-00152014 which are essentially the equivalent of the HTML behind the scenes, cIsDHQtW_tQ-00346-00152014-00152732 that tells the screen reader device what type or format a specific piece of content is. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00347-00152732-00153053 Is it a header, a paragraph, a table, an image, whatever. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00348-00153053-00153636 I'm going to put in chat a resource, if you are somebody who wants cIsDHQtW_tQ-00349-00153636-00153934 to know more about tags for PDFs. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00350-00153977-00154494 It is, ironically, a PDF not created by me. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00351-00154494-00154653 Adobe has a built-in checker. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00352-00154653-00155071 So when you're reviewing a document, that's what you're going to want to use cIsDHQtW_tQ-00353-00155071-00155272 to check the accessibility of it. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00354-00155272-00155506 And let me show you how you find that tool. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00355-00155530-00156246 If your PDF is open, it may or may not have opened with those tools open. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00356-00156296-00156680 So if not, you can just click the arrow in the gray bar to open and close. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00357-00156722-00157370 If I go to the little man symbol, accessibility, and click it, cIsDHQtW_tQ-00358-00157370-00157729 I now have the option to do an accessibility check. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00359-00157729-00157874 I'm going to click it. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00360-00157874-00158180 It will tell me stuff that I never pay attention to, cIsDHQtW_tQ-00361-00158180-00158511 I just leave it default, and then I say start checking. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00362-00158579-00159099 And I immediately get a readout over on the left side this time of what errors cIsDHQtW_tQ-00363-00159099-00159317 and issues are going on with the document. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00364-00159449-00160085 When I open up the drop down, I can see there are two you'll notice cIsDHQtW_tQ-00365-00160085-00160626 that have a blue question mark, logical reading order and color contrast. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00366-00160641-00161100 Both of those are things the algorithm cannot check. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00367-00161100-00161272 You have to look at those manually. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00368-00161272-00161667 So if you know for example, your document is only black and white, cIsDHQtW_tQ-00369-00161667-00162011 you don't need to even look for color. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00370-00162011-00162687 And reading order has to do with again, tables and things like that. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00371-00162687-00163149 So you would want to do a little check with your tab tool to make sure things are going cIsDHQtW_tQ-00372-00163149-00163359 in the proper order that they should be. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00373-00163387-00163761 What else do I -- well, let me show you the -- cIsDHQtW_tQ-00374-00163761-00164046 oh, the other two, primary language, title failed. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00375-00164076-00164792 And then here on the page errors, tags, totally failed and tab order, totally failed. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00376-00164792-00165198 So there's some kind of big things that would need a little bit of monkeying cIsDHQtW_tQ-00377-00165198-00165411 with in order to make it accessible. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00378-00165425-00166407 If you've got the original source document in Word or PowerPoint, make that accessible first. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00379-00166407-00166869 And then try again creating PDF out of it. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00380-00166896-00167595 It's not recommended -- let me show you back here on PowerPoint. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00381-00167643-00168113 I've got the Acrobat option. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00382-00168113-00168433 That is the best way to create a PDF. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00383-00168433-00169058 It's not recommended that you Save As and then check PDF. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00384-00169058-00169401 For some reason, that's not as reliable. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00385-00169401-00169677 Some of the accessibility information ends cIsDHQtW_tQ-00386-00169677-00170124 up not being formatted correctly when you use the Save As method. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00387-00170124-00170687 And that makes your PDF harder to repair once you're in Acrobat. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00388-00170687-00171181 So it's best to use the built-in Acrobat tool when you're going to convert. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00389-00171181-00171455 So make your source document as accessible. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00390-00171489-00171829 Try converting and then see if your PDF is accessible. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00391-00171870-00172307 If not, you have another option. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00392-00172425-00173063 The little top icon above the Accessibility Checker is Action Wizard. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00393-00173078-00173784 And that will actually help you make the document accessible. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00394-00173809-00173915 It's not perfect. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00395-00173927-00174482 So even though it very optimistically says make accessible, you may run this tool cIsDHQtW_tQ-00396-00174482-00174661 and still end up with an error too. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00397-00174672-00174808 But it's going to be a lot better. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00398-00174875-00175257 When I click it, it's going to -- I have to say Start. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00399-00175257-00175603 It's going to walk me through a number of steps, cIsDHQtW_tQ-00400-00175603-00175899 that is what's going to make the document accessible. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00401-00175946-00176420 And you can see right here if you recall over in the errors, the title failed. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00402-00176432-00176562 And now I can see why. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00403-00176562-00176925 There's no title that is readable by a screen reader device. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00404-00176951-00177289 So I would need to uncheck the box and put in a title. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00405-00177289-00177459 And I don't remember what this is called. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00406-00177459-00177695 So we'll just call it practice document. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00407-00178114-00178601 Whoop, I can type -- for crying out loud. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00408-00178601-00178704 Then I would say OK. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00409-00178704-00178931 And it'll take me to the next parameter. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00410-00178960-00179514 The language that is being read is -- the document language is English. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00411-00179514-00179685 So I'm going to leave it as the default. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00412-00179725-00180397 Click OK. It does its thing, and it sometimes takes a little bit. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00413-00180404-00180670 Then it asks me, is this a form? cIsDHQtW_tQ-00414-00180680-00180915 Are there form fields that we need to worry about? cIsDHQtW_tQ-00415-00180932-00181041 In this case, no. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00416-00181041-00181258 I can just skip that step. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00417-00181258-00181669 Then it wants to know what language should it be read out loud in. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00418-00181686-00182131 Again, I almost invariably leave it as the default, English. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00419-00182348-00182449 Does its thing. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00420-00182455-00182953 Now it's telling me it's going to look for anything that is tagged as an image. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00421-00183009-00183376 And so, we can look at the alt text, because you have to look at that manually. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00422-00183401-00183874 The algorithm is not going to know what is appropriate alt text for any given image. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00423-00183879-00184045 A person has to do that. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00424-00184055-00184145 So, I say, okay. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00425-00184145-00184479 It tells me there's three images. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00426-00184501-00184631 It highlights it. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00427-00184631-00184854 In this case, the banner is an image. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00428-00184858-00185386 So, I would want to, for alt text, put in whatever text is included in the banner. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00429-00185409-00185654 I'm not going to make you watch while I type badly. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00430-00185654-00186044 Then I use the arrow to go to the second image. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00431-00186061-00186315 That one is a little harder to find. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00432-00186315-00186633 I'm thinking it might be down at the bottom here. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00433-00186664-00186841 But again, you would do the same thing. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00434-00186841-00187192 If there's text in the image, that would be your alt text. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00435-00187192-00187669 If it's an actual image, you would write meaningful, a meaningful description cIsDHQtW_tQ-00436-00187686-00188062 that would help the student understand it's instructional value. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00437-00188062-00188297 And then go to the next one. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00438-00188307-00188435 So then I would be done. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00439-00188443-00188586 I would save and close. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00440-00188667-00188940 Then it says, okay, we're ready to check. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00441-00188940-00189281 And it takes you back to that check step that we did way at the beginning. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00442-00189281-00189390 So I'll click it. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00443-00189645-00190216 And some of my issues went away, but it now looks like I've got some other issues cIsDHQtW_tQ-00444-00190216-00190421 that weren't even recognized before. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00445-00190421-00190766 So, I'd need to go in and fix the alt text, which I didn't really do. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00446-00190766-00190962 I'd need to check headings. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00447-00190962-00191529 As you can see, doing a PDF and making it really accessible it's kind of a convoluted journey cIsDHQtW_tQ-00448-00191529-00192128 that is really -- often takes quite a bit of time and research because now you got cIsDHQtW_tQ-00449-00192128-00192509 to go figure out how to do all of this stuff. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00450-00192509-00192795 There are some resources that I'll share with you in a moment. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00451-00192837-00193122 Before we do that and before we get to questions, cIsDHQtW_tQ-00452-00193122-00193634 because I know I've just given you a lot of information, if you're using a PDF cIsDHQtW_tQ-00453-00193691-00194252 and no source document is available, all you've got is the PDF because somebody gave it to you cIsDHQtW_tQ-00454-00194252-00194559 that way and you don't have the Word, you don't have the PowerPoint, whatever, cIsDHQtW_tQ-00455-00194618-00195730 what you can do is open the PDF in Acrobat and then export it to Microsoft Word or PowerPoint, cIsDHQtW_tQ-00456-00195730-00196678 if it's a PowerPoint, and Microsoft will do its best to take the layout and the content cIsDHQtW_tQ-00457-00196678-00197301 from the PDF and convert it to a Word format so that you can then remediate it in Word same cIsDHQtW_tQ-00458-00197301-00197661 with the PowerPoint, then you would be able to use that information. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00459-00197661-00198286 And I would -- because PDFs are a PIA, I would recommend leaving it in the Word cIsDHQtW_tQ-00460-00198294-00198773 or the PowerPoint format rather than then making it a PDF cIsDHQtW_tQ-00461-00198794-00199088 because you'll just have to remediate the PDF. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00462-00199088-00199655 And of course, copying it and making it a Canvas page would be even best. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00463-00199655-00200077 So I'm going to give you a couple of resources and then I want to take a sip of water cIsDHQtW_tQ-00464-00200077-00200295 and find out what questions you have. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00465-00200308-00201316 The first one is a short Byte-sized Canvas episode I did on -- Turning pages. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00466-00201316-00201558 Well, it's about pages versus PDFs. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00467-00201599-00201938 And so it talks about the whole rationale behind it cIsDHQtW_tQ-00468-00201938-00202291 and gives you some ideas for dealing with PDFs. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00469-00202303-00202830 The next resource is a short little tutorial that actually walks you cIsDHQtW_tQ-00470-00202830-00203309 through how to convert a PDF to a page. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00471-00203328-00204136 There's not one right way to do it because it depends on whether you're on a PC or a Mac. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00472-00204136-00204763 It depends on your version of Adobe or whatever PDF reader you've got. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00473-00204763-00205229 There's all kinds of things that play into how clean -- cIsDHQtW_tQ-00474-00205240-00205720 when you copy the information off the PDF page, how clean it comes over to Canvas. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00475-00205786-00206577 So that video will walk you through some best practices to help you convert to pages. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00476-00206609-00207250 This California Community College Accessibility Center has created some self-paced courses cIsDHQtW_tQ-00477-00207269-00207797 that walk -- take you through making PDFs, Word, and PowerPoint documents accessible. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00478-00208121-00208333 There's a lot of information in those. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00479-00208333-00208740 And so, it may be more information than you really can absorb, cIsDHQtW_tQ-00480-00208740-00208958 so just pick and choose what works for you. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00481-00208958-00209653 If you go to the @ONE website -- And let me -- Oops, thought I had. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00482-00209708-00210070 Let me go here, show you this. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00483-00210119-00210397 So I will put this in the -- cIsDHQtW_tQ-00484-00210710-00210818 -- Helen, Helen, Helen. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00485-00210818-00210917 There we go. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00486-00210917-00211140 Onlinenetworkofeducators.org. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00487-00211140-00211299 I'll put it in the chat. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00488-00211299-00212334 If you then go to courses in our navigation here, and go to the course list, cIsDHQtW_tQ-00489-00212334-00212812 and then choose self-paced courses, that will jump you cIsDHQtW_tQ-00490-00212812-00213344 down to a bunch of different self-paced courses. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00491-00213344-00213831 And you can see accessibility in Canvas, PDF, video captioning, et cetera. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00492-00213851-00214500 So those are things you can just enroll in and get what information you can that works for you. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00493-00214671-00214959 There is also Adobe tutorials. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00494-00214959-00215424 If you are somebody that really feels the need to learn how to work with PDFs, cIsDHQtW_tQ-00495-00215424-00215784 Adobe has created tutorials for making them accessible. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00496-00215802-00215945 I just put it in the chat. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00497-00215945-00216593 I also found a very nice video tutorial created by someone named Melissa Green, cIsDHQtW_tQ-00498-00216593-00217011 who is the accessibility technologist at the University of Alabama. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00499-00217021-00217301 And I'm going to put her YouTube in there. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00500-00217301-00217729 It's pretty user-friendly given the topic of PDFs. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00501-00217729-00218327 And so you might find that helpful if you want to become adept at working with PDFs. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00502-00218428-00218951 Again, PDFs should typically be your last option, but if you find yourself needing cIsDHQtW_tQ-00503-00218951-00219305 to remediate a PDF, those are resources that can help. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00504-00219460-00219546 All right. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00505-00219546-00219883 I'm going to go back here. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00506-00220030-00220938 And if you are not -- don't want to open stuff in chat, you could maybe take a screenshot cIsDHQtW_tQ-00507-00220938-00221276 of the slide if you want to be able to look at it later. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00508-00221312-00221782 The other thing I always do is open up the links in chat and then just bookmark them for later. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00509-00221782-00222092 So I'm going to open up for questions. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00510-00222110-00222652 I'm also going to look back and see if there's anything that I can answer. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00511-00222954-00223079 What about the Google suite of apps? cIsDHQtW_tQ-00512-00223079-00223383 Jamie, I'm not sure what you -- Oh, Google suite. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00513-00223407-00224120 Some -- there's something called Grackle, which is an extension cIsDHQtW_tQ-00514-00224120-00224735 that will do accessibility checking for Google Docs. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00515-00224761-00225276 I don't know if Grackle is what you would also use for slides. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00516-00225276-00225789 Slides are a little bit harder to make fully accessible than a Google Doc. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00517-00225855-00226346 Again, depending on whether you're on a Mac or a PC, probably your best bet cIsDHQtW_tQ-00518-00226346-00226793 if you are using Google slides or -- well, yeah, slides. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00519-00226793-00226960 Use Grackle if you're using Doc. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00520-00226960-00227267 For slides, follow the regular formatics. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00521-00227267-00227606 So, make sure you're using headings, you're adding alt text, cIsDHQtW_tQ-00522-00227606-00227923 you're using true list, all of those things. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00523-00227923-00228310 And I don't think there is a built-in checker, cIsDHQtW_tQ-00524-00228310-00229007 so what I probably would recommend is you Google, check Google slides for accessibility, cIsDHQtW_tQ-00525-00229007-00229583 and see depending on what kind of computer or whatever browser you're using, cIsDHQtW_tQ-00526-00229583-00229801 see what it says, and that may help you. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00527-00229801-00230460 But if you're following the standard, the big seven, headings, lists, links, alt text, cIsDHQtW_tQ-00528-00230469-00231130 color contrast, tables, and videos captioning, you should be okay. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00529-00231404-00231658 Okay. Angela, what if you've got a lecture you've given verbally cIsDHQtW_tQ-00530-00231658-00231835 and screen-shared to PowerPoint? cIsDHQtW_tQ-00531-00231865-00232062 Yeah, it's okay. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00532-00232085-00232448 Yes. And the PowerPoint would need to be made accessible. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00533-00232510-00232793 So just depending on how you're using it, et cetera. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00534-00232793-00233212 I was just sort of talking about the context where I noticed many instructors cIsDHQtW_tQ-00535-00233212-00233729 in fully asynchronous just throw the PowerPoint up there because they figure, you know, cIsDHQtW_tQ-00536-00233729-00234264 somebody might find it useful without all of the contextual information, cIsDHQtW_tQ-00537-00234269-00234459 but you've got to make it accessible. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00538-00234459-00234973 So is it really useful if it doesn't have the context that it sounds like you're providing? cIsDHQtW_tQ-00539-00234973-00235424 But in either case, you would need to make it accessible. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00540-00235424-00235727 Okay. Catherine, the checker is under review. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00541-00235727-00235789 All right. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00542-00236104-00236324 The Word document itself, Karen, well, I didn't provide it. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00543-00236324-00236547 I was just using it as a demonstration. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00544-00236667-00236771 And -- cIsDHQtW_tQ-00545-00237008-00237179 -- Karen, you can use it. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00546-00237179-00237370 And I may have already answered this, so hopefully -- cIsDHQtW_tQ-00547-00237370-00237511 Let me know if -- I don't need to anymore. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00548-00237511-00237748 But the underscore, it's not verboten. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00549-00237772-00238165 It's just probably going to be read by a device. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00550-00238165-00238593 So a space is better because the space won't be read in the same way cIsDHQtW_tQ-00551-00238593-00238883 if the screen reader device is reading a title. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00552-00238883-00239452 It'll just say, PowerPoint accessibility checker versus PowerPoint underscore, cIsDHQtW_tQ-00553-00239452-00239629 accessibility underscore checker. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00554-00239647-00240005 And again, it depends on the screen reader itself cIsDHQtW_tQ-00555-00240005-00240310 as to how it's going to interpret that underscore. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00556-00240421-00240749 How do you fix merged cells? cIsDHQtW_tQ-00557-00241008-00241253 Best line of defense is to not start with them, but if you're going back cIsDHQtW_tQ-00558-00241253-00241731 and fixing something, you'll need to unmerge them. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00559-00241731-00242524 And then usually what happens is somebody will say they have three columns of data cIsDHQtW_tQ-00560-00242551-00243137 in an Excel sheet and they want one title for those three columns, cIsDHQtW_tQ-00561-00243137-00243329 that's when they'll merge the cell. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00562-00243368-00243860 And that would be a problem because a student who's not visually seeing, cIsDHQtW_tQ-00563-00243860-00244238 they're not going to understand that that merged thing, cIsDHQtW_tQ-00564-00244238-00244815 that visually is going atop three columns, it's relevant to all three columns. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00565-00244815-00244932 They're not going to know that. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00566-00244932-00245315 So talk to your DSPS people. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00567-00245315-00245458 I hear different things. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00568-00245469-00246168 What I would do is I would make each column have the same title so that -- and maybe it's -- cIsDHQtW_tQ-00569-00246249-00246883 say I'm making it up the column -- now I can't even think of data, but you want to make sure cIsDHQtW_tQ-00570-00246883-00247044 that you're not having merged cells. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00571-00247044-00247446 So, if each cell needs its own separate title, that's what you would do. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00572-00247446-00247919 It's probably not going to look as pretty, and yet that's what is going to make it available cIsDHQtW_tQ-00573-00247919-00248220 to students that aren't able to see the document itself. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00574-00248220-00248452 Hopefully Tom, I said that in a way that makes sense. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00575-00248704-00248813 Okay. Yes. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00576-00248872-00249472 The recording -- CVC has -- Well, I won't even go there. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00577-00249472-00249670 It's not always easy to find. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00578-00249670-00249987 So let me show you where you can find it. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00579-00249987-00251145 If you go to cvc.edu/events, you will find this little link that says, our YouTube channel, cIsDHQtW_tQ-00580-00251157-00251485 and that's where we're archiving all of our videos. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00581-00251496-00251937 So you can just -- the easiest way, rather than having you try to find our YouTube channel, cIsDHQtW_tQ-00582-00251937-00252420 the easiest way is to just go to the events calendar and click this link. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00583-00252472-00253153 They are by default arranged in chronological, so the most recent will be toward the top. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00584-00253153-00253651 And so, once this gets rendered and et cetera, we'll upload it to YouTube. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00585-00253651-00254152 Captioning usually takes three or four days, so it probably won't be ready till Monday cIsDHQtW_tQ-00586-00254152-00254533 or Tuesday of next week, but the video will be posted. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00587-00254533-00254862 I hope to get to it today or first thing in the morning. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00588-00254862-00255137 But that's where you can find the archive of the recording. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00589-00255232-00255524 Hopefully that made sense. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00590-00255524-00255625 You're very welcome. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00591-00255625-00255970 I'm glad that you found the tips helpful. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00592-00256015-00256120 And let me see. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00593-00256120-00256347 Okay. Patricia, I just saw. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00594-00256356-00256627 You said you had your hand up with a question, do you still have a question? cIsDHQtW_tQ-00595-00256627-00256712 Feel free to unmute. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00596-00256797-00257350 >> Well, I'm, you know, I'm hearing that -- cIsDHQtW_tQ-00597-00257440-00257783 The sense I'm getting is that PDF should just not be used, cIsDHQtW_tQ-00598-00257831-00258250 but I've always been concerned about -- cIsDHQtW_tQ-00599-00258514-00258997 -- providing a Word Doc or a PowerPoint -- cIsDHQtW_tQ-00600-00259504-00260109 -- like the original work product that I create to my students because I worry cIsDHQtW_tQ-00601-00260109-00260635 about the content being altered in some way. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00602-00260681-00260973 And there's no way getting around that then, right? cIsDHQtW_tQ-00603-00261318-00261820 >> If that's a big concern for you, then I guess a PDF would be the safest thing. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00604-00261820-00262291 Just know, PDFs are much harder to make accessible, so you would just need cIsDHQtW_tQ-00605-00262291-00262977 to weigh the concern about altered content, and is there another way to approach that concern cIsDHQtW_tQ-00606-00262977-00263346 versus the time it's going to take to remediate the PDF. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00607-00263369-00263537 There isn't an easy answer. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00608-00263661-00263729 >> Okay. Thank you. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00609-00263761-00263811 >> Yeah. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00610-00264009-00264220 Okay. Great, Marie. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00611-00264514-00264855 I don't know about Keynote, Gordon, so I can't speak to that. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00612-00264855-00264945 I'm sorry. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00613-00264982-00265454 My fallback for anything I want to know is Google. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00614-00265454-00266028 So I would -- My answer would be, Google how to check accessibility in Keynote. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00615-00266028-00266473 And somebody will undoubtedly have created a video, or a document, cIsDHQtW_tQ-00616-00266473-00266685 or something that will answer your question. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00617-00266705-00267066 I'm just not that person. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00618-00267066-00267288 Guidance for alt texts with math equations. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00619-00267288-00267395 You're welcome, Gordon. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00620-00267604-00267733 I'm not a math person. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00621-00267755-00268383 I'm not a -- There's many things I'm not, that kind of person, but it really depends cIsDHQtW_tQ-00622-00268383-00268574 on how you're using it, et cetera. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00623-00268574-00268692 I know with -- cIsDHQtW_tQ-00624-00268917-00269280 -- in Canvas, there is the built-in symbol thing, cIsDHQtW_tQ-00625-00269280-00269790 which I've heard from math people isn't necessarily the best, but it's what we've got. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00626-00269790-00270388 I'm not sure in Word -- let me look at Word if I can find it. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00627-00270483-00271067 If there is also -- I don't know if there are math equations in Word. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00628-00271114-00271301 I'd have to Google it. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00629-00271325-00271605 But there may be a tool that would allow you to -- cIsDHQtW_tQ-00630-00271605-00271985 and maybe somebody who does math knows whether there's math -- Yes, okay. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00631-00271985-00272441 So Tatiana is telling us there is math equation in the Insert. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00632-00272495-00272655 Okay, perfect. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00633-00272825-00272928 Well, wherever it is. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00634-00272956-00273039 Ah, there it is. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00635-00273039-00273316 Okay. So you've got those things to help you. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00636-00273316-00274117 So, rather than make an image of an equation for example, and then have to describe it cIsDHQtW_tQ-00637-00274117-00274854 in alt text, again, depending on the context, it may be better to use the equation tool cIsDHQtW_tQ-00638-00274854-00275110 so that a screen reader device is -- cIsDHQtW_tQ-00639-00275110-00275866 Actually, it's like primary source versus secondary source, if that makes sense. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00640-00275866-00276267 And I don't know a specific resource for equation guidance, cIsDHQtW_tQ-00641-00276358-00276983 Google would be where I would start, or I know that the CVC has a math community cIsDHQtW_tQ-00642-00276983-00277610 or STEM community of practice, and it may be that among your colleagues in that community cIsDHQtW_tQ-00643-00277610-00278274 of practice, there are people that have a lot more experience with specifically using tools cIsDHQtW_tQ-00644-00278274-00278645 for math type accessibility stuff. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00645-00278645-00278949 It's not something I'm real familiar with obviously. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00646-00278949-00279798 I'm going to put in chat-- Bob Nash is the person at CVC who is sort cIsDHQtW_tQ-00647-00279828-00280309 of managing the communities of practice, and so I'm going to put his email there. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00648-00280309-00280937 You can get in touch with Bob and ask him to be invited into the math community practice, cIsDHQtW_tQ-00649-00280937-00281387 and then check with the people in that group about the kinds of resources cIsDHQtW_tQ-00650-00281387-00281533 that are going to be really helpful to you. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00651-00281578-00281797 I'm sorry I don't have a more specific answer. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00652-00282020-00282299 Any other questions that we can talk about today? cIsDHQtW_tQ-00653-00282460-00282692 I'm going to take a sip of water while you're thinking. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00654-00283104-00283454 Feel free to unmute if you don't want to type in chat. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00655-00284013-00284612 Okay. I've either stunned you into silence or you have no questions right now. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00656-00284778-00284881 You're welcome, Tracy. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00657-00284892-00285356 >> I have a somewhat unrelated question. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00658-00285356-00285535 >> Just tell me. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00659-00285535-00285582 Hi. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00660-00285582-00286035 >> Hi. So, I don't know if you'll remember me, but we worked -- cIsDHQtW_tQ-00661-00286035-00286253 >> Oh yeah, absolutely. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00662-00286253-00286441 [multiple speakers]. How could I forget another Helen? cIsDHQtW_tQ-00663-00286441-00286492 Come on. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00664-00286511-00287166 >> Yeah. So, now I'm not at the [inaudible], I'm at College of San Mateo. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00665-00287166-00287941 I'm wondering how I can go through the same process to have my classes badged -- cIsDHQtW_tQ-00666-00287947-00288462 >> Oh, you talk with your -- and what Helen is talking about for those of you cIsDHQtW_tQ-00667-00288465-00288836 that may not know, we have a course review process. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00668-00288931-00289088 You said Santiago Canyon? cIsDHQtW_tQ-00669-00289440-00289618 Uh-oh, did I freeze her? cIsDHQtW_tQ-00670-00289618-00290033 Helen, did you say Santiago Canyon was the college? cIsDHQtW_tQ-00671-00290033-00290145 >> The College of San Mateo. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00672-00290145-00290241 >> San Mateo, okay. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00673-00290241-00290474 I don't believe they have a local POCR process. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00674-00290474-00291285 So what you would do is find the POCR lead for the college and tell them you would like to go cIsDHQtW_tQ-00675-00291285-00291478 through course design academy again. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00676-00291568-00292135 >>Okay. >> And if you recall -- let me real quickly -- cIsDHQtW_tQ-00677-00292135-00292483 And then I also want to go back to Catherine's question about captioning. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00678-00292483-00292738 I forgot about that. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00679-00292738-00293758 If you go to the Online Network of Educators site, and go to the course design academy tab, cIsDHQtW_tQ-00680-00293758-00294071 and then go to, how can I participate? cIsDHQtW_tQ-00681-00294212-00294532 We have a link for who the campus POCR leads are. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00682-00294532-00295216 I don't remember who it is at your college, so I don't know it offhand, but there's the list. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00683-00295216-00295669 And so, you would be able to just scroll down and find them and then get in touch and say, cIsDHQtW_tQ-00684-00295669-00296064 hey, I'd like to -- I did it before, I'd like to do it again. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00685-00296064-00296254 What are the steps at this college? cIsDHQtW_tQ-00686-00296270-00296344 >> Oh, well. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00687-00296344-00296540 Okay. So where is the page that -- cIsDHQtW_tQ-00688-00296540-00296754 >> It's a little convoluted. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00689-00296754-00297057 So if you go to onlinenetworkofeducators.org -- cIsDHQtW_tQ-00690-00297069-00297079 >> Okay. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00691-00297079-00297766 >> -- I'll put that in chat, networkofeducators.org, cIsDHQtW_tQ-00692-00297856-00298393 and then go to the Peer Online Course Review tab. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00693-00298481-00299086 And from there click on, Course Design Academy, and from there, cIsDHQtW_tQ-00694-00299086-00299458 scroll down to, how can I participate? cIsDHQtW_tQ-00695-00299458-00299930 I don't know why it's hidden behind 12,000 layers, but that's where it is. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00696-00300054-00300631 And in fact, let me put this in chat and then you can just open it up cIsDHQtW_tQ-00697-00300631-00300945 and you'll have it for when the webinar is done. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00698-00300945-00301050 >> Okay, wonderful. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00699-00301050-00301240 I just want to thank you so much. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00700-00301240-00301297 >> Absolutely. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00701-00301305-00301673 Okay. Let me go back up to Catherine's question. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00702-00301693-00302095 Scrolling, scrolling, closed captioning for math. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00703-00302119-00302523 Understand this is not the topic, but hoping some -- Okay, so what -- cIsDHQtW_tQ-00704-00302523-00303003 Catherine, can you tell us a little bit more about your question about captioning for math? cIsDHQtW_tQ-00705-00303079-00303649 >> When I'm preparing a video for students or I'm using Zoom cIsDHQtW_tQ-00706-00303649-00304152 and I have math, I write the equation on board. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00707-00304176-00304247 >> Right. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00708-00304256-00304462 >> And then when I go to the closed captioning, cIsDHQtW_tQ-00709-00304542-00304809 the caption comes across -- the automatic captioning -- cIsDHQtW_tQ-00710-00304809-00304927 >> Gobbledygook, yeah. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00711-00304950-00305111 >> -- as phonetic. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00712-00305111-00305717 And so should I just write the equation in there or should I write the words for the equation? cIsDHQtW_tQ-00713-00305748-00305851 >> Great question. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00714-00305851-00306415 Because I'm not actually trained in -- as an access -- cIsDHQtW_tQ-00715-00306415-00306749 you know, I've just picked it up street cred, I don't know, cIsDHQtW_tQ-00716-00306749-00306996 and I don't want to give you the wrong answer. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00717-00306996-00307585 So, what I would recommend you do is ask that question of your campus DSPS person, cIsDHQtW_tQ-00718-00307585-00307979 because I don't want to say, oh, just leave it phonetic or no, cIsDHQtW_tQ-00719-00307979-00308383 you should definitely use the equation when the person who's really trained cIsDHQtW_tQ-00720-00308383-00308589 in that may have a different answer. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00721-00308589-00308902 So, I'm not trying to put you off, I just don't want to tell you the wrong thing. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00722-00308919-00309151 But it's a great question. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00723-00309164-00309730 And if you don't have anyone Catherine at your college that can answer that, cIsDHQtW_tQ-00724-00309747-00310189 write the accessibility center because they're the ones with the training cIsDHQtW_tQ-00725-00310230-00310564 and so they would be able to give you an answer better than I. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00726-00310576-00310939 Mine would just be, this makes sense, but I don't really know. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00727-00310985-00311097 >> Okay. Thank you. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00728-00311115-00311450 So the state-wide level would be the accessibility center? cIsDHQtW_tQ-00729-00311487-00311607 >> Correct. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00730-00311607-00311757 Yes. For our system. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00731-00311757-00312114 There may be other places, but for our community college system. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00732-00312114-00312560 But I would think somebody at your campus DSPS, they're going to have some kind cIsDHQtW_tQ-00733-00312560-00312937 of accessibility specialist who should be able to answer that question. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00734-00312960-00313412 >> We do, but I feel I've asked in the past, but I will ask again. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00735-00313412-00313481 >> Ah, okay. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00736-00313481-00313602 >> Thank you. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00737-00313602-00313767 >> You bet. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00738-00313792-00314086 Okay. Did somebody put a new question? cIsDHQtW_tQ-00739-00314086-00314187 Scrolling down. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00740-00314296-00314382 You're welcome, Sarah. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00741-00314484-00314663 Oh, you learned what PIA means. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00742-00314716-00315199 Sorry, I can't say what it means, but hopefully someone told you what it means. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00743-00315199-00315556 I can say, pain in the ascot wearing nick. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00744-00315556-00315712 That's what it means. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00745-00315797-00315923 Any other questions? cIsDHQtW_tQ-00746-00315923-00316374 We got a couple more minutes or you can go on your merry way, whatever works for you. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00747-00316374-00316689 But if you've got a question, I'm here to help, I hope. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00748-00317561-00317699 Okay. Great. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00749-00317703-00318068 Well, I will take that as your saturated with information for now. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00750-00318068-00318694 I appreciate you taking the time to spend with me this afternoon, and I will look forward cIsDHQtW_tQ-00751-00318694-00319017 to seeing you at some point in the future. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00752-00319086-00319298 Bye. And remember to get the video. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00753-00319298-00319838 If you go to the events page for cvc.edu and then click on the YouTube link, cIsDHQtW_tQ-00754-00319838-00320144 the archive should be up there by tomorrow morning. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00755-00320173-00320345 Alrighty. Bye, everyone. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00756-00320345-00320431 Thanks. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00757-00320431-00320525 >> Thank you, Helen. cIsDHQtW_tQ-00758-00320536-00320679 >> You're welcome. cJOwAAqAQQo-00000-00000643-00001079 The cash collections budget is a component of the cash budget cJOwAAqAQQo-00001-00001080-00001460 and it is based on data from the sales budget. cJOwAAqAQQo-00002-00001460-00001930 You can see that the cash collections budget, which is, again, part of the cash budget, cJOwAAqAQQo-00003-00001930-00002400 is the ninth budget completed in the master budget process. cJOwAAqAQQo-00004-00002400-00002806 This budget can be done separately, like I'm doing, cJOwAAqAQQo-00005-00002806-00003149 or it can be done as part of the larger cash budget. cJOwAAqAQQo-00006-00003150-00003673 Either way we will use these results in the cash budget. cJOwAAqAQQo-00007-00003673-00004216 To start with, we need to break out our sales between cash sales and credit sales. cJOwAAqAQQo-00008-00004216-00004859 In this example, let's assume that 25% of sales revenue are cash sales. cJOwAAqAQQo-00009-00004860-00005316 Let's flash back a moment to the operating expenses budget. cJOwAAqAQQo-00010-00005316-00005923 In my example, I assumed that bad debt expense is 1% of net sales revenue, cJOwAAqAQQo-00011-00005923-00006103 which you see here. cJOwAAqAQQo-00012-00006103-00006776 Often though, a better way of doing it is to base bad debt expense off of net credit sales cJOwAAqAQQo-00013-00006776-00007029 as I've shown in this example. cJOwAAqAQQo-00014-00007030-00007413 So in this video series I'll just keep my example the same cJOwAAqAQQo-00015-00007413-00007659 but be aware that you might encounter a problem that uses net credit sales and state of total sales cJOwAAqAQQo-00016-00007659-00008063 that uses net credit sales instead of total sales. cJOwAAqAQQo-00017-00008063-00008406 OK, back to the cash collection budget. cJOwAAqAQQo-00018-00008406-00009046 Cash collections each quarter includes not only quarterly cash sales cJOwAAqAQQo-00019-00009046-00009606 but also cash collection from credit sales. cJOwAAqAQQo-00020-00009606-00010226 In this example let's assume that 60% of the current quarter's credit sales cJOwAAqAQQo-00021-00010226-00010563 are collected in the same quarter. cJOwAAqAQQo-00022-00010563-00011426 Additionally 35% of prior quarters credit sales are collected in the current quarter. cJOwAAqAQQo-00023-00011426-00011999 Finally 4% from two quarters ago - cJOwAAqAQQo-00024-00012000-00012450 those credit sales are collected in the current quarter. cJOwAAqAQQo-00025-00012450-00012990 Recall that 1% of sales aren't expected to be collected. That's our bad debt amount. cJOwAAqAQQo-00026-00012990-00013716 So, 25% of sales revenue is the cash sales in each quarter. cJOwAAqAQQo-00027-00013716-00014229 60% of the credit sales are collected in the current quarter, cJOwAAqAQQo-00028-00014230-00014696 so we need to take the total of sales revenue, subtract the cash sales cJOwAAqAQQo-00029-00014696-00015319 to arrive at the credit sales. Then 60% of that is collected in the current quarter. cJOwAAqAQQo-00030-00015319-00015786 Here is the math for Q2. cJOwAAqAQQo-00031-00015786-00016106 The total sales revenue is $400,000 cJOwAAqAQQo-00032-00016106-00016683 $100,000 are cash sales, so credit sales must be $300,000. cJOwAAqAQQo-00033-00016683-00017216 Therefore 60% of $300,000 is $180,000. cJOwAAqAQQo-00034-00017216-00017946 35% of the credit sales from the prior quarter are collected in the current quarter. cJOwAAqAQQo-00035-00017946-00018256 So we need to take total sales revenue, cJOwAAqAQQo-00036-00018256-00018683 subtract cash sales, to arrive at credit sales. cJOwAAqAQQo-00037-00018683-00019123 and 35% of that is collected in the following quarter. cJOwAAqAQQo-00038-00019123-00019396 Here's the math for Q1. cJOwAAqAQQo-00039-00019396-00019679 The total sales revenue was $400,000. cJOwAAqAQQo-00040-00019680-00020370 $100,000 are cash sales, so credit sales must be 300,000. cJOwAAqAQQo-00041-00020370-00020953 Therefore 35% of $300,000 is $105,000, cJOwAAqAQQo-00042-00020953-00021639 and this amount of the Q1 credit sales is collected in Q2. cJOwAAqAQQo-00043-00021640-00022346 4% of the credit sales are from two quarters ago, and those are collected in this current quarter. cJOwAAqAQQo-00044-00022346-00022939 We need take a look at sales revenue, and subtract cash sales to arrive at credit sales cJOwAAqAQQo-00045-00022940-00023470 Then 4% of that is collected two quarters from now. cJOwAAqAQQo-00046-00023470-00023756 Again, here's the math for Q1. cJOwAAqAQQo-00047-00023756-00024043 Total sales revenue $400,000. cJOwAAqAQQo-00048-00024043-00024486 $100,000 are cash sales, so credit sales must be $300,000. cJOwAAqAQQo-00049-00024486-00024899 Therefore 4% of $300,000 is $12,000. cJOwAAqAQQo-00050-00024900-00025523 So this amount of the credit sales will be collected in Q3. cJOwAAqAQQo-00051-00025523-00026023 So the cash collections for Q3 are as follows: cJOwAAqAQQo-00052-00026023-00026463 Q3 cash sales- $125,000. cJOwAAqAQQo-00053-00026463-00027279 Q3 credit sales (of which 60% is collected in Q3) is $240,000. cJOwAAqAQQo-00054-00027280-00028286 Q2 credits sales, of which 35% is collected in Q3, that's $105,000. cJOwAAqAQQo-00055-00028286-00029233 And Q1 credit sales, of which 4% is collected in Q3, that's $12,000. cJOwAAqAQQo-00056-00029233-00029856 So our cash collection for Q3 is $482,000. cJOwAAqAQQo-00057-00029856-00030193 So now let's look at how we would do this in Excel. cJOwAAqAQQo-00058-00030193-00030449 Notice the column letters and the row numbers. cJOwAAqAQQo-00059-00030450-00030763 we need to reference as if we build our budget in Excel. cJOwAAqAQQo-00060-00030763-00031199 Here we have both the sales budget and the cash collections budget. cJOwAAqAQQo-00061-00031200-00031489 We start by linking the two budgets together. cJOwAAqAQQo-00062-00031489-00031866 Cash sales, in the cash collection budget, cJOwAAqAQQo-00063-00031866-00032693 is calculated by using a formula linking sales revenue in the sales budget. cJOwAAqAQQo-00064-00032693-00033393 Then we enter formulas to calculate the amount of credit sales collected in each quarter. cJOwAAqAQQo-00065-00033393-00033669 You can see the formulas here. cJOwAAqAQQo-00066-00033670-00033943 Finally some of these numbers I've just assumed, cJOwAAqAQQo-00067-00033943-00034226 because I want to keep the examples straight forward. cKpVc3g-TRo-00000-00000000-00000657 Bonjour! … We all know what selfishness is, right? But, would you know what cKpVc3g-TRo-00001-00000657-00001470 Ethical egoism is ? Most likely not, but don't worry, today I'll explain what this is, cKpVc3g-TRo-00002-00001470-00002124 and apart from that, we'll also take a look at Ayn Rand's ideas. [Intro] cKpVc3g-TRo-00003-00002548-00003112 Ayn Rand, was a philosopher and writer, who defended capitalism, and the idea of cKpVc3g-TRo-00004-00003112-00003988 ​​rational egoism. This idea, ethical egoism, asserts that being selfish is always rational. However cKpVc3g-TRo-00005-00003988-00004684 , before we pummel this little devil who promotes a value cKpVc3g-TRo-00006-00004684-00005332 that goes against forming a society based on friendship and love, let's take cKpVc3g-TRo-00007-00005332-00006100 a look at what exactly she means by "ethical egoism." Rational selfishness, cKpVc3g-TRo-00008-00006100-00006720 to which this philosopher refers, is not the typical selfishness that it is convenient for all of us to execute and that cKpVc3g-TRo-00009-00006720-00007558 fucks others, but it is an "ethical" egoism. To explain this better, let's use an example: cKpVc3g-TRo-00010-00007558-00008275 Let's imagine that the house of pepillo is burning. Pepito, who is his neighbor, cKpVc3g-TRo-00011-00008275-00008854 is also burning his house. However, Pepito has a bucket of cKpVc3g-TRo-00012-00008854-00009655 water next to him with which he can put out the fire. What Pepillo does is steal Pepito's bucket of water, cKpVc3g-TRo-00013-00009655-00010219 so that his house is not turned into ashes, leaving Pepito in ruins. cKpVc3g-TRo-00014-00010219-00010861 That would be selfishness as we all know it. However, let us imagine that cKpVc3g-TRo-00015-00010861-00011341 the same situation is now repeated. However, this time, who has the cube, cKpVc3g-TRo-00016-00011341-00012018 is Pepillo. Although Pepillo would like to help his neighbor, he prefers to save his house, cKpVc3g-TRo-00017-00012018-00012681 so he simply uses his own bucket of water to put out the fire, and again, Pepito is screwed. cKpVc3g-TRo-00018-00012681-00013256 That last one of “egoism” sounds much more rational, right? Perhaps some continue to cKpVc3g-TRo-00019-00013256-00013772 see it as something selfish and immoral, but others may see it as something logical. cKpVc3g-TRo-00020-00013932-00014508 This is what Ayn Rand means by rational egoism. It refers to acting cKpVc3g-TRo-00021-00014508-00015246 according to your own interest. That you go first, and then others go. It is as a result of this, cKpVc3g-TRo-00022-00015246-00015906 that she defends capitalism, after all, capitalism is a system that is based cKpVc3g-TRo-00023-00015906-00016527 on such rational selfishness. And maybe you are partially right. Perhaps it is true cKpVc3g-TRo-00024-00016527-00017052 that from time to time it would be good for us to be more selfish in certain situations. cKpVc3g-TRo-00025-00017259-00017814 Now, all this should not be an excuse, to reject altruism. cKpVc3g-TRo-00026-00017814-00018489 And although Ayn Rand rejects it, altruism is a very good virtue that if we all had, cKpVc3g-TRo-00027-00018489-00019263 the world would be much better. Someone does not always have to be altruistic, it is not about constantly putting the cKpVc3g-TRo-00028-00019263-00019755 interests of others above your own, it is simply about cKpVc3g-TRo-00029-00019755-00020496 occasionally empathizing with others, and being altruistic is the greatest act of empathy that you can demonstrate. cKpVc3g-TRo-00030-00020496-00021380 Oh yes, as if I said those things! If you want to see the second part of this video cKpVc3g-TRo-00031-00021380-00021980 , click here! And if you want to see Pablo's channel, who wrote the script for this video cKpVc3g-TRo-00032-00022032-00022449 , click here! I'm Dquíndu and I have nothing more to say. cKpVc3g-TRo-00033-00022449-00023043 And remember that our interpretation of collaborations is artificial. cLxl9zJY1s0-00000-00000142-00000322 Elaine Lyon: First of all, thank you for inviting me to cLxl9zJY1s0-00001-00000322-00000422 do this. cLxl9zJY1s0-00002-00000422-00000772 This has been interesting for me to kind of pull some of the concepts together to talk cLxl9zJY1s0-00003-00000772-00001309 about, and I very much have enjoyed going through this and working with you, and I really cLxl9zJY1s0-00004-00001309-00001819 appreciate the opportunity to talk with you. cLxl9zJY1s0-00005-00001819-00002453 I'm going to be focusing on the ACCE framework, and my scope is going to be with molecular cLxl9zJY1s0-00006-00002453-00002553 assays. cLxl9zJY1s0-00007-00002553-00003218 And I spent the last 18 years trying to fit genetic testing into a clinical chemistry cLxl9zJY1s0-00008-00003218-00003318 testing laboratory. cLxl9zJY1s0-00009-00003318-00004151 So, ARUP is mainly chemical chemistry, microbiology, and immunology, and trying to take those concepts cLxl9zJY1s0-00010-00004151-00004643 and apply them to molecular genetics has been challenging at times. cLxl9zJY1s0-00011-00004643-00005200 So, the one disclaimer I have is that these are my opinions, and that even within the cLxl9zJY1s0-00012-00005200-00005542 field, you will get disagreement. cLxl9zJY1s0-00013-00005542-00005985 I've been in many discussions about it. cLxl9zJY1s0-00014-00005985-00006260 My thinking has evolved. cLxl9zJY1s0-00015-00006260-00006664 It is still evolving. cLxl9zJY1s0-00016-00006664-00007209 So, HHS, as we understand more. cLxl9zJY1s0-00017-00007209-00008177 I wanted to thank Heather for working with me with the BCBSA and the policy, so I'm -- I cLxl9zJY1s0-00018-00008177-00008657 was using that as a framework, but I'm also going to be talking a little towards the future. cLxl9zJY1s0-00019-00008657-00009207 Even if we're not there or we may not be there quite yet. cLxl9zJY1s0-00020-00009207-00010381 The other thing I wanted to comment on is my background is inherited diseases, so I cLxl9zJY1s0-00021-00010381-00011154 have a few slides on molecular oncology, but it is such a different issue that I just -- I've cLxl9zJY1s0-00022-00011154-00011670 talked with people about bringing people on and presenting just on oncology. cLxl9zJY1s0-00023-00011670-00012503 So, even though I have a few slides with it, I'm going to focus on molecular genetics and cLxl9zJY1s0-00024-00012503-00012692 inherited diseases. cLxl9zJY1s0-00025-00012692-00013903 So, I'm -- but everybody here is aware of the ACCE framework, analytical and clinical cLxl9zJY1s0-00026-00013903-00014234 validity, clinical utility, and then the ethical, legal, and social implications. cLxl9zJY1s0-00027-00014234-00015159 And then, the purpose of the test, which -- actually from Fryback-Thornbury modifications is to cLxl9zJY1s0-00028-00015159-00015647 reduce the morbidity and mortality, and provide information to the patient and family members, cLxl9zJY1s0-00029-00015647-00016008 and to assist with reproductive decision making. cLxl9zJY1s0-00030-00016008-00016737 So, the frameworks -- the figure of the frameworks is coming from that paper. cLxl9zJY1s0-00031-00016737-00018190 All of them have basically the same ideas, although there are some -- other points that cLxl9zJY1s0-00032-00018190-00018815 I want to make is that in my mind, there's a difference between a biomarker and a mutation. cLxl9zJY1s0-00033-00018815-00019362 So, when I hear the term biomarker, I think of something that is showing some type of cLxl9zJY1s0-00034-00019362-00019962 an association, and it can give you a relative risk over a general population. cLxl9zJY1s0-00035-00019962-00020675 These would be either clinical trials or GWAS studies to show an association. cLxl9zJY1s0-00036-00020675-00020873 They may be gene expression patterns. cLxl9zJY1s0-00037-00020873-00021390 These are more likely to be proprietary, and I will tell you, I don't do many of these cLxl9zJY1s0-00038-00021390-00021490 in our own genetic tests. cLxl9zJY1s0-00039-00021490-00022361 And I would say, if you're looking at these type of tests, you'll need to talk with that cLxl9zJY1s0-00040-00022361-00023129 -- the laboratory who has developed that because most of the time, they have that information, cLxl9zJY1s0-00041-00023129-00023387 and they may be proprietary. cLxl9zJY1s0-00042-00023387-00024260 So, I'm really talking about mutations, or -- in the ACMG's terminology, they've asked cLxl9zJY1s0-00043-00024260-00024573 us to call them pathogenic variants. cLxl9zJY1s0-00044-00024573-00024867 So, everything's variant, and then these would be pathogenic. cLxl9zJY1s0-00045-00024867-00025548 So, most of the testing I do -- the vast majority, we're looking for causative mutations. cLxl9zJY1s0-00046-00025548-00025993 There's many Mendelian disorders looking in the germ line. cLxl9zJY1s0-00047-00025993-00026475 Now, that some of them will then cross over into the oncology, looking at some of somatic cLxl9zJY1s0-00048-00026475-00027001 variants, looking for driver mutations, for drug susceptibility or resistance. cLxl9zJY1s0-00049-00027001-00028189 To start with analytical validation, and just a broad definition for me is does it detect cLxl9zJY1s0-00050-00028189-00028461 what we claim it detects? cLxl9zJY1s0-00051-00028461-00029024 We do the accuracy, and we do precision studies, and our accuracy determines the analytical cLxl9zJY1s0-00052-00029024-00029317 sensitivity and specificity. cLxl9zJY1s0-00053-00029317-00029898 When we look at this, we needed to find what regions we're look at and interrogate. cLxl9zJY1s0-00054-00029898-00030686 Are we going to look at common, targeted mutations, or are we going to sequence the entire gene? cLxl9zJY1s0-00055-00030686-00031589 If we do sequence gene, or possibly, we may only want to target a few exons, we traditionally cLxl9zJY1s0-00056-00031589-00032027 look at intron-exon boundaries, as well as all coding regions. cLxl9zJY1s0-00057-00032027-00032550 And if we know of a deep intronic mutation or a regulatory mutation, we can put that cLxl9zJY1s0-00058-00032550-00033086 in as well, but those are not evaluated all of the time. cLxl9zJY1s0-00059-00033086-00033846 And genes have a very high rate of having deletions or duplications associated with cLxl9zJY1s0-00060-00033846-00033967 them. cLxl9zJY1s0-00061-00033967-00034330 Mainly [inaudible] genome. cLxl9zJY1s0-00062-00034330-00035090 But my analytical validity is defined by which regions I interrogate. cLxl9zJY1s0-00063-00035090-00035535 We know some of the perform characteristics and their interfering substances. cLxl9zJY1s0-00064-00035535-00035769 Mainly, it's Heparin. cLxl9zJY1s0-00065-00035769-00036122 And Heparin just interferes with PCR. cLxl9zJY1s0-00066-00036122-00036583 Now, we know how to handle it, so if we get a Heparin sample in, we need to dilute the cLxl9zJY1s0-00067-00036583-00037295 DNA, and dilute out the Heparin so it doesn't bind the magnesium in the PCR reaction. cLxl9zJY1s0-00068-00037295-00038006 But the other ways that the performance is affected is by rare or unknown variants of cLxl9zJY1s0-00069-00038006-00038458 the primer of probe site, and some of them may be creating secondary structures. cLxl9zJY1s0-00070-00038458-00039021 And so, we would be getting -- possibly, an allele drop out, meaning that instead of looking cLxl9zJY1s0-00071-00039021-00039697 at both copies of the gene, we're only looking at one copy of that region of the gene. cLxl9zJY1s0-00072-00039697-00040231 Or a probe sight, if there's a different mutation in what we're looking for, it may show the cLxl9zJY1s0-00073-00040231-00040454 characteristics of that mutation. cLxl9zJY1s0-00074-00040454-00040968 And so, there's something there, but it may not be the mutation we're looking for. cLxl9zJY1s0-00075-00040968-00041686 And so, that is what affects our analytical validity, and those are things that we cannot cLxl9zJY1s0-00076-00041686-00042604 completely control -- No assay will ever be 100 percent sensitive, cLxl9zJY1s0-00077-00042604-00042818 and 100 percent specific. cLxl9zJY1s0-00078-00042818-00043414 The other performance characteristics are if we need to look for mosaicism or low mutation cLxl9zJY1s0-00079-00043414-00043514 levels. cLxl9zJY1s0-00080-00043514-00043763 Now, this is very important in oncology. cLxl9zJY1s0-00081-00043763-00044199 It's not as important in genetics, except for a few genes where we really need to look cLxl9zJY1s0-00082-00044199-00044341 for mosaic levels. cLxl9zJY1s0-00083-00044341-00044866 And at that point, we need to establish what our limit of detection is. cLxl9zJY1s0-00084-00044866-00045370 Some people use this term as also a -- the sensitivity of the assay. cLxl9zJY1s0-00085-00045370-00045863 I kind of keep the sensitivity -- the term sensitivity, I like to keep it to referring cLxl9zJY1s0-00086-00045863-00046620 to the accuracy, and then refer limit of detection to tell you how low of a, you know, what percent cLxl9zJY1s0-00087-00046620-00047258 of mutation am I going to be able to detect? cLxl9zJY1s0-00088-00047258-00047956 For the most part, the molecular technologies that we use, they all have a very high performance cLxl9zJY1s0-00089-00047956-00048134 level. cLxl9zJY1s0-00090-00048134-00048738 It's -- it is more in the design of the assay than the technology itself. cLxl9zJY1s0-00091-00048738-00049427 We all use primers, probe hybridization, sequencing -- so these are all very well established, cLxl9zJY1s0-00092-00049427-00050047 and there's a lot of different varieties, but for the most part, they pretty much have cLxl9zJY1s0-00093-00050047-00050850 very, very similar accuracy and analytical characteristics. cLxl9zJY1s0-00094-00050850-00051482 One other thing about the analytical validity is that even once we bring a test online -- so cLxl9zJY1s0-00095-00051482-00052229 it's not in our -- so, beyond our validation of the test, once we bring it online, we have cLxl9zJY1s0-00096-00052229-00052800 a continual evaluation through the CLIA (Clinical Laboratory Improvement Act) program and the cLxl9zJY1s0-00097-00052800-00053411 College of American Pathologists to do proficiency testing, or some way to assess that we are cLxl9zJY1s0-00098-00053411-00054091 continuing to get the same type of results -- the analytical performance. cLxl9zJY1s0-00099-00054091-00054808 I don't think anything there could be controversial, but once we start talking about clinical validity, cLxl9zJY1s0-00100-00054808-00055119 people define this a bit differently. cLxl9zJY1s0-00101-00055119-00055690 So, again, broadly, I look at clinical validity: does the test correctly identify affected cLxl9zJY1s0-00102-00055690-00055947 or unaffected individuals? cLxl9zJY1s0-00103-00055947-00056554 And my question that I've been talking with people is, is it the analyte or is it the cLxl9zJY1s0-00104-00056554-00056745 assay that determines clinical validity? cLxl9zJY1s0-00105-00056745-00057587 In my mind, it would be demonstrating for inherited diseases that this -- that mutations cLxl9zJY1s0-00106-00057587-00058036 in this gene do cause this disease. cLxl9zJY1s0-00107-00058036-00058995 And then, whether you identify them by standard sequencing or a targeted mutation, or anything cLxl9zJY1s0-00108-00058995-00060111 else, that validity that this gene -- mutations really do cause this disease, is a way to cLxl9zJY1s0-00109-00060111-00060317 describe clinical validity. cLxl9zJY1s0-00110-00060317-00060723 And how do we know that mutations in a gene cause a disease? cLxl9zJY1s0-00111-00060723-00061299 Well, mainly because of linkage studies of large families, functional analysis, some cLxl9zJY1s0-00112-00061299-00061783 case control that truthfully, most of them have been more of cloning the gene. cLxl9zJY1s0-00113-00061783-00062550 At first, we could clone the gene from a known protein sequence, and then, we've been able cLxl9zJY1s0-00114-00062550-00063076 to clone a gene by the genetics, by the family studies, as opposed to knowing the protein. cLxl9zJY1s0-00115-00063076-00063613 So, we can identify genes even when we don't know what the protein is. cLxl9zJY1s0-00116-00063613-00064469 Again, the clinical validity is going to depend on what region you interrogate, as well as cLxl9zJY1s0-00117-00064469-00064622 how you define the phenotype. cLxl9zJY1s0-00118-00064622-00065026 And I wanted to use an example for the F8 gene. cLxl9zJY1s0-00119-00065026-00066116 And so, F8 -- mutations in the F8 gene affect the factor VII enzyme, which then causes hemophilia cLxl9zJY1s0-00120-00066116-00066216 A. cLxl9zJY1s0-00121-00066216-00066831 The most common severe mutation is an inversion of a portion of the gene. cLxl9zJY1s0-00122-00066831-00067887 And so, you can't pick up the inversion by sequencing, so testing is for that first inversion, cLxl9zJY1s0-00123-00067887-00068519 and then, if that is negative, then you go on to do sequencing and -- or deletion analysis. cLxl9zJY1s0-00124-00068519-00069210 Now, if you just look at the inversion, the clinical sensitivity of that would only pick cLxl9zJY1s0-00125-00069210-00069556 up maybe about half of the individuals with severe mutations. cLxl9zJY1s0-00126-00069556-00070097 So, the clinical sensitivity for just the inversion test is going to be approximately cLxl9zJY1s0-00127-00070097-00070239 50 percent. cLxl9zJY1s0-00128-00070239-00070960 If you do the inversion test followed by sequencing, and then followed by deletion duplication, cLxl9zJY1s0-00129-00070960-00071463 then the clinical sensitivity for hemophilia A becomes very high. cLxl9zJY1s0-00130-00071463-00072098 So, it's not necessarily the method that you test it with, but it is what you test. cLxl9zJY1s0-00131-00072098-00072338 Do you test for the inversion? cLxl9zJY1s0-00132-00072338-00072445 Do you sequence the gene? cLxl9zJY1s0-00133-00072445-00073143 Or are you looking for deletions? cLxl9zJY1s0-00134-00073143-00073758 And with that said, we also needed to find this -- are you talking about -- what is the cLxl9zJY1s0-00135-00073758-00074479 clinical sensitivity of this assay in detecting individuals affected with hemophilia A, and cLxl9zJY1s0-00136-00074479-00074918 that's the narrow definition of what I believe should be the definition. cLxl9zJY1s0-00137-00074918-00075799 If you expand that and say, what is the clinical sensitivity of this test to detect -- to diagnose cLxl9zJY1s0-00138-00075799-00076125 somebody who has some type of a bleeding disorder? cLxl9zJY1s0-00139-00076125-00076368 Well, it could be Factor IX. cLxl9zJY1s0-00140-00076368-00076589 It could be von Willebrand. cLxl9zJY1s0-00141-00076589-00077086 And so, therefore, the clinical sensitivity decreases if you use a broader definition cLxl9zJY1s0-00142-00077086-00077514 of the symptoms, rather than the specific disease. cLxl9zJY1s0-00143-00077514-00077999 So, whenever possible, I think we need to define our clinical sensitivity by the narrow cLxl9zJY1s0-00144-00077999-00078450 disease that it is going to be looking for. cLxl9zJY1s0-00145-00078450-00079337 Along with this, I have heard and I've seen the use of positive predictive values and cLxl9zJY1s0-00146-00079337-00079860 negative predictive values, and I'm not quite sure where this fits in. cLxl9zJY1s0-00147-00079860-00080267 Is it really a measure of analytical validity, or is it a clinical validity? cLxl9zJY1s0-00148-00080267-00080949 I would say it probably goes into the clinical validity type measure more than an analytical cLxl9zJY1s0-00149-00080949-00081049 validity. cLxl9zJY1s0-00150-00081049-00081338 Or does this really measure clinical utility? cLxl9zJY1s0-00151-00081338-00081950 Now, with single gene disorders and the mutations I'm looking for, looking for causative mutations cLxl9zJY1s0-00152-00081950-00082544 -- truthfully, I'm not sure how to use positive predictive values and negative predictive cLxl9zJY1s0-00153-00082544-00083645 values, being that to me, the clinical sensitivity is the -- or the clinical specificity is the cLxl9zJY1s0-00154-00083645-00083947 stronger value. cLxl9zJY1s0-00155-00083947-00084470 If people have a way how to use this, and I'm really open, and I'm trying to learn this, cLxl9zJY1s0-00156-00084470-00085093 of how to use these positive and negative predictive values for single gene disorders. cLxl9zJY1s0-00157-00085093-00085781 Now, there's other times that I do, and I understand it but one of the other questions cLxl9zJY1s0-00158-00085781-00086073 is does it then becomes dependent on the population? cLxl9zJY1s0-00159-00086073-00086760 So, if I'm using my test for us to diagnose for affected individuals, it's going to have cLxl9zJY1s0-00160-00086760-00087082 one positive predictive value or negative predictive value. cLxl9zJY1s0-00161-00087082-00087792 If that test goes into a population screening, the vast majority are going to be negative. cLxl9zJY1s0-00162-00087792-00088406 The specificity may be high, but the -- or the negative predictive value increase, but cLxl9zJY1s0-00163-00088406-00088673 the positive predictive value will go down. cLxl9zJY1s0-00164-00088673-00089021 And I look at this and say, “That's the use of the test, but not necessarily the test cLxl9zJY1s0-00165-00089021-00089920 itself,” which is why I am putting the PPV and NPV more into a clinical validity or the cLxl9zJY1s0-00166-00089920-00090426 clinical utility category. cLxl9zJY1s0-00167-00090426-00091287 Now, there's a lot of complications that happen when we talk about clinical validity, and cLxl9zJY1s0-00168-00091287-00091847 these concepts that may interfere or may -- that we need to be aware of when we're talking cLxl9zJY1s0-00169-00091847-00092407 about this, one is penetrance or expressivity. cLxl9zJY1s0-00170-00092407-00092994 If we have a highly penetrant allele, then if we identify it in this individual, this cLxl9zJY1s0-00171-00092994-00093222 individual is going to have symptoms of the disease. cLxl9zJY1s0-00172-00093222-00093794 Now, if it's a low penetrance allele, then I would see how a positive and a negative cLxl9zJY1s0-00173-00093794-00094242 predictive value would be more applicable for low penetrance mutations. cLxl9zJY1s0-00174-00094242-00094812 But still, most of the things we're looking for are the highly penetrant ones. cLxl9zJY1s0-00175-00094812-00095476 The expressivity will simply tell you the range of symptoms that may be associated with cLxl9zJY1s0-00176-00095476-00095801 this mutation, or with this gene. cLxl9zJY1s0-00177-00095801-00096617 There is a clinical overlap between pathogenic variants and multiple genes that cause similar cLxl9zJY1s0-00178-00096617-00096717 phenotypes. cLxl9zJY1s0-00179-00096717-00097278 And this is where the laboratory -- clinical laboratories, and even the clinicians are cLxl9zJY1s0-00180-00097278-00098039 really embracing the gene panels, and to look at multiple genes at the same time because cLxl9zJY1s0-00181-00098039-00098792 it is difficult to do one gene at a time. cLxl9zJY1s0-00182-00098792-00099358 The phenocopy is also difficult, and it depends on the disease, on the gene. cLxl9zJY1s0-00183-00099358-00099880 But if that's -- if there's other reasons and other things that are causing similar cLxl9zJY1s0-00184-00099880-00099980 symptoms. cLxl9zJY1s0-00185-00099980-00100593 So, an example of this is the BRCA1 and 2mutations. cLxl9zJY1s0-00186-00100593-00101177 If your phenotype is breast cancer, then mutations in these two genes are low-- and going to cLxl9zJY1s0-00187-00101177-00101731 be a relative small number of individuals with breast cancer that will have mutations; cLxl9zJY1s0-00188-00101731-00102607 however, if you it define it as a hereditary breast or ovarian cancer syndrome, then our cLxl9zJY1s0-00189-00102607-00102929 clinical sensitivity then increases. cLxl9zJY1s0-00190-00102929-00103570 And I think I have this point on several different slides, so if you see it again, I apologize, cLxl9zJY1s0-00191-00103570-00103752 and maybe it's just that I want to drive this home. cLxl9zJY1s0-00192-00103752-00104157 For me, the same test is used for diagnostic, for predictive and carrier testing. cLxl9zJY1s0-00193-00104157-00104683 So, they have different reasons to perform the test. cLxl9zJY1s0-00194-00104683-00105040 The analytical performance is the same for all of them. cLxl9zJY1s0-00195-00105040-00105656 I can test all of this, but clinical sensitivities are going to be different. cLxl9zJY1s0-00196-00105656-00106525 Two points that I wanted to make is that there are -- again, we don't routinely look at deep cLxl9zJY1s0-00197-00106525-00107033 intronic variants or regulatory variants because most of the time, we don't know how to interpret cLxl9zJY1s0-00198-00107033-00107149 them anyway. cLxl9zJY1s0-00199-00107149-00107689 So, we try to limit ourselves to the regions of the gene where we know that we can -- we cLxl9zJY1s0-00200-00107689-00107885 have a good chance of interpreting them. cLxl9zJY1s0-00201-00107885-00108409 This is the same thing as if they are in a gene that's not well understood, and there cLxl9zJY1s0-00202-00108409-00108884 are studies -- there are, you know, publications coming out now saying, “This gene -- this cLxl9zJY1s0-00203-00108884-00109429 mutation has been identified in this gene with this person who has symptoms.” cLxl9zJY1s0-00204-00109429-00109948 That is establishing clinical validity for that gene. cLxl9zJY1s0-00205-00109948-00110752 And so, more studies really need to be done before I bring that gene on -- and testing cLxl9zJY1s0-00206-00110752-00110852 for that gene. cLxl9zJY1s0-00207-00110852-00111546 So, when we design a panel, we are very careful to make sure that all genes in that panel cLxl9zJY1s0-00208-00111546-00112058 independently have established clinical validity. cLxl9zJY1s0-00209-00112058-00112543 One of the things that have been very challenging as we go to gene panels and looking forward cLxl9zJY1s0-00210-00112543-00112865 is really knowing what are the right genes to put on. cLxl9zJY1s0-00211-00112865-00113356 You know, which are -- you know, which should be included. cLxl9zJY1s0-00212-00113356-00113935 And NIH has a fund -- has funded a project called ClinGen, and I've been on a couple cLxl9zJY1s0-00213-00113935-00114413 of these working groups, and I really like it because they bring the experts of the field cLxl9zJY1s0-00214-00114413-00115369 together with the laboratory experts to go through the gene, and I'm hoping -- and I cLxl9zJY1s0-00215-00115369-00116283 guess I have a lot of hope, that perhaps, this project can come up with better guidelines cLxl9zJY1s0-00216-00116283-00116876 for clinicians and laboratories and payers that can use, and looking to see what is the cLxl9zJY1s0-00217-00116876-00117511 right thing to do. cLxl9zJY1s0-00218-00117511-00118056 So, as we go into clinical utility then -- and I have taken this as a -- the modified ACCE cLxl9zJY1s0-00219-00118056-00118544 by Fryback and Thornberry [spelled phonetically], where they have expanded a bit the diagnostic cLxl9zJY1s0-00220-00118544-00119193 -- diagnosis into the diagnostic thinking efficacy and -- with the idea that we do a cLxl9zJY1s0-00221-00119193-00119607 number of testing where we're being asked to rule out -- that there is a differential cLxl9zJY1s0-00222-00119607-00119791 diagnosis. cLxl9zJY1s0-00223-00119791-00120325 And what we can give them back is that we -- if we didn't detect the mutation, what cLxl9zJY1s0-00224-00120325-00120739 is the residual chance that this person is still affected? cLxl9zJY1s0-00225-00120739-00121334 Well, it can be reduced, but we can never take it to zero. cLxl9zJY1s0-00226-00121334-00121891 One of the important aspects of molecular genetic testing is that at times, we can stop cLxl9zJY1s0-00227-00121891-00122015 the diagnostic odyssey. cLxl9zJY1s0-00228-00122015-00122840 We can stop, prevent additional testing by identifying the causative mutation, and at cLxl9zJY1s0-00229-00122840-00123517 that point, do the appropriate follow up and the appropriate monitoring of these patients. cLxl9zJY1s0-00230-00123517-00123691 But obviously, there's the other one, such as the therapeutic efficacy, and what is the cLxl9zJY1s0-00231-00123691-00123904 drug response? cLxl9zJY1s0-00232-00123904-00124323 And then, they have -- called what they say the patient outcome efficacy. cLxl9zJY1s0-00233-00124323-00124490 So, patient management. cLxl9zJY1s0-00234-00124490-00125094 Does this improve outcomes and all of our goals? cLxl9zJY1s0-00235-00125094-00125194 But also, a prognosis. cLxl9zJY1s0-00236-00125194-00125693 Does it determine aggressiveness of the disease, which could also tell you how aggressively cLxl9zJY1s0-00237-00125693-00126020 you may want to treat? cLxl9zJY1s0-00238-00126020-00126555 And then, with predictive, and using this as more of the pre-symptomatic individual. cLxl9zJY1s0-00239-00126555-00127327 So, you know that there is a familial mutation, and you can identify them before a patient cLxl9zJY1s0-00240-00127327-00128035 has symptoms, or potentially, as carrier testing in the family, et cetera. cLxl9zJY1s0-00241-00128035-00128323 Then, the last on this slide a societal efficacy. cLxl9zJY1s0-00242-00128323-00129004 And I very much like thinking about this because at this point, it's the proper use of the cLxl9zJY1s0-00243-00129004-00129104 resources. cLxl9zJY1s0-00244-00129104-00129669 Either the resources, or often, in genetics, we're looking at community resources for individuals, cLxl9zJY1s0-00245-00129669-00131325 such as Fragile X syndrome, or other types of inherited mental type diseases, where they cLxl9zJY1s0-00246-00131325-00131998 do need additional schooling aids, et cetera. cLxl9zJY1s0-00247-00131998-00132534 And I put this slide, and I didn't take it out because I really do want to let you that cLxl9zJY1s0-00248-00132534-00133059 I do think showing utility is important, and not just to get reimbursed. cLxl9zJY1s0-00249-00133059-00133678 That I really feel like it's important for us -- and we work as a laboratory, to show cLxl9zJY1s0-00250-00133678-00133963 and help clinicians in ordering the correct test. cLxl9zJY1s0-00251-00133963-00134554 And also, how to interpret them, and letting them know what this test can and cannot do. cLxl9zJY1s0-00252-00134554-00135138 And in doing so, I think we demonstrate the value of genomic medicine in a whole. cLxl9zJY1s0-00253-00135138-00135994 I do -- I believe in it, and believe that it has a very strong role in our medicine. cLxl9zJY1s0-00254-00135994-00136261 Now, it's not the end all of everything. cLxl9zJY1s0-00255-00136261-00136890 There are a lot of other things happening other than genomic medicine, but I did want cLxl9zJY1s0-00256-00136890-00137535 you to know that I want to show utility for reasons other than just reimbursement. cLxl9zJY1s0-00257-00137535-00138051 Now, the definition of clinical utility is going to be different for different people. cLxl9zJY1s0-00258-00138051-00138670 The narrow one that I have heard is people saying that the only true clinical utility cLxl9zJY1s0-00259-00138670-00139128 is determined – drug or dose, and you have to improve your outcomes. cLxl9zJY1s0-00260-00139128-00139816 Now, this is going to be a very, very narrow definition that eliminates the importance cLxl9zJY1s0-00261-00139816-00140327 of -- or minimizes the importance of a diagnosis. cLxl9zJY1s0-00262-00140327-00140976 And for inherited diseases, a diagnosis is very important, and that there is inherent cLxl9zJY1s0-00263-00140976-00141257 utility in establishing the diagnosis. cLxl9zJY1s0-00264-00141257-00141854 Because without it, you don't know that you're doing the proper treatment or the proper management. cLxl9zJY1s0-00265-00141854-00142527 And sometimes, the diagnosis is such in genetic disease -- that there is nothing we can do cLxl9zJY1s0-00266-00142527-00142627 about it. cLxl9zJY1s0-00267-00142627-00142736 There is no treatment. cLxl9zJY1s0-00268-00142736-00143090 All we can do is potentially help manage the patient. cLxl9zJY1s0-00269-00143090-00143564 But that's an important piece of information to know, as well. cLxl9zJY1s0-00270-00143564-00143854 It goes beyond this for a family. cLxl9zJY1s0-00271-00143854-00144421 If you look at a -- the patient in a family, genetics really is about family. cLxl9zJY1s0-00272-00144421-00145253 Once we identify a mutation in an affected individual, we do go on and get additional cLxl9zJY1s0-00273-00145253-00145549 family members that also want to be tested. cLxl9zJY1s0-00274-00145549-00146136 And truthfully, I do the best job when there is a known pathogenic mutation in the family, cLxl9zJY1s0-00275-00146136-00146792 and then, if the next person doesn't have that mutation, I am -- that's much stronger cLxl9zJY1s0-00276-00146792-00147551 evidence than me actually sequencing the gene again, if there has already been a mutation cLxl9zJY1s0-00277-00147551-00147673 that's identified. cLxl9zJY1s0-00278-00147673-00148215 Now, for payers, I understand that they're looking for treatment and improved outcome. cLxl9zJY1s0-00279-00148215-00148697 For regulators, they're wanting to look at the analytical and clinical validity, and cLxl9zJY1s0-00280-00148697-00148899 they are expanding into utility. cLxl9zJY1s0-00281-00148899-00149401 And again, for society, the efficient use of our health care and community resources. cLxl9zJY1s0-00282-00149401-00150208 So, can we get a definition to fit all of the above? cLxl9zJY1s0-00283-00150208-00150824 One of the challenges with establishing clinical utility is that traditionally, it has been cLxl9zJY1s0-00284-00150824-00151038 randomized, prospective control studies. cLxl9zJY1s0-00285-00151038-00151547 Or if that's not available, retrospective studies with archived samples. cLxl9zJY1s0-00286-00151547-00152424 These have been very difficult to do in genetics, for both inherited and for cancer genetic cLxl9zJY1s0-00287-00152424-00152653 mutations, mainly because they're rare. cLxl9zJY1s0-00288-00152653-00153327 And because they're rare disease, we cannot find many individuals with them. cLxl9zJY1s0-00289-00153327-00153864 Or for example, with inherited, often it's a mutation found just in that family. cLxl9zJY1s0-00290-00153864-00154386 Or sometimes, just in that individual, if it's a de novo mutation. cLxl9zJY1s0-00291-00154386-00154856 Some of these studies take a long duration, and what do you with individuals in the meantime? cLxl9zJY1s0-00292-00154856-00155612 And is it ethically valid to keep things into a study when there is enough evidence that cLxl9zJY1s0-00293-00155612-00156239 there really needs to be put into routine clinical care. cLxl9zJY1s0-00294-00156239-00156962 And one of the problems in our genetics studies is after all of this that the results are cLxl9zJY1s0-00295-00156962-00157079 often inconclusive. cLxl9zJY1s0-00296-00157079-00157693 Either because they're poorly designed that realize afterwards, or that there are insufficient cLxl9zJY1s0-00297-00157693-00157868 numbers involved. cLxl9zJY1s0-00298-00157868-00158691 Now, the EGAPP has been very useful, and being able to pull together a lot of different studies cLxl9zJY1s0-00299-00158691-00159427 and doing a Met-analysis but a common conclusion from EGAPP is that there is insufficient evidence. cLxl9zJY1s0-00300-00159427-00160622 And so, here is one of the conclusions for the CYP 2D6 testing for adults with SSRI treatment cLxl9zJY1s0-00301-00160622-00160954 for non-psychotic depression. cLxl9zJY1s0-00302-00160954-00161568 And so, they say that discourages the use of this for this case until further clinical cLxl9zJY1s0-00303-00161568-00161749 trials are completed. cLxl9zJY1s0-00304-00161749-00162028 Unfortunately, that's sometimes taken as evidence against. cLxl9zJY1s0-00305-00162028-00162678 And they take a narrow -- and this was used for SSRI, and then blanketing it against others cLxl9zJY1s0-00306-00162678-00163240 and saying, “Okay, it's not useful for anything.” cLxl9zJY1s0-00307-00163240-00163914 And one of the challenges with this is that it says it's insufficient evidence, which cLxl9zJY1s0-00308-00163914-00164226 means that it needs to be re-evaluated with continuing studies. cLxl9zJY1s0-00309-00164226-00164993 And truthfully, I don't know how often or how much these are really being able to be cLxl9zJY1s0-00310-00164993-00165114 re-evaluated. cLxl9zJY1s0-00311-00165114-00166228 There is one example of 2C19, with the Plavix or Clopidogrel that the initial studies -- at cLxl9zJY1s0-00312-00166228-00166383 first, they looked promising. cLxl9zJY1s0-00313-00166383-00166639 Then, they didn't look so promising. cLxl9zJY1s0-00314-00166639-00167573 And then, we identified another common variant that was actually increasing the activity cLxl9zJY1s0-00315-00167573-00168400 of -- which was confounding the other variants, which was an explanation why those studies cLxl9zJY1s0-00316-00168400-00168793 in between weren't able to replicate the initial ones. cLxl9zJY1s0-00317-00168793-00169383 So, now, they're going back, and by testing more alleles, and when we know more about cLxl9zJY1s0-00318-00169383-00169843 the mutations, the studies are coming back actually quite favorably. cLxl9zJY1s0-00319-00169843-00170753 But it becomes a circular problem, if there is -- if it's not -- if there's lower evidence, cLxl9zJY1s0-00320-00170753-00171301 it's poorly valued, it's not reimbursed, or we can't get funding so we can't do clinical cLxl9zJY1s0-00321-00171301-00171503 trials, so there's lower evidence. cLxl9zJY1s0-00322-00171503-00172046 So, how do we really break this circle? cLxl9zJY1s0-00323-00172046-00173552 I was pleased, you know, in working with the BCBSA in looking at what they -- what their cLxl9zJY1s0-00324-00173552-00174208 parameters were, and I think we're very much similar with the testing of symptomatic individuals. cLxl9zJY1s0-00325-00174208-00174761 So, diagnostic testing -- and in my mind, I'm looking for something that will explain cLxl9zJY1s0-00326-00174761-00174867 the clinical symptoms. cLxl9zJY1s0-00327-00174867-00175333 And if so, we can understand better the disease course. cLxl9zJY1s0-00328-00175333-00176062 The prognosis then -- it will help us understand the likely disease progression, and to allow cLxl9zJY1s0-00329-00176062-00176407 us to potentially do preventive management. cLxl9zJY1s0-00330-00176407-00176784 And then, the therapeutic, which I would love to do -- unfortunately, in genetics, we don't cLxl9zJY1s0-00331-00176784-00177472 have enough examples of them where we determine the most effective therapy or treatment management. cLxl9zJY1s0-00332-00177472-00178466 Also, with an asymptomatic individual -- so, a person who doesn't have symptoms, it can cLxl9zJY1s0-00333-00178466-00178695 be done for predictive testing. cLxl9zJY1s0-00334-00178695-00179330 And this is usually done for a family history because of the family history in it. cLxl9zJY1s0-00335-00179330-00179947 Again, it's so much better for us if we had tested an affected family member first so cLxl9zJY1s0-00336-00179947-00180284 we know what those family mutations are. cLxl9zJY1s0-00337-00180284-00181250 And then, we do do a number of these tests for population screening to identify individuals cLxl9zJY1s0-00338-00181250-00181353 -- identify newborns. cLxl9zJY1s0-00339-00181353-00182195 And these do have treatments involved, and sometimes, the treatment is diet. cLxl9zJY1s0-00340-00182195-00182997 So, if they can be controlled by diet, that is absolutely wonderful. cLxl9zJY1s0-00341-00182997-00184034 So, the testing somatic cancer cells -- again, some of them could be for diagnostic purposes, cLxl9zJY1s0-00342-00184034-00184835 but more often, they are for prognostic or predictive purposes to determine aggressiveness cLxl9zJY1s0-00343-00184835-00185964 of what the disease should be and therefore the treatment, or the therapy, or resistance cLxl9zJY1s0-00344-00185964-00186462 to therapy. cLxl9zJY1s0-00345-00186462-00187035 Our main difficulty is that the models for clinical studies just are not working very cLxl9zJY1s0-00346-00187035-00187568 well for us, so the fully powered studies, they're not feasible. cLxl9zJY1s0-00347-00187568-00187951 So, how can we use some under powered or partial data? cLxl9zJY1s0-00348-00187951-00188453 Can we model them to provide useful information? cLxl9zJY1s0-00349-00188453-00189265 So, can we think of different ways to gain enough evidence -- supportive or adequate cLxl9zJY1s0-00350-00189265-00189873 evidence, by looking at chain of evidences, looking at biological relationships and pathways? cLxl9zJY1s0-00351-00189873-00190903 Once we've identified a mutation that is important and in one type of cancer, do we need to show cLxl9zJY1s0-00352-00190903-00191641 it in all types of cancers, or can the bar be lowered to show different specimen types cLxl9zJY1s0-00353-00191641-00191976 that it's useful in other situations? cLxl9zJY1s0-00354-00191976-00192748 For inherited diseases, there's approximately 4,600 known relevant genes right now. cLxl9zJY1s0-00355-00192748-00193275 It's -- I -- it's just overwhelming to me to say, “How do we show each disease separately?” cLxl9zJY1s0-00356-00193275-00194169 In my mind, once that clinical validity has been established that this gene is -- mutations cLxl9zJY1s0-00357-00194169-00195244 caused this disease, it's very hard to not offer that to individuals, when -- and try cLxl9zJY1s0-00358-00195244-00195481 to do a clinical study for it. cLxl9zJY1s0-00359-00195481-00196224 And there's another 20 -- you know, another 15,000 or more in the genome. cLxl9zJY1s0-00360-00196224-00196502 Many more may be shown to be medically relevant. cLxl9zJY1s0-00361-00196502-00197095 I'm pretty much convinced we have not identified all the medically relevant genes yet. cLxl9zJY1s0-00362-00197095-00197871 Can we show the usefulness of these, comparing the non- molecular diagnostic pathway to what cLxl9zJY1s0-00363-00197871-00198210 we do with the molecular pathway? cLxl9zJY1s0-00364-00198210-00199147 And I -- that may be one of the best ways to show this -- the testing for this has utility. cLxl9zJY1s0-00365-00199147-00199626 And then, the other possible way is the diagnostic efficacy. cLxl9zJY1s0-00366-00199626-00200422 And again, I've commented the same assay can be used for different purposes. cLxl9zJY1s0-00367-00200422-00201061 So, I just wanted to show briefly the utility for oncology where we were looking for driver cLxl9zJY1s0-00368-00201061-00201319 mutations that are essential for tumor progression. cLxl9zJY1s0-00369-00201319-00201833 We may be looking for passenger mutations not driving, but may be -- may facilitate. cLxl9zJY1s0-00370-00201833-00202287 These are mainly for prognosis and predictive therapy. cLxl9zJY1s0-00371-00202287-00202445 And we did an exercise. cLxl9zJY1s0-00372-00202445-00203055 I was on a working group with the Association for Molecular Pathology, talking about clinical cLxl9zJY1s0-00373-00203055-00203155 utility. cLxl9zJY1s0-00374-00203155-00203451 And I will say, many of these slides are coming from that discussion. cLxl9zJY1s0-00375-00203451-00204159 We went through this, and these are some tier one CPT codes to say, “Okay, does this test cLxl9zJY1s0-00376-00204159-00204790 -- is this useful in the diagnosis, or in the management? cLxl9zJY1s0-00377-00204790-00204986 Or is it prognosis or predictive?” cLxl9zJY1s0-00378-00204986-00205430 And as you can see, for oncology, a few of them are important for the diagnosis, but cLxl9zJY1s0-00379-00205430-00205827 most of them are for more of management prognosis or predictive purposes. cLxl9zJY1s0-00380-00205827-00206536 For inherited diseases, as I said, they're so rare, it's not feasible to show utility cLxl9zJY1s0-00381-00206536-00206636 for each one. cLxl9zJY1s0-00382-00206636-00207339 Is there a way that we can aggregate by disease type, or potentially, by method type? cLxl9zJY1s0-00383-00207339-00207837 And one of the things that our genetic councilor pointed out to me is that it's -- that there's cLxl9zJY1s0-00384-00207837-00208558 still a struggle because even though they are rare, we may not have strong numbers to cLxl9zJY1s0-00385-00208558-00209248 show this, but they do have a strong clinical validity, and identifying a mutation in this cLxl9zJY1s0-00386-00209248-00209405 may be very important. cLxl9zJY1s0-00387-00209405-00210044 And unfortunately, these don't have CPT -- not all of them have CPT codes with them. cLxl9zJY1s0-00388-00210044-00210483 They're kind of lumped all together into the 84179. cLxl9zJY1s0-00389-00210483-00211026 So, possibly, one of the things that I would like to do is take this back and see if we cLxl9zJY1s0-00390-00211026-00211821 can maybe start looking at CPT codes that can be more transparent. cLxl9zJY1s0-00391-00211821-00212567 One of the points, though, is that together, these are very substantive that basically, cLxl9zJY1s0-00392-00212567-00212980 if you look long and hard enough, pretty much everybody has something that could be medically cLxl9zJY1s0-00393-00212980-00213329 relevant in them, or a family member. cLxl9zJY1s0-00394-00213329-00213942 From an article in in JAMA, it says 100 percent of individuals have genetic variants that cLxl9zJY1s0-00395-00213942-00214261 could affect drug response. cLxl9zJY1s0-00396-00214261-00215056 So, it is pretty daunting to think that genetic variants affects this many people in the population. cLxl9zJY1s0-00397-00215056-00215171 In other words, everyone. cLxl9zJY1s0-00398-00215171-00215830 So, here are the same type of tier one CPT codes, mainly for the genetic tests. cLxl9zJY1s0-00399-00215830-00216603 And if you can see, most of them are actually for the diagnosis, and that is the main purpose; cLxl9zJY1s0-00400-00216603-00217481 however, some of them can be specifically used for that management of that patient. cLxl9zJY1s0-00401-00217481-00218107 A good portion of them can be used for prognosis, as well. cLxl9zJY1s0-00402-00218107-00218646 But many of them -- once we can diagnosis an affected individual in the family, we can cLxl9zJY1s0-00403-00218646-00219204 use it for a pre-symptomatic, and do it as a predictive test. cLxl9zJY1s0-00404-00219204-00219958 So, I think we only put one down that it was a limited -- for hereditary hemochromatosis, cLxl9zJY1s0-00405-00219958-00220298 and that is because we have learned that these mutations are not highly penetrant. cLxl9zJY1s0-00406-00220298-00220975 And so, they -- in this case, they would not have a very strong, positive predictive or cLxl9zJY1s0-00407-00220975-00221530 a negative -- actually, this would be a positive predictive value. cLxl9zJY1s0-00408-00221530-00221857 Here is an example that I used. cLxl9zJY1s0-00409-00221857-00222358 We're kind of a center of excellence for hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia. cLxl9zJY1s0-00410-00222358-00222632 It is still considered a rare disease, but it's not really that rare. cLxl9zJY1s0-00411-00222632-00223202 Probably one in about 20,000 individuals. cLxl9zJY1s0-00412-00223202-00224094 And it has telangiectasias around the mouth and the fingers, but the life threatening cLxl9zJY1s0-00413-00224094-00224724 symptom is a cerebral or pulmonary/arterial, venous malformation. cLxl9zJY1s0-00414-00224724-00225567 And so, if that is present, that becomes, really, one of the hallmarks of the diagnosis, cLxl9zJY1s0-00415-00225567-00225954 and what you -- what needs to be controlled. cLxl9zJY1s0-00416-00225954-00226690 To look for this, they need to do a brain MRI, with contrast, or a contrast echocardiogram. cLxl9zJY1s0-00417-00226690-00227434 And some of those will need -- about 20 percent will need a follow up of a chest C.T., which cLxl9zJY1s0-00418-00227434-00227867 then also increases radiation exposure. cLxl9zJY1s0-00419-00227867-00228467 And you need to do this at about every five years in affected individuals. cLxl9zJY1s0-00420-00228467-00228989 Or in unaffected individuals, you need to do it until they're at least age 40 because cLxl9zJY1s0-00421-00228989-00229438 it's only after 40 that you can completely rule out the disease. cLxl9zJY1s0-00422-00229438-00229636 And these guidelines are available. cLxl9zJY1s0-00423-00229636-00230417 So, by having the molecular test available for this family, identifying it in a clearly cLxl9zJY1s0-00424-00230417-00230948 affected individual, and then being able to identify the unaffected individuals so they cLxl9zJY1s0-00425-00230948-00231635 don't need to go through this surveillance is very useful. cLxl9zJY1s0-00426-00231635-00232365 So, I know that they -- a lot of the discussion, and we are very enthusiastic about some of cLxl9zJY1s0-00427-00232365-00232779 our gene panels, as well, and there was a guideline that came out from the American cLxl9zJY1s0-00428-00232779-00233276 Society of Human Genetics that I will -- that I wanted to share with you. cLxl9zJY1s0-00429-00233276-00233710 While they said the scope of genetic testing should be limited to single gene analysis cLxl9zJY1s0-00430-00233710-00234048 or targeted gene panels, based on the clinical presentation of the patient. cLxl9zJY1s0-00431-00234048-00234734 I took out that it said, “If clinically indicated,” and so, there is -- they do cLxl9zJY1s0-00432-00234734-00235146 recognize that there may be some times that you want to do an exome or even a genome. cLxl9zJY1s0-00433-00235146-00235760 But their point, which I do agree with, is that you use the most focused assay available, cLxl9zJY1s0-00434-00235760-00235991 as appropriate for the clinical symptoms. cLxl9zJY1s0-00435-00235991-00236689 If it is a single gene and it meets the clinical criteria, you do the single gene. cLxl9zJY1s0-00436-00236689-00237323 So, for example, if a child is diagnosed with cystic fibrosis because of a -- two positive cLxl9zJY1s0-00437-00237323-00237998 sweat chlorides, just sequence the CFTR gene, or you may want to start with a targeted gene cLxl9zJY1s0-00438-00237998-00238648 panel; however, if there is a small panel with a few genes with overlapping phenotypes, cLxl9zJY1s0-00439-00238648-00239369 then that can improve the diagnostic yield, especially if it's a non-classic one. cLxl9zJY1s0-00440-00239369-00240014 So, the HHT that I just showed you, the hemorrhagic telangiectasia, there's actually two major cLxl9zJY1s0-00441-00240014-00240182 genes and one minor gene. cLxl9zJY1s0-00442-00240182-00240731 So, even that, and even though we do a Sanger sequencing, that is still a small gene panel cLxl9zJY1s0-00443-00240731-00241050 because we do need to look at both those genes. cLxl9zJY1s0-00444-00241050-00241707 Large gene panels -- these would be looking at more common symptoms. cLxl9zJY1s0-00445-00241707-00242376 And the exomes would be if you -- if this really looks like it's a -- has a genetic cLxl9zJY1s0-00446-00242376-00242476 etiology. cLxl9zJY1s0-00447-00242476-00243058 But there's really no other symptoms, or no other specifics that you can look at. cLxl9zJY1s0-00448-00243058-00243419 One of our gene panels is a Marfan syndrome, and -- well, I'm sorry. cLxl9zJY1s0-00449-00243419-00244153 It's -- we call it aortopathy, but overlapping with Marfan is Ehler Danlos or Loeys-Dietz cLxl9zJY1s0-00450-00244153-00244660 syndrome, all of these have some symptoms in common. cLxl9zJY1s0-00451-00244660-00245306 One of the things they all have in common is sudden death in a close relative. cLxl9zJY1s0-00452-00245306-00245767 If we do our single gene assy, and if an individual has a clinical diagnosis and meets all of cLxl9zJY1s0-00453-00245767-00246557 the criteria for Marfan's disease, then sequencing the single gene is completely appropriate. cLxl9zJY1s0-00454-00246557-00247351 We don't have a huge positivity rate because so many times, we're getting a suspected pathogenic, cLxl9zJY1s0-00455-00247351-00247666 or a suspect diagnosis of Marfan's. cLxl9zJY1s0-00456-00247666-00248117 If you look at this, it's from our positive patients. cLxl9zJY1s0-00457-00248117-00248442 Over half are ones that have a clear clinical phenotype. cLxl9zJY1s0-00458-00248442-00248896 Less than half, then, is a suspected diagnosis. cLxl9zJY1s0-00459-00248896-00249460 And we're picking up variants of uncertain significance for those that they suspect a cLxl9zJY1s0-00460-00249460-00249560 diagnosis. cLxl9zJY1s0-00461-00249560-00250091 The question, then, is are these truly -- you know, they're uncertain that they could be, cLxl9zJY1s0-00462-00250091-00250671 or could be maybe milder mutations showing a different phenotype, or we may not have cLxl9zJY1s0-00463-00250671-00251402 picked up what the cause of the symptoms are yet. cLxl9zJY1s0-00464-00251402-00252025 So, when put together the small gene panel, and it's 17 gene, and each one of them has cLxl9zJY1s0-00465-00252025-00252694 a separate clinical validity, we were able to pretty much double our detection rate, cLxl9zJY1s0-00466-00252694-00253073 and -- of picking up the mutations. cLxl9zJY1s0-00467-00253073-00253825 Just looking towards the future, the exome -- if you're -- one measure is the diagnostic cLxl9zJY1s0-00468-00253825-00254450 yield, and overall, it's at 25 percent, which isn't bad, considering nobody else knows what cLxl9zJY1s0-00469-00254450-00254758 is going on with these individuals. cLxl9zJY1s0-00470-00254758-00255394 If you're only looking at severe intellectual disability, it drops to 16 percent, so it's cLxl9zJY1s0-00471-00255394-00256050 not very effective for that criteria; however, if there are other neurological symptoms involved cLxl9zJY1s0-00472-00256050-00257065 as well, we're getting a very high -- 64 percent, which is quite remarkable. cLxl9zJY1s0-00473-00257065-00258046 So, just in conclusion, the current model may not be able to do everything for us. cLxl9zJY1s0-00474-00258046-00258583 So, obviously, we do want randomized control studies, or retrospective studies when necessary. cLxl9zJY1s0-00475-00258583-00259092 But we need to adapt some of these clinical trials to be more specific for what we're cLxl9zJY1s0-00476-00259092-00259257 looking at. cLxl9zJY1s0-00477-00259257-00259915 We could potentially evaluate diagnostic yield, use observational data, our linkage analysis, cLxl9zJY1s0-00478-00259915-00260771 to make sure the gene has validity, as well as there are some functional studies that cLxl9zJY1s0-00479-00260771-00261158 -- if we can show what these mutations are actually doing. cLxl9zJY1s0-00480-00261158-00261825 But we also need to do understand the biological relationships in the pathways because we may cLxl9zJY1s0-00481-00261825-00261944 not have direct evidence. cLxl9zJY1s0-00482-00261944-00262695 And I would propose that we look at the current care versus a molecular diagnostic model to cLxl9zJY1s0-00483-00262695-00263098 maybe evaluate the utility of it. cLxl9zJY1s0-00484-00263098-00263647 And then, one of the other things that I would very strongly promote is more professional cLxl9zJY1s0-00485-00263647-00264284 input of reviewing the data, reviewing the information, so that we could better practice cLxl9zJY1s0-00486-00264284-00264467 guidelines from professional societies. cLxl9zJY1s0-00487-00264467-00265011 I want to thank AMP's committees that I have worked with, as well as our own internal genetics/genomics cLxl9zJY1s0-00488-00265011-00265111 group. cLxl9zJY1s0-00489-00265111-00265211 Thank you. cLxl9zJY1s0-00490-00265211-00265296 [end of transcript] cNaG_RCogJM-00000-00008818-00009306 foreign cNaG_RCogJM-00001-00009306-00010282 thank you cNaG_RCogJM-00002-00010282-00010771 foreign cNaG_RCogJM-00003-00010771-00011259 [Music] cNaG_RCogJM-00004-00011259-00012763 thank you we got through all right sir smashed the tankers and the hangar good what happened cNaG_RCogJM-00005-00012763-00013343 to Lieutenant Davis's ship I don't know for sure sir we were up ahead tearing for home cNaG_RCogJM-00006-00013343-00013797 and Davis cut in on the radio and reported zeros on his tail right after that his radio cNaG_RCogJM-00007-00013797-00014116 went on cNaG_RCogJM-00008-00014116-00014670 well get yourself some food and then turn into reports I'm afraid they're lost sir as cNaG_RCogJM-00009-00014670-00014971 long as there's gas in the tank there's still a chance yes sir cNaG_RCogJM-00010-00014971-00015494 [Music] cNaG_RCogJM-00011-00015494-00016739 the boys certainly did a job take a look at those pictures cNaG_RCogJM-00012-00016739-00018239 nice work well he was holding up the intelligence report no longer is there I suppose not cNaG_RCogJM-00013-00018239-00019773 G2 make a standalone report in operation 6w Mission successful two bombers returned one cNaG_RCogJM-00014-00019773-00020698 missing yes Lieutenant Jonathan Davis and crew composed of the following co-pilot Lieutenant cNaG_RCogJM-00015-00020698-00021774 Jack Sarno Bombardier Sergeant Harold Trask radio Sergeant harmful attention Obama coming cNaG_RCogJM-00016-00021774-00022818 in love for attention cNaG_RCogJM-00017-00022818-00023078 [Music] cNaG_RCogJM-00018-00023078-00023599 thank you cNaG_RCogJM-00019-00023599-00024120 holy Christopher cNaG_RCogJM-00020-00024120-00025163 [Music] thank you [Music] cNaG_RCogJM-00021-00025163-00027077 sign off building axle Sergeant Trask kill the next Sergeant Laswell cNaG_RCogJM-00022-00027077-00027333 Sergeant Palace cNaG_RCogJM-00023-00027333-00028005 missing missing I'd have never been able to bring the bomber back if it hadn't been for cNaG_RCogJM-00024-00028005-00028548 pets you want to give us the details now we're we're holding up the report kind of hard to cNaG_RCogJM-00025-00028548-00029344 explain in an ordinary reports what happened out there it's all mixed up with what happened cNaG_RCogJM-00026-00029344-00030472 years ago you see pattis and I went to school together typical slum kid around from the cNaG_RCogJM-00027-00030472-00030572 start cNaG_RCogJM-00028-00030572-00030983 had a chip on his shoulder against the whole world and me in particular it wasn't his fault cNaG_RCogJM-00029-00030983-00031752 his father was in a pen most of the time and my father was a school principal lost track cNaG_RCogJM-00030-00031752-00032470 of him after we grew up until I went in the District Attorney's office a few run-ins with cNaG_RCogJM-00031-00032470-00033304 him my line of work I could never hang anything on him one day last year I went down to Coney cNaG_RCogJM-00032-00033304-00035140 Island where he was running a shooting gallery [Music] [Applause] [Music] is he it's as easy cNaG_RCogJM-00033-00035140-00037961 as eating cake yeah let me show you get it okay yeah do I do now squeeze baby squeeze cNaG_RCogJM-00034-00037961-00039461 I thought you were gonna teach me oh the trigger baby I hit it a bullseye cNaG_RCogJM-00035-00039461-00039984 hit the road pull up all the sluggy guys cNaG_RCogJM-00036-00039984-00040612 what do you want Copper sorry about your father cNaG_RCogJM-00037-00040612-00041280 what are you trying to do serve your conscience what happened wasn't my fault I just took cNaG_RCogJM-00038-00041280-00041821 him in for a routine checkup oh sure every time the old man would get a job you'd show cNaG_RCogJM-00039-00041821-00042175 up and they'd bounce him you never let them forget for a minute that he was the next con cNaG_RCogJM-00040-00042175-00042993 that isn't true he hounded him to death go ahead you're a brave musler aren't you gun cNaG_RCogJM-00041-00042993-00043880 holds only seven shots knock down seven Ducks so very sharp but you always were not your cNaG_RCogJM-00042-00043880-00044563 father Francis I had to do a job came here to tell you I'm sorry and I'm telling you cNaG_RCogJM-00043-00044563-00045199 I won't forget someday I'm going to get you just the way you got my old man the Japs might cNaG_RCogJM-00044-00045199-00046741 beat you to it I enlisted yet so long so long sucker [Music] nice Chad that was foxy to cNaG_RCogJM-00045-00046741-00048119 hear any guy who'd enlist would be a suck cNaG_RCogJM-00046-00048119-00048777 the assamity Kelly field came out as a flying sergeant wanted all the fundamentals so I cNaG_RCogJM-00047-00048777-00049493 volunteered for Gunnery School he sent me to hangs that's Harlingen Army Gunnery School cNaG_RCogJM-00048-00049493-00051308 a tip of Texas near the Gulf cNaG_RCogJM-00050-00054473-00056054 foreign cNaG_RCogJM-00051-00056054-00057638 [Music] cNaG_RCogJM-00052-00057638-00059220 [Applause] cNaG_RCogJM-00053-00059220-00060802 foreign cNaG_RCogJM-00054-00060802-00061229 you're all volunteers and I'm not going to pull any punches your Navigator May map your cNaG_RCogJM-00055-00061229-00061835 course your pilot may take you there your Bombardier will destroy the objective but cNaG_RCogJM-00056-00061835-00062464 it's up to you the Gunner to smash the attacking enemy so that your Obama will come home safely cNaG_RCogJM-00057-00062464-00062882 we can't take any chances on you if you don't make good you'll be washed out you're either cNaG_RCogJM-00058-00062882-00063407 a good Gunner or you're a dead Gunner and the operation on which your ship is sent will cNaG_RCogJM-00059-00063407-00064072 die with you the safety of your ship your safety the safety of the entire crew depends cNaG_RCogJM-00060-00064072-00064554 on what you land here remember that and I'm sure that you'll come through as the best cNaG_RCogJM-00062-00068019-00068139 foreign cNaG_RCogJM-00063-00068139-00068260 face cNaG_RCogJM-00064-00068260-00069244 Friday one step forward all right and he's cNaG_RCogJM-00065-00069244-00070001 each flight will have an instructor who will stay with you throughout the entire course cNaG_RCogJM-00066-00070001-00071027 instructor for flight a sergeant Paris cNaG_RCogJM-00067-00071027-00071314 Sergeant Jones glad to know you Jones cNaG_RCogJM-00068-00071314-00071967 [Music] cNaG_RCogJM-00069-00071967-00072756 you can put the bag down what's your name private Laswell you sleepy kind of very caught cNaG_RCogJM-00070-00072756-00073404 up since my last job yeah what was that night clerk in an auto Court cNaG_RCogJM-00071-00073404-00073933 relax cNaG_RCogJM-00072-00073933-00075075 Gadget plane private plane sir radio operator glad to know you Gadget button up cNaG_RCogJM-00073-00075075-00075676 private lenser sure glad to be in your class where are you from son oh my home's not far cNaG_RCogJM-00074-00075676-00076249 from here I sure hope I get to be a gunner sir yeah we'll keep your nose clean and your cNaG_RCogJM-00075-00076249-00076352 eyes peeled and you'll make it cNaG_RCogJM-00076-00076352-00077944 come on foxy well fancy meeting you here small War isn't it yeah not very exclusive cNaG_RCogJM-00077-00077944-00078754 all right man you're on your own until 5 30 in the morning cNaG_RCogJM-00078-00078754-00079197 the middle of the night cNaG_RCogJM-00079-00079197-00079913 hey foxy listen I can't help you being in my flight copper but outside of class give cNaG_RCogJM-00080-00079913-00080419 me room oh forget the grudge foxy we're both in the Army for the same reason yeah I meant cNaG_RCogJM-00081-00080419-00080838 it because I was drafted you're in it because you're a chump you're just blowing off steam cNaG_RCogJM-00082-00080838-00081297 okay you'll be the hero I got me a soft touch where I can order Stoops like you around for cNaG_RCogJM-00083-00081297-00081817 the duration today I better to break your heart to get washed out wouldn't it wouldn't cNaG_RCogJM-00084-00081817-00083017 make me happy well that's Splendid sergeant [Music] I'll see you in class cNaG_RCogJM-00085-00083017-00083466 no weapon is any safer than the man behind it even though the gun is a Gunner's best cNaG_RCogJM-00086-00083466-00084513 friend and now it's a knife and a fortnight Blaine cNaG_RCogJM-00087-00084513-00085163 yes sir uh what is that thing oh it's just a gadget I invented America's Secret Weapon cNaG_RCogJM-00088-00085163-00086554 oh no sir it's a tool of 100 uses see first ice pick knife and a fork and like that a cNaG_RCogJM-00089-00086554-00087213 coat hanger and a bottle opener cNaG_RCogJM-00090-00087213-00087758 Corkscrew well isn't that wonderful yes sir folks back in Mahoney's Garage in Peoria said cNaG_RCogJM-00091-00087758-00088579 I was a mechanical wizard you don't say yes sir anybody got any uh tobacco tobacco yes cNaG_RCogJM-00092-00088579-00089783 sir oh I I forgot to tell you it's a pipe too I sit down pay attention yes cNaG_RCogJM-00093-00089783-00090199 Sergeant Davis what is meant by a vertical lead a vertical angle by which a gun must cNaG_RCogJM-00094-00090199-00090598 be moved above or below a straight line from the muzzle to the Target so the projector cNaG_RCogJM-00095-00090598-00091267 will pass through the target you're pretty smart aren't you very smart cNaG_RCogJM-00096-00091267-00092132 glaswell glaswell what is meant by a vertical lead the vertical angle which a gun must be cNaG_RCogJM-00097-00092132-00092507 moved above or below a straight line the muzzle to the Target so the projector will pass through cNaG_RCogJM-00098-00092507-00092607 the target cNaG_RCogJM-00099-00092607-00094077 look Sandy you handle it this way I'll never get through this course being a gunner means cNaG_RCogJM-00100-00094077-00094524 a lot to you who doesn't I've got to make it if I don't what do you think we're running cNaG_RCogJM-00101-00094524-00094970 here a day Nursery you expect to carry your own personal mechanic in combat little help cNaG_RCogJM-00102-00094970-00095169 doesn't do any harm does it well you stick to your own shopping cNaG_RCogJM-00103-00095169-00096551 don't let him get your gold kid he's riding you because he can't get a rise out of me cNaG_RCogJM-00104-00096551-00096651 foreign cNaG_RCogJM-00105-00096651-00096907 looking junk pile you're supposed to line up everything orderly are you going to put cNaG_RCogJM-00106-00096907-00097539 that garbage together in two minutes blindfolded easy try me gather around gents a great mechanical cNaG_RCogJM-00107-00097539-00098138 wizard is about to perform the blindfold test two minutes huh This I Gotta See all right cNaG_RCogJM-00108-00098138-00098238 now go cNaG_RCogJM-00109-00098238-00099391 hey ah completely assembled that's wonderful Gadget simply wonderful yes sir all assembled cNaG_RCogJM-00110-00099391-00100302 yes sir what do we do with this piece [Laughter] the malfunction on every one of these guns cNaG_RCogJM-00111-00100302-00101732 pick one and fire it until it jams then find out what's wrong with it all right let it cNaG_RCogJM-00113-00106191-00106634 that's how you stop it the star pupil always gets the runaway gun thanks cNaG_RCogJM-00114-00106634-00109132 [Music] thank you Paul [Music] Miss Paul [Music] I got it I got this son of a gun eight out cNaG_RCogJM-00116-00112381-00112481 you did cNaG_RCogJM-00117-00112481-00112581 go ahead cNaG_RCogJM-00118-00112581-00112681 Miss cNaG_RCogJM-00119-00112681-00112781 whoa Miss cNaG_RCogJM-00120-00112781-00112881 foreign cNaG_RCogJM-00121-00112881-00112981 [Music] cNaG_RCogJM-00122-00112981-00113545 are you calling me a liar yes I am and if you want uniform I don't let that stop you cNaG_RCogJM-00123-00113545-00114583 [Music] the scrap they'll be tossed out stop it cut it out which of you started this fight cNaG_RCogJM-00124-00114583-00115441 I'm afraid I lost my temperature you have an excellent training record at Kelly Davis cNaG_RCogJM-00125-00115441-00116082 won't happen again sir another such incident won't be overlooked you understand Sergeant cNaG_RCogJM-00126-00116082-00116648 yes here we go cNaG_RCogJM-00127-00116648-00117949 if you think I'm going to thank you for that gymnas I don't expect anything from you all cNaG_RCogJM-00128-00117949-00118267 right then go back to your Rover boys and tell them about your good deed where are you cNaG_RCogJM-00129-00118267-00118917 go ahead why don't you hit me foreign cNaG_RCogJM-00130-00118917-00120528 that time it almost worked cNaG_RCogJM-00131-00120528-00120946 what happened oh they threw me in the bullpen for a few hours the old man decided to give cNaG_RCogJM-00132-00120946-00121435 me a second chance well that's a good deal next time I think I'll finish the job why cNaG_RCogJM-00133-00121435-00121933 don't you two guys get together Foxy's not such a bad guy I don't want to discuss it cNaG_RCogJM-00134-00121933-00122424 well you're lucky John they just busted a buddy of mine for breathing that a general cNaG_RCogJM-00135-00122424-00122825 what do you mean breathing just breathing of course one of his front teeth was missing cNaG_RCogJM-00136-00122825-00122925 he made a funny noise cNaG_RCogJM-00137-00122925-00124815 John John cNaG_RCogJM-00138-00124815-00125360 we get 24 hours leave Saturday to wake me up just to tell me that no but would you like cNaG_RCogJM-00139-00125360-00126323 to spend the weekend down at our Ranch and you got yourself a guess I'm good that's it cNaG_RCogJM-00140-00126323-00126423 nine cNaG_RCogJM-00141-00126423-00126523 [Music] cNaG_RCogJM-00142-00126523-00127872 overnight pass baby I'm leaving in for engine ah not enough gals to go around same situation cNaG_RCogJM-00143-00127872-00128501 all through Texas okay cNaG_RCogJM-00144-00128501-00130013 [Music] seen private lot around not that I know of Sergeant supposed to meet me here cNaG_RCogJM-00145-00130013-00131125 okay nice cNaG_RCogJM-00146-00131125-00131682 [Music] cNaG_RCogJM-00147-00131682-00133249 not so fast Soldier your past [Music] oh they are foxy sorry to be late all set Sandy yep cNaG_RCogJM-00148-00133249-00133637 let's go say what is this you don't think I'm gonna spend the weekend with him do you cNaG_RCogJM-00149-00133637-00134110 well gee fellas you can't walk out on me now after I had my sister drive all the way up cNaG_RCogJM-00150-00134110-00134613 to get it what's the matter Sandy we're gonna have to rope your gas sister his sister well cNaG_RCogJM-00151-00134613-00135083 that's different come on well cNaG_RCogJM-00152-00135083-00135498 we were only kidding sure Sandy's a sucker for a rip my sister Peggy Sergeant Patterson cNaG_RCogJM-00153-00135498-00135879 Sergeant Davis how do you do no Sandy's written to me about both of you well I hope he kept cNaG_RCogJM-00154-00135879-00136260 it decent I've been keeping you a secret well I'll drive yuck cNaG_RCogJM-00155-00136260-00137560 thank you how you doing back Thursday fine I'm doing fine [Music] you know one more piece cNaG_RCogJM-00156-00137560-00138232 of that Southern Fried Chicken and I'll be talking with the Dixie accent oh it's wonderful cNaG_RCogJM-00157-00138232-00138808 world it's a lot better than the barracks I'll say it is Sandy why don't you show Sergeant cNaG_RCogJM-00158-00138808-00139226 Davis some of your work well he wouldn't want to be bothered mother what is that Mrs Len cNaG_RCogJM-00159-00139226-00139760 well he paints and he's very good too go on Sandy come on let's have a look all right cNaG_RCogJM-00160-00139760-00140454 if you want to be bored excuse me surely save the next one for David that's a problem now cNaG_RCogJM-00161-00140454-00140914 you children have fun I'm right in the midst of a great mystery there are more murders cNaG_RCogJM-00162-00140914-00141398 don't forget to let us know who done it I won't cNaG_RCogJM-00163-00141398-00141872 they're quite close to Matamoras across the border here aren't you just about 15 miles cNaG_RCogJM-00164-00141872-00142479 there's a new band of Pablo's out of this world yes so I heard that's at new spot isn't cNaG_RCogJM-00165-00142479-00142839 it that's right how about taking a run over oh that's just a grand idea I'll tell you cNaG_RCogJM-00166-00142839-00143474 what you gather up Sandy and John and I'll go get the car out gather upset oh sure sure cNaG_RCogJM-00167-00143474-00145427 I'll gather them up good [Music] thank you [Music] you know it's funny they'd want to cNaG_RCogJM-00168-00145427-00145932 stay home and study thought they came down here to relax yeah I thought it was kind of cNaG_RCogJM-00169-00145932-00147264 funny myself but you know after all people do cNaG_RCogJM-00170-00147264-00147844 [Music] cNaG_RCogJM-00171-00147844-00148253 anybody who can paint like that ought to be in the camouflage division not me I'm gonna cNaG_RCogJM-00172-00148253-00148467 be a gunner you're a ferocious guy cNaG_RCogJM-00173-00148467-00149187 excuse me Sandy I got this dance with your assistant cNaG_RCogJM-00174-00149187-00150555 this one's mind cNaG_RCogJM-00175-00150555-00151037 you know if this class comes through okay I may get a commission tell me more about cNaG_RCogJM-00176-00151037-00151489 yourself well you wouldn't be interested well of course I would I like to know about people cNaG_RCogJM-00177-00151489-00152040 really all right my mother was a Hindu princess my father was a pirate it was a case of love cNaG_RCogJM-00178-00152040-00152447 at first sight so he kidnapped her and I was born on the South Sea Island I've never known cNaG_RCogJM-00179-00152447-00152919 anyone quite like you well that goes double you know I've never known anybody quite like cNaG_RCogJM-00180-00152919-00154408 you see what the Army stand for you yeah yeah it's all right [Music] that's funny huh I cNaG_RCogJM-00181-00154408-00155107 was sure this was a shortcut very nicely done what I've used this gag lots of times it's cNaG_RCogJM-00182-00155107-00156250 perfect Moonlight orange blossoms beautiful [Music] now wait a minute all I said was I cNaG_RCogJM-00183-00156250-00156602 thought this was a shortcut well that's what I mean might go the long way around cNaG_RCogJM-00184-00156602-00157151 [Music] cNaG_RCogJM-00185-00157151-00158800 thank you [Music] cNaG_RCogJM-00186-00158800-00159489 can I say any more of course not from your Viewpoint it was just a natural mistake cNaG_RCogJM-00187-00159489-00160223 welcome home hello so you ran out on us huh you know Emily post says that isn't very nice cNaG_RCogJM-00188-00160223-00161060 Wonder study cNaG_RCogJM-00189-00161060-00161954 is that what he told you well it's been a lovely evening good night kitties good night cNaG_RCogJM-00190-00161954-00162621 what a guy what a guy I'm quite a guy myself you'll only give me a chance to prove it really cNaG_RCogJM-00191-00162621-00163598 you know you promised me a dance the Yankees are very very stubborn cNaG_RCogJM-00192-00163598-00164184 foxy outsmarted you in the first round I admit I felt like a wounded prison but he had one cNaG_RCogJM-00194-00167189-00167739 caliber machine guns and stationary targets Sandy was doing better now and I may be because cNaG_RCogJM-00195-00167739-00168420 I have Peggy on my mind it's getting worse foxy did everything he could to wash me out cNaG_RCogJM-00196-00168420-00168877 came the big day when we Advanced to firing 50 calibers and moving targets there was to cNaG_RCogJM-00197-00168877-00169325 be a post dance that night Fox had invited Peggy and Downton repass to watch the firing cNaG_RCogJM-00198-00169325-00169425 trials cNaG_RCogJM-00199-00169425-00171972 thank you [Music] cNaG_RCogJM-00200-00171972-00173999 ready Barkley Roger [Music] ready for firing Roger cNaG_RCogJM-00201-00173999-00175862 better watch your eardrums short bursts and what should traces for lead correction [Music] cNaG_RCogJM-00203-00179932-00182891 I've been thinking about you all week yeah cNaG_RCogJM-00204-00182891-00183575 all right Jitterbug the Army can wait don't forget cNaG_RCogJM-00205-00183575-00184864 you look mighty good up there Sandy I'm glad you were here to give me Marvel support your cNaG_RCogJM-00206-00184864-00185744 guns why don't I pick up the target cNaG_RCogJM-00207-00185744-00186202 I suppose these Target trials are very important this and the last step firing from one plane cNaG_RCogJM-00208-00186202-00186709 of targets told by another if they patch these last two phases they're in and if they don't cNaG_RCogJM-00209-00186709-00187760 we traded to the Brooklyn Dodgers cNaG_RCogJM-00210-00187760-00188137 that one's ready here's your dirty laundry on the next patch give me some real speed cNaG_RCogJM-00211-00188137-00188591 I've been running the car 35 I'll run at full speed this time but my instructions say tell cNaG_RCogJM-00212-00188591-00188961 us and there's a guy out there I want to slap his ears down but the cart lab will jump the cNaG_RCogJM-00213-00188961-00189408 track for somebody you chicken I tell you it's not good to hold the track at full speed cNaG_RCogJM-00214-00189408-00189860 any harm not supposed to okay I'll do it myself I gonna get off it gets going too fast cNaG_RCogJM-00215-00189860-00190431 thank you [Applause] cNaG_RCogJM-00219-00206515-00207631 the accelerator I can't stop him we've got to do something if he smash the piss cNaG_RCogJM-00220-00207631-00207731 [Music] cNaG_RCogJM-00221-00207731-00207831 thank you [Music] foreign [Music] cNaG_RCogJM-00222-00207831-00207931 [Music] cNaG_RCogJM-00223-00207931-00208031 [Music] cNaG_RCogJM-00224-00208031-00208198 [Music] Ty are you all right thank you what's all the commotion [Music] Ally cNaG_RCogJM-00225-00208198-00208314 sleeper come here foreign cNaG_RCogJM-00226-00208314-00208414 [Music] cNaG_RCogJM-00227-00208414-00209252 [Music] this is interesting I told you not to start with that thing it reminds me of cNaG_RCogJM-00228-00209252-00209686 something I once took upon Peoria get that fixed or I'll take you apart give him a chance cNaG_RCogJM-00229-00209686-00209786 boys cNaG_RCogJM-00230-00209786-00211056 [Music] you were in there so long the doctor says he can leave by morning oh that's fine cNaG_RCogJM-00231-00211056-00211559 I know you you came down as his David how about going to dance with me well it's been cNaG_RCogJM-00232-00211559-00213579 sort of a strenuous day John and I think maybe I'd better go on home I understand foreign cNaG_RCogJM-00233-00213579-00213748 [Music] [Applause] [Music] cNaG_RCogJM-00234-00213748-00213848 [Music] cNaG_RCogJM-00235-00213848-00213948 [Music] cNaG_RCogJM-00236-00213948-00216391 I know this sounds kind of sudden see the wars change I'm sorry John what were you say cNaG_RCogJM-00237-00216391-00216969 guys do I have to start all over again John cNaG_RCogJM-00238-00216969-00217853 foxy just asked me to marry him cNaG_RCogJM-00239-00217853-00218151 married faucy you surprised cNaG_RCogJM-00240-00218151-00218856 yes sort of well to tell you the truth I am too a little bit you know foxy yeah I know cNaG_RCogJM-00241-00218856-00219867 foxy well let's see graduation bye bye cNaG_RCogJM-00242-00219867-00220419 [Music] The Trouble With You Davis you played the game too straight you're a confounded cNaG_RCogJM-00243-00220419-00221234 cynic she had a right to make up her own mind we had a lot of work to do I tried to forget cNaG_RCogJM-00244-00221234-00221785 we'd learned the preliminaries now came the real test firing from a plain and simulated cNaG_RCogJM-00245-00221785-00222256 combat at the toad Target two such flights might mean the difference between getting cNaG_RCogJM-00246-00222256-00222750 our Gunners wings or being grounded for the duration we were plenty nervous that day in cNaG_RCogJM-00247-00222750-00223173 the flight room waiting for our turn to go up cNaG_RCogJM-00248-00223173-00224338 you need those fingers Sandy this is worse than waiting to have a tooth pulled cNaG_RCogJM-00249-00224338-00224651 back your equipment cNaG_RCogJM-00250-00224651-00225796 you never can tell where you'll end up in the Gulf cNaG_RCogJM-00251-00225796-00227054 my glad that's old how'd you do chubby how should I know had my eyes closed most of the cNaG_RCogJM-00252-00227054-00227534 time don't worry about our flight we'll lick the pants off of you guys wake me when the cNaG_RCogJM-00253-00227534-00228758 score comes in oh here comes the bad news cNaG_RCogJM-00254-00228758-00229133 well I'm Mighty proud of you fellas average about passing with only one exception exception cNaG_RCogJM-00255-00229133-00229981 hope it ain't me three there must be some mistake I'm sorry Johnson that was your second cNaG_RCogJM-00256-00229981-00230519 try you'll be okay with the ground crew no but I want to be a gunner that that's what cNaG_RCogJM-00257-00230519-00231298 I joined up for I'm sorry Johnson cNaG_RCogJM-00258-00231298-00231455 never mind kid you tried cNaG_RCogJM-00259-00231455-00233235 a to the Flying line flight a to the flying lion so you think you did pretty good up there cNaG_RCogJM-00260-00233235-00233763 today huh Benson believe and money your flight doesn't score as well I'll take some of that cNaG_RCogJM-00261-00233763-00234136 wait a minute wait a minute this is strictly between Benson and me I'm on salary we beat cNaG_RCogJM-00262-00234136-00234756 you how about it sucker you got a bet Soldier better draw that money in advance I'm gonna cNaG_RCogJM-00263-00234756-00235231 need it for a wedding ring okay come on Hey where's Gadget cNaG_RCogJM-00265-00241752-00243692 [Music] cNaG_RCogJM-00266-00243692-00245630 [Music] cNaG_RCogJM-00267-00245630-00247569 [Music] cNaG_RCogJM-00268-00247569-00250076 [Music] thank you cNaG_RCogJM-00269-00250076-00250176 [Music] cNaG_RCogJM-00270-00250176-00250276 ready this is the real test read the right corner or you're a false alarm cNaG_RCogJM-00271-00250276-00250376 go ahead cNaG_RCogJM-00272-00250376-00250476 [Music] cNaG_RCogJM-00273-00250476-00250576 Sergeant Davis played 25 go ahead cNaG_RCogJM-00274-00250576-00252655 [Music] thank you [Music] cNaG_RCogJM-00276-00259696-00262042 [Music] cNaG_RCogJM-00277-00262042-00264389 [Music] cNaG_RCogJM-00278-00264389-00266735 here cNaG_RCogJM-00279-00266735-00269147 [Music] I'm in line number 24 go ahead cNaG_RCogJM-00280-00269147-00269247 [Music] what are you going into cNaG_RCogJM-00281-00269247-00269347 [Music] cNaG_RCogJM-00282-00269347-00269447 [Music] cNaG_RCogJM-00283-00269447-00269547 foreign cNaG_RCogJM-00284-00269547-00269685 I'm sorry foxy I I tried but I couldn't you tried I could excuse you if you're tired and cNaG_RCogJM-00285-00269685-00270303 missed I tried a fire I tell you but something happened I can't explain it I got sick you cNaG_RCogJM-00286-00270303-00271961 didn't get sick just scared spitless I want to smack yourself Arjun [Music] cNaG_RCogJM-00287-00271961-00272846 slow down again that happens to lots of guys leave me alone will you just leave me alone cNaG_RCogJM-00288-00272846-00273333 I hated to see that happen in my flight what about Sandy what happens now you'll go up cNaG_RCogJM-00289-00273333-00274255 tomorrow and score somewhere else [Music] we'll break the kids heart finishing up like cNaG_RCogJM-00290-00274255-00275050 this [Music] funny hit volunteer you think a guy had no inside whether you could take cNaG_RCogJM-00291-00275050-00275563 it or not unless not scared not the way foxy thinks what do you mean we've all got reasons cNaG_RCogJM-00292-00275563-00276047 for being here maybe we're convinced we've got to wipe out the Nazis and Japs to keep cNaG_RCogJM-00293-00276047-00276673 them from taking us over maybe we're fighting for an ideal maybe we just want to get out cNaG_RCogJM-00294-00276673-00277572 there and cover ourselves with Glory but not Sandy he has some personal reason keeps driving cNaG_RCogJM-00295-00277572-00278409 keeps him tied up in nuts that's what happened today tied knots talk like you know Jonesy cNaG_RCogJM-00296-00278409-00279157 I've seen fellas like him quiet gentle kids they wear themselves sick but once they get cNaG_RCogJM-00297-00279157-00279616 into combat with dive bombers screaming overhead and Lead whistling around their ears they're cNaG_RCogJM-00298-00279616-00280280 out in front showing the tough guys what a real Soldier is like in a minute you mean cNaG_RCogJM-00299-00280280-00280501 you've seen act British Advent cNaG_RCogJM-00300-00280501-00281092 I gotta get some stains cNaG_RCogJM-00301-00281092-00281967 how do you like that Jonesy the British at Dunkirk and I thought that guy was a Powerpuff cNaG_RCogJM-00302-00281967-00282513 I hope he's right about Sandy wait foxy wrote him no I don't think you'll be any better cNaG_RCogJM-00303-00282513-00283015 tomorrow than he was today where's one I saw him a while ago heading toward the chapel cNaG_RCogJM-00304-00283015-00283674 button up foxy yeah look San Diego won his second chance do you think you ought to go cNaG_RCogJM-00305-00283674-00284189 up tomorrow let him get his nerve up I'm in charge of this flight Davis and I want any cNaG_RCogJM-00306-00284189-00284697 advice I'll ask for it cNaG_RCogJM-00307-00284697-00285109 [Music] cNaG_RCogJM-00308-00285109-00285729 why do I have to be like that cNaG_RCogJM-00309-00285729-00286867 why can't I have just a little of the courage my father had cNaG_RCogJM-00310-00286867-00287754 he gave his life for his country like no he was never afraid cNaG_RCogJM-00311-00287754-00288194 let me carry on form cNaG_RCogJM-00312-00288194-00288714 I promised I would cNaG_RCogJM-00313-00288714-00290339 please I've tried so hard okay can't you give me some help cNaG_RCogJM-00314-00290339-00291410 dear Lord help me to find this train be with me tomorrow when went on cNaG_RCogJM-00315-00291410-00293752 up there again I've got to make good I just got to [Music] cNaG_RCogJM-00316-00293752-00295472 [Music] cNaG_RCogJM-00317-00295472-00296064 Sandy I'm sorry about what happened this afternoon I I just hated to see you mess up your firing cNaG_RCogJM-00318-00296064-00296557 test I can't blame you I look here there are loads of jobs in the Army suppose you got cNaG_RCogJM-00319-00296557-00296992 into Administration you'd be near home I'm entitled to another trial tomorrow we sure cNaG_RCogJM-00320-00296992-00297545 you are and I just hate to see you go up that's all thanks for trying foxy I'll be all right cNaG_RCogJM-00321-00297545-00298089 tomorrow [Music] cNaG_RCogJM-00322-00298089-00298609 [Music] cNaG_RCogJM-00323-00298609-00299130 [Music] cNaG_RCogJM-00325-00303493-00303864 [Music] cNaG_RCogJM-00326-00303864-00304234 [Music] cNaG_RCogJM-00327-00304234-00305348 [Music] so quick cNaG_RCogJM-00328-00305348-00305718 [Music] cNaG_RCogJM-00330-00310539-00311652 there we are cNaG_RCogJM-00331-00311652-00314205 nice though come in Crash Boat price boat Lieutenant Savage to me go ahead kill the cNaG_RCogJM-00332-00314205-00317198 plane cracked up three miles [Music] come on boys let's go cNaG_RCogJM-00333-00317198-00317469 foreign cNaG_RCogJM-00334-00317469-00318075 [Music] not too long please [Music] cNaG_RCogJM-00335-00318075-00318316 [Music] cNaG_RCogJM-00336-00318316-00319039 hello Sandy foxy cNaG_RCogJM-00337-00319039-00320955 we should never have let you go up right on from awake cNaG_RCogJM-00338-00320955-00321634 what did you say I assume that gun myself cNaG_RCogJM-00339-00321634-00322881 no it wasn't good at those things I caught the voice maker oh fine they all passed sleeper cNaG_RCogJM-00340-00322881-00324100 and Gadget are outside they're getting their wins Saturday yeah so what do you want to cNaG_RCogJM-00341-00324100-00325044 let yourself no use killing foxy I washed out for good cNaG_RCogJM-00342-00325044-00325278 I tell you it's Foxy's fault he had to call him a cow in front of the company and forced cNaG_RCogJM-00343-00325278-00325854 him to go up again cNaG_RCogJM-00344-00325854-00326895 we were waiting around to hear about Sandy cNaG_RCogJM-00345-00326895-00327566 you know there's something you really ought to invent yeah what a zipper for your lip cNaG_RCogJM-00346-00327566-00328238 I better let you get some rest kid wait cNaG_RCogJM-00347-00328238-00328550 is what you want cNaG_RCogJM-00348-00328550-00328833 my father cNaG_RCogJM-00349-00328833-00330835 only sent back from Hawaii [Music] I don't talk Sandy they came over it done hickensville cNaG_RCogJM-00350-00330835-00332211 never woke up they sent us this I swear I carry it over Tokyo you will Sandy you and cNaG_RCogJM-00351-00332211-00333228 me we fly over Tokyo together you're gonna ask for combat sure we're both getting the cNaG_RCogJM-00352-00333228-00333328 same outfit cNaG_RCogJM-00353-00333328-00334688 taking but I look standing Okay carry it for me fraction you're a good fight I like my cNaG_RCogJM-00354-00334688-00334788 father cNaG_RCogJM-00356-00338905-00339022 doctor cNaG_RCogJM-00357-00339022-00339138 [Music] cNaG_RCogJM-00358-00339138-00339726 okay there was nothing I could do don't touch me [Music] cNaG_RCogJM-00359-00339726-00339850 thank you cNaG_RCogJM-00361-00346481-00346973 within the next few weeks you will be fighting for your country in Alaska the South Seas cNaG_RCogJM-00362-00346973-00347635 Britain Africa on all the battlefronts of this globe circling War that you are ready cNaG_RCogJM-00363-00347635-00348153 as evidenced by the fact that you stand before me to receive your Gunner's Wings wear them cNaG_RCogJM-00364-00348153-00348413 proudly for they are your mark of achievement cNaG_RCogJM-00365-00348413-00349028 Sergeant Michael o'bania cNaG_RCogJM-00366-00349028-00350985 Sergeant Henry Jones cNaG_RCogJM-00367-00350985-00351639 play cNaG_RCogJM-00368-00351639-00352778 [Music] we pause to honor a member of your class who is no longer with us he did not cNaG_RCogJM-00369-00352778-00353429 find the going here easy but Above All Else he wanted to be a gunner he knew his handicaps cNaG_RCogJM-00370-00353429-00353945 yet despite a first failure he came back to try again his was the kind of Courage which cNaG_RCogJM-00371-00353945-00354472 inspires the rest of us to keep fighting no matter what the odds no matter what the personal cNaG_RCogJM-00372-00354472-00355318 cost on behalf of the Army Air Corps and this class we award posthumously to Sergeant Sanford cNaG_RCogJM-00373-00355318-00355966 Lunt the wings of an aerial Gunner cNaG_RCogJM-00374-00355966-00356559 Mrs Lund you may be sure of our deep sympathy and friendship my boy would have been very cNaG_RCogJM-00375-00356559-00357514 proud colonel very proud [Music] cNaG_RCogJM-00376-00357514-00358170 for the first time since he was a kid kicking around the gutters of New York spitting in cNaG_RCogJM-00377-00358170-00358983 the face of fate foxy seemed like I suppose the girl was through it was a tough break cNaG_RCogJM-00378-00358983-00359577 for him but then I was in love with her too she let me kiss her goodbye no promise of cNaG_RCogJM-00379-00359577-00360203 course but unless through the feeling that when I came back I had a chance a few days cNaG_RCogJM-00380-00360203-00360623 later I got my commission I was assigned here you mean you're left without kissing foxy cNaG_RCogJM-00381-00360623-00361367 goodbye he wouldn't even see me I guess he hated me more than ever after I was here a cNaG_RCogJM-00382-00361367-00361859 few weeks you sent for me remember cNaG_RCogJM-00383-00361859-00363117 you sent for me sir yes the San Francisco plane brought something for you New Tail Gunner cNaG_RCogJM-00384-00363117-00363582 sergeant cNaG_RCogJM-00385-00363582-00364460 I understand you two know each other yes sir we do take charge from Lieutenant arms to cNaG_RCogJM-00386-00364460-00364610 on the line yes cNaG_RCogJM-00387-00364610-00365578 I thought you didn't want any action the guy can change his mind sir never mind the formality cNaG_RCogJM-00388-00365578-00366146 yes sir coincidence I'm sending you down here coincidence my foot sir I asked to be said cNaG_RCogJM-00389-00366146-00366554 look foxy if you're gonna let that Grudge carry you five thousand miles oh no it wasn't cNaG_RCogJM-00390-00366554-00367002 that sir no indeed it was a picture of a south sea babe that I saw in a magazine oh she was cNaG_RCogJM-00391-00367002-00367395 gorgeous and you know how I am about that come on meet the rest the crew yes sir cNaG_RCogJM-00392-00367395-00369322 look what just dropped in all right Gadget hello sleeper getting caught up on your napping cNaG_RCogJM-00393-00369322-00369553 hi hello cNaG_RCogJM-00394-00369553-00370007 Sergeant Trask or Bombardier foxy Patterson glad to know you same here pack it right here cNaG_RCogJM-00395-00370007-00370661 I'm upstairs oh swell say um uh wasn't jealousy with your fellas that was his mom they're cNaG_RCogJM-00396-00370661-00371408 shipping him back on the same plane that brought you in Jonesy yeah zero cNaG_RCogJM-00397-00371408-00372330 that's tough he was a good guy Jonesy uh Riley was a good guy and so was Sandy Gadget what's cNaG_RCogJM-00398-00372330-00372846 the matter how did it happen see you guys later cNaG_RCogJM-00399-00372846-00374099 here let me help you let's get on over the PX before it closes closes why they are closed cNaG_RCogJM-00400-00374099-00374702 do they know that let them alone trisk cNaG_RCogJM-00401-00374702-00375180 I thought it was going to be hot in the South seed cNaG_RCogJM-00402-00375180-00375928 Hebron Gadget resented Foxy's presence from the beginning they still blamed foxy for what cNaG_RCogJM-00403-00375928-00376509 it happened to Sam around it's close quarters sooner or later there was bound to be a blow-off cNaG_RCogJM-00404-00376509-00377230 you forgot to jump sucker I'm not very good at this Sandy taught him how to play he wasn't cNaG_RCogJM-00405-00377230-00377779 very good at it I've taken all right and I'm going to take C yes if either one of you mentioned cNaG_RCogJM-00406-00377779-00378410 Sandy's name again shut up what's the matter with you guys nothing sir he was just now cNaG_RCogJM-00407-00378410-00378783 listen to me both of you we've got to work together otherwise we're no good as a bombing cNaG_RCogJM-00408-00378783-00379263 crew we don't want a team with foxy then you can ask for a transfer and by George I recommend cNaG_RCogJM-00409-00379263-00379775 it too we don't want that sir and then stop acting like a couple of school girls yes sir cNaG_RCogJM-00410-00379775-00380131 get out on the line and make the ship ready for a bombing this you mean we're going up cNaG_RCogJM-00411-00380131-00380539 I don't know we've got orders go out and check the ship I hope this isn't just another fire cNaG_RCogJM-00412-00380539-00381358 drill foxy going out there and check your guns yes sir and uh thanks what thanks they cNaG_RCogJM-00413-00381358-00382214 were getting me down I thought I heard wrong you're welcome foxy wait a minute got something cNaG_RCogJM-00414-00382214-00383306 for me cNaG_RCogJM-00415-00383306-00383786 now when you reach this point release head for your own Target Lieutenant Brant you'll cNaG_RCogJM-00416-00383786-00384359 concentrate on the hangers yes sir to get any ships in the open get them too right sir cNaG_RCogJM-00417-00384359-00385053 Lieutenant Davis your objective is the barracks use all the pictures yes sir Ferguson gets cNaG_RCogJM-00418-00385053-00385720 the tanker is that clear yes sir now if you meet any Fighters Don't Stop The Spar your cNaG_RCogJM-00419-00385720-00386133 job is to unload your bombs and get your ships home safely we can't afford to lose any of cNaG_RCogJM-00420-00386133-00386695 them we understand sir that's all set your watches take off a set for 13 30 hours good cNaG_RCogJM-00421-00386695-00386954 luck and give them the works yes sir cNaG_RCogJM-00422-00386954-00388556 [Music] thank you [Music] foreign cNaG_RCogJM-00424-00392178-00392279 yet cNaG_RCogJM-00425-00392279-00392906 Sergeant Blaine Lieutenant Davis getting close Gadget going up sir cNaG_RCogJM-00426-00392906-00393527 take over turn off oh there cNaG_RCogJM-00427-00393527-00395029 hey foxy how's everything back there in the Caboose ready lonesome I'll speak to the colonel cNaG_RCogJM-00428-00395029-00395720 maybe the next time he'll send a Hostess salon why am I from me too lieutenant cNaG_RCogJM-00429-00395720-00395906 [Music] cNaG_RCogJM-00430-00395906-00396725 there it is man right straight ahead Lieutenant brand Ferguson Tana Davis this is where we cNaG_RCogJM-00431-00396725-00396985 parked company look at your spots Roger cNaG_RCogJM-00432-00396985-00399728 [Music] going in low and fast is that the way you want to track Roger cNaG_RCogJM-00434-00403630-00403949 thank you [Music] good work dress Sally get one for my uncle Michael yeah he used to sell cNaG_RCogJM-00435-00403949-00404353 them scrap iron let's give him something free okay here's where you're right the speaker cNaG_RCogJM-00436-00404353-00404526 [Music] cNaG_RCogJM-00437-00404526-00406415 won't be sleeping there tonight mom's away sir we're starting Yankee cNaG_RCogJM-00438-00406415-00408049 I'll give me a chance at him I want to break in this chocolate not this trip Monty you've cNaG_RCogJM-00439-00408049-00408832 done our good deed for today see if the others are ready to go home Lieutenant Sarnoff to cNaG_RCogJM-00440-00408832-00409077 lieutenants Brandon Ferguson Asterix cNaG_RCogJM-00441-00409077-00409917 they got the hangers in the tanker the rubber head of us going home good money we haven't cNaG_RCogJM-00442-00409917-00411757 seen any chat planes well we may have caught them all in the hangers I hope so that's a cNaG_RCogJM-00443-00411757-00413529 beautiful fire you left back then thank you cNaG_RCogJM-00444-00413529-00413779 Zero's way up on my left cNaG_RCogJM-00445-00413779-00414114 we'll try to run them out put your guns out understood okay I kind of like that cNaG_RCogJM-00446-00414114-00414250 I can't see it from here cNaG_RCogJM-00448-00431705-00433035 right what the colonel said no matter what happens get these ships off right here's luck cNaG_RCogJM-00449-00433035-00433703 if I step on it don't wait thank you cNaG_RCogJM-00450-00433703-00433803 [Music] cNaG_RCogJM-00451-00433803-00433903 foreign cNaG_RCogJM-00452-00433903-00434003 [Music] cNaG_RCogJM-00453-00434003-00434103 [Music] cNaG_RCogJM-00454-00434103-00434222 [Music] between now cNaG_RCogJM-00455-00434222-00434322 [Music] cNaG_RCogJM-00456-00434322-00435407 I got mine okay so I've got another one [Music] yeah it's gone down underneath cNaG_RCogJM-00457-00435407-00435507 [Music] cNaG_RCogJM-00458-00435507-00435777 [Music] good morning [Music] cNaG_RCogJM-00459-00435777-00436222 it's all sir he ran out cNaG_RCogJM-00460-00436222-00436592 take over on the hit cNaG_RCogJM-00461-00436592-00436692 Santa cNaG_RCogJM-00462-00436692-00436934 gadget gadget come on down and help me cNaG_RCogJM-00463-00436934-00437227 and the guy look at you they got the motors cNaG_RCogJM-00464-00437227-00437327 [Music] cNaG_RCogJM-00465-00437327-00437427 Trust sarna sleep cNaG_RCogJM-00466-00437427-00437840 yeah you've got plenty of sleep now foxy we may none of us come out of this alive I'd cNaG_RCogJM-00467-00437840-00438415 feel a lot better if you and I could make it up cNaG_RCogJM-00468-00438415-00439184 I never learned how to talk John [Music] maybe this will help cNaG_RCogJM-00469-00439184-00439552 [Music] cNaG_RCogJM-00470-00439552-00440260 dear Fox John wrote that you were down there with him [Music] I know now I did you a terrible cNaG_RCogJM-00471-00440260-00441052 Injustice and I'm writing to ask you to forgive me you were all just doing your job Sandy cNaG_RCogJM-00472-00441052-00441788 would have gone up again no matter what happened he had to do his job too about you and me cNaG_RCogJM-00473-00441788-00442322 it's buried that it ended as it did cNaG_RCogJM-00474-00442322-00442951 you must realize that now I'd never known anyone quite like you and you felt the same cNaG_RCogJM-00475-00442951-00443750 way about me with John it's different I haven't told him yet but when he comes back I'll be cNaG_RCogJM-00476-00443750-00444619 waiting please don't feel too bitter toward me foxy someday when all this is over I'd cNaG_RCogJM-00477-00444619-00445721 like to see you again sincerely Peggy [Music] well we can't all win he's a great girl you cNaG_RCogJM-00478-00445721-00446346 can say that again lieutenant suppose I told you I could get the motor for you can you cNaG_RCogJM-00479-00446346-00446740 you're asking me the mechanical wizard it's just the ignition wiring give me about five cNaG_RCogJM-00480-00446740-00447439 minutes but are you sure you can lift her out of here you fix it and we'll see I'll cNaG_RCogJM-00481-00447439-00447864 fix it hey we got company yeah sniper hurry up get that wiring well how about that shut cNaG_RCogJM-00482-00447864-00448441 up get to work John you get it the controls ready to take off cNaG_RCogJM-00483-00448441-00448697 there must be more than one of them imagine how I'm gonna take you to get that wiring cNaG_RCogJM-00484-00448697-00449042 oh about five minutes anyway I'll hold them off as long as I can and Gadget don't start cNaG_RCogJM-00486-00452416-00453514 foreign cNaG_RCogJM-00487-00453514-00454614 [Music] cNaG_RCogJM-00488-00454614-00456812 thank you cNaG_RCogJM-00489-00456812-00456912 foreign cNaG_RCogJM-00490-00456912-00457841 [Music] [Applause] [Music] cNaG_RCogJM-00491-00457841-00458182 [Music] cNaG_RCogJM-00493-00462953-00464317 cover your lizards Obama cNaG_RCogJM-00494-00464317-00466021 [Music] all right it goes cNaG_RCogJM-00495-00466021-00466360 [Music] cNaG_RCogJM-00496-00466360-00467384 so long sucker cNaG_RCogJM-00497-00467384-00468713 how are we doing Sandy cNaG_RCogJM-00498-00468713-00469227 he gave his life so we could fly our bomber home and use it again we will foxy for you cNaG_RCogJM-00499-00469227-00469688 and Sandy and Sandy's father and all the others who died to keep the Stars and Stripes flying cNaG_RCogJM-00500-00469688-00470360 over free America we'll keep smashing at them again and again until we finish them for good cNaG_RCogJM-00501-00470360-00470509 that foxy I promise you cpdlogQVvaE-00000-00000901-00001101 bhaiyyuji maharaj latest news cpdlogQVvaE-00001-00001101-00001301 bhaiyyuji maharaj speech cpdlogQVvaE-00002-00001301-00001604 bhaiyyuji maharaj cOrapSYFe9Q-00000-00000000-00000200 Palak chandra world cOeuF3kgiIU-00000-00000171-00000371 SHALAT GERHANA cOeuF3kgiIU-00001-00000506-00000795 HUKUM SHALAT GERHANA cOeuF3kgiIU-00002-00000805-00001776 Sunnah muakkadah (ditekankan) baik bagi kaum laki atau perempuan. cOeuF3kgiIU-00003-00001798-00002172 Disunnahkan dilaksanakan di masjid secara berjamaah cOeuF3kgiIU-00004-00002172-00002442 dan boleh dilakukan sendiri di rumah. cOeuF3kgiIU-00005-00002461-00002915 Abdullah bin ‘Amr bin al’Ash  berkata: cOeuF3kgiIU-00006-00002932-00003438 “Ketika terjadi gerhana di zaman Nabi shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam cOeuF3kgiIU-00007-00003438-00004141 maka diserukan untuk shalat berjamaah degan seruan: ‘Ash-shalatu Jaami’ah’. cOeuF3kgiIU-00008-00004141-00004275 (HR. Bukhari) cVjtuHzhhVE-00003-00001404-00001716 Okay, I hope I missed you on Star Wars Legion. cVjtuHzhhVE-00004-00001716-00002009 And then if I didn't miss you, well too bad, I come back anyway. cVjtuHzhhVE-00005-00002009-00002336 at the same time now from the Star wars legion everyone actually cVjtuHzhhVE-00006-00002336-00002638 So since I was one of the first, I don't see why I could do without it. cVjtuHzhhVE-00007-00002638-00002797 Here we go... cVjtuHzhhVE-00008-00002914-00003203 We will start this week cVjtuHzhhVE-00009-00003203-00003516 that we are going to grant to new and With Padmé. cVjtuHzhhVE-00010-00003516-00003814 so even if i have all the cards, cVjtuHzhhVE-00011-00003847-00004103 I only show you the ones that FFG revealed. cVjtuHzhhVE-00012-00004103-00004406 because I don't like leaks cVjtuHzhhVE-00013-00004406-00004716 we will start with the figurine cVjtuHzhhVE-00014-00004716-00005055 which will be offered to you in the form of a cluster cVjtuHzhhVE-00015-00005064-00005368 with two different poses. I prefer the one with the A3 cVjtuHzhhVE-00016-00005368-00005636 but both are very beautiful. cVjtuHzhhVE-00017-00005636-00005901 this confirms the quality of the range. cVjtuHzhhVE-00018-00005905-00006203 Very beautiful painting cVjtuHzhhVE-00019-00006203-00006507 FFG has made the right choices. cVjtuHzhhVE-00020-00006507-00006794 Communication improves. cVjtuHzhhVE-00021-00006794-00007095 it makes you want more cVjtuHzhhVE-00022-00007095-00007356 90 points for an agent cVjtuHzhhVE-00023-00007356-00007630 6 alive and 3 moral cVjtuHzhhVE-00024-00007630-00007931 we will defend in white cVjtuHzhhVE-00025-00007931-00008221 we will defend in white cVjtuHzhhVE-00026-00008221-00008498 we move to 2, it's classic cVjtuHzhhVE-00027-00008498-00008749 3 black melee dice cVjtuHzhhVE-00028-00008750-00009480 same for 3A but with distance perforator 2 cVjtuHzhhVE-00029-00009492-00009684 for the improvement bar cVjtuHzhhVE-00030-00009702-00009925 command, training, equipment and armament cVjtuHzhhVE-00031-00009926-00010306 so we will find them in the cards cVjtuHzhhVE-00032-00010310-00010588 disclosed or not cVjtuHzhhVE-00033-00011004-00011108 They are very strong cVjtuHzhhVE-00034-00011210-00011377 but they have not yet been revealed cVjtuHzhhVE-00035-00011436-00011738 we will have a quick thinking action cVjtuHzhhVE-00036-00011738-00012278 gain 1 aim token and dodge token cVjtuHzhhVE-00037-00012300-00012521 authoritative cVjtuHzhhVE-00038-00012521-00012742 when you should receive an order cVjtuHzhhVE-00039-00012742-00013002 you can transfer it to a remote Allied unit 2 cVjtuHzhhVE-00040-00013088-00013654 it allows you to be much more flexible in your actions cVjtuHzhhVE-00041-00013654-00013938 Exemplar cVjtuHzhhVE-00042-00013938-00014236 friendly units can spend your green pawns cVjtuHzhhVE-00043-00014408-00014682 so the target, the dodge or the adrenaline cVjtuHzhhVE-00044-00014682-00014956 Nimble cVjtuHzhhVE-00045-00014956-00015238 who keeps the dodge token cVjtuHzhhVE-00046-00015238-00015488 and Sharpeshooter cVjtuHzhhVE-00047-00015488-00015779 which removes cover cVjtuHzhhVE-00048-00015779-00016083 the A5 has a range to 3 cVjtuHzhhVE-00049-00016083-00016380 with white and red cVjtuHzhhVE-00050-00016393-00016688 for 5 points you earn pierce 1 cVjtuHzhhVE-00051-00016688-00016945 well yes it's normal, there is a shot that passes easily cVjtuHzhhVE-00052-00016945-00017250 and as the weapon is heavy and well the second and less precise cVjtuHzhhVE-00053-00017250-00017550 hence the color difference. I find it realistic. cVjtuHzhhVE-00054-00017550-00017748 the steam you already know cVjtuHzhhVE-00056-00018062-00018410 two command cards are available cVjtuHzhhVE-00057-00018455-00018719 card 1 cVjtuHzhhVE-00058-00018719-00019005 Our fate is in your hands cVjtuHzhhVE-00059-00019005-00019307 She gains intuition 2 cVjtuHzhhVE-00060-00019307-00019571 At the star of activation phase cVjtuHzhhVE-00061-00019571-00019824 she can transfer suppression tokens from her friendly teams cVjtuHzhhVE-00062-00019824-00020128 at 1/2 range cVjtuHzhhVE-00064-00020424-00020655 for each pawn she wins a dodge pawn cVjtuHzhhVE-00065-00020660-00020969 max 2 dodge cVjtuHzhhVE-00066-00020969-00021264 it's new cVjtuHzhhVE-00067-00021264-00021552 it's cool for rebbels cVjtuHzhhVE-00068-00021552-00021849 Diplomatic cover cVjtuHzhhVE-00069-00021849-00022114 permanet cVjtuHzhhVE-00070-00022114-00022405 permanent if this card was divulged, padmé gains secret mission cVjtuHzhhVE-00071-00022405-00022704 like R2D2 cVjtuHzhhVE-00072-00022713-00022950 I remind you that secret missions cVjtuHzhhVE-00073-00022950-00023488 can place an objective token on his card cVjtuHzhhVE-00074-00023508-00023779 and if it reaches an opposing deployment zone cVjtuHzhhVE-00075-00023779-00024051 at the end of the game cVjtuHzhhVE-00076-00024051-00024349 if she is still alive cVjtuHzhhVE-00077-00024377-00024662 she wins a victory pawn that's cool. cVjtuHzhhVE-00078-00024665-00024972 it's easy with R2D2 which is small cVjtuHzhhVE-00079-00024972-00025275 will padmé be as discreet ...? cVjtuHzhhVE-00080-00025276-00025474 I am not sure cVjtuHzhhVE-00081-00025564-00026148 Divulge deploy units step. Padmé gains infiltrate cVjtuHzhhVE-00082-00026172-00026702 and when she is deployed she gain 1 dodge token. cVjtuHzhhVE-00083-00026764-00027162 This cards must be selected during round 1 cVjtuHzhhVE-00084-00027176-00027477 that's it for Padmé cVjtuHzhhVE-00086-00027730-00028030 when everything is presented cVjtuHzhhVE-00087-00028030-00028285 I will post the cards on my tipeee cVjtuHzhhVE-00088-00028285-00028506 in link under the video cVjtuHzhhVE-00090-00028814-00029089 don't forget to share the video cVjtuHzhhVE-00091-00029089-00029370 to put a commentary cVjtuHzhhVE-00092-00029370-00029637 and subscribe cVjtuHzhhVE-00093-00029637-00029915 I still have good games and good luck cVjtuHzhhVE-00094-00029915-00030217 because there is only that to win cVjtuHzhhVE-00095-00030217-00030506 you will find Legion on the page cVjtuHzhhVE-00096-00030506-00030822 let's play live cVjtuHzhhVE-00097-00030822-00031326 one for beginners and one for experts cVjtuHzhhVE-00098-00031395-00031524 goodbye cVK9nx_A5Do-00000-00000000-00000337 The evening wind is still very gentle, and the bubbles are still limiting the flow. cVK9nx_A5Do-00001-00000391-00000688 Today I am playing the challenge map of the mini world cVK9nx_A5Do-00002-00000711-00000897 . I played it with Qian Yi. Let’s cVK9nx_A5Do-00003-00000928-00001113 start running cool. Let’s go cVK9nx_A5Do-00004-00003901-00003989 to cheat. Watch it cVK9nx_A5Do-00005-00004060-00004163 yourself cWRQSUXeSuQ-00000-00000007-00000173 How Cosmoem evolves feat. Pixelmon cWRQSUXeSuQ-00001-00000173-00000275 For Solgaleo cWRQSUXeSuQ-00002-00000275-00000586 Level up in the morning cWRQSUXeSuQ-00003-00000586-00000686 For Lunala cWRQSUXeSuQ-00004-00000686-00000994 Level up at night cWRQSUXeSuQ-00005-00000994-00001160 What is the unique evolution of Pokemon? cWTV-Kmcc98-00000-00000000-00000321 campaign 2016 segments and even know cWTV-Kmcc98-00001-00000321-00000479 Donald Trump has closed the gap on cWTV-Kmcc98-00002-00000479-00000660 Hillary Clinton and more Republicans are cWTV-Kmcc98-00003-00000660-00000876 supporting Trump some big names in the cWTV-Kmcc98-00004-00000876-00001151 GOP still hold out Presidents Bush the cWTV-Kmcc98-00005-00001151-00001341 younger and elder are not supporting cWTV-Kmcc98-00006-00001341-00001517 Trump Governor John Kasich of Ohio is cWTV-Kmcc98-00007-00001517-00001659 actually written in the name of john cWTV-Kmcc98-00008-00001659-00001877 mccain in advance voting former cWTV-Kmcc98-00009-00001877-00002025 presidential candidate Mitt Romney says cWTV-Kmcc98-00010-00002025-00002243 he will not vote for either trump or cWTV-Kmcc98-00011-00002243-00002402 Clinton it's not here in New York City cWTV-Kmcc98-00012-00002402-00002640 Jon Meacham author of the book destiny cWTV-Kmcc98-00013-00002640-00002874 and power the American Odyssey of george cWTV-Kmcc98-00014-00002874-00003077 herbert walker bush which is now out in cWTV-Kmcc98-00015-00003077-00003198 paperback cWTV-Kmcc98-00016-00003198-00003479 I can't imagine at this point in Hillary cWTV-Kmcc98-00017-00003479-00003947 Clinton's a political evolution right cWTV-Kmcc98-00018-00003947-00004242 Bush the younger pulling that level for cWTV-Kmcc98-00019-00004242-00004412 somebody who would as i pointed out in cWTV-Kmcc98-00020-00004412-00004650 the talking points memo abortion no cWTV-Kmcc98-00021-00004650-00004941 matter when for any reason I I just cWTV-Kmcc98-00022-00004941-00005057 can't imagine it cWTV-Kmcc98-00023-00005057-00005175 well I don't I think it's wrong to cWTV-Kmcc98-00024-00005175-00005382 assume that because he's most likely not cWTV-Kmcc98-00025-00005382-00005532 voting for Trump that he's voting for cWTV-Kmcc98-00026-00005532-00005700 Hillary alright so you might leave it cWTV-Kmcc98-00027-00005700-00005814 open or red cWTV-Kmcc98-00028-00005814-00006117 I like that yet I I my senses you know cWTV-Kmcc98-00029-00006117-00006243 the bushes have been in national cWTV-Kmcc98-00030-00006243-00006588 politics in 1952 I did the prescott bush cWTV-Kmcc98-00031-00006588-00006740 again senator from Connecticut that year cWTV-Kmcc98-00032-00006740-00007086 but bush george HW bush voted for thomas cWTV-Kmcc98-00033-00007086-00007448 e do in 1948 they have been the cWTV-Kmcc98-00034-00007448-00007718 architects of the universe that Trump cWTV-Kmcc98-00035-00007718-00007977 wants to blow up so its core interesting cWTV-Kmcc98-00036-00007977-00008220 why would one expect the bushes broadly cWTV-Kmcc98-00037-00008220-00008361 put but i think it's even i think it's cWTV-Kmcc98-00038-00008361-00008550 more intense than I think they resented cWTV-Kmcc98-00039-00008550-00008915 the fact that bush attack Jeb so the cWTV-Kmcc98-00040-00008915-00009182 imagery and humiliated me humiliated him cWTV-Kmcc98-00041-00009182-00009447 i think that's what the driving factor cWTV-Kmcc98-00042-00009447-00009504 is here cWTV-Kmcc98-00043-00009504-00009660 I think it's easy i think it's a larger cWTV-Kmcc98-00044-00009660-00009950 than larger i think that the fact that cWTV-Kmcc98-00045-00009950-00010140 Trump brought up the attacks of cWTV-Kmcc98-00046-00010140-00010593 September 11th I think that he has made cWTV-Kmcc98-00047-00010593-00010832 a central issue of trying to take apart cWTV-Kmcc98-00048-00010832-00011114 an entire ethos and you have the Iraq cWTV-Kmcc98-00049-00011114-00011403 policy that kind of thing and so again cWTV-Kmcc98-00050-00011403-00011550 and i think the bushes get a lot of cWTV-Kmcc98-00051-00011550-00011796 credit for a really kind of dignified cWTV-Kmcc98-00052-00011796-00012036 silence about this their silence why cWTV-Kmcc98-00053-00012036-00012252 don't know about that I i think it might cWTV-Kmcc98-00054-00012252-00012432 be a divided thing there are a lot of cWTV-Kmcc98-00055-00012432-00012660 Republicans who are very angry about the cWTV-Kmcc98-00056-00012660-00012809 bushes not because they don't like cWTV-Kmcc98-00057-00012809-00013037 Hillary Clinton it's it's it's not so cWTV-Kmcc98-00058-00013037-00013244 much Trump you gotta get behind this cWTV-Kmcc98-00059-00013244-00013359 great guy its we cWTV-Kmcc98-00060-00013359-00013875 hate her how can you ever not help get cWTV-Kmcc98-00061-00013875-00014130 her off the stage cWTV-Kmcc98-00062-00014130-00014355 that's what I'm getting but it's not you cWTV-Kmcc98-00063-00014355-00014586 this isn't a vacuum right so if you're cWTV-Kmcc98-00064-00014586-00014720 George Herbert Walker Bush if you're cWTV-Kmcc98-00065-00014720-00014937 George W Bush you know what it's like to cWTV-Kmcc98-00066-00014937-00015206 be President and they simply I think cWTV-Kmcc98-00067-00015206-00015338 it's safe to say i don't think they cWTV-Kmcc98-00068-00015338-00015494 believe that Donald Trump should be cWTV-Kmcc98-00069-00015494-00015647 President but they don't believe Hillary cWTV-Kmcc98-00070-00015647-00015786 Clinton should be President neither do cWTV-Kmcc98-00071-00015786-00015822 they cWTV-Kmcc98-00072-00015822-00016101 but I don't know exact that far left for cWTV-Kmcc98-00073-00016101-00016440 resume she's bringing in but the e we cWTV-Kmcc98-00074-00016440-00016626 have a choice now right between the most cWTV-Kmcc98-00075-00016626-00016791 one of the most conventional prepared cWTV-Kmcc98-00076-00016791-00016962 people in history and one of the least cWTV-Kmcc98-00077-00016962-00017145 conventionally prepared from embraces cWTV-Kmcc98-00078-00017145-00017331 that right right he says if if if cWTV-Kmcc98-00079-00017331-00017478 experts were so great we wouldn't be in cWTV-Kmcc98-00080-00017478-00017661 a rush to blow it up he wants to blow it cWTV-Kmcc98-00081-00017661-00017709 up cWTV-Kmcc98-00082-00017709-00017964 they built it they built it listen I'm cWTV-Kmcc98-00083-00017964-00018147 not criticizing the Bush family when cWTV-Kmcc98-00084-00018147-00018281 everybody know that I think every cWTV-Kmcc98-00085-00018281-00018401 American should vote their conscience cWTV-Kmcc98-00086-00018401-00018636 and if it were my brother who got cWTV-Kmcc98-00087-00018636-00018887 slaughtered you know somewhat unfairly cWTV-Kmcc98-00088-00018887-00019181 by Donald Trump and feel the same way cWTV-Kmcc98-00089-00019181-00019347 what about that really it's just cWTV-Kmcc98-00090-00019347-00019523 personal but I really don't know why I cWTV-Kmcc98-00091-00019523-00019722 dates I really done i mean they don't cWTV-Kmcc98-00092-00019722-00020037 Texas haha not taxes now I pretty good cWTV-Kmcc98-00093-00020037-00020204 Harris at all and its family is cWTV-Kmcc98-00094-00020204-00020337 everything to the bushes cWTV-Kmcc98-00095-00020337-00020550 family is everything so is loyal but so cWTV-Kmcc98-00096-00020550-00020798 is the country door Gabi bush as always cWTV-Kmcc98-00097-00020798-00020945 but they have a reason they didn't say cWTV-Kmcc98-00098-00020945-00021093 it did Trump doesn't know what he's cWTV-Kmcc98-00099-00021093-00021326 doing and then justify the family man cWTV-Kmcc98-00100-00021326-00021465 what about the friendship between bill cWTV-Kmcc98-00101-00021465-00021690 clinton and the elder Bush they became cWTV-Kmcc98-00102-00021690-00021867 pretty pretty good but they were yeah it cWTV-Kmcc98-00103-00021867-00022047 was Brokeback Mountain meet c-span yeah cWTV-Kmcc98-00104-00022047-00022212 for a while there cWTV-Kmcc98-00105-00022212-00022509 you know it's funny a secretary clinton cWTV-Kmcc98-00106-00022509-00022662 hillary never really entered into that cWTV-Kmcc98-00107-00022662-00022965 reconciliation uh President Bush 41 told cWTV-Kmcc98-00108-00022965-00023220 me once in a classic wasp formulation he cWTV-Kmcc98-00109-00023220-00023420 said we like Hillary but we don't know cWTV-Kmcc98-00110-00023420-00023651 her and they don't really care to know cWTV-Kmcc98-00111-00023651-00023834 her though I always got the feeling they cWTV-Kmcc98-00112-00023834-00023991 didn't want to know cWTV-Kmcc98-00113-00023991-00024276 well it's also there's also a rumor 1992 cWTV-Kmcc98-00114-00024276-00024438 we've all sort of you know it's it's cWTV-Kmcc98-00115-00024438-00024545 like ancient history now the cWTV-Kmcc98-00116-00024545-00024744 Peloponnesian War but that was a rough cWTV-Kmcc98-00117-00024744-00025041 thing with bush and clinton and and with cWTV-Kmcc98-00118-00025041-00025263 mrs. Bush right Hilary was the Wellesley cWTV-Kmcc98-00119-00025263-00025457 graduate who didn't stay home and bake cWTV-Kmcc98-00120-00025457-00025658 cookies right was a big but that was cWTV-Kmcc98-00121-00025658-00025887 nothing compared to what this is cWTV-Kmcc98-00122-00025887-00026063 oh yeah that's Trish I went in race and cWTV-Kmcc98-00123-00026063-00026448 92 compared to Trump Clinton 2063 cWTV-Kmcc98-00124-00026448-00026637 God but remember Ross Perot was there cWTV-Kmcc98-00125-00026637-00026898 and write more that's why clinton won cWTV-Kmcc98-00126-00026898-00027045 well and Mark Twain said history might cWTV-Kmcc98-00127-00027045-00027237 repeat itself but it does rhyme and why cWTV-Kmcc98-00128-00027237-00027408 we've had populace billionaire shaking cWTV-Kmcc98-00129-00027408-00027492 things up before cWTV-Kmcc98-00130-00027492-00027654 alright Jon Meacham everyone check out cWTV-Kmcc98-00131-00027654-00027822 his book on the Bush family and plenty cWTV-Kmcc98-00132-00027822-00028005 more ahead as a factor moves along cWTV-Kmcc98-00133-00028005-00028176 Donald Trump cutting way back on his cWTV-Kmcc98-00134-00028176-00028383 national TV interviews will tell you why cWTV-Kmcc98-00135-00028383-00028569 that's happening that looks like cWTV-Kmcc98-00136-00028569-00028727 California vote to legalize pot on cWTV-Kmcc98-00137-00028727-00029039 tuesday the unintended consequences may cWTV-Kmcc98-00138-00029039-00029195 be serious for poor people cWTV-Kmcc98-00139-00029195-00029888 we hope you stay tuned for those reports cdmMhbHP_Og-00000-00000060-00000348 Hello everybody...Today is the day I'm gonna introduce you to my bro... cdmMhbHP_Og-00001-00000483-00001088 Meet Natu say "hi" to all...I know what you're thinking about today's video is not about him. cdmMhbHP_Og-00002-00001092-00001385 But one day he deserves a separate video of his own. cdmMhbHP_Og-00003-00001672-00002177 Do you know? Ants don't have ears and some of them don't have eyes and still wonder cdmMhbHP_Og-00004-00002193-00002816 How they're hiking in a line? Ants are very attracted to salt than sugar and Ants are the longest living insect cdmMhbHP_Og-00005-00002824-00003479 On this planet. And ants have the largest brains than any insect. To get answered, please watch this entire video. cdmMhbHP_Og-00006-00004614-00005114 Hello there YouTube... Welcome to another episode of Dr.Infected soul. In this video, cdmMhbHP_Og-00007-00005114-00005618 I'm gonna show how these miniature ants are going in a straight line here. We can see some of them. cdmMhbHP_Og-00008-00005725-00006059 Hello dude, how's going...? Do you think are you going in a straight line? cdmMhbHP_Og-00009-00006237-00006497 (Giggles) Seems stupid right? lemme probe it by myself. cdmMhbHP_Og-00010-00006643-00007097 The ants walk in a straight line because they follow the scent left behind by the leader cdmMhbHP_Og-00011-00007117-00007448 The scent that ants leave behind is called ant pheromone. cdmMhbHP_Og-00012-00007456-00007890 Let me show it. You know that they are following a kinda scent now. I'm going to add my scent. cdmMhbHP_Og-00013-00007993-00008279 Not a half-a-gallon of Axe deodorant. I meant my saliva. cdmMhbHP_Og-00014-00008941-00009335 Alright, now we can see a glitch up there because they didn't accept up my scent. cdmMhbHP_Og-00015-00010114-00010607 It may take some time maybe, a couple of minutes to replace my saliva by their pheromone. cdmMhbHP_Og-00016-00010607-00010868 But we can speed it up by adding ant's pheromone in its way. cdmMhbHP_Og-00018-00011984-00012460 Ant's pheromone is nothing but, a bunch of dead-ant mixtures that I have in it. And there are cdmMhbHP_Og-00019-00012496-00013084 13,000 species of ants are found around the world. In that my favourite kinda ant is honeypot-ant. cdmMhbHP_Og-00020-00013094-00013700 And they are whopping, TEN trillion ants on this plant which weighs more than all humans on this planet. cdmMhbHP_Og-00021-00013754-00013954 Sounds crazy right? cdmMhbHP_Og-00022-00014019-00014422 I Was also so dumbfounded like you when I heard it for the first time cdmMhbHP_Og-00023-00014487-00014601 Mathematically speaking, cdmMhbHP_Og-00024-00014601-00014876 The ratio of ants to human is one in 1 million. cdmMhbHP_Og-00025-00014909-00015566 I think next time you won't feel any guilt when you kill an ant. Ants would not die, by simply falling into something cdmMhbHP_Og-00026-00015566-00016027 It's one among their superpowers. Ants can fall from any height without dying. cdmMhbHP_Og-00027-00016290-00016729 Ohh...Wait, I wanna say you something this is not a sugar cube. It's just a chunk of salt. cdmMhbHP_Og-00028-00016839-00017585 Because, ants from the far-coast are more attracted to dilute salt solution than to more concentrated sugar solution. cdmMhbHP_Og-00029-00017622-00018247 Probably, Plant-eating ants in salt-poor inland areas are salt starved. Ants though typically swarm over to sources of sugar, cdmMhbHP_Og-00030-00018282-00018482 Because they need it for energy. cdmMhbHP_Og-00031-00018516-00018788 Most of the Ant-verse are found underground. cdmMhbHP_Og-00032-00018795-00019295 I Can assure you, You will learn something in this video and I did this to the best of my knowledge. cdmMhbHP_Og-00033-00019329-00019816 So as always, keep watching until the end. Just now it had rained here... cdmMhbHP_Og-00034-00019816-00020360 So ants aren't come out yet. Not all ants build their own colony, But termites do! cdmMhbHP_Og-00035-00020370-00020790 The colony built by termites is either occupied by ants or a snake. cdmMhbHP_Og-00036-00020800-00021030 So here we can see some little colonies... cdmMhbHP_Og-00037-00022126-00022523 You may see that these ants are tickling each other with their antennas. cdmMhbHP_Og-00038-00022525-00023271 Do you know why? Ant colony consists of a bunch of Workers, Males and a Queen. Perhaps I kill some of the workers, cdmMhbHP_Og-00039-00023296-00023520 The population of the workers will get decreased. cdmMhbHP_Og-00040-00023581-00023952 Imagine, when a male ant met a worker it will ask, "Who are you?" cdmMhbHP_Og-00041-00024006-00024696 The worker will say, "I'm a worker". If the counting of worker is low, the male will become a worker to balance the colony. cdmMhbHP_Og-00042-00025020-00025440 Of the insects in this world, the ant can claim to have the largest brain. cdmMhbHP_Og-00043-00025484-00026289 In fact, some scientists believe that ant has the largest brain in proportion to its size of its body of any creature on earth. cdmMhbHP_Og-00044-00026308-00026880 Myrmecologists estimate that an ant brain consists of 250,000 brain cells. cdmMhbHP_Og-00045-00026883-00027489 The experience of death is Not a sense of loss, Not a dead body, Not an ascent to ants after-life. It's just oleic acid. cdmMhbHP_Og-00046-00027495-00028060 As soon as the living and smell the oleic acid they spring into action by eating its own friends. cdmMhbHP_Og-00047-00028082-00028356 However, these cannibalic species are called social creatures. cdmMhbHP_Og-00048-00028588-00028808 What happens when you killed the queen ant? cdmMhbHP_Og-00049-00028816-00029345 In the most monogenous colony, the entire colony will slowly die out, but it will take a while. cdmMhbHP_Og-00050-00029352-00029939 The Queen's life span is roughly equal to the colony's lifespan. The Queen can live up to for 30 years. cdmMhbHP_Og-00051-00029998-00030779 You may ask, how only the Queen is able to reproduce and what about the other females the Queen makes the other females as sterile creatures cdmMhbHP_Og-00052-00030814-00031150 during the larval stage, and that sterile ladies are the worker ants. cdmMhbHP_Og-00053-00031198-00031627 Hope you all had all been through a deep dive about ants in this video and Thank you so much for watching this. cdmMhbHP_Og-00054-00031662-00031939 If you wanna ask questions, feel free to ask them in the comment section below. cdmMhbHP_Og-00055-00031974-00032630 Ahh...a crazy fact! Ants can be found anywhere on this planet, except ANTarctica catch you later in the next video guys. cdmMhbHP_Og-00056-00032630-00032830 Until...#Peace out cgNcjlDCzFy-00000-00000045-00000419 The simplest and most natural form of the equation cgNcjlDCzFy-00001-00000419-00000760 of a line to write down, is what's called, cgNcjlDCzFy-00002-00000760-00001026 the Point-Slope Form. cgNcjlDCzFy-00003-00001156-00001488 Now, this is going to look very weird cgNcjlDCzFy-00004-00001488-00001738 and in fact, it's not a very convenient form cgNcjlDCzFy-00005-00001738-00002004 of the equation to do algebra to. cgNcjlDCzFy-00006-00002074-00002417 But, it's incredibly natural to write down cgNcjlDCzFy-00007-00002418-00002774 from a graph or from a story. cgNcjlDCzFy-00008-00002908-00003116 I'm going to start with a graph here. cgNcjlDCzFy-00009-00003152-00003468 Suppose I gave you this line and said, cgNcjlDCzFy-00010-00003468-00003694 this line is the graph of an equation. cgNcjlDCzFy-00011-00003752-00003918 What equation is it? cgNcjlDCzFy-00012-00003992-00004217 Well, there are lots of different ways that you could cgNcjlDCzFy-00013-00004218-00004464 figure out what equation it is cgNcjlDCzFy-00014-00004528-00004882 but, the easiest way is to use what's called, cgNcjlDCzFy-00015-00004882-00005118 the Point-Slope Form. cgNcjlDCzFy-00016-00005190-00005352 Here's how we use this. cgNcjlDCzFy-00017-00005416-00005784 First we ask, what is the slope of this line? cgNcjlDCzFy-00018-00005846-00006057 In order to do that, we need to find two cgNcjlDCzFy-00019-00006058-00006286 kind of nice points on the line. cgNcjlDCzFy-00020-00006358-00006572 And looking through, cgNcjlDCzFy-00021-00006642-00007156 I see this point and this point being places cgNcjlDCzFy-00022-00007156-00007556 where the line cuts across grid lines. cgNcjlDCzFy-00023-00007750-00007948 So, I have the point, cgNcjlDCzFy-00024-00008332-00008618 x is negative one, y is zero. cgNcjlDCzFy-00025-00008690-00008846 I have the point, cgNcjlDCzFy-00026-00009018-00009480 x is two, y is negative four. cgNcjlDCzFy-00027-00009780-00010000 I could just count it out. cgNcjlDCzFy-00028-00010156-00010728 I go right three, down four. cgNcjlDCzFy-00029-00010802-00010940 And just in that way, cgNcjlDCzFy-00030-00010940-00011546 get the slope is negative four-thirds. cgNcjlDCzFy-00031-00011628-00011848 Or, I could use the slope formula. cgNcjlDCzFy-00032-00012128-00012478 So, negative four minus zero cgNcjlDCzFy-00033-00012478-00012832 over two minus negative one. cgNcjlDCzFy-00034-00012916-00013252 Again, negative four-thirds. cgNcjlDCzFy-00035-00013341-00013838 Either way, my slope is, negative four-thirds. cgNcjlDCzFy-00036-00013838-00014113 But that's not enough to make a whole equation, right? cgNcjlDCzFy-00037-00014256-00014574 It turns out this is actually pretty cool. cgNcjlDCzFy-00038-00014613-00014918 The slope is the same no matter which point cgNcjlDCzFy-00039-00014918-00015068 on the line I pick. cgNcjlDCzFy-00040-00015382-00015512 So, I'm going to say, cgNcjlDCzFy-00041-00015512-00015846 OK, my points now are, cgNcjlDCzFy-00042-00015846-00016468 two, negative four and x,y, some other point on the line. cgNcjlDCzFy-00043-00016540-00016815 I need to figure out what the relationship is cgNcjlDCzFy-00044-00016815-00016982 between x and y. cgNcjlDCzFy-00045-00017336-00017792 Then my slope is, cgNcjlDCzFy-00046-00017924-00018834 y minus negative four over x minus two. cgNcjlDCzFy-00047-00019238-00019534 I'm going to take this equation cgNcjlDCzFy-00048-00019534-00019926 and multiply it by x minus two on both sides. cgNcjlDCzFy-00049-00019968-00020572 And I get, y minus negative four equals cgNcjlDCzFy-00050-00020572-00020964 the slope times x minus two. cgNcjlDCzFy-00051-00021128-00021684 In other words, y plus four equals - cgNcjlDCzFy-00052-00021684-00021894 I already know the slope, cgNcjlDCzFy-00053-00021894-00022402 negative four-thirds, times x minus two. cgNcjlDCzFy-00054-00022466-00022550 Check this out. cgNcjlDCzFy-00055-00022550-00022754 This is the equation of my line. cgNcjlDCzFy-00056-00022814-00022938 What does that mean? cgNcjlDCzFy-00057-00022994-00023374 That means if I take a different point, cgNcjlDCzFy-00058-00023374-00023932 say, this point. cgNcjlDCzFy-00059-00024004-00024542 This point looks like it's x equals one-half, cgNcjlDCzFy-00060-00024542-00024750 y equals negative two. cgNcjlDCzFy-00061-00024778-00025222 If I plug in x equals one-half, y equals negative two, cgNcjlDCzFy-00062-00025434-00025727 that is the extra point on my line, cgNcjlDCzFy-00063-00026020-00026258 I should get a solution of this equation. cgNcjlDCzFy-00064-00026258-00026452 Let's see if that happens. cgNcjlDCzFy-00065-00026539-00026948 Negative two plus four, that's two. cgNcjlDCzFy-00066-00026995-00027683 Negative four-thirds times one-half minus two, cgNcjlDCzFy-00067-00027868-00028242 that's negative four-thirds times - cgNcjlDCzFy-00068-00028672-00029577 One-half minus two, convert it to a fraction. cgNcjlDCzFy-00069-00029662-00029906 That's negative three-halves. cgNcjlDCzFy-00070-00030258-00030927 And then, negative four-thirds times cgNcjlDCzFy-00071-00030927-00031168 negative three-halves, cgNcjlDCzFy-00072-00031638-00031726 is two. cgNcjlDCzFy-00073-00031970-00032183 We got the same answer on both sides. cgNcjlDCzFy-00074-00032183-00032358 It really is a solution. cgNcjlDCzFy-00075-00032560-00033110 In general, given a slope and a point, cgNcjlDCzFy-00076-00033110-00033382 the equation of the line with that slope through cgNcjlDCzFy-00077-00033382-00033598 that point is given by, cgNcjlDCzFy-00078-00033692-00034174 y minus the given y equals the slope times cgNcjlDCzFy-00079-00034174-00034390 x minus the given x. cgNcjlDCzFy-00080-00034568-00034870 And this is actually an incredibly easy cgNcjlDCzFy-00081-00034870-00035294 and useful way to write down the equation of a line. cjiS-fnD38Y-00000-00013791-00014504 hello everyone and welcome to red united tv is your boy ivorian spice and cjiS-fnD38Y-00001-00014504-00015328 i'm back at it again with another match reaction guys and boy guys before we get started let me say cjiS-fnD38Y-00002-00015328-00015791 big up to you guys who are tuning remember to smash that like button remember to share remember cjiS-fnD38Y-00003-00015791-00016336 to also subscribe if you're watching on twitch just remember to press that follow button as well cjiS-fnD38Y-00004-00016336-00016904 and also if you're watching on facebook remember to press that like button and cjiS-fnD38Y-00005-00016904-00017416 also the share button guys as always like to thank you guys just as we start the show cjiS-fnD38Y-00006-00017416-00017936 thanking you guys without you guys you know this this this this wouldn't be what it is right now cjiS-fnD38Y-00007-00017936-00018536 but as always guys big up soon as well tuning put your comments in as always and i will get cjiS-fnD38Y-00008-00018536-00019040 straight to you with the comments but first of all as always guys let's get straight up to it cjiS-fnD38Y-00009-00019168-00020048 at atlanta to manchester united to yes mention that it's salvaging their cjiS-fnD38Y-00010-00020048-00020544 champions league hope so far with with the situation that's at hand mans united cjiS-fnD38Y-00011-00020720-00021368 getting one point but still at the same time salvaging like i said earlier on mentioning that cjiS-fnD38Y-00012-00021368-00021944 situation where they can still advance to the next round of the champions because i fought at first cjiS-fnD38Y-00013-00021944-00022584 while our champions league hopes are in jeopardy as we speak but that doesn't seem to be the case cjiS-fnD38Y-00014-00022648-00023248 at the moment right now guys honestly speaking we all full of it cjiS-fnD38Y-00015-00023440-00023960 it could have been peaked for us guys you let me know what you think because i honestly think that cjiS-fnD38Y-00016-00023960-00024608 it could have been really really severe for us if the game ended what with what exactly we thought cjiS-fnD38Y-00017-00024608-00025560 was going to end with us losing but luckily luckily it's not the case manchester united boy cjiS-fnD38Y-00018-00025695-00026080 we're lucky guys i don't know what you think about it but you guys let me know what your thoughts of cjiS-fnD38Y-00019-00026080-00026664 the game and the match because i honestly think that manchester united was so lucky to actually cjiS-fnD38Y-00020-00026768-00027320 get any further than what they want to get the result that they got today they were so damn lucky cjiS-fnD38Y-00021-00027376-00028264 we were so lucky guys like we don't deserve the points but at the same times you can only cjiS-fnD38Y-00022-00028264-00028736 be happy you don't want match united to ruin their chances of going through to the champions cjiS-fnD38Y-00023-00028736-00029168 league and i can't take another season of manchester going into the europa league cjiS-fnD38Y-00024-00029295-00029904 so yeah i i can only commend the fact that we got saved by the goat cjiS-fnD38Y-00025-00029904-00030432 the great one cristiano ronaldo but if it wasn't for him i don't know where we would have been cjiS-fnD38Y-00026-00030536-00030983 i i don't know where would he have been because look at him he's saving us with his goals cjiS-fnD38Y-00027-00031048-00031544 and people say that cristiano ronaldo is the problem when he truly isn't the problem cjiS-fnD38Y-00028-00031544-00032104 you know he without him we don't know where his goals would be where his goals would be will where cjiS-fnD38Y-00029-00032104-00032712 we'll be without his goals sorry guys i'm if i got that one wrong we would never know where we'll be cjiS-fnD38Y-00030-00032712-00033352 without his goals man so right now yeah all i've got to say is big up to the great the goat himself cjiS-fnD38Y-00031-00033352-00034048 cristiano ronaldo i'm so pleased with him so far him being at the club you know no way he's the cjiS-fnD38Y-00032-00034048-00034568 problem you guys are the problem with cristiano ronaldo man screw you mess forever thinking that cjiS-fnD38Y-00033-00034568-00035216 ronaldo was the problem man big ups to christian ronaldo but i have to talk about that game the cjiS-fnD38Y-00034-00035216-00035712 first half guys big up to you guys you're tuning smash that like button as well i'll see you guys cjiS-fnD38Y-00035-00035856-00036968 that first half was jokes mention i did f all flat first half for us to watch a foot a 45 minute game cjiS-fnD38Y-00036-00037072-00037520 and see manchester united do absolutely nothing until the day a minute of the last four minutes cjiS-fnD38Y-00037-00037520-00038120 as well in that first half match united were tested i didn't see nothing without cjiS-fnD38Y-00038-00038120-00038592 it was atlanta versus david they hear of that atlanta versus mention that it plays cjiS-fnD38Y-00039-00038648-00039208 in their own half because atlanta had the ball majority of times caused no problems causing us cjiS-fnD38Y-00040-00039208-00039704 chaos and they we're out there thinking what the hell is going on with these people man what the cjiS-fnD38Y-00041-00039704-00040200 hell's going on we can't we can't create the ball we can't create chances we can't keep the ball cjiS-fnD38Y-00042-00040200-00040640 we we we can't even show what we was about there was no rich there was nothing with manchester cjiS-fnD38Y-00043-00040640-00041368 united in the first 45 minutes and then when when atlanta themselves went and got up by ilich which cjiS-fnD38Y-00044-00041368-00042056 was which was a very good goal um it was good it was called zapata zapata himself going across some cjiS-fnD38Y-00045-00042120-00042800 ram besides so damn easy as well and then of course with uh innocence just finishing it well cjiS-fnD38Y-00046-00042800-00043464 the ball is squeezing it behind going through david here which i i i think in my personal cjiS-fnD38Y-00047-00043464-00043896 opinion that'd be the haircut of dumbell i don't know what you guys think if you guys think that cjiS-fnD38Y-00048-00043896-00044328 david he could have done way better you guys let me know because i think that davide could have cjiS-fnD38Y-00049-00044328-00045008 done better in terms of um saving that chance safe saving the goal he could have prevented it but cjiS-fnD38Y-00050-00045008-00045600 deputy has been excellent for us and he is allowed some a mistake or two so for that yeah cjiS-fnD38Y-00051-00045704-00046144 it is what it is with this guy man it is what it is man but i'm gonna let that slide cjiS-fnD38Y-00052-00046144-00046984 i will definitely let that slime but once we continued that goal i saw nothing for max united cjiS-fnD38Y-00053-00046984-00047696 and of course at atlanta causing us so much problems again and again and again which which cjiS-fnD38Y-00054-00047696-00048528 so damn annoying and it really really pisses me off man that man united are unable to do anything cjiS-fnD38Y-00055-00048592-00049280 towards atlanta anything's just sufficient in terms of an attack nothing sustainable they cjiS-fnD38Y-00056-00049280-00049992 couldn't even melt to nothing at that moment they imagine that couldn't spray a splash in the pool cjiS-fnD38Y-00057-00049992-00050584 in the swimming pool not at all not at all because that fully was just absolutely disgusting and then cjiS-fnD38Y-00058-00050640-00051376 for us again archaeal nowhere cristiano ronaldo's scoring which was brilliant played by the lads cjiS-fnD38Y-00059-00051376-00051912 brilliant play brilliant play brilliant secrets brilliant sequence of passes guys sorry sorry cjiS-fnD38Y-00060-00051912-00052544 about that brilliant secrets of parties with with bernardo with bruno with greenwood and bruno with cjiS-fnD38Y-00061-00052544-00053079 the assist again with his gna record just keeps on increasing another assist by bruno fernandez cjiS-fnD38Y-00062-00053184-00053696 big ups to him and all i've got to say man i'm i'm so i'm so pleased for brutal friends even though cjiS-fnD38Y-00063-00053696-00054096 he's not scoring he's getting the assist but for him to pass to the board and run over brilliant cjiS-fnD38Y-00064-00054096-00055112 finish guys the goat sexy sexy sexy finish by cristiano ronaldo for for them for it to be 1-1 cjiS-fnD38Y-00065-00055232-00055800 going into that second of the same as usual guys there's some [ __ ] that you saw in the first off cjiS-fnD38Y-00066-00055800-00056712 atlanta doing their thing trying to cause problems against us but getting the second goal which i cjiS-fnD38Y-00067-00056712-00057679 thought to myself harry slabet mcguire harry maguire 18 million this guy costs 18 million cjiS-fnD38Y-00068-00057679-00058344 this guy called this is the biggest robbery as i said since i've watched money heist you know since cjiS-fnD38Y-00069-00058344-00059000 i watched money has we have been robbed and it's okay man tonight it's okay to accept the fact that cjiS-fnD38Y-00070-00059000-00059560 we feel everybody gets robbed in life sometimes and you have to take it like a man you know let cjiS-fnD38Y-00071-00059560-00060424 it go get rid maguire is not the one and he got past moved to so damn easily by saboteur you know cjiS-fnD38Y-00072-00060424-00060855 just run past him and to finish it off and at that moment there we all i have had our cjiS-fnD38Y-00073-00060855-00061496 hearts hands on our heart hoping that mcguire i'll be i'm so hoping that situation is offside cjiS-fnD38Y-00074-00061496-00062048 but there's vl it took so much time which i was wondering what what's going on with var right now cjiS-fnD38Y-00075-00062048-00062824 what's really going on with your child's fuming as well but it was a goal maguire [ __ ] my god cjiS-fnD38Y-00076-00062824-00063232 has been [ __ ] for a very long time it's been [ __ ] since i don't know i just don't know if he's cjiS-fnD38Y-00077-00063232-00063944 had a hangover somebody call the greek police and come and get him lock him up bro this guy cjiS-fnD38Y-00078-00063944-00064400 shouldn't be playing he should be locked up right now i don't know if his mind's in prison right cjiS-fnD38Y-00079-00064400-00065104 now someone must have done something to him big up friend center cartier that says vivo ronaldo cjiS-fnD38Y-00080-00065240-00065880 deep and true as well says maguire was [ __ ] tonight no i wasn't horrible it was his fault he cjiS-fnD38Y-00081-00065880-00066312 has to be one of my man my donkey of the match definitely guys you guys let me know who your cjiS-fnD38Y-00082-00066312-00066848 man in the metro is also your donkey the maximum as well guys as well as always guys if you want cjiS-fnD38Y-00083-00066848-00067312 to contribute to this channel remember to click the link description contributions are there you cjiS-fnD38Y-00084-00067312-00067704 can also send your super chat to contribute to the channel pick ups humans watching you smash cjiS-fnD38Y-00085-00067704-00068384 that like button and share as well new knee jigs as well nj jake says miguel i need some time off cjiS-fnD38Y-00086-00068504-00069184 mcguire but why is steven living i said this before maguire actually goes home and probably cjiS-fnD38Y-00087-00069184-00069600 ends up telling his wife i can't believe i get paid so much money to do this i'm lying cjiS-fnD38Y-00088-00069600-00070136 to these men i'm i'm not a real footballer i'm not as good as i'm supposed to be you know you cjiS-fnD38Y-00089-00070136-00070736 know i'm i i'm [ __ ] i can't believe i'm actually sharing the same direction with christian ronaldo cjiS-fnD38Y-00090-00070736-00071320 i don't deserve this i don't even deserve to be married to you you know i don't deserve a hot babe cjiS-fnD38Y-00091-00071320-00072008 i deserve none of this i'm lying to people i can't say a minute i commit this this this this is easy cjiS-fnD38Y-00092-00072008-00072656 his life is easy you know it must be nice this is this is the situation when you say it must be nice cjiS-fnD38Y-00093-00072656-00073352 to be white right now you know you know because i'm still living right now i'm [ __ ] at football cjiS-fnD38Y-00094-00073352-00073952 but i get so much money i cost 80 million i've got a beautiful wife big house and everything cjiS-fnD38Y-00095-00074024-00074736 life is good being work life is good being harry mcguire right now he's slapping but anyway pick cjiS-fnD38Y-00096-00074736-00075688 up humans who are tuning in as well you know on on on youtube as well sue max says that when when cjiS-fnD38Y-00097-00075688-00076448 will united realize this is no longer the kick and chase 90s when they've won the titles with obese cjiS-fnD38Y-00098-00076448-00077120 defenders like mike i mean like may palestine and bruce mcguire shaw or shapeless maguire and cjiS-fnD38Y-00099-00077120-00077712 sure again we've been speaking about these two shaw was rubbish as well sure did nothing i i cjiS-fnD38Y-00100-00077712-00078376 don't even know what show done in this game no and nobody can tell me what this show did in this game cjiS-fnD38Y-00101-00078376-00078864 because he was irrelevant throughout the whole 19 minutes yes he got himself involved what did luke cjiS-fnD38Y-00102-00078864-00079432 sure did same thing as harry mcguire hey mcgregor got saved you know what out of all these defenders cjiS-fnD38Y-00103-00079600-00080136 mcgregor is the [ __ ] as i hold him you know what this is these are fraud they've been trying cjiS-fnD38Y-00104-00080136-00080608 to dis disguise and try and put good players next to him it's always someone needs to be cjiS-fnD38Y-00105-00080608-00080920 next to mcguire no no no no no no no no no no no cjiS-fnD38Y-00106-00081128-00081552 mcguire needs to be put on a bench about someone looking for a partnership cjiS-fnD38Y-00107-00081552-00082104 for mcguire why someone that's way better than him of course to mask his flaws what's how [ __ ] he cjiS-fnD38Y-00108-00082104-00082632 is no way i'm not having that man maguire is the [ __ ] it's defending that we have here cjiS-fnD38Y-00109-00082632-00083136 you know what lindelof i'm so damn sorry that i i dissed you because i thought to myself you cjiS-fnD38Y-00110-00083136-00083616 know what lindelof looks way better than you when it comes to passing the ball and spraying it out cjiS-fnD38Y-00111-00083712-00084656 yeah maguire [ __ ] man buy saved us by who hasn't played for so damn long came on today cjiS-fnD38Y-00112-00084656-00085256 almost looked injured almost got injured as well as you know we buy but still look way cjiS-fnD38Y-00113-00085256-00085744 better than mcguire mcguire and maguire is the one that looks like he's carrying an injury cjiS-fnD38Y-00114-00085920-00086592 i can't believe it's a lie this is a lie and it's so damn you know what big up to mcguire you know cjiS-fnD38Y-00115-00086592-00086944 i don't know what type of fraud you did you know but i need to learn your ways cjiS-fnD38Y-00116-00086944-00087472 because i want that morning to teach me the ways of harry mcguire of of deceiving cjiS-fnD38Y-00117-00087472-00088384 everyone in the world big artichow and says he's also being we got her up for him kyle says cjiS-fnD38Y-00118-00088528-00089168 f ali nothing changes still the same [ __ ] facts get me bigger team as well tuning in cjiS-fnD38Y-00119-00089168-00089640 i don't understand why what's going on on facebook guys guys we're trying to watch on facebook as cjiS-fnD38Y-00120-00089640-00090128 well for some reason it's not showing i think there's probably some problem with stream yard cjiS-fnD38Y-00121-00090128-00090832 but i will repost it later on for you guys again so you guys can enjoy and watch but yes as i was cjiS-fnD38Y-00122-00090832-00091616 saying back to us conceding that goal making it to one ronaldo out of nowhere which i honestly cjiS-fnD38Y-00123-00091616-00092392 thought to myself again individual brilliance at its finest ronaldo out of nowhere scoring that cjiS-fnD38Y-00124-00092392-00092888 goal when we were so searching and everything and i'm disgusted as well even though ronaldo cjiS-fnD38Y-00125-00092888-00093560 scored made it 2-2 it's the fact that you could bring on these players like van brick cjiS-fnD38Y-00126-00093560-00093872 and sancho for the last eight minutes yeah fair enough you bought them but these are players cjiS-fnD38Y-00127-00093872-00094368 that should be starting as well like i didn't make no sense when you took off pogba for matic cjiS-fnD38Y-00128-00094456-00095080 and then to take off mctominay later on for donnie van impe should have took pogba for vanillin big cjiS-fnD38Y-00129-00095080-00095624 you know what i'm saying you know like for like to just keep things the same but i don't know man cjiS-fnD38Y-00130-00095696-00096176 guys don't be deceived right now ronaldo scored the winning goal which i'm happy for that man guys cjiS-fnD38Y-00131-00096176-00096496 you guys let me know who your man in the match was as well and you don't hear the match phone cjiS-fnD38Y-00132-00096496-00097128 smash that like button share as well but yeah back to what i was saying do not be deceived cjiS-fnD38Y-00133-00097128-00097608 mention it imagine i did nothing throughout the whole 90 minutes but you only had two cjiS-fnD38Y-00134-00097608-00098200 opportunities you only saw mention that it show up twice two goals apart from that cjiS-fnD38Y-00135-00098200-00098624 mention that it was horrible they did nothing they were not friendly they did not threaten cjiS-fnD38Y-00136-00098624-00099312 the goku people of atalanta you know i don't even remember his name that's how bad it is cjiS-fnD38Y-00137-00099312-00099808 i don't even know what kitty look he was wearing do you guys know what kit the atlanta goalkeeper cjiS-fnD38Y-00138-00099808-00100240 was wearing today because i don't know i never saw him too tough the only time i saw him was cjiS-fnD38Y-00139-00100240-00100808 flashes with the ghost apart from that i didn't see him get his um get his jersey dirty his knees cjiS-fnD38Y-00140-00100808-00101264 wasn't dirty his gloves wasn't there you know i didn't see him spit on his glove and do this cjiS-fnD38Y-00141-00101384-00102160 you know i didn't see him do that at all so we didn't work him hard at all man and of course cjiS-fnD38Y-00142-00102160-00102632 i have to say man football's horrendous the football was [ __ ] couldn't keep the ball cjiS-fnD38Y-00143-00102632-00103168 couldn't it possible five at the back we still can see two five at the back and we still can cjiS-fnD38Y-00144-00103168-00103768 see two and this is ollie ball olly freestyle this is what you guys want this is what you guys cjiS-fnD38Y-00145-00103768-00104280 want manchester united owners i'm not even talking about fans because i truly believe fans have given cjiS-fnD38Y-00146-00104280-00104888 up and and probably do not want this guy there's probably there are ten percent you know there's cjiS-fnD38Y-00147-00104888-00105535 always going to be the attempts and that's olly in but you guys really want this do you really want cjiS-fnD38Y-00148-00105535-00106192 to settle down for this this type of football the man's so scared he's resorted to five at the back cjiS-fnD38Y-00149-00106264-00106704 you're gonna pay five out of back against mercy and i guarantee you when we place five at the cjiS-fnD38Y-00150-00106704-00107416 back against massey play this way give the mansion a ball we will get pumped and i shall be calling cjiS-fnD38Y-00151-00107416-00108111 manchester and metropolitan police calling for rape that i've asked witness someone get raped cjiS-fnD38Y-00152-00108111-00108744 mention it and also and beyond sexual harassment i saw manchester united saying that safety was cjiS-fnD38Y-00153-00108744-00109448 pineapples 500 times and man say did not listen you know my city did what they had to do you know cjiS-fnD38Y-00154-00109448-00109848 that's what i'll be calling manchester united metropolitan police on a sunday cjiS-fnD38Y-00155-00109920-00110488 saying that my night is being raped by mancy please help us please arrest them please stop cjiS-fnD38Y-00156-00110559-00110959 please stop them because we go like that the way we play today against mancy cjiS-fnD38Y-00157-00111088-00111816 it's a nice open and then hopefully from then it's this guy's last game don't get it twisted guys cjiS-fnD38Y-00158-00111983-00112288 even though we're top of the table right now manchester united holics cjiS-fnD38Y-00159-00112440-00113104 i'm i'm not impressed i'm not impressed with this management and i'm not impressed with this culture cjiS-fnD38Y-00160-00113104-00113720 and this can't continue this cannot go on this is unsustainable football this is ugly i want cjiS-fnD38Y-00161-00113720-00114232 to get a haircut to look pretty because watching manchester united on the early makes me feel ugly cjiS-fnD38Y-00162-00114232-00114680 so that's the reason why i went to get my hair cuz i can feel nice you know so when i look at in the cjiS-fnD38Y-00163-00114680-00115183 mirror at least i feel nice you know but when i think about that tonight and i watch mesh united cjiS-fnD38Y-00164-00115183-00115800 i always feel ugly and i know you guys feel ugly as a woman in the inside and on the outside bro cjiS-fnD38Y-00165-00115800-00116432 it is what it is man but guys man this has been your match reaction man big ups to you cjiS-fnD38Y-00166-00116432-00116904 guys who are tuning in as well subscribe to the channel subscribe to ready night tv cjiS-fnD38Y-00167-00116904-00117488 follow follow the follow the instagram page of course just above as you can see and cjiS-fnD38Y-00168-00117488-00118224 support the channel contribute if you want in the description on paper as well and as always guys cjiS-fnD38Y-00169-00118224-00118776 look at the description for the for your elite eyewear and also your latest clothes and also cjiS-fnD38Y-00170-00118776-00119416 african cuisine catering if you need that we definitely do need a change at the club cjiS-fnD38Y-00171-00119496-00120248 i've had enough you know i'm tired of screaming only out conte is that tottenham tottenham are cjiS-fnD38Y-00172-00120248-00120720 more ambitious and serious than us you know and they always have been cjiS-fnD38Y-00173-00120824-00121559 but you guys as always big ups humans see you next time see you for the next match reaction cjiS-fnD38Y-00174-00121656-00122383 15 minutes 20 minutes after the match after we get pumped at lunch time you know just enjoy cjiS-fnD38Y-00175-00122383-00122911 your lunch i will say i'm excited lunchtime just just enjoy your lunch don't let manchester united cjiS-fnD38Y-00176-00122911-00124304 ruin your lunch big guts to you guys as always man cause i'm out i'm done out here peace out cjovyL9qtDY-00000-00000003-00000698 praise the Lord cough in diversity' my naamam he did some multiple market a cjovyL9qtDY-00001-00000698-00001221 Clarion English Edom is Russia lake in nature nature become anyakara das and my cjovyL9qtDY-00002-00001221-00001626 rhodium fish is just so there is some adjutant they execute him side he cannot cjovyL9qtDY-00003-00001626-00002022 be the universe today IDK now Allah Priya but every autumn it would I cut on cjovyL9qtDY-00004-00002022-00002526 Avenida Cana Lockhart reduce and Markham Curtis amar Kamil a promoter Commission cjovyL9qtDY-00005-00002526-00002946 and molarity he cannot even a carton quinion welcome he'll never come kurta cjovyL9qtDY-00006-00002946-00003290 why is she christened anomalies may have an angle Eric you know number of cjovyL9qtDY-00007-00003290-00003686 invariably saw me at the new Lily wall area prathana Berta would you wish I'm cjovyL9qtDY-00008-00003686-00004143 Valerie chica Maya he deal about a repeat Iranian cattle Sharon uppity cjovyL9qtDY-00009-00004143-00004635 Guiana in meeting Leakey quality there was single community than air quality cjovyL9qtDY-00010-00004635-00004932 art she welcomed into the neighbor Larry Pratt any order in each in each other cjovyL9qtDY-00011-00004932-00005351 sister mercy will send him otherworldly sister bina murky semana cjovyL9qtDY-00012-00005351-00005817 you would do that I reckon not passed him bliss and Josefina Orton David cjovyL9qtDY-00013-00005817-00006126 didn't store and she gave him he wouldn't understand that allows the cjovyL9qtDY-00014-00006126-00006431 through Chevrolet in court I was summer TI ten degree he given property key and cjovyL9qtDY-00015-00006431-00006906 she you know she loved our Chanel commune but I CPF in the Campbell you've cjovyL9qtDY-00016-00006906-00007304 got a very game unless Allah family seminary girl hunger the key David I'm cjovyL9qtDY-00017-00007304-00007638 sushi came on catch editing I work on any Kelly Priya but happening I'll just cjovyL9qtDY-00018-00007638-00007979 lean him and Jim okay for the Cardinal on the turn day every day or two store cjovyL9qtDY-00019-00007979-00008424 Encino they were normally Lavery is Summer Theater angry he kept a eleven is cjovyL9qtDY-00020-00008424-00008861 Santosh American I'm gonna pretty girl or a picky Jana well it a heavy cjovyL9qtDY-00021-00008861-00009243 Ayatollah with a subject Anna normal is no particular night oppose another well cjovyL9qtDY-00022-00009243-00009786 let the man went water for another racing our children in a detached world cjovyL9qtDY-00023-00009786-00010377 how can the poor Ghana very low cattle Cunha level Artem ball number hurricane cjovyL9qtDY-00024-00010377-00010682 de Chile Cardinal cjovyL9qtDY-00025-00010745-00011238 Sylla portion alcaman by paulo rhetoric until abortion alcaman be materially cjovyL9qtDY-00026-00011238-00011697 agita number lipoly prabhasa goliath Harlem Malayala girl GV cannot read cjovyL9qtDY-00027-00011697-00012311 attention appalled I would eat a parents in order Parnevik rolana we are cjovyL9qtDY-00028-00012311-00013053 strangers in our kids world only been invited we visit them number the cjovyL9qtDY-00029-00013053-00013601 communal delorca tells normal ability there an average any Kimball Matra me cjovyL9qtDY-00030-00013601-00014219 everyday local economic a prevention a mom look when Boone died McAllen le cjovyL9qtDY-00031-00014219-00014888 havre Kavala IRA nom de anima Rivendell ago my ananda another what is that oh no cjovyL9qtDY-00032-00014888-00015228 my IRA no Mina it afraid that jnanam monday another other worried a pair and cjovyL9qtDY-00033-00015228-00015832 sidon a mile in other la when brought up over time cjovyL9qtDY-00034-00015832-00016431 Cohen Engel some Skyrim LD al-qahtani near it no no very rana be she's in a cjovyL9qtDY-00035-00016431-00016979 millennium art LGV Kimber number the Michalka Rivard some scary Kamiya cjovyL9qtDY-00036-00016979-00017610 confusion soon as she could happen under people the real sis Russia came Bolivar cjovyL9qtDY-00037-00017610-00018206 pero lo report on apothecary Amana yep very single day Wario diversity lemme cjovyL9qtDY-00038-00018206-00018785 angle on you for weekend identity crisis on the Reina Valera Velden ningún led cjovyL9qtDY-00039-00018785-00019167 bitch hidden a car left in a car Valerie Bautista marry Carla turning an LG Vicki cjovyL9qtDY-00040-00019167-00019800 nada Wario they were soon angled Elohim maricon did achillea engineering anybody cjovyL9qtDY-00041-00019800-00020135 cannot compute your detail / a computer engineer give particular computer cjovyL9qtDY-00042-00020135-00020775 judicial perineum Wario I am yella technology American Dicky an Oreo cjovyL9qtDY-00043-00020775-00021210 massive LM technological maracanã Dickian aunty Vega Marni relocating cjovyL9qtDY-00044-00021210-00021744 number the kun energy we can OT Valinor pariah rule of accrual montagnana cjovyL9qtDY-00045-00021744-00022454 yet addictive RIE Anna Neagle Kunda even a produce gigolo Jeeva the tycoon died cjovyL9qtDY-00046-00022454-00022998 in the Pradesh a column mingle Kuhn died in a producer on Bigelow male young girl cjovyL9qtDY-00047-00022998-00023475 : but she are young young girl a man a cjovyL9qtDY-00048-00023475-00023859 seller coming down when you will pray in the barn in the parents in the meeting I cjovyL9qtDY-00049-00023859-00024341 turn up Kim I am normal about a code even the reek another what people Perino cjovyL9qtDY-00050-00024341-00024969 material item sapa some who have read either learn young milk of a system i cjovyL9qtDY-00051-00024969-00025726 logan Alana - Lee I'm Erica die sapa younger choreo Portillo gimana cjovyL9qtDY-00052-00025726-00026327 puddin poem young welcome matter elohim on school and you correlate your school cjovyL9qtDY-00053-00026327-00026883 on you milk on mature elohim on if it and Enola he a she could happen why he cjovyL9qtDY-00054-00026883-00027316 can bend in loaded thought repartee on an angle the G with them Premal over a cjovyL9qtDY-00055-00027316-00027708 yet don't go to the left Martha Vedic Astrology no you carry cjovyL9qtDY-00056-00027708-00028214 Amana in a phenomenal Adele namo Quebec Tamiya or guitar and I'll cjovyL9qtDY-00057-00028214-00028919 add another positive a parent Enya econ like a total for Larry I think of number cjovyL9qtDY-00058-00028919-00029274 Party City Canterbury karyam on Avenida care and every career monitored a within cjovyL9qtDY-00059-00029274-00029694 the bitumen until a year they either say here that I'm gonna say that he/she cjovyL9qtDY-00060-00029694-00030214 Chicopee dummy Enola pie a part in a calcio doodle in anybody Kunene a cjovyL9qtDY-00061-00030214-00030756 positively influenced DJ and better sir God Muhammad engineer could be a cjovyL9qtDY-00062-00030756-00031295 yarmulke parabolic even a taqueria ariana number to continually develop cjovyL9qtDY-00063-00031295-00031822 another who who is raising our kids today cjovyL9qtDY-00064-00031822-00032695 Lola mana everyday agenda me take another you know first son got a cannoli cjovyL9qtDY-00065-00032695-00033187 dog him on a free offers on the unlimited offers under unlimited freedom cjovyL9qtDY-00066-00033187-00033755 under Logan would evilly Elohim I recommend balloon number day ye they cjovyL9qtDY-00067-00033755-00034102 should mingle pastor Eldon whenever Iranian are you know Valera the video cjovyL9qtDY-00068-00034102-00034600 Mia Jada one hour what do you eat vinegar will flatten together were you cjovyL9qtDY-00069-00034600-00035056 bundle of another volume una carretera Kinokuniya yellow capella the Stella cjovyL9qtDY-00070-00035056-00035563 tiem access is a you one barrel tumble yellow bitter Tallulah so very enamel cjovyL9qtDY-00071-00035563-00036158 every logo mana fly till Kyra Pogue and our friends in a condo boutique you I cjovyL9qtDY-00072-00036158-00036677 know my Taran Killam Celtic influence single chain the Padova know what do you cjovyL9qtDY-00073-00036677-00037136 could pick him or his melatonin physically shiny giggle my intimate area cjovyL9qtDY-00074-00037136-00037531 to think about ganda would you've eaten I got a Marie Laure car Tilly lead down cjovyL9qtDY-00075-00037531-00038105 the window Rica sorry lead in the window Copic ecstasy and better Tori logo he cjovyL9qtDY-00076-00038105-00038756 lapped wherever stop Logan gutentag are some ooh him every go to Parliament on cjovyL9qtDY-00077-00038756-00039293 Eternia defender than were you part allergenic and African no very low cjovyL9qtDY-00078-00039293-00040090 cattle our G became bold engineer and a boolean acidity another year mind cjovyL9qtDY-00079-00040090-00040558 molders mind molders monument a - scenario Papa Daytona cjovyL9qtDY-00080-00040558-00041108 yeah the cardigan della Croce put away my mic here on the area under one cjovyL9qtDY-00081-00041108-00041638 namitha the media namacarya mellow social network is available media when cjovyL9qtDY-00082-00041638-00042099 you melt a - in a shape with a you one full lap and angle at the negative cjovyL9qtDY-00083-00042099-00042802 youngji became Malaga meganula van Cunha media alumina silicon education cjovyL9qtDY-00084-00042802-00043366 materials en de Navarre party pick a non-denominational cat italiana pro or cjovyL9qtDY-00085-00043366-00043765 con o Madhava de Calma Calma coup de ramana's paladin body pitch wounded cjovyL9qtDY-00086-00043765-00044087 another Emily poor that's no more a significant cjovyL9qtDY-00087-00044087-00044519 thing Appanna my main career agenda good tea cjovyL9qtDY-00088-00044519-00045161 party Guiana could take a choice under School in Littleton is subjected to Isis cjovyL9qtDY-00089-00045161-00045617 one no ordinary Kiana put acacia than the am telling you to come on Lady cjovyL9qtDY-00090-00045617-00046118 Amelia carrier money educational philosophy an acidity ml education cjovyL9qtDY-00091-00046118-00046544 internal computer Woodley like he got activate another yanari one namaka cjovyL9qtDY-00092-00046544-00047077 Valerio booty Madonna religion I'm gonna summon is your number and I'll zap ha cjovyL9qtDY-00093-00047077-00047699 okay the - singing any I wanna do but put it another when the sister Mary see cjovyL9qtDY-00094-00047699-00048176 give it a thumb side is appalled para new sunday-school Galano a Lingle cjovyL9qtDY-00095-00048176-00048653 seprieono number the Cunha Melkor yell a Kyrie I'm gonna party pitching for the cjovyL9qtDY-00096-00048653-00049004 candida and para nada paavana Telangana auditory end of the cjovyL9qtDY-00097-00049004-00049847 mana Sunday school help us to ponder on the version party chukoti yes she goes cjovyL9qtDY-00098-00049847-00050639 to Venus under a cheetah Weiss we greet you in young an area near the river cjovyL9qtDY-00099-00050639-00051212 paramedic Ananda analogy odium semana Praetorian all in Milazzo showed him yes cjovyL9qtDY-00100-00051212-00052058 you Chris - havin do I want a oh really Maulana turned off teenager I recruited cjovyL9qtDY-00101-00052058-00052480 in here we meeting in Valerie activate teach our children lyrical Tiana Cote cjovyL9qtDY-00102-00052480-00052859 young gallery material no your meeting in addict you can notice your teacher is cjovyL9qtDY-00103-00052859-00053584 your theme Anna and E sub tipping in a cheeky put it on the burner Linda cjovyL9qtDY-00104-00053858-00054485 family at the point put the pump in the value Sarna number opinion I'll go go cjovyL9qtDY-00105-00054485-00054920 take another good you know the - in anomaly evaporator nothing any Anna cjovyL9qtDY-00106-00054920-00055553 Nagar - grandmother comedy him up he privateer Sangalo good a coolie cjovyL9qtDY-00107-00055553-00056048 hi Anthony converging on the practical and sturdiness ami amariah taken under cjovyL9qtDY-00108-00056048-00056615 she stumbled a sovereign eyes hidden on the end an operator - synonym of a cjovyL9qtDY-00109-00056615-00057347 paternal arts and entertainment mingle Korea mo polar a artistic idea develop cjovyL9qtDY-00110-00057347-00058034 optical nombre de Lune hearts in the Parana we plugin the name could mingle cjovyL9qtDY-00111-00058034-00058358 the Manus in a mold agenda then carry near the key or equal to ik and up or / cjovyL9qtDY-00112-00058358-00058925 ano Valeria day movie she was similar you could be iron Oh aren't they cjovyL9qtDY-00113-00058925-00059242 negatory warden and muggle and artistic abilities to the table innovative cjovyL9qtDY-00114-00059242-00059500 already chef Tamayo given very in the guy Romana cjovyL9qtDY-00115-00059500-00059987 Emma Upolu could be very kin the penguin movie when you have a larger than the cjovyL9qtDY-00116-00059987-00060448 poetry movie when you life is meaningless cjovyL9qtDY-00117-00060538-00061220 Jeeva come on Donna honeymoon in Donna Cunha cjovyL9qtDY-00118-00061220-00061709 yet it cannot rule at jnanam business government and politics when you know cjovyL9qtDY-00119-00061709-00062285 the - scenario corporate another today in ocarina Ashenden a merit or any other cjovyL9qtDY-00120-00062285-00062894 I'm mama Yola kevo under the new product city la union level of PETA Nocona new cjovyL9qtDY-00121-00062894-00063479 level are today in the coronary concepted an a mari de a mom are Jolie cjovyL9qtDY-00122-00063479-00064129 keep Ogando dani.bora put a bomb another close-knit you Nutella well every little cjovyL9qtDY-00123-00064129-00064819 worried internet cafe Verlaine polyhedral Morococha coffee shop or lame cjovyL9qtDY-00124-00064819-00065210 hospital Avaya yogic available when you record even not cjovyL9qtDY-00125-00065210-00065615 a mayor upon re on the channel so we do Louis's Russia Canada teary clinica cjovyL9qtDY-00126-00065615-00066356 volume cocoon logically new closely knit dude am Pongo become a eunuch de Galan cjovyL9qtDY-00127-00066356-00066868 no lava stuff kudamon maricón did Akiane number Dakota cjovyL9qtDY-00128-00066868-00067264 Mithila deal Engel number two Michael de combate lavinia Cal Kaurava became a cjovyL9qtDY-00129-00067264-00067924 unit Jennifer Reiner Oreo thammaracha Leland Orem Judea Bentham could it could cjovyL9qtDY-00130-00067924-00068617 be conned everyone they were McLane am a good contender oh bugger in America cjovyL9qtDY-00131-00068617-00069195 edema Hawaii Tech stuck generation I'd window tap okay Anna number Li Na in cjovyL9qtDY-00132-00069195-00069520 their honor you would have won the Ricky another yeah an angle order each o'the cjovyL9qtDY-00133-00069520-00069874 injury and a cherry a group of Alanna girl group activities hidden every carry cjovyL9qtDY-00134-00069874-00070389 Amana in a meeting in Havana port racing our kids in the big church the world cjovyL9qtDY-00135-00070389-00070720 analyst Amin Aronov on the polling ordered a Attilan Darian I didn't know cjovyL9qtDY-00136-00070720-00071350 hundra said abortion he'll come in be a lady for a family seminar yet it's a cjovyL9qtDY-00137-00071350-00071832 poll other whole day program I you know family similar and a coffee break in the cjovyL9qtDY-00138-00071832-00072319 Samantha young allele everything in a coffee could achieve under some sorry - cjovyL9qtDY-00139-00072319-00072649 indeed he can again anthem I turn a Stalin gone another depart unbelievers cjovyL9qtDY-00140-00072649-00073207 and never the Kuti tuned I don't know I'm meeting in a decade coffee break cjovyL9qtDY-00141-00073207-00073572 Hill and the tradition in my or you could tongue cjovyL9qtDY-00142-00073572-00074230 middle-aged Ayatollah and Almira para Guyana in the gate of the Kaveri bottom cjovyL9qtDY-00143-00074230-00074956 open G wash a moonbow gated an angle non 19 coulomb Alana Kalyan okay Cartier cjovyL9qtDY-00144-00074956-00075520 yell at him a very return elegantly teacher no in Valera Tooting years from cjovyL9qtDY-00145-00075520-00075882 a Honda prytaneum I to Molokai dinner yet remain cjovyL9qtDY-00146-00075882-00076330 one dedicate a vegetarian career money Kiran Ahuja mingled a argument I denied cjovyL9qtDY-00147-00076330-00076774 him ya know nariño Dave American alligator llama Sager yawning Lord cjovyL9qtDY-00148-00076774-00077148 Pirrie on original knowledge Irene dollar cjovyL9qtDY-00149-00077228-00077918 attachment y'know learn accuracy on a pariah nahin jeena attachment attachment cjovyL9qtDY-00150-00077918-00078476 and over I know the moon in order not the pole at the nollie caramel Mottram cjovyL9qtDY-00151-00078476-00078902 parameter at the Vichy theory gambling and Agri he can know when I'm a typo in cjovyL9qtDY-00152-00078902-00079745 there Cunha number Linden Magan no paga de Kahneman Gill holonomic Alana kill cjovyL9qtDY-00153-00079745-00080234 him good chicken in alarm Angelo Cunha no do not touch him in Donna number of cjovyL9qtDY-00154-00080234-00080687 all of the other candidate we prying they're in your tower Cucaracha point cjovyL9qtDY-00155-00080687-00081254 one point e 2.3 Party PT aluminum n don't acapella attachment on Donatella cjovyL9qtDY-00156-00081254-00081731 and they put me on a tour Danny another manometer pointed attachment begins in cjovyL9qtDY-00157-00081731-00082205 the womb I made a water depth Alana could Nero doll at the pump toward on cjovyL9qtDY-00158-00082205-00082901 another had the valid another kind of harsh a lamb thing a lobby might are cjovyL9qtDY-00159-00082901-00083234 giving in a were you meeting ill pancreatic and others so there is a cjovyL9qtDY-00160-00083234-00083663 Majid indicator of either you not have a meeting Anna cjovyL9qtDY-00161-00083663-00084158 yondu Nirvana number us rodea P David and a alkmaar burning Lourdes I'm sorry cjovyL9qtDY-00162-00084158-00084680 Kim you notice I'm sorry to America no attachment anova Ryan are made of uh cjovyL9qtDY-00163-00084680-00085277 directed toward an Odom am mama trams Nikki novella padamu Madhava Marie cjovyL9qtDY-00164-00085277-00085850 Wallace Nikita Amaravati rattle Valachi 40 Aki newborn cjovyL9qtDY-00165-00085850-00086584 baby Porto very naughty Vasa model number Tamara nombre canon de pasión cjovyL9qtDY-00166-00086584-00087314 Sneha pin the Paschal candle in the fashion guru NATO fashion we recognize cjovyL9qtDY-00167-00087314-00087951 Neha keener anna muhammad a tattoo maneuver another rendered cjovyL9qtDY-00168-00087951-00088471 good malamar nombre I do pom in the Peraino des nombreux Kunigal Ahmad cjovyL9qtDY-00169-00088471-00088936 Ramallah adipati Madame Atari Machiavelli numbered I couldn't but cjovyL9qtDY-00170-00088936-00089374 Tilly much depends on our Lantern Oleg on aware you Cunha getting any and I cjovyL9qtDY-00171-00089374-00089950 couldn't but toward eternity can no another yet talk on Union couldn't but cjovyL9qtDY-00172-00089950-00090805 they are demise Nick Ananda nominee he shall podium couldn't but number cjovyL9qtDY-00173-00090805-00091282 Luminara material for a good until I met Dupre up at the very Mattel a panel of cjovyL9qtDY-00174-00091282-00092149 American Munna are you getting my other pop McCullough might become more girl cjovyL9qtDY-00175-00092149-00092754 c'mon dangle which was a pill every war a picky one voila a yellow piranha cjovyL9qtDY-00176-00092754-00093346 yogurt in the year the palatal condo every time a very Lake in a mall Pagano cjovyL9qtDY-00177-00093346-00093847 katakana are the patella Nana vishwas sought in the world Faith cjovyL9qtDY-00178-00093847-00094828 Formation spiritual formation Nala - singer my vigor ego my are the Pamela cjovyL9qtDY-00179-00094828-00095254 where you couidn't battle a coon Engel the dirty item vigor ich mir yogi cjovyL9qtDY-00180-00095254-00095629 melodic the pariah important kyrenia there was cjovyL9qtDY-00181-00095629-00096103 so many cafeteria message every phone call in a course in Enochian elevator in cjovyL9qtDY-00182-00096103-00096508 the innovative moon of Isola Richard pikarin maternity adjutant will achieve cjovyL9qtDY-00183-00096508-00096976 Reggiana in da lorry Prasanna put a university elton party chicken didn't cjovyL9qtDY-00184-00096976-00097468 know an ally polka PLL impala eternally Lake Keowee colony bukuvu river shown cjovyL9qtDY-00185-00097468-00098193 suicidal tendency I to war on Iran and Iran dairy Keanu for conditio cjovyL9qtDY-00186-00098211-00098920 emotionally strong a lot over at Alam ara attachment and a pop at the Korea cjovyL9qtDY-00187-00098920-00099655 Vanessa richer why very gamaya character who knew norco' corona' volga on Valeria cjovyL9qtDY-00188-00099655-00100157 Pagano Jeremiah Zahida liturgy became ball theory Golconda Benton cjovyL9qtDY-00189-00100157-00100865 the Potomac occur a gala DV camcorder they work Rubicon death but it should cjovyL9qtDY-00190-00100865-00101351 help my having the sahayam or the macrame Bentham strength and Giovanni to cjovyL9qtDY-00191-00101351-00102047 career low in sugar now Vanya the end the proton I put up was an angle map cjovyL9qtDY-00192-00102047-00102590 from Barnett engine window to pocket a numbered inaudible kuhnian anal pick on cjovyL9qtDY-00193-00102590-00103124 the venom David in the vaginal normal particular on learn with a child in our cjovyL9qtDY-00194-00103124-00103357 midst cjovyL9qtDY-00195-00103423-00104027 Samantha pretty minimal them picked on the power on your over to him Minaya cjovyL9qtDY-00196-00104027-00104423 dissociation pattern attend a one the model patent in the way sir garage cjovyL9qtDY-00197-00104423-00104738 intellect upon money have an iron the sheesh in Marvin the issue in order to cjovyL9qtDY-00198-00104738-00105350 do that you will issue in a pretty sure I read another bill Northey yes over a cjovyL9qtDY-00199-00105350-00105866 parapet retiring early yes sugar Tov attachment and darkness she should marry cjovyL9qtDY-00200-00105866-00106541 / - pidgeotto material Association Papen pedometer DiNapoli Nala mark people she cjovyL9qtDY-00201-00106541-00107260 she Kelly and ethical why do you want we do mean a very Atari the saga radium in cjovyL9qtDY-00202-00107260-00107935 na valo very data low yeah no para no issue average Hilton earthy thought any cjovyL9qtDY-00203-00107935-00108736 creature practice you panini envision you do Toto special the touch special cjovyL9qtDY-00204-00108736-00109258 voila a proton appear karamaneh modern atomic theory didn't animal watch cjovyL9qtDY-00205-00109258-00109786 ocarina legend a proton edema girl led turn the vitamin trampoline oh well cjovyL9qtDY-00206-00109786-00110195 could be a polish even a pole a normal ahh gondola angle cjovyL9qtDY-00207-00110195-00110872 Deborah GA konna one carry gala hora con Yenny Poland mingle party Angela cjovyL9qtDY-00208-00110872-00111533 anti-tangle Mottram a- radium Higashiyama Kohanga REO American award cjovyL9qtDY-00209-00111533-00112325 new millennium welcome to another swig Eric and David in the nominee Lana yeah cjovyL9qtDY-00210-00112325-00112773 Neil Perry invalidity and rarity you'll need a bit the particle G cjovyL9qtDY-00211-00112773-00113313 visiting the Sokka didn't l aquila week a little number GV Kimball where is cjovyL9qtDY-00212-00113313-00113823 three guard over Dianna Maria when a carrier Padilla non-rem ball welcome the cjovyL9qtDY-00213-00113823-00114414 child in my name hakuna nice weekend Dave attend anomaly cjovyL9qtDY-00214-00114414-00115013 on economy Coon general number desandem Allah continually David in the sadhana cjovyL9qtDY-00215-00115013-00115494 could mingle number a holiday a.m. Sunday mila kunis David India by gasps cjovyL9qtDY-00216-00115494-00116084 Sherman Wario William David India pegasi Amana David in the Sultana they even cjovyL9qtDY-00217-00116084-00116697 think the Srishti on Mathias rusty Wario kamini in carnival theyíve attained a cjovyL9qtDY-00218-00116697-00117063 Muscat Oman animal Connor into the aviary Sui Greek another David Penton cjovyL9qtDY-00219-00117063-00117555 AMA tell Erica to hear what you couldn't you volume ii touch everyone what do you cjovyL9qtDY-00220-00117555-00118026 eat chili every no return you don't you worry too much drama king cjovyL9qtDY-00221-00118026-00118518 of an eye your custom what you quinion attacked I don't like undergone the cjovyL9qtDY-00222-00118518-00119022 carnival Union the Shari repels the title radians per second you put in at cjovyL9qtDY-00223-00119022-00119538 the title Italian girl / typically I am more either divided - no Anna your cjovyL9qtDY-00224-00119538-00120369 custom in a car param caterpillar et really creepy some odd rapini i repel cjovyL9qtDY-00225-00120369-00120935 kalla-nohra Renault will Khun Danai awoken Akira were you could mean a cjovyL9qtDY-00226-00120935-00121443 podium not mechanically but unity cam boutique or American are you given diary cjovyL9qtDY-00227-00121443-00122261 cam yogi encore / Erica so Mary moon diary cam son Aryan Korowai IKEA Kunene cjovyL9qtDY-00228-00122261-00122880 enamel annapurna canadian ichiran a malaria Kadena my Karenia my anger my cjovyL9qtDY-00229-00122880-00123273 today Vittorio tangi the reppin Katya course in Hana Karina dussangha to our cjovyL9qtDY-00230-00123273-00123554 own world of hurt ow cjovyL9qtDY-00231-00123559-00124002 hyah per day under the GV Dom are not even normal ability Canada cjovyL9qtDY-00232-00124002-00124505 born a re Oji Malla porno booty shakti OLAP or nabiyya allah where you could cjovyL9qtDY-00233-00124505-00124926 knit in the round robin on the vernier Akunyili panty edit anonymity cotton cjovyL9qtDY-00234-00124926-00125580 ball pen buti'm tan the first album iron initiated on re mo switched it album cjovyL9qtDY-00235-00125580-00126284 service shocked annamaya david initiated tired thought of him when Ino the venom cjovyL9qtDY-00236-00126284-00127041 will Kunene animals make you one swiggity given their angels see the face cjovyL9qtDY-00237-00127041-00127460 of the heavenly father i was nothing the italiani puddin party souvenir Akiane cjovyL9qtDY-00238-00127460-00128154 when you couldn't in the - so no one born p table in the Sun 18 overrated or cjovyL9qtDY-00239-00128154-00128558 than Mara poor impede up in the MOOC hung under under Aquino de Vaca mary did cjovyL9qtDY-00240-00128558-00129495 you know when voter forgot a valid a particular or yoga DVD till Benton la cjovyL9qtDY-00241-00129495-00130194 llamada Monica Rican every Carlotta we build solarium Sun DeMaio Elohim undock cjovyL9qtDY-00242-00130194-00130601 icon Derrick Nakata yellow briam were screen cjovyL9qtDY-00243-00130601-00131511 Edina or eternity week in recoleta any jnana are the poem intimacy nominal an cjovyL9qtDY-00244-00131511-00132420 art another point donor attachment begins with a womb I conduct with the cjovyL9qtDY-00245-00132420-00133036 newborn is gay the in Dominion Paragon question evil cjovyL9qtDY-00246-00133036-00133416 every Ripon de famille a very chaotic in out the number lock al can buy yet but a cjovyL9qtDY-00247-00133416-00133846 thousand number a nila yeah when a car under McCullough they went on and on the cjovyL9qtDY-00248-00133846-00134266 true level diagram Macaulay lot every room Naga they've opened a hit up in cjovyL9qtDY-00249-00134266-00134638 order to somehow week in a carrying Alana numbered Chaput every other cjovyL9qtDY-00250-00134638-00135376 holiday even Amma cocooning 11 they want her mail Pacific in every Valley Academy cjovyL9qtDY-00251-00135376-00136084 another well not at the point I touch him and another I another parents the cjovyL9qtDY-00252-00136084-00136479 teenagers in the parents have put him on the Sanger number him when you know them cjovyL9qtDY-00253-00136479-00137050 in denilla in there - vanilla caramel on number n nila upon on blue do when you cjovyL9qtDY-00254-00137050-00137580 kick fix but no katakana were in there there is no Keuka fix cjovyL9qtDY-00255-00137580-00138373 I will pay $10 but he hired me not in the car in a Madonna attachment teenager cjovyL9qtDY-00256-00138373-00138792 let them bomb number created either holiday artificial light and I'm a cjovyL9qtDY-00257-00138792-00139249 conductor the can button will carry Amala are they a protector on no other cjovyL9qtDY-00258-00139249-00139837 room no I'm made of wood they're a thing valerio poor I made a little very cjovyL9qtDY-00259-00139837-00140287 important of India Testament and Donna Wario there was so little caramel or cjovyL9qtDY-00260-00140287-00140653 education about an Anglican Engel of ice you can toggle Wario they were sewn cjovyL9qtDY-00261-00140653-00141226 Padova then the pie Eagle which a Cunha an Egret you're a freakin wall of cjovyL9qtDY-00262-00141226-00141658 assumed he incarnated to condemn that Valerie promote area when a car Christ cjovyL9qtDY-00263-00141658-00142060 Abba samu Hotel Olea when a car Darnell Khedive under an akuna Nora cjovyL9qtDY-00264-00142060-00142541 Wario Davis von Bock en el periódico noon cjovyL9qtDY-00265-00142699-00143260 now my cuz I may be little oh he didn't care with an honest ami find him cjovyL9qtDY-00266-00143260-00143638 thousand the military when they leather than any other couldn't you might attach cjovyL9qtDY-00267-00143638-00144277 him another McCullen man when Diane the pariah now a car like a total animal cjovyL9qtDY-00268-00144277-00144955 energy week another young nanny on reduction is Amanda genomic or the cjovyL9qtDY-00269-00144955-00145537 Kandarian I conduct still face still face another innovation undergone are cjovyL9qtDY-00270-00145537-00146278 inert under cooked a carnival day on a partial Obama Nagar Liliana teach not cjovyL9qtDY-00271-00146278-00146934 economical Alana snare hunger Nagar LaDonna Carey Dale Carnegie Liliana cjovyL9qtDY-00272-00147012-00147526 Sadashiva chemo put on a material Aramaic receiver in on the de lobo - a cjovyL9qtDY-00273-00147526-00148279 mobile day eternally London they you know possession one girl in Canoga love cjovyL9qtDY-00274-00148279-00148942 malaria platinum on silica gel fennel cake a to non diary communal can do girl cjovyL9qtDY-00275-00148942-00149290 Valerie proton Amana when you couldn't in the Mariana Murray cjovyL9qtDY-00276-00149290-00149698 are the never lost a number of edges Aki I was on a marae where you couldn't you cjovyL9qtDY-00277-00149698-00150170 might eight two more del pilar kuhn eleven Naruto career on the village and cjovyL9qtDY-00278-00150170-00150723 I'm a Papa Rd and not even a child poorer the Union in non-abelian kannada cjovyL9qtDY-00279-00150723-00151491 bhoomika opening an honor for us turning your back on your children cjovyL9qtDY-00280-00151533-00152126 kuhnian a colonel colonel no kids I'm sorry cada mañana maker attachment cjovyL9qtDY-00281-00152126-00152768 developers unites other him what is the language of love cjovyL9qtDY-00282-00152768-00153336 Sneha thin depression Donna San Gil Turner Carini riveted on Sanger cjovyL9qtDY-00283-00153336-00154098 Canaveral in London they remain in the mukham our DNA Monica today our DNA cjovyL9qtDY-00284-00154098-00154581 called Authority Nikki color they they even been the Sun until I doubt any guy cjovyL9qtDY-00285-00154581-00155037 you very important number a ugly Herman Donna carry on a layer karna girl yet cjovyL9qtDY-00286-00155037-00155925 jnana no can we are representing God himself David they on animal protein cjovyL9qtDY-00287-00155925-00157037 autonomy J mother please Lord don't show you a still face on me show me your face cjovyL9qtDY-00288-00157037-00157710 that I will live TV TV can Davina in the Korean a on la Pira they Olomouc um cjovyL9qtDY-00289-00157710-00158532 karna girl in iconic enemy what I is so movin and you know Raquel Bible called a cjovyL9qtDY-00290-00158532-00159138 third party pitcher wounded he came for a sham element burner Bible College Hill cjovyL9qtDY-00291-00159138-00159555 party pitcher wonder he came board panel area prior mullah were you P de alcalá cjovyL9qtDY-00292-00159555-00159951 still paddy paddy keen on the hidden then the Quinn young girl to the nape I cjovyL9qtDY-00293-00159951-00160431 am I you know what Larry upaya wanna make I didn't eat umpire Myron some cjovyL9qtDY-00294-00160431-00160878 sorry Kerala no Kerala quinion Alka bender the cuckoo cuckoo I'm already cjovyL9qtDY-00295-00160878-00161433 carrying a la mode a ticket without having a carnival Matt : Catalina grill cjovyL9qtDY-00296-00161433-00161835 him Adelaide alia Kapoor Latino the Washington Union along with the palace cjovyL9qtDY-00297-00161835-00162240 telling a lot of poetry to very important padam in the shaft uncle cabal cjovyL9qtDY-00298-00162240-00162882 Carnivale Kooning a lowly kia closer to Audrina poor Quinn Nicholas Nick another cjovyL9qtDY-00299-00162882-00163341 neck Roger diva delve on Doughboy provoked El cjovyL9qtDY-00300-00163341-00163761 Torito Torito no Dania kirusha kappa Rania poor yemeni Shankar in uganda cjovyL9qtDY-00301-00163761-00164148 chardy he denied it amazed him already rich I'm a little impact on the net cjovyL9qtDY-00302-00164148-00164658 people class initiation Monday who - I'm sorry today hammer on you I have done cjovyL9qtDY-00303-00164658-00165297 things that can never be corrected again what do you kill him till it 2-1 Padilla cjovyL9qtDY-00304-00165297-00165756 to the wall a in the tactical Yankee the Connecticut no we kill him in the couny cjovyL9qtDY-00305-00165756-00166290 angle of my teenie any catechu one gorilla well as a parameter my unknown cjovyL9qtDY-00306-00166290-00166683 died in arrival david tyll a stretcher happy Davina and I should say pitch it cjovyL9qtDY-00307-00166683-00167247 to foreign you you can do it in Berlin oh my caliber today covered in foam on cjovyL9qtDY-00308-00167247-00167927 the villa key IRA had the orga Rican car come on Luna Park every BJT cure human cjovyL9qtDY-00309-00167927-00168489 parinama some from you my tunic idea man a pitiable birthday key McHale ever cjovyL9qtDY-00310-00168489-00168909 lakiya a very long board at sea dictionary Kim I'm a Macumba a tamasha cjovyL9qtDY-00311-00168909-00169494 vanity rich American even though I name pop American Journal poll number and the cjovyL9qtDY-00312-00169494-00169851 evolution will run on the top Iranian regime never mind cjovyL9qtDY-00313-00169851-00170505 you start it right away Dingle store Angela it'll have some vomit you got on cjovyL9qtDY-00314-00170505-00171300 the buoy McCauley regime Eliana legal career mo when God is active in your cjovyL9qtDY-00315-00171300-00171825 life when you really want to get something corrected when we really want cjovyL9qtDY-00316-00171825-00172362 forgiveness from God he is there to help you nylons abortion appreciation cjovyL9qtDY-00317-00172362-00172962 McCollum very wiring 11 carrados on sand or she might be Padova km Basilica cjovyL9qtDY-00318-00172962-00173408 Khurana wanna pour in a candle in another are on carnem ET one cjovyL9qtDY-00319-00173408-00173930 when he puts in an akuna Goliath on dick another Umaga wreck another condom on cjovyL9qtDY-00320-00173930-00174348 deck another one money money you would you break up in the night woody Kapil cjovyL9qtDY-00321-00174348-00174780 malaria malaria Bentham you're the two families seminar gorilla Pongo to come cjovyL9qtDY-00322-00174780-00175329 for normal calcio Napoli agario ilium bone da Gama bend up and then they have cjovyL9qtDY-00323-00175329-00175779 a similar they were taught a practical guy an elven a pin-up girl I did it to cjovyL9qtDY-00324-00175779-00176310 one cup ave NE k crew father enemy Enola Krupa their enemy and the communal cjovyL9qtDY-00325-00176310-00176694 event I am en para neutral animation along the Gil Nana's own Enderman boggy cjovyL9qtDY-00326-00176694-00177186 terrain in the Cunha millennium Indian Ally and video editor in the Sunderman cjovyL9qtDY-00327-00177186-00177597 the vagina travel ordinary rabbit a to entangle a Norris J McKenna Maori waka cjovyL9qtDY-00328-00177597-00177996 Nangal Parnell MIDI daivam a canoe la carte our village cjovyL9qtDY-00329-00177996-00178767 heavily laden SEM when waterboarding a vanity no Lily yet - um Cordell normal cjovyL9qtDY-00330-00178767-00179861 Carnegie and silica really Gemma the American Gemma GG Mandela we really love cjovyL9qtDY-00331-00179861-00180678 video recorded in love with the curry nearest aluminum coaching in the slalom cjovyL9qtDY-00332-00180678-00181835 are putting under iguana latina Buddhist alumina parish sheerly página record on cjovyL9qtDY-00333-00181923-00182661 ha - emma lundegren Oh Karina young guru volume our developer cjovyL9qtDY-00334-00182661-00183298 Donna be 18 Agatha could mingle attachment him Karina young snare home a cjovyL9qtDY-00335-00183298-00183697 corn dog on omegle number line new name Ethier regal and cjovyL9qtDY-00336-00183697-00184266 lemon this is original packaging but he should tell Marvin macaparana cjovyL9qtDY-00337-00184266-00184542 Pentecostal era Valerie Shack tonight and elkanah cjovyL9qtDY-00338-00184542-00185300 were you some oh c'mon animal but he should tell Marvin de Sao Paulo cjovyL9qtDY-00339-00185453-00186650 they are vicious Dada Sami de Indias diem Sneha sand awesome cjovyL9qtDY-00340-00186650-00187207 semana de que dar a manicured are not gonna call tea party together without cjovyL9qtDY-00341-00187207-00187422 you cjovyL9qtDY-00342-00187589-00188153 quinion Alicia Baker the quinion a lien in greater if you did Akane the Wario cjovyL9qtDY-00343-00188153-00188804 Kunigal volatile opinion Alana and Gillian D'Amato Allah Allah cjovyL9qtDY-00344-00188804-00189416 do you know that when a stone opening a LeMat Ramallah numbered a conmen bill cjovyL9qtDY-00345-00189416-00189674 daivam there in the sagal opinion Ghirlandaio number today a little pitch cjovyL9qtDY-00346-00189674-00190073 it again Anna Michalka in the proud taking for Sunday's Kunekune in Manila cjovyL9qtDY-00347-00190073-00190483 reveled the volume when El Caribe alert all of beta-gal a other practical cjovyL9qtDY-00348-00190483-00190966 coverage a the particle electorate in the marvel every I'll pitch a particle cjovyL9qtDY-00349-00190966-00191305 number the Sofia maturity couldn't but the door you can you validate apoyo al cjovyL9qtDY-00350-00191305-00191849 abrir una chica no very high in number theory de yeah the cunningham will have cjovyL9qtDY-00351-00191849-00192239 a girl sample we can either go under the neck until a theyíve attained the so cjovyL9qtDY-00352-00192239-00192752 tight kinda window toboggan American Himalayan eager he can good you got a cjovyL9qtDY-00353-00192752-00193361 warrior three iodine in critical mighty McClellan he can can every Laden agree cjovyL9qtDY-00354-00193361-00193941 he cannot press law remain in theorem cjovyL9qtDY-00355-00193987-00194534 caliber ilaria nachrichten our kept our ROV get a balloon dangling cjovyL9qtDY-00356-00194534-00195133 a burning away album volumes Nehalem mingle a beret cjovyL9qtDY-00357-00195233-00195779 Annika money for weekender the novella capital Raphael mingle and in Greek in cjovyL9qtDY-00358-00195779-00196326 the very high heat up a number the mother with a good time will change the cjovyL9qtDY-00359-00196326-00196916 tone down one Larry amoral PK put in the model McHale Bentham padamu McHale cjovyL9qtDY-00360-00196916-00197415 Bentham all every Locatelli Oh Margie we can Challa company Lily cabins I'm gonna cjovyL9qtDY-00361-00197415-00197928 kill you hamburger Mariah and voila no marker aviary pariah under any cjovyL9qtDY-00362-00197928-00199001 curriculum Jamaican gorilla David Marvin am Laura Moreno Shama in the Choi son cjovyL9qtDY-00363-00199001-00199533 Ben genitals and emoji number of economy Gil Nietzsche Makeda anaglyphic eager cjovyL9qtDY-00364-00199533-00199949 appreciated Ava Coretta lair pitied ah cjovyL9qtDY-00365-00200063-00200727 kun bomb so canal canal again I'm more evil picking Nevada more evil pick any cjovyL9qtDY-00366-00200727-00201135 law or the pillory borders on bong alone de vino' got a yen don't agonize I cjovyL9qtDY-00367-00201135-00201786 reckon I'm not hurting but healing a healing touch with the two will spur cjovyL9qtDY-00368-00201786-00202326 simple ability negative noggin removal atomic provided the America cjovyL9qtDY-00369-00202326-00202809 yeah my crew player de Vaca girl gone no mocha Tatyana a poor normally she cjovyL9qtDY-00370-00202809-00203304 holding him up our discipline ever done Anna I like you very here number one cjovyL9qtDY-00371-00203304-00203775 record Chamorro thickened angry he cannot really listening in the parameter cjovyL9qtDY-00372-00203775-00204111 while I report on a pathetic are you man up attorney infer on you've all got a cjovyL9qtDY-00373-00204111-00204603 good nigga Lord all attachment i'ii conduct an equal number on you good cjovyL9qtDY-00374-00204603-00205059 nigga opera another klk no Miguel poor a living animal Allah Yan can knock on or cjovyL9qtDY-00375-00205059-00205581 no key angle a Ningaloo became a latter-day incarnation is an oregano cjovyL9qtDY-00376-00205581-00205823 kicker cjovyL9qtDY-00377-00205867-00206380 i remmber entangle him yet Revere entangle him you buddy Rick in the cjovyL9qtDY-00378-00206380-00207234 warrior turkan tono I'll in order some sorry can hardly notice I'm sorry yeah cjovyL9qtDY-00379-00207234-00207771 it's a very personal joke they even know me Lord Aeneas I'm sorry cjovyL9qtDY-00380-00207771-00208255 can when you're gonna talk silver Impala very interpretive Shekinah daivam in cjovyL9qtDY-00381-00208255-00209065 order some silicon every child is sitting in front of you desperately cjovyL9qtDY-00382-00209065-00209616 expecting God to speak personally cjovyL9qtDY-00383-00209731-00210273 carnival condom at Ramallah para another an but the ng Shadow Man of nonverbal cjovyL9qtDY-00384-00210273-00210700 Arana number day Tasha body language Ilana cjovyL9qtDY-00385-00210700-00211486 Cobb American the Eco Manila sneha one Angelou she'll appear in Samantha with a cjovyL9qtDY-00386-00211486-00211996 colicky Cunha and Angela para in Iran in shout it only Tocqueville it's here cjovyL9qtDY-00387-00211996-00212344 that's it I'm going to boil add in every bottle don't know how he/she will enter cjovyL9qtDY-00388-00212344-00213037 an emotion on all of the victim I continue facial expressions think about cjovyL9qtDY-00389-00213037-00213532 it numberless I'm sorry canal in London but the NGO monument on arena no one cjovyL9qtDY-00390-00213532-00214269 were Panama what really happen animal gestures body position movement cjovyL9qtDY-00391-00214269-00214921 proximity Pallavi general in a move left and Elena the hard eternally load em in cjovyL9qtDY-00392-00214921-00215471 an English I'm sorry Guinea phony Lauren cjovyL9qtDY-00393-00215571-00215925 Bell Medicare cjovyL9qtDY-00394-00215927-00216521 well like a city that under illegal phone will appear warrior driven are cjovyL9qtDY-00395-00216521-00217348 hiring our idea what is happening with our families put the initial minam tone cjovyL9qtDY-00396-00217348-00217759 of voice shop nothing the ethicacy learn another communication about put the cjovyL9qtDY-00397-00217759-00218396 attack shadow mine a minute another Coon England Gordon Motorola very metropoli cjovyL9qtDY-00398-00218396-00218956 a poor Peterik in the problem I have an island Shanda why are you walking cjovyL9qtDY-00399-00218956-00219323 present in the party I don't know Eric Attila purchase some art on a tour do cjovyL9qtDY-00400-00219323-00219965 love your mother but again well aware I was shut up in the phenomena mother what cjovyL9qtDY-00401-00219965-00220391 you prefer Shepherd another cross new moon died when he approached number this cjovyL9qtDY-00402-00220391-00220763 and a wound I and then I gotta live reward more than the ischium breaking cjovyL9qtDY-00403-00220763-00221059 ball we've a capital of reposition we're just cjovyL9qtDY-00404-00221059-00221659 real diva the tradition develop a wound a gumbo normally sad her energy into the cjovyL9qtDY-00405-00221659-00222175 bowl a look at Avenue repairing a moody while he cut our carnitas areum cjovyL9qtDY-00406-00222175-00223088 Sotheby's diamond over another when water poverty Wario Cooney and a mocha cjovyL9qtDY-00407-00223088-00223550 Pesci Deanna where you couldn't but in the health REO give in the mantra moon cjovyL9qtDY-00408-00223550-00224216 Donna number electronic another angel please audio Conan de Meaux capacity cjovyL9qtDY-00409-00224216-00224816 attachment types under water feet below read Ilana war effectively but it Aquino cjovyL9qtDY-00410-00224816-00225341 or your mother with a column Wario read Ilana communal order connected inna then cjovyL9qtDY-00411-00225341-00225815 basic I told Molly tapes on every religion a donor secure Ayatollah Bantam cjovyL9qtDY-00412-00225815-00226226 could pick a mother with a kilometer lavenza tell Valerie surah cheated on cjovyL9qtDY-00413-00226226-00226792 Donna I am safe good evil career and then didn't do Priscilla many LuAnn the cjovyL9qtDY-00414-00226792-00227136 Popeye order in the mummy or aporia cjovyL9qtDY-00415-00227250-00228025 feeling so safe in the end the Prasanna man Angela pinochle or pariah I feel so cjovyL9qtDY-00416-00228025-00228859 secure random and she's who did you play a part on in DJ Pied each other in cjovyL9qtDY-00417-00228859-00229363 metallic or pickle doc I hear Neapolitan okay Rhonda sharee remove inverter cjovyL9qtDY-00418-00229363-00230355 Adriana Calle que cela que él nunca ailment Olie Polie Nouveau Liana and cjovyL9qtDY-00419-00230355-00231123 she's yendo Donna however the Willy Loula will Kunda Perry cjovyL9qtDY-00420-00231123-00231894 every retrieve item Tony falling apart a very many fatal variety tiene hasta en cjovyL9qtDY-00421-00231894-00233128 die theorem gender and sex appeal Angelina condo Guillermo avoidant Paula cjovyL9qtDY-00422-00233128-00233731 could be welcome money more dependable amber rain event Angela Carone well not cjovyL9qtDY-00423-00233731-00234334 role of indatus yen anaconda bogan Amin Maria the variable however avoidant cjovyL9qtDY-00424-00234334-00234723 approach on Eric another yeah anything get what you walk him in da jelly would cjovyL9qtDY-00425-00234723-00235221 even witness I'm sorry Kerala Indiana could mean day I'll move in a normal cjovyL9qtDY-00426-00235221-00235692 area no deepen Union hamper another teenage area Erica kalyana Gary seminary cjovyL9qtDY-00427-00235692-00236530 Kimura IRA carrying curator de Portugal tae Cola fearful and Mambo Vanya Duvall cjovyL9qtDY-00428-00236530-00237234 a shop jongguk on ordinary pocket el de Vere a kiln manifold next race cjovyL9qtDY-00429-00237234-00237906 parenting styles we reward him them not learn a matter onion Peretti number cjovyL9qtDY-00430-00237906-00238442 lower your Terkel predominant a jealousy I live alumna group counseling Hill cjovyL9qtDY-00431-00238442-00238860 pecked on the Vuitton the Parana voter you know David in the ALP mama cjovyL9qtDY-00432-00238860-00239244 having developed part I didn't divisional no mokou realtor comma cjovyL9qtDY-00433-00239244-00239934 reaches everyone prodigy wonderin and see another an endemic level at the cjovyL9qtDY-00434-00239934-00240444 airport any kid para need everyone calico buddy she's on the turned iron cjovyL9qtDY-00435-00240444-00240984 and gloom I removal Erica robbery no we want a pin-up girl one night undivided cjovyL9qtDY-00436-00240984-00241464 to contradict Ananda and nice daivam tender Karina nila not don't know in no cjovyL9qtDY-00437-00241464-00241989 matter my own oh god Manali impatient Makeda theyíve attained the padishah cjovyL9qtDY-00438-00241989-00242304 trial Marvin a number of McCall de meillan number two million property one cjovyL9qtDY-00439-00242304-00242933 wrote a mondo turnover today penomet a group in Aboriginal parenting style cjovyL9qtDY-00440-00242933-00243429 controlling group on one lariat ego at either end cjovyL9qtDY-00441-00243429-00244164 age thirteen a necessary to Nietzsche we can en la vache any keynote Tom perdy cjovyL9qtDY-00442-00244164-00244721 gambit ela an area under temperature and a school in high school in particular in cjovyL9qtDY-00443-00244721-00245175 the career a coupie entire pot to worship cjovyL9qtDY-00444-00245175-00245548 accordion or tumble pitcher I'm not a harlot cjovyL9qtDY-00445-00245548-00246009 yet the religion do you a pedometer Keenan girl flew everywhere no worky cjovyL9qtDY-00446-00246009-00246438 don't yank and Ottilia Padova school it very known hostel in and the younger cjovyL9qtDY-00447-00246438-00246954 image particular he could be a path to martian body pitch eaten squirrel a cjovyL9qtDY-00448-00246954-00247437 peephole and rotten integrity dealer what is a man a great idea but she would cjovyL9qtDY-00449-00247437-00247967 you the ideas audit you know thorium mulatto hey a non-union andyandem but if cjovyL9qtDY-00450-00247967-00248376 you cannot ever annual meaning Amerindian temper typical Makino cjovyL9qtDY-00451-00248376-00248988 never Neverland Naruto real mulatto Kunene a number a picture of a sign of cjovyL9qtDY-00452-00248988-00249359 depression LEP Canada's ology cjovyL9qtDY-00453-00249387-00250031 - see of a telecon eunetta Canadian dish in the TV that is not a piranha cjovyL9qtDY-00454-00250031-00250419 Priya mother with a Klingon angle order you can show the cocooning I'll go in cjovyL9qtDY-00455-00250419-00251121 England and party every entity random Inanna practically locally to whom cjovyL9qtDY-00456-00251121-00251694 painful Ayatollah difficult Ayatollah pretendin area no father cjovyL9qtDY-00457-00251694-00252923 let your will be done Linda system a burqa in New Delhi party can Korea cjovyL9qtDY-00458-00252923-00253573 daivam a nd visit le and ecology the total a very de Kooning under G with a cjovyL9qtDY-00459-00253573-00254046 pill every Indian president ILO American president a high alum every angle every cjovyL9qtDY-00460-00254046-00254533 summer holiday in the victim a village even the telephone every aisle is a move cjovyL9qtDY-00461-00254533-00255273 until valya LM Sharia alum let your will be done in their lives cjovyL9qtDY-00462-00255273-00255838 pratik and gardenia no matter GV dome successful life the cjovyL9qtDY-00463-00255838-00256240 endowment a grouper well no matter group of high-end reckoned rolling Anna either cjovyL9qtDY-00464-00256240-00256741 you cook him a valium pay the cheese are an aroma kendama today permissive cjovyL9qtDY-00465-00256741-00257656 parenting and worry could be indeed Allah no mockery visual fully laden cjovyL9qtDY-00466-00257656-00258598 dreamboat III here boundary Galina oh but I see Molina modeling Elia I could cjovyL9qtDY-00467-00258598-00258958 be a mushy pitching away even when the Valor Tony and Patty podium pero lyrica cjovyL9qtDY-00468-00258958-00259753 Amana penguin jingle AI Aleman Kunigal Al Manar tambour could mingle a number - cjovyL9qtDY-00469-00259753-00260338 technically / t Valar - one i'll animals from again today a political analyst on cjovyL9qtDY-00470-00260338-00260784 that you were to pave a Kavala to analemma my stomach ended a shoe in the cjovyL9qtDY-00471-00260784-00261240 lace agate and i work a prior Magen ball other Cunha Nietzschean continued rican cjovyL9qtDY-00472-00261240-00261730 Coquina path trunk eternal condo voice tickle any other car you good night at cjovyL9qtDY-00473-00261730-00262126 the wake you wanna ruku nina pry amalgam ball of the chaney patil angle we've all cjovyL9qtDY-00474-00262126-00262893 had initiation undergone a procedure a mocha canola devolo trainers animal cjovyL9qtDY-00475-00262893-00263524 coach ej in around a number ending on a coach is another but the paavana to me cjovyL9qtDY-00476-00263524-00263845 river them my Sunnah particular thumbnail poker deck in the Parchin and cjovyL9qtDY-00477-00263845-00264418 Eric in the bathroom Kyrie Kiki are the ending a normal party beginner were UV cjovyL9qtDY-00478-00264418-00265011 Attila pandas on the Maury clean Gian were you Cunha animal try NJ in the cjovyL9qtDY-00479-00265011-00266233 language I ended our Nakata Kri Mohammed a grouper BC type Raja Rani cjovyL9qtDY-00480-00266233-00266906 always BC computer he knew alone genuine an young man and a croissant man and cjovyL9qtDY-00481-00266906-00267773 area nor dollars area number the bounded a mega could t were you consumeristic cjovyL9qtDY-00482-00267773-00268433 mind him when you put the a gamma no Baba tell Valerie here we delay Jolie cjovyL9qtDY-00483-00268433-00268831 Jeannot could picket in sending soon 11 oh no not a cadaver in Boca recurrent cjovyL9qtDY-00484-00268831-00269654 Pat Shea feet delay Jolie and the GV the Marlin on Laval you will you couldn't in cjovyL9qtDY-00485-00269654-00270059 a party pickin Korean there a period even attend a day in Burundi linear cjovyL9qtDY-00486-00270059-00270784 Akina Madhava dr. condoned oracle poland no cat / part of an empire in okinawa cjovyL9qtDY-00487-00270784-00271325 banana Kamala in an irregular family seminar cjovyL9qtDY-00488-00271325-00271820 owner has been couples seminar in Nandanam are impressive petition area cjovyL9qtDY-00489-00271820-00272360 very important ago don't need it here and ruining me lecithin jnana or cjovyL9qtDY-00490-00272360-00272882 embodies a the panda for me to tell nobody meeting on the power you meet you cjovyL9qtDY-00491-00272882-00273602 Tom when they put apart my cathode am oh come on no no keep it you in some sorry cjovyL9qtDY-00492-00273602-00274463 picky one when water forgot a nylon material Sargam under coach Lingala GV cjovyL9qtDY-00493-00274463-00274843 them invested he here cjovyL9qtDY-00494-00275051-00275547 Enda McGann Oh Mahalo they even our community with Silicon cjovyL9qtDY-00495-00275547-00275943 Alley chaplet another where a neon a very crisp in the crew by el privilegio cjovyL9qtDY-00496-00275943-00276840 alert o next number in the one Donatelli all career noggin the pole another nigga cjovyL9qtDY-00497-00276840-00277101 had on the chin DJ Chile Alka written on an umbrella cjovyL9qtDY-00498-00277101-00277701 I got no fog around in the car I'm gonna prove another big tantrum and encourage cjovyL9qtDY-00499-00277701-00278546 you might touch him and in each monomer samsaric another emotional detachment cjovyL9qtDY-00500-00278546-00279245 Knievel avahi getting a mite animal a nugget inner and akhira conditional love cjovyL9qtDY-00501-00279245-00280060 can be valuable in and piranha volga satirical karim neat remark wang gichun cjovyL9qtDY-00502-00280060-00281121 yeah Nina significant it remark among each other at the birthday yet he never cjovyL9qtDY-00503-00281121-00281981 cheated a conditional love Coney Island Oh Ned no Yolanda Valachi de la la cjovyL9qtDY-00504-00281981-00282495 normal macchesney he Canada however a number of McCullough no Lana laid on a cjovyL9qtDY-00505-00282495-00282722 miraculously cjovyL9qtDY-00506-00282873-00283422 in Connecticut and they were student unemployment in a crucial research is cjovyL9qtDY-00507-00283422-00283757 you know no Bernie and I recommend in the manor area research on a research cjovyL9qtDY-00508-00283757-00284688 guide Aniki an unemployed child in the family I could be a new per week in ma - cjovyL9qtDY-00509-00284688-00285276 sigue via tracker up our economy number Anja by guiding a person la Cucaracha cjovyL9qtDY-00510-00285276-00285699 Party Chairman Bernanke we deliver a keynote in Donna buck your lower could cjovyL9qtDY-00511-00285699-00286170 you only under very minimum the you only laugh evictee a logo boom boom boom no cjovyL9qtDY-00512-00286170-00286682 could not be hungry conditional love Jana reconditioned cjovyL9qtDY-00513-00286682-00287130 maternal in a snake another yen I'll conditioned Aladdin I'm listening he can cjovyL9qtDY-00514-00287130-00287601 over even a room they would think the snake hombre de Filippi Cubana de even cjovyL9qtDY-00515-00287601-00288156 normal a mother with a colicky particular area under Colonel Colonel no cjovyL9qtDY-00516-00288156-00288678 keys I'm sorry given Karina de Valera putana potato eeschema from Aladdin a cjovyL9qtDY-00517-00288678-00289344 crucial pause I'm sorry Joe carry on Iola can never under Kunene de colina cjovyL9qtDY-00518-00289344-00289960 carnal no kiss I'm sorry can pattern while Larry put on a potato benzathine cjovyL9qtDY-00519-00289960-00290428 day Bechet menorah Purina at Indira listening ela I'm gonna cjovyL9qtDY-00520-00290428-00290782 wouldn't pay for any other vowel a no one verbal language a lump on very hard cjovyL9qtDY-00521-00290782-00291474 on ax be touching Yuna Muhammad agreed Aquino the collect in the Leone motor cjovyL9qtDY-00522-00291474-00291985 unique evil evil yet the area like a classically later cameraman killed yet cjovyL9qtDY-00523-00291985-00292663 do material on Nana Cunha pava caliper so they I'm sure they abort attaches a cjovyL9qtDY-00524-00292663-00293128 Donnell Kahneman give numbered a Mahalo every Talia morgue 11 out of tube or cjovyL9qtDY-00525-00293128-00293641 tangle Damocles knee he can a man kill number da cunha Lord is your mechanic cjovyL9qtDY-00526-00293641-00294705 can no multi error thought you were too can Kalikimaka luckily ignorant cjovyL9qtDY-00527-00294780-00295209 humiliating comments in front of others cjovyL9qtDY-00528-00295254-00295783 my collaborator moon built angle I param 30-some sorry key another Khun Ying cjovyL9qtDY-00529-00295783-00296308 alive I gotta go my Oreo part I got in the van I'm Angela particular Cunha or cjovyL9qtDY-00530-00296308-00296776 append groupie or you eat Church in the Utica embolisation cjovyL9qtDY-00531-00296776-00297094 I'm a moron or attorney honest I'm sorry sir cjovyL9qtDY-00532-00297094-00297738 Apple Gouda another Perrineau it Trevor Nuno on namenda end O'Brien on Mangalam cjovyL9qtDY-00533-00297738-00298135 inevitability no viremia any computer model and Dakota Gargamel cjovyL9qtDY-00534-00298135-00298479 at para member nickyloo Munakata motivator cjovyL9qtDY-00535-00298479-00298779 Aditya cjovyL9qtDY-00536-00298941-00299521 shaming them when they are already in pain or failure or hurt would it told me cjovyL9qtDY-00537-00299521-00299869 something which you individually yeah we repeat over sample with you when you cjovyL9qtDY-00538-00299869-00300304 parade iam somehow with you I'm Olivia Lee Rakim born at the time or even go cjovyL9qtDY-00539-00300304-00300831 beyond a key on happen company read read operate on a mocha valerievich Amana cjovyL9qtDY-00540-00300831-00301252 pristine died at the perihelion de la vie shamanic wenyan irritated somber cjovyL9qtDY-00541-00301252-00301663 with your angle kun opera epitope re-chill totally delete ship by the cjovyL9qtDY-00542-00301663-00302191 tender with semana a more even the economy a more even the item at in the cjovyL9qtDY-00543-00302191-00302701 intensity out in the pain up in the hurt or you could mean a more evil pitcher cjovyL9qtDY-00544-00302701-00303127 Gandhi wrecking ball out in the polo tour to normal barking or a curtal una cjovyL9qtDY-00545-00303127-00303739 notte orimura vite otherwise shake him a she wasn't good at it when I'm in the cjovyL9qtDY-00546-00303739-00304237 Ambo an Kunene a mother kickin do a run for mother cocooned everyone Kai Tong cjovyL9qtDY-00547-00304237-00304612 alcorcón Oh coach you marrying a look under under low coach Mary cricket coach cjovyL9qtDY-00548-00304612-00305023 if my room de football coach my don't open grab Rosie she have rated team Alan cjovyL9qtDY-00549-00305023-00305485 collaborator player Jake Anana thought to boy Academy on everything you know cjovyL9qtDY-00550-00305485-00305956 than the harness suave having a mitre average and opportunity hug and go to cjovyL9qtDY-00551-00305956-00306639 come penis are very minimal empower I another we will do it next time cjovyL9qtDY-00552-00306639-00307035 how did the privation okay cjovyL9qtDY-00553-00307039-00307852 coach I did the privation um oh come on idea inconsistent discipline when you cjovyL9qtDY-00554-00307852-00308238 buy a car you might normally not gonna burn and a material protonic arnhem cjovyL9qtDY-00555-00308238-00308625 Ricardian je Redondo depravation bar my in the research ago to come cjovyL9qtDY-00556-00308625-00309108 Analia Donatella cjovyL9qtDY-00557-00309126-00309739 she cannot pill nomic of a testicle unda Wario Cunha no madam honestly I cannot cjovyL9qtDY-00558-00309739-00310581 even buteo namenda th a coup de perro Pig already very dirty incarnate child cjovyL9qtDY-00559-00310608-00310975 Lingala let Trevor yeah Nerissa ma'am personal time at the cjovyL9qtDY-00560-00310975-00311248 companion Joey around and then O'Leary Samia cjovyL9qtDY-00561-00311248-00311959 savithri mallalieu either khuda propoganda al mingle Villanova Nepal the cjovyL9qtDY-00562-00311959-00312355 vase anything the Mughal any foe Vijay at repair undone the judicial Paulo cjovyL9qtDY-00563-00312355-00312745 meeting a girl LM an abode asada monitor Latium per run cjovyL9qtDY-00564-00312745-00313539 LaRhonda inconsistently discipline Kunigal my ego ego my aveiro pick up cjovyL9qtDY-00565-00313539-00314254 hippo Krishna capita bhakti I am I let me go Maria wash up the carnage it b- cjovyL9qtDY-00566-00314254-00314806 Mutulu very akuto marina Madhava dr. Hannigan could mingle Vega Erica my cjovyL9qtDY-00567-00314806-00315463 mulignan ocular popular party in Italian rule : cjovyL9qtDY-00568-00315463-00316035 Karina dalla over expectations Amita Maya prediction cjovyL9qtDY-00569-00316035-00316621 namu dahulu un angle number Lord Shiva Cavalleria preyas agree my little Erica cjovyL9qtDY-00570-00316621-00317113 Amana Priya do McLennan Parente Wario Coonan and David they don't go to three cjovyL9qtDY-00571-00317113-00317631 canary capacity under number a expectation could be could be could be cjovyL9qtDY-00572-00317631-00318100 hakuna name malayalam lekha la in ovarian fo Moondog a Dracaena mangle cjovyL9qtDY-00573-00318100-00318547 Cunha need a even quarter trick in a capacity lake at the navel article every cjovyL9qtDY-00574-00318547-00318988 banana numbers Irma Kendall over control already normal explained sido cjovyL9qtDY-00575-00318988-00319650 conflicts within the family sandwich sandwich children beetle a cjovyL9qtDY-00576-00319650-00320307 water-cooled a deal we delay produce something led and more coming more than cjovyL9qtDY-00577-00320307-00321027 uranium Mary Padian opinion girl Dave Ambala want another $1 - and another cjovyL9qtDY-00578-00321027-00321533 laughs next cjovyL9qtDY-00579-00321632-00321901 I don't think cjovyL9qtDY-00580-00321938-00322583 then down at the point Wario cookie or the moolah number they attachment life cjovyL9qtDY-00581-00322583-00323342 long night animal condo gondola I think they put together a meme Cunha Matra cjovyL9qtDY-00582-00323342-00323882 mitral or attachment aporia Pete Abu paella Mottram I'd roller attachment cjovyL9qtDY-00583-00323882-00324803 aporia Hyrum for Tom the mill hire my alma been some really to die he came in cjovyL9qtDY-00584-00324803-00325220 a podium pariah or glory karamaneh a penny my main go to some sorry TT cjovyL9qtDY-00585-00325220-00325702 Kimble IV privateer single own dog on my raccoon dog and jealous and our finale cjovyL9qtDY-00586-00325702-00326129 Sneha pills I'm sorry Kim awesome a theory under mundo my solo Kooning cjovyL9qtDY-00587-00326129-00326651 Legion Alleluia curvilinear e otherwise III economy or America nam la vida de cjovyL9qtDY-00588-00326651-00327536 Kooning alone o karna mila calcaneal i'ma every single word I speak number to cjovyL9qtDY-00589-00327536-00327971 walk up the way in the palm of hidden volume patio for packin married a lady cjovyL9qtDY-00590-00327971-00328595 who noggin the Wario Benton Lily yet the Croce Linda Wario chariot Alan angle cjovyL9qtDY-00591-00328595-00329420 polo yet to whom coudl original Ariana llamo Cunha nalada yet to Humber theory cjovyL9qtDY-00592-00329420-00329990 nor a Duke under the knee put up until MIT Bentham yet to him guru or a cjovyL9qtDY-00593-00329990-00330518 reminder numberless ooh chicken oh I'm a McClendon minimum dangle a mafia may cjovyL9qtDY-00594-00330518-00330926 McClendon minimum Daniel Perry impart on the molarity um dangle cjovyL9qtDY-00595-00330926-00331313 could Nene attach easy the Navarino the Valerius from a dream Ayatollah Terry cjovyL9qtDY-00596-00331313-00331823 Amana Apple basically normal plastic and other they were mail app internally loom cjovyL9qtDY-00597-00331823-00332288 young girl can Indira Krupa I wish Amana attachment cjovyL9qtDY-00598-00332288-00332855 11 technology boondoggle mackleton balloon dog art a t-table Amada one cjovyL9qtDY-00599-00332855-00333590 dominant a got a Mahavira McClendon will you enter got a attachment and very know cjovyL9qtDY-00600-00333590-00334113 the car nine bottom and you for weekend button experiences am but cjovyL9qtDY-00601-00334113-00334925 - Karen or Donnie on a burqa see another when go to vote a when you couldn't in cjovyL9qtDY-00602-00334925-00335289 Devon are still yet dune who do the Lola next one please cjovyL9qtDY-00603-00335289-00335738 yet to noodle Nam static in a caravan learning and already chori chori Kiernan cjovyL9qtDY-00604-00335738-00336158 they ovulate in a meeting in rhetoric cattle normally walking here to Berlin cjovyL9qtDY-00605-00336158-00336567 not a Kenda the very ill how many a Pacific young so there's she became a cjovyL9qtDY-00606-00336567-00337007 devotee London they are anybody onions you carryin a later date under a delayed cjovyL9qtDY-00607-00337007-00337572 to Moodle mom's roti canai than the Kia Sephia Santa mind to burn a bikini naval cjovyL9qtDY-00608-00337572-00338527 optimally doing chordal enormous religion Allah in the camera hmm para no cjovyL9qtDY-00609-00338527-00339200 physical ha mom Mary here the Tour de column worry walk I ever turn the brown cjovyL9qtDY-00610-00339200-00340116 chicken visual on the very end on omeka Patiala is awesome / typically an idea cjovyL9qtDY-00611-00340116-00341247 Bible call a deal with ever did not predict another needle by modeling how cjovyL9qtDY-00612-00341247-00341598 do not ever take another physical sample of the night is a in Venus school ever cjovyL9qtDY-00613-00341598-00342225 tell a yoga para una delay - Maria school in the middle even omelette you cjovyL9qtDY-00614-00342225-00342539 put in a volcanic another cjovyL9qtDY-00615-00342785-00343722 spiritual I know emotional social I'm gonna put another social skill level or cjovyL9qtDY-00616-00343722-00344535 no capacity under eg Miguel character addiction Lowry Bardo people dare not go cjovyL9qtDY-00617-00344535-00344988 record every Nagato game addiction gaming addiction or even a Ryoga my cjovyL9qtDY-00618-00344988-00345561 tamari Raquel now to go really medium don't know Romani cura no temple demonic cjovyL9qtDY-00619-00345561-00345999 Yaakov at Erica dinner game in Cali cheetah my teacher would never steal a cjovyL9qtDY-00620-00345999-00346419 key Kyrie military McCallum Anna would you cjovyL9qtDY-00621-00346419-00346989 bartend Nikki Lurie levira viola could imagine a proscenium Olympic optical of cjovyL9qtDY-00622-00346989-00347505 Jerry and Donna worry Barney combo proscenium perihelion additive Eternia cjovyL9qtDY-00623-00347505-00348123 COBOL editor Christina Perri Hiroshima some hobby might roll ocarina Lana cjovyL9qtDY-00624-00348123-00348690 number two Quinn jingle Christina Perri Harasta no locario Galindo catch them cjovyL9qtDY-00625-00348690-00349266 young one lariat syrup bottle a moldable I became bored every him but entitlement cjovyL9qtDY-00626-00349266-00349818 Allah or elastic I an angle or each area spring my wrecking ball a very / / - 1 cjovyL9qtDY-00627-00349818-00350264 Madhavi decline on my path history onna cjovyL9qtDY-00628-00350294-00350928 I'll mean a cardinal namah very chichi pala Gary Nolan JEP around the tomatoes cjovyL9qtDY-00629-00350928-00351675 and s : Gerty somatic original genome sodium Prosecco macho the Madonna at me cjovyL9qtDY-00630-00351675-00352137 the David until discipline him attending in meetings other lumbar later proton cjovyL9qtDY-00631-00352137-00352548 Amana when United pay did he came to the valerian al akkari Amana Lingle of the cjovyL9qtDY-00632-00352548-00353436 lamb jmburton a crystal in the Sneha a veritable el mundo our cart of invective cjovyL9qtDY-00633-00353436-00353790 array myarray Nando where am I in Oracle state Sylvia cjovyL9qtDY-00634-00353790-00354613 paranoia such human embryo a derivative una y solar than the mugger cjovyL9qtDY-00635-00354613-00355101 I mean and apart another and the Jiva de pena nieto guru delsanto she said they cjovyL9qtDY-00636-00355101-00355578 were some may kiss anybody can endure Miguel de Maria Naruto Sanjana poor cut cjovyL9qtDY-00637-00355578-00356100 till in the article karate Renata cut till in day article more young girl cjovyL9qtDY-00638-00356100-00356577 madaky he didn't wonder Konami Reiki hours they were told a plastic another cjovyL9qtDY-00639-00356577-00356944 gun before and the Jiva the delayed due to their son dushaan by every not cjovyL9qtDY-00640-00356944-00357381 Santosh and either yen da cunha Nina and the Lang Karthik cjovyL9qtDY-00641-00357381-00357858 rotate and carry Amelia and the convective mi they were my Bennett cjovyL9qtDY-00642-00357858-00358550 Elvira a point I'll do my birria ticket item okay Briana curvature practical cjovyL9qtDY-00643-00358550-00359061 children learn what they live where you could be we must Anna Matranga to cjovyL9qtDY-00644-00359061-00359703 Valhalla akuti metal array with IKEA and Sheila Q chakra Domino Palmolive Havana cjovyL9qtDY-00645-00359703-00360297 pillow record evil Armel a cookie a depends upon my tedium cjovyL9qtDY-00646-00360654-00361466 newly-wedded today will be mahaganesha very important libras nature pikarin cjovyL9qtDY-00647-00361466-00362232 Serpa creature Pocari on angle ammonia process nam yo rutile on all today cjovyL9qtDY-00648-00362232-00362703 Elaine's mother alone on a dildo and cello the Matra will taste in anything cjovyL9qtDY-00649-00362703-00363375 al ketone on the wall are along I truly writing an interpreter I do love them cjovyL9qtDY-00650-00363375-00364005 buddy garlic Iranian beretta Cunha Laila a very own HDTV Khurana hostility or cjovyL9qtDY-00651-00364005-00364623 lambda H at Alvaro Amana where you could be pariah ohne ende Papa a note of our cjovyL9qtDY-00652-00364623-00365232 new tundra what take particular artist John Medina could impart energy cjovyL9qtDY-00653-00365232-00365865 efficient he'll learn for Newton Edoardo handle on angle over on yalom can go to cjovyL9qtDY-00654-00365865-00366672 Barton again tire Allah we know that shatru Domino Foreman Amidala Verena cjovyL9qtDY-00655-00366672-00367050 girl Kayla madaba a mother a notice or tequila I'm cjovyL9qtDY-00656-00367050-00367476 more terming mortem hostility shut through the Ariana while you were in cjovyL9qtDY-00657-00367476-00368102 lockup atop our canoodle Shambhala vanilla Kadamba rhythm they Immokalee cjovyL9qtDY-00658-00368218-00368757 it's not going to achieve anything but it's really the matter Manama kg we can cjovyL9qtDY-00659-00368757-00369124 you know do a ritual it on the trim dangle addendum and not on the trim cjovyL9qtDY-00660-00369124-00369483 Daniel at the David indica Eagle a little picture none if Iran you wonder cjovyL9qtDY-00661-00369483-00369895 tired my order eg with Angie Vicki one they were homeless a hike a time cjovyL9qtDY-00662-00369895-00370474 if a child live with ridicule nimma kaput achieve it you know very cjovyL9qtDY-00663-00370474-00371052 cookie but I didn't know you could be good adult coudl let job or lava na he cjovyL9qtDY-00664-00371052-00371614 might Olivia female he can boot immortal aku di tomorrow yeah man I need are my cjovyL9qtDY-00665-00371614-00372376 freaky nobody could be sneaky can predict you sharing a can duel arena cjovyL9qtDY-00666-00372376-00372973 where you could be a Maserati injured arm Popish are combined you okay daddy cjovyL9qtDY-00667-00372973-00373414 erica Campbell were you caught America my activity to para here animal a cjovyL9qtDY-00668-00373414-00373876 powerpreter missionary mile cash to put in the Oreos Ptolemy Lolita cannula vana cjovyL9qtDY-00669-00373876-00374344 they even a bucket on make another lamb number the Sunda my love a nigga cashed cjovyL9qtDY-00670-00374344-00374863 up another cup Unga wake ya know Lana para him Cheney DNG in the mother cjovyL9qtDY-00671-00374863-00375292 without called a muckle a verdict I a little davon coconut in cjovyL9qtDY-00672-00375292-00375885 demand my alia vendetta he let the chicken if children leave with kindness cjovyL9qtDY-00673-00375885-00376410 and consideration they learn respect are you negative already know could be cjovyL9qtDY-00674-00376410-00376836 material over a but humanik him a lot about my to Loretta moon bill were you cjovyL9qtDY-00675-00376836-00377293 with a pillow long nigga retinal clearly but humanik even ever Kerela cjovyL9qtDY-00676-00377293-00377677 when he carry a real gender poll our boasting a very virile Juniata vase I'm cjovyL9qtDY-00677-00377677-00378384 sorry Kim because they are never trained to respect another person they have cjovyL9qtDY-00678-00378384-00378902 never seen it in life but come on you know the carnival arena cjovyL9qtDY-00679-00378902-00379810 could be a pill Carla the medullary bomani Cthulhu next one number opinion cjovyL9qtDY-00680-00379810-00380543 and I are you wanna make a career tai-kun general de booty Valeria Batista cjovyL9qtDY-00681-00380543-00381479 mama even English carnival - Neela TV on hakuna mutata Cunha Lhasa Meryton animal cjovyL9qtDY-00682-00381479-00382058 market under the aviary tesander schattenjager toe nomally wakinekona cjovyL9qtDY-00683-00382058-00382711 features sinhala cunningham mokka paiya Santosh a banana bread a sodium in the cjovyL9qtDY-00684-00382711-00383218 parade joyful kids I read a warrior three-day cjovyL9qtDY-00685-00383218-00383771 motivational very Anna Dillon Orion though I ricky matee watch a predominant cjovyL9qtDY-00686-00383771-00384313 I have read achieve total hola mundo para near the wall a path to worship cjovyL9qtDY-00687-00384313-00385097 nothing power on the very knotty left part in open other you've gone I'm Kate cjovyL9qtDY-00688-00385097-00385646 Alen do your part to get a teen otaku Diwali she would have a q1 Ta'ala more cjovyL9qtDY-00689-00385646-00386185 part in this routine don't know lemon don't know Juana Maria they shared them cjovyL9qtDY-00690-00386185-00386704 the other a movement develop meal a day I don't know Irish Sheila Nutella more cjovyL9qtDY-00691-00386704-00387211 tea powder aquino area could be a very depression Allah give you Nepal Machado cjovyL9qtDY-00692-00387211-00387668 yoga tell Pat Angela Sylvia our depression lately we reborn we regard cjovyL9qtDY-00693-00387668-00388196 your Manabu him a kapil mathura word naira tallulah cjovyL9qtDY-00694-00388196-00388521 Nichiren all day even with children tyrant cjovyL9qtDY-00695-00388521-00389166 other non conductive or ship economic Acharya the linguistic intelligence cjovyL9qtDY-00696-00389166-00389844 telephony market our share of I'm Gregory mana-chan Irka sunny the tender cjovyL9qtDY-00697-00389844-00390436 skill Donna chalica some Mook humid a particle the skill on nanny had a cjovyL9qtDY-00698-00390436-00391050 dedicated doctoral thesis other now the proton amide participate in a carrier cjovyL9qtDY-00699-00391050-00391532 min over another up in booty padishah or you carry him in the veranda none cjovyL9qtDY-00700-00391532-00392158 apparent in Nehru day some Osamu his Kim giggling never you could nil develop ear cjovyL9qtDY-00701-00392158-00392769 Nullah parenting and angle young never cooked is some hotel or a portable one cjovyL9qtDY-00702-00392769-00393155 little systematic ater one of the quantitative I to systematically a cjovyL9qtDY-00703-00393155-00393471 potato potahto Nana parenting in Lingle could pick cjovyL9qtDY-00704-00393471-00394179 Isamu here capacity girl cranium physically intelligence number 11 you cjovyL9qtDY-00705-00394179-00394658 like an English sports innovate on a young girl yoke ordinary tosem in you cjovyL9qtDY-00706-00394658-00395367 wear our gondola I'm physically intelligent cilia muscle related cjovyL9qtDY-00707-00395367-00395779 intelligence in LA we still addict Impala or Orion the very thin layer cjovyL9qtDY-00708-00395779-00396378 Karen America capacity are the necessary Charla Barca Jana and it on the Whistler cjovyL9qtDY-00709-00396378-00396927 katakana Samantha jela gotta go for over to Nichkhun and then only a movement I cjovyL9qtDY-00710-00396927-00397395 work in the inner layer hit on another intelligence on other you cjovyL9qtDY-00711-00397395-00398052 put TV for mana in their personal intelligence welcome Adela cello core cjovyL9qtDY-00712-00398052-00398657 Pavelka in rapper smell intelligence on already lacunae la la antigua Sam sorry cjovyL9qtDY-00713-00398657-00399129 Kayla phenomenon or pon da la route samsara cello cryptical captain hola cjovyL9qtDY-00714-00399129-00399608 very intelligent fellow Lavery Valerie deep burn inside of them I'm gonna run cjovyL9qtDY-00715-00399608-00400047 over a little amount of poets with another copy girl with another caveat cjovyL9qtDY-00716-00400047-00400563 regal very another uncanny Oliver Hilton on artistic ability you love are very cjovyL9qtDY-00717-00400563-00400926 another a very samba my zindagi philosophers and any rule of reason on cjovyL9qtDY-00718-00400926-00401478 intrapersonal intelligence top to gamma H in the Gulliver I mean you love really cjovyL9qtDY-00719-00401478-00401898 not very another logical mathematical intelligence Nicolette Rivera da cjovyL9qtDY-00720-00401898-00403188 Michalka mathematics in or astern Starro Vishal cjovyL9qtDY-00721-00403188-00403610 Haku Nene mats over to became a salon getting a look at Jake you know butshe cjovyL9qtDY-00722-00403610-00404129 how could mean a maths especially see unit and the year the de vida we done de cjovyL9qtDY-00723-00404129-00404415 basically I take your logic a typical day I could take you very much a cjovyL9qtDY-00724-00404415-00404895 humanities subjective Larry Commission and then I became a computer brain murky cjovyL9qtDY-00725-00404895-00405843 another let him or her do that the whole world cannot be full of only doctors cjovyL9qtDY-00726-00405843-00406389 engineers and lawyers and their friend a Nigerian all every lady particular note cjovyL9qtDY-00727-00406389-00406872 of our new our Adela family Ghulam Ali are not in a moon burden and each a cjovyL9qtDY-00728-00406872-00407285 kiamana mater Cunha medical and our mother Queen engineering and cjovyL9qtDY-00729-00407285-00408073 una matekoni lower pressure academic pressure on children cjovyL9qtDY-00730-00408073-00408654 voila a realistic economic in the condition naturally take naturalistic cjovyL9qtDY-00731-00408654-00409069 intelligence and existential intelligence when you lie - silicon cjovyL9qtDY-00732-00409069-00409587 overcometh Rami how will they even go to the toilet - silicon career lesson three cjovyL9qtDY-00733-00409587-00410352 attachments supports Faith Formation and children healthy attachment tell cjovyL9qtDY-00734-00410352-00410935 appearances one area unhealthy Ayatollah Tai Chi Minh de Kooning a low rider per cjovyL9qtDY-00735-00410935-00411433 ticket is a lesson our finale Imam are because of all that is Imagi cjovyL9qtDY-00736-00411433-00411921 pin their meeting in Quran Allah and he'll the attachment on over an island cjovyL9qtDY-00737-00411921-00413058 on very unhealthy dependence in American alone that he will come a Lada Kalina to cjovyL9qtDY-00738-00413058-00413677 Italo Wario those who novel a could you release water will achieve I am a in the cjovyL9qtDY-00739-00413677-00414081 noting an Avenue in Eleonora I never knew even the young car you accompany cjovyL9qtDY-00740-00414081-00414471 never Kandahar view pillar of me under cjovyL9qtDY-00741-00414639-00415285 number like many an American English healthy out of a lot another what an cjovyL9qtDY-00742-00415285-00416010 opponent about Maywood nobility or him morally neatly nudity Lena in the court cjovyL9qtDY-00743-00416010-00416437 of in the green eco diesel engine in the region India I really think I was taken cjovyL9qtDY-00744-00416437-00417139 die theorem if you didn't want and ayianna paranoid akira-kun young male cjovyL9qtDY-00745-00417139-00417567 Wario cut asunder SWAT and Rita Lake Accord a kendo then a cjovyL9qtDY-00746-00417567-00418068 series of eternal attachment of array of the childhood L not a combo at all cjovyL9qtDY-00747-00418068-00418517 essential bother if healthy detachment accord on our economy cjovyL9qtDY-00748-00418517-00419152 cut and cut tomato number da cunha number a Addison Indiana so am i valid cjovyL9qtDY-00749-00419152-00419485 in the any for with the lake is under my life for my energy in hours and for what cjovyL9qtDY-00750-00419485-00420042 the lake you Verona child Odell strongest attachment aquatic on board at cjovyL9qtDY-00751-00420042-00420594 all of sense the teenage will variable one is healthy slow detachment the cjovyL9qtDY-00752-00420594-00421110 curriculum our Commission will upon over normal or Perrine cjovyL9qtDY-00753-00421110-00421497 hikari no nami la verne you wonder you can push a rock area till a novice you cjovyL9qtDY-00754-00421497-00421978 my numberland IAM body lay in Rudy to even par de la habra the diva the cjovyL9qtDY-00755-00421978-00422433 Tennessee piggy mingle carry amo son de ma vie de Calma she pitch Akutan bangle cjovyL9qtDY-00756-00422433-00423079 Yendo Mottram girdle anima colored i put in bahia de son de Madhava da nasha cjovyL9qtDY-00757-00423079-00424068 pitcher Michael decorum bangle a3 on the Maryam unnecessary interference and now cjovyL9qtDY-00758-00424068-00424866 is she my true love you debate illegal a pocket a gram Ayatollah shame on of you cjovyL9qtDY-00759-00424938-00425668 did our represent a another theyíve a thin day unconditional love cjovyL9qtDY-00760-00425668-00426283 yaniv our onion there was steadily now the snake in the circuit LAPD of in the cjovyL9qtDY-00761-00426283-00426822 Sneha mana the Italy Papa me till brothership again another atom at cjovyL9qtDY-00762-00426822-00427610 Ramallah numberless colossal akin little number by keno Diwali P darken mark cjovyL9qtDY-00763-00427610-00428230 discipline maintained Jay and I wish younger on the VP Nakata but over the cjovyL9qtDY-00764-00428230-00428941 shuttle him banished each alum however a poor chavalla to 1p dark and Murray in cjovyL9qtDY-00765-00428941-00429541 the village a turnip arena open leader IRA cannot read in the direction they cjovyL9qtDY-00766-00429541-00430102 happened a gajillion original malaria proton Apatow or aquarium on a spiritual cjovyL9qtDY-00767-00430102-00430981 Direction emotional Direction theta of unconditional love can you sustain the cjovyL9qtDY-00768-00430981-00431518 discipline take typic turn on the cryptic Aryan what is also detected on cjovyL9qtDY-00769-00431518-00431884 the village is a leak in burrito but even though Caillou under care tell each cjovyL9qtDY-00770-00431884-00432268 other to be to some candles and I never could be other they did appear to match cjovyL9qtDY-00771-00432268-00432820 all that ever and Assyria Donna mikuni know you none confusion attic you were cjovyL9qtDY-00772-00432820-00433210 DRLs You cheeky momentarily DJ doll Oh Eden a called oceanarium Ayatollah no cjovyL9qtDY-00773-00433210-00433675 Foreman borealis you cheeky no material or - Ossipee - Mikado kono kata ka cjovyL9qtDY-00774-00433675-00434164 darkness Harry remember to tell a confusion a low cjovyL9qtDY-00775-00434164-00434837 discipline one or a proton amana Amma in Donna protein autonomy another cjovyL9qtDY-00776-00434837-00435510 Karina mercy and grace of God I'm a I should say pick another vowel a Yang cjovyL9qtDY-00777-00435510-00436364 Ming Lee I should say figure I'm Megan I should speaking and 9er yen-dollar ha I cjovyL9qtDY-00778-00436364-00436950 should say pick another vowel a I didn't Malaysia speaking daivam normally I cjovyL9qtDY-00779-00436950-00437634 should say figure next one faith the development issue asked some in the para cjovyL9qtDY-00780-00437634-00438180 another spirituality in the Peraino the help me God in the power the pootie go cjovyL9qtDY-00781-00438180-00438603 pootie abortion a girl Mallory heretic I told a teaching you cjovyL9qtDY-00782-00438603-00438888 girl Yoga till you are on the spirituality right cjovyL9qtDY-00783-00438888-00439223 you forgot general is spirituality do you burn the teaching evil is not only cjovyL9qtDY-00784-00439223-00439568 one day we can go together near here till and on is he under than an ally cjovyL9qtDY-00785-00439568-00439959 repeating you couldn't Yvonne I did not Samantha numbered amar da de kum not cjovyL9qtDY-00786-00439959-00440421 Samia modal Vishwanath in the editor I wound up another computer lot more day cjovyL9qtDY-00787-00440421-00441012 huh attachment is Nana I'm gonna win by parent a vision like they wonder allah cjovyL9qtDY-00788-00441012-00441693 made the quraían allah this she was up in the development of our i another knee cjovyL9qtDY-00789-00441693-00441914 among on the court she carrying align is silicon cjovyL9qtDY-00790-00441914-00442332 course even situated a canary could be a party página de la wish to ascertain the cjovyL9qtDY-00791-00442332-00442959 development of our another kuhnian dave omotola Bentham Sheila pitcher dick cjovyL9qtDY-00792-00442959-00443292 Amana yeah the Protestant even Allah padam cjovyL9qtDY-00793-00443292-00443739 Amada UN Connie no referee no McHale a knee angle every wound Angela me Len cjovyL9qtDY-00794-00443739-00444207 Gilliam in the daivam Nene wooden are diabetic cjovyL9qtDY-00795-00444207-00444760 no kappa my Cunha last nickimja David thing like a very poor indeed either cjovyL9qtDY-00796-00444760-00445293 yeah the Locatelli doraji de la virgen a loom a very the David a ever on nama the cjovyL9qtDY-00797-00445293-00445823 Muruga put it one with a particular college activities is a young Michael a cjovyL9qtDY-00798-00445823-00446139 mingalaba the nurse a brother Nicky born on Jenny a product Anika vulnerable area cjovyL9qtDY-00799-00446139-00446510 with Shyvana is aluminum an Apache automat Romana cjovyL9qtDY-00800-00446510-00446880 Megaman animal per typically the Buddha nails are proud of the name when layers cjovyL9qtDY-00801-00446880-00447228 of rather than engineers your problem Amy now the wrecking ball or you can cjovyL9qtDY-00802-00447228-00448235 your article available easier than la en de la Cucaracha Corinne I'll tell you cjovyL9qtDY-00803-00448235-00448673 done me help me and I help me ji in the pariah the party picking and let's say cjovyL9qtDY-00804-00448673-00449280 another Chris tune in the hallelujah ye ninda son based angle Capra my yoga cjovyL9qtDY-00805-00449280-00449789 technique in a very a la loca pinned emotionless Nicky never a Paula David cjovyL9qtDY-00806-00449789-00450120 ethnic in a very high even everyone I mean you look at people or the cjovyL9qtDY-00807-00450120-00450342 numberless abriendo was throw that you can devote cjovyL9qtDY-00808-00450342-00450726 embark on Davila perish eternally officio compromise you for they ship cjovyL9qtDY-00809-00450726-00451152 ravaged it every song every new I read a wooden a cjovyL9qtDY-00810-00451152-00451589 matinee Alfama notice I'm sorry keno Molony poetry Guinea a Bostrom when I cjovyL9qtDY-00811-00451589-00452247 catch another low tech knowledge in the girl Adam activity no lavake another cjovyL9qtDY-00812-00452247-00452796 Amazon Allah never an erotic oh no OOP de Rivoli via Barry Kennedy wrote an cjovyL9qtDY-00813-00452796-00453193 apparition Parvati over an Oregon cjovyL9qtDY-00814-00453662-00454301 vt- I'll be on my ship channel Goodwin kahega at the sand or Shamu level cjovyL9qtDY-00815-00454301-00454802 staring like a mother vehicle a chariot Ella sobbing level of gloom be it a cjovyL9qtDY-00816-00454802-00455189 negative prarthana Gilligan born with each area where the Hagemeyer cocoon in cjovyL9qtDY-00817-00455189-00455714 order a denier culture with a reflection but iron party Pitino the Volodymyr cjovyL9qtDY-00818-00455714-00456329 laverna but you cannot worry nollie why secure local newberry by believing any cjovyL9qtDY-00819-00456329-00456656 other car they under and another thing in hannover imagine the Mulqueen the cjovyL9qtDY-00820-00456656-00457133 alimony when de prata to the McAlinden are they were told the prophecy couldn't cjovyL9qtDY-00821-00457133-00457603 you for a generic tiny footage it on the wall area powerful I told you meeting cjovyL9qtDY-00822-00457603-00458218 eleemosynary totally Jana with a series of meeting a little in a tomb delhi cjovyL9qtDY-00823-00458218-00458603 challenge either the Wonderlic could choose sunday school kun england united cjovyL9qtDY-00824-00458603-00459056 in our cadet a crucial our evoker Anya there was some irony onion cannon cjovyL9qtDY-00825-00459056-00459605 Iranian can do moddable on Sunday School teachers son Karina can honor reporting cjovyL9qtDY-00826-00459605-00459956 I didn't young glory killing all the Coon jingle or digital lab Iranian over cjovyL9qtDY-00827-00459956-00460406 the days at the any fumika mother I'm gonna cook me my number line if we cjovyL9qtDY-00828-00460406-00460751 connect our Cordell David theory in London I never became the cjovyL9qtDY-00829-00460751-00461510 let them testify about such him variety of another Pirate Bay I'm gonna Logan cjovyL9qtDY-00830-00461510-00462014 got a veneer he won a day yogurt aisle when dota for ty next one Oklahoman cjovyL9qtDY-00831-00462014-00462472 Berto now I'm at a point a healthy attachment cjovyL9qtDY-00832-00462472-00463168 builds emotional security in children well early i'll malaria are you Gator a cjovyL9qtDY-00833-00463168-00463781 mitral LaPenta why he guy rigmarole a security code Oriole nama koream cjovyL9qtDY-00834-00463781-00464191 who develop a Larry my guiding of my time is settle down cjovyL9qtDY-00835-00464191-00464732 Sneha Pina Baraka every order one nor pansy Doral Guiana karen oncidi I tell cjovyL9qtDY-00836-00464732-00465142 us nahum our car we sitting here cjovyL9qtDY-00837-00465185-00465762 Sneha pinned up in alia boga know what is shooting in a boat I'm a very pretty cjovyL9qtDY-00838-00465762-00466368 key no Wario pendulum failure boom Bolivarian de Pinal a Korean on a level cjovyL9qtDY-00839-00466368-00467172 Aquino Targaryen let gem Tecton you get it from Chambery know our code on every cjovyL9qtDY-00840-00467172-00467949 Amana silicon career nila Karen um why you gotta go my our strong enough well cjovyL9qtDY-00841-00467949-00468572 yeah we just sang here in the number of allure tohno-kun younger Panda key cjovyL9qtDY-00842-00468572-00469212 jingling any any social skill emotional capacity monitor NaNoWriMo could mingle cjovyL9qtDY-00843-00469212-00469664 proto vocally Kimball I recruited are you might avoid a condyle Boyd a coon cjovyL9qtDY-00844-00469664-00470067 dog Amano recruit p.m. - he'll eat another unique in the hologram non angle cjovyL9qtDY-00845-00470067-00470568 a potato now want to evaluate an innate in young disability Jana Papa remember cjovyL9qtDY-00846-00470568-00471147 any Melanie honey Camborne apically kandahari TIV sure nd I wish you panic cjovyL9qtDY-00847-00471147-00471753 under Kandahar day I wish your Yin div sure naturally a child learns how to cjovyL9qtDY-00848-00471753-00472425 resolve problems in the could be Holly Campbell Arizona for onion number lever cjovyL9qtDY-00849-00472425-00472712 depreciation no cookie de almeida detective oh god region cjovyL9qtDY-00850-00472712-00473067 okay no loss aahed really do love sterling a little quorum on and Gilliam cjovyL9qtDY-00851-00473067-00473585 tsommo here pentangle in a facility no the Paladin no no cocoa taken gorilla a cjovyL9qtDY-00852-00473585-00474021 foreign everyone knows only I were you what were you been some were you and you cjovyL9qtDY-00853-00474021-00474474 follow me that I don't know parents are under barium the obturator Karina you cjovyL9qtDY-00854-00474474-00474975 couldn't bomb well in the community and our reward economy locally kianak okura cjovyL9qtDY-00855-00474975-00475491 barium tangle card imagine each opinion a moon Aryan always a gamble a cjovyL9qtDY-00856-00475491-00475857 particular niche oku River in cali can even in ela every bit of the Locarno cjovyL9qtDY-00857-00475857-00476410 read a car no and a NaNoWriMo reason young got a cookie cootie goal of arena cjovyL9qtDY-00858-00476410-00476787 walkable okay come on Lincoln state evil and the goloka particular the one day cjovyL9qtDY-00859-00476787-00477252 cook tea I divide to mingle a embody ila sama prior ayatollah kuta kilometer cjovyL9qtDY-00860-00477252-00477672 mingling imparted yellow or getting the petal number of cjovyL9qtDY-00861-00477672-00478160 cognac on I don't know number on you all achieve a kind of mocha SATA cable now cjovyL9qtDY-00862-00478160-00478893 let them be in the real world every know that they cannot pay every know the cjovyL9qtDY-00863-00478893-00479506 trilogy we could pay but we have to provide them the training the coaching cjovyL9qtDY-00864-00479506-00480297 to choose the right path Syria a budgetary nerdcon I'm moody angle the cjovyL9qtDY-00865-00480297-00480850 Ivica subpoena every ee q Fijian map remain omocha carry you the title urban cjovyL9qtDY-00866-00480850-00481567 jungle the love a pill number da cunha the langar no hano hano blades another cjovyL9qtDY-00867-00481567-00482155 independent girl number of mahogany Mogollon carnal only choooo choooo lot cjovyL9qtDY-00868-00482155-00482707 number two in the lam media eluding the lam real-life relationship Lord every cjovyL9qtDY-00869-00482707-00483304 the Longhorn I can model in another entity you know Sharia you'll achieve cjovyL9qtDY-00870-00483304-00483969 that end a vegetarian and economy when both of our time most children are cjovyL9qtDY-00871-00483969-00484813 emotionally deprived at least by one parent in utero your fertility ye very cjovyL9qtDY-00872-00484813-00485394 importantly would you Madhavi declare Oriole and Gilliam wherever she went I cjovyL9qtDY-00873-00485394-00485739 didn't know your niche in the canine hotel valor in a very honorable mudra cjovyL9qtDY-00874-00485739-00486139 virgin geun-young you know where than you pick a notice of tomorrow poor Larry cjovyL9qtDY-00875-00486139-00486464 where Denny pick a new resort Amana cjovyL9qtDY-00876-00486547-00487328 when theyíre no unboundedness other audio TV the Telemundo where an immoral cjovyL9qtDY-00877-00487328-00487943 woman life long I do condo arena where the nagging a girl Sharon Valerii cjovyL9qtDY-00878-00487943-00488483 belladonna I'm gonna hear the gloom Chindi number 2 GV the till ya pouring cjovyL9qtDY-00879-00488483-00489095 Gilliam number of McCulloch origin diet Rondinella Coonan el dinero Vishwa cjovyL9qtDY-00880-00489095-00489695 settle Cayuga knee takin da cunha para ver anya hurt avi vend I didn't know cjovyL9qtDY-00881-00489695-00490241 anything and syndicate entangle y'know the Vasto my sham economy even Gilliam cjovyL9qtDY-00882-00490241-00490982 pointer G V dot nd a dangling pointer from the time of the baby being a fetus cjovyL9qtDY-00883-00490982-00491759 in the mother's a Samia modern trauma Tran culinary been dyin when the tonal cjovyL9qtDY-00884-00491759-00492235 indict Rhonda kill past of a Mayan or hm economy indica reveal a irony no cjovyL9qtDY-00885-00492235-00493229 piranhas Dave Attell picture an agree he can not multi Aragon emotional pain with cjovyL9qtDY-00886-00493229-00493639 a convenient normal de Naga to another palette for you Polly mother without cjovyL9qtDY-00887-00493639-00494068 welcome dream child remember a yellow yeah no pasty Jerry the Enola Riku cjovyL9qtDY-00888-00494068-00494639 Nagano a darn good neo penguin your Ghanim yeshuati Canaveral the Primo lab cjovyL9qtDY-00889-00494639-00495189 Iranian or aquarium variety on geun-hye LM penguin High alum David in the cjovyL9qtDY-00890-00495189-00495793 subhanallah Valley both toward a new Russia dominance and oratory with David cjovyL9qtDY-00891-00495793-00496489 in the pedal in animal kahega little wonky on of another I'm Kunene animal cjovyL9qtDY-00892-00496489-00497035 wanna ball dream child allow the Aquino very modest auctioneering Onondaga but cjovyL9qtDY-00893-00497035-00497408 che theyíve up in the dream child any another even numbered a guy yells there cjovyL9qtDY-00894-00497408-00497793 another David in the dream child in a diva more cjovyL9qtDY-00895-00497793-00498357 laughter number that is Teddy Guiana a big tf1 let his Sneha toward a one lady cjovyL9qtDY-00896-00498357-00498774 Nuri Sugarman him some dough Chateau de Ville our theatre comport & mother with cjovyL9qtDY-00897-00498774-00499116 a car keys with Verizon Gloucester company on every order on you the Cunha cjovyL9qtDY-00898-00499116-00499497 son Aryan Gaurav are non non non dangle yella there was zoning aligning creature cjovyL9qtDY-00899-00499497-00499875 property to Hilo get a lorry kill him son area 10 dokuro Vogon da cunha leia cjovyL9qtDY-00900-00499875-00500331 and evaan samadhi catelleya lacunae booty - Gaurav on an angle Catalan and cjovyL9qtDY-00901-00500331-00500697 angle theyíve attained a botany malvoisin at la banda Piniella Coonan ml cjovyL9qtDY-00902-00500697-00501120 / Anya I'm Maya gonna be that wagon on Dingle warrior those over on the pirata cjovyL9qtDY-00903-00501120-00501654 Janaki Kay mingle I'll put up a tomorrow much to Coonan record shock to my day cjovyL9qtDY-00904-00501654-00502155 amaku NVIDIA P SOT and in critical Mach the Mediterranean are jolly kid I don't cjovyL9qtDY-00905-00502155-00502524 know any Moon Bay boutique au revoir Laconia daivam jolly good economical cjovyL9qtDY-00906-00502524-00503133 carnem Cara Nome number that they even they what accuracy for another Fumiya cjovyL9qtDY-00907-00503133-00503643 mother in the porn of a poodle human elena vasya loom Yehovah cool da da da cjovyL9qtDY-00908-00503643-00504072 no Salvage checked on a non-event on our moon went water pocket a parental cjovyL9qtDY-00909-00504072-00504816 attitudes other passive IL MIT violin could mingle a holiday Oshima ito guna cjovyL9qtDY-00910-00504816-00505193 my toe bar theorem the attitude on the marine animal Villa Taverna Manila cjovyL9qtDY-00911-00505193-00506034 number a Romani on power on Coney impending in the mill while an ovarian cjovyL9qtDY-00912-00506034-00506760 ball very very earthy own bodily were you with Attila love everything so they cjovyL9qtDY-00913-00506760-00507266 are gone the David endemic alone alone le diversity he can guardian cjovyL9qtDY-00914-00507372-00507792 I'll me then every need that key Agata cjovyL9qtDY-00915-00507825-00508671 Siriano anti-syrian so they attend a new homeowner cjovyL9qtDY-00916-00508865-00509402 McCauley Maria McCauley Marie Wallace Nikki one mother kirkuk Ariana mangle cjovyL9qtDY-00917-00509402-00510351 I'm gonna help me get Erica sneaky cat the very sneaky can patent Alana Davis cjovyL9qtDY-00918-00510351-00510963 name what is that a pillow Romilly hotel cjovyL9qtDY-00919-00510963-00511439 Perino young Mary's chatter clarinha Porton a young girl pop Eagle Eye report cjovyL9qtDY-00920-00511439-00512246 on a Yemeni the guitar I hear an important day nice to meet you sneaky cjovyL9qtDY-00921-00512246-00512882 keno various negative Lingle Kenda brother Philip Weiser Toledo no cjovyL9qtDY-00922-00512906-00513926 snitching never a snake eating alkane the brother Philip went out of our time cjovyL9qtDY-00923-00513926-00514467 particularly research another P next particular he was searching on the cjovyL9qtDY-00924-00514467-00515060 theater layer for Larry a pick'em IQ intelligent quotient ah Donna alumni cjovyL9qtDY-00925-00515060-00515579 take another cookie kendo Mottram booty - Donna booty Shakti and the one random cjovyL9qtDY-00926-00515579-00516276 booty relevant in - activity all over Nokia and I will be putting a collar cjovyL9qtDY-00927-00516276-00516831 curtain on a pole - sure come on you silly ie mark in the hispanic Elmont cjovyL9qtDY-00928-00516831-00517332 Ramallah or evicted of smartness and no nada mark of a larry proton Amano cjovyL9qtDY-00929-00517332-00517742 recruitment develop very partner carrying a lil him put the admission cjovyL9qtDY-00930-00517742-00518369 lavaca Marco Valerie was going on at Lavery mark of anakena but she G with a cjovyL9qtDY-00931-00518369-00518969 VJ thin deck area Maria more emotional intelligence Valerie proton Amana with a cjovyL9qtDY-00932-00518969-00519588 proton a better search condition Khun Ying er ye Gary gamma is strong on cjovyL9qtDY-00933-00519588-00520242 angle average so far boom a developer Eden battle channel him our Samana cjovyL9qtDY-00934-00520242-00520748 mundaka no Vera Eric him yeah the career lever channel you have reoccur illa llah cjovyL9qtDY-00935-00520748-00521399 teaming Angela why - Valerie upon yet no typos and an emotional intelligence cjovyL9qtDY-00936-00521399-00522064 another a mother why you got Itoh Maya booty we've a commander Farina in a cjovyL9qtDY-00937-00522064-00522458 tonometer Jana Ariana yen dakari boom and the cjovyL9qtDY-00938-00522458-00523178 cardamon decay until each area NOLA who you dropped it Jana Ariana in again the cjovyL9qtDY-00939-00523178-00523703 Ketchum but you NE can the cotillion particular but so that is Imagi tender cjovyL9qtDY-00940-00523703-00524150 than a number of meeting your luck IDing a local variable number I love him cjovyL9qtDY-00941-00524150-00524722 Prasanna canaveral la pagina McHale our can-do Oreo Krupa girl Turner Turner I cjovyL9qtDY-00942-00524722-00525299 cannot know I remember snake he can olivarium under my two level commune de cjovyL9qtDY-00943-00525299-00525812 práctica no Lava remand kite angle coup d'etat olivarium under worship in the cjovyL9qtDY-00944-00525812-00526178 number care to Valerie Anna Griffin I worship leaders even Olivera Munda you cjovyL9qtDY-00945-00526178-00526978 normally learn more simply Ursula any kid they even thumb net Turlock Rafa cjovyL9qtDY-00946-00526978-00527585 Jana Arianna known the padishah River self-awareness gender big are in the low cjovyL9qtDY-00947-00527585-00528059 end every gari which open will evoke a meteor llamo warrior türk üm Rihanna cjovyL9qtDY-00948-00528059-00528539 Lakai River Oreo cookie kevin dogger whatever you go but then only take a cjovyL9qtDY-00949-00528539-00528941 look at karna to hold another candle in yell Mogadishu seek him but I know you cjovyL9qtDY-00950-00528941-00529532 also study and I Orden a heart attack I really give all here so you more evil cjovyL9qtDY-00951-00529532-00529979 pick an anaphor Malaika Kapoor here second Dino little sample Keanu cjovyL9qtDY-00952-00529979-00530663 because they cannot control or guide or discern their own emotions high cjovyL9qtDY-00953-00530663-00531046 emotional intelligence GV the VJ the new Valerio hanumana cjovyL9qtDY-00954-00531046-00531785 attachment dylan and another naginata we under self-regulation enderwiggin cjovyL9qtDY-00955-00531785-00532207 alakina control 'i am pattern cjovyL9qtDY-00956-00532348-00533063 Koba my alum a soui I alum yanan order the Nefarian no Yanukovich another one cjovyL9qtDY-00957-00533063-00533674 the door Shamanov a goon Amano Moondog and Allah therefore I have to choose cjovyL9qtDY-00958-00533674-00534422 Yanni put me on a per degree candle in the hand and then a chicken oh I know cjovyL9qtDY-00959-00534422-00534767 where even though you're meeting illogical Nanny Carrie near a Ledge or cjovyL9qtDY-00960-00534767-00535253 the - yeah the big item on a destructive emotion and earning layer to Moodle you cjovyL9qtDY-00961-00535253-00535838 can you take another the endo moon of errors PACU ruin barium Cobham you know cjovyL9qtDY-00962-00535838-00536552 Warren McCulloch and it cavolo really tiny atonement you will regional order cjovyL9qtDY-00963-00536552-00537536 and from the children boom run like an alligator on Cobham me and Rican Koba me cjovyL9qtDY-00964-00537536-00537938 Larry Daley Linda at the very important regulated yeah no locket Eva cjovyL9qtDY-00965-00537938-00538301 self-flagellation they even devar Jonathan the village cjovyL9qtDY-00966-00538301-00538676 deity live and there's some move opinion - another never let you tell him you end cjovyL9qtDY-00967-00538676-00539126 a bickering Elaine Hannigan and the end-rig a no-good evil parent any candy cjovyL9qtDY-00968-00539126-00539552 motion the Indra gambit Anila and he care about they were feeling it all no cjovyL9qtDY-00969-00539552-00540232 no other any care any kidney and again but Anila but they turn any carrier cjovyL9qtDY-00970-00540275-00540911 gherkin under ambarina at the tech down on any Korea but she happy Carl Medicare cjovyL9qtDY-00971-00540911-00541946 the end region button allow emotional intelligence intimate on motivation GV cjovyL9qtDY-00972-00541946-00542442 that they will cut over and under we're legit lake you've already won hula cjovyL9qtDY-00973-00542442-00543005 pressure denim our own Eleanor tada worry buddy Shakira dividend a loner cjovyL9qtDY-00974-00543005-00543621 Cortina envelope our annual Cano Wario para am very unproductive occur and cjovyL9qtDY-00975-00543621-00544136 endure to per annum and atop revision number you Michi then I called on ICU cjovyL9qtDY-00976-00544136-00544713 southern a farrier Lutheran Amana no room are kill bhoopati render Markham cjovyL9qtDY-00977-00544713-00545167 addition to American Guinea parents of another word Acheron thirty boy cjovyL9qtDY-00978-00545167-00545621 how could be additive revision papaya mommy and prasada picky Amanda cash cjovyL9qtDY-00979-00545621-00546132 comfort of a teacher are what theater Harkavy with you apology look at every cjovyL9qtDY-00980-00546132-00547055 tell a coupie don't know you the Markovic gender Akash torn open upon the cjovyL9qtDY-00981-00547055-00547569 Mela are you are you a turgid amici do number da cunha knee I look at the cjovyL9qtDY-00982-00547569-00547905 retailer could be multi-dimensional I invited my tired not tired of the many cjovyL9qtDY-00983-00547905-00548569 another number da cunha in the pariah Markham Ibrahim are quite are no cjovyL9qtDY-00984-00548569-00548869 parameter cjovyL9qtDY-00985-00548939-00549801 motivation are today empathy mattoliver a vegan lemon SLA canola Caravan much cjovyL9qtDY-00986-00549801-00550476 delivery Darvish shingle - Ilocano locario very kill another do carolina cjovyL9qtDY-00987-00550476-00550842 formula Kenyan Eric Eric a para nada egg Allegheny or nada en authority no cjovyL9qtDY-00988-00550842-00551098 carryin on cjovyL9qtDY-00989-00551479-00551947 Yovani carrier very important dear Calvin dope our new ricotta katella an cjovyL9qtDY-00990-00551947-00552567 Evo young karateka you wouldn't even anonymity monitamon cjovyL9qtDY-00991-00552567-00553609 really tuned a honest I'm sorry even less than a year married even jana cjovyL9qtDY-00992-00553609-00554083 catalan jana novotná male and the 1 billion on the gonna be really soon this cjovyL9qtDY-00993-00554083-00554385 america day at least you can call him by name cjovyL9qtDY-00994-00554385-00554953 he's a person they her evicted tamanna' howdy the pond cjovyL9qtDY-00995-00554953-00555559 he's a person he's a gentleman there may be problems but pointing your cjovyL9qtDY-00996-00555559-00556297 finger you can talk but even without pointing your finger you can call your cjovyL9qtDY-00997-00556297-00557217 husband by name Chiam on the belittling gilliam latino the valor and i love them cjovyL9qtDY-00998-00557217-00557916 even no lickity can be no got a normal party figure cjovyL9qtDY-00999-00558020-00558838 Thalia even above Monica they want Rolando manager go to other daveandellen cjovyL9qtDY-01000-00558838-00559398 Erica NaNoWriMo number two and number we you know whether he can make it on the cjovyL9qtDY-01001-00559398-00559809 Ricky not he another number of alarm Antigua another mail Hamilton Ziggler cjovyL9qtDY-01002-00559809-00560376 they would have some Merida theory model Amana normal the mail Evert Athena and cjovyL9qtDY-01003-00560376-00560943 even got it under they even said today they cannot sell a car Yolanda I think I cjovyL9qtDY-01004-00560943-00561572 mean la Wario miles from Hawaii Rommel Sarah tentatively Amana Eduardo cjovyL9qtDY-01005-00561572-00562234 millennial Marta madam we need to be extremely alert well I just love in cjovyL9qtDY-01006-00562234-00562755 geography americanum much to level it away then you go like - silicon Avril cjovyL9qtDY-01007-00562755-00563401 Dhabi single - locario Nippon goopy would you manicure some sorry - movin cjovyL9qtDY-01008-00563401-00563544 Carrie Engel a number in the Louisville area cjovyL9qtDY-01009-00563544-00563863 Paulette a challenging Ayatollah carrying laws I'm sorry Rhonda I don't cjovyL9qtDY-01010-00563863-00564345 know how asanam but too many to - she can burn an iron core puri - did you cjovyL9qtDY-01011-00564345-00564822 moon and the Gila paramananda and the Bhutto mechanical prime Grove on a cjovyL9qtDY-01012-00564822-00565323 banana a Nirvana tree and the Cardinal martyr cjovyL9qtDY-01013-00565323-00566005 mundo carrying one man in the one Allium with Aviva homogenate nu windy entire cjovyL9qtDY-01014-00566005-00566736 ala Carolinian Te'o Braga Mauricio de anda and Angelina virgin Danielle Davis cjovyL9qtDY-01015-00566736-00567232 O'Mara Mangalam minute LLL arrange a minute in gilliam couldn't opportunity cjovyL9qtDY-01016-00567232-00567963 Yong Yong GI Aragon Ana where she can no Mona Moscow Tillery progeny Anant Alana cjovyL9qtDY-01017-00567963-00568374 paavana Julian died in a partnership politically the fourth oven is usually cjovyL9qtDY-01018-00568374-00568923 very casual ecliptic Fatah vida que el mundo military of a cjovyL9qtDY-01019-00568923-00569538 steady carrying a lamp a girl Mourinho won never hesitated how Annie Martello cjovyL9qtDY-01020-00569538-00570156 tempered to GVK noticed a lot a Maserati Lori professional manicure you al punkin cjovyL9qtDY-01021-00570156-00570939 named John Mandy immediate armor premonition they are green bar na mele cjovyL9qtDY-01022-00570939-00571482 illegal animal or the Purina you're closed Sahadev little and the peruvian cjovyL9qtDY-01023-00571482-00572207 bo rely to load experiencing and the condiment bill with you later cjovyL9qtDY-01024-00572234-00573258 Sneha building another attachment their sacrificial snake another condom or a cjovyL9qtDY-01025-00573258-00573660 girl hollering Oreo telugu richa Limbaugh room asana happened air lava cjovyL9qtDY-01026-00573660-00574293 Cody Cody Cody Verma göran Oh göran operator the under and Inanna people cjovyL9qtDY-01027-00574293-00574707 mother without kulkarni chukerman amicus who come in now the very important cjovyL9qtDY-01028-00574707-00575655 people carnegie Makai Rihanna or uni Ocala to market Allah yet Trevathan cjovyL9qtDY-01029-00575655-00576231 irika Nascimento little holiday Avenida de compañía tiene cjovyL9qtDY-01030-00576231-00576759 mucho toward a patent on da ki sundo shatori venom Bakura Connemara mukham cjovyL9qtDY-01031-00576759-00577469 hora con your I see Laura Kiely Marilla what Google Khandala GV run gone down a cjovyL9qtDY-01032-00577469-00577944 number of Kooning lay low gotten the PDL in the David thing lake in the Malik a cjovyL9qtDY-01033-00577944-00578838 nomadic a conduit another social skills some more Hotel G we cannot continue any cjovyL9qtDY-01034-00578838-00579375 jnana every day in LA and I read another much tulaberry engineer and a developing cjovyL9qtDY-01035-00579375-00579744 another I didn't even do to load your carryover number to continually learn cjovyL9qtDY-01036-00579744-00580062 more load 303 Valerie I'm buddy pick him over you got area normal party pickin on cjovyL9qtDY-01037-00580062-00580599 yet happily it'll never a mother I've read up in alley every an Akuma can join cjovyL9qtDY-01038-00580599-00581031 Amon dagger no man kill every soya malama porous om the guerrilla very QTL cjovyL9qtDY-01039-00581031-00581604 pura Mutulu wherever Vallarta nanny fertility Verma I've been accorded Quan cjovyL9qtDY-01040-00581604-00582027 Anthony when the property given number of Kooning all to remove all naturally cjovyL9qtDY-01041-00582027-00582495 they were Maori leader so it or we are two non humble economy position mandala cjovyL9qtDY-01042-00582495-00582999 I didn't see really drag another I've heard a penal everyone our capability cjovyL9qtDY-01043-00582999-00583428 earthen evict evil or la piranha and then everybody Shayla Pichardo come go cjovyL9qtDY-01044-00583428-00584111 to forgot I am added to them in a child mingle Kaname a picture cjovyL9qtDY-01045-00584111-00584628 Oreo cookie Milano Edinburgh either report yoga would you teach sickening go cjovyL9qtDY-01046-00584628-00585141 Dianna chellerina and malaria snake easy to love you Oreo a toboggan whatever cjovyL9qtDY-01047-00585141-00585528 nanny IRA David arson Danny the recruiter reporter party sheet cjovyL9qtDY-01048-00585528-00586242 under Vaman Ypres telethia number a warrior today Morley where inner child cjovyL9qtDY-01049-00586242-00587046 on banana ah David us and departure Charles Crafton number rip NGO Quyen a cjovyL9qtDY-01050-00587046-00587462 poll anomalous yellow cimetidine Orion or the Korean cjovyL9qtDY-01051-00587586-00588067 telephone jump device ilandia ready for my iridium telephone Padanaram at every cjovyL9qtDY-01052-00588067-00588509 saloon diary inform High Wycombe number delay Laurie Koller tuned I am ready cjovyL9qtDY-01053-00588509-00589107 with a balloon diary on your phone bill Carlton novel volume of wounded cjovyL9qtDY-01054-00589107-00589544 Albuquerque America leech arts crafts indie record very mannish in Manitoba cjovyL9qtDY-01055-00589544-00589940 renew very mannish in baggage a mystery regatta Emery nan de ammonition para new cjovyL9qtDY-01056-00589940-00590526 part of me loves her teri Rialto cjovyL9qtDY-01057-00590542-00591253 gender so death in the fog of all everybody sneaky no pressure part of me cjovyL9qtDY-01058-00591253-00591576 hates her cjovyL9qtDY-01059-00591705-00592686 a valet an American novelist three Oracle EPA's authority on the perineum cjovyL9qtDY-01060-00592686-00593152 maneuver in the relational era counselor a Newton where is three Oracle Jennifer cjovyL9qtDY-01061-00593152-00593796 a new unique and Oprah's new manicure Italy Nico reward a on the not on an cjovyL9qtDY-01062-00593796-00594178 agenda or lapras new worried father who them cjovyL9qtDY-01063-00594178-00595182 Karen um nanny putain de agosto Elena Narita have a stuff when you wander cjovyL9qtDY-01064-00595182-00595819 through them elaborate a proscenium una nota telomere River girl I inner cjovyL9qtDY-01065-00595819-00596394 child number the warrior today maaloula I inner child a pony could be happy I cjovyL9qtDY-01066-00596394-00596961 know well I did nothing happy I don't know hurt I dunno but there be better cjovyL9qtDY-01067-00596961-00597382 than a put amore way of capita weary Cunha I turn over Larry another ambu cjovyL9qtDY-01068-00597382-00597738 syuko New England angle our England / DJ potato and onion Aria mingle mingle cjovyL9qtDY-01069-00597738-00598221 Korea oh but they're weak a protector will appear Deepika potato Laconia cjovyL9qtDY-01070-00598221-00598978 harbor Peleg on physical exam sexual or emotional other reward we're a control cjovyL9qtDY-01071-00598978-00599551 area onion yet a particular abuse writer love Kooning on the hula hula cjovyL9qtDY-01072-00599551-00600034 enough child would if we were Hungarian you gallium ballroom over it over later cjovyL9qtDY-01073-00600034-00600523 a number a miter they little Keanu Coonan a help put a cjovyL9qtDY-01074-00600523-00601005 hand when the attachment delay combed over an other watch effort of Endicott a cjovyL9qtDY-01075-00601005-00601473 miracle Engel period Academy ad q3 companion could even put Ivanova Rivoli cjovyL9qtDY-01076-00601473-00601882 abuse rosemary Carla tell our number G we can see our proposed in him are what cjovyL9qtDY-01077-00601882-00602298 you mean to on their end of our King will Perrine on the toggle now screwed a cjovyL9qtDY-01078-00602298-00603034 angle a Moon River get pan yoga 3 kanaa paadam poor apart booster 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at a cutaway Shavit in the sonnet in the cut off in the career nila Mucca cjovyL9qtDY-01180-00654761-00655322 Mucca production allah tala mogul the male very maracanã me Kurt Ave midnight cjovyL9qtDY-01181-00655322-00655790 am pretty something it am shut through the name loca pill Linda's never locked cjovyL9qtDY-01182-00655790-00656365 Illinois Mia Mia Wario this jingling ahi tuna may mean devanam let Joe go Dada cjovyL9qtDY-01183-00656365-00656843 uneconomical I G with attentive economical I young girl the warrior cjovyL9qtDY-01184-00656843-00657179 Cunha love but of individual such eagle eye cjovyL9qtDY-01185-00657179-00657643 Johnny a college Jimenez nahin jeena bhai cjovyL9qtDY-01186-00659304-00659836 leave'em a assuming an appeal in the pavilion of a gas chamber an aprotic you cjovyL9qtDY-01187-00659836-00660256 Guiana bootyman de la vita amigo en la serie cjovyL9qtDY-01188-00660256-00660817 alma de la parte de ella Swanton an aluminum guitar vidi vici cjovyL9qtDY-01189-00660817-00661423 Nick the Tolliver economy yes shipping the mammoth in every individual part of cjovyL9qtDY-01190-00661423-00662146 in the Karen Millen Linda meet chef Angela Oberer yogi Konami cut away a cjovyL9qtDY-01191-00662146-00662671 Vernon Geneva molecule money for a no knowledge even italeri Baldemar ever cjovyL9qtDY-01192-00662671-00663238 good a dream - order - sua da Damon the volatile effectively Manipuri my young cjovyL9qtDY-01193-00663238-00663757 lord show me a good yard and Athena Minotaur karaoke young Gutenberg even at cjovyL9qtDY-01194-00663757-00664255 the hospital for autonomy young girl ERG to develop many evangelist UT Greek cjovyL9qtDY-01195-00664255-00664773 anime young girl they appeal segunda parte boom Monica putting up a boom in cjovyL9qtDY-01196-00664773-00665242 tomorrow one you're gonna sneak in maracanã me paavana TV shooting a rich cjovyL9qtDY-01197-00665242-00665716 art a warrior Marie de Lima Shapira chart a warrior who they emulate me cjovyL9qtDY-01198-00665716-00666193 should be near each other gravitationally what Colonel Vojnovic cjovyL9qtDY-01199-00666193-00666535 arugula Jamie Kellam yes she Windham a mama tram in the cjovyL9qtDY-01200-00666535-00666910 Palermo go to Vatican on the table in the valerian AMA Tilly as you can note cjovyL9qtDY-01201-00666910-00667162 are Maori as you can know they on the economy cjovyL9qtDY-01202-00667162-00667479 I was regulating it ckGwooncuxM-00000-00000000-00000142 (bongo music) ckGwooncuxM-00001-00000142-00000276 - [Narrator] This is a story about ckGwooncuxM-00002-00000276-00000509 a puzzle called Kryptos ckGwooncuxM-00003-00000509-00000833 and one woman who's spent almost two decades trying ckGwooncuxM-00004-00000833-00000938 to solve it. ckGwooncuxM-00005-00000938-00001196 (upbeat music) ckGwooncuxM-00006-00001579-00001880 (comical music) ckGwooncuxM-00007-00001880-00002294 In the heart of the CIA headquarters lies a mystery. ckGwooncuxM-00008-00002294-00002530 OK, probably more than one mystery, ckGwooncuxM-00009-00002530-00002932 but, this one is weird because it's meant to be solved. ckGwooncuxM-00010-00002932-00003240 It's a sculpture containing an encoded message ckGwooncuxM-00011-00003240-00003520 that's a challenge to the CIA employees; ckGwooncuxM-00012-00003520-00003810 but, for 30 years, no one has been able ckGwooncuxM-00013-00003810-00004002 to figure out what it says. ckGwooncuxM-00014-00004002-00004302 If anyone's got a shot, it's Elonka Dunin. ckGwooncuxM-00015-00004393-00004573 I mean, just listen to her. ckGwooncuxM-00016-00004573-00004810 - When my friends and family ask me ckGwooncuxM-00017-00004810-00004989 what I want for Christmas, ckGwooncuxM-00018-00004989-00005177 I tell them to get several puzzles, ckGwooncuxM-00019-00005177-00005348 mix all the pieces together ckGwooncuxM-00020-00005348-00005580 and then, just give me a bag of pieces. ckGwooncuxM-00021-00005580-00005995 I enjoy seeing order come out of chaos. ckGwooncuxM-00022-00005995-00006221 - [Narrator] When Elonka's not solving jigsaw puzzles, ckGwooncuxM-00023-00006221-00006523 she's cracking codes and she's good at it. ckGwooncuxM-00024-00006523-00006736 The Da Vinci Code's author even named ckGwooncuxM-00025-00006736-00007055 a character after her, Nola Kaye. ckGwooncuxM-00026-00007055-00007164 I mean, it's an anagram, ckGwooncuxM-00027-00007164-00007448 but, you know, that's the kind of thing puzzle people do. ckGwooncuxM-00028-00007756-00008180 One day, Elonka ran into a code that finally stumped her. ckGwooncuxM-00029-00008270-00008566 - I first heard about Kryptos, I think, in late 2000. ckGwooncuxM-00030-00008665-00009040 It is about 12 feet tall and 20 feet long. ckGwooncuxM-00031-00009040-00009465 It has thousands of characters carved into it. ckGwooncuxM-00032-00009465-00009621 Kryptos has four codes in it. ckGwooncuxM-00033-00009621-00009852 Three of the four have been solved. ckGwooncuxM-00034-00009852-00010091 The fourth has not been solved and it is considered ckGwooncuxM-00035-00010091-00010425 to be one of the most famous unsolved codes of the world. ckGwooncuxM-00036-00010517-00010769 Here we are going on 30 years, ckGwooncuxM-00037-00010769-00011016 and it still hasn't been cracked. ckGwooncuxM-00038-00011016-00011265 Elonka and cryptanalysts around the world ckGwooncuxM-00039-00011265-00011512 have tried every technique in the book, ckGwooncuxM-00040-00011512-00011854 polyalphabetic substitution, transposition, ckGwooncuxM-00041-00011854-00012096 Playfair, binary, Morse, ckGwooncuxM-00042-00012096-00012427 but, the fourth code only 97 characters long, ckGwooncuxM-00043-00012427-00012640 it doesn't give an inch. ckGwooncuxM-00044-00012640-00013041 It just sits there, right in front of us, unsolved. ckGwooncuxM-00045-00013041-00013347 - So, it raises a question of why. ckGwooncuxM-00046-00013347-00013691 Why is it that this artist, Jim Sanborn, ckGwooncuxM-00047-00013691-00014113 who had never created a code before in his entire life, ckGwooncuxM-00048-00014113-00014382 how could he have designed something ckGwooncuxM-00049-00014382-00014770 that has stumped the entire code breaking world? ckGwooncuxM-00050-00014936-00015257 (gentle music) ckGwooncuxM-00051-00015257-00015530 - [Narrator] Welcome to the island of Jim Sanborn. ckGwooncuxM-00052-00015530-00015794 He is the artist who made Kryptos, ckGwooncuxM-00053-00015794-00016171 and he's the only person on Earth who knows the solution. ckGwooncuxM-00054-00016171-00016501 - The code itself is in a safe deposit box ckGwooncuxM-00055-00016501-00016746 that's pretty much where it stays. ckGwooncuxM-00056-00016746-00017051 In the late 1980s the CIA was required ckGwooncuxM-00057-00017051-00017209 that they have a sculpture. ckGwooncuxM-00058-00017209-00017504 I was ultimately selected to do the work ckGwooncuxM-00059-00017504-00017704 on the exterior of the building. ckGwooncuxM-00060-00017704-00018108 So, I chose to do a piece using encoded text. ckGwooncuxM-00061-00018108-00018554 Through this copper screen, I cut with jigsaws, by hand, ckGwooncuxM-00062-00018554-00018787 almost 2,000 letters ckGwooncuxM-00063-00018787-00019175 and people have been contacting me continuously, daily, ckGwooncuxM-00064-00019175-00019397 for 30 years about it. ckGwooncuxM-00065-00019621-00019937 (car tires on gravel) ckGwooncuxM-00066-00020093-00020207 - [Elonka] We have sushi, we have drinks, we have chips. ckGwooncuxM-00067-00020457-00020670 - [Jim] There is actually a Kryptos group, ckGwooncuxM-00068-00020670-00020841 that meets every year or so, ckGwooncuxM-00069-00020841-00020935 to do everything humanly possible ckGwooncuxM-00070-00020935-00021245 to get me to give them a clue to Kryptos. ckGwooncuxM-00071-00021461-00021675 - [Elonka] Our Kryptos community is made up ckGwooncuxM-00072-00021675-00021851 of people all around the world. ckGwooncuxM-00073-00021851-00022162 We have thousands of people that are interested in Kryptos ckGwooncuxM-00074-00022162-00022615 and either cracking it or helping to see it cracked. ckGwooncuxM-00075-00022615-00022970 Some of them are professional code breakers, ckGwooncuxM-00076-00022970-00023189 some of them are students, ckGwooncuxM-00077-00023189-00023534 often someone will just come in and toss out an idea ckGwooncuxM-00078-00023534-00023754 and then, there will be some brainstorming. ckGwooncuxM-00079-00023754-00024003 The topography has changed. ckGwooncuxM-00080-00024003-00024503 Has anything changed in terms of the solutions of Kryptos ckGwooncuxM-00081-00024504-00024637 because of the changes? ckGwooncuxM-00082-00024637-00024844 - That's a, it's a trap ckGwooncuxM-00083-00024844-00025020 question. - Good (laugh). ckGwooncuxM-00084-00025020-00025164 - [Elonka] Often it's just a case ckGwooncuxM-00085-00025164-00025363 of everyone just wants to listen ckGwooncuxM-00086-00025363-00025808 to every single thing that Jim might say about Kryptos ckGwooncuxM-00087-00025808-00026225 because there's that hope that he will drop that clue, ckGwooncuxM-00088-00026225-00026477 that little hint that will help. ckGwooncuxM-00089-00026477-00026702 - So, if one invested a lot of time ckGwooncuxM-00090-00026702-00026880 in the environment around Kryptos ckGwooncuxM-00091-00026880-00027123 that would be kind of silly. ckGwooncuxM-00092-00027123-00027289 I still have to be very vigilant ckGwooncuxM-00093-00027289-00027588 and extremely poker faced when everybody wants ckGwooncuxM-00094-00027588-00027733 to know what it says, ckGwooncuxM-00095-00027733-00027904 but, I've gotten after 30 years, ckGwooncuxM-00096-00027904-00028200 fairly good at making it so that I don't flinch ckGwooncuxM-00097-00028200-00028410 or offer them a tell. ckGwooncuxM-00098-00028410-00028560 And so far, so good. ckGwooncuxM-00099-00028781-00028950 (comical music) ckGwooncuxM-00100-00028950-00029151 - [Narrator] It's been 30 years since Kryptos ckGwooncuxM-00101-00029151-00029373 was unveiled at the CIA ckGwooncuxM-00102-00029373-00029785 and still people are working to crack that forth code, ckGwooncuxM-00103-00029785-00029974 every single day. ckGwooncuxM-00104-00030079-00030461 - I think every artwork strives to hold your attention ckGwooncuxM-00105-00030461-00030604 for as long as possible, ckGwooncuxM-00106-00030604-00030827 but, if it's an artwork that contains something ckGwooncuxM-00107-00030827-00031156 that keeps your attention for even 10 minutes, ckGwooncuxM-00108-00031156-00031363 much less 30 years, ckGwooncuxM-00109-00031363-00031620 I get a great sense of satisfaction from that. ckGwooncuxM-00110-00031620-00031893 It's become part of a many, many people's lives, ckGwooncuxM-00111-00031893-00032141 and I think that's the most important part. ckGwooncuxM-00112-00032252-00032564 - [Elonka] People have asked me if I want ckGwooncuxM-00113-00032564-00032877 to be the one that solves Kryptos, ckGwooncuxM-00114-00032877-00033088 and it doesn't have to be me. ckGwooncuxM-00115-00033088-00033364 I want to see it solved, ckGwooncuxM-00116-00033364-00033582 and if I can help by sharing ckGwooncuxM-00117-00033582-00033809 as much information as I know, ckGwooncuxM-00118-00033809-00034145 that's as good to me as having actually cracked the code. ckGwooncuxM-00119-00034237-00034474 (gentle music) ckGwooncuxM-00120-00034474-00034739 If I had to place a bet, Kryptos, ckGwooncuxM-00121-00034739-00034903 yes, Kryptos will be solved. ckGwooncuxM-00122-00034903-00035097 I couldn't tell you when, ckGwooncuxM-00123-00035097-00035453 but, it's a real code; it's a real cipher; it's solvable. ckGwooncuxM-00124-00035578-00035853 (dramatic music) ckGwooncuxM-00125-00037658-00037941 (soft music beat) clraEIDayNM-00000-00000040-00000648 listen, you have to hear the words i'm saying and if you hear them clraEIDayNM-00001-00000648-00001592 they will begin to transform you into something you weren't before clraEIDayNM-00002-00002184-00002888 the holy ghost is god in the earth today and you walk with him by saying words my clraEIDayNM-00003-00002888-00003400 name is Andrew Hemstrought thank you for joining us if this is your first time here clraEIDayNM-00004-00003400-00003879 make sure you subscribe if this isn't your first time here and these messages clraEIDayNM-00005-00003879-00004808 are blessing you then consider becoming a partner with us i have the ability to change clraEIDayNM-00006-00004864-00005784 people's lives and i mean totally transform them into something they weren't before clraEIDayNM-00007-00005880-00006768 from this to that from poverty to wealth from being sick all the time to being healed only clraEIDayNM-00008-00006895-00007720 from being ravaged by old age to having their youth renewed but you must be willing to hear clraEIDayNM-00009-00007776-00008472 you have to hear listen you have to hear the words i'm saying and if you hear them clraEIDayNM-00010-00008472-00009344 they will begin to transform you into something you weren't before the veil shall be taken away clraEIDayNM-00011-00009520-00010400 now the lord is that spirit that's not what a lot of people were expecting but we know it to be a clraEIDayNM-00012-00010400-00011336 fact and where the spirit of the lord is or where the spirit lord is literally there is liberty clraEIDayNM-00013-00011336-00012144 can you imagine that where the spirit lord is there is liberty but we all with open face clraEIDayNM-00014-00012200-00013176 beholding as in a glass or as in a mirror the glory of the lord what lord the spirit lord clraEIDayNM-00015-00013176-00014184 we are beholding his glory beholding as in the glass the glory of the lord his glory are what clraEIDayNM-00016-00014368-00015384 changed beholding his glory the spirit lord we are changed how are we changed by clraEIDayNM-00017-00015384-00016184 beholding his glory what if we don't behold his glory then we can't be changed in this way clraEIDayNM-00018-00016344-00017408 into the same image the same thing we are beholding yes when you start to know who the clraEIDayNM-00019-00017408-00018416 spirit lord is and that as we behold him as we get revelation of him as we see him and know him what clraEIDayNM-00020-00018416-00019504 are we changed into his image just like him say i become just like him which means you're changed clraEIDayNM-00021-00019648-00020400 into what whatever he is but see you have to have revelation of what he is we're changed into the clraEIDayNM-00022-00020400-00021184 same image from one glory to another glory so from whatever glory you're on when you're looking at clraEIDayNM-00023-00021184-00022040 him and beholding him you're changed into another glory and when you are in that glory you're not clraEIDayNM-00024-00022120-00022584 the same as you were before that's right say i'm not the same i'm not the same clraEIDayNM-00025-00022768-00023432 i deal with people regularly some actually say this i don't want it that way clraEIDayNM-00026-00023560-00024336 i don't want to confess the word and have it change me i want my circumstances changed clraEIDayNM-00027-00024560-00025304 i want god to come into my situation and change it they've been thinking clraEIDayNM-00028-00025304-00025816 that about it for this for a long time and it hasn't changed and i'm telling you why clraEIDayNM-00029-00026088-00026648 the circumstance doesn't change you change you move into the clraEIDayNM-00030-00026648-00027383 circumstance and the circumstance obeys you really say the circumstance obeys me clraEIDayNM-00031-00027632-00028495 you changed and the circumstance obeyed this making sense i want god to come into clraEIDayNM-00032-00028495-00029112 my circumstance it even sounds ridiculous now doesn't it i want god to come into my circumstance clraEIDayNM-00033-00029168-00029927 and fix it and change the circumstance i'll be thankful if he does i'll worship him if he does clraEIDayNM-00034-00030032-00030512 this this is the extent of your change this is the extent of what you're willing to change clraEIDayNM-00035-00030568-00031192 is to thank him and then worship him after the fact i'm telling you i'm going to say clraEIDayNM-00036-00031192-00031808 this many times tonight you don't even know what you want yet because you haven't clraEIDayNM-00037-00031808-00032624 changed into the person who wants the thing when you're changed you want something different clraEIDayNM-00038-00032816-00033472 well i know i want my house paid off i know i want a better job i'm telling you from experience clraEIDayNM-00039-00033560-00034328 i used to have things that i wanted that when i began to speak the word those things changed clraEIDayNM-00040-00034464-00035592 what really changed i changed you don't know until the word spoken changes you we are changed clraEIDayNM-00041-00035592-00036328 from glory to glory not your circumstances well that's not why i came here i want god to change clraEIDayNM-00042-00036328-00037024 my circumstances well you came to the wrong place god's going to change you we are changed clraEIDayNM-00043-00037024-00037664 from glory did it say and your circumstances will be changed from glory to glory even as by clraEIDayNM-00044-00037664-00038240 the spirit lord no he said you will be changed oh your circumstances will change all right clraEIDayNM-00045-00038352-00039384 because they will obey you but you're the one who gets changed say i'm the one who gets changed clraEIDayNM-00046-00039472-00039768 and everybody's always nothing's happening nothing's happening clraEIDayNM-00047-00039856-00040096 by the words of your mouth i can tell nothing's happening clraEIDayNM-00048-00040312-00040856 we are changed if you don't see it yet in the physical clraEIDayNM-00049-00041008-00041544 then keep at it that's not where you see it first anyway you see it on the inside clraEIDayNM-00050-00041544-00042288 you see yourself being changed say i see myself being changed remember it's as in clraEIDayNM-00051-00042288-00042848 a mirror we're beholding the glory of the lord we'll get into that and what's changed we are clraEIDayNM-00052-00043056-00044056 the glory that we behold requires you to be changed you become a healed person and clraEIDayNM-00053-00044056-00044736 your physical body changes see people is this an easy message to get across clraEIDayNM-00054-00044872-00045632 you become a healed person and your physical body changes i got i want god to heal my physical body clraEIDayNM-00055-00045896-00046584 you are changed into a healed person and your physical body obeys and changes you become clraEIDayNM-00056-00046648-00047440 a wealthy person and your finances change to meet you get it straight a lot of people are getting it clraEIDayNM-00057-00047552-00048240 are you here yes we're changed into the same image as he is by beholding him is he healed clraEIDayNM-00058-00048360-00049048 holy ghost spirit lord yes yeah he's pretty healed how about is he wealthy is the spirit lord wealthy clraEIDayNM-00059-00049048-00049504 he's the wealthiest being that ever existed and when you behold him clraEIDayNM-00060-00049504-00050584 you change into a wealthy being say i'm a wealthy being and wealthy beings go about being wealthy clraEIDayNM-00061-00050680-00051448 you go from glory to glory it changes you you become a younger person clraEIDayNM-00062-00051520-00052264 and what happens your physical body and things begin to change to meet you are you here clraEIDayNM-00063-00052416-00053512 well i must speak from this place it's where i live and my faith is here in this spirit god clraEIDayNM-00064-00053512-00054288 in this holy ghost in this living god who's god in the earth today i speak from this place when clraEIDayNM-00065-00054288-00054888 i'm speaking about the holy ghost in a way that a lot of people have never heard before clraEIDayNM-00066-00055040-00055767 well you can't go here unless you hear that these words will take you someplace that you haven't clraEIDayNM-00067-00055767-00056455 been before and they will change you transform you in a way that you couldn't be before clraEIDayNM-00068-00056767-00057688 worship is a price paid up front well i'll worship him if he comes and does this to my situation clraEIDayNM-00069-00057840-00058552 worship is a price paid up front he waits to see if you're legit clraEIDayNM-00070-00058840-00059744 holy ghost i andrew hemstrot worship you you are god in the earth today and i'm changed by clraEIDayNM-00071-00059744-00060520 beholding you and worshiping you and speaking in agreement with your word i worship you holy ghost clraEIDayNM-00072-00060712-00061536 did i stutter no did i try to hide behind some other kind of religious concept no i didn't and clraEIDayNM-00073-00061536-00061936 if you don't do that you don't know what i'm talking about because you can't come in here clraEIDayNM-00074-00062320-00062655 worshiping him removes that veil clraEIDayNM-00075-00062784-00063416 and change begins to happen did you hear that and change begins to happen when you worship him clraEIDayNM-00076-00063416-00064496 the holy ghost as god the veil is taken away and change begins to happen i testify to the fact i am clraEIDayNM-00077-00064496-00065264 not the same person i was when i didn't worship the holy ghost i'm telling you are you here yes clraEIDayNM-00078-00065376-00066016 so worshiping him the holy ghost removes that veil and change begins to happen clraEIDayNM-00079-00066136-00067056 what change you being changed into what you behold of him when you change the circumstance changes clraEIDayNM-00080-00067168-00067520 every time it can't not obey you clraEIDayNM-00081-00067784-00068616 when you change the circumstance changes every time where does it happen first in you always clraEIDayNM-00082-00068728-00069680 first say the change happens in me always first and then it just happens out there clraEIDayNM-00083-00069888-00070792 seemed like an afterthought it was like an afterthought because it happened after are clraEIDayNM-00084-00070792-00072168 you here is this fine yet worshiping him changes you confessing his word changes you it's one of clraEIDayNM-00085-00072168-00073024 the things you learn as you're worshiping him that he is god and he's the one who spoke these words clraEIDayNM-00086-00073216-00073880 holy men of old spake as they were moved by the holy ghost they spoke his words well as you're clraEIDayNM-00087-00073880-00074704 worshiping him you begin to have the revelation it's unveiled to you say unveiled to me that these clraEIDayNM-00088-00074704-00075872 are his spoken words yes so when i confess them i'm being changed by them into what he said clraEIDayNM-00089-00076120-00076720 worshiping him changes you confessing his word changes you clraEIDayNM-00090-00077088-00077456 both are prices paid up front clraEIDayNM-00091-00077760-00078584 it creates you into something you weren't before you you clraEIDayNM-00092-00078752-00079032 and people are like oh i know what i want you have no idea what you clraEIDayNM-00093-00079032-00079528 want because you weren't even created into the thing yet that wants something clraEIDayNM-00094-00079824-00080432 that word has to create in you a new you so that you can have the image of the next clraEIDayNM-00095-00080432-00081008 thing that you're going to are you here change change change change change people clraEIDayNM-00096-00081008-00081472 don't like change because it's uncomfortable they like to have it the way it used to be clraEIDayNM-00097-00081616-00082248 you see that's why i say you can't possibly even know what you want i'm telling you clraEIDayNM-00098-00082248-00082912 how do you know this stuff because i do it and i'm telling you from my experience i must preach clraEIDayNM-00099-00082912-00083528 from this place as i confess the word it's literally recreating me into something else clraEIDayNM-00100-00083808-00084488 his image the newly created you know something the old you didn't know clraEIDayNM-00101-00084704-00085000 you're seeing a little bit of him and it changes you clraEIDayNM-00102-00085136-00085976 yes his goodness is his glory it's what you're seeing you remember moses he said show me your clraEIDayNM-00103-00085976-00086656 glory you went up on the mountain god's like okay well you hide behind that rock and i'll pass by clraEIDayNM-00104-00086728-00087424 and let all my goodness which was him his goodness i'm letting my goodness pass before you clraEIDayNM-00105-00087680-00088456 and after that moses came down off the mountain and what put a veil on his face that's what paul clraEIDayNM-00106-00088456-00089296 was talking about but now the lord is the spirit we take away the veil and we behold the glory clraEIDayNM-00107-00089296-00090448 of the lord who is that spirit and we we are changed by beholding his glory it's this glory clraEIDayNM-00108-00090512-00091680 that changes you into itself you are changed does the glory change you we're changed from the glory clraEIDayNM-00109-00091760-00092424 if the glory changes you you are not the same that you were before the glory began changing you clraEIDayNM-00110-00092488-00093296 i'm trying to make it clear it changes you into the goodness you behold if you clraEIDayNM-00111-00093296-00093824 don't know that he is the wealthiest being that ever existed good luck being changed into that clraEIDayNM-00112-00093952-00094664 you're blocked behind a veil that we are taking away clraEIDayNM-00113-00094888-00095048 well how committed are you clraEIDayNM-00114-00095192-00095896 to worshiping him and speaking in agreement with his word until you are changed clraEIDayNM-00115-00096192-00096552 most people aren't very committed most people don't see the value in it clraEIDayNM-00116-00096664-00096864 people will write to me and i'll say hello well did you clraEIDayNM-00117-00097072-00097600 did you listen to the last week's message i literally just explained this last week clraEIDayNM-00118-00097600-00098272 like no i didn't i didn't have time stay up with it say stay up with it clraEIDayNM-00119-00098384-00099144 i have the ability to take you to a place that you've never been before to be changed clraEIDayNM-00120-00099144-00100016 to be transformed yes completely transformed when you start beholding him and his glory clraEIDayNM-00121-00100216-00100632 it makes you look really sad in comparison clraEIDayNM-00122-00100720-00101520 except say accept except you're being changed into that yes i'm getting better looking clraEIDayNM-00123-00101768-00102080 i'm getting richer i'm getting more healed clraEIDayNM-00124-00102328-00102992 it's a fact how is it because i'm beholding him and as i behold him i get clraEIDayNM-00125-00103056-00103840 changed from one glory to the next and it's good you will go through clraEIDayNM-00126-00103840-00104320 many transformations where you are now is not where you're going to be clraEIDayNM-00127-00104448-00105344 who you are now is not who you are going to be you will go through many say many transformations clraEIDayNM-00128-00105568-00106368 as you begin to speak in agreement with his word let's say i'm speaking a promise the blessing of clraEIDayNM-00129-00106368-00106944 the lord makes me rich and adds no sorrow with it i speak that i spoke it the blessing of the clraEIDayNM-00130-00106944-00107983 lord makes me rich adds no sorrow with it well at first i can recognize and see that it's true clraEIDayNM-00131-00108111-00108624 we know the word is true his word is truth it's the first thing that comes to me clraEIDayNM-00132-00108728-00109352 then as i keep and continue speaking the word the blessing of the lord makes me rich adds no clraEIDayNM-00133-00109352-00110144 sorrow with it i begin to believe it first i thought it was true then i began to believe it clraEIDayNM-00134-00110304-00110832 am i being changed yeah i'm being changed because now i believe something i didn't believe before clraEIDayNM-00135-00110920-00111600 how many people do you think know that the word is true yeah i don't the word's true clraEIDayNM-00136-00111744-00111856 say the words true clraEIDayNM-00137-00112104-00112440 but when you say that versus scripture you go the blessing of the lord makes you rich clraEIDayNM-00138-00112440-00112904 also the blessing of the lord makes you rich adds no sorrow with they don't quite believe it clraEIDayNM-00139-00112904-00113480 they haven't said it enough until they believe it they haven't been changed from just knowing the clraEIDayNM-00140-00113480-00114135 word is true and to believing the word is true they had to have that transformation take place clraEIDayNM-00141-00114135-00114735 are you here then they start believing something different yes i believe the blessing the blessing clraEIDayNM-00142-00114735-00115496 of the lord makes me rich so it makes me rich it's me rich that's different yes so you keep speaking clraEIDayNM-00143-00115496-00116080 it the blessing of the lord makes me rich as no sorrow with it you begin to observe say observe clraEIDayNM-00144-00116183-00116816 that there's power in that word transforming changing ability and power in that word clraEIDayNM-00145-00116952-00117800 to bring itself to pass that's different i'm being changed now i'm never going to stop saying clraEIDayNM-00146-00117800-00118672 it now you can't tell me to come up and say things like it's not working how is it because i knew it clraEIDayNM-00147-00118672-00119368 was true i began to believe it and then i saw that there was power in it that began to affect clraEIDayNM-00148-00119368-00120048 and change me yeah but your circumstances i don't care about the circumstances anymore clraEIDayNM-00149-00120152-00120904 because i'm different and you keep speaking it the blessing of the lord makes me rich adds no sorrow clraEIDayNM-00150-00120904-00121320 why aren't the other people in your church saying that because they still just think it's true but clraEIDayNM-00151-00121400-00122472 maybe not for them and then listen and then as you continue to speak it his word you see behind the clraEIDayNM-00152-00122472-00123688 veil that that is him looking out at you his glory what happens when you see his glory it changes clraEIDayNM-00153-00123688-00124759 you into the thing said it goes from being true to something you might believe to seeing that clraEIDayNM-00154-00124759-00125416 there's power in it and you see him looking out of that word at you and he says it's me clraEIDayNM-00155-00125600-00126768 and when i see that it's him i'm changed into that image are you here the glory changes you you clraEIDayNM-00156-00126768-00127632 become that thing spoken i can say that straight up for an hour and a half until you got it clraEIDayNM-00157-00127752-00128544 i become that thing spoken you become like him the one who said it clraEIDayNM-00158-00128768-00129448 glory means weight it's used that way and it's you know when they talk about gold clraEIDayNM-00159-00129448-00129920 oh that's a that's glorious meaning it was weighty it was a weighty substance clraEIDayNM-00160-00130080-00130952 as you continue to speak the word your words become weighty you will gain weight clraEIDayNM-00161-00131312-00132144 you will gain a lot of weight now people be like oh they get heavy they get heavy man clraEIDayNM-00162-00132296-00132392 your words get heavy clraEIDayNM-00163-00132656-00133232 i'm saying the blessing of the lord makes me rich adds no sorrow with it the blessing of the lord clraEIDayNM-00164-00133232-00133920 now i start to see beyond just saying those words and i see that the blessing is something that came clraEIDayNM-00165-00133920-00134984 from him it was a blessing of the lord what is that blessing going to do it's going to make you clraEIDayNM-00166-00134984-00135984 like him in that area the blessing of the spirit lord say that the blessing of the spirit lord clraEIDayNM-00167-00136088-00137056 makes me spirit lord rich no sorrow added it makes you the kind of rich he is and when you get there clraEIDayNM-00168-00137136-00137728 you want something completely different than you wanted before you were changed and then clraEIDayNM-00169-00137728-00138304 look at it says this is uh proverbs 10 22. you know the blessing of the lord makes you clraEIDayNM-00170-00138520-00139312 rich he makes you the kind of rich he is what kind of rich is he he's rich no sorrow added no clraEIDayNM-00171-00139312-00140224 shadow of turning no wavering don't get used to me saying this this way because clraEIDayNM-00172-00140224-00140672 in my estimation it's a cop-out people do it all the time when they use this verse of scripture clraEIDayNM-00173-00140736-00141272 but i'm gonna do it for a purpose the blessing of the lord makes me clraEIDayNM-00174-00141488-00141584 spiritually rich clraEIDayNM-00175-00141792-00142288 because you can see why people do this because you know they're so offended over in churches say oh clraEIDayNM-00176-00142288-00142720 the blessing of the lord will make you rich the blessing of the lord will make you the kind of clraEIDayNM-00177-00142720-00143376 rich he is it came from him it's his blessing but the blessing of the lord will make you spiritually clraEIDayNM-00178-00143376-00144264 rich is he spiritually rich yes it will make you physically rich in your physical body healed rich clraEIDayNM-00179-00144264-00144920 and it will make you financially rich which is the actual meaning of the word are you here yes clraEIDayNM-00180-00145144-00145648 what kind of rich is he see now you can't know this until you know him as clraEIDayNM-00181-00145648-00146448 god and begin to look at him as god and his glory changes you into that kind of rich yes clraEIDayNM-00182-00146608-00147496 that's different his kind it's his blessing it's his glory it's his word that he spoke and put his clraEIDayNM-00183-00147496-00148464 glory in yes no sorrow added he ain't got none no shadow of turning he doesn't turn from it clraEIDayNM-00184-00148544-00149280 neither will you say he doesn't turn from it he doesn't turn from it neither will i why because clraEIDayNM-00185-00149280-00149984 you've been changed by it he's pure wealth he's pure healing and health he's pure youth renewal clraEIDayNM-00186-00150096-00150976 go from one glory to the next glory let him and his word change you worship him speak in agreement clraEIDayNM-00187-00150976-00151888 with his word and watch how you change this is glory and this is where we're going and these clraEIDayNM-00188-00151888-00152840 words will take you there i'm being converted into the spirit lord rich the spirit lord kind of rich clraEIDayNM-00189-00153024-00153464 you don't even know what that means don't tell me you know what it means clraEIDayNM-00190-00153696-00154672 but as we confess it we're changed till we can see a little bit more and as you listen as you see him clraEIDayNM-00191-00154808-00155616 you will be changed and so shall it be unto you thank you holy ghost that the blessing is on these clraEIDayNM-00192-00155616-00156296 people and they're beginning to be changed from one glory to the next and poverty will flee from clraEIDayNM-00193-00156296-00157232 them sickness will flee from them old age problems will flee from them because they're walking with clraEIDayNM-00194-00157232-00158384 you as god in the earth today and we give you all the glory and the praise in jesus name amen clraEIDayNM-00195-00158440-00159184 if you have a tithe or an offering hold it in your hand say this after me holy ghost you are god clraEIDayNM-00196-00159296-00159952 in the earth today i worship you i gives and it's given unto me clraEIDayNM-00197-00160088-00160752 good measure press down shaken together running over men give into my bosom clraEIDayNM-00198-00160864-00161696 with the same measure i meet it's multiplied back to me there's glory in these words clraEIDayNM-00199-00161816-00163592 and i'm changed into them in jesus name amen on the earth today cmrp1DEOfN8-00000-00000184-00000522 Hyung! Read it out loud cmrp1DEOfN8-00001-00000522-00000692 Are you actually reading and fully understood? cmrp1DEOfN8-00002-00001342-00002130 LOL (The way he speaks sounds too funny to him) cmrp1DEOfN8-00003-00002154-00002672 What is the article about? Can I post this online? (cuz he doesnt understand english) cmrp1DEOfN8-00004-00002708-00002790 Of course cmrp1DEOfN8-00005-00002802-00003397 Lol Can i post this online lol Because I dont understand english lol cnK9Lcg8cZE-00000-00000000-00000090 Unzipping the belly (just the hide). dotUcARrB6c-00000-00002920-00003479 All right, ladies and gentlemen, like I said today's very special guests on the rice crypto show is dotUcARrB6c-00001-00003479-00003652 Andreas Antonopoulos dotUcARrB6c-00002-00003652-00004096 Andreas thank you so much for coming on the show today. How you doing? Oh, it's a pleasure Rice dotUcARrB6c-00003-00004096-00004512 thank you for having me on the show and very happy to be here. Doing well. dotUcARrB6c-00004-00004512-00004574 Thank you! dotUcARrB6c-00005-00004574-00004812 Yeah, considering everything that's going on around the world dotUcARrB6c-00006-00004812-00005128 I mean, this is definitely a really interesting time to interview you dotUcARrB6c-00007-00005128-00005568 I know that you've done a lot of studying of economics and our financial system dotUcARrB6c-00008-00005568-00005890 and we're at a really crazy point in history dotUcARrB6c-00009-00005896-00006108 kind of no-man's land and dotUcARrB6c-00010-00006166-00006722 We just seem today. I guess the Federal Reserve is basically saying we've got quantitative easing dotUcARrB6c-00011-00006781-00006852 infinity. dotUcARrB6c-00012-00007534-00008336 Well, I think the the first thing to... the first conclusion to draw from this is that dotUcARrB6c-00013-00008344-00008530 what's going to be dotUcARrB6c-00014-00008530-00009104 blamed for this recession is coronavirus which I think is dotUcARrB6c-00015-00009182-00009382 it's certainly the dotUcARrB6c-00016-00009458-00010074 The thing that pushed the economy over the edge. But you know for the past ten years we've we've watched dotUcARrB6c-00017-00010130-00010784 an increasingly hollowed out fragile economy being built on the financialization of everything dotUcARrB6c-00018-00010784-00010972 with massive leverage dotUcARrB6c-00019-00010972-00011458 on stock prices being propped up with with buybacks and dotUcARrB6c-00020-00011474-00011824 near zero interest rates worldwide and dotUcARrB6c-00021-00011840-00011981 continuous dotUcARrB6c-00022-00011981-00012282 stimulus and quantitative easing which never really stopped dotUcARrB6c-00023-00013490-00013838 But basically the the cure to dotUcARrB6c-00024-00013852-00014406 too much debt, too much financialization, too much fake money, too much malinvestments, dotUcARrB6c-00025-00014424-00014800 too much plutocracy and dotUcARrB6c-00026-00014800-00015158 corruption and bailouts is more dotUcARrB6c-00027-00015158-00015712 plutocracy, corruption, bailouts and fake money and this is obviously not going to work. dotUcARrB6c-00028-00015738-00016066 There's a real chance by 2030, dotUcARrB6c-00029-00016086-00016456 we don't find a way to inflate our way out of this. dotUcARrB6c-00030-00016522-00016974 Okay, I like that and did you catch his price prediction? dotUcARrB6c-00031-00016974-00017528 He speculates that in the end Bitcoin will either be zero or Bitcoin will be worth millions dotUcARrB6c-00032-00017528-00017816 and according to him it all comes down to one thing. dotUcARrB6c-00033-00017816-00018430 How responsible or how irresponsible these world governments are being with their monetary policy. dotUcARrB6c-00034-00018454-00018906 So that I think that the internet is going to be one of the major forces dotUcARrB6c-00035-00018964-00019290 for reducing the role of government. dotUcARrB6c-00036-00019290-00019862 The one thing that's missing but that will soon be developed is a reliable ecash. dotUcARrB6c-00037-00019900-00020688 A method whereby on the Internet you can transfer funds from A to B without A knowing B or B knowing A dotUcARrB6c-00038-00020732-00021360 The way in which I can take a $20 bill and head it over to you. Then there's no record of where it came from. dotUcARrB6c-00039-00021402-00021872 Now one of the ways that governments could be more responsible hypothetically is if somehow dotUcARrB6c-00040-00021872-00022088 we returned to the gold standard. dotUcARrB6c-00041-00022088-00022318 US Dollars were backed by gold dotUcARrB6c-00042-00022368-00022770 Russian rubles were backed by gold. That would be a solution. dotUcARrB6c-00043-00022804-00023356 Now the problem comes in if, let's just say Russia, for example says we have this much gold in our safes dotUcARrB6c-00044-00023386-00023608 so that means we have this much money to spend. dotUcARrB6c-00045-00023628-00024212 Are we going to believe when Russia says we have this much gold that they actually have this much gold? dotUcARrB6c-00046-00024212-00024362 That's the problem. dotUcARrB6c-00047-00024362-00024732 And there's a real chance by 2030, dotUcARrB6c-00048-00024758-00025478 we don't find a way to inflate our way out of this and that the only way to break the back of deflation dotUcARrB6c-00049-00025494-00025654 is essentially to create dotUcARrB6c-00050-00025654-00026268 some quasi form of gold standard. But it'll be almost impossible to do that between dotUcARrB6c-00051-00026268-00026754 governments and central banks, they'll never agree on an instrument and will never agree on an exchange. dotUcARrB6c-00052-00026772-00027014 But that bottoms up people could decide to do it dotUcARrB6c-00053-00027358-00027558 But ironically dotUcARrB6c-00054-00027604-00028226 the latest product of that way of doing things is a new instrument, a new system dotUcARrB6c-00055-00028226-00028380 that while it could make conformity dotUcARrB6c-00056-00028380-00028468 more dotUcARrB6c-00057-00028468-00028518 rigid dotUcARrB6c-00058-00028518-00028585 more totalitarian dotUcARrB6c-00059-00028585-00028783 than ever before in history. dotUcARrB6c-00060-00028972-00029158 Could also blow everything wide open dotUcARrB6c-00061-00029188-00029500 because with it we could operate on the basis that dotUcARrB6c-00062-00029536-00029895 values and standards and ethics and facts and truths dotUcARrB6c-00063-00029932-00030189 all depend on what your view of the world is dotUcARrB6c-00064-00030250-00030610 and that there may be as many views of that as there are people dotUcARrB6c-00065-00030683-00031272 and with this capable of keeping a tally on those millions of opinions voiced electronically dotUcARrB6c-00066-00031368-00031854 we might be able to lift the limitations of conforming to any centralized dotUcARrB6c-00067-00031889-00032045 representational form of government dotUcARrB6c-00068-00032045-00032398 originally invented because there was no way for everybody's voice to be heard. dotUcARrB6c-00069-00032510-00033024 You're talking about people who live in Mata, anyone can break into, anyone can steal their phone. dotUcARrB6c-00070-00033048-00033610 They don't... They're not like us when we go on. Got that one here or hide one in my attic or my dotUcARrB6c-00071-00033610-00033738 on my dad's house. dotUcARrB6c-00072-00033738-00033984 It's just motherfucking hard! dotUcARrB6c-00073-00033984-00034378 And I think some someone needs to think of key management solutions for people like that. dotUcARrB6c-00074-00034378-00035026 And I don't know what it is. But if they can't do a two or three... Is there at some kind of dotUcARrB6c-00075-00035094-00035464 Trusted company or two trusted companies. I don't know... dotUcARrB6c-00076-00035622-00036008 It really... Probably someone like Udi has a role to think about dotUcARrB6c-00077-00036110-00036338 and perhaps debate the trade-offs between dotUcARrB6c-00078-00036384-00036724 trustless and I'm gonna trust this solution to these people. dotUcARrB6c-00079-00036808-00037008 You might be able to give everybody dotUcARrB6c-00080-00037048-00037160 unhindered dotUcARrB6c-00081-00037160-00037350 untested access to knowledge dotUcARrB6c-00082-00037350-00037870 because a computer would do the day-to-day work for which we once qualified the select few dotUcARrB6c-00083-00037890-00038372 In an educational system originally designed for a world where only a few could be taught dotUcARrB6c-00084-00038422-00038998 You might end the regimentation of people living and working in vast, unmanageable cities dotUcARrB6c-00085-00039052-00039534 uniting them instead in an electronic community where the Himalayas dotUcARrB6c-00086-00039558-00039860 and Manhattan were only split second apart. dotUcARrB6c-00087-00040006-00040142 You might dotUcARrB6c-00088-00040142-00040320 with that done much more dotUcARrB6c-00089-00040320-00040604 break the mold that has held us back since the beginning. dotUcARrB6c-00090-00040624-00040872 I believed very early on from my own experience dotUcARrB6c-00091-00040896-00041330 that you know one's propensity to store value in the Bitcoin protocol dotUcARrB6c-00092-00041330-00041518 is directly correlated to your understanding. dotUcARrB6c-00093-00041518-00041906 So I always thought that Bitcoin marketing is actually just Bitcoin education. dotUcARrB6c-00094-00041972-00042330 After months of planning Satoshi shared his idea with everyone. dotUcARrB6c-00095-00042330-00042838 He called it Bitcoin. It was very complicated, but he tried to explain it simply. dotUcARrB6c-00096-00042864-00043358 There will be a big chart in the middle of town that shows how much money every person has. dotUcARrB6c-00097-00043384-00043556 Everyday we'll meet here dotUcARrB6c-00098-00043556-00044036 and update the chart with any changes of who gave some of their money to somebody else. dotUcARrB6c-00099-00044074-00044322 Everyone will also keep their own copy of the chart dotUcARrB6c-00100-00044322-00044742 so nobody can come when no one's looking and make fake changes. dotUcARrB6c-00101-00044760-00045350 This way we can all have our own money just by keeping track of this chart and we can all make sure dotUcARrB6c-00102-00045350-00045610 nobody is adding any new money. dotUcARrB6c-00103-00046606-00046916 So mostly I just bought dips like a beast dotUcARrB6c-00104-00047074-00047280 It's pretty much just you know dotUcARrB6c-00105-00047280-00047484 watching YouTube and listening to podcasts dotUcARrB6c-00106-00047484-00047700 and educating myself and kind of like dotUcARrB6c-00107-00047700-00048212 like that deep crypto winner is when you steel your resolve like you're initially going to the dotUcARrB6c-00108-00048212-00048472 podcasts and obviously was listening to dotUcARrB6c-00109-00048472-00048724 everything and reading all the books that were available and there were a lot dotUcARrB6c-00110-00048726-00049040 you know thankfully by then by the end of 2018 you had new books dotUcARrB6c-00111-00049040-00049466 like Saife's book who come out six months before your podcast was out there dotUcARrB6c-00112-00049466-00049812 and I was devouring that and Marty's podcast and a bunch of other ones. dotUcARrB6c-00113-00049832-00049916 And dotUcARrB6c-00114-00049938-00050544 you initially go to those as essentially like a support group because you feel kind of lonely in your dotUcARrB6c-00115-00050602-00051128 you know, you're the only one among your friends that's that's totally could buy and more as this thing, you know dotUcARrB6c-00116-00051128-00051266 maybe going to zero dotUcARrB6c-00117-00051266-00051341 and then dotUcARrB6c-00118-00051341-00051417 you know dotUcARrB6c-00119-00051417-00051829 your brain actually starts to do some work in the background and you wake up one day dotUcARrB6c-00120-00051829-00051978 and you're like a total dotUcARrB6c-00121-00052014-00052072 believer. dotUcARrB6c-00122-00052146-00052512 In a future world that we would describe as balanced anarchy dotUcARrB6c-00123-00052562-00052872 and they will describe as an open society. dotUcARrB6c-00124-00052917-00053458 Tolerant of every view, aware so there is no single privileged way of doing things. dotUcARrB6c-00125-00053490-00053622 Above all dotUcARrB6c-00126-00053622-00053774 able to do away with dotUcARrB6c-00127-00053774-00054274 the greatest tragedy of our era the centuries-old waste of human talent that we couldn't dotUcARrB6c-00128-00054274-00054494 or wouldn't use. dotUcARrB6c-00129-00054528-00054620 Utopia? dotUcARrB6c-00130-00054620-00054748 Why? dotUcARrB6c-00131-00054748-00055258 If as I've said all along the universe is at any time what you say it is... dotUcARrB6c-00132-00055316-00055482 Then say it! d3ChmBH6bkQ-00000-00000180-00000477 Hello! Welcome to the online tutorial for reporting d3ChmBH6bkQ-00001-00000477-00000694 participation of the After School Program! d3ChmBH6bkQ-00002-00000694-00001031 This is an instructional video demonstrating how you can d3ChmBH6bkQ-00003-00001031-00001281 submit your monthly participation. d3ChmBH6bkQ-00004-00001281-00001548 For step-by-step written instructions you can also d3ChmBH6bkQ-00005-00001548-00001711 refer to the reference guide. d3ChmBH6bkQ-00006-00001935-00002339 Participation is recorded using the Grants Ontario System. d3ChmBH6bkQ-00007-00002339-00002609 To log into the Grants Ontario System you must be d3ChmBH6bkQ-00008-00002609-00002942 registered to One Key and enrolled with Grants Ontario. d3ChmBH6bkQ-00009-00002942-00003223 If you have not been set up to access Grants Ontario please d3ChmBH6bkQ-00010-00003223-00003456 refer to the Grants Ontario registration guide d3ChmBH6bkQ-00011-00003456-00003743 for detailed instructions on how to do so. d3ChmBH6bkQ-00012-00003743-00003980 If you have access to Grants Ontario, you can proceed d3ChmBH6bkQ-00013-00003980-00004244 with entering the account information. d3ChmBH6bkQ-00014-00004244-00004601 After entering the one key ID and password click Sign In d3ChmBH6bkQ-00015-00004601-00005011 to log in to the system. Then, you can click on the d3ChmBH6bkQ-00016-00005011-00005211 hyperlink to the Grants Ontario system d3ChmBH6bkQ-00017-00005211-00005372 to open Grants Ontario. 00:00:59.726,00:00:59.559 When you've successfully logged in you'll see a d3ChmBH6bkQ-00018-00006166-00006366 personalized home page with a snapshot of d3ChmBH6bkQ-00019-00006366-00006573 your relevant information. d3ChmBH6bkQ-00020-00006573-00006820 On the home page, in the top left, you'll see a quick d3ChmBH6bkQ-00021-00006820-00007020 navigation menu to different sections in the d3ChmBH6bkQ-00022-00007020-00007330 system. On the top right you have contact d3ChmBH6bkQ-00023-00007330-00007677 information to the Grants Ontario Help Desk. d3ChmBH6bkQ-00024-00007677-00007931 Below that you'll see a list of recent applications d3ChmBH6bkQ-00025-00007931-00008258 for your organization and underneath that you'll see d3ChmBH6bkQ-00026-00008258-00008491 a list of outstanding reports. d3ChmBH6bkQ-00027-00008491-00008932 This is where you'll find quick access to your participation. d3ChmBH6bkQ-00028-00008932-00009235 In this list you'll see any participation reports that d3ChmBH6bkQ-00029-00009235-00009399 need to be submitted. d3ChmBH6bkQ-00030-00009399-00009602 For immediate and quick access on the participation d3ChmBH6bkQ-00031-00009602-00009906 of the month by clicking on the participation hyperlink. d3ChmBH6bkQ-00032-00010260-00010607 Alternatively, if you want to see all participation d3ChmBH6bkQ-00033-00010607-00010874 work boards, including the ones you've already submitted, d3ChmBH6bkQ-00034-00010874-00011074 click on "My Organization's Reports." d3ChmBH6bkQ-00035-00011558-00011868 From here you can access any participation including d3ChmBH6bkQ-00036-00011868-00012122 submitted ones, pending ones, and draft participation, d3ChmBH6bkQ-00037-00012122-00012405 by clicking on the Participation hyperlink. d3ChmBH6bkQ-00038-00012812-00013053 If you select the participation record for a month that has not d3ChmBH6bkQ-00039-00013053-00013393 yet begun you will not be able to enter any information d3ChmBH6bkQ-00040-00013393-00013593 and you'll be displayed the following message. d3ChmBH6bkQ-00041-00013593-00013900 If you're responsible for submitting participation d3ChmBH6bkQ-00042-00013900-00014174 for multiple sites you'll then be able to access d3ChmBH6bkQ-00043-00014174-00014381 participation as follows: d3ChmBH6bkQ-00044-00014381-00014668 After logging in Grants Ontario click on the My Account d3ChmBH6bkQ-00045-00014668-00014868 link on the top right corner of the screen. d3ChmBH6bkQ-00046-00015161-00015378 Then click on the related organization's d3ChmBH6bkQ-00047-00015378-00015922 hyperlink. Now you'll be displayed a list of sites d3ChmBH6bkQ-00048-00015922-00016076 for your organization. d3ChmBH6bkQ-00049-00016076-00016466 Click on the link for the site you'd like to access. d3ChmBH6bkQ-00050-00016466-00016760 A list of all reports will appear. From here you can d3ChmBH6bkQ-00051-00016760-00017043 select any particular month to access the participation. d3ChmBH6bkQ-00052-00017273-00017600 Once you're done, you can scroll down and go to the d3ChmBH6bkQ-00053-00017600-00017904 "Go to Related Organizations" button to quickly return d3ChmBH6bkQ-00054-00017904-00018104 to the Related Organizations screen where d3ChmBH6bkQ-00055-00018104-00018305 you can select another site. d3ChmBH6bkQ-00056-00018808-00019082 Let's begin with entering your participation for the month. d3ChmBH6bkQ-00057-00019082-00019369 You have the ability to enter participation week by week, d3ChmBH6bkQ-00058-00019369-00019556 or at the end of the month. d3ChmBH6bkQ-00059-00019556-00019756 After you've accessed the participation record, d3ChmBH6bkQ-00060-00019756-00019956 as I described earlier in the video, d3ChmBH6bkQ-00061-00019956-00020166 you will see this screen. d3ChmBH6bkQ-00062-00020166-00020423 This screen contains a number of sections. d3ChmBH6bkQ-00063-00020423-00020720 At the top are report details, which is basic information d3ChmBH6bkQ-00064-00020720-00020927 about the report. d3ChmBH6bkQ-00065-00020927-00021181 Below that is "Days of Operations", which is used to d3ChmBH6bkQ-00066-00021181-00021401 specify the days of the week that the site was open. d3ChmBH6bkQ-00067-00021608-00021821 Underneath that is "Participation." d3ChmBH6bkQ-00068-00021821-00022025 This is where participants in the program and their d3ChmBH6bkQ-00069-00022025-00022225 participation for each week is entered. d3ChmBH6bkQ-00070-00022225-00022679 Below that is an area where you can attach any supporting d3ChmBH6bkQ-00071-00022679-00022919 documentation as required. d3ChmBH6bkQ-00072-00022919-00023136 In the final section is a list of buttons. d3ChmBH6bkQ-00073-00023590-00024017 The process begins by entering the days of operation. d3ChmBH6bkQ-00074-00024017-00024331 For each week, enter the number of days the site is open. d3ChmBH6bkQ-00075-00024331-00024631 You can use the Comments field d3ChmBH6bkQ-00076-00024631-00024868 to provide any descriptions as required. d3ChmBH6bkQ-00077-00025632-00025832 If you enter more than five days d3ChmBH6bkQ-00078-00025832-00026059 the system will display the following message. d3ChmBH6bkQ-00079-00026633-00026886 Otherwise, enter all of your information, d3ChmBH6bkQ-00080-00027160-00027374 be sure to click Save when completed. d3ChmBH6bkQ-00081-00027771-00028108 Now you can begin entering participation information. d3ChmBH6bkQ-00082-00028108-00028388 In the participation section click on the "New" button d3ChmBH6bkQ-00083-00028388-00028588 to create a newparticipant. d3ChmBH6bkQ-00084-00028865-00029089 A form is displayed. d3ChmBH6bkQ-00085-00029089-00029379 Enter the information about the participant. d3ChmBH6bkQ-00086-00029379-00029739 First enter an identifier. Now this is very important, d3ChmBH6bkQ-00087-00029739-00030130 do not enter any personal information in this field. d3ChmBH6bkQ-00088-00030130-00030480 You can use numeric values, acronyms, or IDS d3ChmBH6bkQ-00089-00030480-00030737 from any computer system that you may use d3ChmBH6bkQ-00090-00030737-00031020 but the identifier must be unique and cannot contain d3ChmBH6bkQ-00091-00031020-00031147 any personal information. d3ChmBH6bkQ-00092-00031648-00031775 You can also select a grade d3ChmBH6bkQ-00093-00032182-00032285 and a gender. d3ChmBH6bkQ-00094-00032582-00032942 You have the option to enter the weekly participation for each d3ChmBH6bkQ-00095-00032942-00033293 week. As you enter the information the system d3ChmBH6bkQ-00096-00033293-00033840 saves a record. If you enter any values that are d3ChmBH6bkQ-00097-00033840-00034104 greater than the numbers you reported in the days d3ChmBH6bkQ-00098-00034104-00034414 of operation you'll receive the following error message. d3ChmBH6bkQ-00099-00035815-00036016 Once you're done click "Save." d3ChmBH6bkQ-00100-00036016-00036333 The new participant record will appear in the d3ChmBH6bkQ-00101-00036333-00036533 Participation Section. d3ChmBH6bkQ-00102-00036793-00036910 Alternatively, d3ChmBH6bkQ-00103-00036910-00037210 you can just enter partial participant information. d3ChmBH6bkQ-00104-00037210-00037313 So click on the New button d3ChmBH6bkQ-00105-00037594-00037881 and enter just the participant information above d3ChmBH6bkQ-00106-00038515-00038648 and then click "Save." d3ChmBH6bkQ-00107-00039189-00039319 Let's do it one more time. d3ChmBH6bkQ-00108-00040333-00040467 Then you can use the grid d3ChmBH6bkQ-00109-00040467-00040800 to enter their weekly participation. d3ChmBH6bkQ-00110-00041341-00041524 You can use the tab button on your keyboard d3ChmBH6bkQ-00111-00041524-00041788 to quickly move between the fields. d3ChmBH6bkQ-00112-00042105-00042472 Again, if you enter any information that exceeds d3ChmBH6bkQ-00113-00042472-00042759 the days of operation reported in the section above, d3ChmBH6bkQ-00114-00042759-00043033 you'll receive the message shown on the screen. d3ChmBH6bkQ-00115-00043760-00043950 Repeat this process until all the d3ChmBH6bkQ-00116-00043950-00044194 participation information for the month has been d3ChmBH6bkQ-00117-00044194-00044444 entered. You only have to enter the participant d3ChmBH6bkQ-00118-00044444-00044701 information once as the system rolls over the d3ChmBH6bkQ-00119-00044701-00044991 information for each subsequent month. d3ChmBH6bkQ-00120-00044991-00045275 When you're done click on the Submit button d3ChmBH6bkQ-00121-00045275-00045478 to submit your participation for the month. d3ChmBH6bkQ-00122-00045979-00046079 Once the participation information has been d3ChmBH6bkQ-00123-00046079-00046363 successfully submitted the status of the record will be d3ChmBH6bkQ-00124-00046363-00046656 changed to "Submitted." The record becomes "Read Only" d3ChmBH6bkQ-00125-00046656-00046963 and you will not be able to edit any of the information. d3ChmBH6bkQ-00126-00047063-00047250 If you do need to edit the information, please d3ChmBH6bkQ-00127-00047250-00047480 contact your program coordinator and they can d3ChmBH6bkQ-00128-00047480-00047614 give you the access to do so. d3ChmBH6bkQ-00129-00047797-00048048 When it's time to enter participation for the following d3ChmBH6bkQ-00130-00048048-00048321 month, if you select the Participation Record, d3ChmBH6bkQ-00131-00048321-00048475 as I described earlier in the video, d3ChmBH6bkQ-00132-00048475-00048832 scroll down to the participant section. d3ChmBH6bkQ-00133-00048832-00049232 You'll notice that all the participation information d3ChmBH6bkQ-00134-00049232-00049586 has been pre-populated. Now you can just enter the d3ChmBH6bkQ-00135-00049586-00049799 weekly participation information and not have d3ChmBH6bkQ-00136-00049799-00049909 to enter the participant. d3ChmBH6bkQ-00137-00050200-00050400 An important thing to take note of in the participation d3ChmBH6bkQ-00138-00050400-00050523 area is that d3ChmBH6bkQ-00139-00050523-00050780 it only displays ten participants at a time. d3ChmBH6bkQ-00140-00050780-00051174 To navigate to the next set of ten participation records, d3ChmBH6bkQ-00141-00051174-00051651 click on the arrow navigational buttons at the top right corner d3ChmBH6bkQ-00142-00051651-00052002 of the section. d3ChmBH6bkQ-00143-00052482-00052682 If you need to edit a participant, d3ChmBH6bkQ-00144-00052682-00053003 including inactiving a participant, select a checkbox d3ChmBH6bkQ-00145-00053003-00053193 in the far right corresponding to a record d3ChmBH6bkQ-00146-00053193-00053687 and click on the "Edit" button. Make the required updates d3ChmBH6bkQ-00147-00053687-00053937 to the participant information as necessary. d3ChmBH6bkQ-00148-00054237-00054504 If you need to inactivate a participant uncheck the d3ChmBH6bkQ-00149-00054504-00054828 Active flag and click on the Save button when all the d3ChmBH6bkQ-00150-00054828-00054954 updates are complete. d3ChmBH6bkQ-00151-00054954-00055171 The updated information will now appear in the d3ChmBH6bkQ-00152-00055171-00055432 participant area. To reactivate a participant d3ChmBH6bkQ-00153-00055432-00055792 click on the Reactive Participant button. d3ChmBH6bkQ-00154-00055792-00056059 A pop up window appears of all the inactive participants. d3ChmBH6bkQ-00155-00056059-00056272 For the corresponding record select the "Active" d3ChmBH6bkQ-00156-00056272-00056543 checkbox and then click the Okay button. d3ChmBH6bkQ-00157-00056673-00056863 The reactivated participant will now appear in the d3ChmBH6bkQ-00158-00056863-00056966 participation area. d3ChmBH6bkQ-00159-00057193-00057497 We've reached the end of our online video tutorial. d3ChmBH6bkQ-00160-00057497-00057724 We tried to walk you through all the key steps needed d3ChmBH6bkQ-00161-00057724-00057924 to submit your monthly participation. d3ChmBH6bkQ-00162-00057924-00058108 For additional information, d3ChmBH6bkQ-00163-00058108-00058254 please visit the reference guide. d3ChmBH6bkQ-00164-00058254-00058501 Thank you for your time and cooperation! d4wwF-GFHJM-00000-00000062-00000200 Twilight, the guard! d4wwF-GFHJM-00001-00000492-00000692 [gasps] What do we do, what do we do?! d4wwF-GFHJM-00002-00001076-00001126 ! d4wwF-GFHJM-00003-00001780-00001872 Twilight...? d4wwF-GFHJM-00004-00002039-00002156 Twilight? d4wwF-GFHJM-00005-00002250-00002332 TWILIGHT! d4wwF-GFHJM-00006-00004158-00004474 This video is horrible. dtRRZuvsGOY-00000-00000660-00001073 FIFO inventory valuation, which stands for First-In, First-Out, dtRRZuvsGOY-00001-00001073-00001466 results in the oldest purchases being recorded as COGS dtRRZuvsGOY-00002-00001466-00001819 and the most recent purchases remaining in ending inventory. dtRRZuvsGOY-00003-00001820-00002790 Recall under the periodic inventory tracking system, we don't track the purchase and sale of inventory through the inventory account. dtRRZuvsGOY-00004-00002790-00003353 so the revenue entry is all that is recorded when a sale occurs. dtRRZuvsGOY-00005-00003353-00004049 Therefore, COGS and ending inventory valuation are determined only at the end of the month. dtRRZuvsGOY-00006-00004050-00004210 Let's look at an example. dtRRZuvsGOY-00007-00004210-00004513 Let's assume the following inventory data: dtRRZuvsGOY-00008-00004513-00005133 March 1st Beginning Inventory is 200 units @ $10 each. dtRRZuvsGOY-00009-00005133-00005619 March 4th we purchased an additional 300 units @ $20 each. dtRRZuvsGOY-00010-00005620-00006436 March 10th we sold 400 units @ $50 each. Now that's the retail price, not the cost. dtRRZuvsGOY-00011-00006436-00007049 March 20th we purchased an additional 500 units @ $30 each. dtRRZuvsGOY-00012-00007050-00007609 March 25th we sold 300 units @ a price of $50 each. dtRRZuvsGOY-00013-00007609-00008093 Finally March 30th we purchased 100 units @ $40 each. dtRRZuvsGOY-00014-00008093-00008466 With this data and using FIFO, dtRRZuvsGOY-00015-00008466-00009073 let's determine the value of ending inventory and the amount of COGS that should be recorded. dtRRZuvsGOY-00016-00009073-00009719 Since inventory isn't accounted for after each transaction, dtRRZuvsGOY-00017-00009720-00010530 we need to use the COGS Model to determine the value of COGS and ending inventory. dtRRZuvsGOY-00018-00010530-00011283 The COGS model is beginning inventory plus purchases equals goods available for sale. dtRRZuvsGOY-00019-00011283-00011856 From that we can subtract ending inventory to arrive at COGS. dtRRZuvsGOY-00020-00011856-00012483 We could also subtract the units sold to arrive at ending inventory. dtRRZuvsGOY-00021-00012483-00013226 This is important to note because sometimes units sold are given and not ending units, dtRRZuvsGOY-00022-00013226-00013663 while other times it's the ending units that are given and not the units sold. dtRRZuvsGOY-00023-00013663-00014483 However, in real life, we know the ending units of inventory because we physically counted them. dtRRZuvsGOY-00024-00014483-00014883 We sold 200 units from the March 20 purchase leaving 300 units. dtRRZuvsGOY-00025-00014883-00015066 So we take the data from our problem and put it into the COGS model. dtRRZuvsGOY-00026-00015066-00015739 I chose to solve for ending inventory. Because we were given the units sold. dtRRZuvsGOY-00027-00015740-00016560 So we have 1,100 units available for sale, with a total cost of $27,000. dtRRZuvsGOY-00028-00016560-00017226 We know we sold 700 units, so our ending inventory must be 400 units. dtRRZuvsGOY-00029-00017226-00017816 So let's figure out which 700 units we sold, using FIFO. dtRRZuvsGOY-00030-00017816-00018549 But before we do that, there's a very important concept that we need to be aware of, using the periodic methods. dtRRZuvsGOY-00031-00018550-00019106 We assume that all goods are available for sale. dtRRZuvsGOY-00032-00019106-00020026 So I know, and you know, there isn't any way that the March 30th purchase could have been sold on March 10th, dtRRZuvsGOY-00033-00020026-00020726 but we ignore that fact when using the periodic method. Now, back to solving this example. dtRRZuvsGOY-00034-00020726-00021343 Which 700 units did we sell? Well, FIFO stands for First-In, First-Out. dtRRZuvsGOY-00035-00021343-00021933 So we sold all 200 units of the beginning inventory, leaving zero. dtRRZuvsGOY-00036-00021933-00022473 We sold all 300 units from the March 4th purchase leaving zero. dtRRZuvsGOY-00037-00022473-00023293 And we sold 200 units from the March 20th purchase leaving 300 units in inventory. dtRRZuvsGOY-00038-00023293-00024009 So we can account for all 700 units sold and the cost of those units is $14,000, . dtRRZuvsGOY-00039-00024010-00024603 which is $2,000 + $6,000 + $6,000 dtRRZuvsGOY-00040-00024603-00024999 Let's plug that amount into the COGS model. dtRRZuvsGOY-00041-00025000-00025463 Since the goods available for sale is $27,000, dtRRZuvsGOY-00042-00025463-00026453 we can determine the value of ending inventory by subtracting COGS of $14,000. dtRRZuvsGOY-00043-00026453-00026893 Therefore, ending inventory is $13,000. dtRRZuvsGOY-00044-00026893-00027423 We could have proved this by using the ending inventory units as well. dtRRZuvsGOY-00045-00027423-00027759 Since 400 units remain in ending inventory, dtRRZuvsGOY-00046-00027760-00028393 and those units come from 300 units remaining from the March 20th purchase dtRRZuvsGOY-00047-00028393-00028826 and 100 units from the March 30the purchase. dtRRZuvsGOY-00048-00028826-00029686 You can see that those total $13,000, and that matches what we've already calculated. dtRRZuvsGOY-00049-00029686-00029700 Subtitles by the Amara.org community dxiHLTCOJEU-00000-00000008-00000408 We have to force a dislike. We have to force a dislike on your video, because dxiHLTCOJEU-00001-00000408-00001144 you would not have any time to add... your ad is so long that we couldn't see the results. dzRujzMMd24-00000-00001982-00002041 Good evening. dzRujzMMd24-00001-00002335-00002482 We all needed our driver's dzRujzMMd24-00002-00002482-00002613 license to get in here tonight. dzRujzMMd24-00003-00002647-00002797 And so I have a question: where dzRujzMMd24-00004-00002797-00002887 do you keep your driver's dzRujzMMd24-00005-00002887-00003282 license? dzRujzMMd24-00006-00003295-00003395 I keep mine in my wallet, dzRujzMMd24-00007-00003395-00003402 too. dzRujzMMd24-00008-00003502-00003670 And I was surprised last year dzRujzMMd24-00009-00003670-00003814 to find out that it's common dzRujzMMd24-00010-00003861-00004003 for African-American men to dzRujzMMd24-00011-00004003-00004126 keep their driver's license dzRujzMMd24-00012-00004126-00004243 above the sun visor in their dzRujzMMd24-00013-00004243-00004291 car, dzRujzMMd24-00014-00004363-00004447 so that if and when they're dzRujzMMd24-00015-00004447-00004651 pulled over the police officer dzRujzMMd24-00016-00004651-00004774 doesn't assume as they reach in dzRujzMMd24-00017-00004774-00004840 their pocket that they're dzRujzMMd24-00018-00004840-00004924 reaching for a gun. dzRujzMMd24-00019-00005396-00005537 How did that make you feel when dzRujzMMd24-00020-00005537-00005621 I brought up race? dzRujzMMd24-00021-00005781-00005954 There are about 250 of us here dzRujzMMd24-00022-00005954-00006164 today. I assume that about 25 dzRujzMMd24-00023-00006164-00006275 percent have been through a dzRujzMMd24-00024-00006275-00006406 Black Lives Matter protest. dzRujzMMd24-00025-00006458-00006669 Maybe another 25 percent have dzRujzMMd24-00026-00006673-00006764 talked about it on social dzRujzMMd24-00027-00006764-00006812 media. dzRujzMMd24-00028-00006859-00006970 But the largest percentage of dzRujzMMd24-00029-00006970-00007130 us feel some combination dzRujzMMd24-00030-00007156-00007348 of confusion or fear or dzRujzMMd24-00031-00007348-00007398 guilt. dzRujzMMd24-00032-00007629-00007763 And if I'm honest race is still dzRujzMMd24-00033-00007763-00007883 uncomfortable for me to talk dzRujzMMd24-00034-00007928-00007964 about. dzRujzMMd24-00035-00008023-00008102 It's funny: we are doing this dzRujzMMd24-00036-00008102-00008198 project right now with the dzRujzMMd24-00037-00008198-00008327 apple watch, and it has my dzRujzMMd24-00038-00008327-00008504 heart rate sitting next to my dzRujzMMd24-00039-00008504-00008562 friend, and it was dzRujzMMd24-00040-00008564-00008677 skyrocketing. dzRujzMMd24-00041-00008751-00008846 It's just still uncomfortable. dzRujzMMd24-00042-00008945-00009023 And the reason is dzRujzMMd24-00043-00009134-00009278 that I grew up in a town called dzRujzMMd24-00044-00009278-00009386 Rockland, California, dzRujzMMd24-00045-00009425-00009580 which is over 80 percent white. dzRujzMMd24-00046-00009703-00009795 And then went on to study at dzRujzMMd24-00047-00009795-00009870 Cal Poly, dzRujzMMd24-00048-00009879-00009999 which is 60 percent. dzRujzMMd24-00049-00010062-00010170 And I work in the tech industry dzRujzMMd24-00050-00010170-00010292 which is also 60 percent. dzRujzMMd24-00051-00010356-00010500 I have always been part of the dzRujzMMd24-00052-00010500-00010566 majority. dzRujzMMd24-00053-00010594-00010722 I've never had to think about dzRujzMMd24-00054-00010722-00010875 my race in the context of where dzRujzMMd24-00055-00010875-00010935 I live, dzRujzMMd24-00056-00010979-00011131 where I study, or where I work. dzRujzMMd24-00057-00011374-00011502 The truth is that for a lot of dzRujzMMd24-00058-00011502-00011631 people, that isn't the case. dzRujzMMd24-00059-00011634-00011778 Race affects their entire dzRujzMMd24-00060-00011778-00011943 experience and the jobs that dzRujzMMd24-00061-00011943-00011997 they get, dzRujzMMd24-00062-00012024-00012133 to the salaries they may make, dzRujzMMd24-00063-00012133-00012237 to the promotions they may dzRujzMMd24-00064-00012237-00012294 receive. dzRujzMMd24-00065-00012447-00012549 Most of us here work in the dzRujzMMd24-00066-00012549-00012651 tech industry and so this is dzRujzMMd24-00067-00012651-00012723 really relevant. dzRujzMMd24-00068-00013083-00013212 And the reality is that if we dzRujzMMd24-00069-00013212-00013362 don't think about race daily, dzRujzMMd24-00070-00013362-00013472 it still affects us. dzRujzMMd24-00071-00013479-00013572 I'll illustrate this from a dzRujzMMd24-00072-00013572-00013679 financial perspective. dzRujzMMd24-00073-00014063-00014201 The current stat is that one in dzRujzMMd24-00074-00014201-00014341 three African-American men can dzRujzMMd24-00075-00014341-00014465 expect to go to prison in their dzRujzMMd24-00076-00014465-00014525 lifetime. dzRujzMMd24-00077-00014627-00014844 The cost of that is $48 billion dzRujzMMd24-00078-00014847-00014991 per year in the U.S. dzRujzMMd24-00079-00015133-00015297 We spend five times more on the dzRujzMMd24-00080-00015297-00015433 prison system than we spend on dzRujzMMd24-00081-00015433-00015535 higher education. dzRujzMMd24-00082-00015654-00015801 I just took out a whole new dzRujzMMd24-00083-00015801-00015933 bucket of student loans and I dzRujzMMd24-00084-00015933-00016056 think about what could $48 dzRujzMMd24-00085-00016056-00016194 billion dollars do for higher dzRujzMMd24-00086-00016194-00016261 education. dzRujzMMd24-00087-00016487-00016565 I recommend watching the dzRujzMMd24-00088-00016565-00016688 documentary "13th" if you dzRujzMMd24-00089-00016688-00016793 haven't seen it yet and if you dzRujzMMd24-00090-00016793-00016877 want to learn more about that dzRujzMMd24-00091-00016877-00016910 issue. dzRujzMMd24-00092-00017235-00017325 How did we get here? dzRujzMMd24-00093-00017436-00017541 We've broken the human dzRujzMMd24-00094-00017541-00017673 experience into fragments. dzRujzMMd24-00095-00017680-00017790 Some of our previous speakers dzRujzMMd24-00096-00017790-00017892 were talking about this. dzRujzMMd24-00097-00018069-00018268 It's Republicans or Democrats dzRujzMMd24-00098-00018268-00018454 as the recent election showed. dzRujzMMd24-00099-00018517-00018653 The haves and have nots is one dzRujzMMd24-00100-00018653-00018781 we feel a lot here in the Bay dzRujzMMd24-00101-00018781-00018827 Area. dzRujzMMd24-00102-00019046-00019163 Men versus women, dzRujzMMd24-00103-00019163-00019267 black versus white. dzRujzMMd24-00104-00019400-00019506 This where empathy comes in, dzRujzMMd24-00105-00019506-00019577 which we were we talking about dzRujzMMd24-00106-00019578-00019653 earlier as well. dzRujzMMd24-00107-00019785-00019897 That's in social media for dzRujzMMd24-00108-00019897-00020035 people to imagine a better more dzRujzMMd24-00109-00020035-00020128 connected world, dzRujzMMd24-00110-00020238-00020394 and some of the responses were: dzRujzMMd24-00111-00020445-00020517 "imagine world where dzRujzMMd24-00112-00020517-00020658 disagreeing with someone didn't dzRujzMMd24-00113-00020658-00020818 mean you hated or feared them. dzRujzMMd24-00114-00020983-00021076 Imagine a world where you're dzRujzMMd24-00115-00021076-00021210 not surprised where a woman is dzRujzMMd24-00116-00021211-00021280 CEO. dzRujzMMd24-00117-00021423-00021565 Imagine a world where tech dzRujzMMd24-00118-00021565-00021648 diversity reflects the dzRujzMMd24-00119-00021648-00021765 diversity of the U.S. dzRujzMMd24-00120-00021765-00021834 population. dzRujzMMd24-00121-00022000-00022156 What would it take to create a dzRujzMMd24-00122-00022156-00022253 reality like this? dzRujzMMd24-00123-00022714-00022897 After Cal Poly I went dzRujzMMd24-00124-00022897-00023041 on to work for a small company dzRujzMMd24-00125-00023041-00023113 called Apple. dzRujzMMd24-00126-00023281-00023464 At the time dzRujzMMd24-00127-00023464-00023614 it was over 70 percent men. dzRujzMMd24-00128-00023629-00023713 And so I started getting dzRujzMMd24-00129-00023713-00023845 interested in gender issues, dzRujzMMd24-00130-00023848-00023980 as it was personal and relevant dzRujzMMd24-00131-00023995-00024035 for me. dzRujzMMd24-00132-00024147-00024283 And then I went to work at dzRujzMMd24-00133-00024283-00024481 Square and dzRujzMMd24-00134-00024505-00024652 we started giving offer letters dzRujzMMd24-00135-00024655-00024805 to new grads coming out of dzRujzMMd24-00136-00024805-00024976 college that were six figures. dzRujzMMd24-00137-00025042-00025135 And in the same day, dzRujzMMd24-00138-00025135-00025300 I saw these eviction protests dzRujzMMd24-00139-00025309-00025492 near our office and dzRujzMMd24-00140-00025492-00025602 started thinking like "why dzRujzMMd24-00141-00025602-00025744 aren't these great jobs being dzRujzMMd24-00142-00025744-00025876 offered to the people in our dzRujzMMd24-00143-00025876-00026062 neighborhood?" There's a huge dzRujzMMd24-00144-00026062-00026144 disconnect there. dzRujzMMd24-00145-00026197-00026308 It's a super-complicated dzRujzMMd24-00146-00026308-00026412 problem and there's not a dzRujzMMd24-00147-00026418-00026514 really easy dzRujzMMd24-00148-00026608-00026685 quick win, dzRujzMMd24-00149-00026699-00026788 but it's something we have to dzRujzMMd24-00150-00026788-00026887 start thinking about from a dzRujzMMd24-00151-00026887-00026983 systemic level. dzRujzMMd24-00152-00027314-00027475 To be clear I think there's dzRujzMMd24-00153-00027475-00027577 probably a lot of hiring dzRujzMMd24-00154-00027577-00027670 managers in this room, dzRujzMMd24-00155-00027673-00027789 people that will be starting dzRujzMMd24-00156-00027789-00027958 companies - kind of innovators. dzRujzMMd24-00157-00027982-00028057 There's probably at least a dzRujzMMd24-00158-00028057-00028156 different hundred companies dzRujzMMd24-00159-00028156-00028270 represented here today. dzRujzMMd24-00160-00028491-00028618 An unconscious bias in the dzRujzMMd24-00161-00028618-00028786 hiring process when we think of dzRujzMMd24-00162-00028786-00028920 culture fit: if you don't dzRujzMMd24-00163-00028920-00029068 pre-define what culture it dzRujzMMd24-00164-00029068-00029164 means to you, dzRujzMMd24-00165-00029189-00029323 it inherently means hiring dzRujzMMd24-00166-00029323-00029431 someone just like me. dzRujzMMd24-00167-00029479-00029572 And we did it for years at dzRujzMMd24-00168-00029572-00029617 Square, dzRujzMMd24-00169-00029714-00029844 it was part of the application dzRujzMMd24-00170-00029844-00029907 process. dzRujzMMd24-00171-00030260-00030354 And we also hire from dzRujzMMd24-00172-00030354-00030492 referrals: the stats are over dzRujzMMd24-00173-00030492-00030576 90 percent. dzRujzMMd24-00174-00030657-00030774 And your network is shown to be dzRujzMMd24-00175-00030774-00030900 just like you. And so if we dzRujzMMd24-00176-00030900-00031026 hire from referrals and we look dzRujzMMd24-00177-00031026-00031116 for culture fit, we're just dzRujzMMd24-00178-00031116-00031295 going to keep the cycle over dzRujzMMd24-00179-00031295-00031349 and over. dzRujzMMd24-00180-00031911-00032045 I went back to school dzRujzMMd24-00181-00032187-00032297 to start learning about more of dzRujzMMd24-00182-00032297-00032420 the issues and how we can dzRujzMMd24-00183-00032420-00032576 actually start creating change. dzRujzMMd24-00184-00032651-00032764 And so I don't want to depress dzRujzMMd24-00185-00032764-00032867 everyone and kind of share all dzRujzMMd24-00186-00032867-00032950 these negative stats, but I dzRujzMMd24-00187-00032951-00033047 want to talk about some of the dzRujzMMd24-00188-00033047-00033156 things we can start doing. dzRujzMMd24-00189-00033348-00033438 The first app is really dzRujzMMd24-00190-00033438-00033527 starting with yourself, dzRujzMMd24-00191-00033528-00033630 and we've talked about empathy dzRujzMMd24-00192-00033630-00033699 here tonight. dzRujzMMd24-00193-00033793-00034002 It involves looking inside dzRujzMMd24-00194-00034005-00034218 and looking at your privileges. dzRujzMMd24-00195-00034248-00034353 Privileges is a pretty loaded dzRujzMMd24-00196-00034353-00034440 word, and I think it makes a dzRujzMMd24-00197-00034440-00034506 lot of people feel dzRujzMMd24-00198-00034506-00034647 uncomfortable. Especially with dzRujzMMd24-00199-00034647-00034743 those who have a lot of it. dzRujzMMd24-00200-00034991-00035114 And privilege is defined as an dzRujzMMd24-00201-00035117-00035270 unearned advantage given to dzRujzMMd24-00202-00035270-00035475 some people but not all people. dzRujzMMd24-00203-00035475-00035654 Some of mine include being dzRujzMMd24-00204-00035654-00035696 white, dzRujzMMd24-00205-00035741-00035851 able-bodied, straight, dzRujzMMd24-00206-00035858-00036002 and having an intact family. dzRujzMMd24-00207-00036150-00036291 I can feel really guilty about dzRujzMMd24-00208-00036291-00036408 these things - which I have dzRujzMMd24-00209-00036483-00036591 - or I could think about them dzRujzMMd24-00210-00036591-00036678 as my gifts, dzRujzMMd24-00211-00036708-00036834 and I can use them to create dzRujzMMd24-00212-00036834-00036945 change for others. dzRujzMMd24-00213-00036984-00037098 So the more gifts I have, dzRujzMMd24-00214-00037098-00037227 the more change I can create. dzRujzMMd24-00215-00037257-00037371 And the more power I have to dzRujzMMd24-00216-00037371-00037497 change the system around me. dzRujzMMd24-00217-00037602-00037704 Another metaphor is thinking dzRujzMMd24-00218-00037704-00037815 about them as my playing cards dzRujzMMd24-00219-00037815-00037932 and I can play them on behalf dzRujzMMd24-00220-00037932-00038052 of other people without dzRujzMMd24-00221-00038058-00038198 negatively affecting myself. dzRujzMMd24-00222-00038244-00038337 There's a bunch of studies to dzRujzMMd24-00223-00038337-00038402 support that. dzRujzMMd24-00224-00038796-00038910 If I think about these your dzRujzMMd24-00225-00038910-00038944 gifts, dzRujzMMd24-00226-00039109-00039244 you can start creating change. dzRujzMMd24-00227-00039246-00039334 And I saw this happen at dzRujzMMd24-00228-00039334-00039382 Square. dzRujzMMd24-00229-00039440-00039565 There's an engineering manager dzRujzMMd24-00230-00039568-00039651 named Eric Burke, dzRujzMMd24-00231-00039652-00039751 and he was one of our first dzRujzMMd24-00232-00039751-00039895 Engineers built the Android dzRujzMMd24-00233-00039895-00039970 platform, dzRujzMMd24-00234-00040033-00040144 built the engineering hiring dzRujzMMd24-00235-00040144-00040211 process, dzRujzMMd24-00236-00040228-00040324 had a lot of insight. dzRujzMMd24-00237-00040378-00040531 The turning point for him was dzRujzMMd24-00238-00040582-00040666 when he realized that dzRujzMMd24-00239-00040666-00040792 African-Americans could be dzRujzMMd24-00240-00040792-00040849 biased against dzRujzMMd24-00241-00040849-00040978 African-Americans just like dzRujzMMd24-00242-00040978-00041167 whites and that unconscious dzRujzMMd24-00243-00041167-00041317 bias is a universal problem. dzRujzMMd24-00244-00041329-00041425 There's also a conscious bias, dzRujzMMd24-00245-00041428-00041581 but bias is a problem that dzRujzMMd24-00246-00041581-00041674 everybody deals with. dzRujzMMd24-00247-00041737-00041887 And when he removed guilt from dzRujzMMd24-00248-00041887-00041968 the equation, dzRujzMMd24-00249-00042031-00042130 he started actually learning dzRujzMMd24-00250-00042130-00042256 about the issues because he dzRujzMMd24-00251-00042256-00042349 wasn't at fault. dzRujzMMd24-00252-00042430-00042590 And then he started changing dzRujzMMd24-00253-00042593-00042751 and kind of implementing change dzRujzMMd24-00254-00042751-00042820 in the company. dzRujzMMd24-00255-00042901-00043075 He built an unconscious buyers dzRujzMMd24-00256-00043075-00043201 course and delivered it to dzRujzMMd24-00257-00043201-00043321 every single hiring manager in dzRujzMMd24-00258-00043321-00043390 the company. dzRujzMMd24-00259-00043447-00043579 He then went through our entire dzRujzMMd24-00260-00043579-00043699 engineering process (that he dzRujzMMd24-00261-00043699-00043828 built) and went through dzRujzMMd24-00262-00043828-00043948 systemically and said: we got dzRujzMMd24-00263-00043948-00044083 to change that. That's wrong. dzRujzMMd24-00264-00044089-00044205 Let's look let's try this... dzRujzMMd24-00265-00044206-00044356 and just implementing change. dzRujzMMd24-00266-00044389-00044482 And then he built the most dzRujzMMd24-00267-00044482-00044602 diverse engineering team in the dzRujzMMd24-00268-00044602-00044656 company. dzRujzMMd24-00269-00044686-00044800 And that team was really really dzRujzMMd24-00270-00044800-00044849 happy. dzRujzMMd24-00271-00044941-00045148 That all started with him dzRujzMMd24-00272-00045181-00045289 kind of looking inside and dzRujzMMd24-00273-00045289-00045394 recognizing the privilege he dzRujzMMd24-00274-00045394-00045541 had, and what he could do to dzRujzMMd24-00275-00045541-00045661 change the system around him. dzRujzMMd24-00276-00046071-00046251 The next step is getting out of dzRujzMMd24-00277-00046251-00046335 your comfort zone. dzRujzMMd24-00278-00046365-00046512 So Michelle alluded to dzRujzMMd24-00279-00046548-00046635 convincing people to do the dzRujzMMd24-00280-00046635-00046821 races they do a lot of running dzRujzMMd24-00281-00046821-00046971 and triathlon and if you've dzRujzMMd24-00282-00046971-00047169 ever done any sort of athletic dzRujzMMd24-00283-00047169-00047313 event like that, you know that dzRujzMMd24-00284-00047334-00047430 training is going to be really, dzRujzMMd24-00285-00047430-00047511 really painful, dzRujzMMd24-00286-00047514-00047586 and you're going to have ups dzRujzMMd24-00287-00047586-00047706 and downs and you get really dzRujzMMd24-00288-00047706-00047868 uncomfortable. The quote in dzRujzMMd24-00289-00047868-00048024 sport is "get comfortable with dzRujzMMd24-00290-00048024-00048150 being uncomfortable." It's only dzRujzMMd24-00291-00048150-00048255 through that discomfort that dzRujzMMd24-00292-00048255-00048402 you push to the next level. dzRujzMMd24-00293-00048661-00048791 And so we have to get more dzRujzMMd24-00294-00048797-00048887 uncomfortable with this dzRujzMMd24-00295-00048887-00049018 process; talking about race is dzRujzMMd24-00296-00049018-00049121 uncomfortable, but it is going dzRujzMMd24-00297-00049121-00049286 to help us kind of move forward dzRujzMMd24-00298-00049295-00049406 as the tech industry and as a dzRujzMMd24-00299-00049406-00049515 society as a whole. dzRujzMMd24-00300-00049778-00049890 Empathy involves putting dzRujzMMd24-00301-00049890-00049977 yourself in someone else's dzRujzMMd24-00302-00049977-00050121 shoes. I know a lot of people dzRujzMMd24-00303-00050121-00050202 in this audience know a lot dzRujzMMd24-00304-00050202-00050277 about empathy. dzRujzMMd24-00305-00050356-00050568 Last year I actually dzRujzMMd24-00306-00050568-00050694 visited San Quentin State dzRujzMMd24-00307-00050694-00050778 Penitentiary, dzRujzMMd24-00308-00050811-00050904 which is just across the dzRujzMMd24-00309-00050904-00051129 bridge. I was alone on a Sunday dzRujzMMd24-00310-00051129-00051242 and I was actually really dzRujzMMd24-00311-00051242-00051275 scared. dzRujzMMd24-00312-00051423-00051530 There's an amazing program dzRujzMMd24-00313-00051530-00051669 there called "The Last Mile" dzRujzMMd24-00314-00051740-00051870 which teaches inmates dzRujzMMd24-00315-00051900-00052038 entrepreneurship and tactical dzRujzMMd24-00316-00052038-00052221 coding skills and prepares dzRujzMMd24-00317-00052221-00052377 them for transition after dzRujzMMd24-00318-00052377-00052424 prison. dzRujzMMd24-00319-00052607-00052741 What was surprising to me is dzRujzMMd24-00320-00052741-00052889 that after leaving there, dzRujzMMd24-00321-00052889-00053063 I actually felt more similar to dzRujzMMd24-00322-00053063-00053179 the inmates than different. dzRujzMMd24-00323-00053301-00053492 So I just gave a talk recently dzRujzMMd24-00324-00053492-00053598 and one of them is practicing dzRujzMMd24-00325-00053598-00053642 hands. dzRujzMMd24-00326-00053733-00053811 And they were planning their dzRujzMMd24-00327-00053811-00053966 run up Mount Tamalpais. dzRujzMMd24-00328-00054024-00054120 And they were learning to code dzRujzMMd24-00329-00054120-00054258 just as I was learning to code. dzRujzMMd24-00330-00054384-00054534 And I learned a lot about the dzRujzMMd24-00331-00054534-00054678 sad stories and this kind of dzRujzMMd24-00332-00054678-00054825 twist in their life that caused dzRujzMMd24-00333-00054825-00054996 them to their current reality. dzRujzMMd24-00334-00055089-00055203 I left there thinking, dzRujzMMd24-00335-00055221-00055425 what can I do to change dzRujzMMd24-00336-00055425-00055545 that reality for them? dzRujzMMd24-00337-00055569-00055679 I started thinking about my dzRujzMMd24-00338-00055679-00055785 place in the system. dzRujzMMd24-00339-00055917-00056029 Something that Christian, dzRujzMMd24-00340-00056029-00056173 who runs our program at CCA, dzRujzMMd24-00341-00056179-00056363 talks about a lot is that he dzRujzMMd24-00342-00056363-00056529 was out you for 10 years. dzRujzMMd24-00343-00056529-00056672 He was like: designers are more dzRujzMMd24-00344-00056672-00056759 likely to go out and be like dzRujzMMd24-00345-00056767-00056873 "oh I got to fix the water dzRujzMMd24-00346-00056873-00056975 crisis, the housing, dzRujzMMd24-00347-00056975-00057077 all these things. I have the dzRujzMMd24-00348-00057077-00057146 solutions. dzRujzMMd24-00349-00057222-00057374 We have all those problems dzRujzMMd24-00350-00057374-00057503 within a two mile radius of dzRujzMMd24-00351-00057503-00057533 Yelp." dzRujzMMd24-00352-00057688-00057845 I passed about 100 tent dzRujzMMd24-00353-00057845-00057964 encampments on the way here. dzRujzMMd24-00354-00058226-00058344 Which reminds me: this past dzRujzMMd24-00355-00058344-00058503 election we passed Proposition dzRujzMMd24-00356-00058504-00058549 Q, dzRujzMMd24-00357-00058650-00058776 which makes it illegal now to dzRujzMMd24-00358-00058776-00058908 have tents on the sidewalks. dzRujzMMd24-00359-00059082-00059167 On one side, dzRujzMMd24-00360-00059171-00059404 I get it: they're not sanitary. dzRujzMMd24-00361-00059450-00059566 They're not great to look at. dzRujzMMd24-00362-00059717-00059844 But the reality is that it's dzRujzMMd24-00363-00059844-00060048 illegal for them to be there. dzRujzMMd24-00364-00060092-00060216 And a cop can now come and give dzRujzMMd24-00365-00060216-00060351 them 24 hours notice. dzRujzMMd24-00366-00060404-00060504 As long as he offers them a dzRujzMMd24-00367-00060504-00060615 place to stay. But that only dzRujzMMd24-00368-00060615-00060726 gives him a place to stay for dzRujzMMd24-00369-00060726-00060778 one night. dzRujzMMd24-00370-00060954-00061086 Right now at CCA we're actually dzRujzMMd24-00371-00061086-00061254 doing a project with Glide and dzRujzMMd24-00372-00061254-00061430 people line up at 3pm dzRujzMMd24-00373-00061437-00061572 for the hope of having a bed dzRujzMMd24-00374-00061572-00061641 for one night. dzRujzMMd24-00375-00061752-00061851 And the reason that that is is dzRujzMMd24-00376-00061851-00061985 because there's over 7,000 dzRujzMMd24-00377-00061986-00062061 homeless people in San dzRujzMMd24-00378-00062061-00062163 Francisco and only twelve dzRujzMMd24-00379-00062163-00062229 hundred beds. dzRujzMMd24-00380-00062325-00062535 You look at all those tents, dzRujzMMd24-00381-00062571-00062682 and what is the alternative for dzRujzMMd24-00382-00062682-00062709 them? dzRujzMMd24-00383-00062913-00063044 The passing of a law that makes dzRujzMMd24-00384-00063044-00063248 it now illegal is focusing dzRujzMMd24-00385-00063248-00063341 on the symptom dzRujzMMd24-00386-00063442-00063554 and not the system of dzRujzMMd24-00387-00063554-00063641 homelessness that got them dzRujzMMd24-00388-00063641-00063667 there. dzRujzMMd24-00389-00063737-00063833 And interestingly, dzRujzMMd24-00390-00063841-00064022 there were $700,000 spent to dzRujzMMd24-00391-00064022-00064151 get that proposition passed. dzRujzMMd24-00392-00064241-00064330 So what could we have done with dzRujzMMd24-00393-00064330-00064429 $700,000? dzRujzMMd24-00394-00064623-00064808 It's was funded mostly by VCs. dzRujzMMd24-00395-00064809-00065204 This dzRujzMMd24-00396-00065208-00065313 brings me to my third point of dzRujzMMd24-00397-00065313-00065511 solving for the system and not dzRujzMMd24-00398-00065511-00065598 the symptom. dzRujzMMd24-00399-00065664-00065736 How many of you are familiar dzRujzMMd24-00400-00065736-00065850 with systems thinking? dzRujzMMd24-00401-00065961-00066105 We're doing it a lot in school, dzRujzMMd24-00402-00066105-00066276 so I'm going to use a metaphor. dzRujzMMd24-00403-00066664-00066785 First there's an event. dzRujzMMd24-00404-00066803-00066953 I'm going to use a metaphor dzRujzMMd24-00405-00066953-00067043 from Square in the tech dzRujzMMd24-00406-00067043-00067202 industry. We noticed that our dzRujzMMd24-00407-00067202-00067382 intern class was very dzRujzMMd24-00408-00067382-00067652 homogenous. Jack tweeted dzRujzMMd24-00409-00067652-00067740 a picture at the time; it was dzRujzMMd24-00410-00067742-00067821 all white men. dzRujzMMd24-00411-00067858-00068008 "Look at our great new intern dzRujzMMd24-00412-00068008-00068195 class!" This was in dzRujzMMd24-00413-00068195-00068302 2011. dzRujzMMd24-00414-00068609-00068723 So then we look at a trend - we dzRujzMMd24-00415-00068723-00068846 actually interviewed all of our dzRujzMMd24-00416-00068846-00069053 interns (this is a year later). dzRujzMMd24-00417-00069056-00069269 100 percent of them had taken dzRujzMMd24-00418-00069269-00069380 advanced placement computer dzRujzMMd24-00419-00069380-00069524 science in high school and said dzRujzMMd24-00420-00069524-00069671 it was instrumental for them in dzRujzMMd24-00421-00069671-00069797 determining their future career dzRujzMMd24-00422-00069797-00069827 path. dzRujzMMd24-00423-00069957-00070107 So we looked in San Francisco dzRujzMMd24-00424-00070137-00070254 and found that only two high dzRujzMMd24-00425-00070254-00070440 schools offered AP-CS out dzRujzMMd24-00426-00070440-00070495 of dozens, dzRujzMMd24-00427-00070545-00070680 which is surprising considering dzRujzMMd24-00428-00070680-00070834 the tech focus in the Bay Area. dzRujzMMd24-00429-00071055-00071136 And then we looked around our dzRujzMMd24-00430-00071136-00071270 office, and we had moved into dzRujzMMd24-00431-00071274-00071355 our big, bright, dzRujzMMd24-00432-00071358-00071454 shiny new office. dzRujzMMd24-00433-00071490-00071601 We had lots of empty conference dzRujzMMd24-00434-00071601-00071715 rooms. We had a bunch of eager dzRujzMMd24-00435-00071715-00071826 engineers. We had extra dzRujzMMd24-00436-00071826-00072000 hardware and so we decided to dzRujzMMd24-00437-00072000-00072141 offer an after school program dzRujzMMd24-00438-00072141-00072315 for nine months on AP-CS for dzRujzMMd24-00439-00072316-00072418 local high school girls. dzRujzMMd24-00440-00072510-00072582 And then we opened up the dzRujzMMd24-00441-00072582-00072723 program to square employees who dzRujzMMd24-00442-00072723-00072816 wanted to learn about dzRujzMMd24-00443-00072816-00072993 engineering and they got to dzRujzMMd24-00444-00072993-00073125 pair program together after dzRujzMMd24-00445-00073125-00073218 school for a year. dzRujzMMd24-00446-00073341-00073427 And all the girls that were in dzRujzMMd24-00447-00073427-00073586 that program went on to study dzRujzMMd24-00448-00073589-00073768 computer science in college dzRujzMMd24-00449-00073814-00073916 and one of the employees dzRujzMMd24-00450-00073916-00074066 actually went back to school is dzRujzMMd24-00451-00074066-00074189 now an engineer at Square. dzRujzMMd24-00452-00074312-00074499 We went down to dzRujzMMd24-00453-00074499-00074631 the infrastructure level and dzRujzMMd24-00454-00074631-00074742 started looking at the problem dzRujzMMd24-00455-00074742-00074928 locally in a more dzRujzMMd24-00456-00074928-00075007 systemic way. dzRujzMMd24-00457-00075009-00075111 How could we actually help dzRujzMMd24-00458-00075111-00075165 solve it? dzRujzMMd24-00459-00075433-00075544 The last level is the mental dzRujzMMd24-00460-00075544-00075643 models. There's been a lot of dzRujzMMd24-00461-00075643-00075844 talk about why engineering dzRujzMMd24-00462-00075844-00075922 in particular dzRujzMMd24-00463-00076048-00076238 is so focused on men, dzRujzMMd24-00464-00076250-00076381 white and Asian typically. dzRujzMMd24-00465-00076449-00076613 It's a lot about the media. how dzRujzMMd24-00466-00076613-00076799 we consume it, and what our dzRujzMMd24-00467-00076799-00076937 ideas of an engineer and dzRujzMMd24-00468-00076945-00077040 there's kind of a bias. dzRujzMMd24-00469-00077040-00077210 So we need to also address the dzRujzMMd24-00470-00077210-00077309 mental models if we're going to dzRujzMMd24-00471-00077309-00077919 solve some of these problems. dzRujzMMd24-00472-00077925-00078010 I would have never imagined dzRujzMMd24-00473-00078010-00078121 that we up here in front of you dzRujzMMd24-00474-00078121-00078253 today talking about race and dzRujzMMd24-00475-00078253-00078358 privilege and design. dzRujzMMd24-00476-00078376-00078471 This has been a journey. dzRujzMMd24-00477-00078563-00078660 But I'm here because I'm dzRujzMMd24-00478-00078661-00078790 learning that there are tools dzRujzMMd24-00479-00078790-00078976 to help us move forward. dzRujzMMd24-00480-00079044-00079150 And it really does start with dzRujzMMd24-00481-00079150-00079207 our self. dzRujzMMd24-00482-00079580-00079706 Everyone here is a part of the dzRujzMMd24-00483-00079706-00079814 system, and we are all dzRujzMMd24-00484-00079814-00079949 empowered to do something - dzRujzMMd24-00485-00079952-00080146 even one thing - to change the dzRujzMMd24-00486-00080147-00080294 systems of oppression around dzRujzMMd24-00487-00080294-00080336 us. dzRujzMMd24-00488-00080449-00080593 David Dinkins said "race dzRujzMMd24-00489-00080593-00080722 relations can be an appropriate dzRujzMMd24-00490-00080722-00080899 issue but only if we want to dzRujzMMd24-00491-00080899-00081087 craft solutions and not catalog dzRujzMMd24-00492-00081088-00081160 complaints." dzRujzMMd24-00493-00081299-00081419 We can transform it from the dzRujzMMd24-00494-00081419-00081584 cancer of our society into the dzRujzMMd24-00495-00081584-00081627 cure. dzRujzMMd24-00496-00082072-00082146 So for those of you who are dzRujzMMd24-00497-00082145-00082327 around in 2014 - I don't know dzRujzMMd24-00498-00082357-00082447 how many of you remember this dzRujzMMd24-00499-00082447-00082510 story. dzRujzMMd24-00500-00082621-00082714 It was in the Mission - dzRujzMMd24-00501-00082861-00082925 anybody remember? dzRujzMMd24-00502-00083019-00083210 So dzRujzMMd24-00503-00083222-00083378 basically the story is there is dzRujzMMd24-00504-00083378-00083488 a group of tech employees, dzRujzMMd24-00505-00083489-00083669 they booked a field - dzRujzMMd24-00506-00083669-00083793 totally legit. There was this dzRujzMMd24-00507-00083794-00083933 group of kids from the Mission dzRujzMMd24-00508-00083933-00084014 who had played there their dzRujzMMd24-00509-00084014-00084092 entire life. dzRujzMMd24-00510-00084230-00084356 And so it got kind of national dzRujzMMd24-00511-00084356-00084560 press: it was basically the dzRujzMMd24-00512-00084560-00084665 us versus them, dzRujzMMd24-00513-00084668-00084788 have versus have nots. dzRujzMMd24-00514-00084849-00085037 It costs $27 to rent the dzRujzMMd24-00515-00085037-00085184 field, which obviously these dzRujzMMd24-00516-00085184-00085274 kids in the Mission probably dzRujzMMd24-00517-00085274-00085343 couldn't afford. dzRujzMMd24-00518-00085602-00085788 It's a perfect example dzRujzMMd24-00519-00085788-00085896 of a symptom: it was the very dzRujzMMd24-00520-00085896-00086019 thing happening at the top. dzRujzMMd24-00521-00086034-00086241 Below it the government changed dzRujzMMd24-00522-00086241-00086307 the rules, dzRujzMMd24-00523-00086349-00086463 and the kids can't pay for it, dzRujzMMd24-00524-00086463-00086631 and then it's back to the dzRujzMMd24-00525-00086631-00086727 diversity question and dzRujzMMd24-00526-00086727-00086788 inclusion. dzRujzMMd24-00527-00087144-00087231 And looking back - dzRujzMMd24-00528-00087234-00087309 interestingly, dzRujzMMd24-00529-00087330-00087486 there I am - I actually booked dzRujzMMd24-00530-00087486-00087591 soccer fields for Square. dzRujzMMd24-00531-00087657-00087774 This didn't happen to us, dzRujzMMd24-00532-00087777-00087909 but I've been on the other dzRujzMMd24-00533-00087909-00088107 side. I understand dzRujzMMd24-00534-00088107-00088206 where the company is coming dzRujzMMd24-00535-00088206-00088239 from. dzRujzMMd24-00536-00088617-00088742 More recently, dzRujzMMd24-00537-00088778-00088925 I had the opportunity to meet dzRujzMMd24-00538-00088961-00089072 an amazing man dzRujzMMd24-00539-00089183-00089291 named Hugo Vargas. dzRujzMMd24-00540-00089369-00089483 He was actually at the field dzRujzMMd24-00541-00089483-00089535 that day. dzRujzMMd24-00542-00089726-00090236 So dzRujzMMd24-00543-00090237-00090360 he was at the field that day, dzRujzMMd24-00544-00090396-00090567 and where you went after - dzRujzMMd24-00545-00090601-00090711 this is back to building dzRujzMMd24-00546-00090711-00090810 empathies - he's playing dzRujzMMd24-00547-00090810-00090867 soccer. dzRujzMMd24-00548-00090948-00091137 He went back to an SRO. dzRujzMMd24-00549-00091144-00091265 You know what an SRO is? dzRujzMMd24-00550-00091537-00091677 It stands for Single Room dzRujzMMd24-00551-00091680-00091761 Occupancy. dzRujzMMd24-00552-00091779-00091869 So they're like former, dzRujzMMd24-00553-00091869-00092004 little hotels dzRujzMMd24-00554-00092109-00092224 - not great living spaces. dzRujzMMd24-00555-00092225-00092340 They're about the size of the dzRujzMMd24-00556-00092340-00092403 screen, dzRujzMMd24-00557-00092430-00092571 and he lived there with his two dzRujzMMd24-00558-00092580-00092706 sisters, his parents, dzRujzMMd24-00559-00092775-00092928 his dog in the Mission dzRujzMMd24-00560-00092928-00093099 district. So he went from that dzRujzMMd24-00561-00093150-00093303 soccer field where the tech dzRujzMMd24-00562-00093303-00093459 workers were kicking them off dzRujzMMd24-00563-00093513-00093633 back to this room. dzRujzMMd24-00564-00093705-00093822 So that was his living room. dzRujzMMd24-00565-00093986-00094130 At first he got depressed and dzRujzMMd24-00566-00094130-00094235 kind of emotional. dzRujzMMd24-00567-00094250-00094385 And then he was like "wow, dzRujzMMd24-00568-00094415-00094505 I can actually do something dzRujzMMd24-00569-00094505-00094565 about this." dzRujzMMd24-00570-00094913-00095062 And since that day Hugo dzRujzMMd24-00571-00095234-00095522 has gone dzRujzMMd24-00572-00095524-00095707 on. He joined the San Francisco dzRujzMMd24-00573-00095707-00095833 Youth Commission. dzRujzMMd24-00574-00095860-00095962 He got involved in the Housing dzRujzMMd24-00575-00095962-00096079 and Transportation Board. dzRujzMMd24-00576-00096139-00096232 He interned at a local dzRujzMMd24-00577-00096232-00096300 nonprofit. dzRujzMMd24-00578-00096391-00096523 He speaks at tech companies dzRujzMMd24-00579-00096579-00096670 and he builds bikes for dzRujzMMd24-00580-00096670-00096766 families in need. dzRujzMMd24-00581-00096814-00096922 He started getting involved in dzRujzMMd24-00582-00096922-00097045 the local issues and trying to dzRujzMMd24-00583-00097045-00097174 understand them from a systemic dzRujzMMd24-00584-00097174-00097372 way. And he's 17 and still dzRujzMMd24-00585-00097372-00097444 in high school. dzRujzMMd24-00586-00097659-00097812 So if he can do all of that dzRujzMMd24-00587-00097812-00097938 with what he has, imagine what dzRujzMMd24-00588-00097938-00098067 we can do individually and dzRujzMMd24-00589-00098094-00098217 collectively to start changing dzRujzMMd24-00590-00098217-00098331 the systems around us. dzRujzMMd24-00591-00098376-00098499 We have a lot of power, dzRujzMMd24-00592-00098502-00098598 and we need to move from a dzRujzMMd24-00593-00098598-00098724 place of guilt to a place of dzRujzMMd24-00594-00098724-00098770 power. dzRujzMMd24-00595-00099111-00099279 So the next time you pull out dzRujzMMd24-00596-00099279-00099444 your wallet, I ask you: what dzRujzMMd24-00597-00099444-00099570 will you do with the gifts that dzRujzMMd24-00598-00099570-00099670 you've been given? dzRujzMMd24-00599-00099670-00099705 Thank you. dzRNT2vwpiy-00000-00000130-00000282 Hello, youtube people dzRNT2vwpiy-00001-00000330-00000505 Welcome to another... dzRNT2vwpiy-00002-00000534-00000732 Art in Paletta's car window video dzRNT2vwpiy-00003-00000822-00001028 Today I have a more daring plan dzRNT2vwpiy-00004-00001040-00001178 Today I'm going to leave the car dzRNT2vwpiy-00005-00001196-00001386 Hah, I was messing around with you so far dzRNT2vwpiy-00006-00001432-00001630 Trying to do it from the inside, or opening the window dzRNT2vwpiy-00007-00001648-00001854 But I was just joking of course, I knew it wouldn't work dzRNT2vwpiy-00008-00001870-00001970 This time it's serious, check this out dzRNT2vwpiy-00009-00002076-00002154 Gimme a second dzRNT2vwpiy-00010-00002764-00002982 Alright, let's get on with the art dzRNT2vwpiy-00011-00003126-00003202 Oops! dzRNT2vwpiy-00012-00003817-00003928 Well, that didn't work dzRNT2vwpiy-00013-00004022-00004232 It's just nonstop obstacles with this dzRNT2vwpiy-00014-00004232-00004496 This time the glass didn't fog up, so... dzRNT2vwpiy-00015-00004496-00004610 I guess I'll have to try again next time dzRNT2vwpiy-00016-00004653-00004753 Bye! d-dLTrrJ5GM-00000-00000000-00000200 Hello dAemDFcRhm8-00000-00001060-00001330 "I know the nigger. dAemDFcRhm8-00001-00001330-00001666 The employer must have some sort of punishment. dAemDFcRhm8-00002-00001666-00001966 I don't care what it is, if you'll let me tie him dAemDFcRhm8-00003-00001966-00002280 down by the thumbs, or keep him on bread and dAemDFcRhm8-00004-00002280-00002490 water, that will do. dAemDFcRhm8-00005-00002490-00002760 All I want is just to have it so that when I get dAemDFcRhm8-00006-00002760-00003090 the niggers onto my place, and the work has begun, dAemDFcRhm8-00007-00003090-00003390 they can't sit down and look me square in the face dAemDFcRhm8-00008-00003390-00003640 and do nothing." dAemDFcRhm8-00009-00003640-00003879 Mississippi planter to a Freedman's Bureau dAemDFcRhm8-00010-00003879-00004079 official. dAemDFcRhm8-00011-00004200-00004560 The language is what the language is. dAemDFcRhm8-00012-00004560-00004930 "Let me find some way or give me some way that I dAemDFcRhm8-00013-00004930-00005240 can punish these people so they'll do the work that I dAemDFcRhm8-00014-00005240-00005670 need them to do." We can see in this quote how dAemDFcRhm8-00015-00005670-00006230 politics, labor, and free will are intertwined. dAemDFcRhm8-00016-00006230-00006730 These are the themes for this week, dAemDFcRhm8-00017-00006730-00007070 this week being beginning of the second week of dAemDFcRhm8-00018-00007070-00007330 lectures, although we're meeting on Friday. dAemDFcRhm8-00019-00007330-00007676 We'll be looking at the way politics, dAemDFcRhm8-00020-00007676-00007990 and labor, and free will are in the mix, dAemDFcRhm8-00021-00007990-00008426 as it were, throughout this particular era. dAemDFcRhm8-00022-00008426-00008816 We're moving this week from the very end of the dAemDFcRhm8-00023-00008816-00009566 Civil War, 1865 to about 1877. dAemDFcRhm8-00024-00009566-00009790 Well, at least for this lecture, dAemDFcRhm8-00025-00009790-00010176 excuse me, the period known as Reconstruction. dAemDFcRhm8-00026-00010176-00010380 Now when thinking about Reconstruction, dAemDFcRhm8-00027-00010630-00011096 the general attempt by the Union or by the United dAemDFcRhm8-00028-00011096-00011260 States to bring the Union back together, dAemDFcRhm8-00029-00011260-00011490 when we think about Reconstruction, dAemDFcRhm8-00030-00011490-00011720 it's really important to understand that we're dAemDFcRhm8-00031-00011720-00012030 talking about an evolving set of ideas, dAemDFcRhm8-00032-00012030-00012326 an evolving set of political strategies. dAemDFcRhm8-00033-00012326-00012510 Now I'm simplifying things when I say it, dAemDFcRhm8-00034-00012510-00012720 there's no doubt about it, but there is a real dAemDFcRhm8-00035-00012720-00012960 element of improvisation during this era, dAemDFcRhm8-00036-00012960-00013210 an experimentation as the country, dAemDFcRhm8-00037-00013210-00013476 at the federal level to the most local level, dAemDFcRhm8-00038-00013476-00013750 is trying to figure out how to heal the wounds of dAemDFcRhm8-00039-00013750-00013850 division. dAemDFcRhm8-00040-00013850-00014640 I want to map out for you the basic chronology of dAemDFcRhm8-00041-00014640-00014936 this era and then we'll be, dAemDFcRhm8-00042-00014936-00015240 I'll be moving forward in this chronology and then dAemDFcRhm8-00043-00015240-00015476 working backwards again back to 1865. dAemDFcRhm8-00044-00015800-00016150 So November of 1864, Lincoln's reelected. dAemDFcRhm8-00045-00016466-00016870 By April of 1865 he's assassinated. dAemDFcRhm8-00046-00017116-00017450 Before he dies, however, and after his reelection, dAemDFcRhm8-00047-00017450-00018130 he starts working on plans to complete emancipation. dAemDFcRhm8-00048-00018130-00018290 He had already made the proclamation, dAemDFcRhm8-00049-00018290-00018410 the Emancipation Proclamation, dAemDFcRhm8-00050-00018410-00018960 in 1863, but he was concerned that after the dAemDFcRhm8-00051-00018960-00019260 war there might be attempts to see or to dAemDFcRhm8-00052-00019260-00019510 interpret the Emancipation Proclamation as merely a dAemDFcRhm8-00053-00019510-00019870 wartime resolution and not something permanent. dAemDFcRhm8-00054-00019870-00020030 And for Lincoln the die has been cast now. dAemDFcRhm8-00055-00020030-00020350 He's got to find a way to make emancipation dAemDFcRhm8-00056-00020350-00020450 permanent. dAemDFcRhm8-00057-00020450-00020666 And so he starts working with Congress and other dAemDFcRhm8-00058-00020666-00020876 individuals for the passage of what would dAemDFcRhm8-00059-00020876-00021006 become the Thirteenth Amendment for the dAemDFcRhm8-00060-00021006-00021340 Constitution--to the Constitution. dAemDFcRhm8-00061-00021340-00021550 The first of three so-called Reconstruction dAemDFcRhm8-00062-00021550-00021680 Amendments. dAemDFcRhm8-00063-00021680-00021980 The Thirteenth Amendment abolishes slavery. dAemDFcRhm8-00064-00022210-00022420 Again, making sure that the Emancipation dAemDFcRhm8-00065-00022420-00022806 Proclamation is more than just a wartime measure, dAemDFcRhm8-00066-00022806-00022970 that it would emancipate those people who are dAemDFcRhm8-00067-00022970-00023176 legally still kept as slaves after the dAemDFcRhm8-00068-00023176-00023376 Emancipation Proclamation. dAemDFcRhm8-00069-00023510-00023650 So looking directly at this slide, dAemDFcRhm8-00070-00023650-00023790 you're going to see Lincoln's assassinated in dAemDFcRhm8-00071-00023790-00024090 1865. dAemDFcRhm8-00072-00024090-00024320 Excuse me. At the end of 1865, dAemDFcRhm8-00073-00024320-00024640 The Thirteenth Amendment abolishing slavery is dAemDFcRhm8-00074-00024640-00024846 passed. dAemDFcRhm8-00075-00024846-00025086 You enter into phase of Presidential dAemDFcRhm8-00076-00025086-00025406 Reconstruction followed by Radical Reconstruction. dAemDFcRhm8-00077-00025406-00025630 Then you have the two other Reconstruction dAemDFcRhm8-00078-00025630-00025820 Amendments, the Fourteenth, dAemDFcRhm8-00079-00025820-00026089 establishing the lines of citizenship and dAemDFcRhm8-00080-00026089-00026446 guaranteeing due process, the Fifteenth Amendment, dAemDFcRhm8-00081-00026446-00027030 guaranteeing the right to vote that would not be dAemDFcRhm8-00082-00027030-00027260 mitigated based on your race or previous dAemDFcRhm8-00083-00027260-00027670 servitude, and by 1877, withdrawal of Northern dAemDFcRhm8-00084-00027670-00027839 troops, the end of the Reconstruction. dAemDFcRhm8-00085-00027839-00028066 I want you to get this down in your notes so you dAemDFcRhm8-00086-00028066-00028256 understand the chronology that I'll be going back dAemDFcRhm8-00087-00028256-00028610 over for the rest of this particular lecture. dAemDFcRhm8-00088-00029260-00029656 So Lincoln's reelected, he's building a plan, dAemDFcRhm8-00089-00029656-00029816 advocating a plan that would turn into the dAemDFcRhm8-00090-00029816-00030139 Thirteenth Amendment, calling for a complete end dAemDFcRhm8-00091-00030139-00030339 of slavery in the United States. dAemDFcRhm8-00092-00030566-00030816 Things aren't looking good for the South. dAemDFcRhm8-00093-00030816-00030960 It seems that the North is going to win the Civil dAemDFcRhm8-00094-00030960-00031270 War. Even before Lincoln's assassinated, dAemDFcRhm8-00095-00031270-00031410 he seems pretty certain that's going to be the dAemDFcRhm8-00096-00031410-00031600 case. dAemDFcRhm8-00097-00031600-00031980 And so several central questions, dAemDFcRhm8-00098-00031980-00032160 now that the tide has turned in this way, dAemDFcRhm8-00099-00032160-00032310 simply have to be addressed. dAemDFcRhm8-00100-00032310-00032780 And these are the questions that are really dAemDFcRhm8-00101-00032780-00033000 the--I'll be spending the lecture addressing. dAemDFcRhm8-00102-00033320-00033520 And the questions might seem kind of strange to dAemDFcRhm8-00103-00033520-00033926 you, but as you'll see, they're rather relevant to dAemDFcRhm8-00104-00033926-00034210 the ways in which whites and blacks are responding dAemDFcRhm8-00105-00034210-00034590 to this new era in US history. dAemDFcRhm8-00106-00034590-00034746 "What does one do with blacks now they've been dAemDFcRhm8-00107-00034746-00034846 emancipated? dAemDFcRhm8-00108-00034846-00034980 How will they be controlled?" dAemDFcRhm8-00109-00034980-00035290 I use that language very intentionally. dAemDFcRhm8-00110-00035290-00035600 "Who will do the work and how will the South survive dAemDFcRhm8-00111-00035600-00036170 the upheaval?" dAemDFcRhm8-00112-00036170-00036470 What I want to do--this is an incredibly complicated dAemDFcRhm8-00113-00036470-00036650 era, and I've always been struggling with the right dAemDFcRhm8-00114-00036650-00036770 way to tell this story. dAemDFcRhm8-00115-00036770-00037006 What I want to do for the rest of the lecture is dAemDFcRhm8-00116-00037006-00037330 tell the narrative mainly from a standpoint of high dAemDFcRhm8-00117-00037330-00037840 politics, electoral, formal processes and dAemDFcRhm8-00118-00037840-00038096 legislatures, for instance, dAemDFcRhm8-00119-00038096-00038400 and then I want to go back over the same time period dAemDFcRhm8-00120-00038400-00038510 looking at the social history, dAemDFcRhm8-00121-00038510-00038720 what's sort of happening on the ground. dAemDFcRhm8-00122-00038720-00038820 So it's giving you the heads up, dAemDFcRhm8-00123-00038820-00039200 we'll be looping back over--going back to 1865 dAemDFcRhm8-00124-00039200-00039410 and starting over in a sense, dAemDFcRhm8-00125-00039410-00039716 looking at these different narratives to address dAemDFcRhm8-00126-00039716-00039920 these questions. dAemDFcRhm8-00127-00039920-00040026 "What do you do with blacks, dAemDFcRhm8-00128-00040026-00040160 how are they going to be controlled, dAemDFcRhm8-00129-00040160-00040370 who will do the work, and will the South survive the dAemDFcRhm8-00130-00040370-00040620 upheaval?" dAemDFcRhm8-00131-00040620-00040990 Now before Lincoln is killed, dAemDFcRhm8-00132-00040990-00041300 he starts trying very aggressively to figure out dAemDFcRhm8-00133-00041300-00041526 the best way to reunite the country after the war. dAemDFcRhm8-00134-00041740-00041920 He proposes a ten percent plan. dAemDFcRhm8-00135-00041920-00042096 It's called the Ten Percent Plan. dAemDFcRhm8-00136-00042096-00042570 And it is a--the elements of the plan involve a dAemDFcRhm8-00137-00042570-00042970 pardon to all Southerners, except for Confederate dAemDFcRhm8-00138-00042970-00043376 leaders, they could not be excused. dAemDFcRhm8-00139-00043376-00043586 A pardon would be given to all Southerners who took dAemDFcRhm8-00140-00043586-00043980 an oath of loyalty to the Union and supported dAemDFcRhm8-00141-00043980-00044080 emancipation. dAemDFcRhm8-00142-00044080-00044306 Once ten percent of a state population, dAemDFcRhm8-00143-00044306-00044430 we're talking white males, once ten percent of the dAemDFcRhm8-00144-00044430-00045030 state population agrees to this idea, dAemDFcRhm8-00145-00045480-00045730 signs this loyalty oath, a new government could be dAemDFcRhm8-00146-00045730-00045830 formed. dAemDFcRhm8-00147-00045830-00046430 Anti-slavery activists, Congressional radicals, dAemDFcRhm8-00148-00046866-00047010 people who are just staunch supporters of the dAemDFcRhm8-00149-00047010-00047230 Union efforts saying, "This is way too lenient, dAemDFcRhm8-00150-00047230-00047646 we have spilled too much blood just to say if ten dAemDFcRhm8-00151-00047646-00047860 percent of the South goes along with this plan, dAemDFcRhm8-00152-00047860-00048046 everything will be forgiven." dAemDFcRhm8-00153-00048046-00048560 The plan goes nowhere, and Lincoln is assassinated. dAemDFcRhm8-00154-00048560-00048950 Andrew Johnson takes office and develops a plan dAemDFcRhm8-00155-00048950-00049690 and a series of measures that taken together are dAemDFcRhm8-00156-00049690-00049870 captured in what we call "Presidential dAemDFcRhm8-00157-00049870-00050070 Reconstruction." dAemDFcRhm8-00158-00050276-00050390 The basic terms of Presidential dAemDFcRhm8-00159-00050390-00050856 Reconstruction say that a general pardon is given to dAemDFcRhm8-00160-00050856-00051140 the white South, except for Confederate leaders, dAemDFcRhm8-00161-00051140-00051406 just like Lincoln's plan, but Johnson's is dAemDFcRhm8-00162-00051406-00051520 different. dAemDFcRhm8-00163-00051520-00051726 He says, "We will pardon everyone except for dAemDFcRhm8-00164-00051726-00052216 Confederate leaders and wealthy planters." dAemDFcRhm8-00165-00052216-00052470 Johnson was a man of the people, dAemDFcRhm8-00166-00052470-00052856 coming from farming roots, working very hard, dAemDFcRhm8-00167-00052856-00053200 and saw that moneyed land-owners, dAemDFcRhm8-00168-00053200-00053590 plantation-owners, were a real source of many of the dAemDFcRhm8-00169-00053590-00053886 problems in the South. dAemDFcRhm8-00170-00053886-00054000 So the pardon to the white South, dAemDFcRhm8-00171-00054000-00054136 except for Confederate leaders and wealthy dAemDFcRhm8-00172-00054136-00054556 planters, required the end of slavery, dAemDFcRhm8-00173-00054556-00054779 and then it would let the South set up its own dAemDFcRhm8-00174-00054779-00054879 governments. dAemDFcRhm8-00175-00054879-00055079 And the thinking was that the white yeoman dAemDFcRhm8-00176-00055079-00055329 farmers--since the white planters, dAemDFcRhm8-00177-00055329-00055566 the wealthy planters, would not be allowed to be dAemDFcRhm8-00178-00055566-00055756 the leaders--that white yeoman farmers, dAemDFcRhm8-00179-00055756-00056020 people working sort of hand-to-mouth and scraping dAemDFcRhm8-00180-00056020-00056436 by, they would be the one who would take control of dAemDFcRhm8-00181-00056436-00056660 these governments and restructure the society dAemDFcRhm8-00182-00056660-00056940 more along sort of, I would say, dAemDFcRhm8-00183-00056940-00057170 agrarian class sympathetic lines. dAemDFcRhm8-00184-00057496-00057710 Plan moves forward, and Johnson could not have dAemDFcRhm8-00185-00057710-00057920 been more wrong about what would happen. dAemDFcRhm8-00186-00057920-00058086 He thought that there would be a new egalitarian dAemDFcRhm8-00187-00058086-00058379 ethos in the South, and what happened is that once dAemDFcRhm8-00188-00058379-00058550 the whites take over office, dAemDFcRhm8-00189-00058550-00058829 they begin to answer the set of questions I posed dAemDFcRhm8-00190-00058829-00058979 at the beginning of the class, dAemDFcRhm8-00191-00058979-00059260 in terms of what to do with blacks, dAemDFcRhm8-00192-00059260-00059740 with a rather curious set of answers. dAemDFcRhm8-00193-00059740-00060000 They enacted the so-called "Black Codes." dAemDFcRhm8-00194-00060000-00060296 I'm going to skip over the Black Codes for the dAemDFcRhm8-00195-00060296-00060476 moment, save that for the social history part of the dAemDFcRhm8-00196-00060476-00060576 lecture. dAemDFcRhm8-00197-00060576-00060690 But they enact the Black Codes. dAemDFcRhm8-00198-00060690-00061006 The answer under Johnson that the white governments dAemDFcRhm8-00199-00061006-00061516 in the South provide does not look a whole bunch dAemDFcRhm8-00200-00061516-00061779 better than slavery for many African Americans. dAemDFcRhm8-00201-00061779-00062170 The Republicans in Congress, dAemDFcRhm8-00202-00062170-00062740 people who've been staunch anti-slavery advocates, dAemDFcRhm8-00203-00062740-00063070 are horrified at Johnson's plan. dAemDFcRhm8-00204-00063070-00063279 Lincoln's was way too lenient, dAemDFcRhm8-00205-00063279-00063500 Johnson's was stricter, but it didn't change the dAemDFcRhm8-00206-00063500-00063650 social order, as it turns out. dAemDFcRhm8-00207-00063650-00064016 And so Congress, the Republicans in Congress, dAemDFcRhm8-00208-00064016-00064220 they now control the Congress, dAemDFcRhm8-00209-00064220-00064840 sets about fighting Johnson at every turn. dAemDFcRhm8-00210-00064840-00065260 Johnson has a plan, Congress overrules it. dAemDFcRhm8-00211-00065260-00065526 Johnson vetoes Congress's decision, dAemDFcRhm8-00212-00065526-00065736 Congress beats back the veto. dAemDFcRhm8-00213-00065736-00065930 I mean, the government is just locked in this battle dAemDFcRhm8-00214-00065930-00066350 at the federal level on all manner of issues. dAemDFcRhm8-00215-00066350-00066760 During this period of federal inside battling, dAemDFcRhm8-00216-00066760-00067086 I suppose one could call it, dAemDFcRhm8-00217-00067086-00067356 Republican-controlled Congress pushes through dAemDFcRhm8-00218-00067356-00067750 the first Civil Rights Act in 1866, dAemDFcRhm8-00219-00067750-00067950 it pushes through the Fourteenth Amendment dAemDFcRhm8-00220-00068206-00068390 delineating the terms of citizenship and due dAemDFcRhm8-00221-00068390-00068490 process. dAemDFcRhm8-00222-00068490-00068690 Due process is something you'll be hearing--being dAemDFcRhm8-00223-00068690-00068920 incredibly important for freedom struggles as we dAemDFcRhm8-00224-00068920-00069120 move forward in this class. dAemDFcRhm8-00225-00069386-00069636 And threatened--the Congress threatens South's dAemDFcRhm8-00226-00069636-00069930 representation in Congress if blacks were denied the dAemDFcRhm8-00227-00069930-00070130 right to vote. dAemDFcRhm8-00228-00070420-00070790 Southern states, seeing the handwriting on the dAemDFcRhm8-00229-00070790-00071060 wall about the fact that Republican-controlled dAemDFcRhm8-00230-00071060-00071430 Congress, which is a Northern Congress, dAemDFcRhm8-00231-00071430-00071630 sees these terms and just rejects them. dAemDFcRhm8-00232-00071820-00072380 Congress gets tough and ushers in a series of dAemDFcRhm8-00233-00072380-00072620 reforms that become known as "Radical dAemDFcRhm8-00234-00072620-00072766 Reconstruction" or "Congressional dAemDFcRhm8-00235-00072766-00072930 Reconstruction," they are the same thing. dAemDFcRhm8-00236-00072930-00073076 Congressional Reconstruction and Radical dAemDFcRhm8-00237-00073076-00073176 Reconstruction. dAemDFcRhm8-00238-00073176-00073386 Bless you. dAemDFcRhm8-00239-00073386-00073790 So Johnson has a chance to make a difference in dAemDFcRhm8-00240-00073790-00073890 Reconstruction. dAemDFcRhm8-00241-00073890-00074086 From 1865, with Lincoln's assassination, dAemDFcRhm8-00242-00074086-00074466 to 1867, that two years of experimentation. dAemDFcRhm8-00243-00074466-00074576 Congress says, "Forget about it, dAemDFcRhm8-00244-00074576-00074816 we're taking control here, dAemDFcRhm8-00245-00074816-00075090 --through sheer numbers--and enters the dAemDFcRhm8-00246-00075090-00075330 longest phase of Reconstruction, dAemDFcRhm8-00247-00075330-00075480 Congressional/Radical Reconstruction, dAemDFcRhm8-00248-00075480-00075866 from 1867 to 1877. dAemDFcRhm8-00249-00075866-00076130 And it is a radical change. dAemDFcRhm8-00250-00076130-00076470 Under this new Reconstruction plan, dAemDFcRhm8-00251-00076470-00076766 the South is divided into five military districts. dAemDFcRhm8-00252-00077000-00077330 These districts are controlled by Northern and dAemDFcRhm8-00253-00077330-00077530 Republican governments. dAemDFcRhm8-00254-00077850-00078150 There is quite literally a military occupation of the dAemDFcRhm8-00255-00078150-00078420 South by federal troops. dAemDFcRhm8-00256-00078870-00079120 Congress pushes through the Fifteenth Amendment in dAemDFcRhm8-00257-00079120-00079880 1870, guaranteeing blacks, and this is black males, dAemDFcRhm8-00258-00079880-00080130 please understand, guaranteeing them the dAemDFcRhm8-00259-00080130-00080230 right to vote. dAemDFcRhm8-00260-00080230-00080466 If you'd been a slave, it doesn't matter. dAemDFcRhm8-00261-00080466-00080710 If you're black, it doesn't matter. dAemDFcRhm8-00262-00080710-00081156 You have the right to vote. dAemDFcRhm8-00263-00081400-00081546 After this amendment passes, dAemDFcRhm8-00264-00081546-00081980 you start seeing a period in the eras of different dAemDFcRhm8-00265-00081980-00082396 Reconstructions, of incredible positive change dAemDFcRhm8-00266-00082396-00082670 for many African Americans--not all, dAemDFcRhm8-00267-00082670-00082780 but many. dAemDFcRhm8-00268-00082780-00083106 And that change often comes through--you can dAemDFcRhm8-00269-00083106-00083580 mark it by the dramatic increase (well, dAemDFcRhm8-00270-00083580-00083760 increasing from zero to anything is dramatic, dAemDFcRhm8-00271-00083760-00083950 I suppose) but the dramatic increase of dAemDFcRhm8-00272-00083950-00084160 blacks holding office. dAemDFcRhm8-00273-00084160-00084676 You start seeing black men holding office at the dAemDFcRhm8-00274-00084676-00085140 local level, being elected to maybe a town council dAemDFcRhm8-00275-00085140-00085380 let's say, in some places being elected the local dAemDFcRhm8-00276-00085380-00085646 sheriff, which is really quite astonishing, dAemDFcRhm8-00277-00085646-00085806 through state governments and into the federal dAemDFcRhm8-00278-00085806-00085990 government. dAemDFcRhm8-00279-00085990-00086370 In Congress, and in the House of Representatives, dAemDFcRhm8-00280-00086370-00086940 and in the Senate. dAemDFcRhm8-00281-00086940-00087116 The change in representation, dAemDFcRhm8-00282-00087116-00087426 that there are blacks in government at all levels, dAemDFcRhm8-00283-00087690-00088050 is astonishing on many levels. dAemDFcRhm8-00284-00088050-00088176 What is even more astonishing, dAemDFcRhm8-00285-00088176-00088496 I'll repeat this fact in about ten weeks or eleven dAemDFcRhm8-00286-00088496-00089060 weeks, is that the number of black elected officials dAemDFcRhm8-00287-00089060-00089370 in the federal government, House of Representatives dAemDFcRhm8-00288-00089370-00089920 and Senate, blossoms during this era, dAemDFcRhm8-00289-00089920-00090020 at the end of Reconstruction, dAemDFcRhm8-00290-00090020-00090286 which I'll start talking about in the next lecture, dAemDFcRhm8-00291-00090286-00090490 that those numbers start to evaporate, dAemDFcRhm8-00292-00090490-00090700 and the numbers do not return as far as federal dAemDFcRhm8-00293-00090700-00091036 representation of blacks coming from the Southern dAemDFcRhm8-00294-00091036-00091470 states, it does not return until Bill Clinton is dAemDFcRhm8-00295-00091470-00091610 elected President. dAemDFcRhm8-00296-00091610-00092030 This is a radical change, and it is so radical it dAemDFcRhm8-00297-00092030-00092400 could not be sustained, as we'll see. dAemDFcRhm8-00298-00092400-00092690 But for the moment, in 1870 through 1877, dAemDFcRhm8-00299-00092690-00092970 at the level of politics, electoral politics, dAemDFcRhm8-00300-00092970-00093330 it seems there is a real opportunity for change as dAemDFcRhm8-00301-00093330-00093690 far as representation--the local, dAemDFcRhm8-00302-00093690-00093890 the state, the federal level. dAemDFcRhm8-00303-00094150-00094366 All of these changes, federal dAemDFcRhm8-00304-00094366-00094800 occupation--military occupation of the South, dAemDFcRhm8-00305-00094800-00095140 setting very aggressive terms about how the dAemDFcRhm8-00306-00095140-00095556 Southern governments could be reformed and readmitted dAemDFcRhm8-00307-00095556-00095730 to the Union, having blacks hold elected dAemDFcRhm8-00308-00095730-00095980 office, all of these changes tear at the social dAemDFcRhm8-00309-00095980-00096280 fabric of the South. dAemDFcRhm8-00310-00096280-00096880 What I want to do for the next bit is to start dAemDFcRhm8-00311-00096880-00097210 looking at these changes sort of on the ground. dAemDFcRhm8-00312-00097540-00097730 Trying to help us understand the ways in dAemDFcRhm8-00313-00097730-00098330 which things had shifted fundamentally for whites dAemDFcRhm8-00314-00098530-00098860 and African Americans at the moment of the end of dAemDFcRhm8-00315-00098860-00099060 the Civil War. dAemDFcRhm8-00316-00099190-00099380 Now as I alluded earlier to the question, dAemDFcRhm8-00317-00099380-00099686 "What are you going to do with blacks?, dAemDFcRhm8-00318-00099686-00100166 the central question of the era is what one does dAemDFcRhm8-00319-00100166-00100490 with blacks springs out of the fact that freedom dAemDFcRhm8-00320-00100490-00100850 meant different things to different people. dAemDFcRhm8-00321-00100850-00101200 Freedom meant liberation for blacks, dAemDFcRhm8-00322-00101200-00101516 and that part is obvious certainly. dAemDFcRhm8-00323-00101516-00101906 For whites, at that moment of liberation, dAemDFcRhm8-00324-00101906-00102100 those who had slaves from small, dAemDFcRhm8-00325-00102100-00102300 you know, small slaveholding households, dAemDFcRhm8-00326-00102300-00102480 two or three slaves to plantations, dAemDFcRhm8-00327-00102480-00102680 it means an immediate loss of labor. dAemDFcRhm8-00328-00102916-00103170 For blacks and whites it means an immediate sense dAemDFcRhm8-00329-00103170-00103450 of profound instability in the social fabric. dAemDFcRhm8-00330-00103776-00104320 In a very curious way, it means for blacks in more dAemDFcRhm8-00331-00104320-00104509 dangerous situations--dangerous dAemDFcRhm8-00332-00104509-00104609 moment. dAemDFcRhm8-00333-00104609-00104709 Slaves' bodies... dAemDFcRhm8-00334-00104709-00105309 It's all right. Okay. Slaves' bodies had value, dAemDFcRhm8-00335-00105996-00106096 literal value. dAemDFcRhm8-00336-00106096-00106296 You were property. dAemDFcRhm8-00337-00106509-00106800 If you did something--if someone thinks you did dAemDFcRhm8-00338-00106800-00107250 something wrong, black person offends a white dAemDFcRhm8-00339-00107250-00107586 person's sensibilities, and a white person decides dAemDFcRhm8-00340-00107586-00108090 to strike me, hit me, hurt my body or something, dAemDFcRhm8-00341-00108090-00108356 that white person has damaged property that dAemDFcRhm8-00342-00108356-00108509 belongs to somebody else and they had to make dAemDFcRhm8-00343-00108509-00108650 restitution. dAemDFcRhm8-00344-00108650-00108986 After the end of the Civil War, dAemDFcRhm8-00345-00108986-00109420 black bodies were, from a financial standpoint, dAemDFcRhm8-00346-00109420-00109680 they had no value. dAemDFcRhm8-00347-00109680-00109936 Now I remember actually making this statement dAemDFcRhm8-00348-00109936-00110276 during a public lecture at a library during a series dAemDFcRhm8-00349-00110276-00110580 of lectures in San Diego and someone got very upset dAemDFcRhm8-00350-00110580-00110880 with me: "Everybody has value!" I mean yes, dAemDFcRhm8-00351-00110880-00111059 everybody does have value, but I'm talking of literal dAemDFcRhm8-00352-00111059-00111230 dollars and cents. dAemDFcRhm8-00353-00111230-00111550 Black bodies don't have value after the moment, dAemDFcRhm8-00354-00111550-00111906 the end of slavery, and you can do what you want dAemDFcRhm8-00355-00111906-00112106 to with them. dAemDFcRhm8-00356-00112280-00112600 Freedom, you can't discount it's important dAemDFcRhm8-00357-00112600-00112826 for African Americans, the moment of liberation. dAemDFcRhm8-00358-00113120-00113440 But profound instability you can't ignore either. dAemDFcRhm8-00359-00113440-00113640 Now since the Southern economy is devastated dAemDFcRhm8-00360-00113640-00113940 after the war, during the war and after the war, dAemDFcRhm8-00361-00113940-00114306 since there's the loss of labor that is profound, dAemDFcRhm8-00362-00114306-00114670 white planters want a quick return to plantation dAemDFcRhm8-00363-00114670-00115030 labor, you got to get crops in from the field. dAemDFcRhm8-00364-00115030-00115220 And they understood that we don't have slaves dAemDFcRhm8-00365-00115220-00115376 anymore, but there's got to be a way to get gang dAemDFcRhm8-00366-00115376-00115759 labor reorganized, have an overseer. dAemDFcRhm8-00367-00115759-00116080 At the same time black--white planters want dAemDFcRhm8-00368-00116080-00116409 this, blacks who have been working on these dAemDFcRhm8-00369-00116409-00116720 plantations for example, they've got to find a way dAemDFcRhm8-00370-00116720-00116990 to put food on their table, dAemDFcRhm8-00371-00116990-00117170 but they want to have economic autonomy, dAemDFcRhm8-00372-00117170-00117350 be it land ownership. dAemDFcRhm8-00373-00117350-00117550 They want to have their own farms. dAemDFcRhm8-00374-00117776-00118066 White farm-owners want blacks to sign labor dAemDFcRhm8-00375-00118066-00118246 contracts to commit themselves to work on the dAemDFcRhm8-00376-00118246-00118396 farms. dAemDFcRhm8-00377-00118396-00118600 Blacks reject this saying they expect the federal dAemDFcRhm8-00378-00118600-00118700 government to help them out. dAemDFcRhm8-00379-00118700-00119040 They expect the federal government to redistribute dAemDFcRhm8-00380-00119040-00119140 land. dAemDFcRhm8-00381-00119140-00119370 So you have these really intense conflicting dAemDFcRhm8-00382-00119370-00119750 expectations that are directly related to dAemDFcRhm8-00383-00119750-00119930 conflicting senses of what freedom meant. dAemDFcRhm8-00384-00119930-00120530 And if you look at some of these items on the screen dAemDFcRhm8-00385-00120746-00121140 here, I'll start talking about them, dAemDFcRhm8-00386-00121140-00121330 you'll start seeing where these expectations come dAemDFcRhm8-00387-00121330-00121770 from and why they would be so conflicted and dAemDFcRhm8-00388-00121770-00121870 complicated. dAemDFcRhm8-00389-00121870-00122290 Now we're back in 1865. dAemDFcRhm8-00390-00122290-00122540 Johnson is the president and he wants to see the dAemDFcRhm8-00391-00122540-00122859 Southern economy back on track and wants blacks dAemDFcRhm8-00392-00122859-00123066 back to work immediately. dAemDFcRhm8-00393-00123066-00123266 The question is how to do it. dAemDFcRhm8-00394-00123409-00123630 He allows Southern governments to reestablish dAemDFcRhm8-00395-00123630-00123816 themselves under Presidential dAemDFcRhm8-00396-00123816-00124150 Reconstruction guidelines, and once they do, dAemDFcRhm8-00397-00124150-00124380 a lot of these white governments start dAemDFcRhm8-00398-00124380-00124580 answering the question what to do with blacks and dAemDFcRhm8-00399-00124580-00124920 establish Black Codes. dAemDFcRhm8-00400-00124920-00125506 Now Black Codes were a series of state-level laws dAemDFcRhm8-00401-00125506-00125659 aimed at answering the question what to do with dAemDFcRhm8-00402-00125659-00125859 this newly freed population. dAemDFcRhm8-00403-00125990-00126440 There was one--there wasn't a single set of dAemDFcRhm8-00404-00126440-00126809 Black Codes, they ranged broadly. dAemDFcRhm8-00405-00126809-00127150 Some are more strict than others, dAemDFcRhm8-00406-00127150-00127406 but they are, just taken together, dAemDFcRhm8-00407-00127406-00127840 a series of legal concepts that are seeking to create dAemDFcRhm8-00408-00127840-00128130 a new labor system that essentially put blacks dAemDFcRhm8-00409-00128130-00128370 back to work. dAemDFcRhm8-00410-00128370-00128640 Now you look at the codes, you'll see they authorize dAemDFcRhm8-00411-00128640-00128840 blacks to acquire property, dAemDFcRhm8-00412-00128840-00129146 something blacks certainly wanted. dAemDFcRhm8-00413-00129146-00129300 It authorized blacks to marry, dAemDFcRhm8-00414-00129300-00129506 something they were not allowed to do when they dAemDFcRhm8-00415-00129506-00129726 were slaves. dAemDFcRhm8-00416-00129726-00130080 It authorized blacks to make contracts, dAemDFcRhm8-00417-00130080-00130426 sue and be sued, testify in court against other dAemDFcRhm8-00418-00130426-00130609 blacks, mind you. dAemDFcRhm8-00419-00130609-00130916 All of these things are essentially brand new, dAemDFcRhm8-00420-00130916-00131170 so the Black Codes on the surface, dAemDFcRhm8-00421-00131170-00131536 at first glance, seemed to be a way of trying to give dAemDFcRhm8-00422-00131536-00131710 blacks some citizenship rights they didn't have dAemDFcRhm8-00423-00131710-00131920 before. dAemDFcRhm8-00424-00131920-00132100 But look a little more closely, dAemDFcRhm8-00425-00132100-00132700 you'll also see many other guidelines that make it dAemDFcRhm8-00426-00132960-00133100 clear that the Black Codes are about labor dAemDFcRhm8-00427-00133100-00133350 stabilization. dAemDFcRhm8-00428-00133350-00133500 Now I'm lumping all of these things together dAemDFcRhm8-00429-00133500-00133600 here. dAemDFcRhm8-00430-00133600-00133880 Some state codes required all blacks to have an dAemDFcRhm8-00431-00133880-00134120 annual proof of one-year labor contracts. dAemDFcRhm8-00432-00134120-00134366 Basically you had to sign up saying, dAemDFcRhm8-00433-00134366-00134590 "I'm going to work this plot of land at this dAemDFcRhm8-00434-00134590-00134820 plantation, I'm going to work in this shop for the dAemDFcRhm8-00435-00134820-00135170 next year, and I won't leave." dAemDFcRhm8-00436-00135170-00135370 If you leave the job, you sign that contract, dAemDFcRhm8-00437-00135370-00135636 you leave the job before the year is up, dAemDFcRhm8-00438-00135636-00135820 you will lose all wages that you had earned up to dAemDFcRhm8-00439-00135820-00136070 that point. dAemDFcRhm8-00440-00136070-00136360 And you might be subject to arrest by a white dAemDFcRhm8-00441-00136360-00136516 citizen. dAemDFcRhm8-00442-00136516-00136780 And notice, I'm not talking about the white dAemDFcRhm8-00443-00136780-00136920 Chief of Police or Deputy, you'd be arrested by a dAemDFcRhm8-00444-00136920-00137080 white person walking down the street who says, dAemDFcRhm8-00445-00137080-00137216 "You know, you're not working the way you should dAemDFcRhm8-00446-00137216-00137316 be working. dAemDFcRhm8-00447-00137316-00137500 You clearly should be on that labor contract, dAemDFcRhm8-00448-00137500-00137700 and what are you doing here?" dAemDFcRhm8-00449-00138246-00138540 Some Black Codes would say that blacks couldn't steal dAemDFcRhm8-00450-00138540-00138966 labor or else they risked a five hundred dollar dAemDFcRhm8-00451-00138966-00139190 fine, I mean a ridiculous amount of money. dAemDFcRhm8-00452-00139190-00139446 Now stealing labor, that could be interpreted as dAemDFcRhm8-00453-00139446-00139626 not working hard enough. dAemDFcRhm8-00454-00139626-00139946 Or that could be interpreted as when you're dAemDFcRhm8-00455-00139946-00140150 working this plot of land, saving a little bit of dAemDFcRhm8-00456-00140150-00140350 that part for yourself. dAemDFcRhm8-00457-00140490-00140710 Not maximizing the return on the investment, dAemDFcRhm8-00458-00140710-00141116 essentially, that white property-owners had made. dAemDFcRhm8-00459-00141116-00141260 If you steal labor you could be fined five dAemDFcRhm8-00460-00141260-00141480 hundred dollars. dAemDFcRhm8-00461-00141480-00141666 In other states blacks were forbidden to rent dAemDFcRhm8-00462-00141666-00141930 land in urban areas. dAemDFcRhm8-00463-00141930-00142300 The notion was if you have them closer to a city, dAemDFcRhm8-00464-00142566-00142780 you might have critical masses developing of dAemDFcRhm8-00465-00142780-00143040 African Americans who are property owners, dAemDFcRhm8-00466-00143040-00143210 or at least renters. dAemDFcRhm8-00467-00143210-00143420 They might be able to develop their own economic dAemDFcRhm8-00468-00143420-00143700 opportunities through informal networks, dAemDFcRhm8-00469-00143700-00143930 essentially allowing blacks to rent property in dAemDFcRhm8-00470-00143930-00144206 towns gave them too much autonomy, dAemDFcRhm8-00471-00144206-00144380 the fear was. dAemDFcRhm8-00472-00144380-00144826 Black Codes forced black women back on farms. dAemDFcRhm8-00473-00144826-00145146 This way they would not be seen in public spaces. dAemDFcRhm8-00474-00145146-00145290 This was all for the good of the woman, dAemDFcRhm8-00475-00145290-00145390 this is for the black women, dAemDFcRhm8-00476-00145390-00145580 they should really be in their natural habitat. dAemDFcRhm8-00477-00145580-00145720 This would've been the language of the day, dAemDFcRhm8-00478-00145720-00145920 by the way. dAemDFcRhm8-00479-00146020-00146220 Black Codes regulated sexual behavior. dAemDFcRhm8-00480-00146470-00146600 You could not dress a certain way, dAemDFcRhm8-00481-00146600-00146826 you could not be out at a certain hour. dAemDFcRhm8-00482-00147120-00147330 Black Codes would address vagrancy, dAemDFcRhm8-00483-00147330-00147786 idleness, rude gestures, mischief, dAemDFcRhm8-00484-00147786-00148120 preaching the Gospel without a license and so dAemDFcRhm8-00485-00148120-00148220 on. dAemDFcRhm8-00486-00148220-00148406 I mean, incredibly vague. dAemDFcRhm8-00487-00148406-00148676 If you're just kind of hanging out, dAemDFcRhm8-00488-00148676-00148956 you could be in violation of a Black Code. dAemDFcRhm8-00489-00148956-00149420 If you're up to no good, being mischievous, dAemDFcRhm8-00490-00149420-00149560 violation of a Black Code. dAemDFcRhm8-00491-00149560-00149840 And all of these could lead to fines or dAemDFcRhm8-00492-00149840-00150060 involuntary plantation labor. dAemDFcRhm8-00493-00150420-00150700 Black Codes forced apprenticeships on black dAemDFcRhm8-00494-00150700-00151030 minors--black young people, dAemDFcRhm8-00495-00151030-00151420 not miners, minors. dAemDFcRhm8-00496-00151420-00151600 They would have to work without wages. dAemDFcRhm8-00497-00151600-00151830 It's mainly orphans or children of poor parents. dAemDFcRhm8-00498-00152130-00152276 Many of the Black Codes said that they dAemDFcRhm8-00499-00152276-00152710 could--blacks could not hunt or own weapons. dAemDFcRhm8-00500-00152710-00152960 This is a very important limitation, dAemDFcRhm8-00501-00152960-00153256 because in the rural South, dAemDFcRhm8-00502-00153256-00153356 you shot your food. dAemDFcRhm8-00503-00153356-00153710 But the idea was, "If we start giving blacks guns, dAemDFcRhm8-00504-00153710-00154136 they may not shoot food, they may shoot us." dAemDFcRhm8-00505-00154136-00154390 So blacks can't hunt or own weapons. dAemDFcRhm8-00506-00154390-00154556 So you take all these things together, dAemDFcRhm8-00507-00154556-00154840 and again, I've lumped many different state's dAemDFcRhm8-00508-00154840-00155180 Black Codes here, it's clear that while everyone dAemDFcRhm8-00509-00155180-00155360 wants the Southern economy back on track, dAemDFcRhm8-00510-00155360-00155816 I mean everybody does, there's no rational way of dAemDFcRhm8-00511-00155816-00156140 justifying doing it via the Black Codes. dAemDFcRhm8-00512-00156140-00156460 And so fairly soon after their being established, dAemDFcRhm8-00513-00156460-00156620 sometimes in less than a year, dAemDFcRhm8-00514-00156620-00156910 these Black Codes are declared illegal and are dAemDFcRhm8-00515-00156910-00157010 eliminated. dAemDFcRhm8-00516-00157010-00157246 So we're talking about a very--a brief moment in dAemDFcRhm8-00517-00157246-00157346 time. dAemDFcRhm8-00518-00157346-00157450 This sort of underscores the notion of we're at a dAemDFcRhm8-00519-00157450-00157650 period of improvisation and experimentation, dAemDFcRhm8-00520-00157650-00157990 "We'll try this until we're told it doesn't work dAemDFcRhm8-00521-00157990-00158190 any longer." dAemDFcRhm8-00522-00158320-00158430 In the place of the Black Codes, dAemDFcRhm8-00523-00158430-00158770 a new labor system develops. dAemDFcRhm8-00524-00158770-00158970 This one was much more focused--much more dAemDFcRhm8-00525-00158970-00159176 explicitly focused upon labor instead of all the dAemDFcRhm8-00526-00159176-00159540 morality issues that you see in the Black Codes. dAemDFcRhm8-00527-00159540-00159766 And this new labor system, that becomes incredibly dAemDFcRhm8-00528-00159766-00159886 successful for what it was, dAemDFcRhm8-00529-00159886-00160086 is called sharecropping. dAemDFcRhm8-00530-00160410-00160700 Sharecropping revolves around credit. dAemDFcRhm8-00531-00160916-00161256 The whites own the land, the tools, dAemDFcRhm8-00532-00161256-00161680 the seed, but they didn't own the labor. dAemDFcRhm8-00533-00161680-00161880 That's what blacks controlled. dAemDFcRhm8-00534-00162040-00162260 So blacks could use the land, dAemDFcRhm8-00535-00162260-00162580 the tools, and the seed, but they did not get paid dAemDFcRhm8-00536-00162580-00162760 in cash. dAemDFcRhm8-00537-00162760-00162970 Instead they would rent the white's property and dAemDFcRhm8-00538-00162970-00163070 their tools, etcetera. dAemDFcRhm8-00539-00163070-00163420 And in order to get the seed, dAemDFcRhm8-00540-00163420-00163626 they'd have to go to the company store for their dAemDFcRhm8-00541-00163626-00163920 purchases. dAemDFcRhm8-00542-00163920-00164080 And the store would be sort of like Durfee's, dAemDFcRhm8-00543-00164080-00164250 you know, exorbitantly priced. dAemDFcRhm8-00544-00164250-00164686 So, you know, if a bag of seed on the market--I'm dAemDFcRhm8-00545-00164686-00164786 making up the numbers here, dAemDFcRhm8-00546-00164786-00164970 might have cost one dollar, dAemDFcRhm8-00547-00164970-00165150 at the company store maybe it's three, dAemDFcRhm8-00548-00165150-00165296 three credits, three units, dAemDFcRhm8-00549-00165296-00165560 or something like that. dAemDFcRhm8-00550-00165560-00165770 So sharecroppers would pay for their food, dAemDFcRhm8-00551-00165770-00166026 their seed, etcetera with their shares, dAemDFcRhm8-00552-00166026-00166270 their portions of the crop that they were growing and dAemDFcRhm8-00553-00166270-00166540 later harvesting for the landowner. dAemDFcRhm8-00554-00166540-00166830 At the end of the year when the crop in question, dAemDFcRhm8-00555-00166830-00166940 let's just say it's cotton, dAemDFcRhm8-00556-00166940-00167140 which it would've been for a tremendous amount of the dAemDFcRhm8-00557-00167140-00167566 system, when the cotton is taken to market, dAemDFcRhm8-00558-00167566-00167970 the cotton that black sharecroppers had planted dAemDFcRhm8-00559-00167970-00168420 and harvested, they would not be able to go to dAemDFcRhm8-00560-00168420-00168730 market with the cotton crop. dAemDFcRhm8-00561-00168730-00168940 The landowner would go there, dAemDFcRhm8-00562-00168940-00169610 or his business manager, and he'd sell the cotton dAemDFcRhm8-00563-00169610-00169710 at the market rate. dAemDFcRhm8-00564-00169710-00170236 Then he would come back and make a declaration of dAemDFcRhm8-00565-00170236-00170536 how much he was able to get for this, dAemDFcRhm8-00566-00170536-00170670 settle the accounts privately with the dAemDFcRhm8-00567-00170670-00170930 landowner, and the landowner and labor then dAemDFcRhm8-00568-00170930-00171030 settled their accounts. dAemDFcRhm8-00569-00171030-00171230 And then a funny thing happened. dAemDFcRhm8-00570-00171230-00171510 Almost inevitably, at the end of the year, dAemDFcRhm8-00571-00171510-00171826 after the planting cycle, when the crop came--was dAemDFcRhm8-00572-00171826-00171990 sent to market--and they came back with the money dAemDFcRhm8-00573-00171990-00172360 for it, they looked at the balances, dAemDFcRhm8-00574-00172360-00172610 and blacks owed money to the sharecropper, dAemDFcRhm8-00575-00172610-00172810 Every year. dAemDFcRhm8-00576-00172810-00173070 Let's just say, again making up numbers, dAemDFcRhm8-00577-00173070-00173250 that if I'm a sharecropper and I spent a thousand dAemDFcRhm8-00578-00173250-00173480 dollars at the company store to buy all the--rent dAemDFcRhm8-00579-00173480-00173666 the equipment or buy the seeds or whatnot for my dAemDFcRhm8-00580-00173666-00174046 plot of land, I get this amazing crop, dAemDFcRhm8-00581-00174046-00174260 it goes off to market, come back, dAemDFcRhm8-00582-00174260-00174366 and the guy said "You know what? dAemDFcRhm8-00583-00174366-00174696 I was only able to get nine hundred dollars." dAemDFcRhm8-00584-00174696-00174940 I now owe a hundred dollars to the landowner. dAemDFcRhm8-00585-00175250-00175580 What this meant was I'm stuck, dAemDFcRhm8-00586-00175580-00175786 because it is illegal to skip out on your debts. dAemDFcRhm8-00587-00175786-00176130 So the sharecroppers are required to go back to dAemDFcRhm8-00588-00176130-00176406 work for the same person in an attempt to eliminate dAemDFcRhm8-00589-00176406-00176550 the debt. dAemDFcRhm8-00590-00176550-00176710 So you have another--and the cycle just keeps dAemDFcRhm8-00591-00176710-00176900 repeating itself, you never get out of debt, dAemDFcRhm8-00592-00176900-00177100 you're always working the land. dAemDFcRhm8-00593-00177506-00177706 What this meant is that, you know, dAemDFcRhm8-00594-00177706-00177970 maybe you aren't being whipped by an overseer, dAemDFcRhm8-00595-00177970-00178320 but you are in perpetual servitude, dAemDFcRhm8-00596-00178320-00178530 as far as your labor and debt is concerned, dAemDFcRhm8-00597-00178530-00178680 to the landowner. dAemDFcRhm8-00598-00178680-00178906 You can't escape it. dAemDFcRhm8-00599-00178906-00179070 Sharecropping works like a charm. dAemDFcRhm8-00600-00179070-00179490 It really begins in earnest in the mid-1860s dAemDFcRhm8-00601-00179490-00179990 or the later 1860s, it is still popular in the South dAemDFcRhm8-00602-00179990-00180326 through the 1940s. Only with systematic dAemDFcRhm8-00603-00180326-00180780 mechanization of farms do you have sharecroppers dAemDFcRhm8-00604-00180780-00181300 being relieved of that particular economic cycle. dAemDFcRhm8-00605-00181300-00181496 So white attempts to answer the question of dAemDFcRhm8-00606-00181496-00181820 what one could do to get blacks back to work, dAemDFcRhm8-00607-00181820-00181996 revolved around various attempts, dAemDFcRhm8-00608-00181996-00182110 whether it's through the Black Codes or the dAemDFcRhm8-00609-00182110-00182490 sharecropping system, they revolved around various dAemDFcRhm8-00610-00182490-00182796 attempts to get--to recreate slavery, dAemDFcRhm8-00611-00182796-00183050 but with a different name and a slightly different dAemDFcRhm8-00612-00183050-00183150 nature. dAemDFcRhm8-00613-00183150-00183590 As I mentioned before, black--I mean, dAemDFcRhm8-00614-00183590-00183716 thinking about freedom from the black's dAemDFcRhm8-00615-00183716-00184010 perspective also meant labor instability. dAemDFcRhm8-00616-00184010-00184406 This is why the Black Codes are so draconian, dAemDFcRhm8-00617-00184406-00184590 this is why there's such emphasis on you can't dAemDFcRhm8-00618-00184590-00184690 escape debt. dAemDFcRhm8-00619-00184690-00184990 This was a way to control blacks. dAemDFcRhm8-00620-00184990-00185330 Now remember, blacks had expectations, dAemDFcRhm8-00621-00185330-00185736 too, after the Civil War was over. dAemDFcRhm8-00622-00185736-00185896 They wanted their freedom, they got their freedom in dAemDFcRhm8-00623-00185896-00186066 the literal sense, there's no doubt about that. dAemDFcRhm8-00624-00186066-00186426 But there were also expectations about land dAemDFcRhm8-00625-00186426-00186820 ownership, that they would have land they could work dAemDFcRhm8-00626-00186820-00187056 themselves, and there were expectations the federal dAemDFcRhm8-00627-00187056-00187310 government would be the entity to help blacks dAemDFcRhm8-00628-00187310-00188020 navigate their arrival to full citizenship rights dAemDFcRhm8-00629-00188020-00188176 and property ownership. dAemDFcRhm8-00630-00188176-00188726 And these expectations grow out of the Bureau of dAemDFcRhm8-00631-00188726-00189030 Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, dAemDFcRhm8-00632-00189030-00189230 and out of Field Order 15. dAemDFcRhm8-00633-00189446-00189620 The Bureau is established, The Field Order's dAemDFcRhm8-00634-00189620-00189770 enunciated, Black Codes enacted, dAemDFcRhm8-00635-00189770-00189990 all at the same moment, so these are overlapping dAemDFcRhm8-00636-00189990-00190190 narratives. dAemDFcRhm8-00637-00190516-00190770 Expectations about land, access to it, dAemDFcRhm8-00638-00190770-00191140 grows from Union General Sherman's seemingly dAemDFcRhm8-00639-00191140-00191440 apocalyptic March to the Sea, dAemDFcRhm8-00640-00191440-00191700 in which he burned his way through and across the dAemDFcRhm8-00641-00191700-00192040 South, and while doing so issued the famous Field dAemDFcRhm8-00642-00192040-00192516 Order 15, which declared that in part--declared in dAemDFcRhm8-00643-00192516-00192740 part that coastal land between Charleston, dAemDFcRhm8-00644-00192740-00192860 South Carolina, and Jacksonville, dAemDFcRhm8-00645-00192860-00193450 Florida, was from this point on for blacks. dAemDFcRhm8-00646-00193450-00193670 If Congress had accepted this promise, dAemDFcRhm8-00647-00193670-00193790 or acted upon this promise, dAemDFcRhm8-00648-00193790-00194230 excuse me, it would've given over land to roughly dAemDFcRhm8-00649-00194230-00194436 about two hundred thousand African Americans. dAemDFcRhm8-00650-00194750-00195210 The Field Order, declared in 1865, dAemDFcRhm8-00651-00195210-00195430 doesn't redistribute land, but there is the dAemDFcRhm8-00652-00195430-00195886 expectation that the government is going to do dAemDFcRhm8-00653-00195886-00196216 so through the likes of violence perhaps, dAemDFcRhm8-00654-00196216-00196610 with General Sherman, or through an orderly attempt dAemDFcRhm8-00655-00196610-00196856 at giving assistance, and that's through the Bureau dAemDFcRhm8-00656-00196856-00197060 of Freed Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned dAemDFcRhm8-00657-00197060-00197290 Lands, more often known as the Freedmen's Bureau. dAemDFcRhm8-00658-00197556-00197760 The Freedmen's Bureau was established in March, dAemDFcRhm8-00659-00197760-00197870 1865. dAemDFcRhm8-00660-00197870-00198120 It takes a while to get itself up and running. dAemDFcRhm8-00661-00198120-00198360 It's organized under the General--Union General dAemDFcRhm8-00662-00198360-00198460 Otis O. dAemDFcRhm8-00663-00198460-00198686 Howard--that's why Howard University's named after dAemDFcRhm8-00664-00198686-00199100 this man, he gave his land to the university. dAemDFcRhm8-00665-00199100-00199366 The Freedmen's Bureau had the task of providing dAemDFcRhm8-00666-00199366-00199790 food, shelter, and medical aid for the destitute. dAemDFcRhm8-00667-00200040-00200240 That's blacks as well as whites. dAemDFcRhm8-00668-00200460-00200700 It had the duty of providing education for dAemDFcRhm8-00669-00200700-00200900 freed people. dAemDFcRhm8-00670-00201086-00201350 To say that there was an educational system for dAemDFcRhm8-00671-00201350-00201586 blacks is ludicrous up to this moment in time. dAemDFcRhm8-00672-00201586-00201980 It's also kind of ludicrous after the fact, dAemDFcRhm8-00673-00201980-00202250 but they were working on it. dAemDFcRhm8-00674-00202250-00202500 The Freedmen's Bureau establishes free labor dAemDFcRhm8-00675-00202500-00202786 arrangements in former plantation areas. dAemDFcRhm8-00676-00202786-00203410 Essentially it's charged with trying to help blacks dAemDFcRhm8-00677-00203410-00203710 develop an economic system where they could sign to dAemDFcRhm8-00678-00203710-00204050 do work and contract, but they had freedom in doing dAemDFcRhm8-00679-00204050-00204250 so. dAemDFcRhm8-00680-00204420-00204600 And the Freedmen's Bureau is charged with securing dAemDFcRhm8-00681-00204600-00204810 justice for blacks in legal proceedings. dAemDFcRhm8-00682-00205130-00205356 The Freedmen's Bureau record on this front is dAemDFcRhm8-00683-00205356-00205556 mixed at best. dAemDFcRhm8-00684-00205700-00205930 You know from Field Order 15 that it's the potential dAemDFcRhm8-00685-00205930-00206116 of returning or giving all this land to blacks dAemDFcRhm8-00686-00206116-00206230 doesn't really happen. dAemDFcRhm8-00687-00206230-00206406 Freedmen's Bureau, they're talking about, dAemDFcRhm8-00688-00206406-00206610 you know, famous "Forty Acres and a Mule" dAemDFcRhm8-00689-00206610-00206860 ideology. dAemDFcRhm8-00690-00206860-00207186 The Freedmen's Bureau is in control of, dAemDFcRhm8-00691-00207186-00207410 at one point, eight hundred and fifty thousand dAemDFcRhm8-00692-00207410-00207919 acres of property, that instead of being dAemDFcRhm8-00693-00207919-00208219 transferred to poor whites and to blacks, dAemDFcRhm8-00694-00208219-00208430 is transferred back to the original property owners. dAemDFcRhm8-00695-00208430-00208780 So these white planters lost their land in the dAemDFcRhm8-00696-00208780-00209000 war, and after some sorting out, dAemDFcRhm8-00697-00209000-00209200 they got their land right back. dAemDFcRhm8-00698-00209360-00209619 The notion of establishing wage labor contracts, dAemDFcRhm8-00699-00209619-00209846 that blacks are not going to be working for a year dAemDFcRhm8-00700-00209846-00210046 like in the sharecropping system that would've dAemDFcRhm8-00701-00210046-00210610 developed, but they would be paid wages, dAemDFcRhm8-00702-00210610-00210786 doesn't work. dAemDFcRhm8-00703-00210786-00211010 So the Freedmen's Bureau doesn't distribute land dAemDFcRhm8-00704-00211010-00211330 like it promised it would, fails in establishing wage dAemDFcRhm8-00705-00211330-00211530 labor contracts. dAemDFcRhm8-00706-00211660-00211876 But it does do something really remarkable in that dAemDFcRhm8-00707-00211876-00212110 it starts establishing schools. dAemDFcRhm8-00708-00212110-00212306 Now again, these schools would not be on par with dAemDFcRhm8-00709-00212306-00212730 white schools, not by a long shot. dAemDFcRhm8-00710-00212730-00212869 But again, when you start from zero, dAemDFcRhm8-00711-00212869-00213069 any change is a radical change. dAemDFcRhm8-00712-00213310-00213519 So from 1865, the moment it was founded, dAemDFcRhm8-00713-00213519-00213960 to 1869, three thousand new schools for blacks, dAemDFcRhm8-00714-00213960-00214180 these are shacks essentially, dAemDFcRhm8-00715-00214180-00214380 are established. dAemDFcRhm8-00716-00214856-00215066 So the Freedmen's Bureau seems to at least on one dAemDFcRhm8-00717-00215066-00215269 level be doing something right, dAemDFcRhm8-00718-00215269-00215590 making a real change. dAemDFcRhm8-00719-00215590-00216030 But by 1872, it's gone as well. dAemDFcRhm8-00720-00216030-00216230 It collapses. dAemDFcRhm8-00721-00216360-00216560 So it leaves us with a mixed record. dAemDFcRhm8-00722-00216796-00217119 The record of Radical Reconstruction, dAemDFcRhm8-00723-00217119-00217380 in fact, for much of the 1870s is mixed. dAemDFcRhm8-00724-00217600-00217836 The North is growing increasingly weary of dAemDFcRhm8-00725-00217836-00218180 Southern intransigents, incredible resistance to dAemDFcRhm8-00726-00218180-00218390 these kinds of changes. dAemDFcRhm8-00727-00218390-00218886 Southerners are tired of the Northern presence and dAemDFcRhm8-00728-00218886-00219160 were angry at having new state constitutions dAemDFcRhm8-00729-00219160-00219310 written under Republican-controlled dAemDFcRhm8-00730-00219310-00219619 governments that, as far as white Southerners were dAemDFcRhm8-00731-00219619-00219926 concerned, gave away way too much in terms of the dAemDFcRhm8-00732-00219926-00220130 rights and citizenships to black men. dAemDFcRhm8-00733-00220586-00220906 This period of sorting out, dAemDFcRhm8-00734-00220906-00221419 of radical changes at the electoral level that are dAemDFcRhm8-00735-00221419-00221580 highly positive for African Americans, dAemDFcRhm8-00736-00221580-00222050 there's no debating that, that are of mixed success dAemDFcRhm8-00737-00222050-00222260 on the ground for the great majority of African dAemDFcRhm8-00738-00222260-00222440 Americans--but clearly it's better to be free dAemDFcRhm8-00739-00222440-00222750 than slave, despite all the dangers that are dAemDFcRhm8-00740-00222750-00222986 incumbent with it. dAemDFcRhm8-00741-00222986-00223400 It is a period of incredible stress, dAemDFcRhm8-00742-00223400-00223819 and resentment, and of different ways in which dAemDFcRhm8-00743-00223819-00223996 whites try to assert control. dAemDFcRhm8-00744-00223996-00224390 "What are we going to do with these blacks? dAemDFcRhm8-00745-00224390-00224569 Who's going to control them?" dAemDFcRhm8-00746-00224569-00224896 One of the first answers was the establishment of dAemDFcRhm8-00747-00224896-00225256 the KKK, the Ku Klux Klan, established in Tennessee dAemDFcRhm8-00748-00225256-00225460 in 1866. dAemDFcRhm8-00749-00225460-00225750 You didn't need the Klan prior to emancipation, dAemDFcRhm8-00750-00225966-00226096 but as far as many whites were concerned, dAemDFcRhm8-00751-00226096-00226486 you needed something like the Klan after. dAemDFcRhm8-00752-00226486-00226760 Klan members would go after white Northerners dAemDFcRhm8-00753-00226760-00227046 who were holding elected office, dAemDFcRhm8-00754-00227046-00227296 would threaten them with assassination and dAemDFcRhm8-00755-00227296-00227569 assassinate some of them, would go after, dAemDFcRhm8-00756-00227569-00227856 you know, Jews and Catholics, dAemDFcRhm8-00757-00227856-00228056 and certainly went after blacks as well. dAemDFcRhm8-00758-00228460-00228696 Klan forms in 1866, but remember this is a period dAemDFcRhm8-00759-00228696-00228919 of military presence from the North and the South, dAemDFcRhm8-00760-00228919-00229336 and under General Grant, the Klan is wiped out dAemDFcRhm8-00761-00229336-00229536 within two years. dAemDFcRhm8-00762-00229650-00229850 For a while. dAemDFcRhm8-00763-00229966-00230336 But even though the Klan is wiped out, dAemDFcRhm8-00764-00230336-00230586 you can see through this era, dAemDFcRhm8-00765-00230586-00231180 1865 to 1877, rising tides of resentment, dAemDFcRhm8-00766-00231180-00231366 chaffing by white Southerners, dAemDFcRhm8-00767-00231366-00231856 rising tides of--I guess one might just say dAemDFcRhm8-00768-00231856-00232060 impatience by black Americans in "When are we dAemDFcRhm8-00769-00232060-00232360 going to have real change?" dAemDFcRhm8-00770-00232360-00232550 And real change did come, but not in the way that dAemDFcRhm8-00771-00232550-00232750 African Americans had hoped. dAemDFcRhm8-00772-00232750-00233190 In 1876, it's the presidential election, dAemDFcRhm8-00773-00233190-00233430 the two men left standing are Samuel Tilden, dAemDFcRhm8-00774-00233430-00233586 the Democrat, and Rutherford B. dAemDFcRhm8-00775-00233586-00233766 Hayes, Republican. dAemDFcRhm8-00776-00233766-00233966 Tilden wins the popular vote, dAemDFcRhm8-00777-00233966-00234260 but not-- the electoral vote was unclear because dAemDFcRhm8-00778-00234260-00234476 the results from the Southern states were so dAemDFcRhm8-00779-00234476-00234769 contested. dAemDFcRhm8-00780-00234769-00235066 Sounds like recent history in fact. dAemDFcRhm8-00781-00235066-00235256 A compromise though is reached, dAemDFcRhm8-00782-00235256-00235496 that Hayes, the Republican, dAemDFcRhm8-00783-00235496-00235710 would secure the Presidency, dAemDFcRhm8-00784-00235710-00235930 but only if he promised to withdraw federal troops dAemDFcRhm8-00785-00235930-00236326 from the North--excuse me, from the South--end the dAemDFcRhm8-00786-00236326-00236560 military occupation, let the Southern states all dAemDFcRhm8-00787-00236560-00236780 come back into the Union. dAemDFcRhm8-00788-00236780-00236996 Hayes accepts the deal--the North again was dAemDFcRhm8-00789-00236996-00237246 exhausted by all the struggle. dAemDFcRhm8-00790-00237246-00237536 And with this famous compromise of 1877, dAemDFcRhm8-00791-00237536-00237736 Reconstruction ends. dAemDFcRhm8-00792-00237890-00238010 Now with the end of Reconstruction, dAemDFcRhm8-00793-00238010-00238269 we get a new period of American life generally dAemDFcRhm8-00794-00238269-00238426 referred to as "Redemption." dAemDFcRhm8-00795-00238426-00238710 When the white South shall rise again, dAemDFcRhm8-00796-00238710-00238840 they will redeem themselves. dAemDFcRhm8-00797-00238840-00239126 And I'll be talking about Redemption in the next dAemDFcRhm8-00798-00239126-00239226 lecture. dAemDFcRhm8-00799-00239226-00239719 But I want to turn now from a moment of high dAemDFcRhm8-00800-00239719-00240180 politics--or discussion of high politics and a dAemDFcRhm8-00801-00240180-00240450 discussion of social history, dAemDFcRhm8-00802-00240450-00240556 sort of life on the ground, dAemDFcRhm8-00803-00240556-00241106 to take a moment to look at some other types dAemDFcRhm8-00804-00241106-00241550 of--some primary sources that helps us understand dAemDFcRhm8-00805-00241550-00241826 what I'll just call the political culture of the dAemDFcRhm8-00806-00241826-00242026 moment. dAemDFcRhm8-00807-00242356-00242950 Very famous image, "What miscegenation is. dAemDFcRhm8-00808-00242950-00243150 What we are to expect now that Mr. Lincoln is dAemDFcRhm8-00809-00243150-00243250 reelected." dAemDFcRhm8-00810-00243250-00243519 Talking 1864 now. dAemDFcRhm8-00811-00243519-00243676 I mentioned in the first lecture, dAemDFcRhm8-00812-00243676-00244116 you know, nation states declaring their cultures, dAemDFcRhm8-00813-00244116-00244310 and the ideologies, and their myths on their dAemDFcRhm8-00814-00244310-00244430 currency. dAemDFcRhm8-00815-00244430-00244666 Well, you can see it as well in political posters, dAemDFcRhm8-00816-00244666-00244819 certainly political cartoons. dAemDFcRhm8-00817-00244819-00245419 And this is a--represents a kind of theme we're dAemDFcRhm8-00818-00245419-00245640 going to see a fair amount in this course. dAemDFcRhm8-00819-00245640-00246050 Just like the currency of exalted white womanhood. dAemDFcRhm8-00820-00246050-00246590 And in this case, a caricature, dAemDFcRhm8-00821-00246590-00246869 a very dark-skinned caricature of an African dAemDFcRhm8-00822-00246869-00246969 American man. dAemDFcRhm8-00823-00246969-00247136 Caricature as being of black males, dAemDFcRhm8-00824-00247136-00247369 as you probably already know and will certainly dAemDFcRhm8-00825-00247369-00247926 know more, very alive and well during this period dAemDFcRhm8-00826-00247926-00248150 and certainly even to today in different ways, dAemDFcRhm8-00827-00248150-00248350 something we'll talk about later on in the course. dAemDFcRhm8-00828-00248619-00248776 But a broadside talking about "This is what we're dAemDFcRhm8-00829-00248776-00249150 going to expect now that Lincoln's been reelected. dAemDFcRhm8-00830-00249150-00249366 All hope's been lost. dAemDFcRhm8-00831-00249366-00249740 White women and black men will connect in this sort dAemDFcRhm8-00832-00249740-00249890 of way." dAemDFcRhm8-00833-00249890-00250110 Now this one I think is interesting 'cause often dAemDFcRhm8-00834-00250110-00250369 the notion is that black men are assaulting white dAemDFcRhm8-00835-00250369-00250596 women, but in this case, you have--her arm is dAemDFcRhm8-00836-00250596-00250886 wrapped around, not in seeming protest. dAemDFcRhm8-00837-00251090-00251346 Be that as it may, the notion of black and white dAemDFcRhm8-00838-00251346-00251610 mingling in this sort of way was a profound threat. dAemDFcRhm8-00839-00251610-00251966 This is 1864. dAemDFcRhm8-00840-00251966-00252236 Now I talked about the Freedmen's Bureau and the dAemDFcRhm8-00841-00252236-00252400 work that it was assigned to do. dAemDFcRhm8-00842-00252400-00252780 It's there to establish wage labor contracts, dAemDFcRhm8-00843-00252780-00253050 and try to help navigate land redistribution, dAemDFcRhm8-00844-00253050-00253340 it seemed at first, and try to help provide basic dAemDFcRhm8-00845-00253340-00253730 assistance and education to African Americans. dAemDFcRhm8-00846-00253730-00253960 Well, on the political campaigns in 1866, dAemDFcRhm8-00847-00253960-00254106 after the Freedmen's Bureau has been dAemDFcRhm8-00848-00254106-00254436 established, you start seeing dAemDFcRhm8-00849-00254436-00254726 representations--again another very famous dAemDFcRhm8-00850-00254726-00255110 poster--representations of what Reconstruction dAemDFcRhm8-00851-00255110-00255419 actually means, the Freedmen's Bureau, dAemDFcRhm8-00852-00255419-00255656 or what--excuse me, the Freedmen's Bureau means. dAemDFcRhm8-00853-00255656-00255850 "The Freedmen's Bureau, an agency to keep the Negro dAemDFcRhm8-00854-00255850-00256160 in idleness at the expense of the white man, dAemDFcRhm8-00855-00256160-00256410 twice vetoed by the President and made a law dAemDFcRhm8-00856-00256410-00256540 by Congress. dAemDFcRhm8-00857-00256540-00256800 Support Congress and you support the Negro. dAemDFcRhm8-00858-00256800-00257010 Sustain the President and you protect the white dAemDFcRhm8-00859-00257010-00257250 man." dAemDFcRhm8-00860-00257250-00257600 Another caricature of an African American in dAemDFcRhm8-00861-00257600-00257750 tatters, 'cause he doesn't really need to be dressed; dAemDFcRhm8-00862-00257750-00258046 he doesn't really care, barefoot, dAemDFcRhm8-00863-00258046-00258236 idle, happy as can be. dAemDFcRhm8-00864-00258236-00258706 The white man looking on, working very hard, dAemDFcRhm8-00865-00258706-00258940 trying to earn his keep, do the right thing. dAemDFcRhm8-00866-00259219-00259550 Now, aside from this being a very famous poster, dAemDFcRhm8-00867-00259550-00259956 sort of capturing the sentiment or resentment dAemDFcRhm8-00868-00259956-00260206 about the Freedmen's Bureau being there to dAemDFcRhm8-00869-00260206-00260519 assist the lazy African American, dAemDFcRhm8-00870-00260519-00260900 this is also important to highlight the ways in dAemDFcRhm8-00871-00260900-00261156 which these narratives appear in surprising dAemDFcRhm8-00872-00261156-00261296 places and ways, or at least, dAemDFcRhm8-00873-00261296-00261619 ways that we today might think are surprising. dAemDFcRhm8-00874-00261619-00262000 This is a campaign ad, not in Alabama, dAemDFcRhm8-00875-00262000-00262200 not in Mississippi, but in Pennsylvania. dAemDFcRhm8-00876-00262430-00263030 It's an ad regarding an election in 1866 pitting dAemDFcRhm8-00877-00263350-00263950 John Geary, Republican, against Hiester Clymer for dAemDFcRhm8-00878-00264290-00264490 the governorship of Pennsylvania. dAemDFcRhm8-00879-00264960-00265140 Clymer's saying, the Democrat, dAemDFcRhm8-00880-00265140-00265290 is saying, "If you support Geary, dAemDFcRhm8-00881-00265290-00265490 you're supporting this. dAemDFcRhm8-00882-00265766-00266046 Black idleness." dAemDFcRhm8-00883-00266046-00266460 From the same campaign--and this is dAemDFcRhm8-00884-00266460-00266660 dramatic I think, pretty dramatic as well, dAemDFcRhm8-00885-00266660-00267086 but you see the notion of caricature and ideals of dAemDFcRhm8-00886-00267086-00267270 white beauty but in a different sort of way in dAemDFcRhm8-00887-00267270-00267470 the same campaign, another broadside. dAemDFcRhm8-00888-00267820-00267940 Pretty direct here. dAemDFcRhm8-00889-00267940-00268210 Clymer's platform is for the white man. dAemDFcRhm8-00890-00268436-00268636 Geary's platform is for the negro. dAemDFcRhm8-00891-00268876-00269190 Read the platforms. dAemDFcRhm8-00892-00269190-00269426 Again, if you're supporting Geary, dAemDFcRhm8-00893-00269426-00269720 represented here by the grotesque representation dAemDFcRhm8-00894-00269720-00269960 of a black male, if you're representing Geary, dAemDFcRhm8-00895-00269960-00270116 you're representing all of those things that are dAemDFcRhm8-00896-00270116-00270396 wrong about excess, idleness, dAemDFcRhm8-00897-00270616-00270960 illiteracy, sexual aggression, dAemDFcRhm8-00898-00270960-00271140 all of these things that are associated with black dAemDFcRhm8-00899-00271140-00271280 male, especially in this case, dAemDFcRhm8-00900-00271280-00271466 black male behavior. dAemDFcRhm8-00901-00271466-00271840 If you support Clymer, you support someone who's dAemDFcRhm8-00902-00271840-00272320 educated, who's refined, who's disciplined. dAemDFcRhm8-00903-00272780-00273020 So we go from this image, which is sort of a dAemDFcRhm8-00904-00273020-00273390 grotesquery, very busy, lots of different texts dAemDFcRhm8-00905-00273390-00273696 and representations, to this one that's cleaner as dAemDFcRhm8-00906-00273696-00274156 it were, more upfront about its representations, dAemDFcRhm8-00907-00274156-00274256 to in 1868--these are typical, dAemDFcRhm8-00908-00274256-00274630 these are not exceptional advertisements--in 1868 in dAemDFcRhm8-00909-00274630-00275106 the Presidential, Democratic Presidential dAemDFcRhm8-00910-00275106-00275630 Primary, New York Governor Horatio Seymour who was dAemDFcRhm8-00911-00275630-00275790 the Governor of the state during the New York City dAemDFcRhm8-00912-00275790-00276450 draft riots and who did not pursue the draft dAemDFcRhm8-00913-00276450-00276766 rioters, the Irish who burned parts of the city dAemDFcRhm8-00914-00276766-00276940 and attacked and killed people and attacked the dAemDFcRhm8-00915-00276940-00277266 military, he didn't punish them, dAemDFcRhm8-00916-00277266-00277466 which--and he's a Republican now, dAemDFcRhm8-00917-00277466-00277710 and people thought that he was a traitor to the Union dAemDFcRhm8-00918-00277710-00277960 army---or to the Union--in support of the dAemDFcRhm8-00919-00277960-00278186 Confederacy. dAemDFcRhm8-00920-00278186-00278526 Anyway, New York Governor Horatio Seymour is running dAemDFcRhm8-00921-00278526-00278830 with Francis Blair from Missouri for the dAemDFcRhm8-00922-00278830-00279080 Democratic nomination. dAemDFcRhm8-00923-00279080-00279350 And they announce their ticket... dAemDFcRhm8-00924-00279350-00279590 couldn't be more simple. dAemDFcRhm8-00925-00279590-00279940 Our motto, "This is a white man's country, dAemDFcRhm8-00926-00279940-00280050 let white men rule." dAemDFcRhm8-00927-00280050-00280796 So you see a range of images here that have been dAemDFcRhm8-00928-00280796-00281006 popularly distributed. dAemDFcRhm8-00929-00281266-00281530 Pennsylvania race for Governor, dAemDFcRhm8-00930-00281530-00281910 presidential primary, again a northern governor, dAemDFcRhm8-00931-00281910-00282150 in this case represented on the presidential part dAemDFcRhm8-00932-00282150-00282410 of the ticket. dAemDFcRhm8-00933-00282410-00282750 A language, a visual language, dAemDFcRhm8-00934-00282750-00282880 and sometimes just flat-out words, dAemDFcRhm8-00935-00282880-00283366 of course, making it clear that this era of dAemDFcRhm8-00936-00283366-00283590 transition is not an easy one, dAemDFcRhm8-00937-00283590-00283790 that there's intransigence in all different corners dAemDFcRhm8-00938-00283790-00283926 and all different regions from different dAemDFcRhm8-00939-00283926-00284126 perspectives. dAemDFcRhm8-00940-00284260-00284556 And if you're thinking I'm over-reading these things, dAemDFcRhm8-00941-00284556-00284966 let me just show this last image that sends a message dAemDFcRhm8-00942-00285170-00285430 to Northerners who are coming down to save the dAemDFcRhm8-00943-00285430-00285616 South, take over the South, dAemDFcRhm8-00944-00285616-00285716 occupy the South--carpetbaggers, dAemDFcRhm8-00945-00285716-00286160 people who would load up their things in a bag from dAemDFcRhm8-00946-00286160-00286350 the North, come down to the South and set up a dAemDFcRhm8-00947-00286350-00286510 government, set up a business and take dAemDFcRhm8-00948-00286510-00286690 advantage of Southern resources, dAemDFcRhm8-00949-00286690-00286906 certainly a lot of them did. dAemDFcRhm8-00950-00286906-00287166 The South had an answer for these people, dAemDFcRhm8-00951-00287166-00287300 and you would see posters up on, dAemDFcRhm8-00952-00287300-00287566 you know, plastered onto a tree or a wall that would dAemDFcRhm8-00953-00287566-00287766 simply say this. dAemDFcRhm8-00954-00288050-00288370 This is the nature of this visual conversation, dAemDFcRhm8-00955-00288370-00288570 if you will, of this moment in time; dAemDFcRhm8-00956-00288570-00288950 a period of tremendous sorting out, dAemDFcRhm8-00957-00288950-00289200 a period it seems of incredible possibility and dAemDFcRhm8-00958-00289200-00289470 hope, as far as the elected realm is concerned dAemDFcRhm8-00959-00289470-00289690 for African Americans, a period much more dAemDFcRhm8-00960-00289690-00289920 complicated on the ground for African Americans and dAemDFcRhm8-00961-00289920-00290406 for poor whites certainly, a period of growing or dAemDFcRhm8-00962-00290406-00290746 sustaining intransigence by white elected officials dAemDFcRhm8-00963-00290746-00291086 in the South, and a period where white elected dAemDFcRhm8-00964-00291086-00291380 officials in the North aren't quite certain about dAemDFcRhm8-00965-00291380-00291850 this whole period, this whole idea of trying to dAemDFcRhm8-00966-00291850-00292170 reconstruct the Union along these terms. dAemDFcRhm8-00967-00292170-00292380 The answers that I posed at the beginning of the dAemDFcRhm8-00968-00292380-00292670 class were answered--the questions I posed at the dAemDFcRhm8-00969-00292670-00292770 beginning of the class were answered through dAemDFcRhm8-00970-00292770-00292870 these narratives. dAemDFcRhm8-00971-00292870-00293040 And we'll see some more answers when we resume dAemDFcRhm8-00972-00293040-00293346 class the next session and talk about Redemption. dAemDFcRhm8-00973-00293346-00293546 Thank you. dDg6xo-2Z-c-00000-00000016-00000616 today we are going to talk about some diabetes control tips now i have outlined here and i'm dDg6xo-2Z-c-00001-00000616-00001064 going to give you some details about how to control your diabetes and that's going to be dDg6xo-2Z-c-00002-00001064-00001648 a very good structure for you all to follow if you like this video please give a thumbs up and dDg6xo-2Z-c-00003-00001648-00002232 subscribe to our channel so we can provide you more videos and you can be more better educated dDg6xo-2Z-c-00004-00002232-00003152 now let's start with um the seven fundamental concepts that we especially for type 2 diabetics dDg6xo-2Z-c-00005-00003152-00003800 but also type 1 diabetics as well how to really manage your diabetes on a day-to-day basis dDg6xo-2Z-c-00006-00003800-00004488 a lot of times people skip the order or they will just not even think about it dDg6xo-2Z-c-00007-00004576-00005424 but diabetes is a very complex disease it's not just you eat too much disorder dDg6xo-2Z-c-00008-00005424-00005704 okay it's not just because you're eating too much sugar disorder dDg6xo-2Z-c-00009-00005824-00006504 it is a metabolic disorder it comes with insulin resistance along with relative insulin deficiency dDg6xo-2Z-c-00010-00006504-00007256 now of course once you become a diabetic it is easy to give in become you know upset and dDg6xo-2Z-c-00011-00007256-00007840 annoyed or whatever uh and you know sometimes some some people do the opposite and they become dDg6xo-2Z-c-00012-00007840-00008712 extremely obsessed about it and so forth so let's go over actually how we advise people to manage dDg6xo-2Z-c-00013-00008712-00009232 their diabetes now healthy eating of course you can be like duh you know of course healthy dDg6xo-2Z-c-00014-00009232-00009880 eating now healthy eating does not necessarily mean that you have to quit everything you love dDg6xo-2Z-c-00015-00009944-00010744 you just have to understand number one what a glycemic index is what our complex carbs are what dDg6xo-2Z-c-00016-00010744-00011416 are the portion sizes and of course how do they affect your blood sugar because not every diabetic dDg6xo-2Z-c-00017-00011416-00011872 is the same so you have to really understand how carbs are affecting your blood sugars dDg6xo-2Z-c-00018-00012000-00012832 and how you can actually make changes in your life without having to reborn to another life dDg6xo-2Z-c-00019-00012904-00013519 and changing your entire diet now some people can do that but a lot of people is just not dDg6xo-2Z-c-00020-00013519-00014112 able to do that for men variety of reasons healthy eating we have a video about this diabetic diet dDg6xo-2Z-c-00021-00014112-00014680 very popular after this video it's going to be part of the playlist make sure you watch dDg6xo-2Z-c-00022-00014680-00015240 that video so you can actually understand the entire concept i just don't want to make videos dDg6xo-2Z-c-00023-00015240-00015928 lasting forever because you're not going to be able to keep your focus now being active dDg6xo-2Z-c-00024-00015928-00016600 again being active is very structured we have an exercise for diabetics or workouts for diabetics dDg6xo-2Z-c-00025-00016600-00017248 video that i explained that you have to do 150 minutes for a moderate exercise at least 60 to dDg6xo-2Z-c-00026-00017248-00018208 90 minutes if it is vigorous or intense exercise but having a structured regular uh Arabic as well dDg6xo-2Z-c-00027-00018208-00019024 as uh resistance training is fundamental in in managing your diabetes now of course there are dDg6xo-2Z-c-00028-00019024-00019560 other things like monitoring taking medication problem solving reducing risks and healthy coping dDg6xo-2Z-c-00029-00019560-00020208 now what what do these things mean now everybody understands the healthy eating and being active dDg6xo-2Z-c-00030-00020208-00020992 part but when it comes to monitoring people don't know you know how to monitor now of course dDg6xo-2Z-c-00031-00020992-00021400 you know healthy eating and being active also needs to be understood well because dDg6xo-2Z-c-00032-00021400-00021960 there's a lot of misinformation out there but monitoring we have a video about this as well uh dDg6xo-2Z-c-00033-00021960-00022480 how to how many times to check blood sugars very important you need to understand that depending on dDg6xo-2Z-c-00034-00022480-00022944 your individual situation but once you watch the video i think you will have a good understanding dDg6xo-2Z-c-00035-00023080-00023680 so but i'll go over quickly here monitoring can be done in a variety of ways to nowadays is a lot dDg6xo-2Z-c-00036-00023680-00024168 easier right so we have continuous glucose monitoring systems such as Dexcom or Libre dDg6xo-2Z-c-00037-00024232-00024952 we have a lot of good meters people who are who do not want to carry an extra piece of equipment dDg6xo-2Z-c-00038-00024952-00025736 on their body they still say i'll just do a finger stick but there are a lot of options out there dDg6xo-2Z-c-00039-00025736-00026544 uh nowadays that you can easily check your blood sugars without a big problem without uh you know dDg6xo-2Z-c-00040-00026608-00027239 stop doing everything you're doing now taking medication is is is a problem because what ends dDg6xo-2Z-c-00041-00027239-00027672 up happening is that diabetic patients end up going on a lot of medications especially in dDg6xo-2Z-c-00042-00027672-00028216 time and they get tired of them or they end up you know they start forgetting them you know telling dDg6xo-2Z-c-00043-00028216-00028992 somebody to take a medication forever is this difficult so uh what we need to do what we do for dDg6xo-2Z-c-00044-00028992-00029608 our patients and what you need to ask your doctor that you they need to really solidify they need to dDg6xo-2Z-c-00045-00029672-00030408 minimize the number of medications the way to do that is to use a most effective medication dDg6xo-2Z-c-00046-00030408-00031144 that can get the job done not only today but also five ten years from now you can still stay on the dDg6xo-2Z-c-00047-00031144-00032039 medication and stay under control and there are medications out there and uh i just need to um dDg6xo-2Z-c-00048-00032039-00032616 tell you that you really have to tell your doctor okay just just don't give me another pill give dDg6xo-2Z-c-00049-00032616-00033152 me something that will work for a long time and that's not necessarily insulin okay so there are a dDg6xo-2Z-c-00050-00033152-00033808 lot of medications that will not need insulin and that that will still keep you in track on track dDg6xo-2Z-c-00051-00033808-00034480 and will maintain your blood sugars at a healthy level without needing to take a bunch of pills dDg6xo-2Z-c-00052-00034536-00035240 now problem solving now of course taking medication you know if you don't monitor you're dDg6xo-2Z-c-00053-00035240-00035800 not going to know where you're at so if you're not taking your medication even if you monitor your dDg6xo-2Z-c-00054-00035800-00036488 blood sugar is not going to be under control so so these things are not going to fix your diabetes dDg6xo-2Z-c-00055-00036584-00037192 by itself you have to do all of them at least partially so for example you're eating healthy dDg6xo-2Z-c-00056-00037272-00037880 right so you think that eating healthy should do it but it may not so and if your doctor says you dDg6xo-2Z-c-00057-00037880-00038304 need to take your medication because your healthy eating didn't work enough and if you refuse that dDg6xo-2Z-c-00058-00038440-00038896 even if you continue to monitor your blood sugars are not going to come down just because you're dDg6xo-2Z-c-00059-00038896-00039520 monitoring monitoring shows you where you're at monitoring shows you if you need a medication dDg6xo-2Z-c-00060-00039520-00040128 monitoring shows you if you're healthy eating and being active is actually reflecting on your blood dDg6xo-2Z-c-00061-00040128-00040928 sugar control of course taking medication is going to be important if healthy eating and being active dDg6xo-2Z-c-00062-00040928-00041648 is not helping enough problem solving now that's where a lot of people fall off the wagon dDg6xo-2Z-c-00063-00041648-00042248 here's why because they if they are barely getting things done for their diabetes dDg6xo-2Z-c-00064-00042360-00042976 the first problem they experience they just dropped the ball and um that's why we see patients dDg6xo-2Z-c-00065-00042976-00043448 every three months at least and sometimes you know especially when they're new i see them way often dDg6xo-2Z-c-00066-00043512-00043896 because i want to make sure that they understand i want to make sure that they're taking their dDg6xo-2Z-c-00067-00043896-00044192 medication i want to make sure that they're monitoring i want to make sure that they're dDg6xo-2Z-c-00068-00044192-00044832 on a good routine unfortunately diabetes is a boring disease you have to be on a routine now dDg6xo-2Z-c-00069-00044832-00045624 problems are when people's routines are disturbed uh it could be a travel it could be some sickness dDg6xo-2Z-c-00070-00045624-00046264 it could be a relative being sick it could be that you know you have to change your jobs it dDg6xo-2Z-c-00071-00046264-00047168 could be that you have to move then the problems are up i lost my monitor i i forgot my medication dDg6xo-2Z-c-00072-00047168-00047888 somewhere else uh i cannot exercise because my neighborhood is not good anymore and excuses dDg6xo-2Z-c-00073-00047888-00048640 are going to always come now these are problems now you have to identify the problem you have to dDg6xo-2Z-c-00074-00048640-00049360 think about a solution and you have to implement the solution actually if you do these things dDg6xo-2Z-c-00075-00049360-00049928 in your life you're going to be successful not only with diabetes but in a lot of other things dDg6xo-2Z-c-00076-00050008-00050608 reducing risks now reducing risk is is very important because just dDg6xo-2Z-c-00077-00050608-00051016 because controlling blood sugar does not necessarily mean that your heart disease dDg6xo-2Z-c-00078-00051200-00051832 risk or or some like stroke risk is going down sometimes to reduce your risk you also dDg6xo-2Z-c-00079-00051832-00052384 have to control your blood pressure and your cholesterol and more strict control dDg6xo-2Z-c-00080-00052384-00052904 of blood pressure and cholesterol is generally required for diabetics and for that they still dDg6xo-2Z-c-00081-00052960-00053528 sometimes have to take medications again back to taking medications same thing with problems dDg6xo-2Z-c-00082-00053528-00054079 you know the same problems with taking medications or monitoring monitoring your blood pressure doing dDg6xo-2Z-c-00083-00054079-00054904 your blood pressure cholesterol these are all connected if you do not do these all together then dDg6xo-2Z-c-00084-00054976-00055672 don't be surprised if the outcome is still not good so doctors when they tell you something they dDg6xo-2Z-c-00085-00055672-00056376 think a lot about it they know a lot about it although you may not appreciate it but they are dDg6xo-2Z-c-00086-00056376-00057040 thinking about you're losing your risk okay they may not have time uh to tell you how they're doing dDg6xo-2Z-c-00087-00057040-00057879 it and how it works how things work um but that's why i'm here right but reducing risk happens dDg6xo-2Z-c-00088-00058032-00058896 if you control other factors because heart attack for example is rarely just one single factor one dDg6xo-2Z-c-00089-00058896-00059432 single risk factor so typically it's multiple risk factors and you have to risk all we have dDg6xo-2Z-c-00090-00059432-00060112 to reduce all these risks so that you can stay healthy and have a long life again healthy coping dDg6xo-2Z-c-00091-00060112-00060808 now there's a problem because people will say why did i get this diabetes why did it find me dDg6xo-2Z-c-00092-00060808-00061367 that's the number one question people get angry about it people get angry about a lot of other dDg6xo-2Z-c-00093-00061367-00061888 things and i don't blame them because some you know having to take medications or medications dDg6xo-2Z-c-00094-00061888-00062472 being expensive or you know having to monitor all the time having to prick your fingers or dDg6xo-2Z-c-00095-00062472-00063200 you know having to um pay co-pays and all that stuff and but but the bottom line is it's your dDg6xo-2Z-c-00096-00063200-00063904 life and if it happened to you at this point you have to be able to cope with it because if you dDg6xo-2Z-c-00097-00063904-00064536 give up then you give up then you're not going to be able to achieve anything that you want to dDg6xo-2Z-c-00098-00064536-00065152 achieve in life when you're not healthy so if you're not coping with your diabetes problems dDg6xo-2Z-c-00099-00065255-00065872 and if you're just ignoring your diabetes it may sound or feel fine just right now dDg6xo-2Z-c-00100-00065960-00066552 but down the road when you are trying to collect your investments that you have dDg6xo-2Z-c-00101-00066552-00067384 done today you're not going to be able to enjoy because you're not going to have enough health dDg6xo-2Z-c-00102-00067528-00068096 to be able to enjoy what you have done today your hard work your dDg6xo-2Z-c-00103-00068296-00068920 investments your life your kids your grandkids you're not going to be able to see that and dDg6xo-2Z-c-00104-00068920-00069808 that that's why you have to be able to cope with these problems today you have to find a way to eat dDg6xo-2Z-c-00105-00069808-00070448 healthy even if you're traveling you have to find a way of being active even if the gyms are closed dDg6xo-2Z-c-00106-00070448-00071120 even if it's hot outside so a lot of times i tell my patients why can't you get up early in dDg6xo-2Z-c-00107-00071120-00071584 the morning in Florida it is still not bad at 75 degrees at six o'clock in the morning dDg6xo-2Z-c-00108-00071688-00072384 but people don't want to do that but you you can and you should and it's a problem so it's an dDg6xo-2Z-c-00109-00072384-00073032 excuse they have a problem but they don't want to solve the problem they just want more medication dDg6xo-2Z-c-00110-00073032-00073832 but the more medication brings more problems such as side effects or such as expenses right and um dDg6xo-2Z-c-00111-00073832-00074232 reducing risks again if your blood sugars are running high you're not going to be able dDg6xo-2Z-c-00112-00074232-00074696 to reduce any risk you're gonna go into kidney failure and the kidney failure will complicate dDg6xo-2Z-c-00113-00074696-00075400 everything else so as a result guys please make sure that you follow this healthy eating being dDg6xo-2Z-c-00114-00075400-00076112 active monitoring correctly taking your medication problem solving when there's a problem interfering dDg6xo-2Z-c-00115-00076112-00076600 with your routine reducing risks making sure that you're also controlling other risks such as dDg6xo-2Z-c-00116-00076600-00078272 blood pressure and cholesterol and healthy coping with all of these things that you have to follow dE2Pox1oWjM-00000-00000182-00000635 we were out to find websites on the brink of technology failure and turned dE2Pox1oWjM-00001-00000635-00001182 them into something awesome hello this is David Robb from Shepherds loft and dE2Pox1oWjM-00002-00001182-00001794 also host Divi calm today we're going to convert this custom or press theme over dE2Pox1oWjM-00003-00001794-00002426 to the Divi theme and I'm gonna step you through that one step at a time so let's dE2Pox1oWjM-00004-00002426-00003126 get started our strategy is to use the Divi builder so that we can design a dE2Pox1oWjM-00005-00003126-00003755 page with the Divi builder and then we want to install the Divi theme and then dE2Pox1oWjM-00006-00003755-00004155 switch the themes over and then we can remove the Divi builder so we're doing dE2Pox1oWjM-00007-00004155-00004566 this on a live site it's only one page so I really don't want to go through the dE2Pox1oWjM-00008-00004566-00005070 whole process of setting on staging site and changing IP addresses and all that dE2Pox1oWjM-00009-00005070-00005577 so it's just a small site so we've got our Divi builder plug-in installed which dE2Pox1oWjM-00010-00005577-00006210 would allow us to build use the Divi builder on any pages that we want to use dE2Pox1oWjM-00011-00006210-00006843 so let's go ahead and start a new page and for the design we're pretty much dE2Pox1oWjM-00012-00006843-00007365 gonna mimic exactly what's already here because this is what's already been dE2Pox1oWjM-00013-00007365-00007929 approved by the customer so we're going to just make this look just like the dE2Pox1oWjM-00014-00007929-00008286 current one maybe make some small improvements it looks like everything is dE2Pox1oWjM-00015-00008286-00008772 bold which it doesn't need to be so we can maybe a little less bold on the dE2Pox1oWjM-00016-00008772-00009347 letters there in some little small layout adjustments where things are you dE2Pox1oWjM-00017-00009347-00009761 know not lined up or you know just don't quite look right this dE2Pox1oWjM-00018-00009761-00010128 Graig against the side of the box and too much space up here and not enough dE2Pox1oWjM-00019-00010128-00010656 space there and too much space here you know about this part so we're gonna go dE2Pox1oWjM-00020-00010656-00011025 through and we're gonna make some minor design changes but the goal is just to dE2Pox1oWjM-00021-00011025-00011597 rebuild this page the way it looks so here's our new page and this is gonna be dE2Pox1oWjM-00022-00011597-00012386 our new home page we're gonna label that so we know which one it is and we're dE2Pox1oWjM-00023-00012386-00013131 gonna launch our Divi builder well we're building a new website it's great to dE2Pox1oWjM-00024-00013131-00013697 start with a a pre-designed layout and at our content that way but dE2Pox1oWjM-00025-00013697-00014085 in this case we are converting the current design over and we wanted to dE2Pox1oWjM-00026-00014085-00014672 look as much like the original as possible with with some improvements so dE2Pox1oWjM-00027-00014672-00015147 we're just gonna jump into just clicking start building and then we're going to dE2Pox1oWjM-00028-00015147-00015696 when it gives us the choice so when it gives us a choice to build from scratch dE2Pox1oWjM-00029-00015696-00016319 or to use a premade layout we're just gonna choose start building from scratch dE2Pox1oWjM-00030-00016319-00016971 if you're having trouble using the Divi builder plug-in with a particular theme dE2Pox1oWjM-00031-00016971-00017598 you can always use a another WordPress install and design your page and export dE2Pox1oWjM-00032-00017598-00018027 the layout and import it back into the the site that you're trying to change so dE2Pox1oWjM-00033-00018027-00018426 that's what we're gonna do now and we're gonna go ahead and click on start dE2Pox1oWjM-00034-00018426-00018671 building dE2Pox1oWjM-00035-00018987-00019381 gonna get started replicating the design dE2Pox1oWjM-00036-00019933-00020139 you dE2Pox1oWjM-00037-00037041-00037690 using the inspector we can right-click open the inspector and we can find the dE2Pox1oWjM-00038-00037690-00038128 font by filtering through and can find the font that was being used the Roboto dE2Pox1oWjM-00039-00038128-00038386 medium dE2Pox1oWjM-00040-00039016-00039222 you dE2Pox1oWjM-00041-00173072-00173658 then we've got our design layout roughly completed we're gonna save it to our dE2Pox1oWjM-00042-00173658-00174657 Divi library we'll just call this core homepage and I'm gonna save that in dE2Pox1oWjM-00043-00174657-00175368 there now we can exit out of a visual builder then we'll go to our Divi dE2Pox1oWjM-00044-00175368-00176109 library and we're going to export the design layout that we just completed so dE2Pox1oWjM-00045-00176109-00177219 we will check on that layout and then we'll click on import export export that dE2Pox1oWjM-00046-00177219-00177488 to our desktop dE2Pox1oWjM-00047-00178039-00178245 you dE2Pox1oWjM-00048-00178857-00179355 now that we have our DVD layout completed and exported we're going to go dE2Pox1oWjM-00049-00179355-00179934 back into the website that we're working on we're going to go to Divi and give dE2Pox1oWjM-00050-00179934-00180206 you library dE2Pox1oWjM-00051-00180638-00181106 when I click on import and then we're going to import the design that we just dE2Pox1oWjM-00052-00181106-00181342 completed dE2Pox1oWjM-00053-00181862-00182068 you dE2Pox1oWjM-00054-00182844-00183372 and we're going to go over make sure we've got our theme installed dE2Pox1oWjM-00055-00183898-00184104 you dE2Pox1oWjM-00056-00185274-00185613 before we activate the theme I'm going to dE2Pox1oWjM-00057-00185613-00186237 take some screenshots of the website as it is now before we change it over that dE2Pox1oWjM-00058-00186237-00186758 way we can have a before-and-after and make sure that we didn't miss anything dE2Pox1oWjM-00059-00187345-00187551 you dE2Pox1oWjM-00060-00191693-00192333 so sometimes you can use a text editor like notepad or on the Mac you can use dE2Pox1oWjM-00061-00192333-00192888 TextEdit and I like to make it plain text so that it strips out all of the dE2Pox1oWjM-00062-00192888-00193353 HTML and everything and then I can have the information that I want without it dE2Pox1oWjM-00063-00193353-00194055 without the formatting so I was missing this little bit of text at the top and a dE2Pox1oWjM-00064-00194055-00194442 little bit information in the footer but I've got that on the text pad so when we dE2Pox1oWjM-00065-00194442-00194922 get the new theme its activated and the new layout added then we can come back dE2Pox1oWjM-00066-00194922-00195606 and add there's other content so we can do a live preview here after the dE2Pox1oWjM-00067-00195606-00195875 installation dE2Pox1oWjM-00068-00196477-00196683 you dE2Pox1oWjM-00069-00197730-00198351 there's not much to see because the layout has not been set to the homepage dE2Pox1oWjM-00070-00198351-00199018 yet so we'll go ahead and activate and publish and then we've got to step dE2Pox1oWjM-00071-00199018-00199602 through doing the menus in the footer and the home page layout dE2Pox1oWjM-00072-00200239-00200445 you dE2Pox1oWjM-00073-00204254-00204748 we're gonna change the layout to a blank page and we can only do that from the dE2Pox1oWjM-00074-00204748-00205266 editor we're doing that because we don't need the logo or we've already the logo dE2Pox1oWjM-00075-00205266-00205569 is already part of the design and there's no other pages it's just a one dE2Pox1oWjM-00076-00205569-00206125 page so we can change it to a blank page and then add the layout that we've dE2Pox1oWjM-00077-00206125-00206432 already created dE2Pox1oWjM-00078-00206990-00207196 you dE2Pox1oWjM-00079-00208521-00209119 sometimes if you're trying to slide library and you don't see your saved dE2Pox1oWjM-00080-00209119-00209537 options just click back and forth between the two different tabs and dE2Pox1oWjM-00081-00209537-00209938 they're not and then it'll show up dE2Pox1oWjM-00082-00210341-00210675 presto there we go we've got our new layout here dE2Pox1oWjM-00083-00210675-00211046 there's no we're gonna save this I don't we got to come back and add a little bar dE2Pox1oWjM-00084-00211046-00211392 and some footer things but right now we're gonna save this and we're gonna go dE2Pox1oWjM-00085-00211392-00211886 activate it and make this the new homepage so that we don't have a messed dE2Pox1oWjM-00086-00211886-00212352 up page on the on this live site so we're trying to do this with quickly dE2Pox1oWjM-00087-00212352-00212994 within like five minutes so we'll need to exit the visual builder and then go dE2Pox1oWjM-00088-00212994-00213767 to our WordPress reading settings and we can set the new home page as the home dE2Pox1oWjM-00089-00213767-00214060 page of the website dE2Pox1oWjM-00090-00214630-00214836 you dE2Pox1oWjM-00091-00216021-00216731 now I'm on the other tab this was cashed in from earlier so I didn't refresh this dE2Pox1oWjM-00092-00216731-00217271 page yet so I'm gonna hit command or you can press ctrl R or you can click the dE2Pox1oWjM-00093-00217271-00217946 little circle on your browser window to refresh the page and when this refreshes dE2Pox1oWjM-00094-00217946-00218510 we should see the new design and we do it's fantastic so here it is what we dE2Pox1oWjM-00095-00218510-00218957 have so far and we've got our screenshots we can go back and do any dE2Pox1oWjM-00096-00218957-00219651 little touch-ups so I think the layout is already looking much better cleaner dE2Pox1oWjM-00097-00219651-00220065 and tighter we need our footer information at the dE2Pox1oWjM-00098-00220065-00220544 bottom we probably want to add some red headings but we're gonna do that with dE2Pox1oWjM-00099-00220544-00220931 the custom Divi customizer instead of customizing dE2Pox1oWjM-00100-00220931-00221555 each individual heading on the on the page so so let's jump in and do that dE2Pox1oWjM-00101-00221555-00221990 first let's go to our theme customizer dE2Pox1oWjM-00102-00222194-00222838 while that's loading up we want to retrieve the right color red that's in dE2Pox1oWjM-00103-00222838-00223648 the logo so I'm gonna open up the logo in a graphics program I'm still using dE2Pox1oWjM-00104-00223648-00224144 fireworks my favorite programs dE2Pox1oWjM-00105-00224707-00224913 you dE2Pox1oWjM-00106-00225879-00226469 using the ink dropper we can select the red color and then open that up and get dE2Pox1oWjM-00107-00226469-00227208 the RGB color BB 2 0 3 1 I'm going to copy that to my clipboard dE2Pox1oWjM-00108-00227453-00228034 so now when the theme custom we're going to go to our settings and dE2Pox1oWjM-00109-00228034-00228555 set the heading color to red dE2Pox1oWjM-00110-00229134-00229340 you dE2Pox1oWjM-00111-00229664-00230802 and also I remember our font that we were using was the role the Roboto so dE2Pox1oWjM-00112-00230802-00231467 unfortunately we will have to scroll down and find that dE2Pox1oWjM-00113-00231998-00232205 you dE2Pox1oWjM-00114-00233900-00234594 so the cool thing here is if you do not use custom settings on your headings on dE2Pox1oWjM-00115-00234594-00235073 the actual page then you can control all of them at same time through the theme dE2Pox1oWjM-00116-00235073-00235662 customizer so once we've got these set then we can go back and even on the page dE2Pox1oWjM-00117-00235662-00236277 if we set it to the default font size color and everything then it'll be much dE2Pox1oWjM-00118-00236277-00236748 easier to adjust everything you can see this already turned red these turned red dE2Pox1oWjM-00119-00236748-00237486 for us this was a graphic and these turn this turned red for us as well so we dE2Pox1oWjM-00120-00237486-00237917 were able to control all of these and change all these at one time by just dE2Pox1oWjM-00121-00237917-00238217 using the theme settings dE2Pox1oWjM-00122-00238775-00239473 since I've got the red RGB color or hexa color all my clipboard I'm gonna go down dE2Pox1oWjM-00123-00239473-00239960 to my Divi theme options and make sure that that color is saved into my palette dE2Pox1oWjM-00124-00239960-00240610 so that when I'm designing on the page I can choose that specific red dE2Pox1oWjM-00125-00241269-00242007 pressing the inner key well show you the spinner which will save your save your dE2Pox1oWjM-00126-00242007-00242419 settings so now when I enable our visual builder dE2Pox1oWjM-00127-00242419-00242835 we should be able to have that red color available to us we're going to add a dE2Pox1oWjM-00128-00242835-00243527 little red bar at the top like there was before and copy and paste in our text dE2Pox1oWjM-00129-00244108-00244314 you dE2Pox1oWjM-00130-00258832-00259282 now we're going to work on our footer section we want to get this looking like dE2Pox1oWjM-00131-00259282-00259717 it did before with the two logos at the bottom but we're not going to include dE2Pox1oWjM-00132-00259717-00260203 that little Facebook icon we'll come back and add that to the to the top dE2Pox1oWjM-00133-00260203-00260629 navigation or somewhere else that's or wrap it into the footer so that it's dE2Pox1oWjM-00134-00260629-00260859 cleaner dE2Pox1oWjM-00135-00261425-00261631 you dE2Pox1oWjM-00136-00271007-00271634 instead of changing its selecting all the chain text and changing it to white dE2Pox1oWjM-00137-00271634-00272442 there if you it's called text color so if you look up that that feature or then dE2Pox1oWjM-00138-00272442-00272769 you can just click the drop-down and change the light maybe it'll dE2Pox1oWjM-00139-00272769-00273399 automatically make it white so the dark color is the color that's assigned in dE2Pox1oWjM-00140-00273399-00273816 the theme the theme options or the theme customizer dE2Pox1oWjM-00141-00273816-00274293 and light is just always the reverse or the white version of that text so then dE2Pox1oWjM-00142-00274293-00275073 you're not applying any Styles local styles on this page to your to your text dE2Pox1oWjM-00143-00275073-00275406 and you can always just come back and switch this back to dark and you're good dE2Pox1oWjM-00144-00275406-00275615 to go dE2Pox1oWjM-00145-00276214-00276420 you dE2Pox1oWjM-00146-00281878-00282457 this is not the ideal way to scale an image but it's already been used on the dE2Pox1oWjM-00147-00282457-00283270 page so the bitter option would be to resize make a copy of that little logo dE2Pox1oWjM-00148-00283270-00283941 and make it that size to match the other one dE2Pox1oWjM-00149-00284407-00285042 oK we've got everything in except for a little Facebook icon dE2Pox1oWjM-00150-00285660-00285866 you dE2Pox1oWjM-00151-00286013-00286680 we've completed the homepage redesign and the launching of our converting of dE2Pox1oWjM-00152-00286680-00287268 the theme over to Divi theme so we're on the last part of it but the home page is dE2Pox1oWjM-00153-00287268-00287721 all done but the sub pages are not completed so if we click here to our dE2Pox1oWjM-00154-00287721-00288318 donation page which is using WooCommerce we can see that our logo and all of our dE2Pox1oWjM-00155-00288318-00289065 navigation is messed up and our right sidebar is pretty much empty and our dE2Pox1oWjM-00156-00289065-00289623 footer is is somewhat incomplete as long as along with the social icons at the dE2Pox1oWjM-00157-00289623-00290091 bottom so this last part of the video we're going to clean up all of kind of dE2Pox1oWjM-00158-00290091-00290526 the furniture of the website all the the header and the footer and the sidebars dE2Pox1oWjM-00159-00290526-00291333 so we're gonna clean all these pieces up so that the website is complete so we dE2Pox1oWjM-00160-00291333-00291882 can start in with the with the navigation setting our logo and maybe dE2Pox1oWjM-00161-00291882-00292541 just having a home button there and a donate button and then work our way down dE2Pox1oWjM-00162-00293252-00293458 you dE2Pox1oWjM-00163-00301182-00301600 so here when we right-click and use in our inspector we can see the intrinsic dE2Pox1oWjM-00164-00301600-00302283 is 225 at 251 I usually make the logos at least 100 pixels tall dE2Pox1oWjM-00165-00302283-00302821 this one will scale a little bit but it needs to be a little bit bigger than be dE2Pox1oWjM-00166-00302821-00303075 able to see it dE2Pox1oWjM-00167-00303632-00303838 you dE2Pox1oWjM-00168-00329820-00330322 it's currently our is probably got three or four columns in dE2Pox1oWjM-00169-00330322-00330688 it so we wouldn't make it to columns so it matches the home page so we're gonna dE2Pox1oWjM-00170-00330688-00331323 go to the theme customizer and change the layout back to two dE2Pox1oWjM-00171-00331892-00332098 you dE2Pox1oWjM-00172-00332321-00332964 alright now we've got our subpages subpages looking good and I believe that dE2Pox1oWjM-00173-00332964-00333851 completes our project we've got a new homepage and new sub pages set up and dE2Pox1oWjM-00174-00333851-00334360 everything's ready to go well also would like to thank our sponsor pressable dE2Pox1oWjM-00175-00334360-00334863 Shepherd's loft team and we let events replay for editing our video see you in dE2Pox1oWjM-00176-00334863-00335335 the next episode be sure to LIKE comment and share dGwFVCl7GOo-00000-00001100-00001620 Hi, my name's Eli. I'm 29 from the southwest of England and I'm a plasterer. I've been looking dGwFVCl7GOo-00001-00001620-00002010 at hair transplants for years now. Yeah, just something that I thought we needed to do and dGwFVCl7GOo-00002-00002010-00002484 wanted to do. So, come along and done it. Come across you guys on Instagram. The marketing was dGwFVCl7GOo-00003-00002484-00003090 amazing. The results was amazing and you know just got a really good feel for for the clinic from dGwFVCl7GOo-00004-00003090-00003629 your online marketing really. No, I think I went by a lot of the following as well the following on dGwFVCl7GOo-00005-00003629-00004272 your Instagram channel is is incredible so yeah sort of a lot more than than other places and dGwFVCl7GOo-00006-00004272-00004932 seen the results and you know yeah yeah definitely above and beyond really. Service has been amazing. dGwFVCl7GOo-00007-00004932-00005418 Place is really outstanding you know sort of couldn't wish for nothing better really. Nice dGwFVCl7GOo-00008-00005418-00006288 and easy I mean all the staff is welcoming so you know it's quite nice, yeah, just really easy. For dGwFVCl7GOo-00009-00006288-00006959 how it went so we we landed in in the airport, we was picked up by... He was a nice chap as well who dGwFVCl7GOo-00010-00006959-00007638 picked us up and come to the… Hotel was amazing like you guys have put us up in as well. Yeah, and dGwFVCl7GOo-00011-00007638-00008262 then we come sort of come to a Hair of Istanbul in the morning, had the Hair Design put on. Yeah, dGwFVCl7GOo-00012-00008262-00008892 and had the process done and it was really good. I did have a lot of research. Yeah, I was looking dGwFVCl7GOo-00013-00008892-00009516 for a lot of places but like I say you guys are sort of number one in it but what I what I sort of dGwFVCl7GOo-00014-00009516-00010146 seen so that's why I'm here today. I was nervous yeah, but I mean when we got to the place just dGwFVCl7GOo-00015-00010146-00010644 it felt normal then. Yeah, I was quite nervous actually. I think I wanted better no I mean I was dGwFVCl7GOo-00016-00010644-00011226 afraid and then we come here, and it was sort of yeah amazing I mean the the process was was better dGwFVCl7GOo-00017-00011226-00011958 than I thought and the pain you know, apart from the injections, a sort of pain-free you know I I dGwFVCl7GOo-00018-00011958-00012576 would recommend it to everybody Hair of Istanbul. I mean the service has been phenomenal so yeah, dGwFVCl7GOo-00019-00012576-00013206 the hotel's been really good. Everyone who's worked has been very welcoming and being nice to dGwFVCl7GOo-00020-00013206-00013860 be around. So yeah, it's sort of been such an easy process to 10 out of 10 yeah yeah been very good. dPO3GVMs7AM-00000-00000033-00000449 Aloha are you ready to get the most out of your Hawaii experience? dPO3GVMs7AM-00001-00000459-00000893 Then you're going to need the best ground transportation service the islands have to offer dPO3GVMs7AM-00002-00000942-00001673 That's why you'll want to go with pono Express pono comes from the Hawaiian meaning of balance and righteousness which is dPO3GVMs7AM-00003-00001696-00002322 Exactly what they hope to reflect in all their actions with their key mission providing the highest quality service dPO3GVMs7AM-00004-00002373-00003035 This comes with professional courtesy affordable pricing and that Aloha experience you can't get anywhere else dPO3GVMs7AM-00005-00003090-00003530 Whether you need group transportation a private car tour or medical transportation dPO3GVMs7AM-00006-00003582-00004151 pono Express can provide it on all four islands, Oahu Maui, Hawaii and Hawaii dPO3GVMs7AM-00007-00004225-00004529 larger vehicles are available and your transportation needs are dPO3GVMs7AM-00008-00004582-00005127 Customizable so get in touch today arrange your trip from the airport to your favorite resort now dPO3GVMs7AM-00009-00005155-00005748 Save time and book online at pono Express calm and enjoy that aloha service dQVXCqTtcRU-00000-00000546-00000940 Cancer is the main chronic disease we work with at Cancer Council NT. dQVXCqTtcRU-00001-00000940-00001376 Cancer being one of the leading causes of death in Australia. dQVXCqTtcRU-00002-00001524-00001768 We obviously always promote self-management, dQVXCqTtcRU-00003-00001788-00002164 we are there as a support service and not a case management service dQVXCqTtcRU-00004-00002164-00002698 We promote self-management by encouraging people to receive peer support and dQVXCqTtcRU-00005-00002744-00003188 encouraging them to question/to ask their doctor, dQVXCqTtcRU-00006-00003226-00003429 and giving them the information dQVXCqTtcRU-00007-00003429-00003792 and letting them make the decision once we've given them the proper information. dQVXCqTtcRU-00008-00003792-00004240 Whether it be in regard to treatment or different options that they may take, dQVXCqTtcRU-00009-00004270-00004626 or if they want to access other complementary therapies for instance, dQVXCqTtcRU-00010-00004626-00005054 and giving them the safest advice in regards to that dRIA3qf1KQU-00000-00000539-00000978 THE DIRECTOR OF THE 21ST CENTURY SAILOR OFFICE REAR ADMIRAL SEAN BUCK VISITED SAN DIEGO LAST dRIA3qf1KQU-00001-00000978-00001195 WEEK TO TALK WITH SAILORS ABOUT WHAT'S IMPORTANT. dRIA3qf1KQU-00002-00001195-00001643 HE GOT FEEDBACK AT A SAPR FORUM ABOUT THE NAVY'S EFFORTS TO COMBAT SEXUAL ASSAULT. dRIA3qf1KQU-00003-00001643-00002100 BUCK SAID CSADD IS A GAME CHANGER AND YOU CAN SOLVE THE NAVY'S SEXUAL ASSAULT PROBLEM. dRIA3qf1KQU-00004-00002100-00002550 "IT'S THE ONLY PROGRAM WHERE IT'S RUN BY JUNIOR SAILORS COMPLETELY. dRIA3qf1KQU-00005-00002550-00003168 JUNIOR SAILORS CAN COME OUT AND BE THEMSELVES AND GIVE TRAINING TO EACH OTHER ON THEIR LEVEL dRIA3qf1KQU-00006-00003168-00003275 SO THEY GET IT. dRIA3qf1KQU-00007-00003275-00003789 YOU KNOW, THEY COME UP WITH THESE INNOVATIVE WAYS TO COME TO EACH OTHER." dRIA3qf1KQU-00008-00003789-00004210 BUCK ALSO MET WITH SENIOR LEADERSHIP ABOUT HOW THE NAVY CAN HELP YOU BE MORE RESILIENT. dRIA3qf1KQU-00009-00004210-00004516 FROM THE DEFENSE MEDIA ACTIVITY, I'M PETTY OFFICER JONATHAN PANKAU. dTzu5WB3G-E-00000-00000809-00001707 Waiting ways. dTzu5WB3G-E-00002-00005107-00005630 Symposium in Argentina, organized by J. St. At the Argentine Catholic University UCA. dTzu5WB3G-E-00003-00005630-00006244 The collaboration and exchange of ideas that was generated in this symposium is essential dTzu5WB3G-E-00004-00006244-00006519 to advance in the creation of safer transportation for all Argentines. dTzu5WB3G-E-00005-00006519-00006875 Waiting for tracks, thanks J. St and the UCA for allowing us to be part of this important dTzu5WB3G-E-00006-00006875-00006975 event. dTzu5WB3G-E-00007-00006975-00007514 In the morning I arrived at the UCA, where the first International Symposium of the institution dTzu5WB3G-E-00008-00007514-00007647 was taking place. dTzu5WB3G-E-00009-00007647-00008094 Once we obtained the corresponding accreditations, we entered the place and waited to participate dTzu5WB3G-E-00010-00008094-00008244 in the scheduled activities. dTzu5WB3G-E-00011-00008244-00008839 Then we attended one of the talks given by the National Center for Railway Development dTzu5WB3G-E-00012-00008839-00008939 and Innovation Scenario in. dTzu5WB3G-E-00013-00008939-00009429 Good morning to all the people who are present in this hall of this house of studies. dTzu5WB3G-E-00014-00009429-00010431 Good morning to all the people who accompany us regularly. dTzu5WB3G-E-00015-00010431-00011754 Firstly, as head of the National Center for Railway Development and Innovation in Madrid. dTzu5WB3G-E-00016-00011754-00012930 Special thanks to the JCC authorities for this invitation. dTzu5WB3G-E-00017-00012930-00013450 For us it is an honor and a pleasure. dTzu5WB3G-E-00018-00013450-00014770 With the JCC in the railway field we have colleagues in the house of studies, at UTEC, dTzu5WB3G-E-00019-00014770-00015843 we have colleagues with whom we work daily from the stage, analysis of the different dTzu5WB3G-E-00020-00015843-00015959 fields of knowledge, with how we relate. dTzu5WB3G-E-00021-00015959-00016162 And it's a pleasure to be here, chatting a little with you about the activities you carry dTzu5WB3G-E-00023-00021097-00022884 This presentation is one of the presentations where we will be able to show you activities dTzu5WB3G-E-00024-00022884-00023117 that we develop on stage. dTzu5WB3G-E-00025-00023117-00025111 One, we are going to talk about some today and another is going to be discussed on Thursday dTzu5WB3G-E-00026-00025111-00025583 in terms of development. dTzu5WB3G-E-00027-00025583-00026906 Initially we had thought that the Engineering manager who is here, the engineer David Juárez dTzu5WB3G-E-00028-00026906-00027797 and Nicolás Rivero, could expose one part and another. dTzu5WB3G-E-00029-00027797-00028838 Today, when talking about the organization, I am going to present the entire presentation dTzu5WB3G-E-00030-00028838-00031138 as soon as possible, and on Thursday the engineer Marvin Harris will be there and we have decided dTzu5WB3G-E-00031-00031138-00031687 that they are responsible for the development area. dTzu5WB3G-E-00032-00031687-00032950 So today I am going to talk to you about two things. dTzu5WB3G-E-00033-00032950-00034610 First I am going to tell you briefly that he is the general in the railway companies dTzu5WB3G-E-00034-00034610-00036168 and in all the areas that are dedicated to the railway activity. dTzu5WB3G-E-00035-00036168-00037294 Throughout history there have always been development activities and we have been working dTzu5WB3G-E-00036-00037294-00038003 on the suggestion, development and technical standards of the railway operator around 2009 dTzu5WB3G-E-00037-00038003-00039118 and where we talked with the Ministry of Transportation, in particular with Minister Mario Leoni, about dTzu5WB3G-E-00038-00039118-00040371 development projects and development activities that were being carried out in the sector dTzu5WB3G-E-00039-00040371-00041245 and it was deemed appropriate to create a development area for the railway within the dTzu5WB3G-E-00040-00041245-00042391 scope of Ferrocarriles Argentinos, which is the company that brings together the different dTzu5WB3G-E-00041-00042391-00043569 companies in the railway sector, both of operation as of passengers, as of loads, as of development dTzu5WB3G-E-00042-00043569-00043702 of human capital, railway and infrastructure. dTzu5WB3G-E-00043-00043702-00044197 And then, through Resolution 289, the National Center for Railway Development and Innovation dTzu5WB3G-E-00044-00044197-00045705 was created, which no one, whose headquarters are located in the Constitución Station and dTzu5WB3G-E-00045-00045705-00047344 today we have a series that has offices on one side and a laboratory on the other and dTzu5WB3G-E-00046-00047344-00047755 I'll talk to you briefly. dTzu5WB3G-E-00047-00047755-00048791 I have listened with pleasure in the different previous dissertations, issues that conceptually dTzu5WB3G-E-00048-00048791-00050547 link it to what we defend, which has to do with the triple concept of scientific and dTzu5WB3G-E-00049-00050547-00051739 technological development in Argentina and that basically mentions the relationship between dTzu5WB3G-E-00050-00051739-00053182 the government, companies private companies and the financing system. dTzu5WB3G-E-00051-00053182-00054663 And in this sense we believe that development, in this case engineering development, scientific-technological dTzu5WB3G-E-00052-00054663-00055062 development, works in virtuous terms. dTzu5WB3G-E-00053-00055062-00056057 When the technical system of the private sector and the public sector work harmoniously and dTzu5WB3G-E-00055-00059435-00061572 But before that, the look is to write what the vision is and what our main activity is, dTzu5WB3G-E-00056-00061572-00062526 because the activities carried out by the scenario derive from it. dTzu5WB3G-E-00057-00062526-00063146 We understand ourselves as an ecosystem or an ecosystem for development, for technical dTzu5WB3G-E-00058-00063146-00063350 assistance and for engineering. dTzu5WB3G-E-00059-00063350-00064519 That is why we work with different organizations such as business chambers, such as Ávila, dTzu5WB3G-E-00060-00064519-00065121 universities such as air or water. dTzu5WB3G-E-00061-00065121-00066768 We also work with the unions, we also work with the railway companies and we have a structure dTzu5WB3G-E-00062-00066768-00067415 that allows conversation, consensus, discussion of ideas on the one hand and then the execution dTzu5WB3G-E-00063-00067415-00067612 of the work. dTzu5WB3G-E-00064-00067612-00069387 On the other hand, we are going to see in some level of detail, but clearly the view dTzu5WB3G-E-00065-00069387-00070876 of the scene says that it becomes the only system for the development of engineering, dTzu5WB3G-E-00066-00070876-00071825 for the development, technical assistance and for the development of the railway system dTzu5WB3G-E-00067-00071825-00072412 in general, according to its various problems. dTzu5WB3G-E-00068-00072412-00072781 What you see in the photo is a windshield with invariant thermal mass that was subject dTzu5WB3G-E-00069-00072781-00073234 to reverse engineering by the analysis and its subsequent transfer to the national industry. dTzu5WB3G-E-00070-00073234-00074267 So, in that sense, we are interested in telling you. dTzu5WB3G-E-00071-00074267-00075155 We are interested in telling you what the governance model is. dTzu5WB3G-E-00072-00075155-00075255 No? dTzu5WB3G-E-00073-00075255-00075857 What do we do as a resistance in this system? dTzu5WB3G-E-00074-00075857-00076598 We do not focus primarily on these activities. dTzu5WB3G-E-00075-00076598-00076698 The beginning of development. dTzu5WB3G-E-00076-00076698-00077544 The standing development in many cases of products of tangible technological solutions dTzu5WB3G-E-00077-00077544-00078241 that have to do with import substitution processes. dTzu5WB3G-E-00078-00078241-00078642 On the one hand, for those who do not know the railway model, today railway, of rolling dTzu5WB3G-E-00079-00078642-00079536 stock of Chinese origin and in peaceful coexistence with signaling systems, with infrastructure dTzu5WB3G-E-00080-00079536-00080620 systems that in many cases need national industrial development and in other cases that need adaptations dTzu5WB3G-E-00081-00080620-00081220 technologies linked to the daily reality that we live in the Argentine technological system. dTzu5WB3G-E-00082-00081220-00081764 We are always going to talk about what are called appropriate technologies or suitable dTzu5WB3G-E-00083-00081764-00081864 alternatives. dTzu5WB3G-E-00084-00081864-00082194 And sometimes our role is somewhat in that sense of achieving appropriate technological dTzu5WB3G-E-00085-00082194-00082442 solutions to the national reality. dTzu5WB3G-E-00086-00082442-00083847 On the other hand, in Laboratory we have more than 700 square meters of laboratory in the dTzu5WB3G-E-00087-00083847-00084239 Casa Constitución building, in the basement, this laboratory that is at the service of dTzu5WB3G-E-00088-00084239-00084433 the railway system as a whole. dTzu5WB3G-E-00089-00084433-00084792 The laboratory's vision is to grow gradually and be able to offer more and more solutions. dTzu5WB3G-E-00090-00084792-00084892 Within these solutions, we are within a network of laboratories. dTzu5WB3G-E-00091-00084892-00085232 We do not intend to do what other laboratories do, but to be the gateway to the network of dTzu5WB3G-E-00092-00085232-00085576 laboratories for solving analytical problems in the railway system. dTzu5WB3G-E-00093-00085576-00086412 And, consequently, this network of laboratories through us must be a global technological dTzu5WB3G-E-00094-00086412-00087719 service for the entire railway system and the resolution of the problems they have on dTzu5WB3G-E-00095-00087719-00087888 a daily basis. dTzu5WB3G-E-00096-00087888-00088200 Something similar happens with documentation and regulations. dTzu5WB3G-E-00097-00088200-00089338 We, through the agreement with different organizing bodies, both national and international, put dTzu5WB3G-E-00098-00089338-00090162 regulatory documentation at the service of the railway system, whether national or international, dTzu5WB3G-E-00099-00090162-00090286 which is used for both research and problem solving. dTzu5WB3G-E-00100-00090286-00090386 And here. dTzu5WB3G-E-00101-00090386-00090988 And none is an issue linked to the realities of the railway regulatory system and some dTzu5WB3G-E-00102-00090988-00092458 level of updating as to what are product regulatory issues and prioritizing the entire regulatory dTzu5WB3G-E-00103-00092458-00092675 system that sometimes make product validation complex in view of the advancement of technologies dTzu5WB3G-E-00104-00092675-00092966 that have not been reflected by the updated national regulations. dTzu5WB3G-E-00105-00092966-00093826 So, in this sense, the product validation activity that we also carry out with the help dTzu5WB3G-E-00106-00093826-00093926 of organizations such as and allows us to verify different products before they are dTzu5WB3G-E-00107-00093926-00094039 placed in the railway system and ensure that they either comply with the regulations or dTzu5WB3G-E-00108-00094039-00094530 are so good as the original products. dTzu5WB3G-E-00109-00094530-00095358 In those cases where access to regulations is complex, particularly in the case of regulations dTzu5WB3G-E-00110-00095358-00095458 of oriental origin. dTzu5WB3G-E-00111-00095458-00095839 So we are auxiliaries to the railway system in the sense of generating regular responses dTzu5WB3G-E-00112-00095839-00096223 to these issues that are being raised. dTzu5WB3G-E-00113-00096223-00096767 And lastly, engineering, assistance and technical cooperation, which is a whole branch of work dTzu5WB3G-E-00114-00096767-00096975 linked to elements that are not necessarily tangible out there, methodologies out there, dTzu5WB3G-E-00115-00096975-00097200 specific responses to a specific problem and obviously to the entire network of technological dTzu5WB3G-E-00116-00097200-00097920 cooperation necessary with the scientific and technological system of the Argentine dTzu5WB3G-E-00117-00097920-00098288 Republic, from the CONICET universities. dTzu5WB3G-E-00118-00098288-00099777 In other words, experience and science and technique, that is, all those who can add dTzu5WB3G-E-00119-00099777-00101735 engineering activities in Knowledge Management to solve problems in the railway field. dTzu5WB3G-E-00120-00101735-00102530 What is the governance model like? dTzu5WB3G-E-00121-00102530-00103879 Does the model of governance as energy without a mouse have to do with this? dTzu5WB3G-E-00122-00103879-00104967 It has to do with the fact that there is an area for the execution of works and an Advisory dTzu5WB3G-E-00123-00104967-00106457 Council and the Advisory Council is made up of those strategic partners and those companies. dTzu5WB3G-E-00124-00106457-00107173 We work with the railway sector and with them we discuss, talk, reach agreements on what dTzu5WB3G-E-00125-00107173-00107509 we understand to be valid in certain technologies, in the application of certain technologies dTzu5WB3G-E-00126-00107509-00108027 and from this governance model arise the different guidelines that we apply from the point of dTzu5WB3G-E-00127-00108027-00108517 view of the execution of the works. dTzu5WB3G-E-00128-00108517-00110403 We can see that the technical team, currently made up of 30 professionals from the fields dTzu5WB3G-E-00129-00110403-00111542 of engineering, architecture and law, carry out these works and that the Advisory Council dTzu5WB3G-E-00130-00111542-00112115 is the one who proposes and requires the one who facilitates the activities and is also dTzu5WB3G-E-00131-00112115-00112478 the one who knows . Because one of the elements that we understood when bringing the area dTzu5WB3G-E-00132-00112478-00113266 of development or opposition in development to Ferrocarriles Argentinos was that in many dTzu5WB3G-E-00133-00113266-00113504 cases the development efforts or the technological efforts were repeated because in a company dTzu5WB3G-E-00134-00113504-00113604 out there they did not know what that was being done in another company. dTzu5WB3G-E-00135-00113604-00113989 And then the view of the Advisory Council also has the objective of making known what dTzu5WB3G-E-00136-00113989-00115182 is being done in a fairly extensive system, quite broad, such as the railway system, and dTzu5WB3G-E-00137-00115182-00115867 that these issues sometimes fell where a sector of the system did not know what I was doing dTzu5WB3G-E-00138-00115867-00115985 another sector and they were looking to solve the same problem. dTzu5WB3G-E-00139-00115985-00116322 I am now going to introduce myself into the technical issue that we are not here. dTzu5WB3G-E-00140-00116322-00116548 What does it have to do with technology applications? dTzu5WB3G-E-00141-00116548-00116760 As technology, as a development methodology for railway applications. dTzu5WB3G-E-00142-00116760-00116935 We stopped making a brief, a brief history. dTzu5WB3G-E-00143-00116935-00117035 The Ascension has a technique, it has some 40, 50 years of history. dTzu5WB3G-E-00144-00117035-00117783 The scenery, which was used in very few techniques and the view is that this methodology has dTzu5WB3G-E-00145-00117783-00118727 shown to have a series of advantages both in its application versatility and in the dTzu5WB3G-E-00146-00118727-00118827 economy of its application. dTzu5WB3G-E-00147-00118827-00118927 And this has caused that from our investigation in 2014 and three Argentine operations, we dTzu5WB3G-E-00148-00118927-00119100 would have been developing this technology and we could apply it in different activities dTzu5WB3G-E-00149-00119100-00119215 within the railway. dTzu5WB3G-E-00150-00119215-00120378 We learned a lot from the Argentine way and I would like to comment on this from the outset dTzu5WB3G-E-00151-00120378-00120634 and more without baggage. dTzu5WB3G-E-00152-00120634-00121294 The highway mode made use of this system and we learned a lot. dTzu5WB3G-E-00153-00121294-00121666 And basically the look is to be able to bring what we do with this technology. dTzu5WB3G-E-00154-00121666-00122396 For the project, obviously it can be applied in some, in some sectors of other modes of dTzu5WB3G-E-00155-00122396-00122496 transport and. dTzu5WB3G-E-00156-00122496-00123235 In principle, one of the perspectives that we had was that the extension had the traditional dTzu5WB3G-E-00157-00123235-00123605 method, which is the geometric method of the generation of life, which is the mandatory dTzu5WB3G-E-00158-00123605-00123705 method. dTzu5WB3G-E-00159-00123705-00123919 Incidentally, it could be complemented with a referenced building methodology that provides dTzu5WB3G-E-00160-00123919-00124019 information on bumps, that is, sudden accelerations on the track, looking for those defects that dTzu5WB3G-E-00161-00124019-00124119 posed a danger. dTzu5WB3G-E-00162-00124119-00125385 Obviously it is a complementary practice because there are issues that the Earth cannot see dTzu5WB3G-E-00163-00125385-00125547 due to its characteristics and the concealment that geometry can see. dTzu5WB3G-E-00164-00125547-00125647 But faced with the lack of systematic review methods, we were able to start offering this dTzu5WB3G-E-00165-00125647-00125747 alternative. dTzu5WB3G-E-00166-00125747-00125847 And this alternative was developed and basically began to be applied to rolling stock and rolling dTzu5WB3G-E-00167-00125847-00125947 stock that carries passengers or loads throughout the Argentine Republic, giving a preliminary dTzu5WB3G-E-00168-00125947-00126598 overview of living conditions and those blows that the system understood as potentially dTzu5WB3G-E-00169-00126598-00126759 fluids. dTzu5WB3G-E-00170-00126759-00126859 And in this sense, experience and international standards were combined with the knowledge dTzu5WB3G-E-00171-00126859-00127210 that was developed locally here and correlationally. dTzu5WB3G-E-00172-00127210-00127434 The answers we get by reviewing zero metrics with what we live in life. dTzu5WB3G-E-00173-00127434-00127844 Currently we participate in an international entity that is commanded by the French railway dTzu5WB3G-E-00174-00127844-00128675 authorities and we are more to show that we participate with. dTzu5WB3G-E-00175-00128675-00128860 With pleasure, because I'm going to use your black Bible as the lab thesis. dTzu5WB3G-E-00176-00128860-00129247 We go to a battery of field trials and this takes place in a field. dTzu5WB3G-E-00177-00129247-00129549 We do it through accelerometer technologies and they go into the universe of product validation dTzu5WB3G-E-00178-00129549-00129859 as one of the activities, says David, understanding that this brake pad, this brake shoe adequately dTzu5WB3G-E-00179-00129859-00130172 complies with what is expected of it in its behavior throughout. dTzu5WB3G-E-00180-00130172-00130272 Good. dTzu5WB3G-E-00181-00130272-00130578 Finally, and this is a rather new essay. dTzu5WB3G-E-00182-00130578-00131627 A few years ago we studied with a certain level of depth the technology of what is called dTzu5WB3G-E-00183-00131627-00131727 the strike. dTzu5WB3G-E-00184-00131727-00131827 He would define us. dTzu5WB3G-E-00185-00131827-00131927 prior to existence. dTzu5WB3G-E-00186-00131927-00132027 There it was my turn, personally, to work with the bumper on track number two. dTzu5WB3G-E-00187-00132027-00132127 On one occasion. dTzu5WB3G-E-00188-00132127-00132227 Don't know. dTzu5WB3G-E-00189-00132227-00132327 And from there, a lot was studied, not only the physical question of the bumper, but also dTzu5WB3G-E-00190-00132327-00132427 the sociological question. dTzu5WB3G-E-00191-00132427-00133416 And I am going to take the term that was mentioned to me here related to security, migration, dTzu5WB3G-E-00192-00133416-00133979 because there is a procedure for evaluating improper situations that is a mechanical procedure dTzu5WB3G-E-00193-00133979-00134295 and that is very, very socioeconomic and somewhere in the operation of the bumper itself, which dTzu5WB3G-E-00194-00134295-00136149 also has a whole chapter linked and I would even say that it is lonelier and never linked dTzu5WB3G-E-00195-00136149-00136832 to the socio-technical analysis of the place where that refinery bumper is. dTzu5WB3G-E-00196-00136832-00137380 This analysis was carried out for almost all of the metropolitan lines, on the one hand, dTzu5WB3G-E-00197-00137380-00137980 and today it is time to carry out performance tests, behavior tests of the bumpers that dTzu5WB3G-E-00198-00137980-00139019 are being installed in the station. dTzu5WB3G-E-00199-00139019-00139186 I repeat, and then also the methodology, the technical assistance that we say that no one dTzu5WB3G-E-00200-00139186-00139466 has served to provide a technical response in this sense, either by the application of dTzu5WB3G-E-00201-00139466-00140163 the accelerometer, or by the socio-technical analysis that we are carrying out based on dTzu5WB3G-E-00202-00140163-00140288 this methodology, that although we had to adapt the British methodology, we understand dTzu5WB3G-E-00203-00140288-00141053 that the adaptation has been quite successful to date, up to this point in the presentation. dTzu5WB3G-E-00204-00141053-00142419 Our idea is to be open to any questions you may have and once again we greatly appreciate dTzu5WB3G-E-00205-00142419-00143300 your invitation to this house of studies. dTzu5WB3G-E-00206-00143300-00143813 For us it is an honor. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00000-00000690-00001217 A series from Ho Bich Tram Official In collaboration with Dien Quan Film dX8ZDnNXCM0-00001-00002705-00002837 Why did you turn my music off? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00002-00002980-00003077 You don't like this song? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00003-00003127-00003242 How about bolero? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00004-00003460-00003947 ♪ So we are no longer together ♪ dX8ZDnNXCM0-00005-00003992-00004447 ♪ since that night with red firecrackers and wine ♪ dX8ZDnNXCM0-00006-00004487-00004840 ♪ You go your way, I go mine ♪ dX8ZDnNXCM0-00007-00004857-00005205 ♪ Our love is now in the past ♪ dX8ZDnNXCM0-00008-00005415-00005555 Take your necklace back. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00009-00005627-00005782 It has no meaning to me now. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00010-00005852-00006012 Let me make it clear one more time. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00011-00006117-00006177 I... dX8ZDnNXCM0-00012-00006335-00006465 no longer have feelings for you. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00013-00006842-00006937 Don't look for me. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00014-00007022-00007142 Leave me alone. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00015-00007912-00008152 I've pulled all kinds of tricks and you're still sad? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00016-00008195-00008375 How about some instrumentals? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00017-00008830-00009012 Things can't end like this. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00018-00009182-00009310 Where are you going? Hold it. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00019-00009420-00009652 You don't like how it turned out? Then how do you want it? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00020-00009767-00010085 You're gonna go look for Dieu and beg her to come back? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00021-00010155-00010280 Isn't that enough for you?! dX8ZDnNXCM0-00022-00010352-00010445 I heard it all! dX8ZDnNXCM0-00023-00010507-00010630 Dieu doesn't love you anymore! dX8ZDnNXCM0-00024-00010702-00010777 It's over! dX8ZDnNXCM0-00025-00010840-00010925 She is with Cuong now. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00026-00011135-00011232 Who told you that? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00027-00011415-00011512 No one. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00028-00011535-00011630 Just my imagination. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00029-00011795-00011862 Even you... dX8ZDnNXCM0-00030-00011982-00012105 wants me to give up? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00031-00012145-00012222 Even if you don't, dX8ZDnNXCM0-00032-00012250-00012490 things won't turn out the way you want! dX8ZDnNXCM0-00033-00012919-00013000 Are you nuts?! dX8ZDnNXCM0-00034-00013087-00013310 You are just insane! Don't hit yourself! dX8ZDnNXCM0-00035-00013387-00013475 Hit me instead! dX8ZDnNXCM0-00036-00013617-00013680 Ouch! dX8ZDnNXCM0-00037-00014215-00014382 I just say so, but you really hit me. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00038-00014522-00014650 I'm not the one who is sad. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00039-00014802-00014890 It was really hard... dX8ZDnNXCM0-00040-00014991-00015105 for me and Dieu to be together. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00041-00015477-00015640 I can't just let it go like that. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00042-00015769-00015860 I feel... dX8ZDnNXCM0-00043-00015937-00016067 that Dieu still has feelings for me. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00044-00016260-00016412 No matter what she said, dX8ZDnNXCM0-00045-00016572-00016667 I will find out the truth. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00046-00016850-00016965 And win her back. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00047-00017235-00017332 Please help me. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00048-00017552-00017627 Help you? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00049-00018012-00018140 Ut Lanh, you are so mean. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00050-00018157-00018515 You tricked me into getting Truong to where Dieu and Cuong were dating. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00051-00018532-00018647 Now he is really upset. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00052-00018707-00018820 Well... dX8ZDnNXCM0-00053-00018870-00019087 I-It's because you called me first. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00054-00019210-00019642 I called you, but you know how nosy I am. You can just hide it from me. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00055-00019675-00019870 You are even worse than Cam. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00056-00019985-00020120 How could you say that? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00057-00020172-00020397 This is very important, you know. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00058-00020425-00020782 What is more important? They're mad at each other now. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00059-00020907-00021265 Truong and Dieu are half-siblings. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00060-00021407-00021655 That's why I had to stop them! dX8ZDnNXCM0-00061-00021655-00021910 You... How could you be so slick? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00062-00021937-00022282 You make up such a horrible story and use it as your excuse? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00063-00022382-00022715 Do I look like I'm fooling around with you? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00064-00022847-00022915 So... dX8ZDnNXCM0-00065-00022987-00023260 They are really half-siblings? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00066-00023575-00023682 You are not joking? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00067-00023712-00023882 Even I can't believe it. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00068-00023905-00024280 Goodness, out of 7 billion people in this wide world, dX8ZDnNXCM0-00069-00024282-00024715 they just had to meet and fell in love with their own sibling. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00070-00024975-00025057 So... dX8ZDnNXCM0-00071-00025092-00025282 Mr. Sang and Auntie Hai are... dX8ZDnNXCM0-00072-00025360-00025802 They had something with each other and Dieu was born? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00073-00026012-00026122 So... dX8ZDnNXCM0-00074-00026217-00026739 Auntie Hai and the others were preventing Truong and Dieu from getting together. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00075-00026870-00026947 It is... dX8ZDnNXCM0-00076-00027014-00027107 wrong, right? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00077-00027185-00027645 Well, a particular person wasn't willing to listen to me. He simply told me that I was mean. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00078-00027777-00027985 I-It's because you didn't tell me. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00079-00027997-00028245 I was so worried about them so... dX8ZDnNXCM0-00080-00028280-00028422 I yelled at you. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00081-00028432-00028642 If you had told me, I wouldn't have done that. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00082-00028685-00028842 It was hard for me, too. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00083-00029012-00029114 Well... dX8ZDnNXCM0-00084-00029185-00029675 You have to share with me what is on your mind, OK? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00085-00029725-00030097 - I didn't even get the chance to say it. - So... dX8ZDnNXCM0-00086-00030122-00030277 You didn't tell me so I didn't know. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00087-00030547-00030852 How could it be... so tragic? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00088-00031042-00031117 So... dX8ZDnNXCM0-00089-00031210-00031520 Are we blood-related in any way? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00090-00031592-00031905 Who knows? You have to ask your parents. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00091-00031995-00032080 I guess not. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00092-00032185-00032280 I'm so sorry. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00093-00032370-00032420 OK? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00094-00032422-00032489 No. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00095-00032550-00032832 I will get you some grilled rice papers. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00096-00032852-00032922 No. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00097-00032950-00033110 Let's go, OK? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00098-00033217-00033317 Don't be mad. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00099-00033642-00033765 If I want to help them, dX8ZDnNXCM0-00100-00033817-00033962 I can't be soft. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00101-00034297-00034470 Who do you think you are?! dX8ZDnNXCM0-00102-00034512-00034862 You only want to find out the truth because you were dumped. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00103-00034890-00035087 You don't do it out of love, correct? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00104-00035180-00035235 But bro... dX8ZDnNXCM0-00105-00035290-00035355 Stop it. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00106-00035395-00035532 You're my grandpa, not my bro. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00107-00035652-00035842 If you don't listen to me, learn from Ly Mac Sau at least. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00108-00035900-00036090 "What is love?", I ask heaven and earth. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00109-00036160-00036330 Why does it bring people sorrow? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00110-00036375-00036640 Slash the surface of water and your blade will be gone. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00111-00036670-00036897 Drink all night and you will only find misery. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00112-00036957-00037032 Why are you here? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00113-00037077-00037247 You will be sad all night. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00114-00037315-00037402 Take me for example. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00115-00037487-00037615 I wasn't so sad when brokenhearted. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00116-00037670-00037857 Well, I was sad for half a night at most. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00117-00038070-00038217 There will always be another one. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00118-00038260-00038432 There are five of them, right? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00119-00038527-00038745 If you can't have Dieu, go for Auntie Tu. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00120-00038817-00039120 I think it's good. Marry Auntie Tu and you will be her uncle-in-law. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00121-00039150-00039252 Easy to get revenge. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00122-00039387-00039447 Right? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00123-00039517-00039690 You keep sitting there, feeling down, dX8ZDnNXCM0-00124-00039815-00039900 with that troubled face, dX8ZDnNXCM0-00125-00039972-00040060 and hitting me. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00126-00040562-00040627 I know. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00127-00040910-00040997 I shouldn't rush things... dX8ZDnNXCM0-00128-00041070-00041150 and force Dieu. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00129-00041320-00041400 That's right. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00130-00041452-00041570 You get me? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00131-00041762-00041835 At least. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00132-00041942-00042080 I have to wait until things cool down. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00133-00042175-00042230 Right. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00134-00042315-00042395 Then. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00135-00042490-00042617 Dieu will accept me. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00136-00043235-00043357 Just go without me! dX8ZDnNXCM0-00137-00043532-00043607 And don't come back. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00138-00043780-00043857 You stubborn freak. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00139-00043965-00044065 Wasted my entire morning. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00140-00046057-00046112 Cuong. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00141-00046550-00046600 Oh. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00142-00046677-00046825 Why did you want to meet me here? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00143-00046942-00047010 Well... dX8ZDnNXCM0-00144-00047172-00047227 Hey! dX8ZDnNXCM0-00145-00047302-00047410 Look over there! dX8ZDnNXCM0-00146-00047460-00047525 What is it? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00147-00047665-00047725 Huh? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00148-00047762-00048020 What is over there? Nothing at all. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00149-00048475-00048555 I... dX8ZDnNXCM0-00150-00048672-00048802 I searched all over Da Lat... dX8ZDnNXCM0-00151-00048840-00048972 to get this huge bouquet. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00152-00049650-00049712 What is it for? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00153-00049785-00049920 Why are you giving me flowers? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00154-00049985-00050057 On what occasion? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00155-00050097-00050155 Well... dX8ZDnNXCM0-00156-00050297-00050480 You know I like you, right? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00157-00050865-00050927 Well... dX8ZDnNXCM0-00158-00051010-00051165 Actually, I know... dX8ZDnNXCM0-00159-00051235-00051375 I'm not your type. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00160-00051470-00051554 But... dX8ZDnNXCM0-00161-00051597-00051765 after having the chance to meet you, dX8ZDnNXCM0-00162-00051890-00052097 enjoying a date on the hill where we shared wine, dX8ZDnNXCM0-00163-00052254-00052360 and feeling the cold with you, dX8ZDnNXCM0-00164-00052475-00052612 I know I have a chance. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00165-00053132-00053227 What are you up to? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00166-00053492-00053547 You... dX8ZDnNXCM0-00167-00053700-00053752 Dieu. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00168-00054087-00054190 Be my girlfriend. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00169-00054425-00054532 Be my wife! dX8ZDnNXCM0-00170-00054760-00054817 You... dX8ZDnNXCM0-00171-00054927-00055004 Cuong... dX8ZDnNXCM0-00172-00055079-00055170 Yesterday... dX8ZDnNXCM0-00173-00055242-00055322 Honestly... dX8ZDnNXCM0-00174-00055390-00055442 You... dX8ZDnNXCM0-00175-00055666-00055757 misunderstood it. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00176-00055815-00055972 I didn't mean it that way. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00177-00056054-00056125 Stand up. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00178-00056147-00056307 - Don't do this. - No. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00179-00056387-00056550 We had cross-cupped wine together. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00180-00056600-00056822 Right? You also like me. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00181-00057192-00057262 I... dX8ZDnNXCM0-00182-00057550-00057637 Honestly... dX8ZDnNXCM0-00183-00057797-00057877 I don't like you. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00184-00057902-00057965 Don't tell me... dX8ZDnNXCM0-00185-00058025-00058217 you only dated me to anger Truong? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00186-00058352-00058425 I... dX8ZDnNXCM0-00187-00058479-00058582 I'm very sorry. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00188-00058622-00058732 Please forgive me. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00189-00063557-00063650 Why are you here? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00190-00063742-00063812 I come... dX8ZDnNXCM0-00191-00063917-00064037 to hear the truth. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00192-00064254-00064417 You had a date with Cuong... dX8ZDnNXCM0-00193-00064570-00064715 to get a reason to break up with me? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00194-00065137-00065200 Earlier... dX8ZDnNXCM0-00195-00065322-00065425 you turned Cuong down... dX8ZDnNXCM0-00196-00065582-00065735 because you still have feelings for me? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00197-00066007-00066082 This... dX8ZDnNXCM0-00198-00066112-00066210 has nothing to do with you. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00199-00066240-00066325 Stay out of it. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00200-00066380-00066447 Then... dX8ZDnNXCM0-00201-00066615-00066790 I will do nothing about that. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00202-00067232-00067385 What made you break up with me? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00203-00067397-00067607 Just stop it! I'm so sick of this! dX8ZDnNXCM0-00204-00068252-00068377 Just get off me. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00205-00068495-00068562 You bastard. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00206-00068612-00068680 Get off her! dX8ZDnNXCM0-00207-00068702-00068760 Let go! dX8ZDnNXCM0-00208-00068850-00068962 Why are you always in the way?! dX8ZDnNXCM0-00209-00068982-00069025 Hey! dX8ZDnNXCM0-00210-00069167-00069277 Get off me! dX8ZDnNXCM0-00211-00069312-00069377 Cuong! dX8ZDnNXCM0-00212-00069457-00069677 Don't you ever come near Dieu again! dX8ZDnNXCM0-00213-00069677-00069972 - Let him go! - You hear me? Got it?! dX8ZDnNXCM0-00214-00069972-00070120 C-Cuong! dX8ZDnNXCM0-00215-00070237-00070342 What are you doing?! dX8ZDnNXCM0-00216-00070370-00070480 Are you insane?! dX8ZDnNXCM0-00217-00070515-00070707 Yeah, I'm crazy Cuong! dX8ZDnNXCM0-00218-00071030-00071080 Truong. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00219-00071157-00071222 Are you alright? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00220-00071255-00071375 Are you hurt? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00221-00071400-00071482 I'm fine. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00222-00071550-00071615 Stand up. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00223-00071635-00071695 Let's go. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00224-00072657-00072775 I will kill you! dX8ZDnNXCM0-00225-00073355-00073435 Dieu! dX8ZDnNXCM0-00226-00073642-00073735 Dieu! dX8ZDnNXCM0-00227-00073925-00074062 Dieu? Are you OK? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00228-00074182-00074250 Dieu?! dX8ZDnNXCM0-00229-00074367-00074447 Dieu?! dX8ZDnNXCM0-00230-00074537-00074677 Anybody here?! dX8ZDnNXCM0-00231-00074777-00074857 Dieu! dX8ZDnNXCM0-00232-00074960-00075087 Please wake up! dX8ZDnNXCM0-00233-00075155-00075230 Dieu! dX8ZDnNXCM0-00234-00075835-00075920 Oh, God. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00235-00076015-00076125 May God... dX8ZDnNXCM0-00236-00076185-00076510 and our ancestors get Dieu through this mishap. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00237-00076567-00076735 I'm just so worried. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00238-00076767-00076927 Will she be okay? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00239-00076997-00077415 Dieu has always been a good girl. She will get through this. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00240-00077450-00077797 We have to find a blood donor for her. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00241-00077827-00078112 Goodness, I did ask. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00242-00078130-00078400 Everyone here did a test. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00243-00078415-00078637 But no one had her blood type. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00244-00078712-00078835 What do we do? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00245-00078857-00078992 Did you call him? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00246-00079192-00079475 - Call him. - I did but... dX8ZDnNXCM0-00247-00079710-00079772 Auntie Hai. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00248-00079895-00079992 Is he here? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00249-00080047-00080097 He is. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00250-00080317-00080365 Hey. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00251-00080467-00080650 Please help Dieu. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00252-00080685-00080772 What happened to her? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00253-00080892-00081162 You are the only one who can save our daughter. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00254-00081362-00081527 Please help her! dX8ZDnNXCM0-00255-00081530-00081580 Hai. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00256-00081617-00081717 What did you say? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00257-00081787-00081875 Dieu is... dX8ZDnNXCM0-00258-00082007-00082112 Whose daughter is she? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00259-00082187-00082332 She's your daughter. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00260-00082677-00082865 She's your daughter. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00261-00082972-00083195 When I was pregnant, dX8ZDnNXCM0-00262-00083295-00083587 I was mad at you and went away without telling you. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00263-00083627-00083860 I brought her up by myself. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00264-00083872-00084260 Now that she is like this... You have to help her. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00265-00084482-00084727 Please help her... dX8ZDnNXCM0-00266-00084810-00085010 How could this be? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00267-00085147-00085237 My daughter. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00268-00085317-00085455 Dieu is my daughter? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00269-00085567-00085652 Goodness. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00270-00085690-00085890 Why didn't you tell me?! dX8ZDnNXCM0-00271-00085927-00086125 You brought her up all alone like that... dX8ZDnNXCM0-00272-00086155-00086255 When we met again, dX8ZDnNXCM0-00273-00086305-00086415 you still didn't tell me. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00274-00086487-00086597 What should I do? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00275-00086607-00086752 - How is she? - I'm begging you. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00276-00086760-00086975 - Save her! - Mr. Sang... dX8ZDnNXCM0-00277-00086980-00087255 Please save her first... dX8ZDnNXCM0-00278-00087307-00087415 We don't know what to do... dX8ZDnNXCM0-00279-00087415-00087510 She's in there? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00280-00087510-00087802 W-What should I do? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00281-00087932-00088065 Dieu, I have to save you. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00282-00088185-00088265 I have to save you. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00283-00088265-00088517 Please save her... dX8ZDnNXCM0-00284-00088522-00088617 What to do? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00285-00088645-00088877 Have you found a donor for her? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00286-00088942-00089000 Me. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00287-00089055-00089112 Me. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00288-00089147-00089340 I'm her father. You can take my blood. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00289-00089357-00089437 Follow me. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00290-00089540-00089670 Just go. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00291-00089680-00089782 - Go inside, Mr. Sang. - Save her. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00292-00089782-00089950 - Go. - Please go. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00293-00090085-00090652 Dieu has always been a tough girl. She will be fine, sis. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00294-00091237-00091332 Why? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00295-00091490-00091640 Why did it turn out like this? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00296-00093302-00093615 About Dieu and her father... dX8ZDnNXCM0-00297-00093720-00093827 In our family, dX8ZDnNXCM0-00298-00093877-00094135 my sister didn't allow anyone to mention it. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00299-00094352-00094542 I couldn't tell you. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00300-00094887-00095215 But I never expect things to be like this. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00301-00095607-00095710 I apologize. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00302-00095835-00095942 I know about it, too. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00303-00096050-00096225 But I couldn't tell you. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00304-00096400-00096615 Things have been brought to light. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00305-00096757-00096920 I have nothing to regret. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00306-00097140-00097257 What matters is that... dX8ZDnNXCM0-00307-00097437-00097582 after Dieu gets over this... dX8ZDnNXCM0-00308-00097727-00097840 I will take care of her... dX8ZDnNXCM0-00309-00097920-00098010 as she is my sister. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00310-00098185-00098265 Dieu... dX8ZDnNXCM0-00311-00098392-00098510 didn't hesitate... dX8ZDnNXCM0-00312-00098610-00098705 to take that stab for me. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00313-00098937-00099052 As her brother... dX8ZDnNXCM0-00314-00099385-00099550 I have to make it up for her, right? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00315-00099782-00100002 I'm glad you get it right. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00316-00100142-00100260 What a turn of event. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00317-00100352-00100502 A once happy couple... dX8ZDnNXCM0-00318-00100597-00100700 now becomes siblings. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00319-00100980-00101325 I know you are tough enough... dX8ZDnNXCM0-00320-00101405-00101490 to get over this. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00321-00101635-00101740 If I were you... dX8ZDnNXCM0-00322-00101820-00101932 I would kill myself. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00323-00102115-00102253 I couldn't live anymore. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00324-00102924-00103317 Come with me. I need to buy something for Dieu. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00325-00103333-00103680 We already did. Let me stay here to comfort him. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00326-00103746-00104106 No, you don't. Let's go! dX8ZDnNXCM0-00327-00104120-00104353 But what if he commits suicide? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00328-00104383-00104488 Come on! dX8ZDnNXCM0-00329-00104615-00105051 Hey, pull yourself together. Don't think of jumping off the hill, alright? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00330-00105817-00106133 Are you gonna owe me VND200,000 'till the end of my life? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00331-00107244-00107773 I'm gonna kick you down the hill if you keep teasing me. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00332-00107983-00108371 Mom! If you beat him, you'd better beat me too. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00333-00114488-00114551 Hai! dX8ZDnNXCM0-00334-00114736-00114793 Hey! dX8ZDnNXCM0-00335-00114940-00115071 Thank you very much. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00336-00115175-00115415 I'm so happy right now. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00337-00115455-00115993 If you didn't donate blood for her, she wouldn't have made it. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00338-00116057-00116436 - Thank you. - She's my daughter. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00339-00116634-00117004 I'm supposed to say thank you. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00340-00117161-00117742 I should have tried harder looking for you. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00341-00117828-00118044 Things wouldn't turn out this way. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00342-00118124-00118591 I can't say thank you enough for overcoming all the difficulties dX8ZDnNXCM0-00343-00118651-00118920 to bring up our child. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00344-00119240-00119424 Don't mention it. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00345-00119457-00119842 What's past is past. We should let it all go. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00346-00120142-00120220 Hai! dX8ZDnNXCM0-00347-00120326-00120473 I have a question for you. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00348-00120606-00120842 Please be honest. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00349-00121077-00121191 Why... dX8ZDnNXCM0-00350-00121293-00121733 The last time we met... Why did you leave me? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00351-00121940-00122110 Why didn't you tell me anything? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00352-00122188-00122793 What was in your mind? Was there a misunderstanding? Please tell me why. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00353-00122868-00122991 That day,... dX8ZDnNXCM0-00354-00123297-00123615 I saw you at the hospital. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00355-00123940-00124259 Please stay assured. I'll take care of you and the baby. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00356-00124259-00124520 Thank you for being his father dX8ZDnNXCM0-00357-00124551-00124800 and saving our lives. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00358-00124810-00125008 Nah, don't say that. It's my responsibility. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00359-00125136-00125626 OMG! You got it wrong. You left me because of that? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00360-00125646-00125982 It was a long story. Please hear me out! dX8ZDnNXCM0-00361-00126259-00126317 Hai! dX8ZDnNXCM0-00362-00126434-00126531 You know,... dX8ZDnNXCM0-00363-00126734-00127236 it was a hard time for my family business. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00364-00127331-00127608 My parents were about to declare bankruptcy. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00365-00127740-00127917 I was the only child. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00366-00127983-00128213 I couldn't stand seeing them suffer so dX8ZDnNXCM0-00367-00128340-00128783 I came looking for Truong's grandpa to ask for help. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00368-00129468-00129726 I promised dX8ZDnNXCM0-00369-00129764-00130300 to do anything for them to return the favor. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00370-00130471-00130617 Then one day, dX8ZDnNXCM0-00371-00130920-00131302 Truong's mom got pregnant dX8ZDnNXCM0-00372-00131474-00131634 without being married. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00373-00131728-00132051 They didn't accept that the kid had no father. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00374-00132134-00132837 So, they asked me to adopt Truong dX8ZDnNXCM0-00375-00132877-00133117 to avoid humiliation. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00376-00133488-00133765 That means Truong is not your biological son? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00377-00133977-00134260 Dieu and Truong are not siblings by blood? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00378-00134420-00134691 Is that true? Are you sure? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00379-00134717-00134860 I'm serious. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00380-00134905-00135442 OMG! This is great news! I can't wait to tell Dieu. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00381-00135614-00136048 I'm so sorry for jumping to conclusions. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00382-00136048-00136334 I've misunderstood you the whole time. Please don't be mad! dX8ZDnNXCM0-00383-00136357-00136702 As long as you understand me from now on. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00384-00137142-00137237 How lucky! dX8ZDnNXCM0-00385-00137482-00138071 I was so careless. Though I realized the similarity between us but didn't take notice. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00386-00138122-00138645 Fortunately, the fight hasn't got too intense yet. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00387-00138688-00139297 I've been so worried, you know. I can't stand seeing you two hurt each other over a piece of land. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00388-00139322-00139474 You're father and daughter. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00389-00139494-00139791 Hai, thank you. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00390-00139840-00140385 I don't know what to do to make it up to you. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00391-00140431-00140560 I promise dX8ZDnNXCM0-00392-00140717-00141091 I will give up that piece of land. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00393-00141202-00141502 I will cancel the project. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00394-00141797-00141954 Thank you. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00395-00142288-00142731 Hai, there's one more question. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00396-00142817-00142977 Please be honest. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00397-00143182-00143348 Are you still alone? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00398-00143394-00143685 Yes, I am. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00399-00143951-00144042 Yes. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00400-00144322-00144437 I'm single. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00401-00144888-00145154 The doctor said you made it through the dangerous stage. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00402-00145188-00145371 I can rest assured now. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00403-00145442-00145568 I'm sorry dX8ZDnNXCM0-00404-00145682-00146077 for leaving without bidding farewell. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00405-00146262-00146551 For now, I can't bring myself to see you dX8ZDnNXCM0-00406-00146660-00146860 as a big brother. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00407-00147002-00147151 I need some time. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00408-00147748-00147851 Truong! dX8ZDnNXCM0-00409-00148608-00148754 Are you awake, my little sister? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00410-00150351-00150462 I'm sorry dX8ZDnNXCM0-00411-00150674-00150880 for hiding the truth from you. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00412-00151468-00151631 I'm the one to apologize to you. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00413-00152045-00152217 I blamed you for betraying me dX8ZDnNXCM0-00414-00152457-00152642 without knowing how much pain you've endured. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00415-00153071-00153545 We must accept the truth and give up this unethical love. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00416-00153600-00153745 This is not unethical. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00417-00155360-00155802 Truong is not my son by blood. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00418-00156908-00157588 I adopted you when you were a little baby. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00419-00157982-00158200 He's actually my adopted child. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00420-00158388-00158917 You're not biological siblings. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00421-00159882-00160185 Dieu, I'm sorry. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00422-00160265-00160385 This is all my fault. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00423-00160502-00161214 I was not there for you this whole time. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00424-00162137-00162225 Dieu! dX8ZDnNXCM0-00425-00162605-00162728 Please give me a chance dX8ZDnNXCM0-00426-00162985-00163582 to take care of you for the rest of my life. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00427-00164397-00164474 Dieu! dX8ZDnNXCM0-00428-00164862-00165034 Dad! dX8ZDnNXCM0-00429-00170808-00170945 Where are we going? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00430-00171445-00172085 Hey, didn't your big sister forbid everyone in the family to get married? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00431-00172085-00172285 What do we do now? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00432-00172457-00173182 I don't know either. I thought she would change her mind after Dieu's incident. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00433-00173308-00173500 Well, I have an idea. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00434-00173654-00173771 What's that? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00435-00173854-00173991 Let's put the bun in the oven! dX8ZDnNXCM0-00436-00174151-00174320 We can eat buns anytime. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00437-00174405-00174660 I mean we have a bun in the oven. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00438-00174760-00174871 C'mon, stop it! dX8ZDnNXCM0-00439-00174888-00175314 - So, your big sister will approve immediately. - No way. That's embarrassing. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00440-00175351-00175668 Not at all. I just want to make our relationship official. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00441-00175668-00175925 - Right now? - Of course. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00442-00175971-00176460 We must have a backup plan, right? What if your big sister disagrees? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00443-00176460-00176637 Think of something else. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00444-00176714-00176974 What? Help me out! dX8ZDnNXCM0-00445-00176974-00177331 I'll fight for you until the last drop of milk. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00446-00177331-00177522 What? It's 'the last drop of blood'. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00447-00177634-00177842 Nah, that's the name of my favorite traditional folk song. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00448-00177994-00178142 Anyway, let's get inside. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00449-00178162-00178591 Come on. Take it easy! I'm not ready yet. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00450-00178751-00179091 Cheers! Congratulations! dX8ZDnNXCM0-00451-00179357-00179514 - Dieu! - Yes? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00452-00179514-00179802 - Here. I get it for you. - Thanks, dad. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00453-00179908-00180008 Eat up, honey. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00454-00180188-00180622 This one tastes good. Have some! dX8ZDnNXCM0-00455-00180625-00181340 Dad, she's my girlfriend now. Let me take care of her. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00456-00181340-00181465 What are you talking about? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00457-00181505-00181940 She's my daughter too. Let me take care of her. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00458-00181940-00182171 - It's okay, dad. - Please eat it. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00459-00182188-00182382 Thank you. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00460-00182434-00182805 If you guys keep giving me food, I'm not able to walk but roll around. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00461-00182805-00183282 No big deal, honey. Just roll then. You're pretty no matter what. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00462-00183282-00183740 Dad, it's delicious! Mom made it. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00463-00183848-00183945 Who made it? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00464-00184031-00184128 Mommy. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00465-00184871-00184977 She seems unhappy. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00466-00185105-00185414 Her face is always like that. Don't worry! dX8ZDnNXCM0-00467-00186214-00186337 Stop kidding around! dX8ZDnNXCM0-00468-00187985-00188465 Oh my, this is my favorite. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00469-00188488-00188902 Come on, Ut Lanh got it for me. Why didn't you pick another piece? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00470-00188902-00189011 I prefer this one. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00471-00189197-00189331 Then swallow it! dX8ZDnNXCM0-00472-00189468-00189565 Swallow it! dX8ZDnNXCM0-00473-00190168-00190362 What's our family rule? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00474-00190420-00190600 No talking while eating. Remember? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00475-00190642-00191168 Big sis, everyone looks happy sharing the food. Just let them talk! dX8ZDnNXCM0-00476-00191240-00191591 Come on, can't you get rid of that rule? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00477-00191694-00191942 That's the rule - no talking at the dining table! dX8ZDnNXCM0-00478-00192102-00192199 Hai. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00479-00192296-00192759 You were so lively and talkative when having a meal with me back then. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00480-00192844-00193164 Time changes everyone. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00481-00193193-00193433 I'm not that girl anymore. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00482-00193484-00193633 There's no difference. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00483-00193677-00194016 You're always gorgeous as that hasn't changed a bit. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00484-00194185-00194269 That's not true. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00485-00194373-00194452 I've changed my mind. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00486-00194499-00194738 I let Dieu take you as her dad. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00487-00194808-00195203 - How about me? - I don't need no husband, you know. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00488-00195344-00195432 Just eat, everyone. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00489-00195514-00195724 - Enjoy the meal first. - Alright, let's eat. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00490-00196113-00196176 What's up, Hieu? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00491-00196279-00196528 May I say something, everyone? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00492-00196875-00196952 Auntie Hai! dX8ZDnNXCM0-00493-00197017-00197476 Why would you force your views on your whole family? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00494-00197511-00197992 Other beautiful girls still wanna get married, you know. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00495-00198076-00198203 So what are you gonna do to me? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00496-00198276-00199045 My only wish is to have your permission to marry Ut Lanh. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00497-00199077-00199245 What are you saying? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00498-00199253-00199452 OMG, Ut Lanh! dX8ZDnNXCM0-00499-00199459-00200066 You're in love with Hieu, aren't you? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00500-00200088-00200471 - Aren't you? - We'd like to keep our relationship private, Sis. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00501-00200479-00200914 That means you've already slept with him. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00502-00200920-00201073 Is it right? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00503-00201073-00201312 Just tell me the truth. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00504-00201509-00201838 Let's beg for her permission. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00505-00201945-00202038 Well, I... dX8ZDnNXCM0-00506-00202203-00202282 Sis. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00507-00202384-00202473 Sis Hai! dX8ZDnNXCM0-00508-00202504-00202786 I didn't dare to confess to you. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00509-00202832-00203072 I'm afraid of getting scolded. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00510-00203155-00203644 I hadn't thought about getting married before I met Hieu. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00511-00203730-00203887 OMG! dX8ZDnNXCM0-00512-00203915-00204146 Have you packed your stuff yet? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00513-00204154-00204368 She will kick you out of here for sure. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00514-00204397-00204950 My wish is to stay together with Hieu. Please allow us to get married. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00515-00205011-00205373 I love her with all my heart, Sis Hai. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00516-00205375-00205592 I'll leave this world unless you allow me to marry her. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00517-00205592-00205839 - Come on! - Don't just hit your head on hands like that. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00518-00205869-00205917 That hurts. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00519-00205980-00206080 Sis! dX8ZDnNXCM0-00520-00206088-00206487 This is a family reunion. It's not the time to kick someone out of this house, Sis. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00521-00206504-00206640 I feel so sad for her. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00522-00206692-00206961 Don't cry anymore. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00523-00206990-00207200 We won't stand up until you allow us to get married. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00524-00207254-00207348 Just put a pin in it. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00525-00207384-00207671 Let's eat together to celebrate Dieu's recovery. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00526-00207704-00207867 I'll come back to it another time. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00527-00207873-00208032 Sounds good! Make a toast, everyone! dX8ZDnNXCM0-00528-00208042-00208238 - Cheers! - Cheers! dX8ZDnNXCM0-00529-00208238-00208539 Cheers! dX8ZDnNXCM0-00530-00208664-00209240 By the way, may I say something, everyone? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00531-00209313-00209842 I'd like to spend the rest of my life taking good care of Dieu. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00532-00209991-00210661 You should have asked for her permission with your whole heart. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00533-00210684-00210831 Don't just come straight out with it. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00534-00210831-00211128 Look at how I talk to my future mother-in-law. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00535-00211180-00211308 Dear, auntie. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00536-00211375-00211942 I'd like to ask for your permission dX8ZDnNXCM0-00537-00211959-00212386 to spend the rest of my life taking good care of Dieu. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00538-00212491-00212648 Please let me... dX8ZDnNXCM0-00539-00213081-00213248 Just act as if I didn't say that. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00540-00213285-00213398 Wanna take care of her? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00541-00213507-00213648 Don't break your word. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00542-00213767-00214038 You'll be in big trouble if she gets hurt. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00543-00214081-00214184 Auntie Hai! dX8ZDnNXCM0-00544-00214232-00214796 How could he get your permission that easily? I talked a lot but you wanna put a pin in it. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00545-00214808-00215078 That means you've already got her permission. Now, let's make a toast! dX8ZDnNXCM0-00546-00215078-00215410 Cheers! dX8ZDnNXCM0-00547-00223992-00224069 This is for you. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00548-00224396-00224592 We've been surviving a hard time together, dX8ZDnNXCM0-00549-00224730-00225015 feeling the same as the other. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00550-00225130-00225810 From now on, I'd like to spend the rest of my life dX8ZDnNXCM0-00551-00225946-00226285 holding your hands and making you happy. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00552-00229275-00229367 Will you marry me? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00553-00236061-00236160 Come here, girl. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00554-00236194-00236360 You look stunning today, sweetie. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00555-00236376-00236500 What are you up to, mom? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00556-00236504-00236882 Why do you ask us to wear ao dai today? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00557-00236935-00237126 Tet is just around the corner. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00558-00237131-00237371 We should wear beautiful outfits sometimes. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00559-00237398-00237664 Ah, you're waiting for someone, right? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00560-00237754-00237901 What are you waiting for, mom? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00561-00237913-00238035 Nothing, sweetie. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00562-00238056-00238453 I know why, Sis Hai. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00563-00238453-00238504 What ya saying? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00564-00238504-00238939 You're like a cat on hot tin roof today. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00565-00238946-00239392 - I'm sure that you're waiting for something important. - Cut it out. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00566-00239408-00239496 Just tell us. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00567-00239504-00240023 You're behaving as if you're an 18-year-old girl falling in love with a boy. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00568-00240029-00240115 Sis Hai! dX8ZDnNXCM0-00569-00240127-00240619 What makes you force us to wear ao dai, Sis Hai? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00570-00240625-00241173 Just because you're the eldest sister doesn't mean you can force your ideas on us. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00571-00241177-00241537 Seems that I'm being so easy on you, right? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00572-00241544-00241760 Come on, Mom! dX8ZDnNXCM0-00573-00241762-00241815 Mom! dX8ZDnNXCM0-00574-00241823-00242082 This ao dai is like the one in a typical wedding party. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00575-00242082-00242186 But I don't wanna get married. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00576-00242186-00242332 I'd better change my clothes. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00577-00242417-00242492 Forget it. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00578-00242548-00242760 Who dares to upset my girl? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00579-00242962-00243338 Ah, Sis Hai is waiting for her love. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00580-00243342-00243576 I've been waiting for so long. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00581-00243594-00244139 He's here just to impress you, isn't he? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00582-00244142-00244510 You're gonna propose to my sister, right? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00583-00244571-00244858 It's only half-right. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00584-00244865-00245106 What do you mean? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00585-00245119-00245419 Well, let me get this straight. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00586-00245456-00246114 Other guys also wanna be a member of your family. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00587-00246404-00246480 Come here, guys. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00588-00246577-00246691 OMG! dX8ZDnNXCM0-00589-00246725-00246939 See that? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00590-00246946-00247296 Ah, we're gonna have two wedding parties, right? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00591-00247371-00247530 Not true. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00592-00247542-00247696 Three wedding parties at the same time. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00593-00247703-00247942 - Oh, really? - Yeah. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00594-00247966-00248485 We've got 3 couples here: Uncle Hai and Auntie Hai, Truong and Ut Dieu, I and Ut Lanh. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00595-00248485-00248637 I've got here some Piper betle. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00596-00248637-00248831 My Goodness! dX8ZDnNXCM0-00597-00248831-00248912 Gosh! dX8ZDnNXCM0-00598-00248917-00249082 He's even got here some Piper betle. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00599-00249096-00249236 May I say something? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00600-00249301-00249504 Dear, everyone. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00601-00249544-00249804 When I was in prison... dX8ZDnNXCM0-00602-00249892-00249960 Ah... dX8ZDnNXCM0-00603-00250044-00250105 Well... dX8ZDnNXCM0-00604-00250167-00250532 - The girl I missed so much... - Who? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00605-00250584-00250682 It's Tu. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00606-00250782-00250857 What? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00607-00251166-00251223 Tu. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00608-00251307-00251814 Honestly, I wanna spend the rest of my life with Tu. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00609-00252035-00252151 My Goodness! dX8ZDnNXCM0-00610-00252151-00252600 I've got here a wild sunflower for Tu as a small gift. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00611-00252664-00252871 - Just take it. - Mexican sunflower. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00612-00252996-00253067 Tu. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00613-00253119-00253416 Just take it, Tu. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00614-00253469-00253617 Take it. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00615-00253623-00253789 You're the one he missed when in prison. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00616-00253871-00253951 Gosh! dX8ZDnNXCM0-00617-00253994-00254073 A perfect match. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00618-00254078-00254189 Look, sis. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00619-00254314-00254606 This guy just gives me a Mexican sunflower. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00620-00254729-00254967 Just take it, Auntie. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00621-00255125-00255466 - She also has a crush on him. - Yeah. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00622-00255527-00255616 Dad. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00623-00255744-00255856 You go first. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00624-00255904-00255981 After you. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00625-00256029-00256176 You'd better go first. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00626-00256213-00256280 Stop! dX8ZDnNXCM0-00627-00256461-00256915 If you propose to my mom today, I'll object. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00628-00256915-00257003 Dieu! dX8ZDnNXCM0-00629-00258269-00258328 Dieu! dX8ZDnNXCM0-00630-00258364-00258426 Uncle! dX8ZDnNXCM0-00631-00258456-00258542 Hai! dX8ZDnNXCM0-00632-00258726-00258819 I know. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00633-00258905-00258989 I'd better leave her. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00634-00259042-00259104 Uncle! dX8ZDnNXCM0-00635-00259104-00259335 - Dad! - She's calling you. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00636-00259421-00259728 I'm just kidding. In case you leave, then who will marry mom? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00637-00259742-00260033 Please go get her, dad! I'm sick of being scolded by her. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00638-00260146-00260239 Come on! dX8ZDnNXCM0-00639-00260240-00260577 - Hey, stop! - It's so fun to see you two being together. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00640-00260886-00261032 Marry me, honey. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00641-00261157-00261269 Come on, Sis Hai. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00642-00261269-00261490 - What's up, Mom? - I'm so happy now. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00643-00261523-00261571 Hai. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00644-00261753-00261959 This is for you. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00645-00262695-00262743 Hai. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00646-00262879-00263323 From now on, you won't be Hai Lua anymore. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00647-00263400-00263840 You're my Hai Sang. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00648-00264186-00264396 And you? Just come here. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00649-00264653-00264751 He's still so embarrassed. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00650-00264837-00264916 Go get him. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00651-00265019-00265084 Yeah! dX8ZDnNXCM0-00652-00265102-00265178 Go get him. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00653-00265671-00265815 Will you marry me? dX8ZDnNXCM0-00654-00266087-00266168 Yes. dX8ZDnNXCM0-00655-00266593-00266976 This Tet, I'm married! dXTM1470Sso-00000-00000633-00000833 Welcome to Bodegas Altanza! dXTM1470Sso-00001-00000833-00001159 My name is Carlos Ferreiro, the winemaker of the winery. dXTM1470Sso-00002-00001208-00001668 I´d like to tell you some words about the wine dedicated to a famous spanish artist. dXTM1470Sso-00003-00001668-00002018 This is a series named after Gaudí. dXTM1470Sso-00004-00002018-00002608 The presentation is in wooden boxes with 3 bottles and 3 different Gaudí works of art. dXTM1470Sso-00005-00002608-00003168 It´s a limited edition with 40 000 bottles of each artwork. dXTM1470Sso-00006-00003296-00003844 The vintage 2005 is described by The Regulating Board as excellent. dXTM1470Sso-00007-00003844-00004330 The grape comes from our own vines over 50 years old. dXTM1470Sso-00008-00004712-00005242 The wine is grown 18 months in the barrels of new French oak Allier. dXTM1470Sso-00009-00005448-00005650 Let's proceed to this tasting. dXTM1470Sso-00010-00006102-00006578 As fast that I can see this is a mature wine with a medium intense, dXTM1470Sso-00011-00006578-00006916 dark red with an orange trim color. dXTM1470Sso-00012-00007678-00007954 On the nose it is very complex. dXTM1470Sso-00013-00008802-00009284 Includes the toasted new French oak, coffee, vanilla, dXTM1470Sso-00014-00009560-00009926 deep red fruits: blackberrys and raspberrys. dXTM1470Sso-00015-00010618-00010798 The taste is very round. dXTM1470Sso-00016-00010798-00011428 These roasted barrel notes are very complex and full of deep feelings. dXTM1470Sso-00017-00011932-00012614 This wine has received 93 points from Robert Parker and 4 stars from Decanter. dXTM1470Sso-00018-00013102-00013419 Servant temperature is 16 degrees. dXTM1470Sso-00019-00013419-00013710 Goes well with red meats and roasts. dXTM1470Sso-00020-00013710-00014076 Can be enjoyed in the good company of friends and family. dXTM1470Sso-00021-00014076-00014266 I hope you´ll like it. Cheers! dcoFf9_4PKy-00000-00000042-00000200 Rated M for Mature dcoFf9_4PKy-00001-00001710-00001905 This is Nikola Tesla speaking... dcoFf9_4PKy-00002-00001905-00002128 And unless it wasn't already obvious, dcoFf9_4PKy-00003-00002128-00002344 this ship is under strict quarantine. dcoFf9_4PKy-00004-00002436-00002728 You've always tried to protect me, my big sister, dcoFf9_4PKy-00005-00002728-00002926 but this was meant to be. dcoFf9_4PKy-00006-00002998-00003211 It's now my turn to protect you dcoFf9_4PKy-00007-00003211-00003469 if only so that things unfold the way they are meant to. dcoFf9_4PKy-00008-00003964-00004392 We discovered quantum resonance anomalies that prove the one-electron theory. dcoFf9_4PKy-00009-00004416-00004644 These things are merely antibodies... dcoFf9_4PKy-00010-00004644-00004788 ...cleaning up the mess... dcoFf9_4PKy-00011-00004794-00004898 ...which is us. dcoFf9_4PKy-00012-00005170-00005476 My research is about exploiting loopholes in the flow of time. dcoFf9_4PKy-00013-00005476-00005694 But the research means so much more. dcoFf9_4PKy-00014-00005694-00005910 It could do so much more for all of us. dcoFf9_4PKy-00015-00006364-00006620 I'm opening all the doors I can for you. dcoFf9_4PKy-00016-00006620-00006822 Go and say hi to your sister. dcoFf9_4PKy-00017-00006836-00006920 Aubrey? dcoFf9_4PKy-00018-00006954-00007028 Help! dcoFf9_4PKy-00019-00008000-00008901 (((NO-SYSTEMS))) dgj6dWS_h5c-00000-00000380-00000556 [Music] dgj6dWS_h5c-00001-00000556-00002158 hello everybody [Applause] we made it I know it's been yeah that came from Lauren Byrne dgj6dWS_h5c-00002-00002158-00003027 again with her reputation we know that it's been an amazing weekend sometimes a tough dgj6dWS_h5c-00003-00003027-00003646 weekend and then a resilient weekend for everybody so welcome to the end but also the beginning dgj6dWS_h5c-00004-00003646-00004295 of this amazing family as we continue to grow let's celebrate you all for a little bit I'm dgj6dWS_h5c-00005-00004295-00004813 kind of making it round and out from the first session that we have the welcome because I dgj6dWS_h5c-00006-00004813-00005189 think it's important to continue to celebrate each and every one of you and all the amazing dgj6dWS_h5c-00007-00005189-00005803 people that it took to put this on so first if you are a volunteer who helped out this dgj6dWS_h5c-00008-00005803-00008184 weekend and you are willing and able please stand up so we can celebrate you [Applause] dgj6dWS_h5c-00009-00008184-00008738 we had 52 volunteers sign up to help with this event and I know somehow to go home early dgj6dWS_h5c-00010-00008738-00009463 so we could not have done it without you if you are a speaker served on a panel anything dgj6dWS_h5c-00011-00009463-00011406 in front told your story please stand up if you're willing and able [Applause] thank you dgj6dWS_h5c-00012-00011406-00011796 for bravely being filmed dgj6dWS_h5c-00013-00011796-00012421 I'm not editing them for any kinds of misstep or anything so I'm just no I'm just kidding dgj6dWS_h5c-00014-00012421-00013237 uh if you are an htyo board member or staff member or Committee Member please stand up dgj6dWS_h5c-00015-00013237-00014716 if you're willing and able [Applause] dgj6dWS_h5c-00016-00014716-00015116 we also had a couple who had to leave earlier outside right now because they are tardy but dgj6dWS_h5c-00017-00015116-00015719 thank you all for all of your help and work that you put into this we know that we couldn't dgj6dWS_h5c-00018-00015719-00016156 have done this oh here it is I'm calling you out Seth for being tardy and Cali two more dgj6dWS_h5c-00019-00016156-00016670 board members dgj6dWS_h5c-00020-00016670-00017621 foreign we know that there were some some heavy times and tough conversations and that's dgj6dWS_h5c-00021-00017621-00018201 why we had amazing volunteers who helped with mental and mental well-being and support if dgj6dWS_h5c-00022-00018201-00019997 you were one of those volunteers please stand up so we can celebrate you [Applause] we also dgj6dWS_h5c-00023-00019997-00020537 know that that support comes in different shapes and sizes and opportunities so if you dgj6dWS_h5c-00024-00020537-00021128 helped someone with a hug with a handshake with a listening ear please stand up if you're dgj6dWS_h5c-00025-00021128-00021553 willing and able so we can recognize you who have support and it should be everybody in dgj6dWS_h5c-00026-00021553-00023300 this room [Applause] dgj6dWS_h5c-00027-00023300-00023804 and this is another one that I think is important I'm not going to make you stand up but I think dgj6dWS_h5c-00028-00023804-00024309 it's important to recognize that everybody in this room also probably needed some of dgj6dWS_h5c-00029-00024309-00024834 that support so you being able to accept it and acknowledge that you need to be celebrating dgj6dWS_h5c-00030-00024834-00025331 that on your own as well because that takes a lot to do that so thank you all so much dgj6dWS_h5c-00031-00025331-00025844 for your your vulnerability your ability to support one to one another your ability to dgj6dWS_h5c-00032-00025844-00026450 take a break when you need it your ability to continue to join us and learn and do the dgj6dWS_h5c-00033-00026450-00027087 best for yourself we really appreciate you all being here this weekend so I want to take dgj6dWS_h5c-00034-00027087-00027443 a moment we're not going to do this all externally but I want to make sure that you all are looking dgj6dWS_h5c-00035-00027443-00028145 back at the goals that you set at the beginning of Congress how did you achieve those did dgj6dWS_h5c-00036-00028145-00028660 you do better than you thought was it easier was it harder I think that's something that's dgj6dWS_h5c-00037-00028660-00029297 really important to reflect on because this again has probably been something that was dgj6dWS_h5c-00038-00029297-00029833 so rewarding there are surprises but the continuation of setting those small goals each and every dgj6dWS_h5c-00039-00029833-00030375 day each Adventure each stage of your journey is really important but it's also important dgj6dWS_h5c-00040-00030375-00030842 for you to take the time to acknowledge those successes reflect on some things that you dgj6dWS_h5c-00041-00030842-00031495 maybe would do differently and continue to push forward each and every day it's also dgj6dWS_h5c-00042-00031495-00032014 important to think about what are your next steps after leaving this this amazing venue dgj6dWS_h5c-00043-00032014-00032566 this amazing City and this amazing group of people how are you going to continue to if dgj6dWS_h5c-00044-00032566-00033049 your goals were to meet new people does that have to stop today no how are you going to dgj6dWS_h5c-00045-00033049-00033618 continue to meet new people it doesn't have to be outward advocacy it doesn't have to dgj6dWS_h5c-00046-00033618-00034200 be putting yourself on social media it can be following along in your own path messaging dgj6dWS_h5c-00047-00034200-00034669 people you met here today continuing to develop those relationships so you know that your dgj6dWS_h5c-00048-00034669-00035291 family will grow and grow and grow of supporters who are there for you if it was someone who dgj6dWS_h5c-00049-00035291-00035694 wanted to learn more about the science how are you going to continue to become educated dgj6dWS_h5c-00050-00035694-00036188 on those science sessions there are a lot of great webinars through different associations dgj6dWS_h5c-00051-00036188-00036619 there are different Publications that get put out there there's HD Buzz how are you dgj6dWS_h5c-00052-00036619-00037137 going to continue to empower yourself to to learn more and grow more so you can best advocate dgj6dWS_h5c-00053-00037137-00037627 for your needs if it's something that had to do with mental well-being how are you going dgj6dWS_h5c-00054-00037627-00038046 to challenge yourself through those hard times and happy times to continue to keep that in dgj6dWS_h5c-00055-00038046-00038568 your thoughts it doesn't have to be big goals that are years down the line it can be simple dgj6dWS_h5c-00056-00038568-00039121 goals every single day we heard about that in some of our sessions about what are the dgj6dWS_h5c-00057-00039121-00039562 three things that you're grateful for each day what's something that you want to tackle dgj6dWS_h5c-00058-00039562-00040119 each day and take it step by step and continue to do those things these are really really dgj6dWS_h5c-00059-00040119-00040702 important exercises and tools to challenge yourself to do sometimes it's hard a lot of dgj6dWS_h5c-00060-00040702-00041294 times it's hard but when you get in that pattern as Bonnie has said in several of her presentations dgj6dWS_h5c-00061-00041294-00042052 and talks practicing that self-care is so crucial so continue to set those step-by-step dgj6dWS_h5c-00062-00042052-00042693 goals as you leave here today because you truly are a large family and will continue dgj6dWS_h5c-00063-00042693-00043049 to grow dgj6dWS_h5c-00064-00043049-00043737 that was from a slide that was supposed to be deleted but you also have commonalities dgj6dWS_h5c-00065-00043737-00044378 I also want to again acknowledge all of our sponsors who gave their time who helped support dgj6dWS_h5c-00066-00044378-00044957 all of this amazing all of you for attending for their tremendous ability to connect with dgj6dWS_h5c-00067-00044957-00045460 the community and their investment in each of us and again our scholarship Partners who dgj6dWS_h5c-00068-00045460-00045997 continue to invest in sending young people across the globe to they so they can know dgj6dWS_h5c-00069-00045997-00046653 learn about other perspectives and now it's time for our Awards this is the fun part so dgj6dWS_h5c-00070-00046653-00047080 I'm going to have Matt if you're from the US he's kind of like Vanna White I don't know dgj6dWS_h5c-00071-00047080-00047594 if that's International dgj6dWS_h5c-00072-00047594-00048381 you did not win any of these dgj6dWS_h5c-00073-00048381-00048918 so each of these recipients do get a complimentary copy of the Huntington's disease Heroes book dgj6dWS_h5c-00074-00048918-00049988 Matt that has been signed by Charles Sabine and has been voted on by their peers drumroll dgj6dWS_h5c-00075-00049988-00051920 this year's first most helpful Emma w dgj6dWS_h5c-00076-00051920-00053901 ow come on up here [Applause] great job Emma and I just want to caveat that these are just dgj6dWS_h5c-00077-00053901-00054338 fun Awards and so if you didn't win it's not because you weren't helpful or inspirational dgj6dWS_h5c-00078-00054338-00055089 supposed to be fun all right yes and this year's 2023 most inspirational dgj6dWS_h5c-00079-00055089-00055189 Charlotte see [Applause] dgj6dWS_h5c-00080-00055189-00055289 [Laughter] dgj6dWS_h5c-00081-00055289-00057508 and yeah [Applause] dgj6dWS_h5c-00083-00061238-00061639 Ashley Clark dgj6dWS_h5c-00084-00061639-00063140 [Applause] no get up here though no you're going to be doing the talking now this guy's dgj6dWS_h5c-00085-00063140-00063540 Matt in case you didn't know hey hey folks dgj6dWS_h5c-00086-00063540-00064464 I haven't used this microphone before can you hear me okay like that yeah or jump to dgj6dWS_h5c-00087-00064464-00065075 easy a bit more that's just rude now isn't it sorry um honestly I just want to say just dgj6dWS_h5c-00088-00065075-00066562 you know it's been a fabulous event and just thank you to Jenna firstly [Applause] she's dgj6dWS_h5c-00089-00066562-00067132 hiding she's hiding but she worked a bit off on this event you know she really did um and dgj6dWS_h5c-00090-00067132-00067670 without Jenny this one would not have been anywhere near um so yeah huge thank you and dgj6dWS_h5c-00091-00067670-00068149 honestly just a huge thank you to you guys for coming and just be taking that step to dgj6dWS_h5c-00092-00068149-00068688 come to this event um you know and being a part of the hgo family the reason I set this dgj6dWS_h5c-00093-00068688-00069231 organization up is because people need love they need support they need understanding dgj6dWS_h5c-00094-00069231-00069680 and that's something that I try to get across every time I'm coming to these events and dgj6dWS_h5c-00095-00069680-00070112 I just love coming to these events for that purpose every single HQ event I've been to dgj6dWS_h5c-00096-00070112-00070559 is all about that love and support and understanding and uh that's what it's all about and you dgj6dWS_h5c-00097-00070559-00071144 guys really shine through with that so thank you and I hope you have a great time [Applause] dgj6dWS_h5c-00098-00071144-00072645 okay well it's finished okay I'll Stand Here awkwardly wait I didn't say take the mic I dgj6dWS_h5c-00099-00072645-00073210 just said stand up here awkwardly honestly thanks to Matt for his tireless efforts 11 dgj6dWS_h5c-00100-00073210-00073570 years ago to start this organization but even before that by your willingness to share your dgj6dWS_h5c-00101-00073570-00075125 story because without that none of this would be here so thank you [Applause] dgj6dWS_h5c-00102-00075125-00075620 one last note before I send you off volunteers what goes up must come down dgj6dWS_h5c-00103-00075620-00076576 yeah so we'll see after just kidding uh but we just want to say thank you again for being dgj6dWS_h5c-00104-00076576-00077183 here we love you all we're here for you all reach out whenever you need it and we hope dgj6dWS_h5c-00105-00077183-00077505 you have safe travels home and no more strikes dgj6dWS_h5c-00106-00077505-00077981 all right see ya [Applause] [Music] foreign dgOamNH2bQ4-00000-00000000-00000200 Hello guys diQwtydNAsI-00000-00001109-00001458 Soviet gender order diQwtydNAsI-00001-00001531-00001773 Soviet gender order is ambiguous. diQwtydNAsI-00002-00001894-00002955 And there was a dogmatic description of how the relations between men and women were organized under the Soviet rule. diQwtydNAsI-00003-00002979-00003385 This description was reduced to the statement diQwtydNAsI-00004-00003385-00003639 that the USSR was the country with established gender equality. diQwtydNAsI-00005-00003718-00004045 Partially, it is true. diQwtydNAsI-00006-00004128-00004622 But only partially, incompletely. diQwtydNAsI-00007-00004670-00006058 Because in the mottos and legal documents, gender equality was indeed confirmed. diQwtydNAsI-00008-00006058-00006562 It was formalized in the first laws passed by the Soviet state in 1918, diQwtydNAsI-00009-00006562-00007148 it was promoted by the laws on marriage and family, diQwtydNAsI-00010-00007148-00008412 special policies aimed at promotion of women to the paid labor market and to political positions — there were quotas for women. diQwtydNAsI-00011-00008462-00009634 And all of that really made women active constructors and participants in the public sphere in this social structure. diQwtydNAsI-00012-00009696-00010073 We call the Soviet gender order etacratic. diQwtydNAsI-00013-00010073-00010378 Etacratic means “the power of the state.” diQwtydNAsI-00014-00010378-00011138 It may be called “state patriarchy,” as many of our researchers, comrades and colleagues do. diQwtydNAsI-00015-00011138-00012296 The state acknowledges the differences, but uses them for the purposes of state policy, tough and authoritarian. diQwtydNAsI-00016-00012311-00012498 The law on abortions. diQwtydNAsI-00017-00012574-00013300 In 1920, a law was passed, which was unique on the global level, in the international practice — diQwtydNAsI-00018-00013300-00013672 legalization of abortions, a therapeutic abortion is meant of course. diQwtydNAsI-00019-00013790-00015102 This law allowed women to decide their reproductive destiny, to have an abortion in the first trimester of the pregnancy by their choice. diQwtydNAsI-00020-00015128-00015529 There were no other contraceptives in that time. diQwtydNAsI-00021-00015529-00016178 The ideologists explained that it was a forced measure introduced by the young Soviet government, diQwtydNAsI-00022-00016178-00016456 which fought two evils in such a way. diQwtydNAsI-00023-00016456-00017802 Infanticide, i.e. murder of babies, and bad health of women who have a criminal, illegal abortion diQwtydNAsI-00024-00017802-00018959 because it was the time of havoc, war, sexual let’s say riots, and an unwanted pregnancy was a mass phenomenon. diQwtydNAsI-00025-00018959-00019321 The contraceptive culture was very traditional, diQwtydNAsI-00026-00019321-00020100 and these traditional practices of contraceptive behaviour were difficult to perform in the uneasy life conditions under the Soviets. diQwtydNAsI-00027-00020128-00020552 In 1936, this law was annulled. diQwtydNAsI-00028-00020576-00021221 And the women were then denied this reproductive right according to the law. diQwtydNAsI-00029-00021274-00021518 And what do we have? diQwtydNAsI-00030-00021518-00022405 Women were mobilized by the society, not only as a productive individual, as a workwoman who was actively involved in the social production, diQwtydNAsI-00031-00022405-00023252 and her financial welfare depended on her participation in the production, her money, her salary and her food coupons. diQwtydNAsI-00032-00023284-00023726 But she was also mobilized as a reproductive unit, diQwtydNAsI-00033-00023726-00024914 as a unit that gave birth and was designed to solve the demographical problems of this country before the war. diQwtydNAsI-00034-00024958-00025278 And this ideology of the double role of woman, diQwtydNAsI-00035-00025278-00026038 a working mother (as her choice, but in the reality as dictated by the government), diQwtydNAsI-00036-00026038-00026496 a very mobilizing role makes us say that it was the state patriarchy. diQwtydNAsI-00037-00026496-00026851 It mobilized women in this role. diQwtydNAsI-00038-00026851-00027427 It mobilized men in their role, as a hard worker, a defender of the Fatherland diQwtydNAsI-00039-00027427-00028235 who must devote his life to the building of the modernized Soviet state diQwtydNAsI-00040-00028235-00029128 and the private life must be in the periphery or must be just absent, must be rudimentary. diQwtydNAsI-00041-00029201-00029414 That was the Soviet gender order. diQwtydNAsI-00042-00029414-00030773 It was called “gender equality,” but analytically we come to the conclusion that it was gender mobilization and the state patriarchy. dj2X_ecmnKU-00000-00000045-00000214 Hi, my name is Alice. dj2X_ecmnKU-00001-00000215-00000570 Journey to Justice: Dream Riders 2018 is a Bike Tour dj2X_ecmnKU-00002-00000570-00000886 starting from Seattle all the way down to San Diego dj2X_ecmnKU-00003-00000886-00000997 where we will meet dj2X_ecmnKU-00004-00000997-00001209 different organizations, different schools, dj2X_ecmnKU-00005-00001209-00001438 Americans of all walks of life, dj2X_ecmnKU-00006-00001438-00001718 to talk about why we need citizenship for all dj2X_ecmnKU-00007-00001718-00001931 and help them understand why we need it, dj2X_ecmnKU-00008-00001931-00002179 not with their heads, but with their hearts. dj2X_ecmnKU-00009-00002200-00002419 I am joining this Bike Tour because dj2X_ecmnKU-00010-00002419-00002560 most importantly, I want to advocate dj2X_ecmnKU-00011-00002560-00002756 for all 11 million undocumented immigrants. dj2X_ecmnKU-00012-00002781-00002963 I want people understand and feel dj2X_ecmnKU-00013-00002963-00003224 why we need citizenship for all right now. dj2X_ecmnKU-00014-00003268-00003706 I want to get fit, and when else are you gonna be able to bike dj2X_ecmnKU-00015-00003706-00003833 with such a cool crowd dj2X_ecmnKU-00016-00003833-00004038 all the way from Seattle down to San Diego? dj2X_ecmnKU-00017-00004060-00004372 So, if you are interested, we'll have our link down there, dj2X_ecmnKU-00018-00004372-00004545 so feel free to apply! dlOekbcX-8g-00000-00000640-00001160 hi guys cinema back with you i'm the creator of the freedom breakthrough boot camp people started dlOekbcX-8g-00001-00001160-00001736 asking me about the funnel uh what's inside the concept how they can get paid how they can dlOekbcX-8g-00002-00001736-00002984 join affiliate programs so this is my freedom breakthrough bootcamp review so let's dive in dlOekbcX-8g-00003-00003224-00003776 okay so first of all why you should listen guys during the last four weeks let me show dlOekbcX-8g-00004-00003776-00004368 you actually today i made already 711 bucks which it's just with the boot camp okay dlOekbcX-8g-00005-00004368-00004944 during the last four weeks i made already more than almost eleven thousand dollars and guys dlOekbcX-8g-00006-00004944-00005672 uh freedom brexit boot camp it's it's just one month old i mean i mean only four weeks with the dlOekbcX-8g-00007-00005672-00006160 boot camp and what they're making this kind of money so if you feel like uh you would like to dlOekbcX-8g-00008-00006160-00006704 make this kind of money just watch this video from a to z from the beginning to the end okay dlOekbcX-8g-00009-00006704-00007336 so now let's start actually uh what was the purpose of creation of the boot camp okay so dlOekbcX-8g-00010-00007895-00008360 i decided to create freedom breakthrough boot camp for from the very beginning just to create dlOekbcX-8g-00011-00008360-00008856 my own personal program to teach people how to do affiliate marketing how to make money online dlOekbcX-8g-00012-00008856-00009440 since i'm already more than it's around five years with affiliate marketing i started making dlOekbcX-8g-00013-00009440-00009888 already more than thousand bucks per week and i decided to say i saw that okay gina dlOekbcX-8g-00014-00009888-00010400 it's time for you to create your own program but during the process of creation of the program dlOekbcX-8g-00015-00010496-00010944 uh actually i was just shifting to the ideas okay listen dlOekbcX-8g-00016-00011040-00011664 i don't want to wait to make money for the high ticket uh coaching program which cost 2500 bucks dlOekbcX-8g-00017-00011664-00012200 which is my personal coaching program i don't want to wait for months or two or three when somebody dlOekbcX-8g-00018-00012200-00012760 will buy it no i just want to make my money back as fast as possible and this is when the miracle dlOekbcX-8g-00019-00012760-00013591 actually happened this is when i started to build the funnel in a way that funnel pays me more than dlOekbcX-8g-00020-00013591-00014280 i invest in traffic to pay for the traffic okay and this happens really fast like in during the dlOekbcX-8g-00021-00014280-00014976 during the two to three days so now let me share uh so again the idea was just to create the dlOekbcX-8g-00022-00015128-00015776 personal program but uh i shifted to idea to create the funnel which is so cool that gives dlOekbcX-8g-00023-00015776-00016432 you opportunity to immediately pay back for your traffic cost okay so for example you go to udemy dlOekbcX-8g-00024-00016432-00016944 you buy some traffic from the from real guy okay not cheap traffic chip traffic doesn't work with dlOekbcX-8g-00025-00016944-00017520 this so you go to udemy or any other place you buy cool traffic you uh send traffic to your dlOekbcX-8g-00026-00017520-00018104 funnel you build your lease and immediately make money back reinvest your profit and build and dlOekbcX-8g-00027-00018104-00018680 grow your list faster so this is how it works now okay so let me share the final vision okay dlOekbcX-8g-00028-00019360-00019888 now so this is actually how the funnel looks like so everything starts from the front and dlOekbcX-8g-00029-00019888-00020592 sales page okay so the sales page again i spent probably more than a couple of weeks to polish dlOekbcX-8g-00030-00020592-00021176 to polish this page okay just start i started from real really simple page but later i started adding dlOekbcX-8g-00031-00021176-00021832 uh my results results of my affiliates i watched actually other people's sales pages so the idea of dlOekbcX-8g-00032-00021832-00022480 this sales page is just to um show people what the funnel can do what the bootcamp can do for dlOekbcX-8g-00033-00022480-00023296 you okay and again as the majority of of all these pictures these are not these are just screenshots dlOekbcX-8g-00034-00023296-00023840 okay just screenshots of my personal results like this one for example this is real so if you will dlOekbcX-8g-00035-00023840-00024448 go if we will go with you let's check to my gmail as you can see after the access this is my gmail dlOekbcX-8g-00036-00024520-00025120 so now this is my regular day take a look and again let me share with you again the same idea dlOekbcX-8g-00037-00025120-00025672 so guys take a look three guys purchased seven bucks offer okay which is a front dlOekbcX-8g-00038-00025672-00026472 end but these are all upsells seven 37 bucks 57 bucks 97 bucks for so if only if from all your dlOekbcX-8g-00039-00026472-00027176 three people only one will be real serious okay you can make up to 700 bucks from just one guy dlOekbcX-8g-00040-00027248-00027936 just one guy reinvest your profit into buying more traffic build your list faster this is it dlOekbcX-8g-00041-00027936-00028720 this is the idea by the way this is today you see march 12th and march 13th okay yesterday yesterday dlOekbcX-8g-00042-00028720-00029400 when when i was sleeping i made 700 bucks how cool is that one day now let's check let's let's check dlOekbcX-8g-00043-00029400-00030039 this um upsells okay so we start from seven seven bucks offer freedom uh freedom uh boot camp for a dlOekbcX-8g-00044-00030039-00030712 sales page next 37 bucks 37 bucks email marketing secrets guys email marketing secrets okay so you dlOekbcX-8g-00045-00030712-00031168 now you're building your list okay but you need to know actually how to monetize your list okay dlOekbcX-8g-00046-00031168-00031680 so i spent a lot of a lot of years to understand how it all works and now i finally created my own dlOekbcX-8g-00047-00031680-00032152 training course which is very small but very very informative and i simply show dlOekbcX-8g-00048-00032232-00032864 how it all works what you need to do with the funnel to monitor to build your list and how you dlOekbcX-8g-00049-00032864-00033432 can monetize your list really really really really fast okay i also give you access to bonus bonanza dlOekbcX-8g-00050-00033432-00033904 bonus bonanza is actually an opportunity for you to get access to the bonuses because if dlOekbcX-8g-00051-00033904-00034608 you don't have bonuses to uh offer okay to your people they will not buy from you also you may dlOekbcX-8g-00052-00034608-00035240 find this information here inside of the freedom breakthrough boot camp training area it's um email dlOekbcX-8g-00053-00035240-00035824 marketing secrets list building and monetization blueprint so see bonus bonanza your secret weapon dlOekbcX-8g-00054-00035824-00036328 so everything is explained here okay so this is about email marketing email marketing secrets dlOekbcX-8g-00055-00036328-00037024 upsell and it's just 37 bucks again the regular check i have it's 7 37 57 because our next upsell dlOekbcX-8g-00056-00037088-00037736 is 57 bucks traffic rotator well guys traffic rotator is it's when again this is a faster dlOekbcX-8g-00057-00037736-00038424 you only see this uh one time as a oto okay audio number two and the idea of this is to give people dlOekbcX-8g-00058-00038424-00039024 opportunity to start making money faster so as soon as they join uh pay seven bucks okay and buy dlOekbcX-8g-00059-00039024-00039720 uh this upsell uh uh uh i i help them to create their affiliate link okay their affiliate funnel dlOekbcX-8g-00060-00039720-00040216 and as soon as it's ready i put their affiliate funnel link to my buyer's list traffic rotator dlOekbcX-8g-00061-00040216-00040824 and again why is this important because take a look these are my real results my real results dlOekbcX-8g-00062-00040824-00041744 every single day see 7 37 27 57 47 97 47 27 i mean the average check is huge is more than dlOekbcX-8g-00063-00041800-00042416 more than 60 bucks okay so again the freedom breakthrough boot camp then emails and marketing dlOekbcX-8g-00064-00042416-00043296 secrets then uh traffic rotator okay our next upsell is 4.99 ah 97 bucks pro membership so 97 dlOekbcX-8g-00065-00043296-00044120 bucks gives you opportunity to see everything okay because for seven bucks you just see a day one day dlOekbcX-8g-00066-00044120-00044584 two days three and daily income producing activity which is already more than you need actually to dlOekbcX-8g-00067-00044584-00045160 make money with this okay so i mean i don't want you to to learn like complicated stuff how to dlOekbcX-8g-00068-00045160-00045608 create youtube ads facebook ads and everything the majority of people fail doing this because dlOekbcX-8g-00069-00045664-00046112 you will need to have a lot of money to invest for check and everything facebook can ban your dlOekbcX-8g-00070-00046112-00046544 account and will youtube actually will not work for you because you're not marketer dlOekbcX-8g-00071-00046544-00047096 nobody knows you so i mean let's be realistic so i just give you uh the opportunity to use dlOekbcX-8g-00072-00047168-00047720 really simple strategy to promote your stuff manually and with upgrades you can dlOekbcX-8g-00073-00047720-00048328 also promote it uh using a messenger pro premium version so again the pro upsell is 97 bucks per dlOekbcX-8g-00074-00048328-00048912 month it's recurring but you get access to all the modules including including everything you dlOekbcX-8g-00075-00048912-00049424 can see here additional funnels youtube traffic mastery email marketing secrets l messenger pro dlOekbcX-8g-00076-00049424-00049992 affiliate program messenger pro tutorial you get access to facebook traffic mastery of course you dlOekbcX-8g-00077-00049992-00050664 you will also get access at least uh one hour of live zoom session with me per month and but again dlOekbcX-8g-00078-00050664-00051264 the main idea here is to give you opportunity to promote anything you want using a premium version dlOekbcX-8g-00079-00051264-00051816 of the messenger pro the messenger pro actually it's a miracle because take a look what you can dlOekbcX-8g-00080-00051816-00052416 do you can just go to any any post you like okay and you you may you may seem okay 55 comments guys dlOekbcX-8g-00081-00052416-00053112 this is amazing this is what this is what i just uh this is amazing take a look what i do i just dlOekbcX-8g-00082-00053208-00053944 click i choose the message which i want to send them okay for example my friend requests okay dlOekbcX-8g-00083-00053944-00054496 i want to send only to new people that i i never sent this message yet okay and i want to choose dlOekbcX-8g-00084-00054496-00055191 okay uh i can send to 35 for example but for this for the for the purpose of this video i will just dlOekbcX-8g-00085-00055191-00055744 send to two people okay again the idea is very cool you don't need to spend your time on this you dlOekbcX-8g-00086-00055744-00056488 just go to a group or even without group you can easily find like you can send this to uh like uh dlOekbcX-8g-00087-00056488-00057176 influencers audience just just to people who who are serious who are active who are commenting and dlOekbcX-8g-00088-00057176-00057679 everything okay and the message is ready so for example we can just i can just create this video dlOekbcX-8g-00089-00057679-00058255 further but the messages will be sent okay so this is a the power of uh premium version of dlOekbcX-8g-00090-00058255-00058688 the l messenger pro and this is 97 bucks per month including the training including access dlOekbcX-8g-00091-00058688-00059567 to me so this is our next actually upsell okay of the funnel okay let me show you how it works dlOekbcX-8g-00092-00059664-00060688 so see and actually it's done it's done and it's looking for another guy to send the message so you dlOekbcX-8g-00093-00060688-00061240 and again just believe me this is so powerful i met so many people like real people who are real dlOekbcX-8g-00094-00061240-00061679 who are my partner some of them are my partners already some of them are already my partners for dlOekbcX-8g-00095-00061679-00062240 the boot camp okay and this is so cool because we're building our business together just block dlOekbcX-8g-00096-00062240-00062784 people who don't who hate you okay no problem no problem from ten people from ten messages you send dlOekbcX-8g-00097-00062784-00063304 two people will say ah your idiot why why don't why you contact me but guys it's also depending dlOekbcX-8g-00098-00063304-00063848 on what what the message you're offering okay so for example my message is okay i'm a full-time uh dlOekbcX-8g-00099-00063912-00064296 i'm a full-time online marketer for years plus let me know if you need help with traffic or dlOekbcX-8g-00100-00064296-00064976 sales check my facebook profile for details about me this is it so if the guy is okay dlOekbcX-8g-00101-00065055-00065784 and he can read and sing why he would be uh fenced with his abuse no it's amazing message okay and dlOekbcX-8g-00102-00065784-00066400 when he comes to mind when he comes to my facebook profile he will see that i'm a professional guy dlOekbcX-8g-00103-00066400-00067424 i'm making more than 10k per month already learn do it okay so this is very easy and very powerful dlOekbcX-8g-00104-00067424-00068112 stuff okay so this is again this was introduction for the uh freedom breakthrough boot camp dlOekbcX-8g-00105-00068112-00068760 uh from pro membership okay let me show you how it looks inside this is from a monthly pro again dlOekbcX-8g-00106-00068760-00069272 when you join the bootcamp you can sell not only seven bucks offer but you can sell like you know dlOekbcX-8g-00107-00069392-00069800 everything you have links for everything for each and every upsell so you can just dlOekbcX-8g-00108-00069800-00070304 promote it to your list as well last uh not last night next offer is 500 bucks it's a dlOekbcX-8g-00109-00070304-00070904 vip membership okay so that membership again was created for people who this is actually a dlOekbcX-8g-00110-00070976-00071448 coaching program but it's just for one month okay so one month coaching program which also dlOekbcX-8g-00111-00071504-00072104 includes okay i work with you at least one hour per week personally so i teach you personally okay dlOekbcX-8g-00112-00072104-00072552 this is a personal coach in one month for four live zone sessions during the months next thing dlOekbcX-8g-00113-00072632-00073152 you will also get access to a messenger pro premium of course as well you get access to dlOekbcX-8g-00114-00073152-00073704 all the training all the modules of the training here inside okay and also of course you'll get dlOekbcX-8g-00115-00073704-00074536 access to traffic so i what i do i send you i send you 200 clicks for from my actually from dlOekbcX-8g-00116-00074536-00075120 gina seller as a buyer's buyer's list okay the buys this is very powerful as a and as you can see dlOekbcX-8g-00117-00075232-00075816 just just from one guy you can make in commission okay if this is 700 bucks and and and this was dlOekbcX-8g-00118-00075816-00076464 from one from your referral you would make 350 bucks already already which is so cool okay dlOekbcX-8g-00119-00076544-00077128 and the last offer in the funnel is 2500 bucks personal coaching and sales business this is for dlOekbcX-8g-00120-00077128-00077720 people who want to know how to create software business because uh i share with them certain dlOekbcX-8g-00121-00077720-00078272 number of um licenses for a messenger pro and this is a big coaching program when i dlOekbcX-8g-00122-00078272-00078920 i give you funnels i give you website i give you a licenses to resell messenger pro and dlOekbcX-8g-00123-00078920-00079600 start making from 67 bucks to 97 bucks per uh referral but again this this will be your people dlOekbcX-8g-00124-00079600-00080040 you know you're not sharing profit with me or anything you just get certain number of licenses dlOekbcX-8g-00125-00080040-00080536 so i give you 30 licenses and you can make more than two thousand dollars per month just just from dlOekbcX-8g-00126-00080536-00081008 these certain licenses if you need more you'll get more and you'll be making like five or 10k dlOekbcX-8g-00127-00081008-00081568 per month just reselling software okay this is like the most expensive program here again dlOekbcX-8g-00128-00081568-00082024 uh let me remind you that the program is very new and i'm constantly adding something new and dlOekbcX-8g-00129-00082024-00082784 lucrative for you as well okay so now let's talk actually about the affiliate program dlOekbcX-8g-00130-00083280-00083800 so when you come when you go here to day number two set up your business and join dlOekbcX-8g-00131-00083800-00084272 affiliate program you will see how to become an affiliate okay how to how much you can make as an dlOekbcX-8g-00132-00084272-00084752 affiliate so for now it looks like this first of all you just click this button and you join as an dlOekbcX-8g-00133-00084752-00085456 affiliate and what you can make right now is 3.5 18 bucks 28 48 recurring 100 bucks recurring and dlOekbcX-8g-00134-00085584-00086096 so this is actually the opportunity to make up to 949 bucks per referral dlOekbcX-8g-00135-00086096-00086600 and again let me remind you that you don't need to buy high ticket offer to make this kind of money dlOekbcX-8g-00136-00086600-00087064 in this case you just buy seven bucks you join an affiliate program and you are dlOekbcX-8g-00137-00087120-00087712 all in okay you you get access to all these links and everything you just start promoting and some dlOekbcX-8g-00138-00087712-00088416 of the programs uh like pro membership 97 bucks uh you can make 50 bucks recurring just from that dlOekbcX-8g-00139-00088416-00088848 from leap membership you can make hundred bucks recurring also and i already have a couple of dlOekbcX-8g-00140-00088848-00089648 guys who who have this okay and uh also there is a good news that you can get 10 on a tier dlOekbcX-8g-00141-00089648-00090136 2 sales okay 10 percent here to commission and everything is explained here how to do it okay dlOekbcX-8g-00142-00090216-00091184 now guys why join okay so the last module of this review will be why join dlOekbcX-8g-00143-00091336-00092032 okay let's talk about this so first of all why promote the bootcamp guy guys my idea is dlOekbcX-8g-00144-00092032-00092576 uh the bootcamp consider boot camp okay look you paid seven bucks okay consider boot camp like your dlOekbcX-8g-00145-00092576-00093248 own your own program your own tool to build your list fast because your own and your your dlOekbcX-8g-00146-00093248-00093912 own your main and your own business is only a list you're building your list there is not there is no dlOekbcX-8g-00147-00093912-00094592 nothing else out there for you you will be making money from bigger list okay and by the way here dlOekbcX-8g-00148-00094592-00095440 inside of the video day two video number one okay okay see um start from this video make money while dlOekbcX-8g-00149-00095440-00096088 building your list so the money is in the list in this video i explain you actually how you use this dlOekbcX-8g-00150-00096088-00096880 funnel how you use this funnel to uh build your list and to monetize your list and to give you a dlOekbcX-8g-00151-00096880-00097424 short overview okay it's very cool and lucrative because what you do you just send traffic into dlOekbcX-8g-00152-00097424-00097904 the list again do it manually no problem do it manually do it with l messenger pro or simply dlOekbcX-8g-00153-00097904-00098416 buy traffic doesn't matter you will be making money so you you got the funnel your affiliate dlOekbcX-8g-00154-00098416-00098920 link i call this fast income final because you saw the average cheque is more than 60 bucks dlOekbcX-8g-00155-00098992-00099592 meaning you buy traffic for 60 bucks you get one client who's serious you make this money back dlOekbcX-8g-00156-00099704-00100328 or more and you build your building your list for free now there is a 30 day follow-up and also dlOekbcX-8g-00157-00100328-00100968 you can promote anything to your list as usual okay so the idea is you may make your money back dlOekbcX-8g-00158-00100968-00101480 fast build your list for free using page traffic now use launch checking strategy dlOekbcX-8g-00159-00101480-00102032 to monetize your list again it's all explained there it's all explained inside the training dlOekbcX-8g-00160-00102032-00102488 inside the email marketing secrets how to how to use launch checking for lease monetization dlOekbcX-8g-00161-00102488-00102880 and for people who are really serious who will be investing like thousands of dollars into dlOekbcX-8g-00162-00102880-00103368 this business into building their lease like a business eventually the final the final goal dlOekbcX-8g-00163-00103368-00104064 is you are in traffic business meaning as soon as you have uh i don't know 50 or 100 clicks dlOekbcX-8g-00164-00104064-00104520 from one letter you sent to your list and your list should be big enough for this okay dlOekbcX-8g-00165-00104520-00104976 but as soon as you have 100 clicks okay and you know that you send one two emails and you will dlOekbcX-8g-00166-00104976-00105504 get 100 clicks from your list you can go on udemy you can register as a traffic vendor and start dlOekbcX-8g-00167-00105504-00106111 selling your traffic as well meaning that you're making money out of thin air okay guys this is all dlOekbcX-8g-00168-00106111-00106672 explained inside of the training and again if you are paying for the coaching we're like going very dlOekbcX-8g-00169-00106672-00107480 very deep into this okay now again so you just pay 7 bucks to join okay you can promote manually dlOekbcX-8g-00170-00107559-00108240 or you can use traffic depending on your current situation in life okay next scene uh use facebook dlOekbcX-8g-00171-00108240-00108759 bootcamp funnel to build your list fast okay and make money back fast and okay upgrades to you can dlOekbcX-8g-00172-00108759-00109383 upgrade to all these upgrades if you need them when you need them okay again the results you dlOekbcX-8g-00173-00109383-00110096 will never see the results from from from a funnel like this this is amazing and the idea why i uh dlOekbcX-8g-00174-00110183-00110800 i i'm getting these results is because i started from seven bucks next i thought okay what do they dlOekbcX-8g-00175-00110800-00111416 need ah yeah they are building their list so i will i will offer them list building mastery okay dlOekbcX-8g-00176-00111416-00111880 email marketing secrets so i created the email marketing secrets i was polishing this dlOekbcX-8g-00177-00111880-00112448 oto sales page until i started making these sales like regularly next thing i said okay what they dlOekbcX-8g-00178-00112448-00112896 will need next okay they they know how to build the lease okay they have the funnel okay what dlOekbcX-8g-00179-00112896-00113544 they will need they will need traffic so i will i created the 57 offer which is actually um rotator dlOekbcX-8g-00180-00113544-00114176 traffic rotator okay because you will need traffic fast and uh to show you how cool the funnel is dlOekbcX-8g-00181-00114176-00114680 i wanted to to offer you the best traffic on the planet which i created for this funnel and this is dlOekbcX-8g-00182-00114680-00115400 this is my my personal buyer's list okay okay next thing okay next so i work on each and every step dlOekbcX-8g-00183-00115400-00115983 until i start seeing sales when i send traffic into the funnel and this is your guarantee that dlOekbcX-8g-00184-00115983-00116808 you will be making money and real fast okay guys so this is it this is my review of the freedom dlOekbcX-8g-00185-00116808-00117600 breakthrough boot camp okay so again if you feel like uh this is for you just join okay if you dlOekbcX-8g-00186-00117600-00118264 want to ask me some questions no problem just go to my facebook facebook.com affiliate and dlOekbcX-8g-00187-00118264-00118928 simply send me a message okay i do my posts every day i show here my results almost every dlOekbcX-8g-00188-00118928-00119352 day when i have time okay because i want people to see that this scene is working dlOekbcX-8g-00189-00119464-00119992 okay so if you feel like this is for you just send me a message we will we will have a talk dlOekbcX-8g-00190-00120072-00120592 with chat quick chat or a zoom call no problem or simply join for seven bucks dlOekbcX-8g-00191-00120592-00121320 and just start using it thank you for watching i hope it was useful and talk to you soon dnSA6J-d5jk-00000-00000040-00000328 i cannot leave replies until 11 30. dnSA6J-d5jk-00001-00000328-00000896 that was because i left my comments that time, and yesterday, it was that time when i left the comment, dnSA6J-d5jk-00002-00000952-00001696 so that would mean that until that time 24 hours later i can't leave that one. so it's sad. e0rc-hfsYoI-00000-00000034-00000511 Good morning everyone, it's really nice to see you and if you're new it's great to see e0rc-hfsYoI-00001-00000511-00001267 you here and if you've come back it's great too, because the Center is an amazing place e0rc-hfsYoI-00002-00001267-00001776 to be, because it's somewhere where we can just completely be as we are. e0rc-hfsYoI-00003-00001776-00002446 And I think before I met this Teaching I had no idea how to just let myself be as I was. e0rc-hfsYoI-00004-00002446-00003365 I was just on a mission all the time, struggling, striving, thinking, intellectualizing, hoping, e0rc-hfsYoI-00005-00003365-00004211 longing, fearing and I had no idea actually that I could be at ease with my experience, e0rc-hfsYoI-00006-00004211-00004909 because there was so much going on and I was pretty sure that I was responsible for making e0rc-hfsYoI-00007-00004909-00005335 all of that okay somehow. e0rc-hfsYoI-00008-00005335-00006101 And so, that was just really hard work and I probably spent most of my time with people e0rc-hfsYoI-00009-00006101-00006396 that reinforced that idea as well. e0rc-hfsYoI-00010-00006396-00007092 So, you know, talking a lot about relationships or, you know, having groups of people where e0rc-hfsYoI-00011-00007092-00007639 we were very focused on having a good time. e0rc-hfsYoI-00012-00007639-00008381 Or being ambitious and really, you know, looking for that perfect job, focusing on the career. e0rc-hfsYoI-00013-00008381-00009256 It’s interesting, I was deleting some emails from my inbox that go back to around the time e0rc-hfsYoI-00014-00009256-00009802 that I met this Training, which was eleven years ago, so I was clearing out some things e0rc-hfsYoI-00015-00009802-00010254 and it was really interesting, because there were certain things that kept popping up in e0rc-hfsYoI-00016-00010254-00010515 the inbox as I was collating them. e0rc-hfsYoI-00017-00010515-00011021 You know, astrology, I forgot I was really into astrology. e0rc-hfsYoI-00018-00011021-00011468 I really wanted to know how's it going for me this month or today? e0rc-hfsYoI-00019-00011468-00011699 You know, and am I going to be lucky? e0rc-hfsYoI-00020-00011699-00011907 Am I going to be lucky in love? e0rc-hfsYoI-00021-00011907-00012034 Is it going to be a good day? e0rc-hfsYoI-00022-00012034-00012603 I mean, yeah, I was kind of looking for some answers there. e0rc-hfsYoI-00023-00012603-00012854 And also, another thing that came up a lot was jobs. e0rc-hfsYoI-00024-00012854-00013216 I was searching for jobs all the time. e0rc-hfsYoI-00025-00013216-00013749 And yeah, it was just really interesting to see how I was kind of living my life before, e0rc-hfsYoI-00026-00013749-00014831 because I've kind of forgotten, because meeting this Teaching, it was just like such a refresh. e0rc-hfsYoI-00027-00014831-00015356 And what was so refreshing is that I was introduced to the nature of my mind. e0rc-hfsYoI-00028-00015356-00016366 Finally, I was given a really amazing introduction and then a practical tool too to get to know e0rc-hfsYoI-00029-00016366-00016592 that even more. e0rc-hfsYoI-00030-00016592-00017089 And the introduction to open intelligence is what we receive here. e0rc-hfsYoI-00031-00017089-00017734 And the way we can introduce ourselves is just to stop thinking just for a moment and e0rc-hfsYoI-00032-00017734-00018604 recognize what remains: clarity, cognizance, the power to know, the power to know the next e0rc-hfsYoI-00033-00018604-00019253 thought, what's looking through your eyes now, what's sensing. e0rc-hfsYoI-00034-00019253-00019766 Now this introduction had been completely missing from my whole life education, you e0rc-hfsYoI-00035-00019766-00020311 could say, my education as a being on planet earth. e0rc-hfsYoI-00036-00020311-00021323 And so, I was struggling to understand my experience without actually knowing what the e0rc-hfsYoI-00037-00021323-00021460 basis of it was. e0rc-hfsYoI-00038-00021460-00022003 And so, this introduction is really powerful and the practice is not to stop thinking, e0rc-hfsYoI-00039-00022003-00022551 that's just where we recognize this always-on brightness that's at the basis of our experience, e0rc-hfsYoI-00040-00022551-00022990 that's present when we're thinking as well as when we're not thinking. e0rc-hfsYoI-00041-00022990-00023184 It's always on. e0rc-hfsYoI-00042-00023184-00023865 And the practice in Balanced View is to take short moments of open intelligence and repeat e0rc-hfsYoI-00043-00023865-00024314 them many times, until they become continuous. e0rc-hfsYoI-00044-00024314-00024757 And that was really amazing for me, because I came to see, especially when I did the Twelve e0rc-hfsYoI-00045-00024757-00025498 Empowerments, that I'd basically just emphasized descriptions, I'd emphasized everything I e0rc-hfsYoI-00046-00025498-00025883 thought and felt and perceived. e0rc-hfsYoI-00047-00025883-00026747 And so, that's where all my attention had been going all my life and probably why I e0rc-hfsYoI-00048-00026747-00026968 was getting really exhausted. e0rc-hfsYoI-00049-00026968-00027602 And so, the short moments, we're just getting used to recognizing open intelligence now e0rc-hfsYoI-00050-00027602-00027713 with everything that appears. e0rc-hfsYoI-00051-00027713-00028166 And so, that's why the practice is so great and that's why we just repeat these short e0rc-hfsYoI-00052-00028166-00028413 moments for many times, whenever we remember. e0rc-hfsYoI-00053-00028413-00028870 We don't need to struggle and strive on that one, but that's where the assurance comes e0rc-hfsYoI-00054-00028870-00029481 about that actually open intelligence is shining through all experience. e0rc-hfsYoI-00055-00029481-00030497 Now, anger is a brilliant example of a sensation or a thought, feeling coming up, a data stream, e0rc-hfsYoI-00056-00030497-00030758 as we call it in the Balanced View Training. e0rc-hfsYoI-00057-00030758-00031405 Now, when anger came up for me before, it was like, “Okay, strategies, what strategies e0rc-hfsYoI-00058-00031405-00031505 have I got? e0rc-hfsYoI-00059-00031505-00031605 Drop-down menu. e0rc-hfsYoI-00060-00031605-00032331 Okay, I can completely emphasize it and indulge in it,” which would probably mean speaking, e0rc-hfsYoI-00061-00032331-00032639 speaking with anger. e0rc-hfsYoI-00062-00032639-00033378 Or I would complain to my friends about a particular situation that made me angry, trying e0rc-hfsYoI-00063-00033378-00033520 to get some relief there. e0rc-hfsYoI-00064-00033520-00034061 Or, you know, maybe I would be at a party and feeling angry and, “I can't feel angry e0rc-hfsYoI-00065-00034061-00034509 now, I'm supposed to be having a good time, so try and get rid of it in some way.” e0rc-hfsYoI-00066-00034509-00035028 They were just the options I had before and actually none of those options really ever e0rc-hfsYoI-00067-00035028-00035155 felt very good. e0rc-hfsYoI-00068-00035155-00035678 So, when we're introduced to open intelligence we get another option and that is just to e0rc-hfsYoI-00069-00035678-00036384 recognize as anger is coming up recognize open intelligence, just for a short moment. e0rc-hfsYoI-00070-00036384-00036849 Now, the practice of short moments is not to bring about a particular result or change e0rc-hfsYoI-00071-00036849-00037280 in the data stream, which in the beginning I remember feeling very much, “Okay, if e0rc-hfsYoI-00072-00037280-00037956 I take that short moment, you know, suddenly all the roses fall from the sky and, you know, e0rc-hfsYoI-00073-00037956-00038519 I don't feel anger anymore, all I feel is pure love,” but actually the short moments e0rc-hfsYoI-00074-00038519-00039472 are just to show us that there is perceptual freedom in the appearance of anger. e0rc-hfsYoI-00075-00039472-00040019 And that's very empowering, because if we do feel like we're constantly either avoiding e0rc-hfsYoI-00076-00040019-00040609 anger, you know, that feeling that we're bottling something up or that we're overly expressing e0rc-hfsYoI-00077-00040609-00041349 anger that we know is harming others and ourselves, in the short moment is a beautiful gift to e0rc-hfsYoI-00078-00041349-00041958 ourselves to make a direct change in how we're relating to anger. e0rc-hfsYoI-00079-00041958-00042900 And, you know, strong emotions, I can so relate to this kind of dance with the strong emotions. e0rc-hfsYoI-00080-00042900-00043583 You know, when very intense data streams are coming up, feeling, “How do I relate to e0rc-hfsYoI-00081-00043583-00043683 that?” e0rc-hfsYoI-00082-00043683-00044348 It can almost feel in the moment like something is going to happen if I don't do something. e0rc-hfsYoI-00083-00044348-00045050 Or, you know, maybe we feel like we're kind of paralyzed in some way and it's really good e0rc-hfsYoI-00084-00045050-00045527 just not to think too much about it, just to allow the soothing energy and the relaxation e0rc-hfsYoI-00085-00045527-00046247 of short moments, even when we might not feel relaxed at all, just to keep repeating the e0rc-hfsYoI-00086-00046247-00046966 short moments, just to give ourselves a chance to kind of reprogram a very tough programming e0rc-hfsYoI-00087-00046966-00047413 that most of us have done all of our lives. e0rc-hfsYoI-00088-00047413-00048159 And that was really amazing for me just to give myself time for this new perspective e0rc-hfsYoI-00089-00048159-00048297 to settle in my experience. e0rc-hfsYoI-00090-00048297-00048675 So, for me, doing the Twelve Empowerments really helped. e0rc-hfsYoI-00091-00048675-00049432 And then ongoingly just training up open intelligence, because, yeah, I'd come up with some crazy e0rc-hfsYoI-00092-00049432-00049984 ideas about what my thoughts and emotions were, who I was, what my life was about, how e0rc-hfsYoI-00093-00049984-00050161 others should be, how I should be. e0rc-hfsYoI-00094-00050161-00051121 There was just so much training in fixing an identity in place and, you know, just not e0rc-hfsYoI-00095-00051121-00051434 wanting a relationship with certain data streams. e0rc-hfsYoI-00096-00051434-00051779 You know, I didn't want to feel depression. e0rc-hfsYoI-00097-00051779-00051879 I didn't want to feel anxiety. e0rc-hfsYoI-00098-00051879-00052321 I did not want to feel loneliness and exclusion. e0rc-hfsYoI-00099-00052321-00052789 I would just run a mile from these experiences, but then the humility of a short moment of e0rc-hfsYoI-00100-00052789-00053170 open intelligence, the refresh button. e0rc-hfsYoI-00101-00053170-00053750 And then just seeing what happens, just giving ourselves time to see what unfolds from that. e0rc-hfsYoI-00102-00053750-00054180 And then using all the support that's available here when it feels like actually this anger e0rc-hfsYoI-00103-00054180-00054657 is, “It's hard to take a short moment for me. e0rc-hfsYoI-00104-00054657-00055040 Okay, so I ask a trainer or speak to someone in the community.” e0rc-hfsYoI-00105-00055040-00056046 So, you know, this introduction to open intelligence, it's life-changing and life-enhancing and e0rc-hfsYoI-00106-00056046-00056565 it's already present, it's already naturally present. e0rc-hfsYoI-00107-00056565-00057126 It does not discriminate with any of the data; it shines forth equally. e0rc-hfsYoI-00108-00057126-00057623 And so, we're getting used to that and the short moments just give us more assurance, e0rc-hfsYoI-00109-00057623-00057946 more assurance, more assurance that this is our true nature. e0rc-hfsYoI-00110-00057946-00058582 And then what's amazing is that for me now when strong emotions come up, or something e0rc-hfsYoI-00111-00058582-00059680 like anger or desire or raging jealousy, there is stability there. e0rc-hfsYoI-00112-00059680-00059807 How amazing is that? e0rc-hfsYoI-00113-00059807-00059907 Stability. e0rc-hfsYoI-00114-00059907-00060327 You know, I can just pause with my speech, really consider. e0rc-hfsYoI-00115-00060327-00060941 You know, I can take responsibility for all the data streams, because all data streams e0rc-hfsYoI-00116-00060941-00061305 vanish naturally like the flight path of a bird in the sky. e0rc-hfsYoI-00117-00061305-00061742 You know, they just arise and they resolve, they leave no trace. e0rc-hfsYoI-00118-00061742-00062345 So, how amazing to be stable, because when we're trying to make sense of the data streams e0rc-hfsYoI-00119-00062345-00063178 that are constantly changing, complete impermanence like a rainbow in the sky, it's madness. e0rc-hfsYoI-00120-00063178-00063845 It's complete madness, it's instability, it's ups and downs, it's extremes. e0rc-hfsYoI-00121-00063845-00064639 And I really wanted a life of ease and well-being, but I wanted potency as well. e0rc-hfsYoI-00122-00064639-00064858 I didn't want to neutralize my experience. e0rc-hfsYoI-00123-00064858-00065170 I didn’t want to completely avoid strong emotions. e0rc-hfsYoI-00124-00065170-00065538 You know, I wanted to really be authentic. e0rc-hfsYoI-00125-00065538-00065769 I wanted to let myself be as I was. e0rc-hfsYoI-00126-00065769-00066479 And so, the short moments have given me access to stability in all of my experience more e0rc-hfsYoI-00127-00066479-00066600 and more. e0rc-hfsYoI-00128-00066600-00067219 And that's wonderful, because it's so much easier to love myself now, and also to love e0rc-hfsYoI-00129-00067219-00068048 other people, now that I am open to my experience, you know, not sort of running away from negativity e0rc-hfsYoI-00130-00068048-00068750 or doing an elaborate kind of moves and strategies. e0rc-hfsYoI-00131-00068750-00069072 It's really facing everything with elegance. e0rc-hfsYoI-00132-00069072-00069726 You know, we start to have a natural pride, because we let ourselves be as we are and e0rc-hfsYoI-00133-00069726-00070019 it's humbling, it's so humbling. e0rc-hfsYoI-00134-00070019-00070952 And then we can be in the world in a way that we maybe just didn’t realize we could be, e0rc-hfsYoI-00135-00070952-00071516 just so open, really seeing people, really hearing them, really connecting in a natural e0rc-hfsYoI-00136-00071516-00072208 way, connecting with ourselves, connecting with the anger, the energy that's in anger, e0rc-hfsYoI-00137-00072208-00072372 the energy to benefit all. e0rc-hfsYoI-00138-00072372-00072955 I mean, all these data streams, they're the dynamic beneficial energy of open intelligence, e0rc-hfsYoI-00139-00072955-00073395 inseparable from open intelligence like the sky and the color blue and we're just getting e0rc-hfsYoI-00140-00073395-00073537 used to that. e0rc-hfsYoI-00141-00073537-00073903 We're just getting used to that one short moment at a time. e0rc-hfsYoI-00142-00073903-00074512 So, it's beautiful to come together like this, you know, showing up for that, showing up e0rc-hfsYoI-00143-00074512-00074744 for how we want the world to look. e0rc-hfsYoI-00144-00074744-00075001 We don't want the world to look in extremes. e0rc-hfsYoI-00145-00075001-00075826 And so, we don't need to relate to our data streams in an extreme way anymore; we can e0rc-hfsYoI-00146-00075826-00076495 relate to them with natural confidence and natural ease. e0rc-hfsYoI-00147-00076495-00076776 No longer a victim of the data. e0rc-hfsYoI-00148-00076776-00077105 Mastering all data streams. e0rc-hfsYoI-00149-00077105-00077788 Because the wisdom that comes from just resting at the basis, that's what brings about the e0rc-hfsYoI-00150-00077788-00078420 actions that we want when anger comes up, that's what brings about the knowing and connection e0rc-hfsYoI-00151-00078420-00078786 we want when very strong emotions come up. e0rc-hfsYoI-00152-00078786-00079469 And also, when very extreme ideas come up about how we want to be in the world, vegetating e0rc-hfsYoI-00153-00079469-00080026 or being really active, we can completely be active and bring about a huge change by e0rc-hfsYoI-00154-00080026-00080257 taking a short moment of open intelligence.